1942 Index of Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
For the Year 1942
City Clerk, J. J. SHEA City Solicitor, JOAN J. KINTZINGER
City Manager, A. A. Rhomberg
City Treasurer-
City Auditor-
Chief of Fire Department-
City Electrician-
Police Judge-
Plumbing Inspector-
Electrical Inspector-
Building Commissioner-
City Assessor-
Chief of Police-
Health Director-
Sanitary Officer-
Milk Inspector-
Food and Restaurant Inspector-
Market Master-
Recreational Director-
Superintendent of Water Works-
Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Mouday of each
month, at 7:30 o'clock.
INDEX-hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Andresen, W. J., Police Officer, statement that he served ( ''
a copy of Resolution No. 163-41 upon H. F. Bauer of
the Chicago Great Western Railroad Co . .................. 3
Feb. 2- Anthoine, Louis and Agnella, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 20
" 17- American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission for
the holding of Annual Poppy Sale .................................. 25
April 6- Appointment of Officers by the City Council ........................ 89
" 6- Appointment of Board of Review .......................................... 89
" 6- Appointments of Banks as depositors of public funds.... 89
" 6- American Trust and Savings Bank, appointed as a de-
pository of public funds .................................._................ 89
6- Appointment of Telegraph-Herald as official newspaper 90
" 6- Appointment of officers and employees by City Manager 90
". 21- Amodeo, Joseph, granted cigarette permit ............................ 102
May 4- Athletic Field, schedule of charges for the rental of
same where admission is charged ............................ 107
June 1- Alley between Gandolfo Street and South Algona Street
from St. Joseph Street to Dodge Street, matter of
taking care of storm water ............................................ 119-145
" 1- American Water Works Association extending invitation
to attend conference in Chicago, Illinois, beginning
June 21 and closing June 25, 1942 .............................. 120 ~
" 1- American Legion Auxiliary, asking that a proclamation i
be issued proclaiming one day a week as "Flag
Day" for the duration of the present war .............. 121 ~~
" 1- Annual reports of City Auditor, City Treasurer and City
Recreational Director ........................................................ 124
" 30- American Trust and Savings Bank, Trustee's Deed and
Abstract of Title, conveying Mineral Lots 301, 301A
and 302 to the City of Dubuque .................................... 128
" 30- Anthoine, Louis, granted cigarette permit ........................ 133
" 30- Amodeo, Joseph, granted cigarette permit .......................... 134 ~
" 30- American Legion, granted cigarette permit ...................... 134
" 30- Apel, Merlin, granted cigarette permit .............................. 134
" 30- Anthony, Theodore E., granted cigarette permit.......... 135 ~i
" 30- Anthony, Theodore E. and Lillian, granted Class "B" ',
beer permit ........................................................................... 137-138
" 30- Amodeo, Jos., granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 137-138 ', ',
July 21- Avery, Siegel H., requesting that Elm Street north of I
Twenty-Fourth Street be placed in a passable con- I
ditiou ...................................................................................... 150
Aug'. 15 -American La France Fire Truck, acceptance of same...... 173 II
Sept. 8 -Abbey, W. F., ordered to construct permanent sidewalk
abutting Lot 331 Woodlawn Park Addition .............. 182-193 I
" 8- Armstrong, John A. and Harriet, granted cigarett permit 183 ',
" 8- Armstrong, John A. and Harriet, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 183-184
Oct. 5- Airport Committee of Chamber of Commerce, asking City
of Dubuque to sponsor a W. P. A. Project for the
construction of an Airport .............................................. 199-208
Nov. 2- Agreement of property owners abutting upon the West
side of the alley between Maple and Cedar Streets
from East Sixteenth Street to East Seventeenth
` Street consenting to paving, grading and draining
of said alley at the expense of the Dubuque Packing
Company ............................................................................... 215
" 4- Airport Fuud, supplemental estimate for levy of taxes
for the year 1942 .................................................................. 222.226
IN®EX-Book 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 1G-American Legion, advising that they have appointed
an Airport Conunittee and requests that said Com-
mittee be advised when meetings are to be held
pertaining to the establishment of a Municipal Air-
port ...................................................._.................................... 227
Dec. 7-Abraham, Charles J., bond ...................................................... 235
" 7-Airport project, City Manager authorized to secure op-
tions upon lands suitable for Airport purposes and
to submit a report to the City Councii upon the
prospects of securing Federai financing to aid in the
carrying out of said project .............................................. 236
(N®EX--hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Black and White Cab Company, the Checker Cab Com-
pany and John 1 oung, requesting a revision of Ordi-
Hance No. 23-32 regulating the operation of taxi cabs
and fixing the rates and prices to be charged for the
transportation of passengers ..........................._............ 2
" 27 -Brady, John A., Clerk of Police Court, bond ........................ 10
" 27 -Baumhover, Mrs. B. L. et al, requesting that the name
of Dodge Street from Fremont Avenue westerly to
the end at Collins Street be changed to McKinley
Avenue .................................................................................. 10-11-12
Feb. 2 -Building and Common Laborers Local 659, requesting
permission to use the grounds west of the Municipal
Athletic Field for the holding of a carnival .............. 19
" 2 -Grammer, Roy et al, requesting the rezoning of the pro-
perty abutting Mt. Pleasant Avenue and extending
from University Avenue on the south to Loras Boule-
vard on the north .........................................._19-84-87.98-99-106-107
" 2 -Briggs, William E., granted cigarette permit .................... 20
" 2 -Briggs, William E., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 20
" 13 -Bolte, Albert, waiver on acceptance of contract for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in Fremont Avenue
and in Wartburg Place .................................................... 21
" 13 -Burch, Dorothy H., waiver on acceptance of contract for
the construction of a sanitary sewer in Fremont
Avenue and in Wartburg Place .................................... 21
" 13 -Beh, Carlton D. Co., agreement for the purchase of
$8,000.00 Street Improvement Bonds .......................... 22-23-31
" 17 -Brunswick Radio Corporation, agreement for fire pro-
tection .................................................................................... 27
" 17 -Buechel, Louis, excavation bond .......................................... 27
" 24 -Beerman, John, requesting refunds on both his cigarette
r;, and beer permits ................................................................ 31
Mar. 2 -Bartels, Ed, and Sons, requesting that fire protection be
extended to their property known as the Bartels
Cabin Camp ..............................._......................................... 35
" 2 -Barrett, H. L., granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 37-38
" 2 -Budget for the fiscal year beginning• April 1, 1942 and
ending March 31, 1943 .........38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-
50-51-60-61-62-G 3-64-65-66-67-68-69-70-7 1-72.73-79
" 10 -Burden, George A. and George R., agreements for fire
protection .............................................................................. 57
" 10 -Bartels, Ed. and Sons, agreement for fire protection........ 57
" 27 -Blum, Max, requesting Council not to adopt the pro-
- posed ordinance regulating and licensing Junk
Dealers .................................................................................. 84
" 31 -Bogas, S., Gus Bogas and Dan Diamond, granted cigar-
- ette permit ............................................................................ 86
April 6 -Beh, Carleton D. Co., relative to the sale of $8,000.00
Special Assessment Bonds for paving of West Third
Street ................................................................................90-9 3-94-95-96
" 6 -Bethke, Otto F., Electric Inspector, bond ........................ 91
" 8 -Bierring, Walter L., Commissioner, State Department of
Health, extending invitation to City Physician or
Local Health Officer to attend meeting of Iowa
Public Health Association at Des Moines ................ 97
" 21 -Board of Library Trustees, Carnegie-Stout Free Public
Library, annual report .................................................... 101
" 21 -Brune, Mr. and Mrs. John A., purchase of the North 60
feet of Lot 8 of Min. Lot 24 from Dubuque County....102-109-110
May 4 -Billis, Gust, requesting a refund on his beer license........ 105
" 4 -Barrett, Charles and Ethel, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 109
IN®EX-Book 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 15- Black and White Cab Company, taxi-cab bond ..........::.... 118
June 1- Balback, Mrs. Edward (Marie), notice of claim .................. 120
" 1- Burnett, Walter J., requesting• that he be granted a per-
mit to collect junk ............................................................ 121
" 30- Barrett, H. L., requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 128
" 30- Board of Dock Commissioners, certificate of tax levy........ 129
" 30- Board of Review, report, for the year 1942 ........................13 1-143-144
" 30- B. P. O. E. Lodge, granted cigarette permit ....................... 134
" 30- Baumgartner, Johu J. and John NI., granted cigarette
permit .................................................................................... 134
" 30- Blum, Morris, granted cigarette permit .............................. 134
" 30- Buelow, Clarence C., granted cigarette permit............_.... 135
" 30- Bertsch, Joseph J., granted cigarette permit ...................... 135
" 30- Brodeur, Norbert W., granted cigarette permit ................ 135
" 30- Beck, Johu, granted cigarette permit .................................. 135
" 30- Barrett, Mrs. Ethel and Charles, granted cigarette per-
mit .......................................................................................... 135
" 30- Briggs, William E., granted cigarette permit .................. 135
" 30- Baumhover, B. L., granted cigarette permit ........................ 135
" 30- Braun, Henry C., granted cigarette permit ............................ 136
" 30- Berntgen, Frank H., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 136-137
" 30- 8. P. O. E., granted Class "B" beer permit ...................... 136-138
" 30- Bertsch, Jos. J. and A. J. Berntgen, granted Class "B"
beer permit ......................................................................... 137-138
" 30- Buelow, Clarence E. and Adele, granted Class "B" beer
perinit .................................................................................... 137-138
" 30- Brodeur, Norbert W. and Catherine, granted Class "B"
beer Permit ..............._................................................._...... 137-138
" 30- Bowman, Lloyd and Frances, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..........._ ....................................................................... 137-138
July 6- Bonded Debt Fund, transfer of the amount of $24,022.23
from the Fire Department Maintenance Fund to said
fund ....................................................................................... 146-152
" 21- Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year be-
ginning April 1, 1943 and ending March 31, 1944, as
a basis for the tax levy for the year 1942, the same to
be collected in the year 1943........148-149-157-158-159-166-167-168
" 21- Balback, Mrs. Edward (Marie), original notice of suit.... 149
Aug. 3 -Beckius, Cleta E. et al, requesting Council to prohibit
the operation of the Fox Roller Rink now operating
in the vicinity of Nineteenth and Elm Streets........157-163-168
" 3- Barrett, Charles and Ethel, requesting refund on cigar-
ette permit ............................_.............................................. 159
" 7- Bradley, Henry and Noble, requesting that they be per-
mitted to continue the operation of the roller skating
rink at Nineteenth and Ehn Streets until cool
weather in October ............................................................ 163-168
" 7 -Board of Dock Commissioners, asking that the City join
with the Dock Commission in entering into a pro-
posed contract with the Interstate Power Company
for the acquisition of property owned by the Inter-
state Power Company on City Island in exchange for
City owned property, said property to be acquired
for the purpose of carrying• out the river front im-
provement plan as adopted in the original City plan..165-184-185
Sept. 8 -Board of Dock Commissioners, submitting attached com-
prehensive general Plan for the improvement of the
water front ......................................................................... 178
" 8 -Burke, Richard J., excavation bond ...................................... 180
lf~[~EX-Book 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 25 -Beckett, Fabian, Trustee, sale of Lot 1 of Lot 809 of
A. McDaniel's Sub. by Dubuque County, asking ap-
proval by the City of Dubuque of said sale............ 196-205
Oct. 5 -Blades, William Estate, requesting the rezoning' of Lots
3-4-5-6-7 of Cain's Subdivision ........................................ 201-217
" 5 -Bids for caulking and painting the exterior window and
door frames and to paint the exterior woodwork at
City Hail ................................................................................ 202
" 5 -Baumgartner, John PJI. and Johu J., granted Class "B"
beer permit ............................................................................ 205
" 13 -Boarcl of Dock Commissioners recommending that the
City Council take appropriate steps to transfer title
of the property known as the old Standard Lumber
Company property to the Federal Government, with
reservations for the establishing of a synthetic rub-
ber manufacturing plant .................................................. 211-212
Nov. 2 -Burdt, F. C., submitting copy of bill against James F.
