1952 March Council Proceedings~~
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 91
City Council
Regular Session, March 3rd,
Council met at 7:34 P.M.
Present-Mayor Russo, Council-
men Austin, Sehueller, Welu. City
Manager Schiltz,
Absen~Councilman Kolb.
Mayor Russo stated that this is
the regular monthly meeting of
the City Council for the purpose of
acting upon such business as, may
properly come before the meeting.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
hearing on resolution to establish
Airport Zoning Regulations, pre-
sented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for
said hearing. Councilman Sehuel-
ler moved that the proof of pub-
lication be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Sehueller, Welu.
Absent^Councilman Kolb.
In pursuance of the authority con-
ferred by Chapters 329, 330 and 414
o[ the Cpde of Iowa, 1950, and amend-
ments thereto and [or the purpose
of promoting the public health, safety
and general welfare of the Inhabitants
of the City of Dubuque and the
County of Dubuque, Iowa, by pre-
venting the creation or establishment
of airport hazards, thereby protect-
ing the lives and property of the
users of the Dubuque Municipal Air-
port and of occupants of land and
other persons in the vicinity thereof
and preventing the destructon of
impairment of the utility of said air-
port and the public investment there-
Be It Resolved by the Board of Su-
pervisors of Dubuque County and by
the Clty Council of the Clty of Du-
buque, Iowa:
Article I, Shots Title
Section 1. This resolution shall be
known and may he cited as the Du-
buque Municipal Airport Zoning Res-
Article II. Definitions
Section 1. As used in this resolu•
lion, unless the context otherwise re-
quires, certain terms and words shall
be construed as provided in this Ar-
ticle. Words used in the present
tense shall include the future and
the singlar shall include the plural
and the plural shall include the sin-
Section 2, "Airport" means the Du-
buque Municipal Airport and the lands
embraced by the following descrip-
tion, to wit:
Lot 1 of the Southeast QQuarter of
the Northwest Quarter, West one-
half of the Northwest Quarter and
the Southwest Quarter of Section 25;
the Northeast Quarter, the East one-
half of the Northwest Quarter and
the Southeast Quarter of Section 27;
the Northeast Quarter of Section 39;
Lot 1 of the Northwest Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter, Lot 2 of the
Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter and Lot 1 of the Northeast
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of
Section 35 all in Township 88 North,
Range 2 Eaat of the 5th Principle
Section 3. "Airport Hazard" means
an. structure, tree or use of land
which obstructs the air space re-
quired for the flight of aircraft in
landing or taking-oft at the airport
or is otherwise hazardous to such
landing or taking-off oP aircraft.
Section 4. "Non -conforming" as
applied to any structure, tree or use
oP land, means that which does not
conform to the regulations prescribed
in this resolution ar amendments
thereto as of the effective date
Section 5. "Person" means any In-
dividual, firm, partnership, corpora-
tion, company, association, joint stock
association or body politic and in-
cludes any trustee, receiver, assignee
or other similar representative there-
Section 6. "Structure" means any
obiect constructed, deposited or in-
stalled by man, Including, but with-
out limitation of the general mean-
ing of said term, buildings, towers,
smokestacks, overhead transmission
lines and the supports therefor.
Section 7. "Trees" means any ob-
ject of natural growth.
Section S. "Horizontal surface"
means a surface or plane 1230 feet
above sea level.
Section 9. "Obstruction" means any
tangible, inanimate object, natural or
artificial, protruding above the
Section 10. "Usable Landing Area"
means that portion oP the airport
which is used or intended to be used
for actual landings or take-offs o[
aircraft at the airport and described
as follows: A strip of ]and 500 feet
in width, 250 on each side of a cen-
terline described as follows: Com-
mencing at the North Quarter cor-
ner of Section 34, Township 80 north,
Range 2 East, thence South 195.0
feet, thence East 555.5 to point of
beginning, thence North 4,900.0 feet;
said strip being the North-South
landing strip together with a strip
of land 500 feet in width, 250 Poet
92 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
on each aide of a centerline de-
scribed gs follows: Commencing at
the North Quarter corner of Section
3i, Township 88 North, Range 2 East,
thrnce Eaet 3,648.4 feet, thence North
5fi1.1 feet to point of beginning, thence
North 45° 00 feet West b,fi0D.D0 feet;
said strip being the NW-SE landing
Section 11. "Board" means the
Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment
created by the provisions of Article
VI of this reaolutfon.
Section 12. "Airport Reference
Point" means that point from which
the boundaries of the horizontal sur-
face and the conical surface are
measured, said airport reference point
being as following described: Start-
ing at the North Quarter corner of
Section 34, Township 88 North, Range
2 East of the 5th P. M.; thence North
2,255.0 feet; thence East 1,365.0 Peet
to a paint; said point being hereby
designated as the airport reference
Article III. Airport 2onea
Section L In order to carry out
the purpose of flits reaolutfon, air-
port approach zones and turning
zones aro created by thle Article em-
bracing the area in and around the
boundaries of the airport, which zones
shall be as provided in this Article.
Section 2. Non-lnetrument ap-
proach zones are hereby established
extending in a northerly direction and
in a southerly direction beginning 200
feet outward from the north end and
the south end, respectively, of the
paved portion of the North•South run-
way as the same is now in place
on the airport and designated as
runway 18-36. Said North-South run-
way being 150 feet 1n width and with
a centerline coincident with the cen-
terline o[ the North-South landing
strip as the same Is described in
Article II, Section 10 of flits reso-
lution; and extending in a north-
westerly direction and in a south-
easterly direction beginning 200 feet
outward from the northwest end and
the southeast end, respectively, of the
paved portion of the northwest-south-
east runway as the same is now in
place on the airport and designated
as runway 13-31. Said northwest-
southeast runway being 150 feet in
width and with a centerline coinci-
dent with the centerline of the north-
west•southeast landing strip as the
same is described in Article II, Sec-
tion 10 of this resolution. Such non-
inatrument approach zones shall be
bounded on the ground by the fol-
lowing lines: (a) A straight line 200
feet outward from the runway end,
perpendicular to the extended cen-
terline oP said runway and extend-
ing adistance o[ 200 feet on each
side of the extended centerline of
the said runway, (b) a straight line
at the apposite end of sold zone
10,'l00 feet outward from the runway
end, perpendicular to the extended
centerline of said runway and ex-
tending a distance of 1,200 feet on
each aide of the extended centerline
of the said runway, and (c) two
straight lines connecting the ends
of the aforesaid Linea which extend
to the same aide of the projected
centerline of said runway.
Section 3. Turning zones are here-
by established containing all of the
area bounded on the ground by a
circular line, all points of which are
12,000 feet from the airport refer-
ence point.
Article IV. Height Limitations
Section 1, Except as otherwise pro-
vlded in this resolution no structure
or tree shall be erected, created, ea-
tablished, planted or allowed to grow
in any zone, described [n Article III
of this resolution to a height in excess
of the height limits established by
this Article for the respective zones,
nor shall any non-conforming struc-
ture or tree be so replaced, rebuilt,
altered, allowed to grow higher, ar
replanted in any such zone as to
extend to a greater height than the
height thereof prior to such change
or as to constitute a greater airport
hazard than it was at the time of
the adoption of the regulations herein
contained or any amendments thereto.
Section 2. No obstruction fn a non-
Instrument approach zone shall pro-
ject above a sloping plane beginning
at the runway end oP said zone and
at an elevation identical to the ele-
vation of the runway end at the cen-
terline, and extending upward and
outward therefrom to the outer end
o[ said zone, rising at the rate of
one foot vertically for each forty feet
Section 3. No obstruction in the
turning zone shall project above the
horizontal surface, conical surface or
transitional surfaces, which surfaces
comprise said turning zone and are
described as follows: (a) the hori-
zontal surface is a plane, circular In
shape, with an elevation o[ 1230 feet
abovo sea level and bounded on all
sides by a circular line, all points
of which are 7,000 feet, measured
horizontally, from the airport refer-
ence point, (b) the conical surface
extends upward and outward from the
periphery of the horizontal surface,
rising at a rate of one foot vertically
for each 20 feet horlaontally meas-
ured in a vertical planes pasaing
through the airport reference point.
The outside boundary o[ the conical
surface is a circular line, al] points
of which are 12,000 feet, measured
horizontally, from the airport refer-
ence point, (c) the transitional sur-
faces are inclined planes eloping up-
ward and outward to an intersection
with the transitional surface or coni-
cal surface at the rate of one foot
vertically for eaoh seven feet hori-
zontally, measured in vertical planes
perpendicular to the centerlines of
the runways. The transitional sur-
faces, symmetrically located on each
side oP each runway, extend upward
and outward from ]Ines on either
side of each runway, which are paral-
lel to and level with the respective
runway centerlines and at a distance
of 200 feet from said centerlines.
Trana[tional surfaces also extend up-
ward and outward from the sides of
all approach zone surfaces as same
are described !n Section 2 of this
Section 9. In addition to the
height limitations above provided, no
obstruction shall project above the
horizontal surface in any of the zones
deacrlbed In Article III of this reao-
Article V. Restrictions on Use of
Land and Non-Conforming Uaea
Section 1. Notwithstanding any
other provisions of this resolution,
no use may be made of ]and in any
of the zones deacrlbed in Artlcle III
of flits resolution, In such a manner
as to create electrical Interference
with radio communications between
aircraft and ground atatlona, make
[t dltflcult for operators of aircraft
to distinguish between lights on the
airport Intended for old in landing
or taking-off thereat or in aerial
navlgatlon, and other lights, result
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 93
in glare to the eyes of the operators
of aircraft using the airport, impair
visibility in any of said zones or
otherwise make hazardous the land-
ing or taking-off oP aircraft at the
airport or the maneuvering at air-
craft in connection with each landings
or take-offs, provided, however, that
the mere height of trees or structures
on any land In said zones conforming
to the height restrletions prescribed
in Article IV of this resolution shall
not constitute a use of land in vio-
lation of this section.
Section 2. Non-conforming uses.
The regulations prescribed in this
reaolutfon shall not be so construed
as to require the removal, lowering,
changing or altering of any noncon-
forming structure or tree nor as to
otherwise interfere with any non-coin
farming use of land nor as to re-
quire any change in the construction,
alteration or intended use of any
structure, the construction or alter-
ation of which was begun prior to the
effective date of this resolution and
which is diligently prosecuted and
completed within one year from the
date thereof, provided, however, that
the owner of any non-conforming
structure or tree is hereby required
to permit the city of Dubuque and
Dubuque County or either of them,
at the expense of such city or county
to Install, operate and maintain there-
on such markers and lights as shat]
be deemed by such city or county to
be necessary to indicate to the op-
erators oP aircraft in the vicinity of
the airport, the presence of such air-
port hazards.
Article Vi, Airport Zoning Board
e of Adjustment
F: Section 1. An Airport Zoning Board
t of Adjustment is hereby established
which shall consist of five members,
y' two to be selected by the council
of the city of Dubuque, two to be
selected by the Board of Supervisors
a: of Dubuque county and an additional
member who shall act as Chairman
oP the Board to be selected by a ma-
jority vote of the members selected
~ by the city of Dubuque and the county
~, of Dubuque. The terms of the mem-
hers of the Board shall be for five
years except that when the Board
shall first be created, of the mem-
hers appointed by each municipality,
3 one shall be appointed for a term
of two years and one fora term of
four years.
Section 2. The procedure and the
conduct of the affairs of the Board
~; shall be in accordance with the pro-
visions oP Section 414.9, Code of Iowa,
Section 3. Appeals to the Board
may be taken by any person ag-
grieved or by an officer, depart-
ment, board or bureau of any muni-
cipality or political subdivision affect-
ed by any decision of any admini-
strative officer acting under the
terms and provisions of this reso-
lution. Such appeal shall be taken
within a reasonable time as provided
by the rules of the board by filing
with the officer from whom the appeal
is taken and with the board a notice
~ 01 appeal specifying the grounds
thereof. The officer from whom the
appeal ie taken shall forthwith trans-
mil to the uoard al] the papers con-
stituting the record upon which the
action appealed from was taken.
Section 4. An appeal shall stay all
proceedings in furtherance of the ac-
~"" tlon appealed from, unless the of-
float from whom the appeal Is taken
certifies to the Board of Adjustment
after the notice of appeal shall have
been filed with him that by reason
of facts stated in the certificate a
stay would, in hie opinion, cause im-
minent peril to ]tie or property, In
each case, proceedings shall not be
stayed otherwise than by a restrain-
ing order which may be granted by
the board or by a court of record
on application on notice to the of-
ficer from whom the appeal is taken
to the board and to the appellant
and on due cause shown.
Section 5. Powers. The Board of
Adjustment shall have the following
(a) To hear and decide appeals
where it is alleged there is error
in any order requirement, decision
or determination made by an admin•
istrative official in the enforcement
of this resolution,
(b) Ta authorize in specific caeca
such variances from the terms of
this resolution as will not be con-
trary to the public interest, when the
board shall find that owing to spe-
cial conditions a literal applcaton or
enforcement of the regulatona would
result n practcal difficulty or un-
necessary hardship, if the variances
are in harmony with the general pur-
pose and Intent of flits resolution
and Chapter 329 of the 1950 Code of
Iowa and would do substantial jus-
tice. The board in allowing variances
may impose such reasonable condi-
tions as it may deem necessary to
effectuate the purposes of this reao-
luton including the reservation et
the right to the City fo Dubuque
and Dubuque County or either of them
at the expense of such city or county
to install, operate and maintain such
markers and lights as such city or
county shall deem to be necessary
to indicate to the operators o[ air-
craft in the vicinity of the airport,
the presence of an airport hazard.
Secton 0. Every variation granted
or denied by the board shall be ac-
companied by a written finding o[
fact based upon sworn testimony and
evidence specifying the reasons for
granting or denying the variation.
Section 7. In exercising its powers
on appeal, the board may reverse or
affairm wholly or partly or may mod-
fy the order, requirement, decision
or determination appealed from and
may make such order, requirement,
decision or determination as ought
to be made and to that end shall
have all of the powers of the officer
from whom the appeal [a taken.
Section 8. The concurring vote of
a majority of the board shall be nec-
essary to reverse any order, require-
ment, decision or determination of
any a.dminatratve oficlal or to de-
cide in favor of the applicant on any
matter on which it is tequired to
pass under this resolution or to ef-
fect any variation from the terms
Section 9. Review of deoisions of
the Board of Adjustment shall be in
accordance with Sectona 414.15 to
914.19 inclusive of the 1950 Code of
Article VII. Enforcement
Section 1. The regulations pre-
scribed by this resolution shall be
administered and enforced by the
Airport Zoning Commission consti-
tuted by a joint reaolutfon of the
City of Dubuque, No. 90-51 enacted
3/5/51 and reaolutfon by the Board
of Supervisors of Dubuque County
adopted 3/13/61. Such commsaion
may select an Administrator of Air-
port Zoning Regulatlona to assist in
the performance of its duties, none
94 Regular Session, Mazch 3, 1952
of whom shall be members of the
Board of Adjustment.
Section 2. Each violation of the
regulations prescribed by this reso-
lution or of any order or ruling pro-
mulgated hereunder shall constituke
a msdemeanor and the perpetrator
thereof upon conviction shall be pun-
ished by a fine of not to exceed
8100.00 or by imprisonment for a term
not to exceed thirty days; and each
day a violation continues to exist
shall constitute a separate offense.
Article VIII. Conflicting Regulations
Section 1. In tho event of any con-
flict between the requirements of this
resoluton and any other regulations
applicable to the same area, the more
stringent limitation or regulation shall
govern and prevail
Article IX. Severability
Section 1. If any of the provisions
of this resolution or the application
thereof to any person or circumstance,
is held invalid, such invalidity shall
not affect other provisions or appli-
cations of this resolution which can
be given effect without the invalid
provision or application, and to this
end, the provisions of this resolution
are declared to be severable.
Article X. ENective Date
Sectfpn 1. This resolution shall be
in full force and effect upon its
passage by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque and by the Board
of Supervisara of Dubuque County
and upon its publicat[on as provided
by law.
Adopted by the Board of Super-
visors of Dubuque County, Iowa, this
4th day of March, 1952.
Attest; Harold P, Meloy,
County Auditor
Adopted by the City Council of Du-
buque; Iowa, this 3rd day of March,
Attest: J. J. Shea,
City Clerk
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 14th day
of March, 1952.
1t Mar. 14. City Clerk
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of time
and place of hearing on proposal
to dispose of the Southerly 32.55
feet of the Northerly 182.55 feet
of the South part of Lot 2 of 3 of
toe Subdivision of Mineral Lot 158
to Florence Moy Clark, presented
g1-d read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Council
Chamber at the tome set for said
hearing. Councilman Austin moved
that the proof of publication be re•
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Cotncilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu,
Absent-Councilman Kolb,
Whereas the Park Board of the
City of Dubuque has certified to the
City Council its Resolution ftnding
that the following described prop-
The South part of Lot' 2 of 3
oP Mineral Lot 158, according to
the recorded plat thereof, in the
City of Dubuque, Dubuque Coun-
ty, Iowa,
is no longer fit or desirable for park
purposes; and
Whereas the City of Dubuque has
heretofore entered into an agreement
for exchanging easements with Flor-
ence May Clark, which agreement
provided that the City of Dubuque
would grant her an easement for a
street not less than fifty (501 feet
in width across said real estate; and
Whereas the said Florenae Moy
Clark has agreed to accept a quit
claim deed of the City of Dubuque
to the
Southerly 32.55 feet of the north-
erly 182.55 feet of the south par[
of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of the Sub-
division of Mineral Lot 158 in
the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County, Iowa,
in Pull satisfaction of all claims of
any nature she may have arising
out of said agreement;
Now Therefore Be it Resolved by
the City Council of the City oP Du-
Section 1. That the Mayor and
City Clork are hereby authorised
and empowered to execute the quit
claim deed of the City of Dubuque,
releasing and conveying to Florence
Moy Clark all of its right, title and
interest in and to the
Southerly 32.55 feet of the north-
erly 182.55 feet of the south ppart
of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of the Sub-
division of Mineral Lot 158 in
the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County, Iowa;
Section 2. That upon the receipt
from the said Florence Moy Clark
of her properly executed release,
releasing The City o4 Dubuque and
its successors or assigns from any
and all claims or obligations arising
out of said exchange of easements,
or of any kind and nature, the said
Mayor and City Clerk are hereby
authorized and empowered to deliver
said quit claim deed to the said Flor-
ence Moy Clark;
Section 3. This Resolution shall
be in full force and effect from and
after its final passage, adoption and
publication as provided by law.
Approved and placed on ale this
4th day of February, 1952.
Passed, adopted and approved this
3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest; Councilmen,
J. J. Shea,
City Clerk.
Published officially in The Tele-
Regulaz Session, March 3, 1932 95
graph-Herald newspaper this 7th day
of March, 1952. J J SHEA,
1tMar7 City Clerk,
Councilman Austin moved the
` adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
i Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
~ Nays-None.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
y public hearing on plans, specifica-
tions, contract for and cost of
improvement for the remodeling
of Fire Station No. 1 at 18th
Street and Central Avenue, esti-
mated cost $49,5QO.OQ, presented and
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for
said hearing. Councilman Austin
moved that the pray of public~-
tion be re(eived and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
, ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
pendency of resolution of neces-
city and hearing upon proposed
plans and specifications, form of
contract and cost of improvement
for the remodeling of Fire Station
No. 1, presented and read.
~: No written objections filed and
t' no objectors present in the Coun-
~' cil Chamber at the time set for
said hearing. Councilman Austin
moved thak the proof of publica-
tion be received and filed. Sec-
` onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried bq the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
~ Absent-Councilman Kolb.
~ RESOLUTION N0. 49-52
Whereas, proposed plans, speci•
~ fications and forms of contract
have been duly prepared and ap-
proved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque and are now on
~~ file in the office of the City Clerk
Ali showing among other things an
estimate oi' cost #or the remodel-
ing of Fire Station No. 1 at 18th
and Central.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners have
objections on file with the City
Clerk to the amount of the pro-
posed cost of improvements, they
shall be deemed to have waived
all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be done
in accordance with the plans and
specifications which have been pre-
pared by Durrant and Bergquist,
Architects, Dubuque, Iowa, which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of said .remodeling will
be paid out of the General Fund
when a contract has been per-
formed and accepted.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 6th day of February, 1952.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
pendency of resolution of neces-
sity and hearing upon proposed
plans, specifications, form of con-
tract and cost of improvement
for the improvement of Mt. Ver-
non Court from the West property
line of South Grandview Avenue
to the end of the street, pre-
sented and read. No written ob-
jections filed and no objectors
present in the Council Chamber
96 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
at the time set for said hearing.
Councilman Austin moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 29, 1952
Mr. Laverne J. Schiltz
City Manager
Dubuque, Iowa.
Dear Mr. Schiltz:
Due to a business trip out of the
city, I will be unable to attend
the City Council meeting on Mon-
day, March 3. I understand the
paving of a street for Mt. Vernon
Court is scheduled for discussion
at tlris meeting, As a groperty
owner on Mt, Vernon Court, I am
very anxious for this project to
go through. I believe a 25 ft. con-
crete street with no curb or gutter
would be ideal.
I am writing this letter with the
hope that you will pass on my
feelings to the City Council mem•
Thank you for your cooperation.
Very truly yours,
Arthur Trausch, Jr.
Councilman Austin moved that
the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Decision of Council upon ob•
jections to plans, specifications,
form of contract and cost of im•
provements. )
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of con-
tract for the improvement of Mt.
Vernon Court from the west prop-
perty line of South Grandview
Avenue to the end of the street
have been approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and public notice given as pro-
vided by Chapter 391 of the Code
of Iowa, 1950, pertaining to
public contracts and bonds, and
tiae time and place fixed #or the
hearing of all objections to said
plans, specifications or contract
for or cost of such improvements,
said time being this 3rd day of
March, 1952, and
Whereas, the City Council met
in regular session this 3rd day of
March, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
mentherein described and proposed
to be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that all objections which have
been made and filed to the plans,
specifications, contract for or cost
of said improvement herein de-
scribed and proposed to be made,
be and the same are hereby over-
ruled and such plans, specifica•
tions and form of contract here-
tofore approved are h e r e b y
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of con•
tract for or cost of said improve-
ment bemade amatter of perma-
nent record in connection with
said improvement.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councllman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 97
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as•
sessed togther with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
same for each different type of
construction and kind of material
to be used.
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Mt. Vernon Court
from the west property line of
South Grandview Avenue to the
end of the street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council upon petition of
property owners, deems it advisa•
ble for the public welfare to make
the herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed' as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dis-
tance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund.
Improvement bonds shall be is•
sued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has ~ been per-
formed and accepted and the pro
ceeds thereof used to pay the con-
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 4th day of February, 1952.
The foregoing ,resolution was
finally passed and adopted, as pro-
posed, by the City Council this
3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Ordering Construction)
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolution of neces-
sity No. 36-52 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the im-
provement of Mt. Vernon Court
from the west property line of
South Grandview Avenue to the
end of the street be and the same
are hereby ordered and constructed
by this Council with the petition
of property owners. All the work
shall be constructed in accord-
ance with the plans and specifica•
lions heretofore adopted and now
on file in the office of the City
Be It Further Resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the
privately owned property lying
within the assessable distance
from the improvements, whether
9S Regular Session, March 3, 1952
such property abut upon the same
or are adjacent thereto, according
to the area thereof and in propor-
tion to the special benefits con-
ferred, and any deficiency will be
paid out of the general, improve-
ment, or sewer funds of the city,
or partly from each of such funds,
except as otherwise provided by
petitions and waivers now on file
or hereafter obtained. Payment
will he made to the contractor out
of funds realized from the sale of
bonds to be issued in anticipation
of deferred payments of assess-
ments as provided by law after
the work has been completed and
accepted by the City Council.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Clerk be and be is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro-
vided by law, the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or
before 42 calendar days after
notice to proceed is issued.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 3rd day of March,
Councilman Schueller moved that
the resolution just read, being
a resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered
complete in form for final passage
and further move that the same
be placed on file with the City
Clerk and remain on file for public
inspection for at least one week
before final adoption, Seconded by
Councllman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Ordering Construction)
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that pursuant to a resolution of
necessity No. 75-51 which was
duly passed by this Council, for
the construction of an eight (8)
inch vitrified file sanitary sewer
in Mt. Vernon Court be and
the same are hereby ordered and
constructed by this Council upon
the petition of property owners.
All the work shall be constructed
m accordance with the plans and
specifications heretofore adopted
and now on file in the office of
the City Clerk.
Be It Further Resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the
privately ownedproperty lying
within the assessable distance
from the improvements, whether
such property abut upon the same
or are adjacent thereto, according
to the terms and eenditions of
the petitions and waivers of abut-
ting and adjacent property owners
now on file, and any deficiency
will be paid out of the sanitation
fund of the city. Payment will be
made to the contractor out of funds
realized from the sale of bonds to
be issued io anticipation of de•
ferred payments of assessments
as provided by law after the work
has been completed and accepted
by the City Council.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements
herein provided for in the manner
provided by law, the said Im-
provements shall be completed on
or before the 21 days after notice
to proceed is issued.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution shall be in force and
effect from and after its passage
and adoption by the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 4th day of Febr-
uary, 1952.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of bfarch, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
Regular Session, March 3, 1'952 99
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice to con-
tractors of the receipt of pro-
posals for the construction of an
eight (8) inch vitrified file sani-
tary sewer in Mount Vernon
Court, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
March 3, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Pursuant to your instructions,
sealed bids were received up to
10:00 A.M. on March 3rd, 1952 for
the construction of a sanitary
sewer on Mt. Vernon Court. At-
tached is the tabulation of bids
I recommend that the contract
be awarded to the Willman Com-
pany of Cedar Rapids who sub-
mitted the lowest bid received
which was 22.41 percent under the
Engineer's estimate.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager,
Councilman Welu moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Awarding Contract)
Whereas, proposals have been
submitted by contractors for the
construction of an eight (8) inch
vitrified file sanitary sewer in
Mount Vernon Court purusant to
Resolution No. 34-52 and The
Willman Company of Cedar Rapids,
Iowa contractor, has submitted
the lowest bid for the furnishing
of all labor and materials and
performing the work as provided
for in the plans and specifications;
now therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the contract for the above
mentioned improvement be award-
ed to The Willman Company of
Cedar Rapids, Iowa and the Man•
agar be and he is hereby directed
to execute a contract on behalf
of the City of Dubuque for the
complete performance of said work.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity be-
come effective from and after its
passage and adoption by the City
Approved and placed on file for
one week on March 3rd, 1952.
Councilman Welu moved that
the resolution just read, being a
resolution making a contract be
now considered in form for final
passage and further moved that
the same be placed on file with
the City Clerk and remain on file
for public inspection for at least
one week before final adoption.
Seconded by Councilman Austin.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
City of Dubuque, Iowa
a Municipal corporation,
EQUITY No. 33339
LeRoy Stoffel, et al,
Now on this 7th day of February,
A.D. 1952, being a regular term
day of the January, 1952 Term of
the above entitled Court, and the
Court being in session, the above
entitled action came on for hear-
ing, the plaintiff being represented
by its City Solicitor and defend-
ants William Jenni and Ethel
Regular Session, March 3, 1952
Jenni being represented by their
attorney Louis F. Fautsch, and
na other defendants having ap-
peared or being represented by
counsel, and the Court having
heard the evidence finds:
i. That all parties defendant,
and all property owners as
shown by the plat book of the
County Auditor of Dubuque County,
Iowa, have been served with
Original Notice of this action by
publication in the Telegraph Her-
ald, anewspaper of general circu-
lation in Dubuque County, Iowa,
once each week for three succes-
sive weeks, the first of which pub-
lications was on the 2nd day of
January, 1952, and the last on the
16th day of January, 1952, and
which notice required all parties
defendant to appear before this
Court in answer to plaintiff's pe-
tition herein on or before Febr•
uary 6, 1952;
2. That all defendants herein,
ezcept William Jenni and Ethel
Jenni are in default for want of
appearance or pleading;
3. That the Citq of Dubuque,
Iowa, plaintiff, herein, is a munici-
pal corporation organized under
the Laws of Iowa;
4. That on November 6, 1951 at
the regular municipal election held
pursuant to Resolution No. 339-51,
adopted by the City Council of the
City of Dubuue, Iowa, on Septem-
ber 25th, 1951, a majority of the
voters of the Cily of Dubuque vot-
ing, voted to annex the following
described unincorporated area to
the City of Dubuque:
Commencing at the present City
limits line at the northeast corner
of the Southeast ~/a of the Northeast
~/a of Section 15, Township 89, North,
Range 2 East, thence west 1320
feet, thence south 1320 feet, thence
west 1320 feet to the center of Sec-
tion 15, Township 89, North, Range
2, East, thence west 660 fet, thence
south 2640 feet to the south section
line of Section 15, Township 89
North, Range 2 East, thence west
along said section line to a point
33 feet east of the southwest cor-
ner of Section 15, Townshiip 89,
North, Range Z East, thence south
13?A feet, thence west 33 feet, to the
southwest corner of the northwest 'l
~/a of the Northwest ~/a of Section J
22, Township 89, NorthL_Ran~,e.-2lJ
-thence south along the west
section line of Section 22 to the
southwest corner of Section 22,
Township 89 North, Range 2 East,
thence south 1320 feet along the
west section line of Sec. 27, Town-
ship 89 North, Range 2 East, thence
east to intersect with the south
property line of Ridgeway Avenue
in Leno Addition, thence souther-
e a s t e r l y along the souther-
ly ine of Leno Addition to the west
property line of Delhi Road, thence
south to the southerly line of U, S.
Highway No. 20, thence south 300
feet, thence easterly paralel to
U. S. Highway No. 20 to the exist-
ing City limits; all in Dubuque
County, Iowa.
