1 Supplement No. 18 - Code of Ordinances - October 1983TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd.
Chapter Page
Art. V. Cable Television 2306
Div. 1. Community Tele -Programming
Commission 2306
Div. 2. Cable Regulatory Commission 2309
Div. 3. Rates 2312
37. Vegetation 2355
Art. I. In General 2355
Art. II. Trees 2355
Div. 1. Generally 2355
Div. 2. Tree Trimmers 2355
Div. 3. Dutch Elm Disease 2357
Art. III. Weeds 2359
38. Vehicles for Hire and Public Transportation 2411
Art. I. In General 2411
Art. II. Taxicabs 2411
Div. 1. Generally 2411
Div. 2. Permits and Licenses 2414.1
Art. III. Transit System 2419
Div. 1. Generally 2419
Div. 2. Transit Authority 2419
Div. 3. Transit Manager 2423
A. Zoning 2469
Art. I. Establishment of Districts; Provisions
for Official Zoning Map and Interpreta-
tion and Amendment Thereof 2471
Art. II. Nonconforming Lots, Uses of Land,
Uses of Structures and Premises, and
Characteristics of Use: Amortization
Provisions 2475
Art. III. General Provisions 2481
Art. IV. District Regulations 2489
Art. V. Supplementary District Regulations 2581
Art. VI. Board of Adjustment; Powers and Du-
ties; Variances; Conditional Uses 2614.2
Art. VII. Administration and Enforcement;
Required Permits and Certificates 2624.1
Supp. No. 17
Appendix Page
Art. VIII. Amendments and Zoning Reclassifi-
cation; Procedures and Policies 2629
Art. IX. Violations and Penalties 2635
Art. X. Fees 2636
Art. XI. Definitions 2637
Art. XII. Adoption and Repeal of Conflicting
Ordinances 2650
B. Cable Services Delivery Franchise 2763
Code Comparative Table 2951
Code Index 3001
Supp. No. 17
display of the Iowa state banner and/or the national flag. (Ord.
No. 29-82, § 1, 6-7-82)
Secs. 2-10-2-15. Reserved.
Sec. 2-16. Purpose.
The purpose of this article is to provide for a Charter embodying
the form of government existing on January 1, 1982. (Ord. No. 1-82,
§ 1, 1-4-82)
Sec. 2-17. Citation as Charter.
This article may be cited as the Charter of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa. (Ord. No. 1-82, § 2, 1-4-82)
Sec. 2-18. Form of government.
The form of government of the city is the council -manager -ward
form of government. (Ord. No. 1-82, § 3, 1-4-82)
Sec. 2-19. Powers and duties.
The mayor, city council, city manager and other city officers have
such powers and shall perform such duties as are authorized or
required by state law and by the ordinances, resolutions, rules and
regulations of the city. (Ord. No. 1-82, § 4, 1-4-82)
Sec. 2-20. Composition; terms.
The city council consists of a mayor and two (2) councilmembers
elected at large, and one councilmember elected from each of the
four (4) wards. The mayor and other councilmembers serve four -
*Editor's note—Ord. No. 1-82, adopted Jan. 4, 1982, did not expressly amend
this Code; hence, inclusion of §§ 1-4 as Art. I1/s, §§ 2-16-2-19, has been at the
editor's discretion. Section 5 of the ordinance, requiring the filing of the ordinance
with the secretary of state and its maintenance on file in the city clerk's office, has
not been codified.
Supp. No. 14
§ 2-20 ADMINISTRATION § 2-23
year staggered terms. The mayor is a member of the city council and
may vote on all matters before the council. (Ord. No. 17-75, § 5,
6-9-75; Ord. No. 70-81, § 2, 12-21-81)
Sec. 2-21. Compensation.
The compensation for the mayor shall be three thousand, five
hundred dollars ($3,500.00) per annum. The compensation for the
councilmembers shall be three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per annum.
(Ord. No. 35-51, § 4, 8-6-51; Ord. No. 18-60, § 1, 4-18-60; Ord. No.
70-81, § 3, 12-21-81)
Sec. 2-22. Meetings—Date.
Regular meetings of the council shall be held on the first
Monday of each month and special meetings may be called
from time to time by the mayor or a majority of the members
of the council. (Ord. No. 35-51, § 5, 8-6-51)
Sec. 2-23. Same—Records.
(a) Preparation. Immediately after each regular or special
meeting of the council, the city clerk shall prepare a complete
record of the proceedings of such meeting, which shall con-
tain in full the motions and resolutions offered or adopted,
and all other action taken, or proceedings had at such meeting.
(b) Printing. The city clerk shall cause a condensed record
of such proceedings to be published, in the official papers.
He shall also have the complete record printed on good paper
with pages of uniform size suitable for binding in permanent
form, which pages shall be numbered consecutively.
(c) Monthly record. Before the first meeting in each month,
the city clerk shall have printed proceedings of all meetings
held during the previous month, bound together in pamphlet
form, and shall furnish copies of the same to the mayor and
members of the council and to such other officers as the
council may direct. At the first regular meeting in each
month, the record of the proceedings included in such pam-
phlet shall be read, unless such reading shall be dispensed
with by the council. If objection to any part of the record
is raised by a member of the council, the same, if found to
Supp. No. 12
§ 2-23 DUBUQUE CODE § 2-31
be incorrect, shall be corrected, and when the record is cor-
rect, the same shall, by motion, be approved. When the record
has been so approved, the printed record of each meeting
contained in said pamphlet shall be signed by the mayor and
attested by the city clerk, and shall then become the official
record of the proceedings contained therein.
(d) Permanent binding. After the last day of December of
each year, the city clerk shall have the printed pamphlets,
which constitute the official record for the preceding twelve
(12) months, bound together in book form, together with a
complete index by subjects of the contents thereof, and when
so bound said book shall constitute the permanent official
record for the year, and the same shall be filed and kept
in the office of the city clerk. (Ord. No. 82, §§ 1-4; Ord.
No. 17-39, § 1, 5-16-39)
Sec. 2-24. Annual appropriation ordinance.
On or before the first day of July of each year, the council
shall make an appropriation for all the expenditures of the
city government for the following year, commencing on the
first day of July. Such appropriation shall enumerate all the
departments, officers, objects, and purposes for which the
same is made and shall set forth the amount. (Ord. No. 34-51,
§ 2, 8-6-51)
Secs. 2-25-2-30. Reserved.
Sec. 2-31. Rules to be strictly adhered to; temporary suspen-
The rules of procedure and order of business provided in
this division shall be strictly adhered to by the city council,
unless they shall be temporarily suspended by the consent of
three-fourths of the councilpersons present. (Res. No. 250-51,
§ 1 (Rule 1), 7-16-51)
Supp. No. 12
§ 7-36
delinquent on September thirtieth of the year due. A penalty fee of
five dollars ($5.00) shall be added to the required license fee for
each delinquent cat license. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Supp. No. 17
§ 7-37 ANIMALS AND FOWL § 7-45
Sec. 7-37. Issuance.
The city manager shall cause to be issued dog and cat licenses
upon proper application and payment of the fee provided in this
division. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-38. Tags not transferable.
A license issued for any dog or cat shall not be transferred to
another dog or cat. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-39. Tag to be attached.
The applicant for a dog or cat license, upon procurement of the
license, shall securely attach the license tag to a collar or harness
and this collar or harness, with the tag attached shall at all times be
kept on the dog or cat. Any dog or cat found at large without a collar
or harness with license tag attached shall be deemed unlicensed and
shall be impounded. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-40. Fee for duplicate.
The fee for a duplicate license for either a dog or cat shall be two
dollars and fifty cents ($2.50). (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-41. Consent implied from application and receipt.
The application for and the receipt of a license as required in this
division shall include an implied consent by the owner to permit an
inspection of both real and personal property under his control for
the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this article relating to
the harborage of vicious animals or to the control of rabies outbreak
or relating to the provisions of law relative to the prohibition of
cruelty to animals. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Secs. 7-42-7-44. Reserved.
Sec. 7-45. Vaccination required.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog or cat six (6) months
of age or older to keep or maintain such animal unless such dog or
Supp. No. 16 401
§ 7-45 DUBUQUE CODE § 7-47
cat shall be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian.
Such vaccine shall be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
istration and administered at the following intervals:
(a) Dogs. Original or puppy immunization one (1) year and sub-
sequent immunization at three-year intervals.
(b) Cats. Original or kitten immunization one year and subse-
quent immunization at three year intervals.
Written proof of such vaccination shall be a condition precedent
to the issuance of a license thereof. (Ord. No 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82;
Ord. No. 58-82, § 1, 12-6-82)
Sec. 7-46. Confinement authorized.
(a) The owner of any dog, cat or other animal which has con-
tracted rabies, or which has been subject to rabies or which has
bitten any person shall, at the discretion of the health officer and
upon his demand, produce and surrender up such dog, cat or other
animal to be held in confinement in a licensed veterinarian's animal
hospital under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian and in
quarantine for observation for a period determined by the health
officer at the expense of the owner of the animal.
(b) Any animal bitten or attacked by any known rabid animal
shall be quarantined under direction of the health officer by being
confined and in quarantine as provided above for a minimum of
ninety (90) days. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-47. Reporting rabies; notice to health officer.
(a) It shall be the duty of the owner of any cat, dog or other
domesticated animal suspected of being rabid that has attacked,
bitten or caused any skin abrasion upon any person to report such
incident to the health officer.
(b) It shall be the duty of any physician or veterinarian immedi-
ately to transmit information to the health officer that may come to
him/her through his/her professional capacity with reference to any
person having been attacked, bitten or having skin abrasions by any
dog, cat or other domestic animal. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Supp. No. 16 402
§ 7-48 ANIMALS AND FOWL § 7-50
Sec. 7-48. Notification to police or health officer of dead
Any person finding a dead dog or cat shall at once notify the
police department or health services division. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1,
Sec. 7-49. Punishment for harboring known rabid dog,
cat or other domestic animal.
Any person who shall knowingly harbor or keep any dog, cat or
other animal infected with rabies, or with knowledge that their
animal was bitten by a rabid animal, fails to report such incident to
the health services division or police, shall be punished as provided
in section 1-8 of this Code. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Sec. 7-50. Prohibited actions after mayor's proclamation
of emergency.
When the mayor, pursuant to resolution of the city shall declare
an emergency due to rabies:
(a) It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog, cat or other
domestic animal to permit such animal to be at large.
Any dog, cat or domesticated animal found to be at large
shall be deemed to be so with the permission or at the suffer-
ance of its owner.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person except the owner of a dog,
cat or other domestic animal, or owner's agent to open any
door or gate of any private premises for the purpose or result
of setting such animal at large.
(c) Any licensed or unlicensed dog, cat or other domestic animal
found at large shall be impounded by the health services
division or police department. (Ord. No. 11-82, § 1, 3-11-82)
Supp. No. 13
[The next page is 453]
§ 101/2 -24
CIVIC CENTER § 101/2-26
(4) Development of accurate, timely and understandable
financial data and measurements of effectiveness nec-
essary to assure sound policy formulation for operation
and management.
(5) Development of the annual operating budget and an
ongoing capital improvements budget.
(6) Development of a maintenance program to provide a
safe, secure, sanitary, clean and attractive facility.
(7) Service as a personnel advisory committee to the city
manager in the selection of a director.
(8) Participate with the Dubuque area chamber of com-
merce, the hotel and restaurant industry and other in-
terest groups to promote and develop the convention
and tourism business for the Dubuque area.
(9) Execution of contracts and agremeents for the use, op-
eration and maintenance of the civic center facility;
contracts and agreements for the use of the facility
may be signed by the city manager, except that all
contracts for usage of the facility involving a term
of longer than five (5) days shall be subject to execu-
tion by the mayor with the approval of the city council.
