1 Supplement No. 06 - Code of Ordinances -TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd.
Chapter Page
10. Buildings and Building Regulations 561
Art. I. In General 561
Art. II. Repair, Demolition and Removal of
Unsafe Buildings 594
Art. III. Swimming Pools 595
101/2. Civic Center __. 621
Art. I. In General .__. 621
Art. II. Civic Center Commission 621
11. Civil Defense 649
Art. I. In General 649
Art. II. County - Municipal Civil Defense
Agency __. 649
12. Elections 703
Art. I. In General _______. 703
Art. II. Precincts 703
13. Electricity ___ 771
Art. I. In General _. _ 771
Art. II. Electrical Code ___ 771
Div. 1. Generally 771
Div. 2. Installation Standards and Re-
quirements 773
Div. 3. Electrical Inspector __.. 775
Div. 4. Electrical Appeal Board 777
Div. 5. Permits 778
Div. 6. Enforcement ___.. 783
Art. III. Registration of Electricians 787
Div. 1. Generally __.. 787
Div. 2. Examining Board 793
14. Fire Prevention and Protection 843
Art. I. In General ___ 843
Art. II. Fire Department 848
Div. 1. Generally 848
Div. 2. Bureau of. Fire Prevention . 850
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Art. III. Service Stations and Tank Trucks 851
Div. 1. Generally ._ 851
Div. 2. Service Station Licenses 856
15. Flood Damage Control 909
Art. I. In General 909
Art. II. Flood Areas 909
16. Food and Food Handlers 955
Art. I. In General 955
Art. II. Food Service Establishments 955
Art. II1/2. Food and Beverage Vending
Machines ____ - 958
Art. III. Milk and Milk Products 962
Div. 1. Generally 962
Div. 2. Milk Plants 963
Art. IV. Slaughterhouses and Meat -Packing
Plants 964
Div. 1. Generally 964
Div. 2. License 966
17. Garbage, Trash and Refuse 1017
Art. I. In General 1017
Art. II. Collection __.. 1018
Div. 1. Generally 1018
Div. 2. City Collection Service 1022
Div. 3. Private Collection Service 1026
Art. III. Disposal 1026.1
Div. 1. Generally 1026.1
Div. 2. Public Landfill Sites 1027
Div. 3. Private Landfill Sites 1030
18. Health and Sanitation 1081
Art. I. In General _____ 1081
Art. II. Ambulances 1082
Div. 1. Generally 1082
Div. 2. Licenses 1087
Div. 3. City Operated Service 1097
19. Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilating 1149
191/2. Historical Preservation 1171
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20. Housing 1191
Art. I. In General 1191
Art. II. Procedures for Abatement of Substand-
ard Buildings, Dwelling Units, and
Lots 1246
21. Human Relations 1283
Art. I. In General 1283
Art. II. Human Rights. Commission 1285
Art. IIT. Unfair and Discriminatory Practices 1290
Div. 1. Generally 1290
Div. 2. Accommodations or Services 1291
Div. 3. Employment Practices _______ 1292
Div. 4. Housing 1294
Div. 5. Credit 1296
Div. 6. Education 1297
Art. IV. Enforcement of Civil Rights 1298
22. Junk and Junk Dealers 1351
Art. I. In General 1351
Art. II. Licenses ____.__. 1354
23. Library 1405
24. Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations 1459
Art. I. Occupational Licenses Generally ._. 1459
Art. II. Central Market 1463
Art. III. Fortunetellers, Etc. 1466.1
Art. IV. Going -Out -of -Business Sales ____ 1466.2
Art. V. Rat Control 1468
Art. VI. Commercial Practices 1473
Div. 1. Generally 1473
Div. 2. Weights and Measures ____. 1474
25. Motor Vehicles and Traffic 1527
Art. I. In General 1527
Art. II. Administration and Enforcement 1534
Div. 1. Generally 1534
Div. 2. Traffic -Control Devices 1536
Art. III. Accidents 1540
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Art. IV. Noise Control 1542
Art. V. Motor Vehicles 1546
Div. 1. Generally 1546
Div. 2. Equipment 1552
Art. VI. Operation 1566
Div. 1. Generally 1566
Div. 2. Overtaking and Passing 1582.2
Div. 3. Right -of -Way 1585
Div. 4. Speed 1590.11
Art. VII. Pedestrians 1590.14
Art. VIII. Stopping, Standing and Parking 1593
Div. 1. Generally 1593
Div. 2. Municipal Parking Garages ___ 1602
Div. 3. Municipal Parking Lots 1605
Div. 4. Parking Meters 1609
Div. 5. Restrictions During Snow Re-
moval 1614
Div. 6. Parking Space for the Handi-
capped 1616
26. Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions 1667
Art. I. In General 1667
Art. II. Assemblies 1673
Art. III. Blasting 1674
Div. 1. Generally 1674
Div. 2. Permit 1675
Art. IV. Gambling 1677
Art. V. Model Glue 1678
Art. VI. Municipal Waterfront and Docks 1679
Div. 1. Generally 1679
Div. 2. Department of Public Docks 1684
Art. VII. Noises 1686.5
Div. 1. Generally 1686
Div. 2. Variance Permits 1693
27. Parks and Recreation 1745
Art. I. In General 1745
Art. II. Playground and Recreation Commis-
sion 1745
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Art. III. Public Parks 1745'.
Div. 1. Generally 1747
Div. 2. Specific Parks 1755
Art. IV. Municipal Athletic Fields and Play-
grounds 1756
Div. 1. Generally 1756
Div. 2. Petrakis Park 1756
Div. 3. Falk Playground 1760
28. Peddlers and Transient Merchants 1809
Art. I. In General __ 1809
Art. II. License 1811
29. Planning and Development 1865
Art. I. In General 1865
Art. II. Planning and Zoning Commission 1866
30. Plumbing ______ 1919
Art. I. In General 1919
Art. II. Administration 1922.
Div. 1. Generally 1922
Div. 2. Plumbing Board 1924
Art. III. Permits 1927
Art. IV. Plumbers 1931
31. Police 1983
32. Railroads ___ 2033
33. Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places 2087
Art. I. In General 2087
Art. II. Curbs and Driveways 2091
Div. 1. Generally 2091
Div. 2. Permit 2092
Art. III. Excavations 2094
Div. 1. Generally 2094
Div. 2. Permit 2096
Art. IV. Sidewalks ___ 2097
Div. 1. Generally 2097
Div. 2. Snow and Ice Removal 2097
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34. Subdivision Regulations _ 2149
Art. I. In General 2149
Art. II. Plats 2151
Div. 1. Generally 2151
Div. 2. Preliminary 2152
Div. 3. Final 2155
Art. III. Standards and Specifications 2159
Div. 1. Generally 2159
Div. 2. Streets, Alleys and Easements 2160
Div. 3. Blocks ____ 2162
Div. 4. Lots 2162
Div. 5. Parks, Playgrounds and Schools 2163
35. Taxation 2213
Art. I. In General 2213
.Art. II. City Assessor 2214
Art. III. Hotel and Motel Tax 2214
36. Utilities 2253
Art. I. In General 2253
Art. II. Sewers and Sewage Disposal 2255
Div. 1. Generally 2255
Div. 2. Discharge Regulations 2261
Div. 3. Private Disposal Systems 2269
Div. 4. Rates 2274
Art. III. Transit Authority 2281
Art. IV. Water 2284
Div. 1. Generally 2284
Div. 2. Connections 2290
Div. 3. Meters 2298
Div. 4. Rates 2301
Art. V. Cable Television 2305
Div. 1. Generally 2305
Div. 2. Dubuque Cable TV Commission 2306
37. Vegetation 2355
Art. I. In General _____ 2355
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Art. II. Trees 2355
Div. 1. Generally 2355
Div. 2. Tree Trimmers 2355
Div. 3. Dutch Elm Disease 2357
Art. III. Weeds 2359
38. Vehicles for Hire 2411
Art. I. In General 2411
Art. II. Taxicabs 2411
Div. 1. Generally 2411
Div. 2. Permits and Licenses 2414.1
Appendix A. Zoning 2469
Art. I. Establishment of Districts Provisions
for Official Zoning Map and Inter-
pretation and Amendment Thereof 2471
Art. II. Non -Conforming Lots, Uses of Land,
Uses of Structures and Premises, and
Characteristics of Use : Amortization
Provisions 2474.1
Art. III. General Provisions 2481
Art. IV. District Regulations 2489
Art. V. Supplementary District Regulations 2581
Art. VI. Board of Adjustment: Powers and
Duties : Variances : Conditional Uses 2614.2
Art. VII. Administration and Enforcement;
Required Permits and Certificates _.2624.1
Art. VIII. Amendments and Zoning Reclassifi-
cation ; Procedures and Policies 2629
Art. IX. Violations and Penalties 2635
Art. X. Schedule of Fees 2636
Art. XI. Definitions 2638
Art. XII. Adoption and Repeal of Conflicting
Ordinances 2650
Code Comparative Table 2951
Code Index _ 3001
Supp. No. 2
§ 2-159 ADMINISTRATION § 2-165
Sec. 2-159. Duties generally.
The duties of the treasurer shall be as provided in this
Sec. 2-160. Fund records to be kept separate.
The city treasurer shall keep the record of each fund
Sec. 2-161. Receipt records.
The city treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all money
or securities received by him on behalf of the municipality
and specify date, from whom, and for what purpose received.
Sec. 2-162. Preparation of receipts.
The city treasurer shall prepare a receipt in triplicate for
all funds received. He shall give the original to the party
delivering the funds, send the duplicate to the clerk, and
retain the triplicate.
Sec. 2-163. Account of disbursements, etc.
The city treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all
disbursements, money or property, specifying date, to whom,
and from what fund paid.
Sec. 2-164. Special assessments accounts.
The city treasurer shall keep a separate account of all
money received by him from special assessments.
Sec. 2-165. Disposition of receipts.
The city treasurer shall, immediately upon receipt of monies
to be held in his custody and belonging to the city, deposit
the same in banks selected by the city council in amounts
not exceeding monetary limits authorized by the city council.
Supp. No. 1
§ 2-166
Secs. 2-166-2-168. Reserved.
Sec. 2-169. Created; responsibilities generally.
(a) There is hereby created the office of director of public
works of the City of Dubuque.
(b) Said office shall be charged with the responsibility for
construction and operation of public works, and shall have the
responsibility for directing the activities of several divisions
comprising the public works department, including water
system, engineering, street maintenance, sanitary and storm
sewerage, waste water treatment, refuse collection and dispo-
sal and maintenance garage. (Ord. No. 31-76, § 1, 7-6-76)
Sec. 2-170. Qualifications.
The director of public works must be a person competent in
public works with extensive knowledge of public works ad-
ministration, design construction and maintenance of streets,
sewers and other public works facilities and services. (Ord.
No. 31-76, § 2, 7-6-76)
Sec. 2-171. Appointment; term of office.
The city manager of the City of Dubuque shall appoint a
competent person to fill the office of director of public works.
This person shall hold said office during the pleasure of the
city manager. (Ord. No. 31-76, § 3, 7-6-76)
Secs. 2-172-2-177. Reserved.
*Editor's note—Ord. No. 31-76, §§ 1-3, adopted July 6, 1976, did not
specifically amend the Code; hence, inclusion herein as Div. 7 of Art. III,
§§ 2-169-2-171, is at the discretion of the editor.
Cross references—Garbage, trash and refuse, Ch. 17; streets, sidewalks
and public places, Ch. 33; utilities, Ch. 36.
Supp. No. 1 78
Chapter 10
Art. I. In General, §§ 10-1-10-16
Art. II. Repair, Demolition and Removal of Unsafe Buildings, §§ 10-
Art. III. Swimming Pools, §§ 10-33-10-38
Sec. 10-1. Code—Adopted.
Except as hereinafter added to, deleted, modified or amend-
ed, there is hereby adopted as the building code of the city
that certain building code known as the. Uniform Building
Code, 1973 Edition, and the Uniform Building Code Standards,
1973 Edition, as prepared and edited by the International Con-
ference of Building Officials of Whittier, California, and the
provisions of such building code shall be controlling in the
construction of buildings and other structures and in all mat-
ters covered by such building code within the corporate limits
of the city and shall be known as the Dubuque Building Code.
(Ord. No. 3-75, § 1, 1-20-75)
Cross references—Electrical code adopted, § 13-3; fire prevention code
adopted, § 14-1; heating, air conditioning and ventilating code adopted,
§ 19-1; housing regulations, Ch. 20; plumbing code, § 30-1; subdivision
regulations, Ch. 34; sewers and sewage disposal, Ch. 36, Art. II.
State law reference—Adoption of codes by reference, I.C.A. § 380.10.
Sec. 10-2. Same` Amendments.
The code adopted by section 10-1 of this chapter is hereby
amended as provided in this section:
Sec. 201, Creation of Department, is hereby amended to
read as follows:
(a) Creation of department. There is hereby established
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, the building department
*Cross references—Sign construction, Ch. 3, Art. III, Div. 2; construc-
tion restricted for purposes of rat control in business buildings, § 24-84;
fees for water use during construction, § 36-163.
§ 10-2 DUBUQUECODE § 10-2
which shall be under the jurisdiction of the building
(b) Qualifications of the building official. The building
official must be a person competent to carry out the intent
and purpose of this code.
(c) Appointment of building official and assistants. As
soon as possible after the adoption of this ordinance and
before the same shall take effect, the city manager of the
City of Dubuque shall appoint a competent person to fill
the office of building official. This person shall hold the
office of building official during the pleasure of the city
manager or until his successor has been selected and quali-
fied. The city manager shall also secure and appoint suffi-
cient and competent assistants to aid the building official
in the performance of his duties.
(d) Organization. The city council shall provide the build-
ing official with the necessary number of assistants, inspec-
tors and other employees as shall be necessary for the
administration of this code.
(e) Conflicts of interest. No official or employee con-
nected with the department of building inspection shall be
engaged in or directly or indirectly connected with the
furnishing of labor, materials or appliances for the con-
struction, alteration or maintenance of a building, or the
preparation of plans or of specifications therefor, unless
he is the owner of the building, nor shall such officer or
employee engage in any work which conflicts with his
official duties or conflicts with the interests of the depart-
Sec. 202, Powers and Duties of Building Official, is hereby
amended by repealing such section and replacing such sec-
tion with a new section in lieu thereof as follows :
(a) Powers and duties of building official. The building
official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all the
provisions of this code. For such purpose he shall have the
powers of a police officer.
§ 10-2
(b) Deputies. In accordance with the procedure and with
the approval of the chief appointing authority of the munic-
ipality, the building official may appoint such number of
officers, inspectors and assistants, and other employees as
shall be authorized from time to time. He may deputize
such employees as may be necessary to carry out the func-
tions of the building department.
(c) Reports and records. An official record shall be kept
of all business and activities of the building department
specified in the provisions of this code, and all such records
shall be open to public inspection.
The building official shall keep comprehensive records of
applications, permits issued, certificates issued, inspections
made, reports rendered and of notices or orders issued.
All such records shall be open to public inspection for
good and sufficient reasons at office hours observed by the
city, but shall not be removed from the office of the build-
ing official.
The building official shall make written reports to the
city manager once each month, or oftener if requested,
including statements of permits and certificates issued.
(d) Right of entry. Whenever necessary to make an in-
spection to enforce any of the provisions of this code, or
whenever the building official or his authorized representa-
tive has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any
building or upon any premises, any condition which makes
such building or premises unsafe as defined in section 203
of this code, the building official or his authorized repre-
sentative may enter such building or premises at all reason-
able times to inspect the same or to perform any duty
imposed upon the building official by this code; provided,
that, if such building or premises be occupied, he shall first
present proper credentials and demand entry; and if such
building or premises be unoccupied, he shall first make a
reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons hav-
ing charge or control of the building or premises and
demand entry. If such entry is refused, the building official
§ 10-2
or his authorized representative shall have recourse to every
remedy provided by law to secure entry.
"Authorized Representative" shall include the officers
named in section 202 (a) and (b) of this code.
No owner or occupant or any other person having charge,
care or control of any building or premises shall refuse,
fail or neglect, after proper demand is made as herein
provided, to promptly permit entry therein by the building
official or his authorized representative for the purpose of
inspection and examination pursuant to this code. Any per-
son violating this subsection shall be guilty of a misde-
(e) Stop orders. Whenever any building work is being
done contrary to the provisions of this code, the building
official may order the work stopped by giving notice in
writing served on any persons engaged in the doing or
causing such work to be done, and any such persons shall
forthwith stop such work until authorized by the building
official to proceed with the work.
(f) Occupancy violations. Whenever any structure is
being used contrary to the provisions of this code, the
building official may order such use discontinued and the
structure, or portion thereof, vacated by notice served on
any person causing such use to be continued. Such person
shall discontinue the use within ten (10) days after receipt
of such notice or make the structure, or portion thereof,
comply with the requirements of this code; provided, how-
ever, that in the event of an unsafe building section 203
shall apply.
(g) Liability. The building official or any employee
charged with the enforcement of this code for the city,
acting in good faith and without malice in the discharge
of his duties, shall not thereby become liable personally
and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability for
any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a
result of any act required or by reason of any act or omis-
sion in the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought against
§ 10-2
the building official or employee, because of such act or
omission performed by him in the enforcement of any pro-
visions of this code, shall be defended by the legal depart-
ment of the city until final termination of the proceedings.
(h) Cooperation of other officials. The building official
may request, and shall receive, so far as may be necessary
in the discharge of his duties, the assistance and coopera-
tion of other officials of the city.
Sec. 203, Unsafe Buildings, is hereby amended by repealing
such section and replacing such section with a new section
in lieu thereof as follows:
All buildings or structures which are structurally unsafe
or not provided with adequate egress, or which constitute
a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life,
or which, in relation to existing use, constitute a hazard to
safety or health, or public welfare, by reason of inadequate
maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, disas-
ter damage, or abandonment, as specified in this code or
any other effective ordinance, are, for the purpose of this
section, unsafe buildings. All such unsafe buildings are
hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated
by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal in accord-
ance with the procedure specified in article II of chapter
10 of the Code of Ordinances of the city or by any other
procedures provided by law.
Sec. 204, Board of Appeals, is hereby amended by repealing
such section and replacing such section with a new section
in lieu thereof as follows :
In order to determine the suitability of alternate mate-
rials and methods of construction, to provide for reasonable
interpretations of the provisions of this code, and to have
the authority to grant a variation from the requirements
of this code in specific individual cases where the strict
interpretation of this code would cause undue hardship or
practical difficulty and the granting of such variation would
not increase the hazards to life or property, there shall be
§ 10-2
and is hereby created a board of appeals, consisting of five
(5) members who are qualified by experience and training
to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction.
The building official shall be an ex -officio member and
shall act as secretary of the board.
The board of appeals shall be appointed by the city
council. Three members of the Board shall serve the re-
mainder of a two year term to expire on December 31,
1975, and the other two members of the board shall serve
the remainder of a two year term to expire on December
31, 1976, or until their successors are duly appointed and
qualified. All successive appointments shall be for two year
terms. The board shall adopt reasonable rules and regula-
tions for conducting its investigations and shall render all
decisions and findings in writing to the building official
with a duplicate copy to the appellant and may recommend
to the city council such new legislation as is consistent
Sec. 205, Violations and Penalties, is hereby amended by
repealing such section and replacing such section with a
new section in lieu thereof as follows:
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation
to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any
building or structure in the city, or cause the same to be
done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions
of the code.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this code shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and each such persons shall be deemed guilty of
a separate offense for each and every day during which
any violation of any of the provisions of this code is com-
mitted, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction of any
such violation, such person shall be punishable by a fine
not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hun-
dred dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding
thirty (30) days.
§ 10-2
Sec. 301, Application for Permits, is hereby amended. by
repealing such section and replacing such section with a
new section in lieu thereof as follows :
(a) Permits required. No person, firm, or corporation
shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure in
the city, or cause the same to be done, without first obtain-
ing a separate building permit for each such building or
structure from the building official. Application for permits
may be made by the owner or lessee, or agent of either,
or the architect, engineer or builder employed in connection
with the proposed work.
(b) Application. To obtain a permit the applicant shall
first file an application therefor in writing on a form fur-
nished for that purpose. Every such application shall:
1. State the name of the property owner;
2. Identify and describe the work to be covered, by the
permit for which application is made;
3. Describe the land on which the proposed work is to be
done, by lot, block, tract, and house and street address,
or similar description that will readily identify and
definitely locate the proposed building or work;
4. Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed
work is intended;
5. Be accompanied by plans and specifications as required
in subsection (c) of this section;
6. State the valuation of the proposed work;
7. Be signed by the permittee, or his authorized agent,
who may be required to submit evidence to indicate
such authority;
8. Give such other information as reasonably may be
required by the building official.
(c) Plans and specifications. With each application for a
building permit, and when required by the building official
§ 10-2
for enforcement of any provisions of this code, two sets of
plans and specifications shall be submitted. All plans and
specifications shall be sealed or stamped by a registered
professional architect or registered professional engineer,
except building in the following classifications:
(1) Single or two (2) family dwellings and associated
accessory buildings.
(2) Apartment buildings used exclusively as the residence
of not more than two (2) families.
(3) Factories, offices, garages, warehouse and mercantile
buildings containing less than fifty thousand (50,000)
cubic feet volume, providing they have no floor or roof
spans greater than thirty (30) feet and are not more
than two (2) stories high.
(4) Alterations to or remodeling of buildings or structures
where no part of the basic structure is disturbed or
(d) Information on plans and specifications. Plans and
specifications shall be drawn to scale upon substantial paper
or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the
nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail
that it will conform to the provisions of this code and all
relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The first
sheet of each set of plans shall give the house and street
address of the work and the name and address of the owner
and person who prepared them. Plans shall include a plot
plan showing the location of the proposed building and, of
every existing building on the property. In lieu of detailed
specifications, the building official may approve references
on the plans to a specific section or part of this code or
other ordinances or laws.
Computations, stress diagrams, and other data sufficient
to show the correctness of the plans, shall be submitted
when required by the building official. Plans for buildings
more than two stories in height of other than groups I and
J occupancies shall indicate how required structural and
fire -resistive integrity will be maintained where a penetra-
§ 10-2
tion will be made for electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and
communication conduits, pipes and similar systems.
Sec. 302, Building Permits, is hereby amended by repealing
such section and replacing such section with a new section
in lieu thereof as follows :
(a) Issuance. The application, plans and specifications
filed by an applicant for a permit shall be checked by the
building official. Such plans may be reviewed by other
departments of the city to check compliance with the laws
and ordinances under their jurisdiction. If the building offi-
cial is satisfied that the work described in an application
for permit and the plans filed therewith conform to the
requirements of this code and other pertinent laws and
ordinances, and that the fee specified in section 303 (a)
has been paid, he shall issue a permit therefor to the
When the building official issues the permit, he shall
endorse in writing or stamp on both sets of plans and
specifications "APPROVED." Such approved plans and
specifications shall not be changed, modified, or altered
without authorization from the building official, and
wwork shall be done in accordance with the approved
The building official may issue a permit for the con-
struction of part of a building or structure before the
entire plans and specifications for the whole building or
structure have been submitted or approved provided ade-
quate information and detailed statements have been filed
complying with all pertinent requirements of this code. The
holder of such permit shall proceed at his own risk without
assurance that the permit for the entire building or struc-
ture will be granted.
(b) Retention of plans. One set of approved plans, speci-
fications, and computations shall be retained by the building
official for a period of not less than ninety (90) days from
date of completion of the work covered therein, and one
set of approved plans and specifications shall be returned
to the applicant, which set shall be kept on such building
§ 10-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 10-2
or work at all times during which the work authorized
thereby is in progress.
(c) Validity. The issuance or granting of a permit or
approval of plans and specifications shall not be construed
to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any
of the provisions of this code. No permit presuming to give
authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code
shall be valid, except insofar as the work or use which
it authorizes is lawful.
The issuance of a permit based upon plans and specifica-
tions shall not prevent the building official from thereafter
requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifi-
cations or from preventing building operations being car-
ried on thereunder when in violation of this code or of any
other ordinance of the city.
(d) Expiration. Every permit issued by the building offi-
cial under the provisions of this code shall expire by limi-
tation and become null and void, if the building or work
authorized by such permit is not commenced within ninety
(90) days from the date of such permit.
A permit which has expired by limitation may be ex-
tended for a period of ninety (90) days at a time, for good
and sufficient reasons, upon written application ; however,
the total time for the original permit and any extensions
shall not exceed two hundred seventy (270) days.
(e) Suspension or revocation. The building official may,
in writing, suspend. or revoke a permit issued under pro-
visions of this code whenever the permit is issued in error
or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in
violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the pro-
visions of this code.
Sec. 303, Fees, is hereby amended by repealing such section
and replacing such section with a new section in lieu thereof
as follows :
(a) Building permit fees. No permit as required by this
code shall be issued until the fee prescribed in Table 3-A of
§ 10-2
this ordinance shall have been paid, nor shall an amendment
to a permit be approved until the additional fee, if any,
due to an increase in the estimated cost of the building or
structure, shall have been paid.
The fee for any building permit shall be based upon the
valuation of the proposed construction work.
The determination of value or valuation under any of the
provisions of this code shall be made by the building offi-
The valuation for new construction shall include the cost
of all building materials and the usual cost of labor
whether such labor is performed by the owner or others.
Such valuation may exclude the cost of the lot or improve-
ments to the lot such as grading, landscaping, walks or
drives, or the cost of the air conditioning, electrical, heat-
ing, plumbing or ventilation systems for which separate
inspection fees are charged; however, the approximate
value of these items shall be shown on the permit in the
space provided for that purpose.
The valuations for alterations, repairs, replacement or
remodeling shall include the cost of materials and the usual
cost of labor, whether such labor is performed by the owner
or by others, for the installation or construction of any
repair, replacement or remodeling which becomes an inte-
gral part of the building or structure.
The building official may correct the stated valuation of
any building or structure if such valuation appears to be
incorrect or underestimated.
Where work for which a permit is required by this code
is started prior to obtaining said permit, the fees above
specified shall be doubled, but the payment of such double
fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with
the requirements of this code in the execution of the work
nor from any other penalties prescribed herein.
(b) Fees not included. The payment of the fees referred
to in section 303 (a) of this code shall not relieve the
§ 10-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 10-2
applicant, permit holder, or other persons from the pay-
ment of any other fee or fees that may be prescribed by
law or by ordinance.
(c) Waiver of fees. No fee shall be required for buildings
owned and used exclusively by the city.
(d) Reinspection fee. The fee for making a trip of inspec-
tion upon receipt of notice stating a building is ready for
inspection when same is not shall be $10.00.
Part (a)—Building Inspection Fees :
Valuation Fee
$ 0.00 to $ 500.00 $5.00
$ 501.00 to $ 1,500.00 $5.00 for the first $500.00
plus $.50 for each additional
$100.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $1,500.00.
$ 1,501.00 to $ 2,000.00 $10.00 for the first $1,500.00
plus $.40 for each additional
$100.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $2,000.00.
$ 2,001.00 to $ 20,000.00 $12.00 for the first $2,000.00
plus $4.00 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof,
to and including $20,000.00.
$ 20,001.00 to $ 50,000.00 $84.00 for the first $20,000.00
plus $3.00 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof,
to and including $50,000.00.
$ 50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $174.00 for the first $50,000.-
00 plus $2.00 for each addi-
tional $1,000.00 or fraction
thereof, to and including
§ 10-2
Valuation Fee
$100,001.00 and up $274.00 for the first $100,-
100;000.00 plus $1.00 for each
additional $1,000.00 or frac-
tion thereof.
Part (b)—Building Demolition Fees :
One or two family dwellings $5.00
Buildings other than one or
two family dwellings $10.00
1. No fee shall be charged for issuing a permit for any
building that is not larger than 12' x 24'.
2. The Building Official may waive the demolition fee to
a homeowner for an unsalvageable, worn-out, one-story
building located on the premises on which he resides,
provided that the building is not being wrecked by
order or under condemnation procedures.
Part (c)—Fees for the Moving of Houses and
Larger Buildings :
Moving houses and larger
buildings $25.00
Sec. 304, Inspections, is hereby amended by repealing such
section and replacing such section with a new section in
lieu thereof as follows :
(a) General. All construction or work for which a permit
is required shall be subject to inspection by the building
official, and certain types of construction shall have con-
tinuous inspection by special inspectors, as specified in
section 305.
The building official may require the applicant to submit
a survey of the lot to show compliance of the structure
with approved plans.
(b) Inspection record card. The building official shall
establish and maintain inspection record cards in the build -
§ 10-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 10-2
ing department files, indicating inspections by date and
inspector's name.
(c) Approvals 'required. No work shall be done on any
part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated
in each successive inspection without first obtaining the
written approval of the building official. Such written
approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have
been made of each successive step in the construction as
indicated by each of the inspections required in subsection
There shall be a final inspection and approval on all
buildings when completed and ready for occupancy.
(d) Required inspections. No reinforcing steel or struc-
tural framework of any part of any building or structure
shall be covered, or concealed in any manner without first
obtaining the approval of the building official.
The building official, upon notification from the permit
holder or his agent, shall make or cause to be made the
following inspections and shall either approve that portion
of the construction as completed or shall notify the permit
holder or his agent the manner in which said construction
fails to comply with the requirements of this code.
1. Foundation inspection: The foundation inspection shall
be made before footings are poured.
2. Frame inspection: The frame inspection shall be made
after the roof, all framing, fire -blocking and bracing
are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are
complete. The first inspections of the electrical wiring,
heating and plumbing shall have been made and ap-
proved before the frame inspection is made.
3. Final inspection: The final inspection shall be made
after the building or structure is completed and ready
for occupancy.
(e) Other inspections. In addition to the called inspec-
tions specified above, the building official may make or
§ 10-2
require any other inspections of any construction work to
ascertain compliance with the provisions of this code and
other laws which are enforced by the building department.
For the purpose of determining compliance with Section
104(h), the building official may cause any structure to be
(f) Reinspections. A reinspection fee may be assessed for
each inspection or reinspection when such portion of work
for which inspection is called is not complete or when
corrections called for are not made.
This subsection is not to be interpreted as requiring rein-
spection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to
comply with the requirements of this code, but as con-
trolling the practice of calling for inspections before the
job is ready for such inspection or reinspection.
Reinspection fees may be assessed when the permit card
is not properly posted on the work site, the approved plans
are not readily available to the inspector, for failure to
provide access on the date for which inspection is requested,
or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the
building official.
To obtain a reinspection the applicant shall file an appli-
cation therefor in writing upon a form furnished for that
purpose, and pay the reinspection fee in accordance with
section 303.
In instances where reinspection fees have been assessed
no additional inspection of the work will be performed until
the required fees have been paid.
Sec. 1305, Light, Ventilation and Sanitation, is hereby
amended by repealing such section and replacing such sec-
tion with a new section in lieu thereof as follows:
(a) Light and ventilation. Each room in a dwelling unit
shall be provided with natural light by means of windows
with a glazed area of not less than one-tenth of the floor
area of such room, with a minimum of ten (10) square feet
§ 10-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 10-2
of glazed area in each habitable room, and a minimum of
three (3) square feet of glazed area in a bathroom. Not
less than one-half of the glazed area shall be openable to
provide natural ventilation.
1. In kitchens, bathrooms, or laundry rooms, artificial
light may be substituted for natural light, and mechan-
ical ventilation may be installed in lieu of natural
ventilation, provided that such ventilation is discharged
through ducts directly to the outside and is capable
of providing five (5) air changes per hour in bath-
rooms and laundry rooms, and two (2) air changes
per hour in kitchens.
2. Required minimum light and ventilation may be pro-
vided to any room except bedrooms from an adjoining
room which contains the total glazed area requirements
for both rooms, provided that such rooms are connected
by a common wall which is not less than one-half open
and unobstructed, or contains a walk-through opening
of more than twenty-five (25) square feet, whichever
opening is greater.
Every mechanical exhaust system, which exhausts vapors,
odors, or gases, shall discharge through ducts directly to
the outside of the building.
Required windows shall open directly onto a public street
or alley or yard or court located on the same lot as the
Exception: Required windows may open onto a covered
porch provided that such porch:
1. Abuts a street, yard, or court; and
2. Has a ceiling height of not less than seven (7) feet; and
3. Has the longer side at least sixty-five (65) percent
open and unobstructed.
Each cellar or those portions of basements not used as
habitable space shall be provided with natural light and
§ 10-2
ventilation equal to not less than one percent of the of
the superficial floor area.
A basement or cellar with only one exit doorway shall
be provided with one remote openable window with mini-
mum clear opening dimensions of thirty (30) inches by
sixteen (16) inches to permit emergency exit or rescue
from above grade.
(b) Sanitation. Every building shall be provided with at
least one water closet. Every hotel and each subdivision
thereof where both sexes are accommodated shall be pro-
vided with at least two (2) water closets located in such
building, which shall be conspicuously marked, one for each
Additional water closets shall be provided on each floor
for each sex at the rate of one for every additional ten
(10) guests, or fractional part thereof, in excess of ten
Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen
equipped with a kitchen sink and with bathroom facilities,
consisting of a water closet, lavatory and either a bathtub
or shower. Each plumbing fixture shall be equipped with
running water necessary for its normal operation.
A room in which a water closet is located shall be sepa-
rated from food preparation or storage rooms by a tight-
fitting door.
For other requirements on water closets, see section 1711.
Sec. 1405, Light, Ventilation and Sanitation, is hereby
amended by repealing such section and replacing such sec-
tion with a new section in lieu thereof as follows:
(a) Light and ventilation. Each room in a dwelling shall
be provided with natural light by means of windows with
a glazed area of not less than one-tenth of the floor area
of such room, with a minimum of ten (10) square feet of
glazed area in each habitable room, and a minimum of three
(3) square feet of glazed area in a bathroom. Not less than
§ 10-2
one-half of the glazed area shall be openable to provide
natural ventilation.
1. In kitchens, bathrooms, or laundry rooms, artificial
light may be substituted for natural light, and mechan-
ical ventilation may be installed in lieu of natural
ventilation, provided that such ventilation is discharged
through ducts directly to the outside and is capable of
providing five (5) air changes per hour in bathrooms
and laundry rooms, and two (2) air changes per hour
in kitchens.
2. Required minimum light and ventilation may be pro-
vided to any room except bedrooms from an adjoining
room which contains the glazed area requirements for
both rooms, provided that such rooms are connected by
a common wall which is not less than one-half open
and unobstructed, or contains a walk-through opening
of more than twenty-five (25) square feet, whichever
opening is greater.
Every mechanical exhaust system, which exhausts vapors,
odors, or gases, shall discharge through ducts directly to
the outside of the building.
Required windows shall open directly onto a public street
or alley or a yard or court located on the same lot as the
Exception: Required windows may open onto a covered
porch provided that such porch:
1. Abuts a street, yard, or court; and
2. Has a ceiling height of not less than seven (7) feet; and
3. Has the longer side at least sixty-five (65) percent
open and unobstructed.
Each cellar, or those portions of basements not used as
habitable space, shall be provided with natural light and
ventilation equal to not less than one percent of the floor
§ 10-2
A basement or cellar with only one exit doorway shall
be provided with one remote openable window with mini-
mum clear opening dimensions of thirty (30) inches by
sixteen (16) inches to permit emergency exit or rescue
from above grade.
(b) Sanitation. A room in which a water closet is located
shall be separated from food preparation or storage rooms
by a tight -fitting door.
Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen
equipped with a kitchen sink and with bathroom facilities
consisting of a water closet, lavatory and either a bathtub
or shower. Plumbing fixtures shall be provided with run-
ning water necessary for their operation.
For other requirements on water closets, see section 1711.
Sec. 1711, Water Closet Compartments and Showers, is
hereby amended by repealing such section and replacing
such section with a new section in lieu thereof as follows:
(a) Floors and walls. In other than dwellings, floors in
public toilets shall have a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent sur-
face such as portland cement, concrete, ceramic tile or other
approved material which extends upward onto the walls at
least five (5) inches. Walls within water closet compart-
ments and walls within two (2) feet of the front and sides
of urinals shall be similarly finished to a height of four
(4) feet and, except for structural elements, the materials
used in such walls shall be of a type which is not adversely
affected by moisture.
(b) Water closet compartments or rooms. Each water
closet compartment shall have a clear width of not less than
thirty (30) inches and shall have a clear space in front of
the water closet of not less than twenty-four (24) inches.
(c) Access to toilet facilities for the handicapped. Areas
served by an elevator or ramp in compliance with Table
No. 33-A of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, shall
have sanitary facilities accessible to handicapped persons
as follows :
§ 10-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 10-2
1. Water closet. Access forthe physically handicapped
shall be provided to at least one water closet in each
public toilet or bathroom by providing doors, openings
and .passageways at least thirty-two (32) inches wide
leading to such water closet, with a forty-eight (48)
inches wide approach to each ninety (90) degree cor-
ner, and by providing a clear space immediately adja-
cent to such water closet of not less than thirty-two
(32) inches wide by thirty-two (32) inches deep, with
such space to beunobstructed by door swing, grab bars
or other projections. Grab bars shall be at least eight-
een (18) inches long and shall be mounted horizontally
within easy reach (within approximately eighteen (18)
inches) of such water closet at the side and back, or
on each side of the compartment.
2. Lavatory. Except for the projection of bowls and waste
piping, a clear unobstructed space at least twenty-six
(26) inches in width, twenty-four (24) inches in height
above the floor and twelve (12) inches in depth shall
be provided under .at least one lavatory.
• 3. Mirrors. Where mirrors are provided, bne shall be in-
stalled so that the bottom of the mirror is within forty
(40) inches of the floor.
4. Towels. Where towels or hand -drying fixtures are pro-
vided, one shall be installed within forty (40) inches
of the floor.
(d) Shower areas. Showers shall be finished as specified
in subsection (a) to a height of not less than six (6) feet.
Materials other than structural elements used in such walls
shall be of a type which is not adversely affected by
(e) Doors and panels. Doors and panels of shower . and
bathtub enclosures shall be substantially constructed from
approved shatter -resistant materials. Hinged shower doors
shall open outward.
(f) Glazing for shower and bathtub enclosures. Glazing
used indoors and panels of shower and bathtub enclosures
shall be fully tempered glass, laminated safety glass, or
approved plastic. When glass is used it shall have a mini-
mum thickness of not less than three -sixteenths (3/16) inch
when fully tempered, or one-quarter (1/4) inch when lami-
nated, and shall pass the test requirement of U.B.C. Stand-
ard No. 54-2.
(g) Plastics. Plastics used indoors and panels of shower
and bathtub enclosures shall be of a shatter -resistant type.
Sec. 1716, Guardrails, is hereby amended by repealing such
section and replacing such section with a new section in
lieu thereof as follows:
All unenclosed floor and roof openings; open and glazed.
side of landings; balconies or porches which are more than
thirty (30) inches above grade; and roofs used for other
than service of the building, shall be protected by guardrail.
Guardrails shall not be less than forty-two (42) inches in
height. Open guardrails and stair railings shall have inter-
mediate rails or an ornamental pattern such that no object
nine (9) inches in diameter can pass through. The height
of stair railings shall be as : specified in section 3305 (i).
1. Guardrails need not be provided on the loading side
of loading docks.
