1946 Index of Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Year 1946 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1946 COUNCILMEN ALBERT WHARTON, Mayor W. W. MOFFATT F. W. THOMPSON GEO. R. MURPHY FRANK VAN DUELMAN City Clerk, J. J. SHEA City Solicitor, JOHN J. KINTZINGER City Manager, A. A. Rhomberg City Treasurer- OTTO F. PULS City Auditor- R. P. MARSHALL Chief of Fire Department- PERRY KIRCH Police Judge- JOHN. C. OBERHAUSEN Building Inspector- DONALD J. BANDY Electrical Inspector- LUVERN C. NORTON Plumbing Inspector- D. J. O'LEARY City Assessor- HARRY J. HANOVER Superintendent of Water Works- J. J. HAIL Chief of Police- JOSEPH H. STRUB Health Director- DR. A. J. ENTRINGER Sanitary Officer- JOSEPH T. SCHARRY Milk Inspector- V. F. CHAPMAN Food aad Restaurant Inspectors- MRS. ALMEDA TIMMONS H. J. WYMER Market Master- C. J. McCARTHY Director of Recreation- HYLDA N. LUKE Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock. INDEX - Boolc 76 1946 SUBJECT Page Jan, 14- Aerial ladder truck, bids to be advertised for ................. 6.18 Feb. 4- American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to hold their "Poppy" sale on May 25, 1946 ....._ ............. 12 " 4- American Veterans of World War II, granted Cigarette Permit .................................................................................. 14 " 4- Alderson Richard J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 15.69 " 4- Anthoine Louis and Agnella grunted Class "B" Beer Permit ......:..................................................................._...... 15 Mar. 4- Andnesen, Wm. P, and Bertha R., submitting claim in the amount of $50.30 for repair to his sewer con- nection as a result of cave-in of the main city sewer at 170 Kaufman Avenue .................................................. 24 " 26- Alderson, Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 60 Apr. 1- Appointment of officers by the City Council and pre: scribing their salaries and fixing their bonds ........ 63.64 " 1- Appointment of officers and employees by the City Man- . ager ..........................................................................._......... 64 ' 1- Appofntment Hof The Telegraph-Herald newspaper as the official newspaper _ .................................................... 64 " 1- Appointment of the First National Bank, !the American Trust and Savings Bauk and the Dubuque Bank and Trust Company as depositories of public funds ...... 64 " 1- Appointment of the Board of Review ................................ 64 " 1- Amvets, American Veterans of World War II, requesting . permission to hold a street sale on May 4th, 1946 .... 66 " 26- Annual report of Librarian of Public Library ..........._... 93 " 26- Annual report of Boai•d of Trustees of Public Library .... 93 May 6- Annual report bf Board of Dock Commissioners ................ 107 " 17- Agreement between Federal Works Agency Bureau of Community Facilities and City of Dubuque, Iowa, together with Public Voucher in the amount of $16,100.00 as initial payment for plan preparation for construction of storm relief sewers ................. 117 " 24 -Airport runways to be paved with concrete paving in• stead of asphalt paving, committee from the City Administration authorized to contact Government Officials relative to said paving ................................. 123 " 24 -Agreement with the United States relative to operation and maintenance of the Dubuque Municipal Airport amended ................:...........................................................123.124.135 Juue 3- Alley between Auburn and Atlantic Streets from Custer Street to Lorna Boubevard, request of Wayna A. Johnson et al to vacate said alley ..............................13 5.159.184 " 3 -Arkell Safety Bag Company advising that they ai•e in- terested in acquiring the City owned property lo- cated on Locust Street south of the Flynn Oil Com- pany ................................._................................................... 135.136 " 3 -Annual Report .of The Key City Gas Company for year 1945 ...................................................................................... 136 3 -Avalon R~oad,,Prwfile No 1318 showing proposed grade 148 " 3 -Asbury Road, Profile No, 1320 showing proposed grade .. 148 " 10 -Avalon Road, grading ..................................169- 6-232-285 " 28 -Amvets Dubuque Post No. 3, requesting the City Council to take prompt and decisive action in helping to secure some of the public housing units uow avail• able from the Federal Public Housing Authority .... 184 " 28 -Anthoine, Louie, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 187 " 28 -Apel, Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 187 " 28 -American Legion, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 188 " 28 -Apel, Peter J„ granted Cigarette Permit ...._._ ................ 188 " 28 -Arvanitis, George P,, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 188 ~,.1 -: ",.: !, INDEX-hook 76 INDEX-hook 76 1946 SUBJECT Page 1946 SUBJECT Page " 28 -Alderson, Richard J., granted Cigarette Permit ...._....... 188 " 28 -American Veterans of World War II, granted Cigarette Jan. 7 -Boxleiter, Ray, Notice of Claim ........................................... 1 Permit .............:.........................................:........................... 188 7 -Berntgen, A. G., requesting a refund on his Class "B" " 28 =Ape1, Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit .......:..................... 189 Beer Permit ....,................................................................. 1 " 28 -Alba, Criso A., granted Cigarette Permit ............... ._ .. 190 7- Blue, Earle J., requesting a refund on his Cigarette Per• » 28 -American Legion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for trtit .......................................................................................... 1 Private C4ub 191-192 Feb. 4 -Barton, Clarence ,and Mary Mueller, requesting a refund July 9 -Armstrong, John A., purchase of th e Northerly 140 feet on their Class "B' Beer Permit .. ... .......... 11 of Lots 2 a.nd 4 of Block D of Industrial Subdivision 213 11 -Buechel, Louis, excavation bond ............. .. ....,., 21 " 15 -American Legion, Amvets, Veterans of Foreign Wa-rs, " 11 -Bertsch, Ro er M., ( g Merchants Hotel), granted Class requesting the Mayor to issue a proclamation de• "B" Beer Permit .. .. ... ........................ 22 daring August 14th a local holiday commemorating Mar. 4 -Bergeron Wm H. Assistant Director for Development i V-J Day andalso requesting permission for the hold- , , , . and Rentilization Federal Public Housing Author Aug. 5- ing of a parade ........ ....... ........ ........... Armstrong, John A, and Harriett, granted Cigarette 216 , ity, submitting infot•mation conceiving lwusing for Permit . ' . ...... .. ... .. .. '" " .. ' .' .° 271 veterans ... ... .... ... .. ............ .. ... ....... 23 Sept, 3- Audubon Schaol District, request Chat action be taken to 4 -Berk, Wolf, requesting permission to convet•t the space cause the. removal of the odor ft•om the sewer in in the rear of his binding at 1458 Locust this vicinity .......................... L76 Street into a desirable first floor apartment ...., ... 24.78 Oct. 7- Armstrong, Jahn A, and Harriett, gt•auted Class "B" Beer 4 -Brown, William A., requesting refunds on both htn Class " Permit 315 B" Beer Permit and his Cigarette Permit 26 Nov. 4- ..... .. ..... " ~ Apel, Peter J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ... .... 348 4 -Brown, Oden E., et al, requesting the installation of a Dec• 23 -Abitz, Barbara (Charbes) in regard to suspension of sewet~age system in the vicinity of Cherry Street, 1945 taxes ...... .. ' ' ' "'" ' ' " 390 Finley Street, Green Street, Poplar Street, Semin- ' ary Street, St, Ambrose Street and Hazel Street ... 26.51 " 4 -Bradberty, Hazel, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 30 " 4 -Bowen, Clarence J, and Robert L: Hanson, granted Cigarette Permit ................................................................ 30 I 21 -Busch, Joseph et al, requesting the install~atian of a sani• tary sewer to serve their property on Jackson and i Liebe Streets .......: ............................................................ 48 ~ ~ 21 -Bowen, Clarence J. and Robert L, Hanson, transfet~ of I address of Class "B" Beer Permit .............................. 50-51 " 26 -Board of Dock Commissioners, relative tp the sale of buildings on City Island .................................................. 54 i Apr, 1 -Banks appointed as depositories of public funds .............. 64 " 1 -Board of Review appointment ........................................... 64 " 1 -Barry, Pat, submitting offer to the Board of Super- visors in the amount o~f $180.00 on Lots 130, 131 and 132 Glendale Add ......................... ........................... fi6.79 " 1 -Bern, Dr, R. M., appointed as a member of the Civil Servioe Commission term expiring March 31st, 1952 66 " -Barrington, Wm. P., and Cliffor d Calvert, granted Cigar- ~ . ~ . _ ............... e 68 1 -Barring ton~Wm. F, and Cliffor d Calvert, granted C lass "B" Beer Permit .,,, 68.69 " 16 -Burkart Subdivision, plat ......73.185.210-211 ...... 26 -Board of Trustees of Public Library, annual report ........ 93 " 26 -Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Agency, City Manager authorized and directed to enter into an agreement for an advance of $32,200.00 - for the advance planning of a system of storm relief sewers ............ ... .. .................... ....... 101117 May 6 -Basten, Anton submitting offer in the amount of $75.00 for the purchase of Lot 181 of Union Addition ....... 105-152 " 6 -Board of Dock Commissioners, annial report .. ., ...,,... 107 6 -Brady, John A., Clerk of Police Court, bond, ........,_. 108 " 6 -Bennett, Arthur M., Park Commissfonet•, bond ....... .. 108 ',' ~ 6 -Bowen, Robert J., ga•anted Class `B" Beer Pet•mit ...... 111 ~ 17 -Briggs, W. E., Notice of Claim ............... ... ........ 116.182 17 -Bradshaw, Rev, Louis, entering protest to Daylight `' Saving Time ... ...... ....................................... 116 INDEX-hook 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 24- Bartels, Roy et al requesting the installation of a street light on the corner of Auburn and Filmore Streets 125.147 " 24- Bus Franchise, Special Ordinance No. 16-46 ..............134.14 2-143.144 June 3- Beard of Review report ..................................................... 145 " 3- Baaves, Geo. L, excavation bond .......................................... 145 " 3- Braadlawn Road, Profile No, 1317 showing proposed g1•ade ..................._,............................................................... 148 " 10- Black & White, Yellow and Checker Cab Co. Inc.; Taxi- Cab Bond .............................................................................. 169 " 10- Broadlawn Road, grading ..........................169- 6.232.281 " 24- Behlmer, J. E., submitting a verbal request to acquire a piece of land lying between Lot 167 Finley Addition and Avoca Street ............................................................ 181.308 " 28- Board of hock Commissioners submitting for Council records the Agreement between Interstate Power Company and the City Hof Dubuque also Lease Agreement between the Virginia Carolina Chemical Corporation and the City of Dubuque, dated Feb- ruary 9, 1946 ...................................................................... 184.210 " 28- Baumgartner, John J. and John M., granted Cigarette Permit ...............:....................................................:............ 187 " 28- Bern!tgen, Frank H., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 187 " 28- Bowen, Ra~bert J, granted Cigarette Permit ................... = 187 " 28- Burke, Leonard, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 188 " 28- Bowen, Clarence J, and Robert L, Hanson, granted Cigarette Permit ............................................................... 188 " 28- Brammer Roy, granted Cigarette Permit .:....................... 188 " 28- Bradberty, Hazel, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 189 " 28- Buelow, Clarence C., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189 " 28- Bertsch, Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 189 " 28- Braun, Henry C., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 189 " 28- Beck, John C., granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 189 " 28 -Barrington, Wm. F., and Clifford Culvert, granted Cigarette Permit .............................................................. 190 " 28- Breitbach, Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 190 June 28 -Buelow, Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .........._ ........................................................................ 190.191 " 28 -Berntgen, Frank H, and Marion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................ .................. 191.192 July 1 -Breitbach, Louis, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 205 " 9 -Bennet, Harry, requesting that the Roller Rink to be operated on Rhomberg Avenue be required to install sanitary sewer connections .......................................... 210 " 9 -Bennett, Arthur M., appointed as a member of the Muni- cipal Playground and Recreation Commission, term expiring July 2nd, 1949 .................................................. `L13 " 9 -Board of Health, Special Session ...................................... 214 " 22 -Board of Dock Commissioners submitting budget esti- ........................................................ . mate 223 " L2 requ esting consent to remove and -Baxter Mfg. Company replace their present loading dock on the Jackson Street side of their factory building ................. " 22 -Becker, Willis J., et al, property owners in the area of West 16th and Catherine Streets, requesting permission to connect with the sanitary sewer .... 224.262 ' 22 -Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fisoal year be- ginning April 1st, 1947 and ending March 31st, 1948 .....,....232.233-234-235.236- Aug, b- Brandt, Mary F., requesting suspension of 194b tax ..., 269.284 " 5 -Brewer, Mrs. A. S, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 271. INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 5- Brewer, Mrs. A. S„ requesting refund an Cigarette Permit ........................................................................_....... 271 Sept, 3- Burke, Leonard, revocation of his Class "B" Beer Permit 277.278 " 3- Burke, Richard J., Excavation Bond .................................. 282 " 3- Brosky, Mrs. William, settlement of claim .......................... 284 " 3- Bournais, Louis sand Rhea, granted Cigarette Yermit.. 289 Oct. 7- Burke, Leonard, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 304 " 7 -Black & White, Yellow & Checker Cab Co. et al, owners and operators of Taxicabs requesting a meeting with the City Council to discuss taxi-cab rates and licenses .................................................................................. 305 " 7 -Bush, Wayne C., Excavation Bond ...................................... 308 " 7 -Baumgartner, John M., and John J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 315 " 7 -Bowen, Clarence J. and Robert L. Hanson, granted Class .~B„ Beer Permit ................................................. ...._.. 315 " 28 -Bacon, Russel H. Company, relative to the installation of parking meters ......................................................... 326 Nov. 4- Berendes, Herman, asking that a street light be in- stalled on Cox Street south of Loras Boulevard to Chestnut Street .................................................:............. 344 " 4 -Beecher, Joseph and Eldon Reiter, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 348-363 " 26 -Barry Mrs. Mary F, et al, requesting that the present route of the Mt, Carmel bus remain unchanged .. ... 357 " 25 -Breitbach, Francis, House Mover Bond .............................. 361 " 25 -Building Inspector and Fire Chief advising that Dr, C. W. and Mrs. Jean G. Powers have been ordered to construct and place fire escape on their building located at 469 Main Street ............................................ 366 " 26 -Building Inspeotor and Fire Chief advising that the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks have been ordered to construct and place afire escape on their building at 7th and Locust Stree~ta ..~ ..............~.. 366 Dec, 2 -Building Inspector and Fire Chief advising that, The Page Hotel have been ordered to construct and place a fire escape on their building at 73.75 East Fourth Street .................................................................... 372 " 9 -Brown, Roy et al, requesting that equal .and undiscrim- inate enforcement of the Parking Regulations ........ 375 " 16 -Bavendick, Ilda et al, stating that they are in favor of changing the Mt. Carmel bus route ..................... 380 " 16 -Burroughs, J., requesting vacation of the alley adjoin- ing Lats 37 to 41 Rose Hill Addition .......................... 380 " 16 -Burkhart, Lloyd, requesting the rezoning of Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Burkart's Subdivision from residential to business pntposes ........................................................... 381 " 16 -Burke, Miss Mary, Police Matron, payment in full of back s~al'ary due as Police Matron ..............._....,.,....,..... 384 " 16 -Building Department, request trade fm• variation from the building code in regard to chimneys .................... 384 " 16- Benda, John E. and Joseph J, Hessleman, granted Class °'B" Beer Permit .............................................................. 384 ...,,:. __ I INDEX - ~oolC 76 INDEX - ~ool< 76 - 1946 - SUBJECT - - Page 1946 SUBJECT Page _ I 26- Garr, Adams and Collier Company, requesting permission I Jan. 7- .City Council, Regular Session ............................................. 1 to use approximately one foot in width of Eleventh " 7- Chicago Great Western Railway Company, advising that Street for a distance of 100 feet east from Cedar the speed of their passenger trains has been re• Street and also requesting permission to cross stricted to 20 miles per hour through the City and Cedar Street with light and sprinkling alarm the speed of freight trains has been restricted to 15 wires .........._ ..................................................................... miles per hour through the City .................................. 2 Apr. 1- City Council, Regular Session ...........,................__,........... 63 " 7- City Auditor, Treasurer, Waterworks, Health Depart- 1- Czizek, R. M., submitting application for appointment meat reports, also a list of claims far the month t tr G3.84 i of November, 1945 ....... ................ 2 1- County Auditor Daykin advisi ng that the Bo gar°rl of- Sup- " 7- Canfield, Wm, J. Jr., (Canfield Hotel) granted Class "B„ ervfsors have accepted an offer of $180.00 made by Beer Permit ......... ... ... .. .. .. 3.4 Pat Barry on Lots 130, 131 and 132 of Glendale " 14- City Council, Special Session ~° ~~~ ° ° ~~ 5 1- Addition ...... _... Claims for month of February, 1946, proof of publication 66.79 67 i 14- Council Proceedings for the month of October 1945 and 1- Carr, Harold, granted Cigarette Permit ........ ......... 68 November, 1945, approved as printed .... .. _......... 6 1- Conner, Iona,and Ray F.., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 68.69 " 14- City Auditor, Treasurer. Waterworks, Health Depart• 15- City Council, Special Session .. .. ....... .. .............. 70 ~ meat reports, also a list of claims for the month 16 -Council Proceedings for the month of December, 1946, I of December, 1945 .... 6 approved as printed ..... ........ 74 ~ Feb. 4- City Council, Regular Session .. .. ., .. 9 ,' 15- Chapman, Virgil F., Milk Inspector, bond _., 78 " ~ 4 -Carrigg Mrs. J. F. Notice ~of Claim 9-20 15- City Limits extended to embrace area westerly in the , , . .... vicinity of Asbury Road to include Hillcrest Park ~ 4- Crawford, Mrs. James, Notice of Claim .. 9.20 Subdivision and Hillcrest Subdivision No, 2 8 ~, 4= City Employees Local No. 228, requesting an increase 15- City Water Department directed to extend water mains in wages of 18cta per hour for hourly rnen and an and public wafer supply into Hillcrest Park S'ubdi- increase of $30.00 per month for monthly men ..:... 11 vision sand Hillcrest Subdivision No, 2 ................... 81.82 " 4 -Claims for month of December, 1945, proof of publication 12 Apr. 15 -City Manager directed' to for°mulate and submit a plan " 4- City Cab Co. taxi-cab bond ....:..,, ... ' ... ... ... 14 for the extension of sanitary sewers to service , ° Hillcrest Park Subdivision and Hillcrest Subdi- ' 11 -City Council, Special Session ................_.....,....,.............. 17 vision No. 2 and other property in this vicinity ,... 82.169 Mar. 4- City Council, Regular Session .. 23 16- City Council, Special Session 84 4 -County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board of Sup- 26- City Council,. Special Session ... ... 86 ervisors have accepted an offer of $25.00 made by 26- County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board of Sup• Edgar A. Schmitz on the South 17 feet 5 inches of ervisors have accepted au offer of $1W on Lots Lot 5 and the Nortlr 3 feet of Lot 6 of Levi's Addi• 3 and 4 of 168 of L. H. Langworthy Add, made by lion ...................................................................................... 23.52-82 Clarence L. Wagner ........,................ ..............._......... 56.87.146 " 4 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup- 26 -Claims for month of March, 1946, proof of publication 90 I ervisors have placed a valuation of $31,893.00 on 26- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Waterworks, Health I the Airport sand submitting a statement in the Department reports, also a list of claims for month ~ amount of $358.16 as the tax due for the Table of March, 1946 ................................................. ............. 95 I Mound School District _.. . . 23.24 2G- City Manager authorized and directed to enter into an " 4 -Claims far month of January, 1946, proof of publication 27 agreement with the Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Agency for an advance of ', 4 -City Auditor, Treasurer, Waterworks, Health Depart• $32,200.00 for the advance planning of a system of for month of also a list of claims p storm relief sewers ...................... .............................. 101.117 Ja uary, 1946 28 " 26- City Manager authorized to sign City checks due to an Mar. 16- City Council, Special Session ..... _....... 32 emergency caused by the illness of City Treasurer " 21 -City Council, Special Session ., .....: _..., _ .. 47 Otto F. Puls ....... 102 " 21 -County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board of Sup• May G- City Council, Regular Session . . ........... 