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1935 Index City Council Proceedings
~.., :: f,,.. , -~'-t ~,. r, ~~ ~.. ~~ ~, ,~r '. , ~`,, ,_ ?~~, ~~ : ~~; -: _;: . ~. ~~ ~° ~,:~ °°',~; ~ti'~ ~" ~: ~::,,,~~ ~qac~,~ I ~~' =..:.f. - ,. City O~~icers for the Year Ig35 COUNCILMEN M. R, KANE, Mayor JOHN K, CHALMERS W. S. ROBERTS F, M, JAEGER PETER SCHILTZ City Clerk--J, J. SHEA. City Solicitor-M, H. CZIZEK City Manager, ,ROGER M. EVANS Secretary to Manager-ALLAN _E, SIGMAN City Treasurer- City Assessor- OTTO F, PULS GEORGE BENNETT City Auditor-- Chief of. Police- FRED GANTERT JOHN W. GIELLIS City Engineer--• WALTER H. CULLEN Health Director- DR, W, J, CONNELL Chief • of Fire' Department--~ WILLIAM L, RYAN Sanitary Officer- City Electrcian- JOSEPH T, SCHARRY' JOSEPH CORRELL Milk Inspector-~ Police Judge- V. F. CHAPMAN MILTON J. GLENN Market Master- Plumbang Inspector- C. J McCARTHY , GEORGE MASTERS Electrical Inspector- Recreational Director- OTTO BETHI~Ei SYL McCAULEY Building Commissian;er- Supt, of Water Works- - CARL BARTELS JOHN W. McEVOY Regular meetings of the City Council area held the first Monday+ of each month, at 7:30 o`clock P. M. a_`.. ~. S t. ~~, {9 ~a1, .~t3. INDEX--B©ok .65 1936 SUBJECT Page A 7-Advertisers Service Company, signs bond ................::...........;.~ Jan 7 , " 7-American Legion, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 8 " 21-Agneememt to maintain Municipal Highway from Centro] Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, known as East 20th, Street and Rhomberg Avenue ....................................................16, 2 1, 25, 35 " 21-Andelfinger, Councilman, entered and took his seat...:.... 20 Feb, 13-Adams Amelia H. suspension of 1933 taxes .................:...... 34 "` 18-Andelfinger, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro tem of ' meeting ...............................................:....:..............:...:.............. 36 Mar. 21-Appel Crystal Clean, sign bond ..............:.......................:...... 83 ," 28-Alley between Main and Iowa Streets 'from First to Second Streets, request to repair raise and' change general slope of iailnoad track and~~brick adjoining the - track ................................................................:........:............: 90 April 1-Appointment of Officers by City Counci9l .........::................. , 93 !' 1-Appointment of Officers by City Manager ........:....:.............. 93, 94 " 1-Annual report of pity Solicitor, Ozizek for fiscal year . 1934 ......................................................................:...._..:............ 98 " 22-Althaus Frank, suspensien of 1933 aiud 1934 taxes............ ~ - 99 2'1-Abitz, Chas. W., suspension of taxes ....:........................... 99, ?A3 22-Annual report of Trustees of the Free Public Library..::.... 100 22-Annual report) of Librarian of the Free. Pwblic I;ibrary.... 100 y, g permissiron to " 22-American Legion Auxiliar requestin hold annual Poppy Sale an May 25,1935 ...........:................ 100 " 22-Agreementt on Subsistence Homesteads..........._.._ ...........:..: 104 22-Annual reports) of City Auditor and City Treasurer, for the fiscal year 1934 ................:........................:....:.......:::..~:. 104 " 7fL--Anthony Theodore E., renewal of Class "B" Beer Per- mit ...........................................................:..:............................... 105 " 22-Application for approval of permanent transfer from the Library Maintenance Fund the sum of $1779,11~to the Library Building Fund :..........................:..........:..:.............. 106, 110 May 1-Allen, Howard, requesting a free peddler;s.license .............. 116 June 3-American Legion, requesting usd of Municipal Air Port for holding made) airplane contest ......................:............. 145 " 8-Adams, Waldo, appointed Parlt Commissioner t6 fill the unexpired term of Glen-Brawn„ deceased ......................:.:... 158 14-Anthony, Theodore E„ Clare "B" Beer Permit .........:..:....... 159. 178 " 26-Adams, Waldo, Park Commissioner„ bond of .::.:::.....:.......:... 1T1 26-At4antia Street from West 14th St, to Rosedale Avenue„ to pave ..........172, 196, 233, 234, 246, 247„ 262, 263, 269. 270 281 July 1-Abeln, A. P., reappointed as member of Board of Adju;stment ........:........................................................:.....:...... 176 1-Ape), Merlin, granted cigarette permit ................................ 179 Aug, 5-American Legion, requesting that the bill: in the amount lof $16.80 i'or electricity used at Ball Park be waived.... 194 Oet, 17-Armbuster, Mary, suspension of taxes ................................ 238, 243 " 28-Armstrong, John, Class "B" Beer Permit .....................:.. 249, 250 Dee, 13-Anheuser-Busch, Inc,, sign policy .....................................:....:: 28'6 13-Advertisers Service Co., sign policy ..........:..:........................ 286, 287 23-Aird, Wm. F., suspension of 1934 taxes :.:..................:.......... 298 `. ~; --"T,a j. • :~ '~ i~, ', '~~ , ~, , INDEX-Book 65 1935• SUBJECT Page B Jan. 7-Baumgartner, Michael, suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes 3,.10 ~1 7-Batteram,. Jacob. suspension of 1933 tax~_ ...................... . 3, 10 7-Board of Health; report for month of November, 1034......., 5 " 7-Born, Margaret, condemnation of buildings on her pro- , pertyl located on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,,6, 6, 6A, of Muehel's Sub .. ...........................................................:......................5, 101, 10-Beutin, Frank, original notice of suit ..._ ..............:............ 197, 206 . lq " 21-Braun, Foul, warrant ordered drawn irn the amoutnt of $6.00 for services rendered on aond~emnation proceedings 17 ~~ 21-$artelsy C, F., Buildinig Commissioner, placed on full time employment at salary of $2160,00 per year .................... 20 "• " 21-Bauck, Mss. Margaret, suspension of 1933 taxes .: .............. 20, 277 30-Benda, Mary, suspension of taxes ................:....................... 21 24 ~" 30-Bauck,.Margaret, susgensian of 1933 and 1934 taxes........ , 22. .277 Feb, 4-Beck, Jahn, .sign bond ..................................................._....... . 27 ~~ , 13-Bockes, John„ cancellation. of 1934 taxes .....................:.......... 34, 243 18-Bolsinger, Earl M,, ,submitting clalm of Adam Sickdl's .and also his ,awn claim of Adam Sickels ........................ 37 March 4-Blocker, Jahn, statement for construction of sanitary . sewer in Avoca and Cherry Streets ........................... .... 41 "' . 4-Bradley,. C, W., cancellation of 1933 and 1994 taxes...,.... 42u 244 " 9r-Brown, Mrs. Jessie M., suspension ad 1933 and 1934 texas 42 " 4-Budget `for fiscal year 1936 ....................44, 46, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 62 63, 54, 70, 71, 72, 73, ?q, 7b, 76. 77, 78, 79 , 80, 81 _ 4-Beard of Health, Special Ses~aion ......:..........:.......:.................. 57 " 11-$eyer, Ralph E„ requesting refund on cigarette permit 56 ". 21-Byrne, Marie et. al., a6jecting to certain stems in the . budget .................:...:...:.................:...............:........................ 70 '.', . „ .... 21-$itzberger„ Al, requesting free. geddlers~ license .............. 82 21-Burkd, R, J„ excavation bond .................................................... 83 „ 21-B-u'gmeier, Ali, sign bond .:.:.................................,.............. 83 . 21-Beecher, Jasegh A., granted renewal of Class "B" Beer April 1-$anks appointed depositories of Cisly Funds..........._........... 94 96 " 1-Boulevard lights that have been blanked to be relighted.... , 96 1-Benzes, l,esto~, Captain of Fire Department appoinlted as a menaeber of Beard of Trustees of Fire Retire- . alert Board ......:...............................:.... 97 22-Briggs, William E., renewal of Class "B" Beez+ Permit.... 106 " 22-Berwick, Mary Mrs:, renewal of Class "B" Bees Permit.... lOG '~ . 22-~Bualovp, Clarence C,, renewal of Class "B" Beef Permit 146 " 22-Beriixgen, Frank H., renewal of Class "B" Beer.P.ermit.... 105 2B-B, P, 0, E„ renewal of Class "B" Beei? Permit ................ 113 ~" 26-Board of Review, appointment of ................................ ._.....,... 113 May l-~Budden, Celia, settlement of claim ...................................::.. 118 " 13-Board of Health„ reports,'for months of December, 1934 and JamuarY 1936 .................................................................... ]24 " " 20-Billboards erected on City awned property ........................13'8, 139, 140 28-Berg, Frank, J, et, al„ requesting that Rhomberg Avenue between Kniest Stress, and Stafford Street bo changed from atwo-family residence district to a local business district ......................................................................... 142 " 28-Board of Review, authorized to procure gasoline while making aNSpections ................................................................ 142 June 3-B, P. 0; E., requesting use of Athletic Field for donkey baseball .................................................................................... 145 " 3-Brunskil]„ Mary E., suspension of taxes .................... .. 146 " .... .. 3-Board of Health„ report~for month of February, 1935........ 146 " 3-Barber Shop, Owners, Managers and Operators, request- ing that an ordinance ba enacted under thel provisions 01 House File 173,. regulating the operation of barber shops ..........................................................146, 193, 206, 220, 240, 293 7-Browm, Glen, Park Commissioner, resolution upon his death ..................... ................................................................ 15 0 INDEX--B9ok b~5 ~ 18.36. SUBJECT Pags B 14-Beard of Review, regort of ......,,.:._ :..:::..:.........................::.: 1513 "' 19-$oard,of Health, report for month of March, 1936....,..:.... 160 '" . 10--Berwick; Mrs..M., Clams "B" Beer Fermat ................:........... 161, 178 19-Brodeur, N,o~bex@ W., Class "B"' Beer Permit..,....•.,••.•••„•• 161, 178 Joseph A., Glass "B"' Beer Permit .....:.:......,,..,.,... " 19-Beecher, 161, 177 , 26 Board of Health, report~for month of April 1;135 ..........:....: 171 28-Belmond Street from West 14th Street to Rose Street to pave ...........................::.....:: ..::..............:...172, 196, 233, 234, E47, 261 " 26-Bluff Street. fromi bleat 3rd Streak to Wont 8th Street; to ~- :.pave .:...:.....:...172, 190, 233, 236; 247; 261, 262, 263,'270, 271, 281 " 26-Berntgen, Adam ~J,, Claaa "B" Beer Permit ......... 173, 177 28-Buelavr„ Clarence C., Class 'B" Beer k'ermit .................. " 26-Briggs, William E,; Ckasa "B" Beez Permit .......:.............::: 173, 178 173, 176 " 26-Bertgen, Frank H,, Class "B" Beer Permit :..:.:........:....:...: 173, 174 " 26-B. P, 0, E„ Class "B" Beer Permit •••• """' 173 176 July 1-Birndorf,, Morrig~ A.; sign bond .:.. .•.•~ ~,•,•••• " " 177 Beot ,Fermat ....:............:.::....... B '"' 1-Bawer, Joseph J,, Clan ,u 1-Berntgen, Adam J:, granted cigarette permit ..........:....:...: ~ 179 ° 1-Braun,, Hemy C•, granted cigarette permit ......:.:...........:... 179 179 1-Beek, John C., granted cigarette permit ...:......:..:...........:.... 1-B. P. 0. E., granted cigarettq permit ....:.............:..:.:....:...::.. 179 " 1-Buelow, Clarence C„ zenewal of cigarette permi$.•..•::......... 179 " 1-Bradley, 1';Imer R:, renewal of cigarette permit ........::....:. 180 1-Berntgen, A. J., renewal of cigarettd permit~..:._ ..::.......... 180 " 1-Bertsch, Leonard F., renewal of cigarette permit ....:;.~::.. 180 S-Baumhover, Benjamin L„ reolewal 01; cigarette permit 183 " lb-budget Estimate of 1!axpenditures for year 1836 186,191, 201, Z02 Aug. 6-Business firms and pzofeasional' men, refatiyel tol the re: storation of pay cuts given to tho Find and' Police De• partments ::.: :.... .......:.....: ..: ... . :. .... .,..... . •~ s 193 June, end months of May' " 6-Board of Health, zepor6 for 1935 ....................•,,,,,.,,.,.,.,,..,.,,,,...,...,..,.,,.........»....:...,:;...:...... 200 " 6-Buenker Lawrence F„ Class, "B" Beer Permit ...:;,..., f th i ~' 203, 209 o amount o n aul, wiarrant ordered drawn " 26-Braun, $5.00 for'services rendered on Condemnation Committee 207 26=Bunke, Mrs. Walter ca1uce11atlon of 1934 taxes :..............: 207, 244 26-Board of Health, report of modlli ad July, 1 1936............ 207 Sept, 3-Belsky Motor Company, sign bond ........................................ 218 " 3-Beatrice Creamery Company, sign bond •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 218 °~ 26-Burroughs, Jerome et, al., guaranteeing-that if. barber ordinance is adopted that families, on relief rolls shall recoive haircuts gratis •• ....................................:................... 220 " 25-Bauman, Charles,, suspension o4 1934 taxes ..............:......... 220, 289 " 26-Baesen, Mua Anna, suspensian of taxes ............................ 220, 294 " l5-Bissell, F, E, et. al., requesting that the name of East Eighth, Streot, be changed to East: Eighth Avenue, and also that the name of West Eighth Streot, Julien Avenue and Delhi Street be changed to Eighth Avenue 222 " al-Board of Health, report ibr month of August, 1936.... 222 " 25-Billis, Gust., .Class "$" Beer Permit .................................... 229, 224 " 25-Benda, Mary, recmesdfing the City to agree and consent to the Board of Supervisors to instruct tho Treasurer to accept the sum' of $100.00• as full payment for all taxes on S, 3 ft. of Lot 430 and N. ~Z of Lot 431 and all of Lot 432 of East Dubuque Add .....................................225, 239, 240 Oct. 17-Bethany Home for the Aged„ cancellation of 1932 taxes.... 243 " 17-Board of $ealth, Special Sessign ........................................ 245 " 17-Brenner, Ludwig, Director of Health suggesting that the conditions about the homd of Ludwig Brenner be de- Glared a nmisance .................................................................. 246 " 28-Bates, D. W., Receive; of Union Trust and Savings Bank, Versus C, L. Sheffield, City,of Dubuque et. al. notice of levy and sale .................:...................................... 248 ,~ v! ~z f,, ~<~.;;. ~,'~, ~x ='.w . INDEX-Book b5 SUBJECT B '` 28-Bates; D, W,, Receiver of -Union Trust and Savings Bank- • Versus Joseph P. Connolly, City. of Dubuque et: al., - notice- of levy and sale .....:................................................ • Ia1ov, 4-Brown, F, et, al., objecting to proposed improvement of ': Belmond Street ..:........:.....:..............:..................................... ~`! 4-Byrne, Mrs, Mary E„ suspension oP last half of 1934 taxes .........:.:.....:...:.............................:..........:.....:.........::.:...... `' 4-Board of Health', report for month of September,;'1935.... _" 4-Biaun, Paul, bill for services on condemnation committee. " 12-Boys Club,- inviting Council to attend the formal, opening of their home at Ninth and Iowa Streets:... .....:...- 12-Blum, Morris, Class "B" Beer Perrrut .....: ..............:........... ~" 23-Badger, John, suspension of 1933, and 1934 taxes ............ 23-Beckett„ Elizabeth, suspension of 1933 and 1934 taxes.... 23-Berendes, Otto, granted permission to!'pay the principal, plus 6% interest per annum, on special assessment ,... Dec. 2-Binter, Louise„ suspension of 1933' and 1934 taxes ......:....: 2-Board of Health, report for month of October„ 1935 ......:: 2-Barrington, Wm., Class "B" Beer Permit ...........:.............. 2~-;Briggs, ;William E„ transfer of, Class"B" Beer Permit 2-Bonds held in Sinking Fund, the City. Manager and City Treasurer authorized to sell same ............:..........:.....:.....: ~`! 13-Broo1ca, J. L., suspension of 2nd half of 1932 and all of 1933-1934 taxes ................:..............................:......::.............. '~" 13-Beecher, Joe si n polic g Y ........................................................ 13-Buelow, Clarence, sign policy ................................................ 13-Block,, Eldo and Mabel, suspension of 1933 and 1934 taxes " 14-Bennett; Mns; Hattie M,, suspension of 1934 taxes ..:...:.:;:. 14-Bennett; IvIr: Art, requesting Council to take action on ~'•- the resolution of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congre3s protesting to wages paid and hours alloted on W, P. A. .,.: projedts ......:......................................................:..:...:....._.,.... ~`A' ` 23-Bates, D. W., Receiver of Union Trust and Savings Bank, notice of foreclosure of mortgage and Bald of property ' to Louisa E. Conlon, City o$ Dubuque, et, al . ................ "! 23-Butt, Elmer; suspension of 1934 taxes ...............................: 248 251 252, 277 253 266 258 259„ 260 264, 277 264, 277 2ss 272, 277 273 275, 276 276 278, 286 283 2S'6 286 289 `l92 292 295 298 INDEX-Book b5 _~ 1435 SUBJECT - Page C Jan. "' 7-City Council, Regular Session ...,........