1953 November Council ProceedingsfT-
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 693
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Regular Session, November 2nd,
Council tnet at 7:30 P.M,
Present-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Weln. City Manager Schiltz.
Mayor Austin stated that this
is the regular monthly meeting of
the City Council for the purpose
of acting upon such business as
may properly come before the
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
levy of special assessment and in-
4ention of the City Council to
issue bonds to pay for the imlprovo-
ment of Bunker Hill Road with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
a point 18 feet south of the south
property line of Finley Street to
the south property line of Asbury
Street, amount of assessment
$1,784.37, presented and read.
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for
said public hearing. Councilman
Kolb moved that the proofs of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Welu.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
Scheda~le of ~,ssess~ments
Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
That to pay for the improvement
of Bunker Hill Road with asphaltic
macadam surfacing from a point
18 feet south of the south prop-
erty line of Finley Street to the
south property line of Asbury
Street, by City of Dubuque, Iowa,
contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate all as named,
situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as set
forth in the schedule.
John B. Link, Lat 1, Wil-
son's Dubuque Subd,,,.,.,,, 214,34
D. I. & D. G. Meyer, Lot
1, of 2, Wilson's Dubuque
Sttbd . ................................. 145.31
D. I. & D. G, Meyer, Lot
2, of 2 W.198', Wilson's
Dubuque Subd . .................. 2.32
D. I. & D. G. Meyer, Lot
2 of 2 N.15' E.150', Wil•
son's Dubuque Subd.....,.,. 26.33
D, i. & D. G. Meyer, Lot
2 of 2 5.23' E.150', Wil-
so:t's Dubuque Subd.......,, 40,37
D. I. & D. G, Meyer, Lot
2 of 3 E.150', Wilson's Du-
buque Sub ........................... 73.72
D. I. 3Z D, G, P:Ieyer, Lot
2 of 3 W,198', Wilson's
Dubuque Subd ................... 2.56
Homer J, w Hazel B. Amos,
Lot 2 of Lot 10 & Lot 11,
~Vilsan's Dubuque Subd,.,,, 12.96
Homer J. & IIazel B. Amos,
L a t 2 o f 1 o f L o t 10 &
Lot li= Wilson's Dubuque
Subd . .................................... 102,11
Edmund Iit. & Rita C. Dus-
ter, Lot 1 of 1.1-1-1, Wil-
son's Dubuque Subd. ,.,,..., 32.70
Bertrand J. & Savena R,
Stolty, Lot 2 of 1-1, Wil-
son's Dubuque Subd, ......., 104.99
John Schuster, Lot 2 of 1-1-1,
Wilson's Dubuque Subd.,... 4,00
George 112, & Jean E. Haas,
Lot 12, Wilson's Dubuque
Sttb . ...................................... 214,34
Mary F, Lynch, Lot 135,
Finley's Add . .................... 8,61
Mary F, Lynch, Lot 136,
Finley's Add . .................... 43.35
Louisa M. Heim, Lot 137,
Finley's Add . .................... 75.02
Caroline E. Cox, Lot 138,
Finley's Add . .................... 164.50
Wilfred H. & Mary Nestor,
Lot 139, Finley's Add, .... 153.79
Lucille Poquette, Lqt 140,
Finley's Add . .................... 104,68
Lucille Poquette, Lat 141,
Finley's Add . .................... 157,57
Lucille Poquette, Lot 142,
Finley's Add . .................... 79.86
Bertha Staheli et al, Lot 143,
NE 102', Finley's Add.,,,. 4,79
Ralph A. & I. E. Yager,
Lat 143 SW 65', Finley's
Add . .................................... 16,15
765,60 Tons 1" Surfacing
Stone % 2.00 ....................1,531.20
31.50 Tons Torpedo Sand @
1.47 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46.30
~~ -
- 694 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
1,070 Ga~l• MC-3 Asphalt @ Dubuque, Iowa, for the Improve-
•12 .•.•••••....••..•••..•......•.•....•....128.40 rr~ent hereinafter described has
Extra Expense 4.6% .•.•...•...• 78.47
All of which is assessed in pro-
, portion to the special benefits
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J, J• SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
- onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
mien Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice cf
the intention of the City Council
to issue street improvement bonds
in the amount of $1,784.37 to pro-
vide for payment of the assessed
cost for the improvement of Bun-
- ker Hill Road with asphaltic ma~
cadam surfacing from a point 18
feet south of the south property
line of Finley Street to the south
property line of Asbury Street;
presented and read,
No written objections filed and
no objet#ois present in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the time set for
said public hearing. Councilman
Kolb moved that the proofs of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Nlayor Austin, CouncIl-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for the purpose of provid-
ing for the payment of the as-
sessed cost of B~mker Hill Road
(Asbury to Finley).
Whereas the contract hereto-
fore entered into by the City of
been completed and the City Man-
ager has certified the completion
thereof to the City Council and
the City Council has ascertained
the cost thereof and has de-
termined that $1,784.37 Dollars of
the cost thereof shall be assessed
against the property subject to
assessment therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
ter:tion of the City Council to
issue bonds far the purpose of
providing for the payment of the
assessed cast of said improve-
ment and a public hearing has
been held, pursuant to such notice
and all objections made thereto
have been considered and de-
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of the
improvement of Bunker Hill Road
with Asphaltic Macadam Surfac-
ing from a point 18 feet south of
the south property line of Finley
Street to the south property line
of Asbury Street there shall be
issued Street Improvement bonds
in the amount of $1,784.37 Dollars
in anticipation of the deferred pay-
ment of assessments levied for
such ir~,provem,ent•
2. Such bonds shall be called
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of December
3, 1953; and shall be numbered
consecutively; and they shall be
numbered, divided into series, and
be in such denominations and for
such maturity dates as are shown
in the following table:
1.6076 and 6077-$300.00 each,
April 1, 1954
2.6078 and 6079-$300.00 each,
April 1, 1955
3. 6080-$300.00, April 1, 1956
3. 6081-$ 284.37, April 1, 1956
3• Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 5 per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4• Said bonds shall not make the
City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 695
5. Said bands shall provide that tax, the full faith and diliger_ce of
They may be payable at any time said City of Dubuque are hereby
prior to the maturity date stated irrevocably pledged.
therein at the option of the City
of Bubuque and shall be in sub- In testimony whereof the City
stantially the following form: of Dubuque by its Cotmcil has
No .........................•.••.•.••.••••••..•..•..••..
caused this bonds to be signed
Series No. by its Nlayor and countersigned
by its City Clerk and the Seal of
Stree# lruprovemertt Eosd said City to be thereto affixed,
The City of Dubuque in the this 3rd day of Decemlber, 1953.
State of Iowa promises to pay as (SPAL)
hereinafter mentioned to the
hearer hereof, on the first day of •~•••'•••••••••••••••••"••••'••'••••••••~••••'•'••'•'
....•.......•.....••, or at any time before
that date, at the option of the ............................................•.........
City of Dubuque, the sum of City Clerk
21~ree Hnndred dollars with in-
(~®rra cg Coepan)
} terest thereon at the rate of 5 On the
day of
per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presenta- ...•....•.•,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
tion and surrender of the interest ises to pay ~to bearer, as provided
coupons hereto attached. Both m said bond, the sum of ...........,
principal and interest of this bond Dollars, in the office of the City
' are payable at the office of the Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
` City Treasurer in the City of being ......••••.• months' interest due
Dubuque, in the State of Iowa. that date on its .................... Bond
This bond is issued by the City No..••...•,•.•••,•• dated ....•...••••.
of Dubuque under and by virtue ••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~~~~•••••••,.••••••..
of Chapter 396 of the 1950 Cade Mayor
' of Iowa, as amended, and the .......•.•., • ,,,••,•••,,...•,..••••.,
Resolution of said City duty City Clerk
passed on the 2nd day of Novem- 6. That the Mayor and City
~ ber, 1953, being Resolution No. Clerk be amd they are hereby in-
! 490--53, sh•ucted to cause said bonds to
~ This Bond is one of a series of be prepared and when so prepared
6 bonds, 5 for $300.00 numbered to execute said bonds and that the
from 60'x6 to 6080 inclusive, and City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
one for $284.37 numbered 6081, all strutted to register said bond in
of like tenor and date, and issued a bock kept for that purpose and
for the purpose of improving to then deliver them to the City
r Bunker Hill Rozd (Asbury to Fin- Treasurer.
ley) with asphaltic macadam sur- 7. That the City Treasurer is
1 facing as described in said Reso-
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
lotion, in said City, which cost
is payable by the abubting and hi the manner provided by law,
adjacent property along said im- the proceeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
a provements and is made by law known as Special Assessment
alien on all of said property, It Fund No. 11TH and paid out by
' is payable only out of the Special him to pay the cost of said con-
Assessment Fund No, 1118 created tract
by the collection of said special .
tax, and said fund can be used 8. That the interest coupons at-
for no other purpose, tached to the bonds be signed with
It is hereby certified and re- the facsimile signature of the
cited that all the acts, conditions Mayor and countersigned with the
and things required to be done, facsimile signature of the City
precedent to and in issuing this Clerk,
series of bonds, have been done, 9. That as fast as funds allow,
happened, and performed, in beginning with the second year
regular and due fmm, as required after the payment of interest due,
by law and said Resolution, and these bonds shall be called and
for the assessment, collection and retired in the same order as num-
g payment hereon of said special bered•
696 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
Adopted this 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1953.
Attest; J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kintzinger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C. Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council to
issue bonds along the line of the
improvement of Bunker Hill Road
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
form a point 18 feet south of the
south property line of Finley Street
to the south property line of As-
bury Street, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved the
statement be received and fIled.
Seconded by Councilman I{intzin-
ger, Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council to
issue bonds to pay for the im-
provement of Bunker Hill Road
with asphaltic macadam surfac-
ing from the north property line
of Seminary Street to the south
property line of Fairway Drive,
amount of assessment $3,637.26,
presented and read,
No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
public hearing. Councilman Welu
moved that the proofs of publi-
cation be received and fIled. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Schedule of Assessments
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa; That
to pay for the improvement of
Bunker Hill Road with asphaltic
macadam surfacing from the north
property line of Seminary Street
to the south property line of Fair-
way Drive, by City of Dubuque,
contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tai
be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate all as named,
situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as set
forth in the schedule.
George S. & Herlinda
Bierie, Lot 5183' 79,
Finley Add ......................... 0.34
George S. & Herlinda
Bierie, Lot 5183' 80, Fin-
ley Add ............................... 12.62
Joseph H, & Cath. Poire,
Lot 5183' 81, Finley Add. 22.88
Joseph H, & Cath, Poire,
Add ....................................... 35.57
Lat 5183' 1 of 82, Finley '
Robert D, & Mary Zehent-
ner, Lot 5183' 2 of 82,
Finley Add ......................... 21.77
Robert D, & Mary Zehent-
Lot 8183' 83, Finley Add. 301.75
Joseph Danner, Lot 86, Fin-
ley Add ............................... 2719
Joseph Danner, Lot 87, Fin-
ley Add ............................... 15:12
Archie & Verna Schreiber,
Lot 97, Finley Add ............. 2,27
Joseph Peter et al, Lot 98,
Finley Add . ........................ 15,42
Clarence C. & Marie Gor•
don, Lot 99, Finley Add...,, 26.18
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
Lot 100, Finley Add, ,,...... 68.53
Clarence & Mary Thielen,
Lot 101, Finley Add......... 317,14
William J, Lepsch, Lot 1-
102, Finley Add ................. 132,31
Geo, R. & Cath, Davidsaver,
Lot 2-1-102, Finley Add. 149.35
Al. Wharton & A. J. Hoff-
man, Lot 2.1D2, Finley
Add ....................................... 27, 68
Henry C. &Ludmilla Wfl-
bending, Lot 103, Finley
Add ....................................... 72.61
Henry C. &Ludmilla Wil-
bending, Lot 104, Finley-
Add, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27.29
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 697
Alfred & Dorothea Henschel,
Lot 105, Finley Add..,.,.... 16.01
Leroy & Verna Klosterman,
Lot 106, Finley Add........, 3.36
Phena Butt, Lot 1.1, Phena
Butt Place ........................ 126,02
Geo. B. & Marjorie Kutsch,
Lot Z-1, Phena Butt Place 35.25
Gerald J, & Helen Resser,
Lot 1-2, Phena Butt Place 112,72
Phena Butt, Lot 2-2, Phena
Butt Place .......................... 109.26
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital,
Lot 1-1.1, M.L. 260 ............ 1956,79
Harold J. Danner, Lot 88,
t Finle Addition
y ................ 1,53
419.50 Tons 1" Surfacing
Stone @ 2.00 ......................$839.00
735.30 Tons 3/r" Surfacing
Stone @ 2.00 ......................1470.60
279.77 Tons Crushed Stone
@ 1.60 ................................ 447.63
50.275 Tons Torpedo Sand @
1.47 ........................................ 73.90
950 Gah MC-0 Asphalt @
.12 .......................................... 114.00
5966 Gal. MC-3 Asphalt @
.12 .......................................... 715.92
Legal Limit of Assessment„3637,36
' Deficiency ................$23.79
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953,
' Mayor
t Attest: J. J. SHEA,
{ City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
- onned by Councilman Welu. Car-
- ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Maym~ Austin, Council-
s`, men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of the
intention of the City Council to is-
sue street improvement bonds in
the amotmt of $3,637,26 to pro-
f vide for payment of the assessed
ccst of tl:e improvement of Bunker
F~1 Road with asphaltic macadam
surfacing from tine Werth pranerty
line of Sen°inaty Stt~eet to the
south property line of Fairway
Drive, presented anti read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in the Council
CY:anrber at the time set for said
public hea~~ing, Councilman Schuel-
ler nio~,•ed that the proofs of pub-
lication be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote,
Yeas--Iayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
RESOLUTION N0, 462.53.
Resolution providing far the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds far the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of Bunker Hill Road (Semi-
nary to Fairway Drive).
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, far the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$3,637.26 Dollars of the cost there-
of shall be assessed against the
property subject to assessment
therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds far the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all objec-
toins made thereto have been con-
sidered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
1, That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of the
irriprovement of Bunker Hill Road
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the north property lice of
Seminary Street to the south prop-
erty line of Fairway Drive there
shall be issued Street Improvement
bonds in the amount of $3,637.26
Dollars in anticipation of the de-
698 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
ferred payment of assessments lev-
ied for such improvement.
2. Such bonds shall be called
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of December 3,
1953; and shall be numbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and be
in such denominations and far
such maturity dates as are shown
in the following table:
1, 6082, 6083 and 6084-$300.00
each, April 1, 1954
2. 6086, 6087, 6088 and 6089-
$300.00 each, April 1, 1955
3. 6090, 6091, 6092 and 6093-
$300.00 each, April 1, 1956
3. 6094-$37.26, April 1, 1956
3. Said bonds shall bear inter-
est at the rate of 5 per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City of
Dubuque and shall be in substan-
tially the following form;
No .........................................................
Series No ...............................................
Streef Improvemen4 bond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of ...........................
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of Three Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate of
5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attached. Both princi-
pal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque un-
der and by virtue of Chapter 396
of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as
amended, and the Resolution of
said City duly passed on the 2nd
d.av of November, 1953, being Res-
ohttion No. 462.53.
This Bond is one of a series of
1' bonds, 12 for $300.00 numbered
f^~+u 6082 to 6093 inclusive, and
one for $37.26 numbered 6094, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of improving Bunk-
er Hill Road (Seminary to Fair-
way Drive) with asphaltic macadam
surfacing as described in said Res-
olution, in said City, which cost is
payable by the abutting and adja-
cent property along said improve-
ments and is made by law a lien
on all of said property. It is pay-
able only out of the Special As-
sessment Fund No, 1118 created by
the collection of said special tax,
and said fund can be used for no
other purpose,
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have ,been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due farm, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the as-
sessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of ,Dubuque by its Council has
cat ed this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this 3rd
day of December, 1953.
City Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
On the.._ ..............day of....................,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of Dollars,
in the office of the City Treasurer
in the City of Dubuque, being........
months' interest dtte that date on
its ........................Bond No.........................
date ................................................. .
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
Regular Session, Nevettther z, 1953 699
strutted to register said bond in a
book kept for that purpose and to
then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
het°eby lust? noted to sill said beads
in the manner provided by law,
the proceeds of said salt to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Asszsstnznt Fttnd
No. 1119 and paid out by him to
pay the test of said contract,
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
hIaym• and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as ftmds allow,
hegining with the second year aft-
er the payment of interest due,
these bands shall be called and
retired in the same order as num-
Adopted this 2nd day of Novzan-
ber, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Szc-
onded by Cotmcilman Schu211er.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayer Austin, Council-
men Kintzingor, Kolb, SchuelIer,
` Statement of Conrad C. Birk-
~ ness, subscribed and sworn to,
stating that he posted copies of the
notice of levy of special assessment
?~ and intention of the Cit~,7 Coun-
f oil to issue bonds along the line of
the improvement of Bunker Hill
Road with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the north property
line of Seminary Street to the
south property line of Fairway
Drive, presznted and read. Coun-
~. oilman Kolb moved that the state-
ment be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Cotmcilman Sclnteller.
Carried by thz following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
. man Kintzinger, Kalb, SchuelIer,
Pi ~~ i~a cf publieafion, certified
to ~^ i,?~ ~t~iat~Lers, of notice of
leap ~~ ~ ~~ci?I as~~ssment and in-
tett! i on .,i tl~,z t,ity Council to is-
~~~ boL~~ to t~'I for the improve-
,__~n` of ~,iith Sheet with asphal-
ii~: s:'a,^fl%z,i'1 surfacing from the
.- i;, rt;~ line of Burden Ave-
~_ _ ~.~ t'~z cLL~t property line of
B-r,~9~;;_c_- u~re~i, amount of as-
„__ _,~~nt `:?,7i=G.c~3, presented and
___.~. i~~ro -._ittzn objections filed
anal no olrj5cto°s preoent in the
i;tt:. ueil C'i,a , =:,zr at ti`te time set
~,~~' ~•d?~ pabhc ;!earin,. Council-
r.~an 1olb !staved. that tire proofs of
icatio. be :: czrzd and filed.
Secon~lc,l by Councilman Kintaing-
er. '„a~rietl ii;r _z followwing vote:
?'zas-iYfayor Austin, Coimcil-
i,t ~ yi,~iIlger, isolb, Schualler,
SCli~~i`.?,,;? C~e° ~tS5vS5~~~~i@5'S
t?~~~~~I~T;OiW P?Q.4€~3.53.
F;~esolved by the City Cotmcil of
the Ciija of Dtiinulue, Iowa: That
o hay fm' the improvement of
u.li'_,: '~~~eet ;with asphaltic maca-
t',a:a : t~rfaciug froair the west prop.
zttj~ Lnz cf Bntdan Avenue to the
Last pieper;~ lint cf Brunswick
,~~-czt, by~ City of Dubuque, Iowa,
connector, in front of and adjoin-
ing tut sa~rte, a special tax be and
u Lzrvhy levizd on the several
lots, a~td part, of lots, and parcels
of re l estate all as named, situ-
ated and c•,vned, and far the se-v-
eal ar~totmts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as set
forth in the schedule.
vcralhy Bauer, Lot 1 of 61
O'Tiei'1's River View..,.,.,.. 24.27
P~crothy Bauer, Lot 1 of 62
~~'ldeili';, River Vizw.... 24.27
'I'i~.ot_~as L, ~ Doris O'Brien,
Lot Z c~f 61 O'1`Izi11's River
View .............. ......... 64.83
'Thomas L, ~ Doris O'Brien,
-ot 2 of 62 O'Nzill's River
Viety ........................... 64.83
Sam G. & Vivian Slcaife, Lot
63, O'Neill's River View.... 89.10
Sam G. Fs Vivian Slcaife, Lot
ti4, O'ldeili's River Vierv... 89.10
LaVan L. Dasclrer, Lot 65,
O'Tdeill's River View _ ..... 89.1C
~;rm. F~ Edith B. Oakley, Lot
66, O'Neill's River View.... 89.10
700 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
Wm. & Edith B. Oakley, Lot
67, O'Neill's River View.... 89.10
Wm. & Editlt B. Oakley, Lot
68, O'Neill's River Drive.... 89,10
Wm, & Edith B. Oakley, Lot
1 of 69 O'Neill's River
Drive ...................................... 60.22
Wm. & Edith B, Oakley, Lot
2 of 69 O'Neill's River
View ......................................... 13,55
Wm, & Edith B. Oakley, Lot
1 of 70 O'Neill's River
View .......................................... 31.36
Wm, & Edith B. Oakley, Lot
2 of 70 O'Neill's River
View .......................................... 42.40
Wm. & Edith B, Oakley, Lot
71, O'Neill's River View.... 71.28
Merlen & Thelma Schlump,
Lot 72, O'Neill's River
View ......................................... 72.89
Merlen & Thelma Schlump,
Lot 73, O'Neill's River
View ......................................... 75.45
Caroline M. & C. J, May, Lot
1 of 74 O'Neill's River
View ........................................ 69.98
Caroline M. & C. J, May, Lot
2 of 74 E.1' O'Neill's River
View ......................................... 1.82
Wm. & Edith Oakley, Lot 2
of 74 W2' O'Neill's River
View ............................_........... 3.64
Caroline M. & C. J. May, Lot
2 of 75 O'Neill's River
View ......................................... 27,33
Caroline M, & C. J. May, Lot
1 of 75 O'Neill's River
View ......................................... 63.77
Caroline M. & C, J. May, Lot
2 of 76 O'Neill's River
View .......................................... 40.08
Caroline M, & C. J. May, Lot
1 of 76 O'Neill's River
View ........................................ 51.02
Caroline M. & C. J. May, Lot
1 of 77 O'Neill's River
View ........................................... .52.84
Wm, & Edith Oakley, Lot 2
of 77 O'Neill's River View 3826
Wm. & Edith Oakley, Lot 1
of 78 O'Neill's River View 65,60
Wm. & Edith Oakley, Lot 2
of 78 O'Neill's River View 25.51
Wm. & Edith Oakley, Lot 1
of 79 O'Neill's River View 78.36
Melvin & Eliz. Kaune (Kaune)
Lot 2 of 79 O'Neill's River
View ....................................... 12,75
Melvin & Eliz, Kaune (Kaune)
Lot 80, O'Neill's River
View .......................................... 91.12
Angeline Plotner, Lot 1 of
81 O'Neill's River View...... 66,76
Angeline Plotner, Lot 1 of
82 O'Neill's River View....,. 66.76
frank A. Fluckiger, Lot 2 of
81 O'Neili's River View...... 24,35
Frank A. Fluckinger, Lot 2
of 82 O'Neill's River View 24.35
George F, Wagner, Lot 113,
Belmont Add ........................... 87.61
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
114, Belmont Add ................. 87.61
Gerald H. & Stella M, Tig-
ges, Lot 115, Belmont Add, 87.61
Gerald H, & Stella M. Tig-
ges, Lot 116, Belmont Add, 87.61
Gerald H. & Stella M, Tig-
ges, Lot 117, Belmont Add, 87,61
Donald T. & Lucille Murphy,
Lot 136, N,t/z Belmont
Add .......................................... 24.09
Alfred C. & Marie Daniels,
Lot 136, S.t/z Belmont
Add . .......................................... 63.51
Alfred C. ~ Marie Daniels,
Lot 137, S.t/z Belmont
Add .......................................... 63,51
Donald T. & Lucille Murphy,
Lot 137, N,1/z Belmont
Add ........................................... 24,09
Alfred C. & Marie Daniels,
Lot 138, Belmont Add..... 87,61
Alfred C. & Marie Daniels,
Lot 139, Belmont Add..... 87.61
Merlin & Thelma Schlump,
Lot 140, Belmont Add, 87.61
879.90 Tons 1" Surfacing
Stone @ 2,00 ...................... 1,759.80
15.20 Tons Torpedo Sand
@ 1.47 ................................. 22.34
7,140 Gal. MC-3 Asphalt
@ .12 .................................... 856,80
Extra Expense 4.6%........., 121.39
All of which is assessed in pro
portion to the special benefits con•
ferred. Passed, adopted and ap•
proved this 2nd day of November,
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Regular Session, November ?, 1953 701
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec•
onded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Attstin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Council
to issue street improvement bonds
in the amount of $2,760.33 to pro-
vide for payment of the assessed
cost of the improvement of Edith
Street with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the west property line
of Burden Avenue to the east prop-
erty line of Brunswick Street, pre-
sented and read, No written ob-
jections filed and no objectors
present in the Council Chamber at
the time set for said public hear-
ing, Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of Edith Street,
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$2,760.33 Dollars of the cost there•
of shall be assessed against the
property subject to assessment
therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of provid-
ingfor the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all objec-
tions made thereto have been con-
sidered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
1. That to provide far the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of the
improvement of Edith Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the west property line of Burden
Avenue to the east property line
of Brunsv~ick Sheet there shall be
issued St~e~et Improvement bands
in the amount of $2,760,33 Dollass~
in anticipation of the deferred pay-
ment of assessments levied fot°
such im,provem,ent,
2. Such bonds shall be called
Strcet Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of December
3, 1953; and shall be numbered
consecutively; and they shall be
numbered, divided into series, and
be in such denominations and for
such maturity dates as are shown
in the following table:
1. 6095, 6096 and 6097-$300,00
each, April 1, 1954
2, 6098, 6099 and 6100$300.00
each, April 1, 1955
3. 61D1, 6102 and 6103-$300,00
each, April 1, 1956
3, 6104-$60.33, April 1, 1956
3. Said bonds shall bear inter-
est at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually in
accordance with coupons thereto
4, Said bands shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5, Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City of
Dubttque and shall be in substan-
tially the following form:
No . .........................................................
Series Na ......... ...............................
Street 9snprovernent Sond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay he herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of ....................
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sure of Three Hundred dollais
with interest thereon at the rate of
5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attached. Both prin-
cipal and interest of this bond are
702 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued Eby the City of Dubuque un-
der and by virtue of Chapter 396 of
the 1950 Code of Iowa, as amended,
and the Resolution of said City
duly passed an the 2nd day of No-
vember, 1953, being Resolution No.
This Bond is one of a series of
10 bonds, 9 for $300.000 numbered
from 6095 to 6103 inclusive, and
one far $60.33 numbered 6104, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose fo improving Edith
Street with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing as described in said Resolu-
tion, in said City, which cost is pay-
able by the abutting and adjacent
property along said improvements
and is made by law a lien on all
of said property. It is payable only
out of the Special Assessment Fund
No. 1120 created by the collection
of said special tax, and said fund
can be used for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and preformed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this 3rd
day of December, 1953.
.............................City Clerk...............
(F®rm o¢ Coupon)
On the ........... ..day of........................,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said band, the sum of ....................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being ..................manths' interest due
that date on its.......... ...........:.......Bond
No ..............dated...................................
City Clerk
G. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bands and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared
to execute said bands and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in
a book kept for that purpose and
to then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fund to be known as
Special Assessment Fund No. 1120
and paid out by him to pay the
cost of said contract.
3. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the Ma-
yor and countersigned with the fac•
simile signature of the City Clerk.
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as num-
Adopted this 2nd day of No-
vember, 1953.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kintzinger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger Kolb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C. Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the na
tice of levy of special assessment
Regular Session, llovern'r~er %, 1953
and intention of the City Co?Inoil
10 luSAe ',001115 along ti.0 hi,2 if
(he i;nprovenlent of Edith Street
with asphaltic Inacarlarn 5tnfaci.~
frog 1 the avast p~opet iv 1lllc of
burden Aventlo to the ea_t llrt er-
ty lllic of i~r[iltSt?l::k u'tleet, -;la-
sented and I^~?.d. Couneilz2an Loli~
moved the Ilse statszllent }~e ra:
eeived and filod. Secondetl c-,
Councilman Scii.IZller. Car:icd b~
the following vote;
Yeas-1lfayor Arson, Cett,~ei1_-
uler, Kintzitzger, I;olb, Selluelier,
Proofs cf pttblieatio_l, c."~iFi'.c€ to
by the publishers, of noti°e of levy
of specie[ assessrnont and inten-
tion of the Cit°r Council to issth
i:onds to pay fo°z' t'le i~np?aver~lent
of Esth:.r Street ~ ith as llaliir.
macaclam surfacing IAeu7 t}:e soutis
property line a` PJt. Loretta Ave-
ntia to ilze north property line of
Tressa Street, a,acltnt of aosess-
nlent $562.4°:, p~•esento3 an,l I°ead,
i~?o written obariic,ls `ilad and no
ob;ectors present iii tl e Council
Cizanlber at iile ti_i1e set fo°. said
public hearin;;. CotolleiLtlall ~t~lb
moved that f~~a 11r;;ofs of i,t?biic-.-
tion be roceivad earl filod. Seectld•
ed by Cost„cilz an I~~ilit;.ing _.
Ca_~ried by tilt folioaring vote;
Yeas-Playor Austin, Coancil-
nlen Iintzinger, Kol',~, Sclltteller,
SCS9~N~f?! ~~ €~:_ ~," ~s~~',ss..slai`i'J
~~~..~df3L~~°nC~l spy. EsiS- yo
Resolved by t}ie Cry Council of
the Citi of Du~aque, Ioin~a; shat to
pay for the ilt;rovelYiellt of Esther
Street Pr'ieh fi.GpilalilC L'laeaCiaiil 3Pr-
facing from the south property
line of Mt. LoP6iia Av~nne to the
north proporty line of Tressa
Street, by City of Dilbui;te, Iowa,
contractor, in front of anti atljoiil-
ing the same, a special tax Le and
is hereby levied on the soverallots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate all ;s naiued, situated
and owned, and fol° the several
amotmts set opposito eaciz lot or
parcel of real estate, as sot forth
in the schedule.
Libbie €z Mary Corcoran, Lot
1, Ryders Sub ......................... $71.Ei3
Olives 2. Anaclete Larson,
Lot 2, Ryders Sttb .............
i'ar!~t,~ ,I. 1. Dorothy Butters,
Let 3, l yciers Sub .................
Harr;, ~. ~: Dorothy Butters,
?+ot 4, Ryders Sltb. ........
Clintall ~~ etleral Savings ~z
Loan Assn,, Lot 5, Ryders
Sub . ................................
Clinto,l hederal Savings &
Loan !'assn., Lot 6, Ryders
Stib . ... ............................_......
Carl Schaufcle, Lat 8, Ry-
~uiei`5 ~Ub.
Call Sehaufole, Lot 1.9, Ry-
ders Sub .............................
Carl SallauFole, Lat 2.9, Ry-
ders Sub .............................
Call S~ehatafole, Lot 1Q Ry-
,iers St b
~Iarriet B. Hardie, ...li ...........
of 11,
Ryders Sub .............. _.........
'arriet B. Iiardie, Lot 12,
lUyde:as ~ttb...._ ......................
Clinton Federal Savings &
Loam Assn., Lot 13, Ryders
Catherine Williamson, Lot 8,
Oak Grove Addition........,...
Jenili2 Bongherty, Lot 9,
Oc~y GI°ove Atdition............
FY•e~~}°~atl E, c. Doris Han-
ccck, Lot 19, Oak Grove
Addition ............................
Raylrsond Rafot~l, Lot 2-11,
Oaa ti; rove Addition............
~oselah C. Ra Joan M. Locher,
2-1-i1, Oak Grove Add.......
Iaa~epll C. ~ Joan M. Locher,
Lot 2-1.1-11, Oak Grove
Adil .............._...........................
Melvin il. ~a TVfary Wagner,
Lot 2:, Oak Grove
Add ........................................
Melvin N. ~z Mary Wagner,
Lot 1-1-1-1-11, Oak Grove
Add ..........................................
naJmontl Rafoth, Lot 2-12,
Oak Grove Add...._............
Joseph C. f~ Joan M. Locher,
Lot 2-1-12, Oalr Gi•ove Add.
Joseph C. R. Joan N1. Locher,
Lot 2-1-1-12, Oak Grove
Add ........................................
ivlelvin 11. 6L Mary Wagner,
Lot 2-1-1.1.12, Oak Grove
Add ........................._ ............
Melvin PI, uJa 114ary Wagner,
Lot 1-1-1-1-12, Oak Grove
Add .....................................
94 ~1 Tons-1" Surfacing
Stone C~ $2.00 ...................... $188.82
704 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
22.75 Tans Torpedo Sand
@ 1.47 ..................................... 33.44
2070 Gal. MC•3 Asphalt @
.12 ............................................ 248.40
Extra Expenses 19.5%............ 91.78
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
ferred. Passed, adopted and ap-
proved this 2nd day of November,
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman I{alb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kintzinger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Council
to issue sheet improvement bonds
in the amount of $562.44 to provide
far payment of the assessed cost
of the improvement of Esther
Street with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the south property
line of Mt. Loretta Avenue to the
north property line of Tressa
Street, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in the Council
Chambor at the time set for said
public hearing. Councilman Kolb
moved that the proofs of publica-
tion be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, F{olb, Schueller,
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bands for the purpose of provid-
ingfor the payment of the assessed
cost of Esther Street.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$562.44 Dollars of the cost there-
of shall be assessed against the
property subject to_ assessment
therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as provid-
ed by law, has beer, published by
tine City Clerk stating the intention
of the City Council to issue bonds
for the purpose of providing for
the payment of the assessed cost
of said improvement and a public
hearing has been held, pursuant
to such notice and all objections
made thereto have been considered
and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of the
improvement of Esther Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the south property line of Mt. Lor-
etta Avenue to the north property
line of Tressa Street there shall be
issued Street Improvement bands
in the amount of $562.44 Dollars
in anticipation of the deferred pay-
ment of assessments levied for
such improvement.
2. Such bonds shall be called
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of December 3,
1953; and shall be numbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and be
in such denominations and for such
maturity dates as are shown in
the following table:
1. 6105-$100.00, April 1, 1954
2. 6106 and 6107-$100.00 each,
April 1, 1955
3. 6108 and 6109-$100.00 each,
April 1, 1956
3. 6110-$62.44, April 1, 1956
3. Said bonds shall boar inter-
est at the rate of 5 per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac•
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shall not make
tite City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 705
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City of
Dubuque and shall be in substan-
tially the following form:
No . ......................................................
Series No ................._..........................
