1936 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
For the Year
City Officers for the Year 1936
F. M, JAEGER, Mayor
City Clerk-J. J. SHEA City Solicitor--M, H, CZIZEK
City Manager, ROGER M. EVANS
Secretary to Man ager-ALLAN E. SIGMAN
City Treasurer- C[ty Assessor-
City Auditor-
R. P. MARSHALL Chief of Police-
City Engineer-
; WALTER H. CULLEN Health Director-
Chief of Firo Department-
WI)' Sanitary Officer-
City Electrician-
JOSEPH CORR.ELL Milk Inspector-
Police Judge-
MILTON J, GLENN Market Master-~
Plumbing Inspector- C, J. McCARTHY
Recreational Director-
Electrical Inspector- CARL GRABOW
Building Commissioner-
Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each
month, at 4:30 P, M,
INDEX-Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 6-Abe] Mrs. 'Mary, requesting suspension u[ taxes........... 2'
F'eb, 3-Advertisers' Ser6nce Company, -sign policy ....:..................... 19
24-Adams ~Herberts.expressing apprectattion' •of efficiency of
.the b`ire Department in-handling-fire .at his homo...... 24
" 24-Advertisers' Service 'Co., sign :policy .................................... 27
March 2-Aitchison :Alberta) C., granted permussionl do .redeem 'tax
sale certificate-held by City o4' .Dubuque ........................ 31
27-Atlantic `Street, from the) north Hof propertyline. of West
ne of Dexter Street, to im-
St: to
.,.......~ ..........::......73-74-'14G-173'-1T4-,175
Apri] 6-Appointment of Officers by City Council ....:.....................:. 8`L
G-Appointment of Officers by City Manager .........:..:.....:......... 83
" 6-American Legioti, requesting permissions to -hold poppy sale 8'4
"' `13-Adams Waldo, Pauli Cornmisstoner, bond of .:...:................ 9G
`' 30-Atkinson .Rachel, .claim of ........................................................ 104
May 4-Averhill E. N., requesting Cauttcil to endorse the rat
extermination campaign ..................................................::.... 107
" 4-Anheuser-Busch Inc, sign policy... ...., .. :109
June lb-Advertisers' Servtce Co:, stgn policy .... :.,.. 14'4
30-American Legion, requesting nse;of Atrport for the hold-
' ing of Jimmie -Allen Aity Races ....................::.........:........ 360
30-Angella• Street south of West Locust Streets request to
widen opposite entrance. to James F,;Lee storage yard 156
"' 30-American Legion, renewal Class "B" Club Permit............ 158
'30=Anthony .Theodore.E,, renowal .Class "B" Beer Permit.....:.. 158
30~Ape1 `Merlin; renewal of Cigarette Petmit .......................... 1G1
July 14-Advertisers' Service .Co., sign pro]icy ..............._......:...::....... .18U
Aug. `14-Alba Sam, claim for damages to has automobile............ 196-205
ting :cancellation, of.last half .of 1935
14- A
taxes C. F.~,. .196-262
14-Anchor Investment Company; dwelling' .on south ~ .of
:Lot .L9 Gorrell!s Dubuque, reports .of Building Com-
missioner, -Fire .Chief and Saruitary Qfficer, reeom-
mending :repair or :demolition ..............._.........................197.293 31D
21-Air Compressor, .bids for furnishing same .:...................... 208
Sept, 8-Annual Report to .be .prepared by :City Manager ................ 211i
" 8-Amacher ,Jahn, granted Class `B" Beer Permit ..:............. 21G
14-Avery Chas, W..and Martha, appeal on payment of
special.assessments .............:.................:.......:.....:............_... 231
~~ 21-Ape) John, sign .poolicy ............................:..:.:.......................... 239
21-Argyle Street, .grading sand surfacing ......::::.:............
2 '4
Uct, 6-Anchor Investment Company, appoali on payment ,of
. , .............:.........................:....
special .assessments ................:. ~
" 'S-Allen Mrsi Florence H.
:appeal on payment of special
assessmont ..:......................:..................:.............._..:...............:.. 25$
Nov, 2-Advertisers' Service Co., sign ~,oiicy ..........:.........._............... 284
": 2-Armnt~y Ha11, contract for the use of same'.by the Gov-
ernor 'Greys extended to .January lst, 1937 .................... 2R5
Dec, 7-Augusta Street, vacation of ...............:.................'................. 312-315
"'; 7-Alley .platted in Agnes Langworthq's Sub, and lying be-
tween Peabody and Clara Streets, 'vacati•an of...:........ 352.315
21--Atkinson .Rachel, original notice :of suit ............................ 31'4
INDEX-Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
Jan, 6-Bates D. W.., receiver of Union Trust & Savings Bank,
notice of foreclosure on und,'/Z of North $ of City Lot 64 1
" 6-Board of~ Health, report for month of November, 1935 3
" 13-Bus.(lperatoss Local, suggesting the installing of an Auto-
matic "Stop and Go" signal at 22nd & Central Ave. 6-BS
" 23-Bethany Home for the Aged„ requesting cancellation
of taxes ...............................................:......:............................... 9-245
Feb. 3-Byrne Mrs, Elizabeth, requesting exemption of taxes also
exemption from penalties on special assessments........ 15.26
" 3-Board of Health, report for month of December, 1935 15
" 3-Black & White Cab Co,, sign policy ........:......:.................... 19
" 3-B. and G. Battery & Electric bo., sign' policy ........:........... 19
" 24-Bids to be received for printing of the index and binding
of the Council Proceedings for the year 1935............ 26-98
" 24-Burgmeier Al,, sign policy ........................... ........ 27
~~ 24-B~omz Stella E., sign policy .....:................................................ 27
24-Bonz Stella E., granted cigarette permit ......:..................... 28
March 2-Board of Health, report for month of January, 1936........ 32
`0 2-Board of. Trustees of Police Retirement System, requost-
ing an appropriation of $14,663.26 fore Police Retire-
went Fund ........................................................:..................... 32
" 2-Board of Trustees of Firemen Retirement System; request-
ing an appropriation $20,G157,02 for Firemen Retire-
ment Fund ..........................................._....:.........................:.. 32
" 3-Budget for fiscal year 1936 ..:................................................... 34-35.36-37
38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-60.51-62-63-54-65.56-b7-58-69 -60-61-62
Mar, 20-Bideaux Ruby, claim of...: .............................:........................ 63
~~ 20-Bauck Mrs, M„ requesting suspension of taxes........... 63-262
20-Beyer E, H., granted cigarette permit ....................:...........:. 67
" 31-Bennett Arthur M., elected as Councilman to fill the unex-
pired term, of Ardenal Thompson .........:.............:................ 77
" 31-Bennett Arthur M,, appointed as Councilma>y to fill the
unexpired term of Ardenal Thompson ........................:... '/8
" 31-Board of Health, report for month of. February, 1936 78
" 31-Billis Gust., granted cigarette permit ................................:. 79
" 31-Board of Review appodntment of ........................ .
April 3-Baumhoveu Edward C., requesting susnension of taxes 81
" 3-Byrne Mrs, Maxy E.; requesting suepensicn of taxes........ Sl
" 6-Banlcs appointed depositories of City Funds .............:...... 84
~~ 6-Brueck Mary, claim of ........................._................................... 64
" 6-Beatrice Creamery Co., sign policy ...................................... 85
" 6-Busch F., & P, Busse, sign plc]icy ........:................................ 85
'° 6-Ball Park, bid's to be received on the use of, for the
holding of wrestling matches ..........................................:. 89.98-111
" 13-Bohn Ernest J,, requesting the City Council to adopt a
resolwtion requesting the Congress of the United States
to enact the Wagner-E4lenbogen bill ...................:....._... 96
" 21-Bierring Walter L., Commissioner of Publie Health, Des
Moines, Iowa, extending invitation to Local Health Offi-
cer to attend meeting at Des, Moines, Iowa ................ 100
" 30-Bucket E, J,, appointed as member! of Board od Review 103.143
" 30-Busch Mary, Administratrix of Estate of Herman M.
Busch, claim of ...................................................................... 104
" 30-Board of Health, report for month of March, 1936........ 109
May 4-.Bitzberger Al., regwesting a( free license to peddlR
vegetables ................................................................................ 109
" 1S-Bwol Mrs. Jolm, claim of .......................................................... 119
" 18-Buse Hugh W., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .:.............. 121
June 16-Bluff Street, to improve from West 3rd Street to West
8th Street ............................142-156-196.-2015-209-218-219-220-221-222
" 16--Board of Review, report far fiscal year 1936 .................. 143
" 15-Beaves George L, excavation bond ...................................... 148
" 16-Berntgen Adam J., sign policy ................... ....
...................... . 143
" 15-Birndorf M„ sign po]icy........._ ................................................. 144
" 15-Bonded Indebtedness, report on ............................................ 146
INDEX-Book bb
1936 SUBJECT _ Page
" 30-Bock Geo. et al, requesting the installation of a "Stop and
Go" sign at the intersection of 22nd St. & Central Ave. 149.267
" 30-Board' of Health, report{ fort month of May, 1936 ................ lbl
" 30-Beiler E. A., requesting that authority bd granted to
correct the curb and gutter in order to permit diagonal
parking on north side of Wes4 7th St. in fmut of
Elks' Club ....:.........................................................................
" 30-Bach Raymond, granted Clasd, "B" Beer Permit ................ 154
30-Brummer Andrew L,, granted Class "B" Beer Perm'it.... 157-158
" 30-Briggs Wm. E., renewal Class "B" Beer Permit..........._... 158
" 30-Buelow Clarence C,, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit..._... 168
~~ 30-Berntgen Frank H., renewal Class "B" Beer Permit..... 159
30-Beecher Joseph A„ renewal-Class "B" Beer permit........ 169
" 30-Brodeur Norbert W.,t renewal Class "B" Beer Permit........ 159
" 30-Berntgen Adam J,, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit........ 159
" 30-Berwick Mrs. M,, renewall Class "B" Bier Permit.......... 169
" 30-Bever Joseph J„ renewal Classi 'B" Beer Pertnlit............ 159
" 30-Banmhover Benjamin L., granted cigarette permit........ 159
" 30-Buelow Clarence C., granted cigarette permit ..............._. 159
" 30-Buse Hugh, granted cigarette permit .............::......:...........:.. 160
" 30-Bradley Elmer R., granted cigarette permit ........................ 160
" 30-Berntgen Adam J., granted cigarette permit .................... 160
" 30-Bertsch Leonard) P., granted etgarette permit .................... 160
" 30-Billis Gust., renewal of cigarette permit ....................... 161
" 30-Braun Henry C., renewal of cigarette permit .................... 161
" 30-Beck John C., renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 161
" 30-Beyer E. H., renewal of cigarette permit :........................... 161
" 30-Berntgen Adam J., renewal of cigarette permit ................ 101
July 14-Budget Estimate of Expenditures fbm yeah 1937..._.......178.169.190
" 27-Becker Mathnlda, requesting suspension of taxes............ 186-262
" 27-Burke Mrs. Walter, requesting suspension of taxes........ 186-246
" 27-Board of Health, report for month of June, 1936............ 186
" 27-Bcyes Reuben, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 187
" 27-Board of Health, Special SessiAm .................................... 138
" 2T-Blondell Mrs. and Mrs. Cora Wolf, relative tq complaints
about the outside. toilets on their property at 2216
Delhi Street ................:........................,......:..........,............ 188
Aug. 14-Barde]] Paul H. efi al., requesting the installation of a
street light of intersection of Harvard and Alta Vista
Streets ...........................................
........................................ . 1~0-290
" 14-Braun Jessie, dwelling on Lot 1 of City Lob 676 reports
of Building Commissioner, Fire Chief and Sanitary
Officer, recommending demolition .....................:...........:.... 197.293
" 21-Boesen Anna L., sttspensian of 1935 taxes .......................... 203-262
" 21-$oard of Health, report for month of July, 1936.......,..:. 203
Sept. 8-Badger John, suspension of 1936 taxes....._ :.................... 214-246
" 14-Bain George E., callnng attention of City Council to the
present construction of new swimming pool ................ 223
" 14-Beckett Mrs, Elizabeth, appeal on payment ad special
assessments ........:...........................................:_..................... 227.240
" 14-Butler Miss Genevieve, appeal on payment of special
assessmentd ...................:................._....,................................ 228
" 14-Boguo Des and B, Kinder, appeal on payment of special
assessments ........................._.........................._.._................. 236
" 14-Bradley Chas. E., appeal on payment oltl special
assessments ......._ .....:............................................__............. 231
" 14-Byrne Thos., appeal on payment of special assessments 231
" 14-Bull Edwin T., appeal on payment of special assessments 'l33
" 14-Brown S, Harper Estate, appeal on payment of special
assessments .............................................................................. 283
" 14--Bennett Russell C., granted Class "B" Beer permit........ 234
" 14-Bennett Russell C., granted cigarette permit .................... 235
" 21-Business Men, laborers and citizens, requesting the City
' Council to use th_ eir inflnenco to have the closed
factories re-open for work .................................................. 236
I•N°DIJX-Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
Sept; 21-Billis Gus, granted Glass "B" Beer 'Permit .....................:..
21-Burke Richard J., excevation bond ............._.........................
~~ 21-Belsky Motor Go., sign 'policy .:............................:.................
21-Baker iFrarik, appeal on payment o'~ special -assessments
" 21-Bradley 'Street, :grading "and surfacing ......:..............:..........
" 21-Broadway Extension, grading and surifaeing :...................
21-Burlington ,Street, grading and surfacing ........ ....
Oct, 5-Board of ;Health, report for month of August; 1936 .. ..
•5-Bremer Jacob,'appeal om'payment=of eperaal assessment
" 1-Becker"Mathilda, appeal on payment of special assessment
" b-Bennett Mrs, Hattie, appeal "on payment of ^speeial
assessment ..... ........ .. .:................
6-Board of 'Health, Special- Session .......:...... :....................
'" 26-Bauman Chas., -suspension, of 'taxes ..... ........
26-Board 'of Health; reporrt for month of Septem3ier, 1936
Nav. 2-•Billis Gust:, sign pol,icy..... ' .:..:.... .::.., ... ........
Y` 2-Bennett'Cotincilman, entered and took seat ..........:.............
10-Brunswick-Ballte Plant Owners, "objecting to granting a
permit fora beer tavern at '3203 Jacitson 'Street........
" 10-Blum "Morris, granted Class'"B"-Beer Permit.: ......._
"` 10-Band Sinking Fund;xequest to State•Gosnptroller `to enter
an order declaiing'the balance of the temporary'trans-
' fer •to the Consolidated and Fire Maintenance ,Funds
permanent ..
"" 30-Buettell Brothers Company, requesting permission 'to
install a sprinkling alarm svste
En 'ne House m bell] at 9th Street
. B'i .'..... ...:.......................
" 30-Bureau of °Gathelic Charities, cancellation of taxos
"` 30-Board of Health, :report for month of October; 1936........
" ?,O--Barton NIr:, requesting that'the "Shooting "Gallery Ilicense
•be "amended ...........:...:.................................:._.......................
30-Block; Eldo'and Mabel, 'sale of'Lo~t 2 of d3 of Stewart's
Sub. to'the City'of Dubuque.:......... ....:... .........
" 30-Barrington `Vin. and !Miller Glenn, granted 'Class ' "B"
_ ..... .. : . .. .....to inst:...
Dec. 7-BiebeiPan Mrs, John, requesting permission all
' a se tic fault in front of house number IDirO Merz 'St,
' 7-Butler Martha, suspension of taxes ........................................
" Evelyn and Harold,~suspension of taxes :......:..:.....
" 7 Byrne Bros, Company, suspension of taxes..... .....
" 7-Bennett Councilman, excused from meeting...;
21-Board rof Health, report for tnonth~ of November, 1986
'21r-Baumgartner Henry, resignation as rneinber of ithe
Playground and Recreation Commission ................:.......
21-Braconier"Frank 'G.; excavation bond ..............................._.....
21--Black and White Cab Company, sigh bond .:......................