2 The height of guardrails in Group H - Apartment and
Group I - Occupancies may be reduced to not less than
thirty-six (36) inches, provided that the base of such
guardrail is no more than ten (10) feet above the
adjacent grade..
Sec. 1807, Special Provisions for Group F, Division 2 Office
Buildings and Group H Occupancies, is hereby amended by
repealing such section and replacing such section with a
new section in lieu thereof as follows:
Sec. 1807, Highrise buildings.
(a) General. A building having a roof more than sixty-
five (65) feet above the lowest adjacent street level which
§ 10-2 D'U'BUQUE CODE: § 10-2
is available to fire department vehicles, except hospitals of
type I or type II construction, shall comply with the require-
ments of this code.
(b) Fire extinguishing system.
1. An approved automatic fire extinguishing system shall
be provided throughout the building. The fire extin-
guishing system shall be designed and installed accord-
ing to the provisions of N.F.P.A. Pamphlet No. 13-1972
or shall be hydraulically designed using the parameters
set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 38-1 and the following
a. Shut off valves and water flow devices shall be
provided on each floor. In addition to actuating a
local alarm on the floor upon which the water flow
is detected, such valves shall be supervised by a
continuously manned control station, by a central
station, or by a remote monitoring service.
b The sprinkler system shall be looped between
standpipe risers at the bottom, to and mid -height
of all buildings with a maximum of twenty (20)
stories served by any loop. At each loop level there
shall be check valves.
c. Piping may be copper or steel. Solder used in con-
nections shall contain not less than ninety-five
(95) percent tin and five (5) percent antimony.
d. Pitching of lines is not required.
e.' A minimum of two (2) fire pumps, independently
driven, shall be provided and sized for the sprink-
ler demand and for a minimum five hundred (500)
gallons per minute fire department standpipe oper-
An on-site supply of water equal to a twenty (20)
minute demand or fifteen thousand (15,000) gal-
lons on a combined sprinkler and standpipe, which-
ever is the smaller, shall be provided. This supply
§ 10-2
shall be available automatically if the principal
supply fails.
g. Operation of the sprinkler system shall activate
the voice communication system.
2. The installation of an approved automatic fire extin-
guishing system shall allow reductions from other pro-
visions of this code as follows :
a. The fire -resistive time periods set forth in TABLE
NO. 17-A of the Uniform Building Code may be
reduced by one hour for interior bearing walls,
exterior bearing and non-bearing walls, roofs and
the beams supporting roofs, provided they do not
frame into columns. All office building partitions
required to be of one-hour fire -resistive construc-
tion by said TABLE NO. 17-A and section 3304
(g) of the Uniform Building Code may be of non-
combustible construction without a fire -resistive
time period. Doors protecting openings in corridor
walls need not be fire -resistive rated, provided
that all such openings are protected by a tight-
fitting, self-closing solid wood door, or equivalent.
In Group H Occupancies, the fire -resistive time
period of corridor walls, and dwelling unit or guest
room separation, may be reduced to one-half hour.
b. The one and one-half inch hose lines and nozzles
may be omitted.
c. Smokeproof enclosures may be eliminated if each
required stairway is pressurized as provided in
section 3309 (h) of the Uniform Building Code
to .15 inches of water column.
(c) Fire alarm. A manual fire alarm box shall be located
adjacent to exit doors into stairway shafts and in every
elevator lobby. The box shall be connected to the General
Control Station and to the voice communication system as
required by Subsections 1807 (e) and 1807 (f). The system
shall be 'designed in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No.
§ 10-2
(d) Fire detectors. An approved system which will pro-
vide for automatic detection of products of combustion
other than heat shall be installed between the last branch
duct and the air handling unit in the return air portion
of every air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system
that serves more than one floor. The detectors shall be set
to operate within the limitations of U.B.C. Standard No.
(e) Voice alarm and communication system.
1. Both the detection system and the fire alarm system
shall activate a voice alarm system capable of being
operated from the central control station on both a
general as well as a selective basis dependent upon the
compartmentation involved. The alarm shall be de-
signed to be heard by all occupants within the building
or designated portions thereof as specified for the
voice communication system. The elevator lobby detec-
tor required by Chapter 51 of the Uniform Building
Code, 1973 Edition, shall be connected to the system.
2. There shall be two (2) separate approved continuously
electrically supervised voice communication systems;
one for a fire department communication system and
the other for a public voice communication (address)
system between the central control station and the
following areas:
a. Elevators, elevator lobbies, corridors and stair-
b. Every office area exceeding one thousand (1,000)
square feet in area.
c. Each dwelling unit and hotel guest room.
3. Emergency telephone available to the public shall be
provided at not less than every fifth floor in each
required stairway.
9:. When approved, the fire department system may be
combined with the public voice communication system
and the voice alarm system.
§ 10-2
(f) Central control station. A central control station for
fire department operations shall be provided in a location
approvedby the fire department. It shall contain the voice
communication systems panel; fire detection and alarm sys-
tem panels; status indicators and controls for elevators and
air handling systems; controls for unlocking stairway
doors; a public telephone; sprinkler valve and water flow
detectors; and standby power controls.
(g) Smoke control. Natural or mechanical ventilation for
the removal of the products of combustion shall be provided
in every story and shall consist of one or more of the
1. Panels or windows in the exterior wall which can be
opened from an approved location other than the fire
floor. Such venting facilities shall be provided at the
rate of at least twenty (20) square feet per fifty (50)
lineal feet of exterior wall in each story, and distrib-
uted around the perimeter at not more than fifty (50)
foot intervals. Such panels shall be clearly identified
as required by the fire department.
2 Approved tempered glass may be used in lieu of open -
able panels.
3 The mechanical air handling equipment may be de-
signed to assist smoke removal. Under fire conditions,
the return and exhaust air shall be taken directly to
the outside without recirculation to other sections of
the building.
4. A shaft through which smoke and heat can be mechan-
ically vented to the outdoors. The size of the shaft
shall be uniform throughout and of such dimensions
as to provide not less than sixty (60) air changes per
hour in the largest compartment served anywhere in
the building. Openings into the shaft shall be protected
with an automatic single piece shutter located as high
in the room as possible and designed to vent the entire
5. Any other design which will produce equivalent results.
§ 10-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 10-2
(h) Elevators. There shall be provided at least one ele-
vator in each bank available for Fire Department access
to any floor. The elevators shall open into a lobby, which
may serve other elevators, and shall be separated from the
remainder of the building by construction as required for
corridors. The elevator may be located within a smokeproof
enclosure. See Chapter 51 of the Uniform Building Code,
1973 Edition, for additional requirements.
(i) Standby power and light. An approved permanently
installed standby power generation system conforming to
U.B.C. Standard No. 18-1 shall be provided. The system
shall be equipped with suitable means for automatically
starting the standby generator upon failure of the normal
electrical service and for automatic transfer and operation
of all the required electrical functions at full power within
sixty (60) seconds of such normal service failure. System
supervision, with manual start and transfer features, shall
be provided at the central control station.
An on -premise fuel supply sufficient for not less than
two (2) hours full -demand operation of the system shall
be provided. All power, lighting, signal and communications
facilities provided under the requirements of this section
shall be transferable to the standby power system.
The power requirement shall be determined so as to pro-
vide services to, but not limited to, the following:
1. Fire alarm system.
2. Exit and other emergency lighting.
3. Fire protection equipment.
4. Mechanical ventilation required by this section.
5. Fire Department elevator.
6. Voice communication system.
(j) Exits. All stairway doors which are to be locked from
the stairway side shall have the capability of being un-
locked, without unlatching, upon a signal from the central
control station.
All floor levels shall be clearly indicated in each stairwell.
§ 10-2
Sec. 2305, Roof Loads, and Table 23-B are hereby amended
by repealing such section and table and replacing such sec-
tion and table with a new section in lieu thereof as follows :
(a) General. Roofs shall be designed to sustain, within
the stress limitations of this Code, all dead loads, plus a
uniform minimum snow load of thirty (30) pounds per
square foot, full or unbalanced, and in addition to wind or
other loads.
The snow load shall be assumed to act vertically upon
the area projected upon a horizontal plane.
(b) Water accumulation. All roofs shall be designed with
sufficient slope or camber to assure adequate drainage from
dead load or shall be designed to support maximum loads
including possible ponding of water due to deflection. See
section 2307 for deflection criteria.
Sec. 2314, Earthquake Regulations, is hereby repealed in
favor of maintaining the regulations for Seismic Zone 0,
which regulations and classifications have always been in
effect in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Sec. 6003, Ordinances Repealed, is hereby amended by re-
pealing such section and replacing such section with a new
section in lieu thereof as follows
The Building Code of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1961,
established by Ordinance No. 56-61, referred to as the
Building Code and all amendments thereto be and the same
are hereby expressly repealed.
Sec. 6004, Date Effective, is hereby amended by repealing
such section and replacing such section with a new section
in lieu thereof as follows :
Sec. 6004. When effective. This ordinance shall be in
effect after its final passage, approval and publication as
required by law.
Appendix, Chapter 51, Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators,
and Moving Walks, is hereby amended by repealing such
§ • 10-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 10-3
Appendix, Chapter 70, Excavation and Grading, is hereby
amended by repealing such chapter. (Ord. No. 3-75, §§ 3-
21, 23, 1-20-75)
Sec. 10-3. Fire zones.
(a) Generally. For the purpose of this chapter the entire
city is hereby declared to be and is hereby established a fire
district and such fire district shall be known and designated
as fire zones No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 and shall include such
territory or portions of the city as outlined in paragraphs (b)
through (d) of this section. Whenever the Dubuque Building
Code adopted by section 10-1 of this chapter refers to any
fire zone, it shall be construed to mean one of the fire zones
created by this section. Regulations within said zone refer
to construction as specified in such code.
(b) Fire Zone No. 1 shall be that area described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the centerline of the Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad mainline and the
centerline of Jones Street, to the centerline of the alley
between Locust Street and Bluff Street; thence along the
centerline of the alley between Locust Street and. Bluff
Street, northerly to the centerline of West Third Street;
thence along the centerline of West Third Street easterly
to the centerline of Locust Street; thence along the center-
line of Locust Street, northerly to the centerline of Loras
Blvd.; thence along the centerline of Loras Blvd., easterly
to the centerline of the alley between Central Avenue and
Iowa Street; thence along the centerline of the alley be-
tween Central Avenue and Iowa Street, northerly to the
centerline of West Seventeenth Street; thence from the
centerline of the alley between Central Avenue and Iowa
Street, northerly along the centerline of Heeb Street to the
centerline of East Eighteenth Street, extended to the center-
line of Heeb Street; thence easterly along the centerline
of East Eighteenth Street, extended easterly to the center-
line of Central Avenue; thence northerly along the center-
line of Central Avenue to the centerline of East Twentieth
Street; thence along the centerline of East Twentieth Street
to the centerline of White Street; thence southerly along
§ 10-4
the centerline of White Street to the centerline of East
Eleventh Street; thence easterly along the centerline of
East Eleventh Street to the centerline of the main line of
the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
tracks; thence southerly along the centerline of the main
line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail-
road tracks to the centerline of Jones Street which is the
point of beginning.
(c) Fire Zone No. 2 shall be that area described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the centerline of the Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad mainline and the
centerline of Jones Street; thence northerly along the cen-
terline of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific
Railroad to the centerline of West Third Street; thence
easterly along the centerline of West Third Street to the
West bank of the Mississippi River; thence northerly along
the West bank of the Mississippi River to the centerline of
Kerper Blvd., extended to intersect the West bank of the
Mississippi River; thence westerly and southerly along the
centerline of Kerper Blvd. to the centerline of East Six-
teenth Street; thence westerly along the centerline of East
Sixteenth Street to the centerline of the Chicago, Milwau-
kee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad mainline; thence south-
erly along the said centerline to the centerline of Jones
Street which is the point of beginning.
(d) Fire Zone No. 3 shall be all that area in the city except
that specifically noted and described as Fire Zones No. 1 and
2. (Ord. No. 5-75, §§ 1, 2, 1-20-75)
Sec. 10-4. Permit issuance during rezoning consideration pro-
The building official of the city is hereby prohibited from
issuing a building permit to the owner or owners of real prop-
erty for which action has been initiated for the purpose of
securing a zoning reclassification. The period of such prohibi-
tion shall extend from the date of the official act of the
planning and zoning commission calling for a public hearing
on such zoning reclassification up to and including the date
§ 10=4
of final action of the city council upon such zoning reclassifi-
cation. (Ord. No.. 3-70, § 1, 2-2-70)
Sec. 10-5. Waiting period for demolition permits.
(a) Application of section. The provisions of this section
shall apply to all buildings located in whole or in part within
the following described neighborhood areas:
(1) Fourth Street Neighborhood: Beginning at the inter-
section of Seventh and Bluff Streets, thence southerly
along Bluff Street to its intersection with West Fifth
Street; thence westerly along West Fifth Street to its
intersection with the northerly extension of Raymond
Street ; thence southerly along Raymond Street and its
northerly and southerly extensions to its intersection
with West Third Street; thence easterly along West
Third Street to its intersection with St. Mary's Street;
thence southerly along St. Mary's Street to its inter-
section with Emmett Street; thence easterly along
Emmett Street to its intersection with Bluff Street;
thence southerly along Bluff Street to its intersection
with First Street; thence easterly along First Street
to its intersection with the alley between Bluff and
Locust Streets; thence northerly along the alley be-
tween Bluff and Locust Streets to its intersection with
West Fifth Street; thence easterly along West Fifth
Street to its intersection with Locust Street; thence
northerly along Locust Street to its intersection with
Seventh Street; thence westerly along Seventh Street
to its intersection with Bluff Street which is the point
of beginning.
(2) Fenelon Place Neighborhood: Beginning at the inter-
section of West Fifth and. Burch Streets, thence south-
erly along Burch Street to its intersection with West
Third Street; thence easterly along West Third, Street
to its intersection with the southerly extension of
Raymond Street; thence northerly along Raymond
Street and its southerly and northerly extensions to
its intersection with West Fifth Street; thence westerly
§ 12-19 EI,LE'C'TIONS § 12-20
Sec. 12-19. City divided into twenty -fiver precincts.
The city is hereby divided into twenty-five (25) precincts
as described in this article. (Ord. No. 28-72, § 2, 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-20. First Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The First Precinct of the city shall
consist of :
That territory bounded by a line as follows :
Beginning at the intersection of the Milwaukee Rail-
road tracks and Fengler Street, south and east along
Fengler Street to Kerper Boulevard, south along
Kerper Boulevard to East Sixteenth Street, east
along East Sixteenth Street to center of Lake Peosta
Channel, northeast along Lake Peosta Channel to the
intersection of the main channel of the Mississippi
River, which is a point on the boundary of the cor-
porate limits, north, west, and south along the cor-
porate limits to Roosevelt Road south and east along
Roosevelt Road to Prescott Street, south and west
along Prescott Street to Marshall Street, east along
Marshall Street to Lincoln Avenue, northeast along
Lincoln Avenue to Decatur Street, east along De-
catur Street to Rhomberg Avenue, south and west
along Rhomberg Avenue to Dock Street, east along
Dock Street to the Milwaukee Railroad tracks, south-
west along said tracks to Ann Street, north and west
along Ann Street to Garfield Avenue, south and west
along Garfield Avenue to Fengler Street, south and
east along Fengler Street to the Milwaukee Railroad
tracks, the place of beginning, and
(2) All annexed territories east of Highway 52, all of
which are part of the Eighteenth Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the First Precinct of the city: Mar-
shall School, 1450 Rhomberg Avenue. (Ord. No. 28-72, §§
2(1), 4(1), 5-22-72)
§ 12-21 DUBUQUE! OODE', § 12-21
Sec. 12-21. Second Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Second Precinct of the city
shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the Milwaukee Railroad
tracks and Fengler Street, which is a point on the boundary
of the First Precinct, east along the boundary of the First
Precinct to the corporate limits, south along the corporate
limits to Railroad Avenue, west along Railroad Avenue to
South Locust Street, north along South Locust Street to
First Street, east along First Street to Main Street, north
along Main Street to West Seventh Street, west along West
Seventh Street to Bluff Street, north along Bluff Street to
West Eighth Street, west along West Eighth Street to
University Avenue, west along University Avenue to Spruce
Street, north along Spruce Street to Wilbur Lane, east along
Wilbur Lane to Grove Terrace, north along Grove Terrace
to West Eleventh Street, east along West Eleventh Street
to Bluff Street, north along Bluff Street to West Twelfth
Street, east along West Twelfth Street to Main Street,
north along Main Street to Loras Boulevard, west along
Loras Boulevard to Locust Street, north along Locust Street
to West Fifteenth Street, west along West Fifteenth Street
to Montrose Street, north along Montrose Street to West
Locust Street, north and west along West Locust Street to
West Seventeenth Street, east along West Seventeenth
Street to White Street, south along White Street to East
Fifteenth Street, east along East Fifteenth Street to Wash-
ington Street, north along Washington Street to East
Sixteenth Street, east along East Sixteenth Street to Elm
Street, north along Elm Street to West Seventeenth Street,
east along West Seventeenth Street to the Milwaukee Rail-
road tracks, north along said tracks to Fengler Street, the
place of beginning, all of which is a part of the Nineteenth
Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as . the polling place for the Second Precinct of the city:
Dubuque County Courthouse, 720 Central Avenue. (Ord. No.
28-72, §§ 2(2), 4(2), 5-22-72)
§ 12-22 ELECTIONS § 12-23
Sec. 12-22. Third Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Third Precinct of the city shall
consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows :
Beginning at the intersection of Fengler Street and the
Milwaukee Railroad tracks, which is a point on the bound-
ary of the First Precinct, north along the boundary of
the First Precinct to the intersection of Prescott Street
and Marshall Street, northwest along Marshall Street to
Thomas Place, southwest along Thomas Place to Eagle
Street, northwest along Eagle Street to Riverview " Street,
south along Riverview Street to Merz Street, west along
Merz Street to Viola Street, north along Viola Street to
Pleasant Street, west along Pleasant Street to Stafford
Street, south along Stafford Street to Merz Street, west
along Merz Street to Windsor Avenue, north along Windsor
Avenue to Henry Street, west along Henry Street to. Queen
Street, south along Queen Street to East Twenty-fourth
Street, east along East Twenty-fourth Street to Windsor
Avenue, south along Windsor Avenue to Regent Street,
west along Regent Street to Queen Street, south along
Queen Street to Thomas Place, north and east along Thomas
Place to Windsor Avenue, south .along Windsor Avenue
to Garfield Avenue, north and east along Garfield Avenue
to Stafford Street, south and east along Stafford Street
to the Milwaukee Railroad tracks, then north and east
along said tracks to Fengler Street, the place of beginning,
all of which is a part of the Nineteenth. Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Third Precinct of the city : Sacred
Heart School, 2211 Queen Street. (Ord. No. 28-72, §§ 2(3),
4(3), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-23. Fourth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Fourth Precinct of the city
shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Roosevelt Road and the
corporate limits, which is a point on the boundary of the
First Precinct, south and west along the boundaries of the
§ 12-23
First and Third Precincts to Marquette Street, northwest
along Marquette Street to Frommelt's Bluff, north along
Frommelt's Bluff to the corporate limits, then east and
north along the corporate limits to Roosevelt Road, the
place of beginning, all of which is a part of the Nineteenth
Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Fourth Precinct of the city:
Christensen's Greenhouse, 2635 Windsor Avenue. (Ord. No.
28-72, §§ 2(4), 4(4), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-24. Fifth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Fifth Precinct of the city shall
consist of that territory bounded by a lineas follows
Beginning at the intersection of East Twenty-seventh
Street and Frommelt's Bluff, which is a point on the
boundary of the Fourth Precinct, north along the boundary
of the Fourth Precinct to the corporate limits, west along
the corporate limits to Central Avenue, south along Central
Avenue to West Thirty-second Street, west along West
Thirty-second Street to Saunders Street, south and west
along Saunders Street to Davenport Street, southeast along
Davenport Street to Broadway Street, south and east along
Broadway Street to Diagonal Street, southeast along Diag-
onal Street to Central Avenue, north along Central Avenue
to East Twenty-sixth Street, east along East Twenty-sixth
Street to White Street, north along White Street to East
Twenty-seventh Street, then east along East Twenty-seventh
to Frommelt's Bluff, the place of beginning, all of which is
a part of the Nineteenth Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Fifth Precinct of the city: Holy
Ghost School, 2901 Central Avenue. (Ord. No. 28-72, §§ 2(5),
4(5), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-25. Sixth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Sixth Precinct of the city shall
consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows:
§ 12-32 ELECTIONS §.12-33
Sec. 12-32. Thirteenth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Thirteenth Precinct of the city
shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows :
Beginning at the intersection of Grandview Avenue and
Dodge Street, which is a point on the boundary of the
Twelfth Precinct, west along Dodge Street to Fremont
Street, south along Fremont Street to the Illinois Central
Railroad tracks, south and east along said tracks to the
corporate limits, west and north along the corporate limits
to Kennedy Road, north along Kennedy Road to University
Avenue, east along University Avenue to Ethel Street, east
along Ethel Street to New Haven Street, east along New
Haven Street to Mineral Street, east along Mineral Street
to Gilliam Street, south along Gilliam Street to West Street,
east along West Street to Finley Street, south and east
along Finley Street to McCormick Street, south along
McCormick Street and an extension thereof to an extension
of West Third Street, east along an extension of West
Third Street to theterminus of West Third Street, south
from the terminus of West Third Street to the terminus
of Hale Street, east along Hale Street to Algona Street,
north along Algona Street to West Third Street, east along
West Third Street to North Grandview Avenue, which is
a point on the boundary of the Twelfth Precinct, then
south along the boundary of the Twelfth Precinct to Dodge
Street, the place of beginning, all of which is a part of the
Twentieth Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Thirteenth Precinct of the city :
Washington Junior High School, 51 North Grandview Avenue.
(Ord. No. 28-72, §§ 2(13), 4(13), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-33. Fourteenth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Fourteenth Precinct of the city
shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of College Street and West
Third Street, which is a point on the boundary of the
§ 12-33
Twelfth Precinct, west along the boundaries of the Twelfth
and Thirteenth .Precincts to the intersection, of Gilliam
Street and Mineral Street, east along Mineral Street to
Finley Street, north along Finley Street to University Ave-
nue, east along University Avenue to Asbury Road, north
along Asbury Road to Cherry Street, east along Cherry
Street to Avoca Street, south along Avoca Street to Dela-
ware Street, east along Delaware Street to North Grand-
view Avenue, south along North Grandview Avenue to
Loras Boulevard, east along Loras Boulevard to Wood
Street, south along Wood Street to University Avenue,
east along University Avenue to Delhi Street, southwest
along Delhi Street to West Fifth Street, east along West
Fifth Street to College Street, then south along College
Street to West Third Street, the place of beginning, all
of which is a part of the Twentieth Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Fourteenth Precinct of the city:
Fire Station No. 4 at University Avenue and Atlantic Street.
(Ord. No. 28-72, §§ 2(14), 4(14), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-34. Fifteenth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Fifteenth Precinct of the city
shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Cox Street and Loras
Boulevard, which is a point on the boundary of the Ninth
Precinct, south, west, and north along the boundaries of
the Ninth, Second, Twelfth, and Fourteenth Precincts to
the intersection of Wood Street and Loras Boulevard„ then
east along Loras Boulevard to Cox Street, the place of
beginning, all of which is a part of the Twentieth Legis-
lative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Fifteenth Precinct of the city:
Lincoln School, 1101 West Fifth Street. (Ord. No. 28-72.,
§§ 2(15), 4(15), 5-22-72)
§ 12-35 ELE'CTIO S § 12-36
Sec. 12-35. Sixteenth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Sixteenth Precinct of the city
shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows :
Beginning at the intersection of Kaufmann Avenue and
Valeria Street, which is a point on the boundary of the
Eighth Precinct, south, west, and north along the bound-
aries of the Eighth, Ninth, Fifteenth, and Fourteenth Pre-
cincts to the intersection of Delaware Street and North
Grandview Avenue, north along North Grandview Avenue
to Rosedale Avenue, east along Rosedale Avenue to the east
boundary of Dubuque High School, north along the east
boundary of Dubuque High School to the northeast bound-
ary of Clarke College, north and west along the northeast
boundary of Clarke College to Grandview Avenue, north
along Grandview Avenue and the west fork of Grandview
Avenue to Kaufmann Avenue, then east along Kaufmann
Avenue to Valeria Street, the place of beginning, all of
which is .a part of the Twentieth Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Sixteenth Precinct of the city:
Jackson School, 715 West Locust Street. (Ord. No. 28-72,
§§ 2(16), 4(16), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-36. Seventeenth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Seventeenth Precinct of the
city shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as
follows :
Beginning at the intersection of the southeast boundaries
of Clarke College and West Locust Street, which is a point
on the boundary of the Sixteenth Precinct, south and west
along the boundaries of the Sixteenth and Fourteenth Pre-
cincts to the intersection of Finley Street and University
Avenue, south along University Avenue to Pennsylvania
Avenue, west along Pennsylvania Avenue to the western
boundary of Flora Park, north along the western boundary
of Flora Park to Saint Anne Drive, west along Saint Anne
Drive to Chaney Road, north along Chaney Road to Hill-
crest Road, west along Hillcrest Road to Deborah Drive,
§ 12-36 DUBUQUE CODE § 12-37
north along Deborah Drive to Carter Road, north along
Carter Road to Kaufmann Avenue, east along Kaufmann
Avenue to Chaney Road, south along Chaney Road to the
north property line of lot one (1) of lot two (2) of Saint
Rose Priory, five hundred twenty (520) feet west along
said line to the west property line of the same lot, south
and west five hundred sixteen (516) . feet along the west
property line of the same lot to a point on Asbury Road,
three hundred twenty-five (325) feet west of Chaney Road,
south and east along Asbury Road to Clarke Drive, east
along Clarke Drive to Bunker Hill Road, north along
Bunker Hill Road to Fairway Drive, east along Fairway
Drive to Clarke Drive, south along Clarke Drive to West
Locust Street, then east along West Locust Street to the
southeast boundary of Clarke College, the place of begin-
ning, all of which is a part of the Twentieth. Legislative
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Seventeenth Precinct of the city :
Dubuque Senior High School, 1800 Clarke Drive. (Ord. No.
28-72, §§ 2(17), 4(17), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-37. Eighteenth Precinct.
(a) Area enconvpassed. The Eighteenth Precinct of the city
shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Hillcrest Road and Deborah
Drive, which is a point on the boundary of the Seventeenth
Precinct, east, south, and west along the boundaries of the
Seventeenth, Fourteenth, and Thirteenth Precincts to a
point on University Avenue due south of the intersection
of Van Buren Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, north from
said point to Pennsylvania Avenue, east along Pennsylvania
Avenue to Churchill Drive, north along Churchill Drive to
Saint Anne Drive, east along Saint Anne Drive to Avalon
Road, north along Avalon Road to Jeffrey Drive, west along
Jeffrey Drive to Deborah Drive, then north along Deborah
Drive to Hillcrest Road, the place of beginning, all of which
is a part of the Twentieth Legislative District.
§ 12-37 ELECTIONS § 12-39
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Eighteenth Precinct of the city:
Irving School, 2520 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Ord. No. 28-72,
§§ 2(18), 4(18), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-38. Nineteenth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Nineteenth Precinct of the city
shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Asbury Road and Carter
Road, which is a point on the boundary of the Seventeenth
Precinct, south along the boundaries of the Seventeenth,
Eighteenth, and Thirteenth Precincts to the corporate lim-
its, west and north along the corporate limits to Avery's
Point, north from Avery's Point to Pennsylvania Avenue,
east along Pennsylvania Avenue to Vizaleea Drive, north
along Vizaleea Drive to Keymont Drive, east along Key-
mont Drive to Key Way, north on Key Way to Hillcrest
Road, west along Hillcrest Road to St. John Drive, north
along St. John Drive to Graham Circle, east along Graham
Circle to West Way, east along West Way to Key Way,
east along Key Way to Kennedy Road, north along Kennedy
Road to Asbury Road,then east along Asbury Road to
Carter Road, the place of beginning, all of which is a part
of the Twentieth Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Nineteenth Precinct of the city:
Kennedy School, 2135 Woodland Drive. (Ord. No. 28-72, §§
2(19), 4(19), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-39. Twentieth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Twentieth Precinct of the city
shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as follows
Beginning at the intersection of Crissy Drive and Asbury
Road, which is a point on the boundary of the Nineteenth
Precinct, west and south along the boundary of the Nine-
teenth Precinct to the corporate limits, west and north
along the corporate limits to Asbury Road, east along
§ 12-39 DUBUQUECODE § 12-41
Asbury Road to Bonson Road, north along Bonson Road
to Kaufmann Avenue, east along Kaufmann Avenue to
Martin Drive, south along Martin Drive to Theda Drive,
west along Theda Drive to Crissy Drive, then south along
Crissy Drive to the place of beginning, all of which is a
part of the Twentieth Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Twentieth Precinct of the city:
Hempstead High School, 3715 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Ord.
No. 28-72, §§ 2(20), 4(20), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-40. Twenty-first Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Twenty-first Precinct of the
city shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as
Beginning at the intersection of Chaney Road and. Kauf-
mann Avenue, which is a point on the boundary of the
Seventeenth Precinct, south, west, and northwest along the
boundaries of the Seventeenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth
Precincts to the corporate limits, north along the corporate
limits to Old Timer's Road, south along Old Timer's Road
to West Thirty-second Street, east along West Thirty-second
Street to Carter Road, south along Carter Road to Kane
Street, east along Kane Street to Chaney Road, then south
along Chaney Road to Kaufmann Avenue, the place of
beginning, all of which is a part of the Twentieth Legis-
lative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Twenty-first Precinct of the city:
Eisenhower School, 3170 Spring Valley Road. (Ord. No. 28-
72, §§ 2(21), 4(21), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-41. Twenty-second Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Twenty-second Precinct of the
city shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as
§ 12-41 ELECTIONS § 12-42
Beginning at the intersection of the corporate limits and
Central Avenue, which is a point on the boundary of the
Fifth Precinct, south along the boundary of the Fifth Pre-
cinct to the intersection of Saunders Street and West
Thirty-second Street, west along West Thirty-second Street
to North Grandview Avenue, south along North Grandview
Avenue to Boyer Street, east along. Boyer Street to Andrew
Court, south. along Andrew Court to Kane Street, west
along Kane Street to North Grandview Avenue, south along
North Grandview Avenue to Kaufmann Avenue, which is
a point on the boundary of the Sixteenth Precinct, south-
west, and north along the boundaries of the Sixteenth,
Seventeenth, and Twenty-first Precincts, then north and
east along the corporate limits to Central Avenue, the place
of beginning, all of which is a part of the Twentieth Legis-
lative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Twenty-second Precinct of the
city: Wahlert High School, 2005 Kane Street. (Ord. No. 28-
72, §§ 2(22), 4(22), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-42. Twenty-third Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Twenty-third Precinct of the
city shall consist of that territory bounded by a line as
Beginning at the intersection of West Thirty-second Street
and Saunders Street, which is a point on the boundary of
the Fifth Precinct, south, west, north, and then east along
the boundaries of the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Sixteenth, and
Twenty-second Precincts to the intersection of West Thirty-
second Street and Saunders Street, the place of beginning,
all of which is a part of the Twentieth Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is. hereby established
as the polling place for the Twenty-third, Precinct of the
city: Wahlert High School, 2005 Kane Street. (Ord. No. 28-72,
§§ 2(23), 4(23), 5-22-72)
§ 12-48 DUBUQUE CODE § 12-44
Sec. 12-43. Twenty-fourth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Twenty-fourth Precinct of the
city shall consist of
(:1) That territory bounded by a line as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the south corporate
limits and the Illinois Central Railroad, which is a
point on the boundary of the Thirteenth Precinct,
north, east, and south along the boundaries of the
Thirteenth, Twelfth, and Eleventh Precincts to the
intersection of Mount Loretta Avenue and English
Lane, south along English Lane to Levi Street, east
along Levi Street to Sullivan Street, south along
Sullivan Street to Southern Avenue, south along South-
ern Avenue to the corporate limits, then west along
the corporate limits to the Illinois Central Railroad
tracks, the place of beginning, and
(2) All annexed territories north of Dodge Street and west
of Highway 52, and
All annexed territories south of Dodge Street and west
of Highway 151, all of which are part of the Twenty-
first Legislative District.
(b) Polling place: The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Twenty-fourth Precinct of the
city: No. 5 Engine House, 689 South Grandview Avenue.
(Ord. No. 28-72, §§ 2(24), 4(24), 5-22-72)
Sec. 12-44. Twenty-fifth Precinct.
(a) Area encompassed. The Twenty-fifth Precinct of the
city shall consist of :
(1) That territory bounded by a line as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Southern Avenue and
the corporate limits, which is a point on the boundary
of the Twenty-fourth Precinct, north and east along
the boundaries of the Twenty-fourth, Eleventh, and
Second Precincts to the east corporate limits, then
§ 12-44 ELECTIONS § 12-44
south and west along the corporate limits to Southern
Avenue, the place of beginning, and
(2) All annexed territories south of Dodge Street and east
of Highway 151, all of which are part of the Twenty-
first Legislative District.
(b) Polling place. The following place is hereby established
as the polling place for the Twenty-fifth Precinct of the
city: St. Elias The Prophet Greek Orthodox Church, 1075
Rockdale Road. (Ord. No. 28-72, §§ 2(25), 4(25), 5-22-72)
[The next page is 771]
§ 13-33 ELECTRICITY § 13-44
and they shall have no financial interest in any concern
engaged in such business in the city at any time while holding
(b) This section shall not be construed to in any way pre-
vent the electrical inspector or his assistants from performing
such services for the city as .may be required by the manager
or city council. (Ord. No. 5-77, § 4, 2-7-77)
Secs. 13-34-13-40. Reserved.
Sec. 13-41. Created.
There is hereby created an electrical appeal board. (Ord. No.
5-77, § 5, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-42. Appointment; composition; qualifications.
The board created by this article shall consist of five (5)
members. The members shall be appointed by the city council.
All members shall be residents of the city: One member shall
be a representative of the public; one member shall •be a
registered journeyman electrician; one member shall be a
registered electrical contractor; one member shall be a main-
tenance electrician ; one member shall represent business.
(Ord. No. 5-77, § 5, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-43. Election of officers.
The board shall elect a chairman and a secretary annually.
(Ord. No. 5-77, § 19, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-44. Terms of office.
The term of each member shall be four (4) years; provided,
however, that the original appointments to the board shall
be made as follows: Two (2) members shall be appointed to
*Cross reference—Administration generally, Ch. 2.
Supp. No. 2
§ 13-44 DUBUQUE CODE § 13-51
serve for a period of three (3) years; three (3) members shall
be appointed to serve for a period of four (4) years. (Ord.
No. 5-77, § 5, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-45. Compensation.
Necessary and actual expenses shall be allowed to members
of the board, but no other compensation shall be paid to them.
(Ord. No. 5-77, § 5, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-46. Meetings.
(a) Space,; facilities. The council shall provide suitable
space in which the board may hold meetings and conduct
hearings and shall provide the board with necessary equip-
ment and facilities and pay the expense thereof.
(b) Frequency. The board shall hold its first meeting not
more than thirty (30) days after the effective date of this
article. Thereafter, the board shall meet at such times as may
be necessary for the proper performance of its duties, but in
any case not less than twice a year.
(c) Quorum. A quorum of the board shall consist of a
majority of its members. (Ord. No. 5-77, § 19, 2-7-77)
Secs. 13-47-13-50. Reserved.
Sec. 13-51. Required.
No electrical work as set out in section 13-12 shall be com-
pleted without a permit issued by the electrical inspector. A
permit shall be issued if the electrical work, as proposed in
the application for a permit, meets all the requirements of
this article. If plans and specifications are requested by the
electrical inspector, they must be in accord with the require-
ments of this article. (Ord. No. 5-77, § 8, 2-7-77)
`Cross reference—Licenses, permits and miscellaneous business -regula-
tions, Ch. 24.
Supp. No. 2
§ 13-95 ELECTRICITY § 13-105
(b) It is prohibited for a person, firm or corporation hold-
ing a registration to transfer it or allow the use of it, directly
or indirectly, by any other person, firm or corporation. (Ord.
No. 4-77, §§ 7, 18, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-96. Suspension; revocation of registration.
Any registration issued under this article may, after hear-
ing, be suspended or revoked by the electrical examining
board, if the person, firm or corporation holding such regis-
tration willfully, or by reason of incompetence, repeatedly vio-
lates any statute of the state, or any ordinance or rule or reg-
ulation of the city relating to the installation, maintenance, al-
teration or repair of electric wiring, devices, appliances and
equipment. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 7, 2-7-77)
Secs. 13-97-13-102. Reserved.
Sec. 13-103. Created.
There is hereby created a board of electrical examiner
(Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-104. Composition.
The board created by this division shall consist of five (5)
members. All members of the board shall be residents of the
city. One member shall be a representative of the public; one
member shall be a registered journeyman electrician; one
member shall be a registered electrical contractor; one member
shall be a maintenance electrician; one member shall be
an electrical engineer. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-105. Appointment.
The city council shall appoint the five (5) members of the
board created by this division. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Supp. No. 2
§ 13-106 DUBUQUE CODE § 13-110
Sec. 13406. Terms.
The term of each member of the board created by this
division shall be four (4) years; provided, however, that the
original appointments to the board shall be made as follows :
Two (2) members for three (3) years; three (3) members for
four (4) years. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-107. Chairman.
The board created by this division shall elect annually one
of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all meetings
of the board. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-108. Secretary.
The electrical inspector shall serve as secretary to the board
created by this division and keep minutes and records of all
proceedings and shall record the names and addresses of all
persons examined by the board, the result of the examination,
and the kind of registration issued to each, if any, and the
date thereof. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-109. Quorum.
Three (3) members of the board created by this division
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-110. Appeal from actions.
In the event any person shall feel aggrieved by any action
of the examining board, he may appeal from such action to
the city council by filing written notice of his appeal within
ten (10) days from the date of the action taken by the board.
The council shall give five (5) days' written notice by certified
mail of the date, time, and place of hearing to the appealing
party and the examining board. All interested persons shall
be given the opportunity to be heard at such hearing, and the
city council may affirm, modify or overrule the action of the
board. The electrical inspector shall have no vote in the deci-
sion of the examining board. (Ord. No. 4-77, '§ 17, 2-7-77)
[The next page is 843]
Supp. No. 2
Chapter 14
Art. I. In General, §§ 14-1-14-24
Art. II. Fire Department, §§ 14-25-14-45
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 14-25-14-31
Div. 2. Bureau of Fire Prevention, §§ 14-32-14-45
Art. III. Service Stations and Tank Trucks, §§ 14-46-14-74
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 14-46-14-66
Div. 2. Service Station Licenses, §§ 14-67-14-74
Sec. 14-1. Code—Adopted.
There is hereby adopted by the city council for the purpose
of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to
life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code
known as "Uniform Fire Code" recommended by the Western
Fire Chiefs Association and the International Conference of
Building Officials, being particularly the 1973 edition thereof
and the whole thereof, save and except Appendix F thereof
which is hereby deleted therefrom, of which code not less than
three (3) copies have been and are now on file in the office
of the city clerk, and the same is hereby adopted and incor-
porated as fully as if set out at full length herein and the
provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the
city. (Ord. No. 37-64, § 1, 12-28-64; Ord. No. 10-68, § 1,
2-26-68; Ord. No. 59-70, § 1, 12-7-70; Ord. No. 4-75, § 1,
Cross references—Building code adopted, § 10-1; electrical code
adopted, § 13-3; heating, air conditioning and ventilation code adopted,
§ 19-1; plumbing code adopted, § 30-1.
