1951 November Council Proceedings~f
620 Special Session, October 24, 1951
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Nays -None.
Mr. Clarence Strub of the C.
5trub Construction Co. addressed
the Council asking permission to
construct a sanitary sewer in U.S.
Highway No. 52 and 161 commenc-
ing at a point on the east property
line of and 32 feet southerly from
the northeast corner of Lot 1 of 1
1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1
of 1 of 2 of Min. Lot ]2 to the
existing sewer manhole in said
highway. Councilman W e I u
moved that the verbal request of
Mr. Clarence Strub of the C. Strub
Construction be granted and prop-
er proceedings prepared. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Russo, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
Nays -None.
There being no further business
Kolb moved to adjourn. Seconded
by Councilman Welu. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Russo, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Nays -None.
City Clerk.
Approved .............................. 1952
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 621
City Counci
Regular Session, November 5th,
Council met at 7:30 P.M.
Present-Mayor Russo, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Russo stated that this is
the regular monthly meeting of the
City Council for the purpose of act-
ing on such business as may prop-
erly come before the meeting.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
public hearing on the proposal to
dispose of Block 31 of Dubuque
Harbor Co's. Addition to Hart Im-
plement Company for the amount
of $1,500.00, presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for the
hearing. Councilman Kolb moved
that the proof of publication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Iowa, and to execute on behalf of
the City the plat of the subdivision
of said Block 31, Dubuque Harbor
Co's. Addition in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, now on file with the
City Clerk;
That the City Clerk is hereby
authorized and empowered to
affix the seal of the City of Du-
buque to said deed and said plat;
That the City Clerk is hereby
authorized to deliver said deed to
the said Hart Implement Company
upon receipt of the agreed pur-
chase price of Fifteen Hundred
Dollars ($1500) in cash.
Introduced, approved and placed
on file October 15th, 1951.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, A.D.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
public hearing on the proposal to
dispose of Lot 2 of 1 of Lot 3 in
Randall's Subdivision to Peter J.
Faber for the amount of $400.00
presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
hearing. Councilman Kolb moved
that the proof of publication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolution Authorizing Convey-
ance of Lot Two of Lot One of Lot
Three in Randall's Sub. to Peter
J. Faber.
Whereas, Peter J. Faber has
offered to purchase the following
Adopted ................................ 1952
~', ~ ............................... Resolution Authorizing Convey-
~ ante of Block 31, Dubuque Harbor
~ .............................. Co's. Addition in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
~' Councilmen; j .................................. Whereas Hart Implement Com-
~ pany, and Iowa corporation, has
~, ~ ................................ offered to purchase the following
~ described real estate from the City
~ .................................... of Dubuque for the price of Fifteen
Attest :........................................ Hundred Dollars ($1500); and
Clty Clerk. Whereas the City Council has
viewed the ground and has had the
same investigated by the City
Manager and deems this property
unsuitable to any public purpose
of the City of Dubuque;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved:
That the Mayor is hereby autho-
rized to execute a Quit Claim Deed
in the name of the City of Du-
buque, conveying all its right, title
and interest in:
Block 31, Dubuque Harbor Cds.
Addition in the City of Dubuque,
to Hart Implement Company, an
Iowa corporation, of Dubuque,
622 Regular Session, November S, 1951
described real estate from the City
of Dubuque for the price of $400,00;
Whereas the City Council has
viewed the ground and has had the
same investigated by the City Man-
ager and deems this property un-
suitable to any public purpose of
the City of Dubuque;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved:
That the Mayor is hereby autho-
rized to execute a Quit Claim Deed
in the name of the City of Du-
buque conveying all its rights,
title and interest in:
Lot Two of Lot One of Lot
Three in Randall's Subdivision in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
to Peter J. Faber of Dubuque,
Iowa, and to execute on behalf of
the City the plat of the subdivision
of said Lot one of Lot three in
Randall's Subdivision now on file
with the City Clerk.
That the City Clerk is hereby
authorized and empowered to affix
the Seal of the City of Dubuque
to said deed and said plat;
That the City Clerk is hereby
authorized to deliver said deed to
the said Peter J. Faber upon re-
ceipt of the agreed purchase price
of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00)
in cash.
Introduced and placed on file
for final action this 25th day of
September, 1951.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of levy
of special assessment and inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the improvement of
Tressa Street with concrete curb
and gutter from the west prop-
erty line of McIRnan Street to a
point 191 feet East, amount of
assessment $834.05, presented and
Councilman Schueller moved that
the proofs of publication be re•
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for the improving of Tressa Street
with concrete curb and gutter,
from the west property line of
McLenan Street to a point 191
feet east, Thos. Flynn Coal Com-
pany, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows: _
Basil B. & Clara M. Bahme,
Lot 11 Sub of Mineral Lot
39 ............................................$ 39.13
Basil B. & Clara M. Bahme,
Lot 12 Sub of Mineral Lot
39 ............................................ 126.13
John C. & Cecelia E. Kass,
Lot 13 Sub of Mineral Lot
39 ............................................ 131.23
Patrick J. Norton, Lot 1 of
21 Sub of Mineral Lot 39..,. 12824
Horace & Hilda Poole, Lot
22 ............................................ 163.60
Horace & Hilda Poole, Lot
23 ............................................ 181.04
Horace & Hilda Poole, Lot
24 ............................................ 29.22
Horace & Hilda Poole, Lot
2 of 21 ................... 35.46
242.5 Lin, Ft. Curb & Gutter
@ $2.50 ................................$60625
47.5 Lin. Ft. Radius Curb &
Gutter @$2.50 .................... 118.75
8.21 Sq. Yds. Driveway Con-
crete @ $6.00 ...................... 49.26
7% Extra Expense ................ 54.00
5% Interest for 52 days 5.59
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 623
City's Share
346 Cu. Yds. Dirt Excavation
@ $1.00 ................................$346.00
1 Catch Basin Reinf. Con-
crete @$250.00 .................. 250.00
24 Lin. Ft. of 12" B.C.P....... 96.00
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of the
intention of the City Council to
issue improvement bonds in the
amount of $834.05 to provide for
the payment of the cost of the im-
provement of Tressa Street with
concrete curb and gutter fro n the
west property line of McLenan
Street to a point 191 feet east,
presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kalb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Improvement bonds for
the purpose of providing for the
payment of the assessed cost of
Concrete curb and gutter on
Tressa Street;
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the concrete curb
and gutter hereinafter described
has been completed and the City
Manager has certified the comple-
tion thereof to the City Council
and the City Council has ascer-
tained the cost thereof and has de-
termined that $834.05 Dollars of
the cost thereof shall be assessed
against the property subject to
assessment therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all ob-
jections made thereto have been
considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of im-
proving Tressa Street from the
west property line of McLenan
Street to a point 191 feet east
there shall be issued improvement
bonds in the amount of $834.05
Dollars in anticipation of the de-
ferred payment of assessments
levied for such improvement.
2. Such bonds shall be called im-
provement bonds; and shall bear
the date of December 5, 1951; and
shall be numbered consecutively;
and they shall be numbered, di-
vided into series, and be in such
denominations and for such ma-
turity dates as are shown in the
following table:
1. No Bonds Issued
2. 4870-$ 34.05, April 1, 1953
3. 4871-$100.00, April 1, 1954
4. 4872-$100.00, April 1, 1955
5. 4873-$100.00, April 1, 1956
6. 4874-$100.00, April 1. 1957
7. 4875-$100.00, April 1, 1958
8. 4876-$100.00, April 1, 1959
9. 4877-$100.00, April 1, 1960
10. 4878-$100,00, April 1, 1961
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 6 per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4, Said bonds shall not make the
City of Dubuque liable in any way,
except for the application of said
special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City
of Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially the following form:
624 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
No .................................................
Series No .........................................
Improvement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as here-
inafter mentioned to the bearer
hereof, on the first day of ...............
or at any time before that date,
at the option of the City of Du-
buque, the sum of One Hundred
dollars with interest thereon at the
rate of 5 per cent per annum, pay-
able semi-annually, on the pres-
entation and surrender of the in-
terest coupons hereto attached.
Both principal and interest of this
bond are payable at the office of
the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque, in the State of Iowa.
This bond is issued by the City of
Dubuque under and by virtue of
Chapter 396 of the 1950 Code of
Iowa, as amended and the Resolu-
tion of said City duly passed on
the 5th day of November, 1951,
being Resolution No ..................
This Bond is one of a series of
9 bonds, 8 for $100.00, numbered
from 4871 to 4878 inclusive, and
one for $34.05 numbered 4870, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of improving
Tressa Street from the west prop-
erty line of McLenan Street to a
point 191 feet east as described in
said Resolution, in said City, which
cost is payable by the abutting
and adjacent property along said
improvements and is made by law
a lien on all said property. It is
payable only out of the special
Assessment Fund No. 1023 created
by the collection of said special
tax, and said fund can be used
for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts, conditions
and things required to be done,
precedent to and in issuing this
series of bonds have been done,
happened, and performed, in
regular and due form, as required
by law and said Resolution, and
for the assessment, collection and
payment hereon of said special
tax, the full faith and diligence of
said City of Dubuque are hereby
irrevocably pledged.
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this
5th day of December, 1951.
City Clerk.
On the ............ day of ...................
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of ..................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being ..,..,..,... months' interest due
that date on its .................... Bond
No . .............. dated .................,.....
City Clerk.
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in
a book kept for that purpose and
to then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law,
the proceeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment
Fund No. 1023 and paid out by him
to pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as
Adopted this 5th day of Novem-
ber, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Regular Session, November S, 1951 625
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb Schueller, Welu.
State of Iowa 1
County of Dubuque) ss.
I, Caude McDonald, do hereby
certify that on the 17th day of
October, 1951, I posted copies of
the notice of levy of special as-
sessment and intention of the City
Council to issue bonds along the
line of improvement of Tressa
Street with concrete curb and
gutter from the west property line
of McLenan Street to a point 191
feet east.
Signed: Claude McDonald.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a Notary Public, this 17th day
of October, 1951.
(Seal) Notary Public in and
for Dubuque County, Iowa.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the statement be received and
made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
levy of special assessment and in-
tention of the City Council to issue
bonds for the improvement of
Balke Street with asphaltic ma-
cadam surfacing from the north
property line of Link Street to the
south property line of Lowther
Street, amount of assessment $1,-
728.67, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote.
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for the improving of Balke Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the north property line of
Link Street to the south property
line of Lowther Street, City of Du-
buque, contractor, in front of aad
adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate herein after
named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
John L. Nauman, Lot 5 Bel-
mont Addition ....................$ 20,18
John L. Nauman, Lot 9 Bel-
mont Addition .................... 85.37
Albert J. & L. M. Scholz,
Lot 10 Belmont Addition 91.99
Arthur L. & Merlyn A. Dig-
man, Lot 11 Belmont Ad-
ition ...................................... 91.99
Joseph M. & Angeline
Trumm, Lot 12 Belmont
Addition ................................ 91.99
Ida C. Scherrer, Lot 13, Bel-
mont Addition .................... 91.99
Frank Schargitz, Lot 14, Bel-
mont Addition .................... 91.99
Francis & Fay Schargitz,
Lot 15 Belmont Addition 91.99
Francis & Fay Schargitz,
S~/2 Lot 16 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 46.00
Leo L., Jr. & Genevieve
Hart, N'/~ Lot 16, Belmont
Addition ............................ 46.00
Leo L., Jr. & Genevieve
Hartmap, Lot 17 Belmont
Addition ................................ 91.99
Betty M. Lidle, Lot 18, Bel-
mont Addition .................... 91.99
Clarence J. & Caroline M.
May, Lot 49 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 91.99
Clarence J. & Caroline M.
May, Lot 50 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 91.99
Clarence J. & Caroline M.
14Iay, Lot 51 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 91.99
Clarence J. & Caroline M.
May, Lot 52 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 91.99
Camillius R, & Harriet H.
Heims, Lot 53 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 91.99
Wm. F. & Gen Beutin, Lot
54 Belmont Addition ........., 91,99
Harold A. & Virginia M.
Banworth, Lot 55, Belmont
Addition ................................ 91.99
Peter A. & Francis Koeff,
Lot 56, Belmont Addition.... 92.02
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
Lot 57 Belmont Addition..,. 59.25
fi~+~a-n 4rh~"-k ~e-rPk"1R'+A°~'e'~F ~ ~ ..: , ~"~' '. P.,- . ~ ,.E' l
626 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
680.32 tons of 1" surface
stone @$2.00/ton ,....,.$1,360.64
26,700 lbs. of torpedo sand
(13.35 T.) @ 1.46/ton...... 19.49
1,910 gals. of MC-3 Asphalt
@ 0.15/gal. ... ..................... 286.50
3% Extra Expense ....,....... 50.00
5% interest for 52 days ..., 12.04
All of which is assessed in pro•
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of the
intention of the City Council to
issue improvement bonds in the
amount of $1,728.67 to provide for
payment of the cost of the im-
provement of Balke Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the north property line of Link
Street to the south property line
of Lowther Street, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolution Providing for the Is-
suance of Improvement Bonds for
the purpose or providing for the
payment of the assessed cost of
asphaltic macadam surfacing on
Balke Street.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the asphaltic
macadam surfacing hereinafter
described has been completed and
the City Manager has certified the
completion thereof to the City
Council and the City Council has
ascertained the cost thereof and
has determined that $1,728.67 Dol-
lars of the cost thereof shall be
assessed against the property sub-
ject to assessment therefore; and
Whereas public notice, as pro•
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the City Council to
issue bonds for the purpose of pro-
viding for the payment of the as-
sessed cost of said improvement
and a public hearing has been
held, pursuant to such notice and
all objections made thereto have
been considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of im-
proving Balke Street from the north
property line of Link Street to the
south property line of Lowther
Street there shall be issued Im-
provement bonds in the amount of
$1,728.67 Dollars in anticipator of
the deferred payment of assess-
ments levied for such improvement.
2. Such bonds shall be called
Improvement bonds; and shall bear
the date of December 5, 1951; and
shall be numbered consecutively;
and they shall be numbered, di-
vided into series, and be in such
denominations and for such ma-
turity dates as are shown in the
following table:
1. 4809, 4810, 4811, 4812, 4813, 4814,
4815, 4816, 4817 and 4818--$100.00,
April 1, 1952.
2. 4819, 4820, 4821, 4822, 4823,
4824, and 4825-$100.00, April 1,
2. 4826-$28.67, April 1, 1953.
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of -per cent
per annum, payable ..........................
in accordance with coupons there-
to attached;
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City of
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 627
Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially the following form:
No .................................................
Series No ...................................
Improvement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as here-
inafter mentioned to the bearer
hereof, on the first day of ................
or at any time before that date,
at the option of the City of Du•
buque, the sum of One Hundred
dollars with interest thereon at
the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually, on the pre-
sentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached.
Both prinncipal and interest of this
bond are payable at the office of
the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque, in the State of Iowa.
This bond is issued by the City of
Dubuque under and by virtue of
Chapter 396 of the 1950 Code of
Iowa, as amended, and the Resolu-
tion of said City duly passed on the
5th day of November, 1951, being
Resolution No ..........................
This Bond is one of a series of
18 bonds, 17 for $100.00 numbered
from 4809 to 4825 inclusi~ e, and
one for $28.67 numbered 4826, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of improving Balke
Street from the north property
line of Link Street to the south
property line of Lowther Street as
described in said Resolution, in
said City, which cost is payable by
the abutting and adjacent prop-
erty along said improvements and
is made by law a lien on all of
said property. It is payable only
out of the Special Assessment Fund
No. 1019 created by the collection
of said special tax, and said fund
can be used for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts, conditions
and things required to be done,
precedent to and in issuing this
series of bonds, have been done,
happened, and performed, in regu-
lar and due form, as required by
law and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and pay-
ment hereon of said special tax,
the full faith and diligence of said
City of Dubuque are hereby ir-
revocably pledged.
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by
its City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be therefor affixed, this
5th day of December, 1951.
City Clerk
On the ...,..,..... day of .....................
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of ................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being ............ months' interest due
that date on its Bond No.
......:............. dated ....,.....,............
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in•
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in a
book kept for that purpose and to
then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law,
the proceeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
No. 1019 and paid out by him to
pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as
628 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
Adopted this 5th day of Novem-
ber, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
State of Iowa ~ ss
County of Dubuque) '
I, Claude McDonald, do hereby
certify that on the 17th day of
October, 1951, I posted copies of
the attached notice of levy of
special assessment and intention
of the City Council to issue bonds
along the line of improvement of
Lowther Street, with asphaltic
macadam surfacing.
Signed: Claude McDonald.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a notary public this 17th day
of October, 1951.
Notary Public in and for
Dubuque County, Iowa.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the statement be received and
made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of levy
of special assessment and inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the improvement of
Balke Street with curb and gutter
from the north property line of
Link Street to the south property
line of Lowther Street, amount of
assessment $2,943.26, presented and
Councilman Welu moved that
the proofs of .publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for the improving of Balke Street
with concrete curb and gutter from
the north property line of Link
Street to the south property line of
Lowther Street, K-M Construction
Company, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
John L. Nauman, Lot 8 Bel-
mont Addition .................. 34.37
John L. Nauman, Lot 9 Bel-
mont Addition .................. 145.34
Albert J. & L. M. Scholz,
Lot 10 Belmont Addition.,.. 156.63
Arthur L. & Merlyn A. Dig•
man, Lot li, Belmont ad-
dition .................................... 156.63
Joseph M. & Angeline
Trumm, Lot 12 Belmont
Addition ................................ 156.63
Ida C. 5cherrer, Lot 13 Bel-
mont Addition .................... 156.63
Frank Schargitz, Lot 14, Bel-
mont Addition ............:....... 156.63
Francis & Fay Schargitz,
Lot 15 Belmont Addition.... 156.63
Francis & Fay Schargitz,
Lot 16 S ~/a Belmont Ad•
dition .................................... 78.32
Leo L. Jr. & Genevieve Hart-
man, Lot 16 NVa Belmont
Addition ................................ 78.32
Leo L. Jr. & Genevieve Hart-
man, Lot 17 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 156.63
Betty M. Lidle, Lot 18 Bel-
mont Addition .................... 156.63
Clarence J. & Caroline M.
May, Lot 49 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................. 156.63
Clarence J. & Caroline M.
May, Lot 50 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................. 156.63
Clarence J. & Caroline M.
May, Lot 51 Belmont Ad•
dition .................................... 156.G3
Clarence J. & Caroline M.
May, Lot 52 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 156.63
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 629
Camillius R. & Harriet H.
Heims, Lot 53 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 156,63
Wm. F. & Gen Beutin, Lot
54 Belmont Addition .......... 156.63
Harold A. & Virginia M.