5. That the property owned by
William Jenni and Ethel Jenni de-
scribed as:
Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of West '/z of the
Northwest ~/a of the Northwest ~/a
of Section 27, Township 89, North,
Range 2 East;
Lot 2 of the East ~ of the North-
west '/a of the Northwest'/a of Sec-
tion 27, Township 89, North, Range
2 east; '
Mineral Lot 248; Lot 2 of 2 of
Bonson Farm Addition, in Dubuque
County, Iowa, is rough and unin-
proved land and not suitable for
urban development;
6. That the property proposed to
be lying south of a line 205 feet
south of and parallel to the center
line of U. S. Highway 20 and west
of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of George
Jecklin Farm is rough and unim-
proved land and not suitable for
urban development;
7. That in order to provide the
inhabitants of the remaining area
proposed to be annexed, with the
benefits of- City Government, in-
cluding police and fire protection,
it is necessary that such area be
Iowa and that the City of Dubuque,
Iowa and that the City of Dubuue,
Iowa, is capable of extending into
such area substantial muncipal be-
nefits and services not now en-
joyed by such territory;
8. That such annexation is not
proposed merely for the purpose of
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 101
increasing the municipal revenues
of the City of Dubuque;
9. That the Court has jurisdiction
of the parties and the subject mat-
ter herein;
1. That the parties defendant ex-
cept William Jenni and Ether Jenni
are in default;
2. That the following described
area is hereby annexed to and
made a part of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, to-wit:
All that area encompassed by a
line commencing at the northeast
corner of the southeast ~/a of the
Northeast ya of Section 15, Township
89, North, Range 2 East; thence
west 1320.feet; thence south 1320
feet; thence west 1320 feet to the
center of Section 15; Township 89,
North, Range 2 East; thence west
860 feet; thence south 2640 feet to
the south line of Section 15, Town•
ship 89, North, Range 2 East;
thence west along the south line
of Section 15, Township 89, North,
Range 2 East to a point 33 feet
east of the southeast corner of Sec-
tion 15, Township 89, North, Range
2 East, thence south 1324 feet;
thence west 33 feet to the southwest
corner of .the horth_west ~/a of
the northwest ~/a of Section
22, Township 98, North, Range
2 East; thence south along
the west section line of Section 22,
Township 89 North, Range 2 East
to the southwest corner of Section
22; thence south 92U feet along the
west section line of Section 27,
Township 89, North, Range 2 East;
-tltence east to the northeast corner
of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of the West '~ of
the Northwest ~/a of the Northwest
~/a of Section 27, Township 89,
North, Range 2 East; thence south
to the northwest corner of Lot 2
of the East ~ of the Northwest ~/a
of the Northwest ~/a of Section 27,
Township 89, North, Range 2 East;
thence east to the west line of Min-
eral Lot 248; thence north to the
northwest corner of Mineral Lot
248; thence southeasterly along the
north line of Mineral Lot 248 to the
northwest corner of Lot 2 of 2 of
Bonson Farm Addition to the City
of Dubuque; thence southeasterly
along the north line of said Lot
2 of 2 to the south line of Ridgeway
Avenue in Lenox Addition; thence
southeasterly along the southerly
line of said Lenox Addition to the
west line of Delhi Road, thence
south to a point 205 feet south of the
center line of U. S. Highway 20;
thence southeasterly along a line
parallel to and 205 feet south of the
center line of U. S. Highway 20
to the west line of Lot 1 of 2 of Lot
1 of Lot 1 of George Jecklin Farm:
thence southwesterly along the west
line of said Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1
of Lot 1 for a distance,of 175 feet;
thence southeasterly along a~ line
380 feet south of and parallel to the
center line of U. S. Highway No.
20 to the east line of section 27,
Township 89 North, Range 2 East;
thence north along the former cor-
porate limits to the point of be-
gining; all in Dubuque County,
Iowa, and subject to the jurisdiction
and laws of the City of Dubuque,
3. That the City of Dubuque, Iowa
pays the costs of this action.
John G. Chalmers
Judge, XIX Judical District of Iowa
Councilman Welu moved that the
Judgement and Degree be received
and made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Dubuque, Iowa
February 25, 1952
Mr, Romolo N. Russo,
520 B. & I. Bldg,
Dubuque, Iowa.
My dear Mr. Russo:
If you never do another thing
for your city you have done enough
in fostering the Ordinance Book to
earn-our everlasting gratitude.
It is a major achievement. Con-
Sincerely yours,
F. E. Bissell.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent--Councilman Kolb.
~... ~~ v
?~ J
102 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
Notice of Claim of W. J. Cantillon
in the amount of $300.00 for in-
juries received by his wife in a
fall on an icy sidewalk at 793 West
Third Street, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that the
Notice of Claim be referred to the
City Solicitor for recommendation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Notice of Claim of Miss Lydia
Kelsey in the amount of $250.00 for
injuries received in a fall while
crossing on the crosswalk at 8th
and Main Streets, presented and
read. Councilman Austin rhoved
that the Notice of Claim be referred
to the City Solicitor for recommen-
dation and report, Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 7. 1952
Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
Re: Bond 538201-10, M. L. Gaber
& Company
We are pleased to approve the 90
day extension of time you have
given M. L. Gaber & Company for
completion of the work far which
above bond is filed.
Very truly yours,
J. Weir Carson
Bond Manager.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb,
American Surety Company of New
Des Moines, Iowa
February 15, 1952.
City Clerk
Dubuque, Iowa
Dear Sir:
We are sending you herewith,
for filing, Revocation of Power
of Attorney No. 29002, now on file
in your office, authorizing the ex•
ecution of certain bonds and un-
dertakings on behalf of this Com-
pany when signed by C. H. Sanner
as Attorney in Fact.
Very truly yours,
R, W. Clearman,
Councilman Schueller moved
that the communication be received
and made a~ matter of record and
the Revocation of Power of Attor-
ney placed on file, Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Comunication of Miss Hilda Die-
terich stating that she desires a
piece of property lying between
Lot 33 and Lots 28 and 29 in J. P.
Schroeder's Addition, presented and
read. Councilman Austin moved
that the communication be re-
ferred to the Planning and Zoning
Commission for recommendation
and report. Seconded by Council•
man Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu,
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Comunication of P. J. Houser,
Director, Division of Public Health
Engineering, State Department of
Health, extending invitation to the
City of Dubuque to be represented
at a joint conference to be held at
Davenport, Iowa, March 7, 1952
on pollution control of the Missis-
sippi River, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that the
communication be referred to the
City Manager to handle as he sees
fit, Seconded by Councilman Sch-
ueller, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent Councilman Kolb.
Dubuque, Iowa
Feb. 14, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council:
We the undersigned do hereby
petition the Honorable Body of the
City of Dubuque to approve the con-
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 .103
struction of curb and gutter and
street surfacing on Bradley Street
from Randall Street to Ryder Street
'h at the earliest possible date.
f- Location of Lots:
~, Grandview Park Addition, Block
4, W'/z Lats 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32.
Grandview Park Addition, Block
4, Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26.
Grandview Park Addition, Block
7E~/z of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, all of 5.
Petitioners signatures
John Lagen
k. ; Martha Roehl
Oscar Solberg
Councilman Welu moved that the
petition be received and made a
matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
t Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Joseph F. McMahon
and Val L. Kies requesting the
construction of a sanitary sewer
in Apple Street abutting their prop-
erty, extending from the present
sewer in Rush Street to a point ap-
proximately two hundred and five
feet north along Apple Street, pre-
sented and read, Councilman Austin
moved that the petition be received
and placed on file and that a plat
and schedule be prepared provid-
ing proper waivers are secured
from the property owners. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
> ' Nays-None.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Framk H. Schepple and
,t others requesting that National
Street from Muscatine Street to
Burlington Street intersection be
i'` graded, curbed and surfaced, pre-
sented and read. Councilman
Schueller moved that a plat and
tip schedule be preparced covering the
request. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following vote:
~ Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
I Austin, Schueller, Welu,
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of The Ideal Plumbing
and Heating Company requesting
i ' I permission t4 exFgvate in the
streets of the City of Dubuque in
accordance with Ordinance No.
45-51, presented and read. Council-
man Austin moved that the request
be granted. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of E. C. Frudden, Chair-
man, Naval Reserve Advisory
Council, requesting the City Council
to provide paving in front of the
Naval Reserve Training Center and
whatever distance the Council
would recommend on either side of
the building to provide the river
front with an all weather pave-
ment, presented and read. Council-
man Austin moved that the petition
be referred to the City Manager
for study and recommendation.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of the Fitzhugh Lee Aux-
ilary requesting permission to
sell carnations on the last Friday
evening and Saturday of Apri1,1952,
presented and read. Councilman
Welu moved that the request be
granted providing there are no con-
flicting dates. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol•
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Mr, and Mrs. Roger
F. Huff and others requesting that
Burlington Street from National
Street to the south end of Burling-
ton Street be surfaced, curbed and
guttered, presented and read, Coun-
cilman Schueller moved that a plat
and schedule be prepared covering
the request. Seconded by Council-
man Austin. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Lloyd Dieter and
others, property owners, protest-
104 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
ing against the proposed improve~
went of Woodworth Street, consist-
ing of curb and gutter and resur-
facing, presented and read. City
Manager Schiltz submitting verbal
recommendation that Woodworth
Street be deleted from the list of
streets proposed to be improved.
Councilman Welu moved that the
verbal recommendation of City
Manager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Mrs. Glenn Ball and
others, residents of the West 16th
Street area West of Montrose Ter-
race, requesting the City Council
to consider the opening of West
16th Street to continue travel in the
500 and 600 block, presented and
read. Councilman Schueller moved
that the petition be referred to the
City Council to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Austin.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Communication of Loras College
stating that they are willing to ded-
icate for street purposes a strip
of ground fifty (50) feet in width
along the westerly edge of Out Lot
472 so as to connect West 16th and
West 17th Streets under certain
conditions, presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the communication be referred to
the City Council to view the
grounds. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb,
Petition of Joseph D. Leonard re•
questing the City Council to extend
the sanitary sewer on Cherry Street
about 130 feet from the present
manhole which is in front of Lot
220 on Cherry Street in order
that his property the Westerly
78 feet of Lot 189 of Finley's
Addition can be served with san-
itary sewer connection, presented
and read. Councilman Austin
moved that the petition be referred
to the City Manager to confer with
Mr. Leonard. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the
fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Earl J. Bock request-
ing the City Council to zone the
recently acquired property south
and southwest of Highway 20 to
Light Industrial area, presented
and read. Councilman Austin
moved that the petition be referred
to the Planning and Zoning Com-
mision for their recommendation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Welu, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Albert A. Trumm,
requesting a refund in the amount
of $25.00 on the unexpired portion
of his Cigarette Permit No. 81, as
be has discontinued business on
February 4, 1952, presented and
read. Councilman Welu moved that
the request be granted and the City
Auditor instructed to draw a• war-
rant in the amount of $25.00 in fa-
vor of Albert A. Trumm to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired portion of his Cigar-
ette Permit No, 81. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of William L. Lonergan
requesting permission to connect
Lot 2, Block 2 on Avalon Street
with the sanitary sewer in Avalon
Street, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Austin moved that the pet-
ition be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Dubuque Safety Coun-
cil requesting that a careful study
be made of a hazaad that now ex-
ists on Dodge Street between Booth
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 105
Street and Grandview Avenue re-
lative to accidents and traffic tieups
on this street, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that the
petition be referred to the City
Council to view the grounds. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Mr. & Mrs. Robert
L. Baa~mhover and others request-
ing the opening of the alley be-
tween Windsor Avenue and Buena
Vista Street and between Strauss
and Lowther Streets, presented
and read. Councilman Welu moved
that the petition be referred to the
City Council to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Joseph C. Lytle and
others, property owners of Grand-
view Park Addition from 605 to
649 South Grandview Avenue, re-
questing the opening of an alley
from Rider Street to Bradley
Street at the rear of their proper-
ties, presented and read. Council-
man Austin moved that the pet-
ition be referred to the City Coun-
cil to view the grounds. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Highland Realty Com-
pany and others requesting the ex-
tension of the sanitary sewer on
Kane Street above Primrose Street,
presented' and read. Councilman
Welu moved that a plat and sched-
ule be prepared covering the re-
quest. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the fallowing
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the Dubuque City Council
The Park Board of the City of
Dubuque is desirous of selling a
piece of property owned by it
and described as Lot 2 of Lot 1 of
Lot 2 in L. H. Langworthy's Subdi-
vision of Out Lots Nos. 676, 677,
and Lot not numbered on Official
Plat of Dubuque, betweenn Nos.
677 and 678 of Dubuque, Iowa, to
Charles LePert.
We have ben advised by the City
Solicitor's office that the City Coun-
cil must adopt a resolution con-
senting to such transfer, and we
are accordingly enclosing a Res-
olution for your adoption in con-
nection herewith.
We respectfully request that this
Resolution be adopted.
Respectfully submitted,
By Art M. Bennett
By Leo J. Clemens
Councilman Austin moved that
the petition be received and made
matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
WHEREAS the Park Board of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa has un-
animously agreed to sell a piece
of Park Property to Charles Le-
Pert, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa;
WHEREAS said property is de-
scribed as Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2
in L. H. Langworthy's Sub-division
of Out Lots Nos. 676, 677 and Lot
not numbered on Official Plat of
Dubuque between Nos. 677 and 678
of Dubuque, in the City of Dubu-
que, Iowa; and
WHEREAS the Park Board has
caused to be prepared, a plat of
the premises above described, giv-
ing the proper legal description to
said property; and
WHEREAS said Park Board has
determined that said property is
no longer fit for Park purposes;
WHEREAS the Park Board has
requested that the City Council ap-
prove the plat as prepared by the
Park Board, and also approve the
106 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
action taken by the said Park
Board in conveying said premises
to the said Charles LePert; and
WHEREAS the City Council does
deem it advisable and in the best
interests of the City of Dubuque to
approve the plat as prepared by
the Park Board and also approve
the action taken by the said Park
Board in conveying said premises
to the said Charles LePert:
SOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the plat of said above described
premises caused to have been pre-
pared by the Park Board of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa be and the
same is hereby approved.
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque that the proposed con-
veyance of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2
in L. H. Langworthy's Sub-division
of Out Lots Nos. 676, 677, and Lot
not numbered on Official Plat of
Dubuque between Nos. 677 and 878
of Dubuque, in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, by the Park Board of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, to Charles
LePert, be and the same is hereby
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Council Proceedings for the
month of October, 1951, presented
for approval. Councilman Schuel-
ler moved that the Council Pro-
ceedings for the month of October,
1951 be approved as printed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb,
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers of a statement of
receipts and also a list of claims
for which warrants were drawn
during the month of January, 1952,
presented and read. Councilman
Austin moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of Resolution No.
32.52, a resolution approving vaca-
tion of Plat of Strub's Subdivision in
Dubuque County Iowa, and approv-
ing the Plat of Strub's Subdivision
in Dubuque Township, Dubuque
County, Iowa, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of Ordinance No.
3.52, an Ordinance authorizing the
issuance of $187,000 Fire Station
Bonds and providing for the levy
of taxes to pay the same, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Aus-
tin moved that the proof of publica-
tion be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Ordinance directing the instal-
lation of sanitarey toilet facilities
and sewer connections on certain
described property; providing for
the assessment of cost thereof and
repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith,
said ordinance having been passed
upon first reading and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
for public inspection for at least
one week before its final adoption,
was presented for final adoption.
Ordinance directing the installa•
tion of sanitary toilet facilities and
sewer connections on certain de-
scribed property; providing for the
Regular Session, March 3, .1952 107
assessment of cast thereof and re-
pealing all ordinances or parts of
:, ordinances in conflict herewith.
~; WHEREAS, on the 5th day of No-
vember, 1951, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque acting as the Board
of Health ordered sanitary toilet
P'' facBties and sewer connections in-
stalled on the following described real
estate owned by Gladys C. Wunder-
, li ~
East La gworthy
WHEREAS, after notice, said order
had not been complied with; and
WHEREAS, the existence of the
r tonet facilities on said property con•
stitutes a nuisance;
~ ° NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved
By the City CouneR of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the City Manager is
hereby instructed and ordered to in-
i~' elan sanitary toilet faclities and sewer
connections on said property and re-
move all other toiet facilities thereon.
Section 2. That upon the completion
of such work, the City Manager shall
certify the cost thereof to the City
~ Clerk, who in turn shall certify such
G ' cost to the County Auditor of Dubuque
County, Iowa, who shall assess the
same against the above described real
estate and shah khereafter be collected
with and in the same manner as gen•
eral property taxes in ten equal
installments with one installment pay
able in each of the years 1953 to 1962
Section 3. That an ordinances or
resolutions or parts thereof in con•
fliet herewith are hereby repealed to
the extent of such conflict.
Section 4. Th(s ordinance shalt be
in full force and effect from and
after Its final passage, adoption
and publication as by law provided.
i Introduced this 4th day of February,
Rule requiring three separate read•
s iags ,suspended by three-quarters vote
this 9th day of February, 1952.
Passed, adopted approved this 3rd
day of March, 1952,
Romola N. Russo
~ Clarence P. Welu
Ruben V. Austin
; Leo N. Schueller
~, Councilmen.
J.J. Shea
City Clerk.
Published officially in The Telegraph-
Herald newspaper this lOtti day of
March, 1952.
It Mar. 10. City Clerk.
~ Councilman Austin moved the
~f : adoption of the ordinance, Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
~ ~ Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Ordinaiue No. 1~2
An ordinance establishing a
i single ward for the city of Dubuque
k and dividing the same into elec-
tion precincts, establishing such
precincts and defining the bound-
aries thereof: and repealing Ordin-
'l ante No, 159, presented and read.
Councllman Austin moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Councilman Austin moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days, Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
An ordinance establlahing a single
ward For [he City of Dubuque and
dividing the same into election pre-
cincta, establishing such precincts
and defining the boundaries thereof;
and repealing Ordinance No. 159.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
aP the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 159
be and the same ie hereby repealed.
Section 2. That all of the terri-
tory embraced within the corporate
limits of the City of Dubuque shall
he confined within a single ward,
which ward shall be co-extenalve
with the limits of sold city.
Section 3. That for the conveni-
ence of its citizens and to facilitate
the casting of ballots at elections,
the ward hereby created shall be
divided into sixteen (16) precincts,
the boundaries of which shall be
av set forth in Sections 9 to 19 hereof
Section 4. The boundaries of the
First Precinct shall be:
First Precinct
Commencing at the easterly limits
of the city, thence proceeding west-
erly on the north line of Linheln'e
Subdivision to Laurel street, thence
southwesterly on the northwesterly
line of the Subd[vision of Mineral
Lo[ 20 to the eautheasterly lot nne
of Lot 19 aP Rowan's Addition, thence
southwesterly along said lot line to
a point where the same is intersected
by the quarter section line of Sec-
tion 35, thence westerly to the south
of said quarter section line to the
center of Section 36, thence westerly
along said quarter section line to
a point where said section line In-
tersects Southern avenue, thence
northeasterly along the westerly aide
of Southern avenue to Samuel street,
thence northwesterly on the west-
erly side of Samuel street to Levi
street, thence northeasterly across
Samuel street at Levi street, thence
southerly on the east aide of Sam-
uel street to Southern avenue, thence
northerly on the weal side of South-
ern avenue to Valley street (exclud-
ed from this precinct, however, are
all residents located upon both aides
of Southern avenue and Samuel
street within the boundaries of the
precinct described) and thence north-
westerly an the southwesterly side of
Valley street to Quinn street, thence
northerly on the west side of Quinn
street to Union street, thence north-
t08 Regular Session, March 3, 1952 .-
erly oA .the west side of Anton street . West ThirrRd" street produced{ too
to $iaing street, thence weaterlY on !•..--•
d a
the south aide of Rlaing strnentthe
thence weaterlY
dge std'eet
p ec
thence aouth
a point ose hundred and nUtety
south aide of podge street to SoutA
n the o
Hill sheet, thence southerly o
t ajde of South Hill street to 2
h n
a line parallel to and one hundFe
Grandview avenue, thence across
t north {ruin
and ninety feet (190')
f U
Grandview avenue
on the
thence southwesterly .
the center Ups o
n h
east side of Henderaont~nce souihe o
city Ilmit
hundred and five
end of said street,
westerly on a line drawn horn Hen
0r- to a point two
feet (E05') south of the center line
deiwon ~,~ to ~e nortkweak e
thence south- of U. S. Highway No. 20, thenc
line parallel
nor .of Min. Lot 137,
the ,west lino of Mop, Lot southeasterly along a
to and two bandied and R
srly ~
137, thence puuthedy ~}~'w yt coi._
xtepded to the of
(205') south of the center
Highway No. 20 to the west
tine Q
thence south-
aer "of 1[in. Lot 1E5, ~ Min
Lot .
)ins of lot 1 of lot 2 of lot 1 of lot
,,~y ua the west )lne
e arm,
i of George 3ecklia
uthwesterly along the west line
135))to t
westerlY on
e thence
t so
of said lot 1 at lot 2 of lot 1 of lot
north line of Ali of ~idlMluo I.ot,
rthw~ C0~ 1 for a dlstapce of one hundred and
seventy-five feet (175'), thence south-
the west
thence southerly ~
t 127 and Min. Lat 124
L easterly alon6 a line three hundred
hty (380') south of and parai-
d ei
of Min.
the quarter section line of S
ald g
lei to the center line of U. S. Ht$h-
tion 35, thence westerly a1o g
the c
t way No: 20 to the seat line of Sec-
thence south along
quarter section line
theac~ sontllerlY th
tlon 35
f Se lion 27, T89NREE,
said section Ilne to the south city
the quarter 'section tt#e f~°
the south limits, thence east to the po)nt o
eenLer of ,gection 86 to
Umlte ad flee City, thence ens City
8 The boundaries of We
alea8 the sout4 limits of the `',.
! dho eaafedlY limifp of uegm~ 8e
northeriY~to idao
Second Precin~t shall r~eariea of the
Third Precinct. shall be.
Sawn! Prscinct
Commencing at the quarter section
corner on the soutli aide oY Section
$5, being the soup tlmit said `quarter
thence northerly al ~ntr of Sec-
section Ylue to bhe
lion '36, thence easterly on the .quar•
ter section "line to where kt mter-
aeota ~ o her Ron the eastLllne 2of
thence a rt JY
~p I.ol 123, and 128 to the north-
weaterly oornero ~ lteMnorth line 2of
tdtence easterly
Min. I.ot 127 to lbe thenceeanorth-
aer .ot Min. lot 35,
erly on the east line of Min. Lok 134
135tthencetnortharly ours 1in~e dra n
Lain 134 eto the noait4tweat rcornertfof
Mln, Lot 1117, thence northeasterly
~rner Q('ht~,in i.oto137tto the south
line of Henderson street, thence
northeasterly on the northwest aide
of 'Henderson street to Grandview
avenue, "thence across Grandview
avenue, thence northeasterly on the
northwest aide of South HiH street
to Dodge street, thence e~atreleyt to
the north aide of Dodg
Hill street, thence northerly on the
west aide of Hi~henceeewesterlly non
worthy avenue, worthy ave.
the south aide of Lang
nue to Booth street, thence north-
erly on the west aide oft$ence west`
to 'West "third atneet, b
erly on the south side ~OgCetnoith-
street to Collage street,
Collegeyatreettto West Fitthaistreetr
µestoedriftht atreeth ton Delhi a~stceet
phehoe weaterlY along ,the southerly
aide of Deltd etneet~ ~heb a 8t t aide
theaoe eoulherly
of Aubtmn streatnnttheraouthtraide
thence srestetd0'
~ .Gvaee street to Algona street,
thence ®outhenly on the 'east aide
M Algrona,etreet t~ IheTaoutht side
lhence sveateriy
e'f Weat Tl~kd eU9et, thence weat-
eaiy_along 4he eauth side of Weat
$hkd street and the south aide of
Third Precinct
Commencing at the easterly limtte
of the city, thence proceeding weat-
Subdivt iontht Lanrelinstreet, i then e
line o1 eSubdivisian of Minrtlat 20 rto
the southeasterly lot line of Lot 19
of Rowan's Addition, thence sauth-
we+sterly on the north line o[ Lot 19
of Rowan's Addition to a point where
ton Ali ea of Section 36e thence rwest-
the centeraot S coon 36,ethenceiweat~
erly on said quarter section line to
Southern avenue, thence northeasterly
on the easterly aide of Southern ave.
nue to Valley street (included, how-
ever, in this precinct are alt reai-
avenueuand Samueliat ee~wthlnhthe
limits of this precinct), thence across
Sauthera avenue to Valley street,
thence northwesterly on the north-
easterly side of Valley street to @ulnn
street, thence northerly an the east
aide of @ulnn street to Union street,
thence northerly on the Deaf aide
of Union street to Rising street,
thence weaterlY on the north aide of
RiainB atraat to Dodge street, thence
westerly on the north aide of Dodge
street to Hlll street, thence northerly
on the east aide of H1U street to
West Third street, thence easterly on
the south side of Weat Third street
to Burch street, thence northerly on
the east side of Burch street to ene-
aide atoFenelon Place to W?~ Fourth
aides of `West Fourtbyetreethto Cen-
tral avenue, thence easterly on the
south side of East Fourth street to
southerlyrto thetplacetot bieginningce
Fourth Precinct eshall be rlea of "the
Fourth Pr4cinet
Cammencinghencehpt'oceetding ]wash
of the oily,
erly on a direct Ana tp East PoyrW
street, thence westerly on the north
aide of East Fourth atraat to Central
avenue, thepoe westerly on the north
place t tl enc Forest lY non `the anorth
A 1 I~^,
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 109
aide of Fenelon Place to Burch street,
thence southerly on the west side of
Burch street, to Weat Third street,
thence westerly on the north side of
West Th[rd street to Hill street,
thence northerly on the east side of
Hill street to West Fifth street,
ttiettce westerly on the north side of
West Fifth street to Wilson street,
thence northerly on the east side of
Wilson street to University avenue,
(hence easterly on the sotyth side of
Unlveraity avenue to Eighth avenue,
thanes easterly on the south side of
Eighth avenue to Central avenue
thence easterly on the south side of
East Eighth street to the easterly
limits of the city, thence southerly
to the place of beginning,
Section 8. The boundaries of the
Fifth Precinct shall be.
Fifth Precinct
Commencing at the fntersectlon of
Langworthy and Hi11 streets, thence
proceeding westerly on the northerly
side of I,angworthy street to Booth
street, thence northerly on the easter-
ly side of Booth street to West Third
street, thence westerly on the north-
erly aide of Weat Third street to Col-
}ege street thence northerly on the
easterly side of College street to West
Fifth street, thence westerly on the
northerly side oP .West Fifth street
to Delhi street, thence northeasterly
an the easterly side of Delhi street
to Mt. Pleasant street, thence north-
erly on the easterly aide of Mt. Pleas-
ant street to Loras boulevard, thence
easterly on the southerly side of Loras
boulevard to Belmont street, thence
southerly on the westerly side of Bel-
mont street to Roae street, thence
easterly on the southerly side of Roes
street to Center Place, thence south-
arly on the westerly side of Center
Place to University avenue, thence
easterly on the southerly side of Unl-
veraity avenue to Wilson street,
thence southerly on the westerly s[de
of Wilson street to West Fifth street,
thence easterly on the southerly aide
of Weat F1[th street to Hill street,
thence southerly on the westerly aide
of Hi11 street to the place of begin-
Section 9. The boundaries of the
Sixth Precinct shall be.
Sixth Precinct
Commencing on the Section lines
between Sections 26 and 27 T89NREE
at a point where West Third street
If produced to said section tine would
Intersect the same, thence proceeding
easterly on the northerly aide of West
Third etroet, thlls produced, to Weat
Third street, th€nce easterly on the
northerly aide of West Third street
to Algona atraat, thence northerly on
the westerly side of Algona street to
Grace street, thence easterly on the
northerly side of Grace street to Au-
burn street, thence northerly on the
westerly side of Auburn street to
belhi street, thence easterly on the
northerly aide of Delhi' street to Mt.
Pleasant street, thence northerly on
the westerly side of Mt. Pleasant
etroet to Loras boulevard, thence
easterly on the northerly side of Lorne
boulevrard to Alta Vista street, thence
northerly on the westerly aide o[
Alta V1eta street to Kirkwood street,
thence westerly on the southerly aide
of Kirkwood street and Kirkwood
street produced to Rosedale avenue,
thence westerly on the southerly aide
of Rdsedale avenue to Adair street,
thence southeasterly on a line drawn
northwesterly from the Intersection
at Rosedale avenue and Adair street
to the [nteraectlon of West Locust
and t0 ,;,,,~~w--street, thonce north-
easterly on the northerly side of Weat
Locust street to a point whore Ab ~"
bolt street it produced would Inter ~,Fi !}
West Locust, thence north ^
. an the westerly side of Abbott qp ; ;
erly t, thus produced,
s roe
then ~, „ _..,~
ce westerly on the southerly aide ^{s-' -'
of said A~ produced to the Dot ~ }
o[ intersection oe[ween saga nue arl~ ~.~reGl
the section l(ne between sections 22
and 23 T89NA2E, thence north along
said section line to the t~ersectton
of said line with the cent r line of
Kaufmann avenue, thence westerly
along the center flue of Kaufmann
avenue to its intersection with the
center line of Carter road, thence
southwesterly along the center line
of Carter road to IU intersection
with the center line of Asbury road, ~ ~
thence southeasterly along the center C ~'
line of Asbury road to its Intersec-
tlan with the section lino between i. ~"
sections E2 and 23 T8BNR2E, thence ~ I
south along said aectiott line to the ~~~
intersection of said line with the ~r~
center line of 3d~e'+illk street, thence
southeasterly along the center line of
{' ~. street to the interaectione
of tYie center lines o~.~, Popes
lar and Finley streets, thence soiith~ .
easterly along the center line of Fin-
ley street to its tntetsection with the `
center line of Unlveraity avenue,
thence southwesterly along the cen-
ter line of University avenue to its
intersection with the section line be-
tween sections 86 and 27 T89NR2E,
thence south to the point of begln-
Section 10. The boundaries of the
Seventh Precinct shall be.
Seventh Precinct
Commencing at the easterly limits
of the city, thence proceeding west-
erly to East Eighth street, thence
westerly on the north aide of East
Eighth street to Central avenue,
thence westerly on the north side
of West Eighth avenue to Main
street, thence northerly on the east
side of Main street to Loras boule-
vard, thence easterly On the south
s(de of Lorna boulevard to Central
avenue, thence easterly an the south
side of Eaat Fourteenth street to
the easterly limits at the city, thence
southerly to the place of beginning.
Section ll The boundaries of the
Eighth Preclnet shall be:
@ighth Precinct
Commencing at the northwest cor-
ner oP Main street and Eighth ave-
nue, thence proceeding westerly on
the north side of Eighth avenue to
Unlveraity avenue thence westerly on
the north side oi~ University avenue
to Center place, thence northerly on
the easterly aide of Center place to
Rose street, thence westerly an the
northerly side of Roee street to Bel-
mont street, thence northerly on
easterly aide of Belmont street to
Loras boulevard, thence easterly on
the southerly aide of Loras boule-
vard to Main street, thence south-
erly an the westerly side of Main
street to the place of beginning.
Section 12. The boundaries of the
Ninth Precinct shall be:
Ninth Preclnet
Commencing at the easterly limits
of the city, thence proceeding weat•
erly nn Eaat Fourteenth street,
thence westerly on the northerly efde
of East Fourteenth street to Central
avenue, thence westerly to the north-
erly side of Loras boulevard tc Maln
street, thence northerly on the east-
erly side of Main street to West
Seventeenth street, thence easterly
on the southerly line of Weat Seven-
teenth street to Heeb street, thence
110 Regular Session, March 3, 1952 Regular Session, ~ March 3, 1952 111
northerly on the easterly side of thence north six hundred feet (600'), side of East Twenty-sixth street to ford street produced, thence north-
Heeb street to East Nineteenth thence westerly 1n a direct line paral- Marquette Place, thence northerly on westerly on the northerly side of Staf-
atreet produced to Heeb street, thence let to and six hundred feet (600') `the westerly aide of Marquette Place ford street produced and Stafford
easterly on the southerly side of north of kane street produced to Viand Marquette Place produced to Mor- street to Thomas. street, thence north-
East Nineteenth street produced and the section line between aectione 14 ~ ton street, thence northerly on the erly on the easterly side of Thomas
East Nineteenth street to the east- and 15, T69NR2E, thence north along to westerly side of Morton street to East street to the easterly boundary line
erly limits of the city, thence south- said section Ilne to the S. E. trot- "ti Twenty-eighth street, thence norther- of Linwood Cemetery, thence north-
erly to the place of beginning. net of the N. E. ~ of aectio '~ ]y to the northerly city limits to the erly along the easterly boundary line
Section 13. The boundaries of the T89NR2E, thence westerly twenty-six i weal of a line drawn from Morton of Linwood Cemetery to the northerly
Tenth Precinct shall be: hundred and forty feet (2640') to the ~ ®street midway between Pinard and city limits, thence easterly to the
Tenth Precinct center of section 15, T89NR2E, thence ~ ~ Brunswick street, thence westerly on easterly city limits, thence southerly
,gyp' the northerly line of the city limits to the place oP beginning.