Sec. 14-2. Same—Definitions.
Whenever used in the code adopted by section 14-1 of this
chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indi-
*Cross references—Buildings and building regulations, Ch. 10; elec-
tricity, Ch. 13; heating, air conditioning and ventilating, Ch. 19; housing
regulations, Ch. 20; storage of dynamite restricted, § 26-10; plumbing
regulations, Ch. 30.
§ 14-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 14-5
Corporation counsel shall be held to mean the attorney for
the city.
Municipality shall be held to mean the city. (Ord. No. 37-
64, § 3, 12-28-64)
Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2.
Sec. 14-3. Same—Modifications.
The chief of the bureau of fire prevention shall have power
to modify any of the provisions of the code by section 14-1
of this chapter upon application in writing by the owner or
lessee, or his duly authorized agent, when there are practical
difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the
code, provided that the spirit of the code shall be observed,
public safety secured, and substantial justice done. The par-
ticulars of such modification when granted or allowed and the
decision of the chief of the fire prevention bureau thereon
shall be entered upon the records of the department and a
signed copy shall be furnished the applicant. (Ord. No. 37-64,
§ 4, 12-28-64)
Sec. 14-4. Same -Enforcement.
The code adopted by section 14-1 of this chapter shall be
enforced by the bureau of fire prevention in the fire depart-
ment of the city. (Ord. No. 37-64, § 2, 12-28-64)
Cross reference—Administration generally, Ch. 2.
Sec. 14-5. Appeals.
Whenever the chief of the fire department shall disapprove
an application or refuse to grant a permit applied for, or when
it is claimed that the provisions of the code adopted by section
14-1 of this chapter do not apply or that the true intent and
meaning of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly inter-
preted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the chief
of the fire department to the city council within ten (10) days
from the date of the decision appealed. Such appeal to the
city council shall be made in writing setting forth the decision
appealed from and the grounds or basis for such appeal. (Ord.
No. 37-64, § 5, 12-28-64)
§ 17-35
ices may apply for such collection services from the city man-
ager. The collection rate will be determined from the fee
schedule set forth in section 17-36.
The city reserves the right to refuse garbage and refuse
collection service because of quantities or characteristics be-
yond the capacity or capability to be handled efficiently by
city personnel and equipment. (Ord. No. 53-76, § 2, 10-4-76;
Ord. No. 19-79, § 1, 3-19-79)
Seca 17-33. Frequency, time andareas of collection.
(a) Collections shall be made not more . than twice : weekly,
at such: time and: in such areas : of the cityas shall be; :set out
in schedules prepared by the city manager.
(b) The city manager -is hereby authorized and empowered
to change or amend collection schedules from time to time as
he, in his discretion, .shall deem necessary. (Ord. No: 53-76,
§ 2, 10-4-76)
See. 17-34. Placement of containers for collection.
(a) Where collections are made from alleys, garbage and
refuse containers shall be placed at the property line abutting
the alley on the days designated in such schedule.
(b) Where collections are made from the street, garbage
and refuse containers shall be placed in the street on, -the
property side of the ..curb on the days designated in .said
schedule. However, such .containers shall be placed so as. not
to interfere with vehicular and pedestrian traffic and when
emptied shall be promptly removed by the occupant of the
premises. (Ord. No. ,'53-76, § 2, 10-4-76).
Sec. 17-35. Limitation on ' quantity collected from class I
The quantity of garbage and refuse to be collected by the
city shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) gallons per
week for each class I premises unit as defined in section
17-16. (Ord. No. 53-76, § 2, 10-4-76; Ord. No. 19-79, § 1,
Supp. No. 5
§ 17-36 DUBUQUE CODE § 17-36
Sec. 17-36. Charges—Amounts; exceptions.
(a) Class ' I premises. Except as qualified below, a fee of
three dollars ($3.00) per month shall be charged by the city
and collected from each owner of a class I premises for such
service effective April 1, 1979. Said charge or fee shall be in
payment for collection and disposal of garbage and refuse as
defined. Exceptions to the collection charge for class I premises
are as follows :
(1) When a class I premises has been, vacant for a period
of three (3) consecutive months or longer the owner
may apply for a credit under procedures to be estab-
lished by the city manager. Such exemption shall con-
tinue only so long as the class I premises is vacant.
(2) A class I premises when the head of ho'usehold is
sixty-five (65) years of age or older and with a per
family annual income of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00)
or less may, upon application, be exempted from one-half
(1/2) the established collection charge.
(3) In cases of extreme financial hardship the city man-
ager may, and is hereby authorized and empowered.
to make adjustments in the monthly collection charge.
In all such cases the city manager shall have the authority
to require such proof of vacancy, financial status, age or
extreme hardship as he may deem necessary.
(b) Class II premises. The city shall continue to collect
from class II premises currently receiving such service. The
charge for such collection service shall be based upon the
average weekly quantity of garbage and refuse being collected,
as determined by the city manager. The rate charged shall be
a multiple of the rate charged class I premises as follows :
(1) Zero (0) to one hundred twenty (120) gallons of gar-
bage and refuse per week shall be charged the class
I premises rate times one (1).
(2) The next one hundred twenty (120) gallons per week
or fraction thereof shall be charged the class I prem-
ises rate times seventy-five one -hundredths (0.75).
Supp. No. 5
§ 17-37
(3) All additional units of one hundred twenty (120) gal-
lons per week or fraction thereof shall be charged the
class I premises rate times five -tenths (0.5).
A class II premises no longer wishing to be served by city
garbage and refuse collection shall provide, the city with
thirty (30) days' written notice of its intent to terminate
the service. Such termination of service shall be effective
with the next billing period. (Ord. No. 53-76, § 2, 10-4-76;
Ord. No. 19-79, § 1, 3-19-79)
Sec. 17-37. Same—Billing and collection.
(a) Initially, the city manager shall bill for collection
service from a record of accounts registered for billing on
April 1, 1979. ;Subsequently, the city manager is authorized
to bill tenants upon the request of the property owner accord-
ing to a procedure to be established by the city manager.
The property owner in such cases shall agree to provide data
on tenants' movements. In cases of no city water or sewer
service the city shall bill the owner.
(b) Class I premises accounts shall be billed bimonthly.
Class II premises accounts shall be billed monthly. All col-
lection charges are payable in advance.
(c) The collection of garbage and refuse as provided by this
division from class I premises and maintenance of the avail-
ability of such service, whether or not such service is used
regularly or not at all by the owner of such class I premises,
is hereby declared a benefit to said premises at least equal
to the monthly charges specified in this division, and in case
of failure to pay the monthly charge when billed as heretofore
provided, then the monthly charge shall become a lien against
the property benefited or served and shall be collected in
the same manner as general property taxes.
• (d) At least annually the city manager shall prepare a delin-
quent list •of persons failing to pay the monthly charge re-
quired by this division, listing the class I premises for which
the service was rendered and the amount due therefrom.
Supp. No. 5
§ 17-37
Resolutions shall thereupon be prepared assessing the delin-
quent charges to the properties so benefited. Suchresolutions,
properly passed by the city council, shall be certified by the
city clerk to the county auditor and same shall then be col-
lected with, and in the same manner as, general property
taxes. (Ord. No. 53-76, §§ 3-5, 10-4-76;. Ord. No. 19-79, § 1,
Secs. 17-38-17-43. Reserved.
Sec. 17-44. License—Required.
No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in the business
of removing or hauling garbage or refuse from the premises
of others unless such person, firm or corporation shall have
first applied for and received a permit to do so from the city
manager. The issuance of this license shall be in the manner
prescribed and subject to the terms of article I of chapter 24
of this Code. (Ord. No. 53-76, § 10, 10-4-76)
Sec. 17-45. Same—Application; fee.
Application for such license shall specify the equipment of
vehicles. to be 'used, the route to be traveled, the places to be
served and the name and residence of the applicant, and such
person, firm or corporation shall pay an annual license fee of
twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year for each vehicle engaged
in such business to be paid at the office of the city treasurer.
(Ord. No. 53-76, § 10, 10.4-76)
Sec. 71-46. Same—Display of license number on vehicle.
All vehicles licensed under this division shall prominently
display the license number on the left and right sides of the
vehicle in letters not less than three (3) inches high. (Ord.
No. 53-76, § 10, 10-4-76)
Secs. 17-47-17-53. Reserved.
Supp. No. 5
Sec. 17-54. Definitions.
§ 17-54
For the purpose of this article the following definitions shall
City shall mean the city and shall include all land within
the corporate limits of the city and all land beyond the cor-
porate limits over which the city has legal jurisdiction. It shall
also mean its officers, officials, or representatives.
Health officer shall mean a representative of the board of
health of the city.
Garbage shall mean any and all refuse from food incidental
to its preparation or use for human consumption;
Refuse shall mean any and all solid waste from the com-
munity. (Ord. No. 4-68, § 1, 2-7-68)
Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2.
Supp. No. 1
Regulated permit. A permit issued by the building com-
missioner, city engineer, or other official of the city accord-
ing to provisions of the building code, demolition code, or
other ordinance or regulation, and which permit is regulated
by this chapter when :
(1) The issuance of such permit would occasion a material
change in appearance, herein defined, on a structure
or site ; and
(2) The site of such permit is located within an historic
district established pursuant to this chapter. (Ord.
No. 18-77, § 2, 4-4-77)
Sec. 191/2-3. Historic preservation commission—Established;
membership; term of office; vacancies in office;
(a) The commission shall initially consist of seven (7)
members who shall be residents of the city.
(b) Members of the commission shall be appointed by the
mayor with the advice and consent of the council. The mem-
bers shall be appointed as follows: One from a list of persons
nominated by the Dubuque Board of Realtors; one from a
list of persons nominated by the Dubuque County Historical
Society; and five (5) at -large members, each of whom shall
possess professional qualifications evidencing expertise in ar-
chitecture, law, construction or building rehabilitation, city
planning, or conservation in general. In the event that names
are not submitted by the appropriate organization within
sixty (60) days of the receipt of the request, the mayor may
proceed to fill these positions in the same manner as mem-
bers -at -large; as historical districts may hereafter be created,
one member shall be appointed from each district.
(c) The original appointment of the members of the com
mission shall be: three (3) for one year; two (2). for two
(2) years, and two (2) for three (3) years, from March 1 fol-
lowing the year of such appointment or until their successor
is named to serve out the unexpired portion of their term of
appointment or until their successor is appointed to serve
Supp. No. 2
§ 191/2 -3 DUBUQUE CODE § 191/24
for the term of three (3) years. Members appointed from des-
ignated historical districts shall serve three-year terms.
(d) Vacancies occurring in the commission, other than
[through] expiration of term of office, shall be only for the
unexpired portion [of the term] of the member replaced.
(e) Members may serve for more than one term, and each
member shall serve until the appointment of a successor.
(f) Vacancies shall be filled by the mayor according to the
original selection as aforesaid.
(g) Members shall serve without compensation.
(h) A simple majority of the commission shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business. (Ord. No. 18-77,
§ 3, 4-4-77)
Sec. 191/2-4. Same—Election of officers; organization; rules
and bylaws, conduct of meetings; record of ac-
(a) The historic preservation commission shall elect from
its membership a chairman and vice-chairman, whose terms
of office shall be fixed by the commission. The chairman
shall preside over the commission and shall have the right
to vote. The vice-chairman shall, in cases of absence or dis-
ability of the chairman, perform the duties of the chairman.
(b) The city manager shall designate a person to serve as
secretary to the commission. The secretary shall keep a
record of all resolutions, proceedings and actions of the his-
toric preservation commission.
(c) The commission shall adopt rules or bylaws for the
transaction of its business, which shall provide for the time
and place of holding regular meetings. They shall provide
for the calling of special meetings by the chairman or by at
least three (3) members of the commission. All regular or
special meetings of the commission shall be open to the pub-
lic, and any person shall be entitled to appear and be heard
on a matter before it reaches its decision.
Supp. No. 2
§ 191/2-4 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION .§.1-91/275
(d) The commission shall keep a record which shall be
open to the public view, of its resolutions, proceedings and
actions. The vote or failure to vote of each member shall be
recorded. The concurring affirmative vote of a majority of
those members present shall constitute approval of plans be-
fore it for review, or for the adoption of any resolution, mo-
tion or other action of the commission. The commission shall
submit a report of its activities to the council and may make
such recommendations to the council as it deems necessary
to carry out the principles of this chapter. (Ord. No. 18-77,
§ 4, 4-4-77)
Sec. 191/2 -5. Same—Powers and duties generally.
In addition to those duties and powers specified below, the
commission may, with council approval :
Accept unconditional gifts and donations of real and
personal property, including money, for the purpose
of historic preservation.
Acquire by purchase, bequest, or donation, fee and
lesser interests in historic properties, including prop-
erties adjacent to or associated with historic prop-
Preserve, restore, maintain and operate historic prop-
erties under the ownership or control of the commis-
(4) Lease, sell, and otherwise transfer or dispose of his-
toric properties, subject to rights of public access and
other covenants, and in a manner that will preserve
the property.
Contract, with the approval of the governing body,
with the state or the federal government or other or-
(6) Cooperate with the federal, state and local govern-
ments in the pursuance of the objectives of historic
Supp. No. 2
§ 191/2-5 DUBUQUE CODE § 191/2-6
(7) Participate in the conduct of land use, urban renewal,
and other planning undertaken by the governing body.
(8) Recommend ordinances or otherwise provide informa-
tion for the purposes of historic preservation to the
governing body.
(9) Promote and conduct an educational and interpretive
program on historic properties within its jurisdiction.
(10) Enter, only in performance of its official duties and
only at reasonable times, upon private lands for ex-
amination or survey of the lands. However, the com-
mission shall not enter a private building or structure
without the express consent of the owner or occupant.
(Ord. No. 18-77, § 5 (h), 4-4-77)
Sec. 191/2-6. Identification and designation of historic dis-
(a) The commission may conduct studies for the identifi-
cation and designation of historic districts meeting the defi-
nitions established by this chapter. The commission may pro-
ceed at its own initiative or upon a petition from any person,
group, or association.
(b) The commission may make a report and recommen-
dation for the designation of an historic district, and may
conduct a public hearing thereon. Such report and recom-
mendation shall be filed with the planning and zoning com-
mission, and shall include a proposed ordinance establishing
such district and describing the boundary thereof.
(c) Within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the report,
recommendation and proposed ordinance, the planning and
zoning commission shall report to the city council with re-
spect to the relation of such designation to the general de-
velopment plan, zoning ordinance, proposed public improve-
ments, and any plans for the renewal of the area involved.
Upon submission of the report of the planning and zoning
commission, or upon the expiration of the sixty-day period,
the matter shall be transmitted to the city council.
Supp. No. 2
(d) Upon receiving the recommendation of the historic
preservation commission and the report of the planning com-
mission, the city council shall conduct a public hearing on
the ordinance establishing the proposed historical preserva-
tion district. The council may approve or disapprove
the ordinance or may refer the historic district designation
to the commission for modification. (Ord. No. 18-77, § 5 (a)—
(d), 4-4-77)
Sec. 191/2 4. Demolition of structures in historic districts.
Demolition of structures erected within historic districts
and deemed by the commission to be of a particular archi-
tectural or historical significance shall be prohibited unless,
upon application, the commission finds that the prohibition
of demolition prevents the owner of the property from earn-
ing any reasonable return on the property. In the event that
the structure is found to be of unique value, the commission
may, notwithstanding the showing of an absence of a reason-
able return, deny permission to demolish ; provided, however,
that a denial of permission to demolish shall prohibit demo-
lition for no more than four (4) months from the date of
application for a permit to demolish, unless at the expiration
of four (4) months, adjustments have been made which,allow
for such a return. During this time the commission shall
endeavor to formulate, with the owner, an economically feas-
ible plan for the preservation of such structure. (Ord. No.
18-77, § 5 (g), 4-4-77)
Sec. 191/2-8. Alteration of structures in historic districts.
(a) After approval of the historical preservation district
designation by the council, no material change in appearance
of a structure or site within a designated district shall be made
or permitted to be made by the owner or occupant thereof
until a regulated permit shall have been obtained for such
change as provided by this chapter.
(b) After approval of a designation by the council, it shall
be the duty of the historic preservation commission to re-
view all plans for any and all material changes in appear-
Supp. No. 2
§ 191/2-8
DUBUQUE CODE § 191/2-9
ance of a structure or site within any district, and it shall
have the power to pass upon such plans before a regulated
permit for such can be granted, provided that the commis-
sion shall pass only on such features of a change as are
visible from the public way. The commission shall issue a cer-
tificate of appropriateness if it approves plans submitted to
it for review. The commission shall approve only if it finds
that either :
(1) The proposed work in creating, changing, destroying,
or affecting the exterior architectural features of the
improvement or site upon which the work is to be
done will not have a substantial adverse effect on the
aesthetic, historical, or architectural significance and
value of either the property itself or of the neighbor-
ing improvements in such district. In considering ar-
chitectural and cultural values, the commission shall
determine whether the proposed change is consistent
with the historic value and the spirit of the architec-
tural style of the district; or
(2) The denial of a certificate of appropriateness would
prevent the owner of the improvement within an
historic district from earning a reasonable return or
enjoying a beneficial occupancy or other interest in his
property. The building commissioner, city engineer, or
other local authorities shall not issue a regulated
permit until such certificate of appropriateness has
been issued by the commission. (Ord. No. 18-77, §
5(e), (f), 4-4-77)
Sec. 1,9 1/2-9. Procedure for the review of plans.
(a) Application for a regulated permit shall be made to the
building commissioner. In the event that the application is
made by way of an application for a building permit, the ap-
plication will state that the work is to be done within an his-
torical district. The commission may require submission of
such drawings, sketches, photographs, or other exhibits as
it deems reasonably necessary for consideration of the ap-
Supp. No. 2
Chapter 20
Art. L In General, §§i 20-1-20-10
Art. II. Procedures for Abatement of Substandard Buildings, Dwelling
Units, and Lots, §§ 20-11-20-16
Sec. 20-1. Title; legislative findings; purposes; scope.
20-1.01. Title. This chapter shall be known as the "City of
Dubuque Residential Housing Code," or the "City of Dubuque
Housing Code," or the "housing code," may be cited as such,
and will be referred to herein as "this code." (Ord. No. 20-79, §
1, 4-2-79)
20-1.02. Legisative Findings. It is hereby found that there
exist, and may in the future exist, in any area under juris-
diction of the _government of the city, buildings, dwellings,
dwelling units, premises, or vacant lots, or parts thereof, as
*Editor's note—Ord. No. 20-79, § 1, adopted April 2, 1979, amended
the Code by repealing former Ch. 20, §'§ 20-1-20-172, pertaining to
housing, and adding in lieu thereof a new Ch. 20, Arts. I—XVI. The
section numbering of the provisions as enacted has been retained,
except that Arts. I—XVI have been redesignated §§ 20-1-20-16 and
in certain instances provisions have been redesignated for purposes
of classification and indexing; further, in order to facilitate indexing
and reference, catchlines and subcatchlines have been added or altered
as appropriate to reflect the content of particular sections and sub-
sections. Where provisions of the housing code set forth provisions as
found in state law, a parenthetical citation to the relevant Iowa Code
section appears following the housing code provisions.
Former Ch. 20 was derived from Ord. No. 13-63, §§ 1.0, 1.1, 2.0-2.34,
3.1-3.12, 4.0--4.6, 5.0-5.10, 6.0-6.11, 7.0-7.14, 8.1, 9.0-9.7, 10.0-10.6,
11.1-11.3, 12.1, adopted June 17, 1963.
Cross references—Buildings and building regulations, Ch. 10; elec-
tricity, Ch. 13; fire prevention and protection, Ch. 14; flood damage
control, Ch. 15; garbage, trash and refuse, Ch. 17; health and sanitation,
Ch. 18; historical preservation, Ch. 191/2; heating and air conditioning
and ventilating, Ch. 19; plumbing, Ch. 30; subdivision regulations, Ch.
34; zoning regulations, App. A.
State law reference—Housing law,. I.C.A. § 413.1 et seq.
Supp. No. 5
§ 20-1
defined herein, which by reason of their structure, building
service equipment, sanitation facilities, maintenance, use or
occupancy affect or are likely to affect adversely the public
health (including the physical, mentai and social well-being
of persons and families), safety and general welfare of the
public and the owners or occupants of dwellings. To correct
and prevent the existence of such adverse conditions, and to
achieve and maintain such levels of residential environmental
quality as will protect and promote public health, safety, and
general welfare, it is further found that the establishment and
enforcement of minimum residential housing standards are
required. (Ord. No. 20-79, § 1, 4-2-79)
20-1.03. Purposes. It is hereby declared that the purpose of
this chapter is to protect, preserve, and promote the physical
and mental health and social well-being of the people, to
prevent and control the incidence of communicable diseases,
to reduce environmental hazards to health, to regulate pri-
vately and publicly owned dwellings for the purpose of main-
taining adequate sanitation and public health, and to pro-
tect the safety of the people and to promote the general welfare
by legislation which shall be applicable to all dwellings now
in existence or hereafter constructed.
It is hereby further declared that the purpose of this chap-
ter is to insure that the quality of housing is adequate for
protection of public health, safety and general welfare, in-
cluding: establishment of minimum standards for basic equip-
ment and facilities for light, ventilation, and thermal condi-
tions, for safety from fire and accidents, for the use and loca-
tion and amount of space for human occupancy, and for an ade-
quate level of maintenance; determination of the responsi-
bilities of owners, operators and occupants of dwellings ; and
provision for the administration and enforcement thereof.
(Ord. No. 20-79, § 1, 4-2-79)
20-1.04. Scope.
(a) Application generally. The provisions of this code shall
apply to all buildings or portions thereof designed, used, or
intended to be used for human habitation. Buildings in exist -
Supp. No. 5
§ 20-2 HOUSING § 20-3
(i) Nature, terms of injunction. In any such action or pro-
ceeding [for injunction,] such building official may, by peti-
tion duly verified, setting forth the facts, apply to the dis-,
trict court for an order granting the relief for which said
action or proceeding is brought, or for an order enjoining all
persons from doing or permitting to be done any work in or
about such dwelling, building, structure or lot, or from occupy-
ing or using the same for any purpose until the entry of final
judgment or order. (Section 413.114, Iowa Code)
(j) Authority to seek court order to execute enforcement
orders, abate. In case any notice or order issued by said build-
ing official is not complied with, said building official may
apply to the district court for an order authorizing him to
execute and carry out the provisions of said notice or order, to
correct any violation specified in said notice or order, or to
abate any nuisance in or about such dwelling, building or
structure, or the lot upon which it is situated. (Section 413.-
115, Iowa Code)
(k) Nature, terms of court orders. The court is hereby au-
thorized to make any order specified in sections 20-2.04(i) and
(j) . (Section 413.116, Iowa Code)
(1) Eviction of tenant by owner. If the occupant of a dwell-
ing shall fail to comply with the provisions of this chapter
after due and proper notice from the building official, such
failure to comply shall be deemed sufficient cause for the
eviction of such tenant by the owner and the cancellation of
his lease. (Section 413.117, Iowa Code) (Ord. No. 20-79, § 1,
Cross reference—Procedure for abatement of substandard or unsafe
buildings, etc., Ch. 20, Art. II.
Sec. 20-3. Permits; licenses; inspections; fees.
20-3.01. Permits Required. No person shall perform any act
for which a building, electrical, heating, ventilating, air-con-
ditioning, refrigeration, plumbing or zoning permit is required
by chapter 10, "Buildings and Building Regulations," chapter
13, "Electricity", chapter 19, "Heating, Air Conditioning, and
Supp. No. 5
§ 20-3 DUBUQUE CODE § 20-3
Ventilating," chapter 30, "Plumbing," or appendix A, "Zoning,"
of the code of ordinances of the city unless such person shall.
first make application, pay the fee, and hold a current, unre
yoked permit issued by the building official to perform the act
for which a permit is required. (Ord. No. 20-79, § 1, 4-2-79)
20-3.02. Multiple -Dwelling Operating License.
(a) Required. No person shall operate a multiple dwelling,
as defined by this code, in any jurisdictiton of the city unless
they hold a current :unrevoked multiple -dwelling operating
license issued by the city building official in his name for the
specific named multiple dwelling.
(b) Terms. Every operating license shall be issued and re-
main effective for successive periods of one (1) year from the
its issuance and, upon application, may be renewed and re-
main effective for successive periods of one (1) year from the
date of its. renewal, unless sooner revoked at any time by the
building official for noncompliance with any applicable provi-
sions of this code. Dwelling operating licenses shall not be
transferable from one person to another person or from one
dwelling to another dwelling. Every person holding an operat-
ing license shall give notice in writing to the building official
within twenty-four (24) hours after having transferred or
otherwise disposed of the legal control of any licensed dwell-
ing. Such notice shall include the name and address of the
person or persons succeeding to the ownership' or control of
Such licensed dwelling. The building official is hereby author-
ized and directed to revoke any dwelling operating license
at any time for any noncompliance with any provision imposed
upon the building official to enforce by any city, state or
federal laws.
(c) Building official's responsibilities for issuance. The
building official is hereby authorized and directed to develop
dwelling operating license application forms and to make
such forms available to the public upon request, to develop
dwelling operating license forms, and, upon receipt of a proper
application therefor, to issue dwelling operating licenses, and
the renewals thereof, for specific dwellings, in the names of
Supp. No. 5
§'20=8 HOUSING § 20-9
20-8.02. Sleeping Rooms. Every sleeping room below the
fourth story shall have at least one operable window or ex-
terior door approved for emergency egress or rescue. The
units shall be operable from, the inside to provide a full clear
opening without the use of separate tools. All egress or rescue
windows from sleeping rooms shall have a minimum net clear
opening of five and seven -tenths (5.7) square feet. The Mini-
mum net clear -opening height dimension shall be twenty-
four (24) inches. The minimum net clear opening width di-
mension shall be twenty (20) inches. Where windows are
provided as a. means of egress or rescue they shall have a
finished sill height not more than forty-four (44) inches above
the floor. (Ord. No. 20-79, § 1, 4-2-79)
Editor's note—For purposes of facilitating indexing and reference the
editor has designated as § 20-8.02 provisions of § 20-8.01 relative to
sleeping roam exits, as enacted by Ord. No. 20-79, § 1, adopted April 2,
Sec. 20-9. Fire protection.
20-9.01. Construction and Maintenance of Buildings.
(a) Generally. All buildings or portions thereof shall be
provided with the degree of fire -resistive construction as re-
quired by the building code, for the appropriate occupancy,
type of construction, and location on property or in fire zone,
and shall be provided with the appropriate fire -extinguishing
system or equipment required by chapter 38 of the building
(b) Applicable Provisions of Code of Ordinances. All build-
ings and portions thereof shall be maintained in accordance
with chapter 14 of this Code ofOrdinances. (Ord. No. 20-79,
§ 1, 4-2-79)
Gross references—Access from building to public street, § 20-5.01;
exits generally, § 20-8; fire escapes, § 20-5.05(j) (6).
20-9.02. Fire -Fighting Equipment. Approved fire extinguish-
ers shall be provided on each floor of an apartment building,
so located that they will be accessible to the occupants, and
spaced so that no person will have to travel more than seventy-
five (75) feet from any point to reach the nearest extinguisher.
Supp. No. 5
§ 20-9 DUBUQUE CODE § 20-10
Additional extinguishers shall be installed in areas that con
stitute a special hazard as determined by the city fire marshal.
(Ord. No. 20.79, § 1, 4-2-79)
Editor's note—For purposes of classification the editor has desig-
nated as § 20-9.02 provisions of § 20-9.01(c) relative to provision of
firefighting equipment, as enacted by Ord. No. 2.0-79, § 1,. adopted April
2, 1979.
Sec. 20-10. Substandard buildings, dwelling units, and lots de-
20-10.01. Conditions Defining. Any building, structure, or
vacant lot, or portion thereof, including any dwelling unit,
lodging unit, rooming unit or suite of rooms, or thepremises
on which the same is located, in which there exist any of the
following listed conditions to an extent that endangers the life,
limb, health, property, safety, or welfare of the public or the
occupants thereof shall be deemed and hereby is declared to be
a substandard building, structure, unit, premises or lot:
(1) Inadequate sanitation: Inadequate sanitation shall in-
clude, but not be limited to, the following
(a) Lack of or improper water closet, lavatory, bath-
tub or shower in a dwelling unit.
(b) Lack of or improper water closets, lavatories, and
bathtubs or showers per number of occupants in all
class B dwellings.
(c) Lack of or improper kitchen sink.
(d) Lack of hot and cold running water to plumbing
fixtures in all class B dwellings.
*Crossreferences—Administration, enforcement of regulations gen-
erally, § 20-2; substandard or unsafe buildings declared nuisance, abate-
ment authorized, § 20-2.02(e).
Supp. No. 5
Chapter 21
Art. I. In General, §§ 21-1-21-15
Art. II. Human Rights Commission, §§ 21-16-21-38
Art. III. Unfair and Discriminatory Practices, §§ 21-39-21-76
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 21-39-21-47
Div. 2. Accommodations or Services, §§ 21-48-21-55
Div. 3. Employment Practices, §§ 21-56-21-63
Div. 4. Housing, §§ 21-64-21-66
Div. 5. Credit,. §§ 21-67-21-70
Div. 6. Education, §§ 21-71-21-76
Art. IV. Enforcement of Civil Rights, §'§i 21-77-21-87
Sec. 21-1. Definitions.
When used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
Commission means the Dubuque Human Rights Commission
created by article II of this chapter.
Court means the district court in and for the judicial dis-
trict of theState of Iowa in and for Dubuque County.
Disability means the physical or mental condition of a per-
son which constitutes a substantial handicap. In reference to
employment, under this chapter, "disability" also means the
physical or mental condition of a person which constitutes a
substantial handicap, but. is 'unrelated to such person's ability
to engage in a particular occupation.
Employee means any person employed by an employer.
Employer means the state or any political subdivision,
board, commission, department, institution, or school district
thereof, and every other person employing employees within
the state.
Employment agency means any person undertaking to pro-
cure employees or opportunities to work for any other person
or any person holding himself or itself to be equipped to do so.
*State law references—State civil rights commission, I.C.A. § 601A.1
et seq.; local regulations, I.C.A. § 601A.12.
Supp. No. 5
§ 21-1 DUBUQUE CODE § 21-15
Labor organization means any organization which exists
for the purpose in whole or in part of collective bargaining,
of dealing with employees concerning grievances, terms or
conditions of employment, or of other mutual aid or protec-
tion in connection with employment.
Person means one or more individuals, partnerships, asso-
ciations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, receiv-
ers, and the state and all political subdivisions and agencies
Public accommodation means each and every place, estab-
lishment, or facility of whatever kind, nature, or class that
caters or offers services, facilities, or goods to the general
public for a fee or charge, provided that any place, establish-
ment, or facility that caters or offers services, facilities, or
goods to the general public gratuitously shall be deemed a
public accommodation if the accommodation receives any
governmental support or subsidy. "Public accommodation"
shall not mean any bona fide private club or other place,
establishment, or facility which is by its nature distinctly
private, except when such distinctly private place, establish-
ment, or facility caters or offers services, facilities, or goods
to the general public for a fee or charge or gratuitously, it
shall be deemed a public accommodation during such period.
"Public accommodation" includes each state and local gov-
ernment unit or tax -supported district of whatever kind,
nature, or class that offers services, facilities, benefits, grants,
or goods to the public, gratuitously or otherwise. This para-
graph shall not be construed by negative implication or other-
wise to restrict any part or portion of the preexisting defini-
tion of the term "public accommodation" [contained in the
paragraph immediately above] .
Unfair practice or discriminatory practice means those
practices specified as unfair or discriminatory in article III
of this chapter. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 100, 12-6-71; Ord. No.
22-77, § 1, 4-18-77)
Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2.
Secs. 21-2-21-15. Reserved.
Supp. No. 5
21-16 HUMAN RELATIONS § 21-20
Sec. 21-16. Created.
There is hereby created a human rights commission.
Sec. 21-17. Composition.
The commission created by this article shall consist of nine
(9) members. (Ord. No. 69-71, § 101, 12-6-71)
Sec. 21-18. Appointment; terms; filling of vacancies.
The human rights commission members shall be appointed
by the mayor with the advice and consent of the city council.
Persons appointed to such commission shall serve for terms
of three (3) years and thereafter until a successor has been
appointed. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the
unexpired term. Appointments shall take into consideration
the various racial, religious, cultural and social groups in the
city. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 101, 12-6-71)
Sec. 21-19. Officers.
The commission created by this article shall elect from its
own membership at its regular January meeting its chairman
and vice-chairman each to serve for a term of one year. It
shall, at its regular January meeting, elect a secretary, who
may be, but need not be, a member of the commission. The
commission shall fill vacancies among its officers for the re-
mainder of the unexpired term. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 103, 12-
Sec. 21-20. Compensation.
The members of the commission created by this article
shall serve without compensation; provided, that, they may
receive reimbursement for necessary travel, and other ex-
penses while on official commission business, and such shall
be within the limits established in the city budget. (Ord. No.
61-71, § 102, 12-6-71; Ord. No. 4-73, § 2, 1-29-73)
Supp. No. 2
§ 21-21 DUBUQUE CODE §. 21-23
Sec. 21-21. Removal of members for unexcused absences.
In the event a member of the commission created by this
article has been absent for three (3) or more consecutive
meetings withoutbeing excused by the chairman, the com-
mission by majority vote may certify such fact to the city
council and petition the city council to declare a vacancy by
reason of such unexcused absence and appoint a successor
to fill such vacancy. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 102, 12-6-71; Ord. No.
4-73, § 2, 1-29-73)
Sec. 21-22. Rules.
The commission created by this article may adopt, amend,
or rescind such rules as may be necessary for the conduct of
its business. (Ord. No. 61-71,'§ 104, 12-6-71)
Sec. 21-23. Meetings.
(a) The commission shall hold meetings on a bimonthly
basis, during each calendar month, at a time and place to be
determined by its rules.
(b) The chairman, the vice-chairman, or any three (3)
members of the commission may call a special meeting by
giving at least one (1) clear day notice to every member of
the. commission. The call for a special meeting shall include an
agenda, and only matters included in that agenda may be
discussed at the meeting.
(c) All meetings of the commission shall be public meetings
(1) The commission may hold a closed meeting by affirma-
tive vote of two-thirds (2/3) of its members present,
the votes on such motion being recorded in the minutes
by yeas and nays, when necessary to prevent irreparable
and needless injury to the reputation of an individual
whose employment or discharge is under consideration,
or for some other exceptional reason so compelling as
to override the general public policy in favor of public
meetings, but any motion decided in such session shall
be voted on by yeas and nays and shall be recorded in
the minutes ; and
Supp. No. 2
§ 21-23 HUMAN RELATIONS § 21-26
(2) The commission shall hold a closed session for con-
sideration of any charge or complaint, as provided in
article IV of this chapter, and for deliberation in con-
nection with a public hearing held pursuant to com-
plaint filed by the commission. (Ord. No. 61-71, §§ 104,
105, 12.-6-71; Ord. No. 22-77, § 2, 4-18-77)
Sec. 21-24. Quorum.
A. quorum of the commission shall be five (5) members.
A majority of the members present and voting shall be neces-
sary for the passage of ° any motion. The chairman shall vote
as a member of the commission. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 104,
Sec. 21-25. Records to be public; exceptions.
All records of the commission shall be public except:
(1) Charges, complaints, reports of investigations, state-
ments and other documents, or records obtained in inves-
tigation of any charges shall be closed records; and
(2) The minutes of any session which is closed under the
provisions of section 21-24 (c) (2) shall be closed rec-
ords. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 105, 12-6-71)
Sec. 21-26. Confidentiality of complaints, etc.
No member of the commission or of its staff shall disclose
the filing of a charge, the information gathered during the
investigation, or the endeavors to eliminate such discrimina-
tory or unfair practice by conference, conciliation, or persua-
sion, unless such disclosure is made in connection with the
conduct of such investigation or after the commission has
held a public hearing upon a complaint filed in connection
with such charge. This section does not prevent. any com-
plainant, witness, or other person from publicizing the filing
of a charge or complaint or the matter therein complained of.
(Ord. No. 61-71, § 105, 12-6-71)
Supp. No. 5
§ 21-27
Sec. 21-27. Powers and duties.
The commission created by this article shall have the follow-
ing powers and duties:
(1) To receive, investigate, and finally determine the merits
of complaints alleging unfair or discriminatory prac-
(2) To investigate and study the existence, character,
causes, and extent of discrimination in public accom-
modations, employment, apprenticeship programs, on-
the-job training programs, vocational schools, other
educational institutions, and housing in this city and
to attempt the elimination of such discrimination by
education and conciliation.
(3) To appoint and prescribe the duties of a director and
such investigators and other employees and agents as
the commission shall deem necessary for the enforce-
ment of this chapter subject to budget limitations.
(4) To hold hearings upon any complaint made against a
person, an employer, an employment agency or a labor
organization, or the employees or members thereof, to
subpoena witnesses and compel their attendance at such
hearings, to administer oaths and take the testimony
of any person under oath, and to compel such person,
employer, employment agency or labor organization, or
employees or members thereof, to produce for examina-
tion any books and papers relating to any matter in-
volved in .such complaint. The commission shall issue
subpoenas for witnesses in the same manner and for
the same purpose on behalf of the respondent upon his
request. Such hearings may be held by the commission,
by any commissioner, or by any hearing examiner
appointed by the commission. If a witness either fails
or refuses to obey a subpoena issued by the commission,
the commission may petition the district court having
jurisdiction for issuance of a subpoena and the court
Supp. No. 5
§ 21-27 HUMAN RELATIONS § 21-38
shall, in a proper case, issue the subpoena. Refusal to
obey such subpoena shall be subject to punishment for
(5) To issue such publication and reports `of investigations
and research as. in the judgment of the commission
shall tend to promote good will among 'the various
protected groups under this chapter which shall tend
to minimize or eliminate discrimination in public ac-
commodations, employment, . apprenticeship and on-
the-job training programs, vocational schools, housing
or credit because of age, race, creed, color, sex, na-
tional origin, religion, ancestry, disability or marital
(6) To prepare and transmit to the mayor and city council,
from time to time, but not less often than once each
year, reports describing its proceedings, investigations,
hearings conducted and the outcome thereof, decisions
rendered, and the other work performed by the com-
(7) To make recommendations to the city council for such
further legislation concerning discrimination because
of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, age,
disability, marital status or ancestry as it may deem
necessary and desirable.
(8) To cooperate, within the limits of any appropriations
made for its operation, with other agencies or organi
zations, both public and private, whose purposes are
consistent with those of this chapter, and in the plan-
ning and conducting of programs designed to eliminate
racial, religious, cultural, and intergroup tensions.
(9) To adopt, .publish, amend, and rescind regulations con-
sistent with and necessary for the enforcement of this
chapter. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 106, 12-6-71; Ord. No. 22
77, §§ 3, 4, 4-18-77; Ord. No. 30,79, § 2, 6-4-79)
Secs. 21-28-21-38. Reserved.