Lee, contractor, in the amount of $17.60 for the con-
struction of a manhole in Plum Street ........................ 213-223
" 2 -Berk, W., requesting permission to make necessary re-
pairs to the building located on the Middle 1-5 of City
Lot 475 and located at 1458 Locust Street ................. 214-235
" 2 -Barrington, Wm. and Glen Miller, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..................................... .............................................. 219
" 2 -Blum, Mrs. Margaret, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 219
Dec. 7 -Brandt, Mrs. Mary F., suspension of 1941 tales ................ 232-239
" 7 -Board of Adjustment, submitting recommendation on the
petition of W. Berle to increase living quarters on the
middle 1-5 of Lot 475, otherwise described as 1458
Locust Street ....................................................................... 235
" 23 -Brashaw, Clarence J., notice of claim .................................. 238
Jan. 5- City Council, Regular Session .............. .... ........................ 1
" 5 -Chicago Great Western P~aihroacl Co., pertainiz;g to the
installation of electrically operated hashing light
and rotating dish top crossing signals at q'wenty-
Pdinth Street crossing .....................................3-9-74-75-83 -97-99-227
" 6 -Canfield, NVtn.~~J. Jr., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 6
" 5 -Chase, Mrs. Melita, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 6
6 -City Council, Special Session , .............................~............... 8
„ 27 -City Council, Special Session.._ ...........................:................ 9
27 -Chicago Great Western Raihvay Company, City 1Vlanager
to be insl:ructed to notify said Railroad Company
to place crossing watchmen at the Twenty-Plinth
• Street cz°ossing fozx a 24 hour period each day 9-74-75=83 -97-99=227
" 27 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Directot• and City t~7aterworks, re-
ports for December, 1941 ...................................:............. 10
27 -Claims for December, 1941 .................................................. 10
" 27 -Coliinson, George B., settlement of tilaim ......................... 11
°Feb. 2 -City Council, Regular Session .........._ .......................'............ 19
2 -Carr Callahan, granted cigarette permit ...............'............,. ~ °20
„ 2 -Carr Callahan, granted Class "B>, beer permit .................. 20
" 1.i- City Council, Special Session ......................:,........................... 21
" 17 -City Council, Special Session...,' ................................................ 9 , 24
,. 17 -C`la,ims for month of January, 1942 .. .. .. ...................._..... 26
' . 17 -City„ Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Darectcr and City ~F,~ater~vorks, re-
' ports for ilt,e month of January, 1942 _.' ...................:.: 26
" 17 -Claims for month of December, 1941, proof of publication 27
' 24- -City Council, Special Session ...._ ......... ....................:...:....... .. 31
' i,iar. 2- -City Council, Regular Session .......,..........._ ...........:............ 35
2 -Claims for month of Jat.ua,ry, 1942, proof qP publication ~ 35
2- TCiviY Se;'vice Commission submitting a~ corrected list of
entrants for appointment to the Folice Department 36
" 2 -Civil Service Conrmision, Stzbmittiug~ a corrected list of
• entrants for appointment to the Fire~Departtnent;~... 36
' 2 -Crawford, Patil, granted- Class `B" beer permi"t .................. 37-38
' ~ 2- Consolidated ,tam levy in ratio, appropriated as provided
by° law ...........:........................... ......................................... 38
;' " 10 -City Council, Special Session .......................'........................ 52
~~ " 10- Conrad, Allan ~R„ aplilicatiari far Class "C" beer permit b2,76-77
" 10 -Chase, 17elita, requesting i•eftuid ou Class "B" beer
permit ......:. ...........:..............._•...............,....................... 57
" 10- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Director and City TVater~vorks, re-
. ports for month of February, 192 ................................. 57
" 10 -Chase, Nlelitlt aucl liatlzleen Dahl, granted Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................................. 58-59
" 20- -City Council, .Special Sessioti :..........._ .................................... 60
" 20 =Council Proceedings for the month of December, 1941,
approved as printed .......:......_........_...._........................... 74
21- City Council, Special Session .............................................. 78
° 2i -City Council, Special Session ......................._..................... 79
' 27 -Conley, .Joseph M., submitting application for appoiut-
uient to the Board of Assessment and Review for
the year 1942 ..................................................................... 82
" 31 -City Council, Special Session .......... .................................. 85
• 31 -Claims for zuontli of February, 1942, proof of publication 86
31- Crativford, Pattl, grange 1 cig~~rette perruit ....................._... 86
April 6- City Council, Regular Session ..............................._.......... 89
'~ 6 -Conley, Joseph Ital., appointed. as member of Board of
Review .........................................................................." 89
~~~~~~~-~~ao6c ~~
- ly4G aun.lL~i rz~;;C
" G~Continental Casualty Company, submitting Certificate of
Compliance for tlie. transaction oY Fidelity and Sure-
` ty business ............................................... `............................ 91
'> S- City Council, Special Session ................................................. 97
" 21- City Council, Special Session ................................................ 9S
" 21- Connors, Mau~,e, suspension of 1941 tales ..........................~ 100
~" 21- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Director and City tiVaterworks, re-
y ports for the month of 1VTarch, 1942 .............................._..
' 101
„ 21- ........._ ........................
Claims fer month of 1VTarch, 1942 ...... 101
" 21- County Auditor, advising that the Board of Supervisors
have accepted a bid of w50.00 front Mr, and Mrs.
John A. Bruce on the`1`TOrth GO feet of Lot 8 of Min.
' Lot 24 .... ............................................................................. 102
May 4- -City Council, Regular Session ................................................ 105
„ G- City Council, Special Session ._ ............................................ 111
` 6-- City Manager emposvored to negotiate with the officials
of Klauer P/Ifg. Co. fax the purpose of acgttiring the
necessary property for the straightening of the
' ~ street intexsectiou at T~renty-Silth aaid Washington
Streets ..................:.............................................:..............._ 112
" 6- Claims for month of March,-1942,'proof of publication_.... ~ 113
" 15- City Council, Special Session ..................`........................_.... 115
" 1G- Chief oY Police, submitting for Council consideration a -
substitute ordinance for the registering°ancl regulat-
ing of bicycles .................................................................... 116 ,
" 15- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Director and City Watertivorhs, re-
ports for month of April, 1942 .......................................... 116-117
" 15- Claims fox month of April, 1942 .............9.......................,. 116-117
June 1- City Council, Regular' Session ...................'......................... 119
" 1- Claims for month of April, 1942, proof of publication.... 123
" 1- City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Recreational Di-
` rector, annual reports ........................................................ 124
30- City Council, SPeciaL Session ..........................._..................... "12'7
" 30- Capitol Oil Corporation, requesting that Terminal Street
be repaired and placed in a passable condition........ 12S
" 30- Council Proceecliugs for the months of January, Febru-
ary and March,,1942, approved as printed ......._......... 131
'~ 30 -Claims for month of May, 1942, proof of publication........ 131
" 30 -Civil Service Connnission, subtriitting eligible list for ap-
pointtilent to positions on Fire Department .................. 131
" 30 -Civil Service Conunissioii, submitting eligible list for ap-
pointtnent to Positions on Police Department............ 132
" 30 -City Auditor,`City Tieastu•er,= City Elealth Department,
City Recreation Director anti City Water~vox•ks, re-
i~orts for month of May, 1942 .....................~.................. 132
39 -Claims for month of May, 1942 ................................................ 132
" 30 -Chief of Police submitting reconunendations that stop
'signs be erected at Ninth and Iowa. Streets, at the
intersection of Loral Bottlevard and University
Avenue, at Asbury Street and University Avenue,
also that East Fourteenth Street front Central Aveu-
' ue to'' Elan Street and Elm Street ft~om East F'our-
' teeuth Street to East Ttiventieth Streets be desig-
Hated as boulevards ....................................................... 132 ,
" 30 -Conley, Jos. M., warrant in the amount of $200.00 ordered
drawn in his favor for services renclerecl as a stem-
ber of Board of Review ................................................ 133
" 30 -Corbett, J. G., granted cigarette permit ......................~....... 133
" 30 -Cunningham, Leo and J. M. Thompson,`grantecl cigar-
,.. ette Permit .................................................................... 134
(NUEii-[3ook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 30- Carr Callahan, granted cigarett permit .................................. 135
" 30- Clesen, Wm. J., granted cigarette permit ............................ 135
" 30- Cooper, Fred H. and Frank A. Lambe, granted cigarette
permit .................................................................................. 136
" 30- Clancy, Mrs. Margaret, granted cigarette permit .............. 136
" 30- Casey, Harold, granted cigarette permit ............................ 136
" 30- Crawford, Paul, granted cigarette permit ...................... 136
" 30- Chase, Melita and Kathleen Dahl, transfer of address of
Class ,~B„ beer Permit ...................................................... 1.36-137
" 30- Cunningham, Leo V. and John M. Thompson, granted
Class <,B,> beer permit ..................................................... 136-137
" 30- Capretz, Chris. and Wm. Lembke, granted Class "B"
beer Permit ...................................................................... 137-138
" 30- Cooper, Fred M. and Frank A. Lambe granted Class "B"
beer Permit .......................................................................... 137-138
" 30- Cosley, William W. and Maggie, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 137.138
July G- City Council, Regular Session .............................................. 141
" 6- Council Proceedings for month of April, 1942, approved
as printed .............................................................................. 142
" 21- City Council, Special Session ...._ .......................................... 148
" 21- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Director and City Waterworks, re-
ports for month of June, 1942 ........................................ 153
" 21- Claims for month of June, 1942 .......................................... 153
" 21- Crane, Ruby Jane, approval of sale by Dubuque County
of Lot 7 of South Avenue Addition .............................. 155
Aug. 3 -City Council, Regular Session ............................................... 157
" 3- Council Proceedings for month of May, 1942, approved
" 3- as Printed ...........................................................................
Claims for month of June, 1942, proof of publication...... 160
" 3- Chief of Police, suggesting that smue sort of legislation
be enacted controlling the playing of mechanical
musical devices in public places ............................_.... 161
" 3- Clesen, tiVm. J., granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 161-162
" 7- City Council, Special Session .......................
" 7- Civil Service Commission, submitting report on examin-
ation held for eligible list for appointment as Public
Health Nurse ... .......... 164
" 7 -Chase, Melita and Kathleen Dahl, transfer of address of
Class ,~B„ beer permit ................................................... 164-165
" 15
-City Council, Special Session .. ....................... 166
" 15 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report on examin-
ation held for eligible list for appointment as Clerk
in the office of the City Water Department ................ 171
" 15 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Director and City Waterworks, re-
ports for the month of July, 1942 ...................................... 172
" 15 -Claims for month of July, 1942 ............................................ 172
Sept. 7 -City Council, Regular Session ................................................ 175
" 8 -City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ........................ 176
" S -Chief of Police Strub recommending that the action
against The Service Club Class "B" beer permit be
completed as required by law ....................................... 177
" S -Collinson, Geo. B., suspension of 1941 taxes ...................... 178
" 8 -Claims for month of July, 1942, proof of publication.... 178
" 8 -Council Proceedings for month of June, 1942, approved
as printed .............................................................................. 178
" ~ 8 -Chase, Mrs. Melita and Miss Kathleen Dahl, requesting
refund of $100.00 deposit for a cigarette permit............ 181
" 1S -City Council, Special Session ................................................ 187
„ 25 -City Council, Special Session ......._ ......................................... 188
INDEX-hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 25- Clesen, Wm. J., requesting a refund on both his beer and
cigarette permits ................................................................ 191
" 25- Clerk of Civil Service Commission authorized to attend
Annual Conference on Personnel Administration to
be held in St. Paul, Minnesota, October 1-2-3, 1942.... 193
" 25- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Director and City Waterworks, re-
ports for month of August, 1942 .................................... 194
" 25- Claims for month of August, 1942 .................................... 194
" 25- City Recreation Department, annual report ...................... 194
" 25- Chase, Mrs. Melita and Miss Kathleen Dahl, granted
cigarette permit .................................................................. 195
Oct. 5 -City Council, Special Session .................................................... 199
" 5- City Council, Regular Session .................................................. 200
" 5- Connelly, George, City Fireman, requesting a leave of
absence as he has been inducted into the military
service of the United States under the Selective
Service Draft ........................................................................ 200
' 5- City Employees Local Union No. 228, requesting that they
be allowed time and one-half for all overtime over
eight hours per day, also Saturday afternoons, Sun-
days and holidays ................................................................ 201
" 5 -Claims for month of August, 1942, proof of publication.... 201
" 5 -City Solicitor Kintzinger submitting repm•t on the ques-
tion as to whether or not two permits can be issued
for the same address and building .............................. 203-204
" 5 -Clancy, Ray and Margaret, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 205
" 13 -City Council, Special Session ................................................ 208
Nov. 2- City Council, Regular Session ................................................ 213
" 2 -Casey, Mrs. Jim, notice of claim .......................................... 213-224
" 2 -Cttingham & Butler Insurance Service, Inc., requesting
the cancellation of the Beer Bond of Paui Crawford 214
" 2 -Coates, F. W. Agency, requesting cancellation of the
cigarette and beer bonds of Roy Ney ........................ 214
" 2 -Claims for month of September, 1942, proof of publica-
tion .......................................................................................... 215
" 2 -Council Proceedings for month of July, 1942, approved as
printed .................................................................................... 216
" 2 -Civil Service Connnission, subntitting~ report on examin-
ation held for eligible list for appointment as Ambtt-
lance Driver .......................................................................... 216
" 2 -Civil Service Conunission, submitting report on examin-
ation held for eligible list for appointment as Cap-
tain on the Fire Department .............
" 2 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report on examin-
ation held for eligible list for appointment as Meter
Service Man in Water Department .........._ ................ 216
" 2 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Works and City Recreation Department,
reports for month of September, 1942 ..................... 217
" 2 -Claims for month of September, 1942 ..........................._..... 217
" 4 -City Council, Special Session ................................................ 221
" 16 -City Council, Special Session .........._ .................................. 226
" 16 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Director and City Waterworks, re-
ports for month of October, 1942 .................................... 227
" 16 -Claims for month of October, 1942 ........................................ 227
" 16 -City Manager designated as Mileage Administrator...... 230
Dec. 7 -City Council, Regular Session .............................................. 231
IN®E~---hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 7- City Employees instructed to co-operate with O. C. D.
Officials in both the trial blackout test of December
9 and the blaci~out of December 14 .............................. 231
" 7- Crawford, Paul, requesting refunds on both his beer and
cigarette permits ............................................................... 232
" 7- Chase, Mrs. Melita anti Kathleen Dahl, requesting re-
funds on both their bear and cigarette permits.......... 232
" 7- Claims for month of October, 1942, proof of publication.. 234
I 7- Curtis-Straub Co., excavation bond ........................................ 235
" 7- Clancy, Mrs. Abbie, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 23G
" 23-
! City Council, Special Session ............................................... 237
I 23-
' Claims for month of November, 1942, proof of publication 239
" 23- Council Proceedings for month of August, 1942, ap-
proved as printed .............................................................. 239
Ili, 23- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreation Director and City `Vaterworks, re-
'~! VIII
! I~I
lil ',
.._ ___..-. ports for month of November, 1942....._ .........................