Commencing at a point where Semi- west six hundred and sixty feet
nary street interaecta West Locust (8ti0'), thence south twenty-six hua• ~ to the westerly limits, which is a Section 19. The boundaries of the
street, thence proceeding easterly on dyed and forty feet (2640') to the ~s(~! point at the N. E. corner of the S. E. Sixteenth Precinct shall be.
the southerly side oP West Locust south section line of section 16, ' i~ ~S of the N. E. ~ of section 15, Sixteenth Precinct
street to a point where Abbott street, T69NR2E, thence easterly along the ~ G T89NR2E, thence west thirteen hun- Commencing at a point one hun-
if produced, would Intersect West southerly section line of section 15, ~ dred and twenty feet (1320'), thence dred and ^inety feet (190') north of
Locust street, thence northerly on six hundred and sixty feet (660') ~ : south thirteen hundred and twenty U.S. Highway No. 20 on the section
the easterly side of Abbott street, [o the S. W. corner of the 5. E. ~ , ^ U feet (1320') thence east thirteen hun- line between Sections 26 and 27,
thus produced, to the alley lying of section 15, T89NR2E, thence south ~-- .1 ~ dred and twenty feet (1320'), to the T89NR2E, thence north along said
between Lowell and Seminary streets, to the intersection of the center line '~ section line between sections 14 and section line to the section corner be-
thence easterly on the southerly side of Kaufmann avenue, thence easterly ~ a ,15 at the S. E. corner of the N. E. ~ tween Sections 26 and 27 and 22 and
of said alley to Harold street, thence along the center line of Kaufmann • bP section 15, T39NR2E, thence south- 23, T89NR2E, thence north on the
h ~erly to the paint oP beginning. section line between Sections 22 and
easterly on a line drawn midway avenue W its intersection with the ~ l ~c Section 17. The boundaries of the 23, T69NR2E to its intersection with
between Lowell street and Seml- section line between section 22 and
nary streets to Main street, thence 't3 T69NASE, thence southerly along ?~ '.;Fourteenth Precinct shall be. the center line of the Asbury Road,
easterly on a flee drawn from Main said section line to the point of `~ ~ Fourteenth Precinct thence northwesterly along the center
street to fIeeb street to Twentieth beginning. ~ ~ Co encmg at the easterly tts ' line of the Asbury road to its inter-
atreet produced, thence southerly on Section 15. The boundaries of the ~, 7`.~ 1, of the ,thence proce west- section with the center line of Carter
the westerly side of Heeb street to Twelfth Precinct shall be: p `, a snit' to Ea, testes rest, thence road, thence northerly along the cen-
Weat . Seventeenth street, thence Twelfth Precinct ~ `westerly on`~ northerly side of ter line of Carter road to its inter-
westerly on the northerly side West ~ section with the center line of Kauf-
Seventeenth street to Main street, Commencing e^ Kane street at a ~ `~ >> East Nine .thr trg set to the E6ie[ego moon avenue, thence northerly along
thence southerly on the westerly aide point where Gay street if produced , , .... ~`i{p~9c1 right-oP-way, the center line of Carter road exten-
of Maln street to Loras boulevard, westerly to Kane street would in- ~ )'thence northerly on the easterly side
thence westerly on the northerly aide teraect the same, thence proceeding ti r of the Rail- sion to its intersection with the sec
c road right-of-way to East Twenty- lion line between Sections 15 and
of Loras boulevard to Alta Vista easterly o^ the southerly aide of Gay ,, ~` second street, thence northerly on 22, T89NR2E, which is the southwest
street, thence northerly an the east- street to Broadway, thence easterly corner of the S.E, t/y of Section 15,
-~ ~ _ he easterly aide of East Twenty-
erly side of Alta Vista street to on the southerly aide of Broadway .t\ tl stood street to Prince street, thence T89NR2E, thence west along the sec•
Iirkwood street, thence westerly on to Diagonal street, thence easterly ; ~ orihwesterly on the easterly side oP lion line between sections 15 and 22,
the northerly aide of Kirkwood street on the southerly aide of Diagonal t niece street to East Twent3'-tourth T89NR2E, to a point thirty three
and Kirkwood street produced to street to Central avenue, thence ~~ `~ street, thence easterly on the south- feet (33') east of the southwest corner
Rosedale avenue, thence westerly on northerly on the easterly side o1 ~~ snit' aide of East Twenty-fourth of Section 15, T89NR2E, thence south
the northerly side of Rosedale avenue Central avenue to East Twenty-aizth , ~ street to Queen street, thence north- thirteen hundred and twenty feet
to Adair street, thence northwesterly street, thence easterly on the south- snit' on the easterly aide of Queen (1120'), thence west thirty three feet
on a line drawn from Adair street snit' side of Eaat Twenty-sixth street ~a street to Marquette Place, thence f33') to the S. W. earner of the
to the place of beginning. to Marquette Place, thence southerly
Section 14 The boundaries of the on the westerly aide of Queen attest 3 westerly on the easterly aide of Mar- N. W, ~ of the N. W. ~ of Sec-
to East Twenty-fourth street, thence ~ nueue mace` a~ :Ia~uQtte..Skree lion 22, T89NR2E, thence south alone
Eleventh Precinct shall be: westerly on the northerly aide, of ~~ .~ - ~ - 2• ~ L~„ ...~ thence the west section line of Section 22
northerly on the easterly side of to the S.W. corner of Section 22,
Eleventh Precinct East Twenty-Fourth street to Prince ~ Morton street to East Twenty-eighth T89NR2E, thence south nine hundred
Commencing at a point on the sea street, thence southerly on the .west- street, thence northwesterly on a and tweet feet (920') along the west
lion line between sections 22 and snit' aide of Prince street to East r ~~; s° line drawn from Morton street mid- sectio^ line of Section 27, T89NR2E,
23 T89NR2F. where the alley line Twenty-second street, thence weater-
between Lowell and Seminary streets ly an the northerly aide o[ East + ~ . ' tr way between Pinard street and Bruns- thence east to the N.E. corner of
tt produced on a direct line would Twenty-second street to Central eve- ; ~~ I ~ ~ et Eo the northerly limits lot 2 of 1 of 1 of the west ~ of
intersect said section line, thence nue, thence westerly on the northerly ~• 0 of the city, thence easterly along the the N. W. ~ of the N. W. ~a of Sec-
proceeding easterly on the northerly side of Kaufmann avenue to Valerie 1~,` E northerly limits of the city and Davis lion 27, T89NR2E, thence south to
side of said alley, thus produced, to street, thence northwesterly on ~ ~ y street to the south ~a corner of sec- the N. W. corner of T.ot 2 of the east
the westerly end of said alley, thence easterly aide of Valeria street t ew a ~; ~ tj lion 12, T89NR2E of 5th P. M.; ~ of the N.W. ~ aP the N.W. ~ of Sec-
eaaterly on the northerly side of street thence n4~hwesterly on thg,/ ~ ` , ~ ~ thence north a distance of 2,859 feet lion 27, T89NR2E, thence east to the
said alley to Harold street, thence easterly side of, ew,n, ou<c,. [~uaa3 .~~ t to the center of section 12, thence west line of M. 248. thence north to the
east a distance of 1,983.9 feet to the
easterly on a line drawn midway lace street, thence harthweaterty u tE~ ~ N.W, corner of M.L. 248, thence south-
between Lowell a d Seminary streets the easterly side of Wallace street ~ northeast corner of lot 1 of 1 of Beth- easterly along the north line of M.L.
et [hence easterly on to Monroe street, thence southerly on ~ any Addition; thence south a distance tog to the N.W. corner of lot 2 of 2
a line drawn tom Maln street to the northerly aide of Monroe street ~ of 729 feet to the northwest corner of B*onson Farm addition to the City
Heeb street at Twentieth street pro- to Kane street, thence northwesterly ~ , of lot 2 of lot I of the N. E. ~ of of Dubuque, thence southeasterly along
doted, thence southerly an the east on the northerly side of Kane street ,. ~ the S. E, ~ of section 12; thence the north line of said lot 2 of 2 to
aide of Heeb street to East Nine- to the place of beginning. ,, ~ east a distance of 854.75 feet to the the south line of Ridgeway ave-
5ection 18. The boundaries o[ the northeast corner of lot 2 of lot 1 of
teenth street produced, thence east- ~ ; nue in Lenox Addition, thence
snit' ^n the north aide of East Nlne- Thirteen Precinct shall be. ~' the N. E. ~ of the S. E. >/4 of sec- southeasterly along the southerly line
teenth street to the Chicago Great lion 12; thence south a distance oP of Lenox Addition to the west line
Western Railroad right-of-way, thence Thirteenth Precinct ~ 1,775.6 fleet to the corner of sections
~ ~ of Delhi road, thence south to a point
northerly on the west side of the Commencing at a point six hun- 7, 12 13 and 18 at the easterly boon- one hundred and ninety (190'1 feet
Chicago Great Western Railroad dred feet (600') north of Kane street i dart' of Linwood Cemetery; thence north of the center line of U.S. High-
right-of-way to East Twenty-second produced on the section line between ~ ;:. - southerly alone the easterly side of way No. 20, thence southeasterly along
street, thence westerly on the south sections 14 and 15 T89NR2E, thence ? Linwood Cemetery to Thomas street,
thence seuthweaterl on the westerly a line parallel to and one hundred
side of East Twe ty-second street proceeding easterly on a direct line y and ninety feet (190') north of the
to Central ue cote westerly paraL'el to and six hundred feet (600') side of Thomas street to Staffed
,ne sou snit' aide of Kaufmann north oP Kane street to a point elx street, thence southeasterly on the center line of U.S. Highway No. 20
1 southerly side oP Stafford street and to the paint of beginning.
venue to Valeria street, thence hundred Yeet (600') north o a point ail Stafford street produced 20 Fast Section 20. That where ever streets
westerly on the southerly aide of where Kane street and the northerly -l and site s are referred to in this
Valeria street to Lewis street, thence line of Gay street it extended would p '? -'ri'estieth streetyto the easterly lim- ordinance the center lines thereof
westerly on the westerly side of intersect, thence south six hundred feet tt ~ its of the city, thence southerly to
Lewis street to Wallace street, thence (600') to said paint, thence easterly ~ '•.~ rt the place of beginning, shall be the boundary line of the
westerly on the westerly side of on the northerly aide oP Gay street ~ t'> Section 18 The boundaries of the p Section 21. The various election pre-
Wallace street to Monroe street, to Broadway, thence southeasterly an I~ iii, ~ Fifteenth Precinct shall be. c(ncts hereby established shall be pub•
thence westerly on the southerly side the northeasterly aide of Broadway ~ eR Fifteenth Precinct lished in the official newspapers of
of Monroe street and southerly on to Diagonal street, thence easterly on ~~ ~;' Beginning at the easterly boundary the Citv of Dubuque once a week for
the easterly side of Monroe street the northerly side of Diagonal street t line of the city, thence proceeding three 13) consecutive weeks, the last
to Kane attest, thence westerly on to Central avenue, thence northerly l~ G` westerly to East Twentieth street, publication to he at least thirty (30)
the southerly side of Kane street on the westerly aide of Central eve- thence westerly on the northerly days prior to the next general election.
doted would wlnteraectyKaneesireet, 'thence northeasterly on thetnortherly + ' + side of East Twenjlejh @teeet to Staf- Section 22. This Ordinance shall be
a~~ ~
~~ ~~ E v
~+ /
1~2 Regular 5tssion, March 3, 1952
in tall force and effect from and
after its final passage, adoption and
publication as by law provided,
ntroduced the 3rd day of March,
Ruh requiring reading on three se-
parate days suspended by unanUnous
vofe the 3rd day of March, 1952.
Passed, adopted and approved this
8rd day 6f March, 1952.
Attest : J. J. SAEA
City Cletk.
Pubnshed ofPidally is The Tele~raph~
Herald newspaper this 11th day of
March, 1952.
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
An Ordinance Amending Ordin-
ance No. 3319 by repealing Section
A of Schedule III thereof and en-
acting asubstitute therefor, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Aus-
tin moved that the reading just
had be eonsidered the first read-
ing of the ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Councilman Austin moved that
the rules be suspended requiting
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Welu. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-llfayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin; Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb,
Ah Ordinance Amending Ordinance
fro. 33.49 by repealing Section A of
Schedule III thereof and enact[ng a
sdbstitute therefor.
Section 1. That Section A of Sched-
ule III of Ordinance No. 83-49 be and
the same is hereby repealed and the
following enacted as a substitute
A. Eastbound and westbound vehicles
must atop before entering:
washingtdn Street at East 29th Street;
Elm Street at East 29th Street;
Waetiington Street at East 18th
Section 2 This OYdh4ance shall be In
#ull force and effect from and after
its final passage, adoption and publi•
cation as by law provided.
irttroduced the 9rd dey of Mardi; 1552.
Rule requiring reading on three se's-
rate days suspended by unanimous
vote the 3rd day of March, 1952.
Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd
day of March; 1952.
Aomolo N. Russo
Clarence P, welu
Ruben V. Anattn
Leo N. Scrineller
J.J. Shea
City Cleft..
Published atficlally in the Telegraph~
Herald newspaper this lOt6 day of
March, 1952.
J.J. Shea
City Clerk.
It. Mat. 10
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, VVelu,
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 28, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa.
Your Planning & Zoning Com•
mission res¢ectiaety recommends
denial of the petition of Mrs. Chas.
Reckord et. al. requesting rezon-
ing of Glen Oak Street between
University Avenue and Loras $ou1-
evard to Two Family Classification.
An opposing petition forwarded di•
rectly to the Planning 6t Zoning
Commission indicates that the ma•
jority of affected property owners
are not in favor of the change.
Respectively submitted,
Dubuque Planning & Zoning Com-
By Richard V. McKay, Secretary
Councilman Welu moved that the
recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Commission be ap-
proved. Seconded by .Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-1Kayor Russo, Councilmen
Austm, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 28, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
As a result of a comprehensive
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 113
study of the newly annexed area,
the Plannii4g and Zoning Commis-
slon vrishes to recommend the
zoning of the area as follows:
(,,on}mencing at a point on the
northlvest corner of the intersec-
tjon of .Carter Road and Asbury
Road northerly one hundred feet
along rile westerly edge of Carter
Road, thence westerly five hundred
and eighty-three feet (583') on a
l~fie parallel to and one hundred
feet (100') northerly of the Asbury
Ropd, tl~lce souUlerly one hun-
dred feet (100') to the northerly
edge of Asbury Road, thence east-
erly five hundred and eighty-three
feet (583') along the northerly line
of the Asbury Road to the point of
Commencing at the northeasterly
corner of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1
of Lot 152 Finley, Waples and Bur-
tons Addition, thence southwesterly
along the southeasterly side of the
Delhi Road a distance of three
hundred and fifty #eet (350'), thence
southeasterly at a right angle to
the Delhi Road a distance of one
hundred feet (I,fJO'), thence three
hundred and fifty feet (350') north-
ksasterly :on a line parallel with
Delhi Road to the easterly lot line
of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Lot 152 Finley,
W.aples and Burtons Add., thence
a51r#ltwesterly one hundred feet
4f40') to the place of beginning.
,Op the northerly side of the Del-
hi mid westerly from the inter-
Section of Lenox Avenue and Delhi
liaad an area composed of Lots
two .to nine inclusive and lots forty
sev~l to fifty inclusive all in Len-
ox Addition.
Commencing at the westerly city
limits line and the center line of
U, S. Highway No. 20, thence south
to a point two hundred and five
feet (205') .south of the center line
of U. S. Highway No. 20, thence
southeasterly along a line parallel
to and two hundred and five feet
(205') south of the center line of
U. S. Highway No. 20 to the west-
line of Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of l of George
Jecklin Farm, thence southwest-
erly along the west line of said Lot
1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of George Jecklin
Farm far a distance one hundred
and seventy #ive feet (175'), thence
southeasterly along a line three
hundred and eighty feet (380') south
of and parallel to the center line
of U. S, Highway No. 20 for a
distance of three hundred feet
(300'), thence northerly along the
easterly line of Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1
of George Jecklin Farm to the
Northeast corner of said lot, thence
easterly two hundred and five feet
(205') south of and parallel to U. S.
Highway No. 20 to the east line of
Section 27, T 89 N. R2E, thence
north along said Section line to
the center line of U, S. Highway
No. 20, thence northerly along said
Section line a distance of two
hundred and sixty feet (~0'),
thence westerly along a line two
hundred and sixty feet (260') norm
of and parallel to U. S. Highway
No. 20 to the westerly City Limits
line, thence south along the west-
erly City Limits line two hundred
and ninety feet (290') to the center
line of U. S. Highway No. 20 the
point of beginning.
All of the newly annexed area
be single family residence district
except the parcels described above
and titled as Local Business Dis-
Respectfully submitted,
Dubuque Planning & Zoning Com-
By R. V. McKay, Secretary.
Councilman Welu moved that the
recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Commission be received
and made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
RESOLUTION Setting Time and
Place of Hearing on Amendment
to Zoning Ordinance
Whereas the Planning and Zon-
ing Commission leas submitted its
report recommending the Amend-
ment to the Zoning Map to provide
far the Zoning of the area newly
annexed to the City by Decree of
the District Court dated February
7, 1952; and
Whereas before any amendment
to said Zoning Map or Zoning Ord-
114 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
finance may be adopted a public
hearing must be had thereon;
Section 1. That a public hearing
be had on said proposed Zoning
of said area and said report on
the 7th day of April, 1952 at 7:30
o'clock P. M. in the City Coun-
cil Chamber in the City Hall in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, at which
time and place all interested part-
ies and citizens may be heard;
Section 2. That the City Clerk
is hereby directed to publish not-
ice of saad meeting once in the
manner provided by law at least
fifteen days prior to the date set
for said meeting.
Adopted this 3rd day of March,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Welu. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 28, 1952
Hon. Mayor and Members of
the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen: The claim of Marie
Lucas has been referred to this
office for recommendation and re-
port. Investigation discloses that
Mrs. Lucas slipped and fell on an
icy crosswalk at Eighth and Main
Streets on December 15, 1951, dis-
locating avertebra.
She has incurred medical ex-
pense of $100 and for a period of
five weeks was unable to resume
her employment at the Dubuque
Packing Company, where she was
making approximately $80 a week.
Mrs. Lucas has agreed to accept
$175.00 in full settlement of her
claim and I recommend that this
settlement be approved and the
Auditor be instructed to issue a
warrant in favor of Marie Lucas
in the amount of $175 and deliver
the same to her upon receipt of
her properly executed release.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Soliei-
for Nelson be approved and that
the City Auditor be instructed to
draw a warrant in the amount of
$175.00 in favor of Marie Lucas, as
settlement in full of her claim, and
that said warrant be delivered upon
'receipt by the City of Dubuque of
a properly executed release. Seo-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb,
February 18, 1952
Hon. Mayor and Members
of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The claim of Mrs.
Roscoe Keppler for the injuries re-
ceived December 22,1951, has been
referred to this office for recom•
mendation and report.
From investigation it appears
that Mrs. Keppler fell on a patch
of snow and ice on the north side
of Sixth Street between Main and
Locust and fractured her left wrist.
She incurred medical expenses of
$67.50 and was out of work for
five weeks. She has agreed to ac•
cept $167.50 in full settlement of
all her claim and I recommend that
this settlement be approved and
the Auditor instructed to draw a
waimant in favor of Mrs. Roscoe
Keppler and deliver the same to
her upon receipt of her properly
executed release.
Councilman Schueller moved
that the recommendation of City
Solicitor Nelson be approved and
that the City Auditor be instructed
to draw a warrant in the amount
of $167.50 in favor of Mrs. Roscoe
Keppler, as settlement in full of
her claim, and that said warrant
be delivered upon receipt by the
City of Dubuque of a properly ex-
ecuted release. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Austin. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 115
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
March 3, 1952
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Gentlemen: On January 30, 1952,
the claim of Wesley W. Heitzman,
for damages in the sum of $74.94,
for extending his water line from
the original watermain in Marion
Street to the new watermain, was
filed with the City Clerk and sub-
sequently referred to this office
for investigation and report.
After due investigation, it is the
recommendation of this office that
the claim be paid and that the
Auditor be instructed to draw a
warrant in favor of Wesley W.
Heitzman in the sum of $74.94, to
be paid to him upon receipt of a
properly executed release.
Respectfully submitted,
Assistant City Solicitor
Councilman Schueller moved
that the recommandation of As-
sistant City Solicitor Czizek be ap-
proved and the City Auditor in•
strutted to draw a warrant in the
amount of $74.94, as settlement in
full of his claim, and that said
warrant be delivered upon receipt
by the City of Dubuque of a prop-
erly executed release. Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
March 3, 1952
Honorable .Mayor and Members
of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: On February 4, 1952
the claim of James T, Arenz for
damages to his automobile in the
sum of Twelve ($12.00) Dollars was
filed in the office of the City Clerk
and subsequently referred to this
office for investigation and report.
After due investigation, it is be-
lieved that there existed no negli-
gence upon the part of the City
of Dubuque which contributed in
any fashion to the damage claimed
and therefore respectfully recom-
mend that the claim be denied.
Respectfully submitted,
Assistant City Solicitor
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of Assistant
City Solicitor Czizek be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 18, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa..
Gentlemen: I herewith submit re-
ports of the City Auditor, City
Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works for the
month of January 1952; also list
of claims and list of payrolls for
which warrants were issued for
the month of January, 1952,
Respectfbull submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Austin moved that
the reports be received and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
March 3, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: This is to advise that
I have approved the following
bonds and desire to have your ap•
proval on same far filing:
Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co.
1395 Washington Street, Bond No.
28210-12.108.48 U. S. Fidelity and
Guaranty Co.
Key City Gas Company 669 Main
Street, Bond No, 735673 The Fidel-
ity and Casualty Co.
Ideal Plumbing and Heating Co.
527 Central Avenue, Hawkeye Se-
curity Ins. Co.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Austin moved that
the bonds be approved and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
116 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 14, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The petition of the
Independent School District of Du-
buque requesting that the City
Council provide fire protection for
the new Irving School was referred
to the City Manager, City Solicitor
and Fire Chief for investigation
and report.
On February 7, 1952 Judge John
G. Chalmers signed a Judgment
and Decree onewhg h th new t~n
of property ,
ing School is located. They are
now being furnished the proper
fire protection as they are within
the liRespectfullyCsubmited ague.
City Manager
Councilman Austin moved that
the communication of City Manager
Schiltz be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 28, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The annexation of
the new area to the City brings
several duplications of present
street names. Therefore in order
to relieve this situation `before
the registration and assigning of
street numbers the attached Or•
dinance is presented. Included are
several street name changes in the
• Old City Limits.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Austin moved that
the communication of City Mana-
ger Schiltz be received and made
Cou~neilmanf Welur Carried by the
following vote:
yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
An Ordinance changing th
names of Streets and Aven resented
in the City of Dubuque, p
and read.
Councilman Welu moved that the
reading ]mot had be considered the
first reading of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car•
tied by the following vote:
yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent--Councilman Kolb.
Councilman Welu moved that the
rules be suspended requiring an
ordinacne to be read on three sep-
erate days. Seconded by Council-
man Austin. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
An Ordinance changing the names of
Streets and Avenues within the City
of Dubuque.
Be It Ordained 6y the City Councll
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the following changes
within the City of Dubuquenbe and the
same are hereby changed, the changes
to become effective from and after the
passage and publication of this Ordi-
nance as required by ]aw. The names
of Streets and Avenues shall be chang-
ed to read as follows:
Austin Street from Cooper Street to.
Maiden Lane shall be called Raymond
Fremont Avenue from Grandview
called Dodge St eet d Street shall be
U. S. Highway No. 20 from Lombard
Street to the new city ]lords shall be
caned Dodge Street,
Delhi Street from the old city Rmlts
to the new city limits shaD be caned
University Avenue.
Hales Mill Road from the intersection
of Asbury Street and Rosedale Avenue
to the new City Ltmits shall be called
Asbury Street,
Carter Road from the present City
Limits at Kaufmann Avenues west to
shall be called Kaut Bann Avenue~ston
Austin Avenue in Lenox Addition
shall be called Nebraska Avenue,
sballebe calledeMissourl AvenueAddition
all beocal]edewlsconsln Avenue dltlon
Iowa Avenue in Lenox Addition shall
be called Ohio Avenue. _
ditioln she t hetcalled1Montana Street d
and designating the unnamed street
at the old city limits line from Greeq
Street to Fairview Drtve as Bunker HRl
Section 2. That upon final passage
a copy thereof shall be certified and
filed with the County Recorder and
County Auditor of Dubuque County,
Recorder a botficee in accordance nwtth
the law.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its fin•
e lication as provldediby ~wuncil and pub•
Regular Session, March 3, 1952
passed upon first reading this and parking space rather than con-
doy of March, 1952. tinually driving around and always
Passed, adopted and approved upon Oslte side
final reading this 3rd day of March, of she street fromh whCh they are
1952. goM0L0 N. RUSSO,
Mayor driving.
gUg~ VEAUSTIN,U' The streets in the city of Du-
LEO N.SGHUELLER buque are narrow and could not
Councilmen be widened without great expense
Attest: to handle the increased traffic
City Clerk
published officially in The Telegraph- load that they are now handling
Herald newspaper this loth day of and which will continue to increase
March, 1952. J, J, SHEA, each year. The most practical solu•
city clerk lion to this problem would be the
1t Mar. 10 street pat-
Councilman Weht moved the adoption of a one-way
adoption of the ordinance. Second- tern in a North and South direc•
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried tl I would like to make the follow-
by the following vote:
yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen siderationmendations for your con-
Austin, Schueller, We1u• (i) That Bluff Street be one-way
Nays-None. South bound from Eighth
Absent-Councilman Kolb. Street to Dodge Street;
February 23, 1952 (2) That Locust Street be one.
To the Honorable Mayor way North bound from
and City Council, Fourth Street to Loral Blvd.;
Dubuque, Iowa. (3) That Main Street be one-way
Gentlemen: During the last five southbound from Lora s
year period, car registrations in Blvd. to Fourth Street;
Dubuque have increased approxi- (4) That Iowa Street be one way
mately 8~%. Along with this in- Northbound from Fourth
crease in registrations, traffic has Street to Loral Blvd.;
increased in somewhat the same 5 That traffic lights be in-
proportion. The largest percentage () stalled at the intersection of
of traffic moving on the streets Eighth and Bluff and Eighth
in the city of Dubuque follows and Iowa Streets;
North and South dirc,ction, and in (6) That parking be eliminated
this downtown area we have Bluff
St>yat~$treets and eCentral~Avenue the houurs of 4 and 5 30 P.bI.
Io most of the traffic. I believe that the above recom•
that carry
With the parrkeet there isnroom solve sour scongested trafficelPr b•
side of the st lem and will help to speed the flow
I for only one lane of traffic in each
` direction. With the increase in the of traffic in this area.
E traffic during rush hours, the turn- If that Council is favorable to
ing movement slows up traffic mov- these recommendations, Iwould
• ing in bocksd adjo~mnnganintersec- incoperationtuntil the trafficplights
times blo are in place and all street signs
If traffic in a North-South direc• changed and parking meters loco -
lion was one-way and with it being
properly laned at each intersection,
the congestion caused by turning
~ movements of cars would be elim-
inated. It would also give the
vehicles an opportunity to move
through the interesection at a con-
mentuoffvehicles passinghth ough
the intersection.
~~~ ~ Also if one-way traffic were per-
mitted and parking allowed on both
` ~ ` sides of the street, It will be much
~ ~~~ ' i~ easier for vehicles to get into a
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Welu moved that the
communication of City Manager
Schilta be referred back to the City
Manager for further study and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman Aus-
tin. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent--Councilman Kolb.
118 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
February 22, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The City Council re•
ferred to the City Manager and
City Solicitor the petition of
George Flanders and others for an
appropriation of city money to de-
fray the expenses of the annual
Memorial Day celebration held by
local veterans' organizations.
I have attached the opinion of
the City Solicitor relative to muni-
c i p a l corporations expending
money for this purpose. The only
authorization for this type of ex-
penditure is in Chapter 159, Section
10, of the Acts of the 54th General
Assembly. This Section authorizes
the city to make a levy in the muni-
cipal ,enterprises fund for the
adornment of any cemetery used
for burial purposes by the people
of the city.
It is the opinion of the City So-
licitor that the City may expend
funds not otherwise appropriated
in the Municipal Enterprises Fund
for this purpose.
Under the present appropriation
for the Municipal Enterprises Fund,
there is no provision made for
this type of an expenditure. I would
recommend that in preparing for
the fiscal year 1953, provision be
made for this expenditure.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Welu moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Schiltz be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 16,1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The term of Louis J.
Lagen on the Civil Service Com-
mission expires March 31,1952 and
that of Louis Stoffregen on the
Board of Zoning Adjustment ex-
pires March 5, 1952.
Appointments should be made to
fill these vacancies as soon as pos-
sible because of the urgency of
having a full membership on both
of these Boards.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Austin moved that
Mr. Louis J. Lagen be reappointed
as a member of the Civil Service
Commission for a term of six years,
said term expiring March 31, 1958,
also that Mr. Louis Stoffregen be
reappointed as a member of the
Board of Adjustment for a term of
five years, said term expiring
March 5, 1957. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 23, 1952.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The petition of
Jackson School Parent-Teachers
Association was referred to the
City Manager and Traffic Depart-
ment for investigation and report.
Along with the investigation of
this school crossing signal, we
have investigated the conditions at
all other schools which at the pre-
sent time do not have signals or
have not as yet been authorized.
The following recommendations
are made for your consideration:
That school crossing lights be
installed for Jackson School at
Kirkwood and West Locust Streets,
For the Lincoln School at Neva-
da and University,
For Nativity School at Alpine
and University, and
For St. Mary's School at 15th
and Jackson Streets.
Respectively submitted,
City Manager,
Councilman Schueller moved
that the recommendations of City
Manager Schiltz be approved, Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent~ouncilman Kolb.
February 22, 1952.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: There have been a
~i ~
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 119
number of complaints regarding
the operation of trucks through
the city and that they are using
streets other than the regularly
marked highway route.
If trucks continually use streets
that are not adequately construct-
ed for this type of traffic, the
streets will soon deteriorate and
have to be rebuilt.
In order that this condition can
be corrected, I would recommend
that an ordinance be prepared to
provide that motor carriers shall
follow the marked highways
through the city, and if they are
not proceeding through the city,
to follow the marked highways to
the intersection closest to their
destination. After such an ordi-
nance is approved by the city coun-
cil, suitable signs would be erected
to direct the motor carriers to fol-
low these routes.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
February 22, 1952.
