1 Supplement No. 17 - Code of Ordinances -i�
Chapter Page
Art. IV. Gambling 1677
Art. V. Model Glue 1678
Art. VI. Reserved 1679
Art. VII. Noises 1680
Div. 1. Generally 1680
Div. 2. Variance Permits 1693
Art. VIII. Drug Paraphernalia 1695
27. Parks and Recreation 1745
Art. I. In General 1745
Art. II. Administration 1746
Div. 1. Generally 1746
Div. 2. Park and Recreation Commis-
sion 1746
Div. 3. Director of Parks and Recrea-
tion 1750
Art. III. Use Regulations 1750
Art. IV. Specific Parks 1758
28. Peddlers and Transient Merchants 1809
Art. I. In General 1809
Art. II. License 1811
29. Planning 1865
Art. I. In General 1865
Art. II. Planning and Zoning Commission 1865
Art. III. Development Planner 1869
30. Plumbing 1919
31. Police 1983
Art. I. In General 1983
Art. II. Burglary and Robbery Alarm Per-
mits 1984
32. Railroads 2033
33. Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places 2087
Art. I. In General 2087
Art. II. Curbs and Driveways 2091
Div. 1. Generally 2091
Div. 2. Permit 2092
Supp. No. 14
Chapter Page
Art. III. Excavations 2094
Div. 1. Generally 2094
Div. 2. Permit 2096
Art. IV. Snow and Ice Removal 2097
Div. 1. Generally 2097
Div. 2. Sidewalks 2098
Art. V. Sidewalk Repairs 2099
34. Subdivision Regulations 2149
Art. I. In General 2149
Art. II. Plats 2151
Div. 1. Generally 2151
Div. 2. Preliminary 2152
Div. 3. Final 2155
Art. III. Standards and Specifications 2159
Div. 1. Generally 2159
Div. 2. Streets, Alleys and Easements . 2160
Div. 3. Blocks 2162
Div. 4. Lots 2162
Div. 5. Parks, Playgrounds and
Schools 2163
35. Taxation 2213
Art. I. In General 2213
Art. II. Property Taxes 2213
Div. 1. Generally 2213
Div. 2. Exemptions 2214
Art. III. Hotel and Motel Tax 2217
36. Utilities 2253
Art. I. In General 2253
Art. II. Sewers and Sewage Disposal 2255
Div. 1. Generally 2255
Div. 2. Discharge Regulations 2261
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Chapter Page
Div. 3. Private Disposal Systems 2269
Div. 3A. Private Haulers 2274
Div. 4. Rates 2275
Art. III. Reserved 2280
Art. IV. Water 2280
Div. 1. Generally 2280
Div. 2. Connections 2290
Div. 3. Meters 2298
Div. 4. Rates 2301
Art. V. Cable Television 2306
Div. 1. Community Tele -Programming
Commission 2306
Div. 2. Cable Regulatory Commission 2309
Div. 3. Rates 2312
37. Vegetation 2355
Art. I. In General 2355
Art. II. Trees 2355
Div. 1. Generally 2355
Div. 2. Tree Trimmers 2355
Div. 3. Dutch Elm Disease 2357
Art. III. Weeds 2359
38. Vehicles for Hire and Public Transportation 2411
Art. I. In General 2411
Art. II. Taxicabs 2411
Div. 1. Generally 2411
Div. 2. Permits and Licenses 2414.1
Art. III. Transit System 2419
Div. 1. Generally 2419
Div. 2. Transit Authority 2419
Div. 3. Transit Manager 2423
Appendix A. Zoning 2469
Art. I. Establishment of Districts; Provisions
for Official Zoning Map and Interpre-
tation and Amendment Thereof 2471
Art. II. Nonconforming Lots, Uses of Land,
Uses of Structures and Premises,
and Characteristics of Use: Amorti-
zation Provisions 2474.1
Supp. No. 15
Art. III. General Provisions 2481
Art. IV. District Regulations 2489
Art. V. Supplementary District Regulations 2581
Art. VI. Board of Adjustment: Powers and
Duties: Variances: Conditional
Uses 2614.2
Art. VII. Administration and Enforcement;
Required Permits and Certificates . 2624.1
Art. VIII. Amendments and Zoning Reclas-
sification; Procedures and
Policies 2629
Art. IX. Violations and Penalties 2635
Art. X. Schedule of Fees 2636
Art. XI. Definitions 2638
Art. XII. Adoption and Repeal of Conflicting
Ordinances 2650
Appendix B. Cable Services Delivery Franchise 2763
Code Comparative Table 2951
Code Index 3001
Supp. No. 15
§ 7-24 ANIMALS AND FOWL § 7-32
Sec. 7-24. Disposition of unredeemed dogs or cats.
(a) If the owner of a licensed dog or cat impounded pursuant to
this article does not claim such animal within five (5) days after
notice provided for in this article has been mailed, the license shall
automatically be revoked and the animal disposed of as directed by
the health officer.
(b) Any unlicensed dog or cat not claimed by the owner within
three (3) days after it has been seized or impounded shall be dis-
posed of as directed by the health officer. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1,
Secs. 7-25-7-30. Reserved.
Sec. 7-31. Office designated.
The city clerk is designated as the official agent of the city for the
purpose of issuing city dog and cat licenses and collecting fees
The city manager shall have authority to enter into agreements
with other governmental agencies, a corporation or an individual as
a collection agent for the efficient collection of license fees and the
issuance of city dog and cat licenses. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-32. Application.
The owner or other person responsible for the procurement of
and payment for a license required by this division shall make
application for a license at the office of the city clerk on forms
provided by the city manager. The forms shall give the name and
address of the owner, the sex and description of the dog or cat, and
if known, its breed and age. In the event of a change of ownership,
the license holder shall notify the city manager of such change.
(Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
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§ 7-33 DUBUQUE CODE § 7-36
Sec. 7-33. Dogs—License fee.
(a) Effective April 1, 1982, the license fee per calendar year, or
fraction thereof, for a dog license shall be five dollars ($5.00) for
each neutered dog and ten dollars ($10.00) for each dog not neutered.
(b) The applicant or licensee shall furnish written proof from a
licensed veterinarian that surgical procedures have been performed
that render either male or female dogs incapable of reproduction.
(c) The head of the family shall be liable for payment of the
license fee of any dog owned, harbored or kept by any member of
the family. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-34. Same—Expiration; renewal; delinquent fee.
Effective April 1, 1982, all dog licenses issued under this division
shall expire on December thirty-first of the year in which issued and
shall become delinquent on March thirty-first of the year due. A
penalty of five dollars ($5.00) shall be added to the required license
fee for each delinquent dog license. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-35. Cats—License fee.
(a) Effective July 1, 1982, the annual cat license fee per year, or
fraction thereof, shall be two dollars ($2.00) for each neutered cat
either male or female and four dollars ($4.00) for each male or
female cat not neutered.
(b) The applicant or licensee shall furnish written proof from a
licensed veterinarian that surgical procedures have been performed
that render either male or female cats incapable of reproduction.
(c) The head of the family shall be liable for payment of the
license fee of any cat owned, harbored or kept by any member of the
family. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-36. Same—Expiration; renewal; delinquent fees.
Effective July 1, 1982, all cat licenses issued under this division
shall expire on June thirtieth of the year following and shall become
delinquent on September thirtieth of the year due. A penalty fee of
five dollars ($5.00) shall be added to the required license fee for
each delinquent cat license. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
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§ 13-33 ELECTRICITY § 13-44
and they shall have no financial interest in any concern
engaged in such business in the city at any time while
holding office.
(b) This section shall not be construed to in any way
prevent the electrical inspector or his assistants from
performing such services for the city as may be required by
the manager or city council. (Ord. No. 5-77, § 4, 2-7-77)
Secs. 13-34-13-40. Reserved.
Sec. 13-41. Created.
There is hereby created an electrical appeal board. (Ord.
No. 5-77, § 5, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-42. Appointment; composition; qualifications.
The board created by this article shall consist of five (5)
members. The members shall be appointed by the city
council. All members shall be residents of the city: One
member shall be a representative of the public; one member
shall be a registered journeyman electrician; one member
shall be a registered electrical contractor; one member shall
be a maintenance electrician; one member shall represent
business. (Ord. No. 5-77, § 5, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-43. Election of officers.
The board shall elect a chairman and a secretary
annually. (Ord. No. 5-77, § 19, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-44. Terms of office.
(a) The term of each member shall be four (4) years;
provided, however, that the original appointments to the
board shall be made as follows: Two (2) members shall be
*Cross reference—Administration generally, Ch. 2.
Supp. No. 6
§ 13-44 DUBUQUE CODE § 13-46
appointed to serve for a period of three (3) years; three (3)
members shall be appointed to serve for a period of four (4)
(b) All appointments made after November 19, 1979, shall
be for a period of three (3) years or until their successors are
duly appointed. (Ord. No. 5-77, § 5, 2-7-77; Ord. No. 82-79, §
1, 12-17-79)
Sec. 13-45. Compensation.
Necessary and actual expenses shall be allowed to
members of the board, but no other compensation shall be
paid to them. (Ord. No. 5-77, § 5, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-46. Meetings.
(a) Space; facilities. The council shall provide suitable
space in which the board may hold meetings and conduct
hearings and shall provide the board with necessary
equipment and facilities and pay the expense thereof.
(b) Frequency. The board shall hold its first meeting not
more than thirty (30) days after the effective date of this
article. Thereafter, the board shall meet at such times as
may be necessary for the proper performance of its duties,
but in any case not less than twice a year.
(c) Quorum. A quorum of the board shall consist of a
majority of its members.
(d) Attendance of board members. Members of the
electrical appeals board shall attend at least two-thirds
(2/3) of all regularly scheduled meetings within any
12 -month period. If any member does not attend such
prescribed number of meetings, it shall constitute grounds
for the board to recommend to the city council that said
member be replaced. Attendance of all members shall be
entered on the minutes.
(e) Access of public. All meetings shall be held in
conformance with the provisions of the Iowa Open Meetings
Supp. No. 6
§ 13-95 ELECTRICITY § 13-105
(b) It is prohibited for a person, firm or corporation
holding a registration to transfer it or allow the use of it,
directly or indirectly, by any other person, firm or
corporation. (Ord. No. 4-77, §§ 7, 18, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-96. Suspension; revocation of registration.
Any registration issued under this article may, after
hearing, be suspended or revoked by the electrical examin-
ing board, if the person, firm or corporation holding such
registration willfully, or by reason of incompetence,
repeatedly violates any statute of the state, or any ordinance
or rule or regulation of the city relating to the installation,
maintenance, alteration or repair of electric wiring, devices,
appliances and equipment. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 7, 2-7-77)
Secs. 13-97-13-102. Reserved.
Sec. 13-103. Created.
There is hereby created a board of electrical examiners.
(Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-104. Composition.
The board created by this division shall consist of five (5)
members. All members of the board shall be residents of the
city. One member shall be a representative of the public; one
member shall be a registered journeyman electrician; one
member shall be a registered electrical contractor; one
member shall be a maintenance electrician; one member
shall be an electrical engineer. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-105. Appointment.
The city council shall appoint the five (5) members of the
board created by this division. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
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§ 13-106
Sec. 13-106. Terms.
(a) The term of each member of the board created by this
division shall be four (4) years; provided, however, that the
original appointments to the board shall be made as
follows: two (2) members for three (3) years; three (3)
members for four (4) years.
(b) All appointments made after November 19, 1979 shall
be for a period of three (3) years or until a successor is duly
appointed. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77; Ord. No. 78-79, § 1,
Sec. 13-107. Chairman.
The board created by this division shall elect annually one
of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all
meetings of the board. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-108. Secretary.
The electrical inspector shall serve as secretary to the
board created by this division and keep minutes and records
of all proceedings and shall record the names and addresses
of all persons examined by the board, the result of the
examination, and the kind of registration issued to each, if
any, and the date thereof. (Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-109. Quorum.
Three (3) members of the board created by this division
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(Ord. No. 4-77, § 9, 2-7-77)
Sec. 13-110. Appeal from actions.
In the event any person shall feel aggrieved by any action
of the examining board, he may appeal from such action to
the city council by filing written notice of his appeal within
ten (10) days from the date of the action taken by the board.
