1952 Index of Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
For the Year
RAY F. KOI,B, Mayor
City Clerk, J. J. SHEA
City Solicitor, TH011IAS H. NI:I,SON
Assistant City Solicitor, ROB);RT M. CZIZI;K
City Treasurer- Building Commissioner-
City Auditor-
City Irngineer-
City Assessor-
Chicf of Fire Department-
Chief of Police-
Superintendent of Water Works-
Street Superintendent-
Plumbing Inspector-
D. J. O'I,$ARY
Talectrical Inspector-
Health Director-
Sanitary Officer-
Milk Sanitarian-
Food and Restaurant Inspector-
Director of Recreation-
Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each
month at 7:30 o'clock.
1952 SUBJ$CT Page
Jan. 7-Appointment of L. J. Schiltz as City Manager......................,
....... 1
7-Appointment of J. J. Shea as City Clerk,.,._......._._.._...... ................ 1
" 7-Appointment of T. H. Nelson as City Solicitor........ .... 1
" 7-Appointment of R. M. Cziuk as Asst. City Solicitor.._..._..._ 1
" 7-Appointment of John J. Heffernan as Police Judge..___....... 1
" 7-Appointment of officers and employees by the City Manager 2
" 7-Appointment of The Telegraph-Herald as the official news-
paper ...
" 7-Appointment of the First National Bank, the American 2
Trust and Savings Bank and the Dubuque Bank and
Trust Company as the depositories for public funds of
the City of Dubuque ._..........._.. 2
" 7-American Trust and Savings Bank, appointed as a depository
of public funds of the City of Dubuque..........._........_....... 2
" 7-Ashby Mrs. W. H. and others requesting the installation of
a street light at the corner of Burlington and National
Streets _...._._......._...,......_.... 27
" 7-Agreement with Durrant and Bergquist for architectural
planning service for a new fire station and remodel-
ing the 18th Street Fire station ___. 31
7-Anthoine Louis and Angella, granted Class "B" beer permit 32
Feb. 4-Arenz James T,, notice of claim __.. 55, 115
" 4-American Legion Auxiliary requesting permission to hold
their Annual Poppy Drive ..._............._.. 57
" 4-Annual Report of Fire Chief submitted to City Manager_.. 66
" Annual Report of Library Board of Trustees _.._.__ 67
" 4-Anmaal Report of Librarian ~„, bq
" 4-Annual Report of City Auditor ,......___..... 67
" 4-Annual Report of City Treasurer .,......__......_._..._.......,._ 67
" 4-Annis Norris S. and Gloria, petition and waiver for con-
struction of sanitary sewer in Mount Vernon Court.... 69, 70
" 4-Annlis Noms S. and Gloria, petition and waiver for im-
provement of Mount Vernon Court with concrete
pavement _.._ ... __._... 77, 78
" 4-Architect's Agreement with Durrant and Bergquist for a
new fire station and remodeling of );ighteenth Street
fire station __....___ ..., .. $j, g2
" 4-Airport Zoning Commission, establishing airport zoning
regulation for the Dubuque Municipal Airport.._$2, 91, 92
Mar. 3-Annexation of unincorporated area to the City of Dubuque, 93, 94
Judgment and Decree in the District Court of Iowa
in and for Dubuque County ........._......... .._......99, lOQ 101
" 3-Annexed unincorporated area to City of Dubuque, Planning
and Zoning Commission submitting recommendations
for zoning classifications _..__..._ 112, 113, 114,
" 243, 204
3-Adamac Leonard A. and others, property owners in the new-
ly annexed Highland Park Addition, requesting that
water mains be extended to serve their properties..._._ 123
" 3-Adeline Street improvement from east property line of
Grandview Avenue to west property line of Ramona
Street with curb and guttec...__.... ,.125, 126, 144, 145, 218
X73, 274, 335, 677, 753, 754, 755, 756
3-Apple Street improvement from north. property line of
Cleveland Avenue to south property line of Oak Street
with curb and gutter...._._.....___.127, 128, 146, 147, 148, 218, 274
X75, 336, 951, 952, 958, 959, 960, 961
" 22-Airport Commission submitting a report of the activities
and accomplishments since its organization in Sep-
tember, 1950 ._....._............_....._... _ _ 174
" 22-Assignment of M. L. Gaber Company to Dubuque Bank
and Trust Company ._........,..__.....,,....„..,__„ _.177, 505, S06
" 22-Althaus Herbert E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.._...,,..
" 22-Adeline Street improvement from east property line Grand-
view Avenue to West property line of Ramona Street,
with asphaltic macadam surfacmg..._......183, 184, 241,
_ _..676, 749, 750,
" 22-Apple Street improvement from north property line of
Cleveland Avenue to south property line of Oak Street,
with asphaltic macadam surfacing .185, 186, 243,
April 7-Appointment of L. J. Schiltz as City Manager.......-»....-.-_.......
" 7-Appointment of J. J. Shea as City Clerk .-......_...._....._.
7-Appointment of Thomas H. Nedson as Crty Solicitor_._....-....
" 7-Apgainement of Robert Czizek as Assistant City Solicitor__
" 7-Appointment of John J. Heffernan as Police Judge -
" 7-Agyle Street improvement with curb and gutter from north
property line of Lowther Street to south property
line of Groveland Place ---•
.._-,.297, 298, 299, 308, 309, 310, 371, 372, 410, 445,
" 7-Apple Street Sanitary Sewer, construction of, from present
manhole in Rush Street to 210 feet north_.._..
.-.,.............,....-.........,._....375, 415, 416, 448, 688, 788, 789,
May S-Allen Robert J., offer to purchase two lots at the end of
Hale Street near University of Dubuque from Du-
buque County ..-........-
" S-Air Pollution and Smoke Prevention Association extending
invitation to attend convention at Cleveland, Ohio.._...
" S-Avery 1~arl T, granted Class "C" Beer Permit.__•
" S-Argyle Street improvement with asphaltic macadam surfac-
ing from north property line of Lowther Street to
south property line of Groveland P1aceM•w•-395, 396,
~~ y y and others, residing or adjacent to the streets
20-A ersaanex d ...,..-..-. .
to the City of Dubuque, requesting Council to
expedite the construction of water maJns and sewer
facilities to serve the district »-»-• ••
June 2-Annual Report of The Key City Gas Company for the
calendar year 1951 -........._..........--_......._..• ..__--
" 2-Asbury Road, water mom to construct, from west property
line of Carter Road west to the west property line of
Lot 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 263.._ ......-•__.•...».
•„-•..-,..-,..,,-,.-._...440, 497, 498, 499, 534, 576, 643, 801, .802,
" 11-Argyle Street from north property line of Lowther Street
to south property line of Groveland Place, sewer and
water connections ..._.-
" 30-Adams Howard, requesting that street lights be erected at
corner of Glen Oak and Edina Streets or on Edina
Street -............-....._......._.._.._......-._..___. ...
" 30-Abing Merlin K., granted Cigarette Permit ......-,.-•
" 30-Anthaine Louis, granted Cigarette Permit ...
" 30-Arvanitis George P., granted Cigarette Permd ........_...
" 30-American Legion, granted Cigarette Permit ._ -•-
" 30-Apel Arthur, granted Cigarette Permit ......,._....__....w._.,,...-.•
" 30-Ape] Earl T., granted Cigarette Permia .-...-.....,_..._...._............
" 30-Avery Earl T., granted Cigarette Permit .....•
" 30-American Veterans of World War II (Amvets Post No.
3), granted Cigarette Permit ......-..-_..-....»......_.................
" 30-Ackerman Frances, granted Cigarette Permit _...._• _»
" 30-Alba Cruso A., granted Cigarette Permit
" 30-American Legion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri-
vate Club .........._......_......-............-...-...._..-..,................_•
" 30-Abing Merlin K., granted Class "C" Beer Permit
182, 183
242, 328
751, 732
244, 329
229, 230
984, 985
237, 238
790, 791
319, 369
319, 320
343, 344
397, 449
438, 439
827, 833
506, 641
516, 517
517, S18
1952 SUBJECT Page
July 7-Agreement with Carl F, Bartels and Paul F. McMahan
for flood protection project C31, $32, S33
" 16-Ashby Wesley and Blanche and others, stating that they
are in favor of the improvement of Burlington Street
from Prinu•ose Street to National Street with curbs,
gutters and asphalt macadam surfacing _._..,.,• -.. S78
" 16-Annual Audit for period April 1, 1951 through December
31, 1951, made by the firm of Brooks, O'Connor &
Brooks _
» S83
" 16-Angelos James A., granted Cigarette Permit ._~...
~. 589
" 24-Adams Paul L., quit claim deed conveying al] rights, title
and interest of the City of Dubuque in the westerly
50 feet of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of R. W. Baker's
Subdivision .... 640
Aug. 4-Avoca Street improvement with asphaltic macadam surfac-
ing from south property line of Rosedale Avenue to
north property line of Cherry Street.___678, 756, 757 758, 759
" 4-Avoca Street improvement with curb and gutter from south
property line of Rosedale Avenue to north property
line of Cherry Street _ 679, 760, 761, 762, 763
" 14-Amvets Auxiliazy, requesting permission to hold tag day._. 696
Sept. 2-Assignment by M. L. Gaber to American Trust and Savings
" Bank 795,
9-Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Burt and others; requesting the open 796, 937
ing of the alley at the extreme end of Muscatine
Street from Muscatine Street to Davenport Street and
also requesting that a street fight be placed at the
intersection of Muscatine Street and the alley above
referred to g~ 846
" 16-Assignment of K-M Construction Company to American
Trust and Savings Bank _._ ._. 851, 971
" 16-Anthony Wayne, agpomted as a member of the Airport
Commission _ 853
Oct, 6-American Munigpal Association extending invitation to
Council to attend annual meeting in Los Angeles on
December 1, 2, 3, 1952 ._...
» 892
" 6-Althaus Herbert E., granted Cigarette Permit 896
" 6-Apel Merlin, granted Glass "C" Beer Permit _.._..._.... 897, 898
Nov. 3-Auto-Owners Insurance Company, submitting Power of At-
torney for Clarence H. Sanner 937
" 3-Adams Eleanor Smith and George, requesting vacation of
alley between Stetmore and Concord Streets.._._._... 938, 978
" 3-Ansel Hugo P,, granted, Cigarette Permit .... _- 947
" 3-Ansel Hugo P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit , ... 947,948
3-American Veterans of World War 2 (Amvets), granted
Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ...,.__......._. 947, 948
Dec. 9-Ackerman Francis, requesting refunds on both his Class
"Bt' Beer Permit and Cigarette Permit 974
" 9-Alba Cruso A., granted Class "C" Beer Permit __._.._-._.. 983, 984
23-Assignment of Iowa Road Building Company to The First
National Bank, Fairmont, Minn.._ _ 1008
" 23-Architects Agreement between Pau] Rossiter and City of
" Dubuque for designing a swiming poor 1009, 1010, 1011
23-Amending Allocation of Funds •.._........,„._.„. 1011, 1012
1952 SUBJECT Page
Jan 7-Bradberry Hazel, requesting refund on Cigarette Permil_... 14
" 7-Buelow C. J., requesting unrestricted parking on Locust 26
Street from Twelfth Street north
" 7-Buena Vista Street improvement with curb and gutter from
north property line of alley south of Strauss Street
to south property line of Lowther Street ._28, 47 48, 49, 6$
Feb 4-Bandy Donald J., Building Commissioner, bond
` Rep ector,
airman & ol
q-Blocker Henry, Parking Meter
" ~~
4-Brady John A., Police Court Clerk, bond ..-....._......_--...»•••...•••
and employees covering the year of
i 6
ty o
4-Bonds of c
1951 to March 31st, 1952, cancelled as of
April 1st
December 31st, 1951 .... ' •••--•"'••~~••
4--Board of Trustees of Public Library, AnnuahReport....__..._ ~
" 4-Becker Charles T., petition and waiver fon construction of 70
sanitary sewer in. Mount Vernon Court .....-•_•._..•.•••--
" 4-Becked Charles T., petition and waiver for improveemnt of
Mount Vernon Court with concrete pavemen ,
Mar. 3-Bissell F. E., congratulating Mayor Russo for fostering the 101
" Ordinance Book ..................._....._....._.m..............._............._....._.
3-Ball Mrs. Glenn and others, requesting the City Council to
consider the opening of West 16th Street to con-
tinue travel in the 500 and 600 block .»..».-..
104, 176
the recently
3-Bock Earl J., requesting City Council to zone
acquired property south and southwest of Highway 104 208
20 to Light Industrial area ......._, •••-•
" requesting
3-Baumhover Mr. & Mrs. Robert L., and others,
the opening of the alley between Windsor Avenue
and Buena Vista Street and between Strauss and
" Lowther Streets .._.,_..........._.._.._............._.........._.._......_...
22-Bogas Christ, requesting refund on his Cigarette Permit.....
" ,
" Beer
22-Bogas Christ, requesting refund on his Class "B 172
Permit ._..................,_
22--~B'axter James W., granted Cigarette Permit ....._... .......
" 22-Barnhart Floyd, granted Cigarette Permit ..._.._._..k...._......
22-Barnhart Floyd, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........-••-•..• 182, 183
April 7-Braconier Plumbing and Heating,Company, requesting ap-
proval of Certificate of Insurance and permission to ~
excavate in the streets and alleys ........._
„ to excavate in the
regeystmg permission
etsu 20b
» •........_..__.»,»•
" -
7 Beaver Geo. I. Plumbing and Heating, requesting permission 206
to excavate in the streets and alleys.
7-Bennett Mrs. Hattie M., requesting Council to deed to her
piece of City owned property extending in front of her
property known as Lots 8 and 9 in Rosedale Addition
No. 2 on Rosedale Avenue............_..._..__...._....... ,
" 7-Burkart Lloyd and others, objecting to the granting of the
petition of Earl Bock requesting the zoning of the
Bock property, or adjacent property to the Bock prop- ~
" erty as a light industrial area .....____ ................_~...,.._......
7-Becker Wm. L., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit_._....
7-Baumgartner John J. and John M., requesting refund on 210
" Cigarette Permit ........._.,. ........................, ...
7-Baumgartner Jahn M. and John J., requesting refund on
" Class ~~B~, Beer Permit ................._...._.._..._..._................_._....
7-Bournias Mrs. Rhea, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 210
7-Braconier Plumbing & Heating Ca., excavation policy 16
7-Beaver George I. Plumbing & Heating Co., excavation bond
li 217
cy -.., ._.._._._....._.._._....
7-Buechel Loins, excavation po
" ,
" t .,
Beer Perm
7-Bisbing Herbert, granted Class ,
" 7-•Bradley Street improvement with curb and gutter from west
property line of Grandview Avenue to the east prop-
erty line of Randall Street ....._._.__......,._ 231, 232
.....,..299, 300, 301, 372, 411, 445, 805, 806, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861
" 1S-Bureau of the Census, certifying the population for the
City of Dubuque . _.._.._...._,.. 267
" 1S-Beversdorf Charles B, and Hubert Galle (B & G Exca-
vators) excavation policy ......., _
_...~ 270
" 15-Brant Carl N. and Bernard N. Arensdorf, granted Class
"B" Beer Permit ...,...,_..._.,..__,........,, ._.. 272
1 -Bradley Street im rovement from north ro
perty line of
erson Street to a point 816 feet ~
th, with. curb
and utter ...
~~„-~~»~~_. 284, 285
.313, 314, 315, 376, 411, 412, 446,
......„.......... 828, 900, 901, 902, 903
May S-Beaves Geo. L, excavation bond ._„ ._.....__._ ...... 327
" S-Bowen Robert J, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..............._.... 341
" S-Bradley Street improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from west property line of Grandview Avenue
to east property line of Randall Street..._..._..............,_.
._........_ ......................_.....,.._.._.,_......_....__.._.._..._.._..397, 398, 345, 346
399, 449
" S-Bradley Street improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from west property line of Henderson Street to
a point 816 feet north........,347, 348, 399, 400, 401, 450, 985, 986
" 14-Blum Max, requesting permission to construct curb and
gutter in front of his property at 1044 Kirkwood Street 366
14-Black & White, Yellow & Checker Cab Co. Inc., taxi-cab
policy .... .._.......,.._..._......._....... __ 368
Jnne 2-Brandt Mary F., by George H. Brandt, requesting sus-
pension of 1952 taxes on South one-half of Lot 162
of East Dubuque Addition ....................,......, ......,.._._ 419, 639
" 2-Bus Routes ......_..........._....,...._._......_._....... ..419, 420, 421
" 2-Brunswick Street improvement with curb and gutter from
north property line of Link Street to south property
line of Strauss Street...., ..__ _.. 427, 428
...., ._....429, 475, 476, 502, 533, 536, 986, 987
" 2-Burlington Street improvement with curb and gutter from
east property line of first Alley west of National Street
to a point 294 fek east of east property line of Prim-
rose Street ..........._.._..............,.._. ..,..._429, 430, 477, 418, 479
" 2-Burke Mrs. Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...,.._ 443, 444
" 11-Board of Review, report ......._, ............_ .._.... 4S6
" 11-Brunswick Street improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from north property line Link Street to south
property line of Strauss Street_......457, 458, 488, 489, 490, S37
" 11-Burlington Street improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from east property line of 1st Alley west of
National Street to a point 294 feet east of east prop-
erty line of Primrose Street ...,., ..,459, 464, 490, 491, 492
" 11-Bradley Street from north property line of Henderson
Street to a paint 816 feet north, sewer and water con-
nections ........._........_...........__.._........... ._.., _.. 467
" 30-Burkhart Lloyd and others, requesting permission to con-
struct asewer along Highway Na. 24 approximately
1100 feet to connect into the west sewer on Cherokee
Drive .,..........._....._..........,.....,........_..„..__.__._.._..._..__._.506, 659, 697
" 30--Bharden Avenue, dedication of portion to public use......_.__,.... S07
" 30-Bechtel Violet N. and others, requesting the repairing of
curb and gutters and surface with asphalt macadam
on coley treet between West
Street and McCor-
neck Street .„............ . S08
" 30-Brown William A. and Hilda, ranted Cigarette Permit...._.. Sll
" 30-Burgmaier John B., granted Cigarette Permit .................._....~......
" 30-Brant Carl N. and Beniard Arersdorf, granted Cigarette
Permit .................. ...................._........
" 30-Berntgen Frank H., granted Cigarette Permit __._..
" 30-Brammer Roy and Rex, granted Cigarette Permit ..._......_......
" 34-Blum Mrs. Dorothy, granted Cigarette Perrmt ......._._._.._....•••.
30-Bradley Clyde L., granted Cigarette Permit ........ _........
" 30-Beecher John J., granted Cigarette Permit .... ._._......-
" 30-Bertsch Leonard P., granted Cigarette Permit ........._...,........._..
" 30-Bergener Charles A., granted Cigarette Permit,...
" 30-Bournias Louis T., granted Cigarette Permit .__..._....__._...._
" 30~Buekrw Clarence C., granted Cigarette Permit ........... ._
" 30-Benevolent & Protectwe Order of Elks, granted Cigarette
Permit ..................................._.................,..._...._........_..............._......._
" 30-Barnett Albert 0., granted Cigarette Permit ........, _..._.....•.
" 30-Bisping Herbert, granted Cigarette Permit...._._..._._ ............._...
30-Burke Mrs. Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit..___.._..__....
" 30-Barnhart Floyd, granted Cigarette Permit,__~ _,.._.......
" 30-Bowen Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit ......_.._.._......._.........
" 3Q-Baxter James W., granted Cigarette Permit ._.........._..............
" 30-Baum William J., granted Cigarette Permit..........._.____.._....
" 30-Bertsch Roger M., granted Cigarette Permit........_.............._.......
" 30-~Blerntgen Frank H. and Marion, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ... .. .......... _...,........
" 3(1-Blum Mrs. Dorothy, graroted Class "B" Beer Permit.._.___
" 30-Buelow Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B" Beer
30-BenevoBlpe~ P rm~ttforvPrOaterClub ..lks,ygranted Class "B"
July 7-Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Board, certificate
of tax levy .._...., .._........_......_....._..._... ...__.__
" 7-Board of Trustees of the Police Retirement System, certifi-
cate of tax levy ...._.._.....;......_.........._.........__......._.._
" 7-Board of Trustees of the Ftre Persian Board, certificate
of tax levy .......... ........._..._........_..._..............._
" 7-Board of Trustees of the Fire Retirement System, cer-
,. _..___
" 7-BartelsfiCarl oF. tand ePaul F. McMahan, agreement far
P ~ p I ....._..___..531,
flood rotect~on ro ect ...._N...-».-YY.^^.^,
7-Booth Street improvement with bituminous concrete surface
from north property line of University Avenue to
south property .line of Loras Boulevard...._..........._......._
._...... 543, 591, 592, 664.
" 16-Board.af Dock Commissioners, certificate of tax levy._._.._..-.
" 16-Board of Library Trustees, certificate of tax levy...._......_.._....
" 16-Board of Airport Commissioners, certificate of tax levy_..,.....
" 16--Board of Playground and Recreation Commissioners, certifi-
16-Budgetaof Cit~Assessor's~Officpe, filing tax levy. _.._."_.._.._
~~ y
" 24-Board of Dock Commission, a proval of Flood Control
Project ...........__........... ...._.................,._,
24-Budget Estimate of Expenditures far the year beginning
January 1, 1953 _.........._.. ........._....... ,.642, 643,
Aug. 4-B~ena Vista Street improvement with asphaltic macadam
surfacing from north property line of Alley south of
Strauss Street to south property line of Lowther
Street .................__....,_..................._....680, 681, 763, 764, 765,
4-Boleyn Roger, granted Cigarette Permitr...__...... ........
" 14-Barnett Albert 0., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit......
" 14-Bournias Louis T., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit.....
516, S17
516, S17
516, S17
516, s17
532, S33
541, S42
701, 732
582, S83
692, 693
766, 767
1952 SUBJECT Page
Sept. 2-Budder Mrs. Celia, asking that rent control be continued».. 796
" 2-Berwanger 0. G., relative to condition of King Street and
asking that something be done about this comditioa._ 79b
" 2-Boulevard lights to be extended on Grandview Avenue from
Logan Street to Southern Avenue, recommendation
of City Ivlanager ,.__._..._.._._ ., 800
Oct. 6-Buettell Dorothy and others, objecting and protesting to the
proposed rezoning of hots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ity Con-
nolly's Sub. to Local Business District Classification._ 894
Nov. 3-Bennett Parker, requesting the opportunity to purchase a
small piece of city owned property described as Pazt
of Lot 2 of 1 and 2 of ? of Mineral Lot 183 located
on Rosedale Avenue ,...... ....._._, ..._.._ 938, 97S
" 3-Bertsch Roger M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit,.____.._. 947, 948
" 3-Beecher John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 947, 948
Dec. 9-Byrne Thos, E., requesting an extension until December
11, 1953 for completion of improvements in Thomas
E. Byrne Subdivision ........, _.. ._ 976
" 9-Becker William L. and Donald M. Ungs, granted Class
"B" Beer Permit ,_,..........,w,._,._. ._ 983
" 9-Brown Willianr A. and Hilda, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit .. ,. .. ..,._ _
T 983
" 9-Busch Joseph A, granted Class
"B" Beer Permoi~ 983, 984
" 9-Bull' Mrs. June, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,_... 983, -984
" 23-Block Elda, granted Cigarette Permit _....__._..,.._._.._ 1415
" 23-Becker William L. and Donald M. Ungs, granted Cigarette
Permit __,..._...._ ..._.. .__,_.,...,_ 1015
" 23-Block Eldo, granted Class "B" Beer Permit, _ 1015, 1016
" 23-Burgmaier John B., granted Class "B" Beer PermiL.._.._,. 1015, 1016
Jan. 7-City Council, Regular Session ........._. ............................................................
" 7-Czizek R. M., appointment as Asst. City Solicitor..._...._....._.
7-City Manager Schiltz, appointment of officers and employees
" 7-Carlson Mrs. Rona M., requesting refund on Cigarette
Permit ........................_.._..._......,..........................,......._.............._._....
„ prov
7-Councic'n ed eedings for'month of July, 1951, pp as
" 7-Claims far month of November 1951, proof of ublication_..
" 7-City Manager Schiltz, recommending that the firm of
Brooks, O'Connor and Brooks be retained to audit the
city records for the period Apx•i] 1, 1951 to December
31, 1951 ....................,.........._...,......................,.................................._....
" 7-City Manager Schiltz, recommending that the Milk Ordi-
nance be amended to provide for dating of fluid milk
products and also designating the length of time prod-
ucts can be kept for retail sales............._...._......._........_22,
" 7-City Manager Schiltz, recommending that parking be re-
stricted on south side of Pickett Street from Cornell
Street to Henion Street, also that parking be restricted
on both sides of Cornell Street from Loras Boule-
vard to a point ]70 feet North, also that parking be re-
stricted on both sides of Montrose Street from Loras
Boulevard to a point 170 feet north ..-
" 7-Cornell Street, recommendation of City Manager Schiltz
that parking be restricted on the South side from
Loras Boulevard to a paint 170 feet North...._............_...
" 7-City Manager Schiltz recommending the installation of a
school crossing signal at Windsor and Fast Twenty-
Second Street .........._......_........... __..._.....
ion of a dog
7-C~ty Manager Schiltz recommending the adopt + __
ordinance ....._......................._.........._.._............._._.............................._....