~ 239
IN®E><---hook 7~
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Dubuque Safety Council, submitting attached resolutions
requesting that "Stop" signs at intersections be
raised, also requesting the passage of a Model Traffic
Ordinance, also requesting the installation of more
"No Parking," signs in the alleys, also requesting the
marking of parking spaces on the streets in the busi-
ness district, also requesting the installation of a
Walls Signal at Eighth and Main Streets ...................... 3
NIar. 10- -Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, request-
ing permission for the holding of their Annual Tag
Day .......................................................................................... 52
" 10 -Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted Class "B" beer
permit for Private Club .................................................... 5S
" 20 -De Harte, T. E., Supervisor, Office of Auditor of State,
Des Moines, Iowa, asking to be advised as to whether
it is the desire of the City Council to have examiners
from the Office of State Auditor to make annual audit
of the City's records for the period ending March 31,
1942 ........................................................................................ 74
" 20 -Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted cigarette permit 76
" 20 -Dieterich, Mr. et al, property owners abutting Globe
Street objecting to granting of the use of 20 feet of
this street to one property owner and requesting
that street be ordered opened .......................................... 77
April 6- Dubuque Bank and Trust Company, appointed as a de-
pository of public funds .................................................... S9
" G -Demkier, Geraldine L., Secretary to City Manager, bond 91
" 21 -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, submitting the
names of Cliff Van Zile and V. Lindenberg for ap-
pointment on the Library Board ................................ 99-102
May 4 -Daniels, J. L., requesting the opening of the alley in the
rear of 1375 Auburn Street and that said alley be
brought to grade .................................................................. 105
" 4 -Dubuque Packing Company, City 11lanager instructed to
confer with officials of said Company for the pur-
pose of arriving at soiree immediate method for the
elimination of the odors and gases coming from the
Bee Branch Sewer as complained of by the persons
living in the vicinity of I~niest and Elm Streets ..... 106-145
" 4 -Deyoe, George, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 109
" 4 -Dubuque Golf Chcb, granted Class "B" beer permit......... 109
" 4 -Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class "B"
beer permit .......................................................................... 109
" 6 -Dubuque Trades anct Labor Congress, requesting per-
mission to rent the grounds adjoining the Athletic
Field for the holding of a carnival .................................. 112
June 1 -Duffy, Vincent and Steve Cole, granted cigarette permit 125
" 1 -Duffy, Vincent and Steve Cole, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 126
" 1 -Duttle, Ray E. and Arlene, granted Class "C" beer permit 126
" 30 -Dubuque Packing Company, advising that they were
ready to live up to their part of the agreement for the
filling of Lynn Street just as soon as the City causes
the removal of buildings and obstructions from Lynn
Street ....._ .........................._..........................._.................... 127
" 30 -Dubuque Packing Company, requesting permission to
make improvements and alterations in the alley be-
tween Sixteenth and Seventeenth Streets and Cedar
and IVIaple Streets ................................._.......................... 127-145
~. _, - --~
iN®~>C-E~ook 72
1942 SUBJECT rage
" 30-Dubuque Seecl Company, requesting permission to add
15 feet to their unloading platform at 169-171 Iowa
Street ........................................................................
" 30-Dubuque Club on Booker Hill, fire protection agreement 134
" 30-Deyoe, George, granted cigarette permit ..............................
granted cigarette permit
tal Trades Comicil
" 30-Dr. Pepper Bowling Lanes Club, granted cigarette per- 134
.................................................................................... .
mit ~ '
" 30-Dubuque Packing Company, granted cigarette permit
" 30-Donahue, James M., granted cigarette permit ..................
" 30-Duffy, Vincent and Steve Cole, granted cigarette pei'- 135
init .............................................................
........................... .
" 30-Diamond Grill Inc., granted cigarette permit ........................
" 30-Duncan, Dale, granted cigarette permit ..............................
granted Class "B" beer permit........
James M.
" 30-Dugan, Charles S. and May E., granted Class "B" beer 137-138
perinit ...................................................................................
July 6-Dubuque Park Board, certificate of tax levy ....................
" 6-Dubuque Safety Council urging Council to authorize City
Manager Rhomberg, Chief of Police Strub and Police
Judge Fautsch to attend the National Safety Con-
gress to be held in Chicago on October 6, 7 and 8,
1942 ........................................................................................
" 6-Dubuque Safety Council recomending and requesting
the necessary Property to elim-
i 141
Council to acqu
inate the protruding corner and correct the curve
at the intersection of West Fifth and Hill Streets....
" 6-Dodge Street from South Algona Street to Collins Street,
residents and property owners requesting the im 119-145
proving of said street ...................... ... ............................
Earl L., requesting that a sidewalk be ordered
" 21-De Voe
constructed ou the property next adjacent to Lot 2
Heights Addition ..............................................................
" 21-Dunbar, Otto J., granted Class "C" beer Permit ............... 150
Aug. 3-Dairy Dispatch Company, notice of claim ..........................159-179-180
bor Congress Labor Day Com-
d L
" 7-Dubuque Trades an
extending invitation to Council to participate
in Labor DaY Parade ...................................................... .
re-appointed as a member of the Police
" 7 164
and Fire Pension Boards .................................................. 164
8-Dubuque County Civilian Defense Council, submitting
proposed estimated expenses necessary to Properly
set up and equip the Headquarters Office and the
Control Center for the Civilian Defense Corps and
asking that Council act favorably on the same....... 176
" 8-Dubuque Park Board, requesting that the cost of secur-
ing atree spraying outfit be taken from the amount
realized from the sale of rock to Dubuque Stone
Products from the Eagle Point Park ............................
" 25-Decker, Frank, construction of sidewalk abutting the
West 170 feet of Lot 317 Davis Farm Addition........
" 25-Dubuque Packing Company, submitting sketches show-
ing their proposal as to the grade of the alley be-
tween Maple and Cedar Streets from Sixteenth
Street to Seventeenth Street .......................................
s co-
Oct. 5-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress asking Council
the securing of a war industry plant........
2-Dubuque County War Relief Council submitting report of
the receipts and expenditures in connection with the
1942 drive for funds terminated late in August........
INDEX-hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 2- Dubuque County War Relief Council submitting sugges-
tion that the City of Dubuque might in soiree man-
ner commemorate the Dubuque boys who have al-
ready made the supreme sacrifice ............................ 213
" 2 -Didesch, Al, making application for Fire Department
Service to the home of his father located just north
of Davis Avenue ................................................................. 214
" 16 -Decision and Order of The Iowa State Commerce Com-
mission requiring the Chicago Great Western Rail-
way Company to place a watchman at the East
Twenty-Ninth Street railroad crossing ........................ 227
Dec. 7- -Dubuque Civilian Defense Corps, requesting the use
of fire equipment for the sounding of sirens for
both the trial blackout test of December 9th and the
blackout of December 14th .............................................. 231
" 7 -Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association requesting permis-
sion for the holding of a bangle sale on December 12,
1942 ......................... ............................................................. 231
23 -Dubuque Real Estate Board, advising of their willing-
ness to co-operate in any and all matters and offer-
ing their services in the matter of purchasing land
required for the new City Airport ............................ 238
IN®E?C-~oolc 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 27-Elliott, I~. W. et a.l, requesting the rezoning from Two
Family Classification to Multiple Family Classifica-
tion the Southerly 100 feet of the Westerly Gl feet
of Lot 822 in A. McDaniel's Subdivision ................10-32-37-61-52
NIar. 10- Election of March 30, 1942, voting places selected............ 59
" 10 -Election of March 30, 1942, judges and clerks appointed 59-60
" 21 -Election of March 30, 1942, canvassing petitions for nom-
inations for Councilmen and Park Commissioner.... 7S
" 31 -Election of March 30, 1942, canvass of vote cast ................ 85
" 31 -Election of March 30, 1942, judges and clerks, payment
for services .......................................................................... 88
April 6- Eppler, Elmer and Eileen, transfer of address of Class
<<B„ beer Permit ................................................................ 92-93
" 21- -Eppler, Elmer, transfer of address of cigarette permit.... 102
-Iay 15 -Even, Joseph J. (Black and White Cab Company), taxi-
cab bond ..................................................._....................... 11S
June 1 -Eisenegger, Arthur J., granted Class "E" beer Permit........ 126
" 30 -Emergency tax of five-eighths of a mill, resolution and
application for authority to levy the same ................ 133-142
" 30 -Eichhorn, Mrs. Cora, granted cigarette permit .................. 134
" 30 -Eichman, Arthur H., granted cigarette permit .................. 134
" 30 -Ender, A. J., granted two cigarette Permits ........................ 135
" 30 -Eisenegger, Arthur J., granted cigarette permit ................ 135
" 30 -Eppler, Enner, granted cigarette Permit...._ ....................... 135
" 30 -Eppler, Elmer and Eileen, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ................................................................................_....... 137-135
Oct. 5- Election of November 3, 1942, voting places selected........ 207
" 13 -Election Special of November 3, 1942, on the proposition
of levying an annual tax for Airport purposes ..........
. 2 0 8 -2 0 9-210- 211-2 21-2 2 2
Nov. 4 -Ellerl3ach, Nh•s. Joseph, notice of claim ............................. 223-234-235
" 16 -Emergency Funcl, resolution and application for the
permanent transfer of $16,963.36 from said fund to
the Grading Fund and the sum of $13,443.36 from
said fund to the Improvement Fund ....................228- 229-232-233
_ _ ~~
~-- T
~hIDEX-~'ool~ 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 27-Farley and Loetscher Manufacturing Company, request-
ing permission to install four underground storage
tanks in Jackson Street at the southwest corner of
Ninth and Jackson Streets ..............................................11 -12-25-29
Feb. 2- Friedman Insurance Agency, requesting release of the
beer bond of Joseph W. and Virginia Hanten..........., 19
" 17- Fury, Mrs. P. J., notice of claim ........................................ 24-171
" 17- Frith, E. E. Co., agreement for fire protection ..................... 27
Mar. 8- Fischbach, Hubert M. and Ethel, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 37-38
April 6- First National Eank, appointed as a depository of public
funds .................................................................................... 89
May 4- Fuchs. Nfary M. et al, requesting• that curb and gutter be
constructed on Lombard Avenue .................................... 105-125
" 15- Fremont Avenue and Wartburg Place sanitary sewer,
sale of $3,500.00 special assessment bonds to pay for
the construction of said sewer.._ .................................. 11G
June 30- Frith, E. T., President of E. E. Frith Company, Inc., re-
questing that the railroad tracks on Eighteenth
Street Ue covered so that travel can be made pos-
sible as Lynn Street is not suitaUle for travel and
that traffic conditions on Sixteenth Street and Syca-
more Street is interferring with their normal trade 127
" 30 -Fire Pension Board, certificate of tax levy ...................... 129
" 30 -Fire Retirement Board, certificate of tax levy .................. 130
" 30 -Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted cigarette permit...... 134
" 30 -Finch, Alford, granted cigarette permit .............................. 134
" 30 -Flick, Morris B., granted cigarette permit ........................... 134
" 30 -Falkenhainer, Charles, granted cigarette permit ................ 135
" 30 -Freymann, L. A. and S. P. Wright, granted cigarette per-
lllit ......................................................................................... 135
" 30 -Fischbach, Hubert NI. and Ethel, granted cigarette per-
mit .......................................................................................... 135
" 30 -Fortman, Anton, granted cigarette permit ....................... 13G
" 30 -Fraternal Order of Eagles, granted Class "B" beer permit 136-138
" 30 -Flynn, John D. and Gussie, granted Class "B" Ueer per-
mit ............................................................_......_.................... 13G-13S
" 30 -Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class `B" Ueer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 137-138
" 30 -Fortman, Anton, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 137-138
July G -Fire Department NTaintenance Fuud, transfer of the
amount of X24,022,23 front said ftmd to the Bonclecl
Debt Fund ............................................................................ 146-152
" 21 -Faldorf, NIrs. Mary, oUjecting to the proposed improve-
ment for the curbing of Eleanol• Street ............................ 150
Aug. 3 -Fay, Mabel, notice of claim ......................_............................ 159-179
° 3 -Fitschel, Esther, bond ............................................................ 161
3 -Fautsch, Louis F., bond ......._ ................................................... 161
" 15 -Fraternal Order of Eagles, requesting permission to
build a loading platform in the rear of their Uuild-
ing~ ......................................................................170-181-192-193-201-202
" 15 -Fire Engine, acceptance of new American La France
Fire Truck ............................................................................ 173
Sept. S -Fischbach, Hubert NI., requesting refunds on his beer
and cigarette permits ..................................................... 177
" 8 -Fluckiger, Albert, ordered to construct sidewalks abut-
ting the West 170 feet of Lot 300 and 317 Davis Farm
Addition ............................................................................... 182-193
" 25 -Fischbach, Hubert M. and Ethel, granted cigarette per-
llllt ........................................................................................ r
Ii~lDCY-Cook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 25-Fischbach, Hubert Nl. and Ethel, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................. 195
Nov. 2-Freyman, Lewis A. and Spencer P. tiVright, granted
Class ,~B„ beer permit ................................................... 219
llec. .-Fire Chief to be instructed to cause an investigation to be
made of the fire hazard created by the building on
the rear of the property located at 1458 Locust
Street as suggested by the Board of Adjustment.... 235
" r-Fire Chief to be inch°ucted to submit for Council consid-
eration aproposed fire prevention ordinance............ 235-236
" 23-Farley and Loetscher Mfg. Co., requesting the vacation
of the alley between L+'ig~hth and Ninth Streets and
tiVhite and Jackson Streets .............................................. 233
INDEX-~oolc 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
NIar. 2- Grab, Erwin M. and Helen, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 37-38
"L- Grinune, Mrs. Elizabeth and Win. F. Hansen, granted
Class "B" beer permit ...................................................... 37-38
" 20- Genthe, Mrs. Frank, notice of claim .................................... 72-132-133
" 21- Grommersch, John J., granted refnuds on both his cigar-
ette and beer permits .................................................... 78
" 21- Glenn, Milton J., District Judge, urging• Council to adopt
an ordinance licensing junk dealers ............................ 78
May 4- Gantert, Harry N. and Lucile, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 109
June 1 -Gandolfo Street, residents and property owners, re-
questing the improving of said street .......................... 119-145
" 30- Grove, George A., Auditor of Gasoline Tax Department,
requesting that Terminal Street be repaired and
placed in a passable condition ........................................ 128
" 30 -Galle, 1VIrs. Bernice, granted cigarette permit .................. 133
" 30 -Gantert, Harry N., granted cigarette permit ...................... 134
" 30 -Gala, Dominick, granted cigarette permit .......................... 134
" 30 -Grode, Harry and Viola, granted cigarette permit........ 135
" 30 -Gordon, Elmer, granted cigarette permit ............................ 135
" 30 -Galle, Mrs. Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 136-137
" 30 -Gala, Dominick and Alice, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ......................................................................................... 136-138
Aug. 15 -Gandolfo Street from Dodge Street to St. Joseph Street,
request of property owners that the width of said
street be fixed at 36 feet instead of 30 feet as pro-
posed ...................................................................................... 170
Sept. S -Gordon, Elmer, requesting a refund on his cigarette per-
mit .......................................................................................... 177
" S -Grode, Harry and Viola, granted Class "B" beer permit 183-184
" 18 -General Drivers and Helpers Local Union No. 421, dona-
tion of the use of a Portable Aluminum Lung............ 187
Oct. 5 -Grutz, John, granted cigarette permit .................................. 204
" 5 -Grutz, John and Clara, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 205
Nov. 16 -Grading Fund, resolution and application for the per-
manent transfer of $16,963,36 from the Emergency
Fund to said Grading Fuuct .....................................228-2 29-232-233
IhID~X-Book 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Hanten, Joseph W. and Virginia, granted cigarette per-
~ mit ..............................................................._......................... 5
" 5- Hanten, Joseph TV. and Virginia, granted Class "B"
I beer permit ......................................_.................................. G
" 27- Haller, Wm. A., suspension of 1941 taxes .......................... 10-27
" 27- Hammel, A. L., excavation bond .............................................. 10
" 2 7- Hanten, Joseph W. and Virginia, transfer of address of
l Class „B>, beer permit ................................................._. 17
"iii Feb. 2- Hanten, Joseph W. and Virginia, requesting refunds on
both cigarette and beer permits .................................. 19
" 2- Healey, Clarence J. and Alice, granted Class "B" beer
Permrt ...................................................................................
