1940 August Council Proceedings168 Special Session, ,July 23rd, 1940,
Seconded by Councilman Schueller,
Carried by the followingvote: Yeas-
Mayor Thompson, Councilman Mur-
phy, Schueller, Van Duelman, Whar-
ton. Nays-None. The ordinance was
then read a second time. Councilman
Van Duelman moved that the reading
just had he considered the second
reading of the ordinance, Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Councilman Murphy moved that the
ordinance be ordered,placed on file with
the City Clerk for public inspection for
at least one week before final adoption.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
man. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Councilmen
Murphy, Schueller, Van Duelman,
1Vharton. Nays-None.
There being no further business
Councilman Van Duelman moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Wharton. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Alayor Thompson, Coun-
cilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van Duel-
man, Wharton. Nays-None.
City Clerk.
Approved _______________________1940,
Adopted ----------------- ------1940.
Councilmen: ~______________________
Attest: ------------------------------
City Clerk.
Regular Session, August 5th, 1940.
City Council
Regular Session, August 5th, 1940.
Council met at 7:40 P. M.
Present-Mayor Thompson, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Van Duelman,
Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg.
Mayor Thompson stated that this is
the regular monthly meeting of the City
Council for the purpose of acting upon
such business as may properly come
before the meeting,
Petitions of Nicholas Steichen sub-
mitting objections to the passage of
proposed Ordinance No. 13-40 of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing for
the vacation of East 17th Street, from
Cedar Street to Sycamore Street, and
the Alley lying between Cedar Street
attd Sycamore Street from East 16th
Street to East 18th Street also to the
passage of Ordinance No. 15-40 of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing
among other things an establishment
and maintenance of a Railway upon
certain parts of Cedar Street between
East 18th Street and East 16th Street
attd for the erection of loading platforms
by the Dubuque Packing Company,
presented and read. Councilman Mur-
phy moved that the rules be suspended
for the purpose of allowing any one
present in the Council Chamber, who
wishes to do so, to address the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman,
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Nays-None. Attorney D. E. Maguire,
representing Nicholas Steichen, ad-
dressed the Council objecting to the
passage of Ordinance No. 13-40 and Or-
dinance No. 15-40 until the rights of
his client and others affected would
be safeguarded. Attorney M, H, Czi-
zek, representing the Dubuque Packing
Company addressed the Council stating
that unless Ordinance No. 15-40 is
passed by the Council that the whole
improvement program as contemplated
by the Dubuque Packing Company
would have to be abandoned. After a
lengthy discussion of this matter At-
torney Maguire stated that if the City
Council .would give assurance that the
rights of his client would be protected
in case that an attempt was made to
construct an industry, track on Cedar
Street before damages to his clients
property has been ascertained and com-
pensated for and if given that assurance
then objections to the passage of Ordi-
nance No. 15-40 would be withdrawn.
Attorney Maguire was informed by the
City Council, City Manager and City
Solicitor that their actions in this mat-
ter would conform with statutes set-
ting forth the procedure to be followed
itr such cases and that all property
owners in any way affected would have
recourse to safeguards as provided by
law. Dr. W. A. Johnston, President of
Chamber of. Commerce addressed the
Council, stating that he had a confer-
ence with Mr. )~, T. Frith of the ~. $.
Frith Co., Inc., and that Mr. Frith
stated that the $. $, Frith Co., Inc,,
had no objections to the proposed va-
cation of East 17th Street to the Du-
buque Packing Company provided that
he was given the assurance that East
18th Street be kept open at all times.
Mr. Johnston was given the assurance
that East 18th Street would be kept
open as requested and that Mr. E. T.
Frith should be so notified and as-
Special Ordinance. Ordinance No,
15-40. An Ordinance granting to
Henry A. Scandrett, Walter J. Cum-
mings and George I. Haight, as Trus-
tees of the property of Chicago, Mil-
waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
Company, their successors and assigns,
the right to construct, maintain and
operate an industry spur track in and
across Sycamore Street, across the pub-
lic alleys between Sycamore Street and
Cedar Street, across "B" Branch Sewer,
across East 18th Street and over, along
and upon Cedar Street from a point
approximately 30 feet southerly of the
southerly line of East 18th Street,
across East 17th Street to a point ap-
proximately SO feet north of the north
line of East 16th Street, and declaring
an emergency, said ordinance having
been passed upon first and second
readings on July 23rd, 1940 and order-
ed placed on file for public inspection
with the City Clerk for at least one
week before final adoption, presented
and read a third time.
Ordinance No. 15-40
An Ordinance granting to Henry A.
Scandrett, Walter J. Cummings and
George I. Haight, as Trustees of the
property of Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul and Pacific Railroad Company,
their successors and assigns, the right
to construct, maintain and operate an
industry spur track in and across
Sycamore Street, across the public al-
leys between Sycamore Street and
Cedar Street across "B" Branch Sewer,
across East 18th Street and over, along
and upon Cedar Street from a point
approximately 30 feet southerly of the
southerly line df East 18th Street,
across East 17th Street to a point ap-
proximately SO feet north of the north
line of East 16th Street, and declaring
an emergency.
Regular Session, August 5th, 1940.
Section One: That there be and there
is hereby granted to Henry A, Scan-
drett, Walter J. Cummings and George
I. Haight, as Trustees of the property
of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacilc Railroad Company, their suc-
cessors and assigns, the right, and au-
thority to construct, maintain and op-
erate an industry spur track diagonally
in a southwesterly direction from a
point approximately 45 feet southerly
of the south line of $ast 19th Street
on the easterly line of Sycamore Street
to a point approximately 90 feet south-
erly of the south line of 1~ast 19th
Street ou the west lice of Sycamore
Street across the public alley between
Sycamore Street and Cedar Street, di-
agonally in a southwesterly direction
frmn a point approximately 87 feet
north of the north line of $ast 18th
Street on the easterly line of said al-
ley to a point on the westerly side of
said alley approximately 70 fee t
north of the north Ifne of $ast 18th
Street; by means of a bridge across "B"
Branch Sewer adjacent to the north
line of $ast 18th Street and in Bast
18th Street approximately 4S feet east
of the east line of Cedar Street and
diagonally across said Iiiast 18th Street
in a southwesterly direction from said
bridge to a point on the south line of
$ast 18th Street approximately 10 feet
east of the east line of Cedar Sheet and
along, over and upon Cedar Street in
a southerly direction from a point on
the easterly line of Cedar Street ap-
proximately 3S feet south of the south
line of )oast 18th Street, across $ast
17th Sheet to a point approximateely
50 feet north of the north line of $ast
16th Street, all in accordance with and
in the manver as indicated by the line
in yellow color on the blue print plat
dated July 8, 1940 hereto attached and
made a part hereof.
Section Two: Said Track shall con-
form to the grade of said streets and
alleys as now or as hereafter estab-
lished and shall be so constructed and
forever maintained that the free pass-
age for vehicles across the same at
all points shall not be interfered with
and the right to impose additional con-
ditions and requirements upon the use
of said track or its maintenance when-
ever reasonable circumstances arise to
require the same is reserved to the
Council of said City.
Section Three: This ordinance be-
ing deemed urgent and of immediate
necessity shall become effective upon
its passage, adoption and approval by
the City Council and publication, as
provided by lavV, and the rights herein
granted shall accrue to said Henry A,
Scandrett, Walter J. Cummings and
George I. Haight, as Trustees of the
property of Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul and Pacific Railroad Company
only when the injury and damages to
property abutting upon said streets
have been ascertained and compen-
sated for, or in lieu thereof, when the
record owners of such property and
record holders of liens and encum-
brances thereon have filed with this
council their consent to the construc-
tion and operation of such track and
waivers and releases of any damages
which may be sustained by them on
account of the construction and opera-
tion of the same.
Passed upon first and second read-
ings this 23rd day of July, 1940.
Passed, adopted and approved this
5th day of August, 1940,
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
G>~0. R. 14URPHY,
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Published officially in The Telegraph-
Herald newspaper this 7th day of Au-
gust, 1940.
J. J. SH$A, City Clerk.
Councilman Wharton moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Seconded
by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Thompson, Councilmen Murphy Schuel-
ler, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of the notice of a public
hearing upon the plans, specifications,
form of conhact and cost of construc-
tion of an eight inch vitrified the sani-
tary sewer in Concord Street from the
present wet well in Concord Street and
Marion Street to the center of Coates
Street and iu Coates Street from the
center of Concord Street to the west
curb line of Fremont Avenue and in
Fremont Avenue from the center of
Coates Street about four hundred and
seventy-four feet southerly, estimated
cost $3,1SO,S0. Councilman Van Duel-
man moved that the proof of publica-
tion be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
Mr. Jos. Hennings et al, represent-
ing the Common Laborers Local Un-
Session, August 5th, 1940.
ion, addressed the Council objecting
to the proposed construction of a sani-
tary sewer in Concord Street, in Coates
Street and in Fremont Avenue on the
grounds that it is proposed to use
W.P.A. labor instead of Union labor.
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the matter of the verbal objections of
Mr, Jos. Hennings et al presented
against the construction of the sani-
tary sewer in Concord Street, in Coates
Street and in Fremont Avenue be re-
ferred to the City Solicitor for an opin-
ion as to the legality of the objections.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-May-
or 'Phompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton,
Communication of Mrs. Chris. Les-
lein advising Council that her son fell
on a defective sidewalk at 610 West
Locust Street and requesting that the
Doctor bill be paid for by the City of
Dubuque, presented and read. Council-
man Murphy moved that the communi-
cation be referred to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Wharton. Carried by
the fallowing vote: Yeas - May-
or Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Whartmt.
Communication of League of Iowa
Municipalities requesting the City
Council to send delegates to represent
the City of Dubuque at the Annual
Convention of the League to be held at
Council Bluffs, Iowa, on August 19, 20
and 21, 1940, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Van Duelman moved that City
Manager Rhomberg, City Solicitor
Kintzinger and Water Superintendent
Hail be delegated to attend said conven-
tion, Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas
-Mayor Thompson, Councilmen Mur-
phy, Schueller, Van Duelman, Whar-
tmt. Nays-None.
