1946 May Council Proceedings__
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102 Special Session, Apri126th, 1946
Passed, adopted and approved
this 26th day of April, 1946.
Attest: J, J. SHEA.
City Clerk,
Councilman Van Duelmau moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried ly the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wlarton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Tlompson,
Van Duelmau.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
due to an emergency caused by tle
ilhress of Ottb F. Puls, City Treasur•
er, that City Manager Rhomberg is
hereby authorized to sign City
cheeks axld that tle City Clerk be
directed to notify the different
banks of the action of the City
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Murphy, Carried by the following
Yeas--Zayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Tlompson,
Van Duelmau.
There being no further business
Councilman Van Duelmau moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Murphy, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Mm~phy, Tlompson,
Van Duehnan.
J, J. Shea
City Clerk.
Approved .................................19§6.
Adopted .....................................1946
I ..................................
Councilmen ~ ...,,..._ :.........................
t .......... :.......................
Attest : .............................._.,..,... _
City Cerk
Regular Session, I1~Ia~ 6tls, 196 IO3
Reg~uIar Session, May 6th, 1946.
Council met at 7:30 P.M,
Present -Councilmen Moffatt,
Murphy, Thompson, Vau Duelmau,
City Manager Rhomlerg. Absent-
Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Murphy moved that
Councilman Van Duehnan be ap-
pointed Mayor Pro Tem of the meet-
ing. Seconded by Councilman Mof-
fatt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Councilmen Moffatt, Mur-
phy, Thompson.
Absent-Mayor Wlarton.
Councilman Van Duelmau not
Maym• Pro Tem Van Duelmau
stated that this is the regular
mantlly meeting of the City Coun-
cil for the purpose of acting upon
such business as may properly come
before the meeting.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present
in the Council Chamber, who wishes
to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilman Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Petitions of E. R. Gunter et al,
approximately 6200 signers, request-
ing the City Council to pass tle
necessary measures to declare Day-
light Saving time in effect in the
City of Dubuque, presented and
Communications of the Torbert
Drug Company, Eldo Blocli and
Broadcasting Co., submitting post
cards and letters containing ap-
proximately 1100 signers in favor
of Daylight Saving time and post
cards and letters containing ap-
proximately 375 signers opposed to
Dayliglt Saving time, presented
and read.
Communications of the Tm•lert
Drug Company, Eldo Block and
John McEvoy protesting against
the proposed change to Daylight
Saving time, presented and read.
A lengthy discussion was held
between those favoring the adop•
tion of Daylight Saving time and
those opposing the adoption of Day-
lig~lrt Saving time and when this dis-
cussion was ended Conncihuan
Moffatt moved that Council recess
to consider the matter of Daylight
Saving time. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Thompson. Carried by the
following vote:
Mayor Pro Tem Van Duehnan,
Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Council recessed at 8:20 P.M, and
upon reconvening at 8:3D P.M.
Councilman Moffatt stated tlat the
Council has considered all the
points in the Dayliglt Saving time
discussion and that the Council was
pleased tlat there has been such
a fair discussion and therefore
moved that the Daylight Savin,~•
schedule be put into force and'take
effect at 2:00 A,M. On Sunday, May
12th, 1946 and that the Mayor be
requested to issue a proclamation
as embodied in this motion. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
mau, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition of Mrs. W. E, Daykin
et al, owners of property iu the im•
mediate vicinity of the steps lead-
ing from Madison Street to tle alley
that runs into Dorgan Place, and
users of said steps, requesting
Council to reconsider their action
closing the steps leading form Madi-
son Street to the alley that runs
into Dorgan Place, presented and
read. Messrs Walter Daykin and
Carl Danglemeyer addressed the
Council in support of the petition.
Councilman Murphy moved that the
petition be referred to the Council
to view the grounds. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson,. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
mau, Cotmcilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of County Audi-
tor Daykin advising that the Board
of Supervisors lave accepted an
offer of $150,00 on Lots 22, 23, 24,
102 Special Session, Apri126th, 1946
Passed, adopted and approved
this 26th day of April, 1946.
Attest: J. J, SHEA.
City Clerk,
Councilman Van Duehuau moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor' Whartmr, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
due to au emergency caused by the
illness of Otto F, Puls, City Treasur-
er, that City Manager Rhonrberg is
hereby authorized to sign City
checks add that the City Clerk be
directed to notify the different
banks of the action of the City
Comicil, Seconded by Councilman
Murphy, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
There being no further business
Counchhran Van Duehnan moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Couucihnau
Murphy. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
J, J. Shea
Chty Clerk,
Approved .................................I94a
Adopted ......................................1946.
f ...... _ ........................_
I ................................
1 ......... .............~..........
s Attest:
........................City Cerk
Regular Session, Niav 6th, 1946 IO3
~In III ~ 11fiIi III ',~j ~ IIIi
Regular Session, Niay 6th, 1946.
Council met at 7:30 P.M,
Present -Councilmen Moffatt,
Murphy, Thompson, Van Duehnan,
City Manager Rhomberg. Absent-
Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Murphy proved that
Councilman Van Duehnan be ap-
pointed Mayor Pro Tem of the meet-
ing, Seconded by Councilman Mof-
fatt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Councilmen Moffatt, Mur-
phy, Thompson.
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Van Duelmau not
Mayor Pro Tem Van Duelmau
stated that this is the regular
monthly meeting of the City Coun-
cil for the purpose of acting upon
such business as may properly come
before the meeting.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the rules le suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present
in the Council Chamber, wlo wishes
to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son, Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
mau, Councihuau Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Petitions of E. R, Gunter et al,
approxluately 6200 signers, request-
ing the City Council to pass the
necessary measures to declare Day-
light Saving time in effect in the
City of Dubuque, presented and
Communications of the Torbert
Drug Company, Eldo Block and ,
Broadcasting Co., submitting post
cards and letters containing ap•
proximately 1100 signers in favor
of Daylight Saving time and post
cards and letters containing ap-
proximately 375 signers opposed to
Daylight Saving time, presented
and read.
Communications of the Torbert
Drug Company, Eldo Block and
John McEvoy protesting against
the proposed change to Daylight
Saving time, presented and read.
A lengthy discussion was held
between those favoring the adop-
tion of Daylight Saving time and
those opposing the adoption of Day-
light Saving time and when this dis-
cussion was ended Councilman
Moffatt moved that Council recess
to consider the matter of Daylight
Saving time. Seconded by Coun•
cilmau Thompson. Carried by the
following vote:
Mayor Pro Tem Van Duehnan,
Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Council recessed at 5:20 P.M, and
upon reconvening at 8:30 P.M.
Councilman Moffatt stated that the
Council has considered all the
points in the Daylight Saving time
discussion and that the Council was
pleased that there has been such
a fair discussion and therefore
moved that the Baylight Saving
schedule be put into force and take
effect at 2:00 A.M. On Sunday, May
12th, 1946 and that the Mayor be
requested to issue a proclamation
as embodied in this motion. Se~-
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Due]-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition of Mrs. W. E, Daykin
et al, owners of property in the im-
mediate vicinity of the steps lead-
ing from Madison Street to the alley
that runs into Dorgan Place, and
users of said steps, requesting
Council to recmrsider Heir action
closing the steps leading form Madi-
son Street to the alley that runs
into Dorgan Place, presented and
read. Messrs Walter Daykin and
Carl Danglemeyer addressed the
Council in support of the petition.
Councilman Murply moved that the
petition be referred to the Council
to view the grounds. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson,. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
mau, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent Mayor Wharton.
Communication of County Audi-
tor Daykin advising that the Board
of Supervisors lave accepted an
offer of $150.00 on Lots 22, 23, 24,
104 Regular Session,117ay 6th, 1946
26 and 26 of Mills West Dubuque
made by Wm. Connery, presented
and read. Councilman Thompson
moved that the conununication be
referred to the Council to view the
g'trounds. Seconded by Councilman
Murphy. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of County Audi-
tor Daykitr advising that the Board
of Supervisors have accepted an
offer of X250.00 on Lots 7, 8 and 9
of O'Taylor's Sub, made by Anton
Zwack, Inc., presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that the
conmtunication be referred to the
Council to view the grounds, Sec•
onded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following .vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Couneilnren Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton
Communication of Maurice G.
Postlet, President, National Insti-
tute of Governmental Pm~chasfng,
Incorporated, extending invitation
to the City Council, and all other
public officials who have anything
to do with purchasing, to attend the
First Annual Conference and Pro-
ducts Exhibit to be held in Chicago,
Illinois, an August 19-21, 1946, pre-
sented and read, Councilman
Murphy moved that the communica.
tioti, be referred to the Council.
Seconded by Councilman, Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Vau puel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton
Highway Notice from the Office
of the County Auditor advising that.
the Commissioner appointed to ex-
amine the expediency of vacating
that part of a Highway known as
the Le Clere Road in Table Mound
Township, Duhuque County, Iowa,
has reported itt favor of the vaca-
tion of the same, presented and
read. Councilman Murphy moved
that the Notice be received and
placed on file. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of Mrs. Adeline
I~luseman, Chairman of the Invita-
tion Conunittee oP the Memorial
Day Parade, extending invitation
to the Mayor and City Council to
participate in the Memorial Day
Parade, presented and read, Couu-
cihnau Thompson moved that the
invitation be accepted, Secmtded
by Conrreihnan Murphy. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Communication of F. L. Edwards,
Lieutenant Conunander, US<bIS Re-
g~onal Information Officer, Chicago,
Illinois, advising that May 22nd has
been designated as Maritime Day
and requesting the Mayor to issue
a Proclantatien recognizing this oc-
casion, presented and read-
Councilman Thompson moved
that the conununication be referred
to the Mayor to take appropriate
action. ;fecont~ed by Caunciltuan
Moffatt. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition of Albert P. Dolan re-
questingthe installation of a storm
sewer iu Shh•as Avenue itr front of
Lot 1 of Lot 3 of the Subdivision
of the Nm~th Half of Mineral Lot
309A, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the petition he referred to the
Council to view the grounds. Sec-
onded by Councihuan Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas-12ayor Pro Tem Vau Duel-
man, Councihneu Moffatt, Mm•phT,
Absent-Mayor Wharton..
Petition of V, L. Winterowd et
al requesting- that a street light be
installed at the intersection of
Regular Session, NIay 6th, 1946 10S
Auclubou and Dexter Streets, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the petition be referred to the Coun-
cil to view the grounds. Seconded
by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Vau Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of Anton Basten
submitting offer in the amount of
$75.00 for the purchase of Lot 181.
of Union Addition, presented and
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the communication be referred to
the Council to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Deul-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of Paul F. Smith
tendering his resignation as a mem-
ber of the Planning- and Zoing Com-
mission and also as a member of
the Board of Adjustment, presented
and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the resignation be accepted and a
vote of thanks extended to Paul F,
Smith for services rendered as a
member of the Planning and Zon-
ing Commisiiou and also as a mem-
ber of the Board of Adjustment.
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Vau Deul-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Thompson moved
that Mr. E. Marshall Thomas be
appointed as a member of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission to fill
the unexpired term of Mr. Paul F.
