1939 September Council Proceedings
Regular Session,
City Council
Regular Session, September 4th, 1939,
No members of the Council being
present on roll call, the meeting was
postponed subject to call.
J• J• SHEA, City Clerk.
Approved _____________________ 1939.
Adopted _______________________ 1939.
Com~cilmen: _ ___ ___________ _
- -
Attest: -----------------------------
City Clerk.
September 4th, 1939. 239
240 Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939.
City Council
Adjourned Regular Session, Septem-
ber 5th, 1939.
Council met at 8:10 P. M.
Present-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg.
Mayor Murphy stated that this meet-
ing is an adjourned meeting of the reg-
ular meeting of September 4th, 1939,
for the purpose of acting upon such
business as may properly come before
a regular meeting of the City Council.
Original Notice of Suit of Clarence
Schetgen, Administrator of the Estate
of Joseph Schetgen, Deceased, Plain-
tiff, vs. City of Dubuque, Defendant,
in the amount of $10,000,00 damages
for the death of Joseph Schetgen, said
damages and death being caused in
falling into an open sewer, being com-
monly known as the Bee Branch Sewer
on Fast 16th Street, presented and
read. Councilman Clark moved to re-
fer the Original Notice of Suit to the
City Solicitor. Seconded by Council-
man Thompson. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Communication of Mrs. Frank 7.e-
manek, submitting attached bill in the
amount of $25.94 for damages created
While City men were removing a tree
in front of her residence located at 1305
Lincoln Avenue, presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved to refer
the communication and attached bill to
the City Manager for investigation and
report. Seconded by Councilman
Clark. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
Communication of A. A. Bvrgmeier,
calling attention of the City Council
to the need of street repairs on both
Oak Street and Apple Street and ask-
ing the City Council to make an in-
spection of said streets, presented and
read. Councilman Thompson moved
that the communication be referred to
the City Cotiucil to view the grounds.
Seconded by Councilman Clarlc Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clarlc,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Petition of Milltvorkers Local Union
1646, requesting permission for the
holding of a carnival from September
4th up to and including September
10th, 1939, on the City Lot on Fast
4th Street Extension and asking that
the license fee and rental charge be
dispensed with, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the request be granted and that the
license fee, as paid, for the holding of
said carnival be refunded. Seconded
by Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-
Petition of Ed. C. Kuehnle, request-
ing arefund of penalties included in
the redemption of tax sale certificate
on Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 2S, Sister's
Addition, presented and read. Council-
man Clark moved to refer the petition
to the City Manager and City Treasur-,
er for investigation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Van Duelman.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clarlc,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Petition of Wm. A. Haller, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting suspension of
the 1938 taxes on Lot Z7 of McCrauey's
2nd Addition, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved to
refer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Clark. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-lfayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Communication of Ludwig Braila,
together with attached petitions, re-
questing the City IVlanaoer and mem-
bers of the City Council to re-instate
Ludwig Braila as au employee of the
City of Dubuque, presented and read.
Councilman ~Gharton mo;=ed that the
communication and attached petitions
be referred to the City Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-
September 4, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor, City Council
and City Manager, Dubuque, Iowa.
On Juue 22nd, 1939, the City Council
appointed a Condemnation Committee
for the purpose of viewing properties
and submitting reports and recommen-
Itn accordance with the above I am
attaching herewith the recommenda-
tions of the Condemnation Committee
with the request that the necessary
resolutions be passed at your earliest
Respectfully submitted,
Building Commissioner.
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939. 241
Councilman Clark moved that the
communication of Building Commis-
sioner Horvie be received and made a
matter of record. Seconded by Cou»-
cilman Thompson. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon City Lot 195 (239 Iowa Street)
and owned by Klauer Julien Hate] Co.
and report to you our findings, beg
leave to submit the following report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition fm• the
following reasons:
Structurally-over 70% depreciated,
,windows broken, roof in bad shape,
walls bulging, general condition the re-
sult of being unoccupied and not main-
Sanitation-being used for storage
and warehouse purposes, there are no
sanitan= provisions.
Fire Hazard-the roof and interior
frame construction create a fire hazard.
The condemnation committee tutaui-
mously recommend demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
'Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murph}=, Couucih
men Clarlc, Thompson, Van Duelman,
1Vhartou. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Hmtorable
Body to examine the building located
upon Cit}= Lot 193 (281 Iowa Street)
and owned by Wm. Lowther and re-
port to you our findings, beg leave to
submit the following report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-over 70% depreciated,
tt=indows, roof in. bad shape, walls bulg-
ing, general condition run dawn as a
result of being unoccupied and not
properly maintained for a number of
Sanitation-being formerly used for
storage and warehouse purposes there
are no sanitary provisions.
Fire Hazard-the roof and interior
frame construction create a fire hazard.
The condemnation committee unani-
mously recommend demolition,
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clarlc, Thompson, Van Duelman,
1Vharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon the North one-third of City Lot
SS4 (14 Locust Street) and owned by
1~Iary F. Doyle and report to you our
findings, beg leave to submit the fol-
lowing report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally -interior satisfactory,
outside in a generally run down condi-
Sanitation-there are no sanitary
Fire Hazard-the exterior presents
a fire hazard due to frame construction
and lack of repair.
The condemnation committee recom-
mends that owner be atlowed to retain
this building providing that the exterior
is repaired and that proper plumbing
and water facilities be installed in the
lirst floor and second floor apartment.
If these two recommendations are not
followed by the owner the building
should be demolished.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
4` wR
~~~ .i~
242 Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee he made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following I
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clarlc, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon the North one-third of City Lot
554 (17 Harrison Street) and owned by
Mary F, Doyle attd report to you our
findings, beg leave to submit the fol-
lowing report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-depreciated over 70%, ,
floors sagging, walls bulging and out
of plumb, stairways dangerous.
Sanitation-there are no sanitary
Fire Hazard-frame construction and
due to lack of maintenance area dis-
tinct fire hazard.
The condemnation committee unani-
mously recommend demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson, Carried b}= the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Whartmt. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Comicil, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon hots 2 and 4 of City Lot S5S (21-
23 Harrison Street) and owned by
A4ary F. Doyle and report to you our
findings, beg leave to submit the fol-
lowing report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurall}=-depreciated over 70%,
floors sagging, walls bulging attd out
of plumb, stairways dangerous.
Sanitation-there are no sanitary
Fire Hazard-frame construction
and due to ]aclc of maintenance is a
distinct fire hazard.
The condemnation comtnittee unani-
mously recommends demolition,
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the t•ecommeudatiou of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutious. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee het•eto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Bodv to examine the building located
upon City Lot 238 (10-20 West 5th
Street) and owned by P. J. and Minnie
Nortmt and report to you our findings,
beg leave to submit the following re-
the find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
follotviug reasons:
Structurall}=-depreciated over 70%,
sills rotten, stairways and porches
dangerous, walls bulging and out of
plumb, entire structure in a vet•y di-
lapidated condition.
Sanitation-although several families
occupy the building there is only one
toilet and one water connection.
Fire Hazard-due to the run down
condition of this structure it is a dan-
gerous fire hazard.
The condemnation committee unani-
mously recommends demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Dueltnan moved
that the recotnmettdation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be iustructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clarlc, Thompson, Vau Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None,
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939. 243
upon the East 33' 6" of City Lot 643
(362-364 West 9th Street) and owned
by J. E, Fairbanks Estate and report
to you our findings, beg leave to sub-
mit the follotiving report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally -basement wall and
building walls bulging and out of
plumb, parches dangerous, floors sag-
ging, depreciated over 70%, roof in
bad shape, siding rotting and deteri-
Sanitation-the sanitation provisions
comply with the minimum requit•e-
ments but are very old.
Fire Hazard-run down frame con-
struction and occupancy by four fami-
lies present a dangerous fire hazard.
The condemnation committee unani-
mously recommends demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
lhhartou. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon Lot 284, East Dubuque No. 2
Addition (1445%-1453 Maple Street)
and owned by Realty Inv. Carp, and
report to you our findings, beg leave
to submit the following report.
IVe find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-building has been tm-
occupied for years, windows out, in-
terior stripped, roof bad, depreciated
over 70%.
Sanitation-there are uo sanitary
Fire Hazard-used by transients and
presents one of the most fire hazards,
being frame construction and situated
in a densely populated area.
The condemnation comtnittee unavi-
mously recommends demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be iustructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson, Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Ihharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upmt I,ot 14, Yates Sub..636 West
17th Street) and owned by Catherine
Smith and report to you our findings,
beg leave to submit the following re-
tiVe find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-building has been va-
cant for a number of years, roof in
bad shape, floors sagging, exterior de-
Sanitation-there are no sanitary
Fire Hazard-frame construction
with run down condition plus vacancy
creates a fire hazard.
The committee unanimously recom-
mends demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutious. Seconded by Councilman.
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clarlc, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by yotu• Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon the South one-half of Lot 19, Cor-
rell's Sub'd. (558 West 7th St. rear)
and owned by Anchor Investment Co.
and report to you our findings, beg
leave to submit the fallowing report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally -roof practical 1 y
stripped, floors rotting, building has
been vacant for years.
~'~ f
~~~ ~i.f Ill
244' Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939.
Sanitation-there are no sanitary
Fire Hazard-due to building being
open it is used by transients and pre-
sents abad fire hazard. There have
been many complaints concerning dan-
ger to chtldren.