103 ervisors have accepted an offer of $100.00 made by 6- County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup• Mary E, Lattner on Lot 7 of O'T~~aylor's Sub. and ervisors have accepted .an offer of $150.00 made by .i $50.00 on Lots 8 and 9 of O'Talyor's Sub, .., ...._........ 47 Wm. Cormery on Lots 22, 23; 24, 25 and 26 of Mills ` ' 21 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Waterworks, Health West Dubuque ..... ........ ...................103.104.153 Department reports, also a list of claims for the 6- Cormery, Wm., submitting offer in the amount of $150.00 month of February, 1946 ...., _ .... 48 to the Board of Supervisors an Lots 22, 23, 24,. 26 " 21 -City Cab Co., taxicab bond ..... 48 ~amd 26 of Mills West Dubuque ...... _ ...... .......103.104.153 " 21 -Clancy, Charles and Marie, granted Class "B" Beer 6- County Auditor Daykin, advising• that the Board of Sup- Permit ...... .. ..... .. 50 ervisors have accepted an offer of $250.0'0 on Lots " 26- City Council, Special Session 53 de by Anton Zwack, 7, 8 and 9 of O'Taylor's Sub. ma ~~_ 26 -Continental Casualty Company, Certificate of Compli- Inc. ... ......... 104.152 ante for the transaction cf Frdelity and Surety 17- City Council, Special Session ...,..... ....... 113 - business ... ... .. ...,.. 54 .. INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page C " 17- Cooper, W. F., notified to place with the City of Du• toque a Public Liability Bond in the amount of $10,000.00 covering defective sidewalk on property located at Third and Main Streets ............................... 115 " 17- County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer of $100.00 on Lots 47 .and 48 of Finley, Maples and Burton's Addition made by Elmer S. Terry ............................................. 117.146. May 17- County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer of $150.00 on Lot 36 of Wm. Blake's Addition made by Kenneth L. Norpel .................................................................................... 117.153 " 17- Commissioner of Registration submitting for Council approval the names of two clerks of election who shall have charge of the election register .............. 119.120 " 24- City Council, Special Session ............................................. 122 " 24- County Auditor Daykin, •advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer of $50.00 an Lot 1 of 38 Marsh's Addition made by Clarence and Gertrude Weiner ............................................................... 124.152 " 24- County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer of $350.00 an Lots 59 and 6D of Stafford Addition made by Ralph P. Weitz ...................................................................................... 125-146 " 24- Claims for month of April, 1946, proof of publication ...... 130 June 3- City Council, Regular Session ............................................ . 135 " 3- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Waterworks, Health Department, the yearly reports of the City Auditor and City Treasurer, also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of April, 1946 ........................................................................................ 146 " 3- Chaney Road, Profile No. 1315 showing proposed grade 148 " 3- Chapman, Robert E, and Tillie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 154.155 " 3- Cole, Steve, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 154.155 " 3- City Manager auth~arized bo enter into contract with the engineering firm of Consoer, Townsend Sc Associa- tes fm• the preparation of plans and specifications. for Storm Sewer Projects ........................................156.17 0.171.172 " 3- Consoer, Townsend & Associates, contract for the pre• paration of plans and specifications Yor Storm Sewer Projects ...................................................._......156.17 0.171.172 10- City Council, Special Session .............................................. 158 " 10 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer of $600.00 on the West 103 feet of Lot 782 and the West 103 feet of South 12 feet of Lot 783 of A. McDaniel's Sub. made by James Freeman ........................................................... 158.204 " 10 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer of $25.00 on the South 10 feet of West 100 feet of Lot 11 of Jaeg~er's Sub. made by Thomas Lilly .......................................15 8-203.204 .Tune 1D -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer of $10.00 on Lot 23 of S. M. Langworthy's Add, made by Joe Straub..., 159.203 " 1D -County Auditor Daykin,~advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer ~of $40.00 on Lots 49 and 50 of Woodlawn Park Add., made by Mike I{opchansky ........................................................................ 159.203 _ _ .. - ~,..._.__L _ _ .___ _ . ._ ,: INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page C " 10- Cooper Real Estate Office relative to the construction of a sidewalk abutting their property located on the south side of West 3i°d Street between Main Street and the alley on Third Street ........................................ 159 " 10- Civil Service Commission submitting report of entrance examination for positions on the Fire Department 168 " 10- Civil Service Commission submitting report of entrance examination for positions on the Police Department 168 " 10- City Manager recommending that a hearing be held and bids called for the gnarling of Avalon, Broadlawn, Morningview, Chaney, Ogilby, Mullin, Valleyview and Hillcrest Roads .................................................. " 10- ,Chaney Road grading .................................. " 24- City Council, Special Session ..................................,........... 178 " 28- City Council, Special Session ............................................. 184 " 28- Council Proceedings Ear the months of January and February, 1946, approved as printed ....................... 184 " 28- Civil Service Commission submitting report of entrance examination far position of Ambulance Driver ...... 185 " 28- Civil Service Commission, submitting report of entrance examination Ear position of Assistant Milk Inspec• tor .......................................................................................... 185 " 28- Civil Service Commission, submitting report of entrance examination for position of Policewoman .................... 186 " 28- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Waterworks, Health Department reports, also a list of claims for the month of May, 1946 .............~..............~............................. 186 " 28- Cunningham, Leo V, and J. M. Thompson, granted Cigarette Permit .............................................................. 187 " 28- Capretz, Mrs. Kate anfl Wm. Lembke, granted Cigarette Permit ................................................................................... 187 " 28 -Collins, William P., granted Cigarette Permit ............... 187 " 28- Ghapman, Robert E, and Tillie, granted Cigarette Permit 188 " 28- -Clancy, Mrs. Agnes, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 188 June 28- Casey, Harold A., granted cigarette Permit ................:. 188 " 28- Conner, Iona and Ray, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 188 " 28- Conklin, R. H., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 189 " 28- Clancy, Charles and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit......, 189 " 28- Cooper, Fred H. and Chris D. Martin, granted Cigarette Permit .............................................:........:............:............... 189 " 28 -Carr, Harold, granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 189 " 28 -Cole, Steve, granted Cigarette Permit .................................. 190 " 28 -Cooper, Fred H, and Chris D. Martin, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................... 190.191 " 28 -Capretz, Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, granted Class ..B.' Beer Permit .............................................................. 190.192 " 28 -Colley, William W, and Maggie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................................... 191.192 " 28 -Clancy, Charles and Marie, change of address for Class <,B„ Beer Permit ................................................................ 191.192 July 1 -City Council, Regular Session .............................................. 193 " 1 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have ,accepted an offer of $20.00 made by Mrs. Dan Loeffelholz on Lot 40 Rosedale Addition 198.262 " 1- -Claims fo~° month oP M.ay, 1946, proof of publication ...... 198 " 1 -Civil Service Commission submitting report of entrance examination for the position of Assistant Engineer at Pumping Station ........................................................... 202 " 9 -City Council, Special Session ................................................. 207 " 9 -Certificate of Library Tax Levy ........................................... 210 INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page C " 9 -City Manager, recommending that the City Council petition the Iowa State Highway Commission to construct an access highway to be built on the northerly side oaf the Airport connecting U. S. Highways No. 61 and 151 ..................... ... .............. 211 '° 9 -Clark, Max, appointed as .a member of Municipal Play- ground and Recreation Commission, term expiring July 2nd, 1949 ................................................................ .. 213 " 15 -City Council, Special Session .......................................... 215 " 15 -Certificate of Park Tax Levy ...................... ..................... 217 " 15 -Certificate of Fire Pension Tax Levy ................................ 217 " 15 -Certificate of Fire Retirement Tax Levy .......................... 217 " 15 -Certificate of Police Pension Tax Levy .. . .. ......... 217 " 16 -Certificate ~of Poliee Retirement Tax Levy .. .............. 218 " 15 -County Auditor Daykin,~advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer of $150.00 on Lots 47 and 48 of Finley, Waples and Burton's Add., made by C. N. Klein .................................................................... 218.262 July 15 -County Auditor Daykin,,advising bhat the Board of Sup- . ervisors have accepted an offer of $150A0 ou Lots 22, 23, 24 and 26- of Mineral Lot 39 made by Mar- ° ""° g a t h 218-263 15 Police Strub authorized to attend the annual -Chie f of Conference of Chiefs of Police to be held in Mexico Gity ...........................................:....................................... 219 " 22 -City Council,. Special Session ............................................... 221 " 22 -Certificate of the Playground and Recreation Commis- sion certifying budget requirements and tax levy 223 " 22 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, .City Waterworks and City Health Department reports, also a list of claims for the month of June, 1946 ................................................ 231 Aug. 5- City Council, Regular Session ............................................. 245 " 5 -City Solicitor instructed to take necessary steps to ac- quire the property located at the csorner of West Third Street and Grandview Avenue for the widen- ing of West Third Street ............................_...................... ..........258 " 5- --Claims. for month of June, 1946, proof of publication .... 261.262 " 5 -City Solicitor, report with reference to title of Washing• ton Park being in the name of the County of Du- huque ................................................................................... 273 Sept. 2- City Council, Regular Session ............................................... 275 " 3 -City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ....................... 276 " 3 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Sup- ervisors have accepted an offer of $200.00 on Lots 47 and 48 of Fin1eY,Waples and Burton's Addition made by Wm, Lammer ................................................ 278 " 3 -Coi°bett, Mrs. Gertrude et al requesting the installation of a street light on Wilbur Street between Grove Terrace and alley ........................................................... 280 " 3 -Claims for month of July, 1946, prof of publication .... 280 " 3 -City Auditor, Gity Treasurer, City Waterworks and Health Dep~artme~nt reports,als~o ~a list of claims for bhe month of July, 1946 ................................_,............. 282 , " 3 -Costey Hai°old and William W., granted Cigarette Per- , mit .............................................:....................................... 289 3 -Cooper, William F. and Kathryn, sidewalk to construct abutting North 64 feet 3inches of City Lor 73 ...29 0-291.317 Oct. 7- City Council, Regular Sessi~an ...................._.........,.. .....,....,. 297 " 7 -Callahan, Donald A., requesting that Che Plow of sm~face water on Cummins Street be diverted to flaw into the gutters on Loras Boulevard ..................................:. 301 INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page C " 7- Crystal Bottling Works, requesting the re-zoning of Lots 38 and 39 of Linehan Park Add .....................301.331.347.356.369 7- Cripe, Cecil L., submitting application far the position of Maintenance Engineer of the Dubuque Airport also the job of manager .of the City property and farm adjoining the Airport ............................_ .....,....,.. 302 " 7- Cunningham, John A„ requesting that the matter of taxes on the Julien Dubuque Bridge be referred to the City Attorney with power to take such legal steps as may be required, if, in his judgment, the said bridge is subject to taxation and to take such legal action as may be necessary to calleet any taxes that may be due and owing the City of Du- buque by the Julien Dubuque Bridge ................... 304 7- Clancy, Mrs. Agnes, requesting refund on Cigarette .. ermit .._...._ ................................................ 304 7- " ~ug Claims for moo+.h of ust, 1946, proof of publication 307 " 7- Council Proceedings for month of March, 1946 approved as printed _ ......................................................................... 307 " 7- Commissioner of Registration submitting far Council ap- proval the names of two clerks of election who shall have charge of the election register ~ ................. 307.308 " 7- City Auditor, Gity Treasurer, City Haalth Department and Water Works reports, also a. list of claims for month of August, 1946 ................................................. 308 " 7- Curtis Straub Company, Excavation Band ... ................... 308 7- -Croft, Floyd, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 316.318 " ~ 9- City Council, Special Session ............................................... 317 9- Croft, Floyd, granted Cigarette Permit .......~ ...................... 318 " 11- City Council, Special Session ............................................ 320 " 23- City Council, Special Session ............................................ 322 " 28- City Council, Special Session .......................:.................... 324 " 28- Claims for month of September, 1946, proof of publica- tion .................................................................................... 327 " 28- Council Proceedings for the months of April and May, 1946, approved as punted ...................._...,.................... 327 " 28- City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department and Waterworks reports also a list of claims for month of September, 1946 ...............__..................................... 329 Oct. 28- City Solicitor instructed to prepare a proper ordinance covering the zoning of property surrounding the New Municipal Airport ................................................. 334 " 28- City Manager instructed to prepare an application for Federal Grant for the construction of sewer, water supply, landscaping and entrance driveways at the New Municipal Airport ......................._....................,..... 334 Nov. 4- City Council, Regular Session ........................................... 337 " 4- City Council, Special Session .............................................. 351 " 6- City Council, Special Session .......................................... 352 " 25- City Council, Special Session ....... _........ _ ....... . 353 " 25- Czizek and Czizek, requesting the City Council to adopt a resolution providing for the conveyance of so much of vacated Canal Street and Warren Street as is included within Lot 1 of A, A. Cooper Wagon Works Block, naming therein Joseph W. Rhomberg as Gnantee ......................................._................................. 358.369 " 25- Council Proceedings far the month of June, 1946, ap- proved as printed ..._ ...................................................... 359 " 25- City Auditor, City Treasurer, Haalth Department and Waterworks reports, also a list of claims for month of October, 1946 ................................................................. 360 INDEX--Book 76 INDEX--Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page 1946 SUBJECT Page " 25- Chapman, Myrtle A., granted Class "B" Beer Fermit.... 363 Jan. 14- Drost, Mrs. Cora, Notice of Claim ........................................ 5.13 " 25- Cunningham, Leo V. and John M. Thompson, granted Mar 4- Danglemeyer, Carl J., requesting that a Deed he execut- Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................... 363 ed to him covering the affected portions of the , Dee. 2- City Council, Regular Session .......................................... 369 alley owned by him, namely Lot 42A and Norther]y " 2- Canfield, W, J. Jr., requesting a refund on Class "B" half of the vacated alley iu the rear of Lot 41 Beer Permit ....................................................................... 369.375 (now platted and known as Lot 41A) in Julia " 2- Claims for month of October, 1946, proof of publication 369 Langworthy's Addition ..... .........:................................ 25-34.35 " 9- City Council, Special Session ................................................. 374 " 4 -Dubuque Woman's Club, requesting the enforcement " 9- Council Proceedings for the month of July, 1946, ap• of the regulations governing the safety of pedes- proved as printed ................................................................ 375 trians, also that pedestrians be urged to observe 16- City Council, Special Session ............................................. 377 the "Shop and Go" lights, also that the police force " 16- Civil Service Commission, submitting report on prorno• be augmented ....................................................................... 26 e position of Head Public bona examination or " 4 -Dubuque Parking Committee Initial Report .. . 27 " 16- Health Nurse .. ............... . witting report on entrance Civil Servtce Commission sub 382 4 „ ................. , . -Dillon, Paul and Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ...., ... 30 , examination far the position of Public Health Nurse 382.383 16 -Detailed distribution of proposed expenditures for the " 16- submitting report on entrance Civil Service Commission fiscal year beginning April 1, 1946 and ending , examination for the position of Glerk•Stenographer 383 March 31, 1947 ...........:...............35.36.37-38 39-40-41-42-43.44.46-46 " 16- submitting report on entrance Civil Service Commission 21 -Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association, asking that a , examination for the position of Food and proclamation be issued proclaiming April 7-13 as " Restaurant Inspector ~ 383 ............... "Know Your Public Health Nurse Wesk ' 47 16 `B" Beer Permt t Harold, gi°anted Class -Chatfield 21 -Dubuque L nit of the American Cancer Society request- „ 16 µ , ette Permit John L, and Robert E., gr ~ted Cigar -Cahill 385 mg permission to hold ~g day on April 20th 194G. " " 47 " 23 , rty Council, Special Session ........... -C 389 21 -Dillon, Paul and Joseph, granted Class B Beer Perm it " " 50 23- r r Cit 'Preasurer Health De artment and City Aud'to , y p 21 -Duscher, George E., grante d Class C Beer Permit ...... 50.51 City Water Department reports, also a list of claims Api. 1 -Dubuqua Policemen s Protective Assoc., thanking for the month of November, .1946 .................................. 393 Council for their consideration upon their request for a salary increase ......... ............................................ 65 " 1 -Dubuque Packing Company, requesting the City to re- quire the Chicago, Great Western Railway Com- pony and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company to build and construct a viaduct over and across their railraa_d tracks at either East 16th Street or East 14th Street .... _. 65-131 " 1 -Dubuque Women's Club requesting Council to install traffic lights at the corner of South Locust and Dodge Streets, Main and 14th Streets, 8th and Bluff Streets, ~a1so that trucks picking up rubbish be covered with tarpaulins .................................................. 66.67 " 1 -Dr. Pepper Boavling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ..................................... 68.69 " 1 -Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ....................................................................... 68-69 Apr, 15 -Duffy, John L., submitting application for the position of Police Judge ............................................................... 7&84 " 15 -Dubuque Packing Company, requesting the vacation cf the northerly four feet four inches of the East 16th Street from the easterly line of the alley first west of Cedar Street, easterly to the west line of Syca- more Street and to convey same to the Dubuque Packing Company ............................................................ 73-120.132 15 -Davis Brothers Incorporated, excavation bond .................:.. 78 " 15 -Dubuque Chatnber of Commerce, requesting the exten• sfon of the city limits of Dubuque, Iowa, westerly in the vicinity of Asbury Road to embrace the area of Hillcrest Park Subdivision and Hillcrest Subdi• vision No. 2, also requesting the extension of water mains to serve this territory and also requesting that the City Matrager be directed to formulate and submit a plan for the extension of sanitary sewers to service piroperty in this vicinity ............. ............ 80.81.82 `a 1 _ __ _ _ __ _ INDEX-Book 76 INDEX-Book 76 _ 1946 SUBJECT Page 1946 SUBJECT Page I July 1- Dubuque Automobile Club, requesting that the Police May 6- Daylight Saving Time, communications and petitions Department be increased to 48 men and that at _............ for and against the adoption ...._ ..................... 103 least eight of these men be trained in traffic " 6- Daykin, Mrs. W. E., et al, requesting Council to recon- problems ............................................................................. 