Smith, recently resigned, said term
expiring May 24, 1949 and also that
Mr. E. Marshall Thomas he appoint-
ed as a member of the Board of
Zoning Adjustment to fill the un-
expired term of Mr. Paul F. Smith,
recently resigned, said term expir-
ing March 5, 1951. Seconded by
Councilman Murphy. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tent Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition of the Dubuque Women's
Club requesting the City Councll
to strictly enforce the regulations
in regard to speeding, to shooting
boulevards, to cutting corners and
to have motorists observe-most
carefully the speed regulations in
school areas, also to take measures
to impress upon pedestrians the
necessity of crossing streets only
at intersections anti to svalk with
the lights, and further requesting
that "Walls" signs be erected ender
the traffic signals at all corners,
especially 7th and Main Streets,
5th and Main Street, 9th and Main
Streets and 14th and Central Av
enue, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the petition be referred to the
Council for further consideration.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy.
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition of Clarence A. Strub et
al requesting that West Third
Street between Nm~th Grandview
Avenue and Algona Street be grad-
ed and improved, presented and
Comtcihuan Murphy moved that
the petition be referred to the Coun-
cil to view the grounds. Seconded
by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-'
ratan, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Commmnication of the Interstate
Power Company submitting copies -
of proposed Electric and Ttans-
portation Franchise Ordinances for
Council consideration, presented
and read.
Councilman Thompson move d
that the Ordinance be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Murphy. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
106 Regular Session, IbIay 6th,1946
Yeas--Mayor Pro Tem Van Due]-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of the Financial
Repm't of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, for the Fiscal Year Ending
March 31, 1946, presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thmnpson. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Vau Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent Mayor Wharton.
Ordinance No. 7-46. An Ordinance
amending Ordinance No. 10-37, en-
titled "Traffic Code of the City of
Dubuque" by providing the condi-
tions upon which a motor vehicle
may be parked in parking lots, and
by describing a parking lot, said
ordinance having been passed upon
first reading on April 26th, 1946,
and m'dered placed mi file with the
City Clerk for public inspection
for at least one week before its
final adoption, was presented for
final adoption.
Ordinance No. 7.46
An Ordinance amending Ordinance
No. 10-37, entitled "TRAFFIC
CODE of the City of. Dubuque"
by providing the conditions upon
which a motor vehicle may be
parked in parking" lots, and by
describing" a parking lot.
Sea L That Paragraph' "XIV
Parkiug~," of Ordinance No. 10-37,
TRAFFIC CODE of Dubuque, be,
and the same is hereby amended
by adding after RULE 109 the fol-
"RULE 109-a. It shall fie un-
lawful for any motor vehicle
to park in auy stall or spare in
any parking lot within the City
of Dubuque without first hav-
ing secured the permission of
the operator of any parking lot
in which stalls or space fot°
parking cars are rented.
That a parking lot is a lot in
the City of Dubuque where
• motor vehicles are parked for
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be
in force and effect ten (10) days
from and after its final passage,
adoption and publication as pro
vided by law.
Passed upon first reading this
26th day of April, 1946.
Passed, adopted and approved
upon final reading this 6th day of
May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this. 8th
day of May, 1946.
City Clerk
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the m~durance. Second-
ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Dnel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Mm'phy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Ordiance No. 8-46. An Ordinance
vacating the alley lying between
Brunswick Street and Burden Av-
enue from Groveland Place to
O'Neill Street in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, said m~dinance having
been passed upon first reading on
April 26th, 1946, and ordered placed
on file with the City Clerk for pub-
lic inspection for at least one week
before its final adoption, was pre-
sented fm' final adoption.
Ordinance No. 8.46
An Ordinance vacating the alley
lying between Brunswick Street
and Burden Avenue from Groveland
Place to O'Neill Street in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa,
Whereas, a Petition has been
filed requesting the vacatimr of the
alley above described,
And, Whereas, said Petition was
submitted to the Plamung and Zon.
ing Commission for investigation,
report and recommendation,
And, Whereas, said Planning and
Zoning Commission filed its report
recommending the granting of said
Petition, with the condition that the
Regular Session,
easements aver and in said alley
be retained.
And, Whereas, the City Council
advises that the alley as above de-
scribed is not needed for street or
alley purposes ,and the vacation
thereof will not injure, damage or
interfere with the use of or access-
ability to private property adjoin-
' ing said alley and that said alley
chotild be vacated as requested.
Now, Therefore,
Be It Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. i. That the alley lyfng be-
tweeu Brunswick Street and Bur-
den Avenue from Groveland Place
to O'Neill Street be, and the same
is hereby vacated and the public
use thereof is hereby annulled.
Sec. 2. That the adjacent own-
ers thereof shall cause a plat of
said vacated alley to be prepared
wherein the parts of the alley going
to the different adjoining owners
shall be given a legal description,
whereupon tho City of Dubuque
shall cmtvey said alley to said re-
spective adjoining owners by quit
claim deed and the Mayor and Clerk
of said City are hereby authorized
and directed to execute said deeds
on behalf of said city. Quit Claim
Deeds are to contain the provision:
"Easements over and in said alley
are reserved and retained;'
Sec. 3. That the Clerk be, and
he is hereby directed to file a cer-
tified copy of this Ordinance in the
office of the Recorder of Dubuque
County Iowa.
Sec. 4. That this Ordinance shall
~e in force and effect ten days from
and after its final passage, adop-
tion and approval by the Cfty Coun-
cil and publication as providad by
law, and when the cost of publish-
- ing the same has been paid by the
Passed upon first reading this
26th day of April, 1946a
Passed, adopted and approved
upon final reading this 6th day of
May, 1946. -
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
11Iay 6th,19~}6 107
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 3th
day of May, 1946.
City Clerk
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of the Board of
Dock Commissioners submitting at-
tacked annual report covering dock
operations from April 1, 1945 to
March 31, 1946, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the Annual Report of the
Board of Dock Commissioners be
received and placed on file. Second-
ed by Councilman Mm'phy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duet-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Muri~hy,
Absent Mayor Wharton.
May 6, 19.16
In re: Claim of Grace C. Hoimiann
Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: With reference tQ the
above claim for expenses becaase
of a Yall mr a defective sidewalk on
University Aevnue on or about Feb-
ruary 21, 1946, the sidewalk is in
a defective condition. The amount
of the actual doctor bill is $15.00.
1 recommend that a warrant be
issued payable to Grace C. Hoh-
mann in the amount of $15.00 and
delivered to her upon delivery to
the City of a release properly exe-
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the recommendation of City Solici-
for Kintzinger be approvad and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant iu the amount of $15,00 in
favor of Grace C. Hohmann, as
settlement in full of her claim, and
that said warrant be delivered upon
receipt by the City of Dubuque of
a properly executed release. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy, Car-
vied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
.iuw~ow.n u. ~w'~ ~., .i.n , v War` `:VYV4'IY4WtlWdW~YW~rolluuW,w.~w a ~iilu~,~uuua; d , inu~~w ,+~~ i..,
108 Regular Session, NIay 6th, 1946 ,
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-111ayor Wharton.
April 30, 1946
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: Referring to the at-
tached petition of Leo J. Mouser
individually and as Executor of the
Estate of W. fI. 1lteuser, deceased,
Che Planning' and Zoning' Commis•
sion herewith recommends the ex-
tension of the present )iusiness Dis-
trict at 23rd Street and Ceittral
Avenue to include the area bounded
as follows:
Beginning at a point ou the north-
erly Iine of Lot 3 Brewery Addition
cue hundred feet westerly of the
westerly line of Central Avenue;
thence westerly along the nm•ther-
lp line of Lat 3 Brewery Addition
crassittg Carr Street and continuing
westerly along' the northerly line oY
Lot 2 of Brewery Addition one hun-
dred and twentv-ttivo feet; thence
southerly along the northerly exten-
sion of the westerly line of Lot 8 of
Schaffner's Sub. across Lots 2 and
5 Brewety Additimi and. southerly
along the westerly line of Lot 8 of
Schaffner's Sub. one hundred feet;
thence easterly along the extension
of the southerly line of the private
alley in Schaffner's Sub. and east-
erly along the southerly line of
the private alley in Schaffner's
Sub. to the um'thwesterly corner
of Lot 1 of. the Suh. of Lots 1 and
2 and of the South one-half of Lots
5, 6 and 7 of SchaPfner's Sub. which
point is on the present limit of the
business district one hudred feet
westerly of the westerly line of
Central Avenue.
Respectfully submitted,
By R. V. McKAY
Councilman Murphy moved that
the recommendation of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission be ap•
proved and the City Solicitor re•
quested to prepare the proper pro•
ceedings. Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following'
Peas-Mayor Pro Tem Vau Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
May 3, 1946
'Po the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: This is to advise that
I have approved the following
bonds and desire to have your ap-
proval on same for filing:
Laverne A. Temple, City. En-
gineer, Continental Casualty Co.
Hylda Noel Luke, Recreational
Director, Bond No. 28214-G7-187-46
U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co.
John C. Oberhausen, Polioe Judge
Continental Casualty Co.
Jahn A. Brady, Clerk of Police
Court, Central Surety and Ins.
Allan C. Dane, Clerl, in City
Water Department, Western Surety
Arthur M. Bennett, Park Com-
missioner, National Surety Corpor-
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Thompson moved
that the bonds be approved and
placed on file, Seconded by Council-
man Moffatt. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
tlbsent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 42.46
Whereas, the City of Dubuque,
pm•saant to au advertisement for
bids on the furnishing of fire ap-
paratus, did on the 11th day of Feb-
ruary, 1946, at ten o'clock a.m., at
the City Clerk's office in the City
Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, recelve bids
for the furnishing of one 100 foot
metal aerial ladder tractor type
truck which said bids were taken
under advisement by the City Coun-
cil; and
Whereas, The proposals have
been compared and examined and
this Council has determined that
the most favorable proposal re-
ceived was submitted by the Sea-
grove Corporation of Columbus.
Ohio; Now Therefore, Be It
Regular Session,
Resolved, By the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa;
That the contract Yor the furn-
ishing of one 100 foot metal aerial
Ladder tractor type truck in the
amount of $21,810.00 less 2c~o cash
discount, be awarded to the Sea-
grave Cm•poration, Columbus, Ohio,
and that the contract hereto at-
tached is approved and made a part
hereof, and the Mayor and Clerk
be, and they are hereby authorized
and directed to execute the same
same on behalf of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa; Be It Further
Resolved, That this resolution
being deemed w'g'ent and of hn-
mediate necessity, become effective
frgm and after its final passage and
adoption by the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
public inspection for mte week ou
April 26, 1946.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 6th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: Z J. SFIEA_,
City Clerk
Councilman Thompson moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Maym• Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 49-46
Whereas, the Planning and Zon-
ing Commission recommended to
the City Council the extension of
the present "Two Family Residence
District" to include all the property
within the following area which is
now in "Single Family Residence
District" classification:
Beginning at a point in the cen-
ter line of Loras Botlevard, one
hundred and thirtyfive feet easter-
ly of the center lines of Loias Boule-
vard and Alta Vista Street; thence
westerly on the center line of
Loras Boulevard to the intersec-
tions of the Center line of Loras
Boulevard and Center line of the
alley first westerly of Alta Vista
Street; thence northerly along the
bIay 6th, 1946 109
center line of. the alley first west-
erly of Alta Vista Street to the in-
tersection of the centerline of Ver-
non Street; thence easterly along
the center line of Vernon Street
and the Center line of Vernon
Street to a point mte hundred and
thirty-five feet easterly of the Cen-
ter line of Alta Vista Street; same
point"of beginning and point of end-
ing connecting to the present two ~
family residence district.