(Ord. No. 40-77, § 1, 6-20-77)
Sec. 101/2 -25. Programs, projects and services, conformity to
legal and policy restrictions.
All programs, projects and services to be developed by the
commission must conform to the policies of the city and to
applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
(Ord. No. 40-77, § 1, 6-20-77)
Sec. 10 1/2 -26. Solicitation and acceptance of donations and
The commission may solicit and otherwise accept donations
and gifts of money, personal property and personal services.
All such monies and personal property as received shall be-
come the property of the city for the general use for the sup -
Supp. No. 2
§ 101/ -26
DUBUQUE CODE § 101/2 -29
port of the civic center and its programs unless such items
have been designated by the donors for specific purposes.
(Ord. No. 40-77, § 1, 6-20-77)
Sec. 10'/2 -27. Membership, appointment.
(a) The commission shall be comprised of a membership
of five (5) persons, who shall be appointed by the Dubuque
city council for terms of two (2) years. Two (2) of the initial
appointments shall be for a term of one year, three (3) of
such initial appointments shall be for a term of two (2) years.
(b) Upon completion of their term of office, members of
the commission shall continue to serve in their full capacity
until a successor has been duly appointed.
(c) Membership on the commission shall be limited to per-
sons who are residents of the city. (Ord. No. 40-77, § 1,
Sec. 10 1/2 -28. Vacancies in membership.
A vacancy caused by death, resignation or otherwise on the
commission shall be promptly filled by the Dubuque city
council for the unexpired term of office.
Sec. 101/2-29. Attendance at meetings, frequency required;
record of attendance.
(a) Members of the commission shall attend at least two-
thirds (2/3) of all regularly scheduled and held meetings with-
in any twelve-month period. If any member does not attend
such prescribed number of meetings, it shall constitute
grounds for the commission to recommend to the Dubuque city
council that said member be replaced.
(b) The attendance of all commission members shall be
entered upon the minutes of all meetings by the secretary.
(Ord. No. 40-77, § 1, 6-20-77)
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§ 17-35
ices may apply for such collection services from the city
manager. The collection rate will be determined from the fee
schedule set forth in section 17-36.
The city reserves the right to refuse garbage and refuse
collection service because of quantities or characteristics
beyond the capacity or capability to be handled efficiently
by city personnel and equipment. (Ord. No. 53-76, § 2,
10-4-76; Ord. No. 19-79, § 1, 3-19-79)
Sec. 17-33. Frequency, time and areas of collection.
(a) Until October 5, 1981, collection shall be made not
more than twice weekly at such time and in such areas of
the city as shall be set out in schedules prepared by the city
(b) After October 5, 1981, collection shall be made not
more than once weekly at such time and in such areas of the
city as shall be set out in schedules prepared by the, city
(c) The city manager is hereby authorized and empowered
to change or amend collection schedules from time to time
as he, in his discretion, shall deem necessary. (Ord. No.
53-76, § 2, 10-4-76; Ord. No. 14-81, 3-10-81)
Sec. 17-34. Placement of containers for collection.
(a) Where collections are made from alleys, garbage and
refuse containers shall be placed at the property line
abutting the alley on the days designated in such schedule.
(b) Where collections are made from the street, garbage
and refuse containers shall be placed in the street on the
property side of the curb on the days designated in said
schedule. However, such containers shall be placed so as not
to interfere with vehicular and pedestrian traffic and when
emptied shall be promptly removed by the occupant of the
premises. (Ord. No. 53-76, § 2, 10-4-76)
Sec. 17-35. Limitation on quantity collected from
class I premises.
The quantity of garbage and refuse to be collected by the
city shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) gallons per
Supp. No. 9
§ 17-35
week for each class I premises unit as defined in section
17-16. (Ord. No. 53-76, § 2, 10-4-76; Ord. No. 19-79, § 1,
Sec. 17-36. Charges—Amounts; exceptions.
(a) Class I premises. Except as qualified below, a fee of
four dollars and twenty cents ($4.20) per month shall be
charged by the city and collected from each owner of a class
I premises for such service effective April 1, 1981. Said
charge or fee shall be in payment for collection and disposal
of garbage and refuse as defined. Exceptions to the
collection charge for class I premises are as follows:
(1) When a class I premises has been vacant for a period
of three (3) consecutive months or longer, the owner
may apply for, a credit under procedures to be
established by the city manager. Such exemption
shall continue only so long as the class I premises is
(2) Class I premises when the head of a household is
sixty-five (65) years or older and with a per family
annual income of seven thousand, four hundred
dollars ($7,400.00) or less, may, upon application, be
exempted from one-half the established collection
charge. Subsequent to initial application and eligibili-
ty, annual application must be made on July first of
each year to verify annual income and eligibility.
(3) In cases of extreme financial hardship, the city
manager may, and is hereby authorized and empow-
ered to, make adjustments in the monthly collection
In all such cases, the city manager shall have the authority
to require such proof of vacancy, financial status, age or
extreme hardship as he may deem necessary.
(b) Class II premises. The city shall continue to collect
from class II premises currently receiving such service. The
charge for such collection service shall be based upon the
average weekly quantity of garbage and refuse being
Supp. No. 9
§ 17-37
collected, as determined by the city manager. The rate
charged shall be a multiple of the rate charged class I
premises as follows:
(1) Zero (0) to one hundred twenty (120) gallons of garbage
and refuse per week shall be charged the class I
premises rate times one (1).
(2) The next one hundred twenty (120) gallons per week or
fraction thereof shall be charged the class I premises
rate times seventy-five one -hundredths (0.75).
(3) All additional units of one hundred twenty (120)
gallons per week or fraction thereof shall be charged
the class I premises rate times five -tenths (0.5).
A class II premises no longer wishing to be served by city
garbage and refuse collection shall provide the city with
thirty (30) days' written notice of its intent to terminate the
service. Such termination of service shall be effective with
the next billing period. (Ord. No. 53-76, § 2, 10-4-76; Ord.
No. 19-79, § 1, 3-19-79; Ord. No. 77-79, 12-17-79; Ord. No.
14-81, 3-10-81)
Sec. 17-37. Same—Billing and collection.
(a) Initially, the city manager shall bill for collection
service from a record of accounts registered for billing on
April 1, 1981. Subsequently, the city manager is authorized
to bill tenants upon the request of the property owner
according to a procedure to be established by the city
manager. The property owner in such cases shall agree to
provide data on tenants' movements. In cases of no city
water or sewer service, the city shall bill the owner.
(b) Class I premises accounts shall be billed bimonthly.
Class II premises accounts shall be billed monthly. All
collection charges are payable in advance.
(c) The collection of garbage and refuse as provided by
this division from class I premises and maintenance of the
availability of such service, whether or not such service is
used regularly or not at all by the owner of such class I
Supp. No. 9
§ 17-37 DUBUQUE CODE § 17-45
premises, is hereby declared a benefit to said premises at
least equal to the monthly charges specified in this division,
and in case of failure to pay the monthly charge when billed
as heretofore provided, then the monthly charge shall
become a lien against the property benefited or served and
shall be collected in the same manner as general property
(d) At least annually the city manager shall prepare a
delinquent list of persons failing to pay the monthly charge
required by this division, listing the class I premises for
which the service was rendered and the amount due
therefrom. Resolutions shall thereupon be prepared assess-
ing the delinquent charges to the properties so benefited.
Such resolutions, properly passed by the city council, shall
be certified by the city clerk to the county auditor and same
shall then be collected with, and in the same manner as,
general property taxes. (Ord. No. 53-76, §§ 3-5, 10-4-76;
Ord. No. 19-79, § 1, 3-19-79; Ord. No. 77-79, 12-17-79; Ord. No.
14-81, 3-10-81)
Secs. 17-38-17-43. Reserved.
Sec. 17-44. License—required.
No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in the
business of removing or hauling garbage or refuse from the
premises of others unless such person, firm or corporation
shall have first applied for and received a permit to do so
from the city manager. The issuance of this license shall be
in the manner prescribed and subject to the terms of article
I of chapter 24 of this Code. (Ord. No. 53-76, § 10, 10-4-76)
Sec. 17-45. Same—Application; fee.
Application for such license shall specify the equipment of
vehicles to be used, the route to be traveled, the places to be
served and the name and residence of the applicant, and
such person, firm or corporation shall pay an annual license
Supp. No. 9
§ 191/2-6.1
all of Lots 12 through 16, inclusive; and all of Lots 12A through
16A, inclusive; all being in Paulina Langworthy's Addition.
The west 15 feet of Lot 4; all of Lot 5, and Lot 6; all being in
McCoy Subdivision.
All of Lots 1 through 6, inclusive, of Lot 2 and Lot 3; all of
Lot 4; and all of Lots 5 through 8, inclusive, excepting the
northerly 12 feet of all of them; all being in Mrs. L. A.
Langworthy's Addition.
All of Lots 1 through 12, inclusive; all of Lots 17 through 21,
inclusive; and all of Lots 9 through 53, inclusive; all being in
Julia Langworthy's Addition.
Lots 1 through 4, inclusive; Lot 1 of Lot 6; Lots 28 through
32, inclusive; Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 33; and Lot 1 and Lot
2 of Lot 2 of Lot 33; all being in T. S. Nairn's Dubuque Addition.
These properties are all located in the southwest quarter of
the northwest quarter of Section 25, Township 89 North, Range 2
East, of the fifth principal meridian, in the City of Dubuque,
Said described district [shall] be designated the Langworthy His-
toric Preservation District.
(b) Review standards adopted. The properties within said de-
scribed district shall be subject to the "Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Historic Preservation Projects" as adopted by the
historic preservation commission for said commission's review
procedure that precedes the issuance of a certificate of appropri-
ateness pursuant to subsection 191/2-8(b). (Ord. No. 47-79, §§ 1, 2,
8-6-79; Ord. No. 9-80, § 2, 3-3-80; Ord. No. 27-80, § 2, 4-7-80; Ord.
No. 15-83, § 1, 3-14-83)
Sec. 19%-6.2. Old Main Historic District.
(a) Designated The properties hereinafter described are hereby
designated as a historic preservation district, according to the
provisions of this chapter, to wit:
All of city Lots 1 through 12, inclusive; and all of city Lots 69
through 80, inclusive. These properties are all located in the
Supp. No. 17
§ 191/2.6.2 DUBUQUE CODE
§ 191/2 7
northeast half of Section 25, Township 89 North, Range 2 East,
of the fifth principal meridian, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
(b) Review standards adopted. The properties within said de-
scribed district shall be subject to the "Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Historic Preservation Projects" as adopted by the
historic preservation commission for said commission's review
procedure that precedes the issuance of a certificate of appropri-
ateness pursuant to subsection 191/2-8(b). (Ord. No. 14-82, §§ 1, 2,
3-15-82; Ord. No. 15-83, § 2, 3-14-83)
Sec. 191/2-7. Demolition of structures in historic districts.
Demolition of structures erected within historic districts and
deemed by the commission to be of a particular architectural or
historical significance shall be prohibited unless, upon applica-
tion, the commission finds that the prohibition of demolition
prevents the owner of the: property from earning any reasonable
return on the property. In the event that the structure is found to
be of unique value, the commission may, notwithstanding the
showing of an absence of a reasonable return, deny permission to
demolish; provided, however, that a denial of permission to de-
molish shall prohibit demolition for no more than four (4) months
from the date of application for a permit to demolish, unless at
the expiration of four (4) months, adjustments have been made
which allow for such a return. During this time the commission
shall endeavor to formulate, with the owner, an economically
feasible plan for
Supp. No. 17
the preservation of such structure. (Ord. No. 18-77, § 5(g),
Cross reference—Waiting period for demolition permit in certain
neighborhoods, § 10-5.