198 ', ' sider their action in closing the steps leading from " 9- Dubuque Recreation Amateur Baseball Association, sub- Madison Street to the alley that runs into Dor- milting the name of F. P, Delany for membership gan P1ace ............................................................................. 103.146 on the Recreation Commission ...........,..........,............. 209 " 6- Dolan, Alpert P., requesting the installation of a storm i sewer in Shiras Avenue in front of Lot 1 of Lot 3 22 submitted for Council consid- eiah nubdivisiou, plat -Dunl of the Sub, ~of North half of Mineral Lot 309A ...,. 104-277 e 231-272-273 " 6- Dubuque Women's Club, requesting strict enforcement Aug. 5 -Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, submitting a resolu- of the regulations in regard to speeding, shooting lion adopted by the Fire Preventimr Committee, boulevards, cutting corners a.nd the speed regula- seating that they deem it imperative that neees- ti~ons in school areas and that "Walk" signs be sary steps be taken for early adoption of the fire erected under the traffic signals ............................... 105 prevention ordinance recommended by the National " fi -Deyoe, George C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..._.... 111 Board of Fire Underwriters .................. 2 6 -Dubuque Metal Trades Council, granted Class 'B" Beer 5 -Dubuque County, easement granted to use as a public Permit far Private Club ................................................ 111 highway a strip of land thirty-three feet wino along 24 -Dubuque Automobile Club, approval of the program of the west side of N. E. ~/a and S. E, r/4 of the N, W. and curbs on City Streets .........~...... painting lines 124 ~ e Municipal St coon 27, T88N, R 2 E abuttmg~ th i " 24 , -Dubuque Automobile Club, approval of the program of A rpo 263.264 ~i marking each intersection with piwper street name 5 -Dunleith Street, dedication accepted and confirmed ...... 278.273 signs ........................................................................................ 124 Sept. 3- Daylight Saving Time discontinued effective on Satur- i June 3- Duffy, Vincent .and Marilyn, granted Class "B" Beer day, September 7th at midnight ................................ 276 Permit ..................................... .......................................,.. 154.155 „ 3 -Dunleith Street, Profile No. 1323 showing the proposed " 3 -Deming J. K., reappointed as a member of the Police grade ....................._,...................................,............,............ 281.282 and Fire Retirement and Pension Boards for the term expiring April 1st, 1948 .................................._... 157 Oct. 7- Dubuque Stone Products Company and the Gateway ~ 24 -Dern, Jean MacLeish, expressing appreciation for City Transfer G~o. Inc., asking that the City Man- I prompt attention given by Chief of Police and Police gager be instructed to have the section of the B Department relative to phone inquiry as to the Branch Sewer running through their propel°ty safety of their relatives at the Canfield Hotel fire 179 capped at once ................................................................. 302 " 24 -Dubuque Woman's Glub, urging the City Council to be- 7 -Dubuque Navy Mothers' Club, requesting permission gin an investigation of all buildings where crowds to hold a tag day on October 26th, 1946 ................... 303 congregute to ascertain if they are fireproof also 7 -Duggan, J. J, et al, protesting the noise and odor at the extending their congratulations to the Firemen and auto body and paint spraying shop at Loible's Body Policemen for their gallant and heroic conduct at Service, 2454 Centz-al Avenue ...._......... 303 the Canfield Hotel fire . ................................................... 180 „ 9 to rig -Dubuque Women's Club requesting Council idly 28 -Duffy, Vincent and Madlyii, granted Cigarette Permit 187 enforce the law which prohibits the selling of beer " 28 -Diamond's Grill, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 1S7 • sand liquor to mmois m clubs and taverns also to " 28 -Dubuque Packing Company, granted Cigarette Permit 187 co-operate with the organization to solve the prob• „ 28 -Dubuque Metal Trades Council, granted Cigarette Per- lem of recroation for young people . „ . .. .. 317.318 ,. I mil ....... _ .. .... ... .... 188 28 -Dubuque County Tuberculosis Assomation, requesting " 28 -Dubuque Cycle Club, gnanted Cigarette Permit ....... 188 permission for holding a Tag Day on December 14th 327 "~ 28 " -Deyoe, George C., granted Cig~aratte Permit . ...._., . 188 28 -Dubuque Retail Merchants requesting permission to - 28 -Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted Cigarette Per- hold a Christmas parade on November 13th ., ... 327.343 mil ....... .. .... 189 . .. r 28 Paul and Joseph branted Cigarette Permit ., ..... -Dillon 189 2S -Dubuque Retail Merchants requesting permission to 28 , Dale, granted Two Gig~arette Permits ............... -Duncan 189 erect decorations on Main Street from 4th Street to " 28 , graute~ Cigarette -Duncan Dale and Merlin Fitzgibbons 12th Street and on 8th Street from Main to Lo- , .. „ ". " Permit 189 cost Streets from November 11th to January 1st and „ 28 , Otto J„ granted Cigarette Permit -Dunbar 189 also permission to connect and receive electric pow- " 28- , -Dugan, Charles S., granted Cigarette Permit _,.... 190 er from street lighting system .... ....... ..,... 327.346 `' 28 -Donahue, James M., gnanted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 190.191 28 -Duncan, Dale, Kenuebh and Louis Ring, granted Cigar- °~ 28 -Dugan, Charles S., and May E., granted C1a~ss "B" Beer ~ ette Permit .. 332 Permit _..,....... 191.192 Nov. 4- DeFontaine, Jos., et al, asking that the old bus stop be " 28 -Dubuque Cycle Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit placed back on Jackson Street between 25th and for Private Club ,.. .. _... __ .... 191-192 26th Streets . ... ...... ..., 344 ~., 28 -Dunbar, Otto J., granted Class "C Beer Peim~t ........... 191-192 INDEX-Book 76 INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page 1940 SUBJECT Page " 25- Didesch, Edmund L..and Pearl, owners of Lot 1 of 2 of May 6- Ender, A, J., change of address for Cigarette Permit .... 110 Burch's 2nd Sub, known as 923 West Third Street, ric Franchise, Special Ordinance No. 15-45 ............ - ect requesting that said property be rezoned to Multiple 133.138.139-140.141-142 Dwelling ........ 358 June 10- Eucli d Street from present pavement in Windsor Ave- nue to approximately twenty-two feet west of the Dec. 9- Dubuque Community Chest requesting the Mayor to east lroperty line of Sheridan Street improvement appoint members to serve on the Board of Directors 374 174-175-196-196.197.221-222-266.266-267.268-271-313.314.340-341- " 9- Deyoe, George C., requesting refunds on both his Ciga~r- ...............................................~............ 342.343 ette Permit and Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 374 28 -Eichman, Arthur H., granted Cigarette Permit ..............., 187 28 -Elks Club, granted Cigarette Permit .................................. 187 " 1G- Dubuque Homes Inc., Performance Bond insuring the " 28 -Ender A, J., granted Two Cigarette Permits ........_........... 189 construction and completion of the improvements of " 2g -Eagles Club, granted Cigarette Permit ....................... .._ 189 Theisen Street and Jenni Street on or before July " 28 -Eagles Club, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit far Private ` 1, 1947 :....................._...........,.............................................. 387 Club .................... 191.192 " 23 -Dougherty, Fnank J., (Mary Agues) in regard to sus- July 1- Emergency Tax, resolution and application for approval pension of 1945 taxes ........................................................ 39P to levy said tax ..........................,....... ......................,.....20 5.206-224 Aug. 5- Easement granted to Dubuque County, Iowa, for use as a public highway a strip of land thirty-three feet wide along the-west side of the N, E, i/4 and the S. E. ~4 of the N. W. 1/4 of Section 27, TSS1V. R 2 E abutting the Municipal Airport ....~ ...................~..~...... 263-264 Nov. 25- Elks Club, directed to construct and place a fire escape an their building ............................................................... 36G " 25 -Elks Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................... 367 INDEX-Book 76 1946 ,SUBJECT Fage Jan, 14- Fire apparatus, aerial ladder truck, bids to be adver- tised for ....................................................................6-15-95.96-108.109 Feb, 4 -Fire Department Members, requesting an increase of $30,00 per month in their wages effective April 1, 1946 ....................................................................................... 11 " 4 -Ferguson, Dick, granted Cigarette Permit ,..., ......_....,....,. 14 " 4 -Ferguson, Dick, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ._.,....._... 16 Mar, 4- Federal Public Housing Authority, submitting informa- tion concerning housing for Veterans .......... ............. 23-209 " 4 -Fire Station, residents of Grandview Avenue, Fremont Avenue, sand other streets, objecting to the erection of a new Fire Station at the cm~ner of Grandview Avenue and Dodge Street ............................................... 25 " 4 -Farber, Merle, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 30 Apr, 1 -Fautsch, Louis F., temporarily appointed as Police Judge ................................................................................... 63 " 1 -Farber, Merle, requesting a refund on his Cigarette Permit .......................:........................................................... 66 " 1 -Fondell, Donald J. and Adele B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................................:.......... 68-69 " 15 -Fitzpatrick, Thomas, Clerk City Water Dept., bond ........ 78 May 6- Financial Report of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the Fiscal Year ending Mareh 31, 1946, proof of publica• tion ..........................._......................................................,... 106-160 " 17 -Federal Works Agency Bureau of Community Facilities, agreement with City of Dubuque together with Pub- 9ic Voucher in the amount of $16,100,00 as initial payment for plain preparation for constructimr of storm relief sewers ........................................................ 117 June 10- Freeman, James, submitting offer of $600,00 to the Board of Supervisors on the West 103 feet of Lot 782 and the West 103 feet of South 12 feet of Lot 783 of A. McDaniel's Sub . ........................................................_...... 158.204 " 28 -Finch, Alford, granted Cigarette Permit ......_...........,_..... 187 " 28 -Fortmann, Anton, granted Cigarette Permit .. ................. 187 " 28 -Falkenhainer, Charles, granted Cigarette Permit ......... 188 " 28 -Fink, Milton, granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 188 " 28 -Flick, Morris B., granted Cigarette Permit ....................._ 188 " 28 -Ferguson, Diek, granted Cigarette Permit .....,_..........,._. 189 " 28 -Fondell, Donald J. and Adele B., granted Cigarette Per mit ............................................. .......................................... 189 " 28 -Fortmann, Anton, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..,....... 190-192 July 9- Frith, E. T, and others, requesting the paving of Humbolt Street from Garfield Avenue to Liucoin Avenue, also for paving the alley between Garfield Avenue and Rhomber Avenue between the 700 and 800 blocks, also for the installation of au electric street light in the 800 block on Lincoln Avenue ................... 209 July 15 -Fire Pension Board, certificate of tax levy .... ................... 217 15 -Fire Retirement Board, certificate of tax levy .............. 217 Aug. 5 -Federal Communications Commission Order, Docket Na' 7445, in the matter of The Western Union Tele- graph Company, General Rate Investigation ....,.... 258 Oct, 7 -Fleischman, Thomas J., et al, requesting that a street light be installed near the center of the 2400 bloc]{ on Roosevelt Street ..............................................._......... 303 1946 Nov. INDEX-Book 76 SUBJECT Page F 23-Federal Power Commission '.advised that therein need for natural g'as for the City of Dubuque and the citizens thereof and that they .are hereby petitioned to issue a permit to make natural gas available to ,all of the people of the City of Dubuque .................... 322-352 28-Fay, Carl, Notice of Claim ..................................................... 326 4-Flynn, Joseph, County'Supt. of Schools suggesting that it would be fitting and proper that the Iowa Con- servation Commission to take over and maintain Julien Dubuque's grave and the five acres surround- ing said grave .........................................................._...... 343 INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page Feb. 4-Gavin, Mark, re-appointed as a member of Dock Board for term expiring November 26, 1948 ......................... 1D Mar, 4- General Municipal Election of March 25th, 1946, appoint- ment of Judges and Clerks ..................................... 30.3].-61 " 4- General Municipal Election of March 25th, 1946, select- ing and designating polling places .............................. 31 " 16 -General Municipal Election aY March 25th, 1946, can- vassing nomination papers for Councilmen and Park Cammissioner ....................................................._..., ......... 32 " 21 -Grab, Erwin M. and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ..........................................................................._............. 50 26 -General Municipal Election of March 25th, 1946, can- vassing the vote cast at said election ............................ 53 Apr, 1- Grashorn, Elroy H., Secretary of Trades and Labor Cou• gress, submitting the name and requesting the ap- pointment of George Pohl as a member of the Board of Riview ................................................................................ 63 " 1- -Grigg, Georgia et al, giving their consent for the prop- erty at 1892 Grace Street to be converted into a sec- ond floor apartment ..............~........:......,..............,...~....... 67-185 " 15 -Grace Methodist Church, requesting a compromise in the matter of their indebtedness for street improve- ments in the amount of $292.43, plus penalties ....... 73.93283 May 6- Gunter E. R., et al requesting Council ~to pass the neces- sary measures to declare Daylight Saving Time ef- fective in the City of Dubuque ...................................... 10& " 6- Gantert, Harry M. sand Lucile, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 111 " 17 -Goodale, Mrs. Cora, requesting the installation of a street light on Hill Street just about a block off Dodge Street ....................................................................... 116 June 28 -Glynn, John and Helen, granted Cigarette. Permit ........ 188 " 28 -Gru~tz, John and Clara, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 188 " 28- Grode, Harty and Viola, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 188 " 28 -Gantert, Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 188 " 28 -Galle, Hubert and Arthur .T, Spahr, granted Cigarette Permit .................................................................................... 188 Aug. 6 -General Timber Service Inc, Fabricating Division ask- ing permission to build a loading dock the entire length of their building at the southwest corner of Terminal and Jones Streets also asking that Water Street be graded and graveled .........................259.283-311 Sept. 3 -Glenn, Milton J., Judge 19th Judicial District of Iowa, submitting information as to the operation of the Shangri-La. Tavern, operated- by Leonard Burke.... 277 " 3 -Grade, Harry V. and Viola, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................... .......................................... 289 Oct. 7 -Grashorn, Elroy H., Secretary of Trades and Labor Con- gress, thanking Council for their participation in Labor Day Parade ............................................................ 301 " 7- Grutz, John and Clara, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 315 Nov. 25 -Gaber, M. S., Excavation Bmid ................................................ 361 Dec, 16- Goddard, James, request made to Building Department for variation from the building code in regard to chimneys ................................................................................ 389 INDEX - Boolc 76 1946 SUBJECT Page Jan. 7 -Holloway, Harold, requesting that the sanitary sewer condition on West Locust Street be given immedi- ate attention ...................................................................... 1 " 7- Hornung, E. F, et al, requesting the vacation of the alley between Brunswick Street and Burden Avenue from Groveland Place to O'Neill Street ........................ 1.51 " 7- Harwood, M. L., requesting a refund on his Cigarette Permit ...........................................................................:....... 2 Feb. 4 -Hickey, John F., Notice of Claim ......................................... 10.145 " 4- Harms, Melvin P. and Arthur Weiler, requesting vaca- tion of the alley between Lot 28 of O'Neil Riverview Addition and Lot 112 of Belmont Addition ................ 10.51-76 " 11 -Hayes, Lillian, Notice of Claim ............................:.......~........... 18.27-28 " 11- Howe, Cecelia, requesting suspension of 1946 tax ............ .19.28 " 11- Hier, Mrs. Mary, requesting suspension of 1945 box ....... 19.28 " 11- Hansen, Wm. F., requesting a refund on his Cigarette Permit .......................................................... .................... 19 " 11- Hillard, Joseph and Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit.... 21 " 11- Hillard, Joseph sand Bernice, granted Class `B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 22 Mar, 4 -Henker, Fred A, et al requesting that the property located on Lot 9 and the South 28 feet of Lot 10 in Lever's Addition be rezoned into a multiple resi- dence zone ............................................................................ 25 " 21- Handley, Victor, Notice of Claim ............................................ 47.74 " 21 -Hyde Clarke Women's Relief Corps, requesting permis- sion to hold ~a tag day on April 6th, 1946 ..........~..... 47 " 21- Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 50 " 26- Hill T, J., submitting application for appointment as a member of Board of Review ....................................... 54 " 26 -Horan, Charles J., Regional Housing Expediter, asking the Mayor to appoint a Veterans' Emergency Committee to help with the home building program fror vet- erans ..................................._,............................................. 54-69.83 " 26 -Howes, Charles, requesting a refund on his Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................................................... 55 Apr, 1- Hedrick, Jacob, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 68-69 " 15- Hogan, Mrs, Margaret, requesting suspension of 1945 tax 73.93 " 16 -Holz, 0. W., relative to settlement of sewer assessments levied against Lots 32 and 33 of McDanieis Park Hill .......................................................................................... 74 " 16- Hanover, Harry J., City Assessor, hood ................................ 78 " 15- Hail, J. J„ Supt. City Water Dept., pond .............................. 78 " 26- Hohmann, Grace C., Notice of Claim ...:............................. 86.107 " 26- Hill, Thomas J., reappointed as a member of the Police and Fire Pension Board, term expiring April 1st 1950 .................................................................................... 96 May 6 -Highway Notice from the office of County Auditor, advis- ing of the vacating of part of Highway known as Le Cleve Road in Tahle Mound Township .:.................... 104 24- Hanger, H. R., Agent for Mrs. C, A. Kearney, offering to sell to the City of Dubuque a 25 foot strip of Lot 2 of Lot 30 in Ann O'Hare's Sub. for the sum of $1,000.D0 ....................................................... .....................125-147.290 " 24- Holscher, G, H., again requesting the City Council to order the repairing of the storm sewer which crosses his property on Bradley Street .................... 125 " 24- Henkel, John and Alma, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 133 " 24- Henkel, John and Alma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 133 June 3- Hillcrest Road, Profile No. 1312, showing proposed grade 148 INDEX - Sook 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 10 -Haferbeclcer, Clarence, Notice of Claim .............................. 158 " 10- Haberhorn, George J., Notice of Claim ................................. 158-182 " 10- Hillcrest Road, grading ......................._.......170.178-179.215-216-232-281 " 10- Harlan Street from the present pavement in Windsor Avenue to approximately the east property line of Sheridan Street north improvement 172-173-174-193.194.221-264 269-270-312-313.337-338.339-340 "L8- Horne, Wm., granted Cigarette Permit .._ _._ .................... 187 " 28- Hedrick, Jacob, granted Cigarette Permit ............_....,..... 187 " 28- Hartig Drug Company, Inc., granted Three Cigarette Permits .................................................................................. 187 " 28- -Hughes, R. D., and Anna, granted Cigarette Permit .......,. 187 " 28- Harris, Joe, granted Cigarette Permit ...... _ ...................... 187 " 28 -Henkel, John and Ahna, grouted Cigarette Permit ........,... 18S " 28 -Hillard, Jcseph and Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit _. 188 " 28- Hind, Mrs, Rosemary, granted Cigarette Permit ............... 188 " 28 -Hessel, Irvin G., granted Cigarette Permit ......,..... _..,,... 188 " 28- Herber, Fred and Annabelle, granted Cigarette Permit 188 " 28- Helmer, Mrs. Florence, granted Cigarette Permit .,_.......... 188 " 28- Hoehberger, William, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189 " 28- Hogan, Vincent J., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 189 " 28- Hawkeye bodge, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 189 " 28- Haley, Amy, granted Cigarette Permit ._ ............................... 189 " 28- -Hollywood Gri11, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 190 " 28- Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 190 " 28- Herber, Arthur F., and Theresa, granted Cigarette Permit 190 " 28- Herber, Fred and Annabelle, gr~.nted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................................................................... 