Supp. No. 5
§ 21-39 DUBUQUE CODE § 21-40
Sec. 21-39. Aiding or abetting.
It shall be an unfair or discriminatory practice for:
(1) Any person to intentionally aid, abet, compel or co-
erce another person to engage in any of the practices
declared unfair or discriminatory by this article.
(2) Any person to discriminate against another person in
any of the rights protected against discrimination on
the basis of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, re-
ligion, age, disability or marital status by this article
because such person has lawfully opposed any practice
forbidden under this article, obeys the provisions of
this article, or has filed a complaint, testified or as-
sisted in any proceeding under this chapter. (Ord.
No. 61-71, § 204, 12-6-71; Ord. No. 5-73, § 1, 1-29-73;
Ord. No. 22-77, § 7, 4-18-77; Ord. No. 30-79, § 3, 6-4-79)
Editor's note—Ord. No. 22-77, § 7, adopted April 18, 1977, amended the
Code by adding provisions designated as § 21-66. At the editor's discre-
tion, said provisions have been codified as amendatory of § 21-39, which
contained provisions similar to subsection (1) of this section.
Sec. 21-40. Discrimination against persons aiding in enforce-
ment of article prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to discriminate against
another person in any of the rights protected, against dis-
crimination on the basis of race, creed, color, ..sex, national
origin, religion, disability, marital status or age by this
article because such person has lawfully opposed any practice
forbidden under this article, obeys the provisions of this
article, or has filed a complaint, testified, or assisted in any
proceedings under this chapter. (Ord. No. 61=71, § 204, 12-6-71;
Ord. No. 5-73, § 1, 1-29-73; Ord. No. 30-79, § 4, 6-4-79)
Supp. No. 5
Sec. 25-162. Heavy vehicles prohibited on certain streets; ex-
(a) When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no per-
son shall operate a vehicle of five (5) tons' gross weight, or
over, on those streets or portion thereof designated from
time to time, except those vehicles actually engaged in making
deliveries to or servicing such streets and the businesses,
residences or other establishments actually abutting on such
(b) When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no per-
son shall operate a vehicle of five (5) tons' gross weight, or
over, on the following streets or portions of streets thereof :
Grandview Avenue, from Mt. Carmel to Kane Street.
Kelly Lane, from Fremont Avenue to its easterly terminus.
(c) Intracity buses are exempted from the provisions here-
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 15.19, 9-6-49 ; Ord. No. 53-59, § 1, 10-5-59 ;
Ord. No. 53-77, § 1, 7-18-77)
Editor's note—The street schedule set forth in § 25-162(b) is derived
from Ord. No. 53-77, § 1, adopted July 18, 1977, as amended from time
to time. Subsequent ordinances amending said street schedule by adding
or revising the provisions thereof are indicated in the history note fol-
lowing the provision added or revised. A complete history note for §
25-209 appears at the end of the section.
Sec. 25-163. Operation of vehicles with caterpillar wheels or
heavy lugs restricted.
Tractors or other machinery moving on caterpillar wheels
or having heavy lugs shall not be permitted to be moved over
any of the streets without first securing a route from the city
manager, and it shall be unlawful to move such vehicle over
any street other than shown in such routing instructions.
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 15.20, 9-6-49)
State law reference—Authority, I.C.A. § 321.443.
Sec. 15-164. Driving through processions.
Vehicles shall not be driven through a parade or procession
without permission of a police officer. (Ord. No. 33-49, §
15.21, 9-6-49)
Supp. No. 2
§ 25465 DUBUQUE CODE § 25-167
Sec. 25-165. Funeral processions.
Any authorized funeral procession, proceeding in accordance
with the rules established by the city manager, having law-
fully entered an intersection provided with traffic signs or
signals, may continue without stopping until the whole pro-
cession has cleared the intersection, unless otherwise directed
by a police officer. (Ord. No. 33-49, § 15.23.1, 9-6-49; Ord.
No. 23-58, § 1, 6-2-58)
Sec. 25-166. Moving vehicle into prohibited area.
No person shall move a vehicle not owned by such person
into any prohibited area or away from a curb such distance
as is unlawful. (Ord. No. 33-49, § 16.10, 9-6-49)
Sec. 25-167. Privileges of authorized emergency vehicles.
The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle, when re-
sponding to an emergency call or when in pursuit of an actual
or suspected violator of the law may exercise the privileges
set forth in this section, but subject to the conditions herein
(a) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle may:
(1) Park or stand, irrespective of the provisions of
this Code ;
(2) Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but
only after slowing down as may be necessary for
safe operation;
(3) Exceed the prima facie speed limits so long as he
does not endanger life or property.
(4) Disregard regulations governing directions of
movement or turning in specified directions.
(b) The exemptions herein granted shall apply only when
the driver of any such emergency vehicle while in mo-
tion sounds, an audible signal by bell, siren or exhaust
whistle as may be reasonably necessary, and when the
vehicle is equipped with at least one (1) lighted lamp
Supp. No. 2
displaying a red light visible under normal atmospheric
conditions from a distance of five hundred (500) feet
to the front of such vehicle, except that an authorized
emergency vehicle operated as a police vehicle need
not be equipped with or display a red light visible from
in front of the vehicle. Also such exemptions shall apply
only when the driver has reasonable grounds to believe
that an emergency in fact does exist requiring the
exercise of such privileges.
(c) The foregoing provisions shall not relieve the driver of
an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive
with due regard for the safety of all persons, nor shall
such provisions protect the driver from the conse-
quences of his reckless disregard for the safety of
Supp. No. 2
is lowered or when a human flagman gives or continues to
give a signal of the approach or passage of a train. (Ord. No.
33-49, § 13.1, 9-6-49)
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.341.
Sec. 25-186. Certain vehicles must stop at railroad crossings.
(a) The driver of any motor vehicle carrying passengers
for hire, or any school bus carrying any schoolchild, or of any
vehicle carrying explosive substances or flammable liquids as
a cargo or part of a cargo, before crossing at grade any track
or tracks of a railroad, shall stop such vehicle within fifty
(50) feet but not less than ten (10) feet from the nearest
rail of such railroad and while so stopped shall listen and look
in both directions along such track for any approaching train
and for signals indicating the approach of a train except as
hereinafter provided, and shall not proceed until he can do so
(b) No stop need be made at any such crossing where a
police officer or traffic -control signal directs traffic to pro-
ceed. (Ord. No. 33-49, § 13.3, 9-6-49)
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.343.
Sec. 25-187. Manner of stopping busses.
Busses shall draw up to the curb at the near side of the
street intersections when loading or unloading passengers ex-
cepting at intersections where spaces are otherwise desig-
nated. (Ord. No. 33-49, § 13.2, 9-6-49)
Sec. 25-188. School zones.
(a) School zones are hereby established and shall embrace
all the territory contiguous to and including streets for a
distance of two hundred (200) feet in either direction from a
school building or buildings. All vehicular traffic shall stop
when approaching suchzones in obedience to movable stop
signs placed in the streets at the limits of the same.
(b) The city manager is authorized and directed to erect
school -type traffic -control signals at the entrance to each
Supp. No. 3
§ 25-188
school zone in the city and at such other crossings or other in-
tersections as the council may designate. (Ord. No. 33-49, §§
13.4, 13.5, 9-6-49 ; Ord. No. 9-53, § 5, 5-12-53)
Sec. 25-189. Operation of advertising vehicles.
No person shall operate any vehicle upon the streets which,
by loudspeakers or mechanical devices, is used to advertise
events or the sale of goods, wares or merchandise. (Ord. No.
33-49, § 16.20, 9.6-49)
Sec. 25-190. Reserved.
Editor's note—Ord. No. 29-78, § 1, adopted May 1, 1978, repealed
former § 25-190, which section prohibited entering Key Way Drive from
certain streets when barrel street divides and traffic signs are posted.
Said former section was derived from Ord. No. 8-78, § 1, adopted Feb.
20, 1978.
Secs. 25-191-25-195. Reserved.
Sec. 25-196. Passing generally.
The following rules shall govern the overtaking and passing
of vehicles proceeding in the same direction, subject to those
limitations, exceptions and special rules hereinafter stated :
(1) Except on one-way streets, the driver of a vehicle over-
taking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction
shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall
not again drive to the right side of the roadway until
safely clear of the overtaken vehicle.
(2) Except when overtaking and passing on the right is
permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give
way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on
an audible signal and shall not increase the speed of
his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking
(3) Any driver of a vehicle that is overtaken by a faster
moving vehicle who fails to heed the signal of the
Supp. No. 3
overtaking vehicle when it is given under such circum-
stances that he could by the exercise of ordinary care
and observation and precaution, hear such signal and
who fails to yield that part of the traveled way as
herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(4) Upon proof that a signal was given as contemplated by
subsection (c), the burden shall rest upon the accused
to prove that he did not hear such signal. (Ord. No.
33-49, § 10.1, 9-6-49 ; Ord. No. 9-53, § 2, 5-12-53)
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.299.
Sec. 25-197. Limitations on overtaking on the left generally.
Except on one-way streets, no vehicle shall be driven to the
left side of center of the roadway in overtaking and passing
another vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless such
left side is clearly visible and is free of oncoming traffic for a
sufficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking and pass-
ing to be completely made without interfering with the safe
operation of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direc-
tion of any vehicle overtaken. In every event the overtaking
vehicle must return to the right-hand side of the roadway
before coming within one hundred (100) feet of any vehicle
approaching from the opposite direction. (Ord. No. 33-49, §
10.2, 9-6-49 ; Ord. No. 9-53, § 3, 5-12-53)
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.303.
Sec. 25-198. Overtaking, passing on the right.
(a) The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the
right of another vehicle which is making or about to make a
left turn.
(b) The driver of a vehicle may overtake, and, allowing suf-
ficient clearance, pass another vehicle proceeding in the same
direction either upon the left or upon the right on a roadway
with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width of four . (4)
or more lanes of moving traffic when such movement can be
made in safety. No person shall drive off the pavement or
§ 25-198 DUBUQUE CODZ _ §. 25-200
upon the shoulder, curb or parking of the roadway in over-
taking on the right. (Ord. No. 33-49, .§ 10.4, 9-6-49)
State law reference ---Similar provisions, Y.C.A. § 321.302.
Sec. 25-199. Prohibited passing.
No vehiclie shall, in overtaking and passing another vehicle
or at any other time, be driven to the left side of the roadway
under the following conditions :
(1) When approaching the crest of a grade or upon a
curve in the highway where the driver's view along
the highway is obstructed for a distance of approxi-
mately seven hundred (700) feet.
(2) When approaching within one hundred (100) feet of
any narrow bridge, viaduct, or tunnel, when so sign-
posted, or when approaching within one hundred (100)
feet of or traversing any intersection or railroad grade
(3) Where official signs are in place directing that traffic
keep to the right or a distinctive center line or off -
center line is marked, which distinctive line also so
directs traffic as declared in the sign manual adopted
by the state highway commission. (Ord. No. 33-49, §
10.3, 9-6-49 ; Ord. No. 9-53, § 4, 5-12-53)
State law reference—Similar provisions, Y.G.A. § 321.304.
Sec. 25-200. Roadways laned for traffic.
Whenever any roadway has been divided into three (3) or
more clearly marked lanes for traffic the following rules in
addition to all others consistent herewith shall apply :
(1) A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practical entirely
within a single lane and shall not be moved from such
lane until the driver has first ascertained that such
movement can be made with safety.
(2) Upon a roadway which is divided into three (3) lanes
a vehicle shall not be driven in the center lane except
when overtaking and passing another vehicle where
§ 25-209 MOTOR VEHICLES, AND . TRAFFIC; 25=210
White Street, from the north line of East .Fourth Street
to the south line of East Twenty-second Street.
Windsor Avenue, .from the north property line of Rhom-
berg Avenue to the south property line of Davis Avenue.
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 12.3, 9-6-49; Ord. No. 45-59, § 3, 9-8-59;
Ord. No. 41-77, § 1, 6.20.77 Ord. No. 52-77, § 1, 7-18-77)
Editor's note—The street schedule set forth in § 25-209(b) is derived
from Ord. No. 41-77, § 1, adopted June 20, 1977,as amended from time
to time. Subsequent ordinances amending said street schedule by adding
or revising the provisions thereof are indicated in the history note fol-
lowing the provisions added or revised. A complete history note for §
25-209 appears at the end of the section.
State law reference -Similar provisions, I.C.A., § 321.321.
Sec. 25-210. Stop intersections.
(a) The driver of a vehicle shall stop in obedience to a
stop sign as required in this chapter at an intersection where
a stop sign is erected at one or more entrances thereto al-
though not a part of a through street and shall proceed cau-
tiously, yielding to vehicles not so obliged to stop which are
within the intersection or approaching so closely as to con-
stitute a hazard, but may then proceed.
(b) Those intersections designated are hereby declared to
be "stop intersections" for all purposesof this section. Ve-
hicles bound in the direction indicatted must stop before en-
tering the designated intersection.
Bellevue Road and Rockdale Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Cedar Cross Road andCrescent Ridge (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
English Mill Road and Crescent Ridge (Ord. No. 29-79, §
1, 5-30-79)
Fremont Avenue and Wartburg Place
Grandview Avenue, North, andClarke Drive
Supp. No. 5
Inland Drive and Julien Dubuque Drive (Ord. No. 29-79,
§ 1, 5-30-79)
Kerrfigan Road, east ramp, and Grandview Avenue
Manson Road and Miller Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
MarJo Quarry Road and Rockdale Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Rockdale Road and Grandview Avenue
Saunders Street and Lemon Street
Wartburg Place and Fremont Avenue (Ord. No. 11-79, § 1,
Woodland Drive and Key Way Drive
Twenty-first Street, East, and White Street
Berkley Street and Oak Crest Drive
Cedar Cross Road and North Cascade Road (Ord. No. 29-79,
§ 1, 5-30-79)
Clear View Drive and Crescent Ridge (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Fremont Avenue and Simpson Street
Grandview Avenue, North, and Clarke Drive
Hawthorne Street and Front Street
Key Way Drive and Southway (Ord. No. 77-77, § 1, 11-21-
Lincoln Avenue and Front Street
Lowell Street and Woodworth Street
Northview Drive and Crescent Ridge (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Old Mill Road and Rockdale Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Supp. No. 5
Shields Street and Jones Street
Steward Road and Rockdale Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Woodland Drive and Foothill Road
Seventeenth Street, East, and Washington Street
Twenty-first Street, East, and Elm Street
Twenty-first. Street, East, and Washington Street
Twenty-fourth Street, East, and Jackson Street
Twenty-fourth Street, East, and Washington Street
Twenty-fourth Street, East, and. White Street
Twenty-fifth Street, East, and White Street
Twenty-sixth Street, East, and White Street
Twenty-seventh Street, East, and White Street
Twenty-eighth Street, East, and White Street
Twenty-ninth Street, East, and White Street
Thirtieth Street, East, and White Street
Bunker Hill and Clarke Drive
Cherry Street and Finley Street
Grandview Avenue, North, and Delhi Street
Hillcrest Road and Key Way Drive
Kaufmann Avenue and Crissy Drive
Keystone Drive and Key Way Drive (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
Key Way Drive and Woodland Drive (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
Lincoln Avenue and Farley Street (Ord. No. 22-79, § 1, 4-
Supp. No. 5
§ 25-210 .DUBUQUE CODE' § 25-210
Lincoln Avenue and Johnson Street
Lincoln Avenue and Kniest Street
Lincoln Avenue and Stafford Street (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1,
Queen Street and Twenty-fourth Street
Radford, Road and Middle Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Roosevelt Street and Lincoln Avenue
Rosedale Street and Avoca Street
Westway Street and Key Way Drive (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
Windsor Avenue and Davis Street (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1,
Bluff Street and West Twelfth Street
Crescent Ridge and Cedar Cross, Road (Ord. No. 29-79, §
1, 5-30-79)
Curtis Street and Bryant Street (Ord. No. 36-79, § 1, 6-
Fremont Avenue and Wartburg Place
Front Street and Harbor Street
Grandview Avenue, North, and Delhi Street
Henion Street and Helena Street (Ord. No. 77-77, § 1,
James Street and Langworthy Avenue
John F. Kennedy Road and University Avenue
Kennedy Court and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Key Way Drive and Keymont Street
Key Way Drive and Westway Street (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
Supp. No. 5
Louise Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
MarJo, Quarry Road and Inland Drive (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Miller Road and Kelly Lane (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
St. Ambrose Street and Clarke Drive
Starlight Drive and Cedar Cross Road (Ord. No. 29-79, §
1, 5-30-79)
University Avenue and Ashbury Road
Woodworth Street and Lowell Street
Andrew Court and Boyer Street (Ord. No. 26-78, § 1, 5-1-78)
Delhi Street and West Fifth Street
Fremont Avenue and Kelly Lane
Grandview Avenue, North, and Delhi Street
Hawkeye Drive and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
James, Street and Mazzuchelli Heights
Liberty Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Madison Street and Clarke Drive
St. Anne Drive and Ridge Road
Salem Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79),
Sheridan Road and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Starlight Drive and Crescent Ridge (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Toledo Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
University Avenue and Ashbury Road
University Avenue and John F. Kennedy Road .
Valley Drive and. Peru Road (Ord.. No. 2949,. § ,1; 5-30-7.9)
Supp. No. 5
§ 25-210
Walker Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-
Atlantic Street and Custer Street
Avoca Street and Green Street
Davis Street and Windsor Avenue (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1,
Elm Street and East Twenty-ninth Street
Evergreen Street and Karen Street
Fillmore Street and Adair Street
Grandview Avenue, North, and Clarke Drive
Hillcrest Road and Key Way Drive
Jackson Street and East T'wenty-fourth Street
Key Way Drive and Keystone Drive (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
Langworthy Avenue and Alpine Street
Langworthy Avenue and Booth Street
Langworthy Avenue and Nevada Street
Lincoln Avenue and Fengler Street
Maryville Drive and Scenic View Drive (Ord. No. 10-79,
§ 1, 1-16-79)
Oakcrest Drive and Maplewood Court (Ord. No. 10-79, §
1, 1-16-79)
Pearl Street and Finley Street
Pearl Street and Gilliam Street
Randall Street and Bradley Street
Rider Street and Bradley Street
St. Ambrose Street and Rosedale Street
Supp. No. 5
Sheridan Street and Goethe Street
Solon Street and Alpine Street
Sycamore Street and East Fifteenth Street
Theda Drive and Crissy Drive (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1, 1-16-79)
Vizalea Street and Keyrnont Street
Walnut. Street and West Eleventh Street
Washington Street and East Thirteenth Street
Washington Street and East Fifteenth Street
Washington Street and. East Sixteenth Street
Washington Street and East Eighteenth Street
Washington Street and East Nineteenth Street
Washington Street and East Twenty-fifth Street
Washington Street and East Twenty-ninth Street
Woodland Drive and Key Way Drive (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 12.4, 9-6-49 ; Ord. No. 63-77, § 1, 9-19-77 ;
Ord. No. 77-77, § 1, 11-21-77 ; Ord. No. 26-78, § 1, 5-1-78 ; Ord.
No. 38-78, § 1, 6-19-78 ; Ord. No. 9-79, § 1, 1-16-79; Ord. No.
10-79, § 1, 1-16-79 ; Ord. No. 11-79, § 1, 1-16-79; Ord. No.
22-79, § 1, 4-2-79 ; Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79 ; Ord. No. 36-79,
§ 1, 6-18-79)
Editor's note—The street schedule set forth in § 25-210(b) is derived
from Ord. No. 63-77, § 1, adopted Sept. 19, 1977, as amended from time to
time. Subsequent ordinances amending said street schedule by adding
or revising the provisions thereof are indicated in the history note follow-
ing the provision added or revised. A complete history note for § 25-210
appears at the end of the section.
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.322.
Sec. 25-211. Stop signs toi be erected at entrances to through
streets and stop intersections; stop required.
Stop signs shall be erected at entrances to through streets
and at one or more entrances to stop intersections. Every
Supp. No. 5
§ 25-211
DUBUQUE CODE § 25-212'
driver of a vehicle shall stop at such sign or at a clearly
marked stop line before entering an intersection, except when
directed to proceed by a peace officer or traffic -control signal.
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 12.5, 9-6-49)
Sec. 25-212. Yield intersections.
(a) The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign at
a "yield" intersection shall slow down to a speed reasonable
for the existing conditions or shall stop, if necessary, and shall
yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian legally crossing the
roadway and to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching
so closely as to constitute . a hazard. Said driver having so
yielded may proceed with caution.
(b) Those intersections designated are hereby declared to
be "yield intersections" for all purposes of this section:
(1) Northbound vehicles. Northbound vehicles must yield be-
fore entering the intersection of :
Third Street, West, and James Street
Broadway Street and Diagonal Street (Ord. No. 12-79,
§ 2, 1-16=79)
,Coastes Street and Southgate Drive
Hillcrest and St. John Drive
Kirkwood and West Locust Street
New Haven and Mineral Street
Rockdale Road and the west ramp of Kerrigan Road
Rosedale and West Locust Street
St. Ambrose and Clarke Drive
Westway Drive and Graham Circle
(2) Southbound vehicles. Southbound vehicles must yield be-
fore entering the intersection of :
Bryant Street and South Grandview Avenue
Clarke Drive and West Locust Street
Supp. No. 5
Radford Road, from the northerly city limits to the south-
erly city limits, 35 mph. (Ord. No. 28-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Valley Road, from Peru Road to Pebman Road, 3;5 mph.
(Ord. No. 28-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 8.1, 9-6-49; Ord. No. 56.53, § 3, 7-15-53;
Ord. No. 58-57, § 1, 10-7-57; Ord. No. ` 38-64, § 1, 12-28-64;
Ord. No. 9-65, § 1, 4-5-65; Ord. No. 14-77, § 1, 4-4-77; Ord.
No. 28-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Editor's note—The street schedule set forth in § 25-220(c) is derived
from Ord. No. 14-77, § 1, adopted April 14, 1977, as amended from time:
to time. Said provisions were designated as § 25-220(b) (5)—(14) by'
said Ord. No. 14-77; for purposes of classification, the editor has redesig-
nated the provisions as § 25-220(c).
Subsequent ordinances amending the street schedule above by adding
or revising the provisions thereof are indicated in the history note follow-
ing the provision added or revised. A complete history note for § 25-220
appears at the end of the section.
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.285.
Sec. 25-221. Control of vehicle.
The person operating a motor vehicle shall have the same
under control, and shall reduce the speed to a reasonable and.
proper rale:
(1) When approaching and passing a person walking in the
traveled portion of a public street.
(2) When approaching and passing an animal which is
being led, ridden, or driven upon a street.
(3) When approaching and traversing a crossing or inter-
section of public streets, or a bridge, or a sharp turn
or curve, or a steep descent, in a public street.
(4) When approaching and passing a fusee, flares, red re-
flector, electric lanterns, red reflectors or red flags
which are displayed on the roadway in conformance
with section 321.448 of the IowaCode. (Ord. Na. 33-49,
§ 8.2, 9-64.9)
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.448.
,.Supp. No. 5
§ 25-222 DUBUQUE CODE § 25-236
Sec. 25-222. Minimum speed.
No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed
as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of
traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe opera-
tion or in compliance with law. Peace officers are hereby au-
thorized to enforce this provision by direction to drivers, and
in the event of apparent willful disobedience to this provision
and refusal to comply with directionsof an officer in ac-
cordance herewith the continued slow operation by a driver
shall be punishable as provided in section 1-8 of this Code.
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 8.6, 9-6-49)
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.294.
Sec. 25-223. Signs to be erected.
On all streets other than primary roads and extensions of
primary roads there shall be erected by the city suitable
standard signs showing the points at which the rate of speed
changes and the maximum rate of speed in the district which
the vehicle is entering. (Ord. No. 33-49, § 8.5, 9-6-49)
Sec. 25-224. Speeding violation form.
In every charge of violation of section 25-220, the informa-
tion, also the notice to appear, shall specify the speed at which
the defendant is alleged to have driven, also the speed limit
applicable within the district or at the location. (Ord. No.
33-49, § 8.4, 9-6-49)
Secs. 2-225-2-235. Reserved.
Sec. 25-236. Right-of-way.
Where the traffic -control signals are not in place, or in
operation, the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way,
slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian
Crossing the street within any marked crosswalk or within
anyunmarked crosswalk at an intersection, except as other-
wise provided in this chapter. (Ord. No. 33-49, § 14.2, 9-6-49)
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.327.
Supp. No. 5
White Street; both sides, from East Ninth Street to East
Eleventh Street.
White Street, east side;. from East .'Fourteenth .Street to
East Fifteenth Street.
White Street, both sides, from East Fifteenth Street to East
Sixteenth Street.
(d) No -parking -at -any -time zones designated. When signs
are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall, at any time,
park a vehicle upon any of the following described streets or
parts of streets:
First Street, West, both sides, from Iowa Street to Main
Street; north side, from Locust Street to Bluff Street.
Second Street, West, both sides, from Bluff Street to the
alley immediately east thereof.
Third Street, West, both sides, from a point 100i feet west
of Bluff Street to Bluff Street; north side, from. Central
Avenue to Iowa "'Street; south side, from Burch Street
to a point one hundred (100) feet west of Bluff Street.
Fourth Street, West, north side, from. Central Avenue to
Iowa Street; south side, from Locust Street to Bluff
Fifth Street, West, south side, from. Bluff Street to Hill
Street; north side, from a point 192 feet west of Bluff
Street to Prospect Street.
Eighth Street, West, both sides, from a point 146 feet
west of the west property line of University Avenue to a
point 206 feet west of the west property line of University
Avenue, from Locust Street to the alley immediately east
thereof, and from "Iowa Street to the alley immediately
west thereof ; north side, from Wilson Avenue to Roberts
Avenue; south side, from Central Avenue to the alley
immediately west thereof.
Ninth Street, West, both sides, from University Avenue. to
Bluff Street and from Iowa Street to Central Avenue;
Supp. No. 5
§ 25-257 DUBUQUE CODE § 25-257
north side, from Bluff Street to Locust Street ; south
side, from Locust Street to Main Street.
Tenth Street, West, both sides, from Locust Street to
Bluff Street; south side, from Central Avenue to Iowa
Eleventh Street, West, south side, from Prairie Street to
Race Street.
Twelfth Street, East, both sides, from Central Avenue to
White Street; south side, from. Jackson Street to Elm
Twelfth Street, West, south and west sides from Bluff
Street to Grove 'Terrace; south side, from Central Ave-
nue to Iowa Street.
Fourteenth Street, East, both sides, from White Street
to Central Avenue ; north side, from Jackson Street to
White Street.
Fifteenth Street, East, both sides, from Sycamore Street
to a point 950 feet east of Sycamore Street.
Sixteenth Street, East, both sides, from Sycamore Street
to Kerper Boulevard; north side, from. Elm Street to
Pine Street and from Maple Street to Sycamore Street.
Sixteenth Street, West, south side, from Montrose to Cather-
ine Street.
Seventeenth Street, West, north side, from West Locust
Street to Clark Street.
Twentieth Street, East, both sides, from. Central Avenue
to Elm Street. (Ord. No. 37-79, '§ 1, 6-18-79)
Twenty -First Street, East, both sides, from Central Ave-
nue to White Street; south side, from Jackson Street to
Chicago Great Western right-of-way.
Twenty-second Street, East, south side, from Windsor Ave-
nue to Stafford Street; north side, from. Jackson Street
to Central Avenue.
Supp. No. 5
Washington Street, west side, from East Twentieth Street
to East Twenty-fifth Street.
White Street, west side, from the north property line of
East Fourth Street to apoint 37 feet north thereof.
Wilbur Lane, south side, from Alice Street to Grove Ter-
Wilson Avenue, west side, from West Eighth Street to
West Eleventh Street.
Wooten Street, south side, from Hill Street to McClain
Street; north side, from McClain Street to a point 165
feet east thereof.
(Ord. No. 38-49, § 16.5, 9-6-49; Ord. No. 52-78, § 1, 9-5-78;
Ord. No. 62-78, § 1, 11-6-78; Ord. No. 21-79, § 1, 4-2-79 ; Ord.
No. 37-79, § 1, 6-18-79)
Editor's note—The street schedule set forth in '§ 25-257(c) is derived
from Ord. No. 62-78, § 1, adopted Nov. 6, 1978,and the street sched-
ule set forth in § 25-257(d) is derived from Ord. No. 21-79, § 1, adopted
April 2, 1979, as said schedules are amended from time to time. Subse-
quent ordinances amending said street schedules by adding or revis-
ing the provisions thereof are indicated in the history note following
the provisions added or revised. A complete history note for § 25-257
appears at the end of the section.
Sec. 25-258. Parallel parking required; exceptions for angle
(a) Except where angle parking is permitted and on one-
way streets, every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway
where there is an adjacent curb shall be stopped or parked
with the right hand wheels of such vehicle parallel with and
within eighteen (8) inches of the right hand curb.
(b) On one-way streets vehicles may also be parked with
the left hand wheels parallel with and within eighteen (18)
inches of the left hand curb.
Supp. No. 5
any motor vehicle registered in such person's name or op-
erated or controlled by such person to be upon any street
within a parking meter space adjacent to a parking meter
while such meter is displaying a signal indicating that the
motor vehicle occupying such parking space has been parked
beyond the period prescribed for such parking spaces.
(b) Such parking meter shall be operated to show legal
parking in such parking meter zones between the hours of 9 :00
a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Saturday of each week and between the hours of 9:00 a.m.
and 9:00 p.m. on Monday and Friday of each week, and each
day of each week during the period commonly called "Christ-
mas Shopping Days," which period commences on December
first and extends to December twenty-third inclusive, of each
year, except at such spaces designated from time to time in
which the parking meter shall be operated to show legal park-
ing during the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each
(c) The provisions of this division shall not apply on holi-
days, and the term "holiday" shall include the following days
only: the first day of January, Memorial Day, the Fourth of
July, the first Monday in September, Thanksgiving Day and
the twenty-fifth day of December. (Ord. No. 33-49, § 16.6,
9-6-49 ; Ord. No. 47-50, § 1, 12-4-50; Ord. No. 44-64, § 1, 12-28-
64; Ord. No. 37-65,'§§ 5, 5 (a), 10-4-65; Ord. No. 38-65, § 1,
10-4-65; Ord. No. 33-72, § 1, 6-12-72)
Sec. 25-326. Districts.
There are hereby established three (3) parking meter dis-
tricts in the city, to be known as parking meter districts A,
B and C, to be composed of streets and/or portions thereof as
follows :
First Street, both sides, between Main and Locust Streets.
Sixth Street, both sides, between Locust and Bluff Streets.
Supp. No. 4
§ 25-326
Seventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
Iowa Street.
Seventh Street, both sides, between Locust and Bluff
Eighth Avenue, north side, from Central Avenue to alley,
Eighth Avenue, south side, between Locust and Bluff
Eighth Avenue, south side, from White Street east for a
distance of sixty-six (66) feet.
Ninth Street, north side, between Iowa and Locust Streets.
Ninth Street, south side, between Locust and Bluff Streets.
Tenth Street, both sides, between Iowa and Locust Streets.
Thirteenth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
Iowa Street.
Bluff Street, west side, between Seventh and .Locust Streets.
Central Avenue, both sides, between Fourth and Eighteenth
Central Avenue, east side, between Eighteenth and Nine-
teenth Streets.
Iowa Street, both sides, between Eleventh and Twelfth
Iowa Street, east side, from Thirteenth Street to Loras
Locust Street, west side, between Fourth and Eighth Streets.
(Ord. No. 63-78, § 1 11-6-78)
Locust Street, both sides, between Ninth and Tenth Streets.
(Ord. No. 63-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Main Street, both sides, between First and Fourth Streets.
Main Street, east side, between Ninth and Tenth Streets.
Supp. No. 4
Main Street, both sides, between Tenth and Eleventh
Second Street, both sides, between Main and Locust Streets.
Third Street, north side, between Iowa and Main Streets.
Third Street, both sides, between Main and Locust Streets.
Fourth Street, north side, between Locust and Bluff Streets
(Ord. No. 64-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Fourth Street, south side, between Central Avenue and
Locust Street. (Ord. No. 66-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No,
64-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Fourth Street, both sides, between White Street and Cen-
tral Avenue. (Ord. No. 66-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No.
64-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Fifth Street, south side, between Central Avenue and
Locust Street.
Eighth Street, north side, between Bluff Street and Uni-
versity Avenue.
Eighth Street, south side, from Bluff Street west for a
distance of approximately three hundred (300) feet.
Ninth Street, East, north side, from Central Avenue to
White Street. (Ord. No. 35-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Tenth Street, north side, between Central Avenue and
Iowa Street.
Eleventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
Bluff Street.
Twelfth Street, north side, between Central Avenue and
Iowa Street.
Twelfth Street, south side, between Iowa and Main Streets.
Thirteenth Street, both sides, between Iowa and Main
Supp. No. 4
§ 25-326 DUBUQUE CODE § 25-326
Sixteenth Street, both sides, one-half (1/2) block east and
west of Central Avenue.
Seventeenth Street, south side, one-half (1/2) block east and
west of Central Avenue.
Eighteenth Street, south side, one-half (1/2) block east of
Central Avenue.
Bluff Street, east side, between Fifth and Sixth Streets.
Bluff Street, both sides, between Sixth and Seventh Streets.
Bluff Street, both sides, between Tenth and Eleventh
Iowa Street, both sides, between Third and Fourth Streets.
(Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Iowa Street, west side, between Fourth and Tenth Streets.
(Ord. No. 65-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Iowa Street, both sides, between Tenth and Eleventh
Streets. (Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Iowa Street, both sides, between Twelfth and Thirteenth
Streets. (Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Iowa Street, west side, between Thirteenth Street and Loras
Boulevard. (Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Locust Street, both sides, between First and Second Streets.
Locust Street, both sides, between Third and Fourth Streets.
Locust Street, both sides, between Tenth and Twelfth
Main Street, east side, from West First Street south for a
distance of three hundred and sixty (360) feet.
Main Street, west side, from West First Street south for
a distance of two hundred and ten (210) feet.
Main Street, both sides, between Fourth and Fifth Streets.
Main Street, both sides, between Eleventh and Thirteenth
Supp. No. 4
Second Street, both sides, between Iowa and Main Streets.
Third Street, south side, between Iowa and Main Streets.
Fourth. Street, north side, from Iowa Street to Locust
Street. (Ord. No. 6547, § 1, 9-19-77 ; Ord. No. 64-78, § 1,
Fifth Street, south side, between Central Avenue and Iowa
Street. (Ord. No. 62-77, § 1, 9-19-77)
Fifth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Fifth Street, both sides, between Iowa and Bluff Streets.
(Ord. No. 62-77, § 1, 9-19-77)
Sixth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street,
Seventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Eighth Street, south side, from a point three hundred
(300) feet westerly of Bluff Street to University Ave-
Eighth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street,
Ninth Street, East, south side, between Central Avenue and
White Street. (Ord. No. 35-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Tenth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Eleventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Twelfth Street, both sides, between Main and Bluff Streets.
Thirteenth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Thirteenth Street, both sides, between Main and Locust
Supp. No. 4
§ 25-326 DUBUQUE CODE § 25-327
Fifteenth Street, East, north side, one-half (1/2) block east
of Central Avenue.
Fifteenth Street, East, south side, from Central Avenue
to White Street.
Fifteenth Street, West, both sides, one-half (1/2) block
west of Central Avenue.
Bluff Street, both sides, between Fourth and Fifth Streets.
Bluff Street, both sides, between Eleventh and Twelfth
Central Avenue, both sides, between Third and Fourth
Iowa Street, both sides, between Second and Third Streets.
Locust Street, both sides, between Twelfth Street and Loras
Main Street, both sides, between Thirteenth Street and
Loras Boulevard.
White Street, west side, between Eleventh and Thirteenth
White Street, west side, between East Fourteenth and East
Fifteenth Streets.
(Ord. No. 37-65, § 6, 10-4-65; Ord. No. 16-73, § 1, 4-2-73;
Ord. No. 16-77, § 1, 4-4-77; Ord. No. 62-77, § 1, 9-19-77;
Ord. No. 64-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No. 65-77, § 1, 9-19-77:
Ord. No. 66-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No. 63-78, § 1, 11-6-78;
Ord. No. 64-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Editor's note—The street schedules for parking meter districts set
forth in § 25-326 are derived from Ord. No. 16-77, § 1, adopted April 4,
1977, as amended from time to time. Subsequent ordinances amending said
street schedules by adding or revising the provisions thereof are indi-
cated in the history note following the provisions added or revised. A
complete history note for § 25-326 appears at the end of the section.
Sec. 25-327. Fee schedule.
Subject to the limitations provided in this division, parking
meters, when installed and properly operated, shall show
Supp. No. 4
Sec. 25-329. Unlawful to use slugs.
It shall be unlawful to deposit, or cause to be deposited,
in any parking meter any slug, device or substitute for a
United States coin. (Ord. No. 37-65, § 9, 10-4-65)
Sec. 25-330. Defacing, tampering with prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to open,
or for any person to deface, injure or tamper with, or wilfully
break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter
installed pursuant to this division, or to hitch any animals
thereto. (Ord. No. 37-65, § 10, 10-4-65)
Sec. 25-331. Collection and disposition of deposits.
It shall be the duty of the city manager to designate some
person to make regular collections of the money deposited in
such parking meters and to deliver the money to the city
treasurer, and it shall also be the duty of the city treasurer to
count the money and place it in a special fund known as the
parking meter fund. Such person making such collections shall
be included in and covered by the city's honesty blanket posi-
tion bond. (Ord. No. 37-65, § 13, 10-4-65)
Sec. 25-332. Enforcement of division.
(a) It shall be the duty of the police department under the
direction of the chief of police to keep account of all violations
of this division.
(b) The police shall keep an account of and report the num-
ber of each parking meter which indicates that the vehicles
occupying the parking space adjacent to such parking meter is
or has been parked in violation of any of the provisions of this
division, the date and hour of such violation, the make and the
state license number of such vehicle and any other facts, a
knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding
of the circumstances attending such violation.
(c) The police shall attach to such vehicle a summons card
stating that it has been parked in violation of this division.
(Ord. No. 37-65, § 11, 10-4-65)
§ 25-3`33 _ DUBUQUE CODE § 25-340
Secs. 25-333-25-337. Reserved.
Sec. 25-338. Parking so as to interfere with plowing or re-
moval prohibited.
No vehicle, as defined in this chapter, shall be parked upon
any street in the city in such a manner as to interfere with
the plowing or removal of snow or ice from such street. (Ord.
No. 64-61, § 1, 12-18-61)
Sec. 25-339. Declaration of emergency.
(a) When it becomes necessary to plow or remove snow from
streets which because of the accumulation of snow thereon
causes such a hindrance to traffic as constitutes an emergency
unless the snow is promptly plowed or removed, the chief of
police, or his designated subordinate, after consultation with
the street commissioner, or his designated subordinate shall
by appropriate public media declare the beginning of an emer-
gency and the application of emergency snow parking regula-
tions which regulations shall remain in force and effect until
lifted by the chief of police or his designated subordinate.
