1939 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
For the Year
City Officers for the Year 1939
City Clerk, J. J. SHEA City Solicitor, AL. J. NELSON
City Manager, A. A. RHOMBERG
City Treasurer-
OTTO F. PULS Chief of Po]ice-
City Auditor- Health Director-
Chief of Fire Department- Sanitary Officer-
City Electrician-
JOSEPH CORRELL Milk Inspector-
Police Judge-
LOUIS F'• FAUTSCH Food and Restaurant Inspectm•-
Plumbing Inspector-
D. J. O'LEARY Market Master-
Electrical Inspectm•- C. J• McCARTHY
Recreational Director-
Building Conunissioner- CARL GRABOW
City Assessor Superintendent of Water Worlts-
Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each
month at 7:30 P. M.
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
'Feb, 27-Alderson John, notice of suit, to Louis and Mary
Schmitt, City of Dubuque, et al ...................................... 34
" 27-Andre Susanna, City of Dubuque and Dubuque County
Treasurer, uotice of condemnation by the Iowa
State Highway Commission of Lots 24, 25 and 26
in Babcock's Addition ........................................................ 34
Mar. G-Avenarius Art, requesting a parking' permit in the rear
of his place of business in the 1000 block on Main
Street .................................. ............................................... 43
" 23-American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to
hold their Annual Poppy Sale on May 27, 1939,...,,.. 86
April 3-Appointment of Officers by City CeunciL ........................... 107
" 3-Appointment of Officers and Employees by City Manager 107
" 3-Appointment of the Telegraph-Herald as otlicial news•
paper .......................................... ........................................ 108
" 3-Appointment of First National Bank, American Trust &
Savings Banlt and'Dubuque Banlz and Trust Com-
pauy as depositories of public funds ........................ 108
" 3-American Trust and Savings Bank, appointed as a de-
pository of public funds ...................................................... 108
" 3-Appointment of John H. Weimer, Eugene Forward and
Frank J, Hickson as members of Board of Review 108
May 1-American Legion, requesting the issuance of a proclama-
tion of a special election for the election of repre•
sentatives to a training school known as "Boys'
State" ................................................................................. 123.168
" 1-American Legion, Boys State Committee, requesting_per-
mission to hold a street parade .....................:.............. 126
" 22-Application for authority to transfer the sum of $602,08
from the Library Fund to the Library Building Fund 151
June 5-Alderson Dr. James, re-appointed as a member of Board
of Trustees of the Carnegie-Stout Free Public Li-
brary .................................................................................... 155.167
" 22-American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps, requesting per•
mission to place a banner across Main Street ...................................... 168
" 22-Anchor Inv. Co„ condemnation proceedings on buildings
located on Lot 19, Correll's Sub ................. 0.28D•292
" 22-Anderson Reuben I,., Inc., excavation bond ........................ 173
" 22-Apel Merlin, granted cigarette permit ................................ 175
" 22-Amodeo Jos, granted Class "C" beer permit ........................ 176.177
" '22-Approval of plats of Subdivisions of Lot No, 1 of •1 of 1
of 1 oY Mineral Lot 305A and of Lot No, 1 of 1 of
1 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 305A, Eagle Point Park.... 178
" 30-Anthony Theodore E. and Lillian, granted Class "B"
beer permit ............................................................................ 194
Aug. 7-Angelos Andrew, requesting a free permit to sell pop•
corn from a wagon .............................................................. 218
Sept. 5-Armstrong Jahn A, and Harriett, granted Class "B" per•
. mit .......................................................................................... 250
Oct, 2-Avenarius Mrs. Catherine, original notice oY suit .............. 272
" 2-Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, certificate appoint•
ing Agents to execute bonds, etc ..................................... 272
" 6-Armstrong John A., granted cigarette permit .................... 284
Nov. 6-Allendorf W, F., requesting a refund of the total amount
of penalties paid on special assessments for Lot 36
part of Farley's Sub ............................................................. 290.311
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jau. 16-Bock Geo, and Emil, requesting permission for the in•
stallation of equipment required for a modern
Super-Service Station at 2231 Central Avenue........ 8.25.30
" 16 -Bendel Geo., suspension of 1938 taxes ................................ 9-25
" 16 -Brady John A„ bond as Police Court Clerk ........................ 12
" 30 -Board of Health, report for month of December, 1938 19
» 30 -Bock George, sign policy ............................................................ 19
Feb. 6 -Bradley H• M., claim for damages to his milk truck............ 27.40
" 27 -Brown William C. and William L. Jones, owners of Lots
33 and 35 of Grandview Heights, requesting the
vacation of the unnamed street on which said lots
abut from Plymouth Street southerly to the end of
.:street .......:........................................................................
" 27 -Board of Health, report for month of January, 1939........ 36
" 27 -Bissell Fred~E•, reappointed as a member of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission ............................................ 38
Mar. 6- Budget for the fiscal year 1939 ....................
......... ........ 58.59.60-61-62-63-71-72.73-74.75.7 G•77.78-
" 6 -Beadle John, stating that he purchased a lot from
Voelker Realty Company and.finds that upon appli-
cation for a permit to move a house upon this lot
that he is prohibited from doing same as lot is too
small ...................................................................................... 48
" 15 -Beach Edward J., requesting that Forest Lane between
Nevada Street and Booth Street be repaired and
properly drained .................................................................. 66
• 23 -Brandt Wm., submitting application for appointment as
a member of Board of Review ........................................ 85
" 23 -Beidler James M„ making application for the office of
Assessor for Julien Township ........................................ 86
" 23 -Board of Health, report For month of March, 1939........... 87
" 23 -Barrett H. L., granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 89
" 30 -Baumann Mrs. Ahna, settlement of claim and suit........ 105
April 3- Board of Review, appointment of ........................................ 108
" 3 -Baldwin Howard C., State Senator, advising of receipt
of resolution relative to the passage of enabling acts
for slum clearance and housing ...................................... 110
" 3 -Brown F, D. et al., requesting the erection of a street
light at the west end of Hoyden's Lane ........................ 110.121
" 3 -Bethke Otto F., Electrical Inspector, bond of .................... 111
May 1 -Board of Health, report for montly of March, 1939........ 126
" 1 -Barrett Ethel Mae, granted Class "C" beer permit............ 127.128
" 16 -Board of Trustees of Carnegie-Stout Public Library, re-
questing that an application be made for authority
to transfer from the Library Maintenance Fund to
the Library Building Fund the sum of $683,97............ 139
" 16 -Boesen Mrs. Anna Fatka, suspension of 1938 taxes........ 139.249
" 16 -Black & White Cab Co., taxicab policy ............................ 145
" 16 -Beaves George L, excavation bond ........................................ 145
June 5 -Board of Review, report for the year 1939 ............................ 159
" 5 -Building, Health 'and Fire Departments advising the
condemnation of buildings located upon Lots 8, 9
and 10 of Sub, of Min. Lot 68 Alvin Lee owner, Lot
1 of Burden and Lawthers, Celia A. Heyne owner,
Lot 354 Ham's Addition Leonard Schuster owner,
City Lot 14 Sisters of the Holy Ghost owners, Lots
115 and 116 East Dubuque Addition, Thomas Farley,
et al owners .......................................................................... 159
" 5 -Board of Trustees of Carnegie•Stout Free Public Li-
brary, annual report for the year ending March 31,
1939 ........................................................................................ 159
" 22 -Byam R, J., notice of claim ........................................................ 167.300
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
" 22- Bohn Ernest, Chairman of Housing Committee, City of
Cleveland, Ohio, requesting Council to adopt a reso-
lution requesting the early passage of "Amendment
to U. S. Housing Act of 1937 ............................................ 168
" 22- Board of Trustees of the Police and Fire Pension Sys•
terns certifying the amount of $14,736.00 as the
amount necessary for the operation of the Police
Pensimr System and also certifying the amount of
$26,763.00 as the amount necessary for the operation
of the Fire Pension System for the fiscal year be-
ginning April 1, 1940 and ending March 31, 1941.... 168
" 22- Board of Trustees of Public Library certifying the
amount of $30,000.00 as requirements for the'en-
suing year for library Purposes ...................................... 168
" 22- Boland Al J., et al, requesting the installation of a
street light. at the intersection of Windsor Avenue
and Providence Street ........................................................ 168.191
" 22- Building, Health and Fire Departments, advising the
condemnation of buildings located on City Lot 195
Klauer Julien Hote] Company owners, City Lot 193
Wm. Lowther owner, City Lots 554 and 555 Mary F.
Doyle owner, City Lot 555 Frank White owner, City
Lot 238 P. J, and Minnie Norton owners, City Lot
643 J. E, Fairbanks Estate owners, Lot 284 East Du-
buque Addition No. 2 Realty Inv. Corp. owners, Lot
14 Yates Sub, Mary and Catherine Smith owners,
Lot 19 Cori•ell's Sub. Anchor Inv, Co. owners, Lot 7
Central Add. Katherine Maury et al owners, Lot
9 Ceutra] Add. Joseph Paar Estate, owners, City
Lots 347 and 348 Dubuque Biscuit Company owners,
Lot 22 Union Addition, Wm. J• Robinson owner, Lot
9 Union Addition, S. Wiedner and C. C. Jungwirth
" 22 owners ....................................................................................
-Billis Gast, granted cigarette permit .................................. 172.173
" 22 -Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, granted cig•
arette permit ......................................................................... 175
" 22 -Berntgen Frank H. and Dorothy, granted Class "B"
beer Permit ............................................................................ 176.177
" 22 -Bowman Lloyd and Frances, granted Class "•B" beer per•
mit .......................................................................................... 176.177
" 22 -Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, granted Class
"B" beer permit .................................................................... 176.177
" 30 -Board of Dock Commissioners certifying the sum of
• $18,960.00 as the amount needed for the Department
of Public Doclts far the fiscal year beginning April
1, 1940, and ending March 31, 1941 ................................ 185
" 30 -Bollen Mabelle, et al, requesting that the limited park•
ing~ restrictions on 5th Street from Central Avenue
to Iowa Street and on Iowa Street from 4th to 5th
Streets be changed to fall time parking ........................ 18G
" 30 -Barrett Mrs. Ethel, granted cigarette permit .................... 193
" 30 -Buelow Clarence C., granted cigarette permit .................. 193
" 30 -Beck John C., granted cigarette permit ................................ 193
" 30 -Bradley Elmer R., granted cigarette permit ........................ 193
" 30 -Baumhover B. L., granted cigarette permit ........................ 193
" 30 -Braun Henry C., granted cigarette permit ........................ 193
" 30 -Brodeur Norbert W., granted cigarette permit .................... 193
" 30 -Bertsch Jos. J., granted cigarette permit ............................ 193
" 30 -Buelow Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 194
" 30 -Beecher Joseph A., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 194
" 30 -Berwick George, granted Class .."B" beer permit ................ 194
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
" 30 -Brodeur Norbert W, and Catherine, granted Class "B"
beer Permit .......................................................................... 194.196
" 30 -Bertsch Jos. J, and Edw. Cosgrove, granted Class "B"
beer permit ............................................................................ 194.196
" 30 -Board of Health, Special Session ............................................ 196
July 5 -Building, Health and Fire Departments advising the con•
demnation of the bat•n and outbuildings located on
Lot 1 of Min. Lot 145 ........................................................ 201
" 5 -Budget estimate of expenditures for the fiscal year from
April 1, ].940 and ending March 31, 1941 as a basis
for the tax levy far the year 1939 ....................
" 20 -Berntgen Adam, condemnation proceedings on buildings
located on the south one-half of Lot 115 and the
north thirty-two feet 10 inches of Lot 116 of East
Dubuque Addition ................................................................208.219.233
" 20 -Boat•d of Health, Special Session ............................................ 213
Ang, 7- Bennett George, City Assessor, bond of ................................ 223
" 7 -Breithaupt Philip, Excavation bond ........................................ 223
" 7 -Berg Payson and Harry, granted Class "B" beer permit 227
" 7 -Barrett Milo, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 227
" 7 -Blum William, revocation of his Class `B" beer permit 228.229
" 7 -Board of Health, Special Session ............................................ 230
" 30 -Bjerke John, claim for personal injuries .......................... 232.285
Sept, 5- Burgmeier A. A., requesting that both Oak Street and
Apple Street be repait•ed .................................................... 240.293
" 5 -Brads Ludwig, requesting re-instatement as an em•
ployee of the Gity of Dubuque ........................................ 240
" 5 -Bertsch Mary, suspension of 1938 taxes ............................ 249
" 5 -Billis Gust, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................ .260
" 5 -Board of Health, Special Session ............................................ 252
" 15 -Burke Richard J„ Excavation Bond ........................................ 268
" lb -Beresford Mrs. Elsie, settlement of claim and suit........ 239.240
Oct. 2- Brophy A, L, et al, requesting that the Council make a
survey of the building located 1696 Jackson Street
and also the building located 18th and Washington
Streets owned by La~vther Realty Company ................ 271
" 2 -Boehm Bessie L., notice of claim ............................................ 272.287
Nov. 6- Byrne Mrs. Mary, suspension of 1938 taxes ........................ 291.298
" G -Blum Morris and William Maas, granted Class "B" beer
pet•mit .................................................................................... 297
" G -Barrington Wut, and Glen Miller, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 297
Dec. 4 -Board of Trustees of West Hill Chapel requesting that
the sewer assessment levied against the North 40 ,
feet of Lot 122 Union Add, be remitted or that the
interest and penalties be remitted ................................30 8.322.323
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 2- City Council, Regular Session .................................................. 1,
" 3- City Council, Adjourned Regulat• Session ............................ 2
" 3- Canfield Hotel, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 3
" 16- City Council, Special Session .......................................:...... 8
" 1G- Chamberlain I. C. & Sou, requesting release on the
bond of Jos, H. Strub as Clerk of Police Cout•t........ 8
" 1G- City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Depart-
ment, reports for month of December, 1938 ................ 12
" 1G- Claims for month of December, 1938 .................................... 12
" 16- City Council, resolution opposing the collection by the
Federal Government of income taxes for any past
period for either state, county m• municipal officials
m• employees also opposing a Federal tax on state
and municipal bonds ............................................................ 15
" 30- City Council, Special Session .................................................... 17
" , 30- Claims for month of Decembet•, 1938, proof of publica-
tion .......................................................................................... 18
" 30- Council Proceedings for month of November, 1938, ap-
proved as pt•inted ................................................................ 19
30- Coates Mary, sign policy ............................................................ 19
" 30- Coney Island Lunch, sign policy ........................................ 19
Feb. 6- City Council, Regular Session ...........................................:...... 27
" G- Cleaver Edwat•d T„ excavation bond .................................... 27
" fi- Cain John S., submitting application for appointment to
the Civil Service Commission ........................................ 31
" 27- City Council, Special Session .................................................... 33
" 27- Curtis-Straub Co., requesting cancellation of their ex-
cavation hand with the Fidelity and Deposit Com-
" 27- pany ........................................................................................
Continental Casualty Company, requesting cancellation 35
on their liability on the excavation bond of Neslet•
& Buechel ............................................................................. 35
" 27 -City Auditor, City 'Preasurer, and City Water Depart-
meut, reports fm• month of January, 1939 ................ 37
" 27 -Claims for month of January, 1939 ........................................ 37
27 -Curtis-Straub Co., excavation bond ........................................
