1946 September Council ProceedingsRegular Session, September and, i9:}o ?75
City Couneil
Regular Session, September Znd,
No members of the City Council
being present upon roll call, the
meeting was postponed subject to
City Clerk
Adopted .................................... 1947
Approved ........ .......................... 1947
Councilmen; • ....................................
Attest : ...............................................
Clty Clerk.
z,6 Adjourned Regular Session, September 3rd, t~d6
City Council
Adjow'ned Regular Session, Sep-
tember 3rd, 1946.
Council mat at 7:30 P.NI.
Present-Mayor Wharton, Coun-
cilmen Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
~~'an Duelman, City Manager Rhom
NIayor Wharton stated that this
meeting is an Adjourned Meeting
of the Regular Meeting of SePtent-
ber 2nd, 1946, far the purpose of
acting upon such business as may
properly come before a Regular
Meeting of the City Council.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that Daylight Saving Time be dis•
cwrkinued to take effect at mid-
night on Saturday, September 7th,
19.16. Seconded by Comtcihnan Mof-
fatt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Comtcil-
mmt Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the rules be suspended for the ptu'-
pose of allowing any one present in
the Council Chamber who wishes
to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Petition of St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital of Dubuque and Sisters
of Mercy clarifying their former
petition filed June 3, 1946 relative
to the widening of James Sheet,
to provide adequate stm'nt water
diversion and to provide for the
extension of water mains, present-
ed and read.
Attorney Herbert Hoffmann ad-
dressed the Council in support oP
the Petition of St, Joseph Mercy
Hospital and Sisters of Mercy.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the petition be referred to the
Council for consideration at a meet-
ing to be~ held Thursday, Septem-
ber 5th, 1946 and the Fire Chief
requested to be present at the weet-
ing. Secmtded by Councilman Van
Duelman. Carried by the following
Yeas--Iayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of I~enline, Roedell,
Hoffmann and Reynolds, Attorneys
for the Chicago Great Western
Railway Company, requesting that
the Chicago Great Western Rail-
way Company be granted the right
to construct a spur track across
12th Sheet as reflected by the
plat herewith submitted, presented
and read.
Attorney H. C. Kenline addressed
the Council in support of the peti-
tion requesting that the Chicago
Great Western Raihvay Company
be granted the right to construct
a spur track across 12th Sheet.
Councilman Thompson moved
that the petition be referred to
the Cotutcil to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Deuhnan,
Petition of Joseph Wingert et al,
residents of the Audubon Seltool
District, asking that something be
done about the sewer odor in this
vicinity and that this condition be
corrected, presented and read.
Messrs Wm. Leik et al addressed
the Council in support of their
petition and requested that im-
mediate action be taken to cause
the rmuoval of the odor from the
sewer in the vicinity of the Audu-
bon School district.
Cowtcilntan Vau Duelman moved
that the petition be referred to the
City Council and City -fanager to-
gether with a Conunittee of three
of the Petitioners to meet with the
officials of the Dubuque Paclting
Company to discuss the alleged
nuisance as outlined in the Petition
and the remedy for the elimination
of said nuisance. Seconded by
Couucihnan Thompson, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Whartmt, Council-
men Moffatt, Morph ~, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Adjotuned Regular Session, September ord. t~}6 ~i%
Attorney M. H. Caisek addressed
the Cotntcil on behalf of the peti-
tion of Albert P. Dolan requesting
the installation of a storm sewer in
Shims Street in front of the North
1/z of l'Iineral Lot 309A.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the Petition he again referred to
the Council to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the following' vote:
Peas-Nlaym' Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
llr. Clifford T. Siege, 1325 Ben-
nett Sheet, addressed the Council
asking that storm water from the
alley adjoining his property be di-
verted in order that the same be
not allowed to flow over his proP-
Councihuan -4offatt moved that
the request be referred to the Coun-
cil to view the g't'outtds'Cart'ied[lby
by Councilman Murphy.
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Couucil-
men R4offatt, Murphy, Thompson
Van Duelman.
Leonard Burke, tivas present wt at
least one accasiou when these girls
were served. Chief Stroh, who was
present at the hearing, informed
me that charges had been filed
against both the bartender and the
proprietor, but that the charge
against the proprietor was dis-
missed and the bartender allowed
to forfeit a X100.00 bond without
any attempt to obtain a conviction.
I recalled that this same tavern
had been involved in a juvenile
case previously, and consequently
looked at the District Court m'im
final records to find ant what dis-
position had been made of the prior
charge. Ou November 7, 1945, Leon-
ard Burke was foun[1 guilty in Pa
lice Com't on two charges; Per.
witting a minor to consume beer
on his tavern Premises; and keep-
ing' liquor on the tavern premises.
He was fined $50.00 and costs on
each charge, and appealed both
convictions to District Court. How-
ever, on January 3, 1946, before
guy hearing teas lad on the appeal,
the fines were Paid to the office
of the Clerk of the Districtof oDti
' and remitted to the City
NIl' Arthur A. Witherall, 1345
Bennett Street, addressed the Coun-
cil requesting that a slow sig^ be
erected on Bennett Street in order
that automobile traffic be controlled
on said street.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the request be referred to the Coun-
cil to view the grounds. Seconded
by Councilman Murphy. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Mw'Plty, Thowpsou,
Van Duelman.
August 2i, 194G
Mr. A. A. Rhomberg~, 1VIanager,
City of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa
Dear Ab: At a recent juvenile
court hearing involving tw bagged
of 14 and 16 years of age,
with fm'gery, the evidence indi-
cated that on the two occasions in-
volved, the girls, after securing the
money from the forged instruments,
immediately went to the Shangri-
La 'Pavers on 11th and Maiu Street
where they were served with beer
by the bartender. The evidence
also indicated that the proprietor,
You will note that on the latest
offense, a bond forfeiture was in-
volved, Ibelieve that on prior oc-
casimts when someone has raised
the question about license revoca-
tion tinder such circuntsfances an
opinion has been g'ivem that a hood
fm'feiture does not constitute a
conviction, and that failure to prose-
cute the matter further would tl e
dude the city from revoking last
license. In the cases arising
November no question of a lack of
convictimi exists. I assume that
you and the City Council are fami-
liar with the provisions of Section
124.20 of the 1946 Code of Iowa
which provides that it shall be un-
lawful for any Person to permit
any minor to purchase or consume
any beer on the premises of a
Class °B" Permit Holder; and it
further provides that a violation
of this section shall be a manda-
tory ground fm• a revocation of
said Pwrtuit. Section 124.34 extends
the revocation Power to cover vio-
lations of ordinances adopted hY
a city or town.
As you know, Juvenile Court is
designed primarily for the Purpose
2~b _ldjourned Regular Session, September 3rd, Iga6
of rehabilitating' youthful offenders,
and its work is definitely handi-
capped by law violators who per-
sistently contribute to the deiin-
quency of juveniles. I ant, there-
fm~e, passing this iufmntation on to
you in considerable detail so that
you may be fully informed as to
what the records of the Juvenile
and the District Court reveal in
this matter.
Pours very truly,
Milton J. Glenn
19th Judicial District of Iowa
Councilman Murphy moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-11layor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuan.
