1939 August Council Proceedings214 Special Session, July 20th, 1939.
of this Board by the service of a writ-
ten notice together with a copy of this
resolution. Failure to comply with the
terms hereof within the time stated
shall be followed by prosecution or
such .other action as the Council or
Board of Health may determine.
Dated this 20th day of July, 1939,
Attest: J. J. SHEA, Clerk.
You are further notified that prosecu-
tionwill follow a failure to comply with
this order and notice, or such further
action will be taken as to the Council or
Board of Health may seem proper.
Health Officer,
Mr. Frank Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Mr. Carl A. Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas~Chairman Geo.
R. Murphy, Messrs. Carl A, Clark, F,
W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman,
Albert Wharton. Nays-None.
Special Order and Notice From
Board of Health
To Seippel Lumber Company, S S, Lo-
cust Street, (property 2510 Roosevelt
You are hereby notified that on the
20th day of July, 1939, the Local Board
of Health for the City of Dubuque
adopted a resolution ordering you to
abandon and remove the outside water
closet, privy or privy vault located
upon the premises described therein
and to clean the same; also to connect
said premises with the sanitary sewer
and install sanitary toilet and toilet
facilities and connect the same with
said sewer, all of which to be done
within Thirty (30) days from the date
of said resolution, a copy of which is
herein set out and is as follows:
Resolution No. 130-39
Resolution of the Board of Health
Be It Resolved by the Board of
Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
that it is deemed necessary that I,ot 2
of 7 of Peil's Sub., 2510 Roosevelt
Street, owned by Seippel Lumber Com-
pany (2510 Roosevelt Street) be con-
nected with sanitary sewer; that the
outside water closet, privy or privy
vault upon said premises be abandoned
and removed and said vault cleaned and
that a sanitary toilet and toilet facilities
be installed and connections made with
the sanitary sewer,
Be It Further Resolved, That said
Seippel Lumber Company be notified to
remove and abandon the outside water
closet, privy or privy vault located
upon the premises above described attd
to clean said vault; that said property
be connected with the sanitary sewer
and that sanitary toilet and toilet facili-
ties be installed and connections made
with said sewer, all of which to be done
within Thirty (30) days from the date
Be It Further Resolved, That said
Seippel Lumber Company be notified of
the action of this Board by the service
of a written notice together with a copy
of this resolution. Failure to comply
with the terms hereof within the time
stated shall be followed by prosecution
nr such other action as the Council or
Board of Health may determine,
Dated this 20th day of July, 1939.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, Clerk.
You are further notified that prosecu-
tion will follow a failure to comply with
this order and notice, or such further
action will be taken as to the Council or
Board of Health may seem proper.
Health Officer,
Mr. Frank Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Mr, F. W. Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Chairman
Geo. R. Murphy, Messrs. Carl A. Clark,
F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman,
Albert Wharton. Nays-None.
There being no further business Mr,
Frank Van Duelman moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Mr. Albert Wharton. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Chairman Geo. R. Murphy, Messrs.
Carl A, Clark, F, W, Thompson, Frank
Van Duelman, Albert Wharton. Nays
Clerk, Board of Health.
Approved -------------------- 1939.
Adopted --------------------- 1939.
Members of
Board of -----------------------
Clerk, Board of Health,
Regular Session, August 7th, 1939.
City Council
Regular Session, August 7, 1939,
Council met at 8:30 P. M.
Present-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg.
Mayor Murphy stated trot this is the
regular monthly meeting of the City
Council for the purpose of acting upon
such business as may properly come
before the meeting,
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of the notice of a public
hearing upon the Budget Estimate of
Expenditures for the fiscal year begin-
ning April 1st, 1940, and ending March
31st, 1941, as a basis for the tax levy
for the year 1939, the same to be col-
lected in the year 1940, presented and
read. Councilman Clark moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton, Nays-None.
No written objections were filed, and
no objectors were present in the Coun-
cil Chamber, to the Budget Estimate of
Expenditures for the fiscal year begin-
ning April 1st, 1940, and ending March
31st, 1941.
I,I, ~.
216 Regular Session, August 7th, 1939,
NOTICE-The City Council of City of Dubuque of Dubuque County,
Iowa, will meet August 7th, 1939, at 7:30 P. M., at the Council Chamber in
the City Hall. Taxpayers will be heard for or against the following estimate
of expenditures at that time.
7-11-1t City Clerk.
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General _____ $216;003 $ 4,448 $ ___ __ $ 47,000) $ _____ $238,341 $ 261,306
Improvement 14,000 1,102 ___ __ _______) ______ S,S84 3,840
Grading _____ 10,000 773 ___ __ _______) 234,375 4,676 7,845
Sewer _______ 2,000 1,025 ___ __ _______) ____-- 846 1,830
Water ------- ------ - ----- --- -- -------) ------ ------ ----
Light _______ 39,372 5,420 ___ __ _______) ______ 45,510 49,761
Tax _______ 281,375
Fire Equipment 12,550 9,748 _____ _______ 12,SS0 1,S9S 10,406
Fire Main-
tenance ___ 116,600
Pension ___ 26,763 12,OS1 4,011 1,300 21,425 17,663 16,836
Street Cleaning
& Garbage
Disposal __ 34,734 249 _____ 18,000 16,734 3S,SS5 36,944
Library _____ 28,407 4S3 _____ 1,500 26,907 28,805 27;119
Waterworks__ 160,450 92,038 10,000 150,450 ______ 143,547 181,264
Park ________ 23,000 S36 1,434 650 20,916 22,930 22,702
Pension ___ 14,735 8,647 214 1,000 13,521 11,128 11,309
Bond ________ 61,245) 19,472 _____ _______ 61,245 95,000 93,000
Bond Interest 24,096) _______ 24,096 47,512 47,414
Emergency __ 33,467 1,248 _____ _______ 33,467 13,625 31,524
Dock Bond &
Interest ___ 35,810 10,069 _____ _______ 35,810 27,425 31,104
Main Sewer _ 16,734 740 _____ _______ 16,734 13,239 13,396
Dock Operating 18,960 3,490 _____ 2,260 16,700 15,283 38,140
Playground &
Swim Pool_ 15,259 1,986 _____ 2,575 12,684 12,923 12,980
Snow Removal _ 5,656 323 _____ _______ 5,656 _____ ________
Totals _____$909,841 $179,599 $1S,6S9 $224,735 $669,447 $885,406 $1,006,376
Estimated Taxes per $1,000.00 of assessed value, $19,998,
Adjusted Taxable Valuation (1938)______________________________$ 33,362.735
Moneys and Credits (1938) at 6 mills____________________________ 7,647,739
Moneys and Credits (1938) at 2 mills____________________________ 1SS,286
Regular Session~_ August 7th, 1939, 217 ' ~ ' '
Resolution No, 131-39 mills on the dollar of all taxable prop-
Whereas, The Council of the City of erty within the corporate limits of said
City: ` ~
Dubuque caused to be prepared and
as provided b law 7.000 mills for Consolidated Tax as E;~,
Budget Estimate of Expenditures for Provided for by Section 6217 of the
Code of Iowa
1935 i, ~~• i
the fiscal year 1940, and the hearing
upon said Budget Estimate was fixed ,
0.720 mills for Bond Interest Fund.
for the 7th day of August, 1939, at 1.830 mills for Bond Retirement
Fund ~ i 4
7:30 P. M., at the Council Chamber in 3.484 mills for Fire Maintenance j
' ~
the City Hall; and
Fund. ,
Whereas, This being the time and 0.375 mills for Fire $
quipment Fund. 4
place set for said hearing, said Budget O.S00 mills for Garbage and Street k,
Estimate was taken up for final consid-
Cleaning Fund, ~
eration by the Council and all taxpay- 0.625 mills for Park Fund. p ~- ,:k ,
ers have been given an opportunity to 0.404 mills for Police Pension Fund,
be heard for or against said Budget Es- 0.641 mills for Fire Pension Fund. ',;,:
timate, 0.802 mills for Library Fund. 1
O.S00 mills for Main Sewer Fund. ~~''t
It Is Therefore Resolved by the City 0.379 mills for Playground and
Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Swimming Pool Fund, " f '
0.499 mills for Dock Fund ' ~'~ !
That the Budget Estimate of Expen- .
