1948 January Council Proceedings ' ~~ ~t,d 1 ~~ k sy ~ +~'~ ~ ~tL ~ ~ ~ ~ t r,. ~~~~} t ~ ~, ~ '.,~ ~. ~ 1 y., 4w ,`_ `~ Regular Session, J anuary Sth; 1948 . 1 Des Moines, Iowa, ~ 1NDEX-Book 78 i~ r ~ O O C C I I ~ December 30, 1947. Clty of Dubuque, 1948 SUBJECT Page (official). Dubuque, Iowa. Attention Mr, Rhomberg, City ~'a ' Regular Session„ January bth, ti ~ Manager, , 1948. Gentlemen: Feb. 2 -York Street sanitary sewer to construct in said street Council met at 7:30 P. M, In accordance with your re- "' from the intersection of York and Curtis Streets we are forwarding to 4uirement ' .I to a point 100 feet west of the west property line Present-Mayor Murphy, Council- , You herewith a Surety Bond in the of South Hill Street 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 65, 220, 293, 294, 295,- men MoFatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ; .............. ................. ................ ........:........ ......................... 296, 447 man, Wharton, City Manager amount of $5,000.00, drawn in favor Feb. 23 -~aTnetl Audrey L., requesting refunds on the unekpir• Rhomberg, of the City of Dubuque. ed portion of both his Cigarette Permit and his The bond is furnished as a guar- ~,' Class "B" Beer Permit _ . ........ ........ 34 Mayor Murphy stated that this antee to the City of protection ie the regular monthly meeting of against any damage claims or the City Council for the purpose of because of suits against the City, acting upon such business as may . permit to our Company for the properly come before the meet- use oY a passageway in the streets • Jan, 5- Ziepprecht Carl W, appointed as a member of the Bd. ing. and alleys to the new Telephone ` of Review for a term of three years ........ 3 i. Notice of claim of Willium Building, 9th and Locust, Dubuque, <~ Feb. 2 -Zwack Anton, Inc. offering to deed five feet in wFdth of Schaefer III in the amount of Iowa property to the City in order to make the alley - $92.75 far damages and lass of use . Yours very truly, 4 '~~ property to the City in order. to make the alley first east of Althauser Street more accessible from ~ of his automobile caused in striking FANE F. VAWTER Bc C'GMPANY, _... F~agle Street 21 an unprotected hole or trench to Fane F. Vawter. Jnne 29- Zillig George J., granted Cigarette Permit ... .. .. 249 the street in front of 890 Kaufmann '' Council Thompson moved that ~~ _ eT s g e Avenue, presented and read. C'oun- ~ the communication be received and ^" ' 29- ' B Beer Permit. Zillig George J.agranted Class 852, 253 Gilman Wharton moved .that the made a matter of record and that Aug. 23- Zwack Anton, Inc., requesting that the City grant permis- Notice of Claim be referred to the the Surety Bond be approved and sion to allow the present barricade on Ninth street City Solicitor for investigation and Placed on file. Seconded by 4a between Locust Street and the alley first east to report. Seconded by Councilman Councilman Van Duelman. Carried remain as it is now in order that they may proceed Moffatt. Carried by the following by the following vote: ' with the masonry work an the Northwestern Bell vote: e g x 394, o Sept 8 t P t r et 03 yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- e t~ Thompsony Van Du 1- ., 7- Per- ran Class B' Beer Zenz Clarence a d Nfa ie ed g men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- m wh ` 408 ,Y Man, Warton, _ ' ' Nov. 1- Eugene G., Revocation of Power of Attorney Zumhof 440 Nays-None. Petition of Alois E. Kramer re- ;r, Nov. 22- Zahina Agnes, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 472 Communication of Vetenans of questing a refund in the amount '~ Foreign Wars Leo A. Schwind of $100.00 on the unexpired por- " " , " B Beer Permit tion of his Close ° Post No. 608, by Fred J. Huftill, No. 92 as he has discontinued busi- ~ fi Quartermaster, submitting attach- ness on December 19, 1947, pre- ^" • ed copy of an article pertaining to sented and read. Councilman Van ~) it the New Dubuque Municipal Air- Duelman moved that the request port, and stating that this article be granted and the City Auditor '~ was drawn up by the Aviation instructed to draw a warrant in Committee of the Leo A. Schwind the amount of $100.00 in favor of '- Post No. 508 V.F.W. and was Alois E. Kramer to Dover the v adopted by the Post assembled in amount of refund granted on the ~l~' • regular session on December 18th, unexpired portion of his Class "B" 1947, presented and read. Council- Beer Permit No. 92. Seconded by x man Wharton moved that the com- Councilman; Moffatt. Carried by munieation and attached copy of the following vote: an article pertaining to the new ' ~ Dubuque Municipal Airport be re- yeas-Mayor Murphy, .Council- w ferred to the City Council for their. men Moffatt, Tho>flpaon, Van ~ I, ' consideration. Seconded by Coun- Duelman, Wharton, dlman Van Duelman, Carried by Nays-None. the following vote: Councilman Thompson moved "? that the rules be suspended for the '~?' Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- purpose of allowing anyone present '? men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- in the Council Chamber, who , man, Wharton. wishes to do so, to address the Nays-None. Coundl. Seconded by Councilman s .~. rEr~'~~i ~„ ~ ~_.~ ;~ .., ~~, i ~ z ~ ~P" a r.,', ya ~~;; f ~~ p ' ~ 'k ~' ~ fat h~" `l'.~,f Y• fi^ ~ ~ f `iy ~ `4 ; 1 ~V~ E d ;9YY ~ 1 ~ .,i( X ~5`1 1 . l ~ ~' / 1 ? , / 4 ~ q~c } '1, ~ R& ;,.: - :` fit,. .•.,'. - I - -. .~ ~. 1 II ~Y . i i 2 Regular Session, J anuary Sth, 194$ 'r~' . Regular Session, January 5th, 1948 3 Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- both Park Hill District and KauY• ` ' pan of the Board of Supervisors men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• ~ lowing vote: mann Avenue, ~ of Dubuque County, and Measra. man, Wharton. °{ ,;%, I ~ Yeas~Mayor Murphy, Council- Petition of Frank C. Wieland re- ~:' Moffatt, Murphy, Van Duelman and Naya-None. ' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• questing a refund in the amount Wharton of the City Council were December 23; 1947 i ,~ man Wharton, of $50.00 on the unexpired portion present, Honorable Mayor and Nays-None. of his Cigarette Permit No. 2b0 as F it was' regularly moved that the Members of the City Council A% Captain Patrick Casey, repre• he has discontinued business on W,,..,~en6ation oY the members of Dubuque, lows tinting the members of the Fire December 29 1947 resented and P , ~ Board of Review be fixed at the ehtlemen: n re s d he Council De artme t add s e t P read. Councilman Moffatt moved { . j12.00 per diem. Seconded and ith reference to th.e following requesting the City Council to de- that the request be granted and girMed, requesting tax auapen• petitions r; lay passage of the proposed "'Sick the City Auditor instructed to It was regularly moved that the , lions: ~, Leave" ordinance untie further draw a warrant in the amount of ,, following men be appointed to the study could be made covering the 50.00 in favor of Frank C. Wie• $ ~ ~ )JOard of Review and Por the term 1, Barbara Abitz (Charles), Lots _ Fire Department problems. land to cover the amount of re- designated. 