(b) For the purpose of this division, the accumulation of
snow on any streets or area sufficient for the application of
emergency regulations herein shall be any such accumulation
of snow which hinders the safe movement of traffic thereon
or that impedes the ability of emergency vehicles and public
transportation vehicles to travel safely and expeditiously over
such streets or areas. (Ord. No. 64-61, § 2, 12-18-61)
Sec. 25-340. Streets other than arterial streets.
The chief of police is hereby authorized and empowered to
erect signs prohibiting parking upon any street in the city
and upon any city owned parking lot, except arterial streets
for which provisions are hereinafter made, upon which snow
*Cross reference—Snow and ice removal from sidewalks, Ch. 33, Art.
IV, Div. 2.
Chapter 26
Art. I. In General, §§ 26-1-26-28
Art. II. Assemblies, §§ 26-29-26-43
Art. III. Blasting, §§ 26-44-26-68
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 26-44-26-54
Div. 2. Permit, §§ 26-55-26-68
Art. IV. Gambling, §§ 26-69-26-83
Art. V. Model Glue, §§ 26-84-26-109
Art. VI. Municipal Waterfront and Docks, §§ 26-110—.26-138
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 26-110-26-130
Div. 2. Department of Public Docks, §§ 26-131-216-138
Art. VII. Noises, §§ 26-139-26-163
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 26-139-26455
Div. 2. Variance Permits, §§ 26-156-26-163
Sec. 26-1. Disturbing the peace—Generally.
(a) No person within the corporate limits of this city shall
wilfully disturb the peace and quiet of others by loud or ex-
cessive noise, violent or obstreperous conduct calculated to pro-
voke a breach of the peace.
(b) No person within the corporate limits of this city shall
suffer or permit in any house or upon any premises owned,
occupied, possessed or controlled by him any hallooing, quar-
relling, fighting or unusually loud or excessive noise in such a
manner calculated to provoke a breach of the peace of others,
or the public quiet of the neighborhood. (Ord. No. 51-73, §§
1, 2, 11-7-73)
Sec. 26-2. Same -Fighting.
No person within the corporate limits of this city shall
engage in a fight with another, or assault, strike, or attempt
to assault or strike another, or invite or defy another person
to fight or quarrel. (Ord. No. 51-73, § 3, 11-7-73)
*Cross references—General penalty for Code violations, § 1-8; police,
Ch. 31.
§ 26-3
Sec. 26-3. Same—Disturbing assemblages.
No person within the corporate limits of this city shall
disturb or interrupt any public meeting or lawful assemblage
of persons by violent or obstreperous conduct, or by making
unusually loud or excessive noise the intent of which is to be
disruptive or to provoke a breach of the peace. (Ord. No. '51-
73, § 4, 11.7-73)
Sec. 26-4. Same—Ringing of bells, gongs, etc.
No person within the corporate limits of this city shall
ring or sound any bell, auction bell, gong, or similar device
upon the streets or alleys within the city, or in front of any
place of business or dwelling house, or upon any vehicle for
the purpose of advertising any auction or other sale or event,
in an offensive or unnecessary manner so as to disturb the
peace of others. (Ord. No. 51-73, § 5, 11-7-73)
Sec. 26-5. Same—Interference with policemen, firemen.
No person within the corporate limits of this city shall
resist or obstruct, or in any way interfere with any police
officer, or member of the fire department in the performance
of any official duty. (Ord. No. 51-73, § 6, 11-7-73)
Cross references—Fire department, Ch. 14, Art. II; police, Ch. 31.
Sec. 26-6. False and fraudulent reports.
Whoever intentionally and without good cause shall give a
false or fraudulent report of a crime, a fire, or an accident by
calling any peace officer, physician, hospital, ambulance serv-
ice, or fire department, or by crying or sounding an alarm, or
by performing any act calculated to cause such report or
alarm, or who shall intentionally communicate false or fraudu-
lent information with reference to a crime, a fire, or an acci-
dent to any peace officer, physician, hospital, ambulance serv-
ice, or fire department, knowing such information to be false
or fraudulent, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con-
viction .shall be punished as provided in section 1-8 of this
Code. however, nothing herein shall prevent communication of
Sec. 26-87. Sales to or purchases by minors restricted.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (c) hereof, no person
under eighteen (18) years of age shall possess or buy any
model glue.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) hereof, no person
shall sell or transfer possession of any model glue to another
person under eighteen (18) years of age.
(c) A person may sell or transfer possession of model glue
to a person under eighteen (18) years of age for model build-
ing or other lawful use where such minor is accompanied by
a person over eighteen (18) years of age. (Ord. No. 23-67, § 4,
Sec. 26-88. Exemptions from article.
There is hereby excepted from the provisions of this article
the sale of kits, for making models, which contain only enough
glue to construct such model. (Ord. No. 23-67, § 5, 54-67)
Secs. 26-89-26-109. Reserved.
Sec. 26-110. Definition.
As used in this article, a "boathouse" is defined as any
structure, floating house or floating shed of whatever material
used which is used to enclose a boat or boats, for purposes of
housing same. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 10, 3-26-73)
Cross reference --Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2.
Sec. 26-111. Boat landing areas.
The dock board manager is hereby directed to lay off and
designate boat landing areas along the municipally owned
waterfront for pleasure craft, commercial vessels and public
*Cross references—Administration generally, Ch. 2; utilities, Ch. 36.
§ 2:6-111 DUBUQUE CODE § 26413
landings and to mark the public landings with suitable signs
delineating their boundaries. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 2, 3-26-73)
Sec. 26-112. Construction permits.
No construction of structures or repairs upon or along the
waterfront of the city shall be undertaken except upon appli-
cation to the dock board and under permit by it and in ac-
cordance with the general plans of the dock board and pur-
suant to specifications submitted to the board and approved by
it upon such application. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 1, 3-26-73)
Cross reference—Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations,
Ch. 24.
Sec. 26-113. Mooring permits required; fees; removal of boats
without permits.
(a) Required. Except at public landings, no person shall
moor or cause to be moored a vessel, float, boathouse or other
water craft, along the waterfront of the city without first
obtaining a permit to do so from the dock board.
(b) Application; fees. Mooring permits may be obtained
from the dock board by making application therefor on forms
provided by the dock board manager and paying an annual
permit fee as follows:
(1) For commercial space, two dollars ($2.00) per linear
foot per year;
(2) For pleasure craft space, one dollar ($1.00) per linear
foot per year.
(c) Tag. A permit tag will be issued at the time of applica-
tion and payment of fees.
(d) Removal of boats without permits. Any boat, float,.
vessel, boathouse or other 5water craft for which a permit has
not been issued by July first of any year shall be deemed aban-
doned and towed away and impounded by the dock commission
and the same shall not be returned to the owner thereof with-
out first paying a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the towing
of same and storage of such water craft is not claimed within
twenty (20) days from the date of towing and after written
nOtice by ordinary mail to the address of the owner as shown
on the application and owner fails or refuses to claim the
same, the same shall be considered abandoned and the com-
mission may sell the water craft. (Ord. No. 1473, §§ 3, 4, 7,
Cross reference—Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations,
Ch. 24.
Sec. 26-114. Agreements for waterfront usage longer than
one year.
The dock board may negotiate agreement for the use of por-
tions of the waterfront for periods longer than one year at
such rentals as the clock board may in its discretion deem
compensatory. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 5, 3-26-73)
Sec. 26-115. Mooring of boathouses restricted.
(a) After March 26, 1973, no new boathouses shall be
moored along the waterfront of the city, nor shall the same be
relocated to such waterfront.
(b) Boathouses then located along the waterfront of the.
city shall be permitted but only such general maintenance and
repairs shall be permitted thereto as will keep boathouses in
an orderly condition.
(c) Transfer of ownership of boathouses then owned and
located along the waterfront is prohibited. All owners of boat-
houses shall be required to either demolish the same or recon-
struct the same so that no longer shall boathouses be per-
mitted but said occupancy shall be limited only to open floats.
(Ord. No. 14-73, § 6, 3-26-73)
Sec. 26-116. Launching restrictions.
Passengers shall be prohibited from occupying a motor ve-
hicle being used to launch a boat at any of the public ramps.
No passenger shall occupy a boat during the launching thereof
nor in the removal of the boat from the water and pulling the
same up the ramp. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 8, 3-26-73)
§ 26-117
Sec. 26-117. Repairs to boats in public launching ramps pro-
hibited; exception.
Repair work to boats and motors shall not be conducted
while the boats are tied to the public launching ramps except
in an emergency situation where a reasonable likelihood of
injury to property or persons exists. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 8,
Sec. 26-118. Permission required for use of city owned water-
front by commercial excursion operators.
No commercial excursion operator shall use any city owned
water frontage without first securing permission from the
dock commission. Such commercial excursion operator may
secure permission from the dock commission after making
application therefor and payment of a fee of five dollars
($5.00) per landing. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 9, 3-26-7'3)
Sec. 26-119. Water craft operation rules.
All water craft operating in waters under the jurisdiction
of the city shall conform to the following rules:
(a) Every operator of a motor boat shall at all times navi-
gate the same in a careful and prudent manner and at
such a rate of speed as not to endanger the lives or
property of others ;
(b) No owner, operator or person in command of any power
boat shall operate the same, or permit it to be operated,
at a speed in excess of eight (8) statute miles per hour
in any of the following areas :
(1) Within one hundred (100) feet of any person in
the water ;
(2) Within two hundred (200) feet of any quay or
landing float to which boats are made fast, or
which is used for embarking or discharging passen-
gers ;
(3) In the Ice Harbor, Pleasure Boat Harbor, and Sev-
enth Street Harbor;
(c) No person shall anchor a boat for fishing or other pur-
poses on any body of water under the jurisdiction of
the city in such a position as to dangerously obstruct
access to public landings;
(d) Operatorsof boats and all types of water craft, when
mooring the same, shall exercise reasonable precautions
to make sure that the vessel or craft will not go adrift
and that the action of the water will not cause it to
injure or endanger the property of others. (Ord. No.
41-57, § 2, 6-3-57)
Sec. 26-120. Unlawful deposits.
Logs, lumber, wood scraps, rope scraps, metal, glass or paper
containers, derelict boats, oil, hay, garbage, sweepings and
similar trash are hereby declared to be nuisances and it shall
be unlawful for any person to throw or place, or cause to
be thrown or placed any of the above named articles, or human
waste, in the Ice Harbor, Pleasure Boat Harbor, Seventh Street
Harbor or Kerper Cut, or upon the shores thereof, in such a
position that such articles or substances may be washed into
such bodies of water. The provisions of this section do not
apply to a public dump regularly established by the authority
of the city. (Ord. No. 41-57, § 3, 6-3-57)
Sec. 26-121. Floats, boathouses to be maintained in orderly
All floats and boathouses moored along the waterfront of
the city shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition at
all times, properly painted and securely moored. (Ord. No.
41-57, § 6, 6-3-57)
Sec. 26-122. Conducting trade or business in pleasure craft
spaces prohibited.
No person shall conduct any trade or business in pleasure
craft spaces without written permission of the dock board.
(Ord. No. 41-57, § 7, 6-3-57)
§ 26-123 DUBUQUE CODE § 26432
Sec. 26-123. Removal of sunken, derelict or abandoned craft.
The dock board may direct the removal and destruction of
any sunken, derelict or abandoned craft, float or boathouse
when, after investigation it determines that the same consti-
tutes a nuisance. The owner of any such craft, float or boat-
house shall remove the same when directed so to do by the
dock board and upon his failure so to do shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and punished as provided in section 1-8 of this
Code. (Ord. No. 41-57, § 8, 6-3-57)
Sec. 26-124. No -parking areas.
The dock board of the city is hereby authorized and em-
powered to established no -parking areas on the property under
its jurisdiction and when any such area shall be established
by dock board ordinance, and signs have been posted giving
notice thereof, it shall thereafter be unlawful for the owner
or operator of any motor vehicle or boat trailer to park the
same in such areas. (Ord. No. 41-57, § 9, 6-3-57)
Cross reference—Stopping, standing and parking generally, Ch. 25,
Art. VIII.
Secs: 26-125-26-130. Reserved.
Sec. 26-13L Created.
There is hereby created a department of the city to be
known as the department' of public docks. (Ord. No. 181, § 1,
Sec. 26-132. Dock board.
(a) Composition. The 'department of public docks shall be
administered by the dock board consisting of three (3) mem-
bers to be known as commissioners of public docks.
(b) Appointment; qualifications. The members of such
dock board shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval
of the city council. The qualifications of the commissioners
constituting such board shall be that they have been residents
of the 'city for a period of not lessthan five (5) years and
shall not at the time of their appointment or during their term
of office be interested in or be employed by any common car-
rier. Such board shall act without compensation.
(c) Terms. One commissioner shall be appointed annually
by the mayor and the term of office of such commissioner
shall be three (3) years.
(d) Oath of office. The members of the board shall qualify
by taking an oath for the faithful performance of their du-
(e) Rules. The commissioners shall, from time to time,
adopt rules and regulations for the government of their de-
partment and to govern their proceedings, which, shall be
adopted by resolution, recorded in a book kept by the board
and known as the book of rules and regulations, and such
rules and regulations shall be in force and effect after publi-
cation in some newspaper published and circulated in the city.
(f) Office; records. The board shall maintain an office in
the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and keep a record of all its pro-
ceedings and acts, which records shall at all times be open to
public inspection.
(g) Removal of members; filling_ of vacancies. If any com-
missioner shall, at any time during his incumbency, cease to
have the qualifications required by this section for his ap-
pointment, or shall wilfully violate any of his duties under
the law, such commissioner shall be removed by the mayor
after written charges have been preferred against him and a
due hearing of such charges have been had by the mayor upon
reasonable notice to such commissioner. Vacancies occurring
in the board through resignation or otherwise shall be filled
by the mayor for the unexpired term.
(h) Powers; duties. The board shall have power, and it shall
be its duty for and on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
for which it is organized :
Supp. No. 1
§ 26-132
(1) General plan. To prepare or cause to be prepared a
comprehensive general plan for the improvement of its
harbor and waterfront, making provision for the needs
of commerce and shipping, and for the use of river -
front property or other property, whether abutting the
riverfront or not, and whether located within or with-
out or partially within and partially without the corpo-
rate limits of the city, by others for industrial and
manufacturing purposes to the extent deemed advisable
in relation to the operation of established wharves and
docks, and providing for the construction of such docks,
basins, piers, quay walls, wharves, warehouses, tunnels,
belt railway connecting with all railway lines within the
city, and such cranes, dock apparatus, and machinery
equipment as it may deem necessary for the convenient
and economical accommodation and handling of water-
craft of all kinds and of freight and passengers, and the
free interchange of traffic between the waterway and
the railways and the railways and the waterway. Said
plan shall be filed in the office of the board and be
open to public inspection, and may from time to time
be changed, altered, or amended by the board, as the
requirements of shipping and commerce and the ad-
vance of knowledge and information on the subject
may suggest.
(2) Purchase and condemnation of property. To purchase
or acquire by condemnation or other lawful means, with
the approval of the city council, such personal property,
such lands, whether abutting the riverfront or not and
whether located within or without or partially within
and partially without the corporate limits of the city
or such rights or interest therein, including easements,
as may be necessary for use in the provision, develop-
ment, full utilization and in the construction of any
publicly owned harbor, waterfront, dock, basin, pier
slip, quay wall, wharf, warehouse, or other structure,
and in the construction of a belt railway and railway
switches, and appurtenances and in making provision
for the needs of commerce, shipping, industry, and
Supp. No. 1
manufacturing, as provided for in such plan as may
be adopted by the board. If the board shall deem it
proper and expedient that the city shall acquire pos-
session of such wharf property, lands, or rights or in-
terests therein, including easements, and no price can
be agreed upon between the board and the owner or
owners thereof, the board, with the approval of the
city council, may direct the city attorney to take legal
proceedings to acquire same for the city in such man-
ner as is or may be provided by the general laws of the
state in the case of corporations having the right of
eminent domain. The title of all lands, property, and
rights acquired by the board shall be taken in the name
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Control of property. The board shall have exclusive
charge and control of the wharf property belonging to
the city, including belt railway located in whole or in
part therein, all the wharves, piers, quay walls, bulk-
heads, and structures thereon and the waters adjacent
thereto, and all the slips, basins, docks, waterfronts,
the structures thereon, and the appurtenances, ease-
ments, uses, reversions, and rights belonging thereto,
which are now owned or possessed by the city or to
which the city is or may become entitled, or which the
city may acquire under the provisions hereof or other-
wise, together with such other city -owned lands or
properties as the city council may designate by ordi-
nance. The board shall have the exclusive charge and
control of the building, rebuilding, alterations, repair-
ing, operation, and leasing of said property and every
part thereof, and of the cleaning, grading, filling,
paving, sewering, dredging, and deeping necessary in
and about the same. Construction plans and surveys
shall be approved by the city engineer.
Leases of such property may be made for such pur-
poses, including industrial and manufacturing purposes,
upon such terms and conditions, and for such period of
time as, in the judgment of the dock board shall be for
Supp. No. 1
§ 26432
the best interest of the city, in furtherance of the gen-
eral plan adopted by said board.
(4) Abutting property; jurisdiction and improvement. The
board is hereby vested with jurisdiction and authority
over that part of the streets and alleys and public
grounds of the city which abut upon or intersect its
navigable waters, lying between the harbor line and the
first intersecting street measuring backward from high-
water mark, to the extent only that may be necessary
or requisite in carrying out the powers vested in it by
this division. It is hereby declared that such jurisdiction
and authority shall include the right to build retaining
or quay walls, docks, levees, wharves, piers, ware-
houses, or other constructions, including belt railway
and railway switches, across and upon such streets and
alleys and public grounds, and to grade, fill and pave
the same to conform to the general level of the wharf,
or for suitable approaches, thereto, provided that such
improvements shall be paid for out offunds available
to the board and not by assessments against abutting
property; but in case the city council deems it necessary
or advisable to construct street improvements or sewers
on such streets and alleys, and abutting and adjacent
property will receive special benefits therefrom, such
improvements or sewers may be ordered constructed
by said city council and the cost thereof may be assessed
by said city council, to the extent of such benefits and
as provided by law, upon and against all lots or parcels
of real estate, whether publicly or privately owned, as
may be specially benefited thereby, provided that the
plans and specifications of the city council for such
improvements or sewers be first approved by the dock
Nothing in this subsection is intended to limit or
qualify the powers and duties of the board as estab-
lished and set out elsewhere in this section.
Water mains so constructed will be a part of the city
water utility and under the control of the water utility.
Supp. No. 1
Sanitary sewer extensions, so constructed, will be a
part of the city sanitary sewer system and under the
control of the city manager.
(5) Control consistent with navigation laws; collection of
tolls. The board is also vested with exclusive govern-
ment and control of the harbor and waterfront con-
sistent with the laws of the United States governing
navigation, and of all wharf property, belt railway,
wharves, piers, quay walls, bulkheads, docks, struc-
tures, and equipment thereon, and all the slips, basins,
waters adjacent thereto, and submerged lands, and
appurtenances belonging to the city, and may make
reasonable rules and regulations governing the traffic
thereon and the use thereof, with the right to collect
reasonable dockage, wharfage, shedding, storage, cran-
age fees, and tolls thereon, as hereinafter provided.
Obedience to such rules and regulations may be en-
forced in the name of the city by a fine not exceeding
one hundred dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment not
exceeding thirty (30) days, provided the council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall first adopt the same in
ordinance form, as ordinances of the city.
(6) Rules and regulations as to specifications of waterfront
buildings; adoption as ordinances. The board shall have
power to make general rules and regulations for carry-
ing out of the plans prepared and adopted by it for the
building, repairing, alteration, maintenance and opera-
tion of all structures, erections, or artificial construc-
tions upon or adjacent to the waterfront of the city,
whether the same shall be done by the board or by
others; and except as provided by the general rules of
the board, no new structures or repairs upon or along
said waterfront shall be undertaken, except upon ap-
plication to the board and under permit by it and in
accordance with the general plans of the board and in
pursuance of specifications submitted to the board and
approved by it upon such application. The general
rules and regulations of the board, whenever adopted
Supp. No. 1
§ 26-132 DUBUQUE CODE § 26-132
by it, shall be embodied in the form of ordinances and
certified copies thereof shall, forthwith upon their
passage, be transmitted to the clerk of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, who shall cause the same to be transcribed
at length in a book kept for that purpose and the same
shall be included in any compilation or publication of
the ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Upon fil-
ing any such certified copy of any such ordinances,
the said clerk shall forthwith cause the same to be
published once in some newspaper of general circulation
published in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Said ordinances
shall be in force and effect from and after the date of
said publication, provided however, that if the said
ordinances are included in any book or pamphlet of
ordinances published by said city, no other publication
shall be required, and they shall be in force and effect
from the date said book or pamphlet is published.
Tolls and charges; schedules adopted as ordinances.
The board shall have the power to fix and regulate,
and from time to time to alter, the tolls, fees, dockago,
wharfage, cranage, sheddage, storage, and other charges
for all publicly owned docks, levees, belt railway, piers,
quay walls, slips, basins, wharves, and their equipment,
or the use of any portion of the waterfront of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, which charges and rates shall be
collectible by the board and shall be reasonable with a
view only of defraying the necessary annual expenses
of the board in constructing and operating the improve-
ments and works herein authorized ; a schedule of such
charges and regulations shall be enacted by the board in
the form of ordinances of the board before the same
shall go into or be in effect, and a copy of same shall be
kept posted in a conspicuous place in the office of the
(8) Assistants and officers; provisions therefor by ordi-
nances. The board shall have power to employ such
assistants, employees, clerks, workmen, and laborers
as may be necessary in the efficient and economical
performance of the work authorized by this ordinance,
Supp. No. 1 1686.4
Chapter 27
Art. I. In General, §§ 27-1-27-15
Art. II. Playground and Recreation Commission, §§ 27-16-27-32
Art. III. Public Parks, §§ 27-33-27-80
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 27-33-27-72
Div. 2. Specific Parks, §§ 27-73-27-80
Art. IV. Municipal Athletic Fields and Playgrounds, §§ 27-81-27-102
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 27-81-27-85
Div. 2. Petrakis Park, §§ 27-86-27-100
Div. 3. Falk Playground, §§ 27-101, 27-102
Sec. 27-1. Cooperation with school board.
In the conduct and operation of recreation grounds and
recreation activities, the city council shall cooperate with the
board of education of the Independent 'School District of
Dubuque, the superintendent of schools and all public spirited
citizens interested in child welfare and in the advancement
of physical and social conditions generally, and, to this end,
it shall annually levy such a taxupon the taxable property
of the city as it may deem necessary to defray its share of
the expense incident to the carrying on of such activities, but
all taxes thus levied or money appropriated shall be expended
only upon warrants drawn upon the city treasurer. (Ord.
No. 26-49, § 4, 6-30-49)
Secs. 27-2-27-15. Reserved.
Sec. 27-16. Created; composition; compensation.
There is hereby created a commission to be known as the
playground and recreation commission of the city composed of
seven (7) members consisting of a representative of the board
*Cross reference—Amusements, Ch. 6.
Supp. No. 5
§ 2746 DUBUQUE CODE § 27-19
of education of the Independent School District of Dubuque, a
representative of the parochial school system and the city
manager, as ex -officio members, together with four (4) citi-
zen members, at least two (2) of whom shall be women, all of
whom shall serve without compensation. The city manager
shall be a member of such commission by virtue of his office
and he shall exercise all duties with reference to playground
and: recreational facilities as are by law imposed upon him.
(Ord. No. 26-49, § 1, 6-30-49; Ord. No. 48-67, § 1, 9-25-67)
Sec. 27-17. Appointment; terms; filling of vacancies.
The members of the commission created by this article shall
be appointed by the city council and for the term of one year
for two (2) members, for the term of two (2) years for two
(2) members and for the term of three (3) years for two (2)
members. When a vacancy occurs on such commission it shall
be filled by the city council, but such members thus appointed
shall be appointed to fill only the unexpired term of the mem-
ber in whose place he has been appointed. (Ord. No. 26-49, § 1,
6-3049 ; Ord. No. 48-67, § 1, 9-25-67)
Sec. 27-18. Organization.
The commission created by this article shall organize by the
election of a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary. The terms
of office: of such officers shall be for one year following their
election but they shall continue to hold office until their suc-
cessors are duly elected. (Ord. No. 26-49, § 2, 6-30-49)
Sec. 27-19. Powers and duties.
(a) The commission created by this article shall have super-
vision over all recreation activities of the city and shall con-
trol the equipment, maintenance and conduct of the same. It
may appoint a suitable superintendent and all necessary as-
sistants, fix their term of employment, salaries and duties. It
may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct and
maintenance of play -facilities as it may deem advisable.
(b) In all public parks in which the commission shall have,
with the consent of the park board, installed recreational
eq'uipment or buildings, the commission shall . have exclusive
Supp. No. 5
§ 27-19 PARKS AND RECREATION § 27-33
jurisdiction and control over such recreational equipment and
buildings, including the supervision, maintenance and repair
thereof and the supervision of the recreational activities em-
ploying such equipment or buildings. (Ord. No. 26-49, § 3,
6-30-49 ; Ord. No. 41-54, § 2, 6-7-54)
Sec. 27-20. Certification of needs; tax levy restricted.
On or before the fifteenth day of July in each year, the
commission created by this article shall certify to the city
council the amount of money it will need for all purposes for
the ensuing fiscal year, which statement shall be used to de-
termine the tax levy for recreational activities and as a basis
for making an appropriation. If a tax is levied, the same shall
not exceed that permitted by law. (Ord. No. 26-49, § 5, 6-30-
Sec. 27-21. Annual report.
On or before the tenth day of April in each year the com-
mission created by this article shall make a complete detailed
report to the city council showing receipts and disbursements
for the year then ended, which report shall be kept as a part
of the permanent records of the city. (Ord. No. 26-49, § 6,
Secs. 27-22-27-32. Reserved.
Sec. 27-33. Definitions.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated :
Board, the board shall mean the board of park commis-
sioners of the city.
Parks, parkways shall mean parks, parkways, buildings,
park roads or driveways, and all public service facilities or
Supp. No. 2
§ 27-33 DUBUQUE CODE § 27-37
grounds, buildings and structures in and adjacent to the city,
which are under control of the board. (Ord. No. 24-69, •§ 1,
Cross reference --Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations,
Ch. 24.
Sec. 27-34. Park board to have jurisdiction and control.
The park board shall have the jurisdiction and control over
all grounds that have been or may be set aside as public parks.
Except as otherwise provided, such jurisdiction and control
shall be exclusive and shall comprehend the supervision, main-
tenance and repair of all grounds, roads, buildings, recrea-
tional facilities and appurtenances located therein. (Ord. No.
41-54, § 1, 6-7-54)
Sec. 27-35. Disorderly conduct.
Any threatening, profane, abusive, disorderly, insulting or
indecent language, any conduct or behavior or any act tending
to a breach of the public peace and quiet by any person or
persons in or upon any park or parkway is hereby prohibited.
(Ord. No. 24-69, § 2, 5-5-69)
Sec. 27-36. Indecent exposure.
No person shall expose himself or herself to public view in
any park or parkway, unless properly clothed. (Ord. No. 24-
69, § 27, 5-5-69)
Sec. 27-37. Intoxicating beverages.
(a) The consumption or use of intoxicating liquor, wine
or beer in any public park in a promiscuous manner by any
Person is hereby prohibited.
(b) The consumption or use of intoxicating liquor, wine
or beer by any person on roadways, parking lots, in cars,
within any city park is hereby prohibited: No beer in con-
tainers commonly referred to as "keg beer" shall be bought
intoany park or parkway by any person.
Supp. No. 2
§ 27-37 PARKS AND RECREATION § 27-38
(c) The consumption or use of intoxicating liquor, wine
or beer is prohibited in the following named parks, to wit:
Allison Henderson Park, Caledonia Park, Cleveland Park,
Flat Iron Park, Grant Park, Jackson Park, Jefferson Park,
Madison Park, Mans Conservation Park, Oakwood Park, Play
Lot 17th and Elm, University Park, Washington Park.
(Ord. No. 24-69, '§ 3, 5-5-69 ; Ord. No. 19-76, § 1, 5-17-76 ; Ord.
No. 21-77, § 1, 4-18-77)
Cross reference—Alcoholic beverages, Ch. 5.
Sec. 27-38. Horse-drawn vehicles, riding of animals restricted.
Horse-drawn vehicles, riding horses or any other domesti-
cated animal used for such purposes shall be prohibited in any
Supp. No. 2
§ 27-63 PARKS AND RECREATION § 27-74
enter Eagle Point Park after 10:00 p.m. (Ord. No. 33-77, § 1,
Secs. 27-64--27-72. Reserved.
Sec. 27-73. E. B. Lyons Forest Preserve and Nature Center.
(a) The following described real estate is hereby placed un-
der the control of the jurisdiction and management of the
park board of the city, to wit:
Lots 2 and 3 of the northeast one-quarter of the southeast
one-quarter of section 1, township 88 north, range 2 east of
fifth prime meridian; Lots 2 and 3 of the northwest
one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter, Lots 2 and 3 of
the northeast one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter, and
Lot 2 of Lot 1 of the southwest one-quarter of the south-
west one-quarter of section 6, township 88 north, range 3
east of the fifth prime meridian in Dubuque County, Iowa,
according to the respective recorded plats thereof.
(b) Such real estate shall be known, called and named as
"The E. B. Lyons Forest Preserve and Nature Center" and
accordingly such real estate is to permanently named. (Ord,
No. 16-74, § 2, 3-11-74)
Sec. 27-74. Flora Park.
Except for the appurtenant easements of right-of-way and
a strip along Pennsylvania Street twenty (20) feet in width,
the following real estate in the west end of the city, to wit:
Sylvester Place: Lot 1 of 4 of Mineral Lot 260; Lot 2 of 1
of 2 of 4 of Mineral Lot 260; Lot 2 of 2 of 4 of Mineral Lot
260; Lot 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 259; Lot 1 of 2 of Min-
eral Lot 259; Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of J. P. Mettel's
is hereby set apart as a public park to beknown as "Flora
Park" under the jurisdiction and control of the park board,
Supp. No. 5
§ 27-74 DUBUQUE CODE § 27-87
subject, however, to the right in the recreation commission
to construct and maintain a municipal swimming pool and
other recreational facilities therein in accordance with the
pilot plan prepared by Paul Rossiter, architect, dated April 28,
1954 and the further right in the city council to install and
maintain such storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water mains
therein as it shall deem necessary. (Ord. No. 41-54, § 3, 6-7
Secs. 27-75-27-80. Reserved.
Secs. 27-81-27-85. Reserved.
Sec. 27-86. Supervision and management.
General supervision and management of the municipal ath-
letic field, now called Petrakis Park, is hereby vested in the
playground and recreation commission of the city and the ac-
tive management thereof shall be exercised by the recreational
director. (Mins. of 6-6-38, § 1)
Sec. 27-87. Application for use.
All persons or organizations desiring the use of the munici-
pal athletic field, now called Petrakis Park, must make appli-
cation therefor to the playground and recreation commission
upon an approved form of application embodying the rules and
*Editor's note—In order to facilitate inclusion in the Code of Ord.
No. 27-79, adopted May 21, 1979, the editor has designated §§ 27-81-
27-85 as Div. 1, "In General," of Art. IV and former Art. IV, §§ 27-86-
27-95, as Div. 2, "Petrakis Park," of Art. IV. As to manner of in-
clusion of Ord. No. 27-79, the user's attention is directed to the editor's
footnote to Div. 3 of this article.
Supp. No. 5
§- 27-91 PARKS AND, _RECREATION § 2795
change shall have been granted by the playground and recrea-
tion commission at the time of filing the application for the
use of such field, : and any . such .change or changes shall be
made under the supervision of the recreational director. (Mins.
of 6-6-38, § 7)
Sec. 27-92. User's duty to restore field after use.
All persons or organizations to whom the use of the mu-
nicipal athletic field, now called Petrakis Park, is granted
upon proper application shall, within twelve (12) hours after
such use, put the field and grandstands in the same condition
as when the field was taken over for such use. The recondi-
tioning of such field and grandstands shall be under the
supervision and subject to the inspection and approval of the
recreational director. (Mins. of 6-6-38, § 8)
Sec. 27-93. Use for unlawful purpose.
The municipal athletic field, now called Petrakis Park, shall
not, at any time, or under any occasion, be used by any ap-
plicant for any unlawful purpose, and the use of said field
shall at all times be subject to the provisions of all police and
fire regulations of the city and in compliance therewith.
(Mins. 6-6-38, § 9)
Sec. 27-94. Custodian's right of access.
The custodian in charge of the municipal athletic field, now
called Petrakis Park, under the direction of the playground
and recreation commission, shall, with all necessary- assistants,
have access to such field at all times in the performance of
his or their official duties. (Mins. of 6-6-38, § 10)
Sec. 27-95. Concession privileges.
The playground and recreation commission shall have the.
right to lease, from year to year, the concession privilege of
the municipal athletic field, now called Petrakis. Park, in-
cluding all concessions privileges or rights excepting admis-
sions. (Mins. of 6-6-38, § 13)
Supp. No. 5
§ 27-96 DUBUQUE CODE § 27-102
Secs. 27-96-27-100. Reserved.
Sec. 27-101. Closing hours.
Falk Playground shall be closed to the public during the
hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. throughout the year. (Ord.
No. 27-79, § 1, 5-21-79)
Sec. 27-102. Bicycles, motorcycles, etc.
Bicycles, motorcycles, motor scooters, go-carts, cars, trucks
and other motor -driven vehicles shall not be permitted in
Falk Playground, other than those vehicles engaged in au-
thorized park maintenance and security. (Ord. No. 27.79, § 2,
*Editor's note—Ord. No. 27-79, § 1, adopted May 21, 1979, amended
the Code by adding provisions designated §§ 27-96, 27-97. For purposes of
classification and preserving Code format, the editor has redesignated
said provisions §§ 27-101, 27-102 and included them as Div. 3 of Art. IV
of Ch. 27.
Note—See editor's footnote to Art. IV of Ch. 27.
[The next page is 1809]
:Supp. No. 5
Chapter 29
Art.= I. In General, §§ 29-1-29-15
Art. II. Planning and Zoning Commission, §§ 29-16-29-23
Sec. 29-1. Industrial revenue bonds -Investigation fee.
Whenever, and as often as, any corporation shall request the
city to finance any project by issuance of its industrial rev-
enue bonds, such request shall be accompanied by a nonre-
fundable deposit in the amount of three thousand, five hun-
dred" dollars ($3,500.00) to cover preliminary expenses of the
city in its investigation of the desirability and feasibility of
such financing. Such payment will be disbursed by the city
to cover such expenses regardless if any such financing is
completed, but may: be repaid as a project cost from bond pro-
ceeds if and when such bonds are issued. "(Ord. No. 2-75, § 1,
State law reference—Industrial revenue bonds, I.C.A., Ch. 419.
Sec. 29-2. Same—Financing fee.
(a) The city shall charge a financing fee to be determined
by the city council each time industrial revenue bonds are
issued by it under the provisions of section 29-1.
(b) Fees so determinedshall be not less than five, thousand
dollars ($5,000.00) nor greater than the amount equal to ten
dollars ($10.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) :of .bonds
for the first one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) of bonds is-
sued, five dollars ($5.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)
of bonds for the next four million dollars ($4,000,000.00)
of bonds issued, and two dollars ($2.00) per one thousand dol-
lars ($1,000.00) of bonds for any amounts issued in excess of
five million dollars ($5,000,000.00). The maximum allowable
fee should be calculated on the principal amount of bonds is -
*Cross references—Administration, Ch. 2; civil defense, Ch. 11; sub-
division regulations, Ch. 34; zoning regulations, App. A.
§ 29-18
sued at each time of issuance of such bonds by the city. The
fee determined by the city council shall be deemed to cover all
of the services rendered by any and all officers and employees
of the city, and shall be considered to be a project cost payable
out of bond proceeds. (Ord. No. 2-75, § 2, 1-13-75)
Secs. 29-3-29-15. Reserved.
Sec. 29-16. Created; composition; appointment.
There is hereby created a city planning and zoning commis-
sion, which shall consist of seven (7) citizens of the city who
shall be qualified by knowledge and experience to act in mat-
ters pertaining to the development of city planning and zoning,
none of whom shall hold any elective position in the city. Such
members shall be appointed by the city council. (Ord. No. 26-
29, § 1, 3-29-29)
Sec. 29-17. Terms; filling of vacancies.
The terms of office of the members of the commission cre-
ated by this article shall be five (5) years. Vacancies occur-
ring on the commission caused by resignation or otherwise,
shall be filled by the council for the unexpired term. (Ord. No.
26-29, § 2, 3-29-29)
Sec. 29-18. Compensation.
All members of the commission created by this article shall
serve without compensation except for their actual expenses,
which shall be subject to the approval of the council. (Ord.
No. 26-29, § 2, 3-29-29)
*Cross references—Airport zoning commission, Ch. 4, Art. IV; airport
zoning regulations, Ch. 4, Art. V.
State ' law reference -Authority for city planning commission's ap-
pointment as zoning commission, I.C.A. § 414.6.
§ 29-2.0
Sec. 29-19. Organization.
The commission created by this article shall choose annual-
ly, at its first regular meeting, one of its members to act as
chairman, and another of its members as vice-chairman, who
shall perform all of the duties of the chairman during his ab-
sence or disability. The commission shall adopt such rules and
regulations governing its organization and procedure as may
be deemed necessary. (Ord. No. 26-29, § 3, 3-29-29)
Sec. 29-20. Powers -Generally.
The commission created by this article shall have and pos-
sess the following powers as may be incidental to the success-
ful carrying out of the powers vested in it in this article or
such as may be expressly conferred upon it by law:
(1) To make such surveys, studies, maps, plans or plats of
the whole or any portion of the city and of any land
outside thereof, which in the opinion of such commis-
sion bears relation to a comprehensive plan, and shall
submit such plan to the council with its studies and
recommendations and it may publish the same.
(2) To make recommendations for the location or erection
of statuary, memorials or works of art in public places,
public buildings, bridges, viaducts, street fixtures,
public structures or appurtenances and the sites there-
To make recommendations upon plans, plats, or replats
of subdivisions or resubdivisions in such city which
show streets, alleys or other portions of the same in-
tended to be dedicated for public use.
(4) To make recommendations for street, park, parkway,
boulevard, traffic way or other public improvements.
(5) To carry on comprehensive studies of present conditions
and the future growth of such city in order to guide and
accomplish a co-ordinated, adjusted and harmonious de-
velopment of such city in accordance with the present
and future needs thereof to the end that the health,
§ 2 -20 DUBUQUE CODE:i:
§ 29-22
safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity and gen-
eral welfare may be best promoted...
(6) To conduct public' hearings upon theadoption of such
comprehensive plan or any amendment thereto.
(7) To prepare a comprehensive plan regarding the height,
number of stories and size of buildings and other struc-
tures ;
truc-tures; the percentage of ground that may be occupied:;
the size of yards, courts and other open spaces ; the
density of population ; and the location and use of build-
ings, structures, and land for trade, industry, residence,
or other purposes and to this end shall prepare ;a pre-
liminary report and hold public hearings thereon and
after such hearings have been held, to submit its final
report and recommendations to the city council.
(8) To recommend to the city council, from time to time, as
conditions require, amendments, supplements, changes
or modifications in the comprehensive plan prepared by
(9) To do all things necessary or advisable in order to carry
out the intent and purpose of this article and all other
ordinances relating to the state as they now exist or as
the same may be hereafter amended or supplemented.
