1946 August Council ProceedingsRegular Se~:ion, august ~lh, 1~}b x-45
City Council
Regular Session, August 5th, 194G,
Council stet at 7:30 p.tu.
Present-11~Iayor Wharton, Coun-
cilmen 14offatt, -lurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman, City iYlanager Rhour
Mayor Wharton stated that this
is the regular montlily weeting of
the Cit}~ Council far the purpose of
acting upon such business as may
properly come before the meeting.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of a
public hearing upon the Budget esti-
mate of Expemditures for the year
beginning April 1, 1997, Pt'eseuted
and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun•
cihnan Moffatt. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Teas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
nten Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Couuuunicatioms of Peter M. Mc-
Carthy stating that he is strongly
opposed and objects to the appro-
priating of any such sum as $5,000
for the hiring of the services of a
City Planner and Traffic Expert
and stating that he fully believes
the said stun would be masted and
asks that the City Cmmcil reject
and deny such request and receive
and file the petition of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Connnission and
also objecting to the allotivance for
the fire deparhuent, especially the
salaries on the ground that they
are too mach fm' the service that
we are getting out of the fire de-
partment, presented amd read,
-Ir. Peter H. I1IcCarthy addressed
the Council stating his objections,
as outlined iu his two conununica-
tions, to the proposed budget esti•
mate. ~4r. Peter H, 14eCarthy, by
his own admission, stated that he
was not a taxpayer in the City of
Dubuque. No other written objec-
tions were filed and no other ob-
jectors were present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for the
hearing on the budget estimate.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the conununications of Peter
H. McCarthy be received and filed
and his objections to the proposed
budget estimate be overruled. Sec-
oncled by Councilman Van Duelman.
Carried by the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, (LZurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman,
2~}6 Regular Session, august nth, l~-~o
City Estimate
NOTICE-The Citp council of Dubuque of Dubuque County, Iowa, will
meet August 5th, 1996, at 7:30 P. ,lL, at the Citr- Hall, Dubuque,
Taxpayers will he heard for or against the follotving~ estimate of ex-
penditures for the year beginning April 1, 1947. A detailed statement of
receipts and disbursements, both past and anticipated will be available at
the hearing J. S. SHEA,
7-29-1t. City Clerk
1 2 ~ ~ a (i
Expenditures for Pear ~ ay
_ _ y h ~+
w ~ "' m u'd~ b~ °~' 'tl ~ ~~~.
~ ~ rn v7N~ y,y, m,~ my~H~ ~ ~
b'UNDS NO.. o'" cm~^ r~~,.i ~o~~" .'~,~iDm~
,,,, a~~ Ga wo
F ,. ~a4~ ~dW~ ~':~~~ v, ~.sNN
a '" ~ S G7 ~ ¢' W ~ °~ a
¢ ~ ,
General ......,.....$ 295,380 $ 370,134 $ 309,977 .............. ............... .............
a Grading ......... 3Q71S 10,000 10,000 ........... ............... ........
~ Improvement
............. ..
............... ...._....,.,.
LL Snow Removal 9,543 6,292 5,950 ............ . ............. ............
City Bridge .,,... _ .............. .. .............._ 53,726 ............. ...,....,.... ..,.........
~ Sewer ............... 19,470 17,053 25,000 .............. ............. ..............
~ Mom Sewer ... 14,335 14,910 IS,400 ........... . ............... ........
v Garbage ...
= Disposal .,
° 35,221 33,352 36,550 .............. .............. ..............
a Light ................ 36,389 36,339 4D..60D ............... ............... ........_.,
~ Total Consol. ..
p idated ...... 480,0.1 527,230 548,125 65,OD0 113,985 369,143
Water Works ..... 223,036 L59,242 429,165 250,OOD 179,165 ........ _._.
Fire Maintenance 126,643 L33,613 156,706 12,000 650 144,056
Fire Equipment.... 20,815 22,319 73,505 60,000 ..,._......... 13,505
Street Con-
struction ..... ............
~ 110,000 66,OUD 44,000 ..........,.
Library ............... 36,392 33.602 43,485 _..,..,..... 2,000 41
Library, (Agri, ,
Land) ...... 66 90 100 ....... ..... .............. 100
Park ................ _... `12,544 '14,318 26,209 3,000 700 '12
Playground and ,
Swim Paol 26,215 26,495 23,538 2,000 3,825 18
Dock ................ 15,401 29,467 25,139 3,000 ,
7,132 18
Dock Bonds ._ _..,. 41,403 29,111 5,200 5,200 ,
' 24,281 21,410 26,500 .............. 660 24
s Retire ,
went ,...... 11,537 985 13,001 ............. ........
Policemen's ...
Pension .. 13,008 19,195 18,901 ..........._, 950 18
Policemen's ,
Retirement 947 9,003 ..... ..... ............_. 9
Emergency .,.,........ 17,246 .... ............. 23,955 ............_. ,
eneral Bonrls 11Q45G 106
2 ,
62 304
.............. 19,775 19,5.10 116,D
1 60,000 2,000 54
Road, fA ri ,
Landj ._ 96 115 109 ............
... , 109
Parking Lot ............ ................ ..
-- ...........
- 20,007 .,........... 2,000 15,00
'totals .....$1,209,352 $1 -
,253,fi70 --
$1,733,363 ---
$526,2f10 --- ---
$366,557 $360
Estimated Taxes per $Lfi00 .00 of as sessed value $23.613 ,
Taxable valuation (1945) ...._ ........ ................. ..._..........................$35
Moneys and credits (1945) ~ 5 m ills ............ ..............._.. ,
.............$ 9,652
Moneys a.nd cred its (1945) (7q 1 mill ..- ........ ,
.. 891,677
Resolution No. 111.46
Whereas, the Council of the City
of Dubuque, caused to be prepared
and published, as provided by law,
the Budget Estimate of Expendi-
tures for the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1947 and ending Maa'ch 31,
1948 and the hearing upon said
Budget Estimate was fixed for the
5th day of August, 1946 at 7:30
P.m, at the Council Chamber in the
City Hall; and
Whereas, This being the time and
place fm' said hearing, said Budget
Estimate was taken up fm' final
consideration by the Council and
all parties in interest have been
given the opportmtity to be heard
for or against said Budget Esti-
It is Therefore Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa:
That the Budget Estimate of Ex-
penditures for the fiscal year begin-
ning April 1, 1947 and ending March
31, 1945 heretofore prepared and
published be and the same is here-
by finally approved and adopted
and the Mayor and Clerk are di-
rected to certify the same to the
County Auditor of Dubuque County,
Iowa, together with the verified
proof of publication and the notice
Regular Session, August nth, 1~}6 ~4i
of hearing' upon said Budget Esti-
Be It Further Resolved, That the
taxes required to he collected iu
the year 1947 be and the same are
hereby levied iu the various funds
in the amounts shown in said Bud-
get Estimate.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of August, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoptimr of the resolution. Seco~d-
ed by Councilman Murphy. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Cou~cil-
men Moffatt, Mm'phy, Thontpsotr,
Van Duehuan.
Resolution No. 112-46
A resohttimt establishing the tax
levies fm' the year 1946, the taxes
to be collected in the year 1947 and
used fm' municipal Purposes of the
City of Dubuque.
Be It Resolved by the City Cowr-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
there be and there is hereby levied
the taxes fm' municipal purposes
for the ensuing year 1947 of the fol-
lotviug number of trills on the dol-
lar of all taxable property within
the corporate limits of said city.
10.250 mills for Consolidated Tax
as provided for by Section 6217 of
the Code of Iowa, 1939, as amended.
4.000 mills for Fire Maintenance
0.375 mills for Fire Equipment
1152 mills for Library Tax.
0.625 mills for Park Tax.
0.500 mills far Playground an
Swimming Pool Tax.
0.514 mills for Police Pensiot
0.690 mills for Fire Pension Tax
0,260 mills for Police Retiremen
0.361 mills for Fire Retiremen
1,730 stills for General Bond Ta
0.500 mills far Dock Fund Tax.
1.600 mills for Airport Tas.
0.500 mills for Parking Lot Tax.
0.666 stills for Etnerg'eucy Tax.
Be It Further Resolved that the
2.402 mills on the dollar is hereby
levied upon all lots or parcels of
land containing ten acres or more
which are occupied in good faith
and used for agricultural or horti-
culturai Purposes.
Be It Further Resolved that the
Mayor and Clerk be and they are
hereby directed to certify the sums
of money that the said tax levies
will produce, as shown by the Bud-
get Estimate of Expenditures,
adopted by this Council on the 5th
day of August, 1946, to the Auditor
of Dubuque County on or before
August 15th, 1946.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of August, 1946,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerlt
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoptimt of the resolution. Seco~d-
ed by Couucihnau Vau Duelmau.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council•
Wien Moffatt, Murphy, Thmnpson,
Van Dueluan.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of Pub-
lic hearing' upon the proposed An-
nual Budget Prepared by the City
Manager of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, for the fiscal year 1947-1943,
presented aald read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for
hearing on the Annual Budget pre-
pared by the City Manager for the
d fiscal year 1947-1948.
CounciUnau Thompson moved
r that the proof of publication be re-
ceived atld filed. Seconded by Coun-
t ciluan Murphy, Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
t Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
x Van Duelmau,
2q8 Regular Session, :~ttgust Sth, 1~_~6 ~~ Regular Session, _~ugust,th, I~~6 ~49
FISCAL YEAR 1947.1948.
Sotice is hereby given that the City il4anager of
the City of Duhnque has prepared a budget on the basis
of estimates of the expenses of the various departments
of said City for the fiscal year beg'inning' April 1, 1941
and ending i.fareh 31, 1945. Such departmental estimates
show expenses of each deparUnent for the preceding
year, and the purpose for which the consolidated tax
let'y, authorized by Section 6217 of the Code of Iowa
1939, as amended, is to be used, and in additimt thereto,
the purpose for which all other tax levies are to be
used, including the revenues from miscellaneous sources.
The levy of a consolidated tax has heretofore been de-
termined by said Council and incorporated in a resolu-
tion for such purpose. The budget will be considered
far final adoption by the Cih~ Council at a special meet-
ing to be held in the Council Chamber at the City Hall
ou the 5th day of August, 1946, at 7:30 o'eIOCk P. l~I.
Aug interested party objecting thereto or protesting to
the same, or to any item thereof or any omission
therefrom, shall present his objections to said Council
on or before that date,
This notice is given pursuant to the direction oP the
Code of Iowa,
?-24-1T. City Clerlc.
YEAR 1947.48
A.-From Taxes
Levy in
Fund Mills Tax
Consolidated .................................. .................._10.250 $369,143
Fire Maintenance ..................... .................. 4.000 144,056
Fire Equipment ......................... ................... 0.375 13,505
Library ............................................ ...................1.162 41,455
Parh .......................................... .................. 0.625 22,509
Playground and Swimming Pool .............. 0.500 18,007
Police Pension ............................. ................... 0.514 18,511
fire Pension ............................... ....................O.ti90 24,550
Police Retirement ...................... ................ 0.250 9,003
Fire Retirement .............._......... ....................0.361 13,001
General Bonds ............................ ....................1.730 62,304
Dock ...................._...._..............,.. .............,.....0.500 15,007
Airport ........................................ .................1.500 54,021
Parking Lot ............._..........,..... ................... 0.500 15,007
Emergency .................................. ._................0.666 23,955
Total ..................................... --
Road Tax on Agricultural Lands (Consolidated
Fund) ... ................................ .................................... . 109
Library Tax nn Agriculture Lands (Library
Fwtd) ......................._ .....,.... .._......,......... 100
Tota] Estimated Receipts from Taxes
........... $550,606
B.-From Miscellaneous Sources
General 114isc1.
Excavation Permits ..............
.... .............................
$ 50.00
Police Court Returns ...._ ........ ................................. 15,000.00
Electrical Permits .........._........ _ ................................ 1,800.00
Plumbing Permits ................... ................................ 1,700.00
Building Permirs ........................ .................................. 2,500.00
Franchise Tas ................_....,......., ......................,.......... 600.00
Scale Fees ........................ ...... ................................... 350.00
State Highway lliaintenance . ........_ ...................... 2,295.00
Sale of Real Property ............... ................................. 1,000.00
Dieting Prisoners ............... ....... ................................ 250.00
Health Dept. Receipts ............... .................................. 500.00
Ambulance Fees ........ ............. ................................... 3,000.00
Dag Licenses ....... ......._............ .._..........,.................... 500.00
Business Liceuses ........._ ............ .................................... 4,000.00
liscellaneous Rentals .........._ .... ................................._ 900.00
Cigarette Permits ................... .................................. 20,000.00
Beer Permits ........_ ................... ................................. 30,000.00
illiscellaneous Sales .................. ................................. 705.00
Milk Inspection Fees .............. .................................. 3,500,00
Street Debt. Receipts .......................__._ ...._ _,..._ 750.00
Bicycle RegisVation ......................................._,... ........ 600.00
To[al ......................................_.................... _.. ........$90.000.00
Estimated Unencmnbered Balance April 1, 1 947 $60,000.00
Airport Returns ...__ ...................................... ....... 2,000.00
Total ................................................................ _.... _ ---
Estumated Unencumbered Ealance April 1, 1 947 $65,000.00
Outside Fire Protection .................................. .......$ 650.00
Estimated Unenctunbered Balance April 1, 1 947 12,000.00
Total ......_ ............... ........_.....,........._.............. .......$12,650.00
Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1 947 $60,000.00
Book Rentals and Fines ................_.........,.,...... ......,....$2,000.00
Estimated Revenue ...................................... ...........$`1,000.00
Estimated Unencumbered Balace Apri] 1, 1947 $3,000.00
Cmtcessions ..................... ............ ................ .......... 3011.00
Miscellaneous Collectimts ........_ ...................... ........... 400.00
Tota1 ................................................................... ........... $3, 700.00
Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1947 $2,000.00
Swiuuning Pool Receipts ................................. ........... 3,500.f10
Skating Receipts ........_ ..................................... ........... '2"00.00
N[iscellaneous Receipts ..............................._..... ........... 75.00
Total ..... ...................................................... ...........$5,525.00
1% Salary Deduction frmn Members ............ .............$450.00
1% Salary Deduction from D~Iembers ........... ............_$650.00
Estimate Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1947 $ 3,000.00
Oil Terminal Lease ................... _.........,_...... ....... 1,500.00
Virginia-Carolina Lease ............................................ 2,100.00
Wharfage Fees ................................................... ......... 2,000.00
Dock House Lease ....................____................... ,_...,.. 1,232.00
Total ....._ ......................_.............,.....,..,........_.... .•$1Q132.OU
Balance April 1, 1947 .............................._........... ... $5,200.00
......... ...... STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND ...... .........
Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1,
1947 ........................................_........_...................... $ 66,000.00
Receipts from Gas Tax ........................................... 44,000.00
Total ........................... ...................................... $110,000.00
Total Estimated -Iisc. Revenues and Un-
encumbered Balances ...................................$ 429,607.00
Tota] Estimated Receipts from Taxes ......... $ S5Q606.00
(Self Supporting)
Estimated Unenmunbered Balance April 1,
1947 ................................................_......... ... $25Q000AU
Estimated Woter Revenue ............. _......... ....... _ 1"r 9,165.00
Total ................_..,......................................,.... $429,165.00
ENUES ............................._...................._......,.....$1,709,373.00
(Consolidated Fund)
Item 101-City Council
1946-47 Proposed 1947-45
Appropriations Appropriations
A. Salaries ...................._. __........ $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00
B. Travel ........ ............................... 175.00 175.00
J. Miscellaneous .:....................... 25.00 25.00
Total ..................._ ..................... $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700A0
25o Regular Session, august ~dl, Ig~6
Ite m 102-City Manager's Office
A. Salary Citr Manager ... ....,,~$ 6,393,00 ~$ 6,393.00
A. Salary Secretar~~ .................... 2,597.00 2,597.00
A. Salary Stenographer ........._ 1,914.00 1,914.00
B. Travel .... ...... ...................... 100.00 100.00
C. Office ............................... .... 125.00 125.00
D. Printing .............. __........, ...... 15.00 15.00
P. lIaintenance ........ _,....___.... 200,00 200.00
G. Material and Supplies ......,... 325.00 325.00
Total ..,._...._ ................................$ 11,769.00 $ 11,759.00
Ite m 103-City Clerk's Office
A Salary City Clerk .... ...........$ 3,259.00 $ 3,259.00
A. Salary Extra Help ... .... ....... 150.00 150.00
G ilfaterial and Supplies .....,..... 70.00 75.00
Total ...................... ....... .... . $ 3,514.00 $ 3,514.00
Ite m 104-City Auditor's Office
A, Salary City Auditor ......._.._~$ 2,420A0 "$ 2,920.90
F. -faintenance ..
.......................... 50.00 50.00
G. 11laterial and Supplies ..., ...,. 100.00 100.00
Total ...._...._.__ ......................._.$ 3,570.00 $ 2,570.00
Ite m 105-City Treasurer's Office
A. Salary City Treasurer _........T$ 2,376.00 ~$ 2,375.00
D. Printing and Advertising ...... 25.00 26,00
F. Dlaintenance .....................__...._ 25.00 25.00
G. Daterial and Supplies .... .... 160.00 15200
I. surety sand .................._...... 50.00 50.00
Total ......... ................... ...._.. $ 2.826.00 $ 2.525.00
(R ote: 25%0 of salaries of City DIa nager, A udi tor and
Treasurer are paid by Pater Dept.)
Ite m 106-City Salicita•'s Office
A, Salary City Solicitor (Part
Time) .... _ ................_.,.............._..$ 4,972.00 $ 4,972.00
B. Travel ............................... _. 4o.oD 40.00
C. Office ...._ .................................. 4200 40.00
G. 1aterial and Supplies ......._ _ 55.00 S5.D0
'Dotal ... _ ... ............ ...................$ 6,13200 $ 5,137.00
Item 108-City Assessor's Office
A Salary City Assessor .......,...$ 1,716.00 $ 1,715.00
A. Salaries Deputies (3) ...._.......... 2,772AD 2,772.00
G. Daterial and Supplies ...._.,... 20.00 20.00
J. Board of Review ...._._ _.__,...... 1,200.00 1,200.00
Total ...._.........._ .........................._$ 5,413.00 $ 5,713,00
Item 109-Civil Engineer's Office
A, Salary Engineer ...._.....___.... $ 3,630.00 $ 3,530.00
A. Salary Assistant ..........._, ....,. 2,172.00 2,772.00
A. ,Salaries Badmen ......_,....... 3,950.00 3,9f,0.00
C. Office ........_ ........_ _ _............ lOD.00 100.00
E Equipment ........................__.... 200.00 200.00
P. Dlaintenance ... _......_......... _. 500.00 500.00
G .Material and Stpplies ....,.. 500,oD 500.00
Total ......................_........._...,....$ l1,s62.oo $ n,s6z.aD
Iltem 113-City Elections
A. Salaries Clerks, Ptc. ........_...$ 50200 $ 600.00
G. Daterial and Supplies .,........ 400.00 402110
J. Rents ........................................... 50.00 50.00
T otals ...._ ..............._......... ..........., $ 950.00 $ 950.Of)
Item 114-City Buildings
A. Salaries Sanitors .._....._........._$ 2,300.00 $ 1,500.00
E. Equipment ............................._ 1,000.00 1,000.00
F. A(aintenance and Repairs .... 2,562.00 2,553.00
G. Material and Supplies ...._....,. 1,300.00 1,300.00
H, Heat and Light ... ......,._,...... 1,300.00 1,800.00
Total ......___ ........................... _...$ 9,452.00 $ 9,452.00
Item 115-Police Court
A. Salary Police Sudge ......... _...$ 1,947.00 $ 1,947.00
G, Daterial and Supplies .......,,. 16.00 15.00
T otal .............................._.,......_..$ 1,962.00 $ 1,952.00
Ite m 116-Civil Service Commission
G. Daterial and Supplies ..........$ 100.00 $ 100.00
J. .5iiscellaneous ......._ ..............__ 100.00 100.00
Total ....... ............................. $ 200.00 $ 20200
AD.III\ISTRATIO\ .. ................$ 57,255.00 $ 57,255.00
Regular Session, '~ugttst nth, Iq~o
1916-47 Propos ed 1017-I3
APPropriations Appropriations
Item 11E--Police Department (Consolidated F und)
A. Salary Chief of Police ......... $ 3,544.00 $ 3,54-1.00
A. Salary Senior Captain ......... 2,577.00 2,577.00
A. Salaries Captains (2) ........ _. 5,301.00 5,304.00
A. Salaries Deslt Sergeants (3).._. 7,348.00 7,543.00
A. Salaries Detectives (4) ...._.... 1Q32U.00 10,329.00
A Salaries Motorcyclists (2) ... 6,015.00 5,016.00
A. Salaries Patrolmen (after 3
grsJ (22) ................... 63,692.00 63,fi92.00
A. Salaries Patrolmen (before 3
yrs.) (2) ..._ ....................... 4,596.00 4,596.00
A. Salaries Patrolmen (during'
first yr.) (,1) .............. 2,079.00 2,079.00
A. Salaries Matrons (2) ............. 4,155.00 4,155.00
A. Salaries Special Offirers ......., 100.00 100.00
B Travel ............. ....... _......... . 50.00 50.00
C Office ........ 246.00 275.00
D. Printing .................._....._..._.... 150.00 150.00
E. Equipment .............. ........... 2,000.00 2,000.00
F. 1laintenauce ....._... _ ................. 2,500.00 2,500.00
G. Material and Supplies ........... 2,000.00 2,00200
J-1. Feeding' Prisoners ...._._._.......... 1,500.00 1,500.00
J-2. Diiscellaneous (Injuries) ........ 300.00 300.00
Total .................. ...._..., ........,_......$lOS,509.00 $]05,509.00
Item 119A-Fire Department Maintenance Fu nd
A. Salary Fire Chief ................. $ 3,544.00 $ 3,544.00
A. Salaries Senior ^aptains (2) 5,595.00 5,595.00
A. Salaries Captains (6) _.._.... 13,250.00 13.280.00
A. Salaries Lieutenants (7) ,....... 17,665AD 17, 665.00
.~. Salaries Engineers (4) ......_.. 10,03'2.00 1QD'32.00
A. Salaries Firemen (alter 3
Frs.) (30) ......_ __ _..._. r,OS0.00 73,OSU.00
A. Salaries Firemen (during 3
yrs.) ld) .................._... 16,056.00 16,056.00
A Salaries Firemen (during firs t
cr.) (1) ...._... _.... ...... 2,07!100 1,079.00
B Trave] ............._.......,... _. _. 6(100 00.00
C Office ......._......_ .................... ... 8"x200 560.00
D. Printing ................ .__........... 35.00 35AD
F-1. Dlaintenance _._ ..................._.... 3,450,u0 3,760,On
F-2. P,epairs to Buildings ............. 3,00200 3,000.00
G. 3aterial and Supplies ......... 2,400A0 2,7p0.U0
H. Heat and Light ................... 3,000.00 3,000.00
L Insurance ........_..___ __......... 400.n0 400.00
J-1 1liscellaneous (Injtuies) ....._ 900.00 900.00
J-2 Interest on 1Varrants ........., 60.00 80.00
J~ 3 P.eser~~e for Emergency ........ 371.00 926.00
Total ..............._... _.........-.... $16f,,161.00 $15G,i00.00
(Fire D[aintenar.ce Tac$144,055.00; Balance and Misc.
Rev enue $12,fi5D.00)
Item 119B-Fire Equipment Fund
E. Equipment .............._........-.... $ 67,474.00 $ 43.505.00
(Fir e Equipment Tai-$13,505A0; Unencumbered Bal-
Item 120-Fire and Police Alarm ( Consolidated Fund)
A. Salary City Electrician .......__ $ 2,442.00 $ 2,442.00
A. Salary E~h•a Help ..-. ••••-•.••... 100.00 10200
C. Office .... ............ __....... _...... 100.00 100.00
E Equipment .............................. 15q,00 150.00
F. D[ainteoance ___.... _ .....___ 160.00 160.00
G. Daterial and Supplies _......... . 200.00 200.00
H. Heat, Light and Power ........ . 100.00 100.00
Total ........ _ ...... ... ................... .$ 3,342.00 $ 3,242.00
Item 121-Building Commissioner's Office (Consolidated
A. Salar} &iilding Commissimter$ 3,530.00 $ 3.630.00
C Office .... _ _ ......................... . 25.00 25.00
F. Dlaintenance ~ ........................._ 150.00 150.00
C Material and Supplies _......... 100.00 10200
Total ...._..__..._ ............................ $ 3,905.00 $ 3,990.00
Item 122-Plumbing Inspector's Office (Consolidated
A. Salary YIlmtbing' Inspector . .$ 2,550.00 $ 2,350.00
C Office ... ....... .......... .. ........ . 25.00 25.00
D. Printing .... _ ........ .... _... . 15.00 15.00
G. Material and Supplies .......... . 5200 50.00
J Phuubing~ Board .... _..._.. .... _ 150.00 130,00
Total .................. ...................... $ 3,1"00.00 $ 3100.00
252 Regular Session, ~ugttst 5th, tq~C ~ Regular Session, ~uaust nth, tq_~t5 ~S3
Item 123-Electrical Inspector's Office (consolidated
A. Salary Electrical tuspector ....$ 2,SS0.00 $ 2,SSU.00
C. Office .._ ...... ........................... 20.00 20.00
D. Printing ..............................__ 15.00 15.00
F. llait~tenance .. ................. 175.00 175.04
G Material and Supplies .......... 100.00 100.D0
Total ......... ...... .....................$ 3195.00 $ 3,105.00
Ite m 124-Dog Pound (Consolidated Fund)
J. Enforcement Dog' Ordinance $ 150.00 $ 150.00
PROPEP,TY ... _ ... $395,776.00 $352,302.00
1996-47 Proposed 1917-48
Appropriations Appropriations
Ite m 125-Health Department (Consolidated Fund)
A. Salary Director (Part Time) $ 2,310.00 $ 2,310.00
A, Salary Sanitary tuspector .,. 2,019.00 2,019,00
A. Salary Clerlc and Registrar.... 1,560.00 1,SG0.00
A, Salary Restaurant Inspector 7,572.00 1,5;2.00
A. Salaries Nurses (3) .,........._ 6,006.00 6,006.00
A. Extra Help ... ..........._....._.,....... 1,320.00 1,330.00
B, Travel ....... .. _..........____...._... 00.00 50.00
C. Office .......__ ..............__,......,... 150.60 150.On
D. Printing .................................._.. 00.00 50.00
E. Equipment .........._ .................. 50.00 011,D0
F. .Maintenance ...._ ...................._.... 600.00 GOO.Ol1
G, laterial and Supplies ..,, ...... 300.00 300
J-1 . Laboratory Expense ................. 100.00 .