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The petition of
John P. Winter and others re-
questing the installation of a
street light on Lindberg Terrace
was referred to the City Manager
and Electrical Inspector for recom-
mendation and report.
In view of the fact that this
area has been built up, I recom-
mend that the street light be
placed at approximately 35 Lind-
berg Terrace.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Welu moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu:
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
March 3, 1952.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Several months ago
the City gave permission to the
Interstate Power Company to con-
struct atransmission line on the
north side of the city property
on which the disposal plant is to
be erected.
There has been no easement
granting this permission and I
recommend that the proper ease-
ment be filed by the Mayor and
City Clerk,
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Welu moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Resolution Granting an Easement
for Transmission Line to the In-
terstate Power Company,
Whereas, the Interstate Power
Company has requested an ease-
ment to construct a transmission
line on city awned property; and
Whereas, the City Council has
heretofore approved the construe
tion of said transmission line:
Now, therefore, be it resolved:
That the Mayor is hereby au-
thorized to execute an easement
in the name of the City of Du-
buque granting to Interstate Pow-
er Company the right to construct,
maintain and remove lines on the
following described property:
Commencing at a point 5 feet
south and 129.06 feet east of the
northwest corner of Section Thir-
ty-One (31), Township Eighty-Nine
(89) North, Range Three (3) East;
thence west approximately 199.28
feet; thence north 86° 57' west ap-
proximately 220.6 feet to a point
of intersection with the southeast
boundary of Block Thirty-One (31)
of Dubuque Harbor Company's
Addition in the City of Dubuque,
That the City Clerk is hereby
authorized to affix the Seal of the
City of Dubuque to said easement;
120 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
That the City Clerk is hereby
authorized to deliver said ease-
ment to the Interstate Power Com-
pany upon the receipt of the
agreed price of One Dollar ($1.00).
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, A. D. 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Conditioned on payment of addi•
tional consideration)
Know all men by these presents:
That we, residents of Dubuque
County, State of Iowa, in consider-
ation of One and no/100 ($1.00)
Dollars to us paid by Interstate
Power Company, a Delaware cor-
poration, the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged, grant said
corporation, its successors and as-
signs, forever, the right, privilege
and authority to construct, operate,
maintain and remove lines for the
transmission of electric energy, in-
cluding necessary poles, wires,
guys, stubs and other fixtures, over
across and upon the following des-
cribed real estate owned by us and
located in the County of Dubuque,
State of Iowa, to-wit:
Plat of abandoned River Bed in
the Northwest Quarter (NW'/a) of
Section Thirty-one (31), Township
Eighty-nine (89) North, Range
Three (3) East of the 5th P.M.,
and the Northeast Quarter (NE'/n)
of Section Thirty-six (36), Town-
ship Eighty-nine (89) North,
Range Two (2) East in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa.
Poles of said transmission line
to be located five (5) feet south
of the north line of above de•
scribed property, commencing at
a point 5 feet south and 129.06
feet east of the northwest corner
of Section Thirty-one (31), Town-
ship Eighty-Nine (89) North, Range
Three (3) East; thence west ap-
proximately 19928 feet; thence
north 86° 57' west approximately
220.6 feet to point of intersection
with the southeast boundary of
Block Thirty-one (31) of Dubuque
Harbor Company's Addition in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, as shown
on print attached hereto and made
a part hereof.
It is understood and agreed that
grantor reserves the right to fill
or excavate, or both, on the de-
scribed premises and, in the event
grantor elects to carry on such
work, it shall notify grantee in
writing of its intention so to do
not less than thirty (30) days prior
to commencing such work and
thereafter grantor shall be re-
lieved from any damage to gran-
tee's property resulting from such
Together with the right privi•
lege and authority to trim or cut
down any trees within 30 feet of
each side of the outside conductor
of said line; and also the right to
enter upon the above described
premises at any and all times for
the purpose above set forth.
In witness whereof, We have
hereunto set our hands and seals
this 6th day of March, 1952.
State of Iowa 2 5S.
County of Dubuque
On this 6th day of March, 1952,
before me, Geraldine L, Jenni, a
notary public, personally appeared
Romolo N. Russo and J. J. Shea,
to me known to be the per-
sons described in and who exe-
cuted the foregoing instrument
and acknowledged that they exe-
cuted the same as their free and
voluntary act and deed.
In witness whereof, I have here-
unto affixed my official signature
with the seal of my office, the day
and year first above written.
My commission expires July 4,
(SEAL) Notary Public
Dubuque County, Iowa .
1', i
I ~'h
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 121
March 3, 1952.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Attached hereto are
options of $11,000.00 on Lot 5,
Part of Tschirgi and Schwind's
Subdivision, owned by Jess Armi•
loge and of $14,000.00 on Lot 6
of Part of Tschirgi and Schwind's
Subdivision owned by Al A. Smith.
This property is located on the
corner of Atlantic Street and Uni-
versity Avenue west of Allison
Henderson Park, and is desirable
for the construction of a new fire
I recommend that this property
be purchased by the City for the
location of a new fire station. A
form of resolution for such pur-
chase is herewith submitted.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Whereas, it is the considered
judgment of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
provision be made for the loca-
tion of a new fire station on the
corner of Atlantic and University;
Whereas, Lot 5 and Lot 6, part
of Tschirgi & Schwind's Subdivision
in the City of Dubuque are con-
sidered to be well located for this
fire station; and
Whereas, the City Council con-
siders it necessary and expedient
that the above described property
be acquired by the Municipality;
Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
that Lot 5 of Tschirgi and
Schwind's Subdivision in the City
of Dubuque be purchased from
Jess Armitage far the sum of
Be it further resolved that Lot
6 Part of Tschirgi and Schwind's
Subdivision in the City of Du-
buque be purchased from Al A.
Smith for the sum of $14,000.00.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 3rd day of March,
Councilman Welu moved that
the resolution just read, being a
resolution authorizing a contract
be now considered complete in
form for final passage and further
move that the same be placed on
file with the City Clerk and re-
main on file for public inspection
for at least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
March 3, 1952.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The Building Com•
misioner, Sanitary Inspector and
Fire Chief made an inspection of
buildings located at 255 Pear
Street and at the rear of 678 Cen-
tral Avenue. Both of these build-
ings are dilapidated and in danger
of collapse.
I recommend that you appoint a
condemnation committee to exam-
ine these buildings.
Respectfully yours,
City Manager.
Councilman Schueller move d
that the recommendation of City
Manager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Councilman Austin moved that
Messrs Fred Fichter, Fred Schroe-
der and Harry J. Schiltz be appoint-
ed as members of a condemnation
committee to examine the build-
ings located at 255 Pear Street and
at the rear of 678 Central Avenue
and to submit their recommenda-
tion and report back to the City
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
122 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
March 3, 1952.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The City Council de-
ferred action on a proposed city
ordinance to require the dating of
milk deliveries in the city of Du-
buque until the Health Department
made a further investigation.
The Milk Inspector met with rep-
resentatives of each dairy on Feb-
rua~v 13th and agreed on a policy
that would not create a financial
burden on any dairy supplying
milk to Dubuque.
The items agreed upon by .all
dairies are as follows:
1. All dairies are to either code
or date their products in a manner
that will assure the Health Depart-
ment that the consumer is amply
2. Constant supervision of de-
livery men to discontinue the poli-
cy of overstocking retail outlets.
3. If the product is coded, that
the code will be made available
to the Health Department and the
retail merchants.
4. To inform wholesale delivery
men that milk will be picked up
from retail stores no later than
the first delivery following the
elapse of the time limit for that
It is the belief of the Health
Department that this agreement
will be satisfactory and that the
amendment to the Milk Ordinance
is not now essential in maintain-
ing of a high quality product.
I recommend that the Council
take no action on the proposed
amendment to the Milk Ordinances
in view of the satisfactory agree-
ment with all the dairies supplying
milk to Dubuque.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J, Schiltz,
City Manager.
Councilman Welu moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
March 3, 1952.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen; In order to plan
for the expansion of our water sys-
tem Ihave had the Water Depart•
meat Superintendent prepare a re•
port showing the statistics on rev
enues and expenditures, the im-
provements needed over a ten year
period and those proposed for
The improvements planned with-
in the city, such as Main exten•
sions and new wells, include an
expenditure of $97,300.00 for the
main extensions in the newly an•
vexed area. The residents of this
area have acquired an equity in
the city water facilities that were
paid for by those within the old
limits and should, in my .opinion
be assessed for a portion of the
water main extensions.
Extensions planned for 1952 in
this new area include Pennsylvania
Avenue west to Drexell Street,
Fairfax Avenue, Lennox Avenue
west to Alpha Street, Brown Street,
Green Street from Pennsylvania
Avenue northeast, Chaney Road
from Hillcrest south to Pennsyl-
vania Street, Asbury Road from
Carter Road west approximately
1000 feet.
These extensions are a part of
the expansion program and it is
proposed that the city pay the
costs in excess of a six inch main.
The assessed amount would be ap•
proximately one-half the total cost.
In order that the proposed pro•
gram can be completed, it will be
necessary to issue $200,000.00
worth of Revenue Bonds.
I recommend that the program
be approved as I have it outlined
to include special assessment of
main extensions in the annexed
area, the drilling of two new wells
if the test well proves satisfactory,
main extensions in the old system
and the issuance of $200,000.00 in
Revenue Bonds.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Welu moved that
the recommendation of City Man•
ager Schiltz be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin. Car•
ried by the following vote:
y ~~..,
~'~ ~
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 123
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Councilman Austin moved that
City Solicitor Nelson be authorized
to hire the services of Messrs
Chapman and Cutler, attorneys,
for the preparation of proceedings
covering the issuance of $200,000.00
Water Revenue Bonds. Seconded
by Councilman Welu. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Petition of Leonard A. Adamac
and others, property owners in the
newly annexed Highland Fark Ad•
dition in the City, requesting that
the city water mains be extended
from the corner of Carter and As-
bury Roads, west on Asbury Road
for a sufficient distance to service
all of their property, or a distance
of about 900 feet, presented and
Councilman Austin moved that a
plat and schedule of assessment be
prepared covering the request.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu,
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Whereas, pursuant to Resolution
and Notice the City Council of the
City of Dubuque met on the 4th day
of February. 1952, at 7:30 o'clock p.m.
in the City Council Chambers in the
City Hall to consider the proposal
to dispose of the hereinafter de-
scribed real estate, at which hear-
ing all interested Aarties were af-
forded an opportunity to be heard
for or against such proposal; and
Whereas, pursuant to published no-
tice, oral bids for said property were
taken and the highest oral bid was
determined to be that of Justin Burke
in the amount oY $3,500.00, and after
taking oral bids the sealed bids were
then opened and the highest sealed
bid was determined to be that of
Arthur Witherall in the amount of
$4,500.00, and it was thereupon de-
termined that the bid of Arthur
Witherall in the amount of $4,500.00
was the successful bid;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
Section 1. That the bid of Arthur
Witherall in the amount of $4,500.00
for the purchase of Lot 1 of 1 of
Mineral Lot 195 and Lot 2 of 2 of 3
of Mineral Lot 144 is hereby accepted
and the Mayor and City Clerk are
hereby authorized and empowered to
execute the quit claim deed of the
City of Dubuque, releasing and con-
veying to Arthur Witherall all of its
right, title and interest in and to
the above described real estate and
to deliver the same to the said Ar-
thur Witherall upon the receipt of
$4,600.00 in each:
Section 2. That this Resolution
shall be In full force and effect Prom
and after its final passage, adoption
and publication as provided by ]aw.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 4th day of February,
Passed adopted and approved this
3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. Shea, City Clerk,
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 7th day
oY March, 1952.
7. J. SHEA,
It Mar 7. City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu,
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Whereas, pursuant to Resolution
and Notice the City Council of the
City of Dubuque met on the 4th day
of February, 1952, at 7:3D o'clock
p. m., in the City Council Chambers
in the City Hall to consider the pro-
posal to dispose oP the hereinafter
described real estate, at which hear-
ing all interested parties were af-
forded an opportunity to be heard
for or against such proposal; and
Whereas, pursuant to published no-
tice, oral bids for said property were
taken ann the highest oral bid was
tletermined to be that of no oral
bids received, and after taking oral
bids the sealed bids were then opened
and the highest sealed bid was de-
termined [o be that of M. B. Olansky
in the amount of $12,500.00, and it
was thereupon determined that the
bid of M. B. Olansky in the amount
of $12,500. D0 was the successful bid;
Now Therefore Be it Resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
Section 1. That the bid of M. B.
Olansky in the amount of $12,500.00
Por the purchase of Lot 1 of i of S
of Randall's Subdivision is hereby
accepted and the Mayor and City
Clerk are hereby authorized and em-
powered to execute the quit claim
deed of the City of Dubuque, releas-
ing and conveying to M. B. Olansky
all of its right, title and interest in
and to the above described real estate
and to deliver the same to the said
M B Olansky upon the receipt of
$12,500.00 in cash;
Section 2. That this Resolution shall
be in full force and effect from and
after ita final passage, adoption and
publication as provided by Law.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 4th day of Febru-
ary, 1952.
Passed, adopted and approved this
3rd day oP March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. Shea, City Clerk.
Published officially in The Tele-
124 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
graph-Herald newspaper this 7th day the licenses are t0 be issued upon
of March, is52. the compliance with the terms of
1tMar7 city clerk.
the ordinances of this City.
Councllman Schueller moved the CLASS "B" PERMIT
adoption of the resolution. Second- Name Address
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried Miller, 400.402 Main
Harold L
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen .
Austin, Schueller, Welu. Mrs. Annice Jaeger, 1598 Elm
Nays-None. Street.
Absent--Councilman Kolb. Nick J. Legler, 553 Eighth Av-
RESOLUTION N0.59-52 enue.
Be It Resolved by the City Coun- Anthony C. Mihalovich, 1900
cil of the City of Dubuque that Washington Street.
the following, having complied Mathias A. Schneller, 132 Eighth
with the provisions of law relating Avenue.
to the sale of cigarettes within the Raymond McLaughlin, 2222 Cen-
City of Dubuque, begranted aper- tral Avenue.
mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette Jerome J. Love, 37 Eighth Av
papers within said City and the enue.
Manager is directed to issue such
' Henry T. Weber, 422 Main Street.
permit on behalf of said City. Leffa M. Koenig, 600 Central Av-
Name Address
Julius Miller, 1961 Central Av. enue.
Erwin M. Grab and Helen Grab,
1575 Central Avenue.
Henry T. Weber, 422 Main Street. Robert J. Quinlan, 1091 White
Anthony C. Mihalovich, 1900 Street.
Washington Street.
400.402 Main
. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club,
Nick J. Legler, 553 Eighth Av- .
~ Locust Street.
Leffa M. Koenig (Effective Daniel C. Maloney, 892 Cleveland
4/1/52) 600 Central Avenue.
Be It Further Resolved that the Avenue.
Clarence J. Kipper, 1585 Delhi
bonds filed with the applications St Ernest W
Pfalzgraf and A. L.
be approved.
adopted and approved
Passed .
F p
this 3rd day of March, 1952. approved
adopt d
ROMOLO N. RUSSO, this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, Councilmen
City Clerk Attest: J. J. SHEA,
Councilman Austin moved the City Clerk
adoption of the resolution. Second- Councilman Schueller moved the
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car- adoption of the resolution. Second-
ried by the following vote: ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen by the following vote:
Austin, Schueller, Welu. yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Nays-None. Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb. Nays-None.
RESOLUTION N0. 62-52 Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Whereas, applications for Beer SHEET N0. 68
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the Whereas, heretofore applications
same have been examined: Now, for Beer Permits were filed by
the within named applicants and
Be It Resolved by the Council of they have received the approval
the City of Dubuque that the fol- of this Council; and
lowing applications be granted and Whereas, the premises to be oc-
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 125
copied by such applicants have
been inspected and found to com-
ply with the ordinances of this
City and they have filed a proper
bond: Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be and he is directed to issue
to the folowing named applicants
a Beer Permit.
Harold L. Miller, 400-402 Main
Mrs. Annice Jaeger, 1598 Elm
Nick J. Legler, 553 Eighth Ave-
Anthony C. Mihalovich, 190 Wash-
ington Street.
Mathias A. Schneller, 132 Eighth
Raymond Mc Laughlin, 2222 Cen~
tral Avenue.
Jerome J. Love, 37 Eighth Ave-
Henry T. Weber, 422 Main Street.
Leffa M. Koenig, 600 Central
Erwin M. Grab and Helen Grab
1575 Central Avenue.
Robert J. Quinlan, 1091 White
Dr. Peper Bowling Lanes Club,
880 Locust Street.
Daniel C. Maloney, 892 Cleve-
laad Avenue.
Clarence J. Kipper, 1585 Delhi
Ernest W. Pfalzgraf and A. L.
Fecker, 1300 Central Avenue.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be
and the same are hereby approved.
Posed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of Adeline Street with
curb and gutter from the east prop-
erty. line of Grandview Avenue
to the West property line of Ro-
mona Street estimated cost $1,-
275.74, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, specifi-
cations, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and aree
now on file in the office of the City
Clerk showing among other things
the following:
1. The boundries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, and
kind of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assessed
against each lot, for the inprove-
ment of Adeline Street from the
east property line of Grandview
Avenue to the west property line
of Romona Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
far the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed to
126 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con•
strutted and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately o w n e cl
property lying within assessa-
ble distance provided by law
sad in an amount not to exceed
the amount provided by law, prop-
erty will be assessed whether the
same abuts thereon or is adjacent
thereto according to area and in
proportion to the special benefits
conferred thereby, and any de-
ficiency shall be paid out of the
street fund. Street improvement
bonds shall be issued and sold in
anticipation of deferred payments
of assessments when a contract
has been performed and accepted
and the proceeds thereof used to
pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved that the
resolution just read, being a res•
alution ordering a street improve-
ment be now considered complete
in form for final pasage and fur-
ther move that the same be placed
on file with the City Clerk and
remain on file for public inspec-
tion for at least one week before
final adoption. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Austin. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by .
Resolution No. 62-52 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Adeline Street from the
east property line of Grandview
Avenue to the west property line
of Ramona Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolution
of Necessity for said improvement
has been introduced and is now on
file in the City Clerk's office for
gublic inspection.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
on the 22nd day of March 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 9:00
o'clock A. M. in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro-
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the pro-
posed plans and specifications and
proposed form of contract and at
the same time to the boundries
of the proposed district, to the cost
of the improvement, to the amount
proposed to be assessed against
any lot and to the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity and the City Clerk
be and he is hereby directed to
cause a notice of the time and
place of such hearing to be pub-
lished in some newspaper pub-
lished in the city of Dubuque, the
last of which shall be not less than
two (2) nor more than four (4)
weeks prior to the day fixed for its
consideration and unless property
owners apt the time of final consid-
eration of said resolution have on
file with the Clerk objections to
the amount of the proposed assess-
ment, they shall have been deemed
to have waived all objections there-
to, at which hearing the Council
will hear such objections and enter
on record its final decision there-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller mPVed the
,~ i
Regular Session, March 3, 1952' 127
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of Apple Street with
curb and gutter from the north
property line of Cleveland Avenue
to the south property line of Oak
Street, estimated cost $1,080.70, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Aust-
in moved the adoption of the res-
olution. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
..(Necessity for Improvement) .
Whereas, proposed plans, spec-
ifications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the folowing:
1. The baundries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as•
ssed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, and kind of
material to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assessed
against each lot, for the improve-
ment of Apple Street with curb
and gutter from the north prop-
erty line of Cleveland Avenue to
the south property line of Oak
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
1'or the public welfare to make
the herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Coun-
cil and are now on file with the
City Clerk. That the cost and ex-
pense of making said improvement
will be assessed upon and against
all privately owned property lying
within assessable distance pro•
vided by law and in an amount
not to exceed the amount provided
by law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon
or is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the
special benefits conferred thereby,
and any deficiency shall be paid
out of the street fund. Street Im-
provement bonds shall be issued
and in anticipation of deferred
payments of assessments when
a contract has been performed
and accepted and the proceeds
thereof used to pay the contract-
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im•
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
father move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public
inspection for at least one week.
before final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote;
128 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absenr--Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing date of hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 65-52 given its
preliminary approval on the pro-
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract and placed same
on file in the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, for
the improvement of Apple Street
with curb and gutter from the
north property line of Cleveland
Avenue to the south property line
of Oak Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's
office for gublic inspection.
Be it therefore resolved that an
the 22nd day of March, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 9:00
o'clock A.M. in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of proper-
ty subject to assessment for the
proposed improvement may appear
and make objection to the pro-
posed plans and specifications and.
proposed form of contract and at
the same time to the boundaries
of the proposed district, to the
cost of the improvement, to the
amount proposed to be assessed
against any lot and to the passage
of the proposed Resolution of Ne-
cessity and the City Clerk be and
he is hereby directed to cause a
notice of the time and place of
such hearing to be published in
some newspaper in the city of
Aubuque, the last of which shall
be not less than two (2) nor more
than four (4) weeks prior to the
day fixed for its consideration and
unless property owners at the
time of final consideration of said
resolution have on file with the
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed assessment, they
shall have been deemed to have
waived all objections thereto, at
which hearing the Council will
hear such objections and enter on
record its final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
his 3rd day of March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent Councilman Kolb.
Preliminary approval of propos-
ed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of the west side of Cross
Street with curb and gutter from
the south property line Coates
Street to the north property line
of Simpson Street, estimated cost
$1,751,51, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second•
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Necessity for Improvement)
RESOLUTION N0. 69-.-52
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
now on file in the office of the.
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
ment, and the size and kind of
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the councIl.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, and kind
of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be as-
sessed against each lot, for the im-
provement of the west side of Cross
Street with curb and gutter from
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 129
the south property line of Coates
Street to the north property line
of Simpson Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council an its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfaro to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Council
and are now on file with the City
Clerk. That the cost and expense of
making said improvement will be
assessed upon and against all pri-
vatelyowned property lying within
assessable distance provided by law
and in an amount not to exceed
the amount provided by law, prop-
erty will be assessed whether the
samb abuts thereon or is adjacent
thereto according to area and in
proportion to the special benefits
conferred thereby, and any de-
ficiency shall be paid out of the
street funds ~ sewer funds, or
partly out of each of said funds.
Street improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been perform-
ed and accepted and the proceeds
thereof used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved
that the resolution just read being
a resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in farm for final passage and
further move that the same be
glaced on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Reso-
lution No. 68-52 given its prelim-
inary approval on the proposed
plans specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of the west side of Cross
Street with curb and gutter from
the south property line of Coates
Street to the north property line of
Simpson Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of•
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 22nd day of March 1952, a pub-
lic hearing will be held at 9:00
o'clock A.M. in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro•
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the proposed
plans and specifications and pro-
posed form of contract and at the
same time to the boundaries of the
proposed district, to the cost of
the improvement, to the amount to
be assessed against any lot and
to the passage of the proposed
Resolution of Necessity and the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to cause a notice of the
time and place of such hearing to
be published in some newspaper
published in the city of Dubuque,
the last of which shall be not less
than two (2) nor more than four (4)
weeks prior to the day fixed for
its consideration and unless prop-
erty owners at the time of final
consideration of said resolution
have on file with the Clerk objec-
tions to the amount of the pro-
posed assessment, they shall have
been deemed to have waived all ob-
jections thereto, at which hearing
130 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
the Council will hear such objet- provement of Decatur Street with
utter from east property
curb an
tions and enter an record its f
dep s~rsendth adopted and approved wwest o property
this 3rd day of March, 1952. Avenue.
ROMOLO N. RUSSO, $e Ls Therefore Resolved that
Mayor the City Council on its own motion
CLARENCE P. WELU, deems it advisable and necessary
RUBEN V. AUSTIN, for the public welfare to make the
LEO N. SCHUELLER, herein mentioned improvement and
HEA unless property owners at the time
onsideration of this
Attest: J. J. S
City Clerk c
of the fina
proposer resolution have on file
Councilman Schueller moved the with the City Clerk objections to
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car• the amount of the proposed as•
sessments, they shall be deemed
ried by the following vote: to have waived all objections there-
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen to.
Austin, Schueller, Welu. Said improvement shall be con-
Nays-None. strutted and done in accordance
Absent-Councilman Kolb. with the plans and specifications
RESOLUTION N0. 71--52 which have been prepared there-
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
of contract, plat and schedule and Council and are now on file with
all other documents for the im- the City Clerk. That the cost and
provement of Decatur Street with expense of making said mprove-
curb and gutter from the east prop- ment will be assessed upon and
erty line of Rhomberg Avenue to against all privately owned prop-
the west property line of Garfield erty lying within assessable dis•
Avenue, estimated cost $1,750.97, tance provided by law and'in an
presented and read. amount not to exceed the amount
Councilman Schueller moved the provided by law, property will be
adoption of the resolution Second- assessed whether the same abuts
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
by the following vote: cording to area and in proportion
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
l to the special benefits con
deficiency shall
d an
Austin, Schueller,
N y
thereby, an
aid out of the general fund,
Absent-Councilman Kolb. p
street fund. Street improvement
(Necessity for Improvement) bonds shall be issued and sold in
RESOLUTION N0. 72-52 anticipation of deferred payments
Whereas, proposed plans, speci•
fications, form of contract, plat and of assessments when a contract has
been performed and accepted and
schedule have been duly prepared the proceeds thereof used to pay
and approved by the City Council the contractor.
of the City of Dubuque and are The above resolution was intro-
now on file in the office of the
i duced, approved and ordered plac-
ith the City Clerk this
ng a
City Clerk show
things the following: ed on file w
3rd day of March, 1952.
1. The boundaries of the district, Approved:
if any.
2. The streets to be improved. Mayor
3. The width of such improve- RUBEN V. AUSTIN,
4. Each lot proposed to be as- Councilmen
sessed together with a valuation Attest: J. J. SHEA,
fixed by the council. City Clerk
An estimate of the cost of the
5 Councilman Austin moved that
proposed improvement, and kind of the resolution just read, being a
material to be used. resolution ordering a street im-
ment be now considered com-
6. In each case the amount there-
b prove
lete in form for final passage and
e a
of which is estimated to
sessed against each lot, for the im• p
further move that the same be
.I ~~
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 131
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu,
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing Date of Hmaring)
Whereas, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 71-52 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Decatur Street with curb
and gutter from the east property
line of Rhomberg Avenue to the
west property line of Garfield Av-
enue and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now an file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 22nd day of March, 1952, a pub-
lic hearing will be held at 9:00
o'clock A.M, in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Bubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro-
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the proposed
plans and specifications and pro-
posed form of contract and at the
same time to the boundaries of the
proposed district, to the cost of the
improvement, to the amount pro-
posed to be assessed against any
lot and to the passage of the pro-
posed Resolution of Necessity and
the City Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to cause a notice of the
time and place of such hearing to
be published in some newspaper
published in the city of Dubuque,
the last of which shall be not less
than two (2) nor more than four
t4) weeks prior to the day fixed
for its consideration and unless
property owners at the time of
final consideration of said resolu-
tion have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessment, they shall
.have been deemed to have waived
all objections thereto, at which
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Preliminary approval of propos-
ed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the improve-
ment of Decatur Street with curb
and gutter from East property line
of Prescott Street to West property
line of Lincoln Avenue, estimated
cost $337.58, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, specifi•
cations, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any.
2, The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot prop<~sed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement and kind of
material to be used.
6, In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assessed
132 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
against each lot, for. the improve-
ment of Decatur Street with curb
and gutter from East property line
of Prescott Street to the West prop-
erty line of Lincoln Avenue.
Be It Therefore Resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dist-
once provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac•
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund.
Street improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been per-
formed and accepted and the pro-
ceeds thereof used to pay the con-
The above resolution was intro-
doted, approved and ordered plac-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
3rd day of March, 1952.
Arr..: ~~ed:
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Welu moved that the
resolution just read being a reso-
lution ordering a street improve-
ment be now considered complete
in form for final passage and fur-
ther move that the same be placed
on file with the City Clerk and re•
main on file for public inspection
for at least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 74-52 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Decatur Street with curb
and gutter from East property line
of Prescott Street to the west prop-
erty line of Lincoln Avenue and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of•
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that
on the 22nd day of March, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 9:00
o'clock A.M. in the Council Cham•
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro-
posed improvement may appear
and make objections to the pro-
posposed plans and specifications
and proposed form of contract and
at the same time to the boundaries
of the proposed district, to the
cost of the improvement, to the
amount proposed to be assessed
against any lot and to the gassage
of the proposed Resolution of
Necessity and the City Clerk be
and he is hereby directed to cause
a notice of the time and place of
such hearing to be published in
some newspaper published in the
city of Dubuque, the last of which
shall be not less than two (2) nor
more than four (4) weeks prior
to the day fixed for its considera•
lion and unless property owners
at the time of final consideration
of said resolution have on file with
the Clerk objections to the amount
of the proposed assessment, they
shall have been deemed to have
waived all objections thereto, at
which hearing the Council will hear
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 133
such objections and enter on record
its final decision thereon
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Austin moved -the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of Hamilton Street with
curb and gutter from the east prop-
erty line of Rhomberg Avenue to
the west property line of Garfield
Avenue, estimated cost $1,289.99,
presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second•
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement and kind of
material to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assessed
against each lot, for the improve-
ment of Hamilton Street with curb
and gutter from east property line
of Rhomberg Avenue to the west
property line of Garfield Avenue.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as•
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Council
and are now on file with the City
Clerk. That the cost and expense
of making said improvement will
be assessed upon and against all
privately owned property .lying
within assessable distance provid-
ed by law and in an amount not
to exceed the amount provided by
law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon or
is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the spec-
ial benefits conferred thereby, and
any deficiency shall be paid out of
the street fund. Street improve-
ment bonds shall be issued and
sold in anticipation of deferred
payments of assessments when a
contract has been performed and
accepted and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plat-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved that
the resolution just read, being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
further move that the same be plac-
ed on file with the City Clerk and
134 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
remain on file for public inspection
for at Least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
P.esolution No. 77-52 given its
preliminary approval on the pro-
posedplans specifications and form
of contract and placed same on file
in the office of the t'ity Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Hamilton Street with curb
and gutter from the east property
line of Rhomberg Avenue to the
west property line of Garfield Aw
enue and,
Whereas, the groposed Resolu•
lion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 22nd day of March, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 9:00
o'clock A.M. in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro-
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the pro-
posed plans and specifications and
proposed form of contract and at
the same time to the boundaries of
the proposed district, to the cost of
the improvement, to the amount
proposed to be assessed against any
lot and to the passage of the pro-
posed Resolutions of Necessity and
the Ci±y Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to cause a notice of the
time and place of such hearing to
be published in some newspaper
published in the city of Dubuque,
the last of which shall be not
less than two (2) nor more than
four (4) weeks prior to the day
fixed for its consideration and un-
less property owners at the time
of final consideration of said reso-
lution have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessment, they shall
have been deemed to have waived
all objections thereto, at which
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. 5HEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Welu. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
RE5OLUTION N0. 80-52
Preliminary approval of propos-
ed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the improve-
ment of Hamilton Street with curb
and gutter from the east property
line of Lincoln Avenue to the west
property line of Prescott Street,
estimated. cost $504.93, presented
and read.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications,form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
now on file in the office of the City
Clerk showing among other things
the following:
1. The boundries of ±he district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
same for each different type of con-
struction and kind of material to
be used,
6. In each case the amount there-
. of which is ostimated to be assessed
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 135
against each lot, for the improve-
ment of Hamilton Street with curb
and gutter from the east property
line of Lincoln Avenue to the west
property line of Prescott Street,
Be It Therefore Resolved that the
City Council an its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
• and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
. strutted and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
- for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk, That the cost & ex-
pense of making said improvement
will be assessed upon and against
all privately owned property lying
within assessable d i s t a n c e
provided by law and in an amount
not to exceed the amount provided
by law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon
or is adjacent thereto according
- to area and in proportion to the
special benefits conferred thereby,
and any deficiency shall be paid
out of the street fund. Street im-
provement bonds shall be issued
and sold in anticipation of deferred
payments of assessments when a
contract has been performed and
accepted and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952,
1 Mayor
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
i~ City Clerk
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution just read being a
~± resolution ordering a street im-
~'1 ~ provement be now considered com-
~ n F~ plete in form for final passage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Reso-
lution No. 80-52 given its prelim-
inary approval on the proposed
plans specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Hamilton Street with curb
and gutter from the west property
line of Lincroin Avenue to the west
property line of Prescott Street
Wheroas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that
on the 22nd day of March, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 9:00
A,M, in the Council Chamber in
the City of Dubuque at which time
the owners of property subject to
assessment for the proposed im-
provement may appear and make
objection to the proposed plans
and specifications and proposed
form of contract and at the same
time to the boundaries of the pro-
posed district, to the cost of the
improvement, to the amount pro-
posed to be assessed against any
lot and to the passage of the pro-
posed Resolution of Necessity and
the City Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to cause a notice of the
time and place of such hearing to
be published in some newspaper
published in the city of Dubuque,
the last of which shall be not less
than two (2) nor more than four
(4) weeks prior to the day fixed for
its consideration and unless prop-
erty owners at the time of final
consideration of said resolution
have on file with the Clerk objec-
tions to the amount of the pro-
posed assessment, they shall have
been deemed to have waived all
136 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
objections thereto, at which hear-
ing the Council will hear such ob•
jections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Preliminary approval of propos-
ed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the imY.~~
went of Lowther Street with curb
and gutter from the west property
line of Burden Avenue to the east
property line of Brunswick Street,
estimated cost $2,144.00, presented
and read.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Secrond-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car•
vied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans', specifi-
cations, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are now
on file in the office of the City
Clerk showing among other things
the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any,
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement and kind
of material to be used.
