1948 Index of Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
For the Year
City Clerk, J. J. SHEA City Solicitor, JOHN J. KINTZINGER
City Manager, A. A. Rhomberg
City Treasurer-
City Auditor-
Chief of Fire Department-
Police Judge-
Building Commissioner-
Plumbing Inspector-
City Assessor-
Superintendent of Water Works-
Chief of Police-
Health Director-
Sanitary Officer-
Milk Inspector-
Food and Restaurant Inspectors-
Director of Recreation-
Regular meetings ,of the City Council are held the first Monday of each
month at 7:30 o'clock.
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5-Algonquin Chemical Company, asking Council to with-
hold action on their petition until word could be
received from other cities where sulphuric acid
plants are now in operation ...................................• 2
" 5- Abitz Barbara, requesting tax suspension on Lots 50 &
51 Grandview Add ......................................................... 3
Jan. 22- American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission for
the holding of their Annual Poppy drive .................. 9
Feb. 2 -Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans, reques-
ting permission to hold a tag day . ............................. 16
" 2- Anthoine Louis and Agnella, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ..................... .. ...... ........... ........................ 21
Mar. 1- Approval of State Comptroller R. E. Johnson of Reso-
lution No. 40-48. Resolution and application for
transfer of the amount of $23,644.02 from the Em-
ergency Fund to the Consolidated Fund .................. 55
Mar. 30- Armory for the Iowa National Guard, Mayor and City
Clerk authorized to execute and deliver to th e
State of Iowa a deed to the real estate owned by
the City of Dubuque located on Valley Street and
Southern Avenue .. ................. _................ .... . 110
April 5- Appointment of officers and employees by the C i t y
Manager ...................................., _...............,...,..... ..., .... 113
" 5- Appointment of the Telegraph-Herald newspaper as the
official newspaper .. ............................................... 113
" 5- Appointment of the First National Bank, American Tr.
and Savings Bank, Dubuque Bank and Trust Com-
pany as the depositories for public funds of t h e
City of Dubuque .._ .............. ...... __ .............,...,....... 114
" 5- American Trust and Savings Bank appointed as a de-
pository of the public funds of the City of Dub-
uque 114
" 'r Arnold H. C., requesting permission to extend the sani-
tary sewer in order to serve the homes located at
1261 and 1265 Thomas Place ._ .............................114, 127, 465
April 12 -Aschenbrenner Fred W. et al, requesting that a cul-
vert and curbing be constructed on Dunleith St. 124, 135
April 19 -Annual Report of the Librarian of the Carnegie-Stout
Free Public Library ............... .... ........................ 132
" 19- Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie
Stout Free Public Library ........ _.,......_ ................. 132
" 19- Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque
County in the matter of a joint application to the
Federal Communications Commission for the as-
signment of one common frequency for coordin-
ated two-way police and sheriffs radio communi-
cations and for the establishment of a fixed trans-
mission station ............................_............................, 136, 137
May 3 -Automotive Safety Foundation, extending congratula-
ticns upon the honor the City of Dubuque has won
in the 1947 National Safety Contest _ ..................... 165
" 3 -Arnold H. C. and Keith S. Jaquette, excavation bond .. 169
" 3 -Avery Earl T., granted Close "C" Beer Permit ............... .174, 175
" 7 -Attorney General Larson, extending invitation to have
the Chief of Police or some member of the Police
Force to attend the annual Peace Officers Short
Course to be held at Iowa City commencing June
21st ........................ ........................................... .............. 202
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 7 -Audubon Street from the north property line of Loral
Blvd. to the north property line of Dexter Street,
improvement ................................204, 264, 265, 266, 267, 446
June 14 -Algonquin Chemical Company, requesting that fire
protection be extended to their property and im-
provements located immediately south of the city 209
June 22 -Arquitt Ben, submitting proposition to establish him-
self at The Dubuque Municipal Airport as fixed
base operator .. ........ ............................._.........,........ 227
June 29 -Ace Radio et al, requesting that diagonal parking be
permitted on the south side of West First Street
between Main and Locust Streets ......................... .231, 275
" 29 -Airport on East Sixteenth Street Extension, recommen-
dation of City Manager, City Solicitor and Airport
Manager that said airport be closed ..................237, 342, 398
" 29 -Anthoine Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ......:................. 248
" 29 -Apel Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit ............................. 249
" 29 -Apel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 250
" 29 -American Legion, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 250
" 29 -American Veterans of World War II, (Amvets) granted
Cigarette Permit .............
............... 250
" 29 -Avery Earl T., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 250
" 29 -Apel Peter J., granted Cigarette Permit ............. ........... 250
" 29 -Abersold Mary, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 251
" 29 -Abvanitis George P., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 251
" 29 -Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 251
" 29 -Arquitt Ben C., Farley, Iowa, Aviation Dealers Airport
Lease Agreement 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262
July 19 -Approval of State Comptroller R, N. Johnson of Reso-
lution No. 144.48, resolution and application f o r
approval to levy an emergency tax .......................... 297
" 19 -Avalon Road from the south property line of Asbury Rd.
to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, im-
provement of ............306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 377, 378, 379, 400
Aug. 2 -Appel William F. and Belle, submitting objections to
the construction of a sanitary sewer and lift in
Bradley Street Sewer District .................................... 336
Aug. 23 -American Surety Company, submitting revocation of
power of Attorney of William L. Gallogly .................. 394
Sept. 7 -American Public Works Association, with reference to
membership in the Association .................................. 403, 414
" 7- Audit of the City's affairs made by Brooks, O'Connor &
Brooks for the period from April 1, 1946 through
31, 1948 ................ .... ..................................................... 406
Sept. 24 -Aviation Committee of Chamber of Commerce, dis•
cussing plans far the dedication of The Dubuque
Municipal Airport ......................................................... 413
" 24 -American Bar Association extending invitation for the
Police Judge to attend conference to be held at
Northwestern University .................. .................... .... 413
" 24 -American Society of Sanitary Engineering extending
invitation for the Plumbing Inspector to attend
Refresher Course for Inspectors to be h e 1 d in
Phoenix, Arizona .................................................... 413
Oct. 4 -Aspermont Company, copies of correspondence wit h
the Board of Dock Commissioners with reference
to the ownership of certain River Front property
south of Fourth Street Extension .............................. 430, 431
" 4- Apel Merlin, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 436
Nov. 1 -Alber Ed., Notice of Claim .................................................... 439, 470
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 1- Audubon Parent-Teachers Association, requesting Coun-
cil to change their plans of making Twelfth Street
a boulevard ......................._... ............,,...,,,....,.....,..... 441
" 1- Arthover Mrs. Gladys et al, requesting the installation
of another street light between the corner of
Windsor and Davis Avenues and the I. C.
Academy ............... ............... .............. ............. 441
" 1- Armstrong John A., requesting that the Mayor and
clerk be authorized to execute a new Quit Claim
Deed to him conveying the Northerly 140 feet of
Lots 2 and 4 of Block D of Industrial Sub . ............. .443, 444
Nov. 22 -Adams Company, requesting the adoption of resolution
and ordinance for the clearing up and perfecting
the title to property owned by them_....,....461, 489, 490, 491
" 22- Apel Peter J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 472
" 22 -American Veterans of World War II, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit for Private Club .... _ ..............._. _ .,.. 472
Nov. 29 -Application for Annexation of the Sisters of St. Francis,
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church and Mt.
Calvary Cemetery Association .............................497, 498, 499
Dec. 6- Alba Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ... ............ 504
~4 ~ i ~, w
_ ~"
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5 -Butt Homer V. Sr. et al, requesting amendment to the
proposed ordinance restricting parking in t h e
alley between Main and Iowa Streets from Weat
Twelfth Street to Loras Boulevard ... ..................... . 5
" 5 -Hogue Ben A., granted Cigarette permit ....................... 6
Feb. 2 -Blue Governor Robert D., asking that a survey be made
of the fuel oil situation in Dubuque .. .................... 15
2 -Barrett Charles G. and Ethel, granted Cigarette P e r•
mit .................. .... .........__... ................................... 20
" 2 -Booth Leo A, and Aiice E., granted Cigarette Permit ... 20
" 2 -Barrett Charles C. and Ethel, granted Class "C" Beer
Permit .................................. ._...,........... ......-........ 21
" 2 -Bournias Rhea, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 21
Feb. 23 -Buol Mrs. Frank, Notice of Claim ...... ........................... 31, 60
" 23 -Becker Paul, Meteorologist in charge of the Dubuque
Weather Bureau requesting that the Weather
Bureau be alloted space in the New Municipal Air-
port Administration Building ................................ 32, 200
" 23 -Blasting Bond of Fane F. Vawter & Company in the
amount of $50,000.00, approval of same .................... 32
" 23 -Blasting Bond of Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company
in the amount of $5,000.00 approval of same ......_. 32
" 23 -Board of Dock Commissioners, requesting an easement
for the Interstate Power Company to extend the
power lines from a steel tower at Pine and B e 11
Streets to Interstate property where their coal
pile is now located as is shown by the purple line
on the plat attached and the City owned property
over which the easement is requested is outlined
in red on said plat ..._ ._ ...................................38, 3 9, 61, 85
" 23 -Buechel Louis, excavation bond ._ .................................... 39
" 23 -Blackhawk Drive, dedication and acceptance as a public
street ..............................................................50, 51, 169, 170, 188
Mar. 12 -Biver Miss Irma, Notice of Claim ................................... 81, 204
12 -Brunjes John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 86
Mar. 19 -Burge Mrs. Martha et al, stating that they are oppo-
sed to the proposed improvement of Mount Lor-
etta Avenue but that they are in favor of improv-
ing said street with a type of pavement which is
not expensive .............. .. ............ .. .............. 88
" 19 -Bond of M. L. Gaber Construction Co. in the amount of
$10,000.00, for the construction of St. Mary's
Orphanage Sewage System ....,,......_ ....,..._ ............. 98
Mar. 30- Burke Ann, St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, granted Ciga-
rette Permit ............. ................ ........... ................ 109
" 30 -Brunjes John, granted cigarette Permit ._ ....................... 109
Apr. 5-Brooks, O'Connor & Brooks, stating that they would ap-
preciate receiving favorable consideration in the
matter of auditing the books of the City of Dub-
uque ...................... ... ................ _.. ..,... 115
" 6- -Brandt Mary F., requesting suspension of the 1947
taxes on Lot 162 of East Dubuque Addition ........... .115, 125
April 12 -Bischoff Mrs. V. A., Notice of Claim ....................123, 171, 172, 184
April 19 -Byres Robert, Fire Protection Engineer, advising that
the Annual Iowa Fire School will be held at Iowa
State College, Ames, Iowa, May 18-21, 1948 ......., 131
" 19- Board of Trustees of the Carnegie•Stout Free Public Li-
brary, Annual Report ........................................... 132
" 19- Brady John A., Clerk of Police Court, bond ....................... 135
" 19- Bandy Donald J., Building Commissioner, bond ............... 135
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJEi,`T Page
" 19-Busch Marjorie, Clerk -Water Department, bond .............. 135
" 19- Bodish Alex and Caroline, petition and waiver for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and
Edina Streets ................. ..................... ................... . 139, 140
May 3 -Byrne Thos. E., requesting permission to construct a
new sanitary sewer in Bonson Street from t h e
present sewer an Hill Street to McClain Street ,...167 , 191, 192
" 3 -Behlmer John E., requesting vacation of part of Avoca
Street ........................................................172, 185, 235, 301, 346
" 3- Bowen Robert J., granted Class "B'; Beer Permit ........... 174
" 3- Bradley Street District, matter of construction of sani-
tary sewer referred to the City Manager and City
Solicitor far investigation and report ..................... 175
May 10 -Board of Education, Independent School District of Dub-
uque, in regard to the proposed extension of the
Grandview Avenue and Audubon Street through
Senior High School grounds ..................178, 183, 201, 202, 230
" 10 -Building commissioner Bandy recommending that per-
mits be granted for the erection of one Masterbilt
Home and for the erection of one Homart Home . 179
" 10 -Bissell Fred E., reappointed as a member of the Plan- -
ning and Zoning Commission for a term of
flue years, said term expiring May 24, 1953 ................ 180
May 24- Building Commissioner Bandy recommending that a
permit be granted for the construction of one GB-
H-Way Home ......_ ..................._...._..............,....... 188, 303
" 24 -Black & White, Yellow and Checker Cab Co., Inc., Taxi-
cab bond ............................... ................ .............. 189
June 1 -Hayes Barbara, Notice of Claim .......................................... 194, 302
" 1 -Bonham Dwight D., Notice of Claim .................................. 194, 302
June 7 -Board of Review, report far the year 1948 ..................... 202
" 7 -Heaves Geo. L, Excavation Bond ....................... ..... ..... 205
" 7 -Burke Mrs. Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 205
June 14 -Brunjes John, requesting a refund on the unexpired
portion of hia Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 209
June 29 -Building Commissioner Bandy recommending that
blanket permission be given for the erection of
Homart Homes in the City of Dubuque .............. ..... 238
" 29 -Budget for the office of City Assessor for the year 1948 238
" 29 -Boland J. C., requesting permission for the extension
of a sanitary sewer in West 16th Street from the
manhole in Catherine Street westerly 175 Peet to
serve Lot 19 in Yates Sub . ......................................... .239, 240
" 29 -Balke Street from the north property line of Strauss to
the south property line of Groveland Place, im-
provement of ............. _.,, .,. .......,,........ ..............244, 245, 289
" 29 -Baumgartner John J. and John M., granted Cigarette
permit ........ ................._ .. ................... .....
" 29 -Berntgen Frank H., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 248
" 29 -Bertsch Leonard P. (Merchants Hotel), granted Ciga-
rette Permit ................. .................. ............................ 248
" 29 -Hogue Ben A., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 249
" 29 -Brammer Roy and Rex, granted Cigarette Permit .......,.. 249
" 29 -Burke Mrs. Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit .....,,..... 243
" 29 -Barrington Mrs. Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit .. 249
" 29 -Bowen Clarence J, and Robert L. Hanson, granted Cig-
arette Permit ...................... ....................... ................ 249
" 29 -B. P. 0. E. Lodge No. 297, granted Cigarette Permit .,.. 249
" 29 -Burke Ann and Mrs. R. F. Trapp, granted Cigarette Per-
mit ........................................................ ....,........... ........ 250
h" i
INDEX -Book 78
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 29- Beck John C., granted Cigarette Permit ._, _ .............. 250
~' 29- Booth Leo A. and Alice E, granted Cigarette Fermit ... 250
" 29- Ruelow Clarence C., granted Cigarette Permit _ _. ... 250
" 29- Blum Isadore and Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit ..., 251
" 29- Bowen Robert J, granted Cigarette Fermit ___.. __ ._.. 251
" 29- Bradberry Hazel, granted Cigarette Permit ... ................. 251
" 29- Bournias Louis and Rhea; granted Cigarette Permit .. _.. 2:i1
"29- Barrington Wm. F, and Walter J. Duccini, granted Ciga-
rette Permit ..., . _...... _...... . . __ .. _. _.... 251
" 29- Berntgen Frank H. and Marion, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ... __ ... _ ............ ....._ ...,. ....,....... .. _ 252, 253
" 29- Buelow Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit ...,......_ ...... _ __...,... .,.. 252, 253
" 29- Blum Isadore and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit .. .............. ............._.... ............... ..,....... ............. 252, 253
" 29- Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, granted Class
"B" Beer Permit For Private Cluh .. .. . .,._...... 252, 254
July 6 -Blosch Fred M, requesting that the proposed sanitary
Sewer in Seminary Street be extended iii order
that he may be supplied with a floor drain, the
cost of said extension to be borne by him ............. 268
" 6- Bradley Street Sewer District, construction of sanitary
sewer ... ................................._......._.277, 278, 279, 280, 335, 336
July 9- Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting budget esti-
mate for the ensuing year __ .......... ......._........,.. 299
" 19- Boyes Mrs. Burt, settlement of claim ..,,...._._ ................... 302
" 19 -Brcadlawn Road from the south property line of Asbury
Road to the north property line of Hillcrest Road,
improvement of 306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 377, 378, 379, 400
" 19 -Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year
beginning April 1, 1949 and ending March 31, 1950
310, 311, 312, 31S, 314, 315, 316, 317, 315, 319, 320,-
321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332;
333, 334, 335
Aug. 2 -Blades J. N, protesting to the special assessment lev-
ied against Lot 2 of 1 of Stewarts Sub. of the Sub
of Lots 19, 20, 21 ... _ .., ., _. __ ___... .. _... 338
" 2 -Byrus R. C., Fire Protection Engineer, advising that the
Engineering Extension Service of Iowa State Col-
lege, Ames, Iowa, will conduct a Fire Prevention
Inspectors Shm~t Course on August 17-20, 1948..... 340
" 2 -Budget for the office of the City Assessor for the year
1949 ......... ...._...__. .___ .... _ ....... ......,.....,,..... 346, 347
" 2 -Boartl of Review, fixing their salaries ..,....,...._ ................ 346, 347
" 2 -Board of Health, Special Session _ ...__... 35G
" 2 -Bleiie Alfred and Lucille, ordering that Lot 1 of 74, 1 of
75 of E. Langworthy's Addition be connected with
the sanitary sewer .._ ............. .. .__............ _.,, 306
" 9 -Blasting Bond of Elmer Me1oy in the amount of $5,000:
00, approval of same ................................................... 363
" 9 -Bonz Leo R, and Rebecca, granted Cigarette Permit ., 367
" 9 -Bonz Leo R. and Rebecca, granted Class "B" Bee r
Permit ................. _ ..,......,..,, ....
.- 367
Aug, 23 -Bids for the furnishing of snow removal apparatus ........ 393, 407;
410, 411.
Sept. 7 -Businessmen's Conference on Urban Problems, commun-
ication of the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce sug-
gesting Council approval for participation in the
conference to be held at Detroit, Michigan ........ 401
" 7- Bischoff H. A. et al, requesting that a sidewalk be order-
ed constructed on the east side oC State Street in
front of Lot 1 of 18 and 18 .......................................... 404, 435
" 7- Board of Dock Commissioners submitting transmission
line easement to Interstate Power Company from
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp. _...,.. .. _..,....,.... 405
" 7- Bartels Robert et al, City Manager Rhomberg recom-
mending that their assessment in the amount of
$636.92 for improvement of Forest Lane
against Lot 1 of Bartel's Sub. be reduced to $336.-
" 7- 92 ............... _..
Brooks, O'Connor & Brooks, completion of the audit of 405, 406
the City's affairs for the period from April 1, 1946
" through March 31, 1948 ......._ ..........
7- Barrington Mrs. Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
Sept. 14 mit ................ ............................ ... .....................
-Board of Education, endorsing the request of citizens & 408, 409
patrons of the Prescott Elementary School urg-
ing the City Council to reconsider its plans f o r
making a boulevard of Twelfth. Street .........
. 411
Sept. 24 ..
-Blondin John et al, calting the attention of the City
Council to the need for improvements for t h e
Lake Peosta fishing area and also as to the condi-
" tions existing on the 16th Street extension ....,... 414
24 ..
-Building Commissioner instructed to enforce the provi-
sions of the ordinances as to the issuance of per-
mits before any work is commenced .,.._ ...._...,...... 417
Oct. 4 -Board of Dock Commissioners, copies of correspondence
with the Aspermont Company with reference to
ownership of certain River Front property south
of Fourth Street Extension ................. ..._... , ... 430, 431
" 4 -Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting recommen-
dations with reference to the letter of the United
States Engineers Office, Rock Island, Illinois, in
regard to the construction of a small-boat harbor
at the upper end of Hamm Island and also in re-
gard tc the dredging of the First Street Harbor 431 , 432, 433
" 4 -Bradley C. W., owner of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 296, Min-
eral Lots 294 and 295, City Manager instructed to
negotiate for acquiring said property ....,..._........,. 434, 463
" 4 -Burke Richard J., Excavation Bond ..., __ .. ......... ... 435
" 4 -Bergener Charles A., granted Cigarette Permit .......... 435
" 4 -Baumgartner John M. and John J., granted Class "B "
Beer Permit ................ ..... ....._... .,....,..............,...,,..... 436
" 4 -Bowen Clarence J. and Robert L. Hanson, granted Class
"B" Beer Permit ........................................................ 436
Nov. 1 -Barrington Mrs. Margaret, requesting a refund on the
unexpired portion of her Cigarette Permit .......,,.. .441
" 1 -Barrington Mrs. Margaret, requesting a refund on the
unexpired portion of her Class "B" Beer Permit .. 442
" 1 -Board of Education Independent School District advis-
ing Council that after consideration of the latest
plan presented by Mr. Hartzog for the extension
of Grandview Avenue through the Dubuque High
School grounds and that after considering the best
interests of both the school and the city that it is
the unbiased opinion of the Board of Education
that the extension of Grandview Avenue should go
around the west end of the school grounds ...._.... 443
; , ii ~^~~ r2p~. _
INDEX -Book 78
1- Black & Veatch, Consulting Engineers of Kansas City,
Missouri, City Manager Rhomberg recommending
that they be retained by the City of Dubuque for
inquiry into and conference concerning the subject
of gas rates ......................................................._.......... 451
1- Bolender LeRoy and Francis, granted Cigarette Permit 457
1- Beecher Joseph and Eldon Reiter, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit ....,..._ .......................__.........,....._.... 458, 467
22 -Bradley Street Sewer District, establishment of same
by Ordinance No. 23-48 ..........................466, 467, 493, 494, 495
22- Barrington Mrs. Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit .... 471
22- Barrington Mrs. Margaret, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit ............................ .............................................. 472
22- Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Ad-
ministration to be notified of the approval by the
City Council of the general layout and floor plans
for the proposed Combination Court House-City
Hall-Jail ..... ........... .................................. ........... .... 473
29 -Bowen Clarence and Besaie, settlement of claim and
suit ............................................................................... 499, 500
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- City Council, Regular Session ......................................... 1.
" 5-
Casey Patrick, representing the Fire Department, re- ~
li questing delay in the passage of the proposed "Sick
Leave" ordinance __ . ....... ....................................... 2
" 5- City Assesscr, no bond required ..._ ......._..._ ..................... 3
" 5- City Assesscr Deputies, fixing their salaries ..................... 3
" 5- Claims for the month of November; 1947, proof of publi-
cation .............. ............................ ............................... 3
Jan. 22- City Council Special Session ............._..,.................,...........,.... 8
" 22- Cate Mrs. Paul, Notice of Claim .....,......_ ....................... 8, 18
" 22- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works, reports far the month of
December, 1947 also list of claims for the month
of December, 1947 ...................................................... 11
" 22- Consolidated Fund, the amount of $33,353.12 transferred
from the Liquor Sales Fund into the Consolidated
Fund .................__............. ... ......... ._............ 13, 14
Feb. 2 -City Council, Regular Session ..........................................:.... 15
2- Claims for the month of December, 1947, proof of publi-
cation ................. .................. ...................................... 17
" 2 -Cooper Fred H. and Leo V. Cunningham, granted Class
"B" Beer Permit ....................................._.................. 21
" 22- City Engineer, submitting profile No. 1331 showing
the grade of Platt Street from the east property
line of James Street to the west property line of
Cardiff Street and recommending that the propos-
ed grade be approved and established by ordinance 25
Feb. 23 -City Council, Special Session ......................................... 28
" 23- City Council, Adjourned Special Session ...................... 30
" 23- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works, reports for the month of
January, 1948 also a list of claims for the month
of January, 1945 ._._...._ .. _.._........