Mar. G- City Council, Regular Session ........... ...................................... 43
" G -Clancy Robert E., submitting application fot• appoint-
ment as a member of Board of Review ....................... 43
" 6 -City Solicitot•, submitting ordinances amending the
"Traffic Crdinance" ............................................................ 46-47
" G -Consolidated tax levy, appropriation of ........................... 47.48
" G -City Directory, resolution requesting that the labor to
be performed on the printing of said Directmy be
done by Dubuque labor .......................................... 48-49
7 -City Council, Special Session .................................................... 50
" 10 -City Council, Special Session .................................................... G4
" 15 -City Council, Special Session .................................................. 66
„ _ he Nagle
m GG-90
15 1935, ap•
-Counc pProceedings
proved as Printed ............................................................... 67
" 15 -City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Depart-
ment reports for month of February, 1939 .................... G9
" 15 -Claims for month of Febrnaty, 1939 .................................... G9
" 15 -City Manager, advising Council that Canavan & Lang,
Engineers, have completed the appraisal of the
property of the Interstate Power Company and sub•
witting an ordinance fixiug• rates fm• various classes
of electrical service .................................................::......... 70-90
" 23 -City Council, Special Session .................................................... 71
INDEX-Book 69
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
1939 SUBJECT Page
" 23- Conley Joseph M., submitting application fm• appoint-
ment as a member of Board of Review,......_ ............... 8G 16- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
" 23- Claims for month of January, 1939, proof of publication 87 and City Water Department, repm•ts for month of
" 23- Council Proceedings, bids for the printing of the index April, 1939 .........................................:.................................... 14G
and binding of same ....................._.,................................... 91.110 1G- Claims for month of April, 1939........................................,,.. 14G
" 23- City Manager authorized to purchase a car for the Po• 16- City Solicitor Nelson, recommending that the matter of
lice Department ....................................................._,...,...... 91 suit for personal injuries of Margaret Lavery be re-
" 30- City Council, Specia] Session ................................................... 92 (erred to the City Manager for investigation and
" 30- Claims for month of February, 1939, proof of publication 104 report ..................................................................................... 14G-258
April 3- Regular Session ............................................
City Council 107 22- City Council, Special Session.......,........,..............................,.. 143
" 3- ,
City Solicitor Nelson submitting ordinances and recom; 22- City Solicitm• Nelson, submitting recommendation on
mending the adoption of same relative to the pur, agreements between the City of Dubuque and the
chase of goads by junk dealers, second-hand dealers Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Pau] and Pacific Railroad
and pawn brokers ................................................................ 109 Company, granting a license and permission to con-
" 3- City Manager Rhomberg, submitting report on financial struct and maintain a sewer Hader the right of way
and tracks and also granting a license to install and
condition of City at the close of fiscal year 1938-1939 111 maintain an mtderground electrical supp]y line un•
" 4- City Council, Special Session .................................................... 113 der the right of way and tracks of said railroad
" 4- Council Proceedings for month of January, 1939, ap• company adjacent to properties used in connection
proved as panted ...................................._.....,.... 114 with the operation of Dubuque Water Works Sys-
,~ 12- City Council, Special Sessimi ......................... ......_... ......... 115 tem ,.......................
" 12- Continental Casualty Company, Certificate of Coinpli• Juue 5- City Council
Regular Session
" 12- ante fm• transaction of Fidelity and Surety business
City Auditor, City Treasw•er and City Water Depart- 115 ~~ 5- ,
Claims for month of April, 1939, proof of publication.... 157
meat, reports for month of March, 1939 ..................... 120 5- Civil Service Couunissiou, submitting eligible list for
" 12- Claims for month of March, 1939 ............ ............................... 120 appointment to positions on Police Department,.... 157.158
" 12- City Treasurer, annual report .................................................. 120 5- Civil Service Cominissiou, submitting list for promo-
May 1- City Council, Regular Session .............................................. 123 lions on the Police Department......,............................ 158
" 1- Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com•
Chicago 5- Civil Service Commission, submitting list for promo-
pany, granting license for permission to install and Lions on the Fire Department ........................................ 158
maintain a sewer underneath their right of way and 5- City Solicitor Nelson, submitting for adoption two ordi-
tracks at Eagle Point Water Pumping Station........ 124-153 nances repealing Ordinance No. 23 of the Revised
" 1 Supt, of Fire Alarm System, requesting
-Correll Jos. F Ordinances of 1919 relative to the bathing beach
that his name be placed on Fire Department pay commission and Ordinance No. 24 of the Revised
roll 125 Ordinances of 1919 relative to the appointment of a
" 1 -Council Proceedings for mouth of February, 1939, ap• levee improvement committee ........................................ 163
proved as Printed ............................................................... 125 22- City Council, Special Session,......,..................,,.......,,....,....,...., 165
" 1 -Claims for month of March, 1939, proof of publication..:. 12G 22- Council Proceedings for the month of March, 1939, ap-
" 1 -City Solicitor Nelson, submitting au ordinance amend- proved as printed ...........................
ing Ordinance No. 9-39; granting I{retschmer-Tred- 22- Civil Service Commission, submitting eligible list for
way Company the right to construct and maintain appointment to Positions ou Fire Department.......... 173
an unloading platform and canopy over the same on 22- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department
Washington Street ..............:............................................... 128 and City Health Department, reports for month of
" 1 -City Solicitor Nelson, submitting an ordinance repeal- May, 1939 ................................................................................ 174
ing Ordinance G-421, establishing a new grade on 22- Claims for month of May, 1939 .............................................. 174
Cox Street from the north property line of West 22- City Auditor, annual report .................................................... 174
Fourteenth Street to the south curb line of West 22- Cooper Fred H. and Frank A, Lambe, grouted cigarette
Seventeenth Street .............................................................. 128
permit .. .................................,.......................:...,,.... .
" 1 -City Solicitor Nelson, submitting six ordinances which 22- Capretz Chris and Wm. Lembke, granted Class "B"
are included in the revision of 1919 and still in force beer permit ............................................................................ 17G•177
and were not repealed or amended after the form 22- Cooper Fred H. and F. A. Lambe, granted Class "B"
of City Government was changed from the Special beer permit ..............................._..........,,........................, 17G-177
Charter City Form to the Manager Form .............. . 130 22- Cosley William W. and Maggie, granted Class "B" beer
" 4 -City Council, Special Session .................................................... 133 '
pernnt ....................................................................................
" 4 -Concrete Products Company, submitting an offer in the 22- City Solicitor Nelson submitting an ordinance amending
amount of $760.00 fm• the purchase of Lot 9 in In• ordinance No. 30.38 granting J. F. Stampfer Com-
dustrial Sub. No. 2 .............................................................. 135 ' pony the right to construct and maintain au un-
" 1G -City Council, Special Session .................................................... 137 loading platform and enclosed entrance in the alley
" 16 -Chicage, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Com- abutting City Lot 29 ............................................................ 180
pony, granting license covering electric line m• cable - 30- City Council, Special Session .................................................... 184
on Milwaukee right of way and tracks near the City " 30- Cunningham Jahn A., Attm•ney, addressed the Council
Water Works ........................................................................ 139.153 ;, as the representative of the Tavern I~eePers' Assn.,
i the Bartenders' Union and the Hotel and Restaurant
j ~ I
' •'
INDEX-Boole 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Employees' Uuion, relative to the issuance of Class
"C" beer Permits .................................................................. 184
" 30- Claims fot• month df May, 1939, proof of publication........ 189
" 30- Clark Carl A, granted cigarette permit .............................. 193
" 30- Clesen Wm. J„ granted cigarette pet•mit ............................ 193
" 30- Childers Frauk W, and Rosella, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 194
" 30- Cunningham Leo and John M. Thompson, granted Class
„B„ pet•tnit .............................................................................. 194.19b
July 3- City Council, Regular Session .................................................. 197
" 5- City Council, adjout•ned Regulat• Session ............................ 198
" 20- City Council, Special Session .................................................... 205
" 20- Council Proceedings for month of April, 1939, approved
as printed .............................................................................. 20G
" 20- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department
and City Water Department, reports for month of
June, 1939 .............................................................................. 207
" 20- Claims for mouth of June, 1939 ............................................. 207
" 20- Childers F. W., granted cigarette permit .... ....................... 207
" 20- City Solicitor submitting opinion ou serving of con-
demnation notice upon Adam Berntgen, the mort-
gage holdet• on the South one-half of Lot llb and
North 32 feet 10 inches of Lot 116 of East Dubuque
Addition ................................................................................ 208
" 20- City Solicitor submitting opinion and recommendation
on the Abstract of Title, Warranty Deeds and Ad-
ministrator's Deed on South Middle 32 feet of City
Lot 658 ....................................................................................208.209.210
Aug. 7- City Council, Regular Session .................................................. 215
" 7- Council Proceedings fm• the month of May, 1939, ap•
proved as printed ................................................................ 220
" 7- Claims for month of Jtttte, 1939, pt•oof of publication.... 220
" 7- Cleseu Wm. J., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 227
" 30- City Council, Special Session .................................................... 231
" 30- Council Proceedings for the month of June, 1939, ap•
proved as ptinted ................................................................ 233
" 30- City Auditor, City Treasm•er, City Health Department
and City Water Department, reports for month of
July, 1939 ................................................................................ 233
" 30- Claims fot• month of July, 1939 .............................................. 233
Sept. 4- City Council, Regular Session ................................................ 239
" 5- City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ............................ 240
" 8- City Council, Special Session .................................................... 253
" S- Council Proceedings for month of July, 1939, approved
as printed .............................................................................. 263
" 8- Claims for month of July, 1939, proof of publication.... 254
" 15- City Council, Special Session .................................................. 266
" 15- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Department, reports for month of
August, 1939 .......................................................................... 258
" 15 -Claims for month of August, 1939 ........................................ 258
Oct, 2- City Council, Regulat• Session .................................................. 269
" 2- Claims for month of August, 1939, proof of publication 272
" 2- Clancy Dorrance and Mrs, Margaret, transfer of address
and renewal of Class "B" beer permit ........................ 274.275
" 6 -City Council, Special Session .................................................. 289
" 6 -Council Proceedings for mouth of August, 1939, ap-
pt•oved as Arinted ................................................................ 289
" 6 -City Manager Rhomberg autltot•ized to attend Annual
Conference of International City Managers' Asso-
ciation .................................................................................... 287
Nov, 6- City Council, Regular Session ................................................ 289
INDEX-Boole 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
" 6- City Auditm•, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Department, reports for month of Sem
tember, 1939 ........................_......._...........,,..,,.................... 293
" 6- Claims for month of September, 1939 ................................ 293
" 27- City Council, Special Session ................................... ................ 302
" 27- Cleminshaw J. M. Co„ appraisal Engineers, relative to
the revaluation of properties in the City of Dubuque 302
" 27- Council Eroceedings for the month of September, 1939,
approved as Printed ...................._...............................,..... 303
27- pub-
month of September, 1939, prop 0
..,.._...._ ..._....
hcat on 303
" 27- -Civil Service Commission submitting eligible list for
appointment to the position of Public Health Nurse 303
" 27- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Department, reports for month of Oc-
tober, 1939 ...................~..................... ........................... 303
" 27- Claims for month of October, 1939 ........................... .......... 303
Dec. 4- City Council, Regular Session ............................................. 307
" 4- Council Proceedings for the month of October, 1939,
approved as printed .......................... ................................ 308
" 18- City Council, Special Session.._ ............... .. ...... 316
18- City Solicitor Nelson, resolution upon his death_...,...,,... 31G
" 19- City Council, Adjourned Special Session .......... ................ 317
" 19- Claims for month of October, 1939, proof of publication 318
" 19- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department,
City Water Department, reports for month of
November, 1939........._..._._ ................................................. 322
" 19- Claims for month of November, 1939 .................................. 322
" 19- Camp Street, Profile No. 1295 showing the proposed
grade of said street from the West property liue
of Main Street to the West property liue of Salina
Street .................................................................._..............,, . 325-326
" 19 -Charter Street, Profile No, 1296 showing the proposed
grade of said street from the West property line of
Main Street to the East property line of Salina
Stteet ........................:........................................................... 326
" 29 -City Council, Special Session .................................................... 327
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan, 16-Datisman Wilfred et al, requesting that the areas
around Washington Park and Locust and Bluff
Streets be exempted from the proposed parking
ordinance .............................................................................. 9
" 30 -De Maio Bros., sign policy .............. .............. ................ 19
" 30 -Dubuque Tire & Battery Co., sign policy ............................ 19
Feb. 27- -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, relative to the
employing of Dubuque labor before bringing in
wm•kers from out of town .............................................. 39
" 27 -Dubuque Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union No.
225 requesting permission to hold a carnival on City
property on 4th Street Extension without charge
for license and the rental of said grounds ................ 35
" 27 -Dieterich Carl A. E., purchase of Lot 16 of Littleton and
Sawyer's Addition from the City of Dubuque........37-38-105.119
Mar. G- Dovi Samuel C., claim denied .................................................. 4G
" 6 -Dubuque Typographical Union, et al, resolution request•
ing that the labor to be performed on the printing
of the new City Directory be done by Dubuque labor 48.49
" 10 -Dubuque Memorial Auditoritmr Commission, suggesting
that Council write Congressman W. S. Jacobsen
relative to the passage of Bill H.R. 4576, appro•
priating funds fm• PWA .................................................... 64.3G
" 23- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting the
Council to go on record favoring the enactment of
legislation by the State Legislature iu order that
the City of Dubuque might qualify for federal aid
in slum clearance and low-colt housing construction 89
" 23 -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting Coun-
cil to considet• the applications of Joe Conley and
Wm. Brandt when making' the appointments of the
members of Board of Review ................... ........:............. 8G
" 23- Dubuque Typographical Union requesting Council con-
sideration ou the application of Joseph Conley for
appointment as a member of the Board of Review 8G
" 23 -Dubuque Trades aua Labor Congress, advising Council
that it is their desire that the electric rate sched-
ule be dealt with fairly, keeping in mind the in-
terests of members of Local 263 .................................... 8G
" 23 -Dubuque Poster Advertising Company, requesting that
the Zoning Ordinance be amended in order that
the Board of Adjustment be given authority to vary
the regulations relative to the construction and
erection of billboards ...................................................... 87
" 30- Dalbkermeyer Wm, et al, requesting that an electric
street light be placed at the intersection of East
27th Street and White Street .......................................... 103.126
April 3- Dubugne Banlz and Trust Company, appointed depository
of public funds ......... .................................................... 108
" 3- Demkier Geraldine L., secretary to City Manager, bond
of .......... .... .... ... ......:......................... .......................... 111
May 1- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting per-
mission to hold a carnival on City property on East
Fourth Street, adjoining Ball Park ................................ 125
" 1- -Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 127
" 1- Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class "B"
beer permit ............................................................................ 127
" 4- Dax Anna C., notice of claim ................................................... 135
" 16- Dock Board authorized to proceed with acquiring the
land required for the Peosta Channel Industrial
Development and to institute condemnation pro-
ceedings if necessary to obtain the same .................... 137
22- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, thanking Coun-
ci] for use of City Lot on Fourth Street Extension
for the holding of their carnival .............. .................... 167
22- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, submitting the
name of Joe Conley for appointment as a member
of the Board of Library Trustees ............ ................. 1G7
22- Doyle Mary F., condemnation proceedings ou buildings
located on City Lot 654 ..................172-241.242-
22- -Doyle Mary F., condemnation proceedings on buildings
located on City Lot 554 ................172.241-242-264.266.26 9-278.291
22- Dubuque Biscuit . Co., condemnation proceedings ou
buildings located ou City Lot 348 ........ .......................