Banworth, Lot 55 Belmont
Addition ................................ 156.63
Peter A. & Frances Koeff,
Lot 56 Belmont Addition.... 156.63
Mettel Realty & Investment
Co., Lot 57 Belmont Ad-
dition .................................... 100.83
909.1 Lin. Ft. Combination
Curb & Gutter ~ $2.50..$2,272.75
170.4 Lin. Ft. Radius Curb
& Gutter a, $3.00 .......... 511.20
5% Extra Expense ............ 139.20
5% Interest for 52 days .. 20.11
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
City Share
864 Cu. Yds. Earth Excava-
vation @ $0.50/cu. yd.......$432.00
Nigger-head removal and
earth backfill, lump ,......... 75.00
Total ..................................$507.00
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of the
intention of the City Council to
issue improvement bonds in the
amount of $2,943.26 to provide for
the payment of the cost of the
improvement of Balke Street with
curb and gutter from the north
property line of Link Street to the
south property line of Lowther
Street, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolution Providing for the Is•
suance of Improvement Bonds for
the purpose of providing for the
payment of the assessed cost of
constructing curb and gutter on
Balke Street.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the concrete curb
and gutter hereinafter described
has been completed and the City
Manager has certified the com-
pletion thereof to the City Council
and the City Council has ascer-
tained the cost thereof and has
determined that $2,94326 Dollars
of the cost thereof shall be as-
sessed against the property sub-
ject to assessment therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the City Council to
issue bonds for the purpose of
providing for the payment of the
assessed cost of said improvement
and a public hearing has been
held, pursuant to such notice and
all objections made thereto have
been considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of im-
proving Balke Street from the north
property line of Link Street to the
south property line of Lowther
Street there shall be issued im-
provement bonds in the amount of
$2,943.26 Dollars in anticpation of
the deferred payment of assess-
ments levied for such improve-
2. Such bonds shall be called im-
provement bonds; and shall bear
the date of December 5, 1951; and
shall be numbered consecutively;
and they shall be numbered, di-
vided into series, and be in such
denominations and for such ma-
turity dates as are shown in the
following table:
1. 4794-$200.00, April 1, 1952
xp8~a+a,~y,'A* „ '""'J0. , - .. ~ ~ i ~ I ~..1 i 1 i~ i , ~ "
630 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
2. 4795 and 4796--$200.00, April 1,
3. 4797 and 4798-$200.00, April 1,
4. 4799 and 4804-$200.00; April 1,
5. 4801 and 4802-$200.00, April 1,
6. 4803-$200.00, April 1, 1957
7. 4804-$200.00, April 1, 1958
8. 4805200.00, April 1, 1959
9. 4806,$200.00, April 1, 1960
10. 4807-$200.00, April 1, 1961
10. 4808,$143.26, April 1, 1961
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, payable Semi-annually in
accordance with coupons thereto
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any
time prior to the maturity date
stated therein at the option of the
City of Dubuque and shall be in
substantially the following form:
No . ...........................................
Series No .....................................
Improvement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa promises to pay as
hereinafter mentioned to the
bearer hereof, on the first day of
..................... or at any time before
that date, at the option of the City
of Dubuque, the sum of Two
Hundred dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of 5 per cent
per annum, payable Semi-annually,
on the presentation and surrender
of the interest coupons hereto at-
tacbed. Both principal and in-
terest of this bond are payable at
the office of the Citp Treasurer in
the City of Dubuque, in the State
of Iowa. This bond is issued by
the City of Dubuque under and by
virtue of Chapter 396 of the 1950
Code of Iowa, as amended, and
- the Resolution of said City duly
passed on the 5th day of Novem-
ber, 1951, being Resolution No.-...
This Boud is one of a series of
15 bonds, 14 for $200.00 numbered
from 4794 to 4807 inclusive, and
one for $143.26 numbered 4808 all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of improvement of
Balke Street from the north prop-
erty line of Link Street to the south
property line of Lawther Street as
described in said Resolution, in
said City, which cost is payable
by the abutting and adjacent
property along said improvements
and is made by law a lien on all of
said property. It is payable only
out of the Special Assessment Fund
No. 1018 created by the collection
of said special tax, and said fund
can be used for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts, conditions
and things required to be done,
precedent to and in issuing this
series of bonds have been done,
happened, and performed, in reg-
ular and due form, as required by
law and said Resolution, and for
the assessment, collection and pay-
ment hereon of said special tax,
the full faith and diligence of said
City of Dubuque are hereby ir-
revocably pledged.
In Testimony Whereof, the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this
5th day of December, 1951.
City Clerk
On the ................ day of ...........,..,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of ................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being .................... months' interest
due that date on its ............... Bond
No ..................... dated ..,...........,.....,..
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
instructed to register said bond in
a book kept for that purpose and
to then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 631
bonds in the manner provided by
law, the proceeds of said sale to
be placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
No. 1018 and paid out by him to
pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the Mayor
and countersigned with the fac•
simile signature of the City Clerk.
9. That as fast as funds allow,
begining with the second year after
the payment of interest due, these
bonds shall be called and retired
in the same order as numbered.
Adopted this 5th day of Novem-
ber, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb Moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
State of Iowa 1
County of Dubuque f ss.
I, Claude McDonald, do hereby
certify. that on the 17th day of
October, 1951, I posted copies of
the attached notice of levy of
special assessment and intention
of the City Council to issue bonds
along the line of improvement of
Balke Stret from the north prop-
erty line of Link Street to the south
property line of Lowther Street
with concrete curb and gutter,
Signed: Claude McDonald.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a Notary Public, this 17th day
of October, 1951.
Notary Public in and far
Dubuque County, Iowa.
Councilman Austin moved that
the statement be received ancF
made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of levy
of special assessment and inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the improvement of St.
Joseph Street with concrete curb
and gutter from the west prop-
erty line of Fremont Avenue to the
east property line of Stetmore
Street, amount of assessment
$3,150.33, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
RESOLUTION N0. 386--51
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for the improv'mg of St. Joseph
Street with concrete curb and gut-
ter from the west property line
of Fremont Avenue to the east
property line of Stetmore Street,
Thos. Flynn Coal Company, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named,
situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as
Jos. W. & Lois W. Lawrence,
Lot 4 Babcock Add ............. 155.48
Jos. W. & Lois W. Lawrence,
Lot 5 Babcock Add ............. 127.43
Jos. W. & Lois W. Lawrence,
Lot 6 Babcock Add ............. 127.43
Harvey M. & Geraldine
Lange, Lot 7 Babcock Add. 127.43
Harvey M. & Geraldine
Lange, Lot S Babcock Add. 127.43
John D. &Doryce Amiss,
Lot 9 Babcock Add....,...... 127.43
John D. &Doryce Amiss,
Lot 10 Babcock Add .......... 127,43
Ernest V. Bowling, Lot 11
Babcock Add ....................... 127.43
Jessie M. Wellendorf, Lot
12 Babcock Add ................. ]27.43
Leroy J. & Ruby M. Hoch-
berger, Lot 13 Babcock
Add . ...................................... 127.43
John L. Bowling, Lot 14,
Babcock Add . .................... 146.60
Delilah E. Muellich, Lot 15
Babcock Add ....................... 146.60
rx~ ~., n ~~~~~z k ~-„4~brak9E~! .. r ~~
632 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
John Schuster, Lot 16, Bab-
cock Add ............................. 145.75
John Schuster, Lot 17 Bab-
cock Add ............................. 89.36
Wm. H. & Gladys Holman,
Lot 1 of 7 Sister's Add.,.... 10.02
Florence P. Thompson, Lot
2 of 7 Sister's Add ............. 29.11;
Emily S, M. Phillips, Lot
9 E. 50' W. 100' 240' Sis-
ters Add ............................... 138.64
Emily S. M. Phillips, Lot
8 E. 50' E. 100' W. 250'
Sisters Add ......................... 26.96
Charles & Mary Petrakis,
Lot 9 W. 50' W. 100' E. 240'
Sisters Add . ..:..................... 141.70
Charles & Mary Petrakis,
Lot 8 W. 50' E. 100' W. 250'
Sisters Add ......................... 26.97
Charles & Lorraine Kleiner,
Lot 9 W. 50' W. 150' Sisters
Add . ...................................... 122.55
Robert A. & Julie Ferrall,
Lot 9 E. 100' W. 150' Sis-
ters Add ............................... 264.25
Robert A. & Julie Ferrall,
Lot 8 E. 100' W. 150' W.
250' Sisters Add .................. 53.94
Chas. & Loradine Kleiner,
Lot 8 W. 50' W. 150' W.
25D' Sisters Add ................. 26.98
Ralph L. & Bridget C.
Derby, Lot 1 of 1 E. ~z
of Lot 10 Sisters Add...,. 159.32
Earl J. & Anna Farmer, Lot
2 of 1 E. Va of Lot 10 Sis-
ters Add .............................. 159.32
Earl J. & Anna Farmer, Lot
2 of E. '/z of Lot 10 Sis-
ters Add ............................... 159.86
1,076 Lin. Ft. Combination
Curb & Gutter @ $2.50....2 ,690.00
20,52 Sq. Yds. Driveway Con-
crete @ $6.00 ......• ............. 123.12
46.5 Lin. Ft. Radius Curb &
Gutter @$2,50 ................... 116.25
4.91 Sq. Yds. Driveway
Alley @ $6.00 .................... 29.46
5.75% Extra Expense ........ 170.13
5% Int. for 52 days ...,.,,,.... 21.37
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
City's Share
209.6' Lin. Ft. Combination
r~la~Mwr~w~r~mr~rw~.9k^l~~€Jr~r~'!~'flk~l ,.~,N.. -~ ~iyu
Curb & Gutter @ $2,50....,.$524.00
194 Cu. Yds. Earth Excava-
tion @$0.50 ........................ 97.00
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilmann Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of the
intention of the City Council to
issue improvement bonds in the
amount of $3,150.33 to provide for
the payment of the cost of the
improvement of St, Joseph Street
with curb and gutter from the west
property line of Fremont Avenue
to the east property line of Stet-
more Street, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolution providing for the is-
uance of Improvement bonds for
the purpose of providing for the
payment of the assessed cost of
constructing concrete curb and
gutter on St. Joseph Street.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the concrete curb
and gutter hereinafter described
has been completed and the City
Manager has certified the com-
pletion thereof to the City Council
and the City Council has ascer-
tained the cost thereof and has
determined that $3,150.33 Dollars
of the cost thereof shall be as-
sessed against the property sub-
ject to assessment therefore; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 633
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of pro-
viding for the payment of the
assessed cost of said improvement
and a public hearing has been held,
pursuant to such notice and all
objections made thereto have been
considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay
ment of the assessed cost of im-
proving St. Joseph Street from the
west property line of Fremont
Avenue to the east property line
of Stetmore Street there shall be
issued Improvement bonds in the
amount of $3,150.33 Dollars in an-
ticipation of the deferred payment
of assessments levied for such
2. Such bonds shall be called
Improvement bonds; and shall bear
the date of December 5, 1951; and
shall be numbered consecutively;
and they shall be numbered, di-
vided into series, and be in such
denominations and for such ma-
turity dates as are shown in the
following table:
1. 4840-$200,00, April 1, 1952
2, 4841200.00, April 1, 1953
3. 4842200.00, April 1, 1954
4, 4843-$200.00, April 1, 1955
5, 4844 and 4845200.00 April 1,
6. 4846 and 4847-$200.00 April 1,
7 4848 and 4849-$200.00, April 1,
8. 4850 and 4851-$200.00, April 1,
9. 4852 and 4853-$200.00, April 1,
10. 4854-$200.00 April 1, 1961
]0. 4855-$150.33, April 1, 1961
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 5 per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date s'~ated
therein at the option of the City of
Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially the following form:
No .................................................
Series No .....................................
Improvement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa promises to pay as
hereinafter mentioned to the
bearer hereof, on the first day of
..................... or at any time before
that date, at the option of the City
of Dubuque, the sum of Two
Hundred dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of 5 per cent
per annum, payable Semi-annually,
on the presentation and surrender
of the interest coupons hereto at-
tached. Both principal and in-
terest of this bond are payable at
the office of the City Treasurer in
the City of Dubuque, in the State
of Iowa. This bond is issued by
the City of Dubuque under and by
virtue of Chapter 396 of the 1950
Code of Iowa, as amended, and
the Resolution of said City duly
passed on the 5th day of Novem-
ber, 1951, being Resolution No. :..
This Bond is one of a series of
16 bonds, 15 for $200.00 numbered
from 4840 to 4854 inclusive, and
one for $150.33 numbered 4855 all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of the improve-
ment of St, Joseph Street from
the west property line of Fremont
Avenue to the east property line
of Stetmore Street as described in
said Resolution, in said City, which
cost is payable by the abutting
and ajacent property along said
improvements and is made by law
a lien on all said property. It is
payable only out of the Special
Assessment Fund No. 1021 created
by the collection of said special
tax, and said fund can be used
for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts, conditions
and things required to be done,
precedent to and in issuing this
series of bonds, have been done,
happened and performed, in reg-
ular and due form, as required by
law and said Resolution, and for
the assessment, collection and pay-
ment hereon of said special tax,
the full faith and diligence of said
City of Dubuque are hereby ir-
revocably pledged.
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
634 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
its Mayor and countersigned by
its City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be hereto affixed, this
5th day of December, 1951.
City Clerk
On the ................ day of .......,.....,,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of ................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being .................... months' interest
due that date on its ............ Bond
No ..................... dated ......,..............,.
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they.are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
instructed to register said bond in
a book kept for that purpose and
to then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said
bonds in the manner provided by
law, the proceeds of said sale to
be placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
- No. 1021 and paid out by him to
pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as
Adopted this 5th day of Novem•
ber, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City 'Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Rolb, Schueller, Welu.
State of Iowa 1 SS.
County of Dubuque J
i, Claude McDonald, do hereby
certify that on the 17th day of
October, 1951, I posted copies of
the attached notice of levy of
special assessment and intention
of the City Council to issue bonds
along the line of improvement of
St. Joseph Street with concrete
curb and gutter from the west
property line of Fremont Avenue
to the east property line of Stet•
more Street.
Signed: Claude McDonald.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a Notary Public, this 17th
day of October, 1951.
Notary Public in and far
Dubuque County, Iowa.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the statement be received and
made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of levy
of special assessment and intention
of the City Council to bonds for
the improvement of St, Joseph
Street with asphaltic macadam
surfacing from the west property
line of Fremont Avenue to the east
property line of Stetmore Street,
amount of assessment $1,410.01,
presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That
to pay for the improving of St.
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 635
Joseph Street with asphaltic ma-
cadam surfacing from the west
property line of Fremont Avenue
to the east property line of Stet-
more Street, City of Dubuque, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named,
situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as
Jos. W. & Lois W. Lawrence,
Lot 4 Babcock Add . ............ 72.65
Jos. W. & Lois W. Lawrence,
Lot 5 Babcock Add'........... 59.51
Jos, W. & Lois W. Lawrence,
Lot 8 Babcock Add., ........ 59.51
Harvey M. & Geraldine
Lange, Lot 7 Babcock Add. 59.51
Harvey M. & Geraldine
Lange, Lot 8 Babcock Add, 59.51
John D. &Doryce Amiss,
Lot 9 Babcock Add........... 59.51
John D. &Doryce Amiss,
Lot 10 Babcock Add.......,. 59.51
Ernest V. Bowling, Lot it
Babcock Add ....................... 59.51
Jessie M. Wellendorf, Lot
12 Babcock Add ................. 59.51
Leroy J. & Ruby M. Hoch-
berger, Lot 13 Babcock
Add ..........................:............ 59.51
John L. Bowling, Lot 14
Babcock Add ....................... 59.51
Delilah E. Muellich, Lot 15
Babcock Add ....................... 59.51
John Schuster, Lot 16 Bab-
cock Add ............................. 59.11
John Schuster, Lot 17 Bab-
cock Add ............................. 41.72
Wm. H. & Gladys Holman,
Lot 1 of 7 Sister's Addition 4.68
Florence D. Thompson, Lat
2 of 7 Sister's Addition..,.., 13.61
Emily S. M. Phillips, Lot
9 E. 50' W. 100' E. 240'
Sister's Add ......................... 57.23
Emily S. M. Phillips, Lot
8 W. 50' E. 100' W. 250'
Sisters Add ......................... ]2.59
Charles & Mary Petrakis,
Lot 9 W. 50' W 100' E. 240'
Sisters Add ......................... 57.23
Charles & Mary Petrakis,
Lot 8 W. 50' E. 100' W. 250'
Sisters Add ......................... 12.59
Charles & Lorraine Kleiner,
Lot 9 W. 50' W. 150' Sisters
Add . ...................................... 5723
Robert A. & Julia Ferrall,
Lot 9 E.100' W. 150' Sisters
Add ....................................... 114.46
Robert A. & Julia Ferrall,
Lot 8 E, 100' W. 150' W.
250' Sisters Add ................... 25.18
Chas. & Lorraine Kleiner,
Lot 8 W. 50' W. 150' W.
250' Sisters Add ................. 12.58
Ralph L. & Bridget C. Derby,
Lot 1 of 1 of E. ~z of Lot
10 Sisters Add ..................... 74.41
Earl J. & -Anna Farmer, Lot
2 of 1 of Lot 10 Sisters
Add ..................................... 74.41
Earl J. & Anna Farmer, Lot
2 of E. ~ of Lot 10 Sisters
Aaa ....................................... s5.7z
488.06 Tons of 1" Surface
Stone @$2.00 per ton .... 976.12
36.5 Tons of Torpedo Sand
@ $1,46 per ton ................ 53.29
2,200 Gal. of M.C. 3 Ashpalt
@ $0.15 per gal ................. 330.00
3% Extra Expense ....,......, 40.78
5% Int. for 52 days ..........., 9.82
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of the
intention of the City Council to
issue improvement bonds in the
amount of $1,410.01 to provide for
the payment of the cost of the im-
provement of St. Joseph Street
with asphaltic macadam from the
west property line of Fremont
Avenue to the east property line of
.~y.ex,,rt-.,'^e;p.~_._t-^_r~ tix~,}:~Y"M"'~'rt~'b7K~1F~l. ...,.a.~~. _.~4"M~"..i::.,~ ..
K !
636 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
Stetmore Street, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolution providing for the Is-
suance of Improvement bonds for
the purpose of providing for the
payment of the assessed cost of
asphaltic macadam surfacing on
St. Joseph Street.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du•
buque, Iowa for the asphaltic
macadam surfacing hereinafter
described has been completed and
the City Manager has certified the
completion thereof to the City
Council and the City Council has
ascertained the cost thereof and
has determined that $1,410.01 Dol-
lars of the cost thereof shall be
assessed against the property sub-
ject to assessment therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public"hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all ob-
jections made thereto have been
considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of im-
proving St. Joseph Street from the
west property line of Fremont Ave-
nue to the east property line of
Stetmore Street there shall be
issued Improvement bonds in the
amount of $1,410.01 Dollars in an-
ticipation of the deferred payment
of assessments levied for such im•
2. Such bonds shall be called
Improvement bonds; and shall bear
the date of December 5, 1951; and
shall be numbered consecutively;
and they shall be numbered, di-
vided into series, and be in such
denominations and for such ma-
f,k.. J•Ff -r...- - ,~. ., •~
turity dates as are shown in the
following table:
1. 4856, 4857, 4858, 4859, 4860,
4861, 4862, 4863, 4864 and 4865-
$100.00 each, April 1. 1952.
2. 4866, 4867 and 4868-$100,00
each, April 1, 1953,
2. 4869-$110.01 each, April 1,
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, payable Semi-annually in
accordance with coupons thereto
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may. be payable at any
time prior to the maturity date
stated therein at the option of the
City of Dubuque and shall be in
substantially the following form:
No . ..............................................
Series No ....................................
