1947 July Council ProceedingsRegular Sessio i® p ~~~J ~. - ~ I~',I~, '~I r% (Official) Regular Session, July 7th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present-Nlayor Murphy, Council- men. Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg, Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Mayor Murphy stated that this is the i°egular menthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meet- ing. Councilman Thompson moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to d~o so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- metl Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Absent Councihuan Moffatt. Messrs Leonard Koenig and Roy C'Hearn addressed the Council re- questing that curbs and gutters be constructed ou Diamond Street, Councilman Wharton moved that a plat and schedule be prepared showing the cost of construction of curbs and gutters on Diamond Street as requested. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt, Petition of the officers represent- ing the members of the Dubuque Policemens Protective Association asking far ~a forty per cent wage increase, time and a half for over time and a forty hour week, pre- sented and read, Councihuan Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the Council for further consideration, Seconded by Councilman Van Duel- man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Nlayor Mur$l:a, %ouncii- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Moffatt. a, Ju13T 7th, 1947 169 Mr. Robert Dunphy, representing the members ~of the Fire Depart- ment, addressed the Council ask- ing for aai increase in salaries for the members of the Fire Depart- ment comparable to the request submitted by the members of the Police Department. Conncihuan Thompson moved that the verbal request for an in- crease im salaries for the members of the Fire Department be referred to the Council for further considera- tion, Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-:1layer Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Communication of the Board of Dock Commissioners submitting at- tached dock budget estimate. in the amount of $30,304.00 for the fiscal year 1948-1949, presented and read. Councilman Van Duleman moved that the conunuuicatiou and budget estimate be referred to the Council For consideration at the time that the tax levy is being. considered. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Certificate of Fire Pension Levy determining and fixing the amount of $28,500.00 as the budget require- ments and tax levy for the ensuing year for fire pension purposes, pre- seuted and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Certificate be referred to the Council foir consideration at the time that the tax levy is being con- sidered. Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Carried by the Following vote: Peas-Mayor Murphy, Coucil- men Thompson, Vau Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent- Councilman Moffatt. Certificate of Fire Retirement Levy determ%uang and fixing the amount of $15,OD0.00 as the budget ~~ 170 Regular Session, July 7th, 1947 requirements and tax levy for the ensuing year fior fire retirement purposes, presented and read, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the Certificate be referred to the Council for consideration apt the time that the tax levy is being con- sidered. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Naysn-None, Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Certificate of Police Pension Levy determining and fixing the amount of $19,950.00 as the budget requirements and tax levy for the ensuing year for police pension pm•- poses, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the Certifiate be referred to the Council for consideration at the time the 'tax levy is being con- sidered. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt, the time the tax levy is being con- sidered, Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• men, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Communication of Chet B. Akers, Auditor of State, advising that the Iowa Municipal Accounting Officers Association, assisted by the State Auditor and Comptroller's offices and others, is holding a school o€ instruction for City and Town Ac- counting Officials and extending in- vitation to the City of Dubuque to be represented at the meetings to be held in Des Moines, Iowa, on July 16 and 17, 1947, presented and read. Councilman `Vharton moved that the communication be referred to the Council, Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mm•phy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Certificate of Police Retirement Levy determining and fixing- the amount of $11,000.00 as the budget requirements ,and tax levy for the ensuing year for police retirement purposes, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the Certificate be referred to the Council for consideration at the time the tax levy is being cml- sidered. Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Carried by the followinn vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharbon. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Certificate of Playground and Swimming Pool Levy determinilg and fixing the amount of $24,389.00 as the budget requirements and tax levy for the ensuing year for play- ground and swimming pool pur poses, presented and read. Councilman Tllonlpson moved that the Certificate be referred to the Council for consideration at Communication of Joseph H. Strut, Chief of Police, requesting that he be authorized to attend the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference to be held during the week of September 21st at Duluth, Minnesota, present- ed and read. Councilman Thompson moved that Chief of Police Strut be au- thorized bo attend the Conference of Chiefs of Police to be held dur= ing the week of September 21st at Duluth, Minnesota, the expenses to bs borne by the City of Dubuque. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Petition of William P, Collins re- questing arefund in the amount of $50,00 on his Class "B" Beer Per• mit No. 130 as he has discontinued business on July 1, 1947, presented and read, Regular Session, Jlily 7th, 1947 171 Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request he granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the amount of $50.00 in favor of William P, Collins to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 130. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Gaa•ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Petition of Harold Chatfield re- questing arefund in the amount of $100.00 on his Class `B" Beer Permit No. 124 as he has discon- tinued business on July 1, 1947, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the request be granted and the City Auditor instructed to draw a warrant in the '.amount Hof $100,OD in favor of Harold Chatfield to cover the amount Hof refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 124. Sec- onded by Couucihnan Van Duelman, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt, Ordinance No, 19.47 An Ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 8-41 being "An Ordinance Fixing and establishllg rates to be charged for the furnishing of elec- tricity for residential, commercial, street lighting, power, and other uses," by amending the schedule rate for Large Industrial Porver Service IIsers, said Ordinance hav- ing been passed upon first reading on June 30th, 1947, and ordered placed ou file with the City Clerk for public inspection ibr ~at least one week before its final adoption, leas presented fm• final ad~~option. ORDINANCE NO, 19.47 , - An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3.41 being "An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing oY electricity for residential, commercial, street light- ing, power, and other uses," by amend- ing the schedule rates for Large In- dustrial Power Service Users. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITP OF DU- BU~IUE: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5-41 being an Ordinance fixing and estab- lishing rates as aforesaid, Paragraph 909, SCHEDULE 6, Large Industrial Power Service, Paragraph entitled "Terms of Contract" be, and the same is hereby amended by adding after 'Excess K. W, Hrs, used per month @ $.0075 per K.W.H." the following; "Premium Rate for High Load Factor:-When Customer's bill- ing demand exceeds 1,900 KW, all energy used in excess of 365 hours use of the billing demand will be billed at $.006 per Kwhr." Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect ten (10) days from and after its. final passage, adoption and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading this 30th day of June, 1947. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 7th day of Jttly, 1947. Geo. R. Murphy. Mayor Frank Van Duelman. F. W. Thompson. Albert Wharton, Councilmen. Attest: J. S. Shea City Clerk. Published officially in The Tele- graph-Herald newspaper this 9th day of July, 1947. J. J. Shea, City Clerk, Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Vau Duelman,, Wharton. ' Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt. July 6, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Gity Council Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With reference bo plat "Carole Court," a subdivision in the City of Dubuque, referred to me, the petitioner has notified me that it desires to withdl°aw said plat 'and application, having sold the entire piece of property. l recommend that its regr withdraw the sand plat and cation be approved. Yeurs truly, JOHN J. KINTZIN Councilman Wharton move the recouuneudatiou of City for Kintzinger be approvet corded by Councilman Van nran. Carried by the following Yeas-Mayor Murphy, C men Thompson, Van Dn Wharton, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman 117off ~ 172 Regular Session, July 7th, 1947 ~~ _ Regular Session, __ July 7th, 1947 173 July 7, 1947 July 7, 1947 Grove Terrace, east side from Councilman Thompson moved To the Honorable Mayor amd To the Honorable Mayor and West 12th to West 11th, that the recommendation of City City Council, Dubuque, Iowa City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Arlington, south side from Give Manager be approved and the date Gentlemen: This is to advise that Gentlemen: At the meeting of Terrace to Prairie. of hearing to be set as of August I' have approved the following June 30th the petition of George Jefferson Street, south side from 4th, 1947, and the City Clerk direct~ bonds and desire to have your ap- Schumacher and others requesting Walnut to Olive, ed to publish notice of said hearing. piroval on same for filing: a street light at the corner of Ro- Summit Street, east side from Seconded by Councilman Wharton. land and West Third Streets along West 5th to West 3rd Carried by the following vote: EXCAVATION Linehan and Molo Bond No• with the petition of Thomas W. Moffatt 'and others requesting a , Algona, Street, west side from Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- , 38214.12.583-38, U. S. Fidelity and street light at the intersection of University to Bennett, men Thompson, Van Duelman, Guaranty Co. Lombard and Gandolfo Streets were Walnut Street, east side from Wharton. W. J. Jordan, New York Casualty referred to the Council to view the University to Loras Blvd. Sunnier Street, east side from Nays-Noce. Co, grounds. Lincoln to Rhomberg. Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Maurice Hill, Hawkeye Casualty After the Council had seen the Respectfully submitted, Co. streets the following decisions were, JOSEPH H. STRUB, Resolution No, 81.47 Respectfully submitted, reached. That a street light be iu- Chief of Pollee Be It Resolved by the City Conn- A, A, RHOMBERG, stalled gat Roland and West This~d cil of the City of Dubuque that the City Manager Streets and that street lights be Councilman Thompson moved following, having complied with the installed at St, Joseph and Gan- that the recommendation of Chief provisions of law relating to the Councilman Van Dueluran moved dolfa Streets and at Lombard and of Police Stinb be approved, with sale of cigarettes within the City that the bonds be approved and Gandolfo Streets and that the Ares- the additions of West Third Street, of Dubuque, be granted ~a permit to placed on file. Seconded by Coun- ent street light on Gandolfo be re- south side from Bluff to Burch sell cigarettes and cigarette papers cihnan Thompson. Carried by the moved. Street and Booth Street, east side within said City and the Manager following vote: I recommend that the decisions f~•om West Fifth Street to Univer- is directed to issue such permit on Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- of the Council be confirmed, sity Avenue, ,and the City Solicitor behalf of said City. men Thompson, Van Duelman, .Respectfully submitted, instructed to prepare a• proper or- Name Address Wharton. A. A, RHOMBERG, dinance. Seconded by Cauncihnan J. F, Stampfer Company, 8D0 Nays-None. City Manager Wharton, Carried by the following Main Street. Absent---Councilman Mgffatt. vote: Frank W. Thompson and John Councilman Thompson moved Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- F. Thompson, 250 West First Street. July 7, 1947 that the recommendation of City men Thompson, Van Duelman,, Bt It Fm•ther Resolved that the To the Honorable Mayor and Manager Rhomberg be approved. Wharton, bonds filed with the applications City Council, Dubuque, bowa Seconded by Councilman Van Duel- Nays-Noce, be approved, Gentlemen: Herewith is the ap- man. Carried by the following vote: Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Passed, adopted and approved plication of Farley and Loetscher yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- this 7th day of July, 1947, Manufacturing Company for cer' men Thompson, Vau Duelman, July 7, 1947 GEO. R. MURPHY rain rights and privileges involy- Wharton. To the Honorable Ma-yor and Mayor ing the public streets which are Nays-None. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa FRANK VAN DUELMAN necessary in the development of Absent-Councilman Moffatt Gentlemen: It appears that the ALBERT WHARTON their proposed power plant on the . lighting on the new Municipal Air. Councilmen um•theast corner of Eighth and July 7, 1947 port will be tested in the near fu- Attest: J. J. SHEA Jackson Streets, To the Honorable Mayor and ture and thereafter the field turned City Clerk. I recommend that the necessary City Council, Dubuque, Iowa over to the city to operate and Councilman Van Duelman moved proceedings be instituted and the Gentlemen: At the meeting of further that the survey for the ae- the adoption of the resolution. Sec- Council view the grounds so that the City Council held June 30th it cess road has been well :advanced. onded by Councilman Wharton, Car• the effect upon the street and un- was moved that one side parking Therefore steps should be taken ried by the following vote: der•surface structures can be de- be put into effect on a number of to have a, public hearing held on Yeas-Mayor Murphy Couneil- termined at an early date. city streets, It is my understanding the subiect of operating and leas- , men Van Duelman, Wharton. Respectfully submitted, that a list of the recommendations ing procedures upon the new field. Nays-None. A, A. RHOMBERG, of such streets should be presented I recommend that the City Cqun- Absent-Councilman Moffatt, City Manager to your honorable body. In the in• cil fix a date for a public hearing Councilman Thompson not voting Councilman Wharton moved that terest~of public safety and for the: convenience of the traveling public, to consider the leasing procedures the recommendation of City Man- . I reconnnend that parkiug be pro- on the new airport to which meet- Resolution No. 82.47 ager Rhomberg be approved. Sec- , hibited at all times on the following ing any and all prospective fixed Whereas, applications for Beer onded by Councilman Thompson. designated streets. base operators, rivate fliers and p Permits have been submitted to Carried by the following vote: all parties interested be invited, this Council for approval and the Yeas-Mayor Murphy - Couneil- West 11th Street, south side from together with a representative of same have been examined: Now, , men Thompson, Van Duelman prairie to Race. our consultors the Aviation Ser• Therefore, , Wharton, Race Street, west side from West vices Incorporated. Be It Resolved by the Council of Nays-None 11th to Rose. Respectfully submitted, th City of Dubuque that the follow- . Absent-Gounciiman Moffatt, West 12th, south and west side from Bluff to Grove Terrace A. A, RHOMBERG, ing applications be granted and the ~~ ~ , City Manager licenses are to be issued upon the 17~ Regular Session, July 7th, 1947 compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City, GLASS "B" PERMIT Naiiie Address Anna Hamilton, 1080 University Avenue. Floyd Tschiggfrie, 553 Eighth Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Frank W. Thompson sand Jahn F, Thompson, 260 West First Street, Passed, adopted and appiaved this 7th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN ALBERT WHARTCN Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution, Sec- ouded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried ly the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt. Councilman Thompson not vot- ing, Resolution No. 83.47 Whereas, heretofore applications far Beer Permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following canted applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS 'B" PERMIT Name Address Anna Hamilfton, 1080 University Avenue, Floyd Tschiggfrie, 553 Eighth Avenue. CLASS "C" PERMIT Frank W. Thompson and John F. Thompson, 250 West First Street. Be It Further Resolved that the fonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby apps+oved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANF~ VAN DUELMAN'' ALBERT WHARTON Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA City Clerk, Councilman Wharton moved the .adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Ca-rried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor llfurphy, Council- men Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays--None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt, Councihuan Thompson not vot- ing, July 7, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: We are attaching hereto application for Class "B" Beer Permit from Harry A, ,and Grace Rawson to operate at 342 Main Street. This 'is to advise that an inspec- tion has been made Hof this luild- ing by the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, the Fire Chief and the Assistant State Fire Mar- shall, Mr. Lubberden, and it was found that this building• does not comply with the State Fire Regu- lations in regard to fire escapes. Therefore, an official order to con- struct and place a fire escape on this building has been served on Harry A. Rawson, owner of said building, A Cime limit of sixty (601 days had been given to complete this installation. On July 7, 1947 an order was placed with E. J, Vog genthaler Company to construct a fire escape ion this building, and a Dopy of contract for above work is attached. Respectfully sulmitted, DONALD J. BANDY; Building Inspector Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication of Building Inspector Bandy be received and made a ~ma~tter o~f record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried ly the Yollowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt, Regular Session, Julp 7th, 1947 1%:i Resolution No, 84.47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Nuw, Therefore, Be It resolved 'by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol• lowing application be granted and the license is to le issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Harry A, Rawson and Grace Raw- son, 342 Main Street. Passed, ~ad~opted and approved this 7th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANI{ VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- : onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Moffatt, Resolution No. 85.47 Whereas, heretofore application for Glass "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named applicants and it has received the approval of this Council; and Wlereas, the premises to be ~oc- cupied by such applicants have leer inspected sand found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper frond: Now, Therefore. Be It. Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager le and he is hereby directed to issue to the following named applicants ~a. Beer Permit. GLASS 'B" PERMIT Name Address Harry A, Rawson and Grace Raw- son, 342 Main Street. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicants be and the same is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, 11tayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, Counciltuen Attest; J, J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilm~au Van Dnelmatr moved tlte.adoptiou of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman. Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-Couucihnan Moffat. May~ar Murphy stated that au be- half of the City Council of the City of Dubuque that he wishes to thank Admiral Murray of the Great Lakes Naval Station for the pictures show- ing the New Naval Reserve Arm- Dry, when completed in Dubuque, and that said pictures le turned over to Naval Reserve Unit to be hung in the New Naval Reserve Armory bo aid in the recruiting of new members., Councilman Thompson moved that City Manager Rhomberg be directed to prepare a list of streets and alleys that are in need of pav- ing and that said streets and al- leys be paved this season if pos- sible. Seconded ly Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Alseut-Councilman Moffatt. Councilman Wharton moved that Council recess. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Alseut-Councilman Moffatt. Council recessed at 8;10 P.M. and reconvened at 9:15 P.M, Councilman Moffatt entered the Council Chamber and took his seat at 9:15 P.M. Upon reconvening of the City Council Mayor Murphy stated that the members of the City Council ~? ~-:6 ~,,;, d 176 Regular Session, July 7th, 1947 had decided to offer City Manager Rhomberg more money immediate• ]y in order to induce him to remain as City Manager .of Dubuque as he is familiar with the proposed plans for a new water softening plant, a. new sewage disposal plant, a storm sewer system, airport development, a new city-county building, exten- sion of water and sanitary sewer mains and many other major pro- jects either under way nor planned for the near future and that the Gity Council felt that Mr. Rhom- berg• should remain until they are completed, Councilman Moffatt moved that the annual salary of City Manager A. A, Rhomberg be set a.t $12,000.00 starting July 16th, 1947. Seconded by Coancihaian Van Duelman, Car• by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton, Nays-None. There being no further business Councilman Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded' by CouncIlman Thompson. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None, J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Approved ..............................., 1947 Adopted ................................... 1947 Councilmen: ~ ...................................... Attest : ................................................ City Clerk. Special Session, I ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~•~ i JJ ';° (Official) Special Session, July 17th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M. Present-Mayor Murphy, Coun- cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van- Duelman, Wharton. Absent City Manager Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Van Duelman and Thomp- son. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of con- sidering applications for beer and cigarette permits and acting on any other busfness as pray prop- erly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Communication of the Interu:a- tioual City Managers' Association extending a cordial invitation to have the City of Dubuque represent• ed at the 33rd annual conference of the International City Managers' Association to be held in Coronado, Califm•nia, October 5.9, presented and read, Councilman Thompson moved ,that the communication be referred to the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffati, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of the Operating En- gineers of the Water Department requesting an increase in salary comparable to the amount agreed on in Washington by Management and Labor, presented sand read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Council. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duz1- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Leo Wanger request- ing arefund on the unexpired por- tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 126 as he has discontinued business, presented and read, July 17th, 1947 ? 77 Councilman Moffatt moved that the request be granted;aud the City Auditor instructed to draw a war- rant in the amount of $100.00 in favor of Floyd Tschiggfrie, as re- quested in the petition of Leo Wanger, to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion ~of Class "B" Beer Permit No. 126. Seconded by Councllmau Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- bowiug vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Cowicil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Petition of Joseph D, Noel re• questing a refund in the amount of $50.00 on the unexperied portion of his Class "B'' Beer Permit Na 107 as he has discontinued business on July 7, 1947, presented and read, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the regnest be granted and tha City Auditor instructed bo draw a warrant in the amount of $60.00 ha favor of Joseph D, Noel to cover the amount of refund granted on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit Na, 107. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor jl4urphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duei- lllall, Whal'tOll. Nays-None, Petition of Mr, and Mrs. Leon Sanders et al requesting that the cottonwood tree at 2309 Roesevelt Street, property owned by Howard Loring, be removed, as ~it is a nuis- ance and very dangerous, presented and read. Couucilauan Thompson moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and City Soliei• for for investigation and report. Seconded by Councihuan Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men -Ioffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton, Nays-None Ordinance Na. 2047 An Ordinance amending Ordfn- anee No. 1-39, amending Ordinance No. 10-37 entitled "An Ordinance regulatiog the use of vehicles upeu the streets ~of the City of Dubuque, designating the provisions thereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City," by establislaiug parking regulation; ., _~ 178 Special Session, July 17th, 1947 upou certain streets hereinafter designated, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be emi- sfdered the first reading of the ordinance, Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fcl- lowing~ vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the roles be suspended requir- ing a~n ordinance to be read ott Three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Ca-cried by the followimg' vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man: Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one tiveek before its final adoption. Seconded by Couneihna~n Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men 11loffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. N ays-None, Ordinance No, 21.47 Au Ordinance to provide for the selection ~of a City Assessor and for the assessment of property under Chapter 405, Code of 1946, as provided by Chapter 240 of the Laws of the 52nd General Assent• bly, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the ordinance. Secmided by Council• man Thompson. Carried by the fol~ lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays--None, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- tneu Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Council Proceedings for t h e months ~of February, 1947 and March, 1947, presented for approval. Councilman Wharton moved that the Council Proceedings for the months of February, 1947 and March, 1947 be approved as printed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council= men Moffatt, Thompsmi, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 86.47 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a per- mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such pertuit ou behalf of said City. Name Address Hazel Bradberry, 2026 Central Avenue. John G. Corbett, 908 Rhamberg Avenue. William H. Apel, 2616 Windsor Avenue. John F. Tench and Vincent Mescher, 1233 Rhomberg Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bonds filed with the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of July, 1947, GEO, R, MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELI4IAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None, Special Session, July 17th, 1947 179 July 17, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: We are ~attachiug hereto application for Class "B" Beer Permit from Anthony W. and Donald C. Moes to operate at 69S Central Avenue, This is to advise that an inspec- tion has been trade of this build- ing by the Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors, the Fire Chief and the Assistant State Fire Mar- shall, Mr. Lubberden, and it was found that this building does not Damply with the State Pfre Regula- tions iu regard to fire escapes. Therefore, au official order to con- struct and place a fire escape on this building has been served on Dr. A, M. Loes, owner of said build- ing, Atime limit of sixty (60) days had been given to complete this in- stallation, On July 16, 1947 an or- der was placed with E. J. Voggen- thaler Company to construct a fire escape on this buildfng, and a copy of contra~et far above work is at- tached, Respectfully submitted, DONALD J. BANDY, Building Inspector Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication of Building ln• spector Bandy be received and made a matter oY record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• then Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Resolution No, 87.47 Whereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been suli• mined to this Council for approval and the same has been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Following application be granted and the license is bo be issued upou compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name Address Anthony W. Moes and Donald C. Moes, 698 Central Avenue. Passed, adopted and app~*oveil thfs 17th day of July, 1947, GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON. W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest:.J. J. Shea, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved Cite adoption ~of the resolution. Seccnd ed by Comtcilman Thompson. Car- ried by the following vote: Peas-Mayor Murphy, CouuciI- men Moff~a.tt, Thomps~ou, Vau Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Resolution No. 88.47 Whereas, heretofore application. for Class "B" Beer Permit -way filed by the within named appli- cants and it has received the ap- proval of this C~onucil; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such ~applicauts have been htspected,~and found to com- ply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the following Wanted applicants a Beer Permit, CLASS "B" PERMIT Na~me~ Address Anthony W. Moes and Donald C. Moes, 698 Central Avenue. Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed by such applicants be and the saute is hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 17th day of July, 1947. GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F, W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON. W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Thompson moved theadoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton, carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- 180 Special Session, July 17th, 1947 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None, There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn, Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Approved ................................... 