................ 40
" 23- Consolidated Fund, the amount of $23,644.02 transfer-
red from the Emergency Fund to said Fund ....,....... 51, 55
Mar. 1 -City Council, Regular Session ....................._.........,......... 55
" 1 -Council Proceedings for the months of September and
October, 1947, approved as printed ............................ 56
" 1 -Claims for the month of January, 1948, proof of publica-
tion ............_ ... .................................._....., .................... 59
" 1 -City Cab Company, Taxi-Cab Bond .... ............................... 60
" 1 -Clancy Mrs. Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,...... 68
" 1 -Chapman Mrs. Myrtle, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 68
Mar. 12 -City Council, Special Session ............................................ 72
" 12 -City Solicitor's salary increased 10 percent ....... ........ 72
" 12 -Clancy Paul J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 85
" 12- Clancy Paul J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. S6
Mar. 19 -City Council, Special Session, .. __ .__ .......................... 87
" 19 -Continental Casualty Company, Certificate of Compliance 98
" 19 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water 1Vorks, reports for the month of
February, 1948, also list of claims for which war-
rants were issued far the month of February, 1948 104
Mar. 30 -City Council, Special Session .............................................. 106
" 30- Claims for the month of February, 1945, proof of publica-
tion ................. .. .............,................. 109
April 5 -City Council, Regular Session ................ .. _...,._.,....,...,,.... 113
" 5 -City Solicitor Kintzinger submitted verbal opinion to the
Gity Council stating that there are no vacancies
INDEX -Book 78
I 1948 SUBJECT Page
~ ~
existing in the appointive offices at this time, and
that in eff years, those years when no new Coun-
cilmen as sworn in into office, appointments are
not made ........._ .... ............. ........ .......... 113
" 5-City Manager Rhomberg, in regard to appointment of
officers and employees whom he has the power to
appoint ................. ................. ................. .............. .... 113
" 5-City Manager Rhomberg, recommending that an ordin-
an~e be adopted creating an Airport Department
~' providing for rule making, registration and penalty
for violation also the adoption of resolutions pro-
mulgating rules and regulations for the mainten-
ance and operating of the airport and for air traffic
e ~ rules ...................................................................... ...... 116
5-Conner Ione, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... ..... 118
April 12-City Council, Special Session, - 120
- 12-City of Dubuque, dedication of Lot 2 of the Sub, of City
Lot 732 as a public street ... ... .... .. .. ......... 124
12-Council Proceedings for the month of November, 1947,
j approved as Printed ...................................................... 125
" 12-Chapman Dolores and Thelma Mardauss, granted Ciga-
's ette Permit .................................................................:.. L8
April 19-City Council, Special Session .............................................. 130
19-City employees Loca] No. 228 requesting that appoint-
- ments be made from the eligible list set up to fill
A vacancies on the street, Sewer and Water Depart-
: ments ......................................................................... 132
" 19-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works, reports for the month of
March, 1948, also list of claims for which warrants
were issued during the month of March, 1948 ...... 134
" 19-City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign agreement and
application on behalf of the City of Dubuque to the
`'~; Federal Communications Commission for the
~' ~ assignment of one common trequency for coordin-
sled twaway police and sheriffs radio communica-
~ tions .................................................................................. 136, 137
" 19-City Lots 206, 207 and 208,. Mayor, City Manager and
City Solicitor instructed to negotiate for the pur-
chase of said lots for parking lot purposes and sub-
mi~ areport back to the City Council ...................... 154, 169
" 22-City Council, Special Session ........... ~ - - • 155
" 22-Chatfield Mildred, Administratrix of the Estate of Har-
old Chatfield, Deceased, Original Notice of Suit ....
! 160, 448
May 3-City Council, Regular Session ..............................................
i 163
" 3-Claims for the month of March, 1.948, proof of publics-
- ~ lion ........................ ............_.,...,.......... ........................ 168
" 3-Council Proceedings for the month of December, 1947,
1 approved as printed ......................... ..... ................ 168
" 3-Civil Service Commission, submitting report on entrance
examination held on April 16, 1948, for position on
the Fire Department ................................................... .168
" 3-Civil Service Commission, submitting report on entrance
examination held on April 16, 1948, for position on
the Police Department .. .............................................. 168
3-Clemens Leo J., Park Commissioner, bond .................... 169
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page.
" 3-Cherry-Green Streets, construction of sanitary sewer
referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for
` investigation and report .........._ .... ......... 175
May 10-City Council, Special Session _.., .._ ................................... 176
" 10-Chapman and Cutler, opinion in the matter of issuing .,
revenue bonds for the acquiring of parking lots 176, 177, 183
" 10-Chamber of Commerce, Oelwein, Iowa, in regard to get-
; ` ling the seven mile stretch between Edgewood
~: and Colesburg paved .... ........................................... 177, 178
" 10-Commissioner of Registration, submitting far Couneil ap-
proval the appointment of two clerks of election,
who shall have charge of the election registers for
the June Primary of June 7th, 1948 ...................... . 180, 181
i 10-Chief of Police Strub and Recreational Director Luke
recommending that parking be prohibited on both
the east and west sides of Comisky Field - 182, 236
` May 24-City Council, Special Session 183
" 24-Covard Art, Notice of Claim ........ _......,.... . 184, 203
" 24-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Com-
pony, submitting objections to the petition filed by
the Ready-Mix Concrete Company to require the
Railroad Company to place a crossing over the
tracks at Dodge Street ............ - 186, 187
" 24-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works, reports for the month of
April, 1948, also a list of claims for which warrants
were issued for the month of April, 1948 .................. 189
June 1-City Council, Special Session ...................................................
" 1-Claims for the month of April, 1948, proof of publication 193
Jure 7-City Counci'., Regular Session ..................................................
"B" B 199
" 7-Cole Steve, granted Class
June 14-City Council, Special Session ......................_...._.......,.,... 207
" 14-Company A 133rd Infantry Headquarters Company 1st
Battalion 133rd Infantry Iowa National Guard Arm-
ory Corporation, Mayor and Clerk authorized and
directed to execute a quit claim deed to Lot 1 of Lot
2 of Lot 3 of Randall's Sub. to he used for the con-
struction of an Armory ................... ......... ............... 208
June 22-City Council, Special Session ............. .............................. 223
June 29-City Council, Special Session ...... ........ - 228
" 29-Connor Ione, requesting a refund on the unexpired por-
lion of her Class "B" Eeer Fermit ............._.........,...... 232
" 29-Claims for the month of May, 1948, proof of publication 233
" 29-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Works, reports for the month of May,
1948, also a list of claims for which warrants were
issued during the month of May, 1948 ....................... 234
" 29-City Manager Rhomberg, recommending that 12th St.
be made a boulevard from Main Street to Elm St.
and that the boulevarding of Elm Street be extend-
ed southerly to 12th street, also that Jackson
Street be made a more useable thorofare from
12th Street northerly to the City Limits. Also that
traffic signals be installed at 12th and Central, at
14th and Jackson and at 20th and Jackson Street,
at 6th ~ Locust, at 2nd & Locust ......................... 236, 340
INDEX-Book 78
1948. SUBJECT Page
" 29-City Manager, City Solicitor and Airport Manager, sub-
mitting recommendations concerning ]eases at
The Dubuque Municipal Airport and further rec-
ommending that the old Island Airport be
closed .................. ..... ................ ........ .. ............ ........ 237
" 29-City Assessor's Budget for the year 1948 _ ....................... 238
" 29-Capretz Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, granted Cigarette
Permit .............. ............. _ ..., ...........,...........,....... 248
" 29-Cosley Harold A, and William W., granted Cigarette Per-
mit .................. .............. ._..........,. ............., ...,......... 248
" 29-Corbett John G., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 248
" 29-Clancy Mrs. Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 249
" 29-Calvert Clifford and Bertha, granted Cigarette Permit.. 2~9
" 29-Collies Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 250
" 29-Crahan W: C., granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 250
" 29-Cooper Fred H. and Leo. v. Cunningham, granted Ciga•
ette Permit ..... ........ .•........................................ 250
" 29-Chapman Dolores and Thelma Mardauss, granted Ciga-
ette Permit .................. ............... ............... ... ............ 250
" 29-Casey Harold A, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 251
" 29-Clancy Paul J., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 251
" 29-Chapman Myrtle A., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 251
" 29-Cole Steve, granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 250
" 29-Capretz Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit ............ ..... ... ........ .............................. 252, 253
" 29-Cosley Harold A. and William W., granted Class "B"
Beer Permit - ......... ...... .... 252, 253
" 29-Casey Harald A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..._..... 252, 254
July 5-City Council, Regular Session .............................................. 203
July 6-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session .................. 264
" 6-Council Proceedings for the month of January, 1948, ap-
proved as printed _.....,._ ....................._..........,........, 273
" 6-Conlon Wilson and Opal L, petition and wavier for the
construction of the sanitary sewer in Seminary St, 273, 274
July 19-City Council, Special Session .................._...........,.............. 281
" 19-City Water Department advising Council that the Ohio
Casualty Company is the Water Department's rep•
resentative in settling the claims for damages at
the Circus Grounds on East Fourth Street ............. 301
" 19-City Wager Department, constructing, furnishing, deliver-
ing and testing two electric driven two stage pump-
ing units for the existing Eagle Point Pumping Sta-
tion ....... ......................................................305, 306, 358, 359, 385
" 19-Chaney Road from the south property line of Asbury Rd.
to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, im-
provement of ._ 306, 307, 308, 367, 358, 376, 378, 379, 400
" 19-Clary Vird and Dolores, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 309
" 19-City Solicitor requested to prepare the necessary forms
and proceedings for the graveling and oiling o f
streets ................. ..........._ ............,,.......,.,........... 321
Aug. 2-City Council, Regular Session ....._..._ ............................... 323
" 2-Cosley Ray J. et al, requesting that two hour parking
be designated for First Street from Locust Street
to Btuff Street and also on Locust Street fro m
Jones Street to 4th Street ............... _ .. ......,..... 340, 364
" 2-City Assessor, budget for the year 1947 ............................ 346, 347
2-City Assessor, fixing the salary of the Deputies ............. 346, 347
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 1-Chief of Police Strub recommending that Washington
Street and Elm Street at the intersection of East
21st Street be made a stop intersection causing
traffic on Washington and Elm Streets to stop be-
fore traversing East 21st Street .................................. 447
" 1-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works, reports for the month of
September, 1948, also list of claims for which war-
rants were issued for the month of September, 1948 450
1-City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the firm
of Black & Veatch be retained by the City of Dub-
uque for inquiry into and conference concerning
the subject of gas rates ........., ._.._ ....... ............. 451
" 1-City Manager Rhomberg recommending that plans be
prepared for the elimination of the center park-
ways in Windsor Avenue and a hearing scheduled
during the winter for such improvement ...,...,_.... 451, 495
" 1-City Manager Rhomberg recommending that the City
Council institute proceedings for the construction
of a water softening plant during the forthcoming
year .............................................................. .... .............. 453
" 1-Cooper Fred H. and Harold J. Love, granted Cigarette
Permit ....... ......................................... ................. 457
" 1-Cooper Fred H, and Harold J. Love, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit .................. ... _.... ......,.....,.........,..._.. 458
Nov. 22-City Council, Special Session _ .............................................. 460
- 22-Clewell & Cooney, Attorneys for Adams Company, re-
questing the City Council to adopt resolutions and
ordinance which are necessary in clearing up and
perfecting the title to property owned by the Adams
Company ....,_..,_ ....................................._ ,... 461, 489, 490, 491
" 22-Carr, Adams & Collier Company, in regard to their plans
for the correction of the sawdust condition as com-
plained by Carl Schmidt in the vicinity of 972 - 974
White Street .................. ._..,.....,.... .. ... ...,,....,....,... 464
"` 22-Council Proceedings for the month of March, 1948, approv-
ed as pri ted .......................................................... 407
" 22-Chief of Police Strub, recommending revocation of the
Class "B" Beer Permit of Joseph Beecher and Eldon
Reiter ............ ............ .................................................. 467, ;68
" 22-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works, reports for the month of
October, 1948, also a list of claims for which war-
rants were issued for the month of October, 1948 .. 468
` 22-Calvert Clifford and Bertha, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit ........................ .................. ....................................... 472
" 22-Combination Court House•City Hall-Jail, approval of
the general layout and floor plans and the Bureau
of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Ad-
ministration to be notified of such approval ....,...... 473
" 22-Civil Aeronautics Administration, submission of a pro-
ject application by the City of Dubuque for Federal
Aid in the construction of an access road at the
Dubuque Municipal Airport .................... ................... 473
Nov, 29-City Council, Special Session ............................................... 475
" 29-Chief of Police, recommending that an ordinance be
adopted prohibiting the sale and distribution of
objectionable comic books and publications .......... 49f
INDEX -Book 78
" 29-City Limits Extended as requested by the Sisters of St.
Francis, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
and Mt. Calvary Cemetery Association .,..........497,
Dec. 6-City Council, Regular Session ...... .... ................................
" 6-Claims for the month of October, 1948, proof of publication
Dec. 14-City Council, Special Session .,._........_.... ...._ ...............
" 14-City Solicitor Kintzinger requesting that he be author-
ized to secure additional legal help in defending
the court action filed by Mancini & Ventrella &
Son .............. .................. .................. .......................
" 14-Council Proceedings for the month of April, 1948, approv-
ed as printed . ........................ ............._.........,...........
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT' Page
Page ~,
~ /'i
" 2- Chief of Police Strub, recommending that two-hour park-
ing restriction be placed on East 9th Street on
both sides of the street between Central Avenue
498, 499 ~ and White Street ..,......_ .............__.... . ......... _... 347, 348
501 2- Claims for the month of June, 1948, proof of publication 348
502 2- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
506 City Water Works, reports for the month of June,
1948 also a list of claims for which warrants were
issued during the month of June, 1948 .................. 343
~~ 2- Cherokee Drive, City Manager Rhomberg recommend-
.. ing that the improvement of same be accepted and
the bond filed by Dubuque Hones Incorporated for
512 the completion of said improvement be released .. 348
" 2- Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com-
pony, ordered and directed to construct a railroad
crossing over, upon and across their railroad tracks
at Railroad Avenue ....................350, 382, 383, 384, 393, 394
" 2- Canfield Hotel, granted Cigarette Permit .................. .... 354
Aug. 9- City Council, Special Session ............ . ..._ ...,............,..... 357
" 9- Chief of Police Strub, recommending that parking be re-
stricted to two hours on Locust Street between
Jones and West Fourth Street and on West First
Street between Locust Street and Bluff .................. 364
Aug. 16- City Council, Special Session .._ .................................... 369
" lfi- Coughlin Alan A., requesting permission to connect Lot
6 of Block 2 of Hillcrest Park Addition with the
sanitary sewer ............_ ........ .................................... 380
" 16- City Solicitor Kintzinger submitting notices served by
the County Sheriff's office on the Chicago, Milwau-
kee, St. Paal and Pacific Railroad Company a n d
also upon the Illinois Central Railroad Company
to construct crossings at Railroad Avenue ....._ 382, 383, 384
Aug. 23- City Council, Special Session ................................................ 388
" 23- Claims for the month of-July, 1948, Proof of publication 395
" 23- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works, reports, also list of claims
for which warrants were issued Yor the month of
July, 1948 .................. ............ ........... .......................... 395
Sept. 6- City Council, Regular Session ............................................. 399
Sept. 7 -City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ....... ................ 4U0
" 7- Collins Joseph, requesting a refund on the unexpired
portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 112 .................. 4U3
" 7- Capretz Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, requesting a refund
on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Per-
mit No. 12 ...................................................................... 403
" 7- Capretz Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, requesting a refund
on the unexpired portion of their Class "B" Beer
Permit No. 26 ............................ _. ......__.._......_ 4U3
" 7- Curtis-Straub Company, excavation band ..._.........._ _ 405
Sept. 14 -City Council, Special Session ............... ...................... 410
Sept. 24- City Council, Special Session ................. .......................... 413
" 24- City Manager requested to advise Counci] on the advis-
ability of commencing construction of a sewage
disposal plant and the ways and means of financing
the Project ......................................................413, 414, 452, 963
" 24 -Chief of Police Strub, recommending that the street in-
tersection of Rosedale Avenue and Avoca Street
be made a boulevard and that stop signs be erect-
~!°,j' ..
INDEX -Book 78 INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page ~'
¢; 1948 SUBJECT Page
~ D
ed on Avoca Street on both sides of Rosedale Ave. July 6-Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Adminis-
causing traffic to stop before entering Rosedale tration, approval of the contracts for the construc-
Avenue from Avoca street on both sides ........• ... 415 lion of the Terminal Administration Building at
" Z4-Commissioner of Registration, submitting for Council ~ the Dubuque Municipal Airport, for the plumbing
and heating, for the electrical wiring and for well
approval the appointment of the two clerks of the '_
x' ................................. 271
installation ..........
election, who shall have charge of the election
registers for the General Election of November 2, .
. ......
'° 0-Department oP Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Adminis-
1948 416 tration, in regard to the request of the City of
24-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department Dubuque for Federal Aid in the amount of $60,000:
00 covering the proposed construction of a termin-
and City Water Works, reports for the month of al building, landscaping and other improvements
August, 1948 also list of claims for which warrants for The Dubuque Municipal Airport and stating
were issued for the month of August, 1948 .......... 418 that because of Federal funds limitations only $33,-
Oct. 4-City Council, Regular Session . .. ........................... - 421 950.00 had been allocated and advising that from
" 4-Claims for the month of August, 1945, proof of publics- the 1949 authorization the allocation of $33,950 is
lion .. 427 increased by $15,000.00 to provide funds for t h e
Federal share for a proposed project to include an
" 4-City Manager instructed to negotiate for the acquiring access road and miscellaneous utilities ..... ........ 271, 272
of Mineral Lot 297, Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 296 own-
ed by Phillip Mihalakis also for the acquiring of " 6-Dean Mrs. H. L. et al, requesting the extension of the
Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 290 and iMneral Lots 294 and present multiple family residence district from
its present termination at Paulina Street to include
295 owned by C. W. Bradley ....................................... 434, 468
the area on the northerly side of West Fifth Street
" 4-Corken Jahn D., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 435 to Alpine Street 273, 349, 396, 416, 417, 456, 457, 460, 488, 489
" 4-Cremer Ralph J., granted Cigarette Permit ...... _............ 435 July 19-Duggan Mrs. Regina, submitting written objections
Nov. 1-City Council, Regular Session ................................................ 439 against the improvement of Platt Street and Platt
1-Council of Churchwomen and the Womens Service Lea• Street Extension ............. ........ .. ..281, 282, 342, 360
gue of St. John's Episcopal Church stating that 19-Dilworth H, E., submitting written objections against the
they have gone on record to submit a complaint improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street Ex-
regarding the drinking and drunkenness in the tension .......................................... ..................281, 282, 342, 3fi0
various City parks .............................• ..•. .... 441 19-Des Moines Register and Tribune asking permission to
" 1-Carolan Rose, requesting the rezoning of the block be• place a newspaper vending machine on the cor-
tween 24th Street and 25th Street from Washing- ner of 9th and Main Streets ........... _ ...................... 298
ton Street to the alley first east to a Local Busi- 19-Deckert W. D. Company, asking Council to take action
nesa District .............................._............................. 442, 470 in making 9th Street between Central Avenue and
" 1-Cooper Fred H, and Leo V. Cunningham, requesting a White, Street atwo-hour parking zone ..............298, 347, 348
refund on the unexpired portion of their Class "B" 19-Dubuque Auto Supply Co., asking Council to take action
Seer Permit ............. .......................................... 443 in making 9th Street between Central Avenue and
" 1-Cooper Fred H. and eo V. Cunningham, requesting a White Street atwo-hour parking zone .......,.._..299, 347, 348
refund on the unexpired portion of heir Cigarette 19-Dubuque Park Board Tax Levy Certificate ...................... 299
Permit ................. ....,................ ..............,.. ......... ... 443 19-Dubuque Golf Club, granted Cigarette Permit _....,.......... 309
" 1-Council Proceedings for the month of February, 1948, Aug. 2-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress requesting per-
approved as pLrinted ................................................... 445 mission for the holding of their annual Labor Day
" 1-Civil Service Commission, submitting report on entrance Parade on Saturday night, September 4th, 1948 .... 341
examination held on October 5, 1948 for positions 2-Dubuque Amusement Corporation requesting fire protec-
on the Fire Department _ .........._ ................... _:.. 445, 446 lion for the ballroom known as Melody Mil] ..., .... 341
" 1-Civil Service Commission, submitting report on entrance 2-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress submitting for the
examination held on October 5, 1948 for positions Council's consideration the name of Merlin Hantel-
on the Police Department ....................................... 446 man to fill the vacancy on the Board of Trustees
" 1-City Treasurer submitting report on sale of bonds for the of the Public Library caused by the resignation of
improvement of Audubon Street, for the improve• Frank Huftill ............ .... ..._ _ .. ..,,,.... ..., ...,, . 341
ment of Gandolfo Street, for the construction of 2-Dubuque County, grant and easement to the City of Dub-
sanitary sewer in York Street, for the improve- uque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in
ment of Forest Lane and for the
mprovement Vernon and Edina Streets ............................................ 343, 344
f 446, 447 2-Dunleith Street from the west property line of Southern
oof of p
month of September, 1948, pr ubli•
" 1-Claims
for Avenue to and, improvement of ......351, 352, 388, 389, 390, 410
cation ..................................................... ..................... 447 Aug. 9-Didesch Richard H. et al, consenting to the installs-
" 1-Chief of Police Strub, recommending that no parking lion of curb and gutters and storm sewer on Ava-
restrictions be placed on East Sixth Street between lon Road, but objecting to the type of paving to be
Central Avenue and White Street ...................:......... 447 placed on said Avalon Road ........,......._,............,...,.. 358
,' ,~~'e~"~, ;4~ ~ !,r,i
INDEX -Book 78 {
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page 1948 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 16- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, extending invi• Jan. 5- Dubuque Firefighters Local, asking Council to withhold
lotion to the City Council to participate m the future action on the proposed "Sick Leave" ordin-
Labor Day Parade _ .. _ _... ......, 380 once
Sept. 7- Dubuque Chamber of Commerce suggesting Council '''
5- Dougherty Frank J., requesting tax suspension on Lots
participation in the Businessmen's Conference on ':. 172 and 173 Union Add . .......... ...._............,.............. 3
Urban problems to be held in Detroit Michigan ..., 401 Jan. 22 -Dubuque Packing Company, requesting the vacation of
" 7- Datisman Wilfred E., et al, requesting the installation the westerly 24 feet 10 inches of Sycamore Street
of a street light at the intersection of Apple and
and conveying such vacated area to it, subject to
" 7- Oak Streets
(Veterans Radio Cab CoJ taxi-cab bond ..
Dye William 404, 452
403 the easement of the C. M. St. P. & P. Railroad for
Sept. 24- ,
Dubuque Roofing Company asking that a two hour park-
` railroad purposes, such conveyance to be upon
r a h ncil may determ'ne
n a
t e
conside a
ing limit be installed in front of their place of busi- ?
"' d
ums antes
o e reasons a un er a circ t _......8, 5
35, 7
Oct. 4- ness .
Dubuque Council of Churches protesting against making 414, 447
22- Driscoll Willard J., Notice of Claim ..............................__..
transfer of address of their
Dubuque Metal Trades Club 8, 1
Twelfth Stre~ a through street _ ...........................
" 426 ,
Cigarette Permit ....._ ......... ..........._ .... ......,...,........... 12
" 4- Beer
D. A. V. Club of Dubuque, Inc., granted Class 22-
436 Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, transfer of address
Nov. 1- Permit for Private Club ...........