Street hmprovement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of .........................,
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of One Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attached. Bath princi-
pal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque un-
der and ,by virtue of Chapter 396
of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as amend-
ed, and the Resolution of said City
duly passed on the 2nd day of No-
vember, 1953, being Resolution
No. 466-53.
This Bond is one of a series of 6
bonds, 5 for $100.00 numbered
from 6105 to 6109 inclusive, and
one for $62.44 numbered 6110, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of improving Es-
ther Street with asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing as described in said
Resolution, in said City, which cost
is payable by the abutting and ad-
jacent property along said improve-
ments and is made by law a lien on
all of said property. It is payable
only out of the Special Assessment
Fund No. 1121 created by the col-
lection of said special tax, and said
fund can be used for no other pur-
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece•
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due farm, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the ftill
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevccably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayer and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thoretc affixed, this 3rd
day of December, 1953.
City Clerk
(Form of Coa~pon)
On the ...._ day of .......................
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of , .._..........
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being months' interest due
that date on its .............................Bond
No.. _............dated ...............................
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk ,be and he is hereby in•
structed to register said bond in a
book kept for that purpose and to
then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to loll said bonds
in the manner provided by law, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fond to be known as
Special Assessment Fund No. 1121
and paid out by him to pay the cost
of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and re-
tired in the same order as num-
706 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
Adopted this 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1953,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C. Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he pasted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council to is-
sue bonds along the line of the im-
provement of Esther Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the south property line of Mt. La
retta Avenue to the north property
line of Tressa Street, presented and
read. Councilman I{olb moved that
the statement be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of levy
of special assessment and intention
of the City Council to issue bonds
to pay for the improvement of Fin-
ley Street with asphaltic macadam
surfacing from the northwest prop-
erty line of University Avenue to
the east property line of Bunker
Hill Road, amount of assessment
$5,589,82, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
public 1-searing. Councilman Kolb
moved that the proofs of publica-
tion be received and filed, Second-
ed by Councilman Kintzinger', Car-
ried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to
pay for the improvement of Finley
Street with asphaltic macadam sur-
facingfrom the northwest property
line of University Avenue to the
east property line of Bunker HiII
Road, by City of Dubuque, Iowa,
contractor, in front of and adjoin-
ing the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate all as named, situated
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as set forth
in the schedule,
Lucille Poquette, Lot 141,
Finley Add ........... ................... 49.06
' y q 42,
L Pin e Addette Lot 1 ,,,134.90
Ralph A, & I, E. Yager, Lot
143, SW 65'9", Finley Add. 95.00
Bertha Staheli et al, Lot 143,
NE 102', Finley Add ............. 39.90
Bertha Staheli et al, Lot 144,
NE 102, Finley Add ............. 39.90
Ralph A, 3c I. E. Yager, Lot
144,SW 65'9", Finley Add. 95.00
Ralph A. & I. E. Yager, Lot
145, SW 65'9", Finley Add. 95.00
Bertha Staheli et al, Lot 145,
NE 102', Finley Add ............. 39,90
Carl & Estella Launspach,
Lot 146, Finley Add .............117,37
Matt J. & Hattie Kohn, Lot
2 of 182 Finley Add ............. 9,62
Reuben H. & Irene Childers,
Lot 1 of 182 Finley Add..... 24,64
Reuben H. & Irene Childers,
Lot i of 183 Finley Add..... 63,55
Matt J. & Hattie Kohn, Lot 2
of 183 Finley Add ................. 3124
Matt J, & Hattie Kohn, Lot 2
of 184 Finley Add . ...............100,40
Reuben H. & Irene Childers,
Lot 1 of 184 Finley Add,....190.14
Francis C. & Wilma Barker,
Lot 1 of 185 Finley Add..... 144,04
Paul B. & Mary Schmid, Lot
186 Finley Add . ................... 95,62
Garland & Mercedes Lynch,
Lot 187, Finley Add ............. 22,69
James E. & Martha Beall,
Lot 192, Finley's Add......... 324
Chas. F. & Marjorie Sonnen•
berg, Lot 193, Finley's
Add . ......................................... 35,30
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 707
Harry E. & Violet Ricketts,
Lot 194, Finley's Add, ....... 95.62
Stanley L. & Mary Danzer,
Lot 195, Finley's Add........ 285.2D
Anthony A. Jr. & Betty Hell-
ing, Lot 196, Finley's Add. 285.20
Rosemary F. & Leo Maas,
Lot 197, Finley's Add, ...... 95.62
Herbert & Bernadette Klau-
er, Lat 1 of 198 Finley's
Add ........................................ 16.10
Susie Duscher, Lot 2 of 198
Finley's Add .................... 20,88
Mabel K. Spensley, Lot 199,
Finley's Add ........................ 36.95
Clarence & Margt. Reuter,
Lot 200, Finley's Add. 95,62
Donald J. & Luella Cogan,
Lot 201, Finley's Add,........ 285.20
Aden E, & Bessie Brown,
Lot 202, Finley's Add, ....... 289.35
A. J. Oakley, Lot 203, Fin-
ley's Add ......... .......... ... 77.40
Edgar G. & Kathleen Dyke-
man, Lot 204, Finley's
Add ................... _................ 35.47
Bertha D, Spensley, Lot 205,
Finley's Add......._......... _. 14.87
Glenn C. & Anna Johnson,
Lot 206, Finley's Add.,...,... 26
Geo. W. & Selma Kaune,
Lot 214, Finley's Add......_. 10.59
Robert E. Mueller & Dorothy
Kunlow, Lot 215, Finley's
Add . ........................................ 19.98
Robert E. Mueller & Dorothy
Kunlow, Lot 215, Finley's
Add, ....._ ................................. 2.84
John J. & Cath. Luedtke, Lot
1 of 216, Finley's Add...,.,... 39.06
Agnes Reinicko Est., Lot
217, Finley's Add ................. 95.73
John J. iu Martha Widmeier,
Lot 218 of N.98', Finley's
Add . ............. _.............,........ 132.67
John J, & Martha Widmeier,
Lat 218 S. 100' Finley's
Add .......................................... 135.37
Cecilia Ellis, Lot 1 of 219
Finley's Add ........................... 144.04
Floyd & Marie Kuntz, Lot 2
of 219 Finley's Addition ... 141.16
Salina Akins, Lot 220, Fin-
ley's Add . .............................. 95.62
Lloyd W. & Mae Grutz, Lot
221, Finley's Add ................ 36.94
Robert J, & Maxine F. Shire-
man, Lot 2 of 185 Finley's
Add ........................................... 141,16
Wm, E. & Annetta Schae-
fer, Lot 1 of 222 Finley
Add...........~ ........................... 1,07
Mett,l Realty ~4.; In-v. Co.,
Lo± 2 of 222 Finley Add. 42.03
Mettel R^~It,-y~ & Inv. Ca.,
Lot u`?.3, Finley Add. _ 115.06
Julia A. Lehner, Lot 224,
1\~~6U 100' Finloy Add, -. 144,04
JuL':a. A. Lehner, Lot 224,
SE 147' Finley Adcl.... 211.74
Thomas E, Lynn, Lot 1 of
South Part of 225 & 226
Finley Atkl. __ .. ... 250.21
Loral J. ~ Leta Beadle,
Lat 2 of Set;th Part of
2~~5 ~ 226 Finley Add..,. 116,19
Eee~in x 1lelen Tow, Lot
~'c~, `d. 60' Firizy Add. 76.86
Ed~~~in S Helen Totw, Lot
226, N. 60' Finley Add. 28.7"r
Edwin & Helen Tow, Lot
7Z7, N. 60' Finloy Add. 14.97
F'l,ilomera Hat?n, Lot 228,
Finley Add........ 16.77
Margaret Stretetzky, Lot
229, Finloy Add, . .... 4.95
Lester ~ Ra;nona Chap-
man, Lot 227, 5.194 Fin-
ley Add ...... .................. 50.15
Charles J. ~ Mary Coffee,
L ~ot 1 of 1-1 Faber Place 153.31
Elroy D. ~ Lavaune Hinz,
Lot 2 of 1.1 Faber Place 128.90
Mathilda Faher, Lot 2 of
1 Faber Place .............. 179,39
90.40 Tons 1" Surfacing
Stone «~ 2.00 ................... 180,80
1834,58 Tons 3/~r" Surfac-
ing Stone q 2,C0............ 3,669.16
3300 Gah MC-0 Asphalt
a, .12 ._ _ ............................_. 396.00
9390 Gal. Il7C-3 Asphalt
co ,12 .................................... 1,126.80
Extra Expense 4.04%......... 217,06
All cf which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits eon-
feri-ed, Passed, adopted and ap-
proved this 2nd day of November,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
708 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kintzinger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Council to
issue street improvement bonds in
the amount of $5,589.82 to provide
for payment of the assessed cost
of the improvement of Finley
Street with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the northwest property
line of University Avenue to the
east property line of Bunker Hill
Road, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
public hearing. Councilman Kolb
moved that the proofs of publica-
tion be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
RRS®LU5!®iq f~0. 4b0.53
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for the propose of provid-
ingfor the payment of the assessed
cost of Finley Street (University
Avenue to Bunker Hill Road).
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion theca
of to the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$5,589.82 Dollars of the cost there-
of shall be assessed against the
property subject to assessment
therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as provid-
ed by law, has been published by
the City Clerk stating the inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
far the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all ob-
jeetions made thereto have been
considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It RRSOIved by
the City Couneil of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of the
improvement of Finley Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the northwest property line of Uni-
versity Avenue to the East prop-
erty line of Bunker Hill Road
there shall be issued Street Im-
provement bonds in the amount of
$5,589.82 Dollars in anticipation of
the deferred payment of assess-
ments levied for such improve-
2. Such ,bonds shall be called
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of December 3,
1953; and shall be numbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and be
in such denominations and for such
maturity dates as are shown in the
following table:
1. 6111, 6112 and 6113-$500.00
each, April 1, 1954
2. 6114, 6115, 6116 and 6117-
$500.00 each, April 1, 1955
3. 6118, 6119, 6120 and 6121-
$500.00 each, April 1, 1956
3. 6122-$89.52, April 1, 1956
3. Said bands shall bear inter-
est at the rate of 5 per cent per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide
that they may be payable at any
time prior to the maturity date
stated therein at the option of the
City of Dubuque and shall be in
substantially the following form:
No . ..........................................................
Series No ...............................................
Sfree4 improvemen4 Band
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer
hereof, on the first day of ...................
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of Five Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cau-
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 709
pons hereto attached. Both princi-
pal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque un-
der and by virtue of Chapter 396
of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as amend-
ed, and the Resolution of said City
duly passed on the 2nd day of No-
vember, 1953, being Resolution No.
This Bond is one of a series of
12 bonds, 11 for $500.00 numbered
6111 to 6121 inclusive, and one
for $89.82 numbered 6122, all of
like tenor and date, and issued for
the purpose of improving Finley
Street (University Avenue to Bun-
ker Hill Road) with asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing as described in said
Resolution, in said City, which cost
is payable by the abutting and ad-
jacent property along said improve-
ments and is made by law a lien on
all of said property. It is payable
only out of the Special Assessment
Fttnd No. 1122 created by the col-
lection of said special tax, and said
fund can be used for no other pur•
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signori by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this
3rd day of December, 1953.
City Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
On the ............day of ....................... .
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promr
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of .... ...............
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being . -... months' interest due
that date on its .........................Bond
ATO, dated ................_.......
City Clerk
6. Tlsat the Mayor and City
Cleo;: be and they are hereby in-
strt€cwd to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in a
book kept for that purpose and to
thou deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fund to be known as
Special Assessment Fund No, 1122
and paid out by him to pay the cost
of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons
attached to the bonds be signed
with the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signatmre of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of the interest
due, these bonds shall be called
and retired in the same order as
Adapted this 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1953.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sea
ended by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas- Mayor Austin, Council-
I rnen Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C. Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council to is-
sue bands along the line of the im-
~~ _.
t ;
{. „'
!, ;.
,. -;
710 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
provement of Finley Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the northwest property line of Uni-
versity Avenue to the east property
line of Bunker Hill Road, present-
ed and read. Councilman Kolb
moved that the statement be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
levy of special assessment and in-
t~ntion of the City Council to is-
sue bonds to pay for the improve-
ment of Finley Street with asphal-
tic macadam surfacing from the
north property line of McCormick
Street to the south property line of
West Street, amount of assessment
$631,75, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
public hearing, Councilman Kolb
moved that the proofs of publica-
tion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Welu, Carried
by the fallowing vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to
pay for the improvement of Finley
Street with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the north property line
of McCormick Street to the south
property line of West Street, by
City of Dubuque, Iowa, contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate all as named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as set forth in the
A. J. & Ella Hartig, Lot 1,
Kuehnle Heights .................... $1326
Wm. H. & Ruby Schlung, Lot
2, Kuehnle Heights............ 2424
Arthur J. & Bernice Kauf-
man, Lot 3, Kuehnle
Heights ........................... 11.86
Mildred S. Holmes, Lot 4,
Kuehnle Heights ................... 124.34
Nona Clark, Lat 5, Kuehnle
Heights .................................. 78.75
Paul A. & Ethel Kerz, Lot
6, Kuehnle Heights .............. 62,86
Paul A. & Ethel Kerz, Lot
7, Kuehnle Heights ...... 6.46
Paul A. & Ethel I{erz, Lot
8, Kuehnle Heights .............. 2,90
University of Dubuque, Lot
9, Kuehnle Heights ............. 1.11
University of Dubuque, Lot
10, Kuehnle Heights .......... 2,04
University of Dubuque, Lat
1-1, Cain's Sub, No, 2,.......... 9,31
Louis & Carrie Beier, Lot
2, East St. Sub,._ ................... 2.12
Frank C. & Anna Heinemen,
Lot 3, East St, Sub ............... 38,57
Albert C. & Lenace Henne-
ger, Lot 4, East St, Sub,.... 112,05
Violet Bechtel, Lot 5, East
St. Sub ....................................... 72,06
Violet Bechtel, Lot 6, East
St, Sub ............. ......................... 69.82
140.50 Tons 3/a" Surfacing
Stone @ $2.00 .................. $281.00
50.95 Tons Torpedo Sand
@ 1.47 ...................................... 74.90
1530 Gal. MC-3 Asphalt @
.12 .............................................183.60
Extra Expense 17.1% .............. 92.25
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
ferred. Passed, adoptiEd and ap-
proved this 2nd day of November,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
Regular Session, November 2, 193
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Council
to issue street improvement bonds
in the amount of $631.75 to provide
` for payment of the assessed cost of
~ the improvement of Finley Str; et
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the north property line of
McCormick Street to the south
property line of West Street, pre-
sented and read. No written abjec-
tionsfiled and no objectors present
• in the Council Charul;er at the time
set for said public hearing. Coun-
cilman Kolb moved that the proofs
of publication be received and
~ filed. Seconded by Councilman
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for the purpose of provid-
ingfor the payment of the assessed
cost of Finley Street (McCormick to
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$631.75 Dollars of the cost thereof
shall be assessed against the prop-
erty subject to assessment there-
for; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided ~by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the Ciiy Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all objec-
tions made thereto have been con-
sidered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of the
improvement of Finley Street with
asphaltic niaca.dam surfacing from
the north property line of McCor-
mick S!-t-eet t~ t1±e sont.lt prelierty
iine rf `i'~st Street there shall he
ist•etI Sheet I»ipro;'eii~ent bonds
in tl-e a.notutt of $c31.75 ~'ollars in
an°.icipaticn of the deferred pay-
i;ienf of assesst?rents levied for
such i_l;prcveinont.
2. Sucli bcuils shalll b° called
Sfieet I:~_prove~itent bonds; and
shall bear t' e date of December 3,
1953; any, sl.~l bo n,i.rnbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bzricl, divided into series, and be
in such denominations aiid for such
maturity dates as ~e shown in the
foilo;aing table:
1. 6123 and 6124-$100.00 each,
April 1, 1954
2,. 6125 and 6i26-$100.00 each,
April 1, 1955
3, 6127 and 612-$100.06 each,
April 1, i956
3. 6129-$31.75, April 1, 1956
3. Said bonds shall bear inter-
est at the rate of 5 per cent per
annarn, payable semi-annually in
accoid::nce with coupons thereto
4. Said bonds shall not make
tl:o City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds,
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prier to the maturity date stated
therein at tiie option of the City
of Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially the following form;
No . .....................................................
Series No ..................................................
Street Irnpravem~st ~~+~d
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
aft~r mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of ........_.... ,
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sure of Ono Htmdred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate of
5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attached, Both princi-
pal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dttbugae un-
der and by virtue of Chapter 396
of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as
712 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
amended, and the Resolution of
said City duly passed on the 2nd
day of November, 1953, being Res-
olution No. 470.53,
This Bond is one of a set°ies of 7
bonds, 6 for $100.00 numbered
from 6123 to 6128 inclusive, and
one for $31.75 numbered 6129, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of improving Fin-
ley Street (McCormick to West St.)
with asphaltic i??acadam surfacing
as described in said Resolution, in
said City, which cost is payable by
the abutting and adjacent property
along said improvements and is
made by law a lien on all of said
property. It is payable only out of
the special Assessment Fund No.
1123 created by the collection of
said special tax, and said fund can
be used for no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series of
bonds, have been done, happened,
and performed, in regular and due
farm, as required by law and said
Resolution, and for the assessment,
collection and payment hereon of
said special tax, the full faith
and diligence of said City of Du-
buque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this 3rd
day of December, 1953.
City Clerk
(Soren off Coupon)
On the ..............day of..........................,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of ....................
Dollars, in the office of t'r~e City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being ..................months' interest due
that date on its ............................Bond
No ...................dated...............................
........City Clerk ..............
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk .be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in a
book kept for that purpose and to
then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law,
the proceeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
No. 1123 and paid out by him to
pay tl?e cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9, That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and re-
tired in the same order as num-
Adopted this 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1953.
Attest; J• J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller, Car•
Tied by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C, Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council to is-
sue bands along the line of the im•
provement of Finley Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the north property line of McCor-
mick Street to the south property
line of West Street, presented and
read. Councilman Kolb moved that
the statement be received and
Regular Session, November ?, 1953
filed, Seconded by Councilman
I{intzinger, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
levy of special assessment and in-
tention of the City Council to is-
sue bonds to pay for the improve-
ment of Jenni Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing from the south
property line of Lombard Street
to the south property line of Thei-
sen Street, amount of assessment
$601.85, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
public hearing. Councilman Kolb
moved that the proofs of publica-
tion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman I{intzinger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council•
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to
pay for the improvement of Jenni
Street with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the south property
line of Lombard Street to the south
property line of Theisen Street,
by City of Dubuque, Iowa, contrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate all as named, situated and
owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as sot forth
in the schedule•
Norman & Betty Dugan
(Fay), Lot 8, Stetmore
Sub . ......................................... $17.95
Theodore S. & Mary J• Hingt-
gen, Lot 9, Stetmore Sub. 5494
Oliver J, & Margt, F, Lude-
scher, Lot 10, Stetmore
Sub . ................................. 47.48
T• Edwin & Edna Winders,
Lot 11, Stetmm•e Sub......... 47.48
Roger A. & Arline A, Spang-
ler, Lot 12, Stetmore Sub. 47.48
Irene PrI. Schmitt, Lat 13,
Stetmore Sub.. ..... _ ....
Melvin J. & Anna Ahrendt,
Lot 11, Stetmore Sub..,,,,..
Lois C, Murphy, W,175' Lot
30, Sisters Add .....................
St. Joseph Church, E.125',
Lot 30, Sisters Add. ._......
St. Joseph Church, Lot 1-1-
31. Sisters Add• ......._.........
Charles A. ~l Francis Firz-
laff, Lot 1-2-1-31, Sisters
Leonard P. & Gladys Thies,
2-2-1-31, Sisters Add.........
Leonard P. ~ Gladys Thies,
Lat 2-2-1-32, Sisters Add.
Myrtle E. Smith, Lot 1-1-2-1-
32, Sisters Add ...............
St. Joseph Church, Lot 1-1.1-
32, Sisters Add• ..................
Wm. L. Broghamer, Lot 2-1-
2.1-32, Sisters Add ..............
Leonard P. & Gladys Thies,
Lot, Sisters Add•
Joanna Sheldon, Lot 2-1.1-32,
Sisters Add ..........................
Joanna Sheldon Lot 1-1.1.33,
Sisters Add• ....................... .
Earl F. & Mary Maus, Lot
1-2-1.33, Sisters Add,.........,
66.43 Tons-1" Surfacing
Stone C' $2.00 .................... $132.86
5.75 Tons Torpedo Sand
1.47 ...................................... 8.45
2,900 Gal. MC•3 Asphalt a
.12 ....... ................................. 348.00
23% Extra Expense .................112.54
AH of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
714 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Council
to issue st1•eet improvement bonds
in the amount of $601.85 to provide
for payment of the assessed cost
of the improvement of Jenni Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the south property line of
Lombard Street to the south prop-
erty line of Theisen Street, pre-
sented and read. No written objec-
tions filed and no o-bjectors present
in the Council Chamber at the
time set far said public hearing,
Councilman Kolb moved that the
proofs of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Welu. Carried by the follow-
ing vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
RESOLUTION idO. 472.53
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for the put•pose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cast of Jenni Street.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entet•ed into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$601.85 Dollars of the cost thereof
shall be assessed against the prop-
erty subject to assessment there-
for; and
Whereas public notice, as provid-
ed by law, has been published by
the City Clerk stating the inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all objec-
tions made thereto have been con-
sidered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of the
improvement of Jenni Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the south property line of Lom-
bard Street to the south property
line of Tl-~eisen Stre~ t there shall
be issued Street Improvement
hands in the amount of $601.85
Dollars in anticipation of the de-
ferred payment of assessments
levied fer such improvement.
2. Such bands shall be called
Streit Lmprovement bonds; and
shall bear the date of December 3,
1953; and shall be numbered con-
seeutive}y; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and be
in such denominations and fot• such
maturity dates as are shown in the
fcllowing table:
1. 6130-$101.85, Apt•il 1, 1954
1. 6131---$100.00, April 1, 1954
2. 6132 and 6133-$100.00 each,
3. 6134 and 6135-$100.00 each,
April 1, 1956
3. Said bonds shall bear inter-
est at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually in
accordance with coupons thereto
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City
of Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially the following form:
No . .........................................................
Series No ...............................................
Street Improvemenf Bond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of ...........................
or at any timo before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of One Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate of
5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attached. Both princi-
pal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa- This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque un-
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 '~15
der and by virtue of Chapter 396
of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as amend-
ed, and the Resolution of said City
duly passed on the 2nd day of No-
veinber, 1953, being Resolution P?o,
This Bond is one of a series of
= 6 bonds, 5 fer $100.00 numbered
from 6131 to 6135 inclusive, and
one for $101.85 numbered 6130, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
fer the purpose of improving Jenni
Strast with Asphaltic Macadam
Surfacing as described in said Res•
elution, in said City, v~Thich cost is
{ payable by the abutting and adja-
cent property along said improve-
menu and is made by law a lien
on all of said property- It is pay-
, able only out of the Special Assess-
ment Fund No, 1i24 creabed by the
collection of said special tax, and
~ said fund can be used far no other
i purpose.
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap,
pened, and performed, in regular
' and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
• assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testinrany Whereof the City
I of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this band to be signed by
t its Mayor and countersigned by
its City Clerk and the Seal of said
i City to be thereto affixed, this 3rd
'~ day of December, 1953 .
City Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
On the ....,.....day of ....................,
the City of Bubuque, Iowa, prom-
- ises to pay t;, bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum of ......................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being ...............months' interest due
that date on its ........................... Bond
No .................dated............................
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City
clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute paid bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in a
book kept far that purpose and to
then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided ~by law,
the proceeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assesstnent Fund
No, 1124 and paid out by him to
pay the cost of said contract,
8• That the interest coupons at•
tacked to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the
Mayor and countersigned with the
facsinrile signature of the City
9. That as fast as foods allow,
beginning vrith the second year
,:,~"ter the payment of interest dtte,
these bonds shall ba called and re-
ti•-ed in the same order as num-
Adopted this 2nd day of Novein-
Attest: J. J• SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second,
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayar• Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, I{alb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C. Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council toy is-
sue bonds along the line of the im-
pravement of Jenni Street with
asphaltic macadam surfacing from
the south property line of Lcmbard
Street to the south property line
of Theisen Street, presented and
read. Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication .be re-
ceived and filed, Seconded by
716 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
Councilman Kintzinger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
levy of special assessment and in-
tention of the City Council to issue
bonds to pay for the improvement
of St. Ambrose Street with asphal-
tic macadam surfacing from the
north property line of Seminary
Street to the north property line
of Fairway Drive, amount of assess-
ment $2,831.49, presented and read.
No written objections filed and no
objectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
public hearing. Councilman Kolb
moved that the proofs of publica-
tion be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
RESOLUTIOiV N0. 473-53
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa; That to
pay for the improvement of St.
Ambrose Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing from the north
property line of Seminary Street
to the north property line of Fair-
way Drive, by City of Dubuque,
Iowa, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate all as named,
situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcels of real estate, as set
forth in the schedule.
Lloyd Necker, W.64' 5.100',
Lot 39, Finley Add ............. $114.50
Thomas & Bridget Walsh,
E2' 5.100', Lot 39, Fin-
ley Add ................................... 1.69
Thomas & Bridget Walsh,
W.'/z' 5.100', Lot 40, Fin-
ley Add....~ ................................ 22.86
Albert V. & Madeline Wise,
E~/z' 5100', Lot 40, Fin-
ley Add ..................................... 15.98
Albert V. & Madeline Wise,
E'/z' N98', Lot 40, Fin-
ley Add ................................... 15.65
Paul P. Krocheski, Lot 41,
Finley Add ............................... 29,80
Fred PlI. & Pauline Blosch,
Lot 42, Finley Add ............... 14.40
George M, & Bernadine
Christ, Lot 43, Finley Add. 6.19
Virginia & Clifford J. Muel-
ler, Sr., Lot 52, Finley
Add ......... ............................... 6.19
Frank J. Jr. & Cornelia
Glob, Lot 53, Finley Add. 14.40
Robert N. & Kath. Dunphy,
Lot 54, Finley Addition ..... 29.80
Phyllis McDonald, Lot 55,
Finley Add ............................. 76.88
Joseph W. Meyer, Lot 56,
Finley Add ............................ 230.05
Arthur J. Albers, 5100', Lot
57, Finley Add ....................... 116.20
Marie C. Williams, N98', Lot
57, Finley Add ..................... 113.86
Marie C. Williams, W32' N
98', Lot 58, Finley Add....... 22.40
Marie C. Williams, E34' N
98', Lot 58, Finley Add....... 15.65
John T. & Catherine Henra-
han 5100', Lot 58, Finley
Add ........................................... 38.83
Marvin A. & Beatrice Strief,
Lot 59, Finley Add ............... 29.80
Ambrose J. & Dolores Mar-
shall, Lot 60, Finley Add. 14.40
Marie C. Williams, Lot 61,
Finley Add .............................. 6.19
James Yager, Lot 70, Finley
Add .......................................... 6.19
James Yager, Lot 71, Finley
Add ........................................... 14.40
Alfred & Marie Rehfeldt,
Lot 72, Finley Add ............... 29.80
Alfred & Marie Rehfeldt,
Lot 73, Finley's Add......... 76.88
Clarence & Barbara Duffy,
5.90', Lot 74, Finley
Add .......................................... 104.56
Thelma Sullivan, N.108', Lot
74, Finley Add ....................... 125.47
Walter E. & Hilda Eichen,
884' Nr/z, Lot 75, Finley
Add ........................................... 97.59
Jacob & Sophie Brenner,
S'/z, Lot 75, Finley Add..... 115.02
Jacob & Sophie Brenner, S'/z
Lot 76, Finley Add ............... 38.45
Walter E. & Hilda Eichen,
E33' 884' N'/z, Lot 76,
Finley Add ........................... 19.20
Burt M. & Helen Graf, W33'
884' Nr/z', Lot 76, Finley
Add ........................................... 13,40
Regular Session, November 2,, 193 `]17
Burt M. & Helen Graf, 884'
i Ni/z, Lot 77, Finley Add.... 12.64
Jacob & Sophie Brenner,
S'/z, Lot 77, Finley Add. 14.90
~ Edward 5i Geraldine Jenni,
5183', Lot 78, Finley Add. 13.31
George S. & Herlinda Bierie,
t 5183', Lot 79, Finley Add. 5.74
Harold J. Danner, Lot 88,
Finley Add ......... ......_..... 619
Daniel A. & Margt. Yourell,
Lot 89, Finley Add.....,,..,.. 14.40
Ernil F. & Mary Danner, Lot
90, Finley Add .............. $29.80
a Mettel Realty & inv. Co., Lot
i 91, Finley Add....._ ..... 76.88
Leon & Catherine Pope, Lot
92, Finley Add........_...... 23D.05
Raymond J. & Mary Herbst,
i Lot 93, Finley Add .............. 230.05
Agnes Reinicke, Lot 94, Fin-
~ ley Add....._ ............._......... 76.88
Joseph Peter et al., Lot 95,
Finley .Add ................ ........... 29.80
~ Joseph Peter et al., Lot 96,
Finley Add....___ ................. 14.40
Archie & Verna Schreiber,
Lot 97, Finley Add ............... 6.19
I~roy & Verna Klosterman,
Lot 106, Finley Add............ 6.19
Leroy & Verna Klosterman,
Lot 107, Finley Add ............. 14.40
Leroy & Verna Klosterman,
1~i150', Lot 108, Finley Add, 19.79
Kenneth W. & Alys Elliott,
E16', Lot 108, Finley Add. 10.01
Kenneth W. & Alys Elliott,
Lot 109, Finley Add ............. 76,88
Eliz. Cahill, Lot 11D, Finley
Add .......................................... 230.05
' Albert & Stella Beitzel, Lot
1, Beitzel Place ....... ......... 68.13
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
2, Beitzel Plaee......~ ............... 68.13
147.80 Tons 1" Sm~facing
Stone ~ $2.00.. ......
538.50 Tans 3/a" Surfacing
Stone ~ 2.00 ...................
337.78 Tons Crushed Stone
@ 1.60 ................ .............
44.44 Tons Torpedo Sand
1.47 ................................
5,300 Gal. MC-3 Asphalt
@ 0.12 ............._..............
750 Gal. MC-0 Asphalt @
0.12 ........................
Extra Expense 4.7%......_. .
.~11 of 5rhich is assessed in pro-
portion to t3~,e special benefits can-
Pas~.2tii, adapted and approved
this 2nd day of Ncvember, 1953.
R'JBEN 'd~. AlJST~
itAY i~ . KOLB
.fittest: J. J. SiIEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the foilov,~ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Conncil-
r--tan Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
4'i elu.
Proofs of pablication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Coun-
oil to issue street imprcvement
bonds in the amount of $2,831.49
to provide for payment of the as-
scssed cost of the improvement of
St. Ambrose Street with asphaltic
macai~.ent surfacing from the north
property line of Seminary Street
to the north property line of Fair-
way Drive, presented and read.
No written objections filed and no
objectors present in the Council
Chamber at tl:e tune set for said
public hearing. Councilman Kolb
inovad that the proofs of publica-
tion he received and filed. Second-
ed by Councihman Welu. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Iintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
€ISSOLRdT64s~9 fib. 4i'4.53,
Resolution providing for tho is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for the propose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of St. Ambrose Street.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
ceinpleted and the City Pv2anagor
has certified the cmnpletion there-
of to the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$2,831.49 Dollars of the cost there-
718 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
of shall be assessed against the
property subject to assess;Went
therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all ob-
jections made thereto have been
considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cast of the
improvement of St. Ambrose Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the north property line of
Seminary Street to the north prop-
erty line of Fairway Drive there
shall be issued Street Improve-
ment bonds in the amount of
$2,831.49 Dollars in anticipation of
the deferred payment of assess-
ments levied for such improve-
2. Such bonds shall be called
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of December 3,
1953; and shall be numbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and be
in such denominations and for such
maturity dates as are shown in
the following table:
1. 6136, 6137 and 6138-$300.00,
each, April 1, 1954
2. 6139, 6140 and 6141-$300.00
each, April 1, 1955
3. 6142, 6143 and 6144-$300.00
each, April 1, 1956
3. 6145-$131.49, April 1, 1956
3. Said bonds shall bear inter-
est at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually in
accordance with coupons thereto
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City of
Dubuque and shall be in substan-
tially the following form:
No . .........................................................
Series No ...............................................
Street 9mprovemenP bond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of .......................
or a~t any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of Three Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum, payable
sems-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attached. Bath prin-
cipal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque un-
der and by virtue of Chapter 396
of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as amend-
ed, and the Resolution of said City
duly passed on the 2nd day of No-
vember, 1953, being Resolution
No. 474-53.
TI-iis Bond is one of a series of
10 bonds, 9 for $300.00 numbered
from 6136 to 6144 inclusive, and
one far $131.49 numbered 6145,
all of like tenor and date, and is-
sued far the purpose of improving
St. Ambrose Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing as described in
said Resolution, in said City, which
cost is payable by the abutting and
adjacent property along said itn-
provements and is made by law a
lien on all of said property. It is
payable only out of the Special
Assessment Fund No. 1125 created
by the collection of said special
tax, and said fund can be used for
no other purpose.
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
tl-sings required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 719
City to be thereto affixed, this 3rd
day of December, 1953.
City Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
Otr the ......... day of .................. .
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the snm of ..................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being ....... months' interest due
That date on its .........................Bond
No............ dated .................................
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in a
book kept for that purpose and to
then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fund to be known as
Special Assessment Pund Tlo. 1125
and paid out by him to pay the cost
of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tacked to the bands be signed with
ttte facsimile signature of the May-
or and countersigned with the fac-
simile signature of the City Clerk.
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning vvith the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as num-
Adopted this 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
ended by Councilman Scin!eller.