INDEX--Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
238 Jan. 6-City Council, Regular Session .........:..:............:.:................:... 1
239 " 6-Claims fore month of November, 1935, proof of publication 3
239 " 6-Council Proceedings for month of October; 1935, approved
d 3
" to con•
teel water
244 4
244 ; 13-City Council, rSpecial Session:.. ...:.. ....:........... 'b
249 ~
'` 13-Central Avenue Busines..141en's Asao!ciation, objecting to
250 , the closing of .12th St. between White St.,and Central Ave: 6-gG
0 " 13-City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Depart- - '
. inept, reports for month of December, 193b .............:...... 7
-260-283 " 13-Claims for month of December, 1935 ..:-. .............. 'r
263 " 23-City Council, Special Session... r .::. ..:.. 8
-267-278 ," 23-Councill Proceedings for month of November, 1985, ap-
269 ;
proved as printed ................::... , .......,
284 " 23-Claims for month of December, 1935 proof of publication 9
285 " 23-Chase Louis„ iransfer "of beer permit..:......_ ......................... 12
Feb. 3-City Council Regular Sessien :.....:......:.................:.................. 13
29'1 " 3-Cosley William, claim of .....:..:....:........................::..:............: 15.33
29b " 3-Gripe Anna A., requesting' permission to redeom tax sale
certificate .held by -,the City ....:..; .::.::.......... i5
• "~ 3.-Chicagp Great Western ,Railroad Co., installation of
electrically operated flashing fight and:"rotating disc.
~ stop signah at each of the streets: in the City ...........:.... 18.17-18
" 3-Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co.,".installation
of electrically operated flashing light and rotating disc
298-310 stop signal at each. of the streets! in the City .:..... ..:... 16-17-18
299-3I3 " 3-Chicago, Milwaukee, St: Paul,& Pacific Railroad Got, in=
299` stallation of electrically operated flashing ,light and
rotating disc stop signal at each of the streets inthe City 16-17.18
300 " 3-Corbett & Scott,. sign policy ..............................:..:::.................. 18
3-Qontinental Oi] Company, sign policy ::.:..::.......:................ 19
301-308 " 8-Czizek City Solicitor, legal ,option. on ; tenure oP office
of Councilman William Roberts .::....,,._...........20-21.22-23 '17
302 « 24-City Couaeil, Special Session .::. ::.........::...................:.... 24
": 24-Cosley Bottling Company, malgng application'for exclus-
307 five concessions all the Municipal Athletic Field......._::. 25-87-97
807 " 24-Colummia.Gollege, requesting cancellation of taxes:....:...... 25•
307 ,", 24-Councal Proceedings for month of December, .1935,
308-313 approved as, printed _........,.. ....:...... 26
318 , ": 24~Coabea M'arYr sign Policy:.....:. ..:..... ...:.:.:......:...... 27
316 ~ " 24-City Auditor, City Treasurer, Gity Water Department;
;, reports for month of Januaryi, 1936...: ...............:............ 28
317 24-Clairtus fiar month of January, 1936 ..:.............:..............:.. 28
317 March 2-City Council, Regular Session ...........:..........:.........:.........:..... 31
317 "' 3-City Council, ,Special Session .........:......:..............:...............: 34
3-Clemens, Wm., requesting. the.restoration of the pay cuts
given to the Firemen and Policemen .........:.....:.............:.. 34
20-C. Y. 0. Bnxing Committee
malting application for use
of the Athletic Field for holding, boxing matches..:..... 62
~'~~ 20-Claims for month of JannaryN .1936, proof of nublcation 64
", 20-Council Proceedings for month of Januaty, 1936, approV-
ed' as .printed....:.....:............_.........,,.: .:...:......:::....,...:
" 20-,City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department;
,,,reports fop ,month of February. 1936 ................................ G6
20-Claims for month of February, 1936 ....:................:........,....... 6G
20-City Water Worlts, acceptance of contracts for the fur
.; ,:,.nishing and installing. of new deep well pumping unit
,~at "the.,Eaele Point New Water-Station .....:.................. ti6
20--Qity, Water Works, acceptance of contract for the fur-
nishina of materials and erectinn the New I'irenroof
Well House at the Eagle Point :New Water Station..,. 67
~" , 21-City; Council; Special. Sessios........:......~ ................................
27-City Council,. Special Seasi~on ....:................::............::.:.:...:.... 70
" 31-City Council, Special Session .........................................:........ 76
G ~
INDEX-Book 66 INDEX-Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page 1936 ~ SUBJECT Page
C ~
3-City Council, Special Se§si~on ......................:..: .... 81 " 16-City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Depart-
reports for month of May,.1936 ..............:.............
" 3-•Continental Casualty Company, certificate of compliance 81
82 " ,
16-Claims for month of MayJ 1936...:..................:......_..,.......... 144
" 6-City Council, Regular Session .....................:..........:...:.::....... g4 " 16--City Engineer, instructed td make a survey of defective
„ ,,,,
6-Conzett Carlton, claim of ........................._......:................:.
6-Central Mrotor Co,, sign po]icy .......................:....................:...
sidewalks ............. ................,........._.._.............................
Special Session.....:...........:.........................:......:.
30-City Council 147
" 6-Cleaver Wm. H,, sign policy ............:............ ...
6-Central Auto Parts and Wrecking Co:, sign policy.......:.... $5
85 !' ,
3D~Cleaves Marys; requesting ,that th'e Zoning Map be
amended as same applies to property at Fifth and
" •
6-Ganf~eld Hbtelp sign policy.. ...:._ .:............... •••
6-Central Battery & Electric Co; sign policy......: ,.. S6
........................................... ,........,.._
Locust Streets
submitting commanication of R. N.
30-Cunningham John A.
" 6-Curtis Street, street light to install between State Street 88 ,
Klass, relative to the former petition of Frank A:
and South Hill Street...... :...:...
...:.... ..
•••••:•• •~•••• •• 150.164
nsumers' Coal and'Supply Company, request to erect a
6-Co 90 " ....................
30-Chamberlain D. C., request<ng a permit to construct as
" temporary platform on Salina, Street .....:... ..:....
annual report for year 1935......._...
6-Czizek City Solicitor 91 addition to .his garage at 1592 Locust Street..:,..:......:.
i 160-166
13-City Council, Special Session ...............:.:...... ....:.................... 02 ~~ cation......
30-Claims) far month of, May, 1936; proof of publ
30--Council Proceedings for month of April, 1936, approved
"` 13-Corpstein John W. et a].; requesting the City Council to ....:.............:.............................._....................:...
as printed : 151
p coming pool
roceed with the construction of the swY
" ...
Proceedings for month of May, 1936, approved
„ at tha Eagle Point Site..,..:..._........ .......'...:....
13-Czizek Cit Solicitor, and of............
Y b
, 95
90 :
`.:".... ..........Y
as printed .............................i....i....
.. , ,151
'~ ublication
13-C1a~msl far month of Februa 1936 roof of
ry, , p
e n (' f
Gu 15a
13 City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water p nt, 8 ~~ Permit
as "B eBeer
l C
& Thompson,Wrenew
nn ngham
30- 158
reports for month of March, 1936.:...:.. 93 ~~ 30-Carney Jrohni P,, renewal} Class. B: Beer :Permit...::........... lbb
" 13-Claims for month of March 1936 .......................:._..........
21-Cit Cou r
100 sley Wm, W., renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ................
" 169
~~ enonth of ~ Februar 1936 ap
21-Cap cal Proceedan
y' "
" Beer Permat
pretz .Chris., renewal) Class "B
granted cigarette permit
ark Carl A
30-C1 159
roved as printed.......... ....
Special Session ...... ........ ..................
30-City Council 100
103 .,
30 Costa Joseph, .renewal of cigarette pecmrt
" ,
30-Claims for month' of March, 1936, proof of publication 104 July 6-City Council, Rogular Session...... ..
Regular Adjourned Session ....... ......
7-City Council 163
May 4-City Council; Regular Session ............................:.................
4-Council Proceedings for month of March 107 ~~ ,
7-City Water Department, eliminatioan of cross connections
" ,
p :
as rented ........................................
recommendations as to judgment
4-Czizek Cit Solicitor
Y g
" at various industrial locations :....... :...,.. ...
7-Czizek City Solicitor, submittmg results of h~§ exam 166
awarded the White-Philp sCorp .....................................
p 112.11
~ inatiom of the cond~taon of the Special Improvement
Bond Funds
8-City Council, Spec~a] Sessirom .........................:..........................
8-Columbia College, requesting' cancellation of taxe§........ ll a
.......... ........
8-City Council, Special Session..... ..:............
18-City Council, Regular Adjourned Session ..........:..........'...... 118 « on... ......................:...,........
14-City Council, .Spec
City Treasurer, Crty~ Watea' Department,
14-City Auditom
18-Civil Service Commission, submitting report of. exam- ,
, 1936 .:...:...:....::....................
reports fon month of Jun 179
ination oo~nducted for applicants to Police and Fire
: 1'l0 i,u . e
14-Claims for month of June, 1 36.............................................. 179
" ...
Departments .::.....................................................:...............
18-Civil Service Commission, submitting annual report for _
~` 14-Copretz Chris, granted cigare~.t~ permit...........:.............
Council, Special Session .....:............... ....,.....::......
27-City 180
the three year period from Apri11,1933, to March 31,1936
' 120
lza .. ~ .
27-Central Surety & Insurance Corporation, consenting to
'" on.....:.-:
25-City Council, Special. SessS
26-Casey Mrs. Bridget, re uestm suspension of taxes..,....
g ,
an extension of timo on Bluff Street paving contract
proof of publication....
27=Claims for month of June
" ing the Mayor to issue a
26-Child Play Association,
' 127 " ,
27-Connell. W. J., Director of Health, requesting), considera•
s Day.....-••.• •••-• ••••
proclamation covering Children
2.5-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department, tion be given to the complaints received about the
outside toilets located at 22151 De1hi~Streetand owned
reports for month of April, 1936 ............:....... .... 128
by Mrs. Blondell and Mrs, Cora Wolf............................
" 25-Claims for month of April, 1936 .................::......................
26-City Treasurer; Annual Report for year 1936 .....:.............. 128 Aug. 3-City Council,. Regular Session:.......:.................................;.....
grante ca arette ermrt. .._.
3-Cresceni; Sweet Sho
P 189
"' 1-City Council, Regular Session .:........:...............
Regular Adjourned Session ........................
2-City Council 131
14-City Council Special Session..
" ,
2-C. Y, 0., requesting use of Ball Parlt for boxing exhibition ]31 14-Chambberlain Belle C., barn on south 2.6 of City Lotl 482,
roporbs of Building Commissioner, Fire Chief and
.!' 2=C. Y. 0:, requesting use of Ball Park for hard ball games 131
136 Sanitary Officer, recommending demohtian :...:....._... 197-292
'` 2-City Auditor, Annual Report frnr yeafl 1935 ........................
members authorized to attend Goad Will
2-City Council " ty! Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department,
Tour through Iowa and Illinois... ~
""""""""'°""' 133 ~
" rep~oa~ts for month of July, 1936,:........:.. ..........
14-Claims for month of July; 1936 ..............
"'"""""" 198
16-City Council, Special Session...........
'proof of publication
15-Claimsf for miomth of April 129
g u n
14-Chase Louis, ranted Class B Beer Permit
""""""'° 202
16-Connolly W. J,' et al,, requesting! the City to fill in the
' « 21-City Council, Special Session ......:.................._.......................
1936 approved
21-Council Proceeding9 for month of June L03
g g p on of
ditch and brm to rode the- unim roved porn ,
as prmted ...........................................:....:......................::....
Pierce Street
-°'~"'"""" """ " °' """'
16-City Treasurer, authorized tc act as agent for the City 141-166
" 21-Cit Mana ers' Convention, Manager authorized to attend
Special Session ....................:.............................
26-City Coun~l 208
in purchasing of delinquent special assessment tax sale ,
26-Clark Julia, suspension of 1935 taxes..'.............,...,.........::.
certificates at the Scavenger Tax Sale ...........:......: 141 .
I'ND,EX-=Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
Sept. 7-City Council, Regular Session ............._..:..:...._.....:...._......... 213
8-City Council, Adjpiurned Rogular ~Sepsiion_ ............._..:....
"~ 8-Claims for month _of July, 1936, prom; of publication...... 213
" 8-Council, Proceedings for month of July, 1936, approved
as printed ...............:....<...,.. ......... .............:....... 214
8-City"Water Department, advising that the last`river cross-
connection`to' city wateii supply has been eliminated 21b
14-City Council, Special Session .... ~ 21+3
-!". 14-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department,
reports for montiy of August, 1936:.. ....::....... ..... 224
" 14-Claims for month of August,;.1936........._ .....................:..:.. '324
~~` ~ 14-Connolly Wm. J., appeal on payment of special assessments 232
" 14-Correll Chas: V., appeal on payment! of special assessments 233
~`" 21-City-Council;.Special Session :::.....:........:............:..:..
- Yment of special
s. es eY,
are .a .............................
assessments . .::.:.::...........
91-City S p p conti`act tq cover
olicitor, instructed
~ re ~ ,
_McGra~th s -Sw
the deeding. of. Und '/i of Lob 9 of b.
A 217
; proved
of August,
. as printed:...:....._ :........:........._........:........r........,:.:..................
` '!" 5-Claim§ for month o£ August, 1930 proof ofi' publication 248
" b-Cunningham .John A., "appeal on payment of special
assessments ..
"' b-Corpstein Elizabeth et hl., •appeal on ~paymenb' Hof ~speeial 252
• ~ assessmemts.::............: ......:................:........~.:....::....:......:..:
b-Conlon James:A., appeal on payment o£ special assessment 257-27a
"' 26~Co taCJosecl}i reeuestin'e a~~refund on ~c~ aret ..................
p ~ q g • 'g to permit .264
26-City'Auditor, City Treasurer; City "Water 'Department,
' reports for month.. of September; 1936 ......::..:....::....:...... 269
" 26-Claims for month of September 1936.: .....
•_` 269
" 26-Childers !' Beer Permit
.Frank W
f 276
~a] Bank
'" 26-Consolidated Nato p m City of Du-
~buque, assigned to .Treasurer "of State :....::..::..::.........::.. 276
Nov, 2-City Council, Regular Session ............:.......:....:......:.::........... 279
" 2-Chapman E. E, et ah, requesting Council.to consider con-
demnation proceedings •on building~located ai: 459 Glen
Oak Street ..................._....................:..:..........:......................27 9-299-300
10-City. Council, Specia] Session .............:......:.....
10-Columbia College, requesting permission to place 'a
streamer across' Main Street ..:.:...:.......:....:...:..............:.....
' 10-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Watep Department,
reports. for month of October, 1936..!..:........:_ ................. 293
10-Claims .for' month of October, 1936 ......:........:....:.:...::.....:.... 293
" 30-City Council;i ":Special .Session:.._ :..:..........:.................::.:....... 298
" 30-Claims for:manths of .September and Octolier, 1936, proof
of publications
" 30-Council Proceedings month of Septemiber;i .1936, approved
as printed ..._ ..:..::.....::.:....................:.......:...:............:..:.:....... 299
30-County Treasurer instructed to accept special assessment -
delinquflnt payments ..:.. ~ ..:..........................:.............::..:...... 300-301
" 30-Chase Lowis, :granted' transfer Hof Class "'B" Beer Fermat 302
.:30-City Solicitor'Ctiizelt; opinion and suggestions asp to eon-
trol Hof vehicle traffic at'thei intersection of Central
. Avenue and East 22nd Street and at the intersection
of 8th Avenue and Central.Avenue ..:.............:....:.............. 303
'! " 30~City' Manager. instructed 'to communicatti with the State
Highway Commission relative to traffic control! at the
.intersection: of East 22nd Street and Central Avenue.... 304
Dec. 7-City Council, Regular Session ..........................:...................... 307
" 7-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department,
reports for month of Decemlber; 1936 ......................:..... 31'0
" 7-Claims .for .month of December,. ]936 :...::.:.:..........:....:..::.: 3~0
" 7-Casey Harold A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 311
I'NDE~--Book b6
_. Page
...... _.
Dec, 7-Clara Street, vacatign of ...........::................................ ..
312-31 ,
College, requesting. eanceliation, of 1936 taxes
on Gity Lot 156,, owned by J. •J Nagle : ..... 313
" 21-City Councih ,Special Session .,::.. ....... ............
" 21-Claims for month of Novemb@r; 1936, proof a£.publication 316
Proceedings for month of Octoiber,1936, approved
" 21-Council
as ,printed
' 21-Crescent Sweet Shop,, sign bond... ...... ........
' 316
' 21-Costa, Joseph,, granted transfer, of ,Class "B° Beer Permit
" 21-Costa Joseph, granted- cigarette..permit .:: .•••••••• 320
. 28-City Council, Special Session a..., ..,: .........