Petition of Saint Patrick's Rectory,
$pworth, Iowa, requesting permission
to erect a banner across Ivlain Street
between 8th and 9th Streets, presented
and read. Councilman Murphy moved
that the request be granted and the
erection of said banner to be done un-
de4 the supervision of the Building
Commissioner. Seconded by Council-
man Schueller. Carried by the follow-
ing vote: Years-Mayor Thompson,
Councilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Murphy Insurance
Agency requesting release of the cigar-
ette bond of Robert Zeheutner which
was filed April 1st, 1940, said release to
be as of July 1st, 1940, presented and
read. Councilman Murphy moved that
the request be granted, Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by
the following vote: Yeas -Mayor
Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Petition of NI u r p h y Insurance
Agency requesting release of the cigar-
ette bond of Ford Hopkins Company
which was filed June 10th, 1940, said
release to be as of July 1st, 1940, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Van Duel-
man moved that the request be granted.
Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Thompson, Councilmen Mur-
phy, Schueller, Van Duelman, Whar-
ton. Nays-None.
Petition of Z u m h o f Insurance
Agency requesting the release of the
Beer Bond of Payson Berg as he has
disposed of his business, presented and
read. Councilman Van Duelman
moved that the request be granted. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Thompson, Councilmen Mur-
phy, Schueller, Van Duelman, Whar-
ton. Nays-None.
Petition of Edwin C. Kuehnle re-
questing arefund of the interest and
penalties due on special sewer assess-
ment for Lot 113, Finley, Waples and
Burton's Addition, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the petition be referred to the City
Manager for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote; Yeas-
Mayor Thompson, Councilmen Mur-
phy, Schueller, Van Duelman, Whar-
ton. Nays-None.
Petition of John L. Wright and A.
B. Cramer requesting that the Council
investigate the condition of the Alley
in the 1900 block on Asbury Street in
the rear of their homes, presented and
read. Councilman 'SSchueller ~knoved
that the petition be referred to the
Council to view the grounds. Seconded
by Councilman Van Duelman, Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-May-
or Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Petition of Board of Dock Commis-
sioners requesting vacation of streets
and alleys located in the River Front
Improvement Wharf Property between
East 8th Avenue and the Dubuque and
Dunleith Bridge Company from Cy-
press Street east to the Mississippi
River and also to have the property
which is allocated to the Allison-Hen-
derson Park revert to the City for other
uses, presented and read. Councilman
Murphy moved that the petition be re-
172 Regular Session, August 5th, 1940.
ferred to the Planning and Zoning
Commission- for their recommendation
and report Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Alayor Thompson, Coun-
cilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van Duel-
man, 1Vharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Della C. Thul, referred to
the City Council by the Board of Super-
visors, requesting cancellation of the
1939 taxes on Lot 3 and the Soutlt 2
feet 6 inches of Lot 2 of Kleinschmidt's
Subdivision, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Van Duelman moved that the
petition be referred to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thontp-
sou, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Vau Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Dr, and Mrs. J. C. Pick-
ard et al requesting the vacation of
streets and alleys in Clifton Subdivi-
sion except those parts thereof con-
stituting Fremont Avenue and the ev-
trance of Sun Set Ridge, presented and
read. Councilman Van Duelman
moved that the petition be referred
to the Planning and Zoning Comission
for their recommendation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Wharton.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas:
-Mayor Thompson, Councilmen Mur-
ply, Schueller Van Duelman, Wharton.
Petition of Interstate Power Com-
pany requesting permission to recon-
struct Heir distribution system in the
alley between Maiit and Iowa Streets
and Second and Third Streets iii order
to better serve customers in this vi-
cinity, presented and read. Council-
inait Murphy moved that the request
be granted and the City Solicitor to be
instructed to prepare a proper ordi-
nance. Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas=Mayor Thompson, Councilmen
Murphy, Schueller, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of I{loner Manufacturing
Company requesting permission to
construct a loading platform and can-
opy over the same on Washington
Street between Ninth Street and south-
erly toward Eighth, also for permis-
sion to construct extra steps leading
into their new office on Ninth Street
and a canopy over the same also for
permission to install a 10,000 gallon
fuel oil tank under the sidewalk on the
south side of Ninth Street and east of
Washington Street, presented and read,
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the petition be referred to the Council
to view the grounds. Seconded by
Councilman A4urphy. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
sat, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Ordinance No. 16-40. An Ordinance
vacating part of the Alley between and
abutted on by hots 658-A on the one
side and 658, 6S9 and 660 on the other
side, being the Northerly 3/5ths of the
Alley running from West Tenth Street
to West $leventh Street between and
parallel to Bluff Street and Locust
Street in the City of Dubuque, said
Ordinance having been passed upon
first and second readings on July 23rd,
1940 and ordered placed on file far
pttblic inspection with the City Clerk
for at least one week before final adop-
tion, presented and read a third time.
An Ordinance Vacating Part of the
Alley Between and Abutted on by Lots
6S8-A on the Otte Side and 658, 659 and
660 on the Other Side, being the North-
erly 3/Sths of the Alley running from
tiVest Tenth Street to West Eleventh
Street. Between and Parallel to Bluff
Street and Locust Street in the City
of Dubuque.
Whereas, a request has been filed
with the City Council of the City of
Dubuque to vacate that part of the
alley running from West Tenth Street
to West Eleventh Street between and
parallel to Bluff Street and Locust
Street in the City of Dubuque, which
request has been submitted tb the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission for its
recommendation and approval ;and
tiVHEREAS, The said Planning and
Zoning Commission has filed its rec-
ommendation with the City Council
wherein it recommends granting of the
request; and
Whereas, This Council finds that
the said portion of the alley herein-
before described is not needed for alley
purposes and the vacation thereof will
not injure, damage or interfere with
the use of or accessibility to private
property adjoining said alley, and that
said alley should be vacated as re-
quested; Now, Therefore
Section 1. That all that part of the
alley running from West Tenth Street
to West Eleventh Street between and
parallel to Bluff Street and Locust
Street in the City of Dubuque, said
portion of the alley between and abut-
ted on by Lots 658-A on the one side
and 658, 659 and 660 on the other side,
comprising the northerly 3/Sths of said
Session, August 5th, 1940.
alley, be, and the same is hereby va-
cated and the public use thereof is
hereby annulled,
Section 2. That after the adoption
of this Ordinance, the City Council
shall file a certified copy of the same
in the office of the tiounty Recorder
of Dubuque County, Iowa.
Section 3. That this Ordinance shall
take effect ten (10) days after its
final passage aitd adoption by the City
Council, and publication as provided
by law.
Passed upon first and second read-
ings this 23rd day of July, 1940.
Passed, adopted and approved on
final reading this Sth day of August,
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
Attest; J. J. SHEA, City Clerlr.
Published officially in the Telegraph-
Herald newspaper this 7th day of Au-
gust, 1940.
J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
8-7-1 t.
Councilman Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Seconded
by Councilman Wharton, Carried by
the following vote: Yeas - May-
or Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Special Ordinance
Ordinance No. 17-40 An Ordinance
granting to the Chicago, Great Western
Railroad Company ,its successors and
assigns, the right to construct, main-
tain and operate an Industry Track
over, along and upon the Alley between
Elm and Pine Streets and between
Eleventh and Twelfth, said track to
connect with an existing railroad track
iii said alley, and declaring an emer-
gency, said ordinance having been
passed upon first and second readings
on July 23rd, 1940 and ordered placed
on file for public inspection with the
City Clerk for at least one week be-
fore final adoption, presented and read
a third time.
Ordinance No. 17-40
An Ordinance Granting to the Chi-
cago, Great Western Railroad Com-
pany, Its Successors and Assigns, the
Right to Construct, Maintain and Op-
erate an Industry Track Over, Along
and Upon the Alley Between Elm and
Pine Streets and Between Eleventh
and Twelfth, Said Track to Connect
with an Existing Railroad Track in
Said Alley, and Declaring an Emer-
Section 1. That there be and there
is hereby granted to the Chicago,
Great Western Railroad Company, its
successors and assigns, the right and
authority to construct, maintain and
operate an industry track over, along
and upon the alley between Elm and
Pine Streets and between Eleventh
and Twelfth Street, said track to con-
nect with an existing railroad track in
said alley as indicated and shown by
the lines A and B upon a plat hereto
attached and made a part hereof, and
shall extend in said alley at approxi-
mately the location and between the
points marked A and B on said plat,
said track to be used to serve the Ja-
cobson Iron and Metal Company's
plant located on the east middle one-
fourth (/) of City Lot S00 in the City
of Dubuque and other industries.
Section 2. Said track shall conform
to the grade of said alley as now or
as hereafter established and shall be
so constructed and forever maintained
that the free passage for vehicles
across the same at all points shall not
be interfered with and the right to
impose additional conditions and re-
quirements upon the use of said track
or its maintenance whenever reason-
able circumstances arise to require the
same, is reserved to the Council of
said City.
Section 3. It is further expressly
stipulated and provided that all rail-
road companies now operating tracks
iii this city shall be entitled at any
time to have their cars transferred
over said tracks, and all intermed-
iate tracks of said company, its suc-
cessors and assigns, which may be
necessary to be used in order to con-
nect with the track hereby authorized
upon the payment of such switching
charges which may be uniformly ap-
plied within this city and accepted as
reasonable between railroad companies
operating within the city.
Section 4, This Ordinance being
deemed urgent and of immediate ne-
cessity, shall become effective upon
its passage, adoption and approval by
the City Council and publication, as
provided by law, and the rights here-
in granted shall accrue to said railroad
174 Regular Session, August 5th, 1940.
company only when the injury and
damages to property abutting upon
said streets have been ascertained and
compensated for, or in lieu thereof,
when the record owners of such prop-
erty and record holders of liens attd
encumbrances thereon have filed with
this council their consent to the con-
struction and operation of such track
and waivers and releases of any dam-
ages which may be sustained by them
on account of the construction and
operation of the same,
Section S. The cost of the publica-
tion of this Ordinance shall be paid
by the Jacobson Iron and Meta] Com-
pany, the party having requested the
Passed upon first and second read-
ings this 23rd, day of July, 1940.