~ .................:............... 7-Claims for monith of November, 1934, proof of publication i 2 " 7-Council Proceedings for month of November, 1934, ap- " . prova] of .........................................._._.~._W.....w......,......... 7-City Auditor„ City Treasures and City Water Depart- 2 ment reports also list of claims for month of December 1934 ........... 7-Coates and Co. Inc„ sign bond ..............:..........:.................. P 7 ~~ 7-~CoryelllA L• L. Oil Co,,, sign bond ..........................._............. 1~1 . !' 10---City Council,. sSpecial Session ......:..:...:.....:..~~....................... - 15 " " 21-City .Council; 'Special Session .:.........:. ......................... 21-CLrims for month of Docember,1934, proof of publicatiiron 15 " 21-City F~ngineer authorized toattend-meeting of Iowa ~'tlatR Highway Commfission at Ameey Iowa, January, 29th, 1935 ...:.........................:............................:.........................:.....:: 30-City Council, Special Session .......................:........................ 21 21 " p 30-pouncrl Proceedings for month of December, 1934 a 22 " of 30-Cowrcil1Proceedings, bids for' bmdingt o~ and pnrrtmg 'the index for the year. 1934 ....,...•••••....••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••• 24, 33 Feb. 4-City Council, Regular Session :.:.......................:.................... 25 27 " 4-Corbett and Scott, sign bond .................................................. 3® " 13-OiIGy Council„ Special Session ............................:..:.....:.......... 13-City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Department • reportsalso.lr~gt of claims for month of January, 1935..,::. 35 '"' 18-City Goun~il, Special Session ....:.................... . " " 36 37 Beer Permit.....:.. B 18-Clt'~lders, Franl[ W., granted Clans " 18-Cosley Bottling Company, granted concession privileges at the Municipal A,thletiC Field for! the year 1936 ......_ 39 18-City Manager instructed to ascertain if any Federal Grant will be allowed on public improvement contracts 39 March 4-City Counci)u Regular Sessions .:.........:.:.....:....:..................... " 9-Claims for month of January, -1935, proof of publication 4I 41 ~" 4-Council Proceedings for month of January, 1936, approval " ~ of :: ~. :... ......... ,....:. .......................... 4-Connell, W. J., Director of Health,, recommending that 91 . the permit; and ~licenae of Clarence Kuh] Dairy be re- " voked .........:.........................................:...,............:............::..... ; 11-City Council Special Session .........:...................:....::........... , . ' 59 5a b7 ~~ ,. :...............,..........,..:...,... Council Special Session .......... . 11-City 11-Consumers Cbal and Supply Company, reques!ting+ permis i Sion td extend platform' on Sa1ma Street ..:....., ..........:... 58, 102 11-City Auditor, GSty Treasurer and City Water Departmen~l reports,. also list of claims for_month of February, 1935 54 . " 18-City Council, .Special Session ..: .:.....:..........:....:..:................. 66 ~~ r .18-Claims for month of February, 19~~,,proof of publication " 18-City Engineer; to make investigation of, defective'side- walks and streets and to report to Council ...................... 70, 91 " 21-City Counci)„ Special Session ......................:.....:................... 70 21--Council .Proceedings for month of February, ~ 1935, ap- proval of , ...............:.........:...:..................:................................. 84 28-City Council; Special .Session ......................................:.........:... 85 " 28-Continental'. Casualty Company„ certificate of compliance ' don the transaction of business in State of Iowa ...:........ 89 Apr il 1-City Gounail, Regula~t Session ...................................:............ 9,3 1-Cooper, Fred, and Pochter, Charles,i granted cigaretltE permit ...a,.; ..........:..........................................:................_......, 98 22-City Council, Special Session ................................................ 99 " 22-city Auditor,, City Treasurer and City Water I)epartmeirt reports, also list oa: ola~imslflort month of March, 1935 104 ~` 22-Colgan, Helen, settlement of claim ........................................ 106 ` 22-Coady, Dr: C, C., bill for services rendered ilo Helen Colgan .............................:................................................ 106 " 26-City Council, Special Session ............:................................... 109 " 26-Claims for month of March, 1935, proof of publication 109 YNDEX--Book 65- 1936 SUBJECT Page C " 2fr-Gogper, A: -A, Inc.,, by, W: F: Cooper, requssting'Council to allow the 'holding oaf :furniture auction sales....::...... 109 26-City Manager; report showing net shrinkage in collection of taxes ........:...:.:.:.......:..:.:....::....:...:.........:....................... 112 " 26-Colltnsb Anna Mae, renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit.... 112 May 1--City Council, Spec[al Session ................................................ 115 i. 1-Callaghan; Mary„ sign .bond ..:...:........„....:......................:..... 117 " 1-Cunningham and Thompson, sign bond ........ ...._ 117 " 1-Collins, Anna Mae, sign bond ..................:......::. ....... : 117 " 6-City Council, Regular Session ..........................::.:...............:.. 119 6-City Auditor, Cifty Treasurer reports a~lsal list of Flaims ' for month of April; 1935 .: ..:.:....:..........:............................. 120 " 6-ChicagoGreat Western Railroad Company ordered to instal] electrically operated crossing signals ..::120, 124," 200, 214 " 6-Chicagq, Burlington-and-Quincy Railroad -Company or- dared to install electrically operating crossing signals ' .: .......:...:.121, .124, 200, 214 and Pac~f~c Railroad Com- 6-Chicago M~Iwaukee St Paul , , , pany ordered to install electrically. operat~ngl crossing signals ...:...... ::... ...:., .....,.122, 124, 200, 214 " 6-Gapret~, Chris,, renewal o£ Clags'!`B" -Beer Permit, ...,,.,. 122 13-City Council, Special Session :..:.: ...::......::::...:.......:...:.....::.... 123 13-Cquncil Proceedings far month` of March, 1935; approval of ....:....:....::....:...:...:..:..:....:::..:.......:..:........:::...:...:.::.....:.....: „... 123 '" 13-City Water Department, report for month of April, 1935 .124 proof of publication.... " 13-Claims for month of April 1935 125 , '" 20-City Council, Special Session ............:.................:.......:....::.:. 129 " 20-Civid; Service Commission, repomh on examinations con- ducted for applicants to Pdlice and Firq Departments.. 138 " ~ 20-Civil Service Commission, report on; examinations con- ducted for promotions on Policd and•Fire'Departments 138 28-City Couneil, Special Session ......... ,...,!: ....,::.. - 141 28-Cunninghatn~ Loo, and Thompispn, John M,; renewal of Class. „B's Beer Permit .:....: :.................:........................::.... 142 28-Constantipos, Stamatios; renewal Class "B" Beer Permit 143 June 3-City Council; Regular Session ....:....:.................:..:..........::..... 145 " 3-Cleaves, Mary; suspension of !taxes :..:........:.....:............~..... 145 .................:........... " 7-City Counci'1„ Special Session ....:....„........ 148 " 7-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department, ' report af, also list of claims for. month of Miay„ 1935 149 . ,... 8-City Council, Special Se"slier ...::..:.., ... ..:.,...... 152 ,,, 14-Cit Couneil S ecia] Session ...................:.....:...............::..... 163 14-Council Pnoceedin~gs for month of Apr"1, 1935, approval < of ..:.........:.s:.....,...................:_ ............~...:.._._.,.. 14-Claims foi month of May 1935; proof of publication..,....; 157 157 " 14-Childers,' Frank W., Class "B" Beer Permit .. 159 178 Special Session ......... ........ .. " 19-City Council, 160 , " 19-Cunningham, ~ Leo sod Thompson, Jahn M , Class "B" Beer Permit .:.:.:................... 161, 178 .............. .... 26-City Couneil; Special Session .......... 162 !' 26-Chalmers, John G.; requesting,that.the Zoning Ordin- an~e be amended to change 'a Two-Family. Residence District to a Multiple Residence Districf-Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 41 excepting then );asterly 69 ft. of the North 1~. 'of Pauline Langworthy's Sub, of Lot 6 1 of Mineral Lot 73 ::............:..:....... ..,::. :.;...., 180 70 " 26-Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul and Pae~fnc Railroad Com- pany, relative tq the City executing an agreement ~or' ' easement covering the occupancy+ of their property by ' 'the paving of Rhomberg Avenud in the vicinity of Tenth Avenue ..........:....:..................:.................:.:........i:....17i, 191 203 26-Cold"well; Alfred; -bond ordered returned to Park Board for approval ................:.........................::.....::...............:.:.:... 171 INDEXT-Book 65 J ECT 1936 SUB Pag9 / - l4 " 26-Clark,. May' M„• Librarian, advising Council ~tlhat the terms.of Mrs. R, V; McKay,.Dr, J. C: Hancock and M: H. Czizek, aS members;. of .the Library Board will ex- pire July 1, _ .........................................:~....:.:......,............. " 26-Czizel~,, M: H., reappomtNd a member of Library Board.... 171 171 26-City Water Department, application to U: S, Government .for grant. an cons~trui.tion of 750,000 ,gallon. water ' 196 172 tanl~ ................. " 26-Colley; William W Class~::B" Beer~Permlt ... ~ „~ ...... , 173, 173 ,, ,, « s B Beer , Clan Chas 26-Coo er Fred H, and Pechter, ' . , ,- ....~..:...... Permit . 173, 179 , 26-Gapretz,, Chris., Ollass • "'B" Beer Permit ....:.......:.. ... 173, 178 " 26-Carney, John P., Class "B" Beer Permit :........:....„.:.:;:..,... 173, 178 26-Costa; Joseph, Class "B" Beer .Permit ....:........:.......:.......... 173, 176 , Councilman motion. iio amend resolution on " "26-Chalmers , o ro $ ne Cl 174 agreement at the Mun " Y, Y , ~ icipal' conce si J. Ra 26-Celle ' Athletic Field July 1-City Council, Regular Session ............. ..:, .,.. .. 174 176 " 1-Clark; Julia„ extension of time on payment of 1934 taxes 176, 277 " 1-Corbett, Frederick Wm:,.Class."B".Been Pernitt .. 177 " 1-Oooper and Pechter,. renewal..of. cigarette. permiU ............ 179 " 8-City Council, Special. Session .:..... t.,..: ::.:....:..:.:............:..: '. 18i " 8-Casey, Bridget; suspension of 1934 taxes .............:...:.:.... 182, 298 " 8-Costa, Joseph, granted .cigarette permit ..............::............ 183 " 8-Corbett, Frederick Wm., granted` cigarette permiQ .:.:.,:.:.:: ~ „ 183 ". 8-Clark, Carl A., renewal..of cigarette permits,...,...„ .........:.:... 183 " 8-City Council', Special Session .:.....:.............:::.... 185 " 16-City:'Couneil, Special Session ..:...:......:........................:........ 186 " 15-City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Depart- . marts reports, also list of claims for month of Jung, 1935 ........................................................ .,.. .... .189. , , .... Aug. 5-City Council, Regular Session .......... ..,. 193 6-Council Proceedings for the month:of May 1935,. approval of ......:.:....:.;...,...,;.:..,i.........,.„......,...,.,.........,...:...,..:..........:..,.. " 5-Claims for.thamQnth of June, 19$5, proof of publication 194 194 " 5-Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul and ,Pacific 'Railroad, sub> i mittingra'•proposed agreement covering-the occupation of.their:right-of-way by, a portion of Rhomberg Avenue pavement ...... „ ......................... ,,,,; ..:.. 194, 20$ " 5-Chase, Loins, ,Ulass "B" Beer Permit .... .. 203 " b--City Water Departme~pt, construction of a one-story brick and concerte Well House and also a new Deep Well ,Pumping Unit .....:..............244, 205; 211, 212, 213 , 214, 219 26-C " ity Council, Specal Session ...........:............... .,... 205 26-Cullen, W, H,, appointed. Clerl~ Pro Tam of Meeting .... 206 26-Council Proceedings for the month ofl June, 1935, aP- ' proves of ....... ,. ....................... ......................... 207 26-City Auditor, City Treasurer and City. Water Aepartmsnt ,reports, also list of claims for month of>July, 193G ... 207 ," 30-City Council, Special Session .: ............:................................. 211 Tem of Meeting.:....., " 30-Cullen W. H,, appointed Clerk Prot 211 Se t. 2-City Council Regular Session .................................... p 217 " 3-City Oouncil, Special Sess~gn ...........:........:..........:........: 217 3-Council Proceedm:gs for month of July 1936, approval of .. ....... ,...., .„ ...................... J., .... " , 26-City Council, Special Session .:.......... .................... 217 219 25-Claims for month of -July, 1930; proof of publicatiion ........ 219 25-Chapman, Richard A,. et, al., requesting that Rising " ' , Avenue be repaired :................:....:.....................::...:......... 220 26-Cleaver, Will H., addressed. the Council requesting that the prayer of the petition of F. E, Bissell, et, 'al. be granted .................................................................................... 222 -~ INDEX-Book- 65 1936 SUBJECT Paga C " 26-City Auditor; City Treasurer, City Water Department • reports, also list of .claims for the month'of August, ....:.:..........................................:...................:........ 193'5 ..... .::.: 222 . . 26-City. Manager, report .on general indebtedness ................ 223 ' '. 25-City Water Department Plant Egnineers, to work six days per wedk instead of seven days per week as at present 223 ~~ 25-Connell,.-W. J., Director of Health; recommending the adoption..of. the proposed amendments to the Milk '. .Ordinance ....::......:................:...........:................r...........,...:.... 224 Oct, 7-City Council, Regular Session ........................:.................:..... 227 7-Corbett, Frederick, requesting.refund on cigarette permit 227 " 7-Consumers. Coal -and Supply Company, Inc., requesting ' permission to construct a platform as per- sketch.:.:.... 228 "` 7-city. Auditor, .City Treasurer, City Water Departmen>: reports; also list of claims for month of September, 1935 ..................................:...::..........:................:::.....:.............::. 230 " 17--City Council, Special Session : :...:...::..::.::...........:...:....:...:..... 237 " 17-Claims for monthof August,.193b,.proof of publication.... 239 ~" 17-~CAUnci~l Proceedings for month of~August 1935, approval ~. .. of .....................:.:....:.......... ........................:.....:.......... 239 !` 17-city Solicitor) Czizek, legal opmron on Barber Ordinance 240,.241, 242, 243 " 28-City Council, Special Session ...:........................................... 246 28-Cooper, K. J. et, al,, objecting to the proposedE resolution of necessity far the paving! of Bluff Street .................... 247, 2~1 ". 28-Claims. for month of September, 1935, proof of publics- tion ..................::...............:............................:........'.....:............ 24g " 28-Gaffman,..Katherine "et: al., requesting that the street ' light be .replaced. on Curtis Street between McEvoy Place' and South -Hill' Street .........:................ 248 " 28-Chapman, V, F., appointed milk inspector ,,.... 249 Nov. 4-City. Council, Regular Session .............................. .:...... 261 9-Clemehs,..W. M.,, objecting to constrnctron of sanitary sewer in Fremont Avenue .:....:.......:....: ..............:... 201 ": 4-Cripe, Mrs,. Anna, suspension of 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934 . taxes .................:...................:..::.........:.................................... " 4-Cleaver, W. H., requesting that the name of West 8th' 252 Street be changed ta, Eighth Avenue and the name of East 8th Street be changed to East Eighth Avenue........ 256 -" 12-City Council, Special Session .............................:.........r........ 257 12-Council Proceedings for month of September, 1935. ap- proval of .........................................:.:..:..:.............:...........::. 257 " 12-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department reports, also list of-claims) for month oi; October, 1935 258 " 12-City Manager authorized. to make trip to inspect swim- l ~ 259 u inspect swi er authorized to make~trip tp 12-City Engme m . ming pools ......................................................................... 253 .......:............... " ~3-City Council, Special Session ......._ :................ 262 " 23-Coiulon, Louise E., City of+Dwbuque, et. al.; notice of fore- closure of mortgage and note by First National Bank 263 23-Claims for month of October, 1935n proof of publication 266 " 25-City Council, Special Session ................................................ 