~~~~ INDEX-Book 66
®~,' 1936 SUBJECT
il~ll' Jan. 6-Duggan Miss Mary, claim of ................:.......:........................... 1
6-Dubuque Tire & Battery Co. sign polio :..:.......................... 4
li. Feb. 24-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, advising Council
that their organization favor the restoration of the
Ili',' reduction given in salary to both Police and Fire
..................._...................:.................. ~ 27
Departments 25
!' 24-Diamond Grill, Inc,, sign policy ......:.....................
24-Dubuque Implement Co., sign policy :................. 27
~ March ~--Diener Esther, settlement of claim ............._.....:.......:... 33-7G
,:; ,II " 20-Dubuque Traffic Association, requesting that the pay-
~ii, metvq of dues be arranged far ..:..:...:.........:.....::......:..., 63-86
' " 31-Dubuque Employment Service granted an appropriation
of $376.00 ........................ 78
April 3-Dawson Leslie, requesting suspension of taxes ................ 81-285
. I 6-Duncan Dale, sign policy ........................................."...........,...
~ " 6-Diamond Dorothy, settlement of personal injury claim 92
13-Del] Mathilda M,, requesting suspension of, taxes............ 97-262
~~ " 21-Duggan Mary, original notice of suit .................................... 100
~~ II ~ " 21-Docket Iowa-1076-R, approving changes and alterations
~' 'j and revising original estimate .......................................... 100.101
a~~ ~~~', " 30-Delaney Mrs. Gertrude, claim of ........................................ 103
~ " 30-Dubuque Municipal Baseball League, requesting permiss-
;,.:. ; ion for usal of Athletic Field on both morning and
afternoons on Sundays ...................................................... 104-109
~ ~' May 4-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, requesting that the
,~ ~~ harbor be dredged and that the storm sewers be extended 107
4-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, requesting permission
~ ~ ~"
~ to hold a carnival ou the grounds adjoining the
Athletic Field and that the fee be eliminated ............... 107-114
~~~t ~"`' " 4-Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 110
~, ~~
- r3, ~" " 18-Duttle Ra mond E. granted Class C Beer Permit...:.... 1L1
~ ~~ ~'~> 26-Dubuque Airways Inc,, requesting that arrangements be
tr~~ t 'III,,, made for the leasing of the Municipal; Airport .............. 129
~ `~-~ ,, ~ June 16-Dubuque County Medical Society, Woman's Auxiliary,
`~ requesting the setting aside of streets for roller skating 139
'' ~' ' - + June 16-Dubuque County Medical Society, Woman's Auxiliary, re-
F ~ ~ ~i questing consideration of eonditibns in regard to smoke
~ ~
~ nmsance ........ 139
~ ~; " 15-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, offering services of
,~ ~
~` ~` their Fire Prevention Committee to the City Council 1 2
~`'~ ' 'I " 30-Daughters of Union Veterans of Civi] War, extending
F:x~~ d
,~ ~ ~ gratitude for courtesy extended at time Hof their Flag Sale 148
~ ~~`~ ~! " 30-Dittmar Louis et al, requesting Council) to take action to
correct conditions existing in the operation) of taverns
'~ ~ ~' ~' in the area of 10th & Central Ave, andi 10th &' White St. 149
~ " 30-Dougherty Mrs. Jane„ submitting bills in the amlo~unt of
` ~ lllp~ $63,13 caused by broken main sewer in NLt, Loretta'Ave, 149-165
~`~ '~ m ~',:~i " 30-Dwbuque Automobile Club, requesting that something be
' done about traffic conditions in the vicinity of Julien
`~' y'', ~ )i'i'i Ave. at Alta Vista, Alpine, Booth, Streets .................:.. 149-160
$ III! " 30-Denzler Raymond, granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 157-158
. I " 30-Diairuend's Grill, Inc„ renewal Class "B" Beer Permit 168
~ ~ ~j " 30-Dell George, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ....:.......:....... 169
~~~ ~~ ", i `~ 30-Diamond's Grill, Inc., granted cigarette permit ...........:.... 160
~ i I' 30-Datisman C. W., requesting permissiota to pay delinquent
~,.,4 _,'`.~ :: special assessments on Lnt 135, Burden & Lawther's Add. 161
R { `~ i July 7-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, requesting permiss-
`'-'' i ion for use of grounds adjoining the Baseball Park for
~. :~ " _. ~~II the holding of a carnival ......:............................................. 163
' ' 7-Dubuque Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union, re-
,~. it ~ti guesting permission fot~ use of grounds adjoining Ball
'. l iI Park, for tha h^hlinr of a carn~~a1..._ ...................163-176-177-196
~ _ ~~ 14-Dubuquo Auto Supply Co., sign policy ................................ 179
' ~ Il~~li
I'ND~X-~ooK bb
1930 SUBJECT Pago
Aug. 3-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, extending thanks
n shown in helping to make, their
id ,
for the cons 190
carnival ~a success ..:...:.:.........................................................
3-Dry Dock, application for loan and .grant disapproved 190
" 3-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, request to have harbor
dredged .._ ..
3-Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., making application to have
the entrance to their bank bmldm laced m a
g p
. .
Parking Zone ... .. ..
" 3-Dougherty Bridget,. requesting that Atlantic Street between lgl
Dexter Street and Rosedale Avenue be repaired.......: 191
" 14-Dubuque Trades & Labor .Congress, submitting thei fol-
lowing resolutions: Relative to factories employing
residents out of the State of Iowa; ,Relative to unsani-
tary condition of City Dump adjoining Ball Park; Rela-
tive to Merchants and Manufacturers having their
printing done in Dubuque, Iowa, instead of having
their printing done outside of Dubuque, .Iowa...........:
14-Dubuque Airways Incorporated, making application for a
lease of Municipal Airport .....................:. 198-203,204.205-218-237
14-Dock Board instructed to dredge the Ice Hanbor............ 202
21-Dubuque T'rad'es . & Labor Congress, requesting use of
Athletic Field for the holding of a boxing show........
26-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, requesting permission
holding of Labor llay Parade.. ................
for the .
$ept, S-Dubuque Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers and
Professional Men, extending invitation to City Council .
to attend-good wilhtaur to Waukon, Iowa ,..,........
~ ~ 214
" 14-Democratic County Central Committee, perm~sston 222
erect a banner across Main Street:....,..
" 21-Disabled Veterans of America, .requesting pertmssion to
.hold For-get-me-not drive on October 3, 1936 ........._... 237
" 21-Deckert Mary A., appeal en payment of special assessments 243
" 21-•Dax Herman, appeal on payment of special assessments ?A4
21-Davenport Street, grading and surfacing ... 244
21--Decorah Street, grading ,and surfacing.... _
6-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that the
town clock be painted.......... ....,;,. ...:...:......... 247-292
'! 6-Diehl E. K, et al:, requesting street light adjustment on
Melrose; Terrace .................:.. .....................~............. 249.290
" 26-Dubuque Trades & Lobar Congress, submitting resolution
opposing the City Manager and City Council ordering .
the Police Department to Act in escorting non-union
strike breakers into closed plants.......... .....:.......... 265
" 26-Duccini Edward J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 275-276
ding artl investment for the
dredge ...................................278-296-313
City o
urchase of.
o aspital;, conveying the south-
Dec, 21-Deed of St,
erly iU0 f t 2 of Min. Iiat 66 :...............
of Lot ~
ee $16
" 21~'=Dubuque Altar Company, communication. of Budding Com- .:..
missioner relative to condition of ,riser pipe and
water tower .............................. ......:.
21-I)e Maio Bros., sign bond .................................. .... ........ 317
INDEX--Book '66
188$ _. ___ _ ...SUBJECT _ .. Page
Jan. G-Emission' of dense'smoke, City Solicitor instructed to
' ''deaft anordinance ..:....::......:... ..........::.......:..... 5-6fi•66
" 13-Eichharn Chas; et~ al:; objecting, •to the closing od 12th
~' ~"Street between White Street and CentraU Avenue .... 6
Feb..24-Engel Heliry,: sigh policy. I ::.:.. -:... .._, ~ 27
Mdr; ~21-Election of March 30th, 1936, aanvasamg nomination
' :petitions :..:..: :. _ ..:. .. .::~ . 70
31-Election bf March :31st,! 1936,• oansass of vote.( ..... 76
91p'ril 6-Evans R. M:, City
Manager, certificate ;df tiond 84
6"'Enzler• ;JOs~ A., sign policy .:.:... '85
~"~ 6-Eisenegger's Restaurant, sign policy ...... .. ':. 85
" 6-'Eilers:Jbhn & bX'arphy dohs, ~grantedi Class ~'B"'Beer permit 91
" 30 Eirans,'-City Manager; authorized. tbi attend the trip to
Freeport; Iil: and retur~l on ]~ C & R. Greeru
Diamond train' :.::: ... ........:......:.:....... . :.......:.....:..... 106
May 4-Engel' Henry, ~ sigri`'policy. ..... 109
4-~EVen Jas P~ arid'Kalb Bert P, sign policy .:........:..:: 109
'. i~; i 4-Engel Hemie~ Contract and ~agree~ent for use of ~$all
Park for the hblding-0f wrestling "and. boxing exhibitions 111-2d9
'~ YB-Elgin Chas .and Mrs; Chasi; petition," and waiver for con-
structian of samtary kewei m Cox Street' from= "the
bouU 14q feet
manhole m Kirkwood Streeiw
11910- a7
~' •sottbherly .:.:. , ...r..: -138147x`1$1-179'- 184-186
" ~ 26-Electrical Inst~tuta of the`Tti,Cities extendingg invitation
ical I
• t
nd °
~ ~
Island, Ilk ...: .... ~ ...:. 127
June 15-Eie;eH'egger Arthur J, sign policy.. ... 143
~'f~ 30-Elks-Lodge; refiervak Class °B=' CIu1k~Permat..... .:...... 158
" 30-Eppler~ Elmer; renewal"Olass "B"'Beer Permit ::......:....... 1'b8
`°`~~ 30-Eisenegger A. J;; renewal'Claes "B" Beer Permit............ 158
" 30-Ender'Alo~s J: renewal Class "B" Beer' Permit ..:............. 159
' ~~~ 30 Ender" Albis J;; granted cigarette- permit ............................ 160
"• 30~Endei! "A, J ,renewal'' bf cigarette permit......:.. 160
• ~"' 30-Eisehegger'Arthur, renewal ofcigarette permit 16U
"' 30-Eichman~ Arthur,• renewal of cigarette permit ..: ....:. 161
July 8-•Emergency Tax, resblutionl and application for approval
'to levy "...:. : ... ... '.. 17'1. 172
Aug. i4-Engel H, A:, advising Council that he ~s the !awthor~zed ,
agent for the Ahren-Fox Fir@Equipmeht:. .:.:... 195
- 21-Eigenberger George, making application for position of
custodian of Comiskey Park:........ .::...... .... 203
Sept: 21-Enzler•Joseph; appeal on payment of speciaP assessments 241
21-Elfntann Helen'L:, appeal on payment of special assessments 244-294
Nov, 2=Engineering Extension Service, Ames, Iowa, "extending
invitatiron to attend' the ,Iowa Sewage Treatment conference 279
" 2-Edwards Ray W,; granted.Class'"B" Beer' Permit 280
granted cigarette permit..:.
"~ ' 2-Edwards Ray W. 281
" 10-ElfmamMrs,' W. 'H., appeal appear on payment! of special
assessments on property owned by John Olinger, deceased 294
`s 30-Eder Rabe Tanning Company," suspension] of taxes' 299-313
Dec. 7-Elfman Helen L., suspension of taxes ......... .:...... 308-343
28-Evans, City Manager, appointed Clerk Pno Tem, of meeting' 321
I'NI71+,X-Book 66
1936 SUBJECT. - Page
Jan. 6-Fire losses, repgrt for .year 1936 _.,.. .......:..... 0
requesting restoration of pay cute in
13-Fire Department
the 1936 budget .. .:,:.::. ~ ... ~
Feb. 3-First National Bank;. sign policy 7
" 24-Finn Mrs, Margaret, claim of, ... ~ 24-33
" 24-Frahm Mrs. A:, requesting, suspension bf taxes ..:.. .. 26-24G
rent of Baseball
Mar. 20-Fenebory Ken, making application for
Park, for the holding, of Athletic Show's ~ ~ 62-89
20-Freisinger Mrs, Louis, claim of .......: ...:.... ....... 62
" 20-Friedman A, and Wragg Thos,; granted cigarette permit 6'r
April," 6-Falkenhainer, Drug Co,,, sign policy .:, .. 86
6-Firestone ,Service Stores; Inc,, sign policy ...:... ....: 86
"; 13-Fishbach John, requesting a permit to."construct a two;
story frame addition to a fratriq building at 12V0,
Washington, Street .w ..... .. .:..:.. :..::.....:...... 97
May 4-FuhrmamTriller Co:, sign policy :... ...::.:...... 109
4-Funding Bonds in the amount] of $134;000 00, to issue
the Municipal Athletic Field,
"~ B-Flood Light System at
awarding a contract ;foie repairing the .same.:.........:. 116
" 25-First. National Bank;, Notice oi; Levy and Sale, versus
Wm, H, and Elizabeth Rauch; City of Dubuqud et al ,
of Lot. 1 of 12.in, Stewart's Sub ... _ .: ..:.. `126
pay delinquent
June 15-Fischer Robert E., .granted perm~ss~on, tol ~.
special assessments levied• against Lots 1~2 and111,
in Finley; •Waples and Burton's Add,.,::,. ....:.. ....:: 141
. 15-Fischer & Company Inc., sign, pokey .:... 143
15-Fourth Street Railroad Crossing, bells to be eliminated
30-Flynn John D,, renewal Class "B".$eei+,Permit .;.... 1'~i9i
" 30-Fortman, Anton, renewal Class "B'~ Beer permit.;. ... 159
" 30-Falkenhainer Drug G-'o.; renewal of cigarette permit .. 160
"~ 30-Tremont Avenue; sanitary sewer from St Joseph Street
800 feet northerly ,:..... ..._.161 181-182;183-184
'166 194-19fr-199 200.201202 208-300
reaewal of c~
'garette permit ...... ....
7-FortmangAnton 16?
Mo intenance Tax, resolution and. application, for
8-Fir ,
pp val, ao increase ...~ .. ... ,.....:... 171-1'~7
" 14-Fire Department to bo supplemented with foul" firemen 181
Aug: 14-Farley Thomas dwellipg on south }~~,of Lot 115,;E~ast
Dubuque Ad~., reports o2 Building Commissoner, Fire
Chief anal Samtary Officer, recommending demolition
or repair:. :,::.: ...., ..:.. .......: ... 197-293
21-Fourth Street Damp;; Council advued that the practice
of dumping,dead animals, etq, has been ordered shopped ,206
" 26-Federal Bank & Trust Company; deposib elam~ of Qcty of `
bubuque assigned to Treasurer of State ...... :.... 210
Sept: 14-Fury Frank, appeal on payment of special assessments ~ 229
14-Fluter Chris & Mary, appeal on paynieltt of special, ,
assessments ... ..,.. .:.,. , .... 230
surfacing ,...... ..... ....
f" 21-Finley Street, grading and 244
Oct. 5-Flynn Miss Ellen, appeal on payment. of. special assessment 258
!'• S-Flynn Miss Mary M., appeal on payment of special. assessment. 268
6-Fettlcether Z'Vm,, appeal on payment o~ special. assessment 258
5-Frahm Anton Estate, appeal on payment
,o1: special
assessment ....;., ..,...;. ;:..,. ..::.. ...;, $60-272
~` 26-with' & Hoffman, retiuestmg refund on cigarette permit 266
" 26-Flynn Josephine, suspension of taxes ................................ 267-278
Nov. 2-Fischer & Company, Inc., sign policy .................................... 'l83
" 2-Fluckiger Motor Co, and Frank Fluckiger Inc., sign; policy 284
" 30-Fawkes P, S., re-appointed member of Dock1 Commission 304
Dec. 21-Firestone Service Stores, Inc., sign bond ........................ 317
INDEX•-Book bb
1936 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 6-Grashorn Herman D., requesting suspension of taxes.:.. 1
....................................-~~~~•~~~~ 1S
~~ o., sign policy .............:......
3-General Outdoor Advertising 19
' " 24-Goerdt Peter. et al, requesting repeal of Milk Ordinance
' 25
24-Goetz Brewing Co., sign policy:.....:....' :.......:.....:......:.._.......
