1 Supplement No. 19 - Code of Ordinances - December 19832`, TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd. Chapter Page 9½. Boats, Boating, Docks and Waterfront 529 Art. I. In General 529 Art. II. Division of Public Docks 535 10. Buildings and Building Regulations 561 Art. I. In General 561 Art. II. Unsafe Buildings 594 Art. III. Swimming Pools 595 Art. IV. Building Construction, Demolition and Moving 598 101/2. Civic Center 621 Art. I. In General 621 Art. II. Civic Center Commission 621 11. Civil Defense 649 Art. I. In General 649 Art. II. Joint County -Municipal Administration 649 11 1/2 . Community Development . Art. I. In General Art. II. Community Development Commis- sion 671 Art. III. Housing Rehabilitation 676 Div. 1. Generally 676 Div. 2. Rehabilitation Commission 676 Art. IV. Low -Rent Housing 682 Div. 1. Generally 682 Div. 2. Housing Commission 682 Art. V. Industrial Projects 684 12. Elections 719 Art. I. In General 719 Art. II. Precincts 720 Art. III. Wards 734 671 671 13. Electricity Art. I. In General Art. II. Electrical Code Div. 1. Generally Div. 2. Installation quirements Supp. No. 16 xvii Standards and Re - 771 771 771 771 773 DUBUQUE CODE Chapter Page Div. ' 3. Building Official and Electrical Inspector 776 Div. 4. Electrical Appeal Board 777 Div. 5. Permits 779 Div. 6. Enforcement 792.1 Art. III. Registration of Electricians 792.4 Div. 1. Generally 792.4 Div. 2. Examining Board 793 14, Fire Prevention and Protection 843 Art. I. In General 843 Art. II. Fire Department 847 Div. 1. Generally 847 Div. 2. Bureau of Fire Prevention 850 Art. M. Service Stations, Tank Vehicles and Stor- age Tanks 851 Div. 1. Generally 851 Div. 2. Service Station Licenses 852 Div. 3. Bulk Storage Tank Licenses 853 15. Flood Damage Control 909 Art. I. In General 909 Art. II. Flood Areas 909 16. Food and Food Handlers 955 Art. I. In General 955 Art. II. Food Service Establishments 955 Art. H1/2 . Food and Beverage Vending Ma- chines 958 Art. III. Milk and Milk Products 962 Div. 1. Generally 962 Div. 2. Milk Plants 963 Art. IV. Slaughterhouses and Meat-Packing Plants 964 Div. 1. Generally 964 Div. 2. License 966 17. Garbage, Trash and Refuse 1017 Art. I. In General 1017 Art. II. Collection 1018 Div. 1. Generally 1018 xviii Supp. No. 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd. Chapter Page Div. 2. City Collection Service 1022 Div. 3. Private Collection Service 1026 Art. III. Disposal 1026.1 Div. 1. Generally 1026.1 Div. 2. Public Landfill Sites 1027 Div. 3. Private Landfill Sites 1030 18. Health and Sanitation 1081 Art. I. In General 1081 Art. II. Ambulances 1082 Div. 1. Generally 1082 Div. 2. Licenses 1087 Div. 3. City -Operated Service 1097 19. Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilating 1149 19'/2. Historical Preservation 1171 20. Housing Regulations 1205 21. Human Relations 1283 Art. I. In General 1283 Art. II. Human Rights Commission 1285 Art. II'/2. Human Rights Director 1290 Art. III. Unfair and Discriminatory Practices 1290 Div. 1. Generally 1290 Div. 2. Accommodations or Services 1291 Div. 3. Employment Practices 1292 Div. 4. Housing 1294 Div. 5. Credit 1296 Div. 6. Education 1297 Art. IV. Enforcement of Civil Rights 1298 22. Junk Dealers, Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers 1351 Art. I. In General 1351 Art. II. Licenses 1354 23. Library 1405 24. Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations 1459 Art. I. Occupational Licenses Generally 1459 Art. II. Central Market 1463 Supp. No. 11 xix DUBUQUE CODE Chapter Page Art. III. Fortunetellers, Etc. 1466.1 Art. IV. Going -Out -of -Business Sales 1466.2 Art. V. Rat Control 1468 Art. VI. Commercial Practices 1473 Div. 1. Generally 1473 Div. 2. Weights and Measures 1474 25. Motor Vehicles and Traffic 1527 Art. I. In General 1527 Art. II. Administration and Enforcement 1534 Div. 1. Generally 1534 Div. 2. Traffic -Control Devices 1536 Art. III. Accidents 1540 Art. IV. Noise Control 1542 Art. V. Motor Vehicles 1545 Div. 1. Generally 1545 Div. 2. Equipment 1552 Art. VI. Operation 1566 Div. 1. Generally 1566 Div. 2. Overtaking and Passing 1584.1 Div. 3. Right -of -Way 1585 Div. 4. Speed 1590.11 Art. VII. Pedestrians 1591 Art. VIII. Stopping, Standing and Parking 1593 Div. 1. Generally 1593 Div. 2. Municipal Parking Garages 1602 Div. 3. Municipal Parking Lots 1605 Div. 4. Parking Meters 1609 Div. 5. Restrictions During Snow Removal 1614 Div. 6. Parking Space for the Handicapped 1616 26. Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions 1667 Art. I. In General 1667 Art. II. Assemblies 1673 Art. III. Blasting 1674 Div. 1. Generally 1674 Div. 2. Permit 1675 Supp. No. 11 XX Chapter TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd. Page Art. IV. Gambling 1677 Art. V. Model Glue 1678 Art. VI. Reserved 1679 Art. VII. Noises 1680 Div. 1. Generally 1680 Div. 2. Variance Permits 1693 Art. VIII. Drug Paraphernalia 1695 27. Parks and Recreation 1745 Art. I. In General 1745 Art. II. Administration 1746 Div. 1. Generally 1746 Div. 2. Park and Recreation Commission 1746 Div. 3. Director of Parks and Recreation 1750 Art. III. Use Regulations 1750 Art. IV. Specific Parks 1758 28. Peddlers and Transient Merchants 1809 Art. I. In General 1809 Art. II. License 1811 29. Planning 1865 Art. I. In General 1865 Art. II. Planning and Zoning Commission 1865 Art. III. Development Planner 1869 30. Plumbing 1919 31. Police 1983 Art. I. In General 1983 Art. II. Burglary and Robbery Alarm Permits 1984 Art. III. Police Department 1988 32. Railroads 2033 33. Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places 2087 Art. I. In General 2087 Art. II. Curbs and Driveways 2091 Div. 1. Generally 2091 Div. 2. Permit 2092 Art. III. Excavations 2094 Div. 1. Generally 2094 Div. 2. Permit 2096 Supp. No. 17 xd DUBUQUE CODE Chapter Page Art. IV. Snow and Ice Removal 2097 Div. 1. Generally 2097 Div. 2. Sidewalks 2098 Art. V. Sidewalk Repairs 2099 34. Subdivision Regulations 2149 Art. I. In General 2149 Art. II. Plats 2151 Div. 1. Generally 2151 Div. 2. Preliminary 2152 Div. 3. Final 2155 Art. III. Standards and Specifications 2159 Div. 1. Generally 2159 Div. 2. Streets, Alleys and Easements2160 Div. 3. Blocks 2162 Div. 4. Lots 2162 Div. 5. Parks, Playgrounds and Schools 2163 35. Taxation 2213 Art. I. In General 2213 Art. II. Property Taxes 2213 Div. 1. Generally 2213 Div. 2. Exemptions 2214 Art. III. Hotel and Motel Tax 2217 36. Utilities 2253 Art. I. In General 2253 Art. II. Sewers and Sewage Disposal 2255 Div. 1. Generally 2255 Div. 2. Discharge Regulations 2261 Div. 3. Private Disposal Systems 2269 Div. 3A. Private Haulers 2274 Div. 4. Rates 2275 Art. III. Reserved 2280 Art. IV. Water 2280 Div. 1. Generally 2280 Div. 2. Connections 2290 Div. 3. Meters 2298 Div. 4. Rates 2301 Supp. No. 17 TABLE OF CONTENTS—Cont'd. Chapter Page Art. V. Cable Television 2306 Div. 1. Community Tele -Programming Commission 2306 Div. 2. Cable Regulatory Commission 2309 Div. 3. Rates 2312 Div. 4. Misappropriation of Cable Services 2321 37. Vegetation 2355 Art. I. In General 2355 Art. II. Trees 2355 Div. 1. Generally 2355 Div. 2. Tree Trimmers 2355 Div. 3. Dutch Elm Disease 2357 Art. III. Weeds 2359 38. Vehicles for Hire and Public Transportation 2411 Art. I. In General 2411 Art. II. Taxicabs 2411 Div. 1. Generally 2411 Div. 2. Permits and Licenses 2414.1 Art. III. Transit System 2419 Div. 1. Generally 2419 Div. 2. Transit Authority 2419 Div. 3. Transit Manager 2423 Appendix A. Zoning 2469 Art. I. Establishment of Districts; Provisions for Official Zoning Map and Interpreta- tion and Amendment Thereof 2471 Art. II. Nonconforming Lots, Uses of Land, Uses of Structures and Premises, and Characteristics of Use: Amortization Provisions 2475 Art. III. General Provisions 2481 Art. IV. District Regulations 2489 Art. V. Supplementary District Regulations 2581 Art. VI. Board of Adjustment; Powers and Du- ties; Variances; Conditional Uses 2614.2 Supp. No. 18 DUBUQUE CODE Appendix Page Art. VII. Administration and Enforcement; Required Permits and Certificates 2624.1 Art. VIII. Amendments and Zoning Reclassifi- cation; Procedures and Policies 2629 Art. IX. Violations and Penalties 2635 Art. X. Fees 2636 Art. XI. Definitions 2637 Art. XII. Adoption and Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances 2650 B. Cable Services Delivery Franchise 2763 Code Comparative Table 2951 Code Index 3001 Supp. No. 18 xxiv § 2-71 ADMINISTRATION § 2-73 clerk before the first day of August of each year. (Ord. No. 34-51, § 2, 8-6-51) Sec. 2-72. Books and records. All books and records required to be kept by law or ordi- nance shall be open to inspection by the public upon request. Sec. 2-73. Deposits of municipal funds. Prior to the fifth day of each month, each office or depart- ment shall deposit all funds collected on behalf of the munici- pality during the preceding month. The officer responsible for the deposit of funds shall take such funds to the city treasurer, together with receipts indicating the sources thereof and ob- taining a receipt from the treasurer for the funds, or deposit the funds directly in the city's bank account and give the city treasurer a duplicate receipted deposit slip together with his receipts indicating the sources of the funds. Supp. No. 15 66.1 § 4-18 AIRPORT § 4-23 (2) He shall attach to such vehicle a notice -of -fine envelope, stating that it has been parked in violation of this article and instructing the owner or operator to report to the traffic violation bureau in the city hall within seventy-two (72) hours of the time of the violation. (Ord. No. 28-78, § 1, 5-1-78) Sec. 4-19. Penalty for violations. Any person violating any provision of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00), and upon failure to pay said fine shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. The word "person" herein shall include individual, firm, association or corporation. (Ord. No. 28-78, § 1, 5-1-78) Secs. 4-20, 4-21. Reserved. ARTICLE II. COMMISSION* Sec. 4-22. Powers—Generally. The airport commission of the city shall have and exercise the powers to manage and control the municipal airport of the city, except that such commission shall not have the power to sell such airport. (Ord. No. 20-75, § 3, 6-16-75) Sec. 4-23. Same—Rule-making. The airport commission shall promulgate and put in force such rules and regulations as shall be deemed necessary and appropriate for the order, operation, management, control and supervision of the municipal airport. A copy of such rules and regulations shall be filed with the airport manager together with any amendments thereto ; also, copies thereof shall be posted in two (2) conspicuous places in the adminis- tration building at the municipal airport. (Ord. No. 45-73, § 7, 8-20-73 ; Ord. No. 20-75, § 7, 6-16-75) *Cross reference—Administration, Ch. 2. Supp. No. 7 199 § 4-24 DUBUQUE CODE § 4-24 Sec. 4-24. Same—Control of funds. All funds derived from taxation or otherwise for airport purposes shall be under the control of the airport commission of the city for the purposes of management, operation and control of the municipal airport and shall be deposited with the city treasurer to the credit of the airport commission and shall be disbursed only on the written warrant or order of the airport commission including the payment of all indebted- ness arising from the acquisition and construction of airports and the maintenance, operation and extension thereof. (Ord. No. 10-75, § 5, 6-16-75) Supp. No. 7 200 § 4-25 AIRPORT § 4-35 Sec. 4-25. Oath; bond. Each member of the airport commission of the city shall qualify by taking his oath of office and filing a surety com- pany bond in the principal amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in favor of the city. (Ord. No. 20-75, § 2, 6-16-75) Sec. 4-26. Certification of annual tax levy. The airport commission of the city shall, annually, certify the amount of tax within the limitations of law to be levied for airport purposes and upon such certification, the city council may include such amount in its budget. (Ord. No. 20-75, § 4, 6-16-75) Sec. 4-27. Annual report. The airport commission of the city shall, immediately after the close of each municipal fiscal year, file with the city clerk a detailed and audited written report of all the money received and disbursed by such airport commission during the fiscal year and such report should be kept on file in the office of the city clerk for public inspection. (Ord. No. 20-75, § 6, 6-16-75) Secs. 4-28-4-33. Reserved. ARTICLE III. MANAGER* Sec. 4-34. Office created. The office of airport manager is hereby created, who shall perform such duties as shall from time to time be required. (Ord. No. 45-73, § 5, 8-20-73) Sec. 4-35. Duties. In addition to general management and supervision of the airport, including the regulation of all activities connected therewith the airport manager shallbe responsible for all *Cross reference—Administration, Ch. 2. 201 § 4-35 DUBUQUE CODE § 4-49 activities of the civil landing area, the continued maintenance of adequate personnel, protective facilities, and records of all flight operations as may be required by the Federal Aviation Administration; prohibit the operation of civil aircraft in vio- lation of any rules or regulations prescribed by the Federal Aviation Administration; issue all permits approved by the airport commission; and collect all fees prescribed by ordi- nances of the city or the rules and regulations provided for in this chapter. (Ord. No. 45-73, § 6, 8-20-73) Secs. 4-36-4-46. Reserved. ARTICLE IV. ZONING COMMISSION* Sec. 4-47. Established. There is hereby established a joint commission to be known as the airport zoning commission of the county and city. (Res. No. 90-51, § 1, 3-5-51) Sec. 4-48. Composition. The commission established by this article shall be composed of five (5) members selected and appointed as follows: (1) Two (2) members selected by the city council; (2) Two (2) members selected by the board of supervisors of this county; (3) One (1) member selected by the four (4) members selected by the city council and county board of super- visors. (Res. No. 90-51, § 2, 3-5-51) Sec. 4-49. Terms. The terms of the members of the commission established by this article shall be for six (6) years. (Res. No. 90-51, § 3, 3-5-51) *Cross references—Administration, Ch. 2; planning and zoning com- mission, Ch. 29, Art. II; zoning, App. A. 202 Chapter 91/2 BOATS, BOATING, DOCKS AND WATERFRONT* Art. I. In General, §§ 91/2-1-91/2-30 Art. II. Division of Public Docks, §§ 91/2-31-91/2-33 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 91/2-1. Definition. As used in this chapter, a "boathouse" is defined as any structure, floating house or floating shed of whatever material used, which is used to enclose a boat, or boats, for purposes of housing same. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 10, 3-26-73) Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2. Sec. 91/2-2. Unlawful deposits in or along certain harbors. Logs, lumber, wood scraps, rope scraps, metal, glass or paper containers, derelict boats, oil, hay, garbage, sweepings *Editor's note—For purposes of classification, and to facilitate indexing and reference, the editor has included as a new Ch. 91/2, §§ 91/2-1-91/2-33, provisions formerly codified herein as Art. VI of Ch. 26, §§ 26-110--26-133. Sections of said former article have been redesignated as follows: Former Former Sections New Section Sections New Section Number Number Number Number 26-110 91/2 -1 26-121 91/2 -8 26-111 91/2-4 26-122 91/2-10 26-112 91/2 -3 26-123 91/2 -14 26-113 91/2-5 26-124 91/2-15 26-114 91/2-6 26-131 91/2-31 26-115 91/2 -7 26-132(a)—(d) 91/2-32(a)—(d) 26-116 91/2-11 26 -132(e) --(h) 91/2-32(f)—(i) 26-117 91/2-12 26-133 91/2-33 26-118 91/2 -9 26-134 91/2 -32(e) 26-119 91/2-13 26-135 91/2-32(j) 26-120 91/2 -2 State law reference—Water navigation regulations, I.C.A. Ch. 106. Supp. No. 6 529 § 9'/2 -2 DUBUQUE CODE § 9'/2 -5 and similar trash are hereby declared to be nuisances; and it shall be unlawful for any person to throw or place, or cause to be thrown or placed, any of the above-named articles, or human waste, in the Ice Harbor, Pleasure Boat Harbor, Seventh Street Harbor or Kerper Cut, or upon the shores thereof, in such a position that such articles or substances may be washed into such bodies of water. The provisions of this section do not apply to a public dump regularly established by the authority of the city. (Ord. No. 41-57, § 3, 6-3-57) Cross reference—Discharge of sewage or other polluted waters to natural outlets, § 36-12. Sec. 91/2-3. Construction and repair of waterfront structures. No construction of structures or repairs upon or along the waterfront of the city shall be undertaken except upon application to the dock board and under permit by it and in accordance with the general plans of the dock board and pursuant to specifications submitted to the board and approved by it upon such application. (Ord. No. 1473, § 1, 3-26-73) Cross reference—Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations, Ch. 24. Sec. 91/2-4. Boat landing areas. The dock board manager is hereby directed to lay off and designate boat landing areas along the municipally owned waterfront for pleasure craft, commercial vessels and public landings and to mark the public landings with suitable signs delineating their boundaries. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 2, 3-26-73) Sec. 91/2-5. Mooring permits. (a) Required. Except at public landings, no person shall moor or cause to be moored a vessel, float, boathouse, or other watercraft, along the waterfront of the city without first obtaining a permit to do so from the dock board. Supp. No. 6 530 § 9'/z -5 BOATS, BOATING, DOCKS AND WATERFRONT § 91/2 -7 (b) Application; fees. Mooring permits may be obtained from the dock board by making application therefor on forms provided by the dock board manager and paying an annual permit fee as follows: (1) For commercial space, two dollars ($2.00) per linear foot per year. (2) For pleasure craft space, one dollar ($1.00) per linear foot per year. (c) Tag. A permit tag will be issued at the time of application and payment of fees. (d) Removal of boats without permits. Any boat, float, vessel, boathouse or other watercraft for which a permit has not been issued by July first of any year shall be deemed abandoned and towed away and impounded by the dock commission, and the same shall not be returned to the owner thereof without [the owner's] first paying a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the towing of same and storage of such watercraft. If such watercraft is not claimed within twenty (20) days from the date of towing and, after written notice by ordinary mail to the address of the owner as shown on the application, said owner fails or refuses to claim the same, the same shall be considered abandoned and the commission may sell the watercraft. (Ord. No. 1473, §§ 3, 4, 7, 3-26-73) Cross reference—Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations, Ch. 24. Sec. 91/2-6. Agreements for waterfront usage longer than one year. The dock board may negotiate agreement for the use of portions of the waterfront for periods longer than one (1) year at such rentals as the dock board may in its discretion deem compensatory. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 5, 3-26-73) Sec. 91/2-7. Mooring of boathouses after March 26, 1973, restricted. (a) After March 26, 1973, no new boathouses shall be moored along the waterfront of the city, nor shall the same be relocated to such waterfront. Supp. No. 6 531 § 9 V2 -7 DUBUQUE CODE § 91/2-11 (b) Boathouses then located along the waterfront of the city shall be permitted, but only such general maintenance and repairs shall be permitted thereto as will keep boathouses in an orderly condition. (c) Transfer of ownership of boathouses then owned and located along the waterfront is prohibited. All owners of boathouses shall be required to either demolish the same or reconstruct the same, so that no longer shall boathouses be permitted but said occupancy shall be limited only to open floats. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 6, 3-26-73) Sec. 91/2-8. Floats, boathouses to be maintained in orderly condition. All floats and boathouses moored along the waterfront of the city shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition at all times, properly painted and securely moored. (Ord. No. 41-57, § 6, 6-3-57) Sec. 91/2-9. Commercial activities—Use of city -owned waterfront by commercial excursion oper- ators. No commercial excursion operator shall use any city - owned water frontage without first securing permission from the dock commission. Such commercial excursion operator may secure permission from the dock commission after making application therefor and payment of a fee of five dollars ($5.00) per landing. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 9, 3-26-73) Sec. 91/2-10. Same—Conducting trade or business in pleasure craft spaces prohibited. No person shall conduct any trade or business in pleasure craft spaces without written permission of the dock board. (Ord. No. 41-57, § 7, 6-3-57) Sec. 91/2-11. Launching, removing boat from water at public launching ramps. Passengers shall be prohibited from occupying a motor vehicle being used to launch a boat at any of the public Supp. No. 6 532 § 91-11 BOATS, BOATING, DOCKS AND WATERFRONT § 91/z-13 ramps. No passenger shall occupy a boat during the launching thereof or in the removal of the boat from the water and pulling the same up the ramp. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 8, 3-26-73) Sec. 91/2-12. Repairs to boats in public launching ramps. Repair work to boats and motors shall not be conducted while the boats are tried to the public launching ramps except in an emergency situation where a reasonable likelihood of injury to property or persons exists. (Ord. No. 14-73, § 8, 3-26-73) Sec. 91/2-13. Watercraft operation rules. All watercraft operating in waters under the jurisdiction of the city shall conform to the following rules: (a) Every operator of a motorboat shall at all times navigate the same in a careful and prudent manner and at such a rate of speed as not to endanger the lives or property of others. (b) No owner, operator or person in command of any powerboat shall operate the same, or permit it to be operated, at a speed in excess of eight (8) statute miles per hour in any of the following areas: (1) Within one hundred (100) feet of any person in the water. (2) Within two hundred (200) feet of any quay or landing float to which boats are made fast, or which is used for embarking or discharging passengers. (3) In the Ice Harbor, Pleasure Boat Harbor, and Seventh Street Harbor. (c) No person shall anchor a boat for fishing or other purposes on any body of water under the jurisdiction of the city in such a position as to dangerously obstruct access to public landings. Supp. No. 7 533 § 9'/2-13 DUBUQUE CODE § 9i/2-16 (d) Operators of boats and all types of watercraft, when mooring the same, shall exercise reasonable precau- tions to make sure that the vessel or craft will not go adrift and that the action of the water will not cause it to injure or endanger the property of others. (Ord. No. 41-57, § 2, 6-3-57) Sec. 91/2-14. Removal of sunken, derelict or aban- doned craft. The dock board may direct the removal and destruction of any sunken, derelict or abandoned craft, float or boathouse when, after investigation, it determines that the same constitutes a nuisance. The owner of any such craft, float or boathouse shall remove the same when directed so to do by the dock board and, upon his failure so to do, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as provided in section 1-8 of this Code. (Ord. No. 41-57, § 8, 6-3-57) Sec. 91/2-15. No -parking areas. The dock board of the city is hereby authorized and empowered to establish no -parking areas on the property under its jurisdiction, and, when any such area shall be established by dock board ordinance, and signs have been posted giving notice thereof, it shall thereafter be unlawful for the owner or operator of any motor vehicle or boat trailer to park the same in such areas. (Ord. No. 41-57, § 9, 6-3-57) Cross reference—Stopping, standing and parking generally, Ch. 25, Art. VIII. Sec. 91/2-16. Swimming and ice skating restricted. (a) Swimming or ice skating is prohibited in or on the following areas under the jurisdiction of the board of dock commissioners: (1) Dubuque Marina Harbor, area B; (2) Bissell Harbor, area C; (3) Schmitt Harbor, area C; (4) Dove Harbor, Seventh Street area. Supp. No. 7 534 § 9'/2-16 BOATS, BOATING, DOCKS AND WATERFRONT § 9'/2-32 (5) Dubuque Municipal Ice Harbor. (b) Swimming or ice skating is prohibited within five hundred (500) feet of the Schmitt Harbor boat ramp and the Hawthorne Street boat ramp. (Ord. No. 28-80, § 1, 4-21-80) Editor's note—Ord. No. 28-80, § 1, adopted April 21, 1980, amended the Code by adding provisions designated § 26-125. For purposes of classification, and at his discretion, the editor has redesignated said provisions § 9'/r-16, with the exception that subsection (c) of § 26-125 as enacted has been omitted as being duplicative of § 1-8 of this Code. Secs. 91/2-17-91/2-30. Reserved. ARTICLE II. DIVISION OF PUBLIC DOCKS• Sec. 91/2-31. Created. There is hereby created a division of the city to be known as the division of public docks. (Ord. No. 181, § 1, 11-15-26; Ord. No. 80-79, § 1, 12-17-79) Sec. 91/2-32. Dock board. (a) Composition. The division of public docks shall be administered by the dock board consisting of five (5) members to be known as commissioners of public docks. (b) Appointment, Qualifications of Members. The mem- bers of such dock board shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. The qualifications of the commissioners constituting such board shall be that they have been residents of the city for a period of not less than five (5) years and shall not at the time of their appointment or during their term of office be interested in or be employed by any common carrier. Such board shall act without compensation. (c) Terms. One of the initial appointments shall be for a term expiring November 26, 1982; two (2) of the initial appointments shall be for terms expiring November 26, 1983; and two (2) of the •Cross reference—Responsibility of director of public works to direct activities of division of public docks, § 2-169. Supp. No. 13 535 § 9 1/2 -32 DUBUQUE CODE § 91 -32 appointments shall be for terms expiring November 26, 1984. There- after, the appointment shall be for a three-year term or until a successor has been appointed and qualified. (d) Oath of Office. The members of the board shall qualify by taking an oath for the faithful performance of their duties. (e) Meetings. (1) Attendance. Members of the dock board shall attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of all regularly scheduled meetings within any 12 -month period. If any member does not attend such prescribed number of meetings, it shall constitute grounds for the board to recommend to the city council that said member be replaced. Attendance of all members shall be entered on the minutes. (2) Access of public. All meetings shall be held in conformance with the provisions of the Iowa Open Meetings Law. (3) Filing minutes with council. The dock board shall file with the city council a copy of the minutes of each regular and special meeting of the board within ten (10) working days after each such meeting. (4) Quorum; majority vote required for action by board. Three (3) members of the dock board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All action of the board shall be by resolution and the affirmative vote of at least three (3) members shall be necessary for the adoption of any resolution. (f) Rules. The commissioners shall, from time to time, adopt rules and regulations for the government of their department and to govern their proceedings, which shall be adopted by resolution, recorded in a book kept by the board and known as the book of rules and regulations, and such rules and regulations shall be in force and effect after publication in some newspaper published and circulated in the city. Supp. No. 13 536 § 9 1/2 -32 BOATS, BOATING, DOCKS AND WATERFRONT § 91/2 -32 (g) Office; records. The board shall maintain an office in the city and keep a record of all its proceedings and actions. All resolutions, documents and records of the board shall be governed by the Iowa Examination of Public Records Acts. (h) Removal of Members; Filling of Vacancies. If any commissioner shall, at any time during his incumbency, cease to have the qualifications required by this section for his appointment, or shall wilfully violate any of his duties under the law, such commissioner shall be removed by the mayor after written charges have been preferred against him and a due hearing of such charges have been had by the mayor upon reasonable notice to such commissioner. Vacancies occurring in the board through resignation or otherwise shall be filled by the mayor for the unexpired term. (i) Powers; Duties. The board shall have power, and it shall be its duty for and on behalf of the city for which it is organized: (1) General plan: To prepare or cause to be prepared a comprehensive general plan for the improvement of its harbor and waterfront, making provision for the needs of commerce and shipping, and for the use of riverfront property or other property, whether abutting the riverfront or not, and whether located within or without or partially within and partially without the corporate limits of the city, by others for industrial and manufacturing purposes to the extent deemed advisable in relation to the operation of established wharves and docks, and providing for the construction of such docks, basins, piers, quay walls, wharves, Supp. No. 13 536.1 § 9 1/2 -32 BOATS, BOATING, DOCKS AND WATERFRONT § 9 1/2 -32 warehouses, tunnels, belt railway connecting with all railway lines within the city, and such cranes, dock apparatus, and machinery equipment as it may deem necessary for the convenient and economical accom- modation and handling of watercraft of all kinds and of freight and passengers, and the free interchange of traffic between the waterway and the railways and the railways and the waterway. Said plan shall be filed in the office of the board and be open to public inspection, and may from time to time be changed, altered, or amended by the board, as the requirements of shipping and commerce and the advance of knowledge and information on the subject may suggest. (2) Purchase and condemnation of property: To purchase or acquire by condemnation or other lawful means, with the approval of the city council, such personal property, such lands, whether abutting the riverfront or not and whether located within or without or partially within and partially without the corporate limits of the city or such rights or interest therein, including easements, as may be necessary for use in the provision, development, full utilization and in the construction of any publicly owned harbor, water- front, dock, basin, pier slip, quay wall, wharf, warehouse, or other structure, and in the construction of a belt railway and railway switches, and appur- tenances and in making provision for the needs of commerce, shipping, industry, and manufacturing, as provided for in such plan as may be adopted by the board. If the board shall deem it proper and expedient that the city shall acquire possession of such wharf property, lands, or rights or interests therein, includ- ing easements, and no price can be agreed upon between the board and the owner or owners thereof, the board, with the approval of the city council, may direct the city attorney to take legal proceedings to acquire same for the city in such manner as is or may be provided by the general laws of the state in the Supp. No. 6 537 § 91/2 -32 DUBUQUE CODE § 9 1/2 -32 case of corporations having the right of eminent domain. The title of all lands, property, and rights acquired by the board shall be taken in the name of the city. (3) Control of property: The board shall have exclusive charge and control of the wharf property belonging to the city, including belt railway located in whole or in part therein, all the wharves, piers, quay walls, bulkheads, and structures thereon and the waters adjacent thereto, and all the slips, basins, docks, waterfronts, the structures thereon, and the appur- tenances, easements, uses, reversions, and rights belonging thereto, which are now owned or possessed by the city or to which the city is or may become entitled, or which the city may acquire under the provisions hereof or otherwise, together with such other city -owned lands or properties as the city council may designate by ordinance. The board shall have the exclusive charge and control of the building, rebuilding, alterations, repairing, operation, and leasing of said property and every part thereof, and of the cleaning, grading, filling, paving, sewering, dredging, and deeping necessary in and about the same. Construction plans and surveys shall be approved by the city engineer. Leases of such property may be made for such purposes, including industrial and manufacturing purposes, upon such terms and conditions, and for such period of time as, in the judgment of the dock board shall be for the best interest of the city, in furtherance of the general plan adopted by said board. (4) Abutting property; jurisdiction and improvement: The board is hereby vested with jurisdiction and authority over that part of the streets and alleys and public ground of the city which abut upon or intersect its navigable waters, lying between the harbor line and the first intersecting street measuring backward from highwater mark, to the extent only that may be Supp. No. 6 538 § 9 1/2 -32 BOATS, BOATING, DOCKS AND WATERFRONT § 91/2 -32 necessary or requisite in carrying out the powers vested in it by this division. It is hereby declared that such jurisdiction and authority shall include the right to build retaining or quay walls, docks, levees, wharves, piers, warehouses, or other constructions, including belt railway and railway switches, across and upon such streets and alleys and public grounds, and to grade, fill and pave the same to conform to the general level of the wharf, or for suitable approaches, thereto, provided that such improvements shall be paid for out of funds available to the board and not by assessments against abutting property; but in case the city council deems it necessary or advisable to construct street improvements or sewers on such streets and alleys, and abutting and adjacent property will receive special benefits therefrom, such improve- ments or sewers may be ordered constructed by said city council and the cost thereof may be assessed by said city council, to the extent of such benefits and as provided by law, upon and against all lots or parcels of real estate, whether publicly or privately owned, as may be specially benefited thereby, provided that the plans and specifications of the city council for such improvements or sewers be first approved by the dock board. Nothing in this subsection is intended to limit or qualify the powers and duties of the board as established and set out elsewhere in this section. Water mains so constructed will be a part of the city water utility and under the control of the water utility. Sanitary sewer extensions, so constructed, will be a part of the city sanitary sewer system and under the control of the city manager. (5) Control consistent with navigation laws; collection of tolls: The board is also vested with exclusive government and control of the harbor and waterfront consistent with the laws of the United States governing navigation, and of all wharf property, belt railway, wharves, piers, quay walls, bulkheads, docks, Supp. No. 6 539 § 9'/2 -32 DUBUQUE CODE § 9 1/2 -32 structures, and equipment thereon, and all the slips, basins, waters adjacent thereto, and submerged lands, and appurtenances belonging to the city, and may make reasonable rules and regulations governing the traffic thereon and the use thereof, with the right to collect reasonable dockage, wharfage, shedding, stor- age, cranage fees, and tolls thereon, as hereinafter provided. Obedience to such rules and regulations may be enforced in the name of the city by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days, provided the city council shall first adopt the same in ordinance form, as ordinances of the city. (6) Rules and regulations as to specifications of water- front buildings; adoption as ordinances: The board shall have power to make general rules and regula- tions for carrying out of the plans prepared and adopted by it for the building, repairing, alteration, maintenance and operation of all structures, erections, or artificial constructions upon or adjacent to the waterfront of the city, whether the same shall be done by the board or by others; and except as provided by the general rules of the board, no new structures or repairs upon or along said waterfront shall be undertaken, except upon application to the board and under permit by it and in accordance with the general plans of the board and in pursuance of specifications submitted to the board and approved by it upon such application. The general rules and regulations of the board, whenever adopted by it, shall be embodied in the form of ordinances and certified copies thereof shall, forthwith upon their passage, be transmitted to the city clerk who shall cause the same to be transcribed at length in a book kept for that purpose and the same shall be included in any compilation or publication of the ordinances of the city. Upon filing any such certified copy of any such ordinances, the said clerk shall forthwith cause the same to be Supp. No. 6 540 § 9 1/2 -32 BOATS, BOATING, DOCKS AND WATERFRONT § 9 1/2 -33 published once in some newspaper of general circula- tion published in the city. Said ordinances shall be in force and effect from and after the date of said publication, provided however, that if the said ordinances are included in any book or pamphlet of ordinances published by said city, no other publication shall be required, and they shall be in force and effect from the date said book or pamphlet is published. (7) Tolls and charges; schedules adopted as ordinances: The board shall have the power to fix and regulate, and from time to time to alter, the tolls, fees, dockage, wharfage, cranage, sheddage, storage, and other charges for all publicly owned docks, levees, belt railway, piers, quay walls, slips, basins, wharves, and their equipment, or the use of any portion of the waterfront of the city, which charges and rates shall be collectible by the board and shall be reasonable with a view only of defraying the necessary annual expenses of the board in constructing and operating the improvements and works herein authorized; a schedule of such charges and regulations shall be enacted by the board in the form of ordinances of the board before the same shall go into or be in effect, and a copy of same shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place in the office of the board. (j) Administrative and Other Polices of City Applicable to Operations: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary and procurement policies of the city shall govern the commission in all of its operations. (Ord. No. 181, §§ 2-9, 11-15-26; Ord. No. 7-76, §§ 1, 2, 3-1-76; Ord. No. 80-79, §§ 1-3, 5, 6, 12-17-79; Ord. No. 10-82, §§ 1-4, 3-8-82) Sec. 91/2-33. Office of dock manager. The office of dock manager is hereby created, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the city manager. The dock board shall serve as a personnel advisory committee to the city manager in the selection of such a manager. (Ord. No. 80-79, § 4, 12-17-79) Supp. No. 13 541 [The next page is 561] § 191/2 -2 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION § 191/2 -3 This definition shall pertain only to material changes of appearance which are visible from the public way, and for which a permit is required for compliance with applicable local codes. Furthermore, nothing in this definition shall be construed to prohibit or limit normal repairs or maintenance which do not involve alterations or changes in the external appearance of property. For individual historic districts, the definition of "material change in appearance" may be expanded to include additional activities for which a certificate of appropri- ateness is required. Such additional activities may be delineated in the ordinance designating an individual district, or by amending the district -designating ordinance, in the case of a district that has been previously designated. The imposition of any additional activities requiring certificates of appropriateness shall require the approval of the city council and the prior recommendation of the commission and the state division of historic preservation. Regulated permit: A permit issued by the building commissioner, city engineer, or other official of the city according to provisions of the building code, or other ordinance or regulation, and which permit is regulated by this chapter when: (1) The issuance of such permit would occasion a material change in appearance, herein defined, on a structure or site; and (2) The site of such permit is located within an historic district established pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. No. 18-77, § 2, 4-4-77; Ord. No. 11-81, § 1, 3-9-81) Sec. 191/2-3. Historic preservation commission— Established; membership; term of office; vacancies in office; quorum. (a) The commission shall initially consist of seven (7) members who shall be residents of the city. (b) Members of the commission shall be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the council. The Supp. No. 9 1173 § 191/2-3 DUBUQUE CODE § 191/2 -3 members shall be appointed as follows: one from a list of persons nominated by the Dubuque Board of Realtors; one from a list of persons nominated by the Dubuque County Historical Society; and five (5) at -large members, each of whom shall possess professional qualifications evidencing expertise in architecture, law, construction or building rehabilitation, city planning, or conservation in general. In the event that names are not submitted by the appropriate organization within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the request, the mayor may proceed to fill these positions in the same manner as members -at -large; as historical districts may hereafter be created, one member shall be appointed from each district. (c) The original appointment of the members of the commission shall be: three (3) for one year; two (2) for two (2) years, and two (2) for three (3) years, from March 1 following the year of such appointment or until their successor is named to serve out the unexpired portion of their term of appointment or until their successor is appointed to serve for the term of three (3) years. Members appointed from designated historical districts shall serve three-year terms. (d) Vacancies occurring in the commission, other than [through] expiration of term of office, shall be only for the unexpired portion [of the term] of the member replaced. (e) Members may serve for more than one term, and each member shall serve until the appointment of a successor. (f) Vacancies shall be filled by the mayor according to the original selection as aforesaid. (g) Members shall serve without compensation. (h) A simple majority of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (Ord. No. 18-77, § 3, 4-4-77) Supp. No. 9 1174 § 191/2-6.3 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION § 191/2-7 Locust Street; north along Locust Street to West 10th Street; east along West 10th Street to the alley between Locust and Main Streets; north along said alley to West 13th Street; east along West 13th Street to Main Street; south along Main Street to the south line of the north 1/5-C.L. 465; east along said line and its extension to the east line of the west 33 feet, north 1/5-C.L. 460; north along said line to West 13th Street; east along West 13th Street to Iowa Street; north along Iowa Street to West 14th Street; east along West 14th Street to the alley between Iowa Street and Central Avenue; north along said alley to West 17th Street; east along West 17th Street to Heeb Street, the point of beginning. (b) Review standards adopted. The properties within said de- scribed district shall be subject to the "Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation Projects," as adopted by the historic preservation commission for said commission's review procedure that precedes the issuance of a certificate of appropri- ateness pursuant to Chapter 191/2 of the Code of Ordinances. (Ord. No. 21-83, § 1, 4-18-83) Sec. 19%-7. Demolition of structures in historic districts. Demolition of structures erected within historic districts and deemed by the commission to be of a particular architectural or historical significance shall be prohibited unless, upon applica- tion, the commission finds that the prohibition of demolition prevents the owner of th6 property from earning any reasonable return on the property. In the event that the structure is found to be of unique value, the commission may, notwithstanding the showing of an absence of a reasonable return, deny permission to demolish; provided, however, that a denial of permission to de- molish shall prohibitsdemolition for no more than four (4) months from the date of application for a permit to demolish, unless at the expiration of four (4) months, adjustments have been made which allow for such a return. During this time the commission shall endeavor to formulate, with the owner, an economically feasible plan for the preservation of such structure. (Ord. No. 18-77, § 5(g), 4-4-77) Cross reference—Waiting period for demolition permit in certain neighborhoods, § 10-5. Supp. No. 18 1180.1 § 191/2-8 DUBUQUE CODE § 191/2-8 Sec. 181/2-8. Alteration of structures in historic dis- tricts. (a) After approval of the historical preservation district designation by the council, no material change in appear- ance of a structure or site within a designated district shall be made or permitted to be made by the owner or occupant thereof until a regulated permit shall have been obtained for such change as provided by this chapter. (b) After approval of a designation by the council, it shall be the duty of the historic preservation commission to review all plans for any and all material changes in appearance of a structure or site within any district, and it shall have the power to pass upon such plans before a regulated permit for such can be granted, provided that the commission shall pass only on such features of a change as are visible from the public way. The commission shall issue Supp. No. 18 1180.2 § 21-1 HUMAN RELATIONS § 21-19 of this chapter. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 100, 12-6-71; Ord. No. 22-77, § 1, 4-18-77) Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2. Secs. 21-2-21-15. Reserved. ARTICLE II. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Sec. 21-16. Created. There is hereby created a human rights commission. Sec. 21-17. Composition. The commission created by this article shall consist of nine (9) members. (Ord. No. 69-71, § 101, 12-6-71) Sec. 21-18. Appointment; terms; filling of vacancies. The human rights commission members shall be appoint- ed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the city council. Persons appointed to such commission shall serve for terms of three (3) years and thereafter until a successor has been appointed. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. Appointments shall take into consideration the various racial, religious, cultural and social groups in the city. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 101, 12-6-71) Sec. 21-19. Officers. The commission created by this article shall elect from its own membership at its regular January meeting its chairman and vice-chairman each to serve for a term of one year. It shall, at its regular January meeting, elect a secretary, who may be, but need not be, a member of the commission. The commission shall fill vacancies among its officers for the remainder of the unexpired term. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 103, 12-6-71) Supp. No. 7 1285 § 21-20 DUBUQUE CODE § 21-23 Sec. 21-20. Compensation. The members of the commission created by this article shall serve without compensation; provided, that, they may receive reimbursement for necessary travel, and other expenses while on official commission business, and such shall be within the limits established in the city budget. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 102, 12-6-71; Ord. No. 4-73, § 2, 1-29-73) Sec. 21-21. Removal of members for unexcused ab- sences. In the event a member of the commission created by this article has been absent for three (3) or more consecutive meetings without being excused by the chairman, the commission by majority vote may certify such fact to the city council and petition the city council to declare a vacancy by reason of such unexcused absence and appoint a successor to fill such vacancy. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 102, 12-6-71; Ord. No. 4-73, § 2, 1-29-73) Sec. 21-22. Rules. The commission created by this article may adopt, amend, or rescind such rules as may be necessary for the conduct of its business. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 104, 12-6-71) Sec. 21-23. Meetings. (a) The commission shall hold meetings on a bimonthly basis, during each calendar month, at a time and place to be determined by its rules. (b) The chairman, the vice-chairman, or any three (3) members of the commission may call a special meeting by giving at least one (1) clear day notice to every member of the commission. The call for a special meeting shall include an agenda, and only matters included in that agenda may be discussed at the meeting. (c) All meetings of the commission shall be held in conformance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. Supp. No. 7 1286 § 21-23 HUMAN RELATIONS § 21-26 (d) Members of the human rights commission shall attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of all regularly scheduled meetings within any 12 -month period. If any member does not attend such prescribed number of meetings, it shall constitute grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that said member be replaced. Attendance of all members shall be entered on the minutes. (Ord. No. 61-71, §§ 104, 105, 12-6-71; Ord. No. 22-77, § 2, 4-18-77; Ord. No. 86-79, § 1, 12-17-79; Ord. No. 25-80, § 1, 4-7-80) Sec. 21-24. Quorum. A quorum of the commission shall be five (5) members. A majority of the members present and voting shall be necessary for the passage of any motion. The chairman shall vote as a member of the commission. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 104, 12-6-71) Sec. 21-25. Records to be public; exceptions. All records of the commission shall be public, except charges, complaints, reports of investigations, statements and other documents or records obtained in investigation of any charges shall be closed records. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 105, 12-6-71; Ord. No. 86-79, § 2, 12-17-79) Sec. 21-26. Confidentiality of complaints, etc. No member of the commission or of its staff shall disclose the filing of a charge, the information gathered during the investigation, or the endeavors to eliminate such discrimi- natory or unfair practice by conference, conciliation, or persuasion, unless such disclosure is made in connection with the conduct of such investigation or after the commission has held a public hearing upon a complaint filed in connection with such charge. This section does not prevent any complainant, witness, or other person from publicizing the filing of a charge or complaint or the matter therein complained of. (Ord. No. 61-71, § 105, 12-6-71) Supp. No. 7 1287 § 21-27 DUBUQUE CODE § 21-27 Sec. 21-27. Powers and duties. The commission created by this article shall have the following powers and duties: (1) To receive, investigate, and finally determine the merits of complaints alleging unfair or discriminatory practices. (2) To investigate and study the existence, character, causes, and extent of discrimination in public accommodations, employment, apprenticeship pro- grams, on-the-job training programs, vocational schools, other educational institutions, and housing in this city and to attemptthe elimination of such dis- crimination by education and conciliation. (3) Reserved. (4) To hold hearings upon any complaint made against a person, an employer, an employment agency or a labor organization, or the employees or members thereof, to subpoena witnesses and compel their attendance at such hearings, to administer oaths and take the testimony of any person under oath, and to compel such person, employer, employment agency or labor organization, or employees or members thereof, to produce for examination any books and papers relating to any matter involved in such complaint. The commission shall issue subpoenas for witnesses in the same manner and for the same purpose on behalf of the respondent upon his request. Such hearings may be held by the commission, by any commissioner, or by any hearing examiner appointed by the commission. If a witness either fails or refuses to obey a subpoena issued by the commission, the commission may petition the district court having jurisdiction for issuance of a subpoena and the court shall, in a proper case, issue the subpoena. Refusal to obey such subpoena shall be subject to punishment for contempt. (5) To issue such publication and reports of investigations and research as in the judgment of the commission Supp. No. 7 1288 Chapter 36 UTILITIES* Art. L In General, §§ 36-1-36-10 Art. II. Sewers and Sewage Disposal, §§ 36-11-36-71 Div. 1. Generally, §§ 36-11-36-28 Div. 2. Discharge Regulations, §§ 36-29-36-42 Div. 3. Private Disposal Systems, §§ 36-43-36-52 Div. 3A. Private Haulers, § 36-53 Div. 4. Rates, §§ 36-54-36-71 Art. III. Reserved, §§ 36-72-36-91 Art. IV. Water, §§ 36-92-36-170 Div. 1. Generally, §§ 36-92-36-113 Div. 2. Connections, §§ 36-114-36-144 Div. 3. Meters, §§ 36-145-36-160 Div. 4. Rates, §§ 36-161-36-170 Art. V. Cable Television, §§ 36-171-36-190 Div. 1. Community Tele -Programming Commission, §§ 36-171-37-174 Div. 2. Cable Regulatory Commission, §§ 36-175-36-178 Div. 3. Rates, §§ 36-179-36-189 Div. 4. Misappropriation of Cable Services, § 36-190 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 36-1. Gas main connections—City's authority to require. Before any street, highway, avenue, alley or public ground is permanently improved, the city council, by the passage of a resolu- tion, may require connections from gas mains to be made by the owners of abutting property to the curbline of such property, and a notice of such requirements shall be given to the property owners as herein provided for. (Ord. No. 128, § 1, 10-2-22) Sec. 36-2. Same—Notice to owners. As soon as the resolution requiring connections to be made as provided for in section 36-1, is passed and adopted by the city council, a written notice shall be served upon all persons owning property along the street, avenue or alley proposed to be improved, *Cross references—Administration, Ch. 2; director of public works, § 2-169 et seq.; city operated ambulance service, Ch. 18, Art. II, Div. 3; railroads, Ch. 32. Supp. No. 18 2253 § 36-2 DUBUQUE CODE § 36-10 which notice shall order such property owner to make connections to the curbline with gas mains located in such streets, and there- upon it shall be the duty of the owners of such property to comply with such notice. The notice shall prescribe whether or not more than one connection is required to be made and the description of the lot or parcel or real estate to which the same is to be made and, in each instance, such owner shall be advised of the number of connections that are required to be made. (Ord. No. 128, § 2, 10-2-22; Ord. No. 195, § 2, 5-2-28) Sec. 36-3. Same—City's authority to make. If a property owner upon whom notice has been served pur- suant to section 36-2 to make the connections as provided for in section 36-1, should fail or refuse to make su. h connections within the time provided for in such notice, then the city council may proceed to have said connections made upon a contract made and entered into for that purpose and the cost of making such connections shall be assessed to the property owner and shall be collected in the same manner as other special assessments are collected, except that the whole amount of such assessments shall become due at once and shall not be payable in installments. (Ord. No. 128, § 4, 10-2- 22) Sec. 36-4. Same—When completion is required. The resolution passed by the council pursuant to section 36-1 and the notice that is served upon the property owner shall prescribe the time within which connections are to be made with such mains as provided for in such resolution, and this notice shall be final unless the time is extended by the city council upon application made therefor, or if conditions should arise which would make it impossible for the property owner to make the connections required. (Ord. No. 128, § 5, 10-2-22) Secs. 36-5-36-10. Reserved. Supp. No. 18 2254 § 36-32 UTILITIES § 36-32 (d) Any waters or wastes containing strong acid iron pickling wastes, or concentrated plating solutions, whether neutralized or not. (e) Any waters containing a toxic or poisonous substance, or wastes exceeding an excessive chlorine requirement to such degree that any such material received in the composite sewage at the waste water treatment works exceeds the limits established by the city manager for [such substance.] Such toxic substances shall be limited to the following average quantities in the sewage as it arrives at the treatment plant, and at no time shall the hourly concentration at the waste water treatment facility exceed three (3) times the average concentra- tion : (f) Substance Milligrams per Liter Iron, as Fe 15 Chromium, as Cr (hexavalent) 5 Copper, as Cu 3 Zinc, as Zn 2 Chlorine demand 30 Any waters or wastes containing phenols or other taste- or odor -producing substances, in such concen- trations exceeding the limit of five one -hundredths (0.05) milligram per liter established by the city man- ager as necessary, after treatment of the composite sewage, to meet the requirements of the state, federal or other public agencies or jurisdiction for such dis- charge to the receiving waters. (g) Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentration as may exceed limits established by the city manager in compliance with applicable state or federal regulations. (h) Any waters or wastes having a pH in excess of 10.0. (i) Materials which exert or cause: Supp. No. 1 2265 § 36-32 DUBUQUE CODE § 36-33 (1) Unusual concentrations of inert suspended solids (such as, but not limited to Fullers earth, lime slurries, and lime residues) or of dissolved solids (such as, but not limited to, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate). (2) Excessive discoloration (such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions). (3) Unusual B.O.D., chemical oxygen demand, or chlorine requirements in such quantities as to constitute a significant load on the waste water treatment facilities. (4) Unusual volume of flow or concentration of wastes, constituting slugs as defined herein. (j) Waters or wastes containing substances which are not amenable to treatment or reduction by the waste water treatment processes employed, or are amenable to treatment only to such degree that the waste water treatment facility effluent cannot meet the require- ments of other agencies having jurisdiction over dis- charge to the receiving waters. (Ord. No. 44-76, Art. V, § 4, 9-7-76) Sec. 36-33. Authority of city manager to regulate discharge of harmful substances. If any waters or wastes are discharged, or are proposed to be discharged to the public sewers, which waters contain the substances or posesses the characteristics enumerated in sec- tion 36-35, and which in the judgment of the city manager may have a deleterious effect upon the sewage works, pro- cesses, equipment, or receiving waters, or which otherwise create a hazard to life or constitute a public nuisance, the city manager may : (a) Reject the wastes; (b) Require pretreatment to an acceptable condition for discharge to the public sewers ; Supp. No. 1 2266 § 36-56 UTILITIES § 36-56 Monthly Rates Meter Minimum Allowance (inches) Charge (cubic feet) Sia $ 2.42 200 3/4 9.68 800 1 15.73 1,300 11/4 25.41 2,100 1% 31.46 2,600 2 55.66 4,600 3 128.26 10,600 4 203.28 16,800 6 445.28 36,800 8 756.25 62,500 (d) Provisions of this section shall be applicable for all billings on and after April 1, 1983. (Ord. No. 35-57, § 4, 4-15-57; Ord. No. 65-68, §§ 2, 3, 10-28-68; Ord. No. 48-76, §§ 1-4, 10-4-76; Ord. No. 26-79, § 1, 5-7-79; Ord. No. 19-80, § 1, 3-11-80; Ord. No. 60-80, § 1, 9-2-80; Ord. No. 12-83, § 1, 3-12-83) Supp. No. 17 2278.1 § 36-57 UTILITIES § 36-59 Sec. 36-57. Areas not served by public system. The rates, service charges, rentals or fees as provided in this division shall become effective at the time sewage from the contributors is first directed to the sanitary sewer system. At the time sanitary sewers are constructed in areas not now served by a sanitary sewer system, contributors shall be granted a reasonable time to make connection to the sewer. The effective date of the sewage service charge and the reas- onable time to connect to the sanitary sewer system will be determined by the city manager. (Ord. No. 35-57, § 6, 4-15- 57) Sec. 36-58. Disposal of wastes from private facilities. Any contributor engaged in cleaning cesspools, septic tanks or privy vaults shall discharge all effluent into a designated location at the sewage treatment plant. The rate for receiv- ing such waste shall be determined by the city manager. It shall be unlawful for any contributor to place any effluent or waste from cesspools, septic tanks or privy vaults in any other location in the city, except at the designated location at the sewage treatment plant. (Ord. No. 35-57, § 7, 4-15-57) Sec. 36-59. Lien for failure to pay. The city shall have a lien upon the real property served by the sanitary system for all delinquent rates and charges. Bills for sewage charges shall be delinquent when the same are unpaid for a period of fifteen (15) days following the due date, and if not paid, a penalty of five (5) per cent shall be added to the sewage rental bill but such penalty shall not be less than fifty cents ($0.50). The city clerk shall certify within ten (10) days of the following dates, to the Dubuque County auditor for collection with and in the same manner as property taxes and to estab- lish the real property liens, all rates and charges which are delinquent over fifteen (15) days on the first day of March, June, September and December. (Ord. No. 35-57, § 8, 4-15-57; Ord. No. 48-76, § 5, 10-4-76) Supp. No. 7 2279 § 36-60 DUBUQUE CODE § 36-92 Sec. 36-60. Costs of collection. The actual cost of collecting and accounting for all sewer rentals or charges shall be a part of the cost of operating the sewage treatment plant. The cost shall be paid from the sewage rental funds to the collection agent upon the city man- ager's certificate certifying to the amount. (Ord. No. 35-57, § 11, 4-15-57) Secs. 36-61-36-71. Reserved. ARTICLE III. RESERVED* Secs. 36-72-36-91. Reserved. ARTICLE IV. WATER DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 36-92. Definitions. In this article, the words "water works," "city water works" or "city water department" shall mean the city, acting through its qualified officers. (Ord. No. 5-59, § 1, 2-9-59) Cross reference—Rules of construction and definitions generally, § 1-2. *Editor's note—For purposes of classification, and at his discretion, the editor has redesignated former Art. III of Ch. 36, §§ 36-72-36-81, as a new Art. III of Ch. 38. Said former article pertained to the ttransit I1tauthority fadoptor the city and was derived from Ord. No. 19-75, §§ d June 9, 1975; Ord. No. 36-75, § 1, adopted Aug. 18, 1975; and Ord. No. 91-179, §§ 1-5; adopted Dec. 17, 1979. Supp. No. 7 2280 [The next page is 2285] § 1-101 APPENDIX A—ZONING § 1-101 ing Commission and subsequent action of the City Council have been met ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: ARTICLE I. ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS; PROVISIONS FOR OFFICIAL ZONING MAP AND INTERPRETATION AND AMENDMENT THEREOF Section 1-101 Establishment of districts To effectuate the purposes of this Ordinance, the following districts are hereby established : 1-101.1 Residential Districts 1. R-1 Residential District 2. R-2 Residential District 3. R-3 Residential District 4. R-4 Residential District 5. R-5 Residential District 1-101.2 Office Districts 1. OR -1 Office -Residential District 2. [reserved for future use] 1-101.3 Special Purpose Districts 1. PUD Planned Unit Development District 2. I -D Institutional District 3. Special Planning Districts (Ord. No. 39-78, § 1, 6-28-78) 1-101.4 Commercial Districts 1. C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District 2. C-2 Local Service Commercial District 3. C-3 Arterial Business Commercial District 4. C-4 General Commercial District Supp. No. 8 2471 § 1-101 DUBUQUE CODE § 1-102 5. C-5 Central Business District 6. C-6 Planned Commercial District 7. C-7 General Service and Wholesale Commercial District. (Ord. No. 54-80, § 1, 8-18-80) 1-101.5 Industrial Districts 1. L -I Light Industrial District 2. H -I Heavy Industrial District 3. P -I Planned Industrial District. (Ord. No. 29-80, § 1, 5-5-80) Section 1-102 Official zoning map 1-102.1 Adoption of Official Zoning Map The City is hereby divided into districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map, which together with all ex- planatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted by ref- erence and declared to be a part of this ordinance. 1-102.2 Identification and Location of Official Zoning Map The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk, and bearing the seal of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, under the following words : "This is to certify that this is the Official Zoning Map referred to in Article I of Ordinance No. 32-75 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" together with the date of adoption of this ordinance. Such Official Zoning Map shall be located in the office of the Zoning Administrator. 