The council shall give five (5) days' written notice by
certified mail of the date, time, and place of hearing to the
appealing party and the examining board. All interested
Supp. No. 6
§ 14-25
objects is prohibited by, or under the authority of this sec-
tion, shall conspicuously display upon the premises signs
reading "Smoking Prohibited. by Law" in such number and
in such location and of such size as the fire chief may find
reasonable and necessary.
(e) No person shall smoke in any properly placarded place.
nor shall any person remove any placard required to be
erected by or under the authority of this section. (Ord. No.
36-55, §§ 1-5, 6-27-5; Ord, No. 15-75, § 1, 5-19-75)
Secs. 14-10-14-13. Reserved.
Editor's note—Sections 14-10-14-13, relative to interfering with alarm sys-
tems; removing hydrant caps; conflict of chapter with other ordinances; and
violations and penalties, were repealed by Ord. No. 34-82, § 1, adopted July 6,
1982. The repealed provisions derived from Ord. No. 78, § § 35 and 36 and Ord.
No. 37-64, §§ 7 and 9, adopted Dec. 28, 1964.
Secs. 14-14-14-24. Reserved.
Sec. 14-25. Service outside city restricted.
(a) No fire service shall be rendered outside the limits of
the city by the fire fighting equipment and firemen of the
city except on the following terms and conditions, to wit:
(1) To protect property of the city located outside of the
corporate limits of the city.
(2) Fire protection shall be only to those places located in
the county, outside of and within two (2) miles by
*Cross references—Vehicles following fire apparatus restricted, § 25-
154; crossing of fire hoses restricted, § 25-155; privileges of authorized
emergency vehicles, § 25-167; interference with firemen, § 26-5; police,
Ch. 31.
Supp. No. 15
§ 14-25
highway of the city limits which do not create an
extraordinary hazard to the personnel or equipment of
the city fire department, where city water mains are
in the immediate proximity of the premises, or a sup-
ply of water is available in the proper location and in
such quantities at all times as in the judgment of the
fire chief of the city shall be sufficient to fight a fire
on said premises for not less than one hour. The judg-
ment of the fire chief shall be conclusive as to what
constitutes an extraordinary hazard hereunder.
Anyone desiring the fire protection above referred to
shall make application to the fire chief of the city and
at the commencement thereof pay to the city annually
one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus an amount equal
to the amount that would have been assessed against
the real property and the contents thereof upon fire
levies, which fire levies are for the fire maintenance,
fire equipment, fire pension, and fire retirement funds,
the same as if said property were located in the city.
The city assessor shall fix the valuation of such prop-
erty for the purpose of this section.
(4) Only such apparatus and personnel to be used at any
fire shall be furnished under this section as, in the sole
judgment of the chief of the fire department, can be
spared at any time. No protection shall be given if two
(2) or more engines are out of service for any reason
or are engaged at fires within the city. No such pro-
tection shall be given in inclement weather such as
severe snows or rain storms, or when the roads are in
a bad condition, and the sole judgment of the fire chief
shall be final as to the state of the storms and condi-
tion of the roads.
(5) The city shall furnish only such fire protection as
herein stated, and the city shall in no manner be respon-
sible for any damages by fire or otherwise because
of the failure to answer calls, delay in response to calls,
and failure of any equipment, or any other damage
caused by the equipment, the lack thereof, the use
thereof or firemen.
§ 14-25 DUBUQUE CODE § 14-33
(6) Each and every person desiring fire protection as pro-
vided in this section shall sign an agreement to abide
by all of the terms and conditions of this section.
The chief of the fire department is hereby authorized
to send fire trucks and other equipment and personnel
of the fire department to fires outside of the city in
accordance with the terms of this section, and only
when he is satisfied that the owners of the property
requesting such service have complied with all of the
terms and conditions of this section.
(b) Fire fighting equipment and firemen responding to calls
for fire fighting outside of the city under the terms of this
section shall be considered within the jurisdiction of the city.
(c) Fire fighting equipment and firemen responding to calls
for fire fighting outside of the city under the terms of this
section shall have the same governmental immunity as when
operating within the corporate limits of the city. (Ord. No.
3-50, §§ 1-3, 3-6-50)
Secs. 14-26-14-31. Reserved.
Sec. 14-32. Established; supervision.
A bureau of fire prevention in the fire department of the
city is hereby established which shall be operated under
the supervision of the chief of the fire department. (Ord. No.
37-64, § 2, 12-28-64)
Sec. 14-33. Officers; personnel.
(a) The chief of the fire department shall be the chief of
the bureau of fire prevention.
(b) The city fire marshal shall be an officer of the fire
department and shall be chief inspector of the bureau of fire
prevention and shall be appointed by the chief of the fire
Sec. 18-52. Rates—Established.
There is hereby established the following schedule of rates
and charges for city ambulance service:
(1) For transporting one (1) person from any point within
the city limits to any hospital, doctor's office, nursing
home, home for the aged, convalescent home or any
other point within the city, effective July 1, 1980,
sixty-five dollars ($65.00) per trip.
(2) For transporting one (1) person from any hospital,
doctor's office, nursing home, convalescent home,
home for the aged, or any other point [within the city
to any point located] within the city, effective July 1,
1980, sixty-five dollars ($65.00) per trip.
(3) For transporting one (1) person from any point outside
of the city to any hospital or doctor's office within the
city, effective July 1, 1980, sixty-five dollars ($65.00)
plus a twenty -four -dollar ($24.00) surcharge, plus one
dollar ($1.00) per load mile, per trip. The said
surcharge shall not be applicable to residents of the
(4) For transporting one (1) person from any hospital or
doctor's office within the city to any point outside of
the city, effective July 1, 1980, sixty-five dollars
($65.00), plus a twenty -four -dollar ($24.00) surcharge,
plus one dollar ($1.00) per load mile, per trip. The said
surcharge shall not be applicable to residents of the
(5) In addition to the above charges, there may be
imposed a further charge of ten dollars ($10.00) per
hour, or fraction thereof, for delays in excess of ten
(10) minutes, not caused by the ambulance driver.
(Ord. No. 10-74, § 1, 2-4-74; Ord. No. 16-80, § 1,
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§ 18-53 DUBUQUE CODE § 18-56
Sec. 18-53. Same—Computation of mileage.
For the purpose of the schedule of rates and charges set
out in section 18-52, effective July 1, 1980, load mileage
shall include the entire distance traveled by the ambulance
in providing the service from the point of transporting one
(1) person to any point within the city. (Ord. No. 10-74, § 1,
2-4-74; Ord. No. 16-80, § 1, 3-11-80)
Sec. 18-54. Same—City manager's authority to adjust.
The city manager of the city is hereby authorized and
empowered, in his discretion, to make adjustments in the rates
and charges to be fixed for city ambulance service in such
cases where the need for such ambulance service is required
to repeatedly transport a person of limited financial means.
The city manager shall have the authority to require proof
of the financial status of a person seeking the benefits of this
section for such service. (Ord. No. 10-74, § 5, 2-4-74)
Sec. 18-55. Service area limited.
The city ambulance service may make calls or provide ambu-
lance service only to points in Iowa within the county or to
points in Illinois or Wisconsin within five (5) miles of the
city. (Ord. No. 10-74, § 3, 2-4-74)
Sec. 18-56. Service outside city.
The city manager is hereby authorized and empowered to
enter into agreements with any authorized officials or govern-
ing body to provide emergency ambulance service to any point
in the States of Wisconsin or Illinois within five (5) miles
of the city, or to any point in the county, which agreement
shall be reduced in writing and signed before any such service
is rendered and shall provide that such official or governing
body shall guarantee the payment of the fees established in
section 18-52 of this division. All service authorized by the
county officers shall be billed directly to the county sheriff's
office. All service authorized by the county welfare office
shall be billed to the county welfare office. All service author-
ized by the East Dubuque police department shall be billed to
Supp. No. 7
the East Dubuque police department. All other calls made in
this county, Jo Daviess County or Grant County must be pay-
able in advance. (Ord. No. 10-74, § 4, 2-4-74)
Supp. No. 7
[The next page is 1149]
§ 19 1/2 -6.1
all of Lots 12 through 16, inclusive; and all of Lots 12A
through 16A, inclusive; all being in Paulina Langworthy's
The west 15 feet of Lot 4; all of Lot 5, and Lot 6; all
being in McCoy Subdivision.
All of Lots 1 through 6, inclusive, of Lot 2 and Lot 3; all
of Lot 4; and all of Lots 5 through 8, inclusive, excepting
the northerly 12 feet of all of them; all being in Mrs. L. A.
Langworthy's Addition.
All of Lots 1 through 12, inclusive; all of Lots 17
through 21, inclusive; and all of Lots 49 through 53,
inclusive; all being in Julia Langworthy's Addition.
Lots 1 through 4, inclusive; Lot 1 of Lot 6; Lots 28
through 32, inclusive; Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 33; and
Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 33; all being in T. S.
Nairn's Dubuque Addition.
These properties are all located in the southwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of Section 25, Township 89
North, Range 2 East of the fifth principal meridian, in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Said described district [shall] be designated the Langworthy
Historic Preservation District.
(b) Review standards adopted. The properties within said
described district shall be subject to the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development's 1977
Guidelines for Rehabilitating Old Buildings as adopted by
the historic preservation commission for said commission's
review procedure that precedes the issuance of a certificate
of appropriateness pursuant to section 191/2-8(b). (Ord. No.
47-79, §§ 1, 2, 8-6-79; Ord. No. 9-80, § 2, 3-3-80; Ord. No.
27-80, § 2, 4-7-80)
Editor's note—Ord. No. 47-79, §§ 1, 2, adopted Aug. 6, 1979, did not
expressly amend this Code; hence, codification as § 191/2-6.1 -6.1 is at the
discretion of the editor.
Supp. No. 14
§ 191/2-6.2 DUBUQUE CODE
§ 19'/a-7
Sec. 191/2-6.2. Old Main Historic District.
(a) Designated. The properties hereinafter described are hereby
designated as a historic preservation district, according to the
provisions of this chapter, to wit:
All of city Lots 1 thru 12 inclusive; and all of city Lots 69
thru 80 inclusive. These properties are all located in the north-
east half of Section 25, Township 89 North, Range 2 East, of
the fifth principal meridian, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
(b) Review standards adopted. The properties within said de-
scribed district shall be subject to the U.S. Department of Hous-
ing and Urban Development's "1977 Guidelines for Rehabilitat-
ing Old Buildings" as adopted by the historic preservation commission
for said commission's review procedure that precedes the issu-
ance of a certificate of appropriateness pursuant to section 191/2-8(b).
(Ord. No. 14-82, §§ 1, 2, 3-15-82)
Editor's note—Ord. No. 14-82, §§ 1, 2, enacted March 15, 1982, did not ex-
pressly amend the Code. Inclusion as § 191/2-6.2 was at the editor's discretion.
Sec. 191/4-7. Demolition of structures in historic dis-
Demolition of structures erected within historic districts
and deemed by the commission to be of a particular
architectural or historical significance shall be prohibited
unless, upon application, the commission finds that the
prohibition of demolition prevents the owner of the property
from earning any reasonable return on the property. In the
event that the structure is found to be of unique value, the
commission may, notwithstanding the showing of an
absence of a reasonable return, deny permission to
demolish; provided, however, that a denial of permission to
demolish shall prohibit demolition for no more than four (4)
months from the date of application for a permit to
demolish, unless at the expiration of four (4) months,
adjustments have been made which allow for such a return.