Carried by the fallo;ving vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Coamcil-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C. Birkness,
subscrih~ed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment anti
intention of the City Council to is-
sue bonds along the line of the irt-
pravenient of St. Ambrose Streit
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
froth the north property line of
Seminary Street to ttie north prop-
erty line of Fairway Drive, present-
ed and read. Councilman Kolb
moved that tie statement be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Kintzinger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of levy
of special assessment and htten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds to pay for the improvement
of Seminary Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing from the west
property line of St. Ambrose Street
to the east property line of Asbury
Street, amount of assessment
$3,670.01, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
public hearing. Councilman Kolb
moved that the proofs of publica-
tion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Welu. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to
pay for the improvement of Semi-
nary Street with asphaltic ntaca-
dam surfacing front the west prop-
erty line of St. Ambrose Street to
the east property line of Asbury
Street, by City of Dubuque, Iowa,
contractor, in front of and adjoin-
ing the same, a special tax be and
720 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate all as named, situated
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as set forth
in the schedule.
William J. Lepsch, Lot 1.1-
102, Finley Add ............... $130.10
Geo. R. Sz Cath. Davidsav-
er, Lot 2-1-102, Finley
Add ..................................... ~.a QR
Al Wharton & A, J, Hoff-
mann, Lot 2.102, Finley
Add ......................................
Henry C. &Ludmilla Wil-
berding, Lot 103, Finley
Add .....................................
Henry C. &Ludmilla Wil-
berding, Lot 104, Finley
Add .....................................
Alfred & Dorothea Hen-
schel, Lot 105, Finley
Add . .....................................
Leroy & Verna J. Kloster-
mann, Lot 106, Finley
Add .....................................
Leroy & Verna J. Kloster-
mann, Lot 107, Finley
Lero & .V~ ....................~..~,...
y erns J. Kloster-
mann W50 Lot 108,
Finley Add .........................
Kenneth W. & Alys El-
liott, E16', Lot 108, Fin-
ley Add ............ ....................
Kenneth W. & Alys El-
liott, E16', Lot 109, Fin-
ley Add . ..............................
Elisabeth Cahill, Lot 110,
Finley Add .........................
John W. & Grace M. Riley,
Lot 113, Finley Add.......
John W. & Grace M. Riley,
E16 Lot 114, Finley
Add .....................................
James J. & Mary Kean,
W50', Lot 114, Finley
Add .....................................
John A, & Eleanor Lyness,
Lot 115, Finley Add,......
Elizabeth Ann Rauch, Lot
116, Finley Add ...............
Victor P. & Juanita Remy,
Lot 117, Finley Add..._..
Arthur D. & Lillian Lin-
decker, Lot 118, Finley
Add . ..................................
Arthur D, & Lillian Lin-
decker, Lot 119, Finley
Add . ...................................
Mary B. Prendergast, Lot
1, J. Kleinschmidt's Sub.
Ed T, Ley, N47', Lot 2, J.
Kleinscitmidt's Sub........ 52,53
Della G. Thul, S25', Lot 2,
J. Kleinschmidt's Sub.... 2.11
Della G. Thul, Lot 3, J.
Kleinschmidt's Sub......... 30.13
Edna L. Delaney, 1.40, Lot
5, J. Kleinschmidt's Sub. 12.12
Walter F, Jaeger, Lot 1•Z-
485, J. Kleinschmidt's
Sub . ..................................... 1.91
J. A. McMahon, Lot 2.2-
485, J, Kleinschmidt's
Sub . ..............._ .................. 2.03
Joseph T. & Doris N, Kel-
ly, Lot 1, Hillcrest Sub, .27
Stanley C, Rokusek, Lot 2,
Hillcrest Sub ..................... 2132
Viola M. & Carl Dick, Lot
3, Hillcrest Sub ................. 84.78
Marie & Cecilia Ellerback,
Lot 4, Hillcrest Sub......... 105.27
Herbert Clerk, Lot 5, Hill-
crest Sub ............................ 8535
Kieth D. & Mildred Preg•
ler, Lot 6, Hillcrest Sub, 92.44
St. Joseph Hercy Hospital,
Lot 1.1-1, M.L. 260............ 714,68
1,16715 Tons 1" Surfacing
Stone @ $2,00 ................. $2,33430
247.09 Tons Crush Stone
@ 1.60 .................................. 395.34
60.015 Tons Torpedo_Sand
@ 1.47 ................................. 88.22
700 Gal. MC-0 Asphalt @
.12 ........................................ 84,00
5,225 Gal. MC•3 Asphalt @
.lz ......................................... s2zoo
Extra Expenses 4.0%.......... 141.15
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
conferred. Passed, adapted and ap-
proved this 2nd day of November,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Regular Session, Nevcrni~cr 2. 1953 721
. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayoi' Austin, Council-
` men Kirtzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
s Proofs of publication, certifi°d
~ to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Cotmcil
~ to issue street i~npavement bonds
~ in tl:e amount of $3,670.01 to pro-
vide for payment of the assessed
cost of the improverirent of Semi-
nary Street with asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing frmn the tivest prop-
erty line of St, Ar.brose Street to
the east property line of Asbury
Street, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time sot far said
public hearing. Councilman Kolb
mcved that the proofs of publics-
, lion be received and filed. Second-
ed by Cotmcihnan Schueller. Car-
ried by thre following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
] rnen Kintzingar, Kolb, Schueller,
{[ 1Velu.
P.~SOLU7°IOBq i4O. 476°53.
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds far the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
( cost of Seminary Street.
1 Whereas tl-~e contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
~ has certified the completion there-
~ of to the City Council and the City
{ Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$3,670.01 Dollars of the cost there-
of shall be assessed against the
property !subject to assessment
1' therefor; and
! Whereas public notice, as provid-
ed by law, has been published by
the City Clerk stating the intention
of the City Council to issue bonds
for the purpose of providing far
the payment of the assessed cast of
said improvement and a public
( hearing has been held, pursuant to
~- such notice and all objections made
€ thereto have been considered and
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed ecst c the
improvement of Seminary Sc-eet
with asphaltic macada~,n surfacing
from the west property line cf St.
Ambrose Street to tine east prop.
arty 11nE of Asbury Street there
shall be issued Street Improvement
bonds in trio amount of $3,670.01
Dollars in anticipation of tl~e de•
ferred payment of assessinents lev-
ied for such improvement.
2. Such bonds shall be caIled
Street Improvement bends; and
shall bear the date of Decerirber 3,
1953; and shall be numbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into serios, and be
in such demm~inaticns and for such
maturity dates as are shown in the
following table;
1, 6146, 6147, 6148 and 6149-
$300.00 each, April 1, 1955
2, 6150, 6151, 6152 and 6153--
$300.00 each, April 1, 1956
3, 6154, 6155, 6156 and 6157-
$300.00 each, April I, 1956
3, 615870.01, April 1, 1956
3. Said bonds shall bear inier-
est at the rate of 5 per cent. per an-
num, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except far the application of
said special assessmett funds.
5, Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the utatm~ity date stated
therein at the option of the City of
Dubuque and shall be in substan-
tially the following form:
No ..........................................................
Series No ...........................................
Street Impr®venrenf dgsrd
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of ......................
or at any time before that irate, at
the option of the City of Duiaticlue,
the smn of Three Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the preseiltaiion
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attaelted. Both prhnci-
pa1 and interest of this band are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque un-
722 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
der and by virtue of Chapter 396 of
the 1950 Code of Iowa, as amended,
and the Resolution of said City
duly passed on the 2nd day of No-
vember, 1953, being Resolution No.
This Band is one of a series of
13 bonds, 12 for $300.00 numbered
from 6146 to 6157 inclusive, and
one for $70.01 numbered 6158, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the put_pose of improving Semi-
nary Street with asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing as described in said
Resolution, in said City, which cost
is payable by the abutting and ad-
jacent property along said improve-
ments and is made by law a lien
on all of said property. It is pay-
able only out of the Special Assess-
ment Fund No. ll26 created by the
collection of said special tax, and
said fund can be used for no other
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resohttion, and for the
assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this
3rd day of December, 1953.
City Clerk
(porm of Coupon)
On the ....... ......day of.......................,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said band, the sum of ....................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being .............. months' interest due
that date on its .............................Bond
No ...............dated...................................
City Clerk
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in
a hock kept for that purpose and to
then deliver theirs to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in tl:e manner provided by law,
tha proceeds of said sale to be
placed in a special fund to be
known as Special Assessment Fund
1.10. 1126 and paid out by him to
pay the cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons
atiaclred to the bonds be signed
with the facsimile signature of the
il~Iayor and countersigned with the
facsimile signature of the City
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and
retired in the same order as num-
Adopted this 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
onned by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C. Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council to
issue bonds along the line of the
improvement of Seminary Street
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the west property line of St.
Ambrose Street to the east prop-
erty line of Asbury Street, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Kolb
moved that the statement be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 723
Councilman Kintzinger. Carried by
the following vote:
`Teas - Mayor Austin, CouncIl-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the pablish_ers, of notice of levy
of special assessment and inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bends to pay for the irprovement
of Sunnyview Drive viith asphaltic
macadam surfacing from tine west
property line cf $t, Ai;~brose Street
to the east properly i;ne of Bunker
Hill Road, amount of assessment
$1,900.41, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in tiie Council
Chamber at the tune set for said
public hearing. Councilman Kolb
moved t:~at the proofs of publica-
tion.be received and filed, Second-
ed by Couneilman Welu. Carried
by the following vote;
Yeas - Mayai Austin, Council-
i:ren Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
SCl@~~t?Lf; ®s- AGS~SSF~~igTS
R~dOa UYl®~! 1~3®. 977.53,
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That to
pay for the improvement of Sunny-
view Drive with asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing from the west prop-
erty line of St. Ambrose Street to
the east property line of Bunker
Hill Road, by Ci-ty of Dubuque,
Iowa, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots, and par-
cels of real estate ail as named,
situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as set
forth in the schedule.
Phena Butt, Lot 1-1, Phena
Butt Place ............................. $21.14
Geo. B. & Marjorie Kutsch,
Lot 2-1 Phena Butt Place 79.16
;` Gerald J. & Helen Resser,
r Lot 1-2, Phena Butt Place 36.61
~ Phena Butt, Lot 2-2, Phena
Butt Place ......................... 96.18
Joseph Danner, Lot 8G, Fin-
- ley Add .........................._......... 101.93
r Joseph Danner, Lot 87, Fin-
l ley Add ................................ 101.93
Harold J. Danner, Lot 88,
Finley Add ........................... 101.93
Danial A. ~ iViargt. Yourell,
Lot 89, ~ inley Add . ............ 101.93
Emil F. & Mary Danner, Lot
90, Finley Add ..................... 10i.93
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co.,
Lot 91, I+`inley Add..... _..... 101.93
Leon nc Catherine Pope, Lot
92, Finley Add ...................... 1OL93
P~aynaond J. K: Mary Herbst,
Lat 93, Finley Add.._.......... 101.93
Agnes Reinicke, Lot 94, Fin-
ley Add ..................................... 101.93
Joseph Petei et a1., Lot 95,
Finley Add ......................... 101.93
Joseph Peter et al., Lot 96,
Finley Add ......................... 101.93
Archie & Verna Sehreibei~,
Lot 97, Finley Add........ . 101.93
Joseph Peter et al., Lot 98,
Finley Add ........................._. 101.93
Clarence ~ Marie Gordon,
Lot 99, Finley Add............ 101.93
Mettel Realty ~ Inv. Co., Lot
100, Finley Add......_......... ~ 101.93
Clarence e~ Mary Thielen,
Lot 101, Finley Add ............. 138.3'7
488.25 Tons 1" Surfacing
Stone @ $2.OG ................... $976.50
176.09 Tans Crushed Stone
@ 1.60 ............................... 281.79
44.OZ5 Tons Torpedo Sand
@ 1.47 ............................... 64.72
4015 Gal. MG3 Asphalt
.12 ........................ ........ 481.80
Extra Expense ~ 5.3%.... 95.65
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Cotmcihnau Kolb moved fire
adoption of the resolutimt. Sec-
onded by Councilman Weltt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
724 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Council to
issue street improvement bonds in
the amount of $1,900.41 to provide
for payment of the assessed cost of
the improvement of Sunnyview
Drive with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the west property line
of St. Ambrose Street to the east
property line of Bunker Hill Road,
presented and read. No written
objections filed and no objectors
present in the Canncil Chamber at
the time set for said public hear-
ing. Cotmcilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed, Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
RESO6U3'BOtJ 6~a. 47953
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for the purpose of provid-
ingfor the payment of the assessed
cost of Sunnyview Drive.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$1,900.41 Dollars of the cost there-
of shall be assessed against the
property subject to assessment
therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as pro-
vided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the in-
tention of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all ob-
jections made thereto have been
considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be 1t Resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of the
improvement of Sunnyview Drive
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the west property line of St,
Ambrose Street to the east prop-
erty line of Bunker Hill Road there
shall be issued Street Improvement
bonds in the amount of $1,900,41
Dollars in anticipation of the de-
ferred payment of assessments lev-
ied far such improvement.
2. Such bmrds shall be called
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of December 3,
1953; and shall be numbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, drvided into series, and be
in such denominations and for such
maturity dates as are shown in the
following table:
1, 6159 and 6160-$300.00 each,
April 1, 1954
2. 6161 and 6162-$300.00 each,
April 1, 1955
3. 6163 and 6164-$300,00 each,
April 1, 1956
3. 6165-$100.41, April 1, 1956
3. Said bonds shall bear inter-
est at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, payable semiannually in
acoordance with coupons thereto
4, Said bands shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds,
5, Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to the maturity date stated
therein a~t the option of the City
of Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially tree following form:
No . ........................................................
Series No ..............................................
S#ree# lmprovemnn# Eond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer
hereof, on the first day of ................
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of Three Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum, payable
semiannually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pans hereto attached. Both princi-
pal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque un-
der and by virtue of Chapter 396
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 i?
of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as amend-
ed, and the Resolution of said City
duly passed on t1:e 2nd day of No-
vember, 1953, being Resolution No.
This Bond is one of a series of
7 bonds, 6 for $300.00 numbered
from 6159 to 6164 inclusive, and
one for $1C0.41 numbered n"165 all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of imp-raving Sun-
nyview Drive with asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing es described in said
Resolution, in said City, which cast
is payable by the abutting and ad-
jacent property almrg said improve-
ments and is 31~ade by law a lien
on all of said property. It is pay-
able only out of the Special Aasess-
mant Fund No. 1'_27 created by the
collection of said special tax, and
said fund can be used for no other
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and far the
assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clork and the Seal of said
City to be thereto affixed, this 3rd
day of December, 1953.
City Clerlc
(Form of Coupon)
On the ............day of .........................
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom
ises to pay to bearer, as provided
in said bond, the sum af.~....._.........
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being ..............months' interest due
that date on its ..........................Bond
No .................dated_.......................
City Clerk
6, That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are here`:~y in-
structed to cause said bonds tc be
prepared a.nd when so prepar~zd to
execute said bands and that tlae
City C1erh be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said band in
a book kept for that ptnpose and
to then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bands
in the ruanner provided by lava, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fund to be known as
Special Assessment Fund No. 1127
and paid out ~by him to pay the
cost of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the'oonds be signed with
the facsimile signattu'e of the Prlay-
or and countersigned with the fac-
simile signattu•e of the City Clerk.
9, That as fast as fonds allaiv,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bands shall be called and
retired in the same order as num-
Adoptod this 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1953.
Attest: J. J, SIlEA,
City Clerk
Couucihnan Kalb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, CounciI•
men Ifintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Statement of Com•ad C. Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council to
issue bonds along the line of the
improvement cf Sunnyview Drive
with asphaltic macadam surfacing
from the west property line of St.
Ambrose Stl•eet to the east prop-
erty Bite of Btutlcer Hi11 Road, pre-
sented and read. Couircilnran Kolb
moved that the statement be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
726 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
Councilman Weltt, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
levy of special assessment and in-
tention of the City Council to is•
sue bonds to pay far the improve-
ment of Tressa Street with asphal•
tic macadam surfacing from the
west property line of McLenan
Street to the east property line of
Esther Street, amount of assess-
ment $1,035.64, presented and
read, No written objections filed
and no objectors present in the
Council Chamber at the time set
for said public hearing. Council-
man Kalb moved that the proofs of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
RESOLUTION N0, 479.53.
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That
to pay for the improvement of
Tressa Street with asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing from the west prop-
erty line of McLenan Street to the
east property line of Esther Street,
by City of Dubuque, Iowa, contrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the
same. A special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate all as named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts
set apposite each Iat or parcel of
real estate, as set forth in the
Carl Scheufele, Lot 1.9, Ry-
der's Sub . ............................... $3A7
Carl Scheufele, Lot 2.9, Ry-
der's Sub ................................... 9,91
Carl Scheufele, Lot 10, Ry-
der's Sub .......... ....................... 69.77
Harriet B. Hardie, Lot il,
Ryder's Sub ............................. 43.84
Harriet B, Hardie, Lot 12,
Ryder's Sub ............................. 44.59
Clinton Federal Savings Loan
Assn,, Lot 13, Ryder's Sub, 45.75
Clinton Federal Savings Loan
Assn., Lot 14, Ryder's Sub. 44.59
Lawrence & Eleanor McNeil,
Lot 2-1.7, Ryder's Sub, ....... 145.57
Carl Scheufele, Lot 1-1.7, Pay
der's Sub ..............._...... ...... 48,08
William M. & Kathleen M.
Gaspet•, Lct 2-2.7, Ryder's
Sub . ................................ _....... 54, 43
P1m, A. & Marilyn J, Paar,
Lot 2-1-2-7, Ryder's Sub..... 54.43
Lawrence & Esther Lubbers,
Lot, Ryder's Sub..... 73.65
Oscar Burgmeyer, Lot 14,
Subdivision of M.L. 39 ...... 57.70
Robert W. & Mary Miller,
Lot 15, Subdivision of M.
L. 39 ........................................... 5190
Clarence & Sylveria Ryder,
Lot 16, Subdivision of M,
L. 39 ............................. _........ 51.70
Wm. J. & Constance Kelley,
Lot 2.17, Subdivision of
M.L, 39 ...................................... 39,21
Herbert J. & Ruth Klink-
hammer, Lot 2.18, Subdi-
vision of M.L. 39 .................... 56,87
Herbert J. & Ruth Klink-
hammer, Lot 2.19, Subdivi-
sion of M.L, 39 ........................ 73.39
P. J. Norton, Lot 20, Subdi-
vision of M.L, 39 .................. 73.39
126.85 Tons 1" Surfacing
Stone @ $2.00 ................... $253.70
16,45 Tons Torpedo Sand
@ 1.47 ............................... 24.18
53.90 Gal. 112C-3 Asphalt
@ .12 ................................. 646.80
12% Extra Expense............ 110,96
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the benefits conferred.
Passed, adopted and approved this
2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by tho following vote;
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 '12'7
Yeas - lllayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Council to
issue street improvement bonds in
the amount of $1,035.64 to provide
for payment of the assessed cost
of the iniprovetnent of Tressa
Street with asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the =vest property
line of McLenan Street to the east
property line of Esther Street, pre•
sented and read. i~1o written ob-
jections filed and na objectors
present in the Council Chamber at
the time set for said public hear-
ing. Councilman Kolb moved that
the proofs of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Soconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas - Mayer Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolution providing for the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the assessed
cost of Tressa Street.
~'~'hereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the improvement
hereinafter has been completed
and the City Manager has certified
the completion thereof to the City
Council and the City Council has
ascertained the cast thereof and
has determined that $1,035.64 Dol-
lars of the cost thereof shall be as-
sessed against the property subject
to assessment therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as provid-
ed by law, has been published by
the City Clerk stating the inten•
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
fot• the payment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all ob-
jections made thereto have been
considered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
1. That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cost of the
imprrovement of Tressa Stt~eet with
asphaltic macadam surfacing froth
the west property line of McLenan
Street to the oast property line
of Esther Street there shall ire is-
sued Street Improvement bon.ls
in the a~mlount of $1,035.64 Dolai~s
in anticipation of tl:e deferred pay-
ment of assessments levied for
such improvement.
2, Such bonds shall be cal':ed
Street Itrpravetnent bonds; anti
shall bear the data of December ~,
1953; and shall be munbered con-
secutively; and they shall be num-
bered, divided into series, and Le
in sack denominaticats and for
such mattu~ity dates as aro shown
in the following table:
1, 61fi6, 6167 and 6168-$100,00
each, April 1, 1954
2. 6169, 6170 and 6171-$160.00
each, April 1, 1955
3. 61 r2, 6173, 6174 and 6175-
$100.00 each, April 1, 1956
3. 6176-$35,64, April 1, 1956
3, Said bonds shall bear interest
at the rate of 5 per cent per an•
hum, payable semi-annually in ac-
cordance with coupons thereto at-
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable iu oily
way, except for the application of
said special assessment funds.
5. Said bends shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
prior to trio maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City
of Dubuque and shall be in sub-
stantially the following form:
Na, ......_ .................................................
Series No .............................................
S#reef Impr®vemen$ band
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promisor to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of ........................ .
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of Ono Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attached. Both prin~i-
pal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque un-
der and by virtue of Chapter 396
728 3~egular Session, November 2, 1953
of the 1950 Code of Iowa, as amend-
ed, and the Resolution of said City
duly passed an the 2nd day of Na
vember, 1953, being Resolution No.
This Bond is one of a series of
11 bonds, 10 for $100.00 numbered
froiu 6166 to 6175 inclusive, and
one fcr $35.64 numbered 6176, all
of like tenor and date, and issued
for the purpose of improving Tres-
sa Street with asphaltic macadam
surfacing as described in said Reso-
lution, in said City, which cost is
payable by the abutting and adja-
cent property along said improve-
ments and is made by law a lien on
all of said property. It is payable
only out of the Special Assessment
Fund No. 1128 created by the col-
lection of said special tax, and said
fund can be used for no other pur-
R is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, pre-
cedent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council has
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said City
to be thereto affixed, this 3rd day
of December, 1953.
(Form of Coupon)
On the ..............day of..........................,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided in
said bond, the sum of._ ....................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being ..............._months' interest due
that date on its ..............................Bond
No .............dated.....................~............
City Clerk
G. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in a
book kept for that purpose and to
then delver theta to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bonds
in the manner provided by law, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fund to be known as
Special Assessment Fund No. 1128
and paid out by him to pay the cost
of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the May-
or and countersigned with the fac-
simile signaturo of the City Clerk.
9. That as fast as fonds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bonds shall be called and re-
tired in the same order as num-
Adopted this 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C. Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council to is-
sue bonds along the line of the im-
provement of Tressa Street with as-
phaltic macadam surfacing from
the west property line of McLenan
Street to the east property line of
Esther Street, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
statement be received and filed.
I~egtdax Session, Novetn',„cr ~, 1°53 %29
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - PPaym• Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 30, ].353
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Catmcil,
t Dubuque, Iowa
Under the terms of Dubuque
City Ordinance No. 6-53 I have
completed canstruetiom o€ the 8
inch sewer on Marion Street. The
cost of said sewer per contract
i with Coyle Construction Co, was
The City Engineer has given me
an estimated cost (subject to slight
variation) of $400 to repair the
paving on P,Zarion Street which is
' in accordance with the ordinance.
This makes the total cost of said
sewer $2,358.50.
Inasmuch, as a property owner
in the vicinity is now desirous to
tapping into this sewer, I would
appreciate yotu taking immediate
action in allocating this cost to the
adjacent properties. I take the
liberty to thank you for yore
prompt action in this matter.
Respectfully yours,
Peter J. Seippel.
1 hereby certify that the above
statement is true and correct.
Peter J. Seippel
Sworn before me this 30th day
of October, 1953.
H. E. Dilworth
Notary Public in and for
Dubuque County, Iowa
Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication be received and
made a matter of record and that
proper proceedings be prepared.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
Communication of Dubuque Safe-
ty Cottneil expressing appreciation
and commendation for the services
rendered in the development and
completion of the street improve-
ment program, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
eonnntmicati_on be received and
filed. Seconded by Couneihuan
Seliueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas - l~Jayor Austin, Cottiieil-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Notice of Claim of P:,obert Har-
ris in the amount of $22.Ot- fm• re-
moval of tar frotai his automobile
which was splatter°ed by city
equipment on White Street be-
tween 6th and 7th Streets, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Kint-
zinger moved that the Notice of
Claim he referred to the City Solic-
itor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Welu.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of Mrs. Margaret Ruh
and others, property owners, re-
questing the rezoning of the area
from the 2700 block to the 3000
block on Pinard Street and Wash-
ington Street from its present in-
dustrial district classification to
maltiple family residence dish•ict
classification, presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved that
the petition be referred to the
Planning and Zoning Commission
for their recommendation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the fallowing
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council•
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of the Dubuque County
Tuberculosis and Hoalth Associa-
tion requesting permission to con-
duct the annual "Bangle Day" on
Friday evening December 13th and
Saturday December 14th, 1953, pre-
sented and read. Cottncihnan Kolb
moved that the request be granted
providing there are no conflicting
dates. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of Thos. Flynn Coai Co.
requesting an extension of time
730 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
until November 10, 1953 for com-
pletion of his contract on the imp
provement of North Algona Street,
East Eighth Street and Kirkwood
Street, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Kolb moved that the re-
quest be granted providing the con-
sent of the Bonding Company is
secured. Seconded by Councilran
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 29, 1953
City of Dubuque, Iowa
through Coates Insurance Agency
822 Roshek Building
Dubuque, Iowa
Bond No. 7907022-
Thos. Flynn Coal Company
The Federal Insurance Company
on July 7, 1953, executed a bond in
the penal sum of $53,355.75 on be-
half of Thos. Flynn Coal Company
in support of a contract for the im-
provement of Algona Street, East
Eighth Street and Kirkwood Street,
all of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
We understand that the time for
completion of the improvements
and perforrnance of the contract
'has been extended to November
10, 1953. This letter will serve as
the consent of the Federal Insur-
ance Company, as Surety, to the
extension @f the contract.
Yours very truly,
By: A. C. Babize,
Councilman Kolb moved that the
communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Kintzinger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men I{intzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of Robert McFarlane
requesting a refund in the amount
of $50.00 on the unexpired portion
of his Cigarette Permit No. 138, as
he has discontinued business on
October 29, 1953, presented and
read. Councilman Wehl moved that
the request be granted and the
City Auditor instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $50.00
in favor of Robert McFarlane to
ec»er the amount of refund grant-
ed on the unexpired portion of his
Cigarette Permit No. 138. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
riad by the following vote:
3'eas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Iintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of Mr, and Mrs. Victor
Seng and others requesting a street
light in the area of 1091 Rockdale
Road, presented and read, Council-
man Kolb moved that the petition
be referred to the Ciby Manager
and Electrical Inspector for inves-
tigation and report. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Councilman Welu moved that
the rules be suspended for the pur-
pose of allowing any one present
in the Council Chamber, who wish-
es to do so, to address bhe Council.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of Joseph Eicher, doing
business as "Ad Bench" Company,
requesting permission to place the
so-called "Ad Bench" on city prop-
erty at various bus stopping points
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, pre-
sented and read. Attorney Robert
i{intzinger, representing Mr. Jo-
seph Eicher, and also Mr. Joseph
Eicher addressed the Council in
support of the petition. Council-
man Kolb moved that the petition
be referred to the City Solicitor
and any other body that may have
jurisdiction in the matter for stu-
dy and report. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Welu. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kolb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Kintzinger not vot-
Petition of Clarence A. and
Florence M. Strub requesting the
vacation of Lindale Street in the
Strub's Subdivision in Dubuque
Township, Dubuque County (now
t; -
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 731
the City of Dubuque), presented
an.l read. Councilman I{intzingei•
moved that the petition bo refened
to fire City Solicitor for investiga-
ticn, study and report and for to
prepare pruner proceedings. Sec-
ended by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the follo~a~ing vote:
Yeas - ivlayor Austin, Council-
msn Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Nays-i'J one,
Petition of Arthur Trausch re-
questing vacation of a portion of
Mississippi Heig-nts Subdivision
and to re-subdivide it in order to
make the same conform to the
streets and sewers as they have
been constructed, presented and
read. Attorney Francis O'Connor
addressed the Council in support
of the petition. Cotmcilinan Kint-
zinger moved that the petition be
received and filed. Seconded ~by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
rn;en Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
R~a0L1II'9Oid t~O. 481.53
Whereas, Arthur Trausci~, Lillian
A. Trausch, Paul R. Cremer and
Anna r~Iae Cremer as the owners
of all of Mississippi Heights Sub-
divisian in the City of Dubuque
have proposed to vacate a portion
thereof and Arthur Trausch and
Liltian A. Trausch propose to re-
subdi-vide said vacaied portion into
a new Subdivision to be known as
"Mississippi Heights No. 2 Subdi-
vision", and
Whereas the plat of such new
Subdivision has been examined by
the City Plan Commission and has
had its approval endorsed thereon;
Whereas the dedicators of Mis-
sissippi Heights Subdivision have
undertaken to construct streets and
sewers in accordance with the pro-
visions of Resolution No. 291-52;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
By The City Council Of The City
Of Dubuque, Iowa:
S@C$I@h 1. That the City of Du-
buque hereby consents to the vaca-
tion of the fo1la~,ving described por-
tion of Mississippi Heights Subdi-
vision, to wit:
Lot 2 cf Lot 2 of Lot 3, Lot 4,
Lot 5, Lat B, Lot 7, Lot 8, Lot
Lot 9, Lot 10, Lot 11, Lot 12,
Lot 13, Lat 14, Lot 15, Lot iS,
Lot 17, Lot 18, Lot 19, Lot 20,
Lot 21, Lot 22, Lot 25, and Lot
2G, each in "Mississippi
Heights" a Subdivision in the
City of Dubuque, Io~a~a, and
part of McLenan Street north-
erly of a line connecting the
northerly cm•ner of Lot i of
Lot 3 vrith the northwest cor-
ner of Lot 23, each in "Missis-
sippi Heights", a Subdivision
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
and all of Mississippi View
Drive, all in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, as shown ~by the
attached plat,
and the Mayor and City Clerk are
hereby authorized and diiected to
endorse the approval of the City
of Dubuque thereon;
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Know All Men By These Presents:
That on the 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1953, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Io~,va, by Resolu-
tion No. 481-53, consented to the
above partial vacation of Missis-
sippi Heights Subdivision and au-
thorized the undersigned to en-
dorse the approval of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, herecn.
By: Ruben V. Austin
J. J. Shea
City Clerk
Councilman Kintzinger moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Coumcilman Welu. Car-
ried by the follo~h'ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
O~DI~IACdCE h1O. 68®~3
An Ordinance Designating Bas
Routes in the City of Dubuque,
presented and read.
Councilman Schueller moved
that the reading just had been
732 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
considel'ed the first reading of the
ordinance. Secmlded by Council•
man Kintzinger. Carried by the fol-
lowing vets:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Councilman Schueller moved
that the rules be suspended requir-
ing an ordinance to be read on
three separate days, Seconded by
Councilman Kintzinger, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Iintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
An Ordinance Designating Bus Routes
in tho L"ity of llubuque.
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Ordinance No.
32-52, entitled "An Ordinance Desig-
nating Bus P.outes in the Cit3' of
Dubuque" is hereby repeated.
Sectimn 2. That the routes to be
traversed by the motor bus transpor-
tation system shall be as follows:
(A) Main Street Route:
Point of heginning: Jones and `lain
Street. North urn Main Street to Sec-
ond Street, west on Second Street to
Locust Street, north an Locust Street
to Eig~6th Avenue, east on Eighth
Avenue to Iowa Street, north on lowa
Street to Twelfth Street, east an
Twelfth Sheet to Central Avenue,
(north on Central Avenue to Tweuty-
Pourth Sheet, east on Twenty-fourth
Street to Jackson Street, north an
Jacitson Street to llilwauhee .avenue,
,west on R~Iihvattkee Avenue to Central
Avenue, south on Central Avenue to
Fifteenth Street, west on Fifteenth
'Street to Il'Iain Street, south on P.Ialn
Street to point of beginning'.
(B) Point Route;
Point of beginning: Si:.th and biain~
Street, west on Sfstl Street to Lo-
cust Street, north on Locust Street
to Eighth Street, east on Eighth
Street to Iowa Street, nm`th on iota
Strest to Twelfth Street, sari an
Twelfth Street to Elm Street, norht
on Elm Street to Rltomberg Avenae,
east on Rhomberg~ Avemne to Lincoln
Avenue, west ou Lincoln Avenue to
~Snnner Streot, south ca Gumncr
Street to Rhmnnberg Avenue, west on
Rhomberg Avenue to Ehn Street,
south ou Elul Street to Twalfih Street,
west on Twelfth Street to Blain Street,
south on train Street to Sitith and
Main, or point of leimning.
(C) West Dubuque Route:
Point of beginning: Eighth and
Central Avenae, West on Eighth
Avenue to Hill Street, soutl on Hill
'Street to Nest Third Street, east
on 1Vest Third Street to James
Street, south on Janres Street to
ILangworthy Avenue, west on Lang-
iworthy Avenue to Alpine Sheet, north
,on Alptue Street to University Ave-
inne, west on University Avenue to
Delhi Sheet, west on Delhi Street
and University Avenue to Asbury
Street, north urn Asbury Street to
St. Ambrose Sheet, north an St. Aun-
brose Street to Seminary Street, east
,on Seminary Street and Nest Locust
Street to Nest Seventeenth Street, east
on west Seventeenth Sheet to Main
Street, south on Illain Street to Tenth
ryt, east ou Tenth Street to Cen-
tral Avenue, south on Central Avenue
to point of beginning.
(D) Seminary and Carter Road
Point of heginning'; Seventh and
Iowa Streets. North on Iowa Street
to west Fifteenth Street, west an
Nest Fifteenth Street to .1L1in Street,
north on blahr Street to Madison
Street, north on Madison Street to
Seminary Sheet, west on Seminary
Street to Asbury Street, north on
Asbury Road to Avalon Road, e'est
on Avalon Road to Valley View P.oad,
south on Valley View Road to blorn-
ingview Road, rvest on 14orningview
Road to Hillerest P,oad, south nn Hill-
orest Road to Asbury Street, south
on Asbury Street to University Ave-
nue, east over University Avenue and
Delhi Street to Alpine Sheet, south
on Alpine Street to Nest Third Sweet,
east on Zwes~t Third Street to Hill
Street, north on IIi11 Street to Eighth
Avenue, east on Eighth Avenuo to
i',entral Avenue, south on Central
~wenue to Seventh Street, tves~t on
Seventh Street to Point of beginning.