_ ............._.... .. ......., .172.173.244-245.246-2G5-266-27 0.277-291
22- Dubuque Biscuit Co., condemnation proceedings on
buildings located on City Lot 347....173.245-266.266.27 0-277.291
22- Diamond's Grill Inc., granted cigarette permit ................ 175
22- Duttle Ray E., granted Class "C" beer permit ................ 17G•177
30- Dubuque Park Board, certifying the sum of $20,916.00
as the amount needed for park pnrposes for the
fiscal year beginning Apri11,1940 and ending March
31, 1941 ......................................................... .......................... 185
30- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress enclosing resolu-
lion requesting the assistance of the City Council to
stop the practice of laboring men from Freepm•t,
Ill„ in coming to Dubuque every day to work and
returning to Freeport every evening after work........ 18G
30- Dubuque Chamber of Commerce requesting permission
to place small arrows outlining "See Dubuque Trai]"
on poles and electric light posts owned by the City 18G
2D -Dubuque Tri•State Rodeo requesting permission to use
the City property adjoining the Municipal Athletic
Field for parking purposes on August 3, 4, 5 and G 20E
7- Dubuque Musicians' Protective Association, requesting
permission to stretch a banner across Main Street
also to appear on various street corners for the pm•-
pose of advertising their annual ball_ .... .................... 21!
15- Doyle, Mrs. Mary, cancellation of 1938 taxes .................... 258-27f
2- Duccini Edward J. and Mabel, granted Class "B" beer
permit ....................................... ...... ..... 27E
6- Disabled Veterans of the World War, requesting per-
mission to conduct their annual Forget-Me•Not drive 28!
G -Dubuque Women's Bowling Association, requesting per-
mission to erect two highway signs lettered "Wel•
come Women Bowlers" .............................. ... ................. 23!
19 -Dubughe Building Trades Council, calling the attention
of the City Council to the fact that the last Cott•
gress failed to provide an appropriation for the
continuing of the program of Public Works Adminis•
tration and requesting that the Council contact the
United States Senators and Representatives and
insist upon the passage of a bill which will proceed
with the Public Works Program .................................. 31'
19 -Dubuque Poster Advertising Company, requesting that
they be granted a permit far the erection of a show
window display board abutting the Rockdale Road
Highway near the City Limits ........................................ 31'
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan, 1G-Eichman Arthur et al, remonstrating against the dis•
turbiug noises caused by machinery being used in
sinhiug' of a well for the Water Department............ S
Mar. 10- Emergency Fund, resolution and application far au-
thority to transfer the sum of $6,209.70 from said
Fund to the Genera] and Main Sewer Funds............ G4-67
April 3- Eye Miss Mildred, notice of claim ........................................ 110-210
June 22 -Emergency tax, resolution and application for authority
to levy the same .................................................................... 174.184
" 22 -Eppler Elmer, grouted cigarette permit ......................_......... 175
" 22 -Eiseneg'ger• Arthur J., granted cigarette permit ................ 175
" 22 -Eichhorn Charles M., granted cigarette permit ................ 175
" 22 -Eisenegger Arthur J., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 17G•177
" 22 -Eppler Elmer and Eileen, granted Class "B" beer permit 176.177
" 22 -Eagles Club, granted Class "B" Ueer permit ........................ 170-177
" 22 -Eagle Point Park, approval of plats of Lot No. 1 of 1 of
1 of 1 of Minera] Lot 305A and hot No. 1 of 1
of 1 of 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 305A ............................... 17S
" 30 -Esser Henry C., transfer of address of Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 185
" 30- -Ender A. J., granted cigarette permits ................................ 193
" 30 -Eichman Arthur H., granted cigarette permit ................ 193
" 30 -Entringer Health Director and Sanitary Officer Scharry
advising Board of Health that approximately 25
houses on Southern Avenue are not connected with
the sanitary sewer ................................._............................. 195
Aug. 7 -Emergency Fund, resolution and application for au-
thority to transfer the amount of $6,420.00 from said
fund to the Grading Fund ................................................228.231.232
" • 30 -Erschens Susan, relative to redemption of tax sale cer-
tificate held by City on L.ot 2 of Sub. of Lots 7 and 8
of S. AI. Langworthy's Subdivision ................................ 232-247.24E
Sept. 5 -Ebner William R., application for Class "C" beer permit 251
Nov. 27 -Emergency Fuud, resolution and application for au•
thority to transfer the sum of $10,3.30.00 from said
fund to the Grading Fund and the sum of $13,8D4,54
from said fund to the Improvement Fund ................ 304.307
3- Fluckiger Albert et al, requesting that Central Avenue
between 4th and 5th Streets be included in the new
parking regulations ............................................................ 2
16- Fisko Thor, Contractor, requesting permission to do
blasting on culvert construction on relocated No.
20 Highway .......................................................................... 9
30- Frith E, E. Company, requesting permission to put in a
new sewer on 13th Street running east and west
from Sycamore Street to the °B" Branch Sewer.... 18.40.44
fi- Fischer Investment Co., et al, requesting that "non-
parking" be extended on Locust Street from 4th
Street to 3rd Street ............................................................ 27-37
27- Fischbach Hubert M„ granted Class "B" beer permit 39
10- Forward E. G., making application for appointment as
a member of Board of Review ........................................ 64
16- Fischer Artificial Ice and Cold Storage Co., requesting
permission to construct and maintain a railroad
track across the streets and alleys in Booth's Addi-
tion ....................................................................................66.10 4-120.125
30- Feye Biros„ requesting permission to excavate in the
alley between Central Avenue and White Street
and between Sixth and Seventh Streets far the pur•
pose of laying an air line .................................................... 103
3- First National Bank, appointed depository of public
funds ..................................................................................... 108
3- Forward Eugene, appointed as member of Board of Re•
view ........................................................................................ 108
3- Faldorf Mrs, Mary, objecting to the vacation of the un-
named street running south from Plymouth Street.... 110
4- Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works Re-
gional Director relative to the awarding of contract
No, 3 for the pumping unit Docket No. Ia. 1684-F,
Water Works Improvements ............................................ 113
12- -Farmers Supply Co„ requesting parking regulations in
the vicinity of White and Tenth Streets .................... 116
1 -Faldorf Mrs. Mary, objecting to the prgposed vacation
of Lot 34 in Grandview Heights Add., originally
dedicated for street purposes .......................................... 123
1 -Farrell Edward, driver of City Ambulance, requesting
that his name be placed on the Fire Department pay
roll .......................................................................................... 124
1 -Ferring P. J., granted Class "B" permit ............................ 127
22 -Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works re-
quested to increase its Grant on PWA Docket Iowa
1684-F from $67,500.00 to $74,900.00 ................................152.163.224
5 -Fitzke Robert, notice of claim ................................................ 155
5 -Farley Thomas et al, condemnation proceedings on
buildings located on the South one•half of Lot 115
and the North 32 feet, 10 inches of Lot 116, East
Dubuque Add ...................................................
22 -Fairbanks J. E, Estate, condemnation proceedings. on
buildings located City liot 643...........,172.242.243-260.269.282-292
22 -Fire engines, purchase of ............................................
22 -Fortman Anton, granted cigarette permit ............................ 175
22 -Falkenhainer Charles, granted cigarette permit ................ 175
22 -Flynn John D, and Gussie, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .................................._.................................................... 175.177
22 -Fortman Anton, grouted Class "B" beer permit............ 176.177
22 -Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .............._,.........,,..,...............:..,,.........................,..,........ 176.177
30~ -Flynn Johu, member of Tavern Keeper's Assn., ad-
dressed the Council stating that Attorney John A,
N DEX~-Book' 6:9'~
1939- SUBJECT Page
Cunningham would address ,the Council as the rep- -
resentative of the..Tavern Ifeeper's Assu ..:.............. 184
" 30 -Finch Alfred, granted cigarette permit. < ............................. 193
July 5 -Fraternal Order of Eagles, ,granted ~ cigarette .permit_.. 204
" 20 -French Mrs, R. A„ requesting rezmting of the property
at 275 North Grandview Avenue and also fm: the
rezoning of,the,1900• block ,on ~De1hi Street :............... 20G-222
Aug. 7- Fruddeu Edward et. al, residents of Dodge -Street, re-
questing. that the parkway and boulevard lights be
retained on Dodge Street in conuection with the re-
location of High~Vay No. 20 .............................................. 218
" 7 -Fautsch Louis P., Police Judge, bond : of ............................ 223
" 7 -Fritschel Esther E., Stenographer, Water Works, bond,of : 223
Sept. 5- Fuhrtnann Richard and John O'Brien, condemnation pro-
ceedings on building located on Lot 10 Central Add.
Nov. G- French 'Mrs. R:'A., also petitions of property owners,
requesting. that the 1900 block on Delhi Street be
rezaned ............................................................ ....................291.309-324
" 27 -Fawkes P, S, et al, requesting the installation of a
street light on Langworthy Avenue midway between
Hill and. Alpine, Streets ...................................................... 302
`'I N•d.EX-Book: 6'9
"-1989 'SUB'JECT Page
Jau. 16=Gain Roy 'F. and' Louis Anthoine, s;pproval :of~ Class
"B" beer permit .................................................................... 15
" 30=Goard'Mrs: Mae, `ola,im' forpersonal ~ injuries .................... 17.46
" 30-Grand Opera House, Inc., requesting permission to erect
a canopy ou the front of Strand' Theatre ....................
" 30=Gillette-Guy M., United States Senator; aoknowledgiug
receipt of Resolutioti'No: 22.39 ........................................ 18
" 30--Galloway Company, Inc., sign policy .................................... 19
" 30=Gau Roy F„ approval'of-transfer of Class "`B'~ beer per-
. ,mit .......................................................................................... 23
" 30-Gau Roy F: and Louis Anthoine, granted Class "B" beer
permit ....................................................:............................... 28
Feb. 27-~Grali Erwin, granted Class ~"C" beer ~pertnit ........................ 39
" 27-Grimme Henry and Elizabeth, granted' Class "B" beer
;:.permit ................................................._................................. 39
:Mar. 16-Gloden L, L., submitting application for appointment as
a~member of'Boat•d'of Review ........................................ G6
" 16~-Gaherty Michael, claim denied ................................................ 70
•April 3-Glenn Milton J. and Hugh Stuart, Judges~Nineteenth Ju-
diCiah District, State of Iowa; submitting facts to
assist the City Council in ,revising- the. City Ordi-
nance with reference to the purchase tof~goods by
junk dealers, second-hand dealers and'•pawnbnokers 108
" 12rGeske"Mrs. Rose; notice of claim ............................................ 115
" 12-Grady Mrs. Agnes; Eleanor Anderson~~and Anrr+Haley,
granted cigarette'permit .................................................... 119
May 1~Gantert Harry N„ granted Class "B" beer' permit............ ' 127
June 22~Gala Dominick,. granted cigarette permit ............................ 175
" 22-Grommersch John J„ granted cigarette permit ................ 175
" 22=Grady Mrs, Agnes and' Ann Haley; granted cigarette .per-
mit .......................................................................................... 175
" 22-Gala Dominick and' Alice; Granted Class "B" beer~~per-
mit ..........................................................:............................... 175.176
" 22-Graff Michael J., and,Neda; granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .............. ............................................................................ 176.177
" 22=Grommersch John J, and Frances, granted Class "B"
beer permit ........................................................................... 176.177
July 20~Gau Chas., requesting relief on the special assessments
,levied against Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 7, and Loh 1 of 1
of 7 Peil's Sub ....................................................................... 205.224
" 20-.GanterG Harry N., granted cigarette permit ........................ 207
Aug. 7~Garbage contract, recommendation, of City~Manager to
advertise for bids ....................................224848-249.263255.256.257
" 7-Grading Fund, resolution and application fot• authority
to transfer the amount of $G,420.00-from the Emerg•
ency Fuud to said fund ......................................................228.231-232
Sept, 5-erode Mrs. Viola, granted. Class "B" beer~perniit............ 250
" 15-General Sales Company, granted cigarette. permit........ 26G
Oct. G-Grabow Carl L„ Director of•Recreation, requesting per-
mission•for the holding of. a parade and street dance
on October 31, 1939 .............................................................. 284
Nov. 6-Gavin Matk, reappointed as a member of Dock Board for
term expiring Novembet• 26, 1942 .................................... 293.294
" G-Graff Joseph, granted Class "B" beer permit ...................: 297
" 27-Grading Fund, resolution ands application for authority ,
to transfer the sum of $10,330.00 from the Emerg-
ency Fund to said Grading Fuhd ................................... 304.307
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 30-Herring Clyde L., United States Senatot•, acknowledg-
ing t•eceipt of Resolution No. 22.39 .............................. 18
" 30- Hillyard Courtland F, and Sabyl H. Kretschmer, sign
policy ...................................................................................... 19
Feb. 6- Hammel A, L., excavation bond .............................................. 27
' 6- Hayes J. N., submitting application fot• appointment as
a member of the Civil Service Commission ................ 31
" 27- Haas George M., City of Dubuque and Dubuque County
Treasurer, notice of condemnation by Iowa State
Highway Commission of Lots 16 and 17 in Babcock's
Addition ................................................................................ 34
" 27- Hatgus Lillian L., suspension of 1938 taxes .................... 35.249
" 27- Hesling Louis J., and Donald 1VI. Pins, granted Class "B"
beer permit .......................................................................... 39
Mar. 6- Hansel Mrs. Helen E., requesting a refund on cigarette
Permit .................................................................................... 43
" 6- Heiar Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 45
" 10- Hoffmann Peter B. St•., requesting appointment as a
member of Board of Review ............................................ 64
" 23- Housing and slum clearance projects, City of Dubuque
go on record in favor of enabling legislation in ordet•
that Dubuque may take advantage of federal funds 84.85
" 23- Hier Henry, notice of claim .................................................... 85.112
" 23- Hickson F. J., submitting application far appointment
as a member of Board of Review ................................ 86
23- Haupert Peter, suspension of 1938 taxes ............................ 87.249
" 30 -Hogan Margaret E., suspension of 1938 taxes .................... 103.249
April 3- Hickson Frank J., appointed as a member of Board of
Review .................................................................................. 108
" 3 -Hail John Joseph, Supt, and Cashier of Water Dept.,
bond of .................................................................................. 111
" 3- Hedrick Jacob, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 111.112
May 1 -Haas Daniel, notice of claim .................................................... 124.153
" 1- Hazewinke] H. J., notice of claim ........................................ 124.21]
" 1- Haggerty Harry M., driver of City Ambulance, request-
, ing that his name be placed on the Fire Department
pay roll ................................................................................ 124
" 1- Holscher G. H., requesting that Henderson Street from
the intersection of Bradley Street, West, to the
Country Club, be opened ................................................ 125
" 16 -third Albert et al, requesting that the one block of Semi-
nary"Street between St. Ambrose Street and the'
City Limits be put in fit•st class condition .................... 139
June 5- Huftil] Frank, reappointed as a member of Board of
Trustees of the Cat•negie-Stout Ft•ee Public Library 155
" 6- Helling A. A., requesting the City Council to view Lot
29 of C. A. Voelker•'s Addition and insist that the
owners of said lot be compel]ed to remove the trees
which constitute a nuisance ............................................ 166.190