And, Whereas, before the Zoning
Nlap and the Zoning Ordinance oP
the City may be~chang'ed it is neces-
sary that a public hearing' be held,
And, Whereas, the City Council
deems it advisable to hold such
public hearing.
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
That there should be a public
hearing on the question of the ex-
tension of the present "Two Fam-
ily Residence District" to include
all the property within the follotiv-
ing area which is now in "Single
Family Residence District" classi-
Beginning. at a point in the Cen-
ter line of Loras Boulevard, one
hundred and thirty-five feet east-
erly of the Center lines of Loras
Boulevard acrd Alta Vista Street;.
thence westerly on the Center ]ins
of Loras Boulevard tc the inter-
sections of the Center lice of Loras
Boulevard and the Center line of
the alley first westerly of Alta
Vista Street; thence northerly
aloug~ the Center line of the alley
first westerly of Alta Vista Street
to the intersection of the Center
line of Vernon Stt'eet; thence east-
erly along the center line of Ver•
non Street and the Center li>7e of
Vernon Street extended to a point
one hundred and thirty-five feet
easterly of the Center line of Alta
Vista Street; same point of begin-
ning and point of ending connect-
ing to the present two-family resi-
dente district.
That the time and place for the
said public hearing be, and the same
is hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock
p.m., the 24th day of May, 1946, in
the City Council Chamber, City
Hall, Dubuque, Iowa; that the City
Clerk be, and he is hereby directed
to cause to be published in the
llQ Regular Session, MaSr 6th,1946
Telegraph-Herald in the City of
Dubuque, Notice of such hearing;
the same to be so publishedso as
to leave at least 15 [lays bettiveen
the day of such publication and the
day fixed for sai[i hearing', said
notice shall contain, among others,
the provision that any. amd all par-
ties' in 2nterest and all citizens
shall have an opportunity to be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 6th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 50.46
Whereas, the Planning and Zon•
ing Commission reconnneuded to
the City Council the area:
Lots 63 and 64, McDaniel's Park
Hill Addition on Muscatine Street;
Lots 73 and 74, McDauiel's Park
Hill Addition an Burlington Street.
be rezoned from its present "Two
Family Residence District" classi-
fication to "Local Business Dis-
trict" Classification.
And, Whereas, before the Zoning
Map and the Zoning Ordinance of
the City may be changed it is neces-
sary that a public hearing be held,
And, Whereas, the City Council
deems it advisable to hold such
public hearing.
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That there should be a Public
Hearing on the matter of changing
the area:
Lots 53 and 54 McDaniel's Park
Hill Addition on Muscatine Street;
Lots 73 and 74 McDaniel's Park
Hill Addition on Burlington Street.
from a "Two Family Residence
District" classification to "Local
Business District" classification;
that the time and place for said
public hearing be, and the same is
hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock p.m.,
the 24th day of May, 194G, in the
City Council Chamber City Hall,
Dubuque, Iowa; that the City Clerk
be, and he is hereby directed to
cause to be published in the Teie-
graplr-Herald in the City of Du-
buque, Notice of such hearing, the
same to be published so as to leave
at least 15 days between the day
of such publication and the day
fixed for said hearing; said Notice
shall contain, among others, the
provision that any and all parties
in interest and any and all citizens
shall have an opportunity to be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 6th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Murphy. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel
man, Councilmen Moffatt, iVfurphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 51.46
Be It Resolved by the City Coun•
cil of Dubuque that the following,
having complied with the provisions
of law relating to the sale of cigar-
ettes within the City of Dubuque, be
granted a permit to sell cigarettes
and cigarette papers within said
City-and the Manager is directed to
issue such permit on behalf oP said
Name Address
A. J, Ender, 534 Rhomberg Ave•
[me (Change of address from 2311
Windsor Avenue)
Passed, adopted and approved
this 6th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J, J, SHEA.
City Clerk
Regular Session, NIay 6th, 1946 111
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Murphy, Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Pro Tem Van Duelman, Councilmen
Moffatt, Murphy, Thompsou.
Absent Mayoi• Wharton,
Resolution No. 52.46
Whereas, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to this
Council for approval and the same
have been examined. Now, There•
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the fol-
lowing applications be granted and
the licenses are to be issued upon
the compliance with the terms of
the ordinances of this City.
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
Robert J, Bowen, 1105 University
George C. Deyoe, 469 Main Street
Frank Reis and
Kathryn Reis 609 Eighth Avenuo
George T, Vrotsos and
Spiros D. Coven 605 Main Street
Harry N, Gantert and
Lucile Gantert 1301 Rhomberg
Martin Meyer and Vernon
Meyer 530 East 22nd Street
Dell Warren and Ralph
Warren .1700 Central Avenue
Class "B" Permit for Private Club
Dubuque Metal Trades
Council Club 290 West 4th Street
Class "C" Permit
Carl Van Duelman 690 Seminary
Passed, adopted and approved
this 6th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J: J. SHEA
City Clerk.
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 53.46
Whereas, heretofore applications
for Beer Permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be occu-
pied by such applicants have been
inspected and found to comply with
the ordinances of this City and they
have filed a proper bond: Now,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be and is hereby directed to
issue to the following named appli-
cants aBeer Permit.
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
Robert J. Bowen
1105 University Avenue
George C. Deyoe 469 Main Street
Frank Reis and
Kathryn Reis 509 Eighth Avenue
George T. Vrotsos and Spiros
D. Coven 605 Maiu Street
Harry M, Gantert and Lucile
Gantert 1301 Rhomberg Avenue
Martin Meyer and Vernon
Meyer 530 East 22nd Street
Dell Warren and Ralph
Warren 1700 Central Avenue
Class °B" Permit for Private CIu6
Dubuque Metal Trades Council
Club 290 West 4th Street
Class "C" Permit
Van Duelman 590 Seminary Street
Be It Further Resolved that the
hoods filed by such applicants be
an[l the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and. approved
this 6th clay of Mal, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Mui°phy. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas- Mayor Pro Tem Van
Duehna.n, Councilmen Moffatt, Mur-
phy, Thompson,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
112 Regttlar Session,112ay 6th, 1946 Special Session, 11~Ia~, 17th, 1946 113
- -
There being no further business, to the center line of Winona Street.
Councilman Murphy moved to ad- ® ®
'~ ~ ~ ~~^;~ ~'I ~ p i ;;7 r„y
I~ Same point of beginning and point
jonrn. Seconded by Councilman I~,~I'~"
~ of ending connect to the present
- _ Thompsmt. Carried by the follow- (Official) multiple family residence district,
ing vote:
Special SeSSion, May 17t1i,1946. presented and read. No written
- Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Vau Duel-
Council met at 7:30 P. M. remonstances filed and no object-
_ ll1a11, vOnllClhnell MOffatt, Murphy,
Present -Councilmen Moffatt, 01'S pre0emt m the C,OURCll Ohamber
~ Thompson,
Murphy, Thompson, Van Dttehnan, at the time of said hearing'. Conn-
City Manager Rhomberg'' cilma~n Murphy moved that the
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Absent-Mayor Wharton. proof of publication be received and..
J. J. Shea. filed. Seconded by Councilman Mof-
- City Clerk. Meeting called by m~der of Couu- fatt. Carried by the followiug~ vote:
cilmen Thompson and Murphy.
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
Approved ................................. 1946 Councilman Thompson moved man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
that Councilman. Van Duelman be Thompson.
Adopted,..., ...... _...
1946 appointed Mayor Pro Tem of the Na s-None
meeting. Seconded by Councilman .
Murphy. Carried by the following Absent-Mayor Wharton.
~~~ ~~~ vote; Ordinance No, 9-46, An Ordin-
................................. Yeas-Councilmen Moffatt, Mur- ante amending and changing the
phy, Thompson, Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
Councilmen: j ...................................... Nays-None. as provided by Ordinance No, 3-34
~~ ~ Absent Mayor Wharton, designated "Zoning Ordinance of '
' '"''' ' ° °'°"°°°'°° Councilman Van Duehnau not vot- the City of Dubuque" so as to
' I ittg- change to "Multiple Family Resi-
T l Mayor Pro Tem Van Duelman dente District" classification, cer-
read the call and stated that sere- tain defined territory now beutg
tlttest : ............................................... ice thereof had been duly made and delimited as '`Two Family Rosi•
City Clerk. that this meeting was called fm• the dente District" Classification pre-
purpose of conducting a public hear- sented and read, Councilman
ing~ upon proposals to amend and Thompson moved that the reading
change the Zoning Map and the lust had be considered the first
Zoning Ordinance and acting on any reading of the ordinance._Seconded
other business as may properly by Couucihnatr Murphy, Carried by
come before a regular meetiug~ of the fallowing' vote:
the City Council. Yeas-Mayor Pro Tetn Van Dttel-
man, Coturcilmeu Moffatt, Murphy,
Proof of publication, certified to Thompson.
by the publishers, of notice of a
public hearing upon a proposal to ~ Nays-None.
amend and change the Zoning Map Absent-Mayor Wharton.
and the Zouiug Ordinance fu the fol• Cotwcilman Thompson moved
lowing' respects: By extending the that the rules be suspended requir-_
present "MultipleFamily Residence ing~ an ordinance to be read on
District" to include all the property three separate days. Seconded by
within the fallowing' area, which is Councilman Murphy. Carried by the
now in "Two Family Residence Dis- following vote:
trio" classificatimi, Beginmtng at Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
a point at the intersections of the man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
- center lines of Wilson and West Thompson.
Fifth Street; thence northerly along Nays-None.
the center line of Wilson Avenue Absent-Mayor Wharton.
to a point in line with the rear of
the lots fronting iu the northerly Couucihuau Thompson move d
side of West Fifth Street; thence that the ordinance be placed om flIe
westerly along' the rear lice of the with the City Clerk for public in-
lots fronting ou the northerly side speetiou for at least one week be-
of West Fifth Street to the cetrter fore its final adoption. Seconded by
_ line of Pauliua Street extended; Couucihuau Moffatt, Carried by the
~ thence southerly along the center following vote:
line of Pauliua Street and the ceu-
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
ter line of Pauliua Street extended mav, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
`~ southerly to the center lice of West Thompson.
Third Street; Hence easterly along Nays-None.