" 27
March 3-Grashorn E., requesting the restoration oP thq pay cuts
given to the Firemen and 'Policemen .:...:.:....:.............:... 34
" 20-Gould' G, W., Asst Market Administrator, advising that
the office of Marketl Administrator would be unable
to pay the entire salary of the Milk' Inspector.......:.... 62
" 31-Gabriel Theodore P„ appointed member'of Board of Review 79-103
. ,..:
April 6-Gent A, sign policy .....:........... .. 86
g r
21-Gloden' Mrs. Vir ims settlement of rsonal'injury claim 102
" 30-Garland Mr:,'requesting permission to lower the curbing
at Elm Street and Rhomberg Avenue. 'for the con-
struction of a driveway and also for permission to
install a pipe line across Garfield and Rhomberg Aves. 103-107
"' ' 30-Gurnee Mrs,. requesting permission to plant shrubbery in
the parking space at southeast corner Af 14t1u and Main Sts, 103
"" 30-Giellis. Chief of Police, authorized to'attend the trip to
Feeport, Ill.; and retuni on I. C:; R. R, Green ]5iamond train 106
May 4-Graver Frank, requesting, permission to construct a twa-
- car garage at Rim and Stafford Streets ....:........:.-..:.... 108-120
" 4-Granb' of Eosement of 0. C. Papin to City o$ Dubuque ' 108
" 4-Governor Greys; sign policy ...............:........
~" 4-Grab Joseph, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ...:.....:.....:.... 110
4-Gantert Fred, resolution upon his death.:r.:...:.:: ....:...:.......... 111-112
June 30-Graff Michael J;, renewal-Class "B" Beer Permit........:.. 158
"' 30-Gala Dominic, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit .:::.......:.:.. 159
'"' 30-Grommersch John J., renewal Class'B" Beer Permit...: 159
" 30-Gregary~ Frank R,, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit....:... 169
" 30-Glob Alois, renewal Class "B" .Beer Permit' .:.:.......:....:.... 159
~0-Glob Alois, renewal of cigarete permit ...::.::.........:.......:.:.... 160
" 30=Grommersch John, renewal of cigarette permit ............:.. 1611
"' 30-Gala Daminic~ renewal of cigarette permit .......:..:....:....::.:: 160
July , 7-Grabow Carl, Recreational Director, requesting permisa-
ion; to use Iowa Street between loth and 17th Streets
tion for position
27-Grashorn HermaneD., making applies ~ ~~~
as caretaker and watchman at Comiskey Park............
" 27--Grabow Carl, requesting'permission for the holding+ of a
Pet and Doll parade, also for the holding of a dance on
Iowa Street between 16th and' 16th Streets ...........:...-:.:
Aug. 3-Grommersch :Nick, requesting that water main be extend-
ed in Sabina Street and' that Sabina Street fie extended
~' to meet Burlington Street .::..............:::.................:.........:....
Sept, 14-/Grassel Emil, appeal on payment of special assessments
21-coke W.;'Chairman; Third District Iowa State Associa-
tion of Registered Nurses; requesting Council to assist
in the bringing of the i93T convention to Dubuque, Iowa
" 21-Goetz M, • K. Brewing Co., sign"policy..._ :...:......................
21-Gratz Mrs. Mary; appeal on payment of special assessments
21--Gibson Mamie M, and Wm:, appeal on payment of special
assessments .......:....: .:.....:..: ...: .
" ''21-Gay Street, grading; and surfacing .................:......:...........:.
INDEX-Book bb..
1936 SUBJECT Page
Oct, 6-Gengler Kate, notice oi; foreclosure of mortgage............ 247
" b-Gielleson F, H., appeal on payment of special) assessments ,261
'l6-Grassel Emil, requesting permission to pay principal
the special assessment plus 6% interest per annum,
the balance of interest and penalties to be ..waived,
against Lot 1 of 1' of 1 of ~ 3 of Min, Lod 63.: ......:........... 266
26-Galligan PJ. E,, Professor of Sanitation o£ Iowa State
College, advising City Council that he would be glad
to assisq in the study of steam, pollution, aq Dubuque 268.284
Z6-Griner Peter, appeal on payment of special assesments 274
Nov. 2-Guide of the City of Dubuque, City Council requested
to make arrangements for their portion of the cost o£
• securing 6,000 copies ............................................:.........:..... 266
2-Governor Greys, extension of contract fog' use of Armory
Hall, to January 1st, 193""r ...............-.........:...:...................:: 286
" 30-Goodale Clark and Cora, suspension of taxes .................... 298.304
Dec. 21-Gill William V,, requesting permission to redeem the tax
' sale. certificate held by the Citp of Dubuque ................ • 316
!' 21-Gill William V,, requesting a; refund on1 penalties paid
on delinquent ~peciai assessments ..:_.:.._ ..:.........:.......... 314
YNDEX:~-Book 6b
1936 SUBJECT Pago
Jan, 6-Hatzehbuehler Mildred,. requesting suspensior; of taxes i~2
Feb, 3-Holscher's Apothecary, sign policy....:. ........ ..:.... 18
" 3-Iiillyard Courtland, F. -and Sabyl H: Kret~chmer, sign policy .. 18
" 24--Hamm Brewing Co , sign policy 27
`, 24-Hirsch Arthur, clam oi......a: .:.::::... .:. ...:..:. ..:... 28-105
March 3-Huftill Fred; requesting the restorations of" pay outs
given to the Firemen and Policemen....:;...:.:;:..::.a.::::.:. 34
20-Hai~gus; Lillian L:, requesting suspension of taxes :..:... 64-246
27-Heiar Mrs; Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit:.:.:....... 73
'" 31-Hail John Joseph, bond of .....:........:....: :.:. :;.,..:
. 78
of~ taxes
April 3-Hogan Mrsi,Margaret E,, requesting suspenaion 81.246.
6-Holz Oswa]d,W,; requesting a reduction m taxes and
assessments ....:. < ..........::.........~...,.:.,,.... 85-225
" 6-Haudensliield Sydney, sign policy.::...:. 85
" 13-Highway Committee, chamber bf Commerce, requesting
that a joint committee be appointed to Confer with the
Highway Commission to have;Weat Locust paved:.::.::: 98
" 13-Haller Wm: A.p makmg appUcation for the positioh of
n 96
protecG tha entire
requestmg authority
Pred J ,
" 13-Hee
area, of Trout Terrace .......................................................... 97
" 30-Harms Charles C„ claim of .................................................. 104
May 18-Henneger Dr. W., et al, requesting that a Municipal
Tennis Courf; bey built at the cornea of Atlantic and
Custer Streets ...................................................................... 178
" 18-Huftill Fred J., representative of Local; Fire Fighters
Union, requesting permission for uses of parking space
1~Vest of the Municipal Athletic Field for the holding
of a carnival .......................................................................... 119
" 18-Hartig Al„ Rotary Club Sports Chairman, requesting
permission for use of Ball Park for soft iball league 119
June 15-Hollenberger Sylvia, requesting permission to place her
house on wheels on City property on Garfield Ave,.... 140
granted Class ".B" Beer Permit
" 30-Halpin Mrs. Frances 167-158
30-Hughes R, D:, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit......._....... 158
" 30-Hennig Joseph A,, renewal Class ''B" Beer Fermit........ 159
" 30-Hollenberger Philip, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit.... 159
" 30-Horne Wm., renewal Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 159
" 30-Hillard John H„ renewal Class "B" Beer Permit............ 159
" 30-Hughes R, D,, granted cigarette permit ............................ 160
" 30-Hartig Drug Go. Inc:, granted cigarette permit .............. 160
" 30-Haley Amy, granted cigarette permit ..............:................. 160
" 30-Hartig Drug Co: Inc:, renewal of cigarette permit............ 161
July 7-Hornq Wm., renewal of cigarette permit .......................... 16'l
" 14-Hamm Brewing Co., sign, policy ............................................ 179
~~ 14-Hill Wm, M., sign policy ......................................._............' 179
Aug, 14-Huber Henrietta Estate, dwelling on north ~Z of Lob 313
East Dubuque Add„ reports of Building Commissioner,
Fire Chief and Sanitary0fficer,recommending demolition 197-293
" 14-Halpin Leander Estate, dwelling on Und, ~ of north ~/z
of City Lott 572, reports of Building Qommissioner,
Pire Chief and Sanitary Officer, recommending
demolition ..........................._............:._.................._........_...197-293-300
" 14-Heyne Celia A,, building at 2757, Windsor Ave„ reports
of Building Commissioner, Fire Chief and Sanitary
Officer, recommending demolition ...................................... 197-293
" 14-Heinz Anna, sheds on Lot 232 of Waodlawn Parlc Add.,
reports of Building Commissioner, Fire Chief and
Sanitary Officer, recommending demolition .................. 197-293
" 14-Hail Joseph, appointed Assistant Superintendent of the
City Water Department ........................................................ 202
Sept. 14-Healy Em'ary .Fy, suspension .of ,1935 .taxes ........:...._...,..: E23-245
14-Holmberg Wm; appeal, on,payment of special assessments 230
''i 14=Hartford Mrs. E]]a, appeal..on payment of.special assessments 231
" 14-Haas :George .M:: and .Anna, ,appeal one payment.of special
:assessments.,... ..._..:... ........~ .................._.._... 232
"- ,:k4-Herman Henry, .appeal on payment.ofl pecial, assessments 233
" 14-Hillery John, appeal on;paymenta of special "assessments 233
", 21-Hammel A, L, requesti~g:an extension .of .time for one
year on the ,payment :of special :assessments levied
against.property located at 1278 ,Central Avenue........ 236
Oct. 6-Iiolmdahl C. ~J„ ,requesting ,permission) to. install a _new
boiler ;under the lobby .of Delhi Theatre.... ......... 247
" 5-Hertner:Jacoh,A., suspension ,of taxes..._.......~.:._ ............... 246-262
b-Hubbard Michaael L; appeal on :payment 'of FpecKtl
assessment _. ...._... ......._.. ....... .......!_ 249-259
" 5-Heim Anna, .appeal on payment of special assessment..... 250-269
" ome. Builders Company; appeal ;on;paymeirt of special
asaessments :.............._..........__.._.........._....,..._._..,.....~.._.2~i7~272.2~81
5-Haan Mrs, Philamena, appeal ,on pay't of special) assessment 259
, rappeal
Anna 1YI
" 6-Hug
essmenil Ei9
" 5-Hughes Robert D., appeal on payment o£ special assessmen t 259
" 26-Hendricks :Geo; J., .suspension ,of ,taxes.:....._ ._:......_... ;266304
26-Home .Owners', Loan.Corporation; requesting an extension
of time for tho making of sanitary connections by
VPaYne B, .Schrunk ......~__........._ .......:.............__..__.._.._... 278
Nov. ~ ".2-Hollenberger Mrs, Sophia, granted.Class "B"..Beer Permit 260
'l-Hartman.-Carl F»,' sign .policy._.._......-..._..:.;....__.._ .:........... 284
" 30-Hanhig Mary' A,, suspension of taxes...._..___....._...._._.._.. 299=304
Dec. 7-rHarris Lorotta.A;,, granted .permission, ta, pays. delinquent ,
i91 assossments ..........~...._._._........_ .........:....:.:._.......
s ec '312
' 21 Ha' pe
" rt Peter, suspension " of taxes........._ ........................... 315-320
" 21-Hartig Drug Company, Inc., sign bond ................................ 317
INDEX-Book 66
1936.__.___ SUBJECT Page
Feb. 3-Illinois Central Railroad Co., installation of electrically
operated flashing, light and rotating disc stop signal
at each of the streets in the City .................................... 16-17-18
Mar. 31-Iowa' State Employment Service, requesting an approp-
riatiom of $375,00 for City Assistance to Dubuque
Employment Service .............:.....:......'_......:..............::.......:!. 78.126-186
May 4=sows Oil Company, sign policy ..:.:....:.::........:.:.....:..........:... 109
June 15-Interstate Finance Carp., sign p'olicy ...:...:........:............:.:.. 143
'' 30-Industrial' Snb. No. 2, request that a lower rate bo placed
the purchase price of said lots:.'_..:.~ ..:.......:...:.....:...
on 153
" 30-Ice Harbor, sidewalk to construct at the southeast edge 157
July 7-Inter-City Dinner Committee of the Dubuque Chamber
of Commerce, inviting members of City Council to'
attend dinner meeting at Galena, IIL.:.,.:... ~ ..........:... 164
" 7-Iowa Docket 1075-R, change in preliminary expense. item 107-319
Aug. 3-Ice Harbor, requests to have same dredged._ ................. 191-202
'' 14-Iowa' Association• of Ghief~ of Police; extending invita-'
tion to the' Ghief of Police toy attend conventions to be
' held at Mason City, Iowa ..............:.............'..,..........;...:.. 195
14-International Association of Electrical Inspectors, ex••
tending invitation to Electrical Inspector tq attend
conventio>~ ....................................:..........:.:~.....::.:...'..:....:...... 198
Sept. 14-International City Managers' Associations extending in-
vitatioii 'to Mayor and City Council to attend annual
conference :......:.......................:........................................:..... 223
" 14-Interstate Power Company, notified to remove, street car
tracks from various streets:....: .....................................:.... 223-224
nference. Ames
Iowa i
Oct. 26-Iowa Sewage Treatment Co' , 'nvi-
tation to attend .,,,....: 208
Nov, 30~Iowa Insurance Service Bureau; approving and authoriz-
ing the purchase of American La France Pumping Engine 300
~ -
INDEX-Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 3-Jaeger, F. M, Hardware Co., sign policy ............................ 18
" 24-Juergens John N. et al, sigm policy ...................................... 27
March 2-Johnson M,rs. Helen, settlement of claim._ ......................... 33
3-Jansen Mrs, Lucille, granted Classl "B" Beer Permit.... 47
" 3-Judges and Clerks, appointed to serve at tha Regular
1936 ............................
Mumci al Election oh March 30th 49
20-,Tohnson High Testl Oil Company, rel
ative to the location
of a sawmill on their property on Sixth ,Street, also
tq lay a spur track over lots iii Industrial'Sub, No. 2 64.90
31-Judges oral Clerks of Election of March 30th, 193G,
payment for services ...................:.................................... 79
April 6-Jaeger F, M., appointed Mayoxl for year ] 936 .................... 82
" 30-Jenni Henry, granted Class ''C" Beer Permit ........:........... 106
3(}-Jaeger Mayors authorized to attend thq trip to Freeport,
Ill,, to return on, I. C, R, R. Green Diamondf train lOG
June 15-Jephthah Shrine No, 20, requesting permission tq use
12th Street for the holding pf an Ice Cream Social...- 142
"• 30-.To~hannsen Waldemar, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 157-158
" 30-Joseph Mrs. N. B.,, granted cigarette' permit .................... 160
" 30--Johannsen Waldemar, granted cigarette permit...,.,.,.... `160-?,B7
30-Jacquinot Harryi J., granted cigarette permit .................... 160
Aug. 3-Jaeger G, V. W. Agent, requesting± that permission be
granted,for the erection of a, wooden stairway leading
from, greund to the third floor on building] located at
southwest corner of 5thl and Main Streets :.................... 193-198
Sept: 21-James Nora, sign policy........._ .................:....:.:...................... 239
Oct, 5-Jungwirth Carl, appeal on paymenti of special `assessment 269
'` 5-Jaeger Mayor, appointed acting City Manager during
the vacatiom of City Manager Evans ................:..........:.. 262
v. 2-Johnson High Test Oil Co,, signs bond ...........:.,.....__;.,...... 284
30~Tansen Car], suspension of taxes ..................:.........:............... .298-304
" 30-Jasman John H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 302
II~D~X-Book ~6
1936 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 6-Kalb Mrs. Maria, requesting~setion of'former tax petition 1
Feb. 3-Klein Mrs: Mary;- requesting reduction in penalty ,and
interest on spe ql'assessments..:... ...... ....,..
' 14
ting~a'refund on hts eig'arette perm
Louia J., re ues
"` 24-Knockel t 2~
" 24-Koeltendat~fer A. A., "sign policy..._ ...........:......................:....