Total ............ .... $ 17,557.00
.... $ 17,531.00
Item 126-Control of Contagious Diseases
J. Control of Contagious Dis-
eases ........ _......,_............$ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00
Ite m 127-Sewer Maintenance
A. Rages ........ ........_.................$ 19,9011.00 $ 19,400.00
E. Equipment ........._ ....................... 700.00 100.00
F. lfainteuance ........ ........._.,.,... 1,300.00 1,20.00
G. Material an Supplies _.........,.. 600.00 600.00
H. Power fm' Server Pumps .•••.,- 500.00 1,60.00
Total ............................._.............$ 17,70D.00 $ 15,900.00
Ite m 128-Garbage Disposal
J. Contract fm' Garbage Collec-
timt and Dispoal . _..... $ 16,500.00 $ 13,000.00
Ite m 129-Milk Inspection
A. Salary 11lillt Inspector ..........$ 2,772.00 $ 2,772.00
A. Salary Assistant ...._......_.,......, 2,400.00 2,100.00
E. Equipment .............. ........ 160.00 160.00
.laterial and Supplies ....,...... 100.00
Total ..._ .... _.... ...... _... _ ..............$ 5,932.00 $ 5,132.00
HEALTH AA~D SANITATION $ 58,719.00 $ 60,619.00
1916-47 Proposed 1947-45
Appropriations Appropriations
Item 131-Highways Administration (Consolidated Fund)
A. Salary Timekeeper .......... ....... $ 2,SS0.00 $ 2,530.00
A. Maintenance .... _. ,......._......,. 100.00 100.00
G. 3aterial and Supplies ........., 150.00 150.00
Total ..............................................$ 3,130.00 $ 3,130.00
Item 132-Street Repairing and Grading (Consolidated
A. Wages Laborers .......................$ 26,00.00 $ 26,000AU
E. Equipment ............................. fi,000.00 6,000.00
F. 11laintenance ....__ ....................... 6,000.00 5,00.00
G. :llateria] and Supplies ............ 10,000.00 10,000,00
J. Grading ....................................... 10,000.00 10,000.00
Total ............._.......,................,..,$ 57,000.00 $ 57,000AO
Item 135-Street Construction Fund
J. Street Catstrnction ___........ $ 66,000.00 $110,000.00
Item 133-City Garage (Consolidated Fund)
A. Salaries Mechanics .............._$ 9,750.00 $ 9,750.00
C. Office ....................................... 75.00 75.00
E. Equipment ........ ................... 500.00 500.00
F. Iliaintoncance ............................. 900.00 400.00
G. .Material and Supplies ...,......,. 325.00 325.00
H. Heat, Light and Power ,........ 2,000.00 2,000.00
I. Insurance .......... .. ...._ ,............ 60.00 50.00
Total ..........................................$ 13,100,00 $ 13,100.00
Item 134-Ash and Can Collections (Consolidated Fund)
A. Wages Drivers and Laborers $ 14,00200 $ 11Au0A0
F. -Iaintenance ...... .......... 1,400.00 1,1D0.00
G. Material and Supplies ,.-..... 600.00 500.00
Total ..............._,........._..., ........... $ 15,900.00 $ 15,900.OD
Item 138-Street and Traffic Signal Lighting (Consoli-
idated Fund)
H. Street Lighting and Traffic
Signals ....,._ ..................... $ 9Q500.00 $ 90,500.00
Item 140--Street Cleaning (Consolidated Fund)
A. Wages Drivers anti Labm•ers $ 13,750.00 $ 13,750.00
E. Equipment ..-......_ ................... 500A0 500.00
F. t\Iaintenance ......................._. 3,500.00 3,500.00
G. .Material and Supplies .... _.... 500.00 500.00
T otal _,...__.... ._.....__ . ....... ......$ 15,500.00 $ 15,550.00
Item 141-Snow Removal (Consolidated Fund)
A. Labm• ... ..................................$ 6,000.00 5 6000.00
E. Equipment .............. .......... SOO.OD 500.00
F. Maintenance ... _._ ._.,....__ _ .... 1,GOD,00 1,600.00
G. 11laterial and SuPI>lies .......... 050.00 550.00
Total ............. .... .... _ .._ __.... >, s.952D0 $ 5,950.00
WAYS ASD STREETS 5823,130.00 S2G7,130.00
1016-47 Proposed 1917-45
Appropriations app ropriations
Item 143A-Library Fund and Misc, Library Revenue
A. Salary Librarian _.......$ 3,000.00 $ 3,00A0
A. Salary Reference Librarian.... 3,390.00 2,310.00
A. Solar} Cataloguer ..._.........-. 2,1{2.00 2,192.Ob
A. Salary iuvenile Librarian .. 3,010.00 2,010.00
A Salary Circulation Head (Dart
time) ._ .... .................._ 1,137.00 1,137.00
A. Salary Schonl Librarian ....... I,S66A0 1,S6G.00
A. Solar}T Asst., of Circulation
Head ............. _......_. _ 1,SGG,00 1,566.00
A. Salaries General Assishmts
(3) .....___.~._...._........._..._ 9.560.00 4,SGQ,00
A. Salary Caretaker ....._.....,._...... 2,130.00 2,130.(10
A. Solar>• Extra Help __.........,. 3,G99.OD 3,G9J.00
B 'Pravel Expense ...... ._....,_. 100.00 ~ 100A0
C. Office Expense .... _ ................. 150,00 15200
D. Printing ....-..... _. ...__.... _........ 00.00 50.00
E. Books and Feriodicals ......... 6,SS0.00 6,750.00
F. Binding ....___ _... _ ..... __ ....-..... 1,9011.00 1,00200
F.1. Bnilding~ Repairs ...._ ................. 5.000,00 5,00200
G. .Material and Supplies ......-. 1,700.00 1,700.Ou
H Heat, Light and 1~'ater __..... 2,000.00 2,500.00
I. Insurance ..._ ... ... ............._ 405.00 903.OD
Total ... __. .... __ ...................$ 43,5SS.00 $ 43,685.00
(L ibras}~ Tax$91,4SS.U0 ;LU~raty Tax Agricu ltural Land
-$lOp.OD: Misc. Library Revenue-52,000.00)
19x6-47 Proposed 1997-95
Appropriatimts Appropriations
Item 144A-Park Administration
A. Salary Superintendent .... . _. $ ?.050.00 $ 2.533.00
B. Travel ,..._ _ ............... ..__..... 50.00 50.00
c oftice . __ ...._...... _....... loo.oo lao.6o
I). Printing and Advertising .. 60.00 60.00
J. 1[iscellaneous .... . _ ...._ ... 15.00 15.00
Total ........ _..........._ .... ..........$ 2,S05.OD
Item 1446-Park Areas, Buildings, Etc,
A. 1Vages of Laborers .... ......... $ 15,300.0
C. Fm•estrg .,....... .............._ 900.00
E. Equipment .....__ .................. 60200
F. llaintenan~~e ._.........___...... 1,900.D0
G. 1aterial and Supplies __ _,..... 1,500.00
H. Heat, Light, A~rater and Tele-
phone ........ _ .................._. 1,S0Q00
I. Insurance .................................._ 700.00
J-1. Renovations and Replace-
ments ...................... 100.000 100.00
J-2. Interest, Reserves and As-
sessments .... _..._ 62.Oa 96.00
Total .... _.__........ .... __....._....$ 22,162.00 $ 23,1~1G.00
FUND _ ....... ._ _....... $ 24,967.00 $ 26,20.00
(Part{ Tax-$22,009; 3Tisc. Parlc Revenues-$3,700)
$ 16,300.00
l,~ln6.nD ,
1, 30.00
Regular Session, ~uaust 5th, Iq~b
1910-4. Proposed 1941-4S
Appropria tion, Appropriations
Item 145A-Recreation Administration
A, salary Director .... _........... $ "_,6IO.U0 $ 2,G40.i~0
?. Salary Office Help .... ...___ 1,D06.00 1.1150.00
B Travel ..., ._ ........ .. .... _...- aU.uO x0.00
C Office __. _ .... .... _.. 120.00 120.Vo
P \Iaintenanee of Car .......... }G0.00 3611.00
C,, 1laterial and Supplies .... _... 25n.U0 25D.00
'Dotal ..__,....._............6 1.}SG,OU y d,+ir.uu
;',am 1456-Outdoor Recreation
i ~^~aP.FS SLlp[f\"1501'5, DI!-e~'-
bn'S, Eto, .....-...,, f
E, r,
{ r;tS.ol,
~_, ~~ ages of Laborers __.....-.. _
E. I~:quipn~eni ........._...... _. 1,IOO.un 'r50,00
F. Aiaiutenance ... __ .. _... _....... 400.0u 500.00
G .Material and Supplies ..... 700AU 500AI1
H. Light .... . .... ........... _.. __ f,00.0u 0n0.00
I In.:uranre .............__....._...... 600.00 25n,00
Total .. ._ ......... .._ ....$ 10,f,0U.011 3 f,,S00.6U
Item 145D-Indoor Recreation
A. [t"ages ... ....__ ................__ $ 900.00 ~ 9U0.On
C. Olffiee _.........._.._ .... _ _ 25.00 21.00
E. Eyttipnient .... ~.. _....__ 800.00 300.Un
F -Iaintenance ....... _......_....__.. 000.00 500.00
G. -Iaterial and Supplies ._ _... 400.00 4(10.00
H Heat and Light .. .__ ....... 400.00 }00.00
Total .__. _._ '~ 2,82~~.0U y ~. J'~J.IIII
Item 145E-Swimming Pool
A. Salary Superintendent ........ $ 950.00 40u.V0
A. Salaries (]uards (}) _ ....,._ 900.00 900.00
9 Salaries Attendants ,,., ,,., ,,,,_ 1.309.00 1,300.Uu
h. Jaintenance .... _. __,... _ 450.On 450.00
G. 1aterial and Supplies ........ -. 3x0.00 350AU
H. Ligh[ and Power ...._............ 300.00 30U.UD
I. Insurance ....-.... __- ... 2;9.00 881.00
Total ....._......... .- ._. ,_ ....,......$ -},009.00 $ ~.03LOu
Item 146-Improvement and Care of Grounds
P. Maintenance ... ....._ . $
_ .. 1,U011.0u y 1,000.oV
J. Improvement ct Grounds ....... U, 1100.00 5.0011.00
Total ........ ..._. ._ _ ..............$ 4,000.00 $ 0,000.00
ilIl\G POOL ............._.... $ 23,610.00 $ '23,338.00
(Playgrounds and Sn~imming Po ol Tas -315,004.00:
Stviuuuing Pool Receipts-$3,500.00; Skating Receipts-
$200.00; l[isc. keceipts-$10.00; Bala nce on Hand-$2,-
000, UU )
1946-47 Propo sed l9~li-4S
Appropriation, Appropriations
Item 147-Planning and Zoning (Con solidated Fund)
J. liiscellaneous ..,. ... __ ... . $ 26AU $ 5,000.00
Item 148 E-Ambulance
A. Salaries Drivers (;) _.... ...$ 4,872.00 $ 4,572.00
F. Maintenance ..._.... .... ___..._ 230.00 250.00
G 3aterial and Supplies _ 350.00 350.00
I Insurance ....... _ ... ....... ... 220.00 220.00
Total ..._ ................... _ ......, ......., .... $ 5, 427.0 0$ 5,727.00
Item 148C-Other Miscellaneous
J-1 Iowa League of 1Innicipali-
ties ........ ................._ $ SO.OU $ 50.00
J-2. Damages .___. _..._ ............._ 3,300.00 3,300.00
J-3 Printing Council Proceed-
ings .................. __....._...... 2,700.00 2,400.00
J-5. State Examiners ................. 2,000.00 2,000.00
J-G. Repairs to Tow^ Clocl:...._.... 500.00 0011.00
J-7. i1iisc. Unclassified .... .... ..... _ 3,100A0 3,100.00
J-S. 1Forhmen's Compensatimt Iu-
snrance ...._...._ ....-.__..., 1,500.00 2,500.00
S-9. Interest on Warrants ........__. 125.00 125.00
Total .._ .... ..... ............... $ 1 3,300.00 $ 14,306.00
CELLAVEOUS _..........._ $ 19,057.00 $ 25,1132.OD
Regular Session, august 5th, to.I(
(Consolidated Fwtd)
Item 152-Market Master
A. Salary llarltetliastet _- ...._$ 1,959.00 $ 1,959.00
F. lfaiuteuance ........- 80.00 20.00
G. _laterial and Supplies .., ~..... 66.00 65.00
J.lliscellaneous ........ ........ _._ 20.00 20.00
Total ........ - _ ._ ,._ _ _... __.....$ 2,064.00 $ 2,064.00
SCALES _._ ................. $ 2.064.00 $ 2,064.00
(Consolidated Fund)
Item 160-Post War Irprovements
.I. Post A'ar Pro7eets ___._..___$ 62,000.00 $ 39,O2b,011
Item 161-Bridye Construction
J. Bridge and 1-iaduct Rork .... $ 26.416,00 $ 53,720.00
Item 162-Assessments and Sewers
J1. City's Share of Special As-
SeSSmentS ._ ~ c,o96.ao y
r 6,oao.ao
J-'_'. !fain Servers ind Inlets .-.... 20,254A0 25,000.00
Total _ .... _ .,....__ ._... .....$ 26,254.00 $ 31,0110.00
PAL IIIPROVL'l1F?;TS $115,000.011 $123,451A0
1046-4"r Froposed 1947-45
Apprupriatimts Appropriations
Item 154-Police Pensions
J-1. Police Pc•ns~ons .. _... ...,...~; 1fi,6{1.00 $ 15,961.00
.7-2. Police Petirement System 5,611.00 9,003.00
Total ............ -.. .. _.._ ..... __ $ 23.252.00 $ 27,964A0
(Police Pension 'Pa-318,611.00; Balance on Hand and
Pay Deductim~s from :Ifembers-$450.00); (Police Re-
tirement Tax-$9,003.00)
Item 155-Fire Pensions
.J-] Fu•e Pen.ttons ...... _. .__ ...$ 23 802.00 ~ ~5,50D.00
J?. Fire P,etnanent System ..~.,.. 5721.00 13,001.00
'Coto! ...... ...... $ 31,934.00 s 35,501.00
(Fire Pension Txx-$24,350.Ou; Balance nu Han rl and Pay
Deductions from Alembers$Ga0.00); (Fire Retirement
SIOSS ... ... _..._ ........ $ 54,tiG.011 $ 66,+65.011
Item 161J-1-City Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest on Bonds __ .... _... $ 5.005.00 $ 5,739.00
A-3. Sen~er Bonrl Redemptimi .... 35AU0.09 11,000.00
A-k. Lnprorement Bond Redemp-
tion .................... _.... 40,000.00 _....,......