190-191 " 28 -Hughes, R. D, and Auna M., granted Class "B" Boer Permit .. .....__ ....................._ ............,........................,.. 190-191 " 28 -Horne, William and Mary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 190-192 " 28 -Hogan, Vincent J, granted Class `'C" Beer Permit .,.,.,,,.. 191-192 Ang. 5- Hogan, -Zargaret E., requesting suspension of 1946 tax 259.284 " 6 -Hedley, Alft°ed and Lillian, application. Yor Class °B" Beer Permit ............................_...__..........._,,...._..,.....,....._........ 272 Sept. 3- Hochberger, William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,..., 289 Oct. 7- Hamilton, Mrs. Minnie, Notice oY Claim ..._ ......................... 301-329 " 7 -Haggerty, Mrs. Jennf, requesting suspension of taxes ...... 305-330 " 7 -Hedley, Alfred E. and Lillian, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .........................._..................,_..........................,.. 315-363 " 7 -Hawkeye Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit fcr Private Club ................_....,..., ..,,......................,.............. 315 " 23 -Ha-il, J. J., appointed Clet°k Pro Tetn of Council meeting 322 Nov. 4 -Hansen, Donald et al, requesting' the installation of street lights on Euclid Street ..............:.................................... 344 " 4 -Hind, Mrs. Rosemary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 348 4 -Herber, At°thur F., and Theresa, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................._.,.............,..................... 348 Dec. 16 -Hedley, Alfred and Lillian, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 385 " 23 -Hoffinann, Mrs. Mabel R., appointed as ~a member of the Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. R. V. McI~~ay, recently deceased, said term expiring July 1, 1947 ....................................................................... 394 INDEX - Sook 76 1946 SUBJECT _ Page I Mar. a_ --Iowa Chapter International Association Electrical In- spectors, extending invitation to Electrical Inspector to attend meeting to be held in Des Moines, Iowa on March 30, 194G ............................................................ 23 " 4 -Iowa Improvement Company (Subsidiary of Deere & Co.) asking Council assistance to melee the property which they are considering purchasing on and near Roosevelt Street available for li~ome building sites 26 Apr. 15 -Interstate Power Company, asking Council consideration in an effort to help solve their present street system and motor vehicle opet•ati~ons ....................................... 73 " 26 -Illinois Central Railroad Company, acceptance of Ordin- ance No. 9-45 which grants authority for construc- tion of railroad tracks to serve Marmis and Solomon 87 May 6 -Interstate Power Company submitting copies of proposed Electric and Transpm•tatiou Franchise Ordinances 105 " 17 -Interstate Power Company suggesting that a stop sign be located nn the southwest corner of 'Pwentieth anti Elm Streets .............._.......,,....,....,...__..........,.._.._ 116-120 " 24 -Interstate Power Company, Electric Franchise Special Ordinance No, 15-4fi .........................._133-138-139-140-14 1-142-218 " ~4 -Interstate Power Company, Bus Franchise, Special Or• dinance No, 1G-46 ................................................134.142-14 3-144-21.8 June 10 -Interstate Power Company, stating that they have no objection to the vacation of the alley between At- lantic and Auburn Streets from Loras Blvd, bo Cus- ter Street Providing that the vacation ordinance makes provision for retention of a permanent pole line of right-of-way ........ ................._.............,....,..........,. 159 " 10 -Interstate Power Company, Special Election on Electric and Bus Franchises ....................................176.177-198-207.208.218 " 24 -Iowa Improvement Company granted permission to con- struct asanitary sewer connecting with City sewer at its junction at Hillcrest and Asbury Streets .......~ 178-199 ' 28 -Interstate Power Compauy,Agreetnent submitted by the Board of Dock Commissioners Yor Council records.... 184-210 " 28 -Il•vin, Ray and Paul Meg~~onigle, granted Cigarette Permit 189 July 9 -Iowa State Highway Commission, petitioned by the City Council to construct an access highway on the northerly side of the Airport to oonuect U, S. High- ways Nm. 61 and 151 .......... _ ........................................ 211 " 16 -International Association oP Chiefs of Police- extending invitation to Police Chief Strub to attend the Annual Conference to be held in Mexico City froth Septem- ber 23rd to 27th, inclusive ................................................ 219 " 22 -Iowa State Highway Cotnmissimt, acknowledging receipt of copy of communication of The Dubuque and Wis- consin Bridge Company objecting to the changing of U. S. Numbers 61 and 151 routes to cross the Mis- sissippi River on the Julien Dubuque bt°idge ._,........ 223 Aug. 6 -Iowa State Highway Commission, submitting maintetr once contracts Por year beginning July 1, 1946 .....,.. 258 " 5- Iowa Children's Home Society asking permission to hold an emblem sale ~on August 24th, 1946 ......_ .................. 259 Oct. 7 -I•owa State Highway Department, acknowledging receipt of copy of Ietter Hof Plamling and Zoning Cotnmis- siou to urge the Iowa State Highway Department to defer at least temoprarily the proposed change in U. S. Highway 61 and 151 routing ................................ 302 INDEX -Book 76 1946 S~CBJECT Page I " 7-Iowa State Association of Assessors advising that the Annual School of Instruction and meeting will be held at Des Moines on October 14th and 15th ............ 303 " 28-Interstate Power Company submitting proposed changes covering the Mt. Carmel and Freemont Bus Route, Cleveland Avenue Bus Route and the Linwood Bus Route .........._ ......................................................................... 326 " 28-Iowa State Housing Committee, requesting the attendance of Building Cflmmissioner Bandy at a meeting to be held in Des Moines, Iowa on November 1st . ............. 326 .~..y~...._., . ~"~. _ ~, INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page Mar. 21-Jansen Henry and Lucille, granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ........................................................................................... 50 Apr, 15-Jenni, Geraldine L., Secretary to City Manager, bond .... 78 June 3-Johnson Wayne A., et al, requesting the vacation of the Aliey bet`veen Auburn and Atlantic Streets and run- ning northerly from Custer Street bo Loras Blvd..,13 5-159.184 " 28-Jansen Henry and Lucille, granted Cigarette Permit.... 189 Aug, 5-Johanningmeier William Leo, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 272 Sept, 3--Jacques Thomas L., Notice cf Claim .................................... 278 Oct. 7-Johanningmeier, William Z., granted Cigai°ette Permit,... 314 Dec. 16-Jenni Street, dedioation of said street accepted ............ 386.387 INDEX-Boole 76 1946 SUBJECT Page K Jan, 7- Keefe William F., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 3 " 7- Kramer, Nick and Marie J., granted Class "B" Eeer Permit .................................. _..,.......... ............... ...,......... 3-4 Feb. 4- Keefe William, granted Class "C" Beer Permit _. .............. 15 " 11- Key City Gas Company, excavation band ............ .........._.. 21 Mar. 16- Kersch Veda, settlement of claim .................... .................. 33 " 21 -Kehoe, Paul P, and Kathryn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................._......,......................,...........,........,...., .... 50 Apr. 1 -Kretz E, P., requesting a refund ou his Cigarette Per- mit ...................._.............................................._.., ..........,... 67 " 1- Kanavas, George, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... G8 " 15- Kintzinger, John J., City Solicitor, bond ...............~........... 78 " 16- Koehler Sarah, requesting suspension of 1945 taxes ........ 84-93 May 6- Kane, Allan C., Clerk in City Water Department, band.... 108 " 17- Kane, Allan C., Clerk in Water Department, requesting release on his bend covering the period of April 1, 194G to December 1, 1946 ~as he has filed a new bond covering the period of April 1, 1946 to 1Vlarch 31, 1947 ....:.......................................................................... 11G " 24 -Kearney Mrs, C. A., through her Agent, H. R. Hanger, offering to sellto the City of Dubuque a 25 Poot strip of Lot 2 of Lot 3D of Ann O'Hare's Sub, for the sum of $1,000.00 .........................................................................12 5-147-290 " 24- Kllby, K. J. et al, requesting the installation of a drop light on the end of the alley between Fenelon Place and West 3rd Street on the City steps ......,.,_............ 125-147 June 3 -Kraus Frank, gt°anted Class "B" Beer Permft ................ 155 " 10- Kopchansky, Mike, submitting offer of $40.00 to the Board of Supervisors on Lots 49 and 50 of Wood• lawn Park Add ..................._.,...,....,,........,..............,.........,.. 159.203 " 28- F~~amer, Nick and Marie J., granted Cigarette Permit 187 " 28 -Kraus Frank, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 187 " 28- Kaiser, Eileen H, granted Cigarette Permit ..~ ..............._ 187 " 28- Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Permit 187 " 28 -Karigan Andrew D„ granted Two Cigarette Permits,...., 188 " 28 -Koleopulos Steve and Christ, granted Cigarette Permit 188 " 28 -Kane John NL, granted Cigarette Permit ..._........~-.......~...., 188 " 28 -Keefe William F., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 188 " 28 -Knights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit ..........,, 189 " 28- Kruse, Cxeo. C., granted Cigarette Permit ... .................. 189 " 28 -Kanavas George and John G., granted Cigarette Permit 189 " 28 -Kopp N. J., granted Cigarette Permit ............................. 190 " 28 -Kraus Leo M., granted Cigarette Permit ...._ ..................... 190 " 28- Kies, Theodore T, granted Cigarette Permit ........_...... 19D " 28 -Kolecpulos Steve and Christ, gt°anted Class "B" Beer .Permit ....................................... _....._......_,........_........... 190.191, " 28 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................. 190-191 28- -Kanavas George and John G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 190-192 " 28- Klein, Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 191-192 " 2S -Karigan Andrew D„ granted Class "B" Beer Permit....,. 191-192 July 1 -I{one John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 205 " 9 -Knapp Geneva, Original Notice of Suit _ .........................20 8-283-284 " 15 -Keane Street, verbal request submitted for the cmistruc- tion of a sanitary sewer in said street ................... 217-262 " 16 -Klein C. N., submitting offer to the Board of Supervfsors in the amount of $16D.00 on Lots 47 and 48 of Finley, Wa~ples and Burtons Addition ..........~ ....................~...... 218-262 " 15 -Kane Johu M., granted Cigarette Permit ......_ ................. 2i9 INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page K Aug. 5 -Kluck Merlin, asking that a. street light be installed at the corner of Rosedale Avenue and Asbury Street..,. 258-283 " 5- Koehler Sarah, requesting suspension of 1945 tax ....... 260.284 " 5- Kniglits of Columbus, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit far Private Club _............_ ......................................_.......... 272 Sept. 3 -Kenlihe, Roedell, Hbffmaun and Reynolds, Attorneys, requesting that the Chicago Great Western Railway Company be granted the right to construct a spur track across 12th Street .................................................. 276 " 3 -Klauer J. A„ et al requesting the City Council to deny the use of the lot occupied as~a gas station on the corner of West Locust and Kirkwood Streots ftbm being used as a Trailer Gamp ........................................ 280-309 " 3 -K~auffmann Arthur G., submitting offer in the amount of $1,050.OOfor the purchase of City property located on Garfield Avenue between Dock and Marshall Streets ...... ...........................................293-294.295-297-29 8-299-325 Oet. 7- Kauffmann, A. C., submitting offer in the amount of $1,550,00 for the purchase of City property located on Garfield Avenue between Dock and Marshall Streets .......................................:_........................................30 1.302.333 " 7- Kramer, Joseph A, and Louis P. O'Connor, granted Ciga- rette Permit ..................._,,.................,....,.........,...,.....,. .... 314 " 7 -Kramer Joseph A, and Louis P. O'Connor, granted Class •`B" Beer Permit .............................................................. 315 " 23 -Key City Gas C-0mpany in regard to the application now pending before the Federal Power Commission for a permit to make natural gas available to all of the people of the City of Dubuque .................................... 322 Nov. 4- Kaufmann Avenue Sanitary Trunk Sewer to eon• struct .....,._ ........................................ 349.350-353-354.355-37 7-378.389 Dec. 9- Kolbe Herman, requesting vacation of a portion of Thirty-second St-reet ou which his building is located and that a quit claim deed be executed conveying said vacated portion to the petitioner ......................... 374.376 " 16 -Kavanaugh Emmet J., requesting permission to erect a six romp General Timber Service, Inc, prefabri- cated lrouse ........................................................................ 380.394 " 23 -Kramer John, Decd. (Theresa) in regard to suspension of 1945 taxes ........................................................................ 390 23 -KauFPmati Arthur G., submitting offer in the amount of $125.00 fcr the purchase of Lot 1 of McCraney's 1st. Addition and Lots 116, 117, 118 and 119 of Ham's Addition .................................................................................. 391 -'~ _i J °i i - 1,__ INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page L Feb. 4- Lundbeck, Catherine S., requestion suspension of her , 1945 taxes .......................................................................... 11.20 Mar. 4- Lawry E, R., requesting permission to remodel the up• stairs of his home at 1515 Atlantic Street ......._.......... . 24.78 " 4- Lynch Mrs. Catherine, requesting the rezoning of the area at Primrose and Burlington Streets to a local business district .................................................................. 25 " 21- Lattner Mary E., submitting offer of $lOD.00 on Lot 7 of O'Taylors Sub, and $50.00 on Lots 8 and 9 of 0'- Taylors Sub . ...................................................................... 47 Apr. 1 -Lynch. Catherine et al, requesting that a grocery store be allowed to be erected on Lot 73 of McDaniels Park Hill Add., an the corner of Burlington and Primrose Streets ................................................................ 65-96.122 " 1 -Layacano Steve, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 68 " 1 -Longview Ski Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ........................................................................ .. 68-69 " 26 -Linwood Cemetaay Association informing the City Council that they will sell to the City of Dubuque, for playground purposes, all the property `vest of Burden Street being Lot 1 oY 3 of the Sub: of Lots 11.12.13 of NE '/4 of Section 13 for the amount of $1,500.00 ................................................................................ 86.154 " 26 -Librarian of Public Library, annual report ........................ 93 May 6 -Luke Hylda Noel, Rem•eational Director, bond ............... 108 June 3 -Link Leo F, and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 155 " 10 -Lilly Thomas, submitting offer of $25.00 to the Board of Supervisors on South 10 feet of West 100 feet of Lot 11 of Jaeger's Sub ...................................................158.203.204 10- Lemhardt Iola J. et al, requesting the installation of two electric lights one to be installed on the curve of Montrose Terrace at City steps leading to Cornell Street and the other to be installed on the City steps leading from Montrose Terrace up to Fair- view Place ........................................................................ 159-202 " 24 -League of Iowa Muncipalities Executive Committee con- taining astatement of proceedings of the annual convention ........................................................................... 180 " 28 -Luxenburg Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 187 " 28 -Link Leo F., granted Cigarette Permit ............................... 187 " 28 -Leik, Wm. C., granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 188 " 28 -Ludwig M. J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 188 " 28 -Loss College, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 189 June 28 -Lynn, Melvin C., granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 189 " 28 -Lanser Geo. and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 189 " 28 -Lanser Geo. and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................................... 190.191 July 1 -Loeffellvolz, Mts. Dan, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors in the amount of $20.00 on Lot 40 of Rosedale Addition ......_ .................................................. 198-262 " 9 -Library Board, Certificate of Tax Levy ............................ 210 " 9 -Loosbrock, Mrs. Julius C., appointed as a membeg of Mu- nicipal Playground and Recreation Commission, term expiring July 2nd, 1949 ..................~....................... 213 " 9 -Lowther Miss Anna B., appointed as a member of Mu- nicipal Playground and Recreation Commission, term expiring July 2nd, 1949 ........................................ 213 " 22 -Linehan and Molo, excavation bond ................................... 231 Aug. 5 -Lockhart Plumbing and Heating Co, excavating bond.... 262 " 5 -Landolt, Frederick, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 271 INDEX -- Boolc 76 1946 SUBJECT Page L 5- Luxemburg Club, granted Class `B" Beer Permit for Private Club ~ ~ 272 5 '~ -League of Iowa Municipalities C cnvention, authorizing . the Ma or, Members of the Crty Council, City Mana- ger and City Solicitor Co attend said eonvention_.... 273-274 Sept. 3- Leik, Wm, et a1, requesting' that immediate action be taken to cause the removal of the odor from the sewer in the vicinity of the Audubon School District 276 " 3 -Lammer William, submitting' offer in the amount of $200.00 to the Board of Supervisors on Lots 47 and 48 of Finley, W~aples and Burtons Addition .............. 278 " 3 -Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" Beer Permit or Private Club ................................ 289 Oct. 28- Lem er, Florence, Police Matron, settlement of claim... s 329.330 Dec. 16 -I,oe Dr. A. M,, requesting Council to grant Moes Tavern a renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit as it is im- possible at this time to secure a fire escape ............ 379 INDEX -Book 76 D - N EX Book 76 ~ 1946 SUBJECT Page 1946 SUBJECT page i~l1C C Feb, 4- McGrath Andrew, Notice of Claim ...,..._ ............................... 9.21 7- McCarthy Peter H., stating that the matier of owner- - 4- Milk inspection ordinance, City NLanager recommending ship of Washington Park be settled by the County that the ordinance be amended to provide for the giving a Quit Claim to the City of Dubuque ................ 301 collection of a cent per cwt. of milk from the 7- McCann Eugene P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 315 distributor .............................._..,........,.........,....................... 14 Nov. 25- McGhee Steel Building Service Distributors of Stran " 4- McDonough Melvin, Anita and George, granted Class Steel Quonset Buildings, offering for Council consid- ~'B" Beer Permit ...................... ............. .......................... 15 eration the "Quonset" line of steel fiabricated build- Mar. 4- McEvoy, John J., requesting that West Fifth Street rugs which may be useful in operating the new from Hill Street to Paulina Street be rezoned into City Airport ..........................................................:.............. 359 a multiple district and also that College Street " 25- McFarlane, W. J., purchase of Lot 19 and Lot 1 of 1 of from Allison Place to West Fifth Street be rezoned Lot 20 Mi11's West Dubuque and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of into a multiple district ................................................... 24 225 of Wroodlawn Parh Additicn for the sum of Apr. 15 -McCarthy, C. J., Harbor and Market Master, bond ....... 78 c ~150.00 ......................................:.................. .................... subject of t o 366 ~~ June 28- N1cDouald Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ................:.. 187 8 fi1e t s t c 374 " 28 -N1cDonongh, Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Cigarette ' 23- McCa thy, P ter H~ sugge tiirg tha the ontr act for the Permit ...._ .................................._......,.................................. 187 construction oY the I~aufmamr Avenue Sanitary " 28 -McLaughlin Frank, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 188 Trunk Sewer be submitted to the City Solicitor for " 28 -McFarlane, Robert, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 188 legal opinion ....................,.......................,............................ 389 " 28 -McDonough Melvin B., granted Cigarette Permit ........~. 189 " 28 -McNamara Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 189 it 28 -McCann Eugene, granted Cigarette Permit ..........._......... 190 " 28 -McCauley Frank, granted Cigarette Permit ......._........... 190 28 a, granted Crass `B" Beer -McLaughlin Frank and Ann Permit 190.191 " 28 -McIonald Daniel and Loretba, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................. 190-192 July 9 -McDonough Leo F., appointed as a member of Municipal I Playground Commission fcr term expiring July 2nd 1949 ....... ................_ ....,....,........,........,,,.......,.,..,....,.............. 213 " 15 -McCarthy Peter H., submitting suggestion for fire pre- vention .........................................................._....................... 217 " 15 -McVaugh-Haynes Company, submitting letter with re- spect to application of Daniel Smothers for the posi- tiou of Superintendent of Maintenance fm• the Du- buque Municipal Airport .__ .... ................................... 218.219 ~~ 16 -McCarten H. B., requesting that Robinson Street be put iu a usable condition ........... . ................................. . 