(Ord. No. 26-29, § 5, 3-29-29)
Sec. 29-21. Same—Appointment of employees.
The commission created by this article shall be empowered
to appoint and employ such assistants as may be necessary
and prescribe and define their duties and fix their compensa-
tion. (Ord. No. 26-29, § 3, 3-29-29)
Sec. 29-22. Annual report.
The commission created by this article shall make an annual
report to the city council on or before the first day of March
in each year, such report to contain its proceedings with a
full statement of its receipts, disbursements and the progress
of its work for the preceding fiscal year. (Ord. No. 26-29, § 3,
Sec. 29-23. Annual appropriations; gifts; debt limit.
The council shall annually appropriate a sum of money from
the general funds for the payment of the expense of the com-
mission created by this article. The commission shall have
full, complete and exclusive authority to expend for and, on
behalf of such city all sums of money so appropriated. Gifts,
donations, or payments which are received by such city for
city planning and zoning purposes shall be placed in such fund,
to be used by the commission in a manner appropriate for its
purposes. Such commission shall have no power to contract
debts beyond the amount of its incomes for the current year.
(Ord. No. 26-29, § 4, 3-29-29)
[The next page is 1919]
§ 30-25 PLUMBING § 30-29
Sec. 30-25. Plumbing inspectors.
The chief plumbing inspector and the assistant plumbing
inspectors shall have such duties and responsibilities as may
be prescribed by the city manager. A plumbing inspector must
hold a city license as a journeyman or master plumber and
have had at least five (5) years' experience as a journeyman
plumber. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, § 2', 9-21-70)
Sec. 30-26. Right -of -entry.
Inspectors shall have access to all buildings for the pur-
pose of examining and carrying into effect the provisions of
the plumbing ordinances of the city, or the rules and regula-
tions of the local or state boards of health. (Ord. No. 48-70,
Art. I, § 28, 9-21-70)
Sec. 30-27. Interference with certificates or notices pro-
It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully mutilate,
deface, remove or destroy any certificate or notice placed upon
the plumbing work of any building by a city plumbing in-
spector. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, § 26, 9-21-70)
Sec. 30-28. Inspection—Prerequisite to covering or use of
It shall be the duty of the plumber installing plumbing work
to see that no plumbing is covered or used until such work has
been inspected and approved by the plumbing inspector. (Ord.
No. 48-70, Art. I, § 30, 9-21-70)
Sec. 30-29. Same—Request for; notice of defects; time limit
for correction.
(a) Any person doing plumbing work in the city shall, when
work has been prepared for inspection, as provided for in this
chapter, notify the plumbing inspector that inspection is re-
quired, giving location of the premises, and the time that work
will be ready for inspection.
§ 30-29 DUBUQUE CODE § 30-37
(b) If, upon inspection, the plumbing inspector findsthe
work not in accordance with the provisions of this chapter,
he shall notify the plumber doing the work or the owner of
the premises, by written letter or by posting written notices
upon the premises, and such letter or such posting shall be all
the notice required to be given of the defects in the work
found upon inspection and such defects shall be corrected with-
in three (3) days after notice is given. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I,
§ 29, 9-21-70)
Secs. 30-30-30-35. Reserved.
Sec. 30-36. Appointment; composition; qualifications.
The city manager shall, with the consent and approval of
the city council, appoint a plumbing board consisting of five
(5) members, one of whom shall hold a license as journeyman
plumber of at least five (5) years' experience, one a member
of the local board of health, and two (2) master plumbers who
have engaged in the plumbing business as master plumbers
for at least five (5) years in this city, and the fifth member
shall be one who holds a bachelor of science degree in the area
of physical sciences. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, § 3, 9-21-70)
Sec. 30-37. Terms; filling of vacancies.
(a) Members of the plumbing board shall serve for a period
of five (5) years, or until their successors are duly appointed
and qualified.
(b) Should a vacancy in the board occur it shall be the duty
of the chief plumbing inspector to notify the city manager of
such vacancy. Th•e city manager shall, with the consent and
approval of the city council, immediately appoint a new mem-
ber of the board to fill the e unexpired term. (Ord. No. 48-70,
Art. I, § 4, 9-21-70)
§ 30-38 PLUMBING, § 30.41
Sec. 30-38. Compensation.
The members of the plumbing board shall receive no com-
pensation. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, § 5, 9-21-70 ; Ord. No. 19-
73, § 1, 4-30-73)
Sec. 30-39. Facilities; meetings.
(a) The council shall provide suitable rooms in which the
plumbing board may hold its meetings and it shall provide
such board with all the necessary and incidental equipment
and facilities for holding the examinations and pay the ex-
pense thereof.
(b) The plumbing board shall meet at least once every three
(3) months. They shall also meet whenever theboard of health
or the city manager shall, in writing, request them to do so.
(Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, §§ 5, 8, 9-21-70; Ord. No. 19-73, § 1,
Sec. 30-40. Quorum.
Three (3) members of the plumbing board shall constitute
a quorum for the transacting of all business, but any action
taken by such board shall require a majority vote of all mem-
bers of the board. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, § 6, 9-21-70)
Sec. 30-41. Clerk.
The chief plumbing inspector shall act as the clerk of the
plumbing board and it shall be his duty to keep a record of
the meetings of such board and to register the names and
residences of all persons examined by such board, the result
of the examination and the kind of license issued to each, if
any, and the date thereof, assist the board in preparing, con-
ducting and grading examinations, and maintain a roster of
all apprentices with the board, and perform such other clerical
duties as pertains to the board. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, § 7,
§ 30-42 DUBUQUECODE § 30-42
Sec. 30-42. Powers and duties.
The plumbing board shall:
(1) Examination of plumbers; issuance of licenses. Ex-
amine all persons applying for licenses as journeyman
plumbers or master plumbers to determine their fitness
and qualifications as journeyman plumbers or master
plumbers and shall issue licenses to all persons who
shall have passed a satisfactory examination before
such board and shall be determined to be qualified as
licensed journeyman plumbers or licensed master
(2) Approval of material, method, equipment not covered
by chapter. Have the authority to approve materials,
devices, fixtures, and methods of assexnblance, appli-
ances or types of installations not covered specifically
by this chapter and in the event of national emergency
or some other cause beyond local control by reason of
which materials, devices, fixtures, methods of assem-
blage, appliance and types of installations shall not be
reasonably available, the board shall have the authority
to approve alternates. The board may at its discretion
invest as much of this authority in the plumbing in-
spector as the boarddeems fit and proper.
Service as appeal board. Any person directly interested,
who is aggrieved by a decision of the plumbing in-
spector, or from any requirements resulting from the
enforcement of this chapter may appeal from such
decision to the plumbing board, and such board shall
serve as an appeal board, and the board shall sit in
hearing. In case the party aggrieved is a board mem-
ber, such member shall be disqualified as a member of
the board acting as an appeal board, until the person
aggrieved has been heard and a decision rendered. The
appeal shall be made by the person aggrieved, giving
written notice of such appeal to the plumbing inspector,
within seven (7) days after becoming aggrieved. The
appeal board shall meet within seven (7) days after giv-
ing of such notice, and shall render a decision within
§ 30-42 PLUMBING § 30-54
five (5) days thereafter. Any interested party includ-
ing the plumbing inspectors have the right to present
the case to the appeal board, whose decision shall be
final, unless appealed to the city council, or to the court
as provided for by law.
(4) Revision of code or chapter. Receive and consider sug-
gestions for revision and/or improvements of this
chapter or the code adopted by section 30-1 of this
chapter and if, in the opinion of the board, such sug-
gestions will contribute to the objectives of this chap-
ter, the board shall submit such suggestions to the
city manager and council for consideration, or other
appropriate action. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, § 8, 9-21-
Secs. 30-43-30-53. Reserved.
Sec. 30-54. Required ; exception.
(a) No person shall begin installing pipes, fixtures, or other
apparatus for bringing in the water supply or removing liquid
and water -carried waste in or for any building in the city
except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section unless a
permit for such work has been issued by the division of plumb-
ing inspection to a master plumber.
(b) When a permit had been issued for plumbing work, in
no case shall additional work be put in or additional fixtures
set without the approval of the chief plumbing inspector, and
a new permit shall be obtained for all such additional work or
(c) Permits will not be required for the removal of stoppage
in soil or waste pipes or for replacing broken fixtures, or
tanks, or faucets, or repairing leaks in waste pipes or water
pipes or tanks, but when repairs are made, only fixtures shall
*Cross reference—Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations,
Ch. 24.
Supp. No. 2
§ 30-54 DUBUQUE CODE § 30-57
be used to replace broken fixtures as shall conform to the pro-
visions herein prescribed. Traps not previously vented when
repaired shall be finished with an approved antisyphon trap.
Nothing herein shall, however, be construed to permit the
repair or replacement, in whole or in part, of any private
sanitary or storm sewer, or any private water service, or any
excavating in the streets or other public places in the city,
without first having obtained a permit and paying the fee
therefor. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, §§ 20, 22, 25, 9-21-70; Ord.
No. 2-77, Pt. 1, 2-7-77)
Sec. 30-55. Application.
Any licensed master plumber desiring a plumbing permit
shall file with the division of plumbing inspection an applica-
tion in writing for such permit stating therein the street and
house number, with the owner's name, the name of the li-
censed plumber, specifying the work to be done and that such
work will be done in accordance with the ordinances of the city
and rules and regulations of the local and state boards of
health. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, § 21, 9-21-70)
Sec. 30-56. Issuance.
Upon the approval of the application for a permit required
by this division, the division of plumbing inspection shall issue
a permit to the person applying therefor, stating the name of
the owner of the property, the name of the licensed plumber
to whom the permit is issued, and the street and house num-
ber, and the work authorized to be done thereunder. No per-
mit shall be issued for additional plumbing work in any build-
ing where the plumbing is found defective or has been in-
stalled or is being maintained contrary to the provisions of the
city plumbing ordinances, or the rules and regulations of the
local or state boards of health, unless such plumbing is to be
corrected, and the permit is taken out to cover the correction
of such work. (Ord. No. 48-70, Art. I, § 23, 9-21-70)
Sec. 30-57. Fees.
(a) Schedule. There shall be charged a permit fee for all
plumbing work, either new, replaced, reconstructed, or re-
paired, except as provided in section 30-54 (c), as follows:
Supp. No. 2
Chapter 33
Art. I. In General, §§ 33-1-33-24
Art. II. Curbs and Driveways, §§ 33-25-33-47
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 33-25-33-31
Div. 2. Permit, §§ 33-32-33-47
Art. III. Excavations, §§ 33-48-33-77
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 33-48-33-61
Div. 2. Permit, §§ 33-62-33-77
Art. IV. Sidewalks, §§ 33-78-33-86
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 33-78-33-83
Div. 2. Snow and Ice Removal, §§ 33-84--33-86
Sec, 33-1. Use of explosives, etc.
If any person, within the corporate limits of this city,
causes or aids in causing, any firecrackers, torpedoes or other
explosives, of any kind or character, to be fired off or ex-
ploded upon the streets or alleys of this city, or upon any
public or private grounds without permission of the owner
or occupant thereof, or engages or participates in any sport
or exercise likely to scare horses, he shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanor. (Ord. No. 78, § 41)
Sec. 33-2. Obstructions.
Any person, within the corporate limits, who commits any
of the following acts shall be guilty of a misdemeanor:
(1) In any way obstructs or causes to be obstructed, any
street, alley, sidewalk or other public place by placing
therein or thereon any stone, lumber, brick, wood or
other thing or by making or causing to be made any
*Cross references—Display of advertising material on parking, re-
stricted, § 3-1; distribution of advertising material in public streets, §
3-20; motor vehicles and traffic, Ch. 25; removal of grade stakes, §
26-16; standards for streets, alleys and easements in subdivisions, Ch.
34, Art. III, Div. 2.
State law references—Streets and public grounds, LCLA. § 389.1 et seq.;
sidewalks, T.C.A. § 389.31 et seq.
§ 33-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 33-2
excavation therein or thereon, or by removing or caus-
ing to beremoved, plank or timber or other material
therefrom without having first secured written permis-
sion from the city to do so, or if any person who has
not secured a peddler's license, who obstructs or causes
to be obstructed, any street, alley, sidewalk, bridge or
other public place by keepingor having thereon or
therein or causing to be kept thereon or therein, any
wagon, push cart or other vehicle fromwhich to peddle
or from which is being peddled, or from which it is the
intention to peddle, fruit or other merchandise or any
commodity whatever, such wagon, push cart or other
vehicle being kept standing or moving from place to,,
(2) Places or causes to be placed on any of the streets,
alleys, sidewalks or other public places, any cord, wood,
lumber, brick,stone or any other species of property or
thing,and suffers the same to remain thereon or :there-
in for more than ten (10) hours after having been
notified by the chief of police to remove the same; pro-
vided, that this subparagraph shall not be construed to
apply in cases of removal or importation of goods,
wares and merchandise belonging to merchants where
the same do not remain as an obstruction for more
than ten (10) hours and no not occupy more than one-
third (1/3) of the width of the sidewalk from the build-
ing to the curb line.
(3) Obstructs any sidewalk by drawing, leading or driving
any cart or vehicle upon the same, or leaving any cart,
vehicle or animal upon the same, he shall be guilty of a
(4) Collect or gather on any sidewalk, so as to obstruct the
free passage thereon, and neglect or refuse to disperse
upon the request or command of the owner or occupant
of adjoining premises, or of a police officer.
(5). Keeps or leaves -open any cellar .door or grating, or
covering of any vault, on any street or sidewalk., or
and shall have deposited a policy of liability insurance satis-
factory to the city council insuring the city against any liabili-
ty arising out of the work during the period the same is being
carried on or within two (2) years thereafter. (Ord. No. 45-
51, § 8, 9-25-51)
Sec. 33-65. Contents.
Permits issued under this division shall be executed in du-
plicate and shall show the work for which the same has been
granted, the name of the person to whom the : same is issued,
the location of the premises, the purpose of the excavation and
the time within which the work shall be commenced and com-
pleted. (Ord. No. 45-51, § 7, 9-25-51)
Sec. 33-66. Council approval required for issuance of new per-
mits to violators of permit conditions or article.
Any person who shall fail to comply with the terms and con-
ditions of the permit authorized in this .division or who shall
violate the terms of this article shall not thereafter be granted
another such permit without the prior approval of the city
council. (Ord. No. 45-51, § 11, 9-25-51)
Secs. 33-67-33-77. Reserved.
Secs. 33-78-33-83. Reserved.
Sec. 33-84. Duty of abutting owner to remove.
The owner of any lot or parcel thereof abutting upon any
sidewalk on the city streets in the city shall promptly remove,
*Cross reference—Restrictions on street parking during snow removal,
Ch. 25, Art. VIII, Div. 5.
§ 33-84 DUBUQUE CODE § 33-86
or cause to be removed, accumulations of snow, ice or slush
from such sidewalks. (Ord. No. 51-51, § 1, 11-13-51)
Sec. 33-85. Removal by city upon owner's failure to remove;
assessment of costs.
In the event accumulations as described in section 33-84
are permitted to remain on sidewalks for more than a reason-
able length of time, then the city manager, when he deems
necessary in the interests of public safety, shall cause the
same to be removed and the cost of such removal shall be
assessed against the abutting property in the manner set out
in section 33-86. (Ord. No. 51-51, § 2, 11-13-51)
Sec. 33-86. Collection of cost of removal by city.
When the city manager, pursuant to section 33-85, has
caused accumulations of snow, ice or slush to be removed from
any sidewalk, he shall promptly ascertain the actual cost
thereof, including the cost of supervision, inspection and ac-
counting, and shall certify such actual cost to the city clerk
who, in turn, shall promptly certify such cost to the county
auditor and it shall then be collected with and in the same
manner as general property taxes in accordance with the
provisions of law. (Ord. No. 51-51, § 3, 11-13-51)
[The next page is 2149]
Chapter 35
Art. I. In General, §§ 35-1-35-15
Art. II. City Assessor, §§ 35-1635-20
Art. HI. Hotel and Motel Tax, §§ 35-21-35-23
Sec. 35-1. Assessment of property.
The assessment of property in the city shall be under the
provisions of chapter 441 of the Code of Iowa. (Ord. No. 21-
47, § 1, 7-25-47)
Sec. 35-2. Partial exemption for agricultural lands.
(a) Scope. Land within the city which is laid off in lots of
more than ten (10) acres and which the city council finds is
in good faith occupied and used for agricultural or horti-
cultural purposes shall be exempt from the annual levies made
for any of the functional funds of the city except that such
land shall be subject to a levy of one and one-fourth (11/4)
mills for street purposes;
(b) Application. Any owner or proprietor of real estate
who desires to obtain the benefits of the exemption provided
in paragraph (a) of this section shall, on or before July first
of each year, file application therefor in writing with the city
clerk on forms prepared by the city manager showing suf-
ficient information from which the city council may determine
whether the property is entitled to the exemption.
(c) Determination of eligibility. At the time of the adoption
of the annual budget, the city council shall meet and de-
termine what properties within the city are entitled to the
exemption provided in paragraph (a) of this section and
certify a list of such properties to the county auditor at the
time of the certification of the annual budget, which list shall
*Cross reference—Administration generally, Ch. 2.
Supp, No. 5
§ 35-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 35-21
constitute the authority of the county auditor to relieve the
lands listed thereon from all municipal levies except an annual
tax of one and one-quarter (11/x,) mills for street purposes.
(Ord. No. 6-54, § 3, 3-1-54)
Secs. 35-3-35-15. Reserved.
Sec. 35-16. Appointment.
The appointment of the city assessor shall be under the pro-
visions of chapter 441 of the Code of Iowa. (Ord. No. 21-47, §
1, 7-25-47)
Secs. 35-17-35-20. Reserved.
Sec. 35-21. Definitions.
[As used in this article, the following terms shall .have
the meanings indicated.]
Hotel and motel shall be deemed to mean any hotel, motel,
inn, public lodging house, rooming house or tourist court,
or' any place where sleeping accommodations are furnished
to transient guests for rent, whether with or without meals,
except the gross receipts from the renting of sleeping rooms
in dormitories and in memorial unions of all state universi-
ties and colleges.
*State law reference -Authority to provide for city assessor, I.C.A.
§ 441.51.
-Editor's note—Ord. No. 3-79, § 1, adopted Jan. 2, 1979, amended the
Code by adding provisions designated Art. III of Ch. 35, §§ 35-17-35-20.
For the purpose of preserving Code format, and at his discretion, the
editor has redesignated §§ 35-17, 35-18. and 35-20 as §§ 35-21=35-23
of Art. III of Ch. 35; provisions of §. 35-19 relative to effective date,
April 1, 1979, has been omitted from codification. Formerly, Art. III of
Ch. 35, §§ 35-21, 35-.22, consisted of §'§ 1, 2 of Ord. No. 50-78, which
ordinance authorized imposition of the five per cent hotel and motel tax
effective April 1, 1979, was adopted Aug. 21, 1978, and was approved
at referendum Nov. 7, 1978.
Supp. No. 5
§ 35-21 TAXATION § 35-23
Renting and rent shall include any kind of direct or indi-
rect charge for any room, apartment or sleeping quarter in a
hotel or motel as defined in this. section. (Ord. No. 3-79, § 1,
Sec. 35-22. Levy.
A. tax is hereby imposed upon the gross receipts from the
renting of any and all rooms, 'apartments or sleeping quar-
ters in any hotel or motel as defined in section 35-21 at the
rate of five (5) per cent of such gross receipts derived from
the renting of a room, apartment or sleeping quarters while
rented by the same person for a period of not more than thirty-
one (31) consecutive days. (Ord. No. 3-79, § 1, 1-2-79)
Sec. 35-23. Payment.
Such tax shall be paid as is provided in Senate File 336
Acts of the 67th General Assembly, 2nd Session. (Ord. No.
3-79, § 1, 1-2-79)
Supp. No. 5
[The next page is 2253]
§ 3642 UTILITIES § 36-76
Sec. 36-72. Established.
The city does hereby create and establish a transit au-
thority in and for the city, effective July 1, 1975..(Ord. No.
19-75, § 1, 6-9-75)
Sec. 36-73. Qualification of trustees.
The trustees of the transit authority shall qualify by taking
their respective oaths of office and filing a surety company
bond in the principal amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.-
00) in favor of the city in the office of the city clerk. (Ord.
No. 19-75, § 3, 6-9-75)
Sec. 36-74. Organization, election of officers; adoption of
rules; terms.
The board of trustees of the transit authority shall organize
for its transaction of business, elect from its own number a
chairman and a secretary who shall serve for such terms as
the board shall determine, not exceeding their terms of office
as members of the board, and adopt bylaws, rules and regu-
lations to govern the proceedings of the board. Members of
the board shall hold office for four (4) years or until their
respective successors have been appointed and have qualified.
(Ord. No. 19-75, § 5, 6-9-75)
Sec. 36-75. Salary of trustees.
The salary for each trustee member of the transit authority
is hereby fixed in the amount of three hundred dollars ($300.-
00) per year for each member. (Ord. No. 19-75, § 4, 6-9-75)
Sec. 36-76. Quorum; majority vote required for action by
Two (2) members of the board of trustees of the transit
authority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
*Cross references—Administration, Ch. 2; motor vehicles and traffic,
Ch. 25.
Supp. No. 1
§ 36-76
business. All action of the board shall be by resolution and
the affirmative vote of at least two (2) members shall be
necessary for the adoption of any resolution. (Ord. No. 19-75, §
5, 6-9-75)
Sec. 36-77. Records to be public; exception.
All resolutions of the board of trustees of the transit au-
thority and all documents and records in its possession shall
be public records and open to public inspection, except such
documents and records as shall be kept or prepared by the
board for use in negotiations, actions or proceedings to which
the board is a party. (Ord. No. 19-75, § 5, 6-9-75)
Sec. 36-78. Powers, duties of board.
The board of trustees of the transit authority shall have:
Supp. No. 1
§ 36-78 UTILITIES § 36-78
(1) Possession, management, charge and superintendence
of the transit system and shall have the power to make
and enforce rules and regulations for the control, super-
vision, maintenance and operation of the transit sys-
tem, and to buy, to sell and exchange any property, ve-
hicles, equipment or rights for the benefit and efficient
operation of such system ;
(2) The power to purchase equipment and may execute
agreements ;
(3) The power to employ, fix the compensation of, and re-
move, subject to the provisions of the civil service law,
such professional and technical employees, but not in-
cluding executive, skilled or unskilled, as it may be
deemed necessary for the operation and maintenance
for such transit system ;
(4:) The , power from time to time, to fix and establish
routes and schedules and change the same whenever
it is deemed advisable and shall have the power, and it
shall be its duty to fix, maintain, regulate and collect
rates, fares or charges for the transportation of pas-
sengers and any incidental services, and the rates or
charges to be made for advertising in buses or any
other facility under the control of the board so that
revenues of the system will be at all times sufficient
in the aggregate to provide for the payment of the
interest on and principal of all bonds for the payment
of the operation, maintenance, depreciation and other
expenses of the transit system and for the creation of
a reserve fund for the purchase of such new equip-
ment as may be reasonably necessary for the operation
of such transit system;
(5) The power to sell or otherwise dispose of any personal
property which, in the opinion of the board, is obsolete
or is no longer necessary to the operation and the main-
tenance of the transit system., Notice of such sale or
disposition of such personal property of a value of more
than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) shall be given
by publication once in a newspaper published in the city
at least ten (10) days before such sale or disposition.
§ 36-78
DUBUQUE'. CODE § 36-92
The board shall establish reasonable rules and regula-
tions governing the sale or disposition of such property.
Any revenue derived from the sale of such property
shall be deposited with the treasurer of the city to the
credit of the transit system. (Ord. No. 19-75, §§ 6, 7,
9, 6-9-75)
Sec. 36-79. Deposit of funds; disbursements.
All funds derived from taxation or otherwise for , transit
system purposes shall be deposited with the treasurer of the
city to the credit of the transit system and shall be with-
drawn or paid out only by check ordraft upon the bank
signed by the chairman of the board and countersigned by the
secretary thereof. (Ord. No. 19-75, § 8, 6-9-75)
Sec. 36-80. Contracts and agreements not subject to council
Contracts and agreements entered into wherein the city
transit authority is a party shall not be subject to review
and approval by the city council. (Ord. No. 19-75, § 10, 6-9-75)
Sec. 36-81. Meetings.
The transit authority shall hold at least one official meeting
per month, which shall be held in the city council chambers
at the city hall. The designated monthly meeting day shall be
the second Thursday of each month. (Ord. No. 19-75, § 11,
6-9-75 ; Ord. No. 36-75, § 1, 8-18.75)
Secs. 36-8236-91. Reserved.
Sec. 36-92. Definitions.
In this article, the words "water works," "city water works"
or "city water department" shall mean the city, acting
through its qualified officers. (Ord. No. 5-59, § 1, 2-9-59)
Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2.
§ 36-163 UTILITIES § 36-180
Concrete pavement, one and one-half cents
($0.015) per square yard;
h. Brick or concrete manholes, one dollar ($1.00)
i Asphalt rollers, twenty cents ($0.20) per one hun-
dred (100) square yards;
j. Wetting down sub -grade, one dollar ($1.00) per
one hundred (100) square yards.
(d) 'The rate for water charged for other purposes not
mentioned herein, s.ucli as for circuses, carnivals, fairs,
skating rinks, swimming pools, tank wagons and filling cis-
terns will be made by the superintendent of water department
when application is made for the same at the water office.
(Ord. No. 5-59, § 38, 2-9-59)
Cross reference—Buildings and building regulations, Ch. 10.
Sec. 36-164. Payment of bills.
All bills for water shall become delinquent fifteen (15)
days after the date of billing. Ten (10) days after a bill has
become delinquent the water may be shut off and ifit is so
shut off, it shall not be turned on again . until all water bills
and other charges due for services, together with a two dollar
($2.00)' penalty, have been paid. Water will be turned on only
during the regular working hours. (Ord. No. 5-59, § 36,
Secs. 36-165-36-170. Reserved.
Secs. 36-171-36-180. Reserved.
Supp. No. 5
§ 36-181
Sec. 36-181. Purpose.
There is hereby created and established the Dubuque Cable
TV Commission. The purpose of the Commission shall be as
(1) 'To advise the council of satisfactory performance and
programming of TV -FM Cable for every subscriber
with rates and policies which are fair to both the sub-
scriber and the cable company;
(2) To develop community access programming through
the use of, but not limited to, the community access
programming funds collected 'under the terms of the
franchise agreement or any other agreement between
the City of Dubuque and the provider of cable tele-
vision services;
(3) To act as trustee for the funds referred to in subsec-
tion (2) ;
(4) To act as an official body to receive, process and report
to the city council upon complaints of subscribers to
cable television services;
To investigate, and compile information at the request
of the city council pertaining to cable television serv-
ices and, where appropriate, to engage professional
consultants for guidance and advice, and pay the cost
thereof from community access funds only. (Ord. No.
8-77, § 1, 2-21-77)
Sec. 36-182. ,Membership; organization; meetings; voting.
(a) The commission shall have a membership of nine (9)
persons appointed by the city council for two (2) year terms.
Five (5) of the initial appointments shall be for one-year
*Editor's. note—Ord. No. 8-77, §§ 1-5, adopted Feb. 21, 1977, did not
expressly amend the Code; hence, inclusion herein as Div. 2 of new
Art. V, §§ 36-181-36-185, is at the editor's. discretion.
Supp. No. 5
§ 36-182 UTILITIES § 36-184
terms and the balance shall be for two-year terms. Upon
cornpletion of their term of office, members shall continue to
serve in their full capacity until a successor has been duly
(b) The commission shall elect a chairperson, secretary,
and treasurer from among its members at the first regular
meeting :of the commission in February;
(c) The commission shall meet once a month at a time and
place agreed upon by its. members;
(d) All action taken by the commission shall be upon an
affirmative vote of a majority of the total number of mem-
bers of the commission. (Ord. No. 8-77, § 3, 2-21-77; Ord.
No. 38-79, § 1, 6-18-79)
Sec. 36-183. Expenditure of community access funds.
Community access funds collected by the commission shall
be administered by the commission and may be expended for
the following purposes:
(1) To provide air time, equipment (purchased, rented or
otherwise) and materials for public access program-
(2) To secure expert advice. on the development and opera-
tion of community access programming;
(3) To provide for the day-to-day operation of the com-
mission, including, but not limited to, reimbursement
for expenses incurred in carrying out the purposes of
the commission. The commission is authorized to ex-
pend all funds allocated to it for its. operation. No
community access funds so allocated shall be returned
to the general fund. (Ord. No. 8-77, § 2, 2-21-77)
Sec. 36-184. Right to deny community access funds; control
over access to media.
The commission shall have: the right to deny community
access funds for any particular purposes. However, in no
Supp. No. 5
§ 36-184 DUBUQUE CODE § 36-185
event shall access to the media be determined by the com-
mission. Access to the media shall be determined only by the
media. (Ord. No. 8-77, § 4, 2-21-77)
Sec. 36-185. Annual report.
The commission shall provide the city council with an an-
nual report to be submitted at the end of each year and to
contain the following information:
(1) The report shall contain information on the income
and expendituresof the commission from the funds
received from the cable company for public access;
(2) The report shall contain a listing of complaints han-
dled by the commission;
(3) The report shall contain progressthroughout the year
of programs shown over the public access channel;
(4) The report shall list a summary of activities, com-
mentary on successes and failures, and also sugges-
tions for improvement. (Ord. No. 8-77, § 5, 2-21-77)
Supp. No. 6
[The next page is 2355]
Chapter 38
Art. I. In General, §§ 38-1-38-15
Art. IL Taxicabs, §§ 38-16-38-40
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 38-16-38-30
Div. 2. Permits and Licenses, §§ 38-31-38-40
Secs. 38-1-38-15. Reserved.
Sec. 38-16. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, when used in this article,
shall have the meanings set out herein:
Chauffeur means any person who operates an automobile
in the transportation of persons, and who receives any com-
pensation for such service in wages or commissions or who is
otherwise paid, directly or indirectly.
Taxicab means a motor vehicle regularly engaged in the
business of carrying passengers for hire, having a seating
capacity of less than ten (10) persons and not operated on a
fixed route. (Ord. No. 33-57, § 1, 4-1-57)
Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2.
Sec. 38-17. Meters required.
(a) All persons who have a permit to operate a taxicab
within the city shall equip such taxicab with a fare registering
meter, commonly known as and called a taxicab meter, for the
purpose of charging a fare to patrons using said taxicab; and
such taxicab shall not be operated upon the streets of the
*Cross references --Licenses • and miscellaneous business regulations,
Ch. 24; motor vehicles and traffic, Ch. 25.
Supp. No. 1 2411
§ 38-17 DUBUQUE CODE § 38-18
city at any time when such taxicab shall have more than the
driver occupying the same without such meter operating.
(b) Every taximeter in use shall be placed on the front
dashboard and shall be placed in such a positionthat the
amount of fare to be charged, shall, at all times be plainly
visible to and readily ascertainable by all the occupants of the
taxicab. Between the hours of sunset and sunrise, the dial of
the taximeter shall be illuminated whenever it is in use.
(c) When a taxicab is not in service, the taximeter shall
show no fare. When a taxicab is in service and the taximeter
rate is used, the flag or indicator on the taximeter shall be
lowered, and the taximeter shall be in the calculating position.
Upon the completion of the service by a taxicab, the flag or
indicator on the taximeter shall be raised, and its dials
cleared. (Ord. No. 33-57, § 12, 4-1-57 ; Ord. No. 40-65, § 2,
11-15-65; Ord. No. 11-69, § 1, 3-3-69)
Sec. 38-18. Rates—Established.
The following are hereby fixed and established as the rates
and charges for the transportation of passengers within the
city limits :
(1) One passenger: First one-fourth (1/4) mile, one dollar
($1.00) ; each additional one-fourth (1/4) mile, twenty
cents ($0.20).
(2) Two (2) or more passengers (not exceeding five (5) ),
same points of origin and destination:
(a) Related group. First one-fourth (1/4) mile, one
dollar ($1.00) ; each additional one-fourth (1/4)
mile, twenty cents ($0.20) ; each extra passenger,
twenty-five cents ($0.25).
(b) Unrelated groups. Each passenger pays metered
rate: First one-quarter (1/4) mile, bne dollar
($1.00) ; each additional mile, twenty cents ($0.20).
(3) Two (2) or more passengers (not exceeding five (5;),
same point of origin but different destinations: Each
Supp. No. 1
§ 38-18
passenger discharged pays metered rate from origin;
minimum charge in all cases will be one dollar ($1.00).
(4) Various points of origin and destination: (a) First
passenger pays metered rate as follows: First one-
quarter (1//) mile, one dollar ($1.00) ; each additional
one-quarter (1/4) mile, twenty cents ($0.20). (b) Sub-
sequent passengers pay as follows: Drop charge, one
dollar ($1.00) ; plus the difference in recorded meter
charge (computed at twenty cents ($0.20) per one-
quarter (14) mile) from, origin to destination.
(5) Rates include ordinary luggage.
(6) Waiting charge will be nine dollars ($9.00) per hour
as recorded on time meter after passenger is picked
When service is provided to more than one passenger
on a trip, the driver shall request and receive the oral
consent of the original passengers before providing
service to additional passengers.
(Ord. No. 33-57, § 13, 4-1-57 ; Ord. No. 40-65, § 2, 11-15-65;
Ord. No. 11-69, § 2, 3-3-69; Ord. No. 43-72, § 1, 7-17-72; Ord.
No. 55-73, § 1, 12-3-73; Ord. No. 29-74, § 1, 4-22-74; Ord.
No. 20-76, § 1, 5-17-76)
Sec. 38-19. Same—Posting required.
Every motor vehicle operating as a taxicab shall have ex-
posed in a conspicuous place, in clear view within the passen-
ger's compartment, a printed table large enough to be read
by the passengers in the taxicab, showing the rates estab-
lished in section 38-18 of this article ; andit shall be unlawful
to operate, or permit to be operated, any taxicab unless such
rates are posted as provided in this section. (Ord. No. 33-57,
§ 14, 4-1-57)
Sec. 38-20. Same—Receipt.
The driver of any taxicab shall, upon request, furnish any
passenger a receipt for the amount charged, either by a
Supp. No. 1
§ 38-20 DUBUQUE CODE § 38-30
mechanically printed receipt or by a specially prepared re-
ceipt, on which shall be shown the name of the taxicab op-
erator, the chauffeur's name and license number, the taxi-
cab license number, the date and the items for which charges
are made. (Ord. No. 33-57, § 16, 4-1-57)
Sec. 38-21. Same—Unlawful for passenger to refuse to pay.
It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to pay the legal
fare for 'a taxicab after having hired the same. (Ord. No.
33-57, § 17, 4-1-57)
Sec. 38-22. Consent of original passenger required before
taking on new passengers or riders.
(a) In all cases in which taxicab service is being provided
to more than one passenger in a given trip, the driver furnish-
ing the service shall request and be given the oral consent of
the original passenger ; and no additional passenger may be
taken unless the consent of the original passenger is given.
(b) No chauffeur shall permit any other person to occupy
or ride in a taxicab, unless the person, or persons, first em-
ploying the taxicab shall consent thereto. (Ord. No. 33-57, §
15, 4-1-57 ; Ord. No. 11-69, § 2, 3-3-69 ; Ord. No. 43-72, § 1,
7-17-72 ; Ord. No. 55-73, § 1, 12-3-73 ; Ord. No. 29-74, § 1,
Sec. 38-23. Stands.
The city manager, with the approval of the city council,
may set apart places upon the streets in the city where taxi-
cabs may stand and where passengers may be solicited, but
nothing herein shall permit such soliciting to be made away
from the cab so as to subject pedestrians to annoyance or
interference. (Ord. No. 33-57, § 18, 4-1-57)
Secs. 38-24-38-30. Reserved.
Supp. No. 1
§ 38-32
Sec. 38-31. Operator's permit—Required.
No person shall operate or permit a taxicab owned or con-
trolled by him to be operated as a vehicle for hire upon the
streets of the city without first having obtained a taxicab
operator's permit from the city. (Ord. No. 33-57, §§ 2, 11,
Sec. 38-32. Same—Application.
An application for a taxicab operator's permit shall be filed
with the city manager upon a form provided by him ; and such
application shall furnish the following information:
Supp. No. 1
§ 38-35 VEHICLES FOR HIRE § 38-37:
permit fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for the right to engage in
the taxicab business and a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
each year for each vehicle authorized under the permit. Such
fees shall be for one year starting April first and shall be in
addition to any . other, license fees or charges established by
proper authority and 'applicable to such holder and the vehicle,
or vehicles under his operation and .control.. (Ord. No. 33-57,
7, 4-1-57)' .;
Sec. 38-36. Same—Findings prerequisite to issuance; issu
ance; term.
(a) If the council finds upon the public hearing as provided
in .section 38-33 .that further taxicab service in the city is re-
quired by ,the public convenient a and necessity and that the
applicant is fit, willing and able to perform such public trans-
portation and to conform to the provisions of this article and
the laws of the state, then the city council shall issue a taxi-
cab operator's permit stating the name and address of the
applicant, the maximum number of vehicles authorized under
the permit and the date of issuance; otherwise :the application
shall be denied.
(b) In . making the above findings the council shall take'
into consideration the number of .taxicabs already in operation,
whether existing transportation is adequate to meet the public"
need,: the probable effect of increased service on localtraffic
conditions and the character, experienceand responsibility of
the applicant.
(c) The permit shall remain valid until revoked by the coun-
cil, or surrendered by the applicant, so long as the annual
license fees hereinafter provided are paid. (Ord. No. 33-57, §
5, 4-1-57)
Sec. 38-37. Same—Transfer restricted.
No taxicab operator's permit may be sold, assigned, mort-
gaged or otherwise transferred without the consent of the
city council. (Ord. No. 33-57, § 8, 4-1-57)
§ 38-38 DUBUQUE CODE § 38-40.
Sec. 38-38. Same—Increase in permitted number of vehicles.
When any holder of a taxicab operator's permit shall desire
to increase the number of vehicles authorized under the per-
mit he may make application therefor to the city manager,
together with the payment of the annual fee provided in this
division, and if the city manager shall find that such an in-
crease in the number of cabs is in conformity with the re-
quirements of section 38-36 he may authorize the increase,
subject to confirmation by the city council. (Ord. No. 33-57,
§ 6, 4-1-57)
Sec. 38-39. Same—Tag to be fastened to vehicle.
The taxicab license tag or plate issued by the city as evi-
dence of an operator's permit shall be fastened upon the
vehicle and shall not be removed until the expiration of the.
permit. (Ord. No. 33-57, § 9, 4-1-57)
Sec. 38-40. Operator's license.
(a) Any chauffeur, as defined in this article, shall wear
upon• his clothing a current chauffeur's license button or tag,
issued to him by the city manager, for which he shall pay the
sumof one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per year.
(b) Permitting a licensed taxicab to be operated by an un-
licensed chauffeur, or driving a licensed or unlicensed taxicab
without being a licensed chauffeur, shall constitute a viola-
tion of this article. (Ord. No. 33-57, § 11, 4-1-57)
[The next page is 2469]
§ 4-111 APPENDIX A -ZONING § 4-112
construction increases risks to life and
property. The applicant will provide writ-
ten and notarized acknowledgement of
such notification. (Ord. No. 40-78, § 1,
Section 4-112 C-1 Commercial district regulations
4-112.1 General Statement of Intent
The C-1 Commercial District is intended to provide
for small clusters of commercial establishments pri-
marily serving the daily needs of nearby residents.