50 and 51 Grandview Add. ~ in- ~ ~^ Police Offieer Byrne O'Brien re- fund granted on the unexpired portion of his Cigarette Permit No, ~ George J. Schaffhauaer, Gne terest, 2 Frank J Dougherty (Mary Ag• presenting the members of the 250, Seconded bq Councilman Van ~ Year Term. . , . Lots 172 and 173 Union Add. nes) ~,• Police Department, addressed the Duelman. Carried by the following ` T. J. Hill, Two Year Term. , ~ interest: •„~ Council asking that before passage " " vote: ~ Carl W. Ziepprecht, Three Year 3. Minnie Rosenthal (Deed) E. i i, ordinance of the Sick Loave that the members of the Police Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- T@rrn' i K lf b h F Y , 56 feet of N. 25 feet of Let 561. ~ 1 Department would like a cl'aridica- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• o ac , our ear Loa s en T 4, Joseph Sitterly (Deed), Lot 44 ~, ~ tion of the disability clause ~s set man Wharton. e~• Stra>fords Add. ~ interest. ~ ~ out in the "Sick Leave" ordinance Nays-None, ^ (leorge Pohl, Four Year Term. 5. Frank Thiering (Deed) Lots ,~ as there is no clear understanding Petition oY the Dubuque Fire- ~ Seconded and carried. , 7 and 8 Rodgers Sub. of what happens after the normal fighters Loca] 353 asking the City It was regularly moved that no The applicants each own an un• sick leave eapirea. Council. to temporarily withhold ;v bond be required of the City As• divided interest in the real estate. r° `~" ~. ncil V n Duelman moved Cou mran a future action on the proposed new reasor, Seconded and carried. An Opirilon of the Attorney Gen• i that the matter pertaining to the "S~ck Leave" program and stating It was regularly moved that the eral dated, November 23, 1939, passage of a "Sick Leave" ordin- that they would like to arrange to ~ salaries of the Deputy City As- cited by me in mp letter to you ~ '~ once be referred to the City Coun- have a committee or Fire ChieY lessors be filed as follows: December 26, 1946, it appears that ' '' ' ;cil, City Manager and City Solicit- meet with the Council and explain '~ Carl Anthony Clark....$4,000.00 the City Council has no jurisdiction or to meet with the representatives the advantages for the City' in Jelin C. McQuillen .... $4,000.00 in this matter. of the Fire Department, Police De- their present Sick Leave Plan over ,~ Clem John Manneman $4,000.00 These appiicaCiona should be re• + partment and City Employees for the proposed new one, presented John Ckarles Nelson $3,000.00 turned to the Board of Supervisors ~; ~;~: the purpose of negotiating a "Sick Leave" ordinance. Seconded by and read. Councllman Wharton moved that the petition be re• Seconded and carried. Tt was duly ordered that the with a copy oP my letter. Yours truly, ° iMLayor Murphy. Carried by the fol- ferred to the City Canncii for their meeting adjourn. John J, Kintzinger, ~ ~r % ~ lowing vote: oonsidenation. Seconded by Coun- `' Alois A, Kaufman, City Solicitor. 'ir Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Gilman Thompson. Carried by the Secretary. Councilman Thompson moved .4 ~ , Van Duel- men Moffatt Thompson following vote: ~~ Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City ,' ~ ; , , man, Wharton. Yeas-Maayor Murphy, Council- that the minutes of the meeting of Solicitor Kintzinger be approved, };~ ` + s-None Na man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duet r . December 22, 1947, as submitted Seconded by Councilman Van Duel• ; y . i Att F J 0'C man, Wharton, by Alois A. Kaufmann, Secretary man. Carried by the following vote, " n r orn ranc o no eY s '~ a s-None Y be received and made a matter of Yeas--Mayor Murphy, Council- 'fa x, n i m re resentin the Al o u n Che i P g g 4 . record, Seconded by Councilman men Moffatt Thom son Van Duel- P cal Company, addressed the Coun• Meeting of December 22, 1947. Moffatt, Carried by the following man, Wharton. Gil skin the it Oouncil to a C g Y In acc rdance with Section o i pte: - Nays None. 'e withhold action on the petition. of 405.13 and & notice served in ac- Yeas--'M'ayor Murphy, Council- December 27, 1947 ' i n th Al on uin hem sal Com a e g q C P Y ordance therewith on each and en M ff Thom s n D 1- o att, p o Van ue onorable Ma or and Y `~'~' until word could be received from every member o4 the Board of Di- man, Wharton. Members of the City Council ~' _ other cities where sulphuric acid rectors of the Independent School ;' Nays-None. Dubuque, Iowa ~ !plants are now in operation. At• District. of Dubuque, Iowa, a meet- ~ , Proof of publication, certified to Gentlemen; torney O'Connor was advised by ing was held in the Central School ~ by the publishers, of a statement Enclosed please find a letter that Y the City Council that his request Building, West 15th and Locust of receipts and also a list of claims I received from City Attorney ~;, would be grouted. Streets, Dubuque, Iowa at the hour ' for which warrants were drawn . Harry H. Stilley of Hammond, In- ' h dresse Mr. Nick Grommersc ad d of 7:30 P. M. dunin the month f November g o diana with r ferenc h x- e etotee he Council in regard to the es- Mr. Mua h h Ma or f e t e o th P Y, Y 1947 resents and r d. o ncil- P d ea C u ri of pe ence that Cit and the Stauf- Y _ , i he tabliehin f bus service on t g o Cit of Dubu ue Iowa resided, Y q , p , man Van Duelman mov h ed t at the f h i er C em cal Company. Fork Hill District and also in re- Messrs. Fuhrman, Gregory, Proof of publication be received This letter should be made a and to the establishin of a street g g Hardie and Dr. Vanderloo oY the ` and fil con ed. Se