Resolution No. 121.46
Whereas, this Council on the 7th
clay of September, 1945, caused to
he issued a Class "B" Beer Permit
bearing the Number 108 to Leonard
Burke, operating a. tavern at 1091
plain Street in the City of Dubuque;
Whereas, it has come to the at-
tentimt of this Counci] that the
owner and holder of said permit
has conducted his place of business
iu a disorderly manner and has
been convicted of a violation of
law; Now, Therefm•e,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
Class "B" Beer Permit No. 108,
heretofore issued to Leonard Burke,
be and the saute is hereby revoked
and the Chief of Police is directed
to ta][e up such permit forthwith
and return the same for cancella-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of September 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councihnan Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolutimt. Second-
eel by Councilman Moffatt, Carried
by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Mutphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman,
Notice of Claim of Emilie Weiss
in the amount of $500.00 for in•
juries received iu a fall on a side•
walk in front of 2776 Central Av
cone, presented and read.
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
ntan Murphy. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Comtcil-
men Moffatt, Mm•phy, Thmupson,
Van Duelman.
Notice of Claim of Thomas L.
Jacques in the amount. of $29.41
for damages to his car caused in
striking an open manhole on Cen•
teal Avenue, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the Notice of Claim be re•
ferred to the City Solicitor for in-
vestigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehnau.
Conunuuicatiou of the 114agee-
Hale Parlc-O-Meter Company sub-
mitting for Council consideration
an illustrated brochw'e showing
the highlights of their improved
automatic, universal parking meter,
presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the comnnmication be referred to
the Council. Seconded by Cauncil-
mau Van Duelman, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Maym' Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Mm•phy, Thompson,
Van Duehnau.
Connnunicatiou of County Audi-
tor Daykiu advising that the Board
of Supervisors have accepted au
offer of $200.00 mt Lots 47 and 48
of Finley, Waples and Bm•ton's Ad-
ditimt made by Wnt. Lammer, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Mm•phy moved that
the offer be rejected and the Boatel
of Supervisors to he notified of the
_~djourned Regular Session, September 3rd, tq~6 -'i9
action of the City Council. Seconded
by -4aym• jVharton. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, lYIurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman
Cmunnmication of Sumner S.
Sollitt & Company advising that in
compliance with Paragraph "X" of
the conh•act dated the 22nd day of
July, 1945, behveett the City of Du-
buque and the Sumner S. Sollitt
& Company that they are not to
sub-let any part of the work cover-
ed by this contract without the
consent of the City of Dubuque,
and accordingly, they are request-
ing permisison to sub-let the grad-
ing to the Charles J. Wilson Cmu-
pauy, sub-contractors for grading,
presented an[l read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the request be granted. Sec-
onded by Councihnan Thompson.
Carried by the following' vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Cmuntuuication of Herbert E.
Ruprecht submitting' application
far the Dosition of manager and
operator of the new airpm't and
requesting' Council consideration
of his application, presented and
Councilma-n Murphy moved that
the communication be referred to
the Council for consideration. Sec-
onded by Councilman Van Duelman.
Carrie[1 by the following' vote;
Yeas-1'Iayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, il4mphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuan.
Communication of H. E. Ruprecht
submitting copy of a chart which
he [leveloped showing the sources
of revenue at a commercial air-
port as it is most important iu the
planning' of the airport that pro-
visimts be made to accomodate
concessions, presented and read.
Councihnan Murphy moved that
the communication be referred to
the Council fm' consideration. Sec-
on[led by Councilman Van Duelman.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--'Iayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Pan Duelman.
Communication of Wilson W.
`y'yatt, administrator, National
Housing Agency, advising that a
series of actions has been conclud-
ed to increase the flow of vitally
needed building materials into
Veterans Hotvsing, presented and
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Van
Duehnau. Carried by the following
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuan.
Conuvunication of The htterna-
timta] Council of Religious Educa-
tion advising' that the Sixteenth
Aunua] Observance of Religious
week will be celebrated during the
week of September 29 through
October 6, 1946 and requesting that
the IVlayor issue a Proclamation
for the observance of said week,
presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the communication be referred to
the Illayor to issue a Proclamation
as requested. Seconded by Council-
ma^ Van Duelman. Carried by the
following vote:
Qeas-4ayor Wharton, Council-
men il'Ioffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duehnau
Commmication of John F. Ro-
shon owner of Lot 202, known as
1398 Pine Street, objecting' to the
vacation of Pine Street and the
alley between Pine Street and
-4aple Street adjoining Lot 262 as
requested by A. Y. -IcDonal[I Mfg.
Co., presented and read.
Councilman -Ioffatt moved that
the conununicatiou be referred to
the Planning and Zoning' Commis-
sion. Seconded by Councilman Mur-
phy. Carried by the fallowing vote:
Teas-Maym• Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Petition of L. E. Roethig request-
ing the installatimt of a street light
at 1790 Ran[lall Place, presented
and read.
Councihnan Mw°phy moved that
the petition be denied. Seconded
2&0 Adjourned Regular Session, September Ord, Iq~6
by Conncihman 14offatt, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Iayor Wha~rtou, Council-
men -'Ioffatt, Murphy, Thmmpson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of Mrs. Gertrude Corbett
et al requesting that a street light
be installed on Wilbw• Street be-
tween Grove Terrace and alley or
at the second lig9tt pole on \Viibur
Street from Grove Terrace west,
presented and read.
Couucihnan Thompson moved
that the petition be referred to the
Citp 1\Iauag'er to have lights rear
rarg'ed on Wilbur Street. Seconded
by Council Marpby Carried by the
Yollowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, illurphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuau.
Petition of J. A. I{lacer et al re-
questing the Ctiy Council to deny
the use of the corner lot occupied
as a gas statimt on the corner of
Rest Locust and Kirkwood Streets
from being used as a Trailer Camp,
presented anti read.
Councilman -4urphy moved that
the petition be referred to the City
1Ianager and Health Department
for investigation and report. Sec-
onded by Mayor Wharton. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Communication of Arthur C,
I{auffmann submitting an offer in
the amount of $1,050.00 for the
purchase of City owned property
located ou Garfield Avenue be-
tween Dock and 11larshall Streets,
nreseuted and read.
Couucilmau Thompson moved
that the offer be rejected. Second-
ed by Councilman -Iurphy. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
nten Meffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of L. F. McDonough,
Parade Chariman of the Iowa Cen-
tennial Committee, requesting per-
mission for the holding of a street
parade mt September 19, at 2 p.nt.,
presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the request he granted. Sec-
owned by Comrcihnan Moffatt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Couuci]-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompsou,
Van Duelman.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of a statement
of receipts and also a list of claims
for which warrants were drawn
dtu°ing the month of July, 1946.
presented and read.
Couucihuan Murphy moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Couucilmau
17tmnpson. Carried by the follow-
ing' vote:
I easMaym• Wharton, Council-
men -Ioffatt, Murply, Thompsou,
Vau Duelman.
Ordinance No. 32-46
An Ordinance vacating the alley
south of Lots 32 and 33 Littleton's
and Sawyer's Addition in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, said ordinance
having been passed upon first read-
ing ou August 5th, 1946 and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
for public inspection for at least
one week before its final adoption,
was Presented for final adoption.