21 9-262-263 Aug, 5- McCarthy, Peter H., objecting to the appropriating of the amount of :$5000.00 for the hiring of a City Planner and Traffic Expert and also objecting to the allow- ~~ ~ance for the fire department, especially the salaries 245 Aug. 5 -McDonald A. Y, Mfg. Co., requesting Council to vacate East 13th Street from the easterly line of Pine Street to the westerly line of Lynn Street; all the streets and alleys easterly of Pine Street from the ', northerly line of East 13th Street to the southerly ~, line oP East 14th Street to-wit: the alley between Pine and Maple Streets; Maple Street; the alley ~ between Maple and Cedar Streets; Cedar Stroet; Sycamore Street; and the alley between Sycamore and Lynn Streets _... „ .... ......... 25 9-286.362 Sept. 3 -McDonough L. F., Chairman of the Iowa Centennial I Parade Committee, requesting permission to hold I a street parade on September 19th, 1946 .................. 280 3 -McDonough Thomas F, and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................................................... 289 Oct. 7 -McFarlane W. J, submitting offer in the amount of - $100.00 for the purchase of City awned property which lies between Lot ].8 Mills Suh. and North Algona Street .................................................................. 301 INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page Jan. 7-Maizewood Insulation Company, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute a warranty deed conveying Lots 1 and 2 of Block B except the easterly 50 feet thereof, all of Lot i of Block C except the easterly 50 feet thereof, all of Lot 2 of Black C and that part of vacated Charter Street abutting the property herein above described in Industrial Subdivision to the Maizewood Insulation Company ...................... 2 " 7 -Meyer, Albert M, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 4 " 14 -Maedel, Caroline M., settlement of claim ............................ 6 Feb. 11- Miller, Martin A, and Mrs. Sophia, requesting a refund on their Cigarette Permit ................................................ 19 " 11 -Merchants Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 22-50 Mar 4 -Martin, NIr, and Mrs. Stanley, submitting offer in the amount of $450.00 for the purchase of City owned property at the corner of Bryant and Curtis Streets 24 " 4 -Mary Agard Tent No. 35 requesting permission far the holding of a tag day on June 8, 1946 ........................ 24 " 21 -Maclay, A. P., suggesting that the site for the new fire station be located at Delhi Street and Grandview Avenue instead of Grandview Avenue and Dodge Street ..................................................:................................. 47 " 26 -Maiers, Cyril H, asking that the steps leading from Madison Street to Dorgan Place be closed .............. 54.79 Apr. i- Marcov, Chris, submitting offer in the amount of $1,4D0.00 for the purchase of hots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of McCraney's 1st Add ................................................. 65.79 " 1- Murray, Dr. John B, advising that it will be impossible for him to consider re-appointmont as a membei° of the Civil Service Commission ........................................ 66 " 1 -Mangeno, Paul, requesting a refund on his cigarette Per• mit .......................................................................................... 67 " 1 -Martin, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley, submitting offer in the amount of $G50.00 for lot located at corner of Bryant and Curtis Streets ............................................................ 67 " 1 -Mihalis, Ellas and Ruby, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 68.69 " 15 -Mettel Realty and Investmont Company requesting ap- proval of the plat of Burkart Subdivision ................ 73 " 15 -Marshall, R. P., City Auditor, bond ..........~ ........................... 78 " 15 -Moore, Mae A., Clerk, Health Department, bond ......._. 78 " 26 -Maizewood Insulation Cc., Waiver and Release of Damage .................................................................................. 88 " 26 -Moto, Bart L., Harold E., William S., Waiver and Re- lease of Damage ........................._....................................... 89 " 26 -Marmis, Meyer, David Solomon, Waiver and Release of Damage ............................................................................. 89.90 Nlay 6- Memorial Day Parade Committee extending invitation to City Council to participate in the Memorial Day Parade .................................................................................... 104 " 6 -Meyer, Martin and Vernon, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 111 " 17 --Martin, Mr, et al, returned Veterans, asking permission to erect Quanset Huts ..................................................... 115.132 " 2~l -Midwest Lumber Company applying for a building per- mit to erect, a Celotex Cemesto House No, 200 as per accompanying plans sand specifications ............... 126.135 June 3 -Mullin Road, Profile No. 1313 showing proposed grade.... 148 3 -Morningview Road, Profile No. 1316 showing proposed grade ................................................................................ 148 " 10 -Morningview Road, grading ,... .................170.178.179-215-21 6.232.281 " 10 -Mullin Road, grading .................................. 6.232.281 INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 28- Miller, George, granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 187 " 28 -Maas, Willfam and Elizabeth, granted Cigarette Permit 187 " 28 -Meyers, Kermit and .Thomas Lilly, granted Cigarette Permit .................................................................................... 187 " 28 -Moes, Anthony W. and Donald C., granted Cigarette Permit .................................................................................... 187 " 28 -Meyer, Paul J., granted Cigarette Permit .:.................... 188 " 28 -Manternach, Gus L., ,granted Cigarette Permit .............. 188 " 28 -Murphy, Harry and Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit 188 " 28 -Mengis, Walter granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 188 " 28 -Moose Lodge, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 188 " 28 -Meisemburg, John, granted Cigarette Permit ..............._... 188 " 28 -Manders, Edmund N., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 189 " 28 -Meis, Stanley, granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 189 " 28 -Mihalas, Ellas, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 189 " 28 -Maas, Melvin H, and Miner, granted Cigarette Permit 189 " 28 -Morrow, Marjorie G. and Hazel A, Schwartz granted Cigarette Permit ................................................................ 189 " 28 -Meisenburg, John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 190-191 " 28 -Maas, Melvin H, and Miner, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................................................................................... 190-191 " 28 -Meyer, Alberi M., granted Class "B" Beei° Permit ...,...... 190-191 " 28 -Mengis, Walter and Mathilda, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 190.192 " 28 -Maas, William and Elizabeth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 191.192 July 9 -Mihalakis, Phillip, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 212 " 9 -Municipal Playground and Recreation Commission ap- pcintment ............................................................................. 213 " 16- Mulgrew, Thomas J., purchase of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of Lot 2 of Part of Out Lot 735 ........................_........................ 220 " 22 -Mulgrew, T, J. II, and Irvin W. Domer, stating that they are desirous to operate the new Airport with con• cession privileges and requesting that their request be placed on record and further requesting that in the meantime they be allowed to operate of the present airport in conjunction with the present operatm• ............................................................................ 222 " 22 -Manders, John, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 243 Aug. 5- Maintenance contracts submitted by the Iowa State Highway Commission for year beginning July 1, 1946 ......................................................................................... 258 " 5 -Morrison Brothers Company, Waiver and 'Release of Damage ............................................................................... 260.261 " 5 -Murphy, Harry J. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 272 " 5 -Miller, Mrs, Florence M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 272 Sept. 3- Magee-Hale Park-O-Meter Company submitting for Coun- cil consideration a brochure showing the highlights of their parking meter ............................................_........ 278 " 3 -Marihart, Leo et al, requesting the rezoning of Lots 1D6 and 107 in Burden sand Lawther Addition to a Local Business District ....................................:........................... 286 3- Meyer, Martin and Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit 289 " 3- Mihm, Agatha, sidewalk to construct abutting the West 170 feet of Lot 284 Davis Farm Add 292.293-320.334-347-363-364 Oct, 7- Mihalakis, Phillip, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 315.333 " 28- May, Leander W., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 332 Nov. 4- Meyer, Herbert sand Walter, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... 348 INDEX----~ook76 INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page 1946 SUBJECT _ Page " 25-Mathewson, E. B. Company informing the city that their Mar. 16 -Noonan, Johii F., Secretary of American War Dads, re- client, Iowa Improvement Company, will not install questing Council to 'appoint a Committee to repre• at this time the sewer runs and manholes nn Valley- sent the City of Dubuque to attend meeting for the view Road starting at manhole on Morniagvfew purpose of aiding in the pirogram for solving the Road and running east approxtniately 175 feet and general housing problem ................................................ 32 aisa the sewer run and manholes on Asbury Road 21- Nicks, Gilbert and Josephine, transfer of address of from Avalon Road to Chaney Road ......................... 358.393 Class `B" Beer Permit ........................................,........... 50 " 26-Miller, Katie A., requesting suspension of taxes .... _...... 358.375 Apr. 15 -Nelson, T, H., submitting application for appointment Dec. 16-Mauer, Welkin H., 2215 Qreen Street, requesting permis- to the position of Police Judge ......................... 72-84 sion to hurld a secrond story entrance a re rea ~• of 15 -Norton, L, C., Electrical Hispector bond ......~ ................... 78 _ ................. his house .....~...._........._..., 380 , 16-Martin, Angela E., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 385 M.ay 6 -Rational Institute of Governmental Purchasing Inc., appointed bo represent the City of Councilman " 16-Moffatt extending invitation to the Gity Council .and public- , , llubuque on Board of Directors of Dubuque Com- officials to ,attend the First Annual Conference and Products Exhibit to be held in Chicago on August munity Chest ....................................................................... 387 19-21, 1946 .................................................... 104 " 17 -Norpel, Kenneth L., submitting offer to the B~aard of Supervisors in the amount of $150.00 on Lot 36 of Wm. Blake's Add ...................._.....,...........................,,...... 117.153 " 17 -Nacos, Thomas E, granted Cigarette Permit ..............:....... 118 June 28 -Nicks, Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Cigarette Per- mit ......................................................................................... 187 " 28 -North End Choral Club, granted Cigarette Permit ....,.... 187 " 28 -Noel, Joseph D. and Elsie, granted Cigarette Pei°mit...... 187 " 28 -Nicks, Ray J., granted Cigarette Permit .............................. 188 " 28 -Nordin, George A., granted Cigarette Permit ............... 188 " 28 -Nacos, Thomas E., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 189 " 28 -National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permit .....,.... 189 " 28 -Noel, John E. and June, granted Cigarette Permit .....,.. 189 July 22 -Neowoehner A., requesting that the zoning requirements on housing be lifted to allow a temporary apart- went at the Wolf Berk garage located in the 1400 block on Locust Street .................................................... 222 Aug. 5- Navy Club of the U.S.A., requesting permission to place mi exhibit their Mobile War Exhibits ......................... 259 " 5 -Nicks, Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................... - 272 Sept. 3- Nordin, George A, and Bessie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................................ 289 Oct. 7- Naval reserve armory, lease of waterworks property in the vicinity of the swimming pool .............................. 300 " 7 -Nesler, Wm, J., requesting that the area shown in red on the attached plat be vacated in order to increase the size of store building at West 17th Street and West Locust Street .........................................................30 4-332-361 " 11 -National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, asking that the City Solicitor be authorized to attend the confereuce to be held in Washington on December 2.3-4, 1946 ............................................................................ 321 " 23 -Natural gas to be made available to all of the people of the City of Dubuque and that the Federal Power Coimnission be petitioned to issue a permit for the purpose of making natural gas available .................... 322.352 " 28 -New Municipal Airport, City Solicitor instructed to prepare a proper ordinance covering the zoning of property surrounding the Airport .................................. 334 -~ " 28-New Municipal Airport, City Manager instructed to pre- Jan. 14- Ordinance No. 1.46. An Ordinance amending and chang- pare an application fror Federal Grant for the con• ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- struction of sewers, water supply, landscaping and vided by Ordinance No. 3.34, designated "Zonhig entrance driveways at the New Municipal Airport 334 Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" extending the granted Class "B" Beer and Elsie Joseph D 4-Noel Nov present "Local Business District" at Stewart and , , , . 348 Delhi Streets easterly tai the easterly line of Lot 4 Permit ................................................................................... of Hughes Subdivision ......................................._............. 5-12 Nov. 4-Nicks, Ray, granted Class `B" Beer Permit ................... 348 Feb. 4- Oeth, Philip, submitting a bid of $75.00 for the purchase " 4-North End Choral Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ub, of Lot 73 in Glen of the Mrdd e s 0 of o for Private Club .......................................:... ..................... 348 dale Addition ................ 11-51.82 ~~ 11- O'Connell, Dave, Notice of Claim ...........:.............................. 18 " 11- Ordinance Nro, 2-46. An Ordinance amending Ordinance entitled "Ordinance No, 13-35, providing for inspec- I tion and testing of all milk intended for public sale and distribution, exacting a charge from pro- ducers, etc." by striking ont Par. 547, Section 5, and enacting a substitute in lieu thereof ................. 19-27 Mar. 16- Oberman, Paul, at al requesting that the block iu which house number 1435 Alta Vista Street and located on Lot 27 rof Levin's Addition be rezroned from a I single family district to a two family district ...,..... 33 " 16- Ordinance No, 3.46. An Ordinance making appropria- tions for the expenditures of city government of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year lieginning April 1, 1946 and ending March 31, 1947 ......................,.46-55-5fi-57.58-67 " 21- O'Connell, Dave, Original Notice rof Suit ........._ ................ 47.74-75 I Apr, 15 -Ordinance No. 4.46. An Ordinance amending and Chang- ing the 7.oning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- , vided by Ordinance No, 3-34 designated "7.oning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Multiple Family" classification certain defined territory now being delimited as "Single Family" ror "`Twn Family Districts ............................................ 71-90-91 " 16 -Ordinance No. 5.46. An Ordinance amending and Chang- , I ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- ' vided by Ordinance Nro. 3-34 designated "Zoning Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change to "Multiple Family Residence" classification certain _ defined territory now being delimited as "Twro I Family Residence District" .............................................. 72.91 " 15 -Oberhausen, John C., submitting application for the position of Judge of Police Court ................................ 72.84 " 15 -O'Leary, D. J., Plumbing Inspector, bond ...................... .... 78 " 16 -Oster, Lucille, Clerk City Water Dept, brand 78 " 16 -Ordinance No. 6.46. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 159 entitled "An Ordinance Establishing . a Single Ward for the City of Dubuque and Dividing the Same into Election Precincts, Esbablislilng such Precincts and defining the Boundaries Thereof" by adding additional territory to the Sixth Precinct ...... 84-91.92 " i6 -Oberhausen, John C., appointed Police Judge ................ 89 " 26 -Ordinance No. 9-45. An Ordinance gnantiug to the Illinois Central Railroad Company, its successors and as- signs, right bo construct and maintain aside-track from its track in Salina Street south of Charter Street thence northeasterly in Salina Street and into the premises described as Lots 7, 8 and 9 ~of Block 13 in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition and I, providing the terms and conditions thereof .......... 87.88 INDEX - hook 76 .INDEX - hook 76 1946 SUBJECT Page 1946 -- SUBJECT Page - " 26- Ordinance No, 7.46. An Ordinance amending Ordinance 3 -Ordinance No. 18.46, An Ordinance establishing• a grade No. 10.37 entitled "Traffic Code of the City of Da- an Mullin Road from the south property line of As- buque" by Providing the conditions upon which a bury Road to the north pi°operty line of Hillcrest motor vehicle may be parked in parking lots, and Road ........................................................................................ 149.162 by desci7bing a parking lot ............:.............................. 92-1D6 3 -Ordinance No. 19-46. An Ordinance establishing a grade " 26- Ordiiranc No. 8.46. An Ordinance vacating the Alley on Ogilby Road franc the south property line of As- lying between Brunswick Street and Burden Avenue bury Raad to the north property line of Hillcrest Prom Groveland Place to O'Neil] Street .................... 92.106-107 Road ...,.,.......,............,...,.....,.............,...,,........,,...,............. 149.162 May 6 -Oberhausen, John C., Police Judge, bond .......................... 108 3- Ordinance No. 20-46, An Ordinance establishing a grade " 17 -Ordinance No. 9-46. An Ordinance Amending and chang- on Chaney Road from the south property lice of As- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro• bury Raad to the north property line of Hillcrest vided by Ordinance Na, 3-34 designated "Zoning Road ..................................................................................._ 149-163 ~ Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change 3- Ordinance No, 21-46. An Ordinance establishing a grade ~, to "Multiple Family Residence District" classifica- on Morningview Road from the scuth property line tion, certafu defined territory new being delimited of Asbury Road to the north property line of Hill- 113.126 Y ri ca Di t o a 2 149.163 " 1 cl ang- amendi~rg 7-Ordinance No1 10- 6e An O d ance ~~ 3- Ordin n e 2-46. Au Ordinance establishing a g rade nn ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- Broadlawn Road from the south property line of i vided by Ordinance No, 3-34 designated "Zoning Asbury Road to the north property line of Hillcrest Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change Road ................................................................................... 150.164 to "Multiple Family Residence District" classifica- 3- Ordinance No. 23.46. An ordinance establishing a grade i tion certain defined trritory naw being delimited on Avalon Road from the south property line of as "Two Family Residence District" classificatiou._. 114-127 Asbury Road to the north property line of Hillcrest " 17 -Ordinance No. 11-46. An Ordinance amending and chang- Road ...................................................................................... 150-164 I ~ ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro• 3- Ordinance No. 24-46. An Ordinance establishing a grade ~, vided by Ordinance No, 3-34 designated "Zoning " on Valleyview Road from the west property line of so as to change Ordinance of the City of Dubuque " " ey Road to th e east property line of Avalon Multiple Family Resident District classifica- to Road 150.165 tfon cerbain defined territm•y now being delimited ... as "Two Family Residence District" classification _. 115-128 3- Ordinance No. 25.46, Au Ordinance establishing a gi°ade " 17- Ordinance No. 12-46. An Oi°dinance amending and chang- on Asbury Road from the West Corporation Line ing the Zoning ltfap of the City of Dubuque as pro• on the Section Line between Section 22 and Section vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning 23, T 89 N, R 2 E of the 5th Principal Meridian to Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change the west property lineof Avalon Road ....................... 161.166 to "Multiple Family" classification certafu defined 3- Ordinance No. 26-46, An Ordinance establishing a grade territory now being delimitod as "Single Family" m• on Stout Road from the West Corporatin Line to "Two Family" District .._ ................................................117-129.130 the northeast property lice of Asbm~y Road ......,,....,. I61-167 " 24 -Ordinance No. 13.46. An Ordinance amending and chang• 3- Ordinance No, 27-46. Au Ordinance establishing a grade ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pi~o- on Seminary Street from the west property line of vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning St, Amhrose Stl•eet to the West Corporation Line.... 151-167 I Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change " " 10- Ordinance No. 28.4G. An Ordinance amending and chang• classification certain Local Business District to " ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- defined territory now being delimited as Two " vided by Ordinance No. 3•&4, designated "Zoning Family Residence District classification ..................122-136-137 Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" extending the " 24 i -Ordinance No, 14-46. An Ordinance amending and chang- present Business District at 23rd and Central Av- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- enue to includo cerbain defined territory now being vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning " delimited as "Two Family Residence District" classi- Ordinance of the City of Dubuque so as to change " Yication ......................................................................... .... 