ded by Councilman matter of record. : ~' connecting Park Hill District with Board of Directors of the Independ• Thompson. Carried by the follow- Yours truly, w, Kane Street in order that bus serv- tint School District of Dubuque, t%-. ing vote: John J:`Kintzinger ice would be made available on Messrs. Baule, Hammerand, Dono- Rj;; Yeas-Maayor Murphy, Council- City Solicitor. ' .'A~ ''J" ti, r; .. , ,~ ^ , ~ , w ~ .. wry', ; i-'~ ' ! ~~ r '"r :X~•a t ~5 rb"` i r °F~}~~v ,~. . -~ _. . ~" q, ~:+ ~ r+' ~rw ~~ + c: ~.. ~ ~ . ' ~,~ , m , 1 t ~ i - . ~ x ~ ., . - . . : ~ ,,, - .n ~ '+ ', ~ -- Rl 4 Regular Session, January 5th, 1948 Regular Session, January 5th, 1948 5 .1 ~ Councilman Wharton moved that We had one further very serious December 31, 1947 ,lined is submitted for your con- ',+ the communication of City Solicitor difficulty with theni, which you do To the Honorable Mayor sideration, ~ ~ - . ~~ Kintzinger together with the en- not mention in your letter, but and City Council, Respectfully submitted ° ` closed letter from City Attorney which I feel should be drawn to • Dubuque Iowa , '~` Harry H. Stilley, Hammond, Indi- your attention if you should have ; , . A. A. RHOMBERG ~ '~ ana, be received and made amat- a sewage disposal system such ae Gentlemen; City Manager ` ter of record. Seconded by .Council- ours, We have an activated sludge Referring to attached petition JOS. H. STRUB man Moffatt. Carried by the follow- plant, which you probably know §` of Caroline M, May requesting va- Chief of Police ing vote: is a bacterial Process, h,nd in which cation of alley between Lot 1 of THOS. C. HIC'KSON our City has invested Four Million ,: 35 of Stewarts Sub to the west, and Chief of Fire Dept. ` ~ Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Dollars. From time to time we had ~ Lot 2 of the Sub of Lots 24 25, ~~ men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- • the trouble with this plant and , _ and Lota 26 and 27 of 9tewarts Counc~iman Moffatt moved that ~.,''', man, Wharton, . bacteria would be killed in the ac• Sub to the east and extending from the recommendation of City Mana• 4, Nays-None. tivated elude beds with some acid York St. northerly to the south ger Rhomberg, Chief of Police Jos. , , getting to our sewage system. ~ boundary of Lot 24 of Mineral Lot H. Strub and Chief of Fire Dept. ~,+ ,~ CITY OF HAMMOND After some difficulty our engineer 149, the Planning and Zoning Com• Hickson be approved. Seconded by INDIANA found that the trouble was sul• mission respectfully recommends Councilman Thompson. Carried by ~1! "# " December 24, 1947 phuric acid which was traced to granting of the petition, the value the following vote: '1~ John J. Kintzinger the Stauffer Chemical Company's ~, of the vacated land and price to Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ,~; City Attorney plant. We father found that the be determined by your honorable men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ;is K+ Iowa Dubuque sewer leading from that plant, ~ body. man, Wharton. 9; , Dear Mr. Kintzinger: which is of concrete construction, i; Respectfully submitted, Nays-None. ` " I have your inquiry of the De- has been very seriously damaged ~ otiona are now pending and ne .Dubuque Planning & Zoning Ordinance No. 1~8 , ~,• cember 22nd respecting the ex• , g with the Stauffer Company in an Commission, Richard V McKa An Ordinance amending Ordi• N 10 l " s p' perience of our City with the ;endeavor to recover the damages ~~ . y nonce o. -37, entit TRAF- ed ~ ~; Stauffer Chemical Company. Our suffered by the City both as to the Secretary. FIC CODE OF THE CITY OF DU- ~, experience has not been a for~u- sewer and the machinery and Councilman Thompson moved BUQUE" as amended by Ordinance mate one. They have been in busi• equipment in our activated sludge that the communication of the No, 1-39, Ordinance No. 12-43 ness here for a good many years, plant. ~, Planning and Zoning Commission and Ordinance No. 9--44, by strik- ,; ' at least fifteen and perhaps longer, be referred to the Council to view ing out certain provisions thereof ";f ~ and during my term in office here, They claim that this trouble has ' the grounds. Seconded by Council- and inserting other provisions in ; and I have now completed my thir- now been eliminated and that no man Van Duelman. Carried by the lieu thereof, regulating the use of teenth year, we have had constant further acid can now get into our following vote: vehicles upon the streets and high- trouble in this: sews a system. Please understand g ways of the City of Dubuque and , that I have no interest in the ~ Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- by repealing all Ordinances or x' ~ From time to time, and some- Stauffer Chemicai Company nor men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- parts of Ordinances in conflict '{ : times from meeting to meeting, our any animosity toward them what- t man, Wharton, herewith presented and read ~~~ Board of Pubulic Works and Safety ever. Their officers have been fair Na ys-None. , . Councilman Van Duelman mov~l ` p", have had delegations of citizenry h h d and while we threatened to sue to J that the reading just had to be con• - ;t ` oo bor from the immediate neig abate a nuisance and also to re- anuary b, 1948 sidered the first reading of the ordi• v ^ - complaining that the precipitation cover damages, that has not been To the Honorable Mayor nonce. Seconded by Councilman F ~ from this plant was killing all their necessary and we do not anticipate and City Council, Moffatt Carried by the following ti,. d~ ~.~ ~' vegetation and that it was injurious t ll hat it will be. Dubuque, Iowa. , vote: , , y. We wen to their health genera Gentlemen: Y ~t ` ' . "round and round" with the Stauf• I hope .the foregoing will give At the session of the City Coun- eas-Mayor .Murphy, Oouncil- ~ ~~ +~ fer people who are a very high you some idea of the troubles con- cil held December 19 1947 th men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ., " " ~ " class outfit. We had numerous dis- netted with the operation of a , e petition of Homer V Butt Sr et man, Wharton, , r 1 cuasiona with engineers and scien• sulphuric acid plant. As you are, . , , . al. requesting amendment to the Nays-None. fists from New York, employed by of course,. aware, Hammond is a ' proposed ordinance restricting al• Councilman Van Duelman moved ,; '" them, in an endeavor to eliminate highly industrialized City with di- s ley parking was referred t th that the rules be suspended requir- p~ ar at leastameliorate, this evil. To verse manufacturing processes in- e o unders'i ed for investi lion and ~ ~ ing an ordinance to be read on ;?