A-5. Funding Bond Redemption .. 10.000.00 45,000.00
A-6. P.eser~e ...._ ...................... 5,357.00 51x.00
Total .............. .. _ _...... .. $ 95,365.00 $ 62,304.00
(Genera] Bond Fund-$112,304,00)
Item 161J-2-Dork Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest on Doclc Bonds ......;; 895.00 $ 200.00
A-~. Dock Bond Pedemption __.... 27,000.00 S,OOD.00
A-3. Y,eserve ............ ..... _ .... _ 954.00 ......
Total ........................$ 25,549.00 $ 5,200.00
(Balance on Hand-$5,20f1.)
Item 163J-2-Airport Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest nn Airport Bonds ..$ 705.00 $ 570.00
A-2. Airport Bond Redemption .. 15,000.00 19,000.00
Total .........__.... ... __ _....,.._ 15,700.00 19,070.100
(Airpm-t Fund-$19,570.V0)
SER1'ICE ......__ .................._$145,949.00 $ 5'r,044.00
Reserve in General -Iise, Revenues $ 111.00 $ 235.00
194G-47 Proposed 1917-4S
Appropriations Appropriatimts
Item 153A-Dock Operation
.4. Salary Engineer ......._., .. $ 420.00 3 420.00
B Travel ............ _ ... ................ 200.00 200A0
F. Maintenance ......_._ ........... 100.00 50A0
G. Material and Supplies ........_ 75.00 60.00
I. histtrance _._ _ ....____ .........,_ 900A0 7110.00
J-1 Traffic Association Sets°ice.... 300.00 300.00
J-2. Improvements ................ _......__ 1,000.00 •!00.00
J-3. 1liscellanenus ......................... 700.00 400.00
Total ..._.__ _ ................ _.....$ 3,f,95.00 3 2,520A0
Regular Session, august 5th, I~}6
Item 1536-Dredge Operation
A. Salary Engineer .....:.._...._ __.$ 159.00 $ 1RO.o0
A. Salaries Operators ......... ..... 7,OOD.00 9,600.00
A. Wagee Laborers ............__ ..... •1.500.00 4,000.00
F. 1laintenance and Repairs .... 2,000.90 1,5D0.00
G. material and Supplies _.. ....... 1,x00.Q0 2,000.00
H. Electric Pon~er ............... ...._ 5,000.00 4,SOD.00
I. Marine insurance .._..... _.. ._.... 729.00 720.09
1. Wm9tmen's Compensation In-
suranee ..__ ................ .... 600.00 GOi1.00
J. h~Iiscellaneous __.. ...,. ..., 324.00 250.00
Total ......................._ ...... ..... $ 21,533.00 $ 23,919.00
Item 153C-River Front Improvement
A. GPages ..... . ........................ .... $ 500.00 $ 511t1,0U
E. Truclting ................_......... ...... 500.00 500.OD
E. Equipment .. ...... ....... 1.000.00 350.OD
E. Tools .......... ...... .......... ....... 200.00 100.00
G. :1aterial and Supplies ..... ,,.... 1,700.00 500.00
Total ..................... _....._.. .. $ 3,900.00 $ 1,700.00
DOCKS .......... ............ ......$ 29,425.00 $ 23,139.00
(Dock Tax-$15,007.00; tl~Iisc. Dock Revenues -$10,132.001
-tem 157-Airport Fund
F, Maintenance ... ..., ....._... -....$ 2,500.00 $ .,000.00
I. Insurance .....__ _. _ ....... .. 000.00 StiU.Ob
J Airport Development ........ _... 55,723.00 03,45Ln0
Total ........ _............ _ ............ .....$ 61,72S.00 $ 96,451.00
(Airport Tat-$34,451.00; Airport Balance and Revenues
Item 17D-Parking Lot Fund
J. Packing' Lote ................... ......$........_.... $ 20,007,Oo
(Parking Lot Tax-31S 007A0; Estimated Revenne-
1946-47 Proposed 194.-48
Appropriations Appropriations
Estimated Balance on Haud April
1, 19411 ....................._..$200.004011 s03xD,000.UD
Estimated lIeter Sales .................. 105,000.00 170,000.00
Estimated flat Rate Sales ._ 25Q OU ;x0.00
Estimated Fire Protection Service 2,200.OD 2,x011,90
Estimates \on-Operation Service 2,500A0 2,5D0.00
Estimated Sales Tax Collections .... 3.200.00 3,415.00
Total _ . ..............._........_ .-.......$413,200.00 429,16x.00
Item 149A-Administration
A. Salary' Superintendent and
Cashier ....._. ......._$ 4,400.00 ; 4,400.00
A. Solar} .9ccoun[ant ........._ ...,. 2,SS6.00 3,SS6.00
A. Salary Stenographer curl
Cleric _....
~.....__ ...... 2,292.00 2,192.09
A, .
Salary Clerk .. ...... 1,S04.D0 1,554.00
A. Salary City Manager (25%).... 2,132.00 3,132.00
A. Salary City Auditor (3aJ) SOS.00 SD5.00
A. Salary City Treasurer (25°fo) 792.00 793.00
B. Traeel _..-._ ..............._.........,.... 126A0 12x.00
C. Office Expense and Postage.... 1,100.00 1,x00.00
D. Printing and Advertising
__ 4110.00 400.00
E. Equipment ..... __..._ _ ............... 1,1x11.00 1,150.Or1
F. S[airdenance .... _. _ ........ ........ 300.00 300.00
G. Material and Supplies ........_.... 500.00 x00.On
I. Insurance ......, ...___..,........_.... 75.00 75.00
J-1. Post-war Proiects ...._.......... 245,000.00 .. .............
.J-2. 1liscellaneous ... _ _ .............._.. 340.00 340.00
J-3 State Sales Tax .... ..... ....._.... _. 3,200.00 3,415.00
Total __.__..___......._. .............. _..._$267,754.00 y 22,969.011
Item 1498-Water Operation
A. Salary Field Engineer ... .... $ 3,306.00 $ 3,300.00
A. Salary Plant Chief Eug~ineer 3,O1S.00 3,013.110
A. Salaries Plant Engineers (6) 16,450.00 15,480.00
A. Wages Extra Station Labor 3,000.00 3,000.00
A. Salary Tapper and i-I}•drant
Alan ............. ............_ 2,5SO.OU 3,530.00
A. Salary DIeter Service JIan .... 2,292.00 2,292.00
A. Salarc• Meter Repair .flan ...... 3,652.00 2,652.00
Regular Session, august nth, 19~G
A, Salarc Jleter Reader - __
t ~~ 219.DD
2~ :192.uo
A, Solari Asst, de
A, Salary General Foreman ~-~ ~ 1~G.00
3 3.116.00
A, Salarc Asst. Foreman ...... ,
11 11,1SOA0
A, Wages Laborers ............_....... ,
E. Equtptnent ...._.........._.,....... 12,OOD,00 12,000.00
_ .,, ....
F, lfaintenance .... ._.....
G,lIaterial ens Supplies ~- -~-
% 3 ~~ph,00
25 2,000,00
ater ........
g, Heat, Light and Vt
.. ,
1,500.OD 5,x110.00
1, Insurance ....................-..._..
J-1, S4ater 5~fam Material ~- °° 1L,00090
11 25,000.00
d-2. Other Betterments ......... ,
3,000.00 3,OOOA0
J-3. Store P,eserve ... ........ 1,000.00 1,000.00
J-}, 1liscellaneous -~•~ •~° °°- -
....... .$129,621.00 $405,371.01
_ ......
7btal .... _ __.._ .... ___.,....
GRASD T APPROPRIAT[OV5 RIi $39i,3i5.~~0 $42S,34U.Uu
$ $ 625.00
SERVE ... ......................
. .
VESS .$ 10,000.0 ........... _
....-.. ..$413,200.Up $429,165.un
................... .
Total .
(a) City Operation, Group I to 503,166.00 $ 556,OOLUn
(b) blunic
I 000.00
115 123,751.00
Gt~ ,
(s) Reserve lu Gen. 3Lisc. Rev- 111.00 235.00
enues .... __ .... ..._
(d) Pensions, Group ~I ... ...
~ 5.},176.00
1 66,465.00
(~) Debt Ser~'ice Group
tf) Docks, Group X111 •~•~ ~• ~
~ 29,~23.OD
61 25,139.00
(g) Airport. Group ZIV
1~ , 20,OU7.On
Ilt) Parking Lots-Group
1~'ater Works, Group ltil
397 }23,34u.00
(j) Water 1Vorlts Reserve ... 326.00
-- .
Total _ _. ......._........ $1,607,755.00 $1,709,3iti.00
........ $ S10,779.00 $ R50,60fi.Ofl
'fax Revenues .............
klisc, Revenues sad Estimated 5 353,779.00 $ 420.007.uu
Balance x/]./47 ......_~
lvatcr 14'ot9ts Revenue and Bal-
ance nn Hand 4/1/47 $ 413,200.00 $ 429,165_00
,......$1,607,75500 b1,709,3;s.Uu
Total _ _...... ..
Resolution No. 11346
1I'hereas, a budget of proposed
expenditures for the fiscal year be-
ginning April 1, 1947 and eucling
14arch 31, 1945, has been duly Pre-
pared by the City Manager, publish-
ed as required by law and submitted
to this Council Tor aPproS'al, and
1~'hereas, This Council has ex-
amined this budget, wherein esti-
mates of the expenses of the vari-
ous rlepartmeuts and purposes are
shown, including the estimates fm'
which the consolidated tax levy
and all other levies, receipts from
ntoueys and credits, and miscellan-
eous sources are to be used and
said budget shows all of the Pro
posed expenditures for the ensuing
fiscal year, and the same was pub'
lisped as provided by ]aw, and an
opportunity was given all who
might wish to file objections or
protest to the same, and the time
for action thereon having been fix-
ed as the 5th day of August, 1946,
at 7:30 p.m.; and
ytthereas, No objections have
been tiled or made to said budget;
Now. Therefore,
Be It Pesolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dultl e CityaMate
Budget Prepared by
alter of the proposed expenditures
fm• the fiscal year beg~imling' April
1, 1947 and ending 114arch 31, 1945
is hereby aPPro~red.
Proposed, adopted and aPPt'oved
this 5th day of August, 1946.
~?<~, 1It. MOFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Cleric
Councilman Van Duehuan moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
-'~~ Regular Session, ~u~ust nth, ry}G
onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car
ried by the following vote:
I-eas-llTayor }j~]rartou, Cotmcil-
men 11'Ioffatt, lfurphy, Thompson,
V"an Duelmau
Couucilntan DIurphy moved lltat
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose oY allowing any one present
iu the Council Chamber, who wishes
to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the Yollowing rote:
1"eas-11~fayor A'harton, Council-
men 11IoPPatt,lAu~phy. Thompsmr,
Can Duehnan.
llr. Alexander Smith and others,
residents and property owners m~
~8est Third Street between Grand-
vietr Ave. and Algona Street, ad-
dressed the Council asking that
A'est Third Street between Grand-
view Avenue and Algona Street be
tt idened, improved and Hater mains
laid in said street as previously
Petitimted Yor.