Dubuque Women's Club, submitting opposition to the of their Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club 12, 13
designating of Twelfth Street as a highway .,........ 440 Feb. 2- Dubuque Homes, Inc., requesting that the City Council
" 1- Dubuque Council of Parent-Teacher Association of Dub- draw up the necessary resolution concerning the
uque Public Schools, protesting the making of passing of the proposed plat of Glenview Subdivi-
Twelfth Street an arterial road ................................ 440 sion and that this resolution embody the necessary
" 1- Dubuque County Tuberculosis Association, requesting street improvements ....................................16, 5Q 51, 1 69, 170
permission for the holding of a tag-dpy sale .......... 442 ~ Feb. 23 -Duffey John C., Notice of Claim .............. 31, 104
" 1- Deyoe George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 453 ` 23- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting permis-
Nov. 22 -Dougher, Rich and Woodburn, Architects, submitting sion to use the City lots on Fourth Street Exten-
general layout and floor plans for the proposed tom- sion for the holding of a carnival during the first
bination Court House-City Hall-Jail .................... 473 or third week in June, 1948 .............,........................ 33
Dec. 14- Duggan Mrs, Regina, in regard to special assessment for 23- Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Company, excavation bond 39
the improvement of Platt Street ............................... 506, 507 ' 23- Diamond Street Prom the east curb line of Central Ave-
`' nue to the west curb line of Jackson Street, im-
provement of said street with concrete curb and
E gutter .................................................46, 47, 48, 93, 94, 121, 122;
130, 231, 3D4, 305, 373, 374, 375;
................ ................ .................. ...... 376, 447
Mar. 1- ~,8~' Beer
lub, granted Class
Dr. P
Prvate 68
Mar. 12 -Detailed distribution of proposed Expenditures of the
City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April
1, 1948 and ending March 31, 1949 ............................72, 73, 74,-
_ . ........... .... _,.............. 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81
Mar. 19- Duggan Mrs. Regina M., submitting written objections
to the so-called extension and improvement of
` Platt Street ..................................................... ........... 87, 109
" 19- Duffin Harold L., stating that he wishes to withdraw his
name from the petition objecting to the proposed `
improvement of Mount Loretta Avenue .......,.,.. 98
" 19- Duscher George E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 104, 105
April 5 -Duffy John L., making application under the Soldiers
Preference Law, for the position of City Solicitor.. 113
" 5- Dubuque Bank and Trust Company, appointed as a depos-
;: itory of public funds of the City of Dubuque .,......,. 114
" 5 -Dubuque Real Estate Board, submitting parking lot ap•
' praisals .................................................................... 115, 116
April 12 -Deming J. K., reappointed as a member of the Fire and
Police Pension and Retirement Boards for a term
of fom• years, said term expiring April 1, 1962,....,.... 128-
April 19 -Department of Public Safety, Des Moines, Iowa, congrat-
ulating the City of Dubuque on receiving the sig-
nal honor of being awarded first place in the Na•
lion for safety by the National Safety Council ...... 131
INDEX-Book 78
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJEL`T Page
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5 -Ender Alois J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ., ........ . 6
" 19- Dubuque County Unit of the American Cancer Society, Feb. 23 -Emergency Fund, the amount of $23,644.02 transferred
requesting permission for the holding of a tag day from said fund to the Consolidated Fund ................ 51, 55
on May 8th, 1948 .......................................... ............... 132 ~; Mar. 1 -Erpelding Mrs. Mary L., Notice of Claim ..................._56, 137, 138
" 19- Dubuque County, petition and waiver for the construe- Mar. 30 -Ellsworth Major Ted R., requesting that the City of Dub-
tion of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina St. 140, 141, 142 uque convey to the State of Iowa real estate awn-
April 22 -Dubuque Ready-Mix Concrete Co., requesting the City ed by the City on the. corner of Valley Street and
Council to order a railroad crossing constructed Southern Avenue, said real estate to be used for
over the C. M. St. P. & P. R. R. on East Dodge St. 160, 161, site for an Armory for the Iowa National Guard 107, 167
...186, 187, 403 April 19 -Easement of Dr. Harry C. Nester for the laying o f a
May 3 -Dilworth H. E., verbal objection to any assessment that water main through his property .__. .__ _..._. 38
might be assessed against his property for the pro- 19- Easement of Joseph V. and Mary E. Keppler for the lay-
posed improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street ing of a water main through their property .. .. 138, 139
173 19- Esser H. F., petition and waiver for the construction of
" 3- Dubuque Metal Trades Council, granted Class "B" Beer a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets ___ 142, 1-13
Permit for Private Club ..........., ................................. 174, 175 19- Esser M. J. and Romanda, petition and waiver for the
" 3- Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and
Private Club ........................ ..,........... 174, 175 Edi a Streets ........., ... .......,.................,...,........,.. 143
May 24 -Dubuque Homes Inc., performance bond covering the May 3 -Ellsworth Theodore R., Commanding Officer 1st Bat-
completion of the improvement of Blackhawk Drive talion, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Division, Ia .
,.... ....... _......
and Fax Drive _ ..........................._, 188 National Guard, thanking Council for their efforts
" 24- .
Dubuque Cycle Club, transfer of address of Class "B" and co-operation toward the new armory .............. 167
Beer Permit for Private Clhb .................................. 190, 191 June 14 -Elliott Kenneth W. and Alys, petition and waiver for
Juno 1 -Duccini Walter et al, requesting the rezoning of the construction of Seminary Street sanitary sewer .... 212, 213
property on Rhomberg Avenue in the vicinity of June 29 -Ernst Marie and Dorothy Arthofer, granted Cigarette
Lots 312 and 313 of Ham's Addition .......................... 195 Permit ...............- -........................ .... .............,... 243
" 1- Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administra- 29- Eichman Arthur H., granted Cigarette Permit ............... 249
tion, approval of plans, specifications and support- 29- Ender A, J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 251
ing documents for the construction of the first unit July 6 -Emergency Tax, resolution and application for approval
of a Terminal Administration Building at the Dub- to levy ..,..._...... __ _ _ _ 276, 297
uque Municipal Airport including the plumbing July 19 -Eagle Point Pumping Station, constructing, furnishing,
and heating, electric wiring, well installation and delivering and testing two electric driven two stage
sewage disposal system ............- .......................... 196, 197, 198 Pumping units ..........,..._............._,....305, 306, 358, 359, 386
June 7 -Dubuque Safety Council, H. C. Holloway, President, ad- Aug. 2 -Executive Council of the State of Iowa advising t h a t
dressed the Council and presented a plaque award- they have accepted the Quit Claim Deed executed
ed to llubuque for first place honors in the National by the City of Dubuque on June 25, 1948 .,..:.__..... . 333
Traffic Safety Contest 199 Sept. 24 -Electrical Inspector instructed to enforce the provisions
June 22 -Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, designated depository of the ordinances as to the issuance of permits be-
to receive public funds for Federal Airport Project, fore any work is commenced ..........._ ............._...... 417
The Dubuque Municipal Airport ................................ 227 Dec. 14- Erickson Mrs. R. Fred, notice of claim ..........._ ... - 511
June 29 -Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Adminis-
tration, Classification of The Dubuque Municipal
Airport ....., .......... ....................... .._........,... ....... _ 231, 232
" 22- Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Cigarette
Permit ......,..... 248
" 29- Diamond's Grill Inc., granted Cigarette Permit ............. 248
" 29- Deyoe George, granted Cigarette Permit .......... .............- 248
" 29- Dubuque Cycle Club, granted Cigarette Permit ...,....... 249
" 29- Dunbar Otto J., granted Cigarette Permit .. _., _. _...... 249
" 29- Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted Cigarette Per-
mit ....... ....... .................. ....... .. .. .. ....... ........... 250
" 29- Dubuque Packing Company, granted Cigarette Permit ., 250
" 29 -Duncan Dale, granted Cigarette Permit ...., ..._...,........ 250
" 29- Disabled American Veterans Club, granted Cigarette
Permit .... .........._.......... __.......,... ... _.......... 251
" 29- Dugan Charles S„ granted Cigarette Permit .................... 251
" 29 -Duncan Dale, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ._ ...,, _ .. 252, 253
" 29- Dugan Charles S. and May E., granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ...... ....... __.. _... ......._._...... .... 252, 253
" 29 -Dubuque Cycle Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for
Private Club _. __.......... _ .. ........................... 252, 254
" 29 -Dunbar Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 253, 254
,her )~.. I9~~ ,.
INDEX-Book 78 INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page `- 1948 SUBJr;CT Page
F ~ F
Jan. 22 Firefighters Benevolent Association, stating that they
" ~ 10-Financial report for the fiscal year ending March 31,
Sic k
would like to have supplemented to the
proof of publication ....... _ _..__.._,.,,.....
- 1948
Leave" Ordinance the words "Except Dubuque ,
residents of Wilson Street, between
May 24-Feldman L. J. et al
Firemen", and furthermore, that they would like ,
5th Street and University Avenue, requesting that
to request that the enclosed Present Sick Leave parking be restricted to the East side ................. . 186
Plan be adopted in the form of an ordinance .... 9
June 29-Finch Alford, granted Cigarette Permit _....._ ................ 248
" 22- Federal Works Agency, notified of the approval and ac- 29-Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Cigarette Permit .... 248
ceptance of the surveys, plans, specifications, con- 29-Flick Morris B, granted Cigarette Permit __ . ...... .... .. 248
tract documents and estimates oY coat as prepared 29-Fortman Anton Co., granted Cigarette Permit .,.._ ..,....,. 249
by Consrer, Townsend and Associates for new 29-Fink Milton, granted Cigarette Permit ... _ .......,... 249
storm relief sewers for the Bee Branch, Dodge St., 29-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Cigarette Permit ... 250
Eighth Street and Southern Avenue Sewers .._..,,.. 13
" 29-Fesler Audrey J., granted Cigarette Permit ......... .... 250
" 22- Fire Maintenance Fund, the amount of $11,290.00 trans- 29-Falkenhainer Charles, granted Cigarette Permit _...,,...,. 251
ferred from the Liquor Sales Fund into the Fire 29-Fortman Anton, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..__.,... 252, 253
Maintenance Fund .. _........__ _ _ ..,...... _.. _. 13, 14 29-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
Feb. 23- Feller Mrs. F. J., Notice of Claim ..._ ... ....................... . 31 , 59, 60 mit for Private Club .._................. _ _ .._... ., 252, 254
" 23- Fcltes Ivan, asking the City to provide adequate drain- June 30-Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Class "B" Beer Per•
in the vicinity of 2834 Balke Street
age facilities 32, 61 mit for Private Club ...... . ____ . __ .......... ......... 252, 254
" 23- ,
Fire Chief Hickson and Members of the Fire Depart- July 6-Fire Pension Tax Levy Certificate . ......................... 272
ment, thanking Council for their recent decision 6-Fire Retirement Tax Levy Certificate _...., ..,_ ...... 272
in regard to the "Sick Leave" as the same applies 6-Fire Department Members asking Council to consider an
to the Fire Department __.... 32 increase in their salary .., .... ... _. _... 273
" 23- Fischer Investment Company, communication of the Aug. 2-Fire Prevention Inspectors Short Course, advising that
Planning and 7,oning Commission stating that they the Engineering Extension Service of Iowa State
wish to amend their recommendations as outlined College, Ames, Iowa, will conduct the same on the
in their communication of November 1, 1947 by August 17.20, 1948 ............. - ~ 340
amending paragraph (2) to read as follows: (2) 2-Fransen Jack, requesting a refund on the unexpired
Exchange by your honorable body of parcel marked portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit 341
"E" on said plat for a quit claim deed to be furn- 2-Fisher Herbert J., granted Cigarette Permit ................. 354
fished by Fischer Investment Company far Wall St. Aug. 16-Fichter Fred, representing the Dubuque Building Trade
extended through the Levee to the Mississippi in- Council, objecting to the method employed in re•
eluding riparian rights .......... ...... ............ -..34, 61, 62, 83 Bard to excavating for footings at The Dubuque
" 23- Forest Lane from the west curb line of Nevada Street to Municipal Airport ............ ........................ ............. 381
the east curb line of Delhi Street, improvement of Sept. 7-First Street harbor, communication of United States
said street 45, 46, 88, 89, 90, 122, 123, 131. 303, 304, 369, 370; Engineers Office, Rock Island, Illinois, in regard
371, 372, 373, 405, 4 06, 447 to the dredging of same ..,..._ .............._.401, 402, 431, 432, 433
" 23- Fox Drive, dedication and acceptance as a public street 50, 51, 169,- 7-Fesler Audrey J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 408, 409
_ _ ... ... ..,.,..,..__ 170, 171, 188 Sept. 24-Fulton Parent Teachers Association endorsing the Pres•
Mar. 12- Fischer Investment Company, iVIayor and City Clerk cott School Parent Teachers Association opposi•
tio^ to making Twblfth Street a boulevard ...., ..,
authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed 1-Fenchel Mr, and Mrs. Clarence et al, requesting that a
to said Fischer Investment Company conveying .
street light be placed on Bennett Street between
Lot 5 and the North 18 feet of Lot 4 of Block 0 in
' Algona Street and McCormick Street .......... ....._.,,. 442, 496
s Addition __ . _ .
Booth 83, 84
Nov. 22-Farley &Loetscher Mfg. Co., in regard to their plans for
Mar. 30- Fritschel Esther, Business Manager, Wartburg Theologi• the correction of a nuisance caused by dust parti-
cal Seminary, submitting attached petition of Lo- cles in the atmosphere in the vicinity of 972 and
well C. Green et al asking that the Fremont•Mt, y74 White Street, some of which are presumed to
Carmel bus route be changed back to its previous have escaped from their woodworking operations., 463, 464
~ route .,.....
stipulation and agreement
~0-Fischer Investment Company 108 Dec. 6-Friedman Elmer J., notice of claim ....................................
111 501
, " 6-Farley &Loetscher Manufacturing Company requesting
April 5 -First National Bank, appointed as a depository of public permission to build and maintain a bridge over
funds of the City of Dubuque __. __ ...._....... 114 Jackson Street and to lay certain pipes under the
April 12 -Florence Street, request that said street be graded and surface of Jackson Street and to build and main-
that storm water drainage be constructed .... .... 124 tain a certain railroad track in Jackson Street, all
April 19 -Fitzpatrick Thomas, Clerk • Water Department, bond ..,. 135 to be used in connection with the operation of a
May 3 -Farley &Loetscher Mfg. Co., requesting permission to power plant now under construction on Jackson
construct a loading dock on the East Sixth Street Street between eighth and ninth streets 601,502, 612, 613, 614
end of their building extending the full length also 6-Flynn Thos. Coal Company, Excavation Policy ...,.... .,. 503
for permission to erect a canopy over this dock ... 166, 167
May 10- Freisinger Mrs. L., in regard to the garbage collection at
the residence located at 850 Wilson Avenue .....,.., 177
INDEX -Book 78 INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page 1948 SUBJECT Page
~ G
Jan. 5 in regard to the establishing of bus
-Grommersch Nick May 24 -Genera] Aluminum Supply Corporation, in regard to the
service on the Park Hill District and also in regard ~ use of Casco cast aluminum soil pipe and fittings
to establishing a street connecting Park Hill Dis- - in all above ground plumbing installations .........,.. 185
trio with Kane Street in order .that bus service June 14 -Grode Harry V., requesting a refund on the unexpired
would be made available on both Park Hill District portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit _ ...................... 209
and Kaufmann Avenue 2 June 22 -Grant Offer from the United States of America, adopt-
Jan. 22 -Graham Joseph G. objecting to the vacation of an alley ing and approving the execution of an acceptance
by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of
adjacent to lots owned by Mrs. Harry Schiltz and obtaining Federal Aid in the development of The
Clarence J. May, the alley in question extends to Dubuque Municipal Airport
225, 226
the north from York Street ._ ................... . - .. 9, 22 June 29 -Glynn John and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 248
Feb. 2 -Glenview Subdivision, request of the Dubuque Homes 29- Grutz John and Clara, granted Cigarette Permit ...,........ 249
Inc. that thg City Council draw up the necessary ~ 29- Gloeckner Mrs. Wilma, granted Cigarette Permit . ._ .. 250
resolution concerning the passing of the proposed ~ 29- Galliart Raymond M. and Evelyn M., granted Cigarette
plat and that the resolution embody the necessary Permit ....... _ .. ,, ..... 251
street improvements .................._._16, 50, 51, ~
169, 170 29- Gantert Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit 251
" 2- Groff Edith M, supplementing her Notice of Claim -.._... 17, 516 # 29- Gilmer Opal, granted Cigarette Permit _ ...._ ...... 251
Feb. 23 -Grant and Easement of Anna Hein et al ......... _ __ ..,.. 33 n: July 19 -Graveling and oiling of streets, City Solicitor requested
" 23- Gandolfo Street from the north curb line of St. Joseph to prepare the necessary forms and proceedings .. 321
Street to the south curb line of Lombard Street, Aug. 2 -Grant and Easement of Ethel M. Meaney to City of Dub-
improvement of said street with concrete curb and uque for construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon
gutter 42, 93, 96, 96, 97, 120, 121, 130, 186, 195, 221, 290, and Edina Streets _...._..,......
291, 292, 293, 418, 446 2- Grant and Easement of Dubuque County to City of Dub-
Mar. 1 -Graf Edward M, et a1, requesting the extension of the ~ uque P.or construction of a sanitary sewer in Vern-
present sanitary sewer on Seminary Street from ~ on and Edina Streets ,_,... __..._........_......_...._........ 343, 344
its present terminus west to the intersection o'f ~ Aug. 9 -Gates Sumner E., submitting application for authority to
Seminary Street and the Bunker Hill Golf Course connect Lot 8 of Block 5 Hillcrest Park with the
Road _ ...... ............. ........................ 56 sanitary sewer ..,..., ......... .................
....... 364
" 1- Grab Erwin M. and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit G8 t Aug. 16 -Gilmer Opal, requesting a refund on the unexpired por•
" 1 -General Municipal Election of March 29th, 1948, appoint-
~ tion of her Cigarette Permit No. 253 ........................ 380
ment of Judges and Clerks to serve at said elec• ;-: 16- Gilmer Opal, requesting a refund on the unexpired por-
tion .......... ......... ..... ....- - .............. 70, 111 tion of her Class "B" Beer Permit No. 140 ............. 380, 381
Mar. 19 -Golden Homer, addressed the Council in regard to bus Aug. 23 -Gallogly William L, revocation of power of Attorney ... 394
service on Park Hill District .................................... 97 Sept. 7 -Graham Ralph C. State Director American Public Works
" 19- Caber M. L. Construction Co in the amount of $10,000.00 ~ Association, with reference to membership in the
for the construction of St. Mary's Orphanage Association ............ ........................... ..................... 403, 414
Sewage System _ ............... ........................ 98 7- Gloeckner Mrs. William, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 408, 409
" 19- General Municipal Election of March 29th, 1948, canvass- Oct. 4 -Gates S. E. et al, offering objection to the increase in
ing nominations papers far the offices of Council- gas rates as the same applies to Schedule No. 2
men and Park Commissioners ...................................... 105 Service, that for heating of homes and of water .... 425
Mar. 30 -General Municipal Election of March 29th, 1948, canvass 4- Grutz John and Clara, granted Glass "B" Beer Permit .. 436
of votes cast for the offices of Councilmen and ~ Nov. 1 -Grommersch Nick, requesting that a grade be establish-
Park Commissioners ..... .......... ................ ........ 106, 107 ed on Sabula Street between Muscatine Street and
" 3D- Green Lowell C., et al asking that the Fremont-Mt. Car- ( Burlington Street
mel bus route be changed back to its previous 1- Gray Richard E, Notice of Claim _._. .... 439
route .....,...__.. .. .. ...._,.... 108, 16G 1- Glynn Mrs. Eleanor, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 457
" 30- Grady Mrs. Agnes, granted Cigarette Permit ............._.. 109 1- Glynn Mrs. Eleanor, granted Class 'B"' Beer Permit ...... 458
April 12 -Governor's Conference on Fire Prevention, asking that 1- Glynn John and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 458
City of Dubuque be represented at the conference
on Fire Prevention to be held in Des Moines, Ia. o n
May 28-29, 1948 ...... ................................................ . 124
April 19 -Gallagher R. J., City Engineer, bond ................................ 135
" 10 -Gehrig Cecelia M., petition and waiver for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina St. 143, 144
May 3 -Caber M. L. Construction Co., excavation bond ............. 169
" 3 -Gantert Harry N. and Lucile, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ............... ... ..... ........ ................ ..... .... . . 174
May 10 -Garbage contract supplemented by the payment of an
additional $150.00 semi-monthly ............... ........... 177
" 10 -Grandview Avenue and Audubon Street extension through
the Senior High School grounds 178, 183, 201, 202, 230, 443,-
.................. .... .................................... ........ 443, 471
u ~np~+~~
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5-Hill T. J., appointed as a member of the Board of Re-
view for a term of two years ..............._.,........ ...,..... 3
Jan. 22-Hart Covell J., Notice of Claim ..,...,..__ ........................... 8, 18
Feb. 2-Hyde Clark Woman's Relief Corps, requesting permis-
sion to hold a tag day ..........................................._...,.. 16
" 2-Hillard Joseph and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ............ ...................... 21
Feb. 23-Haggerty Jennie, requesting suspension of the 1947
taxes on Lot 254 of Davis Farm Addition ......,..... 33, 59
" 23-Hein Anna and Fred et al, Grant and Easement ............. 33
" 23-Holy Trinity Church requesting the closing of the upper
end of the alley running North to South between
Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues and requesting
the vacation of said alley in favor of the Holy
Trinity Church, Inc. and also asking permission to
construct a curbing about Holy Trinity Church
property .............. ......34 , 60, 61
" 23-Hutchins Ray and Pau] A. Leonard, granted Cigarette
Permit ...... ........... ................ ............. _ 52
Feb. 23-Hutchins, Ray, and Paul A, Leonard, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit ......,..,. _ ....................................................... 52, 53
Mar. 1-Heiar Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......,.., 68
" 23-Hutchins Ray and Paul A. Leonard, granted Class "B"
Mar. 12-Hier Mrs. Mary, requesting suspension of the 1947 tax
on the North 24 feet of Lot 374 Davis Farm Addition 82, 103
Mar. 19-Henkel John, requesting a refund on the unexpired por-
tion of his Cigarette permit ......,_ .......... ... _._,..... 99
April 5-Hein, Joseph A. et al„ requesting that Balke Street be-
tween Strauss and Lowther Streets be graded and
covered with crushed rock .......................................... 115
April 19-Hail John Joseph, Supt. & Cashier -Water Department,
bond ...... ....... _.......... 135
May 3-Hogan M. P., Power of Attorney ..,,....__ .................._...,,.. 166
" 3-Highland Realty Company requesting the issuance of a
building permit for the erection of one Lustron
manufactured steel home ............................................ 167
3-Henschel John A. et al, requesting that a schedule be
prepared far the construction of a sanitary sewer
and also for the improvement of Dillon Street .,. 167, 235
May 10-Holz Oswald and Clara, offer of $200.00 accepted as pay-
ment in full of the special assessments levied
against Lots 32 and 33 of McDaniel's Park H i 11
addition .._ ............. ................ .................. .................. 180
May 24-Henkel Jotm and Alma, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 190
" 24-Henkel John and Alma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 190, 191
Jnne 7-Hammerand Mrs. A. H., Notice of Claim ..............._.... 199, 302
" 7-Hawkeye Casualty Company, advising Council that the
Excavation Bond of Maurice Hill is not needed and
asking that said bond be considered not in force.. 200
" 7-Hagge Clarence et al, requesting that the alley connect-
ing St. Ambrose Street and Ungs Street be proper-
ly graded and placed in proper condition for foot
and vehicular travel ................. ................................... .201, 235
June 14-Henschel Alfred A. and Dorothea F., petition and waiv-
er for the construction of the Seminary Street sani•
tary sewer .._ ................................ ................. .............. 214
" 14-Huff Elwood, d-b-a, Huff lumber Company, Excavation
Bond .................. .................. ................. ........................ 220
INDEX-Book 78
June 29-Hartzog, Justin, City Planning Consultant, submitting a
proposed new route for the extension Grandview
Avenue through the Senior High School property 230
" 29- Hirsch Ray et al, requesting that sewer and water mains
be installed on Kane Street from Kaufmann Ave-
nue to the City Limits ..........................._............._., 231
" 29- Healey Wilfred J., informing Council that, a prefabricat-
ed house manufactured by GBH-Way Homes, Inc.,
has been erected at 220 West 32nd Street and is
now ready for Council inspection ............................ 232, 303
" 29- Homart Homes, recommendation of Building Commis-
sioner that blanket permission be given for the
erection of said homes in the City of Dubuque ._... 238, 303
" 29- Hessel Irvin G. and William H. Potter, granted Cigarette
Permit ........._..... .._ ......... .....__... .................. 243
" 29- Herber Fred and Annabella, granted Cigarette Permit.. 249
" 29- Harris Joe, granted Cigarette Permit .............._........,...,. 249
" 29- Hickey Tom J. and John J. granted Cigarette Permit . 249
" 29- Haley Jahn J. and Fay H. granted Cigarette Permit .... 249
" 29- Henkel John and Alma, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 249
" 29- Haley John J. and Fay, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 252, 253
" 29- Hughes R. D, granted Cigarette Permit ......__ ............. .. 249
" 29- Hird Mrs. Rosemary, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 250
" 29- Hutchins Ray and Paul A. Leonard, granted Cigarette
Permit .............................__........:.....,..... ..._..._......._. 250
" 29- Hiawatha Club, granted Cigarette Permit ... _ _...... 250
" 29- Hawkeye Lodge, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 250
" 29- Heiar Mrs. Anna, granted Cigarette Permit ..._ _.. __ . 250
" 29- Hillard Joseph and Bernice, granted Cigarette Permit., 250
" 29- Haley Amy, granted Cigarette Permit _ .. __ _..__..... ... 250
" 29- Hogan Vincent J., granted Cigarette Permit ..............._ 250
" 29- Hollywood Grill, granted Cigarette Permit __ __.. ... _.., 250
" 29- Helmer Mrs. Florence, granted Cigarette Permit ....,_... 250
" 29- Hedley Alfred and Lillian, granted Cigarette Permit ..... 250
" 29- Hochberger William, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 251
" 29- Herber Arthur F. and Theresa, granted Cigarette Per-
mit ............................................................................... 251
" 29- Hamilton Anna, granted Cigarette Permit ... .. ............ 251
" 29- Herber Fred and Annabelle, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit .... _..,... _..... .. _ ...__...,_ .. ................... 252, 253
" 29- Hughes R. D, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 252, 253
" 29- Haley John .and Fay, granted Class "B" Beer Per•
mit .,._ ...... ..... .................. 252, 253
" 29- Hamilton Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........_ 252, 253
" 29- Hogan Vincent J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 253, 254
July 6 -Hessel Irvin G. and Wm. H. Potter, granted Class "C"
Beer Permit .............................._... ........ ..............,.. 277
July 19 -Hein Harriet H, and Camillus R. submitting objections
to the proposed improvement of Balke Street ........ 284
" 19- Howes Charles V. et al, objecting to the present con-
struction plans of the University of Dubuque con-
sisting of two room homes and a parking lot at the
corner of West and Gilliam Streets .,...._....,.......298, 299, 350
" 19- Harker Karl W, petition and waiver for the construction
of the sanitary sewer in Seminary Street ............. 299, 300
" 19- Hillcrest Annexation Assessment District, improvement
of streets ........................306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 376, 377, 378,-
..... ...,_..,.._. .._ .............. ..............379, 400
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 19- Hillcrest Road from the west property line of Asbury
Road to the east property line of Avalon Road,
improvement of ..306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 376, 377, 378, 379, 460
Aug. 2- Holmes Charles R. Notice oP Claim .................................... 338, 382
" 2- Huftill Frank, submitting resignation as a member of
Board of Trustees of the Carnegie-Stout Free Public
Library .................. ............. ................. _.,........ 341
2- Hantelman Merlin, appointed as a member of the Board
of Trustees of the Carnegie Stuut Free Public Li-
brary to fill the unexpired term of Frank Huftill,
recently resigned, said term expiring July 1st.....,.... 341
" 2- Heer Carl M. et al, asking that the City Island Airport
be maintained until such time as it ceases to be an
to the development of Dubuque and the flying pilots
ing pilots and public who use the same ................. 342
Aug. 16- Hynist H. P., Notice of Claim .............................................. 380
" 7- Hamilton Anna, requesting a refund on the unexpired
portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 220 .................. 404
" 7-Hamilton Anna, requesting a refund on the unexpired
portion of her Class "B" Beer Permit No. 63 _........ 404
" 7- Henuings Helen C., of regard to the legality of the past
and future proceedings and action of the City Coun-
cil in connection with the construction of airport
' ' rt ...,...404,
hanbars buildings at the Municipal Airpo 405, 448
" 7-Hochberger William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 408, 409
Sept -Henningson Engineering Ce., with reference to construe-
lion of a sewage disposal plant .............................. 413
" 24- Hughes R. D., requesting a refund on the unexpired por- 414
lion of his Class "B" Beer Permit No. 38 ................
