1946 July Council ProceedingsRegular Session, Jule 1st, 1946 193
City Council
Regular Session, July 1st, 194G.
Council met at 7:30 P. M.
Present-Mayor Wharton, Coun-
ilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
City Manager Rhomberg. Absent-
Couucihuan 'v'an Duehnan.
114ayor Wharton stated that this
is the regular monthly meeting of
the City Council for the purpose
of acting' upou such business as
may properly- come before the meet-
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pub-
lic hearing upou the Plans and
specifications, form of contract and
cost of improvement for the Paving
of Harlan Street from the present
pavement in Windsor Avenue to
approximately the east property
line of Sheridan Street north, pre-
sented and read, No written ob-
jections filed and no objectors
present at the time of said hear-
ing. Councihuau Murphy moved
that the Proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-14ayor Whartmi, Council-
men Moffatt, i1'Im•phy, Thompson.
Absent - Councilman ~~an Duel-
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of a
public hearing upon file resolution
of necessity for paving of Harlan
Street from the present Pavement
iu Winsor Avenue to approximately
the east property line of Sheridan
Street north, presented and read.
No written objections filed and no
objectors present at the time of
said hearing. Couucihnan Murphy
moved that tine proof of publica-
tion be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Couucil•
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Absent - Cnuncilman Vau Duel-
(Decision of Couucil upou object-
ions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cost of improve-
Resolution No. 86.46
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the paving of Harlan Street
frmu the present pavement in
Windsor Avenue to approximately
the east property line of Sheridan
Street north, have been approved
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque and public notice given
as provided by Chapter 23 of the
Code of Iowa, 1939, pertaiuing~ to
public contracts and bonds, and
the time and place fisecl for the
hearing of all objectimts to said
plans, specifications or contract
for or cost of snch impravemeuts,
said time being this 1st day of
Su.y, 1946; and
~ithereas, the City Couneil utet
in Regular session this 1st day of
July, 1946, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. at
the Council Chambers iu the City
Ha11 far the purpose of hearing all
interested Parties and consider
ing' any and all objections which
have been filed to the proposed
plans, specifications or contract fm•
or cost of the improvement herein
described and proposed to be made;
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opporhmity to
be heard and no objections have
been filed; now, therefore
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that all
snch plans, specifications and fm~m
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
Re It Further Resolved that this
re~solutiou containing the decision
of this Council upou all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specificatimts and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement be
made a matter of perntaveut record
in connection with said improve-
Passed adopted and approved
this 1st day of duly, 1946.
W. ti`', MCFFATT,
fittest: J. d. SHEA,
194 Regular Session,
Jule 1st, 1946
Couucilman Moffatt moved tl
adoption of the resolution. Se
owned b3, Comtcihnan Thompsot
Carried by the fo]lotving vote:
Yeas-Mayor ~pharton, Council
men -Ioffatt, Murphy, Thompson
Absent -Couucilman Van Duel
Resolution No. 76.46
lT~hereas, proposed plans, speci~
ficaticws, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pt•e.
Pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuuue and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerlt showing among other
things the following;
1• The boundaries of the dis-
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4• Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the Council.
6. Au estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, stating
the same for each different type of
construction and ]rind of material
to be used.
G. ht each case the antoumt
thereof which is estimated to he
assessed against each lot, Yor the
Paving of Harlan Street from the
present pavement in Winsor Are-
uue to apptoeimat 1
to expense of malting said intProve-
c- went will be assessed upon and
t. against all privately owned prop.
ertY lyiug~ within assessable di~-
tauce provided by law and in au
. amount not to exceed the amount
Provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac•
cording to area and in propm'tion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the general fund,inr
proventettt fiutt1, or partly out of
each of such funds, Bmtds shall be
isued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract bas Been pe1•-
formed and accepted and the pt•o.
ceeds thereof used to pay the cen-
The above resolution teas iutro•
stress, approved and ordered placed
au file with the City Clerk this 10th
day of June, 1946.
APPt'oved and placed on file for
final action,
The foreg'oing' resolution was
finally passed and adopted, as pt,o-
posed this 1st day of July, 194fi.
l't'. 1V. -~IO), FATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerlt
sty lice of Sheridan Stroet nlorth, the adocttioau Thmupson moved
Estimate[] cost ~ P u of the resolution. Seo-
$5,0~9.99. and i
De It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council upon petition of
Property ota•ners, deems it advis-
able and necessary for the public
welYare to ntahe the herein men•
tioued improvement, and unless
property owners at the tints oY the
final cousideratimt of this proposed
resolution have on file with the
City Clerk objections to the amount
of the proposed assessments, they
shall be deemed to have waived
all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
lave been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clet9t. That the cost and
ec by Councilman MurpltY. Car.
tied by the Yollowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor FVharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Absent -Councilman Vau Duel•
Resolution No. 87.46
Be It Reselved By The City Coun-
cil Of The City Of Dubuque that
Pursuant to a Resolution of neces-
sity No, 16.46 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the iur
provement of Harlan Street from
the Present pavement in Winsor
Avenue to aproximately the east
Property line of Sheridan Street
north be and the same are hereby
ordered and constructed by this
Council upon the petition oY Pro-
perty ownera. A11 the work shall
Regular Session, July 1st, 1946 19:i
le consh•ucted in accordance with
the plans and specifications hereto-
fore adopted and now iu file in the
office of the City Clerlt.
Be It Further Resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements he paid for by levying
special assessments against the
privately owned property lying
within the assessable distance
front the improvements, whether
such property abut upon the same
or are adjacent thereto, according
to the area thereof and in proport-
ion to the special benefits con-
ferred, and any deficiency will be
paid out of the general or improve-
ment funds of the city, m~ partly
from each of such foods. Payment
kill be made to the cmttraetor out
of finds realized from the. sale of
bmtds to be issued in anticipation
of 'deferred payments oY assCss-
ntents as provided by law after the
wont has been completed and ac-
cepted by tha City Council.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Clerlt ire and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals fm' the construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro-
vided by late, the said improve-
ments shall b2 completed on or be-
fore the 15th day of September,
Be It Fttrther Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urg'eut
and of immediate necessity shall
be iu fm•ce and effect from and
after its Passage and adoption by
the City Cotmcil.
Passed, addopted and approved
this 1st day of July, 1996.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Couucilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seo-
mules by Councilman -'hu•phy.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Councih
nten IDloffalt, Murphy, Thmmpsom.
Absent -Councilman Van Duel-
Proof of publicatimt, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pub-
lic hearing' upon the plans and
specifications, form of conh•act and
cost of improvement for the pav~
hag' of Euclid Street from the pre-
sent pavement iu Windsor Avenue
to approximately twenty two feet
west of the east Property line of
Sheridan Street, presented and
read. No written objections filed
and no objectors present at the
time of said hearing, Ccuncihuan
'I9tompson moved that the proof
of pnblication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Motfatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Absent -~ Comtcihnan Van Duel-
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice oY a
public hearing upon the resolution
of necessity fm' the paving of Euc-
lid Stroet from the present pave-
ment in Windsor Avenue to ap-
proximately twenty two feet west
of the eas± property line of Sheri-
dan Street, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present at the time of said
Councilman lIw•phy moved that
the pnblication be received and fil-
e d. Seconded b y CotmciUuan
Thompson. Carried by tl;e follotw
lug vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men 1Ioffatt, Murphy, Thmupson.
Absent-Councilman Van Duel-
(DecisCOn of Council upon ob-
jections to plans, specifications,
form of contract and cost of im-
Resolution Na. 88.46
Whereas, proposed Plans and
specifications and fm°m roY contract
for the paving of Euclid Street
from the present pavement in Wind-
s o r Avenue to approximately
twenty two feet west of the east
property line of Sheridan Street
have been approved by the City
Council of the City oY Dubuque and
Public notice given as provided by
Chapter 23 of the Coda of Iowa,
1939, pertaining to public contracts
and bonds, and the time and place
filed fm' the itearing~ of all object-
196 Regular Session, July 1st, 1946
ions to said plans, specifications o
conh•act Yor or cost of such in
provements, said time being tlti
1st day of July, 1946; and
Whereas, the City Council me
in Regular session this 1st day o
July, 1946, at 7:30 o'clock P, .1Z, a
the Council Chambers iu the Cit
Hall for the purpose of hearth
all interested parties and consider
ing any and all objections whit]
have been filed to the propose
plans, specifications or coutrac
$,r m' cost of the imprat'enreu
herein described and proposed t
be made; and
tiVhereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to
be heard and no objections have
been filed; now therefore
Be It Reso]vel by the City Cou~-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that all
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
Be It Fm'ther Resolved that thia
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
Yor or cost of the improvement be
made a matter of permanent record
im connection with said improve-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 1st day of July, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-14layor }Vhartou, Gouncil•
Wren 19offatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Van Due1•
Resolution Na. 79.46
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
r ~ roty on file ht the office of the City
t- Clerk showing among other things
s the following;
1. The boundaries of the district.
t 2. The streets to be improved,
f 3. The width of such improve-
r went.
g 4. Each lot proposed to be as•
sessed together tivith a valuation
t fixed by the Council.
d 5. Au estimate of the Post of the
t proposed improvement, stating the
t same for each different type of con-
o struction and hind of material to
be used,
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each let, for the
paving of Euclid Street from the
Present pavement in Windsor Ave-
nue to approximately twenty two
feet west of the east property line
of Sheridan Street. Estimated cast
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council upon petition of
Property owners, deems it advis-
able and necessary for the public
welfare to make the herein men-
tioned intproventeut, and mtless
Property owners at rite time of the
final consideration of this proposed
resolution have on file with the
City Clerk objections fo the amount
oY the Proposal assessments, they
shall be deemed to have waived all
objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be co~-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Council
and are now on file with the City
Clerk. That the cast and expense
of making said improvement will
be assessed upon and against all
privately owned property lying
within assessable distance provided
by law and iu an amount not to
exceed the amount provided by
law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon or
is adjacent thet'eto according to
area and in proportion to the
special benefts conferred thereby,
and any deficiency shall be paid
out of tie general fund, improve-
ment fund or partly out of each of
such funds. Bonds shall he issued
and sold in anticipation of deferred
payments of assessments when a
Regular Session, Tuly 1st, 1946 197
contract has been performed aul
accepted and ail the proceeds there-
of used to pay the cmttractor.
The above resolution was intro•
dulled, approved and ordered
placed ou file with the City Cleric
this 10th day of June, 1946.
The foregoing' resolution was fin-
ally Passed and adopted, as Pro•
posed this ~,iay 1st day of July,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Cleric.
Councilman Murphy moved the '
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
mined by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men l~Iotfatt, Mw'phy, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Van Duel-
Resolution Na. 89.46
Be It Resolved By The City Coun-
cil Of Tle City Of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolutimt of neces-
sity No. 79-4G tivhich was duly
passed by this Council, for the ln•
pravement of Euclid Street from
the present Pavement in Windsor
Avenue to approsinwtely tn•euty
two (22) feet west of the east
property line of Sheridan Street be
and the same are hereby m'dered
anti consl•uctecl by this Council
upmt its own motion and with
the Petitimt of property owners.
A 11 the wont shall be con-
e strutted in accordance with the
plans and specifications heretofore
adopted anti now ou file in the office
of the City Clerk.
Be It Furthe!• Resolved that tie
cost and expense oY the said inr
provements be Paid for by levying'
special assessments against the
privately owned Property lying'
within the ~ assessable distance
from the improvements, whether
such property abut upon the same
or are adjacent thereto, according
to the area 'thereof and in Proport-
ion to the special benefits con•
(erred, acid any deficiency will e
paid out of the general, or improve-
ant funds of the city, or Partly
am each of such funds, Payment
.11 be made to the contractor out
f funds realized from the sale of
utds to be issued iu anticipation
deferred payments of assess-
euts as provided by law after the
ark has been completed and ac•
opted by the City Cauncil.
Be It Further Resolved that the
ity Clerk be and is hereby ordered
nd directed to advertise for pro-
osals fm' the coustruct.ion of the
arious improvements herein pro•
~ided for in the manner provided
~y law, the said improvements
,hall be completed on ar before the
.5th clay of September, 1946.
Be It Further Resolved that this
•estohition being deemed urg~enY
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect froth and
after its passage and adoptimt by
the City Cotmcil.
passed, adopted and approved
this 1st day of July, 1946.
}}', W. 1'TOFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman lIoffatt waved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded ~by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by tie following vote:
Yeas-Mayor ~}'harton, Cotmcil-
men ~~Ioffatt, N[urPlty, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Vau Duel-
Couuuunication of Paul C. Stork,
Directm• National Garden Program,
United States Deparhneut of Agri•
culture, }Vashiugtou, D, C. asking
the lIayors of leading cities to iss-
ue a Proclanwtion calliug~ the at-
tention of their citizens to the
National Food Preservation Weelc,
July 15-22, presented and read.
Couuciluait i1~Iurphy moved that
the communication be referred to
the Mayor for his action. Seconded
by Councilman Thompson. Carried
by tie following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Cauncil•
men 114offatt, MurPhY, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Van Duel-
198 Regular Session, July 1st, 1946
Conununicatiou of H. W, Bisch•
man, Majm•, Corps of Eng7neers
Executive Officer War Department
United States Engineer Office,
Rock Island, Illinois, stating that
an early reply would be appreci•
steel, stating whether or not the
City of Dubuque is desirotts or iu•
terested in developing and super
vising for public recreational use
the area immediately downstream
from the dam abutment, Lock and
Dam No. 11, known as "0'Leary's
Lake" just off the Wisconsin end
of the Eagle Paint highway bridge,
Presented and read. Councilman
Murphy moved that the communi-
cation be referred to the City Coun-
cil, City Manager and City Solici-
ter for consideration. Seconded by
Councilman rtiIoffatt. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Absent-Councihnan Van Duel-
Conununication of County Audi-
ter Daykitt advising that the Board
of Supervisors have acecpted an
offer of $20.00 made by II'Irs, Dan
Leeffelholz on Lot 40 Rosedale
Addition, presented and read, Coun-
cilmaar Thompson moved that the
communicattoii be referred to the
Council to view the grounds. Sec•
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Niayor Wharton, Council•
men -'Ioffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Van Duel-
Conunuuication of the Dubuque
Automobile C1ttb, E. T. Frith,
President, slatiug~ that the Dubuque
Auto Club Boatel of Directors
wishes to go on record as request-
the City Couuci] to increase the
Dubuque Police Department to at
least an average sine police depart•
meat for cities in the 50,000 class
popnlatiou front 3S to 48 men irn•
mediately and further requesting
that at least eight of these men he
given specialised training in traffic
accident investigation problems,
presented and read. Councilman
Moffatt moved that the connuuni-
cation be referred to the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Cotmcil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Van Duel•
Petition of Nirs. Irene Thee] re-
questing arefund in the amount of
$150.00 on her Class "B" Beer Per-
mit No. 24 as she has discontinued
business on July 1, 1946, presented
and read, Councilmau Thompson
moved that the request he granted
and the City Auditor instructed to
draw a warrant in the amount of
$160.00 iu favor of Mrs. Irene Theel
to cover the amount oY refund
g~rauted ou the unexpired portion
oY her Class "B" Beer Permit No.
24, Seconded by Councilman NIur•
phy. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men N'foffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Vau Duel•
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice to Elec•
tars of the holding of a special
L+`lection on Electric Franchise to
be held July 8th, 1946, presented
arjd read. Councilmau Moffatt
moved that the proof of publicat-
ion be received and fi]ed. Seconded
by Couucihnan Murphy. Carried by
tits following' vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Comrcil•
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Van Duel-
Proof of publication, certified to
by the punishers, of notice to
Electors of file hokliug' of a Special
Election ou ]3us Franchise to be
held drily Sth, 194G, presented and
read. Councilman Mm•P1ty moved
that the proof of publication he
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Thmupson. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Van Duel•
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of a statement
of receipts and also a list of claims
for which warrants were drawn dur-
ing the month of May, 194G pre-
Regular Session, July 1st, 1946 199
seated and read. Councilmau
Thompson moved that. the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilmau Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Leas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Van Duel-
Ordinance No. 29.46.
An Ordinaaice granting to the
Iowa Improvement Company per-
mission to construct a sanitary
sewer connecting with the City
sewer at its junction at Hillcrest
and Asbury Streets with various
laterals in the streets in Hillcrest
Park and Hillcrest Subdivision No.
2, with pumping lift station near
the intersection of NIorningview and
Hillcrest Road, a cast iron force
line frmn Pmupiug station, pro-
viding for the payment of the costs
thereof, and regulating the con-
struction, use and maintenance
thereof, said ordinance having been
passed upon first reading ou Jtme
24th, 1946 and ordered placed on
file with the City Clerk for public
inspection for at ]east one week be-
fore its final adoption, was pre-
sented for final adoption.
An Ordinance granting to the Iona
Ilnproaement Company permission to
construct a sanitary sewer connect-
ing with the City sewer at its junc-
toin at Hillcrest and Asbury Streets
with various laterals iu the streets
in Hillcrest Parlc and Hillcrest Sub-
division No. 2, with pumping lift sta-
tion near the intersection of ~lorning-
view and Hillcrest Road, a cast iron
force line Gom pumping station, pro•
aiding for the payment of the costs
thereof, and regulating the construc-
tion, use and maintenace thereof.
Now, Therefore, Be it Ordained by
the City Council of the City of Du-
Sec. 1. That permission be, and
the same Is hereby granted to the
Iowa llnprovement Company, their
successors and assigns, to cotstruct
lateral sewers, a pumping lift station
and a cast iron force line iu Hillcrest
Park and Hillcrest Subdivision No. 2
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
The project shall consist of 912
lineal feet of sanitary sewer in As-
bury Sheet from the east line of
Avalmt to the West line of Chaney,
at which point it shall enter into
an existing manhole; 1016 feet of
sewer in Avalon; 994 in Broadlawn;
S50 in 1Iorningvien; 770 in Chaney;
17a In Valley view; 67o in Ogilby;
200 in Mullin; 2130 in Hillcrest,
which shall cmmect with the city
sewer at the intersection of Hillcrest
and Asbury Streets, a sewage lift
station near the intersection of V[or-
ningvlen and Hillcrest Road to which
a six-inch cast iron force main S35
feet long shall he connected.
Sec. 2. That permission be, and
the same is hereby granted, to the
said lots Improvement Company to
connect said sanitary server with the
city sewer at the junction of Hillcrest
and Asbury Streets.
Sec. 3. That the expense and post
of conshucting the project as above
described shall he paid by the Iona
Luprovement Cmnpany, and that no
part of said expense shall be borne
by the City of Dubuque.
Sec. !. That the expense of main-
taining said sever and pumping lift
station shall he Paid by the City of
Dubuque and that no Dart of said
maintenace shall be borne by the
Iowa Improvement Company.
Sea 5. That after said sanitary
server has been conshneted as above
described, all persons Being along
and adjacent to said sever :hall base
the right to connect therewith, but
such right shall only be granted upon
a proper application being made to
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, and by paying to the fotva
improvement Company the appli-
cant's proportionate part of the cost
of erecting said sever, pumping sta-
tion and cast iron force line, With-
out interest, based on the lineal front-
age of his property mi said streets,
which payment must be established
to the satisfaction of the City Coun-
cil befm•e the right to connect shall
he granted.
Sec. G. That the total cost of the
construction of said sanitary sewer,
pumping station and cast iron fm•ce
line shall be made a matter of record
and preserved in the afflce of the
City Engineer of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 7. That thg construction of
said sewer shall be done under the
supervision of the City Manager and
City Engineer of said City.
Sec. 8. That after said sewer has
been laid and completed, said streets
in Which said sever has been laid
shall he put hack in as good condi-
tion as they Here before they were
torn up fm• the purpose of receiving
said sever, and the Iona ^nprove-
meut Company shall be held respmr
Bible fm• any and all damages which
may arise out o[ the consh•uctio^ of
Bald Pt'ojec[.
Sec. 9. This Ordinance shall he in
force and effect ten (10) days from
and after its final passage, adoption
and publicatimt as proeided by law.
Pawed upo^ first reading this 2lth
day of dune, 19-16.
Passed, adopted and approved upon
final reading this 1st day of July, 1016.
1Ia ym .
F. 1v. THO'~IPSON,
W. R'. 1fOPFATT,
Attest; Councilmen.
d. d. Shea,
C1ty Cleric.
The Iona Improaement Company,
having fall knowledge turd nnder-
standing of all the terms and condi-
tions of Ordinance No. 20-46, hereb~°
accepts the same as adopted and
agrees to comply with all the terms
and couditians thereof.
Signed this 2ix1 day of July, 1916.
200 Regular Session, July 1st, 1946
By-L. A, Rowland, V. P.
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 5th day
of July, 1916.
.I. J. SHEA,
7-5-1t Citp Clerl{.
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Murphy. Carried
by the following vote:
Leas-Mayer Wharton, Cowtcil•
Wren Moffatt, Murphy, Thompsmt.