1947 Adopted ..................................... 1947 Attest : ................................................ City Clerk. Special Session, July 21st, 1947 181 'i ~ ~ ~ , I I r',1 I i 6. ~i~'II, (Official) Special Session, July 21st, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present-Mayor Murphy, Comi- cilmeu Moffatt, Van Duelman, Wharton. City Manager Rhomberg. Absent-Councilman Thompson. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Wharton and Moffatt. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of conducting a public hearing upon the question of changing from "Single Family Residence District" classification to "Multiple Residence District" clas- sification an area two hundred feet wide parallel to and on the easterly side of the Dubuque Cascade Road from the present "Local Business District" four hundred feet souther- ly, being part of J. C. Scu11y'~s Sub- division, and acting on any other business as may properly come be- fore aregular meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of notice of a public hearing upon the question of changing from "Singlo Family Resi- dence District" classification to "Multiple Residence District" clas- sification an area two hmldred feet tivide parallel to and on the easter- ly side of the Dubuque Cascade Road from the present "Local Busi- ness District" four hmldred feet southerly, being• part of J. C. Scul- ly's Subdivision, presented and read. No written objections filed and no objectors present in the Council Chamber at the time set For said public heariu,g. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived avd filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Van Due]man, Whar- ioll. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Thompson. Ordinance No. 22-47. An Ordi- nance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City oP Dubuque" so as to change to "Multiple Residence Dis- trict" classification certain defined territory now being delimited as "Single Family Residence District" classification, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the 1°eading just had be consid- ered the first reading of the ordi- nance. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whal•- toll, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Thompson. Councihnau Vau Duelman moved that the rules be suspended 1°equir- ing an ordinance to be read ou three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following' vote: Peas-14aym~ Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Thompson. Councilman Van lluelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be• Toro its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following' vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- tOll. Nays-None, Absent-Councilman Thompson, Comlcilman Wharton moved that the rules he suspended for the pur- pose oP allowing any ono present in the Council Chaanber, wAo wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Thompson. 1lfr, Richard V. Hansel addressed the Council requesting permission to erect a Butler Mfg. Co. Boule- vard Home of aluminum construc- tion in the City of Dubuque. Councilman Moffatt moved that the verbal request be referred to _ ~, .~ it 182 Special Session, July 21st, 1947 the Council for consideration. Sec- onded by Comrcilman Van Duehnan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Thompson. Communication of County Audi- tor Da,ykin advising that the Board of Supervisors have accepted an of- fer of $100.00 on Lot 7 of South Avenue Addition made by Antl'ety J. Daug~hette, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved That the eommnnicatiou be referred to the Cotmcil to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Can~ied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Vau Duelman, Whar ton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Thompson. Communication of the Demo• cratic Central Committee of the City of Dubuque submitting at- tached resolution urging that tie application of the police officers for adjustments of their salaries to meet increased living' costs he given due consideration on its merits, and that the matter be discussed and decided at an open meetiug• of the City Council, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the communication and resolution be referred to the Council for con- sideration. No second received to the motion. Mayor Murply directed that Council proceed with the reg- ular order of business. Petition of Mrs. Stella Klein et al, property owners of Mullin Road, Hillm^est Addition, requesting that Mullin Road be improved by the in- stallation of street curbing, gutter- ing and sidewalks and that said improvements be completed before the Fall of 1947, presentedand read. Councilman Wharton moved that a plat and schedule be prepared slowing the cast of cmtstruction against the Pt°operty owners for the curbing, guttering and sidewalks on Mullin Road as requested. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel- man. Carried by the following• vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duehnan, Whar- tell, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Thompson. Petitimi of Thomas J. Mulgrew Co., by Thomas J. Mulgrew, requesting' the vacation and conveyance of Camp Street from the east side of Water Street to the west side of Terminal Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Whar- ton moved that the petition be re- ferred to the Plannuigand Zoning Commssion for their recommenda- tion and report, Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelmaar. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Cotmcil- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, 'Whar- toll. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Thomp>on. Communication of tlo Iowa State Highway Commission submitting attached Primar}^ Road Extension Contract in duplicate for the City of Dubuque, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication be received and the Contract approved and the 1VIayor authorized to execute the Contract om behalf of the City of Dubuque, Seconded by Councihuan Wharton. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- tOll. Nays-Nona. Absent-Councilman Thompson. CONTRACT County Dubuque City Dubuque PRIMARI' ROAD EXTENSION MAINTENANCE This written duplicate memoran- da of agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Party of the First Part, and the Iowa State Highway Commission, Ames, Iowa, Party of the Second Part. WITNESSETH: In consideratien of the perform- ance by the Party of the First Part, of maintenance work specified be- low during the period July 1, 1947 to June 3Q 1948 Second Party agrees to pay First Party, the amounts stipulated herein. Party of the First Part agrees to perform for the Party of the Second Part, all routine maiuten• once operations .in the City of Du- buque on extensions of primary Special Session, July 21st, 1947 183 roads specifically described as fol- lotivs: All extensions of Primary Roads iu the City of Dubuque ex- cept the south 0.49 miles of U, S. No, 61 :and the west 0.65 miles of U. S. No. 20. Total miles 7.65 at $300.00 per mile. Total Routine Maintenance $2295.00. It is understood that °rotttine maintenance operations° shall in- clude surface maintenance, road bed repairs, repairs to bridges, cul- verts and guard rail, tiveed cutting, snow plowing, and other mainten- ance usually performed mt primary roads outside of cities and towns. Routine maintenance of paved streets shall extend from curb to curb. Show Iplow'ing~ incladed iu routine maintenance will apply to a «~idtl of approximately 30 feet. The hauiiug~ and disposal of the :=now plowed from the 30 foot section i~s trot-included in this contra~et. Party of the First Part further agrees to perforth special ntain- ienance work for the Forty of the Second Part on the above desig- nated extensimts. This special main- te~nancef work is specificaally ~de- scribed as follows: Snotiv removal and sanding of fills will be per- formed asroutine maintenance. Any other special maintenance will be covered by supplementary contract. Total Special Maintenance-None. Total Contract Amount $2295.00. In Witness Whereof, the Parties hereto have set their hands, for the purposes herein expressed, on this 21st day of July, 1947. Recommended for Approval. July 26, 1947. J. A. PAULSEN, Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa City By GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor. Fit•st Party, Iowa State Highway Commission By SANFORD ZEIGLER, Second Party. Petition of'City Employee's Local 228 requesting that civil service examinations be held to fill the two vacancies for foremen now existing in the street department, presented and read. Councilman Whar^ton moved that the request be complied with, Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duel• man. Carried by the following vote: Peas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- bon, Nays-None. Absent Councilman Thompson, Petition of Fred Landolt, Opei°a- tor and Manager, and Harold S. Wagner, Property Owner, together with the petition of Harold S. Wag ner et al, requesting the re-zoning of the property located at tle Soutleast corner of West Locust and Kirkwood Streets from its pres~ ent multiple family district classi fication to local business distric( classification, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition le referred to the Planning' ~a,nd Zoning Commission for their recommendation and re port. Seconded by Couueihnan Mof- faft. Carried by the following vote: Yoas-thi~ayor Murply, Council men -I~offatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton, Nays-None. Absent-Councilman Thompson. Petition ~of St, Joseph Mercy Hos- pital of Dubuque, by I~euline, Roe• dell, Hoffmann and Reynolds, Its Attorneys, asking the vacation and conveyance of Peabody Street from the west line of former Augusta Street to the east line of James Street, presented and re~a.d. Cotmcilman Moffatt moved that the petition bereferred to the Plan- ning and Zoning Commissison for Heir recomnlendatiou• sand report. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel- man. Carried by the following vote• Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councih men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays-None. Alsetit-Gouncihnan Thompson. Petition of Leo J. Clemens et gal, property owners abutting Mount Loretta Avenue, requesting that Mount Loretta Avenue be paved this season, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that a plat and schedule be prep- ared showing the cost of construc- ti~ou for the paving of Mount Lm'- etta Avenue as requested, Second- 184 Special Session, Julp 21st, 194i ed by Gouncilm~an Wharton, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. • Nays-None. Absent-Couucihnan Thompson. Councilman Thompson entered the Council Chamber and took his seat at 8:50 P,M, Colnnutliication of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress sub- mitting fior Council consideration a resolution endorsing and sup- porting the request of the Dubuque Firemen ~~and Policemen for a 40% increase in salaries, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelmau moved that the cotnmu~llication and resolu- tion be referred to the Council fm~ consideration, Seconded by Comlcil- tnan Wharton. Carried by the fol• lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councit- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Dual- man, Wharton. Nays-None, July 18, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor, City Council, and City Manager of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: The City of Dubuque and the City W~~ater Department during the 1920's and early 1930's succeeded in pw•chasing all the property east of the Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul & Pacific railroad tracks to the Mississippi River from Hawthorne to Sumner Streets for the expansion of the water works plant in future years. About 1935 the Dock Board pur- chased an electric driven dredging boat and were very anxious bo op- erate same, As they were only a1- lowed to fill city owned property and as this was the only spot avail- able to be Pilled at the time, they agreed to sand fill the city property east of the pumpillg station to the present riprap. The City of Dubuque Recreation Department was allowed about phis same time to construct a swimming pool at a river elevation of 19 feet on the Water Works property be- cause it was the only available piece of city ground, according to W.P.A, engineers that was suitable for constructing a swimming pool, Last year the Navy was leased an .additional piece of our property for a. N.R.O.T.C. building, This was the only site ou the Mississippi River which they would accept. The swimming pool and the Navy building occupy over one-half of the property we had acquired for our expansion, We .are now blcoked on the nol°th and will have to cal7y all connecting mains through the swimming pool property if we de- cide to build settling basins east of the plant. Two years ago when we asked the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion to approve the plans sand speci• fications for a. new building to house the equipment at Na, 8 Well, which is located 326 feet an an easterly direction fhom the pool, they objected to us building a 10 foot x 16 foot fire proof brick btald- ing which they considered unsight- ly, We coopera ed and installed a submersible pumping unit which only required us to build a concrete pit. Within the past month, the Dock Commission has allowed Mr. M. P. Gauer, 1802 Lincoln Ave., to build a refreshment stand without aper- llllt ft•om the Bllllding IllspeCtor OIl 146 lineal feet of niprap. The build- ing is 16 foot x 26 foot and carries a rental fee of only $3.12 per year. This lease also allows Mr, Gauer to construct a. gasoline tack and platform which is north of the re- freshment stand fora $1.42 yearly rental. This definitely creates a fira menace and should not be allowed to be built under any consideration, It is on City property which is nor- m~ally lnaintaiued by the Water De- partment and is within ten feet of the 12" waste sewer which h'as al- ready beeal constructed to discharge the lime sledge from the new pro- posed softening plant into the Mississippi River, The Board of Dock Conunission- ers also have agreed to lease the balance of the Eagle Point river front fo~otag~e to Mr. ~ Gauer, fr~onl the Atkinson property to the upper high bridge, excepting opposite rho. private property. The minimum rectal tro be 50% of each minimum rental charge, The minimum rental charge is bo be 50c per lin, foot for width of pt^operty occupied by ~.. -~ S17ecial Session, July 21st, 1947 185 each float or boat, and the mini- mum rental for business or commer- cial use to be higher. Permission is not granted to Mr, Gauer to lease any shore area to others. This also includes boat and float space along the City property in Lalce Peosta. Also exempted .is the space to be used by the Naval Reserve unit, The provisions of this lease which became effective July 16th, 1947, is for one year with option to renew each year provided the terms of the lease are fully met by Mr. Gauer, This lease gives Mr. Gauer the right to lease property where four of the City of Dubuque sewers enter the Mississippi River, namely, the above mentioned waste water line from our plant, a sanitary sewer ft°om the swinnning pool, the wash water line from the swim- ming pool and the Hawthorne Street storm water sewer, The Dubuque Water Company built on the shores of the Missis- sippi River in about 1887 and 1888 and have occupied this location since that time for the past 6i) years and have also had acoess bo the river at all times, In my per- sonal opinion it seems to lne them should have been same pl°ovisson giving the City of Dubuque 'and the City Water Department certain rights along the river front which they border. I am in favor of hav ing boating and boat docks to take rider°s on the beautiful Mississippi but I see na reason why the Docl~ Board can lease ground to build a small wooden building and plat- fm~ms on the shores oP the Missts• sippi when we were requested not to construct a brick fireproof build- ing within 50 feet of the same lo- cation, I would like to be advised by the. Mayor, City Council and City Man- ager, just what rights and privi- leges lve have at the Eagle Point water front. We propose to- curb and park this area east of the slvinuuing pool as soon as we can obtain the necessary labor which will be when we catch up on our lwater main extensions and fmprowe- ments. We parked the swimming pool with Water Works Funds and if it had not been for the war, we would have completed this improve- mellt, In closing I want to go on retard as objecting to the infringement made on Water Works property at Eagle Point, I hope that your Hon- orable Body will take under advise- ment the necessity for retaining this property and allow our depart- ment to lease the Eagle Point water front adjacent to our property at 50c per lineal foot per year, It is not our intention to disallow boat landings or docks at this location but we do disapprove of the build- ing or construction of frame build- ings and gasoline tanks on our property, We must abide by all the rules and regulations laid. down by the National Board of Fire Un- derwriters and we are demented for anything that is constructed within 250 feet adjoining our prop- erty. Yours very truly, CITY OF DUBUQUE WATER DEPARTMENT J. J. HAIL, Superintendent Councilman Wharton moved tha,± the communication of Water Sup- erintendent Hail be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following voter Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Couuci_1- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Councilman Thompson moved that the matter of jurisdiction at the Eagle Point water front be ra- ferred bo the City Manager, City Solieitror and Water Superinten- dent for cosiference with the Board of Dock Commissioners and to sub- mit their report back to the City Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duehnan. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]- man, Wharton, Nays-None, July 19, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: The attached peti- tion of George McMahon et. al. is very vague and indefinite and fails to indicate the classification de- sired nor the use to which the land is to be put. Consequently, the Planning apd Zoning Conunission 186 Special Session; July 21st, 1947 i~---._ Special Session, July Zlst, 1947 recommends to your honorable Passed, adopted and approved ~ men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• body denial of the petition, this 21st day of July, 1947. man, Wharton. Respectfully submitted, CEO, R. MURPHY, Nays-None. THE DUBUQUE PLANNING AND Mayor J. J. SHEA ZONING COMMISSION FRANK VAN DUELMAN, City Clerk By R. V. McKAY, Secy, F. W. THOMPSON, Approved ...............................1947. Councilman Thompson moved ALBERT WHARTON, that the recommendation of the W, W. NIOFFATT, Adopted ..............................:....... 1947 Planning and Zoning Commission Councilmen be approved. Seconded by Council- m~au Moffatt, Carried by the follow- `.ttest; J. J. SHEA, ing vote: City Clerk .................................... Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Cotincil- Councilmen: men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due;- Councilman Van Duelman moved man, Wharton, the adoption of the resolution, Sec- Nays-Noce. onded by Councihnau Wharton. Car- ................................... Tied by the followfng• vote; ............................................ Attest; July 21, 1947 Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• City Clerk. Te the Honorable Mayor and men Moffatt Thompson, Van Duel- City Council, Dubuque, Iowa., , man, Wharton, - Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have approved the following bond Nays-None. and desire to have your ~a~ppi'oval ou same for filing; Councihnau Van Duelman moved E%CAVATION that Mrs. Mable R, Hoffurann, Mr. Lockhart Plumbing & Heating M. H, Czizek and Mr, William Mar- Co, Bond No, 261603, Western key be re-appointed as members of Surety Co, the Board of Library Truste®s for Respectfully submitted, terurs of s,ix years each, said terms A, A. RHOMBERG, expiring July 1, 1953. Seconded by City Managar Comicihnan Wharton, Carried by ~ the following vote: Comncilman Thompson moved yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- that the bond be approved sand men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- placed ou file. Seconded by Counci]- man, Whartmi, man Van Duelman. Cai7~ied by the following vote: Nays-None, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Conncii• men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Councilman Van Duelman moved man, Wharton. that City Solicitor Kintziuger be Nays-None, instructed to Prepare an ordinance regulating the peed of freight trains within the limits of tie City Resolution No, 89.47 of Dubuque of not to exceed fifteen Whereas, application for Class miles per hour and the speed of °`B" Beer Permit has been sub- passenger trains within the limits mitted to this Council for approval of the City of Dubuque of not to ex- and the same has been examined: teed twenty miles per hour: Sec- Now, Therefore, onded by Councilman Moffatt, Gar- tied by the following vote: Be It Resolved by the Council ` of the City Hof Dubuque that the yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- following application be granted men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• and the license is to be issued upon man, Wharton. the compliance with the terms of Nays-None. the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT There being no further business Name Address Councilman Thompson moved to Tom J. Hickey sand John J. adjourn, Seconded by Councilman Hickey, 55 Locust Street. Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- Dorothy Blum, 2412 Central Av. bowing vote: enue. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- 1Si 0,~, _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ~~ 188 Special Session, July 2Sth, 1947 _ Special Session, July 25th, 1947 189 Ilia ii ~ Ilia "~~y~jlll~!~Y (Official) Special Session, July 25th, 1947. Council met at 7:30 P.M, Present-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg-, Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Van Duehnan and Thompson. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of ap• proving the budget estimate of ex- penditures for the fiscal year be- ginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949, as a basis for the tax levy for the year 1947, the same to be collected in the year 1948, and directing the 'City Cleric to publish a notice of the date of public hearing upon the same and acting on any other business as may properly Dome before a regu- lar meeting of the City Council, Resolution No. 90.47 RESOLUTION AND APPLICA- TION FOR APPROVAL TO LEVY AN EMERGENCY TAX Whereas, The revenue iu certain funds bf the municipality set out in the within application is inade• quote to meet the'actual and neces- sary expenses which must be paid from said funds and any extraordin- ary or unforseen expense which may arise during the ensuing year; and Whereas, The inadequacy of the revenue referred to is deemed to constitute an emergency lvhich re- quires the levy of an emergency tax; therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, that the State Comp- troller be and •is hereby petitioned for approval to levy an emergency tax for the year 1947, in the sum of Twenty-seven Thousand, Eight Hundred Forty Seven Dollars ($27,- 847.00), (not exceeding one lnilll said tax to be used as set out be- low. The Consolidated Fund is to be benefited by the transfer of $27,- 847.00 from the Emergency Fund. This is necessary because of the greatly increased costs of salaries, wages and supplies already in ef- fect which may further be in- creased by any extraordinary or unforseen circumstances which may arise during the year 1948-49. Passed, adopted :and approved this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN. F, W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffiatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. BUDGET ESTIMATE AND RECORD OF FILING City Estim ate NOTICE-The City Coun cil of Dubuque of Du buque County, I owa, will. meet August 11, 1947, at 7:30 P. -L, at t he City Hall, Dubuque. Taxpayers will he heard for or agai nst the following estimat e of ez- pendit~ares for the year begi nning April 1, 1943. A detailed statement of re- ceipts and disbursements, b oth past and anticipated tvi11 be available at the hearing. 7-30-1t. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Expenditur es Por Year ~ _ h ~ ~ ~ O R'i Ftii\DS ~ ~ ~' m ~ ,~ F„ ~Nm~, ~ of y~ '" ~ ~ a~C~c~ m o c~,~~~, ti ~ co o`~Na ~ ' ~~c~i >, ~a%Hm ,~ qm~~'m td ,ti 0 0 ~ ~, ~ nN i ~ ~ ~ ~ .1 0y ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ General ......._,. _$ 370,134 $ 386,120 $ 378 796 -._.....,.... s Grading .._.......... ..$ 10,000 9,343 10,000 ..................... ..................... ...................... ~ improvement ..... . 35,605 40,SS1 12,D00 ..................... ................... .................... Snow Remoi-ai 6,292 15,675 9,950 ....._.__ ...... ..................... ................_.. a City Bridge ..... .........._......_..... ..........-.......... ' 03,fi2S _ ................... ............._.....- ..._................ Sewer .._ .................... .. 17,053 34,106 30,000 ................_. .................... ........_.........-. ro -Iain sewer ..... . 14,910 33,070 19,500 .................... ...................... .................... Garbage h Disposal _._.. . 33,562 33,915 36,SD0 ............._._. .......-~........... .........._.._._.. o Light .................._.. .. 36,359 36,467 46,"000 .,................. .....,...,........ .........._.......... U - - a'Total Cousoli- dated .......~.-..... .$ 527,236 $ 590,080 $ 597,174 $ 26,000 $191,602 $380,672 Water \4'mics __.. .$ 259,242 $ 269,267 339,365 140,OD0 159,365 ..........._..._.., Fire Maintenance 133,Dli3 153,7D6 153,325 5,000 11,245 167,080 Fire Equipment 22,319 4,229 63,923 50,000 .................... 13,923 Library ........................ 35,602 43,201 43,911 ...-_.._..._-.. 2,500 46,411 Library, (Agri. Land) ..-. 90 94 1l0 _..__.. 110 Patk ... ...... ...... . 24,315 22,525 40,{29 2,500 300 37,129 Playground and Swimming Pool '36,495 27,949 24,339 2,000 3,525 13,664 Dock ._........._._._ ............ . 29,467 25,732 30,304 3,000 5,740 18,664 Doclc Board .-_......... 29,111 27595 -~,.., ................,,. Firemen's Pension 21,410 23,501 _°x.520 ......__-._.... 600 27,920 Firemen's Retirement ..._..... . 9S5 1,033. I;~,000 -.-.......__... .,......_~__...... 15,000 Policemen's Pension _....,_....... 14,193 16,479 19,',80 ............_.._... 450 19,53D Pollcemeu'a Retirement .-.-.. 947 2,445 l1,d27 ..,......_ .......... ..............,.... 11,027 Employees Retirement ...._ ... ..................... ...................._... 6,015 .................. .....-......._...... 6,016 Emergency ............_.. ......___._.._...... ...._._.....-........... 27,Sd7 ..................... ...._ 27,547 Assessment 10 X48 _.. . 10,345 Liquor Sales -........... 60 000 60,000 -.. Genera] Bm~ds .._-_ 106,583 63,711 52,352 ....._._- .......... .........-....._.. 52,352 Airport Levies _.-.. 19,b40 21,662 132,129 90,000 5,000 37,129 Road, (Agri. Land) ......_ .............. 115 101 110 ..,...._......._. ._.._.....,,.,-.. 110 Sheet Const. Fd. (Gas Tax) ........ ....................... ............._......__.. 150,000 105,000 75,000 ...........,,..... Parking n[eters Anrl Lots ........... ....................... ................._..... 57,SOD 27,500 30,000 ........,...,......... TOTALS .....__._. $1,253,670 $1,291,655 $1 ,913,955 $450,300 $579,127 $539,531 Estimated Tax es per $1,0 00.00 of assessed valu e $23,952 Taxable valuat ion (1946) .___,..... _... ......._. $ 35,762,229 l~[oneys and c redits (1946) ~ 0 hill s ...-.._ ...- ....$ 11,049,530 ~[oneys and c redits (1946) ~ 1 Niill ... _-.__.. ... $ 1,069,792 190 Special Session, July 2Sth, 1947 Resolution No. 91.47 Wheroas, The Council of the City of Dubuque has duly considered and caused to be prepared the budget estimate of expenditures for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949 as a basis for the tax levy far the year 1947, the wine to be collected the year 1948 and said budget hav- ing been duly approved by ,it; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that said budget estimate be gaud the same is hereby ordered filed in the office of the Clerk of Dubuque and the date of public hearing thereon is hereby fixed as the 11th day of August, 1947 at 7:30 o'clock P. NI. in the Council Chamber in the City Hall, Be It Further Resolved, That said Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause said budget esti- mate of expenditures and proposed tax levy to be published in the of- ficial newspaper of the City of Da• buque and an official notice to be given of the tune and place, when and where said budget estimate will be considered by said Council for final adoption, at which ime and place taxpayers will be heard fm• sand against said estimate, `laid publication to be not less than`ten (10) days before said date of hear- ing. Be It Further Resolved, That in lieu of all the separate annual levies for the General Fund, the Grading Fund, the Improvement Fund, the Sewer Fund, the Electric; Light or Pawer Fund, the Snow Removal Fund, the Garbage Dis- posal Fund, the City Bridge Fund, and the Main Sewer Fund, there shall be levied one (1) tax which shall be designed as the "Consoli- dated Fund." Passed, adopted sand approved this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTOAT, W, W, MOFFATT, Comrcilmen Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt. moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson. Care Tied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Gouncil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- mau, Wharton. Nays-None, July 25, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: Iu accordance with the provisions of law, as City Mana- ager, I have prepared an annual budget for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949 based upon the estimated in• came and expenses of the various departments of the City of Du- buque. These departmental esti- mates show the appropriations for each department for the preceding year (1947-1948) and also the in- crease or decreases for the ensu- ing year (1948.1949), The budget has been filed with the City Clerk and will be puh• lished as required by law in order that objections thereto may be wade before final action is taken ur this budget, Respectfully submitted, A, A, RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the communication of City Manager Rhomberg be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET PREPARED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1948.1949. Notice is hereby given that the City Manager oP the City of Dubuque has prepared a budget on the basis of estimates oP the expenses of the various depart- ments of said City for the Yiscal year beginning April 1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949. Such departmental estimates show expenses of each department for the preceding year, and the purpose for which the con- solidated tax levy, anthnrized py Section 404.11 of the Special Session, July 2Sth, 1947 Code of Iowa 1946, as a-mended, Is to be used, and in addit[on thereto, the purpose Por which all other tax levies are to be used, including the revenues Prom mis- cellaneous sources. The levy of a consolidated tas has heretofore been determined by said Council and incor- porated in a resolution for such purpose. The budget will be considered for final adoption by the City Coun- cil at a special meeting to 6e held in the Council Cham- ber aY the City Hal] on the 11th day of August, 1947, at 7,30 o'clock P. 14L Any interested party objecting thereto or protesting to the same, or to any item thereof or an7~ omission therefrmn, shall present his objections to said Council on or before that date. This notice is given pursuant to the direction of the Code of Iowa. J. J. SHEA, 7-30-1t City Clerlt. ANALYSIS OF TAX LEVIES TO BE MADE IN AUGUST 1947 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1948-49 ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUATION-$37,128,974 SOURCES OF REVENUE FOR 1948-49 FISCAL OPERATION A.