1921-1999 Index of City Records @ Federal Building StorageCENTER FOR DUBUQUE HISTORY
Numerous City of Dubuque records were transferred to the Center for
Dubuque History at Loras College from City Hall in the 1980s. These were
records received from Mary Davis, City Clerk at that time.
Attached is a !ist of City records now being transferred from Loras College
back to the Dubuque City Clerk's Office.
The transfer is being made on 9 November 2016.
Mike Gibson, Loras College
Trish Gleason, Assit.City Clerk
//-9-/‘ it •9. it.47
Date Date
Academic Resource Center • 1450 Alta Vista • Dubuque, Iowa 52001-4399
Phone (563) 588-7163 • Fax (563) 588-7705
-s-02 /Es
City of Dubuque Records
Transferred to City Clerk's Office
November 9, 2016
• City Council Proceedings 1971
• City Council Proceedings 1972
o Law Enforcement Bond Issue
• City Council Proceedings 1973
• City Council Proceedings 1974
• Council Proceedings (Sept. 1975 thru July 1976; 1976 $5,700,000 Water Revenue
• Council Proceedings (From 1976 thru December)
o 1976 Annexation Iowa St. Parking Ramp- Bond; 1976 Civic Center Referendum
• Council Proceedings 1977
• Council Proceedings 1978
Council Proceedings 1979
• Council Proceedings (City Clerk; From Jan. 1986 to Aug. 1987)
• Council (Jan thru Sept.) 1980
• Misc. City Documents circa 1970's
• Streets
• Street Improvement (1925-1953)
• 1929-1955 Street Improvement
• 1929-1956 Street Improvement
• Project Folders
• 1962-1963 Projects
• Monthly Reports (1969-1970 partial) City Mgr.
• Monthly Reports (1970 partial -1971) City Mgr.
• 1981 Fire and Police; Civil Service; Urban Renewal
• Budgets, Financial Reports, Day Plans
• Projects for (Dog Track) Greyhound Park
• Iowa Street Parking Ramp Box 1 of 1
• Projects
• 1959-1960 Projects
• 1959- Sewer Treatment Plant Est. & Bids 1961 Projects
• City Documents Budgets 1978-1981 Sanitary District projects 1980's
• Council Proceedings Oct. 1980 thru Dec. 1981
• Council Proceedings and Board of Review Reports 1934, 1935
• Dubuque City Council Records 1976
• Construction Projects
• City of Dubuque Financial Box 1 of 2
• City of Dubuque Financial Box 2 of 2
• DBQ City Council Meetings 1915-1916 #1
• DBQ City Council 1917, 1918, 1919 #2
• DBQ City Council Minutes June 1919 -May 2, 1921 #3
• DBQ City Council June 6, 1921- July 1923 #4
• DBQ City Council Minutes Aug. 1923- Feb. 1926 #5
• DBQ City Council March 1926- Dec. 1927 #6
• DBQ City Council Minutes Jan. 1928- Oct. 1929 #7
• DBQ City Council Nov. 1929- July 1931 #8
• DBQ City Council Minutes Aug. 1931- Jan. 1933 #9
• DBQ City Council Feb. 1933- Dec. 1933 #10
• DBQ City Council Minutes Dec. 1936- May 1938 #13
• DBQ City Council June 1938- May 1939 #14
• DBQ City Council Meetings Minutes June 1939- Sept. 1940 #15
• DBQ City Council Nov. 1940-1941 #16
• City of Dubuque Budget & Other Reports 1960's -1990's BOX 1
• City of Dubuque Budget & Other Reports 1960's -1990's BOX 2
• City of Dubuque Budget & Other Reports 1960's -1990's BOX 3
• City of Dubuque Budget & Other Reports 1960's -1990's BOX 4
• City of Dubuque Budget & Other Reports 1960's -1990's BOX 5
• City of Dubuque Budget & Other Reports 1960's -1990's BOX 6
Cabinet #1
Drawer 1
Petitions of Property Owners for Roller Skating Rinks
Airport Election 1942
Resolution: 109-42
Ordinances: None
Comprehensive General Plan for improvement of waterfront: Deed conveying
property to Interstate Power Company, Agreement between Interstate Power
Company and Board of Dock Commissioners - Sept. 8, 1942
Resolution: 85-42
Ordinance: 4-34 (unexecuted)
Licensing of Secondhand Dealers
Ordinance: 5-41
Protests against the Rerouting of the East Dubuque and Linwood Bus Route -
May 1944
Airport Bonds 1944 - $130, 000.00
Resolutions: 4-44, 5-44, 6-44, 7-44
Ordinance: 1-44
Council Proceedings: January - December 1942
Resolutions: 1-42, 2-42, 3-42, 4-42, 5-42, 6-42, 7-42
Ordinances: 1-42, 2-42, 3-42, 4-42, 6-42, 8-42
Resolutions: 8-42, 9-42, 10-42, 12-42, 13-42
Ordinances: 5-42, 7-42, 9-42
Resolutions: 32-42, 33-42, 34-42, 35-42, 14-42, 15-42, 16-42, 17-42, 18-42, 21-42, 22-
42, 23-42, 24-42, 25-42, 26-42, 27-42, 28-42, 29-42, 30-42, 31-42
Ordinances: 10-42, 11-42, 12-42, 13-42
Resolutions: 36-42, 37-42, 38-42, 39-42, 40-42, 41-42, 42-42, 43-42
Ordinance: 14-42
Resolutions: 44-42, 45-42, 46-42, 47-42, 48-42, 49-42, 50-42, 51-42, 52-42, 53-42
Ordinances: 15-42, 16-42
Resolutions: 54-42, 55 -42, 56-42, 57-42, 58-42, 59-42, 60-42, 61 -42, 62-42, 63-42
Ordinance : 18-42
Resolutions: 64-42, 65 -42 , 66-42, 67-42, 68-42, 69-42, 70-42
Ordinance : 19-42
Resolutions: 71 -42, 72-42, 73-42, 74-42, 75-42, 76-42, 77-42, 78-42, 79-42, 80-42
Ordinance : 21 -42
Resolutions: 81 -42, 82-42 , 83-42 , 84-42 , 86-42, 87-42 , 88-42, 89-42, 90-42 , 91 -42
Ordinance : 22-42
Resolutions: 92-42, 93-42, 94-42 , 95-42 , 96-42, 97-42, 98-42, 99-42, 100-42, 101 -42,
102-42, 103-42, 104-42
Ordinance : 23-42
Resolutions: 105-42 , 106-42, 107-42 , 108-42 , 109-42 , 110-42 , 111-42, 112-42 , 113-42,
114-42, 115-42, 116-42
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 117-42, 118-42, 119-42, 120-42
Ordinance : 24-42
Board of Review 1942
Council Proceedings: January - December 1943
Resolutions: 1 -43 , 2-43, 3-43 , 4-43, 5-43, 6-43
Ordinance : 2-43
Resolutions: 7-43 , 8-43, 9-43 , 10-43 , 13-43, 11-43, 12-43
Ordinances: 3-43
Resolutions: 14-43, 15 -43 , 16-43, 17-43, 18-43, 19-43, 20-43, 21 -43 22-43, 23-43, 24-
43, 25 -43, 26-43, 27-43, 28-43 , 29-43, 30-43, 31 -43, 32-43
Ordinance : 4-43
Resolutions: 33-43, 34-43, 35-43, 36-43, 37-43, 38-43, 39-43, 40-43, 41-43, 42-43, 43-
43, 44-43, 45-43, 46-43, 47-43, 48-43, 49-43, 50-43
Ordinance: 5-43
Resolutions: 51-43, 52-43, 53-43, 54-43, 55-43, 56-43, 58-43, 59-43, 60-43, 61-43
Ordinances: 6-43, 7-43
Resolutions: 57-43, 62-43, 63-43, 64-43, 65-43, 66-43, 67-43, 68-43, 69-43, 70-43, 71-
43, 72-43
Ordinances: 8-43, 9-43
Resolutions: 73-43, 74-43, 75-43, 76-43, 77-43, 78-43, 79-43, 80-43, 81-43, 82-43
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 83-43, 84-43, 85-43, 86-43, 88-43, 88-43, 89-43, 90-43, 91-43, 92-43, 93-
43, 94-43, 95-43, 96-43, 97-43, 98-43
Ordinance: 10-43
Resolutions: 99-43, 100-43, 101-43, 102-43, 103-43, 104-43, 105-43, 106-43, 107-43,
Ordinance: 11-43
Resolutions: 109-43, 110-43, 111-43, 112-43, 113-43, 114-43
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 115-43, 116-43, 117-43, 118-43, 119-43, 120-43, 121-43, 122-43
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 123-43, 124-43, 125-43, 126-43, 127-43, 128-43, 129-43
Ordinances: None
Board of Review 1943
Council Proceedings: January - December 1944
Resolutions: 1-44, 2-44, 3-44
Ordinance: 12-43
Resolutions: 8-44, 9-44, 10-44, 11-44, 12-44, 13-44
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 14-44, 15-44, 16-44, 17-44, 18-44, 19-44, 20-44, 21-44, 22-44
Ordinance: 2-44
Resolutions: 23-44, 24-44, 25-44, 26-44, 27-44, 28-44, 29-44, 30-44, 31-44, 32-44, 33-
Ordinances: 3-44, 4-44, 5-44, 6-44
Resolutions: 34-44, 35-44, 36-44, 37, 38-44, 39-44, 40-44, 41-44
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 42-44, 43-44, 44-44, 45-44, 46-44, 47-44, 48-44, 49-44, 50-44, 51-44
Ordinances: 7-44, 8-44, 9-44
Resolutions: 52-44, 53-44, 54-44, 55-44, 56-44, 57-44, 58-44, 59, 60-44
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 61-44, 62-44, 63-44, 64-44, 65-44, 66-44, 67-44, 68-44, 69-44, 70-44, 71-
44, 72-44, 73-44, 74-44, 75-44, 76-44
Ordinance: 10-44
Resolutions: 77-44, 78-44, 79-44, 80-44, 81-44, 82-44, 83-44, 84-44, 86-44, 87-44, 88-
44, 89-44, 90-44
Ordinance: 11-44
Resolutions: 85-44, 91-44, 92-44, 93-44, 94-44
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 95-44, 96-44, 97-44
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 98-44 99-44 100-44, 101-44
Ordinances: None
Board of Review 1944
Dubuque Municipal Airport
Drawer 2
Council Proceedings: September - December 1957
Resolutions: 146-57, 179-57, 184-57, 185-57, 186-57, 187-57, 188-57, 189-57, 192-57,
193-57, 194-57, 195-57, 196-57(see sub -file), 197-57
Ordinance: 54-57
Resolutions: 200-57 (see sub -file), 201-57 (see sub -file), 202-57, 205, 206-57, 207-57,
209-57, 210-57, 211-57, 217-57
Ordinances: 51-57, 52-57, 53-57, 56-57, 58-57, 59-57, 55-57, 61-57
Resolutions: 203-57, 218-57, 222-57, 223-57, 224-57, 225-57, 226-57, 227-57, 228-57,
235-57, 236-57, 237-57, 238-57, 244-57
Ordinances: 57-57, 62-57
Resolutions: 219-57, 247-57(see sub -file), 248-57(see sub -file), 251-57, 252-57, 253-
57, 258-57, 264-57, 265-57, 266-57
Ordinances: 63-57, 64-57, 65-57, 66-57, 67-57, 68-57
Water Revenue Bonds Series 1956 - 330, 000.00 (issued in 1957)
Resolutions: 1-57, 18-57, 17-57, 13-57, 12-57
Ordinances: None
Sewer Revenue Bonds 1957 - $1, 350, 000.00
Resolutions: 208-57, 199-57, 198-57
Ordinance: 60-57
Weed Assessments 1957
Council Proceedings: January - December 1958
Resolutions: 1-58, 2-58, 3-58, 4-58, 5-58, 15-58, 16-58, 17-58, 18-58, 19-58
Ordinances: 1-58, 2-58, 3-58, 4-58, 5-58
Resolutions: 21-58, 27-58, 30-58(see sub file), 31-58(see sub file), 32-58, 33-58, 34-
58(see sub file)
Ordinances: 69-57, 70-57, 6-58-, 7-58, 7-58, 8-58, 9-58
Resolutions: 35-58, 36-58, 40-58, 41-58(see sub file), 42-58, 43-58, 44-58, 20-58, 57-
58, 58-58, 59-58, 60-58, 61-58, 62-58, 63-58, 64-58, 65-58, 66-58
Ordinance: 10-58
Resolutions: 89-58, 90-58(see sub file), 91-58, 92-58, 93-58, 94-58, 96-58, 97-58
Ordinances: 16-58, 17-58, 18-58
Resolutions: 1-582-58(see sub file), 103-58(see sub file), 116-58(see sub file), 117-58,
118-58, 119-58
Ordinances: 19-58, 20-58, 21-58
Resolutions: 65-58, 122-58, 123-58, 124-58, 125-58, 126-58, 127-58, 129-58, 130-58,
139-58, 140-58, 141-58
Ordinances: 22-58, 23-58, 24-58, 25-58, 26-58, 27-58, 28-58, 29-58, 30-58, 31-58, 32-
58, 33-58, 34-58, 35-58, 36-58, 37-58, 38-58, 39-58, 40-58, 41-58, 44-58, 45-58, 46-58,
Resolutions: 147-58(see sub file), 148-58(see sub file), 149-58(see sub file), 150-
58(see sub file), 151-58(see sub file), 152-58, 153-58, 154-58, 128-58, 155-58, 156-58,
157-58, 162-58, 163-58, 164-58, 165-58, 166-58
Ordinances: 49-58, 52-58, 42-58, 43-58, 53-58, 55-58
Resolutions: 167-58, 168-58, 169-58, 170-58, 171-58, 172-58(see sub file), 178-58,
Ordinances: (Dock Board #1-58), 48-58, 51-58, 54-58, 56-58, 58-58, 59-58, 60-58
Resolutions: 158-58, 182-58, 183-58, 184-58, 185-58, 186-58, 188-58, 189-58, 190-58,
191-58, 192-58(see sub file), 193-58(see sub file), 194-58(see sub file), 195-58(see sub
file), 197-58, 198-58, 199-58, 200-58
Ordinances: 57-58, 61-58, 62-58, 63-58, 64-58, 65-58, 66-58, 67-58
Resolutions: 196-58, 201-58, 213-58, 214-58, 215-58, 216-58, 217-58
Ordinances: 50-58, 68-58(see sub file)
Resolutions: 218-58, 227-58, 228-58, 229-58, 230-58, 231-58, 232-58, 233-58, 234-58,
235-58, 238-58, 239-58, 240-58, 242-58, 243-58, 244-58, 245-58
Ordinances: 13-58, 69-58, 71-58, 72-58, 73-58, 75-58, 76-58, 77-58, 78-58, 79-58, 80-
58, 81-58, 82-58, 83-58, 84-58, 85-58, 86-58, 87-58, 88-58, 89-58, 90-58
Resolutions: 246-58, 260-58, 261-58
Ordinances: 70-58, 74-58
Weed Assessments 1958
Council Proceedings: January - May 1959
Resolutions: 1-59, 2-59, 3-59, 4-59, 5-59, 21-59, 22-59, 23-59, 24-59, 25-59, 26-59
Ordinances: 1-59, 2-59, 3-59
Resolutions: 27-59, 28-59, 30-59, 31-59, 32-59
Ordinances: 4-59, 5-59, 7-59
Resolutions: 34-59, 35-59, 36-59, 37-59, 65-59, 75-59, 76-59, 77-59, 78-59
Ordinances: 6-59, 8-59, 9-59, 10-59, 11-59, 12-59, 13-59, 14-59, 15-59
Resolutions: 79-59, 80-59, 81-59, 91-59, 92-59, 93-59
Ordinances: 16-59, 17-59, 18-59
Resolutions: 102-59, 103-59, 104-59, 105-59, 109-59, 110-59, 111-59, 116-59, 117-59,
118-59, 119-59, 120-59, 121-59, 123-59
Ordinances: 19-59, 20-59, 21-59, 22-59, 23-59, 24-59, 25-59, 26-59, 27-59, 28-59, 29-
59, 30-59, 31-59
Drawer 3
Council Proceedings: January - December 1945
Resolutions: 1-45, 2-45, 3-45, 4-45, 5-45
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 6-45, 7-45, 8-45, 9-45
Ordinance: 1-45
Resolutions: 10-45, 11-45, 12-45, 13-45, 14-45, 15-45, 16-45, 17-45, 18-45, 19-45, 20-
45, 21-45, 22-45, 23-45, 24-45
Ordinances: 2-45, 3-45, 4-45
Resolutions: 25-45, 26-45, 27-45, 28-45, 29-45, 30-45, 31-45, 32-45, 33-45, 34-45, 35-
45, 36-45, 37-45, 38-45
Ordinance: 5-45
Resolutions: 39-45, 40-45, 41-45, 42-45, 43-45
Ordinance: 6-45
Resolutions: 44, 45-45, 46-45, 47-45, 48-45, 49-45, 50-45, 51-45, 52-45, 53-45, 54-45,
Ordinance: 7-45
Resolutions: 56-45, 57-45, 58-45, 59-45
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 60-45, 61-45, 62-45, 63-45, 64-45, 65-45, 66-45, 67-45, 68-45, 69-45
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 70-45, 71-45, 72-45, 73-45, 74-45, 75-45, 76-45, 77-45
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 82-45, 83-45, 84-45, 85-45, 86-45, 87-45, 88-45, 89-45, 90-45, 91-45, 92-
45, 93-45, 96-45, 97-45, 98-45, 99-45, 100-45
Ordinances: 9-45, 10-45, 11-45, 12-45, 13-45, 14-45, 15-45, 16-45, 17-45, 18-45, 19-
45, 20-45, 21-45
Resolutions: 101-45, 102-45, 103-45, 104-45, 105-45, 106-45, 107-45, 108-45, 109-45,
110-45, 111-45, 112-45, 113-45, 14-45, 115-45, 116-45, 117-45, 118-45, 119-45, 120-
45, 121-45, 122-45
Ordinance: 22-45
Resolutions: 123-45, 124-45, 125-45, 126-45, 127-45, 128-45, 129-45, 130-45, 131-45,
132-45, 133-45, 134-45, 135-45, 136-45, 137-45, 138-45, 139-45, 140-45, 141-45
Ordinances: 23-45, 24-45, 25-45, 26-45, 27-45
Board of Review 1945
Council Proceedings: January - December 1946
Resolutions: 1-46, 2-46, 3-46, 4-46, 5-46, 6-46
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 7-46, 8-46, 9-46, 11-46, 12-46, 13-46
Ordinance: 1-46
Resolutions: 10-46, 14-46, 15-46, 16-46, 17-46, 18-46, 19-46, 20-46, 21-46, 22-46, 23-
46, 24-46, 25-46, 26-46, 27-46
Ordinances: 2-46, 3-46
Resolutions: 28-46, 29-46, 30-46, 31-46, 32-46, 33-46, 34-46, 35-46, 36-46, 37-46, 38-
46, 39-46, 40-46, 41-46, 43-46, 44-46, 45-46, 46-46, 47-46, 48-46
Ordinances: 4-46, 5-46, 6-46, 9-45
Resolutions: 42-46, 49-46, 50-46, 51-46, 52-46, 53-46, 54-46, 55-46, 56-46, 57-46, 58-
46, 59-46, 60-46, 61-46, 62-46
Ordinances: 7-46, 8-46, 9-46, 10-46, 11-46, 12-46
Resolutions: 63-46, 64-46, 65-46, 66-46, 67-46, 68-46, 69-46, 70-46, 71-46, 72-46, 73-
46, 74-46, 81-46, 82-46, 85-46A, 85-46B, 85-46C
Ordinances: 13-46, 14-46, 15-46, 16-46, 17-46, 18-46, 19-46, 20-46, 21-46, 22-46, 23-
46, 24-46, 25-46, 26-46, 27-46, 28-46
Resolutions: 90-46, 91-46, 92-46, 93-46, 94-46, 95-46, 96-46, 97-46, 98-46, 99-46, 100-
46, 101-46, 102-46, 105-46, 107-46, 109-46, 110-46
Ordinances: 30-46, 31-46
Resolutions: 111-46, 112-46, 113-46, 114-46, 115-46, 116-46, 117-46, 118-46, 119-46,
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 121-46, 122-46, 123-46, 124-46, 125-46, 126-46
Ordinance: 32-46
Resolutions: 136-46, 137-46, 138-46, 141-46, 142-46, 143-46, 144-46, 145-46, 146-46,
147-46, 148-46, 149-46, 150-46, 151-46, 152-46
Ordinances: 33-46, 34-46, 35-46
Resolutions: 157-46, 158-46, 159-46, 165-46, 166-46, 167-46, 171-46, 172-46, 173-46,
174-46, 175-46
Ordinances: 36-46, 38-46, 39-46
Resolutions: 176-46, 177-46, 181-46, 182-46, 183-46, 184-46, 185-46, 186-46
Ordinances: 40-46, 41-46, 42-46, 43-46, 44-46, 45-46
Board of Review 1946
Council Proceedings: January - December 1947
Resolutions: 3-47, 4-47, 5-47, 6-47, 7-47
Ordinances: 46-46, 1-47, 2-47, 3-47, 4-47
Resolutions: 8-47, 9-47, 10-47, 11-47, 13-47, 14-47, 15-47
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 16-47, 17-47, 18-47, 19-47, 21-47, 22-47, 23-47, 24-47, 25-47, 26-47, 27-
47, 28-47, 29-47, 30-47, 31-47, 32-47, 33-47
Ordinances: 5-47, 6-47, 7-47, 8-47, 9-47, 10-47, 37-46
Resolutions: 34-47, 35-47, 36-47, 37-47, 38-47, 39-47, 40-47, 41-47
Ordinance: 11-47
Resolutions: 42-47, 43-47, 44-47, 45-47, 46-47, 47-47, 48-47, 49-47, 50-47, 51-47, 52-
47, 53-47, 54-47, 55-47, 56-47, 57-47, 58-47
Ordinances: 12-47, 13-47, 14-47, 16-47