(E) Linwood and Mount Carmel
Point of heginning: Twelfth and
-Iain Street. South on Nlain Street
to Raih~oad Avenue, west on Rai]road
Avenue to Sattthern Avenue, west on
Southern Avenue to Grandview Ave-
nue, south on Grandview Avenue to
:,fount Carme] Loop, north an Grand-
eiew Avemte to Bryant Street, north
on Bryant Street to Rush Street,
east on Rush Street to Mountain
Lane, north on bIountaltn Lane to
Cleveland Avenue, west on Cleveland
Avenue to Bryant Street, north on
Eryant Street to Dodge Street, east
on Dodge Street to Bluff Sheet, nortin
an Bluff Street to Second Street,
east on Second Street to Locust
Street, north on Locust Stmt to
idighth Street, east on Eighth
°treet to Icn•a Sheet, nortl on Totva
Street to Twelfth Street, seat on
Twelfth Street to Jackson Street,
north on Jackson Street to Tnenty-
second Street, east urn Twenty°-sasond
Sheet to Windsor Avenuq north nn
1Vindsor Avenue to Davis Street, west
urn Davis Avenue to Sheridan Aven~~te,
south on Sheridan Avenue to Editl
Sheet, west on Edith Street to Bur-
den Avenue, south on Borden Avenue
to windsar Avenue, south an Windsor
avenue to Twenty-second Street,
west on Twenty-second Street to
Central Avenue, youth on Central
,4venue to Twelfth Street, west on
11^welfth Street to point of beginning,
(F) Short Linvroad Route:
Point of beginning: Davie Avenue
and windaor Avenue. 1~'est over Da-
vis Avemte to Sheridan Avenue, south
mt Sheridan Avenue to Edith Street,
nest on Edith Street to Burden Ave-
nue, south on Barden Avenae to
Windsor Avenue, south on windscr
Avenue to Twenty-second Street,
west on Ttventy-sacond Street to
Central Avenue, south on Central
'Avenue to Sixth Street, west on
Sixth Street to Locust Street, north
on Locust Street to Eighth Street,
east on Eighth Street to Iowa Street,
north on Iowa Street to Twelfth
Street, east an Twelfth Street to
Jackson Street, north on Sackson
Street to Twenty-second Sheet, east
ou Twenty-second Street to Windsor-
Avenue, to point of beginning.
(G) Fremont Routo:
Pohnt of beginning: Eighth Avenue
and Main Sireet. South on Main
Street to Second Street, west on Sec-
mnd Street to Bluff Street, south on
Bluff Street to Dodge Sheet, west
on Dodge Street to Fremont Avenue,
south on Fremont Avenue to Simu-
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 733
s6n Street, west on ShnPSOn Street
to Cross Street, north on Crass Street
to Coates Street, east on Coates
Street to Concord Street, north rr
Concord Street to Stetmore Streel.
north on Stetmore Street to Lombar.
Street, west mr Lombard Street t
Algona Street, north on Algona Stree
to Loras Boulevard, east mr Lorar
L'oulevard to Alta Vista Street, soot'
on Alta Vista Street to Rose Stree`
east on Rosa Street to Race Street
south on Race Street to west Elev
enth Street, east on west I7levent'
Street to Prairie Street, north r
Prairie Street to Loras Bonlevar~
east on Loras Boulevard to Mai
Street, to point of beginning.
(H) Grandview Avenue Route:
Point of beginning: Eig9rth Anent-
and Main Street. East on Eightt
Avenue to Iowa Street, north on Ion'r
Street to Loras Boulevard, wont or
Loras Boulevard to Prairie Street
south on Prairie Street to lVee
Eleventh Strest, west on tiVest Elev-
enth Street to Raoe Street, north on
Raoe Street to Rose Street, west on
Rose Street to Alta Vista Street,
north on Alta Vista Street to Loras
Boulevard, west on Loras Boulevard
to Algona Street, south on Algona
Street to Bennett Street, east on
Bennett Street to Grandview Avenue,
south on Grandview Avenue to
Southern Avanue, east urn Southern'
Avenue to South Locust Street, north
on Sottth Locust Street to Jones
Street, oast on Jones Street to -Sain
Street, north on Alain to Second
Street, `vest on Second Street to Lo-
cust Straet, north on Lorust Street
to Eighth Avenue, east on Dhghtl
Avenue to Poin[ of beginning.
(I) Cleveland Tripper Route:
Point of beginning: Tenth and
Main Street, South on Blain Street
'to Raihroad Avenue, west on Ratl-
~road Avenue to Southern Avenue,
,west on Southern Avenue to English
;Lane, north on English Lane to Mt.
Loreha, east on bit. Loretta Avenue
to Esther Street, south on Esther
Street to Tressa Street, east on
Tress Street to blcLenan Street,i
north on 1lcLenan Street to bit, Lo-
retta Avenue, west on lIt. Lm•etta
Avenue to Bryant Street, nm'th on
Bryant Street to Rush Street, east
on hush Street to -iomrtain Lane,
north on ID[oantain Lane to Cleveland
Avenue, west oa Cleveland 9venue
to Bryant Street, north an Bryant
Street to Dodge Street, east on Dodge
Strest to Bluff Shut, north on Bluff
Street to Second Street, west on Sec-
ond Street to Locust Street, north
on Locust Street to Eighth Avenue,
east on Eighth Avenue to Iona Street,
,north on Iowa Street to Tenth Street,
to point of beginning.
~(J) -East Dubuque Route:
I Point of beginning; South side o4
Eighth Avenae near &Iain Street.
East on Eighth Avenue to Central
Avenue, south mt Central Avenue to
Third Street, west on Third Sheet
to Iowa Street, south on Iowa Street
to Second Street, west on Second
Street to Lorust Sheet, south on
Locust Street to Julien Dubuque
Bridge and across Julien Dubuque
Bridge; upon returning an Julien Du-
buque Bridge to Lorust Street, then
,north on Locust Street to Eighth
Avenue, east on Eighth Avenue to
IPOint oP beginning.
I(K) Park Hill Tripper Route;
Point of beginning: Central Ave-
inue and Twenty-second Street. North
on Central Avenue to Diagonal Street,
west on Diagonal Street to Broad-
way, west and north on Broachvay
to Putnam Street, west on Putnam
,Street to 11luscatine Street, north on
.Muscatine Streot to Prinu'ose Street,.
'west on Primrose Stre~ to ISans`I
Street, south on Kane Street to IiauY•
anaun Avenus, east on I{aafmann~
Avenue to point of heginning. I
~(L) Deere Plant Route:
Point of beginning: Jones and Maln
Street, north on Main Street to See
Duel Street, west on Second Street to
ILoaust Street, north an Locust Street
'to Eighth Avenue, east on Eighth',
iAvenue to Iowa Street, north on
Iowa Street to Twelfth Street, east
on Twelfth Street to Central Avenue,
north on Central Avanue to Twenty-
Ifourth Street, east on Twenty-fourth
Street to Jackson Straet, north on
Jackson S_tree_t to Milwaukee Ave-
nue, west on .Milwaukee Avenue to
Central Avenue, north on Central
Avenue to John Deer Plant, and mt
returning to City proceed south on
Cenhal Avenue to fifteenth Street,
west on Fifteenth Straet to Main
Street, south on blaiu Street to Point
of beginning.
Section 3. The foregoing routes,
are hereby determined to he reason-
ably necessary to adequatly serve
the needs of the traveling public of
the City of Dubuque within the
meaning and intent oP Section 2 of
Ordinance No. 1G-•1G and are subject
to modifications and chaxige when
,the needs of the traveling public shall
( Section 4. This Ordinance shall be
in full force and effect from and
after its passage, adoption and pub-
lication as provided by law.
~ Passed, adoptod and approved this
2nd daS of November, A. D. 1963.
jAttest: S. J. Shea
City Cleric
Published officially in The Tele-
graph-Herald newspaper this 6th day,
~oP November, 1953.
1tNov,G City Cler)F
Councillnan Schueller moved the
adoption of the ordinance, Second-
ed by Councilman Kintzinger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council•
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of a statement
of receipts and also a list of claims
for which warrants were drawn
during the month of September,
1953, presented and read, Council-
man Kolb moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Council )?rcceetlillgs for the
moilti~s of Janual;y, February,
PlIareh and April, 1953 presented
for approval. Colmcilnlan Welu
moved that the Council Proceed-
734 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
ings for the months of January,
February, March and April, 1953
be approved as printed. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Dubuque, Iowa
October 31, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
In accordance with the provi-
sions of the Code of Iowa, 1950,
the CivIl Service Commission con-
ducted an entrance examination
for those seeking position on the
Police Department, This examina-
tion was held on October 2, 1953
and the following is a list of those
who passed both their written and
physical examinations in the order
of their standing as shown by the
grading of their respective written
Name Average
James T. Purcell .......................92%
William A. Speirs ........................82%
Joseph L, Goesse ..........................81%
Peter Onufrak....._ ....................781/z%
Respectfully submitted,
E. B, Lyons
Louis J. Lagen
Members, Civil Service Com-
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
State of Iowa
County of Dubuque
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a Notary Public, this 2nd day
of November, 1953.
Geraldine L. Jenni
Notary Public
Councilman Kolb moved that the
report of the Civil Service Commis-
sion be received and made a mat•
ter of recm•d, Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 30, 1953
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
The request of Leo A. Schwind
Past No, 508 VFW for a refund of
the license fee for a rodeo spon-
sored by that organization was re-
ferred to this office for recommen-
dation and report.
Since the profits of this rodeo
were to be devoted to charitable
and patriotic purposes I am of the
opinion that no license was re-
quh•ed under section 12(b) of Or-
dinance 4-33 and that the fee of
$275.00 was exacted in error.
I recommend that the Auditor be
instructed to issue a warrant pay
able to Leo A. Schwind Post No.
508 VFW as a refund of such li•
cense fee.
Respectfully submitted,
T. H. Nelson
Councilman Kintzinger moved
that the recommendation of City
Solicitor Nelson be approved and
the City Auditor instructed to
draw a warrant in the amount of
$275.00 in favor of Leo A. Schwind
Post No. 508 VFW to cover the
amount of refund granted on pay-
ment of license fee for the holding
of a rodeo. Seconded by Council-
man Kalb. Carried by the follow-
ing vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 30, 1953
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
The agreement of Robert G.
Schauer Sr, and Albert H. Beitzel
regarding the sewer laid in St,
Ambrose St, pursuant to Ordinance
7-53 has been referred to this of-
fice for recommendation.
I recommend that Messers, Beit-
zel and Schauer be requested to
identify the property they wish
released from a connection charge
and upon the property being sat-
isfactorily identified that the re-
quest be granted bet that the City
refuse to honor the partial as-
signment of any other connection
Regular Session, November :', 1953 73S
' charges as this is a matter to be
adjusted between the parties.
" Respectfully,
T. H. Nelson
Councihi;an Kintzinger moved
that the recommendation of City
Solicitor Nelsen be approved. Sec-
- onded by Councilman Sclnteller.
Carried by the follewing vote;
Yeas - Pviayor Austin, Council-
, men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 30, 1953
:Son. Mayor and PJfembers
of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Towa
The clai_~n of Sacred Heart
Church for da_nages resulting from
the flooding of its basement has
been refe~ed to this office for
i reccnumendation and report,
I have made a thorough investi-
gation of this claim and find that,
if this damage was occasioned from
the negligence of anyone, it was
that of users of the sewer over
whom the City Chas no control and
not that of the City or its em;
t I therefore recommend that the
claim be denied.
t Respectfully,
T. H. Alelson,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recommendation of City Solicitor
Nelson be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Kintzinger. Carried by
f the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
October 30, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
The City Manager was directed
to make a study of the City's en-
tire insurance program to see that
the city is receiving adequate pro-
tection at the most reasonable rates
I recommend that this study he
made by a recognized insurance
audit and insurance company that
has the confidence of all of the
insurance companies as well as
their clients.
The Insurance Audit & Inspec-
tion Company of Indianapolis, ~In-
diana lies been contacted relative
to this study, aml have offered
their services for one year at a fee
of $1,500.00. This survey will in-
clude apolicy analysis and field
survey ,node in Dubuque and in-
chtde aformal report covering all
insurance carried by tl:e ciiy and
its variors Boards and Commis-
I r°ecomntend that the City Man-
ager be authorized to contract wi~lr
the above cornpary for this service.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager.
Cowicilnran I.olp nlo°,•ed that tl-ie
recommendation of City i!Ianager
SchIltz be approved, Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carr•ieci by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 2, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Tlris is to advise that I have ap-
proved the following bonds and
desire to have ycur approval on
same for filing:
Kucharo and Associates, Inc.,
St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Co,,
Des Moines, Ioava,
Francis E. Vosberg, Western
Surety Co., (F. E. Vosberg Con-
struction Co,)
Respectfully submitted,
L. J, Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Welu moved that
the bonds be placed on file sub-
ject to the approval of the City
Solicitor, Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 31, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
I have negotiated for tIre pur-
chase of Lot 13 of Out Lot 703 and
Lot 1 of Lot 14 of Out Lot 703 in
the City of Dubuque which is bhe
%_ ,.
736 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
property known as the Diamond
House on University Aveinte and
Hill Street.
This preperiy tivottld be used to
improve the street intersection and
increase visibility,
The purchase price of $1.2,000.00
agreed upon is the arnot=nt set by
a real estate appraisal board in
1943 and which i ccnsitler a fair
price at the present time.
I recommend that the City Coun-
cil approve this agreement and that
it be made a matter of record,
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Weht moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Kintzinger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
h4P~~ SAp~ AGR~~PA~NI'
This Agreement entered into by
and between Thomas J. Mulgrew,
of Dubuque County, Iowa, herein-
after referred to as Seller, and the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, a municipal
corporation of Iowa, hereinafter re-
ferred to as Purchaser,
1. Seller agrees to sell and con-
vey to Purchaser and Purchaser
agrees to purchase front Seller, the
following described real estate sit-
uated in Dubuque County, Iowa;
Lot 13 of Out Lot 703, and Lot
1 of Lot 14 of Out Lot 703, in
City of Dubuque, Iowa, accord-
ing to the recorded plat of the
Original Town of Dubuque, to-
gether with all improvements
thereon and appurtenances
subject to street assessments pro-
posed or levied for the improve-
ment of Eighth Avenue and Hill
2. That the agreed purchase price
is Twelve Thousand and no/100
Dollars ($12,000.00) which purchas-
er agrees to pay in the following
manner; Five Hundred Dollars
($500.00) at the tithe of the exe-
cution of this agreement receipt
of whiich is hereby acknowledged
by Seller; and the balance of Elev-
en Thousand Five Hundred Dol-
lars ($11,500.00) on January 31,
i~~=1, upon receipt of Seller's war-
ranty deed,
a. Not more than 30 nor less
Than 10 days prior to January 31,
a`a:~~, Seller agrees to submit to
i'nrci:user for examintion by its
g~tto:n.y, an abstract of title show-
ing good and merchantible totel
in Seller,
4. On January 31, 1954, upon re-
eLilat of said unpaid balance of
$11,500,00, Seller agrees to deliver
~c purchaser his warranty deed
ecnveying said premises to Pur-
chaser in fee simple free and clear
of any liens or encumbrances ex•
cept as specified in Paragraph i
hegecf, and an abstract of title
si~owiug good and merchantable
ti'ie in Seller as of said date,
5. H either party shall breach any
of the terms of this agreement then
in litat event the other party shall
be entitled, at the option of such
offended party, to damages for
such breach or to bring an action
for the specific performance of
the terms of this agreement.
Executed in duplicate this 16th
day of September, 1953,
Thomas J. Mulgrew
By: J, J. Shea,
Acting City Manager
October 30, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
The communication of Quail &
Company, Davenport, Iowa, and
Becker 3i Cownie, Inc,, Des Moines,
Iowa, submitting a proposal in
connection with approximately
$400,000 City of Dubuque, Iowa,
Special Assessment Bands to be
issued at this time, was referred
to the City Manager and City So•
licitor for study and to submit a
report and recommendation back
to the City Council.
it is our recommendation that
the City Solicitor be authorized to
retain the regular services of a
recognized bond attorney to draw
up the procedures for special as-
sessment bonds for the curb and
gutter project and residential
street project.
We feel that if this procedure is
followed, bonds will be available
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 737
for sale to anyone ~vho cams to
bid cn it, whether it be bontting
companies or private individuals.
We da not feel it wise to enter into
an agreement far the paying of a
fee to a bonding company in return
for a guaranteed bid on the bands.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager.
T. H. Nelson,
City Solicitor
Councilman Scht:elier moved
that the recommendation of City
Manager Schiltz and City Solicitor
be approved. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Kintzinger, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Navetitber 2, 1953
k To the Honorable Mayor
i and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
Class B Boer Permit No. 120 is-
sued to the Page Hotel Company
and Class B Beer Permit No, 18
issued to the Canfield Hotel Cor-
poration have been surrendered as
of November 2, 1953,
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that the
communication of City Manager
Schiltz be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu, Car-
tied by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
• Welu,
Ilon. Mayor and Members
of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa,
j Gentlemen:
The communications of the Coun-
ty Attorney and others regarding
the permits of the Page Hotel
Company and the Canfield Hotel
Corporation have been referred to
this office for study and report, i
understand that this matter is no
longer before you and I therefore
' return the communications here-
T. H. Nelson
Councihnan Welu moved that
the communication of City Solici-
for Nelson be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman I{alb. Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas - Nlayor Austin, Conncii-
tnen Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
l~~~a~~~l®lv ~vo. 4~a•~~
Be It Resolved by the City Coun•
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
following, having cotuplied with
the provisions of la;v gelatin; 1c
the sale of cigarettes within the
City of Dubuque, be gi°anted a pzr-
mit to sell cigarettes and cigarette
papers within said City and the
Manager is directed to issue such
permit on behalf of said City,
Name Address
Ray V. Murphy, 29 Eighth Avenue
Albert A. Bisanz, 2401 Windsor
Howard L, Moser, 3165 Central
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed with the applications
be approved,
Passed, adapted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councihnan Welu. Car-
ried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
~~SOhU'Il®N Son. rr03.53
Whereas, applications fee Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council For approval and the
same nave been examined: Now,
Be It Resolved by tiro Council of
the City of Dubuque that the fol-
lov/ing applia ations be granted and
the licenses are to be issued upon
the compliance with the terms of
the ordinances of this City.
~I,AS'S „~„ 0`~i564t8I'
i'9ar3ae ,~~?s9s^?ss
Herbort J. McAndrews, 127 West
6th Street
Clarence P. Haupert, 1'703 Asbury
738 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
William G. Canfield, Sr., 38 West
4th Street
Herbert Meyer and Mildred Meyer,
735 Central Avenue
Alfred E. Hedley, 509 Eighth Ave-
John J. Glynn, 659 Central Avenue
Ray V. Murphy, 29 Eighth Avenue
John Beecher, 2399 White Street
Roger M. Bertsch, 326 Main Street
Harold L. Steinhoff, 241 Mair
Howard L. Moser, 3165 Central
John H. Eggerichs, 75 East 4th
Gerald F. Winters Post No. 9663,
2203 Carter Road, Veterans of
Foreign Wars
Albert A. Bisanz, 2401 Windsor
Passed, adapted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, heretofore applications
for Beer Permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc-
cupied by such applicants have
been inspected and found to com-
ply with the ordinances of this
City and they have filed proper
bonds; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be and he is directed to issue
to the following named applicants
a Beer Permit,
1`viame Address
Herbert J, McAndrews, 127 West
6th Street
Clarence P, Haupert, 1703 Asbury
William G. Canfield, Sr., 38 West
•4th Street
Herbert Meyer and Mildred Meyer,
735 Central Avenue
Alfred E, Hedley, 509 Eighth Ave-
John J. Glynn, 659 Central Avenue
Ray V. Murphy, 29 Eighth Avenue
Roger M. Eertsch, 326 Main Street
Harold L. Steinhoff, 241 Main
Howard L, Maser, 3165 Central
John H. Eggerichs, 75 East 4th
Gerald F. Winters Post No, 9663,
2203 Carter Road, Veterans of
Foreign Wars
Albert A. Bisanz, 2401 Windsc~
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be
and the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November 1953,
Attest; J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
riea by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 29, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise you that the
improvement of Burlington Street
from the West Property Line of
Lot 79 of McDaniel's Park Hill Ad-
dition to the West Property Line
of National Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing, under con-
struction by the City Street De-
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 739
` partment, has been completed in
accordance with the plans.
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
i ager Schiltz be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Welu. Carried
by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, the contrast for the
Burlington Street asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing from the West Prop-
erty Line of Lot 79 of McDaniel's
Park Hill Addition to the West
Property Line of National Strut
has been completed and the City
Engineer has submitted his final
estimate showing the cost thereof
including the cost of estimates,
notices, inspection, and preparing
the assessment and plat, now there-
, fare,
8e It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
r $1,958.30,
That $1,958.30 of the cost thereof
shall be assessable upon private
Passed, adopted and approved
G this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec•
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, I{olb, Schueller,
(A Resolution Accepting Improve-
ment and Directing the Clerk to
Publish Notice.)
Whereas, the contract for the
Burlington Street asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing from the West Prop-
erty Line of Lot 79 of McDaniel's
Park Hill Addition to the West
Property Line of National Street
has been completed and the City
Manager has examined the work
and filed his certificate stating
that the same has been completed
According to the terms of the con-
tract, plans and specifications and
recommends its acceptance, now
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved and that said
improvement be and the same is
hereby accepted and the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and schedule
showing the lots or parcels of real
estate subject to assessment for
said rmprovement and file the
same in the office of the City Clerk
subject to public inspection and
said Clerlc shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish the
notice of the Council's intention to
levy special assessments therefor,
as required by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds is-
sued upon the above described im-
provement in amount equal to the
amount of his contract, less any
retained percentage provided for
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Second-
ed by Councilman Welu, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayor• Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
740 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
October 29, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise you that the
improvement of Link Street from
the West Property Line of Burden
Avenue to the East Property Line
of Brunstivick Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing, under cony
structian by the City Street De-
partment, has been completed in
accordance with the plans.
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
L, J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kalb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, the contract for the
Link Street asphaltic macadam sur-
facing from the West Property
Line of Burden Avenue to the East
Property Line of Brunswick Street
has been cmnpleted and the City
Engineer has submitted his final
estimate showing the cost thereof
including the cost of estimates, no-
tices, inspection, and preparing the
assessment and plat, now there-
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That $1992.92 of the cost thereof
shall be assessable upon private
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas - Nlayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzhtger, Kolb, Schueller,
(A Resolution Accepting Improve-
mznt and Directing the Clerk to
Publish Notice.)
FzES9LUTl®h9 Rtj. 4II8.53
Whereas, the contract for the
Link Street asphaltic macadam
surfacing from the West Property
Line of Burden Avenue to the East
Property Line of Brunswick Street
has been completed and the City
Manager has examined the work
and filed his certificate stating that
the same has been completed ac-
cording to the terms of the con-
tract, plans and specifications and
recommends its acceptance, now
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved and that said
improvement be and the same is
hereby accepted and the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and schedule
showing the lots or parcels of real
estate subject to assessment for
said improvement and file the
same in the office of the City Clerk
subject to public inspection and
said Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish the
notice of the Council's intention to
levy special assessments therefor,
as required by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds is-
sued upon the above described imr
provement in amount equal to the
amount of his contract, less any
retained percentage provided for
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 741
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Tifaym• Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Iialb, Seltueller,
October 29, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise you that the im-
provement of Primrose Street from
the North Property Line of Kane
Street to the South Property Line
of Muscatine Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing, under con-
struction by the City Street Depart-
ment, has been cou;ploted in ac-
cordance with the plans.
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councihnan Schueller moved
that the recommendation of City
Manager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by CouncIlman trVelu. Car-
ried by the following vate:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, the contract for the
Prinn•ose Street asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing from the North
Property Line of Kane Street to
the South Property Line of Mus-
catine Street leas been completed
and the City Engiuzer ltae subinit-
ted ias final zstititute showing the
cost thereof h~chrding the cost of
estimates, notices, inspection, and
preparing the assessment and plat,
now therefore,
Be It Resolved, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Ti~ai the cost of said improve-
stent is hereby determined to be
Tltat $4,222.31 of the cost there-
ot shall be assessable upon private
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November 1953.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved that
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car•
r°ied by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council•
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
(A Resolution Accepting Improve-
ment and Directing the Clerk to
Publish Notice.)
RES9LUTION N®. 490.53
Whereas, the contract for the
Primrose Street asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing from the North
Property Line of Kane Street to
the South Property Line of Musca-
tine Street has been completed and
the City Manager has examined the
work and filed his certificate stat-
ing that the same has been com-
pleted according to the terms o£
the contract, plans and specifica-
tions and recommends its accept-
ance, now therefore,
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man•
alter be approved and that said im-
provement be and the same is here-
by accepted and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby directed to
prepare a plat and schedule show-
ing the lots or parcels of real es-
tate subject to assessment for said
improvement and file the same in
tlto office of tltz City Clerk subject
t,o public inspection and said Cler°k
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
742 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds is-
sued upon the above described im-
provement in amount equal to the
amount of his contract,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953,
Atitest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 29, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise you that the im-
provement of Ramona Street from
the North Property Line of Lot
1.16 of M. Walters Addition to the
South Property Line of Mt. Lo-
retta Avenue with asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing, under construction
by the City Street Department, has
been completed in accordance with
the plans,
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
L, J, Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Second•
ed by Councilman Kintzinger, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men I{intzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, the contract for the
Ramona Street asphaltic macadam
surfacing from the North Property
Line of Lot 1-16 of M, Walter's
Addition to the South Property
Line of Mt, Loretta Avenue has
been completed and the City En-
gineer has submitted his final es-
timate showing the cost thereof in-
cluding the cost of estimates, na
tices, inspection, and preparing the
assessment and plat, now there-
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That $1,504,72 of the cost there-
of shall be assessable upon private
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November 1953,
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
(A Resolution Accepting Improve-
ment and Directing the Clerk to
Publish Notice,)
Whereas, the contract for the
Ramona Street asphaltic surfacing
from the north property line of Lot
1-16 of M, Walter's Addition to the
south property line of Mt. Loretta
Avenue has been completed and
the City Manager has examined the
work and filed his certificate stat-
ing that the same has been com-
pleted according to the terms of
the contract, plans and specifica-
tions and recommends its accept-
ance, now therefore,
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 743
Be It Resolved, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and that
said improvement be and the same
is hereby accepted and the City
Engineer be and he is hereby di-
rected to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment
for said improvement and file the
same in the office of the City Clerk
subject to public inspection and
said Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish the
notice of the Council's intention to
levy special assessments therefor,
as required by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds is-
sued upon the above described im-
provement in amount equal to the
amount of his contract, less any
retained percentage provided for
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953,
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kalb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 29, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise you that the im-
provement of Stetmore Street from
twenty feet west of the East Prop-
erty Line of Lot 17 of Babeoek's
Addition to the North Property
Line of Marion Street with asphal-
tic macadam sttrfaeing, under con•
struction by the City Street De-
partment, has been completed in
accordance with the plans.
I, therefore, recommend the ac~
ceptance of this work,
Respectfully submitted,
L, J. SchIltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Schiltz be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Kintzinger. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, the contract for the
Stetmore Street asphaltic macadam
surfacing from 20' West of the
East Property Line of Lot 17 of
Ba~bcock's Addition to the North
Property Line of Marion Street has
been completed and the City En•
gineer has submitted his final es-
timate showing the cast thereof
including the cost of estimates,
notices, inspection, and preparing
the assessment and plat, now there-
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to t;e
That $1x63,92 of the cast there-
of shall be assessable upon privat5~
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November 1953,
Attest; J, J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kitnzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
(A Resolution Accepting Improve-
ment and Directing the Clerk to
Publish Notice.)
RESt~LUTIOh! NO. 494=53
Whereas, the contract for the
Stetmore Street asphaltic macadam
744 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
surfacing from 20 feet west of the
east property line of Lot 17 of
Babcock's Addition to the north
property line of Marion Street has
been completed and the City Man-
ager has examined the work and
filed his certificate stating that the
same has been completed according
to the terms of the contract, plans
and specifications and recom-
mends its acceptance, now, there-
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that said im-
provement be and the same is here-
by accepted and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby directed to pre-
pare aplat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment far said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection and said Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law,
Be It Further Resolved, that
the City Treasurer be and he is
hereby directed to pay to the con-
tractor from the funds to be real-
ized from the sale of improvement
bonds issued upon the above de-
scribed improvement in amount
equal to the amount of his contract,
less any retained percentage pro-
vided for therein.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Kintzinger, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas ®1Vlayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 29, 1953
To the Honm•able Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise you that the im-
provement of Sutter Street with as•
phaltic macadam surfacing from
the East Property Line of Queen
Street to the West Property Line of
Windsor Avenue, under construc-
tion by the City Street Depart-
ment has been completed in accord-
ance with the plans.
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J, Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Manag-
er Schiltz be approved. Seconded
by Councihnan Kintzinger, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
RES®LUYION i~0, 495.53
Whereas, the contract for the
Sutter Street asphaltic macadam
surfacing from the East Property
Line of Queen Street to the West
Property Liue of Windsor Avenue
has been completed and the City
Engineer has submitted his final
estimate showing the cost thereof
including the cost of estimates, no•
tices, inspection, and preparing the
assessment and plat, now therefore,
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That $891.34 of the cost thereof
shall be assessable upon private
Passed, adapted and approved
this 2nd day of November 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerlc
Councilman I{olb moved the
Regular Session, November 2, 1953 745
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Nays -None.
(A Resolution Accepting Improve-
u~cnt and Directing bhe Clerk to
Publish Notice.)
RESOLURION hi0. 49b•53
Whereas, the contract for the
Sutter Street asphaltic macadam
surfacing from the east property
line of Queen Street to the west
property line of Windsor Avenue
has been completed and the City
Manager has examined the work
and filed his certificate stating that
the same has been completed ac-
cording to the terms of the con-
tract, plans and specifications and
recommends its acceptance, now
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that said
~ improvement be and the same is
~ hereby accepted and the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby directed
I to prepare a plat and schedule
showing the lots or parcels of real
estate subject to assessment for
said improvement and file the
same in the office of the City Clerk
subject to public inspection and
said Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish the
notice of the Council's intention to
levy special assessments therefor,
as required by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasmrer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
' from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds is-
sued upon the above described im-
provement in amount egual to the
au7otint of his conliact, less any
retained perce;llage provided for
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councihnan Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the fallowing vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
October 29, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise you that the im•
provement of West Sixteenth
Street from the East Property Line
of Cati~erine Street to a point 70
feet east of the East Property Line
of Henion Street with asphaltic
macadam surfacing, under con-
struction by the City Street Depart-
m~ent• has been completed in ac-
cordance with the plans,
I, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work,
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recwnmendation of City Manager
Schiltz be approved, Seconded by
Councilman I{iutzinger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger Kolb, Schueller,
I~ESOLUY1014 id0. 491.53
Whereas, the contract far the
Vilest 16th Street asphaltic maca-
dam surfacing from the East Prop-
erty Line of Catherine Street to
a point 70' East of the East Prop-
c-rty Linc of Henion Street has
been completed and the City Engi-
neer has submitted his final esti-
mate showing the cast thereof in-
cluding the cost of estimates, no•
746 Regular Session, November 2, 1953
tices, inspection, and preparing the
assessment and plat, now there-
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That $949.64 of the cost thereof
shall be assessable upon private
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November 1953.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. See-
onded by Councilman Kintzinger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Nays -None.
(A Resolution Accepting Improve-
ment and Directing the Clerk to
Publish Notice.)
Whereas, the contract far the
West Sixteenth Street asphaltic
macadam surfacing from the East
Property Line of Catherine Street
to a point 70' east of the East Prop-
erty Line of Henion Street has
been completed and the City Man•
ager has examined the work and
filed his certificate stating that the
same has been completed accord-
ing to the terms of the contract,
plans and specifications and rec-
ommends its acceptance, now there-
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that
the recommendation of the City
Manager be approved and that
said improvement be and the same
is hereby accepted and the City
Engineer be and he is hereby di-
rected to prepare a plat and sched-
ule showing the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment
for said improvement and file the
same in the office of the City Clerk
subject to public inspection and
said Clerk shall upon receipt of
such plat and schedule publish the
notice of the Council's intention to
levy special assessments therefor,
as required by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds is•
sued upon the above described im-
provement in amount equal to the
amount of his contract,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 2nd day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller, Car-
ried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
There being no further business
Councilman Kintzinger moved to
adjow~n. Seconded by Councilman
Welu, Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
J. J. Shea,
Approved ................................1953.
Adopted ..................................1953.
Councilmen : ..................................
Attest : ..............................................
City Clerk
Board of Health, Regular Session, November 2, 1953 747
~ Rig P ~'i
„~~ ~ i I'I _-I
Regular Session, November 2nd,
Board met at 9:00 P.M.
Present -Chairman Ruben V,
Austin, Messrs. Charles A, Kint-
zinger, Ray F. Kolb, Leo N. Schuel-
ner, Clarence P, Welu, Dr. A. J.
November 2nd, 1953
Dr. Albert J. Entringer,
Director of Health,
Dubuque, Iowa
Dear Doctor;
An inspection of the premises of
L, L, McNeil, 954 Tressa Street, was
made this day. An 800 gallon con•
Crete septic tank has been installed
and connected to the existing house
sewer and is functioning properly.
Respectfully submitted,
Allan J. Klein
Sanitary Inspector
Health Department,
Dubuque, Iowa
Mr. Clarence P. Welu moved that
the report of Sanitary Inspector
Klein be accepted. Seconded by
Mr. Ray F, Kolb. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Chairman Ruben V. Aus-
tin, Messrs, Charles A, Kintzinger,
Ray F, Kolb, Leo N. Schueller,
Clarence P. Welu, Dr. A. J. En-
There being no further business
Mr. Clarence P. Welu moved that
the Board of Health meeting ad-
journ Seconded by Mr. Ray F.