During this time the commission shall endeavor to
formulate, with the owner, an economically feasible plan for
Supp. No. 14
Bluff Street and West Twelfth Street
Chavenelle Road at north-west arterial (Ord. No. 56-82, § 1,
Crescent Ridge and Cedar Cross Road (Ord. No. 29-79, §
1, 5-30-79)
Curtis Street and Bryant Street (Ord. No. 36-79, § 1,
Fremont Avenue and Wartburg Place
Front Street and Harbor Street
Grandview Avenue, North, and Delhi Street
Henion Street and Helena Street (Ord. No. 77-77, § 1,
James Street and Langworthy Avenue
John F. Kennedy Road and University Avenue
Kennedy Court and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Key Way Drive and Keymont Street
Key Way Drive and Westway Street (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
Louise Street and Peru Road. (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
MarJo Quarry Road and Inland Drive (Ord. No. 29-79, §
1, 5-30-79)
Miller Road and Kelly Lane (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Simpson Street and Fremont Avenue (Ord. No. 59-79, § 1,
Starlight Drive and Cedar Cross Road (Ord. No. 29-79, §
1, 5-30-79)
University Avenue and Ashbury Road
Woodworth Street and Lowell Street
Supp. No.16
§ 25-210 DUBUQUE CODE § 25-210
Andrew Court and Boyer Street (Ord. No. 26-78, § 1,
Chavenelle Road at Radford Road (Ord. No. 56-82, § 1, 10-18-82)
Delhi Street and West Fifth Street
Fremont Avenue and Kelly Lane
Grandview Avenue, North, and Delhi Street
Hawkeye Drive and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
James Street and Mazzuchelli Heights
Liberty Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Madison Street and Clarke Drive
St. Anne Drive and Ridge Road
Salem Street and Peru Road (OM. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Sheridan Road and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Starlight Drive and Crescent Ridge (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Toledo Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
University Avenue and Ashbury Road
University Avenue and John F. Kennedy Road
Valley Drive and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Walker Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Twelfth Street, East, and Elm Street (Ord. No. 16-82, § 2,
Atlantic Street and Custer Street
Supp. No. 16
§ 25-210
Avoca Street and Green Street
Davis Street and Windsor Avenue (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1,
Elm Street and East Twenty-ninth Street
Evergreen Street and Karen Street
Fillmore Street and Adair Street
Grandview Avenue, North, and Clarke Drive
Hillcrest Road and Key Way Drive
Jackson Street and East Twenty-fourth Street
Key Way Drive and Keystone Drive (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
Langworthy Avenue and Alpine Street
Langworthy Avenue and Booth Street
Langworthy Avenue and Nevada Street
Lincoln Avenue and Fengler Street
Lincoln Avenue and Kniest Street (Ord. No. 51-82, § 1, 9-7-82)
Maryville Drive and Scenic View Drive (Ord. No. 10-79, §
1, 1-16-79)
Oakcrest Drive and Maplewood Court (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1,
Pearl Street and Finley Street
Pearl Street and Gilliam Street
Randall Street and Bradley Street
Rider Street and Bradley Street
St. Ambrose Street and Rosedale Street
Sheridan Street and Goethe Street
Solon Street and Alpine Street
Sycamore Street and East Fifteenth Street
Theda Drive and Crissy Drive (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1,
Supp. No. 16 1590.7
§ 25-210
Vizalea Street and Keymont Street
Walnut Street and West Eleventh Street
Washington Street and East Thirteenth Street
Washington Street and East Fifteenth Street
Washington Street and East Sixteenth Street
Washington Street and East Eighteenth Street
Washington Street and East Nineteenth Street
Washington Street and East Twenty-fifth Street
Washington Street and East Twenty-ninth Street
Woodland Drive and Key Way Drive (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 12.4, 9-6-49; Ord. No. 63-77, § 1, 9-19-77;
Ord. No. 77-77, § 1, 11-21-77; Ord. No. 26-78, § 1, 5-1-78;
Ord. No. 38-78, § 1, 6-19-78; Ord. No. 9-79, § 1, 1-16-79;
Ord. No. 10-79, § 1, 1-16-79; Ord. No. 11-79, § 1, 1-16-79;
Ord. No. 22-79, § 1, 4-2-79; Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79;
Ord. No. 36-79, § 1, 6-18-79; Ord. No. 59-79, § 1, 10-1-79;
Ord. No. 24-80, § 1, 5 19-80; Ord. No: 9-81, § 1, 1-19-81; Ord. No.
5-81, § 1, 1-19-81; Ord. No. 16-82, §§ 1, 2, 4-7-82; Ord. No. 51-82, §
1, 9-7-82; Ord. No. 56-82, § 1, 10-18-82)
Editor's note -The street schedule set forth in § 25-210(b) is derived
from Ord. No. 63-77, § 1, adopted Sept. 19, 1977, as amended from time to
time. Subsequent ordinances amending said street schedule by adding or
revising the provisions thereof are indicated in the history note following
the provision added or revised. A complete history note for § 25-210 appears
at the end of the section.
State law reference -Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.322.
Sec. 25-211. Stop signs to be erected at entrances to
through streets and stop intersections;
stop required.
Stop signs shall be erected at entrances to through streets
and at one or more entrances to stop intersections. Every
driver of a vehicle shall stop at such sign or at a clearly
marked stop line before entering an intersection, except
when directed to proceed by a peace officer or traffic -control
signal. (Ord. No. 33-49, § 12.5, 9-6-59)
Supp. No. 16 1590.8
§ 25-325
any motor vehicle registered in such person's name or
operated or controlled by such person to be upon any street
within a parking meter space adjacent to a parking meter
while such meter is displaying a signal indicating that the
motor vehicle occupying such parking space has been
parked beyond the period prescribed for such parking
(b) Such parking meter shall be operated to show legal
parking in such parking meter zones between the hours of
9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Saturday of each week and between the hours of 9:00
a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Monday and Friday of each week, and
each day of each week during the period commonly called
"Christmas Shopping Days," which period commences on
December first and extends to December twenty-third
inclusive, of each year, except at such spaces designated
from time to time in which the parking meter shall be
operated to show legal parking during the hours of 9:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday of each week.
(c) The provisions of this division shall not apply on
holidays, and the term "holiday" shall include the following
days only: the first day of January, Memorial Day, the
Fourth of July, the first Monday in September, Thanksgiv-
ing Day and the twenty-fifth day of December. (Ord. No.
33-49, § 16.6, 9-6-49; Ord. No. 47-50, § 1, 12-4-50; Ord. No.
44-64, § 1, 12-28-64; Ord. No. 37-65, §§ 5, 5(a), 10-4-65; Ord.
No. 38-65, § 1, 10-4-65; Ord. No. 33-72, § 1, 6-12-72)
Sec. 25-326. Districts.
There are hereby established three (3) parking meter
districts in the city, to be known as parking meter districts
A, B and C, to be composed of streets and/or portions
thereof as follows:
First Street, both sides, between Main and Locust Streets.
Sixth Street, both sides, between Locust and Bluff Streets.
Supp. No. 7
§ 25-326
Seventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
Iowa Street.
Seventh Street, both sides, between Locust and Bluff
Eighth Avenue, north side, from Central Avenue to alley,
Eighth Avenue, south side, between Locust and Bluff
Eighth Avenue, south side, from White Street east for a
distance of sixty-six (66) feet.
Ninth Street, north side, between Iowa and Locust Streets.
Ninth Street, south side, between Locust and Bluff
Tenth Street, both sides, between Iowa and Locust Streets.
Twelfth Street, south side, between Central Avenue and
White Street. (Ord. No. 63-79, § 2, 10-15-79)
Thirteenth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
Iowa Street.
Bluff Street, west side, between Seventh and Locust
Central Avenue, both sides, between Fourth and
Eighteenth Streets.
Central Avenue, east side, between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth Streets.
Iowa Street, both sides, between Eleventh and Twelfth
Iowa Street, east side, from Thirteenth Street to Loras
Locust Street, west side, between Fourth and Eighth
Streets. (Ord. No. 63-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Locust Street, both sides, between Ninth and Tenth
Streets. (Ord. No. 63-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Supp. No. 7
Main Street, both sides, between First and Fourth Streets.
Main Street, east side, between Ninth and Tenth Streets.
Main Street, both sides, between Tenth and Eleventh
Second Street, both sides, between Main and Locust
Third Street, north side, between Iowa and Main Streets.
Third Street, both sides, between Main and Locust Streets.
Fourth Street, north side, between Locust and Bluff
Streets. (Ord. No. 64-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Fourth Street, south side, between Central Avenue and
Locust Street. (Ord. No. 66-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No.
64-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Fourth Street, both sides, between White Street and
Central Avenue. (Ord. No. 66-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No.
64-78, § 1, 11-6-78)
Fifth Street, south side, between Central Avenue and
Locust Street.
Eighth Street, north side, between Bluff Street and
University Avenue.
Eighth Street, south side, from Bluff Street west for a
distance of approximately three hundred (300) feet.
Ninth Street, East, north side, from Central Avenue to
White Street. (Ord. No. 35-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Tenth Street, north side, between Central Avenue and
Iowa Street.
Eleventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
Bluff Street.
Twelfth Street, south side, between Central Avenue and
Main Street. (Ord. No. 63-79, § 1, 10-15-79)
Supp. No. 6
§ 25-326 DUBUQUE CODE § 25-326
Thirteenth Street, both sides, between Iowa and Main
Sixteenth Street, both sides, one-half (1/2) block east and
west of Central Avenue.
Seventeenth Street, south side, one-half (1/2) block east and
west of Central Avenue.
Eighteenth Street, south side, one-half (1/2) block east of
Central Avenue.
Bluff Street, east side, between Fifth and Sixth Streets.
Bluff Street, both sides, between Sixth and Seventh
Bluff Street, both sides, between Tenth and Eleventh
Iowa Street, both sides, between Third and Fourth Streets.
(Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Iowa Street, west side, between Fourth and Tenth Streets.
(Ord. No. 65-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Iowa Street, both sides, between Tenth and Eleventh
Streets. (Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Iowa Street, both sides, between Twelfth and Thirteenth
Streets. (Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Iowa Street, west side, between Thirteenth Street and
Loras Boulevard. (Ord. No. 36-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Locust Street, both sides, between First and Second
Locust Street, both sides, between Third and Fourth
Locust Street, both sides, between Tenth and Twelfth
Main Street, east side, from West First Street south for a
distance of three hundred and sixty (360) feet.
Supp. No. 6
Main Street, west side, from West First Street south for a
distance of two hundred and ten (210) feet.
Main Street, both sides, between Fourth and Fifth Streets.
Main Street, both sides, between Eleventh and Thirteenth
Second Street, both sides, between Iowa and Main Streets.
Third Street, south side, between Iowa and Main Streets.
Fourth Street, north side, from Iowa Street to Locust
Street. (Ord. No. 65-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No. 64-78, § 1,
Fifth Street, south side, between Central Avenue and Iowa
Street. (Ord. No. 62-77, § 1, 9-19-77)
Fifth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Fifth Street, both sides, between Iowa and Bluff Streets.
(Ord. No. 62-77, § 1, 9-19-77)
Sixth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Seventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Eighth Street, south side, from a point three hundred (300)
feet westerly of Bluff Street to University Avenue.
Eighth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Ninth Street, East, south side, between Central Avenue
and White Street. (Ord. No. 35-78, § 1, 6-5-78)
Tenth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Eleventh Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Supp. No. 6
§ 25-326
Twelfth Street, both sides, between Main and Bluff
Thirteenth Street, both sides, between Central Avenue and
White Street.
Thirteenth Street, both sides, between Main and Locust
Fifteenth Street, East, north side, one-half (1/2) block east
of central Avenue.
Fifteenth Street, East, south side, from Central Avenue to
White Street.
Fifteenth Street, West, both sides, one-half (%2) block west
of Central Avenue.
Bluff Street, both sides, between Fourth and Fifth Streets.
Bluff Street, both sides, between Eleventh and Twelfth
Central Avenue, both sides, between Third and Fourth
Iowa Street, both sides, between Second and Third
Locust Street, both sides, between Twelfth Street and
Loras Boulevard.
Main Street, both sides, between Thirteenth Street and
Loras Boulevard.
White Street, west side, between Eleventh and Thirteenth
White Street, west side, between East Fourteenth and East
Fifteenth Streets.
(Ord. No. 37-65, § 6, 10-4-65; Ord. No. 16-73, § 1, 4-2-73;
Ord. No. 16-77, § 1, 4-4-77; Ord. No. 62-77, § 1, 9-19-77;
Ord. No. 64-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No. 65-77, § 1, 9-19-77;
Ord. No. 66-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord. No. 63-78, § 1, 11-6-78;
Ord. No. 64-78, § 1, 11-6-78; Ord. No. 63-79, §§ 1, 2,
Supp. No. 6
Chapter 31
Art. I. In General, §§ 31-1-31-3
Art. II. Burglary and Robbery Alarm Permits, §§ 31-4-31-12
Sec. 31-1. Impersonating an officer.
If any private citizen, within the corporate limits of this
city, adopts or wears on any street or in any public place,
the uniform or insignia worn by the police force of the city,
or if any person not a member of the police force, or peace
officer represents himself as, or assumes to be, a police or
peace officer, he shall be guilty of impersonating an officer.
(Ord. No. 29-81, § 1, 6-1-81)
Sec. 31-2. Using a police whistle.