1-102.3 Amendment of Official Zoning Map If, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and Chapter 414, Code of Iowa 1975, changes are made in district boundaries or other matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map, such changes shall be en- tered on the Official Zoning Map promptly after the amendment has been approved by the City Council, Supp. No. 8 2472 § 1-102 APPENDIX A—ZONING § 1-102 with an entry on the Official Zoning Map as follows: "On (date), by official action of the City Council, the following changes were made in the Official Zoning Map: (brief description of change)", which entry shall Supp. No. 8 2472.1 § 4-122 APPENDIX A—ZONING § 4-122 c. Location No off-street parking space or access aisle shall be located closer than five (5) feet to a front lot line or closer than ten (10) feet to a side or rear lot line adjoining a residential or office -residential district. 7. Loading facilities a. Number Loading spaces shall be provided in sufficient number for each use in conformance with Section 5-104. b. Design 1. All truck loading spaces and maneuvering areas shall be surfaced with a hard, all-weather, durable, dust -free surfacing material and shall be properly drained and screened. 2. All loading spaces shall have an adjacent open paved area, other than a street or public way of adequate size and so located as to provide for all required maneuvering for truck access to the loading space off-street. c. Location No loading space or maneuvering area shall be located closer than five (5) feet to a front lot line or closer than ten (10) feet to a side or rear lot line adjoining a residential or office -residential district. 8. Signs All signs shall conform to the regulations of Section 5-105. (Ord. No. 54-80, § 2, 8-18-80) Supp. No. 8 2580.21 II 5-103 APPENDIX A—ZONING § 5-104 Zoning Commission may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment in the same manner as appeals from a decision of an administrative officer. Section 5-104 Off-street parking and loading space require- ments for commercial and industrial districts 5-104.1 Application and Scope The provisions of this Section shall apply to all uses located within a commercial or industrial district, ex- cept the C-5 and C-6 Commercial Districts. No such use shall be expanded or enlarged in any manner unless the off-street parking and loading spaces required by 5-104.4 of this Section are provided in full for such addition or expansion. In addition, no such use which is non -conforming at the effective date of this ordi- nance in respect to the off-street parking and loading requirements of this Section shall be hereafter ex- panded or enlarged to an extent greater than twenty- five per cent (25%) unless parking and loading spaces are provided in full so as to bring the entire expanded use into conformity with this Section. 5-104.2 Rules for Computation of Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements The following rules shall govern the computation of re- quired off-street parking and loading spaces: 1) Where computation of required off-street parking spaces results in a fractional number, the required spaces for the use shall be the next higher whole number. 2) Where more than one use is established on a single lot, the off-street parking and loading require- ments for the lot shall be the sum of the separate requirements for each use established on the lot. 3) No use or building shall be hereafter permitted to be enlarged or altered except as the required off- street parking and loading spaces for such use or building are provided. Supp. No. 12 2599 § 5-104 DUBUQUE CODE § 5-104 5-104.3 Location of Required Parking and Loading Spaces; Joint Use All off-street parking and loading spaces required by this ordinance shall be located on the same lot as the use for which such spaces are required, except that where an increase in the number of off-street parking spaces is required by an alteration or enlargement of a use, or where such off-street parking spaces are pro- vided or used jointly by uses contained in two or more buildings, then the required off-street parking spaces may be located not farther than three hundred (300) feet from the use (s) served. 5-104.4 Schedule of Off -Street Parking and Loading Space Requirements Adopted Required off-street parking and loading spaces for uses within a C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-7, LI, HI or PI District shall be as set forth in Schedule 5-104.4, hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance. (Ord. No. 29-80, § 3, 5-5-80; Ord. No. 54-80, §§ 3, 4, 8-18-80; Ord. No. 54-81, § 9, 10-19-81) 5-104.4 Schedule of Off -Street Loading Space Requirements USE GROSS FLOOR AREA (Square Feet) SPACES REQUIRED 1. Professional Of- fice Use; Hotels; Commercial Rec- reational facili- ties 0— 9,999 none 10,000-99,999 1 100,000 or more 1 space for each 100,- 000 00;000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof 2. Manufacturing; Warehousing 0— 4,999 5,000-39,999 40,000-79,000 80,000 or more none 1 2 1 space for each 50,- 000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof 3. Restaurants; Laundries or dry-cleaning establishments; storage facili- ties Supp. No. 12 0— 9,999 10,000-24,999 25,000 or more 2600 none 1 2 spaces plus 1 addi- tional space for every 50,000 sq. ft. or frac- tion thereof in excess TABLE 5-105.2 Schedule of Comprehensive Sip', EXEMF SIG1 ALLOWABLE M, ZONING CONT, MAXIMUM MAXIMUM STRUCTURAL PR( DISTRICT AND 7 AREA NUMBER TYPE 1N9 REGULATED SIGNS C-3 See Cond. Use 3 times 1 sign per Mounted s lineal each 100' of on build- feetC-4 Same as C of frontage or ing frontage fraction of the thereof, not lot to exceed 3 signsper premises freestand- ing Same as Same as Same as C-3 C-3 C-3 a it S C-5 Same as Ci- Same as C-4 Same as C-4 Same as C-4 Sa is District District ig 24 square 2 per mounted on Li- feet per building building s, building 0— s, ld s Free-standing si- Supp. No. 15 As regulated in Section 5-105.11 2612.2 Regulations—Cont'd. 4XIMUM VECTION CONDITIONAL USE 70 R.O.W. HEIGHT LIGHTING MOTION PROVISIONS All signs in C-6 Dis- trict mapped after ef- fective date of Ordi- nance shall be as noted on approved Area De- velopment Plan. Signs in any C-6 Dis- trict existing on effec- tive date of Ordinance shall be subject to reg- ulations of C-3 Dis- trict 0 below eave or parapet 0 30' indirect none only no inter- mittent or flashing ame as Same as Same as Same as C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 me as C-4 Same as Same as C-4 District C-4 0 below None None NOT APPLICABLE eave or parapet 0 6' None None EXEMPTI SIGNS ZONING CONTIyN DISTRICT AND TY1 (Ord. No. 43-82, §§ 4, Supp. No. 15 CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 5-83 3-12-83 1 34-19 6-83 3-12-83 1 31-18 7-83 3-12-83 1 14-26 8-83 3-12-83 1 14-27 9-83 3-12-83 1 18-52 10-83 3-12-83 1 7-33(a) 11-83 3-12-83 1 36-161 12-83 3-12-83 1 36-56 15-83 3-14-83 1 19'/2-6.1(b) 2 19'/2-6.2(b) 16-83 3-14-83 1 13-106 17-83 3-14-83 1 13-44 18-83 3-21-83 1 25-210(b) 20-83 4- 8-83 1 12-21 21-83 4-18-83 1 19'/2-6.3 24-83 5- 2-83 1, 2 25-210(b) 3 25-212(bX3) 25-83 5-16-83 1 36-190 26-83 5-16-83 1 36-83(a), (b), (0, (g), (i) 28-83 6- 6-83 1, 2 App. A, Art. XI 3 App. A, § 4-104.2(9) 4 App. A, § 4-104.6 5 App. A, § 4-105.6 6 App. A, § 4-106.6 7 App. A, § 4-108.2(3) 8 App. A, § 4-109.2(16) 9 App. A, § 4-109.6 29-83 6- 6-83 1 App. A, § 6-106.5 30-83 6- 6-83 1 Rpld App. A, § 4-109.4(3), (4) Added App. A, § 4-109.4(3) 32-83 6- 6-83 1 22-19 33-83 6- 6-83 1 24-10 34-83 6- 6-83 1 7-45 Supp. No. 18 2987 DUBUQUE CODE Ord. Section No. Date Section this Code 35-83 7-18-83 1 17-36(aX2) 37-83 7-18-83 1 27-91 38-83 7-18-83 1 101/2-27(d) Supp. No. 18 2988 (The next page is 30011 CODE INDEX A ABANDONED WATERCRAFT Section Removal 91/2-14 ABATTOIRS Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants 16-48 et seq. Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that title ACCIDENTS False reports 26-6 Traffic accident provisions 25-43 et seq. Traffic. See that title ADMINISTRATION. See also specific subjects Generally 2-1 et seq. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS Zoning regulations, App. A Zoning. See that title ADVERTISING Billposting and handbill distribution Definitions 3-14 Exemptions 3-16 et seq., 3-22 Licenses Exemptions 3-16 Identification badges 3-15 Nonprofit organization exemption 3-17 Required, fees, etc. 3-15 Littering, street distribution 3-20 Manner of distribution, generally 3-20 Nonprofit organizations exempt, etc 3-17 Patent medicine samples, etc. 3-20 Persons who may distribute bills within their business, etc. 3-21 Placing bills, etc., in vehicles 3-19 Posting bills on property without consent 3-18 Bonds Signs. See hereinbelow that subject Display of advertising material on public property Removal, costs 3-1 Drug paraphernalia, advertisement of 26-165(c) Drugs and medicine. See that title Licenses Signs. See hereinbelow that subject Notices defacing 3-2 Supp. No. 16 3001 DUBUQUE CODE ADVERTISING—Cont'd. Section Parks, advertising in 27-60 Parks and recreation. See that title Permits Signs. See hereinbelow that subject Signs Alterations 3-41 Bonds. See hereinbelow: Licenses, Permits and Bonds Conflicting provisions 3-43 Construction 2-50 et seq. Definitions 3-36 Design 3-57 Display signs, constuction 3-50 Enforcement 3-38 et seq. Exemptions 3-42 Ground signs, construction 3-54 Installation in violation prohibited 3-40 Licenses, permits and bonds Bond prerequisite to permit 3-65 Licenses Bond 3-69 Fee, when due 3-68 Required, exception 3-67 Permits Bond prerequisite to issuance 3-65 Fees 3-66 Required 3-64 Lighting reflectors 3-56 Permits. See hereinabove: Licenses, Permits and Bonds Projecting signs, construction 3-53 Purpose and scope 3-35 Roof signs, construction 3-55 Short title 3-34 Traffic signs, signals or devices Erecting signs interfering with 3-37 Violations Installation in violation prohibited 3-40 Wall bulletins, construction 3-52 Wall signs, construction 3-51 AFFIRMATION. See: Oath, Affirmation, Swear or Sworn AGENCIES OF CITY. See: Departments and Other Agencies of City AGREEMENTS. See: Contracts and Agreements Supp. No. 16 3002 CODE INDEX AIR CONDITIONING AND EQUIPMENT Section Excessive noise ____ ____— 26-144 Prohibited noises, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title AIR GUNS Concealed weapons —____—__ 2612 Firearms and weapons. See that title AIR QUALITY AND AIR POLLUTION Burning or incinerating garbage or refuse _ 17-4 Garbage and trash. See that title AIR RAIDS Emergency succession in office __. 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title AIRPORTS AND AIRCRAFT Airport commission Annual report 4-27 Annual tax levy, certification _____ ._...... 4-26 Bond of members .__.____.. 4-25 Oath of members 4-25 Powers Control of funds 4-24 Generally 4-22 Rule-making power 4-23 Airport manager Duties ____ 4-35 Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title Office created _ 4-34 Airport zoning Appeals 4-64 et seq. Board of adjustment. See within this title that sub- ject Conflicting regulations 4-67 Definitions 4-63 Enforcement 4-66 Height limitations Generally 4-96 Obstructions in non -instrument approach zones ____ 4-97 Obstructions in turning zones 4-98 Projections above horizontal surfaces _ 4-99 Land and nonconforming use restrictions 4-111 et seq. Nonconforming use restrictions 4-112 Short title 4-62 Zones Generally 4-86 Height limitations 4-96 et seq. Supp. No. 14 3003 DUBUQUE CODE AIRPORTS AND AIRCRAFT—Cont'd. Section Non -instrument approach zones 4-87 Turning zones 4-88 Board of adjustment Airport zoning. See also within this title that sub- ject Established, composition, term 4-74 Powers 4-76 Procedures 4-75 Required vote on decisions 4-78 Review of decisions _.. 4-79 Scope of authority on appeals 4-77 Business, occupations, persons stationed or employed at airport Registration required 4-8 Commission. See hereinabove: Airport Commission Government regulations Adopted 4-3 Conformance 4-4 Land and nonconforming use restrictions 4-111 Airport zoning. See within this title that subject Limitations on use 4-2 Location of 4-1 Manager. See hereinabove: Airport Manager Name of 4-1 Noise restrictions 26-143(e) Noises. See that title Parking lots, parking meters Airport commission Authority to install meters, designate parking spaces, etc. 4-12 Defacing, tampering with meters 4-16 Deposit of coins required for use of space .. 4-12(c) Deposit of slugs, similar devices 4-15 Designation of lots 4-13 Enforcement of provisions 4-18 Installation, construction of meters 4-12(a) Marking of parking spaces; traffic lanes 4-12(b) Parking beyond maximum legal time 4-12(d) Parking meter deposits Collection and disposition of 4-17 Time and fee schedule for specific Lots 4-14 Violations, penalty 4-19 Enforcement of provisions 4-18 Permits Aviation permits 4-6 Concessionaires 4-7 Supp. No. 14 3004 CODE INDEX AIRPORTS AND AIRCRAFT—Cont'd. Section Registration required 4-8 Suspension of rules 4-5 Violations Ejection of offenders 4-11 Waiver and indemnification of city 4-9 Zoning commission Composition 4-48 Established 4-47 Powers and duties 4-50 Terms of office 4-49 Zoning regulations. See within this title: Airport Zon- ing ALARMS Burglary and robbery alarm permits 31-4 et seq. Burglary and robbery alarm permits. See that title ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Beer brand signs prohibited 5-5 Beer permits. See hereinbelow: Liquor Control Licenses and Beer Permits Consumption in public places 5-6 Violations; notice; summons or citation ___— 5-8 Definitions ___—_______ 5-2 Intoxication in public 5-6,26-9 Liquor control licenses and beer permits Application 5-23 Renewal application 5-35 Bond 5-23 Classes of beer permits 5-20 Classes of liquor control licenses 5-21 Council action 5-30 Documents forwarded to state 5-30 Fees 5-29 Financial responsibility, proof required 5-28 Interest in more than one class of beer permit _ 5-25 Investigation of applicant and premises ____ 5-26 Nature and scope 5-31 Persons eligible 5-24 Prohibited sales or acts ________—____— 5-3 Notice of violations; summons or citation 5-8 Refund of fee 5-33 Renewal application 5-35 Required 5-19 Requirements for premises 5-27 Seasonal licenses, etc. 5-34 Separate beer permits for separate locations, etc. 5-22 Supp. No. 14 3005 DUBUQUE CODE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES—Cont'd. Section Surrender, refund of fee, etc. ___ 5-33 Suspension and revocation Appeal and hearing 5-38 Effect of revocation 5-39 Generally, grounds 5-36 Specific terms 5-37 Term, duration 5-34 Transferability as to location 5-32 Minors, offenses re 5-7 Violations; notice; summons or citation 5-8 Model glue provisions 26-84 et seq. Model glue. See that title Parks _____ 27-49 Parks and recreation. See that title Permits. See hereinabove: Liquor Control Licenses and Beer Permits Persons under legal age, offenses re — 5-7 Prohibited sales and acts _ 5-3 Violations; notice; summons or citation . 5-8 Purpose of provisions 5-1 Roller skating rinks offenses 6-161 Roller skating rinks. See that title Sunday sales 5-4 ALLEYS Street defined to include 1-2 Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks AMBULANCES Appeals _ 18-21 Attendant Licenses. See within this title that subject City -operated service Rates City manager's authority to adjust 18-54 Established _ 18-52 Mileage, computing _ ____ 18-53 Service area limited 18-55 Services outside city - 18-56 Definitions __ 18-16 Drivers Licenses. See within this title that subject Equipment and design _ _ - 18-18 Inspections 18-19 Exemptions 18-44 False and fraudulent reports _.___ 26-6 Supp. No. 14 3006 CODE INDEX ANIMALS AND FOWL—Cont'd. Section License Application 7-32 Cats Expiration; renewal 7-36 License fee 7-35 Delinquent 7-36 Consent implied from application and receipt 7-41 Dogs Expiration; renewal 7-34 License fee 7-33 Delinquent 7-34 Duplicate license fee 7-40 Issuance 7-37 Office designated 7-31 Tags Attached, to be 7-39 Not transferable 7-38 Notices Dead animals; notification to police or health officer 7-48 Health officer, to; reporting rabies 7-47 Nuisances 7-18 Female dogs in heat 7-19 Parks, in 27-51 Quarantine re rabies control 7-46 Rabies control Confinement authorized 7-46 Harboring known rabid dog, cat or other domestic animal Punishment for 7-49 Notification to police or health officer of dead animals 7-48 Prohibited actions after mayor's proclamation of emergency 7-50 Reporting rabies Notice to health officer 7-47 Vaccination required 7-45 Supp. No. 17 3008.1 CODE INDEX ANIMALS AND FOWL—Cont'd. Section Running at large Confinement authorized re rabies control 7-46 Female dogs in heat 7-19 Prohibited actions after mayor's proclamation of emergency 7-50 Tags to be attached 7-39 Tags. See within this subtitle: License Vaccinations 7-45 Veterinarians Confinement authorized 7-46(a) Reporting rabies 7-47(b) Vicious dog or cat, harboring 7-17 Explosives, etc., discharged near horses 33-1 Housing standards 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title Impoundment. See within this title: Dogs and Cats Interfering with park animals 27-56 Leading, driving carts, horses, etc., through streets 33-2(3) Licenses. See within this title: Dogs and Cats Livestock Restrictions on keeping in city 7-2 Running at large 7-3 Park regulations 27-50, 27-51, 27-56 Parks and recreation. See that title Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title Rabies control. See within this title: Dogs and Cats Rat control 24-78 et seq. Rat control. See that title Running at large Animals in general 7-3 Dogs and cats. See hereinabove that subject Impoundment. See within this title: Dogs and Cats Storage of animal food restricted 24-85 Rat control. See that title Vaccinations. See within this title: Dogs and Cats ANNEXATIONS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code APPOINTIVE PERSONNEL. See: Officers and Em- ployees APPROPRIATIONS Annual appropriation ordinance 2-24 Supp. No. 14 3009 DUBUQUE CODE ,APPROPRIATIONS—Cont'd. Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code Section ASSAULT AND BATTERY Fighting 26-2 ASSEMBLIES Assembling for purpose of intimidation 26-31 Collecting or gathering on sidewalk, etc. 33-2(4) Disturbing assemblages 26-3 Lawful, peaceful assemblies Provisions construed in reference to 26-32 Open air shows 6-75 et seq. Open air shows. See that title Parks; gatherings or groups 27-67, 27-68 Parks and recreation. See that title Permits required 26-19 Public dances and dance halls 6-90 et seq. Public dances and dance halls. See that title Riot, assembling for purpose of 26-30 ASSESSMENTS General special assessment fund 2-6 Finances in general. See: Finances Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code Property assessments in general 35-1 Taxation. See that title Snow and ice removal assessments 33-85 Special assessment accounts - 2-164 ASSOCIATIONS Person defined re 1-2 ATOMIC BOMB WARFARE Emergency location for city government 2-5 Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title ATTORNEYS City solicitor 2-141 et seq. City solicitor. See that title Supp. No. 14 3010 CODE INDEX BICYCLES—Cont'd. Section Traffic rules, etc. Obedience required 9-10 Town Clock Plaza, municipal parking garage, munici- pal parking lot, roadways or crosswalks Use of bicycles on 25-245 Traffic in general 26-1 et seq. Use in parks 27-67 Warning devices 9-2 BILLBOARDS Sign regulations 3-34 et seq. Advertising. See that title BILLIARDS Generally 6-16 et seq. Poolrooms and billiard parlors. See that title BILLPOSTING Posting placards, etc. 27-59 Parks and recreation. See that title Regulated - 3-14 et seq. Advertising. See that title BIRDS Interfering with animals in parks 27-56 Parks and recreation. See that title BLACKOUTS Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title BLASTING AGENTS. See: Explosives and Blasting Agents BLOCKS Subdivision blocks 34-81 et seq. BLUFFS Parks and recreation 27-70 Parks and recreation. See that title BOARD OF HEALTH City clerk as clerk of 2-121 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Transit authority 36-72 et seq. Transit authority. See that title BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Agencies of city in general. See: Departments and Other Agencies of City Supp. No. 14 3013 DUBUQUE CODE BOATS, BOATING, DOCKS AND WATERFRONT Section Abandoned craft, removal of 91/2 -14 Boat landing areas Designating; signs 91/2 -4 Boathouses Maintaining 91/2 -8 Definitions 91/2-1 Derelict craft, removal of 91/2 -14 Division of public docks Created 91/2-31 Dock board Composition; appointments; terms; removal and va- cancies; meetings; powers and duties 91/2-32 Docks Division of public docks. See within this title that subject Manager Office created; appointment 91/2-33 Floats Maintaining 91/2 -8 Garbage and trash Unlawful deposits in or along certain harbors 91/2-2 Ice skating and swimming, restrictions 91/2 -16 Launching or removing boats at public launching ramps Passengers in motor vehicles or boats prohibited during 91/2-11 Repairing boats in launching ramps 91/2-12 Mooring Boathouses, mooring of after March 26, 1973, restricted 91/2 -7 Permits. See within this title that subject Parking No -parking areas 91/2-15 Permits Mooring permits 91/2-5 Rules for operating watercraft 91/2-13 Sunken, derelict or abandoned craft, removal of 91/2 -14 Swimming and ice skating, restrictions 9'/2 -16 Waterfront Agreements covering over one year usage 91/2 -6 Commercial activities at Commercial excursion operators; permit for use of city -owned waterfront 91/2 -9 Pleasure craft spaces, conducting trade or business in prohibited 9'/2 -10 Construction and repair of structures 91/2-3 Supp. No. 14 3014 CODE INDEX C CABLE SERVICE DELIVERY FRANCHISE (Appendix B) Section (Note—Section citations refer to sections contained within Ap- pendix B, Cable Services Delivery Franchise) Definitions 3 Design of system 6 Grant of franchise 4 Intent 2 Local regulations 8 Miscellaneous provisions 10 Protections for subscriber 9 Service area 5 Short title 1 Standards 7 Subscriber protections 9 System design 6 CABLE TELEVISION Cable regulatory commission Established; purposes and duties 36-176 Intent 36-175 Meetings; procedures 36-178 Membership; terms of office; officers 36-177 Community tele -programming commission Established; purposes and duties 36-172 Intent 36-171 Meetings; procedures 36-174 Membership; terms of office; officers 36-173 Misappropriation of cable services 36-190 Rates Authority for establishment of 36-179 Definitions 36-180 Monthly subscriber rates and charges 36-183 Other rates not to be charged 36-184 Payments by subscriber 36-181 Refunds for cancellations 36-182 CALLINGS Occupational license requirements in general 24-1 et seq. Licenses and permits. See that title CANVASSERS Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq. Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title CARNIVALS. See: Circuses, Carnivals and Menageries CATS Dogs and cats, regulations re 7-16 et seq. Animals and fowl. See that title Supp. No. 18 3019 DUBUQUE CODE CELLAR DOORS Section Opening on streets 33-4(5) CELLARS AND BASEMENTS Housing standards 20-104 Housing. See that title CENTRAL MARKET Area delineated 24-25 Bakery goods, regulations for sale 25-26(b)(3) Display of merchandise Merchandise permitted; limitations and prohibitions., 24-26(b)(4) Homemade jellies, catsup, etc. Limitations and prohibitions on sale 24-26(b)(2) Inspection of merchandise 24-32 Confiscation of unfit food 24-32 Limitations and prohibitions on display, sale, etc. 24-26(b) Market area delineated 24-25 Market master Designated; duties 24-30 Market stalls Establishment of 24-27 Stall use permits. See within this title that subject Permitted merchandise to be sold, displayed, etc. 24-26 Protection of foodstuffs from exposure to flies, dust, etc24-26(b)(5) Stall use permits Fee 24-27 Issuance 24-27 Restricted to Central Market area 24-28 Revocation 24-29 State laws relating to licensing inspection and taxation Compliance with 24-26(b)(1) Traffic regulations 24-31 Weights and measures 24-33 CHAPLAIN SCHMITT MEMORIAL ISLAND. See: Parks and Recreation CHARTER Citation of charter 2-17 Form of government 2-18 Powers and duties 2-19 Purpose 2-16 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mayor designated 2-83 Mayor and mayor pro tem. See also that title CHIMES, BELLS, ETC. Defined 24-1 Miscellaneous business licensee 24-3(1) Supp. No. 18 3020 CODE INDEX CHURCHES Section Prohibited noise, noise regulations. etc 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title CIGARETTES AND TOBACCO Smoking regulations 14-9 CIRCUSES, CARNIVALS AND MENAGERIES Manner of conducting 6-61 Parades 6-63 Permits Fees prerequisite to issuance 6-59 Exemption from 6-64 Further conditions to issuance 6-60 Required 6-58 Residential neighborhoods, excluded from 6-62 Supp. No. 15 3020.1 CODE INDEX CLUBS Section Concealed weapons 26-12 Firearms and weapons. See that title Person defined re 1-2 COASTAL AREAS Designated, etc 33-11 et seq. CODE OF ORDINANCES' Altering or tampering with 1-6 Amendments to code 1-7 Annual appropriations ordinance 2-24 Catchlines, titles, headings and notes Effect 1-3 Numbering system of code explained. See the preface to this volume City solicitor, duties 2-147 Definitions 1-2 Designated and cited, how 1-1 New ordinances, effect 1-6 Preparation of ordinances 2-147 Repeals Effect 1-5 Rules of construction 1-2 Severability of parts of code 1-4 Violations General penalty 1-8 COIN-OPERATED MACHINES AND DEVICES Gambling devices 26-70, 26-72 Gambling. See that title COMMERCIAL PRACTICES Computerized checkout systems 24-91 Computerized checkout systems. See that title Weights and measures 24=98 et seq. Weights and measures. See that title COMMITTEES, BOARDS, ETC. Agencies of city in general. See: Departments and Other Agencies of City COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community development commission 11 V2-11 et seq. Community development commission. See that title Director of community development. See that title 'Note—The adoption, amendment, repeal, omissions, effective date, explanation of numbering system and other matters pertaining to the use, construction and interpretation of this Code are contained in the adopting ordinance and preface which are to be found in the preliminary pages of this volume. Supp. No. 15 3025 DUBUQUE CODE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT—Cont'd. Section Housing rehabilitation commission 111/2 -46 et seq. Housing rehabilitation commission. See that title Industrial projects 111/2 -126, 111 -127 Industrial projects. See that title Low -rent housing 111/2 -61 et seq. Low -rent housing. See that title COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Created 111/2-12 Director of community development. See that title Legislative purpose 111/2-11 Membership; terms of office; meetings; vacancies; compen- sation; etc 111/2-14 Operating procedures 111/2 -18 Organization meeting; minutes and conduct of meetings 111/2-15 Responsibility generally; neighborhood organization 111/2 -13 Rules and regulations; programs, projects and services 11% -16 Staff 111/2-77 COMPENSATION Officers salaries 2-68 Officers and employees. See that title COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Planning and zoning commission powers 29-20 Planning and zoning commission. See that title COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES Planning and zoning commission powers 29-20 Planning and zoning commission. See that title COMPUTERIZED CHECKOUT SYSTEMS Affixing of consumer information to merchandise by merchants using Consumer information required 24-91(B) Definitions 24-91(A) Director's powers of enforcement 24-91(C) Violations, penalties 24-91(D) CONCESSIONS Airport concessionaires permit 4-7 Airports and aircraft. See that title Parks; concession stands 27-61 Parks and recreation. See that title CONDEMNATION ORDERS, PROCEEDINGS, ETC. Housing 20-24 Housing. See that title Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordi- nance of this code Supp. No. 15 3026 CODE INDEX CONDEMNED BUILDINGS Section Demolition, housing authority 20-26 CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS Execution of contracts, etc 2-8 Noise ordinance compliance by city contractors and subcontractors 26-147 Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordi- nance of this code Powers and duties manager 2-106 et seq. CONVALESCENT HOMES City -operated ambulance rates 18-52 CORPORATE SEAL. See: City Seal CORPORATION Person defined re 1-2 CORPORATION COUNSEL Defined 1-2 Legal department 2-141 et seq. Legal department. See that title CORRALS Livestock keeping restrictions Animals and fowl. See that title COUNCIL. See City Council 7-2 COUNTY Defined 1-2 COURTS City solicitors, duties 2-148 Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq. Opinions and actions of solicitor, record of 2-145 Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-129 et seq. Noises. See that title COWS, CATTLE, ETC. Animals at large, etc. 7-2 Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl CREDIT Unfair and discriminatory practices 21-67 Unfair and discriminatory practices. See also that title CRIMES False reports 26-6 CRYSTAL GAZERS Fortunetellers' license requirements 24-46 et seq. Supp. No. 16 3027 DUBUQUE CODE CURBS AND DRIVEWAYS Construction Streets and sidewalks. See that title Section 33-25 et seq. DAIRIES Milk and milk products 16-28 et seq. Milk and milk products. see that title DAMAGED GOODS SALES Going -out -of -business sales regulations 24-60 et seq. Going -out -of -business sales. See that title DANCING Public dances and dance halls 6-90 et seq. Public dances and dance halls. See that title DEAD ANIMALS Rabies control regulations re dogs and cats Notification to police or health officer DEEDS Execution 7-48 2-8 DEFACEMENT Damaging, defacing property 26-15 DEFENSE. See: Civil Defense DEFINITIONS General definitions for interpreting code 1-2 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY Construed for interpreting code 1-2 DEMOLITION Construction, demolition and moving of buildings 10-5, 10-40 et seq. Buildings. See that title Historic districts Demolition of structures in 19'/z-7 Historical preservation. See also that title Housing; repair or demolition 20-14 et seq. Substandard buildings, etc. See: Housing Permits, waiting period for 10-5 Unsafe buildings. See: Buildings DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER AGENCIES OF CITY Airport commission 4-22 et seq. Airports and aircraft. See that title Airport zoning commission 4-47 et seq. Airports and aircraft. See that title Supp. No. 16 3028 CODE INDEX DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER AGENCIES OF CITY— Cont'd. Section Board of adjustment Airport zoning, for 4-74 et seq. Airports and aircraft. See that title Building code and advisory appeals board 10-2(204) Buildings. See that title Building inspection division 10-2(201) Buildings. See that title Cable television. See also that title Cable regulatory commission 36-175 et seq. Community tele -programming commission 36-171 et seq. Civic center commission. See that title Civil service commission 2-178 et seq. Civil service commission. See that title Clerk to direct papers to appropriate committees, etc. 2-50 Council meetings and procedures. See: City Council Community development commission 111/2 -11 et seq. Community development commission. See that title Division of plumbing inspections 30-24 Plumbing. See that title Docks, division of public; dock board 91-31 et seq. Boats, boating, docks and waterfront. See that title Electrical appeals board 13-47 et seq. Electricity. See that title Electrical examining board 13-103 et seq. Electricity. See that title Emergency location for city government 2-5 Fire department 14-25 et seq. Fire department. See that title Health and sanitation Board of health 18-1 Health and sanitation. See that title Historic preservation commission 191/2 -3 et seq. Historical preservation. See that title Housing code appeals board 20-12.01 et seq. Housing. See that title Housing, low -rent Housing commission 111 -76 et seq. Low -rent housing. See that title Housing rehabilitation commission 111/4 -46 et seq. Housing rehabilitation commission. See that title Human rights commission 21-16 et seq. Human rights commission. See that title Legal department 2-141 et seq. Legal department. See that title Library board of trustees 23-1 et seq. Library. See that title Supp. No. 14 3029 DUBUQUE CODE DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER AGENCIES OF CITY— Cont'd. Section Officials, boards, commissions, etc., construed 1-2 Park and recreation commission 27-16 et seq. Parks and recreation. See that title Police department in general 31-1 et seq. Police department. See that title Reference to officials, etc., by title in code construed 1-2 Transit authority 38-66 et seq. Transit authority. See that title DEVELOPMENT Community development 111/2 -1 et seq. Community development. See that title Development planner 29-31 Planning. See that title Planning and zoning commission 29-16 et seq. Planning and zoning commission. See that title DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community development commission. See that title Office created 2-172 Responsibilities generally 2-172 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Office created, responsibilities, etc. 2-169 et seq. Public works and improvements. See that title DISASTERS Civil defense, providing for 11-1 et seq. Civil defense. See that title Emergency location for city government 2-5 Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title DISCRIMINATION Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq. DISEASE CONTROL Rabies control regulations 7-45 es seq. DISORDERLY ASSEMBLIES Assembling for purpose of rioting 26-30 Assemblies. See that title DISORDERLY CONDUCT Council meetings, at 2-52 Dance hall premises, conduct of patrons 6-99 Public dances and dance halls. See that title Noise restrictions 26-143(f) Noises. See that title Supp. No. 14 3030 CODE INDEX DISORDERLY CONDUCT—Cont'd. Section Parks and recreation 27-47 Parks and recreation. See that title DISTURBING THE PEACE Disturbing assemblages 26-3 Ringing of bells, gongs, etc. 26-4 Fighting 26-2 Generally 26-1 DOCK MANAGER Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title DOCK STREETS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code DOCKS Boats, boating, docks and waterfront 91/2-1 et seq. Boats, boating, docks and waterfront. See that title DOCTORS City -operated ambulance rates 18-52 DOGS Regulated 7-16 et seq. Animals and fowl. See that title DOOR-TO-DOOR SALESMEN Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq. Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title DRAINAGE Automatic clothes washing machine 30-7 Plumbing. See that title Housing standards 20-1 et seq. Grading and drainage. See: Housing DRIVE-IN THEATERS Open air shows 6-75 et seq. Open air shows. See that title Theaters and halls in general 6-128 et seq. Theaters and halls. See that title DRIVEWAYS Construction 33-25 et seq. Streets and sidewalks. See that title DRUGS AND MEDICINE Drug paraphernalia Advertisement of 26-165(c) Supp. No. 14 3030.1 DUBUQUE CODE DRUGS AND MEDICINES—Cont'd. Section Definitions 26-164 Manufacture or delivery of 26-165(b) Possession of 26-165(a) Model glue 26-84 et seq. Model glue. See that title Patent medicine distribution 3-20 Roller skating rinks, offenses in 6-151 Roller skating rinks. See that title DRUNKENNESS Intoxication in public places 5-6, 26-9 DUBUQUE, CITY OF. See: City DUBUQUE COUNTY. See: County DUBUQUE COUNTY -MUNICIPAL CIVIL DEFENSE AGENCY Created, etc 11-16 et seq. Civil defense. See that title DUBUQUE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Name, location 4-1 Airports and aircraft. See that title DUTCH ELM DISEASE Requirements 37-33 et seq. Trees and shrubbery. See that title DWELLINGS Housing standards 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title DYNAMITE Storage 26-10 Explosives and blasting agents. See that title E EAGLE POINT PARK Parks and recreation 27-75 Parks and recreation. See that title EARTHQUAKES Building code amendments 10-2 Emergency location for city government 2-5 EASEMENTS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code Supp. No. 14 3030.2 CODE INDEX EASEMENTS—Cont'd. Section Street defined to include 1-2 Streets in general. See: Street. and Sidewalks E. B. LYONS FOREST PRESERVE AND NATURE CENTER Parks and recreation 27-89 Parks and recreation. See that title Supp. No. 14 3030.3 CODE INDEX ERADICATORS Section Rat control 24-78 et seq. Rat control. See that title ETHNIC RELATIONS Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq. EXCAVATIONS Guard railings on streets, removal 33-7 Street and sidewalk excavations 33-48 et seq. Streets and sidewalks. See that title EXHAUST DISCHARGES Prohibited noises, noise regulations, etc 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title EXHIBITIONS Amusement place regulations 6-16 et seq. Amusements and amusement places. See that title Open air shows 6-75 et seq. Open air shows. See that title EXPECTORATING Streets, in 38-3 EXPLOSIVES AND BLASTING AGENTS Blasting Bonds 26-45 Definitions 26-44 Permits Applicant's responsibility for costs of city inspector 26-48 Application 26-56 Bond and fee 26-56 Issuance 26-57 Prerequisites to 26-56 Required 26-55 Qualifications of person in charge 26-46 Safeguards, authority to require 26-47 Firearms, discharging 26-13 Firearms and weapons. See that title Storage of dynamite, gunpowder, etc 26-10 Streets, discharging fireworks or explosives on 33-1 F FALSE AND FRAUDULENT REPORTS Reporting 26-6 FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATIONS Airport regulations adopted 4-3 Airports and aircraft. See that title Supp. No. 17 3035 DUBUQUE CODE FEMALE DOGS In season Section 7-19 FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES AND ENCLOSURES Junk and salvage operations, fencing 22-5 Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2 Animals and fowl. See that title Park fences, climbing on, . 27-63 Parks and recreation. See that title Swimming pool fencing requirements 10-37 FIGHTING Disturbing the peace 26-2 FILLING STATIONS. See: Gasoline Service Stations, Etc. FINANCES Bonds, approval 2-4 Industrial revenue bonds 111/2-126, 111/2-127 Industrial projects. See that title City treasurer 2-159 et seq. City treasurer. See that title Deposits of municipal funds by employees 2-73 Fiscal year designated 2-3 General special assessment fund 2-6 Industrial revenue bonds 111/2-126, 111/2-127 Industrial projects. See that title Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordi- nance of this code FINES, FORFEITURES AND PENALTIES General penalty 1-8 Code of ordinances. See that title FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Damaging, interfering with 14-10 FIRE DEPARTMENT Bicycles following fire apparatus 9-4 Bureau of fire prevention 14-32 et seq. Fire prevention. See that title Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title Interference with, resisting, obstructing 26-5 Services charges 14-26 Service outside city 14-25 Standby service 14-27 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service station fire extinguishers 14-50 Gasoline service stations and tank trucks. See that title Supp. No. 17 3036 CODE INDEX FIRE HYDRANTS Section Parking by 25-256(4) Use restricted 36-101 Water and sewers. See that title FIRE PREVENTION Appeals 14-2(2.302) Bureau of fire prevention Annual report, recommendation 14-34 Established 14-32 Modification of code; power of bureau chief 14-2(2.301) Officers, personnel 14-33 Supervision 14-32 Burning of trash, refuse 17-1 Code Adopted 14-1 Amendments, modifications, additions and deletions 14-2 Definitions 14-3 Enforcement 14-4 Modifications; power to modify 14-2(2.301) Sample adopting ordinance repealed and deleted 14-2(App. J) Emergency situations 14-7 Gasoline service stations, tank vehicles and storage tanks 14-46 et seq. Gasoline service stations, tank vehicles. See that title Housing 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title New materials 14-6 Smoking, carrying lighted objects Specified places restricted 14-9 Special conditions 14-8 FIRE SALES Going -out -of -business sales regulations 24-60 et seq. Going -out -of -business sales. See that title FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE Water usage 36-162 Water and sewers. See that title FIREARMS AND WEAPONS Concealed weapons, carrying 26-12 Discharging firearms 26.1 ; Hunting with a bow and arrow L6-7 Parks and recreation 27-62 Parks and recreation. See that title Shooting gallery licenses 6-114 et stqi. Shooting galleries. See that title Use of bows, arrows, slingshots, other missile -throwing de- vices 26-7 Supp. No. 16 3037 DUBUQUE CODE FIRES, CONFLAGRATIONS, ETC. Section Emergency location for city government 2-5 False reports 26-6 Parks and recreation 27-69 Parks and recreation. See that title Setting fires on pavement 33-10 Streets and sidewalks. See that title FIREWORKS Discharging generally 26-13 Parks and recreation 27-62 Parks and recreation. See that title FIRMS Person defined re 1-2 FISCAL YEAR Designated 2-3 FLAG. See: City Flag FLOOD AREAS Designation 15-16 Entry Permits 15-18 Restricted 15-17 Posting 15-16 Vacation of dwelling 15-19 FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY DISTRICTS Zoning regulations. See: Zoning (Appendix Al FLOODING Housing 20-5.03(j) Housing. See that title FLORA PARK Regulated 27-89 Parks and recreation. See that title FLOWERS Damaging, defacing 26-17 FOOD AND FOOD SERVICES Beverage vending machines. See within this title: Food and Beverage Vending Machines Central market restrictions 24-33 et seq. Central market. See that title Dormitories or rooming houses; food service 20-5.01(b) Housing. See that title Supp. No. 16 3038 CODE INDEX FOOD AND FOOD SERVICES—Cont'd. Section Food and beverage vending machines Disciplinary action for violations, unsanitary conditions, etc. 16-25 Inspection of vending machine commissaries, vending ma- chines, etc. 16-24 License to operate Application for Agreement to maintain list, make available 16-19(bl Form; information 16.19(a) Exemption for operators of certain machines 16-18(b) Expiration, renewal 16-18(a) Fees 16-20 Food establishment, food -service licensing requirements Licensed vending machines excepted from 16-22 Identification tags for individual machines 16-23 Nontransferable 16-21 Required 16-18(a) Violations Disciplinary action for 16-25 Food -service establishments Fond service sanitation ordinance Adopted 16-6 Amendments 16-8 Definitions 16-7 License to operate Fee 16-9 Violations; penalties 16-10 Housing; food preparation 20-5 Housing. See that title Market restrictions 24-33 et seq. Milk and milk products 16-28 et seq. Milk and milk products. See that title Peddlers' restrictions 28-1 et seq. Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title Rooming houses; food service and dining facilities 20-5.01(b) Housing. See that title Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants 16-48 et seq. Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that title FOREST PRESERVE E. B. Lyons Forest Preserve and Nature Center 27-88 FORFEITURES. See: Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties FORM OF GOVERNMENT Charter provisions 2-16 et seq. Charter. See that title Supp. No. 18 3039 DUBUQUE CODE FORTUNETELLERS, ETC. Section Licenses Applications 24-47 Fees 24-48 Required 24-46 FOUR MOUNDS PARK. See: Parks and Recreation FOWL. See: Animals and Fowl FRANCHISES Cable services delivery franchise (Appendix B). See that title Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordi- nance of this code GAMBLING Generally 26-69 Houses, keeping 26-71 Seizure and destruction of devices 26-72 Slot machines 26-70 GARAGE AND TRASH Accumulations, unlawful 17-20 Burning or incinerating garbage or refuse Air quality considerations for permitted burning 17-4 Cancellation of permitted burning 17-5 City -operated or city -licensed incinerators, exception for 17-1(b) Outdoor cooking appliances for residential recreational pur- poses, exception for 17-1(c) Prohibited except by permission 17-1(a) Special permission to burn landscape wastes (garden wastes, tree clippings, small brush, leaves and other landscape generated waste) 17-3 Charges Amounts, expenditures 17-36 Billing and collecting 17-37 City collection service Areas of collection 17=33 Availability of service 17-32 City manager's authority generally 17-31 Supp. No. 18 3040 CODE INDEX GARBAGE AND TRASH—Cont'd. Section Containers. See also within this title that subject Placement of for collection 17-34 Frequency, time and areas of collection 17-33 Hazardous materials not collected by city 17-21 Residential premises Limitation on quantity from 17-35 Time and areas of collection ________________ 17-33 Collection City collection. See within this title that subject Containers. See within this title that subject Hazardous materials not collected by city 17-21(a) Enumeration _ 17-21(c) Transporting by owner ___ ____________ 17-21(b) Private collection service. See within this title that subject Wrapping and draining of certain refuse ____ 17-19 Containers City collection service. See within this title that sub- ject Collection of noncomplying containers by city crews 17-18 Required _ 17-18 Specifications 17-18 Definitions 17-16 Disposal definitions 17-54 Deposits on other property, public or private 17-17 Disposal 17-54 et seq. Dumping areas Transport to city -approved dumping areas 17-23 Hazardous materials not collected by city 17-21(a) Enumeration 17-21(c) Transport by owner 17-21(b) Housing — 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title Incinerators. See within this title: Burning or Incinerating Garbage or Refuse Sale or installation of incinerators restricted 17-2 Landfill sites Disposal at other than _ 17-55 Disposal to be in compliance with instructions 17-66 Dumping areas. See within this title that subject Private landfill sites 17-75 et seq. Public landfill sites - 17-63 et seq. Licenses Private collection service. See within this title that subject Supp. No. 14 3041 DUBUQUE CODE GARBAGE AND TRASH—Cont'd. Section Parks ____--___— 27-51 Parks and recreation. See that title Private collection service Licenses Application; fee 17-45 Display of license number on 17-46 Fee 17-45 Required 17-44 Private landfill sites Correction of objectionable conditions by city, when 17-79 Landfill sites. See within this title that subject Licenses Application 17-76 Fees 17-77 Issuance 17-78 Required 1.7-75 Use charges prohibited, exceptions 17-80 Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title Public landfill sites Areas 17-64 City manager's authority 17-63 Exclusion of certain materials ___. 17-67 Fees 17-68 Hours of operation __ . 17-66 Landfill sites. See within this title that subject Operation in safe, sanitary condition 17-65 Rat control provisions __. _.___. __ . _ 24-86 Streets, sidewalks, etc. Deposits on 17-17 Unlawful accumulations 17-20 Vehicles hauling refuse Display of ilcense number on _____ 17-46 Requirements for 17-22 Waterfront, unlawful deposits in waterways 26-120 Municipal waterfronts and docks. See that title Wrapping and draining of certain refuse 17-19 GARDEN TOOLS, ETC. Noise, creating _.. ___ 26-143(c) GAS MAINS Connections City's authority to make ________ . -_ 36-3 City's authority to require 36-1 Notice to owners to connect 36-2 When completion is required ____ 36-4 Supp. No. 14 3042 CODE INDEX GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS, TANK VEHICLES AND Section STORAGE TANKS Bulk storage tank licenses Applications 14-72 Exemption from provisions 14-71 Expiration 14-73 Fee schedule 14-70 Renewal 14-73 Required 14-70 Definitions 14-46 Hours of unloading tank vehicles restricted 14-48 Operation of service station during unloading of tank vehicle restricted 14-47 Public streets, unloading of tank vehicles while on prohibited; exception 14-49 Service station licenses Application 14-56 Expiration 14-58 Fee 14-57 Renewal 14-58 Required 14-55 Unloading of vehicle Hours of restricted 14-48 Operation of service station during restricted 14-47 Public streets, unloading of while on prohibited; exception 14-49 GATHERINGS OR GROUPS Parks and recreation Parks and recreation. See that title GENDER Word usage for interpreting code 1-2 GENERAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND Established 2-6 27-67, 27-68 Finances in general. See: Finances GLUE, MODEL. See: Model Glue GO-CARTS Use in parks 27-67 GOATS Animals at large, etc. 7-2 Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl GOING -OUT -OF -BUSINESS SALES Defined 24-60 Inventory requirements 24-62, 24-65 Supp. No. 16 3043 DUBUQUE CODE GOING -OUT -OF -BUSINESS SALES—Cont'd. Section Permits Applications 24-62 Expiration 24-64 Fees 24-63 Issuance 24-63 Renewal 24-64 Required 24-61 Unlawful additions to inventory 24-65 GOVERNING BODY. See: City Council GOVERNMENT Charter provisions 2-16 et seq. Charter. See that title GRADE STAKES Removal 26-16 GRADES OF STREETS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code GROUND SIGNS Construction 3-54 GUNPOWDER Storage 26-10 Explosives and blasting agents. See that title H HANDBILLS Distributing 3-14 et seq. Advertising. See that title Park restrictions — 27-60 Parks and recreation. See that title Supp. No. 16 3044 CODE INDEX HANDICAPPED PERSONS Section Parking spaces for 25-344 et seq. Traffic. See that title HAWKING Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq. Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title HEALTH AND SANITATION Ambulances 18-16 et seq. Ambulances. See that title Board of health Clerk designated 2-121 Established 18-1 Dance hall premises, cleanliness 6-99 Public dances and dance halls. See that title Expectorating, spitting on sidewalks 33-3 Food and food handlers 16-1 et seq. Food and food services. See that title Garbage and trash 17-1 et seq. Garbage and trash. See that title Housing standards 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title Livestock kept in city 7-2 Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl Meat -packing planta 16-48 et seq. Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that title Milk and milk products 16-28 et seq. Milk and milk products. See that title Rabies control regulations 7-45 et seq. Dogs and cats. See: Animals and Fowl Roller skating rinks, sanitation requirements 6-150 Slaughterhouses 16-48 et seq. Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that title HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING AND VENTILATING Housing 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title Mechanical code Adopted 19-1 Amendments 19-2, 19-3 HEREDITAMENTS Definitions for interpreting code 1-2 HIGHWAYS Street defined to include Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks Supp. No. 18 3044.1 1-2 DUBUQUE CODE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION Section Commission. See within this title: Historic Preservation Commission Definitions 19'/x -2 Demolition Structures in historic districts 191/2 -7 Historic buildings 20-14.03 Housing. See that title Historic districts Alteration of structures in 191/2-8 Demolition of structures in 191/2-7 Identification and designation of 191/2 -6 Jackson Park Historic Preservation District Designated, review standards adopted 19'/2-6.3 Langworthy Historic Preservation District Designated, review standards adopted 19'/2 -6.1 Old Main Historic District Designated; review standards adopted 191/2-6.2 Historic preservation commission Appeals from decisions of commission 191/2-10 Appointment of members 191/2 -3(b) Chairman, vice-chairman 191/2-4(a) Compensation of members 191/2-3(g) Composition 191/4 -3(a) Meetings 191/2-4(d) Officers, election of 191/ -4(a) Operating procedures 191/2-5 Powers and duties generally 191/2-5 Quorum 191/2-3(h) Record of its proceedings, actions, etc. 191/2-4(d) Residency requirements 191/2-3(a) Review of plans 19'/2-9 Rules or bylaws for transaction of business 191/-4(c) Secretary 191/2-4(b) Terms of office of members 191/2-3(c), (e) Vacancies, filling 191/2-3(d), (f) Purpose and intent of provisions 191/2-1 Review of plans Procedure for 191/4-9 Violations Penalties 191/2 -11 HOGS Animals at large, etc 7-2 Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl HOLIDAYS Computing time for interpreting code 1-2 Supp. No. 18 3044.2 CODE INDEX HOUSING—Cont'd. Section Ventilation. See within this title: Heating, Lighting, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Vermin control 20-5.02(d) Infestation; environmental considerations 20-5.03(j) Vermin control. See within this title: Rodent, Insect and Vermin Control Violations; penalties 20-3.02 Notices of violation; order of compliance 20-11 Walls and foundations Exterior wood surfaces 20-7.05 Maintenance of 20-7.01 Water and sewers Heating water, facilities for 20-6.0 ; rl Windows and doors Windows, exterior doors and basement or cellar doors and hatchways 20-7.02 HOUSING REHABILITATION COMMISSION Compensation 11 1/2 -47 Meetings 111 -49 Membership; terms of office; vacancies; meetings; etc111/2 -46 Operating procedures 11 1/2 -51 Organization 11 1/2 -48 Purpose; responsibilities 111/2 -45 Staff 111/2 -50 HUMAN RELATIONS Enforcement of civil rights Cease and desist order 21-82 Complaints Alternative judicial proceedings 21-83 Amendment of complaints 21-78 Execution 21-77 Filing 21-79 Time limitation for 21-79 Notice; investigations 21-81 Persons who may make 21-77 Staff proceedings on complaints 21-80 Failure to reach settlement by conciliation Proceedings upon 21-81 Findings by commission; available remedies; etc. 21-82 Judicial review; enforcement actions 21-87 Procedural rules 21-85 Remedies Available remedies 21-82 Provisional remedies 21-84 Unfair and discriminatory practices 21-39 et seq. Unfair and discriminatory practices. See that title Supp. No. 14 3049 DUBUQUE CODE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Section Appointment of members 21-18 Cease and desist orders 21-82 Compensation 21-20 Complaints 21-77 et seq. Composition 21-17 Confidential nature of complaints, etc. 21-26 Created 21-16 Definitions 21-1 Enforcement of civil rights 21-77 et seq. Human relations. See that title Failure to reach settlement by conciliation Proceedings upon 21-81 Finding by commission on complaint, etc. 21-82 Judicial review, enforcement actions 21-87 Meetings 21-23 Quorum 21-24 Notices and investigations 21-80 et seq. Officers 21-19 Policies of the city, applicability to commission operations 21-28 Powers and general duties 21-27 Procedural rules 21-85 Provisional remedies 21-84 Records to be public, exceptions 21-25 Release from administrative process 21-83 Remedies available 21-82 Removal for unexcused absences 21-21 Rules 21-22 Terms of office 21-18 Unfair and discriminatory practices 21-39 et seq. Unfair and discriminatory practices. See that title Vacancies, filling 21-18 HUMAN RIGHTS DIRECTOR Office created; appointment 21-31 HUNTING Bows and arrows, with 26-7 I ICE SKATING Restricted in certain areas 91/2-16 ILL FAME, HOUSE OF Prostitution or lewdness 26-8 Supp. No. 14 3050 CODE INDEX INCINERATORS Section Burning or incinerating garbage and trash; sale of incinerators 17-1 et seq. Garbage and trash. See that title INDECENCY AND OBSCENITY Indecent exposure 26-11 Lewd places 26-8 Prostitution. See that title Parks; indecent language; indecent exposure 27-47,.27-48 Parks and recreation. See that title INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Property tax exemption Taxation. See that title INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS Industrial revenue bonds Financing fee 35-12 11'/2-127 Investigation fee 111/2-126 INOCULATION Rabies control regulations 7-45 et seq. INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL Housing 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title INTERSECTIONS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code Traffic. See that title INTERSTATE COMMERCE Peddlers' provisions 28-22 Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title INTOXICATING LIQUOR Alcoholic beverage regulations 5-1 et seq. Alcoholic beverages. See that title INTOXICATION Public drunkenness 26-9 IOWA, STATE OK See: State ITINERANT MERCHANTS Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq. Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title Supp. No. 18 3051 DUBUQUE CODE J JACKSON PARK HISTORIC PRESERVATION DISTRICT Section Provisions re 19'/z-6.3 Historic districts. See: Historical Preservation JACOB BRAKE Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title JOINT AUTHORITY Word usage for interpreting code 1-2 JOINT COUNTY -MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION Created, etc. 11-16 et seq. Civil defense. See that title JUNK DEALERS, SECONDHAND DEALERS AND PAWNBROKERS Construction tools Required notice upon receipt of 22-4 Definitions 22-1 Fencing requirements 22-5 Items governed by provisions 22-4 Licenses Fees Exemption for certain businesses 22-18 Required 22-17 Suspension, revocation 22-19 Minors, dealing with 22-3 Purchases, security and consignment transactions Goods or materials covered by provisions 22-4 Minors, dealings with restricted 22-3 Records required 22-2 Salvage operations Fences required 22-5 JUNK STORAGE Housing restrictions 20-107 Housing. See that title K KNIVES Concealed weapons 26-12 Firearms and weapons. See that title L LABORERS Assembling for purpose of intimidation 26-31 Supp. No. 18 3052 CODE INDEX LABORERS—Cont'd. Section Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq. Unfair employment practices 21-56 et seq. Human rights commission. See that title Supp. No. 18 3052.1 CODE INDEX LAND, REAL ESTATE Section Defined 1-2 LAVATORY FACILITIES Dwelling units 20-71 Housing. See that title LAWNMOWERS Noise, creating 26-143(c) LAWSUITS City solicitor, generally 2-141 et seq. City solicitor. See that title LAWYERS City solicitor 2-141 et seq. City solicitor. See that title LEASES Noise equipment, leasing 26-146 LEGAL DEPARTMENT City solicitor Appointment; representing city and city officers and employees 2-143 Corporation counsel Adjusting claims or litigation pending against the city 2-144 Chief legal officer, appointment as; powers and du- ties generally 2-141 Specific powers and duties 2-142 Established 2-141 LEGAL HOLIDAYS. See: Holidays LIBRARIAN Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title LIBRARY Board of trustees Annual reports 23-7 Buildings, donations, duties regarding 23-6 Compensation 23-3 Composition 23-1 Eligibility for membership 23-2 Funds, handling, disposition 23-8 Powers and duties in general 23-5 Terms of members 23-4 Vacancies, filling 23-5 Supp. No. 16 3053 DUBUQUE CODE LICENSES AND PERMITS Section (Note—In conjunction with the subjects listed herein which apply to all businesses, etc., see also specific occupations, professions, trades, busi- nesses, etc.) Airport permits 4-6 et seq. Airports and aircraft. See that title Ambulances 18-28 et seq. Ambulances. See that title Animal licenses re dogs and cats 7-31 et seq. Animals and fowl. See that title Auctions and auctioneers 8-27 et seq. Auctions and auctioneers. See that title Bicycle registration 9-22 et seq. Bicycles. See that title Billiard parlors 6-29 et seq. Poolrooms and billiard parlors. See that title Billposting and handbill distribution 3-14 et seq. Advertising. See that title Blasting permits 26-44 et seq. Explosives and blasting agents. See that title Boats; mooring permit 9'/2 -6 Boats, boating, docks and waterfront. See that title Bowling alleys 6-43 et seq. Bowling alleys. See that title Bulk gasoline storage tanks 14-70 et seq. Bulk storage tank licenses. See: Gasoline Service Stations, Tank Vehicles and Storage Tanks Burglary and robbery alarm permits 31-4 et seq. Burglary and robbery alarm permits. See that title Cat licenses 7-31 et seq. Dogs and cats. See: Animals and Fowl Central market 24-25 et seq. Central market. See that title Circuses, carnivals and menageries 6-58 et seq. Circuses, carnivals and menageries. See that title Construction, demolition and moving of buildings; permits 10-40 et seq. Buildings. See that title Curb and driveway permits 33-32 et seq. Streets and sidewalks. See that title Dancing 6-90 et seq. Public dances and dance halls. See that title Definitions 24-1 Dog licenses 7-31 et seq. Animals and fowl. See that title Electrical permits 13-63 et seq. Electricity. See that title Supp. No. 16 3054 CODE INDEX LICENSES AND PERMITS—Cont'd. Section Excavations in streets 33-62 et seq. Streets and sidewalks. See that title Food and beverage vending machines. See: Food and Food Services Food -service establishments. See: Food and Food Serv- ices Fortunetellers and similar practitioners 24-46 et seq. Fortunetellers, etc. See that title Garbage and trash Private collection service 17-44 et seq. Garbage and trash. See that title Gasoline service stations 14-55 et seq. Service station licenses. See: Gasoline Service Stations, Tank Vehicles and Storage Tanks Going -out -of -business sales 24-60 et seq. Going -out -of -business sales. See that title Halls and theaters 6-128 et seq. Theaters and halls. See that title Housing 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title Junk dealers, secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers 22-1 et seq. Junk dealers, secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers. See that title Liquor control licenses and beer permits 5-19 et seq. Alcoholic beverages. See that title Milk plants 16-36 Milk and milk products. See that title Motor vehicle registration and plates 25-77 et seq. Traffic. See that title Municipal waterfront and dock permits 26-112 et seq. Municipal waterfront and docks. See that title Noise variance permits 26-156 et seq. Noises. See that title Occupational licenses Applications 24-4 Changes in location 24-9 Effect of provisions 24-13 Exemptions 24-12 Expiration 24-11 Issuance 24-5 Miscellaneous businesses 24-3 Penalty for renewal of delinquent licenses 24-11 Proration of fees 24-7 Records 24-6 Refund of fees 24-8 Required 24-2 Supp. No. 18 3054.1 DUBUQUE CODE LICENSES AND PERMITS—Cont'd. Section Revocation 24-10 Suspension 24-10 Transferability 24-9 Supp. No. 18 3054.2 CODE INDEX LICENSES AND PERMITS—Cont'd. Section Open air shows 6-75 et seq. Open air shows. See that title Peddlers' licenses 28-17 et seq. Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title Plumbers' licenses and examinations, etc. 30-76 et seq. Plumbing. See that title Plumbing permits 30-54 et seq. Plumbing. See that title Poolrooms 6-29 et seq. Poolrooms and billiard parlors. See that title Private disposal systems 36-43 et seq. Water and sewers. See that title Private garbage collector's license 17-39 et seq. Garbage and trash. See that title Private landfill sites 17-75 et seq. Garbage and trash. See that title Public dances and dance halls 6-90 et seq. Public dances and dance halls. See that title Rat control 24-78 et seq. Rat control. See that title Registration of electricians 13-82 Electricity. See that title Rooming houses, hotels and motels, permits 20-159 et seq. Service station licenses 14-67 et seq. Gasoline service stations and tank trucks. See that title Shooting galleries 6-114 et seq. Shooting galleries. See that title Sign permits, licenses and bonds 3-64 et seq. Advertising. See that title Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants 16-60 et seq. Slaughterhouses and meat -packing plants. See that title Street and sidewalk excavation permits 33-62 et seq. Streets and sidewalks. See that title Swimming pool permits 10-34 et seq. Taxicabs 38-31 et seq. Vehicles for hire (taxicabs). See that title Theaters and halls 6-128 et seq. Theaters and halls. See that title Transient merchants 28-17 et seq. Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title Tree trimmer's license 37-23 et seq. Trees and shrubbery. See that title Vehicles for hire (taxicabs) 38-31 et seq. Vehicles for hire (taxicabs). See that title Supp. No. 7 3055 DUBUQUE CODE LICENSES AND PERMITS—Cont'd. Section Weights and measures 24-98 et seq. Weights and measures. See that title LIGHT Housing standards 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title LIGHTING REFLECTORS Erection 3-56 LIQUIDATION SALES Going -out -of -business sales regulations 24-60 et seq. Going -out -of -business sales. See that title LIQUOR Alcoholic beverage regulations 5-1 et seq. Alcoholic beverages. See that title LITTERING Handbill distribution prohibitions 3-20 Unlawful deposits in parks 27-45 LIVESTOCK Maintaining in city 7-2 Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl LOADING AND UNLOADING Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title LODGINGHOUSES Miscellaneous business regulations 24-3(2) Smoking in 14-9 LOTS Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2 Animals and fowl. See that title Subdivision lots 34-90 et seq. LOUDSPEAKERS Noise control traffic provisions 25-59 et seq. Traffic. See that title Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title LOW -RENT HOUSING Housing commission Compensation 111/z -80 Created 111/z -76 Internal organization and rules 111/z -81 Meetings 111 -79 Membership; terms of office; vacancies 111/z -78 Supp. No. 7 3056 CODE INDEX LOW -RENT HOUSING—Cont'd. Section Operating procedures 11 Y2-82 Purpose; approval of proposals 11'/2-77 Housing program supervisor 11'/2-62 Municipal housing agency designated 111/2-61 LUNCH WAGONS Miscellaneous business regulations 24-3(3) M MALLS Street defined to include 1-2 Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks MANAGER. See: City Manager MARKET Central market 25-25 et seq. Central market. See that title MASS MEETINGS Parks and recreation; permit for 27-68(a) Gatherings or groups Parks and recreation. See that title MASS TRANSIT Transit authority 36-72 et seq. Transit authority. See that title MAY, SHALL Definitions 1-2 MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO TEM Chief executive officer; mayor designated 2-83 Presiding officer of council, etc., in general. See: City Council Designation of mayor pro tem 2-81(b) Election and term of office of mayor 2-81 Emergency powers of mayor 2-84 Emergency proclamations, obedience to 11-1 Civil defense. See that title Mayor designated chief executive officer 2-83 Mayor pro tem Appointment of 2-81 Designation of 2-81(b) Powers and duties 2-85 Term of mayor pro tem 2-81(a) Vacancies of mayor pro tem 2-81(c) Powers and duties generally; charter provisions 2-19 Powers and duties of mayor generally 2-82 Powers and duties of mayor pro tem 2-85 Supp. No. 15 3057 DUBUQUE CODE MEASURES. See: Weights and Measures Section MEAT -PACKING. See: Slaughterhouses and Meat -Packing Plants MECHANICAL CODE Adopted 19-1 et seq. Housing; mechanical requirements 20-6 Housing. See that title MEDICINES. See: Drugs and Medicines MEETINGS Parks and recreation; permit for mass meetings 27-68(a) Parks and recreation. See that title MENAGERIES. See: Circuses, Carnivals and Menageries MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Code Adopted 16-28 Grade of products, etc. 16-29 Permit fees 16-36 MILK PEDDLERS Fee adjustment 28-26 Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title MIND READERS Fortunetellers' license requirements 24-46 et seq. MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS Providing for 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title MINORS Alcoholic beverage offenses 5-7 Junk dealers, pawnbrokers, etc., dealing with 22-3 Model glue restrictions 26-87 Model glue. See that title Roller skating rink regulations 6-146 Roller skating rinks. See that title MISDEMEANORS Defined 1-2 MISSILES Parks and recreation; throwing stones or other missiles 27-55 Parks and recreation. See that title Throwing stones, sticks, etc. 26-7 Supp. No. 15 3058 CODE INDEX MISSISSIPPI RIVER Section Flood areas 15-16 et seq. FIood areas. See that title Municipal waterfront and docks 26-110 et seq. Municipal waterfront and docks. See that title MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME PARKS Housing provisions; tiedown devices 20-7.08 Housing. See that title MOBS Assembling for purpose of rioting 26-30 Assemblies. See that title MODEL GLUE Definitions 26-84 Exemptions 26-88 Inhalation of fumes, prohibited 26-85 Minors, transactions with 26-87 Transfer or possession for unlawful purposes 26-86 MONTH, YEAR Defined 1-2 MOORING PERMITS Requirements 26-113 Municipal waterfront and docks. See that title MOTELS AND HOTELS Accommodations or services Prohibited practices 21-48 Unfair or discriminatory practices. See that title Hotel and motel tax. See: Taxation Miscellaneous business licenses 24-3(2) MOTION PICTURE THEATERS Theaters and halls 6-128 et seq. MOTOR VEHICLES AND OTHER VEHICLES Ambulances 18-16 et seq. Ambulances. See that title Coasting areas for sleighing, sleigh riding, etc. 33-11 et seq. Gasoline tank vehicles 14-47 et seq. Service stations and tank vehicles. See that title Handbills, etc., placed in 3-19 Motorcycles and motorized bicycles 25-191 Traffic. See that title Parks and recreation 27-47 et seq. Parks and recreation. See that title Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title Supp. No. 15 3059 DUBUQUE CODE MOTOR VEHICLES AND OTHER VEHICLES—Cont'd. Section Traffic regulations 25-1 et seq. Traffic. See that title Vehicles hauling refuse, requirements 17-29 Garbage and trash. See that title Washing vehicles in parks 27-71 MOTORCYCLES AND MOTORIZED BICYCLES Traffic provisions re 25-191 Traffic. See that title Use in parks 27-67 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. See: Airports and Aircraft MUNICIPAL CIVIL DEFENSE AGENCY Created, etc. 11-16 et seq. Civil defense. See that title MUNICIPAL FUNDS. See: Finances MUNICIPAL PARKING GARAGES Regulated 25-286 et seq. Traffic. See that title MUNICIPAL SEAL. See: City Seal N NARCOTIC DRUGS. See: Drugs and Medicines NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE Adopted 13-3 Electricity. See that title NATURAL DISASTERS Civil defense, providing for 11-1 et seq. Civil defense. See that title NATURAL GAS Gas main connections 36-1 et seq. Gas mains. See that title NATURE CENTER E. B. Lyon Forest Preserve and Nature Center 27-88 NOISES Airplanes creating 26-143(e) Animals and fowl creating 26-140(3) Animals and fowl. See that title Bells, chimes, etc. 26-143(g) Building and occupancy permits Issuance restricted, etc. 26-148 Supp. No. 15 3060 CODE INDEX NOISES—Cont'd. Section Building construction and repairing noise 26-140(6) City contracts and purchases, compliance of contractors, etc26-147 Crying of wares 26-140(2) Definitions 26-139 Disorderly conduct 26-143(0 Disorderly conduct. See that title Disturbing assemblies 26-3 Emergency operations 26-143(a) Enforcement of provisions 26-149 Engine brakes 26-140(13) Excessive noise Criteria for determination of 26-141 Residential air conditioners 26-144 Supp. No. 15 3060.1 CODE INDEX OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES—Cont'd. Section City treasurer 2-159 et seq. City treasurer. See that title Civil service commission 2-178 et seq. Civil service commission. See that title Compensation, salaries, etc. Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting or- dinance of this code Providing for 2-68 Corporation counsel Powers and duties 2-142 Legal department. See that title Delegation of authority, construed 1-2 Departments and other agencies of city. See that title Development planner 29-31 Planning. See that title Director of public works 2-169 et seq. Public works and improvements. See that title Disaster services and emergency planning coordinator 11-19 et seq. Civil defense. See that title Elections 12-1 et seq. Elections. See that title Electrical inspector 13-29 et seq. Electricity. See that title Emergency location for city government 2-5 Emergency succession 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title Examinations 2-187 Civil service commission. See that title General powers and duties Charter provisions 2-19 Designated 2-70 Specific powers, etc. See Specific subjects Human rights director 21-31 Human rights director. See that title Manager, powers and duties of re 2-107 Mayor and mayor pro tem 2-81 et seq. Mayor and mayor pro tem. See that title Municipal funds, deposits of 2-73 Municipal parking garage operators 25-296 Traffic. See that title Parks and recreation, director of 27-33, 27-34 Parks and recreation. See that title Pensions and retirements Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting or- dinance of this code Supp. No. 16 3063 DUBUQUE CODE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES—Cont'd. Section Personnel records 2-185 Civil service commission. See that title Plumbing inspectors 30-24 et seq. Plumbing. See that title Powers and duties. See within this title: General Powers and Duties Powers and duties of manager re 2-107 Representation, duties of solicitor 2-149 Transfer of records and property to successor 2-74 OLD MAIN HISTORIC DISTRICT Provisions re 191/2-6.2 Historic districts. See: Historical preservation ONE-WAY STREETS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordi- nance of this code OPEN AIR SHOWS Definitions 6-75 Exemptions 6-78 Licenses Exemptions 6-78 Fees 6-77 Required 6-76 Theaters and halls in general 6-128 et seq. Theaters and halls. See that title OPENING BOXES Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title ORDERTAKERS Peddlers' regulations 28-1 et seq. Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title ORDINANCES Annual appropriation ordinance 2-24 Charter provisions 2-16 et seq. Charter. See that title Code of ordinances 1-1 et seq. Code of ordinances. See that title ORGANIZED LABOR Assembling for purpose of intimidation 26-31 OUTDOOR ADVERTISING Advertising regulations in general 3-1 et seq. Advertising. See that title Supp. No. 16 3064 CODE INDEX OUTDOOR BURNING Section Garbage and trash 17-1 OUTDOOR LIGHTING Electrical requirements 13-14 OUTDOOR THEATERS Open air shows 6-75 et seq. Open air shows. See that title P PAINT Housing provisions 20-1 et seq. Housing. See that title PALMISTRY Fortunetellers' license requirements 24-46 et seq. PARADES Circus parades 6-63 PARK SUPERINTENDENT Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title PARKING Motor vehicle parking in general 25-256 et seq. Traffic. See that title PARKING LOTS Airport parking lots 4-12 et seq. Airports and aircraft. See that title Municipal parking lots 25-304 et seq. Traffic. See that title PARKING METERS Airport parking lots, parking meters 4-12 et seq. Airports and aircraft. See that title Regulations 25-321 et seq. Traffic. See that title PARKINGS Display of advertising material on PARKS AND RECREATION Advertising, distribution, display or broadcast of Alcoholic beverages Consumption or use of Animals and fowl Dogs, cats or other domestic animals permitted; running at large prohibited; impoundment and redemption by owner Supp. No. 16 3065 3-1 27-60 27-49 27-51 DUBUQUE CODE PARKS AND RECREATION—Cont'd. Section Horse-drawn vehicles and riding of animals restricted 27-50 Interfering with, teasing, killing, trapping, disturbing or feed- ing birds or other fowl, animals or fish; robbing, injuring or destroying bird's nests 27-56 Benches, seats and tables, permission required to move 27-64 Bicycles, use of, authority to prohibit 27-67 Bluffs, loosening stones from and rolling or throwing same down the face of 27-70 Buildings Group gatherings, reservation of buildings for 27-68(b) Roofs, climbing on to 27-63 Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Named 27-90 Closing parks, park and recreation facilities, park roadways and parking lots, authority for 27-74 Concession stands Sales of refreshments and other articles from permitted 27-61 Damaging, injuring or defacing park property, facilities or other features Cutting plants or shrubs or defacing trees, shrubs or plants; exceptions 27-53 Prohibited generally 27-52 Walking on grass 27-54 Definitions 27-46 Director Appointment; term of office 27-34 Office created; responsibilities generally 27-33 Disorderly conduct 27-47 Dogs, cats or other domestic animals Permitted in parks; running at large prohibited; impound- ment and redemption by owner 27-51 Eagle Point park Hours of operation and closing Motor vehicles, entry after 10:00 p.m. prohibited; excep- tions 27-75 E. B. Lyons Forest Preserve and Nature Center Description; placed under control and management of park and recreation commission 27-88 Employees of park Interfering with; solicitations by salesmen or agents 27-65 Fences, climbing on, damaging, tampering with, standing or sitting on 27-63 Firearms and weapons Carrying, shooting or discharging within park or parkway prohibited 27-62 Fires 27-69 Fireworks, carrying, shooting or discharging prohibited 27-62 Supp. No. 16 3066 CODE INDEX PARKS AND RECREATION—Cont'd. Flora Park Description; placed under control and management of park and recreation commission; certain rights reserved ... Four Mounds Park Supp. No. 18 3066.1 Section 27-89 27-91 CODE INDEX PAWNBROKERS Section Junk dealers, secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers 22-1 et seq. Junk dealers, secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers. See that title PEDDLERS, CANVASSERS AND SOLICITORS Definitions 28-1 Exemptions 28-5 Food sales restricted 28-3 Food vehicles, sanitation 28-4 Interstate commerce fee regulations 28-22 Licenses Applications 28-18 Exhibiting upon request required 28-25 Fees 28-21 Exemption from 28-27 Milk and bakery peddlers 28-26 Procedures when fees are contended to be undue burden on interstate commerce 28-22 Investigation of applicant 28-19 Fees 28-18 Issuance 28-19 Milk and bakery peddlers 28-26 Notice to police upon loss 28-24 Permanence of business is in doubt Special agreement with merchants 28-20 Personal nature 28-23 Required 28-17 Special agreements 28-20 Transferability 28-23 Milk and bakery peddlers exempted from certain provi- sions 28-26 Park personnel, solicitation of 27-65 Parks and recreation. See that title Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title Temporary stands or vehicles Peddling restricted 28-2 PEDESTRIANS Traffic regulations 25-236 et seq. Traffic. See that title PENALTIES Fines, forfeitures and penalties. See that title General penalty 1-8 Code of ordinances. See that title Supp. No. 14 3069 DUBUQUE CODE PENS Section Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2 Animals and fowl. See that title PENSIONS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code PERSON Defined 1-2 PERSONAL PROPERTY Defined 1-2 Property in general. See: Property PERSONNEL Appointive personnel. See: Officers and Employees PEST CONTROL Housing responsibilities 20-128 Housing. See that title Rat control 24-78 et seq. Rat control. See that title PHOTOGRAPH ORDERTAKERS Peddlers' regulations Peddlers, canvassers and solicitors. See that title PHRENOLOGY Fortunetellers' license requirements 24-46 et seq. PICKETING Assembling for purpose of intimidation 26-31 PIGS Animals at large, etc. 7-2 Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl PILE DRIVERS, HAMMERS, ETC. Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title PISTOLS Concealed weapons 26-12 Firearms and weapons. See that title PLACARDS Posting, etc. placards in parks 27-59 Parks and recreation. See that title PLANNING Development planner Office created; appointment 29-31 Supp. No. 14 3070 CODE INDEX R RABIES CONTROL Section Dogs and cats.___ 7-45 et seq. Animals and fowl. See that title RADIOLOGICAL WARFARE Civil defense, providing for 11-1 et seq. Civil defense. See that title Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title RAILROADS AND TRAINS (Note—In conjunction with the subjects listed herein, see also: Traffic) Crossings Blocking 32-1 Crossings, rights-of-way Maintenance 32-4 Parking near certain streets 32-7 Speed restrictions 32-2' Team track Use of certain track as team track 32-6 Supp. No. 15 3074.1 CODE INDEX RAILROADS AND TRAINS-_Cont'd. Section Transit authority 36-72 et seq. Transit authority. See that title Unlawful deposits, etc. 32-8 RAT CONTROL Animal food storage restricted 24-86 Construction restricted 24-84 Definitions 24-78 Enforcement 24-80 Eradication measures required upon notice 24-81 Enforcement 24-80 Garbage and refuse storage and accumulation 24-86 Inspections, correction orders and/or notices 24-82 Occupancy of noncomplying buildings restricted 24-84 Ratproofing, elimination and maintenance of premises, etc. 24-79 Ratproofing required upon notice 24-80 Removal of ratproofing 24-83 Rodent, insect and vermin control 20-5.05(e) Housing. See that title Storage of animal food restricted 24-85 REAL ESTATE, LAND Defined 1-2 Property in general. See: Property RECEIPTS Treasurer, duties 2-159 et seq. City treasurer. See that title RECORDS. See: Public Records RECREATION DIRECTOR Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title Parks and recreation, director of 27-33, 27-34 Parks and recreation. See that title REFUSE. See: Garbage and Trash REGISTRATION Airport personnel 4-8 Bicycles 9-22 et seq. Bicycles. See that title RELEASES Execution 2-8 RELIGIOUS RELATIONS Human relations provisions 21-1 et seq. Supp. No. 14 3075 DUBUQUE CODE RENTALS Section Noisy equipment, rental of 26-146 REPEALS Effect of repeal of ordinances 1-5 RESIDENTIAL AREAS Circuses, carnivals, etc., excluded from 6-62 RESOLUTIONS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code RETAIL STORES Smoking in 14-9 RETIREMENTS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code REVOLVERS, RIFLES, ETC. Concealed weapons 26-12 Firearms and weapons. See that title RIGHT-OF-WAY Street defined to include 1-2 Streets in general. See: Streets and Sidewalks RINKS, SKATING. See: Roller Skating Rinks RIOTS Assembling for purpose of Assemblies. See that title RIVERS Flood areas Flood areas. See that title Municipal waterfront and docks Municipal waterfront and docks. See that title ROBBERY Burglary and robbery alarm permit Burglary and robbery alarm permit. See that title RODENTS. See also: Rat Control Housing Housing. See that title Supp. No. 14 3076 26-30 15-16 et seq. 26-110 et seq. 31-4 et seq. 20-1 et seq. CODE INDEX ROLLER SKATES Section Use on Town Clock Plaza, in municipal parking garage or parking lot, on roadways or crosswalks 25-245 Traffic. See that title ROLLER SKATING RINKS Certain acts and persons prohibited 6-151 Cleanliness, sanitation, safety 6-150 Conduct of patrons 6-151 Definitions 6-145 Intoxicants, drugs, loitering, idlers, etc. Offenses regarding 6-146 Licenses Fees 6-147 Neighboring property owners consent 6-149 Required 6-146 Revocation 6-148 Minors, regulations regarding 6-146(1) Neighboring property owners' consent Required for location 6-149 Noises 6-152 Permitted hours of operation 6-153 ROOF SIGNS Regulated 3-55 RULES OF CONSTRUCTION General definitions for interpreting code 1-2 3 SABOTAGE Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title SALARIES Officers and employees 2-68 Officers and employees. See that title SALES Parks and recreation 27-61 Parks and recreation. See that title SALVAGE YARDS Junk and junk dealers 22-1 et seq. Junk and junk dealers. See that title SAMPLES Patent medicine distribution 3-20 SATURDAY Time computed re 1-2 Supp. No. 14 3077 DUBUQUE CODE SCALES Section Weights and measures 24-98 et seq. Weights and measures. See that title SCHOOLS Prohibited noise, noise regulations. etc. 21-139 et seq. Noises. See that title School busses discharging pupils 25-187.1 Traffic. See that title Subdivision sites dedicated 34-100 SEAL. See: City Seal SEALERS City sealer 24-98 Weights and measures. See that title SEARCHLIGHTS Use in parks 27-66 Parks and recreation. See that title SECONDHAND DEALERS Junk dealers, secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers 22-1 et seq. Junk dealers, secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers. See that title SEPTIC TANKS Private disposal systems 36-43 et seq. Water and sewers. See that title Subdivision installations 34-18(b) Subdivisions. See that title SERVICE STATIONS. See also: Gasoline Service Stations, Etc. Fire prevention code adopted Fire prevention. See that title 14-1 et seq. SEVERABILITY OF PARTS OF CODE Generally 1-4 Code of ordinances. See that title SEWERS. See: Water and Sewers SHALL, MAY Definitions 1-2 SHEDS Livestock keeping restrictions 7-2 Animals and fowl. See that title SHEEP Animals at large, etc. 7-2 Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl Supp. No. 14 3078 CODE INDEX SPECIAL DISTRICTS Section Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code SPECIAL SALES Going -out -of -business sales regulations __ __ __ __ __ 24-60 et eeq. Going -out -of -business sales. See that title SPITTING Expectorating in streets 33-3 SPOTLIGHTS Use in parks ______ 27-66 Parks and recreation. See that title STABLES Livestock keeping restrictions 4-2 Animals and fowl. See that title STAKES Removing grade stakes, etc. 26-16 STATE Defined 1-2 STATE PLUMBING CODE Adopted 30-1 Plumbing. See that title STATIONARY MACHINES, EQUIPMENT AND FANS Prohibited noise, noise regulations, etc. 26-139 et seq. Noises. See that title STONES Throwing stones, etc., in parks ___________ 27-55 Parks and recreation. See that title STOP INTERSECTIONS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code Traffic. See that title STORMS, FLOODS, ETC. Civil defense, providing for 11-1 et seq. Civil defense. See that title Emergency location for city government 2-5 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS Access to public street, housing standards 20-109 Housing standards. See: Housing Supp. No. 15 3081 DUBUQUE CODE STREETS AND SIDEWALKS—Cont'd. Section Assemblies Obstructing streets ____ 33-2(4) Cart, vehicles, animals, driving 33-2(3) Cellar door or grating, leaving open 33-2(5) Central market 24-25 et seq. Central market. See that title Coasting areas Designated, unlawful to use other streets 33-11 Designation of 33-12 Duty of motor vehicle drivers in vicinity 33-13 Curbs and driveways Construction or alteration Bond prerequisite to engaging in business of 33-25 Permits to construct, alter, etc. Abutting owner agreement to make improvements, etc., re 33-34 Application 33-33 Council approval required for certain places 33-35 Issuance generally 33-36 Required 33-32 Dirt, manure, shavings, cinders, etc. Hauling through streets 33-4 Driveways. See hereinabove: Curbs and Driveways Driving on sidewalk restricted __ _ 33-9 Excavations. See also that title Delegation of powers by city manager 33-54 Exemptions ___ 33-55 Guards 33-50 Interfering with traffic 33-51 Obstructions to streets 33-2(1) Permits Application Accompanying documents ---- 33-63 Contents 33-65 Council approval for new permits, etc. 33-66 Issuance Prerequisites to 33-64 Required 33-62 Restoration of surface Bonds 33-49 Generally ______-.