,~„ 24-Kies Drug Store, sign policy .......::.........:............................. 27
Mar. 20-Kretschmer F. 'H'.,requesting °that the "lights 'at 'the
`entrance af''Sunset Ridge'be placed'•in operation:....... 63-86
'Y` 20-Kressg Fratik, requesting suspension, of 'taxes. ........ 64-320
" 31-Kerrigam'Fraiik R, et all requesting that's street light
be-placed on corner of Bradley'and Dunning Streets 78-87
April 3-Kelly Laurence G., bond' of .:..:.........................:....................:. 51
6-Kennelly George; bill for replacing broken 'boulevard
'light post at Ninth aiul Central "Avenue ..............:......... 88-89
May 4-Kies Bodtre, sign -poliey ...:..:.....:.........:.........................:......... 109
" 4-K-i1~'Supply'Company; sign ,policy.... .........._....:...... '109
`" 18-Kneclit'L, B.'Evangelist, regtiesting~permissia~mto~erect
a 'temporary tabernacle &il' 1''lth, .and Central 'Avenue 1113
'a` 25-Kluseman Mrs: Adeline, Chairman of "Invitation ~Eom'-
mtttee, ~inviting'~ouncil i:e 'participate `in Memo
- hay Parade .. 127
June 2-Knecht'L'P.;'•requesting permissflomto~erect a temporary
'bliil`din~g ~a't~ goutlteast corner of"19Th and" llrn'Stroets 135
15-Koester''Helen,'requesting permission; to place a movable
popcorn nrachine infront of 1045 Julien Avenue:....... 141
"" 30-Kane Councilman; appoited Mayor Pro -Ten of meeting 14$
"` 30-Kingfield 'Josephine,' requesting 'permission 'to redeem
,'tax^sale certificate'held'by the'City of Dubuque.......: 149
"` 30-King-Mrs Lois H'.,~granted "Class'"B" Beer Permit........ 167-158
30-Kuehnle Louis H:; renewal 'Class "B" Baer Petrntt .:...... ib8
"' 30-Kirkpatrick Mrs. Anlta, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit 158
Y` 30-Klauer-Jttilien Hotel Co:, renewal Class' "B" Beer Permit 169
" 30-Kerrigan Andrew, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit............ 169
" 30-Koleopoulos Steve, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit........ 159
" 30-Kleine Frank, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 159
30-I{ochendoi~fer Adolph, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit.... 159
" 30-Kirchoff Edward, granted cigarette permit ........................ 159
" 30-Karigan Andrew, granted cigarette permit......._ ............... 160
" 30-Koleopoulos Steve, granted cigarette permit ........................ 160
" 30-Kies Drug Store, granted cigarette permit .......................... 160
" 30-Kunnert Fred J, Co., granted cigarette permit..._ ............... 160
" 30-Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted cigarette permit.......... 160
" 30-I{retz E. P., granted cigarette permit ................................ 164
" 30-Kiene Dorothy, renewal of cigarotte permit ........................ 160
July 7-Keesecher Inc., granted permission to pay the delinquent
special assessments levied against the north '~ of Lot
1 and ail of Lots 2 and 3 in Ta.~ H. Langworthy's Add, 168
Aug. 14-Krakow Carl; C., requesting a reduction in assessment
on account of stenches arising from housing+ of sheep
adjoining his property by Finley Hospiial ................196-206-214
" 14-Kahn Joseph Estate, dwelling on, Lot 2 of City Lot 675,
reports of Building Commissioner, Fire Chief and Sani-
tary Officer, recommending demolition ............................ 197-293
14-Kruse George, barn at 2415 White Street, reports of
Building Commissioner, Fire Chief and Sanitary
OtTicor, recommending demolition......._ ........................... 1917-292
Sept. 8-Kramer Jahn L., guardian of Franc Lutmer, original
notice of foreclosure of mortgagd to Hann Ohlsen et al ..214
8-Kissell Frank, requesting that a local' business' district be
established to include Lots in O'Neill's Sub ..................... 214-268
'' 8-Kearney Joseph and Vincent Mathis, granted Class "C"
Beer Permit ............................._............................................. 216
" 8-Kennedy Patrick R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 216
INDEX-Book b6
1936 SUBJECT' Page
Sept. 14-Kemler Julia 1'a:, remonstranco on levying special assess-
. went and for the issuing of bonds fom paving of Bluff St. ,218
q ment of special
ry, aPPeal
._ ...........................
assessments 227
14-Kelley Genevieve and Helen, appeal on payment of special
assessments :.._........_ :............ ........:................:................ 232
" 14-I{aufman Arnold Estate, appeal' orb payment of special,
2 :,
~~ - 21-Kennedy Patrick R.; granted ,cigarette permit..._.._........... 238
21-Kretz E. P., sign policy .......:..:......_........................:.............. 239
" 21-King Street, grading and surfacing -.........._ ...........:...:..:.... 244
Oct. 5-Klein Elizabeth, notice of foreclosure of mortgage.....:..' 247
" 5-Klecker John, .appeal on payment of specia> assessment 250
ent of special assess-
a cal on
5-Keller Wm~
, PP P yin
ments ....... .......:........:.....................253- 2139-1181
'` 2G-Koehler Henry, suspension of taxes ...................:.............. 267-278
" 26-Koehler Sarah, suspension of taxes ......:..................... 267-278
26-Kolfenbach Leona, appeal on payment of special assessments 272
Nov. 2-Knights ofi Columbus, requesting permission to extend
-, a banner across Main Street ......:.............::.:................:..... 279
" 2-Kemler Julia E., appeal on payment of special assessments 283
2-Kemler A. W. Estate, appeal on payment of special
assessment ..:...:..---• ........:............................:..... ,... 283
« 30-Kinsella Kate, suspension of taxes .............._ ..::........ 298.304
_ p p r building
30-Kehler Miss Julia granted ermissiorr to re ai
at 459 Glen Oali Street.........: ............:.............................. 300
Dec, 7-Kohlman George, granted permission to redeem tax sale
eet~tificake ...........:..............:..........:....:............._.-..-.....:.......:.:. 307
21-Kretschmer Charles, appointed as member o$ Playground
and Recreation' Commission ............:.............:...............:..... 317
21-Kress Peter J,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 3!19
~`~ 28-Kerkenbush John, suspension of taxes..: ::.....::.................... ~ 321
INDEX-Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 6-Lemper Henry P., granted cigarette permit ..................._.. 4
Feb. 3-Loizeaux Dr.i Charles E., sign policy ...:.............................. 18
" 3-~Leik Wm: C., sign policy ..................:.................................. 13
3-Leath & Co., sign policy ........................ 31-245
March 2-Link Jacob, requesting suspension of taxes.: .:....................
2-Lutgen Mrs. Catherine, settlement of claim ..:...:................. 33
20-Loetscher Emic C. and Olga, requesting permission to
redeem tax sale certificate held by the Olt of Dubuque 63
20-La Tour Mrs. Barbara, requesting' suspensiorj of taxes 64-32,1
" 31-Lundin J. W.; appointed membe. of Board ofiReview......., 79-143
April 13-Landon Charles T., Park Commissioner, ibondi of...,.::..... 96
13-Library Trustees and Librarian, annual reports :............... 98
30-Laugges Clara, settlement of personal injury claim......_ 105
May 4-Ladies of Mary Agard Tent, Veterans of the, Civil War,
asking for permission to hold a flag tag day ................ 107-148
4-Linehan J. J., requesting the Council to credit the amount
of the erroneous special assessment levied against his
property for Hill Street improvement, to the special
assessment for the improvement of Wilson St. and that
penalties an said assessments be remitted......._........... 108-121
June 15-Leonard Mazie, requesting suspension' od taxes ................ 141-245
" P6-League of Iowa Municipalities, requesting that the City
d at meeting to bq held at
De sMo nes, la. 142
16-Lee James F. Paving Co., granted extension of time for
completion of Bluff Street Paving Contract .................. 142.186
30-Library Tax Levy Certificate .........:.........................:.............. 130.
30-Lee James F., requesting that Angella Street be widened
in'order that he be allowed access} to his; property........ 155
" 30-Lemper Henry P„ renewal Clasd "B" Beer Permit......:..... 158
30-Leiser & Kress, renewal Class'"B" Beer, Permit............ 168
30-Ludwig M. J., granted cigarette permit ....:.....................:...: 159
" 30-Leiser & Kress, granted cigarette permit ............................ 160
30-Lemper Henry P., renewal of cigarette permit ................ 160
30-Leilc Wm., renewal of cigarette permit ................................ 161
July 7-Lawson Mrs. Edith, requesting cancellation of taxes.... 164-246
8-Lemmer Joseph, objecting to the amount of special as-
sessment leviad against Lot 107 of Woodlawn Park Add. 173
27-Lange's Insurance Agency, requesting that tho excava-
tion bond of Mrs, Ray Powers be returned'for cancellation 186
" 27-Loud Speaker Device, request to use the same to advertise
watch tower religious program......._ .......................:........... 188.192
Aug. 3-League of Iowa Municipalities, bill for dues ordered paid 191
" 15-Lundbeck Cath. S., suepension of taxes .............................. 190-245
14-Linehan Catherine E., dwellingd on north }h of Lot 115 of
East Dubusue~ Add., reports of Building, Commissioner,
Fire Chief and Sanitary Officer, recommending] de-
molition or repair ..........................................._.........,....... 197-293
19-League of Iowa Municipalities, invitation to attend thi
annual conference .............................................................. 198
" 26-Lowther William, original notices of foreclosure of mort-
gage and noted to Maria R. Spensley et al ...................... 209
Sept. 8-Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" Cltcb Beer Permit 216
'' 14-Lange Martin A`., suspension,' of 1935 taxes ...................... 223-24(;
" 15-heiser Mrs. Olive L., appeal on payment of special assessments 226
1~5-Lundbeck Catherine S.,appeal om payment of special
'assessments ............................................................................ 230-27b
14---Loewen John Estate; appeal on payment of special
assessments ............._..................:......................................... 233
21-Leonard Marie, appeal on payment of special assessments 245
" 21-Lang Mary M., appeal on payment of special assessments 241'i
Oct. 5-Leonard F. E., suspension of taxes ...................................... 248.30
'' 26-Lowther William, notice o2 levy and sale, versus Marie
R. Spensley, City of Dubusne, et al ................................ 265
Dec. 21-Lange Elizabeth, notice of claim for personal injuries 314
" 21-Luckritz Lillian] and Nora James, sign bond .................... 317
INDTiJX-Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 6-Mchean Rov, requesting agricultural exemption .............: 2-7.
Feb. 3-McCarten H, B,, requesting exemption of taxes as prop-
erty is used for playground purposes ..........:................. 16.26
March 3-McCarty F. K., requesting the restoration of pay cuts
given to the Firemen and Policemen .............................. 34
20-McLeary Roy, requesting an agricultural exemption for
the year 1935 on McLean Heights ...................................... 64
" 31-McEvoy :Edward, appointed member of Board of .Review 79-103
April 3-McCoy, Frank, malting application for appointment as
Custodian of City Hall........._ ..........:.................................. 81
3-McGee Consuello and Helen C. Green, requesting cancel-
lation and suspension of taxes ..................................._....... 81-246
June 30-McMullan Hugh, requesting permission to pay delin,
quent special assessments fon paving of West 17th St. 152
" 30-McDonald Daniel, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit...~._..... 168
30-McLaughlin Frank, renewal Class `'B" Beer Permit........ 169
" 30-McMann Mxs. Sophia and Mrs, E. Van Der Muelen,
renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ........................................ 159
30-McFarlane Robert, renewal , 01' cigarette permit .............: 160
!` 30-McCann Eugene, renewal of cigarette permit .................... 161
Aug. 14-McDonnell John J., buildnng on City Lot 74, reports of
Building Commissioner, Fire Chief and Sanitary Officer,
recommending demolition .... .......:..............:....:................. 197-292
" 14-McGuiness, Dennis Estate, dwelling on Lot S8 of jJnion
Add., reports of Building Commissioner, Fire Ghief and
Sanitary Officer, recommending demolition or repair 197-293
Sept. 14-McDermott Eliza, appeal on payment of special assessments 230
14-McLean Catherine E., nppeal on payment of special
assessments ........................._.........................................,..:.... 230
" 14-McGrath Andrew, appeal' on payment of special., assessments 233
21-McGuire Clem J., appeal' on payment of special' assessments 239
" 21-McGrath's Sub. Und, ~/z of Lot 9, City Solicitor instructed
to prepare a cntracti for the deeding of said lot..:..... 246
Oct. 5-McDonough Mrs. Belle, appeal on payment of special
assessment ........................................................~.........,........ 258
26-McCeney Josephine, suspension of taxes ........................::.: 267-278
" 26-McCann Eugene P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 276
Nov. 10-McDermott James, appeal on pay't of special assessment 293
`' 30-McDonald Agnes, requesting permission to repair build-
. ings at Numbers 46 and 47 Locust Street ..:................ 300
Dec. 7-McCarthy Peter H., objecting to the proposed vacation
of Peabody Street ..................:.....................................:......... 307
" 21-McMahan J. A., submitting bill for rental of Lots' 280
and 281 of East Dubuque Addition .........:::............:.:.....:... 314
" 21-McLaughlin Maude, exemption of taxes...:..._................... 316.320
.21-McDonald Daniel, granted cigarette permit ..................:... 320
INDEX-Book 6b
1936 SUBJECT Page
Jan, 6-Mai,, 14I. C., requesting refund on cigarette permit.....:.: 1
'' 6- Ment Pauline F,, granted cigarette permit ............:....:........ 4
Feb: 24 -Miller Frank A, et al, requesting the installations of a
street light at intersection of St. Joseph, Street; Stet-
more Street and Concord Street ......:.......:.....:....:........:... 24-67
" 24- Martz John, sign policy ..................._...................:....:.::......... 27
24-Metropolitan Cleaners, sign policy ...::.:............:....._.....:..... 27
24- .:...........................:...
Miller Brewing Co., sign policy....:...... 27
ch 2
P g
-Mulgrew Thomas J. resentin statements rendered to
them by Interstate Power Company's]iowing demand
r 31
20- y ~
Louise claim,
Me er
of .....:.~ ...... 63-23!5
21- -
Manous Steve; claim of ...........:.:.....:...... 70
A ril 6
P :
...... . .... ...
-Miller Geor a si olic .........._ :...................... .
g . g'n
P Y 85
6- '
Mont Crest, and Woodward Streets light toi b~ installed 89
13 -Murtagh C. B., State Comptroller, approving an exten-
sion of time to provide 'far final payment from
Library Fund to Water Fund .........................._..
. ~ 96
" 13 Y ~ q Stop
nd Central
of intersectlon of 8th h
and Ge~ sig al 97-287
21 -Marshall R. P,, appointed City Auditor ........:.....:....:............ 100
" 21 -Murray S, P, et al, setting fortlu reasons why the fresh
air cam conducted at old Lan' orthy Hame is rat an
~~-~---~~-~~-~~-~~ -~-~~~~~~-~~-~~-~~-~~
t 100
s i
on, on ,behalf of Wit-
nent Petroleum
' wer Grocery Company, requesting permission to in-
stall agasoline pump and tank:..... ..:...............................:.. 103-114
" 30-Marshall R, P,; City Auditor, bond of..._ ............................... 104
"` 30-Milligan H. C., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ......:....... 105
May 4=Madison Street Wall, removal of same .........................:..:... 108-165
'` 4 -Murtagh C. B., State Comptroller, extension'~of time for
the return of 75i% of the $75;OOO,Oa tq Nov. 1st, 1936 111
" 8- Magana Mrs. Tobias, claim of ............._....................._......... 117
lib -Memorial Day General Committee, requesting the usual
appropriation for Memorial Day observance :...:........... 119
26-Metcalf Mrs. Wm., requesting that Hale St. be repaired 126.154
" 25 -Mathis Arnold, requesting permissiony to put a canvas
banner across Main Street ............._........_........_............. 126
" 26 -ManahP Leo P, et al, requesting the installation of. a
street li ht at the intersection of Berlin on and; Nat-
g ~
Bona] Streets ......:........... _.................. .......... 126-156
" 25 -Murphy Louis, U. S. Senator, acknowledging receipt of
wire urging the retention of the office rof the Home
Owners' Loan) Corporation at'Dubuque .......................... 127
June 2-Mayerle Jchn, requesting; that the Railroad Company, be
restrained from the use of "Electric Bel]" at 4th Street 135-144
" 2-Meh] George J. et al, requesting the City'Council, tIa in-
vestigate the dangerous nuisance of harboring snakes
by Edward Huber at 760 Angella Street..... ................ 135-155
Z-Milld Inspection Plan, method of incroasing revenue...... 136
16 -Mayerle John, submitting bill in the amount of $3.20
for labor caused by stoppage in main; sewer............ 141.161
" 1'S -Mathis-Moffatt Go, sign policy...;....r ............................... 144
30 -Miller Hal, requesting cancellation or suspension of taxes 149-262
" 30 -Machinek & Stieber, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit........ 158
" 30 -Machinek Joseph J., renewal Class "B' Beer Permit.... 158
" 30 -Mayerle John, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 158
" 30 -Meyer & Roesch, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit............ 158
" 30 -Mengis Walter, renewal Class "B" Beer permit ................ 159
" 30-Moes Carl J.; renewal Class "B" Beer Permit..........._....... 1fi9
" 30 -Mossos Georgo, renewal Glass "B" Beer permit ................ 159
30 -Meyer Paul, granted cigarette, permit ...........:...................... 160
" 30 -Miller George, renewal cigarette permit........._.........._....... 160
" 30-Myers) Cox Co., renewal rof cigarette permit .................... 160
" 30 -Meyers Chas, F., renewal of cigarette permit ................ 160
30 -Mont Mrs, Pauline, renewal of cigarette permit................ 161
7-Mount Safnt Francis, .requesting permissipn~ tp connect
the sewer at St: Francis, Home with their: sanitary sewer
14-Murtagh• C,; B,,. State Comptroller, approval. to increase
Fire Maintenance Tax and to• levy an Emergenpy Tax
27-Magee Thomas J., renewal of Class "C" Beer Permit:.,.