Absent-Councilman Van Duel-
Ordinance No. 30.46. An Ordi~-
ance gralttiug to the Illinois Cen-
tral Railroad Company and the Chi-
cago, Great Western Railway Cant-
pany, their successors and assigns,
right to construct and maintain a
side+traclt from their tracks in
Block 17 iu Dubuque Harbor Im-
provement Cmnpany's Addition in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, from a
point located iu Lot 33, Bloclt 17,
D u b u q u e Harbor Improvement
Company's Addition, thence north-
easterly over and across Lots
33, 34 and 35, the alley in
Block 17 and Lot 2 of Lot 16, Lot
2 of Lot 1 of Lot 17,and Lot 1 of
Lot 1 of Lot 1S and Lot 1 of Lot
19, all in Bloclt 17, Dubuque Harbor
Improvement Company's Addit-
ion iu the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and thence nm~theaster]y
across relocated Umnmercial
Street and into the premises
desm-iiled as Lot 1 of River Front
Subdivision Nc. 1, in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and providing the
terms and conditions thereof, said
ordinance having been passed upon
first reading ml June 24th, 194G and
m-dered placed mt file with the City
Clerk of public inspection for at
least one tveeh before its final
adoption, was presented for final
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That permission be and
the wane is hereby granted to the
Illinois Central Railroad Company
and the Chicago Great ~--Vestern Rail-
way Company, their successors and
assigns, to lay down, operate and
maintai^ a side-track from their
traclts now located iu Block 17 in
Dubuque Harbor Luprovement Com-
pany's Addition in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, from a point located in
Lot 33, Bloclt 17, Dubuque Harbor Hn-
provement CmnpavY's Addition,
thence northeasterly over and across
Lots 33, 3I and 35, the alley in Bloclt
17 and Lot 2 oP Lot 16, Lot 2 oP Lot
1 of Lot 17, and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot
13, and Lot 1 of Lot 19, all in Block
17, Dubuque Harbor Improvement
Companys Addition i^ the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and thence north-
easterly across relocated counnercial
street and into the promises described
as Lot 1 al` River Front Subdivision
No. 1, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
in accordance with plans on file in
the office of the City Clerlt for the
City of Dubuque, Iatva.
Section 2. That in the laying down
and the operation of said track, the
same shall be so canshucted and
maintaiuerl as to create the ]east
possible obstruction of the orrlinarv
travel and use o[ the street and alley
on and over which said track is ]aid;
that cars shall not he allowed to
stand on the bath 4a said street and
alley and that same shall be kept
free from h•avel at all times except
whe^ it may be necessary for cars
to be switched across the same.
Section 3. That said h•aclc hereby
authorized shall be laid to the estab-
lished grade of relocated Commercial
sheet and the alle}~ in P.lock 17, Du-
bunue Harbor Improvement Com-
pany's Adrlitio^ and should the grade
of said street and alley be changed
at any time, the said h~aclt shall he
so changed as to conform to such
changed grade at the expense of the
raih-oad companies, and the com-
panies shall have no claim for dam-
a,ges against the Citp by reason
Section I. That said railroad com-
panies shall 1{cep the space beriveen
the rails on said track and the end
of the ties so graded that autom~-
biles or other vehicles ma}° easih~
cross over the same, and that when
required b7 the City Council, said
railroad companies shall plank he-
riveen the rails and make suitable
approaches to enable vehicles to ens-
ily cross the same,
Sectimt G. Said track shall be so
consh•ucted and maintained as not to
dam up m• obstruct the flow of water
in said street and alley and the said
railroad companies shall at their own
expense construct such drainage
structures as may be necessity to
pretest the dauuning' uP or obsh~uc-
Regttlar Session, July 1st, 1946 201
lion of flowage of the water in said
street and alley.
Section 6. It is further ecpressly
stipulated and provider? that all rail-
road companies now operating tcaoks
in the city shall be entitled at any
time to hate their cars transferred
o~°er said tract., and all intermediate
traclts of said companies, their suc-
cessors and assigns, which may he
necessary to be used in order to con-
nect with the traclt hereby authori2ed
upon the payment of such switMiing
charges which tray be nniformlF ap-
plied within this city and accepted as
reasonable between railroad com-
panies operating within the city.
Section 7. This Ordinance being
deemed urgent and of immediate ne-
cessity-, shall become effective upon
its passage, adoption and approval by
the City Council and Publication as
provided by law and the rights herein
granted shall accrue to said railroad
companies when this Ordinance has
been accepted by said railroad emn-
panies, which acceptance shall he
endm~sed thereon and when the costs
and expense of publfshing same have
been paid by said raih-oad companies
and when the injuries and damage to
property abutting upon said street
and alley bare been ascertained and
compensated for, or in lien thereat,
when the recm~d owners of such prop-
erty and recm•d hohters of liens and
encumbrances thereon have filed with
this Council their consent to the con-
struction and operation of such traclt
and waiters and releases of any dam-
ages which may be sustainzd by them
on account of the construction and
operatint oP the same,
Passed upon first reading this 2lth
day of June, 19If,,
Passed, adopted and approved on
final reading this 1st dog at July,
W. 1V. 1fOFFATT,
attest: J. J. SHEA.
City Clerk
Acceptance By Illinois
Central Railroad Company
Illinois Central Railroad Cam-
Pany does hereby accept all the
terms, Provisions and conditions
of the Ordinance adopted by the
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, en-
°Au Ordinance granting to the
Illinois Central Railroad Cmn-
pany anti the Chicago, Great
l3'estern Raihvay Company, their
successors and assig~us, right to
coustrttct and maintain a side•
track front Their traclts iu block
17 in Dubuque Harbor Ilnprove-
ment Company's addition in the
City of Dubttque, Iowa, from a
point located in Lot 33, black 17,
Dubuque Harbor Improvement
Company's addition, t h e n c e
northeasterly over and across
Lots 33, 34 and 35, the alley in
block 17 and Lot 2 of Lot 16,
Lot 2 of Loi 1 of Lot 17 and Lot
Lot 19, all in block 17, Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Company's
addition in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and thence trortheasterly
across relocated Cmnntercial
SG-eet and iota the premises de-
cribed as LoC 1 of river front sub-
division No. 1, iu the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and providing
the terms and conditions there-
being Ordinance No. 30-4G and
that said railroad company does
hereby agree to comply with all
the terms and conditions of said
by C. H. 114ottier
Vice President and
Chief Engineer.
Acceptance by Chicago
Great Western Railway
Chicago, Great Western Railway
Company does hereby accept all
the terms, Provisions and condit-
ions of the Ordinance adopted by
the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa,
"Au Ordinance granting to the
Illinois Central Railroad Cont-
pauy and the Chicago, Great
Western Railway Company, their
successors and assigns, right to
construct and mainiaiu a side-
track from their traclts iu block
17 iu Dubuque Harbor Improve-
ment Company's additimt in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, fi°om a
point located iu Lot 33, Bloch 17,
Dubuque IIarbor Improvement
Coupany's addition, t h e n c e
northeasterly over and am'oss
Lots 33. 34 and 35, the alley in
Bloch 17 and Lot 2 of Lot 16,
Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 17 and Lot
1 oP Lot 1 of Lot 13 anti Lot 1
of Lot 10, al] in Bloclt 17, Dtt-
huque Harbor Ilnprovemeut Com-
pany's addition in the City of
Dubuque, fovea, and thence north-
easterly across relocated Cmu-
mercial Street and into the
premises described as Lot 1 of
of river (rout subdivision No. 1,
iu the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
and providing the terms and co~-
ditions thereof."
being Ordinance No, 30-4G and that
said railroad company does here-
202 Regular Session, July 1st, 1946
by agree to comply with all the by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
terms and conditions of said Ordi• the following vote:
Published officially iu The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 24th
day of Soptember, 1946.
J. J, Shea,
City Clerk,
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Couucihuan 11loffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Leas-114ayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt. Murphy, Thompson.
absentCouucihuan Van Dttel-
Dubuque, Iowa, June 29, 1946.
To the Honorable Ulayor
11'Iembers of the City Council
City of Dubugtte, Iowa
In accordance with the provisions
of Chapter 289 of the Code of Iowa,
1939, the Civil Service Conunission
conducted an entrance examinafion
for those seeleiug~ positions as As-
sistant Eug'ineer at Ptunping Sta-
tion, this exantiuation, was held ou
y}rednesday, Jtme 19th, 1946.
~~'e herewith submit our report
showing the names of those wlo
passed the examination with an
average of 70~fo or better.
Name Average
Robt. J. Schuster .... ................84z/s%a
Howard A. Hanson ................ _S3%
Robt. E. Jaeger ...................82%
Michael L. lfoore ..................7G%a
\Vnt. H. Haveland....,_..,..,......71%
Respectfully submitted,
E. B. Lyons,
C. S. Harker.
R. NI. Benn.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a Notary Public, this 29th day
of June, 1946.
Geraldine L. Demkier,
Notary Public.
Couucilmau Thompson moved
that the report of the Civil Serv-
ice Commission be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
I eas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Mm°phy, Thompson.
AbsentCouucihuan Vau Duel-
July 1, 194G
To the Hmtorable Nlayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
At the meeting of June 10, 194G
the petition of Iola J. Lenhardt et
al requesting the installation of two
street lights an Montrose Terrace
was referred to the cotmcil to view
the ,rounds.
The council having Viewed the
site on June 30th, decided to grant
the request by ordering trvo street
lights one near the intersection of
Cornell Street and 14lontrose Ter-
race and the other at the point ou
Montrose Terrace opposite the
leading to Fairview Place. I recom-
mend that the decision of the coum•
cif be confirmed.
Respectfully submitted,
Cit-y Manager.
Councilman :14urphy moved that
the recanmtendation of City Manag-
er Rhornberg be approved, Second-
ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
PeasNlayor tiVharton, Council-
then Moffatt, Murphy, Thompsmt.
Absent-Couucilmau Van Dttel-
July 1, 194G
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
At the meeting of Juue 3, 19.16
the petition of L. B. Wertz request-
ing permission to install an en-
trance stairs to extend from Ute al-
ley to the main floor in the rear
of G30 Main Street was referred to
the Council to view the grounds.
The council viewed the site on
.June 30th and deeidecl to grant the
request. I recommend that the de-
cision of the council be confrmed
and the proper proceedings be
adopted g'ranting' the petition fm~ a
stairway esteuding not mm'e than
3' G" into the alley between Maiu
Regular Session, July 1st, 1946 2Q3
and Iowa Streets adjacent to the
South t/a of City Lot 22,
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the recommendation of City Manag-
er Rhomherg be approved and the
City Solicitor requested to prepare
the proper proceeding's, Seconded
by Councilman Murphy, Carried by
the following' vote:
Yeas-14ayor SVhartmt, Council-
men Moffatt, NIw°phy, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Van Duel
Resolution No. 90.46,
jVhereas, Lot 23 of S. 11f. Lang-
worthy's Add. to the City of Du-
buque, Dubuque County, Iowa, was
sold on January 4, 1937 to Du-
buque County, Iowa, by the Coun-
ty Treasurer of Dubuque Cowtty,
Iowa, for cleliuqueut taxes and un-
paid taxes for the years 1933 to
1935, inclusive; and
NVhersas, The said Dubuque
County, Iowa, desires to sell the
above described real estate to Jo-
seph Straub for $10.00, and
Whereas, The sale of said prop-
erty by Dubuque County, Iowa to
Joseph Straub for a sum less than
the total amount stated in the tax
certificate including all endorse-
ments of subsequent general taxes,
interests and costs requires the
written approval of a majority of
all tax-levying and tax-certifying
bodies baviug any interest in said
general taxes; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
that the sale of said property to
Joseph Straub for the sum of $1Q.00
in cash be and the same is hereby
authorized and approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 1st day of July, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerlt.
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman N'Iurphy. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-n'layor Wharton, Council-
men -4oft-att, MurPlty, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Van Duel-
Resolution No. 91-46,
Whereas, Lots 49 and 50 of tiVood-
lawn Park iu the City of Dubugtte,
Dubuque County, Iowa, were sold
mt February 3, 193G to Dubuque
County, Iowa, by the County Treas-
urer of Dubuque County, Iowa, for
delinquent taxes and unpaid taxes
for the years 1930 to 193§, inclus-
ive; and
Whereas, The said Dubuque
County. Iowa, desires to sell the
above described real estate to Nlike
Ifopchansl.y Yor $40.OQ and
\Vhereas, The sale of said prop-
erty by Dubuque County, Iowa to
Nlil:e I{opchansky for a stun less
thou the total amount stated in the
tax certificate including all en-
dorsements oY subsequent general
taxes, interests and costs requires
the written approval of a majority
of all tax-levyiug~ uud tax-certifying
bodies baviug any interest in said
general taxes; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
that the sale of said property to
A4ike I~opcbansky for the stun of
~;4fl.Gll in cash be and the saute is
hereby authorized and approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 1st clay of July, 194G.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
' City Clerlt.
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Couucihuan Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Comtcil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Absent Couucihuan Van Duel-
Resolution No. 92.46,
Whereas, The South 10 feet of
the West 10G feet of Lot 11 of
Jaeger's Sub. in the City of Du•
buque, Dubuque County, Iowa ryas
sold on February 3, 1936 to Du•
2~ Regular Session, July 1st, 1946
buque County, Iowa, by the County
Treasurer of Dubuque County, Iowa,
for deliuqueut taxes and unpaid
taxes for the years 1932 to 1934, in-
clusive; and
TI'hereae, the said Dubuque Coun-
ty, Iowa, desires to sell the above
described real estate to Thomas
Lilly for $25.00, and
`Vhereas, The sale of said prop•
arty by Dubuque County, Iowa to
Thomas Lilly for a sum less than
the total amount stated in the tax
certificate including all endorse-
ments of sulsequent general taxes,
interests and costs requires the
written approval of a majority of
all tax-levying and tax certifying
bodies having any interest in said
general taxes; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
that the sale of said property to
Thomas Lilly for the sum of $25.00
iu cash be and the same is hereby
authorized and approved,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 1st day of July, 1946.
F, ~V. TH014PSON,
«'• «'. MOFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Couucilnlan Moffatt moved the
adoptiml of the resolution. Second-
ed by Couucilnlan Thompson, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Teas-11~Iayor ~Vhartou, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Vau Dttel-
Resolution No, 93.46
Whereas, The West 103 feet of
Lot r82 and the 1Vest 103 feet of
the South 12 feet of Lot 783 of A.
lIcDauiel's Sub. in the City of Du-
buque, Dubuque County, Iowa, was
sold on February 3, 1936 to Du-
buque County, Iowa, by the Cotmty
Treasuler of Dubuque County,
Iowa, for deliuqueut taxes and un-
paid taxes for the years 1929 to
1934, inclusive; and
Whereas, The said Dubuque
County, Iowa, desires to sell the
above described real estate to
James Freeman for $600.00.
Whereas, The sale of said prop-
erty by Dubuque County, Iowa to
James Freeman far a sum less than
the total amount stated iu the tas
certificate inchidiug' all endorse-
ments of subsequent general taxes,
interests and casts requires the
written approval of a majority of
all tax levying and tav-certifying
bodies having' any interest in said
general taxes; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Couu-
ci1 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
that the sale of said property to
James Freeman for the sum of
$600.00 in cash be and the same
is hereby authorized and approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 1st day of July, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councihuau Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution, Second-
ed by Councilman lioffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Iayor Wharton, Couuci]•
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thorupsou.
Absent-Councihuall Van Dttel-
Councilman Van Duelman entered
the Councfl Chamber and took his
seat at 8:05 P. -~I.
Resolution No. 94-46
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
following, having compiled with the
provisions of law relating to the
sale of cigarettes within the City oP
Dubuque, be granted a permit to
sell cigarettes and cigarette papars
within said City, and the Manager
is directed to issue such permit ou
behalf of said City.
Name. Address.
Joseph L. Wiug'ert and Josephine
L. Wingert, 678 Central Avenue.
Anthony Schmit and Francis
Schmit, 1048 Main Street,
Be It Further Resolved that. the
bonds filed with the applications he
Regular Session, Julv 1st, 1940 20~
Passed, adopted and approved
this 1st day of July, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman 114urphy, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 95-46
Whereas, Applications for Class
"B" Beer Permits have been sub-
mitted to this Council for approval
and the same have been examined;
Now, Therefore.
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the fol-
lowiug applications be granted and
the licenses are to be issued upon
the compliance with the terms of
the ordinances of this City.
Name. Address.
Wm. Van der Meulen and Sophie
McMann, 2327 Centro] Avenue.
Louis Breitbach, 332 Eighth
John lI, I{aue, 29 Eighth Avenue.
Fassed, adopted and approved
this 1st day of July, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman -4nrphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Cotmeil-
nlen Moffatt, Mtn°plty, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 96-46
Whereas, Heretofore applications
for Class "B" Beer Permits were
filed by the withhl named appli-
cants and they have received the
approval of this Council; and
Whereas, The premises to be oc-
cupied by such a~pplicauts have been
inspected and found to comply with
the ordinances of this City and they
have filed a proper timid; Nott°,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the -~Ian-
ager be and he is hereby directed
to issue to the follawing~ named ap-
plicants aBeer Permit.
Name. Address.
Wn1. Van der 14eulen and Sophie
Mc1VIaun, 2327 Central Avenue.
Louis Breitbach, 332 Eighth
John I1I. I{aue, 29 Eighth Avenue.
Be It Further Resolved fltat the
bonds filed by such applicants be
and the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adapted and approved
this 1st day of July, 1946.
W. W. 1~IOFFAT'f,
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerlc.
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Couucihuan 1'Ioffatt. Caa
vied b}~ the following vote:
Yeas -11~Iayor Wharton, Cowlcil-
men Moffatt, Murph}~, Thompson
Van Duehuau.
Resolution No. 97-46
Whereas, The revenue in certain
fiords of the municipality set out in
the within application is inadequate
to meet the actual and necessary
expenses which must be paid from
said funds and any extraordinary or
unforseen expense which t,nay arise
during the ensuing fiscal year; and
Whereas, The inadequacy of the
revenue referred to is deemed to
constitute au emergency which re-
quires the levy of an emergency
tax; therefore
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Dtt-
206 Regular Session, Ju1j= 1st, 1946
buque County, Iowa, that the State
Comptroller be and is hereby peti-
tioned for approval to levy au
entergeucy tax for the year 1946,iu
the suet of Twenty-four Thousand
Dollars ($24,000.00), (not exceeding
one mill) said tax to be used as set
out below.
The Consolidated Fund is to be
benefited by the tt•ansfer of
$24,000.00 from the Emergency
Fund. This is necessary because of
the greatly increased casts of sal-
aries, wages and supplies al'eady in
effect which may fiu'ther he in-
creased by any extram•clinar or un-
to submit any recommendations but
`voukl have reconuuendations to
submit to the City Council upon the
completion of a traffic survey which
they contemplate having made by a
traffic expert from the IIniversity
of Iowa.
There being no further business,
Councilman Thompson moved to ad-
journ. Seconded b,y Mayor Whar•
ton. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-&Iayor Wharton, Council-
men 11Ioffatt, Murphy, Tltontpson,
Van Duelman.
forseen circumstances which may J. J, SHEA,
arise during the year 1947-1943. City Cler]{.
(Presiding Officer) Approved .............................. 1946.
tiIayor. Adopted _ .................................._1946.
(Secretarial Officer)
d. J. SHEA,
City Clerl:.
The foreg'oing' resolution was
adopted at a Regular Council meet-
ing held ou the 1st day of July, A.
D. 1946.
The vote thereon was as follows:
Ayes-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Frank Van Duelman, F. W.
Thompson, Geo. R. Murphy, W. W.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman I1loffatt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-11~Iayor Wharton, CeunciL-
men Moffatt, 114urphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Councilman tl'furphy moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present iu
the Council Chamber, who wishes
to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Counciltuan Thomp-
son. Carried by the following vote;
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Coamcil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Tlmmpson,
Van Duelman.
&Iessrs. Frank I{errig'an, Harold
Molo and Johu Grogan, members of
the Parking Advisory Committee,
discussed at some length witit the
City Council the parking' and traffic
problems and advised Council that
they were not prepared at this time
Councilmen j .....................................
l ......................................
Attest : ................................................
City Clerk.
Special Session, July 9th, 1946 207
14Iayor Wharton read the call and
~ stated that service thereof had
0 ~~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ been duly trade and that this meet-
ing' is called for the purpose of
(Officlall, canvassing the vote cast at the
Special Election of July 8th, 1946
Special Session, July, 9th, 1946, and acting on any other business
Council met at 7:30 P. M, as may properly conic be~'ore a
Present-~1~Iayor Wharton, Couu• reg~nlar meeting of the City Cotur
cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Tltomp- cll.
son, Van Duelman, City Mauag~er The vote of the Special Election
Rhontberg', of July Sth, 1946 was then ca~n-
llleetiug' called by or[ier of Coun- vassed and showed the following'
cilmen Thompson and Murphy. results:
Precincts Elech•ic Franchise Bus Franchise Total vote
I es No Yes No cast
First 295 6 294 G 306
Second 223 3 224 2 230
Third 158 S 150 S 179
Fourth 105 5 99 3 114
Fifth 244 6 235 6 250
Sixth 197 7 136 3 211
Seventh 77 4 68 4 84
Eighth 122 4 121 4 131
Ninth 8S 0 85 0 97
Tenth 193 6 193 5 207
Eleventh 93 7 9S 4 105
Twelfth 116 1 113 1 117
Thirteenth 161 9 150 7 137
Fom teenth 113 112 2 113
Fifteenth 102 98
Total 2295 2226
Resolu'.ion No. 98.46
Whereas a special municipal
election was held on July S, 1946,
in the City of Dubuque purusaut
to Special Ordinance No. 15-4G
finally passed by the City Council
on June 3, 1946, at which election
the following question or pro-
position was submitted to the elec-
tors of tha City of Dubuque, as
provided by the Statute of Iowa
namely, to-wit:
"Shall the Iltterstate Power Cont-
pany, its successors and assigns,
be grouted the right to erect, ex-
tend, maintain and operate its
existing' electric g~enerat-
ing, transmission and distribut-
fmt facilities and additions there•
to in, under, over, along, across,
and upon the streets, lanes, ave•
Hues, sidewalks, alleys, bridges,
parks, hig'Invays, and public pla-
ces in the L"ity of Dubuque and
subsequent additions thereto, for
the purpose of producing and
distributing electricity for sale
for light, heat, power, and other
purposes, to the said City and
the inhabitants thereof for a
period of twenty-five (25) years
as provided and upon the terms
and emxlitimts set forth iu the
Ordinance adopted by the City
208 Special Session, Jul}~ 9th, 1946
Council on the 3rd day of June,
Aud, jVhereas, the votes cast at
such election were canvassed by
the City Council on Juty 9, at a
special meeting of such City Coun-
cil called into session far said pur-
pose and the resuit found to be as
YES 2295
NO 72
rltid, Whereas, it appears froth
such canvass that a majority oY all
the electors voting' at said special
election voted in favor of the above
Naw, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That in compliance with the
wishes of the people expressed at
the special election held on Jttly
S, 1946, the above Electric Prau-
chise Special Ordinance is ap-
proved and ratified and the same
is hereby declared to be adopted.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 9th day of July, 1946.
tijr `fir MOFFATT
Attest: J, J. Shea
City Clerle.