" 13- Heisey, Birdeva B., by R. P. Roedell, her attorney, waiv-
er on acceptance of contract for the construction
'°'""'~ of a sanitary sewer in Fremont Avenue and in Wart-
' burg Place .........................................._................................ 22
~~ 17- Hillcrest Baby Fold, agreement for fire protection............ 27
II~ 17- Home of the Good Shepherd, agreement for fire protec-
tion .......................................................................................... 27
', 24- Howe, Cecelia, suspension of 1941 tales ............................ 31-32
', Mar. 2- Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 37-3S
" 20- Hogan, Margaret E., suspension of 1941 taxes ................_ 74-54
IIII~ 20- Hill, Thos. J., submitting application for appointment
~ as a member of Board of Review for the 1942 term 74
1111 April
, 111 6- Hill, Thomas J., appointed member of Board of Review._. S9
" 6- -Hanover, Harry J., City Assessor, bond ........................... 91
" 6 -Hail, John Joseph, Superintendent and Cashier of Water
Department, bond .............................................................. 91
F ii ~~
I ~ 6- Hedrick, Jacob, granted Class "B" beer permit........... 92-93
i „ 21 -Harwood, M. L., granted cigarette permit ...................... 102
' May 4 -Hind, Frank B., suspension of 1941 taxes ........................_.. 106-112
~ ( 4 -Hill, Thomas, re-appointed as a member of the Police
~ ,~ (,,' and Fire Pension Board for term expiring April 1,
1946 ........................................................................................ 107
' ,III 4 -Henkel, Gus, granted cigarette permit ............................_ lOS
!tI June 1 -Hoskins, Arthur, submitting offer in the amount of $70.00
I, cash in full settlement of special assessments levied
; against Lot 4 of Jansen Subdivision INTO. 3 on Roose-
velt Street ............................................................................
"' 30 -Hill, Thomas J., warrant in the amount of $200.00 ordered
I~~ drawn in his favor for services rendered as a mem-
' ber of Board of Review .................................................. 133
'I~~~~~ 30 -Hartig Drug Co., granted three cigarette permits........... 134
j ~~ ~~ 30 -Hochberger, John, granted cigarette permit_ ................._. 134
~iI• 30 -Hedrick, Jacob, granted cigarette permit ....................... 134
~; 30 -Hansen, Wm. F., granted cigarette permit ..................... 134
'~ ~~ 30 -Helsel, Irvin G., granted cigarette permit .................... 134
' '
i 30 -Helmer, Hillis H., granted cigarette permit........... 134
30 -Hogan, Vincent J., granted cigarette permit ..... 134
-Haley, Amy, granted cigarette permit ................
" 30 -Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted cigarette permit ....................... 135
30 -Henkel, Gus, granted cigarette permit ............................... 135
ll 30 -Hollywood Grille, granted cigarette permit ....................... 135
,, 30 -Harwood, Mrs. NI. L., granted cigarette permit ................ . 135
" 30 -Hughes, R. D, and R. D. Jr., granted cigarette permit...... 135
II'~ 30 -Hind, Mrs. Rosemary, granted cigarette permit............ 135
I 30 -Hogan, Richard, granted cigarette permit ............. 135
'~ 30 -Horne, William, granted cigarette permit .......................... 135
" 30 -Hoppman, Ann Haley, granted cigarette permit......... 135
IIICi~ ', 30 -Harwood, M. L., granted cigarette permit .......................... 135
~ 30 -Haas, Louise M., granted cigarette permit ...................... 13G
IN®EX-F3ook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
30-Herber, Arthur, granted cigarette permit ..........................
30-Herber, Arthur and Theresa, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ..........................................................................................
30-Helmer, Hillis H. and Florence S., granted Class "B" beer
permit ....................................................................................
30-Horne, William and Mary, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ..........................................................................................
30-Hughes, R. D. and R. D. Jr., granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ........................._...............................................................
0-HauPert, Mrs. et al, requesting that some action be taken
to abate the nuisance caused by the odors and dirt
coming from the Rock Wool Plant and also to elim-
inate tlae odors from the Dubuque Packing Company
plant .........._ ............................................................................
21-Hennessey, Maurice, notice of claim ....._ ...........................
3-Hogan, Richard, requesting refund on cigarette permit
3-Hawkeye Lodge, application for Class "B" beer permit
3-Hawkeye Lodge, application for cigarette permit............
S--Hall, Ben H., Director of Property Tax Division, State
Tax Conunissiou, Des Moines, Iowa, extending invi-
tation to City Assessor to attend meeting of the Na-
tional Association of Assessing Officers at Denver
Colorado ...............................................................................
S-Hohmann, G. 4V., requesting release of the beer aucl
cigarette bonds issued to The Service Club............
8-Hochberger, Johu A. and William, granted Class "B"
beer permit ..........................................................................
S-Hawkeye Lodge, application for Class "B" beer permit
25-Huber, IVTartin M., submitting application for appoint-
ment as a member of Civil Service Commission....
25-Hohmann, George, requesting release of both the cigar-
ette anti beer bonds of Hubert M. and Ethel L. Fisch-
bach ........................................................................................
5-Hawkeye Lodge, granted Class "B" beer permit............
5-Hawkeye Lodge, granted cigarette permit ......................
2-Heins, Helen, notice of claim ..............................................
2-Heitzmann, ~Villiatn F., Mayor and City Clerlt author-
ized and directed to execute a corrected deed for
the purchase of a strip of laud at Elm anti Twenty-
Fourth Streets ......................................................................
2-Hircl, iVlrs. Rosemary, granted Class "B" beer permit........
2-Heckel, Gus anti Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit
10-Handel. Emil, notice of claim .................................................
INDE:~-hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Illinois Central Raih'oad Company, requesting authority
to construct and maintain aside-track to enter the
premises occupied by Marmis acid Solomon from the
north commencing on Salina Street at a point op-
posite Lot 11 in Dubuque Harbor Company Addition
southeasterly into the premises described as Lots
9, 8 and 7 in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addi-
tion 6-7-8-15-16-25-26
" 27- Illinois Central Railroad Company, requesting the City
to waive and release any and all claims the City
has or may have for damages resulting from the con-
struction of a spur track from a track in Salina
Street in the premises described as Lots 7, 8 and 9 in
Block 13, Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition........ 1G
Feb. 17- Immaculate Conception Academy, agreement for fire
protection ..........................................................................._.. 27
April 8- Interstate Porver Company, regarding the proposed re-
routing of the West Dubuque and Seminary buses in
order to give service to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
and St. Anthony's Home ............................................. 97
May 4- Iowa Children's Home Society, requesting Council to
defer giving permission to the Volunteers of Amer-
ica for the holding of a tag day ...................................... 105
" 4 -Interstate Power Company, requesting permission to re-
route the West Dubuque buses, the Eagle Point
buses, the Fremont buses and NIt. Carmel buses .......
......................................... .
June 30 ..................
-Iowa Children's Home Society, requesting• permission
for the holding of a tag day .... .................................... 128
" 30 -Irwin, Ray, granted cigarette permit ............._..._.......... 135
July G -Iowa State Commex•ce Commission, relative to the appli-
cation of the City of Dubuque for an order requiring
a watchman at East Twenty-Ninth Street railroad
" 21 crossing ....................._.......................... .................................
-Interstate Power Company, requesting that the City ar- 142
range with the State Highway Commission for the
repair of Doclge Street in order that the rails may be
removed from said street and salvaged ........................ 151
" 21 -Iowa State Highway Conunission, submitting four copies
of a contract for Primary Road Extension Mainten-
ance and also stating that they would appreciate
knowing if the Council definitely decides to g~o ahead
with the removal of the rails on Dodge Street.......... 151
" 21 -Iowa State Highway Commission, proposal to improve
by paving the extension of Primary Road No. 20
from West end of new bridge approach westerly on
Dodge Street 286.3 feet ................................................ 153
Sept. 8 -International Association of Chiefs of Police exteud-
tending invitation to Chief of Police to attend the
Three Day War Conference of Police Executives to
be held in New York City .......................................... 17G
" 8 -Iowa State Highway Commission, submitting' a supple-
mental contract covering the reconditioning of
Dodge Street for the application of bitxnninous sur-
facing .................................................................................... 178-179
" 25 -Interstate Power Company, removal of rails and ties
from the streets of the City of Dubuque and Mayor
and Clerk authorized to execute a release to the
Interstate Power Company upon receipt of a bill
of sale covering said rails, ties and materials........188-189-190
III®EX-Book 7~
1942 SUBJECT Page
Nov. 16-Iowa State Commerce Commission, decision and order
requiring the Chicago Great Western Railroad Com-
pany to place a watchman at the East Twenty-Ninth
Street railroad crossing .........._ ....................................... 227
" 16-Improvement Fund, resolution and application for the
permanent transfer of $18,443.36 from the Emer-
gency Fund to said Improvement Fund .............228-229-232-233
" 16-hnprovement Funcl, resolution and application for the
permanent transfer of $20,000.00 from the Water
Works General Funcl to said Improvement Funcl.... 229-233
I ~J ®~3~---- BOOk 72.
1942 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 13- Jackson, Eleanor Burch, waiver on acceptance of con-
tract for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Fre-
mont Avenue and in Wartburg Place .... ..................... 21
Mar, 2- Jansen, Henry and Lucille, granted Class "B" beer Per-
mit .......................................................................................... 37-38
" 2- Johnson, Philip and Marvel, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 37-38
" 10 -Judges and Clerks, appointed fer March 30, 1942 elec-
tion ......................................................................................... 59-60
" 20- Jansen, Henry and Lucille, transfer of address of Class
"B" beer permit .._ ........................................................... 76
" 31 -Judges and Clerks of Election of March 30, 1941, pay-
ment for services ........................................................... 83
April 6- Joiies, NIrs. Elizabeth, notice of claim .... .....................
Nlay 4 -Jansen, Henry and Lucille, granted cigarette permit...... 108
June 30 -Jacquinot, Harry J., granted cigarette permit .................. 135
" 30 -Joseph, Mrs. N. B., granted cigarette permit ................. 135
" 30 -Jansen, Henry and Lucille, gi°anted cigarette permit........ 135
ir~~x-eo®~. ~2
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Klauer, B. F., J. C. Loosbrock and J. A. Rhomberg, re-
questing the vacation of the alley between Elm and
Pine Streets from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth
Street ...._ ................................................_............................3-S- 11-27-25
" 27- Kohler Brothers, requesting a refund ou their cigarette
permit .................................................................................... 9
" 27- Kramer, Nick, granted cigarette permit ..........................._ . 17
" 27- Kramer, Nick and Marie J., granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 17
Feb. 13- Kiesel, Henrietta Coates, waiver on acceptance of the
contract for the construction of a sanitary sewer
in Fremont Avenue and Wartburg Place .................... 21
" 13- Kelly, Frank NL, waiver on acceptance of the contract
for the construction of sanitary sewer in Fremont
Avenue and Wartburg Place ....................................... 21
" 17- Krueger, Nirs. Theresia, notice of claim ............................ 24-36
" 17- Key City Gas Company, annual report covering financial
operations for the calendar year 1941 ....................... 25
NIar. 2- Kolb, Vincent John, fireman, requesting a leave of absence
as he has been incluctecl in the armed forces of the
United States under the Selective Service Act........ 35
,, 10- Kuelnlle, Louis, suspension of 1941 tales ...................... 56-75
" 10- Koehler, Sarah, suspension of 1941 taxes ...................... 56-75
April 6- Kintzinger, John J., City Solicitor, bond .......................... 91
May 4- Klauer Manufacturing Company, requesting rezoning
of Lots 247 to 25S both inclusive, in Glendale Addi-
tion No. 3 from Two Family to Light Industrial
classification ......................................................107-108-111 -112-119
" 4 -Kemler, J. E., approval of purchase of Lots 31 and 32
Levi's addition from Dubuque County ........................ 110
" 15- Kissell, F., requesting suspension of penalties oal un-
paid special assessments against Lot 44 of Farley
Sub . ..................................................................................115-12 4-12 5
June 1- Kormaun, Norman J., notice of claim ....................................120-142-143
" 30 -Knights of Columbus, granted cigarette permit........... 134
" 30- Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted cigarette Permit 134
" 30 -Kruse, Geo. C. and Dorothy Kruse Kiene, granted cig-
. arette permit ........................................................................ 134
" 30 -Keller. Mae and Ruth Iiellel• Motz, granted cigarette per-
nut ...................................................................................... 3
" 30 -Kramer, Nick and Nlarie J„ granted cigarette permit.. 134
" 30 -Kintzinger, Nick, granted cigarette permit ..................... 134
" 30 -Karig~an, Anclre~v, granted t~vo cigarette permits ......... 135
" 30 -Kretz, E. P., granted cigarette permit ..........................._... 135
" 30 -Kies, Theodore T., granted cigarette permit ..................... 135
" 30 -Koleopulos, Steve, granted cigarette permit ..................... 135
" 30 -Kress, Hubert J., granted cigarette permit ........................ 136
" 30 -Klauer,Julien Ilotel Co., granted Class "B" beer permit 136-137
" 30 -Kanavas, George, granted Class "B" beer permit.......... 137-135
" 30 -Karigan, Anclretiv D. a,nd Violet, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 137-135
" 30 -Kolepulos, Steve, granted Class "S" beer permit.......... 137-138
" 30 -Klein, Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit 137-135
" 30 -Iireas, Hubert J. and Maly, grauted Class "B" beer per-
mit ........................................................................................ 137-135
July 6 -Key City Gas Company, excavation bond .......................... 146
' 21 -Kane, Allen C., requesting a leave of absence as he has
been incluctecl into the armed forces of the United
States ...................................................................................... 150
Aug. 3 -Kunz, Mrs. Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 161-162
" 3 -Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 16~
111®X-Fools 7~
1942 SUBJECT Page
Sept.. S- -Klauer Manufacturing Company, requesting the re-zon-
ing of Lots 247-258, both inclusive, in Glendale Ad-
dition No. 3 and also requesting the vacation of the
alley between Suasihugton anct Elm Streets from the
north line of East Twenty-Sixth Street to the south
line of East Twenty-Seventh Street ............................ 176-194
" 8- Kolfenbach, Eclgar, requesting a refund on an unused
. .........
