1 16 18 City Council Proceedings Official_Regular CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on January 16, 2018 in the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street. Present: Mayor Buol (via phone), Mayor Pro Tem Resnick; Council Members Del Toro, Jones, Larson, Shaw; City Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Brumwell Absent: Council Member Rios Mayor Pro Tem Resnick read the call and stated this is a regular session of the City Council called for the purpose of conducting such business that may properly come be- fore the City Council. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT ITEMS Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents, adopt the resolutions, and dispose of as indicated. Seconded by Del Toro. Council Member Shaw requested #s 6, 19, and 20 be held for separate discussion; and Council Member Larson requested #17 be held for separate discussion. Motion carried 6-0. 1 . Minutes and Reports Submitted: Cable TV Commission of 1/3/18; City Council Pro- ceedings of 1/3/18; Historic Preservation Commission of 12/21/17; Library Board of Trus- tees of 11/16/17; Park and Recreation Commission of 12/12/17; Resilient Community Advisory Commission of 11/2/17, 12/7/17; Zoning Advisory Commission of 12/6/17, 1/3/18; Zoning Board of Adjustment of 12/21/17; Proofs of Publication for City Council Proceedings of 12/18/17 and List of Claims/Summary of Revenues for Month Ending 11/30/17. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 2. Notice of Claims and Suits: Merlyn Atkinson for property damage; Mary Coan for personal injury; Elizabeth Wallace for vehicle damage. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and referred to the City Attorney. 3. Disposition of Claims: City Attorney advising that the following claims have been referred to Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, the agent for the Iowa Communities As- surance Pool: Merlyn Atkinson for property damage; Mary Coan for personal injury; Eliz- abeth Wallace for vehicle damage. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and concurred. 1 4. Eagle Point Park Historic District Listed on National Register of Historic Places: Cor- respondence from the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs informing the City that the Ea- gle Point Park Historic District has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places effective November 27, 2017. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 5. Marquette Hall National Register of Historic Places Nomination: Historic Preserva- tion Commission approval of an application to the State Nominations Review Committee for the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs requesting that Marquette Hall be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 6. Jule Transit Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2017: City Manager transmitting the Jule's Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2017. Motion by Shaw to receive and file the documents. Seconded by Del Toro. Council Member Shaw recognized the efforts of the Transit De- partment and the Transit Advisory Board and highlighted their successes. Motion carried 6-0. 7. Civil Service Commission - Certified Lists: Civil Service Commission submitting the Certified List for the position of Bus Operator and Assistant Fire Marshal. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and made a Matter of Record. December 20, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council In accordance with Chapter 400 of the Code of Iowa, an entrance examination for the position of Bus Operator was administered on December 5, 2017. We hereby certify that the individuals listed below have passed this written examination and the vacancy for this position should be made from this list and that this list is good for one (1) year from above date. Bus Operator 1 . Linda Lentner, 2. Latisha McKnight, 3. Laura Redding, 4. Gerald Cullen, 5. Mark Welbes, 6. Ryan Elliott, 7. Peter Herrig, 8. Gary Meyer, 9. Robert Giers, 10. Tim McGinnis Eligible Employee: Justin Licht Respectfully submitted, /s/Dan White, Chairman Civil Service Commission 2 December 20, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council In accordance with Chapter 400 of the Code of Iowa, an examination for the position of Assistant Fire Marshal was given on December 6, 2017. We hereby certify that the individuals listed below have passed this written examination and the vacancy for this position should be made from this list and that this list is good for two (2) years from above date. Assistant Fire Marshal 1 . Kevin Esser, 2. Derek Paulson Respectfully submitted, /s/Dan White, Chairperson Civil Service Commission 8. Community Catalyst Building Remediation Grant: City Manager recommending ap- proval of the submission of an application to the Iowa Economic Development Authority's Community Catalyst Building Remediation Grant Program for the Creative Adventure Lab Project at 210 Jones Street. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and ap- proved. 9. Certified Local Government (CLG) Grant Agreement for Historic Preservation Com- mission Scholarships: City Manager recommending adoption of a resolution approving the CLG grant agreement and authorizing the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City to re- ceive the scholarships that enable at least four Historic Preservation Commission mem- bers to attend the 2018 National Alliance of Preservation Commissions Biennial Forum. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 7-18 Authorizing CLG Grant Agreement with State Historic Preservation Office for Scholarships for Historic Preservation Commissioners to attend National Preservation Conference was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 7-18 AUTHORIZING CLG GRANT AGREEMENT WITH STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSIONERS TO ATTEND NATIONAL PRESERVATION CONFERENCE Whereas, the State Historic Preservation Office has awarded Certified Local Govern- ment (CLG) grant funds to the City of Dubuque for scholarships for Historic Preservation Commissioners to attend the 2018 national preservation conference in Des Moines; and Whereas, as a Certified Local Government the City of Dubuque has agreed to provide for annual education and training for Historic Preservation Commissioners. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The Mayor hereby is authorized to sign the FY 2018 CLG Grant Agreement with the State Historic Preservation Office in the amount of $3,000 for scholarships for Historic Preservation Commissioners to attend the 2018 National Alliance of Preservation Commissions biennial FORUM to be held in Des Moines, Iowa on July 18 - 22, 2018. 3 Section 2. The Planning Services Manager hereby authorized to serve as project man- ager in accordance with state requirements. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 10. Approval of Plat of Easement for Public Utilities and Bike/Hike Trail: City Manager recommending approval of a Plat of Easement for Public Utilities and a Bike/Hike Trail over a portion of City-owned property at 460 East 18th Street as part of the Metx, LLC Renovation Project. Upon motion the documents were received and filed, and Resolution No. 8-18 Approving a Plat of Easement for Public Utility and Bike Train located in part of Lot 1 of Marde Place in the City of Dubuque, Iowa was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 8-18 APPROVING A PLAT OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY AND BIKE TRAIL LO- CATED IN PART OF LOT 1 OF MARDE PLACE IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, there has been presented to the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, a plat of easement for public utility and bike trail dated the 20th day of December 2018, prepared by IIW, P.C. showing a permanent public utilities and bike/hike trail easement located in part of Lot 1 of Marde Place in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, per the Development Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Metx, LLC dated October 12, 2017, the easement area is being reserved for public utilities and a public bike/hike trail to be constructed and maintained by the City of Dubuque, and Whereas, said plat of easement conforms to the laws and statutes pertaining thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the plat of easement dated the 20th day of December 2017, prepared by IIW, P.C. relative to the real estate hereinabove described be and the same is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said plat of easement for and on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to file said plat of easement and certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Recorder in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 11 . Acceptance Grant of Easement for Bike/Hike Trail: City Manager recommending acceptance of a Grant of Easement for a Bike/Hike Trail over a portion of vacated East 17th Street as part of the Metx, LLC Renovation Project. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 9-18 Accepting a Grant of Easement from Metz Development, LLC for a Bike/Hike Trail was adopted. 4 RESOLUTION NO. 9-18 ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM METZ DEVELOPMENT, LLC FOR A BIKE/HIKE TRAIL Whereas, the City of Dubuque entered into an agreement with Metx, LLC for develop- ment of property including property legally described as: Lot 176A of East Dubuque addition; at and adjacent to 1690 Elm Street for a medical campus, including the Crescent Community Health Center; and Whereas, the Developer has agreed to provide easements to the City for utilities and a proposed bike/hike trail on portions of the property; and Whereas, accepting the easement allows the City to continue its work of connecting the northern portions of Heritage Trail along the Bee Branch to the more southern portions of the Trail, and to the Trail along the Peosta Channel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AS FOLLOWS: 1 . The Grant of Easement for Bike/Hike Trail attached hereto is hereby accepted. 2. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to record this resolution and the Grant of Easement with the Dubuque County Recorder. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 12. Plat of Survey Cedar Lake - East 12th Addition: Zoning Advisory Commission rec- ommending approval of the Plat of Survey for Cedar Lake - East 12th Addition subject to waiving the lot frontage requirement for Lot 1 . Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 10-18 Approving the Plat of Survey Cedar Lake - East 12th Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 10-18 APPROVING THE PLAT OF SURVEY CEDAR LAKE - EAST 12TH ADDITION IN CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, there has been filed with the City Clerk a Plat of Survey Cedar Lake — East 12th Addition in the city of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey provides 32.64 feet of frontage for Lot 1 on a public or approved private street, where 50 feet of street frontage is required by Section 11 -14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey has been examined by the Zoning Advisory Commission and had its approval endorsed thereon; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey has been examined by the City Council and they find that it conforms to the statutes and ordinances relating thereto. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That Section 11-14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code, is waived to allow 32.64 feet of frontage on a public street or an approved private street for Lot 1 . 5 Section 2. That the Plat of Survey Cedar Lake — East 12th Addition is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa upon said Plat of Survey. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tern Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 13. Plat of Survey - Mississippi Heights Subdivision No. 6: Zoning Advisory Commis- sion recommending approval of the Plat of Survey Mississippi Heights Subdivision No. 6 subject to waiving the lot frontage requirement for Lot 3. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 11-18 Approving the Plat of Survey Missis- sippi Heights Subdivision No. 6 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 11-18 APPROVING THE PLAT OF SURVEY MISSISSIPPI HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION NO. 6 IN CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, there has been filed with the City Clerk a Plat of Survey Mississippi Heights Subdivision No. 6 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey provides 24.68 feet of frontage for Lot 3 on a public or approved private street, where street frontage is required by Section 11-14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey has been examined by the Zoning Advisory Commission and had its approval endorsed thereon; and Whereas, said Plat of Survey has been examined by the City Council and they find that it conforms to the statutes and ordinances relating thereto. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That Section 11-14 of Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code, is waived to allow 24.68 feet of frontage on a public street or an approved private street for Lot 3. Section 2. That the Plat of Survey Mississippi Heights Subdivision No. 6 is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa upon said Plat of Survey. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tern Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 14. Acceptance of Lot C and Lot D South Pointe Subdivision: City Manager recom- mending acceptance of Lot C and Lot D of South Pointe Subdivision in the City of Dubu- que, Iowa. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 12- 18 Accepting Lot C and Lot D of South Pointe Subdivision, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa was adopted. 6 RESOLUTION NO. 12-18 ACCEPTING LOT C AND LOT D OF SOUTH POINTE SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, Lot C and Lot D (Storm Water Detention), Lot F (Rockdale Road), Lot G (South Pointe Drive), Lot N (Waterbridge Lane), Lot 0 (Cedar Trail Drive), Lot P (Summit Hill Drive), and Lot Q (Whisper Woods Lane) of the Final Plat of South Pointe Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa were dedicated to the public for the described purposes; and Whereas, Pursuant to Resolution No. 211-17, Lot F (Rockdale Road), Lot G (South Pointe Drive), Lot N (Waterbridge Lane), Lot 0 (Cedar Trail Drive), Lot P (Summit Hill Drive), and Lot Q (Whisper Woods Lane), of the Final Plat of South Pointe Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa were accepted by the City of Dubuque for the described pur- poses. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the City of Dubuque wishes to now accept the dedication of Lot C and Lot D of the Final Plat of South Pointe Subdivision for the purposes of owning and main- taining the storm water detention facilities on said Lot C and Lot D. Section 2. That the dedication of Lot C and Lot D of the Final Plat of South Pointe Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby accepted. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 15. Notice of Renewal of Highway 20 Corridor Preservation Zone: Correspondence from the Iowa Department of Transportation notifying the City that the IDOT proposes to renew corridor preservation for a segment of U.S. 20 In Dubuque County from the Peosta interchange east to the Crescent Ridge intersection. Upon motion the document was re- ceived and filed. 16. Grand River Center Electric Floor Box Replacement Award: City Manager recom- mending that the award for the Grand River Center Electric Floor Box Replacement Pro- ject to Westphal & Co., Inc. be officially recorded in the minutes of the City Council. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and made a Matter of Record. 17. Roosevelt Street Water Tower Project (Pressure Zone 2) Planning and Design En- gineering Firm Selection: City Manager recommending approval to enter into final con- tract negotiations with IIW, P.C. to provide the professional engineering services to de- velop the preliminary engineering report, intended use plan application, archeological and environmental assessments, and the self-assessment Iowa Water System Viability doc- uments in support of obtaining the necessary funding for the Roosevelt Street Water Tower Project. Motion by Larson to receive and file the documents and approve the rec- ommendation. Seconded by Del Toro. Responding to questions from the City Council, Water Department Manager Denise Ihrig stated that low water pressure issues are being worked on, and that this project might help identify city-wide water pressure issues 7 through the development of a hydraulic distribution model. Ms. Ihrig added that she is not aware of any plans to expand the shoulder along Roosevelt Street that would aid children walking to school as a water main already exists there. She will inform other staff regard- ing the issue. Motion carried 6-0. 18. Grand River Center North Parking Lot Repair Project Award: City Manager recom- mending that the award for the Grand River Center North Parking Lot Repair Project to Drew Cook & Sons Excavating be officially recorded in the minutes of the City Council. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and made a Matter of Record. 19. IDOT ICAAP Funding Agreement University and Grandview Roundabout: City Manager authorization for the Mayor to execute a Funding Agreement with the Iowa De- partment of Transportation for an Iowa's Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP) Grant to assist with the construction of a proposed roundabout at the University Avenue and Grandview Avenue intersection. Motion by Shaw to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 13-18 Approving a Funding Agreement (6-17-ICAAP-09) with the Iowa Department of Transportation for an Iowa's Clean Air Attainment Program to assist with the construction of a proposed roundabout at University Avenue and Grandview Av- enue. Seconded by Jones. Council Member Shaw acknowledged the work by staff to secure grants to cover a large portion of projects costs and pointed out that this project will cause a Jule Transit bus stop to be temporarily relocated. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 13-18 APPROVING A FUNDING AGREEMENT (6-17-ICAAP-09) WITH THE IOWA DEPART- MENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR AN IOWA'S CLEAN AIR ATTAINMENT PRO- GRAM TO ASSIST WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PROPOSED ROUNDABOUT AT UNIVERSITY AVENUE AND GRANDVIEW AVENUE Whereas, the increasing growth of traffic volumes, along with operational and safety concerns, at North Grandview Avenue and University Avenue in the City of Dubuque could be improved by a roundabout; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque has determined that improvements to this intersection, as recommended by the Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Traffic Safety, will improve traffic flow; and Whereas, the total cost for these improvements is estimated at $1 ,241 ,842.00. The Iowa's Clean Air Attainment Program Grant will fund $264,842.00 of this project. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, THAT: Section 1 . That said Iowa's Clean Air Attainment Program Grant funding will be used within the City of Dubuque to assist with the construction of a proposed roundabout at University Avenue and Grandview Avenue intersection is hereby approved. Section 2. That the Mayor be authorized and directed to execute two copies of said Funding Agreement for the Iowa's Clean Air Attainment Program Grant funding that will be used within the City of Dubuque to assist with the construction of a proposed rounda- bout at University Avenue and Grandview Avenue intersection. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 8 20. IDOT Surface Transportation Project (STP) Funding Agreement University and Grandview Roundabout: City Manager recommending authorization for the Mayor to ex- ecute a Funding Agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation for a Surface Transportation (STP) Block Grant to assist with the construction of a proposed rounda- bout at the University Avenue and Grandview Avenue intersection. Motion by Shaw to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 14-18 Approving a Funding Agreement (6-17-STPU-30) with the Iowa Department of Transportation for a Surface Transportation Block Grant Program to assist with the construction of a proposed round- about at University Avenue and Grandview Avenue. Seconded by Larson. Council Mem- ber Shaw included this topic with his discussion of Item #19. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 14-18 APPROVING A FUNDING AGREEMENT (6-17-STPU-30) WITH THE IOWA DEPART- MENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR A SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM TO ASSIST WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PROPOSED ROUNDABOUT AT UNIVERSITY AVENUE AND GRANDVIEW AVENUE Whereas, the increasing growth of traffic volumes, along with operational and safety concerns, at North Grandview Avenue and University Avenue in the City of Dubuque could be improved by a roundabout; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque has determined that improvements to this intersection, as recommended by the Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Traffic Safety, will improve traffic flow; and Whereas, the total cost for these improvements is estimated at $1 ,241 ,842.00. The Surface Transportation Block Grant program will fund $200,000.00 of this project. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, THAT: Section 1 . That said Surface Transportation Block Grant funding will be used within the City of Dubuque to assist with the construction of a proposed roundabout at University Avenue and Grandview Avenue intersection is hereby approved. Section 2. That the Mayor be authorized and directed to execute two copies of said Funding Agreement for the Surface Transportation Block Grant funding that will be used within the City of Dubuque to assist with the construction of a proposed roundabout at University Avenue and Grandview Avenue intersection. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 21 . Request for Proposals - Valentine Park SRF Project: City Manager recommending approval of the release of a Request for Proposals for qualified consulting services to implement a Catfish Creek Watershed State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) award for the Valentine Park SRF Project. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and ap- proved. 22. Signed Contract: Fehr Graham Engineering and Environmental Professional Ser- vices agreement related to Creek Wood Park design and construction management ser- vices. Upon motion the document was received and filed. 9 23. Alcohol License Applications: City Manager recommending approval of annual beer, liquor and wine licenses as submitted. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 15-18 Approving applications for beer, liquor, and/or wine permits, as required by City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances Title 4 Business and License Regulations, Chapter 2 Liquor Control, Article B Liquor, Beer and Wine Licenses and Permits was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 15-18 APPROVING APPLICATIONS FOR BEER, LIQUOR, AND/OR WINE PERMITS, AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF DUBUQUE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE 4 BUSINESS AND LICENSE REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 2 LIQUOR CONTROL, ARTICLE B LIQ- UOR, BEER AND WINE LICENSES AND PERMITS Whereas, applications for Beer, Liquor, and or Wine Permits have been submitted and filed with the City Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of the City and the applicants have filed the proper fees and bonds and otherwise complied with the requirements of the Code of Ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be issued the noted permit types to the following applicants pending submission of the locally required documentation: Renewals Backpocket Brewing Taproom 333 E. 10th St. t Class C Liquor (Catering) (Out- door) (Sunday) RMN Lounge, LLC 481 Locust St. Class C Liquor (Outdoor) (Sun- day) Best Western Plus Dubuque 3100 Dodge St. Class B Liquor (Catering) (Out- Hotel /Champps Americana door) (Sunday) Awn Stop Mart, Inc. 1998 Jackson St. Class C Beer (Sunday) New Millwork Marketplace 333 E. 10th St. Class C Liquor (Catering) (Out- door) (Sunday) Special Event Catfish Charlie's (6 Month) 145 Crescent Class B Beer Ridge Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 10 ITEMS SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents, adopt the resolutions, set the public hearings as indicated, and direct the City Clerk to publish notice as prescribed by law. Seconded by Del Toro. Motion carried 6-0. 