If any person, within the corporate limits of the city,
except police and peace officers, uses or sounds any police
whistle or other device used by the police department, he
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. No. 29-81, § 1,
Sec. 31-3. Refusing admittance to officers.
If any person, within the corporate limits of this city,
refuses to admit the mayor, chief of police, or any member
of the police force into any place which they may lawfully
enter for the purposes of ascertaining whether a nuisance
exists or a crime has been committed, or resists, obstructs,
•Editor's note—Ord. No. 29-81, § 1, enacted June 1, 1981, repealed Ch.
31, §§ 31-1-31-3 and, in place thereof, added a new Ch. 31, §§ 31-1-31-12.
Formerly, said chapter derived from Ord. No. 78, §§ 28-30.
Cross references—General penalty for code violation, § 1-8; adminis-
tration, Ch. 2; supervisory and enforcement authority of employed police
officers at public dances, § 6-98; fire department, Ch. 14, Art. II; offenses
and miscellaneous provisions, Ch. 26; interference with police, § 26-5.
Supp. No. 10
§ 31-3 DUBUQUE CODE § 31-4
or attempts to resist or obstruct such officer while
attempting to enter any such place, he shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor. (Ord. No. 29-81, § 1, 6-1-81)
Sec. 31-4. Definitions.
[As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings respectively ascribed to them:]
Alarm: An alarm is an electromechanical system designed
to provide a signal upon detection of smoke, fire, unlawful
intrusion or other unusual condition or to be activated by a
person to report a crime or other unusual circumstance.
Except for the provisions of subsection 31-12(b) herein, this
article is not applicable to alarms utilized solely for the
purpose of reporting smoke or fire.
Dialer: A dialer is a device connected to a telephone line
and providing for the transmission of pre-programmed
signals of alarm to another location by calling a telephone
Direct alarm: A direct alarm provides a signal to the
police communications center.
False alarm signal: A false alarm signal is a signal
brought to the attention of the police department and
initiating a response when there is no direct or indirect
evidence of a crime committed or attempted.
Local alarm: A local alarm provides a signal on the
premises in which the alarm is installed.
Person: A person is any individual, partnership, corpora-
tion or other entity.
Remote alarm: A remote alarm provides a signal to
another location but is not a direct alarm.
*Cross references—Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations,
Ch. 24; offenses, Ch. 26.
Supp. No. 10
§ 31-9 POLICE § 31-11
false alarm providing there have been at least four (4)
false alarms within the most recent twelve-month
(d) The service charge may be waived by the chief of
police in the case of development of alarm conditions
not reasonably attributable to the subscriber or the
subscriber's equipment. The police department will
not serve as intervenor in the case of disputes arising
between the subscriber and any other person re-
garding the delivery of service, the quality of the
alarm system equipment, or the maintenance thereof.
(e) Alarm signals received during the first two (2) weeks
after the issue date for a permit for a new installation
will not be counted for the purposes of sections 31-8
and 31-9. Nothing herein authorizes any person to
deliberately cause an alarm signal to be initiated
without advance permission from the police depart-
ment. (Ord. No. 29-81, § 1, 6-1-81)
Sec. 31-10. Duties of the chief of police.
(a) The chief of police shall maintain a current file of all
alarm systems for which permits have been issued.
(b) The chief of police will cause written notice to be sent
to the alarm subscriber for each false alarm signal
resulting in police response. (Ord. No. 29-81, § 1,
Sec. 31-11. Assistance provided.
Within its capability, the police department will provide
technical assistance or advice to any person wishing to
install an alarm system or improve an existing system.
Nothing in this article shall be interpreted as requiring or
assuring any specific response by the police. (Ord. No.
29-81, § 1, 6-1-81)
Supp. No. 10
§ 31-12 DUBUQUE CODE § 31-12
Sec. 31-12. Prohibited acts.
(a) No person shall install, cause to be installed, or have
on his premises an operable direct or remote alarm system
without having first obtained the proper permit. This section
becomes effective ninety (90) days after the effective date of
this article.
(b) No person shall install or have on his premises an
alarm system which has an automatic dialing device
programmed to call a police department or fire department
(c) No person shall install or have on his premises an
alarm system which has been installed after the effective
date of this article when such system has an audible signal
unless the system includes a timing device to stop the
audible signal within fifteen (15) minutes.
(d) No person shall deliberately cause a false alarm
signal to be initiated without first receiving permission from
the police department to conduct a test. (Ord. No. 29-81, § 1,
Supp. No. 10
[The next page is 2033]
of ownership or building development, including all changes in
street lines or lot lines. (Ord. No. 65-57, Art. I, 12-20-57)
Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2.
Sec. 34-3. Purpose.
The purpose of these regulations is to aid and to control
the subdivision of land in the interest of coordinated develop-
ment of the city ; to establish a consistent policy upon plats
submitted to the commission and the city council ; and to
enable them to ascertain whether the same conforms to the
applicable statutes and ordinances. These regulations are es-
tablished as the minimum requirements to effect the purpose.
(Ord. No. 65-57, Art. II, § 1, 12-20-57)
Sec. 34-4. Applicability of chapter.
The regulations set out in this chapter shall apply to all
land to be subdivided within the city, and within one mile of
the limits of the city, except to land divided into two (2) par-
cels and no part of which is dedicated to public use. (Ord. No.
65-57, Art. II, § 1, 12-20-57)
Sec. 34-5. Conformance to city plan.
All lands proposed for subdivision shall conform in develop-
ment to the intent and spirit of the city plan, insofar as prac-
tical, in the location of streets, alleys, boulevards, parks, and
other public places and facilities ; and shall not conflict or in-
terfere with the rights-of-way or extensions of streets shown
thereon or already established. (Ord. No. 65.57, Art. II, § 1,
Secs. 34-6-34-16. Reserved.
Sec. 34-17. Recording required.
Whenever any person shall subdivide any tract of land with-
in the limits of the city or within one mile of the limits of the
Supp. No. 10
§ 34-17 DUBUQUE CODE § 34-25
city, into three (3) or more parcels, he shall record a plat
thereof in the office of the county recorder, which plat shall
first have been prepared and approved in conformity with the
provisions of this article. (Ord. No. 65-57, Art. II, § 1, 12-20-
Sec. 34-18. Issuance of permits restricted.
(a) Building or repair. The building commissioner shall not
issue building or repair permits for any structure on a lot in
a subdivision, the plat of which was recorded after November
20, 1956 in violation of this chapter.
(b) Septic tank installation. The city health officer shall
not issue a permit for the installation of a septic tank upon
any lot in a subdivision for which a plat has been recorded
after November 20, 1956, in violation of this chapter. (Ord.
No. 65-57, Art. V, §§ 1, 2, 12-20-57)
Sec. 34-19. Application fee for subdivision plat re-
view required.
No plat for any subdivision or resubdivision shall be
considered filed for review, unless and until said plat is
accompanied by a fee, as follows:
(1) Preliminary plats—Fifty dollars ($50.00), plus one
dollar ($1.00) per lot.
(2) Final plats—Forty dollars ($40.00), plus one dollar
($1.00) per lot. (Ord. No. 34-81, § 1, 6-15-81)
Secs. 34-20-34-24. Reserved.
Sec. 34-25. Purpose.
The preliminary plat shall inform the commission of the
intentions of the subdivider in the layout of the subdivision
and of the specific problems connected therewith, and to pro-
vide the basis of an examination of the design of the sub-
division and of the conformance of the plat to the city plan
Supp. No. 10
§ 36-53 UTILITIES § 36-54
(c) Domestic type sewage. Only domestic type sewage may
be discharged at the waste water treatment plant, unless
approval has been given by the city manager for other types
of sewage.
(d) Industrial sewage. No industrial sewage may be
discharged at the waste water treatment plant without prior
agreement with the city manager.
(e) Municipal sludge other than from city. No municipal
sludge or sewage, other than from the City of Dubuque
system, may be discharged at the waste water treatment
plant without prior agreement with the City Manager.
(f) Fee per load. A fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per load shall
be charged for sewage discharged at the waste water
treatment plant. (Ord. No. 70-80, § 1, 12-8-80)
Sec. 36-54. Definitions.
The following words and terms as used in this division,
shall be deemed to mean and be construed as follows:
Contributor refers to any person responsible for the pro-
duction of domestic, commercial or industrial waste which is
directly or indirectly discharged into the city's sanitary sewer
Sewage service ciwirge refers to any and all rates, charges,
fees or rentals levied against and payable by the contributors,
including special contracts or agreements which have been or
may be negotiated by and between the city, commercial estab-
lishments, industries, manufacturing plants or corporations
for the purpose of collecting rates, charges, fees or rentals.
Sewage treatment plant refers to any and all units of the
municipal sewage treatment system owned and operated by
the city, including the interceptor sewer system, the pumping
stations delivering sewage to the plan and the outfall sewer
Supp. No. 8
§ 36-54 DUBUQUE CODE § 36-56
Water department refers to the city water department.
(Ord. No. 35-57, § 2, 4-15-57)
Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2.
Sec. 36-55. Purpose.
It is hereby determined and declared to be necessary and
conducive to the protection of the public health, safety, wel-
fare and convenience of the city to levy and collect just and
equitable charges, rates or rentals upon all lots, parcels of real
estate and buildings that are connected directly or indirectly
with the sanitary sewage system of the city, the proceeds of
such charges or rentals so derived to be used for the purpose of
constructing, operating, maintaining and repairing such sew-
age treatment plant. (Ord. No. 35-57, § 1, 4-15-57)
Sec. 36-56. Established.
Contributors whose property lies within the corporate
limits of the city, except as otherwise provided in this
division, shall pay to the city, through its collection agent at
its office at the same time payment for water service is
made, a sewer service charge computed on water consump-
tion on the following rates:
(a) Basic charges: The sewage rates and charges shall be
based on the quantity of water used on or in the
property or premises, as the same is measured by the
water meter there in use, except as otherwise provided
in this division. Water meters will be read monthly (or
a period equalling once every month), bimonthly (or a
period equalling once every two (2) months). Payment
for the sewage service charge shall be paid to the
city's collection agent at the same time payment is
made for water service.
(b) Schedule of rates:
Monthly rates per each 100 cubic feet
Bimonthly rates per each 100 cubic feet ..
Supp. No. 8
§ 36-56 UTILITIES § 36-56
(c) Service charge:
(1) When a parcel of real estate, property or building,
discharging sanitary sewage, industrial wastes,
water or other approved waste, either directly or
indirectly into the city's sanitary sewer system, is
not a user of water supplied by the city water
department and the water used thereon or therein
is not measured by a water meter or is measured
by a water meter not acceptable to the city, the
amount of water used shall be determined by the
city in such manner as the city manager may
elect in order to establish the rate of charge as
provided in this division, or the owner or other
interested parties at his expense, may install and
maintain a meter acceptable to the city for said
(2) When a parcel of real estate, property or building,
discharging sanitary sewage, industrial wastes,
water or other approved waste, either directly or
indirectly into the city's sanitary sewer system, is
a user of water supplied by the city water
department, and in addition uses water from
another source which is not measured by a water
meter or is measured by a water meter not
acceptable to the city, the amount of water used
shall be determined by the city in such a manner
as the city manager may elect in order to establish
the rate of charge as provided in this division, or
the owner or other interested parties at his
expense may install and maintain a meter
acceptable to the city for said purpose.
(3) When a parcel of real estate, property or building,
discharging sanitary sewage, industrial wastes,
water or other approved waste either directly or
indirectly into the city's sanitary sewer system, is
not a user of water supplied by the city water
department, the amount of sanitary sewage,
industrial wastes, water or other approved waste
Supp. No. 8
§ 36-56 DUBUQUE CODE § 36-56
discharged into the sanitary sewer system shall be
determined by the city in such a manner as the
city manager may elect in order to establish the
rate of charge as provided in this division, or the
owner or other interested parties at his expense,
may install and maintain a sewage meter
acceptable to the city for said purpose.
(4) The city council may, in its discretion, upon
application, permit connection to the city sanitary
sewer system of properties located outside the
corporation limits upon such terms and conditions
as it may establish; provided, however, that such
terms shall not be more favorable to such property
than the rates herein established for city users.