building permit ....................................................... 178
" S -Kennedy, Patrick P~, and Minnie, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 183-184
" 25 -Kintzinger, Nic Estate, requesting a refund on cigarette
Oct Kress, Hubert J., requesting a refund on both his beer
and cigarette permits .................................................... 200
Nov. 2- Kretschmer Insurance Agency, requesting return of the
, Excavation Bond of iVlaurice A. Hill ........................... 214
Dec. 23 -Klein, Fred, notice of claim .... ............................................ 238
Jau. 5- Lee, James F., claim disallowed ........................._................ 5
" 5- LuxemUurg Club, granted cigarette permit ........................... 5
Feb. 2- Lenstra, F. H., requesting refunds on both his cigarette
and beer permits ................................................................ 19
2- Lee, James F., requesting Council to accept the contract
for the construction of the sanitary sewer in Fre-
' wont Avenue and Wartburg Place ...................._........ 19
" 13- Loetscher, A. E., waiver on acceptance of contract for
the construction of a sanitary sewer in Fremont
Avenue and in Wartburg Place .................................... 21
17- Luudbeck, Catherine S., suspension of 1941 taxes............ 25-32
Mar. 10- Lynch, William J., fireman, requesting a leave of absence
as he has been inducted in the armed forces of the
United States under the Selective Service Act........ 56
" 20- Lee, James F., T. A. Polsean a.nd H. L. Fitzgerald, ob-
je~ting to the adoption of the Budget Appropriation
Ordinance in all of its details for the reason that it
does not comply with the provisions of the Local
Budget Law ......................................................................... 60-61
" 20L eidinger, Mayme, notice of claim ...................................... 73-117
" 20- Lee, Jas. F. et al, protesting and oUjecting• to the prac-
tice prevailing of holding secret, special, formal or
informal, regular or irregular meetings Uehind
closed doors of the Manager's office or elsewhere
to the exclusion of the puUlic .......................................... 74
" 21- Lagen, Louis J., submitting application for appointment
as member of the Civil Service Commission.......... 75-97.9S
" 2"r -Lee, Jas. F. et al, submitting objections in addition and
in further support of the objections already filed to
the adoption of the proposed Budget Appropriation
Ordinance .............................................................................. 79
" 27 -Lee, Jas. F. et al, requesting Uus service for the conven-
fence of Mercy Hospital, St. Anthony's Home for
the Aged and the Nurses Home on Peabody Street S2
" 31 -Lundin, J. W., infoi•iuing Council that he would be
pleased to serve in the capacity as a member of
the Board of Review .................................................... 86
April 21 -Landon, Charles T., Park Commissioner, bond ................ 99
" 21 -Lee, Jas. F. et al, objecting to the issue or sale of bonds
Yor the improvement of West Thircl Street and stat-
ing reasons for an investigation of the West Thircl
Street paving and again demanding the removal
from office of City Manager RhomUerg• and City
Solicitor I~intzinger ......................_.................................... 100
" 21 -Lee, Jas. F. Paving Co., bill in the amount of $98.07 for
extra work for construction of sanitary sewer in
Fremont Avenue and also bill in the amount of
$2G0.00 to expense of delay in completion of sanitary
sewers in Plum Street and iu Fremont Avenue........ 100
" 21 -Librarian of the Carnegie-Stout Free Public Library, au-
W~al report ............................................................................ lol
May 4 -Lee, Mary L., Ex. and Mary A. Lee, Estate, by Jas.
F. Lee, entering complaints to the West Locust
Street sewer menace and demanding iuunediate re-
lief from this menace ................................................... 105-120
4 -Leik, William et al, residents aucl property owners in
the vicinity of Iiniest and Elm Streets entering
complaints and requesting elimination oY the odors
and gases coming from the Bee Eranch Sewer in
• the vicinity of hniest and Elm Streets ...................... 106-145
INDEX-C3ook 72
1942 SUBJECT age
June 1- Lee, James F. Paving Company, bill in the amount of
$237.22 for balance due on Fremont Avenue Sewer 119
" 1- Link, Leo and Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 126
" 30- Library Board, certificate of tax levy .................................... 129
" 30- Leik, Wm. C., granted cigarette permit ............................. 134
" 30- Ludwig, M. J., granted cigarette permit ............................ 134
" 30- Loyal Order of Moose, granted cigarette Permit........_.... 134
" 30- Lick, Leo, granted cigarette permit ....................._............ 135
" 30- Luber, John, granted cigarette permit ................_.............. 135
" 30- Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, granted cigarette permit 136
July 6- Linehan and Molo, excavation bond ...................................... 146
" 21- Launspach, Carl, requesting vacation of the alley ad-
joining Lot 146 and Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 131 in Finley
Addition ................................................................................149-1S1-194
" 21- Leonard, Frank E., requesting suspension of 1941 taxes . 150-161
Aug. 3- Lee, Jas. F., A. L. Mutschler and T. A. Poisean, object-
ing' to the adoption of the proposed City Budget as
published .............................................................................. 157-166
" 3- League of Iowa IViunicipalities, submitting statement of
annual dues and advising that the annual convention
would be held at Ceclar Rapids on August 17, 13
and 19, 1942 .......................................................................... 159
" 3- Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 162
Sept. 8 -Leiser, Emil C., granted cigarette permit ............................ 183
" 8- Leiser, Emil C., granted Class "B" beer permit........... 183-184
" 8- Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 183-184
" 18- Lee, Jas. F., T. A. Polsean and A. L. Mutschler, request-
ing the filing with the City Clerlc for public record
and inspection the amount of public funds expended
in the sponsorship of W. P. A. Project for the im-
provement of Cox Street, Garfield Avenue and also
for the improvement of Sycamore Street, also the
original copy of the report of Audit of the Inter-
state Power Company and recommendation of the
Canavan-Lang Co. pertaining to the rates for electric
service, also a proper statement of annual revenue
of the Interstate Power Company in m•der to
establish and confirm the facts for the schedule of
rates as adopted by ordinance ........................................ 187
" 25 -Lenz, E. F., calling attention of City Council to condition
of sidewalks in front of 109 and 111 West Thirteenth
Oct. 5 Street .....................................................................................
-Link, Joseph P., notice of claim and settlement of same 191
Nov. 2 -Lewis, U. S., Mayor of East Dubuque, Illinois, requesting
that the City of L+'ast Dubuque be advised of the re-
quirements to be met in order to obtain the service
of the Dubuque Fire Department in case of an
" 2 emergency ..........................................................................
-Loras College, granted cigarette permit .............................. X14
Dec. 7 -LeVau, Archie, excavation bond ...................._...................... 235
" 7 -Luber John and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 236
!!~1®EX-~oolc 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 13-McGuire, Clem, waiver on acceptance of contract for
the construction of a sanitary sewer in Fremont
Avenue and in Wartburg Place ..................................... 21
" 13- McDonald, James B., settlement of claim ............................ 23
" 17- McCarten, H. B., excavation hoed .......................................... 27
NTay 15- McCarthy, Charles J., Harbor and Market Master, bond 118
June 30- McDonald, Daniel, granted cigarette permit ........................ 134
" 30- McLaughlin, Frank, granted cigarette permit .................... 134
" 30- McCann, Eugene, granted cigarette permit ........................ 135
" 30- McFarlane, Robert, granted cigarette permit ...................... 136
" 30- McDonald, Daniel and Loretta, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 136-138
" 30- McLaughlin, Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit...... 136-138
July G- McCabe, Jay, requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer
pei•init .................................................................................... 141
.dug. 15 -:McGrath, Andrew et a.l, requesting• that width of Gan-
dolfo Street from Dodge Street to St. Joseph Street
he fixed at 36 feet instead of 30 feet as proposed........ 170
Sept. S -11IcCaun, Eugene P., report and recommendation of Chief
of Police Strub for revocation of Class "B" beer
permit of Eugene P. McCann ......................................... 182
Oct. 5- McCann, Eugene P., granted Class "B" beer permit.......... 206
Dec. 7 -McCarten, H. B., excavation bond .......................................... 235
I N ®~>C--- Book 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jau. 5- Meuser, W. H., requesting Council to remit the penalty
accruing against street improvement assessments
on the Easterly t/ of Lot 12 of John King's Dubuque 3
" 5- Mettel Reality and Investment Co., City Solicitor Kint-
ziuger recommendation that their otter of $25.00
to have the records of the special assessments
against Lot 13 in 1~IcClaiu's Subdivision released, be
accepted ............................................................................... 5
Feb. 13- Mulgrew, Russel J., waiver on acceptance of contract for
the construction of a sanitary sewer in Fremont
Avenue and in Wartburg Place .................................. 21
" 13- -Zehlhop, Sadie G., waivers on acceptance of contract for
the the construction of a sanitary sewer in Fremont
Avenue and in Wartburg Place ...................................... 21
" 17- Maize~vood Insulation Company, Waiver and Release of
Damage to the Illinois Central Railroad Company on
the construction of a. spur track in Salina Street
into the premises described as Lots 7, S and 9,
Block 13, of Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition 25
" 17- Marmis, Meyer, Sam NIarmis, Davicl Solomon, Waiver
and Release of Damage to the Illinois Central Rail-
road Company on the construction of a spur track in
Salina Street into the Premises described as Lots
7, 8 and 9, Block 13, of Dubuque Harbor Cmnpany's
Addition ..... ..._ ................................................................ 26
" 17- Mount St. Agnes Novitiate, agreement for fire protection 27
Mar. 2- Martin, Rev. &T. J., President of Loras College, request-
ing permission for the sponsoring of the sale of
"Remember Pearl Harbor„ buttons ._ ....................... 35
" 2- Mayor and Chief of Police authorized to attend Safety
Meeting to be held at Des -Ioines on 141arch 4, 1942 51
April 6- Marshall, Robert P., City Auditor, bond . ..............._.. 91
" G- Mihalas, Ellas and Ruby, granted Class "B" beer permit 92-93
" 21- Mayor empowered to take whatever steps he feels nec-
essary in the interest of securing war work for Du-
buque industries auct for the obtaining of new war
industries ._....... .......... ............_.. ........._............... 102-10G
May 4 -Mitchell, H., notice of claim .............. ........................._105-117-120
" 4 -Meyer, Martin and Vernon, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .._ ................................................................................... 109
" 4 -Meyer, N. J., approval of purchase of Lot 41 of Woodlawu
Park Addition froth Dubuque County ........................ 110
" 15 -Memorial Day Committee, extending' invitation to City
Council to participate in Demorial Day parade and
program ... ............................................_......................... 115
June 30 -Mulgrew, Thos. J. Co., requesting that Terminal Street
be repaired and placed in a passable condition..........,. 123
" 30 -Machinek, Joseph J., granted cigarette Permit .................. 133
" 30 -Meyer, Paul J., granted cigarette permit ........ ............... 134
" 30 -Noes, Anthony TV. and Eolith, granted cigarette permit 134
" 30- -Miller, George, granted cigarette permit ......... ................ 134
" 30 -Manteruach, Gus L., granted cigarette permit ................ 135
" 30 -Maas, Wm., granted cigarette permit .... ........................... 135
" 30 -Meyers, Kermit and Thomas Lilly, granted cigarette
permit ................................................................................ 135
" 30 -Manders, Edmund N., granted cigarette permit ................ 135
" 30 -Mihalakis, Phillip, granted cigarette permit .................... 135
" 30 -MacDonald, E. E., granted cigarette permit .......... ....... 13G
" 30 -Noes, Anthony M. and Edith, granted Class "B" beer
permit ......... ................................................................. 136-13 r
" 30 -Meyer, Albert NL, g;ranted Class "B" beer permit............ 136-13?
IN®EX-Book 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 30- Machinek, Joseph J., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 13G-137
" 30- Mengis, Walter and Mathilda, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 136-138
" 30- Mayerle, John S. and Florence, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 137-138
" 30 -Maas, Wm. and Elizabeth, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 137-138
Aug. 3 -Mihalakis, Phillip and Viola, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 161-162
" 3 -Miller, Mrs. Florence M., granted Class "B" beer permit 161-162
" 15 -Mettel Realty and Investment Company, requesting re-
lease of Class "C" Beer Bond of Ray E. and Arelene
Duttle .................................................................................... 170
Sept. 8 -Murphy Insurance Agency, requesting release of the
cigarette bond of Hollywood Grille .............................. 177
" 25 -11lurray, John, B. D. D. S., submitting application for ap-
pointment as a member of Civil Service Commission 190
" 25 -Murray, Dr. J. B., appointed as a member of Civil Service
Commission for term expiring March 31, 1946.......... 190-191
" 25 -Mangeno, Paul, granted cigarette permit .......................... 195
Oct. 5- Martin, J. O., awarded contract for cauiking• and paint-
ing the exterior window and door frames of the City
Hall ........................................................................................ 202
Nov. 2- Murphy Insurance Agency, requesting release of the
excavation bond of D. A. Joles .................................... 214
" 2 -Miller, Mrs. Date A., suspension of 1941 taxes ................ 215-224
" 2 -Mayer, Mrs. Fred, suspensin of 1941 taxes ...................... 215-224
" 16 -Mileage Administration, City Manager Rhomberg desig-
nated as mileage administrator .................................. 230
Dec. 23 -Meis, Stanley, granted cigarette permit .............................. 239-240
II~1®EY®~ook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
i~ June
27- Noel, Mrs. Louis C., notice of claim .................................. 9
20- Ney, Roy, granted cigarette permit ................................... 7G
G- Nelson, C. R. and Alice, granted Class "B" beer permit 92-93
6- Nickles, Miss Wilma et al, addressed Council relative to
the Annual Budget and Tax Levy .............................. 93
1- Nesler, Dr. Harry C. et al, requesting permission to con-
struct curb and gutter on Eleanore Street .................. 121
30- National Refining Company, requesting that Terminal
Street be repaired and placed in a passable con-
dition .......................................................................................... 128
30- Nardin, George, granted cigarette permit ........................ 133
30- Nicks, Ray, granted cigarette permit ................................. 134
30- Ney, Roy, granted cigarette permit ..................................... 135
30- Nelson, Charles R., granted cigarette permit .................. 135
30- Ney, P.oy, granted Class "B" beer permit.........._............ 137-138
3 -Noel, Mrs. Margaret, notice of claim .............................. 159-180
3 -Nardin, George, granted Class "B" beer permit ............... 183-184
3- North Encl Choral Club, application for Class "B" beer
permit ....................................................................................184-196-203
5- Ney, Roy, requesting a refund on both his beer and cigar-
ette permits ........................................................................ 200-201
5 -North End Choral Club, granted Class "B" beer permit 204
2- ATational Institute of Muncipal Law Officers extending
invitation to have City Solicitor attend the National
War Conference in New ~'orlc on December 2, 3 and
4, 1942 ................................................................................... 213
2 -Nicks, Ray, granted Class "B' beer permit .......................... 219
1G -North Encl Choral Club, granted cigarette permit........... . 228
iNL~E:t--L3ook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
.Ian. 5-Ordinance No. 1-42. An Ordinance ameucling and chang-
ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro-
vided by Ordinance 1\TO. 3-34 designated "Zoning.
