1939 March Council ProceedingsRegular Session, IyIarclr 6th, 1939. 43 42 City Council (Official,) Regular Session, ;4larch 6th, 1939 Council met at 8:20 P. 1~I, Present-ldaym• Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton, City liauager Rhomberg. Absent-Council- man Thompson. tllayor Clank stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council for the purpose of acting upon such business as tray properly come before the meeting. Notice of Claim of Marcella Revenig in the amount of $100.00 for personal injuries received in a fall on an icy side- taallc ou the south side of fi;ighteenth Street between Central Avenue and 1Vhite Street in front~of Juergeu's Gar- age, presented aml read. Councilman 1Vharton moved to refer the Notice, of Claim to the City Solicitor for inves- tigation and report. Seconded b}~ Coun- cilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Van Duehnan, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Absent- Couucilman Thompson. Notice of Claim of Mrs Dorothea I,inlc in the amount of X600.00 for tier- sonal injuries received in fall on an icy sidewalk iu front of the butcher shop operated by Herbert F. Smith located at 472 Hill Street, presented and read. Couucihnan Murphy moved to refer the Notice of Claim to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded b}~ Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-iVlayor Clark, Councilmen \~furphy, Vau Duel- man, 1Vhartou. Nays~Noue. Absent -Councilman Thompson. Communication of Robert );. Clancy submitting application for appointment as a member of the Board of Assess- ment and Review for the year 1939, pre- sented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the cbnttnunication he re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried by the fol- lotviug vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Absent- Councihnan Thompson. Petition of Ilrs. Helen 1;. Hansel re- questing a refimd on her cigarette per- mit as she has discontinued bttsiuess as of February 28th, 1939, at the Ct•escent Sweet Shop at 1048 iVlain Street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the request he granted and that a warrant in the amount of $25.00 be ordered drawn in favor of 1lrs. Helen );. Hansel to cover the amount of refmtd granted on her cigarette permit. Seconded by Council- man Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Council- men liwphy, Van Duehnan, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-Councilman "Thompson. Petition of Art Aveuarius requesting a parking permit in the rear of his place of business at the J. S R. Garage locat- ed in the 1000 Black on 1~Iain Street, presented and read. Councilman Van Duehnan moved to refer the petition to the City Council. Seconded by Coun- cilman A~Inrphy. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-1~Iayor Clark, Coun- cilmen Murphy, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays-Moue. Absent--Council- man 'Phontpsou. Ordinance No. 3-39 Au ordinance amending'aud changing the Zoning n--lap of the City of Dubuque as provid- ed by Ordinance No. 3-3~t, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Du- buque," so as to change to "Two-Fam- iiv Residence District" certain defined territory now delimited as "$fngle-Fam- ily Residence District," and declaring au emergency, said ordinance having been passed ttpou first and second read- ings on February 27th, 1939, presented and read a third time. ORDINANCE 3-39 An ordinance amending and chang- ing the Zoning Map of the City of Du- buque as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque," so as to change to "Ttvo-Family Residence District" certai^ defined territory now delimited as "Single-Family Residence District," and declaring au emergency. 1VH1•RI•AS, A. M. Place, Receiver of the Consolidated National Bank of Dubuque, Iowa, has petitioned the City Council to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque as provided by Ordi- nance 3-34 designated as "Zoning Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque," so as to change to "Two-Fami]}~ Residence District° the South Five Feet (S S Et.) of I,ot Seven (7) and hots laight (8), Nine (9} and Ten (10) of Bloclc Three (3) in Grandview Park Addition in the Cit}~ of Dubuque, owned by said Re- ceiver, and now being delimited as "Single-Family Residence District," and 1~~HIaR$AS, it is deemed advisable by this Council to amend the Zoning lliap of the Citp of Dubuque as provid- ed by Ordinance No. 3-34, designated as "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque,"' so as to change to "'I'wo- Family Residence District" certain de- tiued territory now delimited as "Sin- gle-Family Residence District," and 1VH$RIaAS, notice of such proposed change has been published as provided by law and an opportunity has been afforded to all interested parties to ob- ject thereto at a public meeting held on February 27th, 1939. 44 Session, March_ Gth, 1939. WHEREAS, uo objections have been filed to the proposed changes: NO\V, THEREFORE, Be It Or- dained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Paragraph 742, Section 1. That the Zoning \-lap be, and the same is hereby amended and changed as follows: By changing from "Single-Family Resr- dence District" to "Two-Family Resi- dence District" the South Five Feet S. 5 ft.) of loot Seven (7), and hots Eight (8), Nute (9), and Ten (10) of Block Three (3) iu Grandview Pat9c Addition in the Cit}~ of Dubuque. Paragraph 743, Section 2. That the ~' cost of publication of this ordinance en- acted far the benefit of A. M. Place, Receiver of the Cmtsolidated National Bank of Dubuque, Iowa, shall be borne by said A. M. Place, Receiver of the Consolidated National Bank of Du- buque, Iotiva. Paragraph 74'4, Section 3. 'Phis ordi- nance being deemed argent and of im- mediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council, and publication as provided by law, Passed upon first and second read- ings this 27th day of February, 1939. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of March, 1939. CARL A. CLARK, 1~Iaya~. FRANK VAN DUELILAIV, ALBERT \VHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, Cit}~ Clerk. Published officially iu the Telegraph- Herald newspaper 1~Iarch 9th, 1939. T. J. SHEA, 3-9-1t City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman 1Vharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Vau Duelman, \\!harton. Nays-None. Absent- Councilmau Thompson. Ordinance No. 4-39. An ordinance granting to E. E. Frith Company, Inc., the right to lay, construct and maintain a ]0-inch sewer in Eighteenth Street, said sewer beginning at a point on the lot lice of the Southerly side of Eigh- teenth Street, and 36 feet Easterly from Sycamore Street, and extending 32 feet bt a Northerl}~ direction to the center of Eighteenth Street, and thence in a Westerly direction in the center of Eighteenth Street, a distance of ap- proximatel}~ 240 feet to connect with the B-Branch Sewer, said ordinance having been passed upon first and sec- ond readings on February 27th, 1939, presented artd read a third time. ORDINANCE N0. 4-39. An Ordinance granting to F,. $. Frith Company, Inc., the right to lav, con- struct and maintain a 10 inch sewer iu Eighteenth Street, said sewer begin- ning at a point on the lot line of the Southerly side of Eighteenth Street, and 36 feet Easterly from Sycamore Street, and extending 32 feet in a Nor- therly direction to the center of Eigh- teenth Street, and thence in a Westerly direction in the center of $ighteenth Street, a distance of approximately 240 Poet to connect with the B Branch sewer. BE IT ORDAINED EY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: Paragraph 745, Section 1 That the right and privilege be, and the same is hereby granted to E. E. Frith Company, Inc., to build, con- struct and maintain a 10 inch sewer in Eighteenth Street, said sewer beginning at a point ou the lot line of the Sodth- erly side of Eighteenth Street, and 36 feet Easterly from Sycamore Street, and extending 32 feet in a Northerly direction to the center of Eighteenth Street, and thence in a Westerly direc- tion iu the center of Eighteenth Street, a distance of approximatel}~ 240 feet to connect with the B Branch sewer, the same to be used in connection with the business of the said E. E. Frith Com- pan7, Inc. Pazagraph 746, Section 2. That the cast of constructing and maintaining said sewer shall he borne by said E. E. Frith Company, Inc., granter herein, and that the construc- tion of said sewer and all of the work incident to the construction thereof shall be done under the supervision of the City Engineer. Paragraph 747, Section 3. That the surface of said street in which said sewer is to be constructed shall he restored to as good condition as before disturbed, after the work has been completed, at the expense of the grantee herein. Pazagraph 748, Section 4. That the cost of publication of this ordinance, enacted for the benefit of the E. E. Frith Company, Inc., shall be borne by said $. E. Frith Company, Inc, of Dubuque, Iowa. Paragraph 749, Section S. This Ordinance being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity and for the Regular Session, March 6th, 1939. 49 preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall be in force and eft'ect from and after its final passage, adop- tion and approval by the Cit}~ Council and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first and second read- ings this 27th day of February, 1939. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this fith clay of 14arch, 1939. CARL A. CLARK, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT 1VHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in the Telegraph- Herald net}~spaper March 9th, 1939. J. J. SHEA, 3-9-1t City Clerk. Councilman Vau Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilman Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent _Councilman Thompson. Resolution No. 34-39. Whereas, applications for Class "B" Beer Permits have been subutitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the follorviitg ap- plications be amd the same are hereby approved artd it is ordered that the premises to be occupied by such appli- cants shall be forthwith inspected. Class "B" Permit Name Address 1~Irs. Elsie Recker (Transfer of ad- dress front 399 East 20th Street ___1766 Central Avenuo iblrs, Auna Heiar_1990 Washington St, Passed, adapted and approved this 6th day of 1larch, 1939. CARL, A. CLARK, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO'. R. MURPHY, Councilmen, Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk. Councihuau Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Vau Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Abseut- Councilmam Thompson. Resolution No. 35-39. Whereas, heretofore applications were filed by the within named appli- cants for Class "B" Permits and they received the approval of this Council; and 1Vhereas, the premises to be occupied by them have been suspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be aitd he is hereby directed to issue to the following named persons a Beer Permit: Class "B" Permit Nattte Address 1~Ls, Elsie Recker (Transfer of ad- dress from 399 East 20th Street ___1766 Central Avenue. Mrs, Anna Heiai•_1900 Washington St. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of \March, 1939. CARL A, CLARK, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELhIAN, ALBERT 1VHARTON, GEO. R, MURPHY, Councilmen, Attest: J, J, SHEA, City Clerk, Councilman Vau Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-tlfayor Clark, Councilmen 1lurphy, Van Duelman, }~rharton, Nays-Non, Absent- Councilman Thompson. Resolution No, 36-39. Be It Resolved, by the City Cotmcil of the City of Dubuque that the follow- ing, having complied with the provi- sions of late relating to the sale of cig- arettes within the City of Dubuque, be granted a permit to sel{ cigarettes and cigarette papers within said City and the Manager is directed to issue such permit ou behalf of said City; Name Address 1Villiam H. Pfeffer (Fef s Scm•e- board_____________1048 Ivlairf Street Be It Further Resolved that the bond filed with the application be ap- proved. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of ivlarch, 1939, CARL A. CLARK, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. 14URPHY, Councilmen. Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Van Duel- man, Wharton, Nays-None. Absent -Councilman Thompson, 46 Regular Session, March 6th, 1939. March 6, 1939. Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Re: Claim of John Wortley, Gentlemen: Prior to my assuntptiou oti that office, there was referrd to the City Solicitor for investigation and report, the claim ot• Jahn 1Vortley, filed February S, 1937, for personal injuries and property dam- age alleged to have been sustaiud on January 14, 1937, iu claimant's sliding off the end of Cleveland Avenue in Cleveland Park in the City of Du- buque, and over the cliff adjacent thereto, alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the City in not erecting guard rails at the end of said street. I beg to advise that investigatimt made of this matter discloss uo lia- hility on the part ot• the City, and I therefore recommend that the claim be denied. Respectfully submitted, rlT„ J. N1:I,SON, City Solicitor Councilman Murphy moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Nel- son be approved and the claim be de- nied: Seconded by Councihnau Vau Duelman. Carried by the following tote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent=Councilman Thompson. March 6, 1939. Honorable Mayor and City Cotmcil, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen Prior to my assumption of that office, there a~as referred to the City Solicitor by the Council the claim of Samuel C. Dovi, filed April 3, 1937, in the smn of $266.90, for damages to his automobile alleged to have been sustained on Feb- ruary 4, 1937, and to have been due to the negligence~of the eit}% and caused by the 'icy condition of West Four- teenth Street from Alta Vista Street easterly, I beg to advise that I have completed investigation of this claim and find uo liability on the part of the City and, therefore, cecomm~eud that the claim be disallowed. Yours very truly, AI,. J. N$LSON, Cit}~ Solictior. Councilman Alurphy moved that tle recommendation of City Solicitor Nel- son be approved and the claim be dis- allowed Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-ldayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent Councilman Thompson. March 6, 1939. Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Re: Claim of Mrs, Mae Goard, Gentlemen: On January 30, 1939, there was re- ferred to me for investigatimt and re- port the claim of Mrs .\4ae Goard Bled January 25, 1939, in the sum of $10'.00 for persona] injuries sustained by her on December 21, 1938, said claim al- leging that said injuries were caused by the defective condition of a sidewalk 00 1Vest Side of Algona Street between Grace St, and Delhi Street in the City of Dubuque, I have completed investigation of this claim and find that at the time and place in question there were cement slabs or squares of this sidewalk that had been upraised by the roots of an adjacent tree and upraised to such an extent that a person might easily trip upon the same and Eall. I also find from investigation that 1~Irs. Goard sustained injuries alleged by her in her claim, and that she has been under a doctor's care fora consid- erahle length of time. From the evidence adduced and as the result of said investigation made, I re- spectfully recommend to your honor- able body settlement of the claim in the sum of $76.25, and that upon the execu- tion of a receipt and release by the claintaut Mrs. Mae Goard, a warrant be drawn in the sum of $76.25 payable to ylrs. ?Vlae Goard iu full settlement of her claim in this matter. Respectfully submitted, AI•. J. NIaI,SON, City Solicitor. Cmutcilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City So- licitor Nelson be approved and that a vvarraut iu the amount of $76.2$ be or- dered drawn iu favor of Mrs, Mae Goard as settlement iu full of her per- sonal injur}~ claim and that said war- Taut be delivered to Mrs. tVlae Goard upon the execution of a receipt and release by the said Mrs. Mae Goard. Seconded by Cnuncihnan \Vharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- tl4ayor Clark, Councilmen i4furphy, Van Duelman, \Vharton. Nays-None. Ab- sent-Councilman Thompson. 14larch 6, 1939. Honorable 1~Iayor and City Cotmcil, Dubuque, Iowa. Re: Amendment to Traffic Ordinance Gentlemen: Pursuant to the directions of your honorable body, I am submitting here- with ordinance amending the new "Traffic Ordinance" to the extent of extending one hour parking on $ighth Session, March 6th, 1939. Avenue Erom Bluff Street to the inter- section of laighth Avenue and Julien Avenue. Furthermore, iu connection ta~ith the revision of the Traffic Ordinance, I submit herewith a proposed ordinance amending the original Traffic Ordi- natce, the amendtneut providing that ,~iolatiou of the parking provisions of the Traffic Ordinance, the registration plate displayed upon the motor vehicle involved in the violation shall constitute in evidence a prima Eacie presumption that the owner of the motor vehicle vvas the person vvho parked or placed the motor vehicle at the point where the violation occurred. I believe that this antcudment may be necessary to the effective enforce nunt of the Traffic Ordinance and rec- ommend the adoption of the amend- ment. Respectfully submitted, Aia. J. N>;r,SON, City Solicitor Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication and recom- mendation of City Solicitor Nelson be made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Tlurphy. Carried by the following vote. Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen iNiurphy, Van Duelman, 1Vhartou. Nays-Atone Absent- Couucilman 'Phompsou. Ordinance No. 5-39. Au Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1-39 eutitleil, "An Ordinance amending Ordinance 10-37" entitled: "Au m•diuance regulat- ing the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City al Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as the "Traffic Code" of said City; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances iu conflict here- with; and. providing a penalty for viola- tion hereof;" by repealing Rule 43 of pub-title V, and Rule 101, Rule 103, Rule 101, and Rule lOS of sub-title NIV of paragraph 609, Section 3 of said ordinance and enacting substihrtes therefor and in lieu thereof, and by amending said Ordinance No. 10-37 by the insertion in addition to said ordi- nance of paragraph 609a Section 3a providing for the removal from struts and~allevs and the custody of vehicles found in violation of au}~ State law or City ordiuauce, by repealing subdivi- sion (h) of Section 2 of Rule 108 of said ordiuauce No. 1-39 and enacting a substitute therefor and in lieu thereof, presented and read. Councilman Vau Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councihneu Murphy, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays -None. Absent-Councilman Thomp- son. Councilman Van Duelman moved 47 that the rules be suspended requiring au m•dinauce to be read on tlu•ee sepa- rate da}~s, Seconded by Councilman 1Vhartou. Carried by the fallowing rote: Yeae-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen Tlurphy, Van Duelmau,tiVhartmt. Nays -None. Absent-Councilman Thomps- son. The ordinance vvas then read a second time. Councilman Van Duel- man moved that flu reading just had he considered the second reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councihman 1Vhaeton. Carried by tlu following vote: Yeas--~[ayor Clark, Cotwcilmeu dlurplry, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays -None. Absent-Councilmau'Phomp- SOn, Ordinance No. 6-39. Au Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 10-37 entitled: "Au ordinance regtdatiug the use of ve- hicles upon the streets aE the City of Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as the "Traffic Code" of said city; repealing all ordinances or parts oI ordinances iu conflict herewith; and providing a penalty for violation here- of;" by the insertion and addition to said ordinance of paragraph 611x, Sec- tion SA providing that iu any proceed- ing far the violation of the parking pro- visions of said ordinance the registra- tion plate displayed upon such motor vehicle steal] constitute iu evidence a prima facie presumption that the owner of such motor vehicle was the person who parked or placed such motor vehicle at the point where such viola- tion occurred, presented and read. Councilman Vau Duelman moved that the reading just had le considered the first reading of the ordiuauce. Second- ed by Comtcihnan 1Vhartou. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-1~Iayor Clarlc, Councilmen 1~Iurph}~, Van Duel- man, 1Vhartou. Nays-None. Absent -Cauncihnau Thompson. Councilman Vau Duehnau moved that the roles be suspended requiring au ordiuauce to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Van Duelman, \Vharton. Nays-None, Abseut- Councilmau Thompson. The ordinance was then read a second time. Council- man Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the sec- ond reading of the ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Wharton, Carried I>y the follott•ing vote: Yeas-1~Iayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Van Duel- man, \Vharton. Nays-None. Absent -Councilman Thompson. Resolution No. 37-39. A resolution in relation to the appro- priation of the consolidated tax levy in ratio, as provided by lave, for the fiscal yeat• beginning April 1, 1939, and end- ing A-larch 31, 1940. 48 Regulat• Session, March 6th, 1939, Whereas, the Cit}= Council of the City of Dubuque has heretofore Caused to be levied a consolidated tax i'n ac- cordance with the provisions of Section 6217 of the Code of Iowa 1935, included within which are the taxes for the Gen- eral, Grading, Luprovement, Server and LightFuuds, and the estimated revenue to be derived from such tax has been determined to be $233,538.00, and it is now deemed uecessaq~ and advisable to determine the ratio upon which such funds and purposes included therein; Now, Therefore, Be It Resah=ed by the City Council of the City of Dubuyue that the esti- mated revenue Erom the consolidated tax levy be and the same is hereby ap- propriated in the ratio herein appor- tioned to the General, Grading, Iur provemeut, Server and bight funds, such sums to be set aside far the use of each of such funds, as provided by law, as follows: General Fund _____________$169,166.00 Grading Fund _____________ 9,500.OU Improvement Fund ________ 13,500,00 Server Fund _______________ 2,000.00 bight Fund _______________ 39,372,00 TotaL_____________$233,538.00 Be it fw'ther resolved, that the esti- mated revenue to be derived from the tax upon agricultural lauds within the City be appropriated in the suet of $lOS.00 to the General Fund, making the total of said General Fund $169,- z71.0o. Be it further resoh=ed that the provi- sions of this resolution are declared to be necessary as iu the preservation of the best interests of the City of Du- buque and the same shall take effect and be in force from and after the adop- tion hereof by the City Council, as pro- vided by law. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of 14farch, 1939. CARL A. CLARK, l~iayor. FRANK VAN DU);LMAN, ALB$RT 1VHARTON, GFO. R. \~IURPHY, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHF'A, City Clcrlc. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoptiou of the resolution, Seconded by Councilman 'iltharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-tl4avor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Vau Duelman, Wharton, Nays-Noce. Absent- Councilman Thompson. \~Iarch 6, 1939, To the Honorable Alayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: 7n accordance with the provisions of law, as City 1~fanager, I have prepared art annual budget for the fiscal year April 1, 1939, to A~Iarch 31, 1940, based upon estimated income and expenses for the various dcpm•tmeuts of the City ot• Dubuque, including certain changes as were approved and authorized by the City Council. These estimates shoe= departmental appropriations for each department for the preceding year (1935-39) and also the increases or de- creases, as were determined for the en- suing year (1939-40). This budget is submitted to the City Council fa• tentative approval and the same will be published as required by law in order that objections, thereto, may be made before final action is tak- en nn this budget by the City Council. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOIIB)~RG, City 1-Tanager. Councilman ~Vltarton moved that the comnumication of City Manager Rhom- berg be made a matter of record. Sec- onded by Councilman Vau Duelman. Carried b}= the follotviug vote: Yeas- 1lavor Clark, Councilmen 1-Iurphy,Va^ Duelman, `Vhartou. Nays-Nouc. Ab- sent-Councilman Thompson. Councihuan Wharton moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Coun- cil Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Can•ied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councihneu i4lttrphy, Van Duelman. 1Vhartou. Nays-Nouc. Absent- Councilman Thompson. 11r. John Bea- dle addressed the Council stating that he purchased a lot front Voellcer Re- alty Company and now finds that upon making application far a permit to move a house that he has purchased upon this lot that he is prohibited by law. No action taken by Council Resolution. 1Vhereas, information has come to Dubuque 'typographical Union Na. 22, Dubuque Printing Pressmen Union No. 225, attd Bookbinders Union, that a new directory of the Cit}= of Du- buque is being compiled here by the R. L. Palk Company of Detroit, Michi- gan, This directory is supported artd paid for by the business and profes- sional people of Dubuque. Whereas, the Dubuque Typographic- al Union, Pressmen's Union and Book- binders are desirous of keeping all of its members employed and as there are a number of print shops in the city equipped to do work of this kind, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the print shops in the city should be given an opportunity to print this directory, thereby increasing the earnings of the Regular Session, March 6th, 1939. printers, pressmen and bookbinders here who in turn spend all their income nitlr the merchants in this city. All the fwrds needed for the printing of this book come from local.advertisers. (Signed) Dubuque Typographical Union No, 22, Nick U. Kieffer Dubuque Printing Pressmen and As- sistants Union No. 225, Dubuque Bookbinders Union, Dubuque 'trades S Labor Congress G;lroy H. Grashonr, Rec. Sec. H. J. Hazewinkel, V. P. Trades and Labor Congress Messrs. Nick G. Kieffer, Arthur M. Bennett, 1•Iro7 H. Grashoru and 1V. S. Roberts addressed the Council request- ing that the City Council take favorable action on the resolution as presented. Councihuan Van Duelman moved that the resolution be received and made a matter of record and that the City Council go on record as being in favor of having the printing of said directo- ries clone by Dubuyue labor. Seconded be Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen 1~Iurph}=, Van Duelman, IVharton. Nays-Noce. Absent- Couucilmau Thompson. ~Ir. \V. S Roberts addressed the Council, thanking the Council on be- half of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress for their action taken on the resolution. Resolution No. 38-39. 'uVhereas, it has come to the attention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the people of the City of Dubuque are be- ing solicited to advertise in and sub- scribe far a new City Directory to be compiled, and which will be prepared and prntted outside of the City of Du- buque, and 1~Vhcreas, 'T'his Council has been giv- en to understand that such directory could be properly prepared and printed in the City of Dubuque, and believes Htit, in the interest of fairness and jus- tice to the printing craft of our City, such Directory should be prepared and printed iu our City; Noty, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Cit}= Council of the City of Du- buque; that this Cotmcil deplores the action of any concern in soliciting busi- ness in our City to be performed out- side the City, when the labor iu con- nection with the performance of which can adequate]}= be furnished and per- formed in our City, Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of March, 1939. CARL, A. CLARI{, Mayor, FRANI{ VAN DUI;LMAN, ALB$RT WHARTON, G1:O. R, bIURPHY, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SH)~A, City Clerk. 49 Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoptiou of the resolttion. Seconded by Councilman 1~Iurphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clm•k, Councilmen Murphy, Van Duehnau, Wharton. 1~'ays-None. Absent- Councihnan '1'hompsou. There being uo further business, Councilman ldurphy moved to ad- journ, Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-1[ayor Clark, Councilmen \~Iurphy, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Absent -Councilman Thompson. J. J. SH1aA, City Clerk. Approveri ____________________ 1939. Adopted --------------------- 1939. Councilmen: {----------------------- Attest: ----------------------------- City Clerk. 50 Special Session, March' 7th, 1939, City Council (Official) Special Session, l~farch 7th, 1939, Council met at B:SS P, \d Present -Councilmen Mm•phy, Thompsmi, Van Duelman, Wharton, City 1~Ianager Rhomberg. Absent- 1layor Clark. \[eeting called by order of Council- men Van Duelman and Wharton. Councilman Thompson moved that Councilman Murphy be appointed May- or Pro Tem of the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Couucil- men 'Thompson, Vau Duelman, Whar- ton. Navs-None. Absent \~Iayor Clark. Councilman 11~Iurphy not voting. 1-favor Fro Tem Murphy read the call and stated that service thereof had teen duly made and that this meeting is called fir the purpose of considering the Animal Budget [or the fiscal year of April ]st, 1939, to March 31st, 1940, and acting on any other business as Wray properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THE PROP05ED ANNUAL BUDGET PREPARED BY THE CITY MAN- AGER AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, 1939-40. Notive is hereby given that the City Tlanager of the City of Dubuque has prepared a budget on the basis of esti- mates of the expenses of the various de- partments of said City for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1939, and end- ing March 31, 1940, and such depart- mental estimates show expenses of each department for the preceding year in addition thereto, the Cih~ Council has caused to be prepared a budgetfor said fiscal year ou the basis of estimates of the expenses of the several deparhvents of said City, such estimates showing therein not onl}~ the purpose for which the consolidated tax levy authorized by Section 6217 of the Code of Iowa 1935 is to be used, but in addition thereto, the purpose for which all other tax levies heretofore made are to be used, including revenues from miscellaneous sources, the apportionment of the con- solidated tax lev}~ having heretofore been determined by said Council and incorporated in a resolution for such purpose. This budget will be consid- ered for final adoption 'by the City Council at a special meeting to be held in the Council Chamber at the Cih~ Hall on the 23rd day of March, 1939, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Any taxpayer ob- jecting thereto or protesting to the same, or to any item thereof, or any omission therefrom, shall present his objectiats to said Council on or before that date. This notice is given pursuant to the direction of the City Council. J. J. SH$A, 3-8-1t. City Clerk. Special Session, March 7th, 1939, 51 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF "DUBUQUE, IOWA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1939-40. Distribution of Consolidated- Tax Levy. General Fund --------------------------------------------------$169,166.00 Grading Fund ________________________ _______ 9,500,OU ------------------ Improvement Fund --------------------------------------------- 13,500.00 Sewer Fund --------------------------------------------------- 2,000.00 bight Fund ---------------------------------------------------- 39,372,00 Total ----------------------------------------------------$233,538.00 SOURCES OF REVENUE FOR 1939.40 FISCAL OPERATION A-From Taxes and Moneys and Credits bevy Regular Moneys & Funds- iu Mills 'l'ax Credits Tota] Consolidated ____________________ 7.000 $227,886.00 $ 5,652.0,0 $233,538.00 Bond Interest ___________________ 0.810 26,369,00 654.00 27,023,00 Bond Retirement ________________ 1.685 54,855,00 1,360,00 56,215.00 Fire ~Iaintenauce ________________ 3.495 113,780.00 2,822:00 116,602.00 Fire laquipment _________________ 0.375 12,208,00 302.00 12,510.00 Garbage Disposal & Street Cleaning 0.500 16,277,00 403.00 16,680.00 Park ___________________________ 0,625 20,347.00 504.00 20,851.00 _ Police Peusian __________________ 0,301 9,799,00 243.00 10;042,00 Fire Peusiou ____________________ O.S00 16,277.00 403.00 16,680.00 Library Operation _______________0.804 26,174.00 649.00 26,823.00 Main Server ______-___..