Ordinance No. 32-46
Au Ordinance vacating the alley
south of Lots 32 and 33 Littletou's
and Sawyer's Addition in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa;
And, Whereas, a Petition has
been filed requesting the vacation
of that part of the alley above
And, Whereas, the Applicant is
the owner of real estate abutting
said alley;
And, Whereas, the Planning and
Toning Commission of the City of
Dubuque elamined into the advis-
ability of vacating' said alley, and
after investigation, have recont-
memded that such vacation be
And, Whereas, said portion of
said alley asked to be vacated has
been platted and dedicated as a
public alley but the same has nev-
er been opened for travel or pub-
lic use and there is no demand for
the use thereof as such at this
time, nor is there any indication
that the same will be needed for
a long time to come;
~djourttEd Regular Session, September Ord, 1q~6 281
And, AVhereas, the Applicant,
Joseph R. Wild desires the use of
said alley in connection with the
property above described and there
does not appear to be valid ob-
jections thereto; Now, Therefore,
Be it ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That that part of the
alley south of Lots 32 and 33 Lit-
tleton's and Sawyer's Additimi in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be, and
the same is hereby vacated,
Sea 2. That the Applicant shall
cause a Plat of said vacated alley
to be prepared wherein the part
of the alley now being' vacated
shall be gitren a legal description,
whereupon the City of Dubuque
shall convey said alley to said Jo-
seph k. Wiln by quit claim deed,
and the Dlayor and Clerk of said
City are hereby authorized and di-
rected to etecute said deed on be-
half of said City.
Sec. 3. That the Clerk be, and
he is hereby directed to file a
certified copy of this Ordinance in
the office of the Recorder of Du-
buque County, Iowa.
Sea 4. That this Ordinance shall
be in fm•ce and effect ten days
from and after its final passage,
adoption and aPPt'oval as Provided
by law, and when the cast of pub-
lishing the same has been paid by
the Petitioner.
Passed upmt first reading this
5th day of August, 191G.
Passed, adopted and approved u~-
on final reading this 3rd day of
September, 194G.
Attest: J. J. SIIEA,
City Clet•li.
Published orTicially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper, this 5th
day of September, 194G.
9-5-1 i. J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
rt~de'i by Councihnau 11loffatt. Car-
ried by the fol'owing' vote:
Teas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moft'att, Mut•phy, Thompson,
V'an Duelman.
August 23, 1946
To the Honorable Mayor and
Councih Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: On July 15, 1946
Sumner S. Sollitt & Company oY
Chicago was awarded a contract
fur the sum of X9,053.40 for the
clearing', grubbing' and grading of
Avalon, Broadlawn, Morning'viety,
Chaney, Ogilby, Mullin, Valleyview,
and Hillcrest Roads in Hillcrest
Having' checked and compared
the grades of said roads with their
Profile Nos. 1312, 1313, 1311, 1315.
131G, 1317, 1313, and 1319; I reconr
mend that said clearing, g'rubbing'
and grading' be accepted as fully
complying with the terms and pro-
visions of the contract.
A word of conunendation is given
to Charles J. Wilson & Company's
grade superintendent, Gemg'e Nor-
ton, t-m• his splendid cooperation
throughout the project.
Respectfully submitted
City Engineer
Councilman Thompsou moved
that the recommendation of City
Engineer Temple be approved, Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the follarving' vote:
Yeas--Iayor Wharton, Cotincil-
men 11loffatt, Murphy, Thompson.
Van Duehman.
August 9, 1946
To the Honorable illayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: Herewith is sttb-
ntitted Profile No. 1322 showing the
proposed grade on \Vest Third
Street and Profile No. 1323 shota-
ing the proposed grade on Dun-
leith Street.
I recommend that the proposed
grades be approved as shown on
the profiles and Ordinances be
passed establishing' such grades,
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer
Councihuau Murphy moved that
the recommendation of City En-
gineer Temple be approved. Second-
z8a Adjourned Regular Session, September 3rd, Ic~}6
ed by Councilman Moffatt, Carried
by the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Nay s-None.
Ordinance No. 33-46
An Ordinance establishing a
grade on West Third Street from
the east property line of Nm'th Al-
goiia Street to the west property
live of North Grandview avenue,
presented and read.
Couucilnan Van Duelman moved
that the reading just had be consid-
ered the first reading of the ordin-
ance. Seconded by Councilman
Thoutpsou. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Mtu'phy, Thompson,
Vau Duehuan.
Councilman Van Duehuan moved
that the rules be suspended re-
quiring an ordinance to be read on
three separate days. Seconded by
Councihuan Murphy. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas-Il'fayor Wharton, Counci]-
nieu Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Councilman Van Duehuan moved
that the ordinance be placed ou file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore its Yinal adoption. Seconded
by Councihuan 1loffatt, Carried by
the following' vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men NloPfatt, Murphy, Thmnpson,
~"an Duelnau.
Ordinance No. 34-46
Au ordinance establishing'a grade
rat Dnnleith Street from the west
property line of Southern Avenue
to a paint 390 feet west of the
west property lice of Southern
Avenue, presented and read.
Coutcilnan Vau Duehnau novel
that the reading just had be con-
sidered the first reading of the
m•dimance. Seconded by Cotmcilman
Dloffatt. Carried by the following'
Peas-;Mayor Wharton, Counci]-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thotupson,
Van Duelman.
Couucilnan Van Duelnau moved
that the rules be suspended requir-
ing an ordinance to be read on
three separate clays. Seconded by
Councihuan N4urphy. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the ordinance be placed on
file with the City Clerk far public
inspection for at least one week
before its final adoption. Seconded
by Councilman Thompson. Carried
by the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Counci]-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
August 1Q, 1946
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Couucih Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: I herewith submit
the repro-ts of the City, Auditor,
Treasurer, Water Works, and
Health Department, also a list of
claims and list of payrolls for
which warrants were drawn during
the mmith of duly, 1946.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Murphy motred that
the repro is be received and placed
rat file. Seconded by Cotmcilman
Vau Duelman. Carried by the fol-
lowiug trote:
Leas-Nlayor Whartmt, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman,
September 3, 1946
To the Hmtorable Nlayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: This is to advise
that I have approved the following
timid and policy and desire to have
your approval on same for filing:
Richard J. Burke, 130 West 13th
Sheet, No. 5011 American Braiding
Co. of Baltimm'e.
The Radio Cab Company, 5th &
Central Avenue, No. 14P101907
American Casualty Co. of Reading
Respectfitlly submitted,
City Manager
Adjourned Regular Session, September 2rd, 1946 283
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the braids he apliroaed and placed
ou file. Seconded by Councihuan
Van Duehuan. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas--Iayor Wharton, Cottucil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thotupson,
Van Duelman.
September 3, 1946
To the Hmtm'able Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: At the meeting of
August 5th the petition of Merlin
I{luck requesting a street light at
the corner of Rosedale and As-
lury Streets and the petition of
Mrs Frank Sherrer et al request-
ing astreet light at 26th and Pin-
ard Streets were referred to the
Council to view the growtds.
The Cotmcil having viewed the
sites decided to grant the requests.
I recmumend chat the decisions of
the Council b2 confirmed,
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councihuan Thompson moved
that the recommendation of City
Manager Rhomberg be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
man. Carried by the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Ceuncil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompsmt,
Vau Duelman,
September 3, 1946
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: At the August 5th
meeting the petition of the General
Timber Service, Inc., requesting
perntissiou to build a loading dock
11 feet 10 inches in width and 162
feet long in Water Street adjacent
to the North 225 feet of the North
300 feet of Block 7 of Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s Add. and also regnest-
ing~ flat Water Street be graded
and graveled its full width from
Jones Street south to the end of
the building' was referred to the
Council to view the grounds.
The Council having viewed the
grounds decided to grant the re-
quests. I reconvnend that the de•
cisions of the Council be confirur
ed and flat proper proceedings he
adopted for the loading dock.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Murphy moved that
the recommendation of City Mana-
ger Rhmnberg be approved and
the decisimts of the Council con-
firmed and the City Solicitor re-
gnested to prepare the proper pro-
ceeding's. Secmtded by Councihuan
Moffatt. Carried by the following
Peas-N'Iayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van lluelman.