16 0-181.182 to `Two Family Residence District classification 10- .. .. Oglby Road, grading _,.._...,....._ .........................170-178.179.21 6-216-232 certain defined territory now being delimited as " 24- Ordinance No, 29-46•. An Ordinance granting to the Iowa ~ "Single Family Residence District classification....123.137.138 Improvement Company permission to construct a " 24 -Ordinance No. 16.46. Electric Franchise Special Ordi- sanitary sewer connecting with the City sewer at nance ..................................133-138.139-140- its junction at Hillcrest and Asbury Streets with " 24 -Ordinance No. 16-46. Bus Franchise Special Ordi- various laterals in the streets fn Hillcrest Park and cues 134.142-143-144.227-228-229-230 n Hillcrest Subdivision No. 2 with pumping lift station f June 3- Ogilby Road, Profile No. 1314 showing proposed grade.... 148 near the intersection of Mormnbview and Hillcrest - " 3 Ordinance No, 17.46. An Ordinance establishing a grade Road, a cast nmi force nne hom pam~piug station, on Hillcrest Road fi°om the southwest property line providing for the payment of the costs thereof, and ~ of Asbury Road to e west property line of valon re ulatinb the construction, use and ma mt enauce ~ Road ..........................................................................,..148-160-161 thereof .P.............................................................. 178.199 INDEX- Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 24- O'Connor, Thomas and O'Connor, submitting for Council consideration a proposed Ordinance granting per- mission to the Illinois Central Railroad Company and the Chicago Great Western Railway Company to construct and maintain railroad tracks across certain streets and City property to serve the pt'emi se recently leased by the Virginia-Carolina Chemi- cal Corporation .................................................................. 180 " 24- Ordinance No. 30-46. An Ordinance granting to the Illi- nois Central Railraafl Company and the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, their successors and assigns, right to construct and maintain a side- track from their tracks in Block 17 in Dubuque Har- bor Improvement Company's Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, from a point located in Lot 33 Block 17 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Gompanys Addition, thence not•theasterly over and across Lots 33, 34 and 35, the alley in Block 17 and Lot 2 of Lot 16, Lot 2 of Lot i of Lot 17 and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 18 and Lot 1 of Lot 19 all in Block 17 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and thence northeasterly across relocated Commercial Street and into the premises described as Lot 1 of River Front Subdi- vision No. 1, in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, and providing the terms and conditions thereof........ " 28- Oasis Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............................... 188 " 28- Ott, Joseph J., Jr., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 189 " 28- Orioles Lodge, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ..................................................................... 191.192 July 1 -O'Learys Lake, United States Engineer Office, Rock, Ill.,making inquiry as to whether the City of Du• buque is desirous- in developing same for public recreational use ................................................................. 198 " 9- -Ordinance No. 31-4G, An Ordinance vacating the alley between Aubm'n and Atlantic Streets running north- erly from Custer Street to Loras Boulevard ............ 210.230 " 9 -Ohuesorge, Mrs. Ella, complaining of a nuisance in the street in front of her home at 1826 Lynn Street...... 214 Aug. 5 -Ordinance No. 32.46. An Ordinance vacating the alley south of Lots 32 and 33 Littlelon's and Sawyers Addition .............................................................................26 1.280-281 Sept, 3 -Ordinance No. 33-46. An Ordinance establishing a grade on West Third Street from the east property line of North Algona Street to the west property line of North Grandview Avenue .......................................28 2.305.306 " 3 -Ordinance No. 34.46. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Dunleith Street from the west property line of Southern Avenue to a point 390 feet west of the west property lice of Southern Avenue .................... 282.306 Oct. 7 -Offermann, Charlotte DL, requesting that an ordinance be adopted vacating that portion of Booth Street not now used as a street and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a. quit claim deed covering the abandoned portions of said. Booth Street as originally platted 'and said title to run to the adjoining owners, or in any event, a deed to ub ering Lot 2 in said North Booth Street S 303.304.331 .. .. division INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 7-Ordinance No. 35.46, An Ordinance granting to the Chi- cago Great Western Railway Company, its succes- sors and assigns, the right to construct and main- tain aspur track across 12th Street from one of its spur tracks to the North side of 12th Street to Lot 202 in East Dubuque Addition ....~ ................_.312.327.328.329 " 28-Ordinance No. 36.4fi. An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by Ordinance No. 3.34 designated "Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to in- clude in the "Two Family Residence" clasaifcation certain land west of the old City Limits recently annexed to the City of Dubuque ..................................325-344-345 Nov: 4-Ordinance No. 37.46. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 12.38, Ordinance No. 16.42 and Ordinance No. 10.43, being Ordinance and amendments thereto "Authorizing Interstate Power Company, its succes• sons and assigns to substitute motor bus transporta• tion for street railway transportation; designating motor bus routes by changing certain defined bus rroutes and by repealing any and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith" ............................ 345.346 " 4-Ordinance No, 38-46. An Ordinance vacating the alley adjoining the west boundary of Lots 67, 68 and 69 in Burden and Lowther Addition ................................346-359.360 " 4-Ordinance No. 39.46. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No, 2.46, being pan Ordinance relating to the inspec- tion and testing of all milk intended for public sale and distribution, exacting a charge from pro• ducers and distributors .................................................... 346.360 " 25-Ordinance No, 40-46. An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No, 3.34 designated '"Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to ex- tend the Local Business District at Central Avenue and 32nd. Street northward to include the area bounded by Central Avenue, '32nd. Street, Jackson Street and the north City Limits line between Cen- tral Avenue and Jackson Street .................................... 35fi-369 25-Ordinance No, 41.46, An Ordinance providing for the vacation of the alley extending easterly from the east line of Adams Street to the westerly line of Lot 16 in Industrial Subdivision No. 2 in the City of Du- buque, and thence northerly along the westerly line of Lot 16 Uo its intersection with East Sixth Street in said City and granting and conveying said ~a11ey to Warner Well Drilling Co., Inc, and declaring an emergency .......................................................................... 361.370 " 25-Ordinance No, 42.46, An Ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro- vided by Ordinance No, 3.34 designated "`Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change bo "Local Business District" classification certain defined territory now being delimited as "Two Fam- ily" district .........................................................................362.370.371 Nov. 25-Ordinance No, 43.46, An Ordinance establishing a grade on Wooten Str°eet from a point 100 feet west of the west line of Mineral Lot 69 to the west property line of James Street and Peabody Street .................. 364.371 Dec, 2-O'Rourke, Frank and Sarah Waldorf, granted Class <~B„ Beer Permit ............................................................... 373 ~~ INDEX-hook 76 INDEX-hook 76 1946 _ SUBJECT Page 1946 SUBJECT Page " 9- ` -Ordinance No. 44.46. Au Ordinance regulating the oper• Jan. 7- Payrolls for month of November, 1945 ........................ .... 2 Lion of taxi-cabs within the City of Dubuque and " 7 -Pregler, Clarence G., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.. . 3.4 fixing the rates and prices to b9 charged for the 14- . Payrolls for month of December, 1945 ..........._,..........._..... 6 tt~ansportation oY passengers from one part of the Feb. 4 -Paisley, Walter, Attorney, representing Rosemary Gib• City to another, repealing all ordinances in con- son; asking that Miss Gibson be told at this time I flict herewith and providing a penalty for aviola- if she is to be appointed to the position of police- tion thereof .................................................._....,............,..376.381.382 woman ...........,...................................................... .. 9 " 16- " 16- Ott Grocery, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit ...... 380-381 ~rdina-nce No 45.46 An Ordinance vacating the follow- 4- . .............. Patch, Clifford W. et al, requesting that steps be taken . , to have a sanitary sewer installed on Villa Street ing: East 13th Street from the East line of Maple and Florence Street ...............................~.......... ... 9-51 Street to the East line of Cedar Street; Cedar 4- . .........__. Parker, Arthur C., Notice of Claim ..................................... . 10 Street from the North line ~of East 13th Street 4- . . Police Department Members, asking for an increase of northerly to a point 61,3 feet from the South line of $30.00 per month in their wages ............................~....,.. 11 East 14th Street; the Alley between Maple and 4- Pinski, George F., excavation bond ...................................... 14 Cedar Streets from the North line of East 13th Street to a point 51.3 feet South of East 14th Street; Mar. 4 -Parker, James M, et al, requesting improvement of the providing for the conveyance of said vacated streets storm sewer extending South from Rosedale Avenue 26-52 and alley to the abutting owner ..._ ... ................ .. 382-391-392 4- Rayralls for month of January, 1946 .................................. " 28 " 23- . _, Ordinance No. 46-46. An Ordinance amending the "Build- 4- Plat of Rolling Green" approval ............~............................... 29.30 ing Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa," by permit- 21- Payrolls for month of February, 1946 .................................... 48 ting different type chimneys fm', gas burning heat- 21- Planning and Zoning Commission recommending the re• ~ ing units ....................................................................... 392 zoning from Two Family Classification to Multiple ..... Family Classification all the area. bounded on the southerly side by 22nd Street, on the easterly side 'i by the Chicago Great Western track, on the north- ~ erly side by the City Limits, and the westerly side ~~ by a line 100 feet west of the westerly side of ~ Central Avenue .................................................................... 48.58-72 I ~ 21- Planning and Zoning Commission recommending the ~ rezoning from Single Family or Two Family Classifi- I cation to Multiple Family Classification the area I beginning at the center lines of Highland Place and West Eleventh Street and bounded by Rose Street and Loras Blvd. to Martha Street- and Uni- versi~y Avenue and thence easterly and southeast- ~ erly to Robinson Street to alley first west of Bluff Street thence northerly to West Eleventh Street 4 9.59-60.70 Apr. 1- Reed, Thomas R, and Raymond G. Wunder, granted Cigarette Permit ................................................................ 68 " 15- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the I extension of the present multiple family residence I, district to include all the property beginning at the ', intersections of the center lines of Wilson Avenue and West Fifth Street to center line of Pauline Street, thence southerly to the center line of West Third Street, thence easterly to the center line it of Winona Street ..............................................................75 .76.98.113 " 15- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the ex- tension of the present multiple family residence dis- trio to include all the property beginning at the i center line of West Fifth Street approximately 100 feet eosterly of the easterly line of DoILt Street, ~ thence southerly along the center line of College Street to the center line of Allison Place, thence westerly along the center line of Allison Place to a point where the center line of Allison Place ex• ~~ ~ tended would intersect the westerly line of Allison Place due to angle in Allison Street, thence south- erly and westerly to include Lot 1 of Finley Home .Addition to approximately 100 feet southerly of Delhi Street ..............................:......................................... 71-99.114 .::. ~, INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 15- o mnim deil ?laxxixg ani Zxxing Cxmmissixx, roc m e i g x a of the petition of Ambrose Marshall et al .................. 76 " 15- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the granting of the petitions of Melvin D. Harms et ai 76 ii 15- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that 'i the petitions of J. E. Lillig et al, asking for the ~ side of on the westerly n f 4 ~ ........................... 77 96.109.122 AIGa Vista be denied St eet " 15- Planning .and Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning Go multiple family residence district clas- silicatiou all the area. beginning at the intersection cf the center lines of Loras Elvd, and Bluff Street, thencc north to the intersection of center lines of Bluff and West Locust, thence to the intersections of center lines of ~4~est Locust Street and West 17th Street, thence to the intersections of the center lines of West 17th Street and Main Street, thence to the intersections ~of Ghe center lines of Main Street and Madison Street, thence to the intersec- ', lions of the center lines of Madison Street and Seminary Street, thence to the intersections of the ', center sines of Seminary Street and Hogdon Street, i thence to the intersections of the center lines of ~ Hogdon Street extended and Cox Street, thence to the intersections of the center lines of Cos Street and Loras Blvd., thence to the intersections of the center lines of Loras Blvd, and Bluff Street........77.10 0401.114 " 15- Planning sand Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the Petition of E. R. Laury .............:......................... 78 " 15- -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the petition of Wolf Berk ......................... 78 " 15 .............. -Puls, Otto. F., City Treasurer, bond .................. 78 " 26 -Parker, Arthur C., settlement of Claim ............................. 94 " 26 ~ -Payrolls for month of March, 1946 ....................................... 95 , 26 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the rezoning to Local Business District Classification Lots 53 and 54 oY McDaniel's Parlt Hill Addition on Muscatine Street and Lots 73 and 74 of McDaniel's Park Hill Addition on Burlington Street ................96.9 7.110.122 May 6 -Planning and 7,oning Commission, recommending the extension of the present Business District at 23rd Street and Central Avenue as requested in the peti- i lion of Leo J. Mouser .............................:.......................10 8.117.160 ~ 17 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial I of the petition of Dubuque Packing Company re- questing vacation of part of sidewalk on north side of Sixteenth Street adjacent to their property ........ 120.132 June 3- -Payrolls for month of April, 1946 ....................................... 146 " 28 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending grant- s ing of the petition of Wayne A. Johnston et al, pro- .. vided an eight Hoot easement (four feat on each side of center alley) is reserved by the City for utilities ................................................................................... 184 I 28 -Planning and Zoning Commission, requesting denial of the petition of Georgia Grigg ...................................... 185 " 28 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending accept- once of Burkhart Subdivision ......................... 185 ' 28 ............ -Payrolls for month of May, 1946 ............................ 186 I 28 -Page Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 187 " 28 -Poguette Millard, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 187 ~- ~~ N DES --Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 28 -P~oquette, Millard and Clifton G. Harker, granted Ciga- rette Permit ........................_....,........................................... 187 - er on, Albert G., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 187 28 ' -Pfalzgraf, Ernest W., granted Cigarette Permit ...,.... 138 „ 28 -Peed nd Raymond G, Wunder, grante d Ciga- h ~•et e Permit _ ...................... 188 " 28 -Petrakis, Peter, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 188 " 28 -Pregler, Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 188 " 28 -Pusateri, Frank J., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 189 " 28 -Pochter, Charles and Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit_..... 189 " 28 -Potterveld, Wm. T. ~a~nd F, C., granted Cigarette Permit 189 " 28 -Pappas, George L., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 189 " 28 -Pins, Val J, and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit_........ 189 " 28 -Pins, Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 189 " 28 -Pochter, Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..,,._........_ ................................................................. 190-191 " 28- Peed, Thomas R, and Raymond G. Wunder, granted Class «B„ Beer Permit ............................................................. 190-192 " 28 -Pins, Arthm• Wm., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 191-192 July 1 -Parking Advisory Committee discussion with the City Gouncil a~s to Harking and traffic problems ..__........ 206 " 9 -Parking Advisory Committee, stating that at this time they have no suggestions to make regarding the installation of parking metes°s and recommending that a levy of one-half mill be made this year for the purpose of providing parking facilities ................ 209 " 15- Park Board, certificate of tax levy ..................................... 217 " 15- Police Pension Board, certificate of tax levy .................... 217 " 15- Police Retirement Board, certificate of tax levy ............ 218 " 22- Playground and Recreation Commission, certificate of budget requirements and Gax levy .............................. 223 " 22- Planning and Zoning Commission, requesting the City Council to appropriate the sum of $5,OD0,00 for the purpose of securing the services of a trained City Planner and Traffic Expert to undertake studies to alleviate the housing and trafiie conditions ........... 223 " 22- Porter, C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of resolu- tion and application to levy an emergency tax ........ 224 " 22- Payrolls for month of June, 1946 .......................................... 231 " 22- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending grant- ing of the petition of Joseph R, Wild asking for vacation of the alley lying to the rear of his property 231 July 22- Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting for Coun- cil consideration the plat of Dunleith Subdivision.... 231 Aug. 5- Petitions and Waivers relative to special assessments far the paving of Euclid and Harlan Streets........... ................. ........................................................................... 264-265- Sept. 3 -Payrolls for month of July, 1946 ........................................_.' 282 " 3- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the re- zoning of Lots 106-107-108-109-110 in Burden and Lowther Addition to Local Business District,,......., _ .................... ........................................ _. 285.286.31D-324-344.362.371 " 3- Planning and Zoning Conmiissfon, recommending that all the land west of the old City Limits annexed by Resolution No. 35.46 adopted April 16, 1946 be vaned to Two Family Residence classification with the stipulation that area requirements be strictly enforced and that the Board of Adjustment may in no case in the future waive the 7000 square feet area requirements Go applicants who may endeavor to place a two family house on a single lot.......286-309-324-325 WDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 3- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the City Council take no action on the petition of A, Y. McDonald Mfg. Ca, asking for vacation of certain streets and alley iu the neighborhood of their plant, until a complete report may be prepared by the Planning and Zoning Commission ................. 286-287 " 3- Planning ,and Zoning Commission, stating that until the proposed traffic studies progress sufficiently that they believe it would be in the public interest for the. City Council to urge the Iowa State Highway Department to defer at least temporarily the pro- posed changes in U.S: Highway 61 and 151 routing 287-302 Oct. 7- Platt Street, petition of St. Clara College, requesting the extension of said street .................................................. 300 " 7- Pioneer Intermountain Syndicate, requesting Council to study the enclosed exhibit on Commercial Aviation 302 " 7- Pappas, George, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 305 " 7- Payrolls for month of August, 1946 ............................_...... 308 " 7- Puccio, Jasper Leo and Catherine Lynch, granted Class .~C„ Beer Permit ............................................................... 315 " 28- Payrolls for month of September, 1946 .............................. 