` 7-City Manager Schiltz, submitting' report of an investigation
conducted with reference to better pedestrian protection
and control in the downtown area and recommending
for Council approval that East and West bound
traffic on East 16th Street be controlled by stop signs
at the intersection of Washington Street, also that ten
minute restricted parking areas be created within the
business districts but limited to one space in each
block, also that no parking be allowed on Davis Ave-
nue from a point 630 feet east of Windsor Avenue
to the entrance of Mt. Calvary Cemetery, also that
parking be restricted within ten feet from the cross-
walk at all intersections within the city, also that all
traffic lights between 4th and 14th Streets be con-
verted to double faced type and that walk signals be
added at the intersections of 6th, 8th and 10th Streets
on Main, 6th and 8th Stroe:ts on Locust Street and
14th and Central, also that the controls at 12th and
Central and 14th and Main be of a type that can be
controlled for red signals in all four directions, also
that rightturn arrows be installed at 4th and Central
and 14th and Locust Streets, also that a system of
controls be established to regulate traffic lights at the
intersections of 8th, 12th, 14th and 17th Streets on
Central Avenue and Main and Locust Streets on 8th
Avenue .........,._ ........................................._.._..........................._........_.............
" 7-Christ Elmer F., granted Cigarette Permit ...._.... _.....,.....
29-City Council, Special Session ................_ ............................_.._.__.___...
Feb. Maims far lman h olf rDecember, 1951, proof of publication
Page 1152 SUBJECT Page
" 4- Council Proceedings for the month of August and Septem-
1 ber, 19$1, approved as printed ..................._....._...._............_........ 63
1 4- Civil Service Commission, report of entrance examinations
2 for positions ou the Police Department ..._.....__ ................... 63
" 4- Civil Service Commission, report of entrance examinations
14 for positions as Public Health Nurse...._....._........_._...,._...... 64
4- City Manager, recommendation that the eight inch sanitary
17 sewer coustrueted is Marian Street, as a private sewer,
17 by M, P. Kluck be accepted as a part of the city
sewer system ........._ .................._..._.............,_..........-.._......._,.............. 64
" 4- City Manager, recommeiadations relative to construction of
Fourteenth Street Overpass ..............._...... ......................-....._..... 64, 65
22 4- Czizek Robert M., Asst. City Solicitor, Bbnd__...._..................._ 65
" 4- Cullen Kennth J., City Engineer, Bond ........_...._........_............._.... 6$
4- Callahaza Hugh, appointed as Chief of Police effective as of
February 1st, 1952 ....................._............................_......._....._....._.._, 67
$4, 122 4- -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and
City Water Works, reports far month of December,
1951, also list of claims for the month of Decemlxr,
1951, also annual reports of City Auditor and City
Treasurer covering fiscal year beginning April 1,
1951 and ending December 31, 1951 ...............,...................__,.. 67
4- City Solicitor directed to re-open application for approval
23 of necessity of and plans for Fourteenth Street Over-
pass and declaring necessity far closing of certain rail-
road crossings upon the completion of such Overpass._.. 82
23 4- Clark Florence May, Mayor and City Clerk authorized
and empowered to execute quit claim deed releasing
and conveying to Florence May Clark all of the
~ City's right, title and interest in and to the Southerly
32.SS feet of the Northerly 182.SS feet of the south
23 part of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Min.
Lot 158 ...._.....__.................__........__........_._..._..._..._....._..................83, 84, 94
" 6- City Council, Special Session ....._... .....................,......................................... 87
Mar. 3- City Council, Regular Sessian ........_....,,..........,...,.......„..._.........._,........... 91
3- Cantillan W. J., Notice of Claim ......................................:._..._._............... 102
" 3- Council Proceedings for month of October, 1951, approved
as printed ...... ......................................._..._........-..................,...._..........._....., 106
" 3- Claims for month of January, 1952, proof of, publication..... 106
" 3- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and
City Water Works, reports for month of January,
1952, also a list of claims for month of January, 1952 115
" 3- City Manager, recommending that one-way streets be es-
tahlished on Bluff Street from Eighth Street to Dodge
Street; Locust Street from Fourth Street to Laras
Boulevard; Main Street from Loras Boulevard to
Fourth Street; Iowa Street from Fourth Street to
Loras Boulevard; that traffic lights be installed at
Eighth and Bluff Streets and Eighth and Iowa
Streets; that parking be eliminated on Eighth Street
behveen the hours of Fonr and Five-thirty P.M......117, 178, 179
3 -City Manager recommending that an attlinance be prepared
to provide that motor carriers shall follow the marked
highways through the city ........................................._..._...,.......... 118, 119
" 3 -City Manager, submitting options for purchase of property
~ 26 for construction of a new fire station at corner of
31 Atlantic Street and University Avenue _....._........_ ............... 121, 181
36 3 -City Manager, recommending that Council appoint a con-
demnation committee to examine the buildings located
37 at 2SS Pear Street and at the rear of 678 Central
63 Avenue ..... ....................._........._.,........................._......................................_.... 121
1952 SUBJ}~CT Page
" 3-Condemnation committee, consisting of Messrs. Fred Fich-
Harry J. Schiltz, appointed to
Fred Schroeder
examine the buildings located at 2S5 Pear Street and
at the rear of 678 Central Avenue and submit their
recommendation and report back to the City Coun-
296, 366
cil .__ _
" 3-City Manager, recommending that the program for expan-
sion of the water system be approved and that Rev-
enue Bonds in the amount of $200,000.00 be issued.-..•
" 3-City Solicitor authorized to hire the services of Messrs.
Chapman and Cutler, attorneys, for the preparation
the issuance of $2~
of proceedings cover 123
Water Revenue Bonds .... __. ._•-•...., -•
" 3-Cross Street improvement, west side, from south property
line of Coates Street to north property line of Simp-
, 129, 148,
son Street with curb and gutter.. 128
275, 276, 336, 847, 903, 904,
~~-""'•219 149,
905, 9~
22-Cit C ••-`~••~••••••••_••-
y ouncil, Special Session ._........, -••••••---•--•-••--
" 22/Council Proceedings for the months of November and De-
cember, 1951, approved as print~l ...._....._.._.__..-..._-.•••..
" 22-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Depaztment and 173
City Water Works reports for month of February,
also list of claims for month of February, 1952...
" 22-City Manager, recommending that a member of the Police
Department be authorized to attend the Traffic Insti-
' ty from April 28th to
tote of Northwestern Universi
Ma 16th, 1952...._.......,....,
" 22-City Solicitor instructed to prepaze a new ordinancc~cover-
h tion of the Central Market _.......176, 177,
424, 42S
ing t e opera
" 22-City Manager, m regard to hearings conducted' by the
Board of 1•ngineers for Rivers and Harbors on flood
control on the upper Mississippi River _._ _._ 177, 271
" 22-Cross Street improvement from north property line of Simp-
son Street to south property line of Coates Street, with
asphaltic macadam surfacing ...._....186, 187, 245, 246, 329
April 7-City Council, Regular Session ...._.._..__.._ •-•--•• 203
7-Czizek Robert, appointed Asisstant City Solicitor _._._._.__... 203
" 7-Curtis-Straub Company, requesting authorization to exca- ~
vote in the streets and alleys ....
" 7-Claims for month of Februazy, 1952, proof of gublicatioa_ . 210
" T bmittin report with reference to the
7-City reasurer, su g
sale of sewer and street improvement bonds.__..
212, 213
" 7-City Treasurer, submitting report with reference to the sale 213
of $167,000.00 Fire Station Bonds .._._..._......._. ....
" 7-City Manager, recommending that plans be completed plat
and schedule of assessments prepared and construction
started as soon as practical for the construction of a
sanitary sewer system in the area east of the railroad
tracks and extending from Twelfth Street to Nine- 215
teent treet ........__.._..... _.._...._.._._....__.
y ge g ber of the Polic
7-Cit Mang r, recommendin that a mem
Department he granted permission to attend The Traf-
fie Institute of Northwestern University .._....._..._......_..... ~
215, .,16
" 7-City Manager, with reference to letter submitted to the
Board of I;ugineers for Rivers and Harbors setting
the Mississippi
out conditions during the times t at
y stage _......
om 216
p y "•••-•N
« xcavation olic ........,
7-Curtis-Straub C
" B 226
..._ _.
" 7-Cox Dorrance 1;, granted Class B
" 7-Concord Street, improvement with curb and gutter from
north property line of Coates Street to south edge of
U. S. Highway No. 20 pavemeM...__.........•_-•••._....__•..•..•_..
...................:...........____..._..........302, 303, 373, 412, 413, 446, 232, 233
987, 988
1952 SUBJECT Fage
" 15- City Council, Special Session .........__......_ ..................._...,........_..__.._.._ 241
" 15- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and
City Water Works reports for month of March, also
list of claims for the month of March, 1952.............._.......... 271
May 5- City Council, Regular Session ....___......._......,..... _.._.....___.. 289
5- County Auditor
submitting for Council approval the offer
of Robert J. Allen far the purchase of two lots at end
of Hale Street near University of Dubuque and also
t e o er o ose h P. Noonan for the urcha
e of a
J p
ber Te
y1a 319, 369
" S- -
_...._... 320
" S- Claims for monnth of March, 1952, proof of publicatioi>v...___. 323
'' S- Council' Proceedings far month of January, 1952, approved
as printed .... ..............._._.._..._......._...._..._....__......_....__....._._........._..._....._. 324
S- Commissioner of Registration, recommending fcr Council
approval the appointment of the following named per-
sons to serve as Clerizs of June Primary )alection who
shall have charge of the election of registers.._.........._.._. 324, 32S
S- Ciq~ Manager, recommending that Iowa Street from Fourth
Street to Second Street be made a through street 327
" S- -Canfield Hotel Corporatoon, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 341
" 5- Concord Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from north property line of Coates Street to
south edge of U. S. Highway No. 20 pavement...._..._..... 348, 349
..___..._..........._..............._...._._..._..-......._._ ..................-.._...._..._..__....401, 402, 403, 4S0
" 14- City Council, Special Session ............._............._......._.._,.._......_......_._..._.. 3S8
" 14- Central Avenue Business District Council, expressing their
thanks and appreciation for the prompt snow removal
the past season and far the placing of the green arrow
light at southwest corner of 4th and Central Avenue_.._ 36S
" 14- City Manager, recommending that Fire Chief Hickson be
authorized to attend the Iowa Fire School at Ames,
Iowa ....."....._.........,................_.._......-._........_..._...._.._......._.........._......._.,..._... 368
" 1.1- City Manager, recommending that a two hour parking limit
bA put nito effect on Thirteentl
eet between. Cen-
tral Avenue and White Street __......._......____...... 369
14- p
Civil Service Commissio submittiru re ort on entrance
examinations for positions on Police Department._.._ 371
" 14- Civil Service Commission, submitting report on entrance
ns for ositions on Fire Department_..._.____ 371
20- p
Cit Council, S ecial Session .._ ...............__...__ .......__.._......._....
Y 380
20- Collings John W., stating that George Nasses and Harold
Kiniker requests the City Council to take immediate
steps to acquire by condemnation a small piece of land
owned by Mrs. Anna J. Holsinger for widening Kane
Street ......._.._._..._........_......_....._.._-............._..._..._.............._..._..._.._..... 384, 423
" 20- Claims for month of April, 1952, proof of publication._...._. 386
" 20- City Manager, recommending t!ie installation of street lights
at the intersection of Windsor Avenue and Strauss
Street, also on Southern Avenue between 84S and 828 386
" 20- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and
City Water Works reports for month of April, 1952,
also list of claims for mouth of April, 1952....._.................. 387
Juuc 2 -City Council, Regular Session ...._..._..__......_..._..._....._.__.._..........._..., 389
2- Central Market, recommendation of City Manager that the
nce as prepared by the Cit
Solicitor covering
t e o eration of said market be a roved
.......__._.._._._.._. 424, 425
~ 445
11- Cho man and Cutler,
in„ o inion an th
e issuance of
p Y p
$200,000.00 Water Revenue. Bonds ...._....___..,........._..,....__, 4S3
11- Catholic Charities, asking permission to hold a supervised
fireworks display .._.._............_............_..._..........~._..._ 454
1952 SUBJECT Page
" 11-City Manager, recommending removal of parking on Dodge
Street between Bryant Street and Grandview Avenue
and surfacing that portion of the street ......._•••-•-•-•••-••-. 456, 4S7
11-Conco~o thersouth edgenoftU.pS. Highway No. 20 pavement
sewer and water connections __......... -•••••••••-•••~-•-«-•••-
" Il-Cross Street from south property line of Coates Street to
north property line of Simpson Street, sewer and wa-
ter connections •°""""""~""'
18-City Council, Special Sess~o~s_••-•••-•••-•••-•-•-.•, N. • ti...
26-Cit Council, Special Session -•••~•• om an
~~ of Claim .__........_.5. D' .............._.,...._.........._._..
" y •• ortation C p y No~•,
30-Cit Council, P Busines ssion .-,,, -, • ._•.,,.• • .._. ••„ • _._.
~~ y .. p ~ ce
30-Chicago Dubuque Motor T strict Council requesting t
" 30-Cenral Avenue • , ~ he
installation of a Walk Light at the four corners of
14th Street and Central Avenue ...._...._............•.••_•.
30-Clewell, Cooney & Fuerste, by Robert W: Clewell, attorneys,
for Linwood Cemetery Association, requesting Council
adoption of resolution accepting and confirming dedi-
cation of portion of Burden Avenue to public use...._._..
" 30-ConnerGylen Oa'k Street be opened betweenrFdina Street and
Rosedale Avenue .............__....._......._..._._.._..._....._...._.w............_...
" 30-Carter Frank, revoking their signatures favoring the instal-
lation of parking meters in the 1600 block on Central
Avenue ...........__..._..._....._...._.._..._..__......._.._.._.... __.._.........
30-Claims. for month of May, 1952, proof of publication.._...._...
" 30-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City' Health Department and.
City Water Works reports for month of May, 1952,
also hst of claims for month of May, 1952 ........._._._.......
" 30-City Manager, recommending that Fire Chief Hickson be
authorized to atterid the International Fire Chiefs As-
sociation meeting at Boston, Massachusetts ...._..._....__....
" 30-Colley Harold A. and Mrs. Margaret, granted Cigarette
Permit .._..._ .................._.._....._.._.........._.._._...__.....__.__..._...._..__........
" 30-Callahan Edmund H., granted Cigarette Permit ....__..__.__....
" 30-Calvert Clifford and Bertha, granted Cigarette Permit ..._....
" 30-Cox Dorance E., granted Cigarette Permit...._.__............__.........
" 30---Corken Jahn D., granted Cigarette Permit ...._..............___._...
" 30-Crahan W. C., granted Cigarette Permit _....._....._.... .•••-•••-.
" 30-Cremer Ralph J, granted Cigarette Permit ._....._..._......._.._......
" 30-Casey Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit , .•••-•--••-••--
30-Corbett Earl G., granted Cigarette Permit ...._._......._...._.-...•.
" 30-Christ Elmer, granted Cigarette Permit .._.........._........_.._...._........
" 30-Crane Leonard H., granted Cigarette Permit ............_...._......~._.
" 30-Cooper Fred H. and Harold J. Love, granted Cigarette
Permit ..__...._......._...................._....._......._.._.._...........__..,......_._..._..._.._.
" 30-Colley Harold A. and Mrs. Margaret, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit ............_........._. ..........................._............._........».._.._.._..
" 30-~Callaban Edmund H, graved Class "C" Beer Permit...._.._~
30-Casey Harald A, granted Class ' C' Beer Perm
July 7-C~ty Council, Regular Session .... .. .........._...,.__posing--any
7-Creswick Mr, and Mrs. Robert and others, op it
action by the City of Dubuque to restrict parking of
cars on one side of street only on Grace Street ...................
7-Chief of Police authorized to attending meeting of the In-
ternational Chiefs of Police ...._........__.._......... ..•••-•••-
" 7-Canfield Hotel Corporation, granted Cigarette Permit....._...._..
" 16-City Council, Special Session ...........__._......_......_...._...._......__..._........
" 16-City Assessor's Budget, fixing tax levy ...._.._..-..••••.••...••••-••.-••-••-~
~~ 24-City Council, SP~ial Session .........._......._................_...,............._......._,
SOS, S83
508, 660
Sib, S17
516, S18
517, S18
582, 583
" 24-Chamber of Commerce Postwar Industrial and Economic
Development Committee, offering the sum of $30,-
000.00 to be used to pay the preliminary engineering
expense for flood control project .............,...............:_............
" 24-Claims for month of June, 1952, proof of publicatiom..._......_.
" 24-Chafa George R. and Germaine L, quit claim deed convey-
ing all right, title and interest of the City of Dubuque
in Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of R. W. Baker's
Subdivision ....__... ............._...._................._...,......_..................._...._..........
" 24-City Manager, recommending the purchase of a tractor
anal end motor to be used for landfill method of rubbish
disposal ............................_..._........,.......__._............_...........__....._....
" 24-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works, reports for month of June,
1952, also a list of claims for month of June, 1952...._...
" 24-Chicago Great Western Railway Company, matter of block-
ing railroad crossings ..............._.._.........,...._.........._....._._........,.._..,
Aug. 4-City Council, Regular Session .___........_._..__..._...._..._..._.._..._...__...
" 4-Council Proceedings for the month of February, 1952, ap-
.. Proved as printed ._ ..................__.........._..._..........._............__...............
" 4--Civil Service Commission, submitting report of enrance
7 examination for Policewoman .,...._.........._...._.......__._......._....
4-Cremes Raplh J., transfer of address of Cigarette Permit..._
" 4-Caruso Sam, granted Class "C" Beer Permit
" 14---City Council, Social Session ...._..._........,..._ ......................_.._.....___..
" 14-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and.
City Water Works, reports for month of July, 1952,
also a list of claims for month of July, 1952_.........___...
" 14-City Engineer, authorized to attend the American Works
Association Meeting at Los Angeles, California.........__._
" 14-Contract of Dubuque Packing Company to reimburse the
City of Dubuque for cost and expense of elevating
• East 16th Strect for the purpose of constructing an
industry track ...._ ............................_..............._;._.._......._......_...........
" 14-Casey Captair. Patrick M., a member of Fire Department,
resolution. upon his death ...._.......-....._..__.............._.._.._.....___...
" 22-City Council, Special Session ......_.... .............__.__.._...___...
" 22-Claims for month of July, 1952, proof of publication...__........
Sept. 2-City Council, Regular Session ..,.,....._..,..................._...,....._.._ .............
2-Council Proceedings for month of March, 1952, approved
as printed .............._..._...___..............__.......____......._..__._...__...._....
" 2-City Manager, recommending the installation of street lights
at Adaline and Ramona Streets; on Bennett Street
between Algona and McCormick; at the intersection
of Mt. Carmel Road and Rockdale Road; at Crass and
Simpson Streets; mid-point between Cross and Simp-
son and the present light on Simpson Street; at the
intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Green Street;
at Bonsoni and Hill Streets ...._...,...._.._...__._.._......._..._.......
" 2-City Manager, recommending that boulevard lights be ex-
tended an Grandview Avenue from Logan Street to
South Avenue .............................._...._......____...._............_........._......._.
" 2-Councilman Schueller motion, that Council meet on Sep-
tember 16th, 1952, far the purpose of conducting a
hearing on rent cantrol .........._...._..................................._......_....
" 9-City Council, Special Session ............................................._..._....._._...
" 9-City Manager, advising Council that the term of Lawrence
P onion, a member of Air ort issian, expires
5e tember 14, 1952 .........._..,.p.._.....Comm....._...._...._ ...............
16-City Council, Special Session ........,.. ...............,......_...................._....._...........
" 16-Council Proceedings, for month of April, 1952, approved as
printed ............................................................_....._......,.........,.............
635, 636
658, 6S9
690, 691
1952 SUBJECT Page
" 16-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
Water Works, reports for month of August,
1952, also a list of claims for month of August, 1952 854
25-City Council, Special Session ..._...•....-••••••, ••-•_ 857
Oct. b-City Council, Regular Session ._................ ~-•••
" 6-Claims for month of August, 1952, proof of publication._._.
6-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street
f Theisen and Stetmore: Streets...__-
light at corner o
" 6-Crahan W. C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...___-..•••.._. 897,
" 13-City Council, Special Session ..__...... --
" 13-Commissioner of Registration, submitting for Council ap-
proval alist of Registration Clerks to serve at the
General Election of November 4th, 1952..._.._...,.._..._... 432
" 23-City Council, Special Session ...._..., --•••---•-~
Nov. 3-City Council, Regular Session ............_........_....-..-.--•-•-•---
--•-•-•--•- 936,
l 978
m ..._..-_..•••.•••-•--••••
" 3-Carlson Mrs. Jean, notice. of c
" 3-Conzett Andrew and others, requesting the rezoning of
Glen Oak Street between University Avenue and
ct .... ......._
Loras Boulevard to two family distr ~
" 3-Claims for month of September, 1952, proaf
thanking Council for the opp Y
" 3-City Manager
tending the conference of City Managers. at Kansas g44
City `•""'"
" 3-City Manager, recommending the installation of a street
light at intersection of Thomas Street and Fengler
Street """"" "'""""
City Treasurer, City Health Department and
" 3-City Auditor 944
City Water Works reports far month of September,
also list of claims for month of September, 1952
" 3-City Manager recommending installation of street lights at
various locations in the newly annexed area....._
" 3-Cooper Fred H. and Harold J. Love, granted Class "B
._.._ 947 948
Beer Permit ..._...._.............._... ... 9$5
" 28-City Council, Special Session ......... ..., . 957
Dec. 9-City Council, Regular Session ......._.............._._•• .••-•-, •°
f Cl 971
m .__
~~ Notice o
9-Collins Bernard J.,
" 9-Claims for month of October, 1952, proof of publication__
, appr
" 9-Council Proceedings for month of May, 19 977
as printed """""'""°
" 9-City Manager, recommending that he be granted permission
nd archi-
ng a
to enter into a contract for eng
tectural services for the design of a new swimming 980
p00 and
9-Cit Aud
City Water Works re its for month of OctgoSber,
of Octoberel
li g80
st o
195 ,
" 9-City Manager, recommending that the City Council negotiate
with the State Highway Commission to have Dodge
Strcet from Fremont to Bluff Street, West Fourth
Street from Locust to Central Avenue and Rhomberg
Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to the bridge paved
980, 981
with concrete ......... ............ ...
" 9-City Manager, submitting far Council consideration and ap-
royal a street im rovement program forte g81
9-Calvert Clifford and Bertha, granted Clas
• ~ ,
23-C~ty Council, Special Session ....._.,..
aof of publi
ms for month of November, 1952, pr - ation..
" 23-Council Proceedings for month of June, 1952, approved 1009
as printed _..__................_..,........_.._._.._.
City Treasurer, City Health Department and
" 23-City Auditor
City Water Works reports far month of November,
1952, also list of claims for month of November, 1952 1009
Jan. 7-Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, appointment as a Depos-
itory far public funds ..............._....._...._........._._......._.._....._ 2
" 7-Duggan Arthur and others, requesting the installation of a
street light on the corner of Bonson and Hill Streets 27
' 7-Dubuque Policemen's Protective Association, report of City
Manager Schiltz with reference to the approval by the
City Council of certain provisions of the "8-Point
Program" submitted ...... .................... ...... 27
" 7-Durrant and Bergquist, Mayor and. City Clerk authorized
and directed to enter into an agreement for architec-
tural planning service for a new fire station and re-
modeling the 18th Street Fire Station ...._.....__..._........... 31
" 24-Dubuque County Dental Society requesting the issuance of
a proclamation, proclaiming Monday, February 4th,
1952, as Children's Dental Health Day .__... _ .... 36
" 29-Dubuque County Chapter of National Foundation for In-
fantile Paralysis, requesting permission to conduct a
Polio Tag Day on Friday, February 1st and Satur-
day, February 2nd, 1952 ............_..........._............_....._....._... 36
Feb. 4-Dubuque Business and Professional Women's Club, recom-
mending that the City Council adopt the Model Traffic
Ordinances ..___........ ................-........._........_....._ . .... S6
" 4-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Company, comprehensive
liability policy ....................................._............,......................_...._... 56, S7
" 4-Dubuque County Society for Crippled Children and Adults,
requesting permission to hold a Tag Day ....._.._............._.... S7
" 4--Deed of Vacation of Plat of 5trubs Subdivision.........59, 60 61, 106
" 4-Duffy J. Stanford, as Guardian of Mary E. Duffy, claim
denied ..............................-...._............._....._...._....................._..._......_ 68
" 4-Durrant and Bergquist, architects agreement far a new fire
station and remodeling Eighteenth Street Fire Station 81, 82
" 4-Dubuque Municipal Airport, airport zoning regulations es-
tablished by Airport Zoning Commission_........82, 91, 92, 93, 94
" 4-Driscoll Orland C. and William O'Neill, granted Class "B"
Beer Permit ......................._............._............. ............:....... 85
" 6-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Company, requesting permis-
sion to excavate in the streets and alleys .........._............_.... 87
Mar. 3-Dieterich Miss Hilda, stating that she desires a piece of
property lying between I,ot 33 and Lots 28 and 29, in
J. P. Schrceder's addition ....._......._........,................ 102, 421
" 3-Dieter Lloyd and others, protesting against the oposed
improvement of Woodworth Street consisting of curb
and gutter and resurfacing ............._...........__................_........ 103, 104
" 3-Dubuque Safety Council, requesting that a careful study be
made of a hazard that now exists on Dodge Street
between Booth Street and Grandview Avenue relative
to accidents and traffic tieups.........._.._104, 105, 175, 456, 457, 530
bond ........._....