August 29, 1946
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Cmmcil, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: At the meeting of
APril 26th the matter of the tax
certificates held by the City against
the property of the Grace Metho-
dist Church-the North 50 feet of
the North 107 feet of the East t/z
of City Lot 746 was referred to me
to confer with the Trustees of the
As a result of several meetings
the Trustees of the Church have
increased their offer of compromise
froth $292.43 to $400.00 I recmn-
meud that the City Council accept
the $400.00 and authorize the City
Treasurer to transfer and surrend-
er the tas certificate to the Grace
Methodist Church.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman llloffatt moved that
the recouuueudation of City Mana-
ger Rhmnberg be approved and the
City Treasurer instructed accord-
ingly. Secmided by Councihuan
-fiu•phy. Carried by the following
Peas-Nlayor Wharton. Council-
men Moffatt, Mut'Phy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
August 6, 1946
In re: Claim of Geneva Knapp
Honor°able Nlayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: With reference to
the action of Geneva Knapp, Plain-
tiff, vs, City of Dubuque, Iowa, De-
fendant for $1,000.00 for persmial
injuries claimed to have been re-
ceived on or about April 2, 1946, at
a time when Plaintiff tripped and
fell on a defective sidewalk located
at 512 tiVest 14th Street in the City
z84 Adjourned Regular Session, September ,rd, 1946
of Dubuque, Iowa, upon investiga-
tion Ifind that the sidewalk is in
a very bad condition; that plaintiff
did receive iujm-ies. After consulta-
tion with her Attorney, M. M.
Cooney, they have agreed to ac-
cept $225.D0 iu full settlement of
this action.
I recommend that a warrant be
issued payable to M. M. Cooney.
Attorney for Geneva Knapp for
$225.00 and that the same be de-
delivered upon receipt by the City
of a properly executed release and
upon dismissal of the action above
referred to.
Yours truly,
City Solicitor
Councihnau Thompson moved
that the recommendation of City
Solicitor Kiutzinger be approved
and the City Auditor instructed to
draw a warrant in the amount of
$225.00 iu favor of 17. IVI. Cooney,
Attorney for Geneva Knapp, as
settlement in full of the claim and
action, and that said warrant be
delivered upon receipt by the City
of Dubuque of a propet9y executed
release and upon dismissal of the
court action. Seconded by Council-
man Vau Duehuan. Carried by the
following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
tiara Duehuan
August 27, 1946
Iu re: Claim of Mrs. William
Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: With reference to
the above claim, lYL•s. Brosky
claimed that she received injuries
to her shoukler iu a fall upon an
icy sidewalk on the east side of
19th Street between Jackson and
the alley to the west, which walk
was alongside the Wissel Meat
Market, the cmtdition of the walk
being caused by a down spout de•
positing water directly on the walls
which froze and made the walk un-
safe and dangerous, Mrs. Brosky
has been receiving treatnteuts to
her shoulder and arm ever since
that time. There is no question in
my mind as to the liability.
Mrs. Broslty brought to my office
Iter bills, the Doctor bill, in all
amounting to $104.50. She stated to
rate that if she could receive $150.00
she would settle the claim. I took
the matter up with the Wissel Mar-
ket informing them of the situa-
tion; they agreed to pay $75.00.
I recommend that the City pay
au additional sum of $75.00 and that
a warrant be issued payable to Mrs.
William Brosky fm' $75.00 and de-
livered to her upon delivery to the
City of a release properly executed
by her.
Pom•s truly,
Councihnau Murphy moved that
the recmtimeudation of City Solici-
tor Kiutzinger be approved and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant in the antoutn of $75.00 in
favor of 112rs. William Brosky, as
settlement in full of her claim, and
that said warrant be delivered upon
receipt by the City of Dubuque of a
properly executed release. Secmtd-
ed by Councihnau R~Ioffatt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
August 9, 1946
Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: In re: Petition of
Mrs. rl~Iargaret E. Hogan far sus-
pension of taxes on: City Lot N1/2
of 326, asking that the 1945 tax be
suspended because of age.
Petition of -Iary F. Brandt for
suspension of taxes on: Lot 162,
East Dubuque Addition, asking that
the 1945 tax be suspended because
of infirmity.
Petition of Sarah Koehler for
suspension of taxes on: Lot 15
Jackson School Sub., asking that
the 1945 tax be suspended because
of infirmity.
I reconmtend that said Petitions
be approved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque and that noti-
fication of such approval be given
to the Board of Supervism~s of Du-
buque GountY, Iowa.
Pours truly,
City Solicitor
Councilman Moffatt moved that
the recommendation of City Solici-
tor Kiutzinger be approved and
the Board of Supervisors to be
notified of the action of the City
Adjourned Regular Session, September ,~rd, I~~6 ~8~
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson, Carried by the follow-
ing trote:
Yeas114ayor Wharton, Couucil-
meu -Ioffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman,
September 3, 1946
Houoraltle Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: The question sub-
mitted to me is as follows:
"Is a public facility comprising
a stadium and field house includ-
ing' afurther facility in compliance
with Sec. 500 of the 1939 Code of
Iowa a memorial building in com-
pliance with Chapter 33 of the 1939
Code of Iowa?"
Chapter 33 of the 1939 Code of
Iowa (now Chapter 37 of the 1946
Coae) is entitled "Memorial Halls
and 14omm~ents for Soldiers, Sailors
and 114ariues."
Section 500 of the 1939 Code
(now Sec, 37.15 of the 1946 Codel
provides as follows:
"3716 Name-Uses. Any such
memorial hall or building' shall he
given an appropriate name and
shall be available so far as practi-
cal for the fallowing purposes:
1. The special accommodations
of soldiers, sailors, marines, nurses
and other persons who have been
in the military or naval service of
the lluited States.
2. For military headquarters,
memorial roosts, library, assembly
hall, gymnasium, natatorium, club
roots and rest room.
3. County, tows or city hall, of-
fices for any county or municipal
purpose, connmmity house, recrea-
tion center, memorial hospital, and
municipal colisemn or auditoritun.
4. Similar and appropriate pur-
poses in general emumunity and
ueig'hborhaod uses, under the con-
trol and regulation of the custod-
ians thereof."
Chapter 37 supra contains uunter-
otus sections providing, among oth-
ers, that the building' shall be
erected in commemoration of sol-
diers, sailors, marines, curses and
other persons who have been in the
military or naval service of the
United States; that the building
should be available so far as prac-
tical as set forth in Sec. 37.18
supra. Said building' can be erected
and hoods issued therefor when
electors of the City give their ap-
proval at an election at which the
question is submitted. When the
proposition carries by a majority
vote of the electors voting at such
election and within 60 days there-
after, all of the service organiza-
tions must meet and appoint dele-
gates who shall, within 90 clays
after election, meet in conference
and by a ballot select five com-
missioners whose names shall be
forthwith furnished to the City
Council who shall appoint them as
such conuuissiouers; said Connnis-
simters shall have supervision of
the erection of the said building,
and, when said building is erected.
the management and control there-
of. Before au election can be held
a Petition must be filed iu accord-
ance with the provisimts of this
chapter. A tax is authorized fm't-he
development, expansion and con-
tinuation of the building. Such
memm~iaL building can be located
in guy public park and upon guy
other suitable site.
From a careful examination of
the statute referred to and a ttunt-
ber of cases, including some sub-
mitted to me, I am of the opinion
that the statute is limited to the
erection of a building and does not
contemplate the inclusion of out
door recreation facilities to be used
iu conjunction therewith.