1.070 mills for Dock Bond and In-
ditures for 1940 heretofore prepared terest Fund, ~
and published be and the same is here- 0.169 mills for Snow Removal Fund ~; ~4~
by finally approved and adopted and ,
1.000 mills far Emergency Fund. ,,„y~
the Mayor and Clerk are directed to ;
certify the same to the County Auditor
Be It Further Resolved, That 2.OS2 1
, ~
of Dubuque County, Iowa, together
i mills on the dollar is hereby levied ~ ~"
th the verified proof of publication upon all lots or parcels of land contain- ;e~
and the notice of hearing upon said ing ten acres or more which are occu- Vii;
Budget Estimate, pied in good faith and used for agri- '~S.
cultural or horticultural purposes, ~I,~~`„"~
Be It Further Resolved that the
taxes required to be collected in the Be It Further Resolved, That all
year 1940 be and the same are hereby property within the corporate limits of ,
levied in the various funds in the said City is hereby determined to re-
I !
amounts shown in said Budget Esti_ ceive benefits from each of the said ~[
mate. tax levies, '; ~,
Passed, adopted and approved this Be It Further Resolved, That the pp~
7th day of August, 1939. Mayor and Clerk be and they are here- ~" N
by directed to certify the sums of l l „~
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. money that the said tax levies will pro-
FRANK VAN DUELMAA', duce, as shown by the Budget Esti- 'j •;
ALBERT WHARTON mate of Expenditures adopted by this ,' j
CARL A. CLARK, Council on the 7th day of August, •
1939, to the Auditor of Dubuque Coun- ~' ;
~ "`
F. W, THOMPSON, ty on or before August 1Sth, 1939. ~ ` ll
Councilmen, passed, adopted and approved this
j. ,~
J. J. SHEA, City Clerk. 7th day of August, 1939. ~ ~I -,~:~;
Councilman Van Duelman moved
GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor. f~
~ ,~,~,
the adoptoin of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Wharton. Carried ,
liy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor ,
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thomp- CARL A. CLARK
~ '
son, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays- F, W, THOMPSON ~"'I'-:
None. ,
Councilmen. ~
Resolution No, 132-39 Attest: y
7. 7• SHEA Cit Clerk. i~ •~'~
A resolution establishing the tax lev- Councilman Van Duelman moved ~i µ
ies for the year 1939, the taxes to be the adoption of the resolution, Second-
collected in the year 1940 and used for
ed by Councilman Thompson, Carried ,
; I
Municipal purposes of the City of Du-
by the following vote; Yeas-Mayor i
buque. Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thomp-
Be It Resolved by the City Council son; Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-
u ?
of the City of Dubuque that there be ~„~
and there is hereby levied the taxes Councilman Clark moved that the
for Municipal purposes for the ensuing rules be suspended for the purpose of i'i44
year 1940 of the following number of allowing any one present in the Coun- I°
218 Regular Session, August 7th, 1939.
cil Chamber, who wishes to do so, to
address the Council. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Ivfayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Western Grocery Com-
pany et al, requesting that the proper
authority be instructed to enforce all
City ordinances with respect to ped-
dling, presented and read, Messrs.
Leo Addabbo and Morris Farber ad-
dressed the Council requesting that the
ordinance relative to peddling be en-
forced as the allowing of truck loads
of fruit and vegetables to be peddled
direct to the stores creates unfair com-
petition with the local established fruit
merchants. Councilman Thompson
moved that the petition be referred to
the City Council and City Solicitor for
further consideration. Seconded by
Councilman Clark. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None.
Petition of ladward Frudden et al,
residents of Dodge Street, requesting
and petitioning, in connection with the
relocation of Highway 20, that the
parkway and boulevard lights be re-
tained on Dodge Street, presented and
read. Mr. Walter Daykin addressed the
Council requesting that the parkway and
boulevard lights which have been as-
sessed and paid for by the property
owners on Dodge Street be allowed to
reemain when said street is made a
highway. Councilman Wharton moved
that the petition be referred to the
City Council. Seconded by Council-
man Van Duelman, Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
Communication of League of Iowa
Municipalities urging the City of Du-
buque to send delegates to the annual
convention of the League to be held at
Cedar Rapids on August 1S, 16 and 17,
presented and read. Councilman
Thompson moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None.
Communication of Iowa Children's
Home Society, Des Moines, Iowa, ex-
pressing their appreciation for permis-
sion given for the holding of a tag day
on July 29, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Van Duelman moved that the
communication be received and filed.
Seconded by Councilman Clark. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton,
Communication of J. E. Kemler, call-
ing the attention of the City Council
to the condition of West Third Street
near College Street stating that the
overflow from the City ]Voter Tank on
West Third Street has shot across and
undermined and destroyed the gutter
on the south side of the street and also
calling the attention of the City Coun-
cil to the cracks in the street where
water may get in and damage the
street, presented and read. Councilman
Wharton moved that the communica-
tion be referred to the City Manager
for investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Thompson, Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thomp-
son, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-
Communication of Mrs. George Kan-
avas, advising Council that some time
ago that a claim was filed with the
City for her by a young Mr. Czizek,
an Attorney, in the amount of $5,000.00
for injuries received by her on falling
upon the sidewalk on $ast 17th Street
on December 12, 1938, and stating that
she did not consent or authorize the
filing of this claim in this amount and
really did not want to have an Attor-
ney represent her and further stating
that Mr, Czizek no longer represents
her and now asking that she be allowed
the amount of $442.80 to cover ex-
penses for the injuries received by her
in falling on said sidewalk on $ast 17th
Street, presented and read. Council-
man Clark moved to refer the com-
munication to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson, Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen C(arlc, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Barney Ludescher, re-
questing that the Alley in the rear of
his property known as Lot 89 of Bel-
mont Addition be placed in a all year
around passable condition, presented
and read. Councilman Clark moved
that the petition be referred to the City
Council to view the grounds, Second-
ed by Councilman Van Duelman. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Petition of Andrew Angelos, re-
questing afree permit to sell pop-corn
from a wagon, as he is unable to pay
for said permit due to the loss of his
house, the serious illness of his wife,
and the care of six small children, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Van
Duelman moved that the request be
granted and the City Manager in-
structed to issue said free permit. Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Regular Session, August 7th, 1939. 219
Petition of Mrs. Catherine Weber,
requesting that the penalties in the
amount of $41.89 due on the special
assessments levied against Lot 1 of
Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 711 for the
paving of Pierce Street be waived as
she is desirous of paying the delinquent
special assessments, presented and
read. City Manager Rhomberg rec-
ommending that the request be grant-
ed. Councilman Wharton moved that
the recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg be approved and that the
County Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept the amount of $134.72 as payment
of the delinquent •special assessments
levied against Lot 1 of Quigley's Sub.
of Out Lot 711 for the paving of Pierce
Street, Mrs. Catherine Weber, owner,
and that the penalties in the amount
of $41.89 be waived. Seconded by
Councilman Clark, Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
Petition of Margaret Nagle, $xecu-
trix of the Rstate of J. J Nagle, re-
questing that the City Treasurer be
authorized to make refunds of penalties
and interest on special assessments as
set out on the attached list, presented
and read. Councilman Clark moved to
refer the petition to the City Manager
and City Treasurer for investigation
and report. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Margaret Nagle, Execu-
trix, requesting the cancellation of the
special assessment, or at ]east a com-
promise of the special assessment, lev-
ied against the Westerly 116 feet of Lot
2 of Lot 703 for the construction of ai
sewer in Wilbur Street, presented and
read. Councilman Clark moved to re-
fer the peetition to the City Manager
and City Treasurer for investigation
and report. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson, Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton, Nays-None.
Petition of Dubuque Musicians' Pro-
tective Association, requesting permis-
sion to stretch a banner across Main
Street between 6th auud 7th Streets for
the purpose of advertising their annual
ball and also requesting permission to
appear on the various street corners fn
the business district on Saturday night,
August 19, for the purpose of advertis-
ing said ball, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Van Duelman moved that the
requests be granted. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Thompson. Carried b'y the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-&fayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
Return of service, subscribed and
sworn to by H, H. Howie, Building
Commissioner, of notice of condemna-
tion proceedings on Adam Berntgen
notifying him to appear before the City
Council and show cause why the build-
ings located on the south one-half of
Lot 11S and the north thirty-two feet
and ten inches of Lot 116 of $ast Du-
buque Addition should not be declared
a nuisance and abated, presented and
read. Councilman Clark moved that
the return of service be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Thomp-
son. Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None,
Condemnation Resolution Na, 133-39
Whereas, Under appropriate proceed-
ings heretofore taken by this Council,
certain buildings located upon the south
one-half of Lot 11S and the north thir-
ty-two feet and ten inches of I.ot 116,
$ast Dubuque Addition, in the City of
Dubuque and owned by Adam Bernt-
gen were declared to be dangerous,
due to dilapidation, lack of repair and
other causes, and the owners thereof
were given an opportunity to be heard
and show cause why such buildings
should not be declared a nuisance and
ordered abated; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of the
City of Dubuque, after full and fair
consideration, that the buildings above
described be and the same are hereby
declared to be a nuisance and are or-
dered abated and taken down on or be-
fore the 1st day of October, 1939.
Be It Further Resolved, That the
Building Commissioner be and he is
hereby directed to serve upon said
Adam Berntgen a written notice re-
quiring him to abate said nuisance and
take the same down on or before the
1st day of October, 1939.
Be It Further Resolved, That should
said owner fail to demolish or abate
said nuisance within the time herein
provided for, or in case of dispute aris-
ing on account of said notice and order,
this Council should confirm this order,
then and in such event, said building
shall be demolished and taken down
and the nuisance caused thereby shall
be abated by and under the directions
of the Chief of the Fire Department
and all costs thereof shall be assessed
against the real estate above described.
Passed, adopted and approved this
7th day of August, 1939.
Attest: J, J, SHEA, City Clerk,
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220 Regular Session, August 7th, 1939.