329 " 28- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending vaca- tion of alley adjoining the west boundary of Lots 67, 68 and 69 in Burden and Lawthers Addition and that the alley adjoining Lots 70, 71, 72 and 73 Burden and Lowther Addition should arot be vacated 330.331 " 28- Planning and Zoning Commission., recommending that the Local Business District at Central Avenue and 32nd Street be extended northward to include the urea bounded by Central Avenue, 32nd Street, Jack- son Street and the north city limits line between Central Avenue and Jackson Street ..................331-34 7-356-369 " 28 -Planning and Zoning Commission, 'submitting for Coun- cil consideration the proposed Stetmore Street Subdivisian ......................................................................... 331 " 28 -Planning and Zoning Commissimi, recommending grant- ing the petition of the Varner Well Drilling Co, Inc„ requesting vacation of certain alleys adjoining their property on East 4th Street ...,._ .................................... 331.369 " 28 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the granting of the petition of Charlotte M. Offerman 331.332 " 28 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the petition of Wm. Nesler, requesting vacation of certain sidewalk area along the so,.tth side of his store property at 17th and West Locust Street...,.... 332 " 28 -Planning and Zoning CSommission, recommending grant- ing of the petition of Peter J, and Kathleen B. Seippel with the right of easement for sidewalks and public utilities being conveyed to the City of Dubuque ...................._........,.....,........,....................,....,.......... 332 " 28 -Parking Committee submitting report sand recommenda- tion of the study made in regard to the parking situ- ation in the City of Dubuque ._ ..............._.,................. 334 Nov. 4 --Pins, Val J. and Helen, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 348 " 4 -Parking Meters to be installed ..............................................351-368.376 " 25 -Park Hill District residents, requesting that bus service be extended to this area ............................................ 357-330 " 25 -Payrolls for month of October, 1946 ...................._ ...,........ 360 " 25 -Pinski, George F„ Excavation Bond .................._............... 361 INDEX-Book 76 1946, SUBJECT Page " 25 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the vacation of Thirteenth Street from the east line ~of Maple Street to the east line of Cedar Street, the vacation of Cedar Street from the north line of East Thirteenth Street northerly to a point 51,3 feet from the south line of FourteenthStreet, the vacation of the Alley between Maple and Cedar Streets from the north line of Thirteenth Street to a point 51.3 feet south of the south line of Four- teenth Street conditional upon the conveyance to the City of Dubuque by A, Y. McDonald Co. of Lot No, 281 facing Maple Street and ,Lot 545 facing . Cedar Street in East Dubuque Subdivision now ~....~......... owne ~y say D ~a 362 25 " directed to c -Powers, Dr. E, W, and Jean onstruct Gn and place a fire escape on their building at 469 Main Street ................:......................_.,..:.......................,........ ... 366 Dec. 16 -Pedersen, Peter, requesting permission to erect a six room General Timber Service Inc, prefabricated house ...................................................................................... 380.394 " 16 -Paar, Franlc J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 385 16 -Paar, Prank J,, granted Cigarette Permit .................. ....... 385 " 23- Promensehenkel, Jos. Deci'd. (Louise) in regard to suspen- sion of 1945 tases ..................:......................................... 391 " 23 -Payrolls for month of Novembe[°, 1946 ............................... 393 INDEX -Book 76 INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page 1946 SUBJECT Page May 17-Quonset Huts, permission asked to erect ........................... 115.132 Feb, 4- Ryder, Francis, Notice of Claim .................,...................... 10.33 June 28-Quinlan, Robert J., and Eveyyn, granted Cigarette Permit 189 " 4- Receipts for month of December, 1945, proof of pub- " 28-Quinlan, Robert J., and. Evelyn, granted Class "B" Beer licatfon .........................................................._.......,........,...... 12 Permit ................................................................................... 190.191 Mar. 4 -Riniker, Mrs. Melba, requesting suspension of 1945 tax .25.34 " 4- Russo, Frank, requesting the City Council to authorize the issuance of a quit claim deed to him covering Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of the Subdivision of Lot 10 in Kniest Subdivision ............................................................................ 26-34 " 4- Report of Dubuque Parking Committee ............................... 27 " 4- Receipts for month of January, 1946, proof of publication 27 " 4- Rolling Green Plat, approval .................................................. 29.30 " 16- Rehfeldt, Alfred, et al, requesting the construction of a sanitary sewer in St. Ambrose Street ........................ 32.51 " 21- Ryle, Joseph C., glaxi-Cab Bond .............................................. 48 Apr. 1- Render, Harry, asking that the filling and rubbish now being picked by the City be dumped onto his lots just outside the City Limits ............................................ 65 " 1- Receipts for month of February, 1946, proof of publication 67 " 15- Rhomberg, A. A., City Manager, bond ................................ 78 " 15- Rawson, Harry A., granted Cigarette Permit ....,......~....... 83 " 26- Receipts for month of March, 1946, proof of publication 90 May 6- Reis, Frank and Kathryn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 111 " 17- Rod and Gun Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .......................................................................... 119 ' 24- Receipts for month of April, 1946, proof of publication 130 June 3- Riniker, Mrs, Melha, requesting suspension of 1945 taxes 136.169. " 3- Reinker, Herman H, and Nellie, granted Class "B" Beer. Permit .:..................................:............................................. 155 " 3- Railroad Avenue Industrial Subdivision, Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign the original of said .plat and cause said plat to be roeoi°ded in the offtce of the County Recorder ...........................................:.................. 155-156 3- Robinson, Henry A., Mayor and Clerk authorized to exe- cute aquit claim deed of Railroad Avenue Industrial Subdivision on behalf of the City of Dubuque in favor of Henry A, Robinson .........:............................... 156 " 28 -Rettenmaier, John J, and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit 187 " 28- Roshek Brothers Company, granted Cigarette Permit 187 " 28- Reis, Frank, granted Cigarette Permit .....................~.......... 187 " 28 -Rawson, Harry A., granted Cigarette Permit ................... 187 " 28- -Reinker, Herman and Nellie, granted Cigarette Permit_.. 188 " 28 -Rueg~nitz, B. A., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 188 " 28 -Rod and Gun Club, granted Cigarette Permit .........~........ 189 " 28- -Ragatz, George Jr., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 190 " 28 -Roshelc Brothers Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .................................................:................................ 191.192 July 1 -Receipts for month of May, 1946, proof of publication 198 " 9 -Rhomberg, A. A., City Manager, appointed as a member of the Municipal Playground and Recreation Com- e mission, term expiring July 2nd, 1949 ....................... 213 " 15 -Ruegnitz, B, A, addressed the Council asking Council to assist in preventing tourist travel from being con- vented from the upper High Bridge or Wisconsin Bridge across the new Julien Dubuque High Bridge 217 " 22 -Retail Merchants Bureau endorsing the recommendation of the Parking Committee asking that a tax levy of one-half mill be provided in the budget for the pur- pose of establishing off-street parking lots ................ 223 Aug. 5-Receipts for month of June, 1946, proof of publication 261.262 INDEX -Book 76 1946 SUBJECT " 5-Rettenmaier, John J, and Nlarie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................:............................... Sept. 3-Ruprect, Herbert E., submitting application for the posi- tion of manager and operator of the new airport " 3-Ruprecht, H. E., submitting a copy of a~ chart showing the sources of revenue at a commercial airport.... " 3-Roshon, John F., owner of Lot 262, filown at 1398 Pine Street, objecting to the vacation of Pine Street and Maple Street as requested by A. Y, McDonald Mfg. Co ............................................................_......,............. " 3-Roethig, L. E., requesting the installation of ~a street light at 1790 Randall Place .,........._ .................................... " 3-Receipts for month of July, 1946, proof of publication .... Oct. 7-Riley, Carl V., requesting the vacation of a small portion Hof the northeast corner of Platt Street to him ...,_.... " 7-Receipts for month of August, 1946, proof of publication " 28-Receipts for month of September, 1946, proof of publi- cation .......................................... ......................................... Nov. 4-Roshek Brothers Company, demanding that the City of Dubuque surrender and deliver to them within thirty days the possession of Lot 629 and 630 now occupied by the City for parking bots ..,...._ ................................... " 25-Ryder, Thos., asking that he be granted some relief in the matter of an increase in the amount of his garbage and dead animal contract ............................... " 25-Rhomberg, Joseph W, as Gt~autee, adoption of resolu- tion by the City Council conveying so much of vaoated Canal Street and Warren Street as in in- cluded in Lot 1 of A. A. Cooper Wagon Works Block " 25-Roach, Levi, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................... " 25-Roach Levi, granted Cigarette Permit ...._ ..................... Dec. 2--Receipts for month of October, 1946, proof of publication " 9-Rhodes, M. H., Inc., proposal for the furnishing of Pat°k- ing Meters accepted ..........................................._.............. " 23-Rosenthal, Minnie, Decd. (Peter) in regard to suspen- sion of 1945 taxes ............................................................. INDEX -Book 76 Page 272 279 279 279 279 280 300 307 327 1946 SUBJECT S Jan. 7-Sha~a~rs, Velma, Notice of Claim ......................................... " 14-Schaul, Mrs. Antra, Notice of Claim .................................... " 14-Street signs, bids to be advertised for , ........................... Feb. 4-Schlueter, Carl F., granted Cigarette Permit ................_. " 4-Street sweeper, bids to be advertised for ............................ " 11-Schlueter, Leo B. and Frank J., Revocation of their Power of Attorney No. 21022 ....................................... " 11-Schlueter, Leo B. and Frank J., Power of Attorney No. 27440 ..............................................:................................ Mar. 4-Shireman, Mrs. Grace, Notice of Claim ...._ .................._.,.. 4-Steffan, NIrs. Annie, Notice of Claim ... ............................... " 4--Schmitz, Edgar A., submitting offer of $26.00 to Board of Supervisors on the South 17 feet 5 inches of Lot 5 and the North 8 feet of Lot 6 of Levi's Addition " 4-,5trub, Clarence A„ submitting offer oP $125.00 for the purchase of Lot 2 and Lot 2 of 1 of the Sub, of Lots 24 and 25 of Bonson and Stewart's Sub.....,.,. " 4-Stnith, Paul F, reappointed as a member of Board of Adjusttent, term expiring March 5th, 1961 ............ " 4-Seubert and Fessler, Excavation Bond ............................... " 16-Schroeder, Geo. M., making application for fire protec• tion on his residence located opposite Shooting Park Page 1.13 5-13 fi-17.18.29 14 15 19 19 23-68 23.372 23.52.82 24 29 29 32.148 Apr. 15- Shea, J. J., City Clerk, bond ................................_........,......... 78 " 26- Schroeder, Fred W., submitting offer in the amount of $6,000.00 for the purchase of city owned property known as "Hackett Nursery" and desm2bed as Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of part City Lot 736 ...,..~ ..............~....~............. 86.120-220 " 26- Secretary of State, Wayne Nl. Ropes, acknowledging re- ceipt of transcript of the records of the City Council and plat showing the territory annexed by City of Dubuque and advising that the tt^anscript and plat have been Yield in his office ......................... 86. " 26 -Seagrove Corporation, contract for furnishing erial ladder ti°actor type truck ...........................~..............~.95. 96.108-109 " 2fi- Storm relief sewer system, City Manager authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Wm~ks Agency for an advance of $32,200.00 for planning ................................................................................ 101-117 May- fi- Smith, Paul F., tendering his resignation as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission and also ~as a. member of the Board oY Adjustment ............... lOb " D -Strub, Clarence A, et al, requesting that West Third Street between North Grandview Avenue and Algo- na Street be graded and improved .......................... 105.147 " 17- Star Spangled Banner Flag House Association advising that the week of Jmte 9th to 16th has been desig- nated "National Flag Week" and suggesting that a Proclamation be issued tar the observance of .National Flag Week" .................................................... 116 June 3- Smith, Mrs. Evelyn A., submitting comments in favor of Daylight Saving Time ................................................ 135 " 3 -St. Joseph Mercy Hospital oY Dubuque and Sisters of Mercy, requesting the City to initate proceedings for the widening of James Street, an adequate system of water service and fire protection and far divert- ing the stot°m water as reftected in the accomp- anying plat ............................................................................ 136.276 " 3 -Seminary Street and Stout Road, Profile No, 1321 show- ing proposed grade .......................................................... 148 343 357 358-359 367 367 369 376 391 ~,_~._.- :^ ,,~ INDEX - Boolc 76 1946 SUBJECT S Page " 3- Storm Sewer Projects, City lllanager authorized to enter into contract with engineering firm of Consoer, Townsend and Associates for the preparation of plans and specifications ....._ .................................. " 10- Straub, Joe, submitting offer of $10.00 to the Board of Supervisors on Lot 23 of S. M, Langwm•th'y Add. 159.203 " 10 -Strub, Clarence A. and Florence M., wishing to donate a strip of land 20 feet wide in the rear of their property for the purpose of extending the existing alley between West Third and Bennett Streets east- erly from its present end at the westerly line of Ann O'Hare's Sub. a distance of 137.94 feet .....~........,, 169 " 10- Special Election, Interstate Power Company, Electric and Bus Franchise .......................................................176.177.19 8.207.208 " 28- Sand, Mike and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 187 " 28- Schaetzle, John, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 187 " 28- Schneider, Joseph C., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 187 " 28- Saddler, Leo M. and Dot+othy, granted Cigarette Permit 187 " 28- Siege, Joseph J, Jr. and Ferdinand W. Kenniker, granted Cigarette Permit .............................................. 187 " 28- Schlueter, Carl F., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 188 " 28- Savory, William and Viola, granted Cigarette Permit 188 " 28- Stamm, John. J., granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 188 " 28- Sullivan, Thomas P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 188 " 28- Stampfer, J. F. Company, granted Cigarette Permit........ 188 " 28- Sand, Frank and Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit............ 188 " 28- Solomon, Jack, granted Cigarette Permit ......._ ................. 189 " 28- Schwartz, Vincent B., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 189 " 28- Snyder, Charles and Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit......,. 189 " 28- Scherer, George J., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 189 " 28- Spielman, Harvey L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit_.... 190.191 " 28- Sand, Mike and Marie, granted Class `B" Beer Permit 190.191 " 28- Savory, William and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................................... 190.191 " 28- Sand, Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 190-191 " 28- Sadler, Leo M. and Dorothy; granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..............._............,..................................................... 190.192 " 28- Scherer, George J. and Emma M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......~........~ ............._..._....~.............. ~................ 190.192 " 28- Stamm, John J. and Alberta, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............................................. .................................... 191.192 July 1- Stork, Paul G., Director of National Garden Program, asking the Mayor bo issue a ptroclamation calling at- tention of the citizens to National Food Preservation Week ................................................................_................. 197 " 1- Schtnit, Anthony and Francis, granted Cigarette Permit 204 " 9- -Steffan, Annie, Original Notice of Suit .............................. 209 15- Steichen, Margaret, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors in the amount of $150.00 on Lots 22, 23, 24, .and 25 of Mineral Lot 39 .......................................... 218.263 " 22- Sollitt, Summer S. and Company, excavation bond ......,,.. 231 Aug. 5 -Smith, Alexander and others addressed the Council ask- ing that West Third Street between Grandview Avenue and Algona Street be widened, improved and water mains laid iu said street .............................. 258 " 5- Shiloh Circle No. 37, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, asking permission for balding a tag day on September 7th, 1946 .................................................... 258 6- Scherrer, Mrs. Frank et a.l, requesting a street light in the 2600 block on Pinard Street .._ ................................ 259.283 " 5- Schwartz, Vincent B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 272 INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT S Sept. 3-Siege, Clifford T., asking that the storm water from Page the alley adjoining his property be diverted and not allowed to flow over his property ................................. 277-3D8 " 3-Sollitt, Summer S. and Cmnpany, requesting permission to sub-let their grading contract to the Charles J. Wilson Company ................................................................. ... 279 " 3-Sidewalk to construct, abutting the North 64 feet 3 inches of City Lot 73, William F, and Kathryn Cooper, owner ...................................................................2 90.291.317 " 3-Sidewalk to construct, abutting the West 170 feet of Lot 284 of Davis Farm Addition, Agatha Mihm, owner ...........................292-293.320.334-3 47-363-364 " 3-Sanitary Trunk Sewer, to construct in Kaufmann Ave- nue District .,._ .......................................293.294-295-297-2 98-299-325 Oct. 7-St. Clara College, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin, requesting the extension of Platt Street .................................................... ............300 " 7-Scheufle, Carl, Requesting that sewer connections be made on Esther and Theresa Streets ..................._...... 300 " 7-Suhr, Walter H., requesting that a street light be in- s~talled at 2425 Roosevelt Street ._ ................................. 303 " 7-Siege, Joseph J. and Ferdinand W. Kenniker, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....................................._................ 315 " 9-Seippel, Peter J. and Kathleen B., requesting the City to execute a quit claim deed running to Foster E, and Mary Moneta Adams conveying the Westerly 10 ft. of Alber Addition and that Foster E. and Mary Moneta Adams will in turn execute an easement giv- ing the City of Dubuque perpetual right to the use of the said Westerly 10 ft, of Lot 7 of Alber Add. for crosswalk purposes .................................................. 318.332 " 11-Sonotone of Madison relative to ordinance governing the matter of license for itinerant merchants,.........,. 321 " 28-Senior High School, asking permission to stretch a ban- ner across Main Street ..................:.............:................... 326 " 28-Stetmm•e Sti~et Subdivision submibted for Council con- sideration .............................................................................3 31-386.387 Nov. 4-Spahr and Rose Lumber Company, asking permission that there may be erected within the city limits cer- tain so called "Panel Construction" houses that are being fabricated by the General Timber Service Inc. 344-352 " 4-Sanitary Trunk Sewer to construct in Kaufmann Avenue District ....................................................................349.350.3 77.378.389 " 26-Shireman, Mra. Grace, snbmitting offer in the amount of $125.00 for the purchase of Lot 15 Union Addition3 57.393-394 " 25-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, requesting that action be taken to relieve the congestion of parking vehicles in the area in front of the hospital ................................ 357.358 " 25-Stoltenberg, R. D. et al, requesting the installation of two street lights on Harlan Street ............................. 358 Dec. 9-Strub, Mark et al, requesting that 'the grade of Weat Third Street from Grandview Avenue to Algona Street ba adjusted to proper grade so as not to in- jure ~or harm their property ...............................~............ 376 " 23-Sitterly, Jos. Decd. (Lena) in regard to suspension of 1945 taxes ............................................................................ 391 " 23-Strub, Lucas, Decd. (Emma) in regard to suspension of 1945 Uaxes ......................... ................................................... 391 .°;;::I ~~' - - INDEX--Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 14- The Dubuque County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis requesting permission for the holding of a tag day on Saturday, January 26th........ 6 Feb. 4- Trades and Labor Congress, submitting for Council con- sideration the name o£ Mark Gavin for reappoint- , ment as a member of the Dock Boarrl ..................... ..... 10 4- The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, requesting a refund on their Cigarette Permit at 2700 Jack- son Street ..................................................................._.,...... 