1 . Community Development Block Grant Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Action Plan: City Manager recommending that the City Council set a public hearing for review of the Com- munity Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan for February 12, 2018, in conjunc- tion with the Housing and Community Development Department's budget hearing. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 16-18 Setting a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2019 (Program Year 2018) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan was adopted, setting a public hearing for a meeting to commence at 6:00 p.m. on February 12, 2018 in the Historic Federal Building. RESOLUTION NO. 16-18 SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2019 (PROGRAM YEAR 2018) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) ANNUAL ACTION PLAN Whereas, the City of Dubuque has prepared a proposed Annual Action Plan for the use of Community Development Block Grant funds for inclusion in the City Budget; and Through a series of public meetings and hearings, finalized a Fiscal Year 2019 (Pro- gram Year 2018) Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan addressing both housing and non-housing needs in the community will be prepared for submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Community Development; and Whereas, copies of the draft Fiscal Year 2019 (Program Year 2018) CDBG Annual Action Plan will be available for public comment for 30 days prior to City Council action; and Whereas, the City's Community Development Advisory Commission has reviewed and provided comment on said plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the City Council will meet in the Historic Federal Building, Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa at 6:00 p.m. on February 12, 2018 for the purpose of holding a public hearing and taking action to include the Fiscal Year 2019 (Program Year 2018) Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan in the City Budget. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of such public hearing and the City Council's intent to review and take action on the Fiscal Year 2019 (Program Year 2018) Community Development Block Grant Annual Plan. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 11 BOARDS/COMMISSIONS Applicants were invited to address the City Council about their desire to serve on the following Boards and Commissions. 1 . Community Development Advisory Commission: Two, 3-year terms through Febru- ary 15, 2021 (Expiring At-Large term of Wainwright and Low-/Moderate-Income Area Term of Woodyard). Applicants: Thomas Wainwright, 1788 Lori St. (Qualifies as At- Large); Julie Woodyard, 2015 Washington St. (Qualifies as Low-/Moderate-Income Area). Appointment was made to the following Commission. 2. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission: One, 3-year term through June 30, 2019 [corrected] (Vacant term of Larson). Applicants: Adam Babinat, 54 Milwaukee St.; Kim Daykin, 275 Southgate Dr. (Additional Applicant); Daniel Rothert, 85 Freemont Ave.; Ray Werner, 2595 Greeley St.; Luke Roth, 904 Barbaralee Dr. (Application pulled at Mr. Roth's request.). Upon roll-call vote of: Babinat = 0; Daykin = 0; Rothers = 2 (Del Toro, Resnick); and Werner = 4 (Jones, Larson, Buol and Shaw), Mr. Werner was appointed to the remainder of a 3-year term through June 30, 2019 [corrected]. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 . Master Lease Agreement with Southwestco Wireless, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Wireless: Proof of publication on notice of public hearing to consider approval of a Water Tower and Ground Space Lease for Southwestco Wireless, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Wireless to ex- pand their capacity at the 3rd Street Water Tower at 3rd Street and College Street and the City Manager recommending approval. Motion by Del Toro to receive and file the docu- ments and adopt Resolution No. 17-18 Approving the Disposal of an interest in real prop- erty owned by the City of Dubuque by lease between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Southwestco Wireless, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Wireless. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 17-18 APPROVING THE DISPOSAL OF AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF DUBUQUE BY LEASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AND SOUTHWESTCO WIRELESS INC. D/B/A VERIZON WIRELESS Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa (City) owns the real property legally described as follows: Lots 21 , 22 and 23, Finley Home Addition to the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa; and Lot 2 in Finley Home Addition No. 2, in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa (the Property), locally known as 1525 West Third Street, Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, City and Southwestco Wireless Inc. d/b/a Verizon Wireless have negotiated a proposed Water Tower & Ground Space Lease Agreement for the Property, a copy of which Water Tower & Ground Space Lease Agreement is on file at the office of the City 12 Clerk, City Hall, 13th and Central Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa, for the installation and opera- tion of a cellular radio-telephone communication antenna facility; and