Resolutions: 59-47, 60-47, 61-47, 62-47, 63-47, 64-47, 65-47, 66-47, 67-47, 68-47, 69-
47, 70-47, 71-47, 72-47, 73-47, 74-47, 75-47, 76-47, 77-47, 78-47, 79-47, 80-47
Ordinances: 17-47, 18-47
Resolutions: 81-47, 82-47, 83-47, 84-47, 85-47, 86-47, 87-47, 88-47, 89-47, 90-47, 91-
47, 92-47, 93-47, 94-47
Ordinances: 19-47, 20-47, 21-47
Resolutions: 95-47, 96-47, 97-47, 98-47, 105-47, 106-47, 107-47, 108-47, 109-47, 110-
47, 117-47, 118-47, 119-47, 120-47
Ordinances: 22-47, 23-47, 24-47, 25-47
Resolutions: 123-47, 124-47, 125-47, 126-47, 127-47, 131-47, 132-47, 133-47, 141-47,
142-47, 143-47, 144-47
Ordinance: 26-47
Resolutions: 145-47, 146-47, 147-47, 148-47, 149-47, 150-47, 151-47, 152-47
Ordinance: 27-47
Resolutions: 153-47, 154-47, 155-47, 156-47, 157-47, 158-47, 159-47, 160-47, 161-47,
162-47, 163-47, 164-47, 165-47, 166-47, 167-47, 168-47, 169-47, 170-47, 171-47, 172-
47, 173-47
Ordinances: 28-47, 29-47, 30-47, 31-47
Resolutions: 174-47, 175-47, 176-47, 177-47, 178-47, 179-47, 180-47
Ordinance: 32-47
Drawer 4
Water Revenue Bonds 1950 - $100, 000.00
Resolutions: 352-50, 353-50, 347-50, 348-50
Ordinances: None
Gas Rate Petition
City Council Proceedings: January - December 1950
Resolutions: 6-50, 7-50, 8-50, 10-50, 11-50, 12-50, 13-50
Ordinance: 1-50
Resolutions: 14-50, 11-50, 17-50, 18-50, 19-50
Ordinance: 2-50
Resolutions: 20-50, 21-50, 22-50, 23-50, 24-50, 25-50, 26-50, 67-50, 68-50, 69-50, 70-
50, 71-50, 82-50, 83-50, 86-50, 87-50, 88-50, 104-50, 105-50, 106-50, 107-50
Ordinances: 3-50, 4-50, 5-50
Resolutions: 108-50, 109-50, 110-50, 111-50, 112-50, 113-50, 114-50, 120-50, 121-50,
122-50, 123-50, 124-50
Ordinances: 6-50, 7-50, 8-50, 9-50
Resolutions: 140-50, 141-50, 142-50, 143-50, 144-50, 145-50, 149-50, 165-50, 166-50,
167-50, 168-50
Ordinances: 11-50, 12-50, 13-50
Resolutions: 173-50, 174-50, 175-50, 176-50, 180-50, 181-50, 216-50, 217-50, 218-50
Ordinances: 14-50, 15-50, 17-50, 18-50
Resolutions: 220-50, 221-50, 222-50, 223-50, 224-50, 225-50, 226-50, 243-50, 246-50,
247-50, 248-50, 249-50, 250-50, 251-50, 252-50, 253-50, 254-50, 255-50
Ordinances: 20-50, 19-5
Resolutions: 256-50, 257-50, 258-50, 265-50, 266-50, 267-50, 268-50, 269-50, 270-50,
271-50, 272-50, 273-50, 275-50
Ordinances: 22-50, 23-50, 24-50, 25-50, 26-50, 27-50, 28-50, 29-50, 30-50, 31-50, 32-
50, 33-50, 34-50, 35-50, 36-50, 37-50, 38-50
Resolutions: 296-50, 297-50, 298-50, 301-50, 302-50
Ordinances: 39-50, 40-50
Resolutions: 309-50, 310-50, 311-50, 312-50, 313-50, 314-50, 315-50, 316-50, 317-50,
322-50, 323-50, 330-50, 331-50, 332-50
Ordinances: 41-50, 42-50
Resolutions: 337-50, 338-50, 344-50, 345-50, 346-50, 349-50, 350-50, 351-50
Ordinances: 43-50, 44-50, 45-50, 46-50
Resolutions: 366-50, 367-50, 368-50, 369-50, 364-50, 378-50, 379-50, 380-50, 381-50,
382-50, 383-50, 384-50
Ordinances: 47-50, 48-50, 49-50
Council Proceedings: January - December 1951
Resolutions: 7-51, 8-51, 9-51, 10-51, 11-51, 12-51, 13-51, 14-51, 15-51, 16-51, 17-51
Ordinances: 1-51, 2-51, 3-51
Resolutions: 33-51, 34-51, 35-51, 36-51, 37-51, 80-51, 81-51, 91-51, 92-51, 93-51, 94-
51, 95-51
Ordinances: 4-51, 7-51, 8-51, 9-5
Resolutions: 90-51, 122-51, 123-51, 124-51, 125-51, 126-51, 127-51, 128-51, 129-51,
130-51, 131-51, 132-51
Ordinances: 6-51, 10-51, 11-51, 12-51, 13-51, 14-51, 15-51, 16-51, 17-51, 18-51, 19-
51, 20-51, 21-51
Resolutions: 133-51, 134-51, 135-51, 136-51, 140-51, 141-51, 142-51, 143-51, 145-51,
146-51, 147-51, 148-51, 149-51, 150-51, 151-51, 152-51, 153-51, 154-51, 155-51, 156-
51, 157-51
Ordinances: 22-51, 23-51
Resolutions: 162-51, 163-51, 164-51, 165-51, 160-51, 166-51
Ordinance: 24-51
Resolutions: 197-51, 198-51, 199-51, 203-51, 204-51, 209-51, 210-51, 211-51, 212-51
Ordinances: 26-51, 27-51
Resolutions: 232-51, 233-51, 246-51, 247-51, 248-51, 250-51, 251-51, 254-51, 255-51,
256-51, 257-51, 258-51
Ordinances: 30-51, 31-51
Resolutions: 262-51, 263-51, 264-51, 265-51, 266-51, 267-51, 299-51, 300-51, 301-51,
302-51, 261-51, 303-51,307-51, 308-51, 328-51, 329-51, 330-51,331-51, 332-51,333-
Ordinances: 32-51, 33-51, 34-51, 35-51, 37-51, 39-51
Resolutions: 340-51, 341-51, 342-51, 339-51, 350-51, 351-51, 353-51, 354-51, 355-51,
Ordinances: 38-51, 40-51, 41-51, 44-51, 45-51
Resolutions: 360-51, 361-51, 362-51, 370-51, 371-51, 372-51, 374-51, 375-51, 376-51,
377-51, 378-51, 379-51,380-51
Ordinances: 43-51, 46-51, 49-51
Resolutions: 352-51, 373-51, 394-51, 400-51, 401-51, 402-51, 403-51, 404-51, 405-51,
407-51, 408-51, 409-51, 410-51, 411-51, 412-51
Ordinances: 50-51, 52-51, 51-51, 53-51, 54-51, 55-51, 56-51
Resolutions: 423-51, 424-51, 425-51, 429-51, 430-51, 431-51, 433-51, 434-51, 435-51,
436-51, 437-51, 438-51,439-51, 440-51, 441-51, 442-51, 444-51,445-51, 446-51,447-
51, 448-51
Ordinances: 47-51, 48-51, 57-51, 58-51, 59-51, 60-51, 61-51, 62-51, 66-51, 67-51
Drawer 5
Council Proceedings: October - December 1952
Resolutions: 751-52, 752-52, 753-52, 754-52, 769-52, 774-52
Ordinance: 35-52
Resolutions: 776-52, 777-52, 778-52, 779-52
Ordinances: 34-52, 36-52, 37-52
Resolutions: 775-52, 800-52, 801-52, 802-52, 803-52, 844-52, 845-52, 846-52, 847-52,
Ordinances: None
Fire Station Bonds 1952 -52 $167, 000.00
Resolutions: 21-52, 22-52, 23-52
Ordinance: 3-52
Water Revenue Bonds 1952-52 $200, 000.00
Resolutions: 168-52, 169-52, 239-52, 240-52
Ordinances: None
Council Proceedings: May -July 1953
Resolutions: 240-53, 241-53, 242-53, 243-53, 244-53, 245-53, 246-53, 247-53, 248-53,
249-53, 250-53, 251-53, 252-53, 253-53, 254-53, 255-53, 256-53, 267-53, 268-53, 269-
53, 270-53, 271-53, 272-53(see special subdivision file)
Ordinances: 6-53, 7-53, 8-53, 9-53, 10-53, 12-53, 13-53, 14-53, 15-53, 16-53, 17-53,
18-53, 19-53, 20-53, 21-53, 22-53, 23-53, 24-53, 25-53, 26-53, 27-53, 28-53, 29-53, 30-
53, 31-53, 32-53, 33-53, 34-53, 35-53, 36-53
Resolutions: 278-53, 279-53, 281-53, 282-53, 277-53, 283-53, 287-53, 288-53, 291-53,
292-53, 300-53, 301-53, 302-53
Ordinances: 11-53, 37-53, 38-53, 39-53, 40-53, 43-53, 44-53, 45-53, 46-53, 47-53
Resolutions: 303-53, 304-53, 305-53, 313-53, 314-53, 315-53, 316-53
Ordinances: 54-53, 55-53, 56-53, 57-53
Council Proceedings: April - September 1952
Resolutions: 162-52, 164-52, 165-52, 166-52, 167-52, 215-52, 216-52, 217-52, 218-52
Ordinances: 10-52, 13-52, 15-52, 14-52, 16-52, 17-52
Resolutions: 241-52 260-52, 261-52, 290-52, 291-52
Ordinances: 18-52, 19-52, 20-52, 21-52
Resolutions: 358-52, 359-52, 360-52, 361-52, 380-52, 381-52, 382-52, 383-52, 384-52,
385-52, 386-52, 387-52, 416-52, 417-52, 418-52, 419-52
Ordinances: 22-52, 23-52
Resolutions: 423-52, 424-52, 425-52, 426-52, 492-52, 493-52, 494-52, 503-52, 542-52,
543-52, 544-52, 545-52, 546-5
Ordinances: 24-52, 25-52, 26-52
Resolutions: 553-52, 554-52, 555-52, 582-52, 583-52, 584-52, 585-52, 586-52, 613-52,
614-52, 615-52, 616-52, 617-52, 618-52, 619-52, 620-52, 621-52, 622-52, 623-52, 624-
52, 625-52, 626-52, 627-52, 628-52, 629-52, 630-52, 631-52, 632-52, 633-52
Ordinances: 27-52, 28-52, 29-52, 30-52, 31-52
Resolutions: 634-52 635-52, 636-52, 637-52, 638-52, 639-52, 640-52, 641-52, 642-52,
643-52, 644-52, 645-52, 646-52, 647-52, 648-52, 698-52, 700-52, 701-52, 699-52, 714-
52, 715-52, 716-52, 728-52, 729-52, 730-52, 731-52
Ordinances: 32-52, 33-52
Council Proceedings: August- September 1953
Resolutions: 317-53, 318-53, 324-53, 325-53, 326-53, 339-53, 348-53, 350-53, 351-53,
352-53, 353-53, 354-53, 355-53, 356-53, 357-53
Ordinances: 58-53, 59-53, 60-53, 61-53, 62-53, 63-53, 64-53
Resolutions: 358-53 389-53, 390-53, 391-53
Ordinances: 65-53, 66-53
Council Proceedings: February - March 1952
Resolutions: 443-51, 17-52, 32-52, 33-52, 38-52, 39-52, 41-52, 42-52, 43-52, 44-52, 45-
52, 46-52, 47-52
Ordinances: 5-52, 6-52
Resolutions: 24-52, 25-52, 40-52, 52-52, 56-52, 57-52, 58-52, 59-52, 60-52, 61-52, 59-
52, 122-52, 123-52, 124-52, 125-52
Ordinances: 4-52, 7-52, 8-52, 9-52, 11-52, 12-52
Dock Bonds Issued 1951 - $30,000.00
Resolutions: 167-51, 202-51, 158-51, 159-51
Ordinances: 25-51, 29-51
Sanitation Sewer Fund Advertisement 1951 -51 $131, 000.00
Resolutions: 337-51, 336-51, 348-51
Ordinance: 42-51
Sewer Bonds 1951 -51 $210, 000.00
Resolutions: 201-51, 168-51, 169-51
Ordinance: 28-51
Sewer Bonds 1951 -51 $2,000,000.00
Resolutions: 18-51
Ordinance: 5-51
Fire Station Bonds -51 $167,500.00
Resolutions: 359-51, 406-51
Ordinances: None
City Council Proceedings 1952
Resolutions: 1-52, 2-52, 3-52, 4-52, 5-52, 15-52, 16-52, 18-52, 19-52, 20-52
Ordinances: 63-51-, 64-51-, 65-51-, 68-51-, 2-52
Special Election 1953 - Flood Protection Bond $2, 000, 000.00
Resolutions: 209-53, 90-53
Ordinances: None
Council Proceedings: January- March 1953
Resolutions: 1-53, 2-53, 3-53, 44-53, 45-53, 60-53, 61-53, 62-53, 64-53, 65-53, 66-53,
67-53, 68-53
Ordinances: 38-52, 1-53, 2-53
Resolutions: 63-53, 85-53, 86-53, 87-53, 88-53, 89-53
Ordinance: 3-53
Resolutions: 97-53, 99-53, 100-53, 105-53, 106-53, 107-53, 108-53, 109-53
Ordinance: 4-53, 5-53
Council Proceedings 1953:
Resolutions: 110-53, 111-53, 112-53, 113-53, 200-53, 201-53, 202-53, 203-53, 204-53,
205-53, 206-53, 207-53, 208-53, 237-53, 238-53, 239-53
Ordinances: None
Cabinet #2
Drawer 1
30th and Central Avenue Petition - June 2, 1947
Board of Review 1947
Storm Sewer Bonds 1948: $60,000.00
Resolutions: 19-48, 9-48, 10-48
Ordinance: 4-48
Council Proceedings 1948: January -December
Resolutions: 1-48, 2-48, 3-48, 4-48, 5-48, 6-48, 7-48, 8-48
Ordinance: 1-48
Resolutions: 11-48, 12-48, 13-48, 39-48, 40-48, 41-48, 42-48, 43-48, 44-48
Ordinances: 2-48, 3-48
Resolutions: 45-48, 46-48, 47-48, 48-48, 49-48, 50-48, 51-48, 52-48, 53-48, 63-
48, 64-48, 65-48, 66-48, 67-48, 68-48, 69-48, 70-48
Ordinances: 5-48, 6-48, 7-48, 8-48, 9-48
Resolutions: 71-48, 71-48, 73-48, 74-48, 75-48, 76-48, 80-48, 81-48, 84-48, 85-48
Ordinance: 10-48
Resolutions: 86-48, 87-48, 88-48, 89-48, 90-48, 91-48, 92-48, 93-48, 94-48, 95-48
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 100-48, 101-48, 102-48, 104-48, 105-48, 117-48, 118-48, 119-48,
120-48, 136-48, 137-48, 138-48, 139-48.
Ordinances: 11-48, 12-48
Resolutions: 144-48, 145-48, 146-48, 147-48, 171-48, 172-48, 173-48, 174-48.
Ordinances: 13-48
Resolutions: 175-48, 176-48, 177-48, 180-48, 187-48, 188-48, 189-48, 195-48,
196-48, 197-48, 209-48, 210-48, 211-48
Board of Health Resolution: 190-48
Ordinances: 14-48, 15-48, 16-48, 17-48
Resolutions: 214-48, 215-48, 216-48, 217-48, 218-48, 219-48, 220-48
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 223-48, 224-48, 225-48
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 226-48, 230-48, 231-48, 232-48, 233-48, 234-48, 235-48, 236-48,
237-48, 238-48, 239-48, 247-48, 248-48, 249-48, 250-48, 251-48, 252-48, 253-48
Ordinances: 18-48, 19-48, 20-48, 21-48, 22-48, 23-48
Resolutions: 254-48, 255-48, 258-48, 259-48, 260-48
Ordinances: 24-48, 35-48, 26-48
Council Proceedings 1949: January- December
Resolutions: 1-49, 2-49, 3-49, 4-49, 5-49, 6-49, 7-49, 12-49, 13-49
Ordinances: 27-49, 48-49
Resolutions: 14-49, 15-49, 16-49, 17-49, 18-49, 65-49, 66-49, 67-49, 68-49,
Ordinances: 1-49, 2-49, 3-49
Resolutions: 75-49, 76-49, 77-49, 78-49, 79-49, 83-49, 84-49, 85-49, 90-49, 94-
49, 95-49, 96-49,
Ordinances: 4-49, 5-49, 6-49, 7-49, 8-49, 9-49, 10-49, 11-49
Resolutions: 97-49, 98-49, 99-49, 100-49, 101-49, 102-49, 103-49, 108-49, 109-
49, 110-49, 11-49, 112-49, 113-49, 114-49
Ordinances: 12-49, 13-49, 14-49
Resolutions: 115-49, 116-49, 117-49, 127-49, 128-49, 129-49, 136-49, 137-49,
138-49, 139-49
Ordinances: 15-49, 16-49, 17-49, 18-49, 19-49, 20-49, 21-49, 2-49, 23-49, 24-49
Resolutions: 140-49, 141-49, 142-49, 143-49, 156-49, 157-49, 168-49, 169-49,
Ordinances: 25-49, 26-49
Resolutions: 171-49, 172-49, 173-49, 174-49, 175-49, 182-49, 183-49, 184-49,
185-49, 186-49, 207-49
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 208-49, 209-49, 210-49, 223-49, 227-49, 228-49, 229-49, 230-49,
245-49, 246-49, 247-49, 248-49, 249, 252-49, 250-49, 251-49, 261-49, 262-49,
263-49, 265-49, 266-49, 267-49
Board of Health Resolution: 243-48
Ordinances: 28-49, 29-49, 30-49
Resolutions: 264-49, 275-49, 276-49, 277-49, 284-49, 285-49, 286-49, 288-49
Ordinances: 31-49, 32-49, 33-49, 34-49, 35-49
Resolutions: 289-49, 290-49, 291-49, 301-49, 302-49, 303-49, 304-49, 305-49,
Ordinances: 36-49, 37-49,38-49
Resolutions: 313-49, 324-49, 315-49, 316-49, 317-49
Ordinance: 39-49
Resolutions: 321-49, 322-49, 323-49, 324-49, 336-49, 337-49, 338-49, 339-49,
Ordinances: 40-49, 41-49, 42-49, 43-49
Drawer 2
Weed Assessments 1954
Swimming Pool Bonds
Resolutions: 65-54, 243-54
Ordinances: None
Television Franchise:
Un -numbered fully executed Ordinance
Council Proceedings
October 1953:
Resolutions: 392-53, 393-53, 394-53, 417-53, 449-53, 450-53, 451-53, 453-53
Ordinances: 67-53
November 1953
Resolutions: 481-53, 482-53, 483-53, 484-53, 449-53, 501-53, 502-53, 503-53,
508-53, 509-53, 510-53, 511-53, 512-53, 513-53, 514-53, 527-53, 528-53, 529-53,
Ordinances: 68-53, 69-53, 71-53
December 1953
Resolutions: 533-53 (performance bond attached), 551-53, 552-53, 553-53, 554-
53, 555-53, 564-53, 583-53, 584-53, 585-53
Ordinances: 70-53, 72-53
Swimming Pool Petitions and Proceedings:
Resolutions: 500-53, 418-53,54-53
Ordinances: None
Council Proceedings 1954 January - December
Resolutions: 1-54, 2-54, 3-54, 4-54, 11-54, 12-54, 13-54, 14-54, 15-54, 30-54, 31-
54, 32-54, 33-54, 34-54, 35-54, 36-54
Ordinances: 1-54, 2-54, 3-54
Resolutions: 42-54, 43-54, 44-54
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 52-54, 53-54, (see sub file), 54-54, 64-54, 66-54, 67-54, 68-54, 63-
54, 83-54, 84-54, 85-54, 86-54, 87-54, 89-54, 89-54, 90-54
Ordinances: 4-54, 5-54, 6-54, 7-54, 8-54, 9-54
Resolutions: 103-54, 104-54, 105-54, 106-54, 107-54, 155-54, 156-54, 157-54,
158-54, 159-54, 160-54, 161-54
Ordinances: 10-54, 11-54, 12-54, 13-54, 14-54, 15-54, 16-54, 17-54, 18-54, 19-54,
20-54, 2-54, 22-54, 23-54, 24-54, 25-54, 26-54, 27-54, 28-54, 29-54, 30-54, 31-54,
32-54, 33-54, 34-54, 35-54-54
Resolutions: 187-54, 188-54, 189-54, 190-54, 191-54, 197-54, 198-54, 199-54
Ordinances: 36-54, 37-54, 38-54
Resolutions: 206-54, 207-54, 208-54, 209-54, 231-54, 234-54, 235-54, 236-54,
Ordinances: 39-54, 40-54, 41-54, 42-54, 43-54
Resolutions: 248-54, 249-54, 250-54, 251-54, 255-54, 256-54, 258-54, 260-54,
Ordinances: 48-54, 44-54, 50-54, 51-54
Resolutions: 282-54, 283-54, 284-54
Ordinances: 52-54
Resolutions: 292-54, 293-54, 294-54, 295-54, 296-54, 297-54
Ordinance: 54-54
Resolutions: 291-54, 298-54, 307-54, 308-54, 309-54, 310-54, 313-54, 314-54,
Ordinances: 55-54, 56-54, 57-54, 58-54
Resolutions: 334-54, 335-54, 348-54, 349-54, 350-54, 54, 351-54, 353-54, 354-54,
355-54, 356-54, 369-54, 372-54, 373-54, 374-54
Ordinances: 59-54, 61-54
Resolutions: 375-54, 390-54, 391-54, 392-54
Ordinances: 60-54, 62-54
Council Proceedings 1955: January - July
Resolutions: 1-55, 2-55, 3-55, 4-55, 9-55, 14-55, 15-55, 16-55, 17-55, 18-55, 19-
55, 20-55, 21-55, 22-55
Ordinances: 1-55, 2-55
Resolutions: 29-55, 30-55, 31-55, 32-55, 33-55, 34-55, 46-55, 47-55
Ordinance: 3-55
Resolutions: 54-55, 55-55, 72-55, 73-55, 74-55, 75-55, 76-55, 78-55, 79-55, 80-
55, 81-55
Ordinances: 4-55, 5-55, 6-55, 7-55, 8-55, 9-55, 10-55, 11-55, 12-55, 13-55, 14-55,
15-55, 16-55, 17-55, 18-55, 19-55
Resolutions: 104-55, 105-55, 106-55, 107-55, 108-55, 109-55, 113-55, 114-55,
115-55, 116, 126-55, 127-55, 128-55, 129-55, 130-55, 131-55
Board of Health Resolution: 124-55
Ordinances: 20-55, 21-55, 22-55, 23-55, 24-55, 26-55
Resolutions: 137-55, 138-55, 139-55, 140-55, 143-55, 144-55, 145-55, 146-55
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 153-55, 154-55, 162-55, 163-55, 164-55, 165-55
Ordinances: 25-55, 27-55, 28-55, 29-55, 30-55, 31-55, 32-55, 33-55, 34-55, 35-55,
36-55, 38-55, 39-55, 40-55, 41-55
Resolutions: 166-55, 167-55, 168-55, 1690170-55, 171-55, 172-55, 173-55, 174-
55, 175-55.
