1943 December Council Proceedings_ _- ~_ Regular Sessinn, December 6th, 1913 '~9 _ ®g~ :I i~ ~ ~, '1 (®fficial) Regular Session, December 6th, 1943. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present-A/ayor Murphy, Council- men Nleffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton, City Manager Rhmn- berg. iMayor Murphy stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of act- ing upon such business as may pro- perly come before the meeting. Resolution No. 119-43 RESOLUTION AND APPLICA- TION FOR PERMANENT TRANSFER OF FUNDS. Whereas, An Emergency tas levy was made by the City Council of the City of Dubuque for use in sup- plementing the funds required for debt service during the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1943, and ending -Iarch 31, 1944, upon authority and approval of the State Comptroller; and Whereas, Ou the lst clay of No- vember, 1943, there was a cash bal- ance in the Grading Funcl of $20,955.52; and Whereas, There is now in the hands of the City Treasurer and ereciitecl to the Emergency Fund the sum of $12,659.59 which is available for transfer to the Grading Fttnd for debt service; and Whereas, During' the current ils- cal year Grading Boncls in the amount of $30,000.00 mature and Grading Bond Interest in the amount of $2,700.00 becomes due and payable; and Whereas, In order to pay the obli- gations due it is necessary to make a transfer of $12,659.59 from the Emergency Funcl to the Grading Fund; and 1Vhereas, Before any transfer may be made from the Emergency Ftutcl to any other fund, an appli- cation must be made to the State Comptroller Yor authority to make the transfer and his approval se- cured thereon; Nov, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that, subject to the approval of the State Comptroller, there be and there is hereby transferred from the Emerg- ency Funcl the sum of $12,659.59 to the Grading Funcl and the Stato Comptroller is hereby petitioned to authorize and approve such trans- fer; aucl Be It Further Resolved that upon the approval of such transfer the Auditor of the City of Dubuque is directed to adjust his accounts ac- cordingly and to notify the Treas- urer of such transfer, and such noti- fication shall be accompauiecl by a copy of this resolution and the rec- ord of its adoption. The x°esolution was passed, adopt- ed and approved by unanimous ac- tion of the City Council on the 30th day of November, 1943, and all members thereof signed their names thereto. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELNIAN, W. lV. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: 3. J. SHEA, City Clerk. The foregoing resolution and ap- plication having been filed with the State Comptroller, the transfer re- quested is approved this 2nd clay of December, 1943. C. FRED PORTER, State Comptroller. Councilman Thompson move d that the approval of C. Fred Porter, State Comptroller, of Resolution No. 119-43 be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Couucil- xnen Moffatt, Thompson, Van Dual- man, ZVharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 120-43 RESOLUTION AND APPLICA- TION FOR PERMANENT TRANSFER OF FUNDS Whereas, Daring the current fis- cal year Improvement Bonds in the amcunt of $35,000.00 mature and Improvement Bond Interest in the amount of $6,200.00 becomes clue anti payable; and Whereas, On the 1st day of No- vember, 1943, there was a cash bal- ance of $21,262.63 ixx the Improve- ment Fuucl; and Whereas, On the 1st clay of No- vember, 1943, there was a casix bal- axtce of $21,792.59 in tlae Water Works General Funcl and a balance of cash and securities of $52,649.52 in the Water T~7orks Sinking Fund; aucl Whereas, No Water Works Bonds nor Interest are clue and payable during the remainder of the current fiscal year and $28,000.00 in bonds and $630.00 in interest become due and payable during the succeeding year anu therefore the requirements of Section 6151.1 of the Code of Iowa have been fully met; and 22t) lkegular Session, December 6th, 1943 `~ ^~ :: \~'hereas, In order to Pay the obli- gations due, it is necessary to make a transfer of X20,000.00 from the Water Worlis General Funcl to the improvement Fund; and Whereas, Before any transfer Wray be matte from the Water Works General Fuucl to any other food an application trust be made to the State Comptroller for authority to make the transfer and his approval secured thereon; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that, sub- ject. to the approval of the State Comptroller, there be and there is hereby transferred from the Water C~'orks General Fund to the I1u- proventent Fund the sutra of $0.000.00 anti the State Comptroll- er is hereby petitioned to authorize and approve such transfer; and Be It Further Resolved that up- on the approval of such transfer the Auditor of the City of Dubuque is directed to adjust his accounts :tc- corclingly and to notify the Treas- urer of such transfer aucl such noti- fication shall be accompanied by a copy of this resolution and the re:- ord of its adoption. The resolution was passed, adopt- ed and approved by unanimous ac- tion of the City Council on the 30th clay of November, 1943, and all members thereof signed their names thereto. GEO. R. MURPHY, il2ayor. F. tiV. THOMPSON, FP ANIi VAN DUELNIAN, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. The foregoing resolution and ap- plication having been filed with the State Comptroller. the transfer re- quested is approved this 2nd clay of December, 1943. C. FRED PORTER, State Comptroller. Cottncilntan Thompson move d the approval of C. Fred Porter, State Comptroller, of Resolution No. 120-43 be received and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men 1~Ioffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, dVharton. Nays-None. Couuttunication of Ben H. Hall, Director of Property Tax Division, State Tax Commission, Des NIoiues, Iowa, extending invitation to the City Assessor to attend a confer- ence of assessm•s to be held in Des Moines, Iowa, on December 13, 1943, preseutecl and react. Councilman Thompson m o v e cl that City Assessor Hanover he authorized to attend the conference, the expenses to be borne by the City of b ti b is q u e. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Conncil- nteu IVloffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- ntau, Wharton. Nays-None. Couuuuuicatiou of Boarcl of Dock Commissioners submitting attached Quit Claim Deecl from the Boarcl of Supervisors for Lots G15 to G2G, both inclusive, in East Dubuque Acl» clition, preseutecl aucl react. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be received and filed and the Quit Claim Deecl or- dered recorded with the County Recorder. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Chamber, who wish- es to do so to address the Council. Seconded by Cottncilntan Wharton. Carried by the following vote: I eas-:VTayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thc'inpson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. 