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change
from "Single Family District" to "Two Family Dis-
trict" the area bounded by Muscatine Street, Prim-
rose Street, Burlington Street and Sabula Street.... 1-12-13
" 5- Ordinance \'o. 2-42. An Ordinance amending "Ordi-
nance No. 23-32" being "An Ordinance regulating the
operation of tali cabs within the City of Dubuque
and fixing• the rates and prices to be charged for
the transportation of passengers from one part of
the City to another" by changing the rates fixed in
Ordinance No. 23-32 ........................................................ 2-13-11
' S- Ordinance No. 3-42. An Ordinance providing for the va-
cation of Harrison Street beginning 105 feet south
of the south line of Dodge Street and extending
southerly to the north line of Industrial Subdivision
and declaring an emergency ...................................... 4-14-15
" 5- Ordinance No. 4-42. An Ordinance granting to the
Illinois Central Railroad Company, its successors
and assigns, right to construct and maintain a side-
track from the tracks in Salina Street from a point
opposite Lot 11 of Block 13 in Dubuque Harbor Com-
pany's Addition thence southeasterly in Salina
Street and into the premises described as Lots 9,
8 and 7 of Block 13 Dubuque Harbor Company's Ad-
dition, and providing the terms and conditions
thereof ........................................................_........................ G-7-8-15-1G
" 27- Ordinance No. 5-42. An Ordinance providing for the va-
cation of the area between Elm and Pine Streets
from Fifteenth to Sixteenth Streets and for the
conveyance of said vacated area to E. F. Klauer,
J. C. Loosbrock and J. A. Rhomberg ............................_ 11-27-2S
' 27- Ordinance No. 6-42. An Ordinance amending' an Ordi-
nance entitled "Ordinance No. 99 Changing the
Names oY Streets, and Avenues within the City of
Dubuque" by changing the name of Doclge Street
running North and West from where Doclge Street
Street intersects with Fremont Street to the name
of Mcl~inley Avenue ...................................................... 11-12
" 27- Ordinance No. 7-42. An Ordinance granting to Farley
~~ Loetscher Mfg'. Co., its successors and assigns,
the right to install four underground storage tanks
at the Southwest corner of Ninth and Jackson
Streets under the level of Jackson Street and to
attach and maintain pipes and equipment iu con-
nection therewith .............................................................. 12-28-29
" 27 -Ordinance No. 8-42. An Ordinance regulating' and licens-
ing Junk Dealers and prescribing penalties for vio-
lation .................................................................................... 12
Feh. 13 -Ohmert, G. H., waiver on acceptance of contract for the
construction of a sanitary sewer iu Fremont Avenue
and in Wartburg Place ...................._.............................. 22
INDE>C-6ool~ 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 17- Ordinance No. 9-42. Au Ordinance amending and chang-
ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro-
vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" by striking from
Article VII, Light Industrial District Section 1, Use
Regulations, Subdivision "(28) Junk or scrap storage
or bailing of paper, rags or metals" and by inserting
in Article VII, Section 1, Use Regulations, Subdivi-
sion "(9) Junk or scrap storage of paper, rags or
metals" .................................................................................. 24-33-34
" 24- Orvis, John G., payment of special assessments levied
against his properly at 2120 Grace Street for the
paving of both Grace Street and Algona Street.... 31-35
" 24- Ordinance No. 10-42. An Ordinance amending au Ordi-
inance entitled "Ordinance No. 99 changing the
names of Streets and Avenues within the City of
Dubuque" by changing the name of Dodge Street
running North and West from where Dodge Street
intersects with Fremont Street to the name of
Lombard Avenue .............................................................. 34-57-58
Mar. 10- Ohmert, G. H., requesting a reduction in the amount of
$87.50 from the proposed special assessment to be
levied against his property at 380 Wartburg Place
for the construction of a sanitary sewer iu Fremont
Avenue and in Wartburg Place ...................................... 52-53
" 20- Ordinance No. 11-42. An Ordinance amending and
changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as
provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change
to "Multiple Residence District" the area contained
in City Lot 822 now being delimited as "Two Family
Residence District" ............................................................ G1-82
" 20- Ordinance No. 12-42. An Ordinance appropriating money
for the various funds and purposes of the City of
Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1942
and ending March 31, 1943 ................................................ 73,79-80.81
" 20 -Ordinance No. 13-42. An Ordinance to compel rail-
road companies to place and maintain flagmen upon
a certain public street at railroad m•ossings, provid-
ing regulations therefor and repealing ordinances
in conflict herewith .......................................................... 74.75-53
" 27 -Ordinance No. 14-42. An Ordinance amending and
changing the Zoning NIap of the City of Dubuque
as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated
"Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to
change to "Light Industrial District" the area bound-
ed on the southerly side by the center line of Dodge
Street, on the northerly side by the south property
line of City Lot No. 586, on the easterly side by
the center line of the alley first east of Bluff Street
and on the westerly side by the cetner line of Bluff
Street ...................................................................................... 83-91-92
" 27 -Ordinance regulating and licensing Junk Dealers re-
ferred to the City Council for further consideration 84
April 6 -O'Leary, Daniel J., Plumbing Inspector, bond .................... 91
~®EX- hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 21-Ordinance No. 15-42. An Ordinance amending and chang-
ing• the Zoning• Map of the City of Dubuque as pro-
vided by Ordinance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change
from "Single Family Residence District" to a "Two
Family Residence District" the area adjoining and
abutting Mt. Pleasant Street between Loras Boule-
vard and University Avenue ...._ ................................98-99-106-107
May 6-Ordinance No. 16-42. An Ordinance amending Ordi-
nance No. 12-1938, "Authorizing Interstate Power
Company, its successors and assigns to substitute
motor bus transportation for street railway trans-
portation, designating motor bus routes" by chang-
ing certain defined bus routes and by repealing any
and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict here-
with ........................................................................................113-115-116
.Tune 1-Ordinance No. 17-42. Au Ordinance amending and chang-
ing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as pro-
vided by Oridnance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to change
from a "Two Family Residence District" to "Light
Industrial District" the area embraced within Lots
247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257,
258 in Glendale Addition No. 3 .................................... 119
" 1-Ordinance No. 18-42. An Ordinance amending "Ordi-
nance No. 10-40" being "An Ordinance Regulating
the Use of Bicycles `Vithin the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, providing for the registration thereof, and
providing• for a penalty fm' violation hereof" by re-
quiring annual registration, and by repealing any
and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict here-
with ....... ............................................................................123-124-130-131
" 30-Olansky, M. B., granted cigarette permit .......................... 135
" 30-Ott, Joseph J. Jr., granted cigarette permit ...................... 135
" 30-O'Regan, Timothy, granted cigarette permit ...................... 136
" 30-O'Regan, Timothy and Louise, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 136-133
July 6-Ordinance No. 19-42. Au Ordinance amending Ordi-
nance No. 10-37 being "An Ordinance regulating the
use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Du-
buque; designating the provisions hereof as the.
`Traffic Code' of said City"; by making certain
streets stop intersections aucl by making certain oth-
er streets boulevards ...............................................146-147-152-153
" 21-Ordinance No. 20-42. An Ordinance granting to the Du-
buque Seed Company, its successors and assigns, the
right to construct and maintain an additional 15 feet
to the loading platform in the bacl: of 169-171 Iowa
Street and prescribing the conditions of such per-
mission ..................................................................................153-160-161
Aug. 7-Ordinance No. 21-42. An Ordinance regulating and pro-
hibiting the operation of roller skating rinks in
certain places in the City of Dubuque, describing
roller skating rinks, providing for revocation of
license for a penalty fm• the violation hereof and
repealing any and all ordinances or parts thereof in
conflict herewith ......................................................163-168-169-170
Sept. 8-Ordinance No. 22-42. An Ordinance establishing a grade
on Lombard Avenue fi•om Algona Street to Fremont
Avenue .................................................................................. 180-192
IN®X-~oolc 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
25 -Ordinance No. 23-42. An Ordinance granting to Eagles
Building Association, its successors and assigns, the
right to construct and maintain a loading• platform
in the alley between Main and Locust Streets be-
tween Fifth and Sixth Streets adjacent to its lniild-
iug ....................................................................................192-193-201-202
Oct. 13- Option transfering title of the old Standard Lumber
Company property, with reservations, to the Federal
Government for the establishing of a synthetic
rubber manufacturing• plant .......................................... 211.212
Nov. 4- Ordinance No. 24-42. An Ordinance relating to sidewalk
and/or street displays of meat and/or food pro-
ducts, repealing all Ordinances in conflict here-
with, and providing a penalty for the violation of
the provisions hereof ...................................................... 223-234
Dec. 7 -Ordinance granting' authority to the Illinois Central ',
Railroad Company to construct, maintain and oper-
ate certain track and sidings upon the public
grounds and streets of the City of Dubuque............ 231
" 23 -Option contract, granting Schenley Distrilleries Inc, of
Cincinnati, Ohio, an option to purchase approxi-
mately ten acres of laud adjacent to the Interstate
Power Company steam plant for purpose of con-
structing an alcohol plant thereon to aid in the
war effort, said plant to be approved by the W.P.B. 237
" 23 -O'Connor, Joseph J., notice of claim ...................................... 233
IN®EX-~oolc 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 5- Proclamation designating Tuesday, January 20, 1942,
as Red Cross Day .......................................................... 1
" 5- Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting report on
petition of Harold E. Molo, et al, requesting adoption
of an ordinance regulating the establishment, con-
e duct and location of junk yards and specifically ob-
jecting• to the new Maa•mis and Solomon junk yard
on Salina Street and recommending steps to regulate
the same ................................................................................ 3
" 5- Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendation for the denial of the petition of Joseph
C. Carom, et al, requesting the rezoning of the area
bounded on the east by the center line of Irving
and Avoca Streets, on the north by the center line
of Decorah and Cherry Streets, on the west by the
east line of the local business district at Asbury
Street and University Avenue, and on the south by
the nos•th line of local business district on University
`_ Avenue between Asbury and Irving Streets ................ 4
" 5- Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendation for the granting of the petition of Swift
and Company requesting the vacation of ali of that
part of Harrison Street beginning 105 feet south
of the south line of Dodge Street and extending
southerly to the north line of Industrial Subdivision 4
" 27- Payrolls for December, 1941_ .................................................. 10
;- Feb. 17 -Payrolls for January, 1942 ...................................................... 26
" 24 -Planning and Zoning Conunission, submitting recom-
mendation on petition of K. W. Elliott requesting
extension of the present Multitple Residence Dis-
trict on Prairie Street near Eleventh southward to
include all of City Lot 822 .......................................... 32-37
:l'Iar, 10- Payrolls for February, 1942 .................................................... 57
" 27 -Planning• and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendation for granting of the petition of Roy Bram-
mer et al, requesting• the rezoning• of Mt. Pleasant
Street between Loras Boulevard and University
Avenue to Two Family Classification ............................ 84-87
April 21- Payrolls for March, 1942 ......................_.................................. 101
May 4 -Pleimling, George et al, requesting the removal of the old
lumber from the lot adjoining• the rear of ?10 Merz
Street ........._ ........................................................................... 106-124
" 4 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendation on the petition of I~lauer Manufacturing
Company, requesting rezoning of Lots 247 to 258,
' both inclusive in Glendale Addition No. 3 ....................107-108-111
t 15 -Payrolls for month of April, 1942 ........................................ 117
" 15 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendations for the necessary ordinance regulating
Tourist and Trailer Camps .............................................. 118
June 30 -Police Pension Board, certificate of tax levy .................... 130
` 30 -Police Retirement Board, certificate of tax levy............ 130
" 30 -Payrolls for month of May, 1942 ..................................... 132
" 30 -Peryon, Albert G., granted cigarette permit .................. 134
" 30 -Page Hotei Company, granted cigarette permit............ 134
" 30 -Petrakis, Peter, granted cigarette permit ........................ 134
" 30 -Petrakis, Charles, granted cigarette permit ...................... 135
" 30 -Poquette, Millard, granted two cigarette permits.......... 135
" 30 -Potterveld, William F. and F. C., granted cigarette per
mit .......................................................................................... 135
" 30 -Pochter, Charles, granted cigarette permit ....................... 135
IND~>C-hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 30- Pins, Arthur, granted cigarette permit ............... ................ 135
" 30- Pauley, Vernon, granted Class "B" Deer permit............ 136-137
" 30- Peed, Thomas R. and Kathryn, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..............._........................................................_......... 136-138
" 30- Poquette, Millard and Lucille, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 137-138
" 30- Pochter, Charles and Ruth, granted Class `B" beer per-
rnit .......................................................................................... 137-138
" 30- Pins, Arthur \V., granted Class "C" beer permit............ 137-138
July G- Porter, C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolu-
tion and Application for authority to levy an emer-
gency tax of five-eighths mill ............................................ 142
" 21- Porter, C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolu-
tion and Application for authority to transfer the
sum of $24,022.23 from the Fire Department Main-
tenance Fund to the Bonded Debt Fund ........................ 152
21- Payrolls for month of June, 1942 .......................................... 153
" 21- Primary Road Extension Improvement from West end
of new bridge approach westerly on Dodge Street
286.3 feet ................................................................................ 153-154
" 21- Petrakis, Peter, granted cigarette permit ............................ 154
Aug. 15 -Pauley, Mrs. Ella, requesting Council to make an in-
spection of the alley in the rear of 2829 Burden
Avenue .................................................................................. 170-182
" 15- Payrolls for month of July, 1942 ..........:........._.................... 172
Sept. 8 -Profile No. 1304, proposed grade of Lombard Avenue
Prom Algona Street to Fremont Avenue ...................... 180
" 8 -Pfiffner, Robert L., Clerk of City Water Department,
bond ........................................................................................ 180
" 25 -Pinski, George F., excavation bond ........................._............. 194
" 25 -Payrolls for month of August, 1942 ........................................ 194
" 25 -Planning' and Zoning Commission recommending denial
of the petition of Carl Launspach .................................. 194
" 25 -Planning and Zoning Conunission, submitting recom-
mendation on petition of Klauer Manufacturing Com-
pany asking vacation of the alley between Washing-
ton and Elm Streets from Twenty-Sixth Street to
Twenty-Seventh Street .............._...................................... 194
" 25 -Parker, Harry, apPi•oval of sale of Lot 22 of Yates
Subdivision by Dubuque County .................................. 196
Nov. 2 -Payrolls for mouth of September, 1942 ................................ 217
" 2 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that
the petition of William Blades Estate, et al, be
denied .................................................................................... 217
" 2 -Planning and Zoning Commission, advising Council of
the fact that the matter of the development and
improvement of the Allison-Henderson Playground
also the matter of the Subdivision Ordinance and
also the matter of the Tourist and Trailer Camp
Ordinance remains unacted upon .................................... 217-218
" 1G -Payrolls for month of October, 1942 ............................. 227.223
Dec. 7 -Porter, C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolu-
tion and Application for authority to transfer the
sum of $1G,9G3.36 fi•om the Emergency Fuud to the
Grading Fuucl and the sum of $18,443.36 from the
Emergency Fund to the Improvement Fund............ 232.233
" 7 -Porter, 0. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolu-
tion and Application Yor authority to transfer the
sum of $20,000.00 from the Water \\'orks General
Fund to the Improvement Fund.._ .......... ...................... 233
" 23 -Payrolls for month of November, 1942 ................................. 239
lip!®E?C-hook 7~
1942 SUBJECT Page
June 30-Quinlan, Robert J. and Evelyn, granted cigarette per-
mit .......................................................................................... 134
" 30-Quinlan, Robert J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..................................._..._......................................... 136-138
Sept. 25-Quinn, Major Francis P., submitting resignation as a
member of the Civil Service Conunission .................. 190-191
- `,
- `1.i
ys =;
INDEX-hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
5-Red Cross Day, proclamation, designating Tuesday, Jan-
uary 20, 1942, as Red Cross Day .................................. 1-25
27-Radloff, Minnie, notice of claim .............................................. 9-86
17-Receipts for month of December, 1941, Proof of publica-
tion ...........................