Councilman Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor l~lur-
phy, Councilmen Clarlc, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Returns of service, subscribed and
sworn to by H. H. Howie, Building
Commissioner, of notices of condemna-
tion proceedings on Wilbert Farley,
Lillian Ternes, Rose McLaughlin,
Ethel Ferring, Elrene Meng, Thomas
Farley, John Farley, Mary Howard
notifying them to appear before the
City Council at a meeting to be held
July S, 1939, and show cause why the
buildings located on the south one-half
of Lot 11S and the north thirty-two
feet ten inches of Lot 116 of East Du-
buque Addition should not be declared
a nuisance and abated, action. having
been deferred at the meeting of July S,
1939, on the above mentioned returns
of service until an opinion could be se-
cured from City Solicitor Nelson as to
whether the mortgage holder on the
above described property should be
notified of the pending condemnation
proceedings, presented and read. Coun-
cilman Clark moved that the returns
of service be received attd filed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Van Duelman.
Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Resolution No. 134.39
Whereas, Under appropriate proceed-
ings heretofore taken by this Council,
a certain structure located upon Lots
11S and 116 of Last Dubuque Addition
to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, owned
by Thomas Farley, Wilbert Farley, Lil-
lian Ternes, John Farley, Mary How-
ard, Ethel Ferring, Rose McLaughlin
and Elreue Meng, has been declared to
be dangerous, due to dilapidation, lack
of repair, and other causes, and the
owner thereof was given an opportuni-
ty to be heard and to show cause ~vhy
said building should not be declared to
he a nuisance and ordered abated;
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, After full and
fair consideration, that the building
above described be, and the same is
hereby declared to be a nuisance and
it is ordered abated and taken down
on or before the 1st day of October,
Be It Further Resolved, That the
Building Commissioner be, and he is
hereby directed to serve upon the said
Thomas Farley, Wilbert Farley, Lillian
Ternes, John Farley, Mary Howard,
Ethel Ferring, Rose McLaughlin and
Elrene Meng a written notice requir-
ing them to abate said nuisance and to
take down and demolish said building
on or before the 1st day of October,
1939, attaching to said notice copy of
this resolution.
Be It Further Resolved, That should
said owner fail to demolish or abate
said nuisance within the time herein
provided, then and in that event said
building shall be demolished and tak-
en down and the nuisance caused
thereby shall be abated by and under
the directions of the Chief of the Fire
Department of the City of Dubuque,
and all costs thereof and expehses in-
cident thereto shall be assessed against
the above described real estate.
Passed, adopted and approved this
7th day of August, 1939.
GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
Council Proceedings for the month
of May, 1939, presented for approval.
Councilman Clark moved that the
Council Proceedings for the month of
May, 1939, be approved as printed.
Seconded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of a statement of re-
ceipts and also a list of claims for
which warrants were drawn during the
month of June, 1939, presented and
read. Councilman Clark moved that
the proof of publication be received
and filed, Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark„ Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None,
July 28, 1939.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
On July 20, 1939, there was referred
to me by the City Council a communi-
cation of Seubert and Fessler Plumbing
and Heating Contractors, enclosing
statement of the International Harvest-
er Company to one A. J. Huss, cover-
Regular Session,
ing repair to the front axle and spring
of the truck of Mr, Huss, alleged to
have been damaged ott July 7, 1939, in
crossing an excavated ditch in front of
64S Kane Street, in the City of Du-
buque, which excavation was made by
the firm of Seubert and Fessler in malt-
ing plumbing connections to the ad-
joining property, and which ditch was
filled in on July 6th, and probably part-
ly washed out in a storm in the early
morning of July 7th at or about the
time Mr, Huss drove across this ditch.
The communication asked that the mat-
ter be taken up with the bonding com-
pany for payment of the claim.
I find upon investigation that Ordi-
nance No. 171 adopted February 1,
1926, aitd particularly Section 3 of said
Ordinance, provides that as a condi-
tion precedent to the granting of any
permits for excavations in streets, or
other public places by any person, firm
or corporation, there shall first be filed
with the City Clerk and approved by
the City Council bond executed by a
surety company in the sum of $5,000,
"the condition of which shall be to hold
the City harmless from any and all
damages to persons or property that
may occur by reason of any negligence
in the manner of making such excava-
tion or maintaining the same," ... .
I further find that there is on file
with the City of Dubuque the bond of
Seubert and Fessler as principals, and
the Commercial Casualty Insurance
Company of Newarlc, New Jersey, as
surety, in the sum of $5,000, which said
bond is filed in accordance with the
provisions of Ordinance No. 171 above
quoted, which said bond provides that
the principals, "Seubert and Fessler"
shall protect any excavation, "so as to
assure and protect life, limb, aitd prop-
erty, and shall indemnify and save
harmless the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
from all accidents and damages conse-
quent thereupon for or by reason of
any opening itt any streets, lanes, ave-
nues, or other public grounds, or pri-,
vote property, made by them or those
in their employment," , ..and that he
will also place or restore the street
planking or pavement, or the roadway,
m whatever manner constructed, over
such opening, to as good a state and
condition as he found it, and keep and
maintain the same in good order, to
the satisfaction of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, for the period of one month next
Under the provisions of this bond
there is a duty on the part of the
plumbing contractor to put the street
back in the same condition as it was
prior to the time of the plumbing work,
and to protect any excavation for a
period of one month,
The City is fully protected under
this bond for any liability on account
7th, 1939, 221
of the condition of this excavated ditch,
and it is recommended that the state-
ment be returned to the firm of Seu-
bert and Fessler with suggestion that
the matter be referred directly to the
bonding company and appropriate ac-
tion be taken by that company prior
to the filing of a claim or institution of
a suit by Mr. Huss.
Respectfully submitted,
per $. Burdt.
City Solicitor.
Councilman Clark moved that the
recommendation of City Solicitor Nel-
son be approved. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Thompson. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote; Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clarlc, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
July 28, 1939.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
On July 22 there was referred to this
office for attention the claim of A. J.
Huss, in which he alleges damages to
his car in the sum of $8.94, said claim
being filed on July 13, which damages
occurred on July 7.
I have made investigation of this
claim and find there is no liability on
the part of the City of Dubuque, which
information is fully detailed in an ac-
companying letter to the City Council.
I am returning claim and invoice for
repairs iu the sum of $8.94.
Yours very truly,
per )•, Burdt.
City Solicitor.
Councilman Wharton moved that the
report of City Solicitor Nelson be re-
ceived and made a matter of record,
Seconded by Councilman Clark. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
August 7, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa,
The Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion recommends to your Honorable
Body that petition of Mrs, Dose Nor-
ris requesting rezoning of Lot at 637
Dodge Street to local business classi-
fication be denied,
This case involves the infraction of
present building ordinances, and a de-
sire on the part of the petitioner to
make illegal acts legal through a
change in the ordinance. In addition
comes the obnoxious suggestion to re-
bl ; ~
f,'a"' ' ~
z i
i ~.
222 Regular Session, August 7th, 1939,
zone a single piece of property which
is contrary to zoning principles and
opposed by the Planning and Zoning
Commission as a matter of policy.
Here again, the interests of other prop-
erty owners, as well as the future de-
velopment of the Master Plan are ig-
Respectfully submitted,
R. V. McKay, Secretary.
(H, H. H.)
Dubuque Planning and Zoning
Counciltan Van Dvelman moved
that the recommendation of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission be ap-
proved. Seconded by Councilman
Wharton. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton, Nays-None,
August 7, 1939,
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
With reference to attached petition
of W. M, Kretschmer requesting re-
zoning of I,ot known as No. 1203
Rhomberg Avenue the Planning and
Zoning Commission respectfully rec-
ommends that the petition be dented.
This case involves the rezoning of a
single piece of property which is con-
trary to all rules of zoning and de-
clared illegal by Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania. If a more general de-
mand existed for change of classifica- ',
tion in this area, the Commission
might be sympathetic, However: the
adjoining properties are chiefly restden-
tial and unless the signatures of a ma-
jority of property owners in the affect-
ed area are attached to petition the
Commission feels that no change
should be made,
Respectfully submitted,
R. V, McKay, Secretary.
(H. H. H.)
Dubuque Planning and Zoning
Councilman Van Dvelman moved
that the recommendation of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission be ap-
proved. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman.
Nays-Councilman Wharton.
August 7, 1939,
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa,
The attached letter of Mrs. R. A.
French requesting rezoning of property
located at 27S North Grandview was
considered by the Planning and Zon-
ing Comtission on August S, 1939, and
since the rezoning of any single piece
of property is contrary to all the rules
of zontng, the Planntng and Zoning
Commission recommends to your Hon-
orable Body that the petition be denied.
If there is a general demand for re-
zoning property in this section, then a
petition from the majority of interested
property owners in the affected area
should start any such movement.
Respectfully submitted,
R. V. McI{ay, Secretary.
(H. H. H.)
Dubuque Planning and Zoning
Councilman Clark moved that the
recommendation of the Planning and
Zoning Commission be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Wharton. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
August 7, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Regarding the second petition of
Mrs. R .A. French requesting rezoning
of the 1900 blocle on Delhi Street to
Multiple Dwelling classification the
Planning and Zoning Commission rec-
ommends that the petition be denied.