Sec. 191/2-8. Alteration of structures in historic dis-
(a) After approval of the historical preservation district
designation by the council, no material change in appear-
ance of a structure or site within a designated district shall
be made or permitted to be made by the owner or occupant
thereof until a regulated permit shall have been obtained for
such change as provided by this chapter.
(b) After approval of a designation by the council, it shall
be the duty of the historic preservation commission to
review all plans for any and all material changes in
appearance of a structure or site within any district, and it
shall have the power to pass upon such plans before a
regulated permit for such can be granted, provided that the
commission shall pass only on such features of a change as
are visible from the public way. The commission shall issue
Supp. No. 14
§ 22-3
Sec. 22-3. Purchases from minors restricted.
No pawnbroker, secondhand dealer or junk dealer and no
clerk, agent or employee thereof shall purchase or receive
property from any person under the age of eighteen (18)
years without first obtaining and receiving the written
consent of the parent or guardian of such person. Such
written consent shall be made a part of the required records
and subject to all provisions of section 22-2. (Ord. No.
55-55, § 5, 9-6-55; Ord. No. 8-81, § 4, 2-16-81)
Sec. 22-4. Purchases, security and consignment
(a) The purchase, receipt as security, or on consignment
of the following listed goods or materials shall be governed
by this article:
Household appliances
Household furniture
Precious and semiprecious
Silver coins
Gold and gold coins
Stereo equipment
Radio equipment
Television equipment
Tradesmen's tools
(b) Antique, used or scrap jewelry and precious metals
shall be retained in the local place of business and it shall
be unlawful to change the form of said items by melting,
remounting, cutting up or otherwise changing the form of
said items for a period of one hundred twenty (120) hours
from the time of said transaction.
(c) The following listed items shall be exempt from the
provisions of this article: Beverage containers and scrap
paper. (Ord. No. 8-81, § 5, 2-16-81)
Editor's note—Prior to amendment by Ord. No. 8-81, § 22-4 formerly
concerned a required notice upon receipt of construction tools and derived
from Ord. No. 55-55, § 6, enacted Sept. 9, 1955.
Sec. 22-5. Fencing requirements for junk and salvage
No junk shall be stored or automobile salvage operation
carried on within twenty (20) feet of any property line or one
Supp. No. 9 1353
§ 22-5 DUBUQUE CODE § 22-18
hundred (100) feet of any street line, within the city unless
the premises upon which such junk is stored or automobile
salvage work is performed is completely enclosed by a solid
metal fence not less than eight (8) feet in height, and such
fence shall be kept and be maintained in a good state of
repair. (Ord. No. 55-55, § 7, 9-6-55; Ord. No. 9-68, § 1,
Secs. 22-6-22-16. Reserved.
Sec. 22-17. Required.
No person shall engage in the business of junk dealer,
junk collector, auto salvage dealer, pawnbroker, or second-
hand dealer without first obtaining a license therefor. (Ord.
No. 70, § 1, 1-3-20; Ord. No. 55-55, § 2, 9-6-55; Ord. No.
9-81, § 1, 2-16-81)
Sec. 22-18. Businesses requiring annual licenses; no
An annual license shall be required, without fee, for any
person engaged in any of the following businesses:
(1) Junk dealer;
(2) Junk collectors;
(3) Auto salvage dealers;
(4) Pawnbrokers;
(5) Secondhand dealers. (Ord. No. 70, § 2, 1-3-20; Ord.
No. 55-55, § 3, 9-6-55; Ord. No. 9-81, § 2, 2-16-81)
*Cross reference—Licenses and miscellaneous regulations, Ch. 24.
Supp. No. 9 1354 [The next page is 1405]
§ 24-7
Sec. 24-4. Same—Application.
All persons who are required under any ordinance of the
city to procure a license for the purpose of engaging in any
business or vocation shall first make application to the city
manager for such license, except as otherwise provided. (Ord.
No. 3-33, § 1, 4-10-33)
Sec. 24-5. Same—Issuance.
Except where some other method is prescribed by law, all
licenses required for engaging in a business or vocation shall
be issued by the city manager in the exercise of his discretion,
provided, however, that such manager may refuse a license
in any case where the applicant is not of good moral character,
free from disease, or trustworthy in his business dealings or
for any other reason that satisfies the manager that the
interests of the public would be best protected by withholding
a license from the applicant. (Ord. No. 3-33, § 2, 4-10-33)
Sec. 24-6. Same—Record.
All licenses required for engaging in a business or vocation
shall be signed by the manager and clerk and entered in a
book kept for that purpose. (Ord. No. 3-33, § 3, 4-10-33)
Sec. 24-7. Same—Proration.
In all cases where licenses for engaging in a business or
vocation may be issued for lesser periods than a full year, the
license fee shall be prorated as follows:
(1) When the application is made within the first quarter
of the fiscal year, the license fee shall be the same as
the annual fee;
(2) When the application is made in the second quarter of
the fiscal year, the license fee shall be seventy-five
(75) per cent of the annual fee;
(3) When the application is made in the third quarter of the
fiscal year, the license fee shall be fifty (50) per cent
of the annual fee; and
§ 24-7 DUBUQUE CODE § 24-11
(4) When the application is made in the fourth quarter of
the fiscal year, the license fee shall be twenty-five (25)
per cent of the annual fee. In all other cases the license
fee provided for in the general license ordinance govern-
ing the particular business for which a license is re-
quired shall prevail and be exacted. Fractions of a
month shall be taken as a full month. (Ord. No. 3-33,
§ 5, 4-10-33)
Sec. 24-8. Same—Refund of fee prohibited; exception.
Except as may be provided by law, no refund shall be allowed
upon any license which is actually used for a lesser period
than that prescribed in the license. (Ord. No. 3-33, § 8,
Sec. 24-9. Same—Transferability; changes in location.
Licenses issued under this chapter or other ordinances for
engaging in a business or vocation shall not be transferable
and shall cease whenever the licensee ceases to operate there-
under. Nothing in this section shall prevent a licensee from
operating under his license, at a place other than that described
in the license, providing information regarding such change in
location is furnished the license department. (Ord. No. 3-33,
§ 6, 4-10-33)
Sec. 24-10. Same—Revocation.
The city manager may, at his pleasure and for good cause
shown, revoke any license issued by him and when a license
is revoked the licensee shall not be granted another license
to engage in the same business for which the license was
issued for a period of at least six (6) months thereafter. (Ord.
No. 3-33, § 7, 4-10-33)
Sec. 24-11. Same—Expiration; penalty for renewal of delin-
quent licenses.
Except as may be provided by law, annual licenses for
engaging in a business or vocation shall extend from April
first to March thirty-first in the year following. No such li-
§ 25-210
Bluff Street and West Twelfth Street
Chavenelle Road at north-west arterial (Ord. No. 56-82, § 1,
Crescent Ridge and Cedar Cross Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
Curtis Street and Bryant Street (Ord. No. 36-79, § 1, 6-18-79)
Fremont Avenue and Wartburg Place
Front Street and Harbor Street
Grandview Avenue, North, and Delhi Street
Henion Street and Helena Street (Ord. No. 77-77, § 1, 11-21-77)
James Street and Langworthy Avenue
John F. Kennedy Road and University Avenue
Kennedy Court and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Key Way Drive and Keymont Street
Key Way Drive and Westway Street (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
Louise Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
MarJo Quarry Road and Inland Drive (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-
Miller Road and Kelly Lane (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Simpson Street and Fremont Avenue (Ord. No. 59-79, § 1,
Starlight Drive and Cedar Cross Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1,
University Avenue and Ashbury Road
Woodworth Street and Lowell Street
Andrew Court and Boyer Street (Ord. No. 26-78, § 1, 5-1-78)
Supp. No. 17
25-210 DUBUQUE CODE 125-210
Chavenelle Road at Radford Road (Ord. No. 56-82, § 1, 10-18-82)
Delhi Street and West Fifth Street
Fremont Avenue and Kelly Lane
Grandview Avenue, North, and Delhi Street
Hawkeye Drive and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
James Street and Mazzuchelli Heights
Liberty Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Madison Street and Clarke Drive
St. Anne Drive and Ridge Road
Salem Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Sheridan Road and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Starlight Drive and Crescent Ridge (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Toledo Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
University Avenue and Ashbury Road
University Avenue and John F. Kennedy Road
Valley Drive and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Walker Street and Peru Road (Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79)
Atlantic Street and Custer Street
Avoca Street and Green Street
Davis Street and Windsor Avenue (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1, 1-16-79)
Elm Street and East Twenty-ninth Street
Evergreen Street and Karen Street
Fillmore Street and Adair Street
Grandview Avenue, North, and Clarke Drive
Hillcrest Road and Key Way Drive
Jackson Street and East Twenty-fourth Street
Supp. No. 17 1590.6
Key Way Drive and Keystone Drive (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1, 6-19-78)
Langworthy Avenue and Alpine Street
Langworthy Avenue and Booth Street
Langworthy Avenue and Nevada Street
Lincoln Avenue and Fengler Street
Lincoln Avenue and Kniest Street (Ord. No. 51-82, § 1, 9-7-82)
Maryville Drive and Scenic View Drive (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1,
Oakcrest Drive and Maplewood Court (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1,
Pearl Street and Finley Street
Pearl Street and Gilliam Street
Randall Street and Bradley Street
Rider Street and Bradley Street
St. Ambrose Street and Rosedale Street
Sheridan Street and Goethe Street
Solon Street and Alpine Street
Sycamore Street and East Fifteenth Street
Theda Drive and Crissy Drive (Ord. No. 10-79, § 1, 1-16-79)
Twelfth Street, East, and Elm Street (Ord. No. 16-82, § 2,
Twenty-seventh Street, East, and Washington Street (Ord. No.
18-83, § 1, 3-21-83)
Vizalea Street and Keymont Street
Walnut Street and West Eleventh Street
Washington Street and East Thirteenth Street
Washington Street and East Fifteenth Street
Washington Street and East Sixteenth Street
Supp. No. 17
§ 25-210
Washington Street and East Eighteenth Street
Washington Street and East Nineteenth Street
Washington Street and East Twenty-fifth Street
Washington Street and East Twenty-ninth Street
Woodland Drive and Key Way Drive (Ord. No. 38-78, § 1,
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 12.4, 9-6-49; Ord. No. 63-77, § 1, 9-19-77; Ord.
No. 77-77, § 1, 11-21-77; Ord. No. 26-78, § 1, 5-1-78; Ord. No.
38-78, § 1, 6-19-78; Ord. No. 9-79, § 1, 1-16-79; Ord. No. 10-79, § 1,
1-16-79; Ord. No. 11-79, § 1, 1-16-79; Ord. No. 22-79, § 1, 4-2-79;
Ord. No. 29-79, § 1, 5-30-79; Ord. No. 36-79, § 1, 6-18-79; Ord. No.
59-79, § 1, 10-1-79; Ord. No. 34-80, § 1, 5-19-80; Ord. No. 4-81, § 1,
1-19-81; Ord. No. 5-81, § 1, 1-19-81; Ord. No. 16-82, §§ 1, 2, 4-7-82;
Ord. No. 51-82, § 1, 9-7-82; Ord. No. 56-82, § 1, 10-18-82; Ord. No.
18-83, § 1, 3-21-83)
Editor's note -The street schedule set forth in § 25-210(b) is derived from Ord.
No. 63-77, § 1, adopted Sept. 19, 1977, as amended from time to time. Subsequent
ordinances amending said street schedule by adding or revising the provisions
thereof are indicated in the history note following the provision added or revised.
A complete history note for § 25-210 appears at the end of the section.