4 g
a 115
" 3-Dr. Pe r Bowling Lanes Club, ranted Class "B" Beer
Club .
emit for
vate 12.1, 125
3-Decatur Street improvement from east property line of
Rhomberg Avenue to west property line of Garfield
Avenue with curb and guttcr......._......_, ..._.. 130, 131
..._...150,15], 152, 219, 220, 276, 337, 807, 808, 861, 862, 863, 664
" 3-Decatur Street, improvement from east property line of
Prescott Street to west property line of Lincoln Ave-
nue with curb and gutter _.._ ....................._._.._........_.............. 131, 132
.._....152, IS3, 154, 220, 276, 277, 337, 806, 807, 867, 868, 869, 870
" 22-Department of the Army, P,oard of Engineers for Rivers
and Harbors Washington, D. C., submitting Notice
of Public Hearing, Mississippi River above the. Mis-
souri River for flood protection .....__... 171, 177, 216, 271
1952 SUBJECT Page
1952 SUBJECT Page
22-Dubuque American Legion Building Corporation, requesting
permission to replace the existing stairway and plat-
form in the alley at the rear of the building located
at Fourth and Locust Streets ...._.__......__..._..._.__..........173, 210, 211
22-Dubuque Airport Commission, submitting a report of the ac
tivities and accomplishments since its organiaztion in 174
September, 1950 ...._....,.............._..._..................._..._._...._...._.._..........
" 22^Dubuque Bank and Trust Company, assignment of M. L.
. •,.. ,177, sas, sob
Gaber Company .........._..............__ .................__....._......_.. _. _...
22-Decatur Street improvemeit from east property line of
Rhomberg Avenue to west property line of Garfield 188 189
Avenue, with asphaltic macadam surfacing...._...__.._..__..
•_,,.,,.•......._....._......_....247, 248, Z49, 330, 813, 814, 870, 871, 872, 873
" 22-Decatur Street improvement from east property line of
Prescott Street to west property line of Lincoln Ave-
• 188, 190
nue with asphaltic macadam surfacing...._.....___._....._.._..
................................_.._.._.._.._..249, 250, 251, 331, 808, 809, 865, 866, 867
April 7-Donovan Mrs. L. D., Notice of Claim _........__..._..._......_.._.__..._.._ 205, 698
" 7-Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War, requesting per- 207
mission to hold tag day ....__.._............_
" 1S-Dubuque County Conservation Society, extending invita-
tion to Mayor and City Council to attend meeting 266
to be held on April' 15th, 1952._.... •-•--••-•-•
May S-Dubuque. Armed Forces Advisory Committee, •requesting
that the Mayor be authorized to officially proclaim
May ISth, 1952, as Armed Forces Day in Dubuque.... 322
" S-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, granted Class "B' Beer 341
Permit for Private Club ._........_.._............._._.._...,
" 5-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class „B„ 341
Beer Permit for Private Club .---•- --
" 14-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce complimetning the City
for the efficient manner in which the City was cleaning
the streets for snow removal during the past winter..._ 365
" 20-Dubuque County Historical Society, extending invitation to
members of the City Council, and other officials, to at-
tend ameeting to be held on May 22nd, 1952, at
Washington Junior High School _......_........_..._.._...•._••-•••-•• 384
" 20-Dubuque Safety Council, commending the various City De-
partments for their handling of the flood situation,
and also m the matter of handling traffic ...__....._.._..._....... 384
June 2-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, asking the City Courn
cil to draft an ordinance covering the delivery of gaso-
line in the residential and business districts of the
City of Dubuque _ .................__..............._.._....._._...418, 660, 661, 662, 663
" 2-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, requesting permission
to stage a supervised display of fireworks...._.....__._..... 418
2-Daack Ray and others, requesting that a Stop and Go Light
be installed at 22nd and Jackson Streets...__......,..._..._.... 419, 641
" 2-Davenport Street, improvement with curb and 'gutter from
west property line of National Street to east property 425 426
line of Stoltz Street_ ............._.........~.__._....._.._..___..__.._...... _
..~ ......................................_.....427, 479, 480, 481, 503, 534, 536, 989, 990
" 11-Dodge Street, between Bryant Street and Grandview Ave-
nue, removal of parking and surfacing that portion_.... 4$6, 4S7
" 11-Davenport Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from west property line of National Street to
east property line. of Stoltz Street .......__._.,460, 461, 538, 988, 989
" 18-Dubuque Municipal Airport, Grant Offer from United States
of America for the purpose of obtaining Federal Aid
in the development of airport ....__.....__._......._...471, 472, 473, 474
" 30-Duffy John C., Power of Attorney revoked...._...,..._..._.._.._.... 506
" 30-Duffy John C. and Leo F. McDonough, Power of Attorney S06
t ~~ .w-liuouque aports tsowt t,orporauonr requesting permission
to hold a fireworks display ........._...._...._.__ ........................_.._.... S07
" 30-Dalzell Mrs. Wilbur, appointed as member of Recreation
Commission term expiring July S, 19SS.........._...._........_........,. Sll
+ 30-Diamond's Grill, granted Cigarette Permit _..,....___ 511
" 30-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Cigarette
Permit ............................_..._....._.._..............._..._..._.................._....._.... 511
Drou lard eo, ranted i arette Permit _............_._......_ Sl2
30-Dubuque Packin Com n , ranted Ci arette Permit ....._....
~~ S12
30--Dr. Pe er Bo win I,an~es Club, rant d Ci rette p
" pp g g ga ermit S13
" 30-Driscoll Orland C, and William O'Neill, granted Cigarette
Permit ............_......_._..._ ................. ..___.._..._.__..._.... 514
30-Dunbar Otto J., granted Cigarette Permit .._..._.............._._ 514
" 30-Dubuque Golf and Country Club, granted Cigarette Permit 51S
" 30-Disabled Americarn Veterans Club, granted Cigarette Permit S1S
" 30-Dugan Charles S. and Mary, granted Cigarette Permit...-..._. S15
" 30-Donavan Melville L., granted' Cigarette Permit.._.__.._ ............._._.... 515
" 30-Dugan Charles S. and Mary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit Sl6 S17
" 30-Dunbar Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........_____......... 517, 618
July 7-Delaware Street, improvement with bituminous concrete
surface from east property line of Avoca Street to
west property line of Algona Street..___.._.........._..._.__.._..,. 543, 544,
.__...._.__._.•._.._...__.,_...__........__._....._.._...._..593, 594, 595, 664, 702, 733
" 7-Dock Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surface
from west property line of Garfield Avenue to east
property line of Lincoln Avenua 544, 54$, 546, 595, 596, 597
" 16-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting permission
to hold Labor Day Parade _......__..__... _. 579
" 16-Dubuque Park Board, certificate of tax levy. ..._.... 582
" 24-Drake Mrs. 1~ade and others, requesting that Council con-
seder t e installation of tr
affic signals at the inter-
section of South Grandview Avenue and Rockdale
°~~~~- ,-637,
_ _ ~ 894, 89S
24-Dubuque Rites Club, requesting
Council to waive the fee
for the holding of a circus at the Senior High School
Stadium _........_ ...,............,._........._._...._......_.. 637
" 24-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting the adoption of an
ordinance granting C. M. St. P. & P. Railroad Com-
pany the right to construct, maintain and operate
a switching track over and across East 16th Street
and East 1Sth Street at the locations and in accord-
ance with a blue print attached........................_.....637, 638, 659, 698
Aug. 4-Dubuque Packing Company, offer to contribute the sum of
$80,000.00 for the express purpose of aiding the City
m the construction of its Flood protection plan pres-
ently being made ...._.....__.._...._....................__._.._.._.............. 6SS, 656
" 4-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting permission
for the holding of Labor Day Parade ._._..._..._.._...._...._._. 658
" 4-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, extending invitation
to City Council to participate in Labor Day Parade..._. 6S8
" 4-Dubuque Sports Bowl, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 690, 691
" 14-Dubuque Packing Company, contract to reimburse the City
of Dubuque for cost and expense of elevating least
16th Street to grade in order to have an industry track 720
" 22-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that rent
control be extended in Dubuque ....._....____.._..._......._.._........._. 731
Sept. 2-Dubuque Rent Advisory Board, submitting copies of Hous-
ing Surveys ................._..._._........._....._._........_._......_......._...__._.._._.._ 796
" 2-Dubuque Real Estate Board relative to rent control_..__.....___ 796
" 16-Diener Leo J, and others, requesting that rent control be
discontinued ...._..., ....._.._._.....__....._................._........._............ 8S1
Page 1952 SUBJECT Page
1952 ~
" ]6-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, requesting that Council Jan,
Mar. 7-)tinder Alois J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...._.._...___....._,
3-Easement, grouted Interstate Power Company the right to 32
take a "hands off" attitude in the matter of rent
construct a transmission line on the n
orth side of city
control .._...:....__._._...__....._..._..._._.._.........._.._......._..._....._...._..._............
16-Doser Marilyn and others, requesting that controls over rent
8S1 ~ property on which the disposal plant is to be erected....
22^Eitgling John J. and Bernadette, granted Ci
garette Permit,.... 119, 120
be not removed ..................._....._....
15-Emergency Fund, transfer of $6,600.00 from said fund to
Oct. 6-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, thanking Council for
articipating in Labor Day Parade ..................._...--•"•..••-••••
May Recreation Fund ............._.._...._... _.___.___.._...___..__
14-Eisbach I,eo J. and others, property owners in the vicinity 273, 318
" 6-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, submitting the name of West 28th and Broadway Streets, requesting the
of Owen Riley to fill vacancy oii Civil Service om-
892 rezmiing of the. area east of Broadway and south of
_...__..__._...__... West 28th Street from single family residence district
6-Dubuque County Board of Supervisors, requesting par -
classification to two famd residence district classifi-
ing facilities adjacent to B & I Bldg. far the Co 893
926 927 ~ ,
,• •
ca ion
~"••~' 422,
Attorney Office ._.._..._......._.._.._..._........_. -E
Street Storm Rel
ef Sewer, Section B {
rom White
6-Disabled American Veterans Fighting Back Chapter No.
mission to hold For-get-me-not sale
89 une
J Street to its outlet, acceptance of same ._._...............,.._,„
30-Eichamn A
rthur H., granted Cigarette Permit ....__.._...,...._.... 386
ng per
6, request
' 6-Disabled American Veterans Club, Inc., granted Class '"B~'
897 " 30-Engling John J. and Bernadette, granted Cigarette Permit._... 513
Beer Permit for Private Club _..._....
955 30-$nder A. J., granted Cigarette Permits. __._ SI4
" 13-Dubuque Water Department Retirement Systen~....__...93Q 940, 30-Eichhorn Lester and Marie; granted Cigarette Permit _....._... 514
23-Dubuque Packing Company, offer to purchase for the sum
land lying west of the new dike
932, 945
July 30-Egelhof Robert J., granted Cigarette Permit _........,...._
7-EwerY John G. and Sylvia B., Petition and Waiver.......___._ S14
e c
of $10,500.
,••• ,,..._,..„..__..,.....946,
• 957, 958 7-East Twenty-sixth Street, improvement with bituminous
3-Dubuque County Tuberculosis and Health Association, re-
939 concrete surface from east property line of Central
Avenue to a point 7 feet west of the Chicago Great
tag sales,_...
questing permission to hold "Bangle Day
member of the. Civil Service
i Western Railroad tracks ...546, 547, 597, 598, 665, 702, 703, 733
as a
" 28-Daykin Allan T., appo
term expiring March 31, 19$6._._,...
9SS 7-East Twenty-eighth Street, improvement with bituminous
Commiss concrete sur
rom east property l
ne of Central
er Alvin and others, requesting the construction of curb
975 Avenus to west property line of Jackson Street__._. 548, S49
and gutters and an asphalt surfacing on Beverly Street _.._._.._...598, 599, 600, 666, 703, 704, 734
23-Detailed distribution of proposed expenditures of the City 7-East Twenty-ninth Street, improvement with bituminous
f Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning January 1, concrete surface from east property line of Central
,.,,• ...............
1953 and ending December 31, 1953....._............_..._.
1012, 1013
Avenue to the Chicago Great 1'Uestern Railroad tracks
...__551 600, 601, 602, 666,
~ 704, 734
Oct. 6-Eichman Arthur H., granted Class "C"
Beer Permit.. . 897, 898
" 13--Edith Street, from manhole at Edith and Brunswick Streets
west 124 feet, sanitary sewer to construc+ 928, 929
.., .~ 930, 935, 936, 938, 1013, 1014
Dec. 9-Erschen Marcella and Cletus, Mayor and City Clerk author-
ized to execute a quit claim deed conveying all the
right, title and interest of the City of Dubuque in
I,ot 4A of Fink's Subdivision to Marcella and Cletus
Erschen _...._.._. .... ,_.... 982, 983
" 23-Ernsdarff J. E. and others, requesting the improvement of
Avalon Road ..__..._....._.__..._, ....,._....._,.. ....__... 1008
1952 SUBJECT Page 1952 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 7-First National Bank, appointment as a depository for pub-
2 a member of Recreation Com-
3D-Fluckiger Frank, appointed a
mission term expiring July $, 1955„.„...„....._.._.._...___._......„.
lie funds ..... .............._..„._„......„„........._..„.........._..„,......_._._...„..„......_....
" 7-Fire Station Bonds in the amount of $167,000.00 to issue....
32, 33
106 <<
30-Frary Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ...„...„.__.._..._..._..„,
granted Cigarette Permit ....,„_.„.._„....._..„., „
3D-Finch Alford
-.,•••••_•._,••••,,,__•,,,,,,„,,,-,.,-_.,,,,,.._.,„.._....._.._.34, 3S, 3
submitted to the City Council by Citi-
Flood Control Plan
" 29 ,
k ,
30-Fcell Lester A., granted Cigarette Permit ..___......._..._......._...__.
i $12
zees Flood Control Committee and Mr. C. M. Stanley 36 t __._.__....__..._.__.___...._
3~Fink Milton, granted Cigarette Perm
granted Cigarette Permit ......_..........„.._.._.....„__.._.,
30-Faigen Sara 512
of Stanley Engineering Company ......_...„........~..._....._....._....
Feb. 4-Flanders George, requesting that Council consider the setting
progriatron to finance the expenses incurred
of an a
~~ ,
30-Fortman Anton, granted Cigarette Permit ..............._...._.._.._..__.._
30-Flick Morris B., granted Cigarette Permit.__..._.._._..._.._...._._.... $13
for the observance of Memorial Day„........__._........_......„~__ $4, 118 30-Fraternal Order of Onoles, granted Cigarette Permit...._..._.... S15
4-Financial Report of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year 63 ~~ 3D-Falkenhainer Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit...,
granted Cigarette Permit....„..__....
3D--Fraternal Order of Eagles S15
ending December 31, 1951, proof of pubhcatior
recommendations of City Man-
rteenth Street Overpass
4 ,
30-Fortmann Anton, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..._....-._.__.,
" 516, 517
ager relative to construction of same ._.....__..._.._„_.......__.._ 64, 6S ~ Beer Permit
30-Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class
" 4-Fitzpatrick Thomas P., Water Department Clerk, bond.„._....
ol crossing signal to be
A 65 ......._....__......„_._..._..._ ................_.......„_...„„....._.
30-Fraternal. Order of Eagles, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,
venue, sc
" 4-Fifteenth and Central 67 for Private Club ....„„........„ .....................~........._..._.....„......_......._.....„... 516, S18
claim denied .....„_.._._......_....._.......„.„..._..„____....__.„
Friedman H
" 4 68 July 7-Furry Dale J. and Mrs. Dale J., Petition and Waiver.„.._...„.„..
i 24
4-Fourteenth Street Overpass, City Solicitor directed to re-
en application for approval of necessity of and plans
o ~~ ver_..____.._ ..............._„..._
7-Furry Mrs. Catherine, etition and Wa
7-Furry Elmer M. and Dorothy :IL, Petition and Waiver..__..._ S26
and declaring necessity for closing of certain rail- 82 7-Furry Ralph R. and Mrs. Bernadine, Petition and Waiver.....
from Fengler Street to East
16-Flood Protection Project
road crossings upon the completion of such Overpass
18th and Central Avenue
1 ,
Twelfth Street, levee construction.„.....___....._.........._.._........._... S8S, 586
6-Fire Station No.
179, 342, 343,
i 377, 378 ...._____............._..„_.....„............_..„.SB
$g 6$1, 652, 655, 656,
, 696 700
ng .........„,..._...,............„.........„___...
Mar. 3-Frudden E. C., Chairman, Naval Reserve Advisory Coun-
i q
16-Flood Protection Project, from Fen ler Street to East
pumping e ui meet and installation...„.
Twelfth Street '
cil, requesting the City Council to provide paving
t of Naval Reserve Training Center..........„...,.__..._....
f 103 ,
.......„.........„.„...„._......_._...._.....„.._....588, 589, 653, 654, 655, 656, 696, T00
" 3-Fitzhugh Lee Auxiliary, requesting permission to hold tag
1~ 24-Flood Control Project, offer of the Chamber of Commerce
Postwar Industrial and Economic Development Cam-
day _.._........._............ ,„ ............._..„_._„....„.. _.
Street and
3-Fire station, to construct on canner of Atlantic
mittee in the sum of $3Q000.00 to pay for preliminary
P ~
Umversity Avenue, options for purchase of ro rty
20$ 121, 181
325 p
.......„__..._.._..._ ..............._........._......._....„....._.._
24-Feyen Plumbing and Heating Company, requesting per- ,
April 7-Frommelt Arthur, Notice of Claim ...............„..._.._._____..__
granted Cigarette Permit ........._....
ll Lester A
IS ,
272 mission to excavate in the streets and alleys...__.._„...„.... 637
" 1S-Foe11 Lester A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... ....„.
272 d of Dock Commis-
24-Flood Control Pro ect, a royal of oar
1$-Finley Street, improvement from South property line of
University Avenue to north property line of West
- _ __
' _
.„.........._....._...„. ..
ing Co, Ex
ovation Bond and
24-Fe en Plumbin
& Hea
Y g
Street with curb and gutter....„.....282, 283, 380, 381, 382,
requesting that
and others
William J
d Mrs
M 383, 384 g
Au , Pohcy
Y P P •-°•-°•__._......_......„.............
4-Finle Street, im rovement with as hahic macadam surfac- 641
r. an
May S-Frye
rea on the easterly side of Garfield Avenue from
h ing from south property line of University Avenue to
e a
north to Stanton Street be rezoned
Hamilton Street north property line of West 5treet...._681, 682, 767, 768, 764, 770
from its present Light Industrial District Classification
Cl 14-Flood Protection, and Boating Channel retaining wall be-
tween Fengler Street and East 12th Street ............._........_
to a Two Family Resident District
..„........._.._.._.._ 454 4SS 14-Flaal Protection, and Boating Channel pumping station be-
" S-Frick F. J., and others, property owners abutting Abbott tween Fengler Street and East 12th Street.„._....„........„
. 717,
896 825
Street, requesting the City to erect a curb on either
of the street and gravel the same_... ..............„...,...„,._..._...
323 .
........_.._......_ .................,.............__...„....._...
22-Fischer Investment Company, requesting Council to take ,
" 20--Fondell Andrew, making application for permission to excavate in
384 immediate action and authorize tha filling in of Bell
nd open the
a so to esta is a gra e t ereon a
the streets and alleys in the City of Dubuque, Iowa
th ,
same far traffic .._.._....__........._... „._.,.,,_.__.,..„••-
,....731, 732, 799
" 20-Furry Mr. & Mrs. Dale J. and others, request
Council to establish a grade and fill the alley
Cit Sept. 2-Farni Paul C. and others, relative to asses
Sment for con-
first east of Garfield Avenue between Hawthorne
385 •Y
struction of Kaufman Avenue Bandar sewer.._._...„...__..,
2-Fondell Andrew and others, requesting the installation of a 791
and Farragut Streets ._ ............................_„„.........._....._...__.._..„.._...
b ,
387 storm sewer on Shiras Avenue„_..„...„__.....„..........._.._....._..._._. 799, 846
" 20--Fondell Andrew, excava
J p ey.,__ .....................
excavation oli
ndell Andrew and oseph
" 20
387 16-Feye Henry and Florence, requesting reduction on assess-
June 2-Flaszewski Mrs. Joseph and others, re uestm the installs
4 ,g meets on the same basis as applied. to other property
owners for the construction of Bradley Street Sewer
two of a street light at the intersecUan of Decatur
2 ~
••• ,
943 944
Street and Garfield Avenue ......„........__......_.„......_...„....._...419,
to construct at earner of Universty Avenue
Fire Station
2 4
Oct. ~
6-Frar Fred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit -••-'
W , 897
438, $Z0, 521, 522,
and Atlantic Street
584, S85 Dec. Y J, and others,
requesting the
stallation of
" Il-Flood Protection Works, recommendation that the City curb and utter on Roosevelt Street between Rhom-
berg and Garfield Avenues
Manager be empowered to ask for services of compe-
tent and yuahfied outside engineering help in develop- ......._.
.-......._ ...............
9-Fry William J. and. others, requesting that curb and gutter
ing plans for this project„......_._.. ..............457, 531, 532, 533, 578, S79 be installed on the west side of Garfield Avenue be-
tween Roosevelt and Stanton Streets .„...„.._..._.._.__...._...„_..
" 9-Finzel Leo F, and others, requesting the improvement of
O'Neill Street ....„ ...........................................„....„.„..._.....,„._..,..„„... 976
" 23-Faigen Sara, granted Class "B" Beer Permit........_...„..._„_„.„.... 1D1S, 1D16
1952 SUBJECT Page
Jau. 7-Groveland Ylace, improvement with aspha?tic macadam sur-
facing from wept property line of Sheridan to east
property line of Burden Strect _......_......._....._....._..._......... ,
" 7-Glenview Motel Corp., wthdrawing their application for re-
zoning their property as a business distr
" ,
Beer Perm
7-Gordon Lorraine, granted Class
4-caber M. L. Co., requesting an additional 90 working days
for completion of West 32nd Street Extension Reser-
......_........__._........_.._.... 58 102
voir ............_.._........._.....__......._........................_
3-Grab Erwin M. and, Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 124, 125
" 22-Glaser John A. and others, property owners in the 2700
Block on Brunswick Street, requesting the construction
of curb and gutter next to their property line, the
cost to be assessed against their property, and that
the City at no expense to them surface this block with
crushed stone .___.........._..._.........._._......_....:...._......._ .....__.. 171, 215
" 22-Gabel John and others, requesting the installation of a street
light on Pinard Street between 28th and 29th
Streets ..._..._...................... ........................................._.__....
Company, assignment to Dubuque Bank and
" 22-caber M ,
Trust Com any
„ t.._..._.._.....
22-Ceske Mrs. Adele granted••Class "B" .Beer ~Permi ""177, SOS, 506
182, 183
April 7-Groh Erwin M., requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit 209
May S-Greater Dubuque Association, requesting refund on Class 322
"B" Beer Permit _........_...._......_........._..._.__.._..._....._...___._.
" 5-caber M. L. & Company, requesting permission to em-
the use of explosives on their contract for the
construction of the West 32nd Street Storm Water
Detention Reservoir
"B» Be...
5-Gantert Har 'V. and Lucille, granted Class• _ er
` 323
Permit •-• °-°••
14-caber M. b. & Company, b g -•~•••~-••--•--•-- 341
" 14-Girl Scouts, commended for their work in the distribution
booklets _..........._....._...._...
of "Keep Your City Clean
June 2--Graham Joseph G., Power of Attorney .. .... ...._. 418
" 11-Grand Opera House, Inc. and others, requesting that the
block between Nevada Street and Booth Street from
Forrest Lane to University Avenue be rezoned to Bus-
iness District Classification .......... .._.._..__454, 638, 663, 749
" 18-Grant Offer, from United States of America for the purpose
of obtaining Federal Aid in the Development of the
Dubuque Municipal Airport ......__._.._.._.._........._...471, 472, 473, 474
" 30-Gordon Lorraine, granted Cigarette Permit .._..__...................__ 512
" 30--Glynn John, grouted Cigarette Permit ...._._......____......_...._........ 513
" 36-Ceske Mrs. Adele, granted Cigarette Permit ..._......_.__.........._ 514
" 34-Giunta Jae, granted Cigarette Permit ..__.............., 51S
" 30-Gantert Harry N., granted Cigarette Permit ......._......_......._._..
July 7-Graham Walter J., Notice of Claim ..... .. 523, 583
" 7-Garvey James C. and others, requesting installation of a
street light in alley east of Garfield Avenue between
intersections of Hawthorne and Farragut Streets ...._.._ 523, 640
" 7-Garvey James and Genevieve, Petition and. Waiver_........_..._.., 526, S27
" 7-Gcethe Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur-
face from east property line of Burden Avenue to
,pest property line of Windsor Avenue .__...
SSI, 5 ,.