261 " 27-City Council, Special Session _ .................:............................ 2Ei7 27-City Water Department, construction of a 750,000 gallon water tank ........: ...............267, 279, 280, 281, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295 Dec. 2-City Council, Regular Session ................................:............. 269 ". 2-Cash, Fred,'suspension of 1934 taxes ..............:.:............... 271, 277 " 2-Connolly, Rachael C.; suspensioir of 1934 taxes ...:............ 272, 277 "" 2--ConnoWy, Wm. J., suspension of '1931, 1932, 1933, 1934 taxes ..............:.......................::................................272, 277, 288, 289 " 2--City Manager, report of money still held in closed banks .................................................................:................ ,... 275 " 2-City Manager and City Treasurer authorized bD negotiate the sale of bonds held in Sinking Fund ............................ 278, 286 INDEX--Book 65 1936 Si1'BJECT ~PagR D Jan. 7~D'ubuque Boy's Club; Inc,, conveying City Lbt No. 209 to 4 City of Dubuque .........................::..:.....................:......:......... <' 7-Duggan, .Charles;;., .transfer of Class "B" Beer Permit.... $ 7-Aubuque Automobile , Club, with attached resolution, asking the State Legislature to pass a constitutional amendment on use' of al] motoring taxes for highway . construction, maintenance and safety ...:.:.:...............:.... 9 10 " 7-Dersch, Francis H., suspension of 1933 taxes ....:............... " 14 B" Beer' Permit.... !' 10-Duttle, Raymond, revoking his Class 1 . " 30-Dreazy,; Mns, Francis, suspension of 1933 taxes ::......:.... 25 4-Durand, Rosins, suspension of taxes ...:.....:...........::.....:..:..:..... Feb , " 4-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, resolution request- ' - ing the City to enter into negotiations for securing the U. S: Federal Building at Ninth and`,Locusb Streets , for Administration Building and Fire Headquarters.... 26 4-Diener, Leo, .and McCormic~ Bert, sign:bond ........................ 2.7 ' " 13-Deckert, Mary. A.; requesting that the County Treasurer ' be instructed to accept the balance of the special assess- Wood= • ,. ~ ~~nthout penalties levied against Lot 203 ments ' , . . .. . lawn Perk Add ...................................... ..................... Rosins, cancellation of 1933 taxes and suspen- 13-Durand 34 ,. aion of 1934 taxes . :..:...........:.........................:.. :.:: I1March 4-Donegan, John, suspeus~on of 1933 taxes ...:......... :... 36 42;; 244 11-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, opposition to elrm- ination of watchman at railroad crossings...:..: :..••• 6$ •" ; .11-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, endorsing the peti- tion for an increase ,in pay for City Firemen and 68 • Policemen ... '! 11-Dwbuque Civic Garden Club, requesting wse of Council Chamber for_the holding ,of meetings :~ Ol, 68 • ;, 't''' 18-Dougherty„ Mrs, P F,, claim of :_ -..... .. ..: " 21-Dawson, Lessie, suspension of 1934 taxes ,.... ..... 68, 204 82, 244 ^" 21-De11,.Geo~ge, grantedlrenewal of Class "B" Beer Perthit ., . ~ ~A~il 1-Diener, Esther, notice of claim :..,::.:....._ :...................:...... 99 22-Diamond, DorothYd claim of .............:...........................:........ 99 22-Danzer„ Paulin, suspension of taxes ..........................:..... 109 " 26-Diener„ Esther, orrg'mal notice of suit ................................ " l26--Dwbuque City; League, night use. of Municipal Athletic Field for baseball games ................:.......................111, 127, 136, 136 " 26-Diamond's Grill, renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit........ 112 " 26-Dwbuque Golf Club, renewal of Class "B" Beer Pehmit.... 113 blay 1-Dykeman, Helen, claim of, by Mrs. Anne Dykeman........ 115 124 13-Dubuque Cadet Band. for use of Athletic Field ................ " 13-Dwbuque Paster' Company, regarding the4 right to main- tain billboards on Rafferty Slough ................................ 126, 138 13-Dubuque Traffic. Association, payment of dues ................ 127, 137 20-Decoration Day Committee, inviting Qouncil to take 137 part in parade ................................................................. " 28-Donaldson,,. E. S:, cancellation of 2nd half of 1934 taxes 142, 244 Jesus 26-Dock Board authorized to file application to federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a loan and grant to Construct a Public Graving Dry Dock........ 172 " 26-Dell, George, Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... 173, 178 26-Diamond's Grill, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 173, 177 26-Dubuque Olub, Class "B" Beer Permit ............................ 173, 178 July 1-Dubuque Club, granted cigarette permit ............................ 179 1-Diamond's Grill, Inc., renewal of cigarette permit ............ 179 " 1-Diamond, Dan, Poulos, Andrew and Paul, Gust, renewal of cigarette permit .............................................................. 179 " T5-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting use of grounds outside of Athletic Field for holding of a Carnival .................................................................................. 187 INI~E~-Bask 65 ~' INDEX--Kook ~5 ,y 1.995 SUBJECT Fgge - 1936 SUBJECT Page D ~ E " 15-''DUbyillue Tfadeg 1}fid Dabor Congreos; requelstifig that the Jan 7-Erie Cafe, requesting permission to Rlaee atgiu on atone . license fee be eliminated-for the holding of their Car- , :~ on vacant lot on Sauth Locust Street owned by the City a~wul .::.; .:.:,.;;. : ,: ..:..... . :....::: :;.....:::,; Aug. b-Duliuquo Bank and Trust CotYt'hny rngnest~pg that go~ie , of bhe fonds f th f D b t d C b d t i 194, 224 ~' of Dubuque ............:.,.....:.....,........,.....,.: ....:..........:.,- 21-Extension of Primary Road Nc. U. 5 61, approval of reement to tion of a xec h i h i 4, 29 o e y o u ug e i e epus~ ud n g e e u or ng t z plane, and. aut then . bank :.:...,.: ..... . .::..... .. ... :........... 194, 224 maintain. the same....................:....... ,. , , ,. .. 16, 2 1 26, $5 6-Dubuque Trades hod Labor Congress; exbendmg thanks East 20th Street and Rhomberg Ave„ agpmval of to the. City foi' the uge of grouruls dit East 4th Street plena, and authorizing the execution: of agreemsnil to for h61din1~ Sf Carnival ,:.. ,,,:,:,:: .:.... ,: ~ 196 " 21-East 20th Street and Rhon4berg Ave ,approval of plans " 6-l3ubuque Chhrhbel: of Commerce H~ghWay ilommiitte ` e; • and auhorizing the executioq of: agreement to main- relative to the eonstrucii~on of anelevated highway fain the same : .. .. ,.:...18, 2i, 26, 35, 199,. crossing Ever the several t~ailruad tracks: on. 8th Street 201 Feb. 4-Electric signals; to install on all xailroad crossings......,:.... 26=Dubuque Trades and Lahr Congress, adVfiain ,City Cnlifi~+il f th i ' tibii t h t J ....:...30, 38 68, b9, 8Q, 61~ 120; 121, 124; 200.214 '95 f er b o e r a e art t su e eti ieh b o our- en t April ...:...:: .,..... ond o , 1-Evatis, R M;,City Manag n'e~men'Baribersi kequestinB actmeh of the proposed " 22-Engmeerrng Extension Service of Iowa Site College P . ; . barber ordinadce .,, ; ,,:,.,:. 209 Ames, Iowa; extending mvitat~on to Fire IJe artment " 26=Dwyer; I:eo J,.1 al3poirlted as a ntemb'er'of.Playgroimd and ~ i ' to `attend the State •Fire School ......:..:.........: ... 100, 119 Recrdation Gdininissiom, term to expire Jfylyi -10.1 1937 216 " 22-:Ender, A, J,; renewal of Class "B" Beer hermit ..':. 106 Sept. 25-)jisable4 Veterans df Foieign Waii's, requestin' pertniasion t h ld' "F M N " ~ " 28-Eisenegger, Arthur J„ renewal of Class ~B" Beer Fermit " B it l " P i12 113 o o orget. e ot drive on Sept. ; 8 1935.:: .. 220 " erm B eer aea 28-Eagles Building Asen., renewal af:C 25-Diamnnd, Dorothy, Utiginal Notice Uf Suit : ...:. ',i. " 221 ~May~ ~ 1--,Engel, Heinie; making apglicatioty far exclusive use` of 26-Dock indebtedness, report of City Manager : ~..... 223 , , Baseball Park for the lholding of wrestling and boxing Nliv: 23-Dillon, Joseph M,, Auii~Bdision ~ taxes ...:.:: .:...: ,.::. " 23-~3dbugde,l~sda~ and Labbr.'Cttng~9ss~ 1`equestlNg Ccuneil 284y 2fi`l ~ " ......118, 423, shows ............. 1-,Eisaeriegera Tavern,, ngn bond ~ ..... ...:...: ..:...... ' 129, 137 117 to take ae);lotr in ' rotestm to the wa ea and the June hrenborg. Co.~~Geo. G. 'relative to the equalization of 4 E . amnuht;uf hours set forth bn OJ' P4 A, pro~eets 1366, ' 278, 292 ~ ~ the'tax asaess~ntents ipi the City of Dubuque 167, 200 •.. ,Dec. 2 , ~ ly Y uc n 1C 273 E E sa B" Beer Permit .... .. ppte;, lmex,.Jla 169, ~ 198 • " 2-Dub e Boer Garden si li .. q , gn ~ ~ : 274 ~~_ Claas f'B„ Beer Permit .:. 14-FEia~anegg'er A M 169, 178 ..:::... •: :`,:':`:.,' ~~ 13- Diamohd Gril)~ one, sigh policy : t 288 , '! 19-•Eichmann, lda, A , suapetls~on of 1934 taxeas 180, 244 ~, r 1 : ..:.>.... ~ ~ e m ]i ~ ?~ . Class "B" Beer Permit , 1 ~ 161, 178 ~, 13-Dat sman~ C, W , re u st Council to aec~e t thb 'suYh f $1 00 0 l f te P d~u1 y ` ~ ~; ~ sign bond :...:. ......: , t it f 176 183 o 6 . 0 an u l iiet me3rt of Bpecial tak levied Ltite 4 t~ BA hnrt:25A td 30 incltrsi've of Michel's Bub: 288 " .. cigare te perm renewal o 1-~Eisenaggey A~rt~ur J; granted c~gaestte permit .. 179 23-Davis,. Chia. W,, suapensneri of 1934 taxe8 , ......:::: .:.t 29'8 ~. ~!`~ ~ ~ 1-Ender, Alois J.,.rene:wal :of. cigarette permit .. 183 • ;FR '. 6~Ernergency .Tax,. applieation'for• approval .to levy.:;:,.:,191i, 189, 190 '41 ,c ',1Ti-Eichman, Art>;~; granted'ciggYetfie~perput~:::, .:.:..:. lfs4 ~ ~ Oct, 7-Eng'inee~grExtenaionilerviee, fovea State Coilege,~Amea, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ ; Iowa,..sunounwoig Araeua) tiowa~ Sewage ~Eatd`ient ' - - ;; , ~ ; ,'f ..Conference ..w ..:. :.:....:..:. . .... .... 7-Eigenberger, Frank, euspendima of, 2rid''half of 4934 ~ 227 ;,. : " .taxes :........ 28-Elgin, .C. J., regn~tmg that: a sanitary sower be placed 228 ' ~in Cox, ~ree114a aez'er~e b;a properbl+ :...;... :..::. ~. X248, 263 ~Nbv~ 12-Exert, .D1rs. Iii. J., .objectiuig to tho construction of eani- tary: sewer iu Pear Sbrekt :.::...........:..:.::.::..:.:.~ a::i.:....::...:. ~ 257 - `" 12-Erner,,MrA: Maw; natiee,af claim : .. 267 Dec. 2-Ender.; Mrs, A; T., Psigm policy , ..... ......::. .: .:........ 279 13- Edifice, Misa'~L. 7.,,~suapensioR of;193d taxes .::..:..::.':,..... 282 ' . "'~ 13 Edes Robe Tanning .Company, suspension -0f 1934 .taxes.... i I t a 12th ~ t t ' h 289 ~. ree es rw pan owa u s. :...:..:...::.. a ender t y ak ~: ~ ~ - 172 INDEX--Boob ~ b5 1935 _ SUBJECT Page F an. 7-Fay, Peter Estate, s pension of 1931, 1932, 1933 and '~' 1934 taxes .......:....... :.............................:..............:.... ........ 3 . " 7-Fire ]bsses for the year 1934 also comparative yearly fire losses. since-1911 ...........:....:.....:.....:........::.::.................:.......::. 7 " 7-:Falstaff Brewing Corporation, ,ign bond ..................:..:...... 7 !' 30-Feeney,. Margaret, .claim of ..............:..:....:...:..::.....,...:::....... l3, 290 Feb. 13-Frommelt. Rev. B. W.,,granted permission to hang a banner across Main St. to advertise a bazaar .:..:.:...:..... 35 " 13-Firer Department, requesting the City Council to,restore- . ' the reduction in salary received, it January, 1933........ • 35 March 4-Freym~nn, Louis, transfer of Class "B'' Beer Permit........ 43 " 21-Flynn Oil Company, requesting permission to erect a sign on Qity:property south of Railroad Avenue ........................ 82, 103 28-~osher,„.G. J.,, Supt, C. G. W: R, R,, Company,. relative to the closing of 19th Street to traffic ......:....:.........:...... ' April 1-Fenlon, Ken, making, application. for rental of Baseball Park'for Athletic Shovre.......:..95,.9G,109, 115, 123,.129 , 137, 141 22-Flynn, John D;; renewal of Class "B".Beer,Permit.:...... : - 106 26-Fortman,. Anton,. renewal of Class. "B'" Beer Permit........ 112 26-Filling station- on southwest corner of Seventeenth and Ceivtral Avenue, request to construct. same .................... 113, 126 May 1-Fuhrman-Triller Co., sign bond ...:......:..::....:.......:.....:.::...... 117 1-Falkenhainer Drug' Co., sign. bond ........................:......:........ 117 ". 20-Fuhrman, Richard, requesting. Council, to assist him in preserving his property as the result of the demolish= ing of the frame' buildings adjoining. his property:.:..... 132 June 14-Frommelt, Revs B..W., requesting permission to place a banner across Main Street between~8th and 9th streets 157 " ~ 14-Friedman, Albert, Class "B" Beer Permit .:...:..........::...... 159, 178 " 14-Flynn, John D„ Class "B" Beer Permit s......:.:.;:...........::.. 169, 178 19-Freeman, Jessie, administratrix of Estate. of John Free- •.... .. ..•......•....•.~. c . 160, 298 26-Felderman A, W:, regtiestin to paint signs . a a . l " , on the s dewalk in front of his store ~n. ,171, 180 " 26--Fury, John F., Class "B„ Beer Permit ...........:........:.......:. 173, 177 " 2f~-Fortman, Anton, Class "B" Beer Permit ...........:............ 173, 178 " 26-Fautsch, Louis; Attorney, .relative to granting a Class "B" Beer Club Permitl to Frank Miller .........:.......::......... 174 July 1-Firestone Service Stores Inc,, sign bond ...........:.....:........... 176 " 1-Feldman's Garage, sign bond ........................:..:::.:.::........:.. 176 1-Falkenhainer, Charles., granted cigarette permit ....:.:..... 179 " 8=Fortman, Anton; granted cigarette permiil .......:.......:.:.:.. 183 8-Fire Maintenance Levy, applicaition for approval to in- crease : .:....:.:..:..::............:...... ~ .... ............::................................... 185, 189. Aug, 6-Fire Department Committee, requesting restoration of pay cuts which were given in January, 1933 ....:....::.:...... .. 193 6-Fenlon, lien, requesting. that carnivals be directed to some other location than'the grounds alongside the Atbletic Field .........:::..........:.....................:..:.........:::...:...:........:.......:.:: 194 " 5-Feers, Mrs, Harold, claim for injuries received .by her son in falling on sidewalk one Southern Avenue<............ 195, 237 26-Frommelt, Rev, B. W., requesting permission to erect a sign acrossr Main Street to advertise Labor Days Picnic 207 Sept. 26-Fischer & Co., Inc,, requesting permission to erect two poles to support flood lights at 4th and Locust Streets 220 25-Freeman, Jessie, Administratrix of Estate of John Free- man, Deceased, Original Notice of Suit ........................ 221 Oct. 7-Fautscl~, Louis F., Trustee, Vs, Dubuque Altar Manufac- turing Company, City of Dubuque et. al., Notice of Suit 227 Nov. 4-Frommelt, Alois, requesting extension'of sanitary rewer in Rosaline Street ................................................................. 252 1935 Dec, • ~~ ;~ ~~ ~~ «. ~ « INDE~r-~Bool~ b5 SUBJEC"f - 'Eag 2-Fischer & Company Inc., sign policy ....:...:....................... '293 2-Firestone Service 'Stores Inc., sign policy~ .......:................ 273 2-Flynn,- John D., sign. policy ................:..........:..............:.......... 274 2-Friedman, Albert, sign policy ..:........................................., 274 2=Fury, John, sign palicy ................:...:...............,.....:................ 274 2-Fluckiger.Motor Co., sign policy ......:...............:....:..........:. 274 13-Furry, Frank, suspension of 1933-1934 taxes ...::.:.:....... 283 13^Feldman Garage, sign policy- ..:...._ :............::.............:.......... 287 X23-.Flynn„ Tim Estate, suspension of 1934' faxes ...::....:.......... 294 INDEX-Boo1~ 65 ,1935 SUBJECT Page .Jan. 7-Grutzmacher, John C,, suspension.of 1933 taxes............ 3, 10 ,~ 7-Lenz, Ado, sign bond ...,..,...~...._ ..........................................:. 7 7-General Outdoor Advertising Co., sigrd bond ....:............... 7 " 10-Grading bonds in the amount of $40,000 to,. issale.-........,. 11,12,13, 15, 16, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 54, 55; 57. 61. 62, 63, 64, 68 ........ ... 30-Gau Herman .. . suspension of 1933 taxes 22 , , .... ............ . . March 4-Greenhow, Harriet E:, claim of ............................................42, 58, 120 " 4-Grimm, Johns suspension of 1933 and 1934 taxes ............ 42, 244 " 21-Goodman'~s, Incorporated, sign bored ....................:............... 83 April 1-Glenn, !MSlton J., bond of ........................................................ 96 " 22-Griner, Peter et. al,, requesting that the. overflow water upon their property in the vicinihy of Avoca Street and Decorah Street, be investigated and abated .................... 99, 199 " 22-Glenn, Wm. J., cancellation of 1934 taxes ........................ 99, 244 22-Gregory, Frank R., renewal of Class "B"' Beer Permit.... 