1940 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
For the Year
City Clerk, J, J. SHEA City Solicitor, JOHN J. KINTZINGER
City Manager, A. A. RHOMBERG
City Treasurer- Chief of Police-
City Auditor-
R. P, MARSHALL Health Director-
Chief of Fire Department-
WILLIAl14 L. RYAN Sanitary Officer-
City Electrician- JOSEPH T. SCHARRY
Milk fttspector-
Police Judge- V, F. CHAPMAN
Food and Restaurant Inspector-
Plumbing Inspector- MRS. ALMEDA TIMMONS
Electrical Inspector- Market Master-
Building Commissioner- Recreational Director-
City Assessor- Superintendent of Water Works-
Regular meetings of the City Council are held the ftrst Monday of each
month at 7:30 P. M,
_ ~ ,- r..`
-= k
-- - ~ ~~'~ INDEX-hook 70
j .,
~ 1940 SIIBJECT Page
Feb. 5-Anthoine Louis and Angella, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................. 20
Mar. 20-American Legion Ansiliary, asking permission for the
f holding of annual Poppy Distribution Day ................ 62
f ~~ ~ 27-Auditor of State, relative to annual audit...~ ......................_ 6S
i~ ~ April 1-Appointment of Officers by the City Council .................... 77
" 1-Appointment of Officers and Employees by the City
",' NIanager ................_............................................................. 7S
~ 16-Annual report of City Treasurer ............................................. 89
May G-Amrual report of Librarian of Carnegie-Stoat Free Pub-
y .................... .
6--Annual repo t of Board oP Trustees oP ~ 100
' Carnegie-Stout
~ Free Public Library ........................................................ 100
6-Annual report of City Auditor ..............._..~.........................,,. 102
" 16-American Red Crass, Dubuque County Chapter, request-
. ~', ing permission to string a banner across Main
Street ...................................................................................... 11G
~ ~ ~ Tune 3-Application of City of Dubuque Bridge Company far ap•
~ ~~, a '~ ~ ~ proval of plans of a highway bridge to be construct-
. ed across the Mississippi River, notice of public
'', hearing ................................................................................ 120
" 2S-Avenarius Mrs Catherine, settlement of claim and suit 135
` 23-Anthony Theodore E, and Lillian B., granted Class "B"
~~' beer permit .............:................................~..............,....,....... 139-141
" 23-Apel Merlin, granted cigarette permit .................................... 142
July 15-Altman Franc I~., Notice of Appeal from the action of
the Board of Review ........................................................ 151
~~~'~ ~ lb-Ag~rement between the Interstate Power ,Company and
the City of Dubuque on the value for rate making
purposes of the Dubuque Steam Generating Plant
and the Dubuque Electrical Distribution System as
they existed on October 1, 1938, plus net additions
to December 31, 1933 .......... .........................................:...152.153.154
' Sept. 3-Armstrong John A., granted cigarette permit .................... 201
" 3-Armstrong John A, and Harriet M„ granted Class "B"
~~ ~~ beer permit .,...~ .................................................................... 201-202
Nov. 26-Allison William B, and David B. I3enderson Memorial
'I'', purchase of Lot 1 Pinehurst fm' said purpose............ 23G-237
Dec. 1S-Arp H. C., notice of claiut ............................................ ....... 24G
i i
~ I
- ..JI;---_-_-. -. ______ -
INDEX-Gook 70 INDEX-Oool< 70
1940 SUBJECT Page 1940 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 8- Bakers Local No. 307, requesting appointment of John 3 -Board of Trustees of Carnegie-Stout Free Public Library
Schaetzle as a member of Police and Fire Com• et al, requesting the vacation of that portion of the
mission ................................................................................. 11 alley lying between Bluff and Locust Streets and
Feb, 5 -Barbers' Local, requesting appointment of John Schaet• abutting City Lot 658A on the one side and City
zle as a member of Police and Fire Commission........ 13 Lots 658, 659 and 660 on the other side ...............122.132-156.167
" 5- Benzer Lester, reappointed as a member of Board of 3 -Board of Trustees of Carnegie-Stout Free Public Library
Fire and Police Pension System .................................... 16 ~~ stating that they are opposed to the granting of the
" 26- Blondin John R. et al, requesting the installation of a petition of the Chamber of Commerce Parking Com-
street light ou Roosevelt Street ...................................... 24.31 ' mission for the use of City Lots at Eleventh and
Mar. 4- Budget for the fiscal year of April 1, 1940 to March 31, Locust Streets fm• parking purposes ............................ 122
1941 .......................................... 3 -Beaves George L, excavation bond....,..................................... 122 58.59.60-61 28 -Bake Mrs. Catherine, notice of claim
.................~ .........
Y 129.175
" 4 -Barrett H. L., granted Class "B" beer permit ...................... 45 28 ~
-Board of Dock Commissioners certif ing the amount
" 2D -Board of Trustees of Oarnegie•Stout Free Public Library, of $18,957.00 as the amount needed for the Depart-
requesting that the estimate of receipts from sources ment of Public Docks for the fiscal year of April i,
other than taxes be changed in the budget to 1941 to March 31, 1942 .................................................... 130
$2,500.00 ................................................................................ 48 28 -Board of Trustees of the Public Library certifying the
" 2D -Becker Mrs. Barbara, notice of claim .................................. 61.91 amount of $33,231.00 as the amount needed for
" 20 -Berendes Floyd D., notice of claim .......................................: 61.82 Library purposes for the fiscal year of April 1, 1941
,~ 20 -Burke R, J., excavation bond ................. .............................. 63 to March 31, 1942...,.................. .............................
" 20 -Buechel Louis, excavation bond .............................................. fi3 >>
28 -Board of Trustees of the Dubuque Fire Pension and Re-
" 20 -Brawnier Frank G., excavation bond .................................... G3 tirement System certifying the amount of $22,828.00
" 20 -Busch Mary, Administratrix of the Estate of Herman H, as the amount needed for the Fire Pension and
Busch, settlement of claim and suit .............................. fi5.66 ' Retirement System for the fiscal year of April 1,
" 27 -Baumhover Ben L., requesting the re-zoning of the pro- 1941 to March 31, 1942 .................................................... 131
perty of Mrs. Maly Fuchs and daughter, Clarice 28 -Board of Trustees of the Dubuque Police Pension and
Bamnhover, located on Highway No. 20 near the Retirement System certifying the amount of
intersection of Fremont Avenue...._ ................................ 69.88 $15,148.00 as the amount needed for the Police Pen-
April 1- Board of Review, appointment of members ........................ 77 sion and Retirement System for the fiscal year of
1G -Bierring Walter L., Health Commissioner, State Depart- April 1, 1941 to March 31, 1942 ........................................ 131
ment of Health, extending invitation to local health 28 -Board of Review, report for the year 1940 ............................ 133
officer to attend meeting of Iowa Public Health Asso• 28 -Bowman Lloyd and Frances, granted Class "B" beer
ciation .................................................................................... 87 permit
" 1G -Board of Education, objecting to the rezoning of any pro- ' 28 -Berntgen Frank
H. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" beer
perty for commercial purposes in the vicinity of the permit ...................
Washington Junior High School ..................................... 87 28- Bertsch Jos J. and A. J. Berntgen, granted Class "B" beer
" 16 -Brummer A. L., suspencion of 1939 taxes ............................ 89.103.104 permit ..........,........... 139-141
" 1G -Bethke Otto F., Electrical hrspector, hood of ...................... 9D
Buelow Clarence C. and Adele, grant
ed Class "B" beer
" 1G -Berg Payson, granted cigarette permit .................................. 93 permit 139.141
May 6 -Boyer Julius et al, requesting that water mains be 28- Brodeur Norbert W. and Catherine, granted Class "B"
placed on Samuel Street, and also that the Health beer permit ......................................................................... 140.141
Department's attention be called to the homes on 28- Berwick George and Florence, granted Class "B" beer
Southern Avenue without toilet facilities .................. 97-112 permit 140.141
6 nary,
-Board of Trustees of Carnegie-Stout Free Public Lih 28- Beerman John and" Mathilda, granted Class "B" beer
amiual repm•t ..................................
.. 100 Permit ................................................................................... 140.141
" 6 -Baumgartner C. and J., granted cigarette petwit_........,. 106
Bradley Elmer R„ granted cigarette permit ......................
" 6
-Barrett Mrs. Ethel Mae, granted Class "B" beer permit
106 28-
28- Baumgartner Carl and John, granted cigarette permit......
Blum Morris, granted cigarette permit ................................. 141
" 6 -Board of Health, Special Session .......................................... 108 28- Bertsch Jos. J., granted cigarette permit.................,.......... 142
" 13 -Brauhn C. D„ Mayor of East Dubuque, Illinois, express- 28- Billis Gust, granted cigarette permit ................................. 142
ing appreciation far assistance given by the Du- 28- Baumhover B. L., granted cigarette permit ........................ 142
buque Fire Department and requesting that in the ~~ 28- Buelow Clarence C„ granted cigarette permit ................ 142
future the Fire Chief of Dubuque be permitted 28- Brodem• Norbert W., granted cigarette permit.............,., 142
to seed equipment without delay ................................... 109 ~ ~~ 28- Braun Henry C., granted cigarette permit...............,...... 142
" 13
-Bicycle ordinance, City Solicitor instructed to prepare an 28- Beerman Jahn, granted cigarette permit ............................ 14Z
ordinance for Comicil consideration and discussion. 109-127-136 28- Beck Jolm C., granted cigarette permit ........................... 142
June 3
-Board of Education objecting to the adoption of the 28- Barrett Mi°s, Ethel, granted cigarette permit ...................... 142
m~dinance creating' and establishing a Board of Ex- Juiy 1- Board of Health, Special Session ........................................ 148
amining Engineers ............................................. 121 15- Budget Estimate of Expenditures for the fiscal year be-
" 3
-Bartels Roy, et al, requesting fire protection for their
~ ginning April 1, 1941 and ending March 31, 1942, as
a basis for the tax levy for the year 1940..
property known as Crystal Balhbom .............................. 121
" 16- ..
Bennett George, Gity Assessor, bond of ..............................
INDEX-Book 70 INDEX-Boo!< 70
1940 ~ SUBJECT Page 1940 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 5-Board of Dock Commissioners, requesting vacation of 16- City Council, Special Session .................................................. 114
streets and alleys located iu the River Front Iur June 3- City Council, Regular Session ............................................... 119
provement Wharf Property between East Eighth 3- Chief of Police, submitting recommendation for revoca-
Avenue and the Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge Com- tion of Class "B" beer permit of Mrs, Anna Kirk-
pany from Cypress Street east to the Mississippi y patrick ................................................................................... 119.120
River and also to have the property which is allocat- 3- Cholvin Mary, notice of claim ............................................... 121
ed to the Allison-Henderson Park revert to the City 3- City Manager, submitting verbal reeonmleudatiou that
for other uses ......~ . ...............................................171.198-19 9-240.241 street lights be installed mr Edina Street west of
" 6-Breithaupt Philip, excavation bond ......................................_ 174 Alta Vista Street, on South Locust Street between
" b-Bellevue Addition, Lots 30-31-22, 2 of 60 and 2 of 51, au- ~. Southern Avenue and Rowan Street, at Hamilton
thorizing and approving the sale of said lots by Street and Lincoln Avenue, at West Thirtieth
Dubuque Couuty .................................................................. 176-177 and Lemon Street ..........,...,....,,....,....,..,.....................,..... 122
Sept. 3-Billis Gust, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................ 201-202 ~ 3- Claims for month of April, 194D, proof of pubiicatiou........ 122
" 3-Berwick Nlrs. Florence, transfer of address of Class "B" 3 -Civil Sea•vice Commission, submitting eligible list for
beer permit ......................................................................... 201-202 ~ appointment to positions on Fire Department....,..... 123-124
Oct. 7-Brandt George H., requesting suspension of 1939 taxes _. 212-219 3- Civil Service Conunission, submitting eligible list for
" 7-Baumgartner Carl and John, granted Class "B" beer appointment to positions on Police Department...... 124
permit .............................................................................. 214-215 3- Chief of Police, submitting recommendation for revoca-
Nov. 4-Barrington Wm, and Glenn Miller, granted Class `B"
tion of Class "B" beer permit of Carl McDermott.,..
permit .. ..... ........ 227 28- City Council, Special Session . ....,... ... ....... ........ 123
" 4-Blum Morris and Margaret, granted Class "B" beer per- 28- Conlon James A., requesting' a refund of penalties and
nut 227 [ excess interest charges paid on redemption of tax
" 4-Board of Health, Special Session ......................................... 229 sale certificate against Lots 47, 48, 49 and 50 of t~uig•
" 4-Board of Health, reports submitted upon investigations ley's Sub .............................................................................. 129-152
and inspections made at the General Insulating and 28 -Conlon R. F. Sous Construction Company, requesting
and Manufacturing Company Rock Wool Plant and Council approval of plat of a proposed Subdivision
also in the vicinity of the factm~ies which mauufac- to be known as "Conlon Court" ..................................... 130-157.155
ture millwork iu regard to the condition of the 28- Council Proceedings for month of March, 1940, approved
air ........................................................................................229.23D-231 ' as printed ............................................................................. 133
Dec. 2-Brown Mrs. Robert J., notice of clahn..,..,....~ .................. 239 28- Council Proceedings for mouth of April, 1940, approved
" 2-Board of Dock Commissioners, requesting the vacatimr as printed .............................................................................. 133
of certain streets and alleys in Dubuque Harbor Im• ~ 28 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
provement Company's Addition ...................................... 241 City Water Department, reports for month of May,
„ 2-Brawnier Frank G., excavation policy ................................ 242 1940 ..............................................................,,...................... 133
" 18-Bennett Gem•ge, submitting his resignatimi as City 28- Claims for month of May, 1940 .............................................. 133
Assessor ................................................................................ 246-257 28 -City Manager, submitting data to aid the Council in
' studying the matter of response of the City of Dn-
buque Fire Department to fires outside the corporate
limits ...................................................................................... 134
" 28 -Cunningham Leo and John M. Thompson, granted Class
<<B„ beer permit ................................................................. 139-140
" 28 -Childers Fi°ank W. and Rosella, granted Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................................... 139-140
0 23 -Cooper Fred H. and F. A. Lambe, granted Class "B" beer
permit ............................................................................................ 140.141
" 28- Capretz Chris and William Lembke, granted Class "B"
beer permit .......................................................................... 140-141
" 28 -Cosley William and Maggie, granted Class "B" beer
permit .......................................................................................... 140-141
" 23- Childers F. W., granted cigarette permit ............................ 142
" 28 -Cocper Fred H. and Frank A. Lambe, granted cigarette
permit ................................................................................... 142
" 2S- Clesen William J., granted cigarette permit ...................... 142
" 28 -Chicago, Mihvaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com-
pony, notified to repair railroad crossings on This°-
~~ teeuth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seven-
. teeuth Streets ..................................................................... 143
" 28- Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, notified to
repair railroad crossings on Thirteenth, Fourteenth,
Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Streets...,........ 143
t July 1 -City Council, Regular Session..~ ........................................... 145
s 16 -City Council, Special Session ............................................... 150
IND~.X-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
j 'i
f II
. .
