1943 March Council ProceedingsRegular Session, TVIarch 1st, 1943 27
` II
Regular Session, i/arch 1st, 1943.
Council met at 7:30 P, M.
Present-Mayor Wharton, Cou:-
cilmen Murphy, Schueller, Thomp-
son, Van Duelman, City Manager
Mayor Wharton stated that this is
the regular monthly meeting of the
City Council for tha purpose of act-
ing upon such business as may prop-
erly come before the meeting.
Petition of Henry Herrmann, et
al, protesting to the closing of the
stairway leading from North Main
to Main Street at 17th Street and
requesting that said stairway be re-
paired and opened to pedestrian
travel, presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present in
the Council Chamber, who wishes to
do so, to address the Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Dxxelman.
Mr. Henry Herrmann, et al, ad-
dressed the Council iu support of
their petition and requested that the
stairway leading from North Main
to Main Street at 17th Street be re-
paired and opened to pedestrian
Councilman Murphy moved that
City Manager Rhomberg be instruct-
ed to notify the Park Board to make
the necessary repairs as requested
on the stairway leading from North
Main to Main Street at 17th Street
and that upon failm•e by the Park
Board to comply with the instruc-
tions that the balance of the money
in the fund created by the sale of
rock from Eagle Point Park will be
withheld. Seconded by Councilman
Van Duelman. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Notice of Claim of John Powers,
in the amount of $100.00 for dam-
ages to his car caused by being
backed into by a City snow-plow on
Bryant Street near Cleveland Ave-
nue, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the Notice of Claim be referred
to the City Solicitor for investiga-
tion and report. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Thompson. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Dlurphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of the Engineers of the
Water Department. requesting a
15% wage increase, presented and
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the petition be referred to the
Council for consideration. Second-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote,:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of the Guards of the
Water Department, requesting an
increase in wages to the amount of
$125.00 per month, presented and
Councilman Murphy moved that
the petition be referred to the Coun-
cil for consideration. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-1\Iayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of NIrs. Mary Hier, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting
suspension of the 1942 taxes on the
North 24 feet of the East 170 feet of
Lot 374 of Davis Farm Addition, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Solicitor for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Thompsonx, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
City Solicitor I~intzinger submit-
ting verbal recommendation that the
petition of Mrs. Mary Hier be ap-
proved and that the Board of Super-
visors to be notified of Council ac-
Councilman Schueller moved that
the recommendation of City Solici-
tor Kintzinger be approved and that
the Board of Supervisors be notified
of Council action. Seconded by
Councilman Murphy. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of the Foard of Dock
Conunissioners, asking the City
Council to approve an exchange of
land with Morrison Brothers Com-
pany for the purpose of establish-
izag a
Regular Session, March lst, 1943
more practical line for a new preservation of the best interests
and asking that a Deed be of the City of Dubuque and the
to Morrison Brothers Com-
for the same, presented and
Councilman Murphy moved that
the communication be referred to
the Council to view the grounds and
that the City Manager and City So-
licitor be instructed to advise Coun-
cil as to the legality of the proposi-
tion for the changing of the location
of Seventh Street. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Ntayor Wharton, Councii-
znen Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 14-43
A Resolution in relation to the
appropriation of the consolidated
tax levy in ratio, as provided by
law, for the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1943, and ending March 31,
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has heretofore
caused to be levied a consolidated
tax in accordance with the provis-
ions of Section 6217 of the 1939
Code of Iowa, included within
wlziclz are the taxes for the Gen-
eral, Grading, Improvement, Seaver
and Light Funds, and the estimated
revenue to be derived from such
tax has been determined to be
$248,704.00, anti it is now deemed
necessary aucl advisable to deter-
naine the ratio upon which such
funds and purposes included there-
in shall be appropriated: Now,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
estimated revenue front the consoli-
dated tas levy be and the same is
hereby appropriated in the ratio
laerein apportioned to the General,
Grading, Improvement, Sewer and
Light Funds, such sums to be set
aside for the use of each of such
funds, as provided by law, as
General Fuud ............$186,404.00
Grading Fund .............. 10,000.00
Improvement Fund .... 10,000.00
Sewer Fund ................ 5,500.00
Light Fund .................. 36,800.00
Total ..........................$248,704.00
Be It Further Resolved that the
estimated revenue to be derived
from the tax upon agricultural
lands avithin the City be appro-
priated in the sum of $97.00 to the
General Fund, making the total
General Fund $186,501.00.
Be It Further Resolved that the
provisions of this resolution are
declared to be necessary as in the
same shall take effect and be an
force from and after the adoption
hereof by the City of Dubuque, as
provided by law.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 1st day of March, 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
March 1, 1943
To the Honm•able Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In accordance with
the provisions of law, as City Man-
ager, I have prepared an annual
budget for the fiscal year April 1,
1943, to March 31, 1944, based upon
estimated income and expenses for
the various departments of the
City of Dubuque, including certain
changes as were approved and auth-
orized by the City Council. These
estimates show departmental ap-
propriations for each department
for the preceding year (1942-43}
and also the increases or decreases,
as were determined for the ensuing
year (1943-44).
The budget is submitted to the
City Council for tentative approval
and the same will be published as
required by law in order that ob-
~ections thereto may be made be-
fm'e final action is taken on this
budget by the City Council.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the communication of City Manager
Bloomberg be received and made a
matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Dttelman.
Regular Session, l~'Iarch 1st, 1943
Notice is hereby given that the City Manager of the
City of Dubuque has prepared a budget on the basis of
estimates of the expenses of the various departments
of said City for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1943,
and ending March 31, 1944, and such departmental esti-
mates show expenses of each department for the preced-
ing year, in addition thereto the City Council has caused
to be prepared a budget for said fiscal year on the basis
of estimates of the expenses of the several departments
of said City, such estimates showing therein not only
the purpose for which the consolidated tas levy author-
ized by Section 6217 of the Co le of Iowa 1939 is to be
used, but in addition thereto, the purpose for which all
tither tas levies heretofore made are to be used, includ-
ing revenues from miscellaneous sources, the apportion-
ment of the consolidated tax levy having heretofore
been determined by said Council and incorporated in a
resolution for such purpose. This budget will be con-
sidered for final adoption b3' the City Council at a spe-
cial meeting to be held in the Council Chamber at the
City Hall on the 22nd da3' of March, 1943, at 7:30 o'clock
P, bI. Any interested party objecting thereto or pro-
testing to the same, or to any item thereof or any
omission therefrom, shall present his objections to said
Council on or before that date.
This notice is given pursuant to the direction of the
City Council.
3-4-1t, City Clerk.
Distribution of Consolidated Tax Levy
General Fund ...............................................................$156,404.00
Grading Fund ........................_.................................. 10,000.00
Improvement Fund ..................................................... 10,000.00
Sewer Fuud .............................................................:....... 5,500.00
Light Fund ......................_................................ ........... 36,300.00
Total ..........................................................................$245, 701.00
A-From Taxes
Levy lvConeys and
Fwtd in IlIills R®gular Tax Credits Total
Consolidated ....... 7.000 $241,515.00 $ 7,189.00 $215,704.00
Bond ~ Interesi.. 2.165 7-1,697.00 2,223.00 76,920.00
Fire illainteuance 3.525 121,620.00 3,620.00 125,240.00
Fire Equipment .. 0.352 12,145.00 361.00 12,506.00
Gari~ag'e Disposal
& St. Cleaning.. 0.500 17,251.00 513.00 17,764.00
Park ........................ 0.625 21,561.00 G41.00 22,205.00
Police Pension .... 0.375 12,935.00 335,00 1:1,323.00
Fire Pension ....... 0.591 20,194.00 610.Ot1 21,104A0
Library .................. O.S75 30,139.00 899.00 31,035.00
Main Sewer .......... 0.375 12,938.00 385.00 13,323.00
Playgrotmd and
Swimming Pool 0.35S 12,352.00 367.00 12,719.00
Doclc Operation .. 0.457 16,302.00 500.00 17,302,00
Doclc Bond and
Interest .............. 0.988 34,088.00 1,014,00 35,102.00
Snow Removai .... O.1S0 6,210.00 155.00 6,395.00
Airport ................ 0.750 25,576.00 770.00 26,646.00
Emet-gency ......... 0.625 21,56-1.00 641.00 22,205.00
19.774 $652,313.00 $20,:303.00 $702,546.00
Road Tax on Agricultural Lands (Gen, Fund) 97.00
Library Tax on Agricultural Lands (Library
Fund) .......................................................................... 68.00
AS LEVIED AUGUST, 1912 ......................$702,711.00
The above estimate is based on a revised taxable
value of $35„525,992.00, which is the assessed value for
1913-44 operation upon which the 19.774 mill lev3' and the
adjustment of moneys and credits equal to $20,303.00
amounts to $702.546.00, Dlus taxes on agricultural lands
equal to X165.00 totals $702,711.00 as obtained from the
County Auditor.
The millage for 1942-43 operation was 19.545 mills on
a taxable valuation of $34,667,SOS.00 amounting to $659,-
175.00 Plus moneys and credits of $15,505.00, plus taxes
nn agricultural lands of $1!8.00 totalled $677,858.00.
VIII i I~IIIIdIIId~~Y~uiiuiiii~ iid~. .::~. ~ !J
30 Regular Session, 1Vlarch 1st, 1943
B. From Miscellaneous Sources 1943-44
General Misc.
Excavation Permits ....................................................$ 100.00
Police Court Returns ...................................................... 9,900.00
Electrical Permits ............................................................ 1,750.00
Plumbing Permits ........................................................... 1,500.00
Building Permits ............................................................. 2,000.00
Franchise Tax ................................................................. 600.00
Scale Fees ............................................................................ 250.00
State Highway Maintenance ..................................... 2,505:00
Sale of Real Property .................................................... 3,000.00
Dieting Prisoners .......:.................................................... 200.00
Health Dept. Receipts ................................................... 500.00
Ambulance Fees ............................................................... 1,200.00
Dog Licenses .................................................................... 650:00
Business Licenses ............................................................ 4,250.00
11Iiscellaneous Rental .................................................... 900.00
Cigarette Permits ...............:........................................... 15,500.00
Beer Permits ................................................................. 25,750.00
Miscellaneous Sales ...................................................... 445,00
Milk Inspection Fees ...................................................... 2,000.00
Department Receipts ................................................... 500.00
Total General Miscellaneous Receipts ..............$ 73,500.00
Fines, Book Rental ..........................................................$ 2,000.00
Estimated Balance April 1, 1943 .............................$ 2,500.00
Concessions ..................................................................... 300.00
Miscellaneous Collections ................. .......
.................... 450.00
Total ...........................................................................$ 3,250.00
Swimming Pool Receipt ..............................................$ 2,500.00
Skating Receipts ............................................................ 200.00
Athletic Field Fees ....................................................... 375.00
Total ............................................................................$ 3,075.00
Maturing Investment Bonds ....................................$ 12,000.00
Maturing Investment Bonds .....................................$ 12,500.00
Sinking Fund for Dock Bond Redemption............$ 2,000.00
Estimated Balance April 1, 1943 ..............................$ 2,000.00
Contributions from Members .................................... 600.00
Total ............................................................................ $ 2,600.00
Estimated Balance April 1, 1943 ........................... $ 1,000.00
Contributions from Members ................................... 800.00
Total ........................................................................... $ 1,800.00
Estimated Balance April 1, 1943 .............................. $ 4,000.00
Oil Terminal Fees ....................................................... 2,500.00
Harbor Leases ................................................................ 1,500.00
TVharfage Fees ............................................................... 4,000.00
Rent from Ham's Island ................_.....,..................... 500.00
Total .......................................................................... $ 12,500.00
Total Estimated iVfiscellaneous Revenues ............ ..125,225.00
Total Taxes ...................................................................... 702,711.00
Total Estimated City Revenues ........................ $827,936,00
Estimated Balance April 1, 1943 .............................. $ 20,000.00
Estimated 199.3-44 Water Revenue ........................ 153,000.00
Estimated Grand Total City Revenue and
Water Division .........................................................$1,000,936.00
APRIL 1, 1943 TO MARCH 31, 1944
(General Fund)
1942-43 Proposed 1943-44
Appropriations Appropriations
Item 101-City Council
A. Salaries ..........................................$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00
13. Travel ............................................ 175.00 175.00
J. Miscellaneous .............................. 25.00 25.00
Total ...................................:...............$ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00
Regular Session, l~~larch 1st, 1943 31
Item 102-City Manager's Office
A. Salary City Manager ..............*$ 5,720.00 *$ 5,720.00
i A. Salary Secretar}' ...................... 2,112.00 2,232.00
A. Salary Stenographer .............. 1,452.00 1;572.00
B. Travel ............................................ 100.00 100.00
C. Office .............................................. 125.00 125.00
D. Printing ........................................ 15.00 15.00
! F, i\faintenance ...... ......................... 200.00 200.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 325.00 325.00
Total .....................................................$ 10,049.00 $ 10,289.00
Item 103-City Clerk's Office
A. Salary City Cleriz .......................$ 2,750.00 $ 2,870.00
A. Salary Extra ;=Ielp ..................... 150.00 150.00
G. ;Material and Supplies ............. 75.00 75.00
' Total ...................................................$ 2,975.00 $ 3,095,00
Item 104-City Auditors Office
A. Salary City Auditor ..................*$ 2,156.00 *$ 2,252.G0
F. Maintenance ................................ 50.00 50.00
' G. Material and Supplies .............. 100.00 100.00
Total ...................................................$
i 2,306.00 $ 2,402.00
Item 105-City Treasurer's Office
A. Salary City 'Creasurer ............*$ 2,112.00 *$ 2,208.00
D. Printing and Advertising ........ 25.00 25.00
F. Maintenance ................................. 25.00 25A0
G. Material and Supplies .............. 150.00 150.00
I. Surety Bond ............................... 50.00 50.00
Total ...............................................'$ 2,362.00 *$ 2,458.00
(*I~TOTE: 20% of Salaries of City Manager, A ud itor and
Treasurer are paid by Water Depa rtment).
E Item 106-City Solicitor's Office
A. Salary City Solicitor ..................$ 4,400.00 $ 4,400.00
B. Travel ............................................ 40.00 40.00
C. Office .............................................. 40.00 40.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 55.00 85.00
Total ....................................................$ 4,565.00 $ 4,505,00
Item 108-City Assessor's Office
A. Salary City Assessor ..................$ 1,320.00 $ 1,440.00
A. Salaries Deputies (3) ............ 1,800.00 2,160.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 25.00 25.00
.I. Board of Review ....................... 600.00 600,00
Total ....................................................$ 3,745.00 $ 4,225.00
Item 109-Civil Engineer's Office
A. Salary Instrument flan ........... $ 1,548.00 $ 1,968.00
A. Salaries Rodmen ........................ 2,904.00 3,124.00
C. Office ............................................ 10.00 10.0'0
E. Equipment ................................... 50.00 50.00
F. Maintenance ............................... 500.00 500.00
G. laterial and Supplies ................ 500.00 500.00
Total ....................................................$ 5,812.00 $ 6,172.00
Item 713-City Elections
A. Salaries Clerks, etc, .........._....$ 500.00 $ 500.00
G. IVlaterial and Supplies ............. 400.00 400.00
J. Rents .............................................. 50.00 50.00
Total ................................................. $ 950.00 $ 950.04
Item 114-City Buildings
A. Salaries Janitors ..........................$ 2,200.00 $ 2,300.00
E. Equipment ............................. 1,500.00 1,000.00
i F. 11Laintenance and Repairs ....... 2,500.00 2,400.00
i G. -Iaterial and Supplies ................ 1,000.00 1,300.00
i H. Heat and Light .......................... 2,900.00 2,450.00
E I. Insurance (3 Years) ................ ................ 550.00
Total ...................................................$ 10,100.00 $ 10,000.00
Item 115-Police Court
y A. Salary Police Judge ..................$ 1,650.00 $ 1,650.00
G. illaterial and Supplies .............. 15.00 15.00
Total ....................................................$ 1,665.00 $ 1,665.00
Item 116--Civil Service Commission
' G. 11laterial and Supplies ..............$ 100.00 $ 100.00
J. Miscellaneous ............................. 100.00 100.00
Total ...................................................$ 200.00 $ 200.00
ERAL ADMINISTRATION ....$ 46,429.00 $ 47,721,00
32 Regular Session, March 1st, 1943
Item 118-Police Depa rtment (General Fund)
Budget Rate Preliminary
1942-43 Per Mo. 1343-44
A. Salary Chief of
Police ..........$ 3,102.00 ( 1) @ $253.50 $ 3,102.00
A. Salary Senior
Captain ........ 2,376.00 (1) @ 203.00 2,496.00
A. Salaries
Captains .. 4,224.00 (2) @ 156.00 4,464.00
A. Salaries Desk
Sergeants ... 6,237.00 (3) @ 153.25 6,597.00
A. Salaries
Detectives .. S,1S4.00 (4) @ 150.50 5,664.00
A. Salaries Motor-
cyclists 3,960.00 (2) @ 175.00 4,200.00
A. Salaries Patrol-
men (After 3
years) .....,.... 42,105.00 (22) @ 169.50 44,748.00
A Salaries Patrol-
men (Before
3 years) 5,544.00 ( 3) @ 164.00 5,904.00
A. Salaries Patrol-
men (Dr:ring
first year) ... .....,...... (0) @ 147.50 ................
A. Salaries
IfCatrons ...... 2,172.00 ( 2) @ 125.5C 3,012.00
A. Salaries Spe-
cial Officers 100.00 100.00
B. Travel .............. 50.00 50.00
C. Office .........._.... 425.00 425.00
D. Printing .......... 50.00 150.00
E. Equipment ...... 2,000.00 2,000.00
F. 1VIaintet.ance .. 2,`L00.00 2,900.00
G. Material and
Supplies ...... 2,700.00 2,000.00
J-1. Feeding
Prisoners .... 1,500.00 1,750.00
J-2. Miscellaneous
(Iltjuries) .... 300.00 300.00
T otal ......................$ S7,S32.00 $ 92,362.00
(General Fund-$55,262.00; Water Works Fun d Transfer
Item 119A-Fire Department Maintenance Fund
A. Salary Fire
Chief ............$ 3,102.00 (1) @ $258.50 $ 3,102.00
A. Salaries Senior
Captains ...... 4,4SS.00 (2) @ 197.00 4,72S:OU
A. Salaries
Captains ...... 10,560.00 (5) @ 156.00 11,160.00
A. Salaries
Lieutenants 13,560.00 (7) @ 175.00 14,700.II0
A. Salaries
Engineers .... 7,920.00 (4) @ 175.00 5.400.00
A. Salaries Fire-
men (After 3
years) ...,,,.._ 53,592,00 (30) @ 169.511 67,020,00
A. Salaries Fire-
men (During
3 years) .... 11,USS.00 (7) @ 164.00 13,776.00
A. Salaries Fire-
men (During
first year).. 6,f,00.00 (1) @ 147.50 1,770.00
B. Travel .............. 50.00 50.00
C. Oifice ................ 650.00 650.00
D. Printing .......... 35.00 35.00
F-1. iVlaintenance .. 2,600.00 2,600.00
I'-2. Repairs to
Buildings ... 3,000.00 2,600.00
G. 1•ilaterial and
Supplies 2,700.00 2,700.00
H. Heat & Light 3,000.00 3,000.00
I. Insurance ...... 400.00 400.00
J-1. Miscellaneous
(Injttries) .... 900.00 600.00
J-2. interest on
Warrants .... 60.00 60.00
J-3. Reserve for
Emergency .. 521.00 261.00
T --
otal .................... $125,126.00
(Fire Maintenance ' Pax-$125,240.00; Fire Equipment
Fun d Transfer-$6,3 72.00).
~, .