1Vays-1~TOne. Petition of Mrs. Belle W. Lawr- ence requesting the City Council to accept her offer in the amount of X30.00 for the surrender and can- cellation of the tax sale certificates held by life City of Dubuque against Lot 10 of Caitt's Subdivision in the -City of Dubuque, Iowa, preseutecl and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the offer be accepted anti the City Treasurer instructed that up- on receipt oY the amount of $30.00 paid by RIrs. Belle W. Lawrence that the tax sale certificates hel._1 by the City of Dubuque against Lot 10 of Cain's Subclivisiou be surren- dered and cancelled. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor iVfurphy, Council- ' men 1lloffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of the Dubuque Packing Company requesting the City Coun- cil to vacate and convey to the Du- buque Packing Company the fol- lowing areas: East 18th Street from the east line of Lynn Street easterly to Lake Peosta; East lrth Street froth the east line of Sycamore Street easterly to Lalce Peosta; The alley between Sycamore and Lynn Streets from the north line of East i i ~, l 4 i &..:. heg-ular Sessi~>n, December 6th, 19T3 221 16th Street to the south line of East 17th Street; Lynn Street from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 17th Street; The alley between Lynu and Ash Streets from the north line of East 15th Street to the south lice of East 1Sth Street; Ash Street from the north line of East 15th Street to the south line of East 16th Street, and from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 1Sth Street; the alley between Ash and Marsh Streets from the north line of East 15th Street to the south line of East 16th Street and from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 1Sth Street; Marsh Street from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 19th Street; Alley between Marsh and Hickory streets fi'om the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 19th Street; Hickory Street from the north line of East 16th Street to the south line of East 19th Street; A11ey in Block 25, Railroad Addition, from the north line of East 1Sth Street to the south line of East 19th Street; also that the City undertake whatever improve- ments are necessary to make Syca- more Street available from East 14th Street to East 1Gth Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be referred to the Plan- uin; auu Zoning Conunission for their recommendation and report. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Iayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Petition of the E. E. Frith Co., Inc., by E. T. Frith, President, x'e- questing the City Council to vacate and convey to the E. E. Frith Co., Inc., the south one-half of East 1Sth Street from Sycamore Street to Lyxxn Street and also the westerly one-half of Lynn Street from 17th Street to 1Sth Street and also the alley abutting their property be- tween Lynn Street and Sycamore Street and between 17th Street and 1Sth Street, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the petition be received and placed on file and that the City Solicitor be iustrucied to prepare the proper proceedings. Secoucled by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men 11Ioit'att, Thompson, Van Dual- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Council Proceedings for the month of September, 1943, and also for the month of October, 1943, pre- sented for approval. Councilman Van Duelman moved that. the Council Proceedings for the month of September, 1943, and also for the month of October, 1943, be approved as printed. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man. Wharton. Nays-None. December 6, 1943. To the Honorable Mayor aucl City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the session of the Citp Council held November 30, 1943, the petition of the Stampfer Builcliug Company requesting per- mission to construct a compressor room in the alley between Main and Iowa Streets abutting the easterly line of City Lot 29 was referred to the Council to view the grounds. The Council viewed the premises on December 5, 1943, and decided to grant the request. I recommend that the decision of the Cotmcil be confirmed and the request be granted by the adoption of the at- tached resolution. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOIIBERG, City iVIanager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recouunenclation of City Manager Rlomberg be approved axul the decision of the City Coun- cil confirmed. Secmlded by Council- man Moffatt. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-iVlayor Murphy, Comicil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution IUo. 123-a3 Whereas, Stampfer Building Com- pany has filed witlx the City Coun- cil arequest for permission to con- struct a compressor room in the alley abutting City Lot No. 29 in the City of Dubuque, aucl tiVhereas, Said Petition was re- ferred to the City Council to view the grounds, and Whereas, the City Council has viewed the grounds and is of the opinion that said request should be gx°anted; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Stampfer Building Company, its successors __ y...-____ _...___ _ `~ ~_ 222 l:e~ular tiession, December 6th, 19-13 aucl assigns, be, and it is hereby granted the right artd authority to construct the compressor room hr the alley abutting City Lot No. 29, in the tarty of Dubuque, in accord- ance with the plat attached to said petition. Sec. ~. That such construction be clone nutter the direction aucl super- vision of the City Manager and Building Inspector. Sec. 3. That the right to con- struct and maintain such compress- or room, as hereby granted, shall be subject to the continuous con- trol of the City Council, reserving the right to said City Council to im- pose restrictions and conditions up- on the enjoyment thereof as may be reasonably necessary for the pra- tection of the public interests, in- cluding the right to revoke and re- scind the grant hereby made, if at any time the public interests should so require. Sec. 1. As a further consiclera- tiou of the rights and Privileges hereby granted, said Stampfer Building Company, its successors and assigns, assume any and all liability for damages to persons or property which may result from the construction and/or nraiutenance of such compressor room, and sa d Stampfer Builcliug Company, successors and assigns, at its own expense, agrees to clefencl any and all claims or actions, which may be oracle or brought against the City because oY the construction and/or maintenance of such compressor room, and should the City be re- quired to pay any sum as damages: said Stantpfer Building Company: its successors auel assigns, agree; to fully reiruburse the City therefor and to hold said City harmless from any damages. Passed, approved and adopted this Gth clay of December, 1913. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. P. W. THONIPSON, PRANK VAN DUELNTAN, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 123-43 Stampfer Builcliug Company, hav- ing full knowledge and understand- ing of all the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 123-~13, hereby accepts the same as adopted and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions thereof. Signed this 7th clay of December, 19 X13. STAMPFER BUILDING COMPANY, By Thomas M. Stampfer, President. Councilman Van Duehuan moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onclecl by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Couucil- meu 1\~Ioffatt, Thompson, Vau Duel- man. Wharton. Nays-\TOne. December G, 19#3. To the Honorable -Iayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the session of the City Council held November 30, 1913, the comurtulication of County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board oL Supervisors hacl accepted an offer of D. Kringle for the East 25 feet of Lot i and all of Lot S of 14lineral Lot 1.19 was referred to the Council to view the grotuuls. The Council viewed the premises on December 5, 1913, and clecicled to approve the sale. I recontmeucl that the clecisiou of the Cotutcil be con- firniecl and the sale approved by the adoption of the attached resolution. ResPectfttily submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, Citv 1\Ianager. Councilman Vau Duelmau moved that the reconunenclation of City 1\~Ianager Rhomberg be approved and the clecisiou of the City Council confirmed. Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the fol- towin~ vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- . men Moffatt, Thompson, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Sec. 5. Should the rights and privileges herein granted be re- sciucled or revok_ecl, said Stantpfer Builcliug Company, its successors and assigns, at its own etPeuse aucl upon receipt of notice, agrees, with- in 30 clays after recept of such no- tice, to remove the structure here- in authorized and to restore the al- ley in as good condition as it was before said construction. Sec. G. This Resolution shall be- come effective and the rights here- under shall accrue to the Stampfer Builcliug Company, its successors and assigns, when this resolution has been Passed by the City Coun- cil and accepted by said Stampfer Building Company which accept- ance shall be enciorsecl hereon. R.enular Sessit~n, December 6th, 133 Z23 ~esoltation Rlo. 124-43 Whereas, Lot 8 and the East 25 Peet of Lot 7 of the Subdivision of Mineral Lot 149 in the City of Dtt- bugne, Dubuque County, Iotiva, were sold on February 3, 1936, to Du- buque County, Iowa, by the County Treasurer of Dubuque County, Iowa, far the delinquent taxes and unpaid taxes against the real estate for the years 1931 to 1934, inclusive; and Whereas, the said Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa, desires to sell the above described real estate to Delos S. Pringle for $200.00; and Whereas, the sale of said prop- erty by Dubuque County, Iowa, to Delos S. Kringle for a stun less than the total amount stated in the tax certificate, including all endorse- ments of subsequent general taxes, interest and costs, requires the written approval of a majority of all the tax levying acct tax certify- ing bodies having any interest in said general taxes: Now, There- fcre, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the sale of said property io Delos S. I~ringle for the sum ~f $200.00 in cash be and the same is hereby authorized and approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of December, 1943. CEO. R. MURPHY, 1Vlayor. F. ~V. THOMPSON, FRANK_ VAN DUELMAN, W. W. -IOFPATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Wharton moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Counciltalan Thompson. Car- ried by the follotiving vote: I eas-Mayor 1Vlurphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Dttel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. December C, 1943. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have approved the following pol- icy and desire to have your ap- proval on same for filing: EYCAVATION Archie Levan, 2239 Central Ave- mte; Policy No. M&C 26318, The ~Vesteru Casualty & Surety Co. Respectfiilly submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson move d that the bond be a,pprovecl and placed ou file. Seconded by Couu- cilntan Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men NloPtatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. €~esolcsilion tVo. 125-®43 Whereas, Applications for Class "B" Beer Permits have been sub- mitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the fol- lowing applications ai'e granted and the licenses are to be issued upon compliance with the terms of the ordinances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT Name. Address. John Luber and Auua Luber, 2417 Rhomberg Avenue. The Page Hotel, 73-75 East Fourth Street. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of December, 1943. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELMAN, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBEP~T WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson move d the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton.' Carried by the following vote: Yeas-IVlayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-:None. ~ieselufion No. 126-43 Whereas, heretofore applicatons were filed by the within named ap- plicants for Class "B" Beer Permits and they have received the appro- val oP this Council; and Whereas, the premises to be oc- cupied by such applicants have been inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of tiie City of Dubuque that the 11Ian- ager be and he is hereby directed i:o issue to the fallowing named ap- plicants aBeer Permit: CLASS "B" PERMIT Name. Address. John Luber a,nd Anna Luber, ?417 Rhomberg Avenue. The Page Hotel, 73-76 East fourth Street. Be It Further ~i.esolved that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. 22-1 Ise -ular Sessitni, December 6th, 14-1 Passed, adopted and approved this 6th clay of December, 1943. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. F. ~V. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELMAN, TV. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTOI\T, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Couuciltitan Thompson moved the atloPtion of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton. Car- ried ity the following vote Yeas-PTayor Murphy, • Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- mau, Wharton. Nays-\TOne. Resolution iVo. 127-43 tiVhereas, application for Class "B" Beer Permit has been sub- mitted to this Council for approval axul the same has been eaaminecl; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the follow- ing application is granted and the license is to be issued upon com- pliance with the terms of the ordin- ances of this City. CLASS "B" PERMIT FOR PRIVATE CLUB i\Tame. Address. P.Z. Club-Basement, Bank & In- surance Blclg., Northwest corner 9th and 1lIain Streets. Councilman Moffatt moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- ouclecl by Councilman Van Duelmau. Lost by the following vote: Yeas -Councilmen Moffatt and Van Duelmau. Nays-Mayor i\Iurphy. Councilmen Thompson and Whar- ton not voting. Resolution No. 128-43 Whereas, it is deemed advisable to acquire certain lands in 1 able 1lIound Township for the purpose of establishing au airport; and Whereas, real estate contracts have been siguecl by the owners and title holders in which they agi ee to sell for the amounts stated their real estate as follows: John Frederick Bradley and Mary Bradley, his wife. The N.E. i-t of the S.E. 1/x, the S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. ?!r, and the N.E. 1/sof the N.E. 1/4, Section 27 and the N.W. 1/4 of the N.W. li=x (also known as Lots 1 and 2 of the 1V.W. Y/4 of the N.W. ;~) of Section 26, all in Township SS North Range 2, East of the 5th P.lL, Dubuque County, Iowa, for the sum of $26,000.00. George Behr and Nettie Belu•, his wife. The N.W. t/x of the N.E. 1/.t and the N.E. ?~ of the N.W. 1/.r, Section 27, Township SS North Range 2 East of the 5th P.IL, Dubuque County, Iowa, for the cunt of $17,750.00. Frank J. Thomas and NIarg~aret Thomas, his wife. N.E. 1/~ of Sea tiou 34, Township SS North Range 2 East of the 5th P.M., Dubuque County, Iowa, for the sum of $31,000.00. John Frederick Bradley and Mary Bradley, his wife; Melvin L. Brad- ley and Mary H. Bradley, his wife; Ruth Ohmert and George H. Ohmert, her husband; Noble E. Bradley, widow and un- married; Roy W. Bradley and Blanche E. Braclle3>, his wife; Es- ther L. Bradley, unmarried; Clif- ford E. Bradley and Isabel F. Bradley, his wife; and Elmer R. Bradley and E. Marie Bradley, his wife. The S.W. 1/~ of the N.W. i/t, Lot 1 of the S.E. 1/.r of the N.W. 1/t and Lot 2 of the S.W. 1/t, all in Section 26. and Lot 2 of the N.E. ?- of the N.W. ;+ of Section 35, Township SS North Range 2 East of the 5th P.M., Dubuque County, Iowa, for the sum of $26,000.00; and Whereas, by contract the said owners of the above described prop- erty have agreed to the couclitious and stipulations of the attaehect real estate contracts; 1~TOw, There- fore, P,e It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the real estate contracts above referred to be approved; and Be It Further Resolved that this resolution and the real estate con- tracts referred to remain on file in the office of the City Clerk for pub- lic inspection for at least one week before final action is taken thereon. Approved and orclerecl placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week before final adoption this 6th clay of December, 1943. Councilman Van Duelmau moved that the resolution be approved and that the resolution together with the contracts be placed on file with the City Clerk for public inspection Yor at least one week before its final adoption. Secoucled by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Couucil- meu Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- mau, Wharton. Nays-Nmie. There being no further business, - _~__ - - - - - --- - - ----- _ T - - _ , ' ; ~~ Regular Sessi~nl, December 6th, 1~~3 22S Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Council- man Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowinb vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- meu Moffatt, Thompson, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. J. J .SHEA, City Clerk. i Approved .................................1944. Adopted ....................................1944. I I Councilmen: ~ ..................................... i ' Attest: ...._ .......................................... City Clerk. i~ I j i ' I. 1 1 i 3' ~~~ I 1`, i : 1 9 ~ ~ .~..___-_--.. Y..~-.._..~__.-. ~... ~.. _. _. __.~..._.~._: i --- 226 Special Session, l~eceml>er 21st, 193 v~ - -- (OfFicial.) proval of plans and specifications for the estahlislmient of a Municipal Airport near the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, described as follows: Special Session, December 21st, 1943. Council met at 7:30 P. M. Present-itTayor Murphy, Council- men i~2offatt, Thompson, Van Du-~1- man, Wharton, City Manager Rhom- berg. l2eeting called by order of Coun- cilmen Van Duelman anti Moffatt. Mayor Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the Purpose of receiving the approval of the Io`va State Com- merce Commission on the Airport Site and acting on any other busi- ness as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. December 20, 1943 APPLICATION OF THE CITI OF DUBUQUE FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS Ai~TD SPECIFICATIONS OF A MUNICIPAL AIRPORT: CITI: OF DUBUQUE, IOWA DOCKET M-54, 1VIl•. A. A. Rhornberg, City 1VIanager, Dubuque, Iowa. Dear Sir: Enclosed is Order of the Commission approving the plans and specifications submitted in the above entitled case. Please acknowledge receipt of the Order. Very truly yours, GEO. L. McGAUGHAN, Secretary. Councilman Wharton moved that the contu;unication be received and matte a matter of t'ecorcl. Seeondecl by Councilman Van Duelman. Car- rie~l by the following vote: Yeas-1lIayor i~2urphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Vam Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Moue. BEP'OR.E THE IOWA STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. In the Matter of the ~ Application of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for Approval Docket O f Plans and No. M-54. Specifications of a Municipal Airport. ORDER. WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by its Maym• George R. Mur- phy, under the provisions of Chap- ter 303.1 of the Code of Iowa, 1939, on December 2, 1943, made applica- tion to this Commission for ap- Lancl Description. The 1tiTortheast quarter (NE~'/~} of the Northwest quarter (NW'/~), the Southeast quarter (SEt/r) of the Northwest quarter (NWt/~), the ItiTOrtheast quarter (NE1/~), the Southeast quarter (SE1/.