Councflman 14furphy moved the
adoption of the resohution. Sec-
onded by Comtcilman Thompsmt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-D~Iayor 1Vhartmt, Council-
men 11oYfati, 11'hu'phy, Thompson,
Vau Duelmau.
Resolution No. 99-46
~~Fhereas, a special municipal
election was held on July 8, 1946,
in the City o[ Dubuque purusaut
to Special Or,liuauce No. 1G-4G fin-
ally passed by the City Council ou
June 3, 1946, at which election the
Yollowing question or proposition
was submitted to the electors of
the City of Dubuque, as provided
by the Statute of Iowa, namely, to-
"Shall the Interstate Power
Company, its successors and as-
si~is, be granted the right and
permission to operate basses for
public transportation as a cont-
mom carrier upon and along the
streets of tL•e City of Dubuque
in acoordauce with the laws of
the State of Iowa and the City of
Dubuque for a period of ten (10)
years as provided and upon the
terms and condition set forth iu
the Oi•dinauce adopted by the
City Council ou the 3rd day of
June, I94G,
And, «rhereas, the votes cast at
such election were canvassed by
the City Council on July 9, 1946, at
a special meeting of such City
Council called into session Yor said
purpose and Lhe result found to be
as follows:
YES 2226
Aud, Whereas, it appears from
such canvass that a majority of all
the electors voting' at said special
election voted in favm• oi'the above
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubagae:
That in compliance with the
wishes of the people expressed at
the special election held on July
S, 1946, the above Bus Franchise
Special Ordinance is approved and
ratified and the same is hereby de•
elated to be adopted,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 9th dap of July, 1946.
Attest: J. J. Shea
City Clerk.
Comtcilman lfoffat[ moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councihnan Van Duel•
ratan. Carried by the follorviug'
Yeas-11layor Whartmt, Council-
nteu iVloffatt, -Iurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
Original Notice of Suit of Geneva
I{nape, Plaintiff VS City Hof Du-
buque, Iowa, Defendant, in the
amount of ~1,OOQ.00 for injuries
sustained i^ a. fall on a sidewalk
approximately iu front of the prop-
erty sihtaied at 512 West Seven-
teenth Street, presented and read.
Cottncilmaa Thtontpsou moved that
Special Session, July 9th, 1946 209
the Original Notice of Suit be re- S
(erred to the City Solicitor. Sec- c
oudecl by Councihnan Moffatt, Car- a
vied by the following vote:
Teas-tiIayor Wharton, Council- b
men llotFatt, ~4urphy, Thompson, i
Vau Duehnan. h
Original Notice of Suit of Annie
Steffan, Plaintiff VS City of Du- t
buque, Iowa, Defendant, in the
amount of $x,000.00 for injuries re-
ceived in a fall on an icy sidewalk t
mt the south side of 14th Sheet at
a point about 15.20 feet west of the
southwest corner of the intersect-
ion of 14th and `Vhite Streets, Pre-
sented and read. Couueiintan Mof-
fatt moved that the Original Not-
ice of Suit fire referred to the City
Solicitor for investigation. Sec-
ouded by Councihnan 114urphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men 11loffait, NInrPlty, Thompson,
Vau Duelmau.
Communication of Cari V. Riley,
Sem°~tary, Dubuque Recreation
Amateur Baseball Association,
stating that the Assn. resttectfnlly
recmnmends that in the event
there is an opening in the Rem~e-
ation Commission they are sub-
mitting for Cotmci] consideration
the Warne of 1Ir. F. P. Delany fm'
membership on said Commission,
presented and road. Councilman
Nlohatt moved that the cmnmuni-
cation be referred to the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the following vote:
Leas-,l'Iapor Wharton, Council-
men 1Ioftatt, l'Iurphy, Thmnpson,
Van Duelmau.
Conununicatiou of the Telegraph
Herald, by Ralph H. Martin, Com-
mercial Printing Department, ask-
ing Derni',~simt to increase their
price to $3.00 pet' page for the
printing of the Council proceed-
ings, presented and read. Council-
man Van Duelmau moved that the
request be granted. Seconded by
Councihnan Moffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men -Ioffatt, i14ut'Phy, Thompson,
Vau Duelmau.
Petition of E. T. Frith and others
requesting the paving oY Humbolt
treet from Garfield Avenue to Lin-
oht Avenue, also the paving of the
]ley between Garfield Avenue and
Rhamberg Avenue between the 700
lock and the SDO block, also for the
nstallation of an elech'ic street
fight in the S00 block of Lincoln
Avenue, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duehnan moved
hat the petition he referred to the
Council to view the grounds. Sec-
onded by Cowtcihuatt Moffatt. Car•
•ied by the following vote:
Yeas-~4ayor Wharton, Comtcil-
nten -Ioffatt, -Iurphy, Thmupsou,
Vau Duehnan.
Conunnnicatiott of Wut. E. Ber-
geren, Assistant Director' for Devel-
opment and Reutilizatfmt, Federal
Public Housing Agency, Chicago,
I11., enclosing three application
farm for participation fn the tear
pm°ary housing program for vet-
erans and servicemen in the event
that the City is interested iit parti-
cipating iu this Program, and sub
g'esting that a request be submitted
so that the application may be on
file should sufficient facilities be
made available, presented and read.
Councihnan Murphy roved that
the City Clerk be instructed to re-
fer the couununicatiott to the Sec-
retary of the Veterans Horsing
Committee. Secmtded by Council-
man ]Moffatt Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Conncib
men lloftatt, lIurphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelma~n.
Communication of Frank R. I~er
rigan, Chairman of the ParL-ing
Committee, advising that the eom•
ntittee has no suggestiotns to stake
at this tine regarding the iustalla-
tiou of parking meters as the Conn
ntittee feels that they do not went
to make any recommendations mt
peters mail a survey is made by a
representative of the Bureau of
Public Affairs of the State Uuiver-
sit}~ of Iowa and reconuuending
that a levy of one-half mill he made
this year for the purpose of provid•
ing parking facilities, presented and
Councilman Van Duelmau ntovecl
that the communication be referred
to the Council for consideration.
210 Special Session, Jul}~ 9th, 1946
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following• vote:
Yeas--11'Iayor Wharton, Council-
men -'foffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Certificate of Library Tax Levy,
certified by tpe Board of 'Prttstees
oP the Public Library, determining
and filing the budget requirements
and tax levy Por the ensuing year
for library purposes in the amotntt
of yi{5,530.00, presented an[1 read.
Councilman 11'huphy moved that
the Certificate of Library Tax Levy
be referre[1 to the City Cotmcil for
consideration, Seconded b}' Council-
man 114offatt. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Peas-]1layor Whartmt, Council-
men Moffatt, -'Itu•phy, Tponrpsmr,
Van Duelman,
Ordinance No. 31-46. Au Ordi-
nance vacating the alley iretrveen
Auburn and Atlantic Streets run-
ning northerly from Custer Street
to Loral Boulevard in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, presented and real.
Couucilntan Van Duelman moved
that the reading just had be cmtsid-
ered the first reading of the ordi-
nance. Seconded by Couucihuau
-Iurphy. Carried by the following
Yeas-14aym' Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, -Imphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Couucihuau Van Duelman moved
that the rules be suspmrded requir-
iug an ordinance to be read on
tpree separate days. Seconded by
Couucihmatt 11Ioffatt. Carrie[l by the
Yeas-1layor Wharton, Cotmci]-
nteu Nloft'att, 1'Iurph}', Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
that the ordinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore its final adoption. Seconded py
Councilman Tpompson. Carried by
tpe follorviug vote:
Peas-Maym Wharton, Council•
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelntau.
Councilman lIurphy moved that
tpe roles be suspended far the pur-
pose of allowing' any one present in
the Council Chamber, who wishes
to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
man. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Tpompson,
Van Duelnmu,
11~Ir. Harry Bennett addressed the
Council requesting that the Roller
Rink to be operated on Rpomberg•
Avenue be required to install sani-
tary server connections befm°e they
be allowed to open up for business.
Jttly 3, 191G.
Honorable 1layor and
Members of tpe City Council,
Gentlemen: With reference to tpe
"Agreement" dated February 9,
19IG, between Interstate Power Co.
and the City of Dubuque, by the
Board of Dock Commissioners, and
the "Lease Agreement" dated Feb-
ruary 9, 194G, between the Virginia
Carolina Chemical Corporation and
the City of Dubuque, by the Board
of Dock Commissioners forwarded
to the City Council for the records,
I reconnnend that the same be filed
witp tpe City.
Tours truly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman -Iurphy moved that
the recommendation of City Solicit-
or I~intzing'er be approved, Second-
ed by Councilman lIoffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Teas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Dloffatt, Murphv, Tpompson,
Van Duelman.
July 3, 194G.
Honorable Mayor and
illembers of the City Catutci'..
Gentlemen: 1Vith reference to
plat of Burkhart Subdivision, I pave
examined same together witp Cer-
tificates required by Subdivision
Ordinance 23-45, and state teat the
same cmuplies therewith.
Section 5 of said ordinance fur-
ther provides an examiuatimr
should be made to ascertain
(1) Whether streets, alleys, boule-
vards, parks and public places
shall conform to the general plat
of the city and conduce to an m•-
derly development thereof, and
not conflict or interfere wtth
rights-of-rvay or extensions of
streets or alleys already estab-
Special Session, July 9th, 1946 211
lisped, or otherwise interfere
with tpe carrying out of the cont-
prepensive city plan, in case sucp
pas been adopted by sucp city.
If sucp plats shall conform to the
statutes of the state and ordi-
nances of such city, and if they
spell fall witpiu the general plan
for such city and the extensions
thereof, regard being' itad for pub-
lic streets, alleys, Parks, sewer
connections, water service, and
service of other utilities, then it
shall be the duty of said council
and couunissiou to in[lor°se their
approval upon the plat submitted
to it; provide[l that the city
council may as to plats oY laud
lying within the corporate limits
require as a condition of approval
oP sucp plats that the owner of
tpe land bring al] streets to a
grade accepiable to the council
and comply with such other rea-
sonaple requirements in regard to
installation of public utilities, or
other improvemmrts, as tpe Coun-
cil may deem regtitsite for the
protection of tpe Public interest.
I ant unable to report on tpis
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Comrcilntan Vau Duelman ntove[l
teat tpe report of City Solicitor
ISiutziuger together with the plat of
Burkhart Subdivision be approved
and the Mayor and Clerk authorized
and directed to execute approval of
said plat on behalf of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, Seconded by Coun-
cilman lllurphy. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Whartmt, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Jttl}~ 9, 1916.
To the Honorable NTayor and
City Cotmcil, Dubuque, Iowa,
Gentlemen: With the award of
the concrete paving contract by the
C.A.A. for tpe stu'faciug' of the run-
ways, tpe [levelopmeut of the nut-
nicipal airport by tpe Federal Gov-
ernment is entering one of its final
phases. There still remains the re-
latively minor matters of fencing'
and lighting to be contracted by the
C.A.A, The other needed facilities
such as administration building,
parking areas, hangars, water sup-
ply and sewage disposal, etc., de•
peed upon the initiative of the mu-
nicipality far their development,
Since tpe arrangements for tpe
[levelopment of the landing area
proper have been taken care of, the
mast pressing need is for an access
highway to the airport. For the pro-
per use of the field and for the con-
veuie~nce of the public it is neces-
sary that a highway be built on the
northerly side of the airport cmr
ueeting~ U, S. Highways No. Gl and
I recommend that rho City Coun-
cil petition tpe Iowa State Highway
Commission for the construction of
mt access highway as outlined.
Respectfully submitted,
City 114anager.
Cotmcihnau Tpompson move d
that the recommendation of City
Manager Rpomberg be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Maym° Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, DItu•phy, Thompsmt,
Vert Duelman.
Resoluton No. 100-46
ti~'hereas, L. B. Wertz, by L, B.
Wertz, pas filed with the City Coun-~
cil a request aslciug' for permission
to install an entrance stairs to es-
teud from the alley to the main
floor at the rear of G30 11'Iain Street,
Whereas, said matter was re-
ferred to the City Council to view
the grounds.
And ~17pereas, the City Council
pas viewed the grounds and is of
tpe opinion said request should be
And wpereas, Ann Ryan North
and Gertrude Ryan Cross are the
owners of the said real estate. Norv,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Ann Ryan North
and Gertrude Ryan Cross, their
heirs, successors and assigns be,
and they are hereby granted the
right and authority to install an en-
trance stairs to extend from Lpe al-
ley to the main floor at the rear
of. the puildiug at G30 Main Street.
Sec. 2. Tpat such constrttctimr is
to be done under the [lirectiou and
212 Special Session, July 9th, 1946
supervision of the Buildiug'Inspect-
or and City Manager, and under any
rules and regulations they Wray
Sec. 3. That the right to con-
struct and maintain said stairtivay
shall be subject to the continuous
conttrol of the City Council, resm'v-
ing the right to said City Council to
impose restrictions and conditions
upon the enjoyment thereof as may
be reasonably necessary for the pro-
tector of the public interests, iu-
chuliug the right to revoke and re-
scind the grant hereby made, if at
any time the public interests should
sa require.
Sec. 4. As a fm then cmtsidera-
tiou of the rights aatd privileges
herein grouted, said Anu Ryan
North and Gertrude Ryan Cross,
their successors and assigns, as-
smue any liability for damages to
persons or property which may re-
sttit Prom the construction and/or
maintenance of said stairway, and
said Ann Ryan North and Gertrude
Ryan Cross, their successors and as-
sig~tls, at their own expense, agrees
to defend any and all claims or ac-
tions which may be made or
brought ag~aiust the City because of
the construction and/or mainten-
ance of such stairway, and should
the City be required to pay any sutra
as damages, said Ann Ryan North
and Gertrude Ryan Crosa, their suc-
cessors and assigns, agree to fully
reimburse the City therefor and to
hold said City harmless Prom any
Sec. 5. Should the rights and
privi]eges herein granted be re-
scinded or revoked, said Ann Ryau
North and Gertrude Ryan Cross,
their successors and assigns, at
their own expense and upon re-
ceipt of notice by registered mail,
agrees, within 30 days after receipt
of such notice, to remove the sh'uc-
hu'e herein authorized and to re-
store the street in as goad condi-
tion as it was before said consh'uc-
Sec, G. This Resolution shall be-
come eYtective and the rights 'here-
under shall accrue to Ann Ryan
North and Gertrude Ryan Cross,
their successors and assigns, when
this Resolution has been passed by
the City Council and accepted by
said Ann Ryan North and Gertrude
Ryan Cm'ss, which acceptance shall
be endorsed hereon.
Passed, approved and adapted
this 9th day of July, 194G.
City Clerk.
N0. 100-4G.
Anu Ryan North and Gertrude
Ryan Cross, having full knowledge
and understanding' oP all the terms
and conditions of Resolution No.
100-4G, hereby accepts the same as
adopted and agrees to comply with
all the terms aucl conditions there-
Signed this 12th day of July,
Anu Ryan North and
Gertrude Ryan Cross.
Their Agent.
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resoltiou. Seconded
by Cuucihuan Dloffatt. Carried by
the follotviug vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman,
Resolution No. 101-46
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
following, having complied with the
Provisions of law relating to the
sale of cigarettes within the City oP
Dubuque, be granted a permit to
sell cigarettes and cigarette papers
within said City and the Manager is
directed to issue such permit mt be-
half oY said City.
Name. Address.
Phillip 11Iihalakis, S00 East 16th
Be It Further Resolved that the
baud filed with the application be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 9th day of July, 194G.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Special Session, Jul}' 9th, 1946 213
Couucilmau Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Cotmcihuau Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Malror Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, 11Itu•phy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 102-46
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
that it is deemed advisable to sell
the Northerly 140 feet of Lots 2 and
4 of Block D of Industrial Sub-
division in the City of Dubugtte,
Iowa, to John A. Armstrong for the
sum of Niue Thousand Niue Hmi-
dt~ed Forty Niue Dollars and Eighty
Ceuta ($9,949.30) and to execute a
quit claim deed of said premises to
said grantee and deliver the same
to him upon payment of said pur-
chase price.
Be It Further Resolved That the
lIayor and Clerk of said City of Du-
buque be, and they are hereby auth-
orized and directed to execute said
deed on behalf of the City of Du-
buque, and to affil thereto the of-
ficial seal of said City.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 9th day of July, 194G.
F. 1V. TH0:1'IPSON,
1~'. ZV. 11IOFFATT,
chial Schools; Arthm~ 11I. Bennett as
a member representing the Park
Board; Mrs. Julius C. Loosbrock;
Miss Anna B. Lowther; Mr. Leo F.
ll'IcDonough, Secmtded by Council-
man Mottatt. Carried by the follow-
ing' vote:
Yeas-Mayor' Wharton, Council-
men Itiloffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman,
There being no further business,
Cotmcihnan Vau Duelman moved to
adjourn, Seconded by Couucilmau
Mm'phy, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Counoil-
meu Nloffatt, bIurphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuau.
City Clerk.
Approved ....................................1946.
Adopted ......................................1946.
Councilmen : ......................................
Attest : ...............................................
Clty Clerk.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Conncihnau Van Duehuau moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car-
ried by the following'vote:
Peas-114ayor Vi'harton, Conucil-
meu 1loffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Couucilmau Vau Duelman moved
that the following named persons be
appointed as members of the 11Iu-
nicipal Playgrotmd and Recreation
Commission fm' the term expiring
July 2nd, 1949: Mayor Albert Whar-
ton and City RIauager A, A. Rhont-
berg~; Dr. V. B. Vanderloo as a
member representing the Board of
Education; 114ax Clark, Superinten-
dent of Public Schools; Rt. Rev. J.
M. Wolfe, Superintendent of Para-
214 Special Session, July 9th, 1946
Board of Health
Special Session, July 9th, 1946.
Board met at 8:56 P. M.
Present - Chairman A l b e r t
Wharton, Messrs W. W. Moffatt,
Geo. R. Murphy, F. W. Thomp-
son, Franlc Van Duelmau, City
' Manager Rhomberg.
~ i Communication of A. H. Wieters,
Director of Public Health Engine-
ering, State Department of Health,
advising of the receipt of a letter
from Mrs. Ella Ohnesorge com-
i plaiuing~ of a nuisance iu the street
~ iu front of her home at 1525 Lynn
~;; Street caused by the Parking of
If stock trucks and the dumping of
material in the street and request-
ing that the Local Board of Health
cause an investigation to be made
p~~ ~ of this matter and that he he in-
formed as to the findings of the
N i Local Board of Health and as to
Alr the action contemplated, presented
~ ~ and read. 11Ir. F. W. Thompson
Lj moved that the communication be
referred to the Health Director to
~ reply to NIr. A. H, Wieters as re-
quested iu his communication. Sec-
i onded by 1l'Ir. W, W. Moffatt. Car-
Tied by the following vote:
leas-Chairman Albert Wltar•
ton, Messrs W. IV. Nfoffatt, Geo.
~ R. -Iurphy, F, W. Thompson, Frank
' Van Duelmau.
~ There bellg' ll0 ftll'ther bUS1lleS5
~~ 14Il', F. W. Thompson moved that
~ the Board of Health meeting' ad-
journ. Seconded by Mr. W. ZV. Mof-
fat. Carried by the following vote:
i~ ~, leas-Chairman Albert SVhar-
I ton, Messrs vV. W. Moffatt, Geo.
!' R. 1'Iurphy, F. W. Thompson, Frank
4 Van Duelnau.
' J, J. Shea,
I Clerk, Board of Health,
i Approved - 1946.
Adopted 1946.
Members of
Board j .....................................
of Health I
II ~ ................................. .
I Attest : ... ............................... .....
~ Clerk, Board of Health.
Special Session, July lath, 1946 21S
City Council
Special Session, July 15th, 1946.
Council met at 7:30 P. M.
Present-Mayor ~Vhartou, Coun-
cilmen 114offati. Murphy, Thomp-
son, Vau Duelmau, City Manager
fleeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Van Duelmau and Thomp-
Mayor Wharton read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of con-
ducting a Public hearing on the
plans and specificatiotns, fm'm of
contract and cost of improvement
for Che clearing, grubbing, and
grading of Avalon, Broadlawu,
Morningviety, Chaney, O g i l b Y,
Mullin, Vallayview and H i 11-
c r e s t Roads. Also to con-
sider bids submitted for the above
grading projects, and acting on
any other business as may Properly
come before a regular meeting of
the City Council,
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pub-
lic hearing' upmt the plans and
specifications, form of contraci, and
cost of improvement for the clear-
ing, grubbing, and g~radiug of Ava•
lmt, Broadlawu, -4orningview, Cha•
ney, Ogilby, 14ullin, Valleyview
at~d Hillcrest Roads. No rn•itten
objections filed and no objectors
present a! the time set for said
hearing. Councilman Van Duelmau
moved that the proof of publicat-
ion be received and filed. Secmtded
by Cauncihuau Thompson, Carried
by the fo11o1ving' vote:
leas-IVlayor Wharton, Council•
Wren Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelma;t.