Passed, adopted and approved upon
final reading, this Sth day of August,
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
B. A. SCHU1~I,I,$R,
Attest: J. J. SH$A, City Clerk,
Published officially in the Telegraph-
Herald newspaper this 7th day of Au-
gust, 1940.
J. 7. SHI;A, City Cleric,
Cotntciltnan Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas - May-
or Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of a statement of re-
ceipts and also a list of claims for which
warrants were drawn during the month
of June, _1940, presented and read.
Couwcilman Murphy moved that the
proof of publication be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Whar-
ton. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Councilman
Murphy, Schueller, Van Duelman,
GVharton. Nays-Noce.
Reports of the Director of Recrea-
tion for the months of June and July,
1940, presented. Councilman Murphy
moved that the reports be received and
placed on file. Seconded by Council-
man Van Duelman. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson,
Councilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
August 5, 1940,
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
This is to advise that I have ap-
proved the following bonds and desire
to have your approval on same for fil-
$sther E. Fritschel, Stenographer, City
Water Department, Band No, 938222-
A, American Surety Co., N. Y.
Philip Breithaupt, 2120 Washington
Street, Commercial Cas. Ins. Co, of
Newark, New Jersey.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the bonds be approved and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Wharton. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun-
cilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van Duel-
man, Wharton. Nays-None.
August S, 1940.
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
In providing a new highway entrance
into the city from the west by relocat-
ing U. S. Highway No. 2a the Iowa
State Highway Commission acquired
certain lots for right-of-vvay purposes
by condemnation. Among the parcels
so acquired were Lots 11 and 12 of
Sisters Addition owned by C. B. Tre-
wiu, Inc. and hots 24, 2S and 26 of
Babcock's Subdivision owned by the
Susan Andre Estate. All of these lots
were involved in tax sales with Du-
buque County holding tax Certificates
against them. The Highway Commis-
sion tendered warrants of $400.00 in
payment for the Trewin property and
of $450.00 for the Andre lots, both of
which amounts were insufficient to pay
for the general taxes and special assess-
ments owing on the properties. After
Dubuque County received the amounts
necessary to redeem the tax certificates
and to pay the current taxes, there was
available for the payment of special
assessments $189.83 against 11 and 12
of Sisters Addition attd $202.62 against
hots 24, 2S and 26 of Babcock's Sub-
division. The totals necessary to clear
up the specia( assessments are as fol-
hots 11 and 12 Sisters Addi-
tion ____________________$688.97
Available _________________ 189.83
Deficiency ______________$499.14
Session, August 5th, 1940.
hots 24, 2S and 26 of Bab-
cock's Subdivision _______$451.92
Available _________________ 202.62
Deficiency ______________$249.30
I recommend that a warrant in the
amount of $748.44 ($499.14 plus $249.30)
payable to the County Treasurer be
ordered drawn on the Improvement
Fund in payment of the deficiencies in
special assessments against hots 11 and
12 of Sisters Addition and against Lots
24, 25 and 26 of Babcock's Subdivision.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of City Man-
ager R'homberg be approved and the
City Auditor to be instructed to draw
a warrant in the amount of $748,44 on
the Improvement Fund payable to the
County Treasurer in payment of the
deficiencies in special assessments
against hots 11 and 12 of Sisters Addi-
tion and against hots 24, 2S and 26 of
Babcoclt s Subdivision. Seconded by
Councilman Wharton. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
August S, 1940
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the session of the City Council
held July 23rd, 1940 the communica-
tion of John P. Meyers with attached
bill in the amount of $4.00 for removal
of a broken tree limb at 266 Nevada
Street was referred to the City Man-
ager for investigation and report.
I have consulted the Park Superin-
tendent and find that he had the com-
plaint as stated itt the letter and had
told Mr. Meyers over the phone that
from the description given, it would be
the duty of the property owner to re-
move the limb but that he would in-
vestigate the case. It appears that the
work of cleaning the debris caused by
the wind storm occupied the Park
Board employees for several days and
by the time they got around to 266 Ne-
vada Street, the property owner had
hired the work done.
A's a result of my investigation I
recommend that the communication be
received and filed.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of City Man-
ager R'homberg be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Wharton. Car-
ried by the following vote:Teas-May-
or Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
August 2, 1940.
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa,
With reference to the claim of Mrs.
Catherine Bakey, 1241 Jackson Street,
against the City of Dubuque, in which
she claims that she suffered serious and
permanent injuries by falling on a de-
fective and dangerous sidewalk on May
31, 1940 at 736 Julien Avenue in the
City of Dubuque, she has been incapaci-
tated more or less since that time, has
received an injury to her knee which
will require medical care and attention
in the future, that her expenses up to
this time run somewhere in the neigh-
borhood of $2$0.00, that she will be un-
der expense because of the injury, in
the future. I have investigated this
claim and discussed the matter with her
and after negotiations with her, she
agreed to give the City a release if the
City will pay to her $150. I am of the
opinion that there is liability and would
recommend that the claim be allowed
in the sum of $150.00, and that a war-
rant be issued payable to the order of
Mrs. Catherine Bakey for the sum of
$150.00, and the same be delivered upon
execution and delivery of a proper re-
lease to the City of Dubuque, I am re-
turning herewith the claim of Mrs.
Catherine Bakey.
Respectfully submitted,
Councilman Murphy moved that the
recommendation of City Solicitor Kint-
zinger be approved and the City Audi-
tor be instructed to draw a warrant in
the amount of $150.00 payable to Mrs.
Catherine Balcey as settlement itt full
of her claim and that said warrant be
delivered upon execution of a proper
release by Mrs. Catherine Bakey. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schueller. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-May-
or Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
August 5, 1940.
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council,
City of Dubuque, Iowa,
With reference to the claim of Miss
Leona DeSotel, 87 Nevada Street, Du-
buque, Iowa, in which she claims that
she fel( on a defective sidewalk in front
of 1264 I,angworthy Avenue. I have
176 Regular Session, August 5th,-1940.
made an investigation and seep the
sidewalk. She has agreed to accept
$15.00 in full paymeht of her claim. I
am of the opinion that there is liability
and recommeend that the claim be al-
lowed in the sum of $15.00, that a war-
rant be issued payable to Miss Leona
DeSotel in the amount of $15.00, that
the same be delivered to her upon the
execution and delivery of a proper re-
lease to the City of Dubuque. I am re-
turning herewith her claim. I further
wish to say that this sidewalk is in an
unsafe and dangerous condition and that
steps should be talcen to remedy the
said condition,
Respectfully submitted,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Murphy moved that the
recommendation of City Solicitor Kint-
zinger be approved and that the City
Auditor be instructed to draw a war-
rant in the amount of $15.00 in favor of
Miss Leona DeSotel as settlement in
full of her claim and that said warraht
be delivered upon the execution of a
proper release by Miss Leona DeSotel.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
man. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-141ayor Thompson, Councilmen
Murphy, Schueller, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 74.40,
Resolution and application for per-
manent transfer of funds.
Whereas, An emergency tax levy
was made by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque for use in supplement-
ing the funds required for debt serv-
ice doting the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1940 and ending March 31,
1941; upon authority and approval of
the State Comptroller; and
Whereas, As of the 31st of July, 1940,
there was a cash balance in the Grading
Fund of $3,998.14; and
Whereas, There is now in the hands
of the City Treasurer and accredited to
the Emergency Fund the sum of $18,-
739.35, -which is available for transfer
to the Grading Fund above referred
to for debt service; and
Whereas, On August 1, 1940, Grading
Bonds in the amount of $7,000.00 ma-
tured and Grading Bond Interest in the
amount of $330.00 became due and pay-
able; and
Whereas, Ih order to pay the obliga-
tions due it will be necessary to make
a transfer of $7,330.00 from the Emer-
gency Fund to the Garding Fund; and
Whereas, Before any transfer can be
made from the ]:mergency Fund to any
other fund, an application must be made
to the State Comptroller for authority
to make the transfer and his approval
secured thereon. Now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, By the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that, subject
to the approval of the State Comp-
troller, there be and there is hereby
transferred from the $mergency Fund
to the Grading Fund the sum of $7,-
330.00, and the State Comptroller is
hereby petitioned to authorize and ap-
prove such transfer.
Be It Further Resolved, That, upon
the approval of such transfer, the Au-
ditor of the City of Dubuque is direct-
ed to adjust his boolcs accordingly and
notify the Treasurer of such transfer,
and such notification shall be accom-
panied by a copy of this resolution and
the record of its adoption,
The resolution was passed, adopted,
and approved by unanimous action of
the City Council on the Sth day of Au-
gust, 1940, and all members thereof
signed their names thereto.
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Wharton. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Thompson, Councilmen Murphy
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton,
Nays. None.
Resolution No. 75-40.
Whereas, Lots 30-31-32, 2 of S0, and 2
of 51 Bellevue Addition; Lot 2 of 1
of 138, 140 and 142 of L. H, Lang-
worthy's Addition; Lot 17 C of Chas.
Klingenberg's 4th Subdivision; City
Lot 14; Lots 10 and 11 of the Subdivi-
sion of the West % of Block 1 of Du-
buque Harbor Company's Addition
were sold to Dubuque County, Iowa
by the County Treasurer of Dubuque
County for delinquent taxes and un-
paid taxes against the real estate; and
Whereas, the said Dubuque County,
Iowa acquired title to the above de-
scribed real estate by Tax Deed from
Leo J. Meuser, Treasurer of Dubu-
que County, and
Regular Session, August 5th, 1940. 177
Whereas, The said Dubuque County,
Iowa now has offers for the sale of the
various parcels as follows:
Lots 30-31-32, 2 of SO and 2 of
S1 Bellevue Addition_______$ 45.00
Lot 2 of 1 of 138, 140 and 142
L. H. Langworthy's Addi-
tion ______________________ 10.00
Lot 17 C of Chas. Klingen-
berg's 4th Subdivision______ 15.00
City Lot 14__________________ 2,500.00
Lots 10 and 11 of Subdivision
of West % of Block 1 of Du-
buque Harbor Company's
Additiat __________________ 1,000.00
Whereas, The offers above listed are
less than the general taxes involved
and as such require the approval of the
majority of the levying bodies, now,
Be It Resolved, By the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that the
sale of above described property for
the herein stated amounts is authorized
and approved,
Passed, adopted and approved this
Sth day of August, 1940.