Improvement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa promises to pay as
hereinafter mentioned to the bearer
hereof, on the first day of ,
or at any time before that date,
at the option of the City of Du-
buque, the sum of One Hundred
dollars with interest thereon at the
rate of 5 per cent per annum, pay-
able semi-annually, on the presen-
tation and surrender of the in-
terest coupons hereto attached.
Both principal and interest of this
bond are payable at the office of
the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque, in the State of Iowa. This
bond is issued by the City of Du-
buque under and by virtue of
Chapter 396 of the 1950 Code of
Iowa, as amended, and the Resolu-
tion of said City duly passed on
the 5th day of November, 1951,
being Resolution No ................
This Bond is one of a series of
14 bonds, 13 for $100.00 numbered
from 4856 to 4868 inclusive, and
one for $110.01 numbered 4869, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of improving St.
Joseph Street from the west prop-
erty line of Fremont Avenue to the
east property line of Stetmore
Street as described in said Resolu-
tion in said City, which cost is pay-
able by the abutting and adjacent
Regular Session, November S, 1951 633
property along said improvements
and is made my law a lien on all
of said property. It is payable only
out of the Special Assessment
Fund No. 1022 created by the col-
lection of said special tax, and
said fund can be used for no other
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been lone, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and pay-
ment of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of .said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this 5th
day of December, 1951.
City Clerk
On the ................ day of ..............,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of ................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being .................... months' interest
due that date on its ................ Bond
No ..................... dated ..........,..,...
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared
to execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in•
strutted to register said bond in a
book kept for that purpose and to
then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law,
the proceeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
No. 1022 and paid out by him fin
pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons ate
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the Clty
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as
Adopted this 5th day of Novem-
ber, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Bolb, Schueller, Weiu,
State of Iowa
County of Dubuque ~'
I, Claude McDonald, do hereby
certify that on the 17th day of
October, 1951, I posted copies of
the notice of levy of special assess-
ment and intention of the City
CouncIl to issue bonds along the
line of improvement of St. Joseph
Street with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the west property line
of Fremont Avenue to the east
r• ter;.. ~Y line of Stetmore Street.
Signed: Clande McDonald.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a Notary Public, this 17th day
of October, 1951.
J. J. Shea,
Notary Public in and for
Dubuque Coanty, Iowa.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the statement be received and
made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Couhcilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of levy
of special assessment and intention
4. i'l~
638 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
of the City Council to issue bonds
for the improvement of Garfield
Avenue (west side) with concrete
curb and gutter from the north
property line of Emerson Street
to the south property line of Roose-
velt Street amount of assessment
$1,218.72, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: that to pay
for the improving of Garfield
Avenue (west side) with concrete
curb and gutter from the north
property line of Emerson Street to
the south property line of Roose-
velt Street, K-M Construction Com-
pany, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Laverne & Marian Carpen-
tier, Lot 218 Ham's Add...,.$152.33
3oseph & Myrtle Deckert,
Lot 219 Ham's Add ............... 152.33
Eugene & Dorothy Graham,
Lot 220 Ham's Add ............. 152.33
Vincent G. & Frances M.
Weber, N 48' Lot 221
Ham's Add . ........................ 146.23
Francis M. & Hilda C. Thor,
Lot 222 Ham's Add:.......... 152.33
Eva Bieger, Lot 223 Ham's
Add ....................................... 152.33
Muriel Mortz, Lot 224 Ham's
Add ....................................... 152.35
Leora M. & Norbert Nau-
man, Lot 225, Ham's Ad-
dition .................................... 152.36
Francis M. & Hilda C. Thor,
S 2' Lot 221 Ham's Add..... 6.13
406.5 Lin. ft. combination
curb & gutter @$2.50....$1,016.25
41.9 Lin. Ft, radius curb &
gutter @ $3.00 ................ 125,70
6% extra expense ................ 68.52
5% Interest for 52 days..,... 8.25
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of the
intention of the City Council to
issue improvement bonds in the
amount of $1,218,72 to provide for
payment of the cost of the im-
provement of Garfield Avenue
(west side) with concrete curb and
gutter from the north property
line of Emerson Street to the south
property line of Roosevelt Street,
presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Improvement bonds for
the purpose of providing for the
payment of the assessed. cost of
constructing curb and gutter on
Garfield Avenue (west side).
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the concrete curb
and gutter hereinafter described
has been completed and the City
Manager has certified the com-
pletion thereof to the City Council
and the City Council has ascer-
tained the cost thereof and has de-
termined that $1,218.72 Dollars of
the cost thereof shall be assessed
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 639
against the property subject to
assessment therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the City Council to
issue bonds for the purpose of
providing for the payment of the
assessed cost of said improvement
and a public hearing has been
held, pursuant to such notice and
all objections made thereto have
been considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1, That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of im-
proving Garfield Avenue (west
side) from the north property line
of Emerson Street to the south prop-
erty line of Roosevelt Street there
shall be issued Improvement bonds
in the amount of $1,218.72 Dollars
in anticipation of the deferred pay-
ment of assessments for such im-
2. Such bonds shall be called
Improvement bonds; and shall bear
the date of December 5, 1951; and
shall be numbered consecutively;
and they shall be numbered, di-
vided into series, and be in such
denominations and for .such ma-
turity dates as are shown in the
following table:
1. 4827100.00, April 1, 1952
". 4828100.00, April 1, 1953
3. 4829-$100.00, April 1, 1954
4. 4830-$100.00, April 1, 1955
5. 4831-$100.00, April 1, 1956
6. 4832100.00, April 1, 1957
7. 4833-$100.00, April 1, 1958
8. 4834 and 4835-$100.00, April ],
9. 4836 and 4837-$100.00, April
1, 1960
10. 4838-$100.00, April 1, 1961
10. 4839-$18.72 April 1, 1961
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 5 per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shall not make the
City of Dubuque liable in any way,
except for the application of said
special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City of
Dubuque and shall be in substant-
Tally the following form:
No ...............................................
Series No ....................................
Improvement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa promises to pay as
hereinafter mentioned to the bearer
hereof, on the first day of ...............
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of One Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest
coupons hereto attached. Both prin•
cipal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa, This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque
under and by virtue of Chapter
396 of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as
amended, and the Resolution of
said City duly passed on the 5th
day of November, 1951, being
Resolution No ......................
This Bond is one of a series of
13 bonds, 12 for $100.00 numbered
from 4827 to 4838 inclusive, and
one for $18.72 numbered 4839, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of the improvement
of Garfield Avenue (west side)
from the north property line of
Emerson Street to the south prop-
erty line of Roosevelt Street as
described in said Resolution, in
said City, which cost is payable
by the abutting and adjacent prop-
erty along said improvements and
is made by law a lien on all of
said property. It is payable only
out of the Special Assessment Fund
No: 1020 created by the collection
of said special tax, and said fund
can be used for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and re-
cited that all the acts, conditions
and things required to be done,
precedent to and in issuing this
series of bonds, have been done,.
happened, and performed, in reg-
ular and due form, as required
by law and said Resolution, and
for the assessment, collection and
payment hereon of said special
tax, the full faith and diligence of
said City of Dubuque are hereby
irrevocably pledged.
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
6~0 Regular Session, November S, 1951
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto a#ixed, this
5th day of December, 1951.
....................... ..Mayor..,,..........
................ ' 'City Clerk ....,.
Op the .day of ,..,...,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
iaea tQ pay to hearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of ..................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer iu the City of Dubuque,
being ,.,....,.... months' interest due
that date on its .................... Bond
No . ... .......... dated .....,.......,....
........ ........~ayor. .,.,,..
......... .... .... . ..City Clerk ......
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby
instructed to cause said bonds to
be prepared and when so prepared
to execute said bonds and that
the City Clerk be and he is hereby
Instructed to register said bond in
a book kept for that purpose and
to then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to seIl said bonds
in the manner provided by law,
the proceeds of said sale to be
placed In a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
No. 1020 and paid out by him to
pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
€acsimile signature of the City
9, That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as
Adopted this 5th day of Novem-
ber, 1051.
Attost: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the #ollowin8 vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kalb, Schueller, Welu.
State of Iowa 1 ss
County of Dubuque J '
I, Claude McDonald, do hereby
certify that on the 17th day of
October, 1951, I posted copies of
the attached notice of levy of
special assessment and intention
of the City Council to issue bonds
along the line of improvement of
Garfield Avenue (west side) with
curb and gutter from the north
property line of Emerson Street
to the south property line of
Roosevelt Street.
Signed: Claude McDonald.
Subscribed and sworn to be#ore
me, a Notary Public, this 17th day
of Qetober, 1951.
John J. Shea,
Notary Public in and for
Dubuque County, Iowa.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the statement be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
"leas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of levy
of special assessment and inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the construction of an
eight (8) inch vitrified file sanitary
sewer in Kane Stroet beginning at
a point 200 feet north of the exist-
ing manhole in Kaufman Avenue
and terminating at a point 255
feet north of the point of beginning,
amount of assessment $2,041,50,
presented and read. Councilman
Kolb moved that the proofs of pub-
licatioa be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Welu.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That to pay
for the construction of an eight (8)
inch sanitary sewer in Kane Street
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 641
beginning at a point 200 feet north
of the manhole in Kaufman Avenue
and terminating at a point 255 feet
north of the point of beginning,
Thos. Flynn Coal Company, Con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, sit-
uated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as
Gerald & Bernice Havens,
Lot 1 of 2 of 159 L. H.
Langworthy's Add ............. 459,12
Joseph Vogt, Lot 1 of 1 of
159&2of2of159 L. H.
Langworthy's Add ............. 321.39
Ralph J, & Marie V. Cremer,
of 159 L. H. Langworthy's
Add ....................................... 183.65
Martin & Bertha Riedi, Lot
2 of 1 of 156 L. H. Lang-
worthy's Add . ...................... 243.34
Floyd D. & Dorothy L.
Knuppe, Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of
156 L. H. Langworthy's
Add ....................................... 278.00
Jas. G. & Eliz A. Becker,
Langworthy's Add ............. 278.00
Theresa M, Becker, Lot 157
L. H. Langworthy's Add..... 278.00
234 Lin. Ft. 8" Vitrified
Tile Sewer @ 6.50 ..........$1,521.00
6 Each 8" x 6" Y Branches
@ 10,00 .............................. 60.00
2 Each Precast Concrete
Manholes Complete ~r
$175.00 ................................ 350.00
5% Extra Expense ............ 96.55
5% Int. for 52 days ............ 13.95
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of the
intention of the City Council to
issue sewer bonds in the amount
of $2,041.50 to provide for pay-
ment of the cost of constructing
an eight (8) inch vitrified file sani-
tary sewer in Kane Street be-
ginning at a point 200 feet north
of the existing manhole in Kauf-
man Avenue and terminating at a
point 255 feet north of the point
of beginning, presented and read:
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
CouncIlman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Sewer bonds for the
purpose of providing for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of con-
structing an eight (8) inch vitri-
fied file sanitary sewer in Kane
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the Sewer herein-
after described has been com-
pleted and the City Manager has
certified the completion thereof to
the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$2,041.50 Dollars of the cost there-
of shall be assessed against the
property subject to assessment
therefore; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all ob-
jections made thereto have been
considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1, That to provide for the pay-
~,b,r ~ . . r ~ ~~ ~.. ~„~~. it~+A_ ., ,.1n. , i ~..
642 Regular Session, November S, 1951
meat of the assessed cost of con-
structing an eight (8) inch vitri-
fied file sanitary sewer in Kane
Street beginning at a point 200 feet
north of the existing manhole in
Kaufman Avenue and terminating
at a point 255 feet north of the
point of beginning there shall be
issued Sewer bonds in the amount
of $2,041.50 Dollars in anticipation
of the deferred payment of as-
sessments levied for such improve-
2. Such bonds shall be called
Sewer bonds; and shall bear the
date of December 5, 1951; and
shall be numbered consecutively;
and they shall be numbered, di-
vided into series, and be in such
denominations and for such ma-
turity dates as are shown in the
following table:
1. 4783-$200.00, April 1, 1952
2. 4784-$200.00, April 1, 1953
3. 4785-$200,00, April 1, 1954
4. 47SG--$200.00, April 1, 1955
5. 4787-$200.00, April 1, 1958
6. 4788-$200.00, April 1, 1957
7. 4789-$200.00, April 1, 1958
S. 4790-$200.00, April 1, 1959
9. 4791-$200.00, April 1, 1960
10. 4792-$200.00, April 1, 1961
11. 4793-$ 41.50, April 1, 1961
3. Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 5 per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto
4. Said bonds shall not make the
City of Dubuque liable in any way,
except for the application of said
special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City of
Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially the following form;
No .....................................................
Series No ......................................
Sewer Bond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer, on
the first day of ................. or at any
time before that date, at the option
of the City of Dubuque, the sum
of Two Hundred dollars with in-
terest thereon at the rate of 5 per
cent per annum, payable semi-
annually, on the presentation and
surrender of the interest coupons
hereto attached. Both principal
and interest of this bond are pay-
able at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuue,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque
under and by virtue of Chapter
396 of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as
amended, and the Resolution of
said City duly passed on the 5th
day of November, 1951, being
Resolution No ..........................
This Bond is one of a series of
it bonds, 10 for $200.00 numbered
from 4783 to 4792 inclusive, and
one for $41.50 numbered 4793, all of
line tenor and date, and issued for
the purpose of constructing an
eight (8) inch vitrified file sani•
tary sewer in Kane Street as des-
cribed in said Resolution, in said
City, which cost is payable by the
abutting and adjacent property
along said improvements and is
made by law a lien on all of said
property. It is payable only out
of the Special Assessment Fund
No. 1017 created by the collection
of said special tax, and said fund
can be used for no other purpose,
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, pre-
cedent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and pay-
ment hereon of said special tax,
the full faith and diligence of said
City of Dubuque are hereby ir-
revocably pledged.
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Nlayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this 5th
day of December, 1951.
City Clerk
On the ............ day of ............. the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises
to pay to bearer, as provided in
said bond, the sum of .....................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being .................... months' interest
due that date on its ................ Bond
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 643
No . .................... dated ................
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby
instructed to cause said bands to
be prepared and when so prepared
to execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in a
book kept for that purpose and to
then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law,
the proceeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
No. 1017 and paid out by him to
pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as numb-
Adopted this 5th day of Novem-
ber, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Counclmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
State of Iowa 1
County of Dubuque (ss.
I, Claude McDonald, do hereby
certify that on the 17th day of
October, 1951, I posted copies of
the attached notice of levy of
special assessment and intention
of the City CouncIl to issue bonds
along the line of improvement for
the construction of an eight (8)
inch sanitary sewer in Kane Street
beginning at a point 200 feet north
of the manhole in Kaufman Avenue
and terminating at a point 255
feet north of the point of beginning,
presented and read.
Signed: Claude McDonald.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a Notary Public, this 17th day
of October, 1951.
John J. Shea,
Notary Public in and for
Dubuque County, Iowa.
Councilmann Kolb moved that
the statement be received and made
a matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Notice of Claim of Mrs. S. V.
VanWinkle in the amount of
$425.00 for injuries received in a
fall caused by a hole in the curb-
ing in front of 933 Central Avenue,
presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller, Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Notice of Claim of Virgil J. Den-
linger in the amount of $47.91 for
damages to his car caused in strik-
ing a manhole, which had no
cover on it, on Locust Street be-
tween 8th and 9th Streets, pre-
sented and read,
Councilman Welu moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report, Seconded by CouncIl-
man Austin. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Communication of J. A. Vander-
Meulen resubmitting his claim in
the amount of $76.56 for damages
to his car caused in hitting a hole
in the street at 2330 Shiras Avenue,
presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Welu. Carried by the following
644 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Communication of Frank Specht
stating that if the City will vacate
the alley adjacent to his property
that he and his his neighbor will
take care of the water which flows
down from the hill, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication be referred to
the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion for recommendation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Communication of Dubuque Aerie
No. 568, Fraternal Order of Eagles
extending invitation to the Mayor
and City Manager to be guests of
honor at the dinner to be held
November 15th, 1951 at Holy
Trinity Church for the purpose of
entertaining the varsity football
squads and coaching staffs of Du-
buque Senior High School, Loras
Academy and St. Columbkille's
High Schools, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the communication be referred to
the Mayor. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor •Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
October 31, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor,
City Council and City Manager,
Dubuque City Hall,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Attached please find fuel calcu-
lations based on cost of materials
as of October 1, 1951, in compliance
with provisions of Ordinance 10-49.
These figures indicate that the
base rates as set forth in the Or-
dinance should be increased two
cents per M. C. F, effective on
all billings beginning November 1,
Yours truly,
The Key City Gas Company
Richard V. McKay
Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record and the
report placed on file. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Koib, Schueller, Welu.
Communication of Harold Kron-
feldt and John Osterhaus stating
that they would like to address the
Council about an outhouse at 2524
Elm Street the property of Alfred
& Lucille Bliele, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication be referred to
the City Manager. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of O'Connor, Thomas,
McDermott & Wright, by Francis
J. O'Connor, asking Council to
adopt the necessary resolution and
execute a Quit Claim Deed to Ken-
neth F• and Mary Block Leonard
conveying Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Becker
Place, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the petition be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque did by ordinance
No. 20-31, approved November 2,
1931, filed for record November
20, 1931, vacate a certain alley
(also referred to as East Thirtieth
Street) from Pinard Street to
Brunswick Street and lying be-
tween Lot 1 of Lot 8 of Mineral
Lot 322 and North two-thirds (N
2/3rds) of Lot 1 of Lot 73, Glen-
dale Addition to the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, and by said ordin-
ance purported to convey said
alley to Theodore F• Ris; and
Whereas, the City of Dubuque
did in fact receive the agreed upon
consideration from Theodore F.
Ris for the vacation of said alley,
which consideration consisted of
a strip of ground along Bruns-
wick Street, which conveyance is
contained in deed recorded in Book
103 TL, page 98, Dubuque County,
Iowa records; and,
Whereas, the City of Dubuque
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 645
appears to have never executed
a deed to Theodore F. Ris or his
successors and assigns in interest
to said vacated alley; and,
Whereas, Theodore F. Ris and
Catherine .Ris, his wife, and their
grantees have now conveyed a por-
tion of said vacated alley to Ken-
neth F. Leonard and Mary Block
Leonard, husband and wife, as
joint tenants with right of sur-
vivorship and not as tenants in
common, which vacated alley to-
gether with other property has
been platted and subdivided to be
known as "Becker Place"; and,
Whereas, it is proper that the
City of Dubuque formally convey
any interest it may have in Lot 1
of Lot 1 of Becker Place, City of
Dubuque, Iowa to the present
record owner thereof.
Be It Resolved, that the City of
Dubuque convey and transfer the
following described real estate, to-
Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Becker Place,
City of Dubuque, Iowa,
to Kenneth F. Leonard and Mary
Block Leonard, husband and wife,
as joint tenants with right of sur-
vivorship and not as tenants in
Be It Further Resolved that the
Mayor and Clerk of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, be and they are
hereby authorized to execute a
quit claim deed conveying the
aforesaid property to Kenneth F.
Leonard and Mary Block Leonard,
and they are hereby authorized to
deliver said deed to Kenneth F.
Leonard and Mary Block Leonard.