The condemnation comtittee unani-
mously recommends demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
denmatimt Committee be made amat-
teer of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Alurphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson ,Van Duelman,
1Vharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the buildings located
upon I,ot 1 of Mineral I,ot 14S (39
South Grandview Ave.) and owned by
Patrick O'Shea and report to you our
findings, beg leave to submit the fol-
lowing report,
We find that said buildings are in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
The buildings inspected consist of a
barn and three (3) sheds.
Structurally-all frame construction,
barn walls bulging, balance of sheds
are otd, poorly constructed and badly
Sanitation-being used for the hous-
ing of horses ,as well as storage of
grain avd hay; the barn has created
numerous complaints from the neigh-
borhood. Sheds are worse as a breed-
ing place for rats.
Fire Hazat•d-these sheds and the
barn are an extremely bad fire hazard.
The committee unanimously recom-
mends that the barn and all sheds be
demolished and that the matter of fu-
ture use of the premises be under the
control and rules of the Health Depart-
Yours very trul}~,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon I,ot 10, Central Addition (S07
Robinson Street) and owned by Rich-
ard Fuhrmaun and/or John O'Brien
and report to you our findings, beg
leave to submit the following report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-building is badly de-
teriorated, walls bulging and rotten,
floors sagging, exterior walls and roof
in very bad shape.
Sanitation-there are no sanitary
Fire Hazard-due to location and
frame construction plus the condition
of the building it is a bad fit•e hazard.
The committee unanimously recom-
mends demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee,
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson, Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by you>; Honorable
Body to examine the budding located
upon City I,ot 348 (910 White Street)
and owned Uy Dubuque Biscuit Co.)
and report to you our findings, beg
leave to submit the following report,
We find that said building is itt a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-walls sound, building
used for storage only, eaves are iu need
of repair, porch and stairway danger-
ous, brick construction.
Sanitation-storage only, no sanitary
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939. 245
Fire Hazard-the woad cornice,
porch and stairway constitute a fire
The committee recommends that the
porch, stairway and chimneys be re-
moved. That the roof and cornice be
repaired. For storage only one en-
trance and the balance of the openings
be closed properly.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Cou-
denuratiou Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon City I,ot 348 (918 White Street)
and owned by Dubuque Biscuit Co.
and report to you our findings, beg
leave to submit the following report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-frame used for storage
only, roof and side walls deteriorated,
windows broken, stairways in bad
shape, depreciated over 70%.
Sanitation-there are no sanitary
Fire Hazard-building located in one
of the most densely populated districts
and near large industries. Being used
for storage only and not maintained
as a dwelling would be, it presents a
dangerous fire hazard.
The committee unanimously recom-
mends demolition,
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee,
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of 'the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
he instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
man Clark, Thompson, Vaa Duelman,
bVharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
`ore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon City I,ot 347 (938 White Street)
and owned by Dubuque Biscuit Co. and
report to you our findings, beg leave
to submit the following report.
\1~e find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-walls sound, building
used for storage Drily, eaves are iu need
of repair, porches and stairways dan-
gerous, brick construction.
Sanitation-there are no sanitary
Fire Hazard-the wood cornice,
porches and stairways constitute a fire
hazard and are dangerous to persons
walking on the sidewalks or near the
The committee recommends that the
front second floor porch, the rear
porches, stairways, and the cornices be
removed. That the openings be prop-
erl}~ closed. For storage purposes only
one entrance is necessary,
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
tiVharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon City I,ot 347 (rear of 938 White
Street) and owned by Dubuque Bis-
cuit Co, and report to you our findings,
beg leave to submit the following re-
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-frame building in a
very run-down condition, exterior walls
iu bad shape, porches and stairway
dangerous, depreciated over 70%.
Sanitation-not used for dwelling and
no sanitary provisions.
ill~'~ f:~..
~~ 'f:~
246 Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939,
Fire Hazard-the building being
frame, in a generally rwt-down condi-
tion and located in one of the most
densely populated districts and adja-
cent to large industries constitutes a
dangerous fire hazard.
The committee unanimously recom-
mends demolition,
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions, Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon City I,ot 348 (143-147 East 9th
Street) and owned by Dubuque Biscuit
.,o. and report to you our findings, beg
leave to submit the following report.
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-frame two-story two-
family dwelling used for storage pur-
poses only, generally run-down and de-
preciated more than 70%.
Sanitation-used for storage only attd
no sanitary provisions.
Fire Hazard-building being frame
and not maintained as a dwelling, lo-
cated iu a densely populated district
and adjacent to large industries, pre-
Seuts adangerous fire hazard.
The committee unanimously recom-
mends demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record attd the Cit}~ Solicitor to
he instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson,'Van Duelman,
1Vharton. Nays-None.
To the Hmtorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by your Honorable
Bod}~ to examine the building located
upon I,ot 22, Union Addition (961 Oak
Street) and owned by Wm. J. Robinson
(J. P. Hanten, mortgagee) and report
to you our findings, beg leave to sub-
mit the following report,
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-frame building, vacant
for a long period of time, over 70%a
depreciated, stripped of doors and win-
dows, and iv a very run-down condi-
Sanitation-there are tto sanitary
Fire Hazard-in its present condi-
tion presents a dangerous fire hazard
and is used by transients. Many com-
plaints from adjacent owners.
The committee unanimously recom-
mends demolition,
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
The undersigned committee hereto-
fore appointed by yotu• Honorable
Body to examine the building located
upon I,ot 3 of I,ot 9, Union Addition,
and owned by S. Wiedner and C. J.
Jungwirth and report to you our find-
tngs, beg leave to submit the following
We find that said building is in a
dangerous and unsafe condition for the
following reasons:
Structurally-frame building occu-
pied by two families until vacated as
dangerous to life. Entire building sag-
ging, walls bulging ,and so run-down
that there is au extreme danger of col-
Sanitation-occupied by two large
families but has only one toilet and one
water connection, both located in the
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939. 24?
Fire Hazard-due to conditimt and
occupancy there is an extreme danger
of fire.
Note: Water Department discouuect-
ed water since inspection. Oue famil}~
moved and the second has been give^
final notice on vacating order.
The committee unanimously recom-
mends demolition.
Yours very truly,
Condemnation Committee.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of the Con-
demnation Committee be made a mat-
ter of record and the City Solicitor to
be instructed to prepare the proper
resolutions. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Nlurph}~, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
tiVharton. Naps-Norte.
Bills of C. I. Krajewski in the
amount of $65,00; Fred W. Schroeder
in the amount of $65.00; Norman J.
Kortnattn in the amount of $65.00; for
services rendered as members of Con-
demnation Committee, presented and
read. Councilman Clark moved that
the bills of C. I Krajewski, Fred W.
Schroeder and Norman J. Kormann in
the amount of $65.00 each, be allowed,
and the City Auditor to be instructed
to draw warrants in the amount of
$65.00 each in favor of C. I. Krajewski,
Fred W. Schroeder and Norman J.
Kormann for services rendered as
members of Condemnation Committee.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
man. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Vau Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
September 5, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the meeting of the City Council
held August 30, 1939, the petition of
Mrs. Alvina Hill was referred to the
City Manager and City Treasurer far
investigation and report.
1Ve have examined the records and
find the assessment against I,ot 3 of
Tschirgi and Schwind's Sub. to be as
stated in the petition. We recommend
that following the redemption of the
tax sale certificate held by Dubuque
County that the City Auditor be au-
thorized to draw a warrant on the Spe-
cial Bonded Fund in the amount of
$34.64, payable to Mrs. Alvina Hill,
representing the refund of all in-
terest in excess of 5% per annum
and all penalties included iu the pay-
ments made to the County Treasurer.
1Ve further recommend that the peti-
tioner be allowed to redeem tax sale
certificate No. 131 held by the City
upon the payment of the face value of
the certificate plus S% interest per an-
num, the balance ~of interest and pen-
alties to be waived.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
City Treasurer.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendations of City Man-
ager Rhomberg and City Treasurer
Puls be approved and that the City
Auditor be authorized to draw a war-
rant on the Special Bonded Fund in
the amount of $34.64, as recommended,
in favor of Mrs. Alvina Hill, represent-
ing the refund of all interest in excess
of S% per annum and al] penalties in-
cluded iu the payments made to the
County Treasurer on the special assess-
ments levied against I,ot 3 of Tschirgi
and Schv,=ivd's Subdivision and also
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to allow Mrs. Alvina Hill to redeem
tax sale certificate No. 131 held by the
Cit}~ against I,ot 3 of Tschirgi and
Schwind's Subdivision upon the pay-
ment of the ,face value of the certificate
plus S% interest per annum, the bal-
ance of interest and penalties to be
waived. Seconded by Councilman
Clark. Cart•ied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
VPharton. Nays-None.
September 5, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the session of the City Council
held August 30, 1939, the petition of
Susan Erschens requesting permission
to redeem tax sale certificate No. 128
held by the City Against I,ot 2 of the
Sub. of hots 7 and 8 of S. M. I,ang-
worthy's Sub. upon payment of the
face of the certificate plus S% straight
interest from the date of sale to the
date of redemption was referred to the
Manager and Treasurer for investiga-
tion and report.