Yours truly,
City Solicitor
Councihnau Thmupson moved
.that the opinimt of City Solicitor
Kiutzinger be made a matter of
record. Seconded by Cotmcihnan
Murphy. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thontpsmt,
Van Duelman.
August 17, 1946
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: With reference to at-
tached petition of Leo Marihart et
a] the Planning & Zoning Cmnmis
lion viewed the site and decided
that a Local Business Distt~ct at
Sheridan and Groveland Streets in-
cluding the two lots No, 1D6 and
No. 107 iu Burden asd Lowther Ad•
286 _ldjourned Regular Session, September 3rd, Ig:}6
dition but somewhat larger, adding
lots to the westward No. 108, No.
109 and No. 110 was in order.
Therefore, the Plauuing aucl Zon-
ing Concntissimt respectfully recmu-
mends to your honorable body the
creation of a Local Business Dis-
trict at the corner of Sheridan and
Groveland Streets oracle up of lots
No. 106, No. 107, No. 108, No. 109
and No. 110.
Pours truly,
The Dubuque Plauuing and Zoning
By Richard V. McKay
Cowtcilman Murphy moved that
the recommendation of the Plan-
ning antl Zoning Commisiion be
approved and the City Solicitor re-
quested to prepare the proper pro-
ceedings. Seconded by Councilman
Van Duelman. Caa•ried by the fol-
lowing vote:
leas-Mayor Wharton, Cou~cil-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
August 19, 1946
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Centlmnen: The Planning and
Zoning Commission respectfully
recommends to your honorable
body that all the ]and west of the
old City Limits annexed by Reso-
lution No. 35-4fi of City Council
adopted April 15, 1946 be zoned to
Two Family Residence classifica-
tion with the stipulation that area
requirements for two family homes
be strictly enforced aitd that the
Board of Adjustment may iu uo
case in the future waive the 7000
square feet area requirements to
applicants who may endeavor tc
place a two fancily house on r
single lot.
The area included in the annexa•
time is described as follows:
Beginning' on the existing west
corporation line of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa in line with the north
property line of Seminary Street
exteuded to said cm•poratiou lice;
thence westerly along the norther-
ly line of Stout Road to the north-
erly Line of the Asbury Road;
thmtce north westerly along the
northerly line of the Asbury Road
to the westerly line of Avalon
Street extended northerly across
said road; thence southerly along
the westerly side of Avalon Road
to the southerly line of Hillcrest
Road; thence easterly along the
southerly line of Hillcrest Road to
the west live of lot 1 of lot 2 of
Mineral Lot 261; thence south
along the west line of Lot 1 of Lot
2 of Mineral Lot 261 and Lot 1 of
Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lirtk's
subdivision to the south line of Lot
1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Link's
Subdivision; thence easterly along
the southerly lice of Lot 1 of Lot 2
of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Link's subdivi-
sion to the southerly line of the As-
bury Road; thence southeasterly
along the southerly line of the As•
bury Road to the existing west
corporation line of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, thence northerly
along the said existing west cor•
poration line to the point of begin-
ning, all in Section 22, Township
S9 North, Range 2 East of the 5th
Principal Meridian, being in Du-
buque Township, Dubuque County,
Iowa, containing 59.6 acres more
m' less.
Yours truly,
The Dubuque Planning'and Zoning
By Richard V. R1cIfay
Councilman Van Duelmau moved
that the reconuueudation of the
Planning and Zoning Commission
be approved and the City Solicit-or
requested to prepare the proper
proceedings. Seconded by Cowrcil-
ntan Moffatt. Carried by the fol-
Iowing~ vote:
Yeas-rlIayor Wharton, Council-
men -4offatt, Murphy, Thmnpson,
Van Duelman.
August 1S, 194G
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: With reference to
the petition of A. Y, McDonald
Mfg. Co., asking for vacation of
certain streets and alley in the
neighborhood of their plant for
expahsion pm'poses the Plauuing
and Zoning Commission requests
that your honorable body waive
the statutory thirty day ]intit with-
in which the Couunission is requir-
ed to make a recommendation to
Council before the Council may act
~ldjotu-ned Regular Session, Sept°mber 3rd, tc~.}6 a8j
without such recommendation, in
order to give the Planning and
Zoning Commission more time to
make a thorough study of the sit-
As you know, the Commission is
about to engage expert advice to
help solve among other matters the
serious traffic problems facing the
City, and mte of the first studies
will be that of handling the traffic
from the proposed industrialized
City Island. Until such study is
made it will be difficult to judge
the effects of the changes proposed
by A. ]. McDonald Mfg. Co. Such
a study will probably take more
than thirty days, for this reason
and in view of the objections of
other Property owners in that area,
the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion recmuntencls that City Cowtcil
take no action until a complete re-
port may be prepared by the Plan-
ning and Zoning' Commissimt.
Respectfully submitted,
The Dubuque Plauuing and Zouiug~
By Richard V. McKay
Councilman Thompson moved
that the recommendation of the
Planning and Zoning Coutmissiou
be approved. Seconded by Council-
man Moffatt. Carried by the Yolloty-
iug vote:
leas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men -'Ioffatt, 11~Ilu~phy, Tltompscu,
Van Duelman.
August 18. 1946
To the Honorable 3'Iayor and
Gity Councih Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: Assumiug~ that U. S.
Highways 61 and 151 are re-routed
as proposed and ag'aim assuming
that the removal of such traffic
might threaten the survival of the
nppm~ bridge operation, the Plmt-
uiug and 'Loning~ Cmmntission be-
lieves that it is it's duty to lay be-
Yore City Council the apparent cou-
sequeuces of such happenings from
the general traffic standpoint, es-
pecially in view of plans now un-
der way to engage a City Plauper
to investigate and recouuueud
means to meet traffic conditions
now and in the future.
Preliminary plans for the devel-
opment of City Island call for a
major highway from Garfield Av-
enue at Farley St. south along the
west boundary of City Island and
connecting with all open east-west
highways from 11th to 16th Sts.
inclusive. This Proposed highway
would take considerable farm-to-
market and tourist h'affic off the
present north-south arteries. 11love-
meuts to and from Dubuque Paclc-
iug Ca. plant front South Western
Wisconsin would never clutter up
the present lanes if handled over
a north bridge crossing, whereas,
this same traffic over the Pow' mile
longer south bridge route would
add to the hazards while passing'
through the main part of the City
enroute to the Packing Co, plant.
Until the proposed traffic studies
progress sufficiently the Planning
and Zoning Couunission believes
it would he in the public interest
Por City Council to w•g'e the Iowa
State Higlnvay Department to de-
fer at least temporarily the pro-
posed changes in U. S. Higlnvay 61
and 7.51 routing.
Respectfully submitted,
The Dubuque Planning and Zoning
By Richard V. i1IcI{aY,
Conncihnan Murphy moved that
the Gity Clerk be directed to for-
ward acopy of the cmumunication
to the Iowa State Higlnvay Cour-
mission for their consideration.
Seconded ly Councilman Moffatt.