" 15- Claims for mouth of Niay, 1940, proof of publication........ 152
15- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Department, reports for month of June,
~ 155
15- Clauns for month of June, 1940 ........................... 155
" 23- City Couneil, Speefal Sessimr .................................................. 162
" 23- Cunningham John A., notice of claim .................................. 164
" 23- Couneil Proceedings for the month of May, 1940, ap-
proved as printed .... ....................
..................... 105
Aug. 5- ...............
City Council, Regular Session .....,.... .... 169
" 5- Claims for mmith of June, 1940, proof of publication........ 174
" 6- City Nlanag~er, recommending that a warrant in the
amount of $745.44 he ordered drawn on the Ifnprove-
ment Fund iu favor of County Treasurer to pay for
the deficiencies in special assessments against Lots
11 and 12 of Sisters Addition and against Lots 24,
25 and 26 of Babcock's Subdivision ............................ 174.175
" 5 -City Lot 14, authorizing and approving the sale of said
lot by Dubuque County .............................................. .... 17G-177
" 5 -Clesen Wm. J., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 177-173
" 6 -Contract bettiveen City of Dubuque and the Park Board
of the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Stmie Pro-
ducts Company ...................................._.......,....,.....,......17 5-179.180
" 5 -Contract and agreement between City of Dubuque and
Dubuque Packing Company ......................................... 181.182
y 180
Sept. 2- y
Council, Regula
Crt 193
" 3 -City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ....................... 194
" 3 -Cunningham John A., original notice of suit ........................ 195
" ~
' f June, 194D, appr
-Councti Proceedings for month a oved
as printed 190
" 3 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Departineut, reports for month of July,
1940 ........................................................................................ 199
" 3 -Claims for month of July, 194U .............................................. 199
" 6 -City Council, Special Session ................................................... 203
" 6 -Council Proceedings for the month of July, 1940, ap-
proved as printed ............................................................... 203
" 13 -City Council, Special Session .................................................. 204
" 13 -Claims for month of July, 1940, proof of publication....... 204
" 13 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Department and City Recreational De-
partment, reports for month of August, 1940.,.....,..,. 209
" 13 -Claims fm- month of August, 1940.~....~ ...................................... . 209
Oct. 7- City Council, Regular Session ................................................. 211
" 7 -Colley Ray J., original notice of suit._ ................................. 211
" 7- -Cholvin Mary, original notice of suit._ ............................... 211
" 7 -Collinson George B., requesting cancellation of 1939 taxes 213-219
" 7 -Claims for month of August, 1940, proof of publication.... 213
" 7 -Clancy Mrs. Margaret, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 214.215
u 216
21 nlonth of Ang~u
st, 1940, ap-
Proceedings fot
-Conn il
proved as printed ............................................................. 217
" 21 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Recreational Departtent, reports for month oP
September, 1940 ............................................ ..................... 217
" 21 -Claims for month of September, 1940 ..................................... . 217
" 21 -Cunningham Leo V, and J. M. Thompson, granted efgar-
ette Permit .......................................................................... 219
" 21 -Church of the Nativity, granted permission to erect a
banner across Julien Avenue at Alpine Street............ 221
" 29 -City Council, Special Session ...................... ........................ 22i
I~1D~X-hook 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 1- city Council, Regular Session ................. .............................. 1
" 2- City Council, Adjourned Regular Session .......................... 2
" 2- Claims for month of November°, 1939, proof of publica-
t10ll .....................................................................................~.... 2
" 2- Camp Street from Main Street to Salina Street, estab-
a lisping a grade on ............................................................ 4
" 2- Charter Street from Main Street to Salina Street, estab-
is unb a grade on .............................. 4
2- Canfield Hotel, granted Class "B" beer permit 5
" S- City Cauucil, Special Session ................................................. 9
" S- Correll Jos. F, Supt. of Fire Alarm System, requesting
that his name he placed upon the rolls of the Fire
Department for pension purposes .. ............................... 11.123
` Feb. 5 -City Council, Regular Session ................................................ 13
" b- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Department, reports for month of De-
cember, 1939 ..............._...,....,....,...............,.............,......,.... 14
" b- Claims for month of December, 1939 .................................... 14
" 5 -City Solicitor, report anti inventory covering work for
tue period April, 1938 to January, 1940 ...................... 17
" 5- Council Proceedings for the month of November, 1939,
approved as printed ........................................................ 18
" 5 -Council Proceedings for the month of December, 1939,
approved as printed .... ......................_.....,....................., 18
" 5- Clancy Mrs. Margaret and Dorrance, transfer of address
of Class "B" beer permit ............................................... 20
" 5 -Council Proceedings Por the year 1939, bids for the print-
? 9ug of the index and binding of same ..,...... ............... 20-24
` 26 -City Council, Special Session ................................................ 22
` 26 -Chase Mrs. VV. C., notice of claim ................................... 22.113
" 26 -County Auditor, advising Gouucil that Dubuque County
is about to take Treasurer's Deed on several hundred
pieces of property purchased at scavenger sale or
under the public bidders statute and asking Council
to give blanket authority to the Board of Supervisors
to sell same for less than the amount of taxes.,........ 23
" 26 -Conran Hudson Company et al, requesting elimination
of the one hom• parking restriction in front of their
respective places of business ou all cars bearing
Dealer's Plates ...................................................................... 24
" 26 -Claims for month of December, 1939, proof of pubh-
cation .......... ........................................................................... 24
;. 26 -Claims for inoutn of January, 1940 .................................... 24
" 26 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Department, reports for month of Jan-
nary, 1940 .............................................................................. 24
Mar. 4- City Council, Regular Session ............................................... 29
" 4 -Clark Garl A, requesting a refund on his cigarette per-
: mit .......................................................................................... 30
" 4 -Council Proceedings for mouth of January, 194Q, ap-
proved as printed ................................................................ 31
" 4 -Consolidated tax levy, appropriated in ratio to the Gen-
- eral, Grading, Improvement, Sewer and Light Funds 32
" 16 -City Council, Special Session .................................................... 47
" 20 -City Council, Special Session .................................................. 48
~~ 20 -Carroll Cm•ran J., notice of claim _............~ ........................ 61.86.104
" 20 -Claims for month of January, 1940, proof of publication 62
" 20 -Civil Service Commission, submitting report on examina-
tfonheld for eligible list for appointment to the past-
: tion of Sewer Foreman ...................................................... G3
i ~ ~',
INDEX-Book 70
" 20-City Auditor, Ci~,~ Treasurer, City Water Department,
City Health Department, reports for month of Feb-
rua,ry, 1940 ...........................................................................
" 20-Claims for month of February, 1940 ....................................
" 20-Cleaver Edward T., excavation bond ....................................
26-City Council, Special Session ...................................................
27-City Council Special Session ....................................................
" 27-Callaghan James J, making application far appointment
ou the Board of Review ........... .....................................
" 27-Civil Service Commission, submitting report on examin•
ation held for eligible list for appointment to the
position of assistant Engineer at Pumping Station
April i-City Council, Regular Session ......................_........................
" 1-Clemens W. M., Park Commissioner, hood of .~ ..................
" 1-Continental Casualty Company, Certificate of Compli-
ance for the transaction of Fidelity and Surety
business ................................................................................
" 1-Clemens W. M., objecting to the re-zoning of the Fre-
mont Avenue and Dodge Street residential district
" 16-City Council, Special Session ...................................................
" 16-Carpender William, calling attention of Council to the
condition of sidewalk at the corner of. Pear and Rush
Streets ...................................................................................
" 16-Chamber of Conuneree Parking Commission, requesting
the use of City Lots at Eleventh and Locust Streets
for parking purposes .........................................................
" 1G-Council Proceedings for month of February, 1940, ap-
proved as printed ..............................................................
" 16-Claims for mmith of February, 1940, proof of publication
" 16--City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Department, reports for month of March,
1940 .......................................................................................
" 16-Claims for month of March, 1940 .........................................
i6-City Treasurer, annual report ................................................
16-City Manager Rhornberg, submitting report on applica-
tion of Dr. W. J. Connell for appointment as Health
Director ................................................................................
" 16-Chief of Police, submitting recommendation for revoea-
tion of Class "B" beer permit of John Grommersch .
" 16-Chief of Police, submitting recommendation for revoca-
tion of Class "B" beer permit of Anna Heiar ................
" 16-Chief of Police, submitting recommendation for revoca-
tion of Class "B" beer permit of Anton Fortman....
112ay 6-City Council, Regular Session ................................................
" 6-Chamberlain I. C. and Son, requesting return of the
Excavation Bond of F, J. Rellihan ..............................
" 6-Cunningham Clem D, and Alma, grant and easement....
" 6--Claims far month of March, 1940, proof of publication....
" 6-City of Dubuque financial report for the fiscal year end-
ing March 31, 1940, proof of publication ........................
° 6-City Auditor, annual report ....................................................
" 6-City Solicitm• instructed to prepare a resolution of ac-
ceptance on the awarding of the Safety Plaque to
the City of Dubuque ........................................................
" 13-City Council, Special Session ..................................................
" 13-City Auditor, City Treasm°er, City Health Department,
City Water Department, reports for the month of
April, 1940 ............................................................................
13-Claims for month of April, 1940 ................. ........................
" 13-City Solicitor instructed to prepare a proper resolution
commending the Fire Department for their record
for the year 1939 ..............................................................
INDEX-Book 70
1940 ®SUBJECT Page
July 1 -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, calling attention
of the City Council to a condition existing at the
Rock Wool Factory and requesting that something
be done to alleviate this condition ............................ 148
" 15 -Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Notice of
Appeal from the action of the Board of Review............ 151
" 15 -Dugan Charles S., granted cigarette permit ........................ 159
" 15 -Dubuque Packing Company, requesting the vacation of
East Seventeenth Street from Cedar Street to Syca-
more Street; the vacation of the alley lying between
Cedar and Sycamore Streets from East Sixteenth
Street to East Eighteenth Street; the construction
of a switch track on Cedar Street; the construction
of loading platforms and other improvements upon
a contemplated program of expanding its present
'~ -Dubuqu
Packing Company, contract au
d agreement
with the City of Dubuque to reconstruct and rebuild
the surface water drainage system ou East Seven-
teenth Street at or near Cedar Street ...................... 162
" 23 -Dubuque Packing Company, requesting that permission
be granted to the Trustees of the Chicage, Milwau-
kee and St, Paul Raihvay Company, its successors
and assigns, the riglrt and authority to construct,
maintain and operate an industry track as shown
on attached blue print, said track to service the
Dubuque Packing Company .............................................. 163-164
" 23 -Dubuque Fire Department, requesting that they be
placed on a seventy-two hour work week instead of
their present eighty-fom• hour work week .................. 164
" 23 -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting the
City Council to consider a 72-hour week for the
Fire Fighters ........................................................................ 164
Aug. 5- Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition, Lots 10 and 11
of Sub. of '4pest i/Z of Bloclz 1 authorizing and ap-
proving the sale of said lots by Dubuque Countq.... 17G-177
" 5 -Dubuque Stone Products Company, contract and agree-
, went with the City of Dubuque and the Park Board
of City of Dubuque ..........................................................17 8.179.180
" 5 -Dubuque Packing Company, contract and agreement
with the City of Dubuque .............................................. 181-182
" 9 -Dubuque Policemen's Protective Association, requesting
permission to erect a banner across Main Street at
Fifth Street .......................................................................... 189
Sept. 3- Doty Albert, Jr, et al, requesting the surfacing of Halo
Street west of Algona Street ........................................ 195
Oct. 7- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress et al, protesting
with the thought of seeking relief from the heavy
prevalence of mill dust in the atmosphere in the
vicinity oP the factories which manufacture mi11-
work ..................................................................................... 211.230
7- Duccini Edward J. and Mabel, granted Class °B" beer
permit ................................................................................... 214-215
" 21- Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company, Quit Claim
Deed to the City of Dubuque conveying all that part
of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 11 in Dubuque Har-
bor finprovement Company's Addition, lying north-
- erly of a line located 70 feet perpendicularly dis-
tant northerly from and parallel with the center
line of the Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company's
' main tt•ack, as now located .........................~....................,. 217
4 I
s 1
INDEX-Book 70
1940 ~ SUBJECT ~ Page
Nov. 14-Dubuque Metal Trades Council Cluh, grouted cigarette 234
permit ............................_...... _............................................
Dec. 18-Duffy, Charley S., notice of claim ..........................................
" 18-Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association, requesting per-
mission for the holding of a Bangle Sale .................. 246-247
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
Nov. 4- City Council, Regular Session ................................................ 225
" 4 -Carter Julia, notice of c]aim .................................................... 225
" 4 -Chicago, Mihvaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Com-
pany, proposed agreement in lieu of opening their
raihroad crossing on Eighteenth Street ...................... 225
" 14 -City Council, Special Session ..............._................................ 232
" 14 -Claims for month of September, 194D, proof of publica-
tion .......................................................................................... 234
" 14 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
City Water Department, City Recreational Depart-
ment, reports for the month of October, 1940............ 234
14- Claims for month of October, 1940.~ ...................................... 234
" 26- City Council, Special Session ..................... .......................... 235
Dec. 2- City Council, Regular Session ..................... ............................ 239
" 2- Carter Frank, administrator of the Estate of Julia Car-
ter, notice of amended claim .......................................... 239
" 2- Council Proceedings for the month of September, 1940,
approved as printed ................................._...................... 241
" 2- Claims for month of October, 1940, proof of publication 241
" 2- Curtis-Straub Company, excavation policy .......................... 242
" 18- City Council, Special Session ......................~_......,................... 246
" 18- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
City Water Department and City Recreational De-
partment, reports for month of November°, 1940 ................ 265
" 18- Claims for month of November, 1940 ................................ 265
" 18- Corbett J. G., granted cigarette permit .................................. 255
" 18- Clark Carl A., appointed Deputy Assessor ........................ 257
" 18- Chamber of Commerce, City Manager Rhomberg in-
structed to send an appropriate letter congratulating
them on the noble effort they are making to bring
the J. P. Smith Shoe Industry to the City ................ 257
~ ~~ ~~~~
~ ~''
- ~l~i ''-
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
Jan, 2-Dttccini Edward J. and Mabel, transfer of address of
Class •`B" beer permit ..................................................... 5
" 2- Dodge Street from the intersection of Dodge and Bluff
Streets to the City Limits, recommendations of the
Planning and Zoning Commission far zoning of same
....................................... ~ "' 5.619.22.26.30
" 8- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting the
n Schaetzle as a member of Po•
appointment of Joh
lice and Fire Conunission ................................................ 1D
" 8- Dubuque Building Trades Council, requesting the ap-
pointtuent of Johu Schaetzle as a member of Police
and Fire Commission ......................................................... 10
Feb. 5- Duncan Dale, granted cigarette Permit .............................. 19
" 26- Dubuque Master Plumbers' Assn, and Dubuque Journey-
men Plumbers' Local submitting additions and pro-
posed changes to Plumbing Ordinance .......................... 23
Mar. 4- Daughters of Civil War veterans, requesting permis-
sion for the holding of a Flag Tag Day ........................ 29
" 4- Dubuque Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union, re-
questing a permft to sponsm~ a carnival on the
greunds outside of Athletic Field .................................. 30
" 20- DeSotel Lemta, notice of claim .....................................61.86.16 4.175.176
" 20- Dubuque Master Plumbers' Association, submitting addi-
tion and proposed changes to the Plumbers' Ordi-
nance .................................................................................... 62
April 1- Depositories of public funds, appointment of banks........ 7S
" 1- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that
the Dubuque Leader be made an official newspaper
far the City of Dubuque .................................................... 80
" 1- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, endorsing J. M.