Here again the Planning and Zoning
Commission feels that a demand for
such an extensive change should come
from a majority of the property own-
ers ~a=hose interests are involved.
The Commission can see the possible
future need for extension of the Mul-
tiple Residence area in the vicinity of
the University of Dubuque, but as stat-
ed feels that a more general interest
should assert itself before the City is
called upon to alter existing laws.
Respectfully submitted,
R. V. McKay, Secretary,
(H. H. H.)
Dubuque Planning and Zoning
Councilman Clark moved that the
recommendation of the Planning and
Zoning Commission be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Wharton. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Ztlurphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Dvelman, Wharton.
August 7, 1939,
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the session of the City Council
held July 5, 1939, the petition of Mrs.
I,ouis,Welter et al requesting that the
smoke nuisance and the noise of blow-
Regular Session, August 7th, 1939.
ing flues caused by the Iowa. Dairy be
abated was referred to the City Man-
ager and Chief of Police for investiga-
tion and report.
We have investigated the case attd
conferred with the officials of the Iowa
Dairy, They have cooperated and
have taken steps to eliminate the trou-
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager,
Chief of Police.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the report of City Manager Rhom-
berg attd Chief of Police Strub be re-
ceived and made a matter of record.
Seconded by Councilman Wharton.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clarl<,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
August 4, 1939,
To the Honorable Mayor attd City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
This is to advise that I have ap-
proved the following bands and desire
to have your approval on same for fil-
Louis F. Fautsch, Police Judge.
$sther $. Fritschel, Stenographer,
Water Works.
George Bennett, City Assessor.
Philip Breithaupt, 2120 Washington
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Clark moved that the
bonds be approved and placed on file,
Seconded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-
Mayor' Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton,
August 7, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa,
At the session of the City Council
held July 20, 1939, the petition of J. F,
Stampfer Co. requesting permission to
erect a 30-foot truss, extending across
the alley from the petitioner's building
to the Grand Opera Theatre was re-
ferred to the City Manager and Build-
ing Commissioner for a report.
We have examined the situation to-
gether with the proposed plan and rec-
omtnettd that the petition be granted
and that an ordinance be prepared
granting the right to erect the truss,
making the maintenance of the truss
and all wall fastenings the obligation
of the petitioner, the J. F, Stampfer
Co. to pay the publication costs.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Building Commissioner.
Councilman Clark moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg and Building Commissioner
Howie be approved and that the City
Solicitor be instructed to prepare a
proper ordinance. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Thompson. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
August 7, 1939,
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the session of the City Council
held July S, 1939, the petition of $dwin
C. Kuehnle requesting a refund of the
interest and penalties due of sewer
assessments for I,ot 2S of Sisters' Ad-
dition was referred to me far investi-
gation and report,
I have examined the records and find
the sewer assessment record on I,ot 25
of Sisters' Addition as follows:
Principal _x_____________$217.20
Interest ________________ 32,55
Penalties to 8/31/39______ 39.96
Advertising Costs _______ .90
' $290,61
I recommend that a warrant in the
amount of the penalties or $39.96 be
ordered drawn on the Special Bonded
Fund and made payable to the County
Treasurer, providing Mr. Kuehnle pays
the balance due on or before August
31, 1939.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of City Man-
ager Rhomberg be approved and that
a warrant in the amount of the penal-
ties or $39.96 be ordered drawn on the
Special Banded Fund made payable to
the County Treasurer, as recommended
by the City Manager, and providing that
Mr. Kuehnle pays the balance due on
or before August 31, 1939, and the City
Auditor to be instructed accordingly,
Seconded by Councilman Wharton.
Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas
-Mayor Murphy, Councilten Clark,
Thompson, Van Dvelman, Wharton.
lk .11
il~ '~s,~
i '
Regular Session, August 7th, 1939.
August 7, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the session of the Council of July
20, 1939, the petition of Charles Gau re-
questing relief on the special asseess-
ments levied against I,ot 1 of 2 of 1 of
7 of Peil's Sub. and against I,ot 1 of 1
of 7 of Pei]'s Sub. vvas referred to me
for investigation and report.
I find that I,ot 1 of 2 of 1 of 7, Peil's
Sub., was sold to Dubuque County at
tax sale on January 2, 1939, for $1,-
128.92 to which penalty of $45.16 and
interest of $43.64 here since attached.
The amount due on I,ot 1 of 1 of 7,
Peil's Sub,, is as follows: Principal
$180.11, interest $11.40, penalties $81.OS,
and advertising costs of $1.50, a total
of $274.06.
This account is quite involved and
the penalties are considerable. I rec-
ommend that upon the petitioner pay-
ing the original assessments with 5°fo
straight interest from the date of levy
to the date of redemption together with
advertising and certificate costs, that a
warrant be drawn ou the Special Bond-
ed Fund payable to the County Treas-
uPer for balance which represents the
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Clark moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg be approved and that upon
Mr. Charles Gau paying the original
assessments with 5°fo straight interest
from the date of levy to the date of
redemption together with the adver-
tising costs and certificate cost that a
warrant be drawn on the Special Bond-
ed Fund payable to the County Treas-
urer for the balance which represents
the penalties and that the City Audi-
tor be instructed accordingly. Second-
eed by Councilman Van Duelman. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
August 7, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The five-year contract of the $. E.
Frith Company for the collection and
disposal of garbage and dead animals
expires September 16, 1939.
I recommend that City Council di-
rect the Clerk to advertise for bids for
a new contract including the following
1. Duration of contract to be five
(5) years.
2. Payments by the City to be made
twice each month, each payment to be
1-24 of the annual contract price.
3. Collections of garbage and de-
cayed matter to be made as at present
in two districts as follows: District
No. 1-This district includes all the
territory circumscribed by West 17th
Street on the North, Jones Street on
the South, Bluff Street on the West,
and Central Avenue on the East, both
sides of these streets included. In this
district, collections `shall be made three
times a week from June 1st to Novem-
ber 1st and twice a week at other times.
District No. 2-This district embraces
all parts of the City within its present
limits which are not included within
District No. 1. Collections shall be
made in District No. 2 twice a week
from May 1st to November 1st and
Duce a week at other times,
4. The contractor to be required, at
his bid price, to collect all garbage and
decayed matter and to remove dead ani-
mals daily, Sundays and holidays in-
cluded, within the entire limits of the
City and to dispose of the same in a
proper manner.
S. Non-leakable and covered veh-
icles to be required for all collections.
6. The successful bidder to furnish
the City a surety hood at his expense
in the sum of $5,000.00 conditioned
upon the faithful performance, for the
five-year period, of all conditions of the
contract and in order to protect the
City against all damages; this surety
bond to be made a part of the contract.
7. Bids be advertised and received
up to Tuesday, September S, 1939, at
11:00 A. M, and referred to the City
Council at 7:30 P. M, on the same day.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Clark moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg be approved, Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
August 7, 1939,
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
On May 22, 1939, the City Council
adopted Resolution No. 84-39 request-
ing the Federal Irmergency Adminis-
tration of Public Works to supplement
the $67,500.00 grant with additional
funds in order to meet the increased
costs of Project Iowa 1684-F of Im-
provements to the Water Works Sys-
Regular Session; August 7th, 1939. 225
I am pleased to report that on Aug-
ust 3 the attached telegram was re-
ceived which revised the grant allot-
ment from $67,500.00 to $74,978.00, an
increase of $7,498.00.
Very truly yours,
City Manager.
Councilman Clark moved that the
communication of City Manager
Rhomberg be made a matter of record.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
man. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor iVfurphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
Reesolution No. 127-39
Whereas, The City of Dubuque, pur-
suant to an advertisement for bids on
the furnishing of fire apparatus, did on
the Sth day of July, 1939, at ten o'clock
A. M. at the City Clerk's office in the
City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, receive bids
for the furnishing of two triple combi-
nation fire engine pumpers, which said
bids were taken under advisement by
the City Council; and
Whereas, The proposals have been
compared and examined and this Coun-
cil has determined that the most favor-
able proposal received was submitted
by the Waterloo Construction Com-
pany; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
contract for the furnishing of two
1000-gallon triple combination fire en-
gine pumpers in the amount of $18,-
900.00 be awarded to the Waterloo Con-
struction Company, Waterloo, Iowa,
and that the contract hereto attached
is approved and made a part hereof aitd
the Mayor and Clerk be and they are
hereb}~ authorized and directed to exe-
cute the same on behalf of the City of
Be It Further Resolved that this res-
olution being deemed urgent and of
immediate necessity become effective
from and after its final passage and
adoption by the City Council.
Approved and placed on file for one
week on July 20, 1939.
Passed, adopted and approved this
7th day of August, ]939.
GIaO. R, MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J, SHI;A, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Resolution No. 135-39
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa,
as follows: -
(1) That it is deemed advisable and
for the best interest of said City of Du-
buque, that the contract between the
said City of Dubuque, and Anton
Zwack, Inc., Contractor, covering the
work on Contract No, 4 Docket No.