Regular Session, March 1st, 1943 33
Item 1196-Fire Equipment Fund
Appro- Appro°
priations priations
1942-43 1943-44
E. Equipment ....................................$ 12,549.00 $ 6,134.00
Ite m 120-Fire and Police Alarm (General Fund)
A. Salary Cit1' Electrician ..........$ 2,145.00 $ 2,145.00
A. Salary Assistant ..............._..... 1,980.00 2,100.00
A. Salary Extra Help ................... 100.00 100.00
C. Office .............................................. 100.00 100.00
F. Equipment ................................... 150.00 1'a 0.00
F. Maintenance ........._ .................... 150.00 150.00
G. Material and Supplies .... ............L00.00 200.00
H. Heat, Light and Power .......... 100.00 100.00
Total ............_ .......................................$ 4,92x'.00 $ 5,045.00
Ite m 121-Building Commissioner's Office
(General Fund and Misc. General Revenues )
A. Salary Builcliug Commis-
sioner ........................................*$ 3,300.00 *$ 3,300.(10
C. Office ......................................... 25.00 25.00
F. Maintenance ........ ................_. 150.00 150.00
G. 1~Iaterial and Suppiies ............ 100.0;) 100,00
Total ...............................................$ 3,575.00 $ 3,575.00
(C=eneral Fund-$1,575.00; Fees-$,000.00)
(*N ote: Includes Civil Engineering Duties)
Ite m 122-Plumbing Inspector's Office
{General Fund and Misc, General Revenues)
A. Salary Phunbiug lnspector....$ 2,376.00 $ 2,496,00
C. Office ......................... ................. 35.00 25.00
D. Printing ......................................... 15.00 15.00
U. Material and StiPPlies ......... ..... 60.00 x0.00
J. Plumbing Board ................ 180.00 180.00
Total ...................................._..........$ 2,646.00 $ 2,7G6.00
(Ge neral Fund-$1,266.00; Fees-$1,500.00)
Ite m 123-Electrical Inspector's Office
(General Fund and Misc, General Revenues)
A. Salary Electrical Inspector....$ 2,412.00 $ 2,49(1.00
C. Office ............................................. 25.00 25.00
D. Printing ............................. .... .. 15.00 15.00
F. Maintenance ....... .................. 175.00 175.00
G. lllaterial and Supplies ............ 100.00 100.00
Total ...................................................$ 2,757.00 $ 2,511.00
(General Fund-$1,061.00; Fees-$1, 750.00)
Ite m 124-Dog Pound (Misc. General Revenues)
J. Enforcement Dog Ordinance$ 150.00 $ 150.00
PROPERTY ............ ..................$239,5G0.00 $244,955.00
Ite m 125--Health Operation (General Fund
and Misc, General Revenues)
A. Salary Director (,part time)..$ 1,980.00 $ 1,980.00
.~, Salary Sanitary Inspector ...... 1,595.00 1,715.00
A. Salary Cleric and Registrar.... 1,452.00 1,572.00
A. Salary Restaurant Inspector 1,188.00 1,303.00
.~+.. Salary Nurse .... ......................... 1,848.00 1,968.00
A. Salary Nurses (~) ................. 3,432.00 3,672.00
B. 'Pravel ......................... ............. 50.00 50.00
C. Office ....................................... ..... 150.00 150.00
D. Printing .......... ........... .......... 50.00 50.00
E. F:~luipntent .................................... 50.00 50.00
P. Daintenance ......... ................... 250.00 250.00
G. -laterial and Supplies .... ....... 400.00 400.00
J-1 . Laboratory Expense ............... 900.00 900.00
J-2, Miscellaneous ........................... 100.00 100.00
Total .................................._.........:p 13,445.00 $ 14,165.00
((General Fund-$13,665.00; Fees-$500.00)
Ite m 126-Control of Contagious Diseases (General Fund)
Control of Contagious Diseases$ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.OD
ite m 127-Sewer Maintenance (Main Sewer Fund)
A. Salary Foreman ...._ ................ $ 1,818.00 $ 1,963.00
A. Wages Lahorers ......................... 8,500.00 8,976.00
I]. Equipment .............. ................... 700.00 700.00
F. Maintenance ................................ 700.00 700,00
G. Material and Supplies ..... ...... 49100 471.00
H. Power for Sewer Pumps .,.... 900.00 900.00
Total ......... .... ........ ....... .... .... $ 13,139.00 $ 13,715.00
(Main Sewer Tax-$13,323.00; Water Works Transfer-
~.~ ~ ' ~ ;
v: ~
34 Regular Session, l~2arch 1st, 1943
Item 128-Garbage Disposal (General Fund)
J. Contract for Garbage Collec-
tion and Disposal ..................$ 15,490.00 $ 15,490.00
Ite m 129-Milk Inspection (General Fund and
Misc, General Revenues)
A. Salary Milk .Inspector ..............$ 2,400.00 $ 2,520.00
E. Equipment ...................................... 160.00 160.00
G. Daterial and Supplies .............. 100.00 100.00
Total ...................................................$ 2,660.00 $ 2,780.00
(G eneral Fund-$780.00; Fees-$2,000.00)
HEALTH AND SANITATION..$ 45,934.00 $ 47,350.00
Ite m 131-Highways Administration (General Fund)
A. Salary Tiinelceeper ....................$ 2,112.00 $ 2,232.00
F. Maintenance ................................ 100.00 100.00
G. Raterial and Supplies ............. 150.00 150.00
Total ......................................................$ 2,362.00 $ 2,482.00
Ite m 132-Street Repairing and Grading
(General Fund and Grading Fund)
A. Wages Laborers ........................$ 17,325.00 $ 19,250.00
]+:. Equipment .................................... 4,500.00 4,500.00
F. Maintenance ............................s.... 4,500.00 4,500.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 5,500.00 5,500.00
Total ......................................................$ 31,825.00 $ 33,750:00
(General Fund-$28,750.00; Grading Fund-$5,0 00.00)
Ite m 133-City Garage (General Fund)
A. Salaries Mechanics ..................$ 8,650.00 $ 9,600.00
C, Office .............................................. 75.00 75.00
E. Equipment .........._ ........................ 500.00 500.00
F. Maintenance ................................ 400.00 400.00
G. D-Taterial and Supplies .............. 325.00 325.00
H. 2,500.00
Heat, Light and Power ...... 2,500.00
I. ..::
Insurance ............... 50.00 50.00
Total ....................................................$ 12,500.00 $ 13,450.00
Ite m 134-Ash and Can Collection (General Fund)
A. Wages Drivers and Laborers$ 9,900.00 $ 10,975.00
F. Daintenance .................................. 1,400.00 1,400.00
G. 1\Iaterial and Supplies .............. 500.00 500.00
Total ....................................................$ 11,500.00 $ 12,875.00
Ite m 138-Street and Traffic Signal Lighting (L ight Fund)
H. Street Lighting and Traffic
Signals .......................................$ 36,800.00 $ 36,800.00
Ite m 14~Street Cleaning (Garbage Disposal and
Street Cleaning Fund)
A. Wages Drivers and Laborers$ 12,500.00 $ 13,875.OQ
E. Equipment .................................... 500,00 500.00
F. Maintenance ................_............... 3,400.00 3,800.00
G. Material and Supplies ...._........ 800,00 800.OQ
J. Reserve .......................................... 133.00 139.00
Zbtal ...................................................$ 17,333.00 $ 19,114.00
(G arbage Disposal and Street Cleaning Tas- $17,764.00;
Water Works Fund Transfer-$1,350.QO)
Ite m 141-Snow and Ice Removal Fund)
A. Labor .............................................$ 4,200.00 $ 4,660.OQ
E. Equipment .................................... 500.00 500.00
F. ZVTaintenance .................................. 1,200.00 1,`100.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 350.00 350.00
J. Resex•ve .......................................... 59.00 31.00
Total ......................................................$ 6,309.00 $ 6,741.00
(Snow and Ice Removal Tas-$6,395.00; Wa ter Works
Fund. Transfer-$346,00)
LIGHTS ..........................................$118,929.00 $125,212.00
Item 143A-Library Fund and Misc. L'ebrary R evenue
A. Salary Librarian ........................$ 2,400.00 $ 2,64Q.00
A. Salary Reference Libraries .... 1,800.00 1,980.00
A. Salary Cataloguer ...................... 1,620,00 1,782.00
A. Salary Juvenile Librarian ...... 1,500.00 1,650.00
A. Salary Circulation Head ......... 1,260.00 1,386.00
A. Salary School Librarian .......... 1,200.40 1,320.00
A. Salary Asst, of Circulation.... 1,140.00 1,254.00
A. Salaries General Assistants.... 4,080.00 4,099.OQ
A. Salary Janitor ............................ 1,380.00 1,518.00
A. Salary Extra Help ................... 200.00 ..........,.....
B. Travel .............................................. 50.00 60.00
C. Office .............................................. 100.00 100.00
Regular Session, 1\-larch 1st, 1943 35
D, Printing ....................................... 50.00 50.00
E. Equipment and Roo}cs ....... ... 5,000.00 7,000.00
F. Maintenance ............................... 5,000.00 5,000.00
G. Material and Supplies ............. 900.00 900.00
H. Heat, Light and 1Vater .......... 2,000.00 2,000.00
I. Insurance .................................... 200.00 300.00
J. Reserve for Emergency .......... 157.00 127.00
Total ......... .................................... $ 33,067.00 $ 33,156.00
(Library Tas-$31,156.00; Misc. Library Reve nue-
Item 144A-Park Administration
A. Salary Superintendent ............$ 2,112.00 $ 2,232.00
B. Travel ................... ....................... 75.00 75.00
C. Office ..................................._......... 125.00 100.00
D. Printing and Advertising ..... 50.U0 40.00
J. Miscellaneous ........................... 15.00 10.00
Total ................................................ $ 2,377.00 $ 2,467.00
Item 1x+46-Park Areas, Buildings, etc .
A. Wages of Laborers .................. $ 1 2,200.00 $ 14,000,00
C. Forestry ...................................... 1,500.00 1,070.00
E. Equipment .............................. 700.00 500.00
F. Maintenance ........... ..............~~.. 1,200.00 1,500.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 3,000.00 3,000.00
H. Heat, Light, Water and Tele-
phone ................ . ...................... 2,200.00 2,000.00
L Insurance ......... .... ........._....... 650.110 400.00
.7-1. Renovations 8 Replacements 255.00 175.00
7-2. Interest, P.eserve and Assess-
ments ................... ................ 505.00 350.00
Total .............................................$ 2,240.00 $ 23,998.00
FU1tiTD ......................... ................$ 24,617.00 $ 35,455.00
(Pa rk Tas-$22,205.00; Misc. York Rev enues $3 ,250.00)
Item 145A-Recreation Administration
A. Salary Director ......................... $ 2,475.00 $ 2,595.00
B. Travel ..................... .............. 50.00 50.00
c. Orfice ......................................... 120.00 1za.oo
F. -Iaintenance (Car) ................ 240.00 240.00
G. Material and Supplies ............. 100.00 100.00
Total ...................................................$ 2,955.00 $ 3,105.00
Item 1456-Playgrounds
A. Salaries Supervisors, Direct-
ors, etc . ............ ..................... $ 2,060.00 $ 2,050.00
A. Wages of Laborers ......... ........ 100.00 100.00
E. Equipment .............................._ 400.tt0 400.00
F. Maintenance .......... ...................... 600.00 600,00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 400.00 400.00
H. Heat and Light ............... .......... 100.00 100.00
I. Insurance .......................... ...... 50.00 50.00
J. Improvement New Play-
grounds ................_.................... 1,000.00 1,000.00
Total ...............................................$ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00
Item 145D-Winter Sports
A. Wages Check Rooms .............. $ 650.00 $ 650.00
C. Office ........._ .... ........................ 25.00 25.00
E. Equipment .................................... 100.00 100.00
F. Maintenance .........._ ................... 200.00 200.00
G. Material and Supplies ............. 100.00 100.00
H. Heat, Light ............................... 325.00 325.00
Total ............................................... $ 1,400.00 $ 1,4on.oa
Item 145E-Swimming Pool
A. Salary Superintendent ............ $ 450.00 $ 450.00
A. Salaries Guards (4) ................. 900.00 900.00
A. Salaries Attendants ................. 1,300.00 1,300.00
I'. Maintenance ........ ..................... 450,00 450.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 350.00 350.00
H. Light and Power .................... 300.00 300.00
I. Insurance ................................... 215.00 215.00
Total ....................................................$ 3,965.00 $ 3,965.00
Item 145G-Indoor Winter Sports
J. bIiscellaneous ............................. $ 100.00 $ 100.00
Item 14,FH-Emergency
J-1. Interest on Warrants ................$ 10.00 $ 10.00
J-2. Reserve ........................................... 14S.00 24.00
Total ....................................................$ 153.00 $ 34.00
- h
36 Iie~ular Session, March lst, 1943
Item 146-Athletic Park
A. W"ages Caretaker ........................$
$ G40.00
F. Maintenance ..................... 750.00 750.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 150.00 150.00
H. Lights .............................................. 500.00 500.00
I. Insurance ............................. .... 450.00 450.00
Total ...................................................$ 2,490.00 $ 2,490.00
Subtotals Group VII - Play
grounds and Swimming Pool..$ 1 5,793.00 $ 15,794.00
(Playground and S w i m m i n g
Fool Tax - $12,719.00; iVTisc.
Playground Revenue-$3,075.00)
Item 147-Planning and Zoning (Gene ral Fund)
J. Miscellaneous ..............................$ 25.00 $ 25.00
Item 148E-Ambulance (General Fund and Miscellaneous
General Revenues)
A. Salaries Drivers (2) ................$ 3,328.00 $ 4,065.00
F. baintenance ................................. 250.00 ?.80.00
G. IVlaterial and Supplies .............. 35Q.00 350.00
L htsurance ....................................... 225.00 225.00
Total ......................_.......................'......$ 4,683.00 $ 4,923.00
(General Fund-$3,723.00; Ambula nce Fees -$1,200.00)
Item 148C-Other Miscellaneous (Gene ral Fund )
J-1. Iowa League of Dlunicipalities $ 30.00 $ 80.00
.7-2. Damages ......................................... 3,300.00 3,300.00
J-3. Printing Council Proceedings.. 3,200.00 3,200.00
S-4. State I/xantiners ........................ 2,000.00 2,000.00
J-5. Repairs to Town Clock ......... 500.00 500.00
J-6. Misc. Unclassified ..................._ 4,000.00 4,000.00
J-7. Workmen's Compensation In-
surance ...................._.................... 1,500.00 1,500.00
J-8. Interest on TYarrants ............... 125.00 125.40
Total ................................................... $ 14,705.00 $ 14,705.00
Item 143F-Airport (General Fund)
L Insurance ....................................... $ 130.00
J. :Miscellaneous ................................ 550.00
Total ......................................................$ 630.00
Subtotals Group VIII-3Iiscel-
laneous ...........................................$ 20,093.00 $ 19,653.00
(General Fund and Misc. Gene ral Reve nues)
Item 152-Market Master
V 1\-Iarket Master .............$
A 1,540.00 $ 1,G60.00
F. Maintenance 20.00 20.00
G. .Material and Supplies ........... 65.00 05.00
J. 1VTiscellaneous ............................. 20.00 20.00
Subtotals Grottp 1X-lIarkets ',
and Public Scales ......................$ 1,645.00 $ 1,765.00
(General Fund-$565.00; D-Iisc.
General Revenues-$1,200.00)
Item 162-Assessments and Sewers
City's Share of Special Assess-
ments ........................... .................$ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
J-2. Storm Sewers and Inlets ......... 3,000.00 5,500.(!•0
Subtotals Group X-Rlunicipal
$ 10
Improvements .............................. .
, .
Item 154-Police Pensions
J-1. Police Pensions .... ... ...............$
$ 14,217.00
J-2. Police Retirement System ..... 1,533.00 1,706.00
Total .... .......... .... ........................... $ 15,950.00 $ 15,923.00
Police Pension Tax-$11,617.00;
Balance on Hand and Contri-
(Police Retirement Taz - $1,
Item 155-Fire Pensions
Fire Pensions ......... .... .......... $
J-l 23,363.00 $ 20,345.00
J-2. Fire Retirement System .......... 2,504.00 2,559.00
Total ..................... ............. .... .... $ 25.367.00 $ 22,904.00
(Fire Pension Tax-$15,545.00;
Balance on Hand and Contri-
(Fire P.etirement Tax-$2,559.00)
Subtotals Group XI-pensions $ 41,317.00 $ 35,827.00
Regular Session, 1\Zarch 1st, 1943 3~
Item 161-J-1 City Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest on Bonds ... .................$ 30,063.00 $ 25,792,00
A-2. Grading Bond Redemption ..... 15,000.00 30,000.00
A-3. Sewer Bond Redemption ........ 35,000.00 40,000.00
A-4. Improvement Bond Redemp-
tion ...................._........................... 35,000.00 35,000.00
A-5. Funding Bond Redemption .... 25,000.00 15,000.00
A-6. Sinking' Fund ........ ..................... 4.000.00 7,000.00
A-7. Reserve ....................................... 1,397.00 625.00
Total .................................................$145,465.00 $153,420.00
(General Bond Fund-$76,920.00;
Grading Fund-$5,000.00; Grad-
ing Bond Sinking Fund-$12,-
000.00; Improvement Fund-
$5,000.00; Improvement .Bond
Sinking Fund-$12,500.00; Wa-
ter Works Fund-$20,000.00;
Emergency Fund-$22,000.00:
Item 161-J-2 Dock Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest on Dock Bonds ..........$ 5,945.00 $ 4,675.00
A-2. Doclc Bond Redemption ......... 32,000.00 32,000.00
A-3. Reserve ...._ .................................. 559.00 427.00
Total ......................... ....................... $ 33,534.00 $ 37,102.00
(Dock Bond and Interest Fund
-$35,102.00; Sinking Fuud-
$2, 000.00)
Subtotal Group XII-Municipal
Indebtedness ......................-.........$136,999.00 $190,522.00
Reserve in Generai 1-Iisc. Revenues..$ 125.00 $ 61.00
Reserve in Emergency I~ and .............. 167.00 205.00
Total ................................._................$ 292.00 $ 267.00
(Dock Fund and Misc. Dock Revenues)
Item 153A-Deck Operation
A. Salaries Engineers ............... _ $ 420.00 $ 420.00
B. Travel ............................................. 150.00 150.00
F. Maintenance ............................... 100.00 100.00
C;. Material and Supplies ............ 75.00 75.00
I. Insurance ................................ .. 517.00 540.00
J-1. Traffic Association Service .... . 300.00
J-2. Improvements ............................. 322.00 500.00
J-3. Miscellaneous ......... .... ........... . 900.00 1,037.00
Total ................ .......... ......... ........ $ 2,451.00 $ 3.122.00
'1536-Dredge Operation
A. Salaries Engineers .................... $ 180.00 $ 150.00
A. Salaries Operators .................... 4,200.00 1,300.00
A. Wages Laborers .... .... ..... ..... . 2,000.00 2,000.00
F. Maintenance and Repairs ....... 1,500.00 2,000.00
G. Material and Supplies ............... . 750.00 1,000.00
Ii. Electric Power _....... ....._........ . 5,000.00 5,000.00
I. Marine Rrsurance .................... . 723.00 700.00
I. ~Zrorl:nren's Couipensatiou In -
suranoe .... ....... .... ......... .... ... . 300.00 300.00
J, illiscellaneous .......................... . 500.00 500.0(1
Total .... ............. _ .... .................. $ 15,153.00 $ 15,530.00
Ite m 153C-W. P. A, River Front I mprovemen ts
A. ~~"ages ......... .... ....................... $ 1,000.00 $ 2,500.00
7~:. Trucking ......... .... ................. . 3,590.00 3,500.00
E. Equipment ............................... . 3,650.00 2,000.00
E. Tools .... ................................ . 500.00 600.00
G Material and Supplies .... .. .. . 2,500.00 2,050.00
I. insurance (Public Liability). . 150.00 150.00
Total ................. .... ....... ..... $ 11,096.00 $ 10,800.00
Subtotals Group XIII-Doclcs.. $ 29,33300 $ 29,502.00
(Dock Tax - $17.302.f~0; Misc.
Doclc Revenue-$12,500.00)
...... .c '~"i~
, t
38 Regular Session, ~~larch 1st, 1943
Item 157-Airport Fund
F'. Maintenance .................................. $ 550.00
I. Insurance .......................................
J. Miscellaneous ................................ .
Subtotal Group SIT'-Airport ... $ 26,646.00
Estimated Cash on Hand Apri] lst..$ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00
Estimated Cash for Metered Sales.. 145,000.00 145,000.00
Estimated Receipts from Flat Sales 250.00 250.00
Estimated Receipts from Fire Pro-
tection Service ............................. 2,250.00 2,250.00
Estimated Receipts from Non-Op-
eration Service .........._ .................. 5,000,00 2,500.00
Estimated Receipts from Sales Tas 3,050.00 3,000.00
Total ..................................................$175,550.00 $173,000.00
Item 149A-Administration
A. Salary Superintendent and
$ 3 '.
$ 3,630.00
Cashier ..................................
Salary Accountant .................... 2,442.00
4 2,562.00
Salary Stenographer and Clerk 1,782.00
4 1,902.00
A. Salary Cleric .................................. 1,386.00
City tT-Tanager (20%) .... 1,430.00
A 1,506.00
Salaty City Auditor (20%n) 539.00
A 563.00
Salary City Treasurer (20%)~. 528.00
A 552.00
B. Travel ............................................. 125.00
Offce Expense and Postage .. 800.00
C 125.00
Printing and Advertising ........ 400.00
D 400.00
Eduipment .................................... 1,150.00
F. 1,150.00
F. Daintenance .................................. 300.00
1\Iateriat and Supplies .............. 800.00
G 300.00
I. Insurance ........... ....................... 75.00
J-1. Sinking Fund ............................... 4,800.00 75.00 '
J-2. Refunds .......................................... 2,500.00
1\Iiscellaneotts ........................... 340.00
J-4. State Sales Tax ........................... 3,050.00 3,050.00
Total ....................................................$ 26,077.00 $ 31,185.00 .i
Item 1496-Water Operation
n. Salary Field Engineer ..............$ 2,706.00 $ 2,826.00
A. Salary Plant Chief Engineers . 2,442,00 2,562.00 :
A. Salaries Plant Engineers (6).. 12,276.00 12,996.00
A. Wages Extra Station Labor.... 1,100.00 3,000.00
A. Salary- Tapper and Hydrant
Man .................................................. 1,914.00 2,034.00
A. Salary Meter Service Man ...... 1,782.00 1,902.00
A. Salary Meter Repair Man ...... 2,112.00 2,232.00
A. Salary Meter Reader ............... 1,782.00 1,902.00
A. Salaty Asst, Nletcr Repairer.. 1,848.00 1,968.00
A. Salary General Foreman ....... 2,541.00 2,661.00
A. Salary Asst. Foreman ............. 1,914.00 2,034.00
A. Wages T aborers .......................... 8,800.00 8,800.00
~'. P:cluipment ........_ ........................... 10,000.00 10,000,00
~. Maintenance .................................. 12,000.00 12,000.00
G. Material and Supplies ............. 2,000.00 2,000.00
H. Heat, Light and Power ......... 25,000.00 25,000.00
Insurance ...._ ................................. 1,500.00 1,500.00
J-1. Water Main Materials .............. 10,000.00 7,000.00
J-2. Other Betterments ................... 22,931.00 4,885.00
J-3. Store Reserve .............................. 3,000.00 3,000.00
7-4. Miscellaneous ................................ 1,000.00 1,000.00
Total ...................................................$128,648.00 $111,302.00
Gra nd Total Water Works Appro-
priations .........................................$154,725,00 $142,487.00
Non-Appropriated Reserve ................ 825.00 825.00
Tra nsfer to City Indebtedness ,....... 20,000.00 20,000.00
Tra nsfer to General Fund .................. 7,600.00
Tra nsfer to Main Sewer Fund ........ 392.00
Tra nsfer to Garbage and Street
Cleaning Fund ............................ 1,350:00
Tra nsfer to Snow and Ice Removal
Fund .................................................. 346.00
Total ....................................................$175,550.00 $173,000.00
Regular session, 1VIarch 1st, 1943 39
~ EC,aPI°ruLA-rl®~1 0~ °ro~r,aL A~~R®~Rla,°rl®]vs
,alvo R~s~RVes
Budget Budget
1942-43 1943-44
(a) City Operatior. Groups I to X
Inclusive ................................ .....$554.092.00 $571,561.00
(b) Reserve in Gen. Misc. Reve-
nges ........................................... ... 125.00 01.00
(c) Reserve in Emergency Fwd,... 167.00 206.00
(d) Pensions, Qrotxp XI .......... ....... 41,817.(10 38,527.00
(e} Municipal Indebtedness, Group
XIl ......... ......................................... 186, 999.00 190, 522.00
(f) Docks, Group SIII ...................... 29,333.00 29,802.00
(g) Airport, Groun SIV ................... 26,646.00
(h) Water «~orks, Group \V ......, 154,725.00 142,487.00
(i) Water «rorks Reserve .............. S25.U0 525.00 '
Total ...................._...................... $963,OS3.00$1,000,936.00
Tas Revenues .. .... ................. . _... $677,S5S.00 $702,711.00
Miscellaneous Revenues and Esti-
mated Ealances April 1, 1943... 114,675.00 125,225.00
Total ........._ ......................... _...........$96S,OS3.00 $1,000.93f,.00
Wa ter Worlcs Revenue and Balance 175,550.00 173,000.00
- :_ `~{ ~ `
- r r
3.,~ ..