Ordinance 42-55 (see sub file, Cherokee Place), 43-55, 44-55
Drawer 3
Council Proceedings 1960: August - December
Resolutions: 167-60, 168-60, 173-60, 176-60, 177-60,'178-60, 179-60, 180-60,
185-60, 186-60, 187-60. Ordinances: 59-60, 60-60, 61-60, 62-60, 63-60
Resolutions: 195-60, 196-60, 197-60, 201-60, 202-60, 203-60
Ordinances: 58-60, 64-60, 65-60, 66-60, 67-60
Resolutions: 205-60, 213-60, 214-60, 215-60, 218-60, 219-60, 220-60, 223-60,
Ordinances: 68-60, 69-60, 70-60, 71-60, 72-60
Resolutions: 229-60, 230-60, 231-60, 247-60, 248-60, 249-60
Ordinance: 75-60
Resolutions: 256-60, 261-60, 262-60, 263-60, 264-60, 266-60, 267-60, 268-60,
269-60, 270-60, 271-60, 272-60, 273-60, 275-60, 276-60, 277-60, 278-60, 279-60,
280-60, 281-60, 282-60, 284-60, 285-60, 286-60
Ordinances: 74-60, 76-60, 77-60, 78-60, 80-60, 81-60, 82-60, 83-60, 84-60, 85-60,
86-60, 87-60, 79-60, 88-60, 89-60, 90-60
Kaufmann Avenue - 17th St. Bonds $970,000.00:
Resolutions: 217-60, 216-60, 193-60, 194-60
Ordinance: 73-60
Original bonds
Council Proceedings 1961: January- December
Resolutions: 1-61, 2-61, 3-61, 4-61, 7-61, 8-61, 9-61, 10-61, 11-61, 12-61, 13-61,
17-61, 18-61, 19-61
Ordinances: 1-61, 2-61
Resolutions: 21-61, 22-61, 23-61, 27-61, 29-61, 30-61, 31-61, 59-61, 60-61, 61-61
Ordinances: 6-61, 7-61, 8-61, 9-61
Dock Board Ordinance 1-61, 3-61, 4-61, 5-61
Resolutions: 65-61, 66-61, 68-61, 71-61, 72-61, 73-61, 76-61, 78-61, 79-61, 80-
61, 95-61, 96-61, 97-61, 98-61
Ordinances: 14-61, (St. George Sub file), 15-61
Resolutions: 99-61, 100-61, 101-61, 102-61, 106-61, 107-61, 108-61, 115-61, 116-
61, 117-61
Ordinances: 10-61, 11-61, 12-61, 16-61, 17-61, 18-61, 19-61, 20-61, 21-61, 22-61,
23-61, 24-61, 29-61
Resolutions: 118-61, 127-61, 128-61, 129-61, 130-61, 131-61, 123-61
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 133-61, 134-61, 135-61, 137-61, 138-61, 147-61, 148-61, 149-61,
250-61, 151-61, 152-61, 153-61, 154-61, 155-61, 156-61, 157-61, 158-61
Ordinances: 30-61, 31-61, 32-61, 33-61, 34-61, 35-61, 36-61, 38-61, 39-61, 40-61
Resolutions: 159-61, 160-61, 161-61, 162-61, 163-61, 164-61, 165-61, 177-61,
178-61, 180-61, 182-61, 183-61, 184-61, 185-61, 186-61, 189-61, 190-61, 191-61
Ordinances: 37-61, 41-61, 43-61, 44-61, 45-61, 46-61, 47-61
Resolutions: 192-61, 193-61, 197-61, 198-61, 199-61, 202-61, 203-61, 204-61,
205-61, 206-61, 207-61, 208-61, 209-61
Ordinances: 42-61, 48-61, 50-61
Resolutions: 210-61, 212-61, 213-61, 221-61, 222-61, 223-61, 224-61, 225-61,
226-61, 227-61, 228-61,231-61, 232-61, 233-61
Ordinances: 53-61, 54-61, 55-61
Resolutions: 234-61, 238-61, 239-61, 240-61, 247-61
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 248-61, 249-61, 251-61, 252-61, 253-61, 254-61, 255-61, 256-61,
265-61, 266-61, 267-61,268-61, 269-61, 270-61, 271-61, 272-61
Ordinances: 58-61, 59-61, 51-61, 56-61, 60-61
Resolutions: 273-61, 274-61, 275-61, 276-61, 277-61, 280-61, 281-61, 282-61,
283-61, 391-61, 292-61,293-61, 294-61, 295-61, 296-61
Ordinances: 57-61, 61-61, 62-61, 64-61, 65-61, 66-61, 67-61
Drawer 4
City Council Proceedings 1955: August - December
Resolutions: 176-55, 177-55, 178-55, 180-55, 181-55, 182-55, 190-55, 191-55,
193-55, 194-55, 195-55
Ordinances: 37-55, 45-55, 46-55, 47-55, 48-55, 49-55
Resolutions: 196-55, 197-55, 198-55, 199-55, 200-55, 204-55, 205-55, 206-55,
207-55, 211-55, 212-55, 213-55
Ordinances: 50-55, 52-55, 53-55, 54-55, 55-55, 56-55, 57-55, 58-55, 59-55
Resolutions: 220-55, 221-55, 222-55, 223-55, 224-55, 239-55
Ordinances: 51-55, 63-55
Resolutions: 214-55, 233-55, 234-55, 235-55, 236-55
Ordinances: 60-55, 61-55, 64-55
Resolutions: 245-55, 246-55, 246-55, 248-55, 265-55, 266-55, 267-55, 268-55,
276-55, 277-55, 278-55, 279-55, 280-55, 281-55
Ordinances: 62-55, 66-55, 65-55
Water Works Extension and Improvement Revenue Bonds 1955
Resolution 111-55, 52-55, 53-55, 82-55, 44-55, 45-55
Weed Assessments: September 27, 1955
Dock Bond Issue River Project Development Dock Commission 1955
Resolutions: 192-55, 187-55, 170-55, 171-55, 77-55, 110-55
Ordinances: None
un -numbered fully executed resolution
Council Proceedings 1956: January- December
Resolutions: 1-56, 2-56, 3-56, 4-56, 22-56, 23-56, 24-56, 29-56, 30-56, 31-56
Ordinances: 67-55, 1-56, 68-55
Resolutions: 34-56, 35-56, 36-56
Ordinances: 2-56, 5-56
Resolutions: 61-56, 66-56, 67-56, 68-56, 69-56, 70-56, 71-56, 72-56, 73-56, 74-
56, 75-56, 76-56, 77-56, 37-56, 38-56, 39-56, (see sub file- Blasen Place)43-56,
44-56, 45-56, 54-56, (see sub file)55-56, (see sub file)56-56, (see sub file)
Ordinances: 8-56, 9-56, 10-56, 3-56, 4-56, 7-56
Resolutions: 89-56, 90-56, 91-56, 92-56, 93-56, 99-56, 100-56, 101-56, 102-56, 1-
56, 6-56, 107-56, 108-56, 109-56, 110-56, 111-56
Ordinances: 6-56, 13-56, 14-56, 15-56, 16-56, 17-56, 18-56
Resolutions: 117-56, 118-56, 119-56, 120-56, 121-56, 122-56, 123-56, 124-56,
125-56, 126-56, 127-56, 129-56, 130-56, 131-56, 135-56, 136-56
Ordinances: 11-56, 12-56, 19-56, 20-56, 21-56, 22-56, 23-56, 24-56, 25-56, 26-56,
27-56, 28-56, 29-56, 30-56, 31-56
Resolutions: 139-56, 140-56, 141-56, 145-56, 146-56, 147-56, 148-56, (see sub
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 155-56, 156-56, 157-56, 158-56, 159-56, 160-56, 161-56, 162-56,
163-56, 164-56
Ordinances: 33-56, 34-56, 35-56, 36-56, 37-56
Resolutions: 179-56, 180-56, 181-56, 182-56, (see sub files Indian Hills),165-56,
166-56, 168-56, 169-56, 170-56, 171-56, 172-56
Ordinance 41-56, 42-56, 38-42, 340
Resolutions: 186-56, 187-56, 188-56, 191-56, 192-56, 193-56, 194-56
Ordinances: 43-56, 46-56, 47-56, 48-56
Resolutions: 195-56, 196-56, 197-56, 201-56, 202-56, 203-56, 204-56, 205-56,
206-56, 207-56, 208-56, 209-56
Ordinances: 49-56, 44-56, 45-56
Resolutions: 219-56, 222-56, 223-56, 224-56, 226-56, 231-56, 232-56
Ordinances: 50-56, 51-56, 52-56, 54-56, 55-56, 56-56, 57-56, 58-56, 59-56
Resolutions: 218-56, 235-56, 236-56, 237-56, 240-56, 241-56, 242-56, 243-56,
244-56, 245-56, 246-56
Ordinances: 62-56, 60-56, 61-56
Parking Lot Revenue Bonds - $385,000.00:
Resolutions: 151-56, 125-56, 126-56, 127-56
Ordinance: 32-56
Original bonds
Sewer Bond 1956 - $600,000.00:
Resolutions: 225-56, 220-56, 221-56
Ordinance: 53-56
Original bonds
Weed Assessment October 1956
Council Proceedings 1957 January - August
Resolutions: 1-57, 2-57, 3-57, 4-57, 11-57, (see sub files Gertrude Place), 14-57,
15-57, 16-57
Ordinances: 1-57, 2-57, 3-57, 4-57, 5-57, 6-57, 7-57, 8-57, 9-57, 10-57, 11-57
Resolutions: 19-57, 20-57, 21-57, 22-57, 35-57 (see sub file Metropolitan Heights)
36-57, 37-57, (See sub file Richards Subdivision)
Ordinances: 12-57, 13-57
Resolutions: 49-57, 50-57, 51-57, 52-57, 53-57, 54-57, 55-57, 61-57, (see sub
file), 62-57 (see sub file - hillcrest Heights),63-57, 64-57, 65-57, 66-57
Ordinances: 14-57, 15-57, 16-57, 17-57, 18-57, 19-57, 20-57, 21-57, 22-57, 23-57,
24-57, 25-57, 26-57
Resolutions: 73-57, 74-57, 75-57, 76-57, 77-57, 46-57, 47-57, 48-57, 68-57, 70-
57, 71-57, 72-57
Ordinances: 35-57, 36-57, 37-57, 28-57, 29-57, 30-57, 31-57, 32-57, 33-57, 34-57
Resolutions: 67-57, 69-57, 78-57, 83-57, (see sub file Glen Oak Subdivision),92-
57, 93-57, 94-57, 95-57
Ordinances: 27-57, 38-57, 39-57
Resolutions: 96-57, 104-57, 108-57, 109-57, 110-57, 111-57, 112-57, 113-57
Ordinances: 40-57, 41-57
Dock Board Ordinance 1-57
Resolutions: 119-57 (see sub file - Scenic Heights), - 120-57, (see sub file -
Southgate Subdivision), -123-57 (see sub file - St. Mary's Place),124-57, 125-57
(see sub file - Holz Subdivision), 129-57 (see sub file - Carris Montana St.
Subdivision), 130-57 (see sub file - Duster Place - aka Duster Montana Place),
140-57, 141-57, 142.-57, 143-57, 147-57, 148-57, 149-57, 150-57, 151-57, 152-57
Ordinances: 42-57, 43-57, 46-57, 47-57, 48-57
Resolutions: 144-57, 145-57, 170-57, 171-57, 172-57, 173-57, 174-57, 175-57,
Ordinances: 44-57, 49-57, 50-57
Drawer 5
Council Proceedings 1959 June - December
Resolutions: 130-59, 131-59, 135-59, 136-59, 141-59, 152-59, 153-59, 154-59,
163-59, 164-59, 165-59, 166-59, 167-59, 168-59
Ordinances: 32-59, 34-59, 35-59
Resolutions: 173-59, 174-59, 175-59, 176-59, 177-59, 180-59, 184-59, 185-59,
Ordinances: 36-59, 37-59, 38-59, 39-59, 40-59, 41-59
Resolutions: 187-59, 188-59, 189-59, 190-59, 201-59, 202-59, 203-59
Ordinances: 33-59, 43-59, 44-59
Resolutions: 218-59, 219-59, 220-59
Ordinances: 42-59, 45-59, 46-59, 48-59, 49-59
Resolutions: 226-59, 229-59, 230-59, 231-59, 232-59, 233-59, 234-59, 235-59
Ordinances: 50-59, 51-59, 52-59, 53-59, 54-59, 58-59, 59-59
Resolutions: 237-59, 238-59, 239-59, 240-59, 242-59, 243-59, 244-59, 245-59,
Ordinances: 55-59, 56-59, 57-59, 60-59, 61-59, 62-59, 63-59, 65-59, 66-59
Resolutions: 247-59, 248-59, 261-59, 162-59, 263-59
Ordinances: 64-59, 67-59, 68-59, 69-59, 72-59, 73-59
Weed Assessments 1959
Exhibits: Conflict of Interest Investigation - Blocks 1-5 and Block 8 of
Marycrest Subdivision
Council Proceedings 1960 January - July
Resolutions: 1-60, 2-60, 3-60, 4-60, 13-60, 20-60, 21-60, 22-60, 23-60, 24-60, 25-
60, 26-60, 27-60, 28-60, 29-60, 30-60, 31-60
Ordinances: 70-59, 71-59, 1-60, 2-60, 4-60
Resolutions: 32-60, 35-60, 36-60, 37-60, 42-60, 43-60, 44-60, 45-60, 46-60
Ordinances: 3-60, 5-60, 7-60, 8-60, 9-60
Resolutions: 47-60, 34-60, 49-60, 54-60, 55-60, 56-60, 57-60, 58-60, 59-60
Ordinances: 6-60, 11-60, 12-60
Resolutions: 84-60, 85-60, 86-60, 60-60, 61-60, 87-60, 88-60, 89-60, 90-60, 93-60
Ordinances: 10-60, 15-60, 16-60, 17-60, 18-60
Resolutions: 94-60, 95-60, 107-60, 108-60, 109-60, 110-60, 111-60, 122-60, 123-
60, 124-60
Ordinances: 13-60, 14-60, 19-60, 20-60, 21-60, 22-60, 23-60, 24-60, 25-60, 26-60
Resolutions: 125-60, 144-60, 145-60, 146-60, 147-60, 149-60, 150-60, 151-60,
152-60, 153-60, 154-60
Ordinances: 30-60, 31-60, 32-60, 33-60, 34-60, 27-60, 28-60, 29-60, 39-60, 40-60,
42-60, 43-60, 44-60, 45-60, 46-60, 47-60, 48-60, 49-60, 50-60, 51-60, 52-60, 53-
60, 54-60, 55-60
Resolutions: 157-60, 160-60, 161-60, 162-60, 163-60, 164-60, 165-60, 166-60
Ordinances: 35-60, 36-60, 37-60, 38-60, 56-60, 41-60, 57-60
City Council Conflict of Interest Investigation: January 1960 - Volumes 1-8
(multiple copies)
Cabinet #3
Drawer 1
Council Proceedings 1967 November - December
Resolutions: 361-67, 363-67, 366-67, 367-67, 368-67, 369-67, 370-67, 352-67,
372-67, 373-67, 374-67, 378-67, 381-67, 382-67, 383-67, 384-67, 385-67, 386-67
Ordinances: 47-67, 56-67, 57-67
Resolutions: 388-67, 389-67, 391-67, 394-67, 395-67, 402-67, 403-67, 404-67,
409-67, 410-67, 411-67, 412-67, 413-67, 414-67, 416-67, 417-67, 418-67, 419-67,
420-67, 421-67, 422-67, 433-67, 434-67, 435-67, 436-67
Ordinances: 58-67, 59-67, 60-67, 61-67, 62-67, 63-67, 79-67, 77-67, 64-67, 65-67,
66-67, 78-67
Weed Assessments 1967
Annexation 1967:
Resolutions: 315-67, 278-67, 279-67
Flood Protection Bonds 1968 - $83,000.00:
Resolutions: 418-68, 395-68, 373-68, 343-68, 310-68
Original bonds
Airport Bonds 1968 - $490,000.00:
Resolutions: 419-68, 396-68, 383-68, 345-68, 313-68
Original bonds, fully executed un -numbered resolution
Sewer Bonds 1968 - $1, 995,000.00:
Resolutions: 397-68, 375-68, 374-68, 346-68
Ordinance: 60-68
Original bonds
Fire Station Bonds - $565,000.00 (9th St. December 10, 1968 election):
Resolutions: 77-68, 68-68, 57-68, 530-68, 503-68
Fire Station Bonds - $500,000.00 (9th St. $190,000.00, JFK Garage $465,
Resolutions: 286-67, 285-67, 253-67, 254-67, 40-67, 29-67
Ordinance 50-67
Council Proceedings: January - August 1968
Resolutions: 1-68, 2-68, 3-68, 4-68, 7-68, 8-68, 9-68, 10-68, 11-68, 12-68, 13-68,
14-68, 22-68
Ordinances: 1-68, 2-68
Resolutions: 23-68, 24-68, 35-68, 36-68, 37-68, 38-68, 39-68, 62-68, .63-68, 65-
68, 67-68, 68-68, 69-68, 70-68, 71-68, 72-68, 73-68, 74-68, 75-68
Ordinances: 3-68, 4-68, 8-68, 9-68, 10-68, 11-68
Resolutions: 89-68, 91-68, 97-68, 116-68, 117-68, 118-68, 119-68, 120-68, 124-
68, 125-68, 126-68, 130-68, 136-68, 140-68, 141-68, 142-68
Ordinances: 5-68, 6-68, 7-68, 13-68, 14-68, 15-68, 16-68, 17-68, 19-68, 21-68
Resolutions: 152-68, 153-68, 154-68, 157-68, 158-68, 159-68, 160-68, 161-68,
162-68, 183-68, 184-68, 185-68, 186-68, 187-68, 193-68, 194-68, 195-68, 196-68,
Ordinances: 12-68, 18-68, 20-68, 22-68
Resolutions: 199-68, 205-68, 206-68, 207-68, 208-68, 209-68, 210-68, 211-68,
212-68, 213-68, 214-68, 218-68, 219-68, 235-68, 236-68, 237-68, 238-68, 239-68,
240-68, 241-68, 243-68
Ordinances: 28-68, 29-68
Resolutions: 244-68, 245-68, 246-68, 247-68, 248-68, 249-68, 250-68, 251-68,
252-68, 253-68, 254-68, 258-68, 259-68, 260-68, 261-68, 264-68, 269-68, 272-68,
273-68, 274-68, 275-68, 276-68, 277-68, 278-68, 279-68, 281-68, 282-68, 283-68,
284-68, 285-68, 287-68, 288-68, 290-68, 291-68, 292-68, 293-68, 294-68
Ordinances: 23-68, 24-68, 25-68, 26-68, 30-68, 31-68, 32-68, 33-68, 34-68, 35-68,
36-68, 37-68, 38-68, 39-68, 40-68, 41-68, 42-68, 43-68, 27-68, 47-68
Resolutions: 295-68, 296-68, 297-68, 298-68, 299-68, 300-68, 301-68, 302-68,
303-68, 305-68, 320-68, 321-68, 322-68, 323-68, 324-68, 325-68, 326-68, 327-68,
328-68, 329-68, 330-68, 331-68, 332-68, 333-68, 334-68
Ordinances: 44-68, 45-68, 46-68, 51-68
Resolutions: 338-68, 339-68, 354-68, 355-68, 356-68, 357-68, 358-68, 359-68,
360-68, 361-68, 362-68, 370-68, 371-68, 372-68, 376-68, 377-68, 378-68, 379-68,
Ordinances: 49-68, 50-68, 53-68, 54-68
Drawer 2
Council Proceedings - September - December 1968
Resolutions: 384-68, 386-68, 389-68, 390-68, 391-68, 392-68, 393-68, 394-68,
398-68, 401-68, 410-68, 411-68, 412-68, 415-68, 422-68, 423-68, 424-68, 431-68
Ordinances: 56-68, 57-68, 58-68, 52-68, 61-68, 62-68, 63-68
Resolutions: 432-68, 433-68, 434-68, 438-68, 439-68, 446-68, 447-68, 448-68,
449-68, 450-68, 465-68, 466-68, 467-68, 468-68, 469-68, 470-68, 471-68, Dock
Board 10-68
Ordinances: 55-68, 59-68, 64-68, 65-68
Resolutions: 478-68, 479-68, 486-68, 487-68, 488-68, 489-68, 490-68, 491-68,
494-68, 495-68, 496-68, 497-68, 498-68, 499-68, 500-68
Dock Board Resolution: 11-68
Ordinances: 67-68, 66-68, 69-68
Resolutions: 514-68, 519-68, 520-68, 521-68, 525-68, 526-68, 527-68, 528-68,
529-68, 531-68, 549-68, 550-68, 551-68
Ordinances: 70-68, 71-68, 72-68, 73-68, 74-68, 75-68, 76-68, 77-68, 68-68, 80-68
Weed Assessments 1968
Annexation North John Deere Area - 1969:
Resolutions: 348-68, 196-68, 197-68
Cleaning Sidewalk Assessments 1969
Weed Assessments 1969
Sewer Bond 1969 - $200,000.00:
Resolutions: 302-69, 303-69, 324-69
Ordinance: 36-69
Fire Department Equipment Bonds 1969 - $100,000.00:
Resolutions: 299-69, 298-69, 327-69, 328-69
Ordinances: None
Airport Bonds 1969 - $125,000.00 I.L.S. - A.L.S. Fill Land:
Resolutions: 92-69, 93-69, 74-69, 75-69, 69-69, 56-69, 31-69
Dubuque Airport Commission Resolution: 1-69
Ordinances: None
Original bonds
Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds 1968 - $600, 000.00:
Resolutions: 539-69, 524-69, 492-69, 428-69, 417-69, 344-69, 315-69, 316-69
Ordinance: 69-69
Original bonds
Airport Bonds 1969 - $100, 000.00:
Resolutions: 3, 297-69, 296-69, 325-69, 326-69
Ordinances: None
Tree Removal Bonds 1969- $200, 000.00:
Resolutions: 301-69, 300-69, 329-69, 330-69
executed un -numbered Park Board Resolution
Ordinances: None
Sewer Revenue Bonds 1969 - $2, 000, 000.00:
Resolutions: 541-69, 540-69, 523-69, 493-69