1684-F be changed as it is outlined on
the attached sheet in the request for
contract extension of time.
(2) That the request of said con-
tractor covering the change is hereby
approved and accepted,
(3) That the contract time limit be
extended 60 calendar days.
(4) That the contract price will not
be changed by this change.
(S) That the City of Dubuque
waives any and all claims far liquidat-
ed damages arising out of the failure
of the contractor to complete the work
prior to the date for the completion
thereof as modified by this resolution,
(6) That said contractural provi-
sion providing for liquidated damages
shall otherwise remain in full force and
(7) That such acceptance of the
Contractor's proposal shall become ef-
fective only when a certified copy of
this resolution is sent to the contractor
by the engineer of said City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent and of
immediate necessity become effective
from and after its final passage and
adoption by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved this
7th day of Avgust, 1939.
G)aO, R, MURPHY, Mayor,
Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Clark, Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
226 Regular Session,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Resolution No. 136-39
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa,
as follows:
(1) That it is deemed advisable and
for the best interest of said City of
Dubuque, that the contract between
the said City of Dubuque, and Linehan
& Molo, Contractor, covering the work
on Contract No. 5 Docket No. Iowa
1684-F be changed as is outlined on
the attached sheet in the request for
contract extension of time.
(2) That the request of said con-
tractor covering the change is hereby
approved and accepted,
(3) That the contract time limit be
extended 60 calendar days.
(4) That the contract price will not ~'I
be changed by this change.
(S) That the City of Dubuque ~'
waives any and all claims for liquidated
damages arising out of the failure of
the contractor to complete the work
prior to the date for the completion
thereof as modified by this resolution.
(6) That said contractual provision
providing for liquidation damages shall
otherwise remain in full force and ef-
(7) That such acceptance of the
Contractor's proposal shall become ef-
fective only when a certified copy of
this resolution is sent to the contractor
by the engineer of said City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent and of
immediate necessity become effective
from and after its final passage and
adoption by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved this
7th day of August, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk,
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Resolution No. 137-39
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa,
as follows:
7th, 1939,
(1) That it is deemed advisable and
far the best interest of said City of Du-
buque, that the contract betvveen the
said City of Dubuque, and United Elec-
tric Company, electricians covering the
work on Contract No. 6 Docket No.
Iowa 1684-F be changed as is outlined
on the attached sheet in the request for
contract extension of time.
(2) That the request of said con-
tractor covering the change is hereby
approved and accepted.
(3) That the contract time limit be
extended 60 calendar days.
(4) That the contract price will not
be changed by this change.
(5) That the City of Dubuque
waives any and all claims for liquidat-
ed damages arising out of the failure
of the contractor to complete the work
prior to the date for the completion
thereof as modified by this resolution.
(6) That said contractual provision
providing far liquidated damages shall
otherwise remain in full force and ef-
(7) That such acceptance of the
Contractor's proposal shall become ef-
fective only when a certified copy of
this resolution is sent to the contractor
by the engineer of said City of Du-
buque, Iowa,
Be It Further Resolved that this res-
olution being deemed urgent and of
immediate necessity become effective
from and after its final passage and
adoption by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved this
7th day of August, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following Grote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No, 138-39
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the fol-
lowing, having complied with the pro-
visions of law relating to the sale of
cigarettes within the City of Dubuque,
be granted a permit to sell cigarettes
and cigarette papers within said City
and the Manager is directed to issue
such permit on behalf of said City:
Name and Address-
Joseph J, Weiner, 709 Julien Avenue.
Regular Session, August 7th, 1939, 227
Be It Further Resolved that the bond
filed with the application be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved this
7th day of August, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J, J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None,
Resolution No, 139.39
Whereas, Applications for Class "B"
Beer Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the same
have been examined; Noty, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the following
applications be and the same are hereby
approved and it is ordered that the
premises to be occupied by such appli-
cants sha(1 be forthwith inspected.
Class "B" Permit
Name. Address.
Arthur and Adele Norton (Transfer
of address from 198 Main), 659 Cen-
tral Avenue; Philip Mihalakis (Trans-
fer of address from 469 Main), 500 East
22nd Street; W. F, Trimpler (Trans-
fer of address from 2400 Central), S74
East 16th Street; William Tharp, 2403
Central Avenue; Joseph J, and Evelyn
Weiner, 709 Julien Avenue; Wm, J,
Clesen, 1097 Jackson Street; Payson
and Harry Berg, 1804 Central Avenue;
Wm. C. Miller, 35 West 4th Street;
John J, and Marie Rettenmaier, 1100
Lincoln Avenue; Milo Barrett, 241
Main Street; Carl J McDermott, 26S
Main Street; Knights of Columbus,
Dubuque Council No. 510, 781 Locust
Street; Philip Mihalakis, S00 East 22nd
Passed, adopted and approved this
7th day of August, 1939.
GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J, J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 140.39
Whereas, Heretofore applications .
were filed by the within named appli-
cants for Class "B" Beer Permits and
they received the approval of this
Council; and
Whereas, The premises to be occu-
pied by them have been inspected and
found to comply with the ordinances of
this City and they have filed a proper
bond; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the Manager
be and he is hereby directed to issue
to the following named persons a Beer
Class "B" Permit
Name, Address.
Arthur and Adele Norton (Transfer
of address from 198 Main), 659 Cen-
tral Avenue; Philip Mihalakis (Trans-
fer of address from 469 Main), S00
East 22nd Street; W, F. Trimpler
(Transfer of address from 2400 Cen-
tral), 574 East 16th Street; William
Tharp, 2403 Central Avenue; Joseph J,
and Evelyn Weiner, 709 Julien Ave-
nue; Wm. J. Clesen, 1097 Jackson
Street; Payson and Harry Berg, 1804
Central Avenue; Wm. C. Miller, 3S
West 4th Street; John J, and Marie
Rettenmaier, 1100 Lincoln Avenue;
Miio Barrett, 241 Main Street; Carl J.
McDermott, 265 Main Street; Knights
of Columbus, Dubuque Council No.
510, 781 Locust Street; Philip Mihala-
kis, S00 East 22nd Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be and
the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved this
7th day of August, 1939,
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J, J, SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Application of John O'Brien for a
Class "C" Beer Permit to be located
at 1120 Julien Avenue, presented and
read, also report submitted by Chief of
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228 Regular Session, August 7th, 1939.
Police Strub upon the application for a
Class "C" Beer Permit of John
O'Brien, presented and read. Council-
man Wharton moved that the applica-
tion of John O'Brien for a Class "C"
Beer Permit to be located at 1120
Julien Avenue be denied. Seconded by
Councilman Clark. Carried by the fol-
loaving vote: • Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 141-39
The resolution was passed, adopted,
a.nd approved by unanimous action of
the City Council on the 7th day of
August, 1939, and all members thereof
signed their names thereto.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J, J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Resolution and application for per-
manent transfer of funds.
'iVhereas, An emergency tas levy
was made by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque for use in supple-
meutiug the foods required for debt
service during the fiscal year beginning
April 1, 1939, and ending March 31,
1940, upon authority and approval of
the State Comptroller; and
Whereas, As of the 31st of July,
1939, there taus a cash balance in the
Grading Ftlnd of $1,630.83; and
Whereas, There is now in the hands
of the City Treasurer and credited to
the Emergency Fund the sum of $1S,-
SS4.79, avhich is available for transfer
to the Grading Fund above referred to
for debt service; and
Whereas, On August 1, 1939, Grad-
ing Bonds in the amount of $6,000.00
matured and Grading Bond Interest in
the amount of $420.00 became due and
payable; and
Whereas, In order to pay the obliga-
tions due it will be necessary to make
a transfer of $6,420.00 from the Emer-
gency Fund to the Grading Fund; and
Whereas, Before any transfer can be
made from the Emergency Fund to
any other fund, an application must be
made to the State Comptroller for au-
thority to make the transfer and his
approval secured thereon; Now, There-
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that, subject to
the approval.of the State Comptroller.
there be and there is hereby transferred
from the Emergency Fuud to the
Grading Fund the sum of $6,420.00,
and the State Comptroller is hereby
petitioned to authorize and approve
such transfer.
Be It Further Resolved that, upon
the approval of such transfer, the Aud-
itor of the City of Dubuque is directed
to adjust his books accordingly and
notify the Treasurer of such transfer,
and such notification shall be accom-
panied by a copy of this resolution and
the record of its adoption.
Councilman Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
July 26, 1939,
Mr. A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager,
and Members of City Council, Du-
buque, Ioava.
I herewith submit the attached re-
port on William Blum, the holder of
Class "B" Beer Permit at ]6S4 Cen-
tral Avenue. The Class "B" Beer Per-
mit No. l09 was issued to the shove
mentioned William Blum on August 9,
1938. An investigation concerning the
operation of this establishment since
permit taus fast issued has heen made
and is included in this report, together
avith my findings regarding the char-
acter and record of the permit holder.