40 Regular Session, 1VIarch 1st, 1943
Resolution No. 15--43
Whereas, the City Manager has
caused to be prepared a budget on
the basis of estimates of the ex-
penses of the various departments
of the City of Dttbttque for the fis-
cal year beginning April 1, 1943, and
ending March 31, 1944, and such de-
partmental estimates show the ex-
penses for each department for the
preceding year, anti the same has
been submitted to this Coturcil as
a basis for the preparation of the
annual budget required by la~v to
be prepared by the City Council of
said City; and
`Virereas, this Council has exam-
ined such budget and from the in-
formation therein contained has
prepared its budget for said fiscal
year on the basis of estimates of
the expenses of the several clePart-
ments of such City, such estimates
showing therein not only the pur-
pose for which the consolidated tax
authorized by Section 6217 of the
1939 Code of Iowa is to be used, but
in addition thereto, the purposes for
which all other levies heretofore
made are to be ttsecl and including
therein also the estimated revenue
from miscellaneous receipts and
the purposes for which the same are
to be used, so that said budget
shows all of the proposed expendi-
tures for the ensuing fiscal year:
Nov, Therefore,
Ee It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of file City of Dubuque:
That the Manager's budget be
and the same is hereby approved
aid the City Clerk is hereby di-
rected to cause the budget prepared
by fire Gity Council for the fiscal
year beginning April 1, 1943, and
ending March 31, 1944, to be pub-
lished in the official neSVSpaper of
this City at least once, said publi-
cation to be at least two weeks in
advance of the date set herein for
final hearing thereon and adoption
Be It Further Resolved that this
Council meet on the 22nc1 clay of
NTarch, 1943, at 7:30 o'clock P. M.,
in tue Council Chamber of the City
Hall, Yor the Purpose of conducting
a hearing upon said budget, at
which time any interested party
will be given full opportunity bo be
heard upon any objections or pro-
tests made thereto, or to any item
or items thereof, or to any omission
therefrom, and after parties have
beeca heard, said huclg'et will be
amended or adopted as proposed.
This resolution being deemed
trgeixt anti iu the preservation of
C.eace, health, safety and public in-
terest shall be in force and efreot
from and after its adoption anct
approval by the City Council as
provided by law.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 1st day of NTarch, 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, CounciI-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 16-43
Whereas, applications for CIass
"E" Beer Permits have been sub-
mitted to this Couneil for approval
and the same have been examined:
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City oY Dubuque that the fol-
lowing applications be and fire
same are hereby approved and it is
ordered that the premises to be oc-
cupied by stick applicants shall be
forthwith inspected.
Name Address
Erwin NI. Grab and Helen Grab,
1575 Central Avenue.
Henry Jansen and Lucille Jansen,
55 East 7th Street.
~~m, F. Hansen, 310 East 30th
i11rs. Anna Heiar, 1900 tiVashing-
ton Street.
Philip Johnson and Marvel John-
son, ].555 Central Avenue.
~V. F. Trimpler and Jean Trimp-
ler, 659 Central Avenue.
Roy A. Wright and Esther
Wright, 2600 Jackson Street.
Dr. Pepper' Bowling Lanes Cinb,
580 Locust Street. •
Passed, adopted and approved
this 1st day oY March, 1943.
F. tiV. THO-IPSOl~i,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
f'ounoilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolutien. Sec-
onded. by Councilman Sclrueller.
„~,;.rieci by the following vote:
Re`ular Session, l2ax-ch 1st, 19-',3
I eas-4layor Viltarton, Council-
men Pdurphy. Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelxatan.
F~esoiution No. 17-43
~~%1}ereas, heretofore applications
were filed by the within uamed ap-
plicants for Class "B" Beer Permits
and they have received the ap-
proval of this Council; aucl
iVirereas, the premises to be oc-
cupieci by such applicants have
been ixaspectetl and found to comply
with the ordinances of this city and
they have filed a proper bond; Now,
Be It Resolved by the Cotmcil of
the City of Dubuque that the Ma~-
ager be and he is hereby directed
to issue to the following uamed ap-
plicaats aBeer Permit.
Nat=.° Address
E_°ain Pi. Grab and Helen Grab,
15 ~ ~~ Central Avenue.
Hexuy Jansen and Lucille Jansen,
55 East 7th Street.
~-~~n?. F. Haxxsen, 310 East 30th
i\Irs. Atxna Heiar, 1000 `Vashing-
ton Street.
Philip Johnson and 11larvel John-
son, 1555 Central Avenue.
~'~'. ±~ . Trinxpler and Jeau Trimp-
ler, 659 Central Avenue.
c~cy A. Wright autl Esther
~VriglEt, ~G00 Jackson Street.
Dt°. Pepper Bo~vlittg Lanes Club,
sS0 Locust Street.
13e Ii Further Resolved that the
bonds tiled by such applicants be
and tae same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
tl-_is 1si daz,- of .March, 1913.
I'. ;v. THOI'IPSO1',
E1`test: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerl..
C'cttneiintan ~'an Duelmata moved
tl3e adontioxt of the resolution. Sec-
oucle3 icy Councilman Thompson.
Carried 1>y the following vote:
Peas-11'iayor Zti'hartou, Council-
n12n Murphy. Schueller, Thompson,
Van Dueltxtau.
~, Ftnlicatiotx of the Tavern Beep-
ers' tlssociation No. 1 far a Class
"B" L'aer Permit for Private Club
prasente;i and a°ead.
Ceunoilnxan .Murplt;, moved twat
the applit atiott be referred to the
Council for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Ccuncitrilan
-^r 1
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
I eas-1llayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Councilman -Zurphy moved that
City lIauager Rhombet'g be in-
structed to negotiate fos• the secur-
ing of options, for a period of one
year, on lands for the purpose of
acquiring property for Airport pur-
poses and to submit a report bacii
to the Council at their nett month-
ly meeting. Secouclecl by Council-
man Van Duelman. Carried by the
following vote:
Seas-1Mayor jVhartou. Cou~cil-
men 3hu°phy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
There beiu~ no further business,
Councilman Van Duelman moved
to adjourn. Seconclecl by Council-
man Thompson. Carried by tlxe fol-
lowiug vote:
I eas-lllayor Wharton, Council-
men il4urphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
City Clerk.
Approved ........_ ..........................1943.
Adopted ....................................1913.
Councilmen: ~ ......................................
~4 t,test: ..... . ... ..... .. . . ....... ............
City Clerk.
42 Special Session, March 9th, 1943
-~®~, -~~
~ ~
Special Session, March 9th, 1943.
Council met at 7:30 P. M.
Present-Mayor Wharton, Coun-
cilmen Murphy, Schueller•, Thomp-
son, Van Duelman, City Manager
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cihnen Van Duelman and Murphy.
Mayor Wharton read the call and
slated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of con-
ducting a public hearing upon a
proposal to amend the Budget Esti-
mate of Expenditures of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year
1943-1944 and acting on any other
business as may properly come be-
fore aregular meeting of the City
Proof of publication, certified to
by the Publishers, of notice of hear-
ing upon a proposal to amend the
Budget Estimate of Expenditures of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the
fiscal year 1943-1944, presented and
read. No written objections filed
^ncl no objectors present in the
Comicil Chamber.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the proof of publicatiml be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun-
cilman 1\-Iurphy. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
~Zeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men IEIurphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Official Notice of the Hearing on
the Proposal to Amend the Bud-
r;et Estimate of Expenditures of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the
Fiscal Year 1943-1944.
Notice is hereby given that it is
nroposed to amend the budget esti-
mate for the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1943, and ending March 31,
1944, adopted August 15, 1942, by
changing the following estimated
Consolidated Fund fa•om $388,802.00
to $396,402.00.
Fire Maintenance Fund from
$125,112.00 to $131,612.00.
Garbage Disposal and Street Clean-
ing Fund from $17,772.00 to
Main Sewer Fund from $13,115.00
to $13,715.00.
Snow and Ice Removal Fund from
$6,291.00 to $6,741.00.
The amount of these increases
will be paid by the transfer of
$10,000.00 from the Water Works
Geheral Fund in the amounts of
$7,600.00 to the Consolidated Fund;
$1,350.00 to the Garbage Disposal
and Street Cleaning Fund; $600.00
to the Main Sewer Fund, and $450.00
to the Snow and Ice Removal Fund
and by the transfer of $6,500.00
from the Fire Equipment Fund to
the Fire Maintenance Fund. The
expenditures hereby contemplated
will involve no increse of taxes.
The matter of amending the Bud-
get Estimate of Expenditures as
adopted for the year 1943-44 will be
considered and acted upon by the
City Council at a special meeting to
be held in the Council Chamber in
the City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, on
March 9th, 1943, at 7:30 P. M. Any
interested person or persons object-
ing or protesting thereto must pre-
sent the objection to said City
Council on or before said time.
This notice is given pursuant to
the direction of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
City Clerk, City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Resolution No. 18-43
Whereas, the budget estimate of
expenditures for the fiscal year be-
ginuiug April 1, 1943, and ending
March 31, 1944, was adopted and
approved by the Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
on August 15th, 1942; and
Whereas, the City Council is
Paced with the necessity of increas-
ing wages and salaries of city em-
ployees; and
Whereas, the increase of wages
and salaries requires an amend-
ment to the budget estimate of ex-
penditures previously adopted; and
Whereas, there is on file in the
office of the City Clerk proof of
publication of official notice of the
proposal to amend the budget for
the fiscal year 1943-44; and
Whereas, the notice notified all
interested persons of their right to
object to the amendment to the bud-
get as proposed on or before 7:30
P. M. on March 9, 1943; and
Whereas, no objections have been
made to said proposed amendment
to the budget; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That the Budget Estimate of Ex-
penditures for the fiscal year be-
ginning April 1, 1943, and ending
March 31, 1944, be, and the same
is amended in the following
-- ~,
Special Session, March 9th, 1943 43
By changing:
Consolidated Fund from $388,802.00
to $396,402.00.
Fire Maintenance Fund from
$125,112.00 to $131,612.00.
Garbage Disposal and Street Clean-
ing Fund from $17,772.00 to
Main Sewer Fund from $13,115.00
to $13,715.00.
Snow and Ice Removal Fund from
$6,291.00 to $6,741.00.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 9th day of March, 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Van Duelman.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Concilman Murphy moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present
in the Council Chamber, who wish-
es to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
-Iessrs. McCaffree and Miller ad-
dressed the Council relative to the
present situation at the Municipal
Airport and suggesting that the
runways be lengthened and trees be
removed in order that the growing
demand in the training of student
flyers may be properly taken care
of. Mr. McCaffree and NIr. Miller
were advised by Council that their
suggestions for the lengthening of
the runways and the removal of
trees at the Municipal Airport
would be referred to the Council to
view the grounds.
Notice of Claim of Mrs. Frances
Caakley in the amount of $121.00
for injuries sustained in a fall on
a sidewalk at 880 Wilson Avenue,
presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Murphy. Carried by the fol-
lownig vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Communication of Edith Groff,
asking an additional amount on hex'
claim for injuries sustained in a fall
on an icy sidewalk at University
Avenue and Delhi Streets, present-
ed and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Notice of Claim of Anna Schmitt
in the amount of $2,450.00 for in-
jux•ies sustained in a fall on an icy
sidewalk on the Easterly side of
White Street, at a point about 25
feet southerly from the south street
line of 22nd Street, presented and
Councilman Murphy moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Notice of Claim of Leo V. Cun-
Hingham in the amount of $5,000.00
for injuries sustained in a fall on
an icy sidewalk at a point about 35
feet south of the main entrance of
the Franklin School at Jones and
Bluff Streets, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson move d
that the Notice of Claim be referred
to the City Solicitor for investiga-
tion and report. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Vau Duelman. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-1\Tayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Conununication of the Dubuque
I~iwanis Club commending the City
Council for its activity on behalf of
the new Airport for Dubuque and
offering every possible co-operation
and to express its gratification for
the alertness of the Council in a
project which is so vital for the fu-
ture progress of our City, presented
and read.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Concilman Mur-
phy, Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
`~ Special Session, March 9th, 1943
Petition of N. J. Hingtgen, re-
questing the vacation of all streets
and alleys in Fairmont Park Addi-
tion, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the petition be referred to the
Planning' and Zoning Commission
for their x°ecommendation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
March S, 1943.
In re: Claim of Freda Chapman.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: With reference to
the claim of Freda Chapman filed
on January 29, 1943, and referred
to me for investigation and report,
I find that the damage complained
oY was done on or about January
1S, 1943, by the snow plow of the
City of Dubuque while the same
was being engaged in a governmen-
tal duty and that, therefore, there
is no liability.
I recommend that the claim be
denied. I am returning herewith
the claim.
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the recommendation of City Solic-
itor Kintzinger• be approved. Sec-
onded by Concilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
xnen Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duehuan.
March S, 1943.
In r°e: Claim of John Powers.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: With reference to
the clainx of .John Powers, filed
1~Iarch 1, 1943, and referred to me
for investigation and report, I find
that the damage complained of was
cicrre on or about February S, 1943,
by the snow plow of the City of
Dubtaque while the salve was being
engtged in a governmental duty
and that, therefore, there is na
I recommend that the Ciaim be
denied. I axn returning herewith
the claim.
YoltPH tr'Uly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Thompson move d
that the recommeuclation of City
Solicitor Kintzinger be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
mau. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
March 2, 1943.
In re: Ciaim of Clifford Scott.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I have investigated
this claim and find that the claim-
ant stepped on a hard lump of ice
that was laying on the sidewalk in
Yront of. the Model Wallpaper and
Paint Co. at 950 Main Street. I am
of the opinion that there was na
liability in this claim and that tlae
same should be denied.
I am returning herewith the
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Thompson m o v e ci
that the recommendation of City
Solicitor Kintzinger be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
nxan. Carried by the following
yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thonpson,
Van Duelman.
March 2, 1943.
In re: Claim of Edith Groff.
Honorable Riayor and City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: With reference to
the claim of Edith Groff claiming
damages because of an injury re-
ceived on or about December 19,
1942, on a. dangerous and icy side-
waLc in front of Harwood's Filling
Station where University and Delhi
meet, I have investigated this claim,
consulted with the police, visited
the scene of the accident and re-
port that this sidewalk was in a
bad condition, that claimant staf-
fered a fractured elbow and in-
curred expenses and loss of time
to the extent of $146.70. She has
agreed to accept enough to pay her
actual expenses in seitlenxeut of
this claim.
l recouxmenti that a warrant for
~14G.70 be issued payable to lxer
order and delivered to her upon the
r,xaoution and delivery to the City
of a proper release.
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Y. S. I am tetra°ning the claim
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of City
Solicitor Kintzinger be apex°oved
and the City Auditor instructed to
draw a warrant in the amount of
Special Session, March 9th, 1943 45
$14.70 in favor of Edith Groff as
settlement in full of her claim and
that said warrant be delivered to
her upon receipt of a properly
executed release. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Vata Duelman.
March 9, 1943.
In re: Claim of Joe Benda.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: With reference to
the claim of Joe Benda filed Feb-
ruary 1S, 1943, and referred to me
for investigation and report, I find
that the damage complained of was
done ou or about the 25th day of
January, 1943, by the City Truck
IVo. 33 while the same was being
engaged in a governmental duty
and that, therefore, there is no
I recommend that the claim be
denied. I ant returning herewith
the claim.
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the recommendation of City Solic-
itor Kintzinger be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Niayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 19-43
Whereas, application for Class
"B" Beer Permit has been sub-
mitted to dais Council for approval
anti the same has been examined;
1Voty, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the fol-
lowing application be and the same
i.s hereby approved and it is order-
ed that the premises to be occupied
by such applicant shall be forthwith
ISTante ~ Address
Leo A. Schwind Post No. 503,
6'etc;iaus of Foreign Wars, Inc.
1;:01 Central Avenue. lTrattsfer oY
address fiom 243 West 10th Street).
Passe:i, adopted and approved
this; 9tli day of March, 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution No. 20-43
Whereas, heretofore application
was filed by the within named ap-
plicant far Class "B" Beer Permit
and it has received the approval cf
this Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc-
cupied by such applicant have been
inspected and found to comply with
the ordinances of this City and a
proper bond has been filed; Now,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be and he is hereby directed
to issue to the following named ap-
plicant aBeer Permit.
Name Address
Leo A. Schwind Post No. 505,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ino.
1201 Central Avenue. (Transfer of
address fram 243 West 10th Street).
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed by such applicant be and
the same is hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 9th day of March, 1913.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Secand-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas--Iayor Wharton, Council-
men :Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
V"an Duelman.
Application of the Rod & Gtui
Club of Dubuque, Iowa, for a Class
"B" L-'eer Permit for Private Club,
presented and read.
Councilman -Iurphy moved that
the application be denied. No sec-
ond received to Councilman Mur-
phy's motion. Councilman Schueller
rt o v e cl that the application be
~rant~d. No second received to
Councilman Schueller's motion.
Cottucilanan Van Duelman moved
that the application, together with
khe report of the Chief of Police on
said application, b2 referred to the
City Solicitor for investigation and
46 Special Session, March 22nd, 1943
report . Seconded by Concilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman,
Nay s-None.
Application of Tavern Keepers
Association No. 1 fora Class "B"
Beer Permit for Private Club, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Thompson move d
that the application be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Van Duelman. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
There being no further business,
Councilman Van Duelman moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
City Clerk.
Approved ................................... 1943
Adopted ..................................... 1943
Councilmen: ~~ ..................................
Attest : ................................................
City Clerk.
® ~,
Special Session, March 22, 1943.
Council met at 7:30 P. M.
Present-Mayor Wharton, Coun-
cilmen Murphy, Schueller, Thomp-
son, Van Duelman, City Manager
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Thompson and Van Duel-
Mayor Wharton read the call and
stated that service thereof. had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of conduct-
ing apublic hearing on the Annual
Budget for the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1943, and ending March 31,
1944, and acting on any other busi-
ness as may properly come before
a regular meeting of the City
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of hear-
ing upon the proposed Annual Bud-
get for the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1943, and ending March 31,
1944, presented and read. 15o writ-
ten objections filed and no object-
ors present in the Council Chamber.
Councilman Thompson moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Vati Duelman. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Wharton, Cottncil-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
~_ -;
Special Session, March 22nd, 1943 47
Notice is hereby given that the City Manager of the
City of Dubuque has prepared a budget on the basis of ~
estimates of the expenses of the various departments
of said City for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1943,
and ending March 31, 1941, and such departmental esti-
mates show expenses of each department for the preced-
ing year, in addition therrto the City Council has caused
to be prepared a budget for said fiscal year on the basis
of estimates of the expenses of the several departments
of said City, such estimates showing therein not only
the purpose for which the consolidated tax levy author-
ized by Section 6217 of the Code of Iowa 1939 is to be
used, but in addition thereto, the Purpose for which all
other tas levies heretofore made are to be used, includ-
ing revenues from miscellaneous sources, the apportion-
ment of the consolidated tax lei-y having heretofore
been determined by said Council and incorporated in a
resolution for such purpose. This budget will be con-
sidered for final adoption by the City Council at a spe-
cial meeting to be held in the Council Chamber at the
City Hall on the 22nd day of Niaroh, 1943, at 7:30 o'clock
Y, NI. Any interested party objecting thereto or pro-
testing to the same, or to any item thereof or any
omission therefrom, shall present his objections to said
i Comrcil on or before that date.
This notice is given purauant to the direction oY the
City Council.
3-4-1t, City Clerk.
' Distribution of Consolidated Tax Levy
General Fund .................... ..........................................$156,404.00
I Grading F'tuid ................. .... ................................... 10,000.00 '
]mprovement L'und ................................................. 10,000.00
Sewer Fund ......................................................_......... 5,500.00
' Light Fund ...................................................... ........... 36,500.00
Total ................ ......................................... ...........$245,704.00
A-From Taxes ~
Lavy i\Toneys and
Furld in hTills Regutar Tat Credits Total I
Consolidated ....... 7.000 $241,515.00 $ 7,159.00 $248,709.00
Bond Rs Interest.. 2.165 71,697.00 2,223.00 76,920.00 III
Fire Maintenance 3.525 121,620.00 3,620.00 15,240.00 I
Fire Equipment .. 0.352 1`L,115.00 36L00 12,506.00
Garbage Disposal I
Rr St. Cleaning.. 0.500 17,251.00 513.00 17,764.00
Park ....................... 0.625 21,561.(10 641.00 22,205.00 ;j
Police Pension .... 0.375 12,93S.OU 355.00 13,323.00
Fire Pension ....... 0.591 20,491.00 610.00 21,104.00
Library .................. O.S75 30,159.00 599.00 31,088.00
]Main Sewer ......... 0.375 12,935.00 355.00 13,323.00 ',
Playground and
Swinuning Pool 0.355 7°,352.00 367.00 12,719,00
Doclc Operation 0.957 16,502.00 500.00 17,302.00 ~ -
I Doclc Bond and
Interest .............. 0.988 34,088.00 1,014,00 35,102.00
Snow Removal .... 0.180 6,210.00 155.00 fi,395.00 I
Airport ................ 0.750 25,S7G.00 77Q.00 26,646,00
Emergency ........ 0.625 21,564.00 691,00 22,205.00
19.774 $652,243.00 $20,303.00 $702,546.00
P.oad Tax on Agricultural Lands (Gen. Fund) 97.00
Library Tax on Agricultural Lands (Library
' Fund) ............................................_.........._............... 68.00
AS LE~TIED AUGUST, 1942 .......................$702,711.00
The above estimate is based on a revised taxable
value of $35„525,992,OQ which is the assessed value for
19.43-44 operation upon which the 13.774 mill levy and the
adjustment of moneys and credits equal to $20,303.00
amounts to $702,546.00, plus taxes on agricultural lands
equal to $165.00 totals $702,711.00 as obtained from the
County, Auditor,
The millage for 1942-43 operation was 19.545 mills on
a taxable valuation of $34,667,305.00 amounting to $659,-
175.00 plus moneys and credits of $15,505.00, plus taxes
on agricultural lands of $178.00 totalled $677,558.00.