__________ 0.513 16,700,00 414.00 17,114,00 Plapgrouud and Swimming Pool__ 0.380 12,371.00 306,00 12,677.00 Dock Operation _____________~___ 0,500 16,277,00 403.00 16,680.00 Doclc Bond and Interest__________ 1.109 36,103,00 895.00 36,998.00 Snow Removal __________________ 0.]69 5,501.00 136,00 5,637,00 $mergenc}~ _____________________ 1,000 32,555.00 807.00 33,362.00 Subtotals ____________________19.766 $643,479.00 $15,953.00 $659,432.00 Road Tax on Agricultural Lands (General Fund)________________ _ 105.00 Library Tax ou Agricultural Lauds (Library Fund)_____________ _ 67,00 Grand Total Receipts from Taxes as Levied August, 1938__ _$659,604.00 The above estimate is based ou a revised taxable value of $3 3,362,735.00, which is the assessed value for 1939-40 operation upon which the 19,766 mill levy and the adjustment of moneys and credits equal to $15,953,00 amounts to $659,432.00, plus taxes on agricultural lands equal to $172.00, totals $659,604.00, a5 obtained from the Countv Auditor. The millage for 1938-39•operation was ]9.845 mills on a taxable valuation (100°fo of assessed value) of $33,438,391.00 amounting to $663, 5&5.00, plus 1Vfoneys and Credits of $15,000.00, plus taxes on Agricultm•al lands of $145,00, totaling $678,730,00. B-From Miscellaneous Sources, 1939.40, General Misc. Revenues I;xcavatiou Permits ----------------------------"----------- ---- $ 100.00 -- Police Court Returus------------------------------------------ -- 8,500A0 laectrical Permits --------------------------------------------- -- 1,600.00 Plumbing Permits -------------------------------------------- -- 1,400.00 Building Permits ---------------------------------------------- -- 1',800.00 Franchise Tax ------------------------------------------------ -- 600.00 Scale Fees ---------------------------------------------------- -- 200:00 State Highway Maintenance------------------------------------ -- 2,790.00 Sale of Real Property------------------------------------------ - 500.00 Dieting Prisouers --------------------------------------------- - 100.00 Ambulance Fees ------------------------------------------------ 1,000.00 Dog Licenses --------------------------------------------------- 1,000.00 Business Licenses --------------------------------------------- -- 4,000AO Miscellaneous Rentals ----------------------------------------- -- 800,00 Cigarette Permits ----------------------------------------------- 12,000,00 Beer Permits ------------------------------------------------- -- 20,000.00 Miscellaneous Sales ------------------------------------------- -- 360.00 Swimming Pool Receipts--------------------------------------- -- " 3,000.00 Milk Inspection Fees------------------------------------------ -- 1,500.00 500 00 2 Department Receipts ------------------------------------------ . , -- 00 250 1 Board of $ducation (Nurse)------------------------------------ . ; -- Total General Miscellaneous Revenues______C_______________$65,000,00 S2 Special Session, March 7th, 1939. LIBRARY FUND Estimated Balance April 1, 1939-----------------------------------$ 223.00 Fines, Book Rentals, )~tc,_________________________________________ 1,000.00 Totals -------------------------------------------------------$1,223.00 PARK FUND Estimated Balance April 1, 1939------------------------------------$1,500.OU Collections, Concessions, etc. ------------------------------------- 6$0.00 Totals -------------------------------------------------------$2,150.00 PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND Board of Education (Playgrounds)____---------------------------$2,000.00 Skating Receipts ------------------------------------------------- 300.00 Athletic Field Fees________________------------------------------- 275,00 Totals ----------------------------=--------------------------$2,575.00 ,DOCK FUND Wharfage Fees -------------- ---------------------------$1,500.00 Harbor Rentals, Leases, etc _________-.-------------------- 500.00 2,000.00 Total Estimated 1~Iiscellaneous Revenues_______________ 72,948.00 Total Taxes, 1~foue7s and Credits______________________ 659,604,00 Total Estimated City Revemie_______________________________$732,552.00 WATER WORKS DIVISION (Self-Supporting) Estfmated Balance April 1, 1939________________________$20,000,00 Estimated 1939-40 ~~iater Revenue----------------------15Q4S0.00 170,450,00 Estimated Grand Total City Revenue and Water Division_____$903,002.00 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR APRIL 1, 1939, TO M ARCH- 31, 1940 GROUP 1-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (General Fund) Item 101-Council 1938-9 Proposed 1939-40 Appropriations Appro priations B, Travel --------------------------------- ------$ 175.00 $ 00 25 175.00 25,00 J, i4fiscellaneous --------------------------- ------- . Totals ----------°--------------------- -------$ 200.00 $ 200.00 Item 102-City Manager's Office Salary City Manager (80%)-------------- A ------*$ 4,400,00 °$ 4,800.00 . A. Salary Secretary ------------------------ ------- 1,800.00 440 00 1 1,800.00 440.00 1 A. Salary Stenographer -------------------- , , ------- 100 00 , 100.00 B. Travel _________ ------------------------ . _______ 125 00 12 ,00 C, Office ---------------------------------- . ------- 00 15 15,00 D, Priutin _________ g ----------------------- . ____ --- 00 200 200,00 F, G ivlaintenance --------------------- ------- Material and Supplies--------------------- . ------- ------- 325.00 325.00 Totals -_ ----------------------- ------ -------$ 8,405.00, $ 8,805,00 Item 103-City Clerk's Office $ 2 400.00 $ 2,500 .00 A. Salary City Cleric________________________ ___ , ____ , 150,00 A. Extra Help --------,--------------------- ------- 00 75 75.00 G. Materials and Supphes___________________ . _______ Totals -------------------------------- -------$ 2,475.00 $ 2,725.00 Item 104-City Auditor's Office *$ 1 960.00 *$ 1,960.00 A. Salary City Auditor (80%)--------------- , ------ 50,00 50,00 F. G. Maintenance ---------------------------- 1aterial and Supplies____________________ ------- _______ 100,00 100.00 Totals -------------------------------- -"---$ 2,110.00 $ 2,110,00 Special Sessiar, March 7th, 1939. 53 Item 105-City Treasurer's Office A. Salary City Treasurer (80%)___________________ *$ 1,920.00 *$ 1,920.00 A. Salary Stenographer (-s0%)____________________ _ 500.00 500.00 D. Printing and Ach~ertising______________________ 25.00 25.00 I'. kaintenance --------------------------------- -- 25,00 25.00 G. laterial and Supplies_________________________ __ 150.00 150,00 I. Surety Bond ------_'------------------------- -- 50.00 50.00 'lotals ------------------------------------- -$ 2,670.00 $ 2,670.00 (*NOTE: 20% of Salaries of City il4anager, City Auditor and City Treasu- rer are paid directly by 1Vater Dept.) Item 106-City Solicitor's Office A. Salary City Solicitor___________________________ _$ 4,0'50.00 $ 3,800.00 B. Travel --------------------------------------- - 40.00 40,00 C. Office ---------------------------------------- - 40.00 40.00 G. Material and Supplies__________________________ _ 85.00 BS.00 Totals -------------------------------------- -$ 4,215.00 $ 3,965.00 Item 108=-Board of Review G . A~Iaterial and Supplies-------------------------- $ ------ $ 25.00 . J, Board of Revien~------------------------------- - 600.00 600.00 Totals -------------------------------------- -$ 600.00 $ 625.00 Item 109-Civil Engineer's Office A. Salary Rodman _______________________ _________$ ,1,500.00 10 00 $ 1,500.00 10.00 C. $ Office ----------------=--------------- Equipment ---------------------------- --------- ----- ---- . 50.00 00 500 50.00 500.00 E. G. 1~faintenance -------------------------- Iviaterial and Supplies__________________ --------- _________ . 500.00 500.00 Totals ------------------------------ ---------$ 2,560.00 $ 2,560.00 Item 113-City Elections A. Salaries Clerks, Etc. ------------------- ---------$ 500.00 00 400 $ 500.00 400.00 G. 1~Iaterial and Supplies------------------ --------- . 00 50 50.00 J. Rents -------------------------------- --------- . Totals ----------- ___ --- $ 950.00 $ 950.00 Item_114-City Buildings ' A. • Salaries Janitors ---------------------- _ $ ------- - 1,890.00 700.00 1 $ 2,000.00 1,500.00 E. F. Equipment __ 1aintenance and Repairs--------------- - --------- , 700.00 000.00 1 2,500.00 1,000.00 G. Aaterial and Supplies----------------- --------- , 900.00 2 2,900.00 H. Heat and Light----------------------- --------- , Totals ------------------------------ ________ - $ 8,190.00 $ 9,900.00 Item 11S-Police Court A. Salary Police Judge______________, ------------$ 1,500,00 $ 1,500.00 G. Material and Supplies--------------------------- 15.00 15.00 Total's _____' __--------__$ 1,515.00 $ 1,515.00 Item 116-Civil Service Commission SO.DO G. Material and Supplies--------------------------$ SQ,p~ $ 50.00 J, Miscellaneous ---------------------------------- - --------------------$ 100.00 $ 100.00 Totals ----------------- - Subtotals Group 1, General Administration_____$ 33,990,00 $ 36,125.00 54 Special Session, March 7th, 1939. GROUP II-PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Item 118-Police Department (General Fund) Rate Per X110. A. Salary Chief of Yolice____________ $ 3,000.00 (1) @ $225,00 $ 2,700.00 A. Salary Senior Captain (1)________ 2,100.00 (1) @ $175.00 2,100.00 A. Salaries Captains (2)_____________ 3,720.00 (2) @ $155.00 3,720.00 A. Salaries Detectives (4)___________ 7,200,00 (4) @ $ISD.00 7,200.00 A. Salaries Desk Sergeants (3)______ 5,220.00 ( 3) @ $155.00 5,S80.OU A. Salaries Motorcyclists (2)_______ 3,480.00 (Z) @ $145.00 3,480.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (25)__________ 42,000.00 (25) @ .$140.00 42,000.011 (After First Year) A. Salaries Matrons (2)_____________ 2,x00.00 ( 2) @ $100.00 2,400.00 A. Salaries Special Officers__________ 100.00 100,00 B. Travel __________________________ 50,00 50.00 C. Office --------------------------- 425A0 42s'.OU D. Printing ________________________ 50.00 so.ao E, Equipment ______________________ 1,000.00 2,ODO.UU F. 1lainteuance ____________________ ________________ 2,200.00 2,200.00 G. laterial and Supplies____________ ________________ 2,700.00 2,700.00 J-1. Feeding Prisoners _______________ 900.00 900.00 J-2. Miscellaneous (Injuries) _________ .300.00 300.00 Totals ------------------------ $76,845.00 $ 77,905.00 Item 119A-Fire Department Maintenance Fund A. Salary Fire ChieE_________________$ 2,760.00 (1) @ $230.D0 $ 2,760.00 A. Salaries Senior Captains (2)______ 3,960:00 ( 2) @ $165.00 3,960.00 A. Salaries Captains (5)_____________ 9,300.00 ( 5) @ $ISS,00 9,300.00 A. Salary Drive-ivlechanic (1)_______ 1,980,00 A. Salaries Lieutenants (7)_________ 12,180.00 (7) @ $145.00 12,180.00 A. Salaries Engineers (4)___________ 6,960.00 ( 4) @ $145.00 6,960.00 A. Salaries Firemen (34)____________ 57,120,00 (35) @ $140.00 S8,8UO.OU (After First Year) A. Salaries Firemen (2)_____________ 3,000.00 (2) @ $125,00 3,000.00 (During First Year) B. Travel __________________________ 50.00 50,00 C. Office __________________________ 650.00 650.00 D. Printing ------------------------ 35.00 35,00 F. \~Iaintenance ____________________ 2,300.00 2,600.00 F. Repairs to B uildings_____________ 7,000.00 G. Material and Supplies___________ 2,700.00 2,700.00 H, Heat, bight _____________________ 3,300,00 3,300,00 I. Insurance _______________________ 200,00 200.00 J-l. 14iscellaueous (Injuries) _________ 1,200.00 1,200,00 J-2. Ltterest on ~Varrants____________ 160,00 160.00 J-3. Reserve far Emergeucy__________ 1,596,00 1,747,00 Total ------------------------$109,451.00 $116,602.00 Item 119B-Fire Equipment Fund E, Equipment ---------------------$ 7,661,00 $ 12,510,00 Item 120-Fire and Police Alarm (General Fund) A. Salary City Electrician________________________ __$ 1,950.00 $ 1,950.00 A. Salary Asst. City Electrician__________________ __ ],800.00 ],600.00 A. Salary Extra Help___________________________ __ 100.00 100.00 C. Office --------------------------------------- -- ]00.00 , 100.00 E. Equipment ---------------------------------- -- 150.00 150.00 F. Maintenance _________________________________ __ 150,00 150.00 G. ivlaterial and Supplies_________________________ __ 200,00 200.00 H. Heat, bight and Potver_______________________ __ 200.00 200.00 Totals ______________________________________$ 4,650.00 $ 4,650.00 Special Session, March 7th, 1939. 55 Item 121-Building Commissioner's Office (General Fund and Misc. General Revenues) A• Salary Building Couuuissiouer__________________+$ 3,000,00 *$ 3,000.OiI Steno ra her (ZO o 'i'ime)_____________ , ~ ~ 200.00 20f1.UD l,. O ffiee ----- ~- P------- ---------------------- 2500 25.00 F. \faintenance ___________________________________ 150.00 150.OD G. Material and Supplies___________________________ 100.00 100.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ - 3,•475.00 $ -- -- 3,475.00 (General Fund-$1,675.00; Fees $1,800.00) ('Note : Ltcludes Civil Em gineeriug Duties) Item 122-Plumbing Inspector's Office (General Fund and Misc. General Revenues) A. Salary Plumbing Iuspector_____________________$ 2,160.00 $ 2,160.00 A. Salary Steuographer (15% '1'ime)________________ 150.00 150Ad C. OFfice ----------------------------------------- 25.00 25,00 D. Printing _______________________________________ 15.00 15.00 G. l/aterial and Supplies___________________________ 50.00 50.00 J-1. Plumbing Board _______________________________ 30.00 30.00 Totals -------------------------'--------------$ 2,430.00 $ 2,430.00 (General Fttnd $830.00; Fees $1,600.00) Item 123-Electrical Inspector's Office (General Fund and Misc. General Revenues) A. Salary Electrical Ltspector______________________$ 2,220.00 $ 2,220.00 A. Salary Steuographer (15 % 'I'ime)________________ 150.00 15U.Ou C. Office ----------------------------------------- 25,00 25.00 D. Printing --------------------------------------- ` 15,00 15.00 F. \Iainteuance ___________________________________ 175,00 175.00 G. \~Iaterial and Supplies___________________________ 100.00 100.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 2,685,00 $ 2,68$.00 (Genera] Fund-$1,285.00; Fees-$1,400,00) Item 124-Dog Pound (Misc. General Revenues) J, Eufm•cement Dog Ordioance____________________$ 150.00 $ 150,00 Subtotals Group II, Protection of Life and Property $207,347.00 $220,407.00 GROUP III-HEALTH AND SANITATION Item 125-Health Operating (General Fund) A. Salary Director (Part Time)____________________$ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 A, Salary Sauitat'}= Iuspector_______________________ ],450.00 1,450.00 A. Salary Clerlc __________________________________ 1,080.00 1,080.00 A, Salar}= Restaut•ant Iuspector_____________________ 900.00 1,060.00 A. Salary Head School Nurse (]0 ~Io.)_____________ 1,700.00 1,700.00 A. Salary School Nurse____________________________ 1,400.00 1,400.00 A. Salary School Nurse____________________________ 1,350.00 1,350.00 A, Salary School Nurse____________________________ 1,250.00 1,250.00 B. Travel ----'----------------------------------- 50.00 50.00 C. Office ----------------------------------------- 150,00 150.00 D Frinting _______________________________________ 50,00 50,00 E. Equipment ------------------------------------ 50,00 50.00 F. Maintenance (2 cars)___________________________ 250.00 250,00 G. Material and Supplies___________________________ 400.00 400.00 J-1, Laboratory Expense' ___________________________ 900,00 900.00 J-2, Niiscellaneous --------------------------------- 100.00 100.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 12,880.00 $ 13,060.00 56 Special Session, March 7th, 1939. ~ Special-;Session, March 7th, 1939. 57 Item 126-Control of Contagious Diseases J. Control of Contagious Diseases__________________$ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Item 127-Sewer Maintenance (Main Sewer Fund) A. Salary Sewer Foreman__________________________$ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 A, 1Vages laborers _______________________________ 8,500.00 8,500.00 );. Egttipmeut ____________________________________ 500.00 500.00 F. laintenance ___________________________________ 700.00 700.00 G, 1~Iaterial and Supplies___________________________ 300.00 300.00 J-1. Power for Se«•er Pumps________________________ 1,300.00 1,300.00 Totals _______________________________________$ 13,100.00 $ 13,100.00 Item 128-Garbage Disposal (General Fund) J. Contract for Garbage Collection and Disposal____$ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 Item 129-Milk Inspection (General Fund and Misc, General Revenue) Milk Ltspector___________________________$ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $. 1•q npn ent ____________________________________ 160.00 160.00 F. Maintenance of Inspector's Car__________________ 300.00 300.00 G. 1laterial and Supplies___________________________ 100.00 100.00 Totals _____________________________________$ 2,360.00 $ 2,360.00 (Milk Inspector's Fees-$1,500.00; General-$860.00). Subtotals Grottp III, Health and Sanitatiou______$ 47,540.00 $ 47,720.00 GROUP IV-HIGHWAYS AND STREET LIGHTS Item 131-Highways Administration (General Fund) A. Salary Timekeeper ____________________________$ 1,800.00 $ 1,800,00 P', laintenance __________________________________ _ 100.00 100.00 G. Afaterial and Supplies__________________________ _ 150.00 150,00 Totals ___________________________--_--__-__ -$ 2,050.00 $ 2,050.00 Item 132-Street Repairing and Grading (General Fund and Gra ding Fund) A, IVages Laborers ______________________________ _$ 15,000,00 $ 15,000,00 E. Equipment ___________________________________ _ 4,500.00 4,500.00 F, lfaintenauce __________________________________ _ 1,500.00 4,500.00 G. lfaterial and Supplies__________________________ _ 8,800,00 5,500.00 Totals _______________________ _---------____ -$ 29,500.00 $ 29,800.00 (General-$24,500.00; Grading-$5,000.00). Item 133-City Garage (General Fund) A. Salary Head n~iechanic_________________________ _$ 2,300.00 $ 2,300.00 A. Salary 1~Iechanics _____________________________ _ 5,200.00 5,200.00 C, Office ------------------------------'---------- - 75.00 75,00 E. Equipment ----------------------------------- - 500.00 SOOAO F. \Iainteuance on Garage________________________ _ 400.00 400.00 G. Material and Supplies_ ________________________ _ 325.00 325.00 H. Heat, Light, Po,ver___________________________ _ 2,500.00 .2,500.00 h Insurance on Garage__________________________ _ 50.00 50,00 Totals ______________________________________ _$ 11,350.00 $ 11;350.00 Item 134-Ash and Can Collections (General Fund) A. Wages Drivers and Laborers___________________ _$ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 F. 1aintenance _____________________________~___- - 1,400.00 1,400.00 G. 14faterial and Supplies__________________________ _ 500,00 500,00 Totals -------------------------------------- -$ 9,900.00 $ 9,900.00 Item 13B-Street and Traffic Signal Lighting (Light Fund) H. Total for Street Lighting and Traffic Signals___ _$ 48,600.00 $ 38,600,00 J, 2% State Sales Tax____________________________ _ 972.00 772,00 Totals -----------------------------------------$={9,572.00 $39,372.00 Item 144-Street Cleaning (Garbage Disposal and Street Cleaning Fund) A. Wages Drives and Laborers_____________ _______$ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00 $, Equipment ------------------------------ 500.00 ------ 500.00 F. A4aintenauce _____________________________ ______ 3,000.00 3,000.00 G, 14aterial and Supplies____________________ _______ 1,000.00 580.00 , J. Snrplns --------------------------------- ------ 102.00 lao,oo Totals ---------------------------------------$ 17,102,00 $ 16,680.00 Item 141-Snow and Ice Removal (Snow Removal Fund) A. Labor ----------------------------------------- 8 3,900.00 )~. Equipment ------------------------------------ 350,00 F. Naintenance ___________________________________ 1,000.00 G. 14aterial and Supplies___________________________ 380.00 J. Reserve --------------------------------------- 37.00 Total ---------------------------------------- $ 5,631.00 Subtotals Group IV, Higlnvays Sr Street Lighting $119,474.OU $114,189.00 GROUP V-LIBRARY Item 143A-Library Fttnd and Misc. Library Revenue ~. Salary Librarian _______________________________ $ 2,280.00 $ 2,280A0 A. Salary Reference Librariau______________________ 1,680.00 1;680.00 A. Salary Catalogue Librariau______________________ 1,500.00 1,500.00 A. Salary Child Librariau_________ ________________ 1,380.00 1,380AU A. Salary School Librariau_________________________ 1,080.00 1,OII0.00 A. Salary Acting Circulation Librariau______________ 1,020.00 1,020.00 A, Salary General Assistant________________________ 900.00 900.00 A. Salary General Assistant________________________ 840.00 840.00 A. Salary General Assistant________________________ 840.00 840.00 A. Salary General Assistant________________________ 840.00 340.00 A. Salary General Assistant (Half Time)___________ 621.00 621.00 A. Salary Janitor _________________________________ 1,260.00 1,260.00 B. Travel ---------------------------------------- 50.00 50.00 C. Office --------------------------.---------____-- 100.00 100.00 D. Printing _______________________________________ SO.DO 50.00 E. Equipment Books ______________________________ 6,000.00 6,000.00 F. Maintenance ___________________________________ 2,711.00 2,711.00 G, Material and Supplies___________________________ 1,000.00 1,000.00 H. Heat, Light, ~1~ater_____________________________ 2,100.00 2,100.00 I. Insurance _____________________________________ 300.00 300.00 J-1. Interest at 1Varrants___________________________ 100.00 100.00 J-2. Reserve for Emergency_________________________ 1,461.00 1,461.OD Totals _______________________________________ $ 28,113.00 $ 28,113.00 (Library Fund-$26,890,DU; 1lisc. Library Revenue-$1,223.00) Item 143B-Library Building Fund J. Payment a, Building--------------------------- $ 16,144.00 ----____-- Subtotals Group V, Library___________________ $ 44,257.00 $ 28,113.00 GROUP VI-PARK FUND Item 144A-Park Administration A. Salary Superioteudeut __________________________$ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 B. Travel --=-------------------------------------- 50.00 100.00 C. Office ----------------------------------------- 125.00 125.00 ll. Printing and Advertising____________ '___________ 25.00 50.00 J-1. 1liscellaueous _________________________________ 15.00 11.00 Totals _______________________________________$ 2,018.00 $ 2,086.00 Item 144B-Park Areas, Buildings, Etc. A. 1Vages of Laharers_____________________________$ 11,600.00 $ 10,500.00 C. Farestr}~ Labor -------------------------------- 2,000.00 E. Equipment ------------------------------------ 1,200.00 1,125.00 F. 1aintenance ___________________________________ 800.00 500.00 G. Material and Supplies___________________________ 3,820.00 2,890.00 H. Heat and Light_______________________________ 2,200.00 2,000.00 I. Iusnrauce _____________________________________ 500.00 500.00 J-1. Renovations and Replacemeuts__________________ 700.00 500.00 J-2. Interest, Reserve and Assessmcuts______________ 788.00 600.00 Totals _______________________________________$ 21,608.00 $ 20,915.00 Subtotals Group VI-Park Fund_______________$ 23,623.00 $ 23,001.00 (Park Tak-$20,851.00; Misc. Park Revenues-$2,150.00) 58 Special Session, March 7th, 193~~. GROUP VII-PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND Item 145A-Recreation Administration A. Salary Director -------- -----------------------$ 2,250.00 $ 2,250.UJ B. 't'ravel --------------------------------------- 50.00 SO.OU C. Oliice ----------------------------------------- 60,00 120.UJ F. 1laiutenance (Car) _____________________________ 360.00 360,OJ G. Alatertal and Supplies__________________________ 100.00 100,00 'I'otals _______________________________________$ 2,820,00 $ 2,880.00 Session, March 7th, 1939, 59 Item 146-Athletic Park A. 1Vages Caretaker _____________________________ _$ 400.00 $ 400.00 F, iviaiutenance __________________________________ _ 750.00 750.00 G. 1aterial and Supplies__________________________ _ 150.00 150.00 H. Lights --------------------------------------- - 200.00 200,00 I. Insurance ____________________________________ _ 500.00 500.00 J-1. Miscellaneous ________________________________ _ 50.00 50.00 'fotals ______________________________________ _$ 2,050.00 $ 2,OS0.00 Subtotals Group VII Playground and Swim- ming Pool _______________________________ __$ 12,935.00 $ 15,252.00 (Playground and Swimming Pool Tax-$12,6 77.00; Misc. Playground Revenue-$2,S7S.D0) Item 145B-Playgrounds GROUP VIII-MISCELLANEOUS A. Salary Supervisors, Directors, 1~tc. ___________ ___$ 2,050.00 $ 2,050.00 Item 147-Planning and Zoning (General Fund) A. 1Vagcs of Laborers-------------------------- --- 200.00 ~ J, Miscellaneous ------------------------____-- __-$ 25,00 $ 25.00 1. l;quipmeut _________________________________ ___ 150.00 SOO.Ou Item 148E-Ambulance (General Fund and Misc. Revenues) i'. \Iainteuauce ________________________________ ___ 750,00 650.00 A. Salaries Drivers (2)____________________________$ 3,360.00 $ 3,360.00 G. Material and Supplies________________________ ___ 300,00 400.00 F. Maiutenance ___________________________________ 300.00 300.00 H. Heat, Light ________________________________ ___ 100,00 100.00 G. rllaterial and Supplies___________________________ 150.00 I. Insurance ____________ _____________- 52$.00 150,00 523.00 L Insurance __________________________________ ___ 50,00 50.00 ~ Totals -----------------__-.-= ---------------$ 4,335.00 $ 4,335.00 '1'otds ____________________________________ ___$ 3,400.00 $ 3,950.00 (Ambulance Fees-$1,000.00; General Fund-$3,335.00) Item 145C-Music Events Items 148C-Other Miscellaneous (General Fund) J-1. Iowa League of Municipalities__________________S 50.00 $ 80,00 J. Cost of lfusic___________ -------------------- --- 250.00 J-2. Damages -------------------------------------- 3,300.00 3,300.00 J-3. Printing Council Proceedittgs___________________ 3,200.00 3,200.00 Item 145D-Winter Sports J-4. Revised Ordinances ____________________________ J-5. State Irxantitters _______________________________ 2,000.00 1,SII0.00 2,000.00 A. Wages Check Roout, 1~tc.____________________ ___$ 350.00 $ 650.00 J-6. Repairs to Town Clocl:_________________________ 150.00 500.00 C. Qffice ______________________________________ ___ 25,00 25,00 J-7. Vise, li uclassified ________________-------------- 1,500.00 J-8. Workmen's Compensation Insurance____________ 1,900.00 3,000,00 1,900,00 $. )~quipntent ____________ _ _ - ----------------- ___ 50.00 100,00 J-9. Interest on 1Varrants___________________________ 125.00 125.00 F. lfainteuauce ________________________________ ___ 50.00 200.00 G. Material and Supplies________________________ ___ 50,00 150.00 Totals _____________-_-------------------____-$ 12,225.00 $ 15,605.00 H. Heat and Light_____________________________ ___ 275.00 375.00 Item 148F-Airport (General Fund) Totals ------------------------------------ ---$ 800,00 $ 1,500.00 L Insurance -------------------------------------$ 130.00 $ 130.00 J. \Iiscellaneous __________________________________ SS4,00 550.00 Item 145E-Swimming Pool Operation ~ Totals _______________________________________$ 684.00 $ 680.00 A. Salary Superintendent _______________________ ___$ 300,00 $ 450.00 Subtotals Group V1II, Miscellaneous__________$ 17,269.00 $ 20,645.00 A. Salary Guards (4)___________________________ ___ 840.00 340.00 GROUP IX-MARKETS AND PUBLIC SCALE S A. Salary Attendants ___________________________ ___ 750.00 1,500,00 A. Wages Laborers ____________________________ ___ 110.00 (General Fund and Misc, General Revenues) C. Office ______________________________________ ___ 50.00 50,00 dtem 152-Market Master's Office F. ldaiutenance ________________________________ ___ 300.00 600.00 A. Salar}~ Market iViaster_____________________-____-$ 1,400,00 $ 1,400.00 G, l/aterial and Supplies________________________ ___ 150.00 250.00 F. biaintenance __________------------------------- 20.00 6SA0 20.00 00 65 H. Light and Power____________________________ ___ 600.00 600.00 ~ G, Material and Supplies_________________________-- 20 00 , 00 20 I. Insurance ___ ------------------------------- ___ 200.00 200.00 . J-1. Miscellaneous _________________________________ . J. Miscellaneous ----------------------------.._ _-- 100.00 100.00 Totals -------------~-------------------------$ 1,505.00 $ 1,505.00 Totals ____________________________________ ___$ 3,400,00 $ 4,540.00 (General Fund-$305.00; \Misc. General Revuue $1,200.00) Subtotals Group IX-Markets and Public Scales$ 1,SOS,00 $ 1,SOS.00 Item 145G-Indoor Winter Sports J. 1~Iiscellaneous __________________________________$ 50.00 $ 100.00 Item 145H-Emergency J-1. Interest on Rrarrants___________________________$ 50.00 $ 50.00 J-2. Reserve _______________________________________ 115.00 182.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 165.00 $ 232.00 GROUP X-MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS Item 162-Assessments and Sewers J-1. City's Share of Special Assessmeuts____________$ 6,000.00 $ 8,000.00 J-2, Storm Setver attd Inlets_________________________ 2,000.00 Totals _______________________________________$ 6,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Subtotals Group X-Municipal Improvements__$ 6,000.00 $ 10,000.00 (Improvement Fund-$8,000.00; Sewer Fund-$2,000.00) 60 Special Session, March 7th, 1939. GROUP XI-PENSION FUNDS Item 154-Police Pensions J-1. Police Pensions ________________________________$ 8,996.00 $ 9,300.00 J-2. Police Retirement System_______________________ 742.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 8,996.00 $ 10,0=12.00 Item 155-Fire Pensions J-1. Fire Pensians _________________________________$ 16,999.00 $ 15,700.00 J-2. Fire Retirement System_________________________ 98D.OU Totals _______________________________________$ 16,999.00 $ 16,680.00 Subtotals Group XI-Pensions________________$ 25,995.00 $ 26,722.00 GROUP XII-MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS Item 161J-1-City Bonds and Interest A-1. Regular City Bond Iuterest___________ _________$ 46,S3S.00 $ 43,985.00 A-2: Grading Bond Redemption____________ _________ 12,000,00 16,000.00 A-3. Storm Server Boud Redemption________ _________ 48,000,00 48,000.00 A-4. Sinking Fund ------------------------ ------- 11,000.00 A-$. Improvement Bond Redemption_______ _________ 30,000.00 30,000.00 , A-6, Surplus ------------------------------ --------- 39.00 1,495.00 Totals ______________________________ _________$136,574.00 $150,480:00 (Bond Interest Fmtd-$27,023.00; Band Retirement Fund -$56,215.00; Grading Fund-$4,500.00; Improvemen t Fund-$5,500.00; 1~Iain Seo~er Fund-X4,014.00; Water Works Fund -$20,000.00; $mergency Fund- $33,228.00) Special Session, March 7th, 1939. 