105 22-Grommersch, John J,, renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit 105 22-Gala, Dominick, renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit........ 105 22-Glob, Alois, renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 105 " 26-Gabriel, Theodore P,, appointed member of Board of Review ......................................................................._......... 113, 158 May 13-Grab, Joseph, granted Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 128 June 14-Grode, Harry V,, Class "B" Beer Permit ......................:..... 159, 178 " 19-Gruber, George M., suspension of 1932, 1933 and 1934 taxes .............................~--.....................................:......,......:... 160, 214 " 19-Gregory, Frank R., Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 161, 177 26-Gifford, Walter L., Chairman Committee for Blind, Lions Olub„ requesting thaq Arthur Greene, be granted per- mission to erect a shelter for his pop-corn equipment under the stairway at 12th and Iowa Streets ................ ]72 " 26-Glob, Alois, Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... 173, 177 " 26-Graff, Michael J., Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 173, 177 26-Gaynor, John, Class "B" Beer Permit ................................ 173, 178 " 26-Grommersch, John J., Class "B" Been Permit ................ 173, 178 " 26-Gala, Dominick, Class "B" Beer Permit ............................ 173, 178 July 1-Grommersch„ John J., granted cigarette permit ................ 179 1-Glob, Alois, granted cigarette permit ................................ 179 1-Gala, Dominicl~, ganted cigarette permit .......................... 179 8-Gantert, Fred, appointed City Clerk, Pro Tem of Meeting 186 Aug, 5-Gruetzmacher, John C,, suspension of 1934 taxes ............ 194 " 26-Glasson, W. J., submitting list of barber shop owners who signed the petition for a barber ordinance ............ 206 Sept, 3-Good Will Tour of Wisconsnn Cities, members of City Council and' City Manager authorized to attend............ 21st 5-Genera9 indebtedness, report of City Manager .................. 223 Oct. 7-Gassmann,, Wm., requesting reduction on penalty ancU in- terest on delinquent taxes and sperial assessments.... 231 17-Giesemann, Wilhelmine„ redemption of tax sale certifi- cate ...................................................................... ............ 238 " 17-Grutz, Mrs. Mary, cancellation of lasti half of 1933 taxes 244 Nov. 12-Goodman, John, notice o-f injury ........................................ 257, 258 Dec 2-Goodrich, C. W., suspension of 1932.E 1933, 1934 taxes.... 272, 277 " 2-Goetz, M. K, Brewing Co,, sign policy ................................ 273 " 2-Gregory, Frank, sign policy .....................................:............ 273 „ 13-Gala, D., sign policy .............................................................. 286 " 13-Grode, Harry V., Class "B" Beer Permit revoked............ 287 23-Grashorn, Herman D., suspension of last half of 1931 and all of 1932-1933 and 1934 taxes ........................................ 294 " 23-Gentry William R., notice of foreclosure and sale to Burns Realty Co,, City of Dubuque et. al .......................... 294 INDEX-Boole 65 1935 SUBJECT _~Page Jan 7-Herber, Jobn C.: claim for injuries received by his son while sleigh riding on West 17th Street .....:...:....:......:. 2 " 7-Hartman, Geo.. Estate, suspension of 1933 taxes ..:......::..... 3, 1Q 7-Haller Willaim A., granted Class "B" Beer Permit.:.......: 8 7-Hendricks, .George J., suspension of 1933 taxes ...:....:.....:. 10 " 21-Howie, David, warrant ordered drawn in the amount of $6.00 far services rendered on cundemnatian proceed- inga ................::...................... ......... .:..::~ - .:. ~~ Feb. 4-Harrington, Mary Catherine and Loretta Powers; Admmi= is stratrices of Estate of Anna A. O`Shea; requesting per= mission.to pay the proportional part of special assess• ments against Lot 2 of 4. of Mineral Lot 28 and Lot 2 of 1 of'1 of 4 of Mineral Lot 28 .....::.: ......:........:.....:.::...... 26 4-Hintgen, Mr,, representing John L; Heim, requesting cancellation of taxes arrd special assessments an all lots belonging;to Mr,.Heim with-the exception of the ' homestead ........::::..,.........:.......:;.....,.......:...............:,.:..,.::~.::'. 27 4-Hillyard, Courtland F, et. al, sign band ,::.: :.::.....:...:...::.... 2`I "' 13-Hoerstmann, Victor„ making applicafion for the conces- ' ~ .. g g sionw at the Ba l Park athm -Beach and Ea le Poi ~t .:,•.... Park ................. ~....: . 34 Nvarch 4-Hintgen, Mr.A proposal on payment of special assessment levied against Lot 1. Fairmount Park Addition;........... 41 tion of 4934 " p elision or cancella Lillian L. sus 4-H ' , . ....:...:............. taxes 42, 244 4,Harrington, Mary Catherine and. Loretta Powers, Ad'. ministratrices of Estate of Anna A; 0`Shea,'requesting permission to pay the proportional part of special- assessments against Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 4 of ,Min. Lot 28 and. Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 4 of-Min, Lot 28..:. 'fib 21-Haas, Theodore, requesting that the boulevard lights on Central Avenue be relighted.....:...: ::............................ 70; 96 on' Ramona 21-Humke Arvin re uesting a drivewa o enin g , q p . ......y ..... i Street ::..:...:...............:......... :.........:. 82 ...:.......... a 21-Holscher, G. H., sign bond ...........:..............:...:....:.:.: „ 21-Horton, Dr. J, P. sign bond ...........:.......................:....'.......::.. 83 " 21-Hill, M. A., granted renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit.... 84 2S-Heinz Mrs. Minnie, suspension of 1934 taxers ...........:...... 88 April 1-Heitkamp, G. W. et, al;, requesting' the City Council to either purchase or rent Welbeg Field for playground purposes ................................................................................... 96, 198 " 1-Hill, Thos.,i appointed as a citzen member of the Police and Fire Retirement Board ................................................ 97 " 22-Hughes, R. D, renewal .of Class "B" Beer Permit .:.......... 105 22-Hennig, Joseph A., renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit ..:. 105 22-Horne, William, renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit ..:..... 105 26-Hei>v, Fred C. et. al., 'requesting permission to uses for garden purposes a spaco along the northwest-side of the Airport ..._ .........:.........................:..............:.....~......,.....:. 109 " 26-Hartig prug Co, Inc„ renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit 112 26-Hollenberger, Philip, renewal of Class "B" Been Permit 113 May 1-Haudenshield, Sydney, sign bond ............................:.............:. 117 6-Hollenberger, Philip, transfer of Class "B" Beer Permit 122 " 13-Huber, Martin M: et. al„ requesting use of Athletic Field , for the holding of a feature program fox the Dubuque Cadet Band ..................................................................:..... 124 " 13-Hayes, Klee, requesti~rng Counail to authorize the' macad- amizing and the removal of obstructions in the alley running from the south end of Roland Street to the alley which connects West Third Street and Lang- worthy AvEnue ..................:...:................_::..........,....:......:.... 124, 197 13-Hoffman, Al, requesting that the boulevard light on the south side of Fifteenth Street west of Central Avenue be again lighted ...............................................................128, 136, 199 . 1_ INDEX-Bopk 65 1956 SUBJECT Page I " 26-=Interstate Power Company, submittiag+ easement to the City of Dubuque for Public Drive on Lots 1 •and 2 Sec. 19, Twp. 69 N: R. 3 E..1)ubuque, Iowa ........:............::..... 210 Sept. 3-Interstate Power Company, sdgn bond ......: :....:_...._... 218 " 25-International City Managers" Association,. inviting mem- bers of City Council and City Manager to attend the annual Conference .........................................:.:..:..... ..:........ 219 . Dec. 13-Interstate Power Company, requesting permission to use , Union Street for bws~ route .............................:..............:. .262 13-Intersection of White and 20th Streets a small 100 C, P. light. to be installed .............................................:.............. 265 INDEX-Book 65 1935 .. SUBJECT Page J Jan. 30~Yaeger, Councilman, excused from'meeeting ....:.:....,.:.:.... 24 'Feb': 4--Jaeger Hardware Co., eign bond ..............:........................... 2? " 13-Junior Auxiliary of Visiting Nurse Assn., requesting City to place a sign across Main Street to advertise ' ..the "Eolhes of 1935" ..................................................~....... 34 ' Mar. 12--Jaeger Coianeilman,:excused from meeting ...................... 06 21-.Yaeger; Arnold G,, sign bond :.....:.:...............:......:..::.............. 83 !' 21-Juergens, John H, sign bond .....:........................................ 83 April 26-Jaeger, ~A. G., renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit .::,........ 11~ ' 26-Jenmi, Henry,.renewal of Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 113 `May 20--Johnsog-High Test Oil Company, .requesting permission to erect flood'light~ at 10th and Locust Streets .....:...... 132 June 26--Jaeger, -A. G., Class "B" Beer Permit .............::...........:..... 173, 178 26--,Yohannsen, Elmer H.,and Meinhard W., Class "B" Beer .:Permit .....................................................................:.......:... 173, 178 July 1-Jo§eph; Mrs. N: B;, renewal of cigarette permit .......:.... 179 ,?' 1-Jacquinot, Harry J.,-renewal of cigarette permit ..........:..... 180 1b~Taeger, Mra. ArNa1d G.; granted cigarette permit..:......: t.... lg7 Aug. 20--+Tellison, Jesse; cancellation of 1933 and~1934 taxes ..:..... 207 26--Jaeger, Julia M. Executrix of Estate of Arnold G. Jaeger, requesting a refund bn cigarette permit .........::......:..... 208 " 26=Jellison, Margaret A., cancellation of 193$ and 1034 ~~ ~ l , ! taxes ..:.....:................::..............:........:.....:.:.............:...:............. 216, 244 !' 26-Jennetaud, J~aseph, requestiing settlement for use of strip of ground ~at intersection of Hill Street •and 'Julien ......................... Avenue :...:........ ' .. ... 216 Nov. ,, 33, 1934 om of 12--Jecklin,; Fred Cs, suspense 1931 19x2 19 ' ~ , .:.... .: ...:... taxes ...:..:.:...:....:...:.:.....::.. 258,.277 Dec. 2--~afi~es,'M~as Noi~al axid Miss Lillian Luckert,'s~~n policy 273 ~ +? , ,~ .. 2--Johnson High Teel Oil Co., srgn; polu'y- :.....:..................... 273 ;'' ?-.Tenn®s, H. J., sign pol4cy ...:...:...:...:.._...._.:....:......F ...........:..... 274 13-=Uurlgwirth, Johni~G., suspension of 1932,,1933,1934 taxes 282 ~~~{~ ................... 13-Jungk, Bakery, sign policy , ................................ 287 a i~~, ,~i~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ,~ :, ~,~~. ~• , , ~ ~ ~~ INDEX-Book 65 1935 SUBJECT Pace K Jan. 7- Kowalski, Martin, suspension of 1931, 1932 and 1933 " 7 taxes ......................................:..............:.......:..........•~••::.......... -Klauer Manufacturing Company, relative to rates charg- 3, 10 ed by:Interstate Power Co. for energy charged to pow- er users ......................................::........ '......... .. 5, 6 " 21-Krajewski, G L,, warant in the amount of; $6 QA ordered drawn for services .rendered on condemnation proceed- " 21- ings ................................. ........................:....,..,,:.......... Kieema>r, Arthur, granted .Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 17 19 " 30 -Kemp,. Charles, suspension of 1933 taxes .......:..........:......... 21; 24 Feb. 4-Kirchoff Confectionery,. sign bond' :............................. 27 13 -Kassmeyer, Dr. J. C,, bill for professiona]'services render- ed to Pauline McCoy for,pexsonal injurioa duo to fall 35 March 4- Kerkenbush, John 'and Mary, cancellation of 1932, 1933, - 193.4 taxes ....• .............................................................:....:.. 42 ". 4- Kuhl, Clarence, permit for sale of milk in,City of Dwbu= que, revoked ............:.: .... ..... 67 31 -I{uehnle, Ed, C,, requesting that 'the Interstate Power Company be ordered to pUace Claridge' apartments on the residential '.rates ..........:....... ....:._,.........,:. 58 11-Kenyon, Ethel; settlement of claim ........................:..... 65 21 -Kolfenbach, E. J,, applying for usa of Athletic Field for 21 night ball games ............................ .,........................, -Kies Drug Store;. sign bond ....... .... . .. .... .. 81, 110 83 .. . " 21-Key ;City Gas Company, .submitting a revised schedule of gas rates ...................................................................:...... 84, 89, 90 " 28 -Kenneally, Mat; cancellation of 1933 and 1934 taxes ..::..;. 88 April• 1- Kane, M. R. Councilman, appointed Mayor for year 1936 ~ 93 1-Key City Gas Company to be required tc make semi- 22 annua.] reports :._:... ;.. -Kubec, Annie, suspension of 1934 taxes ....... ... 97, 100 100 22-Key Crty Gas Qampatry, financial statement far year- " 22- 1934 .......................................:........:..:.........:..... ...... .... Kaufman Avenue; lights to install ..................................101 100 , 102, 128 " 22- Karigan, Andrew D. renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 105 " 22- Karigan, Andrew D, and Koleopoulos Steve, renewal of Class „B„ Beer Permit ................................................. ... 105 " 2fL--Klauer, Julien HoteU Company, renewal Class "B" Beer Pormit ...................................................................................... 105 26- Kirkpatrick, Mrs, Anna, renewal( of Class "B" Beer Per- mit ............................................................................................ 112 " 26- Kleemany Arthur, renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit....:... 112 " 26--Kochendorfer, Adolph, renewal of Class "B" Permit........ 112 " 26- I{enety, J, J,, renewal of Classl "B" Beer Permit............ 113 May 1- Kies Baoterie, sign band .......................................................... 117 1- K, M. SuPP1Y Co., sign bond .................................................. 117 " 1- Kochendorfer, A, A., sign bond ..........................................:..... 117 " 6- Kleinschrodt, John, requesting that walk leading to his home be put in a suitable condition ............................119 , 199, 227 " 6= Kretz, William E:, granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 122 June 3- Koerner, Walter, regarding the statws of College Inn Beer Permit .......................................................................... 147 " 7- Key City Gas Co„ advising Council of their proposal to establish a rate of eighty cents per thousand cubic feet ou gas used for water heating where heater is sepera- tely metered .......:............:..................................................... 148, 149 " 7- Kramer, William J., suspension of 1934 taxes .................... 149 14- Kohlman, Conrad et. al., stating they have no objectionto the extension of Local Busineess District to include Lots 10, 12 and 14 in Wick's Addition ............................ 158 " 14- Karigan, Andrew D., Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 159, 178 " 14- Koliopoulos, Steve, Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 159. 178 ,_ , ,' J 3,` ~,j ~ x ~-' }, t ._. ~ri ~.;. ,._ _; `.3 :`~!"-. r=•• ,:,"-. INDEX-B.oal~ 65 X86 ~UBThlCT __._ Fagg K „ ~ , to rejection of her beer ' t ~ "' .... "B ..............._....::.....:............. „ « ~ 'Beer Permit ...............::....... 19-,K e~miW lliam E..a~Clas~ 166 •161, 178 f_ 19-I{lauer, Julieri Hotel Company, :Class "B" Beer' Permit uf` 161, 177 . + 26-Klein, Frank, Class "B" Beer Permiq . 61` 173, 1 ~ 8 , .= 26-Kenety,'J. J,' Cla~sa "B" Beer Permit...:..........: ::...:.........'. (tf' 173, 178 . " 26-Kuehnle, Cottle H,,-Class "B" BeertPermit., :..:.............:.... 173, T78 ,ut• ,.:26-%ochendorfer, Adolph; Class "B".Beer Permit ... ..... '173, 178 1TulC{'_' 1-Kressig; Frank; suspension of-1934 .taxes - 175 -~" 1-Kleih Hardware Co:,~stgn bond ......:...:.::.i..:..: ...:..... 176 ~" 1-Kirkpatrick, Mrs, Anna, Class "B" Beef Permit, ' 177 i ~" 1-Kiene, .Mrs. Domothy„ grante8 cigarette perms :.. 179 u,!' , t 4 ;.7;=Knockel, Louis J,,. granted cigarette permrt ..: ..:. ~ 179 " 1=Kunnert,• Fred J;y renewal of ,cigarette permit ':.....::..::::. 179 " 1=Klauer Julien Hofel Go., renewal of cigarette permit .... 179 8Be` ,OE: 1-Karigan and KolopoulosA renewal of :cigarette permit .... 179 1-Kies IIrug Store; renewal of cigarette petmit; ..:.... ,:. 180 8---,'Kretz','Ernest: P:;; renewal %of: cigarette permrt .:.............. .183 ~•~'1 ': 8-Kirchoff, Edw,„ renewaL.of. cigarette permrt ....: .. 