4$ Special Session, BIarch 22nd, 1943
B. From Miscellaneous Sources 1943-44
General Misc.
Excavation Permits ......................................._........... .$ 100.00
Police Court Returns ................................................... ... 9,900.00
Electrical Permits ......................................................... ... 1,750.00
Plumbing Pex•mits ......................................................... ... 1,500.00
Building Permits .......................................................... ... 2,000.00
Franchise Tax .............................................................. ... 000.00
Scale Fees ......................................................................... ... 250.00
State Highway Maintenance ................................. ... 2,505.00
Sale of Real Property •.•• •••• •••• •.•••••~• ~•~•••..~~•••••.•.••~ ••• 3,000.00
Dieting Prisoners ......................................................... ... 200.04
Health Dept. Receipts ................................................ ... 500.00
Ambulance Fees ........................................................... ... 1,200.00
Dog Licenses ................................................................ ... 650.00
Business Licenses ......................................................... ... 4,250.00
IVIiscellaneous Rental ................................................ ... 900.00
Cigarette Permits ......................................................... .. 15,500.00
Beer Permits ...........................................................:.. ... 25,750.00
Miscellaneous Sales ................................................... ... 445.00
Milk Inspection Fees ................................................ ... 2,000.00
Department Receipts ................................................ .. 500.40
Total General Miscellaneous Receipts ............. .$ 73,5110.00
l+ines, Book Rental ......................................................... $ 2,000.00
Estimated Balance April 1, 1943.........._ ................ .$ 2,500.06
Concessions .................................................................. 304.00
Miscellaneous Collections .......... ...... . 450.00
Total ................................................. ............
........... $ 3,254.00
Swimming Pool Receipt .............................._............. .$ 2,500.00
Skating Receipts ......................................................... . 200.00
Athletic Field Fees .................................................... . 375.00
Total ............................................................................ $ 3,075.00
Maturing Investment Bonds .................................. .$ 12,000.00
Maturing Investment Bonds ................................... .$ 12,500.00
Sinking Fund for Dock Bond Redemption........... .$ 2,000.00
Estimated Balance April 1, 1943 .............................. $ 2,000.00
Coutribtttions from Members .................................... 000.00
Total ................................. ................................... .$ 2000.00
L'stimated Balance April 1, 1943 ........................... $ 1,000.00
Contributions from 1VIembers ................................ . 800.40
Total .......................................................................... $ 1,800.00
Estimated Balance April 1, 1943 ............................. $ 4,000.00
Oil Terminal Fees ..................................................... 2,500.00
Harbor Leases ............................................................... 1,500.00
~'Vharfage Fees ...................................._ ... .._........... . 4,000.00.
Rent from Ham's Island ..................... .................... 500.00
Total ..................................;..................................._ $ 12,500.00
Total Estimated Miscellaneous Revenues ........... . 125,225.00
Total Taxes ............................................. ............ .......... 702,711.00
Total Estimated City Revenues ....................... $827,930.00
Estimated Balance April 1, 1943 ..... ...................... $ 20,000.00
Estimated 1943-44 \Vater Revenue .................... 153,000.00
Estimated Grand Total City Revenue and
Water Division .......__ ..................... ................ ....$1,OOQ93G.00
APRIL 1, 1943 TO MARCH 31, 1944
(General Fund)
1942-43 Proposed 1943-44
Appropriations Appropriations
Item 101-City Council
A. Salaries .........................................$ 1,500.00 $ 1.500'.00
B. Travel ................................ 175.00 175.00
.1. Miscellaneous ...:.......................... 25.00 25.00
Total ............................................... $ 1,700.00 $ 1,70'0.00.
. ,~;
"~ i
Special Session,'~larch 22nd, 1943 49
Item 102-City Manager's Office
A. Salary City Manager ..............*$ 5,720.00 * $ 5,720.00
A. Salary Secretar3: ...................... 2,112.00 2,232.00
A. Salary Stenographer .............. 1,452.00 1,572.00
B. Travel ............................................ 100.00 100.00
C. Office .............................................. 125.00 125.00
D. Printing ........................................ 15.00 15.00
F. Maintenance ...... ........................ 200.00 200.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 325.00 325.00
Total .....................................................$ 10,049.00 $ 10,289.00
Item 103-City Clerk's Office
A. Salary City Clerk .......................$ 2,750.00 $ 2,370.00
A. Salary Estra Help ...................• 150.00 150.00
G. :Material and Supplies ............. 75.00 75.00
Total ....................................,..............$ 2,975.00 $ 3,095.00
Item 104-City Auditors Office
A. Salary City Auditor ..................*$ 2,156.00 *$ 2,252.G0
F. Maintenance ................................. 50.00 50.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 100.00 100.00
Total ...................................................$ 2,306.00 $ 2,402.00
Item 105-City Treasurer's Office
A. Salary CitS' 'Creasurer ............*$ 2,112.00 *$ 2,208.00
D. Printing and .Advertising ...... L5.00 25.00
F. Maintenance ................................. 25.00 25.00
G. 1\Iaterial and Supplies .............. 150.00 150.00
I. Surety Bond .............................. 50.40 50.00
Total .................................................*$ 2,362.00 *$ 2,458.00
(*NOTE: 20% of Salaries of City Ma nager, A uditor and
Treasurer are Paid by Water Depar tment).
Item 106-City Solicitor's Office
A. Salat-y City Solicitor ..................$ 4,400.00 $ 4,400.00
B. Travel ...................... ................... 40.00 40.00
C. Office ............................................ 40.00 40.00
G. lIaterial and Supplies .............. 8'x.00 85.00
Total .................................................$ 4,565.00 $ 4,565.00
Ite m 108-City Assessor's Office
A. Salary City Assessor ..................$ 1,320.00 $ 1,440.00
A. Salaries Deputies (3) ............ 1,800.00 2,160.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 25.00 25.00
J. Board of Review ..................... 600.00 600.00
Total ...................................................$ 3,745.00 $ 4,225.00
Ite m 109-Civil Engineer's Office
A. Salary Instrtunent Man ........... $ 1,848,00 $ 1,968.00
A. Salaries Rodmen ...................... 2,904.00 3,124.00
C._ Office ............................................ 10.00 10.0'0
E. Equipment .................................. 50.00 50.00
F. 1lTaintenance ......................... 500.00 500.00
G. Material and Supplies ............... 500.00 500.00
Total ................................................. $ 5,812.00 $ 6,172.00
Ite m 113-City Elections
a. Salaries Clerks, etc . ..............$ 500.00 $ 500.00
G. Material and Supplies ............ 400.00 400.00
J. Rents ........................................... 50.00 b0, 00
Total ............................................ $ 950.00 $ 950.00
Ite m 114-City Buildings
A. Salaries Janitors ......................$ 2,200.00 $ 2,300.00
E. Equipment ...... ..................... 1,500.00 1,000.00
F. Maintenance and Repairs ....... 2,500.00 2,400.00
G. 1\Iaterial and Supplies ................ 1,000.00 1,300.00
Fi. Heat and Light ......... ............. 2,900.00 2,450.00
I. insurance (3 Yearsl ............... ................ 550.00
Total ............................................ $ 10,100.00 $ 10,000.00
Item 115-Police Court
A. Salary Police Judge .................$ 1,650.00 $ 1,G50.00
G. nlateriai and Supplies ............ 15.00 15.00
Total .... ..........................................$ 1,665.00 $ 1,665.00
Item 11f~-Civil Service Commission
G. Material and Supplies ..............$ 100.00 $ 100.00
.I. Miscellaneous ............................ 100.00 100.00
Total ............................ ......................$ 200.00 $ 200.00
ERAL ADMII~TISTRATION ....$ 46,429.00 $ 47,721.00
50 Special Session, March 22nd, 1943
Item 118-Police Depa rtment (General Fund)
Budget Rate Preliminary
1942-43 Per Mo. 1943-44
A. Salary Chief of
Police ..........$ 3,102.00 (1) @ $258.50 $ 3,102.00
A. Salary Senior
Captain ........ 2,376.00 (1) @ 205.00 2,496. n4
A. Salaries
Captains 4,224.00 (2) @ 186.00 4,464.00
A. Salaries Desk
Sergeants ... 6,237.00 (3) @ 183.25 6,597,00
A. Salaries
Detectives .. 3,134.00 (4) @ 180.50 S,664.00
A. Salaries 1VZOYOr-
cyclisis 3,9f,0.00 (2) @ 175.00 4,200.00
A. Salaries Patrol-
men (After 3
years) .......... 42,108.00 (22) @ 169.50 44,748.00
A Salaries Patrol-
men (Before
3 years) 5,544.110 ( 3) @ 164.00 5,904.00
A. Salaries Patrol-
men {During
first Year) ... ............ (0) C~ 147.50 ........ .:......
A, Salaries
Matrons .... 2,172.00 (2) @ 125.5f 3,012.00
A. Salaries Spe-
cial Officers 100.00 100.00
B. Travel ............... 50.00 50.00
C. Office ................ 425.00 425.00
D. Printing ......... 50.00 150.00
E. Egttipment ...... 2,000.00 2,000.00
F. Maintenance ., 2,200.00 2,900.00
G. Material and
Supplies ...... 2,700.00 2,000.00
J-1. Feeding
Prisoners .... 1,500.00 1,750.00
J-2. Miscellaneous
(Injuries) .... 300.00 300.00
Total .................... $ 87,832.00 $ 92,562.00
(General Fund-$55,262.00; Water tiVorks Fun d Transfer
- $7,600.00)
Item 110A-Fire Department Maintenance Fund
A. Sa'.ary Fire
Chief .......... $ 3,102.00 (1) @ $258.50 $ 3,102.00
A. Salaries Sonior
Captains ..... 4,4S8.00 (2) @ 197.00 4,728.00
A. Salaries
Captains ...... 10,560.00 (5) @ 156.00 11.160.00
A. Salaries
Lieutenants 13,560.00 (7) @ 175.00 14,700.00
A. Salaries
Engineers .... 7,920.OG (4) @ 175.00 8.400.00
A. Salaries i+ire-
men (After 3
years) ......... 53,592.00 (30) @ 169.50 67,020.00
A. Salaries Fire-
men (During
3 years) .. ... 11,088.00 (7) @ 164.00 13,776.00
A, Salaries Fire-
men (During
first Year)-. 6,600.00 (1) @ 147.50 1,770,00
B. Travel .............. 50.00 50,00
C, Office ................ 650.00 650.00
D, Printing .......... 35.00 35.00
F-1. Maintenance .. 2,600A0 2,600.00
F-2. Repairs to
Buildings 3,000.00 2,600.00
G. Material and
Supplies 2,700.00 2,700.00
H. Heat & Light 3,000.00 3,000.00
I. Insurance ..... 400.00 400.00
J-1. Miscellaneous
(Injuries) .... 900.00 600.00
J-2, interest on
~>Jarrants .... 60.00 60,00
J-3. Reserve for
Emergency .. 521.00 261,06
T ------
otal .....................$125,120.40
(Fire Maintenance Tax-$125,240.00; Fire E[Iuipment
Fu nd Transfer-$6,372.00).
Special Session, March 22nd, 1943 51
Item 1196-Fire Equipment Fund
APpro- Appro-
- priations priations
1942-43 1943-44
E. Equipment ................................ ..$ 12,549.00 $ 6,134.00
Item 120-Fire and Police Alarm (General Fun d)
A. Salary City Electrician ....... .$ 2,145.00 $ 2,145.00
A. Salary P_ssistant .................... . 1,950.00 2,100.00
A. Salary Extra Help .................. .. 100.00 100.00
C. Office .... ...................................... .. 100.00 100.00
E. Equipment ......... ..................... . 150.00 150.00
F. Maintenance .......................... .. 150.00 150.00
G. Material and Supplies ............. .. `100.00 200.00
H. IIeat, Light and Power ........ .. 100.00 100.00
Tot;tl ................................................... ..$ 4,325.00 $ 5,045.00
Ite m 121-Building Commissioner's Office
(General Fund and Misc. Gener al Revenues)
A. Salary Building Commis-
sioner ................................... *$ 3,300.00 *$ 3,300.110
C. Office ....... ............. ................. . 25.00 25.00
F. .Maintenance ......... ................. .. 150.00 150.00
G. Material and Supplies ........... . 100.00 100,00
Total .............................................$ 3,575.00 $ 3,575.00
(General Fund-$1,575.00; Fees-$2,000.00)
(*Note: includes Civil Engineering Duties)
(tent 122-Plumbing Inspector's Office
(General Fund and Misc, General Revenues)
A. Salary Plumbing lnspector....$ °.376.00 $ 2,49G.OU
C. Office .... .......... ..... ............... 25.00 25.00
D. Printing .... ............................. 15.00 ]5.00
G. 11Taterial and Suppliea .............. 50.00 50.00
J. Plumbing Board .......... ........ 150.00 150.00
Total ................................................ $ 2,646.00 $ 2,766.00
(General Fund-$1,266,00; Fees--$1,500.00)
Item 123-ElECtrical Inspector's Office
(General Fund and h4isc, General Revenues)
A. Salary Electrical Inspector....$ 2,442.00 $L,496.U0
C. Office ...................................... ..... 25.00 25.00
D. Printing .... .... .... ........... .... .. 15.00 15.Qi)
F. Maintenance ............ .................. 175.00 175.00
G. 1lIaterial and Supplies ..........,. 100.00 100.00
Total ............................................$ 2, 757.00 $ 2,511.00
(General Fund-$1,061.00; Fees-$1, 750.00)
Item 124-Dog Pound (fNisc. General Revenues)
J. Enforcement Dog Ordinanee$ 150.00 $ 150.00
PROPERTY .......... ..................$239,560.00 $24},955.00
Item 125-Health Operation (General Fund
and Misc. General Revenues)
A. Solar}- Director (part timel..$ 1,950.00 $ 1,950.00
A. Salary Sanitary Inspector ...... 1,595.00 1,715.00
A. Salary Clerk and Registrar.... 1,452.00 1,57200
A. Salary Restaurant IttsPector 1,1SS.00 1,305.00
A. Salary Nurse .............~_............. 1,S4S.00 1,965.00
A. Salary LTUrses (2) .... .... ...... 3,432.00 3,672.00
13. 'travel ................ ........ ............. 50.00 50.00
C. Office ........................................ .... 150.00 150.00
D. Printing ......... ........... .... .... 50.00 50.00
E. Equipment .............._.... .......... 50.00 50.00
F. Maintenance .... .... ..... .......... .. 260.u0 °50.00
G. 1Ta,terial and Supplies .... ....... 400.00 400.00
J-1, Laboratory Expense .............. 900.00 900.00
J-2, Dliscellaneous ............................ 100.00 100.00
Total ............ .............................$ 13,445.00 S 14,165.00
(General Fund-$13,665.00; Fees-$500.00)
Item 126-Control of Contagious Diseases (General Fund)
Control of Contagious Diseases$ 1,200.00 $ 1,20C.00
Item 127-Sewer Maintenance (Main Sewer Fu nd)
A. Salary Foreman ...................... $ 1,548.00 $ 1,96S.00
A. Wages Laborers ........................ 5,500.00 5,376.00
E. Equipment .............. ...................... 700.00 700.00
F. Maintenance ................................. 700.00 700.00
G. Daterial and Supplies ..... ...... 491.00 171.00
H. Power for Sewer Pumps ...... 900.00 900.00
Total ......... ............... .................... $ 13,139.00 $ 13,715.00
(Main Sewer Tax-$13,323.00; Water Works Transfer-
5~ Special Session, l~2arch 22nd, 1943
Item 128-Garbage Disposal (General F(ind)
J. Contract for Garbage Collec-
tion and Disposal ..................$ 15,490.00 $ 15,490.00
Item 12~Milk Inspection (General Fund and
Misc. General Revenues)
A. Salary Milk Inspector ..............$ 2,400.00 $~2,520.Oq
E. Equipment ..................................... 160.00 160.00
G. iVlaterial and Supplies .............. 100.00 100.00
Total ...................................................$ 2,660.00 $ 2,780.00
(General Fund-$730.00; Fees-$2,000.00)
HEALTH AND Sr\NITATION..$ 45,934.00 $ 47,350.00
Item 131-Highways Administration (General Fund)
A. Salary Timekeeper ....................$ 2,112.00 $ 2,232.00
F. 1\Iaintenance ................................ 100.00 100.00
G. Material and Supplies ............. 150.00 150.00
Total ......................................................$ 2,362.00 $ 2,482.00
Item 132-Street Repairing and Grading
(General Fund and Grading Fund)
A. Wanes Laborers .. ................:....$ 17,325.00 $ 19,250.00
E. Equipment .................................... 4,500.00 4,500.04
F. Maintenance ................................. 4,500:00 4,500.00
G. Material and Supplies ............. 5,500.00 5,500.00
Total ......................................................$ 31,325.00 $ 33,750.00
(General Fund-$25,750.00; Grading Fund-$5,000.00)
Item 135-City Garage (General Fund)
A, Salaries Mechanics ..................$ S,650.OU $ 9,600.00
C. Office ............................................. 75.00 75.04
E.. Equipment ................................... 500,00 500.00
F. Maintenance .............................. 400.00 400.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 325.00 325.00
H. Heat, Light and Power .......... 2,500.00 2,500.00
L Insurance .............._...................... G0.00 50.00
Total .................................................. $ 12,500.00 $ 13,450.00
Item 134-Ash and Can Collection (General Fu nd)
A. Wares Drivers and Laborers$ 9,900.00 $ 10,975.00
F. lllaintenance ............................... 1,400.00 1,400.00
G. material and Supplies .............. 500.00 500.40
Total ...._ .............................................$ 11,500.00 $ 12,875.00
Item 138-Street and 'traffic Signal Lighting (L ight Fund)
II. Street Lighting and Traffic
Signals ......__..........._ ..............$ 36,800.(10 $ 36,S00.00
Item 140-Street Cleaning (Garbage Disposal and
Street Cleaning, Fund)
A. Wages Drivers and Laborers$ 12,500.00 $ 13,875.00
E. Ec{uipment .................................... 500.00 500.00
1~'. Maintenance .......... .................... 3,400.0(1 3,800.00
G. Material and Supplies ............. 500.00 500.00
J. Reserve ......................................... 133A0 139.00
Zbtal ..................................................$ 17,333.00 $ 19.114.00
(Garbage Disposal and Street Cleaning Tai- $17,764.00;
Water `Yorks Fund Transfer-$1,350.00)
Item 141-Snow and Ice Removal Fund)
A. Labur ............................................$ 4,200.00 $ 4,6G0.00
E. Equipment ............_ ...................... 500.00 500.00
F. Maintenance ................................ 1,200.00 1,200.00
G, Material and Supplies .............. 350.00 350.00
T. Reserve .......................................... 59.00 31.00
Total ............................. ..._......._ ....$ (,,309.00 $ 6,741.00
(Snow anct Ice Removal Tax-$G,395.00; `Vat er Works
Fttnd Transfer-$346.00)
LIGHTS ........................................$118,929.00 $125,212.00
Item 143A-Library Fund and Misc. Library Revenue
A. Salary Librarian .... ..................$ 2,400.00 $ 2,640.00
A. Salaty Reference Libraries .... 1,800.00 1,980.00
A. Salary Cataloguer ..................... 1,620.00 1,782.00
A. Salary Juvenile Librarian ...... 1,500.00 1,650.00
A. Salaty Circulation Head ......... 1,260.00 1,386.00
A. Salary School Librarian ..,....... 1,200.00 1,320.00
A. Salaty Asst, of Circulation.... 1,140.00 1,254.40
A. Salaries General Assistants.... 4,OS0.00 4,099.00
A. Salary Janitor _ .......................... 1,330.00 1,518.00
A. Salary Extra Help ................... 200.00 .............,.
B. Travel ............................................. 50.00 50.00
C. Office .............................................. 100.00 100.00
Special Session, March 22nd, 1943 ~3
D. Printing ......................................... 50.00 50.00
E. Equipment and Books .............. 8,000.dO 7,000.RR
F. Maintenance ................................. 5,000.00 5,000.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 900.00 900.00
H. Beat, Light and Water .......... 2,000.00 2,000.00
I. Insurance ........................................ 200.00 300.00
S. Reserve for Emergency .......... 187.00 127.00
Total ................................................. .$ 33,067.00 $ 33,156.00
(Library Tax-$31,156.00; Misc. Library Reven ue -
Item 144A-Park Administration
A Salary Superintendent ............$ 2,112.00 $ 2,232.00
B Travel ............................................ 75.00 75.00
C Office ............................................... 125.00 100.00
D Printing a.nd Advertising ..... 50.00 40.00
J. Miscellaneous ............................. 15.00 10.00
Total ...................................................$ 2,377.00 $ 2,457.00
Item 1446-Park Areas, Buildings, etc .
A Wages of Laborers ...................$ 1 2,200.00 $ 14,000.00
C Forestry- ........... ....................... 1,500.00 1,070.00
E. Equipment .................................. 700.00 500.00
F. 1~Iaintenance .............................. 1,200.00 1,500.00
G. 1Vlaterial and Supplies ......._.... 3,000.00 3,000.00
H. Heat, Light, Water and Tele-
phone ................ ........................ 2,200.00 2,000.00
I Insurance ................................... 650.00 400.00
J-1. Renovations & Replacements 255.00 1;8.00
J-2. Interest, P.eserve and Assess-
ments .................... ................... 505.00 350.00
Total ...............................................$ 22,240.00 $ 22,908.OD
FTrND ..........................................$ 24,617.00 $ 25,455.L10
(Pa rk Tax-$22,205.00; Misc. Park Rev enues $3 ,250.00)
Item 145A-Recreation Administration
A. Salary Directrn• ...........................$ 2,475.00 $ 2.595.00
B. Travel ................................... 50.00 50.40
C. Ofl'ice .........._ .................................. 120.00 120.00
F. ilIaintenance (Car) .................. 2-10.00 240.00
G. Material and Supplies .............. 100.00 100.00
Total ....................................................$ 2,955.00 $ 3,105.00
Ite m 1456-Playgrounds
A. Salaries Supervisors, Direct-
ors, etc . ............ ............_........$ 2,050.00 $ 2,050.00
A. Wages of Laborers ................... 100.00 100.00
E. Equipment ............................... 400.00 400.00
F. Maintenance .......... .................... 600.00 600.00
G. Daterial and Supplies _............ 400.00 400.00
II. FIeat and Light .............. ......... 100.00 100.00
L Insurance ........................ .... 50.00 50.00
J. Improvement New Play-
grounds ................................... 1,000.00 1,000.00
Total ...._ ............................ $ 4.700.00 $ 4,700.00
Item 145D-Winter Sports
A. Wa~'es Check Roo~us ................$ 650.00 $ 650.00
C Offica ........................................... 25.00 25.00
E. Equipment ........_ ....................._... 100.00 100.00
F. Maintenance ......... ................... 200.00 200.00
(C Material and Supplies ............. 100.00 100.00
H. Heat, Light ........ ..................... 325.00 325.00
Total ........................ .................... $ 1.400.00 $ 1,100_00
Item 145E-Swimming Pool
A. Salary Superintendent ........... $ 460.00 $ 450.00
A Salaries Guards (4i ................. 900.00 900.00
A Salaries Attendants ... ........... 1,300.00 1,300.00
F. Maintenance ....... ................... 450.00 450.00
G Material and Supplies .... ....... 350.00 350.00
H. Light and Power ........ .... ..... 300.00 300.00
L Insurance .......... .... .................. 215.00
- 215.OR
Total .................................... .... ....$ 3,965.00 $ 3,965.00
Ite m 145G-Indoor Winter Sports
,7. i1[iscellaneous .... ...... $ 100.00 $ 10'1.00
Ite m 14FH-Emergency
J-l. Interest on ~4"arrants ..............$ 1f1.00 $ 10.00
J-2. Reserve .... .... .... ..................... 148.00 24.00
Total .... ........................................$ 158.00 $ 34.00
."` ~~
+~ ;
- ~ ~,
54 Special Session, March 22nd, 193
Item 146-Athletic Park
A, Wages Caretaker .........•• ...........$ 640.00 $ 640.00
F. llainienance ..................... 750.00 750
' .
