11 16 09 City Council Proceedings Official_Special
The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 5:00 p.m. on November 16, 2009
in the Historic Federal Building.
Present: Mayor Buol, Council Members Braig, Connors, Jones, Resnick, Voetberg,
City Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Lindahl
Absent: Council Member Lynch
Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council to
conduct a work session regarding the Transit Study.
Economic Development Director Dave Heiar provided a brief history of the project
and an overview of the work session process.
A.T. Stoddard, LSC Transportation Consultants, 516 North Tejon Street, Colorado
Springs, Colorado, presented a slide show which reviewed the study process since
December 2008, key findings, and recommendations.
Public input was received from an on-board survey, community meetings,
stakeholder meetings, advisory committee meetings, and website information.
Public input key issues:
travel time on the bus
frequency of service
hours of operation
Operational analysis key findings:
low system productivity
some productive route segments
some poor transfer connections
excessive travel times
hours of operation do not support commuters
Demand analysis:
areas of greatest needs
residence vs. destination
Transit service goals:
maintain existing ridership base while attracting new riders
continue to enhance the environmental sustainability of the transit system
provide high-quality, customer-oriented service
provide efficient, effective, and safe services
promote the transit service
Service options revisited:
route changes
subsidized taxi service
Equipment and facilities
improved signage
review bus size and type
Service plan:
changes in hours of operation and routes
central transfer point
year-round downtown shuttle
circulator route
on-demand/response service
integration with Regional Transit Authority
Mini Bus consolidation
Technology use:
passenger information signs
real-time Internet information
queue-jump lanes
traffic signal priority
Facility and equipment needs:
vehicle replacement, additions, and changes
central transfer facility
bus stop improvements
vehicle storage
Financial plan review
City Council discussion included questions regarding the impact on full- and part-time
employee coverage, actual cost per ride and whole-system operation, demand on
vehicles, battery-operated vehicles, immediate integrating with RTA, taxi voucher
system, tweaking the same old system, complicated fee schedule, the need to continue
service, attracting new ridership, impact on tax subsidy, partnership with IBM Smart City
transportation element, prioritize study’s recommendations.
Van Milligen recommended continuing with the process by beginning with the smaller
recommendations and referenced the future impact of downtown housing and the
pending east/west corridor improvements timeline.
LSC Consultants will provide a final report to City Council in December 2009.
There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 6:21 p.m.
/s/Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC
City Clerk
1t 11/25