183 -f~ .:_- 8-Karigan & Koleopbwlbs renewal of cigarette permrt .:..:. 183 ~1ug, 6-Keppler, Joe, appealing'to City Council` to not. grant<'the ~y requests of t}ie'B'atber Shops to fix prices......:. ~ ....... - ' ly3 tat 6-Kno11,,Walter W'„'requestrrig permtsston'to pay delinquent rels !FI ,rJf s ectal assesshients levied against Lot 57 McDan P ...,....: ..:........... .:.. :.. .,~ ParlE+Hi11.Addiition .... 195 cfll 26-Krajewaki,.C. L, warrant in the amount of..$b.00 ordered Y01 .. drawn for services .oh -Gottdemnatron Committee 207 t~tA->i;+~Bb4.;E3feteriaylsi~gn bond:.... :.......:.....:.... 218 B-ISiein•,. Marl9 and. E,,, sign bondu ...:.., . .... ...:.:. 218 • 25 -Xlsner,.,.Anna, .condemnation Proceedings of buildings .~ .,...1Q0'abad`bttQ1V'! 1-+d rof M ;15 bf-City Lot 4 : ;.:..:. , 222. k;: .aaeH :kl....ra.:...r.~, .::~ ..... ..........g . , 231, 232, 239; 254 ~~ [Eiot,Fentidbmnatiotl prcceedtn s of butld5ngs ' r. +~~; ~-2EOf,IM.~nla6 of Ctty! Lot . 222,.231y~'L32, .~lmr. ~.7asFl.:.i1 ? "= r Q~bh'4alue'iaCmllE&1'1'hi~~ eaiteellallidtl 'bf 1934 taxes.: ~ T 2 39, 254 228, X44 ' Ov;' 9 rp. ohmrA.j'~~PPolnted!memll~sr ofi Dock,'Board.,:. , 4-~,j~r~js~rski,..C,..I,..,bill for. services. on.,condemriation'cbm- ~~~t[ .....mitres..:..turn:,,2..oS ::.::::.:.:.::......;:..s.,. rl:.` >~.:... :. ! 255 ~YQ 23-~Iisiaer., Lena„~suspepsibh.~oPY834 taxes, ~.... !. X263, 277 "` 23-illoehlbri,.Hdnry.~~Ei, ®usperision of 4;934~~taxes i:. ;. ? 264 " 28-~ohhlg3•~ Sarah; ews~ehaion: of 1934 taxes ~.i ... 264, 278 Ji!&c. 2-Kane,. Thos., suspelisiory': bf• 1981, ~ 1932v~ 3933; 1934 taxes 272, 289 t'i't 2-rI{assler..Motor .Coy; ~~sign policy • i.:.. ~:.,.::::.:,:...,.:a~::....•1....i. 273 " 2-&leiny~ Fr~ankW sign ,policy ':,:. ...,.:. o.. 274 ', ~'i 2-I{rajewsk~, C I ,; areht2ct ron swimming pool ~' 274, 289 c'i' 13-Kuehnle,. Loma„ sign policy! 286 1°.. 13-Kies & Butiler, sign policy .. .:.......: .....:,.! ,..::::..~ 286 " 13-Kruse;~U. P,, sign pollc y :.: _ :... :.:' ~. ..;. 287 g y .•'.-•.. ~'1 ,:' 13-~K9eihHardware. Co., si n olic ..... .....'. .... P 287 l!'. ,, ~n4 i i,~,a,r ~, ,. 11^,1 !~, ! -, .. ~ ~~~i - . .- f k ~~ INDEX-soak b5 iDS6 SUBJECT Page L Jan. 7 League of Iowa Municipalities requesting that Frank Pierce be empolyect to report to City Council on all matterd before the State Legislature ...:...........................: 2 ~~ 7-Leonard„ Mrs. Mazie, suspension of 1933 taxes ...............: &, 10 7-Link, Anna H., cancellation ofl 1933 taxes.... ,..... 3, 10 7 Levan, Roy, suspension a8 1931 1932 and 1933 taxes..:. 4, 10 " 7-Leatiu & Co." sign.bond .................. ,. ....,.:,... 7 " 10-Link, Jake,, suspension of 1934 taxes ........ ., 14„ 244 " 30-~Lundbeck,;Catherine S.J suspension of 1933 taxes. ..... 24 22, Feb. 4-Loizeaux„ Dr, Charles E., sign bond ............ .............. , 27 " 4-Leik, William C., sign policy ............................. 27 4-Lange Dyeing & Cleaning Works, sign bond ........................ 27 13-Larson„ G, W,, statement of claim ........................:......:.... 34, 41, 56 `~ X13-.Elope, Jacob, authorizing him to abanklon his sewer connection in Gracd St: and the City to connect his property in Bennett St ....................................................... 36, 206 !' 18-Lyons, Mme, E. B. et :al requesting the installatfod of a . „ street light on Fremont Avenue bet. Dodge St. and St. Joseph .Street ....,.,...._ :.................................................. 37, 142 March 4-Lawson, Edith, cancellation of 1934 taxes ........................ 42, 244 " 18-Lawrence, Mrs. Belle, settlement of claim ........................ 69 " 21-La Tour, Barbara, suspension of 1934 taxes . .................... 82 21-Lempef, Henry P,, granted Classl "B" Beer Permit.,,..... $4 April 22-Leonard, Frank Eugenq, suspension of 1934 taxes............ 100, 244 22-Leiser, Emil and Kress, Hugh, renewal Class 'B" Beer ' Permit . .. .......... ....... 105 " 26-Larson, G. W;, original notice oir suit .................................... 149 " 26-Lundin, J. W., appointed. as member of Board o$ Review 113, 168 May 1-Levan, Archie. excavation bond ...:.::................................. 110 1-La Crosse' Breweries, Inc., sign bond .......................:............ 117 " 6-Lehman, John F.; renewal of Class "B'" Beer Permit.,...... 122 " 6-Loyal Order of Maosen renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit 122 June 14-Lagen, Anna Florey, suspension of 1933 and 1934 taxes.... 168 " 14-Leiser, Emil and; Kress„ Hugh, Class "B" Beer Permit.... " 19-,Lem er Hen ' P Cl "B" B P 159, 178 , p , ry .~ ass eer ermit ........................ 101, 178 " 26-Loyal Order of Moose, Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 173 178 July 1-Lacyd F. R,, correction in appointment `as member of Library Board ........... ............................................................:. 176 " 1-Leiser & Kress* renewal of cigarette Permit .................... 179 " 1-Ludwig, M. J., renewal of cigarette permit ...:.................... 179 8-Lacy, Attorney Frank R., addressed Council relative to the special assessments levied for improNing Main Street from 13th.Street to 17th Street .....................:...... .182 " 8-Leik, Wm., granted cigarette permit ................................ 183 " 15-Ladies of. Order of White Shrine; requesting permission to hold ice cream social on 12th'Street .........:.................. 187 Aug, 5-League of Iowa Municipalities, bill''for dues ........:.....:......... 196 Sept. 3-Linehan & !Molo, sign bond ........................................................ 218 `~ 3-Loyal Order of Moose,, Class `B" Beer Permit re- voked ...................................:.......:.............................218, 266, 273, 278 26-Lundbeck,~Catherine, S., suspension of taxes .................... 220,, 244 26-Lanners, Anton, suspension of 1933 and 1934 taxes........ 221, 244 25-Lowther,, Eleanor S„ condemnation proceedings of build- ings located on Lots 9, 9A, Block 1, Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition .............................222 231, 232A 239, 256, 261 Oct. 7-Lorenz, Louis, requesting. that property located ati 681 Seminary Street be changed from atwo-family resi- dence district to a multiple family residencd district ................................................................................................ " ,7-Link„ Amelia, H., suspension of 1934 taxes .................... 227, 287 228, 244 ;~. f;. W ; ,.,., ~j } } ~INI~E~=$oo~ ~5 L ;; a 7-~,ajag, ~pf~~;.ettspension of 2nd half of 1932 ahd all of 1933 and 1934 taxes .,._......:.. .:..... ..:,:... '228, 244 ~" ~28-Lyons, E. B., objecting to cottstruct~on of salutary sewer Nov' 4-Lundonremonb Avenue :...:. .:....:..:.:.. ......... 298 , James, requesting withdrawal of his plan to change 'his single family house mto atwo-family '% "• dwellung .~:.... - 2,63 bee, 2-Lyons, Catherine, auspens~on of last half of 1933 and all ,:. of 1934 taxes ....:.. 272, 278 " 2-Leiser ~ Kress, sigh policy ......:..... .:.......... 274 } ~' ' 13-La Mairr G, A.,, power of attorney .: ::::..::::.::..:::.................... 281 "' 13-Lorenz Lsundry, sign pahcy .......:. 287 " 23-Lukehbaeh, Ell E., .suspensioa of 1934 taxes ....:............... 298 t r ~;~ ~~.,. ~'i ; JCi 4S`1 pl'! CBt 8@S "~ ,, ,. '; ~a, INDEX-Book: 65 1935 SUBJECT Page Mc_ Jan. 7-McDonald, John L,~ transfer of Class "B" Beer Permit 3 " 21-McCarron, Dora, Suspension of. 2nd half of 1933 taxes.... 20 Feb; 4-McCarten„ H, B.,. exemption of 1934 taxes on West 60 ft. of Lots 21, 22, 23 in Bonson and' Stewarts Sub 25 March 4-McGrath, Margaret., auspensiom of 1934 taxes? - ~ 43,, 244 28-McMahon, J, A,, requesting 'rental fee for City .use of .Lots 280 and 281 East Dubuque Add. ,...... ..... 88, 89 April 22-McDonald,, Daniel,,. renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit...:..:. 106 ` 22-McLaughlin, Frank P., renewal of Class "B" $eer permit ~ 105 26--'McEvoy, Edward, appointed as member of Board of Review .......................... ... ........ 141ay 28-McDonald, John L., transfer of Class "B"Beer Permit.... 113, 168 143 June 3-McEndollar, George: V. et, al operators and managers „ of NRA barber shops protesting against the enactment of an ordinance establishing a minimum price for barber services •~.•.. .............................................................. 146 " 14-McDonald, Daniel, Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 159, 178 " 19-McMahon, J. A., rental charge of $28.29 for! use of Lots 280 and 281 East Dubuque Add, for storage and recre- ational purposes .................................................................. 160 19-McCauley, Syl, Recreational Director, relative to use of Lots 280,,and1 281; East) Dubuque) Add.. fain recreational purposes .......................................................... .................... " 26-McKay. Mrs, R, V„ reappointed as memben of Library 160 Board .... ............ 171 " 26-McMann, Sophie, Class "B" Beer, Permit ........................173, 177. 204 " 26-McLaughlin, Frank, Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 173, 178 July 1-McLean, Chas., correction in appointment as member of Library Board .......................................................................... 176 Ir,McDonald, John L., Class "B" Beer Permit ......_............ 177 " 1-,McFarlane, Robert,, granted cigarette permit ........................ 179 Aug, 6-McLean Charles, addressed the City Council relative to the tax levy as requested by Library Trustees ................ 203 " 26-McCollins Transfer Line, requesting permission to con- struct abuilding on East Third Street as shown on sketch ..............................................................'-•• ........ Sept. 25-McCauley, Syl, Recreational Director, authorized to attend 208 'the National Recreation Congress ................................ 225 Oct, 7-McCann Eugene ??„ Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 236 " 7-McCann Eugene P,~ granted cigarette permit .................... 236 " 17-McGee, Consuela and Helen Green, cancellation of 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934 (and 1935 taxes ....................................238, 278, 298 Nov, 4-McCarthy, Peter H., warranty deed of certain lots in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company Addition...... 256 Dec, 2-McDonald, D„ sign poliicy ......................................._........... 274 13-McGee, Consuello, suspension of 1931, 1932, 1933,,'1934 taxes ...............................................................................:....... 282 " 13-McDougal Garage, .sign policy .............................................. 287 13-McManus, James,, suspension of 1934 taxes ........................ 289 ~ ~::, INDEX-Book 65 ..1985 SUBJECT Page M Jam. 7-•Mentz~ Wm., suspension of 1934 taxed ....:.._ .......:..:......:..... " 7--+M'ootz, Frank, suspension of 1933 taxes .:.............................. 2, 244 4, 10 " 7-Motor' Ramp Garage; sign band ...........................:................ 7 !' 7=Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp., sign bond ........:............... 7 +1 21-Mayor authorized to attend meeting of Iowa State High- way Commission !at Ames, Iowa, on January 29j 1935.. 2i , :~'-' 30-Merkes, Lena, requesting cancellation of special assess 2 merit levied against her property located at 40 East ', is 18th Street ..:_ :.......... ...:...... _........ 1, 25, 69 ~"' 30-Munger! Effie, suspension of 1932; 1933 and• 1934 taxes- 22, 24 ?FAb. ~' -4-Murtagh, ~, ~ B,; State Comptroller, approving extension for the return of $75,00000 trans- 1936 ~' ° to January 16 :' , , , , 4t'_• , '.. ~ferred from Bond Fund to Consolidated and Fire Funds ' ~ , 28 ' 'ion' of the ~ Mar, 11-Mvr h Insurance Agency, requestin cancelilat b p ~ ri '..,,_„r • ign bond of •G, W. Healey & S s " 11-MarIhart, Leo et, al:, requesting installation of a street ' ~_ light at the intersection' of O`Neill and Sheridan Streets 69, 101 April 1-Muehl;-Mrs. 'Chris. A,; elaim'of ..::... ..: ..... .... ~ 96, 2fi0 1-illatz, Franks-Police Officer, elected to serve` as a mem- ber of Board of Trustees of Police) Retirement Board 97 " 22lMassosl :George, renewal; of Class' "B" Beer Permit' ........ lb5 !'!! 22~•Mayerle, John, rewenal of Clas9 `~B" Beer Permit ,........:. 105 ' " 22-Maas, Wm,; renewal' of Class "B" Beer Permit '. :'.: 105 ~~ 26-Machinek, Josep}ti J,~ renewal of Class' "B" Beer Permit ' 105 " 22-Mengis,, Walter,' renewal of Cla'sg "B" Beer Pe'rmit' ....:.. 205 '~'~ 26-Mai, Melchoir Cu renewal o$ Class "B" Beer Permit' .,.. ~ 112 ~' rg 26-Mfilligait, ~H. `C., renewal'of Class'"C" Beer Permit:..:........ 113 =M'4y 1-Mosaer, Chae.; of theDubuque Relief Organization; re- ~' questing permission to use Council Chamber to pro- 64x• -vida training aourae in First' Aid .. :::. ':,., ' 117 relative to payment of'special assessment 642: 6=Msu~s'er, ~W.$., 119, 126 . >k><B ~8-Memorial D~y~~beheral Committee, requesting Council to c f M n i~i ] D oi~' b ' ` 124 servan e lo a~ ay!:.. o o ~ ,- make aontrib~hfi ion i' e ' L8*-~M>11e,11TUTuiilSi~'requi; lfing refumkl'on restagrant ]cerise ~ s' ' v '~ 1 ~ ' 125 ~ Fielifi4 bid to be recei ed for the use t1~hl~tiZ 1$.~pB+I~ ~ ,~'Q •• •o~~for ~tlib~hol'diflg'dJf boxing an'd' ~wrestlfng shows.,.,... 129, 137 3i14 28-~DTaah'1flh1R,9O~'blina'1 ieneWal'o£.'Claas''~B'~~'Beex 'Permit 1~2 iUti'ne 7-bIathie,- Arnold, requesting th&t the 'Riverside Clab `be ' ~~'" -granted permission to put pp'overhead aign''on Lincoln ' ~"' Avenue,and+Wnite-Street to advertise Boat' Regatta :.. 148 "- 14-Mayerle, John; Class "B" Beer Permit .. Y59, 177 '-"= Machinelc, Caroline,' Mrs and Stieber John„ Class "B" 19- Bee'r~ Permif ~.... ~ ' ..:.. ' .:. ,, 161, 1~f7 " 19-1Machifiek` Joseph J, Class "B" Beer Permit '. ...... 161, 177 " 19 'Meyer,! Emma; granted perm~ssion!'to pay •dehnquent ~~ spec'ralassesameritsfor~the'improvin' ' g of Custer Street 161 '~ 26=Mai, Melohoir''C':,, Class "B""Beer Permit.......! ..............:..... 173, 177 '' " 26-Mbssos, George, Class "B" Beer Permit .....:..:...:.......... 17$, 177 26-Meyer, Albert M, and Roesch, Herman; Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................................... 26-Maas, Wm.b Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................... 173, 177 173 178 26-hoes, Carl J., Class "B" Beer Permit ................................ 173, 178 26-Mengis, Walter, Class "B" Beer Permit ............................ 173 178 ~ July 1-Mathis-Moffat Co., sign band .............................................. 176 1-Mulligan Battory & Electric Co., sign bond .................... 176 1-Meyers-Cox Ca„ granted cigarette permit ............................ 179 " 1-Miller, George, granted cigarette permit ........................:... 179 " 1-Mai, Melchoir C., granted cigarette permit .................... 179 " 1-Mever, Paul, granted cigarette permit ...............................: 179 " 8--Michel„ August L., Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 183 188 " 8-Meyer, John B., Class "B" Beer Permit ............................ 183, 188 " 16-Meyersr Charles F.; granted cigarette permit .................... 187 INDEX-Book. 65 1936 SUBJECT Page Aug:, 5-Miller, Mrs, Alex, Secretary of State, asking the City Council to establish a rulo that all foreign corporations submitting bids must present a certificate with their bid that they are qualified to transact bw~ness in Iowa ..............::..........:.....................:.........•..................,:.•... 104 5-Miller, William. C., Clara "B" Beer Permit ......:.......:........ 203, 209 b-Magee, Thomas J•, Class "C" Beer Permit ................._..... 204 Sept. 3-Milimen's Local Union No. 1646, expressing thanks for co-operation during their strike ........................................ 217 " 3-Martin, W B., (Dubuque Auto Supply Co.,) sigm bond.:.. 218 25-Marquard, Rt'ed extension on payment of taxes ...... 221,..244 26-Miller, Hal cancellation of 1934 taxes ....... .......... • 221, 24-1 " 25-Milks, Andrew, .suspension of 1934 taxes , ..... 221, 244 Oct. 7-Murphy .Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation and return >yf b)asting bond of Charles 0. Pape ::.. .... 227 " 7-141;urphy Insurance Agency, requesting release on the excavation bond of George I, Beaver ....:... ...... _ ...... 227 7 -Mississippi Valley Association, advusing Council of hear- ings to be held at Chicago, Ill., and St. Louts, Missouri, . on Rail and Barge Joint Rates ........:...:.. ............. 227 " 7-Mettel, John P, et. ai,,° requesting that Decatur Street between Lincoln and Rhamberg, Avenues be Improved 227 " 7-Muellich, Herman, suspension of 1936 taxes. . ......:...... 228, 244 7-Mentz, William, Classi "B" Beer Permit ............................ 