State law reference -Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.322.
Sec. 25-211. Stop signs to be erected at entrances to through
streets and stop intersections; stop required.
Stop signs shall be erected at entrances to through streets and
at one or more entrances to stop intersections. Every driver of a
vehicle shall stop at such sign or at a clearly marked stop line
before entering an intersection, except when directed to proceed
by a peace officer or traffic -control signal. (Ord. No. 33-49, § 12.5,
Supp. No. 17
Sec. 25-212. Yield intersections.
(a) The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign at a
"yield" intersection shall slow down to a speed reasonable
for the existing conditions or shall stop, if necessary, and
shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian legally
crossing the roadway and to any vehicle in the intersection
or approaching so closely as to constitute a hazard. Said
driver having so yielded may proceed with caution.
(b) Those intersections designated are hereby declared to
be "yield intersections" for all purposes of this section:
(1) Northbound vehicles. Northbound vehicles must yield
before entering the intersection of:
Third Street, West, and James Street
Broadway Street and Diagonal Street (Ord. No. 12-79,
§ 2, 1-16-79)
Coates Street and Southgate Drive
Hillcrest and St. John Drive
Kirkwood and West Locust Street
New Haven and Mineral Street
Rockdale Road and the west ramp of Kerrigan Road
Rosedale and West Locust Street
St. Ambrose and Clarke Drive
Westway Drive and Graham Circle
(2) Southbound vehicles. Southbound vehicles must yield
before entering the intersection of:
Bryant Street and South Grandview Avenue
Clarke Drive and West Locust Street
Hillcrest and St. John Drive
Kane Street and Kaufmann Avenue
Westway Drive Graham Circle
Supp. No. 14
§ 25-212 DUBUQUE CODE § 25-212
Eastbound vehicles. Eastbound vehicles must yield before
entering the intersection of :
Clarke Drive and Madison Street
Crissy Drive and Marywood Drive, north intersection
Crissy Drive and Marywood Drive, south intersection
Forest Lane and Booth Street
Grandview Avenue, North, and Rosedale, west intersec-
Hillcrest and Asbury Road
St. George Street and Tressa Street
St. John Drive and Graham Circle, north intersection
St. John Drive and Graham Circle, south intersection
(4) Westbound vehicles. Westbound vehicles must yield before
entering the intersection of :
Third Street, East, and Central Avenue (Ord. No. 17-82, §
1, 4-7-82)
Fourth Street, East, and White Street (Ord. No. 17-82, § 1,
Ninth, West, and University Avenue
Cleveland Avenue and Bryant Street
Crissy Drive and Marywood Drive, north intersection
Crissy Drive and Marywood Drive, south intersection
Forest Lane and Booth Street
Rosedale and North Grandview Avenue, east intersection
Rust Street and Bryant Street
St. George Street and Tressa Street
St. John Drive and Graham Circle, north intersection
St. John Drive and Graham Circle, south intersection
Supp. No. 14
(c) Yield signs shall be erected at the specified entrances
to the yield intersections designated and shall be located as
near as practical to the property line of the highway at the
entrance at which the yield must be made, or at the nearest
line of the crosswalk thereat, or, if none, at the nearest line
of the roadway. (Ord. No. 33-49, §§ 12.9, 12.10, 9-6-49; Ord.
No. 45-59, § 1, 9-8-59; Ord. No. 10-78, § 1, 3-13-78; Ord. No. 14-78,
§ 1, 3-20-78; Ord. No. 12-79, §§ 1, 2, 1-16-79; Ord. No. 17-82, § 1,
Editor's note—The street schedule set forth in § 25-212(b) is derived
from Ord. No. 10-78, § 1, adopted March 13, 1978, as amended from
time to time. Subsequent ordinances amending the street schedule by
adding or revising the provisions thereof are indicated in the history
note following the provision added or revised. A complete history note
appears at the end of the section.
Sec. 25-213. Entering street from private roadway.
(a) The driver of a vehicle emerging from a private road-
way, alley, driveway or building shall stop such vehicle im-
mediately prior to driving on the sidewalk area and thereafter
he shall proceed into the sidewalk area only when he can do
so without danger to pedestrian traffic, and he shall yield the
right-of-way to any vehiclar traffic on the street into which
his vehicle is entering.
(b) The driver of a vehicle about to enter or cross a high-
way from a private road or driveway shall stop such vehicle
immediately prior to driving on such highway and shall yield
the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on such highway.
(Ord. No. 33-49, § 12.6, 9-6-49)
State law reference—Similar provisions, I.C.A. § 321.353.
Sec. 25-214. Operation on approach of emergency vehicles.
(a) Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emer-
gency vehicle with any lamp or device displaying a red light
or flashing red light from directly in front thereof, or when
the driver is giving audible signal by siren, exhaust whistle, or
bell, the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right-of-
way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and
as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb of the
Supp. No. 14
§ 27-90 PARKS AND RECREATION § 27-90
Sec. 27-90. Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island.
The following described parcel of real estate commonly referred
to as "Area C," "Hamm Island," and "City Island." shall be
hereinafter known, called and named as "Chaplain Schmitt Me-
morial Island."
Those portions of Mineral Lots 294, 295, Lots 1 and 2 of 296,
297, 298, 299 and 300 and Government Lot 1, located in Sec-
tions 17, 18, 19 and 20, Town 89 North, Range 3 East in the
City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, and bounded by Lake
Peosta Channel and the Mississippi River. (Ord. No. 55-82, § 1,
Supp. No. 16
[The next page is 1809]
Chapter 36
Art. I. In General, §§ 36-1-36-10
Art. II. Sewers and Sewage Disposal, §§ 36-11-36-71
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 36-11-36-28
Div. 2. Discharge Regulations, §§ 36-29-36-42
Div. 3. Private Disposal Systems, §§ 36-43-36-52
Div. 3A. Private Haulers, § 36-53
Div. 4. Rates, §§ 36-54-36-71
Art. III. Reserved, §§ 36-72-36-91
Art. IV. Water, §§ 36-92-36-170
Div. 1. Generally, §§ 36-92-36-113
Div. 2. Connections, §§ 36-114-36-144
Div. 3. Meters, §§ 36-145-36-160
Div. 4. Rates, §§ 36-161-36-170
Art. V. Cable Television, §§ 36-171-36-184
Div. 1. Community Tele -Programming Commission, §§ 36-171-36-174
Div. 2. Cable Regulatory Commission, §§ 36-175-36-178
Div. 3. Rates, §§ 36-179-36-184
Sec. 36-1. Gas main connections—City's authority to
Before any street, highway, avenue, alley or public ground is
permanently improved, the city council, by the passage of a resolu-
tion, may require connections from gas mains to be made by the
owners of abutting property to the curbline of such property, and a
notice of such requirements shall be given to the property owners as
herein provided for. (Ord. No. 128, § 1, 10-2-22)
Sec. 36-2. Same—Notice to owners.
As soon as the resolution requiring connections to be made as
provided for in section 36-1, is passed and adopted by the city
council, a written notice shall be served upon all persons owning
property along the street, avenue or alley proposed to be improved,
which notice shall order such property owner to make connections
*Cross references—Administration, Ch. 2; director of public works, § 2-169 et
seq.; city operated ambulance service, Ch. 18, Art. II, Div. 3; railroads, Ch. 32.
Supp. No. 11 2253
§ 36-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 36-10
to the curbline with gas mains located in such streets, and there-
upon it shall be the duty of the owners of such property to comply
with such notice. The notice shall prescribe whether or not more
than one connection is required to be made and the description of
the lot or parcel or real estate to which the same is to be made and,
in each instance, such owner shall be advised of the number of
connections that are required to be made. (Ord. No. 128, § 2, 10-2-22;
Ord. No. 195, § 2, 5-2-28)
Sec. 36-3. Same—City's authority to make.
If a property owner upon whom notice has been served pur-
suant to section 36-2 to make the connections as provided for
in section 36-1, should fail or refuse to make such connections
within the time provided for in such notice, then the city
council may proceed to have said connections made upon a
contract made and entered into for that purpose and the cost
of making such connections shall be assessed to the property
owner and shall be collected in the same manner as other
special assessments are collected, except that the whole
amount of such assessments shall become due at once and
shall not be payable in installments. (Ord. No. 128, § 4, 10-2-
Sec. 36-4. Same—When completion is required.
The resolution passed by the council pursuant to section
36-1 and the notice that is served upon the property owner
shall prescribe the time within which connections are to be
made with such mains as provided for in such resolution, and
this notice shall be final unless the time is extended by the
city council upon application made therefor, or if conditions
should arise which would make it impossible for the property
owner to make the connections required. (Ord. No. 128, § 5,
Secs. 36-5-36-10. Reserved.
Supp. No. 11
§ 36-181 UTILITIES § 36-182
(10) days after the end of the chargeable period or the receipt of his
current statement, whichever is later, in which to pay his account
without penalty.
(b) Basic and pay television subscribers shall be offered an an-
nual rate which shall be eleven (11) times the monthly rate for
twelve (12) months of service.
(c) The cable company may require an advance payment for an
installation, connection or reconnection charge, but no earlier than
twenty (20) days before the scheduled service. If a scheduled service
for which an advance payment was due and timely paid, is delayed,
the advance payment shall be discounted one per cent for each
fourteen (14) days, or part thereof, the scheduled service is delayed.
A deposit equivalent to one month's service rate may be charged
only for a subscriber seeking cable service for the first time in this
system, or for a subscriber who has been disconnected for non-
payment. The deposit shall be applied to the third month's bill-
ing or refunded earlier.
(d) Every statement, in clear and understandable language, cit-
ing the actual dollar amounts applicable, shall inform the subscriber
of any possible delinquent charge or available discount. (Ord. No.
51-81, § 1, 9-21-81)
Cross reference—Subscribe payments in Teleprompter Corporation cable ser-
vices franchise, App. B, § 8.8.
Sec. 36-182. Refunds for cancellations.
(a) If any subscriber cancels any monthly service during the first
twelve (12) months of said service because of the failure of the cable
company to render the service in accordance with the standards set
forth in this franchise ordinance or advertised by the cable compa-
ny, on application of the subscriber and, if requested, approval of
the local regulatory agent, the cable company shall refund to the
subscriber an amount equal to the installation, connection or re-
connection charge paid by the subscriber multiplied by the fraction
of the twelve-month period for which the subscriber will not be
receiving service. A similar portion of any advance payment shall be
Supp. No. 15
§ 36-182
(b) If a subscriber cancels, for personal reasons, any monthly
service prior to the end of a prepaid period, a pro rata portion of the
prepaid service, using the number of days as a basis, shall be re-
funded to the subscriber by the cable company. (Ord. No. 51-81, § 1,
Cross reference—Refunds for cancellation in Teleprompter Corporation cable
services franchise, App. B, § 8.9.
Sec. 36-183. Monthly subscriber rates and charges.
(a) Single residential unit, basic service:
Installation charge—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Operator -owned converter, monthly—Seven dollars and twenty-
five cents ($7.25).
Subscriber -owned converter—Seven dollars and twenty-five cents
(b) Multiple dwelling unit (per unit billing), basic service:
Installation charge—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Operator -owned converter, monthly—Seven dollars and twenty-
five cents ($7.25).
Subscriber -owned converter, monthly—Seven dollars and twenty-
five cents ($7.25).
(c) Institutional dwelling (hospitals, health care centers. State-
ment must go to a single billing address and for no less than six (6)
units per building):
Installation charge—Time needed and materials.
Operator -owned converter, monthly—Four dollars and seventy-
six cents ($4.76).
Subscriber -owned converter, monthly—Two dollars and eighty
cents ($2.80).