(Decisimt of Council upon object-
ions to plans, specifications, forte
of contract and cost of imprave-
have been ~approverl by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
public notice given as Provided by
Chapter' 23 of the Code of Iowa, 1939,
pertaining to public contracts and
hoods, and the time and place flsed
for the hearing' of all objections to
said plans, specification or contract
for or cost of such intprovemeuts,
said time being this 15th day of
July, 1946; and
SVhereas, the City Council met
in Special session this 15th day of
July, 194G, at 7:30 o'clock P. N1, at
the Council Chambers in the City
Hall for the purpose of hearing' all
interested parties and considering
any curl all objections which have
been Piled to the Pt'oPosed Plans,
specifications m° conh~act for or
cost of the improvement herein de-
scribed and proposed to be made;
Wherears, all interested parties
have been given an oPPot'tmtity to
be heard ant all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and emtsirlerecl; now,
Be It P.esolved by t:ne City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that mo
objections have been made and
filed to tl1,e plans, !specifications,
contract fat ar cost of said im-
provement herein described and
proposed to be made, and such
plans, specifications and form of
contract heretofore approved are
hereby adopted.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution c,ontaiuing the decision
of this Council be made a matter
of Permanent record in connectimt
with said improvement.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 15th day of July, 194G.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
Resolution No. 103.46
Whereas, Proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the clearing, grubbing and
grading of Avalon, Broadlawu,
lllorningview, Chaney, Ogilby, Mul-
lin, Valleyview and Hillcrest Roads
Councilman Van Duehuan moved
the adoption of the resolution.
Seconded ity Councilman Murphy
Carried by the following vote:
leas-Mayor Wharton, Couucil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelnau.
216 Special Session, July 1Sth, 1946
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice to grad-
ing contractors, for the clearing,
grubbing and grading of Avalon,
Broadlawu, IVloruiug'vfew, Chaney,
Ogilby, Mullin, Valleyview and Hill-
crest Roads, presented and read.
Councihuau Murphy moved that
the proof of publicatiott be received
artd filed. Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following
Yeas-lllayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman,
July 15, 1946.
To the Honorable 1layor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Pursuant to your iu•
structimts, sealed bibs were re-
ceived until 10:00 dcloelt A. M.
July 15, 191G for clearing, grubb-
ing oY Avalon, Broadlawu, Morning-
view, Chaney, Og~ilby, Mullin,- pal-
leyview and Hillcrest Roads iu the
territory recently annexed to the
Two bids were received: one
frmu I1lerle L. Caber of Dubuque
in the amount of $ll,06S.00 and the
other from Stunner S. Sollitt and
Company of Chicago for the sutra
of X9,053,40.
I recmnmend that, the contract
be awarded to Sunmet' S. Sollitt
and Company at their bid price
this being the lowest and best bid
Respectfully submitted,
A, A, Rhomberg.
City IlIauager.
Cauiuilutan Thompson moved
that the recommendation of City
Manager Rhomhet'g be approved.
Seconded iry Councihnau Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Teas--Iaym• Wharton, Cotmcil•
men Moffatt, 114urphY, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
P,esolution No. 104.46
tihhereas, proposals have been
submitted by contractors for the
clearing, grubbing and grading of
Avalmt, Broadlawu, -Iorningwiew,
Chaney, Og'ilby 11lullin, Valleyview
and Hillcrest Roads pursuant to
Resolution No. S5.4G and Sumner
S. Sollitt Company of Chicago, Ill-
iuois contractor, has submitted the
lowest bld for the furnishing of
all labor and materials and per•
forming the wont as provided for
in the plans and specifications;
now therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
contract for the above mentioned
improvement be awarded to Sum-
ner S. Sollitt and Company oY Chi-
cago, Illinois and the Manager be
and is hereby directed to execute
a contract oa behalf of the City of
Dubuque for the complete perfor-
mance of said work.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity become
effective froth and after its pas-
sage and adoption by the City
Approved and placed ou file for
one weep mt Jttly 15th, 1946,
Councilman 1lurplty moved that
the resolutimt be approved and
placed an file for public inspection
for at least one weep Seconded
by Councilman Van Duelman. Car•
ried by the tollowing rote;
Yeas-11layor Wlarton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Councilman 14urplY moved that
the rules be suspended for the ptu'-
pose of alloiviug any cue present
iu the Council Chamber, 'who
wishes to do so, to address the
Council. Seconded by Couucilntan
lfoffatt. Carried by the following
Yeas-lIa3ror 1Vharton, Council•
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of American Legion, Du•
buque Post Na. G, Amvets, Du•
buque Post No. 3 and Veterans of
Fm•eign Wars, by );, H. Laury, re.
questing' tlat the Mayor issue a
proclamation declaring August
11th a local loliday for the pur-
pose of commemorating' V-J Day
and also that permission be granted
for the holding of a parade, pre.
seated and read. Councilman
Tlompson moved that the request
for the holding of a parade be gran-
ted and the Mayor requested to
issue an appropriate proclamation
Special Session, JulS- 1Sth, 1946 21;?
as requested. Seconded by Councth
ratan 11Iurphy, Carried by the follow,
iug vote:
Y ear 14ayor Wharton, Cotmcil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
-Ir, B. A. Ruegnitz addressed
the Council asking' Council to assist
in preventing tot>rist travel front
being converted from the upper'
High Bridge or Wisconsin Bridge
across the new Julien Dubuque
High Bridge.
Conununication of Peter H. Ivlc
Carthy calling attention of the City
Council to his letter which was
presented and read at the Council
meeting' of April 2, 1945 malting
twenty-seven suggestions for fire
prev+ention~, at circuses, carnivals,
rooming houses and similar places
where large numbers of people
congregate and statiug'tlatiu view
of the Hotel Canfield fire he is re-
newing all suggestions trade in his
letter of April 2, 1945, presented
and read, -4r, Peter H. McCarthy
addressed the Council at some
IeugGt in support of his cmnnnwi-
c a t i on. Corm ciluan Thompson
moved tlat the couuuunicatimt be
referred to tle Council and Fire
Chief for further consideration,
Seconded iiy Councilman Vau Duel-
man• Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Alayor Wlarton, Council-
men Moitatt, -~Iurphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the verbal request for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer in have
Street be referred to the Council to
view the grounds, Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the
follotving~ vote:
Yeas-Mayor 1Vharton, Council-
men Moffatt, -Iutphy, Tlompson,
Van Duelman.
Certificate of Park Tax Levy de•
termining~ and fixing the budget re-
quirements and tax levy for the en-
sufng~year for park purposes show-
ing proposed expeudihtres in the
amount of $26,209.OQ of which the
amotmt of $22,509.00 is to he raised
by taxes, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the Certificate of Pat9t Tax
Levy be referred to the Council for
consideration. Seconded by Council-
man Murphy. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-lllayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, NIlu•phy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Certificate of Fire Pension Levy
determining and. fixing the budget
requirements and tax levy for the
ensuing' year for fire pension pur-
poses showing proposed expendi-
tures in the amount of $25,500.00, of
which the amount of $24,85D.00 is
to be raised by taxes, presented and
Councihuan Moffatt moved that
the Certificate of Fire Pension Levy
be referred to the Council fm• con-
sideration. Seconded by Council-
man Thompson. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men -Zoffatt, 11~&u°phy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Certificate of Fire Retirement
Levy determining the budget re-
quirements and tax levy for the en-
suing year for fire retirement pur•
poses showing proposed espeudi-
tures iu the amount of $13,D00.00, of
which the amount of X13,000.00 is
to be raised by taxes, presented
and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the Certificate of Fire Retirement
Levy be referred to the Council for
consideration. Seconded by Cotmcil-
ntan Thompson. Carried by the Yol-
lowiug vote:
Yeas-ItIaym' Wharton, Counci]-
meu 14offatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Certificate of Police Pension
Levy determining and fixing the
budget requirements and tax levy
for the ensuing' year far police pen-
sion purposes showing proposed es-
peudihu°es in the amount of
$13,950.00, of which the amount of
$13,500.00 is to be raised by taxes,
presented and read.
Councilman Tlompson move d
tlat the Certificate of Police Peu-
simt Levy be referred to the Coun-
cil for consideration. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman. Carried
by the following vote:
YeasMaym• Wharton, Couucil-
218 Special Session, July 15th, 1946
men L<loffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Certificate of Police Retirement
Levy determining and fising~ the
budget requirements and tax levy
for the ensuing year for police re-
tirement purposes showing pro-
posed expenditures in the ammmt
of $9,000.00, of which the amount of
$9,000.00 is to be raised by tales,
presented and read.
Councihuan Van Duelman moved
that the Certificate of Police Retire-
ment Levy be referred to the Cover
cil for consideration. Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-lIayor Wharton, Conncil-
nteu Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Pan Duelman.
Connnunicatiou of County Audi-
tor ~~,ykin advising that 'the Board
of Supervisors have accepted an of-
fer of $150.00 on Lots 47 and 48 of
Finley, Waples and Burton's Addi-
tion made by C. N. Klein, presented
and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the communication be referred
to the Council to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman -~Iurphy.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-1layor ~Vhartou, Council-
men, 11Ioffatt, -Ituphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuau.
Conuuuuication of County Audi-
tor Daykiu advising that the Board
of Supervisors have accepted an of-
fer of $150.00 ou Lots 22, 23, 24 and
25 of 1lineral Lot 39 made by lllar-
garet Steichen, presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the communication be referred to
the Council to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
man. Carried by the following
Yeas-11'fayor Whartmt, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thmnpsou,
Van Duehuau,
Interstate Potver Company.
Dubuque, Iowa, July 9, 1946.
To: The 1layor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa,
Attention: Mr. J. J. Shea,
City Clerk,
Interstate Power Company, a
Delaware corporatimt, by its Presi-
dent, hereby accepts the Electric
Franchise far a twenty-five-year
period, grouted by fhe Gity Oouuci]
of the City of Dubuque, County of
Dubuque, State of Iowa, approved
on the 3rd day of Jmte, 1946, by
Ordinance No. 15-1G and approved
by the electors of the City of Du-
buque at the election held on July
3, 1946.
Interstate Power Company
By B. F. Pickard
Attest: Oscar Solberg
Dated this 9th day of July, 1946.
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
that the comnumication be received
and made a matter of record. Sec•
onded by Councilman llofiatt. Car•
Tied by the following vote:
Yeas-l~layor Wharton, Couueil•
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Interstate Power Company
Dubuque, Iowa, July 9, 1946
To: Thellayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
Comtty, Iowa..
Attention: D'Ir. J. J, Shea, City
Interstate Potver Cmupauy, a
Delaware corpm~ation, by its Presi•
dent, hereby accepts the Bus Fran-
chise for aten-year period, granted
by the City council of tke City of
Dubuque, County of Dubuque, State
of Iowa, approved on the 3rd day
of June, 19111, by Ordinance No.
16-4G and approved by the electors
of the City of Dubuque at the elect•
ion held on July 3, 19~l6,
htterstate Power Company
P,y B, F. Pickard
Attest: Oscar Solberg
Dated this 9th day of July, 1946.
Comtcilman Moffatt moved that
the Communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Couucflmau Murphy. Carried by
the Yollowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
nten Moliatt, Mtu•phy, Thompson,
Vait Duelman.
Conununication o f Mc Vaugh-
Hayues Company, by Edwin Mc-
Special Session, July 15th, 19'46 219
Vaugh, submitting letter with re-
spect to tha application of Daniel
Smothers for the Positimi of Super-
iutendent of 1laiuteuance for the
Dubuque l4unicipal Airport, pre-
sented and read. Councilman l4ur-
phy moved that the conuuunication
be received and made co`taciltna f
record. Seconded by
Moffatt. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Cou~cil-
men Moffatt, Nhu°phy, Thompson,
Vau Duehuau.
Connnmiication of The Dubuque
& 1isconsin Bridge Co, by L. H.
Brede, President, advising' Council
of the Pt'oPosed re-routing of U. S.
Highways Nos. Gl and 151 via of
East Dubuque and the new Julien
Dubuque Bridge and stating that
the stockholders of this company
wish to Protest vigorously ag'aiust
the diverting of this highway
traffic away from their bridge and
the retail interests of the City and
asking the City Council to use all
of their authority and influence
for the continuance of the estab-
lished route through the City to
Wisconsin, presented and read.
Councihuan Vau Duelnan moved
that the City Clerk be directed to
forward copies of the conuuuuicat-
ion to the Iowa State Highway
Connnission, the Chamber of Com-
merce, the Retail NIercha.nts
Bureau, the Trades and Labor Con-
gress and the Dubuque Automobile
Club for their consideration. Sec-
onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yoas-Mayo;' Whartmi, Council-
men 1Ioffatt, DIurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Connnnnicatiou of H. B. McCar•
ten calling attention of the City
Council to the deplorable condition
of Robinson Street Prom a point
where the concrete pavir_g ends to
where it intersects with University
Avenue and requesting' that t7tis
street be Put iu usable cmidition,
presented and read.
Comrcilnan D4urphy moved that
the connnunfcation be referred to
the Council to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman ThotnP-
son. Carried ity the following vote:
Yeas-MaYot' Wharton, Couucil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Communication of Edward J.
Kelly, Executive Secretary of In-
ternational Association of Chiefs of
Police, extending invitation to Pol-
ice Chief Str•ub to attend the An-
nual Conference to be held in
Mexico City from September 23rd
to 2 i th, inclusive, presented and
Councilman Van Duehuau moved
that Chief of Police Strub lle au-
thm•ized to attend the conference,
the expenses to be Paid by the City
of Dubuque. Seconded by Council-
man 1~Iurphy, Carried by the fol-
lowing' vote:
Yeas-k'IaYot' IVharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 105-46
Be It Resoh~ed by the City Couu-
ci1 of the City of Dubuque that the
following, having complied with
the Provisions of law relating to
the sale of cigarettes within the
City of Dubuque, be granted a pm°-
mit to sell cigarettes and °~at tke
papers within said City
Manager is directed to issue such
Pet-mit on behalf of said City.
Name Address
john -~I. Naue, 1205 Cleveland
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed with the application be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 15th day of July, 1946.
~~r, 'vV. MOFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman N[urplty moved the
adoption of the resohttion. Second-
ed by Councihuan Moffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-MaYot' Wkartou, Council•
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vatt Duelman.
220 Special Session, July 15th, 1946
Resolution No. 106-46
Be It Resolved by the City Couu•
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
that it is deemed advisable to sell
Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of Lot 2 of part of
Out Lot i35 to Thmuas J. llulgrew
for the sum of Six Thousand and
No-100 ($6,000.00) Dollars and to
execute a quit claim deed of said
premises to said grantee and de-
liver the saute to him upon the
payment of said purchase price.
Be It Further Resolved that the
-'Iayor and Clerk of said City of
Dubuque, be, and they are hereby
authm•ized to execute said deed on
behalf of the City of Dubuque and
to affix thereto the official seal of
said city.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 15th day of July, 1946.
~V, \1'. 11IOFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman llotfatt moved the
adoption of the resolution, Second-
ed by Comtcilman 14urphy. Carried
by the following vote:
Peas-11laym• Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
There being no further business
Councilman Vau Duelnan moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Coumcilntau
'phompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Peas-Mayor jVhartou, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelntau.
Approved .............................. 1946
Adopted ..................................., 1946.
Councilmen : ......................................
Attest : ..............................................
City Clerk
Special Session, July 22nd, 1946 221
City Couneil
Special Session, July 22nd, 1946.
Council met at i : 30 p.m.
Present--'Iayor Wharton, Coun-
cilmen Moffatt, Mw°phy, Thompson,
Van Duelman, City -4anag'er Rhom
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Vau Duelman and Thomp-
Mayor ~Vhartou read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly ntacle and that this meeting
is called far the purpose of cousid-
ering~ the bids submitted for the
paving of Euclid and Harlan Streets
and acting mt any other business
as may Properly come before a regu-
lar meeting of the City Council.
Proof of publicatimt, certified to
by the publishers, of notice to con-
tractors of the receipt of proposals
for the paving of Harlan Street
from the present pavement in Wind-
sor Avenue to approximately the
east property line of Sheridan
Street north, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun-
cilman tl'Ioffatt. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Peas-114ayor Vlharton, Council-
men lIoffatt, 11Iurphy, Thmnpson,
Van Duelman,
July 22, 194G
To the Hmtorable lllayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: Pursuant to your
instructions sealed bids were re-
ceived until 10:00 a.nt. July 22,
194G for the paving of Harlan Street
from the present pavement iu Wind-
sor Avenue to the east property line
of Sheridan Street to the north.
Two bids were received as follows:
Saul Brothers, Dubuque, Iowa,
amount $4,857.85.
Thos. Flynn Coal Co., Dubuque,
Iowa, amount, $4,581.50,
I reconmteud that, when waivers
and agreements to pay the assessed
costs can be obtained from the prop-
erty owners, the contract be award-
ed to the Thos. Flynn Coal Co, at
the bid price, this tieing the lowest
and best bid received.
Respectfully submitted
City Manager
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
that the reconnneudation of City
Manager Rhomberg be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt,
Carried by the following vote:
Peas-D4ayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Mm•phy, Thontpsan,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 107-46
Whereas, Proposals have been
submitted by contractors for the
paving of Harlan Street from the
present paavement in Windsor Av
enue to approximately the east
property line of Sheridan Street
north pursuant to Resolution No.
S7 46 and Thos. Flynn Coal Com-
pany cmttractm~, has submitted the
lowest bid for the furnishing of all
labor and materials and perfm°tuing~
the work as provided for iu the
plans and specifications; now there-
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
contract for the above mentioned
improvement be awarded to Thos.
Flynn Coal Company and the llana•
g~er he and he is hereby directed
to execute a contract on behalf of
the City of Dubuque for the tour
plete performance of said work.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resohrtimt being deemed urg~eut, and
of iuunediate necessity become ef-
fective front and after its Pa'ssa~ge
and adoption by the City Council.
Approved and placed on file fm'
one week ou July 22nd 1946.
Councilman ilfurphy moved that
the resolutiml be approved and
placed on file for public inspection.
Secmuled by Councilman ilIoffatt.
Carried by the following vote;
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Counci]-
nten Moffatt, illurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelnan
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice to con-
tractors of the receipt of proposals
for the Paving of Euclid Street froth
the present pavement in Windsor
Avenue to approximately twenty-
222 Special Session, Ju15' 22nd, 1946
two feet west of the east property
line of Sheridan Street, presented
and read.
Councilman 1loffatt moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Secmtded by Councilman
Murphy. Carried by the following
Peas-112ayor Wharton, Cottncil-
men -Ioffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duehnan.
July 22, 194G
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: Pm'suant to your in-
sh'uetimts sealed bids were received
until 10:00 a.m. July 22, 1946 for
the paving of Euclid Street firom
the present pavement in Windsor
AZ°enue to approximately twenty-
two feet west of the east property
line of Sheridan Street. Two bids
were received as Follows:
Saul Brothers, Dubuque, Iowa,
amount X5,057.40.
Thos. Flynn Coal Co., Dubuque,
Iowa, amount $4,770.00
I recommend that, when waivers
and agreements to pay the as-
sessed costs can be obtained from
the property owners, the contract
he awarded to the Thos. Flynn Coal
Co. at the bid price, this being the
lowest and best bill received.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Vau Duehnan moved
that the recommendation of City
11lanager Rhomberg be approved.
Seconded by Conncihuau Thmnp-
son. Carried by the following vote:
Peas-iliayor jVhartou, Couucii-
nten Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
Resolution No. 10846
Whereas, proposals have been
submitted by contractors for the
paving of Euclid Street from the
present pavement iu Windsor Av-
enue to approximately twenty-two
feet west of the east property line
of Sheridan Street pursuant to
Resolution No. 89-46 and Thos.
Flynn Coal Coutpany contractor,
has submitted the lowest bid for
the fiu•nishing of all labor and ma•
terials and performing the work as
provided for in the plans and speci•
fications; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun•
ci] of the City of Dubuque that the
contract for the above mentioned
improvement be awarded to Thos,
Flynn Coal Company and the il'Iana-
ger be and he is hereby directed
to execute a contract on behalf of
the City of Dubuque for the com-
plete perfm~mauce of said work.
Be It Farther Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent and
of immediate necessity become ef-
fective from and after its passage
and adoption by the City Council.
Approved and placed mt file for
one week on July 22nd 1946.
Conncihuau 'Thompson moved
that the resolution he approved
and placed on file for public in-
spection. Seconded by Councilman
Murphy. Carried by the following
Peas-1layor Wharton, Council-
men IS4offatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelntan.
Conncihuau -Iurphy moved that
the rules be suspended far the pur•
Pose of allowing any one present
in the Council Chamber, who wishes
to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Thmnp-
sou, Carried by the following vote:
Fea~ll~Iayor Wharton, Couucil•
nteu Moffatt, 111urphy, Thompson,
Van Duehnan.
14r. A. Neotivoehner addressed the
Council asking' that the Zoning Re-
quirements mt housing' be lifted in
order that lll•. Brady and family
be allowed to occupy a temporary
apartment at the 1Volf Berk garage
located iu the 1100 block on Locust
Street. ItI1•. A, Neuwoehuer was ad-
vised to submit an application di-
rect to the Flauuiug~ and Zouiug
Commission for their consideration.
lfessrs 'P. J. Mulgrew II and h•-
viu W. Dourer addressed the Coun-
cil stating that they were G. I. Air
Pilots and asking that their request
be placed on record as being' de-
sirous to operate the new Airport,
with concession privileges, when
same is ready for operation and re-
gnestiug that in the meantime that
they be allowed to operate at the
present Airport in conjunction with
the present operator.