.,... 603, 604, 667,
..............__..,......._.._........_.._..._..._........_... 705, 734, 991
" 16-Gauvin Mrs. Harriet A. and others, stating that they are in
favor of the improvement of Burlington Street from
National Street to the alley west of National street
with curbs ,gutters and asphalt macadam surfacing__.. 578
.1952 SUBJECT Page
" 24-Gruber Francis and Mary, requesting the vacation of the
alley separatiug Lots 20 to 28 inclusive starting on
Levi Street and fronting on Nightingale Street and
ending at English Lane from Lots 11 to 19 inclusive
starting ou Levi Street and ending at English bane.... 637, 979
Aug. 4-Conner Anna M, and others, requesting vacation of alley
between Grandview Avenue and Victoria Street 6$8, 799
" 4-Green Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam surfac-
ing from east property line Avoca Street to west
property line of Algona Street...........682, 683, 771, 772, 773, 774
" 4-Green Street, improvement with curb and gutter from east
property line of Avoca Street to west property line
of Algona Street ..............._......___..683, b84, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778
at rent
22-General Drivers and Hel rs Local 421, askm t
control be kept in effect ....__...._.......__....... ~.,,_ 731
Sept. 2-caber M. b•, assignment to American Trust and Savings
Bank .._~_.._..._..........._.._._.............._......._..._....._...795, 796, 937
" 2-Grimm Ray, requesting that another sewer be laid to serve
bot 20 on Adair Street ......___.._._....._. 747
" 16-Gongaware Mrs. Maude, notice of claim ...._.......___....__.._.843, 977, 978
Nov. 3-Glynn John J., granted Class 'B" Beer Permit •..w......_.__... 947, 948
Jan. 7-Heffernan John J., appointed as Police Judge ........_...., 1
7-Harvey Harold E., requesting refund on Class "B~' Beer
Permit .........,.._........_._..._.._. ...__.. .... 14
" 7-Harvey Harold E., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 14
Feb. 4-Heitzman Wesley W., notice of claim ... ...._ ......
~ SS, 11S
" the
4-Hyde Clark Women's Relief Corp Auxiliary of
g p sion to hold
Arm of the Re ublic, re uestin ermts
y .__..._..P........._._.4_.
a tag da .. ............. _._.... S7
" 4-Holscher Albert b., City Auditor, bond ..._......._....._._.....__. 65
" 4-Hai] John Joseph, Water Department Supt. & Cashier, bond 65
" 4-Heffernan John J., Police Judge, bond __. 65
` 4-Hillard Joseph P. and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ....,_..._.........._..__..........._.........,......_......._.......,.__............. 85
Mar. 3-Houser P. J., Director, Division of Public Health Engineer-
m , tote Department o ea , exten m i
to attend conference at Davenport, Iowa, on
control of the Mississi i Rwer ...._...___..... 102
" 3-Huff Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. and others, requesting that
Burlington Street from National Street to the south
end of Burlington Street be surfaced, curbed and gut-
tered .._..._.._...,.........._.._.....__.._...._.._............» .................... 103
" 3-Highland Realty Company and others, requesting the ex-
r on Kane Street above
tension of the samtar sewe
Primrose Street ........_y......_....,
..... lOS
" 3-Hamilton Street, improvement from east property line of
Rhomberg Avenue to west property line of Garfield
t 133, 134
278, 337, 338, 949, 9
b4, 9bS,
221 ~277,
152, 53, 154, 966, 967
" 3-Hamilton Street, improvement from east property line of
Lincoln Avenue to west property line of Prescott
street with curb and gutter_.....___..._.......... ._ 134, 135
....157, 158, 159, 221, 222, 278, 338, 950, 951, 961, 962, 963, 964
1852 SUBJECT Page
t 1952 SUBJECT Page
" 22-Heckel Albert S., Notice of Claim ........__...~............... ............................. 170,
H 214 30-Haley Jahu J., granted Cigarette Permit ...........,.................................
30-Hollywood Grill granted Cigarette Permit ..._.........._...._........__.
' 514
Director, Division of Publ
ZZ-Houser Y. J., _
submitting permit for con-
f Health
t 30-Houps Robert L
., granted Cigarette Permit ....................................... 51S
f sanitary sewer in Mount Vernon Court._...
17 30-Herber Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ...... ....................._...................... S1S
" on o
22-Heiar Anna, requesting refund on Cigarette Permit....._......._....
re uestin fire railing of the
g g
C 2 30-Haupert Clarence P., granted Cigarette Permit ....._ ....................
3FJ-Herber Arthur F. and Theresa, granted Cigarette Permit..... 51$
" ompany, q
22-Highland Realty
latted alley betwee~r Stratus Street and Windsor
" 30-Hcrbyr
FredJg g°
d 1Cl
B'B~ B
r P
rv 516,
516 517
Avenue along Burden Avenue .......... ................_.._................._.
line of
f 17 J
e o
n -_..
30-Hessel Irvin G., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ......................... ,
$16, 518
" y
rom e
22-Hamilton Street, improvement
Avenue to west property line of Garfield
Rh " 30-Hogan Vincent J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...._..._.„.. 517, S18
Avenue, with asphaltic macadam surfacing........................... 191,
251 192
J y 7-Hale face from east~emoent with bituminous concrete sur-
er 1
=ono Street to west
22-Hamilton Street, imprrovement from east property line of property line of
Grandview Aven~u
~ 667
..... ......................................................_................--........-.
... 7
06 735
Lincoln Avenue to west property line of Prescott
haltic macadam surfacing..._..._......_.__.... 182,
183 ,
24-Houser P. J. Director, Division of Public Health Engin- ,
Street, w
2SS, 332, 993,
. 253 994
eerm~, a e epar ment o
f Health, Des Moines, Iowa,
April ,
7-Heffernan John J., appointed Police Judge....-........_._....................
ion of 1951 tax on the
i 2~
struction of sanitary sewer
extension to serve Burkha
rt Subdivision ................_...............
" ng suspens
7-Hie6 Mrs. Mary, request
t of East 170 feet of Lot 374 Davis Farm
h 24 f " o
24-Houser P
ector Divi
J,, n of Public Health Engin-
...._. 32'6 eering, State Department of Health, Des Moines,
Addition ........._ ................_..............................................._.............._..__
7-Hosch Joseph J., granted Class `B" Beer Permit........._..............
266 Iowa, submitting permit far construction of sanitary
sewer to serve Mississippi Heights Subdivision...........-....
" 1S-Hines Delha E., Notice of Claim ...._ ............._..._......_......»......._.•..
n of Public Health Engin-
i Aug. 14-H. & W. Motor Express Company, Notice of Claim.................. , 695
May o
5-Houser P. J., D
State Department of Health, submitting per-
i 22-Huss Mrs. A. J, Notice of Claim ................................................,....._.__...... 731, 845
r construction of sanitary sewers in Apple
f Sept. 2-Hetlaud Mabel L., requesting that Lot 2 of 2 of S of Min.
Street and in Kaufman Avenue ..._..........__.............._.._..._... 319 I,ot 21 and Lot 2 of 2 of 2 of S of Min. Lat 21 be
S-Houser P. J., Director, Division of Public Health Engin- zoned to Local Business District Classification..........._.....
9-Hexrer P. J.
Division of Public Health En in-
g 797, 943
eering, State Department of Health, submitting a
f the Upper Mississippi Drainage Basin Sum- ,
Feriug, State Department of Hca1t'~. Des Moines,
copy o
which is a cooperatwe State-Federal re-
mar Iowa, submitting permit for construction of sanitary
port on water pollutwn ......_ ....................„.........__.............__.._...
" B
" 320
" sewer in Kane and Primrose Streets .._._......_..........................
9-Haim Mrs. Henry
notice to connect Lot 56 of Stines 826
S-Harvey Milton C., requesting refund on Class
3 ,
Sub. with sewer and water mains .............._................................ 827
.........._......._ ............................................_.........._...._.._..... _........
Permit ""
S-Hiawatha Club, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer
22 16-Hopgman I, M. and Mary, notice of claim ....................................
16-Hale ohn ' g g '
y J J., requestm refund on C~ arette Permit ......_... 842, 89S
Permit ..............._.........._.........................._........_.....
on behalf of Dale B. and Hilda A.
ffernan Jahn J
16-Haley John J, requesting refund on Class "B" Beer Permit
Jutte .,
Wiegand and Robert E. and Annette B. Brimeyer, re-
i 16-Hazel Street, name changed to Sunnyview Drive .....................
16-Hoffmann Mathias M., granted Cigarette Permit ..._..........._.. 844
on o
questing Council to authorize the execut
im deeds to the above mentioned property owners
" 1(r-Hoffmatm Mathias M., granted Class "B~" Beer Permit.......... 850
f all the City interests in Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 337, 23-Holscher A. L, appointed City Clerk Pro Tem of the Coun-
I,ot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Mineral Lat 210
d Lot 1 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Mineral I,ot
Oct. cil meeting _ _
6-Heffernan oho Police Judge, stating that
7 J•, he would desire
. 454
..... SSl to attend the National Safety Congress to~ be. field in
" ,
Z10 ..................................._..........._......._..........................................._...
30-Higley H. W. Sr. and others, property owners constituting Chicago October 20th to 24th, 1952 ........._................._.........._
(~Hafeman Helen M
granted Cigarette Permit 892
all of the property owners an Southern Avenue be-
lish Lane and Grandview Avenue, objecting
n En
t .,
fr-Hickey oho ,and Thomas
J J J., grouted Class "B" Beer
to the proposed resurfacing of Southern Avenue..._......
their signatures favoring
497 Permrt ..........................._....._.........................................................._._......................
6-Herber Arthur F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........................
897, 897
" g
30-Humke F. 0. an
the installation of parking meters in the 1500 block 13-Hosch Joseph J, requesting refunds on both his Class "B"
on Central Avenue ....................................._._....,..........._...__....._...
Nrw. Bcer Permit and Cigarette Perm t ....................._ ...................__...
3-Han crt Clarence P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...._.....
947 924
" 30-Heiderscheit John J., granted Cigarette Permit ._......_......
512 " 3Hcdle Alfred E, granted Class "B" Pcer Permit ................_......
y ,
947 948
" 30-Hedley Alfred, granted Cigarette Permitt .....................................
granted Cigarette Permit ........._........_......._..,.
eh Joseph J
30 S12 Dec. 9-Hmitoon Donald, Chairman, City Beautification Commit- ,
" .,
Permit .............._........_.._._.
30-Hessel Irvin G., granted Cigarette S13
513 tee of Chamber of Commerce, with reference to the
problem of preserving the Shot Tower ..................-.
" g
30-Hartig Drug Company, granted Ci arette Permit ...................
granted Ggarette Permit ....... ................_........_..
Jahn J
30 513 " ..
9-Hird Mrs. Rosemary, requesting refund ou her Cigarette
" .,
30-Hogan Vincent J, granted Cigarette Permit ...._....__......_......
and Christopher C. Gratz, granted Cigar-
Hung George R
" erm
t ......................................................................................._..................._...........-...
9-Hartford Accident a.nd Lxlemn~ty Company, consenting to 974
an extension of time o
~1 Performance Band of Thos.
" ette Permit ...._ ......................_....._..........................._......__........._............
rs. Rosemary, granted Cigarette Permit ....................._....
d Ci 514
S14 E. Byrne ............................
9-Hoc s Rob°rt. L., granted CI_................................._......~~~~~•~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
p ~ ass "R" Beer Permit ........................
983 976
~ Joseph P. and Bernice, grante
S14 23-Hochausem Albert H., granted Cigarette Permit ........................... , lO1S
" Tony, granted Cigarette Permit ............................................
30-Helling I'I
1952 SUBJECT Page ~' 1952 SUBJ);CT
. Page
~~ J
7-Independent School District, setting time and place of hear-
Jan "' Feb. 4-Jenui Geraldine L., Secretary to City Manager, bond............... 6$
ing on their proposal to deed to the City of Dubuque Mar. 3-Judgment and Decree in the District Court of Iowa in and
Lot 1 of Part of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 179 for Dubuque County, annexation of unincorporated
and Lot 2 of Part of Lot S of Mineral Lot 179A, all area to the City of Dubuque . ............._______......_...__..__..99,
" 100, 101
ing north of Rosedale Avenue in exchange for Lot
l Beer Permit .............._
~ 3-Jaeger Mrs. Annice, granted Class
B 124, 125
1 of Rosedale Addition by the City of Dubuque ....... 31, 42 May S-Jeukin~ Bernice D, and Frank J. Fitzpatrick, granted Class
Feb. 4-Independent School District of Dubuque, requesting the City "B" Beer Permit ............._........_.__.._........_......__..._.....___..._....__.._... 341
Council to provide fire protection for the New Irving
$8 June 2-Johnson Roger C. and Robert D., granted Class "B" Beer
School on Pennsylvania Avenue .... .._.__.._.......... ,
............_ ......_._....._..........._...._..
..._.._........ 443, 444
3-Ideal Plumbing & Heating Co., excavation bond .............._.___..
Mar g
• 512
" 3-Interstate Power Company, easement for transmission line D~and Frank
Fitzpatrickt granted
30-Jenic~ns Bernce
dis sal
which the
side of city property
oro north arette Permit .........................................__.......__...__............_.....__.._._...... SI4
plant is to be erected ..............__. 119, 120 i 30~-Johanningmeier Justin L., granted Cigarette Permit ......~.._..... 514
22-Independent School District of Dubuque, Iowa, requesting " 30-Johnson Roger C. and Robert D., gratlted Cigarette Permit S15
permission to install a sanitar fora mom sewer for
be located on Pennsylvania
l t
July 7-Jordan W. J., requesring permission to excavate m the
the new
Avenue, as per attached plat ._..............,...._.....173, 211, 212, 269, 270 streets and alleys of the City of llubuque ._ .................._._
Viola and others
residents of Bennett Street
24-Johnson Mrs 524
May S-Iowa Street, frrnn Fourth Street to Second Street to be
327 ,
restrictions put into
ob•ectin to tine recent ar m
made a through Street ._.._................_...._........_..._._.._..._.....
June 30-Iowa Commission for the Blind, granted Cigarette Permit..... ,
S13 Mp
effect on Bennett Street and as'cing that the same
July 7-International Association of Chiefs of Police, Chief of
Police authorized to attend meeting........_____.__.___.......
S30 ,n••..••.
.. ........................._....._.__.....__....
Aug. 4-Johaumngme~er Justin L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit......
690, 691
" 7-Illinois Central Railroad Company, lease with the City of S41
Dubuque for storage facilities .....~........_.._.._.. -••-_-•••
14-International Molders and Foundry Workers Unions Local
263, favoring continuin rent control ...__......._..._........_._...
g 69S
Sept. 2-International Association of Machinists, Key City bodge,
No. 1238, asking that rent control remain in effects.......
Oct. 6-Iowa Natural Resources Council Order No. 52-4, approving
application far construction and maintenance of sand
levee from Fengler Street to Twelfth Street, earth
levee from east wall of building of A. Y. McDonald
Company to junction with sand levee, Fengler Street
storm sewer relocation, outlet structure, pump house and
pumps for Bee Branch sewer extension, provisions for
closing gaps in levees and walls as temporary pro-
tection during time of flood in the vicinity of west
bank of Mississippi R~ver .._.............._.........._.___._......_._......... 892, 893
3-Iowa Road Building Company, requesting an extension on
completion of contracts from April 15th to May 30th,
1953 ....._........_ ............._...._........_._......_._.._,.._._..........._..._._............._.._.. 939, 971
Dec. 23-Iowa Road Building Company, assignment to The First 1008
National Bank, Fairmont, Minn...__...,............_.....,
Jan, 7-Koenig Leonard, submitting offer to purchase city owned
property at corner of Dodge Street and, Grandview
Avenue ........... ..............._......................._...,..............._..,._................._....
Feb. 4-Kel;pler Mrs. Roscoe, notice of claim ............_......_...................
" 4-Klaeska Mr, and Mrs. Carl and others, requesting that
curb and gutters be constructed in the S00 block on
West 16th Street ........................._.................._.....................................
" 4-Kluck M. P., private sewer constructed in Marion Street,
recommendation of City Manager that said sewer be
" 6-Kruse I, orett ,asettlem Depfrtman1rAccou tant,•..band„ :-:..^~~-
Mar. 3-Kelsey Miss I.ydia,rNoticeCofsClBm.Beer.Permrt.,..._.........••,XY,•
" 6-Kopp Nicholas J•, g mit .........._.. .........
' 3-Koenig Leffa M., granted Cigarette Per -•--
" 3-Koenig Leffa M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...._..............
3-Kipper Clarence J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit....._...........
22-Key City Plumbing and Heating Company, requesting per-
mission to excavate in the streets and alleys..._..............
" 22-Key City Plumbing & Heating Co., excavation bond........_..........
April 7-Kintzinger Charles A., sworn in as Councilman for term
commencing first Monday in April, 1952 ....._ .......................
" 7-Kolb Ray F., Councilman, elected Mayor far the ensuing
fiscal year ..........,............... ..............._..,........._..._...........,........................
" 7-Kringle J. $., requesting that the balance of hots 14 and 15
in Finley, Waples and Burtons Addition be zoned into
a commercial district ......... ........................._........._......_......_.........
" 7-Kapparos Mrs. Jahn M., and others, requesting the improve-
ment of Marmora Street ,........................_......................_.........
" 7-Kronfeldt Harold and Jahn Osterhaus, requesting Council
to take action in the matter of the unsanitary condi-
tion existing at 2524 Elm Street the property of Al-
fred and Lucille Bleile ........_...............,,............._..........................
" 7-Kaune Melvin and others, requesting that Edith Street West
of Burden Avenue between Burden Avenue and Bruns-
wick Street be improved with curbs and gutters and
some type of hard surface ................-....................._...................
" 7-Klein Frank and Anna, requesting refund on Class "B"
Beer Permit ................................._...................................._......................
7-Klein Frank and Anna, requesting refund on Cigarette
Permit .-............. ................._...,...................._.....................................
" 7-Kaufman Avenue Sanitary Sewer, construction of, from
the existing manhole opposite the southeast corner
of Lot 45 in Burtons Addition; thence northwesterly
47 feet at angle of 45 degrees from existing sewer
line to north property line of Kaufman Avenue; thence
westerly along north property line of Kaufman Ave-
nue adistance of 794 feet; thence south a distance of
62 feet across Kaufman Avenue with 8 inch sewer line
..........240, 311, 312, 313, 375, 416, 417, 448, 689, 79'1, 792,
May S-Kretschmer Charles G, requesting permission to construct
curb and gutter fronting his property at 1037 Kirk-
wood Street ................................_............................._....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
" 14-Kruse Loretta settlement of claim ..................... ..............._...._...............
June 2-Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for
Private Club ............................................................................................._........
" 11-Kassmeyer Lilliam M., by O'Connor, Thomas, McDermott
and Wright, request and demand that the City of Du-
buque institute condemnation proceedings for the tak-
ing of the easterly twenty-five feet of l,ot 2 of Min
eral Lot 33 for street purposes.................._....._..........453, 454,
" 30~-Kabat Harry and others, requesting the installation of park-
ing meters on Central Avenue between 15th and 16th
Streets .......... ....................................................................._.............._..._........
Page 1952 SUBJECT' Page
" 30-Kintzinger Mrs. Charles, appointed as a member of Recre-
' 3
~ .n atiou Commission term expiring July 5, 19SS........._.........
' 511
14 Connor, granted Cigar-
30-Kramer Joseph A. and Louis P. O
55, 114 ~ ette Permit .......,.,, ..............................,.............,........_.._.,......,...,...,.......... Sll
" 30-Kamentz Fred, granted Cigarette Permit ............... ....................... Sll
" 30-Kopp N. J., granted Cigarette Permit ....._.,..,.,.................,............. $11
S8 ~ 30-Knights of Columbus, granted Cigarette Permit ........._......._... SI2
" 30-Karigan Andrew D., granted Cigarette Permits ...._,..........._.... S12
" 30-Kanavas George, granted Cigarette Permit ..,.,,.._ ................,..... 512
64 30-Kress Hubert J., Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ................,.......... S12
65 ~ 30-Kruse George C., granted Cigarette Permit .............,....................,. S12
87 30-Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Cigarette Permit ,.............. S12
88 30-Kane James M., granted Cigarette Permit ...................,........,..._.... 513
102, 638 30-Knoll 11~alter W., granted Cigarette Permit ...._....,.......,............. S13
124 ~ 30--Koenig Leffa M., granted Cigarette Permit .,..........._..,...._......... S13
124, 12S 34-Kemp harry B., granted Cigarette Permit ........._......._ ................„... S13
124, 12S 30-Klauer Peter, granted Cigarette Permit ...............,......,..,............,_.... 514
" 30-Kipper Clarence J, granted Cigarette Permit ........................_.... 514
172 30-Kopple Harry, granted Cigarette Permit ..................._.,.,,.._...,..._..... 514
180 ~ 30-Kelly Frank M. and Francis E., granted Cigarette Permit 514
! 30-Kachevas James P., granted Cigarette Permit ,................,...,..... 514
203 ~ 30-Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ...................._.......-......_........................................,..........,.,..,...,......._..... 516, S17
203 " 30-Karigan Andrew D, granted Class "B" Beer Permit,....,..._.... 516, $17
- 30-Kanavas George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 516, 517
" 30-Kachevas James P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 516, S17
207, 422 July 7-Krepfle John H. and Helen M., Petition and Waiver. .............. S24
" 7-Kelley Mr. & b1rs. Cledis, Petition and Waiver .......... ................. 526
207 7-Kemp harry B., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.........-. ................ S41
" 7-Kane and Primrose Streets, sanitary sewer to construct.,......,. 573, S74
t -""°647, 648, 649, 699, 800, 801, 826, 832, 1005, 1006
` 16-Kassmeyer Lillia
m M,, original notice of petition for Matu-
208 damus ....,...,..... ..............,.,...._.........,........,........................,......._.._.........,.,. 577
16-Kluck R. H., statement for cost of sewer installed in and
along Rosedale Avenue ..........................._.....,_,.._........_...,..._,........ 577, S78
" 16-Kerth Robert E. and Annette B. Brimeyer, conveyance of all
208 of City's interest in Lots 1 and 2 of the Subdivision of
Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 210 ..............._ ..............._..,......,.,........581, 694, 695
209 ~ 24-Kirchberg George F., Notice of Claim .........,..,,., ................_.....„.... 634
Aug. 4-Klauer Peter, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............,..-............ 690, 691
209 Sept. 2-Kintzle Clarence A. and others, requesting that the name of
Hazel Street he changed to Sunnyview Drive ..........._... 797, 844
" 2-Kfioll Walter W., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 816, 817
" 2-Kane James M., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .............._,...„.... 816, 817
9-K-M Construction Company, requesting grading of the alley
along the rear of Lot 67 in Burden & Lawthers addi-
tion and continuous to Strauss Street and provided
' with all-weather surface 20 feet wide ..,...............,...,......., 826, 84S
238, 239 16-K-M Construction Company, assignment to American Trust
793, 794 and Savings Bank ................................................................._...,.....,..,,...... 851, 971
" 16-Konomos Mr. and Mrs. P. and others, requesting that rent
control be discontinued .,......._ .............,.........._.......,.,............._....,,.. 851
321 Oct. 6-Kaep Dr. Henry J. and others, objecting to the rezoning
367 of the properties located on the North-east and South-
east corners of South Grandview Avenue and Rock-
443, 444 dale Road to Local Business District Classification..... 894
" 6-Kramer Joseph A. and Louis P. O'Connor, granted Class
<<B,~ Beer Permit ...,...,....... .........................-....,.............._,......._......... 897
Dec. 9-Kirchberg George F., Notice of Claim .........,..,_ ...............,.._......., 971
" 9-Kaufmann Avenue Sanitary Sewer, to serve Mount St.
.529, 530 Bernard Seminary and St. Mary's Home......................,....... 972
9-Kringle Delos S. and others, requesting the rezoning of Lots
6, 7 and 8 a Subdivision of Part of Mineral Lat
508 149 to a Local Business District Classification...,.,...„..._ _
1t~52 SUBJCCT Page
J ...
7-Lewis Frank E., granted Class ` B" Beer Permtt._ 32
Feb. _......__..._.._..
4-Lucas Marie, notice of clatm ...._. °•••••
4-•I,eague of Women's Voters, commending Recreation Com- ,
mission and Recreation Department for the entertain-
ent and recreation sponsored for the citizens of Du-
m 56
buque ....,........_._......._ ........__._........_........,
4-Librarian of Public Library, Annual Report _
4-Lolwing Arano H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......-_-
h1ar. 3-Lagen John. et al, requesting construction of curb and gutter
on Bradley Street from Randall
and stree
Street to Ryder Street ......._..........__..._.._-•.- 102, ]03
3-Loras College, stating that they are willing to dedicate far
street purposes a strip of ground fifty (SO) feet in
width along the westerly edge of Out Lot 472, under
certain conditions, so as to connect West 16th and 104 176
" West 17th Streets .._............._..._......_, -•-•-•----
3-Leonard Joseph D., requesting the extension of the sanitary
sewer on Cherry Street, about 100 feet, in order that
Westerly 78 feet of Lot 189 of Fin-
s proper
ley's addition can be served with sewer connectioa._.. 104
" 3-Louergan William L., requesting permission to connect Lot
2, Block 2 on Avalon Street with the sanitary sewer 104
" iri Avalon Street ._.._......................_.., •............ _...
3-Lytle Joseph C. and others, requesting the opening of an
alley from Rider Street to Bradley Street at the rear 175
" of their properties
purchase of a piece of property described
3-Le Pert Charles ,
as Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 m L. H. Langworthy Sub.
of Out Lots Nos. 676, 677 and Lot not numbered on
Official Plat of Dubuque between Nos. 677 and 678._.
105, 106
" 3-Lagen Louis J., reappointed as a member of Civil Service 118
Commission term expiring March 31, 1958
3-Legler Nick J., granted Cigarette Permit , ,••-••---•-_--
granted Class "B~" Beer Permit _•.