Rate is for one outlet and one nonaddressable converter in each
room, suite or common area for residents. No other basic service or
rate shall be available to the institution except for the rate estab-
lished for educational or public building usage.
Supp. No. 15
§ 36-183 UTILITIES § 36-183
(d) Institutional dwelling (hotels, motels, dormitories. Statement
must go to a single billing address and for no less than six (6) units
per building):
Installation charge—Time and materials.
Operator -owned converter, monthly—Five dollars and seventy-
five cents ($5.75).
Subscriber -owned, monthly—Two dollars and ninety-five cents
Rate is for one outlet and one nonaddressable converter in each
room, suite or common area for residents. No other basic service or
rate shall be available to the institution except for the rate estab-
lished for educational or public building usage.
(e) Institutional dwelling (condominiums, apartments. Statement
must go to a single billing address and for no less than six (6) units
per building):
Installation charge—Time and materials.
Operator -owned converter, monthly—Six dollars and seventy-five
cents ($6.75).
Subscriber -owned converter, monthly—Six dollars and seventy-
five cents ($6.75).
Each condominium or apartment to receive two (2) outlets and
one nonaddressable converter.
(f) Senior citizen rate (subscribers must provide proof that they
are over sixty-five (65) years of age and head of household), basic
Installation charge—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Operator -owned converter, monthly—Six dollars and forty-seven
cents ($6.47).
Subscriber -owned converter, monthly—Six dollars and forty-seven
cents ($6.47).
(g) Contract rate (available only to subscribers who have a valid
"life -time" contract), basic service:
Supp. No. 15
§ 36-183
Installation charge—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Operator -owned converter, monthly—Five dollars and seventy-
five cents ($5.75).
Subscriber -owned converter, monthly—Five dollars and seventy-
five cents ($5.75).
(h) Educational and public building unit, basic service:
Installation charge—Time and materials.
Operator -owned converter, monthly—No charge.
Subscriber -owned converter, monthly—No charge.
(i) Commercial unit:
(1) Radio and TV sales and service for each establishment:
Installation charge—Time and materials.
Modified basic service including one outlet and one
nonaddressable converter—Seven dollars and twenty-
five cents ($7.25).
User may add as many additional outlets as needed using
their equipment; providing, however, such equipment shall
be cable compatible and shall not create interference to the
cable system or its subscribers.
(2) All others basic service:
Installation charge—Time and materials.
Operator -owned converter, monthly—Seven dollars and twenty-
five cents ($7.25).
Subscriber -owned converter, monthly—Seven dollars and
twenty-five cents ($7.25).
(j) Rate for basic service includes two (2) outlets and one
nonaddressable converter.
(k) Additional outlet—Basic service includes two (2) outlets; if
one is not already installed, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) installation
will be charged. Additional outlets will be charged at the rate of one
dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per month per outlet.
Supp. No. 15
§ 36-183 UTILITIES § 36-183
(1) Converter service—Basic service includes one nonaddressable
converter; each additional nonaddressable converter will be charged
at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) each.
Nonaddressable converter included in basic service replaced
with an addressable converter, the charge is two dollars ($2.00) per
month. For each additional addressable converter, the charge is
four dollars ($4.00) per month.
(m) Connection charge (computer billing):
Surviving spouse or name change by operation of law—No charge.
All others—Five dollars ($5.00).
(n) Reconnection charge (includes all services disconnected)
—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
(o) Collection charge (includes at -residence collection after no-
tice to subscriber of time)—Five dollars ($5.00).
(p) Remote control option with converter, per month—One dol-
lar ($1.00).
(q) Additional outlet, per month—One dollar and fifty cents
(r) Prewiring maximum charge—Time and materials.
(s) Antenna switching equipment installation—Fifteen dollars
(t) Bad or returned check charge—Five dollars ($5.00).
(u) Fire or burglar alarm service:
Wiring and supplies—Time and materials.
Monthly rate—Fourteen dollars and ninety-five cents ($14.95).
(v) Interactive service:
Installation—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Equipment cost—Three dollars ($3.00).
Monthly rate—Five dollars ($5.00).
(w) Pay television service:
Supp. No. 15
§ 36-183 DUBUQUE CODE § 36-184
Installation charge—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Monthly rate—Nine dollars and ninety-five cents ($9.95).
Home box office:
Installation charge—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Monthly rate—Nine dollars and ninety-five cents ($9.95).
Installation charge—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Monthly rate—Nine dollars and ninety-five cents ($9.95).
Home theater network plus:
Installation charge—Fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Monthly rate—Six dollars and ninety-five cents ($6.95).
Second and third pay services shall be discounted two dollars
($2.00) each. Discount does not apply to home theater network
(x) Monthly charge for pay television service on additional outlet
(same service must be on the primary outlet)—Four dollars ($4.00).
(y) Separate installation, connection or reconnection charges shall
not be assessed when multiple services are simultaneously installed,
connected or reconnected on one customer service order.
(z) Institutional resale—An institution making direct charges
for cable service to individual residents or users may not charge
more than the institution has paid for the cable service. (Ord. No.
51-81, § 1, 9-21-81; Ord. No. 20-82, § 1, 4-12-82; Ord. No. 46-82, §
1, 8-16-82)
Cross reference—Teleprompter Corporation of New York, franchise rates,
App. B, § 8.4.
Sec. 36-184. Rate setting.
No other rates shall be charged to a subscriber. (Ord. No. 51-81, §
1, 9-21-81)
Supp. No. 15
[The next page is 2355]
§ 4-103 APPENDIX A—ZONING § 4-104
Section 4-103 General statement of intent for residential dis-
The residential districts and regulations provided for by
this ordinance are intended to offer a variety of housing types
and living environments meeting the needs and desires of
present and future residents of the City. The residential dis-
trict regulations are also intended to promote and protect to
the greatest degree possible the qualities of tranquility, pri-
vacy, stability, attractiveness, and spaciousness which are
traditionally associated with the most desirable residential en-
vironments. Only those uses deemed fully compatible with
and supportive of these purposes are allowed by right in the
residential districts. Certain other uses which are deemed
generally compatible with the residential goals and which
depend upon a residential atmosphere for their optimum
performance may be allowed as conditional uses upon a show-
ing that proper conditions are met to reduce any potentially
adverse impacts of such uses upon the district or neighborhood
concerned. It is further the express intent of this ordinance
that no residential district should be considered inherently
inferior or superior to another, but that each residential dis-
trict should be judged equally in light of its particular pur-
pose and the purposes of this ordinance.
Section 4-104 R-1—Residential district regulations
4-104.1 General Statement of Intent
The R-1 Residential District is intended to provide for
homogeneous single-family residential neighborhoods
particularly conducive to family life and associated
leisure activities. It is contemplated that this designa-
tion will be applied to both existing residential neigh-
borhoods which have been developed in substantial con-
formance with the regulations for this district and un-
developed areas in the City which are deemed suitable
for such development. It is further intended that the
R-1 classification should generally be applied only to
contiguous and discrete residential neighborhoods
which are unpenetrated by arterial streets. When super -
Supp. No. 3
§ 4-104
imposed with the PUD District designation, a higher
range and intensity of uses may be permitted in the
R-1 District than is otherwise permitted under this
Section. The PUD District provisions and regulations
may be superimposed upon the R-1 District in accord-
ance with Section 4-110 of this Article, entitled "PUD
District Regulations."
4-104.2 Principal Permitted Uses
In the R-1 Residential District no building, structure
or land shall be used and no building or structure shall
be built or altered to be used in whole or in part, un-
less otherwise specifically provided by this ordinance,
except for the following purposes :
1) Single-family dwelling
2) Public Schools
3) Private and parochial schools for grades kinder-
garten through the 12th grade, but only when ap-
proved by and meeting all applicable standards,
regulations and rules of the Iowa State Board of
Public Instruction.
4) Farms, gardens, nurseries, and greenhouses.
5) Public or private parks, golf courses, or similar
natural recreation areas.
6) Churches, convents, and monasteries.
7) Nursery schools or day-care centers operated in a
single-family dwelling by the owner or permanent
occupant thereof and caring for or instructing no
more than five (5) children on the premises at any
8) Railroads and public or quasi -public utility sub-
4-104.3 Accessory Uses and Buildings
Accessory uses and buildings are permitted in the R-1
Residential District in accordance with the provisions
Supp. No. 3 2492
4-104.6 R-1—Schedule of District Regulations
NOTE: See the appropriate Ordinance provisions for complete use regulations.
Principal Permitted Uses
Churches All
[4-104.2(6)] Other
Conditional Uses?
Nursery Schools
or Day Care
Nursing or
lot area
8,000 sq. ft. 20,000 sq. ft. N.A.
10,000 sq. ft.
40,000 sq. ft.
or 500 sq. ft.
per bed, which-
ever is greater
front yard
side yard
rear yard
lot coverage
25' on corner lots;
8' on other lots
25' on corner lots;
8' on other lots
30% of
lot depth
2 per
30% of
lot depth
1 for
every 4
30% of
lot depth
As determined
by the board of
30% of
lot depth
1 for every
3 beds
25' As provided N.A.
in 3-103.9
30% of total
lot area
30% of total N.A.
lot area
—» 30% of total
lot area
30% of total N.A.
lot area
iAccessory use provisions and regulations shall be as set forth in Article V of this Ordinance, entitled "Supple-
mentary District Regulations."
2Standards and procedures governing the issuance" of Conditional Use Permits are contained in Article VI of this
Ordinance and should be read in conjunction with this schedule.
(Ord. No. 55-78, § 3, 9-18-78)
Supp. No. 4
4-105.6 R-2—Schedule of District Regulations
NOTE : See the appropriate Ordinance provisions for complete use regulations
[4-105.2] USES [See Note 1 below]
Single Family Dwellings All
[4-105.2] Other
Minimum Required
Lot Area
(in square feet)
Minimum Required
(in feet)
Minimum Required
Front Yard Setback
(in feet)
Minimum Required
Side Yard Setback
(in feet)
25' on corner lots
6' on other lots
Minimum Required
Rear Yard Setback
(% of Lot Depth)
8' on corner lots
25% of lot depth on all
other lots
Minimum Required
Off -Street Parking
2 per dwelling unit
Maximum Building
(in feet)
Maximum Lot
(as a % of Total
Lot Area)
A .44
a' I o
0 a�
a 411c3 C/I
- .4
▪ +04 fgo co
▪ a, +.4
OTs w
' O a)
a•0 al�
• t +�
t' �.
• a .• 74
v4..0 ani
Conditional Uses in the R-2 Dis-
trict are subject to the same
standards and regulations as are
applied to such uses in the R-1
Residential District. [See Sec-
tion 4-104 of this Article] .
Notes: 1) Standards and procedures governing the issuance of Conditional Use Permits are con-
tained in Article VI of this Ordinance and should be read in conjunction with this sched-
(Ord. No. 47-75, § 1, 12-22-75)
Supp. No. 1
4-106.6 R-3—Schedule of District Regulations
NOTE : See the appropriate Ordinance provisions for complete use regulations
USES [See Note 1 Below]
Single Multiple
Family Duplexes Family All
Dwellings Townhouses Dwellings Other
Minimum Required
Lot Area
(in square feet)
3500 per 2200/DU
5000 dwelling + 500
unit each
Minimum Required
(in feet)
Minimum Required
Front Yard Setback
(in feet)
Minimum Required
Side Yard Setback
(in feet)
6' plus 2' additional setback for
each story above the first story.
Minimum Required
Rear Yard Setback
(in feet)
8' on corner lots
20% of lot depth on all other
Minimum Required
Off -Street Parking
1.5 per dwelling unit
Maximum Building
(in feet)
Maximum Lot
(as a % of Total
Lot Area)
CC! 0-N
zs41 o
A o
• i
- C
▪ ci)�
• ri)
• —
a •
� �
• ca 00
k • 1-61
• *a
o r�
a> a>
Conditional uses in the
R-3 District are subject
to the same standards
and regulations as are
applied to such uses in
the R-1 Residential Dis-
trict. [See Section 4-104
of this Article] .