We find the account as stated in the
petition and recommend that the peti-
tion be granted.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
City Treasurer.
iii ~ej~4,
248 Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of City Man-
ager Rhomberg and City Treasurer
Puls be approved and that the City
Treasurer be instructed to allow Su-
san Erschens to redeem tax sale cer-
tificate No, 128 held by the City against
Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lots 7 and 8 of S.
M, Langworthy's Sub. upon' payment
of the face of the certificate plus S°/o
straight interest from the date of sale
to the date of redemption. Seconded
by Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton, Nays-
September S, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the session of the City Council
held August 30, 1939, the petition of
Mrs. Bertha Lange requesting a re-
fund in the amount of $10.01 far pen-
alties paid on delinquent special as-
sessments levied against Lot S of Jen-
sen's Sub. No. 3 for the improvement
of Roosevelt Street was referred to the
Manager and Treasurer for investiga-
tion and report.,
We find the conditions to be as set
out in the petition and reconvneud that
the petition be granted and a warrant
of $10.01 ordered drawn on the Special
Bonded Fund in favor of Mrs. Bertha
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
City Treasurer.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of City Man-
ager Rhomberg and City Treasurer
Puls be approved attd the City Auditor
to be instructed to draw a warrant in
the amount of $10.01 ott the Special
Bonded Fund in favor of Mrs. Bertha
Lange to cover the amount of refund
granted for penalties paid on delin-
quent special assessments levied
against Lot S of Jansen's Sub. No. 3
for the improvement of Roosevelt
Street. Seconded by Couttcilman
Clark. Carried by the following votr
~~as-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clarlc, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton: Nays-None.
September S, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the session of the City Council
held August 7, 1939, the petition of
Margaret Nagle, Executrix of the Es-
tote of J. J. Nagle, requesting that the
City Treasurer be authorized to make
refunds of penalties and interest on
special assessments on a list of prop-
erty, was referred to the Manager and
Treasurer for 'investigation and report.
We have searched the records and
tabulated the information on the vari-
ous properties on the attached sheet.
We recommend that following the re-
demption of tax sale certificates held
by Dubuque County and after the pay-
ments.of the delinquent special assess-
ments that the City Auditor be author-
ized to draw a warrant on the Special
Bonded Fund in the amount of $46925,
representing a refund of all interest
in excess of S% per annum and all pen-
alties included in the payments made
to the County Treasurer. We further,
recommend that the petitioner be given
the rigltt to redeem arty certificates
held by the City against any of the at-
tached listed property upon the pay-
ment of the face value of the certificate
plus S°fo straight interest from the date
of the sale to the date of redemption.
Respectfull}~ submitted,
City I4lanager.
City Treasurer.
Couucilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendations of City Man-
ager Rhomberg and City Treasurer
Puls be approved and that the City
Auditor be authorized to draw a war-
rant on. the Special Bonded Fund in
the amount of $469.25, as recommended,
itt favor of Margaret Nagle, Executrix
of the Estate of J. J. Nagle, represent-
ing arefund of all interest iu excess
of S% per amtum and all penalties in-
cluded in the payments made to the
County Treasurer on the special assess-
ments as shown on the attached list
and also that the City Treasurer be in-
structed to allow Margaret Nagle, Ex-
ecutrix of the Estate of J. J. Nagle, to
redeem any certificates held by the
City against any of the attached listed
property upon the payment of the face
value of the certificate plus 5°fo straight
interest from the date of the sale to
the date of redemption. Seconded by
Councilman Clark. Cat•ried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Vhharton. Nays-None.
September 5, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Pursuant to your instructions sealed
bids were received until 11:00 o'clock
A. M. September S, 1939, for the col-
lections and disposal of garbage, de-
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939. 249
cayed matter, and dead animals in the
City of Dubuque on au annual basis
for afive-year period. Attached are
the • three bids received. No irregu-
lat•ities nor informalities were noted in
any of the bids.
A summary of the bids is as follows:
James F. McGloughlin~15,490.00
per year.
The Collections Company-$16,728.00
per year.
E. E. Frith Company-$19,OOO.OD
per year.
I, therefore, recommend that the bid
of James F. McGloughliu be accepted
and the contract awarded him for a
five-year period from and after Septem-
ber 16, 1939, his being the lowest bid
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Couttcilman Clark moved that the
communication of City Manager
Rhomberg together with the bids re-
ceived for the collection and disposal
of garbage, decayed matter, and dead
animals within the City of Dubuque
be referred to the City Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Wharton. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Atayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
September S, 1939.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Re: Applications for Tax Suspensions
I herewith return to you applications
for suspensions of taxes for the year
]938, referred to me for investigation
and report, together with reports of
my investigation in each individual
case, the applications having been filed
by the following named persons:
John J, and H. L. Lundbeck, S2S
West Locust Street.
Mrs. Mary Klinkhammer; 29S South-
ern Avenue.
blrs. Martha Wilson, 67S Jefferson
Mrs. Margaret Hogan, 85S White
Louis Kuehnle, 1319 Rhomberg Ave-
Lillian L. Hargus, 1449 Bluff Street,
Mrs. Emma Rummel, 600 South
Grandview Ave,
Peter Haupert, 809 Seminary Street,
Mary Bertsch, 2510 Stafford Avenue.
Mrs. Anna Fatka Boesen, 501 East
1Sth Street.
Mrs. Louise Kirk, 880 Rose Stt•eet.
Mrs, Louisa Scharff, 2951 Balke
Mrs. Anna Kolf, 412 West Four-
teenth Street.
Respectfully submitted,
City Solicitor.
Couucilman Van Duelman moved
that the communication of City Solici-
tor Nelson be received and made a
matter of record. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Clark. Carried by the follow-
ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Coun-
cilmen Clark, Thompson, Van Duel-
man, Wharton. Nays-None.
The following decisions of the City
Council relative to various tax peti-
tions requesting suspension of taxes
presented for approval: Petition of
Mrs. Anna Kolf requesting suspension
of the 1938 taxes on Lot 1 of A. L.
Brotant's Subdivision, request granted;
Louisa Scharff requesting suspension of
the 1938 taxes on Lots 34 and 3S of
Belmont Addition, request granted;
Louise Kirk requesting suspension of
the 1938 taxes on Lot 2 of Sub. 4 of 3
of Alin. Lot 87 and part of Min, Lot
88, request granted; Mrs. Anna Fatka
Boeseit requesting suspension of the
1938 taxes on Lots 25S and 256, East
Dubuque Addition, request granted;
Mapr Bertsch requesting suspension of
the 1938 taxes on Lots 29, 30 and 31
of A. Stine's Addition, request granted;
Peter Haupert requesting suspension
of the 1938 taxes on Lots 3, 4 and S of
Busemau & Eberl's Subdivision, re-
quest granted; Lillian L. Hargus re-
questing suspension of the 1938 taxes
ou Lot 1 of Sub. 1 of 1 of City Lot
667, request granted; Louis Kuehnle
requesting suspension of the 1938 taxes
ott Lot 60 of McCraney's 1st Addition,
request granted; Mrs. Margaret E.
Hogan requesting suspension of the
1938 taxes on North one-half of City
Lot 326, request granted; Mrs. Martha
1Vilson requesting suspension of the
1938 taxes on Lot 7 of Subdivision of
City Lot 730 and Lot 1 of Union Addi-
tion, request granted; Mrs. Mary
Klinkhammer requesting suspension of
the 1938 taxes on Lot 32, Sub, of Min-
eral Lot 39, request granted; John J,
and H. L. Lundbeck requesting sus-
pension of the 1938 taxes on Lot 11 of
Cox's Addition, request granted; Cath-
erine Lundbeck requesting suspension
of the 1938 taxes on Lot 242, Wood-
lawn Park Addition, request granted;
Mrs. Emma Rummel requesting sus-
pension of the 1938 taxes on Lot 2 of
2 of Min. Lot 46, Lot 2 of 3 of Min.
Lot 47 and South 10 feet of Lot 13 of
Grandview Avenue Addition, request
denied. Couucilman Clark moved that
the decisions of the City Council on
Iillf i I,I
'' .
~I ref
250 Adjourned Regular Sessi
the various tax petitions be approved
and that the Board of Supervisors be
notified of the action of the City Coun-
cil. Seconded by Councilman Van
Duelman. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clarlc, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 150-39,
Whereas, Applications for Class "B"
Beer Permits have been submitted to
this Council for approval and the same
have been examined, Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of the
City of Dubuque that the following ap-
plications be and the same are hereby
approved and it is ordered that the
premises to be occupied by such appli-
cants shall be forthwith inspected.
Class "B" Permit
Name. Address.
Dubuque Lodge, No. 3SS, Loyal Or-
der of 1Vloose, 1379 Central Avenue;
Jolm A. Armstrong and Harriett Arm-
strong, 398 Main Street; Mrs. Viola
Grode, 1643 Central Avenue; John A.
Hochberger and William Hochberger,
1701 Asbury Street; Frank Spielman
and Geraldine Spielman, 1464 Central
Avenue; Gust Billis, 60S Main Street;
George Nordin, 1105 Julien Avenue;
Patrick R. Kennedy and Minnie Ken-
^edy, 2412 Central Avenue; Alois 0.
Weitz and Nellie M. 'uVeitz, 201 East
22nd Street.