3-Murphy Louis; U. S.. Senator,. resolution upon death:......:
14-Mosher Julia E., barns of City Lot 659,, reports ;pf Build-
ing Gamnussioner, Fire. Chief, and Sanitary Officer,
.recommending demalition ....:,....:..__ ......:......._.::.:.:,:........
14-Miller William C:, granted Class "B".Beets Permit....:.:.....
14-Meyer Joseph, granted. Class) "B" Been Permit .:........::::::..::
21-Maizwood Insulation Company, requesting installation
of additonal lightsi at their factory ..:...:.:::........:............
8-Mecklenburg Walter, requesting an extension of time ta~
make sanitary connections with ]iis property located
at 483 O'Neill Street...;.:_ :::.......:..:....................:.............::,
B-Midwest Antiquarian Association, life) membership in
said association secured by the; City pf Dubuque, Iowa
14-Municipal Airport, lease to DubuqueAirways, Inc...:;,.:.
14-Maizwrood Insulation Company. option on west 124 feet
of Lots 1 and 2; of Bloclq B and Lob 1' ofl~Blockl G and'
also the entire portion of Lot 2 of Block C of Industrial
Subdivlsion ......................................................__........,........
14-Machinek Emil, appear on payment of special assessments
14-Matake John, appeal on payment of special assessments
21-Martell J. C., sign policy .......................'..................................
21-Mineral Street, grading and surfacing ...:............................
21-Madison Street, building retaining wall ............................
5-Miller Henry and Kate, suspension; iof taxes .................._..
5-Machinek Emil, appeal on payment of special assessment
5-Marmis & Solomon hron & Steel Salvage Company, rela- .
tivo to purchase of property in Industrial Swb. on
South Locust Street ......................~....................:................
5-Millie Madg. Pier, requesting a reducbion in special assess-
ment~ )cued against Lot 23 of Quigley's Out Lot 710....
26-Millmen's Local Union, submitting resolution opposing
City Manager and City Council ordering the Police
Department to act in escorting non-union strike
breakers into closed plants ....................._.................._..,..
26-Machinek Emil T.. suspension of taxes ................................
2-Municipal Employees Committee, swbntiitting a seta of
rules and working agreements ..............................._...........
2-Mississippi Valley Association, extending invitatiory to
attend the annual meeting at St. Louis, Missouri........
7-Manders M, B,, suspension of taxes ..............................._...
21-Midland Chemical Laboratories, Inc., requesting+ that an
inspection be made of the fire hazard at the Ernsdorf
Building located at Jones and Main Streets ................
21-Mathey Chevrolet Co., sign bond ..............._.........................
21-Mid-Continent Petroleum' Corporation sign bond............
21-Manders Clem, suspension of taxes ......................................
INDEX-Book 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
INDEX-Book 6b
1936 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 6-National B~onrd' of Fire Underwriters, requested fora Jan. 13-Ordinance No. 1-36, amending and changing the. Zoning
pas same applies to lots in Deming and Horr's Add.
reduction in residential fire insurance rates ..:.......:..... 3
of Dubuque to
Feb, he Zoning
nance No. 2-36 gmendin and
24-Ord g g g
13-National Safety
re-enter the 1936 National Traffic Safety Contest...... 7-26
Map as same applies to Lots in Schiltz Sub .................
ante No, 1
Ordinance No. 3.36, amending Ordi 0-35, regu-
q y
D -
ar latng the movement of vehicles and pedestrians at
Y, g
s t
' a
M crossings where traffic and warning signals
Beer Perm
15-No ton
Sept. 8-North End Booster Club; requesting City Council to take
Mar ,
.move fore the various
20-Ordinance No,
a 33-65 ~
.. 214
McDonaldnMf a Coband~1Mor'rsonhBros,~MfgfCo,.:.~. , ,
y 1-72-73
ear 1936 .............. 62-7
the fig al
pu p
funds and
requesting refund of the amount that
Oswald Clarence
~ g „ „ p 238
If May ,
he paid into the Police Pension Fund ...:........................... 118
B Bee
21-Nordin George, era ted Class
25-Orioles Order, request for holding a carnival or<4 the: City
" 21-National Street, grading and' surfacing ...........................
Oct. 26-Nagle J. J, Estate, appeal on pay't of special assessments 273-281 ~ parking space west of 4th Street Ball Park ................
5-36. authorizing and providing for the
25-Ordinance No 127-129
" 26-Nagle J~o~hn A., appeal on pay't of special assessments..273-274-282
275 , ,
issuance of $6,000.00 Swimming Pool .Revenue Sink-
26-Nank Wm., appeal on payment of special assessments....
cial assessments 282
Nov. 2-Nagle Mrs. Margaret, appeal on payt of spe g g p
Z 135
2-Nesler,F. A; & Son, sign policy.._........-.,•-.
299-320 June -
Bluff Streets
Locusk and
h St
soc~al~an h 135
30-Noel Anthony. suspension of taxes ....:............................... rr 2-Ordinance No. 6-3G, amending and changangi the Zoning
Map as same' applies td, Lots in Schroeder's Add..
' Mechanic's Add., Porter's Add. Buettell's Add. Cox's
, Add,, Voelker's Add ...............................................................137-142-143
1~5-Ordinance No. 7.36, amending and changing the Zoning
Map as same applies to South 7 ft! 10 in. og Lot 10
and Lots 12 and 14 in Wick's Add......._,. ..............._.._...140-160-151
" 16-Orioles Order, request for a permit to hold a circus on
the City parking space west of 4th Street Ball Park 145
" 30-Oriodesl Lodge, renewal of Class "B" Beer Club Permit 158
" renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit....
30-O'Regan Timothy 159
" ,
30-O'Brien Mrs, Margaret, renewal of Glass "B" Beer Permit 169
" $0-Olansky M. B., granted cigarette permit .............................. 160
' '~ 30~0'Regan Timothy, renewal 'of cigarette permit ................ 161
" July 7-Orioles Order, request for permit, to hold a carnival: on
the vacant property at, 31st and Jackson,Streets...._~... 163
7-Ordinance No. 8-36, amending Ordinance No. 10-35,
"The Traffic Code"~ relating to parking of vehicles....167.168-17fi
n 14-Orpheum, Theatre, sign policy ....:........................................... 180
14-O'Donnell Thos. J., claim of ............._......,............................ 181
' - Aug, 3-O'Brien J, Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 19r;-193
Sept. 8--~Okey Vern, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 216
" 8-O'Mara Trm, requesting• that the application of the
, Loyal Order of Moose for a beer permit be not granted
, ~ at this meeting of the City Council .................................. 216
" 8-Ordinance No. 9-36, amending and changing the Zoning
Map as the same applies to Lots in Reche's Su'b.,
Morheiser's Sub.,Schwind'3 Homestead, L, H. Lang-
worthy's Add . ...................................................................... 216-23~
" 21-Old Style Restaurant, sign policy ....................................... 239
Oct. 5-Ordinance No. 10-36, repealing Ordinancq No. 9-36, an
ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map 261.264
" 26-Ordinaance No. 11-36. amending and changing the Zon-
ing Map as thq same applies to Lots in Reche'~ Sub,
Morheiser's Sub,, Schwind's Homestead, L. H, Lang-
tvorthy's Add„ New Jackson Sub. and Boulevard
Add. ......._ ............:..........._...........................:.................264-265-279-260
Nov, 10-O;berhoffer Louis, requesting the City td, extend the City
wall on the east side of High Bluff Streot..........._... 291
" 30-Ordinance Nos 12-36, establishing a street of the alley
first westerly of Fremont Avenue ands St. Joseph Sts.
and giving a name to the same, and( also giving a
name to the unnamed street first westerly of Fre-
mont Avenue and lying between St. Joseph ands Marion
Sts., same to be hereafter knoiwn as,~ Meadow Lane......302-308-309
INDEX-Book bb
1936 SUBJECT Page
P ~~
July S-Petrakis Peter, renewal of cigarette permit ............:....... 167
7-Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting comprehen-
sive plan; of the City of Dubuque.::_ .........................:... 167-187
" 14-Payrolls fop month of June; 1936 .:..............:................::..:.. 179
Aug. 14-Payrolls for month of July, 1936 .......:...........:..:..:..:......:...:..
Sept. 14-Payrolls for .month. of August, 1936 ..:...::......:.::....'....:....::.: 224
" 21-.:Powers' Mrs. Ray, excavation bond ..:..:.:....::.....:....:............. 239
21-Postal-Telegrapld Ca,, sign po]icy ..:.....::..::....:.:::.::.i..._:.:.... - 239
21-Pals Catherine, appeaP on payment of .special assessments 244
?' 21-Primrose Street grading and 'surfacing;, .....:..::...:....:.:'... 244
Oct. ' 6-Pleimling Elizabeth, suspension of taxes::,...:. ..:..............:: 248.262
'" 26=Planning'-and Zoning Commission, report on petition of
"' Mary Cleaver :.....:_ ..............:.....:.....:..........::.......:.:.......:.:.:.
26-Planning and Zoning Commission, report on petition of 266
.. '.,'.
m 268
~~ ' g that
at West 3r
of water
ot justl
Godless! Streets be purchased by the G~ty:;.....~:..::.::... 268
" 26-Payrolls for month of Septembers 1936 ......::............::._:...: 269
Nov. 10-Payrolls for month of October, 1936 ...:.:.:.::....~.:,.::..:~........: 293
'! 30~-Plan of M. Walter's Addition; approval of .:.....:.:.....:...... 298-312
Dec. 7-Payrolls for month . of November; 1936 .:.:......:....:...........:.: 310
" 7-Peabody Street• .part of vacated :......::...:.....4.....' ..:.....:..:... 312.31b
" 21-Pyld Vincent J., State ,Fire Marshal, requesting] Fire
Chief to work for passage of law prohubiting fireworks 314
°' 21-Page Karl J. and Emily;sign•bond :...:...........::.......:c...::..:.:: 317
.r 21-Patch L. R., sign bond ....::.......:..:.:....:...:..:...........:...........~...... 317
" 21-P. W. A; Doc$et Iowan-1076=R.; revision; o~ estimate..,. 819
TNDEX-Book bb
1936 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 24-Quinlan R. J. and .Mrs. Margaret, signs policy ...:............' 27
May 4-Quinlan R. J, and Mrs. Margaret, sign; policy ..:.:...:........... 109
June 30-Quinlan Robert J., renewal Claass "B" Beer Permit:... 169
J,~y q-Quinlan Robert J.. granted cigarette; permit..::...-........... 16d.
~~pt. 14-Qumlan Ann,- appeal on payment of special assessments 233
Se ~-Quinn Street, grading and surfacing .................:......:............. 244
IN,~I~EX--~B~al~ `66:
- --
San. 6-Retail Merchants. Bureau, thanking Council and Officials
. for eo-operatsve spirit during Christmas shopping season L
6-•Roehl•Pliilli s; Fiimiture Co•, sign, policy 3
Feb. mit.......,1b
3-Raths Central Market, requesting refund on ctgarette~~per
"' ..
3-Renier's: Store,. sig}r policy :.................. 18.
u ...................
sign policy
3-Rolling L
F 18
" .........
3-Rainbo Oii Company, sign policy ....................................... 19
" 3-Roberts Counciimam legal opinion a2 City Solicitor on
his tenure of o)fice ..................._.......................20.21-22-23.48-49-77
" 24-Reavell Fred R. et al, requesting that bus service .be ex-
tended over Kaufman Avenue to City Limits............ 25-87
„ 24-Rotman Louis, sign bond ........................._............................... 27
March 2-Rettenmaier Mr., inquiring whether his property located
on Lincoln Avenue had been re-zoned as requested 34.95-122
" 3-Roberts Councilman tendering his resignation as a mem-
ber of the City Council to become effective Mar, 28, 1936 48-49
" 31-Ruegnitz B. A., granted cigarette permit ............:........... 79
April 6-Rotman Louis, sign policy..._ ................................................ Bb
June 15-Ryan Wm. L,, Chief of Fire Department. recommending
that Ambulance Driver Farrell's working hours be
changed to conform with members' of Fire Department 142
" lb-Ryan Wm. L., Chief of Fire Departtmott, granted per-
mission to attend convention to be held at Davenport, Iowa 142
" 30-Recreation Commission Tax Levy Certificate ..............._... 150
" 30-Roth Lea J,, renewal Class "B" Beer. Permit .................... 159
" 30-Roshek Bros., renewal Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 159
" 30-Reuter Frank, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 169
" 30-Roshek Bros. Co,. granted cigarette permit ........................ 169
" 30-Ruegnitr, B. A., renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 160
" 30-Ragatz George, renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 161
July 14-Renier Music Stare, sign policy ........ ............................ 179
Aug. 21-Rettenma.ier George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 207
" 21-Kyle Mrs. Catherine, settlement of claim ............................ 208
Sept. 14-Recreation C;ammission, requesting that the area in
Rafferty's Slough north of Railroad Avcnue be set aside
for a definite period of years as a recreation center....223 -280-29U
" 14-Ring Anna M. Estate, appeal on payment of special
assessments ............................................................................ 232.249
" 14.-Ring Marys J. and Helen JunkersdorL appeal on payment
of special assessments ..................................................... 232
" 21-Recker Leo A,, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 238
Oct, b-Republican County Central Committee, requesting per-
mission to erect a banner• across Main Street............ 247
" 6-Ring Mrs. Mary, suspension of taxes ................................ 246-26?
" 5-Realty Investors Corporation, appeal on payment of
special assessments ......................................................254-256 .271.7181
" 6-Roehl Lotiis W., appeal on payment o$ special asssessments 269
" 26-Reynolds 0. A., Secretary, Chamber cf Commerce, re-
questin; that an appropriation of $400.00 be author-
ized for the malting of tests of servage ........................ 267
'' 26-Ryan Frank R,. tranfer of Class "B" Beer Permit........ 276
Nov. 2-Rolling L. F., sign po]icy .......................................................... 28l
" 2-Rainbo Oil Company, sign po]icy .................................
" 10---Retail Merchants' Bureau,. presenting requests for the
holding of a parade on November 27th and also for
the erection of Christmas lighting decorations and
also that the City assume the costs of cureent for said
lights .......................................................:......_....................... 286-298
Dec. 21-Reynolds 0, A., Secretary, Dubuque Chambor of Com-
merce, advising Council that a number of complaints
have been received on account of condition of the
streets in the business district after snow•stcrems.... 814
" El-Ryder I. and M, J., communication of Budding
Commissioner, relative to condition b!f build
tng at the northwest coroner of 3rd and Main Streets 816
" El-Rath George C. ~ Sons, Inc., sign bond ...:........................ 817
" 91--Rotman Loula, sign bond .....................,... ,,....,............ 317
IND~~•~.~ook 6G
1936 ~ SUBJECT Pgee
Jane B-Spensley,Maty.J,;Estate, roquestipg:suspene~iou of ,taxes.. 2
!' 6-Spenaley Jt. B., requesting suspension of taxes ................ 2
',' 6-Spenaley .Maria R., requesting suspension. of taxes......... 2
f 6-Spenaley Anns T. et ah requesting suspension of taxes 2
t , fr-Strand Theatre; ,sign policy ..........:...... ..... ....... 3 -
construct ;in Pear S.treet .................... A 13.14-Y6
6•-~Sanitar~ Sewer io
". ,
' .6--Sand Mike, granted aigarette ;permit_ .............:.................... d
" 18=Street :and Sewen .Departments, .requesting restoration -
• , of .;pay cuts ;made in '1833.........< ....................._................,.. 7
23-Schiltz Harry, appointed as member,af.Board of Adjust•
4nent to fill unexpired term :of A, P. ,Abeln~~deeeaeed 9.10
Fab: 3-St..John~ Evange}ical Lutheran Church, requesting
Council ,to•deny,the;getftiotY;forthe closing,of~lZth~St,,
' 'between :White Street
and Central Avenue.. 1696
" _
3-~Schaetzla g ,Stgrf;, <stgn ;Aolicy... ...... ..