Ordinance: 78-68
Original bonds
Council Proceedings: January - July 1969
Resolutions: 1-69, 2-69, 3-69, 10-69, 11-69, 12-69, 13-69, 14-69, 15-69, 19-69
Ordinances: 81-68, 1-69, 4-69, 5-69, 6-69
Resolutions: 25-69, 26-69, 27-69, 28-69, 29-69, 32-69, 33-69, 34-69, 35-69, 36-
69, 37-69
Ordinances: 2-69, 7-69, 9-69, 10-69
Resolutions: 40-69, 48-69, 49-69, 50-69, 51-69, 52-69, 53-69, 54-69, 55-69, 60-
69, 61-69, 62-69, 63-69, 64-69, 65-69, 66-69, 67-69, 70-69, 71-69, 72-69, 73-69,
Ordinances: 11-69, 8-69, 15-69, 16-69, 17-69, 18-69, 19-69, 20-69
Resolutions: 79-69, 84-69, 88-69, 89-69, 90-69, 91-69, 98-69, 99-69, 100-69, 101-
69, 102-69, 103-69, 104-69, 105-69
Ordinances: 12-69, 13-69, 14-69
Resolutions: 111-69, 112-69, 116-69, 117-69, 118-69, 119-69, 120-69, 121-69,
122-69, 123-69, 126-69, 127-69, 128-69, 129-69, 130-69, 132-69, 133-69, 134-69,
135-69, 136-69, 137-69, 138-69, 139-69
Ordinances: 21-69, 24-69, 25-69, 26-69
Resolutions: 140-69, 141-69, 142-69, 143-69, 144-69, 145-69, 146-69, 147-69,
148-69, 149-69, 150-69, 151-69, 152-69, 153-69, 157-69, 164-69, 165-69, 166-69,
167-69, 168-69, 169-69, 170-69
Ordinances: 22-69, 23-69, 27-69, 28-69, 29-69, 30-69
Resolutions: 173-69, 178-69, 179-69, 180-69, 181-69, 182-69, 183-69, 191-69,
192-69, 193-69, 194-69, 195-69, 210-69, 211-69, 212-69, 213-69, 214-69
Ordinances: 31-69, 32-69
Drawer 3
Council Proceedings: August - December 1969
Resolutions: 215-69, 219-69, 220-69, 221-69, 222-69, 223-69, 224-69, 225-69,
226-69, 227-69, 228-69, 229-69, 230-69, 231-69, 232-69, 233-69, 234-69, 235-69,
236-69, 237-69, 238-69, 239-69, 240-69, 241-69, 242-69, 243-69, 244-69, 245-69,
251-69, 252-69, 253-69, 254-69, 255-69, 257-69, 260-69, 261-69, 263-69, 266-69,
Ordinances: None
Resolutions: 280-69, 281-69, 282-69, 283-69, 286-69, 287-69, 288-69, 289-69,
290-69, 291-69, 292-69, 293-69, 295-69, 304-69, 305-69, 306-69 (filed with
original lease #161-65 dated July 23, 1965) 307-69, 319-69, 320-69, 321-69, 322-
69, 323-69
Ordinances: 33-69, 35-69
Resolutions: 337-69, 338-69 (see flood wall file), 339-69, 341-69, 343-69, 344-69,
345-69, 346-69, 347-69, 349-69, 350-69, 351-69, 352-69, 353-69, 354-69, 355-69
Ordinances: 37-69, 38-69
Resolutions: 356-69, 357-69, 358-69, 359-69, 362-69, 363-69, 367-69, 368-69,
369-69, 370-69, 371-69, 372-69, 373-69, 374-69, 375-69, 376-69, 377-69, 378-69,
379-69, 380-69, 381-69
Ordinances: 41-69, 42-69, 39-69, 40-69, 45-69, 46-69, 47-69, 48-69, 49-69, 50-69
Resolutions: 382-69, 383-69, 384-69, 385-69, 386-69, 387-69, 391-69, 401-69,
402-69, 403-69, 405-69, 406-69, 414-69, 415-69, 418-69, 419-69, 420-69, 421-69,
Ordinances: 43-69, 44-69, 52-69
Codification Contracts 1970 - files taken and put in City Clerk office closet
Council Proceedings: January - December 1970
Resolutions: 5-70, 1-70, 2-70, 3-70, 4-70, 10-70, 11-70, 12-70, 13-70, 4-69
(airport), 14-70, 15-70, 23-70
Ordinances: 51-69, 53-69 (not passed), 1-70
Resolutions: 24-70, 25-70, 27-70, 29-70, 30-70, 31-70, 32-70, 33-70, 34-70, 28-70
(see low rent file), 38-70, 39-70, 40-70, 41-70, 42-70, 43-70
Ordinances: 2-70, 3-70, 4-70, 5-70
Resolutions: 44-70, 47-70, 48-70, 49-70, 57-70, 58-70, 59-70, 60-70, 61-70, 62-
70, 63-70, 66-70, 67-70, 68-70, 69-70, 70-70
Ordinances: 6-70, 7-70, 11-70, 12-70, 13-70, 14-70, 15-70, 16-70, 17-70, 18-70
Resolutions: 71-70, 82-70, 98-70, 99-70, 100-70, 101-70, 102-70, 103-70, 104-70,
110-70, 111-70, 112-70, 113-70, 114-70
Ordinances: 10-70, 9-70, 19-70
Resolutions: 117-70, 128-70, 129-70, 130-70, 131-70, 132-70, 133-70(see low
rent file), 136-70, 137-70, 138-70, 139-70, 145-70, 146-70, 147-70, 148-70, 152-
70, 153-70
Ordinances: 22-70, 23-70, 24-70, 25-70, 21-70
Resolutions: 154-70, 159-70, 160-70, 161-70, 162-70, 163-70, 166-70, 167-70,
168-70, 169-70, 170-70, 173-70, 174-70, 175-70, 176-70, 184-70, 185-70, 186-70,
187-70, 188-70, 189-70
Ordinances: 20-70 (not passed), 26-70, 27-70, 29-70, 31-70, 32-70, 33-70, 34-70,
35-70, 28-70, 37-70
Resolutions: 195-70, 196-70, 197-70, 198-70, 199-70, 200-70, 203-70, 212-70,
213-70, 214-70, 215-70, 216-70, 221-70, 222-70, 223-70
Ordinances: 30-70, 36-70, 38-70, 39-70
Resolutions: 226-70, 232-70, 233-70, 234-70, 235-70, 236-70, 240-70, 242-70,
243-70, 248-70, 249-70, 250-70, 251-70, 252-70, 253-70, 254-70, 241-70, 256-70,
257-70, 258-70, 259-70, 262-70, 263-70, 264-70, 265-70, 266-70
Ordinances: 40-70, 41-70, 42-70, 43-70
Resolutions: 292-70, 306-70, 307-70, 308-70, 309-70, 310-70, 319-70, 320-70,
Ordinances: 44-70, 48-70
Resolutions: 333-70, 334-70, 335-70, 336-70, 337-70, 338-70, 342-70 (to sub -file),
343-70 (to sub -file), 344-70, 345-70, 346-70, 347-70, 348-70, 349-70, 350-70
Ordinances: 46-70, 50-70, 53-70, 54-70, 55-70, 56-70
Resolutions: 318-70, 351-70, 352-70, 353-70, 361-70, 362-70, 363-70, 364-70,
366-70, 367-70, 368-70, 369-70, 370-70, 376-70, 377-70, 378-70, 379-70, 380-70
Ordinances: 51-70, 52-70, 57-70, 58-70
Resolutions: 382-70, 383-70, 384-70, 385-70, 386-70, 387-70, 317-70, 396-70,
401-70, 402-70, 403-70, 404-70, 405-70, 406-70, 407-70, 408-70, 409-70, 410-70,
414-70, 415-70
Ordinances: 59-70, 60-70, 61-70, 62-70, 63-70, 64-70, 65-70, 66-70, 67-70, 68-70
Drawer 4
Traffic Lights Signals Iowa St. 1969
Resolutions: 65-70, 64-70, 109-69, 108-69, 46-69, 45-69
Ordinances: None
Fire Department Headquarters 1969
Resolutions: 21-72, 20-72, 131-69, 107-69, 97-69, 96-69, 95-69
Ordinances: None
Bituminous Paving Project 1969
Resolutions: 355-70, 354-70, 316-69, 273-69, 272-69, 208-69, 209-69, 206-69,
Ordinances: None
Concrete Curb and Gutter 1969
Resolutions: 202-70, 201-70, 172-70, 171-70, 315-69, 269-69, 268-69, 200-69,
201-69, 198-69, 199-69
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Sewer - JFK, Kaufmann North to Old Timers 1969
Resolutions: 270-70, 269-70, 220-70, 219-70, 390-69, 361-69, 313-69, 360-69,
314-69, 311-69, 312-69
Ordinances: None
Concrete Paving Integral Curb 1969
Resolutions: 188-69, 190-69, 189-69, 187-69
Ordinances: None
Storm Sewer - 8th St. 1969
Resolutions: 155-69, 81-69, 154-69, 80-69, 43-69, 44-6942-69
Ordinances: None
Veteran's Memorial Park 1969
Resolutions: 141-70, 140-70, 217-69, 216-69, 161-69, 163-69, 162-69, 160-69
Ordinances: None
Test Well #1 - Pump Installation 1969
Resolutions: 88-71, 87-71, 218-69, 175-69, 176-69, 177-69, 174-69
Ordinances: None
Civil Defense Warning Siren - Plaza 20 1969
Resolutions: 398-69, 397-69, 274-69, 248-69, 250-69, 249-69, 247-69
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Sewer - Bies Dr. 1969
Resolutions: 326-70, 325-70, 294-70, 293-70, 51-70, 6-70, 394-69, 5-70, 395-69,
Ordinances: None
Street Program - Notices and Addresses 1969
Terminal St Sanitary Sewer Repair -Flood 1969 (Goerdt)
Resolutions: 400-69, 399-69
Ordinances: None
Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1969
Resolutions: 268-70, 267-70, 238-70, 237-70, 317-69, 271-69, 270-69, 204-69,
205-69, 202-69, 203-69
Ordinances: None
Signals -Kennedy and Grandview, Pennsylvania and Loras, Dodge and
Bryant 1969
Resolutions: 372-70, 371-70, 310-69, 279-69, 278-69, 276-69
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Sewer- Spring Valley Rd, JFK to 32nd St. 1970 (West Side)
Resolutions: 35-71, 34-71, 7-71, 6-71, 75-70, 46-70, 45-70, 21-70, 22-70, 19-70,
Ordinance: 3-59
Sanitary Sewer - Spring Valley Rd, JFK to 32nd St. 1970 (East Side)
Resolutions: 301-70, 302-70, 299-70, 300-70
Ordinances: None
Heeb St. Retaining Wall 1970
Resolutions: 73-70, 72-70
Ordinances: None
Concrete Curb and Gutter 1970
Resolutions: 21-71, 20-71, 398-70, 397-70, 155-70, 121-70, 85-70, 120-70, 83-70,
86-70, 84-70
Ordinances: None
Concrete Paving Integral Curb 1970
Resolutions: 207-71, 158-70, 208-71, 126-70, 96-70, 127-70, 97-70, 95-70
Ordinances: None
Town Clock Removal and Relocation 1970
Resolutions: 192-71, 191-71, 261-70, 217-70, 193-70, 194-70, 192-70
Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1970
Resolutions: 23-71, 22-71, 400-70, 399-70, 156-70, 151-70, 123-70, 89-70, 122-
70, 90-70, 87-70, 88-70
Ordinances: None
Hot Mix, Hot Laid Asphalt Paving 1970
Cabinet #4
Drawer 1
Bituminous Paving 1970
Resolutions: 395-70, 394-70, 375-70, 374-70, 157-70, 124-70, 93-70, 125-70, 94-70,
91-70, 92-70
Ordinances: None
Downtown Signal and Lightning 1970
Resolutions: 11-72, 321-70-, 12-72, 296-70, 312-70, 297-70, 295-70
Ordinances: None
Peru Sanitation Sewer 1970
Resolutions: 377-71, 376-71, 325-71, 324-71, 298-70, 225-70, 180-70, 224-70, 181-70,
178-70, 179-70
Ordinances: None
Maintenance Patching Program #1 1971
Resolutions: 282-71, 281-71, 150-71, 170-71, 171-71, 151-71, 149-71
Ordinances: None
Landscaping and Tree Planting 4th to 9th 1971
Resolutions: 284-71, 398-72-71, 283-71, 269-71, 399-72, 267-71
Ordinances: None
Oeth Court Storm Sewer Extension 1971
Resolutions: 357-71, 356-71, 217-71, 216-71, 194-71, 195-71, 193-71
3rd St. Parkway Storm Sewer 1971
Resolutions: 354-71, 355-71, 215-71, 214-71, 197-71, 198-71, 196-71
Ordinances: None
Crissy Dr. Storm Sewer 575 ft. North 1971
Resolutions: 10-72-, 9-72-, 144-71-, 143-71-, 129-71, 130-71, 128-71
Ordinances: None
Traffic Signal and Street Lighting 1971
Resolutions: 361-72-, 360-72-, 237-71, 236-71, 220-71, 221-71, 219-71
Ordinances: None
Water Main Extension Project #1 1971
Resolutions: 272-72-, 271-72-, 246-72-, 245-72, 314-71, 364-71, 365-71, 315-71, 313-
Ordinances: None
Asphalt Paving 1971
Resolutions: 194-72-, 193-72-, 154-72-, 153-72-, 39-72-, 38-72, 385-71, 384-71, 260-
71, 250-71, 242-71, 184-71, 241-71, 240-71, 185-71, 182-71, 183-71
Ordinances: None
Concrete Curb and Gutter 1971
Resolutions: 383-71, 259-71, 382-71, 239-71, 180-71, 238-71, 181-71, 178-71, 179-71
Ordinances: None
Clean Detention Basin 32nd St. 1971
Resolutions: 99-72-, 98-72, 51-71, 42-71, 44-71, 43-71, 41-71
Ordinances: None
Street Program Notices and Addresses 1970
General Contract Urban Renewal Project 1970
Resolutions: 334-71-, 333-71-, 150-70, 107-70, 80-70, 108-70, 81-70, 79-70, 14-7072-
70, 149-70, 105-70, 77-70, 106-70, 78-70, 76-70
Ordinances: None
Municipal Garage for City of Dubuque 1970
Resolutions: 271-71, 270-71, 328-70, 304-70, 327-70, 305-70, 303-70
Drawer 2
Concrete Paving Integral Curb 1971
Resolutions: 37-72-, 36-72, 360-70, 261-70, 359-70, 244-70, 187-70, 243-70, 188-70,
Ordinances: None
Street Program Notices Final Levy 1971
Town Clock Plaza Phase 2 - Electrical Contract 1971
Resolutions: 239-73-, 238-73-, 34-72-, 33-72-, 339-71, 32-72-, 340-71, 338-71
Ordinances: None
Asphalt Paving 1972
Resolutions: 372-72, 371-72, 339-72, 338-72, 168-72, 140-72, 139-72, 138-72, 82-72,
83-72, 80-72, 81-72
Ordinances: None
Storm Sewer - 6th St. between Main and Iowa 1971
Resolutions: 317-71, 316-71, 146-71, 145-71, 132-71, 133-71, 131-71
Ordinances: None
Kennedy Road Sanitary Sewer 1971
Resolutions: 274-72, 273-72, 226-72, 225-72, 378-71, 330-71, 302-71, 329-71, 328-71,
303-71, 301-71
Ordinances: None
US 20 and Kennedy Road Signals 1972
Resolutions: 396-72, 395-72, 122-72, 121-72, 86-72, 87-72, 88-72, 85-72
Ordinances: None
Liebe St. Sanitary Sewer 1972
Resolutions: 349-72, 348-72, 326-72, 325-72, 241-72, 216-72, 165-72, 215-72, 166-72,
Ordinances: None
North Algona St. Sanitary Sewer 1972
Resolutions: 145-72, 119-72, 144-72, 120-72, 117-72, 118-72
Ordinances: None
Water Works Improvement Feeder Main Extension 1972
Resolutions: 337-73-, 336-73-, 311-72, 252-72, 276-72, 254-72, 253-72, 251-72
Ordinances: None
Urban Renewal Manhole Improvements 1972
Resolutions: 58-72, 59-72, 60-72, 57-72
Ordinances: None
Traffic Signal Project 1972
Resolutions: 175-73, 174-73, 228-72, 227-72, 190-72, 192-72, 191-72, 189-72
Ordinances: None
Asbury Park Sub Sanitary Sewer Project 1972
Resolutions: 75-73-, 74-73, 28-73, 27-73, 376-72, 351-72, 323-72, 350-72, 324-72, 321-
72, 322-72
Ordinances: None
South Dubuque Interceptor Sanitary Sewer - Contract 3 HUD -WS -IA 99
Resolutions: 223-76, 222-76, 432-75, 413-75, 425-75, 426-75, 414-75, 412-75
Ordinances: None
Concrete Paving Project 1972
Resolutions: 10-73, 9-73, 373-, 374-72, 169-72, 136-72, 78-72, 79-72, 76-72, 77-72
Ordinances: None
Concrete Paving and Asphalt Paving - Copies of notices assessment schedule
Town Clock Plaza Phase 2 - Downtown Urban Renewal Project Iowa -15
Resolutions: 329-74, 328-74, 31-72, 29-72, 30-72, 336-71, 337-71, 335-71
Ordinances: None
Civil Defense Warning Siren Kennedy Mall 1971
Resolutions: 188-72, 187-72, 386-71, 327-71, 311-71, 326-71, 312-71, 310-71
Ordinances: None
Althauer St. and Grove Terrace Retaining Walls - Becker
Drawer 3
Asbury Park Subdivision Sanitary Sewer
Paving Programs - Grandview, Locust & University 1973
Law Enforcement Center 1973
Resolutions: 188-73, 41-73, 42-73, 43-73, 129-73, 130-73, 131-73, 157-73, un-
numbered resolution dated Dec. 12, 1972, 385-72
Ordinances: None
Concrete Sidewalk Program 1973
Resolutions: 6-75, 5-75, 422-74, 421-74, 345-73, 322-73, 110-73, 321-73, 165-73, 164-
73, 163-73, 111-73, 108-73, 109-73
Ordinances: None
Budget Detail 1973
Asphalt Paving Project #1 1973
Resolutions: 19-74, 18-74, 12-74, 11-74, 403-73, 404-73, 384-73, 383-73, 199-73, 145-
73, 100-73, 62-73, 99-73, 63-73, 60-73, 61-73
Ordinances: None
Waste Water Treatment Facilities:
Terminal St. Force Main & Catfish Creek Lift Station - including Couler Valley
Collector Sewer & Cedar St. Lift Station 1973
North Algona Sanitary Sewer 8" 1973
Resolutions: 10-74, 9-74, 374-73, 373-73, 269-73, 237-73, 236-73, 201-73, 202-73,
Ordinances: None
East 4th St. Extension Sanitary Sewer 1973
Resolutions: 217-74, 216-74, 180-74, 179-74, 62-74, 20-74, 21-74, 396-73, 397-73,
Ordinances: None
Central Business District Traffic Signal System Improvement Project 1973
Resolutions: 377-74-376-74, 335-73, 309-73, 310-73, 311-73, 312-73, 308-73
Ordinances: None
W 8th St. Retaining Wall Reconstruction 1973
Resolutions: 281-74, 280-74, 208-73, 167-73, 169-73, 168-73, 166-73
Ordinances: None
Concrete Paving with integral curb Project #1: Grandview Ave. from the S.P.L. of
Whelan St. to S.P.L. of Delhi St. to 10th St. from the W.P.L. of Locust St. to the
E.P.L. of Bluff St. at the intersection of 9th and Bluff
Resolutions: 393-73, 392-73, 364-73, 363-73, 153-73, 102-73, 66-73, 101-73, 67-73,
Drawer 4
5th St. Parking Lot 1975-1976
Resolutions: 70-76, 69-76, 364-75, 331-75, 349-75, 350-75, 332-75, 330-75
Century and Bies Dr. 8" Sewer (see later project)
Resolutions: 437-74, 436-74, 435-74, 393-74, 392-74, 340-74, 319-74, 320-74, 288-74,
289-74, 286-74, 287-74
Ordinances: None
Repair of Storm Sewer 24th St. between Jackson and Washington
Resolutions: 367-74, 366-74, 283-74, 317-74, 318-74, 285-74, 284-74, 282-74
Ordinances: None
Contract 1, Section 1 - Construction 10 -inch Water Main Riverfront Subdivision
Resolutions: 397-74, 396-74, 196-74, 145-74, 195-74, 146-74, 144-74
Ordinances: None
Contract 1, Sections 2-3 - Sanitary and Storm Sewer for Riverfront Subdivision #5
Resolutions: 395-74, 394-74, 243-74, 198-74, 142-74, 197-74, 143-74, 141-74
Ordinances: None
1974 Concrete Paving with integrals - Curb Project #2
1. Dodge - Grandview Intersection Reconstruction and Signalization
2. 9th -8m -Hill - University Intersection
Resolutions: 426-74, 425-74, 245-74, 206-74, 178-74, 111-74, 158-74, 159-74, 112-74,