~ +° ' ~ a very considerable extent they eluding soap, corn products, and report upon suggested revision three separate days. Seconded by , i,! ~, have been successful and we had other manufacturing processes in . We have considered the matter Councilman Thompson. Carried by ` ~ fewer complaints from the resi- which fats and acids are used, so and recommend that in lieu of the the following vote: Yea -M h M il a~ dents of the neighborhood of the that we are not without experience proposed ordinance another be in- s ayor urp y, Counc - + ~, plant in the last year than any in that field. troduced which exem t from the P men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duei- time during the last ten or twelve I yam hopeful that this infoima• ' no parking and one way provi- man, Wharton. Nays-None. < years- lion will be helpful to you and in ~ : sions the alley between Main and Councilman Van Duelman moved This improvement in conditions the event that we can be of fur- Iowa Streets from West Twelfth that the ordinance be placed on 4• was accomplished by the installs- ther assistance please command Street to Loras Boulevard and the file with the City Clerk for public 31 ` ' lion of machinery and equipment us, ~ alley between Main and Locust inspection for at Toast one week ~ 4 $ ~~ {1 with which I am not familiar, Yours very truly, °,°, Streets from West Twelfth Street before its final .adoption, Seconded 5 t'. which tended to eliminate much of a, to Loras Boulevard, by Councilman Wharton. Carried by ' d.. ti the obnoxious Precipitation. Harry H. Stilley. ~ 1;, An ordinance changed as out- the following vote: ~, ~: '~ !m ~.' ~ ,~ ,~? y ro, { ~` ~~ ti,~ f r,~. 9't ~r ';t^fh ~g~' rh, ~ ~h{ .4 55 r ~\ '~ ~ ~ .y: "~. R .'. . t. y. ti~ a- ~ '~ a ~ „y x„ 1 \ ti~ !~' ~~ 4i 4 ~~t '~'•.! ~ ~~ 1 r' h! u 'a't ~ ,~,n ~ f ` ~ ~~ ~ r . y a , , ~, , ~, ,. ,, - ~ , ., . ` . . a . , e , ~„_ , - i~°~r• ti ~~' , ~ , ,~ 6 Regular Session, January Sth, 1948 ~ Regular .Session, January 5th, 1948 7 ` +; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Clarence G. Pregler and Clara Passed, adopted and approved to adjourn. Seconded by Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, .Van Duel- Pregler, 2403 Central Avenue. 1 this 5th day of January, 1948. man Thompson. Carried by the ~ ~ man, Wharton. CLASS "C" PERMIT GEO. R. MURPHY following vote: Nays-None, Mayor Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Alois J. Ender, 534 Rhomberg FRANK VAN DUELMAN men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- , ~ Resolution No. 1-48 Avenue. F W. THOMPSON man, Wharton. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- Jahn C: Neumeister, 729 Lincoln ALBERT WHARTON Nays-None. - _~. ', cil of the City of Dubuque that the Avenue, W, .ap, MOFFATT .... 1948 Approved ...... ......... ~w - following,. having complied with the Passed, adopted and approved ,` Councilmen Adopted ................................ 1948 provisions of law relating to the this 5th day of January, 1948. Attest: J. J. SHEA, sale of cigarettes within the City GEO. R. MURPHY City Clerk. • of Dubuque, be granted a permit to ~ Mayor Councilman Moffatt moved the sell cigarettes and cigarette papers FRANK VAN DUELMAN aa option of the resolution. Sec- ~ """"""""' """"""""'••~ • y ~ within said City and the Manager F W. THOMPSON ~ onded by Councilman Van Duel- Councilmen: { ...................................... is directed to issue such permit on ALBERT WHARTON man. Carried by the following I ' behalf of said City. W. W. MOFFATT vote: ~ ...................................... ' Name Address Councilmen ' Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- .• Ben A. Bague, 3198 Central fittest: J, J. SHEA, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- I ••••••••••••••°•••••••••••••••°••• Avenue. City Clerk, Wharton. man ` Carl Van Duelman, 590 Seminary , Street Councilman Van Duelman moved Nays-None. ....................... Attest : ......................... ,, i+: . Loo P. Manahl, 785 Groveland the adoltion of tl4e resolution. ~ There being no further business J. J. SHEA, ~,' t„ Place. Seconded by Oouncilman Thomp- Councilm-an Van Duelman moved h City Clerk. . Robert A. Lange and John D. son. Carried by the following vote: • a ' " ~I 2616 Windsor Avenue. Paine Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- t ~ , r olve that the Be It Furthe Res d, men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- , bonds filod with the applications be man, Wharton. approved. Nays-None. ~~ ~, Passed, adopted and approved Resolution No. 3-48 this 5th day of January, 1948, R. MURPHY GEO WHEREAS, heretofore applies- •; , . Mayor. lions for Beer Permits were filed • FRANK VAN DUELMAN, by the within named- applicants ~ , THOMPSON, F. W and they have received the aA- ~ '~ . ALBERT WHARTON, proval of this Council; and ~ W. MOFFATT W WHEREAS, the premises to be , . Councilmen. occupied by such applicants have Attest: J. J. SHEA, been inspected and found to com- ' ~ City Clerk. ply with the ordinances of this r - 4` Councilman Thompson moved the City and they have Sled a proper ~ ~' adoption of the resolution. Sec- bond: NOw, THEREFORE, * 'i onded by Councilman Moffatt.- Car- BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun- '~ rigid by the following vote: cil of the City of Dubuque that ~ ' Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- the Manager be and he is hereby men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- directed to .issue to the following s man, Wharton. named applicants ~a Beer Permit. ra Nays-Nave. x CLASS "B" PERMIT ~ ~~• Resolution No. 2-48 Name Address ~ ~ WHEREAS, applications for Beer Nick Kramer and Marie J. Kra- ~!