Special Session, Jnl}' 22nd, 1946 2?~
Councilman Murphy moved that
the verbal request of T, J. Mulgrew
and Irvin W, Donner he referred
to the Council for consideration,
Seconded by Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Leas--fayor Wharton, Council-
men Moft'att, I14urphy, Thompson,
Van Duelntan.
Ames, Iowa, July 19, 1946
-Ir. J. J. Shea, City Clerk
Dubuque, Iowa,
Dear llr, Shea: Receipt is ac-
knowledged of your letter of July
17th with which you forwarded to
us as directed by your City Council
on July 15th, a copy of a comuumi-
cation dated July 11, 1946 by the
Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge
Company objecting' to chaug'iug the
routing of U S Road Number G1 and
151 so as to cross the Mississippi
River on the Julien Dubuque
I will call this matter to the at•
tentiou of the State Highway Gam-
ntission at its ue~t meeting.
Pours very truly,
Chief Engineer
Councilman Murphy moved that
the cmnmuuication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councihnau -fotfatt, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor 1~'harton, Council-
men Dloffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelntan
Certificate of the Playground and
Recreation Commission certifying
the budget requirements and tax
levy for playground and swimming
pool purposes in the amount of
$23,532.00 of which amount the sum
of X18,007.00 is to be raised by taxa-
tion, presented and read,
Councilman Van Duehnan moved
that the Certificate of the Play-
ground and Swiuuuing Pool Tax
Levy be referred to the Council
fm• consideration. Secmided by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas-IVfayor Wharton, Council-
men I1loffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duehnan
Communication of the Board o
Dock Commissioners submitting
budget estimate in the amount of
$28,139.00 for the year 1947-1948,
presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the communication and budget
estimate be referred to the Coun-
cil for consideration. Seconded by
Councilman Murphy, Carried by the
following vote:
Peas--~favor Wharton, Council-
men Ahoffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Pan Duehnan,
Nay s-None,
Communication of J. A. I{erper
submitting a copy of resolution
adopted l,ty the Retail 114erchants
Bureau endorsing the reconuneuda-
tion of the Mayor's Parking Cont-
mitte~e in which they m•ge the City
Council to carry out the Conunit-
tees recommendations aslting that
a tax levy of one-half mill be pro-
vided in the budget for the ensuing
fiscal year far the purpose of es-
tablishing a ii d maintaining off-
street parking lots, presented and
bouncilnan Moffatt moved that
the communication and resolution
be referred to the Conned Yor con-
sideration. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
Leas-14ayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duehnan.
Resoltttion of the Planning' and
Zoning Commission requesting
the City Council to appropri-
ate the sum of X5,000.00 to
enable the City Planning and Zon-
ing Commission to secure the ser-
vices of a h•ained City Planner and
Traffic Expert who shall undertake
studies as Promptly as possible to
alleviate the housing and traffic
cmtditions, presented and read,
Conncihuau -furphy moved that
the resolution be referred to the
Couucil for consideration. Second-
ed by Councihnau Thompson. Car-
ried by the following voter
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelmau.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the Council recess to consider the
budget requests as submitted by
f the Playground and Recreation
Couuuission, the Board of Dock
Special Session, Jul~r 22nd, 1946 Z~.'
224 Special Session, July 22nd, 1946
Cmnntissimters, the Retail Mer-
chants Bureau for Mayor's Park-
ing Couuuittee and the Planning
soft Zoning Conunission. Seconded
by Councilntau Thompson. Carried
by the following vote:
Teas-Mayor Wharton, Conucil-
men Moffatt, 11lurphy, Thompson,
Vau Duehuan.
Council recessed at 5:25 p.m, and
reconvened at 3:35 p.m.
Petition of the Baxter Mfg. Coui-
pauy requesting consent to remove
and replace their present loading
dock mt the Jackson Street side
of their factory building, presented
and read.
Councilman Ilfurphy moved that
the petition be referred to the
Council to view the grounds. Sec-
onded by Councihuau Thmnpson.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-bIayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman,
Petitimt of Willis J. Becker et al
resident property owners in the
area from 1Vest 16th and Catherine
Streets to 033 West 10th Street re-
questingpermission to connect with
the sanitary server, presented autl
Councihuan Thompseu moved
that the petition be referred to the
Cotmcil to view the grounds. Sec-
onded by Couucihuau 11lurphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
I eas-Niayor Wharton, Council-
men 11loffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelntan.
Resolution No. 97-46
Whereas, The revenue iu~certain
funds of the municipality set out
iu the within application is inade-
quate to meet the actual and neces-
sary expenses which must be paid
from said funds and any estraorclin-
ary or unforseeu expense which
may arise duritrg' the ensuing fis-
cal year; and
Whereas, The inadequacy of the
revenue referred to is deemed to
constitute an emergency which re-
quires the levy of an emerg~eucy
tax; therefore
Be It resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County, Iowa, that the State Comp•
troller be and is hereby petitioned
for approval to levy an emergency
tax Yor the year 1946, in the sum
of twenty-four thousand ($24,000),
(not exceediug~ one mill) said tax
to be used as set out below.
The Consolidated Fund is to he
benefited by the transfer of $24,-
000.DO (rout the Emergency Fund.
This is necessary because of the
greatly increased costs of salaries,
wages and supplies already in ef-
fect which may further be increas-
ed by any extraordinary or unfor-
seen circumstances which may arise
during the year 1947-1943.
(Presiding officer) Albert Wharton
(Secretarial officer) J. J. Shea
City Clerk
The foregoing resolution was
adopted at a Regular Council meet-
ing held on the 1st day of July A.D,
The vote thereon was as follows:
Peas: -layor Wharton, Council•
men Frank Van Duelntan, F. W.
Thompson, Geo. R. Murphy, W. W.
The above applicatimt and reso-
lution having been filed with the
State Comptroller, approval to levy
the emergency tax in a sum not ex-
ceeding the amount authorized by
law is hereby granted this 1S day
of Jtfly, 194G. Approval subject to
no objections at budget hearing.
State Comptroller
Cowtcilman D'furphy moved that
the approval of C. Fred Porter,
State Comptroller of Resohltimt No.
97.46, a resolution and application
for approval to levy an emergency
tax in the sum of $24,000.00, be re-
ceived and made a matter of rec-
ord. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Teas-il7ayor Wharton, Council•
men -'loffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of the official
publication of Electric Franchise
Special Ordinance, Ordinance No.
15-96, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duehuan moved
that the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun-
cilman -Zoffatt. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Leas-lfayor Wharton, Council-
meu Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
An ordinance granting to tDelaware
elate Power Company,
Corporation, its successors, and as-
signs, the right [o erect, maintain,
and operate its existing electric
generating, transmission, and dis-
tribution facilities and additions
thereto, in, under, over, along,
across, and upon the streets, lanes,
avenue, sidewalks, alleys, bridges,
parks, highways, and other public
places in the City of Dubuque and
subsequent additions thereto, for
the purpose of producing and dis-
tributing electricity for sale to said
city and the inhabitants thereof, for
light, heat, power, and other pur-
poses for a Period of twenty-five
(25) years, and regulating the same.
repealing all existing franchise ordi-
nances heretofore granted to Inter-
state Potiver Cmnpany or its prede-
cessors affecting the production and
distribution of electricity in the
City of Dubuque and requiring the
surrender of all rights thereto by
the Grantee or its assigns therein;
and providing for the submission oP
said Ordinance Co cote oP the le-
gal3e~it ordaineddby~theoCitypCounl-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
[n consideration oP the Caithful per-
ormance and observance of the con
3itimts and reservations hereinafte
pecified, the right is hereby grante
o the [nterstate Power Company,
:m'POt~ation organized under the law
of the State of Delaware, its success
m's and assigns, hereinafter referre
[o as the Company, the right to erect
naintain, and operate its existin
electric generating', transmission, an
distributimt facilities and addct~os
thereto, in, under, over, along,
and upon the streets,btidges at park.
sidewalks, alleys,
highways, and other public places i
the City °f SECTI0~1 a1L subseque
additions thereto, for the purpose
producing and distributing elech•ici
for sale to said City and the inhab
tarts thereof, for light, heat, powe
and other purposes in accm•dan
with the laws of the State of lot
and the ordinances and regulatio
of the City of Dubuque, for a pets
of twenty-five (25) Sears followit
ulfillmettt of Section }iiZ' hereof.
The Company's transmission a
distributio^ system poles, wires, a
appurtenances shall be located, ere
ed, and maintained sn as to not e
dangm- a• interfere with the lives
persons er to interfere with any i
provements the City may deem Prot
to make, or to unncessarily hinder
obstruct the free use of tha sU•e
alleys, bridges, or other public pr
The City Council, under reasons
regulations, reserves the right
require the Company to place its con-
ductors underground and to desig-
nate the districts in winch such work
thell riemoval o ot1edelocation oof po gist
wires and other apPUrtenances erect-
>,d by the Company, whenever, in the
udgment of the City Council, such
action is necessary in the public in-
erest, and the Company shall forth-
ions card ldireclivesyin nsuch smatters
.t its own expense.
Construction and maintenance of
he transmission and distributimt sys-
em shall be in accordance with the
pecifications contained in the pub-
ication titled "Safety Rules for the
Installation oY Electric Tltilizatioat
S nttesttBureau1eofaStandards,ein force
at the time of construction, and un-
dhe rlestricrionstsand controlljoPtthe
city Council.
In the maintenance and operation of
is electric transmission and disU•Ibu-
,ion system in the streets, alleys, and
tther public places and in the course
iY any new construction or additions
o Its facilities, the Company shall
)roceed so as to cause the least pos-
ible inconvenience o°obshvcg[ion in
mbllc; any opening,
the streets or other public places,
made by the Company in the course
of its operations, shall be guarded and
protected at all times by the place-
ment of adequate harriers, fences, or
hoardings, the bounds of which dur-
ing periods of dusk and darkness
shall be clearly designated by red
warning lights. shall tape
[Vhenever the ComD~vement, side-
tip or disturb any l
walk, or other imProoPUOtheropull
street, avenue, alley,
_ place, the same shall ho replaced and
r the surface restored in as good cor-
d dition as before entry within forty-
a eight boors after completion of the
s Oompan}''s wm•I<. [;pon thefailure of
the Company to make sorh[oeslfegin
d lion within such time,
such restoration within such time,
~ If the restoration cannot be made
d within such time, m' upon the Corn-
s nanv's delay of more than 2I hours in
s the continuation oP a restoration be-
s Pun, the City may serve upon [he
s Company notice of the City's intent
^ to cause the restoration to be made
nt and, unless the Company withi^
twenty-fear hours after receipt oY
of such notice begins or resmnes the
ty restoration, the City may cause the
i- proper restoration to be made, includ-
r ing the removal of excess dirt, and
the expense of same shall be Dail b}'
ce the Company upon rlemnnd by the
to City.
od The Company shall at all bores
tg romplr with any and all rules and
regulations which the C1ty has made
nd or ma}' make applying to the Public
^d generally with reference to the re-
ct- n104a1 nr replacement of pavements
n- and [o excavations in streets and
of other public places, not inconsistent
m_ with their use for the purposes con-
tot, templated in this ordinance.
ets, In consideration of the rights grant-
op- ed in Section L hereof, the Cmnpany
agrees and binds Itself to extend its
bin giants foa electric servlcea vhose dwell-
226 Special Session, July 22nd, 1946
ing or places of business located
within the City of Dubuque, shall
have been wired for electricity and
who in good faith have entered into
ar signified their willingness to enter
nto a conU'act for such service, pro-
dded; the Company shall not be re-
]uired to extend its distribution lines,
xchtsive of service drop, in excess of
me hundred and fifty (100) feet for
~ach customer served, except as fol-
In the event that an extension of
fine in excess of one hundred and
fifty (150) feet for each custmner to
be served therefrom is required, the
Company shall not be required to ex-
pend far such extension a sum great-
er tha^ three (3) times the total of
the estimated annual revenue to be
derived from the custou~er or cus-
lmuers to be served by said Ilse, and
the customer m' customers to ~e
served shall be required to pay in ad-
dition to the regularly prescribed
rates for electricity, a monthly serv-
ice charge to coyer the cost of addi-
tional filed charges and maintenance,
equal to their proportionate share oP
one Per cent 11% 1 of the cost of the
tine extension in excess of one Inur
dred and fifty (150) feet oP length per
customer served. Said service charge
shall be paid for a period of sixty
(f,0) months or until such time as the
total length of line in feet divided icy
the number of customers screed
therefrom is one hundred and fifty
(15D) feet or less whichever is the
lesser period of time.
The electric service rendered oy
.he Company shall be subject at all
imes to regulations Promulgated by
he City Council.
The Company shall have the right
.o prescribe reasonable service rules
,nd regulations for the conduct of its
business not inconsistent with fire
provisions of this Ordinance and a
copy of such service rules and regula-
tions shall be Kept on file at all times
with the City Clerk.
The City has, by an Ordllrance of
even date herewith, granted by a
franchise to the Cmnpany the right
and permission to operate busses far
public transpm•tation (hereinafter
called "Bus Franchise") upon and
along the streets oP the City of Dtt-
huque for a period of ten years, and
it is further expressly understood and
agreed that if the Electric Franchise
hereby granted be lawfully forfeited
by the City because the Company
has abandoned the op?ration of its
electric distributing system, or other-
wise, then and in such event the City
may, at its option, also forfeit the
Bus Franchise by its declaration so to
do. R is further agreed that the
Company may, with [he consent and
approval of the City Ccuneil, sell and
transfer its Bus Franchise, and that
any such sale m• transfer will not
constitute a forfeitw'e of either
'Phe rates to be charged Cor elec-
tricity sold to the Cily of Dubuque
and to private consumers within the
City oY Dubuque shall be subject to
the control and regulations oP the
City Council of the City of Dubuque;
provided that such rates shall he lust,
fair, reasonable and compensatory,
and shall not be fixed until after rea-
sonable ^otice has been given to the
Company of the intention of the City
Council to fix same. Regulations oY
rates shall he subject to any and all
statutes relative thereto now or here-
after enacted by competent authority.
For the purpose of keeping the
City Council infm•med as to the rea-
sonableness of the rates in effect for
he sale oP electricity in the Clty oP
)ubuque, the Cmnpany agrees that on
.r before the thirty-first day of each
7,Iay during the life of this Ordinance,
t will File with the City Council, a
tatement entering the results of its
rperations within the City oY Du-
xrque during the twelve month period
ending with the thirty-first day of
)ecember preceding the month in
which die report is rendered, showing
he amount of revenues received from
.he sale oi' electrlciq~, the expense
.nd other charges incurred in render-
ng such service, together with a
tatemenl of the value of the property
.nd Plant account clearly setting out
the arlrlitions and retirements made
during the period mtrered by the re-
port, all iu sufficient detail for rea-
s~nnable examination and determina-
tion of the adequacy m• inadegttac}' of
the rates then in effect.
Ln the scent of any rate proceed-
ngs, the Company shall afford the
City Couu cil or any Person m• persona
employed by it, free access to its
boobs and recm'ds necessar7 to estab-
lish the adequacy or inadequacy of
the rates then in effect or proposed.
The distribution system oI the
L'ompany now being operated m- here-
after installed shall not be abandoned
either in whole or in part, without
the written consent of fire City Coun-
In the even[ of any failure un the
part of the Company to render elec-
tric service to the City of Dubuque
and the inhabitants [hereof as con-
lemnlated and provided for by this
Ordinance, the City Council shall
have the right, upon reasonable not•
ice ro the Company, tr, decare this
Ordinance and the rights and fran-
chise °ranted thereunder fofrfeited,
provitled however, failure to operate
~by reason of causes beyond the rea-
sonable control of the Company shall
not be sufficient grounds to declare
a forfeiture.
Should the City of Dubuque desire
to acquire by purchase the generating
plant and the transmissiot and dis-
lributicn system serving the City of
Dubuque and tits inhabitants thereof,
it shall at the expiration of any five
year period from and after [he first
day of September, 1946, give the Com-
pany ninety days notice in writing of
its intention, whereupon the Cmnpany
and the City shall each name one rep-
resentative and the two so named will
choose a third party who shall be a
competent appraisal engineer, who,
with [hem, shall constitute a Board
of Appraisal which shall immediately
proceed to determine the actual va-lue
of the generating plant and transmis-
sion and distribution system serving
the City of Dubuque, taking into
consideration all elements of value
recognised by competent authority
and law, but without including any
slue for the franchise herein grant-
Special Session, July 22nd, 1946 227
ed. Such value when determined shall and heretofore owned or held byorsain
be binding upon both parties subject Interstate Power Company,
only to the approval of any duly con- which said Company has or had an
s[ituted regulatory body or commis- effecthe da[el ofethisaOrdinance, the
lion whose aUUroval is required by
[J PO^ Pan'tent by the City of an
amount equal to the agreed value of
the generating plant and U•ensm fission
and distribution system serving the
City of Dubuque, the Company, its
successors and assigns, shall deliver
and convey to the City tree and clear
of all incmnbrances all rights and
title in and to said property and ail
rights, privileges and franchises
grouted herein to the Company shall
he terminated.
The Company shall indemnify and
hold the City harmless at all times
during the term of this grant, frmn
and against all claims for injury or
damages to persons or Property, both
real and Personal, caused by the con-
struction, erection, operation or main-
tenance of any structure, equipment
appliance m products authorized or
used pursuant to authority of this
The Cmnpany, upon receipt of due
notice in writing from the City, shall
defend at its own expense, any ao-
tion or proceeding against the City
of Dubuque arising fi•mn the Com-
pany's activities in the operation of
its electric system. Should a lodgment
be rendered against the City in any
such action, the amount of such judg-
men± and costs she-ll be conclusive
against the Company in any action
brought by the City against the Cwn-
pang as to the liability and the
vnount of damages.
"Phe Company shall grant to the
City, free of expense, joint use of any
and all poles owned or controlled by
it fur any Proper municipal purpose
accePtr~ole to the Company in so far
as may be done without interfering
with the free use and enjoyment of
the Company's otvn wires and fix-
tures, and the City shall hold the
grantee harmless fi•om any and all
actions, causes of action or damage
caused m' accruing directly m• indi-
rectly by or through the Placing of
the City's wires or appurtenances
upon the voles of the grantee. Prop-
er regard shall be given to all exist-
ing safety rules governing cmrstruc-
tion and maintenance in effect at the
time of construction.
Should any section, clause or pro-
vision of this Ordinance he declared
invalid by a court of record same
shall not affect the validity oP the
Ordinance as a whole or any part
thereof, other than the part so de-
clared invalid.
This Ordinance when duly ratified
by the electors oP the City of Dm
mque, Iowa and accepted byshall the
erstate Power Company,
nutually binding upon bath Uartles,
their successors and assigns, and it
Is understood between the parties
hereto that upon the taking effect of
this Ordinance, all franchise rights
and privileges granted heretofore for
the generation, transmission and dis-
tribution and sale of electricity, hY
the City ofersm~ufirm for corporation,
company, p
This Ordinance shall tale effect
and be in force on and after its pass-
age by the City Council, its approval
Ind ratification by the legal voters of
he City of Dubuque and the accepb
once of its terms by the Grantee or
is assigns in rvriting and its publica-
tion in The Telegraph-Herald, the
official newspaper oP the Cit.v of Du-
The question whether this Ordi-
nance shall be approved and the fore-
going franchise take effect shall be
submitted to the legal voters of the
City of Dubuque to be voted on at a
special election to he held nu the Sth
day of ,lull', 1946
At this election an this question
he Yorm of ballot shall he'.
Shall the following Yes
public measure
be adopted? N0
"Shall the Lnterstate Power Com-
pany, its successmrs and assigns,
be granted the right to erect, ex-
tend, maintain and operatn its ex-
isting electric generating, trans-
mission and distribution facilities
and additionacroiss~eandrnupon the
over, along,
streets, lanes, avenues, sidewalks,
a11eYs~ bridges, Parks, highways,
anti public pisses in the City oP
Dubuque and subsequent additions
thereto, for the purpose of Produc-
ing and distributing electricity for
sale fm' light, heat, Uower, and
other purposes, to the said City
and [he 'inhabitants thereof far a
period of hventp-five (?5) 5'ears as
provided and upon the terms and
conditions set forth in tits Ordi-
nance adopted by the City Council
nn -the 3rd day oP Juice, 1946, a
copy of which is printed hereon."
Passed by the City Council upon
first reading May 24th, 1046.
Passed by City Council upon final
coding June 3rd. 196
W W 6fOFFATq'.
_ Councilmen.
Attest: .I. J SH~Ay Clerk
(Seal oY the City nt Dubunuel
I'tthlished officially in Tlne Tele-
gr~~.Lh-Herald newspaper this 1Sth day
of Jttly, 194G.
7. J. SHEA,
i-13-1L City Cleric.
Proof of publicatimr, certified to
Uy the publishers, of the official
publication of Bus Franchise Spec-
ial Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1646,
presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the proof of publication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the
following' Grote:
_- i
_- - -_
228 Special Session, July 22nd, 1946
leas--11'fayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, 117urphy, Thompson,
Van Duehnan.
An Ordinance granting to the Ir-
terstate Poorer Company, a Dele-
ware Corpm•ation, its successors
and assigns, the right and pertnis
Bien to operate busses for public
transportation uncn a.nd along
the streets of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and regulating the operation
of such busses while upon or along
the said streets for a period of
ten (10) years; repealing all exist-
ing franchise ordinances heretofore
granted to Interstate Power Com-
pany or its predecessors affecting
the operation of a street railway or
bus system and requiring the sur-
render of all rights thereto by the
Grantee or its assigns, therein; and
providing for the submission of said
Ordinance [o vote of the legal
voters of said City for approval.