~), Section T`venty-seven (27), T o w n s h i p Eighty-eight (8B) North, Range Two (2) East of the 5th P.M. The Northwest quarter (NW1/~) of the Northwest quarter (NW1/~). the Southwest quarter (SW1/.r) of the Northwest quarter (NW1/.r), I~ot one (1) of the Southeast quarter (SEI/4) of the Northwest quarter (NWl/.r), Lots one (1) and two (2) of the Southtivest quarter (SW~/4}, Section Twenty-sis (2G), Township Eighty-eight (88) North Range two (2) East of the 5th P.M. The Northeast quarter (NE1/4) of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Eighty-eight (88) North, Range two (2) East of the 5th P.M. Lot one (1j of the Northwest quarter (NW1/~) of the l~TOrthwest quarter (NW1/4), Lot one (1) of one (1) and Lot two (2) of the North- east quarter (NEi/.r) of the North- west quarter (NWl/~) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Eighty- eight (88), Range Two (2) east of the 5th P'. NI. Consisting of a tract of land of 835 acres, snore or less. Whereas, this Commission after fall investigation finds that said plans and specificatimrs conform to the provisions of law and are in substantial accord with the regula- tions of the Civil Aeronautics Auth- ority relating to airports. Ee It Resolved that said plans and specifications are hereby approved. IOV>>A STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. CARL 1V. REED, Chairmen. B. M. RICHARDSON, Commissioner. DAVID B. LONG, Commissioner. Attest: GEO. L. McCAUGHAN, Secretary. Dated at Des Moines, Iowa, this 20th day of December, 1943. Councilman Wharton moved that the order be received and made a matter of record. Seeondecl by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Special Session, December 21st, 19=83 227 Feas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men 14lofiatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any one Present in the Council Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Peas-i\Zayox' Murphy, CollllCll- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. i\Tays-None, llr. Hal F. Reynolds, Attorney, representing Nh'. C. E. Rhoades, ad- dressed the Council asking that a test be made at this time of the storm sewer constructed in the yard of Mr. C. E. Rhoades for the purpose of ascertaining whether the water that leaks into his basement is caused from the sewer being sIe- fective or from surface water. Conununication of The United States Conference of Mayors es- tendl3g an invitation to the mem- bers of the City Cottncil to attend the Annual Conference to be held in Chicago, Ill., ou Jamtary 19-21', 1944, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the communication be referred to the City Council fm' consideration. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel- man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor -Iurphy, Couxlcil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Ben McMahon et al. reclttesting the City to riprap a washout located at the north end of 1\~Iaple Island anti recondition a road leading fronx the north end of said island to the south end of said is- land, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Council to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Mofratt, Carried by the followlrg vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men 11loffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. NTays-None. Communication of Donald J. Wei- denbacher, City Fireman, advising that he has been inducted into the military service of the United States of America under the Selec- tive Service Draft and requesting a leave of absence as provided for by Resolution No. 14-41, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Rlurphy, Council- men llloffatt, Thompson, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Communication of Benjamin J. O'Leary, City Fireman, advising that he has been inducted into the military service of the United States of America tinder the Selec- tive Service Draft and requesting a Ieave of absence as provided for by Resolution No. 14-41, present- ed and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request be granted and nxade a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: eas-:Mayor Murphy, Council- men TvIoffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Annual Report of the Board of Park Coxnntissionex's for the fiscal year 1942-4 ;, presented and read. Councilman Wharton moved that the t•eport be received and placed on file. Seconclecl by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. i Iays-NTOne. December 10, 1913. Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa. (fell tlemell: In re: PETITION OF EMMA MOSBAUER for suspension of tal- es on: Davis Farm Add., Lots247~ 248, asking that the 1942 tas be suspended because of age and ill- uess. I recommend that said Petition should be approved by the City Council of the City of Dttbttque and that notirication of the recomnnen• elation of the Petition of P:nuna itloshauer be given to the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque Cotmty, Iowa. Y OLiP5 tPttly, sOHN 3. IiINTTZINGER. Councilman S%an Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor I~ixttzinaer be approved aucl the Boarcl of Supervisors Io he notified of Council action. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-11layor Murphy, Council- men P/offatt, Thompson, Van Duel- xuan, Wharton. Nays-None. December 10, 1943. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen • I herewith submit the reports •of the City Auditor, City Treastu'er, City Health Depart- ~_ 22~; Special Session, December 21st, 193 meat and City tiVater tiVorks, also a list of claims aucl payrolls for which warrants were drawn during the month of November, 1943. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Cottncilntau Thompson m o v e cl that the reports be received and placed cn file. Secoudecl by Coun- cilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man. Wharton. Nays-None. December 21, 1943. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The Purchase of land for the airport and the removal of several obstructions adjacent to the site will require the issuance of $130,000.00 of airport bonds. To accomplish this Purpose, I recommend that the City Council acloptthe necessary proceedings for the sale of bonds with the follow- ing maturities: $15,000.00 due 1 year from date of 19SUe. $15,000.00 clue 2 years from elate of issue. $15,000.00 due 3 Years fi'om date of issue. $19.000.00 clue 4 years from date of issue. $19.000.00 due 5 years from date of issue. $19,000.00 due 6 years froth date of issue. $19,000.00 due 7 years frmu date of issue. In this manner, the entire issue will be redeemed in seven years. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved. Secoudecl by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Cotancil- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. December 21, 1943 'Po the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The death of Frank G. Braconier has created the va- cancy of master plumber on the Board of Examiners, Ordinance No. 7-33 Provides that the City Manager shall appoint the members of the Boarcl with the approval of the City Council. It further provides that in the event of a vacancy prior to the expiration of the term of office, the City Manager shall recommeucl to the City Council a competent per- son to fill such vacancy. I recommeucl that George L. Mc- Carter be appointed to fill the va- cancy. Attached is the recoumnenda- tion of the Dubuque Master Plumb- ex•s Association in this connection. Respectfully submitted, A, A. RHOMBERG, City Manager. Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Manager Rhomberg be approved anct that George L. McCarter be appointed to fill the vacancy of master plumber on the Boarcl of Ex- aminers caused by the death of Frank C. Braconier. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- man Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays--None. Ordinance No. 12-43. An Ordi- nance amending Ordinance No. 10 -37, exxtitled "Traffic Code of the City of Dubuque" as amended Uy Ordinance No. 1-39, by repealing certain provisions thereof, anci en- acting certain provisions in lfen thereof regulating the use of ve- hicles upon the streets and high- ways of the City of Dubuque, and lay x•epealing all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thompson m o v e cl that the reading just pact be con- sidered the first reading of the Or- dinance. Seconclecl by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the foi- lo~ving vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Thompson m o v e cl that the rules be suspenclecl requir- ing an ordinance to be read on three separate clays. Seconclecl by Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, tiVharton. Nays-None. The Ordinance was then read a second time. Councilman Thompson move d that the reacting just had be con- sidered the second reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council- nxan iVIoffatt. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Thompson move d that the Orcliuance be placed on ;pedal Session, December ~lst, 1~~3 file with the City Clerk for public inspection for at least one week be- fore its final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Moffatt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men 1Vloffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 129-43 Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the following, having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of cigarettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to seal cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directe 1 to issue such permit on behalf of said City. 1Vauze. Address. Joseph J. Machinek, 3165 Central Avenue. (To be effective January 1, 1944). Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed with the application be approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st day of December, 1943. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELMAIV, «~. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Thompson m o v e cl the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Moffatt. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men 1VIoffatt, Thompson, Vata Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Resa~;ution No. 128-43 Whereas, it is deemed advisable to acquire certain lands in Table Mound Township for the purpose of establishing au airpm~t; and Whereas, real estate contracts have been signed by the owners and title holders in which they agree to sell for the amounts stated their real estate as follows: John Frederick Bradley and NTary Bradley, his wife. The N.E, 1/~ of the S.E. i/.r°, the S.E. 1/~ of the N.E. ',%, and the N.E. 1/~ of the N.E.Y/.r, Section 27, and the N.W. ;} of the N.W. 1/4 (also known as Lots 1 and 2 of the N.W. 1/~ of the N.W. i/.r) of Section 26, all in Township 88 North Range 2, East cf the 5tii ~.M., Dubuque County, Iowa, for the sum of $26,000.00. 22) George Behr aucl Nettie Behr, his wife. The N.W. 1/.~ of the N.E. 1/~ and the N.E. ;~ of the N.W. 1/.~, Section 27, Township 88 North Range 2, East of the 5th P.M., Dubuque County, Iowa, for the sum of $17,750.00. Frank J. Thomas and Margaret Thomas, his wife. \T.E. '/~ of Sec- tion 34, Township 88 North Range 2, L+'ast of the 5th P.llt., Dubuque County, Iowa, for the sum of $31,000.00. John Frederick Bradley and Mary Bradley, his wife; Melvin L. Brad- ley and Mary H. Bradley, his wife; Ruth Ohmert and George H. Ohmert, her husband; Noble E. Bradley, widow and un- married; Roy V~. Bradley and Blanche E. Bradley, his wife; Es- ther L. Bradley, unmarried; Clif- ford E. Bradley and Isabel F. Bradley, his wife; and Elmer R. Bradley aucl E. Marie Bradley, his wife. The S.~jr. 1/~ of the N.W. 1/4, Lot 1 of the S.E. 1/.r of the N.W. '/r and Lot 2 of the S.W. i/~, all in Section 20, and Lot 2 of the N.E. Y/4 of the N.W. 1/~ oY Section 35, Township S8 North Range 2 East of the 5th P.M., Dubuque County, Iowa, for the sum of $26,000.00; and Whereas, by contract the said o`vners of the above clescribecl prop- erty have agreed to the conditions and stipulations of the att~~checl real estate contracts; Now, There- fore, Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the real estate contracts above referred to be approved; and Be It Further P~esolved that this resolution and the real estate con- tracts referred to remain on file in the office of the City Clerk for pub- lic inspection for at least one week before final action is taken there- on. Approved and order°ed placed on file with the City ,Clerk for public inspection for at least one week be- fore final adoption this 6th day of December, 1943. Passed, adopted and approved this 21st clay of December, 1943. GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. F. W. THOMPSON, FRANK VAN DUELMAN, W. W. MOFFATT, ALBERT WHARTON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. ,> 2;n Si~ecial ,essi~nr, 1?eceml~er 21sf9 19~-. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- t oncled by Councilman Moffatt. Car- i tied by the following vote: Yeas 11~Iayor Murphy, Council- r men Aloffatt, Thompson, Van Dual- nran, ti~charton. 1 Nays-None. REAL ESTATE CONTRACT. This Agreement oracle this 27th day of October, 1943, by and be- tween John Frederick Bradley and Matt' Bradley, his wife, of Dubuque County, Iowa, first Parties, and the City of Dubuque, second Party, ~Vitnesseth: The first Patties. in consideration of the agreements herein oracle by the second party and to be performed by it, hereby agrees to sell and convey unto the second Patty the following de- scribed real estate, to-wit: The NE'-/t of the SE'1/t, the SE1/4 of the NEt/t, and the h'E?a of the NE? ~, Section 27, and the NtiV'/.~ of the NWriy (also known as Lots 1 and 2 of the NWl/.t of the \TW 3!r) of Sectian 26, all in Township 5S North Range 2, East of the 5th P.1VL, Dubuque County, Iowa, Ccutaining in all 160 acres, more or less, for the sum of X26,000.00; first parties are to retain ownership of machine shed, chicken house, brood- er house, stave silo, electric wire fence with battery, the loose un- used steel and ~vooclen fence Posts, anti the hot water tank by the kitchen stove in the kitchen, and the first parties are given the Priv- ilege of removing said property from said Premises, and first Pat- ties are given the right to cut and use the necessary fire wood for heating and cooking by them in their home on the premises doting' the winter of 1943-1944 and the privilege of storing feed on the premises where it will not inter- fere with the airport development until it can be reasonably removed therefi'om. X1,000.00 paid in cash on this date. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and the bal- ance of X25,000,00 is to be paid up- on delivery to second Patty by first parties of a good anti sufficient Ab- stract of Title showing the title to be good and ma.rketftble, anti cte- Iivery of a good and sufficient War- ranty Deecl of said premises, con- veying the title with the usual cov- enants of warranty. The Abstract of Title is to be delivered forth- with to the Abeln Abstract Co. for continuation; and the execution of the cleecl anti any and all other docu- ments hereinbefore referred to, to be clone as soon as possible. Possession of all or any part of he premises South of the highway s to be given by first parties on or after January 1, 1944, when cle- nancled bysecond party or the Civil Aeronautics Aclmiuistration, whether the terms of this contract lave been fully completed or not, so that work ou the airport may be commenced as soon as the C.A.A. requests. In the event no demand for possession is made Prior to March 1, 1944, first parties agree to vchuitarily surreucler Possession to second party on March 1, 1944, pro- viciing the terms of the contract have been fully met and complied with by second party. This contract is made subject to the approval of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. JOHN FREDERICK BRADLEY, MARY BRADLEY, First Parties. CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. By GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. A. A. RHOMBERG, Manager. Second Party. State of Iowa ~ SS Dubuque Ccunty On this 27th day of October, A. D., 1943, before me Geraldine L. Demkier, a Notary Public in and for the County of Dubuque, State of Iowa, personally appeared John Frederick Bradley and 1\Iary Brad- ley, his wife, to me lniown to ba the identical persons named in and who executed the foregoing instru- ment, and acknowledged that they eec;utecl the same as their volun- tary act and deed. In Witness Whereof, I have here- unto signed my name and afh~ecl my Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. GERALDINE L. DEMKIER, Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. (Potarial Seal). l~~RL ~3`1'~1°f8a GON`fR/aCf This agreement made this 25th day of October', 1943, by and be- tween George Behr anti Nettie Behr, his wife, of Dubuque County, Iowa, first patties and the City of Dubuque, second party. WITNESSETH: The first parties, in consideration of the agreements herein oracle by second party anti to be performed by it, hereby agrees to sell and convey unto the second _~~ , -- -. i ,hecial Session, l~ecemher 21st, 194 2J1 party the following described rea] estate, to wit: The NWl/~ of the NEt/4 and the NEi/~ of the NW1/.~, Section 27, Township SS North Range 2 East of the 5th P. M., Dubuque County, Iowa containing SO acres, more or less, for the sum of $1'7,750.00, $1,000 paid in cash on this date, receipt of which is hereby aclatowledged and the balance of $16,750.00 is to he paid upon delivery to second party by first parties of a good and suf- ficient Abstract of Title showing the title to be g'oocl and market- able, and delivery of a good and sufficient Warranty Deed of said premises, conveying the title with the usual covenants of warranty. The Abstract of Title is to be de- livered forthwith to the Abeln Ab- starct Co. for continuation; and the execution of the deed and any and all other documents hereinbefore referred to, to be clone as soon as possible. Possession of said premises os' any part thereof is to be given by first parties when demanded by sec- ond party, or the Civil Aeronautics Aclmiuistration whether the terms of this contract have been fully completed or not, so that work on the airport may be commenced as soon as the C.A.A. demands. In the event no clentancl for possession is micle prior to March 1, 1944, first parties agree to voluntarily surren- der possession to second party on March 1, 1944, providing the terms of the contract have been fully met and complied with by second party. This contract is made subject to the approval of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. GEORGE BEHR. NETTIE BEHR. First Parties. CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA By GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. A. A. RHOMBERG, Manager. Second Party. State of Iowa Z SS Dubuque County f On this 25th clay of October, A. D., 1943, before me, John J. Shea, a Notary Public iu and for the County of Dubuque, State of Iowa, person- ally appeared George Behr and Net- tie Behr, his wife, to me known to be the identical persons named in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their voluntary act and deed. In Witness Whereof, I have here- unto signed my name anti affixed my Notarial Seal the clay and year last above written. JOHN J. SHEA, Notary Public in anti for Dubuque County, Iowa,. (Notarial Seal) REAL ESl"Al°E C®IV i RACT This agreement made this 2Gth clay of October, 1943, by and be- tween Frank J. Thomas and Mar- garet Thomas, his wife, of Dubuque County, Iowa, first parties, anti the City of Dubuque, second party. Witnesseth: The first parties, in consideration of the agreements herein treacle by the second party and to lie performed by it, hereby agrees to sell anti convey unto the second Party the following describ- ed real estate, to-wit: NE1/,t of Section 34, Township SS North Range 2 East of the 5th F. M., Dubuque County, Iowa for the sum of $31,000.00, first par- ties are to retain ownership of the electric light plant with engine and two water Dumps now located in the basement of the house, and also of all the buildings on the prem- ises excepting the house anti hare, and first parties are given the priv- ilege to remove said property from said premises. $1,000.00 in cash is paid at the elate hereof, receipt of which is hereby acknowleclgecl anti the balance of $30,000.00 is to be paid upon delivery to second party by first parties of a good and suf- ficient Abstract of Title showing the title to be good and market- able, anti delivery of a good and suf- ficient Warranty Deecl of said prem- ises, conveying the title with the usual covenants of warranty. The Abstract of Title is to be delivered forthwith to the Abehi Abstract Co. fo rcoutinuation, anti the execution of the deed anti any anti all other documents hereinbefore referred to, to be clone as soon as possible. Possession of sa,icl premises or any part thereof is to be given by first parties when clemancled by sec- ond party or the Civil Aeronautics Administration whether the terms of this contract have been fully completed or not, so that work on the airport may be commenced as soon as the C.A.A. demands. In the event no demand for possession is made prior to March 1, 1944, first parties agree to voluntarily surren- der possession to second party on March 1, 1944, providing the terms of the contract have been fully met anti complied with by second party. 