-._ ___ ___ 33-48 Time for commencement of work 33-52 Violators of permit conditions or provisions Council approval required for issuance of new per- mit Work performed in workmanlike manner Supp. No. 15 3082 33-66 33-53 CODE INDEX SUBDIVISIONS—Cont'd. Section Drafting requirements 34-42 Examination by commission 34-40 Information required to be shown 34-43 Installation and security for installation and mainte- nance of improvements, etc. May be made prerequisite for approval 34-45 Power to approve or disapprove 34-41 Purpose 34-38 Submission to commission 34-39 Submission to council, when 34-41 Improvements Installation of 34-58 Lots Area and dimensions 34-90 Exceptional sized lots 34-57 Modification of requirements 34-59 Monuments and markers Corner of each lot 34-58(b) Parks, playgrounds and schools Dedication of sites 34-100 Permits Issuance restricted 34-18 Plats Application fee for subdivision plat review required 34-19 Recording required 34-17 Preliminary plats Drafting requirements 34-30 Effect, duration of approval 34-28 Exemption from filing 34-29 Information required to be shown 34-31 Power of commission to approve or disapprove 34-27 Purpose 34-25 Submission to commission 34-26 Purpose of provisions 34-3 Schools. See hereinabove: Parks, Playgrounds and Schools Septic tank installation Permit issuance restrictions 34-18 Short title 34-1 Standards and specifications 34-57 et seq. Streets, alleys and easements Adjoining street systems 34-72 Alleys 34-71 Cul-de-sac 34-70 Easements 34-74 Street alignment 34-68 Street grades 34-69 Supp. No. 15 3085 DUBUQUE CODE SUBDIVISIONS—Cont'd. Section Street intersections 34-67 Street names 34-73 Street widths 34-66 SUBPOENAS Writs, warrants and other processes. See that title SUBVERSIVE ACTS Emergency location for city government 2-5 SUCCESSION IN OFFICE Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq.. Emergency succession. See that title SUITS AND PLEAS City solicitor in general 2-143 Legal department. See that title SUNDAY Time computed re 1-2 SURETY Bonds, approval 2-4 SURVEYS, MAPS AND PLATS Fire zones described 10-3 Grade stakes, etc., removal 26-16 Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code Planning and zoning commission powers 29-20 Planning and zoning commission. See that title Precincts described 12-20 et seq. Subdivisions 34-1 et seq. Subdivisions. See that title SWEAR OR SWORN. See: Oath, Affirmation, Swear or Sworn SWIMMING Restricted in certain areas 91/2 -16 SWIMMING POOLS Construction 10-36 Definitions 10-33 Fencing requirements 10-37 Location 10-38 Permits Fees 10-35 Required 10-34 Supp. No. 15 3086 CODE INDEX SWINE Section Animals at large, etc 7-2 Animals in general. See: Animals and Fowl T TABLE MOUND TOWNSHIP Airport located in, name of 4-1 Airports and aircraft. See that title TAGS Animal and fowl regulations re dogs and cats 7-38, 7-39 TANK VEHICLES Gasoline service stations and tank vehicles 14-46 et seq. Gasoline service stations, etc. See that title TATTOOING Definitions 18-2(a) Prohibited 18-2(b) Exceptions 18-2(c) Violations, penalty 18-2(d) TAXATION Assessment of property 35-7 City assessor. See within this title: Property Taxes General special assessment fund 2-6 Finances in general. See: Finances Hotel and motel tax Definitions 35-21 Levy 35-22 Payment 35-23 Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordi- nance of this code Property taxes Assessment procedures 35-7 City assessor Appointment 35-6 Exemption Industrial real estate New construction and acquisition or improvement of ma- chinery or equipment Partial exemption 35-12 TAXICABS Generally 38-16 et seq. Vehicles for hire (taxicabs). See that title Supp. No. 16 3087 DUBUQUE CODE TELEVISION Section Cable services delivery franchise (Appendix B). See that title Cable television 36-181 et seq. Cable television. See that title TENEMENTS Definitions for interpreting code 1-2 TENSE Word usage for interpreting code 1-2 TENT SHOWS Open air shows 6-75 et seq. Open air shows. See that title THEATERS AND HALLS Adult entertainment establishments App. A Zoning. See that title Compliance with state and city regulations 6-131 Exemptions 6-132 Licenses Fees 6-129 Proration 6-130 Required 6-128 Open air shows 6-75 et seq. Open air shows. See that title Smoking in 14-9 THROUGH STREETS Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordi- nance of this code THROWING STONES, ETC. Parks, in 27-55 Parks and recreation. See that title TIME Computing time for interpreting code 1-2 TOBOGGANING Coasting areas 33-11 et seq. TORNADOES, ETC. Emergency location for city government 2-5 TOWN CLOCK PLAZA Roller skates, skateboards, bicycles or other wheeled rec- reational vehicles, use on 25-245 Traffic. See that title Supp. No. 16 3088 CODE INDEX TRADES Section Occupational license requirement in general 24-1 et seq. Licenses and permits. See that title TRAFFIC Accidents Cleaning up wrecks 25-156 Damage to vehicles only, duty re 25-44 Fixtures on highway Duty of driver upon striking 25-47 Information and aid Duty of driver to give 25-45 Reports required 25-43 Unattended vehicle Duty upon striking 25-46 Administration 25-16 et seq. Advertising vehicles Operation 25-189 Parking 25-268 Alley Defined 25-2 Parking restrictions. See within this title: Parking, Stopping and Standing Ambulances. See also that title Authorized emergency vehicles. See within this title that subject Angle parking. See within this title: Parking, Stopping and Standing Animals or animal -drawn vehicles Applicability 25-3 Control of vehicle in vicinity 25-221 Traffic defined in reference to 25-2 Applicability 25-3 Arrests. See hereinbelow: Violations Arterial streets Snow removal operations. See within this title that subject Supp. No. 15 3088.1 CODE INDEX TRAFFIC—Cont'd. Section Reckless driving 25-168 Rentals Inspections re 25-148 Records of 25-149 Renting motor vehicle to unlicensed persons 25-147 Restricted licenses 25-146 Unauthorized persons, permitting to drive 25-144 Unlicensed chauffeur, employment 25-145 Driveway Entering street from private roadway 25-213 Private road or driveway, defined 25-2 Emergency Snow removal operations. See within this title that subject Emergency vehicles. See hereinabove: Authorized Emer- gency Vehicles Supp. No. 8 3090.1 CODE INDEX TRAFFIC—Cont'd. Section Park Defined 25-2 Parking garages Municipal parking garages. See hereinabove that subject Parking lot Defined 25-2 Parking meters Defacing, tampering with 25-330 Definitions 25-2, 25-321 Deposits, collection and disposition 25-331 Districts 25-326 Enforcement 25-332 Fee schedules 25-327 Exemption of persons holding resident parking permits 25-328.1 Installation authorized and directed 25-322 Manner of construction, installation and marking 25-323 Maximum parking time 25-328 Exemptions of persons holding residents parking permits from 25.328.1 Municipal parking lots 25-305 Municipal parking lots. See within this title that subject Operation required, when 25-325 Resident parking permits Persons holding exempted from certain provisions 25-328.1 Slugs, unlawful to use 25-329 Spaces 25-324 Parking, stopping and standing Advertising vehicles 25-324 Airports and aircraft. See that title Alleys Parking in, generally 25-271 Parking under fire escape 25-264 Use required for loading and unloading, when 25-263 Amount of traveled part of highway left for other traffic 25-256(12) Angle parking 25-258 Bicycles or other wheeled recreational vehicles Use in municipal parking garage or parking lot 25-245 Bus stops 25-260 Buses, manner of stopping 25-187 Business district Backing for purposes of parking in 25-266 Crosswalk, on 25-256(5) Parking, etc., within certain distance at an inter- section 25-256(14) Double parking 25-256(10) Fines 25-274 Driveway, blocking 25-256(2) Supp. No. 12 3097 DUBUQUE CODE TRAFFIC—Cont'd. Driveway entrance at fire station, at Driving on private property without consent Emergency vehicle privileges Entrance to garage or driveway, opposite Excavation, by Fire escapes in alleys, under Fire hydrant, at Fire station entrance, at Flashing beacon, stop sign, etc. Parking in, etc., within certain distance Garage or driveway entrance, opposite Hand and arm signals, etc. See within this title: Turning Movements Handicapped persons, parking space for Angular parking for handicapped persons Specifications for Designation of spaces generally Findings of fact Identification devices Prohibited use of; penalties Impoundment of vehicles in violation Nonstate residents, handicapped parking for Prohibited use of parking places Purpose of provisions Signs indicating use limitations Placing at designated parking places ____ Violations, penalties Impoundment of vehicles in violation Illegal alley parking, etc., fine Intersection, within Loading and unloading Business districts Loading zones in front of theaters, hotels, etc. Moving vehicle into prohibited area Municipal auditorium Service vehicles, reserved parking spaces for, adjacent to Emblems on vehicles Municipal parking lots. See within this title that subject Obstruction. See also within this title Parking alongside or opposite Official signs on curb markings, at Other provisions applicable to, related to parking, etc. See elsewhere herein other subjects as ap- plicable Overtime parking, double parking, etc. Fines Supp. No. 12 3098 Section 25-256(8) 25-272 25-167 25-256(11) 25-256(9) 25-264 25-264(4) 25-256(8) 25-256(6) 25-256(11) 25-346 25-346 25-345 25-348 25-349 25-350 25-348 25-344 25-347 25-348 25-849 25-274 25-256(8) 25-263 25-259 25-166 25-269(a) 25-269(b) 25-256(9) 25-256(18) 25-274 CODE INDEX TRAFFIC—Cont'd. Section Municipal parking lots. See within this title that subject Parallel parking 25-258 Parking lots, use 25-265 Passenger zones 25-260 Private property Parking on without owner's consent 25-273 Prohibited in specified places 25-256 Prohibited on designated streets or portions thereof Time zones designated 25-257(c) Vehicles not moved deemed stationary 25-257(b) Where posted; exceptions 25-257(a) Railroad cars, parking near certain streets 32-7 Railroad crossing, within certain distances 25-256(7) Removal of certain vehicles authorized Prerequisites to release 25-278 Residences, in front of 25-262 Restrictions during snow removal 25-338 et seq. Snow removal operations. See within this title that subject Right-of-way provisions applicable to 25-207 et seq. Roadway side of another vehicle, etc. 25-256(10) Roller skates and skateboards Use in municipal parking garage or parking lot 25-245 Sale or storage of vehicle Parking vehicles for purposes of 25-267 Service vehicles Reserved parking space for adjacent to municipal auditorium 25-269(a) Appropriate emblems on vehicles 25-269(b) Sidewalk, on 25-256(1) Signal required when stopping or decreasing speed suddenly 25-179 Snow or ice removal Parking in interference with 25-274(4) Special permits for sale or storage purposes 25-267 Starting parked vehicles 25-173 Taxicab stands 25-261 Theaters, hotels, etc. Loading zones in front of 25-259 Traffic -control signal, parking within certain dis- tance 25-256(6) Train signal, stopping required 25-185 Violations. See also within this title that subject Bond, posting 25-275 Supp. No. 12 3099 DUBUQUE CODE TRAFFIC—Cont'd. Section Effect of provisions 25-276 Fines 25-274 Inter -office procedures 25-277 Registration plates, evidentiary effect 25-279 Removal of certain vehicles authorized, etc. 25-278 et seq. Passenger zones Parking regulations 25-260 Passengers Bicycle passengers 9-6 Buses loading and unloading 25-187 School buses. See within this title that subject Passing. See within this title: Overtaking, Meeting and Passing Peace officers Authority to stop vehicles 25-21 Defined 25-2 Obedience to 25-16 Pedestrians Bicycle regulations. See within this title: Bicycles Blind persons Duty of drivers approaching 25-243 White canes restricted 25-242 Control of vehicle in vicinity 25-221 Crosswalks. See also within this title that sub- ject Crossing at other than 25-238 Use of 25-240 Defined 25-2 Duty of driver re persons working on streets 25-237 Duty of driver to crossing pedestrians 25-239 Hitchhiking 25-241 Playing in streets 33-6 Rides, soliciting 25-241 Right-of-way. See also within this title that subject Generally 25-236 Sidewalks. See within this title that subject Walking on highways 25-244 White canes restricted to blind presons 25-242 Plates Registration of vehicles. See hereinbelow that sub- ject Playing in streets 33-6 Pneumatic tire Defined 25-2 Tires and wheels on vehicles. See within this title that subject Supp. No. 12 3100 CODE INDEX VICIOUS ANIMALS Harboring vicious dogs or cats 7-17 VIOLATIONS General penalty 1-8 Code of ordinances. See that title Misdemeanor, defined 1-2 Section VOCATIONS Occupational license requirements in general 24-1 et seq. Licenses and permits. See that title Supp. No. 13 3110.1 CODE INDEX w WALKING ON GRASS Section Public parks, in 27-42 Parks and recreation. See that title WALL SIGNS AND BULLETINS Construction 3-61' et seq. WAR ACTIVITY Civil defense, providing for 11-1 et seq. Civil defense. See that title WARDS Abolished Precincts. See: Elections WATER AND SEWERS Permits Private disposal systems. See within this title: Sewers and Sewage Disposal 12-17 Rates Sewer system. See within this title: Sewers and Sew- age Disposal Water supply and distribution. See within this title that subject Sewer districts Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. Seethe preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code Sewers and sewage disposal Air conditioning systems, discharge regulations 36-30 Characteristics of waters and wastes Testing standards to determine 36-37 City manager Entering easement property for sewage works in- spection, etc. 36-39 Entering property for testing discharges _____________ 36-38 Private disposal systems. See within this subtitle that subject City plumbing ordinances, rules and regulations Sewer installations to conform with ________ 36-20 Connection to public sewer Costs and expense to be borne by owner __________ 36-15 Exception - --- - - --- - - 36-14 Required - — -- - - — 36-13 Connections prior to improving streets Authority of city to require -____ 36-16 Supp. No. 1 3111 DUBUQUE CODE WATER AND SEWERS—Cont'd. Section Collection of costs of city 36-19 Notice to owners 36-17 Performance of work by city 36-19 When completion required 36-18 Construction, maintenance and operation costs 36-22 Definitions and rules of construction 36-11 Deposits on public or private property 36-12(a) Destruction of sewage works property _____ ____y36-23 Discharge regulations 36-29 et seq. Discharges to natural outlets ________—_--__—__ 36-12(b) Financing of construction, maintenance and opera- tion costs 36-22 Harmful substances Dicharge of ____ 36-32 City manager regulating discharge 36-33 Industrial wastes Industrial wastes of unusual strength or character Special agreements permitting acceptance of __ 36-34 Manholes, meters and sampling equipment for measuring _—________________ 36-36 Natural outlets, discharges to _______—____—____________ 36-12(b) Noncomplying disposal methods prohibited 36-12 Objectionable items Discharge of 36-31 Officers and departments, duties 36-21 Preliminary treatment or flow -equalizing facilities Owner's responsibility 36-35 Private disposal systems Availability of public sewer Abandonment of system upon 36-47 City manager Appeals from orders of 36-51 Entering private property for inspection and testing, etc. _ ______ _ ___ ____ 36-48 Refusal to enter, remedy 36-49 Connections to Conformance with city and state rules and reg- ulations, etc. _____ 36-45 Expenses to city _________________ 36-46 Permits Application, form, etc. ____________________________ 36-43 Fee ____ ___ __ ___` 36-43 Inspection and completion of installation Prerequisites to effectiveness ____ 36-44 Issuance generally ______________ _ __ 36-44 Required _ 36-43 Supp. No. 1 3112 CODE INDEX WATER AND SEWERS—Cont'd. Section Service pipes Required depth of 36-135 Service shutoffs and valve boxes 36-127 Services installed and maintained at expense of owner 36-136 Stop box 36-129 Stopcock 36-131 Turning on service City only to turn on service .__ ____ __ 36-99 City's responsibility 36-98 Waste cock 36-131 WARFARE Emergency location for city government __ 2-5 WATER CLOSETS Plumbing regulations 30-1 et seq. Plumbing. See that title WATER DAMAGED GOODS SALES Going -out -of -business sales regulations 24-60 et seq. Going -out -of -business sales. See that title WATER HEATING FACILITIES Housing standards 20-74 Housing. See that title WATER PLANT SUPERVISOR Emergency succession in office 2-199 et seq. Emergency succession. See that title WATERFRONT Boats, boating, docks and waterfront 9'/2 -1 et seq. Boats, boating, docks and waterfront. See that title WEAPONS. See: Firearms and Weapons WEEDS AND BRUSH Duty of owner to remove 37-49 Notice to owner to remove 37-50 Compliance with removal notice required 37-51 Failure to comply 37-53 Removal by city after owner's failure, etc. 37-52 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Central market Weights and measuring devices, etc. 24-33 City sealer __________ 24-98 Supp. No. 17 3115 DUBUQUE CODE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES—Cont'd. Section Testing of apparatus 24-100 Violations, penalties ___ 24-101 WILDLIFE Interfering with park animals ____--_____ 27-56 WINE AND BEER Alcoholic beverage regulations __._ _._._.. 5-1 et seq. Alcoholic beverages. See that title WORDS AND PHRASES General definitions for interpreting code -_. 1-2 WRITS, WARRANTS AND OTHER PROCESSES Clerk, service of notices, etc. 2-119 Defacing legal notices, etc. .. 3-2 WRITTEN, IN WRITING Definitions for interpreting code ........ ........ .............. 1-2 Y YARDS Livestock keeping restrictions __ . ._ 7-2 Animals and fowl. See that title YEAR, FISCAL Designated YEAR, MONTH Defined Supp. No. 17 3116 2-3 1-2 [The next page is 3127] CODE INDEX ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section City buildings, structures and uses Exemption from regulations 3-103.8 Commercial and industrial districts Off-street parking and loading space requirements 5-104 Residential dwelling permitted in 5-106 Commission Planning and zoning commission 29-16 et seq. Planning and zoning commission. See that title Conditional use permits Requirements and procedure 6-106 Conditional uses Application and scope 3-102.2 District requirements. See herein specific districts Temporary uses permitted as conditional uses in any district 5-107 Definitions Art. XI Districts Application of regulations 1-103, 4-101 District regulations 4-101 et seq. Establishment, designation 1-101 Temporary uses permitted as conditional uses in any district 5-107 Exemptions from provisions 3-103.7, 3-103.8 Fees Amount 10-102 Exemptions 10-104 Payment 10-103 Required 10-101 Fences, walls and hedges 3-105.3 Flood hazards Special flood hazard overlay districts 4-111.2 General provisions 3-101 et seq. Construction 3-101 Provisions. See within this title that subject General statement of intent. See herein specific districts Height limits Structures permitted above 3-103.9 H -I Heavy industrial district Requirements 4-120 Historic districts 191/2-6 et seq. Historical preservation. See that title Home occupations Accessory uses 5-101.3 ID Institutional district Requirements 4-118 Intent. See herein specific districts L -I Light industrial district Requirements 4-119 Supp. No. 17 3129 DUBUQUE CODE ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section Licenses Construed 3-102.5 Liquor and beer premises locations 5-27 Lot size requirements 3-103.4 Lots All lots to front on a public or approved private street 3-106 Reduction of required lots and yards prohibited 1-103.4 Visibility on residential corner lots Maintenance of required 5-102.2 Yards and open spaces. See within this title that subject Map Official zoning map 1-102 Minimum requirements 3-102.1 Nonconformitites Amortization provisions 2-109 Expansion provisions 2-108 General statement of intent 2-101 Limitation on repairs and maintenance 2-106 Nonconforming lots of record 2-102 Nonconforming structures 2-104 Nonconforming uses of land, etc. 2-103 Nonconforming uses of structures, etc. 2-105 Uses under conditional use permit provisions not nonconforming 2-107 Nonresidential districts Limitations 3-104.2 Occupancy permits 7-103 Official zoning map 1-102 Off-street parking and loading Applicability and scope 3-103.6 Application of district regulations 1-103.3 Commercial and industrial district requirements 5-104 Continuing obligation of property owner to maintain 3-105.4 Off-street parking and storage of vehicles in residential districts Special regulations governing 5-101.4 Open spaces. See hereinbelow: Yards and Open Spaces OR -1 Office -residential district regulations Enumerated 4-109 Ordinances saved from repeal, other provisions not included herein. See the preliminary pages and the adopting ordinance of this code PI -Planned industrial district regulations Enumerated 4-121 Parking Off-street parking and loading. See hereinabove that subject Supp. No. 17 3130 CODE INDEX ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section Permits Conditional use permits. See hereinabove that subject Planned unit development district regulations 4-110 Principal permitted uses. See also herein specific districts Application and scope 3-103.1 Private agreements 3-102.3 Provisions Adopting and repeal of 12-101 et seq. Amendments and zoning reclassification 8-101 et seq. Application and scope of regulations 3-103 Cumulative 3-102.6 Effective date of ordinance provisions 12-101 Exemptions from regulations 3-107.7 Minimum requirements 3-102.1 Overlapping or contradictory regulations 3-102.2 Repeal of conflicting ordinances 12-102 Rules governing interpretation 3-102 Separability 3-102.7 Violations and penalties 9-101 et seq. Words and phrases construed 3-101 Public or approved private street All lots and buildings to front on 3-106 R-1—Residential district regulations Enumerated 4-104 R-2—Residential district regulations Enumerated 4-105 R-3—Residential district regulations Enumerated 4-106 R-4—Residential district regulations Enumerated 4-107 R-5—Residential district regulations Enumerated 4-108 Residential districts General statement of intent for 4-103 Residential dwellings Permitted in commercial districts 5-106 Residential or office residential districts Limitations 3-104.1 Site plan review provisions 5-103 Sign regulations Enumerated 5-105 Special planning districts General provisions 4-111.1 Special flood hazard overlay districts 4-111.2 Structures. See within this title: Buildings Supp. No. 17 3131 DUBUQUE CODE ZONING (Appendix A)—Cont'd. Section Supplementary district regulations Accessory use provisions 5-101 General provisions 5-102 Site plan review provisions 5-103 Swimming pool locations 10-38 Theaters Adult entertainment establishments. See within this title that subject Unlawful uses 3-102.4 Use regulations Conformance of buildings, structures, etc., to 1-103.1 District uses. See herein specific districts Variances Procedure and standards governing 6-107 Violations and penalties 9-101 et seq. Visibility on residential corner lots Maintenance of required 5-102.2 Yards and open spaces All required yards to be open, unoccupied space 3-105.1 Application of district regulations ________________ 1-103.3 Conformance to bulk yard regulations required 1-103.2 Continuing obligation of property owner to maintain 3-105.4 Fences, walls and hedges 3-105.3 Permitted obstructions in required yards ..... 3-105.2 Reduction of required lots and yards prohibited _____ 1-103.4 Residential districts on developed street fronts Average front yard setback required in 5-102.1 Restrictions governing allocation and disposition 3-165 Zoning administrator 7-102 Schedule of fees, collection of fees, etc. 10-101 et seq. Zoning commission Planning and zoning commission 29-16 et seq. Planning and zoning commission. See that title Zoning lot Limitations on uses on a zoning lot 3-104 Zoning map. See hereinabove: Official Zoning Map Supp. No. 17 3132