61 Item 153 B-Dredge Operation A, Salary $ngiueers _____________________________ _$ 180.00 $ 180.00 A. Salary Operator ______________________________ _ 1,800,00 1,800.00 A. Salar}~ Oilet• __________________________________ _ 1,100.00 1,100.00 A. Wages Laborers ______________________________ _ 578.00 578,00 F, Maintenance (Repairs) ________________________ _ 500,00 500.00 G. Material and Supplies__________________________ _ 200,00 200.00 H. $lectric Power _______________________________ _ 3,500.00 3,500.00 I, Marine Insurance ____________________________ __ 725,00 725.00 I. Workmen's Compensation Insurance___________ __ 225.00 225.00 J. Miscellaneous ________________________________ __ 350,00 645.00 Totals ------------------------------------- --$ 9,158.00 $ 9,453.00 Item 153 C-W. P. A. Project E. Trucking ------------~-------------------,---- --$ 3,000.00 $ 1,450.00 $. Scale Rental _________________________________ __ 250.00 250.00 la, Dert•ick Rental _______________________________ __ 90,00 $, Tools --------------------------------------- -- 200.00 300.00 $. Life Preservers ------------------------------ -- 50,00 G. Cement ------------------------------------- -- 360.00 G, Supplies ------------------------------------- -- SOO.OD Totals ---------------------------------------$ 3,950.00 $ 2,500.00 Item 153 D Repayment of Loau to Water 1Vorlcs_________________$ 5,500.00 G. Seventh St. Storm Sewer A~Iaterials______________ 4,612,00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ S,S00,00 $ 4,612,00 Subtotals Group XIII-Doclcs________________$ 20,723,00 $ 18,680.00 (Dock Tax Fund-$16,680.00; h[isc, Dock Revenue-$2,000.00.) Item I61J-2-Dock Bond and Interest Fund GROUP XIV-WATER WORKS A-1. Interest on Dock Bonds_______________________ _$ 10,265.00 $ 9,345.00 (Self Supporting) A-2, Dock Bond Redemption ______________________ _ 21,000.00 26,000.00 Receipts A-3. Surplus ______________________________________ _ 373.00 1,653.00 $st. Cash on Hand, April lst__________________<___-$ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $st. Receipts for Metered Sales____________________-- 140,000.00 140,000,00 Totals ________________________ __ _ ____________$ 31,638.00 $ 36,998.00 $st. Receipts from Flat Sales__________________ 250.00 250.00 Subtotals Group XII-1~Iuuicipal Indebteduess_$168,212.00 $1 87,478.00 last. Receipts from Fire Protection Service___________ i i 2,2SO,D0 00 000 5 2,250.00 000 00 5 ce____________ on Serv last, Receipts from Non-Operat . , 2 950 00 . , 00 950 2 $st. Receipts from Sales Tax________________________ , , . , last. Repayment of Library Loan Balance____________ 3,662.52 EMERGENCY AND RESER VE $st. Repayment of Dock FuncL______________________ 5,500.00 Reserve in General 1lisc. Revenues_________________ _$ 184.50 $ 2,281.00 ____--------------------------- Totals $179,612.52 $170,450.00 Reserve in $mergency Fund_______________________ _ 321.00 134.00 ________ Payment of General Fund 1Varrauts Eor 1936-37- W. P. A. Projects and Nea~ Swinuning Pool_________ _ 27,000.00 DISBURSEMENTS Interest on Same__________________________________ _ 472.50 149 A-Administration 000 00 $ 3 000.00 ~$ 3 Totals ______________________________________ _$ 27,978.00 $ 2,415.00 A. Salary Superintendent -------------------------- Salary Accountant ______________--------------- A . , 2,160.00 , 2,160.00 , Salary Stenographer and Clerk__________________ A 1,560.00 1,560.00 , A. Salary Clerlc ----------------------------------- 1,200.00 00 100 1 1,200.00 200.00 1 GROUP XIII-DOCKS A. Salary City Manager 20%__________________ ____ Salary City Attdttor 20°jo________________________ A , , 490,00 , 490.00 Dock Fund and Misc. Dock, Revenues ( ) . A. 5alar Cit Treasurer 20 0 ______________ Y Y % -------- 480.00 00 125 480.00 125.00 Item 153 A-Dock 0 eration p B. Travel ----------------------------------------- C. Office Taxpense and Postage_____________________ . 800.00 00 300 800.00 300.00 A. Salary langineers ______________________________ _$ 240.00 $ 240.00 D. Printing and Advertising_____________________--- . 150.00 1 1,150.00 B. Travel ---------------------------------------- - 150.00 1SD.00 la. $9uipment --------------- ---- --------------- , 00 300 300.00 F. Maintenance __________________________________ _ 100.00 100.00 - F. Maintenance ___________------------------------ . 00 800 800.00 G, Material and Supplies__________________________ _ 50.00 50.00 ~ G. Material and Supplies_____________-------------- . 100 00 50.00 I. Insurance _____________________________________ _ 475.00 475.00 ~ I. Insurance ____---------------------------------- . 600,00 3 4,800.00 J-l. Traffic Association Dues______________________ __ 300.00 300.00 J-l. Sinking Fund _--------------------------------- , 000.00 2 2,500.00 J~2, Improvements ________________________________ _ 100.00 100.00 J-2. Refunds ___---------------.-------------------- , 00 500 500.00 J-3. Miscellaneous ______________________ _ 200.00 200.00 J-3. Miscellaneous ___________------------------ . 950.00 2 2,950,00 J-4. Land Purchase Contract_______________________ _ 500.00 500.00 J-4. State Sales Tax________________---------------- , Total Dock Operation_______________________ _$ 2,115.00 $ 2,115.00 Totals _____________------------------------- -$ 22,615,00 $ 24,365.00 (*NOTE: Includes Cashier Duties) 62 Special Session, March 7th, 1939. 149 E-Water Operation A. Salary Field I3ngineer______________________ $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 A. Salary Plant Chief 1;ngineer_________________ _ 2,160.00 2,160.00 A. Salary Plant );ngineers (6)__________________ 10,800.00 10,800.00 A. \Vages lxtra Station Labor_________________ 1,000.00 1,000.00 A. Salary Tapper _____________________________ 1,620.00 1,620.00 A. Salary ldeter Service 1lan__________________ 1,560.00 1,560.00 A, Salary Water Repair Mau__________________ 1,860.00 1,860.00 A, Salary ,Meter Reader_______________________ 1,560.00 1,560.00 A. Salary tlsst. \~Ieter Repair tlian______________ 1,620.00 1,620.00 A. Salary General Foreman-_~_________________ 2,250.00 2,2SO.OU A. Salary Asst Foreman_______________________ 1,680.00 1,680.00 A. Wages of I,aborers_________________________ 11,500.00 (1) 8,000.00 $. I;quipmeut ________________________________ 10,000.00 (2) 10,000.00 F. \Iaiuteuauce _______________________________ 13,620.00 (3) 12,000.00 G. 1laterial and Supplies_______________________ 1,SOO.DO 1,500.00 H. Heat, bight and Potver_____________________ 25,000.00 25,000.00 I. Insurance __________________________________ 4,500.00 1,250.00 J-1. Water iviaiu 1llaterials______________________ 15,000.00 (1) 10,000.00 J-2, Other Betterments _________________________ 42,000.00 (2) 25,000.00 J-3. Store Reserve _____________________________ 3,000,00 3,000.00 J-4. \~Iiscellaueous _____________________________ 1,225.00 1,000.00 Totals ___________________________________ $1SS,8S5.00 $125,260.00 Grand Total Water Worlcs Appropriatimt________ ____$178,470.00 $149,625.00 Non-approved Reserve _________________________ _____ 1,142.52 825.00 Transfer to City Indebtedness___________________ ____ 20,000.00 $179,612.52 $170,450.00 (1) $18,000.00 for Necessary 1Vater Maiu laxtensi ons and Improv ements. (2) $35,000.00 for New 1:quipmeut and Constructi ons, (3) $12,000.00 for Repairing Buildings, Artesian 1Vells and Pai nting $agle Point and 1Vest Third Street Stations Interior s and $xteusion s. RECAPITULATION OF TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND RESERVES (a) City Operation, Groups I to XI Inclusive, $mer- Budget Proposed 1938-39 1939-40 gency and Reserve ____________________________ _$567,407.50 $543,979.00 Reserve iu General Fund and General Misc. Revenues ------------------------------------- - 184.50 2,281.00 Reserve in $mergency Fund___________________ _ 321.00 134.00 (b) Alunicipal Indebtedness, Group XII_____________ _ 168,212.00 187,478.00 (c) Docks, Groups XIII___________________________ _ 20,723.00 18,680.00 (d) 1Vater 1Vorks Appropriation, Grottp XIV_______ _ 178,470.00 149,625.00 1Vater 1Vorlcs Reserve_________________________ _ 1,142.52 825.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$936,460.52 $903,002.00 Tax Reveuue _________________________________618,911.00 $659,604.00 1iscellaneous Revenues and $stimated Balances April ], 1939__________________________________ 77,937.00 72,948,00 1Vater 1Vorlcs Revenue__________________________ 179,612.52 170,450.00 $936,460.52 $903,002.00 Special Session, March 7th, 1939. Resolution No. 39.39, 1Vhereas, the City A~Iauager has caused to be prepared a budget on the basis of estimates of the expenses of the various departments of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1939, and ending 1-larch 31, 1J40, and such departmental estimates show the expenses of each department for the preceding year; and the same Las been submitted to this Council as a basis for the preparation of the annual budget required by law to Le prepared by the City Council of said City; and Whereas, this Council has examined such budget and from the intortnation therein contained has prepared its bud- get for said fiscal year on the basis of estimates of the expenses of the sev- eral departments of such city, such estimates showing therein not only the purpose fm' which the consolidated tax authorized by Section 6217 of the Code of Iowa 1935 is to be used, but in addi- tion thereto, the purposes for which all other levies heretofore made are to he used and including therein also the esti- mated revenue from miscellaneous re- ceipts and the purposes for which the same are to be used, so that said budget shows all of the proposed expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year: Now, there- fore, Be It Resah~ed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the ldanager's budget be and the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the budget prepared by the City Coun- cil far the kcal year beginning April 1, 1939, and ending 1larch 31, 1940, to Le published iu the official newspaper of this City at least once, said pu~lica- tiou to be at least two weeks in ad- vance of the date set herein for final hearing thereon and adoption thereof. Be It Farther Resolved, that this Council meet on the 23rd day of March, 1939, at 7:30 o'clock p. nr., in the Coun- cil Chamber at the City Hall for the purpose of conducting a hearing upon sa-id budget, at which time any taxpay- er of said City will he given full oppor- twtity to he heard upon any objections nr protest; made thereto, or to any item or items thereof, or to any mnis- ~ion therefrom, and after all parties have been heard, said budget twill he amended a• adopted as proposed. This resolution being deemed urgent and in the preservation of peace, health, safeh~ and public interest shall be in force and effect from and after its adop- tion and approval Ly the City Council, as provided by laa~. 63 Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of March; 1939. GI:O. R. \-fURPHY, Alayor Pro Tem, FRAM{ VAN DU~I,;vIAN, .aI,BI;RT IVHARTGN, F. 1V. THOMPSON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHI;A, City Clerk. Councilman Vau Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-1~Iayor Pro Tem Murphy, Councilmen Thompson, \%an Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Absent-\dayor Clark. There being no further business, Councihuan Thompson moved to ad- journ. Seconded by.Councilman Whar- ton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-14ayor Pro Tem ;Murphy, Coun- cilmen Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Absent-- \Iavor Clark. J. J. sH>;A, City Clerk. .lpproved ---------------------- 1939. Adopted ---------------------- 1939. Councilmen: {---------------------- Attest: ------------------------------ City Clerk. 64 al Session, March 10th, 1939. City Council (Official.) Special Session, 1~Iarch 10th, 1939. Council met at 8:45 P. \I. Present-Mayor Clark, Cotutcihuen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, City tllauager Rhomberg. Meeting called by order of Council- men Van Duelmau and Wharton. Mayor Clark read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of considering for adoption a resolution and application for authority to transfer the suet of $6,269.70 from the 1~mergency Fund to the General and Main Sewer Funds of the City of Dubuque and acting ou an}= other busi- ness as ma}= properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Communication of Peter B. Hoff- mann, Sr., requesting appointment as one of the members of the Board of Re- viety, presented and read. Cottucilmen Wharton moved that the couununica- tion be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen ~lurphp, Thompson, Van 'Duelmau, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Communication of C. G. Forward making application for appointment as a member of the Board of equalization and Review, pt•eseuted and read. Coun- cilman ivlurphy moved that the com- munication be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman 1Vharton. Car- ried by the follotviug vote: Yeas- ivlayot• Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelmau, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of Dubuque Memo- rial Auditorium Coutmission, by T. ~I, Irangton, Chairman, suggesting that the City Council wire or write to Hou. William S. Jacobsen, House Office Building, }Vashingtou, D. C., strongly urging his best efforts toward the im- mediate passage of Bill H. R. 4576, a bill to appropriate $500,000,000.00 to complete all Public Works Administra- tion applications previously approved and pending for lack of foods, present- ed and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the commwtication be re- ceived and approved and the request ordered complied with. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Peas-Mawr Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, \Vharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 40-39, Resolution and application for au- thority to transfer the sttm of $6,269.70 from the Emergency Fund to the Gen- eral and Main Server Funds of the City of Dubuque, Whereas, as of the first day of itlarch, 1939, there were cash balances iu the General Fuud of $6,881.29 and in the n~fain Sewer Fuud of $111.12; and Whereas, there is note iu the hands of the City Treasurer and credited to the $mergency Fund the sum of $6,- L(i9.70, n•htch is available for transfer to the funds above referred to; and 1~Vhereas, there has been $24,369.09 paid tram the General Fuud dtu•ing the fiscal year for the interest and rcdemp- ricn of General Fund 1Varrauts issued in 1937 for the construction of a swim wing pool and because of such pay- ment, adeficiency has resulted iu such ftuul; and 4Vhcreas, the tax levy for the Main 5ctver Fund was inadequate to provide for the maintenance and repairs of the main sewer system of said City; and 4Vherea~s, iu order to he able to carry o^ the various functions and activities of said City as represented by the above funds to the end of the present fiscal year, it will he necessary to make transfers to such funds from the Cmer- gency Fuud in the following amounts: (a) to the General Fund, $4,769.70; (b) to the 1~faiu Sewer Fund, $1,500.00; an,d Whereas, before any transfer can be made from the 1•tnergenc}* Fuud to any other fmtd, a^ application must be made to the State Comptroller for au- thority to make the transfer and his approval secured thereon; Now, There- fore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, subject to the approval of the State Comptroller, there be and there is hereby transferred from the Cmergency Fund of the City of Dubuque (a) to the General Fund the sum of $4,769.70; (b) to the ~rfaiu Sewer Fuud the sum of $1,500.00, which is now in the hauls of the City Treasu- rer, and the State Comptroller is hereby petitioned to authorize such transfer. Be It Further Resolved that when such approval has been received h-om said State Comptroller that the Auditor and Treasurer adjust their boobs ac- cordingly, Passed, adopted, and approve[l this 10th day of ivlarch, 1939. CARL, A. CLARK, tllayor. FRANK VAN DU1•I,MAN, AI,BCRT 1VHARTON, GCO. R. 1~IURPHY, F. 1V. THOivIPSON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHCA, City Clerk. Councilman Vau Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Can-ied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thomp- son, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays- Noue. January 30th, 1939. Honorable A~Ia}=or and Ciq= Council: Gentlemen: Pursuant to Resolution 6-39 adopted by the City Council, sealed bids were Special Session, March 10th, 1939, received, and opened on January 2tith, 1939, at 10:00 A. \I, for the Ltstallation of a New Pumping Uuit at Cagle Point Pumping Station as a part of PWA Project 1684-F, for the Improvement of lVatertvorks System. Attached hereto is a tabulation of the bids received. No irt•egularities were found in any of the proposals. We recommend that the Installation of the New Pumping Unit be awarded to the Climax Cugiueering Co. of Clinton, Iowa, theirs being the lowest and best bid received, as evaluated. Very truly yours, GVATCR DEPARTTICNT City of Dubuque, Iowa. A. A, RHOMBCRG, City Manager. J. J. HAIL„ Superintendent. Councilman 1Vharton moved that the recommendation of City 11lanager Rhomberg and Superintendent of Wa- ter Department Hail be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelmau. Carried by the following votee: Yeas-1~Iayor Clark, Council- men Murphy, Thompson, Van Duel- man, IVhartmt. Nays-Noce, City of Dubuque, Iowa, Resolution No. 41.39. Be It Resolved, By the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. 1Vhereas, the City of Dubuque, of the County of Dubuque, and State of Iowa, pursuant to an advertisement far bids on the Installation of the proposed Pumping Uuit heretofore published on the 10th and 17th day of January, 1939, did ou the 26th day of January, 1939, at ten o'clock A. M. at the City Clerk's office in the City Hall in llubuque, Iowa, receive bids for the installation of a pumping unit, which said bids were taken under advisement of the City Council. bVhereas, iu the opinion of this Coun- cil, the base bid of A. Y: McDonald Manufacturing Co., of llubuque, Iowa, for the installation of a pumping unit is the lowest and best bid submitted by any responsible bidder; and 1Vhereas, a present estimate cost is: 1. Preliminary _____________$ 500.00 2. band and right of tvay___ .00 3. Construction ____________$151,010.85 Previous Contracts Awarded Contract No. 1 Well______$17,542.00 Contract No. 2 Reset•voir 38,365.00 Contract No. 4 Building & Construction _________ 52,769.00 Contract No. S Heating & Plumbing ____________ 14,978.00 Contract No. 6 Irlectrical Work ________________ 1,200.00 Bid Received Jan. 26, 1939: Contract No, 3 Pump____ 10,656.85 Future Contract on Estimate-as follows: Contract No, 7 Deep Well Pump ___________$8,000.00 65 Contract No. 8 Pump House _______________ 2,000.00 Contract No. 9 Supply ~~faiu from Pump Hotue__ 5,500.00 4. Cngiueering ------------- 8,500.00 5. legal and Administration_ 500.00 6. Ltterest ----------------- .00 7. 1~Iiscellaneous ___________ ,00 Total Estimate of Construc- tion Contracts __________ $160,510,85 Funds Available PWA Grant ________________$ 67,500.00 City of Dubuque Funds Deposited ____________. 95,000.00 $162,500.00 Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, that the contract for the Ltstallatiou of a new pumping unit, as Contract No, 3, in the amount of $10,656.85 be awarded to the A, Y. IVIc- Donald 1lanufacturiug Co., of Du- buque, Iowa; Provided, however, that this award shall not be effective until the A. Y. McDonald Manufacturing Co. steal] have been notified in writing by the City Manager of such award. Be It Further Resolved, That this resolution being denied urgent and of inuuediate necessity become effective from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council. Approved and placed on file for one week on l~iarch 10th, 1939. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file in the office of the Citp Clerk for public inspection for at least one week. Secmtded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-114ayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-Norte. There being no further business Councilman Vau Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen \4urphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None, J. J. sHI;A, City Clerk. Approved -----------------------1939 Adopted ________________________1939, Councilmen: 1----------------------- Attest: ----------------------------- City Clerk. 66 Special Session March 15th, 1939. City Council (Official) Special Session, 1-larch 15th, 1939. Council met at 9:45 P, M. Present-1layor Clark, Councilmen 1lurphy, Thompson, Van Duelmau, 1Vharton, City ~~Iauager Rhomberg, lleetiug called by order of Council- men Van Duehuan and hVharton. 1layor Clrak read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of cmtsidering for final adop- tion Ordinance No. 5-39 and Ordinance No. 6-39, said ordinance having been passed upon first and second readings on March 6th, 1939, and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Couucilmau 1Vhartou moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allotviug any one present in the Coun- cil Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Comtcilmen Van Duehuan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-i4iayor Clarlc, Couucilmeu Murphy, Thomp- son, Van Duelmau, 11~harton. Nays- None. llr. Charles E. Dove, general manager of the Interstate Power Com- pany, and 1~L•. Frank $. O'Connor, legal representative, of the Interstate Potvcr Company, addressed the Coun- cil making pleas that the Council n°ith- hold action on the ntauager's electric rate schedule and give consideration to the schedule submitted by the Inter- state Power Company and stating that the Interstate Power Contpau}~ would not be able to live it the City Alanager's rates were put into effect and pointed to the company maintenance of its gen- eral offices in Dubuque, its annual wage scale, the amounts spent by the com- pany with Dubuque firms, and the taxes paid as matters which should be talcen into consideration. Commuuicatiou of Rt. Rev. Msgr. P. J. Coffey, Pastor of St. Patrick's Church, extending an invitation to the A~Iayor, tliembers of the City Council, City 1~Ianager and City Officials to at- tend the Archdiocesan Observation of the Feast of St. Patrick to be held at St. Patrick Church ou \~Iarch 17th, 1939, presented and read. Couucihuan Van Duehuan moved that the invitation be accepted. Seconded b}' Councilrnau Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Couucilmeu :1lurphy, Thompson, Van Duelmau, 1Vharton. Nays-Norte, Conuuuuication of May Clarlc, Li- brarian, submitting deed of the Nagle property and requesting formal accept- ance by the Cih~ Council of said deed, presented anti read. Couucilmau Van Duelmau moved to refer the commtmi- cation and deed to the Cit_v Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman 1Vharton. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen 14urphy, Thompson, Van Duelmau, ~Vhartou. Nays-None. Commuuicatiou of L. L. Gloden, stating that he desires to serve as a member of the Board of Review, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thomp- son moved that the commmtication be received and filed. Seconded by Couu- cihuan 14furphy. Carried b}~ the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-A~Iayor Clarlc, Couucilmeu 11lurph}~, Thompson, Vau Duehuan, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Communicatimt of The Key City Uas Company submitting report of the Company's operations for the calendar year 1938, presented and read. Couu- cilma^ Vau Duelntan moved to refer the communication and report to the City Council for further consideration. Seconded by Couucilmau 1~Iurphp. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- Nlayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelmau, 1Vhartou. Na}~s-None. Petition of Veterans of Foreign 1Vars requesting permission to hold their an- nual sale of "Buddy Poppies" ou Sattu•- day, lfap 20th; 1939, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelmau moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman 1Vhartou. Carried by the following vote: Peas-l-favor Clark, Couucilmeu Murphy, Thompson, Va^ Duelmau, 1Vharton. Nays-Noce. Petition of Edward J. Beach requcst- iug that something be done to Forest Lane between Nevada Street and Booth Street so that the water twill drain off at all times, presented and read. Coon-, cilmau Thompson moved to refer the petition to the Cih~ Council to view the grounds, Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-1~Iavor Clarlc, Couucilmeu it~iur- phy, Thompson, Vau Duelmau, 1$hat•- tou. Nays-Noce. Petition of Krctschmer-Tredway Co„ requesting permission to tnaintaht their loading platform and for the further right to erect a roof over the existing platform along their property which consists of City hots 417, 418 and 419, presented and react Councilman Van Duehuan moved that the request be grouted and the City Solicitor instruct- ed to prepare a proper ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilntan'1Vhartou. Car- ried b}r the following vote: Yeas- Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen Muuphy, Thompson, Van Duelmau, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Petition of Fischer Artificial Ice & Cold Stot:age Co., requesting peruiis- sion to construct and maintain a rail- road track across the street and alleys in Booth's Addition as shown on the attached plat, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved to refer Special Session March 15th, 1939. the petition to the City Cotmcil to view the grounds. Seconded by Couucihuan 1~furphy, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen \Iurphy, Thompson, Van Duelmau, 1lrharton. Nays-None. Petition of Thos. R. Reid, requesting that some one inspect the condition of the one block of Klingeuberg Terrace off \~Iain street as said street is in a terrible condition, presented and read. Couucilmau 1Vfttrphy moved to refer the petition to the City Manager for inves- tigation and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Van Duelmau. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duehuan, 11~harton. Naps-None. Petition of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 263, asking the City Council to deal fairly with the problem of establishing elec- tric rates, making sure that the custour crs receive equitable rates but also con- sidering the effect that a drastic rate cut might have ou the Power Company, presented and read. Councilman Whar- ton moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman 1~Iurphy. Carried by the fallowing vote. Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen llurph}5 Thompson, Va^ Duelmau, 1Vharton. Naps-None. Resolution No. 40-39. Resolution and application for au- thorit}~ to transfer the sum of $6,269.70 from the Emergency Fund to the Gen- eral and Main Settrer Funds of the City of Dubuque. LVhereas, as of the first day of March, 1939, there were cash balances iu the General Fund of $6,881.29 anal in the Main Sewer Fund of $111.12; and Whereas, there is now iu the hands of the City Treasurer and credited to the Emergency Fuud the sum of $6,- 269.70, which is available for transfer to the foods above referred to; and IVhereas, there has been $24,369.09 paid from the General Fund during the • fiscal year for the interest and redemp- tion of General Fund Warrants issued in 1937 for the construction of a swim- miugpool and because of such payment a deficiency has resulted in such fund; anti LVhereas, the tax levy for the Main Sewer Fund was inadequate to provide far the maintenance and repairs of the main sewer system of said City; and 1Vhereas, in order to be able to carry on the various functions and activities of said City as represented by the above foods to the end of the present fiscal year, it will be necessary to make transfers to such funds from the Emer- gency Fund in the following amounts: (a) to the General Fuud, $4,769.70; (b) to the Main Sewer Fund, $1,500.00; and 1Vhereas, before any transfer can be made from the Emergency Fund to any other fund, an application must be 67 made to the State Comptroller for au- thority to make the transfer and his ap- proval secured thereon; Now, There- fore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, subject to the approval of the State Comptroller, there be and there is hereby transferred fi•om the Emergency Fmtd of the City of Dubuque, (a) to the General Fund the sum of $4,769.70; (b) to the Nlain Sewer Fuud the sum of $1,500.00, which is now in the hands of the City Treasurer, and the State Comptroller is hereby petitioned to authorize such transfer. Be It Further Resolved, that when such approval has been received from said State Comptroller that the Auditor and Treasurer adjust their books ac- cordingly. Passed, adopted and approved this 10th clay of March, 1939. CARL A. CI.ARI{, 1~tayor. FRANK VAN DUELIIAN, ALBERZWHARTON, C,EO. R. MURPHY, F. 1\~. '1HOIIPSON, Councihnen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. The above application and resohttiou having been filed with the State Cmnp- troller, the transfer requested is ap- proved this 13th day of March, 1939, C. FRED PORTER, Acting State Comptroller, Councilman 1lurphy moved that the approval of C. Fred Porter, Acting State Comptroller, be received and made a matter of record. Secmtded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follorviug vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen n~furphy, '1'ttompsou, Van Duelmau, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Council Proceedings for the mouth of December, 1938, presented for ap- proval. Couucihuan Thompson moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of December, 1938, be approved as printed. Seconded by Comtcilrnan 1~Iurphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen 11lurphy, 'Phompsou, Van Duelmau, 1Vharton. Mays-None. Ordinance No. 5-39. Au ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1-39 entitled, "Au Ordinance amending Ordinance 10-37" entitled: "Art ordinance regulat- ing the use of vehicles upmt the streets of the City of Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as the `Traffic Code' of said City; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances iu conflict herewith; and providing a penalty for violation hereof;" by repealing Rule 43 of Sub- title V, and Rule 101, Rule 103, Rule 104, and Rule 108 of Sub-title XIV of Paragraph 609, Section 3 of said ordin- ance and enacting substitutes therefor and in lieu thereof, and by amending said Ordinance No. 10-37 by the inser- tion in addition to said ordinance of 68 Special Session March 15th, 1939. ~~ Special Session March 15th, 1939. ~~ paragraph 609a Section 3a providing for the removal front streets and alleys and the custody of vehicles found iu violation of any State law m• City Or- dinance," be repealing subdivision (h) of Section 2 of Rule 108 of said Ordi- nance No. 1-39 and enacting a substi- tute therefor and in lieu thereof, said ordinance having been passed upon fh-st and second readings on 1~Iarch 6th, 1939, presented and read a third time. ORDINANCE N0. 