Commercial uses which by virtue of their size or type
of service would tend to attract customers from a
broader area than the local neighborhood are not per-
mitted in this district.
To assure proper vehicular access and avoid the pene-
tration of residential areas by uses which may adverse-
ly affect the residential environment, new C-1 Commer-
cial Districts will generally be established only along
larger collector streets or arterial streets bordering dis-
crete residential neighborhoods. In older areas of the
City developed prior to the existence of zoning regula-
tions, the C-1 Commercial District may be located with-
in discrete residential neighborhoods, particularly in
locations where a long history of commercial use and
continued commercial viability is present. However,
in both older and newer areas of the City, zoning policy
will be directed towards gradually encouraging the
centralization and functional coalescence of businesses
within this district and discouraging the scattering
throughout residential neighborhoods of C-1 Districts
to accommodate a single use.
4-112.2 Principal Permitted Uses
In the C-1 Commercial District, no building, structure
or land shall be used and no building or structure shall
be built or .altered to be used in whole or in part, un-
Supp. No. 3
§ 4-112
less otherwise specifically provided by this ordinance,
except for the following purposes :
1) Flower, nursery, or garden stores
2) Food stores
3) Barber shops and beauty shops
4) Drug stores, health care supply and similar retail
convenience goods stores
5) Hardware stores
6) Parking lots containing spaces for not more than
thirty (30) vehicles
7) Laundry or dry cleaning establishments
8) Bakeries not exceeding 3000 square feet in floor
9) Repair shops for television, radio, or home ap-
pliance repair. (Ord. No. 6-76, § 1, 2-23-76)
4-112.3 Accessory Uses and Structures
Accessory uses and structures shall be permitted in the
C-1 Commercial District only in accordance with the
provisions and regulations of Article V of this ordi-
nance, entitled "Supplementary District Regulations".
4-112.4 Conditional Uses
The following Conditional Uses are permitted in the
C-1 Commercial District, but only in accordance with
the provisions of Article VI of this ordinance governing
the issuance of Conditional Use Permits
1) Taverns or bars
2) Indoor restaurants
3) Gas stations
4-112.5 Schedule of District Regulations Adopted
Additional regulations for the C-1 Commercial District
shall be as set forth in the C-1 Schedule of District
Supp. No. 3
§ 4-112 APPENDIX A -ZONING § 4-112
Regulations, hereby adopted by reference and declared
to be a part of this ordinance, and in Article V of this
ordinance, entitled "Supplementary District Regula-
Stipp. No. 3
§; 4413 APPENDIX A -ZONING § 4-113
priate larger parcels in order to promote the planned
and integrated development of several commercial uses
at once and discourage the random and uncoordinated
development of small individual facilities.
The C-2 District will also be applied to recently -devel-
oped local shopping centers which are in substantial
conformance with the regulations and purposes of this
district. In older, non-nucleated commercial areas of the
City, the C-2 District may have some limited applica-
tion to groups of commercial uses which are spatially
and/or functionally integrated and which possess other
characteristics appropriate to the district.
4-113.2 Principal Permitted Uses
In the C-2 Commercial District, no building, structure,
or land shall be used, and no building or structure shall
be built or altered to be used in whole or in part, except
for the following purposes :
1) Parking lots
2) Retail sales of clothing, household • furnishings,
garden supplies, hardware, housewares, variety
goods, drugs or health care supplies, and similar
retail convenience goods, but not including depart-
ment stores as defined in this ordinance and not
to include uses listed as permitted uses in the C-3
Commercial District Regulations [See Section
4-114.2 of this ordinance] .
3) Private schools offering instruction in sports,
crafts, or fine arts.
4) Retail food stores.
5) Bars or taverns.
6) Barber shops, beauty shops, and similar personal
service establishments.
7) Professional office uses permitted in the OR -1
Office Residence District [See Section 4-109.2 of
this ordinance].
§°4-113- DUBUQUE CODE § 4-113
8) Indoor restaurants.
9) Gas stations.
10) Laundry or dry-cleaning establishments.
11) Repair of appliances, electrical equipment, or other
retail comparison goods for which sales are per-
mitted under 4-113.2(2) of this Section.
4-113.3 Accessory Uses and Structures
Accessory uses and structures shall be permitted in the
C-2 Commercial District only in accordance with the
provisions and regulations of Article V of this ordi-
nance, entitled "Supplementary District Regulations".
4-113.4 Conditional Uses
The following Conditional Uses are permitted in the
C-2 Commercial District, but only in accordance with
the provisions of Article VI of this ordinance governing
the issuance of Conditional Use Permits :
1) Drive-in restaurants, car washes or banks, pro-
vided that the. Board of Adjustment finds, after
receiving the advice and recommendation of the
City Planner, that the orderly and efficient flow
of traffic on all streets giving access to the pro-
posed facility will not be impeded.
4-113.5 Schedule of District Regulations Adopted
Additional regulations for the C-2 Commercial District
shall be as set forth in the C-2 Schedule of District
Regulations, hereby adopted by reference and declared
to be a part of this ordinance, and in Article V of this
ordinance, entitled "Supplementary District Regula-
Ord. No. Date Section this. Code
5-78 1-16-78 1 App. A, § 3-104.1
6-78 1-16-78 1 25-142
8-78 2-20-78 1 25-190
10-78 3-13-78 1 25-212(b), (c)
11-78 3-13-78 1 25-183
12-78 3-20-78 1 App. A, §§ 4-110.4.4-
2 App. A, § 4-110.10.3
3 App. A, § 4-
4 App. A, § Art. XI
14-78 3-20-78 1 25-212(b)(2)
15-78 4- 3-78 1 App. A, § 3-103.8.
2 Rpld App. A, § 4-102.2(3)
17-78 4- 3-78 1 14-69
18-78 4- 3-78 1 14-74
19-78 4-17-78 1 App. A, § 4-118.b.3
2 App. A, § 4-118.8
22-78 4-17-78 1 19%/z-11
23-78 4-17-78 1 18-2
26-78 5- 1-78 1 25-210
28-78 5- 1-78 1 4-12--4-19
29-78 5- 1-78 1 Rpld 25-190
31-78 6- 5-78 1 App. A, § 4-109.4
35-78 6- 5-78 1 25-326
36-78 6- 5-78 1 25-326
38-78 6-19-78 1 25-210(b)
39-78 6-28-78 1 App. A, § 1-101.3
2 App. A, § 4-111.1
40-78 6-28-78 1 App. A, § 4-111.2
47-78 8- 7-78 1 5-2
48-78 8-21-78 1 App. A, Art. XI
49-78 8-21-78 1 App. A, § 4-117.6
50-78 8-21-78 1,2 35-21,35-22
52-78 9- 5-78 1 25-257
53-78 9- 5-78 1 25-328.1
55-78 9-18-78 1 App. A., §,§ 3-109.3, 4-106.4
62-78 11- 6-78 1 25-257(c)
63-78 11- 6-78 1 25-326
64-78 11- 6-78 1 25-326
66-78 11-20-78 1 13-16
68-78 12- 4-78 1 Rpld 6-21
69-78 12-18-78. 1 16-6-16-8
70-78 12-18-78 1 16-9
71-78, 12-18-78 1 24-3
Supp. No. 5
Ord. No. Date Section this Code
72-78 12-18-78 1 16-17-16-25
2-79 1- 2-79 1 App. A, §§ 4-117.2-
4-117.5, 4-117.6.2
3-79 1- 2-79 1 35-21-35-23
6-79 1-16-79 1 App. A, § 3-103.9(2)
9-79 1-16-79 1 25-210
10-79 1-16-79 1 25-210
11-79 1-16-79 1 25-210
12-79 1-16-79 1 25-212(b) (1)
13-79 1-16-79 1 16-10
15-79 2- 5-79 1 4-13, 4-14
19-79 3-19-79 1 17-32,17-35-17-37
20-79 4- 2-79 1 20-1-20-16
21-79 4- 2-79 1 25-257(d)
22-79 4- 2-79 1 25-210
Added 2-141-2-144
23-79 4- 2-79 1 Rpld 2-141-2-152
24-79 4- 2-79 1 2-201(5)
26-79 5- 7-79 1 36-56
27-79 5-21.79 1, 2 27-101, 27-102
28-79 5-30-79 1 25-220(e)
29-79 5-30-79 1 25-210
30-79 6- 4-79 1 21-1
2 21-27
3, 4 21-39, 21-40
5 21-56(3)
6 21-57(4)—(7)
7 21-64(4)
8 21-71
9 21-61
10 21-79
11 21-83
12-14 21-80-21-82
15 Rpld 21-86
16 21-87
36-79 6-18-79 1 25-210
37-79 6-18-79 1 25-257(d)
38-79 6-18-79 1 36-182(a)
Supp. No. 5
[The next page is 3001]
Removal 26-123
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants 16-48 et seq.
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that
False reports 26-6
Traffic accident provisions 25-43 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
ADMINISTRATION. See also specific subjects
Generally 2-1 et seq.
Zoning regulations, App. A
Zoning. See that title
Billposting and handbill distribution
Definitions 3-14
Exemptions 3-16 et seq., 3-22
Exemptions 3-16
Identification badges 3-15
Nonprofit organization exemption 3-17
Required, fees, etc. 3-15
Littering, street distribution 3-20
Manner of distribution, generally 3-20
Nonprofit organizations exempt, etc. 3-17
Patent medicine samples, etc. 3-20
Persons who may distribute bills within their busi-
nesses, etc. 3-21
Placing bills, etc., in vehicles 3-19
Posting bills on property without consent 3-18
Signs. See hereinbelow that subject
Display of advertising material on public property
Removal, costs 3-1
Signs. See hereinbelow that subject
Notices, defacing 3-2
Signs. See hereinbelow that subject
Alterations 3-41
Supp. No. 2
ADVERTISING—Cont'd. Section
Bonds. See hereinbelow: Licenses, Permits and Bonds
Conflicting provisions 3-43
Construction 2-50 et seq.
Definitions 3-36
Design 3-57
Display signs, construction 3-50
Enforcement 3-38 et seq.
Exemptions 3-42
Ground signs, construction 3-54
Installation in violation prohibited 3-40
Licenses, permits and bonds
Bond prerequisite to permit 3-65
Bond 3-69
Fee, when _ due 3-68
Required, exception 3-67
Bond prerequisite to issuance 3-65
Fees 3-66
Required 3-64
Lighting reflectors 3-56
Permits. See hereinabove: Licenses, Permits and
Projecting sings, construction 3-53
Purpose and scope 3-35
Roof signs, construction 3-55
Short title 3-34
Traffic signs, signals or devices
Erecting signs interfering with 3-37
Installation in violation prohibited 3-40
Wall bulletins, construction 3-52
Wall signs, construction 3-51
AFFIRMATION. See: Oath, Affirmation, Swear or
AGENCIES OF CITY. See: Departments and Other
Agencies of City
AGREEMENTS. See: Contracts and Agreements
Tax exemptions 35-2.
Taxation. See that title
Code adopted, etc. 19-1
Heating, air conditioning and ventilating. See that
Supp. No. 2
BLASTING AGENTS. See: Explosives and Blasting Section
Subdivision blocks 34-81 et seq.
Loosening stones from bluffs in parks 27-58
City clerk as clerk of 2-121
Transit authority 36-72 et seq.
Transit authority. See that title
Agencies of city in general. See: Departments and
Other Agencies of City
Municipal waterfront and docks 26-110 et seq.
Municipal waterfront and docks. See that title
Coasting areas 33-11 et seq.
Emergency location for city government 2-5
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Approval 2-4
City solicitor to sign 2-150'
Officers bonds enumerated 2-69
Officers and employees. See that title
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Prostitution, etc. 26-8
Milk bottles, weight and measure requirements 24-104
Street defined to include 1-2'
Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Concealed weapons 27-12
Firearms and weapons. See that title
Definitions 6-43
Exemptions 6-46
Fees 6-45
Required 6-44
Use of 26-7
Firearms and weapons. See that title
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. ____ 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Concealed weapons 27-12
'Firearms and weapons. See that title
Weighing - 24-106
Prostitution, etc. 26-8
BRUSH. See: Weeds and Brush
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Board of appeals
Amendment 10-2(204)
Building official
Code amendments 10-2;(20'1) (b), (c)
Conflict of interests 10-2(201) (e)
Cooperation of other officials
Deputies ___w
Powers and duties
Records and reports
Right of entry
Stop orders
Plumbing code adopted
Plumbing code. See: Plumbing
Condemned buildings
Housing authority right to demolish
Construction or repairs on buildings
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc.
Noises. See that title
Construction permits on municipal docks, etc. See:
Municipal Waterfront and Docks
Dangerous buildings
Repair, demolition and removal of unsafe buildings.
See hereinbelow that subject
Condemned buildings, housing authority
Repair, demolition and removal of unsafe buildings.
See hereinbelow that subject
Creation, amendments
Earthquake regulations
Electrical code
Electricity. See that title
Elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, etc.
Amendments 10-2 (App., Chap. 51 of
Excavating and grading, amendments 10-2 (App., Chap.
Exits and high rise buildings
Fire alarm systems
High rise buildings
Fire extinguishing system
High rise buildings
Fire prevention
Fire prevention. See that title
Fire zones
Flood areas
Flood areas. See that title,
10-2'(202) (b)
10-2(202) (g)
10-2(202) (c)
10-2(202) (d)
10-2(202) (e)
30-1 et seq.
2.6-186 et seq.
13-1 et seq.
building code)
70 of building
10-2'(18017) (j)
1'0-2(1807) (c)
10-2 (1807 )
14-1 et seq.
15-116 et seq.
BUILDINGS—Cont'd. Section
Heating, air conditioning and ventilating 19-1 et seq.
Heating, air conditioning and ventilating. See that
High rise buildings
Amendments 10-2 (1807')
Housing 20-1 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Building inspections, fees, schedule 10-2(302) (d)
Generally 10-2(304)
Fees 10-2(303)(d)
Generally 10-2(302)(f)
Light, ventilation and sanitation
Amendments 10-2'(1805) et seq.
Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2
Animals and fowl. See that title
Municipal waterfront and dock construction. See: Mu-
nicipal Waterfront and Docks
Occupancy violations
Code amendments 10-2(202),(f)
Ordinances repealed 10-2(6003)
Applications, amendments ___. 10-2(301)
Demolition permits
Waiting period for 10-5
Expiration 10-2(802)(d)
Fees 10-2'(303)
Amendments 10-2(802)(a)
During rezoning consideration 10-4
Required 10-2(301)(a)
Subdivision restrictions 34.18
Suspension or revocation 10-2(802)(e)
Swimming pools 10-33 et seq.
Validity .. 10-2 (302) (c)
Planning and zoning commission powers 29-20
Planning and zoning commission. See that title
Plans and specifications, information in 10-2(301) (c), (d)
Retention of plans 10-2(302) (b)
Plumbing code adopted 30-1 et seq.
Plumbing. See that title
Private disposal systems 36-43 et seq.
Water and sewers. See that title
Rat control 24-78 et seq.
Rat control. See that title
BUILDINGS—C'ont'd. Section
Repair, demolition and removal of unsafe buildings
Code amendment relative to unsafe buildings 10-2(203)
Council authority to direct manager to remove and
assess costs against premises 10-20
Manager's report upon owner's failure to comply
with notice 10-18
Manager's right of entry 10-21
Notice of hearing on manager's report 10-19
Notice to owner to repair or remove 10-17
Substandard buildings 20-10 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Rezoning consideration
Permit issued during prohibited 10-4
Roofloads .................................... 10-2(2305)
Roof signs 3-55
Signs. See: Advertising
Sign regulations ................. 3-50 et seq.
Advertising. See that title
Standby power and light
High rise buildings 10-2(1807) (i)
Subdivision restrictions 34-18
Substandard buildings, dwelling units and lots 20-10 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Swimming pools 10-33 et seq.
Swimming pools. See that title
Unsafe buildings
Repair, demolition and removal of unsafe buildings
See hereinabove that subject
Unsafe facilities 20-2.02
Housing. See that title
Violations and penalties
Code amendments 10-2(205)
Water closet compartments and showers
Amendments 10-2(1711)
Toilet facilities 10-2(1711)
Permit issuance during rezoning consideration 10-4
Garbage and trash 17-1
Smoking in 14-9
Transit authority 36-72 et seq.
Transit authority. See that title
Occupational license requirements in general 21-1 et seq.
Licenses and permits. See that title
Supp. No. 5
Dubuque cable TV. commission
Access to media, control over 36-184
Annual reporte 36-185
Appointment, terms of.office of members .... . 36-182(a)
Chairperson, secretary and treasurer 36-182(b)
Community access funds
Expenditure of ..................... .. . . 36-183
Right to deny 36-184
Composition 36-182 ( a)
Election of officers .......... ..... . ..... . . 36-182 (b)
36-182 ( c)
Purpose of provisions 36-181
Voting 36-182 ( d)
Occupational license requirements in general ...... 24-1 et seq.
Licenses and permits. See that title
Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
CARNIVALS. See: Circuses, Carnivals ad Menageries
Public parks, in 27-39
Parks and recreation. See that title
Rabies control regulations applicable to 7-45 et seq.
Dogs, etc., in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Opening on streets 33-4(5)
Housing standards 20-104
Housing. See that title
Area delineated ............. ..................... . 24-25
Bakery goods, regulations for sale 24-26(b) (3)
Display of merchandise
Merchandise permitted; limitations and prohibitions 24-26
Fruits and vegetables, regulations for sale 24-26(b)(4)
Homemade jellies, catsup, etc.
Limitations and prohibitions on sale 24-26(b)(2)
Inspection of merchandise 24-32
Confiscation of unfit food 24-32
Supp. No. 5
CENTRAL MARKET'—Cont'd. Section
Limitations and prohibitions on display, sale, etc. 24-26(b)
Market area delineated 24-25
Market master
Designated; duties 24-30
Market stalls
Establishment of 24-27
Stall use permits. See within this title that subject
Permitted merchandise to be sold, displayed, etc. 24-26
Protection of foodstuffs from exposure to flies, dust,
etc. 24-26(b)(5)
Stall use permits
Fee 24-27
Issuance 24-27
Restricted to Central Market area 24-28
Revocation 24-29
State laws relating to licensing inspection and taxa-
Compliance with 24-26(b)(1)
Traffic regulations 24-31
Weights and measures 24-33
Accuracy of measuring devices testing 24-34
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Noise, creating 26-143(g)
Defined 24-1
Miscellaneous business licenses 24-3(1)
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Supp. No. 5
Smoking .regulations 14-9
Manner of conducting 6-61
Permits 6.63
Fees prerequisite to issuance 6-59
Further conditions to issuance 6-,60
Required 6-58
Residential neighborhoods, excluded from 6-62
Taxation. See that title
Appointment 2-114
Clerk of board of health 2-121
Clerk of council, as
Council meetings, etc, in general. See: City Council
Council meetings, duties 2-50
Custodian of records
Custody of city seal 2-7, 2-120
City seal. See that title
Defined 1-2'
Emergency succession in office 2-199' et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Notices, service of 2-119
Powers and general duties 2-115
Publication of records, duty ______ 2-117
Annual appropriation ordinance 2-24
Appointment of councilpersons to city offices 2-110
City agencies. See: Departments and Other Agencies
of City
City employees. See: Officers and Employees
City solicitor to attend meetings 2-143
CITY COUNCIL—Cont'd. Section
Emergency succession 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Form of government designated 2-1
General special assessment fund 2-6
Finances in general. See: Finances
Mayor 2-81 et seq.
Mayor. See that title
Meetings and rules of procedure
Appointments, voting on 2-49
Attendance, compelling 2-52
Calling meeting to order 2-35
Chairman, selection 2-35'
City solicitor to attend 2-143
Duty to attend meetings 2-50
Clerk to direct papers to appropriate committees 2-50
Date and time of 2-22, 2-32
Debates, limitations on participation 2-33
Disorderly conduct
Punishment 2-52
Indulging in personalities 2-53
Interrupting speakers 2-40
Journal, keeping 2-52
Manager, duties 2-51
Mayor to preside 2-33
Members leaving without consent of presiding officer 2-38
Minutes, reading 2-35
Effect of motions for the previous question, etc. 2-46
Motion to adjourn 2-45
Motion to lay on table, commit or postpone on
main question, etc. 2-46
Precedence of motions on subject in question . 2-44
Order of business 2-36
Preservation of order and decorum 2-37
Presiding officer
Members not to leave sittings of council without
leave of 2-38
Division of multiple issue questions 2-42
Effect of motions for the previous question 2-46
Members required to vote on, exceptions 2-41
Method of calling the previous question 2-47
Method of voting on; regarding sums and length
of time 2-43
CLUBS Section
Concealed weapons 27-12
Firearms and weapons. See that title
Person defined re --------------------------------- - — - - - 1-2
Weighing 24-107
Designated, etc. 33-11 et seq.
Altering or tampering with 1-6
Amendments to code _________ _______ 1-7
Annual appropriations ordinance 2-24
Catchlines, titles, headings and notes
Effect 1-3
Numbering system of code explained. See the pref-
ace to this volume
City solicitor, duties 2-147
Definitions 1-2
Designated and "cited, how 1-1
New ordinances, effect 1-6
Preparation of ordinances 2-147
Effect - 1-5
Rules of construction 1-2
Severability of parts of code 1-4
General penalty ----- - — ------ -----
Gambling devices 26-70, 26-72
Gambling. See that title
Computerized checkout systems 24-91
Computerized checkout systems. See that title
Weights and measures 24-98 et seq.
Weights and measures. See that title
Agencies of city in general. See: Departments and
Other Agencies of City
*Note—The adoption, amendment, repeal, omissions, effective date,
explanation of numbering system and other matters pertaining to the
use, construction and interpretation of this Code are contained in the
adopting ordinance and preface which are to be found in the preliminary
pages of this volume.
Supp. No. 2
Officers salaries 2-68
Officers and employees. See that title
Planning and zoning commission powers _ 29-20
Planning and zoning commission. See that title
Planning and zoning commission powers 29-20
Planning and zoning commission. See that title
Affixing of consumer information to merchandise by
merchants using
Consumer information required __ 24-91(B)
Definitions 24-91(A)
Director's powers of enforcement 24-91(C)
Violations, penalties _ 24-91(D)
Airport concessionaires permit 4-7
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Housing 20-24
Housing. See that title
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and the
adopting ordinance of this code
Demolition, housing authority 20-26
Execution of contracts, etc. 2-8
Noise ordinance compliance by city contractors and
sub -contractors 26-147
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and the
adopting ordinance of this code
Powers and duties of manager 2-106 et seq.
City -operated ambulance rates 18-52
Person defined re 1-2
Supp. No. 2
Legal department 2-141 et seq.
Legal department. See that title
Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2
Animals and fowl. See that title
COUNCIL. See: City Council
Defined 1-2
Created, etc. 11-16 et seq.
Civil defense. See that title
City solicitor, duties 2-148
Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq.
Opinions and actions of solicitor, record of 2-145
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-129 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Animals at large, etc. 7-2
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Unfair and discriminatory practices
Unfair and discriminatory practices. See also that
False reports 26-6
Fortunetellers' license requirements 24-46 et seq.
Construction 33-25 et seq.
Streets and sidewalks. See that title
Milk and milk products 16-28 et seq.
Milk and milk products. See that title
Going -out -of -business sales regulations 24-60 et seq.
Going -out -of -business sales. See that title
Supp. No. 5
Public dances and dance halls 6-90 et seq.
Public dances and dance halls. See that title
Notice to police department 7-49
Execution 2-8
Damaging, defacing ,property , , , 26-15
DEFENSE. See: Civil Defense
General definitions for interpreting code 1-2
Construed for _.interpreting .code .................... 1-2
Historic districts
Demolition of structures in 191/2-7
Historical preservation. See also that title
Housing; repair or demolition 20-14 et seq.
Substandard buildings, etc. See: Housing
Permits, waiting period for 10-5
Unsafe buildings. See: Buildings
Airport commission 4-22 et seq.
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Airport zoning commission 4-47 et seq.
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Board of adjustment_ •- .•
Airport zoning, for
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Cable television commission
Cable television. See that title
Civiccenter commission. See that, title,
Civil service commission ..... .. ., . _. ....
Civil service commission. See that title
Clerk to direct papers to appropriate committees, etc.
Council meetings and procedures. See: City Council
Department of public docks
Municipal waterfront and docks.' See that title
Division of plumbing inspections
Plumbing. See that title
Dock :board ...., . . •..
Municipal waterfront and .docks. See that; title
Supp. No. 5
4-74 et seq.
36-181 et seq.
2-178 et seq.
Cont'd. Section
Electrical appeals board 13-47 et seq.
Electricity. See that title
Electrical examining board 13-103 et seq.
Electricity. See that title
Emergency location for city "government 2-5
Fire department 14-25 et seq.
Fire department, See that title
Health and sanitation
Board of health 18-1
Health and sanitation. See that title
Historic preservation commission 191 -3 et seq.
Historical preservation. See that title
Human rights commission 21-16 et seq.
Human rights commission. See that title
Legal department 2-141 et seq.
Legal department. See that title
Library board of trustees 23-1 et seq.
Library. See that title
Officials, boards, commissions, etc., construed 1-2
Playground and recreation commission 27-16 et seq.
Parks and recreation. See that title
Plumbing board 30-36 et seq.
Plumbing. See that title
Police department in general 31-1 et seq.
Police department. Seethat title
Reference to officials, etc., by title in code construe d 1-2
Transit authority 36-72 et seq.
Transit authority. See that title
Planning and development
Planning and development. See that title
Planning and zoning commission
Planning and zoning commission: See that title
29-1 et seq.
29-16 et seq.
Demolition permits 10-5
Buildings. See that title
Office created, responsibilities, etc. 2-169 etseq.
Public works and improvements. See that title
Civil defense, providing for =...:. 11-1 et seq.
Civil defense. See that :title
Supp. No. 5
DISASTERS—Cont'd. Section
Emergency location for city government 2-5
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Human relations provisions
Rabies control regulations
21-1 et seq.
7-45 et seq.
Assembling for purpose of rioting 26-30
Assemblies. See that title
Council meetings, at 2-52
Dance hall premises, conduct of patrons 6-99
Public dances and dance halls. See that title
Noise restrictions 26-143(f)
Noises. See that title
Public parks, in 27-35
Disturbing assemblages 26-3
Interference with policemen, firemen ..... • . • • • • • 26-5
Ringing of bells, gongs, etc. 26-4
Fighting 26-2
Generally 26-1
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
DOCKS. See: Municipal Waterfront and Docks
City -operated ambulance rates 18-52
Regulated 7-16 et seq.
Animals and fowl. See that title
Peddlers' regulations • • • • • • • . . • 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
Supp. No. 5
Automatic clothes washing machine 30-7 ..
Plumbing. See that title
Housing standards 20-1 et seq.
Grading and drainage. See: Housing
Open air shows 6-75 et seq.
Open air shows. See that title
Theaters and halls in general 6-128 et seq.
Theaters and halls. See that title
Construction 33-25 et seq.
Streets and sidewalks. See that title
Model glue 26-84 et seq.
Model glue. See that title
Patent medicine distribution 3-20
Roller skating rinks, offenses in 6-151
Roller skating rinks. See that title
Intoxication in public places 5-6, 26-9
Created, etc. 11-16 et seq.
Civil defense. See that title
Name, location 4-1
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Requirements 37-33 et seq.
Trees and shrubbery. See that title
Housing standards 20-1 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Storage 2640
Explosives and blasting agents. See that title
Supp. No. 5
Building code amendments 10-2
Emergency location for city government 2-5
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary" pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Street defined to include 1-2
Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks
Regulations 27-73
Parks and recreation. See that title
Unfair and discriminatory practices ....... 21-71
Unfair and discriminatory practices. See that title
City manager, restrictions regarding 2-108 et seq.
Mayor ......,..... .• .• 2-81
Definitions and rules of construction 16-16
Division of city into 12-19'.
Errors, correction of 12-18
Precincts described12-20 et seq.
Twenty-five precincts
City divided into 12-19
Wards abolished
Electrical appeal board. See within this title ` that
Approved materials 13-18
electrical cnductors
traversing 13-19
Code. See within this title: Electrical Code
Curb cuts traversing city -owned electrical conductors 13-19
ilama.rrP.tn wires ..................,..............,13-19
Defective equipment or installations
Shutting off electricity to
Electrical appeal board
Composition 13-42
Supp. No. 5
ELECTRICITY—Cont'd. Section
Compensation 13-45
Created 13-41
Election of officers 13-43
Electrical inspector, appeals from decisions of
erally 13-73
Meetings 13-46
Qualifications 13-42
Terms of office 13-44
Electrical code
Adoption of 13-16
Electrical hazards
Created from existing conductors during construc-
tion, etc. 13-20
Electrical inspector
Appeals from decisions of :.......: 13-73
Electrical appeal board. See also within this title
that subject ...
Appointment .. 2-199 et seq.
Certificates of approval, issuance 13-70
Conduct of inspections 13-69
Defective equipment on installations
Shutting off electricity to .. , < . .• 13-71
Duty to enforce provisions 13-66
Emergency succession in office ,• . 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Engaging in electrical business 13-33
Office created 13-29
Professional organizations, membership in 13-32
Qualifications 13-30
Removing obstructions to inspection
Authority 13-68
Right of entry 13-67
Unauthorized connections
Declared unlawful; exceptions 13-72
Registration of electricians. See hereinbelow that
Emergency work 13-58
Enforcement of provisions
Electrical inspector. See within this title that sub-
Examining board
Appeals from actions of 13-110
Appointment 13-105
Chairman 13-107
Composition 13-104
Supp. No. 5
ELECTRICITY—Cont'd. Section
Created 13-103
Examinations 13-88
Quorum 13-109
Registration of electricians. See also within this title
that subject
Secretary 13-108
Terms 13-106
Examination of electricians
Registration of electricians. See within this title
that subject
Existing conductors
Electrical hazards from created during construction
or other installations 13-20
Permits. See within this title that subject
Homeowner performing own work
Exceptions from permit requirements 13-55
Housing standards 20-1
Housing. See that title
Inspector. See within this title: Electrical Inspector
Living trees
Use of as supports 13-23
Outdoor lighting 13-22
Penalty for violations 13-13
Supp. No. 5
Bonds 26-45
Definitions 26-44
Applicant's responsibility for costs of city in-
spector 26-48
Application 26-56
Bond and fee 26-56
Issuance 26-57
Prerequisites to 26-56
Required 26-55
Qualifications of person in charge 26-46
Safeguards, authority to require 26-47
Caps containing dynamite, blank cartridges, etc. 26-14
Firearms, discharging 26-13
Firearms and weapons. See that title
Storage of dynamite, gunpowder, etc. 26-10
Streets, discharging fireworks or explosives on 33-1
Municipal athletic fields and playgrounds 27-100 et seq.
Parks and recreation. See that title
Reporting 26-6
Airport regulations adopted 4-3
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Junk and salvage operations, fencing 22-5
Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2
Animals and fowl. See that title
Park fences, climbing on 27-51
Parks and recreation. See that title
Swimming pool fencing requirements 10-37
Disturbing the peace 26-2
FILLING STATIONS, See: Gasoline Service Stations,
Bonds, approval 2-4
City treasurer 2-159 et seq.
City treasurer. See that title
Supp. No. 5
FINANCES—Cont'd. Section
Deposits of municipal funds by employees 2-73
Fiscal year designated 2-3
General special assessment fund ...•..2-6
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
General penalty 1-8
Code of ordinances. See that title
Damaging, interfering with 14-10
Bicycles following fire apparatus 9-4
Bureau of fire prevention 14-32 et seq.
Fire prevention. See that title
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Interference with, resisting, obstructing 26-5
Service outside city 14-25
Service station fire extinguishers 14-50
Gasoline service stations and tank trucks. See that
Caps, removal 14-11
Parking by 25-256(4)
Use restricted 36-101
Water and sewers. See that title
Appeals 14-5
Bureau of fire prevention
Annual report, recommendation 14-34
Established 14-32
Officers, personnel 14-33
Supervision................................. . 14-32
Burning of trash, refuse 17-1
Adopted 14-1
Appeals 14-5
Conflicts 14-12
Definitions 14-2
Enforcement 14-4
Supp. No. 5
FIRE P'REVEN'TION—Cont'd. Section
Modifications: ...................... ,............ 14-3
Violations, penalties 14-13
Conflicting provisions 14-12
Emergency situations 14-7
Fire alarm system
Damaging, interfering with 14-10
Fire hydrants caps,. removing 14-11
Gasoline service stations and tank trucks 14-46 et seq.
Gasoline service stations and tank trucks. See also
that title
Housing 20-1 et seq..
Housing. See that title
Newmaterials °14-6
Smoking, carrying lighted objects
Specified places restricted 14-9
Special conditions . 14-8
Violations, penalties 14-13
Going -out -of -business sales regulations ............. 24-60 et seq.
Going -out -of -business sales. See that title
Waterusage. 36-162
Water and sewers. See that title
Described 10-3
Concealed weapons, carrying 26-12
Discharging firearms ........... ...... 26-13
Hunting with a bow and arrow 26-7
Parks, discharging in 27-50
Parks and recreation. See that title
Shooting gallery licenses . ....... 6-114 et seq.
Shooting galleries. See that title
Toy pistols, etc:
Sale and use of 26-14
Use of bows, arrows, slingshots, other missile -throwing
devices 26-7
Emergency location for city. government 2-5
Falsereports ............,.........................,..,........ 26-6 .
Setting fires on pavement 33-10
Streets and sidewalks. See that title
Starting in parks 27-57
Supp. No. 5
Dischargingin parks .........................,...
Parks and recreation. See that title
Person defined re 1-2
Designated 2-3
Designation 15-16
Permits 15-18
Restricted 15-17
Posting 15-16
Vacation of dwelling 15-19
Zoning regulations. See: Zoning (Appendix A)
Regulated 27-74
Public parks. See: Parks and Recreation
Weighing...,..................••••• •••••.•••••.... 24-105
Damaging, defacing 26-17
Beverage vending machines. See within this title: Food
and Beverage Vending Machines
Central market restrictions 24-33 et seq.
Central market. See that title
Food and beverage vending machines
Disciplinary action for violations, unsanitary condi-
tions, etc. 16-25
Inspection of vending machine commissaries, vending
machines, etc. 16-24
License to operate
Application for
Agreement to maintain list, make available 16-19(b)
Form; information 16-19(a)
Exemption for operators of certain machines 16-18(b)
Expiration, renewal ...:... 16-18(a)
Food establishment, food -service licensing require-
Licensed vending machines excepted from :. 16-22:.
Supp. No. 5
Identification tags for individual machines 16-23
Nontransferable 16-21
Required 16-18(a)
Disciplinary action for 16-25
Food -service establishments
Food service sanitation ordinance
Adopted 16-6
Amendments 16-8
Definitions 16-7
License to operate
Fee 16-9
Violations; penalties 16-10
Market restrictions 24-33 et seq.
Milk and milk products 16-28 et seq.
Milk and milk products. See that title
Peddlers' restrictions 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title.
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants 16-48 et seq.
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that
Municipal athletic field regulations 27-86 et seq.
Parks and recreation. See that title
E. B. Lyons Forest Preserve and Nature Center 27-73
Fines, forfeitures and penalties. See that title
Supp. No. 5
Distributing 3-14 et seq.
Advertising. See that title
Park restrictions 27-48
Parks and recreation. See that title
Parking spaces for 25-344 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
Ambulances 18-16 et seq.
Ambulances. See that title
Board of health
Clerk designated 2-121
Established 18-1
Dance hall premises, cleanliness 6-99
Public dances and dance halls. See that title
Expectorating, spitting on sidewalks 33-3
Food and food handlers 16-1 et seq.
Food and food services. See that title
Garbage and trash 17-1 et seq.
Garbage and trash. See that title
Housing standards 20-1 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Livestock kept in city 7-2
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Meat -packing plants 16-48 et seq.
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that
Milk and milk products 16-28 et seq.
Milk and milk products. See that title
Rabies control regulations 7-45 et seq.
Roller; skating rinks, sanitation requirements 6-150
Slaughterhouses 16-48 et seq.
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that
Adopted 19-1
Amendments 19-2
Housing standards 20-82 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Supp. No. 2
Definitions for interpreting code
Street defined to include
Streets in general. See: Streets and. Sidewalks
Commission. See within this title: Historic Preserva-
tion Commission
Structures in historic districts
Historic districts
Alteration of structures in
Demolition of structures in
Identification and designation of
Historic preservation commission
Appeals from decisions of commission
Appointment of members
Chairman, vice-chairman
Compensation of members
Officers, election of
Powers and duties generally
Record of its proceedings, actions, etc.
Residency requirements
Review of plans
Rules or bylaws for transaction of business
Terms of office of members
Vacancies, filling
Purpose and intent of provisions
Review of plans
Procedure for
Penalties; injunctive remedy authorized
19% -7
191/2-3 (b)
191/2 -3 (h)
191/z -3(c), (e)
191/2-3(d), (f)
191/2 -1
Animals at large, etc. 7-2
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Computing time for interpreting code 1-2
City -operated ambulance rates 18-52
Supp. No. 2
HOUSING-Cont'd. Section
Compliance required 20-8.0
Sleeping rooms 20-8.02
Lighting of 20-5.04(d)
Hand rails and guardrails 20-6.01(d) (1)
Health and sanitation
Sanitation facilities and requirements 20-5.05
Storing or keeping articles dangerous to life or
health; restrictions on combustible articles 20-5.05(j) (7)
Toxic substances posing health hazards; use of lead-
based paint prohibited 20-5.05(j)(1)
Heating, lighting, air conditioning, ventilation and re-
frigeration. See also: Heating, Air Conditioning
and Ventilating
Applicable provisions 20-7.02(b)
Hallways, lighting 20-5.04(d)
Mechanical ventilation 20-5.04(c)
Multiple -dwelling walls, color of 20-5.04(e)
Natural and mechanical ventilation; ventilation for
fuel -burning appliances 20-7.01(c)
Natural light and ventilation generally 20-5.04(a)
Origin of light and ventilation 20-5.04(b)
Temperature requirements; unvented heaters; ap-
proved devices for appliances 20-7.01
Ventilation for fuel -burning appliances 20-7.01(c)
Housing code advisory and appeals board
Advice and recommendations to council 20-2.03 (d)
Conduct of business 20-2.03(b)
Decisions appealable to council 20-2.03(c)
Established; membership; terms of office 20-2.03(a)
Housing division. See within this title: Building De-
Insect control. See within this title: Rodent, Insect and
Vermin Control
Additional inspections
All licensed dwellings subject to 20-3.03((d)
Unlicensed dwellings ad dwelling units subject to 20-3.03(c)
Generally 20-3.03(a)
Multiple -dwelling inspections
Fees 20-3.04(c)
Presale and/or mortgage, etc., inspection
Fees 20-3.04(d)
When dwellings are subject to 20-3.03(b)
Dwelling classifications, kitchen requirements for 20-5.05(c)
Walls and floors of 20-5.05(e)
Supp. No. 5
HOUSING—Cont'd. Section
Lavatories. See within this title: Water Closets, Lava-
tories, Etc.