G. llatarial and Supplies .........._. 150.00 150
' S' _ .
H. Lights ............................................. 500.00 500
i = .
1. Insurance ............. ............. 450.00 450.00
' Total .... .............................. ......$ 2,490.00 $ 2,490.00
Subtotals Grollp VII -- Play
rounds and Swimming Pool $ 15,798.00 $ 15
(P1aYgraund and S tv i nl m i n g'
Fool Tas - $12.719.00; Misc.
Playground Revenue-$3,075.00)
item 147-Planning and Zoning (General Fund)
'~' J. 14iseellaneous .... ... . $ 25.00 $ 25,00
Item 148E-Ambulance (General Fund and Miscellane
1, o
General Revenues)
,' '' ~ A. Salaries Drivers (2) ........ ...... $ 3,S2S.00 $ 4,06S.00
enance ........ ., ......... 250.00 250.00
G. Material and Supplies
i.~' ' '
~ ............ 350.00 350.00
I. Insurance ........ 225.00 225.00
sl: „
`. Total .... .... ...
.. .... .... .......... .....$ 4,653.00 $ 4,923.00
l F
!(; :. a
luld-$3,723.00; Ambulance Fees-$1,200.00)
Item 148C-Other Miscellaneous (General Fund)
i f', ~
' J-1. Iowa League of 1lunicipalities $ 80.00 $ SO
: ,,
E` ~d .
,7-2. Damages .... .. ...... ...................... 3,300.00 3.300.00
J-3. Printing Council Proceedin
' I I
,+ i
'' gs.
0 3,200.00
J-4. State Pxaminers .................... 2
000.00 2
J-5. Repairs to Town Clock ,... ..., 500.00 500
.7-6. Misc. Unclassified 4,000.00 4
{ I'
L', : ,
J-7. R'orkmen's Compensation Ili-
' (i ~ ''
~, ,
;~ ` surance ........ ........................... 1,500.00 1.500.00
J-S. Interest on \Varrants .............. 125.00 125.00
_ : Total ........ .............. .................... $ 14,705.00 $ 11,705.00
',l '
`' ~
~ Item 148F-Airport (Genera! Fund)
~ L Tnsurance .......... $ 130.00
.:!' '
' J, Miscellaneous ................ ............ 550.00
'.!. („`i Total
$ 650.00
Subtotals Grrnlp VifI-.1lisce]-
j' laneous ................... ................. $ 20,093.00 $ 19,653.00
1; is
(General Fund and Misc. General Revenues)
-+. ~ ~ Item 952-Market Master
, ~ :'<. Salary Market luster ........... $ 1,540.00 $ 1,G60.00
i F. Dlaintenance
E G. illaterial and Supplie~
65.00 f,~
3 f !,
~' .
J. Miscellaneous .... .... .... .... ........ 60.00 20.00
~' ~ ~
" Subtotals Group IX-lIarlcets
; :, ~
S, and Public Scales .. $ 1,645.00 $ 1,165.00
~.~ •
~ i
' ~ (Genera] Fund-$565.00;
r'` General Revenues-$1,200.00)
~ ~
i' Item 162-Assessments and Sewers
f `
'~' ~
., r
J-1. Cit~~'s Share of Special Assess-
~ lnents ......... $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.QU
i ;.; „~
„ .7-2. Storm Sewers and Inlets .... .... 3,000.00 5,500.00
rt :, ~
' ''
' Subtotals Group T-Municipal
. Improvements ..... ..........$ 5,000.00 $ 10,500.00
!', p Item 154-Police Pensions
': I
, "
~ J-L Police Pensions .... ... .............$ 14,412.00 $ 14,217.00
,' J-2. Police Retirement System ..... 1,53S.GU 1,706.00
' ~
~ Total ................. .... .... ............... $ 15,950.00 $ 15,923.00
i Police Pension Tax-$11,617.OU;
" Falance on Hand and Contri-
} ~"
~ butions-$2,600.00)
• -: ~: (Police Retirement Tat - $l
'fi; ~,
E ,
Item 155-Fire Pensions
j,' j'
. ~ ' J-1. Fire Pensions ........... .......... $ 23,363.00 $ 20
h ,
J-2. Fire Petirement S3'stem ..,,...... 2,504.00 2,559.00
I41 ~ !''
' Total $ 25.Sti7.00 $ 22
!,i ~
' i ,
(Fire Pension Tas-$15,545.00;
Balance on Ha
i, '('
' ' ~ n
r (Fire Retirement Tax-$2,559.00)
~~ '
I, ~ Subtotals Group SI-Tensions. $ 41,517.00 $ 33,52',.00
~~ ~
Special Session, llzrcll ~:~nd, 1;'; 5S
Item 161-J-1 City Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest on Bonds ................. $ 30,U6S.U0 $ 25,792.00
A-2. Grading Bond Re;lenlption ..... 15,000.00 30,000.00
A-3. Sewer Eond Redemption ....... 35,000.00 40,000.00
A-4. Tmpro~'entent Boncl Redemp-
tion ............................................ 35,000.00 35,000.00
A-5. Funding Pond Redemption .... 25,000.00 15,000.00
A-s. sinking Fnnd ......................... 4,000.00 7,OOO.oo
A-7. P.eser~•P .... ......... .............. ....... 1,3Pi.00 625.00
Total .................................................$145,465.00 $153,420.00
(General Bond Fund-$76,920.00;
Grading Fund-$5,000.00; Grad-
ing Bond Sinking Funcl-$12,-
000.00; Improvement Funcl-
$5,000.00; Improvement Boncl
Sinking Fund-$12,590.00; ZVa-
ter R~orks Fund--$20,000.00;
Emergenc}~ Fund-$22,000.00:
Item 161-J-2 Dock Bonds and Interest
A-1. Interest nn Dociz Bonds ........ $ 5,945.00 $ 4,675.00
A-2. Docl: Bond Redc:nlption ........ 32,000.00 ..",2,OO0.0o
A-3. Reserve .... .... .... .... ..... ....... SS9.00 427.00
Total ................... ..................... $ 3S,534.00 $ 37,102.00
(Dock Bond and Interest fund
-$35.102.00; Sinking Funcl-
Subtotal Group ?:I1-illut;icipal
Indebtedness ..............................$156,999.00 $190,522.00
Reserve in General Misc. Revenues $ 125.00 $ 61.00
Reserve in Emergeucp Fund ........... 167.00 205.00
Total .. ..................................... $ 292,00 $ 267.00
(Dock Fund and Mince Dock Revenues)
Item 153A-Deck Operation
A. Salaries Engineers ........ .... ... $ 120.00 $ 420.00
B. Travel .................... ............. ..... 150.00 150.00
F. Maintenance ................... .... .._. 100.00 100.00
G. illaterial and Supplies ...... ... 15.00 75.00
I. Insm;anee .... ......... ............... .. 511.00 540.00
J-1. '1'raffie Association Set°vice .... 300.00
J-2. Il77pr0~"Pn]P17tS ....................... ..... 322.66 566.00
J-3. 11IiscPllaneous .... .... .... ..... ..._ 900.00 1,037.00
Total ........................ ........ .... ... $ 2,4S4.U0 $ 3.122.00
1536-Dredge Operation
A. Salaries Engineers ............. ...... $ 150.00 $ 150.00
A. Salaries Operators ............ ... 1,200.00 4,300.00
i1. ~T'ag'es Laborers .... ......... .... 2,600.00 2,000.00
F. Maintenance and Repairs . .... 1,500.00 2,000.00
G. Material and Supplies ........ ....... 150.00 1,000.00
H. Electric Power ..............._.. ...... 5,000.00 5,000.00
I. Marine Insurance .... ........:. ...... 123.00 700.00
I. «"orlcmen's Cotupensation In-
surance ..........._ .................... ...... 30(1.00 300.00
J. :1liscellaneous .......... ............ ... .. 500.00 500.00
Total ......................... ...... ..... .......$ 15,153.00 $ 15,580.00
Ite m 153C-\N. P. A, River Front Improvements
A. ZZ%ages ................................. ... ......$ 1,000.00 $ 2,500.00
b;. Trucking ................ ........_..... ...... 3.596.00 3,500A0
E. Equipment .... ..................... ...... 3,650.00 2,000.00
E. Tool. ................................... ....... 500.00 600.00
G, i\Iaterial and Supplies .... . ....,. 2,500.00 2,050,00
I. Insurance (Public Liability).. 150.00 150.00
Total ........................................ ..... $ 11,696.00 $ 10,800.00
Subtotals Group VIII-Dock s...$ 29,333.00 $ 29,802.00
(Dock Ta~z-$17,302.00; .Misc.
Doclz Revenue-$12,500.00)
56 ."~1>ccial ~cssion, i~Zarch 22nd, 19=13
Item 157-Airport Fund
r'. Pdaintenance ......... .... ............... $ 550.00
I. Insurance .............................. 130.00
J. i`discellaneous ............................ 25,966.00
Subtotal Group ~ilj"-Airport ... $ 26,616.00
Estimated Cash on Hard April 1st $ 20,000.00 $ °0,000.00
Estimated Cash for bletered Sales.. 145,000.00 115,000.00
Estimated Receipts from Flat Sales 250.00 250.00
Estimated Receipts from Fire Pro-
tection Service ............. ......... 2,350.00 2,250.00
E.stinlared P.eceipts front Mott-Op-
erttion Service .... ...._.... .... 5,000.00 2,500.00
Estimated P.eceipts from Sales Taz 3,050.00 3,000.00
Total _ .. ........................ ....... $175,550.00 $173,000.00
Item 149A-Administration
A. Salar3' Superintendent and
Cashier ................ ................. $ 3,630.00 $ 3,630.00
A Salary Accountant ......... ........ 2,412.00 2,562.00
~~. Salary Stenographer and Clerk 1,752.00 1,902.00
A. Salary Clerk ......... .... .............. 1,356.00 1,506.00
A. Salary City tilanager (20°,'c) .... 1,130.00 1,130.00
A, Salary City Auditor (20=,/c) 539.00 563.00
A. Salary Cit3- Treasurer (20 jc).. 535.00 552.00
B Travei ...._ ........ .... .... ................. 1),5.00 125.00
C. Office Etipense and Postage .. SO0.00 500.00
D. Printing and Advertising .... 100.00 100.00
E. Ecguipment ............_ ..................... 1,150.00 1,150.00
E. 1\Iaintenance .........._ .................. 300.00 .',00.00
G. :Material and Supplies ........... 500.00 S00.00
7. Insurance .... .... ............. ........ 70.00 75.00
J-1. Sinking fund ........... ............ 4.500.00 13,000.00
J-2. P.efunds ........ _ .. ......... ......... .... 2.500.00
J-3. -Iiscellaneous ........ .................. 310.00 3-10.00
J-4. State Sales Tas .... ................... 3,050.00 3,050.00
Total .................. .... .................. $ 2F,,077.00 $ 31,135.00
Item 1496-Water Operation
1. Salary Field Engineer .............$ 2,706.D0 $ 2,S26.00
A, Salar3' Plant Chief Engineers 2.44'T.,00 2,562.00
A. Salaries Plant Engineers (6).. 12,276.00 12,996.00
A. `~'a°es Extra Station Labor.... 1,100.00 :;,000.00
A. Salary TaPpel~ ar.d Hydrant
iVlan .... ..................... .................... 1,914.00 2,034.00
A. Salar3- Dieter Service flan ...... 1,7S2.00 1,903.00
A. Salary Meter Repair Dlan .... °,112.00 2,232.00
A. Salary Meter P.eader ............_. 1,752.00 1,902.00
A. Solar}- Asst. _lietcr Repairer. 1,S4S.00 1,965.00
A. Salary General Foreman ...... 2,541.00 2,661,00
A. Salary Asst. I'm•eman ............ 1,914.00 2,031.00
A. Wages Laborers ......................_.. 8,500.00 S,S00.00
!~. Erguil,ment ............. ................... 10,000.00 10,000,00
~'. Maintenance _ ..... .............. 12,000.00 13.000.00
G. DIaterixl and Supplies ..... ..... 2,000.00 °,000.00
FL EIeat. Light and Power ........ 25,000.00 25,000.00
Insurance ......... ......................... 1,500.00 1.500.00
J-1. Water 11lain Dlaterials ............ 10,000.00 7,000.00'
J-2. Other P,etterments .... ............. 22.931.00 4,SS5.U0'
J-3. Store Reserve .... ..................... 3,000.00 3,000.00
i-~1. tti[iscellaneous ._ .. ... .................. 1,000.00 1,0011.00
Total .... ....................... ......... .... $ 12S,f,4S.00 $111,302.00
Gra nd Total \Vatel• t'ororks APPx'o-
p1'IatlonS .... .... .... .. .......... .... $ 154, 135.00 $11'3,151.OO
Non -Appropriated Reserve ............ 825.00 535.00
Tra nsfer to City Indebtedre-s ....... 2Q.000.00 20,000.00
Tra nsfer to General P'untl ............... Zf00.00
Tra nsfer to .lIain Se-,cer Fund ....... :192.00
7'ransfVr to Garbage and Street
Cleaning Fund .. ....... .... .... 1,850.00
Tra nsfer to Snow and Ice Removal
Fund ......... .... .... ...................... 3-I1i.00
Total ......... .... .............................. $ 175,550.00 $t73,00U.00
. ;~.,~
~,1~~cial ~essi~~n, March 22nd, 19-1,; ,7
Budget Budget
i 19-L2--T3 1913- T k
[a) City Operation Groups I to Y
Inclusive ... ..............................$554.092.00 $571,561.00
i (b) Reserve in Gen. Misc. Reve-
Hues ......... ................................ 125.00 61.00
(c) Reserve in Enier~encY Pund.... 167.00 205.u0
' (d) Pensions, Qro~.ip XL ................. 41,317.00 33,S27A0
(e) Rlunicipal Indebtedness, Group
XII .... .... .......... ...._....................... 156,999.00 190,522.00
(f) Docks, Group XTII ..................... 29,333.00 29,302.00
(g) Airport, Group XIV .... .............. 26,6-16.00
(h) Water Works, Group YV ...... 154,725.00 142,4SZ00
(i) Water `5'orks Reserve .............. 335.00 325.00
Total .... ............... ...... .............. $963,OS3.00 $1,000,936.00
Tax Reeent:es ... .............._.... ..........._$677,S5S.00 $702,711.00
SIiscellaneous Revenues and Esti-
mated ]3alances April 1, 19-13.. 11x,675.00 125,25.00
Total .... ............................................$965,033.00 $1,000.936A0
Wa ter Works Revenue and Balance 175,550.00 173,000.00 ,
~'~ k
SS Special Session, March 22nd, lc3^3
~esolutEoat }~o. 21-43
ZVhereas, A budget of proposed
expenditures for the fiscal year be-
ginning April 1, 1943, and ending
Tvlarch 31, 1944, has been duly pre-
pared by the City Manager, pub-
lished as required by law and sub-
witted to this Council for approval,
Whereas, This Council has pre-
. pared its budget of proposed expen-
ditures for the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1943, and ending March 31,
1944, wherein estimates of the ex-
penses of the departments and pur-
I poses are shown, including the esti-
mates for which the consolidated
tas levy and all other levies hereto-
fore trade, receipts from moneys
and credits, and miscellaneous
sources are to be used, and said
I budget shows all of the proposed
expenditures for the ensuing fiscal
year, and the same was published
as provided by law, and au oppor-
tunny was given all who might
vrish to file objections or protest to
the same, and the time for final ac-
tion thereon having been fixed as
the 22nd clay of March, 1943; and
Whereas, No objections have
been filed or trade to said budget;
Now, Therefore,
13e It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that said
Budget of proposed expenditures
for the fiscal year beginning April
1, 1943, and ending March 31, 1944,
as heretofore prepared be and the
same is hereby adopted and ap-
Fassed, adopted and approved
this 22nd clay of March, 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Vau Duelanau moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton. Council-
nteta l7urphy, Schtteller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Ordinance No. 4-43. An Ordin-
ance appropriating ntouey for the
various fitnds and purposes of the
City of Dubuque for the fiscal year
beginning April 1, 1943, and ending
nlarclt 31, 1944, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson move d
that the reading just had be con-
siderect the first reacting of the or-
dinance. Seconclecl by Councilman
Van Duelmaxl. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
eas-Mayor SVlxartou, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Councilman Thotpson move d
that the rules be suspended requir-
ing an ordinance to be read on
three separate days. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schtteller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
The ordinance was then read a
secot~cl time. Councilman Thompson
moved that the reading just had be
consitlerecl the. second reading of
the ordinance. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Van Duelman. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Councilman Thompson move d
that the ordinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection for at least one week be-
fore its final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman. Carried
by the following vote:
I eas-Mayor ~~rharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of Swift ~ Company re-
questing permission to repair and
use the frame building on their
property formerly occupied by the
P. J. Seippel Lumber Company and
recently purchased by Swift ~ Com-
pany for the carrying on of their
poultry and egg busitxess, said per-
mission to cover the period of the
emergency, presented and react.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the rules be suspended for the
purpose of allowing any one pres-
ent in the Cotutcil Chamber, ~vho
wishes to do so, to address the
Council. Seconded by Cotmcilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
Yeas-RTayor Wharton, Council-
nten Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Messrs. R. C. Sims and P. J.
Egelhof, representatives of Swift &
Company, aclclressed the Council in
support of the Swift & Company
petition and discussing in detail
with the Council the extent and
purposes of the repairs and im-
provements which Swift 8. Com-
pany contemplate making on this
frame builcliug.
Special Session, March 2?rxcl, 193 59
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the petition be r'eferr'ed to the
City Council for consideration.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Vau Duelman.
Notice of Claim of Dou. B. Bartch
in an unstated amount for injuries
sustained in a fall on an icy and
defective sidewalk on the south
side of Sixteenth Street between
Locust and Main Streets, presented
and read.
Councilman 11lurphy moved that
the Notice of Claire be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Van Duelman. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
man Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Yan Duelman.
Notice of Claim of 3osephine
SPonheimer in the amount of
$1,000.00 for injuries sustained in a
fall on an icy street intersection on
the east side of Ninth and Main
Streets, presented and react.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Van Duelman. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Notice of Claim of NIrs. M. C.
Vincent in the amount of $500.00
for injuries sustained in a fall on
an icy sidewalk in front of 1041
1Vest Fifth Street, presented and
Councilman Schueller moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Van Duelman. Carx'ied by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Notice of Claim of Chas. T. Lan-
don in the amount of $320.00 for
damages to his car and medical•at-
tention caused by reason of an ac-
cident with a City truck at the in-
tersection of Alpine and West
Third Streets, presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the Notice of Claim be referred to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Murphy. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
3"eas-Iilayor gVharton, Council-
ttxen I~Iurphy, Schuellor, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of A. J. Str'ohmeyer, As-
sistant City Electrician, requesting
an increase in his salary over and
above the proposed $10.00 per month
in order that his salary be placed
at $2,400.00 per year, presented and
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the Petition be referred to the
Council. Seconded by Councilman
I~>;ttx'phy. Carried by the following
Yeas-Nlayor Wharton, Council-
men illurphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelxxxan.
Communication of J. H. Weimer,
submitting application for re-
appoirxtrnent as a member of the
Local Board of Review for the year
1943, presented and read.
Councilman Murphy moved that
tlxe communication be referred to
the Council. Seconded by Council-
man Thompson. Carried b}> the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor ZVharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Du2lanan.
Petition of R. H. Clancy request-
ing a refutxd in the amount of $25.00
on his cigarette permit No. 127 and
also r'equestiug a refund in the
amount of $100.00 on his beer per-
mit No. 110 as he has discontinued
business as of March 11, 1943, pre-
seutecl and read.
Councilman Thompson move d
that the requests be granted and
the City Auditor instructed to draw
a warrant in the amount of $25.00
in favor of R. H. Clancy to cover
the amount of refund granted on
the unexpired portion of his cigar-
ette permit \TO. 127, and also that
the City Auditor be instructed to
draw a warrant in the amount of
$100.00 iu favor of R. H. Clancy to
cover the amount of refund granted
oa the unexpired portion of his
beer Peranit No. 110. Seconded by
Councilman Murphy. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-P,Tayor Wharton, Council-
men Murplxy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Petition of Sarah Koehler, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Eoarcl of Supervisors, requesting
suspension of the 1942 tax on Lot
15 of Jackson School Sub., pre-
sented sect read.
i i i ~ ~ iii~i iiiiii ii~~ iui iiuwiiiiiii~iuPUUiuouuuuuumiuuuwuuuuuu~ui~rmWiwYUwiuuuuYiYYUiiYil~YiiiiYYYiYYYiWIYYli11iYYYYWYw~ -
~w- _
:~1>eci~,1 ;-.tssion, iv~arch ?~ncl, 19-13
Councilman Thompson to a v e d
that the Petition be referred to tite
Cit,% Solicitor for investigation and
report. Seconclecl by Couucilntan
Schueller. Carried by the foliosvitlg
'eas-NTayor ~Vhartou, Coutlcil-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
ti an Duelnlan.