Passed, adopted and approved this
5th day of September, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerlc.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Clark. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy; Comtcilmen Clarlc, Thompson,
Vau Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 151-39
Whereas, Heretofore applications
were filed by the within uamed appli-
cants for Class "B" Beer Permits and
they received the approval of this
Council; and
Whereas, The premises to be occu-
pied by them have been inspected and
fomtd to comply with the ordinances of
this City and they have filed a proper
bond; Now, Therefore,
on, September 5th, 1939.
Be It Resolved by the Council of the
City of Dubuque that th2 Ivlanager be
and he is hereby directed to issue to
the following uamed persons a Beer
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
Dubuque Lodge No. 3SS, Loyal Or-
der of Moose, 1379 Central Avenue;
John A. Armsri•oug and Harriett Arm-
strong, 398 Ivlain Street; Mrs. Viola
Grode, 1643 Central Avenue; John A.
Hochberger and William Hochberger,
1701 Asbw•y Street; Frank Spielman
and Geraldine Spielman, 1464 Central
Avenue; Gttst Billis, 605 Maio Street;
George Nordin, 1105 Julien Avenue;
Patrick R Kennedy and Minnie Keu-
nedy, 2412 Central Avenue; Alois 0.
Weitz and Nellie M. Weitz, 201 East
22nd Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed by such applicants be and
the same are hereby approved.
Passed, adopted and approved this
Sth day of September, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor. .
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Clarlc. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clarlc, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Application of Teuenbom Super-
14larket, Inc., for renewal of Class "C"
Beer Permit presented for approval.
Counciltan Wharton moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose of
allowing any one presentiu the Coun-
cil Chamber, a~ho wishes to do so, to
address the Council. Seconded by
Councilman Van Duelman. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Nlayor
114urphy, Councilmen Clarlc, Thomp-
son, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-
Noue. Attorney John J. Nelson ad-
dressed the Council relative to the ap-
plication of Teuenbom Super-Market,
Iuc., for renewal of Class "C" Beer
Permit and requesting the City Council
to approve said application or in the
event that the Council does not desire
to issue said permit that the Council
defer action until their next meeting.
Councilman 'uVharton moved that the
application of Teuenbom Super-Mar-
lcet, Inc., for renewwal of Class "C" Beer
Permit be referred to the City Coun-
cil. Seconded by Councilman Clark.
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Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1939. 251
Car,t~ied by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy; Councilmen Clarlc,
Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton,
Application of William R. Ebner for
a new Class "C" beer permit to be lo-
cated at 1120 Julien Avenue, presented
for approval. Councilman Wharton
moved that the application of William
R. Ebner for anew Class "C" beer per-
mit to be located at 1120 Julien Avenue
be referred to the City Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-114ayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clarlc, Thompson,
Vau Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
There being no further business
Councilman Clark moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor l+~furphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, 1Vharton.
City Clerli.
,Approved _----"_~------------- 1939.
Adopted ______________________ 1939.
Cbuncilmen: 3______________________
Attest: ------------------------------
City Clerk.
Mr. F. W. Thompson moved that the
communication of Director of Health
$ntringer and Sanitary Officer Scharry
be received and made a matter of rec-
ord. Seconded by Mr. Carl A. Clark.
Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-
Chairman Geo. R. Murphy, Messrs.
Carl A. Clark, F. W Thompson, Frank
Van Duelman, Albert Wharton. Nays
252 Special Session,
Board of Health
Special Session, September 5th, 1939',
Board met at 9:00 P. M.
Present-Chairman Geo. R. Murphy,
Messrs. Carl A. Clark, F. W. Thomp-
son, Frank Van Duelman, Albert
August 17, 1939.
Board of Health, Dubuque, Iowa.
In reply to communication received
from J. J. Shea, Clerk of the Board of
Health, requesting the Health Director
and the Sanitary Inspector to make a
report to your Honorable Body pertain-
ing to a complaint of Mrs. Theo. Kale,
S69 Southern Avenue, in regard to the
premises of I,eo Houpes at 567 South-
ern Avenue. This is to advise that this
inspection was made by the Sanitary
Officer and he finds an outside toilet is
on the Houpes premises about 30 feet
from the Kale residence and that the
Houpes property is not connected with
water and sewer.
As you recall this matter pertaining
to sewer and water connections on
Southern Avenue was taken up at a
previous Council meeting. It is our
understanding that Manager Rhomberg
was to endeavor to secure a W. P. A.
project for these sewer and water con-
nections on Southern Avenue.
Yours truly,
Director of Health.
Sanitary Inspector.
September $, 1939.
To the Board of Health, Dubuque,
At the session of the Board of Health
held June 30, 1939, the communication
of Director of Health $ntringer and
Sanitary Officer Scharry advising that
approximateely 2$ homes on Southern
Avenue are not connected with the
sewer, where sewer and water are
available, was referred to the City Man-
5th, 1939.
ager and Water Superintendent to
work out some solution to the matter.
We have investigated the situation
and caused a survey and estimate to
be made of the cost of materials for
making sewer and water connections.
A copy of the survey and estimate to-
gether with a plat is attached.
We recommend that an application
for a project be made to the W. P. A.
to carry out this necessary work.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Supt. of Water Dept.
Mr. Albert Wharton moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg and Sui~t. of Water Hail be
approved. SeconTed by, Mr. Frank
Van Duelman. Carried by the follow-
ing vote: Yeas-Chairman Geo. R.
Murphy, Messrs. Carl A. Clark, F. W.
Thompson, Frank Van Duelman, Al-
bert Wharton. Nays-None.
There being no further business Mr.
Frank Van Duelman moved that the
Board of Health adjourn. Seconded
by Mr. F, W. Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Chairman
Geo. R, Murphy, Messrs. Carl A. Clark,
F. W. Thompson, Frank Van Duel-
man, Albert Wharton. Nays-None.
J. J. SH$A,
Clerk, Board of Health.
Approved ____________________ 1939.
Adopted _____________________ 1939.
-- - - -
Members of
Board of ------------------ ----
Attest: -----------------------------
Clerk, Board of Health.
Special Session, September 8th, 1939. 253
City Council
Special Session, September 8th, 1939.
Council met at 6:00 P. M.
Present-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg.
Meeting called by order of Councilmen
Clark and Thompson.
Mayor Murphy read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of considering
bids submitted for the collection and
disposal of garbage, decayed matter,
and dead animals in the City of Du-
buque, and acting on any other busi-
ness as may properly come before a
regular meeting of the City Council.
Council Proceedings for the month
of July, 1939, presented for approval.
Councilman Clark moved that the
Council Proceedings for the month of
July, 1939, be approved as printed. Sec-
onded by Councilman Thompson. Car-
ried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Ordinance No. 30-39. An Ordinance
granting to J. F. Stampfer Company,
its successors or assigns the right to
construct and maintain a truss extend-
ing from the building upon City I,ot
29 in the town, (now City) of Dubuque,
Iowa, and across the alley adjacent
thereto to the building upon the lot on
the East side of said alley, and oppo-
site thereto; and prescribing the con-
ditions of such permit, said ordinance
having been passed upon first and sec-
ond readings on August 30th, 1939,
presented and read a third time.
An Ordinance granting to J. F.
Stampfer Company, its successors or
assigns the right to construct and
maintain a truss extending from the
building upon City I,ot 29 in the town,
(now city) of Dubuque, Iowa, and
across the alley adjacent thereto to the
building upon the lot on the )ast side
of said alley, and opposite thereto; and
prescribing the conditions of such per-
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Paragraph 827, Section I.
That, J. F. Stampfer Company, its
successors or assigns, he, and they are
hereeby granted the right and authority
to construct and maintain a truss ex-
tending from the building upon City
I,ot 29 in the town (now City) of Du-
buque, Iowa, and across the alley ad-
jacent thereto, to the building upon the
lot on the $ast side of said alley and
opposite thereto, such truss to be con-
structed of steel and iron and to be at
least Z feet 6 inches in height, and at
least 10 inches in width, and the full
width of said alley and the full distance
between said buildings approximately
30 feet in length, and at least 3S feet 6
inches above the surface of said alley
and securely attached to the buildings
on either side of said alley, the same to
be used for the purpose of carrying
electric light wires and power wires of
the Interstate Power Company across
said alley; said truss to be built and
erected under the supervision of the
building commissioner of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa.
Paragraph 82'8, Section 2
Said J. F. Stampfer Company, its
successors or assigns, shall agree, as a
condition to the granting of the permit
and privilege herein granted, and shall
guarantee by the acceptance of the
terms hereof, to fully protect and save
the City of Dubuque harmless as to
any claims, damages or liabilities of
any kind which may arise because of
the construction and maintenance of
said truss, and any and all claims,
damages or liabilities that may arise or
be incurred by reason of the granting
of the privileges herein made, and in
any suit which may arise or be insti-
tuted because of said truss, or the con-
struction or maintenance thereof, said
J. F. Stampfer Company, its successors
or assigns, shall, at the direction of the
City of Dubuque, make all necessary
defense to said suit and fully indemnify
said City of Dubuque for any expenses
or liabilities to which said city may be
subjected because of said suit.
Paragraph 829, Section 3
It is understood and provided that
such right, license and permission here-
in granted to erect and maintain said
truss is subject to the payment and as-
sumption by the said J. F. Stampfer
Company of the cost of publication of
this ordinance, and subject to the con-
tinuous control of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, said City Council
reserving the right to impose restric-
tions or conditions upon the enjoyment
thereoef, as may be reasonably neces-
sary for the protection of the public
interests, including the right to revoke
and rescind such permission, if at any
time the public interest should require
such revocation. If, and when such
permit, right and license is revoked by
said City Council, the said J. F. Stamp-
fer Company, its successors or assigns,
l i ~I
iii `.'