Ordinances: None
1974 Concrete Paving with integrals - Curb Project #1
1. 10th from Locust to Bluff and Intersections of 9th and Bluff - Contract #2,
P.C. Concrete Paving and Buildings Removal
Resolutions: 424-74, 423-74, 220-74, 105-74, 170-74, 171-74, 106-74, 104-74
Ordinances: None
1974 Concrete Paving with integrals - Curb Project #1
1. 10th From Locust to Bluff, intersection of 9th and Bluff - Contract #1,
Traffic Signals and Signing
Resolutions: 290-75, 289-75, 221-74, 173-74, 108-74, 172-74, 109-74, 107-74
Ordinances: None
Cedar St. Lift Station - Valve and Sludge Sluice Gate Modification 1974
Resolutions: 18-75, 17-75, 385-74, 384-74A, 354-74, 355-74, 353-74
Ordinances: None
Century Dr. and Bies Dr. Sanitary Sewer
Resolutions: 54-74, 55-74, 52-74, 53-74
Ordinances: None
Asphalt Paving Project #1 1974
Resolutions: 258-75, 257-75, 208-75, 207-75, 205-74
Ordinances: None
Grandview Avenue and Dodge Street Traffic Signals
Resolutions: 211-76, 210-76, 246-75, 221-75, 220-75, 189-75, 190-75, 188-75
Ordinances: None
1974 Asphalt Paving Project #2 - Riverfront Subdivision #5:
1. Roosevelt St. extension from S.P.L. of Kerper Blvd. to the S.P.L. of Kilgore St.
2. Kilgore St. from the W.P.L. of Roosevelt St. extension to the N.P.L. of Hamilton
St. Extension
3. Hamilton St. Extension from the S.P.L. of Kilgore St. to the N.P.L. of Lot 2 of
Block 1 of Riverfront Subdivision #5
Resolutions: 203-75, 202-75, 242-74, 194-74, 139-74, 193-74, 140-74, 138-74
Ordinances: None
East 16"' St. Water Main Extension across the East 16th St. Bridge to Area C of
Industrial Park
Resolutions: 150-76, 149-76, 424-75, 402-75, 403-75, 377-75, 378-75, 376-75
Ordinances: None
University Ave. Pedestrian Crosswalk
Resolutions: 270-76, 269-76, 268-75, 256-75, 255-75, 223-75, 224-75, 222-75
Ordinances: None
1973 Storm Sewer Improvement Program which includes the following specific
1. Carter Court
2. Atlantic St. to Dexter
3. Pennsylvania Ave.: Chaney to Flora Park
4. Sunset Park Circle at Owen Court
5. Cortez St.
6. Westway at St. Celia
7. Keyway
8. Westway at Graham Circle
9. JFK Rd. at Pennsylvania catch basins
10. Lenox at Pennsylvania
11. Stoneman Rd. at JFK Rd.
12. Carter Rd. at Ridge Rd.
13. Maryville Dr. (Maryville Dr. Storm sewer alternate base bid)
14. N Booth St. catch basins
15.JFK Rd. at Pennsylvania and multiple extensions
16. Kaufmann Ave. at Marywood
17. N Grandview Ave. - Golf course
Resolutions: 102-75, 101-75, 272-73, 270-73, 271-73, 231-73, 272-73, 230-73
Ordinances: None
Box 4A with Cabinet 4
City Council Proceedings February 1975
Resolutions: 29-75, 31-75, 32-75, 33-75, 34-75, 35-75, 37-75, 38-75, 39-75, 41-75, 42-
75, 43-75, 44-75, 45-75, 46-75, 47-75, 48-75, 49-75, 50-75, 51-75
Ordinances: 7-75, 8-75, 9-75, 10-75, 11-75
Management Report: Job Classification and Pay Salary - Volume 1 and 2
City Council Proceedings March 1975
Resolutions: 52-75, 53-75, 54-75, 56-75, 57-75, 58-75, 59-75, 60-75, 61-75, 62-75, 63-
75, 64-75, 65-75, 66-75, 67-75, 68-75, 69-75, 70-75, 71-75, 72-75, 73-75, 74-75, 75-75,
76-75, 77-75, 78-75, 79-75,
Ordinances: None
City Council Proceedings April 1975
Resolutions: 80-75, 81-75, 82-75(see project file), 83-75, 84-75, 85-75, 86-75, 87-75,
88-75, 89-75, 90-75, 92-75, 93-75, 94-75, 95-75, 96-75, 97-75, 98-75, 99-75, 103-75,
104-75, 105-75, 106-75, 107-75, 108-75, 109-75, 110-75, 111-75, 112-75, 113-75, 114-
Ordinances: 12-75, 13-75, 14-75
City Council Proceedings May 1975
Resolutions: 126-75, 127-75, 128-75, 132-75, 133-75, 134-75, 137-75, 139-75, 140-75,
151-75, 143-75, 144-75, 145-75, 146-75, 147-75, 148-75, 149-75, 150-75, 142-75, 152-
75, 156-75, 157-75, 158-75, 159-75, 160-75, 161-75, 162-75, 172-75, 173-75, 177-75,
178-75, 179-75, 180-75, 181-75, 182-75, 183-75, 184-75
Ordinances: 15-75
City Council Proceedings June 1975
Resolutions: 192-75, 193-75, 194-75, 195-75, 196-75, 197-75, 204-75, 205-75, 209-75,
210-75, 211-75, 212-75, 213-75, 214-75, 226-75, 227-75, 228-75, 229-75, 230-75, 231-
75, 232-75, 233-75, 234-75, 237-75, 238-75, 239-75, 240-75, 241-75, 242-75, 243-75,
244-75, 249-75, 250-75, 251-75, 252-75, 253-75, 254-75,
Ordinances: 16-75, 17-75, 18-75, 19-75, 20-75, 21-75, 22-75, 23-75, 24-75, 25-75, 26-
75, 27-75
City Council Proceedings July 1975
Resolutions: 259-75, 260-75, 261-75, 262-75, 263-75, 264-75, 265-75, 266-75, 267-75,
269-75, 270-75, 271-75, 272-75, 273-75, 275-75, 276-75, 277-75, 278-75, 279-
75(special folders), 280-75(special folders), 282-75, 283-75, 284-75, 285-75, 286-75,
Ordinances: 28-75, 29-75, 30-75, 31-75
City Council Proceedings August 1975
Resolutions: 291-75, 292-75, 293-75, 294-75, 295-75, 296-75, 297-75, 298-75, 299-75,
300-75, 301-75, 303-75, 304-75, 305-75, 306-75, 307-75, 308-75, 309-75, 310-75, 311-
75, 312-75, 314-75, 315-75, 316-75, 317-75
Ordinances: 32-75(red book), 33-75, 34-75, 35-75, 36-75
Cabinet #5
Drawer 1
Montcrest Sanitary Sewer 1964:
Resolutions 20-65, 294-64, 273-64, 255-64, 229-64, 228-64, 204-64, 203-64, 202-64,
Ordinances: None
Storm Sewer Southern Avenue 1965:
Resolutions 247-65, 246-65, 29-65, 28-65, 9-65, 10-65, 8-65
Ordinances: None
Terminal St. Sanitary Sewer - Hennessey Brothers 1965
Concrete Paving Integral Curb 1965:
Resolutions 292-65, 262-65, 261-65, 128-65, 127-65, 115-65, 114-65, 83-65, 113-65,
84-65, 82-65, 291-65
Ordinances: None
Concrete Paving Integral Curb 1966:
Resolutions 332-66, 310-66, 309-66, 164-66, 152-66, 136-66, 115-66, 135-66, 116-66,
114-66, 331-66
Ordinances: None
Kelly Lane Water Main 1966:
Resolutions 59-67, 16-66, 15-66, 199-66, 234-66, 196-66, 198-66
Sanitary Sewer Westside JFK 1966:
Resolutions 71-67, 60-67, 43-67, 42-67, 303-66, 302-66, 278-66, 279-66, 277-66, 70-67
Ordinances: 3-59
Turn Lane Lights Devon Dr. 1965:
Resolutions 170-65, 169-65, 60-65, 61-65, 47-65, 48-65, 46-65
Ordinances: None
Bituminous Paving 1965:
Resolutions 234-65, 199-65, 198-65, 124-65, 123-65, 109-65, 108-65, 75-65, 107-65,
76-65, 74-65, 233-65
Concrete Curb and Gutters 1966
Bituminous Paving 1965
Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1966
Curb and Gutter 1965:
Resolution: 6-66
Certified Notices Hot Mix Program 1966 - Finals
Concrete Curb and Gutter 1965
Resolutions: 279-65, 278-65, 122-65, 106-65, 105-65, 71-65, 104-65, 72-65, 7-66, 70-
Ordinances: None
Concrete Curb and Gutter 1966:
Resolutions 14-67, 330-66, 329-66, 129-66, 103-66, 128-66, 104-66, 102-66, 130-67
Ordinances: None
Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1966:
Resolutions 12-67, 328-66, 327-66, 232-66, 163-66, 151-66, 149-66, 134-66, 111-66,
133-66, 132-66, 112-66, 110-66, 11-67
Ordinances: None
Final Levy - Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1965
Storm Sewer - Rosedale, West Locust 1965:
Resolutions 187-65, 186-65, 27-65, 26-65, 6-65, 7-65, 5-65
Ordinances: None
Storm Sewer - Key Knolls 1965:
Resolutions 46-66, 47-66, 9-66, 8-66, 284-65, 283-65
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Sewer - Moore Heights 1965:
Resolutions 245-65, 215-65, 244-65, 216-65, 214-65
Ordinances: None
Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer 1965:
Resolutions 185-65, 184-65, 117-65, 116-65, 89-65, 90-65, 88-65
Ordinances: None
Sidewalk Project #1 1966:
Resolutions 266-67, 238-67, 237-67, 284-66, 260-66, 259-66, 230-66, 258-66, 231-66,
Ordinances: None
Overhead Support - Dodge and Locust 1966:
Resolutions 282-66, 281-66, 39-66, 71-66, 38-66, 70-66, 37-66
Ordinances: None
Shiras Avenue Storm Sewer 1966:
Resolutions 180-66, 179-66, 67-66, 66-66, 32-66, 33-66, 31-66
Ordinances: None
Storm Sewer - Samuel, English Lane 1966:
Resolutions 227-66, 226-66, 69-66, 68-66, 35-66, 36-66, 34-66
Ordinance 3-59
Storm Sewer - Marmora, McPoland 1966:
Resolutions 225-66, 224-66, 65-66, 64-66, 29-66, 30-66, 28-66
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Sewer - Kelly Lane 1966:
Resolutions 138-67, 87-67, 86-67, 261-66, 235-66, 202-66, 236-66, 201-66, 137-67
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Sewer - Moore Heights 1966:
Resolutions 188-66, 160-66, 159-66, 86-66, 49-66, 48-66, 18-66, 19-66, 17-66, 187-66
Ordinances: None
Signals - 1st, Locust, Main 1966:
Resolutions 337-66, 336-66, 257-66, 239-66, 240-66, 241-66, 238-66
Ordinances: None
Drawer 2
Council Proceedings 1966: July - December
Resolutions 177-66, (see Urban Renewal folder) -178-66, 181-66, 182-66, 183-66, 184-
66, 185-66, 186-66, 189-66, 190-66, 191-66, 192-66, 193-66, 194-66, 195-66, 204-66
Ordinances 32-66, 33-66, 36-66
Resolutions 208-66, 209-66, 210-66, 211-66, 212-66, 213-66, 214-66, 215-66, 216-66,
217-66, 218-66, 219-66, 220-66, 222-66, 223-66, 232-66, 233-66, 237-66, 242-66, 243-
66, 244-66
Ordinances 38-66, 56 (?), 39-66
Resolutions 247-66, 249-66, 250-66, 251-66, 252-66, 153-66, 254-66, 163-66, 264-66,
265-66, 266-66, 267-66, 268-66, 269-66, 270-66, 271-66, 275-66
Ordinances 42-66, 43-66, 44-66, 45-66, 40-66, 46-66
Resolutions 283-66, 285-66, 286-66, 287-66, 288-66, 289-66, 290-66, 291-66, 292-66,
293-66, 294-66, 295-66, 296-66, 297-66, 298-66, 299-66, 300-66, 301-66
Ordinances 41-66, 47-66, 48-66, 49-66, 50-66, 51-66
Resolutions 304-66 (Mulgrew Oil Co.),0305-66,0(see Key Knolls file), 308-66, 311-66,
312-66, 314-66, 315-66, 316-66, 317-66, 318-66, 321-66,0(see Urban Renewal folder),
322-66, 323-66, 324-66, 325-66, 326-66
Ordinances 52-66, 53-66, 54-66, 55-66
Ordinance 00-66 1960 W 3rd St. construct retaining wall, received and filed. Ordinance
00-66. Construct fence lot 1 of sub of lots 6, 7 ,8 ,9 Quigleys Sub.
Resolutions 333-66, 334-66, 339-66, 350-66, 341-66, 342-66, 343-66, 345-66, 346-66,
347-66, 348-66, 349-66, 350-66, 351-66, 352-66
Ordinances 56-66, 59-66, 60-66, 61-66, 62-66
Airport Bonds 1966 - $175,000.00:
Resolutions 205-66, 204-67, 256-66, 255-66, 248-66, 246-66, 245-66, 207-66, 206-66
Original un -numbered resolution confirming action on issuance of bonds
Original bonds
Dubuque Airport Commission Resolution 3-66
Weed Assessments 1966 (3 files):
Council Proceedings: 1967 February - October
Resolutions 35-67, 36-67, 37-67, 38-67, 39-67, 41-67, 44-67, 45-67, 46-67, 47-67, 48-
67, 49-67
Ordinances 2-67, 3-67, 9-67, 12-67
Resolutions 53-67, 54-67, 55-67, 56-67, 57-67, 58-67, 60-67, 61-67, 62-67, 63-67, 64-
67, 65-67, 68-67
Ordinances 8-67, 11-67, 15-67, 16-67, 17-67, 14-67
Resolutions 72-67, 73-67, 74-67, 75-67, 76-67, 77-67, 78-67, 79-67, 81-67, 82-67, 83-
67, 104-67, 105-67, 106-67, 107-67, 108-67
Ordinances 19-67
Resolutions 109-67, 110-67, 111-67, 113-67, 115-67, 116-67, 117-67, 118-67, 120-67,
122-67, 136-67, 139-67, 140-67, 141-67, 142-67
Dock Board Resolution 27-67
Ordinances 20-67, 22-67, 23-67, 24-67, 18-67, 21-67
Resolutions 143-67, 149-67, 150-67, 151-67, 152-67, 153-67, 154-67, 155-67, 157-67,
158-67, 159-67, 160-67, 161-67, 162-67, 163-67, 164-67, 165-67, 181-67, 182-67, 183-
67, 184-67, 185-67, 188-67, 189-67, 190-67, 191-67, 192-67, 193-67, 195-67
Ordinances 27-67, 25-67, 26-67, 28-67, 29-67, 30-67, 31-67, 32-67
Resolutions 196-67, 197-67, 198-67, 199-67, 202-67, 205-67, 206-67, 207-67, 208-67,
209-67, 210-67, 211-67, 212-67, 216-67, 217-67, 218-67, 219-67, 220-67, 221-67
Ordinances 39-67, 40-67, 41-67, 42-67
Resolutions 222-67, 223-67, 224-67, 239-67, 240-67, 241-67, 242-67, 243-67, 244-67,
248-67, 249-67, 255-67, 256-67, 257-67, 258-67, 259-67, 260-67, 261-67
Ordinances 33-67, 34-67, 35-67, 36-67, 37-67, 38-67, 43-67, 44-67
Resolutions 262-67, 274-67, 280-67, 281-67, 282-67, 283-67, 284-67, 288-67, 289-67,
296-67, 297-67, 298-67, 310-67, 311-67, 312-67
Ordinances 45-67, 46-67, 48-67, 51-67, 52-67
Resolutions 314-67, 324-67, 325-67, 326-67, 327-67, 328-67, 332-67, 333-67, 334-67,
335-67, 338-67, 339-67, 350-67, 351-67
Ordinances 53-67, 54-67, 55-67
Drawer 3
Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1967
Concrete Paving Integral Curb 1967:
Resolutions 102-67, 126-67, 103-67, 100-67, 101-67
Ordinances: None
Sidewalk Project 1967:
Resolutions 21-69, 20-69, 545-68, 544-68, 90-68, 393-67, 392-67, 346-67, 347-67, 345-
Ordinances: None
Asbury Water Main 1967:
Resolutions 215-68, 16-68, 15-68, 16-68, 341-67, 313-67, 373-67, 271-67, 270-67, 272-
Ordinances: None
Concrete Curb and Gutter 1967:
Resolutions 300-67, 299-67, 178-67, 129-67, 90-67, 128-67, 127-67, 91-67, 88-67, 89-
Ordinances: None
Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1964:
Resolutions 291-64, 290-64, 264-64, 263-64, 125-64, 98-64, 97-64, 60-64, 96-64, 95-
64, 61-64, 58-64, 59-64
Ordinances: None
Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1965:
Resolutions 268-65, 269-65, 249-65, 248-65, 126-65, 125-65, 112-65, 111-65, 79-65,
110-65, 80-65, 78-65
Ordinances: None
Bituminous Paving Project 1967:
Resolutions 355-67, 354-67, 302-67, 301-67, 186-67, 180-67, 135-67, 98-67, 134-67,
133-67, 99-67, 96-67, 97-67
Ordinances: None
Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1967:
Resolutions 357-67, 356-67, 323-67, 322-67, 187-67, 179-67, 132-67, 94-67, 131-67,
130-67, 95-67, 92-67, 93-67
Ordinances: None
Boulevard Lights - Orchard Hills 1967:
Resolutions 453-68, 452-68, 400-68, 399-68, 27-68, 5-68, 400-67, 6-68, 401-67, 399-67
Ordinances: None
Terminal St. Sewer - Flood Damage 1967:
Resolutions 396-67
Ordinances: None
Flood Damaged Sewers 1967- Dodge, 1st 2nd, Huff, Hawthorne, Lincoln:
Resolutions 397-67
Ordinances: None
Stafford St. Pump Station 1967:
Resolutions 321-67, 320-67, 318-67
Ordinances: None
JFK Fire Station #2 1968:
Resolutions 485-68, 484-68, 267-67, 252-67
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Sewer - Nauman Edition 1967:
Resolutions 271-68, 270-68, 217-68, 216-68, 387-67, 359-67, 358-67, 305-67, 306-67,
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Sewer - Farragut St. 1967:
Resolutions 377-67, 376-67, 342-67, 336-67, 200-67, 147-67, 148-67, 146-67
Ordinances: None
Concrete Curb and Gutter - Final Levy 1968:
Resolutions 516-68, 515-68, 481-68, 480-68, 265-68, 222-68, 169-68, 221-68, 170-68,
167-68, 168-68
Ordinances: None
Bituminous Paving 1966:
Resolutions 307-66, 306-66, 274-66, 273-66, 162-66, 150-66, 131-66, 107-66, 130-66,
108-66, 106-66
Ordinances: None
Concrete Paving Integral Curb 1968: Resolutions 502-68, 501-68, 455-68, 454-68,
268-68, 234-68, 233-68, 181-68, 232-68, 231-68, 182-68, 179-68, 180-68
Ordinances: None
Hot Mix, Hot Laid 1968:
Resolutions 473-68, 472-68, 441-68, 440-68, 267-68, 230-68, 229-68, 228-68, 227-68,
178-68, 175-68, 176-68
Ordinances: None
Drawer 4
Iowa Street Parking Ramp 1968- Appurtenances:
Resolutions 18-71, 19-71, 505-68, 416-68, 314-68
Ordinances: None
Mt. Carmel Feeder Water Main 1968:
Resolutions 59-69, 58-69, 164-68, 99-68, 101-68, 100-68, 98-68
Ordinances: None
Bathhouse Renovation 1968:
Resolutions 24-69, 23-69, 138-68, 107-68, 108-68, 109-68, 106-68
Ordinances: None
Bituminous Paving 1968:
Resolutions 542-68, 543-68, 518-68, 517-68, 266-68, 226-68, 225-68, 173-68, 224-68,
223-68, 172-68
Ordinances: None
Mt. Carmel Pumping Station 1968:
Resolutions 408-69, 407-69, 165-68, 103-68, 105-68, 104-68, 102-68
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Sewer 1968- Iowa St., 4th - 9th
Resolutions 535-68, 534-68, 191-68, 145-68, 79-68, 144-68, 80-68, 78-68
Ordinances: None
5th St. Storm Sewer 1968:
Resolutions 533-68, 532-68, 189-68, 149-68, 148-68, 85-68, 86-68, 84-68
Ordinances: None
Concrete Paving Integral Curb Project #2 1968:
Resolutions 264-69, 265-69, 151-68, 150-68, 111-68, 110-68
Ordinances: None
Landscaping and Tree Planting - Iowa St. 1968:
Resolutions 143-70, 341-68, 142-70-68, 308-68, 309-68, 307-68
Ordinances: None
Notices for Street Program 1968
Notices for Sidewalks - Orchard Hills, Asbury Water 1967
Test Wells - Pizometer Holes 1968:
Resolutions 410-69, 409-69, 475-68, 443-68, 444-68, 445-68, 442-68
Ordinances: None
Airport Terminal - Building and Appurtenances 1968:
Resolutions 115-72, 114-72, 382-68, 335-68, 312-68, 311-68
Dubuque Airport Resolution 1-68
Ordinances: None
Sanitary Storm Sewer - Diane Ct. 1968:
Resolutions 83-69, 82-69, 39-69, 38-69, 427-68, 388-68, 351-68, 387-68, 352-68, 349-
68, 350-68
Ordinances: None
Storm Sewer - 8th St. 1968:
Resolutions 483, 482, 190-68, 147-68, 82-68, 146-68, 83-68, 81-68
Ordinances: None
Traffic Signals - 32nd and Central Ave. 1968:
Resolutions 309-69, 308-69, 477-68, 458-68, 459-68, 460-68, 457-68
Ordinances: None
Asbury Water Main 1968:
Resolutions 156-69, 115-69, 114-69, 474-68, 409-68, 451-68, 407-68, 408-68
Ordinances: None
West 32nd St. Detention Basin 1968:
Resolutions 421, 420, 26, 19, 20, 21, 18
Ordinances: None
Storm Sewer - Iowa St. - 4th -9th
Resolutions 389-69, 388-69, 188-68, 143-68, 76-68, 142-68, 77-68, 75-68
Ordinances: None
Traffic Signals - University and Pennsylvania Avenue Intersection 1968:
Resolutions 9-69, 8-69, 476-68, 462-68, 463-68, 464-68, 461-68
Ordinances: None
Civil Defense Warning Siren - Fire Station #2 1968:
Resolutions 426-68, 425-68, 133-68, 163-68, 134-68, 135-68, 132-68
Ordinances: None
Storm Sewer - Altura Dr. 1968:
Resolutions 7-69, 6-69, 437-68, 403-68, 364-68, 402-68, 365-68, 363-68
Ordinances: None
East Side JFK Road - Sanitary Sewer 1968:
Resolutions 169-71, 168-71, 5-69, 4-69, 537-68, 536-68
Ordinances: None
Storm Sewer - Butterfield Rd. 1968:
Resolutions 18-69, 17-69, 436-68, 405-68, 367-68, 404-68, 368-68, 366-68
Ordinances: None
Cabinet #6
Drawer 1
Weed Assessments 1961
Council Proceedings - 1962:
Resolutions 1-62, 2-62, 3-62, 4-62, 5-62, 9-62, 10-62, 11-62, 12-62, 13-62, 14-62, 15-
62, 16-62, 17-62
Ordinances 1-62, 63-61-62, 2-62, 3-62, 4-62, 5-62, 6-62, 7-62, 8-62, 10-62
Resolutions 18-62, 21-62, 25-62, 26-62, 27-62, 28-62, 29-62, 30-62, 32-62, 33-62, 35-
62, 37-62, 38-62, 39-62
Ordinances 11-62, 9-62, 12-62, 16-62
Resolutions 41-62, 42-62, 43-62, 63-62, 64-62, 65-62
Ordinances 1-62, 13-62, 14-62, 15-62
Resolutions 66-62, 67-62, 69-62, 70-62, 71-62, 84-62, 86-62, 87-62
Ordinances 18-62, 19-62, 20-62, 21-62, 22-62, 23-62, 24-62
Resolutions 88-62, 89-62, 92-62, 96-62, 97-62, 98-62, 99-62, 105-62, 106-62
Ordinances 17-62, 25-62, 27-62, 28-62, 29-62, 30-62, 31-62, 32-62, 33-62, 34-62, 35-
62, 36-62, 37-62, 38-62, 39-62, 40-62, 41-62, 42-62, 43-62
Resolutions 113-62, 114-62, 115-62, 121-62, 122-62, 123-62, 124-62, 127-62, 128-62,
129-62, 130-62, 131-62, 136-62, 137-62, 138-62
Ordinances 26-62, 44-62, 45-62
Resolutions 139-62, 144-62, 145-62, 146-62, 148-62, 149-62, 150-62, 151-62, 159-62,
160-62, 161-62, 162-62
Ordinances 47-62
Resolutions 163-62, 164-62, 165-62, 170-62, 171-62, 172-62, 179-62, 180-62, 181-62
Ordinances 46-62, 49-62, 50-62
Resolutions 182-62, 183-62, 184-62, 185-62, 186-62, 188-62, 189-62, 190-62, 192-62,
193-62, 196-62, 197-62, 198-62, 199-62, 204-62, 205-62
Ordinances 48-62, 52-62, 53-62
Resolutions 210-62, 211-62, 212-62, 213-62, 214-62, 215-62, 219-62, 220-62, 221-62,
222-62, 223-62, 226-62, 231-62
Ordinances 54-62, 55-62
Resolutions 236-62, 239-62, 240-62, 241-62, 244-62, 245-62, 246-62
Ordinances 56-62
Resolutions 248-62, 249-62, 262-62, 263-62, 264-62, 265-62, 266-62, 267-62, 268-62,
269-62, 270-62, 271-62, 272-62
Ordinances 57-62, 58-62, 59-62
Weed Assessments 1962
Water Revenue Bonds 1962 - $400,000.00:
Resolutions 225-62, 224-62, 203-62, 202-62, 195-62, 194-62, 191-62
Ordinances: None
Petition Meeting November 19, 1962
Open and grade the extension of Rikers St. from its present terminus at Dunn Ct. and
Rush St.
Drawer 2
Council Proceedings 1963
Resolutions 1-63, 2-63, 3-63, 4-63, 5-63, 6-63, 7-63, 8-63, 13-63, 14-63, 15-63, 16-63
Ordinance 1-63
Resolutions 17-63, 18-63, 26-63, 27-63, 28-63, 19-63
Ordinances 5-63, 6-63, 7-63
Resolutions 29-63, 34-63, 35-63, 36-63, 55-63, 56-63, 57-63
Ordinances 2-63, 3-63, 4-63, 8-63
Resolutions 69-63, 70-63, 71-63, 72-63, 73-63, 74-63
Ordinances 9-63, 10-63, 11-63, 12-63
Resolutions 89-63, 90-63, 91-63, 93-63
Ordinances 15-63, 16-63, 17-63
Resolutions 94-63, 97-63, 98-63, 99-63, 100-63, 102-63, 103-63, 104-63, 105-63
Ordinances 14-63, 13-63, 18-63
Resolutions 106-63, 111-63, 112-63, 113-63, 114-63, 115-63, 116-63, 117-63, 118-63,
119-63, 120-63, 121-63, 122-63, 124-63, 125-63, 131-63, 132-63, 133-63, 134-63, 140-
63, 143-63, 144-63, 145-63
Ordinances: None
Resolutions 146-63, 147-63, 148-63, 155-63, 156-63, 157-63, 158-63, 158-63
Ordinances 21-63, 24-63
Resolutions 165-63, 166-63, 167-63, 168-63, 169-63, 170-63, 174-63, 175-63, 177-63,
178-63, 179-63, 180-63, 181-63
Ordinances 23-63, 25-63, 27-63, 28-63, 29-63, 30-63
Resolutions 182-63, 183-63, 190-63, 199-63, 200-63, 201-63, 202-63, 203-63, 204-63,
213-63, 214-63, 215-63, 216-63
Ordinances 26-63, 22-63
Resolutions 221-63, 222-223-63, 224-63, 225-63, 226-63, 227-63, 228-63, 232-63, 233-
63, 234-63
Ordinances: None
Resolutions 235-63, 238-63, 239-63, 240-63, 241-63, 246-63, 247-63, 248-63, 249-63,
250-63, 251-63, 253-63, 254-63, 256-63, 259-63, 260-63, 261-63, 262-63, 263-63
Ordinances 37-63, 31-63, 32-63, 33-63, 34-63, 35-63, 36-63, 38-63, 39-63, 40-63, 41-
63, 42-63, 43-63, 44-63, 45-63, 46-63, 47-63
Weed Assessments 1963
Council Proceeding 1964: January -April.