" 24- Hughes R. D., requesting a refund on the unexpired por- 414
lion of his Cigarette Permit No. 82 ......................
" 24- Hartig A. J. et al, requesting that Lake Peosta be again
made a clear water lake of moving water by elim-
inating the stoppage of flow al Dock Street, at
East 16th Street and at or near the Interstate
Power Company plant at the foot of 8th Street in
order to improve fishing and boating conditions in
Lake Peosta area ................. ........................ ............ 415
Oct -Hyatt G. C. et al advising Council that they are for the
. ending Proposal to make Twelfth Street a boule-
rd and also for the installation of a Stop and Go
light at Twelfth Street and Centro] Avenue ..__.. 426
4- Helmer Mrs. Florence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 435
" 4 -Hickey John J, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...,..... 436
4 -Hawkeye Club of Dubuque, Iowa, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit for Private Club .... ............. ._...... . 436
Nov -Hartzog Justin, report submitted on Proposed Kane
Height's Development ......... ......................... 444
" 1 -third Mrs. Rosemary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 458
i -Hedley Alfred E. and Lillian, granted Clasa "B" Beer
Permit ...._......., 458
" 1 -Herber Arthur F. and Theresa, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ......... ........ ... .... ...... ................ .................... 458
1 -Hiawatha Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri-
vate Club ..................... ........................... 458
INDEX -Book 78
Nov. 22-Houser P. J., Director, Division of Public Health Engin-
eering, Des Moines, Iowa, advising that a field
'~` training course in rodent control will be held in
r', Kansas City, Missouri during the period of Novem-
:. ber 29 to December 10, 1948 .............~...,.................,.
Nov. 29-Howard Mary C., Notice of Claim ..............................._......
5' 29-Hillcrest Annexation District, survey ordered made of
the street lighting needs ......................................._..
Dec. 14-Haupert Mrs. Alice, requesting that a street light be in•
stalled on Brecht's Lane and also requesting that
the street be improved by the placing of a layer of
crushed rock on the street ...........................................
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 23-Interstate Power Company, requesting an easement
for to extend their power lines from a steel tower.
at Pine and Bell Streets to their property where
their coal pile is now located and is shown by the
purple lines on the plat attached the City owned
property over which the easement is requested is
outlined in red on said plat ._._ ....._..... _.. _..38, 39, 61, 85
Mar. 30- Iowa National Guard, Mayor and Clerk authorized to ex-
ecute and deliver to the State of Iowa, a deed to
to the real estate owned by the Gity of Dubuque
located on Valley Street and Southern Avenue for
the erection of an Armory ........_ ............._.,....... 110
April 19- Iowa Municipal Accounting Officers Association, advis-
ing that a school of instruction for Accounting Of-
ficers of the Municipalities of the State of Iowa
wi!1 be held on May 13th and 14th, 194.8, at des
Moines ...................................._...............................,...... 132
May 3- Interstate Power Company in regard to the petition for
a change in the Mt. Carmel, Fremont Bus route .. 166
May 10 -Independent School District of Dubuque in regard to
the extension of North Grandview and Audubon
Street throught the Senior High School grounds
__ _. ._ __ ...... 178, i83, 201, 202, 230
June 7 -lowa Department of Public Safety, I. A. Lowell, address-
ed the Council and presented the State Certificate
awarded to Dubuque for first place honors in the
Traffic Safety Contest ._..._ ......... . ..._.........,.......... 199
June 14 -Iowa National Guard, Mayor and Clerk authorized and
directed to execute and deliver to the State of Ia.
a quit claim deed to Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Ran-
.doll's Sub. to be used for the site of a garage ....... 333
" 14 -Iowa National guard Armory Corporation, Mayor and
Clerk authorized and directed to execute and deliver
to Company A 133rd Infantry Headquarters Com-
pany 1st Battalion 133rd Infantry, a quit claim deed
to Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of RandalPa Sub. to be
used for the construction of an Armory ................. 208
14 -Interstate Power Company, report showing analysis of
revenue and expenses of Electric and Bus Trans-
portation service for year ending December 31, 1947 210
June 29 -Irwin Ray and Paul Megonigle, granted Cigarette Per-
mil _.., ....... _ . ........ ......
__.. 249
Aug. 2 -Iowa State Highway Commission submitting copies of
Contract for Primary Road Extension Maintenance 339
" 2 -Iowa State Highway Commission in regard to the install-
ation of signal lights at the intersection of 2nd and '
Locust Streets, at the intersection of 6th and Lo-
Gust Streets and at the intersection of 20th and
Jackson Streets ................ ___......... .......,.._,,.. 390
2 -Illinois Central Railroad Company, ordered and directed
to construct a railroad crossing over, upon a n d
across their railroad. tracks at Railroad Avenue
...........................350, 382, 383, 384, 393, 394
Aug. 9 -Iowa Improvement Company, advising Council that they
hrsve no objections to the elimination of Mullin Rd.
from the proposed improvement of streets in Hill-
crest Annexation Assessment District providing
that the same does not cause a delay in the balance
of the paving project .............._............;....,...,......,........ 358
~, 1948
,~. „
,- Aug.
INDEX -Book 78
9-Irwin Ray and Paul Megonigle, requesting a refund on
the unexpired portion of their Cigarette Permit
No. 92 .................. .................. ............ ............... .......
23-Illinois Central Railroad Company, requesting the vaca-
tion of that portion of Railroad Avenue lying east
of the extension southerly of the easterly property
line of Block 27, Dubuque Harbor Company's Ad-
dition .,...,......
23-Iowa Sewage Works Association extending invitation to
the City of Dubuque to attend the Annual State
Conference to be held in Des Moines, Iowa ., ...,....
7-Iowa Improvement Company requesting permission to
provide by private contract for the curbing and
guttering on Chaney Road, Morningview Road and
Valley view Road ............... .........._.... ..,.............
7-Interstate Power Company, transmission line easement
from the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp .............
1-Interstate Power Company, resuesting permission to
locate poles and wires on City owned property com-
mencing at a point on the west boundary line of
Salina Street thence west to a point on the same
boundary line of South Locust Street .,........___.....
22-Interstate Power Company, transmission line easement
from The Aspermont Company ......_ ... ....,
400, 401
442, 443
Feb. 23 -James Street, widening of said Street 10 feet on the
west side from the south curb line of West Third
Street to apoint 450 Peet south 44, 45, 91, 92, 123, 296, 297,-
.................. ................. ................ ......348, 349, 366, 504
Mar. 1- Judges and Clerks for the General Municipal Election
of March 29th, 1948, appointment of ........................ 70,111
Mar. 30- Jestel Harold E., offering a few suggestions in regard to
the marking of streets and meter stalls ............... 107, 108
April 19 -Jenni Geraldine L., Secretary to City Manager, bond 135
June 29- Jackson Street Storm Sewer from the Bee Branch Storm
Sewer at East 30th and Jackson Streets along the
west sidewalk line of Jackson Street to the cen•
ter of Diamond Street, thence on the center line of
Diamcnd Street to the east property line of Cen-
tral Avenue, thence along the east sidewalk line
of Central Avenue to a point 205.3 feet north of the
center of Diamond Street,.241, 242, 287, 288, 362, 363 , 386 454
" 29- Johanningmeier William L., granted Cigarette Permit ~ 251
July 6 -Jordan W. J., Excavation Bond ......................................... 276
July 19 -Johnson R. N., State Comptroller, approval of Resolu-
lion No. 144-48 resolution and application for appro-
.. val to levy an emergency tax .............................. 297
Aug. 2- Johanningmeier Justin L., granted Class "B" Bee r
Permit ..... _ .......... .............. .............. .................. 354, 355
Aug. 23- Jones Mr. and Mrs. A. A., submitting statement in the
amount of $7.00 for the opening up of the main
sewer in the vicinity of 2680 Greeley Street .......... 394, 408
Oct. 4 -Jungwirth Mrs. Rosa, making formal application for a
reduction in the proposed assessment to be levied
against Sub. Lot 1 of Lot 9 and Sub. Lot 1 of 16
of Mt. Pleasant Addition for the construction of an
eight inch the sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina
Streets ................. ..,..........., ......,, ..... _......... 421, 450
z Nov. 29 -Jones Ray and Catherine, granted Cigarette Permit ..., 496
~° 29- Jones Ray and Catherine, granted Class "B" Beer Perm it 497
~. rE~s~~e~~~, ~~ ~' ~' 'r
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Kramer Alois E., requesting a refund on his Class "B"
Beer Permit ........... ..... .................. .................. ........... 1
" 5- Kolfenbach Louis, appointed as a member of the Bd.
of Review for a term of four years ............................ 3
" 5- Kramer Nick and Marie J., granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit ................ .................. ................. ............................ 6
Jan. 22- Kaufmann Avenue Sewer Project, construction of 9, 11, 15 , 19, 20;
28, 30, 62, 63, 64 , 65, 220
Feb. 2- Kelsey Miss Lydia, Notice of Claim ................................ 15, 38
Mar. 1- Kaiser Eileen H., requesting a refund on the unexpired
portion of her Cigarette Permit No. 197 .................. 56
Mar. 12- Krakow Mrs. Mary, Notice of Claim .................................... 81, 395
Mar. 19- Kritz James L. et al, objecting to the proposed improve•
ment of Gandolfo Street and stating that the assess-
ments proposed to be levied for this improvement
....... ..... .. ............ 95, 120, 130
Mar. 30- Karigan Andrew D., granted Cigarette Permit 109
April 12 -Kerper John A., reappointed as a member of the Bd.
of Dock Commissioners for a term of three years
said term exp[ring November 26, 1950 ................... 128
April 19- Kolfenbach Louis, requesting that the City set up the
requirements that must be met in order that his
of Vernon Heights Subdivision may be approved. 132, 189
" 19-
" 19- Kintzinger John J., City Solicitor, bond ........ .........
Kane Allen Charles, Clerk -Water Department, bond .... 135
" 19- Keppler Joseph V. and Mary E., easement far laying a
water main through their property ......................... 138, 139
May 3
M -Knapp Clara L., settlement of claim ....................................
requesting that one hour parking
et al
-Kellum Al 171
ay ,
regulations be placed on parking in the black be-
tween Third and Fourth Streets on Main .........._.. 178
May 24 -Kolfenbach Louis C., stating that he proposes to provide
for Dubuque a Modern Trailer Camp and request-
ing achange in the classification of Lot 2 of the
Sub. of Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1
Lot 304 and of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1
of Lot 1 of Min
of 1 of 1 of Min. Lot 304 to Business District, also
requesting permission to construct an 8 inch sani-
tary sewer to be connected to the Roosevelt Street
sewer and also making application for extension
of the water main for a distance of approximately
600 feet ........... .................._185, 275
" 24 -K-M Construction Company, asking that they be granted
a 30 day extension of time from May 19, 1948 for
the completion of their contract for the improve•
ment of Gandolfo Street .................................................. 186, 195
June 1 -Kintzinger John J., appointed Clerk of the Council
Meeting .............. .................. .................. .................. 193
" 1 -Kramer Nick, requesting a refund on the unexpired por-
tion of his Class "B' Beer Permit ................................ 195
June 7 -Itoons Howard, submitting verbal request that he be
granted permission to establish and operate an auc-
tion house in the downtown area ........................... 199, 210
" 7 -Kintzinger Robert H., submitting petition of property
owners or residents in the vicinity of the 2300 black
on St. Ambrose Street in regard to the condition
of alley connecting St. Ambrose Street and Ungs
Street ................. .................. ............. ........................ 201
- ii~'
INDEX -Book 78
- -- -- -
1948 SUBJECT Page
June 14-Kunkel Dora C., petition and waiver for the construc-
tion of the Seminary Street sanitary Sewer ,......... ..214, 215
June 29 -Kretschmer-Tredway Co. asking Council to consider
one hour or at the outside two hour parking restric-
tion of Ninth Street from Washington Street to
Jackson Street ......................................................... 230, 275
" 29 -KlauerJulien Hotel Co., granted Cigarette Permit ........ 243
" 29 -Kramer Joseph A, and Louis P. O'Connor, granted Ciga-
rette Permit .................. ......... ............. ........................ 248
" 29 -Kane James M., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 248
" 29 -Karigan Andrew D., granted cigarette Permits ............. 24$
" 29 -Klauer Peter, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 249
" 29 -Kruse George C., granted Cigarette Permit .............._...,. 249
" 29 -Kachevas James P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 249
" 29 -Kraus Leo M., granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 249
" 29 -Kanavas George, granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 250
" 29 -Kissling Russell G., granted Cigarette Permit .... . _ ... 250
` ' 29 -Kies Theodore T., granted Cigarette Permit . ....... 250
" 29 -$ress Henry L., granted Cigarette Permit .................. ... 250
" 29 -Kelly Frank M, and Francis E., granted Cigarette Perm it 250
" 29 -Kopp N. J, granted Cigarette Permit ...............:................ 250
" 29 -Klein Frank and Amia, granted Cigarette Permit............ 251
" 29 -Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit .. ......................... 251
" 29 -Kane John M., granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 251
29- Karigan Andrew D., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 252, 253
" 29- Kanavas George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........,... 252, 253
" 29- Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 252, 253
" 29 -Klein Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 252, 253
" 29- Kane John M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 252, 253
" 29 -Kringle John E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... ..... 252, 398
" 29- Kachevas James P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 252, 253
July 19 -Karegan Theodore, submitting written objections against
the improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street
Extension .................. .....,....,.............281; 282, 342, 360
" 19- Kritz Jas. L, objecting to the proposed special assess•
ment tc be levied against Lots 22 and 23 of O'Neill's
Sub. No. 3 for the improvement of Gandolfo Street
. ............290, 338, 418
" 19- Kleis C. E. Co., asking Council to take action in regard to
the parking situation on East Ninth Street ........299, 347, 348
" 19 -Kissling, Russell G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit...,.... 309
Aug. 2 -Kingsley A. R., Dubuque Publicity Coordinator Com-
muniuations Workers of America Northwestern
Division No. 45, requesting permission to operate
sound trucks on the streets ...................................... 341
" 2- Klauer Peter, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 354, 355
Aug. 16 -Kolfenbach Louis C., requesting permission to construct
from connection with Roosevelt street sewer an
8 inch sanitary sewer to become a part of the city
sewerage system and Easement be granted to the
City in Lot 2 of Lot B of Lot of Lot i of Mineral
Lot 304 and in Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 1
of Lot 1 of LoE 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 304 ......... 381, 396
Aug. 23 -Kringle John E., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 397
Sept. 14- Kruse Miss Dorothy, Notice of Claim ................................ 411, 434
" 14- Kintzle Clarence A. et al, requesting that Rosedale Ave-
nue be designated a boulevard at the intersection
of Rosedale Avenue and Avoca Street .................... 411, 415
INDEX -Book 78
INDEX -Book 78
"~ 1948 SUBJECT Page
1948 SUBJECT Page ....
K ~
:;~ Jan, 5 -Lange Robert A. and John D. Paine, granted Cigarette
Sept. 24-Kintzinger A. C., requesting that the Mayor and Clerk ;,. Permit ................. .................. .................. .. ............... . 6
be authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed to her ~- 5 -Lange Robert A. and John D. Paine, granted Class "B"
of any and all right the City might have in the ~, Beer Permit
.... ................. ..................
. 6
easterly half of the alley from Coates Avenue to
22 ..
-Liquor Sales Fund
the amount of $33
12 transferred
s Sub-
the northerly line of Lot 6 of Concord
" -V- ,
from the Liquor Sales Fund into the Consolidated
24-Kane James M., granted Class
' Fund and the amount of $11
00 transferred from
Connor, granted Class
Oct. 4-Kramer Joseph A. and Louis P. O ~~ ,
THE Liquor Sales Fund into the Fire Maintenance
<`B" Beer Permit ..... ...... .. __ .........., ..,..., .... 436
Fund ..........
Nov. 1-Kane Heights Development, report submitted by the Feb. 2- ,
Lundbeck Kate S., requesting suspension of the 1947 tax 16
Planning and Zoning Commission far Council fon• 444
ti Feb. 23 -Latham Ernest and Myrtle, granted Cigarette Permit . ,
. 52
on .... ............................ .................. ...
s 23 -Latham Ernest and Myrtle, granted Class "C" Beer Per-
' mit .................. ............ .. ................. ....................... 52, 53
Mar. ]9 -Lightfoot Charles, Notice of Claim ......._ _. 98, 449
April 12 -Lyons E. B., reappointed as a member of the C i v i 1
Service Commission far a term of six years, said
term expiring March 31, 1954 .................................. 128
April 19 -Librarian of the Carnegie-Stout Free Public Library,
Annual Report .................................... .. ...................... 132
" 19 -Luke Hylda N., Recreation Director, band .............._ 135
May 3 -Linwood Cemetery Association; asking release of their
blasting bond ............... ....................................... 165
3 -League of Women Voters, asking permission to use sand-
with boards on the streets for the purpose of call-
a ing attention to the final date of registration for
the June Primaries ... ...,..._ ....................... ........... 166
" 3 -Lee Jas. F, et al requesting the emp]oyment of, and im-
mediate audit and report of the public finances
by a Bonded Certified Public Accountant . ............. 167
3 -Lebben Chester J. and Margaret
granted Class "B" Beer
Permit .._ ............. .................. ............_,... ...................... 174
May 24 -Lioa's Club, requesting permissicn to string a banner
across Shiras Street at Rhomberg Avenue ........... 186
24 -Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 190
June 7-Lions Club, requesting permission to erect Lion road
signs on all the highways leading into the City of
r Dubuque .................. .................................................. 202, 210
" 7- Link Leo F. and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 205
June 14 -Ley Edwin T. and Mrs. Louise, petition and waiver for
the construction of the Seminary Street sanitary
sewer ............ .................. ........... ................................. 215, 216
' 14 -Lindecker Arthur and Lillian, petition and waiver for the
uonstruction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer 216
" 14 -Lynesa John A. and Eleanor, Petition and Waiver for
construction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer 217
June 29 -Lohr Lenox R., asking the Mayor to select a Dubuque
Day at the Chicago Railroad Fair in Chicago, Ill. 230
" 29 -Loras College, requesting permission far the extension
of the sanitary sewer in Blake Street from the
manhole in Kirkwood Street southerly 300 feet to
serve the north 31 feet of Lot 65 of A. P. Wood's
dition .................. .................. ......_......,.. ................. 240, 241
" 29 -Lombard Street from the eastproperty line of Gandolfo
Street to 100 feet east of the east property line of
of Meadow Lane, improvement oP 245, 246, 284, 285, 286, 361,-
386, 464 455, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483
" 29 -Latham Ernest and Myrtle, granted Cigarette Permit . . 248
i 29 -Loyal Order of Moose, granted Cigarette Permit ....,... 248
-Landolt Frederick, granted Cigarette Permit ..................
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 29- Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 249
" 29- Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit ............... 249
" 29- Ludwig M. J., granted Cigarette permit ......................... 249
" 29- Leik Wm. C., granted Cigarette Permit ............................. 249
" 29- Lanser George and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 250
'~ 29- Lynn Melvin C., granted Cigarette Permit ...................... 250
' 29- Link Leo F., granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 251
" 29- Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, granted Cigarette Permit.. 251
" 29 -Lange Robert A, and John D. Paine, granted Cigarette
Permit ................................................... ...................... 251
" 29- Lanser George and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit ................. .................. .................. ............................ 252, 253
" 29 -Longview Ski Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for
Private Club ................. ........................................... 252, 253
July 19- Library Board Tax Levy Certificate ..................................... 299
" 19- Lockhart Plmbing & Heating Co., Excavation Bond ... 320
Aug. 2 -Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, ]owa, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit for Private Club ................................... 354, 355
Aug. 9 -Loras College, requesting the City of Dubuque to accept
the ownership and maintenance of the water and
sewer mains constructed in Cox Street from the
Refectory Building to Loras Boulevard .................... 363
" 9 -Loras College requesting the vacation of Helena Place
and the conveying of same to the abutting property
owners .__ ................. ...........................363, 417, 450, 470, 500, 503
-Linehan & Molo, Excavation Bond ...................................