Be it ordained by the City Coun-
efl oP the City of Dubuque:
In consideration of the faithful
performance and observance of the
conditions and reservations herein-
after specified, the right is hereby
granted to the Interstate Power Com-
pany, a corporation organized under
the laws of the State of Delaware, its
successors and assigns, hereinafter
referred to as the Company, the right
and permission to operate busses for
public transportation as a common
carrier upon and along the streets of
the City of Dubuque in accordance
with the laws of the State oP Iowa
and the ordinances and regulations of
the City of Dubuque, far a period of
ten (10) years following [ulfilhnent of
Section XIII, hereof.
The Company, its successors and
assigns, is hereby granted the right
to enter into, upon and along the
streets of the City oP Dubuque (or
the purpose of operating its busses to
provide local hanspo~tation fm' the
residents oP said City and other per-
sons. It shall establish such -routes
including stopping points and operate
Its busses with sufficient headway
and at such hours of the day as the
City Council may determine to he rea-
sonably necessary to adequately serve
the needs of the traveling public, and
in accordance with the resh•ictions
and conditions herein stated.
Equipment to be used For said
transportation system shall he oP
modern design and constructed suit-
ably far the safety, convenience and
comfort of the passengers; it shall
he kept reasonably clean, adequately
lighted and heated and shall bear
destination signs, illuminated in peri-
ods of darkness and shall be provided
with all safet3' appliances as may be
required by the laws of the State
of Iowa or the ordinances of the City
of Dubuque.
Busses shall ^ot be operated at a
greater rate of speed Chan is con-
sistent with the safety of the public;
due regard is to be given to the
density of traffic upon the streets.
All busses shall crone to a full stop
before crossing railroad tracks and
shall not proceed fiu•ther until it has
been ascertained that no locomotive,
car or train is approaching the cross-
Unless otherwise determined by the
City Council in the interest of safety
and convenience of the public, all
busses, when loading or discharging
passengers, shall draw up to the curb
and stop at the near side of the
street intersection in spaces set apart
for that purpose.
[n al] Instances, operation oY buss-
es shall conform with tire traffic laws
of the State of Iowa and the ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque note
in effect or hereinafter enacted.
The rate of fare to be charged
passengers for riding upon the busses
operated by the Conpany shall he
subject to the control andregulations
of the City Council of the Ci[p of
Dubuque; provided that such fares
shall he just, fair, reasonable and
cou!pensatoty, and shall not be fixed
until after reasonable notice has been
given to the Company of the intention
of the City Council to do so, and
further provided that the rate of fare
for children twelve years of age and
younger shall be one-half of that
charged adults, and children in arms
shall be carried free of charge.
From the first day of September
to the thirtieth day oY June iu each
,rear, Saturdays, Sundays and holi-
days excepted (such period constitut-
ing the school term) school children
eighteen years of age and younger
shall be entitled to ride upon ^on-
h•ansferable half fare tokens, the
same to be used only 1n going to and
from public or parochial schools dur-
ing the hours of 7:45 A. 11. to 4:15
P. !1'I. These tokens shall be sold
under the following regulations sub-
ject to reasonable modifications by
the Company as circumstances de-
(a) The Company shall have for
sale a[ Its !Hain office such tokens in
blocks oP forty, and shall sell the
came upon presentation of a certifi-
cate from the school authm~ity.
lb) Any abase of the privilege
granted hereunder will result in the
forfeiture thereof, and extensive
abuse will result in the forfeiture of
this special privilege.
Regulation of fares shall at all times
be su]~ject to any and all statutes
relative thereto now or hereafter en-
acted by cmnpetent authority.
The City has, hp an Ordinance of
even date herewith, granted a fran-
chise to the Company to erect, n!ain-
tain anti operate its existing electric
distributing system in the City of
Dubuque (hereinafter called "Elec-
tric Franchise") and it is hereby ex-
pressly agreed that if the franchise
hereby granted shall he lawfully de-
clared forfeited by [he City because
the Company has abandoned the oper-
atio^ of the 'Bus Franchise," then,
and in that event, the City may, at
is option, declare the forfeiture of
the Electric Franchise by giving the
Company ten days notice of such for-
feiture in writing, and at the end oP
said ten day period the Electric Fran-
chise will stand forfeited and be of
no further force or effect. It Is
Special Session, Jul}' 22114, 19=16 229
farther agreed that the Company,
with the consent and approval of
the City Council may sell and trans-
fer its Bus Franchise, and that any
such sale or tranfer shall not con-
stitute aforfeiture of either franchise.
It is further understood [hat at
the expiration of the Bus Franchise
of even date herewith, that this Sec-
tion No. Va of this franchise shall no
longer be of any fora or effect, and
nt which time this Section shall be-
came inoperative.
For the purpose of keeping the City
Council informed as to the reason-
ableness of the rate of fare in effect,
the Company agrees that on m' before
the thirty-first day of each D'-lay dar-
ing the life of this Ordinance, it will
file with the City Council a state-
ment covering the results of its oper-
ations dm~igg the twelve-month period
ending with the thirty-first day of
December preceding the month in
which the report is rendered showing
the amount oP revenue received from
bus operations, the expense and other
charges incurred in rendering such
service, together with a statement oP
the value of the property and plant
aocount clearly setting out the value
of the additions and retirements made
during the period covered by the re-
purt, all in sufficient detail For rea-
sonable examination and determina-
tion of the adequacy or inadequacy
of the rate oY fare then in effect.
Ln the event of any rate proceed-
1ngs, the Company shall afford [he
Qity Council or any person or persons
employed by it, free access to its
gooks and records necessary to estab-
ish [he adequac}' or inadequacy of
he rate of fare [hen in effect or
The Company shall transport free
of charge on its busses as ordinary
passengers all policemen regularly
employed by the Clty of Dubuque and
wearing the insignia of their office as
well as firemen when in full uniform,
,while occupied In the performance of
their official duty.
The public transportation system of
the Company authorized herein shall
not he abandoned either in whole or
1n par[, without the written consent
oP the City Council.
In the event oY any failure on the
part oP the Company to render trans-
portation service to the public oP
the City of Dubuque as contemplated
and provided far by this Ordinance,
Ute City Council shall have the right,
upon thirty days notice to the Com-
pany, to declare this Ordinance and
fhe rights and franchise granted
thereunder forfeited, provided, how-
ever, failure to operate by reason of
pauses beyond the reasonable control
of the Company shall nol be sufficient
grounds to declare a forfeiture.
Should the City of Dubuque at any
time during the life of this Ordinance,
desire to acquire by purchase the
public transpm~tatio^ system of the
Company serving the City of Du-
buque, it shall, on September Pirst of
any year, give the Company ninety
days notice in writing oP its inten-
tion, whereupon the Company and the
City shall each ^ame one representa-
tive and the ttvo so named will choose
a third Party mho shall be a com-
petent appraisal engineer, mho with
them shall constitute a Board of Ap-
praisal which shall immediately pro-
ceed to determine the actual value of
the public transportation system oP
the Company serving the City oP Du-
buque, taking into consideration al]
elements of value recognized by com-
petent authority and late, but with-
out including any value for the fran-
chise herein granted. Such value
when determined shall be binding
upon both parties subject only to the
approval of any duly constituted reg-
ulatory body or commission whose
approval is required by law
Upon payment by the City of an
amount equal to the agreed value of
the h~ansportation system, the Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
deliver and conveq to the City free
and clear of all incumbrances, al]
rights, and title in and [u said prop-
erty and all rights, privileges and
franchises granted herein to the Com-
pany shall be terminated.
The Company shall indemnify and
hold the City harniless a[ all times
during the term of this grant, from
and against all claims fm• injury or
damage to persons or property, both
real and personal, caused by the op-
eration or maintenance of any struc-
ture or equipment authorized or used
pursuant to authority of this Ordi-
The Company, upon receipt of
due notice in writing from the City
shall defend at its mvn expense, any
action or proceeding against the City
of Dubuque arising frmn the Com-
pany's activities in the operation of
its public transportation system.
Should a judgment be rendered
against the City in any such action,
the amount oP such judgment and
costs shall be cmtclusive against the
Company i^ any action brought by
the City against the Cmnpany as to
the liability and the amount of dam-
Shouhl any section, clause or pro-
aisimt of this Ordinance be declared
^valid by a court of record, same
shall not affect the validity of the
Ordinance as a whole or any part
.hereof, other than the part so de-
clared invalid.
This Ordinance when duly ratified
by the electors of the City of Du-
tnque, lotva and accepted by the In-
terstate Power Company, shall be
mutually binding upon both parties,
heir successors and assigns, and it
is understood beriveen the parties
hereto that upon taking effect of this
Ordinance, all franchises, rights, and
privileges granted heretofore to the
Ltterstate Potver Company or its
predecessors for the operation of pub-
ic transportation system of any de-
scription, shall terminate as of the
effective date of this Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall take effect
and be in force on and after its pass-
age by the City Council, its approval
and ratification by the legal voters
of the City of Dubuque and the ac-
ceptance oP its terms by the Grantee
or its assigns in writing and its pub-
ication in The Telegraph-Herald, the
official newspaper of the City of Du-
230 Special Session, July 22nd, 1946
The question whether this ordinance
shall be approved and the fm•egoing
franchise take effect shall he sub-
mitted to the legal voters oP the City
of Dubuque to he voted on at a spe-
cial election to be held on the 8th
day of July, 1946.
At this election on this ,question
the form of ballot shall be:
Shall the following Yea
public measure be
adopted? No
"Shall the Interstate Poorer Com-
pany, its successors and assigns,
he granted [he right and permis-
sio^ to operate busses for public
transportatimi as a common car-
rier upon and along [he streets of
the City oP Dubuque in accordance
with the laws of the State of Iowa
and the City of Dubuque for a
period of ten (10) years as provided
and upon the terms and conditions
set forth in the Ordinance adopted
by the City Council on the 3rd day
of June, 1946, a copy oP which is
printed hereon."
Passed by the City Council upon
first reading May 24th, 1945.
Passed ny the Ci[y Councfl upon
final reading June 3rd, 1946.
Attest: J, J. SHEA
City Clerk
(Seal of the City oY Dubuque)
i'u_hlished officially In The Tele-
graplrHerald newspaper this 1Sth day
of ?ulv, lh6
i-1S-~t. City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 31.46
An Ordinance vacating' the alley
between Auburn and Atlantic
Streets runuing~ northerly fi°om Cus-
ter Street to Loras Boulevard in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, said ordin-
ance having been passed upon first
reading on July 9th, 1946 and or-
dered placed on file with the City
Clerk for public inspection for at
]east one week befm•e its final adop-
tion, was presented for final adop-
Ordinance No. 31.46
An Ordinance vacating the alley
between Auburn and Atlantic
Streets running northerly from
Custer Street to Loras Boulevard
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
Whereas, a Petition las been
filed requesting the vacation of the
alley above described.
Aud, Whereas, said Petition teas
duly submitted to the Planning &
Zouing~ Commission for investigat-
ion, report and recouuuendatiou.
(1) Aud Whereas, said Plan-
ning & Zoning Commission filed
its report recommending the
granting of said Petition witl the
condition that the easements
over and in said alley be re-
Naw, Therefore,
Sec. 1. That the alley lying be•
tween Auburn and Atlantic Streets
running northerly Yront Custer
Sheet to Loras Boulevard be, and
the same is hereby vacated and
the public use thereof is hereby
Sec. 2. That the adjacent awn-
mers thereof shall cause a plat of
said vacated alley to be prepared
wherein the parts of the alley going
to the different adjoining' owners
shall be given a legal description,
whoreupon tiro City of Dubuque
shall convey said alley to said re•
spective adjoining owners by quit
claim deeds, which deeds shall re-
serve to the Interstate Power Co,
and the North Western Bell Teie-
phoue Co. their pole line right-of-
ways now in over and upon said
alley, with the right to construct,
reconstruct, and repair said lines,
also to reserve to the City of Du-
buque an easement for sanitary
sewer now in over and upon said
alley, with the right to construct,
reconstruct, and repair said sewer,
and the Mayor and Clerk of said
City are hereby authorized and di-
rected to execute said deeds tut
behalf of said City.
Sec. 3. That the Clerk be, and
he is hereby directed to file a certi-
fied copy of this Ordinance in the
ofhce of the Recorder of Dubuque
County, Iowa.
Sec. 4, That this Ordinance shall
be in force and effect ten days
from and after its final passage,
adoption and approval by the City
Council and publication as provided
by law, and when the cost of pub-
lishing the same has been paid by
the Petitioners.
Passed upon first reading this
9th day of July, 1946,
Passed, adopted and approved
upon final reading this 22nd day
of July, 1946.
Special Session, July 22nd, 19=16 ?31
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Publishefl officially iu the Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 25th
clay of Jttly, 1946.
7-25-1t City Clerk.
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Counciluan Van Duelman.
Carried by the following' vote:
Yeas-14layor j\'harton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thmnpson,
Van Duelman.
Jttly 15, 1946
To the Honorable Nlayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
reports of the City Auditor, City
Treasurer, City Waterworks, and
City Health Department, also a list
of claims and list of payrolls for
which warrants were drawn dw•ing
the month of Juue, 1996.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councihuau Murphy moved that
the reports be received and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt. Carried by the following
Yeas-Il7ayor Wharton, Council-
men 11loftatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuau.
July 22, 1946
To the Honorable -~Iayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: This is to advise that
1 have approved the following bonds
and desire to have your approval
ou same for filing:
Sumner 5. Soilitt and Company,
Standard Accident hrs. Co., Chicago,
Linehan and Molo 135 West 5th
Street Bond No. 25214-12-583-38 U.
S, Fidelity and Guaranty Co.
Respectfully submitted,
A. A. Rhmmberg,
City NIanag'er
Councilman Murphy moved that
the bonds be approved and placed
mr file. Seconded by Councilman
Van Duelman. Carried by the fol-
lowing' vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Tlompsou,
Van Dttelmau.
July 22, 1946
To the Honorable -Iayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: With reference to at-
tached petition of Joseph R. Wild
referred to the Dubuque Plauning~
and Zoning Commission by your
honorable body of June 3rd, 1946,
the Planning' and Zoning' Comntis-
sionrespectfully reconuneuds grant-
ing of that part of the petition ask-
ing for vacation of the alley lying
to the rear of his property. Due
to the topography of the land in
this area, an alley could be provided
only with great difficulty, so this
land is of little value for such pur-
pose. That part of the petition ask-
ing the purchase of certain lots
is outside the province of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission hence
uo recommendation is offered,
Respectfully submitted,
Dubuque Platuting and Zoning
By Richard V, IIIcI{ay
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the
Planning' and Zoning Commission
be approved and the City Solcitor
requested to prepare the proper
proceedings. Seconded by Cowteil-
man 11~Iurphy. Carried by the fol-
lOwing Vote.
Yeas--fayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, 11~Iurphy, Thompson,
Van Dnehtian,
July 22, 1946
-~Ir. J. J. Shea, City Clet9r
Dubuque, Iowa
Dear Sir: We are enclosing pre-
liminary plat of Dunleith Snbdivi-
siou, and ask you to kindly present
same for further consideration to
City Council at its next meeting.
Yours truly
Dubuque Planning' and Zoning
By Richard V. McI{ay
Councihuan Van Duehuau moved
that the communication of the Plau-
ning and Zoning' Conunission to-
gether with the plat of Dunleith
Subdivision be referred to the Coun-
cil to view the grounds. Seconded
by Gouncihuau Thompson. Carried
by the following' vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Gouncil•
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman,
232 Special Session, July 22nd, 1946
Resolution No. 104-46
Whereas, proposals have been
submitted by contractors for the
clearing, grubbing' and grading of
Avalon, Broadlawn, 114orning'view,
Chaney, Ogilby, Mullin, Valleyview
and Hillcrest koads pursuant to
Resolution No. 85-46 and Sumner S.
Sollitt and Company of Chicago,
Illinois contractor, has submitted
the lowest bid for the furnishing
of al] labor and materials and per-
forming the work as provided for
in the plans and specifications; now
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
contract for the above mentioned
improvement be awarded to Sunt-
uer S. Sollitt and Company of Chi-
cago, Illinois and the Manager be
and he is hereby directed to exe-
cute a conh•act on behalf of the
City of Dubuque for the complete
performance of said wm~k.
Be It Fw•ther Resolved that this
resolution being cleemecl urgent and
of inunediate necessity become ef-
fective from and after its passage
and adoption by the City Cotmcit.
Approved and placed on file far
one week on July I5tlt 1946,
Passed and adopted this 22nd clay
of July, 1946.
Vii. W. -'IOFFATT,
Attest: J. J SHEA,
City Clerk
Councihnau Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried
by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-14Iayor Wharton, Cot111C11-
meu Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
1946, the saute to be collected the
year 1947, and said budget havitig
been duly approved by it: Now,
Be It Resolved by the City Coutr
cil of the City of Dubuque that said
budget estimate be and the saute
is hereby ordered filed in the of•
five of the Clerk of Dubuque and
the date of public hearing thereon
is hereby fixed as the 5th day of
August, 1946 at 7:30 o'clock p.m, iu
the Council Chamber in the City
Be It Further Resolved, That said
Clerk be and he is hereby directed
to cause said budget estimate of
expenditures and proposed tax levy
to be published in the official news•
paper oY the City of Dubuque and
au official notice to he given of the
time and place, when and where
said budget estimate will be con-
sidered by said Council for final
adoption, at which time and place
taxpayers will be heard for and
against said estimate, said publi•
cation to be not less than ten (10)
days before said date of heariag~,
Be It Further Resolved, That in
lieu of all the separate annual
levies for the General Fttnd, the
Grading' Fund, the Improvement
Fund, the Sewer Fund, the Electric
Light or Potver Fund, the Snow Re-
moval Fund, the Garbage Disposal
Fund, the City Bridge Fund, and
the &Iaiu Sewer Fuud, there shall
be levied one (1) tax which shall
be designated as the "Consolidated
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of July, 1946,
W. ~';~, MOFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Resolution No. 109-46
1Vhereas, The Council of the City
of Dubuque has duly emtsidered and
caused to be prepared the budget
estimate of expenditures for the
fiscal year beginning' April 1, 1947
and ending 1lfarch 31, 1948, as a
basis far the tax levy for the year
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolutimt. Sec-
onded by Councilman Mtu~phy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Peas-D4ayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murplty, Thompson,
Van Duehuan.
Special Session, July 22nd, 1946 233
City Estimate
NOTICE-The City council of Dubuque of Dubuque Count}-, Iowa, wilt
meet August 5th, 1416, at 7:30 P. lL, at the City Hall, Dubuque.
Taxpayers will he heard for m• against the following estimate of eX-
penditures for the tear beginning APl'i1 1, 1947, A detailed statement of
receipts and disbursements, both Past and anticipated ~i1J~SH);A,lab1e at
the hearing City Clerlt
3 4 s s
Exp enditures for Year
FUi\DS '" '' '"
.;'' .
~ m
. ~
~ ~ ti ~
~ ~
General ............~ 295,350 $ 370,134
a Grading .. _ ..... 30,715 10,600
>: Improvement 13,963 35,605
~ Snow Removal 9,543 6,292
City Bridge .... ............... .. ...............
'6 Selver 1D,170 17,053
~ DIain Selver .,, 11,335 14,910
~ Garbage
'= Disposal ..
°w Light .... _......,... 36,339 36,359
o Total Consol.
G idated ....,, 485.031 527,235
Water Works ..., 225,056 259,242
Flre .lIaintenance 126,643 133,013
Pire Equipment.... 2QS15 22,310
Street Con-
strucrion .... ...... .... . ........... _
Library ...., .... 36,392 :15,602
Library, (Agri,
Land) .... 6G 90
Park _. ... .....__..__ L2,541 24,31S
Playground and
Swim Pool 26,216 26,495
Dock _.. 15,401 29,467
DOCK Bonds .. 11,103 ?9,111
Firemen's Pension 24.251 21,}10
Firemen's P.etire-
ment ....... ll,537 955
Pension 13,003 14.193
Retirement 7.563 Adz
Emergency ............ 17,2+G .................
General Bonds ..., 110,456 106,553
Airport .,._....... .... 19,716 19,540
Road, tAgri
Land) ..._ 95 115
Parking' Lot ........ ................... ...._.... _
m m ~ G ~o
~~~,~ ~^y~ yv~y~ ~~cz~
p ~] m ~
N.~i ~~G NO ~Nn
~~ ~~fa
~ 7
r[; [: ~ ~a
309,977 .......__ ... ............. .
.......... .
10A0p ............ ...............
~t~, I)2J ~ .............. .... ...~~....
S, 950 . ............ ...............
..... .
53,726 ...._. .....,....._.
20,000 _ ... ............
15.-1110 ........... ........ _,....
3 6.050 ............... ...............
l0 6oG ........... ............ .
5}8,125 66,000 113,95a 360,113
129,165 250,000 179,165
156,706 12,000 650 11#,056
13,505 60,000 ...._..._... 13,500
110,000 66,000 44,000 .............
43,453 .._ ....... 2.000 41,155
100 ....... _ . .............. 100
26,200 3,000 700 22,50D
23.332 2,000 3,325 15,007
2S,13P 3,000 7,182 13,007
5,200 5,200
25,500 ............. .......,.__.
G5o ........_..
13,001 ............. ..._......... 13,001
13, 9 G1 .........,. _. 450 1 S, 511
9.003 ......._ ... ............... 9,003
23, 955 ............... .... _....... 23, 955
62.301 ........... _. ......... _... 62, 30-1
11G,o21 so,ooo 2,000 5d,o2I
~ 109
2o,ao7 .
--- s,aao
-_ Is,oa~
Totals .....$1,209.552 $1,253,670
_.. $1,733,363 $526,200 ~35f,,557 $3511,606
Estimated Taxes Per }1.000.00 of as sessed value X23.613.