Passed and duly adopted by
unanimous vote of the City Council
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Leo E. Roethig re-
questing Council to approve the
construction of curb and gutters
on Bradley Street from Ryder
Street to Grandview Avenue, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager to prepare proper pro-
ceedings. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow•
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of John Luber requesting
an extension of time until about
August 1, 1952 on his Performance
Bond for the construction of curb-
ing and street improvement on
Springgreen Addition, presented
anti read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the request be granted providing
the consent of the Bonding Com-
pany is obtained. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Donald J. Bowen re-
questing arefund in the amount of
$50.00 on the unexpired portion of
his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 2,
as he has discontinued business on
October 31, 1951, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that the
request be granted and the City
Auditor instructed to draw a war-
rant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Donald J. Bowen to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired .portion of his Class
"B" Permit No. 2. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Donald J• Bowen re-
questing arefund in the amount of
$50.00 on the unexpired portion of
his Cigarette Permit No. 6, as he
has discontinued business on Octo-
ber 31, 1951, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the request be granted and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Donald J. Bowen to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired portion of his Ciga-
rette Permit No. 6. Seconded by
646 Regular Session, November S, 1951
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Eugene P. McCann re-
questing arefund in the amount
of $50,00 on the unexpired portion
of his Cigraette Permit Nn. 241, as
be has discontinued business on
October 8, 1951, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the request be granted and the City
Auditor instructed to draw a war-
rant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Eugene P. McCann to
cover the amount of refund
granted on the unexpired portion
of his Cigarette Permit No. 241.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
Petition of J. C. Scully and Glen-
view Motel requesting that Lot 13
in J. C, Scully Sub. No. 2, Lot 1 of
Sub. of Lot 2 of Sub. of Min. Lot
10, Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lot 3 of
the Sub. of Min, Lot 3 owned by
J. C. Scully and also Lot 2 of
Lot 2 of Lot 1 of J. C. Scully's
Sub. owned by Glenview Motel be
rezoned as a business district and
also advising Council that they join
with Torbert Drug Company in .its
application to rezone Lot 2 of Lot
3 of Min. Lot 3, Lot 2 of Lot 2
of Min. Lot 4 and Lot 2 of Lot 2
of Min. Lot 10 to a business dis-
trict, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
the petition be referred to the
Planning and Zoning Commission
for their recommendation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Henry Reelfs and
Peter Kretz requesting permission
to extend the sanitary sewer on
Davenport Street to serve their
property on the west side of Dav-
enport Street between Dlational
Street and Primrose Street, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
. ~ . r .. U.,-~a x-~~~~~~a
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Mary Martin and
others asking that adequate light-
ing be installed on Rowan Street,
presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager and Electrical Inspector
for their recommendation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Dick Ferguson and
others requesting that a Stop and
Go light be installed at the corner
of Twenty-fourth and Jackson
Streets, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the' follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Black & White, Yellow
& Checker Cab. Co. and the Vet-
erans Radio Cab Co; requesting a
change in taxi-cab fares, presented
and read.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Council and City Manager for
further study. Seconded by Council-
man Austin. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
Mayor's Proclamation for special
election upon the following public
Shall the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
carry out a fire station program
consisting of constructing a new
first station and acquiring a site
therefor and remodeling an existing
fire station in and for said City
and contract indebtedness for such
purpose not exceeding $167,500 and
issue bonds for such purpose not
exceeding $107,500 and levy a tax
annually upon the taxable prop-
erty in said City of Dubuque, Iowa,
not exceeding one-half mill per
annum for the payment of such
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 647
bonds and the interest thereon,
presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proof of publication be re
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-1lfayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
Mayor's Proclamation for special
election upon the following public
"Shall the Proposition to Annex
the Territory Described as Follows:
Commencing at the present city
limits line at the northeast corner
of the southeast r/a of the north-
east ~4 of Section 15, Township 89
North, Range 2 East, thence west
1,320 feet, thence south 1,320 feet,
thence west 1,320 feet to the center
of Section 15, Township 89 North,
Range 2 East, thence west 660
feet, thence south 2,040 feet to the
south section line of Section 15,
Township 89 North, Range 2 East,
thence west along said section line
to a point 33 feet east of the south-
west corner of Section 15, Town-
ship 89 North, Range 2 East, thence
south 1,320 feet, thence west 33
feet, to the southwest corner of
the northwest r/a of the nnorthwest
'/4 of Section 22, Township 89
North, Range 2 East, thence south
along the west section line of Sec-
tion 22 to the southwest corner of
Section 22, Township 89 North,
Range 2 East, thence south 1,320
feet along the west section line of
Section 27, Township 89 North
Range 2 East, thence east to in-
tersect with the south property
line of Ridgeway Avenue in Len-
nox Addition, thence southeasterly
along the southerly line of Len-
nox Addition to the west property
line of Delhi Road, thence south
to the southerly line of U. S. High-
way No. 20, thence south 300 feet,
thence easterly parallel to U. S.
Highway No. 20 to the existing
city limits;
In the Resolution adopted by the
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, on the 'L5th day of Septem-
ber, 1951, be approved, presented
and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Council Proceedings for the
month of June, 1951, presented for
Councilman Kolb moved that
the Council Proceedings for the
month of June, 1951, be approved
as printed. Seconded by Council-
man Welu. Carried by the follow-
ing vote.
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance fixing acid estab-
lishing rates to be charged for
the furnishing of gas for residen-
tial, commercial, industrial, and
other uses and purposes within the
City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and
regulating the method of service
thereof, prescribing a penalty for
violation thereof; repealing Or-
dinance No, 10-49 and all other
Ordinances and Resolutions in con-
flict herewith; and declaring an
emergency, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Austin.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Austin. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
1n Ordinance fixing and establishing
rates to he charged for the furnish-
ing of gas for residential, commer•
cial, industrial, and other uses and
purposes within the City of Du-
buque, Iowa; fixing and regulating
the method of service thereof; pre-
scribing a penalty for violation
thereof; repealing Ordinance No.
10-49 and all other Ordinances and
Resolutions in conflict herewith;
and declaring an emergency.
Be It Ordained by the City Counclt
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. Commencing with all
meter readings on and after Novem-
ber 10, 1951, the rates to be charged
for gas for residential, commercial,
industrial, and other uses and pur-
poses by any person, firm, or con
uoration suLplyin¢ ¢as within the City
648 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
of ISitbvgtie, eadept as ~retn other-
wise provided, shall be fined, and
determined as follows:
General Service
This rate !s available for general
service to all residential users of gas
having neither an automatic water
heater nor house heating equipment
and to all commercial and industrial
users oP gas for general purposes in-
cluding, at their option, gas used for
automatic water heating, or space
heating, er both.
500 Cu. Ft. or lase per meter
per month _........_ ................__Net $1.47
600 Cu. Ft. per meter per
month .._-._ _......._.-.-_......Net $1.81
700 Cu. Ft, per meter per
month ...._...._...._ ................_.._...Net $1.72
900 Cu. FL per meter per
month .....~......_ -..-Net $1.64
900 Cu. Ft. per meter per
month ._......._ ................_....-.--_Net $1.89
First 3006 Cubic Feet per month.--.$1.91
per M. Cubic Feet Net
Neat 4000 Cubic Feet per month-~1,61'~
per M. Cubtc Feet Net
Next 5000 Cubic Feet per month.-...$1.49
per M. Cubic Feet Net ~
Next 8000 Cubic Feet per month-....$1.43
per M. Cubic Feet Net
Neat 10,000 Cubic Feet per month.b1.31
per M. Cubic Feet Net
Neat 20,000 Cubic Feet per month.$1.20
per M. Cubic Feet Net
Neat 50,000 Cubic Feet per month.$1.09
per M. Cubic Feet Net
Neat 50,000 Cubic Feet per month,$1.03
per M. Cubic Feet Net
Al] in excess of 150,000 Cubic
Feet .._..._,..._-.-......,_..__....._ ................_$ .80
per M, Cubic Feet Net
Minimum Monthly charge ...,_.$1.47
per meter. ~
Prompt Payment:
Customers' monthly bills shall be
computed at the net rate and there
shall be added to all bills of $1.89 or
less, a ci;arge of ten cents (lOc) and
to all bills in excess of $1.89, a
charge equal to the quantity of gas
' consumed at ten cents (lOc) per 100('
Cubic Feet, which charges shall be
collected from those customers who
tai] to pay their net bill within ten
(10) days from and after date there-
Combination Residential Automatic
Water Heating and/or House
Heating Service
This rate is available to all resi-
dential users of gas having an auto-
matic gas water heating unit or a
gas house heating unit regardless of
other gas appliances, where all gas
is supplied through one meter.
Rate: - - - - .........._ ...... _.._
540 Cu. Ft, or less per meter
per month ...._......_....-.-.-......Net $1.47
60month Ft. per meter per
Net $1.81
700 Cu. Ft, per meter per
month ~........-...._-..-......_Net $1.72
800 Cu, Ft. per meter per
month ..... ~_...........:-....._.~Net $1.84
900 Cu. Ft, per meter par
month ...._~......_._....-_...--Net $1.89
First 2,000 Cubic Feet per month...$1.91
per M. Cu. Ft. Net
Next 1,000 Cubic Feet per month..$1.57
per M. Cu. Ft. Net
Next 7,000 Cubic Feet per month..$1,07
per M .Cu. Ft. Net
Al] in excess of 10,000 Cubic Feet
per month ..._...._... .~ .80
per M. Cu. Ft, Net
Minimum Monthly Charge ...._..$1.97
per Meter.
Prompt Payment:
Customere' monthly bills shall be
comuuted at the net rate ynd there
shall be added ~o a-11 Gills of $1.8- ur
less, a charge of ten cents (l0c) and
to all bills in excess of $1.89 a charge
equal to the quantity of gas consumed
at ten cents (lOc) per 1,000 Cubic
Feet, which charges shall be collected
Prom those customers who fail to
pay their net bill within ten (10)
days from and after date thereof.
Customers desiring gas house heat-
ing service shall first ascertala from
the person, firm or corporation sup-
plying gas, if such service 1s avail-
able at the desired location and then
shall install only approved gas burn-
ing apparatus in compnance with the
supplier's safety requirements.
Comercial and Industrial Automatic
Water Heating and/or Space
Heating Service
This rate is available to all com-
mercial and lnduatrial consumers us-
ing an automatic gas water heater,
or automatic apace heating equip-
ment, or both, supplied with gas
through a separate meter,
Commercial consumers shall include
all restaurants, business houses,
apartment buildings, churches and
Definition o} an Apartment Building:
(a) An apartment is defined as a
portion of a building cone[sting of
two or more rooms, equipped far
living purposes,
(b) In buildings where five ar more
rooms, exclusive of apartments are
rented, or are for rent, each 8ve
rooms or fraction thereof (real estate
rating), exclusive of apartments, shall
be counted as an apartment.
(c) An "Apartment building" Is a
building containing two ar more
apartments as herein defined.
$1.13 per M. Cubic Feet Der Month
Minimum monthly charge: $1.47 per
Prompt Payment;
Customers' monthly bills shall be
computed at the net rate and there
shall be added to all bills of $1.47
a charge of ten cents (lOc) and to
all bills in excess of $1.47 a charge
equal to the quantity of gas con-
sumed at ten cents (l0c) per 1,000
Cubic Feet, which charges shall be
collected from those customers who
fail to pay their net bill within ten
(10) daye from and after date thereof.
Fuel Adjustment Clause
Rates for gas are predicated upon
the base price of materials ae follows:
Gays Coal........ $13.16 per ton
Gas Oil.._ $ .108 per gallon
Propane ...... $ .073 per gallon
And on the consumption of these
materials In the following quantities;
082 tons of coal per M. Cu.
feet of coke oven gas pro-
duced; 3.0 gallons of oil per
M. Cu, feet oP water gee pro-
duced; 6.1 gallons of propane
per M. Cu. ft of propane-air
gas produced.
Any change in the cost of these
naterials from the base price will
result In an increase or decrease
in the rate per M. Cu. feet by the
amount of the weighed average in-
crease or decrease in the fuel costs
per M. Cu. feet; said weighted aver-
age being based upon the proportion
of coal gas, water gas and propane-
air gas produced each quarter of the
year. This computation will be made
at the end of each quarter based
upon the invoice cost of materials
fat that date and the gas production
during the auartar. Anv change in
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 649
the rate per-M. Cu. Ft. of gas safes
shall become effective with all billings
on the first day oY the second month
following the end of each- quarter.
All rate changes are to be computed
to the nearest one cent (lc).
Before placing into effect the terms
of this provision, the firm, person or
corporation supplying gas in the City
of Dubuque shall first disclose to the
City Council sufficient data to war-
rant such action.
For the purpose oP keeping the
City Council informed as to the cost
of gas based on the fuel clause out-
lined In the Ordinance, the person,
firm or corporation supplying gas
shall file with the City Council each
quarter of the calendar year complete
calculations on the subject, whether a
rate adiustmegt is indicated or not.
Section 2. No person, firm or cor-
poration supplying gas shall install
any meter or. meters upon a cus-
tomer's premises for the purpose oP
measuring gas to be supplied to said
customer unless and until such meter
has been properly calibrated and ad-
justed within a period of six (8)
months preceding date of installation
upon a customer's premises so that
the error in registration at rated
meter capacity is within two per cent
(2%) of accuracy. Any meter in-
stalled upon a customer's premises
shall bear a label clearly indicating
the date that said meter was tested
and recalihrated.
No meter-shall be kept 1n service
which has not been recalibrated with.
in a flue-year period.
The person, firm or corporation sup-
plying gas in the Clty of Dubuque
shall keep on file a record of the test
of each meter, installed upon or re-
tained in service upon the customer's
premises after test, which record
shall be available far inspection by
offtcials of the City of Dubuque. Such
record as filed shall indicate the
name oP the manufacturer of said
meter, its saris] number, type, capaci-
ty, number assigned to it by its own-
er, name and address of the Gus-,
tamer where said meter was in sere-'
ice prior to said teat, and the date
of last previous teat, together with
the percentage of error above or be-
low accuracy, as disclosed by Bald
test. Meters shall be adjusted to,
register within plus or minus two
per cent (2%) o} accuracy at full load.
Section 3. No person, firm or cor-
poration, who shall charge er exact
other or different rates and charges
for any type of service, the rates
for which service are herein fixed and
determined, or who shall violate any
of the provisions hereof, shalt be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof shall be fined
not to exceed one hundred dollars
($100) or imprisoned not to exceed
thirty (30) days in jail.
Section 4. Ordinance No, 10-49
adopted March 28, 1949, and all other
Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in
conflict herewithin are hereby re-
Section 6. This Ordinance shall'
be in full force and effect at 12:01
o'clock a. m. of Saturday, November i
10, 1951.
Introduced and first reading had this
5th day oY November, 1951,
Rule re9uiring three separate read-
ings suspended by unanimous vote
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Passed, adopted and approved this
5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: Councilmen.
J, J. Shea,
City Clerk.
Published officially In The Tele-
graph-Harald newspaper this 8th day
of November, 1951.
ItNovB City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance providing for the
removal of snow, ice and slush
from sidewalks; repealing Ordin-
ance No. 53 and providing a pen-
alty for a violation hereof, pre.
sented and read,
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun•
Gilman Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the Ordinance just read, being an
Ordinance authorizing a contract
be now considered complete in
form for final passage and further
move that the same be placed on
file with the City Clerk and re-
main on file for public inspection
for at least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance Amending Ordin-
ance No. 33-49 by adding two new
Sections to Schedule Vl thereof,
presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
F- ~,+. _ .. .,. ~ .;*~. _~ ,~
650 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Kalb.. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be susupended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Kolb. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance Amending Ordin-
ancd No. 3319 by adding two
new Sections to Schedule VI there-
Be It Ordained by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Ordinance No.
33-~19, known as the "Traffic
Code," be amended by adding two
new Sections to Scedule VI thereof
as follows;
h.h. The south side of University
Avenue from the south line of Mc-
Cormick Street to the north line of
Algona Street.
i.i. The east side of Algona Street
for a distance of three hundred
(300) feet south from the south
line of Campus Lane."
Section 2. This Ordinance shall
be in full force and effect from and
after its final passage, adoption
and publication as by law pro-
Introduced the 5th day of No-
vember, 1951.
Rule requiring reading on three
separate days suspended by un-
animous vote the 5th day of No-
vember, 1951.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951,
-- Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Published officially in The Tele•
graph-Herald newspaper this 9th
day of November, 1951..
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
24 October, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
Clty Hall,
Dubuque, Iowa
Then enclosed proposed resolu-
tion is the final report of the Air-
port Zoning Commission adopted
October 23, 1951, after a public
hearing thereon.
I have been instructed by the
Airport Zoning Commission to re-
commend that your body adopt the
same in conjunction with the
Board of Supervisors of Dubuque
County as a joint resolution of
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque and the Board of Super-
visors of Dubuque County.
Yours very truly,
Dubuque Airport Zoning
W. J. Hanley, Chairman.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
October 25, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Referring to attached petition of
Mrs. Charles Hanley and others
requesting rezoning of certain lots
on Asbury Street to Two Family
Classification, the Planning and
Zoning Commission respectfully re-
commends denial of the petition
as drawn.
However, to meet the desired
result but on a larger scale, the
Planning & Zoning Commission re-
commends to your honorable body
the rezoning of the area bounded
by Asbury Street to the west, the
alley first east of Asbury Street
to the east, between Cherry Street
and Rosedale Street to Two Family
There are numerous large houses
in this area, several already oc-
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 651
cupied by more than one family
since before the Zoning Ordinance
went into effect, so it seems logical
to rezone the area accordingly.
Yours truly,
Dubuque Planning and
Zoning Commission,
By: R. V. McKay,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission be
approved and proper proceedings
prepared. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
October 25, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
The Dubuque Planning & Zoning
Commission respectfully recom-
mends to your Honorable Body ap-
proval of attached plat of "Thomas
E. Byrne Subdivision."
Yours truly,
Dubuque Planning and
Zoning Commission,
By: R. V. McKay,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission be
referred to the City Manager far
recommendation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
October 25, 1951
Han. Mayor and Members
of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa,
The claim of Alfred Rehfeldt,
Sr. in the amount of $47.50 for in-
juries received by his son Weston,
was referred to this office for in•
vestigation and report.
Upon investigation I find that the
pipe from which Mr. Rehfeldt al-
leges his son Weston fell lies in a
natural depression running through
Mr. Rehfeldt's property. The pipe
appears to have been placed there
by the City of Dubuque, at the re-
quest of Mr. Rehfeldt, to act as a
conduit for surface water flowing
through his property.
The entire property is under the
jurisdiction and control of Mr.
Rehfeldt and in my opinion if any
negligence exists from maintain-
ing an open and exposed pipe on
this property, the negligence is
that of the owner of the property
and not that of the City, and I
therefore recommend that the
claim be denied.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Solici-
tor Nelson be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 5, 1951
Hon. Mayor and Members
of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
The claim of C. M. Weepie in
the amount of $22.17 for damages
to his automobile resulting from
an excavation in the pavement on
Kauffman Avenue, was referred to
this office for investigation and
We have investigated this ac-
cident and have entered into an
agreement with the bonding com-
pany for Curtis & Straub, who made
the excavation in the street, in
which compromise settlement it is
agreed that the amount of this
claim will be shared equally by
the City of Dubuque and the bond-
ing company.