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved ,the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by
the following vote: Yeas -Mayor
Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton,
Resolution No. 76-40.
A resolution providing for the Revis-
ing, Amending and Consolidating of the
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque,
Whereas, It is expedient that the
ordinances of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa should be revised, consolidated
and arranged in a manner so as to pre-
sent all of the ordinances which at
present affect the operation of the vari-
ous departments of the City, regulate
the operation of the City's business and
the conduct of its citizens, and,
Whereas, It is deemed advisable that
the ordinance now in existence should
be bound in book form, consisting of
two books, one book to be known as
"Grade-Book Two" and the other book
to be known as "Revised Ordinances
of the City of Dubuque 1940-Book
One," now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, By the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that all
of the ordinances of the City of Du-
buque, should be revised and published
in book form as stated above, and that
such publication shall be sufficient pub-
lication and they shall be in force from
and after such publication.
Adopted this Sth day of August,
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor,
B. A. SCHU1~I.L$R,
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Resolution No. 77-40,
Whereas, Application for Class "B"
Beer Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the same
have been examined; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, By the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the follow-
ing application be and the same are
hereby approved and it is ordered that
the premises to be occupied by such ap-
plicants shall be forthwith inspected.
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
1Villiam C, and Florence Miller, 400
Central Avenue.
Richard and Lillian Hogan, 1804 Cen-
tral Avenue.
Knights of Columbus, Dubuque Council
No. 510, 781 Locust Street,
Joseph J, and Evelyn Weiner, 709 Ju-
lien Avenue,
William Thorpe, 2403 Central Avenue,
Philip Mihalakis and Viola Mihalakis,
1698 Maple Street.
John J. and Marie Rettenmaier, 1'100
Lincoln Avenue.
Wm. J. Clesen, 1097 Jackson Street.
Passed, adopted and approved this
Sth day of August, 1940.
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk,
178 Regular Session, August 5th, 1940,
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Murphy. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelmati, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 78-40.
Whereas, Heretofore applications
were filed by the within named appli-
cants far Class "B" Beer Permits and
have receive'd' the approval of this
Council; and
Whereas, The premises to be occu-
pied by them have been inspected and
found to comply with the ordinances
of this City and they have filed a
proper 6ottd; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, By the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Manager
be and he is hereby directed to issue to
the following named persons a Beer
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
Willam C. and Florence Miller, 400
Central Avenue.
Richard and Lillian Hagan, 1804 Cen-
tral Avenue.
Knights of Columbus, Dubuque Coun-
cil No. 510,. 781 Locust Street.
Joseph J, and Evelyn Weiner. 709 Ju-
lien Avenue,
William Thorpe, 2403 Central Avenue.
Philip Mihalalcis and Viola Mihalakis,
1698 Maple Street.
John J, and Marie Rettenmaier, 1100
Lincoln Avenue.
Wm. J. Clesen, 1097 Jackson Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be and
the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved this
Sth day of August, 1940.
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
respects: By changing from "Two-
Family Residence District= to "Mul-
tiple Residence District" the area de-
scribed as Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Mineral
Lot 367 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
presented and read. No written objec-
tions filed and no objectors present in
the~Council Chamber, Council Murphy
moved that the proof of publication be
received and filed, Seconded by Coun-
cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None.
Ordinance No. 18-40. An Ordinance
amending and changing Zoning Map of
City of Dubuque as provided by Ordi-
nance No. 3-34 designated "Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque" so as
to change to "Multiple Residence Dis-
trict," certain defined territory now de-
limited as "Two-Family Residence Dis-
trict" and declaring au emergency, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Van
Duelman moved that the reading just
had to be considered the first reading
of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson,
Councilmen 11lurphy, Schueller, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays -Noue.
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the rules be suspended requiring an
ordinance to be read ou three separate
days. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
~,ote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun-
cilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van Duel-
man, Wharton. Nays-None, The
Ordinance was then read a second time,
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the reading just had be considered,
the second reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Thompson, Councilmen Mur-
phy, Schueller, Van Duelman, Whar-
ton. Nays-None. Councilman Van
Duelman moved that the ordinance be
placed on file with the City Clerk for
public inspection for at (east one week
before its final adoption. Seconded by
Councilmen Schueller. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 79-40.
Councilman Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman 1Vharton. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-Noue.
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publisher, of nottce of a public
hearing to be held upon a proposal to
amend and change the Zoning Map of
the City of Dubuque in the following
Resolution approving a contract en-
tered into between the City of Du-
bttgtte and the Park Board of the City
of Dubuque and the Dubuque Stone
Products Company and directing the
Mayor and Clerk of the City of Du-
buque to execute the same in its be-
Whereas, A certain agreement has
been entered into dated August S, 1940,
by and between the Park Board of the
Regular Session, August 9th, 1940, ' 179
City of Dubuque and the Dubuque
Stone Products Company with refer-
ence to rock taken from the Eagle Point
Park and that to be taken in the future;
Whereas, it is deemed advisable by
the Council of the City of Dubuque
that the City of Dubuque join into said
contract with the Park Board of the
City of Dubuque; and
Whereas, A contract evidencing the
agreement between the parties bas been
prepared and is hereto attached:
Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the
Council of the City of Dubuque that
said contract be and the same is hereby
Be it further resolved that upon the
adoption of this Resolution and the ap-
proval of said Contract ,that the May-
or and Clerk of the City of Dubuque,
he, and they are hereby authorized
and directed to execute said Contract
for and on behalf of the City of Du-
Passed, adopted and approved this
Sth day of August, 1940.
F, W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerlc.
Councilman Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
This agreement is triplicate made and
entered into by and between the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, and the Park Board
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, parties
of the first part, and the Dubuque
Stone Products Company of Dubuque,
Iowa, party of the second part, Wit-
That Whereas, The City of Dubuque,
Iowa, is the record title owner of Lot
2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 30S-A and
of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot
30S-A all in Dubuque County, Iowa,
same having been conveyor to said City
for a public park, and
Whereas, The Park Board of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, has heretofore en-
tered into agreemenhs wlhereb'y the
rock on said above described real es-
tate was sold to party of the second
part, which said agreements were never
formally of record approved by the City
of Dubuque, and
Whereas, A resolution has been
adopted by the Park Board of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, at a meeting held
on August 12, 1939, that at the time
the former agreements for the sale of
rock of said lots were entered into, said
lots were and are now not desirable
for park purposes, and
Whereas, Through mistake as to the
true boundary of said Lot 2 of 1 of 1
of 1 of Mineral I,ot 30S-A the Dubuque
Stone Products Company removed rock
from an area beyond the boundary line
of said lot, such area being now desig-
nated by plat prepared by the City
Engineer of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
as Lot 2 of 1 of 1 cf 1 of 1 of 1 of
Mineral Lot 305-A; and
Whereas, The Park Board of the City
of Dubuque has received payment for
the rock sold under its two said agree-
Now, Therefore, In order to compen-
sate far the rock removed from Lot 2
of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot
305-A and to designate the boundaries
and limitations of the rock to be hence-
forth taken from Lot Z of 1 of 1 of
Mineral Lot 305-A and'for Lot 2 of 1
of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 305-A, the
following is hereby mutually agreed
to between the parties hereto,
1. That the Dubuque Stone Prod-
ucts Company will pay to the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, the sum of $6,300.00
upon the execution and due approval
of this agreement.
2. That the Dubuque Stone Prod-
ucts Company shall remove no more
rock from Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1
of Mineral I,ot 305-A,
3. That the Dubuque Stone Prod-
ucts Company shall not break the sur-
face of the ground or remove rock be-
yond the present face wall of Lot 2
of 1 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 30S-A.
4, That the Dubuque Stone Prod-
ucts Company shall have the right to
go down and remove the rock and
stone on the present worked area of
Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 30S-A
and Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot
305-A to a depth on a level with the
street grade of Rhomberg Avenue at
the southerly boundary of Lot 2 of S
of Mineral Lot 30S-A and that the bot-
tom of the quarry shall be so worked
that pools of water shlal not remain
in said quarry. That the roadway into
said quarry at the North end shall be
used by the Dubuque Stone Products
Company in its present now existing
width of 40 ft.; and there shall be left
,,,I,, , .
Session, August 5th, 1940.
a ridge of rock abutting said quarry
along the street from said roadway en-
trance at the North end of said quarry
to a point southerly along said street
designated by an iron stake 492 feet
South of said entrance; that if the rock
abutting said street is removed from
said iron stake to the South boundary
line of Lot 2 of 5 of Ivlineral Lot 30S-A,
so that the base of the quarry is below
the level of the street and a hazat•d to
travel on said street is thereby created,
then, upon notification by the City of
Dubuque to the Dubuque Stone Prod-
ucts Company, the Dubuque Stone
Products Company will forthwith erect
at its owu expense a suitable guard rail
along said street the full length of such
hazard with a roadway opening into
the said quarry with a gate at said
S. In consideration of the agree-
ments herein contained to be performed
by the Dubuque Stone Products Com-
pany, the City of Dubuque and the
Park Board of the City of Dubuque,
sell and transfers to the Dubuque Stone
Products Company all the rock on Lot
2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 30S-A and
Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of. 1 of Mineral Lot
305-A, subject to the limitations above
enumerated, and the period of time
throughout which said party of the sec-
ond part shall have the right to remove
said rock shalt be twenty-five (25)
years from the date hereof and any
rock not removed during said period of
25 years shall revert to and remain the
property of the City Dubuque.
6. It is further agreed by said party
of the second part that for the time
granted for the removal of said rock no
advertising signs or other defacements
shall be placed or permitted on the
face or other parts of said rock unless
permission therefore is granted by the
said Park Board.