6, in each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be as•
sessed against each lot, for the im-
provement of Lowther Street with
curb and gutter from the west prop
erty line of Burden Avenue to the
east property line of Brunswick
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections there-
Said improvement shall be con•
strutted and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the. City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dist-
ance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
hereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund.
Street improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been perform-
ed and accepted and the proceeds
thereof used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Welu moved that the
resolution just read being a reso-
lution ordering a street improve-
. ment be now considered complete
(,. ;
l,` '
s_ ,
'~- a
P; .
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 137
in form for final passage and fur-
ther move that the same be placed
on file with the City Clerk and
remain on file for public inspec-
tion for at least one week before
final adoption. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 83-52 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Lowther Street from west
property line of Burden Avenue to
the east property line of Brunswick
Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity far said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of•
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 22nd day of March, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 9;00
o'clock A. M. in the Council Cham•
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro-
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the pro-
posed plans and specifications and
proposed form of contract and at
the same time to the boundaries
of the proposed district, to the cost
of the improvement, to the amount
proposed to be assessed against any
lot and to the passage of the pro-
posed Resolution of Necessity and
the City Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to cause a notice of the
time and place of such hearing to
be published in some newspaper
published in the city of Dubuque,
the last of which shall be not less
than two (2) nor more than four
(4) weeks prior to the day fixed
for its consideration and unless
property owners at the time of
final consideration of said resolu-
tion have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the pro-
posed assessment, they have have
been deemed to have waived all
objections thereto, at which hear-
ing the Council will hear such ob-
jections. and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu,
Absent-Councilman Kolb,
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the improve-
ment of Romona Street with curb
and gutter from 240 feet North of
the property line of Adeline Street
to 100 feet South of the South prop-
erty line of Adeline Street, esti-
mated cost $2,024.95, presented and
read. Councilman Austin moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent--Councilman Kolb.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1, The boundries of the district,
1f any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the councB.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement and kind of
material to be used.
i38 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assessed
against each lot, for the improve-
ment of Ramona Street from 240'
feet North of the North property
tine of Adeline Street to 100 feet
South of the South property line
of Adeline Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
or upon petition of property owners,
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make
the herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as•
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections there-
Said improvement shall be con
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Counci]
and are now on file with the City
Clerk. That the cost and expense
of making said improvemennt will
be assessed upon amd against all
privately owned property lying
within assessable distance provided
by iaw and in an amount not to
exceed the amount provided by
law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon
or is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the
special benefits conferred thereby,
and any deficiency shall be paid
out of the street funds and sewer
funds, or partly out of each of said
funds. Street improvement bonds
shall be issued and sold in anticipa•
lion of deferred payments of as•
sessments when a contract has
been performed and accepted and
the proceeds thereof used to pay
the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final pasage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 862 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans specifications and form of
contract amd placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Ramona Street from 240
feet North of the North property
line of Adeline Street to 100 feet
South of the South property line of
Adeline Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolution
of Necessity for said improvement
has been introduced and is now on
file in the City Clerk's office for
public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that
on the 22nd day of March, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 9:00
o'clock A. M. in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at which
time the owners of property sub-
ject to assessment for the proposed
improvement may appear and
make objection to the proposed
plans and specifications and pro-
posed form of contract and at the
same time to the boundaries of the
proposed district, to the cost here-
by directed to cause a notice of
the time amd place of such hearing
to be published in some newspaper
published in the city of Dubuque,
the last of which shall be not less
than two (2) nor more than four
(4) weeks prior to the day fixed for
its consideration and unless prop-
erty owners at the time of final
consideration of said resolution
have waived al objections thereto,
at which hearing the Council will
hear such objections and enter
have waived all objections thereto,
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 139
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Counciiman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Preliminary approval of pro•
posed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the improve-
ment of the South side of Simpson
Street with curb and gutter from
the west property line of Fremont
Avenue to a point 125 feet west
of west property line of Cross
Street, estimated cost $4,711.48,
presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis-
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, and kind
of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against 'each lot for the
improvement of the South side of
Simpson Street with curb and gut-
ter from west property line of
Fremont Avenue to a point 125
feet west of west property line
of Cross Street.
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make
the herein mentioned improve-
ment, and unless property owners
at the time of the final consider-
ation of this proposed resolution
have on file with the City Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessments, they shall
be deemed to have waived all ob-
jections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dis-
tance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property wiIl be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund.
Street improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been per-
formed and accepted and the pro-
ceeds thereof used to pay the con-
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered
140 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
complete in form for final pass-
age and further move that the
same be placed on file with the
City Clerk and remain on file for
public inspection for at least one
wok before final adoption. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
~hbsent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of
tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, has
by Resolution No. 89-52 given
its preliminary approval on the
proposed plans, specifications and
form of contract and placed same
oa file in the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, for
the improvement of the South side
of Simpson Street with curb and
gutter from west property line of
Fremont Avenue to a point 125
feet west of west property line of
Cross Street, and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's
office for public inspection.
Be it therefore resolved that
on the 22nd day of March, 1952,
a public hearing will be held at
9:04 o'clock A.M. in the Coun-
cil Chamber in the City of Du-
buque at which time the owners
of property subject to assessment
for the proposed improvement
may appear and make objection to
the proposed plans and specifica-
tions and proposed form and at
the same time to the boundaries
of the proposed district, to the
cost of the improvement, to the
amount proposed to be assessed
against any lot and to the passage
of the proposed Resolution of Ne-
cessity and the City Clerk be and
he is hereby directed to cause a
notice of the time and place of
such hearing to be published in
some newspaper published in the
city of Dubuque, the last of which
shall be not less than two (2)
nor more than four (4) weeks prior
to the day fixed for its considera-
tion and unless property owners
at the time of final consideration
of said resolution have on file with
the Clerk objections to the amount
of the proposed assessment, they
shall have been deemed to have
waived all objections thereto, at
which hearing the Council will
hear such objections and enter on
record its final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of the East side of
Stetmore Street with curb and gut-
ter from South property line of
Lombard Street to a point 660
feet south, estimated cost $1,486.23,
presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Coi~:ncilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent~auncilman Kolb.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office of
the City Clerk showing among
other things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis•
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Eaeh lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, and
kind of material to be used.
- ;;
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 141
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of the East side of
Stetmore Street with curb and
gutter from South property line
of Lombard Street to a paint 660
feet south.
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make
the herein mentioned improve-
ment, and unless property owners
at the time of the final considera-
tion of this proposed resolution
have on file with the City Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessments, they shall
be deemed to have waived all ob-
jections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
sidered and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Coun-
cil and are now on file with the
City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve
meat will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned proper-
ty lying within assessable distance
provided by law and in an amount
not to exceed the amount provided
by law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon or
is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the spe-
cial benefits conferred thereby,
and any deficiency shall be paid
out of the street fund. Street im-
provement bonds shall be issued
and sold in anticipation of defer-
red payments of assessments when
a contract has been performed and
accepted and the proceeds there-
of used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 92-52 given its
preliminary approval on the pro-
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract and placed same
on file in the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, for the
improvement of the East side of
Stetmore Street with curb and gut-
ter from the south property line
of Lombard Street to a point 660
feet south and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's
office for public inspection.
Be it therefore resolved that
on the 22nd day of March, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 9:00
o'clock A.M, in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro-
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the pro-
posed plans and specifications and
proposed form of contract and at
the same time to the boundaries
of the proposed district, to the
cost of the improvement, to the
amount proposed to be assessed
against any lot and to the passage
of the proposed Resolution of Ne•
cessity and the City Clerk be and
he is hereby directed to cause a
notice of the time and place of
such hearing to be published in
some newspaper published in the
city of Dubuque, the last of which
shall be not less than two (2) nor
more than four (4) weeks prior
to the day fixed for its considera-
tion and unless property owners
at the time of final consideration
of said resolution have on file
142 Regular Session, March 3, 1952
with the Clerk objections to the
amount of the proposed assess-
ment, they shall have been deemed
to have waived all objections
thereto, at which hearing the
Council will hear such objections
and enter on record its final de-
cision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by .the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu,
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
Preliminary approval of pro•
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of Strauss Street with
curb and gutter from the west
property line of Burden Avenue
to the east property line of Bruns•
wick Street, estimated cost
$2,384.71, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb,
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the following.
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve
4. Each lot proposed to be as~
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, and
kind of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be as-
sessed against each lot, for the im-
provement of Strauss Street with
curb and gutter from the west
property line of Burden Avenue to
the east property line of Bruns-
wick Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections there-
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dist-
ance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any .deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund.
Street improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been perform-
ed and accepted and the proceeds
thereof used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac•
ed on file with the City Clerk this
3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Regular Session, March 3, 1952 143
Councilman Welu moved that the
resolution just read being a reso•
lotion ordering a street improve-
ment be now considered complete
in form for final passage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
(Fixing Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Res•
olution No. 95-52 given its prelim-
inary approval on the proposed
plans specification and form of
contract and placeed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
provement of Strauss Street with
curb and gutter from the west prop-
erty line of Burden Avenue to the
east property line of Brunswick
Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolution
of Necessity for said improvement
has been introduced and is now
on file in the City Clerk's office
for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 22nd day of March, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at
9:00 o'clock A. M. in the Couneil
Chamber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro-
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the pro-
posed plans and specifications and
proposed form of contract and at
the same time to the bounaries of
the proposed district, to the cost of
the improvement, to the amount
proposed to be assessed against
any lot and to the passage of the
proposed Resolution of Necessity
and the City Clerk be and he is
hereby directed to cause a notice
of the time and place of such hear-
ing to be published in some news-
paper published in the city of Du-
buque, the last of which shall be
not less than two (2) nor more
than four (4) weeks prior to the
day fixed for its consideration and
unless property owners at the time
of final consideration of said res-
olution have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the pro-
posed assessment, they shall Gave
been deemed to have waived all
objections thereto, at which hear-
ing the Council will hear such ob-
jections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. Shea
City Clerk
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the 4ollowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-..Councilman Kolb.
There being no further business
Councilman Schueller moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
4tielu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Schueller, Welu.
Absent-Councilman Kolb.
J. J. Shea.
City Clerk.
Approved .................... 1952
Adopted ...................... 1952
Councilmen ....................................
Attest :...................................................
City Clerk
144 Special Session, March 22, 1952
City Council
Special Session, March 22nd, 1952.
Council met at 9:00 A. M.
Present-Mayor Russo, Council-
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
City Manager Schiltz.
Meeting called by order of
CouncIlmen Welu and Kolb.
Mayor Russo read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting
is called for the purpose of con-
ducting public hearings on various
street improvements and acting on
any other business as may prop-
erly come before a regular meet-
ing of the City Council.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of
pendency of resolution of necessity
and hearing upon proposed plans
and specifications, form of con-
tract and cost of improvements for
the improvement of Adeline Street
with curb and gutter from the east
property line of Grandview Ave-
nue to the west property line of
Ramona Street, estimated cost
$1,275,74, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob•
jectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
public hearing. Councilman Welu
moved that the proof of publica-
tion be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(pecisian of Council upon ob•
• jections to plans, specifications,
form of contract and cost of im-
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the improvement of Adeline
Street with curb and gutter from
the east property line of Grand-
view Avenue to the west property
line of Ramona Street have been
approved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque and public
notice given as provided by Chapter
391 of the Code of Iowa, 195(1, per-
taining to public contracts and
bonds, and at the time and place
fixed for the hearing of all objec-
tions to said plans, specifications
or contract for or cost of such im-
provements, said time being this
22nd day of March, 1952, and
Whereas, the City Council met in
special session this 22nd day of
March, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock A. M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con-
tractfor or cost of the improvement
herein described and proposed to
be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
have ben given an oportunity to
be heard and all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
all objections which have been
made and filed to the plans, speci-
fications, contract for or cost of
said improvement herein described
and proposed to be made, be and
the same are hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved are
hereby adopted.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement
be made a matter of permanent
record in connection with said im•
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952,
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
~~'I li~.
~ ~
Special Session, March 22, 1952 145
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, specifi-
cations, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3, The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, and kind
of material to be used.
6. In the case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assess-
ed against each lot, for the im-
provement of Adeline Street with
curb and gutter from the east
property line of Grandview Avenue
to the west property line of Ra-
mona Street,
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections there-
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dist-
ance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund.
Street Improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been perform-
ed and accepted and the proceeds
thereof used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was in-
troduced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952. The
foregoing resolution was finally
passed and adopted, as proposed,
by the City Council this 22nd day
of March, 1952.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolution of neces•
sity No. 63-52 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the im-
provement of Adeline Street with
curb and gutter from the east
property line of Grandview Avenue
to the west property line of Ra-
mona Street be and the same are
hereby ordered and constructed by
this Council upon•its own motion
with out the petition of property
owners. All the work shall be con-
structed in accordance with the
plans and specifications heretofore
adopted and now on file in the
office of the City Clerk.
Be It Further Resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the pri-
vately owned property lying within
the assessable distance from the
improvements, whether such prop-
erty abut upon the same or are
adjacent thereto, according to the
area thereof and in proportion to
the special benefits conferred, and
any deficiency will be paid out of
the general, improvement, or sewer
. ~(
146 Special Session, March 22, 1952
funds of the city, or partly from
each of such funds. Payment will be
made to the contractor out of funds
realized from the sale of bonds to
be issued in anticipation of de-
ferred payments of assessments as
provided by law after the .work
has been completed and accepted
by the City Council.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby or-
dered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements herein
provided for in the manner provid-
ed by law, the said improvements
shall be completed on or before
10 calendar days after notice to
proceed is issued.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall be
in force and effect from and after
its passage and adoption by the City
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of March,
Councilman Weln moved that the
resolution just read being a resolu-
tion ordering a street improvement
be now considered complete in
form for final passage and further
move that the same be placed on
file with the City Clerk and re-
main on file for public inspection
for at least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueiler, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency of resolution of necessity
and hearing upon proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract and
cost of improvement for the im-
provement of Apple Street with
curb and gutter from the north
property line of Cleveland Avenue
to the south property line of Oak
Street, estimated cost $1,080.70,
presented and read. No written ob-
jectionsfiled and no objectors pres-
ent in the Council Chamber at the
time set for said hearing.
Councilman Welu moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Schueiler. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueiler, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon objec•
Lions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cost of improve-
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the improvement of Apple
Street with curb and gutter from
the north property line of Cleve-
land Avenue to the south property
line of Oak Street have been ap-
proved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque and public notice
given as provided by Chapter 391
of the Code of Iowa, 1950, pertain-
ing to public contracts and bonds,
and the time and place fixed for
the hearing of all objections to
said plans, specifications or con-
tract far or cost of such improve-
ments, said time being this 22nd
day of March, 1952 and
Whereas, the City Council met
in Special session this 22nd day
of March, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
at the Council Chambers in the City
Hall for the purpose of hearing
all interested parties and consid-
ering any and all objections which
have been filed to the proposed
plans, specifications or contract
for or cost of the improvement
herein described and proposed to
be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun•
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
all objections which have been
made and filed to the plans, speci-
fications, contract for or cost of
said improvement herein described
and proposed to be made, be and
the same are hereby overruled
and such plans, specifications and
form of contract heretofore ap-
proved are hereby adopted.
Be It Further resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement be
made a matter of permanent record
,'! 1
Special Session, March 22, 1952 147
in connection with said improve-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
'Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueiler, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office of
the City Clerk showing among oth-
er things the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve~
4, Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, and kind
of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assess-
ed against each to±, for the im-
provement of Apple Street with
curb and gutter from the north
property line of Cleveland Avenue
to the south property line of Oak
Be It Therefore Resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con•
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Council
and are now on file with the City
Clerk. That the cost and expense
of making said improvement will
be assessed upon and against all
privately owned property lying
within assessable distance provided
by law and in an amount not to
exceed the amount provided by
law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon or
is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the spec-
ial benefits conferred thereby, and
any deficiency shall be paid out of
the street fund. Street improve-
ment bonds shall be issued and
sold in anticipation of deferred
payments of assessments when a
contract has been performed and
accepted and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
3rd day of March, 1952. The fore-
going resolution was finally passed
and adopted, as proposed, by the
City Council this 22nd day of
March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueiler. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueiler, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that pur-
suant to a resolution of necessity
No. 66-52 which was duly passed
by this Council, for the improve-
ment of Apple Street with curb and
gutter from north property line of
Cleveland Avenue to the south
property line of Oak Street be and
the same are hereby ordered and
constructed by this Council upon
its awn motion without the petition
148 Special Session, March 22, 1952
of property owners, All the work
shall be cronstructed in accordance
with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted and now on
file in the office of the City Clerk,
Be It Further Resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im•
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the
privately owned property lying
within the assessable distance from
the improvements, whether such
property abut upon the same or are
adjacent thereto, according to the
area thereof and in proportion to
the special benefits conferred, and
any deficiency will be paid out of
the street, improvement, or sewer
funds of the city, or partly from
each of such funds. Payment will
be made to the contractor out of
funds realized from the sale of
bonds to be issued in anticipation
of deferred payments of assess•
menu as provided by law after the
work has been completed and ac•
cepted by the City Council.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements herein
provided for in the manner pro-
vided by law, the, said improve•
menu shall be completed on or
before 10 calendar days after no-
tice to proceed is issued,
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of March,
Councilman Schueller moved
that the resolution just read being
a resoluiton ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
further moved that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in•
spection for at least one week
before final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen•
dency of resolution of necessity
and hearing upon proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract and
cost of improvement for the im•
provement of the west side of Cross
Street with curb and gutter from
south property line of Coates Street
to the north property line of Simp•
son Street, estimated cost X1,751.51,
presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
hearing. Councilman Kolb moved
that the proof of publication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon objec•
lions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cast of improve•
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the improvement of the west
side of Cross Street with curb and
gutter from the south property line
of Coates Street to the north prop•
erty line of Simpson Street have
been approved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque and
public notice given as provided by
Chapter 391 of the Code of Iowa,
1950, pertaining to public contracts
and bonds, and the time and place
fixed for the hearing of all objec•
lions to said plans, specifications
or contract for or cost of such
improvements, said time being this
22nd day of March, 1952; and
Whereas, the City Council met
in special session this 22nd day
of March, 1952 at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear•
ing all interested parties and con•
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con•
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity
to be heard and all objections
which have been filed have been
duly weighed and considered; now,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
Special Session, March 22, 1.952 149
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
all objections which have been
made and filed to the plans, speci-
fications, contract far or cost of
said improvement herein described
and proposed to be made, be and
the same are hereby overruled
and such plans, specifications and
form of contract heretofore ap-
proved are hereby adopted.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans
specifications and form of contract
for or Bost of said improvement be
made a mattex of permanent rec-
ord in connection with said im-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Russo, Councilmen
_ Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
_ Nays-None.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
- if any.
~. ~'he streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
meat, and the sine and kind of
s sowers.
4, Each lot proposed to be as-
~ sensed together with a valuation
~''~ fixed by the council.
~ ~~ '~~ ''. 5. An estimate of the cost of the
:~ proposed improvement and kind of
~' - ' ~ material to be used.
~ ., 6, In each case the amount there-
44 .,..
' of which is estimated to be assess-
9 ~.
~ m-
ed against each lot,
f C
6 ross
e o
provement of the west si
~~. Street with curb and gutter from
the south property line of Coates
Street to the north property line of
Simpson Street.
Be It Therefore resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make
the herein mentioned improvement
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Council
and are now on file with the City
Clerk. That the cost and expense
of making said improvement will
be assessed upon and againsi 'nll
privately owned property y g
within assessable distance provid-
ed by law and in an amount not
to exceed the amount provided by
law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon
or is adjacent thereto according
to area and in proportion to the
special benefits conferred thereby,
and any deficiency shall be paid
out of the street fund. Street im-
provement bonds shall be issued
and sold in anticipation of deferred
payments of assessments when a
contract has been performed and
accepted and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
3rd day of March, 1952. The fore-
going resolution was finally passed
i and aCounecl athsro22nd day of
~ City
~ March, 1952.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
i adoption of the reso)ution, 8econd•
150 .Special Session, March 22, 1952
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolution of neces-
sity No. 69-52 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the im-
provement of the west side of
Cross Street with curb and gutter
from the south property line of
Coates Street to the north property
line of Simpson Street be and the
same are hereby ordered and con-
structed by this Council upon its
own motion without the petition of
property owners. All the work shall
be constructed in accordance with
the plans and specifications here-
tofore adopted and now on file in
the office of the City Clerk.
Be It Further Resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the pri-
vately owned property lying within
the assessable distance from the
improvements, whether such prop-
erty abut uupon the same or are
adjacent thereto, according to the
area thereof and in proportion to
the special benefits conferred, and
any deficiency will be paid out of
the street improvement fiord of the
city, or partly from each of such
funds. Payment will be made to the
contractor out of funds realized
from the sale of bonds to be issued
in anticipation of deferred pay-
ments of assessments as provided
py law after the work has been
completed and accepted by the
City Couneil.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements herein
provided for in the manner provid-
ed by law, the said improvements
shall be completed on or before
10 calendar days after notice to
proceed is issued.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of March,
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordaining a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form far final passage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency or resolution of necessity and
hearing upon proposed plans,speci-
fications, form of contract and
cost of improvement for the im-
provement of Decatur Street with
curb and gutter from the east prop-
erty line of Rhomberg Avenue to
the west property line of Garfield
Avenue, estimated cost $1,750.97,
presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for said
Councilman Kolb moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon obje~~
Lions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cost of improve-
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the improvement of Decatur
Street with curb and gutter from
the east property line of Rhomberg
Avenue to the west property line
of Garfield Avenue have been ap-
proved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque and public notice
given as provided by Chapter 391
of the Code of Iowa, 1950, pertain-
ing to public contracts and bonds,
and the time and place fixed for
the hearing of all objections to
said plans, specifications or con•
Special Session, March 22, 1952. 151
tract for or cost of such improve-
ments, said time being this 22nd
day of March, 1952; and
Whereas, the City Council met in
special session this 22nd day of
March, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications ar con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
Gave been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
all objections which have been
made and filed to the plans, speci-
fications, contract for or cost of
said improvement herein described
and prosposed to be made, be and
the same are hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement be
made a matter of permanent rec-
ord in connection with said im-
Passed, adapted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
'by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis•
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, and
kind of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Decatur Street
with curb and gutter from the
east property line of Rhomberg
Avenue to the west property line
of Garfield Avenue.
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dis•
tance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund.
Street improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been per-
formed and accepted and the pro-
152 Special Session, March 22, 1952
seeds thereof used to pay the con-
The above resolution was intro-
doted, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
The foregoing resolution was
finally passed and adopted, as pro•
posed, by the City Council this
22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
Be it resolved by the city Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolution of neces-
sity No. 72-52 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the
improvement of Decatur Street
with curb and gutter from the east
property line of Rhomberg Avenue
to the west property line of Gar-
filed Avenue be and the same are
hereby ordered and constructed by
this Council upon its own motion
and without the petition of proper-
ty owners. All the work shall be
constructed in accordance with the
plans and specifications hereto-
fore adopted and now on file in
the office of the City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements bepaid for by levying
special assessments against the pri•
vately owned property lying with-
in the assessable distance from the
improvements, whether such prop-
erty abut upon the same or are ad•
jacent thereto, according to the
area thereof and in proportion to
the special benefits conferred, and
any deficiency will be paid out of
the street improvement, or sewer
funds of the city, or partly from
each of such funds. Payment will
be made to the contractor out of
funds realized from the sale of
bonds to be issued in anticipation
of deferred payments of assess-
ments as provided by law after
the work has been completed and
accepted by the City Council.
Be it further resolved that the
CIty Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro•
vided by law, the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or
before 10 calendar days after na
tice to proceed is issued.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of
March, 1952.
Councilman Schueller moved
that the resolution just read be-
ing an ordinance ordering a street
improvement be now considered
complete in farm for final passage
and further moved that the same
be placed on file with the City
Clerk and remain on file for pub•
lit inspection for at least one week
before final adoption. Seconded
by Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency of resolution of necessity
and hearing upon proposed plans,
specifications. form of contract
and cost of improvement for the
improvement of Decatur Street
with curb and gutter from east
property line of Prescott Street to
west property line of Lincoln Ave•
nue, estimated cost $337.58, pre-
sented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for
said public hearing, Councilman
Welu moved that the proof of pub•
lication be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
~I"iA '~~
Special Session, March 22, 1952 153
(Decision of Council upon ob-
jectio~ to plans, specifications,
form of contract and cost of im-
provements. )
RESOLUTION N0. 106-52.
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the improvement of Decatur
Street with curb and gutter from
east property line of Prescott
Street to west property line of Lin•
coin Avenue have been approved
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque and public notice given
as provided by Chapter 391 of the
Code of Iowa, 1950, pertaining to
public contracts and bands, and
the time and place fixed for the
hearing of all objections to said
plans, specifications or contract for
or cost of such improvements, said
time being this 22nd day of March,
1952; and
Whereas, the City Council met
in special session this 22nd day
of March, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock
A.M, at the Council Chambers in
the City Hall for the purpose of
hearing aii interested parties and
considering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con•
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro
posed to be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity
to be heard and all objections
which have been filed have been
duly weighed and considered; now,
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that all
objections which have been made
and filed to the plans, specifica•
tions, contract for or cost of said
improvement herein described and
proposed to be made, be and the
same are hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement be
made a matter of permanent rec•
ord in connection with said im-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
owded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the~City Clerk showing among
other things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis•
trict, if any.
2, The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4, Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the Council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, and
kind of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Decatur Street
with curb and gutter from the east
property line of Prescott Street to
the west property line of Lincoln
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed
assessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
154 Special Session, March 22, 1952
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned proper-
ty lying within assessable distance
provided by law and in an amount
not to exceed the amount provided
by law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon or
is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the spe-
cial benefits conferred thereby,
and any deficiency shall be paid
out of the street fund, Street im-
provement bonds shall be issued
and sold in anticipation of defer-
red payments of assessments when
a contract has been performed and
accepted and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the contractor,
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
The foregoing resolution was fin-
ally passed and adopted, as pro-
posed, by the City Council this
22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
RESOLUTION N0. 107-52.
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolution of neces-
sity No. 75-52 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the
improvement of Decatur Street
with curb and gutter from the east
property line of Prescott Street to
the west property line of Lincoln
Avenue be and the same are here-
by ordered and constructed by this
Council upon its own motion and
without the petition of property
owners. All the work shall be con-
structed in accordance with the
plans and specifications heretofore
adopted and now on file in the
office of the City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the pri-
vately owned property lying within
the assessable distance from the
improvements, whether such prop-
erty abut upon the same or are
adjacent thereto, according to the
area thereof and in proportion to
the special benefits conferred, and
any deficiency will be paid out of
the street improvement fund of the
city, or partly from each of such
funds. Payment will be made to
the contractor out of funds realized
from the sale of bonds to be issued
in anticipation of deferred pay-
ments of assessments as provided
by law after the work has been
completed and accepted by the
City Council.
Be it further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the 'construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro-
vided by law, the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or
before 4 calendar days after no-
tice to proceed is issued.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of
March, 1952.
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im•
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote,
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
pendency of resolution of neces-
Special Session, March 22, 1952 155
sity and hearing upon proposed
plans, specifications, form of con-
tract and cost of improvement for
the improvement of Hamilton
Street with curb and gutter from
the east property line of Rhom-
berg Avenue to the west property
line of Garfield Avenue, estimated
cost $1,289.99, presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun•
cil Chamber at the time set for
said public hearing. Councilman
Austin moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel•
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon obje~~
Lions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cost of improve-
RESOLUTION N0. 108-52.
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of con-
tract for the improvement of Ham•
ilton Street with curb and gutter
from the east property line of
Rhomberg Avenue to the west
property line of Garfield Avenue
have been approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and public notice given as provid-
ed by Chapter 391 of the Code of
Iowa, 1950, pertaining to public
contracts and bonds, and the time
and place fixed for the hearing of
- all objections to said plans, spe-
cifications or contract for or cost
of such improvements, said time
being this 22nd day of March,
1952; and
Whereas, the City Council met
in special session this 22nd day of
March, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock A.M,
E' at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con•
tract for or cost of the improve-
- ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
~'' Whereas, all interested parties
r: have been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
t have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now,
(r therefore
Be it resolved by the City Coun•
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
all objections which have been
made and filed to the plans, spe-
cifications, contract for or cost of
said improvement herein described
and proposed to be made, be and
the same are hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement
be made a matter of permanent
record in connection with said im-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, spe-
cifications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis-
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the Council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, and
kind of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Hamilton Street
156 Special Session, March 22, 1952
from the east property line of
Rhomberg Avenue to the west
property line of Garfield Avenue.