(5) In order that the rates and charges may be
modestly and equitably adjusted to the service
rendered, the city shall have the right to base its
charges not only on volume, but also on the
strength and character of the sewage and wastes
deposited in the system by the contributor. The
city shall have the right to measure and determine
the strength and content of all sewage and wastes
discharged either directly or indirectly into the
city's sanitary sewage system, in such manner
and by such methods as it may deem practicable
in the light of the conditions and circumstances of
the case in order to determine the proper charge.
Extra charges will be applicable and negotiated
with discharges on an individual contract basis
when concentration of the sewage exceeds three
hundred (300) milligrams per liter of biochemical
oxygen demand, three hundred fifty (350) milli-
grams per liter of suspended solids or two (2) per
cent or more of the flow rate into the sewage
treatment plant.
(6) The rates and charges may be billed the tenant or
tenants occupying the properties served, unless
otherwise requested in writing by the owners, but
Supp. No. 8
§ 36-56 UTILITIES § 36-56
such billing shall in no way relieve the owner
from liability in the event payment is not made as
required in this division.
(7) Where the quantity of water consumed is such
that the minimum water service is charged, the
minimum sewer service charge, according to the
size of the meter, shall be as follows:
Monthly Rates
$ 2.30
Bimonthly Rates
$ 4.60
(cubic feet)
(cubic feet)
(Ord. No. 35-57, § 4, 4-15-57; Ord. No. 65-68, §§ 2, 3,
10-28-68; Ord. No. 48-76, §§ 1-4, 10-4-76; Ord. No. 26-79, §
1, 5-7-79; Ord. No. 19-80, § 1, 3-11-80; Ord. No. 60-80, § 1,
Supp. No. 8
§ 36-152 UTILITIES § 36-161
Sec. 36-152. Check valves.
Every hot water system should have a check valve installed
between such system and the water meter. Wherever a check
valve is installed, there shall also be installed on the hot water
distributing system a suitable relief valve to protect the sys-
tem from excessive pressure from hot water or steam. (Ord.
No. 5-59, § 33, 2-9-59)
Sec. 36-153. Accuracy; testing.
(a) Where the accuracy of a meter is questioned, it shall be
removed by the city water department at the request of the
consumer and shall be tested in his presence, in the shop of
the city water department by means of the apparatus provided
for that purpose. Both parties to the test must accept the
findings thus made.
(b) If the meter is found to register satisfactorily, the
water actually flowing through it, a charge as established
by the city manager, after official publication, will be made
to pay the cost of conducting the test. If the meter is found
to register unsatisfactorily, the water flowing through it, no
charge will be made for the test and a proportional reduction
will be made from the previous bill.
(c) A water meter shall be considered to register satisfac-
torily when it registers within two (2) per cent of accuracy.
(Ord. No. 5-59, § 34, 2-9-59; Ord. No. 20-81, § 6, 5-4-81)
Sec. 36-154. When read.
Meters on domestic services or small users of water shall be
read bi-monthly. Meters on commercial services or large users
of water shall be read monthly. (Ord. No. 5-59, § 35, 2-9-59)
Secs. 36-155--36-160. Reserved.
Sec. 36-161. Residential, commercial and industrial uses.
(a) Commencing with all billings on April 1, 1981, the
rates to be charged for water for residential, commercial,
industrial and other uses and purposes by any person, firm
Supp. No. 10
§ 36-161
or corporation supplied water within the city shall be fixed
and determined as follows:
(1) Water rates for users within the city, whose meters are
read monthly, shall be as follows:
Consumption Charge per
(cubic feet) Hundred Cubic Feet
First 3,000 $1.02
Next 12,000 0.81
Next 35,000 0.71
Next 50,000 0.62
Over 100,000 0.55
The minimum monthly charge according to size of
meters shall be as follows:
Meter Size Minimum Allowance
(inches) Charge (cubic feet)
5/8 $ 2.04 200
3/4 8.16 800
1 13.26 1,300
1'/4 21.42 2,100
1'/2 26.52 2,600
2 43.56 4,600
3 92.16 10,600
4 140.58 16,800
6 282.58 36,800
8 453.80 62,500
(2) Water rates for users within the city, whose meters are
read bimonthly, shall be as follows:
Consumption Charge per
(cubic feet) Hundred Cubic Feet
First 6,000 $ 1.02
Next 24,000 0.81
Next 70,000 0.71
Consumption Charge per
(cubic feet) Hundred Cubic Feet
Next 100,000 0.62
Over 200,000 0.55
Supp. No. 10
§ 36-161 UTILITIES § 36-161
The minimum
meters shall be
Size of Meter
bimonthly charge according to size of
as follows:
$ 4.08
(cubic feet)
(b) Commencing with all billings on and after April 1,
1981, the rates to be charged for water supplied by the city
water department to residential, commercial, industrial and
other uses and purposes by any person, firm or corporation,
outside the corporation limits of the city shall be the same
rates provided in subsection (a) hereof, plus an additional
fifty (50) per cent to the rates listed in said subsection.
(c) For all meters in service, bills will be issued monthly.
When a meter is not read monthly, for any reason, bills will
be issued on estimated consumption. For estimated billings,
either on alternate months or when readings are not
obtainable for any reason, consumption will be predicated
on monthly average of past usage for the meter. For
estimated bills issued for an account in which historical
data is not available, billing will be predicated on the
minimum charge and related consumption identified in the
Code of Ordinances for the size of the meter in service for
the particular account.
(d) If requested by the customer, a remote reading device
may be installed and billed on an installment contract over
a maximum of a six-month period.
(e) The proper adjustment from estimated readings will be
made when an actual meter reading is obtained. The
adjustment will be reflected on the customer's next regular
bill. (Ord. No. 64-68, §§ 1, 2, 10-28-68; Ord. No. 15-76, §§ 1,
2, 5-3-76; Ord. No. 33-76, §§ 1, 2, 7-6-76; Ord. No. 18-80, § 1,
3-11-80; Ord. No. 13-81, § 1, 3-10-81; Ord. No. 20-81, § 7,
Supp. No. 10
§ 36-162 DUBUQUE CODE § 36-168
Sec. 36-162. Fire sprinkler service.
Customers who have fire sprinkler service shall be billed
for this service on a monthly basis. This monthly charge
will be included on the customer's regular monthly bill for
which charges are fixed and determined as follows:
Number of Heads Monthly Charges
Up to 200 (minimum monthly charge) $ 8.33
200-300 10.00
300-400 11.67
400-600 13.33
600-800 15.00
800-1000 16.67
1000-1200 18.33
1200-1400 20.00
1400-1600 21.67
1600-1800 23.33
1800-2000 25.00
2000-2200 26.67
2200-2400 28.33
2400-2600 30.00
2600-2800 31.67
2800-3000 33.33
3000-3500 35.00
Over 3500 (for each additional 500 heads or
fraction thereof) 1.67
(Ord. No. 64-68, § 3, 10-28-68; Ord. No. 15-76, § 3, 5-3-76;
Ord. No. 20-81, § 8, 5-4-81)
Sec. 36-163. Construction use.
(a) When a temporary water service is desired for con-
struction work, application shall be made to the superintendent
of the water department. A deposit equal to the actual cost of
the meter and fittings shall be paid in advance. The applicant
shall guarantee payment of such water service charges and
return said meter in good condition.
(b) The applicant shall thereupon install a suitable meter,
furnished by the water department, and shall pay for all
Supp. No. 10
Art. I. Establishment of Districts; Provisions for Official
Zoning Map and Interpretation and Amendment There-
of, § 1-101-1-103
Art. II. Non -Conforming Lots, Uses of Land, Uses of Structures
and Premises, and Characteristics of Use: Amortization Pro-
visions, §§ 2-101-2-108
Art. III. General Provisions, §§ 3-101-3-106
Art. IV. District Regulations, §§ 4-101-4-121
Art. V. Supplementary District Regulations, §§ 5-101-5-108
Art. VI. Board of Adjustment: Powers and Duties: Variances: Condi-
tional Uses, §§ 6-101-6-108
Art. VII. Administration and Enforcement; Required Permits and Cer-
tificates, §§ 7-101-7-103
Art. VIII. Amendments and Zoning Reclassification; Procedures and
Policies, §§ 8-101-8-104
Art. IX. Violations and Penalties, §§ 9-101-9-103
Art. X. Schedule of Fees, §§ 10-101, 10-102
Art. XI. Definitions
Art. XII. Adoption and Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances, §§ 12-101,
*Editor's note—Appendix A sets out the Zoning Ordinance, being
Ordinance No. 32-75 as the same was enacted by the city on August 4,
1975. Due to the statutory requirements relative to the enactment and
amendment of such an ordinance, incorporation thereof into a Code of
Ordinances is not deemed advisable, hence its inclusion as an appendix
hereto for the benefit and convenience of the user of this Code.
Cross references—Buildings and building regulations, Ch. 10; commu-
nity development, Ch. 111/2 ; electrical regulations, Ch. 13; fire prevention
and protection, Ch. 14; flood damage control, Ch. 15; heating, air
conditioning and ventilating, Ch. 19; historical preservation, Ch. 191/2 ;
housing regulations, Ch. 20; planning, Ch. 29; plumbing, Ch. 30; -streets,
sidewalks and public places, Ch. 33; subdivision regulations, Ch. 34.
Supp. No. 7 2469
WHEREAS, Chapter 414 of the Code of Iowa 1975 em-
powers the City of Dubuque, Iowa to enact a zoning ordinance
and to provide for its administration, enforcement, and amend-
ment ; and
WHEREAS, the City Council deems it necessary for the pur-
pose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general wel-
fare of the city to enact such an ordinance ; and
WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 414 of the Code of Iowa 1975 has appointed a Zoning
Commission to recommend the boundaries of the original
districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein ;
WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission has divided the City
into districts of such number, shape and area as are deemed
best suited to carry out the purposes of this ordinance and has
prepared regulations pertaining to such districts in accordance
with a comprehensive plan and designed to lessen congestion
in the streets; to secure safety from fire, flood, panic, and
other dangers ; to promote health and the general welfare, to
provide adequate light and air, to prevent the overcrowding of
land ; to avoid undue concentration of population, to facilitate
the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage,
schools, parks and other public requirements ; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission has given reasonable
consideration, among other things, to the character of the
area of the district and the peculiar suitability of such area
for particular uses, with a view to conserving the value of
buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land
throughout the City ; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission has made a preliminary
report and held public hearings thereon, and has thereafter
submitted its final report to the City Council ; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has given due public notice
of hearings relating to zoning districts, regulations, and re-
strictions, and hasheld such public hearings ; and
WHEREAS, all requirements of Chapter 414 Code of Iowa
1975 with regard to the preparation of the report of the Zon-
Supp. No. 7 2470
§ 1-103 APPENDIX A—ZONING § 2-102
sified in an AG Agricultural District, and shall remain
in that classification pending request for reclassifica-
tion in accordance with the provisions of Section 8-102
of this ordinance. (Ord. No. 26-77, § 1, 5-2-77)
Section 2-101 General statement of intent
Within the districts established by this ordinance or amend-
ments that may later be adopted there exist
1. lots;
2. structures;
3. uses of land and structures ;
4. characteristics of uses,
which were lawful before this ordinance was passed or amend-
ed, but which would be prohibited, regulated, or restricted
under the terms of this ordinance or future amendment. It is
the intent of this ordinance to discourage the continuance of
such nonconformities and, in some cases, to require their
removal within a reasonable period of time. It is further the
intent of this ordinance that existing non -conformities shall
not be enlarged upon, expanded or extended, nor be used as
grounds for adding other structures or uses prohibited else-
where in the same district.
Section 2-102 Extension or enlargement of non -conformities
in general
Non -conforming uses are declared by this ordinance to be
incompatible with permitted uses in the district involved. A
non -conforming use of a structure, a non -conforming use of
land, or a non -conforming use of structures and land in com-
bination shall not be extended or enlarged after passage of
this ordinance by attachment on a building or premises of
Supp. No. 2
§ 2-102 DUBUQUE CODE § 2-102
additional signs intended to be seen from off the premises,
or by the addition of other uses, of a nature which would be
prohibited generally in the district involved.