2,;7 S,~ecial Sessi~_~n, llecen~ber 21st, 1943 This contract is oracle subject to the approval of the City Counci to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. FRANK J. THOMAS, 112AP~GARET THOllIAS, First Parties. CITI' OF DUBUQUE, IOWA By GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. A. A. RHONIBERG, Manager. Second Party. State of Iowa ~ SS Dubuque County On this 26th day of October, A. D., 1943, before me, John J. Kintzinger, a Notary Public in acct for the County of Dubuque, State of Iowa, personally appeared Frank J. Thom- as and Margaret Thomas, his wife, to me known to be the identical persons named in anti who executed the foregoing instrument, and ack- nowledged that they executed the same as their voluntary act and deed. In Witness Whereof, I have here- unto signed my name anti affixed my Notarial Seal the day anti year last above written. JOHN J. KINTZINGER, Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. (Notarial Seal) REAL ESTATE CONTRACT This agreement trade this 29th clay of November, 1943, by and be- tween John Frederick Bradley and Mary Bradley, his wife; Melvin L. Bradley anti Mary H. Bradley, his wife; Ruth Ohmert and George H. Olunert, her husband; Noble E. Bradley, wiclo~v and unmarried; Roy W. Bradley and Bla}~che E. Bradley, his wife; Esther L. Brad- ley, unmarried; Clifford E. Bradley and Isabel F. Bradley, his tivife; and Elmer R. Bradley anti E. Marie Bradley, his wife, of Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa first parties and the City of Dubuque, second party. Witnesseth: The first Parties, in consideration of the agreements herein matte by the second party, anti to be performed by it, hereby agrees to sell and convey unto the second party all of the real estate shown on the attached plat outlin- ed in red color, consisting of ap- proximately 200 acres in Section 26 anti 35 of Township 8S North Range 2 East of the 5th P. M. (this land is to be platted so Proper descrip- tion may be later given) for the sum of $26,000.00, first parties are to retain ownership and the right to remove from the Premises the silo and barn and the electric wire fence and battery thereon, $1,000.00 paid in cash on this elate, receipt oP which is hereby acknowledged and the balance of $26,000.00 is to be paid upon delivery to second Par- ty by first parties of a good and sufficient abstract of title showing the title to be good and marketable and of a good and sufficient War- ranty Deed of said premises, con- veying the title with the usual cov- enants of warranty. The Abstract of Title is to be delivered forthwith to the Abeln Abstract Co. for con- tirtanation, and the execution of the cleecl anct any and all other docu- ments hereinbefore referred to, to be clone as soon as possible. Possession of said premises or any part thereof is to be given by first parties on or after January 1, 1944 when clemancteci by seeoncl party or the Civil Aeronautics Ad- ministration whether the terms of this contract have been fully com- pleted or not, so that work on the airport may be commenced as soon as the C. A. A. demands. In the event no dentancl for possession is made Prior, to Niarch 1, 1944, first parties agree to voluntarily surren- der possession to second party on March 1, 1944, providing the terms of the contract have been fully met anti complied tivith by second party. This contract is trade subject to ~ the approval of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. JOHN FREDERICK BRADLEY, MELVIN L. BRADLEY, RUTH OHMERT, MARY BRADLEY, MARY H. BRADLEY GEORGE H. OHMERT, NOBLE E. BRADLEY, ROY W. BRADLEY, CLIFFORD E. BRADLEY, ELMER R. BRADLEY, ESTHER L. BRADLEY, BLANCHE E. BRADLEY, ISABEL F. BRADLEY, E. ?MARIE BRADLEY, First Parties. CITY OF DUBUQUE By GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. A. A. RHOMBERG, Manager. Second Party. State of Washington, l SS King Cotmty f On this 29th clay of November, A. D., 1943, before me, a Notary Public in and for Ding County, Washington, personally appeared. Esther Bradley to me known to be the identical person named in and who executed the foregoing instru- ,~-;; Special Session, December 21st, 1943 233 meat and acl~iowledged that she executed the same as her volun- tary act and deed. W. A. MILLIGAN, Notary Public in anti for Ding County, Washiug'ton. (Seal] State of Iowa ~ SS Dubuque County On this end day of December, A. D., 1943, before me, Jessie Ruff, a Notary Public in anti for Dubuque County, Iowa, personally appeared John Frederick Bradley, Mary Bradley, Melvin L. Bradley, Mary H. Bradley, Ruth Ohmert anti George H. Ohmert, Noble E. Brad ley, Roy W. Bradley, Blanche E. Bradley, Clifford E. Bradley, Isabel F. Bradley, Elmer R. Bradley anti E. -Tarie Bradley to me known to be the persons named iu anti who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge that they execut- ed the same as their voluntary act and deed. JESSIE RUFF, Notary Public in anti for Dubuque County, Iowa. (Sean December 21, 1943. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: The Planning anti Zoning Com- mission met on December 10, 1943 to consider the petition of the Du- buque Packing Co. requesting the vacation of a number of streets anti alley easterly of Sycamore Street referred by the City Council on De- cember 6th. As this petition and one of E. E. Frith Co. asking the vaca- tion oY certain streets adjacent to their property at 18th and Syca- more Streets has possible conflicts, it was decided to consider them to- gether. Since no map of the latest plans of the Dock Conunission in Lake Peosta area had been filed, it was not possible to judge how the pro- posed changes, especially those of the Dubuque Packing Company conformed to such plans. At a joint meeting of the Plan- ning anti Zoning Commission with representatives of the Dock Com- mission on December 21st, it was decided that the Master Plan of the City of Dubuque requires alteration with respect to the location of the proposed channel and the proposed street adjacent to it. The Planning and Zoning Com- mission respectfully recommend to the City Council that the ?tTaster Plau of the City of Dubuque be amended to provide for the reloca- tion of the proposed Peosta Channel and the proposed Channel Street in accordance with the attached plat and the City Council is requested to approve the said plan as amend- ed. Respectfully submitted, R. V. McKAY, Secretary, Planning' and Zoning Commission. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recouuneuclation of the Planning anti Zoning Couuuission be approved and the City Solicitor to be instructed to prepare the prop- er proceeding's. Seconclecl by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the following' vote: ~'eas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. There being no further business Councilman Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Vau Duelman. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: -Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council- men Moffatt, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays--None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Approved ..............................1944. Adopted ._ .................................1944. A `.test : ................................................ City Clerk.