8 7 17 City Council Proceedings Official_Regular CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on August 7, 2017 in the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street. Present: Mayor Buol; Council Members Connors, Del Toro, Jones, Lynch, Rios; City Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Brumwell Absent: Council Member Resnick Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a regular session of the City Council called for the purpose of conducting such business that may properly come before the City Council. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION(S) 1 . 2017 Walgreens Happy & Healthy Champion Award: Kimberly Walz, Director of Lo- cal Government Relations for Walgreens, presented Mayor Roy D. Buol with the 2017 Walgreens Happy & Healthy Champion Award for his commitment to making Dubuque a healthy and sustainable community. CONSENT ITEMS Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents, adopt the resolutions, and dispose of as indicated. Seconded by Del Toro. Motion carried 6-0. 1 . Minutes and Reports Submitted: City Council Proceedings of 7/17, 7/20, 7/24; In- vestment Oversight Advisory Commission of 7/26; Park and Recreation Commission of 7/11 ; Proofs of publication for City Council Proceedings of 7/5, 7/10, 7/11 , 7/17, 7/20, 7/24. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 2. Notice of Claims and Suits: Alec Benson for vehicle damage, Lester & Susan Bet- tcher for property damage, Linda Breitbach for personal injury, Charles and Ruth Ellis for property damage, Timothy Kelly for vehicle damage, Mark Lansing for vehicle damage, Monique Hopkins for vehicle damage, Aislinn O'Brien for vehicle damage, Lynn Pollock for vehicle damage, suit by Chris Cullen for Civil Service veteran's points application. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and referred to the City Attorney. 3. Disposition of Claims: City Attorney advising that the following claims have been referred to Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, the agent for the Iowa Communities As- 1 surance Pool: Lester and Susan Bettcher for property damage, Linda Breitbach for per- sonal injury, Ruth Ellis for property damage, Monique Hopkins for vehicle damage, Tim- othy Kelly for vehicle damage, Mark Lansing for vehicle damage, Aislinn O'Brien for ve- hicle damage, Lynn Pollock for vehicle damage, suit by Chris Cullen for Civil Service veteran's points application. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and con- curred. 4. Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting: City Manager transmitting correspondence from the Finance Of- ficers Association (GFOA) awarding Finance Director Jean Nachtman and the City of Dubuque the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2016. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 5. Dubuque County Emergency Management July 11 -12, 2017 Storm Recovery Ef- forts: City Manager transmitting correspondence from Emergency Management Coordi- nator Tom Berger related to recovery efforts for the storm on July 11 and July 12, 2017. Upon motion the document was received and filed. 6. Opportunity Dubuque Outcomes: City Manager transmitting information from Op- portunity Dubuque on the outcomes of its collaborative job training programs. Upon mo- tion the document was received and filed. 7. "Industrial Strength" Article from bizTimes: City Manager transmitting an article from bizTimes related to regional industrial parks. Upon motion the document was received and filed. 8. AmeriCorps Partners in Learning / Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service 2017- 2018 Summer-Only Grant: City Manager recommending approval to execute the 2017- 2018 AmeriCorps Partners in Learning Summer-Only Grant. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 9. Public Works Department - Creation of Sewer Maintenance Foreman: City Manager recommending approval to eliminate one Foreman position and create one Sewer Mainte- nance Foreman position in the Public Works Department. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 10. Four Mounds HEART Community Development Block Grant Contract: City Man- ager recommending approval of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Agreement with the Four Mounds HEART program for Fiscal Year 2018. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 11 . Contracted Services Agreement - Hills and Dales Senior Center Lifetime Program Fiscal Year 2018: City Manager recommending approval of the Hills and Dales Senior Center Lifetime Program Contracted Service Agreement that provides for educational, recreational and social programs to senior citizens at the 3505 Stoneman Road facility. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 2 12. Washington Tool Library Community Development Block Grant Contract: City Man- ager recommending approval of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Agreement with Washington Tool Library to provide tool lending for low- and moderate- income residents. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 13. Community Development Block Grant National Disaster Resilience (CDBG-NDR) Program Contract Amendment No. 1 : City Manager recommending approval of Amend- ment No. 1 to the current contract with the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the CDBG-NDR Housing Contract to comply with language revisions requested by HUD. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 14. Fiscal Year 2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan Amendment 1 : City Manager recommending approval of a resolution to submit the FY 2018 CDBG Annual Action Plan Amendment 1 to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the HUD Program Year 2017. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 268-17 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2018 (Program Year 2017) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 268-17 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2018 (PROGRAM YEAR 2017) COM- MUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) ANNUAL ACTION PLAN Whereas, the City of Dubuque has, through a series of public meetings and hearings, proposed a Fiscal Year 2018 (Program Year 2017) Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan addressing housing and non-housing needs in the community; and Whereas, the City wishes to amend the proposed plan prior to submission to HUD. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the Community Development Block Grant Fiscal Year 2018 (Program Year 2017) Annual Action Plan (City Budget Amendment 1), attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof, is hereby adopted for inclusion in the Amended Fiscal Year 2018 City Budget on August 1 , 2017. Section 2. That the Community Development Block Grant Fiscal Year 2018 (Program Year 2017) Annual Action Plan, shall be included in the Five Year Consolidated Plan for the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2016-2020. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development the Fiscal Year 2018 (Program Year 2017) Annual Action Plan with all related documents for the use of Community Development Block Grant funds based on this adopted budget and execute standard contracts and agreements, following a 15-day comment period and public meet- ing to be held on August 15, 2017 by the Community Development Advisory Commission. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017 Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 3 15. Fiscal Year 2018 REAP Plan Update, Grant Application and Committee Repre- sentative: City Manager recommending approval of the City of Dubuque's update of the Fiscal Year 2018 Dubuque County Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Plan Resolution, Fiscal Year 2018 REAP Grant application for Phase 2 of the Environmental Restoration Management Plan for Eagle Point Park, and confirmation of Council Member Joyce Connors as the City representative on the Fiscal Year 2018 Dubuque County REAP Committee. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 269-17 Authorizing REAP Grant application to Iowa Department of Natural Resources for Phase 2 of Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Management Plan was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 269-17 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REAP GRANT APPLICATION TO IOWA DEPART- MENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR PHASE 2 OF EAGLE POINT PARK ENVI- RONMENTAL RESTORATION MANAGEMENT PLAN Whereas, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has allocated grant funds from REAP (Resource Enhancement and Protection) for projects that help establish natural areas, encourage outdoor recreation, and enhance and protect Iowa's natural and cultural resources; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque has adopted the 2012 Comprehensive Plan that in- cludes goals for environmental quality, park improvements, and stormwater manage- ment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The Mayor hereby is authorized to sign and submit the FY 2018 REAP Grant application to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for Phase 2 of the Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Management Plan in the amount of$200,000. Section 2. That the City Council hereby provides its written assurance that the com- pleted project will be adequately maintained for its intended use in accordance with state requirements. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 16. Sanitary Sewer Extension Easement Agreement - Coates Property: City Manager recommending approval of a resolution approving the Agreement with Mrs. Eileen Coates that allows the City to install a sanitary sewer across her property, and authorizing the City Attorney to accept and record the Easement on behalf of the City. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 270-17 Approving an Agreement by and between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Eileen C. Coates providing for the instal- lation of a sanitary sewer across Coates' property and accepting a Grant of Permanent Easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the sanitary sewer was adopted. 4 RESOLUTION NO. 270-17 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AND EILEEN C. COATES PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A SANITARY SEWER ACROSS COATES' PROPERTY AND ACCEPTING A GRANT OF PERMA- NENT EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAINTAINING THE SANITARY SEWER Whereas, the City of Dubuque has been working to encourage development within city limits and the two-mile fringe area boundary; and Whereas, Derby Grange, LLC. will be constructing a city development at the corner of Kennedy Road and Derby Grange Road; and Whereas, to facilitate this development the City must extend the sanitary sewer into the area; and Whereas, the City negotiated an Agreement with Mrs. Eileen C. Coates (Coates), which is attached, to address sanitary sewer extension and other matters of concern to the parties; and Whereas, Coates has granted to City an easement for a sanitary sewer on her prop- erty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AS FOLLOWS: 1 . The Agreement with Coates attached hereto is hereby accepted and approved. 2. The City Attorney is authorized to accept and record the Grant of Easement for Sanitary Sewer on behalf of the City. 3. The City Clerk's Office is authorized and directed to provide a certified copy of this resolution for filing by the City Attorney with the Dubuque County Recorder. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 17. Verified Claims Extending Restrictions on Use of Property for Dubuque Industrial Center and Dubuque Technology Park: City Manager recommending that the Verified Claims be submitted to the City Council for approval, which will renew the Covenants in the Dubuque Industrial Center and Technology Park for an additional 21 years from the date of the recording of the Verified Claims. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 271-17 Approving a Verified Claim pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 614.24 to renew Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Reservations, Easements, Liens and Charges for property in Dubuque Industrial Center West, Dubuque Industrial Center West 2nd Addition, Dubuque Industrial Center West 5th Addition, and Dubuque Industrial Center North First Addition; and Resolution No. 272-17 Approving a Verified Claim pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 614.24 to Renew Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Reservations, Easements, Liens and Charges for Property in Dubuque Technology Park were adopted. 5 RESOLUTION NO. 271-17 APPROVING A VERIFIED CLAIM PURSUANT TO IOWA CODE SEC. 614.24 TO RE- NEW DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVA- TIONS, EASEMENTS, LIENS AND CHARGES FOR PROPERTY IN DUBUQUE INDUS- TRIAL CENTER WEST, DUBUQUE INDUSTRIAL CENTER WEST 2ND ADDITION, DUBUQUE INDUSTRIAL CENTER WEST 5TH ADDITION, AND DUBUQUE INDUS- TRIAL CENTER NORTH FIRST ADDITION Whereas, the City of Dubuque adopted on October 25, 1999 the Declaration of Cove- nants, Conditions, Restrictions, Reservations, Easements, Liens and Charges (the Cov- enants), recorded November 16, 1999 as Instrument no. 17454-99, as amended, cover- ing the following described property: Dubuque Industrial Center West Lots 1 , 2, 3, 4, A, B, C and D; and Whereas, the following additional property was added to the Properties covered by the Covenants, specifically as follows: Dubuque Industrial Center West 2nd Addition, by instrument dated April 16, 2002, recorded on April 30, 2002 as Instrument no. 7990-02; Dubuque Industrial Center West 5th Addition, by instrument dated June 6, 2006, recorded July 7, 2006 as Instrument no. 2006-10389; and Dubuque Industrial Center North First Addition, by instrument dated February 7, 2011 , recorded February 11 , 2011 as Instrument no. 2011 -2684; and Whereas, the following property has been added to the Properties covered by the Cov- enants: Lot one (1) of Graf Farm Subdivision #2, Dubuque County, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof; Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of West One-half of Northeast One-quarter, Section 25, Township 89 North, Range 1 East of the 5th Principal Meridian, in Center Town- ship, Dubuque County, Iowa; Lot 2 in "W.A. Norman Place" in Section 25, Center Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, according to the plat thereof; and The NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 25, Township 89 North, Range 1 East of the 5th P.M., in Center Township, Dubuque County, Iowa; and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the South % of the NW 1/4 in Section 29, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M., Dubuque County, Iowa; and Lot One (1) of Dubuque Industrial Center Seventh Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof; and Lot Two (2) of McFadden Farm Place #2 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof; and Lot 2 of McFadden Farm Place, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded Plat thereof, subject to easements and restrictions of record by instrument dated July 5, 2017, recorded July 7, 2017, as Instrument no. 2017-00008431 ; and Whereas, Article VI of the Covenants allows the City to file a verified claim pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 614.24 to extend the Covenants for an additional twenty-one years; and Whereas, the City Council now desires to extend the Covenants for an additional twenty-one years. 6 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: The attached Verified Claim pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 614.24 to Renew Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Reservations, Easements, Liens and Charges for Property in Dubuque Industrial Center West, Dubuque Industrial Center West 2nd Addi- tion, Dubuque Industrial Center West 5th Addition, and Dubuque Industrial Center North First Addition is hereby approved. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute the document on behalf of the City of Dubuque. The City Clerk is hereby directed to record the document with the Dubuque County Recorder. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 272-17 APPROVING A VERIFIED CLAIM PURSUANT TO IOWA CODE SEC. 614.24 TO RE- NEW DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVA- TIONS, EASEMENTS, LIENS AND CHARGES FOR PROPERTY IN DUBUQUE TECH- NOLOGY PARK Whereas, the City of Dubuque adopted on June 15, 1998, the Declaration of Cove- nants, Conditions, Restrictions, Reservations, Easements, Liens and Charges (the Cov- enants), recorded June 30, 1998, as Instrument no. 10226-98, covering the following de- scribed property: Dubuque Technology Park; and Whereas, the following property has been added to the Properties covered by the Cov- enants: Lot F Dubuque Technology Park according to the plat recorded as Instrument No. 2006-12432 on August 11 , 2006 by instrument dated July 5, 2017, recorded July 7, 2017 as Instrument no. 2017-00008430. Whereas, Article VI of the Covenants allows the City to file a verified claim pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 614.24 to extend the Covenants for an additional twenty-one years; and Whereas, the City Council now desires to extend the Covenants for an additional twenty-one years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: The attached Verified Claim pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 614.24 to Renew Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Reservations, Easements, Liens and Charges for Property in Dubuque Technology Park is hereby approved. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute the document on behalf of the City of Dubuque. The City Clerk is hereby directed to record the document with the Dubuque County Recorder. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 7 18. Pre-Annexation Agreement - Barbara A. Gantenbein: City Manager recommending approval of a Pre-Annexation Agreement with Barbara A. Gantenbein in conjunction with approving the Plat of Survey of Gantenbein Acres No. 2 in Dubuque County and estab- lished by the City's Fringe Area Development Standards of the Unified Development Code. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 273-17 Approving a Pre-Annexation Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Barbara A. Gantenbein was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 273-17 APPROVING A PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA AND BARBARA A. GANTENBEIN Whereas, Barbara A. Gantenbein, the owner of the following described property in Dubuque County, Iowa (the Property) have submitted to the City Council of the city of Dubuque an application for voluntary annexation of the Property to the City of Dubuque: Lot 2 Gantenbein Acres and a portion of the NE 1/4, NW 1/4, Section 8, T88N, R2E per Warranty Deed Instr. No. 6949-73, Dubuque County, Iowa; and Whereas, Barbara A. Gantenbein has entered into a Pre-Annexation Agreement with the City of Dubuque a copy of which is attached hereto governing the future annexation of the Property; and Whereas, the Property is not subject to an existing annexation moratorium; and Whereas, the Property does not include any state or railroad property; and Whereas, Iowa Code Section 368.7 authorizes the voluntary annexation of property in Dubuque County, Iowa and the extension of city limits by voluntary annexation; and Whereas, the annexation of the Property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Dubuque, necessary for the future orderly growth and development of the City of Dubuque, and will promote efficient and cost effective extension of municipal services; and Whereas, the City Council finds that the annexation of the Property is in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The Pre-Annexation Agreement by and between Barbara A. Gantenbein and the City of Dubuque is hereby approved. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 19. Pre-Annexation Agreement - Oakland Farms Real Estate Company: City Manager recommending approval of a Pre-Annexation Agreement with Oakland Farms Real Estate Company in conjunction with approving the Final Plat for Oakland Farms Estates in Dubu- que County, and established by the City's Fringe Area Development Standards of the Unified Development Code. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 274-17Approving a Pre-Annexation Agreement between the City of Dubu- que, Iowa and Oakland Farms Real Estate Company was adopted. 8 RESOLUTION NO. 274-17 APPROVING A PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA AND OAKLAND FARMS REAL ESTATE COMPANY Whereas, Oakland Farms Real Estate Company, the owner of the following described property in Dubuque County, Iowa (the Property) has submitted to the City Council of the City of Dubuque an application for voluntary annexation of the Property to the City of Dubuque: Lot 2 of Reuter 2nd Addition, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the Subdivision of the East one-half of the Northeast 1/4 and the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 all in Section 15, Township 88 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M., Dubuque County, Iowa; and Whereas, Oakland Farms Real Estate Company has entered into a Pre-Annexation Agreement with the City of Dubuque, a copy of which is attached hereto governing the future annexation of the Property; and Whereas, the Property is not subject to an existing annexation moratorium; and Whereas, the Property does not include any state or railroad property; and Whereas, Iowa Code Section 368.7 authorizes the voluntary annexation of property in Dubuque County, Iowa and the extension of city limits by voluntary annexation; and Whereas, the annexation of the Property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Dubuque, necessary for the future orderly growth and development of the City of Dubuque, and will promote efficient and cost effective extension of municipal services; and Whereas, the City Council finds that the annexation of the Property is in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The Pre-Annexation Agreement by and between Oakland Farms Real Es- tate Company and the City of Dubuque is hereby approved. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 20. Pre-Annexation Agreement - James L. and Laura V. Jelinske: City Manager rec- ommending approval of a Pre-Annexation Agreement with James L. and Laura V. Jelinske in conjunction with approving the Plat of Survey for Jelinske Place No. 2 in Dubu- que County and established by the City's Fringe Area Development Standards of the Unified Development Code. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 275-17 Approving a Pre-Annexation Agreement between the City of Dubu- que, Iowa and James L. And Laura V. Jelinske was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 275-17 APPROVING A PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA AND JAMES L. AND LAURA V. JELINSKE Whereas, James L. and Laura V. Jelinske, the owners of the following described prop- erty in Dubuque County, Iowa (the Property) have submitted to the City Council of the city of Dubuque an application for voluntary annexation of the Property to the City of Dubuque: 9 Lot 2 of Jelinske Place, Dubuque County, Iowa; and Whereas, James L. and Laura V. Jelinske have entered into a Pre-Annexation Agree- ment with the City of Dubuque a copy of which is attached hereto governing the future annexation of the Property; and Whereas, the Property is not subject to an existing annexation moratorium; and Whereas, the Property does not include any state or railroad property; and Whereas, Iowa Code Section 368.7 authorizes the voluntary annexation of property in Dubuque County, Iowa and the extension of city limits by voluntary annexation; and Whereas, the annexation of the Property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Dubuque, necessary for the future orderly growth and development of the City of Dubuque, and will promote efficient and cost effective extension of municipal services; and Whereas, the City Council finds that the annexation of the Property is in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The Pre-Annexation Agreement by and between James L. and Laura V. Jelinske and the City of Dubuque is hereby approved. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 21 . Iowa Department of Transportation ICAAP Funding Agreement for the Northwest Arterial and John F. Kennedy Road Turn Lane Improvement: City Manager recommend- ing approval of a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Funding Agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation for an Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP) Grant to assist with the construction of a right turn lane on the north leg of JFK Road with traffic signal adjustments at the Northwest Arterial and JFK Road intersection. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 276-17 Approv- ing the Iowa Department of Transportation Agreement for Iowa Clean Air Attainment Pro- gram Grant for the City of Dubuque John F. Kennedy Road and NW Arterial Right-Turn Lane Improvement was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 276-17 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT FOR IOWA CLEAN AIR ATTAINMENT PROGRAM GRANT FOR THE CITY OF DUBUQUE JOHN F. KENNEDY ROAD AND NW ARTERIAL RIGHT TURN LANE IMPROVEMENT Whereas, the increasing growth of traffic volumes, along with operational and air qual- ity concerns, at the intersection of John F. Kennedy Road and NW Arterial in the City of Dubuque could be improved by adding a southbound right turn lane; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque has determined that improvements to this intersection, as recommended by the HDR Study commissioned by Iowa Department of Transporta- tion, will improve traffic flow; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque is seeking the necessary funding for project implemen- tation and commits 20% matching funds required to access Iowa Clean Air Attainment 10 Funds, and upon completion, in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Transportation, be responsible for adequately maintaining and operating the project for public use during the project's useful life. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, THAT: Section 1 . That said Iowa Clean Air Attainment Funding in the City of Dubuque for the John F. Kennedy Road and NW Arterial right turn lane improvement is hereby approved. Section 1 . That the Mayor be authorized and directed to execute two copies of said Agreement for the John F. Kennedy Road and NW Arterial right turn lane improvement. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 22. 2017 Asphalt Overlay Access Ramp Project One Acceptance: City Manager rec- ommending acceptance of the construction contract for the 2017 Asphalt Overlay Access Ramp Project One as completed by Dan Arensdorf Construction. Upon motion the docu- ments were received and filed and Resolution No. 277-17 Accepting the 2017 Asphalt Overlay Access Ramps Project One and authorizing the payment of the contract amount to the contractor was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 277-17 ACCEPTING THE 2017 ASPHALT OVERLAY ACCESS RAMPS PROJECT ONE AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF THE CONTRACT AMOUNT TO THE CONTRAC- TOR Whereas, the Public Improvement Contract for the 2017 Asphalt Overlay Access Ramps Project One (the Project) has been completed and the City Engineer has exam- ined the work and filed a certificate stating that the Project has been completed according to the terms of the Public Improvement Contract and that the City Engineer recommends that the Project be accepted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The recommendation of the City Engineer is approved and the Project is hereby accepted. Section 2. The Finance Director is hereby directed to pay to the Contractor from the Curb Ramp Program appropriations and the sidewalk program appropriations for the con- tract amount of$30,502.70, less any retained percentage provided for therein as provided in Iowa Code chapter 573, and to pay such retainage only in accordance with the provi- sions of Iowa Code chapter 573. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin Firnstahl, City Clerk CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION OF THE 2017 ASPHALT OVERLAY ACCESS RAMPS PROJECT ONE The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby certifies that he has inspected the 2017 Asphalt Overlay Access Ramps Project One, that the Project has 11 been performed in compliance with the terms of the Public Improvement Contract, and that the total cost of the completed work is $35,078.11 Dated this 31st day of July, 2017. /s/Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer Filed in the office of the City Clerk on the 31st day of July 2017. /s/ Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 23. Stair Replacement Project - 11th and Alice Streets: City Manager recommending that the award and completion for the Stair Replacement 11th and Alice Streets Project to Drew Cook & Sons Excavating Co., Inc. be officially recorded in the minutes of the City Council. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and made a Matter of Record. 24. 2017 Asphalt Overlay Access Ramp Project Three Award: City Manager recom- mending that the award for the 2017 Asphalt Overlay Access Ramp Project Three to Midwest Concrete, Inc., be officially recorded in the minutes of the City Council. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and made a Matter of Record. 25. Authorized Depository Institutions: City Manager approval of a resolution that adds Frost Bank as an authorized depository institution, replacing BBVA Compass as the de- positor for licensing fees collected by PetData, Inc. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 278-17 Naming Depositories was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 278-17 RESOLUTION NAMING DEPOSITORIES Whereas, Chapter 12C.2 of the 2201 Code of Iowa states that the approval of a finan- cial institution as a depository shall be by written resolution or order which shall be entered of record in the minutes of the approving board, and which shall distinctly name each depository approved, and specify the maximum amount which may be kept on deposit in each depository; and Whereas, this procedure is required if a financial institution changes its name or home office location, if the maximum amount is changed, or if a financial institution is added or deleted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the following financial institutions are approved to be depositories of the City of Dubuque, Iowa funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of the 2001 Iowa Code Chapter 12C.2. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit City of Dubuque, Iowa funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respec- tive financial institution as set out below. Depository Name Location of Home Office Maximum Balance merican Trust & Savings Bank Dubuque, Iowa $60,000,000 Dubuque Bank & Trust Company Dubuque, Iowa $60,000,000 U.S. Bank Minneapolis, Minnesota $40,000,000 Dupaco Community Credit Union Dubuque, Iowa $20,000,000 DuTrac Community Credit Union Dubuque, Iowa $20,000,000 12 Premier Bank Dubuque, Iowa $20,000,000 East Dubuque Savings Bank Dubuque, Iowa $20,000,000 Fidelity Bank & Trust Dyersville, Iowa $40,000,000 Frost Bank San Antonio, Texas $ 100,000 Hometown Bank Fond du Lac, Wisconsin $ 250,000 Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 26. Quarterly Investment Report: City Manager transmitting the June 30, 2017 Quar- terly Investment Report. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 27. Appointment to Community Development Advisory Commission: Housing Commis- sion recommending approval to appoint Commissioner Rick Baumhover as the Commis- sion's representative on the Community Development Advisory Commission. Upon mo- tion the documents were received, filed and approved. 