Session, September 8th, 1939.
Special Session, September 8th, 1939, 255
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
George Hail (Transfer of address
from 1766 Central Ave.), 332 $ighth
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed by such applicant be and the
same is hereby approved,
Passed, adopted and approved this
8th day of September, 1939.
G)~O, R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Comtcilmau Thompson moved that
the contract for the collection and dis-
posal of garbage, decayed matter, and
dead animals be awarded to the lorv
bidder, James F. McGloughlin. Sec-
onded by Councilman Van Duelman.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Thomp-
son and Van Duelman. Nays-Coutt-
cilmen Clarlc and Wharton.
shall remove such truss at its or their
own expense and restore such part of
said alley as has been occupied thereby
to the condition it was in prior to the
construction of said truss.
Paragraph 830, Section 4
This ordinance shall be iu force and
effect ten (10) days from and after its
final passage, adoption and approval by
the City Council attd publication as
provided by law, and the rights here-
under shall accrue to said J. F. Stamp-
fer Contpatty, its successors or assigns
when the provisions hereof shall have
been accepted.
Passed upon first and second read-
ings this 30th of August, 1939.
Passed, adopted and approved upon
final reading this 8th day of September,
G1;O. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. Jt SHBA, City Clerk.
Acceptance of Ordinance
The J. F. Stampfer Company does
hereby accept the terms, provisions
and conditions of the ordinance adopt-
ed by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, designated as: "Ordinance
No. 30-39'. An ordinance granting to
J. F. Stampfer Company, its successors
or assigns the right to construct and
maintain a truss 'extending from the
building upon City Lot 29 in the town,
(now City), of Dubuque, Iowa, and
across the alley adjacent thereto to
the building upon the lot on the $ast
side of said alley, and opposite thereto,
and prescribing the Conditions existing
thereto," this 11th day of September,
Published officially in the Telegraph-
Herald newspaper on the 14th day of
September, 1939.
J. J. sxi•A,
9-14-1t City Clerk.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the ordinance, Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
n~iurph}~, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
17au Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Petition of Senior High School, re-
questing permission to stretch a ban-
ner across Main. Street between the
Federal Baulc Building and the build-
ing of the Fitzpatrick Sporting Goods
Compau}5 the permission to extend
from September 8th through Novem-
ber '10th, 1939, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved that
the request be granted. Seconded by
Councilman Clark. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelmau, Wharton. Nays-Noue.
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of a statement of re-
ceipts avd also a list of claims fot
which warrants were drawn during the
month of July, 1939, presented and
read. Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the proof of publication be re-
ceived and filed. Seconded by Council-
man 1Vharton. Carried by the follow-
ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, 1Vhartou. Nays-Noue.
Resolution No. 152-39
Whereas, Application for Class °B"
Beer Permit has been submitted to this
Council for approval and the same has
been examined; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of the
City of Dubuque that the following
application be and. the same is hereby
approved and it is ordered that the
premises to be occupied by such appli-
cant shall be forthwith inspected.
Class "B" Permit
Name Address
George Hail (Transfer of address
from 1766 Central Ave.), 332 l;ighth
Passed, adopted and approved this
8th day of September, 1939.
G$O. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SH1aA, City Clerk.
Councilman Vau Duelman moved
the adoptlon of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Clarlc. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clarlc, Thompson,
Vau Duelman, Wharton. Nays-
Resolution No. 153-39
Whereas, Heretofore application was
filed by the within named applicant for
Class "B" Beer Permit and has re-
ceived the approval of this Council; and
Whereas, The premises to be occu-
pied by him have been inspected and
found to comply with the ordinances of
this Cit}~ and he has filed a proper
bond; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of the
City of Duluque that the Manager be
and he is hereby directed to issue to
the following named persona Beer
Resolution No. 154-39
Resolution Awarding Contract for the
Collectimt and Disposal of Garbage, i
Decayed Matter and Dead Animals, ~I
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of .Dubuque, Iowa, that a
contract be awarded to James F, Mc-
Gloughlin for the collection and dis-
posal of garbage, decayed matter, and
dead animals in said City, said contract I,
to cover a period of five (S) years from
the sixteenth (16th) day of September,)
1939, at an annual cast to said City of
$15,490.00 per year.
Be It Further Resolved that the City
Manager and Clerk be and they are
hereby directed to execute said con-
tract on behalf of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, said contract to be in accordance
with the proposal executed and sub-
mitted by the contractor and the pub-
lished notice to Bidders, as authorized
by the City Council, August 7th, 1939,
al] of which are hereby made a part
hereof, by reference thereto, a form of
contract to be approved by this Council
before the same is finally executed.
Approved and placed on file for one
week for public inspection this 8th day
of September, 1939.
Councilman Thompson moved that
the resolution be approved and placed
on file for one week for public inspec-
tion. Seconded by Councilman Van
Duelman, Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Thompson and Van Duelman.
Nays-Councilmen Clark and Wharton.
Contract for the collection and dis-
posal of garbage, decayed matter and
dead animals by and between the City
of Dubuque, a municipal corporation, of
Iowa, as party of the first part, and
James F, McGloughlin of Dubuque,
Iowa, party of the second part, pre-
sented and read. Councilman Thomp-
son moved that the contract be ap-
proved and placed on file for one week
for public inspection. Seconded by
Cowtcilman Van Duelman. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Thompson and Van
Duelmau. Nays-Councilmen Clark
and 1Vharton.
There being, no further business
Councilman Clark moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
mau. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-&Iayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
bVhartov. Nays-None.
J. J. sxl;A,
City Clerk.
Approved -----------------------1939
Adopted ________________________1939.
Councilmen: f_______________________
Attest: ---------------- City Clerk.
^I~I ~ Cps.
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256 ~ Special Session, September 19th, 1939.
City Council
Special Session, September 15th, 1939.
Council met at 7:50 P. M.
Present-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
Wharton, City Manager Rhomberg.
Meeting called by order of Councilmen
Clark and Thompson.
11~Iavor &Iurphy read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of considering
for final adoption Resolution No. 154-
39, aresolution awarding contract for
the collection and disposal of garbage,
decayed matter and dead animals to
James T. McGloughliu, said resolution
having been approved and ordered
placed on file for public inspection on
September 8th, 1939, and acting on any
other bttsiuess as may properly come
before a regular meeting of the City
Councilman Clark moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose of
allowing any one present in the Coun-
cil Chamber, who wishes to do so, to
address the Council. Seconded b}'
Councilman Wharton. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None. Dr.
C. W. Stewart of State Department of
Agriculture, Des Moines, Iowa, ad-
dressed the Council relative to the
atvardiug of the co[tract for ,the col-
lection and disposal of dead animals
and advising Council that in order for
persons or firms to pick up and dispose
of dead animals in the State of Iowa
that they must be registered and li-
censed by the Secretary of Agriculture
and must be equipped with a rendering
plant and wider State inspection. Dr.
Stewart advised Council that he would
recommend to his department that no
action be taken tmtil City Solicitor
Nelson could obtain alt opinion from
the ,Attorney General as to whether a
State license was required attd a render-
ing plant to be provided in the case of
a contractor wlto intends to bury dead
animals and not process the same.
Resolution No, 154-39
Resolution Awarding Contract for the
Collection and Disposal of Garbage,
Decayed Matter and Dead Animals.
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that a
contract be awarded to James F. Mc-
Gloughlin for the collectimt and dis-
posal of garbage, decayed matter, and
dead animals in said City, said contract
to cover a period of five (5) years from
the sixteenth (16th) day of Septembet•,
1939, at an annual cost to said City of
$15,490.OD per year.
Be It Further Resolved that the City
n~iauager and Clerk be and they are
hereby directed to execute said con-
tract on behalf of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, said contract to be in accordance
with the proposal executed and sub-
mitted by the conhractor and the pub-
lished notice to Bidders, as authorized
by the City Council, August 7th, 1939,
alt of which are hereby made a part
hereof, by reference thereto, a form of
contract to be approved by this Council
before the same is finally executed.
Approved and placed on file for one
week for public inspection this 8th day
of Septembet•, 1939,
Passed, adopted and approved this
15th day of September, 1939.
G1:O. R. l4IURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHNA, City Clerl..
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Van Duelman. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
niurphy, Councilmen Thompson and
Van Duelman. Nays-Comtcilmen
Clark and Wharton.
Garbage Contract
Know All Men Bp These Presents:
That articles of agreement are hereby
entered into by and between the City
of Dubuque, a municipal corporation, of
Iowa, as party of the first part, and
James F. McGloughlin of Dubuque,
Iowa, party of the second part, with
and under the following terms and con-
ditions, to-wit:
1. In consideration of the matters
and things and works to be done and
performed by said party of the second
part, the party of the first hereby
agrees to pay said party of the second
part the sum of $15,490.00 per year for
a period of five years from the 16th
day of September, 1939, payments each
year to be made in twenty-four install-
ments computed at the middle and end
of each month.