~ 18
!' : 3-Schadle tCiarenee L„ ,granted Class "B" BEer
Permit... 19.20
" 3-Schroeder -PIicle, settlement. of claim ...........:......,,:............. 20
" ~ 24-Sehock `Ailiss ':Louise, oft~ring ,Lot .22 iR..Irnlay -Home
,Addition fox sale i8 :the amount of ,$960,A0 26
" ...............:..............
24-St. George Hotel, •stgn:,poltcy .... 27
" 24-Smith ,Carl .T,;' sign policy .... .:...... .:.. 27
" r 24-Sommerfeld A. G,. sign ;policy ..........................................:... ' 27
March 2=$aint.Jaaegh Sanitarium, requesting Council to aoaperate
in obtaining `bus service over :4allury
Road. ._....:.. 31
" _
2-Snyder A: G"., et al, abjecping t,a ,the envision of ,dense
smdket ,4ram °;St,• ~lnthnny's :Home for :tlpe Aged,:.....;
Mar; 2.0-Behan Clara .M„ elaiin •of ........................._.....:........:................. .. 63
" , 20-Sewage Disposal .Committee, of .Chamber of Commerce.,
requesting an :appropriation to .permit tests _to be
made of aegage ............... ....:.. ........ ..... 63
20-Scharff Louisa, requesting suspension od taxes .6;4-246
20=St, Anthony's Home for the Aged, notice to abate hhe
emission of dense smoke .................................................... 06.60
~~ .
20-~Stroet Lights
:statement 04 number
candle power size
of overhoad .and boulevard .types ...................................... 09
" 27--Sisters of Charity; $. -V~ .M., 'request. Vin, ,pagtllent of
special :assessments for pavigg and installation '04
boulevard .lights :againsttheir property! on Msin Street 76
3--Schmid Batt C~,
asl:a member of the Police
and Piro Commission._,
.......~ .................................::..........
3-dSm9th W, A,. re-a inted as a member of the Board
PPo 81-86
~ of Adjustment .......................................a........................... _ , 8]-86
, 0-Swimming Poo] Site, .petition requesting, .that thd, site be
changed from Eagle, Paint tb one mere centrally
located, preferably at Rafferty S]ough......,....,.....84-92-98.84-96
" 6-Sidewalks, coflstructlon of in front of .vacant lots 'on
Queon Street, lietwecn ,Clinton .and end 'of street......... . 89
" 13-Swain's Seiwice Exchange ,Amusements, stating Chat
they are desirous of securing a week for the holding,
" of the Bremer Midway Attraction Company ................ BO
, 13~+SIack James, .requesting permission to .pay the princiP01 . ~~
plus 0%n interest on his special assessments ........:....... . . 8ti
" 18-=Sears ttrsolia, .settlement .of .personal njuty claim,.,..$.... 419
'` 13--Shea J. J.. City Clerk, appointed Clty Auditor ....::........... D9
" 21-Oirtking Fund, payment in the amount of $13,7G0.00 from
the Canaolidated .Fund and in the amount of 860.00.00
from Firc Operation Fund authw•ized .td be made....::.. 102
", 31®Slnking Fund, the City M'atiager.instrueted .to .regtust
an :extension of time faz the payment of the balatico
of the 76% Trani the Conaalldated Fund and :Eyre
Operation Fund ....................................:..........................:.... .102.111
" 90-Stevenson G~harlesf appointed as momlber ,ofl .Board of
1 -145
.. 80--Standen8+eler Sullua r , ugeti
, 09 n~ augtmolon of 6a;goa::,.
~~I;~' i ~Ik~~ INDEX=-Book~~ 66 -
~ ;, {w 1936 SUBJECT Page
i ' I S '
V III ' " 30-~Schwietering J: J., granted Glass "C" Beer Permit.........,:
"C": Beer Perm!k 105
I :, ..
" 30--Sullivan Jos• J,, granted Class
" 30-Swift Emelyn+ settlement of ~gersonal injury claim
•I ..
" 30-Sheridatr Glem (Tr.) payment of speeial assessme
ranted Class "C" 'Beer Permit..:...:.
R 110-111
~ I II~II ., g
May 4-Smith Harry
Serg Avenue to Lincoln -Ave-
~ I, m
" - 4-Stanton Street from R
'comstruct •••~••
ide t 114-154
I o
nue, sidewalks on the South s
Fund 'Bonds, m the
R ,
= I
' ,
~ g
" B-Swimming Pool
amount of $6;A00.00 to issue .. 115-116-122' 125-128-131-132
' •
~ -
" 18-Sanitary Sewer to construct m Co>t' Street from the ma
ut 140 feet
' •
Bole in Kirkwood Street tp a point abo
:~ .
~ ' I~~ fl
~ :southerly
June 2-Swimming .Pool Equipment; plans, spe136? 137 139 140,14-199-209
i I Parish requesting pormissio>Y to erect
s _,
15-~St. Cather
apd 7th Sts.
n 6th
i 141
reet lie
n St
. _ a banner across Ma
~ i „I h
" 15-Schumacher Georgel offering the suns of $SOO, "142-156
I~' rof Gity property at 1801 Preseokt `Street .,..
I se
'>~eo~ta; Iowa
I ,
~! ~ 16-St. John the Baptist
n Stevt
M 145
I ...
permission-to hang a banner across
t "the Zoning Maps be
I a
!! 30-StRe~ Kate -A., reques
erty at 24013a>:kson 5t 148.
' '
' changed as same applies to prop
ermission $o hapg a
' ;
~ i ing p
Church, reques
s '
" 152
I .
er acrase Main Street ..
ban -..
~ II' ~ n
" 30-Sewer"discharge outlets, into the 'Mississippi River clog
•'suthorized to••ha~e.-obstiuction
ed ,
outheast edge of Ice Harbor
I ', s
'! 30-Sidewalk to construct a
" 30-Sand Mike, renewal Close "B" =Beer Permit.
B Beer Permit
: :158
" 30-~Scherrer Geo. J:,-renewal Class
"B" Beer) Permit ...
l Cl 158
I I I ass
" 30--Shanahan John T.; renewa
' ' 158
- I
r ...
!' - 30-Schemer Frank G•, renewal Class
~~ 1
I erm
" 30-Spielman Ha'r'vey li•;' renewal Class
,,B,,. B
er Permit ,
- Ili Ili e
!!., . 30-Savory Wm.; renewal Class
" 30•~Slack James, renewal Class 'B"-Beer Permit 158
~ f i
I '' 30-Sand Frank, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit
renewal Class `"B'~ Beer Permit •••• •
hnee Michael B.
" 30 .
~ ,, ,
° 30-Steffen Nicholas F., renewal Class "B" Beer Permit....
al Class "B" Beer Permit .............:..
~ ~ ,l "~ 30-Schmitt Anton; renew
" B
" 159
i ..........
" 30--Snyder Chas, T., renewal Class 159
III `! 30-Stoltz _Aaymond J.,. renewal Class "B" Beer Permit.:........
er Permit ::...:..............
`!B" B 159
III ', e
'' 30-Stemm Jahn, renewal Class
'~ ' • $0-Schaetzle dohn,.granted cigaette permit ...............::..::..••••••• 160
- II ~~ " 30-Stavr6s George, granted cigarette permit ....:.........•:••••••••:•
granted ciga
n Ni
~ - ~
p 160
II ~ ,
c garet
n , 30 Schroeder-I{leine Grocer Co•, g' to permit.... 160
~' III
lll " 30-Stoltz & Zillig;,granted cigarette permit............ .............:.
granted cigarette permit ...........:....................
'!` 30-Stemm John
~ • 160
j ,
granted cigarette permtt...........: ........................
"~ 30-Sand 160
II .
30-Schneider Joseph, granted cigarette permit..
ranted cigarette permit •.
"` 160
:I' ~
l mas
., g
' 30-Scherrer, George J., ienewai of cigarette permit 161
~ l
~ `
` !' 30-Snyder Chas.,. "renetival of cigarette permit ...........:...:.:......
"' 30-Sanitary Sewer ..in Fremont Avenue from St. Joseph
= '
I .........._...............
feet northerly :......
' `•
' I ~
l ,
Mark's Lutheran Church, requesting
Jul 7-St
i .,
y hold ice cream social on 12th Street between Locus 164
Ilia •' and•Bluff Streets......: °•°`
..... ......
J: F: Co, renewal of cigarette permit
' 7-Stainpfer
~ I
' I
Vii; ,
" 14-St, Patrick's Paris~,~ G'arryotuen; requesting .permission
to ~ suspend • a banner across 14iam Street,..... .............:....
......... ...................
"- 14-Standard Oil Co., sign policy ...... .••.••••• •••~•
• 179
I ~ .~.....................
y ....................
14--Slaclc James sign •p
' - . 179
gn p
•, s
14':-Sibbing );
~~ :
14-Sand-Frank- si n! •policy.
1936 SiiBJECT Page
S '':
" 14-Star Browing Co•, sign .policy.....:.. ..., ....,... ~ .• 178
Schuster L., granted cigarette permit .... .... 180.236
" 14
Aug• 3-Schmid Titud B.; requesting that the harbor be dredged 19I
3-Street Department EmployeQS, requesting, restoration of
. paY cut' .... A ._ ,191
"~ 14~Scardino Mrs. Andrew, requestmg~cancellation of 1935 taxes 196-245
'' 14-Smith Mary and-Catheripe, dwelling on Lot 14, Yates'
,Su'b.,•reports.of:Building Commissioner,_Fire Chief and
Sanitary' Officer, .recommending demolition •. .:.197.203-292
14-Shea Tlias. and Margaret, building on Lots 1 of 2 of ~3
and 1 of 4 of Mmera] Lot 37, reports of Building Com•
missioner, Fire Chief and Sanitary Officer, recommend-
ing, demolition 197-293
!` 14•-Sisters af: Holy Ghost, ruins on Lots 21 and 22 of Finley's
Add., reports of Building Cpmmissioner, Fire Chief
and Sanitary .Officer, recommending demkhtton or
,repair ........ ....... ..: ... ...._ .::197-293-300
Sept. 8-Smith Frank E ,requesting that~the alley running, north
and South between Dodge and Martpn Streets and
between Fremont Avenue and Setmore .street . be
changed and known. as a street ..... .214,226 289.302-308
" 8-Spielman Franid F:, granted•Class "B" Beer Permit..: 216
14-Schiltz J. H.,, appeal on:payment -of special assessments ; ; ; 228
14-Schiltz Mrs• Mary T„ appeal on payment of special 8
" 14-Smith Frank. E, appeahon payment of special assessments 22
": '14=Sprott John J., appeal on payment of special' assessments 23L
" 14-Spielman Matt, appeal on payment of special assessments 231'
" 14-Steclclein Mxs. Josephine, appeal' on payment of special
- • assessments ••••.
!! , 14-Schrroeberl John, appeal on paymeni; of special assessments I 232
's: 14-Schmid H• W.; appeal.an payment of special assessments 23'l
14=Schmitt Walter J., appeal on payment of special. assessments 233
" 14-Smith' Mary and Lucille, appeal on payment of special ~ ;
assessments :................. . .... .....
14-St. John's Episcopal Church Parsonage; appeal on pay-
ment of special assessments..: ........ .. ......... ..... 233
14-Schneider, Carl', J. and Alberta, appeal on payment of
special assessments .........:.................................................... 234
21-State Board of Assessment and Review, advising City
Assessor of data of annual meeting ................................ 236
" 21-Schetgen John, appeal on payment of speciat assessments 241
21-Suverkrup Henry, appeal on payment of special assesments 24'~
" 21-Schnee Mrs, Sophia, appeal on payment of special assessments 242
21~Schulz Gustav and 14Irs. Augusta, appeal on payment o4
special assessments ...............................:..............................
" 21-Scho~bert Wm, F., appeal on payment of special assessments 243
" `Ll-Sabula~ Street, grading and surfacing .................................. 244
21-Stoltz Street, grading and sinfacing......................_......... 244
" 21~helby Street, grading and surfacing.... .............................
21-Shiras Avenue, gutter and drainage ......:............_............... 244
" 21-Schumacher V•, settlement of c]aim ...................................... 246
" 21-Schmid H. W., suspension of taxes ..................._................,..
Oct. S~Senior High School, requesting permission to stretch a
banner± across Main Street .................................................. 247
" 6-Schrup A. F., Postmaster, requesting a limited parking
time in front of branch P. 0. No, 3, at Iiartig Drug Stowe 247
warranty deed to City of Dubuque............
" 5-Schoch Louise 249
" 5-Seeley, Frank, appeal on payment of special assessment 250
" 5-Stempfle John, appeal on payment of special assessment 251
" 15-Schneider Carl J., appeal on payment of special assessment 261
5=Stcdtz Edward A•, appeal on; payment ofl special assessment 252
" 6-Strandberg Mrs, Stranda, appeal on pay't of special sssessment 258
6-Steve Michael, appeal on payment of special assessment 259
INDEX Book b6
1436 SU_)aJECT `Page
" ii-~hnmk Wayne 8.; .erdei~ed :ts :caulect :the south 46 'Yt,
" of Lot B ,ot Peiter'a -Add. xrith sanitary .sewer...........
26-State '.B~rd o'f ~asessmenti ,and 8eview, not-ae~s of :hea~'~
!ing'upoa'the peti#ions of ,H: C: Keuline, Itegina, -Lange,
.Laura ,McMullen, A. ~.
retta Cunningham
d L
h '
" ,
n san
MxDonaht 'Mfg. Co„, Fedemil 'Building Co .............
'requestin'g the vacating wnd
h May 'tioapttal
J 265
vesting title to:tf~en+:af Augusta:Street; ~s}I of the ~stley
- .. betweerc •l'eabody;and ;C(ara'Streets; 'Clara 'Stree1:; al] • .,
,abet part'.of a~eabody'Stroet'from'tho wesU':lino of
Augusta ~Btreet and!ahe •eaat .line of `i,ot _2 .in
Langwgsthy's Subs, :~'+ea'tendeRl yin a direct line nprth-
' erly( aerosa Peabody Sttieet, Ito the .east 'line vi .Lot '2 ,
131 .......:..........:
•of 1 of Out 7,aq 284
2-;Strand Thsatte;' Sign Pt+ , Y ...................... .....: ~..
" 2-Scheppele 'E. L., -sign policy .:.........._......... ................
Comptrollar regaested to=enter an •ordod:declaring
ahe~t~maini~ of the,temporaryhrpnsfer,from~the Bond
ginking:Pond to the Consolidated and Fire Maintenance
Nav: ..... .......
'Funds;. •-permanent ..._
lO~Schneider Carl .J,,:redemption of tax Bale certificate 297
30-•9chillin6 iaranaes AS.; suspension rof taxea.....~.
30~-Sdhroe8er ">ifarry. J:, caficeltat~on of taxes ..:.....:.:....:............
" anse,_r~eommendatmu of -City Man•
e d
30-~Sirotiti= t Yial
'~ ah
e same ,.
30-Spec~nil Aeaessmeilt delinquent payments, County Treas• 3AD-30'i
D -firer instruoted to accepU #ho wine : .. .. .•:• •••1
7-Salvation Army, requesting permission ~.to pleas 'kettles
e for ~Christanaa am+;tinlitltions .................... ............. 30
~~ 7-Sparks .John, <nispenaion o1 •taxea .....:......... .........
claim i`or~ personal -injury
Scheppele A. 'E
7• 308
" ,
?-5aengling 'Fred J, granted Class "B'! Beer Permit........ 311
" 21=Specht Agnes, uRpensian •of tastes ,.... .. ................ .
" 21--+Seeley .?rank, agspenaion of taxes ::....::...:...:........:.:................