Kolb, Carried by the following
Yeas-Chairman Ruben V. Aus-
tin, Messrs, Charles A. Kintzinger,
Ray F. Kolb, Leo N. Schueller,
Clarence P, Welu, Dr. A, J. En-
J, J, Shea,
Clerk, Board of Health
Approved ...................................1953
Adopted .............................,..1953
Members of ~ ......................................
Bd, of Health ~
Attest :.................................................
Clerk, Board of Health
- 6
748 Special Session, November ~, 1953
~,uN`~' ~;~~Fl~~4N~
Special Session, November 4th,
Council met at 7:30 P.M.
Present-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Welu. City Manager Schiltz,
Meeting, called by order of Mayor
Mayor Austin read the call and
stated that service thereof had
been duly made and that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of
canvassing and declaring the re-
sults of the General Municipal
Election held November 3rd, 1953,
and also for the purpose of can-
vassing and declaring the results
of the Election on Swimming Pool
Bonds held November 3rd, 1953
and acting on any other business
as may properly come before a
regular meeting of the City Coun-
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of the General
Municipal Election Ballot, pre-
sented and read,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Kintzinger, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of Mayor's Proc-
lamation of notice of General
Municipal Election to be held No-
vember 3rd, 1953, also notice of
Election on Swimming Pool Bonds
to be held November 3rd, 1953, pre-
sented and read,
CouncIlman Kalb moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of Swimming
Pool Bond Election Ballot, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman I£olb moved that
the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
The vote of the General Munici-
pal Election held November 3,
1953 was then canvassed and
showed the following results:
Regular Term
~ ro
,N ~ ~ ~ NA ~ Y
~ ~ 0
y d ~
.Q y (~
P+ ~, iu
o~ ti ~ ~ o
a ~~ ~ ~~ ~ wT~ H
1st, .... 323 319 307 122 279 441
2nd..... 414 386 382 119 360 508
3rd, ..., 145 152 148 127 94 243
4th ,,,. 151 148 143 67 118 205
5th, ,... 296 282 273 97 268 314
6th ,... 452 419 415 158 361 575
7th, .... 138 135 136 74 110 195
8th. ,,,, 177 171 165 70 140 224
9th ..,. 125 142 132 68 100 194
lOth.... 222 216 222 113 176 323
11th, .. ,,142 135 135 69 106 195
12th, .. ..150 146 146 88 92 198
13th... ..147 147 I65 93 88 218
14th... .242 232 245 141 150 322
15th.., ,,188 176 180 84 147 254
16th... .202 195 187 67 163 244
T .,.. 3514 3401 3381 1557 2752 4733
Whereas the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has today met
and canvassed the votes cast at
the General Municipal election
held on the 3rd day of November,
1953, and determined therefrom
that the following named persons
have received the greatest number
of votes cast for the offices of
Councilmen and Parkl Commis-
For CouncIlmen for the term
commencing the first Monday in
April, 1954:
Ruben V. Austin, 3514 votes.
Ray F. Kolb, 3401 votes.
Leo N. Schueller, 3381 votes.
For Park Commissioner for the
regular term:
Fred tiV. Fuhrman, 2752 votes.
Gene Digman, 1567 votes,
Section 1. That Ruben V. Austin,
Ray F. Kolb and Leo N, Schueller
Special Session, November 4, 1953 749
are hereby declared elected to the
office of Councilman of the City of
Dubuque for the terms commen-
cing the first Monday in April,
Section 2. That Fred W. Fuhr-
maa is hereby declared elected to
the office of Park Commissioner
for the regular term.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of November, 1953,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
. onded by Councilman Kintzinger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, CouncIl-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
The vote of the Election held
November 3rd, 1953 for Play-
grounds and Swimmurg Pool Bond
Proposition was then canvassed
and showed the following results:
Prec, Yes No Total
1st. ,,.,,,..,, 324 93 417
2nd..,,.,,,, 418 61 479
3rd....,,,,,,, 152 84 236
4th, .,,,,,,,,, 149 39 188
( 5th, ,,,.,..... 294 66 360
6th, .,,,,,,,,, 434 95 529
7th........... 92 80 172
8th, .,.,,,,,,. 160 31 191
9th, ,.......,, 61 128 189
lOth....,....192 108 300
. 11th. ........80 99 179
, 12th, ,....,., 98 83 181
13th. ,,,,,,,, 67 110 177
14th, ,,,,,,,, 143 149 292
15th. ,,,,,,., 128 83 211
16th. ,.,,,,,, 197 24 221
` Total ....,2989 1333 4322
'~ RESOLUTI®N N0, 500®53
Resolution canvassing and de-
Glaring the resoults of election on
swimming pool bonds.
Whereas, this City Council did
heretofore an October 13, 1953,
order that there be submitted to
the voters at the regular municipal
(. election to be field in and for the
~, City of Dubitgtte, Iowa, on Navem-
~. ber 3, 1953, the following proposi-
Shall the City of Dubuque, Iowa
acquire lands and establish juve-
nile pi~ygrounds and a swimming
pool thereon in a location to be
determined by the City Council
from recommendations made by
the Pl?.ygi~oand and Recreation
Commission and contract indebted-
ness for such purpose not exceed-
ing $225,000 and issue bonds for
such ptn•pose not exceeding $225,-
000 and levy a tax annually upon
the taxable property in said City
of Dubuque, Iowa, not exceeding
one-half mill per annum for the
payment of such bonds and the
interest thereon?
Whereas, the election on said
proposition was duly and legally
held and the returns thereof have
been certified and filed with this
City Council and duly canvassed:
Now, 'I"herefm•e, Be It and It is
Hereby Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
as follows;
'Section 1. That it is hereby
found and declared that the elec•
tion an the proposition referred
to in the preamble hereof was
favorable thereto and that the total
number of affirmative votes on
said proposition as said election
was equal to or more than sixty
per cent (60%) of the total num-
ber of votes cast for and against
said proposition at said election,
Section 2. That a record of the
votes cast on said proposition is
hereby made as follows;
For -Against - Spofled
2983 - 1333 -- None
Section 3. That a record of the
votes cast on said proposition at
said election by precincts is hereby
made as follows:
ors y
?+ ®
~ ~ .~
~o ~
~ o
~~ ~~
1st Precinct 324 93 Nane 417
2nd Precinct 418 61 None 479
3rd Precinct 125 84 None 236
4th Precinct 149 39 Nane 188
5t11 Pl'eCnl+'t ~~~ 6li Nane 360
6th Preci~aei 434 95 None 529
7th Precinct 92 80 Nane 172
8th Precinct 160 31 None 191
750 Special Session, November 4, 1953
9th Princinct 61 128 Nane 189
10th Precinct 192 108 None 300
11th Precinct 80 99 None 179
12th Precinct 98 83 None 181
13th Precinct 67 110 None 177
14th Precinct 143 149 None 292
15th Precinct 128 83 None 211
16th Precinct 197 24 None 221
Section 4, That all resolutions
and orders or parts thereof in so
far as same may be in conflict here-
with are hereby repealed and this
resolution shall become effective
Passed and approved November
4, 1953.
Recorded November 5,1953.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Councilman Kolb moved that the
Judges and Clerks who served at
the General Municipal Election
held November 3, 1953 be paid the
amount of $10,00 each for services
rendered as such Judges and
Clerks. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Communication of P. L. Houser,
Director Division of Public Health
Engineering, State Department of
Health, Des Moines, Iowa, submit-
ting permit for construction of
1360 feet of eight inch vitrified file
pipe sanitary sewer in Devon Drive,
presented and read. Councilman
Kolb moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed, Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Nlayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Communication of E. B. Lyons,
Chairman Civil Service Commis-
sion, asking Council to reconsider
their decision so that in the com-
ing years the Civil Service Commis-
sion may be able to attend the Na-
tional and State Conferences, pre-
sented and read, Mayor Austin
moved that the communication be
referred to the City Manager for
reply and explanation. Seconded
by Councilman Kintzinger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
Petition of Dr, Henry J. Kaep
requesting the City Council to re-
duce the assessment levied against
Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 35 for the im-
provement of Southern Avenue
from $1,160,64 to $600.00, present-
ed and read. Councilman Kintzing•
er moved that the petition be re-
ferred to the City Manager and
City Solicitor for to submit a re-
port back to the Council meeting
of November 16th, 1953, Seconded
by Councilman Welu. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of Dr. Harry C, Nesler
and others stating that they desire
the dedication of the street now
named Elmore Street to the City of
Dubuque, and also stating they
wish to change the name of this
street from Elinore Street to Indian
Ridge, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Kintzinger moved that the
petition be referred to the City
Solicitor to prepare the proper pro-
ceedings. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 3, 1953
'fo the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Attached are two warranty
deeds to be received and placed
on file by your Honorable Body.
They cover real estate purchased
by the City Water Department on
Special Session, November 4, 1953 751
the north side of Asbury Road be-
tween Carter Road and Woodlawn
Street, to be used for the location
of an elevated storage tank at same
future date.
Respectfully submitted,
J. J. Hail
Councilman Kolb moved that the
` communication be received and
made a matter of record, Seconded
•, by Councilman Schueller, Carried
by the following vote:
; Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
" men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 4, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
~ Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise that I have ap-
proved the following bond and de-
sire to have your approval on same
for filing:
A. J. Scheller, Western Surety Co,
Respectfully submitted,
> L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that the
j bond be placed on file subject to
approval of the City Solicitor. Sec•
j onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
' Welu.
November 4, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
' and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
In the past a number of requests
have been submitted to the City
Council for the installation of
street lights mid-block between
26th and 30th Streets and from
Central Avenue to Pinard Street.
The distance of blocks in this
`i area is considerably greater than
that of other sections of the city
and the area is built up with resi-
dential property. I recommend that
street lights be installed at the
following locations:
l) On Pinard Street between;
4" 26th and 27th Streets;
' 27th and 28th Streets;
28th and 29th Streets.
2) On Elm Street between:
26th and 27th Streets;
27th and 28th Streets;
28th and 29th Streets;
29th and 30th Streets.
3) On Jackson Street between:
26th and 27th Streets;
27th and 28th Streets;
28th and 29th Streets;
29th and 30th Streets,
4) On White Street between;
26th and 27th Streets;
27th and 28th Streets;
28th and 29th Streets;
29th and 30th Streets.
5) On Central Avenue between:
26th and 27th Streets;
27th and 28th Streets;
28th and 29th Streets;
29th and 30th Streets,
I further recommend that these
lights be installed during the
month of December and that the
exact location be worked out in co-
operation with the Electrical In-
I also recommend the installa-
tion of a street light on the pale
at the northwest corner of First
and Iowa Streets. This area is very
poorly lighted and because of the
street intersection and railroad
crossing, it will be a traffic safety
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Seconded
by Cormcilman Schueller. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 4, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
The petition of Joe A. Rhomberg
requesting that Peosta Street be-
tween Emerson and Whittier be
opened in its proper location and
all obstacles removed in order that
lots adjoining the street may be
served, was referred to the City
I leave had another communica-
tion from Mr. Rhomberg stating
that they are interested in the
opening of Peosta Street between
~1~; ~
752 Special Session, November 4, 1953
Marshall and Whittier Streets,
where at the present time residenc-
es have been constructed partially
on the street and partially on prop-
erty owned by Mr. Rhomberg. The
people living in these homes travel
on the raih~oad right-of-way and
part of Mr, Rhomberg's property.
Peosta Street at this location is
in Lake Peosta channel and exists
only on a plat. In view of the fact
that the homes constructed partial-
ly on Peosta Street are squatters
and have established no right of
ownership, also that Peosta Street
if improved would serve no useful
purpose and the cost would be pro-
hibitive, Irecommend that the pe-
tition be denied.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J, Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Schiltz be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas there has been filed
with the City Clerk a plat in which
Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 3, Lot 4,
Lot 5, Lot 6, Lot 9, Lot 8, Lot
9, Lot 10, Lot 11, Lot 12, Lot
13, Lot 14, Lot 15, Lot 16, Lot
17, Lot 1S, Lot 19, Lot 20, Lot
21, Lot 22, Lot 25 and Lot 26,
each in "Mississippi Heights" a
Subdivision in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, and part of Mc-
Lenan Street northerly of a
line connecting the northerly
corner of Lot 1 of Lot 3 with
the northwest corner of Lot 23,
each in "Mississippi Heights"
a Subdivision in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and all of Mis-
sissippi View Drive, all in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
is platted as "Mississippi Heights
No. 2", a Subdivision in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa; and
Whereas said plat has been ex-
amined by the City Plan Commis-
sion and has had its approval en-
dorsed thereon; and
Whereas upon said plat appear
two streets designated "Mississippi
View Drive" and "McLenan Street",
and certain easements which the
owner has upon said plat dedicat-
ed to the public forever; and
tiiliiereas said plat has been ex-
amined by the City Council and
trey find that the same conforms
to the Statutes and Ordinances re•
lacing thereto;
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved
By The City Council Of The City
Of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the dedication of
Mississippi View Drive and McLen-
an Street and the public easements
upon the plat of "Mississippi
Heights No. 2" Subdivision be and
the same are hereby accepted for
the purpose for which they are
Section 2. That the plat of the
above described real estate 'in the
City of Dubuque, Dubuque Coun-
ty, Iowa, which will hereafter be
known as Mississippi Heights No.
2 Subdivision, containing Lots 4
to 16 inclusive, be and the same is
hereby approved and the Mayor
and Clerk are hereby authorized
and directed to endorse the approv-
al of the City on said plat,
Fussed, adapted and approved
this 4th day of November, A.D.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kalb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council•
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
Whereas, applications far Class
"B" Beer Permits have been sub-
mitted to this Council for approval
and the same have been examined:
Now, Therefore,
Be 1t Resolved by bhe Council of
the City of Dubuque that the fol-
lowing applications be granted and
the licenses are to be issued upon
the compliance with the terms of
the ordinances of this City.
Name Address
Ray Nicks, 521 East 22nd Street
Special Session, November 4, 1953 753
American Veterans of World War
II, Amvets Post No, 3, 429 Main St.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of November, 1953,
` Councilmen
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
~ City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller, Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
~ Nays-None,
Whereas, heretofore applications
for Class "B" Beer Permits were
filed by the within named appli-
cants and they have received the
approval of this Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc-
, copied by such applicants have
been inspected and found to com-
ply with the ordinances of this
City and they have filed proper
bonds; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Man-
ager be and he is directed to issue
to the following named applicants
a Beer Permit.
! Name Address
John Beecher, 2399 White Street
Ray Nicks, 521 East 22nd Street
American Veterans of World War
II, Amvets Post No, 3, 429 Main St,
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be
and the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 4th day of November, 1953.
~ Councilmen
Attest, J. J. SHEA,
' City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution, Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller, Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
There being no further business
Councilman Kolb moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
J, J. Shea,
City Cleric
Approved ................................1953.
Adopted ..................................1953,
Councilmen: 3 ..................................
Attest : ..............................................
City Clerk
99. -~" ~ -
3.'! - - .}
~ ".'
X54 Special Session, November 16, 1953
~ ,~ , ~, ~ „
s Schueller. Carried by the follow-
~ ~~ ~
~ ~n
,! L J
~ ~ ~
+~'~! ~L' i Yeas
- Mayor Austin, Council-
- (OFFICIAL) men Kintzinger, I{olb, Schueller,
~:, 4Velu.
,yfz Special Session, November 16th, Nays-None.
~`' 1953. Dubuque, Iowa
Council met at 7;30 P.M. November 10, 1953
Present -Mayor Austin, Coun- The Honorable Mayor and
cilmen Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller, Councilmen of the City of
Welu. City Manager Schiltz. Meet- Dubuque, Iowa
ing called by order of Mayor Aus• Gentlemen: '
tin. This letter is written and filed
Mayor Austin read the call and with the City Clerk by the owner of '
stated that service thereof had
`'" been duly made and that this meet- Lot 1 of Lot 52 of Corriell's Du-
ing is called for the purpose of buque Subdivision to note objec-
levying special assessments to pay lion to the proposed levy of special
' for various street improvements assessments against this real estate
' and acting on any other business as
may properly come before a regu• in accord with the Notice of Levy
lar meeting of the City Council. of Special Assessment and Inten-
Proofs of publication, certified to lion of the City Council to Issue
by the publishers, of notice of levy Bonds published in The Telegraph~
of special assessment and intention Herald on October 23, 1953.
of the City Council to issue bonds
f i
t This lot referred to is located on
_'; mprov
e cos
to pay
or the south side of Hill Street at the
following portions of the following junction of Hill Street and Eighth
streets by surfacing the same with Because of its geographi-
hot mix, hot laid asphaltic con- .
topography and geo- r
cal location
Crete, to-wit: ,
logical and physical character it is ~
Eighth Avenue from the West questionable if this lot has any
property line of Central Avenue to monetary value. This was true
~ the north property line of Hill
prior to the improvement of Hill
Street. Street and of Eighth Avenue and ~
Hill Street from, the south the facts continue to exist and the
property line of Eighth Avenue to situaticn remains unchanged today
r"' the north property line of West uninfluenced by the improvements
;,- Third Street. made. This lot has never produced
Ninth Street from the east prop- any revenue and no offer to pur-
erty line of Bluff Street to the chase the same has ever been re-
., west property line of Central Ave- ceived.
The assessed valuation made in
~:'~ Seventh Street from the east 1953 was in the amount of $380.00.
property line of Locust Street to Assuming that this amount was
the west property line of Central considered to be 60% of value, the
` Avenue. actual value apparently was con-
'`'' Sixth Street from the east prop- sidered to be about $640.00.
erty line of Locust Street to the The proposed assessments against
west property line of Central Ave- this lot are two in number and
nue, total $803.31. It is proposed to levy
West Eleventh Street from the one assessment in the amount of
east property line of Bluff Street $401.53 for the improvement of ~
to the west property line of Central Hill Street and another assessment
Avenue, in the amount of $401,78 for the
f.°; West Twelfth Street from the improvement of Eighth Avenue.
js.^ east property line of Main Street to This lot, because of its peculiar
' .
the west property line of Central
and unusual characteristics was
- Avenue, presented and read, benefitted actually probably not at
Councilman I{olb moved t~~hat the ali by these improvements.
proofs of publication be received I respectfully request the City
~~;a.~. and filed. Seconded by Councilman Council to redetermine the assess-
Special Session, November 16, 1953 X55
ments against this lot upon the
basis of the facts stated.
Very respectfully yours,
Anthony Rhomberg
Councilman Welu moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
November 10, 1953
To: The Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
City of Dubuque, Iowa
The undersigned, owner of Lots
1 through 14 in Hill Street Sub-
division in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, according to the recorded
plat thereof, does, by this letter,
file objections to the proposed levy
of Special Assessment against said
real estate for the improvement of
the abutting street with Hot-Mix
hot laid asphaltic concrete, pursu-
ant to Notice of Levy published in
The TelegraplrHerald, Dubuque,
Iowa, October 23, 1953.
The described real estate con-
sists of a series of 25 foot front-
age lots (excepting Lot 14, which
has a 50 foot frontage) located in a
long abandoned quarry on the
Southeasterly side of Hill Street in
the City of Dubuque. This real es-
tate, because of the varying rock
elevations and the rock bed, is of
very limited value and use and the
assessed valuation upon the basis
of 100% of value of approximately
$2,829.34 (1953 assessment) is, in
the opinion of the undersigned, the
fair and reasonable value of the
The improvement which has
been made to the abutting street,
the proposed assesment for which
is $2,518.86, is of little, if any, val-
ue to this particular real estate and
the installation of the improve-
ment does not materially increase
the value of the respective lots.
The valuations heretofore adopt-
ed by the City Council for these re•
spective lots is greatly in excess of
the present fair market value of
the property with the improvement
far which the assess~i~ent is being
levied and, as stated above, far in
excess of the value of the proper-
ties as appearing in the last preced-
ing Assessment Roll. These partic-
ular lots are now and, for several
yews past, have been under lease,
which Lease indicates a fair market
value of the described property of
$3,OOO,CO. Independent appraisal of
the property confirms the value re-
flected by the Lease and as shown
in the most recent assessment of
the property.
For the reasons urged, the un-
dersigned objects to the levy of
Special Assessment shown in the
Schedule of Assessments and to the
issuance of bonds for said improve-
ment and respectfully requests the
City Council to reevaluate the
property described and redeter-
mine the assessment against said
properties for this improvement
in a total amount not in excess of
$750.00, which sum is 25% of the
present fair market value of said
premises with the improvement in-
Respectfully submitted this 10th
day of November, 1953.
Anthony Rhomberg
Councilman Kolb moved that
the petition be referred to the
City Manager. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 14, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
A communication has been ad-
dressed to the City Council re•
questing reduction in the assess-
ment against Lot 1 of 52 of Cor-
riel's Subdivision awned by An-
thony Rhomberg,
I recommend that the amount of
assessment against this lot be re-
duced to one-half the amount as-
sessed and the city pay the balance
of the assessment from city funds.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kalb moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiiia, be approved. Sec-
onded ~by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
~y'" 756 S ecial Session November 16 1953 ~ Special Session, November 16, 1953 ~~~
-- 3
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council- hot mix, hot laid asphaltic con•
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller, Crete, to•wit:
Welu. Eighth Avenue from the west
Nays-None. property line of Central Avenue to
November 14, 1953 the north property line of Hill St.
§r; To the Honorable Mayor Hill Street from the south proper-
~~. ,
and City Council,
ty line of Eighth Avenue to the
Dubuque, Iowa
north property line of West Third
~, Gentlemen: Street.
A communication has been ad• Ninth Street from the east prop-
dressed to the City Council re• erty line of Bluff Street to the
4'' questing a reduction in the assess- west property line o£ Central Ave- `
~``" ment of Lots 1 through 14 in Hill nue.
Street Subdivision owned by An• Seventh Street from the east
' thony Rhomberg. property line of Locust Street to
I have had this property valuated the west property line of Central
. by the Dubuque Real Estate Board Avenue.
~: ; and find that the assessment is in Sixth Street from the east prop~
excess of the amount that can be erty line of Locust Street to the
levied for special assessment. I west property line of Central Ave-
";, recommend that the amount of the nue.
~ assessment be reduced one-half West Eleventh Street from the
=" which would be the amount as• east property line of Bluff Street
sessable under the valuation and
to the west property line of Cen-
~_ ~ the balance to be paid from the tral Avenue,
~~,- Street Fund. The following is the
West Twelfth Street from the
tabulation of the Lots and the as• east property line of Main Street
a,, sessments;
to the west property line of Cen-
x ; Let Ass. Rec. Ass. tral Avenue, by Iowa Road Build-
• . 1 Hi11 St. Sub. $147.02 $73.51 ing Co, contractor in front of and
Hill St. Sub. 161.39 80.70
adjoining the same, a special tax
" ,
Hill St. Sub. 173.77 86.89
3 be and is hereby levied on the sev- ,
-; ,
Hill St. Sub. 184.48 9224
4 anal lots, and parts of lots, and i
Hill St. Sub. 185.71 92.86
5 Parcels of real estate all as named,
' ,
Hill St. Sub. 191.13 95.57
6 situated and owned, and for the I
?.~, ,
Hill St. Sub. 191.13 95.57
7 several amounts set opposite each #
~~ ~ ,
Hill St. Sub. 191.13 95,57
8 lot or parcel of real estate, as set
4: ,
Hill St: Sub. 191.13 96.57
9 forth in the schedules: i
~~° ,
10, Hill St. Sub. 191.13 95.57 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA
Hill St. Sub. 191.13 95.57
~~` ,
12, Hill St. Sub. 181,03 90.52 Eighth Avenue from the west
°t; 13, Hill St. Sub. 155.58 77.79 property line of Central Avenue to
};', 14, Hill St. Sub. 183.10 91.55 the north property line of Hill St. i
Respectfully submitted,
Homer V. Butt, Lot 254, E.'/z
x L. J. SCHILTZ City Lot .................................... 354.36
City Manager Jos. W. Rhomberg, Lot 254,
~` Councilman Kolb moved that Sri/z, City Lot, ......................354.36
F", the recommendation of City Man- Sorbeau Juvenile Mfg. Co.,
}` agar Schiltz be approved. Seconded City Lot .................. 266.66
Lat 255
~. ; by Councrlman Welu. Carried by ,
Lot 256,
Buettel Bros, Co.
::. the following vote: ,
City Lot .................................... 86:35
~' Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller, Anthon Rhomberg, Lot 213
; Welu. City Lot .................................... 708.71
~.. Nays-None. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 212,
RESOLUTION N0. 504°53 City Lot ...................................266.66
<- Resolved by the City Council of Chas. H. Rhomberg, Lot 211,
~ 86.35
improvernent of
oc th
P Y ssn, '
Dubuque Bldg. & Loan A
following portions of the follaGVing Lot 172, 5.62' of E.43', City
_~.._..~., t,...,,.»E»~;,,n ~Ao ~»mn with T.nt ..335.43
Stampfer Bldg. Co., Lot 8,
of Sub. of Lot 170 & E.43'
of Lot 171 and N. 2' of E,
43' of Lot 172, City Lot.... 39.41
Stampfer Bldg. Co., Lot 7 of
Sub, of Lot 170 & E. 43' of
Lot 171 and N2' of E.43'
of 172, City Lot ...................... 31.20
Stampfer Bldg. Co., Lot 6 of
Sub, of Lot 170 & E.143' of
Lot 171 and N.2' of E.43'
of Lot 172, City Lot.,.......... 27.23
Stampfer Bldg. Co., Lot 5 of
Sub. of Lot 170 & E.143' of
Lot 171 and N2' of E.43'
of 172, City Lot ...................... 23.37
Grand Opera House, Lot 171,
W.70' ...................................... 743.18
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
29, City Lot .............................. 894.92
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
30, City Lot ............................ 304.81
Fred H. Wiegel Etal, Lot 55,
City Lot...._ .............................. 807.90
Maria R. Spensley, Lot 54,
City Lot .................................... 304.04
George R, Bm~den etal, Lot
53, S.r/z, City Lot .................. 98.41
Burnett S. Lacy, Lot 146,
Und, z/a, City Lot
Kath W. Bradley, Lot 136,
Und, '/s, City Lot ................. 807.96
Kath W. Bradley, Lot 147,
5.11'2", City Lat .................... 83.64
Charles T. & Wm. S. Landon,
Lot 147, N.40', City Lot.... 220.30
Plastic Center Inc., Lot 148,
City Lot .................................... 98.41
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 628,
City Lot .................................... 747.73
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 629,
City Lot .................................... 276.03
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 630,
City Lot .................................... 88.08
Telegraph Herald, Lot 647,
City Lot........... ........................ 747.73
Telegraph Herald, Lot 646,
5.49'2", City Lot..~ ............... 267.53
City of Dubuque, Lot 646, N.
2', City Lot .............................. 8.40
City of Dubuque, Lot 645,
City Lot ................................... 88.08
Albert N. & Susan Eisbach,
Lot 251, N.'/z, City Lot...... 86.35
Belsky Motor Co., Lot 252A,
City Lot .................................... 137.15
City Lot .......................
~ 129.52
Motor Co., Lot
y 253,
City Lot ....... 708.71
Clara E. Hoffmann, Lot 216,
N.r/z, City Lot ....... 86.35
Belsky Motor Co., Lot 215A,
Y 170.75
Belsky M tar Co., Lot 21
City Lot 95.90
Belsi~y Motor Co., Lot 21
• 4,
City Lot .................................... 708.71
Crescent Realty Corp., Lot
175, N.'/z, City Lat .............. 43.36
Crescent Realty Corp., Lot
174, S25', City Lot..~......... 110.68
Kath W. Bradley etal, Lot
174, N.4T6", City Lot....,... 317.27
Lula & Arthur Diamond, Lot
173, E.73', City Lot.......~..... 470.64
Lula & Arthur Diamond, Lot
173, W.40', City Lot .............. 257.87
M. E. Richard Est., Lot 27A,
City Lat ............................... 26.56
Adams Realty Corp., Lot 27,
S23', City Lat ........................ 95.62
Geo, R. Burden Etal, Lot 27,
N.33', City Lot ........................ 182.73
Gea. R. Burden Etal, Lot
28A, S.7', City Lot ................ 48.58
Hattie B. Reynolds, Lot 28A,
N21', City Lot .................... 18823
Geo. R. Burden Etal, Lot 28,
City Lot ................................... 658.10
Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Lot 58, N23', City Lot........ 98.41
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lat
57, City Lot .............................. 304.04
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
56, City Lot ........................... 807.90
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 143,
City Lot .... ............................... 98.41
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 144,
City Lot.._........... ................... 304.04
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 145,
City Lo 807.90
J. Anthon Rhomber Lot
625, City Lot .......................... 94.55
Knights of Columbus Home,
Lot 626, City Lot ............... 291.96
Standard Oil Co., Lot 627,
City Lot ............................... 776.02
Providence Mutual Life Ins.
Co., Lot 650, N.15', City
Lat ..........._ .......................... 58.91
Providence Mutual Life Ins.
Co., Lot 649, S.8' of S.
19.80', City Lot ..................... 36.22
Providence Mutual Life Ins.
Co., Lot 649, Und. r/a N.
11.80' of 5.19.80', City Lat 56.88
Leo N. Theisen, Lot 2, of 2
of N,31.40'ofLal;G~18&
649, City Lot ........................ 320,45
H, G. Young, Lot 1 of 2 of N.
31.40' og Lot 648 & 649,
City Lot ........... .. ..... 284.91
758 Special Session, November 16, 1953
Telegraph Herald Co., Lot 1,
of N. 31.40' of Lot 648 &
649, City Lat .......................... 374,63
Telegraph Herald Co., Lot 1,
of 1 of 5 Lorimeir's Sub. 1 274.67
Leo S. & Hazel Roepsch, Lot
2 of 1 of 5 Lorimeir's Sub. 56.98
Leo S. & Hazel Roepsch, Lot
6, Lorimeir's Sub .............. 182.24
Leo S. & Hazel Roepsch, Lot
7, Lorimeir's Sub..__........... 182.24
Leo S. & Hazel Roepsch, Lot
8, Lorimeir's Sub ................. 223.10
H. B. & George L, McCarten,
Lot 1, Ludescher's Place.... 214.51
Henry J. & Cath. Ludwig,
Lot 2, Ludescher's Place.... 215.76
Wm. Jaeggi Est,, Lat 1 of
688, City Lot .......................... 220.68
Henry J. & Cath. Ludwig,
Lot 2 of 688, City Lot........ 21827
H, H. & Gert Varbuct, Lot 5,
of 688, City Lat ...................... 170.57
Chas. T. Healey, Lot 6 of 688
City Lot .................................... 169.60
Grand Opera House Co., Lot
7, of 688, City Lot ................ 328.57
Grand Opera House Co., Lot
8 of 688, 5.119', City Lot... 332,82
Alfred C. Hedley, Lot 9 of
688 E. 33' City Lot .............. 272,84
Alfred C. Hedley, Lot 9 of
688 W27' City Lot .............. 221.65
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
10 of 688, E. 18', City Lot 145.74
Clifford A. Galliart, Lot 10,
of 688 E.18' of W.4T, City
Lot ............................................ 144,68
Clifford A. Galliart, Lot 10,
of 688 W29' of W.47', City
Lot .._ .......................................... 231.40
Emerald & Mildred Faust,
Lot 11 of 688 E.'/a, City
Lot ............................................ 196.55
Chas. Thomas Snyder, Lot 11
of 688 W.'/2, City Lot... _. 195.00
Lawrence Flynn, Lot 1 of 12
of City Lot 703 ...................... 193.45
Thomas J. Mulgrew, Lot 13,
of City Lot 703 ...................... 123.14
Thomas J. Mulgrew, Lot 1
of 14 of City Lot 703............ 48.00
Harold & Grace McMahon,
Lot 2 of 14 of City Lot
703 ...! ................................... 18621
Harald & Grace McMahon,
Lot 3 of 14 of City Lot
703 ............................................ 39.31
James L. McGuire, Lot 1 of
15 of City Lot 703 ................ 373.77
Henry & Inez Sibley, Lot 1
of 16 of City Lot 703............ 24.63
Illillie F. Klauer, Lot 38, E.
103' Corriell's Dubuque
Add . ....................................... 19.02
Paul J. & Kath. Gehrig, Lot
38, N.40'-W.150' Cor-
riell's Dubuque Add ............. 10.43
Paul J. & Kath. Gehrig, Lot
39, Corriell's Dubuque
Add ........................................... 31.20
Paul J. & Kath. Gehrig, Lot
40, Corriell's Dubuque
Add ........................................... 39.89
Paul J. & Kath, Gehrig, Lot
41, Corriell's Dubuque
Add ........................................... 70.12
City of Dubuque, Lot 42,
Corriell's Dubuque Add..... 554.08
City of Dubuque, Lot 43,
Corriell's Dubuque Add..... 546.65
Paul J, & Kath. Gehrig, Lot
1 of 44, Corriell's Dubuque
Add ........................................... 75.04
City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of 44,
Carriell's Dubuque Add. 1, 764.05
City of Dubuque, Lot 47,
Corriell's Dubuque Add..... 572.24
City of Dubuque, Lot 48,
Corriell's Dubuque Add..... 572.43
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
49, N.100'-E.35' Corriell's
Dubuque Add......... ............... 338.04
City of Dubuque, Lot 49, S.
77.5'-E.35', Corriell's Du-
buque Add ............................... 62.01
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
49, N.100'-W.15', Cor-
riell's Dubuque Add ............. 144,87
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
50, N.100'-E,17', Cor-
riell's Dubuque Add ............. 164,19
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co,, Lot
50, N.100'-W.33', Cor-
riell's Dubuque Add........,.. 318.72
City of Dubuque, Lot 50, S.
77.5' - W.33', Corriell's
Dubuque Add ......................... 60.07
Alfred & Lena Wunder, Lot
51, Corriell's Dubuque
Add ....................... _.................. 573.79
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 1
of 52, Carriell's Dubuque
Addy .~ ........................................ 200.89
City of Dubuque, Vacated
Street (Prospect) ................... 454.80
Loretta Anglin, Lot 1 of 2
of City Lat 653 ........................ 23.18
Special Session, November 16, 1953
Lavina Steinbach, Lot 2 of 2
of 2 of City Lot 653, No
Benefit ...................................