" 5 -Heyne Celia A., condemnation proceedings on buildings
located on Lot 1 of Burden & Lawther's Add. 159.171.18 2.200.20E
" 22- Harbor Master, annual repot•t ................................................ 174
22- Hughes R. ll., granted cigarette permit ............................ 174
" 22- Haas Louise M., granted cigarette permit ............................ 175
" 22-Hochberger John, granted cigarette permit ...................... 176
" 22--Hanten Jos. W., granted cigarette permit ........................ 175
" 22- Hedrick Jacob, granted cigarette permit ........................ 176
" 22- Hennig Joseph A. and H. A, Rawson, granted cigarette
permit .................................................................................... 175
" 22 -Horne Wm., granted cigarette permit ................................ 175
" 22- Harwood Mrs. M. L., granted cigarette permit ................ 176
" 22-Hughes R. D. and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit 175.177
INDEX-y Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
" 22 -Hennig Joseph A, and H. A. Rawson, granted Class "B"
beer permit .......................................................................... 176-177
" 22 -Hm•ne William, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 176.177
" 22 -Hoppmanu Mrs. Emily, Glaim disallowed ........................ _. 179
" 30 -Hartig Drug Co. Inc., granted cigarette permits ................ 193
" 30 -Haley Amy, granted cigarette permit ................................ 193
July 5 -Harms Geraldine 0., purchase of Lot 20 of O'Neill's
Riverview ............................................................:................. 202
", 20 -Herbst M. A. et al, requesting the Council to recon-
sider their action taken in the matter of the in-
stallation of a street light at the intersection of
Windsor Avenue and Providence Street .................... 205-273
" 20 -Huss A. J., claim for damages to automobile ................... 205.221
Aug. 30- Hill Alvina, requesting relief in the matter of payment
of delinquent special assessments and redemption
of tax sale certificate held by City against Lot 3
of Tschirgi & Schwihd's Sub .............................. ......... 233.247
Sept. 5- Haller Wm. A., requesting suspension oP 1938 taxes ...,,.. 240.259
" 5 -Hochberger John A. and William, granted Class "B"
beer permit .......................................................................... 25D
" 8 -Hail George, transfer of address of Class "B" beer per-
mit ..................................................................................... .. 254.255
" 15 -Hense Mrs. Mary E., notice of claim ..............................._.. 257.293
" 15 -Howie Harry H., Building Commissioner, bond of............ 258
Oct. 2- Hay C. F., requesting an extension of time to comply
with the requirements of condemnation resolution , 2G9
2 -Hanten Joseph W. and Virginia, granted Class 'B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 275
Nov. 6- Hail George, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 297
" 27 -Heim Joe P., notice of claim ..............................:............. 302
Dec. 4 -Hense Mary E., original notice of suit ................................ 307
" 29 -Howe Celia, requesting suspension of the 1937 and 1938
taxes on Lot 17 in Yates Sub ........................................ 327
N D_EX-Boblc ~69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3- Iowa State Highway Commission; pt+oposed• plans for+the
relocation and improving of the extension• of Pri•
many Road No. U. S. 20 .................................................... 6.7-218
" 16- Iowa State Federation of Labor; advistng Council that
they are recommending and asking~the'-abolishment
of Class "C" Permits as contained•ih!the StateBeer
Law ........................................................................................ 8
Feb. 27- International Association of Machfnists~relative to the
employing of Dubuque labor' before bringing- In out•
.side labor .............................................................................. 35
Mar. 15- Interstate Power Company, requesting the Council to
withhold action on the Manager's electric rate
schedule and give consideration to the sohedule sub-
mitted by them ...................................................................... G6
" 15- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workeis Local
No. 263, requesting the Council to deal-fairly with
the problem of establishing e]ectric rates .................... 67
" 15- Interstate Power Company, fixing nates•for'the various
,classes of electrical service .................'70+
April 4- Independent Engineering Firm to be employed~to test
` the efficiency of the Pumping Uuit after the same
is installed and before its acceptance and payment
by City of Dubuque ............................................................ 114
- May 16 -Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants; relativ6 to
Cities :being permitted to employ practicing regis-
tered accountants to make their audits instead of
the Auditor of State if they so desire ............................ 139
June 5 -Iowa Children's Home Society, Des Moines, Iowa, re•
questing permission to hold a ,tag .day ........................ 156.218
5 -Industrial Subdivision,'Block F: and Lots 1 and 4 of
Block E set' aside for playground purposes ................ 160
" 22 -Iowa State Highway Commission, advising thattthe mat-
ter of planting shrubbery on Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of
Mineral Lot 12 will be taken care of in the fall.... 169
" 30 -Iowa State Highway Commission, supplemental agree-
ment covering special maintenance on primary road
extensions within the City of Dubuque ................159.206.20E-207
Aug'. 30 -Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police extending invita-
tionfor the Chief of Police to attend convention........ 232
" 30 -International City Managers' Association extending in-
vitation to the Mayer and City Council to attend
convention ............................................................................ 232
Nov. 27 -Interstate Power Company, requesting permission to
erect structures across the alley at the I{retz Cafe-
teria and also at the llubuque Medical Association
fm• the purposes of mounting wires and trans-
formers ......................................................302.313.314.318.319.320.321
" 27 -Improvement Fund, resolution and application for au-
thority to transfer the sum of $13,804.64 from the
Emergency Fund to said Improvement Fund............ 304.307
" 27 -Improvement Fund, resolution and application fm• au-
thority to transfer the sum of $20,000.00 from the
Water Works Genet•al Fund to said Improvement
Fund ........................................................................................ 305.307.308
Dec. 19 -Irwin Ray, grouted cigarette permit ...................................... 325
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT ', Page
Jan. 30- Jacobsen :W. S., United States Coitgressman,+ aaknow•
ledging reaipt of Resolution No. 22.39._ ..................... 18
„ 30 -Jaeger F. M., sign policy ....................................................... 19
" 30 -Juerg'ens John J. & Sons sign. policy .................................. 19
Feb. 27 -Jones William L,~ and William C. Brawn, owners of Lots.
33 and 36 of. Grandview Heights; requesting. the;va-
cation of the unnamed street on which said_+lots
abut from Plymouth Street southerly to the. enduof ~:
street .......................................................................... 35,104 .110.123r
" 27 -Jansen Mrs, Lucille, granted~Class 'B" beer permit.... 39
Mar. 23 -Jacobsen W~. S., United,States Congressman, advising
that,he will.~do.all fn ,his power to-secure am appro-
priation so that the Dubuque Memorial Auditorium
may Ue taken care of :........................................................ 8G
May 16 -Jordan W. J„ excavation bond .........................._~.................. 145
June 22 -Jacquinot Harry J., granted cigarette permit .................... 174
" 30 -Josepli...Mrs. N. B., granted cigarette Permit ................ 193
Oct, 2 -Jassman J. H., granted Class "B" beer permit ............... 275
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3-If•M Construction Company, requesting a permit to use
powder for excavation work at the Bryant and Mar•
shall Schools ........................................................................ 2
" 16- Kies Leona, settlement of claim ............................................ 15
" 16- I{erper John A., reappointed as a member of the Dock
Board term expiring November 26th, 1941 .................. 16
„ 30- Kies Drug Store, sign policy .................................................. 19
„ 30- I{almes Milton, sign Policy ...................................................... 19
Feb, G- Key City Gas Company, excavation bond .......................... 27
" 27- Kuehnle Edwin C., City of Dubuque and Dubuque Coun-
ty Treasurer, notice of condemnation by Iowa State
Highway Commission of Lot 25 in Sisters' Ad-
dition ...................................................................................... 34
" 27- Kluck Earl, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 39
Mar, 15- Key City Gas Co„ submitting report of the Company's
operations for the calendar year 1938 .................... 66
" 15- Kretschmer•Tredway Co., requesting permission to
maintain their loading platform and also requesting
permission to erect a roof over said platform....6G•90.101.1D2
" 23- Kolf Mrs, Anna, suspension of 1938 taxes ...................... 87.249
" 30- Kennedy P. R., requesting a refund on his cigarette
license as he has discontinued the sale of cigarettes 103
" 30- Kuehnle Louis H„ suspension of 1938 . taxes .................. 103.249
" 30- Kramer B. J„ calling the attention of the City Council
to the necessity of a sidewalk on the Rockdale
Road between Railroad Avenue and Grandview
Avenue .................................................................................. 103
May 1- Kretschmer Insurance Agency, relative to the proposed
City Play Ground adjacent to Maizewoed Insulation
Company ................................................................................ 126
" 16- Klinkhamer Mrs, Mary, suspension of 1938 taxes............ 139.249
June 5- Kormanu Norman J„ appointed as a member of Con•
demnaticn Committee ......................................................169.173.202
" 5 -Krajewski C. L, appointed as a member of Condemna•
tiou Committee ..................................................................159.173.202
" 22 -Kemler J. E., requesting reductions on assessments
levied against the East 100 feet of the North 88
feet of Lot 783 of A. McDanie]'s Sub. and City Lots
281 and 282 as she is desirous of handling the re•
demption of tax sales ...................................................... 168.190
" 22 -Klauer Julien Hotel Co., condemnation proceedings on
buildings located on City Lot 195............ 0-278.291
„ 22 -Kane Allen, bond of .............................................................. 173
" 22 -Karigan Andrew, granted cigarette permit .................... 175
" 22 -Koleopoulos Steve, granted cigarette permit .................. .175
" 22 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted cigarette permit............ 175
" 22 -Karigan Andrew D., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 176.177
" 22 -Koleopulos Steve, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 176.177
" 22 -Kanavas Geo„ granted Class "B" beer permit .............. 176.177
" 22 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Class "B" beer permit 176.177
" 30-Kretz E, P., granted cigarette permit .................................... 193
" 30 -Kies Theodore T., granted cigarette permit .................... 193
" 30 -Keller Mae and Ruth Keller Motz, granted cigarette
permit ................................................................................... 193
" 30 -Kruse Geo. C., granted cigarette permit .......................... 193
" 30 -Kirkpatrick Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit 194
" 30 -King, Mrs, Lois H., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 194
" 30 -Klein Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit 199
July 5 -~Kuehnle Edwin C„ requesting a refund of the interest
and penalties due on special assessments for Lot
25 of Sisters' Addition .................................................... 198.223
" 5 -Kalmes Milton J., granted cigarette permit ........................ 209
INDEX-Book 69
1939 ~ SUBJECT Page
" 20- Kretschmer W. M., requesting that the Southeasterly 93
feet of Lot 5 of Fengler's Add. be rezoned as a
business district ................................................................ 205.222
Aug. 7- Kemler J. E„ calling Council attention to the condition
of West Third Street near College Street ................ 218.273
" 7 Kanavas Mrs. George, claim for personal injuries............ 218
" 7- Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" beer permit.... . 227
" 7- Kale Mrs. Theo., complaining about outside closet on
the premises of Leo Houpes ............................................ 230.252
Sept. 5- Kuehnle Ed C., requesting a refund of penalties on re•
demption of tax sale certificate on Lots 1 and 2 of
Lot 25 Sisters' Add .......................................................... 240.293
" 5- Krajewski C. I., bill in the amount of $66.00 allowed for
services as a member of Condemnation Committee 247
" 5 -Kormanu Norman J., bill in the amount of $65.00 al-
lowed for services as a memUer of Condemnation
Committee ............................................................................ 247
" 6 -Kirk Mrs Louise, suspension of 1938 taxes ...................... 249
" 5 -Kennedy Patrick R. and Minnie, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 260
Nov. 6- Kempter Mrs. Lyle, claim for injuries received by her
daughter ................................................................................ 289
" 6 -Kretz E. P., requesting permission to erect a canopy
over the sidewalk on the Main Street entrance of
the building located at Southeast corner of Main
and West Sixth Street ...........................................290.306.308.309
" 6 -Kemler J. E., requesting reductions on the assessments
levied against the North ~ of Lot 4 of O'Hare's
Sub. for the paving of Grace Street and for West
Dubuque Sanitary Sewer ................................................ 290.311
" 6 -I{uehnle Edwin C., requesting a refund of total amount
of penalties due on special assessments against
Lots 11.13.14 of 6.7-8.9 of Quigley's Sub. 167 and
for Lot 8 of O'Neill's Sub. No, 3 ................................ 290.310.311
" 6 -Kalmes Milton J., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 297
" 6 -Kanavas Mrs. Kathryn, claim far personal injuries 300
" 27 -Kretschmer Insurance Company, requesting release of
the Excavation Bond of George F. Pinski .............. .... 302
" 27 -Kemler Julia E., suspension of 1938 taxes on the North
1/s of Lot 4 of O'Hare's Subdivision .......................... 302.303.313
Dec. 4 -I{Tess Peter J., granted Class "B" beer permit,.........,. 312.313
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 1G- Levan Archie, excavation bond ........................................... 12
" 30- Link .Mrs: Dorothea, reporting that she fell mi an icy
sidewalk in front of Smith Meat Market on Hill
Street ...................................................................................... 17
" 30- Ludescher J. J. & Son, et al, requesting that the parking
limits be extended an Eighth Avenue to the inter-
section. of Hill Street and Julien Avenue ................18- 27-36.37
" 30- Loepp David F., Mayor of Sioux City, Ia., extending in-
vitation to Fire Chief Ryah to attend the 50th anni-
versary celebration of Fire Chief Kellogg. ................ 18
„ 30- Leath &~ Company; sign policy ............................................ 19
Feh. G- Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Shiloh Circle,
No: 37, requesting permission to hold a tag day on
Aril 8, 1939 ............................................:......................... 27
" 6- Lee James F, Paving.Co., bill foi~ asphalt sand .............. 27.104
" 6- Lundbeck John J, and H. L., suspensimr of 1938 taxes.... 27.249
" 6- Lundbeck Catherine; suspension of 1938 taxes ............... 27.249
Mar. G- Link Mi• .Dorothea, notice of claim ..:............................... 43.69
" 15- Librarian of Public Library submitting deed of the
Nagle property .............................. .... .............................. 6G90
Apr: 3- Lee Alvin and Joseph Walsh, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 111.112
May 1- License granted by Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Company for permission to install
' and maintain a sewer underneath their right of way
and tracks at Eagle Point Water Pumping Station 124.153
" lfi -License granted by Chicagp, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Company covering electric line
or cable ou Milwaukee right of way and track's near
the City Water Works ...................................................... 139-153
" 1G -Lavery Margaret, suit for persona] injuries, City So•
licitor Nelson recommending that the matter be
referred to the City Manager for investigation and
report as to the advisability of employing special
counsel to act in the ,matter ........................................ 146-258
" 22 -Library Fund, resolution and application for authority .
to transfer the sum of $602.08 from said fund to ,
the Library Building Fund ........................................... 161.15E
Juno 5 -Librarian of Carnegie•Stout Free Public Library, annual
report far year ending March 31, 1939 .................... 159
" 5 -Lee Alvin, condemnation proceedings ou buildings
located on Lots 8, 9 and 10 of Sub. of Min. Lot
68 .......................................................................