~ the center line of West Third Street Absent-Mayor Wharton,
i i i i i
ll4 Special Session, 1~Iay 17th, 1946
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of d
public hearing upon a proposal to
amend and change the Zoniug• Map
and the Zoning Ordinance by ex-
tendmig the present "Multiple Fami-
ly Residence District" to include all
the Property within the following
area which is now in "two Family
Residence District" classification.
Beginning at a point in the center
line' of West Fifth Street at ap-
proximately one hundred feet east-
erly of the easterly line of Delhi
Street; thence southerly along the
center line of College Street
to -the center line of Allison
Place; thence westerly along the
center line of Allison Place to a
point where the center line of Alli-
son Place extended would intersect
the westerly line of Allison Place
due to angle in Allison Place;
thence southerly along the easterly
line of Lot One of Finley Home
Addition to the southeast corner of
Lot One Finley Home Addition;
thence westerly along the southerly
line of Lot One of Finley Home Ad-
dition three hundred and eighty-
five feet to the southwest corner of
Lot One of Finley Home Ad-
dition; thence northerly along
the westerly line of Lot One
of Finley Home Addition to
approximately one hundred feet
southerly of Delhi Street. Same
point of beginning and paint of end-
ing connect to the present "Multi,
plc Family Residence District,"
presented and read. No written
remonstrances filed and no object-
ors present in the Council Chamber
at the time of said hearing, Council-
man Moffatt moved that the proof
of publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Counciluan Murphy.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Mm•phy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Ordinance No, 10-46. An Ordin-
ance amending and changing the
Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No, 3-34,
designarted "Zoniug Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Multiple Family Resi-
dence District" classification cer-
tain deftned territory now being
delimited as "Two Family Resi-
denee District" classification, pre-
sented and read. Councilman
Thompson moved that the reading
just had be considered the first
reading of the ordinance. Seconded
by Coancilman Murphy. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Couucihnen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the rules be suspended requir-
ing an ordinance to be read on three
separate days, Seconded by Council-
man Moffatt. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Councilman Thompson moved
that the ordinance be placed on
file with the City Clerk for public
inspection for at least one week
before its final adoption, Seconded
by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of a pub-
lic hearing upon a proposal to
amend and change the Zoniug Map
and the Zoning Ordinance in the fol-
lowing respects: by rezoning to
"Multiple Family Residence Dis-
trict" classification all the area
withing the following boundaries,
except such areas as are not zoned
to a lesser classification, Beginning
at the intersection of the center
lines of Loras Boulevard and Bluff
Street; thence northerly along the
center line of Bluff Street to the in-
tersection oY the center lines of
Bluff Street and West Locust
Street; thence northwesterly along
the center line of West Locust
Street to the intersections of the
center lines of West Locust Street
and .West Seventeenth Street;
Hence easterly along the center
line of West Seventeenth to the
intersections of the center lines of
West Seventeenth Streetand
Main Street; thence northerly
along the center line of Main
Special Session, NIay 17th, 1946 11S
Street to the intersection of the
center lines of Main Street
and Madison Street; thence
northerly along the center lice
of Madison Street to the inter-
section of the center lines of Madi•
son Street and Seminary Street;
thence westerly along the center
line of Semuiary Street to the in-
tersection of the center lines of
Seminary Street and Hogdon
Street; thence south along the cen-
ter line of Hogdon Street and the
center line of Hogdon Street ex-
tended to the intersections of the
center lines of Hogdon Street ex-
tended and the center line of Cox
Street; thence southeasterly along
the center line of Cox Street to the
intersection of the center lines of
Cox Street and Loras Boulevard;
thence easterly along the center line
of Loras Boulevard to the intersec-
tion of the center lines of Loras
Boulevard and Bluff Street which is
the point of beginning and the point
of ending, presented and read. No
written remonstrances filed and no
objectors present in the Council
Chamber at .the time oY said hear-
ing. Councilman Thompson moved
that the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Murphy, Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Ordinance No. 11-46, An Ordirr
ante amending and changing the
Zorring• Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No, 3-34,
designated "Zoning, Ordiance of the
City of Dubuque" so as to change
to "Multiple Family Residence Dis-
trict" classification, presented and
read, Councilman Thompson moved
that the reading just had be con,
sfdered the first reading oY the or•
diuance. Seconded by Councilman
Murphy. Carried by the followiug~
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
rnan, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Councihmau Thompson moved
that the rules be suspended requir•
ing an ordinance to be read on three
separate days, Seconded by Coun-
cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol•
lowing vote:
Yeas-ibIayor Pro Tem Van Duel•
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the n•dinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk for Public in-
spection for at least one week be•
fore its final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Mm•phy,
Absent-1lfayor Wharton,
Conncihnan Murphy moved that
the miles be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowuig any one present in
the Council Chamber, who wishes
to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor PraTem Van Duel•
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent Mayor Wharton.
Mr, Martin and other returned
Veterans addressed Che Council ask-
ing permission to erect Quonset
Huts in order that they may be pro,
vided with places to live. Councih
man Mm•phy moved that this mat-
ter be referred to the City Manager
and City Solicitor to submit a report
back to the City Council as soon as
possible, Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Buel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-114ayor Wharton,
Councilman Moffatt moved that
Mr. W, F. Cooper be notified to
place with the City of Dubuque a
Public Liability Bond in the amount
oP $10,000.00 covering defective
sidewalk on his property located at
Third and Main Streets, in order to
protect the City of Dubuque in case
of damages, this bond to be placed
on file with the City of Dubuque
within a period of five days other-
wise the sidewalk to be barricaded.
116 Special Session, D2ay 17th, 1946
Seconded by Councilman Thompson,
L'arried by the follotiving vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
mau, Couucilmeu Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Notice of Claim of W. E, Briggs
in the amount of $22.48 for damag-
es to his car caused in striking a
sewer ditch in t1Te 2100 block ou
Seminary Street, presented and
read. Councilman M~-trphy moved
that the Notice of Claim be referred
to the City Solicitor for investiga-
tion and report, Seconded by Coun-
cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-14ayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Couucilmeu Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of Edward D.
Martin, President, Star Spangled
Banner Flag House Association,
Inc., advising' that the week of
Tune 9th to 16th inclusive had been
designated °National Flag Week"
and suggesting that a fitting' proc-
lamation be issued for the observ-
ance of "National Flag' Week," pre
seated and read. Councilman Mur-
phy moved that the communication
be referred to the Mayor for appro-
priate action. Seconded by Council-
man Moffatt. Carried by the Yo1-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
mau, Couucihnen Moffatt, Murphy.
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of the Interstate
Power Company sug'g'esting that a
stop sign be located on the south-
west corner of Twentieth and Elm
Streets stopping' east bound traf-
fic before they enter the Five Point
Intersection at Twentieth and Ehn
Streets, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Murphy moved that a stop
sign be erected as requested when
permission is obtained from the
Iowa State Highway Commission.
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of Rev, Louis
Bradshaw entering his protest to
Daylight Saving Time, presented
and read, Councilman Murphy
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Dnel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Petition of Allen C. Kane, Clerk
in Water Department, requesting re•
lease on that portion of his hood
covering the period of ApriLl, 1946
to December 1, 1946 as he has been
requested to furnish a new bond
covering the period of April 1, 1946
to March 31,1947 and this new bond
has been approved and is now on
file, presented and read. Council-
man Moffatt moved that the request
be granted. Seconded by Council-
man Murphy. Carried by the follow-
ing Vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition of Joseph R, Wild re-
questing the vacation of the alley
which lies to the rear of his prop-
erty known as Lots 33 and 32 of
Littleton and Sawyer'sAddition and
also submitting an offer in the
amount of $100.00 for the purchase
of City owned property known as
Lots 18 and 19 of W. Blake's Sub,
presented and read. Councilman
Murphy moved that the petition be
referred to the Council to view the
g~rouuds, Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Due1-
man, Councihmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition of Mrs. Cora Goodale re-
questing the installation of a street
light ou Hill Street just about a
block off Dodge Street, presented
and read, Councilman Thompson
moved that the petition be referred
to the Council to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy.
Special Session, 1VIay 17th, 1946 117
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of County Audi-
tor Daykin advfsfng~ that the Board
of Supervisors have accepted au
offer of $100.00 on Lots 47 and 48
of lrinley, Waples & Burton's Addi-
tion made by Elmer S. Terry, pre-
sented and read Councilman Moffatt
moved that the communication be
referred to the Council to view the
grou'uds. Seconded by Councilman
Murphy. Carried by the following'
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Gomrcilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
CommunicatiotT of County Attditor
Daykin advising that the Board of
Supervisors have accepted an offer
of $150.00 on Lot 36 of Wm.
Blalee's Addition made by Kenneth
L; Norpel, Presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that the
communication be referred to the
Council to view the grounds. Sec
omded by Comteilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Dael-
mau, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
absent Mayor Wharton.
Agreement between the Federal
Works Agency Bureau of Communi-
ty Facilities and the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, together with Public
Voucher amounting to $16,100.00 as -
initial payment for the purpose of
plan preparation for construction
of the public wm•k described as a
system of storm relief sewers under
Title V of the War Mobilization and
Reconversion Act of 1944, presented
and read. Councilman Murphy
moved that the Agreement be re-
ceived and placed on file. Second-
ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Ordinance No, 12-4G. An Ordin-
ance amending and changing the
7,ouing~ Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No.3.34
destguated "Zoning' Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Multiple Family" classi-
fication certain defined territory
now being delimited as "Single
Faauily" m• "Two Family" Districts,
presented and read. Councilman
Thompson moved that the reading'
just had been considered the first
reading' of the ordinance. Seconded
by Couucihuan Moffatt. Carried by
the followiug~ vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the rubs be suspended requir-
ing an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Cotui-
cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol-
lowing' vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Mmphy,
Absent-Nlayor Wharton..
Councilman Thompson moved
that the ordinance be placed on file
with the City .Clerk for public in=
spectfon for at least one week be-
fore its final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt, Carried by the
fallowing' vote:
Yeas-Niayor Pro Tem Vau Duel-
mau, Couucilmeu Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 5446
Whereas, the Planning' andZouiug'
Conmtission recommended to the
City Council the extension of the
present Business District at 23rd
Street and Central Avenue to in-
clude the area bounded as follows
which is now in "Two Family Resi-
dence District" classification;
Beginning at a point otr the north-
erly line of Lot 3 Brewery Addi-
tion One Hundred feet westerly of
the westerly line of Central Ave-
nue; thence westerly along the
northerly line of Lot 3 Brewery ad-
dition crossing Carr Street and
118 Special Session, May 17th, 1946
continuing westerly along the
northerly line of Lot 2 of Brewery
Addition One Hundred and twenty-
two feet; thence southerly along
the northerly extension of the
westerly line of Lot 8 of Schaff-
ner's Sub. across Lots 2 and 5
Brewery Addition and southerly
along the westerly line of Lot S of
Schaffner's Sub, one hundred feet;
thence easterly along the exten-
sion of the southerly line of the
private alley in Schaffner's Sub.
and easterly along the southerly
line of the private alley in Schaff-
ner's Sub. to the northwesterly
corner of Lot 1 of the Sub. oY Lots
1 and 2 and of the South one-half
of Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Schaffuer's
Sub, which point is on the present
limit of the business district one
hundred feet westerly of the west-
erly line of Central Avenue
And, Whereas, before the Zoniug~
Map and the Zoning Ordinance of
the City may be changed it is neces-
sary that a public hearing be held,
And, Whereas, the City Council
deems it advisable to hold such
public hearing,
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the Gity of
That there should be a public
hearing on the question of the ex-
tension of the present Business
District at 23rd Street and Central
Avenue to include all the property
within the area hereinbefore de-
scribed which is now in "Two Fami-
ly Residence District" classication.
