2 19 09 City Council Proceedings Official_Special
The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 6:30 p.m. on February 19, 2009
in the Historic Federal Building.
Present: Mayor Buol, Council Members Braig, Connors, Jones, Lynch, Resnick,
Voetberg, City Manager Van Milligen
Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called
for the purpose of discussing various City departmental budgets.
Upon motion, the rules were suspended allowing anyone present to address the City
2010 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan: Community
Development Specialist Aggie Tauke introduced several members of the Community
Development Advisory Commission and presented the CDBG Fiscal Year 2010 Annual
Action Plan and budget. Tauke explained that the funds provided by the CDBG program
are the same funds referenced in the City’s Purchase of Service program for the
Washington Tool Library, Project Concern, and the Hills and Dales Senior Center.
Upon motion the rules were reinstated limiting discussion to the City Council.
Fiscal Year 2010 Departmental Budgets were presented by staff from the following
City departments: Housing and Community Development, Planning Services, Economic
Development, Parking Division, and the Transit Division.
Housing and Community Development Department: Housing and Community
Development Director David Harris introduced several commission members and
presented the Housing and Community Development Department’s Fiscal Year 2010
Budget. Upon questioning by City Council, Harris explained that he did not expect the
current owners or renters of the “Eco-Village” program homes to re-occupy the homes
once they are moved as part of the program since it is a 12- to 18-month process. He
added that it could be an option.
Planning Services Department: Planning Services Manager Laura Carstens
presented the Planning Services Department’s Fiscal Year 2010 budget. Upon
questioning by City Council, Carstens stated that the Unified Development Code is
expected to be completed June 30, 2009.
Economic Development: Economic Development Director Dave Heiar recognized
Assistant Economic Development Director Aaron DeJong, public/private partnerships
and presented the Economic Development Department’s Fiscal Year 2010 budget.
Parking Division: Parking System Supervisor Tim Horsfield recognized the division’s
staff and presented the Parking Division’s Fiscal Year 2010 budget. Upon questioning
by City Council, Horsfield stated that the division is exploring options for bike racks in
combination with parking meters without jeopardizing accessibility as well as placing
racks inside parking ramps.
Transit Division: Transit Manager Jon Rodocker recognized the division’s staff and
presented the Transit Division’s Fiscal Year 2010 budget. Upon questioning by City
Council, Rodocker stated that the contract between the City and First Transit expires in
2 years. City Council Members discussed the budget for the requested comprehensive
transit study and the expected results, possible purchase of hybrid vehicles, and the
issue of full-time and part-time drivers. Ann Michalski, 1520 Altura Drive, expressed her
concerns regarding the recommended transit budget and the reduced number of
meetings of the Transit Board of Trustees. Michalski added that she believed more
public input is needed, full-time employees should be preferred over part-time
employees, and having only four fixed-routes is the source of the system’s inadequacy.
Teamsters Local #120 Eastern Iowa Director and Business Agent Dave Baker, 3055
Castlewoods Lane, introduced several bus operators and expressed concerns he has
over converting full-time operator positions to part-time, the lag time in filling approved
positions, and the recommendations against adding positions. Baker requested Council
consider budgeting for one fixed-route, full-time operator position in FY 2010 and added
that money could be saved since additional training would not be necessary with
transitioning part-time employees to full-time. Pat Healy, 227 Bryant Street, questioned
the cost and what the advantage would be of the $15,000 GPS Tracking System and
the approximate $80,000 comprehensive transit study recommended in the FY 2010
budget. Responding to questions by City Council, Rodocker provided additional
information regarding the GPS Tracking Systems and stated that the study would
include staffing recommendations and customer price point information. Van Milligen
again cautioned City Council Members about funding recurring budget
recommendations with one-time expenditures but would respect the Council’s decision.
Shirley VanDeuser, 2217 Queen Street, stated that as a user of the transit system, the
buses need to go more places, have longer hours, and that she would be willing to pay
more for the expanded service. VanDeuser also stated that she had not seen the
notices requesting public input on the transit system. Union Steward and Bus Operator
Wayne Strohmeyer, 3403 Waller Street, spoke in support of adding full-time positions
and questioned why, in his opinion, the Transit Department is always overlooked. Mayor
Buol preferred to wait for the results of the comprehensive transit study before making
any budgetary changes.
There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 9:18 p.m.
/s/Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC
City Clerk
1t 2/27