Conley for appoiutlnent as a member of Board of
Review .................................................................................. 80
" 1 -Dock Bonds in the amount of $8,500,00 to be issued
~~~° 82.83.84-36.97.11
............................... . 4.115116
16 ng that they be allowed to con-
-Dura Steve et al, requests
tinue their market stands on Iowa Street in the
vicinity of the City Hall .................................................... 89
" 16 -Demlcier Geraldine L., Secretary to City Manager, bond
of ...................................................................................... 90
May 6 -Dubuque Metal Trades Council, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 105.106
" 6 -Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 105106
June 3 -Duttle Ray E., granted Class "C" beer permit............... 126
" 28 -Dr. Pepper Bottling Company, requesting that the ordi-
nance be amended regulating license fees exacted
for use of Heir vending machines ................................ 130
" 28 -Dubuque Park Board, certifying the amount of $23,446.10
as the amount needed for Park purposes for the
fiscal year April 1, 1941 to March 31, 1942 .................... 131
" 28 -Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition Lots 16 and 17 in
the Subdivision of West 1/2 of Block 1, approving of
sale of said lots to Mary G, Schroeder by Dubuque
County ................................................................................... 138.139
" 28 -Donahue James and Persis, granted Class "B" beer
permit 140.141
" 28 -Diatuond's Grill, Inc., granted cigarette permit ................. 142
28 .............................
-Duncan Dale, granted cigarette permit 142
" 28 -Duccini Edward, granted cigarette permit ........................ 142
" 28 -Donahue James and Persis, granted cigarette permit.... 142
INDEX-Book 70
Feb. 26-Erschen Robert, notice of claim .................................. .... .
26-Election of March 25th, 1940, voting places selected..,...
Mar. 16-Election of March 25th, 1940, canvassing petitions for
nominations for Councilmen and Park Commissioner
" 16-Election of 14Iarch 25th, 1940, Judges and Clerks ap-
pointed .......,...._ ................................................................
- ectton of March 25th,194Q canvass of vote c
" 26-Election of March 25th, 1910, Judges and Clerks pay-
„ meat for services .............. ........................... ast ....,........
April 1-Eberhardt Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J., objectiug~ to the
re-zoning of the Fremont Avenue and Dodge Street
residential district ..................._..........,...,....,.,...................
May G-English Lane Subdivision, approval of plat .....................
June 28-Emergency tax, resolution and application for authority
to levy .................._...,................,,....,,....,..,..........................
" 2S-Eppler Elmer and Eileen, granted Class "B" beer per
tnit ................................................:........................................
" 28-Eisenegger Artlmr J., granted Class "B" beer permit...
" 28-Eagles' Club, granted Class "B" Club permit ................
" 28-Elks' Glub, granted Class "B" Club permit .....~ ...................
" 28-Eagles' Club, granted cigarette permit _ ...........................
„ 28-Elks' Club, granted cigarette Permit.......~ ..........................
" 28-Eppler Ender, granted cigarette permit .............................
" 28-Eiclmtan Arthur H., granted cigarette permit ................
" 28-Eisenegger Arthur J., granted cigarette permit ..................
" 28-Ender A. J., granted two cigarette permits ........................
" 28-Eichhorn Charles M., granted cigarette permit ................
Ang. 6-Emergency Feud, application for permanent transfer
of $7,330.00 to the Grading Fund .................~...,..........
Oct. 21-Election of November 5th, 194Q voting places selected
Nov. 26-Emergency Fund, resolution and application for au-
thority to transfer the sum of $12,025.OD frmn said
fund to the Grading Fund and the sum of $14,162.50
from said fund to the Improvement Fund......_........
IIUDEX--Boole 70 INDEX-Book 70
I 1940
~ ''
~ Jan. 8 -French R~Irs. R. A., also petitions of property owners,
j ~ requesting that the 1900 block ou Delhi Street from Feb, 26 -General Municipal Election, voting places selected.... 26
Auburn Street to West Fourteenth Street
be re-
-Grimme Henry and Elizabeth, granted Class "B" beer
I ~
„ zoned ......,. 9.11.18 permit .... ....,, .. 45
~ ~ 8 -Freund A A, et al requesting that Rafferty Slough be 4 -Grab Erwin M., granted Class "C" beer permit 45
" 8
flooded far skating rink purposes ....................................
-Farrell Edward, Ambulance Driver
requesting that his
9 ~
-General Municipal Election, canvassing petitions for
~ ,
olls of Fire Department for pen-
~~ nominations for Councilmen and Park Commissioner....
' ' 47
~ I
~ stun urposes
16 Election, Judges and Clerks appoint-
-General Mmnc
~~ ~
~~~~~~' Feb. 5 ..
-Fl nn Jose
Y p q ting suspension of 1939 taxes....
~ .....................................................................
settlement of claiul
-Ceske Mrs. Rose 47-43
~ Mar. 4 -Fischbach Hubert M, and Mae, granted Class "B" beer 2fi ,
-General Municipal Election, canvass of votes cast...,.... 67
'li '
~ ~
27 permit .................................................... ...........................
-Forward E. G., mal~ing application fm• re-appointment as 45
~~ 26 -General Municipal Election, Judges and Clerks, pay-
a member of Board of Review ........... ......................
..., .. 68
16 meat for services ...............................................................
-Grommersch Jahn
recommendation of Chief of Police 68
~I '
~ ~ ~
~ 27
il 1 -Fischbach Hubert M, and Mae, granted cigarette permit
t A
d D
d 72 - ,
for the revocation of his Class "B" beer permit........
, pr remon
venue an
ge Street residential district, May G -Grant and Easement
Clem D, and Alma Cunniug~ham to
i i
,~ objections to the re-zoning of said district ................ 80.87-38 ,
City of Dubuque .._...._...._,,,...,. 100
~ 16 -Fortman Anton, recommendation of Chief of Police for
f hi
" '
~ 6- -Gantert Harry N, and Lucille, granted Class "B" beer
' e revoca
on o
beer permit............ 92
~ permit 105-106
~ May 6 -Financial report for the fiscal year ending March 31,
-Gleasml Mrs. Katherine
et al
requesting the installation
~~~ ~i ~
13 1940, proof of publication....
_ ..................._..;.................
-Fleege Joseph, et al, requesting Council assistance in 100 ,
oY a street light on the lower end of Edina Street,... 109.122
'~ having old route No
20 marked as City Route
~~ 16 -Grandview Avenue, prohibiting heavily laden vehicles
No. 20 . .. ......
109 over five tons nl welg~ht, including weight of vehicles,
June 3 ....
..... . „ ....,.........
-Freiburger Nick, Mayor of Town of Sageville
re- from traveling over said street.,
questing that fire protection be extended to the town Juue 28 -General Insulating and Manufaeturmg CompauY Roek
of Sageville, Iowa ....... ..
. :.
121 Wool Plant, complaint from per sous living in the
3 .
... ...
-Frith E, E. Co, Inc., requesting fire protection for the neighborhood charging that the gases front said
Frith Fertilizing Works on the Sageville Road........
121 plant were interfering with their health and the
" 3
Hopkins Company, granted cigarette permit............
126 ~~ health of their children and requesting Council
28 g
-Fle .
W~ • B•
h action on the eliminat said gases ........................
g of
Stpeet ~~ " 28 -
requesting ~~~~~~~~
-Lotto John W. et al
that Stoltz Street be -
and tlantic Street from West Fourteen
.. .. th Street
to Filhnore Street ...................
128.156 ,
repaired and given a coating of oil ........................._...
" 130-156-156
~ S
~ .
-Fortmau Anton, granted Class "B" beer per ~~~~~°~~~
139.140 28 -Graff Michael J, and Neda, granted Class
beer per-
28 .
-Flynn John D, and Gussle, granted Class B" beer per-
28 mit ..........................................................................................
-Gala Dominick and Alice
granted Class "B" beer permit 139-140
23 mit ......................_...............................,...,,...........,.................
-Flielc Morns B., g~rauted cigarette permlt ......................... 139.141
28 ,
and Frances, granted Class "B"
-Grommersch Johu J.
Ford Hopkins Compan routed ci arette ermit........
y' g g p
beer permlt ........ .....
grouted cigarette permlt
-Gantert Harry N. 14D-141
~I _
-~reymann L. A, and Ira L. Smith, granted cigarette
pet ~ " 28 ,
...._ ................
-Gala Dominick, granted cigarette permit, .....,. 142
~ ~ ~
A 28 mlt ....
-Falkenhainer Charles, granted cigarette permit.
, 142 ~
142 ~ 28 -General Sales Co., granted cigarette permit ....................... 142
23 .....
-Finch Alfieri, granted cigarette permit ...............
142 28 -Grommersch John J., granted cigarette permit .............. 142
" 28- ....
Fortinau Anton, granted cigarette permit ........
142 ` 28 -erode Harry, granted cigarette permit ..................._...,..... 142
" 28- .
Fischbach Hubert M. and NIae, granted cigarette per-
-Gulick Floris J., suspension of last half of 1939 taxes........
d T
l St
h P
~ nilt .............. ~....._......
- u
nc., gra
e per.
July 1 ..,...~...,......
-Flynn Thomas L„ submitting an offer in the am
ount of
16- mit ...............,...............................,.....
granted Class "B" beer permit
-Carle Mrs. Bernice 159
$150.00 for the purchase of Lot 1 of 9 of Union Ad-
diti Aug, 5
-Grading Fund, application for the p
ermanent transfer
1- on ....._ ..............................................................................
Foley Minnie, ordered to connect Lot 81 of Cook's Ad• 145.167
of $7,330.00 from the Emergency Fund ........................
d Cl
"B" b
ditiou with the sanitary sewer,.._..... ..................
148 ~
a, gran
eer perm
Ang. 5- .....
Fritschel Esther E, si
Y p
h '
~ Oct, 21 -Grabow Carl L., Director of Recreation, requesting per-
I ~
ment, bond ..........................
i 174 mission for the holding of a street parade and a
I~ i Sept. 3- Flit
he continuat
on oft
l street dance on night of October 31st ........................ 217
I public 1 and coucerts
ogle Poirot Park ................
196 „
-Grasser Emil, approval of sale of Lots 109.110-111.112-
Fautsch Louis F., Police Judge, bond .................................
Ham's Addition by Du-
yot 1 of 115 of
~ ° 6- Fett Lena, notice of claim ........................................................ 203 Couut
.... ,.,.., ...
buque 220
! '„
I Nov. 4- Frith E. E. Cmnpany, by E. T. Frith, advising Council 29 -Grotkin Ethel and Austin, Quit Claim Deed ...................... 222
f?~d that the agreement as proposed by the Chicago, Mil• Nov. 2fi- Grading Fund, resolution and application for authority
I nvaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company in to transfer the sum of $12,025.00 from the Emergen-
' lieu of opening their railroad crossing on Eighteenth cy Fund to said Grading Fund ........................................235-239.240
i I
4- Street is satisfactory to them ..........................................
Freynian Lewis A. and Ira Lee Smith
granted Class "B° 226
-Grant and easement of lbert ,and Birdetta L. G eg-
J' ,
1)e01' pel'llilt ..........................................................................
227 "r erich ..................................................................................... 247
-~_4dlali _ - _
E i
~ li!~ ~i
i II'ii;
INDEX-Book 70
18-Giegerich Albert A. and Birdetta L., grant and ease-
ment .................................._.....,.............,,...,,........,........,....
" 18-Grant and easement of Wm. V. Toepel et al ..................
" 18-Grant and easmeut of Voelker Realty Co ...........................
" 1S-Grant and easement of Zita and Wm. Leustra ...............
' 13-Grant and easement of Oliver G. I~ringle ............................
" 1S-Grant and easement of Anna C. Schiltz ............................
13-Grant and easement of P. J. and Elsie Lillie ......................
" 18-Grant and easement of Edward W. Hornig ........................
" 13-Grant and easement of Frank Y. Rettenmaier and Rose
Mueller r ................ ......
1S-Grant and easement o e er
13--Grant and easement of George Hochrein e
18-Grant and easement of C.F. Lillie Lst.~~~... t al .,,.,,...
" 18-Grant and easement of Augusta and John Marsh........,..
" 1S-Grant and easement of Rose Zumdka ........... .............
INDEX-Boole 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 2- Hail J. J., appointed Clerk Pro Tem of Council meeting 2
" 2- Herrmann Henry, requesting a refund of the penalties
involved on special assessments levied against the
East 3/5 of Lot 27 of L. H. Langworthy's Sub, and
of Lot 20 of Marsh's Addition .......................................... 7-15
" S -Haggerty Harry, Ambulance Driver, requesting that his
name be placed on the rolls of Fire Department far
pension purpases ................................................................ 11.123
Feb. 6 -Healy Emory P., original notice of suit .............................. 13-22G
" 5 -Hill Thomas, reappointed as a member of Board of Fire
and Police Pension System ................................................ 16
Heim Joseph P., settlement of claim......................... 17
~~ Hargus Lillian L., requesting suspension of taxes.... 24-46
" 26 -Hense Mary E., settlement of claim and suit .................. 25
Mar. 4- Heiar Mrs, Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit........... 45
" 20- Haller Wm. A., requesting suspension of 1939 taxes........ 62.81
" 20- Hauunel A. L., excavation bond .............................................. 63
" 20- Hall J, G., requesting that he be allowed to continue
operation of the Class "B" beer permit of Arthur
J. Nortou .............................................................................. G6
" 27- Hogan Mrs. Margaret E., suspension of 1939 taxes........ 09-32
" 27- Hagenocolas Jim, cancellation of second half of 1939
taxes ....................................................................................... 69-82
" 27- Hintgen N. J., requesting the abandoning of Fairmont
Avenue between Levi Terrace and Saunders Avenue 6 9.103.130
pril 1-
Hedrick Jacob and Etnestine, gi•a
rated Class "B" beer
pernnt Sl
" 1G -Hail John Joseph, Supt. and Cashier, Water Dept., bond
of .............................................................................................. 90
" 16 -Heiar Anna, recommendation of Chief of Police for the
revocation of her Class "B" beer permit .................. 91.92
" 16 -Hill William M., granted cigarette permit...._ ................... 93
May G -Hoerstnramt Victor, making application for concession
prtvilege at Munic
al At
letic Field for the year
1940 gg
June 3 -Hartig David, et al, re uestiu • that the present "City
Routes" marltings on Main Street be allowed to
remain ........................