Mathilda Weber, Lot 1 of 1
of City Lot 653 S24'10~/2"
-5.49'9" ............................... 18.16
Nellie Sheehan, Lot 1 of 1
of City Lot 653 N24'lOr/a"
5.49'9" .................................... 37.67
Dubuque County, Lot 1 of
1 of City Lot 653 N.50'...... 75.91
City of Dubuque, Lot 1, Mc-
Kinley's Sub .......................... 660.71
Iowa Coach's Inc., Lot 2, N.
105' McKinley's Sub........... 521.53
Isabelle & Marion Ryder, Lot
2, 5.45' McKinley's Sub,.... 70.03
Isabelle & Marion Ryder, Lot
4 of Lot 1 of City Lot 653 8,50
Cecelia Lynch, Lot 3 of Lot
1 of City Lot 653 .................. 6.96
Lavina Steinbach, Lot 2 of 3
of City Lot 653A .................... 927
Loretta Anglin, Lot 2 of City
Lot 653A .................................... 26.65
Mathilda Weber, Lot 1 of
City Lot 653A 5.24'10"...... 17.87
Nellie Sheehan, Lot 1 of City
Lot 653A N22'10" ................ 17.19
Christopher & Helen E. Mau-
ry, Lot 2, N.50' of Lot 4 of
City Lot 653A .......................... 2.52
Christopher & Helen E. Mau-
ry, Lat 1, N.50' of Lot 4 of
City Lot 653A_ ........................ 67.51
Isabelle & Marion Ryder, Lot
5 of City Lot 653A ................ 132.60
Cecelia Lynch, Lot 6 of City
Lot 653A .................................. 106.34
Frank D. & Mary Hickey, Lot
7 of City Lot 653A ............... 343.06
Frank D. & Mary Hickey, Lot
7A of City Lot 653A............ 119.76
Frank D, & Mary Hickey, Lot
8 of City Lot 653A .............. 248.41
City of Dubuque, Lot 49, S.
7T6" - W.15' Corriell's
Dubuque Add ......................... 27.33
City of Dubuque, Lot 50, S.
7T6"-E.1T Corriell's Du-
buque Add ............................. 30.90
City of Dubuque, One-half
the amount of assessment
against Lot 1 of 52 Cor-
riell's Subdivision, action
of City Council in approv-
ing recommendation of
City Manager...., ...................200.89
405.05 Sq. Yds. Excava-
tion of Intersection
with Iowa St. @ 1,12....
Removing sheet As-
phalt from 8th & Lo-
cust (Cost Plus)........
Raising Water Stop
Boxes (11) (Cost
Plus) ......................._....
1510 Lin. Ft. Removal of
Street Car Ties & Re-
placement with 5"
Class B Concrete @
3.50 ......................................
1828.75 Sq. Yds. Brick
removal & Replace-
ment with 4" Class B
Concrete @ 3.00...........
726 Tons Asphaltic Con-
crete Patch & Leveling
Course « 12.50 ..............
948.50 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Binder Course
@ 11.45 .............................
868.67 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Surface
Course @ 11.45 ..............
653.81 Gal, R.C, 1 As•
phalt Tack Coat @
020 ..................................
Less City Share .................. 443.76
4.5% Extra Expense........ 1,451.39
5% Interest for 52 days.... 232.93
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits
Hill Street from the south prop-
erty line of Eighth Avenue to the
north property line of West Third
Eliz, & Blanche Linehan, Lot
45, Corriells Sub .................794.72
Walter & Flm~ence Radloff,
Lot 2 of 27 Corriells Sub, 19.73
Walter & Florence Radloff,
Lot 2 of 28 Corriells Sub. 5.97
City of Dubuque, Lot 49, S.
7T6"-E,35' Corriells Sub. 1.52
City of Dubuque, Lot 49, S.
7T6"-W,15' Corriells Sub. 2,67
City of Dubuque, Lot 50, S.
rlT6"s -I;,iT Corriells Sub. 5.97
City of Dubuque, Lot 50, S.
77'6"-W.33' Corriells Sub. 32.26
760 Special Session, November 16, 1953
Alfred & Lena Wunder, Lot
51, Corriells Sub ................. 133,56
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 1
of 52, Corriells Sub ............. 200.77
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lat
1, Hill Street Subd ............... 73,51
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
2, Hill Street Subd............ 80.70
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
3, Hill Street Subd.......~...., 86.89
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
4, Hill Street Subd ............. 92.24
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
5, Hill Street Subd ............. 92.86
J, Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
6, Hill Street Subd ............. 95,57
J, Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
7, Hill Street Subd ............. 95,57
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
8, Hill Street Subd............ 95,57
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
9, Hill Street Subd,........... 95,57
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
10, Hill Street Subd ............. 95.57
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
11, Hill Street Subd........... 95,57
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
12, Hill Street Subd ............. 90.52
J, Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
13, Hill Street Subd,........... 77.79
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
14, Hill Street Subd ............. 91.55
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
15, Hill Street Subd ............. 30.58
J. Anthony Rhomberg, Lot
16, Hi11 Street Subd ............. 6.88
John O'Brien, Lot 7, G. W.
Rogers Sub ............................... 108,48
John O'Brien, Lot 8, G. W.
Rogers Sub ............................... 103,36
Earl Rapp, Lot 9, G. W, Rog-
ers Sub ..................................... 96.48
Earl Rapp, Lot 10, G, W.
Rogers Sub ............................... 88.99
Earl Rapp, Lot 11, G, W.
Rogers Sub ............................... 185.71
John J. Lepsch, Lot 12, G.
W. Rogers Sub ....................... 137.77
Jahn J. Lepsch, Lot 13, G. W,
Rogers Sub .............................. 148.77
John J. Lepsch, Lot 1 of 14,
G. W. Rogers Sub ................. 213,83
Huberta Byrne, Lot 1 of 15,
G. W, Rogers Sub ................ 157.57
Huberta Byrne, Lot 1 of 16,
G. W, Rogers Sub ................. 156,73
Henry C. Leslein, Lot 2 of
15, G. W. Rogers Sub, ..... 41A0
Henry C, Leslein, Lot 2 of
16, G, W. Rogers Sub, ....... 48,70
IIenry C. Leslein, Lot 2 of
14, G• W. Rogers Sub,........ 10.25
Clem Manders, Lot 17, G, W.
Rogers Sub .............................205,50
Clem Manders, Lot 18, G. W.
Rogers Subd ...........................196.64
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lat
19, G. W, Rogers Sub,........ 175,61
P~Iettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
20, G. W. Rogers Sub,........149.47
Eliz, & Blanche Linehan, Lot
21, G, W. Rogers Sub......... 123,77
Eliz. & Blanche Linehan, Lot
22, G. W. Rogers Sub,,....... 44.34
Robt. T. & Vida Zahine, Lot
23, G, W, Rogers Sub......... 23,45
Robt, T. & Vida Zahine, Lot
24, G. W. Rogers Sub,........ 15.98
Ellis & Bertha Tindell, Lot
25, G, W. Rogers Sub......... 9.25
Phillip & Bessie Jones, Lot
26, G. W. Rogers Sub......... 6,96
Peter H. & Veda Kersch, Lot
27, G. W. Rogers Sub........, 1,76
Timothy O'Brien Est., Lat
28, G. W. Rogers Sub........, 9,10
David C. & Abbie Solca, Lot
1 of 42 Kelly's Sub ............. 42.20
Joseph C. & Theresa Grace,
Lot 2 of 42 S.r/z Kelly's
Sub . .......................................... 8.02
George Est, & Fannie Bux-
ton, Lot 2 of 1 of 41 W20'
-E. '/z Kelly's Sub ............. 13.84
George Est. & Fannie Bux-
ton, Lot 2 of 1 of 41 W, ~/z
Kelly's Sub ..... ......................... 1.53
Michael B, & Rosemary Mc-
Dermott, Lot 1 of 1 of 41
E, '/z Kelly's Sub ................. 111.08
Thomas F, Connolly, Lot 2
of 41 E.~/z Kelly's Sub......... 65,13
Thomas F. Connolly, Lot 2
of 40 E, r/z Kelly's Sub,...... 111,08
T, J, Levan Jr., Lot 2 of i of
1 of 40 E. ~'z Kelly's Sub. 10022
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
i of 1 of 1 of 40 E.i/z Kel-
lY's Sub ..................................... 210.48
City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of 1
of 40 W20'-E.'/z Kelly's
Sub . .......................................... 45.11
Emma C. Thill, Lot 1 of 2 of
1 of 39, Kelly's Sub ............... 379.66
Edith M. Wright, Lot 2 of of
1 of 39, Kelly's Sub,.......... 424.46
Theodore Bauer Est, Lot 40,
S.r/z-W.'/z Kelly's Sub,.... 34.32
Valentine G, & Helen Pins,
Lot 40, No'/z®W.'/z Kelley's
,4ub . .........................~~.,..~........... 12,46
Joseph B, & Hazel McLough•
lin, Lat 1 of 13 of Lot 2
of City Lot 720... .................. 188.38
Special Session, November 16, 1953 961
Geo. & Fannie Buxton, Lot
2 of 1 of E,r/z of 41: Und,
3/5 of N.9'-E.100' Kelly's
Sub . ........................................ 7.95
Geo. & Fannie Buxton, Lot
2 of 1 of E.'/z of 41: Und,
1/5 of E.9' Kelly's Sub....... 1,76
T. J. Levan Jr., Lot 2 of 1 of
E.1/z of 40: Und, 1/5 E.9',
Relly's Sub ............................. 4.66
T, J. Levan Jr., Lot 2 of 1 of
E.r/z of 41: Und. 3/5 E.9'
Kelly's Sub ............................. 5.12
T. J, Levan Jr,, Lot 2 of 1 of
E.r/z of 41: Und, 1/5 N.9'
-E.100' Kelly's Sub........... 2.67
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
2 of 1 of E,1/z of 41: Und.
1/5 N.9'-E,100' Kelly's
Sub . ......................................... 2,67
Mettel Realty & Inv, Co., Lot
2 of 1 of E.'/z of 41: Und.
1/5 E.9' Kelly's Sub ............. 1.76
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
2 of 1 of E.r/z of 41: Und.
1/5-E.9' Kelly's Sub,.....,.. 4,66
City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of 1
of E,1/z of 40; Und, 3/5--
E.9' Kelly's Sub ................... 13,99
Standard Oil Co., Lot i of 1
of 1 of 2 of City Lot 735....1, 18$.75
City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of 1
of 1 of 2 of City Lot 735.... 758.63
Louis & Genevieve Pfohl, Lot
2 of 1 of 2 of City Lot 735 463.45
Agnes V, Garvey, Lot 1 of 1
of City Lot 735..................... 377.14
John C. Hilkin, Lot 1, Min-
eral Lot 78 .............................. 196,18
Aurelio Scott, Lot 15, Wil-
son's Sub .................................. 11,47
Louis & Genevieve D. Pfohl,
Lot 1 of 2 of i of 37 Kel-
ly's Sub ..................................... 164.67
City of Dubuque, Lat 2 of 2
of 1 of 37 Kelly's Sub......... 15.98
City of Dubuque, Lot 1 of 1
of 37, Kelly's Sub ................. 46,94
Mettel Realty & Inv, Co,, Lot
2 of 37 S25'-E.~/z Kelly's
Sub . ......................................... 83,87
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co,, Lot
2 of 37 N.25'-5.50'-E.'/z
Kelly's Sub .. ............................ 43.96
Flora Harkett, Lot 2 of 37 W,
r/z Kelly's Sub ......................... 72,86
Mary Kolle Rubesliy, Lot 2
of 37 N.5'-E,'/z Kelly's
Sub .................................... 6,34
Mary Kolle Rubesky, Lot 36,
E.~/z-E,'/z Kelly's Sub,....,, 2125
Flora Harkett, Lot 36, W.~/z
-S'/z Kelly's Sub.....~~........ 25.45
Flora Harkett, Lot 36, W,~/z
-N,t/z Kelly's Sub ............... 17.74
Flora Harkett, Lot 2 of 2
of Sub. of S. r/a of 34 ~
35 Kelly's Sub ........................ 4.05
City of Dubuque, Lot 38,
Kelly's Sub .............................. 41429
Mary A. Stephens, Lot 19 of
1 of 39 N.~/z, Kelly's Sub. 16.59
Hugh ~ Evelyn Callahan,
Lot 1 of 1 of 39 S.1/z Kel-
ly's Sub ..............._................... 39,98
City of Dubuque, Lot 1, City
Lot 720,.........,_..,.........,......... 665.90
Harry C. & May C, Savory,
Lot 2 of 12 of City Lot 720 190.37
Agnes V. Garvey, Lot 1 of 1
of City Lot 735 ...................... 130,65
Mary Scott, Lot 1, R, Brown's
Sub . ....................................... 50,84
Albert & Adelia C. Kuhn,
Lot 1 of 2, R. Brown's Sub. 88,07
Eliz, Sommers, Est„ Lat 1 of
Sub. of 1-1-1-3 and Lot 2
of 2 R. Brown's Sub ............. 335,93
Linnea Klostan, Lot 1 of 2 of
1 of 1 of 3 R, Brown's Sub. 317.20
Wm. C. & Mary Kumeron,
Lot 1, Garrigan's Sub,,....... 38.23
Kea C. ~ Dorothy Gatrel,
Lot 1 of 2 of City Lot 720;
E. '/~ .................................... 15.98
Kea C. ~ Dorothy Gatrel, Lot
2 of 2 of City Lot 720.......... 51.69
Mary Seott, Lot 1 of 2 of
City Lot 720: W.z/4............ 73.39
Lea E. ~ Margaret M. Kahl,
Lot 3 of 2 of City Lat 720 11.16
Rose Voelker, Lot 14, Wil-
son's Sub .............................. 627
Frank W. Riehle, Lot 13,
Wilson's Sub ........................... 4,73
Edw. R. & Ann Laury, Lot
12, 5,32' Wilson's Sub,........ 1,30
Thomas 3. Mulgrew, Lot 1,
Demming & Horr's Sub.,,.. 641,67
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co,, Lot
2, Demming & Horr's Sub. 228.82
Irma Stark Sigman, Lot 3,
Demming & Horr's Sub,.... 101,99
Wm.. Hopp Est., Lot 4, Dem-
ming & Horr's Sub ............. 46.71
Cecil G. O'Rourke, Lot 25,
Demming & Hm~r's Sub..... 471.86
Merredith S. IIardie, Lot 26,
Demming & Hon's Sub,...: 457.87
Vivian KFUp, Lot 27, Dem-
ming ~ Harr's Sub............ 436,01
Agnes Anglin, Lot 28, Dem-
ming & Horr's Sub ............. 439,60
762 Special Session, November 16, 1953
George Schaffhauser, Lot 29,
Demming & Hon's Sub..... 656.42
George & Alexandra Ketoff,
Lot 1, McCoy's Sub ............... 960.62
Oscar R. Jaeger, Lot 2, Mc-
Coy's Sub ...................... ......... 25.15
John W. & Mae E. Sims, Lot
2 of 4, Mineral Lot 73........ 505.57
John W. & Mae E. Sims, Lot
1 of 1 of 4, Mineral Lot 73 10321
Steven Bemis Sr„ Lot 1, E.
'/z Buettell & Langwor-
thy's ......................................... 2.14
Catherine M. Sandry, Lot 1
W.'/z Buettell & Langwor-
thys ............................................ 16.13
Catherine M. Sandry, Lot 2,
Buettell & Langworthy's.... 63.38
Catherine M. Sandry, Lot 7,
Buettell & Langworthy's.... 65.83
Catherine M. Sandry, Vacat-
ed Alley .................................. 19.03
Frank & Mary DeVocht, Lot
1 of 3 Buettell & Langwor-
thy's .......................................... 577.98
Ray & Ethel Harris, Lot 2 of
3 Buettell & Langworthy's 312,15
Nellie Reddin, Lot 4, 5.49'
Buettell & Langworthy's.... 374.61
Raymond & Eilleen Waldbil-
ling, Lot 4, N.1' Buettel &
Langworthy's ........................ 7.65
Raymond & Eileen Waldbil-
ling, Lot 5, 5.34,5' Buettell
Langworthy's ........................ 259.94
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co., Lot
5, N,16' Buettell & Lang-
worthy's .................................. 122.32
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co,, Lot
6, 5.18' Buettell & Lang•
worthy's .................................. 137.61
Donald & Stella Whelan, Lot
6, N.32', Buettell & Lang•
worthy's .................................. 244.64
A, J. Hartig, Lot 1.1-1-2.2-3
Mineral Lot 76 ....................... 578.74
Mabel Brown, Und.r/z, Lot 2-
1.1-2-2.3 Mineral Lot 76.... 40.97
Genevieve Rooney, Und. ~/z)
Mabel Brown, Und, i/z), Lot Mineral Lot 76.. 500.76
Genevieve Rooney, Und. i/z)
Allen E. & Evelyn Jones,
Lot 1- Mineral
Lot 76 ........................................ 193.42
Martha Hunt, Lot 2-
2.3 Mineral Lot 76 .............. 18.50
A. J. Hartig, Lot 3-2.2.3 Min-
eral Lot 76 .. _ .................. 78,14
Steve Bemis Sr,, Lot 2.1-2.2
G. B. Burch's Sub ................. 26.07
Bernadine H. Reilly, Lot 1 of
2 Burch's 2nd Sub ................. 119,57
Steve Bemis Sr., Lot 2 of 2
Burch's 2nd Sub ................... 11.85
Joseph W, & Vivian Bemis,
Lot 2 of 2 Mineral Lot 73.. 5.36
Jos. J, & Ruth Sullivan, Lot
2 of 1 of Sub, of Lot 1 of
3 M,L, 76 & Lat 2 of M.L.
77 ............................................. 246.09
Realty & Inv. Corp„ Lot 1 of
1 of Sub, of Lot 1 of 3
M.L. 76 & Lot 2 of M,L,
77 ................................................ 261.39
Mettel Realty & Inv, Corp,,
N.35', Lot 2 of Sub. of Lot
1 of 3 M.L. 76 & Lot 2 of
M.L. 77 ...................................... 105.04
Mettel Realty & Inv. Corp.,
5.15', Lot 2 of Sub. of Lot
1 of 3 M.L. 76 & Lot 2 of
M.U. 77 ...................................... 18.96
Aloysius A, & Elinor Pfiff-
ner, Lot 3 of Sub. of Lot 1
of 3 M.L. 76 & Lot 2 of
M.L. 77 ..................................... 14.07
Earl M. & Myrtle Pender,
Lot 4 of Sub. of Lot 1 of 3
M,L, 76 & Lot 2 of M.L.
77 ................................................ 4.89
John C, Hilkin Est., Lot 5
of Sub, of Lot 1 of 3 M.L,
76 & of 2 of M.L. 77............ 358.41
Martha John & Gerald
Grace, Lot 2 of 6 of Sub,
of Lot 1 of 3 M,L. 76 & Lot
2 of M,L. 77... ........................ 220.48
Martha Hunt, Lot 1 of 1 of 6
of Sub. of Lot 1 of 3 M.L,
76 & Lot 2 of M.L. 77........ 223.47
Martha Hunt, Lot 2 of 1 of 6
of Sub, of Lot 1 of 3 M.L.
76 & Lot 2 of M.L. 77.......... 20.64
Frank Aureden, Lot 2 of 1
Mineral Lot 75 ..................... .68
Joseph H. Schrup, Lot 1,
Geo. Martins Sub ................. 589,07
Frank & Grace Sullivan, Lot
2, Geo. Martins Sub ............. 169,49
Joseph H. Schrup, Lot 3,
Geo, Martins Sub ................. 151,98
Hannah E, Skemp, N.62' of
Sub, of Lot 4.5.6 Kiene &
Blocklinger Sub ................... 38,46
City of Dubuque, One-half
of the amount of assess-
ments against Lots 1 to 14
inclusive of Hill Street
Sub., action of City Coun-
cil in approving recont-
nrendation of City Manag-
er ....~~ ........................................1,259.38
Special Session, November 16, 1953 763
City of Dubuque, One-half
the amount of assessment
against Lot 1 of 52 Cor•
riell's Sub., action of City
Council in approving rec-
ommendation of City Man-
ager .........................................200.76
Kath. W. Bradley etal, Lot
150, City Lot ............................ 628.81
Plastic Center Inc., Lot 149,
City Lot..._........_ ....................236.63
Plastic Center Inc,, Lot 148,
City Lot .............................. 76.60
American Trust & Savings
Bank, Lot 51, City Lat....,,.. 628,81
817.81 Lin. Ft, Street Car
Tie removal & replace-
ment with 5" Class "B"
Concrete @ 3.50 .............. 2,862,33
1042,56 Sq. Yds. Brick re-
moval and replacement
with 4" Class "B"
Concrete @ 3.00 .............. 3,127,68
848.15 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Binder Course
@ 11.45 .............................. 9,711.32
726.80 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Surface
Course @ 11,45 .............. 8,321.86
750.67 Gal, RC 1 Asphalt
Tack Coat @ 20............ 150.13
Extra Expense @ 4,5%.... 1,087.80
Interest 5% fm' 52 days.... 174,58
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Ninth Street from the east prop-
erty line of Bluff Street to the
west property line of Central Ave-
City of Dubuque, Lot 1 of 1
of W.63,5' of Lot 643, City
Lot ............................................175.68
City of Dubuque, Lat 2 of 1
of W.63,5' of Lot 643, City
Lot ...........................................103,36
City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of
W.63.5' of Lot 643, City
Lot ............................................ 71.56
City of Dubuque, Lot 643,
E,33'6" City Lot ....................182.59
City of Dubuque, Lot 644,
City Lot ...................................200.03
City of Dubuque, Lot 645,
City Lot .................................... 64.87
Dubuque Chamber of Com-
merce, Lot 632, City Lot.... 531.84
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 63],
City Lot ...............................200.10
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 630,
City Lot .................................... 64.80
American Trust & Savings
Bank, Lot 52, N2'2", City
Lot ........_ .......................... 13.98
Margaret Timansky etal, Lot
52, N,33' of S. 49', City
Lot ............................................162.37
J. C, Penney Co., Lot 52, S.
16' of 5,49', City Lot............ 6021
J. C. Penney Co., Lot 53, N.
~/i, City Lot ..........................:. 76,60
Adams Realty Co., Lot 32,
N.34' City Lot ..................... 494.40
Willard M, Flynn, Lot 32,
5.30', City Lot ..................... 202,13
E, B. Ruete & H. B. Lusch,
Lot 31, N.~/3, City Lot.......... 97,57
George R. Burden etal, Lot
31, M.'/a, City Lot ................ 78.55
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
31, S.?~a, City Lot ................. 61.04
City of Dubuque, Lot 169,
City Lot ................................... 696,53
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
1 of 2 of Sub, of 170 & E,
43' of Lot 171 and N2' of
E.43' of Lot 172, City Lot.... 47,13
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
2 of 2 of Sub, of 170 & E,
43' of Lot 171 and N2' of
E.43' of Lot 172, City Lot 3120
Stampfer Building Co., Lot
1 of 1 of Sub, of 170 & E.
43' of Lot 171 and N.2' of
E.43' of 172, City Lot.......... 37,66
Stampfer Building Co,, Lot
2 of 1 of Sub, of 170 & E.
43' of Lot 171 and N2' of
E.43' of 172, City Lot.......... 24,96
Grand Opera House, Lot 3 of
Sub, of 170 & E. 43' of Lot
171 & N2' of E. 43' of 172,
City Lat ................................. 55.46
Grand Opera House, Lot 4 of
Sub, of 170 & E. 43' of Lot
171 and N.2' of E.43' of
172, City Lot .......................... 40.96
Dubuque Boys Club Inc., Lot
209, City Lot ................._....... 551.60
Chas. H. Rhomberg, Lot 210 ,
City Lot .................................... 207.55
Chas, H. Rhomberg, Lot 211,
City Lot ..... .................... 67,20
Marie 1. F~yan, Lot 258, City
Lot ........................................ 551.60
764 Special Session, November 16, 1953
Marie I. Ryan, Lot 257, City
Lot .......................................... 207.55
Buettel Bros. Co,, Lot 256,
City Lat ................................... 67.20
Herbert Holland, Lot 2 of
5.39'4" of Lot 640 City Lot 10.07
Herbert Holland, Lot 1 of S.
39'4" of Lot 640 City Lot .. 52.84
Herbert Holland, Lot 2 of 1
of Lot 641, City Lot .............. .98
Lizzie Costello, Lot 1 of 1 of
Lot 641, City Lot .................. 90.06
First Church of Christ Scien-
tist, Lat 2 of Lot 641, City
Lot ........................................... 104.34
First Church of Christ Scien-
tist, Lot 642, City Lot.......,.. 518.52
F. S. Leonard Etal, Lot 2 of
635, City Lot .......................... 63.14
Dr. H. Newman Brownson,
Lot 634, City Lot ................. 195.06
Julien Lodge No. 12, Lot
633, City Lot .......................... 518.52
Northwestern B1e11 Telex
phone Co,, Lot 153, City 68.33
Northwestern Bell Tele-
phone Co., Lot 152, City
Lot ............................................ 236.63
Northwestern Bell Tele-
phone Co., Lot 151, City
Lot ............................................ 628.81
Adams Realty Corp,, Lot 48,
S.~/z, City Lot ........................ 68.33
Bank & Insurance Corp., Lot
49, City Lot .............................. 236.63
Bank & Insurance Corp., Lot
50, City Lot .............................. 628.81
Albert Geiberich etal, Lot
35, S.'/z, City Lot .................. 76.22
Oscar & Walter H. Wessel-
hoff, Lot 34, N.41'6", City
Lot ............................................ 173.20
Kath. W. Bradley etal, Lot
34, 8.9'7", City Lot....._....... 61.04
Kath, W. Bradley etal, Lot
33, N.11'2", City Lot............ 79.68
Kath. W. Bradley etal, Lot
33, N,'/z of 5.40', City Lot 543.63
Olive Thelon, Lot 167, S.'/z,
City Lot .... ............................... 75.99
Y.M.C.A., Lot 168, City Lot.... 234.53
Y,M.C.A., Lot 168A, City Lot 623,32
City of Dubuque, Lot 206,
City Lot .................................... 6720
City of Dubuque, Lot 207,
City Lot ................................... 207.54
City of Dubuque, Lat 208,
City Lot . ........................... 551.60
Joseph J, Koester, Lot 261,
S.'/z, City Lot .......................... 6720
Leonard O'Meara, Lot 260,
City Lot .................................... 207.55
Frank P. Fuhrman Est., Lot
259, City Lot ..........................551.60
383.97 Sq. Yds. Excava-
tion of Intersection
with Iowa St. @ 1.12.... 430.05
712,44 Sq. Yds. Brick
Removal and replace-
ment with 4" Class
"B" Concrete @ 3.00.... 2,137.32
21.91 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Patch & Lev-
eling Course @ 12.50 273.88
42225 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Binder Course
@ 11.45 .............................. 4,834.76
480.77 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Surface
Course @ 11.45 .............. 5,504.82
339,01 Gals, RC-1 Asphalt
Tack Coat @ 020........ 67.80
4.5% Extra Expense........ 596,19
5% Interest for 52 days.... 95.68
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Seventh Street from the east
property line of Locust Street to
the west property line of Central
Roshek Realty Co,, Lot 1 of
754 & 755, City Lot............162,45
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 2 of
754 & 755, City Lot ..............156,42
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 3 of
754 & 755, City Lot........,...16615
Roshek Realty Co,, Lot 4
of 754 & 755, City Lot , ... 309,07
Roshek Realty Co,, Lot 5 of
754 & 755, City Lot .............. 209,13
Kath. W. Bradley etal., Lot
751, City Lot ..........................751,02
Kath. W, Bradley etal., Lot
750, N.z/a of N,'/z City Lot 104.93
Marie Spensley etal., Lot
750, S,'/a of N.~/z City Lat 44,99
Marie Spensley etal, Lot 750,
N.'/s of S.'/z City Lot......... 40.73
Kath. W. Bradley etal., Lot
750, S.z/a of S.'/z City Lot 64.84
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lat
24, City Lot,......... .................744.44
Mary B, Chalmers & Eliz, B.
Lewis, Lat 23 N.42'8", City
Lot ...........................................188,64
Special Session, November 16, 1953 765
Kath. W, Bradley, Lot 23, S.
21'3", City Lot ........................ 64.84
Emily P. Stampfer, Lot 177,
City Lot .................................. 744.44
Emily P. Stampfer, Lot 178,
N2T6", City Lot ................. 129.59
Virginia B. Even, Lot 178,
5.36'6", City Lot .. • ~ ..... 124,05
Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 219,
N.38'6", City Lot_ ................ 500.44
Collings Bubbs Sommerfield,
Lot 219, 5.12'9", City Lot 89.58
Collings Bubbs Sommerfield,
220, N.1/z, City Lot .............. 127.43
Jess B. Graves, Lot 220, S.1/z
City Lot .......... ......................... 94.64
Marie I. Ryan, Lot 221, City
Lot ......_ .................................. 71.34
Chas, H. Rhomberg, Lot 248,
City Lot .................................... 590.34
Jahn Glynn, Lot 247, City
Lat ............................................ 221.90
John Glynn, Lot 246, City
Lot ............................................ 71,42
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 143A,
City Lot ................................... 81.79
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 142,
City Lot ................................... 253,00
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 141,
City Lot ................................... 672.04
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
58, 828'2", City Lot............ 82,50
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
59, N.19'4", City Lat............ 78.98
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
59, 5.31'8", City Lot............ 173.29
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
60, City Lat ............................. 672,04
M, E. Richard Est., Lot 26,
N.26', City Lot ........................ 84.44
Frank M. Jaeger, Lot 26, S.
37'6", City Lot ........................ 169.11
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 25,
City Lot .................................... 744.44
Crescent Realty Corp, of Du-
buque, Lot 175, N,i/z, City
Lot ............................................ 90.14
Chas. H, Bradley Etal., Lot
175, S.r/z, City Lot...~............ 163,41
Kath. W. Bradley Etal,, Lot
176A, City Lot ........................ 235.16
Andrew D. & Violet Kari-
gan, Lot 176, City Lot....... 50928
Chas. H, Rhomberg, Lot 216,
S.'/i, City Lat .......................... 71<
Chas. H. Rhomberg, Lot 217,
City Lot .................................... 221.90
H, Kies & John R. Henschel,
Lot 218, W,40', City Lot..., 235.88
Jessie Steil, Lot 218, W20',
City Lot .................................... 117x94
Marie h Ryan, Lot 218, 5.40'
City Lat ..............................,.... 235.88
Jennie Perschong, Lot 251,
S.i~z, City Lot ................ ...... 71.74
Tenie S. ~ Geo. Berg, Lot
250, N.24'll" of N,~i, City
Lat 91,83
Hubert Donovan, Lot 250 , S.
0'7" of N,r/z, City Lat.,.. ...... 2.48
Hubert Donavan, Lot 250,
N25'3" of S.~/z City Lot 125.17
Hubert Donovan, Lot 250
8.0'4" of S.~/z City Lot 2,01
Hubert Donavan, Lot 250
N.r/z City Lot .................. 204.23
Magd, P. Millin, Lot 249
S.1/z City Lot .................. 385.47
412.96 Sq. Yds. Excava-
tion of Intersection
with Iowa St, @ 1.12.... 462.50
748.89 Sq. Yds, Brick Re-
moval & Replacement
with 4" Class "B" Con-
crete @ 3.00 ................. 2,246.67
34.44 Tons Asphaltic Con-
crete Patch & Leveling
Course a 12.50 .............. 430.50
363.12 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Binder Course
@ 11,45 ............................ 4,157,72
318.26 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Surface
Course @ 11.45 .............. 3,644.08
169.51 Gals. EG1 As-
phalt Tack Coat @ 020 33.90
4,5% Extra Expense,....... 493.89
5% Interest for 52 days 7927
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Sixth Street from the east prop-
erty line of Locust Street to the
west property line of Central Ave-
Eagles Building Co., Lot 100,
W.94' of Nr/z, City Lot........ 394,92
Eagles Building Co,, Lot 100,
S.1/z, City Lot .........................220.44
Clem J. McGuire, Lot 100,
E.20' of N,'/z, City Lat_._ 84A1
A. E: C'oapei~, Lot 99, N,1/z,
City Lat . ... ........................138,64
Donald J. & Iona R. Bandy,
Lat 99, S.&, City Lot......,..... 98.39
766 Special Session, November 16, 1953
Isabella & Marion Ryder, Lot
61, N.r/z, City Lot ................. 478.92
Agnes E. ~ John J, Kintzing-
er, Lot 61, Ml9'6" of S.1/z,
City Lot .................................... 14826
Anna C, Thedinga, Lot 61, S.
12'9" of City Lot .................... 7224
Anna C, Thedinga, Lot 62,
N.11', City Lot ........................ 53,15
Clarence J. Enzler, Lot 62,
NM 20', City Lot .................... 80.8'7
Jack Soloman, Lot 62, SM
19'2" City Lot ........................ 64.41
Jack Solomon, Lot 62, 5,14'
4", City Lot .............................. 38.69
Josephine K. Kretz, Lot 20,
N.37'6", City Lot .................. 519,92
Harry Phillips, Lot 20, 5.26'
6", City Lot .............................. 173.39
Harry Phillips, Lat 19, N.13',
City Lot .................................... 61,42
Edward L. Chalmers, Lot 19,
N20' of M.40', City Lot...... 78,79
Frances L, Gibbs Est., Lot
19, S20' of M.40', City Lat 64.70
Irwin C. Renier, Lot 19, 5.11'
6", City Lat .............................. 30.04
Merchants Supply Co., Lot
181, N.43'~ City Lot ...... 562.27
Ray N, Clemens, Lot 18 ,
21,59 , Cit Lat .................... 131.12
Ray N, Clemens, Lot 182
City Lot .................................. ~ 132.76
Ray N. Clemens, Lot 182A,
City Lat .................................... 102.19
Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 224,
City Lot .................................... 54929
Anthony Rhomberg, Lot 225,
N21'3" City Lot .................... 100.33
Bird Chevrolet Ca., Lot 225,
5.30'4" City Lot .................... 105,77
Bird Chevrolet Co., Lot 226,
City Lot ................................... 66.12
Appels Crystal Cleaners, Lot
243, City Lot ............................ 54929
Appels Crystal Gleaners, Lot
242, City Lot .......................... 206,11
Appels Crystal Cleaners, Lot
241, City Lot .......................... 66.11
Adams Realty Corp,, Lot 752
& 753 W.89', City Lot.......... 732.95
Adams Realty Corp,, Lot 753,
N.10' of E25' City Lot........ 5.82
Clem J. McGuire, Lot 752 &
753, E25' City Lot ................ 58.51
Clem J. McGuire, Lot 752 &
753 5.54' of E.25' City Lot 140.73
Grand Opera House Corp,,
Lot 749, N,i/a, City Lot........ 60.45
Elmo Eliz. Blanche Linehan,
James M. Sullivan Est., Lot
749, S,r/a, City Lot ................ 97,65
Mary B. Chalmers & Eliz.