I therefore recommend that the
City Auditor be instructed to issue
a warrant in the amount of $11.08
payable to C. M. Weepie and de•
liver the same to him upon re-
ceipt of a properly executed re-
Respectfully submitted,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Solici•
for Nelson be approved and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $11.08
in favor of C. M. Weepie, as settle-
ment in full of the City's share of
the claim, and that said warrant be
delivered upon receipt by the City
of Dubuque of a properly executed
release. Seconded by Councilman
yv +-~ t r, ~ • e~.a.t „ . x'~~'#'~'M1& ~ rt'91t'A~?p't4"r 4 ~
652 Regular Session, November S, 1951
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 5, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The petition of C. Eleanor Mars-
hall and others requesting an in-
spectionn to be made of the rough
condition of Windsor Avenue was
referred to me.
Windosor Avenue, being of brick
construction, is probably one of
the best streets of this type in the
city. However; when vehicles travel
over the brick surface there is a
certain amount of vibration set
up that is not visible with a smooth
type of surface.
The worst depressions in the
street have been corrected by the
Street Department.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the report of City Manager
Schiltz be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 3, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The petition of George J. Tressel
asking that parking be limited on
one side of Broadway Street from
Diagonal to Gay Street was referred
to this office.
Upon investigation by the Traffic
Department, it is my conclusion
that the restriction of parking on
the north side of this area will
create no hardship on the resi-
dents of this area.
In view of the fact that vehicles
at the present time have difficulty
during the wintertime when snow
and ice is on the street and the
possibility of increasing traffic due
to the extension and improvement
of Kane and Primrose Streets for
future bus routes, it is my recom-
mendation that parking be re-
stricted on the north side of Broad-
way from Diagonal Street to Gay
Street, and that Schedule VI of
the Traffic Code be amended ac-
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved and
proper proceedings prepared. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 3, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The petition of the Central Ave•
nue Business District Council was
referred to me.
A green arrow light to allow a
right turn onto Fourth Street from
Central Avenue for traffic going
west has already been ordered. We
are waiting for asphalt material to
fill the cracks in the pavement on
Central Avenue and as soon as
this material is delivered, the work
will proceed.
In regard to the streetcar tracks,
we will continue to try out different
materials to smooth out the pave-
ment surface over the top of the
rails. However, due to the expan-
sion and contraction of steel and
with a fine film of asphalt mater-
ial over the top of it, it is practic-
ally impossible to get it to stay
in place.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the report of City Manager Schiltz
be received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 5, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Mr, Hugh Clark, a representative
of the Journeymen Plumbers on
the Plumbing Examining Board,
has moved out of the state.
Regular Session, November S, 1951 653
I have a communication from
Harry Davis, Secretary of Local
66, United Association of Journey-
men and Apprentices of the Plumb-
ing and Pipe Fitting Industry of
the United States and Canada,
stating that Mr, Clark wishes to be
replaced on this Board. The
Journeymen Plumbers have chosen
William Martens, 2265 Francis
Street to replace Mr. Clark.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Welu moved that
the communication of City Man-
ager Schiltz be received and made
a matter of record and that Mr.
William Martens be appointed as
a member of the Plumbing Ex-
amining Board. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 1, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City CouncIl,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The term of Fred E. Neyens on
the Board of Dock Commissioners
expires November 26, 1951.
The appointment to this board
should be made for a three year
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
Mr. Fred E. Neyens be reappoint-
ed as a member of the Board of
Dock Commissioners for a term of
three years, said term expiring
November 26, 1954. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 5, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The communication of Mae A.
Moore, Registrar of Vital Statistics
and Clerk in the Health Depart-
ment was referred to the City
Manager for investigation and re-
Chapter 144 of the Code of Iowa
designates the fees to be paid the
Registrar of Vital Statistics. The
fee of 25 cents for each birth and
death certificate is payable di-
rectly to the Registrar.
When Mae A. Moore was ap-
pointed Registrar, her salary was
increased approximately $250.00 per
year over that of the clerk salary
in order to make some compensa-
tion for the additional work as
Under the Code the Registrar
is entitled to all fees. In practic-
ally all cities, the Registrar has
no other duties and it is a part-
time job.
I recommend that all future fees
for birth and death registration
be considered the salary of the
Registrar and paid directly to the
Registrar. The salary for the clerk
is to be adjusted accordingly de•
pending on the time necessary to
take care of each job.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 5, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Towa.
This is to advise you that the im-
provement of McLenan Street with
curb and gutter from the north
property line of Tressa Street to
the south property line of Mt.
Loretta Avenue under contract
with the Thos. Flynn Coal Com-
pany of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
has been completed in accordance
with the plans and specifications.
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
654 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
lA Resolution Accepting Im•
provement and Directing the Clerk
to Publish Notice.)
Whereas, the contract for the
improvement of McLenan Street
with curb and gutter from the
north proPeTtY line' of Tressa
Street to the south property line
of Mt. Loretta Avenue has been
completed and the City Manager
has examined the work and filed
his certifcate stating that the
same has been completed accord-
~g to the terms of the contract,
plans and specifications and re-
commends its acceptance, now
Be It Resolved, by the City
~uncil of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and
same is hereby accepted and the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat and
schedule showing the lots or
parcels of real estate subject to
assessment for said improvement
and file the same in the office of
the City Clerk subject to public
inspection and said Clerk shall
upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds
issued upon the above described
improvement in amount equal to
the amount of his contract, less any
retained Percentage provided for
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
ilman Schueller.
b Co
and Y
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa.
This is to advise you that the
improvement of Marion Street with
curb and gutter from the west
property line of Fremont Avenue
to the end of Marion Street under
contract with the Thos. Flynn Coal
Company of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, has been completed in ac•
cordance with the plans and speci-
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved, Sec•
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
(A Resolution Accepting Im•
provement and Directing the Clerk
to Publish Notice.)
RESOLUTION N0. 396--51
Whereas, the contract for the
improvement of Marion Street with
curb and gutter from the west
property line of Fremont Avenue
to the end of Marion Street has
been completed and the City Man•
ager has examined the work and
filed his certificate stating that
the same has been completed ac-
cording to the terms of the con-
tract, plans and specifications and
recommends its acceptance, now
Be It Resolved, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and
that said improvement be and the
same is hereby accepted and the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat and
schedule showing the lots or
parcels of real estate subject to
assessment for said improvement
and file the same in the office of
the City Clerk subject to public
inspection and said Clerk shall
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 655
upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds
issued upon the above described
improvement in amount equal to
the amount of his contract, less
any retained percentage provided
for therein.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
This is to advise you that the
improvement of Groveland Place
with curb and gutter from the west
property line of Sheridan Street to
the east property lice of Burden
Street under contract with the K-M
Construction Company of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, has been com-
pleted in accordance with the
plans and specifications.
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved, Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(A Resolution Accepting Im•
provement and Directing the Clerk
to Publish Notice.)
Whereas, the contract for the
improvement of Groveland Place
with curb and gutter from the west
property line of Sheridan Street to
the east property line of Burden
Street has been completed and the
City Manager has examined the
work and filed his certificate stat-
ing that the same has been com-
pleted according to the terms of
the contract, plans and specifica-
tions and recommends its accept-
ance, now therefore,
Be It Resolved, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and
that said improvement be and the
same is hereby accepted and the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat and
schedule showing the lots or
parcels of real estate subject to
assessment for said improvement
and file the same in the office of
the City Clerk subject to public
inspection and said Clerk shall
upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law.
Be It Further Resolved that
the City Treasurer be and he is
hereby directed to pay to the con.
tractor from the funds to be re-
alized from the sale of improve-
ment bonds issued upon the above
described improvement in amount
equal to the amount of his contract,
less any retained percentage pro-
vided for therein.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
~~~~ ~ .., n~ ,.~ ku~~~~...e .- ~~;
.. ~.
656 Regular Session, November S, 1951
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
This is to advise you that the
improvement of Fairway Drive
with curb and gutter from the west
property line of St. Ambrose Street
to the east property line of Bunker
.Hill Road under contract with the
Thos. Flynn Coal Company of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has been
completed in accordance with the
plans and specifications.
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager. '
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(A Resolution Accepting Im•
provement and Directing the Clerk
to Publish Notice.)
Whereas, the contract for the
improvement of Fairway Drive
with curb and gutter from the west
property line of St. Ambrose Street
to the east property line of Bunker
Hill Road has been completed and
the City Manager has examined
the work and filed his certificate
stating that the same has been
completed according to the terms
of the con(ract, plans and specifi-
cations and recommehds its accept-
ance, now therefore,
Be It Resolved, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and
that said improvement be and the
same is hereby accepted and the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat and
schedule showing the lots or
parcels of real estate subject to
assessment for said improvement
and file the same in the office of
the City Clerk subject to public
inspection and said Clerk shall
upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds
issued upon the above described
improvement in amount equal to
the amount of his contract.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
This is to advise you that the
improvement of Paul Street with
a six (fi) inch sanitary sewer be-
ginning on center line of Lowell
Street and terminating at a point
150 feet south of the point of be-
ginning under contract with the
Thos. Flynn Coal Company of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa has been
completed in accordance with the
plans and specifications.
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 657
(A Resolution Accepting Im• Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
provement and Directing the Clerk Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
to Publish Notice.) Nays-None.
Whereas, the contract for the
construction of a six ((i) inch sani-
tary sewer in Paul Street from
Lowell Street to a point 150 feet
south has been completed and the
City Manager has examined the
work and filed his certificate stat-
ing that the same has been com-
pleted according to the terms of
the contract, plans and specifica-
tions and recommends its accept-
ance, now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and
that said improvement be and the
same is hereby accepted and the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat and
schedule showing the lots or
parcels of real estate subject to
assessment for said improvement
and file the same in the office of
the City Clerk subject to public
inspection and said Clerk shall
upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of sewer bonds issued
upon the above described improve-
ment equal to the amount of his
contract, less any retained per-
tentage provided for therein.
Passed, adopted and approved'
this 5th day of November, 1951,
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
CouncIlman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following having complied
with the provisions of law relating
to the sale of cigarettes within the
City of Dubuque, be granted a per-
mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette
papers within said City and the
Manager is directed to issue such
permit on behalf of said City.
Clarence P. Haupert, 1703 Asbury
William J. Baum, 127 West 6th
Harold E. Harvey, 53 West 12th
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed with the applications
be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kalb, Schueller, Welu.
Whereas, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the
same have been examined: Now,
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following applications be
granted and the licenses are to be
issued upon the compliance with
the terms of the ordinances of this
William J. Baum, 127 West 6th
Clarence P, Haupert, 1703 Asbury
Ray Nicks, 521 East 22nd Street.
Roger M. Bertsch, 326 Main
658 Regular Session, November S, 1951
Gerald C. Scherrer, 2995 Central
John Beecher, 2399 White Street.
Harold E. Harvey, 53 West 12th
American Veterans of World War
II (Amvets), 429 Main Street.
Union League Club, 336 Main
Mrs. Agnes Zahina, 2649 Windsor
The Great Atlantic & Pacific
Tea Co., 1101 Central Avenue.
Frank J. Pusateri, 1296 Central
Passed, adopted and ar,..~~ed
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. ~SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following .vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
RESOLUTION N0. 404--51
Whereas, heretofore applications
for Beer Permits were filed by
the within named applicants and
they have received the approval
of this Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be
occupied by such applicants ,have
been inspected and found to com-
ply with the ordinances of this
City and they have filed a proper
bond: Now Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council oP
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be and he is directed to
issue to the following named appli•
cants a Beer Permit.
William J. Baum, 127 West 6th
Clarence P. Haupert,1703 Asbury
Ray Nicks, 521 East 22nd Street.
Roger M. Bertsch, 326 Main
Gerald C. Scherrer, 2995 Central
John Beecher, 2399 White Street.
Harold E. Harvey, 53 West 12th
American Veterans of World War
II (Amvets), 429 Main Street.
Union League Club, 336 Main
Mrs. Agnes Zahina, 2049 Windsor
The Great Atlantic & Pacific
Tea Co., 1101 Central Avenue.
Frank J. Pusateri, 1296 Central
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be
and the same are hereby a,,r.,,~ed.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the City Manager and Electrical
Inspector be instructed to submit
recommendations and report with
reference to street lighting on
White Street from 24th Street
north. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Ordinance directing the installa-
tion of sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on certain des-
cribed property, providing for the
assessment of cost thereof and re-
pealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith,
presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
Regular Session, November 5, 1951 659
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Kolb. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the Ordinance just read, be now
considered complete in form for
final passage and further move
that the same be placed on file
with the City Clerk and remain
on file for public inspection for
at least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Councilman
r{olb. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Ordinance directing the installa-
tion of sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on certain des-
cribed property; providing for the
assessment of cost thereof and re-
pealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith,
presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the ordinance just read, be now
considered complete in form for
final passage and further move
that the same be placed on file
with the City Clerk and remain on
file for public inspection for at
least one week before final adop•
lion. Seconded by Councilman Rolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Ordinance directing the installa-
tion of sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on certain des-
cribed property; providing for the
assessment of cost thereof and re-
pealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith,
presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance,
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the Ordinance just read, be now
considered complete in form for
final passage and further move
that the same be placed on file
with the City Clerk and remain on
file for public inspection for at
least one week before final adop•
lion. Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 5, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuuge, Iowa.
The schedule of rates proposed
by the Interstate Power Company
was submitted to Mr. Eugene
Lange of Laramore & Douglas,
Inc., to calculate if the schedule
would produce the additional reve-
nue as approved by the City Coun-
660 Regular Session, November 5, 1951
cil. Mr. Lange recommended some
changes which have been complied
with by the Interstate Power Com-
pany and a new ordinance has
been prepared. The increase in
revenue is in line with the City
Council's decision that the increase
in revenue shall be approximately
There is also a provision in the
new ordinance allowing customers
the privilege of disconnecting air
conditioning and air cooling system
during the months that they are
not in operation rather than to
pay a minimum monthly bill.
This clause is in the interests of
the customer.
Other than this, the ordinance is
the same as had previously been
in effect.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication of City Man-
ager Schiltz be received and made
a matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance fixipg and estab-
fishing rates to be charged for the
furnishing of electricity for resi-
dential, commercial, street light-
ing, power, and other uses and
'purposes within the City of Du-
buque, Iowa; fixing and regulating
the method of service thereof;
prescribing a penalty for violation
thereof; repealing all ordinances
and resolutions in conflict here-
', with, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
', the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
', Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
', the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
', cflman Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the ordinance just read be now
considered complete in form for
final passage and further move
that the same be placed on file
with the City Clerk and remain on
file for public inspection until
4:30 P.M., November 13, 1951, be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance amending Ordin-
ance No. 3-34 entitled "The Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque"
by adding new subsections thereto
defining "Trailers" and "Trailer
Parks"; providing restrictions on
the use of premises for the storage
of Trailers and as Trailer Parks;
and providing a penalty for the
violation thereof, presented and
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the Ordinance just read be now
considered complete in form for
final passage and further move
that the same be placed on file
with the City Clerk and remain on
file for public inspection for at
least one week before final adop-
tion. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Whereas, The Planning and Zon-
Regular Session, November S, 1951 66I
ing Commission has recommended
amendment of the Zoning Ordin-
ance No. 3-34 to provide for
trailers, trailer parks, and trailer
solos lots; and
Whereas, before the Zoning Or-
dinance may be amended a public
hearing must first be had;
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
1. That a public hearing be held
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque on the proposed amend-
ment of Ordinance No. 3~4 also
known as the "Zoning Ordinance"
to include provisions regulating
trailers, trailer parks, and trailer
sales lots;
2. That the time and place for
said hearing be and the same is
hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock P.M.
on the 3rd day of December, 1951
in the City Council Chamber in the
City Hall in the City of Dubuque,
3. That the City Clerk be and
he is hereby directed to cause to
be published in the Telegraph-
Herald notice of such hearing, the
same to be so published so as to
have not less than 15 days between
the day of such publication and the
day fixed far such hearing and
that said notice shall contain
among other things the provision
that any and all parties in interest
and any and all citizens shall have
an opportunity to object and be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
There being no further business
Councilman Kolb moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
City Clerk.
Approved .............................. 1952
Adopted ................................ 1952
l ....................................
i ..................................
Councilmen: { ...................................
Attest : ......................
City Clerk
662 Regular Session, November S, 1951 ~ Special Session, November 5, 1951 663
Board of Health
Regular Session, November 5th,
Board met at 10:25 P.M.
Present-Chairman Romolo N.
Russo, Messrs. Ruben V. Austin,
Ray F. Kolb, Leo N. Schueller,
Clarence P. Welu. City Manager
The matter of sanitary toilet
facilities and sewer connection for
Lot 72 of E. Langworthy's Add1-
tion, owned by Gladys C. Wunder-
Lich was taken up for discussion.
Mr. Ruben V. Austin moved that
the matter of sanitary toilet facili-
ties and sewer connection for Lot
72 of E. Langworthy's Addition,
owned by Gladys C. Wunderlich
be referred to the City Council for
the purpose of drawing up proper
proceedings. Seconded by Mr.
Clarence P. Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Chairman Romolo N. Rus-
so, Messrs. Ruben V. Austin, Ray
F. Kolb, Clarence P. Welu.
There being no further business
Mr. Ruben V, Austin moved that
the Board of Health meeting ad-
journ. Seconded by Mr. Ray Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Chairman Romolo N. Rus-
so, Messrs. Ruben V. Austin, Ray
F. Kolb, Leo N. Schueller, Clar-
ence P. Welu.
Clerk, Board of Health.
Approved ~ 1952
Adopted • 1952
Members of ~ ....................................
Bd. of Health ; ....................................
Attest :...............
Clerk, Board of Health.
„,..,..u.--«w-.wr4~a r^k;.:. ,~r ~€rr~p~~l-ws~FmK`4~,rw-tea :.. i~.
City Council
Special Session, November 5th,
Council met at 10:30 P.M.
Present-Mayor Russo, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
City Manager Schiltz.
The matter of sanitary toilet
facilities and sewer connection for
Lot 72 of E. Langworthy's Addi•
tion, which was referred to the
City Council by the Board of Health
meeting was taken up for discus-
sion. Councilman Austin moved that
proper proceedings be drawn up
directing the installation of sani-
tary toilet facilities and sewer con-
nection for Lot 72 of E. Lang-
worthy's Addition, owned by Gladys
C. Wunderlich. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
There being no further business
Councilman Kolb moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
City Clerk,
Approved 1952
Adopted 1952
Councilmen ..................................
Attest : ................................................
City Clerk.
664 Special Session, November 7, 1951
City Council
Special Session, November 7th,
Councll met at 7:30 P.M.
Present-Mayor Russo, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
City Manager Schiltz.
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Welu and Kolb.
Mayor Russo read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of
canvassing the returns of the
General Municipal Election and
Special Elections held November
6, 1951 and acting on any other
business as may properly come
before a regular meeting of the
City Council.