That the time and place for the
said public hearing be, and the
same is hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock
P. M., the 10th day of June, 1946, in
the City Council Chamber, City
Hall, Dubuque, Iowa; that the City
Clerk be, and he is hereby
directed to cause to be pub•
lisped in the Telegraph Herald
in the City of Dubuque, No-
tice of such hearing, the same
to be so published so as to
leave at least 16 days between the
day of such publication and the day
fixed for said hearing, said notice
shall contain, among others, the
provision that any and all parties
in interest and all citizens shall
have an opportunity to be heard.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 17th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Thompson moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
oned by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Mnrnhy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 55.46
Be It Resolved by the City Cottn=
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
following, having complied with the
provisions of law relating io the
sale of cigarettes within the City
of Dubuque, be granted a permit to
sell cigarettes and cigarette papers
within said City and the Manager
is directed to issue such permit on
behalf of said City.
Name Address
Thomas E. Nacos, 1b64 Central
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed with the application be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 17th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Couucilmau Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Comrcihnan Mm'phy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 56-4fi
Whereas, application for Class
`B" Beer Permit has been submit-
ted to this Council for approval and
the same has been examined: Now,
Special Session, 11Iay 17th, 194b 119
Be It Resolved by the Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
following application be granted
and the license is to be issued upon
the compliance with the terms of
the m•dinances of this City.
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
Rod and Gun Club, 1103 Iowa
Passed, adopted and approved
this 17th day of May, 194G.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Couucilmau Thompson moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
omled by Councilman Moffatt, Car-
. ried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tenr Van Duel-'
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 57.46
Whereas, heretofore application
for Class "B" Beer Permit leas
filed by the within named applicant
and it has received the approval
of this Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc-
cupied by such applicant have been
inspected and found to comply with
the ordinances of this City and a
proper bond has been filed: Now,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Mana-
ger be and he is hereby directed.
to issue to the following named ap•
plicant a Beer Permit.
Glass "B" Permit
Name Address
- Rod and Gun Club, 1103 Iowa
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed by such applicant be and
the same is hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 17th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pra Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman fihmnpson. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Piro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, IVim'phy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Dubuque, Iowa
May 17, 1946
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: Section 718,04 of the
Code of Iowa, 1939, Permanent Reg-
istration, provides that the Com-
missioner of Registration shall ap•
point the two clerks of election for
each precinct who shall have
charge of the election register.
f hereby recommend for your ap-
proval the appointment of the foi-
lotving named Persons to serve as
Clerks oP Election fm' each pre-
cinct, who shall have charge of the
election register:
First Precinct-Democratic, Mrs.
Thehua Trapp; Republican, Mrs.
Lillian Jones.
Second Precinct -Democratic,
Mrs. Margaret Kinsella; Republi-
can, Mrs. Geo. R. Fox.
Third Precinct-Democratic, tvlrs.
Vera S. McAllister; Republican,
Mrs. Pearl Hoerner.
Fourth Precinct -Democratic,
Mrs. Mary Hughes; Republican,
Mrs. Martha Hunt.
Fifth Precinct-Democratic, Mrs.
Laura E. Holmnann; Republican,
Mrs. F, W. Trader.
Sixth Precinct-Democratic, Mrs.
Edna Delaney; Republican, Mrs.
Hazel Yakom.
Seventh Precinct -Democratic,
Mrs, Cecelia Weber; Republican,
Mrs. Cora Wolfe.
Eighth Precinct -Democratic,
Mrs. Anna Weber; Republican, Mr.
J. W. Millie,
Ninth Precinct -Democratic,
Belle Leidinger; Republican, Mrs.
Erna Widdowson.
Tenth Precinct -Democratic,
Mrs. Stella Ball; Republican, Mrs.
Hattie Donatsch.
Eleventh Precinct -Democratic,
Mrs. Ida Murray; Republican, Car-
rie Saunders.
-- ~-
-_ 120 Special Session, May 17th, 1946 Special Session, iUlay 17th, 1946 121
Twelfth Precinct - Demom•atic, Councilman Thompson moved Thompson.
Mrs, Anna Schaul; Republican, that the recommendation of the Nays-Noce.
Mrs. Elroy Grasshorn. Planning and Zoning Commission Absent-Mayor Wharton,
- Thirteenth Prechrct -Democra- 1>e approved. Seconded by Council- J. J. SHEA,
tic, Mrs, Freda Foe11; Republican, man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- City Clerk
Mrs. Marguerite Liddle. ing vote:
- ~ Fourteenth Precinct -Democra- Yeas-Mayor Pro Tenr Van Duel-
tic, Mrs. Veronica Agard; Republi- Man, Councilmen Moffatt, Mui~nhy, Approved ......... . ............ 1946.
caa, Mrs. Dorothy Bauer. Thompson,
Fifteenth Precinct -Democra- Nays-None. Adopted ................._................ 1946.
~ tic, Mrs. Mathilda Manahl; Repub- Absent-Mayor Wharton.
]icon, &L's. Helen Hohnecker.
Communication of F' r e d W. ~ "" """"'
- Respectfully submitted, Schroeder submitting offer in the -..........••..••...•....
J. J. SHEA amount of $6,000.00 for the pur-
Commissioner of Registration chase of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of part of ; Cotmcihnen: .I .... ......... .......
Councilman Thompson moved City Lot 735, commonly lntozn~il as
~" that the recommendation of the the old "Harken Nursery" and sub- ~~~~ "~ ~ ~ ~~~" "~"" ""
Commissioner of Registration be nrittiug a clown payment of $600.00
approved. Seconded by Counciiman in the form of an enclosed check,
Murphy. Carried by the following presented and read. ~atLest: .,,...
vote: Councilman Moffatt moved that City Clerk.
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tenr Van Duel- all of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of part
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, of City Lot 735, except that part ,
Thompson, taken for street purposes, be con-
Nays-None. veyed to Fred W. Schroeder by
Absent-Mayor Wharton. Quit Claim Deed and that the '
May 17, 1946 Mayor and Clerk be authorized to
execute said Quit Claim Deed on
To the Honorable Mayor and behalf of the City of Dubuque, said
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Quit Claim Deed to be delivered
Gentlemen: The Planning and to Fred W. Schroeder upon receipt
Zoning Commission respectfully by the City of Dubuque of the
recommends to your Honorable balance of the purchase price of
Body denial of the attached petition 85,600.00. Seconded by Councilman
of the Dubuque Paekhrg Company Murphy. Carried by the following
requesting vacation of Part of side- vote:
walk on north side of 16th Street
adjacent, to their property. The Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
Planuing~ and Zoning Commission man, Councilmen Moffatt, 14urnhy,
continues to consider 16th Street Thompson.
the main traffic artery to the future Nays-None,
City Island Industrial Project and Absent-Maym~ Wharton.
Feels that it should not be narrow- Councilman Murphy moved that
ed; instead, it is the considered the Electric Franchise Ordinance
judgment of the Commission that and the Bus Franchise Ordinance
future traffic demands will call for be laid over until a full attendance
- considerable widening, possibly to of the Council is present. Seconded
100 feet or more,
' by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
- At the meeting a
t which the the following vote:
above action was taken, the es- Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
pressed attitude of the Planning man, Councilman Moffatt, iVlurphy,
`-~ and Zoning Commission was that it Thompson.
would be willing at any time to Nays-None.
meet the Dubuque Packing Com-
pony representatives to discuss al- Absent-Mayor Wharton.
- ternative measures which may There being no Further business
bring about the desired result. Councilman Thompson moved to
Yours truly, adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
DUBUQUE PLANNING AND ', Moffatt. Carried by the following
=- By R. V. McKAY Yeas-Mayor Prro Tem Van Duel-
Secretary ~I man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
122 Special Session, May 24th, 1946
® ~ e
R ~ ~ i1
~ ~' _
Special Session, May 24th, 1946.
Council met at 7:30 P.M.
Present -Councilmen Moffatt,
Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman,
City Manager Rhomberg.
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Murphy and Moffatt.
Councilman Thompson moved
that Couneihnan Van Duelman be
appointed Mayor Pro Tem of the
meeting. Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following
Peas-Councilmen Moffatt, Mur-
phy, Thompson.
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Couiicihnan Van Duelman not
Mayor Piro Tem Van Duelman
read the call and stated that ser-
vice Hereof had been duly made
and that this meeting is called for
the purpose of conducting a public
hearing upon proposals to amend
and change the Zoning Map and the
Zoning Ordinance and acting on any
otter business as may properly
come before a regular meeting of
the City Council.
Proof of publication certified
to by the publishers, of notice of a
public fearing upon a proposal to
amend and change the Zoning Map
and the Zoning Ordinance by chang-
ing from "Two Family Residence
District" classification to "Local
Businessl District" classification,
Lots 53 and 64 McDaufel's Park Hill
Addition om Muscatine Street; and
Lots 73 and 74 McDaniel's Park
Hill Addition on Burlington Street,
Presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the proof of publication he received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel•
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Ordinance No. 13-46. An Ordin-
ance amending and changing the
Zoning Map of the City of Dufuque
as provided fy Ordinance No..3-34,
designated "Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque" ~so as to
change to "Local Business District".
classification, certain defined ter-
ritory now being delimited as "Two
Family Residence Dfstrict" classi-
fication, presented and read,
Councilman Thompson moved
that the reading just had be con-
sidered the first reading of the
ordinance. Seconded by Couneihnan
Murphy. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Couneihnan Thompson moved
that the rules be suspended requir-
ing an ordinance to be read on
three separate days. Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Vag Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Councilman Thompson moved
that the ordinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore its final adoption.. Seconded
by Councilman Murphy. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of a
public hearing upon a proposal to
amend and change the Zoning Map
and the Zoning Ordinance by ex-
tending~ the present "Two Family
Residence District" to include all
the property within the following
area which is now in "Single Fam-
ily Residence District" classifi~s~
tion. Beginning at a point in the
center line of Loras Boulevard, one
hundred and thirty-five feet east-
erly of the center lines of Loras
Boulevard and Alta Vista Street;
thence westerly on the center line
of Loras Boulevard to the intersec-
tion of the center lice of Loras
Boulevard and the center line of
the alley first westerly of Alta Vista
Street; thence northerly along the
Special Session, Nlay 24th, 1946 123
center line of the alley first west-
erly of Alta Vista Street to the
intersection of the center line of
Vernon Street; thence easterly
along the center line of~ Vernon
Street and the center line of Ver-
non Street extended to a point one
hundred and thirty-five feet east-
erly of the center line of Alta Vista
Street; same point of beginning
and point of ending connecting to
the present two family residence
district, presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following
vote: -
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Ordinance No. 14-46. An Ordin-
ance amending and changing tie
Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34,
designated "Zoning Ordinance of
the CityoP Dubuque" so as to
change to "Two Family Residence
District" classification certain de-
fined territory now being delimited
as "Single Family Residence Dis-
trio" classification presented and
Councilman Thompson moved
that the reading just had fe con-
sidered the first reading of the or-
dinance, Seconded by Councilman
Murphy. Carried by the following '~
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilman Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Council ran Thompson moved
that the rules be suspended re-
quiring au ordinance to be read on
three separate days. Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt. Carried uy the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel•
bran, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Afsent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the ordinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection far at least one week fe-
fore its final adoption. Seconded
by Councilman Murphy. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowlrg any one present
in the Council Chamber, who
wishes to do so, to address the
Council, Secmrded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Messrs. John I~erper, Secretary
of Chamber of Commerce, Ding
Herr, Chairman of Aviation Com-
mittee of Chamber of Commerce
and Geo. Rose addressed the Coun-
cil relative to the paving of the
runways at the new Airport with
~, concrete paving instead of asphalt
Councilman Murphy moved that
a Committee frmn the City Admin-
istration be authorised to gc to
wherever it is deemed necessary
to cmitact Government Officials
relative to the paving of the run-
ways at the New Airport with cmr-
crete paving. Seconded by Council-
man Moffatt. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote':
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wt?arton.