3-Legler Nick J. 124
124, 125
3-Love Jerome J., granted Class "B" Beet' Permit _.»...__..._.._
t from west property line of 124, 125
" 3-Lowther Street, improvemen
Burden Avenue to east property line of .Brunswick 137
Street with curb and gutter._.... -- -••-•--•
8 836, 837,
~ 136,
838, 874
" tm
22-Link Anna, settlement of claim ••-••--• "~ ~~rty line of
m wet
rovemen~f o
22-Lowther Street
Burden Avenue to east property line of Brunswick
ng_.__. ..
Street, with asphaltic macadam surfac
.,..-..,_-..........._..._..........2SS, 258, 257, 332, 814, 815, 874, ,
875, 876
April 7-Lewis U. S: Jr. and others, requesting that curb and gutter
be constructed on Whelan Street from Grandview 208 640
Avenue to Bradley Street ...... ••••-••--- 216
" 7-Larson Construction Co., excavation policy .:....._.....-
" ]S-League of IVomen Voters, thanking Council for the copy 266
of Revised City Ordinance _.................._..._._...., •-•
June 5-Luber John, excavation bond ............ .._......_...._._
2-bank Leo F., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .... 443, 444
" 30-Loan Agreement, with Standard Oil Company for Farm
" Storage Und Single .........._._ .................._...............__._...__..
30-Larson Construction Co., excavation policy _.._. .....•- 511
" 30-Lauterborn Floyd J., and Walter G. Thorpe, granted Cigar- 512
" _ _._..
ette ermtt
30-Ludescher John J., granted Cigarette Permit ..._....._.
" t ...._......_.._. _.-..--
30-Legler Nick J., granted Ggarette Perm 512
30-Leonard. Paul A., granted Cigarette Permit _ _ 512
„ _._
30--Ludwig M. J., granted Cigarette Permit ........
30-Love Jerome J., granted Cigarette Permit ............•_.•••__..»....
°~ a 1952
l ... SUBJBCT Page
~" L
p ~ 30-Loras College, granted Cigarette Permit ...._...._......_.....__........ 514
3a-Lewis Frank E, granted Cigarette Permit ................ .... 514
" 30-Lynn Meh•in C., granted Cigarette Permit ...._.__.__.....__.._.... S14
" 30-Lawry 1•dward R., granted Cigarette Permit ...._..._...._....._..... 514
f ~~ 30-Landolt Frederick, granted Cigarette Permit ........._......_......... 514
-. 30-Lolwing Arano H., granted Cigarette Permit ....._.,..........._.... 514
" 30-Lorenzi Louis $., granted Cigarette Permit ....._......_......._.._..._ 514
" 30~-Link Leo F., granted Cigarette Permit ...................„.._.._.__......._.... 51S
" 30-Leiser John la., granted Cigarette Permit ...._._....._..........._.._.... Sl$
t 30-Lancer George and Helen, granted Cigarette Permit...._.._..._ S1S
30-Leonard Paul A, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...._......... 516, 517
" 30-Leiser John L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................__. 516, S17
i July 7-Lewis U. 5. and AI Poire, requesting the erection of a
street ]i ht
of Whelan a
g nd Bradley
Streets 524
" 7-Lembke William J, and Mrs. Wm.~ Petition and Waiver..... 527
" 7-Lansen George and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 541
" 7-Lease, with Illinois Central Railroad Company for stor-
m age facilities ....._.....__.._............._..........._....._....._._......_._.._... S41
' 7-Lowther Street, improvement with bituminous wncrete sur-
face from west property lice of Windsor Avenue to
' east property line of Burden Avenue....._...~..._..._........_... SS4, S5S
..._............__ ............._.....-.........607, 608, 609, 668, 706, 707, 735, 994, 99S
" 7-Logan Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surface
from south property line of Plymouth Street to east
property line of Victoria Street ....._..._........_........_.__.._..._.._ 556, S57
___...__.._...„..._......._..........-..._.........~.......... 609, 610, 611, 669, 707 708, 736
" 16-Lundin Jahn 1t'. and Mae G., requesting that Lot S in
Hodge's Subdivision located on corner of Grace and
North Grandview Avenue be rezoned to general bus-
iness district ...................... .............._......._...._........__...._......578, 827, 898, 935
Aug. 4-Lake Peosta Developme,tt, gift of $150,000.00 from Trustees
of Wahlert Foundation .............._....... 656, 657
" 2~League of Iowa Municipalities, extending invitation to at-
tend convention at Des Moines, Iowa ....„...................._.... 731
Sept. 2-Loney J. 1•., claim ........................._.........._......,...._..._.............._.._......._..... 795, 89S
' 2S-Larson Construction Company, requesting permission to use
dynamite in connection with Kane Street sewer job.._... 855
Oct. 6-League of Women Voters, requesting Council to set aside
October 15th, 1952, as "New Voters Registration
Day" and to issue a Proclamation to that effect........_... 893
" 6-Larson Construction Company, blasting bond.....~___.................... 894
" 6-Loucks Joseph W., granted Cigarette Permit ._..___....._........... 896
" 6-Luchsinger Ray & Angeline, granted Cigarette Permit •_..... 896
" 6-Libansky Mrs. Julia V., granted Cigarette Permit ....__._._.... 896
" 6-Libansky Mrs. Julia V., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 897
1952 SUBJECT Page
7-McLenan Strcet, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from north property line of Tressa Street to
south property line of McLenan Street .....................__.. ,
4-McCarthy Peter H., with reference to the City of Dubuque
acquiring a Quit Claim Deed from Dubuque County
conveying their interests in Washington Park ...._......._..
" 8S
Beer Permit......
4-McDonough Melvin B., granted Class
3-McMahon Joseph F. and Val L. Kies, requesting the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in Apple Street abutting
their property . ...............,...•........,..........._....._......,...._..,...._.,.................
3-McLaughlin Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.__.... 124, 12S
22-McDonnell Excavating Service, requesting permission to 172
excavate in the streets and alleys ....,..._........_...._.. .••
" 22-McDonnell C. G. and Ray (McDonnell Excavating Serv-
ice) excavation bond ..__........_ .............................._.__..,__........,.
May S-McMahon David L., Notice of Claim ....._..........._._.._................._._.
f the dedication of said street
" 318, S29
14-McI,enan Street, acceptance o
June 30-McFarlane Mr, and Mrs. W. J., requesting the installation
of a street light at intersection of Wood Street and
the alley which is located at about 1675 Wood Street..._ 507, 659
" 30-McAleece Gerald, appointed as member of Recreation Com-
mission term expiring July 5, 1955 .................... ................_,..... 512
" 30-McNamara Earl J., granted Cigarette Permit ._._._......__..._.... S12
" 30-McCauley Francis P., granted Cigarette Permit .._..,............__.. 512
" 30-McNamer Noah W., granted Cigarette Permit .......__.._.......... S12
" 30-McI,aughliu P.aymond, granted Cigarette Permit ......_._...._..._..... S14
" 30-McFarlane Robert, granted Cigarette Permit _........_..._..._.-...-•••
P 514
" 30-McDonough Melvin P., granted Cigarette 51S
" 30-McDonald Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ......_.___....,_..........
" 30-McDonough Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Cigarette Permit
" 30-McArdle Glen, granted Cigarette Permit ......._...._......_.......,.....
" S15
" 30-McNamer Noah, granted Class, ,
" 30-McDonald Daniel and Loretta, granted Class "B" Beer Per-
516, 517
mit ......_......_ ........................._.....................................,...........
.Aug. 4-McCarten H. B., making application to excavate in streets
and alleys ...._..,........................................_............................•,..._.......,....,
...._. ..
4-McArdle Glen, granted Class ' B" eer ermi 690, 641
Sept. 2-McGirk Leo, claim ...._...,..................._. _„. _...........,.. ..._.......
g .. ..., .
ss "B" Beer
2-McDonou h Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Cla ,
Permit ......»......_........_.
3-McAndrews Herbert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.....
Nov 816, 817
947, 948
Dec. 23-McCarten. H. B., excavation bond ................_._•....... _....
" 23-McDonald A. Y. Jr., reappointed as a member of Board 1009
of Dock Commissioners for term expiring November
26th, 1955 ..........................•.......................,•,.........,....•...,...,. ......_ 1016
1952 SUBJECT Page
i Jan. 7-Michel Joseph, settlement of claim and court action ................ 21
" 7-Milk Ordinance, recommendation of City Manager Schiltz
that the ordinance be amended to provide for dating
of fluid milk products and also designating the length
t of time products can be kept for retail sales..,........,..._22, S4, 122
" 7-Montrose Street, recommendation of City Manager Schiltz
that parking be restricted on both sides from Loras
Boulevard to a point 170 feet North ...,-........_ ......................... 23
~ 7-Manahl Leo P., requesting installation of street lights an
corner of Groveland and Sheridan and also at the cor-
ner of Groveland and Argyle Streets.,..._.._...........__._......., 26, 27
" 7-Mineral Lot 145 Lot 1 of 1 and Lot 2 of 2 of 3 of Mineral
` Lot 144 setting time for hearing on a proposal to dis-
pose of same .......,..,.....,..,..._.„ ................,.....,.,.....„,................_....35, 40, 41
Feb. 4-Memorial Day Observance, George Flanders requesting an
appropriation by City Council to finance the expenses S4
Moore Darille and Marian, notice of claim for rsonal ~
1 luries ...._....._...._...._..,.......,_....,.............._........._.....~,
• 55
" 4-Moore Darille and Marian, notice of claim for prroperty
damage ...._..._.........._ ...................................................._...,..._...._.....,....... S5
" 4-Moore Mae A., Health Department Clerk, bond ........._.......,..... 65
~ 4-Moldt Harald L. Jr., requesting rezoning of Lots 13, 14,
1S and 16 Shaffner's Sub. fronting on Valeria Street...... 69
" 4-Mount Vernon Court, sanitary sewer, petitions and waivers
of property owners ....,...,....._......._.................._........,69, 70, 71, 72, 73
" 4-Moehl Robert H, and Agnes, petition and waiver for con-
struction of sanitary sewer in Mount Vernon Court..... 71
" 4-Mount Vernon Court, sanitary sewer, construction of..,....... 73, 98
• _...._ ..................._...,..99, 171, 180, 181, 3SS, 389, 390, 391, 392
" 4-Mount Vernon Court, improvement with concrete pavement,
petitions and waivers of property owners_...74, 7S, 76, 77, 78
4-Moeh] Robert H, and Agnes, petitions and waiver for im-
provement of Mount 1'ernon Court with concrete
pavement .,..........,..._.,...._........,...,_......_..,.... .............._...._,.._...,..._....... 76, 77
Provement with concrete pave-
ment ..,__,_,_..,.
..........._..._.......,........_,_.._....._.............78, 79, 95
, 180, 2
96, ~, 98,
04, 205, 271, 685, 686, 782, 783, 784, 785
" 4-Michel Merlin, granted Cigarette Permit .,.,_.......,_.._......._..,..... 84
4-Michel Merlin P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..........._...... 85
' 4-Murphy Orville P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.....,...,.,. 8$
4-Miller Julius, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..._..._....„__,......... 85
Mar. 3-Miller Julius, granted Cigarette Permit .........,.._...,.._.......,..,..,..... 124
" 3-Mihalovich Anthony C., granted Cigarette Permit ...„..........._..,. 124
" 3-Miller Harold L., granted Cigarette Permit .............,...,.._...„...,...... 124
" 3-Miller Harold. L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....,.......,. 124, 125
' 3-Mihalovich Anthony C, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 124, 125
" 3-Maloney Daniel C, granted Class "C" Beer Permit....„_....-.... 124, 125
22-Mellon Maurice H., granted Cigarette Permit ..............,..._..,. 182
" 2~Melloq Maurice H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit_........_,.. 182, 183
22-Miller Ione, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................,.........._..... 182, 183
April 7-Manders John P., Notice of Claim .....____.........,,_......._......_.... 205, 326
7-Moore Darrelle and Marian, Original Notice of Suit....._......... 205, 206
7-Moore Marian, Original Notice of Suit ....._.._......._........, ................ 206
" 7-Murray Mrs. Jahn P., Notice of Claim .,.._........_,.._...,....,...„........ 206, 326
'~ 7-Mihalas Ellas, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....._._..._.,...... Z25, 226
7-Meyer Elmer E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..,_..._.....,._ 226
7-Miller Mrs. Florence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....._,., 226
May 5-Meyer Martin M. and Vernon, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ...._..,.....,._..,...,.........,............_...,_...,_.._.._...,........,......._.....,. 341
" 14-Memorial Day Parade Committee, extending invitation to
the Mayor and. City Council to participate in the Me-
morial Day Parade .........,,..,..........,,.....,.,.................• ..............•...... 365
~ ~
.N ~
14-Mississippi Heights Subdivision, approval of said plat ...._..... 369, 370 ~
' ~
~ Aug. 4-Marion Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from west property line of Fremont Aveasue
• •p~ e dedication
acecptance of th of said
14-Mississ~ i View
° to end of Marion Street ...._........684, 685, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782
" -
street - • • •• °°
20-Messing Fred and others, requesting that a repair lab be ~
~ " 14-Miller Mrs. Florence M, granted Class "B" Boer Permit...._
22-Mueller J. Edward
notice of claim 72'1
done on their street gutter located on the south side of
423 `~,~ ,
22-Moser Mr. Cecil, revocation of Class "B" Beer Permit..... 732
University Avenue between 1390 and 1512.. ....__..
444 r Sept. 2-Moser Cecil, requesting refund on unexpired portion of his
" t .....__. .................
Beer Perm
2-Manahl I,eo P., granted Class
30-Martin I,eo and others, requesting the installation of park- ,
508 '" Cigarette Permit ......_......._............_.._..............
2-Muntz Harold A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.....„_.....„..... 797
ing meters on Central Avenue m the 1400 block ._.,...__._.
their signatures favoring the
P ~ 9-Manahl Herbert E., notice to connect I,ot 30 of Burden and ,
" g
, revo
30-Martin I,eo and
installation of parking meters m the 1400 block on
508 I,awthers add. with water main _....__..._ ...............„.-..._.....
Oct. 6-Miller Katie A., requesting suspension of 1951 taxes on I,ot 827
Central Avenue ...........-..-..._..........__...__, 10 and South 8 feet of I,ot 9 of Johnston's Sub...___. 892, 978
" 30-Mellon Maurice H., granted Cigarette Permit -.••-•.•••-••-•••••••-••- Sll ~ Nov. 3-Meyer Edmund, notice of claim ........._._...-....._„............,.._...._.._.. 936, 977
" 30-Moser Cecil, granted Cigarette Permit .....-..._..._. --•••
S12 3-Murray Mrs. Fraiilc and others, with reference to the smoke
" 30-Mihalovich Anthony C., granted Cigarette Permit...._....-.-..•.•••..
S12 from the smoke-stacks of St. Joseph Mercy Hasgital
" 30-Murphy Orville P., granted. Cigarette Permi+ ...._.._.........
S12 and St. Anthony's Home ..__.....
" 30-Mihalas Ellas, granted Cigarette Permit .............___.-_...........-
512 ' 3-Meyer Herbert and Mildred, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 947 948
" 30-Muntz Harold A., granted Cigarette Permit ....__..........__.__.......
Sl2 3-Miller Julius, transfer of address of Class "B" Beer Permit 947, 948
„ 30-Manning Elizabeth M., granted Cigarette Permit ..........__........
l ~ Dec. 9-Mississippi Heights Subdivision, performance bond in
f $2
Permit ........._.._._....„............_ .............................._..._._.._
ant d Cigarette Pegm
L. gr
30-Mangernach $12
S13 ~ ye
9-Missouri Dr m
r questing
30 da s on con letion of their contract ,
" 30-Meyers Kermit and Thomas billy, granted Cigarette Permit S13 9-Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, consenting
" 30-Murphy Harry and Dorothy, granted Cigarette Permit....___ S13 to an extension of 30 days to the Missouri Dredging
30-Michel Merlin P., granted Cigarette Permit ...........____........._.... 513 Company for completion of their contract ..._... 974
" 30-Miller Ions, granted Cigarette Permit ....-...-_.._..._......._....__....._ S13
23-Markward E. D. and othe
bjecting to imp
ovement of
" 30-Meisenburg Kenneth L., granted Cigarette Permit ...__......_.... S13 g
- _. -•• -• • -•,•
I,indber Terrace 1008
" 30-Maas Melvin H., granted Cigarette Permit _... ......._..._... 514 p ~
rt, relev ~m s ec~al assessment for avt
" 30-Miller Mrs. Florence, granted Cigarette Permit ___.-._..-__...... 514 "••-_^~• ..
._... 1014
30-Martin Oil Company, granted Cigarette Permitw .............._........ 514
" 30-Moss Donald C., granted Cigarette Permit ....._......__...._._......_.... 514
" 30-Meisenburg John, granted Cigarette Permit .........__......... S14
" 30-Mardauss Thelma, granted Cigarette Permit ...._....-.._..._....._.... S14
30-Miller Harold S., granted Cigarette Permit ........__..._._........_.... S14
" 30-Miller George, granted Cigarette Permit . ...................._._.._...._... S14
" 30-Manahl I,eo P., granted Cigarette Permit ....__......._.._......_._..._ 51S i
" 30-Maloney Daniel C, grouted Cigarette Permit ..~...__ __..
" t .............
30-Meyer Martin and Vernon, granted Cigarette Perm S1S
" 30-Meyer Elmer E., granted Cigarette Permit ...-.........._...........____...
" 30-Manders Edmund N., granted Cigarette Permit ._.....-....._...._... S1S ?:
" 30-MacDonald Earl E, granted Cigarette Permit ...........__............
" B
" 516 S17 ~ j
" _._.........
30--Meisenburg Jahn, granted Class
" ,
S17 N
" t .........__..._.__
30-Moen Donald C., granted Class ,
" 3Q-Meyer Albert M. and Alma M., granted Class "B" Beer
S17 Jan. 7-Nelson T. H., a ointment as Cit Solicitor ..._..._.._........_....
r 1
" Perm~t --.-.--•-•---•--••••••-••-•-•-~•••-•••••••_-•••-••••••••~••-••°••~••-•-•"••-"'-'
30-Maas Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........._...-_..._.._....
" ,
~ , ' 7-Napier Street, im
ovement with cu
b and gutter from east
property line of Foye Street to a
oint 300 feet
" B
30--Mengis Walter and Joseph F. Shannon, granted Class
517 p
west .._
.......__---._..._.._,...._.........._.___28, 29, 44, 4S,
46, 47
" Beer Permit .........................._........_.............__..._......._..._............._._....._
30-Moser Cecil, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...-...-__...
" ,
Slb 517
S18 7-Nacos Mrs. Joyce,
granted Cigarette Permit .
7-Neumeister John C., granted Class"C" Beer Permit..........._ 31
" t ........
Beer Perm
30---MacDonald Earl E., granted Class , Feb. 4-Neuses I,eo F., complaint about cars parking in the alley
July 7-Martha Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur-
f Alta Vista Street to
li behind his house at 92S Garfield Avenue _._._.._....,._...... SS
ne o
face from west property
east property line of Booth Street...._.........._......_.._... 557, SS8 4-Nelson T. H., City Solicitor, bond ...
4-Norton I,uvern C.
Electrical Inspector
" •„• - -,••~,-.,,,,,,,,_„-,,,,,,,,,,,_•,-_...-...,,....,.._ .............._...-..611, 612, 613, 669,
7-Muscatine Street, improvement with bituminous concrete 708, 736 ~ ,
`< 4-Nelson Helen, Water De rtmepnet Clerk, bond ,
4-Nauman Paul B. and Patricia
tition and waiver far c-~
on- 65
surface from east property line of Gay Street to end
S 709 737 ,
struction of sanitar sewer m Mount Vernon Court.....
" 71, 72
" ,
of Muscat
16-Mount Saint Bernard Seminary, requesting permission to , 4-Nauman Paul B. and Patr~c~ etit~on and waiver for im-
provement of Mount Vernon Court with concrete gave-
extend the sanitary sewer in Kaufman Avenue wester-
579 ; ment ._..._-_.................__..._.__...... ........_,„ 76
ly to the junction of Carter Road and Kaufman Road
" M
4-Nelson Irene, granted Cigarette Permit ._...___. $4
24-Murphy Harry J. and Dorothy, granted Class
644 ,I- 4-Nelson Irene, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...._._.., 85
Permit -..........._..._......_..._......_........_..._......__...,..._...........__.............__... t
~ n
j ~1 ~~'i
i r
1952 SliBJ1aCT Page
Mar. 22-Needham Jack, Notice of Claim ............................................„..._......... 170, 214
April 7-Nelson Thomas H., appointed City Solicitor...._..............._........,.,. 203
7-Nacos Thomas E., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit...__.. 208, 366
May 5-Noonan Joseph F., offer to purchase a lot on North Main
Street near Klingenberg Terrace from llubuque
County ......_............._ .....................:......_......._,.._..........,......_._.,...._........, 319, 369
June 2-National Street, improvement with curb and gutter from
north property line of Burlington Street to south
property line of Davenport Strect ...._.............,.........._.._......_.. 431, 432
..,_....,................433, 481, 432, 483, 504, 534, S3S, 536, 537, 996, 997
" ~Narth Algona Street, improvement with curb and gutter
from north property line of Dexter Street to south
property line of Rosedale Avenue..........,...__..........,..._.._....._. 433, 434
_....435, 434, 485, 504, SOS, 535, 537, 848, 946, 407, 908, 909
" 11-National Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from north property line of Burlington Street
to south property line of Davenport Street...._.._..._......... 462, 463
.....,....._........_........., ......................_..__.........,,.,_._.............................493, 494, 495, 538
" 11-North. Algona Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam
surfacing from north property line of Dexter Street
to south property line of Rosedale Avenue._._._._.-._-..-..... 464, 465
...,.....,...._,..- ..............._...,......-...-.,.,...,......._...............495, 496, 497, 539, 997, 998
" 30-Nicks Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Cigarette Permit.._.... Sll
" 30-National Tea Campaivy, granted Cigarette Permit ..___._...,.._. Sll
" 34-Neumeister Jahn C., granted Cigarette Permit.........,..._..._.,,.._...... 512
" 30-Nad Carl L., granted Cigarette Permit ....................„..._...._..._,...,.,. S12
" 30-Noel John )~., granted Cigarette Permit ....,....._........__........._.,...... S12
" 30-Nicks Ray J., granted Cigarette Permit ........._._,__.._.._..___.._..... S14
" 30-Nelson Irene, granted Cigarette Permit ........._..__._......_..._.._...,...... 515
" 30--Nacos Mrs. Joyce, granted Cigarette Permit .........._, ..................„. 51S
July 7-Nevada Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur-
face from south property line of Martha Street to
north property line of University Avenue _.........__..........._...„ 560, S61
..,......_......................_ ..............-.......-.......-...........562, 616, 617, 618, 671, 714, 737
Aug. 4-Nasses George et al, submitting objections to construction
of sanitary sewer in Kane and Primrose Streets...._.._ 647, 648
" 4-Nipp George, relative to conditions of the, curbing on Provi-
dence Street ..,...,........._ ............._......._......._..._........__..,....,...,.......,...... 658
" 4-Nicks Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit .-.. ..............,...........,......,...,.....................................................,.........,..._..._ 690, 691
Sept. 2-Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Floyd, stating that they are in favor
of rent control ..............._..........,..........,..............,......................._.......,..,........ 796
" 2-Noel Carl L., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....._....__....,............. 8'16, 817
" 2-National Tea Company, grurted Class "C" Beer Permit,._.. 816, 817
" 9-Navy Mothers, requesting permission to hold tag day....._....... 826
" 9-Nelson, Irene, transfer of address of Cigarette Permit ..,....... 834
" 9-Nelson Irene, transfer of address of Class "B" Beer Permit 834
Oct 6-Nacos George T, granted Cigarette Permit ...._...._..........___._....._ 896
" 6-Noel Jahu$. and June M., granted. Class "B" Beer Permit 897
" 6-Nacos George T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..............,..... 897
" 13-Nank Donald and $]mer Sisler, certifying the cost of con-
structing sewer in Marian Street ,..._....,..........,_._..........._........ 924
Nov. 3-National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, City Solicitor
authorized to attend convention ..............._......._...._........_...,,..... 94S
" 3-Nicks Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..........,..,.,__........._. 947, 948
Dec. 9-Napier Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from east property line of Foye Street to a
point 300 feet west ..........._...._._. ........................................,............._...., 995, 996
" 23-Nacos Mrs. Joyce, requesting a refund on the unexpired
portion of her Cigarette Permit ...._ .............._....._.._........_..,..... 1009
1952 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 7-Ordinance No. 63-S1. An Ordinance vacating the alley lying
first north of West 32n.d Street from the east line of
• Fink Street, to the easterly terminus _......_.....,._.....__.._._.....,. 2, 3
" 7-Ordinance No. 64-51. An Ordinance amending and changing
the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided
by Ordinance No. 3-34 so as to change the present
classification of hots 7 to 20 inclusive of Finley's Ad-
~ dition, including any and all subdivisions of said lots,
to Two Family Residence District Cassi6cation_._._._..... 3, 4
7-Ordinance No. 65-51. An Ordinance vacating the alley ly-
ing south of hots 45, 46 and 47 in University Place
and the unnamed street running southerly from West
Locust Street along the westerly side of hots 18 and
54 in University Place and authorizing the conveyance
thereof ......_.__.......__....._............._.........._..,,..,....,....._........_,_......_.._.....,_ 4, S
7-Ordinance No. 68-51. An Ordinance allocating and making
appropriations of tax levies and other sources of reve-
~ nue to the expenditures for City Government in the
City of Dubuqe, for the fiscal year beginning January
1 1, 1952 and ending December 31
1952 and authorizing
certain transfers of funds .........................................~..._...,..._....15, 16, 17
'~ 7-Ordinance No. 2-52. An Ordinance regulating the keeping
6 _ of dogs in the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Providing far
the observation under cmrfinement of biting dogs, and
special provision for the contra! of rabies; prescribing
penalties for violation, and amending Ordinance No.