2. The party of second part, in con-
sideration of the payments to be made
as herei^ stated, agrees to collect all
garbage, dead animals and decayed
matter within the entire limits of the
City of Dubuque as uoty existing, and
dispose of the same iu a proper man-
ner ,and, in order that the periods of
collections and the number of times
collections are' to be made may be un-
derstood, the said City is divided into
two districts tt=ithin which collections
are to be made as follows:
Special Session, September 15th, 1939. 257
DISTRICT N0. 1. This district in-
cludes all the territory circumscribed
by 1Vest 17th Street au the North,
Jones Street on the South, Bluff Street
ou the West, and Central Avenue on
the Nast, both sides of these streets in-
cluded. Lt this district, collections
shall be made three times a week froth
June 1st to November 1st and twice a
weel: at other times. DISTRICT N0.
2. This district embraces all parts of
the City within its present limits which
are hat included within District No. 1.
Collections shall be made in District
No. 2 twice a week from Mav 1st to
November 1st and mice a week at other
3. Throughout the entire cit}=, dead
animals shall be removed daily, Stun
days and holidays included.
4. The second party shall use an
adequate number of vehicles for the
collection of garbage, which vehicles
shall be so constructed as to be non-
leakable and so loaded as not to per-
mit the scattering of garbage or refuse
upon the streets, sidewalks, or alleys,
and when loaded the contents thereof
shall be securely covered.
S. To insure the faithful perform-
ance of the contract during the con-
tract period, the party of the second
part shall furnish the party of the first
part with a surety bond in the penal
sum of $5,000, which bond shall be so
conditioned as to protect the said first
party against all damages which it may
sustain by reason of the breach of any
of the terms or conditions of this con-
6. The proposal submitted by the
party of the second part and the surety
bond furnished by it are hereby made
a part of this contract just as much as
if the provisions thereof ttrere set out
fully herein.
This contract has been executed by
the City of Dubuque by its City Man-
ager and Clerk pursuant to a resolution
duly adopted September 15th, 1939, by
the City Council of said City and the
execution of the same by all of the
parties hereto vvhich constitute an ac-
ceptance of all of the provisions hereof.
Dated and signed at Dubuque, Iowa,
this 16th day of September, 1939.
Party of the first part.
By J• J• SH>~A,
City Clerk.
Witness: G. L. DNMKINR.
G, N. TH)~IS.
Party of the second part.
Notice of Claim of Ivlrs. Ruth Nel-
son in the amount of $75.00 for per-
sonal injuries received in falling on
sidewalk on West Ninth Street be-
tween the entrance of the X-I, Sand-
wich Shop at 242 West Ninth Street
and the rear of the Jacob Schwieter-
ing Grocery Store at 898 Main Street,
presented and read. Councilman Clark
moved to refer the Notice of Claim to
the City Solicitor for investigation and
report. Seconded by Councilman Van
Duelman. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
1Vhartou. Nays-None.
Notice of Claim of Mrs. Mary E.
Hense in the amount of $200.00 for per-
sonal injuries received iu falling on
sidewalk on West Fifth Street between
Iowa and 14lain Streets in front of
Linehan and Molo's office, presented
and read. Councilman Clark moved to
refer the Notice of Claim to the City
Solicitor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Van Duel-
man. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
1Vharton. Nays-None.
Comntnnicatiou of Mississippi Valley
Association, extending invitation to the
Honorable Mayor and Members of the
City Council to attend the annual
meeting of the Association to be held
at St. Louis, Missouri, on October 16th
and 17th, ]939, presented and read.
Councilman Van Duelman moved to
refer the communication to the City
Council Seconded by Councilman
Clark. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Van Duehnau,
1Vharton. Nays-None.
Petition of iUirs. Katie A. Miller, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting sus-
pension of the 1938 taxes on Lots 9 and
10 of Johnston's Subdivision, presented
and read. Councilman Vau Duelman
moved to refer the petition to the City
Solicitor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Wharton.
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clarlr,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
Petition of James Sullivan, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting cancellation of
the 1933 taxes on the South one-half
of City Lot 332, presented and read,
Councilman Van Duelman moved to
refer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Wharton. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
hl `'~ '.,
;, ~~:,
I 'I'
258 Special Session, September 15th, 1939.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Doyle, re-
ferred to the City Council by the Board
of Supervisors, requesting cancellation
of the 1938 taxes on the North / of
City Lot 554, Lot 2 of City Lat 5SS,
and Lot 4 of City Lot SSS, presented
and read. Councilman Van Duelman
moved to refer the petition to the City
Solicitor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Wharton,
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
September 8, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa,
This is to advise that I have ap-
proved the following bonds and policy
and desire to have your approval on
same for filing:
Richard J, Burke, 130 West 13th
Harry H, Howie, Building Commis-
Edward M. Tschirgi, Accountant,
Water Dept.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the bonds be approved and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Clark. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
- Wharton. Nays-None.
September 12, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
I herewith subinit the reports of the
City Auditor, City Treasurer, City
Health Department, and the City
IVater Department for the month of
August, 1939, also a list of claims and
list of payrolls for which warrants were
drawn during the month of August,
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the reports be received and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Clark. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Councilmen
Clark, Thompson, Vait Duelman,
Wharton. Nays-None.
September 1S, 1939,
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Re: Margaret Lavery vs.
City of Dubuque
At the session of the City Council
held May 16, 1939, the recommendation
of City Solicitor Nelson that the mat-
ter of the suit of Margaret Lavery vs.
City of Dubuque be referred to the
City Manager far investigation attd re-
port as to the advisability of employing
special counsel to act in this case was
I have investigated aitd believe that
it is to the best interest of the City
that the suit be settled out of court. I
have negotiated and effected a settle-
ment in the amount of the medical and
out of pocket expense of $75.45 in full
settlement of all claims of said claim-
ant against the City of Dubuque, the
plaintiff to assume the court costs.
I would accordingly recommend that
upon the execution of a receipt and re-
lease iu full settlement of al] claims or
causes of action by the said Margaret
Lavery and the dismissal of said suit in
the District Court of Dubuque County
and at the cost of the plaintiff, that a
warrant be drawn payable to Margaret
Lavery in full settlement of said suit
itt the sum of $75.45.
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager.
Councilman Clark moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg be approved and that the
City Auditor be instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $7S.4S in
favor of Margaret Lavery, said war-
rant to be delivered upon the execution
of a receipt and release in full settle-
ment of all claims or causes of action
by the said Margaret Lavery and the
dismissal of said suit in the District
Court of Dubuque County at the cost
of said plaintiff. Seconded by Council-
man Thompson. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
September 1S, 1939.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
At the session of the City Council
held August 7, 1939, the petition of
Margaret Nagle, Executrix, requesting
a cancellation or a compromise of the
special assessment against the Wester-
ly 116 feet of Lot 2 of City Lot 703 for
the construction of a sewer iu Wilbur
Street was referred to the City Mana-
ger and City Treasurer for investiga-
tion and report.
Special Session, September 15th, 1939. 259
1Ve have examined the records and
find that the sewer referred to in the
petition which was constructed in Wil-
bur Street in 1929 did not abut the lot
in question and no sewer assessment
was levied against it. However, later
in 1929, Wilbur Street was paved and
au assessment of $350.90 was levied
against the lot far the paving. On
August 3, 1936, the City purchased cer-
tificate No. 1927 for the delinquent spe-
cial assessments of 1935 and prior
vears. The later installments of 1936,
1937 and 1938 have since become delin-
quent. On January 2, 1937, Dubuque
County acquired a tax certificate
against this property for the regular
taxes for the years 1935, 1936 and 1937.
The petition is based upon a mis-
understanding and is not in accord
with the facts. We therefore recom-
mend that the petition be received and
Respectfully submitted,
City Manages
City Treasurer
Councilman Clark moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Rhomberg and City Treasurer Puls be
approved. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy, Council-
men Clark, Thompson, Van Duelman,
1Vharton. Nays-None.
September 15, 1939.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Re: Application for Tax Suspensions
I herewith return to you applications
for suspension of taxes for the year
1938, referred to me for investigation
and report, together with reports of my
investigation in each individual case,
the applications having been filed by
the following named persons:
1Vm. A. Haller, 1023/ High Bluff
St.; Emil Machinek, 349/ West 8th
Avenue; Della C. Thul, 1983 St. Am-
brose St.
fours very truly,
City Solicitor,
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the communication of City Solici-
tor Nelson be received and made a
matter of record. Seconded by Council-
man Wharton. Carried by the follow-
ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilmen Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
The following decisions of the City
Council relative to various tax peti-
tions requesting cancellation and sus-
pension of taxes presented for approv-
aL• Petition of 1Vm. A. Haller re-
questing suspension of the 1938 taxes
on Lot 27 of McCraney's 2nd Addi-
tion, request granted; Emil Machinek
requesting suspension of the 1938 taxes
on Lot 17, Linehan Park Addition,
West 170 feet of Lot 321 of Davis
Farm Addition and Lot 51 of McDan-
iel's Park Hill Addition, request de-
nied; Della C. Thul requesting cancel-
lation of the 1938 taxes on the South 2
feet 6 inches of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3
of Kleinschmidt's Subdivision, request
granted. Councilman , Clark moved
that the decisions of the City Council
ou the various tax petitions be ap-
proved and that the Board of Super-
visors be notified of the action of the
City Council. Seconded by Council-
man Thompson. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Murphy,
Councilien Clark, Thompson, Van
Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
September 1S, 1939.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Re: Claim and Suit of Mrs. Elsie
Beresford vs. City of Dubuque,
et al.