To avoid undue hardship, nothing in this ordinance shall be
deemed to require a change in the plans, construction, or
designated use of any building on which actual construction
was lawfully begun prior to the effective date of adoption or
amendment of this ordinance and upon which actual building
construction has been carried on diligently. Actual construc-
tion is hereby defined to include the placing of construction
materials in permanent position and fastened in a permanent
Supp. No. 2
§ 2-103 APPENDIX A -ZONING § 2-104
Section 2-103 Non -conforming lots of record
In any district in which single family dwellings are permit-
ted, a single family dwelling and customary accessory build-
ings may be erected on any single lot of record at the effective
date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance, notwith-
standing limitations imposed by other provisions of this
ordinance. Such lot must be in separate ownership and not of
continuous frontage with other lots in the same ownership.
These provisions shall apply even though such lot fails to meet
the requirements for area or width, or both, that are generally
applicable in the district, provided that yard dimensions and
requirements other than those applying to the area or width,
or both, of the lot shall conform to the regulations for the
district in which such lot is located.
If two or more lots or combinations of lots and portions of
lots with continuous frontage in single ownership are of record
at the time of passage or amendment of this ordinance, and if
all or part of the lots do not meet the requirements established
for lot width and area, the lands involved shall be considered
to be an undivided parcel for the purpose of this ordinance,
and no portion of said parcel shall be used or sold in a manner
which diminishes compliance with lot width and area re-
quirements established by this ordinance, nor shall any divi-
sion of any parcel be made which creates a lot with width
or area below the requirements stated in this ordinance.
Section 2-104 Non -conforming uses of land (or land with
minor structures only)
Where at the time of passage of this ordinance, lawful use
of land exists which would not be permitted by the regulations
imposed by this ordinance, and where such use involves no in-
dividual structure with a replacement cost exceeding one
thousand dollars ($1,000), the use may be continued so long
as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to any applicable pro-
visions of Section 2-109 of this Article, provided that:
2-104.1 No such non -conforming use shall be enlarged or
increased nor extended to occupy a greater area of land
§ 2-104 DUBUQUE CODE § 2-105
than was occupied at the effective date of adoption or
amendment of this ordinance ; and
2-104.2 No such non -conforming use shall be moved in
whole or in part to any portion of the lot or parcel
other than that occupied by such use at the effective
date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance ; and
2-104.3 If any such non -conforming use of land ceases
for any reason for a period of more than 30 days, any
subsequent use of such land shall conform to the
regulations specified by this ordinance for the district
in which such land is located, except as otherwise pro-
vided under Section 2-106.3 of this Article; and
2-104.4 No additional structure shall be erected in connec-
tion with such non -conforming use of land.
Section 2-105 Non -conforming structures
Where a lawful structure exists at the effective date of
adoption or amendment of this ordinance that could not be
built under the terms of this ordinance by reason of restric-
tions on area, lot coverage, height, yards, its location on the
lot, or other requirements concerning the structure, such
structure may be continued so long as it remains otherwise
lawful, subject to any applicable provisions of Section 2-109
of this Article, provided that:
2-105.1 No such non -conforming structure may be repaired,
reconstructed, enlarged or altered in a way which in-
creases its non -conformity, but any structure or portion
thereof may be altered to decrease its non -conformity.
2-105.2 Should such non -conforming structure or non -con-
forming portion of structure be destroyed by any means
to an extent of more than fifty per cent (50%) of its
replacement cost at time of destruction, it shall not be
reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions
of this ordinance, except as may be allowed by Section
§ 2-105 APPENDIX A -ZONING § 2-105
2-105.3 Repair and reconstruction of certain non -conform-
ing residential structures permitted
2-105.3.1 Statement of intent
The provisions of this ordinance are intended to
preserve property values, avoid hardships to prop-
erty owners, and promote the conservation of cer-
tain pre-existing, non -conforming residential dwell-
ing units built on unusually narrow lots by allow-
ing the total reconstruction of such structures
when they are substantially destroyed by accident
or act of God. The limited exemption from district
regulations authorized by this Section should be
narrowly construed, and nothing in this Section
should be interpreted as authorizing any change in
an existing or hereafter reconstructed structure
which would increase in any manner or degree such
structure's non -conformity with the provisions of
this ordinance.
2-105.3.2 Reconstruction of certain non -conforming
residential structures permitted, subject to
In the event of destruction town extent exceeding
fifty per cent (50% ) of its replacement value, any
single family dwelling, duplex, townhouse, or mul-
tiple family dwelling containing not more than
four (4) dwelling units may be reconstructed to its
former condition and dimensions without regard
to the yard, bulk or lot requirements of this ordi-
nance, but only provided that:
1) Such destruction was caused by an accident or
act of God occurring after the effective date
of this ordinance; and
2) The structure is a permitted structure in the
district in which it is located and was in ex-
istence prior to the effective date of this ordi-
nance; and
§ 2-105
3) The lot on which the destroyed dwelling is lo-
cated is not of continuous frontage with any
other lot held in the same ownership ; and
4) The lot on which the destroyed structure is
located has a frontage of not more than forty
(40) feet; and
5) The reconstructed structure does not increase
its prior non -conformity in any manner or
degree with regard to the number or size of
dwelling units, required yards or lot area,
required off-street parking spaces, or other
provisions of this ordinance. The burden of
proof shall be upon any person seeking to rely
on these provisions to demonstrate to the
Zoning Administrator that the reconstructed
structure will not further increase its non-
conformity with this ordinance.
Section 2-106 Non -conforming uses of structures or of struc-
tures and premises in combination
If lawful use involving individual structures with replace-
ment cost of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more, or of
structure and premises in combination, exists at the effective
date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance, that would
not be allowed in the district under the terms of this ordi-
nance, the lawful use may be continued so long as it remains
otherwise lawful, subject to any applicable provisions of
Section 2-109 of this Article, and provided that:
2-106.1 No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted
by the ordinance in the district in which it is located
shall be enlarged, extended, constructed, reconstructed,
moved, or structurally altered except in changing the
use of the structure to a use permitted in the district
in which it is located;
2-106.2 Any non -conforming use may be extended through-
out any parts of a building which were manifestly ar-
ranged or designed for such use at the time of adoption
§ 2-106 APPENDIX A -ZONING § 2-106
or amendment of this ordinance but no such use shall
be extended to occupy any land outside such building;
2-106.3 A Conditional -Use Permit may be obtained to allow
any non -conforming use of a structure or of a structure
and premises to be changed to another non -conforming
use, but only in accordance with the applicable pro-
visions of Article VI of this ordinance.
2-106.4 Any structure, or structure and land in combina-
tion, in or on which a non -conforming use is superseded
by a permitted use, shall thereafter conform to the reg-
ulations for the district, and the non -conforming use
may not thereafter be resumed.
2-106.5 When a non -conforming use of a structure, or struc-
ture and premises in combination is discontinued or
abandoned for six consecutive months or for 18 months
during any three-year period (except when government
action impedes access to the premises), the structure,
or structure and premises in combination, shall not
thereafter be used except in conformity with the regu-
lations of the district in which it is located, except as
otherwise provided under Section 2-106.3 of this Arti-
2-1ff6.6 Where non -conforming use status applies to a struc-
ture and premises in combination, removal or destruc-
tion of the structure shall eliminate the non -conforming
status of the land. Destruction for the purposes of this
subsection is defined as damage to an extent of more
than 50 percent of the replacement cost at the time
of destruction ;
2-106.7 Any lawful use of a structure, or of a structure and
premises in combination made non -conforming by the
adoption or amendment of this ordinance may be con-
tinued as herein prescribed, and such non -conforming
status shall not be grounds for denial of any permit,
license, or other official authorization necessary for
continuance of such non -conforming use. Any lawful
non -conforming business use shall be deemed to be
§ 2-106
within a business district for the purpose of issuance
of required permits or licenses. Nothing in this pro-
vision shall be interpreted to permit the establishment
of any non -conforming use not in lawful existence on
the date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance.
Section 2-107 Limitation on repairs and maintenance of struc-
tures or portions of structures containing non-
conforming uses
On any structure or portion of a structure which contains
a non -conforming use, work may be done in any period of
twelve (12) consecutive months on ordinary repairs, or on
repair or replacement of non-bearing walls, fixtures, wiring,
or plumbing, to an extent not exceeding ten (10) percent of the
current replacement cost of the structure or portion of the
structure containing a non -conforming use as the case may
If a structure or portion of a structure containing a non-
conforming use becomes physically unsafe or unlawful due to
lack of repairs and maintenance, and is declared by any duly
authorized official to be unsafe or unlawful by reason of physi-
cal condition, it shall not thereafter be restored, repaired, or
rebuilt except in conformity with the regulations of the dis-
trict in which it is located.
Section 2-108 Uses under conditional use permit provisions
not non -conforming uses
Any use which is permitted as a Conditional Use in a dis-
trict under the terms of this ordinance (other than a change
through Board of Adjustment action from a non -conforming
use to another non -conforming use not generally permitted in
the district) shall not be deemed a non -conforming use in
such district, but shall without further action be considered a
conforming use.
Section 2-109 Amortization provisions
[Reserved for future use]
§ 8-104 APPENDIX A -ZONING § 9-101
days nor more than twenty (20) days prior to the
public hearing announced therein. Only one posting
shall be required in any event, and posting by the
Council shall not be required where the Commission
has posted the property previously.
8-104.4 Mail Notice Required to Nearby Property Owners
in Reclassification Requests
It is the intent of this Section to require that a reason-
able effort be made to notify by mail those property
owners whose property is being considered for reclassi-
fication and those adjacent owners of property within
two hundred feet (200') therefrom, prior to the first
public hearing at which the reclassification request will
be considered. Where the Commission has acted to set
a public hearing on a reclassification request, the Com-
mission shall take reasonable steps to give notice of
the time, place, and subject of the hearing by certified
mail to all property owners within two hundred feet
(200') of the property for which reclassification is re-
quested, and to the owner (s) of the property included
in such request. Where no Commission hearing is held
the Council .shall be responsible for mailing such no-
tice. Only one mailing shall be required in any event,
and mail notice by the Council shall not be required
where the Commission has set its own public hearing
on the request. In all cases, however, the notice shall be
mailed not less than ten (10) days prior to the public
hearing announced therein.
Section 9-101 Violations punished as misdemeanors; penalties
Any person who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or re-
fuses to comply with any provisions of this ordinance, or who
erects, alters, repairs or maintains any use, building or struc-
ture in violation of any requirement, provision, or regulation
of this ordinance, or who fails to perform any act or duty re-
quired by this ordinance, or who violates any lawful order
§ 9-101 DUBUQUE CODE § 10-101
issued by the Zoning Administrator, or who violates any con-
dition, limitation, safeguard or requirement established in
connection with any building permit, variance, or Conditional
Use Permit, or other permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and shall be fined not more than $100, or imprisoned for not
more than thirty (30) days, and in addition shall pay all costs
and expenses involved in the case.
Section 9-102 Separate offenses declared for each day of
Each day or portion thereof during which a violation of this
ordinance is committed, maintained, or continued shall con-
stitute a separate offense.
Section 9-103 Accessories to violations punishable as princi-
The owner or tenant of any building, structure, premises,
or part thereof, and any architect, builder, contractor, agent,
or other person who commits, participates in, assists in, or
maintains a violation of this ordinance may each be found
guilty of a separate offense and punished as provided herein.
Section 10-101 Schedule adopted
Fees for the administrative review functions and other
matters set forth in this ordinance shall be as provided in
Table 10-101, "Schedule of Fees", hereby adopted by reference
and declared to be a part of this ordinance.
Table 10-101 Schedule of Fees
1. Site Plan Review No fee
2. Application for Certificate
of Zoning Compliance No fee
3. Requests for Amendment
to this ordinance [See Sec-
tion 8-102 of this ordi-
nance]. No fee
4. Planned Unit Development
Procedures (including re-
quested expansions of C-6
or ID Districts subject to
PUD procedures:
a. Preliminary Develop-
ment Review
b. Final Development
Plan Review
5. Requests for Reclassifica-
tion of Property :
a. Any reclassification re-
quest made by a disin-
terested Commission or
Council member to cor-
rect an alleged error or
b. All other substantial re-
classification request's
as defined in Section
c. All other reclassifica-
tion requests not cover-
ed in a or b above
6. Application for Variance
7. Appeals to the Board of
Adjustment from the le-
sion of an administrative
official No fee
8. Application for Condition
al Use Permit $50.00
9. Application for Temporary
Sign Certificate $10.00
(Ord. No. 1-76, § 1, 1-26-76; Ord. No. 23-76, § 1, 6-21-76; Ord. No.