............................._..................... 119
" -Harwood M. L., requesting
~ that Highway No. 2Q "City
Routing" be talzen aver East Fourth Street to Cen-
tral Avenue, thence over Eighth Avenue to Julien
Avenue, thence over Julien Avenue to Delhi Street 119
" 3 -Heermann Charles S., et al, requesting that Highway
No. 20 "City Routing" 6e taken over East Fourth
Street to Fourth and Central Avenue, thence to
Eighth Avenue, thence to Julien Avenue, thence to
Delhi Street .. ...................................................................... 121
" 3 -Holy Trinity Ghnrch, requesting peintission to place a
banner across Main Street and also requesting the
installation of a street light at the corner of Lincoln
Avenue and Hamilton Street..~ ..................................... 121.122
" 3 -Hoffman Mrs, liathryn et al, asking the Council to sell
as building lots the property known as the Ott
property instead of turning the same into a public
playground ............................................................................ 122
" 3 -Heine Louis et al, requesting that the alley between
Auburn Street and Atlantic Street from West Four-
teenth Street to Filhum•e Street be paved ................122-125.155
" 28 -Home Orvuers' Loan Corporation, notice of appeal from
the action taken by the Board of Review .................... 129
" 2S -Hughes R. D, and R. D. Jr., granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ........................................................................................ 139.140
~ ~'
~ ''~'"
4 ;~
INDEX-Book 70
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
~I 28- Horne William and Mary, granted Class "B" beer permit 140-141 Jan. 8 -Interstate Power Compauy instructed not to discon•
v '
Hai~vood Mrs. M. L, granted cigarette permit ................
tiuue or change the routes and schedules of buses
~~ ~~
~~ 28- Hughes R. D. and R. D. Jr., granted cigarette permit 142
8 which existed prior to January 7, 1940 ....................
-International H
d C
d 10
~~~,, 28- Hochberger John, granted cigarette permit ................ 142 a
ng an
Common Labor-
i 28- Hartig Drug Co. Inc, granted three cigarette permits 142 ers Union, requesting the appointment of John
i i
~ ~~
28- .
Hanten, Joseph W. and V~rgima, granted mgarette per• Schaetzle as a member of Police and Fire Commis-
~, ~ ~ _
mit 142 10
1 ~ ~
~ 28- •
Hill William M., granted cigarette per~uit ........................ 142 8 -
Irate ~r tional Umou of Operating Engine
ers, requesting
IIaas Louise M., granted cigarette permit,.........~ ............... 142 ~ appointment of John Schaetzle as a member of Po•
i 28- Hedrick Jacob, granted cigarette permit ...........................
142 ~
mmissiou ..........................~..........,........
" 28- Haley Amy, granted cigarette permit .................................. 142 8 -Internatio
al Associa
Lion of Machuusts, submitting the
~~ ~
'~ 28- Hogan Richard, granted crgarette permit .......................... 142 name of Art Schroeder for appointment as a member
~ 28- Horne William, granted cigarette permit ............................ 142 of Police and Fire Commission................,,...................... 11
' ~ ~ ~ 28- Haley Ann and Mrs. Agnes Grady, granted cigarette Feb. 6 -International Molders' Union of America, recommend-
, permit ................................................................................... 142. mg John Schaetzle for appoinhneut as a member of
~ 28- Hogan Vincent, granted cigarette permit ............................ 142 Police and Fire Commission ......................._............,. 13
Aug. 5- Hogan Richard and Lillian, granted Class "B" beer per• 5 -Iowa State Higlnvay Commission, Engineer of Safety
' mit .... ................................................................................... 177.178 and Traffic, submitting a proposal to place traffic
- ; "
, Sept. 3- Haas Theo. V., calling the attention of the City Council signals on all four corners at the intersection of
a i to a condition which exists in the alley extending Dodge Street and Grandview Avenue ........................ 13.14
~ ~~
~ from Forrest Lane to West Fifth Street and running 6 -Iowa State Highway Commission, submitting contract
' '
'~ parallel to Booth and Glen Oak Streets .................... 196 covering Primacy P~oad Extension maintenance for
' 3- Hochberger John A. and William, granted Class "B" beer `-- the period from December 1st, 1939 to June 30th,
- .......... ........
nted Class "B" beer
and Virg~ima
eph W
1940....... ..... .. ..... .. ....... .
ay, granted cigarette permit .........................
~~ 21-
ion oP 1939 taxes.,..,,
Hind Flank B., requesting cancellat 214-215
217-225 April 1 -Iowa Cooperative Publishing Compauy, making applica-
1 21- Hintgen N. J., approval of sale of Lots 16 to 31 inclusive on
eader to he named an official
~' and Lots 42-43-44 of Fairmont Park by Dubuque
newspaper ................ ..........................................................
i County .................................................................................... 220 1 -International Brotherhood of Bookbinders, asking Couu•
I Nov. 4- Haupert George J. et al, requesting the Council to use cil to consider the matter of union binders tivheu
~~ every effort in preventing the occupancy of the
1 placing the cmitract far the printing and binding
I,„ buildings and grounds formerly occupied by the ~ of the monthly Council Proceedings ......................_...... 80
', Corn Belt Packing Compauy by a packing plant iu• May 6- Iowa Municipal Accounting Officers Association, exteud-
~ dustry or other type of industry which will be of au~
~ ing invitation to accounting officials to attend meet-
~ ..............~........
1 ,
225 ing ..........................,.........,....,.........,,.............................,....... 98
~ ~,'~~~
~~ ~~ 4 for the pur-
Comparry, proposal
W Motor Espress
-H. & ~- 6 -International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs
chase of the grounds and buildings formerly occu•
~ ,
Stablemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 421
pied by the Corn Belt Packing Company..... . ,226.232-233 ,
application for a Class "B" beer permit for private
" 4 -Henkel Gus and Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit 227 club 106.117
r ~ Dec, 18
18 -Hail J. J., appointed Clerk of the Council meeting..,.....
submitting ap-plication far appoint-
-Hanover Harty J. 246 " 16 -Interstate Power Compauy, statement showing analysis
' ,
went to the office of City Assessor ..............................
246.256 of revenues and expenses and rate of return for
-Horrig Edward W., grant and easement.......~ ....................
250 electric and bus transportation service for the City
~ 18 -Hoehrein George et al, grant and easement ....................... 261 of Dubuque as of December 31, 1939........................ 116
June 28 -Iowa Children's Home Society, Des Moines, Iowa, re-
questing permission for the holding of a tag day.... 129
-Iowa State Highway Coznmissiou submitting contract
' covering Primary Road Extension Maintenance
~~, during the period of July 1st, 1940 to June 30th, 1941 131-132
! I'!~.,,
,, 28 -Irwin Ray, granted cigarette permit ........................................ 142
' July 15 -Interstate Power Company, agreement with the City
~~ of Dubuque mi the value for rate nrakhig purposes of
~ the Dubuque Steam Generatiug~ Plant and the Du-
l ~ buque Electrical Distribution System as they existed
~ on October 1, 1935, plus net additions to December
~;.~ 31, 1938 ................................................................................15 2-153-154
~ '" " 16 -Interstate Power Company, submitting analysis of Rev-
~ cranes and Expenses and Rate of Return of the Elec-
~ tric and Bus Transpm~tation Service during the cal-
. ~~
-- _'I;II' ~~I~I ~ endar years of 1938 and 1939 .......................................... 155.199
INDEX-Book 70
1940 ® SUBJECT Page
Aug, 5-Interstate Power Company, requesting permission to re-
construct their distribution system in the alley be-
tween Main and Iowa Streets and Second and Third
Streets ........................................_..................,......................172.197.195
Sept. 3-Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police, Chief of Police
Strub authorized to attend the convention to be
held at Sioux City on September 17-15-19 ...................... 195
Oct. 7-International Association oP Fire Chiefs, concerning the
importance of building up the fire forces to cope
with problems of National Defense .............................. 212
" 29-International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs,
Stablemen and Helpers of America, Local 421 (Un-
ion Leaguo Club) application for Class "B" beer per-
mit for Private Club .......................................................... 223-227
Nov, 14-Iowa Taxpayers Association, extending invitation to the
Mayor, Councihuen and City Officials to attend the
Annual Meeting of the Association to be held at
Des Moines on November 22nd, 1940 .......................... 233 t
" 26-Improvement Fund, resolution and application for au- `
thority to transfer the sum of $14,162.50 from the
Emergency Fund to said Improvement Fund...,..... 235-239-240
" 26-Improvement Fund, resolution and application for au-
thority to transfer the smn of $20,000.00 Pram the
Water Works General Fund to said Improvement
Fund ...... ...............................................................................235.23E-240
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
Mar. 4- Jansen Lucille Mrs., granted Class "B" beer permit ...,.., 45
" 16- Judges and Clerks a.ppoiuted to serve at the General
Municipal Election on March 25, 1940 ........................ 47.43
" 26- Judges and Clerks of General Municipal Election, pay-
ment for services ....................._ ........,...,.................,.., fi3
May 6 -Jones Mrs. Agues et al, requesting removal of the adver-
tisuig sign located ou the Southwest corner of the
intersection of West Fourteenth Street and Wood
Street ..................................................................................... 99-112
" 13- Juvenile playground purposes, City Manager authorized
to acquire Lot 3 of Randall's Sub ................................... 112.116
June 3- Jordan W. J„ excavation bond .............................................. 123
" 2S= Jacobson Iron and Metal Company requesting permis-
sion to construct, maintain and operate an industry
track aver and along the alley between Elm and
Pine Streets and Eleventh and Twelfth Streets........ 130-156.167
" 28- Joseph Mrs N. B., granted cigarette permit ........................ 142
" 2S- Jacquinot Harry J., granted cigarette permit .................. 142
- ;,,
=_ ~
INDEX-hook 70
Jan. 2--Kurt Merlyn B., requesting that he be allowed the sum
of $60.00 for the replacement of the sanitary sewer
at 874 Souih Grandview Avenue .................................... 7-25
" 2 -Kissell Mrs. Francis, requesting suspension of penalties
iu the arnouut of $37.91 due on special assessments
levied upon Lot 44 of Farley's Sub ................................... 7
" 2 -Kintzinger John J., appointed City Solicitor ...................... 7
Feb. 5 -Key City Gas Co., submitting annual report showing re-
ceipts and disbursements for calendar year 1939.... 13
" 5 -Kemler J. E„ granted a refund of interest charges iu
excess of 5~~c per annum and penalties paid on
assessments on City Lots 281 and 282 ....................... 16
Mar. 4- Koehler Sarah, requesting suspension oP 1939 taxes.......... 30.64
" 4 -I~luck Earl, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................ 46
" 20 -Key City Gas Co, excavation bond ................................... 63
April 1 -Kiesel Henrietta Coates, objecting to the re-zoning of
the Fremont Avenue and Dodge Street residential
district .................................................................................. 80
" 1 -Kropp Anthony, requesting that the Bee Branch Sewer
running through his property be enlarged and
straightened ._ ...................................................................... 85
" 16 -Kuehnle Louis, suspension of 1939 taxes ............................ 89-103-104
May G -Kenneally Bnd, notice of claim .............................................. 98.117
" 6 -Kolf Mrs. Anna, suspension of 1939 taxes ......................... . 99.123
" 6 -Karigan Andrew, granted cigarette permit ..................... 105
" 13 -Kane Nora, notice of claim .................................................. 108
June 3 -Kirkpatrick Mrs. Anna, revocation of her Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................................... 119.120
" 28 -Kane Nora, original notice of suit ...................................... 129
" 28 -Kane Allen C., Glerk of City Water Department, bond of 134
28 -Kintzinger John J., City Solicitor, bond of ...................... 134
" 2S -F{oleopulos Steve, granted Class "B" beer permit.......,.. 139.140
" 28 -I{anavas George, granted Class "B" beer permit..........,. 139-14D
" 28 -Karfgan Andrew D. and S'iolet, granted Class "B" beer
permit ...,......._ ....................................................................... 139-14D
" 28 -Kress Hubert J. and Mary, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ............................................................................................ 139.140
" 23 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..........................._..._..................,.....,........................ 140-141
" 28 -Klein Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit..,. 140-141
" 28- Klauer-Julien Hotel Co, granted cigarette permit............ 141
" 28- Keller, Mae and Ruth Keller Motz, granted cigarette per-
mit ........................................................................................... 142
" 28- Ifr•etz E. P., granted cigarette permit ..................~................. 142
" 28- Kruse Geo. C., granted cigarette permit ............................ 142
" 28- I{alines Milton J., granted cigarette permit ...................... 142
" 28 -Kress Hubert J., granted cigarette permit ......................... 142
" 28- Karigan Andrew, granted two cigarette permits .............. 142
" 28- Kies Theodore T., granted cigarette permit .................... 142
" 28- Koleopulos Steve, granted cigarette permit .......................... 142
Aug. 5- Kuehnle Edwin C., requesting refund of interest and pen-
alties due on special assessment for Lot 113, Finley,
Waples and Burton's Addition ...................................... 171.242
" 5- Klauer Manufacturing Company, requesting permission
to construct a loading platform and canopy over
same on Washington Street between Ninth Street
and southerly totivard Eighth, also for permission
to construct steps leading into their office and a
canopy over the same, also for permission to install
a 10,000 gallon fuel oil tank under the side-
walk on south side of Ninth Street and east of
Washington Street ................................................172.199.2 00-204.205
INDEX-Gook 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
" 5 -Klingenberg's Chas. 4th Subdivision, Lot 17, author-
izing and approving the sale of said lot by Dubuque
County .................................................................................... 176.177
" 5 -Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 177.178
Sept. 3- Kelly Frank M., requesting the extension of the Local
Business District ou Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral
Lot 67 .................................................................................... 196.214
" 3 -Kennedy Patrick R. and Minnie, granted Class "B" beer
permit ...............................:........................................................ 201-202
Oct. 21- Kuehnle Edwin C., requesting a refund of interest and
penalties paid on special assessments on Lot 1 of
1 of East rh of Lot 10 in Sisters' Addition..........__.. 217-242
" 29 -I{ohler Melvin, Ervin, A. G., and Clifford, granted cigar-
ette permit ........................................................................... 223
Nov. 4- I{alines Milton J., granted Class "B" beer permit.....,...... 227
" 4 -Klauer Manufacturing Company, approval of the sale
of Lots 167.168.169-170,111-232-233-234.235.236 of East
Dubuque Addition by Dubuque County ........................ 228
Dec. 2 -Keen A, E. et al, requesting that Bluff Street extension
be improved in order that it can be used for vehicle
transportation .......... ......................................................... 241
" 2 -Kies Bess K., approval of sale of Lot 3 of St. Raphae]'s
Addition by Dubttque County .......................................... 243
" 2 -Kress Peter J., granted Class "B" beer permit ................... 244
" 18 -Kluclc Mrs Merlin, notice of claim .................................._.... 246
" 18 -I{single Oliver G., grant and easement .............................. 249
" 18 -I{elly Frank M, submitting an offer of $1.00 in full com-
promise and payment of the special assessments
levied against Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 67 256
____ _ ~;
i ',,
I~JDEX-Book 70 INdEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page 1940 SUBJECT Page
Jau. 2- League of Iowa Municipalities, requesting Comtcil co- 7- League of Iowa Municipalities, calling attention of the
operation and help in the legislative program adopt- City Council to the importance of contacting can-
ed by the League .......,._ .................................................. 6 ~ dates for the Legislature upon matters which are of
Feb. 6- Lundbeck Catherine S., requesting suspension of 1939 ~~E interest to Cities and Towns ........................................ 212.216
taxes ..................................................................................... 14.26-fi8.81
" 5- Lundbeck John J. and H. L., requesting suspension of 7- Loras College, granted cigarette permit ..... ...................... 214
1939 taxes .......................................................................... 14.26 21- Lucas Marie, approval of sale of Lot 1 of the Subdivision
" 5- Loyal Order of Moose, granted cigarette permit............ 19 ~ of Lots 22 and23 of Kelly's Sub. by Dubuque County 220
s permit ........................~~~~~~
t 19 Dec. 2- Levan Archie, excavation policy ................................. ....... 242
Mar. 20- o chic, excavation bond
Levan fi3 2- Luber John and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 244
April 16- League of Iowa Municipalities urging the City Council 18- League of Iowa Municipalities, submitting for Council
to take an active interest in the nomination of can- consideration and approval copies of bills exempt-
didates for the legislature .............................................. 87 ing cities and towns from state sales and gasoline
" 1G- Lyons E. B., objecting to the re-zoning of the Fremont
~ taxes and for switching a levy on city real estate
Avenue and Dodge Street residential district,....... 88
; for county roads to city streets .................................. 246
May 6- Lechtenberg Mrs F. E, notice of claim ......................... 98 ~~ 18- Lenstra Zita and Wm„ grant and easement.....,............ 248.249
" G- Leach George E., Mayor of Mitmeapolis, Minn., extend- ~ 18- Lillie F. J. and Elsie, grant and easement ...................... 250
ing invitation to Council to attend the annual ~ 18- Lillie C. F., Estate, grant and easement .............................. 252
Aquatenuial ........................................................................ 98 18- Lee Johu R., submitting an offer of $20.00 per lot as a
" G- Leonard Frank E., suspension of 1939 taxes ....................... 99-113 compromise settlement of the special assessments
" 6 -Loftus Jolm J., asking approval of plat of South Grand- levied against Lot 2G and Lot 27 in Quigley's Sub•
view Park Addition ....................................................... 99.132-133 division .........................,..,.....,.......................,....,................ 256
" G -Librarian of Carnegie-Stoat Free Public Library, annual
report .................................................................................. 100 '
1G -Lange Elizabeth, settlement of claim and suit ............... 117 ~-
June 3 -Link Leo and Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 12G
" 28 -Leiser Mrs. Willielmiua, granted Class "B" beer permit 140-141
" 28 Leik William C., granted cigarette permit.~......~ ................. 141 ;
" 28 -Ludwig- M. J., granted cigarette permit ............................ 141
" 28 -Link Leo, granted cigarette permit .................................... 142
July 15 -Lewis S. M., Notice of Appeal from the action of the '-
Board of Review ................................................................ 151
" 15 -Loetscher Johu A., Notice of Appeal from the Action of
the Board of Review ...................................................... 151
" 15 -Linehan and Molo, excavation bond ........................................ 155
" 15 -Lott Herman, requesting that the alley betrveeu Auburn
Street and Atlantic Street from West Fourteenth
Street to Filhnore Street be brought to a proper
grade ..................................................................................... 1G1
Aug. 6- Leslein Mrs. Chris, requesting payment of Doctor bill
for injuries sustained by her son in a fall on defec-
tive sidewalk at G10 West Locust Street .................. 171.200 ^-
5 -League of Iowa Municipalities, requesthng the City Coun•
cil to send delegates to annual convention at Council
Bluffs, Iowa .......................................................................... 171
" 5 -Langworthy's L. H. Additicn, Lot 2 of 1 of 133, 140 and
142, authorizing and approving the sale of said lot
by Dubuque County .......................................................... 176.177
Sept. 3 -Lange Jacob, requesting the City to ofd in the con-
struction of a catch basin to divert the flow of sur-
face water from Delhi Street dawn and upon his
premises .............................................................................. 194 ,
" 3 -Lenstra F. H., granted cigarette permit .............................. 201
3 -Lenstra F. H., granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 201.202 ~~
" 3 -Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 201.202
Oct. 7 -Loras College et al, requesting that the name of West
Fourteenth Street be changed to Loras Boulevard...,211.245.254
" 7 -Lytle Dr. C. C. et al, requesting that the namo of Julien
Avenue and a portion of Dellti Street be changed to
University Avenue ...............................................