Councihuan Murphy moved that
City Solicitor I{intzing~er be i~-
structed to talcs whatever steps are
necessary to acquire the property
located at the corner of tiVest Third
Street and Grandview Avenue for
the widening of West Third Street.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the following vote:
Teas-11layor «~harton, Council-
men lloffatt, Murphy. Thompson,
Can Duehnan.
before the Federal Communications
Commission, ~~Vashing'tmt, D. C. in
the matter of THE «JESTERN
General Rate Investigation, present-
ed and read.
Councihuan lIm°phy moved that
the .Order he received and filed.
Seconded by Cotmcilman Moffatt.
Carried by the followiug~ vote:
Leas-llaym~ Wharton, Council-
men lloffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuau.
Comnmuication of J. A. I{erper,
Secretary, Dubuque Chamber of
Commerce, submitting a resolution
adopted by the Fire Prevention
Conunittee of the Chamber of Com-
merce and approved by the Board
of Directors stating that they deem
it imperative that the City Council
and City Manager promptly consid-
er, approve and pursue the neces-
sary steps to affect an early adop-
tiau of the fire prevention ordiu-
ance recmnntended by the National
Boatel of Fire LTUdernriters, pre-
sented and read,
Councilman Tltompsmt moved
that the communication and reso-
hrtimt be referred to the Council
Yor cmt~ideration at the time the
sport is receiti°ed from the Na-
tional Board of Fire Undertariters.
Seconded by Councilman lloffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Peas-I1layor ll'harton, Cou~cil-
men MotY`att. nlmphy, Tlrompsou,
Can Duehnan.
Nays- \one.
Communication of C. R. Liviugs-
tou, Asst Dist. Eng~r., Iowa State
Highway Commission, submitting
new maintenance contracts made
out for maintenance iu the City
of Dubuque for the year beginning
July 1, 1;1}x, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson proved
that the conununicatiou be received
and the l'Iayor authorized to exe-
cute the cmth°act on behalf oP the
City of Dubuque. Secmuled by Coun-
cilntau l'an Duehnan. Carried by
the follotviug' rote:
Yeas-iNlayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
t-an Duelmau.
Petitimt of Merlin I{lttek asking
that a street light be installed at
the corner of Rosedale Avenue and
Asbury Street, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the petitimr be referred Lo the
Council to view the gromrds. Sec-
onded by Councilman Mw°phy. Car-
ried by the following trots:
Teas-lM1lavor tiVharton, Couuci]-
meu ,lloffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
Petition of Shiloh Circle No. 3.,
Ladies of the Grand Army oY the
Republic, asking permissimt for the
holdutg~ of a tag day on Saturday
September ith, 1946, presented and
Councihuan Moffatt moved that
the request be granted. Seconded
by Councilman Van Duelmau. Car-
ried by the following' vote:
Yeas-14aym~ Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehnan.
Kegular tiession, ~ugu~t ,t?r, tq}G '~9
Petition of the Iona Children's
Ilome Society asking permission for
the holding of an emblem sale mr
Saturday, August 2#tlr, 194f,, pre-
sented and read.
Councihuan Thmupsou moved
that the request be granted. Sec-
ouded by Couucilntan Murphy. Car-
ried by the follotviug vote:
Peas-llaym~ j~thzrtmt, Council-
men lloffatt• ilfurphy, Thompson,
Can Duehnan.
Conuuuuication of Trades and
Labor Congress estending~ invita-
tion to the City Council to partici-
pate in the Annual Labor Day
Parade to be held Saturday, August
31, 1916 at i : 30 P•rn., Presented and
Councilman lloffatt moved that
the invitatimt be accepted. Second-
ed by Councilman Van Duehnan.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men lloffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
Petitimt of the General Timber
Service Inc., Fabricating Division,
applying for pea~missio^ to build a
loading dock the entire length of
their building located at the south
west corner of Terminal and Jones
Streets also asking that 1Vater
Street be graded and graveled to
its full width for the 1eng~th of their
building, presented and read.
Councilman 1Iurphy Waved that
the Petitimt be referred to the Cou~-
cil to view the g'romtds. Seconded
by Councilman lloffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Teas-llaym Wharton, Council-
men lloffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
1'au Duehnan.
Petition of the Navy Club of the
Lt. S. A. requesting permission to
place on exhibit one of their Mobile
TVar Exhibits, cmrsisting~ of Japan-
ese Rrar Material and featuring the
Suicide Midget Submarine or JaP-
anese P.T. Boat, presented and
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the request be granted. Seconded
by Councilman Thompson. Carried
by the fallowing vote;
Yeas-Mayor Whartmt, Council-
me~ lloffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
Petition of 9~Irs. Frank Schemer
et al requesting a street light in the
2G110 block mr Pinard Street, pre-
sented and read.
Councihuan Murphy moved that
the petition be referred to the
Council to riew the g'raunds. Sec-
mxled by Gouucilman P;Ioffatt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Teas-Mayor 11'harton, Council-
men Moffatt, ltlurphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuau.
Petitl0n Of A. I. 1'IcDmtahl llfg.
Co. requesting Council to vacate
East 13th Street from the easterly
line of Piue Street to the westerly
line of Lynn Street; all the streets
and alleys eas%erly of Pine Street
Prom the northerly line of East t,~
13th Street to the southerly line ~ '`
of East 14t1r Street to-wit: the al-
ley between Piue and Maple
Streets; D'Iaple Street; the alley
between Maple and Cedar Sh-ests;
Cedar Street; Sycamme Sheet;
and the alley between Sycamore
and Lynn Streets, presented and
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the petition be referred to the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission far
their recmnmendation anll report.
Seconded by Councilman 114urphy.
Carried by the following vote:
Peas-lIayor j~~harton, Council-
men lloffatt. 14urphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuau.
Petition of 11'Iargaret E. Hogan,
referred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting'
suspension of the 1945 tax mt the
North 26 feet of City Lot 326, pre-
sented and read.
Councihuan Van Duehnan moved
that the petitimt be referred to the
City Solicitor far investigation and
report. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Cowtcil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
Petition of Mary F. Brandt, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supmwisors, requesting
suspensimt of the 1945 tax mt Lot
lfi2 of East Dubuque Addition, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Van Duehnan moved
that the petition be referred to the
regular Ses~icm, August nth, tg~6
~l ~6o hegular Session
City Solicitor for investigation and
report Secmuled by Councilman
Thompsmr. Carried by the follow-
~ ing vote:
Teas-Mayor Wharton, Counci]-
i' men !1loffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehnam.
~~~ Petition of Sarah Koehler, refer
red to the City Council by the
M~ Board of Supervisors, requesting
suspension of the 1945 tau on Lot
~ 15 of Jacl[son School Sub., present-
, ed and read.
Cmutcilmau Van Duehuan moved
i that the petition be referred to the
i ' City Solicitm• for investigatimt and
report. Secmuled by Cotmcilman
~~ Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Teas-Mayor IVharton, Council-
~ ~, men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuan.
Nays \TOne.
The undersigned, being the owu-
er of a ninety-nine (99) year ]ease-
~ hold in and to the fallowing describ-
ed real estate to-wit: Lot 1 of River
~ Front Subdivision No. 1 in the City
of Dubuque, Cowtty oY Dubuque,
~~ an[1 State of Iowa, accm-ding to
plat of said sub[livisimt recorded
in Book of Plats No. 14, pages G2,
G5 and 115 and 114, Dubuque County
Records; and Lot 2 of Lot 1G, Lot
3 of Lot I of Lot 1 r, Lot 1 oY Lot 1
a of Lot 16, and Lot 1 of Lot 19, all
I~ in Block 17 Dubuque Harbor Im-
provement Co.'s Addition in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, according
to the recorded plats thereof, which
property abuts relocated Cmnmer-
clot Street and the alley in black
~~~~ seventeen (17) of Dubuque Harbor
~ Improvement Company's Addition
i ~ all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
in which sheet and alley the Illinois
Central Railroad Cmnpauy and the
~~1~ Chicago Great Western Raihvay
~~, Cmupany proposes to construct spur
ti tracks onto the premises above de-
~~~ scribed pm•suaut to authority grant-
, e[l by the City of Dubuque, Iowa
in Ordinance No. 30-4G approved on
final adoption July 1st, 1946, in
>~~~ consideratimr of the buil[liug of said
spar tracks by sail railroad cont-
. parries do hereby sever, waive and
release any and all claims the un-
dersigue[1 hall or may have for
damages against the Illinois Ceu-
_~ugust nth, I~~C_,
tral Raihroad Cmupany and the Chi-
cago Great IVestm°n Raihvay Cout-
pany, their successors and assigns
resulting from the constrttctiou of
the aforesaid spur tracks in re-
located Commercial Street and the
alley in block seventeen (17) Du-
buque Harbor Improvement Com-
pany's Addition in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa. Dated this 22nd day
of ,July, 1946.
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp.
(Cor°porate Seal}
State of Virginia j SS.
City of Richmond f
On this 22nd day of July, A.D.
1946, before me 117. E. Dovenport, a
Notary Public in and for the City
of Richmmtd, Virginia, personally
appeared A. Lynn Ivey and George
G. Osborne to me personally known,
who being duly swm•n did say that
the said A. Lynn Ivey is President,
and the said George G. Osborne is
Secretary of V i r g i n i a-Carolina
Chemical Corpm•ation, that the seal
affixed to said instrument is the
cmgtorate seal of said corporation
and that said instrument was sign-
ed ou behalf of said corpm•ation
by authm•ity of the Board of Direc-
tors, and the said A. Lynn Ivey and
George G. Osborne, as said Presi-
dent and Secretary, acknowledged
the execution of said instrument
to be the voluntary act and deed
of said corporation, by it voluu-
tariiy executed.
Notary Pttblic in and for the city
oY Riclunmtd, State of Virginia.
illy Connnissiori expires 114ar. 31,
Gouncihrtan 1'Iurphy moved that
the Waiver and Release oP damage
he received and made a matter of
recm•d. Seconded by Councilman
lbloffatt. Carried by the following
Yeas-Rlayor IVhartou, Council-
men llfoffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehumt,
The untlersig'ne[l, being the own-
er of property in bloc]{s thirteen
I13) and seventeen (17) Dubuque
Harbor- Improvement Company's
Addition, in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, which property abuts relocat-
ed Cmumercial Street and the alley
in said block seventee~he~Ilinois
which street and alley
Central Railroad Compamy an[i the
Chicago Great Western Railway
Company Proposes to construct
the following de-
ed on behalf of the said corporation
by authm'ity of the Board of Direc-
tors. and the said W. N. Glob and
R'. N, Ziepprecht acknowledged
the execution of said instrmnent to
be the voluntary acttt n~ hmtarily
said corporation by
1Sea11 VER
spur tracks onto
scribed real estate to-wit:
Lot 1 of River Erout Subdivision
No. 1 in the City of Dubuque, Coun-
ty of Dubuque, an[1 State of Iowa,
according to plat of said subdivision
recorded iu Book of Plats No, 14,
pages 62, 63 amd 113 and 114, Du-
buque County Records; and Lot 2
of Lot 1G, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot li,
Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1S, and Lot 1
of Lot 19, all in Block 17, Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Co.'s Addition
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, ac-
cording to the recorded plats there
of, pursuant to authm'ity granted
1tY the Gity of Dubuque, Iowa in
Ordinance No. ;0.46 approved on
final adoption July 1st, 1946 iu con-
sideratimt of the building' of said
spur tracks by said railroad com-
panies, does hereby forever waive
and release any an[l all claims the
undersigned have or may have for
damages against the Illinois Cen-
tral Railroad Cmupany and the
Chicago Great Western Railway
Company, their successors and as-
signs, resulting from the construc-
tion of the aforesaid spur tracks
in relocated Commercial Street and
the alley in block seventeen (li)
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com
pony's Addition, all in the City o
Dahuque, Iowa.. Dated this 23rd da
of July, 1946.
Notary Public in and for Dubuque
County, Iowa.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the Waiver and Release of Damage
be received and made a matter of
record. Seconded by Coumcilman
Moffatt, Carried by the following
I eas-Maym° Wharton, Council-
men 14offatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuan.
Ordinance No. 32-46
An Ordinance vacating the alley
south of Lots 32 and 33 Littleton's
and Sawyer's Additimt in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, Presented and
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the reading lust had be con
si[lered the Yirst rea[ling of the
ordinance. Seconded by Councilman
14offatt. Carried by the following
Leas=Mayor' Wharton, Comtcil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Cotmcilman Van Duehuan moved
that the rules be suspended requir-
f iug~ an ordinance to be read on
y three sepal°ate days•C~o~ etddby the
Councilman MurphY•
following vote:
DIm-rison Brothers Cmupany Yeas--4aYot' Wharton, Counctl-
gy yV, N. GLAB' men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
By W. N. Ziepprecht, Nays-None.
Councilman Vau Duelman move[
State of Iowa, 1 ss.
County of Dubuque f that the ordinance be placed on
file with the City Clerk fm' public
On this 23rd day of July, 1946, inspection for at least mte week
before me h'ma M. Biver, a Notary before its final adoption. Secmtded
Public in and for Dubuque County, by Couucihnan Thompson. Carried
Iowa, personally aPPeare[l Mt• N' by the following vote:
Glob and W. N, Ziepprecht to me Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
personally known, who being by lle men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
duly swmm did say that they are
' Vau Duelman.
the President and Secretary, t
spectively, of said Morrison Broth- r Noue.