............................................................... 27
24- Registration Clerks appointed to assist in the registra-
tion of voters at the Central Registration Office...... 32
24- Registration Clerks appointed for each precinct who
shall have charge of the election register ......................
2- Receipts for month of January, 1942, proof of publication 35
10- Rhoades, C. E., requesting that the storm sewer con-
structed on his lot at the corner of Alta Vista
Street and Carlotta Street be removed and tied into
the present storm sewer in Carlotta Street and if
not removed then the storm sewer in his lot should
be repaired and manhole leveled with the grade of
the lot .................................................................................. 52
20- Rhomberg, A. A., J. A. Izerper and F. E. Bissell, commit-
submitting report in the matter of the suggested
teu~porary use by the Swift and Company of their
existing building until such time as they may be in
position to erect a new building .................................. 75
31- Reuschel, A. K. et al, requesting the installation of a
street light in the immediate neighborhood of 1900
Hale Street ........................................................................... 86-108
31- Receipts for mouth of February, 1942, proof of publica
tion .................................
P~ogers, H. N., relative to the sale of $8,000.00 Special 8G
Assessment Bonds for the paving of West Third
Street ..._ ................................................................................. 90 -93-94-95
G- Rhomberg, Albin A., City Rlanager, bond ............................ 91
G- Rossiter, Paul, Building Commissioner, bond .....................
21 -Reeg, J. A. et al, requesting that Jake Lange be asked
to refrain from planting corn on the lot located at
the corner of Broadway and Monroe Street ................ 99
21 -Recreational Director submitting recommendation on
the allotment of the various fields for soft ball games
4 -Roepsch, George J., suspension of 1941 taxes .................... 10G-112
4 -Recreational Director, recommending charges to be
oracle for rental of Athletic Field where admission
is charged ... .....................................................................
Frank anti Kathryn, granted Class "B" beer permit
-Reis 107
G ,
-Receipts for month of March, 1942, proof of publication 113
1 -Rankin, John M., Attorney General of Iowa, extending
invitation to have Chief of Police attend Peace Offi-
cers Short Course at Iowa City .................................... 121
1 -Receipts for month of April, 1942, proof of publication 123
30 -Receipts for month of May, 1942, proof of publication.....,
-Ruegnitz, B. A., granted cigarette permit ............................ 134
30 -Roshek Bros. Company, granted cigarette permit............ 134
30 -Ragatz, George Jr., granted cigarette permit .................. 134
30 -Reis, Frank, granted cigarette permit .................................. 135
30 -Rawson, H. A. and Grace, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit 137-138
30 -Roshek Bros. Company, granted Class "C" beer permit 137-138
3 -Roller skating rinks, regulating and prohibiting the
same .....................................
3 --Receipts for month of June, 1942, proof of publication...... 160
3 -Rettenmaier, John J. and Marie, granted Class "B" beer
permit ............. .................................................................... 161-162
INDEX-Boole 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Sept. 3 -Rossiter, Paul, requesting• a leave of absence as he
has enlisted in the Naval Reserves of the United
States ...................................................................................... 173
" 3- Receipts for month of July, 1942, proof of publication.... 173
" 8- Radio Cab Company, taxi-cab bond ...................................... 130
" 25- Rice, Alfred W., City Editor of the La Crosse Tribune,
asking that the City designate some reliable Person
to serve iu the capacity of sounding' warnings to
hunters and others in the bottomlands of the Missis-
sippi River when drastic changes in weather condi-
tions are to occur .............._.......................................... 190-202
" 25- Ryan, Wm. L., Chief of Fire Department, requesting that
when the Capitol Oil Company stakes application for
the erecting of a gasoline tank that the permit be
issued subject to foam installation equipment and
also reconunended that the City Council require rail-
roads operating on Railroad Avenue between Main
Street and the River Front to place necessary filling
between tracks to permit the passage of fire engines
over said Railroad tlveutte fi•om Main Street east.... 193
Oct. 5- Rigler, Mabel E, et al, requesting investigation of the
condition of the lig•hting• of the stairs leading from
Montrose Terrace to Fairview Place at West Fif-
teenth Street ......................................................... ............ 201
" 5 -Rigler, Mabel E. et al, requesting removal of old barn
at the juncture of West Fifteenth Street, Fairview
and the steps leading up from Montrose Terrace........ 201
" 5- Receipts for month of August, 1942, proof of publication 201
" 5 -Registration Clerks appointed for each precinct who
shall have charge of the election register .................... 206-207
Nov. 2- Rowe, Eldon M., 1VIeter Service Man in the Water De-
partment, requesting a leave of absence as he has
been inducted into the armed forces of the United
States under the Selective Service Act .............. ...... 215
" 2 -Receipts for month of September, 1942, proof of publi-
cation ...................................................................................... 215
" 16 -Retail Merchants' Bureau, requesting permission to erect
Christmas decorations at the intersections on NTain
Street and on Eighth Avenue and also requesting
the City of Dubuque to assume the cost of current
for the lighting of same ....................._ ....................... 227-231
Dec. 7 -Receipts for month of October, 1942, proof of publication 234
" 23 -Receipts Yor month of November, 1942, proof of publi-
cation ...................................................................................... 239
IIJC~E~-Book 7~
1942 SUBJ>:CT Page
Jan. 5- St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital Campaign Couunittee, re-
questing permission to hang a banner across Main
Street ................_........................_........................................ 2
" 5- Swift and Company, City Solicitor Iiintzinger recmn-
mendation that their offer to pay the special assess-
ments for the improvement of Dodge Street against
City Lots 549, 549A and 550, be accepted .................. 5
" 27- Shekleton, Vern, P,usiness Representative of Dubuque
Building Trades Council, submitting an agreement
providing that union labor be employed on all future
street or sewer work ........................................................ 9
Feb. 2- Sanitary sewer in Fremont Avenue northeasterly from
the present manhole in Coates Street to Lot 2 of 4
of Fremont Avenue Sub. and southerly to Wart-
burg Place, and in Wartburg Place southerly from
Fx•emont Avenue to Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of M. L. 139
_ ... 19-21-22-52-5 3-5 4-5 5-56-5 7-116
" 17- Seippel, Peter J. Lumber Co., tiVaiver and Release of
Damage to the Illinois Central Railroad Company on
the construction of a spur track in Salina Street into
the premises described as Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 13
of Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition .................. 26
" 17 -St. Joseph's Sanitarium, agreement for fire protection.... 27
" 17 -St. Francis Home for the Agecl, agreement for fire pro-
tection ........................................_..........................._............ 27
" 17 -Sisters of St. Francis Convect, agreement for fire pro-
tection ................................................................................... 27
" 17 -St. Mary's Orphan Home, agreement for fire protection 27
" 17 -Savary, Mrs. Frances, granted Class "C" beer Permit:... 30
Mar. 2 -Safety Meeting to be held at Des Moines on March 4,
1942, Mayor and Chief of Police authorized to attend 51
" 10 -Swift and Company, request for permission to use the
' Seippel Lumber Company building mi South Locust
Street in order to carry on their operations until
' such time as they will be able to erect a new
ii building ............................ ................................................... 53-75-84
~ 10 -Schaetzle, John, submitting application for reappoint-
meat as a member of the Civil Service Commission 56-97-95
10 -Smith, Margaret, suspension of 1941 taxes ........................ 56.75
" 10 -Schaffert, Eridget, suspension of 1941 taxes ................._...... 57-75
" 20 -Stabenow, Augusta et al, heirs-at-law of John and Mar-
i '' garetha Berwanger, submitting an offer in the
~ ' ' amount of X25.00 for the cancellation and release of
i assessments against Lot 1 of I of 2 oY Lot 2 of Lot
I i ~~ 2 of Sub. of Lot 2, 3, 4 and Lot 1 of 5 of Sub. of Min.
ii Lot 307A ........... ................ ........................_.................. 74-125-143
u 20 -Stoffregen, Louis, reappointed as a member of Board of
' Zoning Adjustment, term espiriug March 5, 1947...... 75
I -Savary, William, granted cigarette permit.... ... 86
,i' 31 -Solomon, Jack, granted cigarette permit ............................ S6
April 6 -Shea, J. J., City Clerk, bond ... ......... 91
i Illli~' 8 -Strueber, Edwin F., appointment to Civil Service Com-
I ' mission .................................................................................. 97-98
''' 21 -Schroeder, Leanore, notice of claim .................................. 99-105
-Shiloh Circle No. 37, Ladies of the Grand Army of the
': ' Republic, requesting permission for the holding of
a tag day 99
~, 21 -Stratton, William, Policeman, appointed to serve on the
Board of Police Retirement System ............................ 100
" 21 -Schroeder, Rev. K. G., appointed as a member of the
'~~ Board of Trustees of the Public Library .................... 102
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 21- Sharon, Larry F., relative to appointment as a member
of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library........ 102
May 4- Schuster, Leonard, granted cigarette permit ...................... 108
" 4- Schwietering, Jacob, granted Class "C" beer permit........ 109
" 6- Smith, Margaret, suspension of 1941 taxes ........................ 112-117
June 1- St. Joseph Street, residents and property owners, re-
questing improving of said street ................................ 119-145
" 1- Scherbring•, Margaret I~., granted Class "B" beer permit 126
" 30- Scheufele, Carl, requesting that Esther Street he re-
paired ......................................................................................128.144-145
" 30- Savary, William and Viola, granted cigarette permit...... 134
" 30- Sullivan, Thos. P., granted cigarette permit ........................ 134
" 30- Scherer, George J., granted cigarette permit .................... 134
" 30- Stemm, John J., granted cigarette permit .......................... 134
" 30- Steffen, Nicholas, granted cigarette permit ...................... 134
" 30- Saud, Mike and Marie, granted cigarette permit............ 134
" 30- Stampfer Company, J. F., granted cigarette permit........ 134
" 30- Stavros, Cxeorge, granted cigarette permit ........................ 134
" 30- Siege, Joseph J. Jr. and Ferdinand W. I~enniker, grant-
ed cigarette permit ............................................................ 135
" 30- Schneider, Joseph C., granted cigarette permit .................. 135
" 30- Stoltz, Raymond J. and George J. Zillig, granted cigar-
ette perinit ............................................................................ 135
" 30- Schuster, Leonard, granted cigarette permit ...................... 135
" 30- Snyder, Charles T., granted cigarette permit .................... 135
" 30- Spielman, J. L., granted cigarette permit ........................ 135
" 30- Schaetzle, John, granted cigarette permit ................._..... 136
" 30- Solomon, Jack, granted cigarette permit ............................ 136
" 30- Savary, William and Viola, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 136-137
" 30- Scherer, George J. and Emma, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 136-138
" 30- Stieber, John and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 136-138
" 30- Sand, Mike and Marie, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 136-138
" 30- Stemm, John and Alberta, granted Class "B" beer permit 136.138
" 30- Steffen, Nicholas and Beatrice, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 136-138
" 30- Schnee, Michael B. and Sophie, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 137-138
" 30- Stoltz, Raymond J. and George J. Zillig, granted Class
<<B„ beer permit ................................................................ 137.138
" 30- Spielman, Harvey L., granted Class "B" beer permit...... 137-133
" 30- Snyder Charles T. and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer
perinit ............................................................................................ 137-138
" 30- Sand, Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 137-138
July 6- Stolteben, A. J., requesting Council to view the condition
of the alley first south of Dodge Street and rumiing•
east from South Grandview Avenue ............................141-181-182
" 21- Suction, A. W., notice of claim ......................