28. Signed Contracts: Area Residential Care, Inc. for vocational Services; Canadian Pacific Railroad Amendment to Service Agreement for Bee Branch Creek Railroad Cul- verts; Four Mounds Foundation for use of City-owned building at 1101 Central Avenue; Iowa Department of Health Memorandum of Understanding for surveillance of mosquito- borne diseases in Iowa. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 29. Alcohol License Applications: City Manager recommending approval of annual beer, liquor and wine licenses as submitted. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 279-17 Approving applications for beer, liquor, and/or wine permits, as required by City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances Title 4 Business and License Regulations, Chapter 2 Liquor Control, Article B Liquor, Beer and Wine Licenses and Permits was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 279-17 APPROVING APPLICATIONS FOR BEER, LIQUOR, AND/OR WINE PERMITS, AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF DUBUQUE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE 4 BUSINESS AND LICENSE REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 2 LIQUOR CONTROL, ARTICLE B LIQ- UOR, BEER AND WINE LICENSES AND PERMITS Whereas, applications for Beer, Liquor, and or Wine Permits have been submitted and filed with the City Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of the City and the applicants have filed the proper fees and bonds and otherwise complied with the requirements of the Code of Ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be issued the noted permit types to the following applicants pending submission of the locally required documentation: 13 Renewals Chances R 1046 Central Ave. Class C Liquor (Outdoor) (Sunday) Corner Grill 1689 Elm St. Special Class C Liquor (Out- door) Courtside Sports Bar & Grill 2095 Holliday Dr. Class C Liquor (Outdoor) (Sunday) Dubuque Quick Stop Mart 1401 Central Ave. Class B Beer (Sunday) Hy-Vee #1 Market Café 3500 Dodge St. Class C Liquor (Sunday) Murph's Tap 55 Locust St. Class C Liquor (Sunday) Shannon's Bar and Grill 521 East 22nd St. Class C Liquor (Sunday) Sid's Beverage Store 2727 Dodge St. Class E Liquor, Class B Wine, Class C Beer (Sun- day) Super Stop III 1101 Rhomberg Ave. Class E Liquor, Class B Wine, Class C Beer (Sun- day) Texas Road House 845 Wacker Dr. Class C Liquor (Catering) (Outdoor) (Sunday) Tri-State Independent Blind 3333 Asbury Rd. Special Class C Liquor Society + West Dubuque Tap 1701 Asbury Rd. Class C Liquor (Sunday) Wingstop 2255 J.F. Kennedy Rd. Special Class C Liquor (Sun- day) Adding a Privilege Backpocket Brewing Tap- 333 E. 10th St. Adding Outdoor Services room Special Event Inspire Café 6-month Corner of Jackson Class B Beer and 8th St. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk ITEMS SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents, adopt the resolutions, set the public hearings as indicated, and direct the City Clerk to publish notice as prescribed by law. Seconded by Del Toro. Motion carried 6-0. 1 . State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Notes for Roosevelt Water Tower Planning and Design Project: City Manager recommending approval of a Resolution fixing the date of August 21 , 2017, for a public hearing on the proposition of selling not to exceed $475,000 in Water Planning and Design State Revolving Funds (SRF) Loan Notes for the Roosevelt 14 Water Tower Project. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 280-17 Fixing date for a meeting on the authorization of a Loan and Disbursement Agreement and the issuance of not to exceed $475,000 Water Revenue Capital Loan Notes of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing for publication of notice thereof was adopted setting a public hearing for a meeting to commence at 6:00 p.m. on August 21 , 2017 in the Historic Federal Building. RESOLUTION NO. 280-17 RESOLUTION FIXING DATE FOR A MEETING ON THE AUTHORIZATION OF A LOAN AND DISBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EX- CEED $475,000 WATER REVENUE CAPITAL LOAN NOTES OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA, AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICE THEREOF Whereas, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the City of Dubuque, Iowa should provide for the authorization of a Loan and Disbursement Agreement and the issuance of Water Revenue Capital Loan Notes, in the amount of not to exceed $475,000, as author- ized by Sections 384.24A and 384.82, Code of Iowa, as amended, for the purpose of providing funds to pay costs as hereinafter described; and Whereas, it is proposed that the City fund its costs on an interim basis under Section 76.13 of the Code of Iowa, anticipating in part, the future receipt of the proceeds of the Issuance of said Water Revenue Capital Loan Notes; and Whereas, the City has applied for a loan through the Iowa Drinking Water State Re- volving Fund Program pursuant to which the Iowa Finance Authority has agreed to pur- chase the City's Notes and has requested that such Notes be issued as a single Note in a denomination equal to the total amount of the issue as authorized by Chapter 384, Code of Iowa; and Whereas, the Loan and Disbursement Agreement and Note shall be payable solely and only out of the Net Revenues of the Municipal Water System and shall be a first lien on the future Net Revenues of the Utility; and shall not be general obligations of the City or payable in any manner by taxation and the City shall be in no manner liable by reason of the failure of the Net Revenues to be sufficient for the payment of the Loan and Dis- bursement Agreement and Note; and Whereas, before a Loan and Disbursement Agreement may be authorized and Water Revenue Capital Loan Notes issued to evidence the obligation of the City thereunder, it is necessary to comply with the provisions of the Code of Iowa, as amended, and to pub- lish a notice of the proposal and of the time and place of the meeting at which the Council proposes to take action for the authorization of the Loan and Disbursement Agreement and Notes and to receive oral and/or written objections from any resident or property owner of the City to such action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council OF THE City of Dubu- que, IOWA: Section 1 . That this Council meet in the Historic Federal Building, 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa, City of Dubuque, Iowa, at 6:00 o'clock P.M., on the 21st day of August, 2017, for the purpose of taking action on the matter of the authorization of a Loan and Disbursement Agreement and the issuance of not to exceed $475,000 Water Revenue Capital Loan Notes to evidence the obligations of the City thereunder, the proceeds of 15 which will be used to provide funds to pay the costs of acquisition, construction, recon- struction, extending, remodeling, improving, repairing and equipping all or part of the Mu- nicipal Water System, including for the Roosevelt Water Tower. Section 2. That the Clerk is hereby directed to cause at least one publication to be made of a notice of said meeting, in a legal newspaper, printed wholly in the English language, published at least once weekly, and having general circulation in said City, said publication to be not less than four clear days nor more than twenty days before the date of said public meeting on the issuance of the Notes. Section 3. The notice of the proposed action shall be in substantially the [Provided] form: Passed and approved this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 2. Bee Branch Healthy Homes, Community Development Block Grant-National Disas- ter Recovery (CDBG-NDR) Housing Projects Bid Set #1 : City Manager recommending initiation of the public bidding procedure for the Bee Branch Healthy Homes Community Development Block Grant-National Disaster Recovery Housing Projects Bid Set #1 , and further recommends that a public hearing be set for August 21 , 2017. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 281-17 Preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost; setting date of public hearing on plans, specification, form of contract, and estimated cost; and ordering the advertise- ment for bids was adopted setting a public hearing for a meeting to commence at 6:00 p.m. on August 21 , 2017 in the Historic Federal Building. RESOLUTION NO. 281-17 BEE BRANCH HEALTHY HOMES HOUSING PROJECTS PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATED COST; SETTING DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PLANS, SPEC- IFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATED COST; AND ORDERING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: The proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost for the individ- ual Bee Branch Healthy Homes Projects in the estimated amount of: Address: Proiect# Construction Estimate: 2499 Pinard St. 1X0016 $22,100 2665 White St. 1X0017 $23,600 671 Roberts St. 1X0015 $9,250 2613 Stafford St. 1X0025 $9,600 2108 Washington St. 1X0024 $15,890 575 Kaufmann Ave. 1X0012 $8,225 are hereby preliminarily approved and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection. A public hearing will be held on the 21st day of August, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. in the Historic Federal Building Council Chambers (second floor) 350 W. 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa, at 16 which time interested persons may appear and be heard for or against the proposed plans and specifications, form of contract and estimated cost of said Project, and the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to cause the attached notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which notice shall be published not less than four days nor more than twenty days prior to the date of such hearing. At the hearing, any interested person may appear and file objections to the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, or estimated cost of the Project. The following property addresses/project numbers: 1X0016- 2499 Pinard St. 1X0017- 2665 White St. 1X0015- 671 Roberts St. 1X0025- 2613 Stafford St. 1X0024- 2108 Washington St. 1X0012- 575 Kaufmann St. are hereby ordered to be advertised for bids for construction. The amount of the security to accompany each bid shall be in an amount which shall conform to the provisions of the Notice to Bidders hereby approved. The East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA) is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the construction of the improvements herein provided, by publishing the at- tached Notice to Bidders to be published in the Master Builders of Iowa Plan Room, The Construction Update Network and posted on the City of Dubuque website at www.cityofdubuque.org/bids and which notice shall be published not less than thirteen but not more than forty-five days before the date for filing bids before 1 :30 p.m. on the 28th day of August, 2017. Bids shall be opened and read by the Bee Branch Healthy Homes inspector and City staff at said time and will be submitted to the City Council for final action at 6:00 p.m. on the 5th day of September, 2017, in the Historic Federal Building Council Chambers (second floor), 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk BOARDS/COMMISSIONS Applicants were invited to address the City Council regarding their desire to serve on the following boards and commissions. 1 . Arts and Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission: One, 3-year term through June 30, 2019 (Vacant term of Bratcher). Applicants: Ali Levasseur, 1318 Jackson St.; Amy Ress- ler, 1505 Fairview PI. Ms. Levasseur spoke in support of her appointment and provided a brief biography. Kate Larson, 2535 Traut Terrace, read a prepared statement from Ms. Ressler in support of her appointment and provided a brief biography. 2. Building Code and Advisory Appeals Board: One, 3-year term through August 1 , 2020 (Expiring term of Swift). Applicant: Thomas Swift, 1875 Admiral St. (Qualifies for Commercial Contractor). 17 3. Historic Preservation Commission: One, 3-year term through July 1 , 2018 (Vacant term of Terry). Applicant: Stefanie-Candace Jenaman, 250 West 6th St. (Qualifies for At- Large). 4. Housing Board of Appeals: One, 3-year term through January 11 , 2018 (Vacant term of Schaub). Applicant: Christoffer Lammer-Heindel, 1145 Mt Pleasant St. Mr. Lammer- Heindel spoke in support of his appointment and provided a brief biography. Appointments were made to the following boards/commissions. 5. Community Development Advisory Commission: One, 3-year term through February 15, 2020 (Vacant term of Blok). Applicant: Nicole Borovic, 3163 Hillcrest Rd. (Qualifies as Low- to Moderate-Income Representative). Motion by Connors to appoint Mr. Borovic to the remainder of a 3-year term through February 15, 2020. Seconded by Lynch. Motion carried 6-0. 6. Housing Commission: One, 3-year term through August 17, 2018 (Vacant term of Kedley). Applicant: Shane Hoeper, 252 N. Grandview Ave. Motion by Jones to appoint Mr. Hoeper to the remainder of a 3-year term through August 17, 2018. Seconded by Lynch. Motion carried 6-0. 7. Library Board of Trustees: One, 4-year term through July 1 , 2021 (Expiring term of Willis). Additional Vacancies since July 17, 2017 Meeting: One, 4-year term through July 1 , 2018 (Vacant term of Trotter); One, 4-year term through July 1 , 2019 (Vacant term of Weiss). Applicants: Greg Gorton, 1295 Prairie St.; Rosemary Kramer, 2554 Rosewood Dr.; Pam Mullin, 2050 Mullen Rd.; Ann Pelelo, 2125 Simpson St. Upon Council concur- rence, Mayor Buol appointed Mr. Gorton to a 4-year term through 2021 , Ms. Kramer to the remainder of a 4-year term through 2018, and Ms. Pelelo to the remainder of a 4-year term through 2019. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 . Derby Grange Road Housing Urban Renewal Area Plan Amendment No. 1 : Proof of publication on notice of public hearing to consider approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Urban Renewal Plan for the Derby Grange Road Housing Urban Renewal Area that adds additional land to the Area and confirms the list of proposed projects to be undertaken in the Area, and the City Manager recommending approval. Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 282-17 Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Urban Renewal Plan for the Derby Grange Road Housing Urban Renewal Area. Se- conded by Connors. Motion carried 6-0. 18 RESOLUTION NO. 282-17 APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE DERBY GRANGE ROAD HOUSING URBAN RENEWAL AREA Whereas, by Resolution No. 133-17 adopted April 3, 2017, and Resolution No. 133- 17-A adopted April 17, 2017, the City Council of the City of Dubuque found and deter- mined that certain areas located within the City are eligible and should be designated as an urban renewal area under Iowa law, and approved and adopted the Urban Renewal Plan (the "Urban Renewal Plan" or "Plan") for the Derby Grange Road Housing Urban Renewal Area (the "Urban Renewal Area" or "Area") described therein; and Whereas, by Resolution 248-17 approved on July 5, 2017, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa authorized the preparation of Amendment No. 1 to the Urban Renewal Plan (the "Amendment No. 1") for the Area; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque's primary objective for Amendment No. 1 is to add ad- ditional land to the Area and confirm the list of proposed projects to be undertaken within the Area; and Whereas, a consultation process has been undertaken with affected taxing entities in accordance with Chapter 403 of the Code of Iowa with no written objections or recom- mended changes to Amendment No. 1 received; and Whereas, City code requires the City Council to submit the proposed Amendment No. 1 to the City's Long Range Planning Commission for review and recommendation as to its conformity with the general plan for