Resolution No. 58-46
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that Sec-
tion 1 (a) of Resolution No. 16-44,
a Resohition constituting Agree-
ment With The United Slates Rela-
tive to Operation and Maintenance..
Of The Dubuque Municipal Airport
adapted by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, March S,
1944, be amended by striking out
the said Section 1 (a) and inserting
in lieu thereof the following.
Section 1 (a) The Government
stall have the right to determine
the manner in which the Project
shall be conducted and the amount
Special Session, 112ay 24th, 1946
of Federal funds to be expended
and all other matters relating to
the Project, except that the rnn-
ways are to be constructed of con-
crete. The City of Dubuque, Iowa,
will cooperate with the Government
to ensure prosecution of the Pro-
ject without interference or hinder-
anae and agrees to permit the
agents and employees of the Gov-
ernment, and all persons authorized
by the Administrator to enter upon,
nse and occupy the property tube
developed as the Administrator
may deem necessary ordasirable
in connection with the conduct of
the Project.
Section 2. That all otler provi-
sions of said Resolution Constitu-
ting Agreement With The United
States Relative To Operatimr and
Maintenance of the Dubuque Muni-
cipal Airport be and are in full
fo~ce and effect.
Section 3. That five (5) certified
copies of this Resolution be scut
through the Regional Manager of
the Civil Aeronautics Administra-
tion, 16th Floor, City Hail, Ifansas
City G, Missouri.
Section 4. This Resolution shall
he effective upon acceptartee there-
of by the Administrator of the
Civil Aeronautics Administration of
the United States Department of
Passed, adopted and approved
this 24th day of -4ay, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Thompson moved
the adoption of the resolution.
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Notice of Application for Permit
from the War Department; United
States Engineer Office, Rock Ia-
land, Illinois, stating that an ap-
plication has been received from
the U. S. Coast Guard, St. Louis,
Missouri, Por a federal permit to
construct a reinforced concrete
dock wharf on timber piling in
the Mississippi River at the west-
ern cud of the Dubuque Ice Har-
bor, presented Gird read.
Councihuan Murphy moved that
the Notice be received and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of the Dubuque
Automobile Club advising that the
Board of Directors of the Dubuque
Automobile Club have expressed
whole-hearted approval of the I%ro-
gram of painting lines and curbs
in the City Streets and also request-
ing that consideration be given to
the duplication oP such program in
the fall before the bad weather
starts, pt°esented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the connmmication be referred to
the City Manager for consideration.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Dual-.
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy, ,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of the Dubuque
Automobile Club advising that the
Board of Directors have expressed
their whole-hearted approval of the
program of marlang each interec-
tion with proper street name signs
and suggesting that this program
be continued until every.:: intersec-
tion is adequately marked with
street name signs, presented a.nd
Councilman Murphy moved that
the commutication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thonpsou. Caried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of County Audi-
tor Daykin advising that the Board
of Supervisors have accepted an
offer of $50.00 on Lot i of 38
Marsh's Addition made by Clarence
and Gertrude Weiner, presented
and read.
Special Session, 1~Iay 24th, 1946 12S
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the cotmunication be referred to
the Council to view the grounds.
Secanded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Vau Duel-
man, Comtcihnen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of County Audi-
tor Daykin advising that the Board
of Supervisors have accepted an
offer of $360.00 on Lots 59 and 60
of Stafford Addition rnade by Ralph
P, Weitz, presented and read,
Councilman Thompson moved
that the cmnmuuication be referred
to the Cotmcil to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-A4ayor Wharton.
Communication of H. R. Hanger,
Agent for Mrs. C. A. I~earuey, own-
er oY Lot 2 of Lot 30 in Ann
O'Hare's Sub., offering to sell to
the City of Dubuque a 25 foot strip
of this lot facing West Third Street
for the sum of $1,000,00, presented
and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the communication be referred to
the Council to view the gromids.
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following' vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van lluel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition of G. H. Holscher again
requesting the City Council to or-
der the r°epairing of the storm sew-
er which drosses his property on
Bradley Street as he is desirous of
constructing a residence in the
near Yuture on this property, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the petition be referred to the
Council to view the grounds and
that Mr. Holscher be notified to he
present at the tithe the Council
are viewing this property. Second-
ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Vau Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition of Roy Bartels et al re-
questing the installation of a street
light on the corner of the 100 block
on Auburn and Filntm'e Streets,
presented and read.
Couuci~Iman Moffatt moved that
the petition be referred to the Coun-
cil to view the grounds. Secanded
by Councilman Murphy. Carried by
the following' vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Coancihnen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Petition oY K J. I~iiby et al re-
questing the installation of a drop
street light on the end of the alley
between Fenelon Place and West
3rd Street on the City steps, pre•
seated and read,
Councilman Moffatt roved that
the petition be referred to the Coun-
cil to view the grounds. Seconded
by Cotmcilman Mtu'phy. Carried by
the folloaiing~ vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tent Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Communication of Wm. F: Toe-
pel, Vice Chal'man of the General
Conmrittee of the Dubuque Living
War Memorial Stadium Committee,
advising that at the request of a
sub-committee considering t h e
meatns by which a~n outdoor recrea-
tion field, stadium and field house
might he procm~ed for Dubuque, he
is requesting information as follows
with regard to municipal powers so
that the best final decision may be
arrived at in this matter:
1. Is a public facility compris-
ing astadium and field house in-
cluding afurther facility in coni-
plianc;e with Section 500 of the
1939 Code of Iowa, a memorial
building- in compliance with Chap-
ter 33 of the 1939 Code of Iowa?
2. Could a River Front Improve-
ment Commisison be set up in Du-
buque which, if established, would
have legal authority. to levy a tax
and issue bonds and have charge
of the construction, management,
and operation of a facility such as
above described, if the electors of
Dubuque desire this type of public
126 Special Session, May 24th, 1946
3. We would also like to be ad•
vised if there are any agencies of
the Federal Government which
have the authority to make grants,
or loan funds, for the construction
of such a project.
4. If a River Front Hnprovement
Connnission might be established in
Dubuque would such a body have
the authority to levy a tax for the
maintenance; if such a fund were
necessary, for the rnaintenatice of
this facility in a good state of re-
pair and upkeep, presented and
Councilman Murphy moved that
the couununication be referred to
the City Solicitor'. Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tenr Van Duel-
man, Councihuen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor' Wharton,
Petition of the Midwest Lumber
Company applying for a building
permit to erect a Celotex Cemesto
House No. 200, in the City of Du-
buque, as per the accompanying
plans and specifications, presented
and read.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the petition be referred to the
Council for consideration at their
nest meeting. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Murphy. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Ordinance No. 9-46. An Ordinance
amending and changing the Zoning
Map of the City of Dubuque as pro-
vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 desig-
nated "Zoning- Ordinance of the
City of Dubuque so as io change
to "Multiple Family Residence Dis-
trict" classification certain defined
territory now being delimited as
"Two Family Residence District"
classification, said ordinance hav-
ing been passed upon first reading
on May 17th, 1946 and ordered pla~-
ed on file with the City Clerk for
public inspection for at least one
week before its final adoption, was
presented for final adoption.
Ordinance No. 9.46
An Ordinance amending and
changing the Zoning Map of the
City of Dubuque, as provided by Or-
dinance No,3-34 designated "Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque"
so as to change to "Multiple Fanr
ily Residence District" classifica-
tion certain defined territory now
being delimited as "Two Family
Residence District" classification.
Whereas, it is deemed advisable
by the City Council to amend the
Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34,
designated as "Zonhcg~Ordinanee of
the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Multiple Family Resi-
dente District" classification cet'-
tain territory hereinafter described
now delimited as "Two Family
Residence District"
And, Whereas, Notice of such pro-
posed change has been published
as provided by law and an oppor-
tunity afforded to any and all in-
terested parties and citizens to ob-
ject thereto at a public meeting
held at 7:30 p.m„ May 17th, 1946
held in the Council Chamber in the
City Hall.
And, Whereas no objections have
been filed or made to the proposed
Now, Therefore,
Be It Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec, 1. That the Zoning Map and
Zmting Ordinance of the City oL
Dubuque be, and the same is hereby
amended and changed as follows:
By changing- from a "Two Family
Residence District" classification
to a "Multiple Family Residence
District" elassiffcation the area de-
scribed as follows:
Beginning at a point at the inter-
section of the center lines of Wil-
son Avenue and West Fifth Street;
thence northerly along the center
line on Wilson Avenue to a point
in line with the rear of the lots
franting~ in the northerly side of
West Fifth Street; thence wester-
ly along the rear line of the lots
fronting au the northerly side of
Nest Fifth Street to the center line
of Paulina Street extended; thence
southerly along the center line of
Paulina Street and the center line
of Paulina Street extended south-
erly to the center line of West
Special Session, May 24th, 1946 I27
Third Street; thence easterly along
the center line of West Third Street
to the center line of Winona Street.
Same point of beginning and point
of ending connect to the present
multiple family residence district.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be
in force and effect ten (10) days
from and after its final passage,
adoption and publication as provid-
ed by law.
Passed upon first reading this
17th day of May, 1946.
Passed, adopted and approved
upon final reading this 24th day of
May, 1946,
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Published officially in The Tele•
graph-Herald newspaper this 28th
day of May, 1946,
City Clerk
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car•
Tied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Ordinance No. 10-46. An Ordin-
ance amending and changing the
Zoning- Map of the Gity of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34,
designated "Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Multiple Family Resi-
dence District" classification cer-
tain defined territory now being
delimited as "Two Family Resi-
dence District" classification, said
ordinance having been passed upon
First reading on May 17th, 194G and
ordered placed on file with the
City Clerk for public ins~pecti;on
for at least one week before its
final adoption, was presented for
Yinal adoption.