7. As between the parties hereto,
and as between the party of the second
part, the party of the second part as-
sumes all liability for injuries or dam-
age to workmen or others in any way
growing out of the possession of, quar-
rying or other opet•ations of the said
party of the second part in or in con-
nection with the said pooperty above
described and agrees to hold the said
parties of the first part harmless from
all such damages.
8. It is understood that the westerly
boundary lines of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of
Mineral Lot 305-A,shall be marked by
the erection of permanent posts locat-
ing all corners shown on the plats, and
that the location of these posts were
marked ott the copies of the plats filed
in the offices of both parties.
9. It is understood that this agree-
ment and all the provisions thereof
shall inure to and be binding upon the
successors or assigns of each of the
parties hereto.
10. It is agreed between the parties
hereto that the certain agreement ex-
ecuted by the parties hereto on July
15th, 1939, and filed for Record July
17th, 1939 and recorded in Book 148,
Page 43S of Dubuque County records,
is by this instrument nullified.
Signed in triplicate at Dubuque,
Iowa, this 5th day of August, 1940.
By F. W. THObIPSON, Mayor,
BY J• J• SHEA, City Clerk.
Assistant Secretary.
By G. D. ROSE, President,
Secretary and Treasurer.
Dubuque County{ SS.
Ou this 5th day of August A. D.,
before me, John G. Chalmers, a No-
tary Public in and far Dubuque County,
Iowa, personally appeared Charles T.
Landon and William Clemens, Chair-
man and Assistant Secretary respec-
tively, of the Park Board of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, to me known to be
the persons named in and who executed
the foregoing instrument, and acknowl-
edged that they executed the same as
their voluntary act attd deed for and in
behalf of the Park Board of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa.
Notary Public itt and for Dubuque
Dubuque County~SS.
On this 5th day of August A. D.,
19 ~0, before me, John. G. Chalmers,
a Notary Public in and for said Dubu-
que County, State of Iowa, personally
appeared G. D. Rose, President and
Paul M. Nauman, Secretary and Treas-
urer, to me personally known, who be-
ing duly sowrn did say that they are
respectively the President, and the Sec-
retary and Treasurer, of the Dubuque
Stone Products Company, a corpora-
tion organized under the laws of the
State of Iowa, and that said corpora-
tion has no corporate seal, and that
Regular Session,
said instrument was signed and exe-
cuted iti behalf of said corporation by
authority of its Board of Directors, and
aclrnoa~ledged said instrument to be
the voluntary act and deed of said cor-
Notary Public in and for Dubuque
Dubuque County ~ SS.
On this 5th day of August A. D.,
1940, before me, Geraldine L. Demkier,
a Notary Public in and for Dubuque
County, Iowa, personally appeared
Frank Thompson, Mayor of the City of
Dubuque, and J. J. Shea, Clerk of the
City of Dubuque, to me personally
known who being duly sworn did say
that they are respectively the Mayor
and Clerk of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and that said instrument was
signed and executed in behalf of the
City of Dubuque by authority of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
and acknowledged said instrument to
be the voluntary act and deed of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Notary Public in and for Dubuque
Councilman Wharton moved that
upon receipt of communication from
the Retail Merchants Bureau, favoring
a change in the parking regulations
governing the four streets bordering
Washington. Park so that parking on
the East and West Streets will con-
form with the two hour parking and
that parking on the North and South
Streets will conform with the one hour
regulation, that the same be referred
to the City Manager, Chief of Police
and Manager of the Dubuque Automo-
bile Club for their investigation and
report. Seconded by Councilman Van
Duelman. Carried by the following
vote; Yeas-11layor Thompson, Coun-
cilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van Duel-
man Wharton. Nays-None,
Attorney D. E. Maguire, represent-
ing Nicholas Steichen, addressed the
Council stating that since the Council
has given assurance that the rights of
his client would be protected then the
objections submitted to the passage of
Ordinance No. 13-40 would be with-
Resolution No. 70-40,
Resolution approving Contract with
Dubuque Packing Company and direct-
ing the Mayor and Clerk of the City
of Dubuque to execute same in its be-
Whereas, It is deemed advisable by
the Council of the City of Dubuque to
5th, 1940. 181
reconstruct and rebuild i;he 'surface
water drainage system on Toast 17th
Street at or near Cedar Street in or-
der that adequate provision be made
for the collection and discharge of sur-
face and storm waters into the B.
Branch Sewer; and
Whereas, Dubuque Packing 'Com-
pany, in consideration of the vacation
of East 17th Street from Cedar to Syc-
amore Streets and the conveyance of
title to East 17th Street from Cedar
to Sycamore Streets and that portion
of the alley lying between Cedar and
Sycamore streets from East 16th
Street to East 18th Street to it, will
pay the cost and expenses of con-
structing such sewer system; and
Whereas, A contract evidencing the
agreement between the parties has
been prepared and is hereto attached;
Now, Therefore, Be it resolved by
the' Council of the City of Dubuque
that said contract be and the same is
hereby approved.
Be It Further Resolved; That this
Resolution and the contracthereto
attached be filed in the office of the
Clerk for public inspection for at Jeast
one week and that, thereafter, the Reso•
lotion and Contract be considered for
final approval and adoption.
Be It Further Resolved, That, upon
the final adoption of this Resolution
and the approval of said Contract, that
the Mayor and Clerk be and they are
hereby authorized and directed to exe-
cute said Contract for and on behalf
of the City of Dubuque.
Introduced this twenty-third day of
July, 1940•
Passed, adopted and approved this
Sth day of. August, 1940,
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the Resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Wharton. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller Van Duelman, Wharton,
Contract and Agreement.
Whereas, Surface waters from the
North and West of East and West
17th Streets are directed to East and
Nest 17th Streets and are drained upon
182 Regular Session, August 5th, 1940. Regular Session, August 5th, 1940. 183
the surface of said streets and are dis-
charged into the B. Branch Sewer
through openings constructed in the
gutter located on the Nortlt and South
sides of East 17th Streets at the al-
ley lying between Cedar and Sycamore
Streets; and
Whereas, By reason of the great vol-
ume of storm and surface waters which
are drained upon said streets, the drain-
age system as it now exists is inade-
quate to speedily and effectively re-
ceive such water with the result that
they overflowed adjoining premises
causing damages thereto and annoyance
therefrom; and
Whereas, In order to provide facili-
ties for the receiving of surface and
storm waters and the discharge of the
same into the B. Branch Sewer it will
be necessary to construct enlarged
sewers and drains under the surface of
the street and to reconstruct the B.
Branch sewer to receive the water dis-
charged therein, which improvements
involve the expenditure of large sums
of money by the City of Dubuque; and
Whereas, Dubuque Packing Com-
pany has petitioned the Council of the
City of Dubuque for the vacation of
East 17th Street from Cedar Street
to Sycamore Street and that portion
of the alley lying between such streets
and extending from Toast 16th Street
to East 18th Street and to convey said
vacated areas to it;
Whereas, The Council of the City
of Dubuque is agreeable to the vaca-
tion of said street and alley on condi-
tion that said Dubuque Packing Com-
pany will, at its own expense, construct
sewer facilities on East 17th Street to
afford adequate drainage of surface and
storm water, as aforesaid, into the B.
Branch Sewer, the character of such
system of drainage, the dimensions
thereof, the location and materials to
be used to conform with plans and spe-
cifications to be prepared by the City
Manager and the same to he construct-
ed under his supervision, direction and
control; and
Whereas, In the construction of such
drainage system a public purpose of
great value will be accomplished and a
source of constant danger from over-
flow and resulting damage will be elim-
from the north line of East 16th Street
to the South line of East 18th Street
and the conveyance of said vacated
areas to Dubuque Packing Company,
said Dubuque Packing Company will
pay all of the costs and expenses of
constructing a storm water sewer sys-
tem in East 17th Street far the pur-
pose of draining storm and surface
waters into the B, Branch Sewer, said
system to be constructed in accordance
with plans and specifications to be pre-
pared by the City Manager and under
his supervision, direction and control,
and said Dubuque Packing Company
does hereby concur in said plans and
specifications and agrees to waive any
claim for damages which may result to
said compa~ty on account of said sewer.
Two. In any action brought in law
or equity to challenge the validity of
any ordinance vacating East 17th
Street ft•om Cedar to Sycamore Street
and/or the alley lying between Cedar
and Sycamore Street from East 16th to
East 18th Street, the Dubuque Packing
Company will defend said action and
save harmless the City of Dubuque
from any loss, damages, or expenses
which may be incurred as a result of
the passage and adoption of such ordi-
nances, and will pay any and all dam-
ages and costs arising from such ac-
Three. In consideration of the pay-
ment of al( costs and expenses of con-
structing said sewer system for the
purpose and in the manner aforesaid,
said City of Dubuque will vacate East
17th Street and the portion of the alley
above described and convey said va-
cated areas to Dubuque Packing Com-
pany under proper deed of conveyance
containing such restrictions and rever-
sions as may be contained within the
vacation Ordinance.
In Witness Whereof said City of Du-
buque has caused this agreement to be
executed by the Mayor and Clerk
thereof pusruant to authority of a
Resolution adopted by the City Coun-
cil of said City, the Sth day of August,
1940, and Dubuque Packing Company
has executed this agreement by its
President for and in its behalf.
A]( done at Dubuque, Iowa, this Sth
day of August, 1940.
By F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor,
By J. J. SHEA, Clerk.
By H. W. WAHI,ERT, President.
Sycamore Street; also for the Vaca-
tion of the Alley lying between
Cedar and Sycamore Streets from the
North Line of East 16th Street to the
South Line of East 18th Street; also for
the conveyance of said vacated areas
to Dubuque Packing Company; and
declaring an emergency, said ordinance
having been passed upon first and sec-
ond readings on July 23rd, 1940 and
ordered placed on file for public inspec-
tion with the City Clerk for at least
one week before final adoption, pre-
sented and read a third time.
ORDINANCE N0. 13-40.