Whereas, on January 16, 2018, the City Council pursuant to notice published as re- quired by law held a public hearing on its intent to dispose of the foregoing interest in real property and overruled all objections thereto; and Whereas, the City Council believes it is in the best interests of the City of Dubuque to approve the proposed Water Tower & Ground Space Lease Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The Water Tower & Ground Space Lease Agreement between the City and Southwestco Wireless Inc. d/b/a Verizon Wireless is hereby approved and the City Man- ager is authorized to execute said Water Tower & Ground Space Lease Agreement on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 2. Metx, LLC, - Vacating Petition for Alley Right-of-Way: Proof of publication on notice of public hearing to consider approval of the vacate and disposal of the property to be known as Lot 175A of East Dubuque Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa as part of the Metx, LLC Renovation Project at 1690 Elm Street and the City Manager recommending approval. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents and adopt Resolution No. 18-18 Vacating the right-of-way of the 20-foot alley between Elm Street and Pine Street and lying north of East 17th Street and south of East 18th Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Resolution No. 19-18 Disposing of City interest in Lot 175A of East Dubuque Addition to City of Dubuque, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Seconded by Del Toro. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 18-18 VACATING THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE 20-FOOT ALLEY BETWEEN ELM STREET AND PINE STREET AND LYING NORTH OF EAST 17TH STREET AND SOUTH OF EAST 18TH STREET, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, Metx, LLC has requested the vacating and purchase of the 20-foot Alley between Elm Street and Pine Street and lying North of East 17th Street and South of East 18th Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, IIW, P.C. has prepared and submitted to the City Council a plat showing the proposed vacated Right of Way of 20-foot Alley between Elm Street and Pine Street and lying North of East 17th Street and South of East 18th Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa and assigned lot numbers thereto, which hereinafter shall be known and described as Lot 175A of East Dubuque Addition to the City of Dubuque, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, pursuant to resolution and published notice of time and place of hearing, published in the Telegraph Herald, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Dubuque, Iowa on this 5th day of January 2018, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa met on the 16th day of January 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Historic Federal Building Council Chambers (second floor), 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa to consider the request to vacate; and 13 Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa overruled any and all objec- tions, oral or written to the request to vacate; and Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has determined that the pro- posed vacated Alley between Elm Street and Pine Street and lying North of East 17th Street and South of East 18th Street to be known as Lot 175A of East Dubuque Addition to the City of Dubuque, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, should be approved. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the real estate described as Lot 175A of East Dubuque Addition to the City of Dubuque, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby vacated. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 19-18 DISPOSING OF CITY INTEREST IN LOT 175A OF EAST DUBUQUE ADDITION TO CITY OF DUBUQUE, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, pursuant to resolution and published notice of time and place of hearing, published in the Telegraph Herald, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Dubuque, Iowa on this 5th day of January, 2018, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa met on the 16th day of January, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Historic Federal Building Council Chambers (second floor), 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa to consider the proposal for the sale of real estate described as: Lot 175A of East Dubuque Addition to the City of Dubuque, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa overruled any and all objec- tions, oral or written to the proposal to sell such real estate. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the sale of City of Dubuque real property described as Lot 175A of East Dubuque Addition to the City of Dubuque, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to Metx, LLC be and the same is hereby approved, subject to the conditions of an Agreement between the City and Metx, LLC. Conveyance shall be by Special Warranty Deed. Section 2. That the Mayor be authorized and directed to execute a Special Warranty Deed, and the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to deliver said deed of conveyance to Metx, LLC. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this resolution in the offices of the City Assessor, Dubuque County Re- corder and Dubuque County Auditor. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 14 PUBLIC INPUT Michaela Freiburger, 1718 Diane Ct., Dubuque; and Gwen Hall Driscoll, 412 W. Main St., Epworth, addressed the City Council regarding Action Item #2 Dubuque Eats Well Coalition requesting that the City Council consider funding their request through a dedi- cated budget line item and not through the purchase of service competitive grant program as indicated in the City Manager's response. The speakers referenced the existing city programs relating to local foods and added that support by another two entities is contin- gent upon support from Dubuque. ACTION ITEMS 1 . Grand River Center Annual Report: Grand River Center General Manager Mitzi Yordy presented the Center's 2017 Annual Report and update of activities in the current fiscal year and future plans. Highlights included the Center's purpose, 2017 outcomes, promotional strategy, annual groups comparison, 2017 events actual market segment, sustainability efforts, 2018 market segment forecast, partnerships, and a review of 2017/2018 groups. Responding to questions from the City Council, Ms. Yordy addressed competitive employment at the Center in terms of longevity, total number of employees and how temporary help is engaged. She added that the Center collectively works with the Five Flags Center without direct competition. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents. Seconded by Del Toro. Motion carried 6-0. 2. Dubuque Eats Well Coalition: City Manager submitting a response to the Dubuque Eats Well Coalition regarding a request for funding to promote community and regional food systems. Motion by Jones to receive and file the documents. Seconded by Shaw. City Manager Van Milligen responded to questions regarding his response to the organi- zation stating how the City's purchase of service competitive grant process is designed for such requests and what impact it could have on the Fiscal Year 2019 budget. The City Council discussed the budget justification, relationship to Council goals, and the potential for precedent setting if the funds were to be a dedicated budget line item. The Council concurred that it warranted more discussion during Fiscal Year 2019 budget process scheduled throughout February. Motion carried 6-0. 3. Final Plat - South Pointe #2 Subdivision: City Manager recommending approval of the final plat of South Pointe #2 Subdivision. Motion by Jones to receive and file the doc- uments and adopt Resolution No. 20-18 Authorizing approval of the Final Plat of South Pointe #2 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Seconded by Del Toro. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 20-18 AUTHORIZING APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT OF SOUTH POINTE #2 IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA Whereas, there has been filed with the City Clerk a Final Plat of South Pointe #2 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, upon said final plat appear public streets to be known as South Pointe Drive (Lot D), Waterbridge Lane (Lot E), Summit Hill Drive (Lot F), Whisper Woods Lane (Lot 15 G), Longholllow Drive (Lot H), Fair Haven Lane (Lot J), Magnolia Lane (Lot K), and de- tention basins Lot B and Lot C, together with certain public utility, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, detention basin access, and water main easements, which the owner by said final plat has dedicated to the public forever; and Whereas, upon said Final Plat appear private streets to be known as Edenbrook Lane (Lot L) and Autumn Ridge Lane (Lot M), which the owner by said Final Plat has agreed to own, construct and maintain forever; and Whereas, the preliminary plat has been examined by the Zoning Advisory Commission and its approval has been endorsed thereon; and Whereas, said final plat has been reviewed by the City Planner and her approval has been endorsed thereon, subject to the owner's agreeing to the conditions specified herein; and Whereas, said final plat has been examined by the City Council and the City Council find the final plat conforms to the applicable statutes and ordinances, except that streets and public utilities have not yet been completely constructed or installed. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the dedication of South Pointe Drive (Lot D), Waterbridge Lane (Lot E), Summit Hill Drive (Lot F), Whisper Woods Lane (Lot G), Longhollow Drive (Lot H), Fair Haven Lane (Lot J), Magnolia Lane (Lot K), and detention basins Lot B and Lot C, together with certain public utility, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, detention basin access, and water main easements, as they appear on said final plat, be and the same are hereby accepted; and Section 2. That the private streets of Edenbrook Lane (Lot L) and Autumn Ridge Lane (Lot M) as they appear on said Final Plat, be and the same are hereby approved; and that the dedication of the public utility easements in Autumn Ridge Lane (Lot M) and Edenbrook Lane (Lot L), as they appear on said Final Plat, be and the same are hereby accepted; and Section 3. That the Final Plat of South Pointe #2 is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon said final plat, provided the owners of said property herein named, execute their written acceptance of the attached conditions and further agree: (a) To reduce South Pointe Drive (Lot D), Waterbridge Lane (Lot E), Summit Hill Drive (Lot F), Whisper Woods Lane (Lot G), Longhollow Drive (Lot H), Fair Haven Lane (Lot J) and Magnolia Lane (Lot K) to grade and to construct longitudinal sub- drain, concrete curb and gutter with asphaltic concrete pavement or with Portland Cement concrete pavement with integral curb, all in accordance with the City of Dubuque standard specifications in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer, in conformance with construction improvement plans approved by the City Engineer, and inspected and approved by the City Engineer. (b) To reduce the private streets of Edenbrook Lane (Lot L) and Autumn Ridge Lane (Lot M) to grade and to construct longitudinal sub-drain, concrete curb and gutter with asphaltic concrete pavement or with Portland Cement concrete pave- ment with integral curb, install a private storm water detention facility on Lot A, and to construct an asphaltic concrete emergency access roadway on Lot AA, all in ac- cordance with the City of Dubuque standard specifications in a manner acceptable 16 to the City Engineer, in conformance with construction improvement plans approved by the City Engineer, and inspected and approved by the City Engineer. (c) To install sanitary sewer mains and sewer service laterals into each individual lot, water mains and water service laterals into each individual lot, storm water de- tention basins, storm sewers and