33-81, § 1, 6-15-81; Ord. No. 43-82, § 6, 8-9-82)
§ 10-101
$50.00 plus $10.00 for each
acre or portion thereof, not to
exceed $150.00
$50.00, plus $1.00 per lot
No fee
$50.00 plus $10.00 for each acre
or portion thereof, not to exceed
$150.00 plus notice costs.
$40.00 plus notice costs
Supp. No. 15
§ 10-102 DUBUQUE CODE Art. XI
Section 10-102 Collection of fees
Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, the Zoning
Administrator shall collect and maintain all fees required
under this ordinance, and shall keep a separate account of
the same which shall be expended as Council directs to defray
the costs of administration and enforcement of this ordi-
The following definitions of words or phrases shall be used
in the interpretation and construction of this ordinance, un-
less the context clearly requires otherwise:
Accessory — incidental and subordinate to another use or
structure on the same lot.
Accessory use or structure — a use or structure which is
permitted on the same lot with, and is of a nature custo-
marily incidental and subordinate to, a principal use or struc-
Arterial street — a public street classified as an arterial
street on the most recent Functional Street Classification Map
in the City Engineer's Office.
Building — any structure whether temporary or permanent,
designed, built, or used as a shelter or roofed enclosure for
persons, animals or property, and entirely separated on all
sides from any other structure. This definition shall be con-
strued broadly and shall include tents, trailers, vehicles, awn-
ings or any other structures used as a building.
Building height — the vertical distance from the mean ele-
vation of the finished lot grade at the front of a building to
the highest point of the under side of the ceiling beams, in
the case of a flat roof ; to the deck line of a mansard roof ;
and to the mean level of the under side of the rafters between
the eaves and the ridge of a gable, hip or gambrel roof.
Boarding house — any building or portion thereof, con-
taining a single dwelling unit, wherein meals or lodging, or
Supp. No. 15 2638
Art. XI
both, are provided for direct or indirect compensation to not
less than three (3) and not more than ten (10) unrelated
Supp. No. 15
Ord. No. Date Section this Code
6 App. A, § 4-109.4(1)
7 App. A, § 4-109.6
3-82 2- 1-82 1 2-81
7-82 2-22-82 1 38-68(a)
2 38-68(a), (b)
3 Rpld 38-69-38-71
Added 38-69,38-70
5 Rnbd 38-72-38-76
as 38-71-38-75
8-82 2-22-82 1 24-27
10-82 3- 8-82 1 91/2 -32(a)
2 9 1/2 -32(c)
3 9'/2-32(e)(4)
4 9'/2 -32(g)
11-82 3-11-82 1 Rpld 7-16-7-24,
Added 7-16-7-24,
12-82 3-11-82 1 16-36
13-82 3-11-82 1 Rpld 14-70,14-74
Added 14-70
14-82 3-15-82 1, 2 19'/2-6.2
15-82 4- 7-82 1 25-209(b)
16-82 4- 7-82 1, 2 25-210(b)
17-82 4- 7-82 1 25-212(bX4)
18-82 4- 7-82 1 25-257(d)
20-82 4-12-82 1 36-183(w)
21-82 4-12-82 1 17-1
2 17-3-17-5
22-82 4-12-82 1 Rpld 27-86-27-95
23-82 5- 3-82 1 27-49
2 27-74
3 Rpld 27-101, 27-102,
27-106, 27-107
Added 27-67(a)
24-82 5- 3-82 1 38-74(a)
26-82 5-17-82 1 5-8
27-82 5-17-82 1 Rpld 27-1,
Added 27-16-27-27,
27-33, 27-34,
Supp. No. 16 27-46
Ord. No.
Date Section this Code
28-82 6- 7-82 1 App. A, § 4-113.3
29-82 6- 7-82 1 2-9
31-82 7- 6-82 1 Rpld 27-26
32-82 7- 6-82 1 27-49(c)
33-82 7- 6-82 1 Rpld 32-5
34-82 7- 6-82 1 Rpld 14-10-14-13
35-82 7- 6-82 1 Rpld 14-46-14-61
Added 14-46-14-49
36-82 7- 6-82 1 Rpld 14-67-14-74
Added 14-55-14-58
37-82 7- 6-82 1 2-69
38-82 8- 2-82 1 App. A, § 4-121
41-82 8- 2-82 1 Rpld 24-98-24-111
Added 24-98-24-101
42-82 8- 2-82 1 Rpld 24-33, 24-34
Added 24-33
43-82 8- 9-82 1 App. A, § 5-104.4(m)
2 App. A, § 5-105.5(a)
3 App. A, § 5-105.11
4, 5 App. A, § 5-105.2
6 App. A, § 10-101(9)
45-82 8-16-82 1 Rpld 6-17-6-20,
6-22, 6-29
Added 6-29
46-82 8-16-82 1 36-183(i)(1)
51-82 9- 7-82 1 25-210(b)
52-82 9-13-82 2 25-183(3), (4)
53-82 10- 4-82 1 12-36(b)
54-82 10- 4-82 1 Rpld 11-16-11-25
Added 11-16-11-23
55-82 10-11-82 1 27-90
56-82 10-18-82 1 25-210(b)
58-82 12- 6-82 1 7-45(b)
59-82 12- 6-82 1 14-70-14-73
61-82 12-20-82 1 35-11
Supp. No. 16
[The next page is 30011
Inspections 18-19
Ambulance license
Applications 18-29
Change of ownership, termination upon 18-35
Defacing, etc., official entry _-__--_-_-' 18-88
Inspection of vehicles, equipment, etc. re - 18'81
Insurance requirements _' _-- 18'80
Investigation of applicant -__--- '' 18-32
Issuance in general 18-32
Issuance, prerequisites 18-31
Renewal 18-43
Required --' -'- 18-28
Suspension, revocation 18-42
Transfer of 18-34
Attendant -driver's license
Application - 18-37
Defacing, altering 18-41
Investigation of applicant 18'38
Issuance 18-39
Qualifications of applicants 18'39
Renewal 18-43
Required for operation 18-36
Suspension, revocation - _'--_-� -� _-`_.. - 18-42
Transferability 18-40
Exemptions _' '_'-_' 18'44
Renewal - -___-'-----___-_---._-_ 18-48
Services in existence on certain dates - --_- - 18-45
Supp. No. 14
AMBULANCES—Cont'd. Section
Records, keeping . 18-20
Equipment and design 18-18
Generally 18-17
Generally. 1-7
Code of ordinances. See that title
Noise control traffic provisions 25-59 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Prohibited noises, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Billiards. See hereinbelow: Poolrooms and Billiard
Bowling alleys 6-43 et seq.
Bowling alleys. See that title
Circuses, carnivals and menageries 6-58 et seq.
Circuses, carnivals and menageries. See that title
Dancing. See hereinbelow: Public Dances and Dance
Open air shows . 6-75 et seq.
Open air shows. See that title
Poolrooms and billiard parlors 6-16 et seq.
Poolrooms and billiard parlors. See that title
Public dances and dance halls __. 6-90 et seq.
Public dances and dance halls. See that title
Roller skating rinks 6-145 et seq.
Roller skating rinks. See that title
Shooting galleries 6-114 et seq.
Shooting galleries. See that title
Theaters and halls 6-128 et seq.
Theaters and halls. See that title
Baby chickens, rabbits, ducklings, etc.
Sale, borrowing, giving away, etc. ?-1
Dead animals
Notification to police or health officer 7-48
Dogs and cats
City manager's authority 7-20
Authorized re rabid animals 7-46
Female dogs in heat 7-19
Impoundment provisions. See within this subtitle: Im-
Supp. No. 13
ANIMALS AND FOWL—Cont'd. Section
Definitions 7-16
Emergency, proclamation of re rabies
Prohibited actions 7-50
Fees. See within this subtitle specific subjects
Female dogs in season 7-19
Harboring vicious dog or cat 7-17
Disposition of unredeemed dogs or cats 7-24
Fees 7-23
Generally 7-21
Notice to owners of licensed dogs or cats 7-22
Redemption 7-23
Inspection; consent implied from application and receipt 7-41
Application 7-32
Expiration; renewal 7-36
License fee 7-35
Delinquent 7-36
Consent implied from application and receipt 7-41
Expiration; renewal 7-34
License fee 7-33
Delinquent 7-34
Duplicate license fee 7-40
Issuance 7-37
Office designated 7-31
Attached, to be 7-39
Not transferable 7-38
Dead animals; notification to police or health officer 7-48
Health officer, to; reporting rabies 7-47
Nuisances 7-18
Female dogs in heat 7-19
Parks, in 27-39
Quarantine re rabies control 7-46
Rabies control
Confinement authorized 7-46
Harboring known rabid dog, cat or other domestic animal
Punishment for 7-49
Notification to police or health officer of dead animals 7-48
Prohibited actions after mayor's proclamation of emergency 7-50
Reporting rabies
Notice to health officer 7-47
Vaccination required 7-45
Supp. No. 13
Rat control 24-78 et seq.
Rat control. See that title
Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq.
Guard railings on streets, removal 33-7
Street and sidewalk excavations . 33-48 et seq.
Streets and sidewalks. See that title
Prohibited noises, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Amusement place regulations 6-16 et seq.
Amusements and amusement places. See that title
Open air shows 6-75 et seq.
Open air shows. See that title
Streets, in 33-3
Bonds 26-45
Definitions 26-44
Applicant's responsibility for costs of city inspector 26-48
Application 26-56
Bond and fee 26-56
Issuance 26-57
Prerequisites to 26-56
Required 26-55
Qualifications of person in charge 26-46
Safeguards, authority to require 26-47
Firearms, discharging 26-13
Firearms and weapons. See that title
Storage of dynamite, gunpowder, etc. 26-10
Streets, discharging fireworks or explosives on 33-1
Reporting 26-6
Airport regulations adopted 4-3
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Supp. No. 14
In season 7-19
Junk and salvage operations, fencing 22-5
Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2
Animals and fowl. See that title
Park fences, climbing on 27-63
Parks and recreation. See that title
Swimming pool fencing requirements 10-37
Disturbing the peace 26-2
FILLING STATIONS. See: Gasoline Service Stations, Etc
Bonds, approval 2-4
Industrial revenue bonds 11 1/2 -126, 11 1/2 -127
Industrial projects. See that title
City treasurer 2-159 et seq.
City treasurer. See that title
Deposits of municipal funds by employees 2-73
Fiscal year designated 2-3
General special assessment fund 2-6
Industrial revenue bonds 11 1/2 -126, 11 1/2 -127
Industrial projects. See that title
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and the
adopting ordinance of this code
General penalty 1-8
Code of ordinances. See that title
Damaging, interfering with 14-10
Bicycles following fire apparatus 9-4
Bureau of fire prevention 14-32 et seq.
Fire prevention. See that title
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Interference with, resisting, obstructing 26-5
Service outside city 14-25
Service station fire extinguishers 14-50
Gasoline service stations and tank trucks. See that title
Supp. No. 14
Appointment 29-16
Compensation 29-18
Composition 29-16
Created 29-16
Organization 29-19
General powers 29-20
Terms of office 29-17
Vacancies, filling 29-17
Trees and shrubbery. See that title
Street defined to include 1-2
Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks
Adopted 30-1
Amendments 30-2 et seq.
Master plumbers and journeymen
Licensing and examinations 30-4
Permit fees 30-3
Bicycle registration 9-22 et seq.
Bicycle. See that title
Burglary and robbery alarm permits 31-4 et seq.
Burglary and robbery alarm permits. See that title
Dance halls, employment of police officer in 6-96
Public dances and dance halls. See that title
Dead dogs, notification re 7-48
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
False or fraudulent reports 26-6
Impersonating an officer 31-1
Interfering, obstructing, etc. 26-5
Moving buildings, police escort for 10-44(b)
Construction, demolition and moving of buildings. See: Buildings
Police whistles, using 31-2
Refusing admittance to officers 31-3
Threatening policeman 26-5
City manager, restrictions regarding 2-108 et seq.
Supp. No. 15
Definitions 6-16
Fees 6-30
Required 6-29
Revocation 6-31
Advertising. See that title
Parks, in 27-59
Parks and recreation. See that title
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Chickens, rabbits and ducklings
Sales restricted
Noises prohibited 26-140, 26-143
Specifications 13-16
Electrical code 13-1 et seq.
Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq.
PROCESS. See: Writs, Warrants and Other Processes
Emergency powers of mayor 2-84
Mayor's emergency proclamations, obedience 11-1
Civil defense. See that title
Occupational license requirements in general 24-1 et seq.