Carried by the following vote:
Peas-Iayor 1Vhartou, Cmmcil-
men illoffatt, 114nrphy, Thmupsou,
Van Duelntan,
Resolution No. 122-46
IVhereas, Baxter hlauufachu'ing
Cmnpauy has filed with the City
Council a Petition requesting con-
sent to the removal of the loading'
docle on the Jaclcson Street side
oY the factory building located at
151 Ninth Street to be replaced
with a concrete loading dock run-
ning the full length of the build-
ing 7 foet. wide, in accordance with
plans attached thereto;
And, Whereas, it appears that
said loading dock is located on
the street;
And, whereas, the City Council
has viewed the grounds and is of
the opinion that the request should
be granted, on condition that the
southeasterly corner of the dock
a88 adjourned Regular Session, September Ord, Iy~(>
at Jacksmt and Ninth Street be
romtded off so as to pretreat a
sharp corner.
Noty, Therefore
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That Baxter Mamifactur-
ig Company, its successors and as-
signs be, and it is hereby granted
the right and authority to place a
new concrete loading dock on the
Jackson Street side of the building
located on the northeast corner of
Jackson and i\'inth Street accord-
iug~ to plans and specifications now
on file in the office of the City
Clerk, except that the southeaster-
ly corner of the dock at Jackson
and East Ninth Street be rounded
off so as to prevent a sharp corner
ai said point.
Sec. 2. That such construction
is to he done under the direction
and supervision of the Building In-
spector and City Manager, and un-
der any miles and regulations they
may prescribe,
Sec. 3. That the right to place
and maintain said new entrance
shall he aubject to the continuous
control of the City Council, reserv-
ing the right to said City Council
to impose restrictions and condi-
tions upon the enjoyment thereof
as may be reasonably necessary far
the protection of the public inter-
ests, inchtding the right to revoke
and rescind the ga•ant hereby made,
if at any time the public interests
should so require.
Sec. 4. As a fiu•ther considera-
tion of the rights and privileges
herein granted, said Baxter Mamt-
Yacturing~ Company, its successors
and assigns, assume any liabilty
for damages to persons or property
which may result from the con-
struction and/or maintenance of
said new loading dock and said
Baxter Mauufachuing~ Company, its
successors and assigns, at its own
expense agrees to defend any and
all claims m• actions which may be
madeor brought against the City
because of the construction and/or
maintenance of such loading dock,
and should the City be required to
pay any sum as damages, said Bax-
ter Manufacturing Company, its
successors and assigns, agree to
fully reimbin~se the City therefor
and to hold said City harmless
from any damages.
Sec. 5. Should the rights and
privileges herein granted be re•
scinded or revoked, said Baxter
Manufacturing' Company, its suc-
cessm's and assigns, at its own
expense and upon receipt of notice
by registered mail, agrees, within
30 days after receipt of such notice
to remove the structure herein au-
thm~ized and to restm•e the street
iu as good condition as it was be-
fore said construction,
Sec. G. This Resolution shall be-
come effective and the rights here-
under shall accrue to Baxter Man-
ufacturiug' Company, its successors
and assigns, when the Resolution
has been passed by the City Cotut-
cil and accepted by said Baxter
Manufacturing Company, which ac-
ceptance shall be endorsed hereon.
Passed, approved and adopted
this 3rd day of September, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Acceptance of
Resolution Na. 122-46
The Baxter Nlauufacturing Com-
pany, having ful knowledge and
understanding of all the terms and
conditions of Resolution Na. 122-4G
hereby accepts the same as adopt-
ed and agrees to comply with all
the terms and conditions thereof.
Signed this 9th clay of September,
By Frank R. Beddow, Jr.
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councihnau Vau Duehuan.
Carried by the following vote;
YeasNlayor Wharton, Couucil-
uten Dloffatt, -lurphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 123.46
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
the following-, having complied with
the provisions of law relating to
the sale of cigarettes within the
City of Dubuque, be granted a per-
mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette
~djounted Regular Session, September Ord, lgdb 289
papers within said City and the
Manager is directed to issue such
permit mt behalf of said City.
Name Address
Louis L'ournias and Rhea Bourn-
ias, 2254 University Avenue,
Harold Cosley and William W.
Cosley, 1121 University Avenue.
Martin Il'Ieyer and Vernon Nleyer,
530 East 22nd Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed with the applications
be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of September, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
the adoptimt of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Nlaym• Whartmt, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Nays \'one.
Resolution No. 124.46
Whereas, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Cotmcil for approval anti the
same have been examined:
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the fol-
lowing applications be granted and
the licenses are to be issued upon
the compliance with the terms of
the ordinances of this City.
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
William Hochberger, 1701 Asbury
Harry V. Geode and Viola Geode,
1635 Central Avenue.
George A. Nardiu and Bessie Nar-
diu, 1255 Central Avenue.
Thomas F. McDonough and Ruth
McDonough, 1052 University Av-
Class "B" Permit for Private Club
The Oasis Club, 993 Central Av-
Dubuque Lodge No. 355, Loyal
Order of Moose, 1379 Central Av-
Class "C" Permit
Teneubmu Super -Iarket, Inc..
G30 Locust Street,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of September, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resohttion, Sec-
onded I>y Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote:
Peas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duehuan.
Resolution No. 125.46
IVhereas, heretofore applicatimts
for Beer Permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc~
cupied by such applicants have
been inspected and found to com-
ply with the ordinances of this
City and they have filed a proper
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council, of
the City of Dubuque that the Mana-
ger be and he is hereby directed to
issue to the following named ap-
plicants aBeer Permit.
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
William Hochberger, 1701 Asbury
Harry V. Geode and Viola Geode,
1633 Central Avenue.
George A, Nardiu and Bessie Nar•
din, 1255 Central Avenue.
Thomas F. N1cDonoug'h and Ruth
McDonough, 1052 university Av-
Class "B" Permit for Private Club
The Oasis Club, 998 Central Av-
Dubuque Lodge No, 355, Loyal
Order of Nloose, 1379 Central Av
Class "C" Permit
Teneubom Super Market, Inc.,
630 Locust Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be
and the same are hereby approved.
?90 ~ldjom-ued Regular Session, September ,~rd, tg~(
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of September, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Van Duehuau moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sea
ouded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, -4ttrphy, Thompson,
Van Duehuan.
Resolution No. 126.46
Whereas, on the 3rd day of June,
194G, this Council passed a Resolu-
tion authorizing the City Manager
to acquire the Southerly 25 feet of
Lot 30 of Ann O'Hare's Subdivision
now desm°ibed as (1) for $1,OOD.00;
Aud, Whereas, the said City
1lanag~er attempted to acquire said
property for said suet but the own-
er thereof refused to sell the prop-
erty for $1,000.00 bttt offered to
sell the same to the City for
$1,250.00 and furnish a plat and
certificate of title thereto;
Aad, Whereas, it is necessary
to secure said property for the
widening of West Third Street
from North Grandview Avenue to
Algona Street;
And, Whereas, $1,000.00 ryas ap-
propriated for the purchase of said
property and the same is insuffi-
cient; $250.00 adidtional being re-
Now, Therefore:
Be It Resolved by the City Cotut-
ci1 of the City of Dubttque:
That an additional $250.00 be,
and the same is hereby appropriat-
ed fm° the pm•pose of raising
ing $1250.00 for the purpose of pur-
chasing Lot Two (2) of the Sub-
division of Lot Two (2) of the Suh-
division of Lot Thirty (30) in
O'Hare's Subdivision of the south
part of Mineral Lot One Hundred
Silty Uue (161) in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, according to the re-
corded plats thereof; and the City
llauag'er is hereby authorize[l to
Pay Caroline W. Kearney $1,250.00
upon delivery to the City of Du-
buque a Warranty Deed conveying
the above described property, a
plat thereof and a certificate front
an Abstractor showing there the
title thereto, no liens against said
property and it is in the came of
Caroline W. I{earuey.