NOTE: 1) Standards and procedures governing the issuance of Conditional Use Permits are con-
tained in Article VI of this Ordinance and should be read in conjunction with this sched-
§ 4-108 APPENDIX A—ZONING § 4-108
Section 4-108 R-5—Residential district regulations
4-108.1 General Statement of Intent
The R-5 Residential District is intended to be applied
to appropriate multi -family dwellings developed in sub-
stantial conformance with the regulations of this Sec-
tion and to provide for new moderately -high density
residential housing in undeveloped areas. In newly
developing or undeveloped areas, it is contemplated
that the R-5 zone will be applied only to larger tracts
which are readily serviceable by collector or arterial
streets of appropriate capacity. It is further intended
that R-5 districts should generally be placed adjacent
to higher intensity office -residential or commercial
zones where the R-5 District can serve as a "buffer" or
transitional zone between such high intensity uses and
lower intensity residential districts.
When superimposed by the PUD District designation, a
slightly different range and intensity of uses may be
permitted in the R-5 Residential District than is other-
wise permitted under this Section. The PUD District
provisions and regulations may be superimposed upon
the R-5 District in accordance with Section 4-110 of
this Article, entitled "PUD District Regulations".
4-108.2 Principal Permitted Uses
1) Duplexes or townhouses.
2) Multiple -family dwellings.
4-108.3 Accessory Uses
Accessory uses and buildings are permitted in the R-5
Residential District in accordance with the provisions
and regulations of Article V of this ordinance, entitled,
"Supplementary District Regulations".
4-108.4 Conditional Uses
The following Conditional Uses are permitted in the
R-5 Residential District, but only in accordance with
Supp. No. 13
§ 4-108 DUBUQUE CODE § 4-108
the provisions of Article VI of this ordinance governing
the issuance of Conditional Use Permits:
All uses listed as Conditional Uses in the R-1 Resi-
dential District Regulations under the same standards,
restrictions, and conditions provided for therein unless fur-
ther identified below as a separate conditional use:
1) Group homes on lots no less than 400 square feet per
resident provided that off-street parking is adequate to
the expected need for such parking. (Ord. No. 2-82, § 5,
4-108.5 Prohibited Uses
1) All uses prohibited in the R-1 Residential District.
[See Section 4-104.5].
2) (Reserved for future use).
4-108.6 Schedule of District Regulations
District regulations for the R-5 Residential District
shall be as set forth in the R-5 Schedule of District
Regulations, hereby adopted by reference and declared
to be a part of this ordinance, and in Article V of this
ordinance, entitled, "Supplementary District Regula-
Supp. No. 13
§ 4-109
Section 4-109 OR -1 Office -Residential district regulations
4-109.1 General Statement of Intent
The OR -1 Residential District is primarily a high-
density residential dwelling district permitting mixed
professional office use. The regulations for this district
are therefore designed to promote the same basic resi-
dential living qualities sought in other residential dis-
tricts [see Section 4-103 of this Article], consistent
with the mixed use character of the district. In addition
to residential and office use, certain low -intensity com-
mercial uses for the primary convenience and service
of district residents may be allowed in the OR -1 PUD
zone as Conditional Uses by the Board of Adjustment
upon a showing that proper standards and conditions
are present to avoid adverse impact upon the residential
living environment.
It is contemplated that this district will be mapped
only in areas where the service infrastructure is ade-
quate to accommodate the uses permitted by these regu-
lations. It is further contemplated that this district
will generally be employed as a buffer or transitional
zone between lower density residential districts and
commercial or institutional districts.
When superimposed with the PUD District designation
a slightly different range and intensity of uses may be
permitted in the OR -1 District than is otherwise per-
mitted under this Section. The PUD District provisions
and regulations may be superimposed upon the OR -1
District in accordance with Section 4-110 of this Arti-
cle, entitled "PUD District Regulations".
4-109.2 Principal Permitted Uses
In the OR -1 Office -Residential District no building,
structure or land shall be used and no building or
structure shall be built or altered to be used in whole
or in part, unless otherwise specifically provided by
this ordinance, except for the following purposes:
Supp. No. 1 2513
§ 4-109
1) Single family dwellings
2) Duplexes
3) Townhouses
4) Multiple -family dwellings
5) Non-commercial farms, gardens, nurseries, green-
houses, public or private parks, and recreation
6) Churches, convents, and monasteries
7) Nursery schools and day-care centers
8) Public schools
9) Private and parochial schools for grades kinder-
garten through the twelfth (12th) grade
10) Rooming or boarding houses serving no more than
ten (10) roomers or boarders at any time
11) Professional office use, as defined in this ordi-
12) Mortuaries and funeral parlors
13) Nursing or convalescent homes
14) Non-commercial art galleries, libraries, and mu-
15) Parking lots and garages. (Ord. No. 47-75, § 1,
4-109.3 Accessory Uses
Accessory uses and buildings are permitted in the OR -1
Office -Residential District only in accordance with the
provisions and regulations of Article V of this ordi-
nance entitled "Supplementary District Regulations".
4-109.4 Conditional Uses
The following Conditional Uses are permitted in the
OR -1 Office -Residential District, but only in accordance
Supp. No. 1
§ 4-109 APPENDIX A—ZONING § 4-109
with the provisions of Article VI of this ordinance
governing the issuance of Conditional Use Permits :
1) Group Homes on lots of no less than 400 square feet per
resident provided that off-street parking is adequate to
the expected need for such parking.
2) Private clubs
3) Specialty shops for gift items, handcrafts and
clothing, antique shops, floral shops and art gal-
leries in structures or areas which have been des-
ignated by the Dubuque City Council as histori-
cally or architecturally significant, after public
hearing and consultation with appropriate author-
ities and civic groups. Conditional Use Permits for
such uses may be granted by the Board of Adjust-
ment only on finding that the proposed use, type of
merchandise to be sold, the number of persons or
employees on the premises and other operational
aspects of the proposal are compatible with the in-
tended historical or architectual character of the
area, and that business hours shall be limited to
the hours between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
4) Cabarets or restaurants in structures or areas
which have been designated by the Dubuque City
Council as historically or architecturally signifi-
cant, after public hearing and consultation with
the State Historical Preservation Offices and Dubu-
que County Historical Society. A conditional Use
Permit for such uses may be granted by the Board
of Adjustment only on finding that the proposed
use, any change, alteration or modification of the
external appearance of the building, improvement,
or property, the number of persons or employees
on the premises, and other operational aspects of
the proposal are compatible with the intended his-
torical or architectural character of the area. (Ord.
No. 1-77, § 1, 2-7-77; Ord. No. 31-78, § 1, 6-5-78; Ord.
No. 2-82, § 6, 1-11-82)
Supp. No. 13
§ 4-109
4-109.5 Prohibited Uses
The following uses are expressly prohibited in the OR -1
Office -Residential District:
1) Commercial uses as defined in this ordinance, ex-
cept those uses specifically permitted by Section
4-109.2, Section 4-109.4, or Article V of this ordi-
nance, entitled "Supplementary District Regula-
2) (Reserved for future use).
4-109.6 Schedule of District Regulations Adopted
Additional regulations for the OR -1 Office -Residential
District shall be as set forth in the OR -1 Schedule of
District Regulations, hereby adopted by reference and
declared to be a part of this ordinance, and in Article
V of this ordinance, entitled "Supplementary District
Supp. No. 13
4-109.6 OR -1 Schedule of District Regulations
Duplex or Boarding or
Townhouse Rooming Houses
Multiple Mortuaries or Professional
Family Funeral Parlors Offices
Minimum Required
Lot Area
(in square feet)
2000 per
1000 Sq. Ft. 600 per D.U. 20,000
per bed + 500 per
Minimum Required
(in feet)
Minimum Required
Front Yard Setback
(in feet)
30' on arterial streets
20' on all other
Minimum Required
Side Yard Setback
(in feet)
6' + 2' per
story over
the first
Minimum Required 8' on corner lots
Rear Yard Setback 10' plus 2' per story over the first on all
(in feet) other lots
story over
the first
Minimum Required
Off -Street Parking
2.0 per
1.5 per
1.0 per
1.5 per
1.0 per 100
Sq. Ft. of
Floor Area
1.0 per 400
Sq. Ft. of
Floor Area
Maximum Building
(in feet)
Maximum Lot
(as a % of Total
lot area)
USES [See Note 1 below]
Other Private Clubs Group Homes
A 4o
r -I
a cd
100.i E4g
;id Cd
r0 o 4.3
i' ani
0 CI) .1:$
6000 400 per
30' on arterial
20' on all
10' + 2' per
story over
the first
10' + 2' per story
over the first
As specified by the Board of
Adjustment but not less than
1.0 per 300 Sq. Ft. of Floor
40 35
NOTE: 1) Standards and procedures governing the issuance of Conditional Use Permits are contained in Article VI of this Ordinance and should be read in con-
junction with this schedule.
(Ord. No. 2-82, § 7,1-11-82)
Supp. No. 13
§ 6-106 APPENDIX A—ZONING § 6-106
limitations, and all other standards or conditions
contained in the provisions authorizing such use.
6-106.4.2 Adequate utility, drainage and other neces-
sary facilities or improvements have been or will
be provided.
6-106.4.3 Adequate access roads or entrance and exit
drives will be provided and will be designed so as
to prevent traffic hazards and to minimize traffic
conflicts and congestion in public streets and
6-106.4.4 All necessary permits and licenses required
for the operation of the Conditional Use have been
obtained, or it clearly appears that such permits
Supp. No. 1
§ 6-106 APPENDIX A -ZONING § 6-106
are obtainable for the proposed Conditional Use on
the subject property.
6-106.4.5 All exterior lighting fixtures are shaded
wherever necessary to avoid casting direct light
upon any property located in a residential district.
6-106.4.6 The location and size of the Conditional Use,
the nature and intensity of the activities to be in-
volved or conducted in connection with it, the
size of the site in relation thereto, and the location
of the site with respect to streets giving access to
the Conditional Use, shall be such that it will be in
harmony with the appropriate and orderly develop-
ment of the district and neighborhood in which it
is located.
6-106.4.7 The location, nature and height of buildings,
structures, walls, and fences on the site and the
nature and extent of landscaping and screening on
the site shall be such that the use will not un-
reasonably hinder or discourage the appropriate
development, use and enjoyment of adjacent land,
buildings and structures.
6-106.4.8 The proposed Conditional Use will not cause
substantial injury to the value of other property
in the neighborhood in which it is located and
will contribute to and promote the convenience and
welfare of the public.
6-106.4.9 Additional Standards for Granting a Condi-
tional Use Permit for a Change in Non -Conform-
ing Uses
Where an applicant seeks a Conditional Use Permit
for the purpose of changing from one non -con-
forming use to another non -conforming use, as
provided in Section 2-106.3 of this ordinance, no
Conditional Use Permit for such change shall be
granted unless and until the Board further de-
termines, in addition to the findings required by
§ 6-106 DUBUQUE CODE § 6406
subsections 6-106.4.1 through 6-106.4.8 of this
Section, that the proposed non -conforming use is
more appropriate to the purpose and character of
the zone in which it is located than the existing
non -conforming use. The granting of any Condi-
tional Use Permit under this subsection shall not
be deemed to otherwise authorize in the district
involved any use not specifically listed as a Per-
mitted or Conditional Use for the district and the
new non -conforming use allowed by the permit
shall be subject to all provisions of Article II of
this ordinance to the same degree and extent as the
prior non -conforming use.