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion,
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dis-
tance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ao-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the Street fund.
Street improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been per•
formed and accepted and the pro-
ceeds thereof used to pay the con-
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
The foregoing resolution was
finally passed and adopted, as pro-
posed, by the City Council this
22nd day of March, 1952.
owded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
RESOLUTION N0. 109-52.
Be it resolved by the City Coun•
cil of the City of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolution of neces-
sity No. 78-52 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the im-
provement of Hamilton Street
with curb and gutter from the
east property line of Rhomberg
Avenue to the west property line
of Garfield Avenue be and the
same are hereby ordered and con-
structed by this Council upon its
own motion and with the petition
of property owners. All the work
shall be constructed in accordance
with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted and now on flle
in the office of the City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im•
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the
privately owned property lying
within the assessable distance
from the improvements, whether
such property abut upon the same
or are adjacent thereto, accord-
ing to the area thereof and in pro-
portion to the special. benefits con-
ferred, and any deficiency will be
paid out of the street improve-
ment, or sewer funds of the city,
or partly from each of such funds.
Payment will be made to the con-
tractor out of funds realized from
the sale of bonds to be issued in
anticipation of deferred payments
of assessments as provided by law
after the work has been complet-
ed and accepted by the City Coun-
Be it further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro-
vided by law, .the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or
before 10 calendar days after no-
lice to proceed is issued.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, Be it further resolved that this
City Clerk. resolution being deerned urgent
Councilman Kolb moved the and of immediate necessity shall
adoption of the resolution. Sec- be in force and effect from and
~ ~
:. ~~
f ~.
i ~~i
Special Session, March 22, 1952 157
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of March,
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
pyovement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
further move that the -same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection far at least one week be-
fore final adoption, Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency of resolution of necessity
and hearing upon proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract
and cost of improvement for the
improvement of Hamilton Street
with curb and gutter from the east
property line of Lincoln Avenue to
the west property line of Prescott
Street, estimated cost $584.93, pre-
sented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for
said public hearing. Councilman
Austin moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Welu,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon objec•
Lions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cost of improve•
RESOLUTION N0. 110-52.
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the improvement of Hamilton
Street with curb and gutter from
east property line of Lincoln
Avenue to the west property line
of Prescott Street have been ap-
proved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque and public notice
given as provided by Chapter 391
of the Code of Iowa, 1950, pertain-
ing to public contracts and bonds,
and the time and place fixed for
the hearing of all objections to
said plans, specifications or con-
tract fur or cost of such improve-
ments, said time being this 22nd
day of March, 1952, and
Whereas, the City Council met
in special session this 22nd day of
March, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now,
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
all objections which have been
made and filed to the plans, spe-
cifications, contract for or cost of
said improvement herein described
and proposed to be made, be and
the same are hereby overruled
and such plans, specifications and
form of contract heretofore ap•
proved are hereby adopted.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement
be made a matter of permanent
record in connection with said im-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, ~Velu,
'(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
158 Special Session, Match 22, 1952
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis•
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve•
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the Council,
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, stating
the same for each different type
of construction and kind of ma•
terial to be used.
B. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Hamilton Street
with curb and gutter from the
east property line of Lincoln Ave-
nue to the west property line of
Prescott Street.
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion or
upon petition of property owners,
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file witTi the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed. and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Coun-
cil and are now on file with the
City Clerk. That the cost and ex-
pense of making said improvement
will be assessed upon and against
all privately owned property lying
within assessable distance provid-
ed by law and in an amount not to
exceed the amount provided by
law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon or
is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the spe-
cial benefits conferred thereby,
and any deficiency shall be paid
out of the street fund. Street im-
provement bonds shall be issued
and sold in anticipation of defer-
red payments of assessments when
a contract has been performed and
accepted and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the contractor,
The above resolution was intro
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
The foregoing resolution was fin-
ally passed and adopted as p~o-
posed, by the City Council this
22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
(Ordering Construction)
RESOLUTION N0. 111-52.
Be it resolved by the City Coun•
cil of the City of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolution of neces-
sity No. 81-52 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the im-
provement of Hamilton Street with
curb and gutter from the east
property line of Lincoln Avenue
to the west property line of Pres-
cott Street be and the same are
hereby ordered and constructed by
this Council upon its own motion
and with the petition of property
owners. All the work shall be con-
structed in accordance with the
plans and specifications heretofore
adopted and now on file in the
office of the City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im•
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the pri-
vately owned property lying with-
in the assessable distance from
the improvements, whether such
property abut upon the same or
are adjacent thereto, according to
the area thereof and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred,
and any deficiency will be paid out
of the street improvement, or sew-
er funds of the city, or partly from
each of such funds. Payment will
be made to the contractor out of
' ~t
~ ` f ~
~ ~
tl~~ i R
9R .jg i
Special Session, March 22, 1952 ISy
funds realized from the sale of
bonds to be issued in anticipation
of deferred payments of assess-
ments as provided by law after
the work has been completed and
accepted by the City Council.
Be it further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby or-
dered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro-
vided by law, the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or be-
fore seven calendar days after no-
tice to proceed is issued.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in #orce and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of
March, 1952.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency of resolution of necessity
and hearing upon proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract
and cost of improvement for the
improvement of Lowther Street
with curb and gutter from the
west property line of Burden Ave-
nue to the east property line of
Brunswick Street, estimated cost
$2,144.00, presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
hearing. Councilman Welu moved
that the proof of publication be
received and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon objec•
Lions to plans, 'specifications, form
of contract and cost of improve-
RESOLUTION N0. 112-52.
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of con-
tract for the improvement of Low-
ther Street with curb and gutter
from the west property line of
Burden Avenue to the east proper-
ty line of Brunswick Street have
been approved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque and
public notice given as provided by
Chapter 391 of the Code of Iowa,
1950, pertaining to public con-
tracts and bonds, and the time and
place fixed for the hearing of all
objections to said plans, specifica-
tions or contract for or cost of such
improvements, said time being this
22nd day of March, 1952; and
Whereas, the City Council met
in special session this 22nd day of
March, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and .considered; now,
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that all
objections which have been made
and filed to the plans, specifica-
tions, contract for or cost of said
improvement herein described and
proposed to be made, be and the
same are hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement be
made a matter of permanent rec-
ord in connection with said im-
160 Special Session, March 22, 1952
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SIiEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office of
the City Clerk showing among
other things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis-
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the Council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
the proposed improvement and
kind of material to be used.
B. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be as-
sessed against each lot, for the im-
provement of Lowther Street with
curb and gutter from west proper-
ty line of Burden Avenue to the
east property line of Brunswick
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con•
strutted and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dis•
tance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street funds.
Street improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been per-
formed and accepted and the pro•
ceeds thereof used to pay the con•
The above resolution was intro-
doted, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
The foregoing resolution was
finally passed and adopted, as pro-
posed, by the City Council this
22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
owded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that pur-
suant to a resolution of necessity
No. 84-52 which was duly passed
by this Council, for the improve-
ment of Lawther Street with curb
and gutter from west property
line of Burden Avenue to the east
property line of Brunswick Street
be and the same are hereby or-
dered and constructed by this
Council upon its own motion and
with the petition of property own•
,~ i
Special Session, March 22, 1952 161
ers. All the work shall be con•
strutted in accordance with the
plans and specifications heretofore
adopted and now on file in the
office of the City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im•
provements be paid for by levy-
ing special assessments against the
privately owned property lying
within the assessable distance
from the improvements, whether
such property abut upon the same
ar are adjacent thereto, accord-
ing to the area thereof and in
proportion to the special benefits
conferred, and any deficiency will
be paid out of the street improve-
ment, or sewer funds of the city,
or partly from each of such funds.
Payment will be made to the con•
tractor out of funds realized from
the sale of bonds to be issued in
anticipation of deferred payments
of assessments as provided by law
after the work has been completed
and accepted by the City Council.
Be it further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro
vided by law, the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or
before the 15 calendar days after
notice to proceed is issued.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of March,
Councilman Schueller move d
that the resolution just read being
a resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage
and further move that the same
be placed on file with the City
Clerk and remain on file for pub-
lic inspection for at least one week
before final adoption. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency of resolution of necessity
and hearing upon proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract and
cost of improvement for the im•
provement of Ramona Street with
curb and gutter from 240 feet north
of the north property line of Ade-
line Street to 100 feet south of the
south property line of Adeline
Street, estimated cost $2,024,95,
presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for
said hearing.
Councilman Austin moved that
the proof of publication be receiv-
ed and filed. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon obje~~
Lions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cost of improve~
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the improvement of Ramona
Street with curb and gutter from
240 feet north of the north prop-
erty line of Adeline Street to 100
feet south of the south property
line of Adeline Street have been
approved by the City Council of
th.4 City of Dubuque and public
notice given as provided by Chap-
ter 391 of the Code of Iowa, 1950,
pertaining to public contracts and
bonds, and the time and place
fixed for the hearing of all objec-
tions to said plans, specifications
or contract for or cost of such im-
provements, said time being this
22nd day of March, 1952; and
Whereas, the- City Council met
in special session this 22nd day of
March, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
162 Special Session, March 22, 1952
have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that all
objections which have been made
and filed to the plans, specifica-
tions, contract for or cost of said
improvement herein described and
proposed to be made, be and the
same are hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement
be made a matter of permanent
record in connection with said im-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
RESOLUTION N0, 87~i' 2
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications,form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the fallowing:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any,
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
se;sed together with a valuation
sed by the council,
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, and kind
of material to lie used.
6, In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be as-
sessed against each lot, for the im-
provement of Ramona Street with
curb and gutter from 240 feet north
of the north property line of Ade-
line Street to 100 feet south of the
south property line of Adeline
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
or upon petition of property own-
ers, deems it advisable and neces-
saryfor the public welfare to make
the herein mentioned improve-
ment, and unless property owners
at the time of the final considera-
tion of this proposed resolution
have on file with the City Clerk ob-
jections to the amount of the pro-
posed assesments, they shall be
deemed to have waived all objec-
tions thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Engineer which
have been approved by the City
Council and are now on file with
the City Clerk. That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dist-
ance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund, and
sewer funds ~r partly out of each
of said funds. Street improvement
bonds shall be issued and sold in
anticipation of deferred payments
of assessments when a contract has
been performed and accepted and
the proceeds thereof used to pay
the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
3rd day of March, 1952. The for-
going resolution was finally passed
::nd adapted, as proposed, by the
j '.
~y ,
Special Session, March 22, 1952 163
City Council this 22nd day of
March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction]
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolution of neces-
sity No. 87-52 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the im-
provement of Ramona Street from
240 feet north of the north proper-
ty line of Adeline Street to 100
feet south of the south property
line of Adeline Street be and the
same are hereby ordered and con-
structed by this Council upon its
own motion and with the petition
of property owners. All the work
shall be constructed in accordance
with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted and now on
file in the office of the City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the pri-
vately owned property lying with-
in the assessable distance from the
improvements, whether such prop-
erty abut upon the same or are ad-
jacent thereto, according to the
area thereof and in proportion to
the special benefits conferred, and
any deficiency will be paid out of
the street improvement, or sewer
funds of the city, or partly from
each of such funds. Payment will
be made to the contractor out of
funds realized from the sale of
bonds to be issued in anticipation
of deferred payments of assess-
ments as provided by law after
the work has been completed and
accepted by the City Council.
Be it further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro-
vided by law, the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or
before the 15 calendar days after
notice to proceed is issued.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of March,
Councilman Schueller move d
that the resolution just read be-
ing aresolution ordering a street
improvement be now considered
complete in form for final pass-
age and further move that the
same be placed on file .with the
City Clerk and remain on file for
public inspection for at least one
week before final adoption, Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency of resolution of necessity
and hearing upon proposed plans,
specifications, farm of contract
and cost of improvement for
the improvement of the south side
of Simpson Street with curb and
gutter from the west property line
of Fremont Avenue to a point 125
feet west of the west property
line of Cross Street, estimated
cost $4,711.48, presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun•
cil Chamber at the time set for
said hearing. Councilman Austin
moved that the proof of publica-
tion be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon ob•
jections to plans, specifications,
form of contract and cost of im•
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the improvement of the south
side of Simpson Street with curb
164 Special Session, March 22, 1952
and gutter :from the west property
line of Fremont Avenue to a point
125 feet west of the west property
line of Cross Street have been ap-
proved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque and public notice
given as provided by Chapter 391
of the Gode of Iowa, 1959, pertain-
ing to public contracts and bonds,
and the time and piece fixed for
the hearing of all objections to
said plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of such improve-
menu, said time being this 22nd
day of March, 1952, and
Whereas, the City Council met
in special session this 22nd day of
Merch, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sideaing any and all objections
Whioh have been filed to the pro•
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now,
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
all objections which have been
-made and filed to the plans, spe-
cifications, contract for or cost of
said improvement herein described
and proposed to be made, be and
the same are hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of con-
tract for or cost of said improve-
meat bemade smatter of perma-
nent recerd in connection with
said improvement.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
CouncIlman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
(Necessity far Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci•
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the fololwing:
1. The boundaries of the dis-
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve•
4. Each lot proposed to be -as-
sessed together with a volution
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, and
kind of material to be used.
0. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of the south side of
Simpson Street with curb and gut•
ter from the west property line of
.Fremont Avenue to a point 125
feet west of the west property line
of Cross Street.
Be it therefore resolved that the
City fbuncil on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unhss property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as•
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections there-
Said improvement shall be con•
strutted and done in aceordance
with the puns and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the Cfty Engineer which
have been approved by the Ctty
Council -and are now on file with
the City Clerk, That the cost and
expense of making said improve-
ment will be assessed upon and
against all privately owned prop-
erty lying within assessable dis•
fence provided by law and in an
~ ~
Special Session, March 22, 1952 165
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether thQ same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby, and any deficiency shall
be paid out of the street fund.
Street improvement bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been per•
formed and accepted and the pro-
seeds thereof used to pay the con•
The ~ above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
The foregoing resolution was
finally passed and adopted, as pro-
posed, by the City Council this
22nd day of March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
owned by Councilman Austin. Car•
Tied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that pur-
suant to a resolution of necessity
No. 9(1-52 which was duly passed
bq this Council, for the improve•
meat of the south side of Simpson
Street with curb and gutter from
the west property line of Fremont
Avenue to a point 125 feet west
of the west property line of Cross
Street, be and the same are here
by ordered and constructed by this
Council upon its own motion and
without the petition of property
owners. All the work shall be con•
strutted in accordance with the
plane and specifications heretofore
adopted and now on file in the
office of the City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im•
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the
privately owned property lying
within the assessable distance
from the improvements, whether
such property abut upon the same
or are adjacent thereto, according
to the area thereof and in pro
portion to the special benefits con•
ferred, and any deficiency will be
paid out of the general, improve•
went, ar sewer funds of the sty,
or partly from each of such funds.
Payment will be made to the con-
tractor out of funds realized from
the sale of bonds to be issued in
anticipation of deferred payme~s
of assessments as provided by law
after the work has been completed
and accepted by the City Coancil.
Be it further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro•
vided by law, the said improve•
menu shall be completed on ar
before the 15 calendar days after
notice to proceed is issued.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of March,
Councilman Schueller move d
that the resolution just read be•
ing a resolution ordering a street
improvement be now considered
complete in form for final pass-
age and further move that the
same be placed on file with the
City Clerk and remain on file for
public inspection for at least one
week before final adoption. Sec-
owded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following note:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency of resolution of necessity
and hearing apon proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract
and cost of improvement for the
improvement of the east side of
Stetemore Street from the south
property line of Lombard Street
166 Special Session, March 22, 1952
to a point 660 feet south, estimated
cost $1,486.23, presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun•
cil Chamber at the time set for
said hearing. Councilman Kolb
moved that the proof of publica-
tion be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon obje~~
Lions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cost of improve~
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of con-
tract for the improvement of the
east side of Stetmore Street with
curb and gutter from south proper-
ty line of Lombard Street to a
point 660 feet south have been ap-
proved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque and public no-
lice given as provided by Chapter
391 of the Code of Iowa, 1950, per-
taining to public contracts and
bonds, and the time and place
fixed for the hearing of all ob-
jections to said plans, specifica-
tions or contract for or cost of such
improvements, said time being this
22nd day of March, 1952; and
Whereas, the City Council met
in special session this 22nd day of
March, 1952, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
.Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now,
Be it resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
all objections which have been
made and filed to the plans, spe-
cifications, contract for or cost of
said improvement herein described
and proposed to be made, be and
the same are hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form
of contract heretofore approved
are hereby adopted.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement be
made a matter of permanent rea
ord in connection with said im-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci•
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and now on file in the office of
the City Clerk showing among oth-
er things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis-
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as•
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, and
kind of material to be used.
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of the east side of
Stetmore Street with curb and gut-
ter from the south property line
of Lombard Street to a point 660
feet south.
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make
the herein mentioned improve-
ment, and unless property owners
i+' k
Special Session, March 22, 1952 167
at the time of the final consider-
ation of this proposed resolution
have on file with the City Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessments, they shall
be deemed to have waived all ob-
jections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Coun-
cil and are now one file with the
City Clerk. That the cost and ex-
pense of making said improvement
will be assessed upon and against
all privately owned property lying
within assessable distance provid-
ed by law and in an amount not to
exceed the amount provided by
law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon
or is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the spe-
cial benefits conferred thereby,
and anydeficiency shall be paid out
of the street fund. Street improve-
ment bands shall be issued and
sold in anticipation of deferred
payments of assessments when a
contract has been performed and
accepted and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 3rd day of March, 1952.
The foregoing resolution was
finally passed and adopted, as pro-
posed, by the City Council this
22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
• RESOLUTION N0. 119-52
Be It resolved by the City
Council of the City of Du-
buque that pursuant to a resolu-
lion of necessity No. 93-52 which
was duly passed by this Council,
for the improvement of the east
side of Stetmore Street with curb
and gutter from the south side
property line of Lombard Street
to a point 660 feet south be and
the same are hereby ordered and
constructed .by this Council upon
its own motion without the peti-
tion of property owners. All the
work shall be constructed in ac-
cordance with the plans and spe-
cifications heretofore adopted and
now on file in the office of the
City Clerk.
Be it further resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the pri-
vately owned property lying with-
in the assessable distance from the
improvements, whether such prop-
erty abut upon the same or are ad-
jacent thereto, according to the
area thereof and in proportion to
the special benefits conferred, and
any deficiency will be paid out of
the general, improvement, or sew-
er funds of the city, or party from
each of such funds. Payment will
be made to the contractor out of
funds, realized from the sale of
bonds to be issued in anticipation
of deferred payments of assess-
ments as provided by law after the
work has been completed and ac-
cepted by the City Council.
Be It further resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby or•
dered and directed to advertise for
proposals for the construction of
the various improvements herein
provided for in the manner pre-
vided by law, the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or
before the 16 calendar days after
notice to proceed is issued.
Be it further resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 22nd day of March,
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage
168 Special Session, March 22, 1952
and further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in•
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schuellbr; Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency of resolution of necessity and
hearing upon proposed plans,.speci-
fications, form of contract and cost
of improvement for the improve-
ment of Strauss Street with curb
and gutter from the west property
litre of Burden Avenue to the east
property line of Brnnsvrick Street,
estimated° cost ~2,38~.71, presented
and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Austitt. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
Councilman Austin moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present in
the Council Chamber, who wishes
to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried 'by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Messrs John Glaser, Art Kleih
and Wm. Beutin addressed the
Council stating that they are in
favor of the Y.~rosed improvement
of Strauss Street with curb and
gutter and requested that Council
proceed with said improvement.
Mr. Bud Schargitz addressed tihe
Council stating that he represented
some property owners that are sub-
ject to assesment for the propsed
improvement of Strauss Street and
requested that Council postpone ac-
tion at this time on the proposed
improvement of Strauss Street.
We, the undersigned, are own•
ere o! property subject to assess-
ment for the improvement of
Strauss Street, frem the W. P. L.
Burden Avemu to the E. P. L, of
B'.~...~.viek Street, by the installa•
lion of curb and gutter proposed
on the general street improvement
program and we wish to have this
portion of Strauss Street deleted
from the program.
Francis Schargitz, 2812 Balke
Mr. and Mrs. John Rohr, 2811
Burden Avenue
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Henkel,
2790 Balke Street
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steger,
2759 Burden Ave.
Mrs. Katie Koerner, 2751 Burden
Mrs. E. R. Travis, 2803 Burden
Camillus R. Hein, 2801 Balke
Peter Hermes, 2807 Burden Ave.
Frank Schargitz, 2800 Balke
Joseph M. Trumm, 2780 Balke
C. J. May, 2820 Brunswick Street
Terrence N. O'Toole,515 Strauss
Councilman Austin moved that
the petition be received and made
a matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Decision of Council upon ob•
jections to plans, specifications,
form of contract and coat of im•
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
for the improvement of Strauss
Street with curb and gutter from
the west property line of Burden
Avenue to the east property line
of Brunswick Steret have been ap-
proved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque and public notice
given as provided by Chapter 391
of the Code of Iowa, 1950, pertain-
ing to public contracts and bonds,
and the time and place fixed for
the hearing of all objections to said
plans, specifications or contract for
or cost of such improvements, said
time being this 22nd day of March,
1952; and
Whereas, the City Council met
in special session this 22nd day
of March, 1952 at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
at the Council Chambers in the City
Hall for the purpose of hearing all
Special Session, March 22, 1952 169
interested parties and considering 3. The width of such improve-
any and all objections which have ment.
been filed to the proposed plans,
specifications or contract for or
cost of the improvement herein
described and proposed to be made;
Whereas, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to
be heard and all objections which
have been filed have been duly
weighed and considered; now,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun•
cil of the City of Dubuque, that all
objections which have been made
and filed to the plans, specifica-
tions, contract for or cost of said
improvement herein described and
proposed to be made, be and the
same are hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications androved
of contract heretofore app
are hereby adopted.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of contract
for or cost of said improvement be
made a matter of permanent record
in connection with said improve-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improverr-ent)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci
fications, form of contract, plat an
schedule have ben duly prepare
and approved by the City Counci
of the City of Dubuque and
how on file in the office of th
City Clerk showing among othe
things the following:
1, The boundaries of the distric
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
4. Each lot proposed to be as•
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the councIl.
5. Aa estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement and kind of
material to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assessed
against each lot, for the improve-
ment of Strauss Street with curb
and gutter from the west property
line of Burden Avenue to the east
property line of Brunswick Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable end necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objec-
tions to the amount of the r..r.~:..1
assessements, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections there-
Said improvement shall be con•
strutted and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared therefor
by the City Engineer which have
been approved by the City Council
and are now on file with the City
Clerk. That the cost and expense
of making said improvement will
be assessed upon and against all
privately owned property lying
within assessable distance provided
by law and in an amount not to
exceed the amount provided by
law, property will be assessed
whether the same abuts thereon
or is adjacent thereto according to
area and in proportion to the spec-
ial benefits conferred thereby, and
any deficiency shall be paid out of
the street fund. Street improve-
mentbonds shall be issued and sold
in anticipation of deferred pay
- ments of assessments when a con•
d tract has been performed and ac-
d cepted and the ,..~~:eds thereof
1 used to pay the contractor.
~ The above resolution was intro-
e doted, approved and ordered plac-
r ed on file with the City Clerk this
t 3rd day of March, 1952.
The foregoing resolution was.ifn-
ally passed and adopted, as pro-
170 Special Session, Match 22, 195
posed, by the City Council this
22nd day of March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that
pursuant to a resolution of neces-
sity No. 96-52 which was duly
passed by this Council, for the im-
provement of Strauss Street with
curb and gutter from the west
property line of Burden Avenue to
the east property line of Brunswick
Street be and the same are hereby
ordered and constructed by this
Council upon its own motion and
with or without the petition of
property owners. All the work
shall be constructed in accordance
with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted and now on
file in the office of the City Clerk.
Be It Further Resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the pri-
vately owned property lying within
the assessable distance from the
improvements, whether such prop-
erty abut upon the same or are
adjacent thereto, according to the
area thereof and in proportion to
the special benefits conferred, and
any deficiency will be paid out of
the general, improvement, or sewer
funds of the city, or partly from
each of such funds. Payment will
be made to the contractor out of
funds realized from the sale of
bonds to be issued in anticipation
of deferred payments of assess-
ments as provided by law after the
work has been completed and ac-
cepted by the City Council,
Be it Further Resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements herein
provided for in the manner provid-
ed by law, the said improvements
shall be completed on or before
17 calendar days after notice to
proceed is issued.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file far
final action this 22nd day of March,
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kalb, Schueller, Welu.
Notice of Claim of Albert S Hen-
kel in the amount of $27.52 for
damages to a tire and tube on his
car caused by the terrible condi-
tion of Fink Street, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that the
Notice of Claim be referred to the
City Solicitor for investigation and
report, Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Notice of Claim of Jack Need-
ham in the amount of $24.95 for
damages to a tire and tube caused
by striking a ditch on Fink Street,
presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
Notice of Claim be referred to the
City Solicitor for investigation and
report. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller, Carried by the follow-
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Notice of Claim of Mrs. Hilda
Poole in the amount of $10,75 for
damages caused in a fall by trip-
ping over an iron barred culvert
'~ I~
~~ ~~
I ~'
Special Session, March 22, 1952 171
in front of the residence located
at 549 West Fifth Street, presented
and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Original Notice of Suit of Frank
Schmitt, Plaintiff vs. City of Du•
buque, a Municipal Corporation,
Defendant in the amount of $1,000
for injuries received in a fall on
an icy sidewalk approximately at
the southeast corner of Avoca
Street and Cherry Street, present-
ed and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the Original Notice of Suit be re•
ferred to the City Solicitor. Sec•
onded by Councilman Kolb, Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
March 5, 1952.
Mr. John J. Shea,
City Clerk,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Re: Permit No, 52-193, 412
ft. of 8 in, Sanitary Sewer on
Mount Vernon Court.
For the attention of the Hon.
Mayor and Council.
Gentlemen: In accordance with
the provisions of the Iowa Stream
and Lake Pollution Law, Section
135.26, Code of Iowa, 1950, a per-
mit is issued for the above project
for which plans and specifications
have been received in this office.
This permit is issued subject to
the following conditions and re•
1, That the minimum slope of
the sewers will be 0.4% as stated
in letter dated February 23, 1952,
from your City Engineer.
2. That planning for adequate
sewage treatment facilities for the
wastes from the City will be con-
tinued so the construction can be
completed as set forth in your ap-
plication for permit dated July 24,
1951. The application for permit
covers sanitary sewer and pump-
ing station, extending present sys-
tem to Dubuque Packing Co. and
residential area.
3. The approval of these plans
and the issuance of this permit do
not constitute approval of the dis-
charge of untreated wastes into
the Mississippi River.
We are retaining one copy of
the approved plans for our files
and returning the other copy to
the office of the City Engineer.
For the Commissioner.
Very truly yours,
P. J. HOUSER, Director,
Division of Public Health
Councilman Welu moved that
the communication be received
and made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Communication of the Depart-
ment of the Army, Board of Engi-
neers for Rivers and Harbors,
Washington, D. C., submitting Na
tice of Public Hearing, Mississippi
River above the Missouri River
for flood protection, Guttenberg,
Iowa, to Hamburg Bay, Illinois,
hearing to be held at 2:00 P. M. on
April 10, 1952, Gravelly Point, Vir-
ginia, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved that
the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of John A, Glaser and
others, property owners in the
2700 Block on Brunswick Street,
requesting that Council authorize
curb and gutter next to their prop-
erty line, leaving no room for side-
walks, the cost of this improve-
ment to be assessed against their
property and that the City at no
expense to them surface this block
on Brunswick Street with crushed
stone, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager and City Engineer for in-
vestigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of George Gabel and
172 $pocial Session, March 22, 1952.
others requesting the installation
of a dre4t light on Pinerd Street
between 28tts and 28th Streets,
Ar~ented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the petition be t~ferred to the C[ty
Manager anQ EloOtricai ItsspecGir
for neeontmeadatton and report.
5eponded by Couneitlnan Sehuel•
ler. Carried by the foliorring vote:
Yeas-M,a7or Russo, Councilmen
Auatiu, Kolb, acbueller, Welu.
Petition of Mike Sand and oth•
en, Pry„~r,;;q owners on Davenport
84roet, regnestiat abut curb and
gotten ba put in and the atreeet
graded trecordang to the Plat there-
of ftgo- Netionat Street to Stoltz
west, yresentpd and read.
Coameilmam Wehl moved that
a plat and schedule be prepared
SwY4rang the re nest. Seconded
1~ Councilman Kolb Carried by
tb0 f411+Dwi~ vote;
Yese--~tiGsyt-r #lysso, Councilmen
A1Miti9ll, l;+glb, f~hUelieC, Welu.
~tltlon !>% McAonnell l.xcavat.
ipg Service requesting permasslgn
tq excavate In #hs streets and al-
leys In accordance wttb the prq•
pisjpng of Ordinance No, 45-81,
presented and regd.
Coas;leilmpn Welu moved that
the Tequest be granted. 6econded
by Councilman Kolb. Carded by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Rolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of Christ Boggs re•
questing a t~eftsnd in the amount
04 !ffi.00 on the unexpired portion
~ his Cigazette Permit No. ~0, as
lip has dlsoolttianed business an
lUatteh 3, 1s~2, Presented and read,
UxmCilman tiolb moved that
fist request be granted and the
City Auditor he instructed to draw
a wurent in the amasnt of $25A0
in favor of Christ Boggs t0 COVET
the amount of nefussd granted on
the uuerPjred ptxtion of his Cigar-
stte Ftrmit 200, Seconded by
Cougeflxean we1u. Carried by the
failrwr~ vote;
Yeas--bfAyat' Rrasso, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Scitve0er, Weiu.
Petition of Christ Boggs request
ing a refund in the amount of
{i1f0.OC on the unexpired portion
of his Clear "B" Beer Permit No.
127, as he has discontinued bu~l~
ness on March 3, 1952, presented
and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the s~equest be granted and the
City Auditor be instructed to draw
a warrant in the amount of $150.00
in favor of Christ Boggs to cover
the amount pf refund granted on
the unexpired portion of his Glass
"B" Beer Permit No, 127. SQc-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor listsao, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schuehtr, Weau,
Potation of Anna Heiar rstluest•
frig a refund in the amount of
$25.00 on the unexpired portion
of her Cigarette Permit No. 248,
as she has discontinued business;
on March 18, 1952, presented and
Councilm>iis Kplb moved that
the request be granted aiad the
City Auditor be instructed to draw
a warrant in the amount of $25,00
in favor of Anna Heiar to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired portion of her Ci•
garette Permit No. 248. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Car•
Tied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayer Russo, Cpuncllmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petation of Higblend Rxalty Com-
pany requesting the grading of the
platted alley behveen Strauss
Street and Windsor Avenue along
Buxden Avenue, presented and
Councilman 6chuelier move d
flat the petition be referred to the
City lfanager to confer with Mr.