Sept, 7 -Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" Beer Permit
for Private Club ...... 408, 409
Sept. 14 -Lucy Robert E., Notice of Claim ... .411 , 417, 418
Oct. 4 -Lynch Mrs. Catherine, granted Class C Beer Permit 436
Nov. 22 -Lehnhardt Mrs. Kenneth, Notice of Claim .............. ......... 463, 500
" 22 -Levan A. J., Excavation Bond .... - - 468
Dec. 14 -Lange Robert A., granted "B" Beer Permit __ ................ 516, 517
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
.. Mc
Feb. 2 -McDonough Melvin, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 21
`~ Mar. 1 -McCarten H. B, Excavation Bond .......,...._..._ .................._ 60
Mar. 19 -McElmeel Helen et al, submitting objections to the
proposed improvement of Gandolfo Street ............ 95
Mar. 30 -McAllister James J., Notice of Claim .. .. - ...............107, 125, 126
April 5 -McFarland John, requesting that a fire alarm box be in-
stalled in the vicinity of 24th and Jackson Street 114
" 5- McInerny A. C., representing 0, F. Kohl Co., Excavation
Bond .................................................................._, . 116
April 12 -McNamer &Iartha, Original Notice of Suit ...........,123, 124, 365, 366
- May 10 -McKay R. V., reappointed as a member of the Planning
and Zoning Commission for a term of five years,
said term expiring May 24, 1953 ._ .. .... ..................... 180
June 29 -McDonough Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Cigarette
Permit ................................. __.._........:....,...... 243
~; 29- McDonald Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 248
;. 29- McNamara Earl J., granted Cigarette permit ................. 249
~~ 29- McLaughlin Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ..._....... 251
. 29- McDonough Melvin B., granted Cigarette Permit ............ 251
~~s 29- McCann Eugene, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 251
29- McFarlane Robert, granted Cigarette Permit .._........... 251
" 29- McDonald Daniel and Loretta, granted Class "B" Beer
', Permit ............ ............._..... .....,,......... ........................ 252, 253
" 29- McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 252, 253
July 6 -McGrath Andrew, requesting that the weeds on St.
Joseph Street and Collins Avenue be cut .............. 273
" 6- McCauley Francis, granted Cigarette Permit ................. . 276
Sept. 7 -McDonough Thomas F.and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ... _..... ... 408, 409
Oct. 4 -McCann Eugene P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 436
Nov. 1- McIlver, R. N., Chairman, Diamond Jubilee Commit-
. tee of Nursing, asking that the Mayor be authorized
to issue a proclamation designating November 14
through 20 as Nursing Progress Week .................... 440
_ ~~
- ~.r'~'~ ,~.~...~ i , ~ ,rib i .2
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Independent
School District, Board of Supervisors and Cfty
Council, appointing members of the Board of Re-
view and fixing their compensation also fixing the
salaries of the Deputy City Assessors ....................... 3
" 5- May Caroline M., recommendation of the Planning and
Zoning Commission for vacation of the alley be-
tween Lot 1 of 35 of Stewarts Sub. to the west and
Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lots 24, 25, and Lots 26 and
27 of Stewarts Sub. to the east and extending
from York Street northerly to the south boundary
of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot 149 ........................ 5, 22, 59, 82
" 5- Manahl Leo P, granted Cigarette Permit ................_....... 6
Jan. 22 -Mancini, Ventrella & Sons, by Joseph Ventrella, re-
questing an extension of time for completion of
the Kaufmann Avenue Sewer Project from March
lot to April 30th, 1948 .................................................... 9, 15
Feb. 2 -Murphy Orville P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 21
Feb. 23 -Mette] Realty & Investment Company, submitting Grant
and Easement executed by Anna Hein et al in sub-
stitution of a former Grant and Easement which
is ineffective ............................. ....... .......... ............. 33
" 23- MacInerney C. J., submitting offer in the amount of
$50.00 for the purchase of all of Lots 1 and 2 of Lot
37 lying between the Dubuque Cascade Road and
Southern Avenue ......_ .. ..................... .................... 34
" 23- Melloy P. W., requesting rezoning of his two lots in the
900 block of Seminary Street, recommendation of
the Planning and Zoning Commission that the
petition be denied ......._ ....... ............_ ..,....,..._............ 34, 35
" 23- Mount Loretta Avenue from the east property line of
Bryant Street to 181 feet east of the east property
line of McLenan Street, improvement of said street
48, 49, 88, 89, 98
" 23- Municipal Airport, contract with Wm. N. Nielsen, Archi-
tect, for the preparation of plans for the construc-
tion of a Terminal Administration Building 53, 65, 66, 67, 68
Mar. 30- Marine Corps League Welfare Foundation, requesting
permission to exhibit and display mobile units in
the downtown business area ..................................... 107
April 5 -Mihalas Ellas and Ruby, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 118
April 12 -Mountain Lane request that said street be graded and
storm water drainage be constructed ...................... 124
April 19 -Marshall Robort P., City Auditor, bond ............................. 135
" 19 -Moore Mae Agnes, Clerk • Health Department, bond _.... 135
" 19- May D. C. Construction Company, Excavation Bond ...... 135
" 19 -Meyer Dorothy C and Arthur W., petition and waiver
far the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon
and Edina Streets _..._... ... _ ..... .................... 144, 145
April 22 -Mary Agard Tent No. 35 requesting permission for
the holding of a tag day on June 5th, 1948 .............. 161
May 3 -Millin Mrs. Lena, addressed the Council in regard to the
acquiring of parking lots and suggested that the
City Council consider areas where no homes are
located so as not to add to the acute housing short-
age .................. .................. .................. ............:............... 165
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJr.CT Page
3-Mettel Realty & Investment Co., asking that the City
Engineer be authorized to investigate the possibil-
ity connecting Lots 386 through 392 Ham's Addi-
tion with the sewer system ........................................ 166
" 3- Meyer Martin and Vernon, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
,. mit ............ .. ................ ................. .............................. 174
~ 3- Meis Stanley J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....,....,.. 174, 175
May 10- Marlin Martha, Notice of Claim ........................................... 178, 365
May 24 -Memorial Day Committee, requesting Council to take
~;, part in the Memorial Day Parade ..._ ................_..... 135
June 14 -Mason Mrs. Dorothy, Notice of Claim ................................ 209, 234
~; June 29 -Midwest Lumber Company, asking that a one hour
~ parking• zone be established on the south side of
Seventh Street from Jackson Street to Washing-
ton Street, also that a fifteen foot loading zone be
established, with no parking, thirty feet west of
Washington Street on the south side oP Seventh
Street ................ .................. ....._.... ......................230, 275, 303
" 29- Merkert Mr. and Mrs. George, requesting that they. be
permitted to erect a steel quonset building on the
?r, property located at 323 Monroe Street .. ..._...,.....,. 231
" 29- May D. C. Construction Co, requesting an extension of
~~ time until July 16, 1948 for the completion of the
contract for curbing and guttering on Diamond
" 29- Mueller Lester, Notice of Claim ....... ..............................231, 301, 302
" 29- Martin Angela E., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 248
29- Murphy Orville P., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 248
" 29- Meyer Paul J., granted Cigarette Permit _ ...................._ 248
" 29- Meyers Kermit and Thomas Lilly, granted Cigarette Per-
. mit ................. .................. ......... ...... .._........................ 249
" 29- Murphy Harry and Dorothy, granted Cigarette permit .. 249
" 29- Mengis Walter, granted Cigarette Permit . ..................... 249
'~ 29- Miller Icne and Glen, granted Cigarette Permit .............. 249
" 29- Moes Donald C. and Lo. J. Weber, granted Cigarette
S Permit ....._ .........................._................... ....,................. 249
' 29- Manternach Gus. L., granted Cigarette Permit .._..,..... 249
" 29- Meisenburg John and Carl E. Blosch, granted Cigarette
,.' Permit .............................. .................. .................. ........ .. 249
" 29- Mihalakis Phillip, granted Cigarette Permit ................. 250
" 29- Maas William and Elizabeth, granted Cigarette Permit .. 250
" 29- Miller George, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 250
,~ 29- Manders John P., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 250
" 29- Manahl Leo P., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 251
" 29- Meis Stanley, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 251
" 29- Mihallis Ellas, granted Cigarette Permit ......................... 251
,,V 29- Maas Melvin H, granted Cigarette Permit ...... .............. 251
" 29- Meyer Martin and Vernon, granted Cigarette Permit ..,. 251
, ;- 29- Manders Edmund N., granted Cigarette Permit .....,...... 251
'4, 29- Mengis Walter and Mathilda, granted Class "B" Beer
~ Permit ................. ................. .._..., ......... ........... _.... 252, 253
t 29- Meisenburg John and Carl E, Blosch, granted Class "B"
, Beer Permit ..............._ ..............,........ ....,...,........_.... 252, 253
', 29- Meyer Albert M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 252, 253
" 29-
Maas William and Elizabeth, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
~~~ mit .................. .................. ...............~. ............,............... 252, 253
' " 29- Moes Donald C. and Leo J. Weber granted Class "B"
,, Beer Permit ................................................................. 252, 253
" 29- Maas Melvin H., granted Class "b" Beer Permit ..., _.,,., 252, 253
" 29- Miller Glen and Ione, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 252, 253
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
July 6-Murphy Charles J., requesting that the property known
as Grassell's quarry located on the east side of Bry-
ant Street between Dodge Street and a point oppo-
site Curtis Street be rezoned to a multiple Family
district .............. ................ 271
" 6-Murphy Charles J. requesting that a permit be issued
for the purpose of blasting on the property located
at Bryant and Dodge Streets ...................................... 271
July 19-Morningview Koad from the south property line of As•
bury Road to the north property line of Hillcrest
Road, improvement of 306, 307, 308, 357, 355, 376, 378, 379, 400
" 19-Mullin Road from the south property line of Asbury Rd.
to the north property line of Hillcrest Road, i m-
provement of ............. 306, 307, 30R, 357, 358, 376, 377, 378, 40
Aug. 2-Meany Ethel M., grant and easement to the City of
Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer
in Vernon and Edina Streets ................................. 342
" 2-Minutes of the meeting of July 20, 1948 of the Board of
Directors of the Independent School District, the
Board of Supervisors and the members of the City
Council ... _ ....... .. .............. ....._ . ...... 346, 347
" 2-Mount Loretta Avenue from the east property line of
Bryant to 181 feet east of the east property line of
McLenan Street, improvement of 352, 353, 390, 391, 392, 455,-
............ ............ ...... ............456, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 48
" 2-Murphy Harry J. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer
P ermit ................. .................... ............_.... .................. 354, 355
Aug. 9-Madison E. H, et al, objecting to the installation of the
sewers, paving, curbs and gutters on Avalon Road. 358
" 9-Meloy Elmer, making application for a permit to blast
rock on Lots 22, 23, and 24 of Rosedale Addition
at the southwest corner of Rosedale Avenue and
Wood Street and also submitting for approval a
Blasting Bond in the amount of $5,000.00 ........... 363
Aug. 23-Miller Mrs. Florence M. and Mrs. Alice Fridley, gran-
ted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................... 397, 398
Sept. 14-Mayor Van Duelman submitted and read a statement
with reference to the petition of The Key City Gas
Company for increase in gas rates...... .- 410
Oct. 4-Maizewood Insulation Co., waiver and agreement for the
construction of a spur track in Salina Street by the
Illinois Central Railroad Company ........................... 428
4-Mihalakis Phillip, owner of Mineral Lot 297 and Lot 1 of
Mineral Lot 296, City Manager instructed to nego-
bate for the acquiring of said property ................... 434, 468
4-Mihalakis Phillip, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..... ._.. 435
Nov. 1-Marshall Parent-Teachers Association, requesting that
Council reconsider their plans for making Twelfth
Street an arterial highway .. ....................................... 441
" 1-Miller Katie A., requesting suspension of the 1947 taxes
on Lot 10 of Johnston's Sub . ................................442, 468, 469
" 1-Meyer Herbert and Walter, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit ....,....,.. 458
Nov. 29-Mt. Calvary Cemetery Association, application for an-
nexation and extension of the City Limits ........497, 498, 499
Dec. 6-Manahl Leo P., granted Class "C" Beer Permit . ............. 509
Dec. 14-Mancini & Ventrella & Son, Original Notice of Suit ...... 511
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Neumeister John C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit . . 6
Feb. 2 -National Conference on Prevention and Control oP Juve•
nile Delinquency, asking the City Council to coop-
erate in a national drive to combat juvenile crime 16
Feb. 23 -Nielsen Wm. N., Architect, contract for the preparation
of plans for Terminal Administration Building at
the Municipal Airport ........,.._ ...................................53, 65, 67, 63
Mar, 19- Nacos Thomas E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 104, 105
April 5- Neuwoehner Robert F., Notice of Claim .......................... 114, 126
" 5- Nacos Thomas E., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 118
April 12- National Federation of the Blind, requesting that a proc-
lamation be issued for the observance of White
Cane Week, May 15 to 21, 1948 .................................. 124
April 19- ATational Safety Council advising that the City of Dub-
uque has been selected as the winner of First place
in the National Traffic Safety Contest .................... 131
" 19- Norton Luveru C., Electrical Inspector, bond .................. 135
" 19- Nesler Dr. Harry C., easement for laying water main
through his Property ........,_..., .... _ 138
May 3 -New York Casualty Company, revocation of Power of
Attorney for C, H. Sanner and M. P. Hogan ............ 166
" 3- New Ycrk Casualty Company, submitting for filing Power
of Attorney for M. P. Hogan ..................................... 160
" 3- New York Casualty Company, submitting for filing Power
of Attorney for C. H. Sanner ......_ ............................ 166
" 3- Navy Club of Dubuque Ship No. 67, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit for Private Club .................................... 174
May 24 -Naval Reserve Armory, renewal of lease by the United
States of America covering approximately 0.85 of
an acre in Ham's Addition ........... ............................ 188
June 7 -Noel Magdaline, Notice of Claim ....__ ..................._........... 199, 234
" 7- National Conference on Prevention and Control of Juve-
nile Delinquency, as king that the Mayor give this
movement effective leadership in co-operation with
all groups in the community ........................................ 200
" 7- National Institute or Traffic Training, requesting that
qualified officers attend the traffic course at North-
westerr. University July 5-23, 1948 ......................... 202
June 14 -National Safety Council, asking the Mayor to issue a
statement to the press requesting the people to
enlist in the Fourth of July safety campaign ........ 209
" 14- Necker Lloyd E., petition and waiver far the construction
of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer .................... 217, 218
June 22 -Nielsen Wm. N., Architect, City Manager Rhomberg
suggested that plans and specifications be furnish-
ed by Wm. N. Nielsen, Architect for T-Type Hangar
buildings at The Dubuque Municipal Airport ,....... 227
June 29 -Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, granted Cigarette
Permit ........_ ..............._..... .. .................................... 248
" 29- Nicks Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Cigarette Per-
mit ............................................................................... 249
" 29- National Tea Company, granted Cigarette Permits ........ 249
" 29- North End Choral Club, granted Cigarette Permit .......... 249
" 29- Nicks Ray J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................... 250
" 29- Noel John E. and June, granted Cigarette Permit ........ 250
" 29- Nacos Thomas E., granter Cigarette Permit .................... 251
July 19 -Neyens Robert, Notice of Claim . .................................... 297, 298
"4~ ,~ak~~avr~? , , ,,.ka14~!Rli
~ INDEX -Book 78
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
1948 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 2- Navy Mothers Club, Battleship No. 44, requesting per- Jan. 5-O'Brien Byrne, representing the Police Department,
asking a clarification of the disability clause as set
mission for the holding of a tag day on Saturday, ~ out in the proposed "Sick Leave" ordinance .......... 2
" 2- October 23rd, 1948 .. ..................................._........,....
Nicks Gilbert J, and Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer 340 „
~ 5-Ordinance No. 1.48. An Ordinance amending Ordinance
Permit .............. ...... 354, 355
No. 1.37, entitled "Traffic Code of the City of
Sept. 7- Noel Carl, granted Cigarette Permit .................................. 408 Dubuque" as amended by Ordinance No. 1-39, Ordi-
7- granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................
Noel Carl L. 408, 409
nonce No. 12-43 and Ordinance No. 9.44 by striking
" 7- ,
National Tea Company, granted Class "C" Beer Per•
out certain provisions thereof and inserting other
provisions in lieu hereof
regulating the use of
Sept. 14 mit ......................... .
-Navy Club, Dubuque Ship No. 67, requesting permission 408, 409 ,
vehicles upon the streets and highways of the City
~ oY Dubuque and by repealing all ordinances or the
for to hold their Anchor Day Sales on October 2, 411 parts of ordinances in conflict herewith .................. 5, 10, 11
Sept. 24- 1948 .........................
Nagle Grace, request for the rezoning oY property on the F eb. 2-Ordinance No. 2.48. An Ordinance providing for sick
north side of West Fifth Street between the line leave for those officers and employees of the City
of Pauline Street extended and Alpine Street to of Dubuque to whom the Workmen's Compensation
Multiple Residence classification 416, 417, 456, 457, 460, 488 Law is applicable; defining "Sick Leave"; the ex-
Oct. 4
-Noel John E. and June M., granted Class "B" Beer Per- tent thereof; filing, approval and allowance o f
mit ............. ................................................
436 claims therefor ................_................................,..... 17, 35, 36
Nov. 1- New Amsterdam Casualty Company, Revocation of the 2-Ordinance No. 3-48. An Ordinance establishing a grade
Power of Attorney of Eugene G. Zumhof ................ 440 ` on Platt Street from the east property line of
" 1- National Institute of Municipal Law officers extending James Street to the west property line of Cardiff
invitation to send the City Solicitor to the confer- Street .................................. ................ ... .................. 25, 36, 37
ence to be held in Washington, D. C .........................
440 .
, Feb. 23-Ordinance No. 4-48. An Ordinance authorizing the issu-
" 1- Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, transfer of address ante of $60,000.00 Sewer Bonds and providing for
of their Cigarette Permit ..._ ...................................... 457 the levy of taxes to pay the same ................30, 63, 64, 65, R2
" 1- Navy Club of Dubuque, Ship No. 67, transfer of address 23-Ordinance No. 5.48. An Ordinance vacating the westerly
of Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................... 458 ~! 19 feet of Sycamore Street from the north line of
1- North End Choral Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 453 East 16th Street to the south line of East 19th
Nov. 22 -Nicks Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 472 Street and providing far the granting and convey-
Dec. 14- Neyens Fred E., reappointed as a member of Board oY ing of the title thereto to Dubuque Packing Com-
Dock Commissioners for a term o4 three years ex- ;I pony and declaring an emergency .............................. 35, 57
piring November 26th, 1951 ............................................ 516 ~ 23-Ordinance No. 6.48. An Ordinance granting to St. Mary's
Orphan Home,fta successors and assigns, the right
j, to construct and maintain a sanitary sewer in As-
bury Road from the end of the present sewer at
the intersection of Chaney Road and Asbury Road
thence westerly to City Limits, prescribing the
conditions of this grant and regulating the use of
said sewer and future connections therewith ....37, 57, 58, 59
Mar. 1-Ordinance No. 7-48. An Ordinance vacating the alley be-
tween Lot 1 of 36 of Stewart's Sub. to the west,
and Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lots 24, 25; and Lots 26
and 27 of Stewart's Sub. to the east and extending
from York Street northerly to the south boundary
", of Lot 24 of Minerat Lot 149 ....................................... 59, 82
" 1-Ordinance No. 8.48. An Ordinance for the vacation of a
part of Fifth Street, all of the alley intersecting
Block J and a portion of Tower Street, all in
Booth's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and
providing. for the conveyance thereof to Fischer
Investment Company .............. 62, 83
Mar. 12-Ordinance No. 9.48. An Ordinance making appropriations
for the exvenditures of city government of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1948, and ending March 31, 1949....81, 99, 100, 101, 102
Mar. 19-O'Connor Francis, Attorney, representing St. Clara CoI-
lege, statinb for Council record that St. Clara Col-
lege has no objections as to any particular width
that Platt Street may be improved and further stat-
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
ing that St. Joseph Mercy Hospital is ready tocon-
vey to the City of Dubuque a portion of their
property for the widening of Platt Street, if, and
when it is definitely decided that Plat tStreet will
be improved ._...., ..., _. .... 87, 88
April 12- Ordinance No. 10-48. An Ordinance providing for t h e
name, control, supervision and operation of "The
Dubuque Municipal Airport" and providing for a
penalty for the violation of the provisions here-
of . ..,,....... „ .. ....... .. ........ .......128, 132, 133, 134
April 19- Oberhausen John C., Police Judge, bond .................... 135
" 19- O'Leary Daniel J., Plumbing Inspector, bond .................. 135
" 19- Oster Lucille, Clerk-Water department, band .................. 135
May 3- Ordinance ordered prepared amending Ordinance No.
7-47 by repealing section 13 and 14 and substitu-
ting therefor provisions for placing the parking
meter collections in the parking fund and that the
balance remaining therein after payments for the
meters, their operation and maintenance be ear-
marked for parking lots ............................................ 165
" 3- Oliver C. J. et al, requesting that Valley Street from
Mount Loretta to Southern Avenue be resurfaced
with crushed stone and oiled, also that the catch
basins be opened up and that a street light be in-
stalled at Aspin and Valley Streets ......................... 167, 235
May 10- Olive Street, Mayor and City Clerk directed to deliver a
quit claim deed to Thomas M. Stampfer and Wi11-
ram B. Poinsett lII conveying that part of Olive
Street vacated by ordinance adopted December 10,
1909 ................ ................ ................ .................. ........ ..........181
May 24- Ordinance No. 11-48. An Ordinance amending "Traffic
Code" of the City of Dubuque, by establishing the
parking regulations on additional streets, by aban-
doning certain streets as Boulevards and designat-
ing University Avenue as a Boulevard, and by re-
pealing ordinances in conflict herewith ................. 184, 193
" 24- Ordinance No. 12-48 - An Ordinance amending Ordinance
No. 13-35 and Ordinance No. 2-46, which Ordinances
provide for inspection and testing of milk intended
for public sale and distribution, and exacting a
charge from producers and distributors, by strik•
ing from said Ordinances all provisions with refer-
ence to exacting a charge from producers and
distributors .....,... ........ ......... ....... 188, 194
June 29 -Oleson Karl et al, asking that tennis courts be re-estab•
lished and maintained at the Grandview Avenue
Tourist Park ................. .................. ....._........... ........, . 231
" 29- Ordinance No. 13-48 - An Ordinance amending "Traffic
Code" of the City of Dubuque by establishing park-
ing regulations on additional streets and by repeal-
ing ordinances in conflict herewith .......................... 236, 274
" 29- Ott Joseph J., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 250
" 29- Oasis Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............................... 250
" 29- O'Toole Francis and Arlene Pauly, granted Cigarette Per-
mit ............. ..,....,......,.. 250
" 29- O'Meara Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ................._....,. 251,
" 29- Osterhoff Arnold B., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 251
July 19 -Ordinance No. 14.48. An Ordinance amending Ordinance
No. 10-37, being "An Ordinance regulating the use
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque
designating the provisions hereof as the Traffic
Code" of said City; by making certain streets stop
intersections and by making certain other streets
boulevards." .... __ ...., ....__ .... .... ... .. 300, 34f
" 19-Ordinance No. 15-48. An Ordinance amending "Traffic
Code" of the City of Dubuque by establishing the
parking regulations on additional streets and by
repeating ordinances in conflict herewith ...,.....,..300, 345, 34fi
- 19-Ordinance No. 16.48. An Ordinance providing for the vaca-
tion of part of Avoca Street next adjoining Lot 2
~:!~ of Sub. of Lot 167 Finley's Addition and granting
°' and conveying said alley of John E. Behlmer ..,,... 301, 345
" 19-Ogilby Road from the south property line of Asbury Rd.