The Board may solicit the opinion or advice of
the Planning and Zoning Commission, its staff,
or any other public agency or employee(s) whose
advice the Board considers necessary to properly
make the determinations required by this Section.
However, such advice may not be relied upon in
whole or in part as a basis for the ultimate de-
cision to grant, conditionally grant, or deny the
Conditional Use Permit unless such advice is pre-
sented to the Board in writing, is read or otherwise
publicly presented at the public hearing, and is
specifically identified as a determining considera-
tion in the Board's final written decision.
6-106.5 Conditions and Restrictions on the Conditional Use
In granting a Conditional Use Permit, the Board may
impose any conditions or restrictions it reasonably con-
siders necessary to insure full compliance with the
standards of Section 6-106.4 of this Article, to reduce
or eliminate any detrimental effect of the proposed
Conditional Use upon the neighborhood or the district,
or to carry out the general purposes and intent of this
ordinance. Violation of such conditions and restrictions,
when made a part of the terms under which a Condi-
tional Use Permit is granted, shall be deemed a viola-
tion of this ordinance.
§ 10-101
5. Reclassification of property.
6. Planned unit development procedures (including requested
expansions of C-6 or ID Districts subject to PUD procedures.)
7. Site plan review.
8. Temporary sign certificate. (Ord. No. 4-83, § 1, 3-12-83)
Section 10-102 Amount of fee
The amount of each fee shall be established by resolution of the
city council in an official schedule of planning and zoning fees.
(Ord. No. 4-83, § 1, 3-12-83)
Section 10-103 Payment
All fees shall be collected by the city development planner at
the time of application for deposit with the city treasurer. (Ord.
No. 4-83, § 1, 3-12-83)
Section 10-104 Exempted from fees
No fee is required for applications filed in the public interest by
members of the city council, the planning and zoning commis-
sion, the board of zoning adjustment or the city manager. (Ord.
No. 4-83, § 1, 3-12-83)
The following definitions of words or phrases shall be used
in the interpretation and construction of this ordinance, un-
less the context clearly requires otherwise :
Accessory — incidental and subordinate to another use or
structure on the same lot.
Accessory use or structure — a use or structure which is
permitted on the same lot with, and is of a nature custo-
marily incidental and subordinate to, a principal use or struc-
Arterial street — a public street classified as an arterial
street on the most recent Functional Street Classification Map
in the City Engineer's Office.
Supp. No. 17 2637
Art. XI
Building — any structure whether temporary or permanent,
designed, built, or used as a shelter or roofed enclosure for
persons, animals or property, and entirely separated on all
sides from any other structure. This definition shall be con-
strued broadly and shall include tents, trailers, vehicles, awn-
ings or any other structures used as a building.
Building height — the vertical distance from the mean ele-
vation of the finished lot grade at the front of a building to
the highest point of the under side of the ceiling beams, in
the case of a flat roof ; to the deck line of a mansard roof ;
and to the mean level of the under side of the rafters between
the eaves and the ridge of a gable, hip or gambrel roof.
Boarding house — any building or portion thereof, con-
taining a single dwelling unit, wherein meals or lodging, or
both, are provided for direct or indirect compensation to not
less than three (3) and not more than ten (10) unrelated
Supp. No. 17
Art. XI
Car wash — any building, structure, or facility designed
or used for the washing or waxing of automobiles by me-
chanical means.
Club (private) — a non-profit voluntary association of
persons for the promotion of the same purposes or philosophy.
The permitted uses of a building owned or leased by such an
association shall include all customary club activities such as
lectures, discussions, meetings, social or recreational events,
and similar activities, and shall also include as an accessory
use the sale of food or alcoholic beverages, but only where
limited to club members and guests and only in conformance
with all state and federal regulations.
Conditional use — a use which is permitted in a district
only upon a finding by the Board of Adjustment that the pre-
requisite conditions specified by this ordinance are present.
For purposes of this ordinance, a Conditional Use shall be
considered to be identical with a Special Exception.
Commercial use — any use, a principal part of which in-
cludes the furnishing for profit of a good or service to or
for the general public. Subject to the specific exceptions listed
below, any profit -motivated use involving the furnishing of a
good or service in connection with which
a) an attempt is made to attract the general public
through advertising or other means, or
b) the general public in fact purchases, receives or con-
sumes a principal portion of the goods or services
shall be considered a commercial use.
Exceptions : The following uses shall not be considered com-
mercial uses within the meaning of this definition :
a) Athletic or fine arts events and customarily incident
concessions operated in conjunction with such events.
b) Uses or activities meeting the definition of a commer-
cial use given above, but carried on for not more than
three consecutive days and on not more than five days,
whether consecutive or not, within any month.
Supp. No. 4
Art. XI
Day-care center (or nursery school) — an establishment
regularly providing temporary supplemental parental care or
educational instruction for infants, pre-school children, or
school-age children under twelve (12) years of age outside
of regular school hours. This definition shall not include, how-
ever, establishments where such care or instruction is pro-
vided by a person or persons related to all such infants or
children by blood, marriage or formal adoption.
Department store—any retail store offering multiple lines
or categories of merchandise which exceeds sixty thousand
(60,000) square feet in floor area devoted to sales, display, or
storage. (Ord. No. 48-78, § 1, 8-21-78)
Drive-in restaurant -- any facility or establishment de-
signed or used for the sale, dispensing, or serving of prepared
food, refreshments, or beverages to patrons for consumption
in automobiles or for off -premise consumption, including all
restaurants advertising, offering, or allowing "carry -out"
Duplex -- a dwelling containing exactly two (2) dwelling
Dwelling — any building or portion thereof containing
one (1) or more dwelling units, but not including motels,
hotels, rooming or boarding houses, institutions, or con-
valescent or nursing homes.
Dwelling, single family -- a dwelling containing not more
than one (1) dwelling unit.
Dwelling, multiple family -- a dwelling containing three
(3) or more dwelling units, but not including a townhouse.
Dwelling unit — one or more connected rooms having com-
plete kitchen facilities and arranged, designed or used as
living quarters for one family only.
Family — a person or group of people occupying a dwelling
unit and composed of 1) an individual and any number of
other persons related to such individual by blood, marriage
or formal adoption, plus 2) not more than 2 other persons
Supp. No. 4 2640
Art. XI
unrelated to such individual by blood, marriage, or formal
Flammable or explosive materials — any substance which
decomposes through detonation or which is intense burning.
For purposes of this ordinance, any substance which is con-
sidered an "explosive" or a "flammable liquid" as defined in
Division IV of Article I of the City of Dubuque Fire Code
shall be considered a "flammable or explosive material".
Frontage — all the property on one side of a street be-
tween two intersecting streets (crossing or terminating),
measured along the side of the street, or if the street is dead -
ended, then all of the property abutting on one side between
an intersecting street and the deadend of the street; or if the
street is a continuous street running through a subdivision,
then all property on one side of the street measured between
the boundary lines of the subdivision.
Floor area (gross) — the terms "floor area" and "gross
floor area" shall be considered identical under this ordinance,
and shall mean the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the
floors of a building contained within the exterior walls there-
of, expressed in square feet. The floor area of structures de-
voted to bulk storage of materials shall be determined on the
basis of height, with each ten (10) feet or fraction thereof to
count as one floor.
"Floor area" when prescribed as the basis of measurement
for off-street parking or loading spaces for any use, shall
mean the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several
floors of the building, or portion thereof, devoted to such
use, including accessory storage areas located within selling
or working space such as counters, racks, or closets, and any
basement or cellar floor area devoted to retailing activities, to
the production or processing of goods, or to business or pro-
fessional offices.
Garage — a structure or building or portion thereof in
which one or more cars are parked or stored.
Garage (private) — an accessory building or an accessory
portion of the principal building, including a carport, which
Art. XI
is intended for and used for storing the privately -owned motor
vehicles, boats and trailers of the family or families resident
upon the premises, and in which no business, service, or in-
dustry connected directly or indirectly with motor vehicles,
boats and trailers is carried on; provided that not more than
two-thirds of the parking spaces therein may be rented for
the storage of motor vehicles, boats and trailers of persons
not resident on the premises, except that all the parking
spaces in a garage of one, two, or three car capacity may be
so rented.
Gas stations — building and premises where gasoline, oil,
grease, batteries, tires, and automobile accessories may be
supplied and dispensed at retail, and where in addition the
following services may be rendered and sales made, and no
1. Sales and servicing of spark plugs, batteries, and dis-
tributors and distributor parts ;
2. Tire servicing and repair, but not recapping or re -
grooving ;
3. Replacement of mufflers and tail pipes, water hose,
fan belts, brake fluid, light bulbs, fuses, floor mats,
seat covers, windshield wiper blades, grease retainers,
wheel bearings, mirrors, and the like;
4. Radiator cleaning and flushing;
5. Washing and polishing, and sale of automotive washing
and polishing materials;
6. Greasing and lubrication ;
7. Providing and repairing fuel pumps, oil pumps, and
lines ;
8. Minor servicing and repair of carburetors ;
9. Emergency wiring repairs;
10. Adjusting and repairing brakes;
11. Minor motor adjustments not involving removal of
the head or crankcase or racing the motor ;
12. Sales of cold drinks, packaged foods, tobacco, and simi-
lar convenience goods for gas station customers, as
accessory and incidental to principal operation ;
13. Provision of road maps and other informational ma-
terial to customers; provision of restroom facilities.
Uses permissible at a gas station do not include major me-
chanical and body work, straightening of body parts, painting,
welding, storage of automobiles not in operating condition, or
other work involving noise, glare, fumes, smoke, or other
characteristics to an extent greater than normally found in
gas stations. A gas station is not a repair garage or body
Group home — any group of persons not meeting the defi-
nition of a family and occupying a single dwelling unit, but
not including a boarding or rooming house.
Home occupation — a business operated as an accessory
use to a residential dwelling unit and subject to the pro-
visions of Article V of this ordinance.
Housing for the elderly, handicapped and disabled—a dwelling
designed, maintained, and operated for exclusive occupancy by el-
derly, handicapped and disabled persons who constitute an elderly
family as defined by the regulations of the United States Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban Development and providing that one
dwelling unit may be used for a resident manager who shall be
exempt from occupancy age limitations. (Ord. No. 12-78, § 4, 3-20-78;
Ord. No. 45-81, § 1, 8-17-81)
Loading space, off-street — space logically and conveniently
located for bulk pickups and deliveries, scaled to delivery ve-
hicles expected to be used, and accessible to such vehicles when
required off-street parking spaces are filled. Required off-
street loading space is not to be included as off-street parking
space in computation of required off-street parking space.
Supp. No. 11
Art. XI
Lot — for purposes of this ordinance, a lot is a parcel of
land of at least sufficient size to meet minimum zoning re-
quirements for use, coverage, and area, and to provide such
yards and other open spaces as are herein required. Such lot
shall have frontage on an improved public street, or on an
approved private street, and may consist of :
1. A single lot of record ;
2. A portion of a lot of record ;
3. A combination of complete lots of record, of complete
lots of record and portions of lots of record, or of por-
tions of lots of record ;
4. A parcel of land described by metes and bounds ; pro-
vided that in no case of division or combination shall
any residual lot or parcel be created which does not
meet the requirements of this ordinance.
Lot frontage — the front of a lot shall be construed to be
the portion nearest the street. For the purposes of determining
yard requirements on corner lots and through lots, all sides
of a lot adjacent to streets shall be considered frontage, and
yards shall be provided as indicated under Yards in this Arti-
Lot measurements —
1. Depth of a lot shall be considered to be the distance
between the midpoints of straight lines connecting the
foremost points of the side lot lines in front and the
rearmost points of the side lot lines in the rear.