City Solicitor ISlrtzinger sub-
tnitted a verbal recouimendatiou
that the petition of Sarah Koehler
should be approved and tale Eoard
of Supervisors to be notified of
Councils action.
Councilttlan -Iurphy moved that
the t-erbal recouunendation of City
Solicitor I~intzinger upon the peti-
tion of Sarah Koehler be approved
and the Boarcl of Supervisors to be
notified of Council's action. Secand-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
1°ied by the following vote:
I eas-NIa,,~or Wharton. Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompsont,
Van Dttelntan.
Petition of 11Irs. Margaret E. Ho-
gan, referred to the City Couacii
by the Eoard of Supervisors, re-
questing suspension of the 19I2 taz
on the North i ~ of City Lot 326,
presented anti read.
Councilman Thompson t.l o v e d
that the petition he referred to the
City Solicitor for investigation and
report. Secoucied by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
'i ea ;-P,Iayor «%harton, Council-
man 1\~Iurplty, Schueller, Tltonlpson,
Van Duelntan.
Na,y ~-Hone.
City Solicitor Kint:.ing2r sub-
n.ittecl a verbal reconunendatioii
tit ~t the petition of ll3rs. Illas•garet
E. Hogan should be approved and
ttte 1>cta~d of Supervisors to he no-
tiCb.d of Cctulcil's action.
Councilman islnrphv tooved that
Clio verbal recommendation of City
t'.clicitar Kir.~zinger upon the peti-
tiCU of P~Irs. E. Hogr.n be approved
a,nd the Floarcl of Su~;ere-isot°s to be
uoiii ecl of Council's action. Seconci-
ed 1)y Councilman Thontpsom. Car-
ried 1)y the following vote:
i'e~s-'rlayor SVL=arto:?. Cotulcil-
rleu ltiurnily. Schueller, ,'I'hompsotl.
jTan I}iteintan.
fd-s ys-1 dotle.
Tilarch 1°~. 15'13.
In re: C'l;litn of :fits. Fra:aces
Honorable Tvlayar and City Council,
City of I?ubuque, lojva.
Gentlemen: Front my investiga-
tion Ifind that on or about January
].6, 1913, it'frs. Frances Cos.l.le~ Veil
on a sidetvallc that vas covered
with a thin snow over ice, that
this sfcle~vallt vas raised about
fotu• inches due to roots of a tree,
that she sustained a fracture of
Ler tltuntb of her right hand and.
ltacl a cast thereon for over four
~,veeks; that she was nable to go
tc work aucl tivas away front work
forty-four days; that her doctor hill
wa.s X21.00; that the loss of time
incurred was about $100.00. I am
cf the opinion that them is a lia-
bility in this case. She is willing
to accept $~I6.00 iu foil payment of
her claim.
I reconuuend that her claim he
allo~vecl in the sum of ~~16.00; that
a warrant be issued to her order
for that amount and delivered to
her upon delivery to the City of a
proper release.
ours truly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman l/urphy ntovecl that
the reconunenc'.ation of City Solic-
itor Iiint~itiger be approved and the
City Attciitor instructed to draw a
warrant in the aulount of `S•I6.00 in
favor of iVTrs. Frances Coakley as
settlement in full of her claim anti
that said ~varraut be delivered to
bar upon receipt of a properly
e x e c it t o cl release. Seconded by
Couuci]ntan Thompson. Carried by
ille following vote:
~l eas-Mayor ~Vhartotl, C;oumcil-
_men iVlurphy, Schueller, Thompson,
~, an IJuelntan.
IVIarch 12, 1913.
In re: Ciaitn of 1;Irs. Semsia
Honorable illayor and C'.ity Council,
City of Dubuque, Iojva -
Cyentlemen: ~j'ith reference to
the Claim of Semsia Hamnig, filed
herein opt January 32, 19-13, for datu-
ages for injuries sustained froth a
fall on an icy sidewalk at 1229 Jaclc-
son Street om or about January 11,
1913, the claimant had her at•ttt frac-
tured and Ilad to have it reset
twice. Slte imew'red medical ev-
pestses to the amount of ~5I.00, aitcl
other expenses. She has agreed t~
accept $36.00 iu full settleutettt of
lter ciaitu. I recouuner_d that a ~,~~ar-
rant be issued payable to ller order
for X36.00 ^nd delivered to her up-
on the i~eeeipt of a I)roper release.
i am eaclosi!tg itere~.i'ith, the claim.
~"otu°s truly,
Ci±y Solicitor.
Col?'tcilsnan Tltotmpsou move d
that the reco!ttmemclation of City
Solicitor I~ititzingor i)e appt°aved
and the City Auditor instructed to
°~`~ci~;' ;-;~ssi,_,n, P~"ar~i. 22nd, ~`'' ~3 61
clt'aw a «-arrant i.? the amount of
~35.Ot; in favor' of i`;Irs. Sensia Han-
nig as settlement in full of her
clai=_~7 ant, that said warrant be cle-
lfvered upon receipt of a properly
e F e c u t e cl release. Seconded by
Ct;u~tciintan P;Iurphy. Carded by
the fotlo5ring vote:
I ens-i4dayor ~~%harton, Ccuucil-
trien .vIurphy, Schu211er, Tdit>anpson,
e"atl Dtaeltttan.
PaIarch 21, 19s~.
In re: Claim of Rhea Kontos.
1 honorable 'ilia, or and City Council,
City of Dttbucjue, do~va.
Cetttlemett: Itt reference to the
claita oY Rhea iiontos of Febrttary
13, 1913, the claimant fell and
sprained an ankle on 5th Street
~,vhile going around a dangerous and
hazardous Place on tl?e side?va1k,
rtacle by children sliding on the
side~,~'alk, and stastainetl damages
for tivhiclt site filed a claim for
$ 0.00. I ha-re treacle investigation
cf the n~ otter afaresaid attcl find
t'_:ai laer actual expenses are $1S.S5.
I act of the opinion that there is
a liability- a..d reconunend that her
chit:? lie alio?veti itr the sum of
,1 S.SS attcl a warrant be drawn nay-
alyle to her or~tei• for said amount
~~.n:~ deiivare:l to her upon the de-
Livery= to the City of a proper re-
5'onrs truly,
City Solicitor
Ccut?ci?man Scltueller moved that
the recotnmendatiott of Cit3• Solic-
itor I~;iutziuger be approved and the
City Auditor instrttctecl to draw a
t~iarra_tt in tl:e amount of ~1S.S5 in
favor of Rhea Iwontos as settlement
it' full of her claitu and that said
~vctr,.ant lte delivered upon receipt
cr a. i,roj.erly executed release. Sec-
encle ~ 1,.,, Cotu?cidman Van Dnel-
r.~ac. Carried 1>;r the follo~vhig
Fearl,Tayor `.Zrhart o_l. Cattncil-
r?~~t 1'~Ittr~tlty, Schuelle;°, Tl?outpson.
.~: De~elntan,
~,Iarch 16, 19~I3.
iI °•;:~~~ a+,le P,la~,'cr and City Council,
City of I~ttbuque, Io nva.
t'e ttler?en: Iai regard to the Ap-
plin ~tfon of Tr ern Keepers' Asso-
^:atiCtt PTO. 1 fot• Clans "B" Permit
for Pt•ivate Clttl~, sttltntittesl to me
ly tl:e Cottttc=:1 for i»vestigation and
rett~?rt, nty- report is coufinerl solely
to t:te recorcd so sttba?,itt2tl.
i` is provided by t'..e statute as
"S^c. 1931.113. INV~'STIC~A-
TIOPI Cap APP? TC aTIC,;. Tile
AITTHOIiITIES eutpo?vexed by
this chapter to issue pet'rtits shall
make a thorough fttvestigation to
determine the fitness of the ap-
plicant and the truth of the state-
ments made in and accotnpany-
ing the application, and tlae de-
ciaion of such authot'fty on the
application shall be rendered
v-ithin thirty days after the ap-
plfcatian is received."
"Sec. 1921.099. PfltiVEn IS
AND 'PCiVNS, including cities
under special charter to issue the
Class "r3" Permits and Class "C"
Perttiits ^+7ftltitl their respective
limits .. .
The statute further provides:
"Sec. 19x1.111. No clttb shall lie
granted a Class "B" Permit un-
der this chapter .. .
"b. If it is a proprietary club,
or operated for pecuniary profit.,'
The Articles of Incorporation of
the Tavern Beepers' Association of
Dubuque, Io?va, stabmitte d with the
application provides, ninon; other
"Article III. The membership
of this corporation shall be com-
posed of sttch persons as may
Prom time to time be admitted as
members iu good standing as set
forth in it?e icy-laws of the Tavern
Beepers' Association for I~u-
buque, IOwa."
"Article IV. For the purpose
appropriate to its creation, this
corporation mar take by gift,
purchase, devise or begttest, real
..ncl Persomii i>roperty, may taiake
contracts, map sue aucl be suet,
may malte by-la?vs alterable at
its pleasure and IS shall have all
the powers by corporations NO~V
der the la?rs o` tl:e state of Iowa."
Fttr.dt Ec ?`,`agnall's Standard I3ic-
tiottarY defines,
"proprietary, the state or fact of
being an owner; proprietorship;
o ,ti•nership."
The gnestiota as to v,'hether or not
this corporation meets all of the
necessary recittiretnents is for the
Catuxcil. A failtare to meet any such
regnirement results in a clet.ial of
the Applicatiott.
"Sec. 1921.111. No Cltab shall be
gt•?ntecl a Class `°B" Permit un-
der tiffs chapter .
"c. tiiul°s it is incorporated
ender the iu.','s of the State of
~-.,.. ~
~~~ ,
62 Special Session, ~'Iarch 22nd, 1~~13
Icwa, and its charter is in full
force and effect, and/or excepting
regularly chartered branches of
nationally incorporated organiza-
- tions."
You will observe that the applica-
tion provides:
° "1. Name of Corporation: Tav-
ern Keepers' Association No. 1."
` Article I of the Articles of Incor-
poration provides:
"The name of this Corporation
is the Tavern Keepers' Associa-
tion of Dubuque, Dubuque Coun-
ty, Iowa."
Therefore, the application is not
made by the same entity as that in
the Articles of Incorporation.
Sec. 1921.111. No Club shall be
granted a Class "B" Permit un-
der this Chapter .. .
d. Unless such club has a pei°-
manent local membership of not
less than fifty adult members,
e. Unless the application for
such permit is approved by a ma-
jority of the bona fide members
of such club who are Present at
a regular meeting, or a special
metting called to consider the
f. Unless it was in operation
as a club on the first of January,
A. D. 1934, or being thereafter
formed, was in continuous opera-
tion as a club for at least two
years immediately prior to the
date of its application for a Class
"B" Permit.
In an opinion rendered by the
Attorney General of the State of
Iowa, on April 30, 1937, it is stated:
"It is our opinion that no club
can be granted a Class "B" Per-
mit under the existing beer law
unless it complies with all of the
requirements set out in Sections
a, b, c, d, e, and f of the above
quoted Section of the Code. The
language of the statute is clear
in its requirements that each of
the above sub-sections is to be
Upon failure to meet any of the
above sections the Council is pre-
cluded from granting a Class "B"
The application as presented
omits answers to the following
"6. Purposes for which club was
formed and is being maintained?"
"14. If formed after that date,
has it been in continuous opera-
tion as a club for two years im-
mediately prior to the date of this
"16. Is there attached hereto a.
certified copy of this resolution
approving this application and a
copy of the Articles of Incorpora-
"Sec. 1921.112. APPLICATION.
Every club desirous of obtaining
a Class `B' Permit shall make a
~:•ritten application therefor, exec-
uted by its president and attest-
ed by its secretary or other sim-
ilar officers performing the duties
usually performed by a president
or secretary Fvhich application
shall state under oath:
a. The naive of the club and
the location of the premises oc-
cupied by it.
b. The names of the officers of
said club.
c. That the buildings occupied
by said club are wholly within
the corporate limits of the city
or town to which such application
is made.
d. The Purposes for which such
cluh was formed and is main-
tained, and the number of the
bona-fide members thereof regu-
larly paying dues.
e. That the application for such
permit was approved by a ma-
jority of the bona-fide members
of such club present at a regular
meeting or at a special meeting
called to cansider the same."
I do not believe that an answer
to question 14 and question 16 is
required by the statute, but an ans-
wer to question 6 is required by
the statute.
Under Section 1921.118 herein
cited, it is the duty of the Council:
"to make a thorough investiga-
tion to determine the fitness of
the applicant and the truth of the
statements made accompanying
the application."
Before the application can be
granted, the applicant must meet
ALL of the requirements of the
statute hereinabove set forth, and
upon a failure to meet any one of
the said requirements the applica-
tion must be denied.
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Mm'phy moved that
the opinion of City Solicitor Kint-
zinger be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Special Session, 1\'iarch ~Zncl, 19-11 63
Councilman Thompson m o v e cl
that the application of Tavern
Keepers' Association No. 1 for a
Class "B" Beer Permit for Private
Clatb be denied as said application
does not comply with the State
La~v. Seconded try Councilmmau NIur-
phy. Carried by the following vote.:
g'eas-Niayor j~~harton. Council-
men NIurphs-. Schuellea•, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
:March 1G, 1943.
I3onor•able iVIayor and City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In regard to the Ap-
pliction of the Rocl ~. Gun Club for•
Class "B" Beer Permit for Private
Chtb which has been referred to
me, the lajv governing the granting
of such permits is in my report to
this Council of this elate on the Ap-
plication for Class "B" Beer Per-
mit for Private Club of the Tavern
Keepers' Association No. 1, to
which reference is hereby matte.
Attached to the papers is a cea•-
tiflcate of the Rocl ~°~ Gun Club
showing that the following resolu-
tion vas passed on January °, 1945:
"Be It Resolved, that the ofFicers
of the club be and they are here-
by authorized aucl instructed to
anal.e application for all Federal,
State and City licenses relative
to selling beer and for any aucl all
other licenses necessary to main-
tain the club moans for the use
and i~enefit of the members at
1105 Iowa Street, Dubuque, Iowa,
anti they as e further authorized
and empoivex•ed to execute any
auct all instruments in coauaection
with the making of such applica-
tion for licenses and the securing
of permits."
It is provided by the statute,
aanong' other things as follolvs:
"Sec. 191.112, APPLICATION
e. That the application for
such permit was approved by a
majority of the bona-fide anent-
bers of such club present at a
regular meeting or at a special
meeting called to consider the
The resolution as submitted, fails
to show that the Applicatimi for the
above permit was approved by a
majority of the bona fide members
present at such meeting, a,nd, thea•e-
fore, fails to meet with this pro-
vision of the statute.
Report as submitted by the Chief
of Police provides:
"A ntmiber of the persons
whose names are listed as mem-
bers were interviewed by Captain
Det•reberry and myself. lu a lea°ge
nun;ber of. cases, it has been
faurcl tixai persons whose names
are listed as members are un-
av;are of same and disclaim mem-
bership or any lcnotvledge con-
cerniug above club. A number of
others stated they planned to be
members, but, however, kue~v
very little concerning same. I
could not learn from persons in-
terviet~-ecl of any meetings hav-
ia_g been held, of axiy benefits to
be derived therefrom other than
being fua•nished a l:ey Permitting
tLem access to baa•-room.
"Also, it appears that this Club
5=,-ill be operated for pecuniary
profit to a few."
This renoa•t casts doubt upon the
taaeaat?}ership of the Club and a.lsa
the ~nuposes for which it is oper-
ated. It is for the Council to de-
teamine the truth of the statements
oracle accor.panying the Applica-
tion. A failure to have the regtaired
n..xaataer of members prevents the
aB3proT,>al of the application. If it
should appear that the Club is oper-
ated for pecuniary profit to a fe~v,
this also results in a failure to
comply ;vith the la~v.
Yours truly.
City Solicitor.
~vottaacilmanlIurphy moved that
tl,.e opinion of City Solicitor I~ialt-
singea• be a•eceivecl and filed. Sec-
naa.sled by Councilman Thompson.
Carded by the following vote:
:'eas-Nlayoa• Wharton, Council-
men 1,%urphy, Schueller, Thompsoni,
Va:t Duelmau.
C%attncilmanlIurphy anoved that
the application of the P.od ~. Gun
C.'_nb tar a Class "B" Beea° Permit
for Private Club be denied as said
application sloes not comply with
the State La~v. Seconclecl try Coun-
cilataaat Thompson. Carried by the
falYov;ing vote:
~'eas-1\Iayor gVharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
STan Duelxnara.
~iesolution No. 22-43
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
following, having complied with
the provisions of law relating to the
sale of cigarettes within the City
of Dubuque, be granted a permit to
sell cigaa°eties and cigarette papers
within said City and the Manager
is directed to issue such permit on
behalf of Said City.
-- ~. =~
- .~
6-1~ i~ecial Sessiul~, March 22nd, 19-1;
Hanle. Address.
Iona Campbell and Antoll Van
Driel (Effective April 1, 1943), 1322
Central Avetxue.
W. F. Trimpler (E~ective April
1, 1943), 659 Central Avenue.
Leo 1~2. Kraus (Effective April 1,
1943), 1095 Central Avenue.
Be It Further Resolved, 'that the
bonds filed with the applications be
Passc;d, adopted and approved
this 22nc1 clay of Marcl. 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Vau Dueinxaii moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
I eas-iVlayor tiVhartoll, Council-
men 1Vlnrphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Resolution Rlo. 23--43
Whereas, application for Crass
"E" Beer Permit has been sub-
mitted to tlxis Council .for approval
and the salve has been eiamilled;
Nov, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the foi-
lo~ving application be and the same
is he: eby approved, and it is or-
uered that tlxe premises to be occu-
pied by stack applicant shall be
forthwith inspected.
l~Tanxe Address
Iona Campbell and Anton Van
Driel, 1322 Central Avenue.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 22nd day of March, 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resalutiotx. Second-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thonlpsou,
Vau Duelman.
R~:sciution Ohio. 24-43
Whereas, heretofore application
vas tiled lty the within named aP-
l,licants for Class "B" Beer Pertllit
anti it has received the approval of
this Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc-
capiecl by such applicants have
been inspected and found to comply
with the ordinances of this City and
a proper bond has peen filed; 1Vov7,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be and he is hereby directed
io issue to the following nanxed ap-
plicants aBeer Permit:
Name Address
Iona Campbell and Anton Van
Driel, 1328 Central Avenue.
Be It Further Resolved that the
band filed by such applicants b2
and the same is hereby approved.
Passed, adopted anti approved
this ~?2nd day of March, 1943.
_r, . ~zr. THOMPSON,
Attest: 3. J. SHEA,
City Clerli.
Councilman Schueller anoved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
riecl by the following vote:
Yeas-2+Iayox• Wharton, Cotuicil-
metx Murph~r, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
NTarch 19, 1913.
To the Honorable iliayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: At the February 1,
'_`143, session of the City Council the
caaxumunicatiou of County Auditor
D;aykiu requesting approval of the
proposed sale of Lot 1A of E. Pvyala's
Sub. and Lot 2 of 2U, Broadway
Add., to E. J. Ryaix for the suet of
X25.00 was referred to the Council
to view the grotulds.
Oll March 13th the site was
viewed and the Council decided not
to approve the sale because the of
fen vas iao lojv. I recommend that
the decision of the Council be con-
Respectfully sullnxitted,
City 1Vlanager.
Cotuxcilman Schueller waved that
the recommendation of City 1VTan-
ager Rhomberg be approved and
the decision of the Council con-
firmed. Seconded by Couucilmall
Van Duelman. Carried lay the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Nlayor Wharton, Council-
nxen 1VIurplxy, Schueller, Thompson,
t'an Duelman.
Special Sessi~~n, March 22nd, 1943 6~
Resc:ution No. 25-42
Whereas, the North one-half of
Lat 10 of i~darsh's Addition to the
City of Dubuque, Dubuque County,
Iolva, was sold on February 3, 1936,
to Dubuque County, Iowa, by the
County Treasurer of D u b u q u e
County, Iov-a, for delinquent taxes
and unpaid taxes for the years 1932,
1933 and 1931, and
tiVhereas, The said D u b u q u e
Count', Iowa, desires to sell the
above described real estate to Arch
Tinl~ham for $20.00, and
Whereas, The sale of said prop-
erty by Dubuque County, Iowa, to
Arch Tinlcham for a sum less than
the total amount stated in the Tax
Certificate including all endorse-
ments of subsequent geuer•ai taxes,
interests and costs requires the
~vritien approval of a majority of
all tax-levying and tax-certifying
bodies having any interest in said
general tares; Nov, Ther•efare,
rye It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
tha~ the sale of said property to
Arch Tinkham for the sum of $20.00
in cash be and the same is hereby
autltotizeci and approved.
Passed, adopted anti approved
this ~~ud clay of March, 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Courrcilnrau Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman liurphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
~'eas-;Mayor Wharton, Council-
ulett :4lur•plry, Schueller, Thompson,
~,'an Duelman.
P: aps-Norte.
Resolutoon No, 25-43
Whereas, Lot 170 of Glendale Ad-
dition in the City of Dubuque, Du-
buque County, Iowa, was sold on
Fehtttary 3, 1936, to Dubuque Coun-
ty, Iowa, by the County Treasurer
of Dtrbttque County, Iowa, for the
delinquent taxes and unpaid taxes
against the real estate for the years
1931 to 1934, inclusive; and
\~Thereas, Lot 171 of Glendale Ad-
ditiotr in the City of Dubuque, Du-
btaque County, Iowa, vas sold on
January 4, 1937, to Dubuque Coun-
ty, Iowa, by the County Treasurer
of Dubuque County, Iowa, for the
delinquent taxes and unpaid taxes
against the real estate for the years
1933 to 1935, inclusive, and
VTl.erea>, The said D u b u q u e
County, Iowa, desires to sell the
above described real estate to Nick
Bock for $150.00; antl
tiVhereas, The sale of said prop-
erty by Dubuque County, Iowa, to
Nick Bock for a sutra less than the
total amount stated in tine tax cer-
tificate iuclucliug all endorsements
of subsequent general tales, in-
ter•ests and costs requites the writ-
ten approval of a majority of all
the tax levying and tax certifying
bodies having any interest in said
general fazes; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
that the sale of said property to
Nick Bock for the sum of $150.00
in cash, be and the same is hereby
authorized and approved.