The vote of the General Municipal Election held November 6, 1951
was then canvassed and showed the following results:
Park Com• Park Com~ Total
mlasioner missioner Votes
Councilmen Unezpked. &egular Cast
Term Term
~v a
w ~
lC ~
~ ..~
' u
r„~ p
,y 'ti +'
~ G~'i
L N .~
+ q q q
W xb~ ~~ ~a U3 WA r~A ~
1st I 191 I 238 I 151 I 308 I 260 I 90 305 508
2nd 90 I 338 128 I 301 255 I 104 315 501
3rd I 257 I 162 I 114 I 230 206 I 90 I 282 { 441
4th I 76 I 98 I 87 ! 150 115 ~ 47 129 I 231
5th I 86 I 332 I 101 I 249 I 180 I 72 232 I 380
6th I 164 411 192 I 418 I 307 I 157 I 415 669
7th 85 I 78 103 I 152 I 97 I 68 I 136 I 232
8th I 84 137 102 I 192 I 147 I 69~ I 177 289
9th 84 104 144 196 I 95 100 154 286
10th I 111 I 198 186 I 309 175 I 147 267 444
11th 75 I 113 140 I 253 103 143 I 189 316
12th I 82 I 114 144 240 112 120 177 315
13th I 75 I 101 235 258 108 129 194 378
14th I 93 150 171 I 340 I 155 137 235 I 417
15th 1 92 I 181 I 123 260 121 135 I 209 ; 360
Total 11645 12755 1 2121 13856 12436 1 1608 I 3416 1 5767
Whereas the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has today met
and canvassed the votes cast at
the regular Municipal election held
on the 6th day of November, 1951,
and determined therefrom that the
following named persons have re-
ceived the greatest number of
votes cast for the offices of Council-
men and Park Commissioners:
For Councilmen for the term
commencing the first Monday in
April, 1952:
Clarence P. Welu, 3856 votes.
Charles A. Kintzinger, 2755 votes.
For Park Commissioner for the
regular Term:
Arthur M. Bennett, 3416 votes.
For Park Commissioner for the
unexpired Term of Waldo Adams:
Frank P. Delany, 2436 votes.
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Clarence P. Welu
and Charles A, Kintzinger are
hereby declared elected to the
office of Councilman of the City
of Dubuque for the terms com-
mencing on the first Monday in
April, 1952;
Section 2. That Arthur M. Ben-
nett is hereby declared elected to
the office of Park Commissioner
for the regular term;
Section 3. That Frank P. Delany
is hereby elected to the office of
Special Session, November 7, 1951 665
Park Commissioner for the un-
expired term of Waldo Adams.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
The vote of the Special Election
held November 6, 1951 was then
canvassed and showed the follow-
ing results on the followinng public
"Shall the Proposition to annex
the Territory described as follows:
Commencing at the present city
limits at the northeast corner of
the southeast r/a of the northeast
~/a of Section 15, Township 89
North, Range 2 East, thence west
1,320 feet, thence south 1,320 feet,
thence west 1,320 feet to the center
of Section 15, Township 89 North,
Range 2 East, thence west 660
feet, thence south 2,640 feet to the
south section line of Section 15,
Township 89 North Range 2 East,
thence west along said section line
to a point 33 feet east of the south-
west corner of Section 15, Town-
ship 89 North, Range 2 East, thence
south 1,320 feet, thence west 33
feet, to the southwest corner of
the northwest ~/a of the northwest
~/a of Section 22, Township 89 North,
Range 2 East, thence south along
the west section line of Section
22 to the southwest corner of Sec-
lion 22, Township 89 North, Range
2 East, thence south 1,320 feet
along the west section line of Sec-
tion 27, Township 89 North, Range
2 East, thence east to intersect
with the south property line of
Ridgeway Avenue in Lenox Ad-
dition, thence southeasterly along
the southerly line of Lenox Ad-
dition to the west property line of
Delhi Road, thence south to the
southerly line of U. S. Highway
No. 20, thence south 300 feet, thence
easterly parallel to U. S. Highway
No. 20 to the existing city limits;
In the Resolution adopted by the
City Couneil of the City of Du•
buque, Iowa, on the 25th day of
September, 1991, Be Approved?
Precinct Yes No
1st 153 38
2nd 217 18
3rd 259 38
4th 101 11
5th 70 16
6th 354 48
7th 127 36
8th 125 19
9th 31 6
10th 67 10
11th 91 16
12th 40 10
13th 155 35
14th 52 11
15th 150 33
Total 1992 345
Whereas the City Council of the
City of Dubuque today met and
canvassed the votes cast at the
regular Municipal Election held on
the 6th day of November, 1951, at
which election, pursuant to the
provisions of Resolution No. 339-51,
the following question was sub-
mitted to the electors of the City
of Dubuque:
"Shall the proposition to annex
the territory described as follows:
Commencing at the present city
limits line at the northeast corner
of the southeast r/a of the north-
east 1'a of Section 15, Township 89,
North, Range 2 East, thence west
1320 feet, thence south 1320 feet,
thence west 1320 feet to the center
of Section 15, Township 89 North,
Range 2 East, thence west 660 feet,
thence south 2640 feet to the south
section line of Section 15, Town-
ship 89 North, Range 2 East, thence
west along said section line to
a point 33 feet east of the south-
west corner of Section 15, Town-
ship 89 North, Range 2 East, thence
south 1320 feet, thence west 33
feet, to the southwest corner of the
northwest ~/a of the northwest '/a
of Section 22, Township 89 North,
Range 89 North, Range 2 East,
thence south along the west section
line of Section 22 to the southwest
corner of Section 22, Township 89
Nortb, Range 2 East, thence south
666 Special Session, November 7, 1951
1320 feet along the west section
line of Section 27, Township 89
North, Range 2 East, thence east
to intersect with the south prop-
erty line of Ridgeway Avenue in
Lenox Addition, thence southeast-
erly along the southerly line of
Lenox Addition to the west prop-
erty line of Delhi Road, thence
south to the southerly line of U. S.
Highway No. 20, thence south 300
feet, thence easterly parallel to
U. S. Highway No. 20 to the exist-
ing city limits; in the resolution
adopted by the Council of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, on the 25th
day of September, 1951, be ap-
proved?" and
Whereas the result of such can-
vass was found to be a follows:
Yes 1992
No 345
Whereas it appears from such
canvass that such proposition was
adopted by a majority of those
voting thereon;
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That such proposition
is hereby approved and declared
to be adopted.
Section 2. That the City Solici-
tor is hereby instructed to file an
action in equity in the District
Court of Iowa in and for Dubuque
County entitled in the name of the
City of Dubuque against the own-
ers of the above described prop-
erty as shown by the plat books in
the office of the County Auditor
and praying for the annexation
of such territory to the City of
Dubuque, Iowa.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
The vote of the Special Election
held November 6, 1951 was then
canvassed and showed the follow•
ing results on the following public
Shall the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
carry out a fire station program
consisting of constructing a new
fire station and acquiring a site
therefor and remodeling an exist-
ing fire station in and for said
City and contract indebtedness for
such purpose not exceeding $167,-
500 and issue bonds for such pur-
pose not exceeding $187,500 and
levy a tax annually upon the tax-
able property in said City of Du-
buque, Iowa, not exceeding one-
half mill per annum for the pay-
ment of such bonds and the in-
terest thereon?
Precinct Yes No
1st 125 60
2nd 174 48
3rd 248 45
4th 79 30
5th 69 21
6th 312 81
7th 123 41
8th 122 29
9th 34 4
10th 53 19
11th 78 20
12th 30 14
13th 127 59
14th 45 16
15th 128 58
Total 1747 545
Resolution canvassing and de-
claring the results of a fire sta-
tion bond election.
Whereas, this City Council did
heretofore, at a regular meeting
on October 1, 1951, order and pro-
vide that at the regular municipal
election to be held in and for the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, on Novem-
ber 6, 1951, there be submitted to
the qualified electors of said City,
to be by them voted upon, the
following proposition:
Shall the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
carry out a fire station program
consisting of constrtia'ting a new
fire station and acquiring a site
therefor and remodeling an exist-
ing fire station in and for said
City and contract indebtedness for
such purpose not exceeding $167,-
500 and issue bonds for such pur-
pose not exceeding $167,500 and
Special Session, November 7, 1951 ~ 667
levy a tax annually upon the tax-
able property in said City of Du-
buque, Iowa, not exceeding one-
half mill per annum for the pay-
ment of such bonds and the in-
terest thereon?
Whereas, the election on said
proposition was duly and legally
held and the returns thereof have
been certified and filed with this
Council and duly canvassed:
Now, Therefore, Be It and It Is
Hereby Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
as follows:
Section 1. That it is hereby found
and declared that the election on
the prosposition referred to in the
preamble hereof was favorable
thereto and that the total number
of affirmative votes on said propo-
sition at said election was equal
to or more than sixty per cent
(60%) of the total number of votes
cast for and against said propo-
sition at said election.
Section 2. That a record of the
votes cast on said proposition is
hereby made as follows:
For Against Spoiled
1747 545 None
Section 3. That all resolutions
and orders or parts thereof in so
far as same may be in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed and
this resolution shall become ef-
fective immediately.
Passed and approved November
7, 1951.
Recorded November 7, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Austin moved that
the Judges and Clerks who served
at the General Municipal Election
and the Special Elections held on
November 6, 1951 be allowed the
sum of $10.00 each for services
rendered as such Judges and
Clerks. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Notice of Claim of Harold Thei-
sen in the amount of $100.00 for
damages to his car caused in strik-
ing an unproctected manhole at
the intersection of Garfield Ave-
nue and Roosevelt Street, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of The Bryant Parent
Teachers Association requesting
the installation of a safety control
signal on Mt. Loretta Avenue, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager for recommendation and
report. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of William J. Watters,
Principal of Bryant, requesting
the installation of an automatic
signal device on Bryant Street,
presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager for recommendation and
report. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Eldon Reiter request-
ing arefund in the amount of
$50.00 on the unexpired portion of
his Cigarette Permit No. 221, as
he has discontinued business on
November 7, 1951, presented and
read. Councilman Kolb moved that
the request be granted and the City
Auditor instructed to draw a war-
rant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Eldon Reiter to cover the
amount of refund granted on the
668 Special Session, November 7, 1951
unexpired portion of his Cigarette
Permit No. 221. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance granting to A. H.
Bolte and the C. Strub Construc-
tion Co., their successors and as-
signs, the right to construct a
sanitary sewer in U. S. Highway
No. 52 and 161, and prescribing
the conditions of this grant and
regulating the connections with
sanitary sewer, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Austin moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Kolb. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Austin moved that
the ordinance just read, being an
ordinance granting the right to
use or occupy a street, be now
considered in form for final pas-
sage and further move that the
same be placed on file with the
City Clerk and remain on file for
public inspection for at least one
week before final adoption. Sec-
owded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb; Schueller, Welu.
', November 7, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Clarence J. Pfeiffer, 348-Eighth
Avenue and holder of Class "B"
'~ Beer Permit No. 152, was con-
victed of the violation of City Or-
dinance 9.35 which prohibits having
liquor on the premises of Class
"B" Permit holder. Section 124.30
of the 1950 Code of Iowa requires
mandatory revocation of a license
of any permit holder found guilty
of violation of any city ordinance
as provided in Chapter 124 of the
1950 Code.
I, therefore, recommend that the
City Council revoke the license of
Clarence J. Pfeiffer, holder of
Class "B" Permit No. 152 and that
the Chief of Police be instructed
to pick up the license.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Welu. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Whereas, this Council on the 5th
day of March, 1951 caused to be
issued a Class "B" Beer Permit
bearing the Number 152 to Clar-
ence J. Pfeiffer of Dubuque, Iowa,
operating at 342 Eighth Avenue in
the City of Dubuque; and
Whereas, it has come to the at-
tention of this Council that the
owner and holder of said permit
has been found guilty of violating
the Beer Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque passed pursuant to Chap-
ter 124 Code of Iowa: Now, There-
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that Class "B" Beer Permit No.
152, heretofore issued to Clarence
J. Pfeiffer of Dubuque, Iowa, be
and the same is hereby revoked
and the Chief of Police is directed
to take up such permit forthwith
and return the same for cancella-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
Special Session, November 7, 1951 669
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Resolution directing the instlla-
tion of sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on certain de-
scribed property.
Whereas the Board of Health
has reported that the public health
and safety requires the connection
Lot Number 72, E. Langworthy
Add. owned by Gladys C. Wunder-
lich with the sewer line upon
which said property abuts and that
the present toilet facilities thereon
constitute a nuisance,
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the said Gladys
C, Wunderlich is hereby ordered
and directed to install sanitary
toilet facilities on the above de-
scribed property and connect the
same by proper sewer connections
to the sanitary sewer abutting said
property and the said Gladys C.
Wunderlich is hereby further
ordered to commence said work
within ten (10) days after the re-
ceipt of the notice hereinafter pro-
vided for.
Section 2. That the health officer
of the City of Dubuque is hereby
directed to serve notice of the
adoption of this Resolution by de-
livering acopy thereof, certified
by the City Clerk with the Seal
of the City attached, to the said
Gladys C. Wunderlich personally.
Passed, adapted and approved
this 7th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin; Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
the following having complied with
the provisions of law relating to
the sale of cigarettes within the
City of Dubuque, be granted a per-
mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette
papers within said City and the
Manager is directed to issue such
permit on behalf of said City.
Joseph A. Busch, 1379 Central
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed with the application be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J: J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Whereas, application for Class
"B" Beer Permit has been sub-
mitted to this Council for approval
and the same has been examined:
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following application be
granted and the license is to be
issued upon the compliance with
the terms of the ordinances of this
Joseph A. Busch, 1379 Central
Passed, adopted and aYY.,,~ed
this 7th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
670 Special Session, November 7, 1951
Councilman Welu moved the 'Schueller. Carried by the following
adoption of the resolution. Sec• vote:
onded by Councilman Schueller. Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Carried by the following vote: Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen Nays-None.
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu. J. J. SHEA,
Nays-None. City Clerk.
RESOLUTION N0. 411-.51
Whereas, heretofore application
for Class "B" Beer Permit was
filed by the within named appli-
cant and it has received the ap-
proval of this Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc-
cupied by such applicant have been
inspected and. found to comply with
the ordinances of this City and he
has filed a proper bond: Now,
Be It Resolved by the Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
Manager be and he is directed to
issue to the following named ap-
plicant aBeer Permit.
Joseph A. Busch, 1379 Central
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed by such applicant be
and the same is hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 7th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
There being no further business
Councilman Austin moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Approved ................................1952
Adopted ..................................1952
Councilmen .....................................
Attest ........................................
City Clerk.
Special Session, November 13, 1951 671
City Council
Special Session, November 13th,
Council met at 7:30 P.M.
Present-Mayor Russo, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
City Manager Schiltz.
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Austin and Schueller.
Mayor Russo read the call and
stated that service thereof has been
duly made and that this meeting
is called for the purpose of con-
sidering for final adoption Ordi-
nances No. 51.51, 53.51, 54-51, 55-51
and 56.51 and acting on any other
business as may properly come be-
fore aregular meeting of the City
Notice of Claim of Ed Doerr in
the amount of $75.00 for damages
to his car when the car dropped
into a manhole on Locust Street be-
tween 8th and 9th Street, present-
ed and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
Notice of Claim be referred to the
City Solicitor for recommendation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Communication of Miss Nellie
Delaney entering protest as to the
curbing and guttering on Bradley
Street extending from the alley
nearest Grandview Avenue up to
Grandview Avenue, presented and
Councilman Welu moved that
the communication be received
and placed on file. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of the Members of the
City Library Board requesting a ten
minute parking space in front of
both doors of the Library building
presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
petition be referred to the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Marcella Wilming re-
questing arefund in the amount
of $50.00 on the unexpired portion
of her Cigarette Permit No. 245, as
she had discontinued business on
November 1, 1951, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that the
request be granted and the City
Auditor instructed to draw a war-
rant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Marcella Wilming to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired portion of Cigarette
Permit No. 245, Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Marcella Wilming re-
questing arefund in the amount
of $100.00 on the unexpired por-
tion of Class "B" Beer Permit A'o.
28, as she has discontinued busi-
ness on November 1, 1951, present-
ed and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
request be granted and the City
Auditor instructed to draw a war-
rant in the amount of $100.00 in
favor of Marcella Wilming to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexipred portion of her Class
"B" Beer Permit No. 26. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Wm. C. Leik requesting
arefund in the amount of $50.00
on the unexpired portion of Cigar-
ette Permit No. 48, as he has dis-
continued business on November
8, 1951, presented and read.
Councilmah Kolb moved that
the request be granted and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $50.00
in favor of Wm. C. Leik to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired portion of Cigarette
Permit Na. 48. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance providing for the
removal of snow, ice and slush
dM'fx^ o..,~°r rv^, ti"Y~ .*e 9CS`~'..,.i ~k- _ i A~~
672 Special Session, November 13, 1951
from sidewalks; repealing Ordin-
ance No. 53 and providing a penalty
for a violation hereof, said ordin-
ance having been passed upon
first reading on November 5th,
1951 and ordered placed on file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection for at least one week be•
fore its final adoption, was pre-
sented for final adoption.
p~celithereofTabutt n6 uponaanylalder
walk on theh 11yDr'omptlYn ramove~ or
snow, tlceeor alueh~ frommsuch s1de~-
Section 8. In the event such accu-
suchtiside~walke~foirt mores tt~ oa
reasonable length of time, than the
City Manager, when he deems necee-
aary in the interests of public safety,
shall cause We same to be removed
ease Bedoagainat the abutti B propene
ty in the manner set out in Section 8.
Section 3. When the City Manager.
or~ lu~ahsto be raznoved from any side-
walk in accordance with the provi-
promPtlY ascertain i theCeaotual aco t
thereof, including the coat of auper-
vlaton, inspection and accounting, and
shall certify such actual coat to the
lytce tit kgaidocoat fortiia~CountymAu-
ditor and It shall then be collected'
with and in the same manner as Ben-~
oral property fazes in accordance with
Actapotvt~heo 64th Oenerpal~Assembiy ni'
Section 4. Any Deraon firm or cos-,
poratlon who ahan violale any of We
provislone of this Ordinance shall be,
o~onlvlctlon then atemshall be tined not
~Setiou 6 n Ordinan a No~a63 entitled
"An Ordinance providing for the
cleaning of atdewalke" is hereby re-
Section 8. This Ordinance shall be
In full force and effect from and after
Its final passage, adoption and pubU-
cation ae by law provided,
Introduced the 6th day of Novem-
ber, 19b1.
Rule requiring reading on three
separate days enapended by unan[moua
vote the 6th day of November, 1961. .
13tPh ~y o~Noovembera1961proved this
Romoto N. Russo
Clarence P. Welu
' Ray F. Solb
' Ruben V. Austin
Leo N, Schueller
Atteat:CJ~ ~gazk
pubnahed officially in The Te1e-
ot Nhllie~e1d l~lpaper. thin 19th day
J. J, Shea
City Clerk.
itNovl9 Git~ Clerk,
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Ordinance directing the installa-
tion of sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on certain de-
scribed property; providing for the
assessment of cost thereof and re-
pealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith,
said ordinance having been passed
upon first reading on November
5th, 1951 and ordered placed on
file with the City Clerk for public
inspection for at least one week
before final adoption was pre-
sented for final adoption.
OIt~INANe6 N0, $8.61
Ordinance directing the tnatallation of
sanitary tellet facllttiee and sewer
aonnectione on certain described
property; providing for the asaesa-
ment of teat thereof and repealing
all ordinances or parts of ordinances
In conflict herewith.