On March 21, 1938, there was filed
against the City of Dubuque, claim of
Mrs. Elsie (Arna(d) Beresford, in the
sum of Four Hundred ($400) Dollars,
for damages on account of injuries al-
leged to have been sustained by her in
a fall upon a sidewalk on the Easterly
side of Central Avenue in front of
1672 Central Avenue on the 29th day
of January, 1938,
This claitn was referred by the City
Council to the City Solicitor for inves-
tigation and report, and on June 11,
1938, report of investigation was made
by the City Solicitor to the Council
recommending that the claim be dis-
On September 21, 1938, there was
served upon the City, Original Notice
of Suit of the said Mrs, Elsie Beres-
ford, as plaintiff, vs. City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and Laura Lenz, Caroline Lenz
and Joseph A. Lenz, defendants, in
which suit plaintiff claimed the sum of
Four Hundred ($400) Dollars on ac-
count of said injuries as set out in the
claim filed against the City. The said
Laura Lenz and Caroline Lenz, and
Joseph A. Lenz are the owners of the
property in front of which said acci-
dent is alleged to have happened.
Motions and other pleadings were
filed in said cause on behalf of the City
and the plaintiff has offered to settle
said claim aitd suit and to release and
discharge the City of Dubuque from
all claims whatsoever in connection
therewith, for the sum of Fifty ($50)
Dollars. In view of the fact that the
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260 Special Session, September 15th, 1939.
amount itrvolved iu the offer of settle-
ment, and the further fact that the
trial of this case would require the at-
tendance in Court of representatives of
the Engineer's Office and the Street
Department, for perhaps a number of
days with their attendant loss of time
its their own department during trial of
the case, I would recommend that this
case be settled by the payment of the
City of Dubuque to the said Mrs. Elsie
Beresford of the sum of Fifty ($SO)
Dollars, upou her execution and deliv-
ery to the City of Dubuque of a receipt
and release in full fot• al] claims for
damages in said matter, and the dis-
missal of said suit in the District Court
of Dubuque County, Iowa, at plaintiff's
I would, therefore, recommend that
upon the execution of the receipt and
release by the claimant, a warrant be
issued in the sum of $50.00 to Ray
Licklider for claimant Mrs. Elsie
Respectfully submitted,
City Solicitor.
Councilman Van Duelman moved
that the recommendation of City Solici-
tor Nelson be approved and that the
City Auditor be instructed to draw a
warrant in the amount of $50.00 in
favor of Ray Licldider for claimant
Mrs. Elsie Beresford, said warrant to
be delivered upon the execution of a
receipt and release in full for all claims
for damages and the dismissal of said
suit in the District Court of Dubuque
County, Iowa, at plaintiff's costs. Sec-
onded by Councilman Clark. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Councilmen Clark, Thomp-
son, Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-
Reseolution No. 155-39
Whereas, C. F. Hay of Muncie, In-
diana, and Mrs. Frances Stark of De-
troit, Michigan, sole and surviving
legal heirs of J. E. Fairbanks, are the
owners of the East 33' 6" of City Lot
643, iu the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
upon which is located and situated a
building which has been examined by
the Board of Health, Building Com-
missioner, and the Chief of the Fire
Department avd found to be a danger-
ous structure attd unfit for habitation
and a menace to public safety by rea-
son of want of repair, and defects in
drainage and plumbing; and,
Whereas, 'his Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons
to make a thorough investigation of
said building and to report their find-
ings to the Council, the same to act in
conjunction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said Committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
buildiug be condemneed as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said C. F, Hay of Muncie,
Ltdiana, and Mrs. Frances Starlc of De-
troit, Michigan, owners of the build-
ing described herein, a written notice
commanding them to appear before this
Council at a meeting thereof to he held
at 7:30 o'clock P. M., ott the 2nd day
of October, 1939, and to show cause
why said building should not be de-
clared ' a dangerous structure and a
Passed, adopted and approved this
1Sth day of September, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mar-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Vau Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None.
Reesolution Na. 156-39
Whet•eas, The Realty Inv. Cot•p. is
the owner of Lot 284, East Dubuque
No. 2 Addition, in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, upou which is located and situ-
ated abuilding which has been ex-
amined by the Board of Health, Build-
ing Commissioner, and the Chief of
the Fire Department and found to be
a dangerous structure and unfit for
habitation and a menace to public safe-
ty by reason of want of repair, and
defects in drainage and plumbing; and,
Whereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons
to make a thorough investigation of
said buildiug and to report their find-
ings to the Council, the same to act in
conjunction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereb}~ directed to cause to be served
Special Session, September 15th, 1939
upon the said Realty Inv. Corp., owner
of the buildiug described herein, a writ-
ten notice commanding them to appear
before this Council at a meeting there-
of to be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on
the 2nd day of October, 1939, and to
show cause why said building should
not be declared a dangerous structure
and a nuisance.
Passed, adopted and approved this
15th day of September, 1939.
GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerlc.
Comncilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, 1Vharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 157-39
Whereas, The Anchor Investment
Co. is the owner of the South one-half
of Lot 19, Correll's Subdivision in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon which is
located and situated a building which
has been examined by the Board of
Health, Building Commissioner, and
the Chief of the Fire Department and
found to be a dangerous structure and
unfit for habitation and a menace to
public safety by reason of want of re-
pair, and defects in drainage and
plumbing; and,
Whereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
IVhereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building he condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Anchor Investment Co.,
owner of the buildiug described herein,
a written notice commanding them to
appear before this Council at a meet-
ing thereof to be held at 7:30 o'clock
P. NL, on the 2nd day of October, 1939,
in the Council Chamber in the Citv
Hall in the City of Dubuque, and to
show cause why said buildiug should
not be declared a dangerous structure
and a nuisance.
Passed, adopted and approved this
15th day of September, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J, SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution, Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No, 156-39
Whereas, Richard Fuhrmann and/or
Jahn O'Brien are the owners of Lot
10, Central Addition, in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, upon which is located
and situated a building which has been
examined by the Board of Health,
Building Commissioner, and the Chief
of the Fire Department and found to
he a dangerous structure and unfit for
habitation and a menace to public safe-
ty by reason of want of repair, and
defects in drainage and plumbing; and,
1Vhereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
snake a thorough investigation of said
buildiug and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building be condemned as a nuisance,
said repot•t being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Richard Fuhrmann and/
or Johu O'Brien, owners of the build-
iug described herein, a written notice
commanding them to appear before this
Council at a meeting thereof to be held
at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on the 2nd day ,
of October, 1939, in the Council Cham-
ber in the City Hall in the City of Du-
buquee, and to show cause why said
buildiug should not be declared a
dangerous structure and a nuisance.
Passed, adopted and approved this
15th day of September, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
I~ I
262 Special Session, September 15th, 1939.
Couucilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson, Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 159-34
ZVhereas, S. Wiedtier and C. J. Jung-
wirth are the owners of Lot 3 of L,ot
9, Union Addition, in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, upon which is located and
situated a building tivhich has been ex-
amined by the Board of Health, Build-
ing Commissioner, and the Chief of the
Fire Department and found to be a
dangerous structure and unfit for habi-
tation and a menace to public safety
by reason of want of repair, and defects
in drainage and plumbing; and,
1Vhereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereeof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the Build-
ing Commissioner, be, and he is hereby
directed to cause to be served upon the
said S. Wiedner and C. J. Jungwirth,
arvners of the building described here-
in, awritten notice commanding thern
to appear before this Council at a
meeting thereof to be held at 7:30
o'clock P, M., on the 2nd day of Octo-
ber, 1939, in the Council Chamber in
the City Hall in the City of Dubuque,
and to show cause why said building
should not be declared a dangerous
structure and a nuisance.
Passed, adopted attd approved this
15th day of September, 1939.
G$O. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J, SHI:A, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 160-39
Whereas, Wm. J, Robinson is the
ottmer and J. P. Hanten is the mort-
gagee of Lot 22, Union Addition, to
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon which
is located and situated a building
which has been examined by the Board
of Health, Building Commissioner, and
the Chief of the Fire Department and
found to be a dangerous structure and
unfit for habitation and a menacC to
public safety by reason of want of re-
pair, and defects in drainage and
plumbing; and,
Whereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act i~t con-
junction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached ]tereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Wm. J. Robinsos, owner
of the building described herein, and
J, P. Hauten, Mortgage, a written no-
tice commanding them to appear before
this Council at a meeting thereof to be
held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on the 2nd
day of October, 1939, in the Council
Chamber in the City Hall, in the City
of Dubuque, and to show cause why
said building should not be declared a
dangerous structure and a nuisance.
Passed, adopted and approved this
1Sth day of September, 1939.
GI!aO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J, j. SH)~A, City Clerk.
Couucilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 161-39
Whereas, P. J, and Minnie Norton,
are the owners of City Lot 238 in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon tivhich is
located and situated a building which
has been examined by the Board of
Health, Building Commissioner, and
the Chief of the Fire Department and
found to be a dangerous structure and
unfit for habitation and a menace to
public safety by reason of want of re-
Special Session, September 15th, 1939, 263
pair, and defects in drainage and
plumbing; and,
1Vhereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
1Vhereas, Said committee has filed
ils report and recommends that said
building be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereb}~ directed to cause to be served
upon the said P. J. and Minnie Norton,
o~taters of the building described here-
in, a written notice commanding them
to appear before this Council at a
meeting thereof to he held at 7:30
o'clock P. M., on the 2nd day of Octo-
ber, 1939, in the Council Chamber in
the City Hall, in the City of Dubuque,
and to show cause why said building
should not be declared a dangerous
structure and a nuisance.