~ to the north property line of Hiilcrest Road, im-
pravement of ..:.....306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 376, 378, 379, 400
;~, Aug. 9-Ordinance No. 17-48. An Ordinance amending "Traffic
is Code" of the City of Dubuque by establishing the
°~~ parking regulations on additional streets ....364, 365, 381, 382
9-Ostrowski Jahn, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 367
';` 9-Ostrowski John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 367
+~-, Oct. 4-Osterhoff Arnold B., requesting a refund o^ the unexpir-
xr ~
ed portion of his Cigarette Permit No. 237 ....._...... 426
+~ 4-Ordinance No. 18-48. An Ordinance designating intersec-
pc' tion at Avoca Street and Rosedale Avenue a s a
~~' stop intersection, providing for the erection of stop
"'t' signs and a penalty for the violation thereof 426, 427, 445
', Nov. 1-O'Brien Adele, Notice of Claim . _ _. __ ..,,....___.,....... 439
" 1-O'Connor, Thomas & O'Connor, By E. Marshall Thomas,
requesting that the City of Dubuque execute a quit
claim deed to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Schmeichel of
the westerly 28 feet of Lot 14A and the easterly
t:. 20 feet of Lot 15A in Paulina Langworthy's Sub-
division ................. .. ..._.., ..... ...., ..._ ......,............. 441, 469
~: Nov. 22-Ordinance No. 19-48. An ordinance amending and ~h~ng~
f"c, ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as
provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zoning
so as to ex
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque
x~ the "Multiple Family Residence District" from its
~: termination at Paulina Street to include certain
~;' defined territory on the northerly side of Weat
„; Fifth Street to Alpine Street ... _ . __ .. . ...........460, 488, 489
"~ 22-Ordinance No. 20-48 - An Ordinance for the vacation of
that part of Fourth Street Extension as originally
located lying between the southerly boundary of
Fourth Street Extension as originally located and
Fourth Street Extension as thereafter relocated
and now existing in Blocks 22, 26 and 30 in Dub-
. uque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and in Block A of
Booth's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
and that part of the alley in Block 22 in Dubusue
Harbor Improvement Company's Addition a n d
that part of Woshington Street and that part of
Fifth Street lying between the southerly boundary
of Fourth Street Extension as originally located
andt he present Boundary of Fourth Street Exten-
~,; sion, all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa . ..............461, 489, 490
rm+~~s~~~.~+~~a~~~~r,,~o.. ,
INDEX -Book 78
22-Ordinance No. 21-48. An Ordinance granting to Sisters
of St. Francis of Dubuque County, Iowa, its succes•
sore and assigns, the right to construct a sanitary
sewer in Windsor Avenue from the end of the prea•
ent sewer at the intersection of Lowther Street
and Windsor Avenue, thence northerly to the City
Limits, prescribing the conditions of this grant and
regulating connections with said sewer ..............462, 492, 493
22-Ordinance No. 22-48. An Ordinance designating intersec-
tions of East 21st Street and Washington Street
and Em Street as stop intersections, providing Yor
the erection of stop signs and a pnealty for the via
lotion of the terms hereof ............................. ................ 466, 493
22-Ordinance No. 23.48. An Ordinance creating and estab-
lishing "Bradley Street Sewer District", which dis-
trict embraces all of the lands within the drainage
area of the sewer system to be constructed within
the same, declaring that all lands within said dis-
trio are benefited by the sewers to be constructed
therein and subject to special assessments for the
payment of the cost of sewer and appurtenances
thereto and defining all of such lands which are
subject to be furnished with sewer connections or
drainage by said sewer system to the adjacent prop-
erty.__ ...._ _. _. .... .. .._..i.......466, 467, 493, 494, 495
29-Ordinance No. 24.48. An Ordinance providing for t h e
vacation of part of Helena Place and providing that
a Quit Claim Deed be issued to the abutting prop-
erty owners .. .....,...._ .... .............. ........ _ 500, b03
6-Ordinance No. 25-48. An Ordinance granting to Farley
& Loetscher Manufacturing Company, Dubuque,
Iowa, its successors and assigns, the right to build
and maintain a bridge across Jackson Street at a
point between 8th and 9th Streets in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, and further granting said Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, the right to build
and maintain a series of subsurface pipes under
the surface of Jackson Street at a point between
8th and 9th Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.. 502, 512
6-Ordinance No. 26-48. An Ordinance granting to Farley
& Loetscher Manufacturing Company, Dubuque,
Iowa, its successors and assigns, the right to con-
struct and maintain a side track from one of the
tracks in Jackson Street northerly across the in-
tersection of 8th and Jackson Streets and north-
erly in Jackson Street a distance of 102 feet from
the northerly property line of 8th Street and pro-
viding the terms and conditions thereof ........,,..502, 513, 519
6-O'Rourke Frank J. and Mrs. Sarah Waldorf, granted a
Class "B" Beer Permit ...,. .___ ............. _ _........ 504
14-Original Notice of Suit of Mancini & Ventrella & Son .... 511
19Ordinance No. 27-48. An Ordinance prohibiting the sale of,
gift to, or exhibition to minors under eighteen
years of age publications featuring indecent pic-
tures or depicting crimes of deeds of violence, lust
or bloodshed, repealing all ordinances in conflict
herewith and prescribing a penalty for the viola-
tion thereof ................ ............... ............... .............. b14
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5-Pohl George, appointed as a member of the Board oY
r- Review for a term of four years .............................
" 5-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the
granting of the petition of Caroline M, May for
the vacation of the alley between Lot 1 of 35 of
Stewart Sub. to the west, and Lot 2 of the Sub. of
Lots 24, 25, and Lots 26 and 27 of Stewart's Sub. to
the east and extending from York Street northerly
to the south boundary of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot 149 .. 5
" 5-Pregler Clarence G. and Clara, granted Class "B" Beer
~'` Permit _......,..... 6
''~~' Jan. 22-Policemen's Protective Association, asking that the
proposed "Sick Leave" Ordinance be amended so
~ as to exclude the Police Department from the ap-
+ plicatioh of said ordinance and that an ordinance
%r be enacted for the purpose of governing and regu-
=~ lating certain working conditions of the Dubuque
';~ Police Department ................. ._.._.......,....... .......... 10
,.~, 22-Payrolls for the month of December, 1947 ......................... 11
~~ 22-Pogeman Mrs. Laura, settlement of claim ..__ ...... ........ 12
~~ Feb. 2-Platt Street from the east property line of James St.
-,rr to the vest property line of Cardiff Street, grade
r_ to establish .............................................................. 25, 36, 37
;~: 2-Platt Street extension to the East property line of Car-
Fy Jiff Street and the improvement of Platt Street
~• from the east property line of James Street to the
=u East property line of Cardiff Street ........................ 25 , 26, 40
>r< Feb. 23-Planuing and Zoning Commission in regard to their
communication of November 1, 1947 addressed to
the City Council making certain recommendations
regarding the petition of Fischer Investment Com-
- pony and now wishing to amend paragraph (2) of
said communications to read as follows: (2) Ex-
change by your honorable body of parcel marked
"E" on said plat for a quit claim deed to be furn-
ished by Fischer Investment Company for Wall
'.1~ Street extended through the Levee to the Missis•
.. sippi River including riparian rights ._ ................._.. 34
;~% 23-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial
~~ of the petition of P. W. Melloy for the rezoning
~;r of his two lots on Seminary Street in the 900 block 34, 35
i ' I~^ 23-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial
.~~~, of that part of the petition of the Dubuque Pack-
. k, ing Company requesting vacation of westerly 24 ft.
t' 10 in, of Sycamore Street and recommending that
~', the westerly 19 ft. of Sycamore Street from the
- north line of East 16th Street to the South line of
East 19th Street be vacated and conveyed to the
Dubuque Packing Company for a consideration de-
termined by City Council, and subject to existing
easements for public utilities and railroad tracks .. 35
" 23-Patch C. W., settlement of claim ......................................... 37, 38
" 23-Payrolls for the month of January, 1948 .,.... _ ...........:....... 40
" 23-Platt Street Extension to the East property line of Car-
- cliff Street and to improve Platt Street from the
east property line of James Street to the east
property line of Cardiff Street ........................40, 41, 42, 87, 88,
-- Mar. 1-Pins Val J., requesting a refund on the uuexpired
,~„ portion of his. Cigarette Permit ............................. 56
INDEX -Book 78 INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page 1948 SUBJECT Page
p P
" 1- Pfeiffer James C., submitting offer in the amount of $75: May 3-Parking Meter collections, ordinance ordered prepared
00 for the purchase of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the amending Ordinance No. 7-47 by repealing Section
Quigley Subdivision .... _ _,..._ ..,_., .. ... 56 „ 13 and 14 and substituting therefor provisions for
" 1- Pfalzgraf Ernest W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit 68 the placing of parking meter collections in t h e
Mar. 12 -Peterson Erik W., Original Notice of Suit ..__. _.. .. .. 81, 434, 435 parking fund and that the balance remaining after
the payments for the meters, their operation and
" 12- Planning and Zoning Commission recommending the maintenance be ear-marked for parking lots
... 165
location of a through highway west of the City of ..
Dubuque connecting in a general line Key west at 3-Policy adopted allowing violators of overparking of less
the south and Durango to the north and further than 60 minutes to deposit 10 cents in a parking
recommending that when the drawings far such a meter at police headquarters providing that this
highway are prepared, the City Council join with be done wiihin two hours after the time indicated
the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors in ap- s report of the violation ....................
;: on the officer 165
preaching the State Highway Dept. and take any 3-Proceedings ordered prepared for a public hearing on
further action to make this highway a reality ........ 84 .: the subject of acquiring the area comprising the
Mar. 19 -Payrolls for the month of February, 1948 land fronting on Bluff Street between West 5th
" 19 granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....,,
-Pfeiffer Clarence J. 104, 105 ± ; Street and the Home of the Angels and also the
Mar. 30 ,
-Pankratz Ralph W., granted Cigarette Permit ........ .......
109 entire half black lying between Iowa Street and
r the alley
first east from West 9th Street to West
" 30 -Pankratz Ralph W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....,. 110 ,
- 10th Street for parking lot purposes ................._.
" 30 -Platt Street, Gity Solicitor instructed to prepare aproper recommending the
3-Planning and Zoning Commission
resolution dedicating a portion of City owned
property for the extension of Platt Street ..._...... 111, 173 ,
granting of the petition of John E. Behlmer ......,. 172
April 5 -Parking lot appraisals submitted by the Dubuque Real 3-Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial
_... .
Estate Board 115, 11G of the petition of E. G. Riter for the rezoning of
........, property in the vicinity of 1945 Asbury Street ...... 172
April 19
" 19 -Payrolls for the month of March, 1948 .. .....
-Petition and Waiver of Alex and Caroline Bodish far the 134 3-Planning and Zoning Commission recommending t h e
construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and legal establishment of Platt Street extended to
.... ....._....,,...,. ........
... ..._ .......
Edina Streets 139, 140 Cardiff Street and the acceptance of the dedication
" 19- ....__...
Petition and Waiver of Dubuque County for the construc- ~ of the necessary land by St. Joseph
s Mercy Hos-
tion of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Street ;` pital and St. Clara College ..... ........ 172, 173
., ....140, 141, 142 w 3-Platt Street Extension, acceptance of the dedication of
" 19 -Petition and Waiver of H. F. Esser for the construction of the necessary land for said extension, accept-
of asanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .. 142, 143 `, ante of the dedication of Platt Street Extension
" 19 -Petition and Waiver of M. J. and Mrs. Remands Esser ',; as a public street .........................._................... 172, 173
for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon flay 10-Parking Lots, matter of acquiring same by the issuance
and Edina Streets ... .......... ............................_.,.... 143 :
issuance of revenue bonds ,....,....,,..176, 177, 183, 184, 203
" 19 -Petition and Waiver of Cecelia M. Gehrig for the con- 10-Parking and Traffic Recommendations ....__.....
179, 180
struction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina
Streets 143, 144 May 24-Payrolls for the month of April, 1948 ...... .......................... 189
" 19- Petition and Waiver of Arthur W. and Dorothy Meyer for Jwie 7-Peterson Carl W., in regard to the dust condition com-
the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and ing from the unpaved ramps which connect the
Edina Streets .............. .................. ......._..... 144, 145 northwest hill section with the relocated No. 20
" 19 -Petition and Waiver of Harold Pape for the construction Highway via of South Algona Street ........................ 201, 235
of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .. 145, ].46 7-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that
" 19 -Petition and Waiver of Warren M. Potts for the construc- the petition of Carl V. Riley, requesting vacation of
lion of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Sts. 147, 148 part of Platt Street be denied and suggesting that
" 19 -Petition and Waiver of Elmer and Veronica Vorwald for the proposed pavement of Platt Street, between
the construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and James and Cardiff Streets, be made 20 feet in width
Edina Streets ......,, . ........ ...... 146, 147 and placed in the center of the Platt Street right-
" 19- Petition and Waiver of Al T. Schuster for the construc• ~ of-way ..-. ......... .. „ .. ..... .. . ..... 203
lion of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Sts. 146 ~~ 7-Platt Street, suggestion of the Planning and Zoning Com-
" 19
petition and waiver for the construction oP
-Pape Harold 147, 148
~' mission. that the proposed pavement between James
a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets .. 145, 146 ~~' Street and Cardiff Street be made 20 feet in width
" 19 petition and waiver for the construction
-Potts Warren M -6 and placed in the center of the Platt Street right-
of asanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets 145, 146 ~`, of-way ... _._ ..... .... ....... ... 2
" 19 -Parking Lots, Mayor, City Manager and City Solicitor June 14-Prendergast Mary B. (Graf), petition and waiver for
x ,:
instructed to negotiate for the purchase of City the construction of the Seminary Street sanitary
Lots 206, 207 and 208 and submit a report back to sewer ................ ...... _......... ._.....,,....,... ............ ... ....... 213
the City Council ............................................................. 154, 169 ', June 29-Payrolls for the month of May, 1948 ... ...,.......,,................ 234
INDEX -Book 78
1348 SUBJECT Page
" 29- Platt Street and Platt Street Extension from the east
curb line of James Street to the east curb line of
Cardiff Street, improvement of 242, 243, 281, 282, 283, 342,•
359, 360, 385, 473, 474, 506, 507, 508 509, 510
" 29- Poquette Millard and Raymond Syke, granted Cigarette
Permit ................. .............. ..... .......... ............. ...... 248
" 29- Poquette Millard and Clifford G. Harker, granted Ciga•
rette Permit _ ................ ....... ........ .................. .._....,, 249
" 29- Peryon Albert G., granted Cigarette Permit . ...,....._ 249
" 29-Potterveld Fred C. and Winifred S., granted Cigarette
Permit ........................ _ .. ....__ __.. 249
" 29- Page Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 249
" 29- Pfalzgraf Ernest W., granted Cigarette Permit ..... .. 249
" 29- Peed Thos. R, and Raymond G. Wunder, granted Ciga-
rette Permii ................ .._.........,......,....,......, ...,,.... 250
" 29- Pusateri Frank J., granted Cigarette Permit ........ .......... 250
" 29- Pochter Charles and Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit .... 250
" 29- Petrakis Peter, granted Cigarette Permit ..................._.., 250
" 29- Pankrata Ralph W., granted Cigarette Permit ... .......... 250
" 29- Pregler Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit ................... 251
" 29- Pfeiffer Clarence J., granted Cigarette Permit ....,,.... ,. 251
" 29- Pins Arthur W., granted Cigarette Permit ............ ... .... 251
" 29- Paradiso Joseph A. and Frank, granted Cigarette Permit 251
" 29- Pear Frank J., granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 251
" 29- Pochter Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit ............... ........ ....................... .......................... 252, 253
" 29- Peed Thomas R. and Raymond G. Wunder, granted Class
..B.' Beer Permit ................................................. 252, 253
" 29- Pins Arthur W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .,_.......,.. 253, 254
July 6 -Police Pension Tax Levy Certificate ........................_.... 272
" 6- Police Retirement Tax Levy Certificate ...... .............. 272
" 6- Playground and Swimming Pool Maintenance Levy Cer-
tificate ..........,._._ . ....... ... ... ........_...,. _... 272
" 6- Playground and Improvement Fund Levy Certificate .... 272
" 6- Police Department Members, asking Council to consider
an increase in their salaries and further asking
Council to consider an equitable re•adjuatment of
their workweek to bring about a 40 hour week .,.. 273
" 6- Planning and Zoning Commission advising Council that
Mr. Louis Kolfenbach, has withdrawn his petition
without prejudice, this petition was referred to the
Planning and Zoning Commission in May ............. 275
July 19 -Plummer A. W. et al, asking the Council not to allow
the Interstate Power Company to erect a transfer-
mer station at the southwest corner of Cherry and
Avoca Streets ............. ......,...,...... 298
" 19- Pauly Cletus N., granted Cigarette Permit ..__......,_ 309
" 19- Pauly Cletus N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ... .. ...~ 309
Aug. 2 -Primary Road Extension Maintenance Contract ......... 339
" 2- Payrolls for the month of June, 1948 ................................. 348
" 2- Planning and Zoning Commission recommending that
the petition oY Mrs. H. L. Dean et al, requesting
the extension of Multiple Family District on the
north side oP West Fifth Street from a point on
the east line of Paulina Street extended to Alpine
Street, be denied ................ ................ .................. .. 349
" 2- Planning and Zoning Commission recommending that
Mr. Charles V. Howes et al be allowed to withdraw
their petition without prejudice ........ .........._.,...... 350
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 16-Poire Joseph C. et al, requesting the vacation of t h e
alley extending along the northern boundary of
property located in Finley Addition from the north-
east corner of Lot 83 and conveying the same to
respective owners of the property abutting thereon 381, 417
Aug. 23 -Payrolls for the month oP July, 1948 . _ ..... ... ._. .. ___ 395
Sept. 7 -Peter Jos. et al, requesting the installation of sewer
and water mains on St. Ambrose Street to Semin-
ary Street north, Hazel Street to Bunker Hill Golf
Course Road ..... ....... ...... _ ... ........... ._..... 404, 452
" 7 -Peed Thomas R. and Raymond G. Wunder, transfer of
address of Cigarette Permit ......._ ... ____ _..._ ... 408
" 7 -Peed Thomas R. and Raymond G. Wunder, transfer of
address of Class "B" Beer Permit . _ _.. _ , .,.... 408, 409
Sept. 14 -Prescott School Parent Teachers Association, urging
Council to reconsider their plans for making a
boulevard of Twelfth Street ..................................... 411
Sept. 24 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial
oP the petition of Grace Nagle for the rezoning of
property on the north side of West Fifth Street
between the line of Paulina Street extended and
Alpine Street _.. _ • .. _..._... . _...., 416, 417
" 24 -Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial
of the petition of Loras College far the vacation
of Helena Place ........... 417, 450
" 24- Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial
of the petition of Joseph C. Poire et al for t b e
vacation of a 25 foot strip of land owned by the
City of Dubuque at the northern edge of Finley's
Addition adjoining Bunker Hill Golf Club .. . , ..,... 417
" 24 -Plumbing Inspector instructed to enforce the provisions
of the ordinances as to the issuance of permits be-
fore any work is commenced ........ ..................__ 417
" 24 -Payrolls for the month of August, 1948 .. ... .., ... ___... 418
Nov. 1 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting for Coun-
ci] consideration a report of Justin Hartzog on
Proposed Kane Heights Development ................ 444
" 1 -Planning and Zoning Commission requested to suggest
and recommend the immediate steps to be taken
upon the proposal to extend Grandview Avenue in
a direct route northerly through the Senior High
School grounds to the proposed Kane Heights
Development ............. ... ... ...... .. ...... ...... 444, 471
" ]- Payrolls for the month of September, 1998 .. _ __.__.., .. 450
Nov. 22 -Payrolls for the month of October, 1948. ...,..__..,,... ..,_ 468
" 22 -Pinaki George F., Excavation Bond __ .... __ . _ 468
" 22 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial
of the petition of Rose Carolan . __ _ _ 470
" 22 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending appro-
val of the revised plan for the vacation of Helena
Place as petitioned for by Loras College ...,.... .,.. 470
" 22 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that
the proposed extension of Grandview Avenue north-
erly over Audubon Street through the Senior High
School grounds to the Kane Heights Development,
as shown in Mr. Hartzog's latest plan be adopted
as an amendment to the Master Plan, also recom-
mending that a survey be made to establish the
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
exact location of the proposed highway from the
Grandview Avenue to the Kane Heights Develop-
ment and also that steps be taken to implement
construction of the proposed direct highway from
Audubon Street to Kaufmann Avenue ................... 471
" 22- Pusateri Frank J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit _.... 473
Dec. 6- Pregler Clarence, requesting a refund on the unexpired
portion of his Cigarette Permit __ .... .................. 501
" 6- Page Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...... _.....,... , 504
" 6 -Poor Frank J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........_ . 504
Dec. 14- Plumbers and Fitters Local submitting for consideration
the name of Hugh D. Clark to fill the vacancy now
existing on the Plumbing Examining Board .,......... 511
" 14 -Plein Eddie and Dorothy, requesting permission to build
a sanitary sewer in Clinton Street from their prop•
erty to the present sewer in the alley between
Queen Street and Windsor Avenue ....................... 511
Mar. 30-Quinlan R. J. and Evelyn J., requesting refunds on the
unexpired portions of their Cigarette Permit and
Class "B" Beer Permit .. _ ._ .. .......................... 108
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5-Receipts far the month of November, 1947, proof of pub-
]ication _ ............ .. __ .. 3
" 5- Rosenthal Minnie, (Deed) requesting suspension of taxes
on E. 56 feet oP N. 25 feet of City Lot 561 ..,....,_. ,. 3
Jan. 22- Riley Carl V., in regard to the proposed improvement
of existing Platt Street ......... _.. ......._ ............... 9
Feb. 2 -Receipts for the month of December, 1947, proof of pub-
lication ._...... _ .., 17
2- Roach Levi J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 21, 105
Feb. 23 -Roussel John Notice of Claim .... .... ....................._ .__.. 31, 84
Mar. 1- Receipts for the month of January, 1948, proof of pub-
lication ..._ ........... ................ ......... .. .. ............_...... .. 59
Mar. 19 -Riley Carl V., submitting written objections to the sa
called extension and improvement of Platt Street 87, 109
Mar. 30- Riter E. G., requesting the rezoning of the district in the
vicinity of 1945 Asbury Street from aone-family
district to atwo-family district ....................._.... ... 108, 172
" 30- Receipts for the month of February, 1948, proof of pub-
lication ............ ................ ................................... 109
" 30- Roach Levi J., granted Cigarette Permit .......................... 109
April 5 -Ratham Gienn C. et a1, requesting immediate consider-
ation to the straightening of Shiras Street in the
2200 and 2300 blocks and th bringing of the street
to grade for the purpose of constructing sidewalks
and driveways ........ __ .......... ........ _ ........ 115
" 5- Ryder Thos. J., in regard to an increase in the amount
of his garbage contract and the placing of garbage
receptacles by residents and property ownAis ........ 115
" 19- Rules and Regulations for the operation and mainteu•
ante of The Dubuque Municipal Airport 150, 151, 152, 153, 154
May 3 -Retail Merchants Bureau Parking Plau .. ,_.._163, 164, 165, 183
" 3- Receipts for the month of March, 1948, proof of publica-
tion .__..._ _._ ...... .. _ _... __ .. __........ 168
" 3- Reis Frank and l~athryn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 174
" 3- Rod and Gun Club, granted Class "R" Beer Permit for
Private Club ................ ............. ...... ......... ... ....... 174
May 10 -Revenue Bonds, matter of issuance for acquiring park-
ing lots ....,...... 176, 177, 183, 184,-
....,,.._ ...... ............ ...... 196, 203
" ]0- Retail Merchants Bureau, matter of issuance of revenue
bands far the acquiring of parking lots ..... 176, 177 , 183, 184
May 24 -Reuter Mrs. Karl et al, requesting that a street light be
placed at the corner of Sutter and Queen Streets 186, 235
" 24- Recapitulation of Receipts and Disbursements for the
fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947 and ending on
March 31, ].948 _...,,..... . _. .. .__........ _ ........._.. 189
June 1 -Receipts for the month of April, 1948, proof of publica-
tion .............................. __.........,..........,........, ....... 195
June 7 -Riley Carl V, recommendation of the Planning and the
Toning Commission that his petition requesting
vacation of a part of Platt Street be denied ........ 203
June 14 -Reynolds H. F., Notice of Claim ... ......................... 209, 302
" 14- Remy Victor P, and Juanita E., petition and waiver for
construction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer 218, 219
June 29 -Receipts for the month of May, 1948, proof of publication 233
" 29- Roach Levi J., granted Cigarette Permit __.. _ _ . 248
" 29- Ragatz George Jr, granted Cigarette Permit ...... ...... 249
" 29- Ruegnitz B. A, granted Cigarette Permit 249
" 29- Roshek Brothers Company, granted Cigarette Permit .. 249
29- Rawson Harry A., granted Cigarette Permit ............... . 250
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 29-Ring Kenneth and Louis A., grouted Cigarette Permit . ... 250
" 29- Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit _,.__ ............. 250
" 29- Rettenmaier John J. and Marie, granted Cigarette Per-
mit ............ 251
" 29- Reis Frank, granted Cigarette Permit ... ....................... 251
" 29- Rod and Gan Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............... 251
" 29- Rawson Harry A. and Grace, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
' 2
mrt ........,... 52, 253
29- Roshek Bros. Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 253, 254
July 6 -Railroad Avenue, providing for a crossing to be con-
structed by the Railroad Companies 271, 303, 350, 3 82, 383r
__,..... ..... 384, 394, 395
" 6- Richman Leroy G., reguesting a refund on the unexpired
portion of his Class "B' Beer Permit . _ .....,.... 273
July 19 -Riley Carl V., submitting written objections against the
improvement of Platt Street and Platt Street Ex-
tension ................ ...._.............,....................,281, 282, 342, 360
Aug. 2 -Receipts for the month of June, 1948, prooti of publica-
tion .................__..................._.., ... ..,......., ...,........ 348
" 2~ -Rettenmaier Johu J, granted Glass 'B" Beer Permit .. 354, 356
Aug. 23 -Receipts for the month of July, 1948, proof of publica-
tion ..........., _ ........ ............................ 395
Sept. 14 -Reis Frank, requesting a refund on the unexpired por-
tion of his Cigarette Permit No. 219..... .. _ _... ... 412
" 14 -Reis Frank, requesting a refund on the unexpired por-
tion of his Class `B" Beer Permit No. 12 .......... 412
Oct. 4 -Rieselman Henry J., Notice of Claim ... __...,.... .... 425, 439
8 proof of publi-
ust, 194
r 427
Nov. 1
tuber, 1
f the
1998, roo
for the month of Septe
_.. ...... ..