History-July 24, 1939, arrested nn a
charge of selling beer to minors and
possession of a gambling device. De-
faulted abond of $100.00 on selling
beer to minors and defaulted a hood of
$25.00 on possession of gambling de-
March 11, 1939-Disturbing the
peace. Discharged in Police Court,
August 21, 1938-Arrested an charge
of illegal transportation of distilled
spirits and illegal possession of the dis-
tilled spirits on u*hich the tax had not
heen paid to the United States (in two
Octolier 27, 1938-Indicted at Sioux
City; he taus indicted on both counts.
December 6, 1938-Entered a plea of
December 6, 1938-Sentenced to
serve 60 days in the County Jail. This
time was served in the Lynn County
Jail at midnight February 4, 1939.
Remarks-You are advised that the
indictment was returned under Section
1152, a Title 26 U. S. Code (1934 edi-
tion) and said penalty for said viola-
tion, as provided in Section 1152, a
Title of U. S. Code reads as follows:
Regular Session, August 7th, 1939. 229
Shall on conviction be punished by a
fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or by im-
prisonment at hard labor t}ot exceed-
ing five years, or by both.
If I understood the law correctly the
punishment provided by this statute
would make the offense to which appli-
cant pleads guilty a felony. It is fur-
ther pointed out according No. 12890
Code of Iowa, 1935, a felony is a pub-
lic offense which "may" be punished
with death, or which is, or in the dis-
cretion of the Court may be punished
by imprisonment in the penitentiary or
men's reformatory.
Further reference is made to Par.
S18 of Ordinance No. 9-35. Revocation
mandatory. Section 9, wherein a per-
son had been convicted of a felony,
revocation is mandatory.
You are further advised that the Po-
lice Department has received many
and divers complaints concerning the
violent and tumultous conduct and pro-
fane language and offensive talk of the
patrons of this tavern. (Names of
complainants furnished on request),
An investigation revealed this condi-
tion to exist and to prevent a continui-
ty of this condition, it became neces-
sary to assign a special police detail to
the vicinity of this tavern. And fur-
thermore; in dealing with juveniles, it
has been learned by the Police Depart-
ment, the Probation Officer, Social
Worker and Judges of the District
Court that this applicant solicits, or at
least permits persons of tender years to
loiter around and in his place of busi-
ness. Statements have been made by
juveniles that it is not difficult to se-
cure beer in said tavern.
Recommendations-Because of the
disorderly conduct of William Blum in
the operation of his Class "B" Tavern
and of the above cited violations of
law, I hereby recommend that the City
Council proceed under the provisions
of Section 1921-F123 making tt manda-
tory that license No, 109 issued to Wil-
liam Blum at 1654 Central Avenue on
August 9, 1938, be revoked forthwith.
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
erating a tavern at 1654 Central Ave-
nue in the City of Dubuque; and
1Vhereas, It has come to the atten-
tion of this Council that the owner and
holder of said permit has conducted
his place of business in a disorderly
manner and otherwise in violation of
law; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that Class "B"
Beer Permit No. 109, heretofore issued
to William Blum, be and the same is
hereby revoked and the Chief of Police
is directed to take up such permit
forthwith and return the same for can-
Passed, adopted, and approved this
7th day of August, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J, J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Wharton moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None:
There being no further business
Councilman Wharton moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman Clark,
Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
J. J• sHEA,
City Clerk.
Approved ----------------------1939.
Adopted ---------------------- 1939,
Councilman Wharton moved that the
recommendation of Chief of Police
Strub be approved. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Clark. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
tnen Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 142-39
Whereas, This Council, on the 9th
day of August, 1938, caused to be is-
sued aClass "B" Beer Permit bearing
the Number 109 to William Blum, op-
Counctlmen. ______________________
Attest: ------------------------------
City Clerk.
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230 Special Session, August 7th, 1939.
Board of Health
Special Session, August 7, 1939.
Board met at 9:55 P. M.
Present-Chairman Geo. R. Murphy,
Messrs. Carl A. Clark, F. W. Thomp-
son, Frank Van Duelman, Albert
Communication of A. H. Wieters,
Director, Division of Public Health
Engineering, State Department of
Health, Des Moines, Iowa, submitting
a copy of letter received from Itlrs.
Theo. Kale, S69 Southern Avenue, com-
plaining about an outside closet belong-
ing to Leo Houpes, S67 Southern Ave-
nue, and stating that this matter has
been taken up with the Local Board
of Health but so far no results have
item shown, advising the Local Board
of Health that the matter complained
of by Nlrs. Theo. Kale comes under
their luris~iction and requests an inves-
tigation and action, presented and read.
Mr. Alber-t Wharton moved that the
communication and accompanying let-
ter of complaint be referred to the
Health Director and Sanitary Officer
for investigation and report. Seconded
by Mr. Carl A. Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Chairman Geo.
R: Murphy, Messrs. Carl A. Clark, F.
W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman,
Albert Wharton, Nays-None.
Return of service, subscribed and
sworn to by Joseph T. Scharry, Sani-
tary Officer, of notice served upon
Voelker Realty Company to comtect
Lot 221, Woodlawn Park Addition,
with the sanitary sewer, presented and
read. Mr. Carl A. Clark moved that
the return of service be received and
filed. Seconded by Mr, Frank Van
Duelman. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Chairman Geo. R. Mur-
phy, Messrs. Carl A. Clark, F. 1V.
Thompson, Frank Van Duelman, Al-
bert Wharton. Nays-None,
Return of service, subscribed and
sworn to by Joseph T. Scharry, Sani-
tary Officer, of notice served upon
John Schaul to connect the N. E. 38
feet of S. E. 150 feet of Lot 595, Ham's
Add., with the sanitary sewer, present-
ed and read. Mr. Carl A, Clark moved
that -the return of service be received
and filed. Seconded by Mr. Frank Van
Duelman. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Chairman Geo. R, Mur-
phy, Messrs. Carl A, Clark, F. W.
Thompson, Frank Van Duelman, Al-
bert Wharton, Nays-Noce.
Return of service, subscribed and
sworn to by Joseph T. Scharry, Sani-
tart' Officer, of notice served upon
Seippel Lumber Company to connect
Lot 2 of 7 of Peil's Sub, with the sani-
tary sewer, presented and read. Mr.
Carl A. Clark moved that the return
of service be received and filed. Sec-
onded by Mr. Frank Van Duelman.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Chairntan Geo. R, Murphy, Messrs.
Carl A. Clark, F. W. Thompson,
Frank Van Duelman, Albert Wharton.
There being no further business Mr.
Frank Van Duelman moved that the
Board of Health adjourn. Seconded
by Mr. Carl A. Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Chairman Geo.
R Murphy, Messrs. Carl A. Clark, F.
W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman,
Albert Wharton. Nays-None.
Clerk, Board of Health.
Approved ____________________ 1939.
Adopted _____________________ 1939.
Members of~
Board of -----------------------
Attest: -----------------------------
Clerk, Board of Health.
Special Session, August 30th, 1939. 231
City Council
Special Session, August 30, 1939.
Council met at 7:55 P, M.
Present-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg.
Meeting called by order of Councilmen
Van Duelman and Clark.
Mayor Murphy read the calf and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of considering an
offer to amend the contract created by
the acceptance of the original offer
made by the United States of America
to City of Dubuque, Iowa, to aid by
vvay of grant iu financing Improve-
ments to Water Worlcs System and
Demolition of Old Building made by
the United States of America to the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, and acting on
any other business as may properly
come before a regular meeting of the
City Council.
Notice of Special Meeting
To: Geo. R. Murphy, Mayor; Carl A.
Clark, F. W, Thompson, Frank Van
Duelman, Albert Wharton, Council-
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that there will be a special meet-
ing of the City Council of the City of
Dultuque, Iowa, at Council Chamber,
City Hall, on the 30th day of August,
1939, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. for the pur-
pose of considering an offer to amend
the contract created by the acceptance
of the original offer made by the Unit-
ed States of America to City of Du-
buque, Iowa, to aid by way of grant in
financing Improvements to Water
Works System and Demolition of Old
Building made by the United States of
America to the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Consent to Meeting
We, the undersigned members of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, hereby accept service of the fore-
going notice, waiving any and all ir-
regularities in such service and such
notice, and consent and agree that said
City Council shall meet at the time and
place therein named, and for the pur-
pose therein stated.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Witness my hand this 30th day of
August, 1939.
City Clerk.
Resolution No. 141-39
Resolution and application for per-
manent transfer of funds.