" 21- St. Paul's Mission House, Epworth, Iowa, requesting
permission to hang• a banner across Main Street.... 150
Aug. 15 -St, John the Baptist Church, Peosta, Iowa, requesting
permission to hang a banner across Main Street.... 170
" 15- Schwartz, Vincent B., granted Class "C" beer permit.... 172-173
Sept. S -Sidewalks to construct abutting the V~~est 170 feet of
Lots 300 and 317 Davis Farm Addition and Lot
331 Woodlawn Park Addition ........................................ 182-193
" 25- Senior High School requesting' permission to hang a
banner across Main Street .............................................. 191
(~l~EX-6oo{c 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
25 -Stoffregen, Louis, re-appointed as a member of the
Planning and Zoning Commission for the term ex-
piring May 24, 1947 ............................................................ 194
" 25 -Schiltz, J. Harry, appointed as a member of the Planning
and Zoning Commission for the term expiring May
24, 1947 .................................................................................. 194
Oct. 5- Schuster, L., requesting' a refund on cigarette permit.... 200
" 5 -Shea, J. J., City Clerk, appointed Acting City Manager
during the absence of City Manager A. A. Rhomberg
from the City ...................................................................... 207
Nov. 2- Strader, Mrs. Harold E., notice of claim ........................... 213-223-224
" 2 -Scherbring, Margaret F., requesting a refund on her
beer license ........................................................................ 214
" 4 -Swift and Company, requesting• the omission of the side-
walk along the new street adjacent to their plant
as called for in the plans for the construction of the
new high bridge .................................................................. 221
" 4 -Supplemental Estimate for levies of taxes for the year
1942 for the Airport Fund ............................................ 222-22G
Dec, 23 -Schenley Distilleries, Inc. of Cincinnati, Ohio, given
Option Contract to purchase approximately ten acres
of land adjacent to the Interstate Power Company
steam plant for the construction of an alcohol
plant ........................................................................................ 237
IN®EX-hook 7~
1942 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 13-The Archdiocese of Dubuque, per D. V. Foley, Sec'y.,
waiver on acceptance of contract for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer in Fremont Avenue and in
Wartburg Place .................................................................... 21
Mar. 2- Trimpler, W. F. and Jerry, granted Class "B" beer permit 37-38
April 6- Telegraph-Herald appointed as official newspaper........ ....90
" 6- The News Publishing Company, requesting appointment
to print in pamphlet form, the Council proceedings 91
" 6- Tschirgi, Edward M., accountant, Water Department
bond ........................................................................................ 91
" 6- Trenk, Miss and members of Public Affairs Conunittee of
Y. W. C. A., addressed Council relative to Annual
Budget and the Tas Levy ................................................ 93
" 21- Telegraph-Herald appointed to print the Council Pro-
ceedings in pamphlet form .......................................... 102
May 4- Thompson and Hogan (F. W. Thompson), granted Class
<<C„ beer permit ................................................................... 109
June 30- Trustee's Deed and Abstract of Title of American Trust
and Savings Banlz, conveying Mineral Lots 301, 301A
and 302 to the City of Dubuque ........................................ 128
" 30- Thompson and Hogan, 55 Locust Street, granted cigar-
ette permit ......................................_.................................... 133
" 30- The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. granted cigarette
permit .................................................................................... 134
" 30- The Dubuque Club, granted cigarette permit ...................... 134
" 30- Tharp, Wm. C., granted cigarette permit .......................... 134
" 30- Trapp, Arthur J., granted cigarette permit ...................... 135
" 30- Triangle Cafe, granted cigarette permit ............................ 135
" 30- The Service Club, granted cigarette permit .................. 135
" 30- The American Legion, granted Class "B" beer permit 136-138
" 30- The Dubuque Club, granted Class "B" beer permit.......... 136-138
" 30- The Service Club, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 137-138
Aug. 3 -The Volunteers of America, requesting permission for
the holding of a tag day ...._ .......................................... 159
" 3- Tharp, Wm., granted Class "B" beer permit ...................... 161-162
" 15- The International City NIanag•ers' Association, extend-
ing invitation to attend the Annual Conference of
The International City Managers' Association to be
held October 11-15, inclusive .... ....._ ........................... 170
" 15- The Service Club, revocation of their Class "B" beer
pertnit ................................................................................... 171-172
Sept. 8 -Hohmann, G. W., requesting release of the beer and
cigarette hoods of The Service Club .......................... 177
" 8- Tenenbom Super-Marizet Inc., granted Class "C" beer
permit .................................................................................... 183-184
" 25- The Service Club, requesting a refund on their cigarette
permit .............................._.................................................... 191
" 25- The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., granted cigar-
ette permit ............................................................................ 196
Oct. 5- Trenkie, Wm., appointed as the individual who will re-
ceive warnings of approaching storms ........................ 202
Nov. 2- Thul, Della C., cancellation of 1941 taxes ............................ 215-224
" 2- The Victory Club, application for Class "B" beer permit
for Private Club ................................................................21 9-225-223
Dec. 7- Trausch, Mrs. Susan et al, requesting the installation of
a street light at the intersection of Seminary and
Uugs Streets ....................................................................... 231
" 7- The Page Hotel, granted Class "B" beer permit.......... 236
" 23- Tinkham, Arch, approving the sale of the North ~/Z of
Lot 10 of Marsh's Addition by Dubuque County to
said Arch Tiulzham ........................................................... 240
,, ;,
s .~
-3 ~
If~l®EX-hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
June 1 -Uppinghouse, A. R. and Philomena, granted Class "B"
beer permit ...............................:............................................ 126
" 30 -United Cigar-Whelen Stores Corporation, granted cigar-
ette permit ............................................................................ 134
" 30 -Union League Club, granted cigarette permit ...................... 135
" 30 -Uppinghouse, A. B., granted cigarette permit .................. 135
Oct. 5- Union League Club, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 205
Nov. 16- United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, request-
ing cancellation of the beer hood of Spiros D. Coven
and George T. Vrotsos .................................................... 227
I~®~~-~OO~C 7~
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 27- Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission for the
holding of their Annual Buddy Poppy Sale on Satur-
day, May 16, 1942 ............................................................ 10
Mar. 10- Voting places selected for March 30, 1942, election........ 59
May 4 -Vrotsos, George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted Class
<<B„ beer permit .................................................................. 109
" 6 -Vrotsos, George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted cigar-
ette permit ............................................................................ 113
" 6 -Van Duelman, Carl, granted Class "C" beer permit...... 113-114
June 30 -Van Duelman, Carl A., granted cigarette permit .............. 134
" 30 -Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, granted cigarette permit 134
" 30 -Van der -Zeulen, Wm. and Sophie McMann, granted cig-
arette permit ...................................................................... 135
" 30 -Vrotsos, George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted cigar-
ette permit ............................................................................ 136
" 30 -Veterans of Foreign Wars Inc., granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 136-138
" 30 -Vogelsberg, Albert J., granted Class "B" beer permit...... 136-138
" 30 -Van der Meulen, Wm. and Sophie McMann, granted
Class <<B,> beer permit .................................................... 137-138
July 6 -Van Duelman, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro-Tem
of the ineeting .................................................................... 141
Oct. 5 -Voting places selected for the General Election of No-
vember 3, 1942 .................................................................. 207
Nov. 2 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, urging the purchase of a
suitable location and construction of a modern air-
port ....................................................._.................................. 214-215
III!®E>C-hook 72
1942 SUBJECT Pa.~P
Jan. 5 -Walker, Jack, granted cigarette permit .............................. 5
" 5 -Walker, Jack, granted Class "B" beer permit .................. G
" 27 -Whitney, Ira G. et al, requesting the installation of a stop
and go light at Twelfth and Central Avenue.......... 10
" 27 -Waiver and Release of Damage by City of Dubuque to
the Illinois Central Railroad Company on the con-
struction of a spur track in Salina Street into the
premises described at Lots 7, 8 and 9 in Block 13,
I Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition ............................ 16-17
Feb. 13 -Wartburg Theological Senxinary, by J. Bodensieck, Pres.,
waiver on acceptance of contract for the construc-
I tion of sanitary sewer in Fremont Avenue and in
Wartburg Place .............................._................................. 21
iVlar. 2-
Wright, Roy A. and Esther, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ......................................................................................... 37-38
" 10- `Veber, Vincent George, Fireman, requesting a leave of
absence as he has enlisted in the Naval Reserves of
the United States ............................................................... 5G
" 20- Walter, Joseph, requesting vacation of Carroll Street...... 74
" 27- Weimer, John H., submitting application for reappoint-
. meat as a nxember of Local Board of Review for
~ the year 1942 .................................................................... 82
" 27- Weidenbacher, W. L., Physical Director, Young Men's
Christian Association, requesting permission to use
the various playing fields for their softball leagues.... 82-101
" 31- Winkler, Mrs. Eeatrice, granted cigarette permit........... 86
~ 31- War Relief Council, Mayor authorized and ordered to
', create said Council ............................................................ 87
April 6- TVharton, Councilman, elected Mayor for the ensuing
year ...................................................................................... 89
" 6- ~Veimex•, John H., appointed nxember of Board of Review 89
! 6- West Third Street, sale of $8,000.00 Special Assessment
Bonds for the paving of said street ..................90-93-94-95-96-107
I 6- Wilbricht, Lester E., requesting the installation of a
street light at Foye Street and Merchants Lane.... 91
" G- Walsh, Joseph and Helen, g~rauted Class "B" beer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 92-93
" 6- -Wieser, Lester A. and Adele B., granted Class "B" beer
permit _ .................................................................................. 92-93
May 4- Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted Class "B" beer permit 109
15- Wilbricht, Lester E., submitting offer in the amount of
$15.00 for the purchase of the South 30 feet of Lot
! 12 of J. P. Porter's Addition ........................................ 115
' 15- -Walker, Jack, requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer
` Permit ..........................................._......._.............................. 115
~~' June 1- -Walsh, L. A., requesting Council to take proper action
'I in the adoption of a resolution directing the Mayor
and City Clerk to execute and deliver correction
deed conveying Lot 1 of the Subdivision of Lot 7 in
Smyth's Subdivision .......................................................... 121-122
" 1- Walker, Mona, requesting Council to execute a quit claim
''i' deed to Sherman T. and Catherine Mayne convey-
ing the south half of vacated alley immediately north
of and adjoining the northerly 32 feet of the wester-
ly 45 feet of Lot 47 in Julia L. Langworthy's Add 122-123
" 30- Walker, Mona, requesting Council to authorize the execu-
tion of a Euit Claim Deed to Sherman T. and Cath-
erine Mayne covering the south half of the vacated
alley abutting Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lots 45 and
4G in Julia L. Langworthy's Addition ............................ 128-129
INDEX-Qoolc ~2
1942 SUBJECT Page
" 30 -Weisner, John H., warrant in the amount of $200.00
ordered drawn in his favor for services rendered
as a member of Board of Review ................................ 133
" 30 -Weiner, Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted cigarette permit 134
" 30 -Wagner, Wm., granted cigarette permit .............................. 134
" 30 -Weber Frank J., granted cigarette permit .......................... 134
" 30 -Walgreen Company, granted cigarette permit ................ 134
" 30 -Weiser, Lester, granted cigarette permit ......................... 134
" 30 -Wodrich, Wm. E., granted cigarette permit ...................... 134
" 30 -Weber, Mrs. Cecilia, granted cigarette permit .......... .... 134
" 30 -Winkler, Mrs. Beatrice, granted cigarette permit............ 135
" 30 -Wright, Roy, granted cigarette permit ........... ......_............ 135
" 30 -Warren, Dell and Ralph, granted cigarette permit ....... 135
" 30 -Weber, Frank J, and Tillie, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 136-137
" 30 -Wright, Louis A. and Raymond P., granted Class "B"
beer permit .. .......................................... 136.135
" 30 -Wodrich, William E. and Anna, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 136-138
" 30 -Weber, Nick and Cecelia, granted Class "B" beer permit 136-13S
" 30 -Wathier, Nick anct Marie A., granted Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................_.................. 137-138
" 30 -Wallig, Wm. Carl, granted Class "B" beer permit.... .... 137-135
July 6 -Wharton, Mayor, entered the Council Chamber and took
the Mayor's chair at 8:15 p. m . ................................. 141
" 6 -Wilbricht, L. E., submitting offer in the amount of $30.00
for the purchase of Lot 12 of J. P. Porter's Addition 141
Aug. 3 -Weiner, Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................................... 161-162
" 15 -Weidemanu, LeRoy et al, requesting the installation of a
street light at the end of C,luigley Lane ...__........... 170
Sept. 8 -Weitz, Alois O. and Nellie M., granted Class "B" beer
permit ................................_................................................ 1S3-1S4
" 25 -Works Project No. 6102, removal of street car rails from
the City of Dubuque ...._ .................................................. 189-190
Nov. 16- Water Works General Fund, resolution and applica-
tion for the permanent transfer of $20,000.00 from
said fund to the Improvement Fund .............................. 229-233
!i~!®E~-Qoolc 72
1942 SUBJECT Page
Jau. 5- Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance, hearing upon a pro-
posal to amend and change the area bounded by
Muscatine Street, Primrose Street, Burlington Street
and Sabula Street ........................................................... 1
" 5- Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance, hearing upon a pro-
posal to ameucl and change the area bounded on the
southerly side by the center line of Dodge Street, on
the northerly side by the south property line of City
Lot 586, on the easterly side by the center line of the
alley first East of Bluff Street, on the westerly side
by the center line of Bluff Street ................................. 2
" 5- Zillig, Mrs. Enuua, requesting a refund on cigarette per-
mit ..............._ ................................_.............._..................... 2
" 27- Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance, hearing upon a pro-
posal to amend and change the same by striking
from Article VII Light Industrial District Section I
Subdivision "(28) Junk or scrap storage or bailing
of papers, rags or metals" and by adding to Section
Article VIII Heavy Industrial District, Subdivision
"(9) Junk or scrap storage or bailing of papers,
rags or metals" ......... .............. .................................... 18-24-33-34
Mar. 2- Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance, hearing upon a pro-
posal to amend and change the area contained in
City Lot S22 .............................................................._...... 37-G1
June 30 -Zumhof Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation of
the Class "B" beer bond and also the cigarette bond
of Jack Walker _ .................. .... .................................... 12S
" 30 -Zumhof Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation of
the cigarette bond of Mrs. F. Y. Wille ....................... 12S
" 30 -Zelens, Bert, granted cigarette permit ................................ 135
Sept. 8 -Zumhof hnsurance Agency, requesting cancellation of
the cigarette bond of Richard and Lillian Hogan.... 17 i