Passed, adopted and approved this
1Sth day of September, 1939.
GEO, R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SH$A, City Clerk.
Councilman Clarlc moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
ph}~, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Reesolution No. 162-39
Whereas, Patrick O'Shea is the own-
er of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 14S in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon which is
located and situated buildings which
have been examined by the Board of
Health, Building Commissioner, and
the Chief of the Fire Department and
found to be a dangerous structure and
a menace to public safety by reason of
want of repair, and sanitation; and,
Whereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction 4vith the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building lie condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Noty, Therefore,
Be It Resoh~ed by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Patrick O'Shea, owner
of the buildings described herein, a
written notice commanding him to ap-
pear before this Council at a meeting
thereof to be held at 7:30 o'clock P.
M., ou the 2nd day of October, 1939,
in the Council Chamber in the City
Hall, in the City of Dubuque, and to
shota~ cause why said buildings should
not be declared as dangerous struc-
tures and a nuisance,
Passed, adopted and approved this
15th day of September, 1939.
G1;O. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest. J. J, SH$A, City Clerk.
Councilman Clarlr moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Couucilman Thompson, Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 163-39
1Vhereas, Catherine Smith is the
owner of Lot 14, Yates' Sub., in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon which is
located and situated a building which
has been examined by the Board of
Health, Building Commissioner, and
the Chief of the Fire Department and
found to bE a dangerous structure and
unfit for habitation and a menace to
public safety by reason of want of re-
pair, and defects in drainage and
plumbing; and,
Whereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
~ qw~
264 Special Session, September 15th, 1939.
upon the said Catherine Smith, otvner
of the building described herein, a writ-
ten notice commanding her to appear
before this Council at a meeting there-
of to be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., oit
the 2nd day of October, 1939, in the
Council Chamber in the City Hall, itt
the City of Dubuque, and to show
cause why said building should not be
declared a dangerous structure and a
Passed, adopted and approved this
15th day of September, 1939,
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Clarlc moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor I4fur-
phy, Councilmen Clatk, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No, 164-39
Whereas, Mary F. Doyle is the own-
er of Lots 2 and 4 of City Lot 555, in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon which
is located and situated a building
which has been examined by the Board
of Health, Building Commissioner, and
the Chief of the Fire Department and
found to be a dangerous structure and
unfit for habitation and a menace to
public safety by reason of want of re-
pair, and defects in drainage and
plumbing; and,
Whereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
jtmetion with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building,be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Mary F. Doyle, owner of
the luilding described herein, a writ-
ten notice commanding her to. appear
before this Council at a meeting there-
of to be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on
the 2nd day of October, 1939, in the
Council Chamfer in the City Hall in
the City of Dubuque, and to show
cause tvhy said building should not be
declared a dangerous structure and a
Passed, adopted and approved this
1Sth day of September, 1939.
GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Comtcilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 165-39
Whereas, Mary F. Doyle is the own-
er of the North one-third of City Lot
554, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
upon which is located and situated a
building which has been examined by
the Board of Health, Building Com-
missioner, and the Chief of the Fire
Department and found to lea danger-
ous structure and unfit for habitation
and a menace to public safety by rea-
son of want of repal•, and defects in
drainage and plumbing; and,
Whereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction with the Building Comntis-
siou; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
luilding be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and Ite is
hereeby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Mary F, Doyle, owner of
the building described herein, a writ-
ten notice commanding them to appear
before this Council at a meeting there-
of to be held at 7:30 o'clock P, M., on
the 2nd day of October, 1939, and to
show cause ashy said building should
not be declared a dangerous structure
and a nuisance.
Passed, adopted aitd approved this
1Sth day~of September, 1939.
GEO. R, MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Clerk.
Special Session, September 15th, 1939. 265
Couucilmait Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, 11Tharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No, 166-39
1Vhereas, Wm. Lowther is the owner
of City Lot 193, in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, upon which is located and
situated a building which has been ex-
amined, by the Board of Health, Build-
ing Commissioner, and the Chief of the
Fire Department and found to be a
dangerous structure and unfit for habi-
tation and a menace to public safety by
reason of want of repair, and defects in
drainage and plumbing; and,
1Vhereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Wm. Lowther, owner of
the building described herein, a writ-
ten notice commanding him to appear
before this Council at a meeting there-
of to be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on
the 2nd day of October, 1939, iu the
Council Chamber in the City Hall in
the City of Dubuque, and to show
cause why said building should not be
declared a dangerous structure and a
Passed, adopted and approved this
15th day of September, 1939.
GEO. R. MURPHY, Mayor,
Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Cleric.
Councilman Clarlc moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Cowicilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No, 167-39
1Vhereas, The Klauer Julien Hotel
Co. are the owners of City Lot 195, in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon which
is located and situated a building
which has been examined by the Board
of Health, Building Commissioner, and
the Chief of the Fire Department and
found to be a dangerous structure and
unfit for habitation and a menace to
public safety by reason of want of re-
pair, and defects in drainage and
plumbing; and,
1Vhereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in cou-
juuction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Klauer Julien Hotel Co.,
owner of the building described herein,
a written notice commanding them to
appear before this Counci] at a meeting
thereof to be held at 7:30 o'clock P.
14., on the 2nd day of October, 1939,
in the Council Chamber iu the City
Hall in the City of Dubuque, and to
show cause why said building should
not be declared a dangerous structure
and a nuisance.
Passed, adopted and approved this
15th day of September, 1939.
G$O. R, MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J, J. SH$A, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 168-39
Whereas, The Dubuque Biscuit Co.
is the owner of hots 347 and 348, in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon which
is located and situated buildings which
have been exaniiited by the Board of
Health, Building Commissioner, and
the Chief of the Fire Department and
found to he dangerous structures and a
~G;si. ~~
266 Special Session, September 15th, 1939,
menace to public safety by reason of
want of repair, and defects to drainage
and plumbing; and,
Whereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
buildings be condemned as a nuisance,
said reports being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner, be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Dubuque Biscuit Co.,
owner of the buildings described here-
in, awritten notice commanding them
to appear before this Council at a
meeting thereof to be held at 7:30
o'clock P. M., on the 2nd day of Octo-
ber, 1939, and to show cause why said
buildings should not be declared a dan-
gerous structures and a nuisance.
Passed, adopted and approved this
1Sth day of September, 1939.
G>~O. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SH$A, City Clerk.
Councilman Clark moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy, Councilmen Clarlc, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 169-39
Whereas, Maty F. Doyle is the own-
er of the North one-third of City I,ot
554, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
upon which is located and situated a
building which has been examined by
the Board of Health, Building Com-
missioner, and the Chief of the Fire
Department and found to be a danger-
ous structure and unfit for habitation
and a menace to public safety by rea-
son of want of repair, and defects in
drainage and plumbing; and,
Whereas, This Council has hereto-
fore appointed a Condemnation Com-
mittee of three disinterested persons to
make a thorough investigation of said
building and to report their findings to
the Council, the same to act in con-
junction with the Building Commis-
sion; and,
Whereas, Said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building be condemned as a nuisance,
said report being attached hereto and
made a part hereof; Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Building Commissioner be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be served
upon the said Mary F. Doyle, owner
of the building described herein, a
`an•itteu notice commanding her to ap-
pear before this Council at a meeting
thereof to be held at 7:30 o'clock P.
M., on the 2nd day of October, 1939, in
the Council Chamber in the City Hall
in the City of Dubuque, and to show
cause why said building should not be
declared a dangerous structure and a
Passed, adopted and approved this
15th day of September, 1939.
G]3O. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J, SH$A, City Clerlc.
Councilman Clark tnoved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Mur-
phy; Councilmen Clark, Thompson,
Van Duelman, Wharton. Nays-None.
Resolution No. 174-39
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the fol-
lowing, having complied with the pro-
visions of law relating to the sale of
cigarettes within the City of Dubuque,
be granted a permit to sell cigarettes
and cigarette papers within said City
and the Manager is directed to issue
such permit on behalf of said City:
Name Address
General Sales Company (Cliff Har-
ker, Mgr.), 9S1 Main Street; I,eo N.
Theisen (This permit to become effect-
tive 10/1/39), 332 );ighth Avenue,
Be It Further Resolved, That the
bonds filed with the applications be ap-
Passed, adopted and approved this
1Sth day of September, 1939.
G$O. R. MURPHY, Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHRA, City Clerk.
Special Session, September 15th, 1939. 267
Councilman Van Duelman moved
the adoption of the resolution, Second-
ed by Councilman Wharton. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor
Murphy, Cotncilmen Clark, Thomp-
son, Van Duelman, tiVharton. Nays-
There being tro further business
Councilman Clark moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Councilman Thompson,
Carried by the following vote: Yeas-
Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Clark,
Thompson, Van Duelman, Wharton.
J. J• SHI;A,
City Clerk.
Approved ----------------------1939.
Adopted _____
Attest: -----------------------------
City Clerk.