Resolutions 1-64, 2-64, 3-64, 4-64, 5-64, 6-64, 7-64, 8-64, 9-64, 10-64, 11-64, 12-64
Ordinance 1-64
Resolutions 13-64, 14-64, 16-64, 17-64, 23-64, 24-64, 25-64, 26-64
Ordinances: None
Resolutions 28-64, 29-64, 30-64, 31-64, 32-64, (to urban renewal file), 33-64, 34-64, 35-
64, 36-64, 37-64, 38-64, 39-64, 40-64, 42-64, 43-64
Ordinances 2-64, 3-64, 4-64
Resolutions 44-64, 45-64, 47-64, 66-64, 67-64, 68-64, 69-64, 70-64, 74-64, 78-64, 81-
64, 84-64, 85-64, 86-64, 87-64
Ordinances 5-64, 6-64, 7-64, 8-64, 9-64, 10-64
Drawer 3
Council Proceedings 1964: May - December
Resolutions 102-64, 104-64, 105-64, 106-64, 108-64, 109-64, 113-64, 114-64, 117-64,
118-64, 119-64
Ordinances 12-64, 11-64, 14-64, 15-64, 16-64, 17-64, 18-64
Resolutions 121-64, 122-64, 131-64, 132-64, 133-64, 134-64, 138-64, 139-64, 140-64,
141-64, 147-64, 148-64, 149-64, 150-64, 151-64, 152-64, 154-64, 155-64, 156-64, 157-
64, 158-64
Ordinances 19-64, 20-64
Resolutions 161-64, 163-64, 164-64, 165-64, 166-64, 167-64, 171-64, 172-64, 173-64,
Ordinances 21-64, 22-64, 23-64, 25-64, 26-64, 27-64, 28-64
Resolutions 175-64, 176-64, 177-64, 178-64, 179-64, 184-64, 185-64, 186-64, 187-64,
188-64, 189-64, 190-64
Ordinances 24-64, 29-64
Resolutions 191-64, 192-64, 193-64, 194-64, 207-64, 208-64, 211-64, 212-64, 213-64,
214-64, 215-64, 216-64, 217-64, 218-64, 219-64, 220-64, 221-64, 222-64, 223-64, 224-
64, 225-64
Ordinances 30-64
Resolutions 226-64, 230-64, (Trans to Indian Hills Sub file), 233-64, 237-64, 238-64,
239-64, 240-64, 241-64, 242-64, 227-64, 247-64, 248-64, 249-64, 250-64
Ordinances 33-64, 34-64, 35-64
Resolutions 236-64, 254-64, 253-64, 258-64, 259-64, 260-64, 261-64, 262-64, 265-64,
266-64, 267-64, 268-64, 269-64, 270-64, 271-64, 272-64, 273-64, 274-64, 275-64
Ordinances: None
Resolutions 278-64, 279-64, 283-64, 284-64, 285-64, 286-64, 287-64, 288-64, 289-64,
2902-64, 295-64, 297-64, 298-64, 299-64, 300-64, 301-64
Ordinances 31-64, 32-64, 36-64, 37-64, 38-64, 39-64, 40-64, 41-64, 42-64, 43-64, 44-
Parking Ramp Facilities Bonds 1964:
Resolutions 234-65, 80-64, 120-64, 135-64, 136-64, 103-64, 71-64, 80-64, 83-64, 73-
64, 72-64, 245-63, 252-63, 252-63, 36-64
Ordinance 13-64
signed contract
Original bonds
(Orange binder) Contract Documents and Specifications for Construction of the
Locust St. Parking Garage:
Weed Assessments 1964
Council Proceedings 1965: January- May
Resolutions 1-65, 2-65, 3-65, 4-65, 11-65,0(trans to Indian Hills sub file),12-65, 13-65,
14-65, 15-65, 16-65, 17-65, 18-65, 22-65, 23-65, 24-65
Ordinances 1-65, 2-65, 45-64
Resolutions 25-65, (trans to Indian Hills sub file), 30-65, 31-65, 32-65, 33-65, 35-65, 36-
65, 37-65, 38-65, 39-65
Ordinances 3-65, 4-65
Resolutions 40-65, 41-65, 43-65, 45-65, 49-65, 50-65, 51-65, 52-65, 53-65, 54-65, 55-
65, 56-65, 57-65
Ordinances: None
Resolutions 58-65, 59-65, (to Urban Renewal file),62-65,0(trans to Indian Hills sub
file),63-65, 64-65, 65-65, 66-65, 67-65, 68-65, 91-65, 92-65, 93-65, 94-65, 95-65, 96-65
Ordinances 5-65, 6-65, 7-65, 8-65, 9-65, 10-65
Resolutions 98-65, 99-65, 100-65, 101-65, 102-65, 103-65, 118-65, 119-65
Ordinance 13-65
Drawer 4
Council Proceedings 1965: June - December
Resolutions 120-65, 130-65, 131-65, 132-65, 133-65, 134-65, 135-65, 136-65, 137-65,
138-65, 139-65, 140-65, 141-65, 142-65, 143-65, 144-65, 145-65, 146-65, 147-65, 148-
65, 149-65
Ordinances 11-65, 12-65, 14-65, 19-65
Resolutions 153-65, 154-65, 155-65, 156-65, 157-65, 158-65, 159-65, 160-65, 161-65,
Ordinances 15-65, 16-65, 17-65, 18-65, 21-65, 22-65
Resolutions 163-65, 164-65, 165-65, 166-65, 167-65, 171-65, 172-65, 173-65, 174-65,
175-65, 176-65, 177-65, 178-65, 180-65, 181-65, 182-65, 183-65, (to Urban Renewal
Ordinances 20-65, 23-65, 24-65
Resolutions 190-65, 191-65, 192-65, 195-65, 196-65, (to Urban Renewal file) -65, 197-
65, (to Urban Renewal file),200-65, 201-65, 202-65, 203-65, 204-65, 205-65, 207-65,
208-65, 209-65, 210-65, 211-65, 212-65, 217-65, 218-65, 219-65
Ordinances 26-65, 27-65, 28-65, 29-65, 30-65, 31-65, 33-65
Resolutions 220-65, 221-65, 222-65, 223-65, 224-65, 225-65, 226-65, 228-65, 229-65,
230-65, 231-65, 232-65, 235-65, 237-65, 238-65, 239-65, 240-65, 241-65
Ordinances 34-65, 37-65, 38-65, 39-65
Resolutions 243-65, 250-65, 251-65, 252-65, 253-65, 254-65, 255-65, 256-65, 257-65,
258-65, 259-65, 260-65, 263-65, 264-65, 265-65, 266-65
Ordinances 32-65, 35-65, 36-65, 40-65
Resolutions 267-65, 270-65, 271-65, 272-65, 273-65, 274-65, 275-65, 276-65, 277-65,
280-65, 281-65, 282-65, 286-65, 287-65, 288-65, 289-65, 290-65, 293-65, 294-65, 295-
65, 296-65
Ordinances 43-65, 46-65, 41-65, 45-65
Weed Assessments 1965
Council Proceedings 1966 January - June
Resolutions 1-66, 2-66, 3-66, 4-66, 5-66, 10-66, 11-66, 12-66, 13-66, 14-66, 15-66, 16-
66, 20-66, 21-66, 22-66, 23-66, 24-66, 5A-66, 25-66, 26-66, 41-66, 42-66, 43-66, 44-66,
Ordinances 42-65, 44-65, 47-65, 1-66-4-66, 6-66, 7-66, 8-66, 9-66, 10-66, 11-66, 12-66,
13-66, 14-66
Resolutions 50-66, 51-66, 52-66, 53-66, 54-66, 55-66, 56-66, 57-66, 58-66, 59-66, 60-
66, 61-66, 62-66, 63-66
Ordinances 2-66, 3-66, 5-66, 20-66, 21-66
Resolutions 72-66, 73-66, 74-66, 75-66, 76-66, 77-66, (remove to Urban Renewal
folder), 78-66, 79-66, 80-66, 81-66, 82-66, 83-66, 87-66, 88-66, 89-66, 90-66, 91-66
Dock Board Resolution #27-66
Ordinances 15-66, 16-66, 17-66, 18-66, 19-66, 23-66
Resolutions 93-66, 95-66, 96-66, 97-66, 98-66, 99-66, 100-66, 118-66
Ordinances: None
Resolutions 119-66, 120-66, 121-66, 122-66, 123-66, 124-66, 125-66, 126-66, 127-66,
(see Urban Renewal folder),137-66, 138-66, 139-66, 141-66, 142-66, 143-66, 144-66,
145-66, 146-66, 147-66, 148-66
Ordinances 24-66
Resolutions 153-66, 154-66, 155-66, 156-66, 157-66, 158-66, 165-66, 166-66, 167-66,
168-66, 169-66, 170-66, 171-66, 172-66, 173-66, 174-66, 175-66, 176-66
Ordinances 28-66, 29-66, 30-66, 31-66, 26-66, 27-66, 34-66, 35-66, 37-66
BOX 1:
1929-1953 Street Improvement
1940 Concord, Coates and Fremont St. Sanitary Sewer:
Resolutions 114-40, 89-40, 69-40
1953 Cox St., Chestnut, Kirkwood:
Schedules of Assessments
1947 Carole Ct.-St: Map
1953 Cardiff St. from Mazzuchelli to W 3rd Asphalt Concrete Pavement:
Map and Schedule of Assessments
1950ish Columbia St, Pleasant St to end:
Map and Schedule of Assessments
Carr St. Plan Profile: 24th St. South
1922 College St. Grade:
Langworthy to 3rd
1928 Columbia and College Property ROW, W. 14th to W 16th Storm Sewer:
1931-1937 Columbia and College ROW:
Grandview Ave. Rest. District: Maps and Contracts
1959 Collins St., Hall, W 3rd Sanitary Sewer Construction:
Resolutions 14-60, 153-59, 172-59, 139-59, 171-59, 140-59, 137-59, 138-59
Contracts, Bonds, Plans and Specs, Map
1953 Concrete Paving Project:
Assessments, Maps,
Resolution 261-53
Commercial Street Relocation:
1952 Concord St.:
Resolutions 176-52, 11-53, 811-52, 810-52, 316-52, 247-52, 177-52, 246-52, 178-52
Map, Schedule of Assessments, Improvement Contract
1952 Concord St.:
Map, Schedule of Assessments
1952 Concord St., Coates to Highway 20:
Map, Schedule of Assessments
1931 Central Avenue, E 22nd St. and Kaufmann Ave. Street Improvements:
Resolutions 141-31, 142-31, 128-31, 29-31, 77-31, 47-31, 46-31, 30-31, 31-31
1929 Central Ave. Water and Sewer Installation: Resolution 106-29, Map
1929 Central Ave- 3rd to 22nd Concrete: Map
Resolution 608-29, 625-29, 626-29, 608-29, 572-29, 255-29, 415-29, 382-29, 264-29, 380-
29, 273-29
1929 Central Ave. Water and Sewer Line Installation:
Resolution 107-29
1928 Central Ave. Paving:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
1929 Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer — 5m to 7th:
Maps, Central Ave. Water and Sewer: Schedule of Assessments
1929 Central Ave. Paving:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
1928 or 1929 Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer — 22nd to 24th:
1929 Central Ave. Paving — 3rd to 22nd
Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer- 25th St. to Kings Addition:
Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer — 25th to 31 st:
1930 Central Ave. Stormwater:
1929 Central Ave. Paving — 3rd to E. 22nd to Kaufmann:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
1931 Central Ave. Water and Sewer — E 22nd St.:
Schedule of Assessments
1931 Central Ave. Water and Sewer Installation — E 22nd to Kaufmann Ave.
1957 Chaney Rd. Sanitary Sewer:
1932 Chappell Court Paving— Kleine St. to end of Chappell Court:
1932 Chappell Court — Kleine St. to end of Chappell Court:
Resolution 105-32, 104-32, 94-32, 57-32, 36-32, 46-32, 45-32, 37-32, 38-32
1932 Chappell Court Paving
1932 Chappell Court Improvement — Kleine St. to end of street:
Map, Schedule of Assessment
1909 Charter St. Vacate:
1905 Caledonia St. Sanitary Sewer — Hill to 8th St.:
1941 Cannon St. and Laurel St.:
Cardiff St.: Sanitary Sewer Map — W 3rd St. South
Carlotta St. — Alpine to Alta Vista:
Carlotta St. Storm Sewer:
Carlotta St. — Alpine St. to Alta Vista:
Resolution 322-29
unnumbered Ordinance passed July 17, 1928
2 unnumbered Resolutions dated August 3, 1928
Resolution 328-29, 233-29
1928 Carlotta St.:
1929 Avoca St. Water and Sewer Installation:
1930 Catherine St. Sewer and Water Connection — Angella St. to end:
Resolution 133-30
1929 Catherine St. — Angella St. to its northern terminus:
Map, Schedule of Assessment
Resolution 46-30
Catherine St. Water and Sewer Installation
1930 Catherine St. Concrete — Quigley Lane to northern end:
Schedule of Assessment
Resolution 376-30, 377-30, 349-30, 46-30, 228-30, 199-30, 47-30, 201-30, 200-30,
Ordinance 12-30 passed June 9, 1930
1930 Catherine St. Sewers:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
1930 Catherine St. and Quigley Lane Sanitary Sewer:
Map, Schedule of Assessment
1930 Catherine St. Paving — Angella St. to northern end:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
1930 Catherine St. Improvement — north property line of Angella St.:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments, Bonds sold
1923 W 16th St.:
Center Place — Julien to Rose St.:
1930 Central Ave. Sewer — 27th -28th:
Resolutions 353-30, 303-30, 322-30, 304-30
1940 Concord St. Sanitary Sewer- to center of Coates St.:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments (2 files)
Concord St. Rough Grade:
Concord St. Sanitary Sewer- Marian to Coates St.:
1925 Cornell St. Brick Paving— 14th to 15th and May to 16th St.:
1925 Cooper St. Grade:
1921 Cottage Place Grade:
1936 Cox St. Sanitary Sewer- Kirkwood 141 South:
Cox St. Grade — 14th to 17th:
1936 Cox St. Sanitary Sewer — 14th — 17th:
Resolutions91-36, 92-36, 85-36, 68-36, 64-36, unnumbered Resolution dated July 1, 1936
1934 Cox St. — 14th to Chestnut:
Cox St. — 17th to Angella:
1930 Cox St. Sanitary Sewer: W 24th to Chestnut:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
1930's Cox St. — Angella to alley first north trac:
1934 Cox St. and Chestnut Sanitary Sewer:
Resolutions 128-34, 2-35, 131-34, 127-34, 130-34, 72-35, 71-35, 59-35, unnumbered
Resolution Improvement contract dated January 31, 1935
1936 Cox St. — Kirkwood to 141 Southerly:
Maps, Schedule of Assessment
1934 Cox St. Sanitary Sewer— W 14th to Chestnut:
Maps, Schedule of Assessment
1935 Cox and Chestnut St. Sanitary Sewer:
Schedule of Assessments
Cross St. — Simpson to Coates:
1949 Cross St. Curb and Gutter — Coates to Simpson east side only:
Resolution 256-49, 255-49, 226-49, 124-49, 152-49, 135-49, 125-49, 134-49, 126-49,
Schedule of Assessments
1949 Cross St. Improvements:
Map, Schedule of Assessments,
Resolution 124-49
1953 Cross St. Improvement (Asphalt):
Resolutions 76-53, 52-53, 196-52, 133-52, 195-52, 134-52
Schedule of Assessments
1952 Cross St. Improvement (Asphalt):
1932 Cherry St. Sewer District:
Resolution 73-32, 74-32
Cherry St. — Asbury to City limits:
1932 Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances:
Cherry, Green, Finley, Poplar Streets:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
Resolution 72-32
1932 Cherry St. Sewer District:
1949 Cherry to Green St. District Sewer Lift Station:
Cherry St. — Asbury to Avoca:
1949 Cherry to Green St. Sewer List Station:
Resolution 2-50, 1-50, 320-49, 144-49, 180-49, 159-49, 145-49, 158-49, 146-49, Schedule of
1921 Chestnut St. Sanitary Sewer- Prairie St. 400 St. East:
Chestnut St. - Highland to Walnut:
1940 City Hall Floor Plans:
1933 City Hall Remodel:
4th St. Survey Plat: 4th, Central and Iowa
1929 Clarke and 17th St. W Concrete — W Locust St to Catherine St.:
Unsigned Resolution of Necessity
Clarke Field to W 17th St. Sewer:
Coates St. Sanitary Sewer — Fremont to Alberta St.:
Cleveland Ave. Sanitary Sewer — Bryant to Plum:
Cleveland Ave. — Bryant to Villa St.:
1909 College Ave. Sanitary Sewer — Allison to 5th: Pipe location
1940 Concord, Coates, Fremont St. Sanitary Sewer: Maps, Schedule of Assessment
1931 Central Ave. Gas, Water and Sewer Installation:
Resolutions 145-31, 146-31, 127-31, 126-31, 48-31, 49-31, 89-31, 88-31, 49-31
1929 Central Ave. Pavement Improvements:
Resolution 47-29, 48-29
1929 Central Ave. Paving — 3rd to E 22nd St. Kaufmann Ave.:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
Resolution 46-29
1929 Central Ave. Paving — 3rd to E 22nd/Kaufmann Ave.:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
Resolution 255-29
Central Ave. — 32nd to City limits:
Couler St. Blueprint
1930 Central Ave. Storm Water and Sewer - 27th — 28th:
Resolution 303-30, Maps (2 files)
1931 Central Ave. — 30th to 32nd St. and City limits:
Cross St. Storm Sewer Grade:
1949 Cross St. Curb and Gutter — Coates to Simpson St east side:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
1952 Cross St. - Coates to Simpson west side only:
Maps, Schedule of Assessments
1952 Cross St. Asphalt Paving:
Schedule of Assessments
1952 Cross St. Curb and Gutter — Coates to Simpson:
Resolutions 758-52, 723-52,221-52, 722-52, 103-52, 69-52, 70-52
Unnumbered Resolution May 12, 1952
Schedule of Assessments
1952 Cross St west — Coates to north of Simpson St.:
Resolution 68-52
Curtis, Dodge and York Streets Storm Sewer Profile:
Curtis Sanitary Sewer- Bryant to S Hill:
Curtis St. - Bryant to Booth:
Cushing Place Sanitary Sewer- Kaufmann Ave. to Valeria Trac.:
Map (2 files)
1930 Custer St. Improvements — Auburn St. to Algona St.:
Resolutions 283-30, 282-30, 252-30, 79-30, 178-30, 169-30, 80-30, 81-30
1930 Custer St. Paving — Auburn to Algona:
Maps, Schedule of Assessment
1944 Custer St. Paving — Atlantic to end:
1930 Custer St. Paving — Atlantic to end:
Resolution 79-30
Map, Schedule of Assessments
1930 Custer St — Auburn to Algona:
Schedule of Assessments, Maps
Custer St. — Auburn to Atlantic:
Custer St. — Alley east of Atlantic to Atlantic St:
Custer St. — Algona to Atlantic:
1944 Custer St. Grade:
1930 Custer St. — Auburn to Algona Water Sewer Connection:
Resolution 126-30 (2 files)
1930 Custer St. Water and Sewer — Auburn to Algona:
Resolution 103-30
1931 Central Ave. Paving — E 22nd /Kaufmann to E 24th St.:
Schedule of Assessments
Resolution 29-31
1931 Central Ave. — from N.P.L. of 22nd St.:
Map, Final Assessment (loose- no folder)
1928-1931 Creation of Central Ave. — 3rd to 22"d:
Schedule of Assessments, Maps
Box 2
1955 Council Meeting Minutes
Box 3
June 1977 Environmental Review Record:
Marshall Park Improvements
June 1977 Environmental Review Record:
Roosevelt (FDR) Park Improvements
July 1977 Public Works Capital Development and investment:
Program application - Marshal and FDR Park Improvements
October 1976 Public Works Application Expansion of Greenhouse Potting House
Pedestrian Curb Ramps:
Resolutions 25-78, 24-78, 231-77, 268-77, 233-77, 234-77, 248-77
original improvement contract
1977 Curb Replacement Project:
Resolutions 139-78, 138-78, 299-77, 228-77, 249-77, 230-77, 229-77, 227-77
Central Avenue Street Lightning from 9th to 12th Streets:
Resolutions 197-78, 196-78, 133-77, 100-77, 114-77, 115-77, 101-77, 99-77
Interconnection of 14th St and Intersections of 16th and Elm Streets to the C.B.D. System:
Resolutions 234-78, 233-78, 283-77, 134-77, 116-77, 117-77, 104-77, 102-77
Reconstruction of Flora Park Tennis Courts:
Resolutions 83-79, 82-79, 430-77, 408-77, 407-77, 374-77, 375-77, 373-77
June 1977 Environmental Review Record: Flora Park Tennis Courts:
Resolutions 218-77
July 1977 Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program Application:
Reconstruction of Flora Park Tennis Courts
Resolutions 2018-77 (copy), 219-77
1976 Highway 20 and Wacker Drive Left Turn Lane:
Resolutions 437-76, 436-76, 372-76, 359-76, 360-76, 357-76
1976 Asphalt Paving Project #2 - English Lane from SPL of Mt. Loretta St to the WPL of
Sullivan St.:
Schedule of Assessments
Resolutions 413-76, 406-76, 405-76, 318-76, 319-76, 300-76, 273-76, 299-76, 271-76, 274-
76, 272-76
1976 JFK Rd. Sanitary Sewer Extension, East Side:
Resolutions 145-76,123-76, 122-76, 71-76, 41-76, 17-76, 40-76, 18-76, 16-76
Schedule of Assessments
1976 Demolition and Removal of Naval Reserve Buildings and Garage on Volunteer Dr.:
Resolutions 335-76, 334-76, 224-76, 185-76, 187-76, 186-76, 184-76
1976 Construction of Glenwood Court Storm Sewer Improvement:
Resolutions 374-76, 373-76, 225-76, 189-76, 191-76, 190-76, 188-76
1976 Reconstruction of Jackson St from 12th to 22nd St.:
Schedule of Assessments
Resolutions 32-77, 24-77, 23-77, 239-76, 195-76, 156-76, 194-76, 159-76, 158-76, 157-76,
1976 Public Works Application - Reconstruction of Fourth St.:
Resolution 381-76, 327-76
1976 Eleventh St. Steps and Jefferson Park Steps:
Resolutions 210-77, 209-77, 355-76, 337-76, 353-76, 354-76, 339-76, 338-76
1976 Reconstruction of Jackson St. from 22nd St. to Diamond St.:
Resolutions 34-77, 22-77, 21-77, 181-76, 166-76, 98-76, 95-76, 53-76, 81-76, 34-76, 96-76
Schedule of Assessments
1975 Washington St. Street Traffic Diverters:
Resolutions 383-75, 382-75, 199-75, 198-75, 154-75, 155-75, 257-74, 153-75
1975 Asphalt Paving Project #1 -
Section 1: Dodge St. from east curb line to Bluff St. to a point 325 ft. east of the east
curb line of Grandview Ave.
Section 2: Dodge St., winding from east curb line of Grandview Ave. to a point 325 ft.
east of the east curb line of Grandview Ave.
Section 3:
Item 1 - Alley from west end of Cherry St. to the north curb line of Pennsylvania Ave.
Item 2 - Althauser St. from the south curb line of Edison St. to the east curb line of
Stafford St.
Item 3 - Asbury Rd. from the west property line of Crissy Dr. to the west property line
of Carter Rd.
Item 4 - Edison St. from the west curb line of Althauser St. to the east curb line of
Stafford St.
Item 5 - East 14th St. from the east curb line of White St. to the west curb line of Elm
Item 6 - Fengler St. from a point 50 ft. west of the overpass to a point 50 ft. east of the
Item 7 - Grandview Ave. from the north curb line of Kaufmann Ave. to the north curb
line of Kane St.
Item 8 - Loras Blvd. and University Ave. intersection -Island.