5-39,1 '~ An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1-39 entitled, "An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 10-37" entitled: 'An m•dinance regulating the use of ve- hicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque; designating the provistons hereof as the'Traffic Code' of said City; repealing all ordiuauces or parts of ordiuauces in conflict herewith; and providing a penalty for violatiin hereof; by repealing Rule 43 of sub-title V, and Rule 101, Rttle 103, Rule 10=4, and Rule 108 of sub-title XIV of paragraph 609, Section 3 of said a•- dinance and enacting substitutes there- for anti in lieu thereof, and Uy amend- ing said Ordinance No, 10-37 by the in- sertion iu addition to said ordinance of paragraph 609a Section 3a providing for the removal from streets and alleys and the custody of vehicles found in viola- tion of any State late or City Ordin- ance, by repealing subdivision (h) of Section 2 of Rule 108 of said Ordinance No. 1-39 and enacting a substitute therefor and iu lieu thereof. Be it Ordained b}~ the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Paragraph 750, Section 1, that sub- division (b) of Section 2 of Rule 108 of Paragraph 736 Section 1 of Ordinance A?o. 1-39 eentitled: "Au ordinance reg- ulating the use of vehicles upon streets of the City of Dubuque; designating the provisimts hereof as the 'Traffic Code' of said City; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in cmtftict here- with; and providing a penalty for vio- lation hereof;" by repealing Rttle 43 of sub-title V, and Rule 101, Rule 103, Rule 104, and Rule 108 of suU-title XIV of paragraph 609 Section 3 of said or- dinance and enacting substitutes there- for and in lieu thereof, and by amend- ing said Ordinance No. 10-37 by the in- sertion in and addition to said ordin- ance of paragraph 609a. Sectio^ 3a providing for the removal from streets and alle}~s and the custody of vehicles found iu violation ot• anv State law or City ordinance," be, and the saute is hereby repealed and the following en- acted in substitute therefor, and iu lieu thereof, "(h) Both sides of Eighth Avenue from Central Avenue to the intersec- tion of Eighth Avenue with Julien Ave- nue and Hill Street; provided that such streets or portions thereof above desig- Hated, shall first Ue marked by proper signs erected at intervals with the words, 'One Hour Parking 9:00 A. M to 6:00 P, 1L', thereon:' Paragraph 751, Section 2. This or- dinance shall be itt force and effect ten (10) days front and after its final pas- sage, adoption and aproval by the City Council and publication as provided Uy law. Passed upon first and second read- ings this 6th day of March, 1939. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 1Sth day of March, 1939. CARL A. CLARIL, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. \iURPHY, F, \V. THOLI~SON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially iu the Telegraph- Herald newspaper on the 17th day of March, 1939. J. J. sHEA, 3-17-1t City Clet•k. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded I>v Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Mm•phy, Thompson, Va^ Duelutau, Wharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No. 6-39. Au Ordinance amending Ordinance No, ]0-37 entitled: "An ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as the 'Traffic Cade' of said City; repealing all ordiuauces or parts of or- diuauces iu conflict herewith; and pro- diding a penalty for violation hereof;" by the insertion and additio^ to said ordinance of paragraph 611a, Section 5A providing that iu any proceeding for the violation of the parlciug provisions of said ordinance the registration plate displayed upon such motor vehicle shall constitute in evidence a prima facie pre- sumption that the ota~uer of such motor vehicle teas the person who parked or placed such•motor vehicle at the point where such violation occurred, said or- dinance having been passed upon first and second readings on Nlarch 6th, 1939, presented and read a third time. ~I,1 ,,, ORDINANCE N0. 6-39. `'" ` An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 10-37 entitled: "Au ordinance regu- lating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of -Dubuque; desig- nating the provisions hereof as the 'Traffic Code' of said city; repealing all ordiuauces or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing a pen- alty for violation hereof;" by the in- sertion and addition to said ordinance of paragraph 611 a, Section 5A provid- ing that in any proceeding for the vio- lation of the parlciug provisions of said ordinance the registration plate dis- played upon such motor vehicle shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the owner of such motor vehicle was the person who parked or placed such motor vehicle at the point where such violation occurred. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Paragraph 752, Section 1. That the ordinance entitlecL• "Ordinance No. 10-37. An ordinance regulating the use of vehicles upon streets in the City of Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as, the 'Traffic Code' of the said City, repealing all a•dinances or parts of ordiuauces in conflict herewith; and providing a penalty for violation here- of" be, and the same is hereby amended b}~ adding thereto and inserting therein after and following paragraph 611, Sec- tion 4, Paragraph 611a, Section 5a, as follows: Paragraph 611a, Section 5a. In tuty proceeding for violation of the parking provisions of this ordinance, the regis- tration plate displayed ou such motor vehicle involved in said violation shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the owner of such motor vehicle was the person who parked or placed such motor vehicle at the point where such violation oc- curred:' Paragraph 7S3 Section 2. This or- dinance shall be in farce and effect ten (10) days from and after its final pas- sage, adoption and approval by the City Council, and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first and second read- ing this 6th day of March, 1939. Passed, adapted and approved upon final reading this 1S.th day of 114arch, 1939. CARL A. CI,ARIC, iylayor. FRANIL VAN DUELhIAN, ALBERT 1VHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, F. 1V. THOMPSON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Published officially in the Telegraph- Herald newspaper ou the 17th day of 1(arch, 1939. J. J. SHEA, 3-17-1t City Clerk, Councilman Vau Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councihman Thompson. Carried by the tollowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Vau Duelman, 1Vhartou. Nays-None. March I5, 1939. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer, and City Water Department for the month of February, 1939, also a list of claims and list of payrolls for which warrants were drawn during the month of February, 1939. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOivIBERG, Cit}~ iVlanager. Councilman Thompson moved that the reports Ue received and placed an fde. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- Mayor Clark, Councilmen r'vlurphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-Noce. March ]4, 1939. Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Re: Claim of Alfred C. Ruprecht Gentlemen: Prior to my assumption of that office there was referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report the claim of Alfred C. Ruprecht, in the sum of $3,000.00 for personal injuries alleged to have been sustained Uy him and caused by his falling upon an icy side- walk ou the northerly side of Four- teenth Streeet, Uetween ivlain Street and the alley East of Main Street on the 18th day of NovemUer, 1937, said inju- ries alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the City of Dubuque. 1 beg to advise you that I have com- pleted investigation of this claim and find uo liability on the part of the City, and for that reason I respectfully rec- ommend that the claim be denied. Respectfully submitted, AL. J• NELSON, City Solicitor. Councilman Murphy moved that the t•ecommendatiott of City Solicitor Nel- son he approved and the claim denied. Seconded by Councilman Van Duel- ntau. Carried Uy the following vote: Yeas-i1~[ayor Clark, Councilmen Mur- phy, 'Thompson, Van Duelman, Whar- tmt. Nays-None. March 14, 1939. Honorable Niayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: There has Ueeu referred to me for in- vestigation and report by the City Council, the claim of Mrs, Dorothea Link, filed on the first day of March, 1939, itt the suns of $600.00, on account of injuries alleged to have been sus- tained Uy her ou January 23, 1939, while she was walking upon the sidewalk on the southeasterl}~ side of Hill Street, and at a point in front of the butcher shop operated by Herbert F. Smith, at 472 Hill Street, said fall alleged to have Veen caused due to the icy condition of the_ sidewalk and caused by the negli- gence of the City of Duuque. I beg to advise that I have completed investigation of this claim and find no liability on the part of the City,. and, therefore, recommend that the claim be denied. Respectfully submitted, AL. J. NELSON, City Solicitor. 70 Session March 15th, 1939, Councilman Thompson moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Nelson be approved and the claim de- nied. Seconded by Councilman ~rlur- phy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-l~fayor Clark. Cotmcilmeu 1~Inr- phy, Thompson, Van Duehuan, Whar- ton. Nays-None. \~Iarch 1#, 1939. Honorable Niayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Re: Claim of Michael Gaherty Gentlemen: Prior to my assumption of that office, there was referred to the City Solicitor tm• investigation and report the claim of Michael Gahert}~ filed Alarch 6, 1937, for personal injuries alleged to have been sustained on January 12, 1937, iu claimant's falling upon an icy side- walk on the TVest side of Hill Street at a point near the Southwest confer of Hill St. and Third Street, iu the City of Dubuque, said fall alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the City of Dubuque. I find that upon cmnplete investiga- tion of this claim that no liability exists on the part of the city and I, there- fore, recommend that the claim be denied. Respectfully submitted, AL. J. N1;LSON, City Solicitor. Councilman Murphy moved that the recommendation of City Solicitor Nel- son be ,approved and the claim denied. Seconded by Councilma^ 1Vharton. Carried b}~ the folotviug vote: Yeas- Mayor Clark, Cotmcihuen Murph}~, ,Thompson, Van Duehuan, Wharton. Nays-None. March 1S, 1939. To the Honorable 1~Iayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen; Our engineers, Canavan S Lang, have completed the appraisal of the property of the Interstate Power Co. (Delaware) used and useful iu serving Dubuque with electrical energy. The Company's own appraisal is not yet completed, but it should be in the pos- session of the city within six weeks, according Io officials of the Company. a study of the valuation at hand to- gether with operating statistics fiv- ^ished by the Company indicate that substantial rate reductions are in order. Herewith submitted is an ordinance fixing rates for the various classes of electricah service, calculated to produce a reduction of approximately $275,- OD0.00 per year from the rates hereto- fore established by ordinance. I rec- ommend the passage of this ot•diuance putting the proposed rates into effect ou all billings after April 1, 1939 I Au•- ther recommend that the rate study be continued and upon the completion of the Company's own valuation (not later than Jtme 1, 1939, by the Company's own estimate) that tests be applied to facsimile bills to arrive at the final de- termination of the rate question based upon the cost to serve. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMB>~RG, City Manager. Councilman Murphy moved the. rec- ommendation of Cih~ 1lanager Rhom- berg be approved. Seconded by Couu- cilnau Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen ,Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No. 7-39. An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be dtarged for the furnishing of electricity [or residential, commercial, street lighting, power, and other uses and purposes tvithiu the City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and regulating the method of service thereof; prescribing a penalty for violation thereof; repealing all ordinances and resolutions in con- flict herewith. and declaring au emergency, presented and read. Councilman Vau Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman 1lurphy. Carried 6v the following vote: Yeas-Maya Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duehnau, Wharton. Naps-Noce. Councilman Van Duehuan moved that the rules be suspended requiring an or- dinance to be read ou three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Mur- ph}-. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-1layor Clarlc, Councilmen \[ur- phy, Thompson, Va^ Duelman, 1Vhar- ton. Nays-None. The ordinance was then read a second time. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the second read- ing of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman itilurphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-nIa}~or Clarlc, Councilmen A~Iurphy, Thompson, Van Duehuan, 1Vharton. Nays-None. 't'here being no further business, Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Peas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen bfnrph}', Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vhcvtou. Nays-None. J. J. SHIaA, City Clerk. tpproved ----------------------1939. Adopted -----------------------1939. Councilmen: ~----------------------- Attest: ----------------------------- City Clerk. Special Sessien, March 23rd, 1939, 71 City Council (Official) Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. Council met at 8:35 P. ~~I. Present-Maym• Clark, Councilmen Murphy, 1'hontpson, Van Duelman, tr1"hartou, Cih• ldanag'er Rhombetg; 1L~eting called by order of Council- ntcu Vau Duelman and lUhartou. Mayor Clark read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of conductiug~ a public hearing upon the proposed annual budget pre- pared by the City \~Ianager and City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year 1939-1940, and acting on any other business as may properly come befm•e a regular meeting of the City Council. Proof of publication, certified to by the punishers, of the notice of a public hearing to be conducted upon the pro- posed annual budget prepared by the Cih~ 14fanager and City Council for the kcal year 1939=10, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Couucilntan Whar- ton. Carried by the folowiug vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councihne^ Mur- phy, Thompson, Van Duelntau, Whar- ton. Nays-None. No written objec- tions were filed and no one present iu the Council Chamber objecting to the proposed annual budget for the fiscal year 1939-40. • OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET PREPARED BY THE CITY MAN- AGER AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, 1939-40. Notice is hereby given that the City Manager of the City of Dubuque has prepared a budget on the basis of esti- mates of the expenses of the various de- partments of said City for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1939, and end- ing 1~Iarch 31, 1940, and such depart- mental estimates show expenses of each departtuent for the preceding year in addition thereto, the City Council has caused to be prepared a budget foi• said fiscal year on the basis of estimates of the expenses of the several departments of said City, such estimates showing therein not only the purpose for which the consolidated tax levy authorized by Section 6217 of the Code of Iowa 1935 is to be used, but in addition thereto, the purpose for which all other tax levies heretofore made are to be used, including revenues from miscellaneous sources, the apportionment of the con- solidated tax levy having heretofore been determined by said Council and incorporated in a resolution far such purpose. This budget trill be consid- ered for final adoption b}~ the Citt• Council at a special meeting to be held in the Council Chamber at the City Hall ou the 23rd clay of \-Iareh, 1939, at 7:30 o'clock p. nt. Any taxpayer ob- jecting thereto or protesting to the same, or to an}~ item thereof, or any omission therefrom, shall present his objections to said Council on or before that date. This notice is given pursuant to the direction of the City Council. J. J. SH1;A, 3-8-1 t. City Clerk. 72 Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. ~' Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. 73 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1939-40. Distribution of Consolidated Tax Levy. General Fuud ______________________________________________ ____$169,166A0 Grading Fund --------------------------------------------- ---- 9,SOO.UU Improvement Fuud _________________________________________ ____ 13,500.00 Sewer Fuud ----------------------------------------------- ---- 2,OD0.00 bight Fund ------------------------------------------------ ---- 39,372.00 Total ----------------------------------------------------$233,538.00 SOURCES OF REVENUE FOI2 1939-40 FISCAL OPERATION A-From Taxes and Moneys and Credits Lev} Regular 1~Ioue}~s cC Feuds- iu Mills q'ax Credits Total Consolidated ____________________ 7,000 $227,886.00 $ S,6S2.00 $233,538.00 Bond Ltterest ___________________ 0.810 26,369.00 654.00 27,023,00 Bond Retirement ________________ 1.685 54,855.00 1,360.00 56,215.00 Fire B~Iaiutenance ________________ 3.495 113,780.00 2,822.00 116,602.00 Fire Equipment _________ _______ 0.375 12,208.00 302.00 12,510.00 Garbage Disposal & Street Cleaning O.S00 16,277.00 403.00 16,680.00 Park ___________________________ 0.625 20,347.OU 504.00 20,851.00 Police Pension __________________ 0.301 9,799.00 2=13.00 10,042.00 Fire Peusion ____________________ 0.500 16,277.00 403.00 16,680.00 Library Operation _______________ 0.804 26,174.00 649.00 26,823.D0 lfain Sewer ___________.__________ 0.513 16,700.00 414.00 17,114.OU Playground and Stvimmiug Pool__ 0.380 12,371.00 306.00 12,677.00 Dock Operation _______________ _ O.S00 16,277.00 403.00 16,680.00 Dock Bond and Iuterest__________ 1.109 36,103.00 895.00 36,998,00 Snow Removal __________________ 0.169 5,501.00 136.00 5,637.00 Emergency _____________________ 1.000 32,S5S.00 807.00 33,362,00 Subtotals ____________________19.766 $643,479.00 $15,953.00 $659,432.00 Road Tax on Agriculhtral bands (General Fuod)________________ _ IOS.OD Library Tax on Agricultural Lauds (Library Fuud)_____________ _ 67.00 Grand Total Receipts from Taxes as Levied August, 1938__ _$659,604,00 The above estimate is based on a revised taxable value of $3 3,362,735.00, which is the assessed value Em' 1939-40 operation upon which the 19.766 mill levy and the adjustment o[ moue}~s and credits equal to $15,953.00 amounts to $659,432.00, plus taxes on agriculUu•a1]ands equal to $172,00, totals $659,604.00, as obtained from the County Auditor. The millage for 1938-39 operation was 19.845 mills on a taxable valuation (100% of assessed value) of $33,438,391.00 antovntiug to $663, S8S.00, plus Moneys and Credits of $15,000.00, plus taxes on Agricultural lauds of $145.00, totaling $676,730.00. B-From Miscellaneous Sources, 1939-40. General A~fis c. Revenues Excavatimt Permits ------------------------------------ ------ --$ 100.00 Police Com•t Returus------------------------------------------ -- 8,SOD.00 Electrical Permits --------------------------------------------- - 1,600.00 Plumbing Permits -------------------------------------------- -- 1,400.00 Building Permits ---------------------------------------------- -- 1,500.00 Franchise Tax ------------------------------------------------ -- 600.00 Scale Fees ---------------------------------------------------- -- 200.00 State Highway \Iainteuance___~-------------------------------- -- 2 790.00 Sale of Real Propert}~------------------------------------------ - ` 500.00 00 100 Dieting Prisonet•s --------------------------------------------- -- . 1 000 00 Ambulance Fees ---------------------------------------------- , . -- 1 000 00 Dog Licenses ------------------------------------------------- , . -- 000 00 4 Business Liceuses --------------------------------------------- -- , . 00 800 Miscellaneous Rentals -------------------------------------- -- -- , 00 12 000 Cigarette Permits --------------------------------------------- , . -- 20 000 00 Beer Permits ------------------------------------------------- . , -- 360 00 Miscellaneous Sales -------------------------------- ----------- . -- 3 000 00 Swimtning Pool Receipts--------------------------------------- , . -- 1 500 00 Milk Inspection Fees------------------------------------------ -- , . - 2 500.00 Department Receipts ------------------------------------------ Board of Education (Nurse)------------------------------------ , - -- 1,250,00 Total General A~Iiscellaneous Revenues______________________$65,000.00 LIBRARY FUND Estimated Balance April 1, 1939___________________________________$ 223,00 Fines, Book Rentals, Etc.-------------------------!----_---------- 1,000,00 Totals -------------------------------------------------------$1,223.00 PARK FUND Estimated Balance April 1,1939____________________________________$1,500.00 Collections, Concessions, etc. _____________________________________ b50.U0 Totals -------------------------------------------------------$2,15QUU PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND Board of Education (Playgrounds)________________________________$2,000.00 Skating Receipts ------------------------------------------------- 300.00 Athletic Field Fees---------------------------------------------- 275.00 Totals -------------------------------------------------------$2,575.00 DOCK FUND LVharfage Fees ------------------------------------------$1,500.00 Harbor Reutals, Leases, etc ______________________________ 500.00 2,000.00 Total Estimated liscellaneous Reventes_______________ 72,948.00 Total Taxes, 1~Ioneys and Credits______________________ 659,604.00 Total Estimated City Revenue_______________________________$732,552AU WATER WORKS DIVISION (Self-Supporting) Estimated Balance April 1, 1939________________________$20,000.00 Estimated 1939-40 Water Reventte______________________1S0,4S0.00 170,450.00 Estitated Grand Total City Revenue and jVater Division_____$903,002.00 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR APRIL 1, 1939, TO M ARCH 31, 1940 GROUP 1-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (Genera] Fund) Item 101-Council 1938-9 Proposed 1939.40 Appropriations Appropriations B Travel _____________________ -$ 175.00 $ 175:00 . J, ldiscellaueous --------------------------- ------- 25.00 25,00 1'otals -------------------------------- -------$ 200.00 $ 200.00 Item 102-City Manager's Office A. Salary City 1~fauager (80%)-------------- ------*$ 4,400.00 '$ 4,800.00 A. Salary Secretary ------------------------ ------- 1,800.00 1,800.00 A. Salary Stenographer ______------------- ------- 1100 00 1100 00 B. C -------- Travel ------------------------- Office -------------------------------- . ------- -------- 125.00 125.00 . D. Printing ----------------------- -------- 15,00 ------ - 200 00 15,00 200 00 F. G 1laintenauce --------------------------- 1laterial and Supp]ies--------------.------ . -------- -------- 325,00 . 325.00 'lotals ------------------------------- -------$ 8,405.00 $ 8,805.00 Item 103-City Clerk's Office 2:100 00 $ $ 500.00 2 A. Salary City Clerk----------------------- _ . ------- , 00 ]50 A. G. Extra Help --------,-------------------- 1~Iaterials and Supplies------------------ ---_--- -------- -------- 75.00 . 75.00 Totals ------------------------------ --------$ 2,475.00 $ 2,725.00 Ite m 104-City Auditor's Office *$ 1 00 *$ 960 1;960.00 A. Salary City Auditor (80%)______________ _-_ . , ____ ,50 00 SOHO F. G. Maintenance --------------------------- Alaterial and Supplies___________________ . -------- ________ 100.00 100,00 ____-- 2,llo.ao $ 2,110.00 Totals --------------------------------- $ 74 Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. Item 105-City Treasurer's Oflice A', Salary City Treasurer (80 ~o)____ _______________#$ 1,920.00 ~$ 1,920.00 A. Salary Stenographer (50°fo)_____ ________________ 500.00 500.00 D. Printing and Advertising________ ______________ 25.00 25.00. F. i4lainteuauce ------------------- ---------------- 25.00 25.00 G. Material and Supplies___________ ________________ 150.00 150.00 I. Surety Bond ------------------- ---------------- SO.OU 50,00 Totals ----------------------------------____-$ 2,670.00 $ 2,670.00 (*NOT$: 20°fo of Salaries of City llanag~er, City Auditor and City Treasu- rer are paid directly by 1Vater Dept.) Item 106-City Solicitor's Office A. Salary City Solicitor____________________________$ 4,0$0.00 $ 3,800.00 B. Travel ---------------------------------------- 40.00 -40.00 C. Office ----------------------------------------- 40.00 40.00 G. Aaterial and Supplies___________________________ 85.00 35.00 lbtals ________________________.______________-$ 4,215.00 $ 3,965.00 Item 108-Board of Review G. Material and Supplies___________________________$ ______ $ 25.00 J. Board of Review________________________________ 600.00 600.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 600.00 $ 625.00 Item 109,Civil Engineer's Office A. Salary Rodman ______________________________ __$ 1,500.00 $ 1,SOOAO C. Office ---------------------------------------- - 10.90 10.00 $ ]equipment ----------------------------------- -- 50.00 50.00 F. Aaintenance __________________________________ _ 500.00 500.00 G, Material and Supplies__________________________ _ 500.90 500.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 2,560.00 $ 2,560.00 Item 113-City Elections A. Salaries Clerks, $tc.____________________________$ 500,00 $ SOD.00 G. i4lateria] and Supplies___________________________ 400.00 400.00 J. Rents ----------------------------------------- 50.00 SD.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 950.00 $ 950.00 Item 114-City Buildings A. Salaries Janitors ______________________ _________$ 1,890,00 $ 2,000.00 $. Iquipment ___________________________ _________ 1,700.00 1,500.00 F. Maintenance and Repairs_______________ _________ 700.00 2,500.00 G. Material and Supplies_________________ _________ 1,000.00 1,000,00 H. Heat and Light----------------------- --=------ 2,900.00 2,900.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 8,190.00 $ 9,900.00 Item 115-Police Court A. Salary Police Judge____________________________$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 G, Material and Supplies___________________________ 15.00 15.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 1,515.00 $ 1,515.00 Item 116-Civil Service Commission G, Aaterial and Supplies__________________________$ 50.00 $ 50.00 J. Miscellaneous __________________________________ 50.00 , 50.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 100.00 $ 100.00 Subtotals Group 1, General Administration_____$ 33,990.00 $ 36,125.00 Session, March 23rd, 1939. GROUP II-PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Item 118-Police Department (General Fund) 75 Rate Per iVlo. A. Salary Chief' of Police____________$ 3,000.00 (1} @ $225.00 $ ~,7QD,DU A. Salar}~ Senior Captain (1)________ 2,100.00 (1) @ $175.00 2,100.Q0 A. Salaries Captains (2)_____________ 3,720.00 (2) @ $18$,00 3,72Q.D0 A. Salaries Detectives (4)___________ 7,200,00 (4), @ $150.00 7,2110.00 A. Salaries Desk Sergeants (3)______ 5,220.00 (3) @ $155.00 5,580.00 - A. Salaries Motorcyclists (2)_______ 3,480.00 (2) @ $145,00 3,480.00 A. Salaries Patrolmen (25)__________ 42,000.09 (2S) @ $140.00 42;090.00 (After First Year) A. Salaries Matrons (2)_____________ 2,400.00 (2) @ $100.00 2,400.00 A. Salaries Special Officers__________ 100.00 100.00 B.' Travel -------------------------- 50.00 425 00 50.00 425 00 C. D. Office --------------------------- Printing ------------------------ . 50.00 . 50.00 )e, lquipment ______________________ 1,000.00 2,009:00 F. Aaintenance ___________-: ------- ---------------- 2,200.09 2,200.00 G. 1aterial and Supplies_____________ _______________ 2,700.00 2,700.00 J-1. Feeding Prisoners _______________ 900.00 90,0:00 J-2, iUliscellaneous (Injuries) _________ 300.00 300.00 Totals ------------------------ $76,845.00 $ 77,905,00 Item 119A-Fire Department Maintenance Fund A. Salary Fire Chief_________________$ 2,760.00 (1) @ $230.00 $ 2,76000 A. Salaries Senior Captains (2)______ 3,960.00 (2) @ $165,00 3,960.00 A. Salaries Captains (5)_____________ 9,300.00 (5) @ $18$.00 9,30Q.00 A. Salary Drive-Mechanic (1)_______ 1,980.00 A. Salaries Lieutenants (7)_________ 12,180.00 (7) @ $145.00 12,180.00 A. Salaries ]engineers (4)___________ 6,960.00 (4) @ $145,00 6,960.00 A. Salaries Firemen (34)____________ 57,120,00 (3S) @ $140.00 58,800..00 A. (After First Year) Salaries Firemen (2)_____________ 3,900.00 (2) @ $125.00 3,000.00 (During First Year) 00 50 50 00 B. C Travel -------------------------- Office -------------------------- , 650.00 , 650.00 . D. F Printing ------------------------ 1~Iaiutenance ____________________ 35.00 2,300.00 3590 2,600.00 . F. Repairs to Buildings_____________ 7,000.00 G Material and Supplies____________ 2,700.00 2,700:00 . H. Heat, Light --------------------- 3,300.00 00 200 3,300.00 2oo.Qo I. J-1. Insurance ----------------------- Miscellaneous (Injuries) ________- . 1,200.00 1,200.90 J-2. Interest on bVarrants____________ 160.00 00 1 596 160.00 747.00 1 J-3. Reserve for $mergency__________ , . , Total ------------------------$ 109,451.00 $116,602.00 Item 119B-Fire Equipment Fund E, $quipment _____________________$ 7,661.00 $ 12;510.00 Item 120-Fire and Police Alarm (General Fund) A. Salary City )electrician__________________ ________$ 1,950.00 1 $ 1,9SQ.00 1 A. Salary Asst. City 1~lectrician____________ ________ '80000 809A0 A. , Salar}~ $xtra Help_____________________ _____ __ 100 00 10A.00 C. E Office --------------------------------- )~quipment ---------------------------- . _ ----- -- 150.00 -------- 159.00 . F. 1~Iaintenance --------------------------- , -------- 150.00 00 200 159.00 00 200 G. Material and Supplies___________________ . ________ 00 200 , 200,00 H, Heat, Light and Power_________________ . ________ Totals --------------- --------$ 4,650.00 $ 4,6$0.00 76 Session, March 23rd, 1939. Item 121-Building Commissioner's Office (General Fund and Misc. General Revenues) A, Salary Building Commissioner__________________*$ 3,000.00 '$ 3,OOO.UO A. Salary Stenographer (20% Time)_______________ 200.00 200,00 C. Office ----------------------------------------- 25.00 25.00 F. 1aintenance ___________________________________ 150.00 150.00 G. Material and Supplies___________________________ 100.00 100.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 3,175.00 $ 3,475.00 (General Fund-$1,675.00 Fees $1,800,00) (*Note: Includes Civil En- gineering Duties) Item 122-Plumbing Inspector's Office (General Fund and Misc, General Revenues) A, Salary Plumbing Inspector_____________________$ 2,160.00 $ 2,160.00 A. Salary Stenographer (1S% Time)________________ 150.00 150.00 C. Office ----------------------------------------- 25.00 25.00 D. Printing --------------------------------------- 15.00 15.00 G. Material and Supplies___________________________ 50.00 50.00 J-1. Plumbing Board ------------------------------- 30.00 30.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 2,430.00 $ 2,430.00 (General Fund $830.00; Fees $1,600.00) Item 123-Electrical Inspector's Office (General Fund and Misc, General Revenues) A. Salary Electrical Inspector______________________$ 2,220.00 $ 2,220.00 A.~ Salary Stenographer (1S% Time)________________ 150.00 150.Oi1 • C~.~ Office __ _ __ ________________ 25.00 25.00 D. Printing --------------------------------------- 15.00 15.00 F. Maintenauce ___________________________________ 175.00 175.00 • G. Material and supplies___________________________ 100,00 100.