Proof of publication, certified to
ers Company, a corpm'atimt of Iowa,
b by the publishers, of a statement
that no corporate seal has
aid corporation,
th of receipt and also a list of claims
e s
procurrad by
ment was sign-
t ra
fm' which warrants were
and that said ins
a6a Regtalar Ses,iuu, _lugust nth, tq-E'~
during the mouth of Jane, I94G,
presented and read.
Couucihuan .Murphy moved that
the proof of publication be receiv-
ed and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Thompsmt. Carried by tle
following vote:
Teas-34ayor ~Vbarton, Council-
men lloYtatt, lIurphy, Thompson,
V'au Duehuan.
August 3, 1906
1'o the Honorable 11Iaym• and
City Cotmcil, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlmnen: This is to advise that
I have approved the following bond
and desire to have your approval
on same for filing;
Lockhart Plumbing and Heating
Co.. Western Surety Co.
Respectfully submitted,
City -Ianag~er
Councilman Murphy moved that
the bond be approvred and placed mt
file. Secmuled by Councihnau
Thompson. Carried by the follorw
ing vote:
Yeas-.l~iayor Wharton, Council-
men D'Ioffatt, 14urphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
August 5, 1906
To the Hmrorahle 1Vlayor and
City Conncil, Dubuque, Iowa
Gmttlemen: At the July 22nd
meeting the petition of Willis J.
Becher etal aslring pmmissiou to
connect with the sanitary server
in li'est 16th Street was referred
to the council to view the grounds.
'phe Council having viewed the
site decided that permission be
granted to the petitioners to con-
struct, at their expense, a 6" sani-
tary sewer in West 16th Street
from Cathm•ine Street westerly, the
same to be built under the super-
vision of the city. I recommend
that the decision of the council be
Respectfully submitted,
City 1'Iamag'er
Councilman Moffatt moved that
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg be confirmed. Seconded
by Councilnan Thmupson. Carried
by the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Mtu°phy, Thmupsmt,
Van Duehmau.
August 5, 19-(6
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Corr.cil, Dubuque. Iowa
Gentlemen: The offer oP $2n.On
made by lllrs. Dan Loeffelholz on
Lot On oi' Rosedale Add and the
offer of ;150.00 by C. N. Mein on
Lots 07 and OS of Finley, Waples
and Burton Add. were referred to
Ute eonncil to view the. grounds at
the meeting July 1st and July 16th
The council h°nvin~ viewed the
properties decided to reject the
offers as heiit;; too loss in price. I
reconuuend that the decision of
the council be confirmed.
Respectfully submitted,
City l~Ianag'er
Councihnau 'phontpson moved
that the recommendation oY City
il~Iauager Rhomberg be confirmed.
Seconded by Councilman Vau Duel-
man. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-14ayor ~d'harton, Council-
men Moffatt, 11~Iurphy, Thompson,
Fau Duelman.
August 5, 1946
To the Hmtorable 114ayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: At the July 15th
meeting, the ma] request fm' the
construction of a sanitary server
in have Street was referred to the
Council to view the grounds.
The eouuci] having viewed the
premises decided to have a plat
and schedule prepared fora sani-
tary sert-er iu Raue Street from
haufinan Avenue northerly a dis-
tance of approximately 050 feet. I
recommend that the decision oP the
council he confirmed.
Respectfully submitted,
City -4anag~er
Couucilntan Murphy moved that
the recmunrendation of City Mana-
ger Rhomberg be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-1'Iayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, 114urphy, Thmupson,
Van Duelman.
August 6, 1946
To the Hmtm•able Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: At the July 15t1t
meeting, the communications of H.
B. -~IcCarten calling attention to
Regular ~ess~un..lu,ust nth, Iq~6~ ?~3
the condition oY Robinson Street '
and asking that it be put in usable
shape was referred to the council
to view the grounds.
The Council having' examined
the street decided to have it clean
ed up and repaired. I recommend
that the action of the Council be
Respectfully submitted,
City 11lanager
Councihnau Moffatt moved that
the recommendation oY City Mana-
ger Rltontberg be approved. Sec-
oudecl by Councilman 111urphy. Car-
ried by the Yollowiug vote:
I-eas-llaym• Whartmr, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Nays \'mte.
August 5, 1946
To the Honorable n~Iayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Uentlmuen: At the July 22nd
meeting, the petition of the Bastes
1'Ifg. Company requesting pmmis-
sion to replace the present wooden
loading clock ou Jackson Street
abutting City Lot 379 and the South
15 feet of City Lot 3S0 with a con-
crete loading dock projecting into
Jackson Street a distance of seven
l7) feet,
The Cowicil having viewed the
site decided to grant the request
with the stipulation that the south-
easterly corner of the clack at Jack-
smr and East Ninth Street be round-
ed off and not form a sharp corner.
I recommend that the decision of
the Council he confirmed and the
request be granted by the adoptimr
of Proper proceedings.
Respectfully submitted,
City Managm•
Comrcilman Van Duelman moved
that the recmnmmulation of City
1~Ianager Rhonilrerg be apProve[i
and the City Solicitor requested
to prepare the proper proceedings.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the following' vote:
Yeas-114aym• Wharton, Councih
men 11Ioffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Resolution No. 114.46
Whereas, Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25
of Mineral Lot 39 in the City of
Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa
were sold ou February 3, 1935 to
Dubuque County, Iowa by the Coun-
ty Treasurer oY Dubuque County.
Iola-a for the delinquent taxes and
unpaid taxes for the years 1931 to
193-1, inclusive; and
yVhereas, the said Dubuque Coun-
ty. Iowa desires to sell the above
described real estate to Margaret
Steichen fm' X150.011, and
Whereas, the sale of said prop
arty by Dubuque County, Iowa to
Margaret Steichen for a spur less
than the total amount stated iu the
Ta:: Certificate including all en-
dorsements of subsequent g'eueral
taxes, interests and costs requires
the written approval of a majority
oP all tax-levying and tax certifying
bodies having any interest iu said
g~euera] taxes; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
that the sale of said Property to
;4argaret Steichen fm• the sum of
X150.00 in cash be and the same is
hereby authorized and approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5rh day of August, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Couucilmau 11lurphy, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-114ayor ~Vhartou, Council-
men Moffatt, -~Iurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 115.46
Whereas, Dubuque County, Iowa
deems it necessary to improve the
local county road abutting the Mun-
icipal airport alwtg the west bound-
aries of the N. E. r/r of the S. E.
1jI of the N. W. 1/.r of Section 27,
TSSNR2E; and
Whereas, it is necessary in the
road improvement that it be widen-
ed from its present width of forty
Yeet to a width of sixty-six feet;
Whereas, this Council considers
that the best interest of the city
26~ Regular Session, _~ug~ust 5th, 106
of Dubuque will be served by such
road improvement and widening;
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
that easement for use as a public
highway and for higlnvay purposes
be granted to Dubuque County,
Iowa of a strip of laud thirty-three
feet in width along the west side
of the N. E. y and the S. E. t/4 of
the N. W. '/.r of Section 27, T 3S N,
R 2 E and the Mayor and Clerk are
hereby authorized and directed to
execute such easement on behalf
of the City of Dubuque and to affix
thereto the official seal of said city.
Passed, adopted, and approved
this 6th day of August, 1946.
\~'. W. -IOFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Mw•phy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Leas-Mayor yJharton, Council-
men Moffatt, 1~Iurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
July 30, 194G
To the Honorable illayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: Herewith submitted
are petitions and waivers signed
by all of the owners of property
subject to special assessment for
the paving of Euclid and Harlan
The award of the contracts for
the paving of these two streets be-
iug'coating-eat upon obtaining such
waivers, I a•econumend that the
conk°acts be entered into with the
low bidder the Thos, Flynn Coal
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Counciluau Murphy moved that
the recommendation of City Mana-
ger Rhomberg be approved and the
Petitions and Waivers be made a
matter of recm•d. Seconded by Coun-
cihuan NIoYfatt. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
1 eas-Dlayor «tharton, Council-
men il~Ioffatt, llfurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
The undersigned, owner of Lots
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2i, 2S, the
South 'js of S, 9, 1D, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 13, and 19 of Sheridau's
Add. property abutting upmr and
adjacent to Harlan Street, hereby
petitions the City Cottncil of the
City of Dubtulue, Iowa, as soon as
practicable, to cause Harlan Street
from Windsor Avenue to Sheridan
Street to be improved by grading,
curb and paving, and does here-
by Petition said City to eater into
a contract with Thos. Flynn Coal
Ca. to construct said improvements
in accordance with and as pro-
vided by plans and specifications
to be furnished and approved by
said City.
The contract price for said work
will be as follows: $4,581.50.
It is further agreed, insofar as
this applicant ie concerned, that
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall
not be required to publish any
Resolution of Necessity far said
improvements, nor any of them, nor
to publish any notice incident there-
to, nor to advertise for bids fm' the
cmtstruction of guy of said improve-
ments and that all conditions pre-
cedent and all legal formalities of
whatsoever kind or character re-
quired to be observed by swirl City
of Dubuque in considering' and pro-
viding for said improvements, in-
cluding each and every question of
jm°fsdiction, are each and all here-
by fully and foretrer waived, the
express intention being that said
street shall be improved as afore-
said and said improvements con-
structed to the same extent and as
fully as if each and every legal re-
quirement were fully and faithfully
observed and performed.
Iu consideration of the construc-
tion of the improvements as afore
said, the tmdersigued agrees to pay
his proportionate share of the cost
thereof, including the eng'iueeriug
and inspection expense to the City
and the expense of making assess-
ment schedule, and it is agreed that
the City of Dubuque shall cause
assessment to be made against
Regular Session, -~u~ust nth, I~-~6 '~~
the property of the undersigned ac-
cording to area and that such as-
sessment shall be and constitute a
lien upmr the properties of the un-
dersigned for the cost of such im-
provements on and from the date
of the acceptance of this Petition
by the City, and the undersigned
agrees to pay said assessments in
ten equal installments providing
said assessments shall not exceed
25°,'0 of the acutal value of the prop-
erty oP the undersigned, including
new hmnes and real estate. New
homes are being built upon this
property and it is agreed by this
Petition that the real estate and
the new homes shall be inchtded
iu fixing the actual value, not with-
standing any Provisions of the Sta-
tute to the contrary.
The uudersig'ned farther Peti-
tions said City to Pay the contrac-
tor for constructing' said improve-
ments by the delivery of special as-
sessment certificates or special as-
sessment bonds to the cmitractm'
against the properties of the uuder-
sigued Payable in ten equal install-
It is further agreed Utat in ac-
cepting this Petition and in order-
ing the construction of said im-
provements the Resolution of the
City Council may contain recitals
that said improvements are ordered
with or without the Petition of
property owners, without in any
way qualifying' this Petition ar re-
leasing the undersiguecl from his
obligation to Pay assessments made
against his property,
By C. P. ll4ettel, Pres
The uudersig'ned, owner of Lot
6, ;,North 3a of S, 20, 30, 31, 33, 33
34, 35, 3G, 37, 4D, 41, 42, 43, 44, J'
and 4f, property abutting' upo
and adjacent to Euclid Street, her
by Petitions the City Council of th
City of Dubuque, Iowa, as somr a
practicable, io cause Euclid Stre
from 1~'indsor Avenge to Sherida
Street to be improved by gradin
curb and Paving, and does herel
Petitimi said City to enter into
contract with Thos. Flynn Coal C
to construct said improvements
accordance with and as provided 1
plans and specifications to be tar
fished and approved by said CitS
The contract price fm° said work
eTill be as follows:
It is further agreed, insofar as
this applicant is concerned, that
the. City oY Dubuque, Iowa, shall
not be required to publish any
Resolution of Necessity for said
improvements, nor any of them, nm•
to publish any notice incident there-
to, nm~ b advertise far bids for the
construction of any of said improve-
ments and that all conditions pre-
cedent and all legal fm~ntalities of
whatsoever kind or character re-
quired to be observed by said City
of Dubuque in consid@t~ing' ah,d
providing' for said improvements,
including each and every question
of Jurisdiction, are each and all
hereby fully and forever waived,
the express iutentiott being that
said street shall be improved as
afm~esaid auil swirl improvements
cmtstructed to the same extent and
as frilly as if each and every legal
requirement were fully and faith-
fully observed and Performed.
In consideration of the constrna
tion oY the improvements as afore-
said, the uudesigned agrees to Pay
his Proportionate share of the cost
thereof, including the engineering
and inspection expense to the City
and the expense of malting assess-
ment schedule, and it is agreed that
the City of Dubuque shall cause as-
sessments to be made against the
property of the uudersig~ned ac-
cm~ding~ to area and that such as
sessment shall be and constitute a
lien upmr the Pt'operties of the un-
dersigned fm' the cost of such inr
provements on and from the date
of the acceptance of this Petitimt
by the City, and the undersigned
agrees to Pay said assessments in
ten equal installments providing
s said assessments shall not exceed
25%r of the actual value of the
property of the undersigned, in-
n chiding new house and real estate.
e New homes are being built upon
e this Property and it is agreed by
s this Petition that the real e~staie
et and the new homes shall be includ-
u ed in fixing the actual value, not
g. withstanding airy Provisions of the
>Y Statute to the contrary.
a The undersigned further Petitimts
o, said City to Pay the contractor for
in constructing' said improvements by
ty the delivery of special assessment
n- certificates m' special assessment
bonds to the contractor agaitust the
266 Regular Session, august nth, lg_~0
properties of the undersigned pay-
able in ten equal installments.