Licenses and permits. See that title
Construction 3-53
Acquisition, condemnation, dedication, etc.
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included
herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting or-
dinance of this code
Damaging, defacing
Generally 26-15
Grade stakes, etc., removing 26-16
Public park property 27-52 et seq.
Parks and recreation. See that title
Trees, plants, shrubs, flowers 26-17
Supp. No. 15
Appointment 29-16
Compensation 29-18
Composition 29-16
Created 29-16
Organization 29-19
General powers 29-20
Terms of office 29-17
Vacancies, filling 29-17
Trees and shrubbery. See that title
Street defined to include 1-2
Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks
Adopted 30-1
Amendments 30-2 et seq.
Master plumbers and journeymen
Licensing and examinations 30-4
Permit fees 30-3
Bicycle registration 9-22 et seq.
Bicycle. See that title
Burglary and robbery alarm permits 31-4 et seq.
Burglary and robbery alarm permits. See that title
Dance halls, employment of police officer in 6-96
Public dances and dance halls. See that title
Dead dogs, notification re 7-48
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
False or fraudulent reports 26-6
Impersonating an officer 31-1
Interfering, obstructing, etc. 26-5
Moving buildings, police escort for 10-44(b)
Construction, demolition and moving of buildings. See: Buildings
Police whistles, using 31-2
Refusing admittance to officers 31-3
Service charges 31-18
Threatening policeman 26-5
City manager, restrictions regarding 2-108 et seq.
Supp. No. 17
Definitions 6-16
Fees 6-30
Required 6-29
Revocation 6-31
Advertising. See that title
Parks, in 27-59
Parks and recreation. See that title
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Chickens, rabbits and ducklings
Sales restricted
Noises prohibited 26-140, 26-143
Specifications 13-16
Electrical code 13-1 et seq.
Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq.
PROCESS. See: Writs, Warrants and Other Processes
Emergency powers of mayor 2-84
Mayor's emergency proclamations, obedience 11-1
Civil defense. See that title
Occupational license requirements in general 24-1 et seq.
Licenses and permits. See that title
Construction 3-53
Acquisition, condemnation, dedication, etc.
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included
herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting or-
dinance of this code
Damaging, defacing
Generally 26-15
Grade stakes, etc., removing 26-16
Public park property 27-52 et seq.
Parks and recreation. See that title
Trees, plants, shrubs, flowers 26-17
Supp. No. 17
WATER AND SEWERS---Cont'd. Section
Service pipes
Required depth of 36-135
Service shutoffs and valve boxes 36-127
Services installed and maintained at expense of
owner 36-136
Stop box 36-129
Stopcock 36-131
Turning on service
City only to turn on service 36-99
City's responsibility 36-98
Waste cock 36-131
Emergency location for city government 2-5
Plumbing regulations 30-1 et seq.
Plumbing. See that title
Going -out -of -business sales regulations 24-60 et seq.
Going -out -of -business sales. See that title
Housing standards 20-74
Housing. See that title
Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.
Emergency succession. See that title
Boats, boating, docks and waterfront _ 9 1/2 -1 et seq.
Boats, boating, docks and waterfront. See that title
WEAPONS. See: Firearms and Weapons
Duty of owner to remove 37-49
Notice to owner to remove 37-50
Compliance with removal notice required 37-51
Failure to comply 37-53
Removal by city after owner's failure, etc. 37-52
Central market
Weights and measuring devices, etc. 24-33
City sealer ____—____— 24-98
Supp. No. 15
Testing of apparatus ._____ _____ 24-100
Violations, penalties ._____--_ 24-101
Interfering with park animals .___—___—________ 27-56
Alcoholic beverage regulations __ 5-1 et seq.
Alcoholic beverages. See that title
General definitions for interpreting code 1-2
Clerk, service of notices, etc. 2-119
Defacing legal notices, etc. 3-2
Definitions for interpreting code 1-2
Livestock keeping restrictions
Animals and fowl. See that title
Designated -- - 2-3
Defined 1-2
ZONING (Appendix A)
(Note—References are to section numbers of the
zoning appendix A, however, certain references
and cross references are to chapter and section
numbers of the code itself)
Accessory buildings, structures or uses
Accessory use provisions
General provisions _ 5-101.1
Home occupations __--____— 5-101.3
Off-street parking and storage of vehicles in residential
Special regulations governing —___ 5-101.4
Permitted accessory uses ._ 5-101.2
Application and scope 3-103.3
District requirements. See herein specific districts
Supplementary requirements 5-101
Supp. No. 15
ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section
Administrator. See hereinbelow: Zoning Administrator
Adoption and repeal. See within this title: Provisions
Adult entertainment establishments (theaters, book-
stores, etc.)
Application and scope of regulations 5-108.2
Definitions 5-108.3
General statement of intent 5-108.1
Location and spatial separation of establishments
Regulations governing 5-108.4
Specified sexual activities, specified anatomical
Definitions 5-108.3
AG -Agricultural district regulations.
Enumerated 4-102
Airport zoning commission 4-47 et seq.
Airports and aircraft. See that title
Amendments and zoning reclassification
General statement of intent 8-101
Hearing and notice procedures 8-104
Ordinance amendment procedure 8-102
Procedures and policies 8-101 et seq.
Provisions. See within this title that subject
Reclassification posting 8-104
Reclassification procedure 8-103
Amortization provisions 2-109
Classification of annexed territory 1-103.5
Board of adjustment. See hereinbelow that subject
Yards and open spaces. See within this title that
Board of adjustment
Appeals from decisions of 6-108
Appeals to the board
Standards and procedures 6-105
Conditional use permits 6-106
Establishment _ 6-101
General powers ___ 6-104
Membership __ _. 6-102
Rules, meetings, general procedure 6-103
Variances 6-107
Adult entertainment establishments. See within this
title that subject
Supp. No. 15
ZONING (Appendix A )—Cont'd. Section
Building permits
General building permit required ___. _ 7-103
Issuance during zoning reconsideration 10-4
Buildings. See also that title
Buildings, structures and uses of the city generally
Application and scope of provisions 3-103.8
Fronting on a public or approved private street re-
quired 3-106
Limitations on number 3-104
Structures permitted above height limits 3-103.9
Bulk and yard regulations
Conformance to 1-103.1
Bulk plant service stations 14-48
Gasoline service stations and tank trucks. See that
Bulk regulations
Applicability and scope 3-103.5
C-1 Commercial district
Requirements 4-112
C-2 Local service commercial district
Requirements 4-113
C-3 Arterial business commercial district
Requirements 4-114
C-4 General commercial district
Requirements 4-115
C-5 Central business district
Requirements 4-116
C-6 Planned commercial district
Requirements 4-117
C-7 general service and wholesale commercial district
Requirements .___ 4-122
Certificate of zoning compliance 7-103
City buildings, structures and uses
Exemption from regulations 3-103.8
Collection of fees 10-102
Commercial and industrial districts
Off-street parking and loading space requirements ____ 5-104
Residential dwelling permitted in _.___ _._ 5-106
Planning and zoning commission 29-16 et seq
Planning and zoning commission. See that title
Conditional use permits
Requirements and procedure 6_106
Conditional uses
Application and scope 3-102.2
District requirements. See herein specific districts
Supp. No. 8
ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section
Temporary uses permitted as conditional uses in any
district 5-107
Definitions Art. RI
Application of regulations 1-103, 4-101
District regulations 4-101 et seq.
Establishment, designation 1-101
Temporary uses permitted as conditional uses in any
district 5-107
Exemptions from provisions 3-103.7, 3-103.8
Fee schedule 10-101 et seq.
Fences, walls and hedges 3-105.3
Flood hazards
Special flood hazard overlay districts 4-111.2
General provisions 3-101 et seq.
Construction 3-101
Provisions. See within this title that subject
General statement of intent. See herein specific dis-
Height limits
Structures permitted above 3-103.9
H -I Heavy industrial district
Requirements 4-120
Historic districts 19%-6 et seq.
Historical preservation. See that title
Home occupations
Accessory uses _ 5-101.3
ID Institutional district
Requirements _ 4-118
Intent. See herein specific districts
L -I Light industrial district
Requirements 4-119
Construed 3-102.5
Liquor and beer premises locations 5-27
Lot size requirements 3-108.4
All lots to front on a public or approved private
street 3-106
Reduction of required lots and yards prohibited 1-103.4
Visibility on residential corner lots
Maintenance of required 5-102.2
Yards and open spaces. See within this title that
Official zoning map 1-102
Supp. No. 8
ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section
Minimum requirements 3-102.1
Amortization provisions 2-109
Extension or enlargement 2-102
General statement of intent 2-101
Limitation on repairs and maintenance 2-107
Nonconforming lots of record 2-103
Nonconforming structures 2-106
Nonconforming uses of land, etc. 2-104
Nonconforming uses of structures, etc. 2-106
Uses under conditional use permit provisions not
nonconforming 2-108
Supp. No. 8
ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section
Nonresidential districts
Limitations 3-104.2
Occupancy permits 7-103
Official zoning map 1-102
Off-street parking and loading
Applicability and scope 3-103.6
Application of district regulations 1-103.3
Commercial and industrial district requirements 5-104
Continuing obligation of property owner to maintain 3-105.4
Off-street parking and storage of vehicles in residential
Special regulations governing 5-101.4
Open spaces. See hereinbelow: Yards and Open Spaces
OR -1 Office -residential district regulations
Enumerated 4-109
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and the
adopting ordinance of this code
PI -Planned industrial district regulations
Enumerated 4-121
Off-street parking and loading. See hereinabove that
Conditional use permits. See hereinabove that subject
Planned unit development district regulations 4-110
Principal permitted uses. See also herein specific districts
Application and scope 3-103.1
Private agreements 3-102.3
Adopting and repeal of 12-101 et seq.
Amendments and zoning reclassification 8-101 et seq.
Application and scope of regulations 3-103
Cumulative 3-102.6
Effective date of ordinance provisions 12-101
Exemptions from regulations 3-107.7
Minimum requirements 3-102.1
Overlapping or contradictory regulations 3-102.2
Repeal of conflicting ordinances 12-102
Rules governing interpretation 3-102
Separability 3-102.7
Violations and penalties 9-101 et seq.
Words and phrases construed 3-101
Public or approved private street
All lots and buildings to front on 3-106
R-1—Residential district regulations
Enumerated 4-104
Supp. No. 7
ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section
R-2—Residential district regulations
Enumerated _____. 4-105
R-3—Residential district regulations
Enumerated 4-106
R-4—Residential district regulations
Enumerated 4-107
R-5—Residential district regulations
Enumerated _ 4-108
Residential districts
General statement of intent for 4-103
Residential dwellings
Permitted in commercial districts 5-106
Residential or office residential districts
Limitations 3-104.1
Schedule of fees _ 10-101 et seq.
Site plan review provisions 5-103
Sign regulations
Enumerated 5-105
Special planning districts
General provisions 4-111.1
Special flood hazard overlay districts 4-111.2
Structures. See within this title: Buildings
Supplementary district regulations
Accessory use provisions 5-101
General provisions 5-102
Site plan review provisions 5-103
Swimming pool locations 10-38
Adult entertainment establishments. See within this
title that subject
Unlawful uses 3-102.4
Use regulations
Conformance of buildings, structures, etc., to 1-103.1
District uses. See herein specific districts
Procedure and standards governing 6-107
Violations and penalties 9-101 et seq.
Visibility on residential corner lots
Maintenance of required 5-102.2
Yards and open spaces
All required yards to be open, unoccupied space 3-105.1
Application of district regulations 1-103.3
Conformance to bulk yard regulations required 1-103.2
Continuing obligation of property owner to maintain 3-105.4
Fences, walls and hedges 3-105.3
Permitted obstructions in required yards 3-105.2
Reduction of required lots and yards prohibited _______ 1-103.4
Supp. No. 7
ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section
Residential districts on developed street fronts
Average front yard setback required in 5-102.1
Restrictions governing allocation and disposition 3-105
Zoning administrator 7-102
Schedule of fees, collection of fees, etc. 10-101 et seq.
Zoning commission
Planning and zoning commission 29-16 et seq.
Planning and zoning commission. See that title
Zoning lot
Limitations on uses on a zoning lot 3-104
Zoning map. See hereinabove: Official Zoning Map
Supp. No. 7