" 5 -Link Leo and Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit 1G0.161
" 22 -Lagen C. P. and Eugenie Lagen, Louis J. Lagen and Ad-
ministrator's Deed of M, H, Czizek for Estate of
Joseph T. Lagen, together with Absh'act of Title,
Warranty Deeds conveying the South Middle 32
feet of City Lot 658 to the City of Dubuque for
use of Carnegie-Stout Library ............................
" 22 -Lawther Wm., condemnation proceedings on buildings
located on City Lot 193 ................................172.241-265.270-276.291
" 22 -Leik William C., granted cigarette permit ...................... 175
" 22 -Lemper Henry and Lillian, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ....................................................................................... 176.177
" 30 -Leiser Emil and Hugh J. Kress, granted cigarette
permit .................................................................................... 193
" 30 -Ludwig M, J., granted cigarette permit .............................. 193
" 30 -Leiser Emil and Hugh J. Kress, granted Class "B"
beer permit .......................................................................... 194
1939 ~SUBJEGT 'Page
Aug. 7- League of Iowa Municipalities extending invitation to
attend the annual convention to be held~at Cedar
Rapids .................................................................................... 218
" 7- Ludescher Barney; requesting that the alley in the rear
of Lot 89 of Belmont Addition be repaired............ 218
" 30- Lange Mrs. Bertha, requesting ,the remission of the
penalties paid on special assessments levied against
Lot 5 of Jansen's Sub. No. 3 ........................................ 232.248
Sept, 5~-Loyal Order of Mocse, granted Class "B"~ beer permit '-250
Oct, Z- Lihk~ Mr. and Mrs. Adam; et al, requesting the rerouting
of the Grandview Avenue Bus over the entire length
of Algona Street from' Fourteenth Street to' High-
way No. 20 .......................................................................... 271-294
" 2 -Link Lea, granted cigarette permit .................................... 273
Nov. 6 -Leonard Mrs. Frank E., suspension of 1938 taxes........ 291.298
Dec. 19 -Loss College, granted cigarette permit .... ....................... 325
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 16- McCarten H. B., excavation bond ........................................ 12
" 30 -McDonald John Jr., objecting to the specifications under
which bids were received far the installation of a
new pumping unit at Eagle Point Pumping Station 17
" 30 -McKenna E. T., claim fur personal injuries ...................... 17.129
Feb, 27 -McCaffrey Miss Nan, notice of claim .................................. 33.179
" 27 -McKay Richard V., reappointed as a member of Plan-
ning.and Zoning Commission .......................................... 38
Mar. 30- McKay Richard V., accepting with thanks hia reap-
pointment as a member of the Planning and Zon-
ing Commission . _ ............................................................... 102
April 3- McDonald A. Y. Mfg. Co., relative to bids received by
the City of Dubuque for pumping unit Contract
3 P. W. A. Docket 1684-F .......................................... 108.114
June 22 -McDonald Daniel, granted cigarette permit ........................ 175
" 22 -McFarlane Robert, granted cigarette permit ..................... 175
" 22 -McLaughlin Frank and Anna S., granted Class "B"
beer permit .......................................................................... 176.177
" 22 -McDonald Daniel and Loretta, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 176.177
" 30 -McCann Eugene, grouted cigarette permit ...................... 193
Aug. 7- McDermott Carl J„ granted Class "B" beer permit........ 227
Sept. 8- McGloughlin James F., awarded garbage contract........ 255.256-257
Oct. 2- McCann Eugene P., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 275
" 6 -McCarthy C. J., Harbor and Market Master, bond of.... 284
Dec. 19 -IY~eLaughlin Frank and Annh, granted cigarette permit 325
INDEX-Boole 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 16- Miner Harry E., requesting cancellation of penalties
on the special assessments levied against Lot 3
of Jansen's Sub. No. 2, and Lot 2 of Jansen's Suh.
No. 3 ..................................................................................... 8
" 30- Maher Jos. E., reporting that he fell on a defective side-
walk at 1421 Mt, Pleasant Street ..... ........................... 17
" 30- Mi-Lady Beauty Salon, sign policy ....................................._ 19
Feb, 27- Murphy Patricia Ann, by William Murphy her next
friend, notice of suit ................. .................................... 34
" 27- Millworkers Local 1646, relative to the hiring of Du-
buque labor before bringing in outside labor............ 35
27- Mullen Bros, Co., sign bond ................ .............................. 37
" 27- Midwest Lumber Co., relative to purchase of Lot 29 of
O'Neill's Riverview from the City of Dubuque ..... 38
" 27- Mathis Arnold, granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 39
Mar, 7- Murphy Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro-Tem of the
meeting .............................................................................. 50
" 23- Marshall Jackson M., entering a verbal objection to
the granting of the petition of Dubuque Packing
Company and also objecting to the erection of gates
and the use, of streets and alley by the Dubuque
Packing Company without Council permission......., 85
" 23- Melchior, Harlan G., submitting application for appoint-
ment as a member of Board of Review ..................... 85
" 23- Maizewood hrsmation Company, requesting a clarifi-
cation and understanding as to use of materials
heretofore furnished and maintained under the
"Demand Charge" clause in the present electric
rates ...............................! .................................................. SG
" 30 -Manly J, W., State Representative, advising of receipt
of resolution relative to the housing and slum clear-
ance enabling act ............................................................. 10~
April 3- Murphy Councilman, elected Mayor for ensuing year.... 107
" 3 -Marshall Robert P„ City Auditor, bond of ........................ 111
" 12 -Machinek Emil, suspension of 1938 taxes ........................ 116.259
May 1 -Maher Jos. E„ notice of claim ............................................12 4.146.147
" 1 -Meyer Martin and Vernon, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ......................................................................................... 127
" 22 -Memorial Day Parade, Mayor and members of the
City Council invited to take part in said parade.... 148
June 22 -Mauer Mrs. Carl, notice of claim ........................................ 167.299
" 22 -Maury Katherine, et al, condemnation proceedings on
buildings located on Lot 7 Central Add ..................... 172
" 22 -Meyer Paul J., granted cigarette permit_ ..................... 174
" 22 -Miller George, granted cigarette permit ............................ 176
" 22 -Megonigle Paul and J. B., granted cigarette permit....,. 175
" 22 -Maas William and Morris Blum, granted cigarette per-
mit ........................................................................................ 175
" 22 -Mayerle John S. and Florence, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 176.177
" 22 -Machinek Joseph J., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 176.174
" 22 -Megonigle Paul and J, B„ granted Class "B" beer per-
mit .........................................................................................: 176.177
" 22 -Mengis Walter and Mathilda, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 176.177
" 30 -Manders Henry and Jahn, granted cigarette permit........ 193
" 30 -Meyers Kermit and Thomas Lilly, granted cigarette
permit .................................................................................... 193
" 30 -Noes Carl J. and Anton, granted Class "B" beer permit 194.195
" 30 -Meyer Albert M., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 194-195
" 30 -Manders Alfred, granted Class "C" beer permit........ 194.195
INDEX---Book 69
July 5-Mathis Frank, condemnation proceedings on buildings
located on Lots 10• and 11 of _Sub. of Min, Lot 68....
Aug. 7-Mihalakis Philip, transfer of address of Class "B"
beer pertnit .........................................................................
" 7-Miller Wm. C., granted Class "B" beer permit ................
" 7-Mihalakis Philip, granted Class "B" :beer- permit........
,Sept. 5-Millworkers Local Union 164G, requesting:permission for
the holding of a carnival ..................................:................
" 15-Mississippi Valley Association, extending invitation to
Mayor and City Council to attend. annual meeting
to be held in St. Louis, Missouri ................................
" lb-Miller Mt•s. Katie A., suspension of 1938 taxes ..................
Oct. 2-Melssen Hubert and Veronica, granted Class "B" beet•
permit ....................................................................................
Nov. 6-Mettel Realty & Investors Company, Property Manage-
ment Brokers, Home Owners' Loan'Corporation, re•
questing the rezoning of the property known as Lot
2 of 1 of 8 of Min. Lot 168 ......................:...................
" G-Maizewood Insulation Company, requesting redress
from the existing condition of 'Charter-Street and
.also requesting that a street 'light Abe -placed at
the intersection ~of Main and Charter-Streets........
" G-Morris Donald, claim for damages to airplane ................
" 27-Midwest Lumber Company, requesting -the waiving of
the penalties-and extra interest charges on -the re-
demption of_Lots 4, 6 acid 6 of Grandview Heights
Addition ................................................................................
" 27-Mayerle John S. and Florence, transfer of address of
Class •'B" beer permit ......................................................
Deo. 19-Machinek Joe, granted cigarette permit ..............................
INDEX-Book 69'
1939 SUBJECT Page
Feb, 27-Nesler &~: Buechel; excavation bond ................................ 37
Mar. 15-Nagle Margaret, Executrix of the Estate of J. J.
Nagle,. submitting deed of the Northerly 17 ft.
2:in. of City Lot~658 and South 16 ft. of East 1/a
of City Lot 659 for the use,of Catmegio-Stout~'Pub•
lie Libt•ary .......................................~.......,............................ 66.90
April, 3-Nelson Al, J., City Solicitor, bond of ................................ 111
" 12-Nelson F; A., granted Class "B" beet° permit .............. 120
June 22-Norton.P, J, and Minnie; condemnation-proceedings on
buildings located on City Lot 238....172-242-262.2G3-270.280.292
257 22- Natdin Geo., granted cigarette permit ..............:................. 174
257.276 22 -Norton Arthur and Adele, granted Class "B" beer permit 176.177
" 30 -Norris Mrs. Rose, requesting that Lot 7 of Sub. of
275 City Lot 598~at No. 63R Dodge Street be rezoned
from a residential district to a business district ....... 18G-221
" 30 -Nicks Ray ahd Fred, Herber, granted, cigarette permit 193
Aug. 7- Nagle Margaret, Executrix of Estate of,J. J, Nagle,
289.294 requesting that the City_Treasuret°be authorized to
make refunds of penalties and interest on special
assessments as set out' on attached list ................ 219.248
" ~ 7 -Nagle Margaret, Executrix, requesting,. the cancellation
289 or at least a compromise of the special assessment
299 levied against the Westerly 116 feet of Lot 2 of
Lot 703 for the construction.•af sewer in Wilbm•
Street ..................................................................................21 9.258.259
" 7 -Norton Arthur and Adele, transfer of address of Class
302.312 „B„ beer permit ................................................................ 227
Sept, 5- Nordin-George, granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 260
304.313 15 -Nelson .Mrs. Ruth, notice of clairn .:...................................... 257
326 Oct. 2- Nagle J. J. Estate, by John A: Nagle; requesting the
issuance of a warrant. in the amount of $632.30
for canceled interest and penalties. paid on delin-
quenf special assessments ......................................... 272
Nov, 6- Nicks Ray. and Fred Herber, grouted Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................................. 297
Dec. 18 -Nelson Al, J., City Solicitor, resoltttian upon his death 31G
INDEX-Book 69
i 1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3-Ordinance No, 1.39, an Ordinance amending Ordinance
- No. 10-37 entitled: "An Ordinance regulating the
use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Du•
• _ buque; designating the provisions hereof as the
`Traffic Code' of said City." ............................................
® 1G-O'Brien Mrs. Margaret, approval of transfer of Class
"B" beer permit .................................................................... 15.23
Feb. 6-Ordinance No, 2.39. An Ordinance granting the Grand
Opera House, Inc„ owner, its heirs and assigns the
right to construct and maintain a canopy in front
of Strand Theatre .................:.............................................. 31.35.36
" 27-Ordinance No. 3.39. An Ordinance amending and chang-
ing the Zoning Ordinance by changing from "Single
Family Residence District" to "Two-Family Resi•
dente District" the South five feet of Lot 7 and all
• of Lots 8, 9, and 10, all in Block 3 in Grandview
Park Addition ...................................................................... 33.43.44
" 27-Ordinance No. 4.39. An Ordinance granting E. E. Frith
Company, Inc., the right to lay, construct and main-
_ tain a 10-inch sewer in Eighteenth Street to connect
with B•Branch Sewer .......................................................... "40.44
" 27-Osweiler• Van Service, claim for damages to their truck
caused in striking an overhanging limb of tree on
Merz Street denied..' .......................................................... 4D
=~ ; Mar. G-Ordinance Nc. 5-39, An Ordinance amending Ordinance
No. 1.39 entitled "An Ordinance Amending Ordi•
nonce No. 10.37 entitled "An Ordinance regulating
!~ use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Du•
buque; designating the provisions hereof as the
• "Traffic Code" of said City ................................................ 47.67•GS
- Mar. G-Ordinance No. G•39. An Ordinance amending Ordi•
nonce 10.37" entitled "An Ordinance regulating
• the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City
~~ of Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as
`° the °Traffic Cade" of said City .................................... 47•G7-68
- 15-Ordinance No. 7.39. An Ordinance fixing and establish-
_ ing rates to be charged for the furnishing of elec•
~,c: .• tricity for residential, commercial, street lighting,
power and other uses and purposes within the City
• of Dubuque, Iowa ................................
" 23-Ordinance No. 8-39, An Ordinance appropriating money
_ _ for the various funds and purposes of the City of
Dubuque far the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1939,
'' and ending March 31,1940 ..............................................
- 23-Osweiler Van Service, requesting that their claim for
damages, received by their truck in striking a tree
on Merz Street, be reconsidered by the City Council 85.155
Mar. 23-Ordinance No. 9.39. An Ordinance granting to Kretsch•
- men-Tredway Company the
right to construct and
maintain an unloading platform and canopy over
the same, on Washington Street .................................... 90.101-102
~• April 3-Officers appointed by City Council ........................................ 107
~' 3-Officers and employees appointed by City Manager...... 107
" 3-Ordinance No. 10-39. An Ordinance repealing an Ordi•
- nonce entitled: "Ordinance No. 76, An Ordinance
to prevent pawnbrokers, junk dealers and second•
= hand dealers from purchasing or receiving from
• minors any property without the written consent of
their parents or guardian and providing for the
enforcement thereof," and declaring an emergency 109•llG
~ 3-Ordinance No, 11.39. An Ordinance amending Ordi•
- nonce No. 3.38 entitled: "An Ordinance requiring
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
pawn brokers, junk dealers, and dealers in second•
hand goads to give notice of the purchase or re•
ceipt of mechanics' tools and equipment; prohibit-
ing the purchase by pawn brokers, junk dealers and
dealers in second-hand goads of any property from
minors; prescribing a penalty for violation hereof
and declaring an emergency," by repealing Para-
graph 644, Section 2; relating to the purchase or
receipt of property tram minors, and enacting in
substitute therefor and declaring an emergency 109.11E-117
" 3-Ordinance No. 12.39. An Ordinance providing for the
]zeeping of records of the purchase of personal prop-
erty by pawn brokers, jun]z dealers and secondhand
dealers of personal property from any minors under
the age of 18 years; or from minor over the age
of 18 without the written consent of the parent m•
guardian of said minor; prescribing a penalty for
violation thereof; defining the terms used herein;
and declaring an emergency ............................................110.117.118
" 3-O'Leary Daniel J„ Plumbing Inspector, bond of .................. 111
" 12-Ordinance No. 13.39. An Ordinance granting to the
Fischer Artificial Ice and Cold Storage Company,
its successors and assigns the right to construct,
maintain and operate an industry track over, along
and across certain streets and alleys in Booth's
Addition ...............................................................................120.125.12E
May 1-Ordinance No. 14.39. An Ordinance amending Ordi•
nonce No. 9.39. An ordinance granting Kretschmer-
Tredway Company the right to construct and main-
tain an unloading platform and canopy over the
same in Washington Street ..............................................128.139.14D
1-Ordinance No, 15.39. An ordinance repealing Ordinance
No. G-421 entitled: "An Ordinance establishing a
grade on Cox Street from the north property line
of West Fourteenth Street to the south curb line of
West Seventeenth Street" and enacting a substi•
tute in lieu thereof ............................................................