4-33 ... .............,.,._.....,_...,........_...,..._,..._.......,_........._.._..__...23, 24, 2S
" 7-Ordinance No. 1-52. An Ordinance vacating Lime Street
from north line of Kimball Street northerly to the
Milwaukee right-of-way and authorizing the convey-
ance thereof ..._......_., ...................__.....................,.....,..............,...._....30, 43, 44
" 7-Ordinance No. 3-52. An Ordinance authorizing the issuance
of $167,000.00 Fire Station Bonds and Providing for
the bevy of Taxes to Pay the Same........32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 106
Feb. 4-Olansky M. B., bid for the purchase of Lot 1 of 1 of 3 of
' Randall's Sub.......__...,.._ ........................................._...._............_40, 41, 42, 123
" 4-Ordina<~ce No. 4-52. An Ordinance directing the installa-
tion of sanitary toilet facilities and sewer connec-
tions on certain described property; providing far the
assessment of cost thereof and repealing all ordinances
or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith........._.....__,..61, 106, 107
" 4-Ordinance No. S-S2. An Ordinance prohibiting sleigh-riding
on the public streets of the City of Dubuque except in
~ coasting areas; providing for the establishment of
such areas; and providing a penaly for violation
hereaf ...................................._,.....,......,....._....,...,...,_.........,....._.....,..,,.,......__. 61, 62
" 4-Ordi~~ance No. 6-52. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance
No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of the City of
Dubuque" by providing for the establishment of re-
stricted parking spaces; prohibiting parking within
ten (10) feet of a crosswalk and restricting parking
on certain designated streets within the City of Du-
buque; and providing far the violation hereof .................... 62, 63
4-O'Leary Daniel J., Plumbing Inspector, bond ....,.....,__....._,...,... 6S
" 4-Oster Lucille, Water Department Clerk, bond ..........,_,.._. 65
Mar. 3-Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, approving the 90 day ex-
tension of time granted to M. L. Gaber & Company
for completion of West 32nd Street Retainang Reser-
voir Contract _........_......_......._.....................,... ......................._....._,.._....,.._ 102
1952 SUBJ$CT Page 1952 SUBJ)~CT Page
_ Q
Q 7-Ordinance No. 15-52. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance
No. 7-41 as amended by repealing Sections 8, 10, Il
" 3- Ordinance No. 7-52. .4n Ordinance establishing a single and 12 thereof and enacting new Sections in lieu there-
ward for fire City of Dubuque and dividing the same of to eliminate authorization of the sale of raw milk
into election precincts, establishing such precincts and ~ ' in the City of llubuque .............._............_......_..___..._.._.......__... 228, 229
defining the boundaries thereof and replacing Ordi- ance
nance No. IS9 _.... ........._..._.._.........107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112 ~
in tiP e
ith Procl
amation iss g by the
" 3-Ordinance No. 8-52. An Ordinance amending Ordinance p
ublic dan
or emer
rov di
33-49 by repealing Section A of Schedule III
No ~ for a violation hereof _........_.........._........_ ..................__.._..._......_ 268
thereof and enacting a substitute therefor.._...___.._......... 112 ~ 15--Ordinance No. 17-52. An Ordinance authorizing the City
" 3- Ordinance No. 9-52. An Ordinance changing the names of
117 ~ Manager to prohibit unauthorized persons or vehicles
prohibiting occupancy of
=~' from entering flooded areas
Streets and Avenues within the City of Dubuque..._._. 116, ,
dwellings within such areas; providing a penalty for
" 3- One-way streets, reconunendation of Cit Manager that
178 violation hereof ...._....................._.._......_...__..._..........___.____......__...
` 266, 269
same be established ..._ ..........................._........__ , o. 18-52. An Ordinance granting to Chester
1S-Ordinance A
" 22- Ordinance No. 10-52. An Ordinance granting to Dubuque ~ C. Schmitt, the right to extend the existing sanitary
American Legion Building Corporation, Dubuque, ~ sewer commencing at an existing manhole at a point
Iowa, its successors and assigns, the right to construct 1 " 383 feet east of the center line of Windsor Avenue and
and maintain stairway and platform in the alley be- 26 feet south of the north property line of the prop-
tween Main and Locust Streets between Third and ~~-
; city line south of Davis Avenue; thence east a dis-
Fourth Streets, adjacent to its building and prescribing tance of 85 feet and running parallel to and 26 feet
the conditions of such permit ........_._...... 173, 210, 211 ~ ~.`, south of the said property, describing the conditions
" 22- Ordinance No. 11-52. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance ~ ~., of the grant, regulating the use of said sewer and
33-49 known as the Traffic Code of the City of
No } > future connections therewith................_......_..._......_._...........269, 323, 324
by adding a new section thereto designating
Dubuque May S-Oertel George L., and Hilda V. and Raymond Shireman,
the Streets or Routes over which Motor Carriers shall _-; property owners on Edith Street between Brunswick
travel within the City _....._......_......_............. _.......... 173, 174 `~; Street to $lbow Street, requesting that a permanent
,~= grade be established in order that city water and sani-
" 22- Ordinance No. 12-52. An Ordinance amending Ordinance tary sewer can be extended to their properties_....._321, 322, 368
Na. 33-49 to provide additional one-way streets; ex- 5-Ordinance No. 19'-S2. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance
empt emergency vehicles; and prohibit parking fora No. 33-49 as amended by repealing Section "U" of
portion of )eighth Avenue during certain hours 178, 179 Schedule II thereof and enacting a substitute therefor
" 22- appointed as a member of Planning and
Oeth Mr. Irvin and by adding a new Section "D" to Schedule III
Zoning Commission for term expiring May 24, 1954 thereof ..............._....,.__......_................__..........._...„........._....___._...,_.. 327, 328
and also as a member of the Board of Ad~ustment for 14-Ordinance No. 20-52. An Ordinance designating the alley
the term expiring March 5, 1954 ...._...._....~ ._ _.. 202 lying between St. Ambrose Street and Bunker Hill
Street and abutting the north boundary of Finley ad-
April 7- Ordinance No. 13-52. An Ordinance Amending and Chang- dition as a street to be known as Fairway llrive and
ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, widening the same, and subdividing Lot 2 of 1 of Min-
as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zon- eral Lot 26S to provide for such widening..._..._...____........ 367
ing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to pro- 20-Ordinance No. 21-$2. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance
ecently annexed
vide zoning classification for the area r No. 33-49' by adding a new Section to Schedule IV-2
to the. City ......_... - 203, 204
thereof, restricting parking on Thirteenth Street be-
" 7 -Ordinance No. 14-52. Au Ordinance granting to the Inde- tween Central Avenue and White Street ........_,.-_.._...._..
June 2-Ordinance Na. 22-52. An Ordinance designating Bus Routes 385
pendent School District of Dubuque, Iowa, its sue- in the City of Dubuque .. ................_._.........____..............__419 420
cessors and assigns, the right to construct and main-
fain a six (6) inch cast iron sewage force main be- ,
" 2-Ordinance No. 23-52. An Ordinance establishing a Central ,
ginning at a paint on the south property line of Penn- i
Market; Regulating the display and sale of merchan-
sylvama Avenue at the intersection of Green Street disc thereon; regulating the street and sidewalk dis-
play of food elsewhere in the City of Dubuque; pro-
$xtension and Pennsylvania Avenue; from thence
northeasterly to a paint tern (10) feet west of the viding a penalty for the violation hereof; and. repeal-
centerline of Green Street $xtension; thence contin- ing Ordinance Nos. 36, 1S4 and 24-42 ........................__...._
McDermott and Wright
on behalf of 424, 425
uing northeasterly along a line parallel to and ten (10)
feet west of the centerline of Green Street $xtension ,
Lilliam M. Kassmeyer, making request and demand
to a point eighteen (18) feet west of the east line of that the City of Dubuque institute condemnation pro-
ceedings far the taking of the easterly twenty-five feet
Bunker Hill Street ; thence six hundred twenty-two
(622) feet northerly and along a line parallel to, and of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 33 for street purposes...4S3, 4$4, 529, S30
eighteen (18) feet west of the east line of Bunker 11-Ordinance No. 24-52. An Ordinance Amending and Chang-
Hill Street to the terminal point at an existing manhole, ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
as provided by Ordinance 3-34
sa as to change the
being fifty-five (S5) feet north of the center line of ,
zoning classification of the hereinafter described area
Finley Street, prescribing the conditions of this grant
and regulating the use of said sewer......._.._......211, 212, 269, 270 lying in the vicinity of Garfield Avenue and Stanton
- Street from light industrial district to two family res-
" 7 -Oeschger Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit ........__.._......._... 22S ;z- idence district classification ...._..._.._..._......_........._....4SS, 456, S19
1952 stiBJECT
" 11-Ordinance No. 25 S2, Au Ordinance Amending and Chang-
ing the 'Loring Map of the City of llubuque as pro-
vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of llubuque," so as to change from
Simple Family Residence District to Two-Family
Residence District, the hereinafter described area in
the vicinity of West Twenty-eighth Street and Broad-
way Street .............................................__.........................._....455, 456,
" 30-O'Brien J. Ray, grai;ted Cigarette Permit ..........__._...._............,.....
30-O'Toole Francis and Arlene Pauly, granted Cigarette Permit
" 30-Ott Jaseph J., granted Cigarette Permit _._..••_-_-••.•••_.•••••-..•••-.•-
" 30-Oberhoffer Joseph, granted Cigarette Permit .........._... .....................
" 30-Oeschger Mrs. Margaret, granted Cigarette Permit ._.....__....
" 30-O'Meara Louis, granted Cigarette Permit .....__...................__.......
" 30-Oberho£fer Joseph F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit...........
July 7-Orcutt Fay R., Petition and Waiver ............•..........................._......
7-Orcutt Veryl, Petition and Waiver ...._................._g......~~~~•••-.~~•••
" 7-OrdinaneesNoa 26P 2~ti An Ordinanection etoi SchOe Idinance
No. 33-49 by adding new S ule VI
thereof °•• •••°'•-
16-Original Notice of Petition for Mandamus of I,illiam M.
Kassmeyer .............................,.............................._.........................._...._....
]6-Oberhausen John C, on behalf of the heirs of Richard L.
Wynes, requesting Council to authorize and direct the
execution of quit claim deeds to remove objections to
titles to property of the present owners of I,ot 1 of
I,ot 1 of I,at 2 of I,ot 1 of R. W. Bakers Sub~i~g
sion .............._ .............................._._............. ............_....._.__ ,
" 16-Ordinance No. 27-52. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor
and City Clerk to execute and deliver a quit claim
deed to Dale B. and Hilda A. Wiegand all of the
city's rights, title and interest in and to I,ot 2 of Min-
eral I,ot 337 ...........-......................._............._.............................580,
" 16-Ordinance No. 28-52. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor
and City Clerk to execute and deliver a quit claim deed
to Robert E. Kerth and Annette B. Brimeyer all of
the city's right, title and interest in and to bats 1 and
2 of the Subdivision of I,ot 1 of Mineral I,ot 2'10...581,
" 24-O'Meara Louis, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........__......_.....
Aug. 4-Ordinance No. 29-52. An Ordinance granting to Lloyd C.
Burkart, his heirs or assigns, the right to construct a
sanitary sewer in Dodge Street and prescribing the
conditions of this Grant and regulating the con-
nection with said sanitary sewer _........_...._......__.................
" 4-Ordinance No. 30-52. An. Ordinance grating Chicago, Mil-
waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, its
successors and assigns, the right to cross $ast Six-
teenth Street and East Fifteenth Street with an In-
dustry Track and prescribing terms and conditions...659,
" 4-Ordinance No. 31-52. Ordinance regulating service stations
and requiring a permit for the operation thereof ;
Regulating tank vehicles carrying flammable liquids
within the City of Dubuque; and providing a penalty
for the violation hereof ....................._-.._..................,...............661,
" 4-Ordinance No. 32-52. An Ordinance amending and chang-
ing the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of th
City of Dubvque .........................................._......_....................._........
Sept. 16-OrdiofnHazel St e t2in he CityiofnDub que t gSunnyvie
Drive ................................................_......................,...........,.........._.,_._..._.......
Page ~ 1952 StiBJECT Page
~ Oct. 6-Ordinance No. 34-52. An Ordinance amending and chang-
ing the Zoning Map of the City of llubuque as pro-
, vided by Ordinance No. 3-43, designated Zoning Ordi-
Hance of the City of Dubuque so as to change from
j Single Family Residence District to I,acal Business
I District l,ot 5 in Hodges Subdivision.........._.........,..~ ............... 898, 93S
- 13-Ordinance No. 3S-S2. An Ordinance providing for the re-
519 S20 ~ moval, repair or dismantling of dangerous buildings
, 513
~ or structures and for the assessment of the cost there-
S13 of; and repealing Sections 540 to 545 inclusive of the
513 Building Code .........................._...............,....,...,...........................................,.. 927, 928
513 13-Ordinance No. 36-52. An Ordinance creating and establish-
S14 mg~ a pension and retirement system to be known and
Sl$ i • designated as the Dubuque Water Department Retire-
S18 . meat System, providing for admiri,tration thereof and
, describing the benefits payable thereunder ........_.930, 940, 941, 942
S2S ?yov. 3-Ott Joseph J., requesting a refund on unexpired p~ortio~n of
52S } his Cigarette Permit ....................................._................................_.... 93S
S2S 28-Ordinance No. 37-SZ. An Ordinance replacing Ordinance
Dec. 9-Olznsky M. B. and Arthur Trausch, performance bond in
$27 r the amount of $24,000.00 covering improvement of
Blississippi Heights Subdicision ................_..............._...._................ 972
577 9-OTrien J. Ray, granted Class `B" Beer Permit ...... ....................... 983
23-Ordinance Nn. 38-52. Au Ordinance allocating and making
appropriatirnu of tax levies and other sources of reve~-
` rue to the expenditures for City Government in the
City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning January
' 1, 1953 and ending December 31, 1953 and authorizing
639, 640 certain transfers of funds ................_.....................,....................__... 1013
581, 694
694, 69S
659, 697 '
698, 937
662, 663
663 , 749
844 '
(' ic"~': e
1952 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 7-Park Board, submitting resolution finding that the lot at
the corner of Dodge and Booth Streets and described
as the south part of Lot 2 of 3 of Mineral I,ot 158 is
unfit for park purposes and recommending that the
City Council sell said property and the pTOCeeds of the
sale of said property be placed m the park fund_..__.._.. I8, 19
" 7-Playground and Recreation Commission, requesting the
City Council to retain the property at the corner of
Dodge and Booth Streets, described at the south part
of Lot 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 158 far the further de-
velopment of recreational facilities ...._.__........».......»..._..... 19
" 7-Playground and Recreation Commission, asking Council to
grant attention to the passage of an ordinance, granting
the right to set aside certain streets as play areas.......... 19
" 7-Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial of
the petition of Torbert Drug Company ._ 20 21
" 7-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of
the petitions of J. C. Scully and Glenview Motel........_ 21
" 7-Pickett Street, recommendation of City Manager Schiltz
that parking be restricted on South s~ e rom
._.... ............._....,_.._....
Street to Henion Street 23
" 7-Pappas Mrs. Ruby, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..__».___... 32
Feb. 4-Perfection Oil Company, submitting objections to the adop-
tion of the proposed ordinance for the vacation of
Lime Street from north property line of Kimball
Street northerly to Milwaukee Railroad Right-of-way
and the conveyanco of that portion of Lime Street to
Dubuque Stone Pralucts Company ».............».._..»......_...__.. 43, 44
" 4-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending approval
of the Plat of "Strub's Subdivision"..._...._...,_......._»........_. S8, S9
" 4-Payrolls for month of December, 1951...._....,...__.».._...._.__......» 67
" 4-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of
the petition of Frank Specht asking vacation of alley
from umn Street easterl ... 68, 69
" 4-Planning and Zoning Commission, advising Council that Mr.
Harold L. Moldt, Jr., has withdrawn his petition re-
questing the rezoning of Lots 13, 14, 1S and 16 Shaff-
ner's Sub. on Valeria Strcet ........._.........._.._...__.._..__._..,_..._.... 69
" 4-Province Wm. Jr. and Helen E., petition and waiver for
construction of sanitary sewer in Mount Vernon 72
Court ._..._..._....,..._........_ ....................._.... _.__..._.......__._..._......_....._.__ .
" 4-Province Wm. Jr. and Helen E., petition and waiver for
improvement of Mount Vernon Court with concrete
pavement ....., ............................................_.......,__._...,..,__....._..»..
Mar. 3-Power of Attorney, of C. H. Sanner revoked ...._.._.._._...____.._ 7S
" 3-Park Board of the City of Dubuque, stating that they are
desirous of selling a piece of property described as Lot
2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 in L. H. Langworthys Sub. of
Out Lats Nos. 676, 677 and Lot not numbered on
Official Plat of Dubuque, between Nas. 677 and 678
to Charles Le Pert ._ .............__...._...,..._...»...,..__..._..._...»_.......,..._ 105, 106
" 3-Precincts established .........................................._.._._.107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112
" 3-Planning and Zoning Commission recommending denial of ,
the petitioq of Mrs. Charles Record et al, requesting
rezoning of Glen Oak Street between University Ave-
nue and Loras Blvd..._.......,..._.._..._ ..............._.................._..,._......._. 112
" 3-Planni and Zanm Commission, submitting recommenda-
~ g
classifications for newly annexed
s of
,.,...,..^........_.._»..._.._ ......................._..._.......____....112,
area 113, 114
" 3-Payrolls far month of January, 1952..____.......»............_...,...__....... 115
" 3-Pfalzgraf Ernest W. and A. L. Fecker, granted Class "C"
Beer Permit .._..................._.._.............».,.....__.._ ................_..,............_.. 124, 125
1952 SUBJECT Page
' 22-Poole Mrs. Hilda, Notice of Claim ...._......_ .............__.._..._.....__..__.... 170, 214
" 22-Payrolls for month of February, 1952........ ....................,__..............,_,.. 175
April 7-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of
the petition of the Geo. Bock Company, asking that
their property oq U. S. Highway No. 20 now Dodge
Street in• the newly annexed area, be zoned as Light
Industrial District ...,__.. ._..._...__.......__..._.._........_,.....»... 208
" 7-Pitz Art (City Cab Company) taxi-cab policy ._._........_.._,......._ 216
" 15-Potts Irvinl J., Original Notice of Suit ...._ .............___._»._.....»__ 266
t 1S-Population of City of Dubuque, certificate of Bureau of the
Census ......._._.._...,..._.._ ......................,_..........,.._......_..._...._.........__._.__.. 267
" 1S-Payrolls for month of March, 1952 ._ ............._...._.._....._......._.._..._... 271
" 15-Pearl Street, improvement from east property line of
? O'Hagen Street to west property line of McCormick
Street with curb and guttcr.._..._._.....,__.__..._.......»....»......,_..... 285, 286
...........,..,_ ...............316, 317, 377 ,413, 446, 849, 850, 910, 911, 912, 913
May 5-Power of Attorney, of Clarence H. Sanner ._...........»....._..__,..._. 319
t 5-Pearl Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam surfac-
ing from east property line of O'Hagen Street to
west property line of McCormick Street ._._...._... 350, 3S1
' ._._..._..........._ ...............................__..._._................_.._...............404, 405, 451, 99$, 999
~ S--Pu}'ic Safety Fund, the sum of $3,300.00 transferred from
the Recreation Fund to said fund .........._._„_.._.._..._..._..__.... 357
" 14-Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting for Council
approval the plat of Mississippi Heights Subdivision._.. 369, 370
20-Payrolls for mouth of April, 1952 .........._....._.._.._.........__.._.._.,... 387
June Notice of Claim ....._. ................_„
2-Pfeiffer Mrs. George 417, 456
" ,
4-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting
the petition of William J. Frye and others _.....__._..__..._ 421
" 2-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of
the petition of Miss Hilda Dietrich __.__ . __. 421
.g g g
denial of
E. Kr p
n J• g 422
2-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting
the petition of Leo J. Eishach and others .......,_.._»___.._.._. 422
Z-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of
the petition of Wilhelmina Walter ..___._....___.._.._...._,.._... 423
" ]1-Pearl Street, from east property line of O'Hagen Street to
west property line of McCormick Street, sewer and
water connections .....,.._.._......,.....,_......._..............,................_.....,....._ 469
" 30-Power of Attorney, of John C. Duffy revoked ....,.....___...,..._.._„ S06
" 30-Power of Attorney, of John C. Duffy and Leo F. Mc-
Donough ...............,.., .............................__.._...__.._._...,.,_.__._...._..,.,., 506
30-Pfchl Eldon A. aml others, requesting the installation of
parking meters on Central Avenue between 16th
Street and 17th Street ....................._........._..__......___........_...__......._ 5fl8
„ 30-Payrolls for month of May, 1952 ..._...,.._ .............___..............__........,... 509
30-Petrakis John, appointed as member of Recreation Com-
mission term expiring July 5, 1955 ......,.......»._........_...__.._......_ SI1
" 30-Page Hotel Company, granted Cigarette Permit ....____..........._... 512
" 30-Potterveld Fred C. and Winnifrcd, granted Cigarette Permit 512
30-Peryan A. G., granted Cigarette Permit ........._ ................._......._......,. 512
" 30-Pusateri Gus, granted Cigarette Perma .._ ..................__........_..._......... Sl2
3~-Pauly Cletus N., granted Cigarette Permit _..._.._...»..___......_.._, 513
" 30-Polfer Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit .._ ................_.......__.... 513
" 30-Peed Mrs. Kathryn and Raymond G. Wunder, granted
• Cigarette Permit .................................................._..._........_...,.._..................... 513
" 30-Pfalzgraf Ernest W. and Anthony L. Fecker, granted Cig-
arette Permit .... ..............._....................,..,.......,..........,........,........_......._......_.. S14
" 30-Petrakis Peter, granted Ci~arctte Permit ...............„.....___....._.
.....__ Sl4
" 30-Powers William, granted Cigaretet Permit _ ..........................__....._.. S14
" 30-Porter Alfred G, granted Cigarette Permit , ..._. 515
p ,' P
granted Cigarette Permit ............._...,........,......._...
30-Petrakis John S1S ' 3-Perry Street, Sanitary Sewer and Lift Station with force
30--Pusateri Michael A. and Gus, granted Cigarette Permrt......_....
granted Cigarette Permit :......................._.._.._..
3(>--Pusateri Frank J. 515
S15 mom-construction of _ ...................................____.....,...._..._........,_....
Dec. 9-Primasing Walter L., Notice of Claim ...._....,...._....,.................,............ 948
30-Paradiso Joseph A., granted Cigarette Permit .........._.....,.._......... S1S 9-Parker James M., submitting offer to purchase a piece of
30-Peed Mrs. Kathryn and Raymond G. Wunder, granted ~ city property facing Rosedale Avenue on the easterly
Class "B" Beer Permrt ...................._................,...............,.__.._.._.. 516, 517 side of Lot 1 of Rosedale. Addition No. 2....._.........,..._..... 975
Pauly Cletus N., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......_..,......_...._..
30- 516, 517 ~ 9-Plotncr F. I, requesting the surfacing of Burden Avenue
7-Petition and Waiver of John H, and Helen M, Krepfte..._...... S24 between Edith Street and north City Limits ....__.._.,...,.. 976
7-Petition and Waiver of llale J. and Mrs. Dale J. hurry..... $24 ~ 9-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting
7-Petition and lNaiver of Reuben A. and Mrs. Reuben A. the petition of Eleanor and George, Adams, request-
. .............,...........-............,..............,....................._........._............_
Strickland S24 ing the vacation of alley abutting hots 18, 19, 20 Bab-
7-Petition and Waiver of Fay R. Orcutt ....................................._.._...... 52S cock's Addition .................__..........._...___._........_.__.._._......_........_._. 978
7-Petition and Waiver of Mrs. Catherine Furry ......_..,...,.._............_ 525 9-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of
7-Petition and Waiver of Mrs. Fan Orcutt....., ....................._....._.,,_,..,..
Veryl Orcutk ....,..._..__......_...............
and Waiver of Mrs
S25 the petition of Francis and May Gruber, requesting va-
I cation of the alley off Levi Street ...._...........__......___.._.._....
7-Petition and Waiver of Mr. and Mrs. Cledis Kelley .............._ 526 1 9-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting
7-Petition and Waiver of Tohn G. and Sylvia B, Ewert.._.....__ 526 r the petition of Andrew Conzett et al........... ....................._...,..... 979
7-Petition and Waiver of $lmer M. and Dorothy M. Furry..... 52'6 r 9-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending approval
nand Wavier of Ralph R. an rs.
7-petitia of the plat of ~-Veidenbachers Sub. on Kauffman
.. .... _
S26 Avenue ......._ ........................_..._..._.................._..............._....................,...,......._..
°° 979
• arvey.....~__.....