Lot 749, M.~/a, City Lot...... 79.16
Lewis, Lot 748, N.r/z, City
Lot .................._....................... 132,09
Kath, W. Bradley etal., Lot
748, S.z/a, City Lot ............... 565,32
Kath, W. Bradley, Lot 22, N.
r/z City Lat ............................. 96,31
Gertrude E. Cross & Anna
North, Lot 22, S.~/z, City
Lat ........................................... 139,02
Frank M, Jaeger, Lot 21, N.
20', City Lot ............................ 121.79
John L, Nagle, Lot 21, 5,44'
City Lot ................................... 569.42
Joseph Jungwirth, Lot 179,
N.53', City Lot ........................ 182.18
F. M, Jaeger Hardware, Lot
5, Weigel Sub ......................... 126.72
F, R. Lacy, Lot 4, Weigel
Sub . ............................................ 123.44
Daniel T, Gartner etal, Lot
3, Weigel Sub .................... .....123.44
Daniel T. Gartner etal, Lot
2, Weigel Sub ................... .....123,44
Dubuque Metal Trades
Council, Lot 1, Weigel
Sub ..................................... 246,81
Marie I. Ryan, Lot 221,
City Lot ........................... 66,42
Marie I, Ryan, Lot 2 of
222 City Lot ................... 4.32
Jos. W. Rhomberg, Lot 1,
of 222 City Lot ............. 201.40
Jos. W, Rhomberg, Lot
223, City Lot .................. 547,72
John Glynn, Lot 246,
City Lot .............................. 66.27
Harriett Hardison, Lot
245, N.r/z, City Lot...... 87.81
Alma Appel, Lot 245, S,
r/z, City Lot ...................... 118.37
Anna Appel, Lot 244, W.
47', City Lot .................... 257.46
Anna Appel, Lot 244, E.
53', City Lot .................... 290.25
428.75 Sq. Yds, Excava-
tion of Intersection
with Iowa St. @ 1,12..., 48020
600,00 Sq. Yds. Brick Re-
moval & Replacement
with 4" Class "B" Con-
Crete @ 3.00 .................... 1,800.00
31,39 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Patch & Lev-
eling Course @ 12.50.... 392.38
340.32 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Binder Course
@ 11,45 .............................. 3,896.66
Special Session, November 16, 1953 767
312.45 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Surface
Course @ 11.45 ............ 3,577,55
290.58 Gals. RC-1 Asphalt
Tack Coat @ 0.20........ 58,12
4.5% Extra Expense.......... 45922
5% Interest for 52 days 73,70
All of which is assessed in pro
portion to the special benefits con-
West Eleventh Street from the
east property line of Bluff Street
to the west property line of Central
City of Dubuque, Lot 1 of
660, W,r/z, City Lot .............340.39
City of Dubuque, Lot 2 of
660, W,'/z, City Lot ............. 33,80
City of Dubuque, Lot 660, E.
'/z, City Lot ..............................374.25
City of Dubuque, Lot 659, W.
4 '/z, City Lot ..............................140.80
~ City of Dubuque, Lot 659, E.
@, City Lot .............................140.80
City of Dubuque, Lot 658A,
City Lot .................................... 45,59
City of Dubuque, Lot 658,
City Lot .................................... 45.59
Helen L, Elfmann, Lot 160,
City Lot ....................................557.65
Helen L. Elfmann, Lot 159,
r N.13'7", City Lot ................ 66.67
Curtis Straub Co., Lot 159,
5.38'7", City Lot ....................14320
Oliver J, Mentzer, Lot 158,
N.1/z, City Lot ........................ 67.93
Adams Realty Co., Lot 41,
N.43'2", City Lot ..................507.78
Hattie Curtis, Lot 41, S.8'2",
City Lot .................................... 49,87
Hattie Curtis, Lot 42A, City
Lot ............................................ 6627
Hattie Curtis, Lot 42, City
I Lot ............................................143,53
L. C. Hruska, Lot 43, N.r/z,
City Lot .................................... 67,93
l Burrett S, Lacy, Lot 40A,
City Lot ....................................552.78
Mary B. Chalmers & Eliz. B.
Lewis, Lot 40, City Lot...... 207.99
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 39,
City Lot .................................... 67.33
Y. W. C, A,, Lot 161, City
Lot ................................_........... 552,78
Y. W. C, A,, Lot 162, N.11'2"
City Lat .................................... 5226
Y. W. C. A,, Lot 162, 5,40',
City Lot .................................... 150,73
Clement J. & Louis Smith,
Lot 163, N.~/z, City Lot .. 67,33
B. & G. Automotive Parts,
Inc,, Lat 199, City Lot........ 489,18
B. & G, Automotive Parts,
Inc., Lot 3 of 200, City Lot 89.40
B, & G. Automotive Parts,
Inc,, Lot 2 of 200, City Lot 59,20
B. & G, Automotive Parts,
Inc,, Lot 1 of 200, City Lot 35,47
John A, Nagle, Lot 201, City
Lat ............................................ 59,60
Standard Oil Co,, Lot 268, N,
42', City Lot ............................ 439,32
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co,,
Lot 268, S.9'2", City Lot.... 49,86
Mettel Realty & Inv. Co,,
Lot 267, N.11'2", City Lot 50,66
Lester F. & Myron Turnmey-
er, Lot 267, 5.40', City Lot 133,40
Lester F. & Myron Turnmey-
er, Lot 266, N2'6", City
Lot ............................................ 6.87
Fischer Inv. Co., Lot 266, S.
48'8", City Lot ...................... 52.73
F, L, Egelhof & Son, Lot 661,
N.50'-S.r/z, City Lot..........., 217.99
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
661, 5,78'-S.'/z, City Lot.... 976.57
Wilfred & Leila White, Lot
478, 5.26'2" of N.1/5 City
Lot .............................................. 67.93
Wilfred & Leila White, Lot
478, N,19'8" of N.1/5 of S.
2/5 City Lot ............................ 66.66
Dm~a & Emmet Timmons, Lot
478, 5,6.7'-N,1/5 of S2/5
City Lot .................................... 2.54
Dora & Emmet Timmons, Lot
478, N,M,1/5 of S2/5 City
Lot ............................................ 87.00
John E. & Cornelia 0. Ohl-
son, Lot 478, M,1/5 of S.
2/5, City Lot .......................... 117.72
Roswell Carney, Lot 478, S.
M,1/5 of S.2/5, City Lot...... 176,33
Melville K. Galliart, Lot 478,
S.1/5 of S2/5, City Lot...... 317,32
St, Luke's Methodist Episeo-
pal Church, Lot 467, S.
40'-N,M. 100' City Lot...... 108,93
Courtland & Sabyl Hillyard,
Lot 467, N.42'G"-N.68'10"
of 5.90' City Lot ................... 19326
Courtland & Sabyl Hillyard,
Lot 467, 5.25'11"-N,68' of
5.90' City Lot .......................... 208.39
Courtland & Sabyl Hillyard,
Lot 467, 5.21'2" of 5,90'
City Lot .................................... 324.93
Special Session, November 16, 1953 769
4, '.
~q .
Nicholas J. Yiannias, Lot 466
S.r/z-M.1/5 City ot............ 67.13
Nicholas J. Yiannias, Lot 466
N.16'-SM 1/5 City Lot...... ..52.33
James M. Yiannias, Lot 466,
S. 35'2"-S.M. 1/5 City
Lot ............................................ 155.73
James M. Yiannias, Lot 466,
S. 1/5 City Lot .................... 552.91
Eliz. &Aloysius Klauer, Lot
459, M, 1/5 City Lot............ 67.13
Charles C, & May Dustman,
Lot 459, N.r/z-S.M. 1/5
City Lot ................................... 88.60
Charles C, & May Justman,
Lot 459, S,r/z-SM. 1/5
City Lot .................................... 119.00
Sophia A. Hanson, Lot 459,
S, 1/5 City Lot ........................ 552.91
Phillip Paradiso, Lot 458, S,
25'-M, 1/5 City Lot............ 59.13
Phillip Paradiso, Lot 458, N,
15'-S, 2/5 City Lot............ 43.73
Art Trausch, Lot 458, N. 32'
6"-S. 87'6"-S. 2/5 City
Lot .............................................. 122.00
Clara L. Hillyard, Lot 458,
S. 55'--5. 87'6"-S. 2/ 5
City Lot .................................... 507.98
Interstate Finance Corp., Lot
447, S. 66'6"-N. 3/5 City
Lot ............................................ 59.33
Sunny Inc., Lot 447, S, 2/5
City Lot .................................... 673,51
City of Dubuque, Vacated
Alley, City Lot ...................... 7327
429.56 Sq. Yds. Excava-
tion at Intersection
with Iowa St. @ 1.12.... 481,11
661.89 Sq, Yds. Brick re-
moval and replacement
with 4" Class B Con-
crete @ 3,00 .................. 1,985,67
35.11 Tons Asphaltic Con-
crete patch & Leveling
Course @ 12.50 .............. 438,88
365.28 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Binder Course
@ 11.45 .............................. 4,182.46
370.60 Tons Asphaltic
Concrete Surface
Course @ 11.45 .............. 4,243.37
242,15 Gal. R.C. 1 As•
phalt Tack Coat @ 20 48.43
Extra Expense 4.5%........ 512,10
5% Interest for 52 days.... 82.18
All of which is assessed in pro
portion to bhe special benefits con-
City of Dubuque, Iowa.:
;rYest Twelfth Street from the
east property line of Main Street
to the west property line of Cen-
tral Avenue,
Grand Opera House Co,, Lot
466, N. 1/5 City Lot...........66220
Grand Opera House Co., Lot
466, N.2'3" of N,r/z of N.M.
1/5 City Lat ............................ 15.25
Laura A. & Helen T. Kr'et-
schmer, Lot 466, S. 23' 3
3/16" of N.r/z of N.M, 1/5
City Lot ....................................127.27
Emily R, Nesler, Lot 466, S,
r,~z of N.M. 1/5 City Lat.......... 106.03
Emily R. Nesler, Lot 466, N,
'/z of M, 1/5 City Lot.......... 81.04
Nicholas Link, Lot 459, W.
71.25' of N. 34.52' City Lat 333.49
John J. Kintzinger, Lot 459,
E,4195' of N, 34.52' City
Lot ................................_.........195.45 j
George T. & Emma Scherer, I
Lot 459, S. 15.95' of N. '
50.38' City Lot ........................127.74 ~
George T. Eighorn, Lot 459, '
N. 18.01' of N, 68.39' City
Lot .............................................106.99
George T. Eichhorn, Lot 459,
S, 18,01' of N. 86.40' City
Lot ........................................... 8423
Ida C. Meisch, Lot 459, S. 16' ,
of N, 2/5 City Lot .................. 63.31 i
Eliz. &Aloysius Klauer, Lot
459, M. 1/5 City Lot............ 80,49
Leo Addaboo, Lot 458, N. 41'
4 3/16" of N. 1/5 City Lot 52120
Mettel Realty Co., Lot 458, S.
9'10.3/16" of N. 1/5, City
Lot ............................................ 64.83
Mettel Realty Co,, Lot 458,
N. 10' 1.3/16" of N.M. 1/5
City Lot .....................~.......,...... 55.17
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 458,
S. 41'1.3/16" of N,M, 1/5
City Lot ....................................165.27 ;
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 458,
N. 26'1.3/16" of M. 1/5 ~
City Lot .................................... 71.22
Isabelle M. & Marian Ryder,
Lot 447, N. 87'3.4/16" of
N. 2/5 City Lot ......................I53.77 i
Interstate Finance Corp,, Lot +
447, S, 66'3.9/16" of N, 2/5 s
City Lot ..................................123.91 g
Sydney & Margaret Hauden- 1
schild, Lot 465, M. 1/5
City Lot ............ ....................... 80.64 ;.
Medical Associates Realty
Co., Lot 465, N. 40' of S,
2/5 City Lot..._ ....................... 180.60
Medical Associates Realty
Co., Lot 465, W. 65'8" of S,
62'4" City Lot ........................ 424,51
Medical Associates Realty
Co., Lot 465, E.4T4" of S,
62'4" City Lot ........................ 305,94
Marie C. & Carl Eschen, Lot
460, M, 1/5 City Lot .............. 80.48
Medical Associates Realty
Co., Lot 460, S.M. 1/5 City
Lot ............................................ 249.18
Medical Associates Realty
Co., Lot 460, S. 1/5 City
Lot ............................................ 662.11
Gus & Salvatore Giunta, Lot
457, M. 1/5 City Lat..........., 71.21
Gus Giunta etal, Lot 457, N.
r/z of S.M. 1/5 City Lot....... 94.05
Mettel Realty & Inv, Co., Lot
457, S, '/z of S.M, 1/5 City
Lot .............................................. 126.47
Sophia A, Hanson, Lot 457,
S. 1/5 City Lot ...................... 36,48
Josephine Schroeder, Lot
448, M, 1/5 City Lot............ 71.21
Henry Trenkle Co,, Lot 448,
S.M. 1/5 City Lot ................ 220,51
Henry Trenkle Co,, Lot 448,
S. 1/5 City Lot ...................... 585,95
378,12 Sq. Yds. Excava•
tion at Intersection with
Iowa St, @ 1,12 ................ 423.49
275,56 Sq. Yds, Brick Re-
moval & Replacement
with 4" Class "B" Con-
crete @ 3,00 ........................ 826.68
216.64 Tons Asphaltic Con-
crete Binder Course @
11.45 ...................................... 2,480.53
245.42 Tons Asphaltic Con-
crete Surface Course @
11.45 ...................................... 2,810.06
217.94 Gal. RC-1 Tack Coat
@ .20 .................................... 43.59
Extra Expense @ 4.5%...... 296.30
5% Interest for 52 days... 47.55
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Passed, adopted and approved
this l6tla day of November, 1953.
Attest; J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved that the
resolution be adopted as amended
by the recommendations of City
Manager Schiltz. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Proofs of publication, certified
to by the publishers, of notice of
the intention of the City Council
to issue street improvement bonds
in the amount of $114,502,34 to
provide for payment of the as-
sessed cost for the imp°rovement
of the following portion of the fol-
lowing streets by surfacing the
same with hot mix, hot laid asphal-
tic connote to•wit,
Eighth Avenue from the west
property line of Central Avenue to
the north property lice of Hill
Hill Street from the south prop-
erty line of Eighth Avenue to the
north property line of West Third
Ninth Street from the east prop-
erty line of Bluff Street to the west
property line of Central Avenue.
Seventh Street from the east
property line of Locust Street to
the west property line of Central
Sixth Street from the east prop•
erty line of Locust Street to the
west property line of Central Ave-
West Eleventh Street from the
east property line of Bluff Street
to the west property line of Cen-
tral Avenue.
West Twelfth Street from the
east property line of Main Street
to the well property line of Central
Avenue, presented and read.
Councilman Kalb maned that the
pr°oofs of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
770 Special Session, November 16, 1953
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
RBS®~UY6Q~ EdO. 505.53
Resolution providing far the is-
suance of Street Improvement
bonds for the purpose of provid-
ing far the payment of the as-
sessed cast of improving portions
of Eighth Avenue, Hill Street,
Ninth Street, Seventh Street, Sixth
Street, West Eleventh Street and
West Twelfth Street.
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, foi~ the improvement
hereinafter described has been
completed and the City Manager
has certified the completion there-
of to the City Council and the City
Council has ascertained the cost
thereof and has determined that
$114,502.34 Dollars of the cost
thereof shall be assessed against
the property subject to assessment
therefor; and
Whereas public notice, as provid-
ed by law, has been published by
the City Clerk stating the inten-
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds for the purpose of providing
for the gayment of the assessed
cost of said improvement and a
public hearing has been held, pur-
suant to such notice and all objec-
tions made thereto have been con-
sidered and determined;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved by
the City Council of the City of
1, That to provide for the pay-
ment of the assessed cast of the
improvement of the following por-
tion of the following streets by sur-
facing the same with Hot Mix, Hat
Laid Asphaltic Concrete, to-wit:
Eighth Avenue from the west
property line of Central Avenue to
the north property line of Hill
Hill Street from the south prop-
erty line of Eighth Avenue to the
north property line of West Third
Ninth Street from the east prop-
erty line of Bluff Street to the west
property line of Central Avenue.
Seventh Street from the east
property line of Locust Street to
the west property line of Central
Sixth Street from the east prop-
erty line of Locust Street to the
west property line of Central Ave-
West Eleventh Street from the
east property line of Bluff Street
to the west property line of Cen-
tral Avenue.
West Twelfth Street from the
oast property line of Main Street
to the west property line of Cen-
tral Avenue.
there shall be issued Street Im-
provement bands in the amount of
$114,502.34 Dollars in anticipation
of the deferred payment of as-
sessments levied for such improve-
2. Such bonds shall be called
Street Improvement bonds; and
shall bear the date of December
i6, 1953; and shall be numbered
consecutively; and they shall be
numbered, divided into series, and
be in sucl: denominations and for
such maturity dates as are shown
in the following table:
1. 6177 to 6199 both inclusive-
$500.00 each April 1, 1954
2. 6200 to 6222 both inclusive-
$500A0 each April 1, 1955
3. 6223 to 6245 both inclusive-
$500.00 each April 1, 1956
4. 6246 to 6268 both inclusive-
$500.00 each April 1, 1957
5. 6269 to 6291 both inclusive-
$500.00 each April i, 1958
6. 6292 to 6313 both inclusive-
$500.00 each April 1, 1959
7. 6314 to 6335 both inclusive-
$500.00 each April 1, 1960
8. 6336 to 6357 both inclusive-
$500.00 each April 1, 1961
9. 6358 to 6379 both inclusive-
$500.00 each April 1, 1962
10. 6380 to 6404 both inclusive-
$500.00 each April 1, 1963
10. 6405-$502.34, April 1, 1963
3. Said bonds shall bear inter-
est at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually in
accordance with coupons thereto
4. Said bonds shall not make
the City of Dubuque liable in any
way, except for the application
of said special assessment funds.
5. Said bonds shall provide that
they may be payable at any time
Special Session, November 16, 1953 771
error to the maturity date stated
therein at the option of the City of
Dubuque and shall be in substan-
tially the following form:
No . ..........................................................
Series No ...............................................
Street Improvemen4 Bond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer here-
of, on the first day of ..........................
or at any time before that date, at
the option of the City of Dubuque,
the sum of Five Hundred dollars
with interest thereon at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the presentation
and surrender of the interest cou-
pons hereto attached. Both prin-
cipal and interest of this bond are
payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
in the State of Iowa. This bond is
issued by the City of Dubuque un-
der and by virtue of Chapter 396
cf the 1950 Code of Iowa, as amend-
ed, and the Resolution of said City
duly passed on the 16th day of
November, 1953, being Resolution
No. 505-53.
This Bond is one of a series of
229 bonds, 228 for $500.00 num-
bered from 6177 to 6404 both in-
clusive, and one for $502.34 num-
bered 6405, all of like tenor and
date, and issued for the purpose of
improving portions of Eighth
Street, Hill Street, Ninth Street,
Seventh Street, Sixth Street, West
Eleventh Street and West Twelfth
Street with Hot Mix, Hot Laid As-
phaltic Concrete surfacing as de•
scribed in said Resolution, in said
City, which cost is payable by the
abutting and adjacent property
along said improvements and is
made by law a lien on all of said
property. It is payable only out of
the Special Assessment Fund No.
1129 created by the collection of
said special tax, and said fund can
be used for na other purpose.
It is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts, conditions and
things required to be done, prece-
dent to and in issuing this series
of bonds, have been done, hap-
pened, and performed, in regular
and due form, as required by law
and said Resolution, and for the
assessment, collection and payment
hereon of said special tax, the full
faith and diligence of said City of
Dubuque are hereby irrevocably
In Testimony Whereof the City
of Dubuque by its Council 'bas
caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and countersigned by its
City Clerk and the Seal of said City
to be thereto affixed, this 16th day
of December, 1953.
(Form of Coupon)
On the .............day of..........................,
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prom-
ises to pay to bearer, as provided in
said band, the sum of ..........................
Dollars, in the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque,
being .................months' interest due
that date on its ............................Bond
No ...................date d......,,..........,............
6. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby in-
structed to cause said bonds to be
prepared and when so prepared to
execute said bonds and that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to register said bond in
a book kept for that purpose and to
then deliver them to the City
7. That the City Treasurer is
hereby instructed to sell said bands
in the manner provided by law, the
proceeds of said sale to be placed
in a special fund to be known as
Special Assessment Fund No. 1120
and paid out by him to pay the cost
of said contract.
8. That the interest coupons at-
tached to the bonds be signed with
the facsimile signature of the May-
or and countersigned with the fac-
simile signature of the City Clerk.
9. That as fast as funds allow,
beginning with the second year
after the payment of interest due,
these bands shall be called and re-
tired in the same order as num-
Special Session, November 16, 1953 773
Adopted this 16th day of Novem-
ber, 1953.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Statement of Conrad C. Birkness,
subscribed and sworn to, stating
that he posted copies of the notice
of levy of special assessment and
intention of the City Council to is-
sue bonds along the line of the im-
provement of the following por-
tion of the following streets by
surfacing the same with hot mix,
hot laid asphaltic concrete tawit:
Eighth Avenue from the west
property line of Central Avenue to
the north property line of Hill
Hill Street from the south prop-
erty line of Eighth Avenue to the
north property line of West Third
Ninth Street from the east prop-
erty line of Bluff Street to the west
property line of Central Avenue.
Seventh Street from the east
property line of Locust Street to
the west property line of Central
Sixth Street from east property
line of Locust Street to the west
property line of Central Avenue.
West Eleventh Street from the
east property line of Bluff Street
to the west property line of Cen-
tral Avenue.
West Twelfth Street from the
east property line of Main Street
to the west property line of Cen-
tral Avenue, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
statement be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas - 1Vlayoi~ Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, I{olb, Schueller,
Councilman Kintzinger moved
that the rules be suspended for the
purpose of allowing any one pres-
ent in the Council Chamber, who
wishes to do so, to address the
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, I{olb, Schueller,
Mr, Harry W. Hansen of 491
Burch Street addressed the Coun-
cil making inquiry in regard to
his assessment for the improve-
ment of Hi11 Street and asking if
the cost of removal of street car
ties from the street has been as-
sessed to the property owners and
also making inquiry as to the meth-
od used in computing the assess-
inent against his property.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of pen-
dency of resolution of necessity
and hearing upon proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract and
cost of improvement for the con-
struction of Lake Peosta Channel
Bridge spanning the Channel at
East 16th Street, the center line
of span being 1192 feet east of the
west property line of Hickory
Street, presented and read. No
written objections filed and no ob-
jectors present in the Council
Chamber at the time set for said
public hearing. Councilman Kolb
moved that the proof of pbulication
be received and filed, Seconded
by Councilman Welu, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, CounciI-
men Kintzinger, Kolb; Schueller,
(Decision of Council upon objec-
tions to plans, specifications, form
of contract and cost of improve-
RE50LUTIOfd hd0. 506.53
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract
far the construction of a Lake Peos-
ta Channel Bridge spanning the
Channel at East 16th Street. The
center line of span being 1192 feet
east of the west property line of
Hickory Street have been approved
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque and public notice given
as provided by Chapter 23 of the
Code of Iowa, 195Q pertaining to
public contracts, and the time and
place fixed for the hearing of all
objections to said plans, spe~ifica-
tions or contract for or cost of
such improvements, said time be-
ing ti~is 16th day of November,
1953; and
Whereas, the City Council met in
special session this 16th day of No-
vember, 1953 at 7:30 o'clock P.M,
at the Council Chambers in the
City Hall for the purpose of hear-
ing all interested parties and con-
sidering any and all objections
which have been filed to the pro-
posed plans, specifications or con-
tract for or cost of the improve-
ment herein aescribed and pro-
posed to be made; and
Whereas, all interested parties
nave been given an opportunity to
be heard and no objections have
been filed; now, therefore
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, and
such plans, specifications and
Corm of contract heretofore ap-
proved are hereby adopted.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution containing the decision
of this Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of con-
tract for or cost of said improve-
ment be made a matter of perma-
nent record in connection with
said improvement,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953,
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schu211er. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -- Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
(Neczssity for Improvement)
RESOLU`fl0id EqC. 457.53
~ihereas, proposed plans, specifi
eationsr form of contract, have
been duly prepared and approved
by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque and are now on file in
ii'ie office of the City Clerk show
ing among other things the follow-
1, An estimate of the cost of
the proposed improvement, stating
ti.e same for each different type
of construction and kind of ma-
terial to be ased for the construc-
tion of a Lake Peosta Channel
Bridge spanning the Channel at
~;ast 16th Street, the center line
of span being 1192 feet east of the
avast property line of Hlckorp
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Cot?ncil on its own motion
deems it advisable and necessary
for the public welfare to make the
herein mentioned improvement,
nd unless property owners at the
time of tI?e final consideration of
t'reis proposed resolution have on
file with the City Clerk objections,
they shall be deemed to have
=a-awed all objections thereto.
Said imprcvement shall be con•
stracted and done in accordance
~,,iCh tie plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
fo~• by a consulting engineering
firr_1 which have been approved by
tlee City Council and are now on
file with the City Clerk. That the
cost and expense of making said
improvement will be paid out of
Bridge ~ Viaduct Construction
The above resolution wad intro~
duced, approved and ordered
placed an file with the City Clerk
tliis 21st day of October, 1953, The
foregoing resolution was finally
passed and adapted, as proposed,
by the City CouncIl this 18th day
of November, 1953,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Cotmcilman Ifolb moved the
ldoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - Plfayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
W elu,
~~ 774 Special Session, November 16, 1953 Special Session, November 16, 1953 775
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller, Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council- Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
Welu. I men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller, men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
~' Nays-None, Welu. Welu.
(Ordering Construction)
RE50LUTIOtd N0. 507=53
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that pru-
suant to a resolution of necessity
No. 457.53 which was duly passed
by this Council, for the construc-
tion of a Lake Peosta Channel
Bridge spanning the Channel at
East 16th Street, the center line of
span being 1192 feet east of the
west property line of Hickory
Street be and the same are hereby
ordered and constructed by this
Council upon its own motion. All
the work shall be constructed in
accordance with the plans and spec-
ifications heretofore adopted and
now on file in the office of the City
Be It Further Resolved that the
cost and expense of the said im-
provements be paid out of Bridge &
Viaduct Construction Fund, Pay-
ment will be made to the contractor
after the work has been completed
and accepted by the City Council.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby or-
dered and directed to advertise for
proposals for the construction of
the various improvements herein
provided for in the manner pro-
vided by law, the said improve-
ments shall be completed on or
before the 15th day of August,
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall
be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by
the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day November, 1953.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Wolu. Carried
by the following vote:
Notice of Claim of Evelyn K.
Friedman in the amount of $75.00
for damages caused by a clogged
sewer backing up into their home
at 2345 Abbott Street, presented
and read, Councilman Welu moved
that the Notice of Claim be re-
ferred to the City Solicitor for in-
vestigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Nays-None, ~
Notice of Claim of Robert H.
Kaiser in the amount of $6.00
caused by having his car covered
with tar while parked on Central
Avenue between 4th and 5th
Streets, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Welu moved that the Notice
of Claim be referred to the City
Solicitor for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb, Carried by the following
vote: j
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council- '~
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller, }
Nays-None. ~
Notice of Claim of David L.
Brauhn in the amount of $10.85
for damages to his car caused by
striking holes in the street on Min-
eral Street between O'Hagen Street
and McCormick Street, presented
and read. Councilman Welu moved '
that the Notice of Claim be re-
ferred to the City Solicitor for in-
vestigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by I
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Notice of Claim of Mrs, Cather-
ine Young in the amount of $772.00 {
for injuries received in a fall at
29th & Jackson Streets, presented
and read. Councllman Welu moved
that the Notice of Claim be re-
ferred to the City Solicitor for in-
vestigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the Following vote; __
Notice of Claim of Emil F, Dan-
ner in an unstated amount for
damages to a stop box at Lot 90
of Finley Addition which was torn
out by the cootractci•, presented
and read. Councilman Welu moved
that the Notice of Claim be re-
fer~ed to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Notice of Claim of Warren D,
Humke in the amount of $22.21 for
damages to his car caused in strik-
ing ahole in the street on Salina
Street near the Maizewood Insula-
tion Co., presented and read, Coun-
cilman Welu moved that the Notice
of Claim be referred to the City So-
licitor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Notice of Claim of Mrs. Ethel
Dolson iii the amount of $2,500,00
for injuries received in a fall on
the crosswalk portion of the alley
on the north side of Eighth Avenue
between Main and Iowa Streets,
presented and read. Councilman
Welu moved that the Notice of
Claim be referred to the City So-
licitor for investigation and report,
Seconded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Ccmmunication of P. J. Houser,
Director Division of Public Health
Engineering, State Department of
Health, Des Moines, Iowa, submit-
ting permit for construction of an
eighth inch sanitary sewer in Shi-
ras Street, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that the
communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Welu. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
Communication cf J. A, Kerper
submitting his resignation as a
inernher of the Dock Commission
to become effective November
16th, 1953, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that the
resignation be accepted with regret
and that a letter of appreciation be
forwarded to Mr. J. A. Kerper far
his long and faithful service as a
member of the Dack Commission.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
To the City Council and
To the City Treasurer
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
This is to advise you that the
undersigned hereby relieve Ida Ox-
ley as owner of Lot 1 of Lot 56 and
Lot 1 of Lot 57, both in Babcock's
Adclition to the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, from any connection charges
now or hereafter due us for making
connection to the sewer construct-
ed in Marion Street, under the pro-
visions of Ordinance No. 65-53,
Signed this 4th day of November,
D. W, Ernst
Elaine Pearson Ernst
Councilman Welu moved that the
communication be received and
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayon Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of Mrs. Harald Longman
requesting that a street light be
installed on Booth Street between
West Fifth Street and Forest Lane,
presented and read. Councilman
Sclnieller moved that the petition
be referred to the City Manager
and Electrical Inspector far rec-
ommendation and report, Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Niayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
776 Special Session, November 16, 1953
Petition of John P. Campbell re~
questing that a grade be estab-
lished on the alley running from
Henderson Street to Dunning Street
and between Grandview Avenue
and B1'adley Street and that this
alley be graded as soon as it is
practical, presented and read.
Councilman Welu moved that tl-~e
petition be referred to the City
Manager, Seconded by Councilman
Kolb, Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of W. N. Ziepprecht re-
questing areduction in the special
assessment levied against the
property described as Sub, of Lat
1 in Randall Subdivision and Lot
17 of Levi's Addition for the resur-
facing of Southern Avenue, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Kolb
moved that the petition be referred
to the City Manager. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 14, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council
Dubuque, Iowa
A communication has been ad-
dressed to the City Council request-
ing areduction in the assessment
of Sub of Lot 1 in Randall Subdi-
vision and Lot 17 of Levi's Addi-
tion owned by William Ziepprecht.
I have had this property valuat•
ed by the Real Estate Board and
their opinion is that the assessment
ir, not out of proportion to the
'ralue of the property.
Yours very truly,
L, J. Schiltz
City Manager
Councilman Schueller moved
that the recommendation of City
Manager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of Norman T. Bainbridge
requesting a reduction in the spe-
cial assessment levied against Lot
2 of 1 of 20 in Broadview Division
for the I'esurfacing of Southern
Avenue, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Welu moved that the peti-
tion be referred to the City Man•
agel•. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller
November 14, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
A communication has been ad-
dressed to the City Council re-
questing areduction in the assess-
ment of Lot 2 of 1 of 20 in Broad-
view Addition,
T have had this property ap-
praised by the Dubuque Real Es-
tate Boal'd and find that the as•
sessment is in excess of that which
can be levied. I recommend that
the assessment be reduced to
$131,75 and that the balance of the
assessment be paid from the city
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Schueller moved
that the recommendation of City
Manager Schiltz .be approved, Sec•
onded by Councilman Kolb, Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Communication of the Kiwanis
Club submitting attached resolu•
cion which was adopted opposing
any proposed action by which au-
thority would be given by the City
of Dubuque to any individual, firm,
or corporation to erect benches for
advertising display purposes on
private or public property, at or
adjacent to public bus stops, streets
or sidewalks in the City of Du-
buque, presented and read, Coun•
Gilman Welu moved that the com•
munication, with attached resolu-
tion, be referred to the City Solici-
tor for consideration in conjunc-
tion with the original petition.
Special Session, November 16, 1953 777
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men I{olb, Schueller, Welu.
Councilman Kintzinger not vot-
Petition of Page Hotel Company,
requesting a refund in the amount
of $50.00 on the unexpired por-
tion of their Cigarette Permit No.