Homer Butt of the I~ighland Beatty
Company with reference Qo the
petition. Seconded by Councilman
Weiu. Carried by the following
Ysaa-Mayer Bataao, ColtAShcn3en
Austin, Kolb, £vcbnelier, Weiu,
Petition of Key City Plumbing
and Ileatjrig C-0mpany requesting
permissioA tp tip excavating in the
streets and alleys of the Caty of
Dubuque, presented and reap.
~Counrilman Weiu moved that
the request be granted. Seconded
Special Session, March 22, 1952 173
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of .Dubuque American
Legion Building Corporation re•
questing permission to replace the
existing stairway and platform for
the main emergency exit in the
alley at the rear of the building
located at Fourth and Locust
Streets, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the request be granted. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
ORDINANCE N0. 10-52.
An Ordinance granting to Du-
buque American Legion Building
Corporation, Dubuque, Iowa, its
successors and assigns, the right
to construct and mair}tain stairway
and platform in the alley between
Main and Locust Streets between
Third and Fourth Street, adjacent
to its building and prescribing the
conditions of such permit, present-
ed and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun•
Gilman Schueller, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Welu moved that
the ordinance just read being an
ordinance granting the right to use
or occupy a public place be now
considered complete in form for
final passage and further move
that the same be placed on file
with the City Clerk and remain on
file for public inspection for at
least one week before final adop•
lion. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller, Carried by the follow-
ing vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Petition of the Independent
School District of Dubuque, Iowa,
requesting permission to install &
sanitary force main sewer for the
accommodation of the new Irving
School to be located on Pennsyl-
vania Avenue, as per attached plat,
presented and read,
Councilman Austin moved Ehat
the request be granted, the work
to be done in accordance with city
specifications and that proper era
ceedings be, prepared. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Council Proceedings for the
months of November and Decem-
ber, 1951, presented for approval.
Councilman Welu moved that
the Council Proceedings for the
months of November and Decem-
ber, 1951, be approved as printed.
Seconded by Councilman SChuel•
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Holb, Schueller, Welu.
ORDINANCE N0. ll•-52.
An Ordinance Amending Ordi-
nance No. 33--49 known a6 The
Traffic Code of the City of Du-
buque, by adding a new Section
thereto designating the Streets or
Routes over which Motor Carriers
shall travel within the City, pre•
scored and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Wolu moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Kolb. Carried by the fol•
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance
No. 82-49 known as The Traltic Code
of the City of Dubuque, by Addiflg
a new Section thereto designating
the Streets or Routes aver watch
Motor Cartiers shall travel within
the City,
174 Special Session, March 22, 1952
'action 1. That Ordinance No. 33-49
known ae The Traffic Code la hereby
amended by adding a new Section
tti- eto to be known ae Sectlon 16.28
ae lollowa:
"Sectlon 15.28. Motor carrlera shall
travel over marked highways when
oyorated within the City smite and
shall not depart therefrom eacept that
any motor carrier whose dstlnatlon 1s
in ae City may depart from such
highway at that point on the hlgh-
wa; nearest to Its deatinatlon and
then proceed directly to such de~tina-
tlon and any motor carrier whose trip
originates wlthia the Clty may travel
by the most direct route to that point
on a marked highway nearest to such
point ,of origin."
Section 2. Th1a Ordinance ahan be
in full force and eftect from and after
its tinal passage, adoption and publi•
cation as by law provided.
Introduced the 22nd day of March
Rule requiring reading on three
separate Jaya euepended by unanim-
ous vote the a2nd day of March 1952.
Paeeed, adopted and approved this
Sand day of March 1952.
Romolo N. Russo .
Clarence P. Welu
Ray F, Kotb
Ruben V. Austln
Leo N. Schueller
Atteet: J, J. Shea
City Clerk
Pgbllahed officially in The Tele-
grap''hh-Herald newspaper this 31st day
of March, 1962.
J. J. Shea
City Clerk
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Communication of the City of
Dubuque Airport Commission sub•
witting a report of the activities
and accomplishments of the Du-
buque Airport Commission since
its organization in September,
1950, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the report be received and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
March 4, 1952.
Hon. Mayor and Members
of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: April 4, 1949, the
claim of Anna Link for damages
received in a fall on an icy side-
walk at 30th and Central Avenue,
on February 18, 1949, was filed
with the City Council and referred
to the City Solicitor. At that time
the extent of claimant's injuries
had not become definite and the
City Solicitor, consequently, was
unable to make any recommenda-
tions. Subsequently, on January
17, 1951, claimant instituted an ac-
tion in District Court founded on
this claim and asking damages
in the amount of $10,000.00.
This office has made an investi•
gation of the facts and has deter-
mined that claimant fell on rough
and uneven ice which had been on
the sidewalk for several days, She
sustained a fractured of her left
femur which proved difficult ill
healing and no union was effected
until the Fall of last year. She
has now recovered sufficiently to
be able to walk with a crutch
and may soon be able to walk with
a cane. She has, of course, been
unable to work and has sustained
loss of wages in the amount of
$998 per year for three years. Her
medical expense amounts to
$1,007.56 to date,
I have conferred on this matter
with Kenline, Roedell, Hoffman
and Reynolds, attorneys for claim-
ant and have entered into an agree-
ment to settle this action for the
sum of $3,014.50,
I recommend that this settlement
be approved and the City Auditor
be instructed to issue a warrant
payable to Anna Link and Hal F,
Reynolds, her attorney, in the
amount of $3,014.50 and to deliver
the same upon the receipt of a
properly executed release and the
dismissal of said action with pre-
judice at plaintiff's costs.
Respectfully submitted,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Solici-
tor Nelson be approved and the
City Auditor be instructed to draw
a warrant in the amount of $3,014.-
50 in favor of Anna Link and Hal F.
Reynolds, her attorney, as settle-
ment of the claim and court ac-
tion, and that said warrant be de•
livered upon receipt by the City
of Dubuque of a properly execut•
ed release and the dismissal of
said action with prejudice at plain-
tiff's costs. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Special Session, March 22, 1952 175
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
March 19, 1952.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit
reports of the City Auditor, City
Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Works for the
month of February, 1952; also list
of claims and list of payrolls for
which warrants were issued for
the month of February, 1952.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the reports be received and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Austin Carried by the following
~. Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
March 12, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The petition of the Dubuque
Safety Council requesting the City
Manager and City Council to make
a careful study of a hazard that
now exists on Dodge Street be-
tween Booth Street and Grandview
Avenue relative to auto accident$
and traffic tieups was .referred to
the City Council to view the
The decision of the Council after.
viewing the grounds was to in•
struct the City Manager to contact
the State Highway Commission
relative to reconstruction of High-
way 20 within the city limits and
t the time at which they propose to
do this work if it is in their con-
- struction program.
1 ~ I recommend that the decision of
it the Council be confirmed.
Respectfully submitted,
~ ,_ L. J. SCHILTZ,
f City Manager.
~: Councilman Austin moved that
~• the recommendation of City Man-
- ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
- onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
e ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
re ~,,,' Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
` Nays-None.,
March 12, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The petition of Joseph C. Lytle
and others asking that the City
Council grant them the opening of
an alley from Ryder Street to
Bradley Street at the rear of their
properties, was referred to the City
Council to view the grounds.
The decision of the Council. after
viewing the grounds was that it is
not practical to grade this alley at
the present time and to defer any
improvements until such time as
the property west of the alley is
I recommend that the decision
of the Council be confirmed.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Welu moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be. approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Wefli.
March 12, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa. .
The term of William Zuker serv-
ing on the Police and Fire Pension
Board expires April 1, 1952.
The city also has an appointment
to make on the City Assessor. Ex-
amining Board. The .term in office
for this appointment is four years
and is made effective August 25,
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Welu moved that
Mr. William Zuker be reappointed
as a member of Police and Fire
Pension Board for a term of four
years, said term expiring April 1,
1956, also that Councilman Leo N.
Schueller be appointed as a mem-
ber of the City Assessor Examin-
ing Board. Seconded by Council-
man Kolb, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
176 Slxcial Session, Match 22, 1952
Yeasti-Mayor Russo, Councilmen the r.~~~....mendation of City Man-
Austin, KoNi, Scchueiter, Wit. ager Schiltz be adopted. Sec•
Nays-None. onded by Councilman Austin. Car•
March 12, 1952 tied by the following vote:
To the Honorable Mayer
eni City C.,:,~.il,
I)abugne, Tbra.
I have a regnest from Mr. Hugh
Callahan, Chief of Police, to send
a member at the Police Department
to the Traffic Institute of Narth•
weaterd tJniversily from Aprll
28tA be May 1~.
I recommend that this request
be granted because I believe that
this type M trainh-g le benetlctal
to the Police Department and to
the City of Dubuque.
R.~:~~ . ~ttelkv submitted,
b. J. 5~.~~,.TZ,
Citf Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager gctdltt be adopted. Sec-
onded by Cematilman 1Vclu. Car-
rkd by the fotbwing vote:
Yeaa~-Mayor Russo, Camcitmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
March 12, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
an4 City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The petition of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert L. Baumhover and others
requesting the opening of the
alley between Windsor Avenue and
Buena Vbta Sheet and betw~n
8trawa Street ami Lawthet Street
was ref.~,,~,d to the City Council to
viex tl-e grounds.
The deeiaton of the Council after
Yiewlog the ,~~.. ,...ds was that the
opening of this alley would create
serious drainage problems and
possible damage to adlOiaing prop.
erty owners, aLo a great expense
to the property owners in the con.
struction of concrete retaining
The decision of the CouocIl was
that the petition be denied and I
t~ecrommend that this decision of
four honorable body be conftrmed.
Rapecttallf submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
March 12, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
The peGtian of Mrs. Glean Ball
and others, together with the com•
munication of Loran College, ask-
ing for the opening of West 16th
Street for continuous travel in the
500 and 9110 bkrcks was referred to
the City Council to view the
The decision of the Council after
viewing the b....:..ds was that in•
vestigatIon be made of the feasi-
bility of opening Sixteenth Street
in the 500 block and that it was
impractical at this time to open a
new street to connect Went 16th
and West 17th Streets.
I recommend that the decision
of the Council be confirmed.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councllman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Man•
ager Schiltz be arY.~,ed. Sec-
onded bq CounM'Iman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councamen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
March 15, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
I have a letter from Dr. A. J.
Entringer, Duector of Public
Health, calling to my attention
that poultry and other fresh meats
are being sold on the City Centra]
Section 170.27 of the Code of
Iowa provides that ao person shall
make any sidewalk or street dis-
play of meat ~.. ~ Acts. Other food
products may be displayed if they
are enclosed in a showcase or
similar device to protect them from
flies, dust or other contamination.
$pacpal 3e~,~op, Iytgrg~ ~2, ~9,~g 177
~ vj3w qi' the #act that t~ili
section of the cgAe is ill conlliet
with 90g1A flt oµr City ardinances,
r I recommend thdt a etudY he made
~" of the existipg oxdipag4es to de•
terming whlC6 ehApld be &Rt1ed
8!i$ tit the City
Ot tep9dled,
fr ,
$Q)ieitor be Igatrusted to pre9>#'C
a neW Arfhniiflle gAverieg
operation of the Centrni 1lar>Fet.
REaplitY submitted,
T+• J, SCiIti~TZ,
City Manager,
CoWicilAlaA KOIb moved that
the ep~mW-icatjon of City man-
ager $ehilt? be referred to the
City manager and City 3oiicitgr
for study and report, Seconded by
Councpma4 Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
March 21, 195
?g the honorable Mayor
and city eounctt,
Dubuque, Iowa.
I am attaching a letter from
the Dubuque Bank Ec Trust Com•
pany advising the City that M. L.
Caber & CempabY have assigned
to their beak the equity in the re=
esatning proceeds due oa the eqn.
struction of the detention reservoir.
This should be made a matter of
neoard and le the future all war-
rants will bs drawn le favor of
the Dubuque Bank & "frost Cem-
pany amt M, L, C~Ar CpmpanY
R~pecttuhY riubalittsd,
L, J, ¢~n~L1'~,
City Manager,
Councilman ]isih peeved that
the communication of City mpp.
ager 8chiltz, together with the
ie~er Af tixe AUinlgne 1iaAk
Trust Cempany be reserved cell
made a matter Pf record. Sec-
paded by Cvunciimaaa SehueUer,
Canted by the foAorrtag vote;
3teasTlllaym' Russo, t:oun¢ilpaea
Awgtin, ~nlb, Ssbuetier, 'Wdu.
i b` Nays-~Noae.
AuRUR[JR ~dl>ili ~ TRUST Co.
Dubuque, Iowa, March 19, ia5d
Idr. iaVetp J. ScitiJta
City [tall,
Dubuque, IAWa,
deer Mr. Sehilts:
'>7us is t4 advise that M, ~.
GPi~Br ~ CoptPenY hoYa
to ~e AuDugue BAnk ~ TrWt
CAmpitnf dheir satire ~~' ~
r4Alainiufi arAlwells, due ar to be•
come due in the copstfu AA
the watt $t~t detaiakion
reseryAjy p>?A~fCt,
Kindly protect our ieterest in
this eaairnment by making checks
in settleme~lt or pertiai allttlR-
ment to Dubuque Hank ~ Tntdt
Company and M. L. Gabtr Pgpa•
Ysry trul,v yAiit~s,
G. W Corken
Assistant Vice President.
March 2i, 1852
Ta the ionorable i[ayar
ai~i Gity Couaeed,
~ubuq>!e~ IAwa,
$ome time qgo I w&s authorised
by the Council to take any action
[ thougt-t advisable in regard to
hsldAgs eondultted by the Hoard
D# ,~p,gigeErz fpF ~ivRrB aDd #~A1'•
hors regardipg flgod control ~
the upper Mississippi River.
(le March 19th, a eomsnittee np-
rasentit-g the Citizens' lbod
GuAtrnl Cotup~ittae, ldr~ aA~u 1~;r=
per, President of the j~pard A~
DACh rplgp}jsgjpners~ AAd ,nltlEl'f
held a W6i'ETR44CY witil ~WPeI
Iriniey at RAFk (stood 1~agipeEF's
1?#icE• it way brAugttt cut at this
meeting that the AAi}' projecks to
be sonside-~d at tbt: nUblle bear.
iAg to bs hgid An ~~ ~ 1Y9U~
be thASe projects f;GOro wlvirb tbo
Corps Af -eera haYA roadie it
favOrabje rvpArt 81Mi have Estj•
mated fAe sort of l~OAsttliCt~h
Alt-wugh a f~ tantrol study
has not been Au-de i`oC t?µhugt~,
the .Corps pf FA,giAEers haYE sutb~
AriratiAn to prACeed with Ibis work
sA aiAng the river, byt at tb4
presept time CAngres6 ha¢ net
seen fit to g„y,,,y~;at6 aAY hinds
to da this wor>G
t ~viU prepArs a report ~ A4f
fiaod control proWsm aa~d itt-roit
it ko the >t~+srd at riagivoota, >siwsra
4nd HRrbors, stressi+rg the e~
for ftpod control wart at Auhawtia
in order that our serlogg pzobleas
elm b4 salltadd M thelr ~.
Rvspartful~ s~titted,
City i~t1~I-agcr,
Ceq@cilipan ,N,psttn 6eAV~ that
178 Special Session, March 22, 1952
the communication of City Man•
ager Schiltz be received and made
a matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo; Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
March 21; 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
The communication of the City
Manager recommending establish-
ment of one-way streets, installa-
tion of traffic lights. and eleminat-
ing parking on Eighth Avenue was
referred back to the City Manager
for further study and report.
One question raised .was the
operation of emergency vehicles
on one-way streets. This does not
constitute any problem but neces-
sitates arevision of the city or-
dinance providing for the operation
of emergency. vehicles in the op-
posite direction to traffic on one-
way streets.
`My' original recommendation
called for Bluff Street to be one-
way from Eighth Street to Dodge
Street: I have htid studies made
as to the traffic conditions on
Bluff and Locust Streets from
Dodge Street to Fourth Street and
find that at this tune it would be
best to leave Bluff Street two-way
from Second Street to Dodge Street.
This will allow about the same
amount of traffic at both Dodge
gild Locust and Bluff and Locust
ihtersections. It will also mean
that northbound traffic on Bluff
Street will have to turn east on
Secolid and proceed north on
Locust at Second Street.
Second Streetis a wide thorough-
fare,. Traffic lights are aheady in-
stalled on Second and Locust
which could be retimed to suit
traffic conditions better than those
at the approach to the Julien Du-
buque Bridge.
I, therefore, .recommend that
Bluff Street be one-way from
Eighth Street to Second Street and
that Locust, Main and Iowa Streets
be one-way streets as recom-
mended in my recommendation
on February 23rd.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance Amending Ordin-
ante No. 33-49 to provide. addition-
al one-way streets; exempt emer-
gency vehicles; and prohibit park-
ing on a portion of Eighth Avenue
during certain hours, presented
and read,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel•
ter. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance
No. 33-49 to provide additions] one-
way streets; exempt emergency ve-
hicles; and prohlbt parking on a
portion of Eighth Avenue during
certain hours.
Section 1. That Section 10.6 of Or-
dinance No, 33-49, known ae the Traf-
t[c Code" be and the name is hereby
repealed and the following enacted ae
a substitute therefor:
"Section 10.6. Upon these streets
and parts of those streets and in those
alleys designated and described. in
Schedule I attached hereto and made
a part hereof; sign-posted for one-
way traffic, vehicles, except author-
ized emergency vehicles responding to
an emergency call, shall be driven
onl7 fn the direction designated."
Section 2. That Schedule I of Or-
dinance No. 33-49, known as the
"Traffic Code;' as amended by Or-
dinance No. 44-51 be and the same
is hereby repealer{ and the following
enacted as a substitute therefor:
[n accordance with Section 10.0 and
when properly aignpoeted, traffic shall
move only in the direction indicated
Special Session, March 22, 1952 1'~9
upon the following streets or alleys,
or parts thereof:
1. Traffic shall move northerly on-
e. In the alley between Iowa Street
and Central Avenue from West Fourth
Street to Loras Boulevard;
bl In the alley between Locust
Street and Main Street from Jones
Street to Weat Twelfth Street;
c. In the alley between B1ufP S[ree[
and Locust Street from Eighth Ave-
~! nue to Weat Tenth Street;
d. On Iowa Street from West Fourth
Street to Loraa Boulevard.
e. On Locust Street from West
fourth Street to Loras Boulevard.
~, 2. Traffic shall move southerly only:
a. In the alley between Central Ave-
nue and White Street from East Four-
tee..th Street to East Fourth Street;
b. In the alley between Maln Street
and Iowa Street from West Twelfth
Street to West Second Street;
c On Bluff Street from Loras Boule-
vard to Weat Second Street;
d. On Main Street Pram Loras
Boulevard to West Fourth Street.
Section 3. That Schedule II of Or-
dinance No. 33-99. known as the
"Traffic Code" be and the same is
hereuy amended by adding a new sec-
tion thereto as follows:
"W. Bluff Street from Loras Boule-
vard to the north line of West Twelfth
Street, and from the south line of
West Twelfth Street to Dodge Street."
Section 4. That Section 16.3 of Or-
dinance No. 33-99 known as the "Traf-
fic Cade" be and the same ie herby
revealed and the following enacted as
a substitute therefor:
"16.3 Angle parking is permitted an-
ly on both sides of West Second Street
from Iowa Street to Locust Street; the
north side of West Sixth Street from
Locus[ Street to Bluff Street; the east
aide of Bluff Street from West Sixth
to West Seventh Street; the south
aide of Weat Seventh Street from
I;o^ust to Bluff Street.
-lpon such streets or parts of
streets, vehicles shall oe parked with-
in the spaces indicated and with a
front wheel of the vehicle against the
curb. Vehicles having a greater length
than 20 feet over all, shall not be per•
milted to park at an angle upon any
Section 5. That Ordinance No. 33-49
known as the "Traffic Code" be and
the same is hereby amended by
ao .ng a new section thereto as fol-
"Section 10.28 After signs have been
erected giving notice thereof, it shall
be unlawful to park any vehicle on
Eighth Avenue between Central Ave-
nue to Bluff Street during the period
from 4 o'clock P. M. to 5:30 o'clock
P.M., inclusive, of each day, except
Sundays and holidays."
Section 6. This Ordinance shall be-
come effective on a date to be de-
termined by the City Manager, not
less than six (61 months after the
adoption hereof, but after requUed
~ es, and signs have been erected
and the changes in parking spaces
parking meters, and traffic lanes
necessary to implemenC the provisions
of this Ordinance establishing one-
w: y streets have been made. Notice
1' of suc„ decision shall be published in
I'; the Telegraph Herald at least once
s prior to such effective date.
Passed, adopted and approved this
22nd day of March, 1952,
Romolo N. Russo
Clarence P. Welu
Ray F. Kolb
Ruben V. Austin
Lea N. Schueller
Attest: J. J. Shea
City Clerk
ublished officially In The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 31st day
of March, 1952.
J. J. Shea
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of ad-
vertisement for bids for remodel-
ing of Fire Station: Central Ave-
nue at 18th Street, presented and
Councilman Kolb moved that the
proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
March 21, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Bids for remodeling of the
Eighteenth Street Fire Station
were opened and read Tuesday,
March 18th, at 2 P.M. Tabulation
of bids is attached.
Both bids received were over 20%
above the estimated cost of the
work and I recommend that the
bids be rejected.
After consulting with the Fire
Chief and architects, we feel that
some revisions can be made in the
plans and specifications to reduce
the cost of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Austin moved that
the recommendation of City Man•
ager Schiltz be approved and the
City Clerk be instructed to read•
vertise for proposals and the City
Treasurer instructed to return the
certified checks to the bidders.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
i8b Special Session, March 22, 1952
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
March 21, 1952
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
This is to advise that I have ap-
proved the following bonds and de-
sire to have your approval on same
for filing:
Key City Plumbing & Heating
Co, 130 West 13th Street, Western
Surety Co.
C. G. and Ray McDonnell, (Mc-
Donnell Excavating Service), 847
Kaufman Avenue, Continental Cas•
ualty Co.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the bonds be approved and placed
oa file. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
(Ordering Construction)
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that pursuant to a resolution of
necessity No, 36-52 which was
dulq passed by this Council, for
the improvement of Mt. Vernon
Court from the west property line
of South Grandview Avenue to the
end of the street be and the same
are hereby ordered and construct-
ed by this Council with the peti-
tion of property owners. All the
work shall be constructed in ac•
cordance with the plans and speci-
fications heretofore adopted and
now on file in the office of the
City Clerk.
Be It Further Resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid for by levying
special assessments against the
privately owned property lying
within the assessable distance from
the improvements, whether such
property abut upon the same or
are. adjacent thereto, according to
the area thereof and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred,
and any defeciency will be paid
out of the general, improvement,
or sewer funds of the city or
partly from each of such funds,
execpt as otherwise provided by
petitions and waivers now on file
or hereafter obtained. Payment
will be made to the contractor out
of funds realized from the sale of
bonds to be issued in anticipation
of deferred payments of assess-
ments as provided by iaw after the
work has been completed and ac-
cepted bq the City Council.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
ordered and directed to advertise
for proposals for the construction
of the various improvements here-
in provided for in the manner pro-
vided by law, the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or be-
fore 42 calendar days after notice
to proceed is issued.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for
final action this 3rd day of March,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Awarding Contract)
Whereas, proposals have been
submitted by contractors for the
construction of an eight (8) inch
vitrified the sanitary sewer in
Mount Vernon Court pursuant to
Resolution No. 94-52 and The
Special Session, March 22, 1952 181
Willman Company of Cedar Rapids
Iowa contractor, has submitted
the lowest bid for the furnishing
of all labor and materials and per-
forming the work as provided for
in the plans and specifications;
now therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the contract for the above
mentioned improvement be award-
ed to The Willman Company of
Cedar Rapids, Iowa and the Man-
ager be and he is hereby directed
to execute a contract on behalf
of the City of Dubuque for the
complete performance of said work.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity be-
come effective from and after its
passage and adoption by the City
Approved and placed on file far
one week on March 3, 1952.
Passed and adopted this 22nd day
of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Whereas, it is the considered
judgment of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
provision be made for the location
of a new fire station on the corner
of Atlantic and University; and
Whereas, Lot 5 and 6, part of
Tschirgi & Schwind's Subdivision
in the City of Dubuque are con-
sidered to be well located for this
fire station; and
Whereas, the City Council con-
siders it necessary and expedient
that the above described property
be acquired by the Municipality:
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, that Lot 5 Part of Tschirgi
and Schwind's Subdivision in the
City of Dubuque be purchased
from Jess Armitage for the sum
of $11,000.00.
Be It Further Resolved that Lot
S Part of Tschirgi and Schwind's
Subdivision in the City of Dubuque
be purchased from Al A, Smith for
the sum of $14,000.00.
Approved and placed on Pilo for
final action this 3rd day of March,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, A.D. 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
ended by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Whereas, the Mississippi River
is an interstate stream which has
gained great prominence as the
Father of Waters; and
Whereas, it is a public respon-
sibility to maintain the waters of
the stream in an unpolluted con-
dition so that the waters may be
used far recreation, for water sup-
plies, and for other legitimate uses
without possibility of harm to any
person, industry or community;
Whereas, the water pollution con-
trol agencies of Illinois, Iowa and
Wisconsin have pointly resolved to
continue a concerted program of
pollution abatement; and
Whereas, the federal government
classifies pollution of waters as
misuse of natural resources of the
nation and as a detriment to pub-
lic health and welfare and has,
therefore, embarked on a nation-
wide pollution abatement program;
Whereas, the City of Dubuque
182 Special Session, March 22, 1952
does discharge untreated or inef-
fectively treated sewage into the
Mississippi River:
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved that the City of
Dubuque will cooperate in the Mis•
sissippi River clean-up program,
will cause plans to be developed
for treatment of sewage from the
municipality in conformity with re•
quirements of the state on or be-
fore July 1, 1954 and will there-
after expeditiously carry on con-
struction of needed treatment
And Be It Further Resolved that
a copy of this resolution be prom-
ptly filled with the State Water
Pollution Control Agency.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
that the following, having com-
plied with the provisions of law re-
lating to the sale of cigarettes
within the City of Dubuque, be
granted a permit to sell cigarettes
and cigarette papers within said
City and the Manager is directed
to issue such permit on behalf of
said City.
Arnold Unsen and Vincent Un-
sen, 1543 Central Avenue.
Bohn J. Engling and Bernadette
Engling, 2997 Central Avenue.
James W. Baxter, 1501 Central
Floyd Barnhart, 1598 Jackson
Maurice H. Mellon, 1100 Lincoln
Pete S. Sfikas, 760 East 16th
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed with the applications
be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd .day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Whereas, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council for arr.,,~al and the
same have been examined: Now,
Be It Resolved by the Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
following applications be granted
and the licenses are to be issued
upon the compliance with the terms
of the ordinances of this City.
Maurice H. Mellon, 1100 Lincoln
Ione Miller, 1322 Central Avenue.
Herbert E. Althaus, 1575 Central
Arnold Unsen and Vincent Un•
sen, 1543 Central Avenue.
Mrs. Adele Geske, 253 West 1st
Sylvester A. Weiner and Dolores
Weiner, 201 East 22nd Street.
Floyd Barnhart, 1598 Jackson
Don E. Wertz, 630 Main Street.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
Special Session, March 22, 1952 183
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car•
ried by the following vote:
t Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
`_ Nays-None.
Whereas, heretofore applications
for Beer Permits were filed by the
__ within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
f Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc-
copied by such applicants have
been inspected and found to comply
with the ordinances of this City
and they have filed a proper bond:
Now Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council
of the City of Dubuque that the
Manager be and he is directed to
issue to the following named ap-
plicants aBeer Permit.
Maurice H. Mellon, 1100 Lincoln
Ione Miller, 1322 Central Avenue.
Herbert E. Althaus, 1575 Central
Arnold Unsen and Vincent Un-
sen, 1543 Central Avenue.
Mrs. Adele Geske, 253 West 1st
Sylvester A. Weiner and Delores
Weiner, 201 East 22nd Street.
~' Floyd Barnhart, 1598 Jackson
i Street.
Don E. Wertz, 630 Main Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
r bonds filed by such applicants be
and the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of Adeline Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the east property line of Grand-
view Avenue to the west property
line of Ramona Street, estimated
cast $1,283.94, presented aad read.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
lNecessity for Improvement)
RESOLUTION N0. 127-52.
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office of
the City Clerk showing among oth-
er things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis-
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, stating
the same for each different type
of construction and kind of ma-
terial to be used.
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated fo be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Adeline Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the east property line of
Grandview Avenue to the west
property line of Ramona Street.
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make
the herein mentioned improve-
ment, and unless property owners
at the time of the final considera-
tion of this proposed resolution
have on file with the City Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessments, they shall
be deemed to have waived all ob-
jections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
184 Special Session, March 22, 1952
structed and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En-
gineer which have been approved
by the City Couneil and are now
on file with the City Clerk. That
the cost and expense of making
said improvement will be assessed
upon and against all privately
owned property }ying within assess-
able distance provided by law and
in an amount not to exceed the
amount provided by law, property
will be assessed whether the same
abuts thereon or is adjacent ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby. Labor and equipment
cost shall be paid out of the street
improvement funds. Bonds shall
be issued and sold in anticipation
of deferred payments of assess-
ments when a contract has been
perfgrmed and accepted and the
proceeds thereof used to pay the
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered in
form for final passage and further
more that the same be placed on
file with the City Clerk and re•
main on file for public inspection
for at least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Council-
man Kolb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing date of hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 128-52 given its
preliminary arr. ~ Jal on the pro-
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract and placed same
on file in the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, far the
improvement of Adeline Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the east property line of
Grandview Avenue to the west
property line of Ramona Street
Whereas, the proposed Resolu•
tion of Necessity for said improve~
went has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's
office for public inspection.
Be it therefore resolved that on
the 15th day of April, 1952, a pub-
lic hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock P. M. in the Council Cham-
ber of the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro•
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the pro
posed plans and at the same time
to the boundaries of the proposed
district, to the cost of the improve-
ment, to the amount proposed to
be assessed against any lot and
to the passage of the proposed
Resolution of Necessity and the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to cause a notice of the
time and place of such hearing to
be published in some newspaper
published in the city of Dubuque,
the last of which shall be not less
than two (2) nor more than four
(4) weeks prior to the day fixed
for its consideration and unless
property owners at the time of
final consideration of said resolu-
tion have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessment, they shall
have been deemed to have waived
all objections thereto, at which
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Special Session, March 22, 1952 185
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
RESOLUTION N0. 129-52.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of Apple Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
north property line of Cleveland
Avenue to the south property line
of Oak Street, estimated cost
$832.17, presented and read.
Councilman Koib moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity For Improvement)
RESOLUTION N0. 130-52.
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing among
other things the following;
1. The boundaries of the dis-
trict, if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, stat-
ing the same for each different
type of construction and kind of
material to be used.
6. In ,each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Apple Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the north property line of Cleve•
land Avenue to the south property
line of Oak Street.