10 " 4- Telephone Cab Co., taxicab bond ............................................ 14 Apr. 1- The Telegraph-Herald newspaper, appointed as the official newspaper .................... _..,..,....._.............. ........ 64 " 1- The Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society asking that a proclamation be issued defining April 7-13 as "Be Kind to Animals Week" .......................................... 65 " 1- Tranel Zeno A. granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 68 " 16- The International City Managers' Association, extending invitation to attend the annual conference to be held in Montreal on June 16-21, 1946 ............_. ...... 73 " 15- Trapp, R. F., submitting offer in the amount of $675.00 far the purchase of city owned lots mi the corner of Bryant and Curtis Streets ................ ............................. 74-94.95 " 15- Tsc'hirgi, Edward M., Accountant City Water Dept, bond 78 May 6- Thomas E. Marshall, appointed as a member of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission, tet•nt expiring May 24th, 1949 -and also appointed as a member of the Board of Adjustment, term expiring March 5th, 1951 105 " 6- Temple, La Verne A„ City Engineer, bond ....................... 108 " 17- Terry, Elmer S., submitting offer to Board of Supervi- sors in the amount of $100.00 on Lots 47 and 48 of Finley, Waples and Burton's Addition ........................ 117-146 " 24- Toepel, Wm. F,, Vice Chairman of the General Commit- tee of the Dubuque Living War Memorial Stadium Committee, requesting information with regard to municipal powers by which an outdoor recreation field house might be procured for Dubuque .........,.125 -126.285 Juno 3- The Key City Gas Company, annual report for the. year 1945 ......................................................................................... 136 " 3- Traveling Plumbing Co., excavation bond ......................... 145 " 3- Theel, Mrs. Irene, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 164.155 " 3- The Travelers Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ..................................................._.......... 155 " 10- Trimpler, William F, and Jean, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............................:...................................... ........... 17G " ~24- Trades and Labor Congress, requesting permission to use the lots on Fourth Street Extension for the hold- ing a carnival during July, 1946 ..... ............................ 180 " 28- Tranel, Zeuo A„ granted Cigarette Permit .._ ............ ......... 187 " 28- Trimpler, William F, and Jean, granted Cigarette Permit 187 " 28- The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Cigarette Permit ................................................................_,................ 187 " 28- The Dubuque Club, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 188 28- The Rex Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...._ ........................ 188 " 28- Tm•rey, Henry, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 188 " 28- Trapp, Arthur J, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 189 " 28- Triangle Cafe, granted Cigat~tte Permit ...._ ......................... 1S9 28 -The Rex Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri- vate Club ............................................................................... 191-192 " 28- The Dubuque Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ..................................._..........._...........,..,........ 191.192 July 1- lass „B„ , requesting refund on her C Th~eel , M r ~ B e P ~e~t ............ 198 __ INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Fage " 9 -The Telegraph-Herald, requesting an increase in their price to $3.00 per page for the printing of the Council proceedings ..........................................................._ ............ 209 " 15 -The Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co., asking the City Cottncii to use their influence for the continuation of the routing of U.S. Highways No. 61 and 151 through the City to Wisconsin ................._............................,........ 219.223 Aug. 5- Tax Levies for the year 1946 established ..._ ....................... 247 " 5 -The Western Union Telegraph Company, General Rate Investigation, before the Federal Communications Comntission ........................................................................... 258 " 5- Trades and Labor Congress, extending invitation to City Council to participate in Labor Day Parade ................ 259 Sept. 3- The International Council of Religious Education, re- questing the Mayor to issue a Proclamation for the observance of the Sixteenth Annual Observance of Religious Week ................................................. ............... 279 " 3- The Radio Cab Company, Taxi-Cab Bond ........................... 282 " 3 -The Oasis Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .............................................................. _... 289 " 3- Tenenbom Super Market, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 289 Oct. 7- The American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to hold tag day on May 24th, 1947 ................................... 303 " 7- Tschirgi, Herman C, granted Cigarette Permit .~....._...,... 314 " 28 - The Great Atlantic & Pacifle Tea Co., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .......................................................................... 333 Nov. 25- Thompson, Mrs. Florence, Notice of Claim ........................ 357 " 25- The United States Conference of Mayors, informing Council that the Annual Conference will be held in Washingtmi, D,C. on January 20-22' ............................ 357 " 25- The Victory Club, granted Class `B" Beer Permit ..........., 363 Dec. 2- The Page Hotel directed to construct and place a fire escape on their building at 73.75 East Fourth Street 372 " 2- The Page Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 373. " 9- Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that when Park- ing Meters are considered for installation that union made meters be considered and installed ...._... 374 " 16 -Theisen Street, dedication of said street accepted ..,....,., 386.387 " 16- Thompson, Councilman, appointed to represent }he City of Dubuque on Board of Directors of Dubuque Com- e.. munity Chest ....... ............................................................. . 387 " 23- Thiering, Frank, Decd. (Caroline) in regard to suspen- sion of 1945 taxes ............._............ ................................. 391 I ~ NDEX-Book 76 ~ ~ ~, __ INDEX-Book 76 I 1946 - SUBJECT Page 1946 - SUBJECT Page Feb. 4- United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary, requesting per- Feb. 4 -Veterans of Fm•eign Wars, requesting permission for mission to hold Carnation Sale on April 27, 1946 10 the holding of their "Buddy Poppy Sale" on May Apr, 26- Unit t n f g r ........................ .. ....... _............ g 4 11 l9th, adv smg that May Sewce, Nal~oaalization Apr, 15 g -Volun eers of America, requestin permissi on far the 1946 has been designated as "I am an American Day" 86. holding of a tag dray on May 11th, 1946 .................... 73 May 6- USMC Regional ffiformatimi Office, Chicago, Ill., advis• 15- Veterans Emergency Housing Committee, appointment 83 ing that May 22nd has been designated Maritime May 6 -Van Duelman, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tein Day and requesting that the Mayor issue a Procla- of the Council meeting .................................................. 103 motion recognizing this occasion ................................ 104 6 -Vrotsos, George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted Class " 24- United States Coast Guard, St. Louis, Missouri, notice "B" Beer Permit .............................................................. 111 of application for permit to construct a reinforced " 6- Van Duelman, Carl, granted Class "C"Beer Beer Permit 111 concrete dock wharf on timber piling in the Missis- 17- Van Duelman, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem sippi River at the western end of the Dubuque Ice of the Council meeting .................................................. 113 Harbor .................................................................................:. 124 24 -Van Duelman, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem June 3- Uppinghouse, A, R, and Philomena, granted Class "B" of the Council meeting ................::............................... 122 Beer Permit .......................................................................... 154.155 ,Tune 3- Venn, Jennie, requesting suspension of 1945 tales ........ 136.169 " 28- Uppinghouse, A. R., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 187 3 -Valleyview Road, Profile No. 1319 showing proposed " 28- United Cigar-Whelan Stores Corp., granted Cigarette grade 148 Permit ..._ ..............................:................................................ 187 10- Van Duelman, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem ~ 28- Union League Club, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 188 of the Council meeting ..............:............................,....... 158 July 1- ~~ IInited States Engineer Office, Rock Island, Ill., making 10- Valleyview Road, grading .. ..................... ~ inquiry as to whether or not the City oP Dubuque 28- Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Lease Agree• is desirous in developing for recreational use the meat submitted by the Board of Dock Commis- . area immediately downstream from the dam abut- sinners for Council records ............................................ 184.210 meat, Lock and Dam No. 11, known as O'Leary's 28- Van Der Mulen, Wm. and Sophie McMann, granted Lake located in Wisconsin at end of Eagle Point Cigarette Permit ............................................................... 188 highway bridge .................................................................... 198 28- Vsaco, Sidney H., granted Cigarette Permit ................... 189 Oct. 7 -United States Navy, lease of waterworks property in 28 -Vrotsos, George T, and Spiros D, Cowen, granted Ciga- the vicinity of swimming pool to erect a naval rette Permit .... .................................................................... 189 reserve armory ................................................................... 300.365 28- Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, granted Cigarette Permit 189 " 7 -Union League Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for 28- Victory Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............~ ............._ 190 ~~ l 315 28- Veterans of Foreign Wars Inc., granted Class " 11 ors advising that the Conference of play States -United "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ............................. 191.192 ~ 1947 Annual Conference will be held in Washington, July 1- Van der Meulen, Wm, and Sophie Mc Mann, granted D.C. on January 20.21.22, 1947 ........................................ 320 Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................... 205 Dec. 23 -United States Conference of Mayors advising that the 9- Vanderloo, Dr. V. B„ appointed as a member of the City of Dubuque has been invited into the member- Municipal Playground •and Recreation Commission, ship of the Conference beginning January 1, 1947 390 term expiring July 2nd, 1949 .......................................... 213 Aug, 5 -Virginia•Carolina Chemical Gorp., Waiver and Release of Damage .............................................................................. 260 Oct. 7- Varner Well Drilling Co. Inc., requesting the vacation of the alley which extends easterly from Adams Street 'I to the westerly line of Lot 16 Industrial Sub, No. 2 thence northerly along the westerly line of Lot 16 to East Sixth ..Street and that said vacated alley be I conveyed to Varner Well Drilling Co. Ina .........304.331.361.370 I 28- Ventrella, Joseph, relative to filing proposal for the con- struction of the Kaufmann Avenue Sanitary Trunk Sewer ..................................................................................... 326 1 :1 1 -,-~_, INDEX - Bool< 76 1940 SUBJECT Page Jan. 7-Walker, James, requesting a, refund on his Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................................................... 2 " 7- Walsh, Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ......_ .....:............. 3 " 14- Wanger, Leo, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..._........._ 7 Feb. 11- Water Department Employees, requesting that they be granted an increase of $30.00 mmlthly in their wages effective April 1, 1946 ............... ..........._.....,..... 11 " 4- Waller, Richard and Michael Burton, granted Cigarette PermiC ..................................................................................... 14 " 11- Weiser, John, asking that his property be rezoned in order to turn his house into an apartment building 17 Mar. 4 -Wean, E, G. et al, requesting the rezoning of the 60D block on West 11th Street to Multiple Residence District .............................................._.....................,..,....... 26 " 21- Weiner, Sylvester and Dolores, granted Cigarette Permit 50 " 21- Wanger, Leo, granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 50 " 21 -Wright, Roy A. and Esther, granted Class °'B" Beer Permit ..................................................................................... 50 " 21- Weiner, Sylvester and Dolores, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................................................: 50 " 26- Weepie, G. M., Notice of Claim ............................................. 55-75 " 26- Wright, Panl C., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 60 " 26- Wright, Panl C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 61 Apr. 1- Wharton, Councilman, elected Mayor for ensuing year 63 " 1- Wallig, Wm. Carl, requesting a refund on both his Class "B" Beer Pet•mit and his Cigarette Permit .....,...._.... 66. " 1- Walsh, Joseph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ._ ............. 68-69 " 1- Waller, Richard P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 68-101 " 26 -Wagner, Clarence L., submitting offer in the amount of $100.00 to the Board of Supervisors on Lots 3 and. 4 of 168 of L. II, Langworthy's Add .......................... 86-87-146 May 6 -Winterowd, V. L, et al, requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of Audubon and Dex- ter Streets ....................._....,........ .......,.,..,.....,...,.........,....104-105-147 " 6- Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted Class "B" Beer Perinit 111 " 17- Wild, Joseph R., requesting the vacation of the alley which lies to the rear of Lots 33 and 32 of Littleton and Sawyer's Addition and also submitting an offer in the amount of $100.00 for the purchase of Lots 18 and 19 of W. Blakes Sub .............................116-145-231.261.280 " 2~ Weiner, Clarence and Gertrude, submitting offer in the amount of $50.00 to the Board of Supervisors on Lot 1 of 38 Marsh's Addition ..........................................._. 124-152 " 24 -Weitz, Ralph, submitting offer in the amount of $35D.00 on Lots 59 and 60 Stafford Addition to the Board of Supervisors .....,.....,_ ..................................................... 125-146 June 3- Wertz, L: B., requesting permission to install entrance stairs to extend front the alley to the main floor at the rear of 630 Main Street ...................................136-202-211-212 ' 3 -West Third Street from North Grandview Avenue to Algona Street, appropriating the atnonnt of $170D.00 for the purchase of properties for the purpose of tvidening• said street to a width of fifty feet ,,..._.....147.238.290 " 28 -Westercamp, George, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 187 " 28 -Weber, Mrs. Tillie, granted Cigarette Permit ................._. 187 " 2S -Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 187 " 28 -Walgreen Drug Company, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 187 " 28 -Waller, Richard, granted Cigarette Permit _ ...................... 187 " 28 -Weiner, Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted Cigarette Permit 187 " 28 -Wodrich, Wm, E:, granted Cigarette Permit ._ ............... 188 " 28 -Wehler, Sylvester and Dolores, g'rauted Cigarette Permit 188 INDEX-Boole 76 1946 SU E J ECT Page ® ® ~ Ir " 28- Wright, Roy A., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 189 " 28- Wagner, Wm., granted Cigarette Permit ......................_.... 189 28- Wright, Paul C., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 189 " 28- Ward, John J, granted Cigarette Permit ..............~..__..... 189 " 28- Wanger, Leo, granted Cigarette Permit ...........:.................... 189 " 28- -Walsh, Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 189 " 28- Winkler, Mrs. Beatrice, granted Cigarette Permit _....~..... 190 " 28- Westerca~mp, George, granted Class 'B" Beer Pet•mit 190-191 " 28- Wodrich, William E. and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................................... 190.191 " 28- -Wright, Louis A, and Raymond P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................................................... 190.191 " 28- Weber, Mrs. Tillie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ~....... 190.191 July 1-- Wingert, Joseph L. and Josephine L., granted Cigarette Permit ....._ ..... .........._ ............,,.................,................. 204 " 9- Wharton, Albert, Mayor, appointed as a member of Municipal Playground and Recreation Commission, term expiring July 2nd, 1949 ................_........,_.,....._ _ 213 " 9- Wolfe, Rt. Rev. J. M., appointed as a member of Munici- pal Playground and Recreation Commission, term expiring July 2nd, 1949 .................................................... 213 " 9- Wieters, A, H„ Director of Public Health Engineering, State Department of Health, advising of the re- ceipt of a letter from Mrs, Ella Ohnesorge com- plaining of a nuisance in front of her home at 1825 Lynn Street ..,._ ......................................................... 214 " 22- Wonder Shows of America, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit 243 " 22- Wonder Shows of America, Inc., requesting refund on their Cigarette Permit ..................................................... 243 Aug. 5- Waiver and Release of Damage of Virgina-Catwlina Chemical Corp . .. . ................_......, ........................... 260 " 5 -Waiver and Release of Damage of Mort~son Brothers Company ........................... ...............:.................................. 260.261 " 5- Weiner, Joseph P, and Evelyn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................... _......,..._............,.........,........... 272 5 -WasltingGon Park, report ~of City Solicitor with refer- ence to the title being in the name of County of Dubuque ......................................_..........,........,..................... 273 Sept. 3- Wingert, Joseph et al, residents of the Audubon School District, requesting that something be done about the sewer odor in this vicinity .~....~ ..................~........... 276 " 3- Witherall, Arthur A., requesting that a slow sign be erected on Bennet Street to control auto traffic ........ 277 " 3- Weiss, Emilie, Notice of Claim ............................................. 278.307 " 3-- Wyatt, Wilson W., Administrator, National Housing Agency, advising that action has been concluded to increase the flo~b of vitally needed building materi• als into Veterans Housing ................................................ 279 " 3- West Third Street, Profile No. 1322 showing the pro• posed grade ........... ..............._.............,...._........,........... 281-282 " 3- West Third Street fr•mu Grandview Avenue to Algona Street to widen, appropriation of an additional $250.40 for the purchase of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 30 in O'Hare's Subdivision .............................................. 290 Oct, 7- Western Construction and Supply Co., in regard to in- stallation of parking meters .......................................... 302 " 7- Wirzbach, Herman et al, requesting that the alley adjoin- ing Lots 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, and73 in Burden and Lawther Additimt be vacated ...,...,~ .............................. 304.330 " 7- Wright, Louis A, and Raymond P., granted Cigarette Permit .................................................................................... 314 ~~ ~.- INDEX-Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Page " 7- Wingert, Joseph L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 315 Nov, 25- Woods, J. E, et al, residents of Park Hill District request- ing that bus service be extended to this area ............ 357 " 25- Wooten Street from a point 100 feet west of the west line of Min. Lot 69 to west property line of James Street and Peabody Street, Profile No. 1327 showing proposed grade .................................................................... 364-371 " 25 -Woeten Street from McClain Street to the west line of James Street and Peabody Street clearing, gru~- bing and grading ...............................................................365.378.379 Dec, 16 -Wymer, C, B, et al, requesting that the bus stop an the west side of South Grandview Avenue between Dodge and Whelan Streets be restored ........................ 380 " 23 -Wright, Louis and Raymond P., requesting refunds on both their Cigarette Permit and Class "B" Beer Permit .................................................................................. 390 INDEX --Book 76 1946 SUBJECT Fage Oct, 7-Young, W. A, et al, requesting that the alley east of Sum• mitt Street and between West 3rd Street and Fenelon Plaee be repaired ............................................... 303 I i ~ I INDEX-Book 76 1946 9 SUBJECT Page I Feb. 4- Zwack, NIrs. Gertrude, Notice of Claim ................................ 9-186 Apr. 1- Zahina, Mrs. Agues, granted Cigarette Permit ............... 68 May 6- Zwaclc, Anton, Inc, submitting offer in the amount of ~ $250.00 to the Board of Supervisors ou Lots 7, 8 and 9 of O'Taylor's Sub ................................................. 104.152 June 28- Zillig, Cxeorge J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 188 " 28- Zahina, Mrs. Agnes, granted Cigarette Fermit ................ 189 " 28- Zelens, Bert, granted Cigarette Permit ................................ 190 Oct, 28 -Zahina, Frank, asking that the storm water condition ~ be taken care of and the crossing repaired at the intersection of Burden and Windsor Avenue .,.......... 326 ~ Nov. 4- Zahina, Agnes, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 348