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17th Street (Central-Locust)
Frontages Important to the Urban Scene Historic Sites Field Survey, Dubuque, Iowa Location: rJ. 17apt - ~~ -/;; ~~ VJ . IJAJ/4t ~r Map Key: r' Dominant Land Use: Zoning: Dominant Material:~ Source of Interest Architect.Consistencv Unifying Elements General Conditions Architectural L- Excellent L Style ----- Sound X Historical Good Materials -L Deteriorating_____ - ----- Visual L Fair - Rhythm - Dilapidated ----- Other Poor Texture - Intrusions ----- - - Urban Design Value --L- --L Color Traffic Great .~ Orientation~ -L Architectural Quality Noise Moderate - -L 1- Exceptional Vegetation Pollution - ~ Minor - -L Excellent . . Scale Sign clutter - General Maintenance Utility lines~ Good - Open Space - Excellent - Fair . Vistas Land uses 1~1 - - - Good -.L --L Poor Grouping Visual conflict ----- - Fair - ~ Variety Poor - Landmarks - Date of \llL.1 Field Survey Inspected by Us Photos Mapped (attach photos here) l'