It is further agreed that in ac-
cepting this Petition and in order-
ing the construction of said inr-
proremeuts the Resolution of the
City Council may contain recitals
that said improvements are order-
ed with or without the Petition of
property owners, without in any
way qualifying this Petition m- re~
leasing the undersigned From his
obligation to pay assessments made
against his property.
C. P. 114ettel, Pres.
The undersigned, owner of Lot
5 and the South t/~ of Lot 4 of
Sheritlan's Add., property abutting
upon and adjacent to Euclid Street,
hereby petitions the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as
soon as practicable, to cause Eu-
clid Street Prom Windsor Avenue
to Sheridan Street to be improved
by grading, curb and paving', and
does hereby Petition said City to
eater into a contract with Thos.
Flynn Coal Co. to construct said
improvements iu accordance with
and as provided by plans and speci-
fications to be fiu•nished and ap~
proved by said City.
The contract price for said work
will be as follows:
It is further agreed, insofar as
this applicant is cmtcerned, that
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall not
be required to publish any Resolu~
lion of Necessity for said improve-
ments, nor any of them, nor to pub-
lish any notice incident thereto,
nor to advertise for bids for the
constructimt of any of said improve-
ments and that all conditions pre-
cedent and all legal formalities of
whatsoever ]rind or character re-
quired to be observed by said City
of Dubuque in considering, and
providing for said improvements,
including' each and every question
of Jurisdiction, are each and all
hereby fully and fm•ever waived,
the express iutetttion being that
said street shall be improved as
aforesaid and said intprovemeuts
constructed to the same extent and
as fully as if each and every legal
requirement were fully and faith-
fully observed and performed.
In consideration of the construe-
tion of the improvements as afore-
said, the undersigned agrees to pay
his proportionate share of the cost
thereof, including the engineering
and inspection expense to the City
and the. expense of making assess-
ment schedule, and it is agreed that
the City of Dubuque shall cause as-
sessments to be made against the
property of the undersigned accord-
iug to area and that such assess-
ment shall be and constitute a lieu
upon the pruperties of the wider
signed for the. cost of such improve-
ments on and from the date of the
acceptance of this Petition by the
City, and the uudersig~ned agrees
to pay said assessments i^ ten
equal instalhneuts providing said
assessments shall not exceed 25%
of the actual value of the property
of the undersigned, including new
house and real estate, A new house
is being built upon this property
and it is agreed by this Petition
that the real estate and the new
house shall be included in fixiug~
the actual valve, not withstanding
any provisimts of the Statute to
the contrary.
The undersigned further Petitions
said City to pay the cmttractor for
constructing said improvements by
the delivery of special assessment
certificates or special assessment
bonds to the contractor against the
properties of the mtdersigned pay-
able in ten equal installments.
It is further agreed that in ac-
cepting this Petition and iu order-
ing the construction of said im-
provements the Resolution of the
City Council may contain recitals
that said improvements are m•der-
ed with or without the Petition of
property owners, rvitltottt ht any
way qualifying this Petition or re-
leasing the uudersignetl frmn his
obligation to pay assessments made
against his property.
By A. J. Mihm, Sec. Treas.
Charles P. Mettel
The undersigned, owner of Lot 3
and the Nm°th t/z of Lot 4 of Sheri-
dan's Add., property abutting upon
and adjacent to Euclid Street, here-
by petitions the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, as soon as
practicable, to cause Euclid Street
from Windsor Avenue to Sheridan
Street to be improved by grading,
kegular Session, _lugust nth, 19:}6 z6~
curb and paving', and does hereby
Petition said City to enter into a
contract with Thos. Flynn Coal Co.
to construct. said improvements in
accordance with and as Proaided by
plans and specifications to be fur-
nished and approved by said City.
The cmrtract price for said work
will be as follows:
It is further agreed, insofar as
this applicant is concerned, that
the City of Dubuque, Iowa shall
^ot be required to publish any Reso-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ments, nor any of them, nor to pub-
lish any notice incident thereto,
not to advertise for bids fm' the
construction of any of said improve
meats and that all conditions pre-
cedent and all 1eg'a1 formalities of
whatsoever kind or character re-
quired to be observed by said City
of Dubuque iu considering and pro-
viding far said improvements, in-
cluding each and every question of
Jurisdiction, are each and all here-
by fully and forever waived, the ex-
press intention being that said st.
shall be improved as aforesaid and
said improvements constructed to
the same extent and as fully as if
each and every legal requirement
were fully and faithfully observed
and performed.
In consideration of the construc-
tion of the improvements as afore:
said, the undm-signed agrees to pay
his propmtionate share of the cost
thereof, inchxling the engineering
and inspection expense to the City
and the expense of making assess
meat schedule, and it is agreed that
the City of Dubuque shall cause as-
sesstuents to be trade against the
property of the mrdersig~ned accord-
ing to area and that such assess-
ment shall be and constitute a lien
upon the properties of the under-
signed for the cost of such improve-
ments on anti from the elate of the
acceptance of this Petitimt by the
City, and the tmdersigned .agrees
to Pay said assessments in ten
equal instalhneuts providing said
assessments shall not exceed 25%
of the actual value of the Property
of the mtdersigned, not rvithstau~l-
ing any Provisions of the Statute
to the contrary.
The undersigned further Petitions
said City to pay the contractor for
constructing said improvements by
the delivery of special assessment
certificates m• special assessment
bonds to the emrtractor against the
properties of the undersigned pay
able in ten aqua] installments.
It is further agreed that fu ac-
cepting this Petition and in order-
ing the construction of said im-
provements the Resolution of the
City Council may contain recitals
that said improvements are ordered
with or without the Petition of prop
m ty owners, without in any rvay
qualifying this Petition m• releas-
ing the undersigned from his obli-
gation to pay assessments made
against his property.
The undersigned, owner of the
South '/z of Lot 33 and the South
t/z of Lot 39 oY Sheridan's Add.,
property abutting an upon and ad-
jacent to Euclid Street, hereby
petitions the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, as soon as
practicable, to cause Duclid Street
from Windsor Avenue to Sheridan
Sheet to be improved by grading,
curb and paving, and does hereby
Petition said City to enter into a
contract with Thos. Flynn Coal
Co to construct said improvements
in accordance with and as provided
by plans and specifications to be
furnished and approved by said
The contract price fm' said work
will be. as fo]]orvs:
It is further agreed, insofar as
this applicant is concerned, that
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall
not be required to publish any Reso-
lution of Necessity for said im-
provements, nor any of theut, nor
to Publish any notice incident
thereto, nor to advertise for bids
for the constructimt of any of said
improvements and that all coudi-
tious Precedent and all legal fm°-
ntalities of whatsoever kind or
character required to be observed
by said City of Dubuque in consid-
ering and providing for said iut-
provemeuts, iucladiug each and
every question of Jurisdiction,,. are
each and all hereby fully and foP~
ever waived, the express intention
being that said street shall be iut-
proved as aforesaid and said inr
provements conshucted to the same
extent and as fully as if each and
a68 Regular SeSSion, ~u~ust ,th, 1~.}6
every legal requirement mere fully
and faithfully observed and per-
~, formed.
hr consideration of the construc-
tiou of the improvements as afm~e-
said, the undersigned agrees to
pay his proportionate share of the
cost thereof, including the eng~iueer-
ing~ and inspection e~xpeuse to the
~ City and the expense of making
~~ assessment schedule, and it is
' agreed that the City of Dubuque
shall cause assessments to he made
against the property of the uuder-
sigued according to area and that
such assessnteut shall be and cmr
stitute a lien upmt the properties
of the undersigned for the cost of
such improvements an and from
the date of the acceptance of this
Petition by the City, and the under-
signed agrees to pay said assess-
ments in ten equal installments
providing said assessments sha1L
r;ot exceed 25% of the actual value
of the property of the uudea•sigued,
not withstanding any provisions of
the Statute to the contrary.
The undersigned further Peti-
bons said City to pay the contrac-
for for constructing said improve-
meats by the delivery of special
~' assessment certificates or special
assessment bonds to the contractm•
against the properties of the under-
signed payable in ten equal install-
It is further agreed that in ac-
i ceptiug this Petition and in order-
ing the construction of said im-
provemeuts the Resohrtim; of the
City Council may contain recitals
~ ~ that said in;proventeuts are ordered
with or without the Petition of
property owners, without in any
~ way qualifying this Petition or re-
leasing the undersigned from his
i~ ~ obligation to pay assessments made
against his property.
Raymond Roggeusaclc
Ina M. Rogg~ensac][
The undersigned, owner of the
North t/z of Lot 38 and the North
r/z of Lot 39 of Sheridan's Add.,
property abutting a^ upon and ad-
jacent to Euclid Street, hereby pe-
titions the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, as soon as prac-
ticable, to cause Euclid Street from
~Viudsor Avenue to Sheridan Street
to be improved by grading, curb
and paving, and does hereby Peti-
tion said City to eater into a con-
tract with Thos, Flynn Coal Co. to
cmtstruct said improvements in as
cordauce with and as Provided by
plans and specifications to be fur-
nished and approved by said City.
The contract price for said work
will be as follows:
It is ftu-ther agreed, insofar as
this applicant is concerned, that
the City of Duhuque, Iotiva, shall
not be required to publish any
Resolution of Necessity for said
intprovemeuts, nor any of them, nor
to publish any notice incident
thereto, nor to advertise for bids
far the construction of any of said
improvements and that all cmxli-
tious Precedent and all legal for-
malities of whatsoever ]rind or
character required to be observed
by said City of Dubuque in con-
sidering and providing for said int-
proveJnte;!ts, including each and
every question of Jurisdiction, are
each and all hereby fully and for-
ever waived, the express intention
being that said street shall be im-
proved as aforesaid and said iut-
pravements constructed to the
same extent and as fully as if each
and every Legal requirement were
fully and faithfully observed and
In cmtsideraUou of the constrttc-
timt of the improvements as afore-
said, the undersigned agrees to pay
his proportionate share of the cost
thereof, including the engineering
and inspection expense to the City
and the expense of making assess-
ment schedule, and it is agreed that
the City of Dubuque shall cause as-
sessmeuts to be made against the
property of the undersigned ac-
cm~ding' to area and that such as-
sessment shall be and cotzstihtte
a lien upon the properties of the
undersigned for the cost of such iut-
provenrents on and from the date
of the acceptance of this Petition
by the City, and the undersig~ued
agrees to pay said assessments in
ten equal instalhueuts providing
said assessments shall not exceed
25% of the aehm] value of the prop-
erty of the undersigned, not with-
standing any provision of the Sta-
tute to the contrary.
The undersigned further Peti-
tions said City to pay the cmttrac-
tor for constructing said improve-
ments by the delivery of special as-
sessment certificates m' special as-
sessment bands to the cmttractm~
Regular Session, .~u~ust nth, ~~~G '09
against the properties of the under-
signed payable in ten equal install-
It is further agreed that in ac-
cepting this Petition and in order-
ing the construction of said iur
proverneuts the Resolution of the
City Council may contain recitals
that said improvements are ordered
with or without the Petition of
property owners, without iu any
way qualifying this Petition or re-
leasiug~ the undersigned from his
obligation to pay assessments made
against his property.
Joseph Wut• Stitz
Mrs. Joseph W. Stitz ~
The undersigned, otivner of Lots
19 and 146 of Burden and Law-
thers Add., property abutting upmi
and adjacent to Harlan Street,
hereby petitions the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as
soon as practicable, to cause Har-
lan Street from Windsor Avenue
to Sheridan Street to be improved
by grading, curb and paving', and
does hereby Petition said City to
enter into a contract with Thos.
Flynn Coal Co. to construct said
improvements in accordance with
and as provided by plans and sped
ficatious to be furnished and ap-
proved by said City,
The cmttract price for said work
will be as follows:
It is fm~ther agreed, insofar as
this applicant is concerned, that
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall
not be required to publish any
Resolution of Necessity for said
improvements, nor any of theut, nor
to publish any notice incident
thereto, nor to advertise for bids
for the construction of any of said
improvements and that all condi-
tions precedent and all legal for-
malities of whatsoever leiud or
character required to be observed
by said City of Dubuque in con-
sidering and providing for said im-
provements, includiug~ each and
every question of Jurisdiction, are
each and all hereby fully and for-
ever waived, the express intention
being that said street shall be im-
proved as aforesaid and said im-
provements constructed to the
same extent and as fully as if each
and every legal requirement were
fully and faithfully observed and
Iu consideration of the construc-
tion of the improvements as afore-
said, the undersigned agrees to pay
his proportionate share of the cost
thereof, including the engineering
and inspection expense to the City
and the, expense of making assess-
ment schedule, and it is agreed
that the City of Dubuque shall
cause assessments to be made
against the property of the under-
signed according' to area and that
such assessment shall he and con-
stitute alien upon the properties
of the undersigned for the cast of
such improvements on and from
the date of the acceptance of this
Petition by the City, and the un-
dersigned agrees to pay said assess-
ments in ten equal installments,
not withstanding any provisions of
the Statute to the contrary,
The undersigned fm°ther Peti-
tions said City to pay the contrac-
tor for constructing' said improve-
ments by the delivery of special
assessment certificates or special
assessment hoods to the contractor
against the properties of the under-
signed payable in feu equal instal]-
It is fin•ther agreed that in ac-
cepfing this Petition and iu order-
ing the construction of said im-
provements the Resolution of the
City Council may contain recitals
that said improvements are order-
ed with or without the Petitionof
property owners, without iu any
way qualifying this Petition or re-
leasing the undersigned from his
obligation to pay assessments made
against his property.