Passed, acloptecl and approved
this 22nd clay of 1lIarcla, 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller proved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman 11lurphy. Carried
by the following vote:
Veal-Mayor tiVharton, Council-
men -Iurphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Dtteluran.
Resolution No. 27-40
Whereas, Lets 32 and 33 of ~~ocd-
lajvu Park Addition in the City of
Dubuque, Dubuque County. Iowa,
were sold on February 3, 1936, to
Dubuque County, Iowa, for the de-
linquent tales and unpaid tales
against the teal estate for the years
1931 to 1934, inclusive, and
ZVhereas, Lot 34 of Woodlawn
Parlt Addition in the City of Du-
buque, Dubuque County, Iowa, was
sold on February 3, 1936, by tlae
County Treasurer of Dubuque Coun-
ty, Iowa, to Dubuque County, Iowa,
for the delinquent taxes and un-
paid tales against the real estate
tot the years 1930 and 1931, inclu-
sive, and
Whereas, The said D u b u q u e
County, Iowa, desires to sell the
above described real estate to Wil-
liam N. I~lauer for $60.00; and
«'hereas, The sale of said prop-
erty by Dubuque County, Iowa, to
William N. Klauer fora sum less
than the total amount stated in the
tas certificate including all endorse-
ments of subsequent general taxes,
interests and costs requires the
written approval of a majority of
$:I, j
;, _.'
E ~~~
3' ' ~.
~~ i~
f `''
~ ~~'~~
Special Session, March 39, 1943
Coultcil anet at 7:30 P. M.
Present-Mayol° FVharton, Couu-
ciLtlen Murphy, Schueller, Thomp-
son, Vat: Duelmau, City Manager
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilanen Thompson and Van Duel-
,vlayor Wharton t°ead the call and
stated that service thereof had been
dtaIy made and that this meeting is
ca11ec1 for the purpose of catrsider-
ing for final adoption Ordinance No.
4-4:3. Au ordinance appropt°iating
money for the various foods and
purposes of the City of Dubuque for
the fiscal year beginning April 1,
1943, and ending llarcla 31, 1944,
and ae;ting on any other business as
titay properly come before a regular
meeting of the City Council.
Ordinance No. 4-43. An ordin-
ance appropriating money for the
various funds and purposes of the
City of Dubuque for the fiscal year
beginning April 1, 1943, and ending
P,Iarclt 31, 1944, said ordinance hav-
ing been passed upon first and sec-
ond reatliitg on lIarch 23, 19-13, antl
ordered placed on file with the City
Cleric for public inspection for at
least one week before its final adop-
tion, presented anti read a third
CR7IhlRfvCE Fv~. 4-93
An ordinance appropriating money
for the carious fonds and Purpo:,e:,
of the City of Dubuque fur the fiscal
year beginning April 1, 19-13, anti enel-
ins \Iarclt 31, 1913.
Ee it ordained b}' the City Council
of the Ci±y of Dubuque:
Pa~;:graPh 971. Cansoliclated tat
levy, Section 1. That the consolida[-
ccl tax heretofore levied Pursuant to
Section 6:x.17 of tite 19,9 Code of
Iowa is hereby aPlnoPriatecl to the
General, Grading, Improvement, Se~.v-
er and Light Funds in the following
ratios, to-wit: (a) General Fund
$1S(i,-IO1.U0; (l~) Grading Fwicl $lU,-
000.00; (c) improvement Funcl, x10,-
000.00; (d) Sewer Fund, $5,500.00; (e)
Light Fund, $36,500.00.
Paragraph 932 Agricultural Tax.
Section ~ That the revenue antici-
pated to be received frmn the tat
upon agricultural lands within the
city (exclusive of such portion there-
of allated to the Liltrary Fund) in
the sum of $97.00 is hereby appropri-
ated to the General Fund, making
the tai total of said General Fund,
Paragraph 943 Funds. Section 3.
That the appropriations for the fiscal
year beginning April 1, 1913, and end-
ing lIarch 31, 194 ~, for the various
departments and Purposes of the City
of Dubuque be fixed and determined
as follows:
;'~ rf,
- -.--.... 'b -'ffi63fk4:-ddll°rye__.ba~..r"~...w~.-~tr_.~IYau~k~ .~.- ~p!3,~
all the tai levying and tat certify-
ing bodies having any interest in
said general taws; Now, There-
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
that the sale of said property to
William N. I~lauer for the sum of
X60.00 in cash be anti the same is
hereby authorized and a1~Plroved.
Passed, acloptecl and approved
this 22nc1 day of lIarch, 1913.
~'. W. THOIIPSONIayor.
Attest: J. J Councilmen.
City Clerk.
Councilman Van Dueltnan moved
the adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Counciltuan Schueller.
Cai°ried 11Y the following vote:
~ eas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
men i~Turphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
There being' uo further business,
Counciltuan Van Duelmau moved to
ad}aura, Seconclecl by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
the e Murpli~ ,oScl Ueller~ Tho npsou,
Van Duelmau.
City Clerk.
Approved ..................................1943.
Adopted ......................................1943
Councilmen : .....................................
AttPSt : ................................................
City Clerk.
S,>ecial Session, l'Earch ?9th, 19-3 67
101-City Council ........... $ 1,700.00
102-Office of City 1\Ian-
ager _ ........... ................... 10,2S9.00
103-Office of Citp Clerk ... :3,095.00
104-Office of City Auditor. 2,402.00
105-Office of City Treas-
urer ............. .... ....... ...... 2,45S.00
lOG-Office of City Solicitor. 4,50'x.00
lOS-City Assessor's Office ... 4,225.UJ
109-Office of Civil Engineer G,172.00
113-Elections ............................ 9,10.00
114-City Buildings _ ............... 10,000.00
115-Police Court .................... l,GG5.00
110-Civil Service Counnis-
tl()n .... ......... ... ..... ............... 20 G.(1G
(These appropriations shall he
paid from the General Fun cl)
11S-Police Department ........$ 02,SG2.00
($55,262.00 of the appropriations
shall be Daicl Prom the C=eneral
Funcl anti $7,600.00 froth Water
~'Vorks Fund Transferl
119A-Fire Dept, itIainte-
nance .................................. $131,GL.00
(This appropriation shall be Paid
from Fire lIaiutenance Fuucl in
the amount of $125,2-10.00 anti from
Fire Equipment Fund Transfer in
the amount of $0,372.00)
115B-Fire Equipment $ 6,13-1.00
(This appropriation shall be Paid
from the Fire Equipment Fund)
120-Fire and Police Alarm
Systems ........_ ......................$ 5,045A0
(This appropriation shall be paid
froth the General Funcl)
121-Office of Euilding Com-
missioner ............................. $ 3,575.00
($1,575.00 of this appropriation
shall be Paici from the General
Fund and 53,000.00 from miscel-
laneous general revenue.)
122-Office of Plumbing In-
spector ............_ ..................$ 2,760.00
($1,266.00 of this appropriation
shall Ue Paid from the General
Funcl anti .}'1,000.00 from miscella-
neous general revenues.)
123-Office of Electrical in-
spector ........._......_ .............. $ 3,511.011
($l,OG1.00 of this appropriation
shall be Paici froth the General
Fund and $1,750.00 front miscel-
laneous °eneral revenues.)
124-Dog Yound _ ......... .... . $ 150.00
(This aPpt'opriation shall lie Paid
from miscellaneuus general rev-
. enues.)
725--Health operation ...............$14,1f,5.r,t+
($13,665.00 of this appropriation
shall be Paid from the Genets]
Funcl and $500.00 from miscellane-
ous general t'eveuues.?
126-Control of Contagions
Diseases. ._..._........__... ....__._.$ 1.200,00
(This appropriation shall he paid
from tits General r'und.)
127-Sewer .Maintenance ...._.. 13,715.1 0
($1.",,3`L3.00 steal h~ Paiel frrttn the
lI;titx Sewer Fund anti $',392.00 troth
the ~!1'ater ~S'orks Transferl
12S-Garbage Disposal ........_....... 15,490.00
('Phis appropriation shall he Paici
front the General Fund.)
129-Milk Inspection ...._ ................. 2,780.011
($750.00 of this appropriation shall
be paid from the General Funcl
and $2,000.00 from miscellaneous
general revenues.)
431-rligh~vay Administration 2.-tS°.00
iTltts aPl;roPria.tion shall he paid
from the General Fund.)
132-Street Repairing and
Prading _._ ...................._....__.----......._.. 33,7"00.00
($5,750.00 of this appropriation
shall be Paid ft•om the General
Funcl and $5,000.00 from the
Gt'ading Fttncl.)
13.^,-Cit`• Garage .........._....._...._... 1a, 150.00
134-ash and Can Collection 12,S76.G0
(Tlzes? appropriations shall he
paid from the General Funcl.)
13S-street and Traffic Sig-
txa] Lighting .._._ ............._..._..._ ..... 3G,SG0.00
(This appropriations shall be paid
froth the Light Fttncl.)
140-Street cleaning ......__.._-_-_ 19,11-1.00
(Sli,7f,4,00 of this aliPropriation
shad be paid from the Garbage
Disposal anti Sheet Cleaning
Funcl anti $1,350.00 from ~~'ater
~l'orks Furcl Transfer.)
141-Snow ncl ice Removal f, 741.00
(G,3J5.00 of this appropriation
shall be psicl ft'om the Snow and
Ice Pemo~'al Fund and $346.00
from ~i'ater ~fiorks Fund Trans-
143-l~thrary Operation ............ 33,15x,. U
($31,154,00 of this appropriation
shall l,e paid from the Libr:+ry
Fttnd and $2.000.06 frmn miscel-
laneous lihrar}' revenues.)
111:1-Par)c Administration.- :'.,457.0(1
144B-Park Areas, F:uilclings
~+ac, ............._.... _...__..._...__....... 22,99S.00
(;,02,205.00 of these aPproPriatione
shall ,e Paici front the Park 4~ uncl
anti $3,5('.00 from miscellanenus
park revenues.)
145A-1lecreation Adnti n i s-
tration ........._..__..._.._._..._......---..... 3,105.01?
1456-Pia}-grcnuds ._ 4,700.00
115L~-~~'inter Spm•ts ..._......._ .... 1,d`vU.i;O
L15F.-Swinuning Pool ... ._.._ 3,9i15.0~
1456-lncloor ~T'iuter Sports 100.00
1-1513-L-'nierg~enc:,' ......._......_.._ 34.00
146 -Atlaetie Park ....____... 2,z9i1.0U
($12,719.00 of these aPpt'opriationa
shall be Paici frem the Pla,r-
~rcttncl 3nc1 S«'intming Ponl Fend
and .;.",075.00 froth miscellaneous
recreation revenues.)
147-Planning anct 2ouing......... 25.00
(TI7is appropriation shall be paid
from tite General Fund.)
145E- 1ntLUlance .................. ._..__ 4,9°3.00
($3,723.00 of this aPP"t'opriation
shall lie Paid from the General
Fund anti $1,200.00 from the mis-
cellaneous general revenues.)
1-4SC-fJther >\Tiscellaneous ...-. 1.1,70"0.00
( These appropriations shall be
paid from the General Funcl.)
152-Office of Market 1\Iaster 1,765.00
($565.00 of this appropriation shall
ba paid from the General Fund
anti $1,200.00 front miscellaneous
general revenues.)
~'.; ,
6c, :~i?~cilll ~cssic,~ll, 1'ia~ch 9th, 19;-3
1637-1-Cit3•'s Share of Slte-
cial Assess,nents _..._... ....._ . S,OOfr.00
(This appropriation shall le Laid
from the Iutproveuteut Fur.t:.)
162J-2--Stortn Severs anti Zn-
lets .._......_.. _..___ ..............._..._....._. 5,500AU
(This appropriation shall be I~a:cl
front the Sewer Fund.)
GROUP X1. PE1~9S9O1`;S
154J-1-Pc>lice Pensions ......_. 1=,_°17.OC+
(Thi> appropriation shall l-.e Paid
from the Police Pension Fund.)
154J-2-Folice Retir e m e tt t
;' System ....._......_._...._.___..._._...__ 1,~Os;.U0
(This appropriation shall 1 ~ l~aicl
from the Police Retirement Pr.tr:.)
j i 155J-1-Fire Pensions ........._._ LC',:- 15.00
(This appropriation shall l;e P.lii1
front the Dire Pension Fund. t
155.1-3--Fire Petirentent S; s-
(This appropriatimt sha'.1 be 1-~~id
froth the Fire Retirement Fuitd.)
lO1J-1-Retirements of Bond
and Payment of interest .. 1t,3,I`_t,.Ot+
(This appropria tioit shL.71 he i~aicl
from the following fends: gen-
eral P3ond Fund-y71i,9_U.Ot,: C_:td-
ing Fmtd-'('i,000.00; CTraclin;~ }'rit:~.1
Sinking Fnncl-S]_,Ot,U,Ur:; Int-
provement Fund-5,n+,I~.U(,; Irt-
provetuent l~oncl Sittl:iu~ Fund
-.~1'?,500.(10; ~~,"ater Z~ c:.l:s Fund
-.y30,OOO.OU; Emergent;: Frnd-
161.7-3-Retirement of D:•cl~
Bonds and payment c,. it;-
(y';3a,10'L00 of this : '_tprn;u•i~ iioil
shall be paid front the Dc~l; hnr,d
anti Interest I'uncl and $_,(.f 0.C0
from the Sinking Pund.D
153.4-Dock Operation _._ '~,133.G,°
153B-Dred~',e Operation_.-.... 15,S;i+,,Ui
1630-W. P. A. Project ..... .. 10,300.i1U
017,303.00 of these ap n•o:~ria-
tions shall he paid fr~,m rite ftoc'--;
Tax anti ~1°,5rt0.U0 fr„tt~ n:i: cF1-
Laneetu; Dock P.evenues.l
157-Airport .._....... _..__. 2;.,6=G.t+O
1-19A-Administration _.. _. ..._ "1.1'i~.tnl
ll9b'-Operation _ ll' ° , ,
_........_ .,~ ~..,;.;t,
(^'his deP~trtutent is oPerate,I trott~~
its receipts anti is not supported
1;Z tat levy, hence no appropria-
tion from tales is made, 1•ti= tlt,~
fore ~roing amounts are nl`rr~;ri_
atecl from the revenue of sttth
Paragraph 9-14. General miscel-
laneous revenues. Section 4. General
miscellaneous revenues which are col-
lected daring the fiscal year shall be
allocated to the departments and pur-
poses as Provided for herein and shall
be used for the Payment of the ex-
penses of such departments and pur-
poses iu the sums herein shown.
Paragraph 915. Surplus. Section 5.
Any surplus not specifically allocated
for a definite purpose in the budget
and which may exit itt either the
General Fund or miscellaneous rev-
enues account shall be and the same
is hereby appropriated and set apart
to be applied as contingencies arise
or may be used for such proper pttr-
poses as the Council ntay det ermin c+
upon. Any stu-plus not specifically
distributed in the budget and remain-
ing in fends created by the levy of
special tales shall be and the same
is hereby appropriated for any prol:~~'r
purpose incident to such fends. Any-
surplus remaining in any fund at the
close of the fiscal year llt,::--13 (Except
taxes which have been levied fm- spe-
cial purposes shall be transferred into
and become a part of the General
Fund. Nothing herein cmtlained shall
authorize the transfer of funds real-
ized froth special taxes to a fund or
purpose for which any special ta~_
levy has been made, except only v'itlt
the approval of the State Comptroller.
Paragraph 91G. Receipts from swim-
ming Pool. Section 6. All receipts
from the operation of the swimming
pool shall be allocated in the Pia1•-
grouncl anti Stvittmting Poo' Fund.
Paragraph 977. Emergency Funds.
Section 7 Transfers of money may
be made from the Emergency Fund
to any other ftmcl for the purpose of
meeting deficiencies in any snch fund
arising from any cause; Provided,
hoR-ever, that no such transfer shall
be made except upon the tcritten ap-
proval of the State Cotttptroller anti
then only when such approval is utt.tn-
imously requested bz• the Cit}• Council.
Paragraph 918. Delincleunt Tales,
Section 8. Delingeunt prior years'
taxes shall he allocated to the respe^-
tive funds entitled to the same tvlten
anti as the same are received by t1:~
City Treasurer.
Paragraph 9-19. Distribution. Sec-
tion 9. That the distribution and di-
vision of the within appropriation
shall be made in accordance Svitli the
budget of the City Council adopted on
i\Iarch 33rd 19-13, which budget is
made apart of this ordinance by ref-
erences thereto and shall be consider-
ed in connection faith the expendi-
tures of saicT appropriations.
Paragraph 950. Emergency clause.
Section 10. This ordinance, in the in-
terest of the Preservation of public
peace, health, safety and the general
welfare of the City of Dubuque and
the inhabitants thereof being deemed
urgent and of inunecliate necessity,
shall be in force and effect front and
after its final passa,'e, adoption anti
approval by the City Council and
publication as provided by lase, and
the appropriations herein provided for
shall be available when transferred
to their respective funds.
Passed upon first anti second read-
ings this 33ud clay of ~'Isrch, 1913.
Passed, adopted and approved ttpott
final reading this 39th day of March,
Albert ~j'harton,
F. W. Thompson,
Frank van Duelman,
C~eo. R. D7urphy,
b. A. Schueller,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 30t1t.
day of March, 19-13.
,T. J. SHEA,
3-30-1t. City Clerlt,
Sl~~cizl SCSSion, n,Iarch 29111, I9-1~ 69
Councilman Van Duelnan moved
the adol:tiozl of t1Ye ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by rile following vote:
Yeas-T.Iayor Wharton, Council-
men 1VItu•phy, Sehueller. Thompson,
Vail Dtteltman.
l?a-tics of Claim of John Rult in
the amount of$1,291.00 for injttries
sustained in a fall on an icy side-
`. all: ozl the east side of Central
A:*entte iii front of the Fulton
School Pl'operty, presented anti
Cotttlcilmlaxx Murphy moved that
the T~;atice of Claim be referred to
the City So'icitor for investigation
axlcl report. Secontietl by Couucil-
nlan illor~tpson. Carried by the fol-
latvizlg vote:
I ea.s-14layor ~Zrhartou, Council-
meu 1\Iurnhy, Sehueller, Thompson,
Vau Dttelmaxx.
Petition of Theodore ~~nthony re-
gttesting arefund in the amount of
y5~).U6 ou his Class "B" Beer Permit
T'do. G2, antt also requesting a refund
in the •azllount of °)25.00 on his cigar-
ette pex•xnit No. 102, as he has dis-
cantitlue T btsiness, presented anti
C'ouucilman Vatl Duelman moved
that the requests he granted anti
that the City auditor be instructed
to dra.`s~ a warrant in the amount
of X50.00 in favor of Theodore an-
tllouy to cover the amount of re-
i'un.d graixted on the unexpired por-
tion of his Class "B" Beer Permit
'tvo. G axed also that the City Aud-
itor be instructed to draw a warrant
in the amount of X25.00 in favor of
Theodore authony to cover the
au.touut of refund granted on the un-
expired portion of his cigarette per-
iuit No. 102. Seconded by Council-
man Nlurplly. Carried ley the fol-
lavring vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Council-
zxra~l Murphy, Sehueller, Thompson,
Vail Dualxnala.
i~Tays-I,; one.
Petiticu of Cecelia and Nick We-
ber requesting a refund on both
then' deer anti cigarette permits as
theg~ are quitting business at 993
Central Avenue as of 1\Iax'ch 31,
1943, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson m a v e d
that tPle requests be granted and
that the City Audator be instructed
to draw a warrant in the amount
of X50.00 ill Yavor of Cecelia and
Nick Weber to cover the amount of
refund granted on the unexpired
j.ortion of their beer permit and al-
so that the City auditor 13e in-
strutted to draw a v;arrant ixa tits
axuount of X25.00 iu favox• of Cecelia
anti Nicl: Weber to cover the
amount of refund granted on the
uue::pirecl portioxt of their cigarette
permit. Seconded by Councilman
Sehueller. Carried by the following
I"eas-lTag-or Wharton, Cotuteil-
men 1Murphy, Schuelioa', Tbonlpson,
Vail Duelman.
Coiumuuicatioxl of T. J. Hill sub-
nlitting application far reappoillt-
ment as a member of the Board of
l;evieiv for the year' 1913, pl•esent-
eci anti read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
That the communication be referred
to the Council for consideration at
the time that appointments are 13e-
iug considered by the Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote:
'eas-1Mayor ~V hax'ton, Couucil-
nlen lIurphy, Sehueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
C'ammunication of Ed. C. Tschudi
resubmitting application of the Rod
and Cup Club for a Class "B" Beer
Permit for Private Club and asking
Council to reconsider their applica-
tion, preseutecl anti read.
Couucilnau Van Duelman moved
that the conununication anti appli-
cation be referred to the City So-
licitor for investigation anti report.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the Yollowiug vote:
Yeas-i\Tayor TVharton, Couucii-
meu -~Iurphy, Sehueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
C o u n c i l Proceedings for the
mouth of January, 1943, presented
for appx'oval.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the Council Proceedings for
the monih of January, 1943, be ap-
proved as Printed. Seconded by
Counciintan 'phompson. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor tiVharton, Council-
men Murphy, Sehueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the rules be suspended for the
purpose of allowing any one pres-
ent in the Council Chanxber who
wishes to do so to address the
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-1\Iayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Sehueller, Thompsmi,
Van Duelman.
-~ ,
- - = ~ ~J
7C Special Sessitm, 1Iarch 29th, ?9~3
NTr. Johll A, I~erper, President of
the Boal°d of Docl; Colnnlissioners,
addressed the Council submitting a
plat sho~t•ing the relocation of Com-
mercial Street and stating that the
Iowa Farm Processing Co-opera-
tives desired that they be given an
option as soon as possible on ap-
proximately ten acres of reclaimed
land north of Fourth Street Exten-
sion for the construction of an al-
cohol plant in order that a revised
application for federal funds to
build the alcohol plant aucl for pri-
orities cou'.cl be filed in Washington
this week.
March 26, 1943.
To the Honorable Mayor anci
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa,
Geutlelnell: I herewith submit
the reports of the City Auditor, City
Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recl°eation Director and City
Waterworks, also the list of claims
anci payrolls for which warl°ants
were clra`vn during the month of
February, 1943.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Cotuleihnan Van Duelman moved
that the reports be received and
placed cn file. Seconded by Coun-
e'llzilan .~~Iurphy. Carl°ied by the fol-
lowilig vote:
Yeas-Mayor SVharton, Council-
men ilIurphy, Sehueller, Thompson,
Van Dttelman.