1-Ordinance No, 16.39, An ordinance amending an ordi-
nance entitled: "Ordinance No, 9. An ordinance
defining the duties and powers of the recorder;' by
striking from the title of said ordinance the word
"recorder," and inserting in lieu therof "city clerk;"
and by striking from line 4 of Paragraph 43, Section
5 of said ordinance, the word "recorder," and in•
serting in lieu thereof the words "city clerk."............
1-Ordinance No. 17.39. An ordinance amending an ordi-
nance entitled: "Ordinance No. 82. An ordinance
prescribing the manner of keeping the official rec•
ord of the proceedings of the Council and providing
for the publication of the same," by striking from
Paragraph 632, Section 1; Paragraph G33, Section
2; Paragraph 634; Section 3; Paragraph 635, Sec
tion 4, the word "recorder" wherever the same may
appear in said paragraphs and sections, and insert
rug in lieu thereof the words "city clerk." ...................
1-Ordinance No, 18.39. An ordinance amending an ordi
nonce entitled: "Ordinance No. 80. An ordinancE
fixing and defining the fiscal year for the City tz
provide far the making of an annual appropriation
of funds to be expended during the ensuing year'
by striking from Paragraph 628, Section 1; Para
graph 629, Section 2; Paragraph 630, Section 3 0,
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUB,f ECT Page
said ordinance the word "April" wherever the same
may appear and inserting in lieu thereof "May," and
by striking the word "recorder" wherever the same
may appear and inserting the words "city clerk." 131.142.143
" 1-Ordinance No, 19-39. An ordinance amending. an ordi-
nonce entitled: "Ordinance No. 81. An ordinance
providing for the execution of contracts by the
City," by striking from Paragraph 631, Section 1 of
said ordinance the word "recorder" and inserting in
lieu thereof the wards "city elerlc " ............................ 131.1.43
" 1-Ordinance No. 20-39. An ordinance amending au ordi-
nance entitled: "Ordinance No. 79, An ordinance
establishing the City Seal," by striking from Para•
graph G27, Section 2 of said ordiuauce.No. 79, wher-
ever the same may appear, the word °recorder" and
inserting in lieu thereof the words "City Clerk." 132.143.144
' 1-Ordinance No. 21.39. An ordinance repealing Paragraph
638, Section 3, of au ordinance entitled: "Ordinance
No, 33, An ordinance relating to the personal prop-
erty of the City," said ordinance being Ordinance
No, 83 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Du-
buque of 1919 ................................................................._.. 132.144
" 16-O'Brien Mrs. Margaret, transfer of address of Class''B"
beer permit .......................................................................... 146.1G1
" 22- Ordinance No. 22.39. An ordinance amending an ordi-
nance entitled: "Ordinance No. 27 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1919. An ordinance accepting the
grant of certain lands and real estate by the State
of Iowa to the City of Dubuque, and dedicating the
same as a public park for the uses and benefit of
said city and the inhabitants thereof forever," by
striking certain parts of the title of said ordinance
and by repealing Paragraph 119, Section 2 and Para-
graph 120, Section 3 of said ordfnance ......................_ 152.157
June 5- Ordinance No. 23.39, An ordinance repealing an ordi-
nance entitled: "Ordinance No• 24. An ordbnance
relating to the appointment of the Levee Improve-
nrent Commission of the Gity and defining its duties
and powers." ........................................................................ 164.169
" 5 =Ordinance No. 24-39. An ordfnance repealing an ordi-
nance entitled: "Ordinance No. 23, An ordinance
relating to the appointment of the Bathing Beach
Commission, defining its duties and powers, and pro•
vidiug for the management of the public bathing
beach or beaches." ............................................................164.169.170
" 22 -O'Regan Timothy, granted cigarette permit ........................ 175
" 22 -O'Regan Timothy, granted Class "B" beer permit.......,.,.. 176.177
" 22 -Okey Veru, transfer of address of Class "B" permit....,. 176.177
" 22 -Ordinance No. 25.39. Au ordinance prohibiting weeds
and noxious growths upon lots and parcels o€ land
within the limits of the City of ,Dubuque,. providing
for the destruction of the same and punishing the
violation thereof .................................................................. 178.18G
" 22 -Ordinance No. 26.39. An ordinance repealing an ordi-
nonce entitled: "Ordinance No. 21. An ordfnance
governing contested elections and tie votes."........ 178.187
" 22 -Ordinance No. 27-39. An ordfnance repealing an ordi•
nonce entitled No. 19. An Ordinance appointing
a lrarbor master and defining Iris duties and powers
and regulating public landings and wharfage,"........ 179.187
" 22 -Ordinance No. 28.39• An ordinance repealing an ordi•
nonce entitled: "Ordinance No. 67. An ordinance
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
providing for the Licensing and Regulation of Ferry
Boats, Liveries, amd Landings, and prescribing a
:penalty for the violation hereof." ............................ 179.188
" 22-Ordinance No. 29.39. An ordinance amending an ordi•
nonce entitled: "Ordinance No. 30.38. An ordinance
granting to J. F. Stampfer Co.,, its successors or
assigns, the right to construct and maintain an
unloading platform and enclosed entrance ;in the
alley abutting City Lot 29 .............:...........................180-188-189
" 30-Ott Joseph J., grahted cigarette permit.. 193
July 5-O'Shea Patrick, condemnation proceedings mr barn
and outbuildings located on Lot 1 of Min. Lot
145 .................................................................. ...
" 5-O'Neill's Riverview Lot 29, sale of said lot to Geraldine
0. Harms .............................................................................. 202
Aug. 7-O'Brien John, application for Class "C" beer permit
denied .................................................................................... 227
" 30-O'Donnell T. J., Plaintiff, notice of levy and sale to
Birdena E: Bush, City of Dubuque, et al, upon Lot
1 Pinehurst Sub ................................................................ 232
" 30-Ordinance No. 30-39. An ordinance granting to J• F.
Stampfer Company, its successors m• assigns the
right to construct and maintain a truss extending
from the building upon City Lot 29 and across the
alley to the building upon the lot on the East side
of said alley ....................... ..............................................237-253.254
Oct, 2-O'Brien John, requesting permission to repair building
located on Lot 10 of Central Addition .................... 269
Nov. 6-Okey Vern, transfer of address of Class "B" beer permit 297
" 27-Ordinance No. 31-39. An ordinance granting E. P.
Kretz, owner, his heirs and assigns the right to
construct and maintain a canopy iu front of and
attached to a building located on the North 37
feet 11 inches of City Lot 20 ........................................306.308.309
Dec. 4-pkey Vern, granted Class "B' beer permit ......... ............ 312.313
" 4-Ordinance No. 32.39. An ordinance granting to In•
terstate Power Company of Dubuque, Iowa, its suc•
cessors and assigns, the right to construct and
maintain a truss or trusses across the alley between
Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets and Main and
Iowa Streets abutting the North 40 feet of the South
two•fifths, and the West 65 feet 8 inches of the
South G2 feet 4 inches of the South two•fifths of
City Lot 4G5 ........... ....................................................313.314.318.319
' 4-Ordinance No. 33.39. An ordinance granting to In-
terstate Power Company of Dubuque, Iowa, its
successors and assigns, the right to construct and
maintain a truss or trusses across the alley be-
tween Fifth and Sixth Streets and Main and Iowa
Streets abutting the North 37 feet 11 inches of City
Lot 20 ....................................................................................314-320.321
" 4-Ordinance No. 34.39. An ordinance granting to Marion
J. Ryder and Isabel M. Ryder, owners, their heirs
and assigns the rgiht to construct and maintain an
areaway in West Third Street adjacent to and
abutting City Lot 72A ....................................................314.321.322
" 19-Ordinance No. 35.39. An ordinance amending and
changing the zoning map of the City of Dubuque
as provided for by Ordinance No. 3.34, designated,
"Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque," so as
to change to "Two Family Residence District;'
certain defined property now delimited as "Single•
INDEX-Book 69
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page 1939 SUBJECT Page
Family Residence District," as petitioned for by Jan, 3- Pinger Carl J. and C. W. Petry, granted Class "B"
beer permit ......................................:...................................
Joseph P. Simones, et al, in which petition they 3- Planning and Zoning Commission, recoumiendation ap•
request the rezoning of property abutting on Kirk- proving plan submitted on proposed relocation of
wood Street ..................... 326
U. S. Highway No. 20 ................................... ....._........,
" 19-Ordinance No. 30.39, An ordinance establishing a :
" . 3- Primary Road No, U. S. 20, relocation and improve-
grade on Salina Street from Railroad Street to ...........................................................
ment of same 0.7
Dodge Street ...................................... ..........
16- .......
Receiver of the Consolidated National
Place A. M
" 19-Ordinance No. 37.39. An ordinance establishing a grade „
requesting that the single family restrictions
on Camp Street from Main Street to Sa]ina Street 326 ,
be removed on Lots 8, 9, 10 and South 5 feet of
" 19-Ordinance No. 38.39. An ordinance establishing a grade Lot 7 all in Block 3 in Grandview Park .. 8-25.20-30.31-33-43.44
on Charter Street from Main Street to Salina Street 32G " 16- Payrolls for month of December, 1938 .... ............................ ~ 12
" 30- Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., sign policy .... .................... 19
30- Primary Road Extensions, maintenance bf same to
be performed by State Highway Commission........ 23-24
" 30- Planning and Zoning Commissimr, recommendation on
petition of Geroge and Emil Bock............_ ............... 25
" 30- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on
petition of A. M. Place, receiver for the Consolidat-
ed National Bank .......................................................... 25
Feb, 6- Playground and Recreation Commissiou, requesting
the Council to authorize the use of Block F in In-
dustrial Subdivision far playground purposes..,........ 27
' 27- Payrolls far month of January, 1939 ......... ...................... 37
Mar. 6- Pfeffer William H., granted cigarette permit .................. 45
" 15 -Porter C. Fred, Acting State Comptroller, approval of
resolution and application for transfer of $G,269.70
from the Emergency Fnnd to the General and Main
Sewer Funds ........................................................................ 67
" 16 -Payrolls for month of February, 1939 .................................. 69
" 23 -Police Department, City Manager authorized to pur-
' ~ chase a car for said department ............ ...................... 91
" 30 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on
petition of William C. Brown and William L. Jones
requesting the vacation of the unnamed street in
Grandview Heights from Plymouth Street south-
erly to end of street ........................................................ 104
April 3 -Pautvein M. J„ requesting that action be taken at
once to stop the water from draining onto his pro•
perty from the alley in the rear of 770 Angella
Street .................................................................................... 110
" 12 -Payrolls for month of March, 1939 ...................................... 120
May 1 -Perfection Oil Company, requesting permission to erect
curb pumps at their property located at the inter-
• section of Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues ..............12 4.137.145
" 10 -Peosta Channel Industrial Development, Dock Board
authorized to acquire the land required and to
institute condemnation proceedings if necessary to
obtain the same .................................................................. 137
" 10 -Payrolls for month of April, 1939 ....................................... 146
June 5 -Perfection Oil Company, requesting the vacation of a
four foot strip on both the south and east sides of
their property line at the intersection of Rhomberg
and Lincoln Avenues in order to erect gasoline
curb Aumps .......................................................................... 165
" 5 -Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of resolu-
tion and application for transfer of the sum of
$602.08 from the Library Fund to the Library Build-
ing Fund .............................................................................. 15G
" 5-Playground purposes, Block F and Lots 1 and 4 of
Block E of Industrial Subdivision set aside for such
purposes .............................................................................. 100
N D~EX=Boo'k 69
1939 SU73JECT Page
" 22- Playground and Recreation 'Commission certifying t4ie
amount of $17,024.00 as the amount necessary for
the operation of the Playground and Recreation
Commission for the ;fiscal yeah beginning A=pri1 1,
1940 and ending March 31, 1941 .................................. 168
" 22- Paar Joseph Estate, condenmation prooeedings on build•
ings located on Lot 9 Central A'dd ............................... 172
" 22- Payrolls for month of May, 1939 ............................................ 174
" 22- 'Poquette Millard, granted cigarette permit .................... 175
" 22- Potterveld Wm. T., granted cigarette permit ................ 176
" 22- Page, Karl, granted cigarette permit ................................. 175
" 22- Petrakis Peter, granted cigarette permit ............................
" 22- Poquette Millard and Lucille, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..................................... 175.177
" 22- Page Karl, granted 'Class "B" beer permit .................... 176.177
" 22- Plats showing the Subdivisions of Lot No. 1 of 1 of 1
of 1 of Mineral Lot 305A and Lot No, 1 of 1 of 1 of
1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 305A, Eagle Point 'Park, ap•
pt•oval of said plats .............:............................................ 178
" 30- Porter C, Fred, State Comptroller, approval of resolu•
tion and application for authority to levy an ~em`er•
gency tax ............................................................................. 184
" 30- Planning and Zoning Commission reoommendation on
the petition of Mr. John Wieser and Mrs. Charlotte
" 30 Shambaugh ...................
-Peryon Albert G., granted cigarette permit ...................... 189
" 30 -Petrakis Charles, granted cigarette permit ...................... 193
" 30 -Pochter Charles, granted cigarette permit .......................... 193
" 30 -Pfeffer William H., granted cigarette permit .................... 193
" 30 -Pins Arthur W., granted cigarette :permit ........................ 193
" 30 -Palmer Norman and Roy McTJean, granted •cigarette
" 30 permit ....................................:...............................................
-Peed Thomas R. and Kathryn, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..............................................................................
.... 194
" 30 -Pochter• Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" beer pet••
mit .......................................................................................... 194
" 30 -Poire Al. V, and Marry, granted Class "B" beer ,permit.... 194
" 30 -Palmer Norman and Roy McLean, granted Class 'B"
'beer permit ................... _..............................................,..... 194•T95
" 30 -Pins Arthur W., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 194.195
July 20 -Payrolls for month of June, 1939 .......................................... 207
Aug. 7 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting mecom-
mendation on petition of Mrs. Rose Norris ................