An Ordinance Providing for the Va-
cation of East 17th Street from the
East Line of Cedar Street to the West
line of Sycamore Street; also for the
Vacation of the Alley .lying between
Cedar and Sycamore streets from the
North Line of East 16th Street to the
South Line of East 18th Street; also
for the conveyance of said vacated
areas to Dubuque Packing Company;
and Declaring an Emergency,
Whereas, East 17th Street from
Cedar Street to Sycamore Street and
the alley lying between Cedar and
Sycamore streets fi•om East 16th
Street to East 18th Street are located
within ttte Heavy Industrial District
of the City of Dubuque, as delimited
by the Zoning Map of said City, and
such portions of said street and alley
are not needed for street purposes
and the vacation thereof will not in-
jure, damage ot• interfere with the use
of or accessibility to private property
situated within such district; and
Whereas, Storm and surface waters
are drained in large quantities upon
the surface of East 17th Street,
there being no sewer facilities con-
structed therein, and such waters are
discharged into the branch sewer
through inlets constructed at the alley
lying between Cedar and Sycamore
streets; and
Whereas, The existing facilities for
the drainage of such waters are in-
adequate and, because thereof, proper-
ties adjacent to East 17th Street be-
tween Cedar and Sycamore streets are
subject to overflow and consequent
damages; and
Whereas, In the event of the vaca-
tion of East 17th Street from Cedar
to Sycamore Streets and the convey-
ance of said portion of said street to tt,
said Dubuque Packing Company agrees
to construct enlarged sewer facilities
for the handling of such storm and
surface waters, resulting in a material
benefit to the drainage area; and
Whereas, The Planning and Zoning
Commission of the City of Dubuque
has examined into the advisability of
vacating such ortions of said street
nd lie an h e to
a a d a re mend d
y s com
this Council that such vjacation be
made; Now, Therefore, BE IT OR-
Par. 870, Section One. That East
17th Street from the easterly line of li 'I
Cedar Street to the westerly line of I ''
Sycamore Street, be, and the same is
hereby vacated,
Now, Therefore, It is agreed be-
tween the parties hereto as follows:
One. In consideration of the vaca-
tion of East 17th Street from the east
line of Cedar Street to the West line
of Sycamore Streets and of the alley
between Cedar and Sycamore Streets
Ordinance No. 13-40. An Ordi-
nance Providing for the Vacation of
East 17th Street from the East Line
of Cedar Street to the West Line of
Par. 871 Section Two. That the
alley lying between Cedar and Syca-
more streets from East 16th Street to
East 18th Street, be, and the same is
hereby vacated.
Par. 872, Section Three. That, in
consideration of the sum of One ($1.00)
Dollar, the receipt whereof is hereby
ackowledged, and other valuable con-
siderations, said vacated areas, be, and
the same are hereby granted and con-
veyed to Dubuque Packing Company,
its successors and assigns; subject,
however, to the ]imitation that, in the
event said Company, its successors ot•
assigns shall cease to use said prem-
ises for industrial purpose, such va-
cated areas shall revert to the City of
Dubuque; and subject, further, to the
reservation that all sewers located
upon or within the vacated areas shall
continue to be the property and under
the supervision and control of the City
of Dubuque, its officers and employees,
including the right and power to enter
upon the premises for all proper public
uses and purposes, subject further to
the condition that in the event any re-
pairs become necessary on the sew-
ers herein referred to, and further
that should said sewers cave in or
Collapse in whole or in part, because
of any actions or conduct upon the
part of the Dubuque Packing Company
its agents or employes, said sewers
shall be repaired or rebuilt at the ex-
pense of the Dubuque Packing Com-
pany; no structures of any kind shall
be superimposed on any of said sewers
or erected in the sewers without first
obtaining the consent of the City of
Dubuque; and the' Deed hereinafter re-
ferred to shall be so conditioned.
Par. 873. Section Four. That said
grantee be, and it is hereby authorized
and directed to cause a plat of said
vacated areas to be made and filed
for record wherein the same shall be
given 'a legal description, whereupon
the City of Dubuque will convey said
lands to said grantee by Quit Claim
Deed, and the Mayor and 'Cleric of
said City are hereby authorized to
execute said Deed on behalf of the City
of Dubuque,
(i, ,,~bj
184 Regular Session, August 5th, 1940. ~ Regular Session, August.5th, 1940. 185
Par. 874. Section Five. That the
Clerk, be, and he fs hereby directed to
fide in the office of the Recorder of
Dubuque County, a certified copy of
this Ordinance.
Par. 875 Section Six, That this Or-
dinance, being deemed urgent and in
the interest of the public welfare, shall
be in force and effect immediately
upon its final passage, adoption and
approved by the City Council and pub-
lication as provided by law, and when
the same has been accepted by said
Dubuque Packing Company, which ac-
ceptance shall be endorsed hereon, and
when the cost and expense of publish-
ing the same has been paid by said
Passed upon first and second read-
ings this 23rd day of July, 1940.
Passed, adopted and approved upon
final reading this 5th day of August,
F. W. THOMPSON, -4ayor.
Attest: J, J. SHEA, City Clerk.
N0. 13-40,
Dubuque Packing Company, having
knowledge of all the terms and con-
ditions of Ordinance No. 13-40, does
hereby accept Ordinance No. 13-40 as
adopted by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque on the Sth day of
August, 1940.
Signed this 7th day of August, 1940,
Published officially in the Telegraph
Herald newspaper this 9th day of Au
gust, 1940.
J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed, by Councilman Wharton. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-May-
or Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Ordinance No. 14-40. An Ordinance
granting to Dubuque Packing Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, the
right to construct and maintain a
loading platform on Cedar Street; upon
East 17th Street; upon East 18th
Street; and upon Sycamore Street; also
the right to occupy a portion of East
18th Street with Stockyards; also the
right to replace the sidewalk on East
16th Street; prescribing the conditions
of such permit and declaring an emer-
gency, said ordinance having been
passed upon first and second readings
on July 23rd, 1940 and ordered placed
on file for public inspection with the
City Clerk for at least one week be-
fore final adoption, presented and read
a third time.
ORDINANCE N0. 14.40.
An Ordinance granting to Dubuque
Packing Company, Its Successors and
Assigns, the right to construct and
maintain a loading platform on Cedar
Street; upon East 17th Street; upon
East 18th Street; and upon Sycamore
Street; also the right to occupy a por-
tion of East 18th Street with Stock-
yards; also the right to replace the
sidewalk on East 16th street; pre-
scribing the conditions of such permit
and declaring an emergency.
Par. 876. Section One. That Du-
buque Packing Company, its succes-
sors and assigns, be, and it is hereby
granted the right and autl~'ority to
construct and maintain a loading plat-
form not exceeding 12 feet in width
ou the easterly side of Cedar street
beginning at the north line of East
16th street and extending thence north-
erly to the south line of East 17th
street; thence across East 17th street
to the north line of East 17th street;
and thence northerly from the north
lineof East 17th Street to the south line
of East 18th Street.
Par, 877. Section Two. That said
Company, its succesors and assigns,
be, and it is hereby granted the right
and authority to construct and main-
tain aloading platform not exceed-
iug 12 feet in width on the southerly
side of East 18th street from the
easterly line of Cedar Street to the
westerly line of the alley lying be-
tween Cedar and Sycamore streets.
Par. 879. Section Four. That said
Company, be, ahd it is hereby granted
the right and authority to remove the
curb and sidewalk as now constructed
on the north side of East 16th street
from Cedar street easterly along its
existing plant and to reconstruct a
sidewalk threat having a sloping sur-
face from the gutter line to the build-
Par. 880. Section Five. That such
loading platforms and sidewalks shall
be constructed under the supervision
of the City Manager, and the Building
and Street Commissioners.
Par. 881. Section Six. That said
Company, its successors and assigns,
shall have the right and authority
to occupy with a portion of its stock-
yards 12 feet in width of the south
side of East 18th street extending
from the easterly line of the alley be-
tween Cedar and Sycamore streets to
the westerly line of Sycamore street.
Par. 382. Section Seven. It is un-
derstood and provided that the right
and permission to use and occcupy
such portions of such streets for
the purposes herein stated is subject
to the continuous control of the City
Council of this City, reserving the
right to said Council to impose re-
strictions or conditions upon the en-
joyment thereof as may be reasonably
necessary for the protection of the pub-
lic interest, including the right to re-
voke and rescind such right and per-
mission if at any time the public inter-
est should require such revocation,
Par, 883. Section Eight. As a
further consideration for the rights and
privileges hereby granted, said Du-
buque Packing Company, its succes-
sors and assigns shall assume all lia-
bility for damages to persons or prop-
erty which might result from the con-
struction and maintenance of the struc-
tures herein authorized and said Du-
buque Packing Company, at its own
expense, agrees to defend any and all
claims and actions which may be
brought against the City because of
the structures herein referred to, and
should the City be required to pay any
amount for damages because thereof,
the Dubuque Packing Company agrees
to reimburse the City therefor, and
shall hold the City of Dubuque harm-
less from any of such damages.
Par. 884. Section Nine. Should the
rights and privileges herein granted
be rescinded or revoked, said Dubuque
Packing Company, its successors and
assigns, at its own expense and upon
the receipt of reasonable notice, shall
remove the structures herein author-
ized and restore the streets to as good
condition as they were in before such
structures were constructed.
Par. 885. Section Ten. This Ordi-
nance being deemed urgent and in the
interest of the public welfare shall
become effective upon its final pas-
sage, adoption and approval by the
City Council and publication as pro-
vided by law, and the rights hereun-
der shall accrue to Dubuque Packing
Company, its successors and assigns,
when this Ordinance has been accepted
by said Company, which acceptance
shall be endorsed hereon, and when the
cost and expense of publishing the
same has been paid by said Company,
Passed upon first and second read-
ings this 23rd day of July, 1940.
Passed, adopted and approved upon
final, reading this 5th day of August,
F. W, THOMPSON, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
N0. 14-40.
Dubuque Packing Company, hav-
ing knowledge of all the terms and
conditions of Ordinance No. 114-40,
does hereby accept Ordinance No.
14-40 as adopted by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque on the 5th day
of August, 1940.
Signed this 7th day of August, 1940.
Published officially in the Telegraph-
Herald newspaper this 9th day of Au-
gust, 1940.