Il-larch 29, 1913.
To the Honorable Mayor allot
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
4~elltlemen: Pursuant to your in-
structions, I have discussed the
;~~Iadison steps situation with the
Pant Board. The discussion brought
cut the question of jtu°iscliction over
the steps.
In order to clarify the matter, I
reconlluellcl that a legal opinion he
obtained as to which body, the
Cotulcil or the Part: Board, has con-
trol of the steps.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Murphy moved that
the recopuneuclation of City Man-
ager Rholnberg be approved anci the
City Solicitor to be iustl°ucted ac-
cordingly Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Nlayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Sehueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
March 27, 1943.
In re: Claim of Leo V. Cunning-
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlellien: With reference to
the above claim, I have investigated
the platter and in said claim Leo V.
Cunningham claims the sum of
$5,000.00 for damages for perscnal
injuries consisting of a broken right
arnl anci an injured leg which
caused kiln to be confined for a
number of weeks, caused him to se-
cure medical and hospital services
anci attention, caused ilim to suffer
actual expenses in the sum of
$255.00; that I have examined into
the matter and am of the opinion
that there is a jury question as to
the liability of the City. After con-
sultation with leis attorne;/, they
leave agreed to accept $225.00 in full
payment of any and all claims they
p1aY have against the City of Du-
I reconllnend that the claim be
a1lo~ved in the sum of $225.00 anci
that a warrant be issued payable to
John A. Ctzzlningllam, attorney for
Leo V. Cunningham, for the
amount of $225.00 and the same be
delivered to 11i1n upon delivery to
the City of Dubuque of a proper
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Tllonlpson move d
that the recommendation of City
Solicitor Iiintzillger be approved
and the City Auditor instructed to
dra`v a ~varl•ant ill the amount of
$225.00 in favor of John A. Cttn-
ningham, Attorney for Leo V. Ctul-
pinghant, as settlement in full of
flee claim of Leo V. Cunninghal.l,
and that said warrant be cleliverecl
open receipt by the City of Du-
buque of a properly executed re-
lease. Secandecl by Couucilmall
Sehueller. Carried bi= the following
Yeas-Nlayol° Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Sehueller, Thompson,
Van Duelrlall.
March 26, 1943.
Itl re: Clailu of Oscar Nelson.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gelltleallen: With reference to
tale claim of Oscar Nelson, served
on the City of Dubuque on Febru-
ary 15, 1943, claiming $1,000.00 fm'
damages because of personal in-
juries sustained from a fall on a
claimed defective walk while cross-
ing the alley on Far1eY Street be-
tween Rholnberg Avenue and Lin-
Spcc;al :~cssicm, iai~trcl_~ 3{nth, 1'3-i,~ 71
coin Avenue, it being further claim-
ed that the walk was dangerous be-
cause of the condition of the ice
a,nd snow thereon and that claim-
ant suffered a fracture to his right
leg, knee aucl knee-cap anti sus-
tained other injuries causing hixn to
secure the services of doctors and
causing' him to suffer pain. He fur-
ther claims that his injuries are
permanent. He claims that he sus-
tains actual expenses anti loss of
time in the sum of $100.00. After
investigation of the claim and con-
sultation with his attorney, they
have agreed to settle this claim for
I recommend that the claim be
settled for $100.00 and that a war-
rant be drawn in favor of John A.
Cunningham, Attorney for Oscar
Nelson, for said amount, and that
the same be delivered to him upon
delivery to the City of Dubuque of
a release properly executed.
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Councilman 1lIurphy moved that
the recommendation of City Solic-
itor I~intzinger be approved aucl the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $100.00 in
favor of John A. Cunningham, At-
torney for Oscar 1Velson, as settle-
ment in full of the claim of Oscar
I~'elson, and that said warrant be
delivered upon receipt by the City
of Dubuque of a properly executed
release. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-MaSror SVharton, Couucil-
nten Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelmau.
March 27, 1943.
In re: Claim of Laura 11I. Reinert.
Honorable Illayor and City Council,
City of Dubuque., Iowa.
Gexatlemen: I have investigated
the claim of Laura M. Reinert that
has been referred to me in which
Laura -I. Reinert claims of the City
of Dubuque $3,000.00 for damages
caused in a fall on or about No-
vember 30. 1912, causing' a double
fracture of the elbow joint of her
left arm and other injuries, said
fall having occurred on the side-
walk ou Nniest Street south of 22nd
Street near the intersection of
I~niest Street with Eagle Point Ave-
nue. It appears that this sidewalk
was in a dangerous condition. She
sustained actual expenses in the
sum of $197.00. I have conferred
with her Attorney and after some
discussion they have agreed to set-
tle for $225.00.
I recommend that this claim be
allowed in the sum of $225.00 and
that a warrant be issued payable to
E. H. Wiligiug, Attorney Yor Laura
lI. I<Pinert, for the amount of
$325.00 a,ncl the same be delivered
to hires upon delivery to the City of
Dubuque of a proper release.
Yours truly,
City Solicitor.
Couxtcilxnau Schueller moved that
the reconuxxenclation of City Solic-
itor Iiintzinger be approved and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warx•ant in the amount of $225.00 in
favor of E. H. Winging, Attorney
for Laura 1\I. Reinert, as settlement
in full of the claim of Laura M. Rei-
xxert, aucl that said warrant be cle-
livei°ed upon receipt by the City of
Dnbttque of a properly executed re-
lease. Seconded by Councihnan
-Iurphy. Carried by tlae folla~ving
Yeas-iVIayor Wharton, Council-
menlIurphv, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelmatx.
Communication of County Audi-
tor Daykin advising Council that
the Eoard of Supervisor's have ac-
cepted an offer of $75.00 made by
Leo Dix for the purchase of Lots
60 and 61 of P>elmont Acldation and
will issue a cleecl upon approval of
the City Council, presented and
Councilman Murphy ntovecl that
the conttnutticatiou be referred to
the Council to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Wharton, Cotancil-
nxet: ivlurphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelman.
Cailtxnunication of Cottuty Audi-
tor Dayl~in advising Council that
the Doarcl of Supervisors have ac-
cepted an offer of $50.00 oracle by
H. P. Lentper for the purchase cf
Lot 172, Glendale Addition, and will
issue a deed upon approval of the
City Council, presented and read.
Councilman Murphy uaovecl that
the conxxnunication be referred to
the Ceuncii to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-IVTayor Whartoxa, Council-
xnen lIurphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelma,n.
resolution No. 28-43
Whereas, Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15 and 16 of Woodlawn Park
Addition in the City of Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa, were sold
on February 3, 1936, to Dubuque
County, Iowa, by the County Treas-
urer of Dubuque County, Iowa, for
the delinquent tales and unpaid
r 7
~ ~s
_ . ..
%~ :~?-r~'Ci,t~ ~_;:iC,i1, ~'11i-C~1 ~~til. ~9-~j
tales against the real estate for the
years 1925 to 193-1, inclusive, clad
~,~%het°eas, The said D u b tt q u o
County, Iowa, desires to sell the
abave clesct•ibett real estate to
Franit W. Lange for $320.01), and
~,Vhereas, The sale of said prop-
erty by Dubuque County, Iowa. to
Fratalc ~V. Lange for a sutra less
than the total amount stated in the
Tam Certificate inclucliug ail en-
clol°sements of subsequent general
tales, interests and costs requires
the written approval of a majority
cf all the taz levying and tan cer-
tifying bodies having any interest
in said general taws; Nov;, There-
tie It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iovta,
that the sale of said proper•t3° to
Franil ~T%. Lange for the sum of
:~S2fl.00 in cash, be arcl the same is
lrerelsy authorized and approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 29th clay of ll'Iarch, 19-13.
F`. ~•V. THO1lIPSO1,
GEO. R. 1l1URPI3V,
_~ttcst: s'. J. SHEA.
City Clerh.
Couneilanan Van Dueluan mavecd
the a:loptirnr of the resolution. Sec-
oauled by Councilman lltu•phy. Cat'-
ried by the following ~: ore:
Veas-Vapor SVhal•ion. Council-
Iren 1~Ittrphy. Sclitteller, Thompson,
s an Dttelrnan.
!~eso!utiost i`Ja. 2--"-:;~
~'r hereas, Applications for Class
"B" Bee?' Permits have been sub-
t~aitted to this Council for approval
and the saute have been esantined;
Novv, Therafore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
i;.le Cit~,r of Dubuque that the fol-
l;tv;ing applications be and the
saute are hereby approved and it is
crclet°ed that the premises to be oc-
cupied by such applicants shall be
forth,vitlr inspected.
Name Address
Tc,cob ~ledric'<t, 123G Iowa Street.
It. H. Clancy, 11 r 9 Iowa Street.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 29th day of IGIareh, 19-13.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City ClerL-.
Couucihnaii Thompson nr o v e cl
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the follotiving vote:
~'eas--Iayor Wharton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Dttehnan.
resolution PVo. 30-43
~~%hereas, heretofore application
was ;rled by the within named ap-
plicant for Class "B" Beer Fermit
nd it has received the approval of
ibis Council; and
~~%hereas, the premises io die oc-
cupiecl by sttch applicant have been
inspected and found to comply jvitit
rile ordinances of this Citp and a
?roper bond has been filed; Nov,
Be It Resnlvecl by the Council of
the City of Dttbnque that the 1l~Ian-
,~ger be and he is hereby directed
to issue to the following nanretl ap-
plicant a Beer Permit.
~; an.e Atlda•ess
Jacob Hedrick, 1236 Iotiva Street.
Be it further Resoi•,red that the
bond filed by snob applicant be and
the same is hereby approved.
I'~.ssecl, adopted and approved
+~his 29th clay of lIarch, 1913.
F. ~~%. THOivIPSON,
Attest: J. J. SHE.1,
City Clerl..
Connc•ilt,tan Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolutio~t. econd-
etl by Councilman -Iurphy, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-1\Iapor Wharton, Cotancil-
nteu llnrphy, Schueller. Thompson,
Van Duehuau.
~esoiutio~i ~fo. 3.-'13
ZVirereas, there has been filed
1~-ith the City Council a Petition cf
the P,oard of Dock Commissioners
of tl?e City of Dubuque stating that
they have entered into negotiations
with 1l'Iorrisou Brothers Co. for the
transfer of certain lauds nosy under
the control of the Doclc Commission
to 11lorrison Brother's Co. iu cott-
siclera,ton of Morrison Brothers Co.
conveying to the City of Dubuque
certain lands note o~vnecl by them,
and that the Dock Couunission de-
sires said lands of the Morrison
Brothers Co. for certain purposes in
connection with its project, and
___..... __ .__.--.dr.~i
:~i.ec~~.i ,~<~ssic~n, ~`,iarch 2Jth,':r,-'~
~~,jher=as. it is a.ecessaty to fale
a 1)l ,t sttt):'.ii-idiug Lots 1;, ?S and
13, LlocPt ? ., Dttl)ugtte 1-larbor Im-
provemeltt Co.'s Addition in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, to complete
the negotiations, and
~'1_ereas, a plat has be?n pl•e-
1)ared sllo~~°iug subtlivisiou of said
Iots, alld
tips iterear,, tlt~ City Council deeuls
it advisable to transfer to 11Iorrisou
1''a others Ca. Lot 1 of Lot 1 s • Lot 1
c~ Lot IS and Lot 1, Lot 19 of the
Stt9xlivisiall of Lots 1.. 1S aucl 19.
I lat~'_t 1i, Dubuque Hal•bol• Inlprove-
nleut Co.'s Addition in the City of
Dubuque to l'Iolrisou brothers Co.
1.~~ c_ttit claiul deed and that the
sc+.i.l" 1)e clelit-ered to :~Ior•rison
~r^rl°_ers Co. neon ~;Iorl•isou t>roth-
e~ s Co. e_secutillg atul delivering to
fire Cit_ of Dubuque a quit clailu
c'.ee,i cont'e~ iilg to file City cf Du-
1:tt:si.= Lot '? of Z,ot ~, Lot 3 of Lot
~_ =:? ;-ot " cf Lot G of the sui)-
divi-?orr of Lot.: 4 5 and i. Block
1„ ir, Dubuque Harbor Impl•ove-
L"eut Co. s Aclditiou in the Ciiy of
Dtt>.qne; 1'-0~~,', Therefore,
Fie It Result-ecl by the Cit« Coun
CL Cf the (.1t~' Of DnbngU6:
i'==at the 1lTa.-or and C12r1~ of the
City of Dubuque be, and file}- are
lteraby authorized and enlpo;vered
to sign not e_:ecute the plat for and
o.. behalf of the City of Dubuque,
slao~ving the sttbcli~~isiou of Lats 1s,
1S and 1J. Blocl. 17, in Dubuque
Iia,l•1>0l• Impl•ovemeut Co.'s Addition
ill the Cit;% of Dubuque; and be ii
Pesolsed that the lIa}-or anti the
Cleii_ of the Cii,~ of Dubuque be.
allc: tla~,~ are dlereby authorized anti
e~l~pott~eretl to execute for autl on
1)eite'_l' of the Citz of Dubuque, a
Ott°t claim deed oonvej-ing to lIol•-
risou Brothers Co. Lot 1 of Lot 1i,
Lc~ 1 of Lot 1S• and Lot 1 of Lot
ice' of file Sttbdr~-ision of Lots 1i, 1S
alt: 1J, Bloc'_: 1i, Dubuque Haa•bor•
itularovenlent Co.'s Aclclition in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, and that
said tlee•d be delivered to the Board
of Dccl; Ccmntissioners and that
said Board of Dock Conunissiouers
be, and they are hereby authorized
and enlopwered to deliver said :seed
to Morrison Brothels Co. upon l2or-
t'isola brothers Co. ciel,vel•irg to
tltetn a deed conveying to the City
of Dubuque Lot 2 of Lot 4, Lot 2 of
Lnt a, antd Lot 2 of Lot v of the
Subdivision of Lots ~, 5, and G,
Bloch 13, Dubuque Haa•bor Improve-
ment Co.'s Addition ill the City of
Dui)uque, iovra.
i ,~
Passed, adopted anti approved
tins 9th day of i`.Ial•ch, 1913,
. jT'. TI~CIIIPSG~~i,
I+'R.1`;I~ j'AN DJFLliTAI~„
Attest: J. J. SH1JA,
City Cierlt.
Councilman ~'an Duelnlatt moved
tl.e adontinn of the resolution. Sec-
ol~ded ~)~- Cotulcilnlau Schueiler.
Carried 1>y the follo~,~ing Grote;
-ea:; -Mayor 11"harton. Councii-
nten i1Iui~1)h~-. Schttellet , '~ honlpsott.
'p'an Dtlelulan.
1\'ays-_'~ one.
~1Ia1'ch `.'9, 1-13.
To ll.e ~_o loral>le 11layor ~ ucl
City Conl,cil.
CTe-ltlenleil: I ou will Please fin
r,traci:ed a plat of the property
'.rlo~,; tl as the Staudarci Lumber C;o.
r~::.c!. which shot,~'s the existing
4..'Oait 111PpCli.'. ~tl'c^et Oltt~llled in
i;,'e request that said ~;onuner-
cial Street be relocated over the
area outlined in ;ed a,u~l designated
~i.~ ~~ti1112ll er:; 1:11 Street.
she ;11•ol;osed relacatioll meets
c: ith the a rproval of the engineer's
_~1 ch:tr,':e of prel)aring plans for a
proposed alcohol distillery.
1 our:; truly,
Dt?B1Jt,?1T~ DvCI~ CO11IlIISSIt7i~1.
Ly J. A. I~erper,
Councilnlau iVlurphy moved that
1138 Ct3 n1111ll11iCa 11011 be 1'8Ce1Ved ail C`.
nlatle a mattel° of record. Seconded
by Ccuncilnlau Thoulpson. Cal•1°ied
by the fellowiug vote:
~'eas-lIayor ~Vliarton, Council-
mell 3lnrplty, Schualler. Thompson,
,ran Duelman.
Councilman Thompson nt o v e d
that Cit}- Solicitor I~intziug'or be i~-
structed to prepare the proper pt°o-
ceeclings for file relocation of Carn-
illercial t3treet. Seconded by Cou__-
ciltnau \'atl Duelman. Carried by
file follo~vi~.g vote:
I eas-~llayor ~i'hartou, Council-
men l'lul:h~, Schueller, Thonlpsoll,
ti an Duelruan.
Fies~iucon i~lo. 32--43
ti~'hereas, the Defense Plants Cor-
poration, au agency of the Federal
Uovernnlent, is interested iu the
construction of an alcohol plant in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, on a
tract of approximately 10 acres of
municipally owned land adjacent to
clan Interstate Power Company
stcaln plant, ant
u. w u ~ ~ imem~ ~~ ~ ~ i,~i ~ u~~mi ~ ~~~~~eu ~w~~u nuwlu u~ uuuuu.ru~. ~~..u~6.tl~'W.W..~,.-
~', ,
~=~ Special Sessi~nt, 1Iarch 29th, 193
Whereas, this Council is desirous
of assisting and doing all within its
po~,ver to aict such interests in the
wax• effort and deems it advisable
and for the best interests of the
City of Dubuque to grant an option
to purchase approximately 10 acres
of land to the Defense Plans Cor-
poratioxa; Now, Therefore,
Be it Resolved b5, the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
That the terms and conditions of
said option contract, a copy of
which is attached hereto and made
a part hereof, is hereby approved
and the Mayor and City Clerk are
authorized and directed to execute
said option contract for and on be-
half of the City of Dubuque.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 29th day of, March, 1943.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Co~.incilmau Thompson moved the
adoption of tlxe resolution, Secoud-
ecl by Cottucilman Murphy. Carried
by the following vote:
i eas-11Iayor T~~hartoxt, Council-
, men Mttrphp, Schueller, Thompson,
Vau Duehnan.
C'7ptio~•o ~o»tracfi
For and in consideration oY the
stmt of One (~1.C0) Dollar in haxad
paid b_r Defense Plans Corporation,
receipt of which is hereby acknotvl-
edged, the City of Dubuque does
hereby grant to Defense Plants
Corporation the right and authority
to purchase the follo~vixxg described
real estate:
Beginning ou the center line of
Market Street, in Dubuque Harbor
Ixaiprovexuent Company's Addition
iu the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in
line with the northeasterly prop-
erty line of Commercial Street es-
tendecl across 11larket Street as now
exists, thence I~TOrth 36 degrees 9
minutes East along the center line
of Market Street, a distance of 99.6
feet to a point in lice with the stone
toe wall of the existing rip-rap,
thence South 53 degrees 51 minutes
East along the said stone toe wall
a distance of 1,044 feet, thence
South 36 degrees 9 minutes West
along the southeasterly line of part
of Block 1, across Commercial
Street (as same now exists) on the
same line and along the south-
easterly line of part of Block 2 a
distance of 312.2 feet to the north-
erly street line of the Proposed re-
located Commercial Street, thence
North 73 degrees 3 minutes tiVest
along the northerly street line of
the proposed relocated Commercial
Street a distance of 266.3 feet,
thence North 64 degrees 45 min-
utes Nest along said street lice a
distance of 777.99 feet to a point
ou the easterly stx•eet line of liTar-
ket Street (which is 63 feet south-
erly of the northwesterly corner of
Lot 2 of Standax•d Lumber Com-
pany's Addition), thence North 27
degrees 59 minutes West a distance
of 52.2 feet, thence North S degrees
4S minutes East a distance oY 244.69
feet (and across River Street) to
the southwesterly alley line in
Blocs: 13, (which is a point 95.2
feet South 53 degrees 51 minutes
East oY the northeast corner of Lot
1, Bloch 13), thenc econtinuing
North S degrees 4S mintttes East a
distance of 56.3 Yett, thence South
53 degrees 51 minutes East a dis-
tance of 153.06 Peet to the center
line of Market Street, thence North
3G degrees 9 uxiuutes East along
the center line of -Iarkot Street a
distance of 157.0 feet to the paint
of beginning, all in Dubuque Har-
bor Improvement Company's Addi-
tion in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.,
containing 10 acres more or less.
Subject, however, to electric
tx•ansmission line easements in fa-
vor of Interstate Power Company,
its successors or assigns, for its
lines as now located and for the
future relocation of said lines, all
of tvhicix are described atxcl pro-
vided for in agreement dated
September S, 1942, made and en-
tered into by and between Inter-
state Power Company, party of the
first part, and City of Dubucitae,
Iowa, acting by a.ncl through its
Board of Commissioners of Public
Docks, party of the second part,
said easements being shown on the
attached plat of the above described
premises, this option being on con-
ditiaxx that Defense Plants Corpox•a-
tiou, its successors or assigns, tivill
in event of the exercise of this op-
tion give such assurances as may
he reduired to perfect said ease-
ments across the above premises in
the said Interstate Power Company,
its successors and assigns.
Subject further, however, to the
sewer easements in favor of the
City of Dubuque for sewers as now
located upon said property.
Subject, Ixowever, to the further
provision that any and all goods,
wares and merchandise loaded or
unloaded from said property on
Special Session, llarcn ?9ti,, 143 75
boats must pay to the City of Dua
bugne Dock Commission the regular
usual and orclinarp ~vlxarfage fees.
Said real estate to be used for
tlxe construction of an alcohol plant
thereon by Defense Plants Corpora
tioxx and; or Iowa Farm Processing
Cooperative. Upon notice to the
City of the election to purciaase and
rase the real estate iu compliance
with the terms hereof, City of Du-
bttque agrees to execute to Defense
Plants Corporation a quit claim
deed of all their interest in and to
said land, this option is to continue
for a period of ninety (90) clays
from this date.
Dated at Dubuque, io~va, this 14th
clay of April, 1913.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman ~'atx Duelnaan moved
that tlxe City Clerk be instructed to
forward to Swift and Company, for
their approval, a copy of tentative
resolution coveriu,g their request
for pei•nxissiou to repair anti use a
certain frame building' located on
the prenxises described as City Lot
549A anti Lot 1 of City Lot 549.
Seconded by Counciluiau liZurphy.
Cax•riecl by the following vote:
Yeas-1llayor g~'harton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Tliontpson,
Ja.n Duelman.
There being no further btashiess,
Councilman Thompson moved to
a~cljouru. Seconded by Councilman
1Jlurphy. Carried by the following
a'eas-l1~Iayor ~~'harton, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Thompson,
Van Duelntaxx.
City Clerk.
Approved ............................... _1943.
Adopted ................_...................1943.
Councilmen : ......................................
Attest : ................................................
City Clerk.