catch basins, boulevard street lighting, fiber optic conduit and vaults, and to install water and sanitary sewer main extensions through Lot 1 of McNamer Acres #1 , Lots 1 and 2 of McNamer Acres #2 and Mineral Lot 488, and install erosion control devices, all in accordance with the City of Dubuque standard specifications in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer, and in accord- ance with construction improvement plans approved by the City Engineer, and in- spected and approved by the City Engineer. (d) To construct accessible sidewalk ramps at each intersection and street cross- ings in accordance with City of Dubuque Standards and Specifications, all in a man- ner acceptable to the City Engineer, and in accordance with the construction im- provement plans approved by the City Engineer, and inspected and approved by the City Engineer. (e) To construct the improvements outlined in (a), (b), (c), and (d), above within two years from the date of acceptance of this resolution, at the sole expense of the owners, or future owner. (f) To maintain the improvements outlined in (a), (c), and (d) above for a period of two (2) years from the date of the acceptance of those improvements by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, at the sole final expense of the owners, or future owner. (g) To maintain the private street improvements outlined in (b) above forever. (h) That Dubuque South Ponte, LLC shall provide documentation within 90 days of Final Plat approval that existing building, access, and water main easements, recorded as Document No. 10011-95 and Document No. 10198-95 in the Dubuque County Recorder's Office, have been vacated. (i) To provide security for the performance of the foregoing conditions specified in this Section in such form and with such sureties as may be acceptable to the City Manager of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 4. That sidewalk installation shall be the responsibility of each lot owner for each lot abutting the public rights-of-way, including lots with multiple frontages, as re- quired by City Code Chapter 10-1-2 (Sidewalk Installation and Repair). Section 5. That the owner must construct and maintain erosion control devices in South Pointe Subdivision which control erosion and prevent sediment from leaving the site. The owner shall also be responsible for maintenance of the detention facility located on Lots B and C of South Pointe Subdivision #2 until 80% of the lots shown on the Preliminary Plat/Conceptual Plan for South Pointe Subdivision, which drain into said detention facility, have been fully developed and adequate erosion control measures, as approved by the City Engineer, have been installed on the remaining 20% of said lots. Until the above 80% of lots are developed, maintenance of the detention facilities in Lots B and C of South Pointe Subdivision #2 shall include the removal of sediment and other debris caused by construction activities in South Pointe Subdivision #2 and reshaping and reseeding of the disturbed areas. After said 80% lots are developed, inspection, administration, and maintenance expenses incurred by the City of Dubuque for the storm water detention facility on Lots B and C of South Pointe Subdivision #2 shall be assessed against the 17 property owners, except the City of Dubuque, in South Pointe Subdivision #2, as indicated on the preliminary plats thereof, in equal amounts. The City Manager shall certify such costs to the City Clerk, who in turn shall promptly certify such costs to the Dubuque County Treasurer, and such costs shall then be collected with and in the same manner as general property taxes in accordance with provisions of law. Section 6. That a park and related improvements be located on the eastern portion of Lot A. The park lot must be at least one-half acre of developable property in size and shall be reviewed, constructed and dedicated to the City of Dubuque within three (3) years of this Final Plat approval, and be in compliance with the requirements found in the Housing TIF Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque South Pointe, LLC, approved by the City Council on June 5, 2017, Resolution No. 205-17. Section 7. That the planting of street trees shall be coordinated with the City Forester. Any trees planted within the street right-of-way must be chosen and planted by the City of Dubuque Leisure Services Department at the developer's expense. Section 8. That the final acceptance of the public improvements shall only occur upon certification of the City Engineer to the City Council that the public improvements have been completed in accordance with the approved improvement plans and City standards and specifications and accepted by City Council Resolution. Section 9. That in the event South Pointe, LLC fails to execute the acceptance and furnish the guarantees provided hereof within 180 days after the date of this Resolution, the provisions hereof shall be null and void and the acceptance of the dedication and approval the plat shall not be effective. Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of January 2018. David T. Resnick, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 20-18 I, the undersigned, Michael J. Klauer, representing Dubuque South Pointe, LLC, hav- ing read the terms and conditions of the Resolution No. 20-18 and being familiar with the conditions thereof hereby accept this same and agree to the conditions required therein. Dated in Dubuque, Iowa this XXXXXXXX day of XXXXXXX 2018. /s/Michael J. Klauer Dubuque South Pointe, LLC 4. Request to Schedule Work Session on Project HOPE: City Manager requesting ap- proval to schedule a Work Session on Project HOPE for Monday, March 5, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the Historic Federal Building City Council Chambers. Motion by Del Toro to receive and file the documents and schedule the work session as recommended. Seconded by Shaw. Motion carried 6-0. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 6:53 p.m. /s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC, City Clerk 18