J. J. SHEA, City Clerk,
Councilman Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Wharton. Carried by the
following vote:: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
Par. 878. Section Three. That said
Company, its successors and assigns,
be, and it is hereby granted the right
and authority to construct and main-
tain aloading platform not exceeding
12 feet in width on the westerly side
of Sycamore street beginning at the
north line of East 16th street and
thence extending northerly to the south
end of and connecting with the existing
There being no further business
Councilman Wharton moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman Van
186 Special Session, August 9th, 1940. ~ Special Session, August 9th, 1940. 187
Duelman. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun-
cilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van Duel-
man, Wharton. Nays-None,
J• J• SHEA, City Clerk.
Approved _______________________1940.
Adopted ________________________1940.
Ccuncilmcn: 1______________________
Attest: ------------------------------
City Clerk.
City Council
Special Session, August 9th, 1940•
Council met at 7:45 P. M.
Present-Mayor Thompson, Council-
men Murphy, Schueller, Van Duelman,
Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg.
Meeting called by order of Council-
men Schueller and Murphy
Mayor Thompson read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is call-
ed for the purpose of conducting a
publir. hearing on the Budget Estimate
of Expenditures for the fiscal year be-
ginning April 1st, 1941 and ending
March 31st, 1942, as a basis for the
tax levy for the year 1940, the same
to be collected in the year 1941 and
acting on any other business as may
property come before a regular meeting
of the City Council.
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of notice of a public
hearing upon the Budget Estimate of
Expenditures for the fiscal year begin-
ning April 1st, 1941 and ending March
31st,~1942, as a basis for the tax levy
for the year 1940, the same to be col-
lected in the year 1941 presented and
read. No written objections filed and
no objectors present in the Council
Chamber to the Budget Estimate of
Expenditures for the fiscal year begin-
ning April 1st, 1941 and ending March
31st, 1942. Councilman Van Duelman
moved that the proof of publication be
received and filed. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Wharton. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson,
Councilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
NOTICE-The City Council of City of Dubuque of Dubuque County,
Iowa, mill meet August 9th, 1940, at 7:30 p. m. at the Council Chamber in the
City Hall, Taxpayers will be heard for or against the following estimate of
expenditures at that time.
1. I• SHEA,
7-17-1t City Clerk.
1 2 I 3 4 S 6 7
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General ____$236,200 $ 28,308 $______ $ 66,600) $______ $ 237,338 $226,216
Improvement 15,000 3,446 ______ ______) ______ 11,183 5,584
Grading ____ 10,000 3,019 ______ ) 237,500 7,330 4,676
Sewer ______ 3,000 1,197 ______ ) ______ 1,918 846
Light ______ 39,800
7,361 ______ )
39,371 ------
Consolidated ,
Tax ______ 304,000 ______ ______ 66,500 237,500 297,140 282,832
Equipment 12,548
2,510 ______ ______
Maintenance 114,120
13,576 ______ ______
Pension __ 22,828
11,681 3,527 1,700
Garbage Dis-
posal & Street
Cleaning __ 16,719
4,679 ______ ______
Library ____ 30,884 2,204 ______ 2,500 28,384 27,981 28,805
Waterworks 160,450 14,197 10,000 180,480 _____: 327,279 143,547
Park ______ 23,446 1,128 1,500 750 21,196 21,497 22,930
Pension __ 15,148
7,935 2,467 1,150
Bond ________ 63,080) 27,572 ______ ______ 63,080 55,000 95,000
Bond Interest 22,553) ______ ______ ______ 22,883 26,358 47,512
Emergency _ 33,914 3,799 ______ ______ 33,914 30,588 13,625
Dock Bond &
Interest ___ 38,675
11,661 1,980 ______
Main Sewer 15,770 2,765 ______ ______ 15,770 15,274 11,739
Dock Oper __ 18,957 3,306 ______ 2,000 16,957 19,910 15,283
Playground &
Pool _,____ 15,793
2,490 ______ 3,075
Snow Removal 6,138 201 ______ ______ 6,138 5,597 ______
Totals ____$915,023 $150,032 $ 19,474 $228,125 $667,424 $1 ,053,498 $871,429
Estimated Taxes per $1,000.00 of assessed value , $19,675•
Adjusted Taxable Valuation (1939)________________________ ______$33,913,753
Moneys and Credits (1939) at 6 mills____________________________ 8,270,764
Moneys and Credits (1939) at 2 mills___________ ___________ ______ 176,769
Resolution No, 80-40.
Session, August 9th, 1940.
tiVhereas, The Council of the City of
Dubuque caused to be prepared and
published, as provided by law, the
Budget Estimate of Expenditures for
the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1941
and ending March 31, 1942, and the
hearing upon said Budget Estimate was
fixed for the 9th day of August, 1940,
at 7:'30 p. m., at the Council Cham-
ber in the City Hall; and
Whereas, This being the time and
place set for said hearing, said Budget
Estimate was taken up for final consid-
eration by the Council and all taxpay-
ers have been given an opportunity to
be heard for or against said Budget Es-
It Is Therefore Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa;
That the Budget Estimate of Expen-
ditures for the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1941 and ending March 31,
1942 heretofore prepared and published
be and the same is hereby finally ap-
proved attd adopted and the Mayor
and Clerk are directed to certify the
seine to the County Auditor of Du-
buque County, Iowa, together with the
verified proof of publication and the
notice of hearing upon said Budget Es-
Be It Further Resolved, That the
taxes required to be collected in tfie
year 1941 be and the same are hereby
levied in the various funds in the
amounts shown in said Budget Esti-
Passed, adopted and approved this
9th day of August, 1940.
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Murphy moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Schueller. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Ma}=or Thomp-
son, Councilten Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 81-40.
A resohttion establishing the tax
levies for the year 1940, the taxes to
be collected in the year 1941 and used
for Municipal purposes of the City of
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that there be
and there is hereby levied the taxes
for Municipal purposes for the ensu-
ing year 1941 of the following num-
ber of mills on the dollar of all taxable
property within the corporate limits of
said City.
7.000 mills for Consolidated Tax as
provided for Section 6217 of the Code
of Iowa, 1939.
0.665 mills for Bond Interest Fund,
1.860 tnilis for Bond Retirement
3.365 mills for Fire Maintenance
0.375 mills for Fire Equipment
0.493 mills for Garbage and Street
Cleaning Fund,
0.625 mills for Park Fund.
0.340 mills for Police Pension Futtd.
O.S19 mills for Fire Pension Fttnd.
0.835 mills for Library Fund.
0.465 mills for Maiu Sewer Fund
0.375 mills for Playground and Swim-
ming Pool Fund.
0.500 mills for Doclc Fund.
1.082 mills for Dock Bond and inter-
est Fund.
0.181 mills for Snow Removal Fund,
1.000 mills for Emergency Fund.
Be It Further Resolved, That 2.085
mills on the dollar is hereby levied
upon al] lots or parcels of land contain-
ing ten acres or more which are oc-
cupied in good faith and used for agri-
cultural or horticultural purposes,
Be It Further Resolved, That all
property within the corporate limits of
said City is hereby determined to re-
ceive benefits from each of the said
tax levies,
Be It Further Resolved, That the
Mayor and Clerk be and they are here-
by directed to certify the sums of
honey that the said tax levies will pro-
duce, as shown by the Budget Esti-
mate of )expenditures adopted by this
Council on the 9th day of August,
1940, to the Auditor of Dubuque Coun-
ty on or before August 15th, 1940.
Passed, adopted and approved this 9th
day of August, 1940.
F. 1V. THOMPSON, iVlayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Murphy moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried by the
Special Session, August 9th, 1940.
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 74-44,
Resolution and application far perma-
nent transfer of funds.
Whereas, An emergency tax levy was
made by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque for use in supplementing the
funds required for debt service during
the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1940,
and ending March 31, 1941, upon au-
thority and approval of the State
Comptroller; and
Whereas, As of the 31st of July, 1940,
there was a cash balance in the Gard-
ing Fund of $3,998.14; and
Whereas, There is now in the hands
of the City Treasurer and credited to
the Emergency Fund the sum of $18,-
739.35, which is available for transfer
to the Grading Fund above referred to
for debt service; and
Whereas, On August 1, 1940, Grad-
ing Bonds in the amount of $7,000.00
matured and Grading Bond Interest in
the amount of $330.00 became due and
payable; and
Whereas, In order to pay the obli-
gations due it will be necessary to
make a transfer of $7,330.00 from the
$mergency Fund to the Grading Fund;
TVhereas, Before any transfer can be
made from the Emergency Fund to any
other fund, an application must be made
to the State Comptroller for authority
to tnake the transfer and his approval
secured thereon; Now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, By the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that, subject
to the approval of the State Comp-
troller, there be attd there is hereby
transferred from the Emergency Fund
to the Grading Fund the sum of $7,-
330.D0, and the State Comptroller is
hereby petitioned to authorize and ap-
prove such transfer.
Be It Further Resolved, That, upon
the approval of such transfer, the Audi-
tor of the City of Dubuque is directed
to adjust his books accordingly and tto-
tify the Treasurer of such transfer, and
such notification shall be accompanied
by a copy of this resolution and the
record of its adoption.
The Resolution was passed, adopted,
and approved by unanimous action of
the City Council of the 5th day of Au-
gust, 1940, and all members thereof
signed their names thereto.
F. W. TId,OMPSON, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk,
The foregoing resolution and applica-
tion having been filed with the State
Comptroller, the transfer requested is
approved this 7th day of August, 1940.
State Comptroller.
Counlilman Van Duelman moved that
the approval of C. Fred Porter, State
Comptroller, be received and made a
matter of record. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Wharton, Carried by the follow-
ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson,
Councilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Councilman Wharton moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose of
allowing any one present in the Coun-
cil Chamber, who wishes to do so, to
address the Council, Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman, Carried by
the following vote:Yeas -Mayor
Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
The matter of the gases coming from
the Rock Wool Plant was discussed
at some length by the residents in the
neighborhood, a representative of the
Rock Wool Company and the Coun-
cil. This matter having been referred
to the Health Department, for the tak-
ing of samples of air in this neighbor-
hood to ascertain if gases exists as
complained of, and for a report, and
as no such report has been made at
this time, the Mayor stated that upon
receipt of a report from the Health De-
partment that a meeting of the Board
of Health would be called and that all
interested parties would be notified as
to the time of holding of said meeting.