INDEX-Book 70 INDEX-Book 70
Page 1940 SiJBJECT pa
I ~ I 1
~ Feb. 26- McManus Regina, notice of claitu .......................................... 22.74 ~ Jan. 2 -Miller Wm. C., transfer of address of Class "B" beer `
~~ Mar. 20- McCarteu H. B. excavation bond ............................................ fi3 permit ..................,..........,...................................................... 5-20
~~ ! ~ ~~; ' 27- McDermott Garl J., transfer of address of Class "B" beer Feb. 6 -Metal Trades Council, enla•sing Jolm Schaetzle as a 3
~ permit .................................................................................... 72 ,, member of the Police and Fire Commission............ 13
~~ May 6- McCabe Mrs. Catherine, notice of claim ............................ 98.123 t 5 -Molo Bart L., tnaking• application for fire protection ou
t ~ June 3- McDermott Carl, revocation of his Class "B" beer per- the Middle Road on his place known as Silver
I I mit ................._...._...........................,......,............................. 124.125 ~ Acres .......................................................................... 13
' 28- McDonald Daniel and Loretta, granted Class "B" beer b -Matz Frank, reappointed as a member of Board of Fire
and Police Pension System ..................................,.....,,..
~ ' led Class "B" beer
mta, gran
t 5 -Mihalakis Philip, transfer of address of Class "B" beer
e 139-140 ~ permit ....................................,....,...................,...................... 20 •
28 l cigarette permit .....................
-McDonall 141 ~ 26 -Meyers Viola, notice of claim, ...,.................................,........ 23
I "
28 - cLau hlin Frank and Anna ranted ei arette ertnit
M g , g g p 142 26 -Mount Pleasant Home, requesting permission to con-
lls I 23 -McCann Eugene, granted cigarette permit .......................... 142 nett a Gameweli fire alarm system with the City j
-McFarlane Robert, granted ctgarette permit ..................
142 ~ Master fire alarm box at the end of Mt. Pleasant
~~ Oct. 7- McCarthy C. J., Harbor and Market Master, bond.......... 213 'i. Avenue .................................................................................. 23 ~
~' " 7 -McCann Eugene P. and hatherine, granted Glass "B" Mar, 4- Mathis Arnold and Carrie, granted Class "B" beer per-
, i
beer permit ... ,..
214.215 Y
mil .......,.. ...... ..... .. .. ... ........ ..
45 ~
' 21 -McCutcheon G. H., requesting installation of a stop 20 -Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, submit-
f ~ r
`I light at the intersection of Twentieth and Jacksmr ~ ling revocation of Power of Attorney of F. W. Coates 62 `~
4 streets 217 ~ 20- Midwest Lumber Company, requesting a refund ou pen- ~~
to I
Dec. 2
-McNamara Grocery et al, merchants iu the 1000 block
allies and interest charges ou delinquent special as-
', ~,
on Julien Avenue, remonstrating against the ehang- u Lots 4, 5 and ' r Grandview
6 u
hts tAdditi
ing of the name of Julien Avenne to University ~_ g
.. .... 62.73
I Avenue 241 i 20- Mullen Bros. Co., excavatimr bond... ... 63
I April 16- May C. J. et al, objecting to the re-zoning of the Fre-
'I moat Avenue and Dodge Street residential district 88 p
~ f 16- Marshall Robert P., City Auditor, bond ............................_ 90 '
~ ~!I~'I May 6- Mills West Dubuque Addition, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, pur-
chase of said lots by Realty Improvement Company 102
~ 1 6- Maulers Edmund N., granted cigarette permit ................ 105
i 6- Meyer Martin and Vernon, granted Class "B" beer per-
' ~ mit .......................................................................................... 105-106
13- Memorial Day Parade, invitation to Council to partici-
~ € Pate iu sail parade ................................. ................. 108
" 13- Maryland Casualty Company, requesting cancellation of ]
the Excavation Bond of Reuben L. Anderson, Inc... 109
i June 3- Miller Lea J., requesting a refund of penalties and inter-
. ~~'~~°", est paid on special assessments on Lots 48 and the
'~~ }
~ Westerly 10 feet of Lot 47 iu Union Adlitiou.,...... 121.134
~ ! 28- Mueller Henry, asking reclassification of the property
'~id' platted as Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Mineral Lot 367 from
~ '
Two-family Residence to Multitple Residence....132.15
~~ r 28- Machinek Joseph J., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 139-140
28- Meyer Albert M„ granted Class "B" beer permit, .. 139-140
~ 28- Megonigle Paul and J. B., granted Class "B" beer permit 139-140
_ ~
~ 28- Mayerle Johu S. and Florence, grantel Class "B" beer
~ ~;
~~ ~ permit ................................................................................._ 139.141
28- Noes Carl J., and Atrthony W., granted Class "B" beer
~ ', permit .......... .... .. ..... 140.141
` ,
i 28- Mengis Walter aul Mathilla, granted Class "E" beer
, ~
" permit ................................................................................... 140.141 '
` ~ 28- Meyer Paul J., grantel cigarette permit .............................. 141
~ 28- Machinek Joseph J., granted cigarette permit ................ 141
~ ~ 28- Moose Club, granted cigarette permit._ ............................... 141
Manders Edmund N., granted cigarette permit. ..,....._ ,
II' 28- Miller George, grantel cigarette permit .......................... 142
'' ~ ~i ~ ~ 28- Megonigle Paul and J. B., grantel cigarette permit......._... 142 '
hoes Carl J., and Anton, granted cigarette permit......... i
II "
` 28- Meyers I{ermit and Thomas Lilly, granted cigarette per-
~, -
142 •
i r. ~1
INDEX-Ooolc 70
1940 _ SUBJECT ® Page
i, li
j ICI'
July 23-Meyers John P., submitting bill in the amount of $4.00
for removal of a broken limb of tree from residence
at 266 Nevada Street ........................................................ 164-175
Aug. 5- Murphy Insurance Agency, requesting release of the
cigarette bond of Robert Zehentner ............................. 171
" 5- Murphy Insurance Agency, requesting release of the cig-
arette bond of Ford Hopkins Company ...................... 171
" 5- Mihalakis Philip and Viola, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 177.178
" 5- Miller William C. and Florence, granted Class "B" beer
permit ._ ................................................................................. 177.175
" 9- Mathis Paul, requesting that the City Hall be remodeled
and beautified ...................................................................... 192
Sept. 3- Mosbauer Mrs. Emma, requesting the City of Dubuque
to accept the amount of $361.76 for the surrender
of tas sale certificates and also for the payment in
t Lots
full of delinquent special assessments agams
247 and 248 Davis Farm Addition .....,..., 195
Oct, 7- .
Mihulka Mrs. Mary et al, requesting the openm
g of
Napier Street .............. ............................ 211
" 7 -Mississippi Valley Association, extending hivitatiou to
the Mayor and Members of City Comrcil to attend
the annual meeting to be bald in St. Louis on Octob-
er 14th and 15th .............................................................. 212
" 7 -Miller Mrs. Katie A., requesting suspension of 1939 taxes 213-219
" 7 -Melsseu Hubert and Veronica, granted Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................................... 214-215
" 21 -Murphy John F., notice of claim ................_........................ 216.22G
" 21 -Murphy Patricia Ann, by William Murphy, her next
friend, settlement of clahn and suit ....~ .................. 218
Nov. 26- Memorial to William B. Allison and David B. Henderson,
purchase of Lot 1 of Pinehurst for said purpose.... 236-237
Dec. 18 -Martin Oil Company, requesting permission to erect a
combination sign post and flood-light post in front
of their filling station at 280 Locust Street .................. 247
" 18 -Mueller Rose and Franlc %. Retteumaier, grant and
easemeut .............................................................................. 250.251
" 18 -Mueller Peter P. Jr., grant and easement ....................... 251
" 18 -Marsh Augusta and John, grant and easement..........., 252
" 18 -Mettel Katharine A., notice of claim ........ ......................... 256
INDEX-hook 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
Jan. S- Nolan Mary G., notice of claim ........................................... 10-13.73-74
Feb. 26 -Nagle J. J. Estate, offering the amount of $100,00 for
surrender of Tax Sale Gertifieate held by the City
of Dubuque ag~aiust Lot 2 of the West 116 feet of
City Lot 703._ .................................................................... 25
Mar. 20- Norton Arthur and Aclele, matter of revocation of their
Class ~~g~ beer permit .................... ............................. 6G
April 1- National Safety Council, advising' that the City of Du-
buque has been awarded second place in the 1939
National Traffic Safety Contest ._ ................................_ 79
" 1 -Newbtu•gh Mr. and -1rs. J. W, objecting to the re-zoning
of the Fremont Avenue and Dodge Street residential
district ................................................................................ SO
" 1- Nelson Frank A., granted Class "B" beer permit.....,..... 81
June 3- Notice of public heariug~ upon application of City of
Dubuque L'ridge Company for approval of plans
for contraction of a highway bridge across the
Mississippi River ................. .............................................. 120
" 28 -Ney, Roy, granted Class "B" beer permit .......................... 140-141
" 28 -Nardin George, granted cigarette permit ............................ 141
" 28 -Nicks Ray and Fred Herber, granted cigarette permit.,.. 142
Sept. 3- Nardin George and Rose, granted Class "B" beer permit 201-202
Oct. 7- Nelson Charles R., granted cigarette permft._.,.....__.... 214
Nov. 4- Niclns Ray and Fred Herber, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..... ... ...................................................................... 227
" 4- National Louth Admvristration Program, appropriating
the amount of $350.00 from the General Fend hr
fiu~therauce of the N. 1. A. Program .......................... 228
Dec. 2 -National Institute of Municipal Law Officers requesting
that City Solicitor Kintzinger be sent as the Gity's
representative to the national conference to he held
at Washington, D. C .... ................................................. 240
~ ji '~I
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INDEX-Book 70
Jau. 2-Ordinance No. 35-39. An ordinance amending and
changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided for by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated
"Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque," so as
to change to "'pwo Family Residence District" cer•
taro defined property now delimited as "Single Fam-
ily Residence District," as petitioned for by Joseph
P. Simones, et al, property abutting on Kirkwood
Street ................................................................................... &3
2 -Ordinance No. 3G--39. Au ordinance establishing a
grade on Salina Street from Railroad Street to Dodge
l 3
2 A
nce No.
u ordinance establishing a
grade on Camp Street from Main Street to Salina
Street ................................. .
" 2 -Ordinance No. 38-39. An ordinance establishing a
grade on Charter Street from Main Street to Salina
Street ..................................................................................... 4
" 2 -Okey Vern, requesting release of his Class "B" beer bond 6
" 8 -Ordinance No. 1-40. An ordinance amending and
changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided for by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated
"Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque," so as to
change to "Multiple Residence District" the 1900
Block ou Delhi Street from Auburn Street to West
our een r treet .. .............. 11.15
Feb. 26 -Ordinance No. 2-40. An ordina
nce amending and
changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque
as provided foi by O~dmance No. 3-34, designated
"Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque," so as to
Diatriet" both sides
Dodge Street from Bluff Street to Br ant Street....