Joseph 'Mercy Ilospital! copveying the southerly '1D0
feet Bf Lot'.2 of :2 of 'Min, .Lot 66:......... .............. 310
'r 21-Schaffhaueer Wm. sign .bond ..............::..... ,......:.,:...,
II~D~X--Book. 66
1936 SUBJECT page
Jan: 6-Traffic accidents; report for year 1936 ...:.:....................:..... 3'
6-Triangle Cafe, sign policy....... 3
!' 13-Twelfth, Street between White Street~and Central.Avenue,
permanent closing of, for playground purposes........ 6. 7.16-95
!' 13-Trenkle Co. et al, objecting tq permanent; closing oP 12th
Street between White Street and Central. Avenue r:. 6-95
" g-Tr
ankle Go.,. sign policy ....:............................ .. •-
3-Tri-State Advertising Service Inc,, sign policy.... ....... 19
" 3-Telser John and Florian, granted permission to pay
special assessments plug 6% interest per annum; and
advertising costs .................................................................. 20
" 24-The' Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society, request-
ing an increase in their appropriation to 1590.00........ 24
" 24-The Home Supply Co., sign policy ........................................ 27
" 24-Trausch Baking Co., sign policy ..............................._.........
24-Tri-State Advertising Service Inc,, sign policy ................ 27
March 3-The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, submitting
rider to be attached to bond of City Treasurer, Puls
31-Timmermann Mr, and Mrs. G, J, et al, requesting the re-
moval of the "Keen" ice cream stand located at tho
corner of Julien Ave. and Mt. Pleasant Street............ 78
April 6-Telegraph-Herald, appointed official newspaper ................ 83
" 6-Tha Home Supply Co., sign po]icy .............................>.........
6-Trenkle H. Co., sign policy .................:................................... 85
" 13-The Salvation Army, requesting permission to hold a tag day 96
1° 21-Theis Mrs, Anna M,, requesting cancellation of special
" assessments ......................................................_.....................
30-Thompson F, W,, granted Class "C" Beer Permit.......- 100.288
4-Theisen Battery & Electric Co„ sign policy................... 109;
" 26-Teague John, Davenports Ionva, requesting .consideration
on the purchase of Rockman cool .................................... 126
" 26-The Telegraph-Herald, requesting the use of West Locust
Street for the- staging of "Soap Box Derby" ............... 126
June lb-Tbe Aetna Casualty & Surety Company, submitting will in
of $92.96 for premium on City Treasurer's Bond 140
the amcunt
" ,
16-Trausch BaL•in~ Co,, granted permission to install a hell
" under suiewalk at 19-31 Main Street ............................
Della C,, requesting cancellation of taxes ................
30-Thu]l 148
" .
30-The Service Club, renewal Class "B" Beer Club Permit 16$
" 30-The Dubuque Glub, renewal Class "B" Beer'• Clitbi Permit 158
`' 30-The Eagles Lodge; renewal Class "B" Beer. Clabl permit 168
" 30-The Page Hotel, renewal, Class'B" Beer Permit ................
" 169
" Beer Permit........
30-Trimpler George J,, renewal Class
" 30-Trimpler George J,, granted cigarette permit .................... 160
" Club, renewal of cigarete permit ................
30-The Dubuque
" .
30-The Interstate Co., renewali of cigarette permit..,,........ 160
" 30-~'~hompson & Hogan, renewal of cigarette permit............ 160
" 30-The Elks Lodge, renewal of cigarette permit ...:............ 161
" 80-Trapp Arthtu• J., renewals of cigarette permit ................ 161
" 30-The '1liangle Cafe, renewal of cigarette permit .............. 161
" , 3-Tax Levies foil the year 1936 ..............................................
3-Tharp William, granted Clas"s "B" Boer Permit..:.........
- 190
Water Dept. 222
Sept, 14--Tschirgi Edward M., bond as accountant in City
14=Theta Anna and Frank Smith; appeal on payment; of
" special' asaessments ........_ ...............:........;...~......,..............
M„ appeal on paymenb of special assessment$
14--Theis Anna ~ 281
" .
21-Tarkett Mrs, Etta, granted Class `B" Beer Permit.......... 238
" 21-Thoman F. G., taxi ca}~ policy ..........................._.._.............. 239
" 21-Tradehome Shae Stores, Inc., sign policy ............................ 2
" 21-The Coca-Cola Ca., sign policy..................... 2
Oct, 6-Thomas R. C. et al;. requesting the City to purchase the
lot at the corner of; West 3rd and. College Streets and
also that this) residential district be kept closed to any
invasion of businees ...................:.......................................: 247
INDEX=Book 66'
1936 SUBJECT Page
Uct. 5-Trieb Bertha Estate, suspension of taxes ..._ .............:....... 248-304
" 5-The Midwest Antiquarian Association Museum, requests
Council approval for securing a Government Project 249
" 5=Trewin C. B„ appeal on payment o4 special assessment 252
Nov. 2-Tegeler Edward B., sign policy .........................::......:.......:.....: 284
2~Tri-State Advertising Service,' sign policy .:........:.....:..::... 284
Dec. 21-Taylor- Yonkers Company, sign policy ........::.........:...::..._ 317
INDEX=Book 66
1930 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 6-United Commercial. Travelers, offering to furnish "Drive
Safely" signs at entrance of highways .......:.......:..._:...... 3.126
Feb. 24-Utzig Mrs. Anna; c]aim. of .:....:::....:.............. ,........:.......:...:. 24.33
Mar. 27-,Union Bus Station, granted permission for+tho placing of
No Parking Signs on Locust Str between 8th and 9th Sts. 76
April 21-U. S. Engineer's Office, Rock. Island,.I11., notice of hearing
for filing of objections to the granting' 08 al permit
to dredge the Mississippi River ..:..........:............:_:.......:. 100
May 8®Union Painter to be employed for -the painting, of stop'
signs and markings on City Streets...... ~ .:.:........:.......... 117
" 18-Upper Mississippi Waterway Assn, statement of dues 118-135
June LS-jJrbach Brothers, sign policy ........................._......:.......:.:.... 144
" 30-Uppinghouse & Glarls, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit 168
30-United Cigars. Stores, Inc.,; renewal of cigarette permit 160
Aug. 26-Union Trash & Savings Bank, deposit claim' of Gity .of '
, ; Dubuque assigned. to Treasurer of .State ........................ 210
O.ct: oss
5-Union Party, granted perm~sswn to erecf a anner acr
.. ......
Main Street ..........:::........ 262
INDEX-Book 66
1436. SUBJECT Page
Mar. 20-Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies. Auxiliary request-
ing permission to hold "Buddy Poppy" sale... :.... 63
May 4-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to hold
a carnival at the parking space west,. of Athletic Field 107-i19
June 30-~Vogdlaberg Albert J., renewal. Class: "B° Beer PerM~t:.. 159
" 30-Vogler A. J•, renewal: Class "B" Beor P.ermit...:,... 159
" 30-Van. Driel & Ltnk; renewal Clasa "B" Been Permit 159
Jtlly 14-Van Driel & Linli, sign policy ..:..:...:..:.. .::... .::.:. 179
AuQ: 14-Voelker Realty Co•, dwelling and sheds att 426 Kaufman
Avenue, reports of Building Commissioner;'Fire.-Chief
and Sanitary dfficer; recommending'- demoht~am and
repairs ........... ....: :.:........,:::.. :...._,:197-293.310'
pt. 14-Vosberg Niak ahd Henry, appeal on. payment of special
Oct. assessmehts .........:..::..:..:...:.:..............:.......:......:..:::...............
6-Vaelker Realty Cdr, appeal on payment of .special. 2~0
assessments ._ :......:........:.:.:... :....,:..,........._......,.....:..26 6-256.270
" v7 ~oelker. C, A•, appeal on payment of special assessments 267
26-Veterans. af. Foreign. Wars, requesting dance permit with-
out the usual charge of $6.06 for each dance ................ 266
" 26-Volunteers of America, requesting permission to hold tag day 266
" 26~-Voigts Wm., suspension of taxes ........................................._. 207
Nov. 10-Veneral disease clinic, room provided i~ the City Hall
for treatment of cases .......................................................... 286
Dec, 7-Vacation of Clara Street; Augusta Street; part of Pea-
body Street; alley platted in Agnes Langwarthy's Sub. 312-316
INDL~X-Book" 66
1936 SUBJECT Page
Jan 13-Warner.W. C:, claim for injurie8 received by his daughter 8
13.-Water Department Employees, requesting restoration of
pay cuts made in 1933..._ ................. ,..........~.........
3-Walgreen Ca, sign policy....:.._.........,. .:..., ..........:...
Feb 19
" 24-Wright ,Roy, granted Class "B" Beer Per~rut .................... 28
24-Wolfoxd Charles E., transfer of Clan `B" Beer Permit 28
1V~arch 2-Wassmer Mrs. Paul, claim of :......
20~Wersmger John B., requesting. a free permit to paddle
vegetables .:.... .:...... ...:.: .• ....................... 63
!' 27-Waiver and Agreement of Jas. I', "~,ee .Paying Co., on
paving of Atlantic St,, from West 14th St, to Dexter St. 7R
Mar, 31-Wohlert Nirs, Ida et al, requesting, that the special asse0s=
menu levied for the paving of Roosevelt- Street be ,
. Cancelled :.,..... :....................... ,. 78.90.91
pril 6--iWage Earners, requesting,-one boon o~ daylight saving
A 84.121
!' 6-Wartburg. Place, relocation of street ]~ght...... ....... S8
!' 6-Welber N?ck, decision of Council on request for purchase
of Welaes :Field far ,playground purposes. ....:.. 89
original notice of foreclosure of note
3Q-Wieser John A.,
~ Sub.. .....
12 in Stewart's
and mortgage on Lot 104
30-Wullweber Dora, requesting Suspension of taxes
'~.. ~ 104-245
~ay' B-W:ernimont. Jahn, claim..of ........ ,~ ..... ..;
• 116
of taxes ...
'~ .. 18-Wampack Mrs. Anna,, requesting suspension 119.2 t6
Jppe 2-Wimmer Ella. B•, requesting the City to purchase Lot 21
of Finley Home Addition .. 13 6.307.318
" ~ 2-Waller R, D., reappointed as metnlbo~l ni+ Planning and
,,,. Zoning Commission .:::......:..:.........:.........:..:............:...:... ~:..... 136
requesting suspension of taxes..:.........
~` 16-Wilson James P„ 14I
'"` 30-Wy~burn Isaac, submitting a proposal to purchase Lots
9 and 10 of Randal] Sub :................................................._.16 2-288-302
" 30-Winders Albert, granted Class "B" Beer~Permit ................ 157-168
30-Wright Louis A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 157-153
30-Wunderlich A, Harrison, granted Class "B" Bee~i Permit 157-158
" 30-Wragg Thomas A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 157-158
30--~Waodrich Wm• E., granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 157.158
30-Warren Dell, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 168
" 30-Weber Frank J., renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 16g
" 30-Weber, Mrs. Ceceiia, renewal Class "B"' Beer Permit........ 1;59
16 30-Wiedner Stanley, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit............ 153
" 30-iWolff Le Roy, renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 159
30-Walser Harald, renewal Class "B" Beer Pormit .............. 159
" 30-Wagner Wm., granted cigarette permit..........._ .............._. 100
" 30-Wragg Thomas A., granted cigarette permit .................... 160
" 30-Witwer Grocer Ca., granted cigarette permit .................... 160
" 30-Walser Harold, granted cigarette permit ............................ 160
30-W1]]y Mrs, F• X. granted cigarette permit ......................._... 160
" 30-Walgreen Drug+ Co., renewal of cigarette permit............ 160
" 30-Western Grocer Co.; renewal of cigarette permit...... _... 160
" 30-Wiedner Stanley, renewal of cigarette Hermit ..............:... 160
July 7-Wieser John W., Plaintiff, versus W. H. and Elizabeth
Rauch, City of Dubuque et al, Defendants, notice of
levy and sale ............................................................................ 163
" 7-Warren Dell, granted cigarette permit..._ ..............__......, 16fi
" 14-Wiedner Stanley, sign policy ................................................ 179
" 14-Weichel Herman G•, granted Class "B" Bear Permit........ 189
" 27-Watch Tower Religious Program, request for permission
to use laud speaker device to advertise the same........ 188
Aug. 14-Walser Jennie 'Estate, sheds on; Lot 1321 of East Dubuque
Add., reports of Building Commissioner, Fire Chief and
Sanitary Ofncer, recommending demolition .................... 197-293
" 21-Wilberding Frank H., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.... 207
Sept. B--Weber Joseph V. et al, requesting that a street light be
installed on the southwest corner of Julien Avenue
and the alley located at 1630 Julien Avenue ................ 214.287
INDEX-Hook 66
1936 SUBJECT -Page
Sept. 14=Wunder Mrs. Eliz., appeal on pay't of special assessments 22~
14-White Mrs. Nellie, appeal on payment of special assessments 229
" 14-Wilson Emma Estate, appeal on pay't of special assessments 232
21-Weitz Alods 0., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..........:....: 238
" 21-Works Progress Administration Project Proposal, approv-
al for. the grading and surfacing of various streets 244
" 21-West 28th Street, grading and surfacing ...:..................s... 244
`' 21-White-Phillips Company, purchaasei of $50,000.00; of spec-
ial assessment improremenq bonds .........::..:...........:.:........ 244
" 21-Ward Frank, suspension of taxes .............:.......................... 246
Oct. 5-Weber J: J., suspension of taxes ...........:...:.....::..... .... 248-262
5-Wilberding Henry; suspension a5 taxes....:..:.,._ ........:...:...:. 248-262
" 5-Warranty Deed; Louise Schoch to City o~ Dubuque.:.;.... 249
" 5-Weiner Mrs. Katie, appeal on payment of special assessment a38
" 26-Weber L, A. et al; requesting that action be take>4 to end
' the present strike and that pickets bei removed at once 265
26--Wiedner Stanley, requesting refund on cigarette permit 265
26-Welp John B., requesting, a lease or right' to purchase, a
' portion of highway ~ at the intersection of Rockdale
Road and Southern Aveane :...............:...........:.:..............:... 266-288
" ' 26-Wri ht Anna G. sus ens~on of taxes.......:....'._:" • ~ ....
g a p 267.27>3
26-Weiss Wm. A., appeal an payment of special assessments' 275
Nov; 30-.Walters M: Additioon; approval of plat..._ :.::...........'....... ' 298.312
" 30-Weiner Mrs. Katie, suspension of taxes ............................ ''304'
Dec. ' '7-Waldorf
Mrs. Gertrude, suspension of taxes....... 308.313
: g
" 7-Warrant Deed of'Eldo and Mabel' Block conve ~'n 'Lot
2 of 13 of Stewart's Subdivision:'i :.:.........................:.::..... 308
" 7-Weber Ruben J., granted Class "B" Been Permit..:,......:. 311
~`"~ INDEX-Book 66
i . 1936 SUBJECT
Feb. 3-Young Men's Christian Association, sign policy ................
April 6-Young Ladies Sodality and Young Men's Catholic Club of
• St. Mary's Church, requesting permission to placd a
'canvas sign across Main Street......._ ...............................
Sept. 21-York Street, grading and surfacing ..:...........::..................
INDEX-Bao~ 66
~,~ 1936 SUBJECT Page
',H Z
I Jan, 13-Zoning Map to amend and changd as same applies to
1 Lots in Deming & Horr's Add .......:......_...:...........:....... 5.8.9
, " 23=Zoning -Map} toy amend and change as same applies to
II Lotd in Schiltz's Sub .........:....::..............:...~...........:...,.:...9-20-24-31-32
' o
Mar. iy0-Zoning Map to amend and change as samH appl
' Lots in Schroeder's Add., Mechanic's Add., Porter's
I Add., Buettell s Add., Cox s Add., Voelker s Add,........ 64-65-111
' 126-137-142.143
'i April 6-Zillig Adam, sign policy ............. 86
~,I~~ May 25-Zoning, Map to amend and changed as samo applies to
!y~ south 7 ft. 10 in; of Lot 10 and Lots 12 and 19~ in
;'' Wielt's Addition ..._ ..:...................................................128-1404150-151
~' June 3Q-Zillig Adam, renewal a~f cigarette permit .......................... 161
AuC. 14-Zoning Map to amend and change as same applies to
~ Lots in Reche's Sub. Morheiser's Sub.; Schwind's Home-
~~~~~i~'l stead, L. H. Langworthy's Add., New Jackson Sub„
l and Boulevard Add...........196-197-207-213260-261-264.265-279-280
Oct. 26-Zimmerman Julia, suspension of taxes .............................. 266-278
',', 26-Zumhoff E, G, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 275-276
f " 26-Zumhoff E. G., granted cigarette permit ............................ 276