publication ................. .......... 447
Nov. 22 -Retail Merchants Bureau in regard to the installation
of street decorations during the pre•holiday period
and asking the City Administration to supply the
electric energy for the lighting in connection with
decorations ............._ ............... __..__... _.. 464, 465
Dec. 6 -Receipts for the month of October, 1998, proof of publi-
cation __ _ _ .. .... __ _., ... .. .. _ __... 502
Dec. 14 -Riley Carl V„ in regard to special assessment levied
against hrs property for the improvement of
Platt Street and Platt Street Extension _ ............. 506,507
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJIJCT Page
Jan. 5- Schaefer William III, notice of claim ............................... 1, 18
" 5 -Schaffhauser George J., appointed as a member of the
Board of Review for a term of one year ................ . 3
" 5- Sitterly Joseph, (Deed), requesting tax suspension on
Lot 44 Stafford's Add. _ .__ ....................................... . 3
" 5- Stilley Harry H., City Attorney of Hammond, Indiana,
with reference to the experience of the City of
Hammond with the Stauffer Chemical Company .. 3, 4
Jan. 22 -Stampfer Thomas M. and William B. Poinsett, III, Trus-
tees, asking that the Mayor and City Clerk be auth-
orized to execute a quit claim deed conveying to
them that part of Olive street so vacated by Ordi-
nance _ _.. ..,. ._ .... __ ............._ 9
" 22- Sewer Bonds in the amount of $60,000.00 to issue to pay
pay for the construction of the Kaufmann Avenue
Sanitary Trunk Line Sewer 11, 19, 20, 28, 30, G2, 63, 64, 65, 82
" 22- Storm Relief Sewers for the Bee Branch, Dodge Street,
Eighth Street and Southern Avenue Sewers, appro-
val and acceptance of the surveys, plans, specifica-
tions, contract documents and estimates of cost
as prepared by Consoer, Townsend and Associates 13
Feb. 2 -Stampfer Building Company requesting a permit to drill
a well in the middle of the sidewalk on the prop•
erty immediately South of the Ninth Street Engine
House in front of parts of City Lots 170, 171 and
172. _ ......,.. . „ 16, 3 9, 40, 69
" 2- Schwartz Lawrence, granted Class "B Beer Permit ... 21
" 2- St. Mary's Orphan Home, asking parm~ssion to extend
a sanitary sewer line o^ Asbury Road and Carter
Road and for permission to connect the new line
with the city sewer system .......................22, 37, 57, 58, 98, 466
" 2- Sanitary Sewer to construct in Yorlc Street from the
intersection of York and Curtia Streets to a point
100 feet west of the west property line of South
Hill Street ... 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 65, 220, 292, 294, 295, 296, 447
Feb. 23 -Schiltz A. J., requesting that a street light be installed
at the north end oY Queen Street .............................. 32, 61
Mar. 1- State Comptroller R. E. Johnson, approval of Resolution
No. 40-48. Resolution and application for the trans-
fer of $23,644.02 from the Emergency Fund to
the Consolidated Fund .................. .................. ... .. ... 55
" 1- Sear Mrs. Fred J., Notice of Claim ........... ................ 55, 103
Mar. 12- Salary of City Solicitor increased 10% .... ................ _..,,.. 72
Mar, 19- Straub Joseph W., filing objections to the amount of
the proposed assessment to be levied against Lot
23 of S. M. Langworthy's Addition for the improve-
ment of Forest Lane ................................................... 88
" 19- Steger Arnold, requesting extension of the sanitary
sewer on Saunders Street for a distance of 150 ft. 99, 117
" 19- Schmitz Anton, settlement of claim .. ............ ._,,......, ...,... 103
Mar. 30- Streblow Carl R., Notice of Claim .................... .............. 107, 125
" 30- Schroeder Eugene P., Notice of Claim .__ ._,....._.. __.... 107, 125
" 30- Spechtenhauser Otto et al, requesting the extension of
the present sanitary sewer on Kaufmann Avenue
from its present terminus west for a distance of
approximately 500 feet ... .._ ..........................._........ 108
~<. , i ,,~ *,, tlh
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 30- State of Iowa, Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute
and deliver to the State of Iowa, a deed to the real
estate owned by the City. of Dubuque located on
Valley Street and Southern Avenue for the purpose
of erecting an Armory ........................_......................,. 110
" 30- Stipulation and Agreement, Fischer Investment Com-
pany ... ........... ................ ......................... ......... ...... lll
April 12- Star-Spangled Banner Flag House, requesting that a proc-
lamation be issued designating June 13.19, 1948 as
National Flag Week . ...... ..........._....._ . _., ..., .... 124
" 12- St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, dedication of Lot 2 of the
Sub, of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 72 as a public street 124, 172, 173
12- St. Clara College, dedication of Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot
19 of City Lot 724 as a public street _-.,_ .................124, 172, 193
12- Streinz Lester J., reappointed as a member of the Bd.
of Adjustment for a term of five .years, said term
expiring March 5th, 1953 ............................................ 128
" 12- State Auditor's office requested to audit the books of
the City of Dubuque at their very earliest conven•
fence _..__.......,
........................... 129
April 19- Shea J. J., City Clerk, bond ... _ .. ........... ...__..... _....,...., 135
" 19- Savory Raymond A., Parking Meter Maintenance Man
and Collector, bond _...._....,... _._...,.,..... _..,... _... 135
" 19- Superintendent of Water Department Hail submitting
two easements for laying G' water main through
property located between the end of Dunleith
Street and in a westerly direction to Elinor Street 138
" 19- Schuster Al. T., petition and waiver for the construction
of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and Edina Streets_ 147, 148
" 19- Spanish American War Veterans, extending an invitation
to the Mayor and Members of the City Council to
attend a reception and program to be he held April
25 at Eagles Hall . _ ......... ...................................... . 154
April 22 -Sponsor's Assurance Agreement for the purpose of ob•
taining Federal aid in the development of The Du-
buque Municipal Airport and authorizing the execu-
tion of said Agreement, the project to consist of
construction of an administration Building, water•
supply and sewage disposal systems 155, 156, 157, 155, 159-
.... ................. .......... 18Q 196, 197, 198
May 3
rdered made of parking in unrestricted business
-Survey o
districts because of hardships caused by all-day
parking in such areas ............._...,..........,........,..6165, 179, 180
" 3 -Sanner C. H., Power of Attorney ................................. 166
May 10 -Stampfer Thomas M. and William B. Poinsett III, Mayor
and City Clerk directed to execute and deliver a
quit claim deed to them conveying all that part of
Olive Street as vacated by ordinance adopted on
December 10, ].909 ...... .., ... .., 181
May 24 -Schumacher Virginia C., Notice of Claim ... .. ........._ 185, 302
" 24 -Stampfer Building Company requesting that the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized to execute a quit
claim deed conveying to them the West fifty feet
of May Place as vacated by ordinance of Decem•
ber 20, 1921 ........ 185, 186, 206
June 1 -Sowle Paul M., Notice of Claim ...... ._ _ ........._... ... 194, 302
June 7 -Shetler Lester and Sylvester, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit _ _ _..... __ . ................ 205
" 7 -Schaller Mildred M. and Clara R., granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ......., 205
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
June 14-State of Iowa, Mayor and Clerk authorized and directed
to execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed to Lot
2 of Lot 2 of Lot 3 oP Randall's Sub. to be used
for a garage ..,. ... ....._ ....................... .................. 208
" 14-Seminary Street from the West Corporation Line to 165
feet east of the east property line of St. Ambrose
Street sanitary sewer to construct 210, 211, 212, 213, 214,-
216, 216, 217,L18, 219, 233, 268, 269, 270, 273 274, 299, 300,
336, 337, 366, 453, 454, 475, 47s, 477, 478
June 29-Sieg-Dubuque Company, suggesting that an investiga•
tion be made of the congested parking condition
in the vicinity of Fifth and White Streets ...... 230, 276
" 29- Schlichtman Claus, requesting permission for the exten-
sion oP a sanitary sewer in Woodworth Street from
the manhole in Cottage Place northerly approxi-
mately 182 feet to serve Lot 28 of Pleasant View .. 238, 239
" 29- Storm Sewer to construct in Jackson Street from the
,, Bee Branch Storm Sewer at East 30th and Jack-
son Streets along the west sidewalk line of Jack-
son Street to the center of Diamond Street, thence
on the center line of Diamond Street to the east
property line of Central Avenue, thence along the
east sidewalk line of Central Avenue to a point
205.3 feet north of the center of Diamond Street ., 241, 242;
287, 288, 362 , 263, 454
" 29- Scherr Henry J. and James J., granted Cigarette Per-
k' mit .._ ............................. _..........,... ..._..._....... ., . 248
` 29- Schwartz Vincent B., granted Cigarette Permit .............. 248
' 29- Schaetzle John, granted Cigarette Permit . .............. 243
" 29- Sand Mike and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit ............ 248
a 29- Siege Joseph J. and Ferdinand W. Kenniker, granted
a. Cigarette Permit .......,.... 249
" 29-
Savory William and Vials, granted Cigarette Permit
" 29- Schneider Joseph C., granted Cigarette Permit ................ 249
" 29- Sadler Leo. M. and Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit., 249
" : 29- Solomon Jack, granted Cigarette Permit ........................ 249
~ " 29- Shetler Lester and Sylvester, granted Cigarette Permit.. 249
> 29- Schwartz Lawrence, granted Cigarette Permit ................ 249
" 29- Spielman J. Louis and Susan, granted Cigarette Permit., 249
" 29- Scherer George J, granted Cigarette Permit .................. 250
' " 29- Steffen Clifford and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit .._ 250
29- Schmit Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit ....................... 250
' 29- Stampfer J. F. Company, granted Cigarette Permit ...... 250
" 29- Sand Frank and Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit ......_.... 261
" 29- Sullivan Robert E., granted Cigarette Permit .......... ..... 251
" 29- Snyder Charles T. and Elsie, granted Cigarette Permit .. 251
" 29- Smith Harry J. Sr., granted Cigarette Permit ................ Z31
" 29- Schaller Mildred M. and Clara, granted Cigarette Permit 251
~ 29- Savory William and Viola, granted Class `B" Beer Per-
; mit _. __ _. _ _ _ ..,.__ . 252, 253
" 29- Sadler Leo. M, and Dorothy, granted Class "B' Beer Per-
^~ 29- Sand Mike and Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 252, 253
29- Steffen Clifford and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit ............................. ... .._.................,....... ....... 262, 253
°~~~~ 29-Scherer George J. and Emma, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ............ .. ..................... ................._.......,....,...... 252, 253
" 29-Sand Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 252, 253
July 6-Sanitary Sewer to construct in Bradley Street Sewer
District ........,... _.._ _......__.... 277, 278, 279, 280, 335, 336
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
July 19-Schagitz Mr., objecting to the proposed improvement
of Bake Street and requested that a sanitary
sewer be constructed in said street ....... .............. 284
" 19 -Strait W. E., suggesting that the Council make an inves-
tigation of the lighting facilities in the neighbor-
hood of Dodge and Hill Streets ........................... 298
" 19- Shiloh Circle No. 37 Ladies of the Grand Army of t h e
Republic, requesting permission to hold a tag day 298
" 19- Streets, graveling and oiling, City Solicitor resuested to
prepare the necessary forms and proceedings .. .. 321
Aug. 2 -Sherbine George et al, requesting the installation of a
street light on Curtis Street between McEvoy Place
and South Hill Street ......_ .......................................... 341, 396
" 2 -Schaffhauser George J., appointed as member of the
Board of Review for a term of four years commen-
cing in 1949 through 1952 . ......._ ............._ _ _.... 346, 347
" 2 -Schwartz Vincent B., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ... 354, 355
Aug. 9 -Schneider J. G. eC al, protesting to the proposed improve-
ment of Mullin Road and asking that Mullin Road
be excluded from the proposed improvement of the
streets in Hillcrest Annexation Assessment Dis-
trict .......... ................ . _.,...... ..... ............. 358
Aug. 16 -Straub Joseph W., submitting objections to the amount
of the special assessment against Lot 63, S. M.
Langworthy's Addition for the improvement of
Forest Lane and submitting an offer in the amount
of $41.67 as full payment of the special assessment 369
" 16 -Spahn and Rose Lumber Company, Notice of Claim for
material furnished D. C. May Construction Co. for
the improvement of Diamond Street ...... ............. 380, 395
Aug. 23 -Snow removal apparatus, bids for furnishing the same .. 393
23 -Seeley Gaylon C., granted Cigarette Permit .._ . ........ 397
" 23 -Seeley Gaylon C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......., 397, 398
Sept. 7 -Schubert Neil, Notice of Claim ..................... ................ 401, 449
" 7 -Small-boat harbor at the upper end of Hamm Island,
communication of the United States Engineer Of-
fice, Rock Island, Illinois in regard to the construc-
tion of said harbor ................._............,401, 402, 431, 432, 433
" 7 -Spielman J. Louis and Susan, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ...,.._..., ....._....., ... _ ........ ........ .................. ..408, 409
Sept. 'L4 -Sewage disposal plant, City Manager requested to advise
Council on the advisability of constructing and the
ways and means of financing the project ....413, 414, 452, 453
" 24- Sohuster, Donald W., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 418
Oct. 4 -Schmidt Carl, requesting Council to take the necessary
steps for the termination of the nuisance created
by the blowing of sawdust and other particles from
the millwork operations of the Carr, Adams & Col•
Tier Co. and Farley Rz Loetscher Mfg. Company 426, 451, 463,-
.................. ........... _.. ...,,...,........ _....... . ............,...,,... 464
" 4 -Swift & Company, waiver and agreement far the construc-
tion of a spur track in Salina Street by the Illinois
Central Railroad Company ...... .... ....................... 427
" 4 -Seippel Peter J. Lumber Co., waiver and agreement far
the construction of a spur track in Salina Street by
the Illinois Central Railroad Company ................. . 427, 428
" 4 -Solomon David and Myer Marmis, waiver and agreement
for the construction of a spur track in Salina St.
by the Illinois Central Railroad Company .............. 429
INDEX --^ Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 4 -Solomon David, waiver and agreement for the construc-
tion of a spur track in Salina Street by the Illinois
Central Railroad Company _ .. __ ..._..,._., ........ 429
" 4- Siege Joseph J. Jr. and Ferdinand W. Kenniker, grant-
ed Class "C" Beer Permit .._..___ ..__ ...., . 436
Nov. 1 -Specht Lydia M., submitting offer in the amount of $100:
00 for property owned by the City of Dubuque on
the hillside from the Armory line to Bockes line
on Valley Street _...... _..... 440, 495, 511
" 1- Schmeichel Mr, and Mrs. W. L, requesting the City of
Dubuque to execute a quit claim deed of the west-
erly 28 feet of Lot 14A and the easterly 20 feet of
Lot 15A in Paulina Langworthy's Subdivision ..,_.. 441, 469
Nov. 22 -Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque County, Iowa, request- ~~
ing permission and authority to construct at its
expense an eight inch sanitary sewer in Windsor
Avenue commencing at and connected to the end
of the present sewer at the intersection of Law-
ther Street and Windsor Avenue, thence northerly
to the City Limits and thence branching out so as
to be connected with the buildings of petitioners 462 , 492, 493
" 22- Strub Clarence, requesting the grading and improving
of West Third Street from Grandview Avenue to
Algona Street ....................... ... _ .... 463
" 22- Strub Clarence, requesting that the alley between Ben-
nett Street and West Third Street be improved .... 463
Nov. 29 -Street lights ordered installed at the intersection of
Linco]n Avenue and Emerson Street, at the inter-
section of Theisen and Jenni Streets, at the inter-
section of Cherokee Drive and U. S. Highway No.
20 and at the turn-around on the southerly end of
Cherokee Drive .......... ......... ..... ..... ............. . 496
" 29- Sisters of St. Francis, application for annexation and ex-
tension of the City Limits _ .............................497, 498, 499
" 29- St, John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, application far
annexation and extenei~on of the City Limits 497, 498, 499
Dec. 6- Savage Jahn, tendering his resignation as a member of
the City Plumbing Licensing Board .................... 501
" 6- Seubert and Fesler, Excavation Bond ..,._ ...................... 503
" 6- Snyder Charles T. and Elsie, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ...... ... .................... _.......,...,..............,....... 504
`~!"°k~ t?"$'~t~ki"'"'t~.» t TMs-+Hirt w~+M^H^'.~N°. .:~.. ~..
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5-Thiering Frank (Deed), requesting tax suspension on
Lots 7 and 8 Rodger's Sub ................... ..................... 3
Jan. 22-Tri-State Flyers, Inc., stating that the club endorses the
resolution of the American Legion in regard to an
Airport Commission appointment ............ .. ......... 8
Feb. 23-The Key City Gas Company, excavation bond ............... 39
" 23-Terminal Administration Building to construct at the
Municipal Airport, contract with Wm. N. Nielsen,
Architect, for the preparation of plans .... 53, 65, 66, 67, 68
April 5-The Telegraph-Herald, appointed as the official news-
paper for the City of Dubuque .................................. 113
" 5-Thomas Mrs. Alvin, Notice of Claim ...... ..- .. ............... 115, 126
April 12-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, an ordinance providing
for the name, control supervision and operation
of ........ _.. _ _ _. ....,_. _ . ..................128, 132, 133, 134
April 19-Tschirgi Edward M., City Treasurer, bond ............... 135
" 19-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, rules and regulations
for the operation and maintenance of said Airport 150, 151,-
.............. _ ...........,........,.. _................,.......,...., ....................152, 153, 154
April 22-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, authorizing the execu•
tion of a Sponsor's Assurance Agreement for the
purpose of obtaining Federal Aid in the develop-
ment of the Airport by constructing an administra-
tion building, water supply and sewage disposal
systems .. .... ..................................155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160
_ .,_... ........_ . ......... ....... _....__,..._....158, 159, 160
May 24-The Key City Gas Company, submitting claim in the
amouni of $430.18 for labor, material and service
performed and furnished in construction of the
Kaufmann Avenue Trunk Sewer to Mancini, Ven-
trella & Sons ........... ..._....,........,...,....,....,...,...........184, 195
" 24-The Key City Gas Company, submitting the annual re-
port for the calendar year 1947, in accordance with
Franchise stipulation ..... ._ _..._ . __ ......... .... 187
Juge 1-Terminal Administration Building at The Dubuque
Municipal Airport to construct, including the plumb-
ing and heating, electric wiring, well installation
and sewage disposal system, approval of plans, the
specifications and supporting documents by the
Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Ad-
ministration .., ...._.... _....._ _ .. ..... ..........._.... _., ....., 196
" 1-Terminal Building to construct at The Dubuque Munici-
pal Airport, including the plumbing and heating,
electric wiring, well installation and sewage dis-
posal system ..._.196, 197, 198, 207, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 271
June 7-The Key City Gas Company, making and filing claim
in the sum of $628.78 for labor, material and ser-
vice performed and furnished to Mancini, Ventrella
& Sons in the construction of the Kaufmann Ave-
nue Trunk Sewer .._....... _.. .._ ............................... 199, 210
" 7-The American Municipal Association, asking the Mayor
to lend the prestige of his office and leadership
to the attack on Juvenile Delinquency, being con-
ducted by the National Conference on Prevention
and Control of Juvenile Delinquency ....__ ................ 200
" 7-The International City Manager's Association, extend-
ing invitation to have the City of Dubuque repre•
sented at the Annual Conference .................__...,...., 200
" 7-The Key City Gas Company; application to the Iowa State
Highway Commission for permission to Iay a gas
INDEX -Book 78
1945 SUBJECT Page
r -
main to Glenview Subdivision South of Grandview
Avenue and East of Highways 101, 151 and 62 in
the City Limits of Dubuque ...._ ........................:.._ . 202
" 7-Trimpler William F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit . .. 205
" 7-The Travelers Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for
Private Club ............ _ ... .................. ......... 205
June 22-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, adopting and approv
ing the Extension of an Acceptance of a Grant
Offer from the United States of America to the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of obtain-
:` ing Federal Aid in the development of the Airport 225, 226
" 22-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, proposition presented
' by Ben Arquitt to establish himself as fixed base
' operator at the Dubuque Municipal Airport .......... 227
" 2`l-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, City Manager Rhomberg
' suggested that plans and specifications be fnr-
u, niched by Wm. N. Nielsen, Architect for T-Type
Hangar Buildings at The Dubuque Municipal Air-
port __ ........................._...._,..__....,...., ..................... 227
June 29-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, Classification of same
by the Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics
Administration ..,, __.... , _ .._..... ..__ .......... ...... 231, 232
" 29-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, recommendations of
City Dlanager, City Solicitor and Airport Manager
concerniag leases at the Airport .......................... 237
" 29-The Dubuque b![unicipal Airport, construction of sixteen
units of multiple T-Hangars ._...._...,,......247, 248, 289, 290
" 29-Thompson John M. and Clarence E., granted Cigarette
Permit ................ ._.-._......... ._.....,......... ...........,.,...... 248
" 29-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Cigarette
Permit ......... _ _......... 248
" 29-Tenenbom's Supe; Market, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit 248
" 29-Tench John F, and Vincent W. Mescher, granted Ciga-
rette Permit ._ _ .._ ............ _. _.., .... 249
" 29-Tyrell Sidney J. and Eugenia P., granted Cigarette Per-
mit _....._ _ .............._. 249
" 29-Trimpler William, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 249
" 29-Trapp Arthur J., granted Cigarette Permit .............._.... 249
" 29-Triangle Cafe, granted Cigarette Permit ............................ 250
" 29-Thompson Frank W. and John F., granted Cigarette
Permit ........................................... ........................... 250
" 29-Torrey Henry, granted Cigarette Permit .__ ........ ......... 250
" 29-Travel Zeno A., granted Cigarette Permit ......_........ 250
" 29-The Rex Club, granted Cigarette Permit ._ . ................. 251
' 29-Thompson Jahn M. and Clarence E., granted Class "B"
Beer Permit ._ .. .,. ....._ . _ _ .. ._ .,.._.,. _ ..._... 252, 253,
" _9-The American Legion, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit
for Private Club __ ...... __..._... .,.._..__.__ 252, 254
" 29-The Rex Club, granted Class "B" Peer Permit for Pri-
vate Club ....,......._.... ..,,..._ _ .... .......... .... ................ 252, 254
" 29-Thompson Frank W. and John F., granted Glass "C" Beer
Permit _____. . _ _ _ _ _._ .................... .253, 254
" 29-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, Aviation Dealers Air-
port Lease Agreement between the City of Dub-
uque and Ben C. Arquitt, Farley, Iowa 254, 255, 256, 257, 258,
_._ _. _........ _ ., ... __ ..._........259, 260 , 261, 262
July 6-The Dubuque Municipal Airport, communication of De-
partment of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Admin•
istration, in regard to the request of the City of
• Dubuque Por Federal Funds in the amount of $6Q-
INDEX -Book 78 INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
1948 SUBJECT Page
000.00 to cover the proposed construction of a ter-
urinal building, landscaping and other improve- "~ Nov. 29 -The Hawks Incorporated, Notice of Claim _..,.....__._.458, 514, 515
ments for The Dubuque Municipal Airport and ad- '° 29 -The Adams Company, Mayor and Clerk authorized tc
vising that on account of Federal Funds limitations make execute and deliver quit claim deeds con-
only the amount of $33,950.00 had been allocated veying Lots B-7 and B-8 in Booth's Addition, Lots
and advising that from the 1949 authorization an A-, A-5, A•6 and A-7 in Dubu ue Harbor Improve,
additional amount of $15,000.00 has been allocated ment Company's Addition, Lots A-1, A-2, and A-3
to provide for a proposed project to include an ac- in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Ad-
cess road and miscellaneous utilities .. ... ......