Whereas, An emergency tax levy
was made by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque for use in supple-
menting the funds required for debt
service during the fiscal year begin-
s ning April 1, 1939, and ending March
131, 1940, upon authority and approval
of the State Comptroller; and
Whereas, As of the 31st of July,
1939, there was a cash balance in the
Grading Fund of $1,630.83; and
Whereas, There is now in the hands
of the City Treasurer and credited to
the Emergency Fund the sum of $15,-
854.79, which is available for transfer
to the Grading Fund above referred to
for debt service; and
Whereas, On August 1, 1939, Grad-
ing Bonds in the amount of $6,000.00
matured and Grading Bond Interest in
the amount of $420.00 became due and
payable; and
Whereas, In order to pay the obliga-
tions due it will be necessary to make
a transfer of $fi,420.00 from the Emer-
gency Fund to the Grading Fund; and
Whereas, Before any transfer can be
made from the Emergency Fmtd to
any other fund, an application must be
made to the State Comptroller for au-
thority to make the transfer and his
approval secured thereon; Now, There-
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that, subject
to the approval of the State Comp-
troller, there be and there is hereby
transferred-from the Emergency Fund
to the Grading Fund the sum of $6,-
420.00, and the State Comptroller is
hereby petitioned to authorize and ap-
prove such transfer,
Be It Further Resolved that; upon
the approval of such transfer, the Aud-
itor of the City of Dubuque is directed
to adjust his books accordingly and
notify the Treasurer of such transfer,
and such notification shall be accom-
panied by a copy of this resolution
and the record of its adoption,
The resolution was passed, adopted
and approved by unanimous action of
the City Council on the 7th day of
August, 1939, and all members thereof
signed their names thereto.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor,
Attest: J, J. SHEA, City Clerk.
i<, d
I ,
232 Special Session, August 30th, 1939.
The above resolution and application
having been filed with the State Comp-
troller, the transfer is approved this
12th day of August, 1939.
State Comptroller
Councilman Thompson moved that
the approval of State Cmnptroller C.
Fred Porter be made a matter of rec-
ord. Seconded by Councilman Clark.
Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-
Mavor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton.
Communication of Iowa Association
of Chiefs of Police urging the City
Council to arrange for the sending of
the Chief of Police to attend the Con-
vention of the Iowa Association of
Chiefs of Police to be held in Daven-
port, Iowa, on September 19, 20, 21,
1939, presented and read. Councilman
Clark moved that the communication
be received and that Chief of Police
5trub be authorized to attend the Con-
vention of the Iowa Association of
Chiefs of Police to be held in Daven-
port, Iowa, on September 19, 20, 21,
1939. Seconded by Councilman Whar-
ton. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clarlc, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
Communication of the International
City Managers' Association extending
invitation to the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council to attend
the annual conference of the Internal
tional City Managers' Association to
be held in Detroit on October 9th to
12th, inclusive, presented and read,
Councilman Van Duelman moved to
refer the communication to the City
Council for further consideration. Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark, Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Notice of Claim of Jahn Bjerke in
an amount to reimburse him for the
doctor bills and loss of time from work
for personal injuries sustained in a fall
at Eagle Point Park' and stating that
the accident happened because the
lights had been turned off and that he
was unable to see where he was walk-
ing, presented and read. Councilman
Clark moved to refer the Notice of
Claim to the City Solicitor for investi-
gation and report. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Thompson, Carried by the fo]-
]orving vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilman Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Notice of bevy and Sale bf T. J.
O'Donnell, Plaintiff, versus Birdena E.
Bush, Virginia E. B. Robinson, Anna
M. Utt, City of Dubuque, James F. Lee
Paving Company, John D, Bush, De-
fendants, upon Lot 1 in Pinehurst Sub-
division, presented and read. Council-
man Vau Duelman moved to refer the
Notice of bevy and Sale to the City
Solicitor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Clark. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Petition of 'The Volunteers of Amer-
ica, requesting permission for the hold-
ing of a Red Heart tag sale on Septem-
ber 23, 1939, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the request be granted. Seconded by
Councilman Wharton. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Susan Erschens, request-
ing permission to redeem the tax sale
certificate held by the City of Du-
buque on Lot 2 of the Subdivision of
Lots 7 and 8 of S. M. Langworthy's
Subdivision upon the payment of the
face of the certilcate plus S% straight
interest from the date of the sale to the
date of redemption, presented and read.
Councilman Wharton moved to refer
the petition to the City Manager and
City Treasurer for investigation and re-
port. Seconded by Councilman Clark.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Petition of Mrs. Bertha Lange, re-
questing the remission of the penalties
paid on special assessments in the
amount of $10.01 levied against loot S
of Jansen's Subdivision No. 3 for the
improvement of Roosevelt Street, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Whar-
ton moved to refer the petition to the
City Manager and City Treasurer for
investigation and report. Seconded by
Councilman Clarlc. Carried by the fol-
loGVing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Louise Scharff, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting suspension of
the 1938 taxes on loots 34 and 3S, Bel-
mont Addition, presented and read.
Councilman Wharton moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-ylayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Della C. Thul, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
August 30th, 1939.
Supervisors, requesting cancellation of
the 1938 taxes on the South 2 feet 6
inches of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3 of
Kleinschmidt's Subdivision, presented
and read. Councilman Wharton moved
to refer the petition to the City Solici-
tor far investigation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Van Duelman.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Vau Duelman, tiVharton.
Petition of Alvina Hill, requesting
that the City Council grant whatever
relief they may be able to extend in the
matter of the payment of the delinquent
special assessments and also for the
redemption of the tax sale certificate
held by the City of Dubuque against
Lot 3 of Tschirgi and Schwind's Sub-
division, presented and read. Council-
man Clark moved to refer the petition
to the City Manager and City Treas-
urer for investigation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson, Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Dueleman, Wharton.
Council Proceedings for the month
of June, 1939, presented for approval.
Councilman Clark moved that the
Council Proceedings for the month of
June, 1939, be approved as printed.
Seconded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Alayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Vau Duelman, Wharton.
Return of service, subscribed and
sworn to by H. H, Howie, Building
Commissioner, of notice of condemna-
tion proceedings served upon Adam
Berntgen and Edward Whelan, Attor-
ney for Adam Berntgen, requiring
them to abate the nuisance and take
down the buildings located on the
South one-half of Lot 115 and the
North thirty-two feet 6 inches of Lot
116 of East Dubuque Addition on or
before the 1st day of October, 1939,
presented and read. Councilman
Thompson moved that the return of
service be received and filed. Seconded
by Councilman Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Returns of service, subscribed and
sworn to by H. H. Howie, Building
Commissioner, of notices of condemna-
tion proceedings served upon Wilbert
Farley, Thomas Farley, John Farley,
Lillian Ternes, Mary Howard, Ethel
Ferring, Elrene Meng and Rose Mc-
Laughlin, notifying them to abate the
nuisance and take down the buildings
located on the South one-half of I,ot
11S and the North thirty-two feet 6
inches of Lot 116 of East Dubuque
Addition on or before the 1st day of
October, 1939, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved that the
returns of service be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Clark.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
August 10, 1939,
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
I herewith submit the reports of the
City Auditor, City Treasurer, City
Health Department, and the City
Water Department for the month of
July, 1939, also a list of claims and list
of payrolls for which warrants were
drawn during the month of July, 1939.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Clark moved that the
reports be received and placed on file.
Seconded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Resolution No. 143-39
City of Dubuque, Iowa
A resolution accepting the offer to
amend the contract created by the ac-
ceptance of the original offer of the
United States of America to City of
Dubuque, Iowa, to aid in financing the
construction of Improvement to Water
Works System and Demolition of Old
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1, That the offer to amend
the contract created by the acceptance
of the original offer of the United
States to City of Dubuque, Iowa, to aid
by way of grant in financing Improve-
ments to Water Works System and
Demolition of Old Building, a copy of
which offer follows, be and the same
hereby is in all respects accepted.
Federal Works Agency
Public Works Administration
Copy conformed to executed original
Aug. 22, 1939. Checked; Penn. Legal
Divn., PWA.
P. W. 91412-1Z
Washington, D, C. Dated; Aug, 24,
1939. Docket No. Iowa 1684-F,
City of Dubuque, Iowa, Dubuque,
The United States of America here-
by offers to amend the contract created
~~ 1 „tit
li i,
~ k„
234 Special Session, August 30th, 1939.
by the acceptance by the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, on October 3, 1938, of the
offer made by the United States of
America and dated September 23, 1938,
by striking out, in Line 8 of Para-
graph 1 of said offer, the figures "$67,-
500" an dinserting in lieu thereof the
figures "$74,978."
United States of America Federal
Works Administrator. By:
(SGD) $. W. Clark, Acting
Commissioner of Public Works.
Section 2. That said City of Du-
buque, Iowa, agrees to abide by all the
terms and conditions relating to such
original offer, a copy of which terms
and catditions was annexed to the
Government's original offer and made
a part thereof.
Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby
directed to sign, and the City Clerk to
attest and affix the corporate seal of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to the ex-
ecuted amendatory offer made by the
United States of America to the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, as evidence of the
acceptance of said offer by City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Section 4, That the City Clerk is
hereby authorized and directed to send
to the Public Works Administration
certified copies of the proceedings of
this meeting and the action taken in
connection with the adoption of this
resolution, and such further documents
or proofs in connection with the ac-
ceptance of said amendatory offer as
may be requested by the Public Works
GEO, R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thomp-
son, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Resolution No. 144-39
Whereas, A thorough investigation
has beeen made of the hourly wage
rates vvhich are being paid in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, in Dubuque Coun-
ty, which is the locality in which the
project is being constructed by the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, to employ in each
trade or occupation engaged in work
of a nature similar to the work being
performed in the construction of said
project and the prevailing hourly wage
rates being paid in such locality to
such employees for such work have
been determined by the City Council
through aid of secretary of Trade and
Labor Congress, secretaries of Trade
Unions and Local Contractors; and,
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that
the following rates for the respective
trades as listed below shall be and are
hereby fixed as the minimum hourly
wage rates and have been determined
in accordance with rates prevailing for
work of a similar nature in the locality
in which the project is being con-
Electrician Apprentice, 1st year, $.35
Electrician Apprentice, 2nd year, $.SO
Be It Further Resolved that there be
transmitted with this resolution the
substantiating data upon which the
foregoing determination is based.