~ _ Permits have been submitted to mer, 2222 Central Avenue. this Council far approval and the Clarence G. Pregler .and Clara ~l same have been examined: NOW Pregler, 2403 Central Avenue. ~,~ THEREFORE, Robert A. Lange and John D. ~ r~ E~~ BE I'T RESOLVED by the Coun- Paine, 2616 Windsor Avenue. ` ' ' cil of the City of Dubuque that the CLASS "'C" PERMIT Pollowin applications be granted e 534 Rhomberg Alois J. Ender i '. licenses are to be issued and th , Avenue ,{ ~ upon the compliance with the . terms of the ordinances of this John C. Neumeister, 729 Lincoln ~ ix City. Avenue. CLASS "B" PERMIT BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED v . °~ Name Address that the bonds filed by such appli- ~• Nick Kramer and Marie J. Kra- cants be and the same are hereby k; ' mer, 2222 Central Avenue. approved, f. ~~ y' i 1~ P,~, ~ 4.; "p ' ~ ` • r .: . ,. , t h ~. ~i ., • I ,. ~ ~ . ~ .. k l~ ,, ~, r ": F„ P~ ~,; ~~' I ,~~ 1 1 Y~: ~~~' k~~ ~~ ~' P, b~ ti~ F' ', .. ". t n ate' ~-` ~ ~, r 4 8 Specia] Session, January 22nd, .1948 referred to the City Solicitor for City Council (Official.) Special Session, January 22nd, 1948. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present-Mayor Murphy, ~ Coun• cilmen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Thompson and Van Duel- man. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of considering the petition of the Dubuque Packing Company, by Czizek &Czizek, Its Attorneys, re• questing the City Council to va- cate the westerly 24 feet 10 inches of Sycamore Street and convey such vacated area to them, subject to the easement of the C. M. St. P. & P. Railroad Company for railroad purposes, and acting on any other business as may pro- perly come before a regular meet- ing of the City Council. Petition of Dubuque Packing Company, By: Czizek &Czizek, Its Attorneys, requesting the vacation of the westerly 24 feet 10 inches of Sycamore Street and convey such vacated area to it, subject to the easement of the C. M. St. P. & P. Railroad Company for rail- road purposes, such conveyance to be upon such consideration as the Council may determine to be rea- sonable under the circumstances, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their re- commendation and report. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Covell J. Hart in the amount of $130.92 for dam• ages to his automobile caused by the icy condition of the street near Delhi Street and University Ave• rue due to a water leak, presented and read. Councilman Moffatt moved that the notice of claim be investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: ' Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. Notice of claim of Mrs. Paul Cate in the amount of $13.76 for dam• ages to her automobile caused in striking an accumulation oY dirt which was allowed to remain in Coates Street at a point opposite the driveway at 2340 Coates Street, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the notice of claim t~ referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report, Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None, Notice of claim of Willard J. Driecoll in the amount of $25.94 for damages to his truck caused by backing into a manhole on which the lid was off at the alley entrance located on Sixth Street on the north side between Main and Lo- cust Streets, presented and read. Councilman Thompson move d that the notice of claim tie referred to the City Solicitor for investiga- tion and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van. Duel• man, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of the U p p e r Mississippi Waterway Association advising that the Annual Conven- tion of the Mississippi Valley As- sociation will be held in St. Louis, Mo., on January 26th and 27th, 1948, presented and read. Councilman Thompson move d that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Nona. Communication of the Tri-State Flyers, Inc., stating that the club endorses the resolution that the American Legion sent to the City it _~I` '~ f , ` ~~~~ ' . a, ., _ c, .a' h ;.,,~ !'- ~ - 1 , - ~I~ x , .. .. Special Session, January 22nd, 1948 9 r t .Council in regard to haling an Air• Petition of Manetni, Ventrella 8c -!,' port Commission, which would Sons, by Joseph Ventrella, Prin- i,' serve without any cost to the City, tips], requesting an extension of ~ in addition to the new airport man- time from March lot to April 30th, i~ ager, presented and read. 1948, for completion, of the Kauf- '~ Councilman, Wharton moved that mane Avenue Sewer project, pre- the communication be referred to rented and read. the Council for their consideration. Councilman Wharton moved that ~ Seconded by Councilman Van Due]- the request be granted providing man. Carried by the following that the consent of the bonding vote: company is secured. Seconded ty Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the ; men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- following vote: man, Wharton, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ?~~ Nays-None. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Communication of Carl V. Riley man, Wharton. "i in regard to the proposed unprove- Nays-None. ~ ; went of existing Platt Street, and Petition of Thomas M. Stampfer v submitting a statement of facts and and William B. Poinsett, III, Trus- ` respectfully solicit favorable con- tees, by Kenline, Roedell, Hoffmann sideration of the same, presented & Reynolds, Their Attorneys, ask- < and read. ing that the Mayor and City Clerk ti ~' Councilman Wharton moved that be authorized to execute, in behalf %~ + 'the communication be referred to of the City of Dubuque, a quit claim _'`; , the Council for their consideration, deed conveying to them that part a R Seconded by .councilman Thomp- of Olive Street so vacated as pro- - . son. Carried by the following vote: vided by Ordinance adopted Septem- ,r Yeas-Mayor Murphy Council- ber 2nd, 1909, presented and read, ' , men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Councilman Wharton moved that $~ man, Wharton. the applicants be requested to fur- Nays-None Wish for Council consideration a ~uu , plat describing by lot number that . Petition of the American Legion part of Olive Street so vacated by Auxiliary requesting permission for Ordinance adapted September 2nd, the holding of their annual poppy 1909, the intent being that said drive beginning at 6 o'clock Friday property can be listed for tax pur- evening, May 28th, and continuing poses. Seconded by Councilman through Saturday, May 29th, 1948, Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- presented and read, lowing vote: Councilman Thompson moved yeas-Mayor Murphy Counci]- e that the request be granted. Sec- , men Moffatt Thompson Van Duel- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- , , man Wharton, '"; :~ ried by tJie following vote: , ,~ Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Nays-None. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Petition of the Firefighters Bene• ;' man, Wharton. volent Association, by William J. Nays-None. Lynch, President, stating that the ., Petition of Joseph G. Graham re- Fire Department would like to have Y questing that Council cote the con- supplemented to the "Sick Leave" ~' ditions and objections to the re• Ordinance the words, "Except Du- ~ ;i quest to vacate an alley adjacent to buque Firemen," and furthermore, '~ lots owned by Mrs. Harry Schiltz that they would like to request that "?: and Clarence J. May, the alley in the enclosed present Sick Leave ~. question extends north from York Plan be read and adopted in the ~ Street, presented and read. form of an ordinance, presented Councilman Thompson moved and read. a~ ~~ that the petition be referred to the Councilman Wharton moved that ;' Council far future consideration, the petition be referred to the Seconded by Councilman Van Duel- Council for further consideration, man. Carried by the following Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. vote: Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- i men Moffatt, T~hompaon, Van Duel- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- a man, Wharton, man, Wharton, '.P ~ Nays-None. Nays-None. l i ~ _, , N 'S .. ... r >,_ •~' 1 T e e,~ 1 ia~ k ,nrd ~ ?, v ~t~ 'S ry p W" ~ ,~ a r ~~ r rrt, " K'r '~ .1'k"':: ~< <~ a ! ~ ~ :~ 4~~ r ' .~ 9~'~ ,~.. ~,',.~ a ~~~ ,v~-~i„ ~ ^y~ ,~'n i ~yN.. '7 .~ P. ~~ 4 ~`' ~ January 22nd 1448 10 Special Session ; ,, , , ~' Petition of the Dubuque Police- Parking;' Rule 101, Sec, it be, and men's Protective Association, by the same is hereby amended by Byrne A, O'Brien, President, asking striking therefrom the following: ' that the proposed "Sick Leave" Or- "In any public alley within the ~'-i dinace be amended so as to exclude .area bounded on the north by ~ the Dubuque Police Department `Nest Twelfth Street, on the west from the application of said ordf• by Bluff Street, on the south by , j ' nonce and that an ordinance be en- West Fourth Street, on the east , acted for the purpose of governing by Central Avenue." - , ~ and regulating certain working con- and. substituting therefor the fol- ' ditions of the Dubuque Police De- lowing: partment, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved °In the alley between Bluff and that the petition be referred to the Locust Streets from Jones Street ~ '~ Council for further consideration. to West Eleventh Street; in the ~,- Seconded by Gouncilman Van Dwel- alley between Locust and Main man. Carried by the following Streets from Jones Street to +~~ vote: West Twelfth Street; in the al- . Council- Yeas-Mayor Murphy ley between Main and Iowa , Streets from West Second Street ' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- to West Twelfth Street; in the man, Wharton. alley between Icwa Street and i ~ Nays-None. Central Avenue from Wes t Ordinance No. t-48 Fourth Street to Loras Boule- i An Ordinance amending Ordin- yard; and in the alley between ~ ante No. 10-37, entitled "TRAF- Central Avenue and White Street ' ' FIC CODE OF THE CITY OF DU- to East Fourteenth Street" ~ BUQUE" as amended by Ordinance Sec. 2. That Ordinance No. 10- No. 1-39, Ordinance No. 12-43 37, "Paragraph 609, Sec. 3" "X1V - and Ordinance No. 9-44, by atrik- Parking;' Rule 101 be, and the ing out certain provisions thereof same is hereby amended by adding 1 ~ and inserting other provisions in after Section 11, the following: ~_ lieu thereof, regulating the use of "Sec, lla. That there shall be " vehicles upon the streets and high- one way traffic in the alleys here- ~ ways of the City of Dubuque and inafter named, a'' by repealing all Ordinances or That it shall be unlawful for r parts of Ordinances in conflict any person to operate any vehi- '~' `` ' herewith, said ordinance having cle in a southerly direction at been passed upon first reading on any place in We alley between January 5th, 1948, and ordered Iowa Street and Central Avenue ~" placed on file with the City Clerk from Weat Fourth Street to T, - for public inspection for at least Loras Boulevard, or zany place in one week before its final odoption, the alley between Locust Street was presented for final adoption, and Main Street from Jones Ordinance No. 1-48 Street to West Twelfth Street. An Ordinance amending Ordin- That it shall be unlawful for ante No. 10-37, entitled "TRAF- any person to operate a vehicle FIC CODE OF THE CITY OF DU- in a northerly direction at any BUQUE" as amended by Ordinance place in the alley between Cen- ;" , No. 1-39, Ordinance No. 12-43 trot Avenue and White Street ~;; and Ordinance No. 9-44, by strik- from East Fourth Street to East . ~: ipg out certain provisions the~eof Fourteenth Street or at any ~'~ and inserting other provisions m , place in the alley between Main ~~ ` lieu thereof, regulating the use of Street and Iowa Street from I vehicles upon the streets and high- West Second Street to West '~ ways of the City of Dubuque -and Twelfth Street." '' by repealing all Ordinances or ~~ parts of Ordinances in cogllict "Sec. 11b. That it shall be un- - ~ herewith: ]awful to park any vehicle in any BE IT ORDAINED BY THE alley under .any fire escape at ,Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- any time." »` BUQUE: "Sec. llc, The driver of a z, Sec. 1. ..That Ordinauoe No. 10- vehicle emerging from a private 3" "XIV "Paragraph 609 Sec 37 roadway alley driveway, or ' , , , , , r~-~`.mi U ~ ~ . ~re~w ,._, ~nar k~ ~ ~ ~ ~, Special Session, January 22nd, 1448 ' 11 building shall stop such vehicle 1947, also list oY cla'ims and list ~; ~, ~: ' immediately, prior to driving on- of payrolls for which warrents ~„ to the sidewalk area and there- were Issued for the month of De- ~; after he shall proceed into the cember, 1947. sidewalk area only when he can Respectfully Submitted, do so without danger to pedes- A. A. RHOMBERG, trian traffic and he shall yield City Manager. the right of way to any vehicu- Councilman Thompson moved Par traffic on the streetinto which that the reports be received and his vehicle is entening." placed on file. Seconded by Coun- Sec. 3. All Ordinances or parts Gilman Moffatt. Carried by the fol- of Ordinances in conflict herewith lowing vote: are hereby repealed. Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Sec. 4. Any person violating any men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- - provision of this Ordinance shall man, Wharton, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor Nays-None. and upon conviction shall be pun- January 20, 1948 fished by a fine of to exceed One To the Honorable Mayor Hundred ($100.00) Dollars or by and City Council, imprisonment for not more than Dubuque, Iowa. thirty days. Gentlemen: Sec. 6. This Ordinance shall be The Kaufman Avenue sanitary in force and effect from and after trunk line sewer is nearing oom• its final passage and adoption by pletion at a total indicated coat of the City Council ;and publication as $153,181.05. This project is being provided by law, financed by payments from the Passed upon first reading this Consolidated Fund which is to be 5th day oY January, 1948, supplemented by the proceeds from Passed, adopted and approved the sale of general obligation this 22nd day of January, 1948. bonds. Sale of bonds in the amount GEO. R. MURPHY, of $60,000.00 will be required. Mayor. To complete the financing of the FRANK VAN DUELMAN, above project, I recommend that F. W. THOMPSON, the City Council adopt the neces- ALBERT WHARTON, sary proceedings for the sale of W. W. MOFFATT, sewer bonds under the power Councilmen, granted by Section 396.22 of the Attest: J. J. SHEA 1940 Code of Iowa with. the follcw- City Clerk, ing maturities: Published officially in The Tele- $10,000.00 due 1 year from date graph-Herald newspaper this 27th of issue. day of January, 1948. $25,000.00 due 2 years from date J. J. SHEA, of issue. ' City Clerk. $25,000.00 due 3 years from date Councilman Wharton moved the of issue. adoption of the ordinance. Sec- In this manner the entire issue onded by Gouncilman Van Duel• will be redeemed in three years. man. Carried by the following Respectfully submitted, vote: A. A. RHOMBERG, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- City Manager. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- Gouncilman Wharton moved that man, Wharton, the recommendation of City Man- Nays-None. ager Rhomberg be approved and January 19, 1948 the City Solicitor instructed to pre• To the Honorable Mayor Pare the proper proceedings. Sec- ond City Council, onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- Dubuque, Iowa., ried by the following vote: Gentlemen: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- I herewitl submit reports of the men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City man, Wharton. Health Department and City Water Nays-None. Works for the month of December, Councilman Thompson move d ~+~ ~. M~ ~} ~} 9. -§ ~'~. ~~. ~~ i ~ry J an ti° [ ~ Q ,~ , ~ 4~ Ys rA yj Vet 1 t~~X~~„ 1 .~~ \ 7 K ] Yip }~ T ! ~ `Mkr F ~ ` 1`•': 12 Special Session; January 22nd, 1948 ~,~ that the rules be suspended for the men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- purpose of allowing any one Ares- man, Wharton. ant in the Council Chamber, who Nays-None. wishes to do so, to address the 4-118 Resolution No Council. Seconded by Councilman , ;- Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- BE IT RESOLVED by the City lowing vote: Council of Dubuque that the fo]- . Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- lowing, having complied with the Thompacn, Van Duel• men Moffatt Provisions of law relating to the , sale of cigarettes within the City man, Wharton. of Dubuque, be granted a permit Nays-None. to sell cigarettes and cigarette January 16, 1948. Papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such Honorable Mayor and Permit on behalf of said City, Members of the City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Name Address 111 Dubuque Metal Trades Club ~, Gentlemen: With reference to , West 6th Street. (Transfer of ad- ).~,, the claim of Mrs. Laura Pogeman dress fmm 290 West 4th Street) Stu.,. ' for $1,000.00 on account of damages BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~ u sustained by her on or about that the bond filed with the appli- p September 8, 1947, when she cation be approved. ,. ~'^ ' tripped and fell because of a Passed, adopted and approved a" claimed defect in .the sidewalk be- ' 1948. this 22nd day of Janwary S',; tween Kleih s Hardware Store and , ~,`, . the Dubuque Market at which time GEO. R. MURFHY, r,-;~ she received injuries to her left .Mayor knee and ~a bruise on her left el- F, Vr, THOMPSON, ~ `~ bow, claiming that she received i i d to h i l d FRANK VAN DUELMAN, r. was requ re ys ca pa n an p ALBERT WHARTON, ~ ~,;., undergo treatment by a physician, W. W. MOFFAT, r, ", From my investigation, the defect Councilmen ~; exists at the place complained of. Attest: J. J. SHEA, I have had consultation with her City Clerk attorney in regard tq this matter. I recommend that this claim be Councilman Van Duelman moved settled by allowing her the sum of the adoption of the resolution. Sec- ri) _ W' . $100.00 and that a warrant be is- onded by Councilman Moffatt, Car• ? sued payable to Romolo N, Russo, ried by the following vote: ~ attorney for Mrs. Laura Pogeman, Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• _- and the sum be delivered upon de- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ' livery to the City of a release prop- man, Wharton. erly executed. Nays-None. ' Yours truly, Resolution No. 5-49 ~~ WHEREAS, application for Class ~, JOHN J. KINTZINGER, "g" Beer Permit has been sub- ~, City Solicitor, mined to this Council for approval ~~-; and the same has been examined: Councilman Thompson moved NOW: THEREFORE, „ that the recommendation of City BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun• i' ,` Solicitor Kintzinger be approved cil of the City of Dubuque that the p,;S and the City Auditor instructed to following application be granted draw a warrant in the amount of and the license is to be issued upon $100.00 in favor of Romolo N, Rus- the compliance with the terms of so, Attorney for Mrs. Laura Poge- the ordinances of this City. man, as settlement in full of her r~ claim .and that said warrant be CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR ~ ;. , delivered upon receipt by the City PRIVATE CLUB l,? - of Dubuque of a properly executed Name Address " " release. Seconded by Councilman ' Dubuque Metal Trades Council Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- (Trana- 111 Weat 6th Street Club r lowing vote: , , far of address from 290 West 4th Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- Street) .'ti- - '(' r, F ~~l'.'q' ~ E. r: u'' j* .