Genev~eve G
7-Petition and Waiver of James and
S27 9-plat of Weidenbachers Subdivision on Kauffman Ave-
7 Petition and Waiver of William J. and Mrs. Wm, Lembke..... 527 Hue, approval of said glat ....................._.............._........_..__._.._.._.... 979
on Dodge Street between Bryant Street and
7-Parkway 9-Pa rolls for month of October, 1952 ............................._..._........_.....
y 980
Grandview Avenue, removal of same; also removal of 23-Pa
yy olls for month of November, 1952 _.................,...._..,.._.,_...,....
boulevard lights in the center of the same...._ ....................... 530
7-Pinard Street, improvement from 1SP feet south of south
property line of East 30th Street to nort
line of East 26th Street...562, 563, 618, 619, 620, 671, 710, 711, 737
24-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending approval
of the petition of Grand Opera House Company, Inc.
et all .........., ........................._...._........_.._......._..._..__........,.........._....._......_.... 638
24-Payrolls for month of June, 1952 ............_.._............,. .............................. 641
14-Payrolls for month. of July, 1952 ........._.._........ .............._,...._........... 699
2-Palmer Mrs. John A., claim ..................__.............._......._..,•......__.......... 795, 84S r~
2-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending granting
of the petition of Anna M. Gonner et al, requesting ,
vacation of dead end alley south of Plymouth Street
between Granview Ave. and Victoria Street ......_._,...,.... 799
9-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the
easterly SO feet of Lat 5 Hodge's Sub. owned by J.
W, and Mae G. Lundin be rezoned to Local Business
District ...... .............................~............._................................_........,....,...,...... 827
16-Payrolls for month of August, 1952 ....._..._...._...__.._.._....__..,.._.. 84S '
6-Palm Helen M. and others, requesting the installation of a
street light at Sullivan and Levi Streets ...... ........................... 893, 927
6-Powers William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...........__............. 897 Q
13-Potterveld Winnifrcd S., authorized to make street im-
provement an Simpson Street ............_.._........ .................._.......... 924, 92S Mar. 3-Quinlan Robert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .....,..._.... 124, 125
3-Power of Attorney for Clarence H. Sanner issued by Auto-
Owners Insurance Company ..
937 Aril 15
p -Quade Frank and others ,property owners on Strauss Street
3-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of ~ from east property line of Burden Avenue to west
the petition of Harold S. and Katherine A. Wagner, property line of Windsor Avenue, requesting Council
requesting the rezoning of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Con- to delete from the street im ravement ro r
~ P p gam the above
Holly's Sub. to Local Business Classificatiorli... ...................
3-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of 943 portion of Strauss Street........._........._.............................,.,_..._........... 267,
June 30--Quinlan Robert J. and Evelyn, granted Cigarette Permit........... S30
the petition of Mabel L. Hetland et al,, requesting the July 7-Queen Street, improvement with bituminous concrete surface
rezoning of the N, E. and S. E. corners of Grandview from north property line of Edwards Street to north
Avenue and llubuque-Cascade Highway to Local Bus- property line of Lot 12 Mettel's Subdivision._......._..... 564, 56S
mess Classification ............................... __...-..............,...,.....,...,..... 943 ~ •••••••••••-•••--••-•••••••••-••••••••••••••-•••-•620, 621, 622, 672, 711, 712, 738, 999, 1000
th of September, 1952 ..... ......................,....................
3-Payrolls for mo 944
3-Pusateri Frank granted Class "C" Beer Permrt._,....._.......... 947, 948
1952 SUBJECT P age 1952
R r ::
Jan. 7-Receipts for month of November, 1951, proof of publication 17 ~ "
" 7-Randall's Subdivision Lot 1 of 3, setting time for hearing
same ._..,...._.__....__...._
on a proposal to dispose o , "
<< same to
7-Rosedale Addition, Lot 1, proposal to dispose o 31 42 ~ Oct.
Feb Independent School District ._......_._..__..__...,
g y „ ,. „
4-Rafoth Mrs. R. L., thankm Cit klanager and City Council ,
. for their efforts m securing bus service for the P'azk ~
Hill District ..................__._......_......._.....______._._......,_......,....
4-Receipts for month of December, 1951, proof of publication S6
63 "
" 4-Roth Arthur J. Jr., Itfilk Inspector, bond ...._..._... ..___... 6S
Mar. 4-Rettenherger Wendelin, Park Superintendent, bond ...._...--
3-Receipts for month of January ,1952; proof of publication 106 Nov.
" 3-Reckord Mrs. Charles et al, requesting rezoning of Glen
Oak Street between University Avenue and I,oras
Boulevard ..................._...,...__........._...._............_.......___......_._..._....
3-Ramona Street, improvement from 240 feet north of Adeline '
Street to 100 feet south of south property line of
r Dec.
Adeline Street with curb and gutter ......,...
223, 280, 339, 829, 913, 914,
..,..161 ,
915, 916 ~~
" ,
22-Ramona Street, improvement from 240 feet north of north
property line of Adeline Street to 100 feet south of
south property hne of Adeline Street with. asphaltic
.. 195, 196, 257, 258,
macadam surfacing .........,.....__..........._. 259, 333
April 7-Rettenmaier John G. and Marie, requesting refund on Cig-
" arette Permit ................,...,........_.._.._......_...__......._..._...__.._..........
7-Receipts for month of February, 1952, proof of publication 210 ~
" 7-Rider Street improvement with curb and gutter from west
property line of South Grandview Avenue to east
.. __..
property line of Perry S3r ,
30S 306 373, 37
........_.,..,...._...._......,........... 4, 414, 447, 810
" ._..._
15-Robey Harlan, Notice of Claim .._....._.,,._..____,..___..... . 266
" 15-Recreation Fund, the amount of $6,600.00 transferred from
Emergency Fund to said fund ......_.._.._........___..,........._.._..... 273, 318
May S-Release of Florence Moy Clark ....._.....,_...._..__..............._.. ................,
320 320
" ore...._......._..............
5-Release of George E. and Hilda C. ,
" S-Rahloff Barbara, requesting suspension of the 1951 taxes on
East % of Lot 352 of East Dubuque Addition .,_........ 321, 639 `
" S-Receipts for month of March, 1952, proof of publication.... 323
5-Rider Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam surfac-
ing from west property line of South Grandview
Avenue to east property line of Perry Street.,....__.._.
.....................__....._..,..........__...............406, 407, 452, 877, 878, 879, 880
" S-Recreation Fund, the sum of $3,300.000 transferred into ,
Public Safety Fund and the sum of $3,300.00 trans-
ferred into the Sanitation Fund .._....._.........._._........__.....,...._ 3S7
" 20-Receipts for month of April, 1952, proof of publication........_ 386
June 2-Reuter Clara M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit._...._.,..._._ 443, 444
30-Receipts for month of May, 1952, proof of publication......,...
" 30-Rawson Harry A. and Grace, granted Cigarette Permit ._...... 512
" 30-Ruegnitz B. A., granted Cigarette Permit ...._.............____....._........ 513
" 30--Ragatz George, Jr., granted Cigarette Permit ..........,....__......... 513
" 30-Reuter Clara M., granted Cigarette Permit _........_.._.....,............ S14
" 30-Ring Louis A., granted Cigarette Permit _.........._._.................._..
i S1S
" t .~....._.._..............._....
30-Rink Richard G., granted Cigarette Perm
i 51S
t ..._..._...____..._,_..
30-Ring Donald A., granted Cigarette Perm
" 30-Rawson Harry A. and Grace, granted Class "B°' Beer
Permit ..............._......,...............___...,.......,...._......_......__,_......._,._...._..... ,
July 7-Riedi Martin and others, with reference to the river front
or the mooring
~s used
hich area
f pleasuree S23 ~
,~ p
24-Rece~ is for month of uly, 1952, roof of ublication.._.... 638
24-Railroad Crossings, matter of blocking railroad crossings
by Chicago Great Western Railway Company ....,.............. 644
14-Rent control _ ................,.._....._.,,................_.....695, 731, 796, 824, 851, 852, 924
22-Receipts for. month of July, 1952, proof of publication.........., 732
6-Reuter Frank and others, requesting that street lights be
installed on corner of Woodlawn and Asbury Streets
and one block further west on Asbury Street............,...... 893, 944
6-Receipts for month of August, 1952, proof of publication...._ 894
6-Roshek Bros. Company, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..,...... 897
13-Richardson C. H., authorized to make street improvement
on Simpson Street ............-.........,...,........_...,........._..,.._..._.._ ............... 924, 92S
3-Riley Johu W. and others, requesting the installation of
curbs and gutters ou Seminary Street between St.
Ambrose Street and Bunker Hill Road .................._.......,, 939
3-Receipts for month of September, 1952, proof of publication 940
3-Regular monthly meeting of City Council of December 1st,
1952 postponed until December 9th, 1952 ....................._....._ 946
9-Receipts for month of October, 1952, proof of publication..,.. 977
23-Roussel oRse, Original Notice of Suit ..._..._..._...,............._......... 1007
23-Reelfs Henry A., submitting statement of costs for con-
struction of sewer on Davenport Street ......._........_....._.. 1007, 1008
23-Receipts for month of November, 1952, proof of publication 1009
23-Rossiter Panl, architects agreement for designing a swim-
ming pool ...........,.,,........_.,.,,......,.,.....,......,........... ...........................,1009, 1010, 1011
'y .
1952 SUBJ;~CT Page ~ 1952 SUBJ)3CT Page
$ ~ ~ S
Jan. 7-Schiltz I,. J., appointment as City Manager .......................,........._.,.... 1 22- Schueller Councilman, appointed as a member of the City
7-Shea J., a ointment as Cit Clerk ...._............,. ............................
`° J• PP Y
1 ! Assessor examining Board .............._........_..........._.....__. ............. 17S
7-Schroeder Melvin J., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit 14 22-
~ Sewage treatment, plans to be deevloped in conformity with
" 7-Schroeder Melvin J., requesting refund an Class "B" Beer requirements of the state on or before July 1, 1954...,. 181, 182
......_.... ,.
P 15 1 22- Sfikas Pete S., granted Cigarette Permit ......,......_...,........,...._.... 182
one his
7-Scull C., wrthdrawm his a licaUou to rez
g PP
J 22- Simpson Street improvement from west property line of
ro ert as a business district ................,..........._..
p P Y
~ ~ '=
Fremont Avenue to west property line of Cross Street,
" 7-Sweeney Marvin, settlement of claim ,......._... ,......._,.._.....,.._..._.._ 22 F : with asphaltic macadam surfacing.....197, 198, 260, 261, 333, 334
" 7-School Crossing signal, recommendation of City Manager
?. 22-
Stetmore Street, improvement from south property line of
Schiltz for installation of same at Windsor and ;~ast bombard Street to a point 660 feet south, with as-
Twenty-Second Street ......._-.. ................,,.,...................._,......... 23 phallic macadam surfacing ........_............198, 199, 262, 263, 334 1002
" 7-Sanitary sewer, in Sullivan and Levi Streets, construction 22-- -Strauss Street, improvement from west property line of
of .........................................................................................29, 30, SQ 51, S2, S3, S4 ~ Burden Avenue to east property line of Brunswick
29-Stanley C. M., Stanley 1~ngineering Company, explaining I Street, with asphaltic macadam surfacing...._..-...,._...-.._. 200, 201
the details of the flood control plan.._............. .._ 36 ~ .......264, 265, 335, 884, 885, 886, 887
q g permission
Feb. 4-Smith Alexander F. and Roselina C., re uestin ~ April 7- Schiltz L. J, appointed City Manager_.._........_......................_......... 203
to construct cement curb and gutter, at their expense ~ 7- Shea) J. J•, appointed City Clerk ...................„..............,.,__,................... 203
on the east side of Ramona Street .....,.,.....__..,_......_............._ S8 7- Seubert and Fessler, asking permission to excavate in the
" 4-Schueller John R., requesting refund on his Cigarette Permit
" 58 ~ streets and alleys ................._.....,....._..........._. ..................,.................. 206
" 4-Schueller Jahn R., requesting refund on his Class 7- Schmitt Chester C., requesting permission to extend the san-
Permit .........................._..,.._....................................._..,........_........ 58
~ itary sewer from the existing manhole, which is 383
" 4-Strubs Subdivision, approval of Plat ..._..........__, .............59, 60, 61, 106 • feet $ast of the center line of Windsor Avenue,
" 4-Schiltz bavenie J., City Manager, bond .........._._......._..........,.,.... 6S ~ for a distance of 8S feet to serve Lot 1 of 2, of 4 of
" 4-Shea J. J, City Cleric, band .........................................._....._.._....._..„......... 6S ~ the N. 1;. Quarter of Section 13, Township 84 North,
" 4-Sutton Nicholas J., Recreational Director, bond . .............._......._ 65 Range 2 ;~ast of the 5th P. M.........._........_......_,......._...207, 269, 323
" 4-Stroh Joseph H., resignation as Chief of Police effective a ~' 7- Stoffel Leroy and Wife, requesting the extension of street
February 1st, 1952 ,_ ..........................................._............._...._.........,.... 67 lights on West 32nd Street ,. ,.........._.._........._........_..... 207, 328
" 4-School Crossing Signal, to be installed at Fifteenth and ~ 7- Splinter Mrs, Clarence and others, requesting the installa-
Central Avenue ..........,.._.........._...._..............._......._...~.._ .............. 67 lion of street lights on Primrose and Keokuk Streets
" 4-SI~cht Frank ,asking vacation of alley from Quinn Street and also on Primrose and Kane Streets ........,,.....,...... 247
easterly, recommendation of Planning and Zoning 7-Steger Fay Thomas and others, requesting that the water
Commission that petition be denied ................_.............. 68, 69 ~ mains be extended from their present terminal on
p p b _......._........
4-Street im rovement ro~ram, list of streets .. 79, 80
Delhi Street southwesterly to the City Limits_ ...................
" 4-Schroeder Don, granted Cigarette Permit ..........................,.._.... 84 7- Steffen Helen, requesting refund an Cigarette Permit ..._.... 209
" 4-Schwartz Lawrence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............... 85 7- Steffen Helen, requesting refund an Class "B" Beer Permit 209
revocation of Power of Attorney ............._........
3-Sanner C
Mar 102
" 7-
Scherrer Charles C., requesting refund on Cigarette Permit
209, 210
requesting that National Street
" 3-Schepple Frank H. et al 7- Stoffregen Louis, reappointed as a member of the Plan
from Muscatine Street to Burlington Street intersec-
mng and Zoning Commission term expiring May
lion be graded, curbed and surfaced .............._...........,..,_...
name changes ........._..................,.._ ............................._.....................
" 3-Street
116, 103
117 ' „
.................,........._.._..........._ ........................_..,,.........._.............
Schiltz J. H., reappointed as a member of the Planning and
" 3-Stoffregen Louis, reappointed as a member of Board of
7- Zoning Commission term expiring May 24, 1957...,.........
Seubert &Fessler
excavation bond 216
Adjustment, said term expiring March S, 1957 ...............
granted Class "B" Beer Permit .........
" 3-Schneller Mathias A
124, 118
12S ,
7-Sfikas Peter S., granted Class "B" Beer Permit................_....,:.. 226
" 3-Simpson Street, improvement, south side, from west prop- 7-Schroeder Donald F., granted Class "C" Beer Permit.........._..
7-Sanitary sewer
to construct in Apple Street from existing 226
erty line of Fremont Avenue to a point 12S feet west
of west property line of Cross Street with curb and ,
manhole in Rush Street to 210 feet north,..._ .............._...... 237, 238
gutter .........................................,........,.....,...,.........,......,.._.., ~
140 ......._........308, 309, 310, 375, 415, 416, 448, 688, 788, 789, 790, 791
281, 339, 830, 917, 918,
920 7- Sanitary Sewer, to construct in Kaufman Avenue from the
" 3-Stetmore Street, improvement, east side from south property existing manhole opposite the southeast career of Lot
4S in Burtons addition; thence northwesterly 47 feet
line of Lombard Street to a point 660 feet south with
curb and gutter .................... .... , ...... 140, 141 at angle of 4S degrees from existing sewer line to
881, 882,
....................... ~. . 883, 884 Wort property line of Kaufman Avenue; thence west-
" 3-Strauss Street improvement from west property line of Bur- er y along north property line of Kaufman Avenue a
den Avenue to east property line of Brunswick Street distance of 794 feet; thence south a distance of 62
with curb and gutter ....................................._,_............ 142, 143 feet across Kaufman Avenue with 8 inch sewer line..... 238, 239
168, 169, 170, 224, 225, 282, 339, 718, 719, 812, 839, 840,
1S- .. 240, 311, 312, 313, 375, 416, 417, 448, 689, 791, 792,
° °-•
Steffen Clifford
granted Cigarette Permit 793, 794
" 22-Schmitt Frank, Original Notice of Suit ....,..._...._ ......................,
" 22-Sand Mike and others, property owners on Davenport Street, 171, S09
" 1S- ,
., ,.._................
Steffen Clifford, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................._
requesting the construction of curb and gutter and May S- State Comptroller, approval of the transfer of $6,b00.00
grading of said street from National Street to Stoltz ~ from $mergency Fund to Recreation Fund ....................,_.. 318
Street ........................,.....,.......,,....................._................,.................._......., 172 S- Sanner Clarence H., Power of Attorne
y .................,...,...,...............
1952 SU B J>~CT
~ 1952
requesting that same definite action be taken
°° 5-Schiltz A. J
regarding the installation of a sewer at his residence...._ 322, 418 ~
" S-Sanitation Fund, the sum of X3,300.00 transferred from
3S7 F
r ~~
the Recreation Fund to said fund ........._.............__.._...,..._.... ; .
" 14-Skelton Mrs. Pearl, Notice of Claim ._.........__.._...._..____..._...__ 365, 387
" 20-Street lights, to be installed at the intersection of Windsor „
Avenue and Strauss Street, also on Southern Avenue ~ „
between 805 and 82S ..._......_.._........_.._......_..............._.._.__.._... 386 <
" 20-Storm Relief Sewer, i^ Eighth Street, Section B, from
386 ~ „
White Street to its outlet, acceptance of same..__...._.......
" 20-Sherman Mrs. )~mma, settlement of claim ....__..._......._........___ 387, 388
June Z-Soutiern Avenue, improvement with curb and gutter from
east property line of South Grandview Avenue to ''
90 feet east of the west property line of Sullivan
Street ...._....._........_............._..._.._.__........,......._.435, 436, 437, 486,
487, ~
" 2-Schaller Mildred M. and Clara R., granted Class "B"
Beer Permit ....._ ........................__....._._......._..__..._.._ ......_... 443,
" 11-St. Peter Lutheran Church Council, requesting that consid- ~
eration be given to the passage of an ordinance to
eliminate parking on the easterly side of the street, „
or the righthand side from Jackson Street through
Twenty-first to Kniest Street, also that parking of „
cars and trucks on both sides of the street should be
eliminated by the railroad crossing signals... . 454, $1 y
" 11-Southern Avenue, improvement with asphaltic macadam
surfacing from east property line of South Grandview
Avenue to 90 feet east of east property line of Su]-
.., ..... 465, 466,
livan Street .._.........._..._..........._.._,._._......_._ 497, S84
and water connections, ordered on various street
" 11th-Sewer
t 528 S29
s .........___ ............ ............._....
im rovemen ,
" 11-Simpson Street, from west property hne of Fremont Ave- ~ „
nue to a point 12S feet west of west property line of
Cross Street, sewer and water connections ._..... _ 469 ,
" 11-Stetmore Street, from south property line of Lombard
Street to a point 660 feet south, sewer and water 470 t ~~
connections ......._ ......................._.,.............._........_.........__. ._...
" 30-Standard Oil Company, submitting copy of Loan Agreement
for Farm Storage Umt Single .....__......_............___............... S05 `
" 30-Schroeder L. A., requesting that street lights be installed
in the. 1100 Block on $dina Street and also at the ~
corner of Glen Oak and Fdina Street __........._ ._. 506
" 30-Seubert L. R. and others, opposing the installation of park-
ing meters on Central Avenue in the 1600 Block......._._... 503
" 30-Schiltz L. J. City Manager, appointed as member of Recre-
ation Commission term expiring July S, 19SS_..._....__. 511
" 30-Scherrer Gerald C., granted Cigarette Permit ..__......._............... 511 ~ w
" 30-Schaetzle Jahn, granted Cigarette Permit ......___......___.._.._... Sll
~~ g ..._..
30-Scherer James H., granted Ci arette Permit 511
30-Scherr ames J., granted Ci arette Permit ..
~~~~ _... ~~~ ~~~~~
" S12
rmit .................._........
30-Sun Leo, granted Cigarette S12
" 30-Schneller Richard, granted Cigarette Permit ..._........_. S12 «
" 30-Seeley Gaylon C., granted Cigarette Permit .._.._.....__...._.._....._.. 512 ,
30-Sand Frank and $lsie, granted Ci arette Permit ._ S12
~~ ~ g
30-Sand Mane, granted Ci arette Permit _............__.._.... 512
" 30-Savory William and Viola, granted Cigarette Permit .._..__. 512 Aug
" 30-Siege Joseph J. Jr. and Ferdinand W. Kenniker, granted
Cigarette Permrt ._...__........._....._.__.._..._........_........_._.._ 512
" 30-Smith Harry J. Sr., granted Cigarette Permit ._......_.__......_. S13 „
" 30-Sfikas Pete S., granted Cigarette Permit ........._..... ................_..__._, 513
" 30-Schneider Joseph C., granted Cigarette Permit .........__.......__._.._ 513 ~ „
" 34-Solomon Jack, granted Cigarette Permit ...__........_..............._.._.__... S13 ~
" 30-Syke Raymond, granted Cigarette Permit ....,.._....._.......__.._....._.,
SI3 }
~.k ~~ it
~ Cl
30-Schmit Anthony, granted Cigarette Permit ...................,... ................. S13
30-Schwartz Lawrence, granted Cigaretet Permit ........._............._.. 513
34-Schwegman Robert P., granted Cigaretet Permit .........._-............ 513
30-Sauser Norbert H., granted Cigarette Permit .._.........._......_.......... 514
30Steffen Clifford, graned Cigarette Permit ................._............_..._.._._ 514
30-Sullivan Genevieve, granted Cigarette Permit .._...__.._.._.........,._. S14
30-Steinhoff Harold, granted Cigarette Permit .....,......._._ .............._ 514
30-Sullivan Robert 1:., granted Cigarette Permit .................._..,..._,.._.. S14
30-Snyder Charles T. and )~lsie, granted Cigarette Permit ...,._.. S1S
34-Schuster Donald W., granted Cigarette Permit ..........__......_.._.. S15
30-Spechtl Harold 0., granted Cigarette Permit _....._ ............._......... S15
c roe
ono d, gra
eg igarette
rt ••--
-..~...,._....._......_ 515
30-St. Jose h Merc Hos ital Gift Sho , ranted. Cigarette
_... • ••-.• ••
Permd _.._..,........____..._......_._.....___.__..___ 515
30-Schneller Mathias A., granted Cigarette Permit ._.._.....„..,....,.... 515
30-Schaller Mildred M. and Clara R, granted Cigarette Permit S15
30-Stampfer J. F. Company, granted Cigarette Permit ....__..__._, 515
30-Sand Frank and )~lsie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit_._.... 516, S17
30-Savary William and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 516, S17
30-Sand Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....__.__..~..._..____.... 516, 517
30-Sullivan Genevieve, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....__.._.... 516, 517
30-Schneller Richard, granted, Class "C" Beer Permit .._._.........._.. 517, 518
30-Solomon Jack, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .._..._..__....._.._._.... 517, S18
7-Shiloh Circle, No. 27 Ladies of the Grand Army of the
Republic, requesting permission to hold a tag day__.._ $23
7-Strickland Reuben A. and Mrs. Reuben A., Petition and
Waiver ...____.._.._....__.......__.._.....__......._...,., ._..__........_...,.. S24
7-Southern Avenue, improvement with bituminous concrete sur-
face from west property line South. Locust Street to
east property line of Sullivan Street .................__......... S6S, S66
_._.__..____........... ....................... 523, 624, 672, 673, 712, 738
7-Stafford Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur-
face from west property line of Garfield Avenue: to
a point 75 feet north of north property line of Henne-
pin Street ...._........_..567, 568, 625, 626, 627, 673, 713, 739, 1000, 1001
7-Strauss Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur-
face from west property line of Windsor Avenue to
east property line of Burden Avenue ....,.....,.._.. ..............___.... 568, 569
_.__.._..._._.._.._.....,_. _.._...._.__...S7Q, 627, 628, 629, 674, 714, 739, 1043
7-Sanitary sewer, in Kane and Primrose Streets to con-
struct ._..._.._.._........573, 574, 647, 648, 649, 699,, 800, 801, 826, 832
16-Schroeder Robert W., Notice of Claim ...._..__.......__..........._......,. 577, 639
16-Smith Leonard T, and Francis E., conveying to the City
of Dubuque by quit claim deed any and all parts of
Lots 1 and 2 of Rose Hill addition which lie east of
the easterly line of Lot 2 of 3 of Lot 1 of "Smith-
Southern Ave. Place" ......_......_.............._......._._...........___„_....... 579, S80
16-Smith Leonard T. and others, withdrawing their petition
objecting to the surfacing of Southern Avenue from
Grandview Avenue providing that the existing storm
water condition is remedied ...__..._..._....._.._,,._.....,........_.._....,: S84
24-Stribley Mrs. Kenneth and others, requesting some relief
from the parking restrictions in the vicinity of 21st
Street from Jackson Street to $lm Street___....,.._.. 637, 660
24-Specht Harold 0., granted Class "C" Cigarette Permit__.. 644
14-Street Commissioner, authorized to attend the American
or s Association Meetin at Los
_._...___...._ .. _.. __...._g.._._..___.. 699
14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on Booth Street be-
tween University Avenue and Loras Blvd..._.722, 740, 797, 817
14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on Delaware Street
between Avoca Street and Algona Street..........722, 741, 798, 818
1952 SUBJECT Page
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered an East 26th Street
between Central Avenue and C. G. W. Railroad
Tracks ...............,...,........................,.....__......._........,...,...........723, 741, 798, 818
" la--Sewer and water connections, ordered on East ZSth Street
between Central Avenue and Jackson Street......-..723, 742, 819
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered rnl East 29th Street
between Central Avenue and C. G. VV. Railroad
T'racks .................................................................._......................._..724, 742, 798, 819
" 14-Sewer azid water connections, ordered on Goethe Street be-
tween Burden Ave. and Windsor Ave.......724, 743, 798, 819, 827
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on Hale Street be-
tween Algona Street and Grandview Avenue......725, 743, 798, 820
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on hawther Street be-
tween Windsor Avenue and Burden Avenue.........._........... 725, 743
..................... ..........................,..._,...............,_.........,.._.....,.._...744, 798, 820
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on Muscatine Street
between Gay Street and end of street . ...............726, 744, 798, 821
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on Nevada Street
between Martha Street and University Avenue.,..__.._. 726, 798
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered an Pinard Street be-
tween East 30th Street and East 26th Street_...727, 744, 798, 821
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on Queen Street
between Edward Street and I,ot 12 Mettel's Sub....._. 727, 745
................................._...................,............................._......._........................................ 798, 822
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered ou Southern Avenue
between South Locust Street and Sullivan Street.....,... 728, 745
........................_...._............_..._......_........_.....................,,........_...,........._.,...,...... 798, 822
"' 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on Strauss Street
between Windsor Avenue and Burden Ave......728, 74b, 798, 823
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on Victoria Street
between existing pavement and end of street...729,746, 798, 823
" 14-Sewer and water connections, ordered on West 3rd Street
between Algona Street and Grandview Avenue. .............. 729, 746
................._ .....................,..,.,..................._.................,..,.....,......,...,.......747, 798, 824
Sept. 2-Sewer and water connections, ordered on Stafford Avenue
between Garfield Avenue to Hennepin Street..81S, 816, 827, 83S
" 2-Seeley Gaylon C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit..................... 816, 817
" 2-Spielman J. Louis and Susan, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ..............._.........................,............,....,.._........,..............._..................... 816, 817
" 2-Scherer James H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......__...,... 816, 817
" 9-Sacred Heart Church, Notice of Claim ._..........._,,._..._......_......_..... 826
" 16-Spartan Club, of University of Dubuque, requesting permis-
sion to use Grace Street between Algona and Mc-
Cormick Streets for the holding of a street dance.,....._ 843y 844
Oct 6-Sfikas Bessie and Gust Bogas, granted Cigarette Permit..._... 896
" 6-Sfikas Bessie and Gust Bogas, granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ..............................._ ...............................................,....................._... 897
" 6-Siege Joseph J. Jr., and Ferdinand W. Kenniker, granted
Class ~~C>> Beer Permit .............................._........,...._.,......,..,...,... 897
" 13-Sanitary sewer, to construct ou East 4th Street and East
6th Street .........................................................._........,..._..._......_......... 923
" 13-Sisler Elmer and Donald Nank, certifying the amount of
$1021.50 as the cost of constructing sewer in Marion
Street ..............................,,.._........,....,...,...,............._...................,............... 924
" 13-Schmid Thomas S., authorized to make street improvement
an Simpson Street ....................,_.._.............,................._..........__.... 924, 925
" 13-Sanitary sewer, in Edith Street from existing manhole at in-
tersection of Edith Street and Brunswick Street to
a point 124 feet west, construction of.........._..._.............,.,.. 928, 929
.........930, 935, 936, 938, 952, 953, 954, 967, 968, 969, 970, 1013, 1014
Nov. 3-Sanner Clarence H., Power of Attorney ......,............_................_........, 937
" 3-Saffron Construction Compam, release of Blasting Band_... 938
4. 1
s~ ~
~ ~(
1952 SUBJECT Page
" 3- Stroupe Ed. and others, requesting the installation of a street
light near the intersection of Robinson Street and
the private alley west of Telegraph-Herald building..... 939, 980
" 3- Scherrer Gerald C, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...,._...,.... 947, 948
" 3- Steinhoff Harold I,., granted Class 'B" Beer Permit ........._..., 947, 948
Dec. 9 -Schmid Hubert, Notice of Claim ..............._..................._....................._.. 9'71
" 9 -Seabard Surety Co., consenting to extension of time for
completion of contracts ........._.... ..........................._......._.............. 971
" 9- Shot Tower, with reference to preserving the same........._...._.. 972
" 9- Sanitary sewer, in l~aufman Avenue to serve Mount St.