235, 236 Nov. 12-Mississippi Valley Association, inviting Council to attend the convention at St, Lauig, Missouri ... :..........:.. 258 12-Michel, August L., transfer of Class "B" Beer Permit.... 260 Dec, 2-Mathey Chevrolet Co., si~gti policy ............... ...y....... 273 2-Mges Carl st , gn Policy .................:................ .._....... 274 " 2-Mel's Tavern, sign policy ......:....................... ...... 274 „ 2-Miller, Geo., sign policy ...:........................... ... ............ 274 2-Montgomery Ward & Ca, Inc„ sign policy ...................... 274 " 13-Munger, Effie, suspension of .1934 taxes ............................ 282, 289 13-Maizewood Cornstalk Plant, requests fom filling of Char- ter Street, the placing of street light an Salina Street, the use of Qity property to store corn stalks :............... 284, 285 " 13-Mid-Continent Petroleum Corporation, sign policy.......... 286 13-Mayexle, John, sigh policy .............................................:.:.... 286 " 13-Maas & Blum, sign policy ...............:.....:: .....:::.................:..... 286 " 13-Majestic Garage., sign poIicy ........................::...................... 287 „ 13-Muntz Cafe, sign poli~ey ............: ....................:...:.................... 287 13-Moyer, Mrs. Emma suspension of 1934 taxes ...-:.•..--....... 289 ": , 23-Maizewood Insulation Co.., corrected warranty deed to be executed and delivered on easterly 60 ft. of Lots 1 and ' 2 of Block B, and of Lot 1 of Block C, and; easterly 50 ft. of that part, o! vacated Charter Street lying between said Lot 2 of Block B, and I,ot 1 of Block C, all Sn Industrial Subdivisian-. ......:................:....................:.:.•.. .. 297 INDEX-Bd~~ 65 t 4 - ~r ,~. ~_ .~ h •. t'~~~,-' ~'~,. ~i ., ~{.':~ t ~~~ r .°' :. , ; "';-~ n ~(•r ~ , l.' ~~- SUBJECT ... _.. _ _--- _.-_- -._ -- _-.. ~~b - -- - - ._... ' age ~v elorsure of tnbrtgage blr UnioB Trust &' Sav- .giant- 7~NAtiae of fore on North half of City Lot 43 ....... ..:.... kegs Bank 1 30~Nielsett; Lawrence, requesting refund on cigarette license 28 Feb. 1°B~Nagle, John, relative td removal of buildttig on City Lot 14 ana owned by Sisters of Holy Ghost .... .... 37 ~D~Iat~r 21--National Tea Co:, granted cigarette permtt 84 " 26-National Rivers and Harbors Congress, extending mv7ta- tfon to Citj Council to attend Convention .. ..,.. 89 ~A~rll 2~--Nelson, William, ren9wal Clays "B" Beer Perintt: ...., 105 view the HOltse, Council to ' 2~N t • . g .....:.......... dition~of the. floo in oo 118 Mary 1~Nelson's Tavern, sign bond .................. 117 • <<` , 1-New Deal Tavern, sign band .....::....... ..................... 117 13=Nestel, Patrick D.,- stating that lie desires to run a `' , safety lane far the eheekmg of brakes, lights, et$ , on automobiles .... , ..:. ._.. .... 124 June 14-Nelson, Al; Attorney addressed the Council relative to certain provisioni~ embodied in Ordinance No 9 3b.... 163 July 1-,Nicks, Nick ~stato, suspension.of 1934 taxes .. " 1'~6 Aug. G-Nelson, 'Al. Attorney; addressed the Council pelattve to " ' the petition of the Barbers Craft .. ...... 198 Sept. 25-Norton, Bett et. al., regaesting that West Lo0pst Street between West'17th Street and Hodgdon Avenue be resurfaced with asphtilt pavement as a Federal High- t ; ~ r way Grant ::.. . ,:: ..::::. .....:. ,.. 220 Y' 25-Nagle, J. J,' Estilte condemnation' proceedings of build- cal. , r ~ ~ ' ' Hub HaPbon Ca. Add. r oc o ... ,.... ' ~ HY:..,m .Y .............. a e ~ ~~• •••222 231, 232 B " " r Permit' .... ... Georgen Css 26 -Nard'n, , 239, 284 223, 224 Wit, ~R1,~ialb'Y ~ ~llaify, •~uspenaion' of 1934 taxes ..: 244 v. -4~Neuwohner G, J~ et, al., requesting the installation or' a ;fit ;Strl:,gti li~hfN'~t corner of Julien Avenue and Nowata b ' ~ 11JCi :.iii; ., .. ........ ' .~~ia~t leiyJ J _ ttbni98mnation prooeedtnga of buildings ]o .~d on ~l6G'6 jtatt Lf St~, Of Out Lot 703.. :...... 252 .. ~ --k,m~M :~Ili7~`l ..t. 1 ,;....,: 284 260, 276, 278, 4. ~--Nesler, F=,A,- ~ Sofl, glgti policy ........:......... PY 283 2$4 2~3 , • d8-N~ieleen~ Garage, ai~fi ptJliey . ........................:.................... 2$7 ~3CI „~' INDEX-Book.. 65 1935 SUBJECT Page 0 Jan, 7•-,OBrien, James C„ suspension of 2nd half of 1933 taxes..:. 4, 1D i_ " 7-Orpheum Theatre, sign bond....... ...............:.................. 7 " 7-Ordinance No. 1-35, .Ordinance granting Interstate Power Company am easemenb over and' across. certain streets alleys, and public lands for the maintaining of,an elec- tric transmissipn 13ne .:....:...................: .,..........9; 17, 18, 19 Feb, 4--Ordinance No. 2-35. Ordinance providing for an annual tax;for the purpose of defraying the cost. of construct- . - ing grading improvements in the City ., ............28, 30, 31, 37 Mar. 11-Ordinance No: 3-35. Ordinance amending Ordinance No: 2-35 providing for an annual tax for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing grading improve- menu ...., ........ ................ 65, 63, 68 ....... " Ordinance ; No , A-35, appropriating mAney .far various 21- funds and ~ purposes for .fiscal year 1935 ....:...........:.:..... 81, 85, 86 " 21-Ordinance No. 5-35. Ordinance amending Ordinance No, 18.34. fixing and establishing rates to be charged for the: furnishing of electricity ................:... ..:......:.......84, 87, 88 April 1-Ordinance No, 6-35, Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be charged for gas to be sold and consumed within the City of Dubuque ..:............................................. 98, 106 " 22-Ordinance Na 7-3b. Ordinance .amending Ordinance 5-35 entitled an Ordinance amending Ordinance 18-34 fixing and establishing rates to be charged far the furnishing of electricity ........ ....,... ....... .......107, 103, 115, 116 May 20-Ordinance No 8 35, Ordinance amending ,and charging the Zoning Maps of the City of Dubuque ....:.:....140, 141, 145 June 3-Ordinance No. 9-35.Ordinance providing for the issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits ...:......_.... ••.• ............... ....; :.......147, 148, 149,.153, 154, 165, ,156,. 157 19-Ordinance No 10 36. The Traffic Code .....:.......................... •••• ...::...... .... ......:......161; 163, 164, 165,.166; 167; 168; 169; 170 " 26-Ordinance No, 11-35, Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque ..:....;..._.._....163, 181, 182 " 26-O'Regan, Timothy, Olass "B" Beer Permit ...:................ 173. 177 " 26-O'Brien, Mrs, Margaret, Class "B" Beer' Permit...........•.... 173, 17R July 1-Okey, Vern,, Class "B" Beer Permit .................:.............:.. 177 1-Oriole Club, Class B Beer Permit ..................:........::.:.:... " " ,g p 177, 178 " 1-0`Regan, Timothy, granted ci arette ermit .................... 179 " 1-Olansky, Matt B., granted, cigarette permit ...................... 179 Aug, 6-Ordinance No. 12-35. Ordinance amending and changing the Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque ........................193, 194, 206 Sept, 3-Orpheum Theatre, sign bond .................................................... 218 " 26-O`Donnell;, Kate, cancellation of 1934 taxes .................... 221; 2d4 " 25-Ordinance No. 13-35, Milk Ordinance ................................224, 229, 230 " 25-Ordinance to provide sanitary and health regulations for barber shops and establishments .................................... 226 Oct. 7-Ordinance No. 14-35. Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9-35 entitled: An Ordinance providing for the issuance Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits• and for the revocation of the same ........................................236, 237, 236 Nov, 12-Ordinance No. 15-35, Ordinance changing the name of East Eighth Street to East Eighth Avenue and of West Eighth Street to Eighth, Avenue ............................ 260, 263 Dee. 2-Orpheum Theatre, sign policyy .............................................. 273 ~~ 2-O'Regan, Tim, sign policy ........................................................ 274 2-Okey, Vern, sign policy .......................................................... 2~4 " 13-O`Shea, Patriclz, suspension of 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934 taxes ...................................................................................... 283 13-O`Shea, Michael Estate, suspension of 1931, 1932, 1933; 1934 taxes ..........................................................................:..... 293 INDEX-Book b5 .` 1935. _._ . SUBJECT .. _ _ _ .Page :; P ~. J 7-Payrolls for month of December, 1934 .......:.......:......:......... 7 ~~`~ ° "$O~Perleth, John F, requestizug,the repair of sanitary; sewer ~} at 2634 Windsor Avenue ......................:.........................:... 23 '" Feb, 4-Pinski, George; excavation band .:....: ............:........:...: 2P ="' 4-Peed„ Thomas R,, granted Class t°B" Permit 28 _ ~.• ~ " 13-Payrolls for month of Jazauary, 1936 .. .:... .:...:: 85 ~r ~ ': " 13-Police Department, requesting the City Counczi~ to re- ° ' -store the reduction in salary received in January, 1933 36 ~ ~~"'~. 18-.Public' improvement contracts, City Manager instructed . to ascertain if any Federal Grants will'be aQlowed........ 39 , Mar. 11-Payrolls for month of February, 1935......:.....: :....:................. 69 "' 11-Pelky, )-Ienrietta and McGregor,., C. C,, owners of Lot 4 ,' ' of..City Lot 703, relative td, condemnation of build ' ' ings on said lot ...........: ................... .. 66, 68 " 21-Peryon, E, P., sign band .............:..... .... ~' .83 • Aril 22-Pauly; John Mng;, suspension of 1934 taxes ... .....,... 100 "' Planning and Zoning Commission recommending changes 22- in the Zoning Ordinance. ........:..........:.....:,......100, 113, 129 .. . ' 22-Payrolls,for month of March, 193b .................:....:......:.......... 104 ' r'. ~ •22=Paquette, Millard;'renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit.... 105 "' 22-Page Hotel, renewal of Class "B"Beer Permit ....:........... I05 22-.Petrakis Charles K., renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit _306 ' " 22-Poulos, Andrew, renewal of Class "B" Beer Permzt ...:.,: 105 '~ 22-Playground Bonds in the• amount of $9;600,00• to refund ~ ` ' ~ :,..;..c ...::::...:......:...........:....: 107,;117, 118, 123, 130, 131; 132 ienewal of Class "B" Beer Permzt 26-Pape Vern ~ 133 • >Mldy , , ,`1-Petrakis, Charles K„ sign bond ...... 117 ' " fv-Payrolls for.month of .April, 1935.:, :... , 120 • N' 20-Porter, J. S,, requesting use of Ball Park for talk on t'.:. "The Townsend Plan" Old Age Revolving Pennon::.:. 132 ids 20-Puire, Ah, requesting that his Class "B"'Beer Permit d8f.' be not rescinded 'due to enactment-of new beer bill.... 140 • 8gS 28-Pregler,. Geoxga,. requesting that the Class ~'B" Beer ..Permit of Margaret Ward .be not - rescinded due to en ' ~S . actment of new beer bill .-.,,,,.,.,. 1'41 A~i'i 28--,Peiffer,. Lawrence,. requesting refund • on ,restaueant ,, M1 lfcedse,:•;,lkr:.c .: ...........~,.~. .:a. 1'41 8~ • '•'28-~P~iwen4, Pat et. ah, requesting thab,the Zoning Ordm ance be ahtended~to allow Wm,Sava t`o o ratd his ''> r~ pe beer ~ ' ~ `' . .. . ~•taWedzr at 827 Dodgo. Street ......... '... ~.~ :-..... 142 dune 9-Planning andLoning Cammission.xecommending changes -P in the Zoning Ordinance ;:. X147, 180,~TSi ;`:162, 163 " 7 ayrolds for month of May, 1936..::::.:....i:....::,,1:.........~.::....,. 149 ~ « i~~, :,i':.:UI::..... Permit . q ~ et l~i Bss e r 159, 177 f. ~,~,.. ' :. • `.••.,.-:...'.••. .. ~~ 14-Pa Kar Class. Be mit ge g, 169, 178 , 19-Palen, Char4es Mrs,, requesti~n that a building permit be issued for remodeling the interior of her residence 160, 170 19-Poire, Albert V„ Class "B" Boer Permit ............................ 161 177 " 19-Petrakis, Charles K., Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 161 178 " 26-Poulos, Andrew, Class "B" Beer )?ermit .................:.......... 173, 177 " 26-Peed, Thomas R,, Classl "B" Beer ,Permit .......................... 173, 178 " 26-Pape, Vern, Class "B" Beer Permi{ : .................................... 173, 178 July 1-Powers, Mrs, Ray, excavation bond :......-.._ ................:...... 176 .................................... 1-Premier Pabst Sales Co., sign bond 176 " . 1-Paquette, Millard, sign bond .................................................... 176 " 1-Potterveld, Wm, T, and Fred C., granted cigarette permit 179 " 1-Page Hotel, granted cigarette permit ................................ 179 1-Paquette, Millard, renewal of cigarette permit .................. 179 " 1-Peryon Drug Co,, renewal of cigarette permit ..........:......... 179 " &-Petrakis, Peter, granted cigarette permit .......................: 183 " B-Petrakis, Charles, renewal of cigarette permib ................ 183 " 8-Planning and Zoning Commission recommending changes in the Zoning Ordniance ........................................184, 193 , 194, 206 1:9.36 51;1~iEC~ Pie P " 8-Planning and. $oning Comm~sslon recQmmeeulrng that the petltian of Gesr. Rettenmaier;be• denied ,184;,, 1138, 1'>~y .... '~ 15-Payrolls, fox ~nggth. of June, 1,9311: _...• 187 A;ug. 5-Pglice, )lePaxtxnent CQmm~tRtee,, requestang° restoration o~ pay cu.,ta, wliieh ~yere:• given in; Zauuaxy,;1933 ., .... 193 6-Professional. mere andl business; firms.. relatrve to, the- restoralon ofr pay sots grven tc, the Fire ands Police Departinentyg, ..:,,,. ,.... ...... ~ < ..,.,.... " b-Rregaev, Merv Estate, suspensio~t; oi' 1.926, to, 1934, to;es '193 196 5-Painters,. Papenhzngers~ and, Decorators ols~; Amer-ca, relative- to the pairtting of parkipg signs by corninon: labor ........ . .. .:... .,...,., ,..,,.: ,........, 196 26-~ayroll~:for~ month; of Jy~l',, i9~;1 ........, ,......:.... 207 . 30~-Poulos,, Andre~Y, Class, "$" $.eer 'Permit. revoked:.;,........ 214 Sept. 3-Plotter .Q,dvertising Service, requ~stilig that- they, be advised.whetl~er. ox not those is. an ordinance prohibit- # samples ..._ ......:......._..,..,............. ing, flip: distribution: o 217 _ ~6~-Polltey, Henrietta, condemnation proceeditige. of build- 1n~i.noeated. on. Lot 5, part o>~ Sub. ofi, 0. Ta. 7U3:........... ................................,.............222s 231, 232,, 239, 264.. 261.:, 2:76, ~ 277,, 284 25-Payrolls; fou month. of August, 1936 :.......:....................... 2'22 pet, 7-Pleimting~ 1!lick; suspension of 2nd half of 1984; taxes..:. 228, 244 `" 7-Payrolls $ox~ month of Septeinberu 1935., ............................ 230 Nov, 12-Payrolls, fox month: o£ Qctober,, k9.36 ...................................... 268 "! 23,-Pauly.,, Mrs, John.,. suspension. of .193,3 and 1934 taxes.... 264, 278 I)qc. 2-darker, James M,, suspension of 1931, 19x2; 1933, 193!4 taxes , , ...._ . ................ ,.............. ~~, 2-Patch, L, $v~sign. policy... .........:........... . ...... . .. 2"131, 27$ 274 2 Park'; 4nn, sign: policy .................,. ..... 274 `~ 2-Pregler~ Geo„ sign: policy .............................:................. 274 13-Power ~ A,ttorney of G ~. La. Mair .......................:.......... 281 .......... "~ 13-Payrolls; for month of November; 1935 ..............._. 285 " 13-Page Hotel;,. sign policy .............: ..................;........ 286 °' 13~Potosi Brewing Company,. sigh policy ............................ 286 ~~; 13-Pape, Vern,. sign;P~licy ..................................................._....... 286 ~~ 13.-Poire, A,k, SIGH policy .,.n.,_ :.......................................:.......... 286 13-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendinig• changesi in .the Zoning Ordinance ............:................:...:...........287, 297,, 296 " 14-Pittsburgh-Des: Moines Steel Companyy certified check accompanyipg bid, on water tank, received; and placed on file :,.,,.._ .....:.....:...................:....:................................ .... ~. 291 23-RPlanning and Zoning gommissien, recommending- to Cauneil, that. the. City oP~ DubuquQ' acquire the two, trots adJaining tha, proposed site of new elevated: steel- .. water tank ..,........_ .....:.............................: ..:.. ....... ............. , 296 ~NII~~ B;oo~ ~ ~~ '' . ~>~~• .. SUBd~CT Pale s' ~, ±Fz , Feb 4-Quit; Claim Deed; 08 In:testate Power ~iompany. oi' all• ~`' , ~ their rights,; title and imtexest, in Mineral, Lots 298.,,299 '~« - ~ and 3Ua commonly known.. as $atn's~ Island .... .....:.. 29 X`` Mer. June 18-Quillgrh, Catherine,. nobice of claim...... ... ..... 19-Quia~dau, Roberti. J.,, Claga. "S" Beer Permit ...... ... 66 159, 177 t. ~. ~P}~ 26-~.~illen; Catherine, Origin&l .Notice of Suit .................... 222 u' Dec, 2-QuaTi~y. supply Co.; sign. policy ............:.......... 273. ar ~~. ` ! . 13-4,-unlsnir Wrri., saga golicy~ ...:............... .........:......... 287 ;~~: ,C .r ~ fir, -~ - ~; OUt ~ ~ , ear ,ror ~ ' edJ iv ~ ~~ , ~ . eft.. ~,. ........ wzer f i•.. Gnr, . ' 1:! . , ~i(1 .:...._ ... .. .... ., 1. i 1 Ialannni4 a limdu9 u+ ~~ ~. ~"~ PBr ,BEI .4"~ .. ..,, "1,7 Ti „ ~ .ff i , ~ ~.. ~ . ., ~~~,i ~,;I~.,:;~ , ~ ,. ~, „ . •: ,~ ~, ~~~ ,, ., i ~'` ' .. .~ a :~~•.,t INDEX-Boob 65 1935 SUBJECT Page R Jan, 7-Rceh]-Phillips Furniture Co,,, sign bond ...:..........:............. 7 " 10-Ruh„ Fred A., suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes...........: 14w 24 " 30-Robinson, John;W„ suspension of 2nd half of 1933 taxes 22, 24 Feb. 4-Railroad Companies relative to installation of; electric signals on all railroad crossings ....................... ..::..... ••••-• .......................:.:30, 36, 59, 60, 61, 120, 121, 122,'124, 20U; 214 March 4-Rra~berts, Councilman, entered and took his seat .........:...... 41 ''' 4-Ryanu S. D., claim, fors window broken by Snogo .............. 41 " 4-Rudders, Emma, claim of .................................................:.. 42 4-Ryder, Lydia, claim Bottled .................................................... 56 " 11-Railroad crossings from Nineteenth Street to East Twenty-fourth Street, inclusive, be manually controlled by tower operator ................................................................ 61 " 21-Rotman, Louis, sign, bond ........................................................ 83 28-Reynolds, 0. A„ requesting Council to give consideration to the improvement of roadway between Marion and St, Joseph Streets ................................................................ 88, 103 28-Recreational Director, instructed to remove playground equipment from Lots 280 and 281 East Dubuque Add. 89 April 1-Roberts, W. S,, appointed a Councilman to fill the vacancy created by death of Ardenal Thompson ........................ 93 " 1-Roosevelt Street property owners requesting ,Council to again consider their petition relative to the special assessments levied against their property .................... 95 " 22-Reynolds, 0. A„ Secretary of Dubuque Chamber of Com- merce relativo to adoption of resolution concurring in the plan of Library Board for the razing of old Masonic Building ............................................................. ..................... loo " 22-Robinson Street, relative to bad condition of buildings and eheds .............................................................................. 101, 193 " 22-Reynolds„ O. A., Seceetary of Dubuque Chamber of Com- merce, relative to the City discontinuing the use of the municipal dump located in rear of baseball park........ 105, 111 26-Roshek BroB, Co., renewal Class "B" Beer Permit............ 112 May 1-Reuter„ Joseph, suspension of 1933 and 1934 taxes............ 115 6-]teuschel, A. C., claim of ...................................... ...... 119 • " 13-Recreational Director, instructed to submit a financial report of expenditures and receipts of Dubuque City Baseball League ................................................................127, 135, 136 " 13-Recreational Director, increase in monthly fee for car alllowance .......................................................:...................... 127 13-Recreation Department, instructed to absolutely live within its budget .................................................................. 127 28-Richter, Emma, cancellation of 1933 and 1934 taxes.... 142a 244 " 28-Roth, John, renewal) of Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 143 June 14-Retail Merchants Bureau;, requesting'enforcement of the ordinance ini regard to distributing) handbiUls..._......... 158, 215 " 14-Reynolds, 0. A., Secretary„ Dubuque Chamber of Com- merct, relative to the construction of a highway along the river front and aVso that thq City purchase a sand pump for the filling' oP low municipal property ............ 158, 200 " 14-Rettenmaier, Geo., requesting that the Zoning Map and Ordinance be amended in order that Lots 10, 12 and 14 in Wick's addition be changed to Local Business Dis- trict ...............................:......................................................158„ 184, 208 14-Roth, Leo J., Olass "B" Beer Permit ................................ 159, 17S 26-Robinson„ John, making application to be appointed to do the scavenger work for the City ................................ 171, 209 " 26-Roshek Bros. Co.,, Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 173, 177 26-Reuter,, Frank, Class "B'" Beer Permit ........................:....... 173, 176 INDEX-Book 65 .1935 SUBJ>VGT Page - R _:. . July + 1-Ragatz, Geo. `Jr., granted cigarette permit ........................ 179 , ' 1-Rath Central Market, renewal od cfgarette permit ........ 179 , , ~, : (" 1-Ra'sihek Bros. Co., renewal of cigarette permit ..::............ 180 °_ " 15~Reuter, Edwin J. and Mns. Joseph Jeannetaud, Class ~~R~~ Beer Permit ..._ ............................................................. 188, 203 ~;` Oct, ~ ngn. Mary J. and Junkensdorf, Helen, suspension of '7 Ri taxes ..:...._ .......::.......:......:.:...........................:.,:..........:............. .2128, 244 ~` ` ;'! 17rReuter,.Barbara, suspension of 1934 taxes ..........:.......:..... 238, 244 `` ~ " 28-Retail Merchants, Bureau, requesting permission' to Qrect .` - X ' ~ Christmas lighting decoratio-us and holding of parade;, '~°° .....:.... .... ......__ ...................................................... etc. _._. . . . 248, 265 ' Nov. . . Recreational Director authorized to make trip to inspect 12- ' ~;. ~; a swlmmingr Pools'n .. :..:.................... ......:...:.,......... 12-Roth, John, ,Class B Beer Permit ..:..:..:..:....:....:.._........ 259 259, 260 ~- Dec. 2-Roehl-Phillips rFurniture Co., sign policy.:_ ::....:..........::..... 273 ;'! : ; =Rat1~, George l C.. snd Son; _Inc., sign policy ........................ 12 273 " ~ , 13-Rhomberg, 091ie, sign. policy :.... ..:...........:............:..........::...: 288 r, ° 13-Reno Cafe„sign policy ......::.:................::.....:.::...,::......:......:. 287 ,: ~f 13-Royal Cafe; .sign policy .....:.:..........:..................:.....:...:....... 287 ' 13-Ryan, Fran]q R., Class "B" Beer Permit .......:............:....... 288 t " 23-Roehrig; J.. P.b suspension of 1934 taxes ..:....:....:.......::... 294, 298 e~ ...~ iJ!f, ~ ~. ~ ~ - . Q~ ~~' ~ . t~ j,Rf Yl'f ^... ~. ~ ~, .. - ' ' 9 ~ ~~._~.4 - ers .fli uw . ~;', 2~. .70,1'"r.:4 i.. ., .~ I 'Y4 ~ ~i . ,, ... -..._ _ rte. ,,1, 9bf'Af'ISI 6f Ff "e t7.y ' ~ i ~ ' ~: ' ,~ 3 x 51 I ~ J: ~. - !mf ~'1~9 f ~U'pa . r~ .. .. ,,_~ , 6 ,6E ..,... ..... ~ ~, ~ ,. r~. ,, . ii ,. r . i;.. I. . . _ . _ , ,. 'I '' ~ ~~ I ,, r I , Y `: "` ~.. . 4Y ~ ~ ~ ~ _. .~ Y~~~~y-BC)~~ ~~ JECT : - 19$6 SHB 1?llge cc ~7 :Jan, 7--Steichen, Nick, uanCellatfon bf 1933 .taxes ..,~..t ....:...:..:..: la 3; 10 Y' 7-Steichenf Peter Estatia, cancellation bf 1932 slid 1,933 taxes .:...:..::.:...:........:.:......::..:....: :.:.:: r + ,,::,.,. " 7~SistPrs of Holy tihost~ condemnation proceedings of 'their 1, 3, 10 buildtng located on City Lot 14....... ...,,:.. .. ...:....: .:..:....:......:.1, '28, 36, 37, 38, 43, 6b, 108, 1d8; 161, 176 " 7--Sullivano James dK., condemnation proceedings of his buildings located bH City Lob 46:.:.. :..:..1, 29~ 37, 3S; 43, 96, 118 " 7~mithn E, P;; Electric 'Contracb Company eti al,, reque4t~ ing that thei Electrical Insper>tor ba reinstated 'on full ....:............ " 7=Suver'krdp, Henryi•suspcnsion of,1933 tal<eg :.::: 4, d0 " 7-Sowerr, Sanitary, in Cax Street from the manli~+lia i~ West 14th Street .to Chestnut Street and fn Chestnut Si'xeet ' easterly about'one hundred arrd sixty feet .:.:::... ...:.:::.:.... . ' ...:...:....:........::.~, :.. :... S 19, s<fl9, 112 1$3,.1 34; 135 ~` 7 Schweitering, Jacob J., sigh brand ::.: ' ......:::... .:: ~.. 7 " 7~-Salzmann„ Mr, requesting tho Cftp and floutity to sn- "` cure the tax sale certificate 0n the propeity~ of Maes Rasdna Duratld :.:..:....::.::............:::......:..:: ::..::~; ,.;..:.:..::...:.,. 8 " 7--SSteffen, Nick F1, gPatited i3lase~ "B" Beer Permik ..,i.::..... 8 " 7,Steffen, Nick F„ granted cigarette permit ...............:...... 9 " 10--Supplemental estimate of grading fund taxes .......,11, 12, 15 E 16, 25 " 21-Schiltz, Councilman, appointed May Pro Tem ,of the . meeting .................................................................................... 15 " 21-Sunny Crest Sanitarium, granted reduction in special assessment for improvement of Roosevelt Street........ 19 " 30-Sweeney,; Agnes M, suspension of lastihalf of 1932 and all of 1933 taxes .................................................................. 22, 24 " 3fl--Schlosser, George, revokingi hvs Class "B" Beer Permit 23 " 30-Steffen„ Henry, granted permission to pay the two in- stallments an special assessments levied against Lot 261 Ham's Add . .................................................................. '29 Feb. 4-Sea Scouts of America requesting permission to provide and dnstall waste paper containers on street corners 26, 65 " 4-Schaetzle, John, sign bond .................................................... 2'r " 4-St. George Hote)„ sign bond .................................................. 27 " 13-Sheridan, Stella F., claim of ................................................ 34, 66 ~~ 18-Sickels,, Adam, claim of .......................................:.................. 37 March 4-School Safety Patrols, requesting the passage of orddn- ance relative to children coasting on unrestricted streets ...................................................................................... 41 " 4-Sanitary Sewer constructed in Avoca and Cherry Streets statement of cast by John Blocker .................._..:............. 41 " 11-Schnack, Herman F., claim of ............................................ 58, 210 " 11-~Schaefle, Marcella My, suspensio>A of 1934 taxes ................ 59 244 " ~ 11-Shannon, Catherine M., suspension of 1931„ 1932, 1933; 1934 taxes ................................................................................ 59 " 11-Schaffer, Anna F„ requesting: a bus stop zone at 17th and Central Avenue ............................................................ b9, 69 " 11-Schw'ietering, Jacob J., granted transfer of Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................:.............................. 64 " 21-Smith, E. P. Electric Contract Qo. et, a'1., calling atten- tion of Council tol, the matter of time and salary far Electrical ){nspecbar ....................................................._..... 71 „ 21-Smithy Carl J., sign bond ........................................................ 83 " 21-Second Street east of Iowa Street, to narrow ................ 83, 96 " 28-Shannahan, John T„ granted Class "B" Beer Permit........ 89 April 1=Shear J. J., City1 Clerk, administered the oath of office to newly elected members, John K. Chalmers and Mark R, Kane ................................................................................ 93 " 1-Shea, J. J., City Clerk, bond of ............................................ 95 " 22-Smith, Harley, relative to renting+ or purchasing of City owned property at 1801 Prescott Street ........................ 99, 111 IND~~~--BOOk 65 1936 SUBJECT Page 5 " 22~iSchaffhauser, William, renewal of Class "B"Beer Permit 105 ~` 22--Stamm, John,.renewal Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 105 " 26-Spielman, Harvey L,, renewed of Class "B" Beer Permit 112 " 26~Savary, Wm., renewal oaf Clams "B" Beer Permit :.....:..... 112 " 26-Schnee, Mike ~B., renewal of Classy "B" $eer Permit .... 112 " 26-Schwietering,.Jaeub' J„ renewal of Glass "C" l3eer Permit 113 " 26~ullivan, Joseph J,, renewal o£ Class "C" Beer Permit 113 May r-Stemm's. Tavern, sign bond ........:.................:...:..................... 117 " ` 6-Snyder, Charl~ess T,; xonewal of Class "B" Beer Permit.:.. 122 ` . " 6-Smith, Harry, renewal of Class "C" Beer Permit......:..... 122 ." 13-Storms, ~C,. W., State Auditor„ advising that State.l$xam. driers would: be sent to Dubuque within a fev5 weeks.... 127 " 20-Sehrunk~ Wayne,B„ cancellation of 1934, taxes ......:......... 232 " 20-Stoltz, R. J. and Zillig, G, d„ renewal•of Class "B" Beer Permit .: 140 " Schwaegler, Martin„ relative to purchasing Lot a ah the corner of •Garfield Avenue.and back, Street .........:..::..141, 174, 199 28-Slack, James, granted Clara "B° Beer Permit:.... .,. 142 dune 3-Schmitt, Anton, renewal of Class "B" Beer Permitt:..... 146 " 7-Sanger,. Ray `Iiw stating views on propoded' barber " ordinance .....,,., ..,:.,.: .......: .:...... 7-Swimming Pool to ;construct on City Property east of 14g - City Water Plant ...._:...i49, 156, ;05, 209, 2b41; 259, 274 , 289„ 290 14-Schaffhauser, Wm„ Class "B" .Beer 'Permit .........:.......... 159., 177 " 24-x-Savory, Wm,, Class '`B" Beer Permit ................................ 159, 178 " " 19-Stemm,'Jahn, Clan "B" Beer Permit .....................:.:........ 169, 178 19-Stoltz,, Raymond J,, Class "'B" Beer Perm"it :..................... lfil, 178 " 19-Scherrer, Frank C,, Chissi "B" Beer Permit :...........:....... d61, 178 " 26-Seymour, Y. F, et, al., objecting ba proposed change in . ~ Zonimg Map as the ~ame'affects that South ld3 of Lot 1 of the Sub. of Sout`l~ 18 ft, o~ Lot 156~and Lots lb7 and 158 of Finley's Add . .:...............:......:....._.........:;......... 163 " 26~-Storm Sewers in East 20th Street, Rhiatnberg Avenue, Washington and Farnagut• Streets., aceeptamce of........ 171 ~' 2fr-Sanitary. -Sewer . on . Frement Avenue fraca Prranduiew Avenue to St, :Joseph Street; to construct ._ ...:......:...... -. ..........__.._..._ ..................:.172,196; 233, -236, 247, 261; 262 ; 271,, 281 . 26-Snyder, Charles; C7~ss "B" Beer Permit ................::.......... 173, 1'77 " 26-Sand, :Frank, 'Clals~s "B" Beer Permit .......::......._ ................ 173, 177 26-Slack, James, Class "B" Beer Permit .:...............:.......... 173, 17~ "` '26--Shanahan, Johuu T., Class "`B" Beer Permit .................... 173, 178 ' 26-Schnee Michael B., CIasS "B" Beer 'Permit ........................ 173, 177, " 26-Steffen, Nicholas F., Class "B" Beer Permit ..................:. 173, 178 " Mfr-+Spielman, Harvey L,n Class "B" .Beer Perrnit ..............:... 173, 178 " `" 20--Sand, MikQ, Class "B„ Beer Permit ...........:.:...._.....:.......... i73, 178 " 26~ehmitt, Anton, Class "B" Been i'ermdt .............:............:. 173, 177 July 1-St. Mark's, LuthEran Churo'h, requesting use of 92th Street far .holding an .ice cream tsocial ...................:.:....., 175 1-St, .NPary's .Parish., requesting permission to sitretott, a ' sign across Maim Street ...............:..........................:..:........:. 175 " 1--Scherer.,, George •J„ C1aBS '!B" Meer i'ermit :.....:.::.....:.... 177 " 1-Schneider, Joseph, renewal of cigarette permit ................ 1'79 1-,Steffen, Nick I'., renewaX rrf .cigarette permit :.:.......::::....:. 179 i' 1-Stavros, George, sedewal of :cigarette permit :..:.....:.....::.:. 179 1-Sto1t~ anc~ Zilfig; renewal Hof oigarette:permit ..........:.....:... 180 " B-Snyder,; ~Charteg T., granted cigarette peranit ......:..:.:.:.::... 183 ~' 8~Sehroeder-ICledne tracer Co„ renewal of eigarett~e ~pemnit 183 " 8-Sullivan; Thos, P.; renewal of cigarette permit .....::..... ' 183 " 16-St. Raphael's Cathe9eral, requesting permi~~non.to ~sbring a canvass banner at Edghbh and :Main Streets............ 1B6 " 15~toffel, Mrs. Annie, claim for damages to automobile.... 187, 215 " 1~5-Stampfer, J, F, Co,,~ granted cigarette permit ...........:.... 187 " 15-Sherrer Geo: J., granted cigarette permit ........................ 187 " 15-Stemm,~John, renewal of cigarette permit .......:................ 18B I~DEX~-Boob 65 1935 SUBJECT Page S A,ug, 28--Schwaegler, Martin; relatives to purchasing Lob 7 in; MG Craneys 1st Addition ..............:...............:...:..:..................:... . 200 26-,St, Columbkilles Church, requesting permission to place a banner across Main Street to advertise ]awn party ,! and carnival .....................:......:.:..:.:........................:............. 208 " 26-Sherman,; Bennie, Class "C" •Beer Permit :...........:......_... 209 26-iStrain, Mrs. Louis, caneehation of last half of 1934 taxes ..._ .............................!......i......:.....,............:................. 215, 246 Sept. 3-Stampfer,, Thomas M„ urging endorsement of a revised dnnan ce' r idnn : ::.. for better milk ins ection •• p g 217 E Sl A bo~ , • ' g " 3-Stbb d .:...:...::_ ...................n............._ g. 218 3=Schrup, George 'W. {Tri-State Motor Co.) sign bond.... 218 " 3--Standard Oil Company, sign bond ...::....:.............:.:..::........ .. 218 ' ~~ 3-Slack, James, sign bond .......:......:.............................:..........:.... 