~rarucEAS, on the 27th day of July,
Dubuque acting naeU thethl3oard o4
Health ordered sanitary toilet facili-
ties and sewer connections installed
on the following described real estate
mm~afl hn Etta and Alliean Chambers,
of 1b& Cox'e Addition,
1va,vnEAS, after notice, said order',.
has not been compiled with; and
WHEREAS, the existence of the
toIIet faciUtlea on said property con-
stitute~ a nuisance;
NOW THERr~rvnE, Be It Re-
solved Eby the City CcuncU of Du-~
Section 1. That the Clty Manager;
V hereby instructed and ordered to
Install sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on said property,
end remove all other toilet facilities
Section 2. That upon the comple.l
Lion of such work, the City Manager
shall certify the coat thereof to the
City Clerk, who In turn shall certify
such coat to the County Auditor of
Dulm4ue County, Iowa, who shall as-
seae the same against the above de-
ecrlbed real estate and shall there-
after be collected with and in the
same manner as general property
taxes to ten equal installments, with
one installment payable In each of
the years 19b3 to 1962 inclusive.
Section 3. That all ordinances ar
resolutions or parts thereof in con-
flict herewith are hereby repealed to
the ertent o1 ouch conPllet.
Section 4. This ordinance shalt be
to full force and effect from and
attar tta Etna] passage, adoption and
publication as by law provided,
Introduced this 6th day of Novem-
ber, 1951.
Rule requiring three separate read-
ings suspended by ~ vote this 6th
day of November, 1951,
Passed, adopted and approved this
13th day ROMOLO bN.~ RUS~SO
Special Session, November 13, 1951 673
Attest: J. J. Shea, City Clerk.
Published officially in The Tele•
graph-Herald newspaper this 19th day
of November, 1951.
1tNov19 City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Ordinance directing the installa-
tion of sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on certain de-
scribed property, providing for
the assessment of cost thereof and
repealing all ordinances or parts
of ordinances in conflict herewith,
said ordinance having been passed
upon first reading on November
5th, 1951 and ordered placed on
file with the City Clerk for public
inspection for at least one week
before final adoption, was pre-
sented for final adoption.
Ordinance directing the inatallatian
of sanitary toilet facllitiea and.
sewer connections on certain de-
ecribed property; providing for the
assessment of coat thereof and re-
ordinances 3nrconflic~herewitA. of
WH17RA8, oa the 27th day of July,
1950, the C[ty CouncU of the City
of Dubuque acting as the Board of
Health ordered sanitary toilet facUi-
Uea and sewer connections installed
on the following described real estate
owned by Alfred and Lucille B1eUe,
2b24 Elm street, to-wit:
Lot 1 of 74 and 1 of 76 seat of E,
Langworthy Addition,
rvnr~RAB, after notice, said order
has not been complied with; and
YraanEAS, the eafatence M the
tonet facUtties on Bald property con-
stitutes anuisance;
by the City CouncU of Dubuque:
Section L That the Clty Manager
Inatallessnltsrty ioleta tecilityes dons
and remove all o her toUet taclllt ee
Section 2. That upon the comple-
tion of such work, the City Managers
Cityl Clerk ywho 1n turn shall certify
each coat tc the IoCountwho ahallrae-
Dubuque County, wa,
eels the same against the above de-
scribed real estate and shall Were-
atter be collected with and in tho
aa~ in teneequat installments with
one Installment payable in each of
the years 1959 to 186E inclusive,
Section 3. That all ordinances or
resolutions or parts thereof in can-
diet herewith are hereby repealed to
the aunt oa' each conflict.
Sec~tlon 4: ThTa o~3tiidnos shall be
in full force and effect from and
attar its final passage, adoption anti
publication u by law provided.
Introduced thb 6th day of Novem-
ber, 196E
Rule requiring three separate rsad-
tngs euapenQed by three-quarters vote
this 6th day of November, 1961.
Passed, adopptted and a,,,..•,ed this
19th day gOMOvLObN, RUSSO
Atteat: J, J. Shea, City Clerk.
Published officially in The Tele-
ogt Novembers 1~1~, spar this 19th day
J. J. ~]~IEA~,~
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb,. Schueller, Welu.
Ordinance directing the installa-
tion of sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on certain de-
scribed prnperty; providing for
the assessment of cost thereof and
repealing all ordinances or parts
of ordinances in conflict herewith,
said ordinance having been passed
upon first reading on November
5th, 1951 and ordered placed on file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore its final adoption, was pre-
sented for final adoption.
Ordinance directing the installation
of sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on certain de-
scribed property; providing for the
assessment of coat thereof and re-
pealing ail ordinances'or pasta of
ordinances In conflict herewith.
Whereas, on the 27th day of July,
1950, the City Council o[ the City
of Dubuque acting as the Board of
Health ordered sanitary toilet taclU-
ties and sewer connections Installed
on the following decribed real estate
owned by Mra. Anna Podner, to-wit:
Lot 6 of Sub 62, 53, 69 and 66 of
Bellevue Addition, and
Whereas, after notice, said order
has not been complied with; and
Whereas, the existence of the toi-
let facilities on said property con-
stitutes anuisance;
Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by
the City Council of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the City Manager
ie hereby Instructed and ordered to
install sanitary toilet facilitlee and
sewer connections on said property
and remove all other toilet facilities
Section 2. That upon the com-
agero shells certifyr thehcoatt thereof
to the City Clerk, who In turn shall
certify such cost to the County Audi-
tor of Dubuque County, Iowa, who
shall assess the same against the
above described real estate and shall
p~ar4 ~~w-,., ..~.~k~~Shoe xa~.#.~+F~Ro-W~~t~rNp+l~+k~r'~MPa~P ~,, ,. ..
674 Special Session, November 13, 1951
thereafter be collected with and In
the same manner as general property
taxes in ten equal inatanmente with
oae Installment payable in each of
the years 1963 to 1982, [ncluaive,
Section S. That all ordlnancea or
reaolatlona or parts thereof In con-
fl[ct herew[th are hereby repealed to
the extent at such conflict.
Section 4. This ordinance sliall be
in full force and effect from aad after
its final passage, adoption and publi-
mtioa ae by law provided.
Introduced thla 5th dap of Novem-
ber, 1961. •
Rule requiring three separate read-
]ngs suspended by three-quarters vote
this 6th day of November, 1961.
Passed, adopted and approved thla
18th day of November, 1961.
Attest: Councilmen.
J. J, Shea,
City Clerk,
Pyyubllehed o[dcially Ia The Tele-
oaNo ember, 1961 `~p~ this 19th day
J. J. tc a ire
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance fixing and estab•
lighing rates to be charged for the
furnishing of electricity. for resi-
dential, commercial, street light-
ing, power, and other uses and
purposes within the City of Du-
buque, Iowa; fixing and regulating
the method of service thereof; pre-
scribing apenalty for violation
therof; repealing all ordinances
and resolutions in conflict here-
with, said ordinance having been
passed on first reading on No-
vember 5th, 1952 and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
for public inspection for at least
one week before final adoption,
was presented for final adoption.
An Ordinance fixing and establishing
raise to be charged for the furnish-
ing of electricity for residential,
commercial, street lighting, power,
and other uses and purposes within
the City of Dubuque, Iowa; tlxing
and regulating the method of service
thereof; prescribing a penalty for
violation thereof; repealing all or•
dinancea and resolutions in con-
flict herewith.
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Rates Fixed:
Section 1. Commencing an and
after 12:01 a.m. November 17, 1951,
the rates to be charged for electricity
for residential, commercial, street
lighting, Power and other uses and
purposes by any Person, firm or cor-
paratien supplying electrical energy
within the City of Dubuque, except
as herein otherwise provided, shall
be axed and determined as follows:
Residential Service
Available for 115/230 volt, single
phase, alternating current service
taken through one meter to an in-
dividual customer residing in a single
occupancy residence or apartment for
full domestic use, including small
motors with individual rated capaci-
ties not in excess of five horsepower
(5 H. P.), provided, however, that
off-peak controlled service for water
heating will be taken through a sep-
arate meter.
This rate is not available to the
public areas of apartment buildings,
or for rooming houses where in ex-
cess of four (4) rooms are held for
First i6 Kwhrs or less used per
month for $1.00.
Next 34 Kwhrs used per month
$ .041 per Kwhr, net.
Next 50 Kwhrs used per month
.D32 per Kwhr, net.
•Next 100 Kwhrs used per month
.027 per Kwhr, net..
Excess Kwhrs used Per month
.025 per Kwhr, net.
•The fourth block of the rate to be
increased 200 Kwhr for each whole
Kw of demand In excess of 7 KW.
Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.00.
Prompt Payment:
Customers' monthly bUls shall be
computed at the net rate and there
wt]! be added to the total net bill a
sum equal to ten percent (10% )
thereof, which will be collected from
the customers who fail to pay the net
bill within ten (10 days) from and
after the date of the bill,
Commercial Service
Available for 115/230 volt, single
phase, alternating current service for
lighting and other uses in commer-
ctal establishments, institutions, pub-
I1c areas of apartment buildings, in-
cluding janitor's quarters when serv-
ice to same la combined with service
to public areas, and service when
furnished through a single meter to
two or more families residing in dis-
tinctive dwelling quarters in a single
structure, and for rooming houses
where in excess of four (4) rooms are
held [or rental. Thle rate is not
available for the purchase of energy
for resale, nor for breakdown or
standby aervlce.
No motor with rated capacity in
excess of two horsepower (2 H.P.), no
single piece of cooking equipment
with a rated capacity in excess of
flue kilowatts (5 Kw) nor any ap-
paratus that produces abnormal volt-
age tluctuationa will be served under
thta schedule.
For demands oP less than siz (61
First 16 Kwhrs or less used per
month for $1.00.
Next 84 Kwhrs used per month
$ .044 per Kwhr, net.
Next 900 Kwhrs used per month n
.033 Der Kwhr, net.
•Next 500 Kwhrs used per month (~
.027 per Kwhr, net-
Ezceas Kwhrs used per month ®.02
per Kwhr, net.
For Demand of six (6) Kilowatts
and more:
The number of kilowatthours in the
fourth block (•) of the above rate will
be increased by 240 Kwhrs for each
whole kilowatt of demand in excess
Special Session, November 13, 1951 675
of five kilowatts (5 KW).
Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.00.
Power Factor:
Neon lighting, fluorescent lamps
and/or other gaseous tube lamps or
appliances having a low power factor,
shall be equipped with effective cor
rective devices to mcrease the power
factor of such lamps, or appliances,
to ninety per cent (90%) lagging, with
such tolerance as may be necessary
to conform to existing manufacturer's
Prompt Payment:
Customers' monthly bills shall be
computed at the net rate, and there
shall be added to the total net bill
a sum equal to ten per cent (10%)
thereof, which will be collected from
customers who fail to pay the net
bill within ten (1Q) days from and
after the date of the bill.
Water Heating Service
Available for 115/230 volt, single
phase, alternating current service, Yor
residences and commercial establish-
ments for water heating with auto-
matic storage type water heaters of
standard make and design. The de-
sign and operating characteristics of
all water heaters served under this
schedule, as well as all necessary
electrical connections for the protec•
lion of the circuit furnishing service
to the water heater, must be accept-
able to the person, firm or corpora-
tion supplying electrical energy.
A suitable time switch will be sup-
plied by the person, firm or corpora-
tion supplying electrical energy to
control the periods when energy shall
be supplied for heating, The hours
of operation of off-peak service may
be changed when deemed advisable,
but under no condition shall they be
less than twelve hours during any
twenty-four hour period.
Minimum storage capacity of each
electric water heater shall be (iffy
(50) gallons, and no heating element
shall have a capacity in excess of
thirty (30) watts per gallon oY tank
capacity, IP two heating elements
are .provided, one at the bottom and
one at the top of the tank, and they
are so interconnected that only one
unit can be in operation at a time,
then both unite may be connected to
the time-controlled water heating cir-
cuit to be served under this schedule.
If one unit is so connected that 1t
can be used other than during the
controlled off•peak hour, then such
unit shall be connected to the regular
lighting Circuit.
Energy used during off-peak hours
~ $ .0125 per Kwhr, net.
Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.D0.
Energy used during periods other
than off-peak, as hereinbefore speci-
fied, shall be billed with and at the
same rate as other resIdentia] or com-
mercial service.
Prompt Payment:
Customers 'monthly bills shall be
computed at the net rate and there
shall be added to the total net bill
a sum equal to ten per cent (10% i
thereof, which will be collected from
customers who tail to pay the net
bill within ten (10) days from and
after the date of bill.
General Power Service
Available far alternating current
aervlce at 115/230 volts, single phase,
or three phase at either 230 volts or
960 volts Yor al] power purposes when
the connected load exceeds two horse-
power (2 H.P.). Three phase service
need not be supplied to loads of five
horsepower (5 H.P) or less, except at
the option of the person, firm or cor-
poration supplying electrical energy.
Lighting service may be combined
with power service under thin rate
provided service to rendered through
one meter and at the same secondary
voltage, and the Minimum Billing
Demand is not leas than twenty kilo-
watts (20 KW). Thia rate is not
available for the purchase of energy
for resale, nor for breakdown or
standby service.
Term sf Contract:
Service win be rendered under this
schedule for a minimum period of one
(1) year and shall continue thereafter
until cancelled by a thirty (30) day
written notice by the customer.
Conditions requiring unusual con-
struction and expenditures [or equip-
ment to render service may require
an agreement for a term in excess
of one (1) year.
First 10 hours use per month of each
KW of billing demand ~ $ .05 per
Kwhr, net.
Next 20 hours use per month of each
KW of billing demand ® .041 per
Kwhr. not.
Neat 30 hours use per month of each
KW o1 billing demand ® .031 per
Kwhr, net.
Next 2000 Kwhrs used per month ~
.021 per Kwhr, net.
Al] excess Kwhrs used per month
.02 per Kwhr, net.
Minimum Billing Demand:
Five (5) kilowatts except when
combined light and power service is
rendered when minimum billing de-
mand la twenty (20) kilowatts.
Minimum Monthly Charge:
$100 per month per horsepower, or
equivalent, of connected load [or the
first five horsepower (5 H.P.) and
$ .50 per month per horsepower, or
equivalent thereot, far the next forty-
five horsepower (45 H.P.) and $ .25
per horsepower for all over fifty
horsepower (50 H.P.) or equivalent,
of the total connected load in horse-
power. Major fractions of a horse-
power shall be considered as one
whole horsepower of connected load.
$1.00 per month wig be added to
the minimum monthly charge as
stated above it lighting service is
combined with power service under
this rate.
Determination oT Bllllny Demand:
The billing demand shall be deter-
mined by the greatest number of kilo-
watts registered during any thirty
(30) minute interval as indicated by
an integrating demand meter, or by
using the maximum demand as re-
corded by a thermal type demand
meter, furnished, installed and maln•
talned by the person, firm or cor-
poration supplying such electrical en-
ergy, provided, however that when
the customer's toad includes hoists,
elevators, welding machines, and/or
other apparatus where the use of
electricity is intermittent or subject
to violent fluctuations to the extent
that the indicated or recorded demand
for a fifteen (15) minutes interval
exceeds the maximum recorded or
indicated demand during a thirty (30)
minute interval by an amount in ex-
cess of fitly per cent (50%), then
the customer's billing demand shall be
determined by using the average of
the three (3) highest fifteen (15) min-
ute intervals indicated or recorded
during the month,
rpy„,,.~.~.~,~."a•r+mz~~.'d~r,.,..p,y-g-'P^+k'~u. ~M~@N~.,'~', ,
676 Special Session, November 13, 1951
The biliing demand for ]Dada of leas
than twenty-five horsepower (25 H.P,)
in lieu of measured demands may be
calculated In kilowatts, by multiply-
ing the total rated connected load in
horsepower (or H.P. equivalent) by
sixty per cent (60%). Any major
traction of a kilowatt of demand eo
determined shall be considered one
whole kilowatt of additional demand.
Power Factor:
If the power factor of any custom-
er's load la found by teat to be be-
low eighty per cent (80%) lagging
under normal operating conditions,
and upon written notification there-
o~, the customer falls to correct the
power factor within slaty (60) days,
the person, firm or corporation sup-
he demo dtruaed forllbi Ihng purposes
by the ratio of 0.80 to the power fac-
tor as determined by teat.
Neon 1ighUng, fluorescent lamps
and/or other gaseous tube lamps, hav-
ing a low power factor, shall be
equipped with effective corrective de-
vices to increase the power !actor of
such lamps to ninety per cent (90%1
lagging, with such tolerance as rosy
! be necessary to conform to existing
manufacturer's equipment.
Prompt Payment:
Customer's monthly bills ehatl be
computed at the net rate and there
w111 be added to the total net bill
a sum equal to ten per cent (10%>
thereof, which will be collected from
customers who tall to pay the net
bit] within ten (10) days of date of
Direct Current Service
Available only to customers who
are presently served with direct cur-
rent on premiaee where direct current
is now available for power purposes.
No additional cuetomera will be serv-
ed, and no extensions to eaieting in-
atallationa wlil be permitted.
~ Rate:
First 600 Kwhrs used per month @
.07 per Kwhr, net.
Neat 600 Kwhrs used per month @
~~ .045 per Kwhr, net.
monthn~afe.A35tperDKwhr,rneted per
.055 per Kwhq net.
Next 1000 Kwhrs used per month @
Minimum Monthly Charge:
i $1.00 per horsepower for the first
flue horsepower (5 H,P.) and $ .50
per horsepower for the neat forty-five
horsepower (45 H P.) and ; .25 Der
horsepower for al] over fifty horse-
. power (60 H.P.) of the total connected
load in horsepower (or H.P. equiv-
alent), a major fraction of a horae-
' power shall be considered as one
whole horsepower of additional con-
'. nected load
Prompt Payment:
Customers' monthly bills shall be
computed at the net rate and there
shall be added to the total net bill
i ten per cent (10%) thereof, which
amount shall be collected from cus-
i Comers who fall to pay the net bill
'~ within ten (iD) days from date of bill.
Large Induetrlal Power Service
Available for alternating current
service to lnduetrial and commercial
cuetomera whose monthly demand ex-
ceede fifty kilowatts (50 KW), or who
', agree to pay the demand charge for
tatty kilowatts (60 KW), for lighting
', and power purposes, when all service
is measured through one meter and
taken from one service connection.
Service will be rendered at standard
primary voltages of 2300 volts, or
htgher ea may be available, or at
secondary voltages of 960 volts or
230 volts.
Transformers for rendering these
standard voltages will be supplied by
the person, firm or corporation aup-
plytng such electrical energy, provid-
ed, nowever; that only one secondary
voltage w[ll be auppiled to cuetomera
whose maximum demand is leas than
one hundred ktlawatta (100 KW). Ad-
ditional transformers not located at
the point of delivery, and special
voltage transformers for tlghting or
other purposes shall be supplied and
maintained by the customer. Th1a
rate to not available for the purchase
of energy for resale, nor for break-
down or standby aerv[ce.
Term of Contract:
Service will be rendered under Chia
schedule for a minimum pertod of one
(1) year and shall continue thereafter
until cancelled by s atxty (60) day
written notice by the customer.
Conditions requiring unusual con-
struction and eapendltures for equip-
ment to render service may require an
agreement for a term [n eacesa of
one (1) year.
Demand Charge
First 50 KW of biliing demand @
$1.60 per month.
Neat 160 KW of b[]ling demand
1.25 per month.
Exeesa KW of billing demand @
1.00 per month,
Energyy Charge
First 6,000 Kwhrs used per month
@ $.016 per Kwhr.
Next 10,000 Kwhrs used per month
@ .012 per Kwhr.
Next 15,000 Kwhrs used per month
@ .01 per Kwhr.