Bernard Seminary and St. Mary's Home.. .. 972
" 9 -State of Iowa, Department of Health submitting copy of
report of reecnt investigation of sources of atmos-
pheric pollution made in accordance with a request
from the City Manager ..................................._ ......................... 973
" 9 -State of Iowa, Department of Health, submitting two
copies of report of reecnt investigation of potential
occupational health hazards at the Virginia-Carolina
Chemical Corporation ......._ ................._..... __....._........_.._ 973
9 -State of Iowa, Department of Health submitting a report
made on milk supply .... ....................................,_:.._........_............_..... 973
9 -Smith Alexander F, and Rosalina C., requesting the con-
. struction of curb and gutters on the east side of Ra-
mona Street ................._..._ ......................._.................._,......_......_..... 976
" 9 -Swimming Pool, action taken to have plans prepared...,...... 980, 1009
.........._......u.,....._..........,..........._..,....,...._.............................._............,......... 1010, 1011
" 9 -Sauser Norbert H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........_.... 983, 984
" 9 -Snyder Charles T. and Elsie R., granted Class "B" Beer
Permit ..........................._......,.........._...,......................,..........................._.... 983, 984
" 23 -Scharry Mrs.. Josephine M., Notice of Claim .............................. 1007
i an.
T ~~ T
7-The Telegraph-Herald, appointment as official newspaper...... 2 - 30-Trapp Arthur J., granted Cigarette Permit ......._....._,_,...._._...._ S13
7-'I'ressa Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam surfac- 30-Tranel Zeno, granted Cigarette Permit ..____...__...._......_.. S13
ing from west property line of Mci,enan Street to a 30-Tharp William C., granted Cigarette Permit ..___.,_...... S13
point 191 feet east ........,..,......_......._....._......__. _. ,. __ 5, 6, 7 ~ 30-Tsacudakis Nick, granted Cigarette Permit ,._.,......,..._.__._..__.. 513
7-Torbert Drug Company, withdrawing its application for the 30-Teeling Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit _... .,,...,.,... S13
rezoning of Lot 2 of 3 of Mineral Lot 3, Lot 2 of 2 ~ 30-Triangle Cafe, granted Cigazette Permit ......,.....,..,.. 514
of Mineral Lot 4 and Lot 2 of 2 of Mineral 10 as ~ ~ 30-fihompsan John M. and Clarence, granted Cigarette Permit S15
a business district ._.... ..................,........._..,._,........_......,,............,...... 20, 21 ' 30-The Sunshine Circle, Finley Hospital, granted Cigarette
7-Torrey Henry C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .,. ,. 32 , ;° Permit _....__,_..............,,.._.,_.._ ............._.......__. ... S1S
4-The Key City Gas Company, submittir~ fuel calculations ~ " 30-Thompson John M. and Clarence, granted Class "B" Beer
based on cost of materials as of January 1, 1952.___._.... S6
? Permit ......,....___..._......._....._..................,..........__. _..._... 516, Sl7
4-Traffic Comrnittee and Executive Board of the Jackson ~'; 30--Thompson Frank W. and John F., granted Class "C" Beer
Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association, re- ~ Permit ._...._.........._.._....._ ................_, ._._.. . 517, S18
questing the City Council to investigate the traffic con- " July 24-The Key City Gas Company, submitting fuel calculations
ditions existing at and near the Jackson School and to based on cost of materials as of July 1, 1952,......,.._....... 63$
provide an adequate flasher system . _ 57, 118 ~I `;, Aug. 4-Trustees of Wahlert Foundation, gift of $150,000.00 for de-
4-Tschirgi Edward M., City Treasurer, bond .__,..___....„.. 6S velopment of Lake Peosta ,...._.._.._...____,.....__... 656, 6$7
4-Theisen Harald, claim allowed in the amount of $107.11..._... 68 .% 4-Thazp William C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit _,.,___.._... 690, 691
4-Trauseh Arthur Jr, and Doris M., petition and waiver for 4-Tsacudakis Nick E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit..._..__._.. 690, 691
construction of sanitary sewer in Mount Vernon Court 72, 73 14-Tax levies, for the year 1952 established.,.._...._...__. .......__. 693
J~ p
d 2?{-Turner James W. and others, requesting that a street light
~neC t
~oAe ent of
with } nt
st 731, 799
movement ........_.._..... _,.
.,_ .,._,....,.. 74, 7S ~ Class
"C" Beer
Market S
Sept. 2-Tenenbom
any, requesting
3-The I
g ,y
~ "°
t 816, 817
n the
st eets
~~ 1~ ermit..___._
~ 843
eq g g
3-Trumm Albert A., r uestin refund on Ci arette Per 104 ~ B
er Permit
requesting refund on C ass
16-Thar 843
3-The Key City Gas Company, excavation bond ...._.__..._....,.... 11S a '~ Nov. 3-The Key City Gas Company, submdtmg fuel calculations
3-Transmission Line Easement, to Interstate Power Company 119, 120 !~ based on cost of materials as of October 1, 1952_..._...__.. 936
7-The Dubuque Boat Club Inc., requesting permission for ~ _ Dec. 9-Teeling Vincent, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...__.........._ 983
holding an Outboard Racing Program . _._.._.,.. 207 9-The Page Hotel Company, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 983, 984
1$-The Key City Gas Company, submitting fuel calculations 9-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Class "C"
based on, cost of materials as of April, 1952 267 Beer Permit ._._..,.___... ......................,......_.. ...._..._.._...___._.. 983, 984
1S-The Military Order of the Purple Heart, Inc., requesting 23-The First National Bank, Fairmont, Minn., assi meat from
permission to exhibit antique and modern firearms and _............,.,...,...
Iowa Road Building Company ..__. 1008
war equipment ...._._..._...„....,...._..,_......___..,., 267 ;
5-Theodore George E. and Hilda C., release ..__..___ _ 320, 321
14-Triple Tite Construction Co., advising that their quarters
are already established at 299 South Main Street..._.._ 365
14-Thirteenth Street, between Central Avenue and White Street,
parking restricted to a two hour limit.._._..._..w .. 369, 38$
2-The Western Causalty and Surety Company, the Western
Fire Insurance Company, submitting Power of Attor-
ney far Joseph G. Graham ...._.._..___.._.___.._.._..._.__..,..._..._ 418
2-The Key City Gas Company, submitting annual report for 1
the calendar year 1951 ...____.............,, _.. 418
2-The Kroger Company, granted Class "C" Beer Permit......... 443, 444 ,
11-The International City Managers Association, extending in-
vitation to the City of Dubuque to be represented at
the Annual Conference of The International City Man-
agers Association ..._....__............,......._.._..........__..__, _ 4S3
30-Tri State Painh & Wallpaper Co. and others, apposing the
installation of parking meters on Central Avenue in
the 1500 block ___.._..._..__.........._,.._...._........_._ ,__.._.. 508
34-Tenenbom's Super Market, Inc., granted Cigarette Permit.,.. Sll
30-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted Cigarette '
Permit ......................._..............._.._......._..........__..._......_._.._.._........_........_ SI1
30-The Kroger Company, granted Cigarette Permit __.. 512
30-Torrey Henry C., granted Cigarette Permit ....,,......_.___..__,....... 512
30-Treivieler Elemer L., granted Cigarette Permit .. S12
30-Thompson Frank W. and John F., granted Cigarette Permit S12
3P-Tench Johru F. and Vincent R'. Mescher, granted Cigarette +
Permit .............................................._..._............,,.._.._.. ,_..__..___ 513
,. ' a
SUBJI~C'1' Page
ar. 22- Unsen Arnold and Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit...,.....,..._ 182
22- Unsen Arnold and Vincent, granted Class °B'' Beer Permit 182, 183
ne 2- Union League Club, requesting a refund on their Class "B"
Beer Permit .............__....,....._.,.................,,..._........_.......................,._....... 419
2- University Avenue, water main to construct, from a point
opposite the east lot line of Lot 9 in Lenox addition
west to a point opposite west property line of Lot
28 in Lenox Additiou ............ .................._..__......._....,._............., 441, 442
................_....443, 500, 501, 502, 540, 577, 643, 803, 8~, 905, 827, 833
2- Upginghouse A. R. and Philomenia, granted Class "B" Beer
Permtt .......,_......... ................._....,.....,........_..._......._...~..._........,..,...,....._.._.. 443, 444
18- United States of America, Grant Offer for the purpose of
obtaining Federal Aid in the Development of thq Du-
buque Municipal Airport ............................__....._....,471, 472, 473, 474
' 30- Uppinghouse A. R. and Philomena, granted Cigarette
' 30- Permit .. ..............._.,..........,_........_..........._............_......_..........._.._.._...._.,....
Unsen Arnold and Vincent, granted Cigarette Permit...._..._.... S12
:pt. 2- U. A. W: C. I, 0. Local 94, asking the extension of rent
control ........._........._......_..._ ............................._....._......_.._.....,._....._.... 796
ec. 23 -Unsen Arnold and Vincent, requesting a refund on their
Class "B" Beer Permit ................_....._..............,._..........,.........,,........ 1008, 1009
[ar. 3-Voting Precincts established ...................._............107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112
pril 7-Vine Larry, Notice of Claim ..............._.......,...._.........__.._........_..........._ 206, 325
lay 5-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo A. Schwind Post No. 508,
requesting permission for the holding of a Buddy
POPPY Sale ........._...._........,......._,........_.....__.........._...._....__..._........,..
S-Van Duelman Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit,....,..._.._.... 341
une 30-Van Duelman Carl, granted Cigarette Permit ........,..._ ................~ S12
30-Vrotsos Mrs. $lsie, granted Cigarette Permit .._._..._..................... 513
" 30-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo A. Schwind Post No. 508,
granted Cigarette Permit ............................._....._....._..................~ S14
" 30-Vrotsos George T., granted Cigarette Permit ..........,_....._....._.... S14
" 30-Van der Meulen Wm. and Sophie McCann, granted Cigar-
ette Permit .............._..._._..._........,....._.._..._.......,........_.._......,....._..........,.. S15
" 30-Van der Meulen Wm. and Sophie McCann, granted Class
~~B„ Beer Permit .... ............................_..............__......................._..._..._.... 516, S17
" 30-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Leo A. Schwind Post No. 508,
granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club.......... 516, $18
my 7-Volunteers of America, Des Moines, Iowa, requesting per-
mission to hold a tag day .....__... ................_._......................._..._....... 523
" 7-Victoria Street, improvement with bituminous concrete sur-
face from existing pavement to end of street,....,....... 570, 571
.....................................,..._........_,..._.........._........629, 630, 631, 674, 714, 715, 740
tug. 4-Vrotsos George T., granted Class "B" Beer Permit............._ 690, 691
)ec. 23-Van Vleet Bertha M., Notice of Claim ................._......_......:............. 1007
1952 SUBJCCT Page
Jan. 7- Walter Mrs. Wilhelmina, requesting 1~acatiou of Carroll
Street and also the right to purchase the same...._ ............. 14, 423
" 7- Wright Spencer P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 32
Fcb. 4- Weiu Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of the mect-
............. ............._.............._.,......_............,......_..........
~... 37
" the purchase of Lot 1 of 1 of
Witherall Arthttr
bid for
Mineral 145 and I,ot 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 144._.......40, 41, 123
" 4- Welter John P. and others, requesting the installation of a
street light on Lindenberg Terrace .,......_............ .......................... S7
" 4- Woerdehaff John, granted Class "B" Bcer Permit ..._.........__.... 85
(>- ~Velu Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of the. meet-
ing .........................................._.....,...................................................,......,......,........... 87
Mar. 3- 14'inter John P. and others, requesting the installation of a
street light on Lindberg '1'crrace ....._.._.....................,.__......_._..... 119
3- Water system expansion program, recommendation of City
Manager that the program be. approved and that Reve-
nue Bonds in the amount of $200,000.00 be issued............ 122
" 3- Water Revenue Bonds in the amount of $200,000.00 to be
issued .........................................,.....................,..........,...............,....._......_._...._... 123
" 3- Weber Henry T., granted Cigarette Permit .,.............,,,......._ .............. 124
3- Wcl~.er Henry T., granted Class `B" Reer Permit ........................ 124, 125
2 -
2 er
ester A. and Dolores, granted lass " e
........._ ..............................................................................
Permit 182, 183
" 22-- -Wertz Don L;, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ..,..,.. ................... 182, 183
April 7- Welu Clarence P., sworn in as Councilman for term com-
mencing first Monday in tlpril, 1952 ..........._ ............................ 203
" 7- 1Vhita~ William J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 226
" 7- Water Revenue Bonds, in the amount of $200,000.00 to
issue ................................................................................................_.....226, 227, 228, 289
290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 4S3
7- 1Vhelan Street, improvement with curb and gutter from the
east property line of Bradley Street to west property
line of South Grandview Avenue.........._,.,..........,,_........__...._..., 235, 236
..............................237, 306, 307, 308, 374, 415, 447, 831, 920, 921, 922
" 15- 1Vcber Merlyn L., granted Class "B" Beer Pcrmit ......................._ 272
Ma_v S -Warren Dell and Ralph, grantee] Class "B" Beer Permit..,.. 341
" 5 -Winders R. Daniel, granted Class "C" Beer Permit..,......._.......... 341, 342
" S- 1Vhelan Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from east property line of Bradley Street to
west property line of South Grandview Avenue......_... 353, 3S4
...........................................,..............,.............,...,.............,......,..408, 409, 452, 1004, 1005
" S -AVest Sixteenth Street, improvement with curb and gutter
from west property line of Catherine Street to the.
end of the street ,........,.. ......................................_....-...356, 392, 393, 394, 39S
14 -Witherall Arthur, recommendation of City Manager that
Lot 43 of Sister's Addition be deeded to him....,....._...,..._...... 368
June 2 -Wcis W. 0., Notice of Claim .............................................-........,.-.............. 417, S29
" 2 -Water main, to construct on Asbury Raad from west prop-
erty line of Carter Road west to west property line of
Lot Z of 2 of Mineral Lot 263_........,,... ..................................__........... 438, 439
440, 497, 498, 499, 539, 576, 643, 801, 802', 827, 833, 888, 889
" 2 -11'ater main, to construct on University Avenue from a paint
opposite the east lot line of Lot 9 in Lenox addition
west to a paint opposite west property line of Lot 28 in
Lenox addition .............................................................................................,....... 441 442
443, 500, SOI, 502, 540, 577, (>43, 803, 804, 805, 827, 833, 890, 891
" 30 -Wright Gordon soliciting the aid e¢ the City Council in
obtaining a decision from the Board of Adjustment
relative to building a home on the property located at
90S Seminary Street .................................._....._......_..........,..............._.. S08
.: _
1952 SUBJECT Page 1952 SUBJECT Page
W # W
" 30`Weher Leo J. and others property owners in the Grandview A Nov. 3- Wartburg Seminary Snack Bar, granted Cigarette Fermit...._ 947
Park addition, on Bradley Street, Rider Street and ~; llec. 9- Weidenbachers Subdivision on Kaufman Avenue, apptroval
Perry Street, requesting that a sanitary sewer be con- of plat and acceputance of casements................._- .............~.... 979
structed in this area __....._........... _..._...........____._........ S08 9- Wiukler Mrs. Beatrice C., granted Class "B" Beer Permit... 983
" 30-Weimer Rev. Eugene, appointed as member of Recreation I' 9- Weber Ruben J, granted Class "B" Beer Permit....,........._.......... 983
Commissioir term expiring July S, 19S$......_..._....._._..._..... Sll ~ ~ 23- Winkler Mrs. Beatrice C., granted Cigarette Permit .............._ 1015
" 30-Wodrich Wm. E., granted Cigarette Permit ................__............... Sll ;i 23- Wertz Donald E., transfer of address of Cigarette Permit 1015
" 30-Westerkamp George, granted Cigarette Permit ...._.._....._...._._ 511 23- Wright Spencer P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit___......... 1015, 1016
" 30-Weber Merlyn L,, granted Cigarette Permit _.... 512 ,
' 23 -Wertz Donald E., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ................_... IOIS, 1016 "°
" 30--Weiner Sylvester A. and Delores, granted Cigarette Permit 512 ,^4
" 30-Weiner Joseph j. and Evelyn, granted Cigarette Permit _._.... 512
" 30-Wagner William, granted Cigarette Permit .._...__.... _.
i $13
" t....
30Wingert Joseph L. and Josephine, granted Cigarette Perm S13 ~
" 30--Wright Spencer P., granted Cigarette Permit ...._.... ......
S13 ~
i i
" 30-White William J., granted Cigarette Permit ........_..... S13 j
" 34-Winders R. Daniel, granted Cigarette Permit ._....__............_....
S14 i ~.. X s
" 30-Weber Ruben J., granted Cigarette Permit ...._......._.. ....
ranted Cigarette Permit ...__....
ff J
W S14 ~ ~.
., g
30-Winkler Louis J, granted Cigarette Permit .__..._..........__........ S14
S14 ~ June 30 -Xavier Hospital, granted Cigarette Permit _ ............................................ .515 -
30-Ward Johru and Eleanor D., granted Cigarette Permit ...........
" 30-Warren Dell and Ralph, granted Cigarette Permit ..._..._._.. 514
" 30-Weber Nick and Celia, granted Cigarette Permit ..........._....__. $1S t, '
" 30-Wertz Donald E., granted Cigarette Permit ..___...........,........._... 515
S1S ,
" 30-Weber Henry T., granted Cigarette Permit ...._..__.........._.....,._..
30-Westerkamp George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..._......._..
Y _
pine, grouted Class "B" Beer
` ,
<< Permit ....................._....._....._........._..__...._........___.. .................._
Class "B" Beer Permit..__._......_
gra ted
30-Wodrech William Fa 516,
516, S17
Sl7 , g
~ Feb. 4-
" 6 Young John S., granted Class "B" Peer Permit.............................
granted Ci arette Permit
g John S.
. 85
" 30-Ward Eleanor D., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ....~._._._.. 516, 518 June 3(? p
......._ ...................
-Young John S., granted Cigarette Permit ......._._.__...._,_........_ S14 '
July 7-West Third Street, improvement with bituminous concrete
surface from east property line of Algona Street to
west property line of Grandview Avenue ......_........__.._... 572, S73 ',
. _.__.._...........__.............. .............._....._.....__..._..._.._...... _632, 633, 675, 715, 740
` 16-Wiegand Dale B. and Hilda A., conveyance of city's interest r
in Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 337........_....__..._._,........_.._....SSO, 581, 694 Z
" 24-Weber Leo A, requesting the City Council not to instal] the •
ro osed new li hts at the half block locations o
Locust Street •........-..-•..,.---•••.••.•••_••..-•••••••••-•-•••-•••••-•-••-
n 637 Mar. 22 -Zuker William, reappointed as a member of the Police and
24-Weiner Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" Bee Fire Pension Board, term expiring April 1st, 1956.._.._. 17S
......__... ..._...r.
' ....__..............__.....
......._. _. ..
Permit 644
, a
land t
stalled at
a street li ht be in
end of
l Street
506, 641 4
Aug. 4-Wahlert Foundation Trustees, gift of $150,000.00 for level- 30 n
-Zilli Geor e J, granted Ci arette Permit ........._.._ ..~........._...
! 513
opment of Lake Peosta ............._.........,..._...___._. ......._. 656, 6S7 30 A
ina Mr
g es, g anted C garette Permit ....-.._.._..._........._.. 515 ,
" 4-Wand William and others, advising that they favor the im= 30 -Zelens Bert, granted Cigarette Permit .._......__.._......... ....................... 51S r
provement of Burlington Street _.._.......__......._ ..................... 6S8 30 -Zilllig George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....._..-.._....__ 516, 517
" 4-West 16th Street, improvement with asphaltic macadam sur- Nov. 3 -Zahina Mrs. Agnes, granted Class "C" Beer Permit...__......._ 947, 948
facing from west property line of Catherine Street
to end of street ......................._......_....._..686, 687, 785, 786, 787, 788
" 14-Wallace Harold and others, requesting water main on Bev- ~
erly and Brown Streets .........._......__.......__........_............__ .................. 696
" 14-Weber William (Veterans Radio Cab) taxicab policy........_.. 699
Sept. 2-Wand William, granted Class "C" Beer Permit............_..._._..._ 816, 817
9-Wagner Harold S. and Katherine A., requesting the re-
zoning of Lots 1, 2, 3y 4, 5 and 6 of Connolly's Sub.
from Multiple Family District Classification to Local
Business Classificat~on ..._....._....._._..............,__.........___.._........__.._.. ..826, 943
~~ voir, accept-
16-West Thirty-second Street, basin detention reser
once of same ................._....._.... -.._......._...._........__.. 846
Oct 3-Wahlert Foundation Trustees, additional gift of $39,500.00 '
. for development of Lake Peosta ...._......__.._..._............_......... 932, 933 f. '