Item 9 - Mt. Carmel Rd. from the north property line of S. Grandview Ave. north 517 ft.
to the end of the existing pavement.
Item 10 - Paul St. from the north property line of Clarke Dr. to the south property line
of Lowell St.
Item 11 — Pennsylvania Ave. from the west curb line of JFK Rd. to the west property
line of Key Knolls subdivision.
Item 12 — Rockdale Rd. from the south property line of A.H.OTH subdivision #4 to the
old city limits, a distance of 2,121.27 ft.
Item 13 — 19th St. and University Ave. intersection widening at the southeast corner:
Resolutions 431-75, 417-75, 416-75, 235-75, 166-75, 165-75, 117-75, 164-75, 118-75,
115-75, 116-75
Schedule of Assessments
Box 4
Replacement of Brick Tuckpointing, waterproofing, and painting of trim and doors of
City Hall:
Resolutions 364-80, 363-80, 269-80, 268-80, 264-80, 247-80, 245-80
1980 Concrete Paving with integral Curb Project #1 — Walnut St. from the N.P.L. of
University Ave. to the S.P.L. of Loras Blvd (Deleted):
Resolutions 108-80, 106-80, 107-80
1980 18th St. Fire Station Remodeling Bids
1981 18th St. Fire Station Remodel:
Resolution 50-81, 49-81, 48-81, 47-81, 46-81, 45-81, 208-80, 209-80, 210-80, 207-80,
206-80, 170-80, 77-80, 171-80, 169-80
Box 5
Central Ave. A.C.C. Resurfacing Project from 11th St. to 201h St.:
Resolutions 343-91, 344-91, 158-91, 109-91, 108-91, 107-91
Iowa St. Widening at 1st St.:
Improvement Contracts
Alley Reconstruction between Main and Iowa St. from 3rd -4th, Resurfacing of City Parking Lot
at 3rd and Iowa St.:
Resolution 147-90, 146-90
Central Ave. A.C.C. Resurfacing Project from 4th to 11th and 20th to 32nd St.:
Resolution 208-92, 321-93
Rockdale Rd. Sidewalk Improvements
Project A:
Sidewalks on east and west side of Rockdale Rd. assessed to abutting owners on both
Project B:
Sidewalks on west side only of Rockdale Rd. assessed to abutting owners and owners of
east side of Rockdale Rd.
Resolutions 265-91, 266-91, 267-91, 268-91, 269-91, 297-91, 172-91, 173-91, 181-91
Parking Lot Construction - Ice Harbor Area:
Resolutions 142-91, 141-91, 140-91, 330-90, 329-90, 328-90, 369-90, 368-90
1992 Sidewalk Repair Project - Floodwall:
Resolutions 233-92, 232-92, 262-92,347-92, 346-92
Final Schedule of Assessments
Ice Harbor Development Parking Lot Improvements, Phase 3, Stage 3:
Resolutions 16-90, 15-91
Ice Harbor Plaza Development:
Resolutions 37-92, 36-92, 34-92, 35-92, 57-91, 56-91, 43-91, 42-91, 41-91, 40-91, 3-91, 2-
91, 1-91
Ice Harbor Development Floating Pier:
Resolutions 420-90, 419-90, 418-90, 431-90
Ice Harbor Development Emergency Access Road:
Resolutions 305-91, 306-91, 307-91, 314-91, 313-91
Installation of Pile Sheeting Along North Shore Line of Ice Harbor:
Resolutions 94-91, 93-91, 208-90, 207-90, 156-90, 154-90, 155-90
4th Street Peninsula PC Concrete Paving and Drainage Project:
Resolutions 54-91, 53-91, 348-90, 347-90, 299-90, 298-90, 297-90
1. 5th St - White St. to Adams St.
2. 2 - Adams St. 5th to 4th St.
3. 3- 4th St - Adams St. to 3rd St.
4. 4 - 6th St - Adams St. to Bell St.
5. 5 - Bell St. - 6th St. to 3rd St
4th St. Peninsula PC Paving and Drain: Bids and Improvement Contract
Resolutions 89-90, 90-90
City of Dubuque Park and Recreation Department Chain Link Fence Project:
Resolutions 396-93, 251-93, 222-93, 221-93, 220-93
New Lighting System for Iowa St. Parking Facility:
Resolutions 479-90, 480-90, 463-90, 461-90, 462-90, 33-92, 32-92
Office Renovation Locust St. Parking Ramp:
Resolutions 139-91, 138-91, 137-91, 95-93
Construction of Locust St. Ramp Parking - Revenue and Control Equipment Project:
Resolutions 341-91, 342-91, 186-91, 185-91
Construction of HVAC System - 2nd Floor City Hall:
Resolutions 101-87, 100-87, 62-87, 63-87, 64-87
1990 Asphalt Paving Project:
Resolutions 219-91, 270-90, 271-90, 212-90, 213-90, 211-90, 210-90, 209-90, 302-90, 218-
91, 217-91, 244-90, 245-90
A - Rehabilitation Projects:
1. Bluff St. from 8th to 5th
2. Hillcrest Rd. from Keyway Dr. to 159 Ft. west of St. Celia and from Grant St. to
Rosemont St.
3. Kane St. from Primrose St. to Kaufmann Ave.
B - Maintenance Project:
1. Grandview Ave. from Kaufmann Ave. to Kane St.
C- Park and Recreation Dept. Projects:
1. Eagle Point Park Entrance Seal Coat
2. Flora Park Maintenance Building - Parking Lot Resurfacing
3. Maintenance Headquarters at Shiras and Lincoln - roadway and parking lot
City of Dubuque Asphalt Paving Project:
Resolution 322-91, 321-91, 226-91, 190-91, 189-91, 162-91, 161-91, 160-91
1992 Asphalt Paving Project:
Resolutions 374-92, 375-92
1993 Asphalt Paving Project:
Resolutions 408-93, 299-93, 173-93, 172-93, 171-93
1989 PC Concrete Paving:
Resolutions 12-91, 13-91, 14-91
1991 Concrete Paving Project:
Resolutions 242-92, 241-92, 182-91, 184-91, 183-91, 145-91, 143-91, 144-91, 146-91
1. Asbury Rd. from JFK Rd. to the WPL of Asbury Park subdivision
2. Evergreen Dr. from Kaufmann Av e. to Asbury Rd.
3. University Ave. from Mt. Pleasant St. to the west end of Delhi St.
1992 Concrete Paving Project:
Resolutions: 256-93, 255-93, 227-92, 206-92, 257-93, 175-92, 171-92, 172-92, 173-92, 174-
1. Altura Dr. from Mesa Dr. to N. Grandview Ave.
2. Cerro Dr. from Mesa Dr. to N. Grandview Ave.
3. Mesa Dr. from Kane St. to the south end of the street
4. Grandview Ave. From Loras Blvd. to Dexter St.
5. Tayler Dr. from St. Anne Dr. to the north end of the street and Erie Ct. from Tayler Dr.
to the easterly end of the street.
Box 6
Sullivan St. from the north property line of English Lane to the south property line of Levi St.
with asphaltic macadam surfacing (AMS):
Resolutions 9-58, 232-57, 231-57, 115-56, 114-56, 87-56, 88-56, 86-56
Roosevelt St. and Hamilton St. Storm Sewer:
bid envelopes
Cleveland Ave. from the west property line of Bryant St. to the east property line of State St.
with AMS:
Resolutions 7-58, 234-57, 233-57, 113-56, 112-56, 84-56, 85-56, 83-56
Installing Concrete Curb and Gutter:
Resolutions 8-57, 7-57, 238-56, 228-56, 227-56, 116-56, 96-56, 95-56, 64-56, 94-56, 65-56,
1. Asbury Rd. from the west property line of Carter Rd. to the west corporation limits
2. Born Ave. from the south property line of Lenox Ave. to the south property line of
Indiana Ave.
3. Chaney Rd. from the south property line of Hillcrest Rd. to the north property line of
Pennsylvania Ave
4. Cleveland Ave. from the west property line of Bryant St. to the east property line of
State St.
5. Indiana Ave. from the east property line of Born Ave. to the west property line of
Missouri Ave.
6. Deleted: Meadow Lane from the south property line of Lombard St. to a point 40 ft.
north of the center line of Dodge St.
7. Missouri Ave. from the south property line of Lenox Ave. to the south property line of
Ridgeway Ave.
8. Sullivan St. from the north property line of English Lane to the south property line of
Levi St.
9. Wisconsin Ave. from the north property line of Marmora Ave.
10. Woodworth St. from the north property line of Lowell St. to the south property line of
Montcrest St.
Furnish and Deliver four pumps of the submersible type, each one being capable of
delivering 2,100 gallons per minute at a total dynamic head of 60 ft. when operating at 1750
rpm. The pump will be installed in wells 28 inches in diameter:
Resolutions 105-56, 41-56, 40-56
Pumping Engine 1,000 GPM:
Resolutions 128-56, 57-56
Construction of a swimming pool to be located in Flora Park
Concrete Documents: Storm Sewer from Farraguat to Hawthorne St.
Concrete Documents: Extension to Hawthorne St. Storm Sewer
Kaufmann and Asbury Sewer and Lift Station
Concrete Curb and Gutter Project #1:
Resolutions 83-55, 84-55, 58-55
1. Delaware St. to North End
2. Karen St. to end of Woodlawn St.
Concrete Curb and Gutter:
Resolutions 150-55
1. Kaufmann Ave. from the west property line of Carter Rd. to the east property line of
Lot 2 of 1 of1 of2of1 of2of2of1 of2of1 of Highland Farm
2. Montana St. from the south property line of Willbright Lane to the north property line of
Merfeld Lane
3. Ruan Dr. from the city corporation limits to the east property line of Earl Dr.
4. Ideal Lane from the city corporation limits to the east property line of Earl Dr.
5. Earl Dr from the north property line of Ideal Lane to the south property line of
Pennsylvania Ave
6. Southern Ave from the existing curb and gutter on lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 9 to
a point 301 feet south on Southern Ave
Hot Mix, Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Project #1:
Resolution 35-55
Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter:
Grading Parking Lot 11th and Bluff:
Curb and Gutter Project #1:
Resolutions 244-55, 243-55, 232-55, 231-55, 125-55, 85-55, 59-55
Improvements on the following portions of the following streets by installing a bituminous
concrete surface course thereon, to -wit:
Resolution 33-55
1. Auburn St. from the northeast property line of Grace St. to the southwest property line
of University Ave.
2. Clinton St. from the west property line of Windsor Ave. to the east property line of
Queen St.
3. Eagle St. from the north property line of Thomas Place to the south property line of
Viola St.
4. Elm St. from the north property line of 22nd St. to the south property line of 24th St.
5. Elm St. from the north property line of 24th St. to the south property line of 26th St.
6. Garfield Ave. from the north property line of Marshall St. to the south property line of
Stratton St.
7. Hennepin St. from the west property line of Stratford St. to the east property line of
Windsor Ave.
8. Ida St. from the south property line of Delhi St. to the north property line of Grace St.
9. Lindberg Terrace from the east property line of Eagle St. to the end of Lindberg
10. Marshall St. from the west property line of Rhomberg Ave. to the east property line of
Lincoln Ave.
11. O'Hagen St. from the south property line of University Ave. to the north property line of
Mineral St.
12. Pearl St. from the north property line of O'Hagen St. to the end of Pearl St.
13. Pleasant St. from the west property line of Viola St. to the east property line of
Stratford St.
Construction of Fengler St. Overpass and Approaches:
Resolution 14-61
Swimming Pool at Flora Park:
Resolutions 287-54, 288-54, 289-54, 290-54, 286-54, 276-54, 285-54, 277-54, 245-54, 223-
54, 244-54, 224-54
Alterations and Repair to No. 5 Engine House - Grandview Ave. and Bradley St.:
Resolutions 60-56, 225-55, 210-55, 202-55, 203-55
Contract Documents for Water Works Addition and Improvements - Iron Removal and
Hardness Reduction Plant:
Resolutions 188-55, 154-57, 215-55, 189-55
Water Works Wells:
Resolutions 112-55, 44-55
Water Main Project #1 - Constructing Water Mains in Alpha Ave., Born Ave., Fairfax Ave.,
Marmora Ave, Missouri Ave., Ridgeway Ave., and Wisconsin Ave.:
Resolutions 58-56, 59-56, 21-56, 275-55, 209-55, 208-55, 186-55, 183-55, 184-55, 185-55
Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project #1:
Resolutions 238-55, 237-55, 227-55, 226-55, 103-55, 51-55, 41-55, 50-55, 42-55, 40-55
Hot Mix, Hot Laid Asphaltic Concrete Project #1:
Resolutions 217-55, 216-55, 198-55, 197-55, 102-55, 49-55, 37-55, 48-55, 38-55
1955 Curb and Gutter Project #1:
Resolution 56-55
1. Ashton Place from the north property line of Delaware St. to the north end of
Ashton Place.
2. Avoca St. from the north property lineof Seminary St.to the South property line of
Ungs St.
3. Bunker Hill Rd. from the north property line of Green St. to the south property line
of Finley St.
4. Burlington St. From the west property line of NationalSt.to the alley first west of
National St.
5. Drexel Ave. from the south property line of Pennsylvania Ave.to the north property
line of Lenox Ave.
6. Elm St. from the north property line of Lot 12-0.S. Langworthy's Subdivision to the
south property line of Lot 6-0.S. Langworthy Subdivision
7. Garfield Ave. from the north property line of Whittier St. to the south property line of
Stratton St.
8. Glen Oak St. from the north property line of Vernon St. to the south property line of
Edina St.
9. Grandview Ave. from the north property line of Delhi St. to the south property line
of Loras Blvd.
10. Green St. from the west property line of Bunker Hill Rd. to the north property line of
Pennsylvania Ave.
11. Hickson St. from the south property line of Pennsylvania Ave. to the south property
line of Lenox Ave.
12. Leib St. from the east property line of Jackson St. to the end of Leib St.
13. Lindale St. from the west property line of Woodlawn St. to the end of Lindale St.
14. Lindberg Terrace from the east property line of Eagle St. to the end of Lindberg
15. Lorimer St. from the south property line of Levi St. to the southend of Lorimer St.
16. Marmora Ave. from the south property line of Pennsylvania Ave. to the north
property line of Fairfax Ave.
17. Washington St. from the north property line of Leib St. to the end of Washington St.
18.Woodlawn St. from the north property line of Karen St. to the end of Woodlawn St.
Hodgen St. from the south property line of Clarke Dr. to a point 141 ft. south with asphaltic
macadam surfacing:
Resolutions: 199-56, 200-56, 198-56
Demolition and Removal of Buildings:
1. 833 Bluff St -dwelling and garage
2. 885 Bluff St.- dwelling
3. 901 Bluff St. — dwelling
4. 2 story garage listed as #4 on plat (TH garage located on Robinson Ave.)
5. 579 University Ave. — dwelling and garage
6. 558 8th Ave. — dwelling
7. 543 8th Ave. — shed at rear
8. 5318th Ave. -shed at rear
9. 515 8th Ave. -garage at rear
10.901 Bluff St. — shed at rear
11.509 8th Ave. — building at rear
12.491 Robinson Ave, - building
13.885 Bluff St. — shed at rear
Furnishing, Installing and Adjusting on air-conditioning system for City Hall:
Resolutions 143-56, 144-56, 133-56, 142-56, 134-56,132-56
1956 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing Project #1:
Resolutions 51-56 , 6-57, 5-57, 239-56, 230-56, 229-56, 99-56, 97-56, 103-56, 82-56,81-56,
80-56, 52-56
1. Apple St. from south property line of Cleveland Ave. to the north line of Rush St.
2. Asbury St. from west property line of Carter Rd. to the west corporation limits
3. Cherry St. from west property line of Avoca St. to the end of Cherry St. west.
4. Cox St. from north property line of Chestnut St. to the south property line of
Kirkwood St.
5. Green St. from east property line of Bunker Hill St. to the west property line of
Avoca St.
6. Hoyt St, from north property line of Ungs St. to the end of Hoyt St. north
7. Meadow Lane from south property line Lombard St. to the north property line of
Dodge St.
8. Pear St, from south property line of Cleveland Ave. to the north property line of
Rush St.
9. Prescott St. from northeast property line of Ascension St. to the north line of
Hamilton St.,
10. Quincy St. from south property line of Cleveland Ave. to north property line of Rush
11. St. Mary's St. from south property line of Ward St. to north property line of Emmett
12. Ungs St. from west property line of Clarke Dr.to the east property line of Avoca St.
13.W 8th St, from east property line of Wilson Ave. to the east property line Air Hill St.
14. Woodworth St, from north property line of Lowell St. to the south property line
Montcrest St.
1955 Water Works Addition and Improvements: Iron Removal and Hardness Reduction Plant:
Contract Documents
1956 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project #1:
1956 Hot Mix:
Resolutions 190-56, 189-56, 177-56, 178-56, 99-56, 98-56, 104-56, 79-56, 48-56, 78-56, 49-
56, 47-56
1. The alley from 9th to 11th St. between Main and Iowa
2. The alley from 2nd to 8th between Main and Iowa
3. Clarke Dr. from east property line of St. Ambrose to the southeast property line of
W. Locust
4. Delhi St. from south property line of University Ave. to the west property line of Lot
9 of Reches Subdivision
5. W 1st St. from the east property line of Locust St. to the west property line of Iowa
6. W 5th St. from east property line of Locust St. to the west property line of Main St.,
7. W Locust St, from the north property line of W 17th St. to the east property line of
Hodgen St.
Box 7
1956 Concrete and Gutter Project #1:
Resolution 92-54
1954 Bituminous Concrete Project #1:
Resolutions 154-54, 82-54, 71-54, 81-54, 80-54, 72-54, 62-54
1. Whittier St. from the west property line of Rhomberg Ave. to the east property line
of Lincoln Ave.
2. West St. from the west property line of Finley St. to the west property line of Gillam
3. Vernon St. from west property line of Alta Vista St. to the east property line of Glen
Oak St.
4. Shiras Ave. from the south property line of Lot 2-222 of Jillian Addition to the north
property line of Lot 1-3 of North of Mineral Lot 309A
5. Sheridan St. from the north property line of Lawther St. to the south property line of
Goethe St.
6. Shiller St. from the east property line of Lincoln Ave. to the west property line of
Garfield Ave.
7. Shiller St. from the west property line of Lincoln Ave. to the east property line of
High Bluff St.
8. Plum St. from the south property line of Cleveland Ave. to the north property line of
Rush St.
9. Putman St. from the east property line of Muscatine St. to the west property line of
Broadway St,
10. Park St. from the west property line of Glen Oak St. to the present curb west of
Glen Oak St.
11. Nevada St. from the north property line of Dodge St. to the south property line of W
3rd St.
12. Indian Ridge from the south property line of Grandview Ave. to the end of Indian
13. Humboldt St. from the east property line of High Bluff St. to the west property line
of Garfield Ave.
14. High Bluff St. from the north property line of Stafford St. to the south property line
of Farley St.
15. Hedley Ct. from the south property line of Lawther St. to the west property line of
Strauss St.
16. Fengler St. from the west property line of Garfield Ave. to the east property line of
Lincoln Ave.
17. Gay St. from the west property line of Broadway St. to the west property line of
Muscatine St.
18. Edina St. from the east property line of Glen Oak St. to the west property line of
Alta Vista.
19. Emmett St. from the east property line of St. Mary's St. to the west property line of
Bluff St.
20.E 27th St. from the east property line of Jackson St. to the west property line of
Pinard St.
21.E 28th St. from the east property line of Washington St. to the west side of the
Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. tracks.
22. Dock St. from the east property line of Lincoln Ave. to the west property line of
Garfield Ave.
23. Dunning St. from the east property line of Bradley St. to the west property line of
Grandview Ave.
24. Carter Rd. from the north property line of Asbury Rd. to the south property line of
Kaufmann Ave.
York St. from west property line of State St. to east property line of Hill St. with asphaltic
macadam surfacing:
Resolution 144-54
Street Improvement of Mineral St. from west property line of Gillam St. to 375 west with
asphaltic macadam surfacing:
Resolution 129-54
W 32nd St. from the west property line of Central Ave. to the east property line of Lemon St.:
Resolution 200-54
Hot Mix, Hot Laid:
Resolution 74-54
1. Kaufmann Ave. from west property line of Central Ave. to the east property line of
Kane St.
2. W 13th St. from the west property line of Central Ave. to the east property line of
Locust St.
Widening and Paving Audubon St. from the north property line of Loras Blvd. to the north
property line of Dexter St.:
Resolution 111-47
1946 Construct and Reinforce Concrete Sidewalk abutting the north side of the building
located on the north 64 ft. 3 inches of Lot 73 on the original town of Dubuque being the
southwest corner of 3rd and Main St.
For the clearing, grubbing and grading of Avalon, Broadlawn, Morningview, Chaney, Ogilby,
Mullen, Valley View and Hillcrest Rd.:
Resolution 83-46
Construct 8 -inch Sanitary Sewer in the following locations\
Resolution 190-49
1. Beginning at the existing M.H. located at the intersection of Burden Ave. and Link
St. and running west in Link St. to the intersection with the center line of Balke St.;
Thence north westerly along the center line of Balke St. to a point 100 ft. northly
from the northly property line of Strauss St.
2. Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Balke and Link St. and running
west a distance of 28 ft.8 inches
3. Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Balke and Strauss St. and running
westerly along the center line of Strauss St. to the intersection of Brunswick St.;
thence southerly in Brunswick St. to the intersection with the center line of Link St.
For the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in what is known as the Cherry
Green St. sewer district as determined by Ordinance No. 16-49:
Resolution 144-49
1949 Ungs, Hoyt, Hazel Street Sanitary Sewer Extension:
Resolutions 85-50, 84-50, 15-50, 259-49, 234-49, 194-49, 233-49, 195-49
Construction 8 -inch sanitary sewer in the following locations: Resolution 193-49
1. Beginning at manhole #35 on the Kaufmann Ave. truck sewer and running
southeasterly to the intersection of the center line of Avoca St. extension and the
alley second north of Hazel St.; thence south along the center line of Avoca St.
extension to the center line of Ungs St; thence east along the center line of Ungs
St. to the Center line of Hoyt St.; thence north along the center line of Hoyt St. to
the prolongation of the south line of Lot 6 of Pfohl Subdivision
2. Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the alley second north of Hazel
St. and the Kaufmann Ave. truck sewer and running west along the center line of
said alley to the prolongation of the east line of Lot 83 of Finley addition
3. Beginning at the intersection of the Kaufmann Ave. truck sewer and running east
along the center line of Hazel St. to the prolongation of the west line of Lot 50 of
Finley Addition
Construct an 8 -inch Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station, and 6 -inch Cast Iron Force Main for the
Bradley St. Sewer District:
Resolution 148-48
Specification for Storm Relief Sewers Section B 8th St. Contract #3
Construct a Water Main on University Ave. from Lot 9 in Lenox Addition west to Lot 28 in
Lenox Addition:
Resolution 356-52
The Construction of a Cast Iron Water Main on University Ave.:
Resolutions 711-52, 713-52,678-52, 679-52, 491-52, 411-52, 410-52,354-52
1953 Downtown Resurfacing Program
Improve E 26th St. from east property line of Central Ave. to a point 7 ft. west of the Chicago
Great Western Railroad Tracks:
Resolution 436-52
Improvements of the following portion of the following streets:
1953 Curb and Gutter Project #2:
Resolutions 268-52, 257-53, 236-53, 235-53, 118-53, 59-54, 6-54, 563-53, 562-53
Alta Place from the south property line of Filmore St. to the south end of Alta Place.
1. Abbott St. from the south property line of Lowell St. to the north property line of
Montcrest St.