Next 120,000 Kwhrs used per month
@ .0086 per Kwhr.
Eacesa Kwhrs used per month @
.0075 per Kwhr.
Premium Rate far High Load Factor:
When Customer's billing demand
exceeds 1000 KW, all energy used in
excess of 366 hours' use of billing de-
mand will be billed at $.OD6 per Kwhr.
Equipment Supplied by Customer:
When customer furnishes and main-
tains all transformers and/or other
apparatus necessary for the customer
to take service at primary voltage,
the charges computed under the above
rate will be reduced by an amount
equal to five per cent (5%a) thereof.
Metering shall be at either primary
or secondary voltage at the option of
the person, firm or corporation aup-
p]ying electrical energy. I[ it is elect-
ed to meter at the primary voltage,
the billing less any previous adjust-
ment will be reduced by two and one-
half (23¢%) Per cent to compensate
for transformer losses,
Prompt Payment Discount:
A discount of two and one-half per
cent (2~%) of the billing less any
adjuatroenta heretofore made will be
allowed If bill is paid within ten (10)
days of date thereof.
Maximum Demand:
The maximum demand 1n any
month shall be determined by the
greatest number at kilowatts (KW)
recorded or indicated on a standard
integrated demand meter in any thir-
ty (30) minute interval duNng the
month, or by us[ng the maximum de-
mand ae recorded by a thermal type
demand meter, ouch meter to be Dro.
Special Session, November 13, 1951 677
vided, installed and maintained by
the person, firm or corporation sup-
plying such electrical energy, provid-
ed, however, that when the custom-
er's load includes hoists, elevators,
welding. machines, and/or other ap-
paratus where the use of electricity
is intermittent or aublect to violent
fluctuation to the extent that the in-
dicated or recorded demand fora itf-
teen (15) minute Interval exceeds the
recorded or indicated demand for a
thirty (3D) minute interval by mare
than fifty Per cent (5D%), then the
customer's billing demand shall be
determined by using the average of
the three highest fifteen (16) minute
interval indicated or recorded de-
mands during the month,
Billing Demand;
The billing demand shall be the
maximum demand except when the
customer's average power factor, by
actual measurement, is less than
eighty per cent (80%x) lagging, or more
than ninety per cent (90%) lagging,
in which case the billing demand shall
be determined each month therefrom
by increasing the measured maximum
demand by one per cent (1%) Yor
each one per cent (1%a) that the aver-
age monthly power factor ie found
to be below eighty-five per cent
(85%) lagging and decreasing the
maximum demand by one per cent
(1%) for each one per cent (1%) that
the average monthly power factor is
found to be greater than eighty-five
per cent (85%) lagging. The billing
demand shall in no event be less than
fifty kilowatts (60 KW).
Power Factor
The average power factor of the
customer's load shall be determined
monthly from readitlgs registered
by the watthour meter and a reac-
tive component meter which shall be
furnished by the person, firm or cor-
poration supplying the electricity. It
shall be calculated by dividing the
number of kilowatthours as regis-
tered by the square root oP the sum
of the square of the kilowatthours
registered plus the square of the re-
active kilovolt ampere hours register-
ed. Reactive component meters w111
be ratcheted so only lagging reactive
kilovolt ampere hours will be recorded.
Minimum Monthly Charge:
The minimum monthly charge shall
be the demand charge for tatty (60)
kilowatts plus the energy charges
which may apply.
Fue) AdJuatment:
The rates for electrical energy
stated herein are based upon using
coal or other boiler fuel to produce
such energy and costing sixteen cents
($0.16) per million B.T.U. delivered In
the bunkers of the Dubuque, Iowa
plant of the person firm, or corpora-
tion supplying such electrical energy
at Dubuque, Iowa.
In the event that the average coat
of boiler fuel delivered as aforesaid
differs from the base price of aiateen
cents ($0.16) per million B. T. U by
one cent ($0.01) or more per million
B. T. U., then the net bill as com-
puted shall be increased or decreased,
as the case may be, by an amount
equal to the number of kilowatthours
used at twenty-two hundredths mills
($.00022) per kilowatthour for each
whole one cent ($0,01) by which the
cost of one mlllton B.T.U. of boiler
fuel used during the preceding month
exceeds or is less respectively than
the base price of sixteen cents ($0.16)
per million B T.U.
Before placing into effect the terms
of this provision, the firm, Person or
corporation supplying electrical en-
ergy at Dubuque shall first disclose
to the City Manager of the City of
Dubuque sufficient data to warrant
such action.
City of Dubuque Water Service
Available to the Water Department
oP the City of Dubuque for three
phase, alternating current service of
2300 volts or 6900 volts for water
pumping, when such pumping is re•
stricted to off-peak periods as de-
fined herein.
$.009 per Kwhr, net.
Off•Peak Periada:
The off-peak pertod, as prescribed
under thin schedule, Is defined to be
the hours between S:DO p. ro. and
8:00 a. m. the following day, and the
hours between 12:00 noon and 2:00
p. m. daily through the year and
between 4:00 p. m. and 6:00 p, m.
daily during the period from April
15 to September 16, Inclusive, or in
case of emergency, or when at any
time, the life or property o[ the
citizens oP Dubuque may be in dan-
ger. An emergency shat] be held
to eaiat (1) whenever the water in
the Eagle Point Reservoir is in dan-
ger of overflowing, (2) whenever, to
maintain proper pressures for ftre
protection, it is necessary to pump
water from the lower level storage
to the high service elevated tanks and
Fuel AdJuatment:
The rate for electrical energy stated
herein is based upon using coal or
other boiler fuel to produce such
energy and coating sixteen cents
($0.16) per million B. T. U. delivered
in the bunkers of the Dubuque, Iowa,
plant of the Deraon, firm or corpora-
tion aupplytng such electrical energy
at Dubuque, Iowa.
In the event that the average cost
of boiler Puel delivered as aforesaid
differs from the base price of sixteen
cents ($0.16) per million B. T. U. by
one cent ($0,01) or more per million
B. T. U., then there shall be added
to or deducted from the rate here-
inbefore provided per kilowat hour,
twenty-two hundredths mills ($.00022)
for each whole one cent ($0.01) by
which the coat of one million B. T. U.
of boiler fuel used during the pre-
ceding month exceeds or is less re-
spectively, than the base price of
sixteen cents ($0.16) per million
B. T. U.
Before placing Into effect the terms
of this provision, the firm, person.
or corporation supplying electrical em
ergy at Dubuque shall first disclose
to the City Manager of the City a[
Dubuque suffcient data to warrant
such action.
Street and Boulevard Lighting
Available to the municpallty of the
City of Dubuque and to the Board
oP Park Commisalopera of the Clty
of Dubuque for lighting streets, al-
ley ways, and park areas, and for
traffic control and police call signals.
(a) Overhead System:
Tlie rates to be charged Por each
overhead street light owned, oper-
ated, maintained and supplied with
electrical energy by the person, firm
or corporation aupplytng electrical en-
ergy within the City of Dubuque,
including the replacement of all glass-
ware and renewal of lamps, shall be:
Size of Per Year
Lamp- Hours of Rate per
Lumens Burning Yeas
1000 4000 $20.40
2500 4000 26.90
4000 4oao al,zo
t.~-.. :,;4*e~~s~,y :,. -+ =xna-^x~~w i7-9 ,!'~'.!t'Si"p3, .r,.. ,P'~'.~. ,
678 Special Session, November 13, 1951
(b Ornamental Street L-phtinp:
The rates to be charged for each
lighting standard by the person, firm
or corporation supplying electrical
energy within the City of Dubuque
for the operation of such lighting
standard of the ornamental street
lighting system owned by the
City of Dubuque and/or the Park
Board oP the City of Dubuque, In-
cluding the electric energy for the
operation thereof and all expanses
and/or charges incident to the opera-
!ion of said. system, including the coat
of replacement of any and elf glass-
ware and renewal of lamps, ezeept
where the breakage of such Blasa-
ware and/or lamps la due to traffic
damage, but not Including the main-
tenance of cables and lighting stand-
ards which shall be maintained by
the owners thereof, shall be:
Per Year
Sine of Hours Rate
Lamp- of yer
Standard Lumens Burning Year
1-Lamp (U 800 4000 $10.20
1-Lamp ®1000 4000 11.40
1-Lamp ~ a5oo 4000 ls.so
1-Lamp 6000 4000 29.40
Z-Lamp ~ 4000 4000 46.80
2-Lamp @ 4000 4000 45.80
2-Lamp 6000 4000 63.40
1-Lamp 2600 2000 12.80
Lamp ~ 8000 2000 89.80
Traffic Control Signals:
The rates to be charged for elec-
trical energy furnished for the opera-
tion of the traffic control signals
owned, ~Derated and maintained by
the City of Dubuque, shall be.
Rate per
No. and Size at Lamps Year
4-Light-40 watts ..._ ....................; 40.80
3-Light-40 watts and arrow.... 36.00
9-Light--40 watts and no turn 82.80
8-Light-40 watts ......_ ................. 64.20
9-Light-40 watts ......-~...._..._.... 72.00
12-Light- 8 arrows .........._-....... 156.00
Traffic flashing signals..-.......... 24.00
School flash[ng e[gnala .............- 12.00
Police Call Sipnala
The rates to be charged for elec-
trical energy furnished for the opera-
tion of the police call signal ayatem
owned by the Clty of Dubuque shall
be $8.00 per year per call signal.
Park Lights:
The rates to be charged by the
person, ftrm or corporation supply-
ing electrical energy within the City
of Dubuque for the operation of each
orrstre~ettl ghtiaBn ~ aemf owned~by
the Dubuque Park Board, including
all energy required for the operation
thereof, and all expenaea or charges
Incident to the operation of said sys-
tem, including the coat of the re-
placement of any and all glassware
and/or renewal of lamps, ezeept
where the breakage of ouch glass-
ware or lamps la due to traffte dam-
age,but not Including the mainte-
nance of cables and lighting standards
which shall be maintained at the
cost of the owners thereof, shall be:
Per Year
Size Hours Rate
of of per
Sta~ndmaprd~ 46001Lumen B 4000 g $22 80
1-Lamp ®2500 Lumens 4000 18.80
1-Lamp ~ 200 Watts 4000 19.08
Bills shall be rendered monthly by
the person, ftrm or ...,....anon sup-
plying such electrical energy to the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, at the rate
of one-twelfth (1.12th) of the respec-
tive annual charge for each street
light, ornamental standard, Erafflc
control signal, and/m police calf aig-
nal in service during the month for
which the bBCHEDULE 9
Rules and Repulationa for Air Condi-
tioning and Air Cooling
These rules and regulations will ap-
ply to loads of more than 2 H.P. for
commercial air conditioning and air
cooling equipment but will not apply
to equipment used for refrigeration o[
foods or other supplies. (Loads of
2 H.P, or leas, single phase, can be
used on commercial lighting rateaJ
Service will be rendered under stand-
ard power service conditions on the
commercial power rates to effect un-
der arive year cantracL
Conditions of Service:
The conditions stated herein wit]
not apply to air conditioning loads
where a customer has any motor for
other purposes larger than 2 H P.
because the person, firm, or corpora-
tica supplying electrical energy will
not Install separate power metering
for the air condltloning load where
the Customer has other power load
of more than 2 H.P. Where other
small power toads of 2 H.P. or lees
are now connected and taking service
through the same meter as the air
condltloning load, then the customer
may take advantage of theee rules
and regulations by changing, at h1a
own ezpenae, such wiring as may be
necessary to take the service for the
motors of 2 H.P. or less through the
commercial lighting meter.
Minimum Monthly Charpea:
The standard monthly minimum bill
o! the power rate in effect will apply
to this service from the date of con-
nection of the service to the date of
disconnection without prorating o[ the
minimum monthly bill for fractional
parts of the month either at the time
service [a ordered connected or dis-
connected. The minimum monthly
biU wnl not be charged during the
period that service is disconnected.
Service Disconnection Charge
In order for the customer to secure
permission far the minimum monthly
bill to be eliminated, he moat order
the service disconnected in writing
and the customer will then be given
a Hoof billing for rho amount of en-
ergy used including the proper month-
ly minimum bill and will make a
payment Of a disconnection charge of
$2.00 plea an amoant of ;1.00 per
H.P. of connected load, In lieu of
payment of minimum monthly bllta
during the period when service la
Connection Charge:
At the time service H ordered. con-
nected, the customer wUl pay a $2.00
connection charge to pay the person,
firm or corporation supplying elec-
tricat energy for its cost in con-
netting service. Service may be dis-
connected by any method determined
as leaaible, but, if it is desirable to
leave the meter installed, then eerv-
itx may be disconnected by sealing
the switch open with the customer
understanding that the seal 1e only
to be broken and the switch closed
by a reDreaentatlve of the person,
firm or corporation supplying elec-
trleal energy.
General Provhiona:
Service may be rendered at either
single phase or three phase In ac-
cordance with the general practice
of rendering three phase eervice.
Where it la necessary for the person,
firm or coi•poatian supplying elec-
tical energy to make any aDeclal in-
vestment to render the eervice for
air conditioning load, then the regu-
lations of the person, firm or corpora-
Special Session, November 13, 1951 679
lion supplying electrical energy In
regard to setting up a monthly eerv-
ice charge will apply based upon an
allowable Investment of $126.00 (the
same as is used Por residential and
small commercial lighting service).
for loads up to 5 H.P., plus 125.00
per H.P. in excess of 5 H.P If the
cost to serve is greater than the al-
lowable amount, then the annual
service charge will be an amount of
$0.00 for each maior fraction of
$50.00 in excess of the alowable ex-
penditure and such annual service
charge will be payable at the time
connection for the season is ordered.
Change in Service Claaaification:
Sectianl. Any customer taking
service under one or more of the vari-
oua clasaificationa o[ service may
elect to charpge to any other claasifi-
cation thatdnay be available to him,
provided, hhbowever, that the person,
firm or corporation supplying elec-
trical energy In the City of Dubuque
need not change any customer'e clas-
sification more than once in any
twelve (12) month period.
Meter Service:
Section 3. No person, firm or cor~
poration supplying electrical energy
In the City o[ Dubuque shall install
any meter or meters upon a custom
er's premises for the purpose of meas-
uriag electrical energy to be supplied
to said customer unless and until
such meter has been compared with
a standard meter and adjusted so
that the error in registration at toll
load is not more than plus or minus
two per cent (2%) of accuracy within
a period oP six (8) months preceding
date of Installation upon said cus-
tomer's premises. Any meter installed
upon a customer's premises shall bear
a label clearly indicating the date
that said meter was tested and re-
All meters In eervice in the City
of Dubuque shall be systematically
tested and/or compared with a stand-
ard meter and adjusted to register
within plus or minus two per cent
(2%) at accuracy, and no meter shall
be kept In service which has not been
recalibrated within eight (8) years.
The person, tlrm or corporation
supplying electrical energy in the City
of Dubuque shall keep on Ella a rec-
ord of the test of each meter, In-
stalled upon or retained in service
upon a customer's premises after teat,
which record shall be available for
inspection by officails of the Clty
of Dubuque. Such record as Piled
shall indicate the name of the manu-
facturer of said meter, Ira serial
number, type, capacity, number as-
signed to 1t by 1ta owner, the name
and address of the customer where
said meter was 1n service prior to
said test, the date of said test and
date of last previous test, together
with the percentage of error above
or below accuracy, as disclosed by
said test, Meters shall be adjusted
to register within plus or minus two
per cent (2%) of accuracy at full load,
Section 4, Any person, firm or cor•
poration who ehal] charge or exact
other or different rates or charges
far any type Of sevice, the rates for
which service are herein fixed and
determined, or who shall violate any
of the provisions hereof, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof shall he tined
not to exceed $100.00, or imprisoned
not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail.
Repeal Clause:
Section 6. Ordinance No. 8-91 and
all amendments thereto are hereby re-
Section 6. This ordinance shall be
in effect from and after its final
passage, adoption, and aDDrova] by
the Council of the City of Dubuque
and publication as provided by law.
Passed upon flret and second read-
ings this 5th day of November, 1951.
Passed, adopted and approved upon
final reading this 13th day of Novem-
ber, 1951.
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 10th day
Attest: J. J. Shea, City Clerk
of November, 1951.
It Nov. 10 City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 9, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The Planning dr Zoning Commis-
sion respectfully recommends to
your honorable body the granting
of the petition of M. R. Clark,
Supt. Board of Education dated
Sept. 17, 1951 attached thereto.
Yours truly,
Dubuque Planning &
Zoning Commission
By: R. V. McKay,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of the Plan-
ning sad Zoning Commission be
adopted and proper proceedings
prepared, Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 9, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The Planning & Zoning Commis•
lion respectfully recommends to
your honorable body the granting
of attached petition of Norbert
Freiburger dated October 19, 1951,
asking for vacation of an unnamed
alley lying first north of West 32nd
,,,,,,,,..,.*.*:<a.,~~~~~e ..t»y„y.e. s y,.ar4~"n'ar^a"+t`-#sA+~gws+lHY~ywpe~aa~,~ -
680 Special Session, November 13, 1951 , Special Session, November 13, 1951 681
Street from the east line of Fink
Street to its easterly terminus.
Yours truly,
Dubuque Planning &
Zoning Commission
By: R. V. McRay,
Councilman Welu moved that
the recommendation of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission be
approved and proper proceedings
prepared. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Rolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 10, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The City Manager and Electrical
Inspector were insinicted to in-
vestigate and report their recom-
mendations with reference to street
lights on White Street from Twenty-
Fourth Street north.
After investigating the street
lighting in this area, I recommend
that the lights on White Street
from Twenty-Sixth Street to Thirt-
ieth Street that are now in the
middle of the block be moved and
replaced with new lights at Twenty-
Seventh, Twenty-Eighth, Twenty-
Ninth and Thirtieth Street on
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Scnu.TZ,
City Manager.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be adopted. Sec-
onded by Councilman Rolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
November 12, 1951
To the Honorable Mayor
and City CouncIl,
Dubuque, Iowa.
I have had prepared a new or-
dinance for the destruction of
weeds or other b.~~~:h which con-
stitute ahealth, safety or fire
The ordinance provides for the
city to cut or destroy weeds or
other growths after the owners fail
to do so upon a ten day notifica-
Because of the incidence of Hay
Fever in Dubuque and also the
general appearance of unkept
property, I recommend that the
Council adopt this ordinance.
Respectfully submitted;
L. J. ScruLTZ,
.City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance providing for the
cutting or destroying of all weeds,
vines, brush or other growth which
constitute a health, safety or fire
hazard; repealing Ordinance No.
25--39; and providing a penalty
for a violation hereof, presented
and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun•
Gilman Rolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the ordinance just read, being an
ordinance authorizing a contract
be now considered complete in
form for final passage and further
move that the same be placed on
file with the City Clerk and remain
on file for public inspection for at
least one week before final adop-
tion. Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following having com-
plied with the provisions of law
relating to the sale of cigarettes
within the City of Dubuque, be
granted a permit to sell cigarettes
and cigarette papers within the
City and the Manager is directed
to issue such permit on behalf of
said City.
Clare H. Groves, 501 Rhomberg
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed with the application be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 13th day of November, 1951.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
There being no further business
Councilman Kolb moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
J. ~J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Approved .............................. 1952
Adopted ................................ 1952
Councilmen ......................................
Attest :.................. ..
City Clerk.