Be It Further Resolved that this res-
olutio~t being deemed urgent and of
immediate necessity become effective
from and after its passage and adoption
by the City Council.
Passed and adopted this 30th day of
August, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J, J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Ctarlc,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Resolution No. 145-39
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa,
as follows:
(1) That it is deemed advisable and
for the best interest of said City of Du-
buque, that the contract between the
said City of Dubuque, and Climax En-
gineering Company,. Clinton, Iowa,
covering the work on Contract No. 3,
Docket Iowa 1684-F be changed as it
is outlined on the attached sheet in the
request for contract extension of time.
Special Session, August 30th, 1939,
(2) That the request of said con-
tractor covering the change is hereby
approved and accepted.
(3) That the contract time limit be
extended 1S calendar days,
(4) That the contract price will not
be changed by this change,
(5) That the City of Dubuque
waves any and all claims for liquidat-
ed damages arising out of failure of
the contractor to complete the work
prior to the date of the completion
thereof as modified by this resolution.
(6) That the said contractual pro-
vision providing for liquidated damages
shall otherwise remain in full force and
(7) That such acceptance of the
Contractor's proposal shall become ef-
fective only when a certified copy of
this resolution is sent to the contractor
by the engineer of said City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent and of
immediate necessity become effective
from and after its final passage and
adoption by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved this
30th day of August, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Wharton, Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
' Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Resolution No. 146-39
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa,
as follows:
(1) That it is deemed advisable and
for the best interest of said City of Du-
buque, that the contract between the
said City of Dubuque, and The A. Y.
McDonald Mfg. Co., Dubuque, Iowa,
covering the work on Contract 7A and
7B Combined, Docket Iowa 1684-F be
changed as it is outlined on the at-
tached sheet in the request for con-
tract extension of time.
(2) That the request of said con-
tractor covering the change is hereby
approved and accepted,
(3) That the contract time limit be
extended 15 calendar days,
(4) That the contract price will
not be changed by this change,
(S) That the City of Dubuque
waives any and all claims for liquidated
damages arising out of failure of the
contractor to complete the work prior
to the date of the completion thereof as
modified by this resolution.
(6) That the said contractual pro-
vision providing for liquidated dam-
ages shall otherwise remain in full
force and effect.
(7) That such acceptance of the
Contractor's proposal shall become ef-
fective only when a certified copy of
this resolution is sent to the contractor
by the enginneer of said City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Be It Further Resolved that this res-
olution being deemed urgent and of
immediate necessity become effective
from and after its final passage and
adoption by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved this
30th day of August, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption' of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Wharton. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Nays-None, ,
City of Dubuque, Iowa
Resolution No. 147-39
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa,
as follows:
(1) That it is deemed advisable and
for the best interest of said City of Du-
buque, and Thos, Flynn Coal Com-
pany, Dubuque, Iowa, covering the
work on Contract No. 9 Docket Iowa
1684-F, be changed as it is outlined on
the attached sheet in the request for
contract extension of time.
i ,Il
i '?i~
. l
ire ~
.iw.i~ ,~
236 Special Session, August 30th, 1939. '~ Special Session, August 30th, 1939. 237
(2) That the request of said con-
tractor covering the change is hereby
approved and accepted.
(3) That the contract time limit be
extended 1S calendar days,
(4) That the contract price will not
be changed by this change.
(S) That the City of Dubuque
waives any and all claims for liquidat-
ed damages arising out of failure of
the contractor to complete the work
prior to the date of the completion
thereof as modified by this resolution.
(6) That the said contractual pro-
vision providing for liquidated damages
shall otherwise remain in full force and
(7) That such acceptance of the
Contractor's proposal shall became ef-
fective only when a certified copy of
this resolution is sent to the contractor
by the engineer of said City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Be It Further Resolved that this
resolution being deemed urgent and of
immediate necessity become effective
from and after its final passage and
adoption by the City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved this
30th day of August, 1939.
- G13O. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHI;A, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Clark. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None.
Resolution No, 146-39
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the follow-
ing, having complied with the provi-
sions of law relating to the sale of
cigarettes within the City of Dubuque,
be granted a permit to sell cigarettes
and cigarette papers within said City
and the Manager is directed to issue
such permit on behalf of said City:
Name. Address.
Al. V. Poire, 1638 Central Avenue.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed with the application be ap-
Passed, adopted and approved this
30th day of August, 1939.
GI:O. R, MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHI;A, City Clerk.
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Cowicilman Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
August 10, 1939.
Mr. A. A. Rhomberg, City Manager,
and Members of the City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
I herewith submit the attached re-
port on Thos. Wragg, the holder of
Class °B" Beer Permit at 332 $ighth
Avenue. The Class "B" Beer Permit
No. 46 was issued to the above men-
tioned Thos. Wragg on July 1, 1939.
An investigation concerning the oper-
ation of this establishment since permit
was last issued has been made and is
included in the report together with my
findings regarding the character and
record of the permit holder.
History-~On August 7, 1939, the
above named permit holder was arrest-
ed on a charge of violating Ordinance
No. 9-35, Par. 512 and Par, 519. On
August 8, 1939, in City Police Court
he was found guilty of violating Par.
S19 and fined $100.00 and costs of
$3.50, which he paid.
Remarks-The office of the Chief of
Police had for some time past received
complaints that this tavern was a meet-
ing place for prostitutes plying their
trade and that the operator permitted
them to become intoxicated and al-
lowed them to solicit, pander and loiter
in and around his place of business.
An investigation was instituted which
revealed that the complaints were jus-
tified and as a direct result of the in-
vestigation the arrest and conviction
of this Class "B" Permit holder fol-
Recommendations-Because of the
disorderly conduct of Thos. Wragg in
the operation of his Class "B" Tavern
and of the above cited violations of law,
I hereby recommend that the City
Council proceed under the provisions
of Sec. 1921-F123 making it mandatory
that license No. 46 issued to Thos.
Wragg at 332 Eighth Avenue on July
1, 1939, be revolted forthwith.
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
Councilman Wharton moved that
the recommendation of Chief of Police
Strub be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-None,
Resolution No, 149.39
Whereas, This Council, on the 1st
day of July, 1939, caused to be issued
a Class "B" Beer Permit bearing the
Number 46 to Thomas A. Wragg, op-
erating atavern at 332 $ighth Avenue
in the City of Dubuque; and
Whereas, It has come to the atten-
tion of this Council that the owner and
holder of said permit has conducted his
place of business in a disorderly man-
ner and otherwise in violation of law;
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that Class "B"
Permit No. 46, heretofore issued to
Thomas A. Wragg, be and the same is
hereby revoked and the Chief of Police
is directed to take up such permit
forthwith and return the same for can-
Passed, adopted and approved this
30th day of August, 1939.
G$O. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
~; Attest: J. J, SH1aA, City Clerk,
Councilman Wharton moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Van Duelman. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Cquncilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
August 2S, 1939.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
At the meeting of the City Council
held August 12, 1939, your Honorable
Body approved the recommendation of
the City Manager and Building Com-
missioner that the petition of the J. F.
Stampfer Company, requesting author-
ity to erect and maintain a truss across
the alley from its building to the
building on the $ast side of said alley,
and directed me to prepare proper or-
In accordance with your instructions
I herewith submit ordinance covering
this matter.
I am also returning herewith the
petition together with blue print of the
proposed truss construction.
Respectfully submitted,
City Solicitor,
Councilman Clark moved that the
communication of City Solicitor Nel-
son be made a matter of record. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
biavor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton,
Ordinance No. 30-39. An Ordinance
granting to J. F. Stampfer Company,
its successors or assigns the right to
construct and maintain a truss extend-
ing from the building upon City I,ot
•29 in the town, (now city) of Dubuque,
Iowa, and across the alley adjacent
thereto to the building upon the lot on
the fast side of said alley, and oppo-
site thereto; and prescribing the con-
ditions of such permit, presented and
read. Councilman Van Duelman
moved that the reading just had be con-
sidered the first reading of the ordi-
nance. Seconded by Councilman Clark.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton,
Nays-None. Councilman Van Duel-
man moved that the rules be suspended
requiring an ordinance to be read on
three separate days. Seconded by
Councilman Clark. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None, The
ordinance was then read a second time.
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the reading just had be considered the
second reading of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mavor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None,
There being no further business
Councilman Clark moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
man. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
J. J• SxiaA,
City Clerk.
Approved -----------------------1939
Adopted ------------------------1939.
Councilmen; _______________________
Attest: ----~-------------------------
City Clerk.