2. Beverly Ave. from the south property line of Lenox Ave. to the end of Beverly Ave.
3. Brown Ave. from the west property line of University Ave. to the east property line
of Carlton Ave.
4. Bunker Hill Rd. from a point 18 ft. south of the south property line of Finley St. to
the south property line of Asbury St.
5. Bunker Hill Rd. from the north property line of Seminary St. to the south property
line of Fairway Dr.
6. Burlington St. from the west property line of Lot 79 of McDaniels Park Hill Addition
to the west property line of National St.
7. Edith St. from the west property line of Burden Ave. to the east property line of
Brunswick St.
8. Emerson St. from the east property line of Lincoln Ave. to the west property line of
Garfield Ave.
9. Finley St. from the northwest property line of University Ave. to the east property
line of Bunker Hill Rd.
10. Garfield Ave. from the north property line of Roosevelt St. to the South property line
of Stratton St.
11. Lenox Ave. from the west property line of University Ave. to the west property line
of Brown Ave.
12. Link St. from the west property line of Burden Ave. to the east property line of
Brunswick St.
13.Montcrest St. from the east property line of Abbott St. to a point 320 ft. east of the
east property line of Woodworth St.,
14. Pennsylvania Ave. from the east property line of Lot 2 of Hyatt Place to the east
property line of Marmora Ave.
15. Poplar St. from the southwest property line of Asbury St. to the northeast property
line of Finley St.,
16. Prescott St. from the north property line of Hamilton St. to the south property line of
Emerson St.
17. Primrose St. from the north property line of Kane St. to the south property line of
Muscatine St.
18. Ramona St. from the north property line of Lot 1-16 of M Walters Addition to the
south property line of Mt. Loretta Ave.
19. Roosevelt St. from the east property line of Rhomberg Ave. to the west property
line of Garfield Ave.
20. St. Ambrose St. from the north property line of Seminary St. to the north property
line of Fairway Dr.
21. Seminary St. from the west property line of St. Ambrose St. to the east property
line of Asbury St.
22. Stetmore St. from 20 ft. west of the east property line of Lot 17 of Babcock's
Addition to the north property line of Marian St.
23. Sunnyview Dr. from the west property line of St. Ambrose to the east property line
of Bunker Hill Rd.
24. Sutter St. from the east property line of Queen St. to the west property line of
Windsor Ave.
25. Whittier St. from the east property line of Rhomberg Ave. To the west property line
of Garfield Ave.
26. W 16th St. from the east property line of Catherine St. to a point 70 ft. east of the
east property line of Henion St.
1953 Curb and Gutter Project #1:
Resolutions: 60-54, 91-53, 420-53, 419-53, 360-53, 359-53, 115-53, 104-53, 95-53, 103-53,
1. Coates St. from the east property line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of R -W
Bakers Subdivision west a distance of 318 ft.
2. Hillcrest Rd. on the south side only from the west property line of Asbury Rd. to the
west property line of Avalon Rd. extended.
3. Shiras Ave. from the north property line of Lot 10 Parkview Addition to the north
property line of Lot 207 Julien Addition.
4. Southern Ave. from the east property line of S. Grandview Ave. to 90 ft. east of the
east property line of Sullivan St.
1953 Concrete Surfacing Project:
Resolutions 102-53, 92-53, 101-53, 93-53
1. Coates St. from the west property line of Fremont Ave. to the east property line of
east 50 ft. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of RW Booker's Subdivision
2. Lombard St. from the east property line of Gondolfo St. to the north property line of
Dodge St.
3. Dillon St. from the east property line of S. Grandview Ave. to end of Dillon St.
4. Alta Place from the south property line of Fillmore St. to the north property line of
Delaware St.
5. Fillmore St. from the east property line of Alta Place to the west property line of
Auburn St.
6. Delaware St. from the east property line of N Algona St. to the west property line of
Atlantic St.
7. Belmont St. from the west property line of Rose St. to the south property line of
Loras Blvd.
8. Cardiff St. from the north property line of Mazzuchelli Rd. to the south property line
of W 3rd St.
9. Harold St. from the west property line of Seminary St. to the south property line of
Lowell St.
10. Schroeder St. from the north property line of Seminary St. to the south property line
of Lowell St.
11.Asbury Rd. from the west property line of bunker Hill Rd. to the east property line of
Avalon Rd.
12.Avalon Rd. from the north property line of Hill crest Rd. to the south property line of
Asbury Rd.
13. Broadlawn Rd. from the north property line of Hillcrest Rd. to the south property
line of Asbury Rd.
14. Morningview Rd. from the north property line of Hillcrest Rd. to the south property
line of Asbury Rd.
15. Chaney Rd. from the west property line of Hillcrest Rd. to the south property line of
Asbury Rd.
16.Ogilby Rd. from the north property line of Hillcrest Rd. to the south property line of
Asbury Rd.
17. Mullen Rd. from the north property line of Hillcrest Rd. to the south property line of
Asbury Rd.
18. Hillcrest Rd. from the west property line of Asbury Rd. to the west property line of
Avalon Rd,
19.Valleyview Rd. from the east property line of Avalon Rd. to the west property line of
Chaney Rd.
20. Reis St. from the east property line of Windsor Ave. to the west property line of
Stafford Ave.
21. Shiras Ave. from the west property line of Rhomberg Ave. to a point 120 ft. north of
the north property line of Courtland St.
22. Burden Ave. from the north property line of Edith St. to the south property of Davis
23. Decorah St. from the west property line of Auburn St. to the east property line of
Irving St.
24. Southern Ave. from the east property line of S. Grandview Ave. to 90 ft. east of the
east property line of Sullivan St.
Street Improvement:
Improving portions of 8th Ave., Hill St., 9th St., 7m St., 6m St., W 11th St. and W 12th St.:
Resolutions 505-53, 504-53, 454-53, 450-53, 284-53, 273-53, 260-53
Pumping Station with appurtenances for flood protection and boating channel between
Fengler St. and E 12th St. and east of C.M., St. P. and P.R.R. right-of-way.
1952 Remodeling No. 1 Fire Station 18th and Central:
Resolutions 264-52, 263-52, 262-52, 49-52, 51-52, 50-52
Installation of Boulevard Lights on Grandview Ave.:
Resolution 162-54
Construction of Cast Iron Water Main in:
Resolution 240-54, 241-54
1. Alpha Ave. from the south property line of Lenox Ave. to the north property line of
Indiana Ave.
2. Born Ave. from the south property line of Pennsylvania Ave. to the north property
line of Indiana Ave.
3. Carlton Ave. from the west property line of Brown Ave. to the west end of Carlton
4. Indiana Ave. from the east property lien of Born Ave. to the west property line of
Alpha Ave.
5. Lenox Ave. from the west property line of Drexel Ave. to the east property line of
Born Ave.
6. McPoland Ave. from the south property line of Pennsylvania Ave. to the north
property line of Lenox Ave.
7. Nebraska Ave. from the north property line of Lenox Ave. to the east property line
of McPoland Ave.
8. Green St. from the west property line of Lot 190 Finley's Addition to the north
property line of Pennsylvania Ave.
9. Woodlawn St. from the north property line of Asbury St. to the south property line of
Karen St.
Construct an 8 -inch Sanitary Sewer beginning at the existing manhole in Levi St. 252.2 ft.
west of the center line of Sullivan St., thence north 419.5 ft., thence westerly 162 ft. through
Lot 8 of Brockman's Subdivision to the center line of the English Lane, thence north 320.2 ft.
along the center line of English Lane:
Resolution 213-54
Specifications for Fire Station No. 4 University Ave. and Atlantic St.:
Resolutions 346-52, 420-52, 421-52, 422-52, 347-52, 348-52
Reconditioning Historic Landmark known as "Shot Tower"
1954 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project #1:
Resolutions 24-55, 23-55, 13-55, 12-55, 194-54, 94-54
1. Brunswick St. from the south property line of Groveland St. to the south property
line of O'Neill St.
2. Carter Rd. from the north property line of Asbury St. to the south property line of
Kaufmann Ave.
3. Edina St. from the east property line of Glen Oak St. to a point 250 ft. east to
existing curb
4. Fairfax Ave. from the north property line of Lenox Ave. to the south property line of
Pennsylvania Ave.
5. Goethe St. from the west property line of Burden Ave. to the alley west of Balke St.
6. Henry St. from the east property line of Queen St. to the west property line of
Windsor Ave.
7. Indian Ridge from the south property line of Grandview Ave. to the east of Indian
8. Karen St. from the west property line of Carter Rd. to a point 140 ft. west of the
west property line Kevindale St.
9. Kevindale St. from the north property line of Karen St.to the south property line of
Lindale St.
10. Levi St. from the east property line of English Lane to the west property line
Lorimer St.
11. McPoland St. from the north property line of Lenox Ave. to the south property line
of Pennsylvania Ave.
12. Mineral St. from the west property line of Gilliam St. to a point 375 ft. west.
13. Nebraska St. from the north property line of Lenox Ave. to the east property line of
McPoland Ave.
14. Park St. from the west property line of Glen Oak St. to a point 108 ft. west of
existing curb.
15. Poplar St. from the southwest property line of Asbury St. to the northeast property
line of Finley St.
16. Prescott St. from the north property line of Hamilton St. to property line of Lot 550
of Hams Addition east side only.
17. Southern Ave. from existing curb 100 ft. south from the south property line of
Dunleith St. to a point 400 ft. south west side only.
18. Spruce St. from the north property line of Jefferson St. to the south property line of
W 11th St.
19. St. Joseph's St. from the west property line of S Algona St. to the east property line
of Gandolfo St.
20.W 32nd St. from the west property line of Lemon St. to the east property line of Fink
21. Vernon St. from the east property line of Glen Oak St. to a point 280 east.
22.York St. from the east property line of S Hill St. to the west property line of State St.
1954 Hot Mix: Schedule of Assessments
Delhi St, Alpine St.
1954 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing (see amended resolution 80-54)
Resolution 70-54
Construction of an 8 -inch sanitary sewer and 6 -inch cast iron force main for Bradley St. sewer
Schedule of Assessments
Resolution 99-47
1947 Storm Relief Sewers, Bee Branch Storm Relief Sewers:
Contracts #3 (Consoer, Thownsen and Associates)
1947 Contract #4: Bee Branch Storm Relief Sewers
York St. Sanitary Sewer:
Resolution 128-47, 161-48, 160-48, 109-48, 20-48, 15-48, 129-47, 14-48, 130-47
Mt. Loretta Ave. Improvement from the east property line of Bryant St. to 181 ft. east of the
east property line of McLenan St.:
Resolution 184-48
1950 Improvement of York St. from south property line of Curtis St. to the west property line
of S Hill St.:
Resolution 205-50
Improve Avoca St. with curb and gutter from S.P.L. of Rosedale Ave. to the N.P.L. of Cherry
Resolution 290-51, 293-51
1950 York St. from south property line of Curtis St. to the west property line of S. Hill St.:
Resolution 251-50, 1-51, 365-50, 287-50, 236-50, 206-50, 235-50, 207-50
Improve Asbury Rd. with curb and gutter as follows:
1. Beginning at intersection of the northerly line of Asbury Rd. and the west line of the
alley connecting Asbury Rd. and Seminary St. and running northwesterly along the
north curb line of Asbury Rd. to the intersection with the southerly curb line of Stout
2. Beginning at the intersection of the corporate limits and the southerly line of Asbury
Rd. and running northwesterly along the southerly curb line of Asbury Rd. to the
east curb line of Avalon Rd.:
Resolution 33-50
1951 Specifications for W 32nd St. Detention Reservoir Project
1951 Contract #3 Sections A, B, C and D: Storm Relief Sewers
Section A: Dodge St. Storm Relief Sewer:
beginning at the intersection of 1st St.
XXX Dubuque Ice Harbor; thence westerly on 1st St. to the alley between Locust and
Bluff St.; thence southerly to said alley to the southerly line of Dodge St.:
Resolution 19-51
Section C: Southern Ave. Storm Relief Sewer:
commencing at the intersection of Railroad St. and Southern Ave.; thence easterly
to Railroad St. a distance of approximately 150 ft.; thence southerly at right angles
to said Railroad St. a distance of approximately 450 ft. to the point of beginning
which is the terminus of the existing 60 ft.; thence southerly to southeasterly a
distance of approximately 1,940 ft. to the terminus and junction with the existing
railroad culvert beneath the tracks of Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul and Pacific
Railroad Company and of the Illinois Central Railroad Company tracks at what is
known as South Junction which existing culvert discharges into the westerly side of
the Mississippi River:
Resolution 25-51
1951 Construct an 8 -inch vitrified tile sanitary sewer in Kane St. beginning at a point 200 ft.
north of the existing manhole in Kaufmann Ave. and terminating at a point 255 ft. north of the
point of beginning:
Resolution 71-51
1951 Contract #3 Sections A, B, C and D: Storm Relief Sewers Amendment #4
Miscellaneous Box
1955 Concrete Curb and Gutter Project #1 — which includes portions of Coates St., Hillcrest
Rd., Shires Ave., and Southern Ave.:
Final Assessments, maps
un -numbered resolutions
Construct a concrete sidewalk along northeast side of Central Ave. abutting lot 284 of Davis
Farm Addition to the City of Dubuque:
Map, schedule of Assessment
Addendum #1 to specification and drawings for Fire Station at Central and 18th St.:
April 4, 1952, documents and blueprints
Blueprints: Fire Station No. 4
1987 Construction of HVAC System 2nd floor of City Hall:
Improvement contract
Resolutions 101-87, 100-87, 62-87, 63-87, 64-87
bid information
January 4, 1954 Ames Daily Tribune newspaper — special inaugural edition
1955 Kaufmann/Asbury Sewer and Lift Station
Resolution 48-52
Improvement Plat of 6th St. from E.P.L. Locust to the W.P.L. Central, Improvement Plat of 7th
St. from E.P.L. Bluff St. to the W.P.L. Central, Improvement Plat of 8th Ave., Improvement
Plat of 9th St. from E.P.L. Bluff St. to W.P.L. Central, Improvement Plat ofw 11 th St. from
E.P.L. Bluff St. to W.P.L. Central, Improvement Plat of W 12th St. from E.P.L. of N Main St. to
W.P.L. of Central, Improvement Plat of Hill St., Improvement Plat Hill St. from S.W.R.A. of W
Resolution 258-53
Engineering Dept. May 1953 Aggregate Chart
Plans and Specifications for the Improvement of the 1955 Curb and Gutter Project #1:
1955 Blueprint:
plot plan of stone riprap protection: future industrial area (Chaplain Schmitt Island)
1956 Contract Documents for development of City Island area B Board of Dock
Commissions: furnishing and placing riprap: unexecuted documents
Executed, Un -numbered Dock Board Resolution 1956:
Dock Board Engineer prepared and submitted full and complete plans, specifications, form of
contract, and estimated cost for construction of embankment fill for the development of City
Island Area B
Box 8
Roosevelt Rd Sanitary Sewer:
Resolutions 287-89, 286-89, 259-88, 203-88, 202-88, 201-88, 200-88, 199-88, 232-88, 233-
88, 234-88
Improvement Contract
Grandview Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction:
Resolutions 318-89, 319-89, 273-88, 272-88, 243-88, 242-88, 241-88
Improvement Contract
Gillespie St. Sanitary Sewer:
Resolutions 285-89, 284-89, 283-89, 234-89, 100-89, 78-89, 77-89, 76-89, 101-89, 30-89,
29-89, 28-89, 27-89, 26-89
Improvement Contract
NW Arterial Stage 3 Grading and Drainage:
Resolutions 218-89, 219-89, 346-88, 345-88, 312-88, 313-88, 314-88, 315-88, 316-9988,
317-88, 318-88, 319-88, 254-88, 110-88, 218-88, 217-88, 216-88
Improvement Contract
Reconstruction of JFK Rd from Pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave.:
Resolutions 22-86, 90-84, 21-86, 20-86, 331-84, 67-84, 65-84, 91-84, 68-84, 64-84, 66-84
Improvement Contract
Ordinance 33-84
Agreement for sale of lease hold estate
City of Dubuque Fire Department Drill Area:
Resolutions 349-87, 348-87, 290-86, 289-87, 277-87, 267-87, 275-87
Improvement Contract
Electrical System Improvements - Keyline Transit Facility:
Resolutions 290-89, 289-89, 187-88, 142-88, 143-88, 144-88
Improvement Contract
5th Street Temporary Parking Lot:
Resolutions 375-89, 376-89, 321-89, 320-89, 308-89, 307-89, 306-89
Ventilation System for Keyline Transit Facility:
Resolutions 222-89, 223-89, 177-87, 228-87, 162-87, 163-87, 164-87
Improvement Contract
Schmitt Island Wetland Excavation Project:
Resolutions 399-89, 400-89, 259-89, 294-89, 260-89, 258-89
Madison St. Steps:
Resolutions 33-90, 34-90, 35-90, 336-89, 312-89, 313-89, 184-89, 183-89
Improvement Contract
Southern Ave. Sanitary Sewer Location:
Resolutions 48-90, 49-90, 179-89, 178-89, 132-89, 133-89, 134-89
Reroofing of Sludge Processing Building - City of Dubuque Waste Water Treatment Facility:
Resolutions 148-89, 149-89, 141-88, 112-88, 113-88, 114-88
1987 Concrete Paving Project - Loras Blvd. from University Ave. to Walnut St.:
Resolutions 46-88, 204-87, 206-87, 207-87, 254-87, 314-87, 44-88, 205-87, 35-88, 46-88,
47-88, 45-88, 102-88, 41-89, 40-89, 42-89, 208-87
1987 Asphalt Paving Project:
August 24, 1987 meeting call, agenda, special sessions official proceedings
Resolutions 189-87, 200-87, 201-87 202-87, 253-87, 313-87, 34-88, 42-88, 40-88, 41-88, 43-
88, 203-87, 38-89, 37-89, 39-89
1. Blasen Dr. from W 32nd St. to Brueck Rd.
2. Brueck Rd. from Blasen Dr. to East end of Street
3. Chaney Rd. from Asbury Rd. to Kaufmann Ave.
4. Hawthorne St. from Rhomberg Ave. to Volunteer Dr.
5. Julien Dubuque Dr. from end of curb and gutter to Inland Ln.
6. Mineral St. from O'Hagen St. to Devon Dr.
7. O'Hagen St. from University Ave. to Mineral St.
8. 10th St. from Jackson St. to Central Ave.
9 32nd St. from Central Ave. to JFK Rd.
Sealing the concrete surface of the Oxygen Aeration Basin at Waste Water Treatment Plant:
Resolutions 232-89, 230-89, 231-89
NW Arterial Phase 3 P.C.C. Paving:
Resolutions 46-90, 47-90, 25-89, 24-89, 4-89, 3-89, 2-89
Line Sludge Removal - Water Plant 8-1-89 to 7-31-90:
Agreements (Contractors)
3rd Floor Renovation Phase 1 - Dubuque City Hall:
Resolutions 203-89, 202-89, 167-89, 168-89, 169-89
Improvement Contract
1986 Asphalt Paving Project #3:
Resolutions 251-87, 252-87, 216-86, 215-86, 208-86, 207-86, 206-86
Improvement Contract
Land Sales
1977 Land Sales
1978 Land Sales
1978 Land Sale: E of the building at 550 W 8th Street
1978 Land Sale: City land to Donald J. Herbst
1978 Land Sale: City land to Leo Kringle
1978 Land Sale: City property to Michael J. Kruser and Norman Bradfield
1978 Land Sale: City property 616 Lincoln Ave.
1978 Land Sale: City property - Lot 17 of Mettles Subdivision
1978 Land Sale: City property - Lot 66 of Voelker Highlands — Glen Oak
1978 Land Sale: City property (alley) - Line between Ethel Ave. and Prysi St.
1978 Land Sale: City property - Lot 2888 - Van Buren St.
1977 Land Sale: City property — South of 1491-1493 Bluff St.
1976 Land Sale: City property — 1397 Delhi St.
1975 Land Sale: City property — in the vicinity of 1010 Althauser St.
1976 Land Sale: City property - Lot A, Block 8 in Riverfront Subdivision #3
Dubuque Chips Lease: Authorizing the sale of land to Dubuque Chips, Inc.
1975 Land Sale: City property - Lot adjacent to 2129 Foye St.
1968 Land Sale: City property - Grove Terrace North of Arlington St.
1978 Land Sale: City property — Blocks 12, 13, 14 and 17 in Dubuque's Downtown Plaza
Box 4A - Council Proceedings
Council Proceedings - February 1975:
Resolutions 29-75, 31-75, 32-75, 33-75, 34-75, 35-75, 37-75, 38-75, 39-75, 41-75, 42-75, 43-
75, 44-75, 45-75, 46-75, 47-75, 48-75, 49-75, 50-75, 51-75
Ordinances 7-75, 8-75, 9-75, 10-75, 11-75
Council Proceedings - March 1975:
Resolutions 52-75, 53-75, 54-75, 56-75, 57-75, 58-75, 59-75, 60-75, 61-75, 62-75, 63-75, 64-
75, 65-75, 66-75, 67-75, 68-75, 69-75, 70-75, 71-75, 72-75, 73-75, 74-75, 75-75, 76-75, 77-
75, 78-75, 79-75
Council Proceedings - April 1975:
Resolutions 80-75, 81-75, 82-75 (see project files), 83-75, 84-75, 85-75, 86-75, 87-75, 88-75,
89-75, 90-75, 92-75, 93-75, 94-75, 95-75, 96-75, 97-75, 98-75, 99-75, 103-75, 104-75, 105-
75, 106-75, 107-75, 108-75, 109-75, 110-75, 111-75, 112-75, 113-75, 114-75
Ordinances 12-75, 13-75, 14-75
Council Proceedings - May 1975:
Resolutions 126-75, 127-75, 128-75, 132-75, 133-75, 134-75, 137-75, 139-75, 140-75, 151-
75, 143-75, 144-75, 145-75, 146-75, 147-75, 148-75, 149-75, 150-75, 142-75, 152-75, 156-
75, 157-75, 158-75, 159-75, 160-75, 161-75, 162-75, 172-75, 173-75, 177-75, 178-75, 179-
75, 180-75, 181-75, 182-75, 183-75, 184-75
Ordinances 15-75
Council Proceedings - June 1975:
Resolutions 192-75, 193-75, 194-75, 195-75, 196-75, 197-75, 204-75, 205-75, 209-75, 210-
75, 211-75, 212-75, 213-75, 214-75, 226-75, 227-75, 228-75, 229-75, 230-75, 231-75, 232-
75, 233-75, 234-75, 237-75, 238-75, 239-75, 240-75, 241-75, 242-75, 242-75, 244-75, 249-
75, 250-75, 251-75, 252-75, 253-75, 254-75.
Ordinances 16-75, 17-75, 18-75, 19-75, 20-75, 21-75, 22-75, 23-75, 24-75, 25-75, 26-75, 27-
Council Proceedings - July 1975:
Resolutions 259-75, 260-75, 261-75, 262-75, 263-75, 264-75, 265-75, 266-75, 267-75, 269-
75, 270-75, 271-75, 272-75, 273-75, 275-75, 276-75, 277-75, 278-75, 279-75 & 280-75 are in
special folders, 282-75, 283-75, 284-75, 285-75, 286-75, 287-75, 288-75
Ordinances 28-75, 29-75, 30-75, 31-75
Council Proceedings - August 1975:
Resolutions 291-75, 292-75, 293-75, 294-75, 295-75, 296-75, 297-75, 298-75, 299-75, 300-
75, 301-75, 303-75, 304-75, 305-75, 306-75, 307-75, 308-75, 309-75, 310-75, 311-75, 312-
75, 314-75, 315-75, 316-75, 317-75
Ordinances 32-75, 33-75, 34-75, 35-75, 36-75