271, 272
dition and Lots B•1, B-2, B-3, B•4, B-5, B•6 and B-9
Aug. 2
-Tax levies for the year 1948 estahlished ... ._ _......._.
324 in Booth's Addition to The 9dams Company ..,... _. 490, 491
" 2-
The Texas Company, Chicago, Ill., application submitted Dec. 6 -Tri-State Products Co., advising that they are writing to
to the United States Engineers Office, Rock Island, establish the fact of their permanancy in the City
Ill., for permission to construct docking facilities of Dubuque and asking that they be given intor-
in and along the right bank of the Mississippi at motion and instructions as to the ordinances cover-
South Junction ........._ .... ..................... ........... 338
ing their type of business ...,......._ .... .........................
501, 515
" 2- The Dubuque Mwlicipal Airport, City Manager Rhomberg
recommending that bids be solicited for the fur- 11
Wishing of one blower type snow removal machine 348, 393,- H
Aug. 9 _ .. _ .. ....... ...... _..... ........,.407,
-Theis Mrs. Leo et al
requesting the placing of a street 410, 411 Jan. 22 -Upper Mississippi Waterway Association, advising that
light on the corner of Ascension and Thomas St.
~9 the Annual Convention will be held in St. Louis,
" 9-
The Key City Gas Company, Notice of Garnishment and , Mo., on January 26th and 27th, 1948 ................... . 8
Interrogatories vs Mancini, Ventrella & Sons, Joe Feb. 2 -United States Guarantee Company, consenting to the
Ventrella and Angelo D. Ventrella ..,.._..__ ...__.,. 364 extension of time for the completion of the Kauf-
Aug. 23 -The Key City Gas Company
requesting a revision of gas mann Avenue Sanitary Trunk Sewer until April
rates due to its tremendously increased operating 3Q, 1948 ............................................................................ 15
] expene ...........394, 410, 451 May 24- tiniversity Avenue designated as a boulevard ........... .. 184
Sept. 7 -TheOasis Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri- 24- United States of America, renewal oP lease covering ap-
vate Club _ _ ..... ___ _..... .. _..,.... 408, 409 [ proximately 0.85 of an acre in Hamm's Addition
7- -Tenenbnm Super Market, Inc., granted Class "C" Beer `' ' for a Naval Reserve Armor
y ........... _. _........ . 188
Permit .._........ _ ................ ............ ....... 408, 409 June 1 -United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co., consenting to
Sept. 14 -Twelfth Street, objections to making said street a bonle- the thirty days extension granted to K-M Construc•
vard __.. _ ... _. _. _ ,.......__............_.411, 414, 426, 440, 441 ~
~ lion Co. for completion of their contract for the
Sept.L4 -The Dubuque Municipal Airport, plans for the dedica- improvement of Gandolfo Street
Oct. 4 lion of same ................. ............................... ..... ...
-The Key City Gas Company
with reference to the peti- 412 June 7 -Uppinghouse A. R. and Philomenia, granted Class "B"
lions objecting to the proposed increase in gas Beer Permit ....................................................... .......... 205
rates where fuel is used for home and water heat- June 22 -United States of America, adopting and approving the
ing, and stating that any delay in granting the execution of an acceptance of a Grant Offer by the
petition of The Key City Gas Company for a City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of obtain-
modest increase in gas rates will result in a hard- ing Federal Aid in the development of The Dub-
ship to Company ..._.... _,..
_ _ _ .............
._... 425 uque Municipal Airport ............ ........................... 225, 22G
" 4- Twelfth Street, petition of G. C. Hyatt et al requesting June 29- Uppinghouse A. R., granted Cigarette Permit ....,....... 248
that said street between Elm and Main Streets be 29- United Cigar-Whelan Stores Corporation, granted Ciga-
made aboulevard and. also that a Stop and Go light rette Permit ................................................. 249
be installed at Twelfth Street and Central Avenue 426 29- Union League Club, granted Cigarette Permit ... ..........._ 250
.'~ 9 -The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. granted Clara "C" Aug. 2- United States Engineers Office, Rock Island, RL, notice
- Beer Permit _ ................ .................................... .......... 426 of hearing on the application of The Texas Com-
Nov. 22 -Trimpler W. F., requesting a refund in the amount of pony, Chicago, Ill., to construct docking facilities
$100A0 on the unexpired portion of his Class "B"
,; in and along the right bank of the Mississippi at
Beer Permit _. 465 South Junction ............ ....... 338
" 22- Trim ler W. F. re uestin a refund in the amoun
P 4 g t of
S -
ept. 7
United States Engineers office, Rock Island, Illmots
$50.00 on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette ,
regard to the construction of a small-boat har•
" Permit ............... 465 " bor at the upper end of Hamm Island also in regard
22- The Aspermont Company, transmission line easement to to the dredging of the First Street harbor ....401
4 02
" the Interstate Power Company ... ..................._........
" 467 '' , ,
432, 433
L2- The Victory Club, granted Class
Beer Permit for
Private Club ................ .................. ..._ ._.....,.. ..........
472 Oct. 4-
' United Council of Church Women protesting the rout-
The Dubuque Municipal Airport, construction of a new . , ing of the new highway past the Prescott School. 426
access road from U, S. Highway No. 61 ................
437 Nov. 1- Union League Club, application for Class "B" Beer Per-
mil for Private Club at 4001/2 Iowa Street .._......... 459
Y~+~^ , .... ~:~t~~~ ~ : • .^+r°dk 3'~~t ..,,. fie' ~,.. i~. ylgk~, ~~ ~;,:~i,, i . - ~ .....
INDEX -Book 78
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page 1Q&g SUBJECT Page
July 6-Vasco Sidney H., granted Cigarette Permit .................... 276,
Jan. 5- Veterans of Foreign Wars, submitting an article per- 1 July 19-Valleyview Road from the east property line of Avalon
taining to the New Municipal Airport ....._ ............. Road to the west property line of Chaney Road,
" 5- Vawter Fane F. & Company -approval of surety bond 1 improvement of .......... .......306, 307, 308, 357, 358, 377, 378,-
. ...._.... .
in the amount of X5,000.00 ..._ ...
379, 400
" 5-JVan Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit ....... 6 • . - - ~
Sept. 7-Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp. transmission line ease•
Feb. 2- Virginia•Carolina Corporation requesting a permit to ~ ment to the Interstate Power Company 405
use dynamite for the purpose of loosening piles of 7-Veterans Radio Cab Co. taxi-cab bond ...._,,... 405
" 2- hard fertilizer ......,.. _..,._
requesting a permit to carry
& Company
r Fane F
Vawt 15, 32 ~
,: Nov. 1-Vasco Sidney H., requesting a refund on the unexpired
on blasting operations in connection with the con• portion of his Cigarette Permit ......., ._ ....... ...... .
1-Veterans of Foreign Wars, transfer of address of their
struction work for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Cigarette Permit .... ....... ..... _.... __...... 457
Company at Ninth and Locust Streets ....._..15, 16 , 32, 98 " 1-Veterans of Foreign Wars transfer of address of Class
Feb. 23- Varner Well Drilling Co., release of note and mortgage . , "B" Beer Permit ................ .._.............. ............. 468
by the City of Dubuque ........._.... __._.,,...... 51, 52
" 23- Vrotsos George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted Class ~'
~~B„ Beer Permit ....................................... ................ 52, 53
Mar. 1- Vrotsos George T. and Spiros. D. Coven, requesting a re- r
fund on the unexpired portion of their Cigarette
Permit ................. ......._....... ............... ................,... 56 r
April 5- Van Duelman Councilman, elected Mayor for the ensu-
ing fiscal year .................. ................ ........................ 113 ":
" 5- Vonah A., Notice of Claim ............. _... 115, 137
April 12- Villa Street request that said street be graded and storm
water drainage be constructed ...._._ ....................__ 124
" 1 2-Valley Street request that said street be graded and
storm water drainage be constructed ............. ......... 124
April 19 -Vernon Heights Subdivision, request of Louis Kolfen-
bach that the City set up the requirements to lie
met in order that the plat of said Subdivision may ,
be approved ....... _ ........... _ ......................................131, 189, 190
" 19- Vorwald Elmer and Monica, petition and waiver for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in Vernon and
Edina Streets ................. ................. ...:........ .............. 146, 147
" 19- Vernon and Edina Streets, sanitary sewer to be construc-
ted in said streets 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147,-
148, 149, 150, 270, 305, 337, 406, 421, 422, 423, 424, 426, 450
May 3 -Valentine Leonard, asking release of his excavation
bond .......... .... ............. . ..... ........... ........................ 165
" 3 -Vrotsos George T, and Spiros D. Coven granted Class
'B" Beer Permit _ ____, ..., ...... 174
3 -Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "C' Beer Permit ....... 174, 175
June 7 -Veterans. of Foreign Wara, requesting permission far ,
the holding of their Buddy Poppy Sale ................... 202
June 29 -Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, granted Cigarette
Permit . .. ....... ................. ............................... ........ 248
" 29 -Van Due]man Carl, granted Cigarette Permit ..... . - 250
29 -Victory Club, granted Cigarette Permit ............................. 250
" 29 -Vander Meulen Wm, and Sophia McNfann, granted Ciga-
rette Permit .................................................. 250
29 -Vrotsos George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted Ciga-
rette Permit . ............. _....,........... .......,....,..... ........... . 251
" 29- Vincent Myron C., granted Cigarette Permit .................. 251
" 29 -Vander Meulen Wm. and Sophia McMann, granted a
Class "B" Beer Permit .................. _.. ....,...,...., ...,..... 252, 263
" 29 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer
Permit for Private Club ................................................ 252, 254
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5-Wieland Frank C., requesting a refund on his Cigarette
Permit ............................................................................ 2
Feb. 23 -Weather Bureau, requesting that they be alloted apace
in the New Municipal Airport Administration
Building ..._ ........... .................. ............... ................ 32, 200
Mar l-Weiner Sylvester and Delores, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ................ .................. ..........._.... ......,......,...... 68
" 1 -Wright Roy A. and Esther, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit .................. ... ................_......, ... ........... ....._..... 68
" 1 -Wright Panl C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. ..., _... 68
Mar. 12 -White Roland, addressed the Council in regard to the
proposed purchase by the City of property located
on Iowa Street between Ninth and Tenth Streets
for parking lot purposes ........................................_... 85
" 12 -Wathier Nick F, and Marie A., granted Class "B" Beer
Permit .............. ................. ................ .................... 86
Mar. 19- White Roland, representing the Amveta and Mr. Lang-
feld, addressed the Council in regard to the hold-
ing of an Air Circus at the Municipal Airport field
" 19 -Wingert Joseph L., requesting refunds on the unexpired
portions of both his Class "B" Beer Permit and
his Cigarette Permit .. ............................. .................. 99
Mar. 30 -Weber Mrs. Tillie, requesting a refund on the unexpired
portion of her Cigarette Permit .............................. 108
" 30 -Wathier Nick F. and Marie A., granted Cigarette Permit 109
" 30 -Wartburg Co-operative Book Store, granted Cigarette
Permit ............. ............................. _.,................,...... 109
April 5 -Winders Ray, Notice of Claim .......................................114, 178, 179
" 5 -Waguer Emma, Notice of Claim .......................................... 114
" 5 -White William, granted Cigarette Permit .................... 118
" 5- Walsh Joseph F, and Adele, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ................. ............... .._....,..., .....,..................,... 118
May 3 -White Roland, addressed the Council in regard to the
acquiring of parking lots and suggested that con•
sideration be given to the areas where no homes
are situated so as not to cause the dispossessing
of people which would add to the acute housing
shortage .,._.... ._ _ __..__. __ ............. 166
" 3- Weber Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 174
" 3 -Warren Dell and Ralph, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 174
May 10 -War Department Office of the Division Engineer, Omaha,
Nebraska, Chief of Real Estate Division, request-
ing that a permit be secured in order that transient
military aircraft may land at The Dubuque Munici-
pal Airport ............... ..... ...................... ........_...... 177
May 24 -Wirzbach Karl H. et al, requesting that Ruena Vista
Street be graded ....._ ......... ........ ............................ 186, 235
" 24- Winders R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ...... _....,.... 190
" 24- Winders R. Daniel, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ... 190, 191
June 1 -Ward D. F., M. D., Notice of Claim ...... .............. . 194, 302
June 14 -Wise Albert V. and Madeline, petition and waiver for
construction of the Seminary Street sanitary sewer 219
June 29 -Wiederholt Car] J. et al, requesting that the city water
mains be extended from the water plug on the cor-
ner of Lot 8 to include Lot 10 of Lennox Ad-
dition .... ......... ........__...... .........,......, ................,. 232
" 29- Wilson Mrs. Olie M., requesting permission for the hold-
ing of a tag day ..._..._ ................................................ 232
ing of a tag day ................. ................. ....................... 232
INDEX -Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
" 29 -Wright Courtesy Bench Service, requesting permission
to install and maintain benches along the public
ways used for public convenience and for advertis-
ing purposes _ __ _._ _......._ _,. __._ 233
" 29 -Wharton Albert, H. J. Hoffmann, Trustees, petition and
waiver for the construction of Seminary Street
sanitary sewer ...... 233
" 29 -Weiner Joseph J. and Evelyn, ;ranted Cigarette Permit 248
" 29 -Walgreen Company, granted Cigarette Permit ............. 249
" 29 -Wathier Nick F. and Marie A., granted Cigarette Permit 249
" 29 -Wodrich Wm. E., granted Cigarette Permit ............ ....._„ 250
" 29 -Weiner Sylvester and Dolores, granted Cigarette Permit 250
" 29 -Wagner Wm., granted Cigarette Permit .....__._ _...... 250
" 29 -Wright Roy A., granted Cigarette Permit __,....._........ 250
" 29 -Winkler Louis J., granted Cigarette Permit __.,,......, .. 250
" 29 -Weber Merlyn L., granted Cigarette Permit _.. _ ......... 250
"L9 -Westercamp George, granted Cigarette Permit .__....,..__.. 250
" 29 -Wingert Joseph L. and Josephine, granted Cigarette
Permit .... ........ ........ 250
" 29 -White William, granted Cigarette Permit ..... ............. 250
" 29- Weiner Fred, granted Cigarette Permit .......... ........... 251
" 29 -Ward Joh^ J., granted Cigarette Permit __ . 251
" 29 -Warren Dell and Ralph; granted Cigarette Permit .,,..., .. 251
" 29-
Wright Paul C., granted Cigarette Permit .................... .
" 29- Walsh Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit _.... ........ 251
" 29- Winders R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ... ............. 251
"L9- Westercamp George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .. 252, 253
" 29- Wingert Joseph L, and Josephine, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit ..__ .._ _..._ _ . __..._._ _......... 252, 253
" 29- Wodrich William E. and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ..........__ ......._..... _
........... 252, 253
July 19 -Water Department, advising Council that the Ohio Cas-
ualty Co. is the Water Department's representative
in settling the claims for damages at the Circus
Grounds on East Fourth Street .. _ ._ . _ _. 301
" 19- Water Department, constructing, furnishing, delivering
and testing of two electric driven two stage pump-
ing units for the existing Eagle Point Pumping
Aug, 2- Station __ 305, 306 358,
Weiner Joseph J, and Evelyn, granted Class "B" Beer 359, 385
Sept. 7- Permit .,..,,__ ..__......._..._ .. __.... _ _ .............
Willman Company, advising that their bonding company 354, 355
have declined to write a band for the proposed macs-
dam base pavement in Hillcrest Addition .....
...... 401
Nov. 1 ..
-Women's Service League of St. John's Episcopal Church
stating that they wish to protest Twelfth Street
being contemplated as a highway .___. ....__. _. 440
" 1- Water softening plant, City Manager Rhomberg recom-
mending that the City Council institute proceedings
for the construction of said plant during the forth-
Dee 14- coming year
Winter May M„ granted Cigarette Permit .... 453
INDEX-Book 78
1948 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 2-York Street sanitary sewer to construct in said street
Prom the intersection of York and Curtis Streets
to a point 100 feet west of the west property line
of South Hill Street 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 65, 220, 293, 294, 295,-
.. ...... .. ....... ......, 296, 447
Feb. 23-1'arnefl Audrey L., requesting refunds on the unegpir-
ed Portion of both his Cigarette Permit and his
Class "B" Beer Permit _ ..............._....,.......................... 34
• Jan. 5 -Ziepprecht Carl W., appointed as a member of the Bd.
of Review for a term of three years .......................... 3
Feb. 2 -Zwack Anton, Inc. offering to deed five feet in width 'of
property to the City in order to make the alley
property to the City in order. to make the alley
first east of Althauser Street more accessible from
Eagle Street .._.......... .... _. 21
Jnne 29 -Zillig George J., granted Cigarette Permit ... 249
" 29- Zelens Bert, granted Cigarette Permit _ ........... .. ........ 251
" 29- Zillig George J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............... 252, 253
Aug. 23- Zwack Anton, Inc., requesting that the City grant permis-
sion to allow the present barricade on Ninth street
between Locust Street and the alley first east to
remain as it is now in order that they may proceed
with the masonry work on the Northwestern Bel]
Telephone Exchange Building ........... - 394, 395
Sept. 7- Zenz Clarence and Marie, granted Cigarette Permit .,.... 408
" 7- Zenz Clarence and Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
mit . ........... .... ... ... . ... .... ... .. .. 408, 409
Nov. 1- Zumhof Eugene G., Revocation of Power of Attorney 440
Nov. 22- Zahina Agues, granted Class "C" Beer Pe]°mit ....... .. 472
i ~4&~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~
lC` F ti a +
~ k ,~ ,~
i' ~ }.
°' Regular Session,
,,. January Sth; 194 t
`; ~ Des Moines, Iowa,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I December 30, 1947.
` City of Dubuque,
~." (Official). .Dubuque, Iowa..
Attention Mr, Rhomberg, City
f / OZegular Session, January 5th, Manager.
' 1948. Gentlemen:
s ;
Councti meb at 7:30 P. M, In accordance with your re•
Present-Mayor Murphy, Council• quirement, we are forwarding to
` men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- You herewith a Surety Bond in the
man, Wharton, City Manager amount of $5,000.00, drawn in favor
Rhomberg, of the City of Dubuque.
The bond is furnished as a guar•
Mayor Murphy stated that this antee to the City of protection
is the regular monthly meeting of against any damage claims or
the City Council for the purpose of suits against the City,. because of
acting upon such business ae may permit to our Company for the
properly come before the meet- use of a passageway in the streets
ing and alleys to the new Telephone
Notice of claim of William Building, 9th and Locust, Dubuque,
_ Schaefer III in tho amount of Iowa.
$92,75 far damages and loss of use Yours very truly,
of his automobile caused in striking FANE F. VAWTER & COMPANY,
an unprotected hale or trench in Fane F. Vawter.
the street in frost of 890 Kaufmann Council Thompson moved that
Avenue, presented and read. C'oun•
cilman Wharton moved that the the communication be received and
Notice of Claim be referred to the made a matter of record and that
City Solicitor for investigation and the Surety Bond be approved and
report. Seconded by Councilman placed on file. Seconded by
Vie: Moffatt. Carried by the following Councilman Van Duelman. Carried
vote: by the following vote:
~ Yeas~Mayor Murphy, Council-
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Counci]- .men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel-
' . -.men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton.
~ Man, Warton, Nays-None.
Nays-None, Petition of Alois E. Kramer re-
Communication of Vetenans oR questing a refund in the amount
Foreign Wars
Leo A, Schwind °f $100.00 on the unexpired por-
' ,
Post No. 508, by Fred J. Huftill, tion of his Class
Beer Permit
'' Quartermaster, submitting attach- No. 92 as he has discontinued busi-
ed copy of an article pertaining to ness on December 19, 1947, pre-
a' the New Dubuque Municipal Air-
sented and read. Councilman Van
port, and stating that this article Duelman moved that the request
was drawn up by the Aviation be granted and the City Auditor
Gommittee of the Leo A, Schwind instructed to draw a warrant in
Post No. 508 V.F.W. and was the amount of $100.00 in favor of
adopted by the Post assembled in Alois E. Kramer to cover the
regular session on December 18th, amount of refund granted on the
1947, presented and read
Council- B
unexpired portion of his Class
-man Wharton moved that the com- Beer Permit No. 92. Seconded by
munication and attached copy of .Councilman; M1oFfatt. Carried by
an article pertaining to the new the following vote:
Dubuque Municipal Airport be re- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
. ferred to the City Council for their. men Moffatt, Tho~paon, Van
' considenation. Seconded by Coun- Duelman, Wharton,
cilman Van Duelman. Carried by Nays-None.
the following vote: Councilman Thompson moved
that the rules be suspended for the
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- purpose of allowing anyone present
men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- in the Council Chamber, who
man, Wharton, wishes to do so, to address the
~- Nays-None. Council, Seconded by Councilman
i ~a
'' o
' i
Ykra ;. - ... - ~ .
p' ~~*~Pas~.rb~'AaM~u~!"+~"'~"~`~l',p+ !ltea~~ ~ ,~ a