development of the City as a whole, prior to City Council approval thereof; and Whereas, the City Council, in accordance with Chapter 403 of the Code of Iowa, has held a public hearing on the proposed Amendment No. 1 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That Amendment No. 1 is hereby approved; although relocation is not ex- pected, that a feasible method exists for the location of any families who will be displaced from the Area into decent, safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations within their means and without undue hardship to such families; and that Amendment No. 1 conforms to the general plan of the City as a whole. Section 2. That the Area is an economic development area within the meaning of Iowa Code Chapter 403; that such area is eligible for designation as an urban renewal area and otherwise meets all requisites under the provisions of Chapter 403 of the Code of Iowa; and that the rehabilitation, conservation, redevelopment, development, or a combi- nation thereof, of such area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety or welfare of the residents of this City. Section 3. That, notwithstanding any resolution, ordinance, plan, amendment or any other document, this Amendment No. 1 shall be in full force and effect from the date of this Resolution until the Council amends or repeals this Amendment No. 1 . Section 4. That the City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution and Amendment No. 1 in the office of the Dubuque County Auditor. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 19 PUBLIC INPUT Rebecca Nolan, 702 Fenelon Place, addressed the City Council about her concerns with being a vendor at the Farmer's Market and receiving conflicting information from Dubuque Main Street that she believes is removing her from selling at the Farmer's Mar- ket due to her needs for clean up time. Ms. Nolan provided a handout. City Manager Van Milligen advised the City Council that the City contracts with Dubuque Main Street to manage and regulate the Farmer's Market. ACTION ITEMS 1 . Smarter Travel Post-Project Update: East Central Intergovernmental Agency (ECIA) Director Kelley Deutmeyer and Transportation Director Chandra Ravada presented a post-project update on the Smarter Travel Project. Topic included: project overview of Smart Travel 2012 and Smarter Travel 2015-2017; project goal related to Jule Transit; volunteer requirements; project outcomes; meaningful/purposeful locations; optimized bus routes; total project costs, post process; accolades; and next steps/STREETS pro- ject. Ms. Deutmeyer presented the City Council and Jule Transit with the 2017 Excellence in Regional Transportation Award for its support and participation in the project. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and information. Seconded by Lynch. Mo- tion carried 6-0. 2. Arts and Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission Funding Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2018 Operating Support and Special Projects: Arts and Cultural Advisory Affairs Advisory Commission recommending approval of the Fiscal Year 2018 funding requests for operating support and special projects. Motion by Jones to receive and file the docu- ments and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 6-0. 3. Dubuque Airport Rental Car Parking Lot Project Award: City Manager recommend- ing award of the Dubuque Airport Rental Car Parking Lot Project construction contract to the low bidder McClain Excavating. Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 283-17 Awarding public improvement contract for the Dubuque Airport Rental Car Parking Lot Project 2017. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 283-17 AWARDING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT FOR THE DUBUQUE AIRPORT RENTAL CAR PARKING LOT PROJECT 2017 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Whereas, sealed proposals have been submitted by contractors for the Dubuque Air- port Rental Car Parking Lot Project 2017, (the Project) pursuant to Resolution No. 245- 17 and Notice to Bidders published in a newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, Iowa on the 7th day of July 2017. 20 Whereas, said sealed proposals were opened and read on the 27th day of July 2017 and it has been determined that McClain Excavating of Peosta, Iowa, with a base + alter- nate bid in the amount of$210,566.88 is the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Project. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That a Public Improvement Contract for the Project is hereby awarded to McClain Ex- cavating and the City Manager is hereby directed to execute a Public Improvement Con- tract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the Project. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of August 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 4. Grandview Avenue and Loras Boulevard Traffic Signal Reconstruction Project Award: City Manager recommending award of the Grandview Avenue and Loras Boule- vard Traffic Signal Reconstruction Project construction contract to the low bidder Portzen Construction. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 284-17 Awarding public improvement contract for the Grandview Avenue and Loras Boulevard Intersection Improvement Project. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 284-17 AWARDING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT FOR THE GRANDVIEW AVENUE & LORAS BOULEVARD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Whereas, sealed proposals have been submitted by contractors for the Grandview Av- enue & Loras Boulevard Intersection Improvement Project, (the Project) pursuant to Res- olution No. 263-17 and Notice to Bidders published in a newspaper published in the City of Dubuque, Iowa on the 23rd day of June, 2017. Whereas, said sealed proposals were opened and read on the 20th day of July,2017 and it has been determined that Portzen Construction of Dubuque, Iowa, with a bid in the amount of$328,276.28 is the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Project. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That a Public Improvement Contract for the Project is hereby awarded to Portzen Con- struction and the City Manager is hereby directed to execute a Public Improvement Con- tract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the Project. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of August,2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 5. Phase 117th Street Storm Sewer Improvement Project Award: City Manager recom- mending award of the Phase I 17th Street Storm Sewer Improvement Project construction contract to the low bidder Portzen Construction, Inc. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 285-17 Awarding public improvement con- tract for Phase 1 17th Street Storm Sewer Improvements Project. Seconded by Lynch. Motion carried 6-0. 21 RESOLUTION NO. 285-17 AWARDING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT FOR PHASE I 17TH STREET STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Whereas, sealed proposals have been submitted by contractors for the Phase 117th Street Storm Sewer Improvements Project (the Project) pursuant to Resolution No. 246- 17 and Notice to Bidders published on the City of Dubuque website and in a contractor plan room service with statewide circulation on the 7th day of July 2017. Whereas, said sealed proposals were opened and read on the 27th day of July 2017 and it has been determined that Portzen Construction, Inc. of Dubuque, IA, with a bid in the amount of$1 ,176,885.00, is the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Project. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That a Public Improvement Contract for the Project is hereby awarded to Portzen Con- struction, Inc., and the City Manager is hereby directed to execute a Public Improvement Contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the Project, following said registration and approval. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 6. Naming Recognition Request - Kids in Dubuque Skate (K.I.D.S.): City Manager rec- ommending approval of the naming recognition request submitted by Dubuque Skate for the skatepark project. Motion by Del Toro to receive and file the documents and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Jones. Council Member Connors thanked the skate groups and the park and Recreation Commission for their commitment to the project. Motion carried 6-0. 7. City Manager Authority to Execute Contracts and Leases: City Manager recom- mending approval of a resolution that would increase the City Manager's authority to ex- ecute public improvement contracts to limits provided in Iowa Law and change the report- ing requirement to City Council for such contracts, purchases, leases and insurance con- tract renewals to the to any regular meeting of the City Council. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 286-17 Authorizing the City Manager to execute contracts and leases on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Seconded by Del Toro. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 286-17 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND LEASES ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE Whereas, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 307-07 Authorizing the City Man- ager to Execute Contracts and Leases on Behalf of the City of Dubuque; and Whereas, City Council now desires to rescind Resolution No. 307-07. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . Resolution No. 307-07 is rescinded. 22 Section 2. The City Manager shall have the authority to award and execute contracts, to authorize work to proceed under contracts, and to approve the contractor's perfor- mance and payment bonds and to make purchases on behalf of the City as follows: a. Public improvement contracts up to the Iowa Code Chapter 26 threshold for com- petitive bidding; b. All purchases of equipment, materials, and supplies; c. Contracts for services for $500,000 or less; d. Leases fora term of three (3) years or less; e. Insurance contract renewals. The City Manager shall submit a report to the City Council of all such contracts or purchases less than the Iowa Code Chapter 26 threshold for competitive bidding, and leases and insurance contract renewals at any regular city council meeting. Section 3. The City Manager may delegate the authority granted herein provided such delegation is in writing. Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of August, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 8. Code of Ordinances Amendment - Title 7 Animal Control - Exceptions to Keeping and Licensing Restrictions: City Manager recommending approval of two amendments to correct and update references to city and state code sections in the City's animal control ordinance. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents and that the requirement that a proposed ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meet- ings prior to the meeting at which it is to be passed be suspended. Seconded by Se- conded by Lynch. Motion carried 6-0. Motion by Jones for final consideration and passage of Ordinance No. 37-17 Amending City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances Title 7 Police, Fire and Public Safety, Chapter 6 Animal Control, Article D Dangerous Animals, Section 7-6D-4 Exceptions to Keeping and Licensing Restrictions. Seconded by Lynch. Motion carried 6-0. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ORDINANCE NO. 37-17 AMENDING CITY OF DUBUQUE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE 7 POLICE, FIRE AND PUBLIC SAFETY, CHAPTER 6 ANIMAL CONTROL, ARTICLE D DANGEROUS ANIMALS, SECTION 7-6D-4 EXCEPTIONS TO KEEPING AND LICENSING RE- STRICTIONS NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Section 7-6D-4 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances is amended to read as follows: 7-6D-4: EXCEPTIONS TO KEEPING AND LICENSING RESTRICTIONS: The prohibition contained in section 7-6D-3 of this article and the provisions of section 7-6D-5 of this article shall not apply to the keeping of dangerous animals in the following circumstances: 23 A. The keeping of dangerous animals in a public zoo, bona fide educational or medical institution, humane society, or museum where they are kept as live speci- mens for the public to view, or for the purpose of instruction, research or study. B. The keeping of dangerous animals for exhibition to the public by a bona fide traveling circus, carnival, exhibit or show licensed to perform in the city. C. The keeping of dangerous animals in a bona fide, licensed veterinary hospital for treatment. D. The keeping of dangerous animals by a wildlife rescue organization, with ap- propriate permit from the Iowa conservation commission or the Iowa department of natural resources. E. Any dangerous animals under the jurisdiction of and in the possession of the Iowa conservation commission, pursuant to chapter 717F of the Iowa Code. F. A bona fide commercial pet shop licensed and inspected by the Iowa depart- ment of agriculture. Any such pet shop shall post in a conspicuous place, the following notice: NOTICE Section 7-6D-3 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances prohibits the keeping, shel- tering or harboring for any purpose within the City of Dubuque, any dangerous animal, as defined in Section 7-6D-1 . Dangerous animal includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1 . Lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, cougars, lynx and bobcats; 2. Wolves, coyotes and foxes; 3. Badgers, wolverines, weasels, skunks and mink; 4. Raccoons; 5. Bears; 6. All apes, baboons, macaques, monkeys and chimpanzees; 7. Alligators and crocodiles; 8. Scorpions; 9. Snakes that are: a. Any member of the family atractaspidae, including but not limited to mole vipers and burrowing asps. b. Any member of the family elapidae, voperidae, crotalidae, atractaspidae, or hydrophidae which are venomous, including but not limited to cobras, mambas, coral snakes, kraits, adders, vipers, rattlesnakes, copperheads, pit vipers, keel- backs, cottonmouths, and sea snakes. c. Any member of the superfamily henophidia, which are limited to reticulated pythons, anacondas, and African rock pythons. 10. Reptiles that are venomous; 11 . Gila monsters; 12. Opossums; and 13. Any crossbreed of such animals which have similar characteristics of the ani- mals specified above. 24 Section 2. This Ordinance takes effect upon publication. Passed, approved, and adopted the 7th day of August, 2017. /s/Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: /s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper on the 11th day of August, 2017. /s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 9. Code of Ordinances Amendment - Title 1 Mayor and City Council Salary Compen- sation: City Clerk submitting an amendment to the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances Title 1 adjusting City Council Member salaries effective January 1 , 2018 as recommended by the Compensation Task Force and approved by City Council on July 17, 2017. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and that the requirement that a proposed ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be passed be suspended. Seconded by Lynch. Motion failed 4-2 with Rios and Del Toro voting nay. Motion by Connors to consider the first reading of a proposed ordinance amending City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances Title 1 Administration, Chapter 6 Mayor and City Council, Section 1-6-2 Compensation. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 4-2 with Rios and Del Toro voting nay. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 6:48 p.m. The City Council then conducted a non-public meeting regarding collective bargaining and employment conditions pursuant to Chapter 20.17(3) and Chapter 21 .9 of the Code of Iowa. /s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC, City Clerk 25