218 25--Sanitary Sewer to construct in Pear Street .from the manhole in Rush Street two hundred sixty-three feet- ' ~ ; _ ,_ .northerly ....:....:::.:........:....:::.....:........:..220., 230, 239, .267, 269, 281 ~ : 25-Starr, Mary G., suspension of 1934 taxes ...:.:...........::..... 221 " 26--$chro~der, Fred W„ condemnation proceedings of build- imgs located on Lob 6 part of 0. L, 703 ..................:....:.... ,,.I ......222,. 231, 232, 239, E54, 260, 276, 283, 284 Oct, 7-Sclrlictmann, Claus et.; al., requesting the installation : of .a street light at intersection .of Woodworth and Mt. Crest- Streeta .........:..............:......:.....;,:.:.....,...:...................... 230 ," 17-Smith, Lillian Cole,. requesting the City to accegt the principal, without interest. and penalties, of the special assessments .levied, against the N. M. 1/5 of. City Lot X462_ " 17-Schrunk, Wayne B., cancellation! of taxes...-..- ........:.......... 238 246 Nov. 4-Sisters of St, Francis et.' al., objecting to the proposed resolution of necessity for paving of .Bluff Street ........ 251 4-SchauO„ John et. al., requesting that Prescott Street be graded .:..:...........:................:..................:...........:................... 252 4-Swimmimg pool,, former, application Docket No. 4760 ' disapproved .......::.....::.:...::...........:....:................................::.. ' 256 " 12-St. Mary's Parish Festival, requesting permission to erect a banner across Main,.Street .................................. 258 23-Schwaneb' " eck, Carl, suspension of 1934 taxes ................ 264 23--Schaherl, John suspension of 1933 and 1934 taxes....:... 264„ 278 Dec, 2-Sche , e, E. L.,, sign olic .:.... :.:_'..... 273 ... 2-Strand Pool. Room, s gn. policy .........i ....:..........:...: :......... 274 ~~ 2-Sand's Tavern, sign policy ........:......::...;.....:...:.....:..........:.: 274 ~~ 2-Steffen, N, F,,-sign,policy .......:...............:...:..............::........ 274 ~~ 13-Steichen~, Nick, suspension of 1934 taxes .......:.................. 282, 289 13-Steichen, Peter, suspension of 1934 taxes .......:......:....:.... 282, 2S9 ` 13-Suverkrup, Henry, suspension of 1934 taxes ' :......:...:..:..... , ; 282, 289 13- Chet en , Peter Estate sus ension of 1932 1933, 1934 ~ ' taxes ._ ..., .. ~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 283, 289 13-Selupidt, C. J,, suspension of 1934~~taxes ..:.. ..:....:............... 283, 289 " 13-Schmid, H. W,, requesting suspensnon of payment 'of special assess len t g ns ro ert at 2532 Broad way g P '. 284 g g o'' ~ p - . y.... , .. , 13-Sand Mike si y .:........................ 286 " y 13-Schneider, Drug Co, sin olic ::.....:: 287 13-Schmitt, Walter, suspension of 1934 taxes ..::! .......:::........ 289 13-Schuckert, Mrs; Cyril; settlement of personal.injuryslaim 290 " 14-Steinberger, Won„ granted permission#o pay.ithe special ' ;assessment levied. against.-Lot 21 Oakland Park Add. 292 t ~ ~ o l e 294 23 Som mer'field, Adolph, suspens,on of 1934 taxes; ... ......... 298 23-Specht, Agnes, suspension of'1934 taxes :.:..........:......._~ 298 INDEX-Boob 65 1935 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 7-Trilk; Amelia L:, suspension of 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes ' 2 7-Traffic Accidents ,monthly summary, also -arrests and ` iconvictions on, traffic violations .................:..................:J. 7 7-Tri-State .Advertising Service Inc„ sign bond ...............c 7 " 7-Trimpler„ George J,, granted Class 'B" Beer Perntit.... 8 7=Tuthill,: Ruth, suspension of 1933 taxes ...................:....... 10 ' 30-The Ladies Auxil'dary of Yoterans of Foreign Wars;'re- questing permissio~v to hold poppy sale' an May 18, 1935 23 ` all 30-T eiring F, W.,; suspension of 2nd'half of 1932 and ` -' of X1933 taxes ...:.:...:::..:.:.s.................................::.:....,.., .. ..., 24 Feb. 4-Trenkle Co.; sign, bond ...:..... ...:.::. ...:i. ,:.:::.: ~~ 27 Mar. 28-Traffic light to be!insta(led at the intersection of Twen- tieth Street and Rhomberg :Avenue ...:.....a ....::.......:..:....91, 102, 117 April 1-Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal newspaper ap- pointed official newspaper ....................:........................:.. 94 i-The Hyde Clark Woman's Relief Corps, requesting the use. of the Armory for Flag Drill rehearsal ................ 96 " 22-The Triangle Cafe, granted cigarette permit .................... 106 " 26-Thompson Frank and Hagan Vincent J,, renewal of w ~ Class "C" Beer Permit ..........._......_ ......................_.._:.... 113 May 1-Triangle Restaurant, sign bond ............................................ 117 6-Trustees of Free Public Library, requesting approval of Council io~f the proposal to demolish the old Masonic ~ Temple ...............................................................................:... 122, 123 ~ June ', 26-Trimgler, George J., ,Class "B"~ Beer Permit .................... 26-The Service Club, Class "B" Beer Permit ....................... 173, 178 173, 178 `~` " ?6--The American Legion, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 173, 178 ` 26-The Eagles Lodge, Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 173, 178 p;. --•. 26-Tax Levies for fiscal year 1936-37, preliminary infor- ~`.; matiorA as furnished by City Manager ............................ 174 ` ` July 1-Theisen Battery & Electric Co,, sign bond ........................ • 176 ,_ . ~~ _ , a cigarette permit ........ e e a r G 179 !~'' " , e ga 1-Trapp, Arthu J.C gr nted tte permit .................... 179 ~ 3a " 1-Thompson & Hogan, granted cigarette permit ................ 179 -. S-The Interstate Co., granted cigarette permit .................... 183 lx: « 8-Trimpler, George J., renewal of cigarette permit ............ 183 . 15-Thirllerl; Mathilda, suspension of taxes ......................._....... 187, 245 ~" Aug. 5-Trewin, Clifton B., requesting permission to pay delin- ;:~.. ~'~` quent special assessments levied against Lot 30 in ~° , Sunhyside •°~ '~ " 5-Tax Levies for the ,year 1935 ........................................ ........ 203 ,, - 26-Thal, Della C.,'~cancellation of 1934 taxes ....................207 '245' 248 Sept. 3-Tradehome Shoe Stores, Inc., sign bond ............................ 218 " 3-The Coca-Cola Ca;, sign bond ................................................ 218 ~: '• " 25-Turner, Floyd B,, granted permission to pay the delin- quent special assessments levied against the West 50 ~ ft. of Lot 3 and the East 75 ft, of Lot 3 of Sub, °f Cit Lot 740 ......................................................_......... 224, 225 Oct, 28-Tax Committee of Chamber of Commerce,,report of . 250 Nov, 23-The Salvation Army, requesting permission for placing `; Christmas kettles on streets .............................................. 265 Dec, 2-Trapp„ A, J. et, al., requesting Council to restore Class "B" Beer Olub permit to Loyal Order of Moose ........ 273 « 2-Tegler, Edward B.. ~~ policy ...............:.............................. 273 " 2-Taylor-Yonkers Company„ sign policy ................................ 273 i0 13-Thorn, Anna and Kenneth, suspension of 1932, 1933 .1934 taxes .............................................................................. 282, 289 13-Traffic lights, size of globes changed .................................... 284 "j i!, P t# z `. ~~ i f• F 6' ~• , --_ A _~ ~, .. .. INDEX-Book 65 INDEX=Book 65 i93b SUBJECT Page 1936 SUBJECT Page U V May 2-.Upper Mississippi Waterway Association, memp~ership' ~ jM~ar, 21-i~isitimg ,Nurse Association, requesting permission to dues foa~ 1936 ordered paid ..........:...........................:......::. .116, 124 house their car ab Ninth Street )Jngine House ............ 82 2-Universal Car & Tractor Co„ sigh, bond ..........._ ..............; 117 .April 22-Vyverberg,, Ben Mrs.;' claim af ,............:.....,...........,......:..... ~9 July 1-Urbach Brothers, sign bond ...............:...:....:...................:..: 176 "' 2,6-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission for 1-United (agar Stores Inc„ granted- cigarette permit .;.....: 179 UsA of the grounds near Ball Bark for holding', a carnival 109 ~~ : 8-Uppinghouse„ A, R„ and Mr~3; M, Clark, Class .`B'" Beer !' 2fi Vogler, A, J., renewal of Cfaes "B" Beer Permit ...........: 113 ' Oct; Pernut •••• 7-United States ofl America, Federal Emergency Admini- 183, 1$8 " 26--Van Driel, Anton and Link, Leo; renewal of Class 10B" Beer Permit ..............................:.........:..::.......................:..... 112 strator of Public Works, offer to aid in financing the ~ " 26-Vogelsbergr A, J,, renewal of Class "B" Bee~1 Permit.... ll13 construction of sanitary sewers and srtxeet' paving........ 233, 234 ` ~ May 6-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission to Dec. 2-United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Jofnerig, submit- install automatic Canteens in the pity Hall ..:............. 12Q ting resolution abjectingl to the wages and working June 26-Veterans of Foreign WarsW requesting permission for hours as set out on WPA project ...::........................... 271 use of the ground near Ball Park for holding a carnival 172 ` " 26-Vogelsberg, Alberti J., Class "B"' Beer Perm6t ...........:.... 173, 177 • " 26-Van Drip)„ Anton and Link„ Leo, Class "B" Beer! Permit 173, 178 - 26--Vogler, A. J., Class "B" Beer Permit .:.............................. 173, 178 ` Nov. 23-Volunteers of America,, requesting permission for the - holding of a tag day~ .:....._ .....:........................:.......:......... 26C ~l. I .,. r. L 1 INDEX-$ook 65 -INDEX=Book 65 1935 SUBJECT Page _ JECT B SU Page ~ w ~ x ~ ~ •~' YY Jan, " 7-.Weber, Mrs:• John H,,;cancellation of 1933 and 1934 taxes d 2 3 mss, Anna G,, cancellation of 1934 taxes .....:.._., ~8t` 7-Wright 228M 256 " 7-Wal orf, Mra, Gertrude suspension of 1933 tsxe~s...::....... , 24 , pion of 1934 taxes .:.....................: a 7-Weberr Joseph J,; cusp 228, 245% " 7-Weidenbacher, Frank, extension of 1932 and 1933 taxes 7-VVille~ Henry, granted, Class "$" Beer Permit .::......... .:. 4 ~ 8 •' ~S •I$fl--Wilson James, et; a~h,`relative tq tha paving of Atlantic _ .... 246 . 7-Weber, Ji J., suspension ~o8.1933 taxes .... .... .... 10 Street -Warranty deed of Peter H, McCarthy of certain lots in 4 NnV « 7-Wilson, Emmau sus ension of 1933 taxes ,:...:.. P 10 , r Dubuque Hat'bor Improvement Company Addition........ !" ~~ 258 21-Witter, Mrs. Theresaand William, requesting a, reduction i ; . -- " 12-Weiner Kate suspension of 1934 taxes ..._....................... 258, 278 ` ~~ n the paving, assessment. on,l3oosevelb Street ...:............ 20 Charles E., Classy "B" Beer Permit .................... n `': "` 12-Walfor~ 259, l60 Feb. 30-Wampach; Anna, suspension of 1934 taxes ...........:............ 13-Wlerwinsiki, I, K,; requesting Council approval onl The 22 , 'A 1~-Walborn, John, granted Permission to pay principal h ply g% interest on his special assessment ............."...... 261 Mar. General Pulaskis M~emarial Day Resolution ..:....... 11-Walser, Harald,, granted Class, `B" Beer Permit ..~.......... 34 84 •" T18e, 2-Wartburg Theological Seminary, requesting that the ht on Wartburg Place be moved farther north t li t ' ~ 273 ,~ •' 11-Walser, Harold, granted cigarette permit ......................: • " 66 g ree s ~- sign pahcy .................................................. Marie - " 2-Werner 273 " 1&-Waldorfy Sarah, claim, for Joan Waldorf :.......................:... ;28-Wersinger, John P., requesting free, peddlers license.... 68 68, 82 , , ,~•- '~, ~~ 2-Warren„ Dell, sign policy ...................................................... .................................. . . olicy si n F di ilb ~ 274 ~~ 18-Wohlert„ Mrs A A, et aL, requesting the City, to ... .. ........... g p ., ng er 2-W ` ro Sttaru, sign policy .................................................... ° ' 2-Wiedner 274 _ assume-the 70%'assessment agaJnst property fqr rm , g Whitney sign polic ..............._............... 2-W Il ~ • 274 • - ~( " proving Roasevel_t Street ...,:.... .,..... 21-Wilberding, Henry, sign bond .............................. .. .. " " 68 83 , „ ' r' n ~~ 18-Well orf Gertrude suspension of 1934 taxes ..._ ............... ~ J. C„ mequesting Council to reconsider, the con- 18- a< 283, 289 " 21-Weber Mrs: Cecelia,, transfer of Class B Beer Permit 84 mnation of tha two houses on Rack Street ................ de ~' 284 28-Wei John Jr., notice of claim .. g' '°;,"";;'""°""""°'°""°""°`"° 88 ~"'"'' ° 28-Warranty deed corrected and delivered to the Maizewood April " 26-Weber, Frank J., renewal~of Clasd B Beer Permit........ 112 ~~' Insulation Co, for lots in Industrial Subdivision ........ 299 28-Werner, Marie, renewal of Class' "B" Beer Permit ........ 113 `~ May 1-Wuldiweber, Dora' suspension of 1934 taxes .................... 115, 245 .. 4. > • " 20-Wolff, LeRoy„ renewal of Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 140 _$ , , June " 14-Warren, Dell, Class "B" Beor Permih ................................ 14 Web F k J Cl "B" B P i 159, 178 1 1 8 •; °~ :- : ~~ " " - er, ran ., ang erm eeri t ........................ 7 59, ,•,.: _ ? ~ 14-Weber, Cecelia Mrs., Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 169, 17g ~ ' _ 19-Wiedner, Stanley, Class "B" Beer Permi0 ........................ 161, 178 -%. - " 26-Walser, Harold, Class "B" Beer Permit ......._ ................... 173, 177 c,:: _ , " 28--,Werner, 'Marie, Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 173, 177 y, - " 26-Wiegand, Harold B,, Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 173, 178 - July 1-Wharton, AI, reappointed as member of Dock Board.... 176 ~~:`- " 1-Wolff, LeRoy, Class "B" Beer, Permit ................................ 177 • -- 1-Wiedner, Stanley, granted cigarette permit .................... 179 .a ; ,.. " 1-Walgreen Drug Co„ granted cigarette permit ................ 179 ~ ~. . , ..a 1-Walser, Harold, granted cigarette permit ........................ 179 "~ " 1-Wille, Mfrs. F. X., renewal of cigarette permit ................ 179 ,,; • " 1-Wagner, Wm,, renewal of cigarette permit ..._ ............... 179 ,., .s t~;• 8-Wallis, John Rider, Trustee, et. al., property owners re- ' •:'°.• ;; questing the cancellation of the assessments for the ~"~'"'. `, resurfacing of Main Street from 13th Street to 17th `~"'` ' Street ................._......................................... 182 ~~ ' , " 8-Witwer Gnocer Co., renewal oP cigarette permit ............ 183 .,-., :°°. 16-Willy, Mr., requesting permission to excavate in South Locust Streetfor sewer connection for Swift and Company 186 E " 15-Warren, Dell, renewal of cigarette permit ..._ ............... 188 ". 15-Weis, George V.,'Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 18g, 203 15-White-Phillips Corporation, Davenport, Iowa, agreement r for handling "No Fund Warrants" ................................ 191, 192 ~-,` .~ Aug, 26-Wilberding, Franld H., Class "B" Beer Permit _ .............. 208, 209 ' "` Sept, 26-Welber, Nick, requosting the City Council tq place upon ~ ~ - the ballots at the next City Election the question of she purchase of Welber Field .......................................... 220 .; r:,':~ ~ " 25-Whelan, J. Edward et, al., requesting that the prayer for °° " the petition of Nick Webber be granted ........................ 220 ~°;- " 25-Weber, J. J., suspension of taxes ...:...." ......................._.... 221, 245 'i°~+- 25-Warranty Deed, of Ross W. Harris and Ada E. Harris ?:'"1,-.. to city of Dubuque of Lot 2 of Lot 327 Woodlawn Park •>,,, . ~ . ;Add . .................................. ..................................................••.... 221 . ;-.; .~, " 25-Weitz,~Alois 0., Class "B" Beer Permit ............................ 223, 224 Rz,- ' e~ -- INDEX-Book .65 j 1936.. SUBJECT _ Page. Y; Mar. 21-Rant, Mrs. R. M., claim of ..............._.................._........,..... 81 Oct, 7-Rork Street, permission of property owners to construct .. sidewalks ...........~ .....................................................~..~.......:.~ 231. 232 ~, i .j , 4~ ' (/ - 6[~' 1 .. _ ~ - ~', ' k y, ~ _ r v C N vY Y lul i~'~ '~i i P6 R k q ii. ` ', , rt~'t 9 le: `_ I~1DEX--Book 65 1936 SUBJECT Page Z Jan. 30-Zengle, Adam suspension of 1933 taxes and prior years April 1-Zogg, Mrs, Minnie, et. al., requesting the City td~assume the special assessments ~~or improving Roosevelt Street ~ ...................................................................................... 95 July 1-Zillig, Adam; granted cigarette permit ..._......., .............. 179 Aug. 6-Zaller. Gus, resignation as member of Playground and Recreation Commission ........................................................ 196 " 2fi-Zamanek, Frank, requesting adjustment of delinquent special assessments levied against Lots 7, S, 9, 10 in ` ' Mblla West Dubuque ........................:................................. 208, 232 7