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 2,685.00 $ 2,685.00 (General Fund-$1,285.00; Fees-$1,400,00) Item 124-Dog Pound (Misc. General Revenues) j. Enforcement Dog Ordinance____________________ 150,00 $ 150.00 Subtotals Group II, Protection of Life and Property 207,347.00 $220,407:00 GROUP II,I-HEALTH AND SANITATION Item 125-Health Operating (General Fund) A. Salary Director (Part Time)____________________$ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 A. Salary Sanitary Inspector_______________________ 1,450,00 1,450,00 A.. Salary Clerk __________________________________ 1,080.00 1,080.00 A.~ Salary Restaurant Inspector_____________________ 900.00 1,080.OU A. Salary Head School Nurse (10 Mo.)_____________ 1,700.00 1,700,00 A. Salary School Nurse____________________________ 1,400,00 1,400,00 A, Salary School Nurse____________________________ 1,350.00 1,350.00 A, Salary School Nw•se____________________________ 1,250.00 1,250.00 B. Travel --------------------------------------- 50.00 50.00 C. Office ------------------------------=---------- 150.00 150.00 D Printing --------------------------------------- 50.00 50.00 E. Equipment ------------------------------------ 50.00 50,00 ,F. Maintenance (2 cars)________________________ 250.00 2SO.OU G. ~ Material and Supplies___________________________ 400.00 400.00 J-1. Laboratory Expense ________________----__---- 9 9 J-2, Miscellaneous --------------------------------- 00.00 0000 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 12,880.00 $ 13,060.00 Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. 77 Item 126-Control of Contagious Diseases J, Control of Contagious Diseases__________________ $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Item 127-Sewer Maintenance (Main Sewer Fund) A. Salary Sewer Foreman__________________________ $ 1,800.00 00 500 8 $ 1,800.00 $,500.00 A. Wages Laborers ______________________________ , , _ 00 500 500.00 ;~, )•quipment ----------------------------------- . - 00 700 700,00 F. Maintenance ---------------------------------- Material and Supplies__________________________ G . - _ 300.00 300.00 , J-1. Power for Sewer Pumps_______________________ _ 1,300.00 1,300.00 100 00 $ 13100 00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 13, Item 12g-Garbage Disposal (General Fund) J, Contract for Garbage Collection and Disposal____$ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 Item 129-Milk Inspection (General Fund and Misc, General Revenue) A, Salary Milk Inspector___________________________$ 1,800.00 $ 1,800,00 $, Equipment ---------° r s Car_______________ 160.00 160.00 F. Maintenance of Inspecto ' _-_ 300.00 300.00 G. Material and Supplies--------------------------- 100.00 100.00 360.00 Totals -------------------------------------$ 2,360,00 $ 2, (Milk Inspector's Fees-$1,500.00; General-$860,00). SuUtotals,Group III, Health and Sanitation______$ 47,540.00 $ 47,720,00 GROUP IV-HIGHWAYS AND STREET LIGHTS Item 131-Highways Administration (General Fund) 800.00 $ 1 1800,00 $ , A. Salary Timekeeper --------------------------- . , - 100 00 100.00 F. G, Maintena~ice ---------------------------------- illaterial and Supplies__________________________ . - _ 150.00 150.00 _ Totals ------------------------------------- _ 2050.00 $ , $ 2,080.00 Item 132-Street Repairing and Grading (General Fund and Grading Fund) A. Wages Laborers --------------------=--------- -$ 15,000,00 500.00 4 $ 15,000.00 4,500.00 E, Equipment -------=--------------------------- , - 500.00 4 4,500.00 F. G. Maintenance ---------------------------------- Material and Supplies__________________________ , - _ 8,800,00 8,800,00 Totals -------------------------------------- -$ 29,500.00 $ 29,500.00 (.General--$24,500.00; Grading-$8,000.00). Item 133-City Garage (General Fund) 2 300.00 $ $ 2,300.00 A. Salary Head Mechanic_______________ , 5 200.00 S,Z00.00 A. Salary Mechanics ---------------------------- , - 75,00 75.00 C, --____-- Office -------------------------------- 500.00 500.00 E. F, ------- Equipment ---------------------------- Maintenance on Garage------------------------ - - 400.00 00 325 400.00 325.00 G, ___________ Ivlaterial and Supplies_______________ , - 2 500.00 2,500.00 H. Heat, Light, Power------------------------- - , - 00 50 50,00 I. _ _ ____ Insurance oit Garage__________________ _ _ , _ ___ _$ 11 350.00 ' $ 11,350.00 ___________ Totals ------------------------ Item 134-Ash and Can, Collections (General Fund) OOOAO $ 8 $ 8,000.00 A. Wages Drivers and Laborers___________________ _ - , _ _ 1,400.00 1,400.00 F. Maintenance _--F---------------------------- 00 500 500.00 G. _______ Material and Supplies------------------- . _ ---- -$ 9,900.00 $ 9,900.00 Totals ---------------------------------- Item 138-Street and Traffic Signal Lighting (Light d Traffic S~gnals___ i Fund) _$ 48,600.00 $ 38,600.00 H, ng an Total for Street Light 972.00 772.00 J. ___ 2% State Sales Tax------------------------- _ ----- ---$49,572.00 $39,372.00 Totals --------------------------------- Item 140-Street Cleaning {Garbage Disposal and Street Cleaning $ 12 Fund) $ 12 A, 'Wages Drivers and Laborers___________________ _ '500,00 500,00 $, E4uipment --------------------~-------------- ___ - _ 3,000.00 3,000;00 F. ____________ Maintenance ------------------- 000.00 1 580. G. ___ Material and 5upplies----------------------- - , _ 102,00 - 100.00 J. Surplus ------------------------------------ ------ -$ 17,102.00 $ 16,680.00 Totals -------------------------------- 78 Session, March 23rd, 1939. Item 141-Snow and Ice Removal (Snow Removal Fund) A. Labor ----------------------------------------- $ 3,900.00 1~. 1:quipmept ------------------------------------ 350,00 F. \lainteuance ___________________________________ 1,000.00 G. 1aterial and Supplies___________________________ 350.00 J. Reserve --------------------------------------- 37.00 Total ---------------------------------------- $ 5,637:00 Subtotals Group IV, Highways C Street Lighting$119,474.00 $114,489.00 GROUP V-LIBRARY Item 143A-Library Fund and Misc. Library Revenue A. Salar}= Librarian _______________________________$ 2,280.00 $ 2,280,00 A. Salary Reference I,ibrariau______________________ 1,680.00 1,680.00 A. Salary Catalogue Librarian______________________ 1,500.00 1,500.00 A. Salary Child Librarian__________________________ 1,380.00 1,380.00 A. Salary School Librarian_________________________ 1,080.00 1,080,00 A. Salary Acting Circulation Librarian______________ 1,020.00 1,020,00 A. Salary General Assistant________________________ 900.00 900.00 A. Salary General A'ssistaut________________________ 840.00 B40.00 A. Salary General Assistant________________________ 840,00 840.00 A. Salary General Assistant________________________ 840.00 840.00 A. Salat;v General Assishant (Half Time)___________ 621.00 621.00 A. Salary Jauitor _________________________________ 1,260.00 1,260.00 B, Travel ---------------------------------------- 50.00 50.00 C. Office --------------------------_-------------- 100.00 100.00 D, Printiug _______________________________________ 50.00 SOHO F. I;quipmeut Boolcs ______________________________ 6,000.00 6,000.00 F. laintenance __________________________v________ 2,711.00 2,711.00 G, Alatecia] and Supplies___________________________ 1,000.00 1,000.00 H, Heat, Light, Water_____________________________ 2,100.00 2,T00.00 I. Insurance _____________________________________ 300.00 300.00 J-1, Interest on 1Varrants___________________________ ]00.00 100.00 J-2. Reserve for $mergency_________________________ 1,461;00 1,461.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 28,113.00 $ 28,113.00 (Library Feud-$26,890.00; lllisc. Library Revenue-$1,223.00) Item 143B-Library Building Fund J. Pa}=meat on Building___________________________$ 16,144.00 __________ Subtota)s Group V, Library___________________$ 44,257.00 $ 28,113.00 GROUP VI-PARK FUND Item 144A-Park Administration A. Salary Superintendent ______, ___________________$ 1,800.00 $ 1;800.00 B. Travel ----------------------------------------- 50.00 100.00 C. Office ----------------------------------------- 125.00 125,00 D, Printipg and Advertising_____________________ 25.00 50.00 --- J-1. ivliscellaueous _________________________________ 15.00 1],00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 2,018.00 $ 2,086,00 Item 144B-Park Areas, Buildings, Etc. A. Wages of Laborers___________________________ __$ 11,600.00 $ 10,500.00 C. Forestry Labor -----------------------------_ -- 2,000.00 $. $quipment ---------------------------------- -- 1,200.00 1,125.00 F, Maintenance _________________________________ __ 800.00 800,00 G, Material and Supplies_________________________ __ 3,820.00 2,890.00 H. Heat and Light______________________________ __ 2,200.00 2,000.00 I, Insurance ___________________________________ __ 500.00 500,00 J-1, Renovations and Replacemeuts________________ __ 700.00 500.00 J-2. Interest, Reserve and Assessments______________ 788.00 600.00 Totals ------------------------------------- --$ 2 86 001 0 $ 20,915,00 Subtotals Group VI-Park Fund_____________ __$ 23,623.00 $ 23,001.00 (Park Tax-$20,851.00; Misc. Park Revenues -$2,150.00) Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. 79 GROUP VII-PLAYGROUND AND SWIMMING POOL FUND Item 145A-Recreation Administration A. Salary Director ________________________________$ 2,2$0.00 $ 2,250,00 B, Travel ---------------------------------------- 50.00 50.00 C. Office ----------------------------------------- 60.00 120.00 F. Maintenance (Car) _____________________________ 360,00 360.00 G. Material and Supplies__________________________ 100.00 100.00 Totals _______________________________________$ 2,820.00 $ 2,880.00 Item 145B-Playgrounds A. Salary Supervisors, Directors, ];tc. __ ____________$ 2,050,00 $ 2,050.00 A. 1Vages of Laborers_________________ ____________ 200.09 $. $quipment ------------------------ ------------ 150.00 500.94 F. 1lainteuance ----------------------- ------------ 750.00 6$0:00 G. Material and Supplies_______________ ____________ 300:00 400,00 H. Heat, Light ----------------------- ------------ 100.00 100.OQ I. Insurance ------------------------- ------------ 50,00 50.90 Totals --------------------------------=------$ 3,400.00 $ 3,950.00 Item 145C-Music Events J, Cost oE &Iusic---------------------------------- 250.00 Item 1450-Winter Sports A. Wages Check Room, latc.____________ ___________$ 350.00 $ 450•UO C, Office ------------------------------ ----------- 25.00 2$.00 ];. ]:quipment ------------------------- ----------- 50.00 10.0.00 F, i4faintenance ------------------------ ----------- 50.00 200.00 G. Material and Supplies________________ ___________ 50.00 150,00 H. Heat and Light_____________________ ___________ 275.00 375,00 Totals -------------•-------------- -----------$ 800.00 $ 1,500:00 Item 145E-Swimming Pool Operation A. Salary Superintendent ____________________ ______$ 300.00 $ 450A0 A. Salary Guards (4)________________________ ______ 540.00 840.00 A. Salary Attendants _______________________,_ ______ 750,00 1,500.00 A. Wages Laborers ------------------------- ------ 110.00 C. Oftice ----------------------------------- ------ 50.00 50.00 F. laintenance ----------------------------- ------ 300.00 600.00 G, laterial and Supplies--------------------- ------ 150.00 250.00 H. Light and Power------------------------- ------ 600.00 600.00 I. Insurance ------------------------------- ------ 200.00 200.00 J. ~Iiscellaueous ___________________________ _~_-- 100.00 100.00 Totals --------------------------------- ------$ 3,400.00 $ 4,540.00 Item 145G-Indoor Winter Sports J. 1liscellaneous ---------------------------- ------$ 50.00 $ 100.00 Item 145H-Emergency J-1. Interest on 1Varrants_____________________ ______$ 50.00 $ 50.00 J-2. Reserve ----------------------------~---- ----- 115,00 182:00 Totals --------------------------------- ___ --- $ 165.00 $ 3 2.00 , $0 Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. Item 146-Athletic Park A. Wages Caretaker ------------------------------$ 400.00 $ F, Maintenance _______________________>___________ 750.00 G. Material and Supplies___________________________ 150.00 H, .Lights ---------------------------------------- 200.00 I.. Insurance ------------------------------------- 500,00 J-1. Miscellaneous _________________________________ 50.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 2,050.0.0 $ 2,050.00 Subtotals Group VII Pla}~groucd and Swim- ming Pool _________________________________$ 12,935.00 $ 15,252.00 (Playground and Swimming Pool 'l'ax-$12,677.00; lfisc. Playground Revenue-$2,575.00) GROUP VIII-MISCELLANEOUS Item 147-Planning and Zoning (General Fund) J; ;;ivliscellaneous __________________________________$ 25.00 ,,It~m.14BE-Ambulance (General Fund and Misc, Revenues) 'r, Salaries, Drivers (2)____________________________$ 3,360.00 F, Maintenance ___________________________________ 300,00 ~G. Material and Supplies___________________________ 150.00 I. Insurance ------------------------------------- 525.00 Totals ------------------------------------ ---$ 4,335.00 (Ambulance Fees-$1,000.00; General Fuod- $3,335.00) Items 148C-Other Miscellaneous (General Fund) J-1. Iowa League of Municipalities_______________ ___S 50.00 J-2. Damages ----------------------------------- --- 3,300,00 J-3. Printing Counci] Proceedings________________ ___ 3,200.00 J-4. Revised Ordinances _________________________ ___ j-S-•State,]~xaminers ____________________________ ___ 2,000.00 'J-6: Repairs to Town Clock______________________ ___ 150.00 'J-7. Misc, Unclassified ___________________________ ___ 1,500.00 J-8, Workmen's Compensation lnsw•ance_________ ___ 1,900.00 ~;J-9. Interest on 1Varrants________________________ ___ 125.00 Totals _______________________________________$ 12,225.00 $ 15,605.00 Item 148F-Airport (General Fund) ~I. Insurance _____________________________________$ 130,00 $ 130.00 J. Miscellaneous __________________________________ SS4,00 SS0.00 Totals ________________________---,__---____-$ G84.00 $ 680.00 ..: '~ Subtotals Group VIII, 1~Iiscellaneous__________$ 17,269,00 $ 20,645.00 GROUP IX-MARKETS AND PUBLIC SCALES (Genera] Fund and Misc. Genera] Revenues) ,Item 152-Mar$et Master's Office ,A: Salary 14farket lfaster___________________________$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 F, ~Maintenance ___________________________________ 20.00 20.00 1 Material and Supplies___________________________ 65.00 65.00 •r- .Miscellaneous _________________________________ 20.00 20.00 Totals _______________________________________$ I,SOS.00 $ 1,SOS.00 ' (General Fund-$305.00; 11lisc. General Revnue $1,200.00) Subtotals Group IX-1Tarkets and Public Scales$ 1,SOS,00 $ ],505,00 {~ , , GROUP X-MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS Item 162-Assessments and Sewers J-1. City's Share of Special Assessments_________,__$ 6,000,00 $ 8,000,00 ;J-2, Storm Sewer and Inlets_________________________ 2,000.00 ' ~ ~' ~ Totals ---------------------------------------$ 6,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Subtotals, Group X-Municipal Improvements__$ 6,000,00 $ 10,000.00 ' " ` (Improvement Fund-$8,000.00; Sewer Fund-$2,000.00) Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. 81 GROUP XI-PENSION FUNDS 400.00 750.0 Item 154-Police Pensions 150.00 J-1, Police Pensions --------------------------------$ 8,996.00 $ 9,300.UJ 2UQUU J-2. Police Retirement Systein_______________________ 742.00 500,00 SU.OU Totals ---------------------------------------$ 8,996.00 $ 10,042,00' Item 155-Fire Pensions J-1, Fire Pensions ---------------------------------$ 16,999,00 $ 15,700.00 J-2. Fire Retirement System------------------------- 980AU Totals ---------------------------------------$ 16,999.00 $ 16,680.00 Subtotals Group XI-Pensions________________$ 2S,99S,00 $ 26,722.00 $ 25.00 GROUP XII-MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS $ 3,360.00 Item 161J-1-City Bonds and Interest 300.00 A-1. Regular City Bond Interest____________________ $ 46,S3S.00 $ 43,985.00 1SO.OU A-2. Grading Bond Redemptiou_____________________ 12,000.00 16;000.00 S2S.OU A-3. Storm Setiver Bond Redemptiou_________________ 48,000.00 48,OOOA0 _____ A-4. Sinking Fmtd ----------- ------------ 11,000.00 $ 4,335.00 p _______ A-S. Improvement Bond Redem tion_________ 30,000,00 30,000,00 A-6. Surplus --------------------------------------- 39.00 1,495.00 $ 80.00 3,300,00 3,200.00 1,500,00 2,ooo.ao sao.oo 3,000.00 1,900.00 125.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$136,574.00 $150,480.00 (Bond Interest Fund-$27,023.00; Bond Retirement Fuud-$56,215.00; Grading Fund-$4,500.00; Improvement Fund-$5,500,00; Main Server Fund-$4,014,00; Water Works Fund-$20,000,00; ];mergency Fund- $33,228.00) Item 161 J-2-Dock Bond and Interest Fund A-1. Interest on Doclc Bonds________________________$ 10,265,00 $ 9,345.00 A-2. Dock Bond Redemptiou _______________________ 21,000.00 26,000,00 A-3. Surplus --------------------------------------- 373,00 1,653.00 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 31,638.00 $ 36,998.00 Subtotals Group XII-t~iunicipal Indebtedness_$168,212.00 $187,478.00 EMERGENCY AND RESERVE Reserve in General \Misc. Revenues__________________$ 184.50 $ 2,281.00 Reserve in $mergency Fund________________________ 321,00 134,00 Payment of General Fund 1Varrants.for 1936,37- W. P. A. Projects and New Swimming Pool__________ 27,000,00 Interest on Same___________________________________ 472.50 Totals ---------------------------------------$ 27,978.00 $ 2,415.00 GROUP XIII-DOCKS (Dock Fund and Misc. Dock Revenues) Item 153 A-Dock Operation A. Salar}*]:ngineers -------------------------------$ 240.00 $ 240.00 00 150 B. Travel ----------------------------------------- 150.00 00 100 , 100,00 F. 11laintenance ----------------------------------- . G. Material and Supplies___________________________ 00 475 475.00 I. Insurance -------------------------------------- . 300 00 300,00 J-1. Traffic Association Dues________________________.. _ . 00 100 100.00 J-2. Improvements --------------------------------- . 00 200 200.00 J-3. Miscellaneous _ _________________________ ------ . 00 500 500.00 J-4. Land Purchase Contract------------------------ . Total Dock Operation________________________$ 2,I1S.00 $ 2,115.00 132 Special Session, March 23rd, 1939, Item 153 B-Dredge Operation A, Salary Engineers ______________________________$ 180.00 $ 180.00 A. Salary Operator _______________________________ 1,800,00 1,800,00 A. Salary Oiler ___________________________________ 1,100.00 1,1,00,00 A, 1Vages Laborers _______________________________ 578.00 578.00 F, iViaintenance (Repairs) _________________________ 500.00 500.00 U,- laterial and Supplies___________________________ 200.00 200.00 H. Electric Power ________________________________ 3,500.00 3,500,00 I. Afarine Iusut•ance ______________________________ 725,00 725.00 I. Workmen's Compensation Insurance_____________ 22$,00 225.00 J. Aiscellaneous __________________________________ 350,00 645.00 Totals ------------------------~---------____-$ 9,158.00 $ 9,453,00 Item 153 C-W. P. A. Project E. Trucking ----------------- ---------------------$ 3,000,00 $ 1,450.00 E. Scale Rental _______________ ____________________ 250.00 250.0,1 E, llerrick Rental ____________ _____________________ 90.00 E. Tools --------------------- -------------------- 200.00 300.00 E. Life Preservers ____________ ____________________ 50.00 G, Cement ------------------- -------------------- 360.00 G. Supplies ------------------- -------------------- 500.00 Totals ___________________ ____________________$ .3,950.00 $ 2,500,00 Item 153 D Repayment of Loan to Water 1Vorks_________________$ 5,500.00 G. Seventh St. Stone Server Materials______________ 4,612.00 Totals _______________________________________$ 5,500.00 $ 4,612.00 Subtotals Group XIII-llocks________________$ 20,723.00 $ 18,680.00 (Dock Tax Fund-$16,680.00; Misc. Dock Revenue-$2,000.00.) GROUP XIV-WATER WORKS (Self Supporting) Receipts Est. Cash on Hand, April lst_______________________ $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000,00 Est. Receipts for \detered Sales______________________ 140,000.00 140,000.00 Fst Receipts from Flat 5ales________________________ 250.00 250.00 Est. Receipts frolic Fire Protection Service___________ 2,250.00 2,2SOA0 Est Receipts from Nou-Operation Service____________ 5,000.00 S,OOO.OU Est. Receipts from Sales Tax________________________ 2,950.00 2,950.00 Est. Repayment of Library Loan Balance____________ 3,662.52 Est Repayment of Dock Fund_______________________ 5,500.00 Special Session, March 23rd, 1939, 83 149 B-Water Operation A. Salary Field langineer_____________ _________$ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 A. Salary Plant Chief Engineer________ __________ 2,160.00 2,160.00 A. Salary Plant Engineers (6)_________ _________ 10,800.00 10,800.00 A. Wages Extra Station Labor________ _________ 1,000,00 1,000.00 A. Salary Tapper ____________________ _________ 1,620.00 1,620.00 A. Salary Meter Service 141an_________ _________ 1,560,00 1,560.00 A. Salary Water Repair bfan_________ _________ 1,860,00 1,860,00 A. Salary Meter Reader______________ _________ 1,560,00 1,560.00 A. Salary Asst. Meter Repair Man_____ _________ 1,620.00 1,620,00 A. Salary General Fm•eman___________ _________ 2,250.00 2,250.00 A. Salary Asst. Foreman______________ _________ 1,680.00 1,680,00 A. Wages of Laborers________________ _________ 11,500.00 (1) 8,000,00 E. Equipment _______________________ _________ 10,000.00 (2) 10,000.00 F. Maintenance ______________________ _________ 13,620,00 (3) 12,000.00 G. Material and Supplies______________ _________ 1,500,00 1,500.00 H, Heat, Light and Power____________ _________ 25,000.00 25,000.00 I, _________ Insurance ________________ _________ 4,500.00 1250.0, 0 J-1. Water Main \Materials_____________ _________ ~ 15,000.00 (1) 10,000,00 J-2. Other Betterments ________________ _________ 42,000,00 (2) 25,000,00 J-3. Store Reserve ____________________ _________ 3,000.00 3,000.00 J-4, 1iscellaneous ____________________ _________ 1,225.00 1,000.00 Totals -------------------------- ---------$158,858,00 $125,260.00 Grand Total Water Works Appropriation____________$175,470.00 $149,625.00 Non-approved Reserve ______________________________ 1,142,52' 825.00 Transfer to City Indebtedness_______________________ 20,000.00 $179,612.52 $170,450,00 (1) $18,000.00 for Necessary 1Vater Main Extensions and Improvements. (2) $35,000,00 for New Equipment and Constructions. (3) $12,000.00 for Repairing Buildings, Artesian 1Vells and Painting Eagle Point and 1~Vest Thit•d Street Stations Interiot•s and Extensions. RECAPITULATION OF TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND Totals ____________________________________ ___$179,612.52 $170,450.00 RESERVES Budget Proposed DISBURSEMENTS 1938-39 1939-40 149 A-Administration A. Salary Superintendent _ ___ __ __ $ 3 000 00 *$ 3 000 00 (a) City Operation, Groups I to XI Inclusive, Emer- ______________ __ _ A. Salary Accountant __________________________ _ , . ___ 2,160.00 , , 2,160.00 gency and Reserve __________________________-_ -$567,407,50 $543,979.00 A. Salary Stenographer and Clerk___ ___________ ___ 1,560.00 L560.OD Reserve in General Fund and General 14isc, A. Salary Clerl_ ________________________________ ___ 1,200.00 1,200.00 _ _ _ _ Revenues ___________________ _- _ ----___---- _ 184,50 2,281,00 A. Salary City 1~Iaua er 20 0____________________ ___ 1,100.00 1,200,00 ____________ ____ in Emer enc Fuud Reserv g y _ 321.00 134.00 A. Salary Cit}~ Trea~surer020 0___________________ } % _ _ _ 480.0 480.00 P e (b) Mumct al Indebtedness Grou XII_____________ _ 168,212,00 187,478.00 B. Travel ______________________________________ ___ 125.00 125.00 (c) Docks, Groups XIII___________________________ _ 20,723.00 18,680,00 C. Office Expense and Postage__________________ ___ 800,00 800.00 (d) Water Works Appropriation; Group XIV_______ _ 178,470.00 149,628.00 D. Printing and Advertising____________________~_ E. Equipment _________________________________ ___ 300.00 ___ 1,150.00 300,00 1,150.00 Water Works Reserve__________------------_-- - 1,142.52 825,00 F. Maintenance ________________________________ ___ 300.00 300.00 ____________ _____-________-- Totals _$936,460.52 $903,002.00 G. il4aterial and Supplies________________________ ___ 800.00 300.00 __________ L Insurance ______________________________________ 100,00 J-1. Sinking Fund'__________________________________ 3,600.00 50,00 4,800.00 Tax Revenue ______________-_____-------..__ --678,911,00 $659,604,00 J-2, Refunds ____________________________________ ___ 2,000.00 2,500,00 Miscellaneous Revenues and Estimated Balances J-3, Miscellaneous ______________________________ ___ 500.00 500,00 1939__________-_--------------------- April 1 - 77,937.00 72,948,00 J-4. State Sales Tax_____________________________ ___ 2,950.00 2,950.00 , Water Works Revenue_________________________ _ 179,612,52 170,4Sq.00 Totals ____________________________________ ___$ 22,615.00 $ 24,365.00 $936,460,52 $903,002.00 (*NOTE; Includes Cashier Duties) --- A4 Speciaj Session, March 23rd, 1939. Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. ~S Resolution No, 42.39. 1\'hereas, this Cotmcil has prepared its budget of proposed expenditures for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1939, and ending 1larch 31, 1940, wherein estimates for the expenses of the de- partments amd purposes are shown, in- cluding the estimates for which the con- solidated tax levy and all other levies heretofore made, receipts from moneys and credits and miscellaneous sources are to be used, and said budget shows all of the proposed expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year, and the same was published as provided by ]acv, anti an opportunity was given all tvho might wish to file objections or protest to the same or to any anissious therefrmn, and the time for final action thereon having been fixed as the 23rd day of March, 1939; and Whereas, all objections thereto have been duly considered by this Comtcil and it is deemed advisable to make no changes or alterations therein, and this being the clay for final consideration thereof; Now, 't'herefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that said budget of proposed expenditures for the fiscal year beginning April 1,1939, and ending March 31, 1940, as heretofore prepared be and the same is hereby adopted and approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of Alarch, 1939. CARL A. CLARK, Mayor. FRANIC VAN DU$LMAN, ALBERT 1VHARTON, G1;O, R. MURPHY, F. 1V. THOIIPSON, Comtcilnten,. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Murphy, Carried by the follotviug vote: Yeas-Mayor Glariz, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Vau Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No. 8-39. Ait ordinance ap- propriating money for the various funds and purposes of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1939, and eudit}g March 31, 1940, pt•e- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried hp the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clariz, Councilmen Murphy, Thompsou, Van Duelman, Rrharton. Nays-Noce, Councilman Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requiring au ordinance to be read on three separate days. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-1~fayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Vatt Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. The ordinance was then read a second time, Councilman Vau Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the second reading of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas- hlayor Clariz, Councilmen \~furphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, \Vharton. ?'rravs-None. Councilman Vau Duelman moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing any oue present in the Couucil Chamber, who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Cotmcilman Thompsou. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-il4ayor Clark, Councilmen Almphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, 'uVharton. Nays-None, Mr. Roland White addressed the Council re- questing that the City Cotmcil go on record favoring the adoption of enab- ling legislation by the State Legisla- ture in order that the City of Dubuque might qualify for federal aid in slum clearance and low-cost housing con- struction and that State Senator Bald- win and State Representatives Reilly and ivfanly be advised of the Council's action on this matter, March 16, 1939. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Hou. Mayor and Councilmen; lanclosed you will find a letter that has been sent to Senator H, Baldwin, Representative R. Reilly and Repre- sentative J. Manly, urging them to do all they can in the passing of these bills, These bills pertain to a Slum-cleat•- ance and Low-rent Housing Program, that the American Federation of Labor has been advocating since 1937• Con- gress has adopted the Wagner-Steagall Act of Housing, which set up the Unit- e dStates Housing Authority and made possible the realization of this program. The State of Iowa is unable to enjoy or participate, in any of the benefits, which other states are now enjoying 4s a result of this legislation until enabling legislation is adopted. The program, which will be made possible if this legislation is adopted. Sincerely yours, >~LROY H. GRASHORN; 'Rec.-Sec; Councilman Van Duelman moved that the communication 'be made a matter of record, Seconded b}' Cottn- cilmau \Vharton Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen D~furphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None. Resolution No, 43-39. Whereas, the United States govern- ment has made it possible for cities to have projects for housing and slum clearance financed with federal funds, and Whereas, there is note in the Iowa Legislature an enabling act which would make it possible for cities in this state to take advantage of this federal legislation, and 1Vhereas, with Eour millwork plants, three metal trades plants, a furniture tactory, a glass factory, wallboard and rock wool insulation plants, besides varied small industries, Dubuque em- ployment is dependent upon activity in the building industry, and 1Vhereas, the millworkers' local and the Trades and Labor Congress in Du- buque are on record in favor of housing projects of this nature, Be It Therefore Resoh~ed, that the city g'overument of Dubuque go on record in favor of enabling legislation far the State of Iowa, just as Burling- ton, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des 1loines, ICeokuk, A~farshalltotvn, \~Ic- Gregor, Newell, and Waterloo have done, in order that cities in this state including Dubuque may take advantage of the federal funds available for low cost housing. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of March, ]939. CARL A. CLARK, 1layor. FRANIC VAN DU$I,\IAN, AL,B$R'1' R1HARTON, G$O. R. MURPHY, F. 1V. THOMPSON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SI-IL'A, City Cleriz. Councilman Van Duehuan moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas- 14ayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van lluelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Councilman i4lurphy moved that the action talzen by the City Couucil on the adoption of Resolutimt No. 43-39 to- gether with a copy of the resolution be forwarded to State Senator H. Baldwin and State Representatives R. Reilly and J, Manly Seconded b}~ Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-11layor Clark, Councilmen lfurphy, 'Phompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-Nate. Communication of Osweiler Van Ser- vice, by Ralph F. Amoth, Traffic Man- ager, requesting that their claim for damages received by their truck iu striking a tree on Merz Street, said claim having been disallowed at a pre- vious meeting of the City Council, be reconsidered by the City Council as the Ostveiler Van Service believes that the City is liable, presented and read. tllr. Ralph F. Antoth addressed the Council requesting that the City Coun- cil reconsider their claim for damages received by oue of their truclzs in strik- ing atree on hlerz Street. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the commu- nication be referred to the City Coun- cil. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- sou. Carried hp the following vote Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen ivlur phy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays-None• 1Ir. Jackson M, tilarshall addressed the Council entering a verbal objection to the grouting of the petition of the Dubuque Packing Company, which pe- tition has been referred to the City Council for consideration, and also en- tering averbal objection to the erec- tion of gates and the use of streets and alley by the Dubuque Packing Com- pany vvrthout having received permis- sion from the City Council to do so, Councilman Murphy moved that the objections of Mr. Jackson M. Marshall be referred to the City Manager acid City Solicitor for investigation and re- port. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- sou. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-1layor Clark, Councjlmen Mur- phy, Thompson, Van Duelman; Whar- ton. Nays-None, ~[r. Charles Spielman addressed the Council objecting to the Council ac- cepting the proposed electric rates until bus fares are reduced and making fur- ther inquiry as to what were the fnten.- tiats of the City Council on the matter of reduction in bus fares. Councilman Thompsou moved that the objection of A~Ir. Charles Spielman be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Whar- ton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Mur- phy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays-None. Ntotice of Claim of Henry Hier in the antouttt of $7$.00 for personal injuries received in falling on an icy sidewalk on Central Avenue between Tegeler's Garage and the Texaco Filling Station, presented and read, Councilman Thontpsott moved to refer the notice of claim to the City Solicitor for investi- gation and report. Seconded by Coun- cilman Murphy. Carried by the fol- lotviug vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen A~turphy, 'Pttompsou, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Communication of Harlan G. Mel- chior submitting application for ap- pointment as a member of the Board of Review for the year 1939, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the cotnntuttication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the iollowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Mur- phy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays-None. Communication of H. A. Rawson, submitting application for appointment as a member of the Board of Review for the }rear 1939, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. i Carried by the following vote: Yeas- 14ayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van D« elman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of Wm, Brandt sub- mitting application for appointment as a member of the Soard of Review for 86 Special Session, March 23rd, 1939, ~ Special Session, March 23rd, 1939. 87 the }year 1939, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- Mayor Clark, Councilmen Altu•phy, 'Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Communication of Joseph TI. Con- ley submitting application far appoint- ment as a member of the Board of As- sessment and Review for the year 1939, presented and read. Councilman 1lur- pliy~ moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen lfurphy, 'Thompson, Va^ Duelman, 1Vharton. Na}~s-None. Communication of F, J. Hickson sub- ptittiug application for appoiuttnent as a member of the Board of Reviers~ for the year 1939, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Couucihnan Thompson. Carded by the follorviug vote: Yeas- blayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Tho'mpsmt, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, 'Communication of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress requesting Council consideration on the applications of ivir. Joe Conley and 14r. Wm. Brandt when making appointments of the members oi` the Board of Review, presented and read. Councilman 1~furphy moved that the communication be received and tiled. Seconded by Councilman Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen l~fur- phy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays-None. Communication of Dubuque Typo- graphical Union No. 22 requesting the City Council to give consideration to the application of Mr. Joseph Conley when tnakiug appointments of the utem- bers of the Board of Revictv, presented and read. Councilman 1lurphy moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thontp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen Mur- phy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Whar- fon: Nays-None. Communication of James ld. Beidler rtiaking application for the office of As- sessor for Julien 'Township, presented and read. Councilman Thmnpsou moved that the communication he re- ceiued and filed. Seconded by Coun- ciiinan i1lut•php. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councihuen iVlurphp, 'Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Communication of United States Congressman bV. S. Jacobsen advising that he will do all in his power to se- cure an appropriation so that the Du- buque Memorial Auditorium may be taken care. of, presented and read. Counciluan ivlurphy moved that the conunuuicatiou be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the follorviug vote: Yeas- 1layor Clarlc, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1~/harton. Nays-None. Conuuuuication of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress advising Council that ft is their desire that the lets rate schedules left in cmttroversy in the electric rate schedule, be dealt with fairly and squarely, keeping in mind the interests of the members of Local 263, presented and read. Councilman 'Thompson moved that the coumtuuica- tion be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman lfurphy. Carried by the follorviug vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelnau, 1Vhartou, Nays-None. Dubuque, Iowa, l~farch 22nd, 1939. 'I'o the Honorable Members of the City Council, City 1~fanager, Dubuque, Iowa. Honorable Sirs: As one of the largest users of elec- tric power, the feel that there should he a clarificatio^ and understanding as to use of materials heretofore furnished and maintained under the "llemand Charge" clause in present rates. Schedule 6 of• proposed new ordin- ance 39 simply states "Transformers shall be supplied by part}~ fitrnishing elech•ic power." The power company's escttse or rea- son for the demand charge in addition to the legal rate, has been that the dont- pany furnished the power line feeders and transformers, and maintained these as a uecessar}~ part of their potiver pro- ducing egttiptnent. In order to clarif}~ the transtm•mer reference, we suggest it should state in general, subject to legal verbiage: "Transformers and all power line feeders, and construction, between elec- tric company's power plant and cus- tomer's location of transformers, and electric Company's main switch, ace to he supplied and maintained iu satisfac- tory operating condition by electric company free of anv cost to consumer," Very truly yours, 1laizewood Insulation Company, By J. H. Mitchell. Mr.'J. H, n-Iitchell addressed the Council requesting that the proyer of their petition be granted. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-114ayor Clarlc, Coumcilmeu Murphy, Thompson, Va^ Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Petition of American Legion Auxili- ary requesting permission to hold their Annual Poppy Sale ou Saturday, hiay 27th, 1939, presented and read. Coun- cilman Va^ Duelman moved that the request be granted, Seconded. by Coun- Proot of publication, certified to by the publishers, of a statement of re- ceipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of January, 1939, presented and read. Councilman ivfurphy moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Van Duelman. Can•ied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen 14urplty, Thonpson, Va^ Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-Ione. Report of the Board of Health [or the month of March, 1939, presented. Councilman tllurphy moved that the re- port of the Board of Health for the month of March, 1939, be received and placed on file. Seconded by Council- man Van Duelman. Carried, by the following vote: Yeas-I1layor Clark, Councilmen \~Iurphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vhartou. Nays-None. Docket No, Ia, 1684-F. Contract Change Order No. 1, Request for Proposal, Date: Man. 14, 1939 'I'o: C. Rt. VARNL;R, Contractor, Contract No, 1. It is desired to make a change in your contract as follows: (Attach plan or sketch to each copy if change iu plan is made or where change requires sketch or plan), 1. Deduct: Items 6, 9, lOB. 2. Deduct: 8" fitting on 1B' casing pipe for free flow of well. 3. Add: 65' of 15" drilled hole below 149 ft. depth. 4. Add 8 dynamite shots at depths- 7S0', 82S', 1019', 1090', 1140', 1225', 1385', 1465' with subsequent cleaning of well. The reason for this change is as fol- Gilman Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Peas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen Murphy, Thanpson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. ., Petition of Vernon Steiner requesting that the City I,iceuse ordinance be amended, regulating roller skating rinks, to permit the issuance of licenses for one month period ar permitting exten- sion of cue or hvo months time far pro rata fee to accommodate seasonal business, presented and read. Council- man Thompsmt moved that the petition be received and filed. Secmtded by Councilman 14Im•phy, Carried by the following vote: Yeasybiayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton Nays-Noce. Petition of Peter Haupert, referred to the City Cowtcil by the Board of Supervisors, requesting suspension of the 1938 taxes on hots 3, 4 and S of Buseman & $berle Subdivision, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for in- vestigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Can•ied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen ldurphy, 'Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Naps-None, Petition of Mrs. Anna Rolf, referred to the City Council by the Board of Su- pervisors, requesting suspension of the 1938 taxes on I,ot 1 of A. I,. Brown's Subdivision, presented and read. Coun- cilman Van Duelman moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicit- or for investigation and report. Sec- onded by Councilman Thompson Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas- Mayor Clark, Councilmen llurph}~, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Petition of Dubuque Poster Adver- tising Company, by Frank Hardie, 14anager, stating that at the request of the Board of Adjustment the Dubuque Poster Advertising Caupauy 'respect- fully petitions the City Council to amend paragraph (f) of Section S of Article XVI so as to extend to said Board of Adjushment the express au- thority to vary the regulations relating to the construction and erection of bill- boards in specific cases where the lit- eral enforcement of the terms of the ordinance would impose practical diffi- culties or unnecessary hardships, pre- sented and read, bir, Frank Hardie addressed the Council requesting. that the prayer of the petition of the Du- buque Poster Advertising Company be granted. Councilman 1Vharton moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for investigation amd report. Seconded by Counctlmatt Van Duel- man, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Mur- phy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays-None. lows: 1. Due to existing circumstances these items will be unnecessary to the satisfactory completion of the well. 2. No free flow will be obtained from this well, 3. It is desired to continue drilling in order to reach Uottom of water bearing strata, 4. It is desired to make shots in or- der to increase capacity of well and to decrease dratvdotvn during pumping. Please submit proposal in detail as to quantities of material, prices and labor casts. The completion date of your contract on account of this change n•ill be extended 4S days. CONS01~R, TO'uVNS1aND.& QUINI,AN, H. P. HOSI~INS, Resident Taugineer. Contractor's Proposal Mar. 21, 1939. T0: CITI' OF DUBUQUI; In accordance with the above request the submit the following proposal to cover the change in contract as out- lined: 88 Session, March 23rd, 1939, lleduct: 1. Item 6. Unnecessary to install 7S ft, of 24" o. d. by %" wall steel casing because the depth of 49S' was reached and all caviugs cased out with 74' of 26" casing __________________$450.OD 2. Item 9. To be deducted because en- gineer has ordered omission of rubber packer. Provision made for seal in accordance with specificatious.$350,00 3. Item IOB, Three additional pumping tests are not to be made in accord- ance with orders of the en- gineer ______________________$600.00 4. Deduct 8" fittings at top of 16" cas- ing pipe in accordance with instruc- tions front eitgineet•__________$ 35.00 Total Deductions __________$1,435.00 S. Add 65' of 1S" drilled hole at $6,00 per foot ________x___________$390.00 6, Add material, labor and other costs for making 8 shots and cleaning well as follows: (A) MATERIALS: Dynamite, 1100 lbs. at 20 per Ib._____$220.00 Detonating caps __ 500 Special c, i, tubes (shooting cans) R0.60 lfachiuing tubes _ 66.OD Leadite for sealing tubes ___________ 73.40 {45.00 (B) S07 hrs, well driller at $125 per hr.__.________ 633,75 507 hrs. labor at ,6S per hr. 329.55 507 hrs, rental on equipment at $3.20 per hr,_______ 1,622.40 (equipment evaluated at $15,000) (C) Other costs ____________ 450.00 Total Addition __________$3,870,70 Net ad[lition to Contract Price _________________$2,435.70 Note: If less than the estimated nunr ber of hours and other costs as listed above under paragraph a, b, and c, are require[l for the shooting and cleaning of the well, a deduction corresponding to the above hotu'h~ rates shall be made for the lesser time consumed. C. W, VARNER, Contractor, Resolution No, 44-39. Be It Resolved by the City Council. of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, as follows: (1) That if is deemed advisable and for the best interest of said City of Dubuque, that the contract between the said City of Dubuque and C. 1V, Var- ner, Contractor, covering the work ou Contract No. 2 Deep Well, Docket No. Iowa 1684-F he changed as is outlined in the attached Request for Proposal, (2) That the proposal of said Con- tractor covering the change is hereby approved and accepted. (3) That the contract price will be increased in the sum of Two Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars and Seventy Cents ($2,435.70). (4) That such acceptance of the Con- tractor's proposal shall become effect- ive only when a certified copy of this resolution is seat to the Contractor by the Engineer of said City of Dubuque, Iowa. BE It Further Resoh~ed, that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity become effective from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of March, 1939. CARL, A. CLARK, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUEL1fAN, ALBERT ~VHARTON, GEO, R. bIURPHY, F. 1V, THO\IPSON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen \Iurphp, Thomp- ~nn, Van Duelman, AVharton. Nays- None. City of Dubuque, Iowa. Resolution No. 45-39. Ee It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Whereas, The Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works has requeste[I that the City of Dubuque, Iowa, adopt a new resolution showing a revised estimate ou the finances on P1VA Project 1684-F; Improvements to 1Vater Works System; Noty, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City 'Council of the City of Du- buque, that the new revised estimated cost of PWA Project 1684-F is as fol- lows: 1. Preliminary _____________$ 500,00 2. Land and right of way____ ,00 3. Construction ____________$150,946.55 Previous Contracts Awarded Contract No. 1 1Vell____$19,977,70 Contract No. 2 Reservoir 38,365,00 Contract No. 4 Building Construction _________ 52,769.00 Contract No. S Heating R Plumbing _________ 14,978,00 Contract No. 6 Electrical Work __________________ 1,200,00 Bid Received Jan. 26, 1939 Contract No. 3 Pump (tentatively awarded) _ 10,656,85 Future Contracts are estimated as follows: Contract Nb. 7 Deep Well Pump _______:___$8,000.00 Contract No. 8 Pump House ________________ 2,000,00 Session, Marclt 23rd, 1939. 89 Conh•act No. 9 Supply Main frmn Pump House 3,000.00 4. Engineering ___________ B,S00.00, S. Legal and Administration__ 500.00 6.Iuterest __________________ .00 7. Miscellaneous ____________ .00 Tote] Estimate of Con- struction Contracts ______$160,44b.S5 Fund Available P1VA Grant$ 67,500.00 City of Dubuque Fund Deposited _______________ 95,000.00 $162,500.00 Be It Further Resolved, that this res- olution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become effective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Councih Passed and adopted this 23rd day of March, 1939. CARL A. CLARh, N(a}~or. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. B. IviURPTY, F. W. TIOMPSON, __Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution Secon[lcd by Councilman &Iurph}=. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Nlayor Clark, Cowtcihneu Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vhartou. Nays-None. Resolution No. 46-39. \Vhereas, applications for Class "B" Beer Permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Cotmcil of the City of Dubuque that the following ap- plications be and the same are hereby approved and it fs ordered that the premises to he occupied by such appli- cants shall be forthwith inspected. Class "B" Permit. Name Address 1V. F. '[4impler__210Wwt Fifth Street H. L. Barrett____236 West First Street Passed, adopte[I and approved this 23rd day of March, 1939. CARL A. CLARK, tl~fayor. FRANK VAN DUELMAN, ALBERT 1VHARTON, GEO. R. t14URPHY, F. 1V. THOIIPSON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. 5HEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Resolution No. 47-39 Whereas, heretofore applications were filed by the within named appli- cants for Class "B" Beer Permits and they received the approval of this Coun- cil; and \Vhereas, the premises to be occupied by them have been. inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed a proper bond; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Dubuque that the Manager be and he is hereby directed to issue to the I•ollowiug named persons a $eer Permit. Class "B" Permit, Name Address \V. F, Trimpler__210 West Fifth Street H. L. Barrett____236 Nest Fifth Street Be It Further Resolved, that the bonds filed by such applicants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 23rd day of 1larch, 1939, CARL, A. CLARK, 1layor. FRANK VAN DUEI,MAN, ALBERT 1VHARTON, GEO. R, MURPHY, F. W. THOMPSON, Councilmen. :Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption at the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Alurphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-ivlayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van lluelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None, March 22, 1939. honorable 1~fayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Re: Claim of Marcella Revenig Gentlemen: Ou March 6th, 1939, there was re- ferred to me for investigation and re- port the claim of Marcella Revenig in the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- lars for personal injuries alleged to have been sustained upon a fall on the side- walk on the south side of Eighteenth Street, between Central Avenue and White Streets on the 16th day of Feb- ruary, 1939. I have complete[I investigation of this claim and effected settlement of the same for the sum of 'twenty-Seven and SO/100 ($27.50) Dollars, and respect- tully recommend that the claim be.al- lotved in that amount, and upon the execution of receipt and release, a war- rant be drawn payable to Marcella Revenig in the sum of Twenty-Seven and SO/100 (27.50) Dollars in full set- tlement of said claim. Respectfully submitted, AL. J. NELSON, City Solicitor. Couucihnan Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City So- licitor Nelson be approved and that a warrant in the amount of $27.50 be or- dered drawn in favor of Marcella Rev- euig as settlement in full of her person- al injury. claim, said claim resulting from a fall on the sidewalk on the south side of Eighteenth Street between Cen- '90 I Session, March 23rd, 1939. tral Avenue and White Streets. Sec- onded by Cotutcilman 1Vharton. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-May- or Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thomp- son, Van Duelman, 1Uharton, Nays- None. March 22, 1939. ,Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of the Council of March 15, 1939, there teas referred to me for investigatio^ and report, com- munication of blae Clarlc, librarian, sub- mitting deed of Margaret Nagle, execu- trix of the F~state of Joseph J. Nagle, deceased, to the City of Dubuque, •Iowa, for the use of Carnegie-Stout Public Library, of the City of Du- buque, the Northerly 17 feet 2 inches of Lot 658, and the South 16 feet of the ];ast one-half of Lot 659 in the City of Dubuque. I find .upon examination that the deed submitted is iu proper form, and that the conveyance of said premise were approved by the District Coma of Dubuque County on the 11th dar of February, 1939, and that said deed as attached thereto has the certilicate of the Clet•k of said Court. Investigation also discloses that the abstract of title of said premises has heretofore been examined and approved by tih attorney member of the Libr;u~v Board. I, therefore, recommend that tcar- rant be drawn for the amount of the recording fee, and that the City Clerk be directed to file said deed of record fn the office of the County Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa. Respectfully submitted, AL. J. N1:LSON, City Solicitor. Councilman Vau Duelman moved That the recommendation of City So- licitor Nelson be approved and that a warrant in the amount of $12S be or- dered drauat on the Library Building -Food to cover the cost of filing of said deed, Seconded by Couucilmatt Whar- ton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Mur- phy, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vhar- :ton. Nays-None: •'' 1-larch 22, 1939. Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions I sub- mit herewith Ordinance covering per- mit.,to Kretschmer-Tredway Company to maintain an unloading platform and ,to construct and maintain a canopy over the same in Washington Street, adjacent to its property and abutting City Lots 418 and 419. Respectfull}~ submitted, AL. J. N$LSON, . - City Solicitor, Councilman Vmt Dtrelmau tnoved that the conununicatiom of City Solic- itor Nelson be made a matter of rec- ord. Seconded by Counciht?an Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Cquncilmeu Mur- phy, Thompson, Vau Duelman, Whar- ton. Nays-None, Ordinance No. 9-39. An ordinance granting to Kretschmer-Tredway Com- pany, its successors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain an un- loading platform and canopy over the same, in Washington Street, abutting City hots 418 and 419, in the town luou cit}~) of Dubuque, Iowa; and pre- scribing the conditimts of such permit, presented and read. ~'~Couucilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance, Seconded by Cotmcil- man'fhompsou, Carried b}~ the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarle, Coun- cilmen Murphy, Thompson, Vau Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Coun- cilmau Van lluehnau moved that the rules be suspended requiring an ordi- uauce to be read ou three separate days. Seconded by Councilmau Thmupson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- 1layor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, 'hhompsou, Van Duelman, Wltarton. Nays-None. The ordinance was then read a second time. Councilman Van Duebnan moved that the reading just had be considered the second reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilmau 'I'Ihontpsou. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councihneu Murphy, Thompson, Vau Duelman, 1\'harton. Nays-None. b[at•ch 23, 1939. 'lo the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the last meeting held blanch 15, 1939, I submitted an ordinance fixing rates for electrical services and recom- mended its passage by the Council. This ordinance was thereupon passed ou first and second reading. Since then a detailed stud}~ of complete an- nual consumption records of large in- dustrial power users, which had not previously been made available, has disclosed the advisability of revising the rate structure, I, therefore, recommend that the Council rescind its action of March 15th, on Ordinance No. 7-39 and adopt in lieu thereof the attached revised Or- dimauce No. 7-39. The proposed rates are of such form that they may be read- ily and equitably changed in the future. In any event, the proposed ordinance is intended only as a stop-gap until the Ltterstate Power Co, produces and sub- stantiates its valuation of the property used and useful in serving Dubuque as Stession, March 23rd, 1939. a proper rate base. As previously stat- ed this 'valuation is to be on hand by June 1st. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHObTB1aRG, City 14lanager. Councilmau Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhontberg be approved. Second- ed by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-bfayor Clark, Councilmen Mmphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, Councilman 1Vharton moved that the City Council reconsider their previous action taken at the meeting of March 15th, 1939, upon Ordinance No. 7-39, an ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of elec- tricity for residential, commercial, street lighting, power and other uses and pur- poses within the City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and regulating the method of service thereof; prescribing a penalty for violation thereof; repealing all ordi- nances and resolutions in conflict here- with; and declaring an emergency. Sec- onded by Councilman Van Duebnan. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- Mapor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Councilmau Van Duelman moved that the City Council rescind their pre- vious action taken at the meeting of March 15th, 1939., on the passage upon first and second readings of Ordinance No. 7-39, air ordinance fixing and es- tablishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of electricity for residential, commercial, street lighting, power and other uses and pm•poses within the City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and regulat- ing the method of service thereof; pre- scribing apenalty for violation there- of; repealing all ordinances and resolu- tions in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency, Seconded by Council- man Wharton. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Coun- cilmen b[urphy, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No, 2-39. An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of electricity for residential, commercial, street light- ing, power, and other uses. and purposes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa; fix- ing and regulating the method of serv- ice thereof; prescribng a penalty for violation thereof; repealing al] Ordi- nances and resolutions itt conflict here- with; and declaring an emergency, pre- sented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance, Seconded by Council- man Wharton, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Coun- cilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-None. Council- 9~ man Van Duelman moved that the rules be suspended requiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days. Second- ed by Comncilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilman blurphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. The ordinance ryas then read a second time. Councilmau Van Duelman moved that the reading just. had be considered the second reading of the ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Wharton, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-iYlay- or Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thomp- son, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays- None. Counci(ntan Van Duelman tnoved that the Cit}~ Manager he instructed to secure bids for the printing of the index and binding of the Council Proceedings far the year 1938. Seconded by Coun- cilmau Murphy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Councilman Wharton moved that the City Manager be atttborized to pur- chase a cai• for the Police Department. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote; Yeas- Mayor Clark, Councilmen b4urphy, '('hompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. There being no farther business, Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarlc, Councilmen Murph}~, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. Approved --------------------- 1939. Adopted _____________________.__ 1939. ---- -- - - --- ----------------------- Councihnen: _______________________ 1----------------------- Attest: -----'------------------------ City Clerk. 92 Session, March 30th, 1939. silty ~OIInCIr (Official.) Special Session, 1larch 30th, 1939. • Council met at 7:55 Y. til. ' 'Present-ivlayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, -1Vh'atton, City 1~Iauager Rhomberg. 1~Ie.eting called by order of Coun'cil- nien 1lurphy and 'fhompsou. 1layor Clarlc read the call and stated fliat service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called Tor the pm•pose of considering for final ~, adoption Ordinance No. 8-39, au ordi- ~ Hance appropriating money for the va- I, riotts funds and purposes of the City of ', Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1st, 1939, and coding 1larch 31st, 1940, said ordinance having been passed ttpou first and second readings ou ]larch 23rd, 1939, and acting on any other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the City 'Council. Ordinance 'No. 7-39. An Ordina!icc fixing and establishing rates to~ be charged for the furnishing of electricity for residential, commercial, street lighting, power, and other uses and purposes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and regulating the method of, service thereof; prescribing apenal- ti~ for violation hereof; repealing all ordinances and resolutions iu conflict liei•etvith; and declaring an emergenc}~, 'said ordiiiauce having been passed upon first and second readings on ldarch 23rd, 1939, presented and read a third time. ~~ ORDINANCE N0. 