~ n
y 26.30.31
Mar, 4- Ober lle
............. 29.64
" 20- Ordinance No. 3-40. An ordinance appropriating money
for the various funds and purposes of the City of
Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1940
and ending March 31, 1941 ........................................6L 68.69.70-71
April 1G- O'Brien Mrs John, notice of claim ...................................... 86-87.104
" 16 -O'Leary Daniel J., Plumbing Inspector, bond of.......... 90
" 1G- Ordinance No. 4-40. An ordinance amending an ordi-
nance entitled "Ordinance No. 4-33" and amend-
ment thereto entitled "Ordinance No. 6-37," An
ordiuanc r i i
e p ov d ng that certain business and voca-
tions shall be licensed: fixing the license fee for
Carnivals, and repealing Ordinance No. 6-37........ 94.100.101
" 16- Ordinance No. 5-40. An ordinance amending an ordi-
nance entitled "Ordinance No, 4-1933:' An ord-
inance providing that certain businesses and voca-
tions shall be licensed by amending Section 6 of
said ordinance regulating "Temporary Vendors".... 94.101
" 16- Ordinance No. -40. An ordinance creating and estab-
lishing a "Board of Examining Engineers... .............. 94.121
May 6- Ordinance No. 6-4D. An ordinance authorizing the
isuauce of $8,500.00 Dock Bonds ................................97.1 14.115-116
" 6- Olansky M. B., granted cigarette permit ........................... 105
" 6- Ordinance No. 7-40. Au ordinance amending an or•
dinance entitled "Ordinance No. 9-35" and an
amendment thereto entitled "Ordinance No. 19-38."
An ordinance providing for the isuauce of Class "B"
and Class "C" beer permits and for the revocation
thereof by insertion iu and addition to Ordinance
No, 19-38, Paragraph 493A, a provision for limita-
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
tion upon the issuance of Class "B" permits and
providing Yor sale or disposition of Class "B" beer
permits .................................................................................. 106.109.110
" 6- Ordinance No. 8-40. An ordinance establishing a grade
on Shelby Street from the north property line of
Seminary Street to the end of said street .................... 107.110
dune 3- Ordinance No. 9-40. An ordinance granting to Louis
Rotmau, owner, his heirs and assigns the right to
construct and maintain a loading platform in the
rear of a building located on City Lot 191 at 331
Iowa Street .................................~,............._..................126-127.135-136
" 3- Ordinance No. 10-40. An ordinance regulating the
use of Bicycles within the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
providing Yor the registration thereof and providing
a penalty for violation hereof ........................................ 127-136-137
" 28- Ordinance No. -40. An ordinance to amend Ordinance
o. 28-30 entitled: An ordinance to re ul
to all
electrical installations and service with the c
of t4
e Ci
e 138
,~ 0
Ordinance No
a ce
for safegu
persons and property and promoting the welfare
of the public: creating an Electrical Examining
Board and prescribing its duties, providing for the
licensing by the Electrical Board of persons, firms
and corporations undertaking the installation of
electrical equipment and making it unlawful to
undertake the installation of electrical equipment
without a license .._ ............................................................ 138
Louise, granted C
g y
lass " beer
permit .....................
.......... 139.140
2 .
Class "B" club pe
les Lodge,
" Ott
Joseph J. Ji. ranted ci aiette ermrt~~t..
g g p ............. 141
28- O'Regan Timothy, grouted cigarette permit ...................... 142
" 28- Olansky M. B., granted cigarette permit ... 142
,Tuly 15- Ordinance No, 11-40. An ordinance vacating that part of
Fairmont Street from Saunders Street to Lafayette
Street and conveying that vacated part of said Fair-
mont Street from Saunders to Lafayette Street to
Arnold Stegar .................................................................... 160-165
" 15- Ordinance No. 12-40. Au ordinance repealing an ordi-
nance No. 204-1928, creating a Municipal Play-
ground and Recreation Commission and defining
its powers and duties; and providing for joint
maintenance and operation of Playground and Recre-
ation Facilities with the Board of Education of the
Independent School District of Dubuque ....................160-165-16G
" 23- Ordinance No, 13-40. An ordinance providing for the
Vacation of East Seventeenth Street from the East
Line of Cedar Street to the West Line of Sycamoi°e
Street; also for the Vacation of the alley lying be-
tween Cedar and Sycamore Streets from the North
Line of East Sixteenth Street to the South Line of
East Eighteenth Street; also for the conveyance of
said Vacated Areas to Dubuque Packing Com-
pany .........................................................................162-169.182-133-184
" 23- Ordinance No, 14-40. Au ordinance granting to Du-
buque Packing Company, its successor and assigns,
the right to construct and maintain a Loading Plat-
form ou Cedar Street; upon East Seventeenth
Street; upon East Eighteenth Street; and upon
Sycamore Street; also the right to occupy a portion
of East Eighteenth Street witl Stockyards; also the
~~ ~~
- ~~
__ ~
INDEX-~oolc 70
1940 ~ SUBJECT
~ ~~ u East Eighteenth
rt ht to replace the sidewalk o
I '
' 23- 7 ~- dinance. An ordi-
ece no. la 40. Special Or
~ uauce granting to Henry A. Scaudrett, Walter J.
I I,
I ~ Cummings and George I. Haight, as Trustees of
I the property of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
I Pacific Raihroad Company, their successors and as-
signs, the right to construct, maintain and operate
an industry spur track in and across Sycamore
Street, across the public alleys between Sycamore
r "B" Branch Sewer
treet and Cedar Street ac oss
across East Eighteenth Street and over and along
~ and upon Cedar Street from a point approximately
i ~~i1, 30 feet southerly of the southerly line of East Eigl>-
I teenth Street, across East Seventeenth Street to a
point approshuately 60 Peet North oP the North line
of East Sixteenth Street, and declaring an emer-
i II ~~
~ g'ency ......................................_,.,......................,..................,.164-169.170
' " 23- Ordinance No. 1G-40. An ordinance vacating part of
j ~',1;'i the alley between and abutted ou by Lots 658A on
the one side and 655, 669 and 660 ou the other side,
,I ~
i i i being the Northerly 3-5ths of the alley running
,I -
~ from West Tenth Street to West Eleventh Street
I° I'~
I between and parallel to Blttff Street and Locust
Street and conveyhig same to Carnegie-Stout Free
Public Library ..., ........ 167-172-173
' " 23 -Ordinance No. 1'r-40. Special Ordinance. Au ordinance
~~~~, ~'~'~' ~ gratttiug• to the Chicago Great Western Railroad
j~, ~",ii Company, its successors and assigns, the right to
~ construct, maintain and operate an Indastry Track
;; over, along' and upon the alley between Ehn and
`f'~ ~ Pine Streets and between Eleventh and Twelfth
~.~~ ~
' 1 Streets, said track to connect with an existing rail-
I road track in said alley ...................................................167.173-174
~~~~~ Aug. 5- Ordinances oY the City of Dubuque, providing far the
~ Revising, Amending and Cousolidatiug of the same 177
~ ~',i ~~, ~I~~~, 5 -Ordinance No. 15-40. .. Au ordinance amending and
changing the Zauing Nlap of the City of Dubuque
~, as provided by Ordinance No. 3--34 designated
I ~,i ~ );, "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to
i~' ~ change to "Multiple Residence District" the area
described as Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Mineral Lot 367........ 178-196
" 9 -Ordinance No. 19-40. Au ordinance granting the Ht-
~ ~~
~ terstate Potver Company of Dubuque, Iowa, its suc-
1 ~~,pl censors or assigns the right to construct and maht-
~ .,,,
tarn a Truss or Trusses across the alley between Sec-
and and Third Streets and Main and Iowa Streets,
near the Julien Hotel, and extending from a pole
~~i?~'I ~~ ou the West Side of said alley to a pole on the
',, East Side of said Alley and prescribing the coudi-
I tions oP such permit ..........................................................192-197.198
' i
~~,'i, Sept. 3- Oliver Mike, certified check ordered returned .................. 194
„ 3 -Ordinance No, 20-40. An ordinance granting to I~lauer
' Mauufactnring Company, its successors and assigns,
i ~;~~1~~
A the right to construct and maintain a loading plat-
fm•m with canopy over it on the East side of Wash-
,,+~,I~,~ ingtmi Street, South of East Ninth Street, adjacent
' to City Lot 509; three steps on the sidewalk on the
'S,'ii South side of East Ninth Street with canopy over
~ same entering the building of the I{lacer Manufac-
'~, ~~'~
'~ turiug Company and fuel oil tame under sidewalk on
~~ !,~IJ~
'r~~ i
_~ t~-'~l'Ur~
- the South side of East Ninth Street and East of
INDEX-~oolc 70
Washington Street, prescribing the conditions of
such permit and declaring au emergency............200.204-205-206
3-Ordinance No. 21-40. An ordinance providing for the
vacation of all streets and alleys situated in "Part
of Clifton, a Subdivision of Mineral Lot 133 in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa," except that part thereof con-
stituting Wartburg Place and the entrance to Sun-
emergency ,,, f Dubu ue, Iowa, and dee 200.206-207-205
set Ridge, City °0. Angordiuauce amendlaring an
21-Ordinance No. 22-4 mg ordi-
nance No. 1-39, being an ordinance amending ordf-
nine No. 10-37, entitled "An ordinance regulating
the use oP vehicles upon the streets of the City of
Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as the
Traffic Code"; by repealing Subdivisions C, D, F
and G, Section 1; Subdivision D, E, F and G, Sec-
tion 2, and all of Section 3, excepting the last para-
graph thereof, oY D Rule 103, paragraph 736, Section
1 of Ordinance No. 1-39 and euactiug~ substitutes
therefore and in lieu thereof ....................................~..... 216-222
21-Olinger Peter et al, requesting Council to reconsider
their decision iu the matter of tagging all cars
found parked in violation of the time limit ................ 217
2-Ordinance No. 23-40. An ordinance granting to the
Telegraph-Herald, its successors and assigns, the
right to construct and maintain a canopy over the
entrance to the Radio Station ou the Southeast cor-
ner of Eighth Avenue and Bluff street, and Fuel
Tank under the sidewalk on the West side of said
building ................................................................................_244.253.254
2-Ordinance No. 24-40. An ordinance amending• an ordi-
nance entitled "Ordinance Number 99 changing the
names o ree s an venues tvtthm the
• City of
Dubuque," by changing the name of West Fou
Street to Loras Boulevard ................ rteeuth
2-Ordinance No. 26-40. An ordinance amending au ordi-
nance entitled "Ordinance Number 99 changing the
names of Streets and Avenues within the City of
Dubuque," by changing the name of Julien Avenue
and Delhi Street commencing at Auburn Street
west to the City Limits to the name of University
Avenue ... .................. ....... ...... ............. ._....,.,.....245.254-255
I '.
INDEX-Book 70
Jan, 2-Planning and Zoning Connnission, recommending that
both sides of Dodge Street from the Bryant Street
intersection and bath sides of Highway Twenty be-
yond the intersection of Dodge and Fremont Streets
westward to the City limit, and the large areas of
undeveloped property contiguous thereto, be pre-
served and continued as residence district and also
recommending that the present "Local Business Dis-
trict" at the intersection of Dodge and Bluff Streets
be extended westward on Dodge Street to Bryant
Street intersection on both sides of Dodge Street,
with the exception of Lots 1 of 2 of M. L, 66, the
Southerly 100 feet of Lot 2 of 2 of M. L. 66, and
the Southerly 100 feet of Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of M, L.
67 for a distance of 328 feet West of the Westerly
line of M. L. 66 ..................................................................
" 2-Paisley Walter W., report of Council on investigation
conducted as to his qualifications for the position
of City Solicitor ..................................................................
Feb. 5-Payrolls for the mouth of December, 1939 ............................
" 5-Paisley Walter W., requesting transfer or release and
surrender of tax sale certificate held by the City
of Dubuque against Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 23 in
Grandview Heights upon the payment to the City
in the sum of $40.00 ............................................................
" 26-Payrolls for the month of January, 1940 ........................
Mar. 4-Pins Donald M. and Genevieve, granted Class "B" beer
permit ....................................................................................
" 20-Payrolls for the month of February, 1940 ........................
April 16-Pye J. A., chairman of Flag Week Committee, extending
invitation to Council to attend meeting of said com-
mittee ...................................................................................
" 16-Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendation on petition of Ben. L. Baumhover............
" 16-Payrolls for month of March, 1940 ........................................
" 16-Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendation on request of Wnr. J. Watkins........,......
" 16-Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendation ou approval of plat of Jcseph P° Schiltz
for "English Lane Subdivision" ....................................
May 13-Payrolls for the month of April, 1940 ....................................
June 28-Planning and Zoning Connnission, submitting recom-
meudatiou on petitimi of N. J. Hfntgen requesting
vacation of part of Fairmont Avenue between La-
fayette Street and Saunders Avenue ........................
" 28-Playground and Recreation Commission, certifying the
amount of $16,295.00 as the amount needed for the
department of Playground and Recreation for the
fiscal year of April 1, 1941 to March 31, 1942............
" 28-Pianning~ and Zoning Commission, submitting• recom-
mendation on petition of Board of Trustees of
the Carnegie-Stout Free Library, requesting vaca-
tion of alley abutting the Library property...............
" 28-Planning and Zoning Connnission, submitting recom-
mendation ou petition of Henry Mueller, requesting
reclassification of the property platted as Lot 1
of Lot 3 of Miu. Lot 367 .................................................
" 28-Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendation on petition of John J, Loftus, requesting
approval oP plat of South Grandview Park Addition
" 28-Payrolls for month of May, 1940 ..........................................