Leonard P. Thies
Glalys Thies
The undersigned, owner of Lot
147 of Burden and Lawther's Add.,
and Lot 2 of 2 of 5 of the N. E, ~/4
of Sec. 13 T S9 N R 2 E property
abutting upon and adjacent to Hat~-
lau Street, hereby petitions the
City Council of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, as soon as practicable,
to cause Harlan Street from Wind-
sor Avenue to Sheridan Street to
be improvred by grading', curb and
paving, and does hereby Petition
said City to enter into a, contract
with Thos. F1ynu Coal Co. to con-
struct said improvements iu ac-
cordance with and as Provided by
plans and specifications to be fur-
nished and approved by said City.
zoo Re~ttlar Session, .'suaust ,,th, trl}G
The emttract price for said work
will be as follows:
It is further agreed, insofar as
this applicant is concerned, that
the City of Dubuque, Ictiva, shall
not be required to publish any
Resolution of Necessity fm' said
improvements, nor any of them,
nor to publish any notice incident
thereto, nor to advertise for bids
for the construction of any of said
improvements and that all condi-
tions precedent and all legal for-
malities of whatsoever kind or
character required to be observed
by said City of Dubuque iu consid-
ering and providing for said im-
provements, including each and
every question of Jurisdiction, are
each and all hereby fully and for
ever waived, the express intentimt
being that said street shall be int-
proved as afm•esaid and said iur
provements constructed to the
same extent and as fully as if each
and every legal requirement were
fully and faithfully observed and
In cmtsideratiou of the coustruc•
tion of the improvements as afm'e-
said, the undersigned agrees to pay
his proportionate share of the cost
theretY, including the engineering
and inspection expense to the City
and the espeuse of making as-
sessment schedule, and it is agreed
that the City of Dubuque shall
cause assesstuents to he prepared
against the property of the under-
signed according to area and that
each assessment shall he and cmt-
stitute a lien upon the property
of the undersigned for the cost of
such improveemnts on and from
the date of the acceptance of this
petition by the City, and the under-
signed agrees to p'ay said assess-
ments in ten equal installments,
not withstanding any provisions of
the Statute to the contrary.
The undersigned fiu'ther Peti-
tions said Ctiy to pay the contrac-
tor for constructing said improve-
ments by the delivery of special as-
sessment certificates or special as-
sessment bonds to the contractor
against the properties of the under-
signed payable in ten equal in-
It is fm•ther agreed that in ac-
cepting' t]tis Petition and in order-
ing the construction of said im-
provements the Resolution of the
City Council may contain recitals
that said improvements are order-
ed n•ith or without the Petifion of
property owners, without in any
way quadifyiug this Petition or re-
leasing the undersigned from his
obligation to pay assessments made
against his property.
Alfred ItI. Ferriug
Cecilia Ferriug
Resolution No. 107-46
Whereas, proposals have been
submitted by contractors for the
paving of Harlan Street from the
pre~seut pavement in Windsor Av-
enue to approximately the east
property line of Sheridan Street
nm'th pursuant to Resolution No.
8.-4G and Thos. Flynn Coai Cmn-
Pany conhractor, has submitted the
lowest bid for the furnishing of all
labm• and materials and performing
the wmk as provided far in the
plans and specifications; now there-
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
the contract for the above men-
tioned itltprovemeut be awarded to
Thos. Flynn Coal Company and the
Manager be and he is hereby di-
rected to execute a contract ou be-
half of the City of Dubuque for the
complete performance of said wm'k,
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolutiot being deemed urgent and
of immediate necessity become ef-
fective from and after its passage
and adoptimt by the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
one weel{ on July 22nd 1946.
Passed and adopted this 5th
clay of August, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councihuan Moffatt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Couucil•
Wren Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Dueltnan.
P.egular Session, august-nth, Ig}6 ~iI
Resolution No. 108.46
Whereas, proposals have beeu
submitted by contractors for the
paving of Euclid Street from the
present pavement in Windsor Av-
enue to approximately twenty-hvo
feet west of the east property line
of Sheridan Street pursuant to
Resolution No. 89-46 and Thos.
Flynn Coal Company contractor,
has submitted the lowest bid fm'
the Pnrnishing~ of all labor and
materials and performing the work
as provided for in the plans and
specifications; now therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Cann-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
contract for the above mentioned
improvement be awarded to Thos.
Flynn Coal Company and the Man-
ager be an[1 he is hereby directed
to execute a contract on behalf of
the City of Dubuque for the com-
plete Perfmmtance of said work.
Be It Fw'ther Resolved that this
resohttiou being deemed urgent and
of immediate necessity become ef-
fective from and after its Passage
and adoption by the City Council.
Approved and placed on file fm'
one week an July 22nd 194G.
Passed and adopted this 5th day
of August, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seco~d-
ed by Councihuan Vau Duelman.
Carried by the following vote:
leas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution Na. 116.46
Be It Resolved by the City Cowt-
cil of the Gity of Dubuque that the
following, having complied with the
provisions of law relating to the
sale of cigarettes within the City
of Dubuque, be granted a permit
to sell cigarettes and cigarette
papers within said City and the
Manager is directed to issue such
permit on behalf of said City.
Name Address
John A. Armstrong and Harriett
9'I. Armsh°ong, 39S 114ain Street
-~Il•s. A. S. Brewer, East 4th
Street Ext.
Frederick Landolt, G90 West Lo-
cust Street
Be It Further Resolved that the
hands filed with the applications be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of August, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerlt
Cowicihnan Thompson moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car-
ried by the fallowing' vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Petition of Mrs. A. S. Brewer re-
questi~g arefund in the amount
of ~75.G0 on her cigarette permit
No. 22t1 as she has discontinued the
sale of cigarettes on Aug'ttst 4,
1946, presented and read,
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the request be granted and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $75.00 in
favor of 114rs. A. S. Brewer o cover
the anronnt of refund g'rantecl on
the unexpired portion of her cigar-
ette permit No. 220. Secmtded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Couucil•
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Resolution No. 117.46
Whereas, applications for Beer
Permits have beeu submitted to
this Comtcii for approval and the
same have been examined: Now,
Be It Resolved by the Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
following applications be granted
and the licenses are to be issued
upon the compliance with the terms
of the or[liuauces of this City.
?jz Regular Sessiou..~ugust nth, 196
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
A1hed Hedley and Lillian Hed-
ley, 1598 Jackson Street.
Joseph J. Weiner and Evelyn
Weiner, 709'University Avenue.
Gilbert J. Nicks and Josephine
Nicks, 103 East 22nd Street.
Harry J. Murphy and Dorothy
Murphy, 1097 Jackson Street.
John J. Rettenmaier and Marie
Rettenmaier, 1100 Lincoln Avenue.
Mrs. Florence M. Miller, 400 Cen-
tral Avenue.
tiVililam Leo Johanningmeier,
1879-1381 Central Avenue.
Class "B" Permit for Private Club
Kuig'hts of Columbus, Council No.
510, 781 Locust Street.
Luxemburg Club of Dubuque,
Iowa, 1332-G3 Central Avenue,
Class "C" Permit
Vincent B. Schwartz, 1105 Wal-
nut Street.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of August, 194G.
W. tiV. 14OFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelmau.
Resolution No. 118.46
Whereas, heretofore applications
for Beer Permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc-
cupied by such applicants have
been inspected and fomtd to com-
ply witn the ordinances of this
City and they have filed a proper
bond: Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be and he is hereby directed
to issue to the following named
applicants a Beer Permit,
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
Joseph J. Weiner and Evelyn
Weiner, 709 University Avenue,
Gilbert J. Nicks and Josephine
Nicks, 103 East 22nd Street.
Harty J. illurphY and Dorothy
Murphy, 1097 Jackson Street.
Joh^ J. Rettenmaier and Marie
Rettenmaier, 1100 Lincoln Avenue.
-1rs. Florence M. Miller, 400 Cen-
tral Avenue,
jVilliam Leo Johanningmeier,
1579-1SS1 Central Avenue.
Class 'B" Permit for Private Club
Knights of Columbus, Council
Na. 510, 7S1 Locust Street.
Luxemburg Club of Dubuque,
Iowa, 1332-G3 Central Avenue,
Class "C" Permit
Vincent B. Sclnvartz, 1105 Wal•
nut Street,
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be
and the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of August, 1946.
W. ~~~. MOFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Vau Duehnan tnoved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the fallowing vote:
Peas-11layor Wharton, Couucil-
meu Moffatt, Murphy, Thontpsou,
Vau Duelmau.
Resolution No. 119.46
Whereas, a plat has been duly
filed by Joseph V. Keppler and
Mary Elizabeth Keppler iu which
The subdivision of Lot 2 of Lot
1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot "B"
oY Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the
subdivision of Mineral Lot 24 in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa and
which will hereafter be known
and Warned "Duuleith" a subdi-
vision in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, containing Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7 and Duuleith Street
is platted as "DUNLEITH" a sub-
division in the City of Dubuque,
And, Whereas, said plat has been
duly examined by the City Plan
Commission anti the approval of
the City Plan Conunission en-
dorsed thereon;
Regular Session, ,august nth, 19.}6 ',3
And, Whereas, upon said plat is
a street designated "DUNLEITH"
And, Whereas, the owners have
upon said plat dedicated said street
shown on said plat as "Dmtleith"
Street to the public forever;
And, Whereas, said plat has been
examined by the City Council and
they find that the same conforms
to the Statute and Ordinances re-
lating thereto;
And, Whereas, the City Council
finds that the street designated as
"Duuleith" Sheet should be accept-
ed and confirmed.
Now, Therefm•e,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That the dedication of "Duu-
leith" Street upon the plat of Duu-
leith subdivision be, and the same
is hereby accepted and confirmed
for said ptu•poses.
That the plat of:
The subdivsion of Lot 2 of Lot 1
of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot "B" of
Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the
subdivisimt oY Mineral Lot 24 in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa and
which wi1L hereafter be known
and named "Duuleith" a subdi-
vision in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, containing Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7 and Duuleith Street
he and the saute is hereby approv-
ed and the Mayor and the Clerk
are hereby directed to endorse the
approval of the City upon said plat
provided the street shall be graded
to the satisfaction of the City Cotur
Passed, adopted and approved
this 5th day of August, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Couucihnan Van Duehnan moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thmnpson,
Van Duehnan.
August 5, 1946
Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: With reference to
the status of the Washington Park,
located bettiveen Gth, 7th, Locust
and Bluff Streets, the Department
of Interior, General Land Office,
Washingtot, D, C., ttPmt inquiry,
wrote me on April 10, 1941 as fol-
"The town of Dubuque was
surveyed and disposed of iu ac-
cm•dance with the act-s of July
2, 133G, I14arch 3, 1337 and June
15, 1844 (5 Stat. 70, 173, 66G).
The act of April 25, 1576 (19
Stat. 37), provides:
"That the consent of We United
States is hereby given to the pro-
per authorities of the county of
Dubuque in the State of Iowa, (the
consent of the proper authorities
of the City of Dubuque and also
of the owners of property fronting
ou said square or heretofm•e locat-
ed by description on said square,
being first had and obtained,) to
the construction of such Public
buildings as may be necesary for
caw•t pttrposes and far the public
officers of said county, iu the pnb-
]ic park, in, the City of Duhugtte,
known as Washington square; and
whatevec title the United States
now has to said premises hs here-
by relinquished to the county of
Dubuque fm' the pm•poses herein
indicated and for no other."
Yours truly
City Solicitor
Councilman Thompson moved
that the report of City Solicitor
f{intzing~er be received and made a
matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duehnan. Carried
by the foliowing' vote:
Yeas-Nlayor Wharton, Ceuncil-
men Moffatt Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehnan.
Resolution No. 120-46
Whereas, the Convention of the
League of Iowa Municipalities is
going to be held in Cedar Rapids
dm•ing the mmtth of August, 1946;
Aud, Whereas, certain persons
should be named to attend said
convention and be authorized to
represent the City in voting;
2~~ Regular Session, august 5th, tg~6
Note, Therefore:
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That Albert Wharton, -'Iayor, F.
W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman,
Geo. R. Murphy and W. W. Moffatt,
Councilmen, A. A. Rhomberg, City
Manager and Johu J. Kintzinger,
City Solicitor he, and they are
hereby authorized to attend said
Convention at the expense of the
City; and that all or any of them
iu atteu[lauce at said convention
are authorized to cast the votes for
an[1 on behalf of the City of Du-
buque at such convention as their
best judgment dictates.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 6th day of August, 1946.
SV. W. 1140FFATT,
AttesC: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Itlurphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote:
leas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman,
There being no further business
Councilman Vau Duelman moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Couucihnan
iVIurphy. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Approved ......_ ..................... . 1947
Adopted ................................ .... 1947
Councilmen: ~ ......................................
Attest :..........................................
City Clerk.