98 as they have discontinued the
sale of cigarettes on November 16,
1953, presented and read. Council-
man Kolb moved that the request
be granted and the City Auditor
instructed to draw a warrant in
the amount of $50.00 in favor of
Page Hotel Company to cover the
amount of refund granted on the
unexpired portion of their Ciga-
rette Permit No. 98. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Ordinance No. 69-53, presented
and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler, Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Welu. ,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days. Seconded by Coun•
Gilman Kintzinger. Carried by they
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Ordinance No. 69.53
1~~hereas by a certain plat dated
April 28, 1931 and filed in the office
of the Count3' Recorder of Dubuque
County, Iowa in Boolc of Plats 10,
page 5S on April 29, 1831, Ferd A. Nes-
ler, as owner and proprietor of Lots
] and 2 of Robinson's Subdivision in
`he City of Dubuque, Iowa, estab-
lished a certain street known as
Eleanor Street, forty feet in width,
extending frmn the south curb line of
Grand~,iew Avenue southwesterly a
distance of 505 feet; and
GVhereas subsequent to the filing of
said plat the said Ferd A. Nesler sub-
divided Lot 1 of 1 of Rob[nson's Sub-
division and Lot 2 of Robinson's Sub-
division and sold lots therefrom with
reference to a plat showing the di-
mensions and locations of such lots
with reference to Eleanor Street; and
IYhereas the Cit1' of Dubuque has
never, by action of the Council ac-
cepted the dedication of E l e a n o r
Street; but has through its employees,
for a period ir: excess of ten years
last past maintained and improved
said street; and
Whereas the present owners of all
of the property abutting on Eleanor
Street, as shown on said plat, have
petitioned the City Council to formal-
ly accept the dedication of the same
and to change the name thereof to
Indian Ridge;
Section 1, That Eleanor Street, as
concrete pavement and integral curb.
the same appears on the various plats
of the Subdivision of Lot I and of Lot
L of Rohinson's Subdivision in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the
same is hereby accepted and estab-
lished as a public street in the City of
Duiruque, Iona, and that the name
thereof is hereby changed to and the
same shall be 17ereafter 'cnotvn as
"Indian Ridge;"
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be
In full Porce and effect aftor its Pina1
ptthlication and adoption.
Passed, adopted and approved this
16th day of November, A.D. 1953.
Ruben V. Austin
Clarence P. Welu
Ray F. Kolb
Leo N. Schueller
Charles A. Kintzinger
Attest: J. J. SHEA
City Cleric
Published officially in The Te1e-
e~raph-Herald newspaper this 20th
day of November, 1953.
1T. Nov, 20 City Clerk,
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kintzinger,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council•
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
0RD1~,4NCE N0. 70--53
Ordinance vacating portions of
Lindale Street, Kevindale Street
and Woodlawn Street and authoriz-
ing the conveyance of said vacated
portion, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Welu,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days, Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
778 Special Session, November 16, 1953
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the ordinance be placed on file
with the City Clerk for public in-
spection for at least one week
before final adoption. Seconded by
Councilman Kintzinger. Carried by
the fallowing vote;
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolution Setting time and
place of hearing on Proposal to
Dispose of Real Estate.
Whereas an Ordinance has been
introduced in the City Council of
the City of Dubuque providing for
the vacation of Lindale Street
from the west lot line of Lot 10
to the east lot line of Lot 24 in,
Highland Park; portions of Kevin-
dale Street adjacent to Lots 3 and
6 in Strub's Subdivision; and a por-
tion of Woodlawn Street adjacent
to Lot 2 in Strub's Subdivision,
and the conveyance thereof; and
Whereas before such an Ordin-
ance may be adopted a public
hearing must be had thereon;
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved
by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That a public hearing
be held on said proposed Ordin-
ance on the 7th day of December,
1953, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the
City Council Chamber in the City
Hall in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
at which time and place all inter-
ested parties will be given an op-
portunity to be heard and that
the City Clerk is hereby directed
to publish notice of said hearing
once each week for two consecu-
tive weeks hl the manner pro-
vided by law, the last of which
publications shall be not less than
ten days prior to the date set fox
said hearing.
Adopted this 16th day of No-
vemb~er, 1953.
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seem
onded by Councflm~an Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Petition of Herbel'C M, Steger
requesting permission to construct
an eight inch sanitary sewer in
Mineral Street from Gilliam Street
to a point three hundred and
eighty feet west, presented and
Councilman Welu moved that
the request be granted and proper
proceedings prepared. Seconded by
Councilman Kolb. Carried by the'
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
0~®INANCE N0. 11-53
An Ordinance Granting Herbert
M. Steger the Right to Construct
a Sewer in Mineral Street from
Gilliam Street to a point Three
Hundred and Eighty (380) feet
west; Providing the Terms and
Conditions Thereof; and Providing
for a Charge for Connecting There-
to, presented and read,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the rules be suspended requiring
an ordinance to be read on three
separate days, Seconded by Coun•
cilm~a~n Welu. Carried by the fal•
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
ORDINANCE N0. 71.63,
An Ordinance Granting Herbert M.
Steger the Right to Construct a
Sewer in Mineral Street from Gil-
liam Street to a point Three Hun-
dred and Eighty (339) feet west;
Providing the Terms and Conditions
Thereof; and Providing for a Charge
for Connecting Thereto.
Section 1, That Herbert M. Steger
6e and he is hereby granted the
right to construct an 8" vitrified tale
Special Session, November 16, 1953 779
pipe sanitary server in -Iineral Street
from Gilliam Street to a point three
hundred and eighty (330) feet west
upon the following terms and emtidi-
{a) That grantee agree to construct
said sewer within one year from the
date hereof and to pay the entire
cost thereof, including cost of re-
storing the surface of the alley.
(b) That said sewer shall be con-
structed in accordance with plans ap-
proved by the State Department of
Health and the City Manager and
under the supervision and direction
nP the City Manager and City Engi-
(c) That grantee will enter into a
:ontract for the construction of said
sewer with a qualified contractor,
which contract will, among other
things, contain a clause requiring
the contractor to obtain all necessary
permits, including excavation permits,
required by the City of Dubuque, or
any other Governmental agency, a
clause obligating tho contractor and
his bondsmen to keep said sewer in
good repair for a period of not less
than two (2) years from the date of
the acceptance of the work, and a
clause requiring the contractor to
furnish a surety bond with the City
of Dubuque named as one of the
obligees, guaranteeing the faithful
performance of said contract;
(d) That upon completion of said
sewer and the acceptance of the same
by the City Council said sewer shall
become a public sewer under the es-
chtsive charge and control of the City
of Dubuque and lts free use as such
shall not be interferred with by the
grantee, his successors or assigns;
Section 2. After said sewer has
been completed and the total cost
thereof has been paid by the grantee,
the grantee herein shall file with
the City Council a certified state-
ment, showing in detail, all amounts
paid out by him in connection with
the construction of said sewer, in-
cluding engineering fees and the cost
04 restoring the surface of the street,
Thereafter, any person or persons de-
s[ring to connect with said sewer,
except the grantee herein, shall first
apply to the City Manager Por per-
mission so to do and such permis-
sion shall be granted upon condition
that the applicant pay to the City
Treasurer, for the account o4 the
grantee herein, a connection charge
in an amount which will be fixed
by Resolution of the City Council at
the time of the acceptance of said
sewer. Howaver, such connection
charges shall not be enacted for any
extension of said sewer made by the
City of Dubuque, or its i>ermittees.
Section 3. That the authority grant-
ed herein shall terminate on Decem-
ber 7, 1953, unless the terms and con-
ditions oP this Ordinance are ac-
cepted in writing by the grantee prior
to that date.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in
full force and effect from and after
its final passage, adoption and pub-
lication as provided by Law,
Passed, approved and adopted this
16th day oP November, 1953.
Attest: J. J, SHEA
City Clerk
Published officially in The Te]e-
graph-Herald newspaper this 20th
day of November, 1953.
IT Nov, 2D City Clerk.
N0. 71.53.
Herbert M. Steger oP the City of
Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, hav-
iug• fall ltnowledg~e and ttnderstand-
ing of all the terms and conditions
of Ordinance No, 71-53 hereby accepts
the same as passed and agrees to
comply with all the terms and condi-
tions thereof.
Accepted this 17th day of November,
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Sec»
onded by Councilman Kintzinger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 14, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
The petition of Henry J, Kaep
requesting the reduction in assess-
ment on Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 35
has been referred to the City
Manager for a report.
I have had the property on which
the assessment has been made ap-
praised by the Real Estate Board
and in ordel° that the assessment
wlll be in proportion to the benefif
of the assessed property, I red
commend that the assessment be~
reduced to $600.00 and the balance;
be assumed by the City of Du-
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz, ,
City Manager,
Councilman Welu moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 14, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
The petition requesting a street
light installation at approximately
1091 Rockdale Road was refelred
to the City Manager and Electrical
Inspector for investigation and re-
port. Also, a petition was submitted
requesting a street light installa-
780 Special Session, November 16, 1953
tion at the corner of West 8th and
Roberts Streets and referred to the
City Manager and Electrical Inspec-
torfor recommendation and report.
I recommend that a street light
be installed at approximately 1091
Rockdale Road and at West 8th and
Roberts Streets, and that the loca-
tion be determined by the Electri-
cal Inspector.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Schiltz be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Wele. Carried by the
fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 16, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
I herewith submit reports of
the City Auditor, City Teasurer,
City Health Department and City
Water Works for the month of Oc-
tober 1953, as well as list of claims
and list of payrolls for which war-
rants were issued far the month of
October 1953.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J, Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that
the reports be received and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
ment Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 16, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
Attached herewith is a contract
with the Steger Construction Comr
parry for improvement of Devon
Drive in Steger Subdivision,
The acceptance of the subdi-
vision is the only consideration or
compensation due the Steger Con-
struction Company.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J, Schiltz,
City Manager.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication of City Man-
ager Schiltz be received and filed
amd the contract placed on file.
Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 14, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Councll,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Prior to 1952 all Excavation Per-
mits were issued by the Plumbing
Inspector and the fee to make this
excavation was paid into the Ex-
cavation Fund. The Ordinance now
provides that the charge for street
replacement and inspection of the
bacllfill be used to reimburse the
Street Department and Engineer-
ing Department for their expense.
There exists a dead fund that
is not used known as the Excava-
tion Fund and I recommend that
tht balance in this fund be brams-
ferred to the Recreation Fund-
Municipal Golf Course,
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager.
Councilman Welu moved that
the recommendation of City Man-
ager Schiltz be approved, Sec-
onded by Councilman Kintzinger,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
RES®LUYION N0. 509-53
Resolution for Transfer of Dead
Whereas, there is now in the.
hands of the treasurer the sum
of $1892.00, credited to the Ex-
cavation Fund, and
Whereas, said sum of money was
raised for the purpose of Excava-
tion Permits, and
Whreas, the purpose for which
said sum of money was raised has
ceased to exist,
Now, Therefore, be it resolved
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque of Dubuque County, Iowa,
that the said sum of $1,892.00 be
and the same is hereby trans-
ferredfrom, the Excavation fund to
Special Session, November 16, 1953 781
the Recreation-Municipal G o 1 f
Course fund and the City Clerk
(secreterial officer) is directed toy
correct his boobs accordingly and
to notify the treasurer of this
transfer, accompanying the notifi-
cation with a copy of this resole-
tion and the record of its adoption,
(Presiding Officer)
Ruben V. Austin, Mayor
(Secreterial Officer )
J. J. Shea, City Clerk,
The above and foregoing resolu-
tion was adopted by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Du-
buque County, Iowa, at a special
meeting of the same on the 16th
day of November, A.D. 1953.
i Councilmen
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Weiu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Kolb. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 14, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
In accordance with Chapter 53
of the 55th General Assembly of
the State of Iowa I have prepared
amendments to the budget for the
year January 1, 1953 to permit ap-
propriation and expenditure of un-
expended cash balances not an~
ticipated as being available on,
January 1, 1953, also additional
cash available from sources other
than taxes which were not esti-
mated or appropriated during 1953.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager,
Councilman Kolb moved that
the communication of City Man-
ager Schiltz be received and made
a matter of record. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
YOTICE: The City l'ou~,cil of Dubuque oP Dubuque County, Iowa, wln
meet December loth, 1953, at 7:30 p, m., at City Hall.,
Taxpayers will he heard for or against the follotvmg amended estimate
of expenditures for the year beginning danuaiy 1, 1953. A detailed statement
of receipts and disbursements, both Past and anticipated, will be available
at the hearing. I
J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. ~
Expendi• Amended Estimated Estimated
tares Expendi- Income Income
FUNDS: Estimated tares Other Other
For For Than Taxes Than Taxes
1953 1953 For 1953 For 1953
Street (Road Use Tai) $ 155,OODAO $ 1fi7,905.87 $ 155,000,00 $ 167,965.87
,5amtation .,.. 226,232.60 235,476.52 18,559,00 28,098.b2~
Municipal Enterprise ,., 202,113.00 246,385,26 39,683,00 83,828.25~~
Employes' Retirement .... 18,142.00 21,752,OD 3,610.00~~
Utilities ............................. 472,420A0 473,953.95 422,420.00 423,953.95!
Totals ........................ $1,073,907.00 $1,146,505,60 $ 635,853.00 $ 707,451,60
iViunicipal Enterprise Budget Increase Appropriated as follows: Docks
`~~4,352.55, and Airport 339,892.71.
Utilities Budget Ineroase oY $1,533.95 Appropriated Yor Street and Traffic
Lighting, It 11/27
782 Special Session, November 16, 1953
Whereas, the City Manager 'has
submitted an amended budget es-
timate as provided in Chapter 53
of the Acts of the 55th General As-
sembly and the City Council has
duly considered and caused to be
prepared the amended budget esti•
mate of expenditures for the fiscal
year beginning January 1, 1953 and
ending December 31, 1953 using
unencumbered balances of January
1, 1953 that were not anticipated
and income from source other than
taxes that were in excess of antici-
pated revenue:
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that said
Amended Budget estimate be and
the same is hereby ordered filed in
the office of the Clerlc of Dubuque
and the date of public hearing
thereon is hereby fixed as the 15th
day of December 1953 at 7:30
o'clock P,M, in the Council Cham-
ber in the City Hall;
Be It Further Resolved that said
Clerk be and he is directed to cause
said amended budget estimate of
expenditures to be published in the
official newspaper of the City of
Dubuque and an official notice to
be given of the time and place,
when and where said amended bud-
get estimate will be considered by
said Council for final adoption, at
which time and place taxpayers
will be heard for or against said es-
timate, said publication to be not
less than ten days before said hear
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Kalb. Carried by
the Following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
~e It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
following, having complied with
the provisions of law relating to the
sale of cigarettes within the City
of Dubuque, be granted a permit
~to sell cigarettes and cigarette
papers within said City and the
Manager is directed to issue such
permit on behalf of said City.
Name Address
Frank Smith, 310 East 30th Street
Mrs. Louise Pitz, 2995 Central Ave.
Jahn H. Eggerichs, 75 East 14th St.
Leo J, Glaser, 90 So. Locust Street
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed with the applications be
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953,
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Welu, Carried
by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted to
this Council far approval and the
same have been examined: Now,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the fol•
lowing applications be granted and
the licenses are to be issued upon
the compliance with the terms of
the ordinances of this City.
Name Address
Mrs. Louise Pitz, 2995 Central Ave.
Frank Smith, 310 East 30th Street
William A. Brown, 2417 Rhomberg
Joseph A. Busch, 1379 Central Ave.
Frank J, Pusateri, 1296 Central
Mrs, Agnes Zahina, 2649 Windsor
Special Session, November 16, 1953 783
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution, Second•
ed by Councilman Welu. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, heretofore applications
for Beer Permits were filed by the
within named applicants and they
have received the approval of this
Council; and
Whereas, the premises to be oc•
cupied by such applicants have
been inspected and found to comr
ply with the ordinances of this
City and they have filed proper
bonds; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City Dubuque that the Manager
be and he is directed to issue to
the following named applicants a
Beer Permit.
Name Address
Mrs. Louise Pitz, 2995 Central Ave.
Frank Smith, 310 East 30th Street
William A, Brown, 2417 Rhomberg
Joseph A. Busch, 1379 Central Ave.
Frank J. Pusateri,, 1296 Central
Mrs. Agnes Zahina, 2649 Windsor
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be
and the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: Z J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Welu moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas pursuant to Resolution
No. 291.52, Arthur Trausch and M.
B, Olansky gave bond to the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, with Hartford
Accident and Indemnity Company,
undertaking to surface the streets
and install sewer and water in Mis•
sissippi Heights in accordance with
plans approved by the City Man-
ager and City Engineer; and
Whereas said improvements have
been constructed in accordance
with such plans and have been ap-
proved by the City Manager and
City Engineer;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved
By The City Council Of The City
Of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the street, sew•
er and water improvements in Mi
sissippi Heights Subdivision are
hereby accepted, the bond of Ar-
thur Trausch and M. B, Olansky
therefore discharged and their
surety, Hartford Accident and In-
demnity Company released.
Adopted this 16th day of Novem-
ber 1953.
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution, Second•
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council•
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 16, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise you that the
improvement of Rowan Street from
the South Property Line of South
_ _ $__ __
784 Special Session, November 16, 1953
Grandview Avenue to the south
Corporation Limits with concrete
pavement and integral curb, under
construction by the Thos. Flynn
Coal Co. has been completed in ac-
cordance with the plans and speci-
1, therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of this work.
Respectfully submitted,
L, J, Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kolb moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Schiltz be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Welu. Carried by the
fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
RESOLUYI®N N®. 515.53
Whereas, the contract far the im-
provement of Rowan Street from
the South Property Line of South
Grandview Avemie to the South
Corporation Limits with concrete
pavement and integral curb has
been completed and the City En-
gineer has submitted his final esti-
mate showing the cost thereof in-
cluding the cost of estimates, no-
tices, inspection, and preparing the
assessment and plat, now therefore,
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improve-
ment is hereby determined to be
That $28,075.22 of bho cost there-
of shall be assessable upon private
property and $24,904.00 shall be
paid from the $4,904,00 from Street
Construction Fttnd of the City of
Dubuque and $20,000.00 from Row-
an St. Trust & Agency Fund.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution, Second-
ed by Councilman Kolb. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
(A Resoltiticn Accepting Improve•
ment and directing the Clerk to
Publish Notice.)
RES®LUi°iO1q btO, 516.53
Whereas, the contract for the im-
provement of Rowan Street from
the South Property Line of South
Grandview Avenue to the South
Corporation Limits with concrete
pavement and integral curb has
been completed and the City Man-
ager has examined the work and
filed his certificate stating that the
same has been completed according
to the terms of the contract, plans
and specifications and recommends
its acceptance, now therefore,
Be It Resolved, by the City Coun-
cIl of the City of Dubuque, that the
recommendation of the City Man-
ager be approved and that said im-
provement be and the same is here
by accepted and the City Engineer
be and he is hereby directed to pre-
pare aplat and schedule showing
the lots or parcels of real estate
subject to assessment far said im-
provement and file the same in the
office of the City Clerk subject to
public inspection and said Clerk
shall upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law.
Be 1t Further Resolved, that the
City Treasurer be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the contractor
from the funds to be realized from
the sale of improvement bonds is-
sued upon the above described im-
provement in amount equal to the
amount of his contract,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Special Session, November 16, 1953 78~
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schueller. Cu-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
November 16, 1953
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa
This is to advise you that the
Construction of an 6" Sanitary Sew-
et• in Davis Street from a point 460
feet east of the East Property
Line of Windsor Avenue to a
point four hundred thirty six (436)
feet east under construction by the
Saffron Construction Company has
been completed in accordance with
the plans and specifications.
l therefore, recommend the ac-
ceptance of the work.
Respectfully submitted,
L. J. Schiltz,
City Manager
Councilman Kalb moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Schiltz be approved, Seconded by
Councilman Schueller, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Final Estimate
Whereas, the contract far the
construction of a six (6) inch sani-
tary sewer in Davis Street from
a point 460 feet ea+st of the east
property line of Windsor Avenue
to a point four hundred thirty-sixi
feet east has been completed and
the City Engineer has submitted
his final estimate showing the cost
thereof including the cost of esti~
mates, notices, inspection, and
preparing the assessment and
plat, now therefore,
Be It Resolved, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the cost of said improves
ment is hereby determined to be
That $1,611.01 of the cost shall
be assessable upon private prop-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Councils
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
(A Resolution Accepting . Im•
provement and Directing the Clerk
to Publish Notice.)
RESOLUTI®N N0. 516-53
Whereas, the contract for the
construction of a six (6) inch sani-
tary sewer in Davis Street from
a point 460 feet east of the east
property line of Windsor Avenue
to a point four hundred thirty-six
feet east has been completed and
the City ll~anager has examined
the work and filed his certificate
stating that the same has been
completed according to the terms
of the contract, plans and speci-
fications and recommends its ac-
ceptance, now therefore,
Be It Resolved, by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
that the recommendation of the
City Manager be approved and
that said improvement be and
the same is hereby accepted and
the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a~ plat
and schedule showing the lots or
parcels of real estate subject to
assessment for said improvement
and file the same in the office of
the City Clerk subject to public
inspection and said Clerk shaIl
upon receipt of such plat and
schedule publish the notice of the
Council's intention to levy special
assessments therefor, as required
by law.
Be It Further Resolved, that tho
City Treasut•er be and he is here-
by directed to pay to the con-
tractor from the funds to be
realized from the sale of sewer
bonds issued upon the above de-
scribed improvement in amount
equal to the amount of his con-
;`: '
786 Special Session, November 16, 1953
tract, less any retained percentage
provided for therein.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilm~,an Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec•
owded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, form
of contract, plat and schedule and
all other documents for the con
struction of an eight inch vitrified
the sanitary sewer in Avoca Street
from the present manhole at the
intersection of Avoca Street and
Ungs Street to a point 2S4 feet
south of said manhole, estimated
cost $1,731.73, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Austin, CouncIl-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
1° .
(Necessity for Improvement)
Whereas, proposed plans, speci-
fications, form of contract, plat
and schedule have been duly pre-
pared and approved- by the City'
Council of the City of Dubuque
and are now on file in the office
of the City Clerk showing ampng'
other things the following:
1. The boundaries of the dis-
trict, if any.
2, The width of such improve-
ment, and the size and kind of
3, Each lot proposed to be as-
sessed together with a valuation
fixed by the councih
4. An esthna~te of the cost of the
proposed improvement,
S. In each case the amouni;
thereof which is estimated to be
assessed against each lot, for the
constrnction of an eight (8) inch
vitrified the sanitary sewer id'
Avoca Street from, the present
manhole at the intersection of
Avoca Street and Ungs Street to
a point 284 feet south of said man-
Be It Therefore Resolved that
the City Council on its own mo-
tion or upon petition of property'
owners, deems it advisable and
necessary for the public welfare
to make the herein mentioned im-
provement and unless property
owners at the time of the final
consideration of this proposed
resolution have on file with the
City Clerk objections to the amount
of the proposed assessments, they
shall be deemed to have waived,
all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance
with the plans and specifications
which have been prepared there-
for by the City Council and are
now on file with the City Clerk.
That the cost and expense of mak-
ing said improvement will be as••
sessed upon and against all pri-
vately owned property lying within
assessable distance provded by
law and in an am,'ount not to ex-
ceed the amount provided by law,
property will be assessed whether
the same abuts thereon or is ad~
jacent thereto according to area
and in proportion to the special
benefits conferred thereby, and'
any deficiency shall be paid out
of the general fund, tmprovement
funds or sewer funds, or partly
out of each of said funds. Bonds
shall be issued and sold in anticid
potion of deferred payments of
assessments when a contract has
been performed and accepted and
the proceeds thereof used to pay
the contractor,
The above resolution ways intro,
duced, approved and ordered
placed on file with the City Cleric
this 16th day of November, 1953,
Special Session, November 16, 1953 781
Approved and placed on file for
final action
Attest; J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Schueller moved
that the resolution be approved
and placed on fIle with the City
Clerk for public inspection for at
least one week before final adop-
tion. Seconded by Councilman
I{olb, Carried by the following
Yeas-M',ayor Austin, Council-
mlen Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
(nixing date of hearing)
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by
Resolution No. 519-53 given its
preliminary approval on the pro-
posed plans, specifications and
form of contract and placed same
on file in the office of the City
Clerk for public inspection, for the
construction of a~n eight (8) inch
vitrified the sanitary sewer in
Avoca Street from the present
manhole at the intersection of
Avoca Street and Ungs Street to
a paint 2S4 feet south of said man-
hole and,
Whereas, the proposed Resolu-
tion of Necessity for said improve-
ment has been introduced and is~
now on fIle in the City Clerk's
office for public inspection.
Be It Therefore Resolved that
on the 7th day of December, 1953,
a public hearing will be held a~t
7:30 o'clock P,M. in the Council
Chamber in the City of Dubuque
at which time the owners of prop-
erty subject to assessment for the
proposed improvement may ap•
pear and make objection to the
proposed plans and specifications
and proposed form of contract and
at the same time to the boundaries
of the proposed district, to the cost
of the improvement, to the amount
proposed to be assessed against
any lot and to the passage of the
proposed Resolution of Necessity
and the City Clerk be and he is
hereby directed to cause a notice
of the time and place of such hear-
ing to be published in same news-
paper published in the City of Dn-
bugae, the last of which shall bei
not less than two (2) nor more
than four (4) weeks prior to the
day fixed for its consideration and
unless property owners at the time
of final consideration of said reso-
lution have on file with the Clerk
objections to the amount of the
proposed assessment, -they shall
have been deerrged to have waived
all objections thereto, at which
hearing the Council will hear such
objections and enter on record its
final decision thereon.
Passed, adopted amd approved'
this 16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved
tho adoption of the resolution.
Seconded by Councilman Kolb.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Preliminary resolution for the
construction of (type and place of
improvement) a cast iron water
main in Asbu1•y Road.
Whereas, the City Council deems
it necessary to institute proceed-
ings for the construction of (nature
of improvement with beginning
and terminal points) a cast iron
water main in Asbury Road from
the east property line of Lot 1 of
Dubuque Homes Asbury Road Sub-
division to the west property line
of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 262.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved.
by the City Councll of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
1, That the City Engineer is
hereby instructed to prepare pre-
liminary plans and specifications,
an estimate ~of total cost, and a
plat and schedule for said improve
ment and plane the same on file
with the city clerk.
2. That the property to be bene-
fitted by said improvement is'
~:F, .
788 Special Session, November 16, 1953
(general description of all property
in district) all real estahe abutting
on the above described portion of
the above named street.
3. The estimate of total cost of
said improvement herein ordered
shall include an estimate of the
cost of engineering, preliminary'
reports, property valuations, esti-
mates, plans, specifications, noti-
ces, legal services, a~egttisition of
land, consequential damages or
costs, easements, rights of way,
construction, (repair) supervision,
inspection, testing, notices of pub-
lication, interest, and printing and
sale of bonds. ~
4. These Proceedings are cov-
eredunder Chapter 156 of the laws
of the fifty-fourth general assem-
bly of the State of Iowa.
5. That said improvement is
hereby designated (Short Titlel
1953 Asbury Road Water Main and
may be referred to by such title
in all subsequent proceedings.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Preliminary approval of pro-
posed plans, specifications, plat
and schedule and all other docu-
ments for the construction of a
cast iron water main in Asbury
Road from the east property line
of Lot 1 of Dubuque Homes As-
bury Road Subdivision to the west
property line of Lot 2 and Mineral
Lot 262, presented and read.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Honm•able Mayor and members
of the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa.
I herewith subrgit a proposed
plat of the 1953 Asbury Road
Water Main and a proposed sched-
ule of valuations of the lots within
the district served by said im~
K. J. Cullen,
City Engineer.
Resolution determining valua-
tions of each lot within the pro-
posed assessment district for
(Short Title) 1953 Asbury Road
Water Main.
Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
i, That the valuations set out
in the foregoing list are hereby
determined to be the present fair
rrtaaket value, with the proposed
improvement completed, of each
lot within the proposed assessment
district for (Short Title) 1953 As-
bury Road Water Main.
And the City Clerk is hereby
directed to report the same to the
City Engineer who shall show such
valuations on the schedule hereto-
fore ordered for said improve-
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Resolution of necessity for con-
struction of (Short Title) 1953 As-
bury Road Water Main, also set-~
ting time and place of hearing
and prescribing notice for (Short
Title) 1953 Asbury Road Water
Main, consisting of a cast iron
water mlain in Asbury Road from
the east property line of Lot 1 of
Special Session, November 16, 1953 789
Dubuque Homes Asbury Road
Subdivision to the west property
line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 262.
Whereas, proposed plans and
specifications, plat and schedule
have been duly prepared and ap-
proved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque and are now on
file in the office of the City Clerk
showing, among other things, the
a, An estimated total cost of the
b. The amount proposed to be
assessed against each lot for they
improvement for the construction
of (description of improvement)
1953 Asbury Road Water Main.
Be It Therefore Resolved by the
City Cotmcil of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa;
1. That the City Council deems
it advisable and necessamy for the
public welfare to make said im-
2. Said improvement shall be
constructed and done in accord-
ance with said plans and specifi-
cations and 45.4% of the total cost
of making said improvement shall
be assessed against all privately
owned property lying within the
assessment district shown on such
plat in an amount not to exceed
the amotmt provided by law and
in proportion to the special bene-
fits conferred thereby and the re-
miainder of the total cost shall be
paid out of the Water Works
General fund.
3. Bonds shall be issued and sold
in anticipation of deferred pay-
ments of assessments when a con-
tract has been performed and ac-
cepted and the proceeds thereof
used to pay the contractor.
4. On the 7th day of December,
1953 at 7:30 P.M., the City Council
will meet in the City Council
chambers in the City Hall, in they
City of Dubuque, Iowa and hear
property owners subject to the
assessment and interested parties
for and against the improvement,
its cost, the assessrent thereof, or
the boundaries of the district.
5. The City Clerk is hereby
authorized and directed to cause
public notice of the date, time and
place of hearing to be given by
publication once each week for
two consecutive weeks the first of
which publications shall be not
less than fifteen nor more than,
twenty five days prior to said
hearing and by mailing a copy of
said notice by ordinary mail to
the owners of said property to be
assessed, as shown by the reco-
ards in the office of the County
Auditor not less than fifteen days
prior to said hearing,
Approved on first reading this
16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Kolb moved that
the foregoing resolution be noW
considered complete in form for
final adoption and that the same
be placed on file with the City
Clerk for public inspection. Sec-
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
Whereas, the Final Schedule of
Assessment on the improvement
of Pina~rd Street from 150' south
of South Property Line of East
30th Street to North Property Line
of East 26th Street with a Bitum-
inous Concrete Surface, has been
adopted; and
Whereas, there are clerical er-
rors and ern•ors of official records
of the County,
Now, Therefore, the Council
desires to correct these errors;
Be It Resolved by the City
Council that the following changes
be made: Change Lot 2 of 24,
Westview Sub.-$26.19 -Change
amount to $10.20. Lot 1 of 24-
Westview Sub. $10.20. Change to
$26.19, and the City Clerk and City
Treasurer be directed to change
the records accordingly,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November, 1953.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
K° X _
790 Special Session, November 16, 1953
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Sec
onded by Councilman Welu. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, the Final Schedule of
Assessment on the improvement
of Southern Avenue from the West
Property Line of South Locust
Street to the East Property Line of
Sullivan Street with Bituminous
Concrete, has been adopted; and
Whereas, there are clerical er-
rors and errors of official records
of the County,
Now, Therefore, The Council de-
sires to correct these errors.
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil that the fallowing changes be
made: Change City of Dubuque Lot
1 of 2 of ML 36A to Carl E. Tharp.
Change City of Dubuque Lot 2 of
1-1.4, O'Connor's Sub. to Julius &
Anna Boyer, Lot 1 of 2 of 4, O'Con-
nor's Sub., and the City Clerk and
City Treasurer be directed to
change the records accordingly.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November 1953,
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Welu, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas the Final Schedule of
Assessment on the improvement of
Booth Street from North Property
Line of University Avenue to South
Property Line of Loras Blvd, with
a Bituminous Concrete Surface, has
been adopted; and
Whereas, there are clerical er-
rors and errors of official records
of the County,
Now, Therefore, The Council de-
sires to correct these errors:
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil that the following changes be
James J, & Margaret Gallag-
her, Lot 10 Marsh's Du-
buque No. 2 ............................. $99.71
Change to;
James J. & Margaret Gallag-
her, Lot 1 of 10 Marsh's
Dubuque Na, 2 ....................... 82.35
James J. & Margaret Gallag-
her, Lot 2 of 10 Marsh's
Dubuque No, 2 ....................... 17.36
and the City Clerk and City Treas-
urer be directed to change the rec-
ords accordingly.
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November 1953.
Attest; J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Welu. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas the Final Schedule of
Assessment on the improvement of
Booth Street from North Property
Line of University Avenue to South
Property Line of Loras Blvd. with a
Bituminous Concrete Surface, has
been adopted; and
Whereas, there are clerical er-
rors and errors of official records
of the County,
Now, Therefore, the Council de~
sires to correct these errors:
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil that the following changes be
James J. & Margaret Gal-
lagher: Lot 2.1-1.1.25 Mt.
Pleasant ................................ $158.99
Change to;
James J. & Margaret Gal-
lagher: Lot
Mt. Pleasant .......................... 138.93
James J. & Margaret Gal•
lagher: Lot 2.2-i-1-i-25
Special Session, November 16, 1953 791
Mt. Pleasant ........................ 20.06
and the City Clerk and City Treas-
urer be directed to change the rec-
orris accordingly,
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November 1953.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Welu. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
Whereas, the Final Schedule of
Assessment on the improvement of
East 28th Street from East Prop-
erty Line of Central Avenue to the
west property line of Jackson
Street with a Bituminous Concrete
Surface has been adopted; and
Whereas, there are clerical er-
rors and errrors of official records
of the County,
Now, Therefore, the Council de-
sires to correct these et~ors;
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil that the following changes be
made; Change E. 170' of Lot 359,
Davis Farm Addition to E. 170',
Lot 354, Davis Farm Addition, and
the City Clerk and City Treasurer
be directed to change the records
Passed, adopted and approved
this 16th day of November 1953,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
' City Clerk
Councilman Kolb moved the
' adoption of the resolution, Second-
3 ed by Councilman Welu. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
1 Welu.
Mr. W. J. McNeil, Architect, ad-
dressed the Council on the matter
of construction of a Multiple-story
Parking Building in the downtown
area. Councilman Welu moved that
the City Manager be empowered to
continue discussions with Mr. W. J,
McNeil, Architect, on the matter of
construction of a Multiple-story
Parking Building in the downtown
area. Seconded by Councilman
Kolb. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, Council-
men Kintzinger, Kalb, Schueller,
There being no further business
Councilman Kolb moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Welu, Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Austin, CouncIl-
men Kintzinger, Kolb, Schueller,
J. J. Shea
City Clerk
Approved ................................1954
Adopted ..................................1954
Councilmen: d ..................................
Attest : ........................................
City Clerk