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
" 28 -Poquette Millard and Lucille, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..................................................................................... 139.140
" 28 -Peed Thomas R. and Kathryn, granted Class "B" beer
permit ...................................................................................... 139.140
" 28 -Poclrter Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" beer per•
mit ......................................................................................... 139.141
" 28 -Poire Al V. and Nlary, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 140-141
" 28 -Petrakis Charles, granted cigarette permit ................... 141
" 28 -Poquette Millard, granted cigarette permit ...................... 141
" 28 -Petrakis Peter, granted cigarette permit ......................... 141
" 28 -Page Hotei Co, granted cigarette permit ............................ 142
" 28 -Peryon Albert G., granted cigarette permit ...................... 142
" 28 -Pins Arthur, granted cigarette permit ....... ........................ 142
" 28 -Pochter Charles, granted cigarette permit.... ................... 142
" 28 -Poire Al V., granted cigarette permit .................................. 142
" 28 -Pfeffer William H., granted cigarette permit ...................... 142
" 28 -Potterveld Wm. T. and F. C., granted cigarette permit...... 142
July 1 -Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolu-
tion No. 49-40, resolution and application for au-
thority to levy an emergency tax of one mill............ 145
" 1 -Peed John, granted Class "B" beer pernrit ....................... 146
" 15 -Postal Telegraph• Cable Company, requesting that they
be notified in case any action is to be taken
in the closing of East Seventh Street and Commer-
cial Street as they maintain a pole line on said
streets .................................................................................... 151
" 15 -Payrolls for mouth of June, 1940 ............................................. 165
15 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom•
rnendation on approval of plat of "Conlon Court"
Subdivision ._ ...............................~,........~..............~.........,.... 157.158
" 23 -Planning and Zoning Connnission, recommending the
granting of the petition of the Dubuque Packing
Company and that East Seventeenth Street be•
tween Cedar and Sycamore Streets be vacated and
also that the alley running parallel to and between
these two streets between Sixteenth and Seven-
teenth Streets be vacated ................................................. 162
" 23 -Palmer Norman J. and Kafihleen Dahl, granted Class
"B" beer permit .................................................................. 166
Aug. 5- Pickard Dr. and Mrs. J. C. et al, regtesting the vacation
of streets and alleys in Clifton Subdivision except
those parts thereof constituting Fremont Avenue
and the entrance of Sun Set Ridge ..................172.198.206-207.205
" 9 -Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolu-
tion No. 74-40, a resolution and application for per-
manent transfer of $7,330.00 from the Emergency
Fund to Grading Fund ......................... ........................... 189
Sept. 3- Paradiso Philip, requesting that Woodworth Street be
opened from Blontm•est to Seward and that said por-
tion of Woodworth Street be brought to grade........ 194
3- Planning and Zonurg Commission, submitting recom-
mendation for the granting of the petition of Dr. and
Mrs. J. C. Pickard, et al, requesting the vacation of
streets and alleys in Clifton Subdivision .................. 198
" 3- Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom-
mendation for the grouting of the petition of Board
of Dock Commissioners, requesting the vacation of
streets and alleys located in River Front Improve•
went Wharf Property and also to have the Allison-
Henderson Park property revert to the City for
other purposes ................................................................... 198-199
" 3- Payrolls for month of July, 1940 ........................................... 199
INDEX-book ~0 INDEX-hook 70
1940 _ SUBJECT Page ~ 1940 SUBJECT Page
-Payrolls far mouth of August, 1940 .........................
204 ~~ Mar. 27- s a member of
Oct. 7- Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, requesting that they J
r 69
be advised as to when action is to be taken clos- ~ June 28- ,
d Evely
Glass "B" beer
ing East Seventh Street......._ ......................................... 211-212 ~ permit ............,...........................,....,......,................................ 139-141
" 7 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom- I~ 28- Quinlan Robert J. and Evelyn, granted cigarette permit 142
mendation on petition of Frank M. Belly, requesting a Oct• 21- Quit Claim Deed from the Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge
the extension of the Local Business District on Company, conveying part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in
Lot i of 2 of 1 of 1 of Min. Lot 67 .............~.................. 214 ( Block 11 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Gom-
" 21 -Payrolls for the month of September, 194Q ....................... 217 pauy's Addition .,.............._....,..........._.............................. 217
" 29 -Pickard Sohn C. and Marjorie M, Quit Claim Deed...... 222 ~ 29- Quit Claim Deed of Ethei and Austin Grotkin, John C.
" 29 -Peed Johu, transfer of address of Class "B" beer per- and Marjorie M. Pickard, Dudley S. and Sara J.
mit ......................................................................................... 223224 E Thomas to City of Dubuque..............,..... ..................... 222
Nov. 14 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom• y
mendation ou petitimi of Mrs, Martin Seippel, re-
questing rezoning of Lot 1~/2 of Watters Subdivision 234 ,,
" 26 -Park and Playground Purposes as a Memm•ial to Wil•
Liam B. Allison and David B. Henderson, purchase
of Lot 1 of Pinehurst .,........_ ............................ ............. 23G~237 i
Dec. 2 -Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of resolu• ¢
tion and application for the transfer of $12,025.00 ~
to the Grading Fund and also for the transfer of
$14,162.50 to the Improvement Fund ............................ 240 j
" 2 -Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of resolu• 6
tion and application for the transfer of $20,000.00
from the Water Works General Fund to the Inr-
provemeut Fund ................................................................ 240
" 2 -Park Commissioners, report submitted from April 1, 1939
to April 1, 1940 ......................................... ........................ 241 ,,
" 2 -Page Francis Y., granted Glass "B" beer permit.....,...... 244 ~
" 18 -Payrolls for month of November, 1940 .................................. 265 ~
INDEX-Gook 70
INDEX-hook 70
j ~ 1940
- Page
_ 1940
i ~'
~~ Jan. 2 -Receipts for month of November, 199, proof of puhlica- 6 -Retail Merchants Bureau, re nesting a change in park- I
~ ~
` ~
~ tiou ....................................................~..................................... 2 " ing regulations on the four streets bordering Wash-
~ ~
~ S -Rativson Walter J., submitting his resignation as a mem- ~ ington Park . ...........................................................181-190.19 4-216-233
{ her of Civil Service Commission ...................................... 10 I Sept. 6- Recker Mrs. Elsie, requesting refund on cigarette license 203
~; Feb. 5 -Registration Clerks appointed to assist in the registea- H " 13- Ryder Mrs. Lena, requesting cancellation of tales,...,... 204-213
~ tion of voters at the Central Registration Office........ 16 ( 13- Receipts for month of July, 1940, proof of publication..,. 204
~ I ~ ~
~ 5 -Registration Clerks appointed for each precinct who Oct. 7- Reis Frank, requesting a refund on his cigarette permit 212
!' ''I shall have charge of the election register .................. 16.17 ~ 7- Republican County Central Coumiittee, requesting per-
~ 26 -Receipts for month of December, 1939, proof of puhlica- mission to erect a banner across Main Street at
i I tfon .. .. ...... .... ............. .. 24 1071 Main Street ..., ......, . ... ...... 212
I Mar. 4- Rowe Mrs. Wm., notice of claim... . .. ..... 29.74 7- Ryan Paul V. and Roy P. Spreugelmeyer, requesting that
;' ~ 20 -Ricketts Anna, requesting suspension of 1939 taxes.... 62.81 their petition in the matter of their application for
" 20 -Receipts for mouth of January, 1940, proof of puhli- Right-of-Way to their properties be referred to the
~ 62 E City Solicitor for an opinion .... . ....... .. ... ...21 3-218-219
~ ~ April 1- Rhombe~g A. A„ City
Manager, hood of , 79 7 -Receipts for month of August, 194Q proof of puhlica-
. 16 -Roepsch Joseph J., requesting that the City authorize ~ tion ...................................,........................................,............. 213
~ I
I the Payment of &Ray bill of St. Joseph Mercy 6 21- Republican County Central Committee, requesting per-
~~ Hospital as said &Ray was ordered taken by the mission to erect a banner across Main at Seventh
City of Dubuque ...
Street for Judge W. A, McCaliough, can
dilate for
{ I 16 -Rec
for mouth of Fehruar , 1940, proof of puhlica- s
C 21G
I tioll
~ ............................................ 89 Nov. 4-
ti Reis
and I4athr n, transfer of address of Class
~ May ~i
e 3 l 227 j
,~ ~~ „ 6 -Receipts fm
molrth of
March 1940
of publication 100 i 14- RetaiBMmchauts
Bu~eau, requesting permission foi
• the
I 6 -Realty Improvement Company, purchase of Lots 2, 3, F` holding of a Christmas Parade on Saturday, Nov. 30,
II 4, 5 and G of Mills West Dubuque .................................. 102 ~ 1940, and also requesting permission to erect
,,~ 6 -Robothem Ruth, settlement of claim and suit .................. 105 Christmas street lighting decorations and that the ~
l City assume the cost of cui7~ent fm' the street light- ~
a 105.106 ~
' ing decorations ......... .. ... ...,.. . „ .., ..... 233.246
~~ " 13 -Rotnla i Lo lis
g perm
i Is
ll a loadi
ta }
s for month of September, 1940, proof of puhlica- y
platform in the rear of his property in the alley Lion 234 ~
~i ~~~
bettiveen Main and Iowa Streets and between Third
~ Dec. 2-
Receipts for month of October, 1940, proof of publication d
Ii ,,
~! and Fourth Streets ..............._ ......................................,.109.126-135 ~ 2- Report of Park Conunissioners from April 1, 1939 to
-Rounda Mr., representing the Junior Chamber of Com-
April 1, 1940 .......... .................
211 ~
~ coerce, requesting that Comieil order prepared and 2- Riniker Frank, approval of sale of Lot 4 of the Sub-
' 3oP
n 109 131 and 132 of Unimz Addition by
~ 13 -Randall's
Sul .
City M
zed to ac- Dubuque County 243
~ I
!, gnu~e same far juvenile playground purposes ...... 112.116 18 -Rettennialer Frank %, and Rose Mueller grant and ease-
~ ~~;;~
~ ~li June 3- Richard Andrew J. et al, requesting that Davenport went .... . .. ... ... ..... 250-251 d
~i Street between Stoltz Street and National Street 18- Reis Frank, granted cigarette pernnt 255 q
and National Street between Davenpm~t Street and ,: fl
i~~~~;~~;l~l Muscatine Street be brought to paper grade........ 122.156 ~ ;~
' ~ I~~~~'~~,~~
~ 3 -Receipts for month of April, 1940, proof of publication.... 122
~ 3 -Rellihan F. J., excavation bond ._ ...... ........ .. ... ... 122 o-
~ ~ ~ 28 -Reuter Prank and Clara, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ......................................................................................... 139.140 '
! " 28- ftawSen H. A, and Grace, granted Class "B" beer per-
4 139.
D o-
, :,;1„',,id 28- Roshelc Bros. Co., granted cigarette permit ................ ..... 14
', 28- Rawson H. A., granted cigarette permit ............................. 142
I 28- Ragatz Geo, Jr„ granted cigarette permit .......................... 142 `:.
-Reugnitz B. A., granted cigarette permit ...........................
Ries Frank, granted cigarette permit ..................................
Recker Mrs. Elsie, granted cigarette permit.....
142 ~
~I ~ ~;~ July 15- Receipts for month of May, 194Q proof of publication ... 162 ~
~ i
~~ ~~~~~, 23- Rossiter Paul, Building Commissioner, bond of........~....... 167 '
Aug. 5- Receipts for month of June, 1940, proof of publication.... 174
~ I
~ l
i u
t 174
, „ 5- Revising,
i c
d hzg
Co isolidat ng
~ D
~ ~
~~ 5- Rettenmale
and Ma
tie, granted Class
, permit .,.....~,,,,,,,,,, , ,, ,
................................................... 1'17.178
! i
i ~~'
II, i ;
-~~ ~.~~~~i.ill,
- -
t:_.~ ~--
INDEX-~ool~ 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 2-Salina Street from Railroad Street to Dodge Street,
grade established .............................................................. 3
" 2-Spielman J. L, and Susan, granted Class `B" beer per-
mit ........................................................................................ 5
8-Smith Thos. S., Secretary Stage Employees and Mov-
ing Picture Machine Operators, requesting Coun-
cil to prevent the Interstate Power Company in
changing their bus schedules ......................................... 10
" 8-Strohmeyer A. J., Asst. Supt. of Fire Alarm, requesting
that his namo be placed mt the rolls of the Fire
Department for pension purposes ................................ 11.123
Feb. 5-Schmitz Anthony, notice of claim ........................................ 13
" 5-Sprague Jackson M., notice of claim .................................. 13
" 5-Schnee Mildred Sheehan, requesting a refund on Glass
"B" beer permit of Mrs. Agnes L. Sheehan ................ 14
" 5-Schetgen Clarence, administrator of Estate of Joseph
Sche-gen, notice of suit referred to City Manager.... 17
" 5-Staufenbeil August R. Estate, et al, notice of suit re-
ferred to City Manager ................................................. 17
" 5-Spahn Arthur J., transfer of address of Class "B" per-
mit ...... .................................................................................. 20
" 5-Schaetzle John, appointed as a member of Civil Service
Commission .......................................................................... 21
Mar. 4-Sprague Jackson M., original notice of suit ...................... 29.40
" 4-Stapleton A. J., claim for repair to his sewer cotmectiou
at 864 South Grandview Avenue ......... ....................... 31
" 20-Seubert and Fesler, excavation bmtd ............................_.~.. 63
" 20-Sieg and I~emtiker, granted cigarette permit ................ 66
April 1-Shea J. J., City Clerk, bond oF .............................................. 79
" 1-Schiitz Joseph P., asking Council approval of the plat of
"English Lane Subdivision" ..........................................79.9 3.102.111
" 1-Sand Mike, requesting that Twenty-fifth Street be re-
paired and that the street and gutters be raised......., 86
" 16-Stampfer Thomas M„ objecting to the re-zoning of the
Fremont Avenue and Dodge Street residential dis-
trict ...................................................................................... 88
16-Spahn Arthm• J., transfer of address of Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................................. 93
May 6--Shiloh Circle No. 37, Ladies of the Grand Army of the
Republic, requesting pertnissiou for the holding of
a tag' day .............................................................................. 97
" G-Shelby Street, profile showing the proposed grade of said
street from the north property line of Semtuary
Street to the end of said street ................................. 99.107
" 6-Spahn Arthur J., granted Class "B" beer permit .............. 106.106
" G-Schwietering Jacob, granted Class "C" beer pertuit,....... 106
" 6-Sullivan Jos. J., granted Class "C" beer permit............ 106
" 6-Savary Chas. H., granted Class "G" beer permit .............. 106
" 6-Safety Plaque, City Solicitor instructed to prepare a
resolution of acceptance .................................................. 107-111
" 6-Septic tanks to be installed for all nets buildings where
City water is available but no sanitary sewer is
installed and that out-houses be permitted on a tem•
porary basis only in such cases where no water
or sewer facilities at•e to be had .................................... 108
June 3-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital requesting fire protection for
both St. Joseph Sanitarium and Mt. Saint Agnes.... 121
" 3-Spielman Frank and Geraldine, transfer of address of
Class "B" beer Permit ..................................._................. 126
" 28-St. John the Baptist Church, Peosta, Iowa, requesting
permission to stretch a banner across Main Street 129
INDEX--Oool< 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
" 28-Stegar Arnold, requesting the vacation of that part of
Fairmont Avenue which runs between Levi Terrace
and Saunders Avenue .......................................................130.160.165
" 28-Schroeder Mary G., approval of sale of Lots 16 and 17
in the Subdivision of West 1/2 of Block 1 in Dubuque
Harbor Cmupauy by Dubuque County .......................... 138.139
" 28-Stemm John and Alberta, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 139.140
" 28-Stoltz Raymond J. and George J, Zillig, granted Glass
"B" beer permit ................................................................ 139-140
" 28-Schiitz Andrew and Lewis J., granted Class "B" beer
permit ........................................._......,.................................. 139-140
" 23-Sand Mike and Marie, granted Class "B" beer Permit.... 139.140
" 28-Steffen Nicholas and Beatrice, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 139.140
" 28-Scherer George J. and Emma, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 139.140
" 28-Savary William and Viola, granted Class "B" beer permit 139.141
" 28-Spfehnau, Harvey L., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 139.141
" 28-Stieher John A, and Elsie, granted Glass "B" beer per-
mit ......................................................................................... 139-141
" 28-Sand Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 140.141
" 28-Snyder Charles T, and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 140.141
" 28-Schnee Michael B, and Sophie, granted Class "B" beer
r permit .................................................................................... 140.141
" 28-Stoltz Raymond J., George J. Zillig, granted cigarette
permit ................................................................................. 141
" 28-Stemm John, granted cigarette permit........~ ..................... 142
" 28-Sand Milce, gt•anted cigarette permit ................................. 142
" 28-Sullivan Thos. P„ granted cigarette permit ...................... 142
" 28-Steffen Nicholas, granted cigarette permit ........................ 142
" 28-Stavros George, granted cigarette permit ........................... 142
" 28-Schuster Leonard, granted cigarette permit ................. 142
" 28-Stampfer J. F. Co., granted cigarette permit .................... 142
" 28-Scherer George J., granted cigarette permit ....................... . 142
" 28-Schneider Joseph, granted cigarette permit ...................... 142
" 28-Schaetzle John, granted cig~at°ette permit_..._ ................... 142
" 28-Siege Joseph J. Jr., and Ferdinand W. I{enniker, granted
cigarette permit ................................................................ 142
" 28-Snyder Charles T., granted cigarette permit ..................... . 142
" 28-Spiehnau J. L., granted cigarette permit ....................~....... 142
July 1-Schwaegler Roy et al, requesting the installation of a
street lig~lrt at the intersection of Algmia Street and
West Third Street ..................................................._...... 145.156
" 1-St. Mary's Orphan Home, requesting fire protection for
their property located outside the limits of the City
of Dubuque ........................................................................... 146
" i-Sisters of the Good Shepherd, requesting ftre protection
for their property located outside the limits of the
City of Dubuque .................................................................... 146
" 15-Sanitary sewer to be constructed in Concord Street,
Coates Street and in Fremont Avenue ........................