2. Width of a lot shall be considered to be the distance
between straight lines connecting front and rear lot
lines at each side of the lot, measured across the rear
of the required front yard, provided however that
width between side lot lines at their foremost points
(where they intersect with the street line) shall not be
less than eighty (80) per cent of the required lot width except
in the case of lots on the turning circle of culs-de-sac, where
the eighty (80) per cent requirement shall not apply.
Supp. No. 11
Art. XI
Lot of record — a lot which is part of a subdivision re-
corded in the office of the County Recorder, or a lot or parcel
described by metes and bounds, the description of which has
been so recorded.
Lot types — the diagram below illustrates terminology used
in this ordinance with reference to corner lots, interior lots,
reversed frontage lots and through lots :
Supp. No. 3
Ord. No. Date Section this Code
5-83 3-12-83 1 34-19
6-83 3-12-83 1 31-18
7-83 3-12-83 1 14-26
8-83 3-12-83 1 14-27
9-83 3-12-83 1 18-52
10-83 3-12-83 1 7-33(a)
11-83 3-12-83 1 36-161
12-83 3-12-83 1 36-56
15-83 3-14-83 1 191/2-6.1(b)
2 191/2-6.2(b)
16-83 3-14-83 1 13-106
17-83 3-14-83 1 13-44
18-83 3-21-83 1 25-210(b)
Supp. No. 17
(The next page is 3001)
(Note—Section citations refer to sections contained within Ap-
pendix B, Cable Services Delivery Franchise)
Definitions 3
Design of system 6
Grant of franchise 4
Intent 2
Local regulations 8
Miscellaneous provisions 10
Protections for subscriber 9
Service area 5
Short title 1
Standards 7
Subscriber protections 9
System design 6
Cable regulatory commission
Established; purposes and duties 36-176
Intent 36-175
Meetings; procedures 36-178
Membership; terms of office; officers 36-177
Community tele -programming commission
Established; purposes and duties 36-172
Intent 36-171
Meetings; procedures 36-174
Membership; terms of office; officers 36-173
Authority for establishment of 36-179
Definitions 36-180
Monthly subscriber rates and charges 36-183
Other rates not to be charged 36-184
Payments by subscriber 36-181
Refunds for cancellations 36-182
Occupational license requirements in general 24-1 et seq.
Licenses and permits. See that title
Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
CARNIVALS. See: Circuses, Carnivals and Menageries
Dogs and cats, regulations re 7-16 et seq.
Animals and fowl. See that title
Supp. No. 16
Opening on streets 33-4(5)
Housing standards 20-104
Housing. See that title
Area delineated 24-25
Bakery goods, regulations for sale 25-26(b)(3)
Display of merchandise
Merchandise permitted; limitations and prohibitions., 24-26(6)(4)
Homemade jellies, catsup, etc.
Limitations and prohibitions on sale 24-26(b)(2)
Inspection of merchandise 24-32
Confiscation of unfit food 24-32
Limitations and prohibitions on display, sale, etc. 24-26(b)
Market area delineated 24-25
Market master
Designated; duties 24-30
Market stalls
Establishment of 24-27
Stall use permits. See within this title that subject
Permitted merchandise to be sold, displayed, etc. 24-26
Protection of foodstuffs from exposure to flies, dust, etc24-26(b)(5)
Stall use permits
Fee 24-27
Issuance 24-27
Restricted to Central Market area 24-28
Revocation 24-29
State laws relating to licensing inspection and taxation
Compliance with 24-26(b)(1)
Traffic regulations 24-31
Weights and measures 24-33
Citation of charter 2-17
Form of government 2-18
Powers and duties 2-19
Purpose 2-16
Mayor designated 2-83
Mayor and mayor pro tem. See also that title
Defined 24-1
Miscellaneous business licenses 24-3(1)
Supp. No. 16
Food and beverage vending machines
Disciplinary action for violations, unsanitary conditions,
etc. 16-25
Inspection of vending machine commissaries, vending ma-
chines, etc. 16-24
License to operate
Application for
Agreement to maintain list, make available 16-19(b)
Form; information 16-19(a)
Exemption for operators of certain machines 16-18(b)
Expiration, renewal 16-18(a)
Fees 16-20
Food establishment, food -service licensing requirements
Licensed vending machines excepted from 16-22
Identification thgs for individual machines 16-23
Nontransferable 16-21
Required 16-18(a)
Disciplinary action for 16-25
Food -service establishments
Food service sanitation ordinance
Adopted 16-6
Amendments 16-8
Definitions 16-7
License to operate
Fee 16-9
Violations; penalties 16-10
Housing; food preparation 20-5
Housing. See that title
Market restrictions 24-33 et seq.
Milk and milk products ]6-28 et seq.
Milk and milk products. See that title
Peddlers' restrictions 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
Rooming houses; food service and dining facilities 20-5.01(b)
Housing. See that title
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants 16-48 et seq.
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that title
E. B. Lyons Forest Preserve and Nature Center 27-88
FORFEITURES. See: Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties
Charter provisions 2-16 et seq.
Charter. See that title
Supp. No. 15
Applications 24-47
Fees 24-48
Required 24-46
FOWL. See: Animals and Fowl
Cable services delivery franchise (Appendix B). See that title
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included
herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordi-
nance of this code
Generally 26-69
Houses, keeping 26-71
Seizure and destruction of devices 26-72
Slot machines 26-70
Accumulations, unlawful 17-20
Burning or incinerating garbage or refuse
Air quality considerations for permitted burning 17-4
Cancellation of permitted burning 17-5
City -operated or city -licensed incinerators, exception for 17-1(b)
Outdoor cooking appliances for residential recreational pur-
poses, exception for 17-1(c)
Prohibited except by permission 17-1(a)
Special permission to burn landscape wastes (garden wastes,
tree clippings, small brush, leaves and other landscape
generated waste) 17-3
Amounts, expenditures 17-36
Billing and collecting 17-37
City collection service
Areas of collection 17-33
Availability of service 17-32
City manager's authority generally 17-31
Supp. No. 15
Parking spaces for 25-344 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
Ambulances 18-16 et seq.
Ambulances. See that title
Board of health
Clerk designated 2-121
Established 18-1
Dance hall premises, cleanliness 6-99
Public dances and dance halls. See that title
Expectorating, spitting on sidewalks 33-3
Food and food handlers 16-1 et seq.
Food and food services. See that title
Garbage and trash 17-1 et seq.
Garbage and trash. See that title
Housing standards 20-1 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Livestock kept in city 7-2
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Meat -packing plants 16-48 et seq.
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that title
Milk and milk products 16-28 et seq.
Milk and milk products. See that title
Rabies control regulations 7-45 et seq.
Dogs and cats. See: Animals and Fowl
Roller skating rinks, sanitation requirements 6-150
Slaughterhouses 16-48 et seq.
Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that title
Housing 20-1 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Mechanical code
Adopted 19-1
Amendments 19-2, 19-3
Definitions for interpreting code 1-2
Street defined to include
Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks
Supp. No. 14
Commission. See within this title: Historic Preservation
Definitions 191/2-2
Structures in historic districts 191/2-7
Historic buildings 20-14.03
Housing. See that title
Historic districts
Alteration of structures in 191/2-8
Demolition of structures in 191/2-7
Identification and designation of 191/2-6
Langworthy historic preservation district
Designated, review standards adopted 191/2 -6.1
Old Main Historic District
Designated; review standards adopted 19 V -6.2
Historic preservation commission
Appeals from decisions of commission 191/2-10
Appointment of members 19'/2-3(b)
Chairman, vice-chairman 191/2-4(a)
Compensation of members 191/2-3(g)
Composition 191/2-3(a)
Meetings 191/2 -4(d)
Officers, election of 191/2-4(a)
Operating procedures 191/2-5
Powers and duties generally 191/2-5
Quorum 191/2 -3(h)
Record of its proceedings, actions, etc. 191/2-4(d)
Residency requirements 191/2-3(a)
Review of plans 191/2-9
Rules or bylaws for transaction of business 191/2-4(c)
Secretary 191/2 -4(b)
Terms of office of members 19% -3(c), (e)
Vacancies, filling 191/2 -3(d), (1)
Purpose and intent of provisions 191/2-1
Review of plans
Procedure for 191/5-9
Penalties 191/2 -11
Animals at large, etc. 7-2
Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl
Computing time for interpreting code 1-2
Supp. No. 14
Burning or incinerating garbage and trash; sale of incinerators . 17-1 et seq.
Garbage and trash. See that title
Indecent exposure 26-11
Lewd places 26-8
Prostitution. See that title
Parks; indecent language; indecent exposure 27-47,27-48
Parks and recreation. See that title
Property tax exemption 35-12
Taxation. See that title
Industrial revenue bonds
Financing fee
Investigation fee 11'/2-126
Rabies control regulations 7-45 et seq.
Housing 20-1 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not
included herein. See the preliminary pages and
the adopting ordinance of this code
Traffic. See that title
Peddlers' provisions 28-22
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
Alcoholic beverage regulations 5-1 et seq.
Alcoholic beverages. See that title
Public drunkenness 26-9
IOWA, STATE OF. See: State
Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq.
Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title
Supp. No. 16
Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26439 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Word usage for interpreting code 1-2
Created, etc
Civil defense. See that title
11-16 et seq.
Construction tools
Required notice upon receipt of 22-4
Definitions 22-1
Fencing requirements 22-5
Items governed by provisions 22-4
Exemption for certain businesses 22-18
Required 22-17
Minors, dealing with 22-3
Purchases, security and consignment transactions
Goods or materials covered by provisions 22-4
Minors, dealings with restricted 22-3
Records required 22-2
Salvage operations
Fences required 22-5
Housing restrictions
Housing. See that title
Concealed weapons
Firearms and weapons. See that title
Assembling for purpose of intimidation
Human relations provisions
Unfair employment practices
Human rights commission. See that title
Supp. No. 16
21-1 et seq.
21-56 et seq.
Excavations in streets 33-62 et seq.
Streets and sidewalks. See that title
Food and beverage vending machines. See: Food and
Food Services
Food -service establishments. See: Food and Food Serv-
Fortunetellers and similar practitioners 24-46 et seq.
Fortunetellers, etc. See that title
Garbage and trash
Private collection service 17-44 et seq.
Garbage and trash. See that title
Gasoline service stations 14-55 et seq.
Service station licenses. See: Gasoline Service Stations, Tank
Vehicles and Storage Tanks
Going -out -of -business sales 24-60 et seq.
Going -out -of -business sales. See that title
Halls and theaters 6-128 et seq.
Theaters and halls. See that title
Housing 20-1 et seq.
Housing. See that title
Junk dealers, secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers 22-1 et seq.
Junk dealers, secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers. See
that title
Liquor control licenses and beer permits 5-19 et seq.
Alcoholic beverages. See that title
Milk plants 16-36
Milk and milk products. See that title
Motor vehicle registration and plates 25-77 et seq.
Traffic. See that title
Municipal waterfront and dock permits 26-112 et seq.
Municipal waterfront and docks. See that title
Noise variance permits 26-156 et seq.
Noises. See that title
Occupational licenses
Applications 24-4
Changes in location 24-9
Effect of provisions 24-13
Exemptions 24-12
Expiration 24-11
Issuance 24-5
Miscellaneous businesses 24-3
Penalty for renewal of delinquent licenses 24-11
Proration of fees . 24-7
Records 24-6
Refund of fees 24-8
Required 24-2
Supp. No. 16
Revocation 24-10
Transferability 24-9
Supp. No. 16
Flora Park
Description; placed under control and management of park
and recreation commission; certain rights reserved .... 27-89
Supp. No. 16