Taxable valuation (1945) ._ .. .......
AIonecs and credits (1945) (n? 5 m
.. _.... ,
........_........._ _.....-..... X35,7{1,396
$ 0,652,2'39
ills . _ ............................ .
Aloneys and credits (19da--) 2 1 mill ............._..........__... 891,677
July 19, 1946 the City Clerk and will be publish-
To the Honorable Mayor and ed as required by law iu m•der that
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, objections thereto may be made
Gentlemen: In accordance with before final action is rotten on this
the provisions of law, as City Maua- budget.
ger. I have prepared an annual bud- Respectfully submitted,
get fm~ the fiscal year beginning A. A. RHOMBERG
April 1, 1947 and ending 1lfarch 31, City Mauag'er
1943 based upon the estimated in- Councihuan Van Duelman moved
come and expenses of the various t]tat the comnnmication of City
departments of the City of Dubuque. -Ianag~er Rhomberg be received and
These departmental estimates show made a matter of record. Secmtded
the appropriatimts for each depart- by Councilman Murphy. Carried by
ntent for the preceding year (1946- the following vote:
1947) and also the increase m• de- Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
creases for the ensuing year (1947- Wren Moffatt, 114urphy, Thoutpsmt,
1943 Vau Duelman.
The budget has bee^ filed with Nays-None.
234 Special Session, Jul}' 22nd, 1946 ~ Special Session, July 22nd, 1946 23S
FISCAL YEAR 1947.1948,
Notice is hereby given that the City -Ianager of
the City of Dubuque has prepared a budget on the basis
oP estimates of the expenses of the carious departments
of said Cih~ for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947
and ending March 31, 1945, Such deparhnental estimates
show expenses of each department for the preceding
year, and the purpose for whidt the consolidated tax
le~'y, authorized by Section G217 of the Code of Iowa
1939, as amended, is to be ttsed, and in addition thereto,
the purpose for which aLl other tax levies are to be
used, including the revenues from miscellaneous sources.
The levy of a consolidated tas has heretofore been de-
termined by said Council and incorporated in a resoht-
tion for such purpose. The budget will be considered
for final adoption by the City Council at a special meet-
ing to be held in the Council Chamber at the City Hall
on the 5th day of Angus?, 1916, at 7:30 o'ciocu P. 11.
Any interested party objecting thereto or protesting to
the same, m' to vty item thereof or any omission
therefrmu, shall present his objections to said Council
on or before that date,
This notice is gig°en pursuant to the direction of the
Code of Iowa.
7-2}-1T. City Clerk.
YEAR 1947.48
A.-From Taxes
Levy in
Fund -fills Tas
Consolidated ............._.....,................._............10.250 $369,143
Fire tliaintenance ........._ ..................... ......1.000 11+,056
Eire Egmpment .....,... ... 0.375 13,005
Ltbrary ... _ . ..... ... ... ... .... 1152 1L4SS
Parlc ......................................_......_.....,.... ........ 0.620 22,00;1
Playground and Swimming' Pool ..... ......... 0.500 1S,OOi
Police Pension .............................._..... ...._. 0.511 15,511
Fire Pension ............................................ _,..... O.G90 24,550
Police Retirement ..............._._ .-......._. .__.... 0.260 9,OD:'_
Fire Retirement ............. ... .. _. 0.361 13,00]
General Rouds 1.730 62,304
Dock .......... .. .. ... .. .. .... .... 0.500 13,007
Airport _ ................. _...........,.......,. _... . , 1.500 51,0'21
Parking Lot ........_ .... ......................... ........ 0.500 15,007
Emergency ...... _ .......................... ....... ........ O.6GG 23,DS5
Total ................................................ --
Road Tao on Agricultural Lands (Consolidated
Fund) ....... ......._..... ... ......._ .... 109
Library Tax on Agriculture Lands (Libra ry
Fund) .............. . ................... ... ..................... .... 100
Total Estimated Receipts frmn Taxes ....... .....$S50,G00
B; From Miscellaneous Sources
Excavation Permits ........................... ....................... .$ 50.00
Police Court Returns ................... ........_._..._.... . 15,000.00
Electrical Permits ...................._,...... .........., ...._... . 1,SOO.On
Plumbing Permits ........ _ .............. ........_.......... . 1,700.00
Building Permits ................................... ....._........_.... . 2,500.00
Franchise Tax ......................._,......, ......_........... _ 000.00
Scale Fees ............ ....................... ..._,.............. . 360.OD
State Highway -4aintenance -......_ _ ................. . 2,295.V0
Sale of Real Property ....................... _,...,............ , 1,000.Op
Dieting Prisoners ..............._.....,.......... ................ .. . 250AD
Health Dept. Receipts ....................... .._..,.......__.._. . 500.00
Ambulance Fees ........ ....._.....,.......... .......,........_... . 3,000.00
Dog Licenses ........ ...._ ...................... ........_.......... . 500.00
Business Licenses ................................. ....................... . 4,000.00
.Miscellaneous Rentals ......... .............. .................. . 900.OD
Cigarette Permits ................_.......... .................... .20000.00
Beer Permits ....... .... .... _ ....,......._.. .._ .............. . . 30000.00
--fiscellaneous Sales ........ _ .................. ........_.......,..... . 705.00
Milk Inspection Fees .,.......... _ .......... .................. . 3,500.00
Street DeUt. Receipts ........................ .................. . 750.00
Bicycle Registration ,..._ ....................... ............... .... . 600.00
Total .............................................. .................... .590, 000.00
Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1917 $60,000.00
Airport Returns .... __ ............ ..................... ....._ 2,000.00
T ota 1 .......................... _.....,......,..... $ 62, OOO.OfJ
Estnnated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1947 $05,000.00
Outside Fire Protection ...........................__........_....$ 650.00
Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1917 12,000.00
Total ............. .... .._ ........... .....................$12.G50.fJ0
Estimated Unencmtbered Balance April 1, 1947 $60,000.00
Book Rentals and Fines ......_ ................................$2,000.00
Estimated Revenue ._..__. _ _ ........... ....... .............$2,000AIJ
Estimated Unencumbered Balace April 1, 1917 $3,OOU0,~
Concessicus ....... _ ............ ................... .... ......... '
miscellaneous Collections ........_ ............................ 100.00
Total __ .........................._.__..._...._....._........_$3,700.00
Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1947 $.,
Swimming Pool Receipts ........._..,.,...._.,........_...._.... 3,500.00
Skating Receipts ...__ ...................__._......._......_,..._ 250.00
1iscellaneous Receipts ........_ ..... ......................... 70.00
Total ................._ .. _......................,. ..,........ $5,525.00
lj'o Salary' Deduction from illembers .................... .
1% Salary Deduction from iliembers ....................
Estimate Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1917 $ 3,000.00
Oil Terminal Lease ..... ............:............................ 1,500.00
Virginia-Carolina Lease ................ 2,100.00
Vt'harfage Fees ........................................._................ 2,OOD.OU
Docl; House Lease .................................................... 1232.OD
Total ..._ ................ .......$10,132.00
Balance April 1, 1917 ._ _... -$5,20D 00
Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, $ 66,000.00
1917 ..............................................................
Receipts frmn Gas Tax ........................._............... 44,000.00
Total ....................$110,0110.00
.. ... ...
Total Estimated lIise. Revenues and Un- 420 f,07.00
encumbered Balances ~•-~~-•~- ;~; ; ~ SSO,G06.U0
Total Estimated Receipts from Taxes
(Self Supporting)
Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, $250,ODO.UO
1917 ...... .... .. ... ....
Estimated Watet Revenue ................. 179,105.00
Total _.. ......... _ ...................................$129,165.00
ENUES ................................................_,.......,.$1,7U9,37S.U0
(Consolidated Fund)
Item 101-City Council
Proposed 1947-43
Appropriat ions Appropriations
A. Salaries ..___......._. _._. .... $ 1,500.OD
175 $ 1.500.00
J. Travel .....__...._ ..........................
A~Iiscellaneous ........._ .............. .
25.00 25.00
Total ....... _...... .. ..__.....$ 1,70D.00 $ 1,700.00
Ite m 102-City Manager's Office *
$ 393.00
6 s$ 0,303.00
A. anager ~~~~ ••-~-~
Salat~y C ,
2 2,607.00
A Salary Secretary ........._........,.
Salary Stenographer ...,....... .
Travel .....__ .............. .......... 100.00
125 100.00
D Office ................... ........ ..........
Printing .........._ ....................... .
15.00 15.00
F. Maintenance ......... _ .............. 200.00
325 200.00
G. Material and Supplies ,,..__ _. .
Total .......................................__. $ 11,769.00 $ 11,709.00
236 Special Session, July 22nd, 1946 Special Session, Tu1y 22nd, 1946
Item 103-City Clerk's Office
A Salar,Y City Clerk
$ 3,259.00
$ 3
00 A. Salaries 1Vlatrons (2)
"" "'~"" §,153.00 4,155.00
A. Salary Extra Help ._......._.
... 150
00 ,
00 A. Salaries S ecial Officers
n ...... 100.00 100.00
G. I,Iaterial and Supplies
. .
00 .
00 B Trarel ................. 50.00 00.00
. ....
. . C Office ..........._......._ ...... ......... 270.90 275.00
Total ......... .......... .. .__......
..,$ 3,014.00
$ 3
00 ~ D. Printing ..... .............................. 150.00 150.00
Item 104--City Auditor's Office ,
, E.
F. Egmpment .....................
1aintenance ..........
.... 2,900.06
500.00 2,000.00
A. Salary Ci[,v Auditor .....__..... .'$ 2,920.00 *$ 2,#20.00 G. ..._.
1aterial and Supplies .....
. ,
000.OD ,
F. maintenance ...........
1~ 50.00 x0.00 J-1. ..
Feeding Prisoners .....,,, ._.,........ ,
1,500.00 ,
, 1
Iaterial and Supplies ........... ... 100.00 100.00 J-2. 1iscellaneous (Injuries) ........ 300.00 300.00
Total ....._.... ..._ .... ..... .............. ...$ 2,570.00 $ 8,570,00 Total .... ........................................, $lOS,509.09 $lOS,x09.00
Item 105-City Treasurer's Office
A. Salary City Treasurer _...,...,
_~$ 2,3'rG,QO
*$ 2, 376,00 Item 119A-Fire Department Main tenance Fu nd
D. Printing and Advertising ...
.,. 26.00
Salary Fire Chief .._..........
.. $ 3,544.00 $ 3,64x,00
' F, maintenance ................_....._..., ... 25.00 .
25.00 A. Salaries Senior Captains (2) 5,595.00 b,593.00
G. Material and Supplies ......, ... 150.00 150
00 A. Salaries Captains (x) ......_.. 13,260.00 13,260A0
' I. Surety Bond __
~~~~~ ... 60.00 .
50.00 A. Salaries Lieutenants (7) ........ 17,506.00 17,556.00
A, Salaries Engineers (4) ...._..._ 10,032.00 10,032.00
Total .,......
.................. ..,$ 2,626.00 $ 2,626.00 A. Salaries Firemen (after 3
(1\ote: 20%
T f salaries of City
bIanager, Auditor and yrsJ (3U) .... _................ 73.030.00 73,050.00
Treasurer are paid by Water Dept.) A. Salaries Firemen (during 3
Item 106-City Solicitor's Office
' 3'rs.) (7) ........................ 1G,086.OD 16,056.00
.~. Salary City Solicitor (Part A Salaries Bremen (duriug~ firs t
......-_.~ ..........................
...$ 9,972.00
$ 9
00 yr.) (1) _ .....
...._.., ...._ 2,079.00 2,079.00
B. Traeel
_... __..., .
.. 40.00 ,
00 B. Tra~~el ........ _ _..
~ ... .. 50.00 50.00
` C Office ....
90 .
00 C. Office .. ...._ 6x0.00 650.00
u G. -Iaterial and Supples ...,...... .
.. 55
00 .
Sa00 D. Punting .,, .. .. ......... 35.09 35.00
. F-1. -faintenance 3,750.00 3,75400
••--~~~--~~-~-~,•~•...~.• ...........
..$ 5,137.00
$ 5
00 F-2. Repairs to Buildings ............. 3,000.00 3,000.00
Item 108-City Assessor's Office ,
. G.
H ilIaterial and Supplies ........... 2,700.00 2,700.00
A Salary City Assessor .........
. $ 1,716.00
$ 1,716.00 .
I. Heat 2nd Li,ht
Lisurauce .... .......... 3,000.00
90 3,000.00
A. Salaries Deputies (3) .... _..,..,. .. 2,772.00 2,772.00 J-1 ._ ___........_
miscellaneous (Injuries)
.. .
00 ,
G. material and Supplies ......,.._ . 25.00 25.00 J-2. .._
Interest on m'arrants .
00 .
i J. Board of Re~iety ................... .. 1,200.00 1,200,00 7~3 _........_
Reserae for Emergency ........ .
371.00 .
I Total
~ ~ ........................ ............
$ 5,713.00 $ 5,713.00 Total
.........._ . ,........._.........
Item 109-Civil Engineer's Office
l (Fir e maintenance Tai-$04,056.09 ; Balance and Misc.
ary Engineer ........,.._....... _$ 3,630.00 $ 3,630.09 P,ec enue $12,650.00)
A. Salary Assistant .............._ ..... . 2,772.00 2,772.00
A. Salaries Rodmen .. ............. .. 3,960.00 3,960.00 Item 119B-Fire Equipment Fund
C. Office ......................_...... .....
Equipment ., 100.00 190.09 E. Equipment
..................._....-... $ 67.47-1.00
$ 73,505.00
F, maintenance 200.f10
00 200.00
5 (Fire Equipment Tai-$13,500.00; Unencumbered Bal-
•~ - ......... .............
G Material and Supplies _....... .
_ 500.09 00.00
500.00 ant e-$64000.00)
Total .....,._. ,....
_._. ... ............ ~,
.$ ll,6G, OU ~.
$ 11,66;. OU Item 12D-Fire and Police Alarm ( Consolidated Fuwd
Iltem 113-City Elections A. Salary Citp Electrician ....,.,... $ 2,442.00 $ 2,4-12.00
A. Salaries Clerics, Eta ........_.. .$ 500.00 $ 500.00 A. Soling E~tr•a Help .._....._...._.. 100.00 100.00
G. -fateria] and SuPDlies ......... . 409.90 400.00 C. Office ......_ ............ ... .._ .. .... 100.00 100.00
J. Rents ....,,. ...
i . 50.0D 50.00 E Egmpment ...._..., .. 15490 150.00
F. A~Iamtenance _ 160.00 150.00
Totals .... , , .,,,,
~ $ 900.00 $ 950.00 G A~Iaterial and Supplies ...,... 200.09 300.00
Item 114-City Bwltlings H. Heat, Light and Porter ...,..... 10400 100.09
A. Salaries .Iauitm's ......._.......... .$ 2,500.09 $ 2,300.00
E. Equipment __ ..... .........___..... . 1,000.00 1,000.90 Total ..._............ ... .. ....,......,...... $ 3,2x2.00 $ 3.242.OD
F. maintenance and Repairs 2,552.00 2,552.00
I G. -Iaterial and Supplies .........
. 1,300.90
1,30n.UU Item 121-Building Commissioner's Office (C onsolidated
H. Heat and Li~~ht ... ._ ..........
. 1,500.00
1,S90A9 Fund)
- - A. Solar}' Building Commissioner $ 3,63409 $ 3.630.00
Total ... ......... .._....._....... $ 9,452.90 $ 9.152.00 C Office ._._.. .. .. `25.00 2.i.90
Item 115-Police Court P. maintenance ... .
.. 150.00 150.00
A. Salary Police Judge ...........
~ $ 1,947.00 $ 1,947.90 C _
ilIaterial and Supplies .._...... 100.00 100.p0
~ G, ,l[ateria] and Supplies .......... 15,00 15.00
Total - - Total .... _ _ ....__ ........... ............ $ 3,905.00 .$ 3,905.00
......_ ............ ............... $ 1,962.00
Item 116-Civil Service Commission $ 1,96?.UO Item 122-Plumbing Inspector's Office (Consolidated
I G. material and Supplies .,._..,,....
$ 100.09
$ 100.00 Fund)
J. miscellaneous ....... _ ......... .... 100.00 100.00 A. SalmS• Plumbing Inspector ... $ 2,559.00 $ 2,550.00
' C Oftice ... _ ... _. 25.09 25.00
Total ... ...... $ 200.00 $ 200.00 D. Punhng _ ... _ ,... 15.00 15.00
SUBTOTALS CROUP I GE\ERAL G. llateual and Supplies 50.00 50.00
AD6fI\ISTRATIOi\T _ ............... .
I~ $ 67,255.00 $ 57,256.00 7 Ptttmbing Board ........_. ...... 130.00 150.00
Total ............... ....................... _
$ 3,150.90
$ 3,1x0.00
1946-47 Proposed 1947-43
APPropriatians Appropriations Item 123-Electrical Inspector's Office (Consolidatetl
Item 118-Police Department (Con
solidated F
und) Fund)
A. Salary Chief of Police _..,...... $ 3,544.170 $ 3,544.00 A. Salary Electrical Inspector .... $ 2,550.09 $ 2,550,99
A. Salu~~ Senior Captain .........
2,S77,OD C. Office .. ......
~~- ~°° 25.00 25.90
A. Salaries Captains (2) ....,...._,. 5,304.00 6,304.90 D. Printing ............................._. 15.09 15.00
A. Salaries Desk Sergeants (3).... 7,545.00 7,545.00 F. maintenance _ ..._ .................. 170.00 175.00
A. Salaries Detectites (4) ........., 10,320.00 10,3240i~ G 3laterial and Supplies ....,.... 100.00 109.00
A Salariesllotorcyclists (2) ....