Legislative findings 20-1.02.
Liability of owner or occupant for compliance 20-2.01(j)
Multple-dwelling operating license
Fees 20-3.04(b)
Required for exterior doors on rental dwellings .... 20-3.02
Lighting. See within this title: Heating, Lighting,. Etc.
Required for exterior doors on rental dwellings ...: 20-6.01(d) (3)
Mechanical requirements
Applicable provisions 20-7.02
Compliance required ............ ........... , ... 20-7.0
Equipmnet types; installation 20-7.01
Civil liability for nuisance conditions 20-2.04(c)
Unsafe facilities. See within this title that sub-
One- and two -dwelling -unit dwelling exempt from fees;
exception 20-3.03(e )
Lead-based paint, use of prohibited .. . 20-5.05(j)(1)
Required ................. 20-3.01.
Applicable provisions 20-7.02 (c)
Hot and cold running water required; plumbing fix-
tures, approved types of 20-5.05(d)
Purposes 20-1.03
Rental housing
Eviction of tenant by owner ' 20-2.04(1)
Locks required on exterior doors 20-6.01(d) (3)
Rent uncollectible if premises is in violation 20-2.04(b)
Right of entry 20-2.01(c)
Rodent, insect and vermin control
Ratproofing; extermination of insects and/or rats;
screening and rat harborage 20-5.05(i)
Room dimensions
Ceiling heights . 20-5.03(a)
Floor area 20-5.03(b)
Maximum density, minimum space and location;.
room arrangement 20-5.03(d)
Width 20-5.03(c)
Sanitation facilities and requirements 20-5.05
Scope 20-1.04
Supp. No. 5
HOUSING—Cont'd. Section
Water closets, lavatories, bathtubs and showers
Communal or public facilities 20-5.05(b)
Generally 20-5.05 (a)
Installation and maintenance 20-5.05(g)
Plumbing fixtures 20-5.05(d)
Room separation 20-5.05(f)
Walls and floors of bathrooms 20-5.05(e)
Yards and courts
Projections into yards 20-5.02(d)
Scope 20-5.02(a)
Yard specifications 20-5.02(b)
Enforcement of civil rights
Cease and desist order 21-82
Alternative judicial proceedings 21-83
Amendment of complaints 21-78
Execution 21-77
Filing 21-79
Time limitation for 21-79
Notice; investigations 21-81
Persons who may make 21-77
Staff proceedings on complaints 21-80
Failure to reach settlement by conciliation
Proceedings upon 21-81
Findings by commission; available remedies; etc. 21-82
Judicial review; enforcement actions 21-87
Procedural rules 21-85
Available remedies 21-82
Provisional remedies 21-84
Unfair and discriminatory practices 21-39 et seq.
Unfair and discriminatory practices. See that title
Appointment of members 21-18
Cease and desist orders 21-82
Compensation 21-20
Complaints 21-77 et seq.
Composition 21-17
Confidential nature of complaints, etc. 21-26
Created 21-16
Definitions 21-1
Enforcement of civil rights 21-77 et seq.
Human relations. See that title
Supp. No. 5
Failure to reach settlement by conciliation
Proceedings upon 21-81
Finding by commission on complaint, etc. ..... 21-82:
Judicial review, enforcement actions 21-87
Meetings 21-23
Quorum 21-24
Notices and investigations 21-80 et seq.
Officers 21-19
Powers and general duties 21-27
Procedural rules 21-85
Provisional remedies 21-84
Records to be public, exceptions 21-25
Release from administrative process 21-83
Remedies available 21-82
Removal for unexcused absences 21-21
Rules 21-22
Terms of office 21-18
Unfair and discriminatory practices 21-39 et seq.
Unfair and discriminatory practices. See that title
Vacancies, filling 21-18
Bows and arrows, with 26-7
Prostitution or lewdness 26-8
Sale, installation restricted
Indecent exposure 26-11
Lewd places 26-8
Prostitution. See that title
Public parks, indecent exposure in
Financing fees .. 29-2
Investigation.................... , ... • .. • ..... 29-1
Planning and development. See that. title
Rabies control regulations 7-45 et seq.
Housing....... , .,,, ,,, .... 20-1. seq.
Housing. See that title
Supp. No. 5
Weights and measures 24-98 et seq.
Weights and measures. See that title
Housing standards 20-82 et seq.
Housing standards. See that title
Erection 3-56
Going -out -of -business sales regulations 24-60 et seq.
Going -out -of -business sales. See that title
Alcoholic beverage regulations 5-1 et seq.
Alcoholic beverges. See that title
Handbill distribution prohibitions 3-20
Unlawful deposits in parks 27-45
Maintaining in city 7-2
Animals in general. See.: Animals and Fowl
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Miscellaneous business regulations 24-3(2)
Smoking in 14-9
Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2
Animals and fowl. See that title
Subdivision lots 34-90 et seq.
Noise control traffic provisions 25-59 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Miscellaneous business regulations 24-3(3)
Street defined to include 1-2,
Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks
MARKET Section
Central market 25-25 et seq.
Central market See that title
Transit authority 36-72 et seq.
Transit authority. See that title
Definitions 1-2
Chief executive officer 2-83
Presiding officer of council, etc., in general. See:
City Council
Election and term of office 2-81
Emergency powers 2-84
Emergency proclamations, obedience to 11-1
Civil defense. See that title
Mayor pro tem 2-85
Powers and general duties 2-82
MEAT -PACKING. See: Slaughterhouses and Meat -
Packing Plants
MEDICINES. See: Drugs and Medicines
MENAGERIES. See: Circuses, Carnivals and Menager-
Adopted 16-28
Grade of products, etc. 16-29
Milk plants
Permit fees 16-36
Weights and measures required 24-104
Fee adjustment 28-26
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
Fortunetellers' license requirements _ 24-46 et seq.
Providing for 20-1 et seq.
Housing. See that title
MINORS Section
Alcoholic beverage offenses 5-7
Junk dealers, pawnbrokers, etc., dealing with 22-3
Model glue restrictions ____ 26-87
Model glue. See that title
Roller skating rink regulations 6-146
Roller skating rinks. See that title
Emergency succession in office : 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Throwing stones, sticks, etc. 26-7
Flood areas 15-16 et seq.
Flood areas. See that title
Municipal waterfront and docks 26-110 et seq.
Municipal waterfront and docks. See that title
Assembling for purpose of rioting 26-30
Assemblies. See that title
Definitions ____ 26-84
Exemptions 26-88
Inhalation of fumes, prohibited 2.6-85
Minors, transactions with 26-87
Transfer or possession for unlawful purposes 26-86
Defined 1-2
Requirements 26-113
Municipal waterfront and docks. See that title
Accommodations or services
Prohibited practices 21-48
Unfair or discriminatory practices. See that title
Hotel and motel tax. See: Taxation
Housing standards
Housing. See that title
Miscellaneous business licenses 24-3(2)
Supp. No. 4
20-141 et seq.
Theaters and halls 6-128 et seq.
Theaters and halls. See that title
Ambulances 18-16 et seq.
Ambulances. See that title
Coasting areas for sleighing, sleigh riding, etc. 33-11 et seq.
Gasoline tank trucks 14-66 et seq,
Service stations and tank trucks. See that title
Handbills, etc., placed in 3-19
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Traffic regulations 25-1 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Vehicles hauling refuse, requirements 17-29
Garbage and trash. See that title
Washing vehicles in parks 2'7-59
Use in parks 27-55
MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. See: Airports and Aircraft
Petrakis Park field regulations 27-87
Parks and recreation. See that title
Created, etc. 11-16 et seq.
Civil defense. See that title
Regulated 25-286 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Regulation 25-304 et seq
Traffic. See that title
Agreements for waterfront usage, time limit 26-114
Boat landing areas 26-111
Boathouse, defined 26-110
City owned waterfront
Permission required for use by commercial operators 26-118
Supp. No. 4
Commercial excursion operators
Use of city -owned waterfront, permission 216-118
Construction permits
Department of public docks
Dock board
Dock board
Floats, boathouses
Duty to maintain in orderly condition 26-121
Launching restrictions
Mooring of boathouses restricted 26-115
Mooring permits
No parking areas
Pleasure craft spaces
Conducting trade or business in 26-122
Pollution of waterways 26-120
Removal of boats without permits 26-113
Repairs to boats in public launching ramps 26-117
Sunken, derelict or abandoned craft
Unlawful deposits in waterways 26-120
Watercraft operation rules 26-119
NARCOTIC DRUGS. See: Drugs and Medicines
Electricity. See that title
Civil defense, providing for 11-1 et seq.
Civil defense. See that title
Gas main connections 36-1 et seq.
Gas mains. See that title
E. B. Lyon Forest Preserve and Nature Center 27-73
Human relations provisions 211-1 et seq.
Airplanes creating 26-143(e)
Animals and fowl creating 26-140(3)
Animals and fowl. See that title
NOISES—Cont'd. Section
Bells, chimes, etc. 26-1413(g)
Building and occupancy permits
Issuance restricted, etc. 26-148
Building construction and repairing noise 26-140(6)
City contracts and purchases, compliance of contrac-
tors, etc. 26-147
Crying of wares 2.6-140'(2)
Definitions 26-139'
Disorderly conduct 2'6-143(f)
Disorderly conduct. See that title
Disturbing assemblies 216-3
Emergency operations 26-143(a)
Enforcement of provisions 26-149
Engine brakes 26-140(13)
Excessive noise
Criteria for determination of 26-141
Residential air conditioners 26-144
Exhaust discharges 26-140(10)
Garbage collectors creating 26-140(8)
Horns, signaling devices, etc. 2,6-140(1)
Jacob brake, use 26-140(113)
Lawnmowers, garden tools, etc. ____ 26-143(c)
Loading, unloading, opening boxes 26-140'(4)
Loud, unnecessary or unusual noises 26-140(12)
Method of measurement 26-142
Miscellaneous operations 26.-,143
Noise required by law 26-143(b)
Noisy equipment
Sales, distribution, lease or rental 26-14.6,
Pile drivers, hammers, etc. 26-140(7)
Prohibited noises enumerated 216-140
Residential air conditioners 216-143(d), 26-144
Ringing of bells, gongs, etc. 26-4
Roller skating rinks 6-152
Schools, courts, churches, hospitals, etc.
Creation of noise near 26-140'(5)
Stationary machinery, equipment and fans 26-140(14)
Traffic noises 26-145
Traffic regulations 25-59 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Unlawful use of buildings 26-140(11)
Variance permits
Applications 26-159
Authorized 26.156
Indefinite permits 26-160 et seq.
NOISES--Cont'd. Section
Special community events 26-158
Temporary permits 26-157 et seq.
Vehicle repairs 26-140 (9)
Defacing 3-2
Civil defense, providing for 11-1 et seq.
Civil defense. See that title
Emergency location for city government 2-5
Indecent exposure 26-1.1
Dutch elm disease
37-33 et seq.
Trees and shrubbery. See that title
Weed removal
Weeds and brush. See that title
37-49 et seq.
Word usage for interpreting code 1-2
City -operated ambulance rates
Civil defense appointees' oath 11-24
Definitions 1-2
OBSCENITY. See: Indecency and Obscenity
Occupational license requirements in general 21-1 et seq.
Licenses and permits. See that title
Miscellaneous offenses and provisions 26-1 et seq.
Specific penalties, remedies, regulations. See specific
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
(Note—In conjunction with the subjects listed herein
which are of a general nature applicable to all
personnel, see specific officers, boards, depart-
ments, etc.)
Airport manager 4-34 et seq.
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Annual reports 2-71
Council voting on appointments 2-49
Providing for, generally 2-67
Approval 2-4
Officers' bonds enumerated 2-69
Books and records 2-72
City assessor, appointment 35-16
Taxation. See that title
City clerk 2-114 et seq.
City clerk. See that title
City manager 2-103 et seq.
City manager. See that title
City sealer 24-98
Weights and measures. See that title
City solicitor 2-141 et seq.
City solicitor. See that title
City treasurer 2-159 et seq.
City treasurer. See that title
Civil service commission 2-178 et seq.
Civil service commission. See that title
Compensation, salaries, etc.
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Providing for
Delegation of authority, construed 1-2
Departments and other agencies of city. See that title
Elections 12-1 et seq.
Elections. See that title
Electrical inspector 13-29 et seq.
Electricity. See that title
Emergency location for city government 2-5
Emergency succession 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Examinations 2-187
Civil service commission. See that title
General powers and duties _ 2-2
Designated ___ 2-70
Specific powers, etc. See specific subjects
Mayor 2-81 et seq.
Municipal funds, deposits of 2-73
Municipal parking garage operators 25-296
Traffic. See that title
Pensions and retirements
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Personnel records 2-185
Civil service commission. See that title
Plumbing inspectors 30-24 et seq.
Plumbing. See that title
Powers and duties of manager 2-107
Representation, duties of solicitor 2-149
Transfer of records and property to successor 2-74
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Definitions 6-75
Exemptions 6-78
Exemptions 6-78
Fees 6-77
Required 6-76
Theaters and halls in general 6-128 et seq.
Theaters and halls. See that title
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
Annual appropriation ordinance 2-24
Code of ordinances 1-1 et seq.
Code of ordinances. See that title
Assembling for purpose of intimidation 26-31
Advertising regulations in general 3-1 et seq.
Advertising. See that title
Supp. No. 5
Garbage and trash 17-1
Electrical requirements 13-14
Open air shows 6-75 et seq.
Open air shows. See that title
Fortunetellers' license requirements .............24-46 et seq.
Circus parades
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Motor vehicle parking in general 25-256 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Airport parking lots 4-12 et seq.
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Municipal parking lots ........ . ...... 25-304 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Airport parking lots, parking meters 4-12 et seq.
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Regulation 25-321 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Display of advertising material on .. . . . . . ........ 3-1
Falk playground. See within this title: Municipal Ath-
letic Fields and Playgrounds
Municipal athletic fields and playgrounds
Falk playground
Closing hours 27-101
Motor vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, etc.
Prohibited; exceptions ............. 27-102
Petrakis park
Application for use 27-87
Supp. No. 5
Changes, alterations restricted 27-91
City's right to cancel applications, refund fees 27-90
Concession privileges 27-95
Custodian's right of access 27-94
Refund of fees, when 27-89, 27-90
Rental fees, exemptions 27_88
Substitution of later period for original applica-
tions 27-89
Supervision and management 27-86
Use for unlawful purposes 27-93
User's duty to restore field after use 27-92
Petrakis Park. See within this title: Municipal Ath-
letic Fields and Playgrounds
Supp. No. 5
Playground and recreation commission
Annual report ________ ----_____ -
27-17 .
Certification of needs 27:20
Composition 27-16
Created 27-16
Organization 27-18
Powers and duties ___,___ __T.____.________________— 27-19
Tax levy restricted 27-20
Terms of office 27-17
Vacancies, filling _________ ________ _______________ 27-17•
Public parks
Interfering with animals __ 27-44
Riding 27-38
Bicycle, use 27-55
Climbing on fences, roofs, etc. ______—_____ 27-51
Damage to property
Cutting plants, shrubs, , etc Y—___ _27-41
Generally -------_____________ -------______ _______ -
-___ 27-40
Walking on grass 27-42
Definitions 27-33
Discharge of fireworks, etc.. ___________—_____-_______ 27-50.
Disorderly conduct 27-35
Dogs, cats, etc. 27-39
E. B. Lyons Forest Preserve and Nature Center ____ 27-73
Fences, roofs, etc.
Climbing on 27-51
Firearms and weapons
Use of 27-50
Fires, starting ___ __________ _______________ 27-57
Flora Park 27-74
Go-carts, use 27-55
Handbill distributions, etc. 27-48
Horse-drawn vehicles 27-38
Hours of opening and closing 27-62
Additional limitations on motor vehicles entering
parks 27-63
Indecent exposure 27-36
Interfering with personnel 27-53
Intoxicating beverages 27-37
Littering 27-45
Loosening stones from bluffs _________ ________ ___ ______ _.______ 27-58
Meetings and gatherings 27-56
Motor vehicle laws, ordinances
,Additional hours limitations on vehicles entering,
parks ----------------- - 27-63
'Compliance ______------------ ----- _--- -- __ 27-60
Supp. No. 2
Motorcycles, etc:, use 27-55
1Vloving benches and tables 27-52
Obstructions ----=_____---- ___ - - -—____ -_________ ______________ 27-46
Open season and hours 27-62
Motor vehicles entering parks
Additional hours limitations on ________- ______ 27-63
Park board to have jurisdiction and control . 27-34
Posting bills, etc. —___-_ 27-47
Sales restricted __ _ _______- 27-49
Spotlights, searchlights, use of -_______ _________ 27-54
Throwing stones, etc. - - - - - 27-43
Unattended vehicles
Removal after closing hours 27-61
Unlawful deposits 27-45
Washing vehicles in _ 27-59
School board
Cooperation with 27-1
Subdivision parks, playgrounds and schools ___________ 34-100
Street defined to include — 1-2
Streets in general: See: Streets and Sidewalks
Persondefined re 1-2
Distributing _ 3-20
Fires set on _____- __ _ 33-10
Streets and sidewalks. See that title
Junk and junk dealers
Junk and junk dealers. See that title
Definitions --------____-- 28-1
Exemptions 28-5.
Food sales restricted __________ _______ __________________ 28-3
Food ,vehicles, sanitation __ __ ___ _ 28-4
Interstate commerce fee regulations ________ ___. 28-22
Applications _
Exhibiting upon request required ___________ 28-25
Supp. No. 2
22-1 et seq.
Fees 28-21
Milk and bakery peddlers _____ 28-26
Procedure when fees are contended to be undue
burden on interstate commerce 28-22
Investigation of applicant 28-19
Fees 28-18
Issuance 28-19
Supp. No. 2
Cont'd. Section
Milk and bakery peddlers 28-26
Notice to police upon loss 28-24
Permanence of business is in doubt
Special agreement with merchants 28-20
Personal nature 28-23
Required 28-17
Special agreements 28-20
Transferability 28-23
Milk and bakery peddlers exempted from certain pro-
visions 28-26
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Temporary stands or vehicles
Peddling restricted 28-2
Traffic regulations 25-236 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Fines, forfeitures anrd penalties. See that title
General penalty 1-3
Code of ordinances. See that title
Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2
Animals and fowl. See that title
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Defined 1-2
Defined 1-2
Property in general. See: Property
Appointive personnel. See: Officers and Employees
Housing responsibilities 20-128
Housing. See that title
Rat control 24-78 et seq.
Rat control. See that title
Municipal athletic field regulations 27-86
Parks and recreation. See that title
Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
Fortunetellers' license requirements 24-46 et seq.
Assembling for purpose of intimidation 216-31
Animals at large, etc. 7-2
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Concealed weapons 27-12
Firearms and weapons. See that title
Industrial revenue bonds
Financing fees 29-2
Investigation fees 29-1
Annual appropriations 29-23
Annual report 29-22
Appointment 219-16
Compensation 29-18
Composition .. 29-116
Created 29-16
Debt limit 29-23
Employees, appointment 29-211
Gifts receiving 29-23
Organization 2949
Appointment of employees 29-21
General powers 29-20
Terms of office 29-17
Vacancies, filling 29-17
Trees and shrubbery. See that title
PLAZAS Section
Street defined to include 1-2
Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks
Defined -- - -- - - 30-70
Registration; fee; employment of unregistered ap-
prentices 30-78
Automatic clothes washing machine
Drain restrictions 30-7
Adopted ___ 30-1
Variations 30-10
Violations and penalties 30-12
Liability construed 30-11
Division of plumbing inspections 30-24
Effect of provisions re liability for damages __�_ 30-11
Employment of licensed plumbers required 30-72
Examination of plumbers 30-42
Required; application, fee; re-examination upon fail-
ure 30-73
Fees for variations 30-10
Heating, air conditioning and ventilating 19-1 et seq.
Heating, air conditioning and ventilating. See that
Housing standards 20-53
Housing. See that title
Notice of defects 30-29
Prerequisites to covering or use of work 30-28
Request for 30-29
Time limit for correcting defects 30-29
Inspectors 30-25
Division of plumbing inspectors 30-24
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Interference with certificates or notices 30-27
Right -of -entry 30-26
Joints 30-3
Journeyman plumbers
Qualifications 30-77
Kitchen sink wastes 30-6
Liability for damages construed 3041
Employment of licensed plumbers required 30-72
Supp. No. 2
PLUMBING—Cont'd . Section
Fee for license issuance 30-73.1
Issuance, duties of board 30-42
Master plumbers 30-71
Renewal 30-74
Failure to renew - 30-74
Revocation, appeals 30-75
Location of shutoffs 30-4
Master plumber
Defined 30-70
Qualifications 30-76
Master plumber's license
Required 30-71
Application 30-55
Fees 30-57
Issuance 30-56
Required, exceptions 30-54
Revocation 30-58
Types of pipe, restrictions as to 30-2
Definitions 30-70
Qualifications 30-76 et seq.
Plumbing board
Appointment, composition, qualifications 30-36
Clerk 30-41
Compensation 30-38
Meetings and facilities 30-39
Powers and duties 30-42
Quorum 30-40
Terms, vacancies 30-37
Private disposal systems 36-43 et seq.
Water and sewers. See that title
Qualifications of plumbers 30-76 et seq.
Registration of apprentices 30-78
Sanitary sewers
Prohibited connections 30-5
Location on water lines - 30-4
Types of pipe, restrictions as to 30-2
Variations from provisions •- 30-10
Penalties 30-12
Water closet and urinal vacuum breakers 30-8
Water pipe size 30-9
Supp. No. 2
Bicycle registration 9-22 et seq.
Bicycles. See that title
Dance halls, employment of police officer in 6-96
Public dances and dance halls. See that title
Supp. No. 2
Dead dogs, notification re 7-49
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
False or fraudulent reports ___. 26-6
Impersonating an officer 31-1
Interfering, obstructing, etc. 26-5
Police whistles, using 31-2
Refusing admittance to officers 31-3
City manager, restrictions regarding 2-108 et seq.
Unlawful deposits in waterfront 26-120
Municipal waterfront and docks. See that title
Closing hours 6-20
Definitions 6-16
Exceptions 6-22
Exemptions 6-22
Fees 6-30
Required 6-29
Revocation 6-31
Multiple rooms
Exceptions for hotels 6-19
Restricted 6-18
Obstruction of interior view 6-17
Advertising. See that title
Parks, in 27-47
Parks and recreation. See that title
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Chickens, rabbits and ducklings
Sales restricted
Noises prohibited 26-140, 26-143
Specifications 13-16
Electrical code 13-1 et seq.
PROCESS. See: Writs, Warrants and Other Processes
Supp. No. 4
Emergency powers of mayor 2-84
Mayor's emergency proclamations, obedience 11-1
Civil defense. See that title
Occupational license requirements in general __.. 24-1 et seq.
Licenses and permits. See that title
Construction 3-53
Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq.
Acquisition, condemnation, dedication, etc.
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages arid
the adopting ordinance of this code
Damaging, defacing
Generally ___.. 26-15
Grade stakes, etc., removing 26-16
Public park property 27-40 et seq.
Parks and recreation. See that title
Trees, plants, shrubs, flowers 26-11
Depositing garbage and trash on ..... 17-17
Garbage and trash. See also that title
General definitions for interpreting code 1-2
Grade stakes, removing 26-16
Officers to transfer property to successors 2-74
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminry pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Trees, plants, shrubs, flowers
Destruction of 26-17
Bawdy house, brothel, house of ill fame, etc,
Resorting to, keeping, other offenses regarding 26-8
Human relations provisions .... .. 21-1 et seq.
Human rights provisions 21-48 et seq.
Human rights commission. See that title
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Supp. No. 4 3072
Neighboring property owners' consent
Required for location 6-149
Noises 6-152
Permitted hours of operation 6-153
Regulated 3-55
General definitions for interpreting code 1-2
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Officers and employees 2-68
Officers and employees. See that title
Junk and junk dealers 22-1 et seq.
Junk and junk dealers. See that title
Patent medicine distribution 3-20
Time computed re 1-2
Weights and measures 24-98 et seq.
Weights and measures. See that title
Recreational activities, cooperation re 27-1
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 21-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Subdivision sites dedicated 34-100
SEAL. See: City Seal
City sealer
Weights and measures. See that title
Use in parks 27-54
Supp. No. 5
Junk and junk dealers
Junk and junk dealers. See that title
Private disposal systems
Water and sewers. See that title
Subdivision installations
Subdivisions. See that title
SERVICE STATIONS. See also: Gasoline Service Sta-
tions, Etc.
Fire prevention code adopted
Fire prevention. See that title
Generally 1-4
Code of ordinances. See that title
SEWERS. See: Water and Sewers
Definitions 1-2
22-1 et seq.
36-43 et seq.
14-1 et seq.
Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2
Animals and fowl. See that title
Animals at large, etc. 7-2
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Discharging firearms 26-13
Firearms and weapons. See that title
Exemptions 6-116
Fees 6-115
Required 6-114
Open air shows 6-75 et seq.
Open air shows. See that title
Theaters and halls 6-128 et seq.
Theaters and halls. See that title
SHRUBBERY. See: Trees and Shrubbery
Supp. No. 5
Littering 33-4 et seq.
Central market, at 24-31
Central market. See that title
Generally 33-2
Parades and processions other than circus parades 33-8
Park obstructions 27-46
Parks and recreation. See that title
Starting fires on 33-10
Persons without permits obstructing streets 33-2(1)
Curbs and driveways. See within this title that
Excavations. See hereinabove that subject
Planning and zoning commission powers 29-20
Planning and zoning commission. See that title
Playing in streets 33-6
Projecting signs 3-53
Advertising. See that title
Railroads and trains 32-1 et seq.
Railroads and trains. See that title
Traffic regulations regarding trains. See: Traffic
Sidewalk, driving on restricted 33-9
Bicycles on 9-3
Snow and ice removal
Assessment of costs, incurred by city 33-85
Collection of cost of removal by city 33-86
Duty of abutting owner to remove 33-84
Removal by city upon owner's failure, etc. 33-85
Snow removal operations ________ 25-338 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Spitting, expectorating 33-3
Stone, sand, wood, hay, garbage, etc.
Hauling through streets 33-4
Defined 1-2
Subdivision streets, alleys and easements 34-66 et seq.
Unlawful deposits ____ 33-5
Va cation of streets
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not.
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Vault, grating, cellar door open on 33-2(5)
Wood, lumber, brick, stones, etc., placed on 33-2
Assembling for purpose of intimidation 26-31
Alleys. See hereinbelow: Streets, Alleys and Easements
Applicability 34-4
Length of 34-81
Lines 34-91
Numbering 34-83, 34-92
Remnant lots ___ 34-93
Width of _ 34-82
Building permits
Issuance restricted 34-18
Conformance to city plan 34-5
Definitions 34-2
Easements. See hereinbelow: Streets, Alleys and Ease-
Exceptional sized lots 34-57
Final plats
Certificates to accompany 34-44
Drafting requirements 34-42
Examination by commission _____________ 34-40
Information required to be shown 34-43
Installation and security for installation and main-
tenance of improvements, etc.
May be made prerequisite for approval 34-45
Power to approve or disapprove 34-41
Purpose 34-38
Submission to commission 34-39
Submission to council, when 34-41
Installation of 34-58
Area and dimensions 34-90
Exceptional sized lots 34-57
Modification of requirements 34-59
Monuments and markers
Corner of each lot 34-58(b)
Parks, playgrounds and schools
Dedication of sites 34-100
Issuance restricted 34-18
Recording required 3447
Purpose of provisions 34-3
SUBDIVISIONS—Cont'd. Section
Preliminary plats
Drafting requirements 34-30
Effect, duration of approval 34-28
Exemption from filing 34-29
Information required to be shown 34-31
Power of commission to approve or disapprove 34-27
Purpose 34-25
Submission to commission ____ 34-26
Schools. See hereinabove: Parks, Playgrounds and
Septic tank installation
Permit issuance restrictions ___. 34-18
Short title 34-1
Standards and specifications 34-57 et seq.
Streets, alleys and easements
Adjoining street systems __ 34-72
Alleys 34-71
Cul-de-sac 34-70
Easements 34-74
Street alignment 34-68
Street grades 34-69
Street intersections 34-67
Street names 34-73
Street widths 34-66
Writs, warrants and other processes. See that title
Emergency location for city government 2-5
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
City solicitor in general 2-141 et seq.
City solicitor. See that title
Time computed re 1-2
Removal 26-123
Bonds, approval
Supp. No. 3
Fire zones described 10-3
Grade stakes, etc., removal 26-16
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Planning and zoning commission powers .. 29-20
Planning and zoning commission. See that title
Precincts described 12-20 et seq.
Subdivisions 34-1 et seq.
Subdivisions. See that title
SWEAR OR SWORN. See: Oath, Affirmation, Swear or
or Sworn
Construction .__________._. __._.__ 10-36
Definitions __ 10-33
Fencing requirements 10-37
Location _ 10-38
Fees _ 10-35
Required 10-34
Animals at Large, etc. _.. 7-2
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Airport located in, name of 4-1
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Gasoline service stations and tank trucks _.. 14-46 et seq.
Gasoline service stations, etc. See that title
Definitions - 18-2(a)
Prohibited 18-2(b)
Exceptions 18-2(c)
Violations, penalty 18-2(d)
Agricultural lands
Partial exemption for ________ 35-2
Assessment of property 35-1
Supp. No. 3
TAXATION—Cont'd. Section
City assessor
Appointment 35-16
City treasurer 2-159 et seq.
City treasurer. See that title
General special assessment fund 2-6
Finances in general. See: Finances
Hotel and motel tax
Definitions 35-21
Levy 35-22
Payment 35-23
Supp. No. 5
TAXATION—Cont'd. Section
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Generally 38-16 et seq.
Vehicles for hire (taxicabs). See that title
Definitions for interpreting code 1-2
Word usage for interpreting code 1-2
Open air shows 6-75 et seq.
Open air shows. See that title
Compliance with state and city regulations 6-131
Exemptions 6-132
Fees 6-129
Proration 6-130
Required 6-128
Open air shows 6-75 et seq.
Open air shows. See that title
Smoking in 14-9
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Parks, in 27-43
Parks and recreation. See that title
Computing time for interpreting code 1-2
Coasting areas 33-11 et seq.
Emergency location for city government 2-5
Sale and use of 26-14
Firearms and weapons. See that title
Supp. No. 1
TRADES Section
Occupational license requirement in general . 24-1 et seq.
Licenses and permits. See that title
Cleaning up wrecks 25-156
Damage to vehicles only, duty re ____ 25-44
Fixtures on highway
Duty of driver upon striking 25-47
Information and aid
Duty of driver to give 25-45
Reports required 25-43
Unattended vehicle
Duty upon striking 25-46
Administratioh 25-16 et seq.
Advertising vehicles
Operation 25-189
Parking __-_ 25-268
Defined 25-2
Parking restrictions. See within this title: Parking,
Stopping and Standing
Ambulances. See also that title
Authorized emergency vehicles. See within this title>
that subject
Angle parking. See within this title: Parking, Stopping
and Standing
Animals or animal -drawn vehicles
Applicability 25-3
Control of vehicle in vicinity 25-221
Traffic defined in reference to 25-2
Applicability 25-3
Arrests. See hereinbelow: Violations
Arterial streets
Snow removal operations. See within this title that
Authorized emergency vehicles
Bicycles following fire apparatus 9-4
Defined 25-2
Operation of other vehicles, etc., on approach of 25-214
Privileges, rights, duties, etc. 25-167
Backing vehicles
Backing for purposes of parking in business districts 25-266
On highway 25-176
Bicycles __..___.. 9-1 et seq.
Applicability ` 25-3
Supp. No. 1
TRAFFIC-Cont'd. Section
Bicycles. See that title
Defined 25-2
Blind curves. See hereinbelow: Hills, Blind Curves, Etc.
Blind persons. See within this title: Pedestrians
Control of vehicles 25-221
Overtaking vehicle on 25-199
Bus stops
Parking regulations 25-260
Manner of stopping 25-187
Motor carrier routes 25-172
Railroad crossings, certain vehicles to stop 25-186
Business district
Defined 25-2
Caterpillar wheels, heavy lugs
Restricted 25-163
Tires and wheels on vehicles. See within this title
that subject
Defined 25-2
Arrests and notice. See within this title: Violations
Clinging to vehicles
Bicycles 9-9
Coasting of vehicles 25-153
Collision. See within this title: Accidents
Combination vehicles
Size, weight and load restrictions 25=81 et seq.
Upgrade pulls, minimum speed 25.160
Commercial vehicle
Defined 25-2
Defined 25-2
Blind curves. See within this title: Hills, Blind
Curves, Etc.
Crest of grade
Overtaking vehicle on 25-199
Railroad crossings. See within this title: Railroads
and Trains
Defined 25-2
Pedestrians. See within this title that subject
TRAFFIC—Cont'd. Section
Defined 25-2
Curves. See also within this title: Hills, Blind Curves,
Control of vehicles 25-221
Overtaking, meeting and passing on 25-199
Definitions 25-2
Disaster vehicles. See within this title: Authorized
Emergency Vehicles
Drag racing 25-171
Speed in general. See within this title: Speed Regu-
Drawbars and safety chains
Use required, when 25-161
Driver or operator
Chauffeur, defined 25-2
Defined 25-2
Leaving motor vehicle unattended 25-151
Obstructions to driver's view 2.5-151
Operation of vehicles, various requirements. See else-
where herein specific subjects
Operator's or chauffeur's license
Display upon rquest ___ 25-140
Driver's possession, required in ________ ________________ 25-140
Driving while license denied, suspended, revoked 25-142
Inspection of licenses prior to renting 25-148
Required 25-130
Restricted licenses. 25-146
Unlawful use of licenses ____ 25-141
Permitting unauthorized minor to drive _________________ 25-143
Reckless driving 25-168
Inspections re 25-148
Records of 25-14.9
Renting motor vehicle to unlicensed persons ______________ 25-147
Restricted licenses 25-146
Unauthorized persons, permitting to drive 25-144
Unlicensed chauffeur, employment 25-145
Entering street from private roadway 25-213
Private road or driveway, defined ____, 25-2.
Snow removal operations. See within this title that
subject --
Emergency vehicles. See hereinabove: Authorized
Emergency Vehicles
TRAFFIC- Cont'd. Section
Railroads and trains. See also that title
Defined 25-2
Grade crossings
Certain vehicles required to stop 25-186
Vehicles to stop when 25-185(b)
Railroad signs or signals, defined 25-2
Stopping required in obedience to train signal 25-185
Vehicles passing prohibited, when 25-199
Reckless driving 25-168
Red light in front of vehicle 25-114
Registration of vehicles
Evidentiary effect of registration plates and viola-
tions 25-279
Display 25-79
Illuminating plates, lighting requirement 25-104
Method of attaching 25-80
Registration card
Signing, carried and exhibited, etc. 25-78
Required 25-77
Posting required 25-17
!Removal of vehicles
Parking violators, as to ____ 25-278
Rental vehicles
Inspection of licenses prior to renting 25-148
Records 25-149
Repairs 25-90
Rescue vehicles. See within this title: Authorized Emer-
gency Vehicles
Residence district
Defined 25-2
Parking in front of 25-262
Right-handside of roadway
Driving on, exceptions 25-169
Authorized emergency vehicles 25-214
Defined 25-2
Emergency vehicle privileges 25-167
Entering intersections from different highways 25-207
Entering street from private roadway 25-213
Left turns at intersections 25-208
Pedestrians. See within this title that subject
Stop intersections 25-2110
TRAFFIC—Cont'd. Section
Through streets and stop intersections
Stop signs to be erected, stopping required 25-211
Through streets, entering 25-209
Yield intersections 25-212
Defined 25-2
Laned for traffic 25-20�
Safety commissioner. See hereinabove: Commissioner
Sale or storage of vehicle
Parking restrictions 25-267
Sand, rocks, gravel, stones, water, other substances
Vehicles spilling loads on streets _ , 25-87
School buses
Railroad crossings, stopping required at 25-186
School district
Defined 25-2
School zones
Establishment, etc. 25-188
Defined 25-2
Short title 25-1
Bicycles on 9-3
Defined 25-2
Driving on 33-9
Parking in prohibited places. See within this title:
Parking, Stopping and Standing
Pedestrians. See within this title that subject
Signal lamps and devices
Equipment on vehicles. See within this title that sub-
Signs, signals, etc.
Traffic -control signs, signals and devices. See within
this title that subject
Size, weight and load restrictions
Clearance and identification lights on trucks, etc. 25-105
Heavy vehicles on certain streets prohibited 25462
Height of vehicles _ 25-84
Lamp or flag on projecting load 25-106
Loading beyond front 25-86
Maximum length of vehicles 25-85
Projecting loads on passenger vehicles 25-82
Scope and effect 25-81
Spilling loads on streets 25-87
Vehicles entering city from Illinois 25-88
Width of vehicles 25-83
TRAFFIC—Cont'd. Section
Overtaking vehicle in 25-199
Turning movements
Curves, hills, etc. 25-175
Directional signal devices
Maintenance in good working condition 25-182
Self -illuminated, required. 25-182
Emergency vehicle privileges 25-167
Hand and arm signals 25-180
Method of giving 25-181
Left turns at intersections
Right-of-way of vehicle, etc. 25-298
Meeting and turning to right _.. _ _ _ 25-170
Signaling devices, signals given by 25-180
Signals required when turning 25-177
Turn signal to be continuous 25-178
Turning at intersections 25-174
Unattended vehicles
Accidents involving. See within this title: Accidents
Responsibility when leaving 25-150
Removal from parks 27-61
Entering, tampering with 25-157
Unsafe vehicles, etc.
Driving, use on streets ____ 25-158
Sale of 25-159
Defined _ 25-2
Turning movements. See within this title that subject
Vandalism 25-89
Vehicles. See within this title: Motor Vehicles and
Other Vehicles
Overtaking vehicle in 25-199
Arrests, notice to appear 25-19
Authority to stop vehicles 25-21
Committing 25-18
Parking violations. See within this title: Parking,
Stopping and Standing
Records of 25-20
Animals and animal -drawn vehicles. See within this
title that subject
Walking on highways. See within this title: Pedestrians
Warning devices on vehicles
Bicycles 9-2
TRAFFIC—Cont'd. Section
Washing vehicles in parks 27-59
Weight of vehicles. See within this title: Size, Weight
and Load Restrictions
Wheels. See within this title: Tires and Wheels on Ve-
White canes restricted to blind persons 25-242
Pedestrians. See within this title that subject
Width of vehicles. See within this title: Size, Weight
and Load Restrictions
Wrecks. See within this title. Accidents
Yield interesections 25-212
Right-of-way. See within this title that subject
Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq.
Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
TRANSIT AUTHORITY (Board of Trustees)
Contracts and agreements 36-80
Deposit of funds 36-79
Disbursements 36-79'
Established 36-72
Majority vote required for action 36-76
Meetings 36-81
Organization, election of officers 36-74
Powers and duties 36-78
Quorum 36-76
Records open to public, exception 36-77
Rules, adoption 36-74
Terms of members 36-74
Qualification of 36-73
Salary 36-75
Smoking in 14-9
TRASH. See: Garbage and Trash
City treasurer 2-159 et seq.
City treasurer. See that title
Damaging, defacing property 26-17
Property. See that title