.Ordinance No. 10-46
An Ordinance amending' aatd
changing the Zoning Map of the
City of Dubuque as provided by
Ordiance No. 3-34,desiguated "Zon•
ing Ordinance of the City of Du-
buque" so as to change to "Multi-
ple Family Residence District"
classification certain defined ter•
ritory now being- delimited as "Two
Family Residence District" classi-
"Whereas, it is deemed advisable
by the City Council to amend the
Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34,
designated as "Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Multiple Family Resi-
dence District" classification cer-
tain territory hereinafter described,
now delimited as "Two Fancily
Residence District"
And, Whereas, Notice of such
proposed change has been publish-
ed as provided by law and an op-
portunity afforded to any and all
interested patties and citizens to
object thereto at a public meeting
held at 7:30 p.m., May 17th,. 1946,
in the Council Chamber in the City
And, Whereas, no objections have
been filed or made to the proposed
Now, Therefore,
Be It Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That the Zoning Map and
Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque be, and the same is here-
by amended and changed as fol-
By changing from a "Two Family
Residence District" to a "Multiple
Fancily Residence District" the area
described as follows:
Beginning at a poinf in the cen-
ter line of West Fifth Street at ap-
proximatelY one hundred feet east-
erly of the easterly line of Delhi
St:; thence southerly along the cen-
ter line of College Street to the
center line of Allison Place; 'thence
westerly along the center lice of
center line of Allison Place to a
point where the center line of Alli-
son Place extended would intersect
the westerly line of Allison
Place due to the auglc; in
Allison Place; thence southerly
along the easterly line of lot one
of Finley Home Addition to the
south east corner of lot one Fin•
ley Home Addition; thence west-
erly along the southerly line of
lot one of Finley Home Addition
128 Special Session
three hundred and eighty five feet
to the south west corner of lot one
Finley Hocne addition; thence
northerly along the westerly line
of lot one Finley Home Addition to
approximately one hundred feet
southerly of Delhi Street.
Same point of beginning and
point of ending convect to the pres-
ent `1Vlultiple Famlly Residence Dis-
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be
nc force and effect ten (1D) days
from and after its final passage,
adoption and publication as provid-
ed by law.
Passed upon first reading this
17th clay of May, 1946.
Passed, adopted and approved
upon final reading this 24th day of
11Iay, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tent
W. W. MOFFA'1`T,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Published officially in The Tele•
graph-Herald newspaper this 28th
rlay of May, 1946.
City Clerk
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Murphy. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
mau, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Ordinance No. 11.46. An Ordin-
ance amending and changing the
Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No. 3.34,
designated "Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Multiple Family Resi-
dence District" classification cer-
tain defined territory now being
delimited ,as "Two F.'amily Resi•
dente District" classification, said
ordinance having been passed upon
first reading on May 17th, 1946 and
ordered placed on file with the City
Clerk for public inspection for at
least one week before its final adop-
tion, was presented far final adop-
1~Iay 24th, 194b
Ordinance No. 11-46
An Ordinance amending' and
changing the ZoningMap of the
City of Dubuque as provided by
Ordinance No. 3-34, designated
"Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque" so as to change to "Mul-
tiple Family Residence District"
classification certain defined terri-
tory now being delimited as "Two
Family Residence District" classi-
tiVhereas, it is deemed advisable
by the City Council to amend the
Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34
designated as "Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Multiple Family Resi-
dence District" classification cer-
tain territory hereinafter describ-
ed now delimited as "Two Family
Residence District."
And, Whereas, Notice of such
proposed change has been publish-
ed as provided by law and an op-
portunity afforded to any and all
interested parties and citizens to
object thereto at a public meeting'
held at 7:30 p.m., May 17, 1946 in
the Council Chamber in the City
Aud, Whereas, no objections have
been filed or made to the proposed
Now, Therefore,
Be It Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That the Zoning' Map and
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du-
buque be, and the same is hereby
amended and changed as follows:
By changing from a "Ttvo Family
Residence District" to a "Multiple
Family Residence District" the area
described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of
the ceuter lines of Lm'as Boulevard
and Bluff Street; thence northerly
along the center line of Bluff Street
to the intersection of the center
lines of Bluff Street and Weat Lo-
cust Street; thence north westerly
along the center line of West Lo-
cust Street to the intersections of
the center lines of West Locust
Street and West Seventeenth
Street; thence easterly along the
center line of West Seventeenth
Street to the intersections of the
cener lines of West Seventeenth
Street and Main Street; thence
Special Session,
northerly along the center line of.
Main Street to the intersection of
the center lines of Main Street and
Madison Streets; thence northerly
along' the center line of Madison
Street to the intersection of the
center lines of Madison Street and
Seminary Street; thence westerly
along the center line of Seminary
Street to the intersection of the
ceuter lines of Seminary Street and
Hogdon Street; thence south along
the center line of Hogdon Street
and the center line of Hogdon
Street extended to the intersection
of the center lines of Hogdon Street
extended and the center line of Cox
Street; thence south easterly along
the center line of Cox Street to the
intersection of the center lines of
Cox Street and Loras Blvd.; thence
easterly along the center line of
Loras Blvd, to the intersection of
the center lines of Loras Blvd. and
Bluff'Street which is the paint of
beginning and the point of ending.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be
in force and effect ten (10) days
from and after its final passage,
adoption and publication as provid-
ed by law.
Passed upon first reading this
17th day of May, 1946.
Passed, adopted and approved
upon final reading this 24th day of
May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Published officially iu The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 28th
clay of May,194G.
City Clerlt
Councilman Thompson moved
the adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car•
Tied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Ordinance No. 12.46. An Ordin-
ance amending and changing thA
Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No, 3-34
l2a}' `loth, 194b 129
designated "Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Multiple Family"
classification certain defined
territory now being delimited as
"Single Family" or "Two Family"
Districts, saki ordinance having
been passed ulion first reading on
May 17th, 1946 and ordered placed
on file with the City Clerk for pub-
lic inspectimc for at least one week
before its final adoption, was pre-
sented for final adoption.
Ordinance No. 12-46
An Ordinance amending and
changing the Zoning' Map of the
City of Dubuque as provided by
Ordinance No. 3-34 designated
"Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque" so as to change to "Mul-
tiple Family" Classification certain
defined territory now being deluuit-
ed as "Single Family" or "Two
Family" Districts.
Whereas, it is deemed advisable
by the City Council to amend the
Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No, a-34,
designated as "Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Multiple Family" classi-
fication certain territory herein-
after described, note delimited as
"Single Fancily" or "Two Family
Districts; and,
Whereas, Notice of such proposed
change has been published as pro-
vided by law and an opportunity
afforded to any and all interested
parties and citizens to object thrre•
toy at a public meeting held at 7:30
p.m, April 15th, 1946, in the Council
Chamber in the City Hall; and,
Whereas, no objections have been
filed or made to the proposed
Now, Therefore,
Be It Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1, That the Zoning Map and
Zoning Ordinance of the Gity of
Dubuque be, and the same is hereby
amended and changed as follows:
By changing from a "Single Fam-
ily" or "Two Family" reaidencedis-
trict to "Multiple Family Residence
District" classification, the area
described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of
the centerlines of Highland Place
and West Eleventh Street proceed-
ing in a northerly direction an the
' 130 Special Session, May 24th, 1946
center line of Highland Place to the
extension of the northerly property
line of Lat Number 827 of Sub, of
824 McDaniels Sub., thence west-
erly along the northerly property
line of the said lot number 827 to
the center line of the alley first
west of Highland Place, thence
southerly along the center line to
the extension of the north property
line of Lot 8 of Sub, of Lot 823 and
Part of Lot 824 thence westerly
along the northerly property line
of Lots 8, 7, 6, 6, and 4 of Sub. of
Lot 823 and Part of Lot 824 thence
southerly along the westerly line
of Lot number 4 of sub of Lot 823
and Part of Lot 824 to the center-
line; of (West Eleventh Street,
thence westerly along the center
line of West Eleventh to the cen-
ter line of the alley first east of
Center Street, thence northerly on
the center line of the Alley first
east of Center Street to the center
line of Rose Street, thence
westerly on the Center line
of Rose Street to the center
line of the alley first east of
Belmont Street, thence norther-
ly ou the center line of the alley
first east of Belmont Street to the
extension of the southerly property
line of Lot number 16 of Sub. of
Lot 3 of M. L. 9Q thence easterly
along the southerly property line
of said lot to the center line of Cum-
mins Street, thence northerly along
the center line of Cummins Street
to the center line of Loras Blvd.,
thence westerly along the center
line of Loras -Blvd. to the center
line of the alley first west of Alta
Vista, thence south along the cen-
ter line of the alley first west of
Alta Vista to the center line of
Martha Street, thence westerly
along the center line of Martha
Street to the center line of Nevada
Street, thence southerly along the
cntr lice o£ Nevada Street to a
line 100 feet nm•th of the norther
]y side of University Avenue thence
easterly and south easterly along
this line 100 feet north of the north•
erly side of University Avenue to
the line 100 feet north of the north-
erly side of Robinson Street, thence
easterly along the line 100 feet
north of the northerly side of Rab-
insou Street to the extension of the
center line of the alley first west of
Bluff Street between 10th and 11th
Streets thence northerly along the
extension of the center line of the
said alley and along the center lino
of said alley to the center line of
West Eleventh Street, thence tvest-
rly along the center line of West
Eleventh Street to the center line
of Highland Place, the point of be-
Sec. 2. This Ordinance ;;hall be
in force and effect ten (19) days
from after its final passage, adop-
tion and publication as provided
by law;
Passed upon first reading this
17th day of May, 1946.
Passed, adopted and approved
upon final reading this 24th day of
May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 28th
day of May, 1946.
City Clerk
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
mau, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of a statement of
receipts and also a list of claims
for which x~arrants were drawn
during the month of April, 1946,
presented and read.
Councilman Moffatt moved that the
proof of publication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Special Session, May 24th, 1946 131
May 22, 1946
In re: Petition of Dubuque Packing
Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: With reference to
the Petition of thg Dubuque Pack-
ing Company requesting institution
of proceedings for the construction
of a viaduct aver and across the
C. G. and W. Railway Company and
the C. M. S. T. P, and P. Railroad
Company tracks at either East 16th
Street or East 14th Street in the
City of Dubuque for the reason that
the same is necessary for the safe-
ty and protection of the people, the
statute of Iowa provides:
Cities having a population of five
thousand or over shall have power
to require any railroad company
owning or operating any railroad
tracks upon or across any public
streets of such city to erect, con-
struct, reconstruct, complete, and
maintaut, to the extent hereinafter
provided, any viaduct upon or along
such streets, and over or under
such tracks including the ap-
proaches thereto, as may be declar-
ed by ordinances of such city ne~es-
sary for the safety and protection
of the public
It is further provided by Sec.