-From Taxes Levy in Fund Mills Tax Consolidated ................................_..........._.....,..._.. .....10.250 $380,572.00 Fire Maintenance ...................__~.......-................. ...,..4.500 1G7,OS0.00 Fire Equipment ....................................................... ..... 0.375 13,923.00 Libraty ................._..-....._............-.............................. _...1.25D 46,411.00 Park .,,...._ ..........................._.-.......................................... ......1.000 37,129.00 Pla3•ground and Swimming Pool ..... ...... 0.600 15,564.00 Fire Pension ............................................................... ...... 0.752 27,920.00 Fire Retirement .............................._....._..-............. .._.. 0.404 15,000.00 Police Pension ......_._ ............_._......_.._-...._..._.... _.... 0.526 19,530.00 Police Retirement ....._ ......................................... ...,.. 0.297 11,027.OG Employees Retu•ement ....._,.. ....................... ..._ 0.162 6,015.00 Emergency ............................................................... ......0.750 27,847.00 Dock ...........-_ ...................._...........,...._..............:.............. ......0.500 18,564.00 General Bpnds .............................._............,...._.._.. __.. L410 52,352.00 Airport ....._ ..............._..............._.._......_......_................_. ._....1.000 37,129.00 City Assessment _.........._ ......................................... .....0.276 10,243.00 Total ............................................_......................... ......23.952 $589,311.00 " Road Tas on Agricultural Lands (Consolidated Fund) ................._..........-..........._................._.......... ............-.._.........._ ... 110.00 Library Tax on Agricultural Lands (Library Fundl ................... .........._... ..-. _ -... .............. 110.00 Total Estimated Receipts Froru Taxes ..... ..$889,531.00 B.-From Miscellaneous Sources Gen eral Misc1. Revenues Business Licenses ............................._................. ...........,................ ....$ 4,200.00 Dog Licenses ........................................................... ...................._......_ _~ 500.00 Building Permits ....,....._ ....................................... ............................ .._ 3,500.00 Phunbing' Permits ......_....._ ............................... ..............._......:..... .... 2,750.00 Electrical Yermits ........................._................... ....._....,.,.............. ... 2,750.00 Police Court Fines and Costs ............... ..._......................._ .... 3D,000.00 Beer Permits ..................._..............,..........-........- .........._............... ._ 30,000.00 Cigarette Permits ................................................. ............................ ... 23,000.00 Street aurl' Garage Receipts ................_. ...........-..........,,.- ... 3,000.00 Dieting Prisoners ................................................... ........__..._............. .... 500.00 D4iscellaneous Rents ._.._ ................._...._...-.. ...._.........-..........._ ... 755.00 Miscellaneous Sales ...._ .............................. .............................. .... 250.00 Scale Receipts _.._._...._ ................__...._._..._....._ ............................ .... 3D0.00 Ambulance Receipts ............_ .................._.-....... ......._................... .. 3,000.00 Health Dept. Receipts ................................... .......................... ... 5D0.00 Milk Inspection Fees ......................._.,..._.._... ........_............:..._.. .... 5,000.00 Bicycle Registration ................................._....... ..,._....._............. .... 700.00 Sale of Real ProPerty .............._..._................. ......_.................... ..- 1,OD0.00 State Highway il4aiirtenance .._........._ ... ............................. ... 2,295.00 ;,~, o t al ......................._....................._...........,..... _.........................._. ._$114, ODO, 00 AIRPORT FUND Estimated tin encumbered Balance A pril 1, 1948 $ 90,000.00 Airport Returns ..........__ ................_..._. _._........ ................_............ ..- 5,000.00 Tata] ...._......._ ....................._........_......_.............. ........._,..._-......_.._ ....$ 95,000.00 CONSOLIDATED F UND Estimated Unencumbered Balance A pri] 1, 1948 $ 25,000.00 FIRE MAINTENANCE FUND Outside Fire Protection .............................. ......................... ....$ l,OD0.00 Estimated Unencmnbered Balance A pril 1, 1948 5,000.00 Total .................................._..................._....._..._...........................-__..$ G,000.00 191 192 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 FIRE EQUIPMENT FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1948 $ 50,000.00 LIBRARY FUND Book Rentals and Fines _....._......_ .........................................-. ....$ 2,500.00 PARKING LOT FUND Estimated L'nenemnbered Balance April 1, 1948 $ 17,500.00 PARKING METER FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1943 $ 10,000.00 Meter Collections ...._ ................_......._.......................................-.... ...... 30,000.06 Tetal ................_............_..._......,............._..................................,,...... ......$ 40,000.00 PARK FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1945 $ 2,500.00 Concessions ........._. ............._..........__..._......_._,.........................,._........ ...... 500A0 Miscellaneous Collections ................................................_.._.... ,... 300.00 'Cotal ......._ .................................._................_......-......................,..... ......$ 3,300,00 PLAYGROUNDS AND SWIMMING P OOL Estimated Unencumbered Balance April 1, 1995 $ 2,000.00 Swinvning Pool Receipts ........................................................ ._. 3,500.00 Skating' Receipts ..._....__...._ .................................~....._................ ..-. 250.00 Miscellaneous Receipts _....-.......- .............._....,,........~.,.......... ...-. 75.00 Total ..............................................................................................._..... ......$ 5,525.00 POLICE PENSION FUND l% Salary Deduction frmn Members ._...._...._..... ...-$ 450.00 FIRE PENSION FUND 1% Salary Deduciton from Members .._........._.._... ......$ 00400 DOCK FUNp Estimated Unencumbered Balance April I, 1948 $ 3,000.00 Oil Terminal Lease ..._......_ ....................................................... ..... 2,25400 Virginia-Carolina Lease ..._...._..._.,._ ...................................... ...... 2,100.00 Dock FIouse Lease .,....._.,.........._......_.._ ..........................._.......... ...... 1,590.00 Harbor Lease ......................._.._................................._-....._..._.... ...... 1,000.00 Wharfage Fees ............................................................................... .... 1,200.00 Miscellaneous Receipts .........................._......._.......................... ..,... 300.00 Total .........__ ............._.................., _...,....................-....................,. .....$ 11,740.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND Estimated Unencumbered Balanee April 1, 1948 $105,000.00 Receipts from Gas Tat ........................................................... ...... 75,000.00 Total ............................................_........_....................,._...._.......... ......$180, 000.00 LIQUOR SALES FUND Estimated Cit3' Share ........._ ....................___...._.......__........ ..._.$ 00,000.00 Total Estimated Misc. Revenues and Unen- encumbered Bai . ............................._.................................__ $ 612,215.00 Total Estimated Receipts from Taxes ..............-..._. . 559,631.00 TOTAL ESTI;cIATED CITY REVENUE ....,....._.. .$1,501,746.00 WATER WORKS DIVISION (Self Supporting) Estimated Unencumbered Balanco .. ....................._.. ..$ 140,000.00 Estimated Water Revenue ..........................._..._.._., 139,365.00 Total .._... _....... $ 329,305.00 ESTIDIATED GRAATD TOTAL CITY AND ii%ATER WORIIS DIVISION REV- E\UES _. .................__......,..._..... ...................__._........._........_. .$1,531,111.00 DETAILED DISTRIBUTION OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1948.49 GROUP I-GENERAL. ADMINISTRATION Item 101-City Council Proposed 1947-43 1945-49 Appropriations Appropriations A. Salaries ....~ .................._..........................,....,...$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00. B. Travel ...................................__...................,....._. 175.00 175.00 J. Miscellaneous .................-..._................... 25.00 25.00 Totai ............._..........................,_...................._........$ 1,500.00 $ 1,700.00 Item 1'02-City Manager's Office A. Salary City Manager ...._ .............*$ 0,714.00 *$ 9,000.00 A, Salary Secretary ._____._..-~....~.,..., 2,532.00 2,532.00 A. Salary Stenographer .._.._ .............. 2,004.00 2,004.00 B. Travel ... _...,_.._ ......................................._..._ 250.00 250.00 C. Office ........._....._ ........................._......._......... 125.00 125A0 D. Printing .........._ ..............................._................. 75.00 75.00 F. &Yaintenance ....._ ........................._...,......... 200.00 200.00 G. ~laterfal and Supplies ....._.......__,... 325.00 325A0 Total ......................................................................$ 12,525.00 $ 15,411.00 Item 103-City Clerk's Office A. Salary City Cleric ..............................$ 3,45G.00 $ 3,450,06 A. Salary Extra Help ..............._............. 1'00.00 150.00 rs. Material. and Supplies ...._..,._..~....... 75.00 75,00 Total. ....... ..............._..-...................:.......................$ 3,081.00 $ 3,651.00 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 Item 104-Cit Auditor's Office Y A. Salary City Auditor ..._ ..................... $ ~ 2,547.00 *$ 2,709.00 F. Daintenance ............:._.......-.._._-......, . 50,00 5D.00 G. Materials and Supplies ....._.._....... 200.00 200.00 Tctal ....................._...............-...-..............._..........$ 2,797.00 $ 2,959.00 Ite m 105-City Treasurer's Office A. Salary City Treasurer .................*$ 2,502.00 *$ 2,669.00 D, Printing and Advertising ...-.... 25.00 25A0 F. Maintenance .............................................. 25.00 25.00 G. Material and Supplies ...._...-..~.... 150.00 160,00 I. Surety Bond ......._.._ ............................-.... 100.00 100.00 Total ......._._. ................_...__-...................:....._:...$ 2,302.00 $ 2,969.00 (Note: 25%o of salaries of City Man ager, City Auditor, and Treasurer are paid by Water Dept. It i s proposed to pay 20 %o of such salaries from Wat er Dept. in 1948-49.) Ite m 106-City Solicitor's Office A. Salary City Solicitor (Part Time) .....................-................................~..-.....$ 5,220.60' $ 5,220.00 B. Travei ................................................................_. 40.00 40.00 C. Office ................._...........................-.................,_ 90.00 40.00 G. Material and Supplies ......~_-...~.... 55.00 85.00 Total ..._ .......................................,._........................$ 5,335.OD $ 5,385.00 Ite m 108-City Assessments S. City's Share ...................._,................-_..._...$ 5,341.00 $ 10,245.00 ($1 0,243.00 paid from City Assessmen t Fund as provided by S.F. 46 P_cts of 62 G. A.) Ite m 109-Civil Engineer's Office A. Salary Engineer ....__.._. .........................$ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 A. Salary Assistant ..............._....._....,......... 3,150.Q0 ' 3,156.00 A. Salaries Rodmen ..................................... 5,400.0 0 5,400.00 C. Office ........................................................_.._..._ 100.00 100.OD E. Equipment .,.........,_......- ................................... 200.00 200.00 F. NIaintenauco ............_ ................................. 500.00 500.00 G. Material and Supplies _ ................. 500.00 600,00 Total ...._ .........................................-......................__$ 1G,756.00 $ 1G,756.00 Ite m 113-City Eleotion A. Salaries Clerks, etc. .._..-_ ....:........$ 50400 $ 600.00 G. I1'Iaterial and Supplies _._._......_.. _ 400 400.00 J. Reuts ..........................................._..-..................... 50.00 50.00 Total ..................__ ........,.............................-..........$ 950.00 $ 950.00 Ite m 199-City Buildings A, Salaries Janitors ............__......_..__...$ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 E. Equipmen! .............._.._..................._..... 1,000.00 1,000.00 t F. Maintenance and Repairs ...._...... 2,500.00 2,500.00 } G. P~Iaterial and Supplies .._-,..........~ 1,000.00 1,00400 H. Heat and Light -_. ....................-....._...... 1,SD0.00 1,800.OD Tota1 ....................................................._.........,........$ 10,500.00 $ 1Q300.00 Ite m 115-Police Court A. Salary Police judge ....- ..$ 2,052.06 $ 2,052.00 G. Material and Supplies ....... 16.00 15.00 Total .................._..................................-......,.........$ 2,067.00 $ 2,067.00 Ite m 116-Civil Service Commission G. lYia-terial and Supplies ...-.......----....$ 100A0 $ 100.00 J. Miscellaneous ...-....____..- ...................... 100.00 100.00 Tota] ..._ ....................................._.............................$ 200.U0 $ 200.00 SU BTOTALS GROUP I-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION ...._......._ ..............$ 65,004.00 $ 73,126.00 (Consolidated Tax-$62,S7S.00; City Assessment Fund- $10 ,243.00) GROUP II-PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Proposed 1947- 45 1995-49 Appropria tions App ropriations Ite m 118-Police Department (Conso lidated Fund) A, Salary Chief of Police ...._..~-.......$ 3,720.00 $ 3,720.00 A: .Salary Senior Captain ....._.........._..- 3,029.00 3,024.00 A. Salaries Captains (2) _,..__. ............. 6,565.00 5,568.00 A. Salaries Desk Serg~eairts (3) ..-- 8,244.00 8,244.00 A, Salaries Detectives (4) ..-........._.. 10,845.00 10,548.00 A. Salaries Motorcyclists (2) ........- 5,250A0 5,250.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (after 3 Yrs.) (26) __...._.._............_._._ ................. 56,232,00 66,956.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (hefore 3 vrs) (2) .........__._......._. .................._......... 4,524.00 4,324.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (dni7ng 1st YrJ (3) .............._......__,........_.........-..... 6,662.00 6,662.00 A. Salaries 14atrons (2) .._........--~~..... 4,368.00 4,305.00 A, Salaries Special Officers ..........._..... 100.00 100.00 193 194 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 B. Travel .............._............._...._.......................... . 50A6 50.00 C. Office ._._ ......................._.._....._........................ . 275.00 275.00 D. Printing ......-_ ..............._............,......................._ . 150.00 150.00 E. Equipment .................................:......_.....-..... . 3,500.00 3,500.00 F, ivlaintenance ....._..._ .................._....._.._.... . 2,800.00 2,300.00 G. Material and Supplies ...................... . 2,OOD.00 2,000.00 J-1 Feeding Prisoners ............._...._.......__ . 1,500.00 1,500.00 J-2 Miscellaneous (injuries) .............. . 300.00 3D0.00 Total ............._...._......._..............._.,....................... .$119,335.00 $129,559.00 (Co nsolidated Tax-$91,957.00; Emergency Fu nd Trans- fer -$17,602.00; Liquor Sales Fnnd- $20,OOD.00.) Item 119A-Fire Department Maintenance F und A. Salary Fire Chief ......