_ ......................._,,...,...., 159.160.170-171-190.191-194-203.204-242-243
Aug. 5-Steicheu Nicholas, objecting to the passage of Ordi-
nance No. 13-40 providing far the vacation of East
Seventeenth Street from Cedar Street to Sycamore
Street and the alley between Cedar and Sycamore
Streets, also to the passage of Ordinance No.15-40
providing for the consh~uctimt of a railway upon
Cedar Street and erection of loading platforms by
the Dubuque Packing Company ...................................... 169.181
', ~i'.,
~ I''
~ I>
I ~:
~' iI ?.
i °' ~'
r: ~~~ ~i,~~~,~~
~ ' 1' ~,
ray I
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
" 6- Saint Patrick's Rectory, Epworth, Iowa, requesting per-
mission to erect a harrier across Main Street........... 171
Sept. 3- Schiltz J. H., re-appointed as a member of Board of Zon-
ing Adjustment, term expiring March 6, 1946........ 199
" 3- Spielman Frank and Geraldine, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 201.202
" 13- Senior High School, requesting permission to stretch a
banner across Main Street .............................................. 204
" 13- Spielman Frank, granted cigarette permit ....................... 208
" 13- Shea J, J., City Clerk, appointed Acting Manager dur-
ing the absence of City Manager Rhomberg from
the City ......... ...................................................
~~~~ 209
Oct. 7- Spieg•elhalter Mrs. H., notice of claim........ ..............
.. 211.218
" 7- Strub Jos., Chief of Police, thanking Council for the favor
extended in authm~izing him to attend the conven-
tion of the Iowa Association of Police Chiefs............ 212
" 7- Schuster L., requesting a refund on his cigarette permit 212
21- 1
Seippel Mrs. Martin, requesting the rezoning of Lot 1 /z
in Watters Subdivision .................................................... 217-234
Dec. 18- Schiltz Anua C., grant and easement .................................... 249
" 18- Smith J. P, Shoe Company, City Manager Rhomherg in-
structed to send an appropriate letter congratulating
them for locating their industry in the City ................ 267
INDEX-Book 70
- - __
1940 SUBJECT Page
__ __
Jau, 8-Truck Drivers Union, Coal and Ice Division, requesting
appointment of John Schaetzle as a member of Po•
lice and Fire Commission .............................................. 1C
" 8 -Truck Drivers Union, Dairy Division, requesting ap-
pointment of Jahn Schaetzle as a member of Police
and Fire Commission ........................................................ 11
" 8- Truck Drivers Union, General Drivers Division, request-
ing appointment of John Schaetzle as a member of
Police and Fire Commission ............................................ 11
" 8- Trimpler W. F., transfer of address of his Class "B"
reer permit ......................
~~~~ 11-20
Mar. 4- Tri•State Electric Construction Co. et al, subs
addition to the Electrical Ordinance far Council
o 39
" W
and Ruth, granted Class "
p B" beer per.
mrt .........................
.............................................................. 45
April 1- Thom son Councilman
p ,elected Mayor for the ensuing
year ........... .............. .................................................... 77
" 1- Telegraph-Herald appointed official newspaper ....... ........ 78
" 1- The Maccabees, requesting permission to use City lots
west of the Athletic Field for the holding of a car-
nrval ................................. 79-102
" Tele
r `
i~thly Counc 1
rrgs............ 80
" lfi- Theiring Mrs. Caroline, notice of claim .............................. 8fi•104.119
May 6- The Daily Tribmre, requesting that they be allowed the
printing of the Council pamphlets .................................. 99
" 6- Thompson F, W, g~rauted Class "C" beer permit ................ 106
June 28- Thomas Marjm•ie J., et al, requesting the construction of
a sanitary sewer running generally on Coates Street
near Fremont Avenue to the corner of Concord
Street, thence on Concord Street one block to Mar-
ion Street to connect with a wet well of an exist-
ing sewer ............................................................................. 129
" 28- The Page Hotel Co., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 139.140
" 28- The American Legion, granted Class "B" club permit.... 140-141
" 28- The Dubuque Club, granted Class "B" club permit....... 140-141
" 28- The Service Club, granted Class "B" club permit..........., 140.141
" 28- The American Legion, granted cigarette permit.......... 141
" 28- The Dubuque Club, granted cigarette permit ................. 142
" 28- The Service Club, granted cigarette permit ..................... 142
" 28- Thompson F. W., granted cigarette permit ........................ 142
" 28- Trapp Arthur J, granted cigarette permit....................... 142
" 28- The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co„ granted cigarette
permit .................................................................................... 142
" 28- The Interstate Co., granted cigarette permit ................... 142
" 28- Triangle Cafe, granted cigarette permit ............................ 142
Aug. 5- Thin Della C., cancellation of 1939 taxes ................~........... 172.190
" 5- Thorpe William, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 177-178
" 9- Tax levies for the year 1940 .................................................... 188
" 9- Trimpler W. F, and Ruth, transfer of address of Class
~~B~, beer permit .................................................................. 191.192
Sept. 3- The International City Managers' Association, extend-
ing invitation to attend the annual conference of
the Association to be held in Colorado Springs on
September 23rd to 26th inclusive........._ ........................ 195
" 3- The Volunteers of America, requesting permission for
the holding of their Heart Tag Sale on September
7th, 1940 ........................................._..................................... 195
" 3- Tschirgi Edward M., accomttant, Water Department,
bond ...................................................................................... 199
_ i,~'~I
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
" 3 -Tenenbom Super-Market, Inc., granted Class "C" beer
permit ................................... .............................................. 201-202
Oct. 21- Tschiggfrie Floyd, approval of sale of Lot 2 of 11 of
City Lot 703 by Dubuque County .................~..............,. 221
" 29 -Thomas Dudley S. and Sara J., quit claim deed............... 222
Nov. 14- Telegraph•Herald, requesting permission to erect a can-
opy over the sidewalk at the southeast corner of
Eighth Avenue and Bluff Street and also requesting
permission to install a 1000 gallon oil tank under
the sidewalk on the Bluff Street side of their new
building ... ................................................................... 233.244-253-254
Dec. 18 -Toepel Wm. V., et al, grant and easement .......................... 247.248
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
June 3-Uppinghouse A. R. and Philomenia, granted Class "B"
beer permit ......................................................................... 126
" 28-University of Dubuque et al, requesting the construc-
ticn of a sanitary sewer on the westerly side of
C: Fremont Avenue firom Coates Street to Simpson
r Street ...................................................................................... 129
[ 28-United Cigar•Whelan Stm•es Corporation, granted cigar-
i ette Permit ......................................................................... 142
x 23-Uppinghouse A. R., granted cigarette permit .................... 142
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INDEX-hook 70 INDEK-hook 70
1940 SUBJECT Page 1940 STJBJECT Page
Mar, 6 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ladies' Auxiliary, request- Feb, 5 -Wunder Al, requesting Council to assist him iu dispos-
" ing permission for holding of Poppy Day Sale.......... 3D I ing of his property at West Third Street near Col-
6 -Vogelsberg A. J„ requesting a refund ou duplicate rest- ~ lege Street or else the City purchase the saute, as
auraut license ..........................._........................................ 98 f: he is unable to dispose of the same on account of
June 28 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc, application for Class 4 the erection of the water reservoir ..... ........................ 14-29-103
"B" beer permit ............................................................139.14 3-146.147 ~ 26 -Wells M. J., requesting cancellation of interest and pen-
" 28 -Vogelsberg Albert J, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 139.141 "
i alties and charge a straight 6~/~ interest on Jelin-
28 -Van der Meuleu Wm. F. and Sophie M. McMann, grant- quent items on Lot 5 in Pinehurst Subdivision......,...,. 24-63
ed Class "B" beer permit .................................................. 139.141 ~~ Mar. 4- Weimer John H., application for reappointment ou the
" 28 -Van Dnehuau Carl A, granted cigarette permit .............. 142 [ Board of Review .............,..............,,........,....,........_....,..... 29
" 2S -Van der Meuleu Wm. F. and Sophie M. McMann, grant- 4 -Wright Roy A, and Esther, granted Class "B" beer per-
ed cigarette permit
............. . .....
142 trait ........,.................. 46
July 23 ~
Council to favor
e 7 20 -Wohlert Mrs. Ida, requesting the waiving of penalties
eq test of the
epartment fora and interest charg
es in excess of 5%r per annum
72-hour work week ........................................................... 164 i; in the redemption of special assessments on Lot 3
Oct. 21- Varner C. W., submitting offer to purchase Lots 3, 4, 5, € of Jansen's Sub. No. 3 .................................................... G2-73
G and 7 in Industrial Subdivision No. 2 ........................ 216.227 ~ April 1- Watkins Wut. J., requesting a permit to complete the
Dec. 18 -Voelker Realty Co., grant and easement ............................ 248 I~ sign which is being erected on the Kircher property
{ on the new Highway No. 20 ......................................... 79-92
f~ - ranted Class "B" beer per-
Joseph and Helen'
t mrt
...g ..................................................... S1
May 6 -Wernimont Gus et al requesting the Paving of the alley
ooth Street
to outs ran view venue ................
s n 99
" -Warreu
and Ralpl
beer permit 106-1OG
" 13 -Wagner Mrs, Emma, notice of claim .................................1 08-195-213
r June 3 -Wilson Geo. A., Governor of State of Iowa, advising that
the Traffic Safety Commission has recommended
that special attention be given to the traffic laws
of Iowa during the month of June, 1940........._....... 120
" 3 -Wunder Raymond and Eileen, granted Class "B" beer
permit .......... ........................................................................ 120
" 28 -Weber Frank J, and Tillie, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ..................................................._.............,............,.......... 139-140
" 28 -Wallig William Carl, granted Class "B" beer permit.,.. 139-140
` 28 -Weber Mrs. Cecelia and Nick, granted Class "B" beer
Permit 139-140
~ 28 -Wodrich William E, and Anna, granted Class "B" beer
~ permit
" 28 -Wright Louis A. and Augusta, granted Class "B" beer
I permit ........... ................................ ......... ..... ........ 139-141
" 28 -Wathier Nick and Marie A., granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................._
y: 28 -Walgreen Co., granted cigarette permit ............................. 141
' ~ 28 -Weiner Joseph J., granted cigarette perntit.........._........,... 141
e 23 -Weber Mrs. Cecelia, granted cigarette permit ...................... .. 142
28 .
-Weber Frank J, granted cigarette peruut........_.. ,_,.....,....
" 28 -Wodrich Wm. E., granted cigarette permit ...................... 142
} 28 -Wille Mrs. F, A., granted cigarette permit .......................... 142
! 28 -Warren Dell and Ralph, granted cigarette permit....,..... 142
~. 28 -Wright Roy A., granted cigarette permit ........................ 142
" 28 -Wagner William, granted cigarette permit ...................... 142
July 23 -Wunder Raymond and Eileen, granted cigarette permit 166
Aug. 5- Wright John L. and A. B. Cramer, requesting Council
to investigate the condition of the alley in the 1900
block on Asbury Street ...................................................... 171
" 5 -Weiner, Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" beer
C Permit ................................................................................... 177.178
" 9 -Wright Roy A, and Esther, transfer of address of Class
"B" beer perrnit .................................................................... 191
Sept. 3- Weimerskirch Margaret, notice of claim ............................ 195
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INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
" 3- Wilbricht A. E., requesting the construction of a side-
weli Street,...
n 195
auted Cl
., ass "B" beer
permit ,...
n 201.202
" 13- d Esther
Wi ght Roy M., transfer of address of
Class "B" beer permit ...................................................... 208
Oct. 7- Wallis John Rider, Chairman of Parade Committee of
the Community Chest, requesting permission for the
holding of a street parade on October 12, 1940........ 212
" 29- Walz Clarence E, and Maletta P., requesting cancellation
of the unpaid special assessment against Lot 6 in
Pinehurst ............................................... 223
Nov. 4- n offer in
of s
peciai as-
sessment against Lot 6 in Pinehurst ............................ 225
" 14- Woodnorth Paul T. and Helen, Warranty Deed convey-
ing to the City of Dubuque for street purposes Lot
2 of Lat 2 of Min. Lot 42 and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot
4 of Min. Lat 42 .................................................................. 233
" 26 -Water Works General Fund, resolution and application
for authority to transfer the sum of $20,000,00 from
said fund to the Improvement Fund ..........................235.236.240
Dec. 18 -Wunder Al, requesting suspension of the 1939 taxes on
various pieces of real estate .......................................... 247
" 18 -Wiegand Cora I~., requesting suspension of 1939 taxes,... 247-256
" 18 -Waldorf Mrs. G., requesting suspension of 1939 taxes,... 247.266
INDEX-Book 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
Dec, 2-Yellow Cab Company, taxi-cab policy .................................. 242
INDEX-Gook 70
1940 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 2- Zillig Mrs. Enmra, granted Class "B" beer permit.......... 5
" 2 -Zoning Map, amended and changed as the same applies
to both sides of Dodge Street .......................................
Feb. 26 -Zumhof Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation of
the Excavation Bond of Nesler & Buechel .................. 23
Mar, 27- Zumhof Insurance Agency, Power of Attorney ................ 69
" 27 -Zehentner Robert D., granted cigarette permit .............. 72
April 1- Zehentner Joseph M, and Robert D., granted Class "B"
beer permit .......................................................................... 81
June 28- Zillig Mrs. Emma, granted cigarette permit.. ................. 142
" 28 -Zelens Bert, granted cigarette permit .................................. 142
" 28 -Zehentner Robert D„ granted cigarette permit............ 142
July 16- Zumhof Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation of
the cigarette bond of Payson Berg ................................ 152
Aug. 5- Zumhof Insurance Agency, requesting release of the
beer bond of Payson Berg ............................................... ... 171
Dec. 18- Zmudka Rose, grant and easement ................................._..... 252.253