Petition of Dubuque Policemens Pro-
tective Association requesting permis-
sion for the placing of a banner across
Main Street at Fifth Street during the
convention of the Iowa State Police-
men's Association presented and read.
Councilman Wharton moved that,the
request be granted. Seconded by Coun-
cilmatt Van Duelman. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
190 Special Session, August 9th, 1940.
August 8, 1940,
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the session of the City Council
held August Sth, 1940 a request for a
change m .the parking regulations
around Washington Park was pre-
A motion was adopted that upon
receipt of a communication from the
Retail Merchants' Bureau favoring this
plan the same be referred to the City
Manager, Chief of Police and C. E•
Rhoades, Manager of the Dubuque Au-
tomobile Club for investigation and
report. Such communication has been
received under date of August 6th.
Pursuant to your instructions we
have made an investigation and find
that the parking regulations around
Washington Park are not serving the
purpose for which they were intended.
The intent of restricting parking around
the four sides of Washington Park to
one-half hour from 7:00 a. m. to 9:00
a. m, and from noon to 1:30 p. m. only, .
was to provide a convenient parlring for
the cars of shoppers, particularly those
from out of the city. Our investiga-
tion discloses that less than / of the
spaces are or can be used by such
shoppers, for the reason that many per-
sons employed in the vicinity leave
their cars around the park from 8:30
a. m until noon and from 1:00 p. m.
until closing time.
We recommend that Ordiance No.
1-39 which amended Ordinance No.
10-37 be changed so as to restrict park-
ing around Washington Park to one
hour from 9:00 to 6:00 p. m. on the
Bluff and Locust Streets sides and two
hours from 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. on
the West Sixth and West Seventh
Streets sides.
Respectfully submitted,
Manager, Dubuque Automobile Club.
Chief of Police.
City Manager.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the communication be referred to
the City Council. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson,
Councilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
August 8, 1940.
Honorable Mayor and Members of
the City Council, City of Dubuque.
I herewith return to you the peti-
tion of Della C. Thul for cancellation
of taxes on Lot 3 and the South 2 feet
6 inches of 2, Kleinschmidt's Subdivi-
sion, in the City of Dubuque and with
reference thereto report as follows:
Said petition is made in conformity
with the law; that the City Council of
the City of Dubuque should approve
said petition and notification thereof
should be given to the Board of Super-
visors of Dubuque County, Iowa.
Respectfully submitted,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Murphy moved that the
report of City Solicitor Kintzinger be
approved and the petition of Della C.
Thul requesting cancellation of taxes
on Lot 3 and the South 2 feet 6 inches
of Lot 2 of Kleinschmidt's Subdivision
ordered granted and the Board of Su-
pervisors to be notified of the action of
the City Council. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
August 7, 1940.
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Coucnil,
City of Dubuque.
With reference to whom may be ob-
jectors to the proposed Resolution of
Necessity of the Sanitary Sewer job in
Concord Street, it is provided by
statute, Section S99S:
"The .Council shall fix the time for
the consideration of the proposed Res-
olution of Necessity, at which time the
owhers of property subject to assess-
ment for the proposed improvement of
sewer may appear and make objections
to the boundaries of the proposed dis-
trict, to the cost of improvement, to the
amount proposed to be assessed against
any lot, and to the passage of the pro-
posed Resolution."
"Resident property owners only may
protest' Kirkland vs. Board. of Public
Works, 142 Ind. 123, 41 N.E. 374.
"Those not affected by the proposed
improvement cannot protest."
Fairchild vs. Holton, 101 Kan. 330,
166 Pac. 503.
The only parties. entitled to object
are those listed in the statute as above
set forth.
Very truly yours,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the opinion of City Solicitor Kint-
ziuger be received and made a matter
of record. Seconded by Councilman
Wharton. Carried by the following
Special Session, August 9th, 1940.
vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Mur-
phy, Schueller, Van Duelman, Whar-
ton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 82-40. A resolution
containing the decision of the City
Council upon objections to plans, speci-
fications, form of contract and cost of
improvement for the construction of an
eight inch vitrified file sanitary sewer
in Concord Street from the present wet
well in Concord Street and Marion
Street to the center of Coates Street
and in Coates Street from the center of
Concord Street to the west curb line
of Fremont Avenue and in Fremont
Avenue from the center o$ Coates
Street about four hundred and seventy-
four feet southerly, presented and read.
Councilman Wharton moved the adop-
tion of the resolution, Seconded by
Councilman Schueller, Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of notice of pendency
of Resolution of Necessity for the con-
struction of an eight inch vitrified file
sanitary sewer in Concord Street from
the present wet well in Concord Street
and Marion Street to the center of
Coates Street and in Coates Street
from the center of Concord Street to
,the west curb line of Fremont Ave-
nue and in Fremont Avenue from the
center of Coates Street about four hun-
dred and seventy-four feet southerly
presented and read. Councilman Mur-
phy moved that the proof of publica-
tion be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Wharton. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Thompson, 'Councilmen Murphy,
Schueler, Van Duelman, Wharton,
Resolution No. 68-40. Resolution of
Necessity for the construction of an
eight inch vitrified file sanitary sewer
in Concord Street from the present wet
well in Concord Street and Marion
Sheet to the center of Coates Street
and in Coates Street from the center
of Concord Street to the west curb line
of Fremont Avenue and in Fremont
Avenue from the center of Coates
Street about four hundred and seventy-
four feet southerly, said resolution hav-
ing been introduced, approved and
placed on file with the City Clerk on
July 15th, 1940 presented and read for
final adoption. Councilman Wharton
moved the adoption of the resolution.
Seconded by Councilman Schueller.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Thompson, Councilmen Mur-
phy, Schueller, Van Duelman, Whar-
ton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 83-40. Resolution I
ordering construction and directing the I
City Clerk to advertise for bids for the
construction of an eight inch, vitrified
file sanitary sewer in Concord Street
from the present wet well in Concord
Street and Marion Street to the center
of Coates Street and in Coates Street
from the center of Concord Street to
the west curb line of Fremont Avenue
and in Fremont Avenue from the cen-
ter of Coates Street about four hun-
dred and seventy-four feet southerly
presented and read. Councilman
Wharton moved the adoption of the
resolution. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun-
cilman Murphy, Schueller, Van Duel-
man, Wharton. Nays-None,
Resolution No. 84-40.
Whereas, Applications for Class "B"
Beer Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the same
have been examined: Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved, By the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the following
applications be and the same are here-
by approved and it is ordered that the
premises to be occupied by such appli-
cants shall be forthwith inspected.
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
W. F. Trimpler and Ruth Trimpler,
(Transfer of address from 1654 Cen-
tral Avenue), 6S9 Central Avenue.
Roy A. Wright and Esther Wright
(Transfer of address from 2600 Cen-
tral Avenue), 2600 Jackson Street.
Passed, adopted and approved this
9th day of August, 1940.
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor,
Attest: J.J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Schueller moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 85-40.
Whereas, Heretofore application was
filed by the within named applicants
for Class "B" Beer Permit and has re-
ceived the approval of this Council; and
Whereas, The premises to be occu-
pied by such applicants have been in-
spected and found to comply with the
192 Special Session, August 9th, 1940.
ordinances of this City and they have
filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved, By the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Manager
be and he is hereby directed to issue
to the following named persons a Beer
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
Wm. F. Trimpler and Ruth Trimpler
Transfer of address from 1654 Cen-
tral Avenue), 659 Central Avenue.
Be It Further Resolved, That the
bond filed by such applicants be and
the same is hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved this
9th day of August, 1940.
F. W. THOMPSON, Mayor,
Attest: J. J. SH$A, City Cleric.
Councilman Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Murphy. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Ordinance No. 19-40. An Ordinance
grouting to Interstate Power Company
of Dubuque, Iowa, its successors or as-
signs, the right to construct and main-
tain aTruss or Trusses across the Al-
ley between Second and Third Streets
and Main and Iowa Streets, near the
Julien Hotel, and extending from a pole
on the West Side of said Alley to a
pole on the $ast Side of said Alley, and
prescribing the conditions of such per-
mit, presented and read. Councilman
Van Duelman moved that the reading
just 'had be considered the first read-
ing of the ordiance. 'Seconded by
Councilman Wharton, Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Thomp-
son, Councilmen Murphy, Schueller,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the rules be suspended requiring an or-
dinance to be read on three separate
days. Seconded by Councilman Schuel-
ler. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Councilmen
Murphy, Schueller, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None. The ordinance
was then read a second time. Council-
man Van Duelman moved that the
reading just had be considered the sec-
ond reading of the ordinance, Seconded
by Councilman Schueller. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Thompson, Councilmen Murphy,
Schueller, Van Duelman, Wharton,
Nays-None. Councilman Van Duel-
man moved that the ordinance be placed
on file with the City Clerk for public
inspection for at least one week before
its final adoption. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schueller, Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson,
Councilmen Murphy, Schueller, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Mr. Paul Mathis addressed the Coun-
cil suggesting that the City Hall be re-
modeled and beautified, Councilman
Wharton moved that the verbalsugges-
tion of Mr. Paul Mathis be referred to.
the City Council for further consider-
ation. Seconded by Councilman Mur-
phy. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Councilmen
Murphy, Schueller, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
There being no further business
Councilman Van Duelman moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Schueller. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Thompson, Coun-
cilmen Murphy, Schueler, Van Duel-
man, Wharton. Nays-None.
J. J. SH1aA, City Clerk.
Approved -----------------------1940.
Adopted ------------------------1940.
Councilmen: {____________
Attest: ------------------------------
City Cleric.
City Council
Regular Session, September 2nd,
No members of the Council being
present on roll call, the meeting was
postponed subject to call.
J. J. SH$A, City Clerk.
Approved -----------------------1940.
Adopted ________________________1940.
-- -- --- --- -- --
Councilmen: ______________________
-- -
------------------ --
Attest: ----------------------------
City Cleric.
Regular Session, September 2nd, 1940.