~ 5,916.00 5,016.00
A. Salaries Patrolmen (after 3 Total ..,......_......__..,.....
~~•~-••~~~ ~ - $ 3,195.90 $ 3,195.00
}-rs.) (22) ._....,.__........_
j ~ A. Salaries Patrolmen (befo
3 53,592.00 53,093.00 Item 124-Dog Pound (Consolidated Fund)
3'rs) (2)
696.00 S, Enforcement Dog Ordinance $ 150.00 $ 159.00
A, Salaries Patrolmen (during , SUB
first yr.) !1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
. PROPERTP . $345,776.00 $352,362.00
Special Session, July 22nd, 1946
1946-47 Proposed 1917-43
Appropriations Appropriations
Item 125-Health Department (Consolidated Fund)
A. Salary Director (Part Time) $ 2,310.00 $ 2,310.00
A, Salary Sanitary Inspector _. 2,019.00 2,019.00
A. Salary Clerk and Registrar.... 1,560.00 1,S60.U0
A. Salary Restaurant Inspector 1,072.00 1,572.00
A. Salaries Nurses (3) ...... ..... 6,906.00 6,906.00
A. Extra Help ................................. 1,330.00 1,320.00
B. Travel ........ _ . ............. ............ 50.00 50.00
G. Office ... __ . .. .. ... ................ .... 150.00 150.00
D. Printing .................::................. 50.00 50.00
E Equipment ......... _. ...._...._ _... 50.D0 50.00
F. Rlaintenance .............._.,......-.... Ii00.00 600.00
G, lIaterial and Snpplies ...,.. _.. 3D0.00 300.00
J-1. Laboratory Expense ......._....... 400.00 900.00
Total ... ............ ... ..... .... $ 17,557.00 $ 17,557.00
Item 126-Control of Contagious Diseases
J. Control of Cm~tagintts Dis-
eases .... __...__ ............. $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00
Ite m 127-Sewer Maintenance
A. Wages ....... ........_......-_....-...$ 19,9011.00 $ 14,400.00
E. Equipment .....,.._ .........._...,. 700.00 700.00
F _l~Iaintenance ........ ................ 1,200.OD 1,20D.00
G. Material an Snpplies ._ ........ 600.00 600.00
H. Poorer for Selrer Pttmps ....,... 500.00 1,500.00
Total ...........................................$ 17,700.00 $ 15,100.00
Item 128-Garbage Disposal
J. Cmtfract fm• Garbage Collec-
tion and Dispoa] .__.... $ 1G,S00.00 $ 13,000.00
Item 129-Milk Inspection
A. Salary l~filk Inspector .........$ 2,772.00 $ 2,772.00
A. Salary Assistant .........._.........._ 2,900.00 2,400.00
E. Equipment ....__...._ _...._.... 160.00 1f,0.00
G. lIateriaL and Supplies .,.._...... 100.00 100,00
Total .._ ....................._.............., _....$ 5,932.00 $ 5,932.00
HEALTH ASD SA~ITAT1O\ $ 5S,71AOU $ 60,619.00
1046-47 Proposed 1949-45
Appropriations Appropriations
Item 131-Highways Administration (Consolidated Fund)
A. Salary Timekeeper ....__.,_.... _.$ 2,SS0.00 $ 2,SS0.00
A. Maintenance ....... ................. IOD.OD 100.00
G. lIaterial and Supplies ............ 150.00 150.00
Total __....._ ........................_....... $ 3,130.00 $ 3,130.00
ltem 132-Street Repairing and Grading (Consolidated
A. Wages Laborers . _ ................ $ 26,000.00 $ 26,0OO.OiI
E. Equipment ......._ ..................... 6,000.00 6,OOO.Up
F. Maintenance ....._.... _........_..._.. 5,00400 5,000.00
G. ,lIaterial and Supplies ............ 10,000.00 1Q,00400
J. Grading ....,....-.. _..... __........._.,... 10,000.00 10,000.00
Total ... .............._..... .....__._........$ 57,000.00 $ 57,000.00
Item 135-Street Construction Fund
S. Street Construction .. .... .._$ Gfi,000.00 $110,000.00
Item 133-City Garage (Consolidated Fund)
A. Salaries .Mechanics .._...._.... $ 9,75n.U0 $ 0,750.00
C. Office ............................. _ 75.OD 75.00
E. Equipment ........ ........_._,..... 500.00 500.00
F. llaintoncance .............._........_. 400.00 400.00
G. Material and Supplies ..,....__. 325.00 335.00
H. Heat, Light and Power ......... $OOO.OD 2,000.00
L Ltsurance ......... ..... ............ 50.00 50.00
Total ....... ................................$ 13,10400 $ 13,100.00
Ite m 134-Ash and Can Collections (Consolida ted Fund)
A. Wages Drivers and Laborers $ 14,00400 $ 14,000.00
F. Maintenance .... _... _ .....,...... 1,400.00 1,400.00
G. Material and Supplies .._..... 500.00 500.00
Total .............. _...__...._.....,.............$ 15,900.00 $ 15,900.00
Ite m 138-Street and Traffic Signal Lighting (Consoli•
idated Fund)
H. Street Lighting and Traffic
slgna9s ................_......_..., $ la,5oo.00 $ 40,500.00
Item 140--Street Cleaning (Consolidated Fund)
A. Wages Drivers and Laborers $ 13,750.00 $ 13,750.00
E. Equipment .. ...... __ ................_ 500.00 500.00
F. Maintenance .... .... ............_... 3,500.00 3,500.00
G. lIaterial and Supplies .......... 500.00 SO400
Total ...... _......_....,..,_ ..............$ 15,550.00 $ 15,550.00
Special Session, July 22nd, 19}6
Item 141-Snow Removal (Consolidated Fund)
A. Labor ....__........._........$ 6,00400 $ 6,000.00
E. Equipment _ ............................. 30u.00 SO0.0U
E. -Iaintenance ...._ ..................... 1,600.00 1,600.00
G. -Iaterial and Supplies ............. 550.00 550.00
Total ..................______..._ __..... _$ s,s5o.oo $ ssSO.aD
WAIS ASD STREETS $2 23,130.00 $267,130.00
1916-47 Proposed 1947-15
Appropriations App ropriations
Ite m 143A-Library Fund and Misc, Library Revenue
A. Salary Librarian _...,,._.__....$ 3,OD0.00 $ 3,OOOA0
A. Salary Reference Librarian.... 3,310.00 2,3-10.00
A. Salary Cataloguer .................. 2,112.00 2,1-1'2.Op
A. Salary Snvenile Librarian ... 2,010.00 2,010.00
A. Salary- Circulation Head (part
time) ...-....__ .................... 1,137.00 1,137.00
A. Salary School Librarian ...... 1,560.00 1,SG0.00
A. Sa]acy Asst, of Circulation
Head ............................ 1,566.00 1,566.00
A. Salaries General Assistants
(3) ..._.._....._...._........._...- 9,S6D.00 4,560.00
A. Salary Caretaker ........_.......... 2,130.00 2,I3U.Un
A. Solar}- Extra Help _............_.. 3,619.00 3,619.00
B Travel Expense ................... 100.00 IOn.OD
C. Office Expense ............._......... 150.00 150.00
D. Printing ........ _._.. ....... _...... 50.00 50.00
E. Books and Periodicals ........... 6,'rS0.D0 G,7SOAU
F. Binding ..... ___............_ _......... 1,900.00 1,900A0
F-1 . Building Repairs _......._...._...... 5,000.00 5,000,00
G. Material and Supplies ..... 1,700.00 1,70UAU
H. Heat, Light and Water .,.__._ 2,500A0 2,500.00
L Insurance ............................. 405.00 405.00
Tota1 _......._........._ ....................$ 93.533.00 $ 43,535.00
(Library Tax-$41,4SS.00 ;Library Tax Agricultural Land
-$100.00! ilSisc. Library Revenue-S2,OD0.00)
1946-47 Proposed 1947-43
Appropriations Appropriations
Item 144A-Park Administration
A. Salary Superintendent ......... $ 2,550.00 $ 2,S3S.00
D. Travel .... __,...... ...._ .................. 00.00 , 50.00
C Office ._ ....__............_ ............. 100.00 100.00
D, Printing and Advertising _.. 60.00 60.00
J. r1iiscellaneous .... ................... 15.00 15.00
Total ....._ .................... .._ ........$ 2,S05.00 $ 3,063.00
Item 1446-Park Areas, Buildings, Etc.
A. Wages of Laborers ............... $ 15,300.00 $ 16,300.00
C. Forestry .......................__........ 900.00 4D0.00
E. Equipment ...... ....................._. 60400 600.00
F. Maintenance ..........._.._-..... 1,400.00 1,400.00
G, lIaterial and Supplies ........._ 1,300A0 1,SOU.00
H. Heat, Light, 1~Vater and Tele-
phone ........,_..., ....._......... _. 1,500.00 1,500.00
I. Insurance .,........._ _ ................ 700.00 700.00
J-1, Renovations and Replace-
ments .. ...................... 100.000 100.00
J-2. Interest, Reserves and As-
sessments ......._ ............. G2.OJ 96.00
Total ........_ ........ ........_...._....$ 22,162.00 $ 23,146.00
EL'ND . _ ........_........... $ 21,967.00 $ 26,209.00
(Park Tax-$22,509; Alisc. Parlc Revenues-$3,700)
1940-47 Proposed 1997-45
Appropriations Appropriations
Item 145A-Recreation Administration
A. Salary Director ................. ... $ 2,610.00 $ 3,640.00
A. Salary Office Help ................ 1,000.00 1,056.00
B Travel ..... _ .. ..................._ ....... 50.00 50.00
c offlee ... ......_..... 130.00 120.00
F lIainteuance of Car .............. 360.00 360.00
G. Material and Supplies .......... 25DA0 250.00
Total _ ....................................$ 4.476.00 $ 4,476.00
Ite m 1458-Outdoor Recreation
A, Salaries Supervisors, Direc-
tors, Etc . ......................$ 6,250.00 $ 3,500.011
A. Wages of Laborers ................ 700.00 750.00
E. Equipment ...................._... 1,100.00 750.00
F. Maintenance ..................._.....,.,. 700.00 5D0.00
240 Special Session, July 22nd, 1946
G. Material and Supplies ..,....... 700.00 500.00
H. Light .... _ ...._, ..., .... _ ... ...... ...... 600.00 500.OD
I. Insurance ........_ ...._ ................. 500.00 250.00
Total ...._ .............. .. _.............$ 10,600.00 $ 6,500.00
Item 145D-Indoor Recreation
A. IVages ................................__ $ 900.00 $ 900.00
C, Oftice .............._..,..._,..........._, 25.00 25AD
E. Equipment ....................... ...... 300.00 300.00
F .llainteuauce ........._ ........ ........_ 500.00 500.00
G, material and Supplies ............. 400.00 100.00
H Heat and Light ... ................ . 400.00 400.00
Total ... .. ..............................$ 2,52x.00 $ 2,525.00
Rent 145E-Swimming Pool
A. Salaty Superintendent ..,....,. $ 450.00 $ 950,00
A. Salaries Guards (4) .. _ ......... 900.00 900.00
A. Salaries Attendants ................ 1,300.00 1,300.00
F. Maintenance ...... . -. 450.00 450.00
G. Material and Supplies ........._.. 300.00 350.00
H. Licht and Potver .................. 300.00 300.00
I. Insurance ....._... _...,._..,._ .....,,, ... 259.00 25LU0
Total .........................................$ 4,009.00 3 4,031.00
Item 146-Improvement and Care of Grounds
F, tlIaintenance ............ ...._...... $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
J. Improvement of Gromtds ........ 6,000.00 5,OOD.00
Total ... ... .........................$ 7,OD0.00 $ 6,000.00
MING POOL .......... ............$ 28,610.06 $ 23,33'1.00
(Playgrounds and Swimming Pool Tax- $15,007.00;
Swimnilng' Poot Receipts-$3,500.00; Skating Receipts-
$250.00; 1lisc. Receipts-j75.00; Balance on Hand-$2,•
1946-47 Proposed 1947-45
Appropria tions App ropriations
Rent 147-Planning and Zoning (Consolidated Fund)
J. ilIiscellaneous .............._.._._..,$ 25.00 $ 6,000.00
Rent 148 E-Ambulance
A. Salaries Drivers (2) ............$ 4,572.00 $ 4,S72.00
F. illaintenance ........__.... ...... _... 250.00 2SU.00
G illaterial and Supplies _.....,_. 35D.00 350.00
I. Insurance ... ...._...._ ................_. 225.00 225.00
Total ..........................._...__............... $ 5,T27.0 0$ 5,727.00
Item 148C-Other Miscellaneous
J-1. Iowa League of illunicipali-
ties ........ ...._ .................$ 50.00 $ 50.00
J-~. Damages _.__....- ...................... 3,300.00 3,300.00
J-3 Printing Council Proceed-
ings . ......................... __. 2,700.00 2,700.00
J-5. State Bsaminers .................... 2,000.00 2,000.00
S-6. Repairs to Ton•n Clock ....,....., 500A6 500.00
J-7. Misc. Unclassified .... _., ......... 3,100.00 3,100.00
J-S. A'orlauens Cmnpensatior Lr
surance .... _..._ .....___..._ 1,500.00 2,500A0
J-9. Interest on 1Varrants ......._.,. 185.00 L5.00
Total ........ ' ....._ ....................__$ 13,305.00 $ 14,3G5s00
CELLANEOL'S ......-.....,_,_$ 19,057.00 $ 25,032,00
Consolidated Fund)
Item 152-Market Master
A. Salary .lIarlcet ~Iastet ...._..., $ 1,959.00 $ 1,959.00
F. t~faintenance ....-_..._ ................... 20.00 20.00
G. -faterixl and Supplies .._....,. 65.00 60.00
S. tlliscellaneous ......... ................. 20.00 20.00
Total .........................................$ z,oG4.oo $ Z,oG4.66
SCALES __ ...................._..$ 2,OGL00 $ 2,064.00
(Consolidated Fund)
Item 160-Post War Improvements
J. Yost War Projects .._ .............$ 62,000.00 $ 39,025.00
Item 161-Bridge Construction
J. Bridge and Viaduct 35'orlc ....-$ 26,716.00 $ 53,726.00
Item 162-Assessments and Sewers
J-1. City's Share of Special As-
sessments .... ...-_........,._...,$ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00
J-2. Main Sewers and Inlets .,.,.... 20,23-1.00 2x,000.00
Total .......... .........__.,....... _........$ 2G,2S4.00 $ 31,000.00
PAL I\IPRO\ ~MENTS $115,OOOAO $123,751.00
Special Session, Juty 22nd, 1946 241
1946-47 Proposed 1947-45
Appropriations Appropriations
Item 154-Police Pensions
J-1. Police Pensions ...................... $ 16,641.00 $ 15,961.00
J-2. Police Retirement S3'stent .,.. 5,611.00 9,003.00
Total ............................................$ 22,252.00 $ 27,964.00
(Police Pensio^ Tas-$15,511,00; Balance on Hand and
Pay Deductions front 1Sembers-$450.00); (Police Re-
tirement Tai-$9,003.00)
Rein 155-Fire Pensions
J-1. Fire Pensions ......_._ _.__.. _....$ 23,203.00 $ 25,500.00
J-2. Fire Petirement System ,.,.... 5,721.00 13,001.00
Total ........ _ ..................._...,........._$ 31,924.00 $ 33,501A0
(Fire Pensimt Tas$24,550.00; Balance on Han d and Pay
Deductions from ,llembers-$650.00); (Fire Retirement
SION S ...,...,. _..... _ ........... ... $ 54,176.-00 $ 66,465.00
Item 161J.1-City Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest on Bonds ........ .....$ 5,003,00 $ 5,759.00
A-3. Sewer Bond Redemptiot .... 35,000.00 11,000.00
A-4. Improvement Bond Rede~mp-
s~n ...._ ......................._ 4o,ooD.oo ...............
A-5. Funding Bond Redemption .... 10,000.00 45,000.00
A-6. Reserve ........._ ......................... 5,357.00 515.00
Total ............... .... ..... .... .. $ 98,365.06 $ 62,304.00
(General Bond Fund-$62,304.00)
Item 161J~2-Dock Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest on Dock Bmtds ......$ 595.00 $ 200.00
A-2. Dock Bond Redemption .,.,.... 27,000.00 5,D00.00
A-3. P,eserve .................................._ 954.00 .............,,.,
Total ........_ .......................... _...$ 2S,S79.00 $ 5,200.00
(Balance on Hand-$5,200.)
Item 163J~2-Airport Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest un Airport Bonds ._$ 705.00 $ 570.00
A-2. Airport Bond Redemption ... 1S,OOO.U0 19,000.00
Total ........ _ _ ............................ 1S,7Ua00 19,570'.00
(Airport Fund-$19,574.00)
SERVICE ..............................$115,9-}9.00 $ 57,074.00
Reserve in General S~Iisc, Revenues $ 111.00 $ 235.00
1946-47 Proposed 1947-43
Appropriations Appropriations
Item 153A-Dock Operation
A. Salatti° Engineer .... _,..__....$ 420.00 $ 430.00
B. Travel .............___._............,..... 200.00 300,00
F. Dlaintenance .......... .. ............ 100.P0 60,D0
G. -faterial and Supplies ........... 70.00 50.00
I. Insurance -__ .. ............._......... 900.00 7110.00
J1. Traffic association Service.... 300.00 304.00
J-2. Improvements ......................... 1,000.00 400.00
J-3, liscellaneous ............................ 706.00 400,00
Total ..............._............,.....,..,..$ 3,695.00 $ 2,520.00
Item 1538-Dredge Operation
A. Salary Engineer .....................$ 150.00 $ 150.00
A. Salaries Operators ............._. 7.000.00 9,660.00
A. YPages Laborers ....._.....____... 4,5nf1.00 4,500A0
F. Maintenance and Repairs ..... 2,000.00 1,500.00
G. 1aterial and Supplies .._........ 1,500.00 2,000.00
H. Electric Power ........_.....- ....-. 5,000.00 4,50(1.00
I. Marine Insurance ..........._.... 729.06 729.00
I. 1Vorkmen's Cmnpensatiou Hr
sttrance ...._.... _ .................. 600.00 600.00
J. Miscellaneous ... ......... ........... 3?4.00 250A0
Total ............. _... ..................$ 21,533.00 $ 23,919,00
Ite m 153C-River Front Improvement
A. 1Vages .... .................................$ 5DR00 $ 500.00
E. Trucking ................................. 500.00 500.00
E. Equipment ..... ..................... 1,000.00 350.00
E. Tools ......... ... ..... ............... 200.00 100.00
G. 3aterial and Supplies ......,....._ 1,700.00 500.DD
Total ......................... ...................$ 3,900.OD $ 1,700.00
DOCKS ... .... ..................$ 29,428.00 $ 23,139.-00
(D oclt Tax-$15,007.OD; 11lisc, Dock Revenues -$10,132.00)
242 Special Session, Juh' 22nd, 1946 ~ Special Session, July 22nd, 1946 243
Item 157-Airport Fund
F. Maintenance ... ..__._ ...............$ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00
I. Insurance ......._.. ._....__............ x00.00 000.00
J Airport Development ..........._. 55,728,00 93,+51.00
Total ...._ ............................ ..........$ G1,73S.00 $ 9G,+51.00
(Airport Tas-$3+,451.00; Airpm-t Balance and Revenues
Item 170-Parking Lot Fund
J. Parking Lots ............................$......,..,._.... $ 20,007.00
(Parlcing~ Lot Tax-$1S 007.00; Estimated Revenue-
19+6-47 Proposed 1947-+3
Appropriations Appropriations
Estimated Balance on Hand April
1, 1940 ........_......._......_$250.000.00 $250,000.00
Estimated -Ieter Sales .................... 155,000.00 170,OOD.00
Estimated Flat Rate Sales .. ....,. 250.00 750A0
Estimated Fire Protection Service 2,250.00 2,500.00
Estimated Non-Operation Setl~ice 2,500.00 2,600.00
Estimated Sales Tax Collections .... 3.200.00 3,415.OD
Total ......._ ................................$+13,200.00 $+29,165.00
Item 149A-Administration
A. Salary Superintendent and
Uashier ......,.,,_ ................$ +,400.00 $ 4,400.00
A. Salary Accotmtant ................. 2,536.00 2,3SG.00
A. Salary Stenographer and
clerk ......................... 2,292.x0 2,2sz.oD
A. Salary Clerk _......_...._............ 1,55+.00 1,55+.00
A Salary' City Manager (25°jr).... 2,132.00 2,132.00
A. Salary City Auditor (2510) 308.00 30500
A. Sfllarg City Treasurer (2x%) 792.00 792.00
E. Travet ... .... ......................... 126.oD 125.00
C. Office Expense and Postage.... 1,200.OD 1,600Ap
D. Printing and Advertising ...... 4110.00 400.00
E. Equipment .........._ ....................... 1,150.00 1,160.00
F. Maintenance ...,...__ ............._.... 300.00 300.60
G. ilIaterial and Supplies ............. 500.00 500.00
I. Insurance ...._._...._..._._ ....... .......... 15.00 75.00
S-1. Post-War Projects ............. . 2+5,000.00 . ...............
J-2, 1iscellaneous ..... ....... ......
... . 340.00 340.00
J-3 State Sales Tax .... .................. 3,300.00 3,41x.00
Total ........... .................................... $267, 7 x+.00 $ 22,969.00
Item 149B-Water Operation
A. Salary Field Engineer ...._...._$
A. Salary Plant Chief Engineer
A. Salaries Plant Engineers (6)
A. ~~~ages I+7xtra Statio^ Labor
A. Salary Tapper and Hydrant
Matt .........._ ...............
A. Salary Meter Service Alan ....
A. Salary -Ieter Repair 1Ian ....-.
A. Salary 14feter Reader ._.. .._..
A. Salary Asst. lIeter Repairer
A. Salary General Poremar ......
A. Salary Asst. Fm•eman ..... .....
A. Wages Laborers .......................
E. Egtupment ..._ .........................
E. Daintenance ......_ ..............._...
G. Material and Supplies ...._.....
H. Heat, Light and Water .........
I. Insm-ance .........._ . ........ ...._...,
J-1. Water lIam Material .. .......
J-2. Other Betterments ...._ .............
J-3. Store Reserve ....... .............
J-4. Miscellaneous .. ......................
3,306.00 $ 3,306.00
3,013.00 3,015.00
16,4so.n0 1x,+so.Do
3,000.00 3,000.00
z,5so.ou 2,53D.oD
2,292.60 2.z92.Do
2,602.00 .,652,00
2,202.00 2,292.00
2,364.00 2,3f,+AO
:'r,LG.00 3,126.00
2,+36.00 2.436.00
11,230.00 11,250.00
1D,o6u.DD lo,ooD.oo
12,0DO.oo 12,DOa.aD
2,oaD.ao z,aoo.oo
2x,000.00 35,000.pO
1,500.00 5,x00.00
lo,ooD.ao 2x,oao.Do
11,295.00 255,0+0.00
3,ooo.DO 3,DOO.oo
l,ooo.oD 1,006.60
Total ...................._..,.........................$129,621.00 $905,371.00
APPROPRIATIONS .....$397,375.00 $423,340.00
SERVE .........................._$ szx.oo $ s25.ao
NESS _ ..........................$ 15,000.00 ...,,.,..........
Total ...............................................$413,200.00 $+29,165.00
(a) City Operation, Group I to
IX, [nclusive ........._.$ 503,166.06 $ S5S,091.00
(b) Illunicipal Improvements,
Group X 115,000.OD 123,751.00
(c) Reserve in Gen. lfisc, Rev-
enues ............................. 111.00 235.00
(d) Pensions, Group XI .... ... 5+,176,00 66,465.00
XIL 1 9
2 2
(f) ;
DoclcsSGroup XIII 5.00
, 5,139.00
(g) Airpm•t, Group XI~7 ............ 61,728.OD 9G,+51.00
(h) Parkiug~ Lots-Group XV .... ............_...,. 20,007.00
(i) Water Works, Group XA'I 397,375.00 425,3+0.00
(j) Water Works Resetve .... S25.OD 526.00
Total _._..._ ...........................$1 ,607,755.00 $1,709,375,00
Tas Revenues ...............................$ 310.779.00 $ S5D,606.00
.Mis Revenues and Estimated
Balance +/1/47 .....$ 353,779.00 $ 429,607.1]0
Wa ter {irorlcs Revenue and Bal-
ance on Haud 4/1/+'r $
$ 929,165.00
Total ............__.._........,_........$1,607,755.00 $1,709.375.00
Resolution No. 11046
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
following, having complied with the
provisions of law relating to the
sale of cigarettes within the City
of Dubuque, be g~rauted a permit
to sell cigarettes and cigarette
papers within said City and the
Manager is directed to issue such
permit on behalf of said City.
Name Address
Wonder Shows of America, Inc.,
East 4th Street Ea;teusiou
Bohn Maulers, 2541 Central Aw
Be It Further Resolved that the
bands filed wtih the applications
be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of July, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seeond-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duehnan.
Petition of the Wonder Shows of
America, Inc., requesting a refund
in the amount of $75.00 on their
cigarette permit No. 218 as they
have discontinued the sale of cis
arettes mt July 20, 1946, presented
and read.
Councilman &Ioffatt moved that
the request be granted and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant iu the amount of $75.00 iu
favor of Wonder Shows of America,
Inc., to cover the amount of refund
granted on the unexpired portion
of their cigarette permit No. 215.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
I eas-11layor iVharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehnan,
There being no further business
Councihnau Thompson moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Moffatt, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehnan.
Approved .................................. 1946
Adopted ................................., 1946
Councilmen: ...................................
Attest : ................................................
City Clerk,