Passed, adapted and approved
this 3rd day of September, 1946,
Attest J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Thompson moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
muled by Councilman Murphy, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men -4offatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Resolution No. 127-46
Be It Resoh~ed by the City Coun•
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That the proposed plans and
specifications fm' dte reconstruc-
tion of the sidewalk abutting' the
north side of the building located
ou the North G9 feet 3 incites of
Lot r3 in the Original Town of Du-
buque, said property being orvued
by CS'illiam F. Cooper and Kathryn
J. Cooper be, and the same are
hereby approved and ordered filed
in the office of the City Clerk.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of September, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Ceuncihuau Van Duelman.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Iayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thomposn,
Van Duelman,
:~djotuned Regular Session, September Ord, tp~f 2~1
Resolution No. 128-46
Whereas, Ordinance No. 194
passed and adopted Dlay 2, 1923
"That the City Council may order
by the adoption of a Resolution
the construction, reconstruction
and repair of permanent side-
walks upon any street, highway,
avenue, public ground, wharf or
landiug~. jVheu sidewalks are
ordered constructed, reconstruct-
ed or repaired a contract thm-e-
fm•e shalt be entered into by the
City and the work shall be done
according to general plans and
specifications prepared therefor.
After the contract has been com-
pleted the cost shall be assessed
to the lots or parcels of real
estate before which such side-
walks have been constructed, re-
constructed or repaired and shall
be collected as a special tax in
the mamter provided by law."
Aud, Whereas, it is deemed nec-
essary and advisable by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that a permanent sidewalk be re-
constructed adjoining and abutting'
the North side of the building lo-
cated on the North 64 feet 3 inches
of Lot i3 iu the Original Town of
Dubuque, being on the Southwest
corner of Third and Nlain Streets,
and general plans and specifica-
tions therefor have been duly pre-
pared by the City Engineer and
aPPr'oved by the Gity Council, the
cost and elpeuse thereof to be
assessed against the real estate
hereinbefm•e described as Pt'ovided
by law.
Now, Therefore:
Be It P~esolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That a Permanent sidewalk be,
and the same is hereby m-dered re-
constrttcted, constructed, laid and
put in place accm'ding' to g'euera]
plans and specificatimts heretofore
prepared therefor ou the North or
Third Sireet side of the building
located ou the Nm•th 64 feet 3
inches of Lot 73 in the Original
Town of Dubuque, being the South-
west Corner of Third and Main
Streets in the City of Dubuque. The
owners thereof are William F.
Cooper and I{athryn J. Cooper.
Be it fiu~ther Resolved that No-
tice be served on the above named
property owners advising them of
the adoption of this Resolution, and
attaching to said Notice a copy
hereof and giving them ten days
from the date of service of such
notice in which to cmtstrnet said
sidewalk themselves, in the event
they desire so to do.
Be it further Resolved that in the
event of the failure of the property
owners to reconstruct said side-
wallt within the time above pro•
vided, that the City Clerk be, and
he is hereby directed to publish a
Notiee of the intention of the Coun-
cil to reconstruct (construct) said
sidewalk in the official newspaper
of the City of Dubuque, stating
therein the descriptimt of the par-
cel of real estate before which the
same is to be reconstructed, the
names of the owners and the width
of the sidewallt.
Be it further Resolved that said
City Clerk be, and he is hereby di-
rected to advertise for bids for the
reconstruction (construction) of
said sidewalk, notice thereof to be
given by two publications in the
official newspaper oY the City of
Dubuque, the first of which shall
be not less thou 15 days before the
date of receiving bids, which no-
tice shall state the location of the
proposed sidewalk, when the work
shall be done, the terms of Pay-
ment, the time when bids will be
acted upon and refer the contrac-
tor to plans and specifications as
to the manner of construction and
material, to be used.
Be it further Resolved that said
sidewalk shall be fully completed
ou or before the 15th clay of No-
vember, 194G,
Be it further Resolved that upon
the completion of said sidewallt
the cast thereof shall be assessed
aaainst the parcel of real estate
almtg which said sidewalk is laid
and the contractor shall be paid in
cash in form and manner provided
by law and Ordinances of the City
of Dubuque.
Be it further Resolved that a
contract will be awarded to the
lowest bidder reserving', however,
to the City Council the right to re-
ject any and all bids and readver-
tise for bids if necessary.
2C~z _ldjourned Kegular Session, September 3rd, tq~6 ~ adjourned Regular Session, Sept°uther 3rd, tpd(i ~~~
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of September, 1946,
I~~'. W. lIOFFATT,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Moffatt moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman -Im•phy. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thonrpsou,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 129.46
Be It resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That the proposed plans and
specifications for the recoustruc-
tiou of the sidewalk abutting the
west side of the West 170 feet of
Lot 231 of Davis Farm Addition to
the City of Dubuque, said property
being owned by Agatha Mihm be,
atul the same are hereby approved
anti ordered filed in the office of
the City Clerk.
Passed, adopted anti approved
this 3rd day of September, 1916.
W. 4V. tl'IOFFATT,
P.ttest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman I<Iurphy morred the
adoption of the resolution, Seeond-
ed by Councihman Moffatt. Carried
by the follawing~ vote:
Teas-:Mayor I~'harton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution Na. 130-46
IT'hereas, Ordinance No. 194
passed and adopted Nlay 2, 1928
"That the City Council may order
by the adoption of a Resolution
the conshvction, reconstruction
and repair of permanent side-
walks upon any street, highway,
avenue, public ground, wharf or
landing. When sidewalks are or-
tiered constructed, reconstructed
or repaired a contract therefore
shall be entered into by the City
and the wm-k shall be done ac-
cording~ to general plans and
specifications prepared therefor.
After the contract has been com-
pleted the cost shall be assessed
to the lots or parcels of real es-
tate before which such sidewalks
have been constructed, recmt-
strueted or repaired and shall be
collected as a special tai iu the
manner provided by law."
And, Whereas, it is deemed neces-
sary and advisable by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque that
a permanent sidewalk be recmt-
siructed adjoining and abutting the
west side of the West 170 feet of
Lot 284 of Davis Farm Addition to
the City of Dubuque, and general
plans and specifications therefor
have been duly prepared by the City
Engineer and approved by the City
Council, the cost and expense there-
of to be assessed against the real
estate hereinbefm-e described as
provided by law.
Now, Therefore:
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That a perntauent sidewalk be,
and the same is hereby ordered re-
constructed, constructed, laid anti
put in place according to general
plans anti specifications heretofore
prepared therefor ou the West m•
Central Avenue side of the West
170 feet of Lot 2S4 of Davis Farm
Addition to the City of Dubuque.
The owner thereof is Agatha 14lihnt,
1534 IVoodlaud Avenue, Apartment
6, Des Moines, Iowa.
Be It Further Resolved that No-
tice he served ou the above named
property owner advising her of
the adoption of this Resolution, anti
attachlrg to said Notice a copy
hereof and g'iving' her ten days fi-om
the date of service of such notice in
\5'lilCh to construct said sidewak:
herself, in the event she desires so
to do.
Be It Further Resolved that iu
the event of the faihu•e of the
property owner to reconstruct said
sidewalk within the time above
Provided, that the City Clerk be,
and he is hereby directed to pub-
lish aNotice of the intention of the
Council to reconstruct (construct)
said sidewalk in the official news-
paper of the City of Dnbuque, stat-
ing therein the description of the
parcel of real estate before which
the same is to be reconstructed, the
name of the owner and the width
of the sidewalk.