LIMITATIONS. The approaches
to any such viaduct shall ° * ~ nor
shall any viaduct be required until
Iowa state commerce commission
shall, after examination, determine
the same to be necessary for the
public safety and convenience, and
the plans of said viaduct prepared
as hereinafter provided shall have
been approved by said connuission,
Further provisions are made vtith
reference to damage to property be-
cause of the construction, the pro-
cedure for assessing same and the
payment of the same.
It is provided further as follows:
Sec. 5918. HEARING, The
Council shall fix a tithe and place
where it will consider such mat-
ters and any objections that may
be made to the construction of
such viaduct and the approaches
I have prepared a Resolution pt°o-
viding for hearing on any objec-
tions to the construction of the via-
duct and providing for notice on
the Railroad Company which is
attached hereto.
City Solicitor
Councilman Murphy moved that
the report of City Solicitm• Kintz-
inger be received and made a mat-
ter of record. Seconded by Council-
man Thompson. Carried by the PoI
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No, 59.46
Whereas, a Petition has been
filed by the Dubuque Packing Com-
pany requesting the City Council
of the City of Dubuque~to require
the C. G. and W. Railway Company
and C. M. S. T. P. and P. Railroad
Company to build and construct a
viaduct and approaches over and
across the railroad tracks at either
East 16th Street or East 14th
Street in the City of Dubuqua for
the reason that the same is ~reces-
sary fm• the safety and protection
of the public;
Aud, Whereas, after due consid-
eration, the City Council is of the
opinion that a time and place
should be fixed for a hearing on
said Petition and objections there-
to and that written notice should
be given to said railroad cotnpanys.
Now Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque
That the hearing on the Petition
of the Dubuque Packing Company
requesting the City Council to re-
quire the C. G. and W. Raihvay
Company and C. M ,S. T. P. and P.
Raih•oad Company to construct a
viaduct and approaches over and
across the railroad tracks at either
East 16th Street or East 14th
Street, and any and all objections
thereto, be, and the same is here-
by fixed for 7:30 o'clodk P.Pk.; ,ruly
1, 1946, in the City Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
and that not less than 20 days'
written notice of such hearing shall
be given to the C. G. and W. Rail-
yay Company and C. 112. St. P. and
P, Railroad Company in accordance
with law by the City Solicitor of
the City of Dubuque.
-- ~~
132 Special Session, May 24th, 1946
Passed, adopted and approved
this 24th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tent.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilman Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
May 17, 1946.
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The Planning and
Zoning Commission respectfully
recommends to your Honorable
Body denial of the attached peti-
tion of the Dubuque Packing Com-
pany requesting vacation of part oP
sidewalk on north side of 16th
Street adjacent to their property.
The Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion continues to consider 16th
Street the main traffic artery to the
future City Island Industrial Proj-
ect and feels that it should not be
narrowed; instead, it is the consid-
ered judgment of the Commission
that future traffic demands will call
for considerable widening, possibly
to 100 feet or more.
At the meeting at which the .
above actiton was taken, the ex-
pressed attitude of. the i'lanning
and Zoning Conmiission was that it
would be willing at any time to
meet the Dubuque Packing Com-
parry representatives to discuss al-
ternative measures which may
bring about the desired result,
Yours truly,
By R. V. McKay,
Councilman Thompson moved
that the communication be referred
back to the Pianufng and Zoning
Commission to meet with the repre-
sentatives of the Dubuque Packing
.Company to discuss alternate meas-
ures as suggested in the communica-
cation. Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following
_ ~~
Yeas-Mayor Piro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
May 24, 1946.
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: At the session of the
City Council held May 17th, verbal
applications were received asking
permission to erect "Quousat huts"
for use as chvellings. It was .toted
that these huts do not meat the
state and local standards for dwell-
ings. The effect of permitting sub-
standard dwellings of rather drab
appearance in established neighbor-
hoods with an attendant deprecia-
tion of property values was also
discussed. It was suggested that
consent of adjacent property own-
ers be flrat obtained by the appli-
cants and that any permits for such
huts be Por a United period.
The housing ehortage in this city
being critical and with veterans and
Heir families in dire Hoed of shel-
ter, liberal attitudes and interpreta-
tions must be made if suffering is
to be averted. It is my recommen-
dation that a segregated area be
designated upon which "Quonset
huts" or similar structures for use
as dwellings be permitted for a
pet~od of not to exceed flue years.
City-owned Lot 3 of Randall's Sub.
at the easterly end of Mt. Loretta
Avenue with 'the construction of
minor access roadways would lend
itself for this purpose. A lease ar-
rangement could be made with the
applicants for a limited period at
the termination of which the huts
could be removed .
Respectfully submittal,
City Manager.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Rhomberg be approval. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Resolution No. 60-46
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City' of Dubuque that the
following, having complied with the
provisions of law relating to the
sale of cigarettes within the City of
Special Session, May 24th, 1946 133
Dubuque, be granted a permit to
sell cigarettes and cigarette papers
within said City, and the Manager
is directed to issue such permit on
behalf oY said City.
Name. Address,
John Henkel and Alma Henkel,
241 Main Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed with the application be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 24th day of May,.1946.
Mayor Pro 'pem.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Murphy maval the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton,
Resolution No, 61-46
Whereas,' Application for Class
"B" Beer Permit has beets sub-
mitted to this Council for approval
and the saute bas been exampled;
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the fol-
lowing application be granted and
the license is to be issued upon the
compliance with the terms of the
ordinances of this City,
Name.' Address.
John Henkel and Ahna Henkel,
241 Main Street.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 24th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tem.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor What•ton.
Resolution No. 62-46
Whereas, Heretofore application
for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed
by the within Wanted applicants and
it has received the approval of this
Council; and
Whereas, The premises to be oc-
cupied by such applicants have
been inspected and found to com-
ply with the ordinances of this City
and they have filed a proper bond;
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be .and he is hereby directed
to issue to the following named ap-
plicants aBeer Permit.
Name. Address.
John Henkel and Altna Henkel,
241 Main Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed by such applicants be
and the same is hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 24th day of May, 1946.
Mayor Pro Tent.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Electric Franchise Special Ordi•
Hance, Ordinance No. 15-46
N0. 15-46. An ordinance granting
. to the Interstate Power Company,
a Delaware Corpm~ation, its success-
ors and assigns, the right to erect,
maintain and operate its existing
electric generating, transmission,
and distribution facilities and addi-
tions thereto, in, under, over, along,
across, and upon the streets, lanes,
avenues, sidewalks, alleys, bridges,
parks, highways, and other places
in the City oP Dubuque and subse-
quent additions thereto, for the pur-
pose of producing and listt•ibuting
electricity fot• sale to said City and
the inhabitants thereof, for light,
heat, power, and other pm•poses for
a period of twenty-five (25) years,
and regulating the same; repealing
134 Special Session, Map 24th, 1946
all. existing franchise ordinances
heretofore granted to Interstate
Power Company or its predecessors
affecting the production and distri-
bution of electricity in the City of
Dubuque and requiring the surren-
der of all rights thereto by the
Grantee or its assigns therein; and
pi°oviding for the submission of said
Ordinance to a vote of the legal
voters of said City for approval,
presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the reading just had be con-
sidered the first reading of the ordi-
nance. Seconded by Councilman
Murphy. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Couucihnen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the rules be suspended requir-
ing an ordinance to be read on
three separate days. Seconded by
Cowrciima~n Moffatt. Carried by Che
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor' Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the ordinance be placed on file
`viih the City Clerk far `public in-
inspection for at least ono week be-
fore its final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the
foilowing~ vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Bus Franchise Special Ordinance,
Ordinance No, 16-46
An Ordinance granting to the
Interstate Power Company, a Dela-
ware Corporation, its successors
and assigns, the right and permis-
sion to operate busses for public
transportation upon and along the
streets of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and regulating the operation
of such busses while upmi or along
the said streets fm• a period oP ten
(10) years; repealhtg all existing
franchise ordinances heretofore
granted to Interstate Power Com-
pany or its predecessors affecting
the operatiot of a street railway or
bus system and requiring the sur-
render of all rights thereto by the
Grantee or its assigns, therein; and
providing far the submission of
said Ordinance to vote of the legal
voters of said City for approval,
presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the reading just had be con-
sidered the first reading of the ordi-
nance. Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following.
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the rules be suspended re-
quiring au ordinance to be read on
three separate days. Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the
fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Jan Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
Couucihnan Thompson moved
that the ordinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk fm' public in-
specttion for at least one week be-
fore, its final adoption. Seconded
by Councilman Murphy. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Piro Tent Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
There being no further business,
Councilman Murphy moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Piro Tem Van Duel-
man, Councilmen Moffatt, Murphy,
Absent-Mayor Wharton.
7. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Approved ........................:.........1946.
Adopted ............ .......................1946.
Councilmen: j ......................................
Attest : ......................... _.............,....
Clty Clerl$.
Regular Session, June 3rd, 1946 i3~
Regular Session, June 3rd, 1946.
Council met at 7:30 P. M.
Present-Mayor Wharton, Coun-
cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thcmpson,
Van Duelman, City Manager Rhont-
Mayor Wharton stated that this
is the regular monthly meeting of
the City Council for the purpose of
acting upon such business as inay
properly come before the meeting.
Couucihnan Murphy moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present
in the Council Chamber, who wish-
es to do so, to address the Council,
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of Midwest Lumber Co.
by John L. Burrell, applying far a
building permit to erect a Celotex
Cemesto House Na, 2UQ presented
and read, Messrs Hodges, Painter
and Bm~rell addressed the Council
requesting that the application of
the Midwest Lumber Co, for per•
mission to erect Celotex Cemesto
Houses be granted. Councilman
Moffatt moved that the petition of
the Midwest Lumber Co. applying
for a permit to erect Celotex Ce-
mesto Houses be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the folowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Civil Aeironautics Administration
May 28, 194G.
Kansas City 6, Missouri
Mr. A, A. Rhantberg
City Manager
Dubuque, Iowa
Dear Mr. Rhomberg:
This will acknowledge receipt
of your letter of &Iay 25, 1946, for-
warding five copies of Resolution
No. 58-46 seeking to amend the AP-4
Agreement for the Dubuque Muni-
cipal Airport,
We are today forewarding one
copy of this Resolution to our
Washington office for review and
Inasmuch as this office requires
only three copies of the Resolut-
ion, the are returning the two extra
copies far your disposition.
Very truly yours,
Leonard W. Jurden
Regional Administrator
Councilman Murphy moved that
the conmiunication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Communication of Mrs. Evelyn A,
Smith submitting commen±s in
favor of Daylight Saving Titne,
presented and read. Councilman
Van Duelman moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Couucihnan Murphy.
Carried by the. following vote:
Yeas-Mayon Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of Wayne A. Johnson
et al, owners of all the property
abutting on bath sides of the alley
between Auburn and t,Atlantic
Streets and running northerly
from Custer Street to Loras Boule-
vard, requesting the vacation of
said alley, presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the petition be referred to the Coun•
cil to view the grounds. Seconded
by Councilman Thompson. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Van Duelman.
Communication of the Arkell
Safety Bag Company, by I. P. Don-
alson, Secretary, advising that they
'~ ..~.._ .. ~1