_......_ .................. .$ 3,720.00 $ 3,720.00 A. Salaries Senior Captains (2) 6,048.00 6,045.00 A. Salaries Captains (5) ...................... . 13,920.OD 13,920.00 A. Salaries Lieutenants (7) ......... . 18,450.00 18,480.00 A. Salaries Engineers (4) .............._.... . 10,560.00 10,560.00 A. Salaries Firemen (after 3 yrs.) (36) ................. ................................, . 76,630.00 92,016.DG A. Saraaries Firemen (during 3 yrs.) (7) ......_ ..........................................-_.. . 16,534.00 16,SS4.06 A. Salaries Firemen (during tat 1st yr.) (3) ..._. ................_....._..............a G,552.00 6,552.06 B. Travel ...................................._.......,_.,...._........... : 50.00 50.00 C. Office ..............................................,........._..._.. . 650.00 G50.00 D. Printiug _ ..............................._............................ . 35.00 35.00 F-1 Maintenance ............................................ . 3,750.00 3,75DA0 F-2 Repairs to Buildings .,.,....._........... . 3,000.00 3,000.00 G. Material and Supplies ............._...,. _ 2,700.00 2,700.00 H. Heat and Light ..............................._...... . 3,000.00 3,000.00 I. Insw'ance ......_ ............................_.............. _ 400.00 400.00 J-1 Miscelluneous (Ltjtu'ies) ............ . 900.00 900.Op J-2 Lrterest on Warrants ........_......_._ G0.00 60.00 J-3 Reservice -for Emergency ....... . 600.00 G00.00 Total ........................_....................__.._......,......... .$167,939.00 $153,325.00 (Fire 1Vlaintenance Tas-$167,OS0.00; Balance and Miec. Revenue - $6,000.UO; Emergency Fund Transfer - $1a, 245.00) Ite m 1196-Fire Equipment Fund E. Equipment .,.,_.. ............................_....._._.. .$ 73,411.00 $ G3,923.OD (Fi re Equipment Tax-$13,923,00; Unencumbered Bal- anc e-$50,004.00) Ite m 120-Fire and Police Alarm (Consolidated Fund) A. Salary City Electrician ................ ..$ 2,563.00 $ 2,563.00 A. Salary Extra Help ............................... .. 2,100.00 2,100.00 C. Office ............._............................._.......__........... . 100,00 100.00 E. Equipment ..............._......__..._...................__ . 150.00 150.00 F. :1laintenance ............................_............_. .. 15D.00 150.00 G. Material and Supplies ...................._ . 200.00 200.00 H. Heat, Light and Power .._._,.... .. 100.00 100.00 Tota1 ...................................................................... ..$ 5,363.00 $ 5,363.00 Ite m 121-Building Commissioner's Office( C onsolidated Fund) A, Salary Building Commissioner $ 3,630.00 $ 3,G30AU C. Office .........................................._......_............. . 25.00 25.00 F ltifaintenance .............................................. .. 150.00 150.00 . G. Material and Supplies _._ ............. .. .100.00 100.00 Total .........._..... ...................................................... ..$ 3,905.00 $ 3,905.00 Item 12L-Plumbing Inspector's Office (C onsolidated Fund) A. Salary Plumbing Inspector ....... ..$ 3,024.00 $ 3,024.00 C. Office ...................................... . ................. .. 25.00 25.00 D. Printing ........................................................ . 15.00 15.00 G, Material and Supplies ._....._~..._... .. 60.00 60.00 J. Plumbing Board ...._............_.........._ _ 150.00 130.00 Total ............................................._....._.._............. ..$ 3,294.00 $ 3,294.00 Ite m 123-Electrical Inspertor's Office (C onsolidated Fund) A. Salary Electrical Inspector ...... ..$ 3,024.00 $ 3,024.00 C. Office ......................_....,...._....,....................... .. 25.00 25.00 D. Printing ........................................................... .. 15.00 10.00 F. Mahttenance ,...._..._.........~ ............. _... . 175.00 175.00 G. Material and Supplies ......_......,.... .. 1D0.00 100.00 Total .................................................................... ..$ 3,339.00 $ 3,339.00 Ite m 124-Dog Pound (Consolidated Fund) J, Enforcement Dog Ordinance . ..$ ]50.00 $ 150.00 SU BTOTALS GROUP II, PROTEC- TION OF LIFE AND PRO- - PERTY .............................................._............... ..$37fi,791.00 $392,363.00 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 GROUP III-HEALTH AND SANITATION (Consolidated Fund) Proposed 19 47-48 1948-49 Approp riations Appr opriations Ite m 125-Health Department A. Salary Director (Part Time) ...$ 2,424.00 $ 2,424.00 A. Salary Sanitary Inspector........ .... 2,112.00 2,112.00 A. Salary Clerk and Registrar . ..... 1,966.00 1,956.00 A. Salary Restaurant Inspector ... 1,656.00 1,666.00 A. Sa1aiies Nurses (4) ....._......_...... ..... 9,480.00 9,480,00 A, Extra Help .............__................_............ ..... 1,534.00 1,584.00 B. Travel ....................................... ............... ..... 5o.o0 50.00 C. Office ...._........_......._....... .....................__ _... 150.00 150.00 D. Printing .....___........_...._...__......__ ............... .... 50.00 50.00 E. Equipment ..........._........_......,......_.... ... 50.00 50.00 F. Maintenaance ......_........__..._.___.-... ._. 600.00 600.00 G, Material and Supplies _.._...._ .... 300.00 300.00 J-1 Laboratory Expense ......,......._ _._ 400.00 400.00 Total ..............................................._.................... .....$ 2D,S12.00 $ 2Q812,OD Ite m 126-Control of Contagious Diseases J. Control of Contagious Disease s $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Ite m 127-Sewer Maintenance A. Wages _ ...................................._........._.......,,.. .....$ 15,500.00 $ 15,500.00 E. Equipment .................._,.-_..........._..... ..... 700.00 700.00 F. ti[aintenance .. ............................._......_.... .... 1,200.00 1,200.00 G. :4aterial and Supplies ................. ..... 600.00 600.00 H. Power for Sewer Pumps .'....., .. 1,500.00 1,500.00 Tota1 ............................._..........................._... .....$ 19,500.00 $ 19,500.00 Ite m 128-Garbage Disposal J. CnntracC for Garbage Collection and Disposal ....._....,..._.._ ................ .......$ 13,000.0 $ 13,D00.00 Ite m 129-Milk Inspection A. Salaty Milk Inspector ......_____. .....$ 2,925.00 $ 2,928.00 A. Salary Assistant ...._ .................... .... 2,520.00 2,620.00 E. Equipment .,.__ ................................... .... 160.00 160,00 G. Material and Supplies ....._........_ ._ 100.00 100.06 Tota] ..................................................................... ... $ 5,703.00 $ 5,703.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP III-HEALTH AND SANITATION ._............_....... ._..$ 65,220.00 $ G5,220.D0 GROUP IV-HIGHWAYS AND STREETS Proposed 19 47-48 1948-49 Appropriafioae Appropriations Ite m 131-Highways Administration (Consolida ted Fund) A. Salary Timekeeper ..._ .............. __$ 3,024.00 $ 3,024.00 A. blaiuteuance ..........._ ...............__.......... _... 100.00 100.00 G. Material and Supplies ....._.......__ ..... 150.00 150.00 Total ........._ ....................................................... ...$ 3,274.00 $ 3,274.00 Ite m 132-Street Repairing and Grading (Consolidated Fund) A. Wages Laborers ...... .............._...,_. .....$ 27,500.00 $ 27,500.00 E. F..ryttiptnent .._..___ .............._.................. -... G,OD0.00 G,000.00 F. Maintenance .................._....._.............._... ..._ 5,000.00 5,000.00 G. Material and Supplies .........,.._.. _.. 10,000.00 10,000.00 J. Grading ..........................................._,...... ..... 5,000.00 5,000.00 Total ....._.._. ........................~......................,...... .....$ 53,500.00 $ 53,500.00 Ite m 135-Street Construction Fund J. Street Construction ............_......- .....$110,000.00 $180,000.00 Item Ti3-City Garage (Consolidated Fund) A. Salaries Mechanics _..._........:_.......... ....$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 C. Office ............................................................... ..... 75.00 75.00 E. Equipment _ :............._.._........._............ .__ 500.00 500.00 F. -Iaintenance ....._..........,__ ...................._ __ 400.00 400.00 G. Material and Supplies ...___.._ _ .... 325.OD 326.00 II. Heat, Light and Power ......_.. _.. 2,000.00 2,000.00 1 Insurance .........................._........_........_. .... 50.00 50.00 motal ......._......_.. ...................:............................ .....$ 13,350.00 $ 13,350.00 Item 134-Ash and Can Collections (Consolida ted Fund) A. Wages Drivers and Laborers $ 16,000.OD $ 16,OOD.00 F. Maintenance ........_......._............_ ........... ..... 1,400.00 1,400.00 G. llateria] and Supplies .........._.. _... 500.OD 500.00 Total .............................................._.._......_..... ....$ 17,900.08 $ 17900.00 Item 138-Street and Traffic Sig nal Lighting (Consoli• dated Fund) H. Street Lighting and Traffic Signals ..._.._............._.. ................_............ ..._$ 4D,500.00 $ 46,5011,04 194 °"~ ~_ ' 196 Special Session, July 2Sth, 1947 E. Equipment ......................_......_.._....._._... ... 500.00 500,00 F. Maintenance ......................_..........,....-.. -. 3,500,00 3,500.00 G, Material and Supplies -........._.. ... 800.00 800.06 Total ..._.... .................-........................................-... ...g la,aoo,oD $ ls,soD.Da Item 141-Snow Removal (Consolid ated Fund) A. Labor ..................:........................._....:_......_ ..$ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 E. Equipment ....-. ............._..-........................ ... 800.00 800,00 F. Maintenance ............................................. ... 1,600.00 1,600.00 G. Material and Supplies .............._.... ,. 550.00 550.06 Total .........__............_.......,.......~..__. ............. ...$ 9,950.00 $ 9,950.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP IV-HIGH- WAIS AND STREETS .............._. _$267,274.00 $343,274.00 GROUP V-LIBRARY Proposed 1947-48 1945-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 143A-Library Fund and Mis c, Library Revenue A. Salary Librarian ............................. ...$ 3,156.00 $ 3,150.00 A. Salary Reference Librarian ._ ... 2,460.00 2,457.00 A. Salary Catologuer .....................__-. .- 2,256.00 2,249.16 A, Salary Juvenile Librarian ..... .... 2,124.00 2,110.66 A. Salary Circulation Head (Par t- Time) ............................................................ .. 1,968.00 1,194.00 A. Salary School Librarian ...,...... .... 1,968.D0 1,969.36 A. Salary Asst, oP Circulation Head ......._......._._......._.._. ...................-...., .... 1,963.00 1,959.36 A. Salaries General Assistants (3) ....................................................................... .... 5,100.00 5,103.00 A. Salary Caretaker -..-......._ .................-. _ 2,232.40 2,23G.56 A. Salary Extra Help ....._......-..-..-..... .... 1,761.00 3,819.00 B. Tarvel Expense ..................._-..-..-...., .... 104A0 100.00 C. Office Expense ................_....._.._.~..... .. 150.00 150.00 D. Printing ..-........_..........._._........._ ............. .. 50.00 50.00 E. Books and Periodicals .-..-.._._..... ._ 6,780.00 9,000.00 F. Binding' ...__ ..................._........................... ... 1,900.00 2,500.00 F-1 Building Repairs ,__..-.-..-......,...- ~- 5,000.00 5,383.00 G, n-Iateria] and Supplies ........_....-... .... 1,70D,00 2,300.00 H. Heat, Light and Water ...-....._. ... 2,500.00 2,800.00 I. Instrance ..._ ......................................~.....,. .. 405.00 500.00 Total ......._..._.._......_... ..................._................... ..$ 43,531.00 $ 49,021.00 (Li brary Tax-$46,411.00; Library Tas Agricul tural Land -$1 10.00; Misc. Lihrary Revenue- 32,500.00) GROUP VI-PARK FUND Ite m 144A-Park Administration A. Salary Superintendent .............. ...$ 2,97G.00 $ 2,976.OD B. Travel ._ ..........................._......-.........__........ .. 50.00 100.00 C. Office _ ............................_................................._ -. 100.00 150.00 D, Printing and Advertising ..-_.. ... 60.00 75.00 J. ItIiscellaneous ....................................... ... 15.00 15.OD Total ..._......_ ................._.......,...................._.... ...$ 3,201.00 $ 3,416:00 Item 1446-Park Areas, Buildings, Etc. A. Wages of Lahorers ......:..-........._... ...$ 16,OOO.OD $ 18,500.06 C. Forestry ............................................._...._ .. 400.00 975,OD E. Equipment ................_.........,........,............. ._ 6D0.00 1,fi00.00 F, Maintenance ...._ ......................................... ... 1,400.00 2,OOO.OD G. Material and Supplies .............._ .. 1,800.00 2,900.00 H. Heat, Light, Water and Tele- phone .............._....................,......_........_...._._ .. 1,800,00 2,200.00 I. Insurance _ ................._................_............... ... 700.00 700.00 J-1 Renovations and Replaoement s 100,00 138.00 J-2 Reserve for Deferred Main- tenance -...._......._..............._..- ....................... ... 50.00 8,000.00 Tota1 ................................................._...........-......_ ..$ 22,850.00 $ 37,013.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP VI-PARI{ FUND ................................_........_...,-........... ...$ 26,051.00 $ 4Q429.00 {Pa rk Tax-$37,129.00; Misc, Par k Revenues -$3,300.00) GROUP VII-PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND Proposed 1947-43 1948-49 Appropr iations App ropriations Item 145A-Recreation Administration A. Salary Director _ ................................... ...$ 2,772.00 $ 2,772.00 A. Salary Office Help ............- .......... ... 1,200.00 1,200.00 B. Travel ....~ ............................_._................._..... .. 50.00 50.00 C. Office ..............................................................._ ... 120.00 120.00 F, IVIaintenance of Car ..................~. ... 360.00 360.00 G. Raterial and Supplies .................... ... 250.00 250.00 Total ....................._......-..........~..........~,........._... ..$ 4,752.00 $ 4,752.00 Item 140-Street Cleaning (Consolidated Fund) A. Wages, Drivers and Laborers $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 Special Session, July 2Sth, 1947 Item 145B-Outdoor Recreation A. Salaries Supervisors, Direc- tors, etc . ........................_.................. .........$ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 A. Wages of Laborers ...................... ......... 750.00 750.00 E. Equipment .........................._............... _....,.. 750.00 750.00 F. Illaintenance .........._ ......................... ......-.. 500.00 500.00 G. IvIaterial and Supplies ............. ......... 500.00 500.00 H. Light ............_...._ ........................._........ ......... 500.00 500,00 I. Insurance ................................._,....._. ........ 250.00 250.00 Total .....,....._ ..............................-......_........... ........$ 6,750.00 $ 6,750,00 Item 145D-Indoor Recreation A. Wages ...__ .............._............................-_.. ....._.$ 600.00 $ 600A0 C. Office ...... ................................_..__......... ........ 25.00 25.00 E. Equipment ............................................ .......... 300.00 300.00 F. Maintenance ._ ................._..-.......... ._.._... 500.00 500.00 G, Material and Supplies ........... ._,_ 400.D0 400.00 H. Heat and Light ........................... .......... 400.00 400.00 Total ,...-.... ......................._......._................._.. _,.......$ 2,225.00 $ 2,225.00 Item 145E-Swimming Pcol A, Salary Superintendent ,.,... .._._-.$ 460.00 $ 450.00 A. Salaries Guard (4) ....._ ............... ......_ 900.00 9011.00 A. Salaries Attendants ................. ......... 1,300.00 1,300.00 F. Maintenance ..................................... .......... 450.00 450.00 G. Material and Supplies .......... .......... 350,00 350.00 H. Light and Power .......................... ......... 300.00 300.00 I. Insurance .._ ............................................_ .......... 229.00 229.00 Tota1 ............................_..._......._......__._._,.... ..........$ 3,979.00 $ 3,979.00 Item 146-Improvement and Car e of Grounds F, ilIaintenance ...................._.,,.............. ...._....