7-39. An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be charged for the furnishing of electricity for residential, commercial, street lighting, power, and other uses and purposes tvithiu the Cih~ of Du- buque, Iowa; fixing and regulating the method of service thereof; prescribing a penalty for violation theeof; repeal- ing all ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. B); IT ORDAIN);D BI' 'I`H)~ CITY COUNCIL, OF THL CITP OF DUBUQU$: Paragraph 754, Rates Fixed: Section~l. Commencing with all me- ter readings on and after April 17, 1939, the rates to be charged for residential, commercial, street ]ightiug, power and other uses and purposes by any person, firm or corporation supplying electrical energy within the City of Dubuque, ex- cept as herein otherwise provided, shall be fixed and determined as follows: SCHEDULE 1 Residential Service Availability: 't`his rate shall be available for 115/ 230 colt, single phase, alternating cur- rent service far domestic lighting, heat iug~, appliances, cooking, refrigeration and small motors with a rated capacity of not over two horsepower (2 h.p.) when all current used h}~ the customer is talceu through one meter, provided hon=ever, that off-peals controlled ser- rice for water heating will be talceu through a separate meter: l\~here residence service in an apart- ment building, as hereinafter defined, is measured through a single meter, ser- vice shall be billed at the residence rate, the minimum bill and the blocks of en- ergy charted [rn- shall be nndtiplied by the number of apartments served. The janitor's quarters shall be classed as an apartment. If separate meters are installed far each apartment, the residential rate shall apply to each apartment, and the conunercial rate shall apply to service for the public areas of the building, m' for such public areas and the janitor's quarters, if service to the public areas is comhined with service to the janitor's quarters. Definition of An Apartment: (a) Au apartment is defined.as a por- timr of a building consisting of two or more rooms, equipped for living pur- poses. (b) In buildings where five or more rooms, exclusive of aparhneuks, are rented or are for rent, each five rooms or fraction thereof, (real estate rating), exclusive of apartments, shall be couut- cd as an apartment. Rate: F'irst''fn°enty-F'ivc (2S) kilowatt- hours used per month @ $ .05 per K~VH tiet; Next Twenty-Five (25) lcilowatt- hours used per mouth ry $ ,Ol per l~la'H net; Next Fift}~ (50) kilowatt-hours used per month @ $ .03 per I~IVH net; Next One Hundred (100) Kilowatt- haurs used per month @ $ .025 ,per K1~VH net; All in excess of 200 kilowatt-hours used per month @ $ .02 per I{~VH net. 14iuimum monthly charge. $ ,50. Prompt Payment; Customers' monthly bills shall be computed at the net rate and there will be added to the total net bill a stmt equal to ten per cent (10°fo) thereof, which will be collected fi•am the cus- tomers who fail to pay the net bill with- in ten (10) days from and after the date of the bill. 1 Session, March 30th, 1939, 93 SCHEDULE 2. Commercial Service Availability; This rate shall be available for 115/ 230 volt, single phase, alternating cur- rent service for commercial lighting, sign lighting, incidental appliances and small motors iu commercial institutions, stores, offices and factories provided that no motor with a rated capacity iu excess of ttvo horsepower (2 h.p.) shall be served on this rate. $quipntent such as welders, hoists and other installation that produce abnormal voltage fluctua- tions shall not be served on this rate. Rate: First Tttrenty-Five (2S) kilowatt- used per month @ $ .OS per I~1VH net; Next Seventy-Five (75) kilowatt- ltours used per month at $ :045 per K1~iH net; Next Two Htwdred (200) Icilowatt- hours used per month n $ .04 per 1CItlIH net; Next Seven Hundred (70(1) Kilowatt- hours used per mouth @ $ .03 per K~~~H net; All iu excess of 1000 kilowatt-hours used per month @ $, .025 per' K1VI3 net; Minimtuu monthly charge $1:00. Power Factor Correction: The person, firm or corporation sup- plying electricity reserves the right to determine by test, the average power factor of any customer's load and if the power factor is found to be below eigh- ty per cent (80%), lagging, the person, firm or corporation may, at its option, if the customer does not correct the power factor, discontinue service to such customer after having given said cusfomei• a sixty (60) day writteu'no- tice that the power factor of his elec- tric load is too low. Prompt Payment: Customers' month]}~ bills shall be computed at the net rate and there shall be added to the total net bill a sum equal to ten per cent (10°fo) thereof, avhich will be collected from customers who fail to pay the net bill within ten (10) days from and after the date of the bill. SCHEDULE 3• Water Heating Service This rate shall be available far 115/ 230 volt, single phase alternating cur- rent service for residence and/or com- mercial water heating with automatic storage type water heaters of standard 'make and design. The general specifications relating to the design and operating characteristic of all water heaters connected to tlae lines of the person, firm or corporation supplying electrical energy within the City of Dubuque and the necessary el- ectrical couitections for the protection of the. circuit furnishing the water heat= iug sen~ice under this schedule must be acceptable to, the person, firm or" cor- poration supplying the necessary elec- trical energy. A suitable time-switch. will 1>e sup- plied by the person, firm or corpm•ation supplying electrical energy to ~coutrol the periods when energy 'shall be sup- plied for heating, The hotu•s of opera- tion of off-peak service may be limited by the person, firm or corporation sup- plying electrical energ}~ as deemed ad- visable; but under uo condition shall they be less than twelve hours during any twenty-four hour period. Each of the heating units of the elec- tric water heater shall be of a capacit}~ n'ot in excess of 30 watts per gallon of tack capacity. 'Phe' minimum storage capacity of each electric water heater shall be iifh~ (50) gallons; Lr case the water heater' has hvo heating elements; one at the bottom and one at the top of the tools and they are so intercomtected that only one unit can he in operation at one time, then both units' ntay he connected to the time-cmrtrolled water heating circuit, and be served under this schedule. If the emergeuc}~ unit is so comtected that it eau be used during other than the controlled off-peak hours, then, such unit shall be couitect- ed to the regular ]ightiug circuit. Rate: lanergy used during off-peak hours under this schedule shall be billed at one cent ($ .Ol)per kilotvatf hour net.' 1~nergy used dm•ing periods' other than off-peals, as hereinbefore specified, shall be billed with and at the same rate as other residential and/or connnercial service. Prompt Payment: Customers' monthly bills shall be computed at the net rate and there shall be added to the total net' bill a sum equal to ten per cent (10%) there- of, which will be collected front custom- ers who fail to pay the net bill within ten (10) days from and after the date of bill. SCHEDULE 4. Commercial Cooking, Heating and Small Power Service. Availability: This rate shall be available for 115/ 230 volt, single phase, alternating cur- rent service in commercial institutions for electric heating and cooking .instal- latimts of not less than two kilowatt capacity of connected load and small motors for refrigerators or other use, provided that no service will be ren- dered at this rate-for any motor with a 94 Special Session, Ivfarch 30th, 1939. ~` Special Session, March 30th, 1939. 99 capacity in excess of one horsepower (1 h.p,), or an}~ heating appliance with a capacity in excess of ten kiloti~atts (10 k,w.), or any lighting service, nor will any X,Ray machines or other ap- paratus which may produce abnormal voltage fluctuations be served under this rate, Customers must arrange tvir- ing so that no other equipment, except as provided herein, can be measured on the meter for this service. Rate: (When Maximum Demand is not in excess of 10 K. W.) First one hundred (100) kilotvatt- hours used per month @ $ .04 per KWH net; Next one hmtdred (100) kilowatt- hours used per month @ $ ,03 per K1VH net. All in excess of ttvo hundred (200) kilowatt hours used per month @ $ .025 per KWH net; (When Maximum Demand exceeds 10 K, W.) The number of kilowatt-hours in the first and second blocks of rate given above will be increased by twenty-five (25) kilotyatt-hours for each kilowatt of demand ot• major.fraction thereof in excess of ten ((10) kilotvattTs, but only when maximum demand is determined by a Demand \-Teter. Maximum Demand: 1Vhen a demand meter is installed the Maximum Demand is defined as the highest fifteen (1S) minute integrated demand during the mouth. Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.00 plus $ .60 per horsepower for each horsepower in excess of one (1) horsepower (1 h.p.} of total connected load; a major fi•action of a horsepower shall be considered as one whole horse- power, and each kilowatt (Icw,) of con- nected heating load shall Ite considered equivalent to one (1) horsepower. Prompt Payment: Customer's month)}~ bills will be com- puted at the net rate and there will be added to the total net bill a sum equal to ten per cent (]0%n) thereof, which will be collected from customers who fail to pay the net bill, within ten (10) days of date of bill. SCHEDULE S General and Industrial Power Service. Availability: This rate shalt be avilable for alter- nating current service at 115/230 volts, single phase, or 3 phase at either 230 volts or 460 volts for all power pur- poses. Three phase service need not be supplied to loads of 5 horsepower (5 h.p.) or less except at option of any person, firm, or corporation supplying electrical energy, This rate is not avail- able for breakdown or stand-by service, or for energy for resale. The term "power service" as herein used under this schedule is defined to be an electric service used for any pur- pose other than lighting. Rate; First 10 Hours use per month of each KW of billing demand @ $ .05 per KWH net; Next ZO Hours use per month of each KW of billing demand @ $ ,04 per K1VH net; A1ext 30 hours use per month of each K~V of billing demand @ $ .035 per KWH net; Next 40 Hours use per month of each KW of billing demand @ $ .03 per KWH net; Next 2000 Kilowatt-hours used per utmtth @ $ .025 per KWH net. All Excess Kilowatt-hours used per month @ $ .015 per KWH net. Minimum Billing Demand; Five (5) Kilowatts. Minimum Monthly Charge: $1,00 per month per horsepower or major fraction thereof (or horse-power equivalent) of connected load for the first 5 horsepower, and $ .SO per month per horsepower or major fraction there- of (or horsepower equivalent) for the next 4S horsepower and $ 2S per horse- power for all over 50 horsepower of the total connected load in horsepower (or horsepower equivalent), major fraction of a horsepower shall be considered as one whole horsepower of connected load. Determination of Maximum Demand: The maximum demand shall' be de- termined by the greatest number of kilotvatts registered during any thirty (30) minute interval as indicated by an integrating detnaud meter furnished, in- stalled and maintained by tfie person, firm or corporation supplying such el- ectrical energy; provided however, that when the customers' load includes hoists, elevators, welding machines, and /or other apparatus vvltere the use of electricity is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations to the extent that the indicated or recorded demand for a fifteen (IS) minute interval exceeds the maximum recorded or indicated demand during a thirty (30) minute interval by an amount in excess of fifty per cent (SO%), then the customers' maximum demand shall be determined by using the average of the three (3) highest fifteen (IS minute intervals indicated or recorded during the month. The Maximum Demand for loads of less than twenty-five horsepower (2S H,P.), in lieu of measured demands may be calculated in kilotvatts, by nud- tiplying the total rated connected load in horsepower (or H. P. equivalent) by 60%, Any major fraction of a Kilo- watt of demand so determined shall be considered as one whole I{, bV, of addi- tional demand. Power Factor Correction: The person, firm or corporation Sup- plying electricity reserves the right to determine by test, the average power factor of auv customer's load and if the power factor is found to be below eighty per cent (80%l, lagging, the per- son, firm or corporation may, at its op- tion, it the customer does not correct the power factor, discontinue service to such customer after having given said customer a sixty (60) day written no- tice that the power factor of his electric load is too low. Prompt Payment: Customers' aumtthly bills shall be computed at the net rate and there will be added to the total net bill a sum equal to ten per cent (10%) thereof, which will be collected from customers who fail to pay the net bill within ten (10) da}~s of date of bill. SCHEDULE 6 Large Industrial Power Service Availability: This rate shall be available far indus- trial and commercial customers for lighting and power purposes, whose monthly demand exceeds fifty kilowatts (50KW), and al] service is to be mea- sured through one meter and taken from one service connection. Service will be rendered at primary voltages of either 2300 volts or 6900 volts or at secondary voltages of 460 volts or 230 volts. Transformers for rendering these standard voltages will be supplied by the person, firm or corporatimt supply- ing such electrical energy, provided, however, that only one secondary volt- age will be supplied to customers whose load is less than 100 KW of demand, and metering shall be at either primary or secondary voltage, at the option of the person, firm or corporation supply- ing such electrical enet•gy. Additignal transformers not located at the paint of delivery and special voltage transform- ers Eor lighting or other purposes shall he supplied and maintained by the cus- tomer. This rate is not available for break-down or stand-hy service, or for energy for resale, and is not available for D. C, service. f~1V of billing demand in the month. $1.00 per mo, per KW for excess over 200 K~V of billing demand in the month. -plus- Energy Charge; First 5,000 KWH used per month @ $ .0125 per KWH. Next 10,000 KWH used per month «, $ .01 per K1VH. Next 35,000 KWH used per month a, $ .009 per K1VH. Next 150,000 K1VH used per month @ $ .0085 pcr K~VH. 1?xcess K1VH used per month Q $ .0075 per K\VH. Primary Metering Discount: [n all cases where the customer's ser- vice is measured at primary voltages of 2300 volts or 6900 volts a discount of Five per cent (S%) of the gross bill computed on the rates stated herein- above shall be deducted from said bill. Load Factor Discount: A discount of five per cent ($%) of the gross bill, computed at the rates herein specified in this schedule, shall be allowed when the customer's aver- age consumption in Kilowatt hours (KtiVH) exceeds eighty per cent (80%) of the product of the maximum demand and the total number of hours in the utonth in question. Off-Peak Discount: An additional discomtt of five per cent (S%o) of the gross bill computed at the rates herein specified in this schedule shall be allowed provided the custom- ers demand during the peak load pe- riod, is limited to not more than 2S% of the maximwn demand established during the preceding 12 months. The peak load period for this class of service may vary as to the hours of the day and months of the year during any 12 month period. The peak load 'period for this class of service includes the hours h•om 8:00 A. lf. to 8:00 P. M. on all days except Sunday. In the event the peals load hours of the person, firm or corporation furnish- ing such electrical energy are changed by shifting load conditions, the Com- pany shall notify the customer at least thirty (30) days prior to date of change in his peal: hours, so that the customer can shift his hours of operation to com- ply with the new conditions, in order to continue to receive the discount for off- pealc operation. RATE: Demand Charge: $1.80 per mo. per K1V for the first SO KW of billing demand in the month. $120 per mo. per KW for next 150 Prompt Payment Discount; A discount of Five per cent (S%) of the total net charges, after deducting any discounts given above, shall be al- lowed, if such charges are paid within ten (10) days after date of the bilk 96 Special Session, March 30th, 1939. Maximtttn Demand; . 1•he maximum demand iu any month shall be determined by the greatest number of kilowatts (K1V) recorded or indicated on the staudard integrated demand meter in any thirty (30) min- ute interval during the month, such meter to be provided, installed and maintained by the person, firm or cor- poration supplying such electrical en- ergy provided, however, that when the customer's load includes hoists, eleva- tors, welding machines, and/or other apparahts, where the use of electricity is intermittent or subject to violent Httetuatious to the extent that the indi- cated or recorded demand for a fifteen (1S) minute interval exceeds the re- corded or indicated demand fm a thirh (30) minute interval by more thou fift} per cent (50~~0), then the customer's billing demand shall be determined by using the average of the three highest fifteen (15) minute intervals indicated or recorded demands during the month. Billing Demand; 'I•he.billing demand shall be the max- imum demand except when the custom er's average power factor, by actual ^teasuremeut, is less than eighty per cent (80°fo) or more than niuetey per cent (90~fo), and iu such case the per- son, firm or cm•poratian supplying such electricity will then instal] a reactive component meter and the billing de- mand for such customer shall be deter- mined each month by multiplying the measured maximum demand by .85 and • dividing the result by the monthly av- - erage power factor expressed in nearest ~t<<hole per cent. Power Factor; Thq average power factor of the cus- tomer's load shall be determined monthly (rmn the readings registered h}' the watt-hour meter and the reactive component meter and shall be calculat- ed by dividing the number of kilowatt hours as registered by the square root of the sum of the, square of the kilo- watt hours registered plus the square of the reactive kilovolt ampere how•s registered. Reactiae component meters tvi11 be ratcheted so only lagging reac- tive kilovolt ampere hours will be re- corded. Minimum Demand; The minimum demand charge for any customer shall be the demand charge for fifty kilowatts (SOK1V). Minimum Monthly Charge: The minimum monthly charge for any customer shall be the demand charge for fifty kilowatts (50K1V) plus the amount of energy used billed at the eriergy rate given above less any dis- counts which may apply. Fuel Clause: The net bill as computed upon the loregoing rate schedule is predicated upon coal producing such electrical eu- crg~y and hating a heating value of 11,- ODU B.7'.[~. per Ib. and costing $3,35 per tun of ~,OUII lbs., delivered in the~buuh urs of the plant of the person, firm or corporation supplying such electrical energy at Dubuque, Iona. In the event that the average cost of coal delivet'ed in the hunkers as aforesaid i^ ~Du- buque, Iowa, differs iu price by hveuty- live cents ($ .2S), or more, per ton from the base puce of $3.35, then there shall he added to or deducted from the rates hcreinabove provided per kilowatt hour IIiNH) as aforestated, one-tenth mill (ti .001) for each whole ten cents ($ .10) by tt~hich the cost of coal used during the second preceding mouth exceeds or is Icss, rgspectively, than the base price of $3.35 per tau. If the coal used in supplying the energy furnished under this schedule shall have a heating value uther than 11,000 B.T.U.- per lb., the cost of the saute shall be adjusted dotvnn•ard or up~a-ard, as the case may be, so as to reflect the cost of fuel hav- ing cheat value of 11,000 B,T.U. per Ib. Such adjustment shall only be utzde, however, after certified calorific testa, made by a commercial test- ing laboratory of recognized standing, and certified copies of such tests shall ha4~c been filed with the City 11aJtager of the City of Dubuque, by the person, firm or corporation furnishing such electrical energy, SCHEDULE? City of Dubuque Water Service Availability: This rate shall be available to the ~~V'ater Department of the City of Du- buque for 3 phase, alternating current, service of 2300 volts or 6900 volts for water pumping, when such pumping is restricted to off-peal: periods as defined herein. Rate; $ .009 per K1VH net. Off-Peak Periods: The off-peak period, as prescribed under this schedule, is defined to be the hours bete~een 9:00 P. lI. and 7:00 A. 11. the following day, and the hours bettivee^ 12:00 noon and 2:00 P. NI. daily through the year and from 4:00 P. M. to 6:00 P. n~I. daily during the period from April 1S to September 15, inclusive, or in case of emergency, or when, at any time, the life or property of the citizens of Dubuque ~ntay be iu danger. An emergency shall be held to exist (1) whenever the water iu the ]:ogle Point Reservoir is .u danger of overflowing, (2) whenever, to maintain proper pressures Eor fire protectigii', if is necessary to pump water from- the lower level storage to the high service elevated tanks and stand-pipes. i• t,•., , Special Session, March 30th, 1939. Fuel Clause: The net bill, as computed upon the ~ loregoing rate schedule, is predicated I µpon coal producing such electrical en- orgy and having a heating value of 11,- ~, OOU B.T.U. per Ib. and costing $3,35 per,' ton of 2,000 lbs, delivered in the bunk- ers of the plant of the person, limn or corporation supplying such electrical i energy at Dubuque, Iowa. Lt the 'i event that the average cost of coal de- I livered in the bunkers as aforesaid in Dubuque, Iowa, differs in price by hventy-five cents ($ 25), or more per ton from the base price ot'~ $3.35, then there shall be added to or deducted From the rates hereinabove provided per kilowatt-hour (Kti1'H) as I afore stated, one-tenth mill ($ .001) for each whole ten cents ($ .10) by tyhich ' the cost of coal used during the second, preceding mouth exceeds or is less, re- spectively, than the base price of $3.35 per ton. If the coal used iu supplying the energy furnished umler this sched- ule shall have a heating value other than 11,000 B.'1',U. per Ih., the cost of the same shall be adjusted dowtnvard or. upward, as the case may be, so as to reflect the cost of fuel having a heat value of 11,000 B:i`.U. per 16. Such adjustment shall only be made, how- ever, after certified calorific tests, made by a commercial testing laboratory of recognized standing, and certified cop- pies of such tests shall have been filed with the City iU[auager of the Cit}~ of Dubuque, by the person, firm or cor- poration furnishing such electrical en- ergy. SCHEDULE 8 Street and Boulevard Lighting Service Availability: The rates herein prescribed under this schedule shall be available to the municipality of the Cit}~ of Dubuque and the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Dubuque for lighting streets, alley wa}~s, and park areas, and for trall'tc control signals. Rate; The rates for each overhead street light ottnted, operated, maintained and supplied with electrical energy by the person, firm m• corpm•ation supplying such electrical energy, including the re- placement of all glassware and renewal of lamps shall be: Size of -P$R Y$AR- Lamp- Hours of Lumens Burning Rate 1000_______4000_______$21.00 per year 2500________4000_______ 27.60 per year 4000________4000_______ 33.20 per year Ornamental Street Lighting: The rates to be charged by the per- son, firm or corporation supplying elec- trical energy within the City of Du- buque far the operation of each light- ing staudard of the ornamental street lighting system owned by the. City of 9r Dubuque, or the Parlc Board of :.the City of Dubuque including all energy requited for the operation thereof,. and all expenses or charges incident to the operation of said svsteut incladiitg the', replacement of allj glassware and re. a, uetval of lamps, except where the. brcalcage of such glassware or latitps is due to traffic damage, but not incltul- ing the repair and maintenance of ca-~ tiles and lighting standard t5hich shall be maintained at the cost of the City or Park Board, shall be cotnputed For each 'lighting standard as follows;. ... . Per Year Size of Hours Rate Lamp- of Per Lumens Burning Year 1-Lamp staudard n 600__4000__$11.00 1-Lamp Standard @ 1000__4000__ 12.00% l-Lamp Standard @ 2500__4000__ 19,00 ,1-Lamp Standard @ 6000__4000__3=4,00 2-Lamp Standard @ 6000__4000__ 63:00 1-Lamp Staudal~d@ 2500__2000~~_ 13.30 '1-Lamp. Standard @ 6000__2000__.23:00 :2-Lamp Standard a 6000__2000__ 40.50 'Traffic Control Sigtials: The rates to be charged fm• electrical energy furnished for the operation; of the traffic control signals owned, oper- 'ated and maintained by the Citv of D«-. ~~buque, shall be as follows: 'No. and size of lamps Rates per year 4-light-40 watts, ______________$70,00 3=light-40 tvatts________________ 45.00 Flashing type __________________ 30.00. ,Police Call Signals The rates to be charged for electrical energy furnished for the'operation of the police call signal system of the, City of Dubuque, shall be $10.00 per peat' per call signal. Park Lights: The rates to be charged by-the per> son, firm a- corporakio^ supplying elec- trical energy within the City of Du- buque for the pperation of each park lighting staudard of the park or street lighting system owned by the Dubuque Park Board, including all energy t•e- yuired for the operation thereof,-and all expenses or charges incident to the op- eration of said system, including the replacement of all glassware and re= ^evval of lamps, except where the breakage of such glassware or lamps is due to traffic damage, but not in- cluding the repair and maintenance of cables and lighting standards which shall be maintained at the cost of the Park Board, shall be computed for each lighting staudard as follows: Per Year Size of Hours Rate Lamp- of ,Per Lumens Burning Year 1-Canty staudard @ 4000__4000__$24:50 i-Lamp Standard @ 2500__4000__ 19,00 S-Lamp Standard ______________ 20A0 1 Lamp @ 100 1Vatts_____4000__ 4 Lamps @ SO'uVatts_____1640__ 98 Special Session, March 30th, 1939. Payment; Bills shall be rendered monthly by the person, firm or corporation supply- ing such electrical energy to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, at the rate of one- hvelfth (1/12th) of the respective an- nual charge for each lamp, and/or traf- fic control signal, or police call signal in service daring the month for tvhiclt the bill is rendered, SCHEDULE 9 Direct Current Service Availiability: The rate is available for customers at premises where direct current is now available for power purposes. Direct current power will be rendered only to present customers, at present locations. Rate: First S00 K~VH used per mouth @ $ .O6 per K\VH net; Next S00 KWH used per mouth @ $ . 05 per KWH net; Next 1000 KVVH used per month @ $ ,04 per K1VH net; All in excess of 2000 I~WH used per month @ $ .03 per ICWH net. Minimum Monthly Charge: $1,00 per H. F, for the Grst $ H. P. and $ .50 per H. P. for the next 45 H, P. and $ .25 per H. P, for all over SO H. P. of the total connected load in H. P. (or H. P. equivalent), a major fraction of a H. P, shall be considered as one whole H, P, of additional con- nected load. Prompt Payment: Customet's'ntouthle bills shall be computed at the net ~ rate and there shall be added to the total net bill te» (l0ojo) per cent thereof, but not to ex- ceed $5.00 which amount shall be col- lected from customers who fail to pay the net bill within ten (10) days from date of bill. PARAGRAPH 755 Meter Service; Section 2. No person, firm or cor- poration, supplying electrical energy iu the City of Dubuque shall install any meter or meters upon a customer's premises for the purpose of measuring electrical energy to be supplied to said customer unless and until such meter has been compared w>ith a standard me- ter and adjusted so that the error in registration at full load is not more than plus or minus two per cent (2%) of accuracy within a period of six months preceding date of installation upon said customer's premises. Auy meter installed upon a customer's prem- ises shall bear a label clearly indicating the date that said meter was tested and recalibrated. Meters at the effective date of this ordinance in service shall be systemat- ically tested and/ot• compared with a standard meter and adjusted to register tvithiu plus or minus two per cent (2%1 of accuracy, in such ^umbers so that tvithiu five years from and after the effective date of this ordinance all me- ters in service within the City of Du- buque will have been tested and recali- brated, and no meter shall be kept in service which has not been recalibrated tvithiu said five-year period. The person, firm m• corporation sup- plying electrical energy in the City of Dubuque shall keep on file a record of the test of each teeter, installed upon or retained io service upon a custom- er's premises after test, which record shall be available for inspection by offi- cials of the City of Dubuque. Such record as fried shall indicate the name of the manufacturer of said meter its serial number, type, capacity, number assigned to it by its owner, the name and address of the customer where' said meter ryas in service prior to said test, the date of said test and date of last previous test, together with the percentage of error above or below ac- curacy, as disclosed by said test. Meters shall be adjusted to register within plus or minus hao per cent (2%) of accu- racy at full load. PARAGRAPH 756 Penalty Section 3. Any person, fit•m or cor- poration who shall charge or exact other or different rates or charges for any type of service, the rates for which service are herein fixed and determined, or who shall violate any of the provi- simts hereof, shall be dented guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed $100.00, or imprisoned not to exceed thirty (30) days iu jail. PARAGRAPH 757 Repeal Clause; Section 4, All ordinances, parts of ordinances m• resolutions in conflict heren•ith or in any manner relating to the subject matter hereof be, and the same are, hereby repealed. PARAGRAPH 75& Publication; Section 5. This ordinance being deemed urgent and of immediate neces- cih~ and in the interest of the public peace and safety shall he in effect from and after its final passage, adoption, and approval by the Council of the City of Dubuque and .publication as provid- ed by law, Passed upon first and second read- ings this 23rd day of tllarch, 1939. _~ Passed, adopted and approved this 30th day of March, 1939. CARL A. CLARK, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELivfAN, ALBERT'vVHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, F. 1V. THONIPSON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk, Special Session, March 30th, 1939, 99 Published officially in the Telegraph- Herald newspaper March 31st, 1939. J. J, SHEA, 3-31.1t, City Clerk. Councilman Vau Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance, Seconded by Councilman 1Vharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-ivlayor Clark, Councilmen Ivlurphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Ordinance No. B-39. Au ordinance appropriating mmtey -for the various funds and purposes of the City of Du- buque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1939, and ending March 31, 1940, said ordinance having been passed upon first and second readings ou March 23rd, 1939, presented and read a third time. Ordinance No. 8-39, An ordinance appropriating money for the various funds and purposes of the City of Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1939, aitd ending March 31, 1940. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Paragraph 759. Consolidated tax levy, Section 1. That the consolidated tax heretofore levied pursuant to Section 6217 of the 1935 Code of Iowa is hereby appropriated to the General, Grading, Improvement, Sewer and Light Funds in the following ratios, to-tvit: (a) Gen- eral Fund $169,166.00; (b) Grading Fttnd, $9,500.00; (c) Improvement Fund, $13,500.00; (d) Sewer Fuud, $2,000.00; (e) bight Fwtd, $39,372,00. Paragraph 760. Agricultural tax. Section 2. That the revenue anticipat- ed to be received from the tax upon agricultural lands tvithiu the City (ex- clusive of such portion thereof allotted to the Library Fund) in the swn of $105.00 is hereby appropriated to the General Fund, making the tax total of said General Fund, $169 271.00, Paragraph 761. Funds. Section 3, That the appropriations for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1939, and end- ing March 31, 1940, for the various de- partments and purposes of the City of Dubuque be fixed and determined as follows: Group P. General Adtninistration- Departments 101-City Council ___________$ 200.00 102-Office of City Manager__ 8,805.00 103-Office of City Clerk_____ 2,725.00 1D4-Office of City Auditar___ 2,110,00 lOS-Office of City Treasut•er_ 2,670.00 106-Office of City Solicitor__ 3,965.00 108-Board of Review________ 625.00 109-Office of Civil Engineer_ 2,560,00 113-Elections ______________ 950.00 114-City Buildings _________ 9,900.00 115-Police Court ___________ 1,S1S.00 116-Civil Service Commission 100.00 (These appropriations shall be paid from the General Fund.) Group II, Protection of Life and Property, 118-Police Department ____$77,905.00 ($23,836.00 of this appropriation shall be paid from the General fund and $S4 069.00 fi•om mis- cellaneous general revenues.) 119A-Fire Dept, Nlainteu- ance _________________$116,602.00 (This appropriation shall be paid front the Fire Department Maintenance Fund.) 119B-Fire Equipment ____$ 12,510.00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the Fire Equipment Fuud- 120-Fire and Police Alarm Systems _____________$ 4,650.00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the Genera( Fund.- 121-Office of Building Cont- missiouer ____________$ 3,475.00 ($1,675.00 of this appropriation shall be paid from the General Fund and $1,800,00 from mis- cellaneous general revenue,) 122-Office of Plumbing In- spector ______________$ 2,430.00 ($830.00 of this appropriation shall be paid from the General Fund and $1,600.00 from mis- cellaneous general revenues,) 123-Office of Electrical Lr Spector ______________$ 2,685.00 ($1,285.00 of this appropriation shall be paid from the General Fund and $1,400.00 from mis- cellaneous general revenues.) 124-Dog Pound __________$ 150.00 (This appropriation shall be paid h•om miscellaneous general revenues.) Group III, Health and Sanitation 12S-Health Operation _____$ 13,060.OD ('I'bis appropriation shall be paid from the General Fund.) 126-Control of Cootagiotts Diseases _____________$ 1,200.00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the General Fund.) 127-Sewer Alaiutenance ___$ 13 100,00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the Main Sewer Fund,) 128-Garbage Disposal ____$ 18,000.00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the Geueral Fund.) 129-Milk Inspection ' _____$ 2,360.00 ($860.00 of this appropriation shall be paid from the General Fuud and $1,500,00 from miscel- laneous genera] revenues.) Group IV, Highways and Street Lights 131-Highway Administration$ 2,OS0.00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the General Fund.) 132-Street Repairing and Grading ______________$ 29,500.00 ($24,500.00 of this appropriation shall be paid from the General Fund and $5,000,00 from the Grading Fund.) ®_ -- 1b0 Special Session, March 30th, 1934. 133-City Garage __________$ 11,350.00 134-Ash and Can Collectiou$ 9,900.00 (These appropriations steal[ be paid firout the General Fund.) 138-Street and Traffic Signal Lighting _____________$ 39,372.00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the bight Fund.) 140-Street Clcauing~_______$ 16,680.00 (This appropriation shall be paid Yrom the Garbage Disposal and Street Cleaning Fund) 141-Snow and Ice Removal.$ 5,637.00 (This appropriation shall be paid Erom the Snow Removal Fund.) Group V. Library 143-Library Operation ____$ 28,113.00 (26.890.00 of this appropriation shall be paid from the Library Fund and $1,223.00 from mis- cellaneous ]ibrarv revenues.) Group VI. Parlrs 144rC-Park Adotinistration $ 2,086.00 144B-Park Areas, Buildings, etc. __________________$ 20,915.00 ($20,S51.(10 ot• these appropria- tions shall he paid from the Park Fund and $2,150.00 from miscellaneous park revenues.) Group VII. Recreation 14SA-Recreation Admiuistra- tian ___________________$2,880.00 1~1SB-Playgrounds __________$3,950.00 1450-1Vinter Sports ________$1,500.00 l4SF-Swinuuiug Pool ______$4,540.00 145G-Indoor 1Vinter Sports__$ 100.00 1-{5H-$mergeucy __________$ 232.00 146 -Athletic Park _________$2,050.011 $92,677.00 of these appropria- tioos shall be paid from the Pla}~ground and Swimming Pool Fund and $2.575.00 from miscellaneous recreation rev- enues.) Group VIII, Miscellaneous 147-Planning and Zaniug__$ 25.00 (This appropriation shall be paid front the General Fund.) 1~I6F-Ambulance ___________$4,335.00 ($3,335.00 of this appropriation shall he paid from the General Fuud aucl $1,000.00 front mis- cellaneous general revenues.) 148C-Other Miscellaneous _$15,605.00 148F-Airport ____________$ 680.00 (These appropriations shall be paid from the General Fuud.j Group IX, Markets and Scales 1S2-Office of 1~Iarlcet \~Iaster_$1,505.00 ($305,00 of this appropriation shall be paid from the Genera( Fuud and $1,200.00 from mis- cellaneous general revenues.) Group X. Municipal Improvements 162J-1-City's share of Special assessments _________$8,000.00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the Improvement Fund.) 162J-2-Stornt Sett°ers and Inlets _______________$2,000,00 ('ibis appropriation shall ~e paid from the Sewer Fuud.) Group XI. Pensions lS4J-1-Police Petrsioos _____$9,300,00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the Police Pension Fund.) 1S4J-2-Police Retirement System ___ _______$ 742.00 (This appropriation shall he paid from the Police Retire- ment Fuud.) 1S5J-1-Fire Pensions ______$15,700.00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the Fire Pension Fund,) 1SSJ-2-Fire Retirement System$9$0.00 (This appropriation shall be paid from the Fire Retire- ment Fuud.) Group XII. Municipal Indebtedness 161J-1-Retirement of Bonds and pa}~meut of in- tet•est _____________$150,480.00 (This appropriation shall be paid front the following funds: Bond Interest Fund, $27,023.00; Band Retirement Funcl, $56 215.00; Grading Fund, $4,500.00; Improve- ment Fund $5,500.00; Main Server Fuud, $4,014.00; ~Vat- er ~Vorlcs Fuud, $20,000.00; Fmergeucy Fund, $33,228.00.) 161J-2-Retirement of Dock Bonds and Pa}anent of Interest _________$36,998.00 (This appropriation shall be' paid front the Doclc Bond Fwtd) Group XIII. Public Docks 1S3A-Dock Operation ______$2,115.00 1S3B-Dredge Operation ____$9,453.00 1530-1V. P, A. Project______$2,50(1.00 1S3D-Seventh Street Storm Server Materials _____$4,612.00 ($16,680.00 of these appro- priations shall be paid 6•om the Dock Operation Fuud and $2,000.00 from miscel- laneous clock revenues.) Group XIV, Waterworks 149A-Achninistration _____$ 24,365.00 149B-Operation _________$125,260.00 (This department is opet•ated from its receipts and is not supported by tax levy, hence uo appropriation from taxes is made, but the foregoing antoturts are appropriated from the revenue of such department.) Paragraph 762. General miscellaue- eous revenues. Section 4. General miscellaneous revenues which are col- lected during, the fiscal year shall be allocated to the departments and pur- poses as provided for herein and shall special Session, IvIarch 30th, 1939. be used far the payment of the expen- ses of such departments and purposes in the sums herein shown. Paragraph 763. Surplus. Section 5. Any surplus not specifically allocated for a delinite purpose in the budget and which may exist in either the Gen- eral Fund or miscellaneous revenues account shall be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart to be ap- plied as contingencies arise or may be used for such proper purposes as the Council may determine upon. Any sur- plus not specifically distributed in the budget and remaining in funds created by the levy ot• special taxes shall be and the saute is hereby appropriated for any proper purpose incident to such foods. Any surplus remaining in any fund at the close of the fiscal year 1938-1939 (except taxes which have been levied far special purposes) shall be trans- ferred into and become a part of the General Fund. Nothing herein con- tained shall •tuthorize the transfer of fonds realized from special taxes to a fund or purpose for which any special tax levy has been made, except only with the approval of the State Comp- troller. Paragraph 764. Receipts from Swim wing Pool. Section 6. All receipts from the operation of the swimming pool shall be allocated to the General Fuud in part re-payment for the re- demption of general fund warrants and the payment of interest thereon occa- sioned by the construction of the swim- ming pool. Paragraph 765, Emergency Funds. Section 7. 'Gansfers of money may be made from the Fmergeucy Fund to any other fund for the pw~pose of meeting deficiencies itt any such fund arising from any cause; provided, however, that no such transfer shall be made ex- cept upon the written approval of the State Comptroller and then only when such approval is unanimously requested by the City Council. Paragraph 766. Delinquent taxes. Section 8. Delinquent prior years' tax- es shall be allocated to the respective funds entitled to the saute n•hen and as the same are received by the City Treasurer. Paragraph 767. Distribution. Sec- tion 9. That the distribution and divi- sion of the within appropriation shall be made in accordance with the budget of the City Comrcil adopted oft March 23, 1939 which budget is made a part of this ordinance by reference thereto and shall be cmtsidered iu connection with the expenditures of said appropriations. Paragraph 768, Fmergeucy clause. Section l0. 'I'bis ordinance, in the in- terest of the preservation of public peace, health, safety and the genera{ welfare of the City of Dubuque and the inhabitants thereof being deemed ut•- 101 gent and of innnediate necessity, shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council and publication as~pro- vided by lata, and the appropriations herein provided for shall be available tvhcn transferred to their 'respective funds. Passed upon first and secorid read- ings this 2,ird day of March, 1939. Passed, adopted and approved gpon final reading this 30th day of hlaich, 1939. ' CARL, A. CLARK,, Mayor.: FRAM{ VAN DiJFI,hfAN, AI,BFRT 1VHARTON, GFO. R. MURPHY, C. tV. THOIIPSON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J. SHFA, City Clerk.~~~ Published official]}~ itt the Telegraph- Herald newspaper, March 31st, 1939. J. J. SHFA, 3-31-1t. City Clerk. Councilman Van Duelman moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman 1Vharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-1layor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duclman 1Vharton. Nays--None.. Ordinance Ato. 9-39. Au ordinance granting to I~retschmer-'Predvaay Com- pany, its successors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain an'un- loading platform and canopy over the same, in 1lrashingtou Street, abutting City Lats 418 and 419, in the town (now city) of Dubuque, Iowa'; and pre- scribing the conditions of such, permit, said ordinance having been passed up- on first and second readingSbt~March 23rd, 1939, presented and read a third tune. ORDINANCE N0, 9-39 An ~ ordinance grouting to I~retsch- mcr-Tredway Company, its success'brs and assigns, the right to construet'~and maintain an unloading platform and canopy over the same, in LVashington Street, abutting city hots 418 and 419, in the totyn (now city) of Dubuque. Iowa; and prescribing the conditions of such permit. ~~ Be It Ordained By The City ,Council Of The City Of Dubuque: PARAGRAPH 769 SECTION`1 That I~retschmer-Tredway C.4utpauy, its successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby granted 'the right.,aud~au- thorit}~ to construct and maitttaiu an unloading platform and canopy over the same in 1Vashirtgton Street, abut- ting City Lots 418 and 419 in the town (now city) of Dubuque, Iowa, such un- loading platform to be 70 feet in length, 5 feet 5 inches in width, a,td 3 feet 9 inches in height; and a canopy over the same, such canopy to be not more than 70 Eeet in length and extend out from the building upon said lots a distance 102 Special Session, March 30th, 1939, of not more than 6 feet 6 inches, and to be not less than 16 feet 9 inches above the surface of said Washington SG•eet, and to be attached to the build- ing located upon said hots 418 and 419, said unloading platform and canopy to be used in connection with the opera- tion of said business of the Kretschmer- Tredway Company, and to be built un- der the supervision of the Building Commissimter of the City of Dubuque, and according to plans tiled with and approved by hint. PARAGRAPH 770 SECTION 2 It is understood and provided that such right, license and permission here- in granted to use said \Vashington Street for the coststruction anzl main- tenance of said unloading platform .and canopy is subject to the continuous con trol of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, said City Council reserving the right to impose restrictions or con- ditions upon the enjoyment thereof, as may be reasonably necessary for the protection of the public interests, in- cluding the right to revoke and rescind such permission, if at any time the pub- lic interest should require such revoca- tion. If, and when, such permit, right and license is revoked by said City Council, said' Kretschmer-Tredway Company, its successors or assigns, shall remove such unloading platform and canopy at its or his own expense, and restore such part of said Washing- ton Street as has been occupied thereby to the same condition it ryas in prior to the construction of such platform and canopy. PARAGRAPH 771 SECTION 3 It is understood and provided that the cost of publication of this ordin- ance enacted for the benefit of said Kretschmer-Tredway Company, shall be borne by said Kretschmer-Tredway Company of Dubuque, Iowa. - PARAGRAPH 772 SECTION This ordinance shall be in force and effect ten (]0) days from and after its final passage, adoption and approval by the City Council au[l publication as pro- ~~ided by law, and all tights herewtder shall accrue to said Iretschmer-Tred- tvay Company, its'successors or assigns, when the provisions hereof shall have been accepted by said compan}~. Passed upon first and second read- ings this 23rd day of March 1939. Passed, adopted and approved upon final reading this 30th day of March, 1939. CARI, A. CLARK, Mayor. FRANK VAN DUELA4AN, ALBERT WHARTON, GEO. R. MURPHY, F. W, THONIPSON, Councilmen. Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk. Acceptance of Ordinance The Kretschmer-Tredway Company does hereby accept the terms, provi- sions and conditions of the ordinance adapted by the City Couucil of the City of Dubuque, designated as: "Ordinance No. 9-39. An ordinance granting to Iretschmer-Tredway Com- pany, its successors and assigns, the right [o construct and maintain an un- loading platform and canopy over the same, in Washington Street, abutting City hots 418 and 419, iu the town (now City) of Dubuque, Iowa; and prescribing the conditions of such per- mit," this 31st clay of March, 1939. KRETSCHAIER-TREDWAY COMPANY, By LAURA A. KRETSCHAIER• Pres. Published officially iu The Tele- graph-Herald newspaper on the 3rd clay of April, 1939. T. J. SHEA, 4-3-1t. City Clerk. Councilman Murphy moved the adop- tion of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilamut Thontpsou. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clariz, Councihneu ivlurphy, Thotnpsmt, Van Duelman, 4Vhartou. Nays-None. Communication of J. 5V. Manly, State Representative, advising of re- ceipt of resolution adopted by the City Council of the City ot• Dubuque in rela- tion to the housing and slmn clearance enabling act, presented and read. Coun- cilman Thompson moved that the com- munication be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Alurphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas- Mayor Clariz, Councilmen A~Iurphy, 'Thompson, Van Duelman, 1ltharton. Nays-None. Communication of Robert C. Reilly, State Representative advising of re- ceipt of resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque in re- lation to the housing and slum clear- ance enabling act, presented and read. Councilman Thompson moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas- Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Naps-None. Conummication of Richard V. Mc- Kay accepting with thanlzs his reap- pointment as a member of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission, present- ed and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the communication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Council- man 'Thompson. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas-hfayor Clariz, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Communication of N. AI. Sutton, ad- visiug Council that some months ago that he addressed a petition to the Special Session, March 30th, 1939. City Couucil requestiug that the Atley abutting his property on Hill Street be improved, and stating that he has viewed the grade with the City En- gineer and buds the same satisfactory, and that he is desirous of knowing whether his petition will be granted or not, presented and read. Councilman Van Duelman moved to refer the com- munication to the City Council. Sec- onded by Councihnau Arlurphy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas- lfayor Clark, Councilmen Afurphy, 'Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Peetition of P, R, Kennedy request- ing, arefund at his cigarette license as he Itas discontinued the sale of cig- arettes, presented and read, Council- man Van Duelman moved that the re- quest be granted and that a warrant iu the amount of $25.00 be ordered drawn in.favor of P. R. Kennedy to cover the amount of refund granted. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Petition of Airs. Enmta Zillig re- questing arefund covering the unex- pired period of three mouths on cigar- ette license issued to her late husband, Peter F. Zillig, presented and read, Councilman Vau Duehnau moved that the request be granted and a warrant in the amount of $25,00 ordered drawn in favor of Mrs. Emma Zillig to cover the amount of refund grouted on cig- arette license issued to Peter F. Zillig, deceased. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen Afurphy, Thompson, Vau Duelman, LVhartou. Nays-None, Petition of bVm, Dalbkernteyer et al requesting that an electric street light be placed at the iutersectiat of East .27th Street and White Street- presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the petition he referred to the City 1lanager for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- blayor Clark, Councilmen 14lurphy, Thompson, Vau Duelman, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Petition of Dubuque T'eut No. 24, The Alaccabees, requesting permission to use the City hots, West of the Du- buque Athletic Field for the purpose of holding a carnival during the weelz of June 26th to July 1st, 1939, both inclu- sive, and also requestiug that the li- cense fee and rental charge be waived, presented and read. Councilman A4ur- phy moved that the reyuest be granted and the license fee and rental charge be waived. Seconded by Councilman Thompson, Carried by the following vote; Yeas-iVlayor,Clark, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, 103 Petition of Margaret E. Hogan re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requestiug suspension of the L938 taxes au the North % of City I,ot 326, presented and read. Coun- cilman 1-Iurphy moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor for in- vestigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Vau Duelman. Can•ied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen \-Iurphy, Thompson, Va^ Dttelmau, Wharton. Na}~s-None. Petition of Mrs. Martha Wilson, re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting suspension of the 1938 taxes on I,ot 7 of Wilson Sub., presented and read. Counciiman Murphy moved to refer the petition to the City Solicitor for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Van lluelman. Carried b}~ the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clariz, Comtcihneu Murphy, Thompson, Vau Duehman, 'uVharton. Nays-None. Petition of Louis H. Kuehule, re- lerred to the City Council by the Board of Supervisors, requesting suspension of the 1938 taxes ou I,ot 60 of McCra- uey's Ist Addition, presented and read, Councihnau Mw•phy moved to refer the petition to the City Solicitor far inves- tigation and report. Seconded by Coun- cihuan Van Duelman. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clariz, Councilmen Murphy, Thoiupsou, Van lluelman, 4Vhartmt. Nays-Norte. Conununicatimt of B, J, Kramer, Owner, Blaclz and White Trausporta- tiou Co., calling the attention of City Couucil to the necessity of a sidewalk on the new Rockdale Road between Railroad Avenue and Grandview Ave- nue, presented and read. Councilman 'Thompson moved to refer the comnmu- ication to the City Alanager for to cou- Eer with the State Highway Commis- sion ou this matter. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Can•ied by the folotving vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Couucihnen A~Iurphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Whartmt. Nays-None. Petition of Feye Brost requesting permissio^ to excavate in the alley be- tween Central Avenue and White Street and between Sixth and Seventh Streets fa' the purpose of running an air lice from the building on Central Avenue to the building located on White Sheet, preeseuted • and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the re- quest be granted, the work to be done under the supervision of the Building Commissioner and a proper bond to be furnished before a permit is granted. Seconded by Councilman Thompson. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- Alayor Clark Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Vau Duehnau, Wharton. Nays-None, Petition of Ulrich Willy, Contractor, requesting permission to do blasting in the excavating and clearing at the Bry- 104 Special Session, March 30th, 1939. ~ Special Session, March 30th, 1939. 105 ant School and submitting a certificate of insurance as required, presented and read. Councihnau 'Thompson moved that the request be granted and the cer- tificate of insurance covering the same be placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman tllurphy. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Coun- cilman Murphy, Thompson, Van Duel- man, Wharton. Nays-Noce. Proof of publication, certified to~ b}~ the publishers, of a statement of re- ceipts and also a list of claims for which warrants were drawn during the month of February, 1939, presented and read. Councilman Murphy moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Couucilmau Thomp- son. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen n~fur- phy, Thompson, Van Duehnau, Whar- ton. Nays-None. rllarch 29, 1939. To the Honorable Mayor and City Couucil, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: 1~1'e beg to report that petition of 1lessrs. 1Villiam C. Brown and William L. Jones, attached hereto, n'hich was referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission by action City Council ou February 27, 1939, has received the careful consideration of said Conuuis- sion. In view of the fact that the mmamed street in question provides the only means of access to \dineral I,ot Nro. 27, a very desirable piece of residential building property. approximately 25 acres, owned by 1lrs. Fred Faldarf), the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends to your honorable body that the petitimt he denied. RespectRilly submitted, R. V. 1IcIkAY, Secerttry. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recauntendatiou of the Plan- ning and "Cooing Couuuissiou be re- ceived and bled. Seconded by Couu- cihnan 11'harton. Carried by the fol- Imeing vote: Yeas-l~iayor Clark, Cotmcilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, }Vharton. Nays-None. Councihnau Vau Duehnau moved that the petition of 1~fessrs. AVilliam C. Brown and 1Villiam L. Jones, request- ing the vacation of the unnamed street on which Lots 33 and 35 of Grandview Heights abut from Plymouth Street southerly to the end of the street and offering the amount of $150.00 for said vacatedparcels of street if vacated, be grouted and the City Solictior to he in- structed to prepare the proper proceed- ings. Seconded by Councilman 11Iur- ph}~. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-1layor Clark, Couucihuen Mur- phy, Thompsou, Vau Duelman, ~Vhar- ton. Nays-None. March 29, 1939. 'Po the IIouorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentleuen: At the session of the Council held February 6, 1939, the bill of James F. I,ee Paving Co. iu the amount of $281.50 to cover 563 cu, yds. of sand talceu by the city from Lot 129 of Ham's Add. vvas referred to the City \~Iauager for investigation and report. I have investigated the situation and conferred several times with 1'L•. Lee. 1t is evident that the city Itas for some years past encroached oii Lot 129 of Ham's Add. owned by J. F. Lee and removed scud from it. Mr. Lee has agreed to accept $100.00 in full settle- ment of his claim, and I, therefore, rec- ommend that a warrant in the sum of $100.00 be drawn payable to James F. Lee upon his signing the attached re- ceipt and release. Respectfulh~ submitted, A. A. RH01-IB]~RG, City Tdanager. Councilman lfurphy moved that the recomnteudation of City Alanager Rhomberg he approved and that a war- rant in the amount of $100.00 be or- dered drawn in favor of James F. Lee Pacing Company in full settlement of his claim, said warrant to be delivered upon the signing of the attached re- ceiptand release by James F. Lee. Sec- onded by Councihuan Thompson, Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas- \[ayor Clark, Counctlmen Murphy, 'Thompson, Van Duelntau, Wharton. Nays-None. March 30, 1939. To the Honorable illayor and City Cotutcil, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the session of the City Couucil held l~farch 1S, ]939, the petition of the Fischer Artificial Ice and Cold Storage Co., requesting permission to construct and maintain a railroad track across the sheets and alleys in Booth's Addi- tion teas referred to the Couucil to view the grounds. 'The Council did so viers the site on 14arch 22nd, and decided to g~raut the petition, ordered the proper ordinance drawn and printed at the pe- titiouer's expense. I recommend that the action of the Cowicil of A~farch 22, 1939, be con- firmed. Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOMBERG, City l~ianager. Councilinau Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City Man- ager Rhomberg be approved and the City Solicitor to be instructed to pre- pare the proper proceedings. Seconded by Couucihuau Wharton. Carried b}' the following vote:,Yeas-Mayor Clark, Councilmen T~Iurphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. 1~farch 30, 1939. 'To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dttbuqtte, Iowa. Gentlemen At the session of the Cit}~ Council held February 27, 1939, t1~Ir. Carl A. ~. Dieterich petitimted to buy Lot 1(i of Littleton and Sawyer's Add. On ;tilarch 3rd, the Council viewed the grounds .and decided to sell cheaply since the lot is considerably below street level. 1Ir. Dieteerich has since offered $25.00 for the property. T recommend that the offer of $25.00 made by t14r. Carl A. E. Dieterich for Lot 16 of Littleton and Sawyer's Add. be accepted and that aquit-claim deed he issued to him upon the p~n~mcut of the money, Respectfully submitted, A. A. RHOI~IBF,RG, City 1lanagcr. Councilman Van Duelman moved that the recommendation of City 1/an- ager Rhomberg 6e approved. Seconded by Councilman Murphy. Carried b}~ the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Clarl:, Councilmen Murphy, Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. 1~Iarch 30, ]939. Honorable ylayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Re: Claim and Suit of Mrs. Alma Bau- mann vs. City of Dubuque Gentlemen: Prior to my assumption of that office, there was referred to the City Solicitor by the City Couucil the claim of 1lrs. Alma Batmtann filed December 14, 1937, claiming damages in the sum of $7,500.00, ou account of personal in- juries sustained by her in a fall upon the sidewalk on the North side of 'Thir- teenth Street between Iowa Street and the alley next 1Vest of Iowa Street, and between 1~Iain and Iowa Streets on the 1st day of December, 1937, said fall alleged to have been due to the rough, rigid and uneven condition of ice and snow upon the sidewalk and al- leged to have been caused due to the negligence of the City of Dubucjue. Thereafter on or about the 23rd dap of February, 1933, suit was instituted in the Distnct Court of Dubuque Cotur h°, Iowa, by said claimant, Alma Bau- mann against the City of Dubuque, asking damages in the sum of $15,- 000.00 on account of said fall and the alleged negligence of the City. I have completed investigation of this claim and suit and have interviewed a large number of possible witnesses, and, as the result of said investigation, and from the evidence adduced I find that claimant did sustain said injuries at or about the time and place iu ques- tion as alleged in said claim and suit. Investigatio^ made by me also dis- closes that there is some question as to the exact condition of said sidewalk at the time and place in question, and as to the condition of the snow and ice upon the same, and iu vietr of this fact and of the fact that there might possi- ble be sufficient evidence ptroduced in the trial of the case to warrant the pre- sentation of the case to the jury in the queslicn of negligence, I have negoti- ated and elected a settlemcut in so far as the liability of the City of Dubuque is concerned iu the sum of $250.00, in full settlement and compromise of all claims of the said claimant against the City of Dubuque. I would accordingly recommend that upon the execution of a receipt and re- lease in~full settlement of alt claims or causes of action by the said Alma Bau- mann and the dismissal of said suit in Cause No. 337d0 in the District Court of Dubuque County, Iowa, with preju- dice and at the costs of the plaintiff therein, that a warrant be drawn pay- able to and delivered to Walter Koer- ner, Attorney for Mrs. Alma Baumann in full settlemcut of said claim and suit, in the stun oi'$250:00. Respectftdly submitted, AL. J. NELSON, City Solicitor. Couucilmau Van Duelman moored that the recommendation of City So- licitor Nelson be approved and that a warrant in the amount of $250.00 be or- dered drawn in tavor of Walter I{oer- uer, Attorney far Mrs. Alma Baumann iu full settlement of claim and suit, said warrant to be delivered upon the execu- tion and release of all claims m~ causes of action and dismissal of suit in the District Court, with prejudice, and the costs of said suit to be borne by the plaintiff. Seconded by Councilman 1Vharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-,1layor Clark, Councilmen l/urphy, Thompsou, Van Duelman, 1Vhartou. Nays-None. There being tto further business Councilman Van Duelman moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Wharton. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-11laym~ Clark, Councilmen 14lurph}~, Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None. J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. Approved --------__-_-- ___---1939. \douted _ __ ___ __________1939. Councilntcn: ~----------------------- Attest: ----------------------------- City Clerk.