$., j ~, v ~ l 'l ~" y ~ ,, N~ .t rnif ~ tl r 'h '7 ` d. ' ~ d ?\ A ? ~ J D (l y '~~ y ~1 rA Y ~ ~p, '^ d r _ ~ ~ ~ I 4 l~ , _ ~` January 22nd, .1948 13 Special Session ,K. ice, ~~ , , s' _ ,; Passed, adopted and approved Yeas--Mayor Murphy, Council• '~ y; this 22nd day of January, 1948. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• - `,~' CEO, R~ MURPHY, man, Wharton, Mayor Nays-None. "~ FRANK VAN DUELMAN. Resolution No. 7-48 F. W. THOMPSON, Whereas, the City of Dubuque, ALBERT WHARTON, Iowa, by authority of its City Coun• W, W. MOFFATT, cil, entered into a contract on the Councilmen 10th day of June, 1946 with the Attest: J. J, SHEA, engineering firm of Consoer, Town- City Clerk send and Associates for the pre- ` 4 ''~ Councilman Moffatt moved the paration of plans .and specifications \ adoption of the resolution. Sec- for new storm relief sewers so as ; onded by Councilman Van Duel- to provide a method for the relief man. Carried by the following vote: to existing inadequate storm sew- . Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- ers; and ' men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel• Whereas, the surveys, detailed i ' ' man, Wharton. designs, detailed plans, oonstruc- Nays-None. tion drawings and specifications - Resolution No, 8-48 contemplated in the aforesaid oon• ~' ` heretofore applica- WHEREAS tract have been completed; Now, ~ , tion for Class "B" Beer Permit was Therefore filed by the within named appli- Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cant and it has received the ap- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa `! x, proval of this Council; and that the surveys, plans, specifics- ~~ ' WHEREAS, the premises to be flans, contract documents and eats- occupied by such applicant have mates of cost for the Bee Branch, ~; " been inspected and found to cam- Dodge Street, Eighth Street and _ ply with the ordinances of this Southern Avenue Sewers be ap- City and a proper bond has been Aroved and accepted and that the S filed: NOW, THEREFORE, Federal Works Agency be notified BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun- of such approval by the submission cil of the City of Dubuque that the of two copies of this resolution. ,, ' ' f i4Lanager be and he fa, hereby di• Passed, adopted and approved ; ratted to issue to the fallowing this 22nd day of January, 1948. ~~ ~ 5 ~ 'named applicant a Beer Permit, GEO. R. MURPHY, ~', ' ~~ Mayor CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR FRANK VAN DUELMAN 34 4 PRIVATE CLUB F. W. THOMPSON Name Address ALBERT WHARTON Dubuque Metal Trades Council W, W, MOFFATT '`- Club, 111 West 6th Street, (Trana• Councilmen '~ far of address fnom 29D West 4th Attest: J. J. SHEA ~ ~ Street) , City Clerk. Be It FURTHER RESOLVED Councilman Wharton moved the ti that the bond filed by such appli- adoption of the resolution. Sec• cant be and the same is hereby onded by Councilman Thompson. ~a approved. Carried by the following vote: , Passed, adopted and approved Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- this 22nd day of January, 1948. men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- GEO. R. MURFHY, man, Wharton. ' Mayor Nays-None. " FRANK VAN DUELMAN F, W. THOMPSON Resolution No, "_ "" ALBERT WHARTON Whereas, there is in hands of the ~:' W. W. MOFFATT Gity Treasurer and credited to the Councilmen Liquor Sales Fund the sum of Attest.: J. J. SHEA, $44,643.12; and City Clerk. Whereas, Chapter 88 of the Laws .~ Councilman Van Duelman moved of the Fifty-Second General As• the adoption of the resolution. Sec- sem'bly provides that the aforesaid onded by Councilman Wharton. fund shall be sulSject to expendi• Carried by the following vote: tore under the direction of the a,. a ,~~ , ~~ ~ ~~ - I ~+y '~ t ~I.'7 Sl ~}'e "', T'2'~ } P S y~.k l ~:,.~ 11 .. y C,',' j" ~ W , ~~ .I - _ 14 Special Session, City Counci] for any lawful muni• cipal purpose; and Whereas, it is necessary in the interest of the reservation f ub- ' ~ r ~' ", ~,_, ~'K; {{{{{{MMk.. Fr„ '„. °~ ~C ~1, ' ~ ~anuary2~nd, 144$ Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec• onded by Councilman Moffatt, Car- ried b the followin vote• P o p lic peace, health safety and the y g , general welfare of the City of yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• Dubuque that of the above sum men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Due]- $33,353.12 be expended tar general man, Wharton. operating purposes and $11,290.00 Nays-None. be expended for Fire Department There being no further business purposes; Now, Therefore Councilman Thompson moved to Be It Resolved by the City Coun- adjourn, Seconded by Councilman cil of the City of Dubuque that Wharton, Carried by the fallowing there be and there are hereby vote: transferred from the Liquor Sales Fund the sum of $33,353,12 into the yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council• Consolidated Fund and the sum of men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Deul- $11,290.00, into the Fire Mainten• man, Wharton, once Fund; and Nays-None. Be It Further Resolved that the J. J. Shea, Auditor of the City of Dubuque is City Clerk. directed fA adjust his accounts Approved ............1948. ..................... accordingly and to notify the Treasurer of such transfer and such notification shall be accom- Adopted ....................................1948. panted by a copy of this resolution and the record of its adoption, Passed, adopted and approved „ .................................. this 22nd day of aJnuary, 1948. i GEC. R. MURPHY, ~ ............................:....... Mayor ~, FRANK VAN DUELMAN Councilmen: j .................................... F. W. THOMPSON ~ ALBERT WHARTON ~ ..............................:.... W. W. MOFFATT ~ Gonncilmen Attest.: J. J. SHEA, Attest : ............................................ City Clerk. City Clerk, - ~ .. _~... .__ ...... .a.....d:. ~ i~` ` i ~ 11:~^~~ri~'1~~1 r~,Y III..