$ 1,000.00 $ 1,D00.00 J. Improvement of Grounds . __._... 5,000,00 5,683.00 Total ................................_.__._....,.....,.,.... .....:.....$ 6,000.00 $ 6,683.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP VII-PLAY- GROUNDS AND SWIMMIN G POOL ......................._....._......_........,,......... ..._......$ 23,706.00 $ 24,389.00 (Playgrounds and Swimming Pool Tax-$18,564 .00; Swim- ming Pooi Receipts-$3,500.00; Skating Rece[p ts-$260.00; J~Iisc, Receipts-$75.00; Balance nn Hand-$2,OOO.OD) GROUP Vill-MISCELLANEOUS Proposed 1947-43 1948-49 Appr opriations Appropriations Item 147-Planning and Zoning (Consolidated Fund) J. miscellaneous .,....~ ......................._.. ..._..$ 7,500.00 $ 10,000.00 Item 148E-Ambulance (Consolidated Fund) A. Salaries Drivers (2) .__...__ ...._.....$ 5,112.00 $ 5,112.OD F. .1aintenance ................................. _......... 280.00 250.00 G, 1l~Iaterial and Supplies ..,...... ___,. 350.00 350,00 I. Insurance _....__. _ ............................... .__.... 225.00 225.00 Total ....._ ............................_.. $ 5,967.00 $ 5,967.00 Item 148C-Other Miscellaneous (Consolidated Fund) 7-1 Iowa League of iVTunicipali ties$ 50.00 $ 80.00 7-2 Damages _.._ . ..................................... .......... 3,300.00 3,30D.00 J-3 Printing Council Proceed ings 2,700.00 2,700.00 J-5 State Examiners ....._-....__. ..... .......... 2,000.00 2,000.00 J-6 Repairs to Town Clock ..... __.-.- 500.00 500.00 S-7 -41sc. Unclassified ....._....-.. _.__.. 3,100.00 3,1OD.00 J-B Workmen's Compensation In- surance .........._.._ ...................................... ............ 2,500.00 2,500,00 .J-9 Literest on Warrants .....- .. ........... 125.00 125.00 Total ................................_._...................... ._......_.$ 14,305.00 $ 14,305.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP VIII- itII S- CELLANEOUS ........................._ ...,.___$ 27,772.00 $ 3Q272.00 GROUP. IX-MARKETS AND .PUBLIC S CALES (Consolidated Fund) Item 152-Market Master A. Salary Marltet Master ........... ........_.$ 2,062.00 $ 2,052,00 F. Maintenance ._...__ ..................... ......._.. 20.00 20.00 G. il4ateriai and Supplies ....__._ .......,, 65.00 65A0 J. 1Iiscellaneaus ......_.._ ................. .........._ 20,00 zo.D0 Total ..................._......__........_......._........... ..._,......$ 2,157.00 $ 2,157.00 SUBTOTALS GROUPIX-MARKETS AND PUBLIC SCALES ......... ..........$ 2,167,00 $ 2,157.00 GROUP X-MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS (Consolidated Fund) item 160-Post War Improvements .J, Post War Pro)ects ..........__ .. ...........$ 32,000.00 $ 32,000.00 Item 161-Bridge Construction J. Bridge and Viaduct Work ....,,..$ 53,628.00 $ 53,628.00 197 _;,~ >~1 !~ • 198 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 Item 162-Assessments and Sewers J-1 City's Share of Special As- sessments .........................~.........._..............$ 6,000.00 $ 12,000.00 J-2 Main Sewers and Inlets ....._..-...... 25,000.00 30,000.00 Tota1 .....-. ................-.._-............................-.............,$ 31,000,00 $ 42,000.00 SUBTOTALS GROUP X-MU- NICIPAL IMPROtiEMENTS .,,.$116,628.OP $127,623,00 (Consolidated Tax-$87,628.00; Liquor Sales F und- $40,- Dao.oD) EMERGENCY AND RESERVE Reserve in Genera] Misc. Revenues $ 165.00 $ 240.00 GROUP XI-PENSION FUNDS Proposed 1947-48 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 154-Police Pensions J-1 Police Pensions ..................._...-..............$ 18,832.00 $ 19,98Q.00 J-2 Police Retirement System _....-. 8,941,00 11,027.00 Total _............__,._ ................__...................,..._...$ 27,773.00 $ 31,007.00 (Police Pension Tax $19,530.00; Balance on Hand and Pay Deductions from Memhers-$450.00) (Poli ce Retire- ment Tax-$11,027.00) Item 155-Fire Pensions J-1 Fire Pensions ...............__......-..............._$ 25,32fi.00 $ 28,520.00 J-2 Fire Retirement System .....-........ 12,910.00 15,000.00 Total .............................................................................$ 33,236.00 $ 43,520.00 (Fire Pension Tax-$27,920A0; Balance on Hand and Pay Deductions from Members-$600.00; Fh •e Retire- ment `Tax-$15,000.00) Item 150-Employees Retirement Fund J. City's Share ....._...._ ....................._,...............$...........-.............. $ 6,015A0, (Employees Retirement Tax-$6,016.00) SUBTOTALS GROUP XI- PENSIONS _ ...................._............................$ 66,009.06 $ 80,542.00 GROUP XII-DEBT SERVICE Item 161J.1-City bonds and Interest A-1 Interest on Bonds ....._ .........................$ 6,789.00 $ 4,200,00 A-3 Sewer Bond Redemption ............... 11,000.00 15,000.00 A-b Funding Bond Redemption _... 45,000.00 30,000.00 A-6 P,eserve ............................................................. 545.00 152.04 Total ..........~ ....................................._...._....................$ 62,334.00 $ 52,352.00 (General Bond Fund) Item 151J-2-Dock Bonds and Interest A-1 Interest on Dock Bonds .................$ 200.00 $....................-. A-2 Dock Bond Redemption .......~...-.... 5,000.00 ............................. Tota1 ..................._...:........_.............._......__.................$ 5,200.00 $......-..:............ (Balance on Hand-$5,200.00) Item 163J.2-Airport Bonds and Interest A-1 Interest on Airport Bonds .........$ 570.00 $ 428.00 A-2 Airport Bond Redemption ......... 19,000.00 19,000,00 Tota1 ....................._....................................................$ 19,570A0 $ 19,428.00 (Airport Fund-$19,428.00) SUBTOTALS GROUP XII-DEBT SERVICE .....-......_.._. ................__........-...-..$ 87,104.00 $ 71,780.00 GROUP XIII-DOCKS Proposed 1947-43 1948-49 Appropriations Appropriations Item 153A-Dock Operation A. Salary Engineer ....................-................$ 420:00 $ 420.00 B. Traael ................................................................... 200.00 200.00 F. -7aintenance .............._...........,..__....__...... 50.00 50.00 G. Material and Supplies ...._ ................ 50.00 50.00 I. Insurance .............._,..................,......._-........... 700.00 600.00 J-1 Traffic Association Service ....,. 300.00 300.00 J-2 Improvements ...................._................._ 400.00 594.00 J-3 Miscellaneous ............................................ 400.00 1,000.00 Total ............-......_,..... ...................-....._................$ 2,520.00 $ 3,214.00 Item 1536-Dredge Operation A, Salary Engineer ......................................$ 130.00 $ 180.00 A. Salaries Operators ................................ 9,660.00 9,660.00 A. Wages Laborers ................................... 4,500.00 5,200.OD F. Maintenance and Repairs ......... 1,500.00 1,500.00 G. Material and Supplies ...............~.. 2,OOO.DO 2,000.00 H. Electric Power ..- ................................. ' 4,500A0 4,500.00 I. Marine Insurance ...................................: 703.00 700.00 I. Workmen's Compensation In- suranre ............................................................ 600.00 900.00 J. Miscellaneous ........................................... 150.00 150.00 Total ..._-..~ ..............~..............-..-...............................$ 23,793A0 $ 24,790.00 T Special Session, July 25th, 1947 Item 153C-River Front Improvement A. Wages ....................._.._.-.........,......_-.._.__......... $ 500.00 $ 500.00 E. Truclcing .........._..-......_....._ ...................-.......... 250.00 200.00 E. Equipment ......._..~ ...................................... 350,00 1,000.00 E. Tools ......................._.....__..............-.............._. 100.00 100.00 G. -4aterial and Supplies ................-...... 500.00 500.40 Total _ .....................-......-.,.......°................_._..-.. $ 1,700.OD $ 2,300A0 SUBTOTALS GROUP XIII- DOCKS ............_ ................................_.................. ....$28,013.00 $ 30,304.00 (Dock Tax-$18,564.00; Misc. Dock Revenues- $11,740.OQ) GROUP XIV-AIRPORT Proposed 194 7-4s la4s-4s Appropriations App ropriations Itsm 157-Airport Fund F. Itlaintenanace ...,_ ............................... .$ 2,500.00 $ 15,000.00 I. Insurance ......_ ................:.............................. . E00.00 1,500.00 J. Airport Development .......................... 93,073.00 96,201.OD Sub-Total Group XIV-Airport $ 96,073.00 $112,701.00 (Airport Tax-$17,701.00; Airport Ba lance and Revenues- $95,000.00) GROUP XV-PARKING M ETERS AND PARKING LOTS Item 170A-Parking Meters A. Wages ................................................................ ..$......................... $ 2,500.00 E. Equipment ...._.. .................................._.,...... .. .......................... 11,000.00 F. lllaintenance .............................._.........-.... ........._.................. 6,000.00 Total ........................................_............._.............._. ..$....................... $ 19,500.00 (Parking rlleter Fund-$19;500.00) Item 1706-Parking Lots J. Parking Lots .......................................... .$ 19,331.00 $ 33,300.00 (Park[ng Meter Fund-$20,500.00; Parking L ot Ftind- $17,a6a.oo) SUBTOTAL-GROUP XV-PARI{- ING METERS AND PARI{- ING LOTS ....................._........,..............._...... ..$ 19,881.00 $ 57,300.00 GROUP XVI-WATER WORKS Proposed 194 7-48 1948-49 Appropr iations Appropriatimts Estimated Balance on Hand April 1, 1947'............_.....,- .............................._._.... ..$250,000.00 $140,ooo.Do Estimated illeter Sales ._.........,..._........._ . 170,000.00 180,000.00 Estimated Flat Rate Sales ..........._........ .. 750.00 750.00 Estimated Fire Protection Service 2,500.00 2,500.00 Estimated Non-Operation Service.... _ 2,500.00 2,500.00 Estimated Sales Tax Collections .., . 3,416.00 3,615.00 Total ........_ ............................................................_ ..$429,165.00 $329,365.00 DISBURSEMEN TS Item 149A-Administration A. Salary Superintendent and Cashier .....................................-..........._.......... ...$ 4,620.00 $ .4,620.00 A. Salary Accountant ........................ ... 3,036.00 3,036.00 A. Salary Stenographer and Cler k 2,184.00 2,184.00 A, Salary Clerk ................_..._......_..........-.. ... 2,184.00 2,184.00 A. Salary Clerk ......._.._......_........,.._............ _. 1,872.00 1,872.00 A. Salary City Manager (25`/0-20%) ........___.,...- ................._............. .. 2,238.00 2,400.00 A. Salary City Auditor (25°10-20% ) 849A0 677.00 A. Salary Clty Treasurer (25%x-20%) _ ..............__............................. ... 334,00 667.00 B. Travel ..........................._..............__............... ... 125.00 125.00 C. Office Expense and Postage... ... 1,600.00 1,500.OD D. Printing and Advertising ......... ,.. 400.00 400.00 E. Equipment .....- ............................._,.-....._.._ ... 1,150.00 1,150.00 F. Maintenance ........... ................................ ... 300.06 300.00 G. Material and Supplies .._.....__.... ... 500.00 600.00 I. Insurance ......................................................... ... 75.00 76.00 J-1 114iscellaneous ......................................... ... 340.00 340.00 J-2 State Sales Tax .................................. ... 3,415.00 3,615.00 Total .......- ........................................................._..._ ..$ 25,622,00 $ 25,645.00 Item 1496-Water Operation A. Salary Field Engineer -........_-..., ...$ 3,430.00 $ 3,430.00 A. Salary Plant Chief Engineer... ... 3,168.00 3,168.00 A, Salaries Plant Engineers (6).. . 16,272.00 16,272.00 A. Wages Extra Station Labor.. .,- 3,000.DO 3,000.00 A. Salary Tapper and Hydrant Man ......................~.......................................,... .... 2,712.00 2,712.00 A. Salary Moter Service Man..... -. 2,412.00 2,41..00 A. Salary Meter Repair Nlan ....... .... 2,784.00 2,784.00 A. Salary Meter Reader .,....,- ........... .... 2,412.00 2,412.00 A, Salary Meter Inspector ..-.-... .,. 2,148.00 2,148.00 A. Salary Asst. Meter Repairer.. .... 2,434.00 2,484.00 199 _~e _ ~.. -=mss ~nnaV„ 200 Special Session, July 25th, 1947 A. Salary Genera] Fm•eman .....,_..-. .. 3,208.00 3,203. 00 A. Salary Asst. Foreman ._..-...- .. 2,556.00 2,656. 00 A. Wages Lahorers -. - 11,280.00 11,280. 00 E. Equipment ..._... .... - ... 10,000.00 10,000. 00 F. D4aintenance ....._._..- ........................_..-.... .. 12,000.00 12,000. 00 G. Material and Supplies .....- ............ .. 2,000.00 2,000. 04 H. Heat, Light and Power .............. . 35,000.00 37,500. 00 I. Insurance ................_............................:........... . 5,500.00 5,500. 00 J-1 Water Main Material .._....~ ............. .. 25,000.OP 26,000. 00 J-2 Other Betterments ........................... _ 251,222.00 148,899. 00 J-3 Stm~e Reserve _ ........................................ .. 3,000.00 3,000. 00 J-4 Miscellaneous ..............._..........-.._....__.. .. 1,000.00 1,000. 00 Tota1 ....._ ................_........-..................._-_.............. ..$402,718.00 $302,895. 00 GR AND TOTAL WATER WORKS APPROPRIATIONS ..-,... ....__ ,$428,340A0~ $328,540. 00 NO N-AFPROPRIATIONS RE- SERVE .............................................._._...... _$ 825.00 $ 325. 00 SUBTOTAL GROUP XVf-WATER WORKS .............._....._..-....................._..-... ..$429,165.00 $329,365. 00 R ECAPITULATION OF TOTAL APPROPRI ATIONS AND RESERVICES (a) City Operation, Group I to IY, Inclusive .................................$ 897,556.00 $1,02D,751. 00 (ab ) Municipal Improvements Group X ......_....._..........-...........~..._...- 116,628.00 127,628. 00 (c) Reserve in General Misc. Revenues ......._...:_._ ........................... 165.00 240. 00 (d) Pensions, Group YI ...._..-_...~.. G6,009.00 80,542. 00 (e) Debt Service, Group XII .._ 87,104.00 71,780. 00 (f) Dock, Group YIIi .......................... 28,013A0 30,304. 00 (g) Airport, Group XIp ._,.........-..... 96,073.00 112,701. 00 (h) Parktng Meters and Lots, Grottp SV ..._..,.._.....___..-.__......... 19,881,00 57,800. 00 (i) Water Works, Group %VI 428,340.00 328,540. 00 (j) Water Works Reserve .-..-- 825.00 825. 00 Total ..........................._......._...................-...$1, 740,594.00 $1,831,111. 00 RECAPITULATION OF REVENUES Tax Revenues ......._........._..........-_ .............$ 846,572.00 $ 839,531. 00 Mil e. Revenues and Estimated Balances ._.-._ __..._.. 464,857.00 612,215. 00 Wa ter Works Revenues and Estimated Balances .... 429,165.00 329,365. OC Total ~1, 74Q594.00 $1,831,111. 00 Petition of St, Patrick's Church, by F. P, Mulligan, Pastor, asking that au ordinance be adopted va- cating all of the alley between 15th Street and Loral Boulevard from tYie South line of 15th Street to the North line of Loral Boulevard or the alley described 'as that part of the alley between 15th Street and Loral Boulevard from the South line of 15th Street to the North property line of St. John's Episcopal Church if said line were extended in a direct line eastern' across said alley, presented and read, Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission :for their recommendation and r0• poet. Seconded by Councilman Mof- fatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-114ayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wh-arton, Nays-None, Ordinance No, 20.47 An Ordinance amendfng• Ordin- once No. 1-39, amending Ordinance No, 10-37 entitled "An Ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the Gity of Dubuque, designating the provisions thereof as the °Traffic Code" of said City," by establishing- parking regulations upon certain streets hereinafter designated, said ordinance having been passed upon first reading on July 17th, 1947 and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk for pub- lic inspection for at least one week before its final adoption, was pre• seated for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 20-47. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1-39, amending Ordinance No. 10-37 entitled "An Ordinance regu- lating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque, desig- nating the Provisions thereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City", by es- tablishing parking regulations upon certain streets hereinafter designated. Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE; Sea 1. That Ordinance No. 1-39, Paragraph 736, Section 1, "d", rule 108 be, and the same is hereby. amended by adding thereto the fo1- lowing: See. 4. It shall be unlawful to park on the following streets or parts thereof: Special Session, July 25th, 1947 ~Ol a. The southerly side of West ~ the assessment of property: under Fifth Street from the west line of . Bluff Street to a point opposite the Chapter 405, Code of 1946, as pro- west tine oP Lot 12 of Corell's Du- vided by Chapter ti40 of the Laws buque, and on the northerly side of of the 52nd Genefal Assembly said West Fifth Street beginning at a , point 196 feet west of the west line ordinance having been passed upon of Bluff Street and extending thence first reading on JUIy 17th, 1947 and westerly to west tine of Lot 12 of laced on file with the rdered Corell's Dubuque. p o b. On the south side of West 11th City Clerk for public inspection for Street from Prairie Street to Race at least One week befol'e its final Street. c. on the west side of Race Street adoptien, was presented for final from Nest 11th Street to Rose adoption, Street. d. On the south and west side of West 12th Street from Bluff street to ORDINANCE NO. 21-47, Grave Terrace. An Ordinance to provide for the se- e. On the east side of Grove Ter- lection of a Citiy Assessor and for race from West 11th Street to West the assessment of property under 12th Street. Chapter 405, Code of 1946, as provid- f. On the south side of Arlington ed by Chapter 240 of the Laws of the Street from Grave Terrace to Pram 52nd General Assembly, rie Street. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY g. On the soup side of Jefferson COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- Street from Walnut Street to Olive BUQUE: Street. Sec. 1. That the appointment of h. On the east side of Summit the City Assessor and the assessment Street from West 3rd Street to West cf property in the City of Dubuque 5th Street. shall be under the provisions of i. On the west side of Algona Chapter 405, of the 1946 Code of Street from University Avenue to IOtVa, as provided by Chepter 240 of Bennett Street. the Lams of the 52nd General As- j. On the east side of Walnut sembly of Iowa. Street from University Avenue to Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in Loral Blvd. force and effect from and after its k. On the east side of Sumner final passage, adoption and approval Street from Lincoln Avenue to by the City Council and publication as Rhomberg Avenue. provided by law. L On the south side of West 3rd passed upon fu•st reading July 17th, Street from Bluff Street to Burch 1947. Street. m. On the east ~eide of Booth Passed, adopted and approved upon Street fi•om University Avenue to final reading this 25th day of July, West 5th Street. 1947. provided that such space above GEO. P. 1IURPHY; designated shall first be marked by Mayor. proper signs erected at intervals with FP,ANK VAN DUELMAN, the words "No parking at any time." E ~ti'. THONIPSON, Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in ALBIOP.T WHARTON, force .and effect Prom and after its I'V W MOFFATT, final passage, adoption and aDProval Councilmen. by the City Council, and publication Attest: J. J. SHEA, as provided by law. City Clerk. Passed upon first reading July 17th, Published officially in The Tele- 1947. graph-Herald newspaper this 31st day Passed, adapted and approved upon of Juiy, 1947, J. J. SHEA, final reading~ this loth day of July, City Cleric. 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, CellnCilmait T110mpSOn moved Ilfayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, the adoption of the Ordinance. Sec- F. w. TxOMPSGN, onded by Councilman Wharton. ALBERT WHARTON, 11~. W. MOFFATT, Carried by the following vote: Councilmen, Attest: J. J. SHEA. yeas-Mayo]' Murphy, Council- Published officially in The Te1e- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- graph-Herald newspaper this 31st man WhaftOll day of July, 1947. , . J. J. SHEA, Nays-None, City Clerk. - Couucilman Thompson moved the Councilman Wharton m~aved that adoption of the ordinance, Second- the rules be suspended for the pur- ed by Councilman Wharton, Car- pose of allowing any one present Tied by the following vote: in the Council Chamber, who Peas-Mayor Murphy, Council• wishes to do sc, to address the Council, Seconded by Councilman men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• Moffatt. Carried by the following man, Wharton, dote: Nays-None, Yeas--Zyor Murphy, Council- Ordinance No. 21.47 men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duei- An Ordinance to pt~ovide for the man, Wharton, selection of a City Assessor and for Nays-None, ZO? Special Session, July 2Sth,1947 Special Session, July 2Sth, 1947 0 Councilman Wharton moved that the Building Inspector be instruct- ed to issue one building permit for the erection of ~a Butler Mfg, Co. Boulevard Home of aluminum con- struction. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. ' Mr. Henry Cunningham addressed the Council and discussed wSth the Mayor and City Manager the maC- ter of salary increases for all Cfty Employees. Proof of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of receipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of June, 1947, pre• seated and read, Councilman Moffatt moved that the proof of publication be received and filed, Seconded by Councilman Wlarton, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Cocuncil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharbon. Nays-None, Communication of Albert J. En- trfnger, M. D, Director of Health and V. F, Chapman, Milk Inspec- tion Division, Health Department, submitting for Council eonsidera- tion proposed amendments to Orig- inal Milk Ordinance No. 7.41 rela- tive to tle definitions of Cereal Milk and Whipping Cream and also a clarification regarding singlo• service containers, presented and read. Couucihnan Thompson moved that the communication be referred to tle City Solicitor to prepare proper amendments to Milk Ordin- ance No, 7-41. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None, July 24, 1947 Honorable Mjayor and Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: In reference to the claim of Mrs. Anmis Shaw for $2,000 submitted to me for investigation and report. From my investigation it appears that on March l0, 1947, about 2:15 P, M, claimant whila walking on the unmarked crosswalk between the Northwest and South- west corners of the intersection of Arlington and Highba~nd Streets stepped upon a rough, uneven lay er of cinders upon the crosswalk, causing her to fall and receive ser= ions injuries to her left leg, One of the cinders became imbedded near the knee and was removed by the doctor, That she incurred medical, nursing and surgical expenses and otter expenses including loss of time from her work, That total amount of her actual damages is smnewlat over $600.00, From all of the circumstances, the placing of the cinders on the street and the size thereof, I am of the opinion that the place where she fell was unsafe and dangerous and that there is a liability upon the part of the City. After consulta- tion with her Attorneys, they have agreed to accept $550.00 in fill pay meat of her claim, I recommend that ter claim be all~otived in the sum of $660.00 and that a warrant be issued payable to Kenline, Roedell, Hoffmann & Reynolds, Attorneys for Mrs, Anms Shaw and delivered upon delivery to the City of a release properly executed by the claimant, Yours truly, JOHN J. KINTZINGER Councilman Wharton moved that the recommendation of City Solici• for Kintzinger be approved and the City Auditor instructed to draw a~ warrant iu the amount of $550.00 in favor of Kenline, Roedell, Hoff- mann & Reynolds, Attorneys for Mrs. Annie Shaw, as settlement n full of her claim, and that said warrant be delivered upon receipt. by the City of Dubuque of a prop- erly executed release, Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Ceuncil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]- man, Wlarton, Nays-None, July 18, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iow~a~ Gentlemen: I herewith submit re- ports of the Cityi ,Auditor, City ~Il,lll,lj+i Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Department for the month of June, 1947, also 11st of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were issued for the month of June, 1947. Respectfully submitted, A, A. RHOMBERG, City Manager Councilman Thompson moved that the reports be received and placed on file, Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. July 25, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque Iowa Gentlemen: At the meeting of July 21st the letter of J. J, Haii, Water Superintendent, with refer- ence to the matter of the Dock Board loosing some of the Eagle Point water front to Mr. Matt Gauer was referred to the Manager, So- licitor and Water Superintendent to confer with the Dock Board, Such conference was had with the Dock Board during the atter- noon•of July 25, 1947. The matter was adjusted to the satisfaction of all in that the Dock Board agreed to revise the terms of the proposed lease to Mr, Gauer in accordance with the desires of the Water De- partment, Respectfully submitted, A, A. RHOMBERG, City Manager JOHN J. KINTZINGEII, City Solicitor J, J, HAIL, Water Superintendent Councilman Wlarton moved that the communication of City Man- ager Rhomberg, City Solicitor Kintzinger and Water Superinten- dent Hail be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Tlompson, Van Due]• man, Wlarton, Nays-None. July 23, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen: With regard to the attached petition of Thomas J. Mul- grew Co, requesting vacation of Camp St, from the east line of Water St, to the west line of Ter- minal St., the Planning and Zoning Commission respectfully recom• mends to your honorable body the granting of said petition, Yours truly, THE DUBURUE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION By RICHARD V. McKAY, Secy Councilman Wharton moved that the reconunendation of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission be approved and the City Solicitor In- structed to Prepare the proper or- dinance. 'Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following• vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Ordinance No. 23.47 An Ordinance providing for the vacation of that part of Camp Street extending from the east side of Water Street to the west side of Terminal Street and granting and conveying said part of said streot 6o Thos. J, Mulgrew Co., presented and read, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading of the or- dinance. Seconded by Comrcilman Moffatt. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended re- quiring' an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Couucihnan Wharton, Carried by the falldwing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• men Moffatt, Thompson, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on file with the City Clerk Par public in- spection for at least one week be- fore ,its final adoption, Seconded by Councilman Tlompson, Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Tlompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton, Nays-None, { _. Z(ti~ ~ Special Session, July 2Sth, 1947 July 23, 1947 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa Gentlemen; The Planning and Zoning Commission respectfully recommends to your honorable body the granting of the petition of St. Joseph Mercy Hospital re- questing the vacation of Peabody St, from the west line of former Augusta St, to the east line of James St, Yours truly, THE DUBUQUE PLANNING ANll 7~ONING COMMISSION By RICHARD V. McKAY, Secy. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Cotntnissiott be approved. Seconded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol= lowing vote; Yeas-Mayor Mm•phy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton.. Nays-None. Ordinance No, 24.47 An Ordinance providing for the vacation of that part of Peabody Street extending from the East line of James Street to the West line of former Augusta Street and granting and conveying said part of said street to St, Joseph Mercy Hospital of Dubuque, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be ceu• sidered the first reading of the or- dinance, Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- men, Wharton. Nays-None, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councihnan Thompson, Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- tnen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the ordinance be placed on File with the Cfty Clerk for public in- spection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No, 92.47 Be It Resolved by the City Couu- ci] of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions Hof law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted '"a permit to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit on behalf of said City, Name Address Dorothy Blum, 2412 Central Av- enue, Be It Further Resolved that tha bond filed with the ,application be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN, F. W. THOMPSON, ALBERT 'WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution, Second- ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 93.47 Whereas, heretofore application for Class "B" Beer Permit was filed by the within named applicant and it has received the approval of this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicant have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and a proper bond has been filed: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby di- rected to issue to the following 'named applicants a Beer Permit. Special Session, July 2Sth, 1947 20i CLASS "B" PERMIT' Name Address Dorothy Blum, 2412 Central Av- enue. Be It Further Resolved that the band filed by such applicant be and the same is hereby approved, Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of July, 1947 CEO, R. MURPHY, Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAi/T, F, W. THOMPSON, ALBERT WHARTON, W. W. MOFFATT, Councilmen Attest; J, J. SHEA, City Clerk Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duol- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Resolution Nc. 94.47 Whereas, application f'or Class "B" Beer Permit has been submitted to this Council for approval and the same has beau examined: Now, Therefore, ' Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the following application be grouted and the license is to be issued upon the compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB D.A.V. Club of Dubuque, Inc., 951t/z Main Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of July, 1947. GEO. R. MURPHY Mayor FRANK VAN DUELMAN F. W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON W, W. MOFFATT Councilmen. Attest; J, J. SHEA City Clerk, Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of the resolufion. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the follawfng vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of the Democratic Central Committee of the City of Dubuque submitting attached reso- lution urging that the application of the police officers Por adjustments of their salaries to meet increased living costs be given due considera- tion on its merits, and that the mat- ter be discussed and decided at an open meeting of the City Council, presented and read, Councilman Thompson moved that the communication and reso- lution be received and placed on file. Seconded by Mayor Murphy, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Mm•phy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. There being no further business Councihnan Wharton moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayos° Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton, Nays-None, J. J, SHEA, City Clerk Approved ................................ 1947 Adopted .............................. 1947 Councilmen; t ................................... Att08t : ..................... ............................ Ctty Clerk.