7 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting mecom•
mendation on petition of W. M. Kretschmer.......... 222
7 --Planning and .Zoning Commission, submitting mecom•
mendations on petition of Mrs. R. A, Frenoh.......... 222
" 30 -Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolu-
tion No. 141.39, a resolution and application fm•
authority to transfer the amount of $8;420.'00 fmom
the Emergency Fund to the Grad4ng Fund .............. 282
" 30 -,Payrolls for month of July, 1939 .......................................... 233
" 30 -Poire Ah V., granted cigarette permit ............................ 236
Sept. 15 =Payrolls for month of August, 1939 .................................... 268
N'ov. 6 -Payrolls for month of September, 1939 ............................ 293
" 6 =Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on
petition of Joseph P. 'Simones et al .......................... 294,
" 6 -Planning and Zoning 'Commission, a'ecommendation on
petition of Metter Realty and Investment Company 294
" 27 -''Perfection Oil'.Company, requesting perlntission Ito erect
a light standamd in front'o'f their station at Rhom•
berg Avenue and Elm Street ........................................... 302
INDEX-Book 6~
1939: SUBJECT Page
" 27- Payrolls for month of October, 1939 .................................... 303
Dec: 4- Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of applica•
tion and resolution for the transfer of $10,330.00
front; the Emergency Fund to the Gradiug Fund' and
of $13,504.54 from the Emergency Fund tee the
Improvement Fund .......................... ~.....,.......................... 307
" 4- Porter C. Fred,. State Comptroler, approval; of appli•
cation and resolution for the transfer o£ $20,0,00.00
from the Water Works General Fund to the Im-
provement Fund .................................................................. 307.308
" 4- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on
petition of Mrs, R. A. French et alp ............................. 309
" 4 -Page Francis X., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 312.313
" 19 -Payrolls for month of November, 1939 .............................. 322
" 19 -Primary Road Extensions, maintenance of same withiu
the City of Dubuque to be borne by the State High-
way Commrssion .................................................................. 323.324
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 30-Quinn Francis P., submitting application to fill the
vacancy on the Civil Service Commission ................ 1$
Feb. 6-Quinn Dr. Francis P., appointed as a member of the
Civil Service Commission for the term expiring
March 31, 1940 ...................................................................... 32
" 27-Quade Mrs. Fannie R., notice of claim .................................. 33
June 30-Quinlan Robert J, and Evelyn J„ granted cigarette
permit ................................................................................. 193
" 30-Quinlan Robert J, and Evelyn, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 194.195
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SiTBJECT Page
Jan. 16-Ryan E. J, submitting resignation as a member of the
Civil Service Commission .............................................. 9
" 30- Ryder Realty Company, advising Council that they
have no insurance on city properties ............................ 18
" 30- Receipts for month of December, 1939, proof of publi-
cation ...................................................................................... 18
Mar, 6- Revenig Mat•cella, notice of claim ............................................ 43.89
" 6- Recker Mrs. Elsie, transfer of Class "B" beer permit.... 45
" 15- Reid Thos. R., requesting that the one, block of Klingen-
berg Terrace off Main Street be repaired .................. 67
" 15- Ruprecht Alfred C., claim denied ......................................... 69
" 23- Rawson H. A„ submitting application for appointment
as a member of Boat•d of Review .............................. 85
" 23- Receipts for month of January, 1939, proof of publica•
tian .......................................................................................... $7
" 30- Reilly Robert C., State Representative, advising of
receipt of resolution relative to the housing and
slum clearance enabling act .............................................. 102
" 30- Receipts fot• the month of February, 1939, proof of pub•
lication .................................................................................. 104
Apri] 3- Rhombet•g A, A„ City Managet•, bond of ............................ 111
May 1- Rahloff Dolores, notice of claim .............................................. 124
" 1- Roche Catherine, notice of claim ......................:................... 124.211
" 1- Receipts for month of March, 1939, proof of publication 126
" 1- Reis Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 127
" 1- Roschitsch Mt•s. Ruth (J, V.), settlement of claim.... 129
" 16- Rusch Mrs. Fred, notice of claim .......................................... 139.286
" 16- Rellihan F. J., excavation bond .............................................. 146
June 6- Receipts for month of Aptil, 1939, proof of publication 167
" 22- Roth Floyd, notice of claim .................................................. 167-202
" 22-Reimann Mabel M. Dillon, requesting a sut•vey of side-
walks from Seippel's corner on South Locust
through Southern Avenue .............................................. 169
" 22 -Realty Inv. Corp., condemnation proceedings on build-
ings located on Lot 284 East Dubuque Add, No.
2 ......................................................................:...
" 22 -Robinson Wm. J„ condemnation proceedings on build-
ings located on Lot 22 Union Add..........
" 22 -Roth John, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 175.176
" 30 -Receipts for the month of May,1939, proof of publication 189
" 30-Reis Frank, granted cigarette permit ............................... 193
" 30 -Ruegnitz B, A„ granted cigarette permit ............................ 193
" 3D -Roshek Bros. Company, granted cigarette permit............ 193
" 30 -Ragatz Geo. Jr., granted cigarette permit ........................ 193
" 30 -Recker Mrs. Elsie, granted cigarette permit .................... 193
" 30 -Reuter Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 194
" 30-Roshek Brothers Company, granted Class "C" beer per•
mit .......................................................................................... 194.195
Aug. 7- Receipts fat' month of June, 1939, proof of publication 220
" 7 -Rettenmaier John J. and Marie, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................. 227
Sept. 6- Rummel Mts. Emma, suspension of 1938 taxes .............. 249
" 8 -Receipts for month of July, 1939, pt•oof of publication.... 254
Oct, 2- Reifsteck A. W„ notice of claim ........................................ 272.285
" 2 -Receipts for month of August, 1939, proof of publication 272
" 2 -Recker Mrs, Elsie, transfet• of address and renewal of
Class „B,~ beer permit .................................................. 275
" 6 -Rhomberg A. A., City Mauager, authorized to attend
the Annual Conference of the International City
Managet•s' Association ................................................... 287
Nov. 6 -Retail Merchants Bureau, requesting permission to erect
Christmas street lighting decorations and also re-
INDEX-Boole "69
1939 SUBJECT Page
questing that the City assume the cost of current
for the street lighting decorations ................................. 289
" G--Realty Investors Corporation, requesting a refund of
the penalties which were assessed against Lot 164,
Woodlawn Park Sub ......................................................... 290-310
" 6-Roepsch George J., suspension of 1938 taxes ................ 291.298
" 27-Ryder Realty Company, requesting permission for the
installing of an area-way on the West Third Street
side of the new Bus Station ...................................302.314.321.322
" 27-Receipts for month of September, 1939, proof of publi-
cation ...................................................................................... 303
Dec. 19--Realty Improvement Company, submitting an offer to
purchase Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Mills West Du-
buque front the City of Dubuque .............................. 317
" 19-Receipts far tnmtth of October, 1939, proof of publication 318
INDEX-Boole 69
1939- SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3-Spielman J. L., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 3
" 16 Schetgen Marguerite, suspension of 1938 taxes ................ 9.25
" 30-Sshaetzle John Drug Co„ sign policy .................................. 19
" 30-State Highway Commission, maintenance of Primary
Road Extensions to be paid outl of the primary
road fund ............................................................................. 23.24
" 30-Slater Mrs. Dorothy, settlement of personal injury
claim ...................................................................................... 24'-25
Feb. G-Shiloh Circle No. 37, Ladies of the Grand Army of the
Republic, requesting permission to hold a tag day
on April 8, 1939 .................................................................. 27
" 6-Schadle Clem, submitting application for position ou
Civil Service Commission .............................................. 32
" 27-Schultz John, notice of elaim ............................................... 33.298
" 27-St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, notice of hospital lien and
statement of filing to Mrs. Joltn V, Roschitsch, City
of Dubuque .......................................................................... 34.129-130
" 27-Slack, James, transfet• of Class "B" beer permit............ 39
Mar, 15-St. Patrick's Chut•ch, extending invitation to Mayor,
Members of City Council and City Officials to attend
the Observation of the Feast of St. Patrick ................ 66
" 23-Spielman Charles, objecting' to the Council accepting
the proposed electric rates until bus fares are
reduced .................................................................................. 85
" 23-Steiner Vernon, requesting that the ordinance regulat-
ing roller skating rinks be amended .......................... 87
" 30-Sutton N. M., requesting that the alley abutting his pro-
perty on Hill Street be improved ................................. 102
April 3-Shea J. J., City Clerk, bond of ............................................ 111
" 12-Shambaugh Mrs. Charlotte S, and John Wieser, City
Manager's recommendation on their petition for the
vacation of the alley abutting Lot 2 of 12 and Lot
2 of 2 of the Sub, of Lots 19, 20 and 21 of Stewat•t's
Sub ........................_............................................................... 121-]:89
May 1-Stt•ohmeyet• A, J., Asst. Supt. of Fire Alarm System, re-
questing that his name be placed on Fire Depart-
ment pay roll ......................_...........................,.................. 125
" 1-Smith Clem J., redemption of tax sale certificate on
Lot 14 in Yates Subdivision ....................._.................. 125.145
" 1-Spahn Arthur J„ granted Class "B" beer permib............ 127
" 1-Schwietering Jacob, granted Class "C" beer permit.... 127-128
" 1-Savary Chas. H., granted Class "C" beer permit........ 127-128
" 1-Sullivan Jos. J., granted Class "C" beer permit.......... 127.123
" 4-Salt, A. L., requesting the opening of Henderson Street
from the intersection of Bradley and Henderson
Streets toward the Golf Course .................................. 135
" 16-Sutton N. M., relative to the improving of the alley ,
abutting his property on Hill Street, said alley
running between Bonson and Wooten Streets........ 139
" 16-Smith Wm. Avery, reappointed as a member of the
Planning and Zoning Commission ................................ 145
June 5-St. Catherine's Parish, Route 4; requesting permission
to stretch a banner across Main Street to advertise
a picnic .................................................................................. 155
" 5-Schnee Mrs. Sophia, requesting that the City Treasut•en
be instructed to accept the amount of $85.46 as set•
tlement of the tax sale certificate held by the City
of Dubuque against Lot 20 of McCraney's 1st Ad-
dition ...................................................................................... 155.190
" 5-Schroeder Fred, appointed as a member of Condemna•
tion Committee .................................................................... 159.173.202
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
" 5-Schuster Leonard, condemnation proceedings on build-
ings located on Lot 354 Ham's Add:..........159.171.182- 200.206
" 5-Sisters of the Holy Ghost, condemnation proceedings
on buildings located on City Lot 14 ..............159.171.181-199.206
" 22-St. Mark's Women's Guild, requesting permission to
trope off Twelfth Street between Locust and Bluff
Streets on June 22 .......................................................... 168
" 22-Speed Boat Regatta, requesting permission to use the
grounds adjacent to Ball Park for the parking of
cars .................................................................:...................... 169
" 22-Smith Mary and Catherine, condemnation proceedings
on buildings located on Lot 14 Yates Sub...........
.................................................................... 172.243-263.264.271. 282.292
" 22-Sand Mike, granted cigarette permit ............. ...................... 174
" 22-Schaetzle John, granted cigarette permit ............................ 175
" 22-Schuster Leonard, granted cigarette permit .................... 176
" 22-Stemm John, granted cigarette permit ................................ 175
" 22-Steffen Nicholas, granted cigarette permit ......................
" 22
" 175
avory, W
am and V
ola, granted Class
beer per-
mit .......................................................................................... 176.176
" 22- Steffen Nicholas and Beatrice, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 176-177
" 22- Sheehan Mrs Agnes L„ granted Class "B" beer permit 176.177
" 22- Schnee Michael B, and Sophie, granted Class "B" beer
permit ...........................................................:......................... 176.177
" 22- Sand Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit 176.177
" 22- Stoltz Raymond J. and George J. Zillig, granted Class
~~B~~ beer permit .........................:........................................ 176.177
" 22- Stieber John A, and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer per-
mit ......................................................................................... 176.177
" 22- Spielman Harvey L„ granted Class "B" beer permit...... 176.177
" 22- Schaffhausen William A. and George J., granted Class
~~B,~ beer permit .................................................................. 176.177
" 30- Schneider Joseph C., granted cigarette permit .............. 193
" 30- Sullivan Thomas P., granted cigarette permit .................. 193
" 30- Spielman J. L., granted cigarette permit .......................... 193
" 30- Scherer, George J., granted cigarette permit .................. 193
" 30- Stampfer Company, granted cigarette permit ................ 193
" 30- Stavros George, granted cigarette permit ........................ 1.93
" 30- Stemm John and Alberta, granted Class "B" beer per-
' mit .......................................................................................... 194
" 30- Schiltz Andrew and Lewis J., granted Class "B" beer
permit ..:................................................................................. 194
" 30- Sand Mike and Marie, granted Class "B" beer permit 194
" 30- Smith Percy L., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 194
" 30- Snyder Charles T., granted Class "B" beer permit.... .... 194
" 30- Slack James and I,eo P. Meyer, granted Class "B" beer
permit ..:................................................................................. 194
" 30- Scherer George J., granted Class "B" beer permit.......... 194
" 30- Southern Avenue, report of Health Director and Sani•
tary Officer that approximately 25 houses on said
street are not connected with the sanitary sewer.... 195.252
July 5- St. Patrick's Parish, Epworth, Iowa, requesting permis•
sion to suspend a banner across Main Street........ 198
" 6- Stoltz Raymond and George Zillig, granted cigarette
permit .................................................................................... 204
" 20- Seubert & Fessler submitting bill from A. J: Huss in
the amount of $8.94 for damages to truck caused
in driving over a ditch at 654 Kane street and re•
questing that the matter of payment of this bill
be taken up with the Bonding Company .................... 206.220.221
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
" 20-St. Paul's Mission House, Epworth, Iowa, requesting
permission to place a sign across Main Street.... 205
" 20-Stampfer Company, requesting permission to erect a 30
foot truss extending between their building and the
Grand Opera House Theatre building ...........205-223.23 7.253-254
" 20-Schaul John, ordered to connect the N. E. 38 feet of
S. E, 150 feet of Lot 595, Ham's ~ldd. with the sani-
tary sewer ......................................................................... 213-230
" 20-Seippel Lumber Company, ordered to connect Lot 2 of
7 of Peil's Sub. with the sanitary sewer .............. . 214-230
Aug. 30-Scharff Louise, suspension of 1938 taxes ............................ 232.249
Sept: 5-Schetgen Clarence, Administrator of Estate of Joseph
Schetgen, Deceased, original notice of suit............ 240
" 5-Schroeder, Fred, bill in the amount of $65.00 allowed
for services as a member of Condemnation Com-
mittee ........................:........................................................... 247
" 5-Spielman Frank and Geraldine, granted Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................................... 250
" 8-Senior High School, requesting permission to stretch
a banner across Main Street ........................................ 254
" 15-Stewart Dr. C: W., State Department of Agriculture,
relative to awarding of garbage contract .................. 256
" 16-Sullivan James, cancellation of 1938 taxes ...................... 257.276
Oct. 2-Seippel Peter J. Lumber Company, requesting the waiv
ing of penalties and extra interest on delinquent
special assessments and also on redemption from
tax sale of various pieces of their property 271.284.285-290.291
" 2-Schuster L„ requesting refund on cigarette permit.... 272
" 6-Shea J. J. City Clerk, appointed Acting City Manager
during the absence of City Manager Rhomberg
from the city .................................................................... 287
Nov. 6--Stewart E. A., claim for damages to his automobile.... 289.305
" 6--Simones Joseph P., et al, requesting the rezoning of the
westerly end of Kirkwood Street ........................294.306.317.325
" fi--Spahn Arthur J., transfer of address of Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 297-304
" 6-Smith Russel J., claim for damages to airplane............ 300
" 27-Stapleton A. J., requesting that he be reimbursed for
work, labor and materials in repairing the sewer
in front of his residence at 864 South Grandview
Avenue .................................................................................. 303-323
Dec. 4--Saeugling Fred J: and Ed. M. Harks, grouted Class "B"
beer Permit ......................................................................... 312.313
" 19-State Highway Commission, approving and consenting
to the maintenance of all primary road extensions
within the City of Dubuque .......................................... 323.329
" 19-Salina Street, Profile No. 1294 showing the proposed
grade of said street frmn the North property line
of Railroad Street to the South property line of
Dodge Street .._ .................................................................... 325.326
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
3-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted cigarette
permit ....................................................................................