Be It Fwther Resolved that said
City Clerk be, and he is hereby di-
rected to advertise for bids for
the recmtstructio^ (construction)
of said sidewalk, notice thereof to
be given by two publications iu the
official newspaper of the City of
Dubuque, the first of which shall
be not less than 15 days befm•e the
date of receiving bids, which notice
shall state the location of the pro-
posed sidewalk, when the work
shall be done, the terms of payment,
the time when bids will be acted
upmr and refer the contractor to
plans and specifications as to the
manner of construction and mater-
ials to be used.
Be It Further Resolved that said
sidewalk shall be frilly completed
mt or before the 15th day of Novem-
ber, 1946.
Be It Further Resolved that upon
the cmupletimi of said sidewallt the
cost thereof shall he assessed
against the parcel of real estate
along which said sidewalk is laid
anti the contractor shall be paid in
cash in Yorm anti manner provided
by law and ordinances of the City
of Dubuque.
Be It Further Resolved that a
cmttract will be awarded to the
lowest bidder, reserving, however,
to the City Council the right to re-
ject anv and all bids and readver-
tfse for bids if necessary.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of September, 1946.
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adcption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Preliminary Approval of Plans etc.
Resolution No. 131-46
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dnbuque, Iowa.
that the proposed plans, specifica-
tions, form of cmttract and all oth-
er documents for the canstructimt
of the Paufman Avenue Sanitary
Trunk Sewer frmn the present man-
hole at the south property line of
1Gth Street and White Street to
the intersection of 22nd Street anti
White Street, thence westerly
along I~aufinau Avenue to the old
City Water Works, thence south-
erly in the valley west of Clarke
College to the north property line
of Lot i2 of Finley's addition,
thence south along a line five feet
east of the west propm•ty line of
Lot 72 of Finley's Addition to the
center line oY the alley north oY
Hazel Street, thence west to the
intersection of said alley and St.
Ambrose Street, thence south to
the intersection of St Ambrose
Street and Haze] Street, thence
west to a point fifteen feet east
of the. old em•Poration line, thence
south to the intersection of Semin-
ary Street, thence westerly along
Stout Road and Asbury Road to
a manhole at the intersection of
Asbury Road and Hillcrest Road,
are hereby approved and ordered
placed on file iu the office of the
City Clerk for public inspection,
presented and read.
Councilman 114offatt moved the
adoptimt of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Murphy. Carried
by the following vote:
Peas-1~Iayor Whartmt, Council-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Vau Dttelumut.
Nays \mte.
Resolution No. 133.46
4~'hereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approtred by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are now
ou file iu the office of the City
Clerk showing among other things
the following:
L The boundaries of the district,
if any,
2. The sine and kind of sewers,
3. An estimate of the cost of the
Proposed improvement, stating the
same for each different type of
zy.} _ldjourned Regular Session, September 3rd, lpd6
construction and hind of material
to be used for the construction of
the Kaufmann Avenue Sanitary
Trunk Sewer firom the present man-
hole at the south property line of
16th Street and White Street to
the. intersection of 22nd Sreet and
~';%hite Street, thence westerly
along Kaufmann Avenue to the old
City ~5%ater l~'arks, thence souther-
ly in the valley west of CLarke,Col-
lege to the north property line of
Lot "r2 of Finley's Addition, thence
south along a line five feet east of
the west property line of Lot 72
of Finley's Adidtimr to the center
of the alley north of Hazel Street,
thence west to the intersection of
said alley and st. Ambrose Street,
thence south to the intersection of
St. Ambrose Street and Hazel
Street, thence west to a point fif-
teen feet east of the old corpora-
tion line, thence south to the inter-
section of Seminary Street, thence
westerly along Stout Road and As-
bury Road to a manhole at the in-
tersection of Asbury Road and Hi11-
crest Road. Estimated cost $99,-
Be It Therefore resolved that the
City Couuci] on its awn motion,
deems it advisable and necessary
fm' the public welfare to make tle
herein mentioned intproveutent, and
unless property owners at the time
of the final consideration of this
proposed resolution have on file
with the City Clerk objections to
the amount of the proposed esti-
mate, they shall be deemed to have
waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Eng~iueer which have
been approved by the City Couu-
ci1 and are now on file with the
City Clerh. That the cost and ex-
pense of staking said improvement
will be paid out of the genera] fund,
improvement foods or sewer funds,
or partly out of each of such fends.
Bonds shall be issued and sold
when a contract has been perform-
ed and accepted and the proceeds
thereof used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and m~dered plac-
ed ou file with the City Clerlt this
3rd day of September, 1946.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the resolution be approved and
m~dered placed on file with the
City Clerl. for final action, Second•
ed by Councilman Thompsmt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-IVlayor 1Vharton, Couuci]-
men Moffatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution Na, 133-46
Whereas, the City Couuci] of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Reso-
lution No. 131.96 given its prelim-
inary approval on the proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and placed same mr file
in the office of the City Clerlt for
public inspection, for the construc-
tion of the Kaufmann Avenue Sani-
tary Trunk Sewer from the present
manhole at the south property line
of 16th Street and White Street to
the intersection of 22nd Street and
~~Vhite Street, thence westerly almrg~
Kanfnraun Avenue to the old City
Water ~i%orlts, thence southerly in
the valley west of Clarke College
to the north property line of Lot 72
of Finley's Addition, thence south
along a line five feet east of the
west property line of Lot "r2 of
Finley's Additimr to the center of
the alley north of Hazel Street,
thence west to the intersection of
said alley and St. Ambrose Sheet,
thence south to the intersection of
St. Ambrose Street and Hazel
Street, thence west to a point fif-
teen feet east of the old corpm~a-
timr lice, thence south to the inter-
section of Seminary Street, thence
westerly along Stout Road and As-
bury Roaci to a nrauhole at the
intersection of Asbury Road and
Hillcrest Road. Estimated cost $99,-
Whereas, the proposed Resoht-
tiou of Necessity for said improve-
~djounted Regular Session, September 3rd, 1986 29;
went has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that
on the 7th day of October 1946, a
public hearing' will be held at 7:30
o'clock p,nt, in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
may appear and make objection
to the proposed plans and specifica-
tions and proposed fm~m of con-
tract and at the same time to the
botuidaries of the Proposed district,
to the cost of the improvement,
and to the passage of the proposed
Resolution of Necessity and the
City Clerk be and he is hereby di-
rected to cause a notice of the time
and Place of such hearing' to be
published in some newspaper pu~-
lished in the City of Dubuque, the
last of which shall he not less than
two (2) nm~ more than four (4)
weeks Drior to the clay fixed for
its consideration and unless prop-
erty owners at the time of final
consideration of said resolution
have on file with the Clerk objec-
tions to the amount of the proposed
estimate they shall have been deem-
ed to have waived all objections
thereto, at which hearing the Coun-
cil will hear such objections and
enter an recm-d its final decision
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of September, 1996.
~~'. W. 1IOFFATT,
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
men Moffatt, -4m~phy, Thompson,
Van Duelnan.
Approved.., ........._ .................. 1947
Adopted ............................._....._ 1947
Councilmen; ....................................
Ott0st : ..................,...............,.......,....
City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman proved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded b,V Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-114ayor Whartmr, Council-
men rl4offatt, Murphy, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
There being uo fnrtler business
Councilman Murphy moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Couucihnan
Thonrpsou. Carried by the follow-
ing' vote:
Yeas-Mayor ~Vhartou, Couucil-