Be it therefore resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public' welfare to make
the herein mentioned improve-
ment, and unless property owners
at the time of the final considera-
tion of this proposed resolution
have on file with the City Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessments, they shall
be deemed to have waived all ob•
jections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En-
gineer which have been approved
by the City Council and are now
on file with the City Clerk. That
the cost and expense of making
said improvement will be assessed
upon and against all privately
owned property lying within assess-
able distance provided by law and
in an amount not to exceed the
amount provided by law, property
will be assessed whether the same
abuts thereon or is adjacent there-
to according to area and in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
ferred thereby. Labor and equip-
ment cost shall be paid out of the
street improvement funds. Bonds
shall be issued and sold in antici-
pation of deferred payments of as-
sessments when a contract has
been performed and accepted and
the proceeds thereof used to pay
the contractor,
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered
complete in form for final pass-
age and further move that the
same be placed on file with the
City Clerk and remain on file for
public inspection for at least one
week before final adoption. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing date :of hearing)
RESOLUTION N0. 131-52.
Whereas, the City Council of the
18b Special Session, March 22, 1952
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 129-52 given its
preliminary approval on the pro-
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract and placed same
on file in the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, for
the improvement of Apple Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the north property line of
Cleveland Avenue to the south
property line of Oak Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's
office for public inspection.
Be it therefore resolved that on
the 15th day of April, 1952, a pub-
lic hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock P. M. in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the proposed
plans and at the same time to the
boundaries of the proposed dis-
trict, to the cast of the improve-
ment, to the amount proposed to
be assessed against any lot and
to the passage of the proposed
Resolution of Necessity and the
City Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to cause a notice of the
time and place of such hearing to
be published in some newspaper
published in the city of Dubuque,
the last of which shall be not less
than two (2) nor more than four
(4) weeks prior to the day fixed
for its consideration and unless
property owners at _the time of
final consideration of said resolu-
tion have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessment, they shall
have been deemed to have waived
all objections thereto, at which
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of Cross Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
north property line of Simpson
Street to south property line of
Coates Street, estimated cost $2,-
300.77, presented and read,
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci•
fications, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
same for each different type of
construction and kind of material
to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be as-
sessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Cross Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
north property line of Simpson
Street to south property line of
Coates Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
Special Session, March 22, 1952 187
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
+~_ thereto.
Said improvement shall be con•
strutted and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En•
gineer which have been approved
by the City Council and are now
on file with the City Clerk. That
the cost and expense of making
said improvement will be assessed
upon and against all privately
owned property lying within as•
sessable distance provided by law
and in an amount not to exceed
the amount provided by law, prop-
erty will be assessed whether the
same abuts thereon or is adjacent
thereto according to area and in.
proportion to the special benefits
conferred thereby. Labor and
equipment cost shall be paid out
of the street improvement funds.
Bonds shall be issued and sold in
anticipation of deferred payments
of assessments when a contract
has been performed and accepted
and the proceeds thereof used to
pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
~~Y: placed on file with the City Clerk
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Attest: J. J. SIIEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved that
F the resolution just read being a
'~ resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered
complete in form for f i n a l
~. passage and further move
' that the same be placed on file
with the City Clerk and remain
~.: on file for public inspection for at
~" I ,
least one week before final adop-
tion. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 1?~ K? given its
preliminary approval on the pro-
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract and placed same
on file in the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, for
the improvement of Cross Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from north property line of Simp•
son Street to south property line
of Coates Street, and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu•
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's
office for public inspection.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
on the 15th day of April, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham•
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro•
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the proposed
plans and at the same time to the
boundaries of the proposed dis-
trict, to the cost of the improve-
ment, to the amount proposed to
be assessed against any lot and to
the passage of the proposed Reso-
lution of Necessity and the City
Clerk be and he is hereby directed
to cause a notice of the time and
place of such hearing to be pub-
lished in some newspaper pub-
lished in the city of Dubuque, the
last of which shall be not less than
two (2) nor more than four (4)
weeks prior to the day fixed for
its consideration and unless prop-
erty owners at the time of final
consideration of said resolution
have on file with the Clerk objec-
tions to the amount of the pro
posed assessment, they shall have
been deemed to have waived all
objections thereto, at which hear-
ing the Council will hear such ob•
188 Special Session, March 22, 1952
jections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by CouacRman Austin. Car-
ried by the #ollowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Preliminary approval of proposed
plans, specifications, form of rnn-
tract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the improve-
ment of Decatur Street with asphal-
tic macadam surfacing from the
east property line of Rhomberg
Avenue to the west property line
of Garfield Avenue, estimated cost
$1,331.37, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
RESOtUT10N N0. 136.52
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications,form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are now
an file in the office of the City
Clerk showing among other things
the following:
1. The boundaries- of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved,
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
8. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
same far each different type of con-
struction and kind of material to be
6. la each ease the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assessed
against each lot, for the improve-
ment of Decatur Street with asghal•
tie macadam surfacing from the
east property line of Rhomberg
Avenue to the west property line
of Garfield Avenue.
Be ft Therefore Resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mantioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as•
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections there-
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En•
gineer which have been approved
by the City Council and are now on
file with the City Clerk. That the
cost and expense of making said
improvement will be assessed upon
and against all privately owned
property lying within assessable
distance provided by law and in
an amount not to exceed the
amount provided by law, property
will be assessed whether the same
abuts thereon or is adjacent there-
to according to area and in' pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
ferred thereby. Labor and equip-
ment cost shall be paid out of the
street improvement funds. Bond
shall be issued and sold in anticipa-
tion of deferred payments of as-
sessments when a contract has
been performed and u~.;,Y~ed and
the proceeds thereof used to pay
the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac-
ed on #ile with the City Clerk this
22nd day of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Special Session, March 22, 1952 189
Councilman Schueller moved
that the resolution just read being
a resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing date of hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 135-52 given its
preliminary approval on the pra
posed plans specifications and form
of contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Decatur Street with asphal-
tic macadam surfacing from the
east property line of Rhomberg
Avenue to the west property line
of Garfield Avenue and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 15th day of April, 1952, a pub-
lic hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock P.bl, in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the
proposed improvement may ap-
pear and make objection to
the proposed plans and at the
same time to the boundaries of
the proposed district, to the cost
of the improvement, to the amount
proposed to be assessed against any
fot and to the passage of the pro•
posed Resolution of Necessity and
the City Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to cause a notice of the
time and place of such hearing to
be published in some newspaper
published in the city of Dubuque,
the last of which shall be not less
than two (2) nor more than four
(4) weeks prior to the day fixed for
its consideration and unless prop-
erty owners at the time of final
consideration of said resolution
have on file with the Clerk objec-
tions to the amount of the proposed
assessment, they shall have been
deemed to have waived all objec-
tions thereto, at which hearing the
Council will hear such objections
and enter on record its final deci-
sion thereon
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
RESOLUTION N0. 138--52
Preliminary approval of proposed
plans, specifications, form of con•
tract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the improve-
ment of Decatur Street with asphal-
tic macadam surfacing from east
property line of Prescott Street to
west property line of Lincoln Av-
enue, estimated cost $597.69, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second•
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, specifi•
cations, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are now
on file in the office of the City
Clerk showing among other things
the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each Iot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
190 Special Session, March 22, 1952
same for each different type of con•
struction and kind of material to
be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assess-
ed against each lot, for the im-
provement of Decatur Street with
asphaltic macadem surfacing from
east property line of Prescott
Street to west property line of
Lincoln Avenue.
Be It Therefore Resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En-
gineer which have been approved
by the City Council and are now ;n
file with the City Clerk. That the
cost and expense of making said
improvement will be assessed upon
and against ali privately owned
property .lying within assessable
distance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits rnnferred
thereby. Labor and equipment cost
shall be paid out of the street
improvement funds. Bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been perform-
ed and accepted and the proceeds
thereof used to pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plat-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
22nd day of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved that the
resolution just read being a resolu-
tion ordering a street improvement
be now considered complete in
form for•final passage and further
move that the same be placed on
file with the City Clerk and re-
main on file for public inspection
for at least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing date of hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Reso-
lution No. 138-52 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk fur
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Decatur Street with asphal-
tic macadam surfacing from west
property line of Prescott Street to
west property line of Lincoln Av
enue and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu•
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of•
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 15th day of April, 1952 a pub-
lic hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time of the owners of prop-
erty subject to assessment for the
proposed improvement may appear
and make objection to the proposed
plans and at the same time to the
boundaries of the proposed district,
to the cost of the improvement, to
the amount proposed to be assess-
ed against any lot and to the pas•
sage of the proposed Resolution of
Necessity and the City Clerk be
and he is hereby directed to cause
a notice of the time and place of
such hearing to be published in
some newspaper published in the
city of Dubuque, the last of which
shall be not less than two (2) nor
more than four (4) weeks prior to
the day fixed for its consideration
and unless property owners at the
time of final consideration of said
resolution have on file with the
Special Session, March 22, 1952 191
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed assessment, they shall
have been deemed to have waived
all objections thereto, at which
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
~~ ed by Councilman Austin. Carried
_ by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
' Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the improve-
ment of Hamilton Street with as-
phaltic macadam surfacing from
the east property line of Rhomberg
Avenue to west property line of
Garfield Avenue, estimated cost
$1,382.96, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
~` Whereas, proposed plans, speci•
r; fications, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
~ of the Ci`y of Dubuque and are now
on file in the office of the City
- Clerk showing among other things
~' the following:
k 1. The boundries of the district,
h: if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
~. 3. The width of such improve-
ment, and the size and kind of
i~ sewers.
~ 4. Each lot proposed to be as-
' sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating
the same for each dif#erent type
of construction and kind of ma-
terial to be used.
6. In each case "the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Hamilton Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from east property line of Rhom-
berg Avenue to west property line
of Garfield Avenue.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En-
gineer which have been approved
by the City Council and are now
on file with the City Clerk. That
the cast and expense of making
said improvement will be assessed
upon and against all privately
owned property lying within as-
sessable distance provided by law
and in an amount not to exceed
the amount provided by law, prop-
erty will be assessed whether the
same abuts thereon or is adjacent
thereto according to area and in
proportion to the special benefits
conferred thereby. Labor and
equipment cost shall be paid out
of the street improvement fund.
Bonds shall be issued and sold in
anticipation of deferred payments
of assessments when a contract
has been performed and accepted
and the proceeds thereof used to
pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced and ordered placed on file
with the City Clerk this 22nd day
of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
e'<ttest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
192 Special Session, March 22, 1952
Councilman Welu moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com•
plate in form for final passage and
further move that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing date of hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 141-52 given its
preliminary approval on the propos-
ed plans, specifications and form
of contract and placed same on file
fn the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Hamilton Street with as-
phaltic macadam surfacing from
east property line of Rhomberg Av-
enue to west property line of Gar-
field Avenue and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 15th day of April, 1952, a pub-
lic hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock p, m, in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro-
posed improvement may appear
and make objection to the pro-
posed plans and at the same time
to the boundaries of the proposed
district, to the cost of the improve-
ment, to the amount proposed to be
assessed against any lot and to the
passage of the proposed Resolution
of Necessity, and the City Clerk be
as-d he is hereby directed to cause
a notice of the time and place of
such hearing to be published in
some newspaper published in the
city of Dubuque, the last of which
shall be not less than two (2) nor
more than four (4) weeks prior to
the day fixed for its consideration
and unless property owners at the
time of final consideration of said
resolution have on file with the
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed assessment, they shall
have been deemed to have waived
all objections thereto, at which
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kalb, Schueller, Welu.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and. all
other documents for the improve-
ment of Hamilton Street with as-
phaltic macadam surfacing from
east property line of Lincoln Ave-
nue to the west property line of
Prescott Stret, estimated cost
$649.28, presented and read,
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci•
fications, form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the Council
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
Special Session, Mazch 22, 1952 193
same for each different type of
construction and kind of material
to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assess-
ed against each lot, for the im-
provement of Hamilton Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the east property line of Lincoln
Avenue to the west property line
of Prescott Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
#ile with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con•
strutted and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City Engi-
neer which have bene approved by
the City Council and are now on
file with the City Clerk. That the
cost and expense of making said
improvement will be assessed upon
and against all privately owned
property lying within assessable
distance provided by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ac-
cording to area and in proportion
to the special benefits conferred
thereby. Labor and equipment cost
shall be paid out of the Street Im•
provement Fund. Bonds shall be is-
sued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments of assessments
when a contract has been per-
formed and accepted and the pro
ceeds thereof used to pay the
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
resolution just read, being a rasa
lution ordering a street improve-
ment, be now considered complete
in form for final passage and fur•
ther move that the same be placed
on file with the City Clerk and
remain on file for public inspection
for at least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing date of hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Res-
olution No. 144-52 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file in
the office of the City Clerk for pub-
lic inspection, for the improvement
of Hamilton Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing from the west
property line of Lincoln Avenue to
the west property line of Prescott
Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve~
went has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 15th day of April, 1952, a pub•
lit hearing will be held at 7:30 p.
m. in the Council Chamber im the
City of Dubuque at which time the
owners of property subject to as-
sessment for the proposed improve-
ment may appear and make objec-
tion to the proposed plans and at
the same time to the boundaries
of the proposed district, to the cost
of the improvement, to the amount
proposed to be assessed against
any lot and to the passage of the
proposed Resolution of Necessity,
and the City Clerk be and he is
hereby directed to cause a notice
of the time and place of such hear-
ing to be published in some news-
paper published in the City of Du•
buque, the last of which shall be
not less than two (2) nor mare
than four (4) weeks prior to the
day fixed for its consideration and
unless property owners at the time
of fnial consideration of said reso•
lution have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the pro-
posed assessment, they shall have
Special Session, March 22, 1952 195
194 Special Session, March 22, 1952
been deemed to have waived all
objections thereto, at which hear-
ing the Council will hear such ob-
jections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Austin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of Lowther Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
west property line of Burden Ave-
nue to east property line of
Brunswick Street, estimated cost
$2,577.64, presented and read.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved,
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
same for each different type of
construction and kind of material
to be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be as-
sessed against each lot, for the im•
provement of Lowther Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
west property line of Burden Av
enue to east•property line of Bruns-
wick Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as•
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con•
structed and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En•
gineer which have been arY.~yed
by the City Council and are now
on file with the City Clerk. That
the cost and expense of making
said improvement will be assessed
upon and against all privately
owned property lying within as-
sessable distance provided by law
and in an amount not to exceed
the amount provided by law, prop-
erty will be assessed whether the
same abuts thereon or is adjacent
thereto according to area and in
proportion to the special benefits
conferred thereby. Labor and
equipment cost shall be paid out
of the street improvement fund.
Bonds shall be issued and sold in
anticipation of deferred payments
of assessments when a contract has
been performed and accepted and
the proceeds thereof used to pay
the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plac•
ed on file with the City Clerk this
22nd day of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
t ~.
~' ¶
.Councilman Welu moved that the
resolution just read being a resa
lution ordering a street improve-
ment be now considered complete
in form for final passage and fur•
ther move that the same be placed
on file with the City Clerk and re•
main on file for public inspection
for at least one week before final
adoption. Seconded by Councilman
Austin. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing date of hearing)
Whereas, the City Eouncil of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Res•
olution No. 147-52 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file in
the office of the City Clerk for pub-
lic inspection, for the improvement
of Lowther Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing from the west
property line of Burden Avenue to
the east property line of Brunswick
Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that o
the 15th day of April, 1952, a pu
lic hearing will be held at 7:3
o'clock P. M. in the Council Cham
ber in the City of Dubuque a
which time the owners of propert
subject to assessment for the pr
posed improvement may appe
and make objection to the pr
posed plans and at the same tim
to the boundaries of the propose
district, to the cost of the improv
ment, to the amount proposed
be assessed against any lot and
the passage of the proposed Res
lution of Necessity and the Ci
Clerk be and he is hereby direct
to cause a notice of the time a
place of such hearing to be p
lished in some newspaper publ'
ed in the City of Dubuque, the 1
of which shall be not less th
two (2) nor more than four
weeks prior to the day fixed for
consideration and unless prope
owners at the time of final c
sideration of said resolutin have
file with the Clerk objections
the amount of the proposed arse
ment, they shall have been deemed
to have waived all objections there-
to, at which hearing the Council
will hear such objections and enter
on record its final decision there-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd dROMOLO N. RUSS(),
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second•
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
RESOLUTION N0. 150--52
Preliminary approval of pro
posed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the improve-
ment of Ramona Street with as-
phaltic macadam surfacing from
240 feet north of the north prop
erty line of Adeline Street to 100
- feet south of the south property
line of Adelinere ~eet~, a d read
n cost $1,082.60, p
b- Councilman Austin moved the
0 adoption of the resolution. Sec•
- onned by Councilman Schueller.
t Carried by the following vote:
y Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
o- Austin, Rolb, Schueller, Welu.
ar Nays-None.
e (Necessity for Improvement)
d RESOLUTION N0. 151-52
e- Whereas, proposed plans, speci•
to fications, form of contract, plat and
to schedule have been duly prepared
o' and approved by the City Council
ed °f the City of Dubuque and are
nd now on file in the office of the
ub- City Clerk showing among other
~h- things the following:
ast 1. The boundries of the district,
an if any.
(4) 2. The streets to be improved.
its 3. The width of such improve-
rty went.
00 4. Each lot proposed to be as-
~ sessed together with a valuation
aa.. fixed by the council.
196 Special Session, March 22, 1952
5. An estimate of the cost of
the proposed Improvement, stat-
ing the same for each different
type of eonstructron and kind of
material to be used,
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Ramona Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from 240 feet north of the north
property line of Adeline Street to
100 feet south of the south prop-
erty line of Adeline Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,and
unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
ille with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En-
6ineer which have been approved
by the City Council and are now
on file with the City Clerk. That
the cost and expense of making
said improvement will be assessed ,
upon apd against all privately
owned property lying within as•
sessable distance provided by law
and in an amount not to exceed
the amount provided by law, prop-
. erty will be assessed whether the
same abuts thereon or is adjacent
thereto according to area and in
proportion to the special benefits
conferred thereby. Labor and
equipment cost shall be paid out
of the street improvement funds.
Bonds shall be issued and sold
in anticipation of deferred pay-
ment, when a contract has been
performed and accepted and the
proceeds thereof used to pay the
The above resolution was intro-
duced, aYr.~red and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final actron.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im•
provement be now considered
complete in form for final passage
and further moved that the same
be placed on file with the City
Clerk and remain on file for pub•
llc inspection for at least one
week before final adoption. Sec•
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
(Fixing Dete of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of. Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 154--52 given its
preliminary approval on the pro•
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract and same placed
on file io the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, for
the improvement of Ramon a
Street with asphaltic macadam
surfacing from 240 feet north
of the north property line of
Adeline Street to lline ofsAdeline
the south property
Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolution
of Necessity for said improvement
has been introduced and is now on
file in the City Clerk's office for
public inspection.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
on the 15th day of April, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham•
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of prop-
erty subject to assessment for the
proposed improvement may ap•
pear and make objection to the
proposed plans and at the same
time to the boundries of the pro•
Special Session, March 22, 1952
• k Im rowmeM)
posed district, to the cost of the (
improvement, to the amount
amount proposed Clot and ato fits
sensed against any
the passage of the proposed Reso• and
lotion of Necessity and the C~dtY Co
Clerk be and he is hereby
rected to cause a notice of the an
time and place of such hearing of
to be published in some newspaper oth
published in the city of Dubuque, 1
the last of which shall be not less if
ti-an two (2) nor more than four (4)
weeks prior to the day fixed for
its consideration and unless prop- m
eTty owners at the time of final
consideration of said resolution se
have on file with the Clerk ob• t,
jections to the amount of the pro-
posed assessment, they shall have
been deemed to have waived all P
objections thereto, at which hearing s
the Councll will hear such objet- c
bons and enter on record its final t
decision thereon. t
Passed, adopted and approved a
this 22nd day of March, 1952. i
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form of
contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im•
provement of Simpson Street with
asphaltic macadamise ofcFremont
the west property
Avenue to the west property line
of Cross Street, estimated cost
$7,661.68, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption ofCounc'lman trSchueller.
onded by
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Necessity r P
RESOLUTION N0. 1'.u-54
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
tions, form of contract, plat
schedule hruvedeb9 ~ Gity
ed and app Dubuquue
until of the City of
d are now on file in the office
the City Clerk showing among
er things the following:
. The boundries of the district,
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve~
4. Each lot proposed to be aa•
ssed together with a valuation
used by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
roposed improvement, stating the
ame for each different type of
instruction and kind of material
o be used.
6. In each case the amount
hereof which is estimated to be
ssessed against each lot, for the
mprovement of Simpson Street
with asphaltic macadam s> ~aecin f
from the west property
Fremont Avenuo to the west prop-
erty line of Cross Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En-
gineer which have been approved
by the City Council and are now
on file with the City Clerk, That
the cost and expense of making
said improvement will be assessed
upon and against all privately
owned property lying within as•
sensible distance by law and in an
amount not to exceed the amount
provided by law, property will be
assessed whether the same abuts
thereon or is adjacent thereto ae•
cording to area and in proportion
198 Special Session, March z2, 1952
to the special benefits conferred
thereby. Labor and equipment
cost shall be paid out of the street
improvement funds. Bonds shall be
issued and sold in anticipation of
deferred payments. of assessments
when a contract has been per-
formed and accepted and the pro-
ceeds thereof used to pay the con-
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 22ad day of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage and
further moved that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in•
spection for at least one week
before final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Ausutin. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing date of hearing)
RESOLUTION N0. 155-~52
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Res-
olution No. 153-52 given its pre-
liminary approval on the proposed
plans, specifications and form of
contract and paced same on file in
the office of the City Clerk for pub-
ic inspection, for the improvement
of Simpson Street with asphalt ma-
cadam surfacing from the west
property line of Fremont Avenue
to the west property line of Cross
Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is .
now on file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection.
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 15th day of April, 1952, a pub-
lic hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock P, M. in the Council Cham•
ber in the City' of Dubuque at
which time the owners of property
subject to assessment for the pro-
posed improvement may appear
and make objections to the pro-
posed plans and at the same time
to the boundaries of the proposed
district, to the cost of the improve-
ment, to the amount proposed to
be assessed against any lot and to
the passage of the proposed Reso-
lution of Necessity, and the City
Clerk be and he is hereby directed
to cause a notice of the time and
place of such hearing to be pub-
lished in some newspaper publish-
ed in the City of Dubuque, the last
of which shall be not less than two
(2) nor more than four (4) weeks
prior to the day fixed for its con-
sideration and unless property
owners at the time of final con•
sideration of said resolution have
on file with the Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as•
sessment, they shall have been
deemed to have waived all objec-
tions thereto, at which hearing the
Council will hear such objections
and enter on record its final deci-
sion thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Austin moved the
adopiion of the resolution. Second•
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Preliminary approval of proposed
plans, specifications, form of con•
tract, plat and schedule and all
other documents for the improve-
ment of Stetmore Street with as-
phaltic macadam surfacing from
south property line of Lombard
Street to a point 664 feet south,
~: r
Special Session, March 22, 1952 199
estimated cost $3,067.84, presented
and read.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications,form of contract, plat and
schedule have been duly prepared
and approved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque and are
now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundaries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4, Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
same for each different type of con•
struction and kind of material to
be used.
6. In each case the amount there-
of which is estimated to be assess-
ed against each lot, for the im-
provement of Stetmore Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
south property line of Lombard
Street to a point 660 feet south.
Be It Therefore Resolved that the
City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
Efor the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as•
sessments, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con•
strutted and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En-
gineer which have been approved
by the City Council and are now
on file with the City Clerk. That the
cost and expense of making said
improvement will be assessed upon
and against all privately owned
property lying withiA gssessgble
distance provided by law and in
an amount not to exceed the
amount provided by law, property
will be assessed whether the same
abuts thereon or is adjacent there-
to according to area and in propor•
lion to the special benefits con•
ferred thereby, Labor and equip-
ment cost shall be paid out of the
street improvement funds. Bonds
shall be issued and sold in anticipa•
lion of deferred payments of as•
sessments when a contract has been
performed and accepted and the
proceeds thereof used to pay the
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered plat-
ed on file with the City Clerk this
22nd day of March, 1952.
Approved and planed on file for
final action.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im•
provement be now considered com•
plete in form for final passage and
further more that the same be
placed on file with the City Clerk
and remain on file for public in-
spection for at least one week
before final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Austin. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fixing date of hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Reso•
lution No. 15f~--52 given its prelim-
inary approval on the proposed
plans specifications and form of
contract and placed same on file
in the office of the City Clerk for
public inspection, for the improve-
ment of Stetmore Street with as-
phaltic macadam surfacing from
south property line of Lombard
Street to a point 660 feet south and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu•
lion of Necessity for said improve-
200 Special Session, March 22, 1952
went has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's of-
fice for public inspection,
Be It Therefore Resolved that on
the 15th day of April, 1952, a pub-
lic hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock P.M. in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at which
time the owners of property sub-
ject to assessment for the proposed
improvement may appear and make
objection to the proposed plans
and at the same time to the bound-
aries of the proposed district, to
the cost of the improvement, to the
amount proposed to be assessed
against any lot and to the passage
of the proposed Resolution of Nec-
essity and the City Clerk be and
he is hereby directed to cause a
notice of the time and place of
such hearing to be published in
some newspaper published in the
city of Dubuque, the last of which
shall be not less than two (2) nor
more than four (4) weeks prior to
the day fixed for its consideration
and unless property owners at the
time of final consideration of said
resolution have on file with the
Clerk objections to the amount of
the proposed assessment, they shall
have been deemed to have waived
ail objections thereto, at which
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution Second•
ed bq Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu,
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the im-
provement of Strauss Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
west property line of Burden
Avenue to east property line of
Brunswick Street, estimated cost
$2,611.72, presented and read,
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Necessity for Improvemenf)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci•
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre•
pared and approved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque and
are now on file in the office of the
City Clerk showing among other
things the following:
1. The boundries of the district,
if any.
2. The streets to be improved.
3. The width of such improve-
4. Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the council.
5. An estimate of the cost of the
proposed improvement, stating the
same for each different type of
construction and kind of material
to be used.
6. In each case the amount
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
improvement of Strauss Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
west property line of Burden Ave-
nue to east property line of Bruns-
wick Street.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
and unless property owners at the
time of the final consideration of
this proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections
to the amount of the proposed as-
sessments, they shall be deemed
to have waived all objections
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans which have been
prepared therefor by the City En-
gineer which have been approved
by the City Council aad are now
Special Session, March 22, 1952 201
on file with the City Clerk. That
the cost and expense of making
said improvement will be assessed
upon and against all privately
owned property lying within as-
sessable distance provided by law
and in an amount not to exceed
the amount provided by law, prop-
erty will be assessed whether the
same abuts thereon or is adjacent
thereto according to area and in
proportion to the special benefits
conferred thereby. Labor and
equipment cost shall be paid out
of the street improvement funds.
Bonds shall be issued and sold in
anticipation of deferred payments
of assessments when a contract
has been performed and accepted
and the proceeds thereof used to
pay the contractor.
The above resolution was intro-
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Clerk
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Approved and placed on file for
final action.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the resolution just read being a
resolution ordering a street im-
provement be now considered com-
plete in form for final passage
and further moved that the same
be placed on file with the City
Clerk and remain on file for pub-
lic inspection for at least one
week before final adoption. Se~-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
(Fining Date of Hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution Na. 159-52 given its
preliminary approval on the pro-
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract and placed same
on file in the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, for
the improvement of Strauss Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the west property line of
Burden Avenue to east property
line of Brunswick Street and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is
now on file in the City Clerk's
office for public inspection.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
on the 15th day of April, 1952, a
public hearing will be held at 7:80
o'clock P.M, in the Council Cham-
ber in the City of Dubuque at
which time the owners of prop-
erty for the proposed improvement
may appear and make objection
to the proposed plans and at the
same time to the boundaries of
the proposed district, to the cost
of the improvement, to the
amount proposed to be assessed
against any lot and to the pas•
sage of the proposed Resolution
of Necessity and the City Clerk be
and he is hereby directed to cause
a notice of the time and place of
such hearing to be published in
some newspaper in the city of Du•
buque, the last of which shall be
not less than two (2) nor more
than four (4) weeks prior to the
day fixed for its consideration and
unless property owners at the time
of final consideration of said reso•
lution have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessment, they shall
have been deemed to have waived
all objections thereto, at which
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1952.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Austin moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
202 Special Session, March 22, 1952
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Kolb moved that
Mr. Irvin Oeth be appointed as a
member of the Planning and Zon-
ing Commission for the term ex•
pining May 24, 1954 and also as a
member of the Board of Adjust•
went for the term expiring March
5, 1954. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
There being no further business
Councilman Kolb moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote;
Yeas-Mayor Russo, Councilmen
Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
City Clerk.
Approved .................. 1952
Adopted .................... 1952
Councilmen .....................................
Attest ........................................
City Clerk.
' ~~ `.
r il'~'I~
Regular Session, April 7, 1952 203
City Council
Regular Session, April 7th, 1952.
Council met at 7:30 P.M.
Present-Mayor Russo, Council•
men Austin, Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Russo stated that this is
the regular monthly meeting of
the City Council for the purpose
of acting upon such business as
may properly come before the
Mayor Russo swore in the newly
elected Councilmen, Messrs Charles
A. Kintzinger and Clarence P.
Welu. for the terms commencing
the first Monday in April, 1952.
Councilman Welu moved that
Councilman Ray F. Kolb be elected
Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Councilmen Austin, Kint•
zinger, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman.Kolb not voting.
City Clerk J. J. Shea then swore
in the new Mayor, whereupon
Mayor Kolb took the Mayor's chair.
Whereas, Chapter 164 of the laws
of the Fifty-Fourth General As•
sembly provide that the City Coun-
cil shall after their first meeting
after election appoint the City
Manager, City Clerk, City Solicitor,
Assistant City Solicitor and Police
Judge; and
Whereas, The City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa on January 7, 1952
appointed the following city of•
L. J. Schiltz--City Manager.
J. J. Shea-City Clerk.
Thomas H. Nelson-City Solici•
Robert Czizek -Assistant City
John J. Heffernan-Police Judge.
Now Be It Resolved
That the City Council of Du•
buque, Iowa hereby confirms the
appointment of the following of•
L. J, Schiltz-City Manager.
J. J. Shea-City Clerk.
Thomas H, Nelson-City Solici•
Robert Czizek -Assistant City
John J, Heffernan-Police Judge.
Passed, adop±ed and approved
this 7th day of April, 1952.
City Councilmen.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Kolb, Councilmen
Austin, Kintzinger, Schueller, Welu.
Mayor Kolb then swore in the
following officers: City Manager
L, J. Schiltz; City Clerk, J. J. Shea;
City Solicitor Thomas H. Nelson;
Assistant City Solicitor Robert
Czizek; Police Judge John J. Hef•
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pub•
lic hearing on the proposed zoning
and the report of the Planning &
Zoning Commission recommending
an Amendment to the Zoning Map
to provide for the zoning of the
area newly annexed to the City
by Decree of the District Court
dated February 7, 1952, presented
'and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
hearing. Councilman Schueller
moved that the proof of publica•
lion be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Austin. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kolb, Councilmen
Austin, Kintzinger, Schueller, Welu.
An Ordinance Amending and
Changing the Zoning Map of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro•
vided by Ordinance No. 3-34,
designated "Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque" so as to pro-
vide zoning classification for the
area recently annexed to the City,
'presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Austin.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kolb, Councilmen