27-Trewin C. B., City of Dubuque and Dubuque County
Treasurer, notice of condemnation by Iowa State
Highway Commission of Lots 11 and. 12 iu Sisters'
Addition ..............................................:................................
23-Trimpler W. F., granted Class "B" beer permit ..................
30-The Maccabees, requesting permission for the holding
of a carnival on the City property west of Du•
buque Athletic Field ........................................................
3-The Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War,
Mary ~gard Tent, requesting permission to hold
tag day ..................................................................................
3-Telegraph•Herald, appointed official newspaper ..................
1-Thompson F. W., granted Class "C" beer permit............
1G-Trimpler W. F., transfer of address of Class "B" beer
permit ....................................................................................
June 5-Taxi Cab Drivers, requesting the City Council to take
some action on the Taxi Cab Ordinance which
would benefit the drivers and also the companies
" 22-The Dubuque Club; granted cigarette permit ...................
" 22-Thompson F. W., granted cigarette permit ....................
" 22-Triangle Cafe, granted cigarette permit ............................
June 22-Trapp, Arthur J„ granted cigarette permit ........................
" 22-The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co„ granted- cigar-
ette Permit ..........................................................................
" 22-The American Legion, granted Class "B" beer permit
" 30-Tavern Keepers' Assn., requesting the Council to do
something about the abuse of the Class "C" beer
licenses ..................................................................................
" 30-The American Legion, granted cigarette permit............
" 30-The Interstate Company, granted cigarette permit........
" 30-The Service Club, granted cigarette permit ......................
" 30-The Service Club, granted Glass "B" beer permit............
" 30-The Dubuque Club, granted Class "B" permit ..............
Aug: 7-Tax levies for the year 1939 ..................................................
" 7-Trimpler W, F., trausfer of address of Class 'B" beer
permit ....................................................................................
" 7-Tharp William, granted Class "B" beer permit ..............
" 30-The Volunteers of America requesting permission to
hold a Red Heart tag sale ..............................................
" 30-ThuP Della C., cancellation of 1938 taxes ..........................
Sept. 5-Tenenbom Super•Marizet, Inc., renewal of Class "C" beer
permit ..................................................................................
" 16-Tschirgi Edward M„ accountant, Water Dept., bond of
" 15-Theisen Leo N., gt•anted cigarette permit ..........................
Nov, 6-The Salvation Army, requesting permission fm• the hold-
- ing of a tag daY ..................................................................
" 6-Theis, Mrs. Anna, requesting the removal of the pen•
allies on the special assessments levied against the
East 100 feet of the East 200 feet of Lot 17 of
Sisters' Addition .......................:........................................
INDEX-Boole 69
1939 SUBJ);CT Page
Jan. 30- Universal Car & Tractor Company, sign policy.........,.. 19
May 22 -United Scales Flag Association, requesting that the
Mayor appoint a Mayor's ;Flag Week Committee
:and also that the Mayor issue a Flag Week Procla•
matiou .................................................................................. 154
June 5 -Uppinghouse A. St. and Philomina, granted ,Class "B"
beer permit ........................................................................ 160.161
" 22 -United Cigar, granted oigarette pernr~t ............................ 175
" 22 -Uppinghouse A. R., granted cigarette permit................ 175
July 20 -Uniwersity~of Dubuque, nequesbing vacation of the enCire
alley north rof~Grace Street and connecting Algona
and Auburn Streets in the rear of Lots 28 to 34
inclusive, alse the vacation of the alley connecting
the above mentioned alley and lying in the rear
,of Lots 35 'to 38, and also the vacation' of tltat por•
lion of :the alley north of Lot 7, all in Reche's Sub..... 206
Nov, G -University ~of Dubuque, 1equesting the City douncil to
give serious oonsideration to the rerouting of bus
service which now travels on Algona Street from
Delhi Street to Bennett Street_ ................................. 290
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3- Water Works Improvements, construction of a new
Feb. 27 -Van Vors Mrs. Mary, notice of claim ...........................:...... 33.286 1,000,000 gallon reservoir .............................................. 2
' 27 -Van Driel Isabelle, City of Dubuque and Dubuque . " 3- Water Works Improvements, installation of a new high
County Treasurer, notice of condemnation by Iowa lift pumping unit at Eagle Point Station ................
State Highway Commission of Lots 42 and 43 in , , , , , ,,,,,,
Babcock's Addition ............................................................ 34 " 3- ,
Water Works Improvements, construction of a new
Mar. 15 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to
66 ~ building at Eagle .Paint Station .............:......................
hold "Buddy Poppy" sale on May 20, 1939 ................ . ' 7-192.225
April 12 -Vandercook H. A, and Jos. M. Zehentner, granted Class
3- .....,,...
" ' ' "'' "' ' " '
Water Works Improvements, installation of .plumbing
"B" beer permit :................................................. 120
and heating at Eagle Point'Station..5.8.13~14.17~21-
June 5 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission for ~ 3- Water Works Improvements, installation of all electrical
the holding of a carnival on the City property ad- -work at Eagle Poiht Statiou..................5.6.8=13'•14.17.21. 22.29.226
joining the Base Ball Park .................... ....................... 165 30- Weimer J.' H., submitting application for reappointanent
" 22 -Van der Meulen Wm. F., granted Class "B" beer per- as a member of Board of Review................................ 18
" 22 mit ................................ ....
-Vogelsberg Albert J, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 176.177
176.177 30-Walker Shoe Company, sign policy ....................................
30-Wilberding Henry, sign policy .............................................. 19
July 20 -Van der Meuleu Wm., granted cigarette permit............ 207 30 -Water Works Improvements, appropriating the sum of
" 20 -Voelker Realty Company, ordered to connect Lot 221 $1'2;600.00 from the Water Works General Fund
of Woodlawn Park Add. with the sanitary sewer.... 213.230 for the purpose of financing the construction of
same ........................................................................................ 19
Feb. 27-Wolfe Rev. J. M., reappointed as a member oP the
Board of Zoning Adjustment .......................................... 38
" 27 -Wright Esther and Roy'A. Wright, granted Class "B"
beer Aermit .......................................................................... 39
" 27 -Water Works Improvements, P. W. A. Project 1684•F,
revised estimate on the finances and breakdown
on certain `.items .............................................................. 39.88
Mar. ,6 -Wortley John, claim denied ..................................:................. 46
" 23 -White Roland; requesting the Council to go on record
favoring the adoption of legislation by the State
Legislature in order that the City of Dubuque might
qualify for federal- aid`in slum clearance and ]ow-
cost housing construction .............................................. 84
" 23-Water Woiks Improvements, change 'in contract price
of C. W. Varner for Deep Well ...................................... 87.88
" 30 -Wilson Mrs. Martha, suspension of 1938 taxes .............. 103.249
" 30 -Willy Ulrich, contractor,- requesting permission to 'do
blasting in the excavating and clearing at the
Bryant School ............................................................:....... 103
April 3-Weimer Jahn H., appointed as a member' of Board of
Review .................................................................................. 108
" 3-Wersinger John B., requesting a free license to peddle
fruit and vegetables .....:.............................................:...... 110.127
" 12-Wieser (John and Mrs. Charlotte .S. Shambaugh, City
Manager's recommendation on their petition for the
vacation of the alley abutting Lot 2 of 12 and Lot
2 of 2.of Lots 19, 20 and' 21 Stewart's Sub .........:....... 121.189
May 1-Warren De]] and Ralph, granted Class "B"beer permit 127
" 4-Water Works Improvements, furnishing of a-Deep Well
'Turbine PumP ...................................:................................133.137-148
" 4-Water' Works Improvements, installation of~Supply Main
from Na. 7 WEII House to No. 5 Well Piping:...........
................................................................... 133.134.137}
" 4-Water Works Improvements, construction of ~ a Well
House ...........:............................................
" 16-Wolfe"Monsignor'•J. M,; reappointed as a member of the
Planning and Zoning Commission ................................ 145
" 22-Water Works Improvements, 'new deep well, the con•
tract price of C. W. Varner decreased -.in the
sum -of $204.60 ............................................:....................... 150
" 22-Water Worlcs General -Fund, •the amount of $7;600.00
appropriated from said fund for the purpose of
INDEX-Book 69
1939 SUBJECT Page
financing the construction of Water Works Im-
provements .......................................................................... 160.161
June 6- Water Works Improvements, furnishing of a Deep Well
Turbine- Pump ....................................................161.165.16 6.191.236
" 5- Water Works Improvements, construction of a Well
House ........................................................ 2.236-236
" 5- Water Works Improvements, Federa] Emergency Ad•
ministtation of Public Works requested to increase
the Grant on P. W. A. Docket Iowa 1684-F from
$67,500.00 to $74,900.00 ............................................
" 22- Warranty Deeds of C. P. Lagen and Eugenie Lagen,
Louis J. Lagen and Administtatoi•'s Deed of M. H.
Czizek for Joseph T. Lagen, Deceased, together with
Abstract of Title, conveying the South Middle 32
feet of City Lot 658 to the City of Dubuque for
use of Carnegie-Stout Public Library ........................ 167
" 22 -White Frank, condemnation proceedings on buildings
located on City Lot 555 .................................................... 172
" 22 -Wiedner S. and C. J, Jungwirtlt, condemnation proceed-
ings on buildings located on Lot 9 Union Add.
" 22 ..
-Wragg Thos, A„ granted cigarette permit ....................... 175
" 22 -Weber Mrs, Cecelia, granted cigarette permit ................ 176
" 22 -Wodrich Wnt. E., granted cigarette permit .................. 175
" 22-Walgreen Drug Co., granted cigarette permit ................ 175
" 22 -Wagner Wtn., granted cigarette permit ............................ 175
" 22 -Weber Frank J., granted cigarette permit ............................ 175
" 22 granted Class "B" beer permit........
-Wallig Wm 176.177
" 22 -Wright Louis A. and Augusta, granted Class "B" beer
permit ................................................................................... 176.177
" 22 -Weber Frank J. and Tillie, granted Class "B" beer
pet•mit .................................................................................... 176.177
" 22 -Weber Mrs. Cecelia and Nick, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 176.177
" 22 -Wragg Thomas A„ granted Class "B" beer permit.... 176.177
" 30 -Wille Mrs. F. X., granted cigarette permit ...................... 193
" 30 -Warren Dell and Ralph, granted cigarette permit.... 193
" 30 -Wright Roy A., granted cigarette permit ........................ 193
" 30 -Wodrich William E, and Anna, granted Class "B"
beer permit ......................................................................... 194
July 5 -Welter Mrs. Louis et al, requesting that the smoke nuis-
ance caused by the Iowa Dairy Company be abated
and also that they be prohibited from blowing
theit• flues in the morning ............................................ 198.222
" 20 -Water Works Improvements, fixing rates for wages of
Prentice on
nd brick layer ap
.. ... ..
said t 207
Aug, 7 -Western Grocery Company et al, requesting the en•
forcing of all ordinances with respect to peddling 218
" 7 -Weber Mrs. Catherine, requesting that the penalties on
the special assessments levied against Lot 1 of
Quigley's Sub, of Out Lot 711 for the paving of
Pierce Stt•eet be waived .................................................. 219
" 7 -Weiner Joseph J., granted cigarette permit ........................ 226
" 7 -Weiner Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted Class "B" beer
permit .................................................................................... 227
7 -Wieters A H., Director, Division of Public Health En-
gineering, State Department of Health, submitting
a copy of lettet• received from Mrs, Theo, Kale
complaining about outside closet on the premises
of Leo Houpes ................................................................... 230.252
INDEX=Book 69
1939 SUBJECT, Page
" 30-Watet• Works Improvements, fixing rates for wages of
electrician apprentices on said improvement............ 234
" 30-Wragg Thos., revocation of Class "B" beer permit.... 236.237
Sept, 5-Weitz Alois 0. and Nellie M., granted Class "B" beet•
permit .................................................................................... 250
Oct, 2-Wt•agg Thomas A., requesting refund on cigarette permit 272
Nov. 6-Wallis J. H., by J. Allen Wallis, Tr., requesting a refund
in penalties paid on the redemption of tax certifi-
cates on Lot 7 of McClain's Sub. and on Lot
1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 16 of McClain's Sub. and Lot
2 of 2 of 1 of Min. Lot 150 ................................................29 0.311-312
" 6-Water Works Improvements and Demolition of Old
Building, P, W. A. Docket Iowa 1684-F, recom-
mendation of City Manager and -Water Superin-
tendent, also of Consoer, Totvnsend apd Quinlan,
Consulting Engineers, that the City Council accept
and approve the completion of P. W. A, Docket
Iowa 1684•F, also resolution accepting the same on
behalf of the City of Dubuque ................................. 294.295-296.297
" 6-Weis Paul V., claim for personal injuries ........................ 300
" 27-Waldorf Mrs. G., suspension of 1938 taxes ........................ 303.313
" 27-Water Works General Fund, resolution and application
for authority to transfer the sum of $20,000AO from
said fund to the Improvement Fund ..........................305.307.308
Dec, 4-Weber Ruben J., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 312.313
" 19-Whelan J. Edward, submitting application for appoint-
ment to the vacant position of City Solicitor............ 318
INDEX-Book 69
1989 SUBJECT Page
Oct. 8-Yellow Cab Company, taxicab policy ..... ............................ 284
INDEX-Book 69
].939 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3-Zillig Peter, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 3
Mar. 30-Zillig Mrs, Emma, requesting a refund on the cigarette
permit issued to her husband Peter F. Zillig, de-
ceased .................................................................................... 103
April 3-Zillig Mrs. Emma, granted cigarette permit ................ 111
June 22-Zelens Bert, granted cigarette permit ................................ 175
". 30-Zillig Mrs. Emma, granted cigarette permit .................. 193
Sept. 5-Zemanek Mrs. Frank, claim for damages caused in
the removal of a tree by the City ................................ 240.273