1935 February Council Proceedings24 Special Session, January 30th, 1935
cil of the City of Dubuque that Class
"B" Beer Permit No. 122, heretofore
issued to George Schlosser, be and
the same is herby revoked and the
Chief of Police is diretcd to take up
such permit forthwith and return
the same for cancellation.
Passed, adopted and approved this
30th day of January, 1935.
Attest: J. J. SH)A,
City Clerk,
CoanCilinan Andelfinger move d
the adoption of the resolutioti. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that bids be received for the print-
ing of the index and the binding of
the Council Proceedings far the year
1934, Seconded by Councilman Rob•
erts. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
The following decisions of the
City Council relative to various tax
petitions requesting suspension of
taxes presented for approval: Ger-
trude Waldorf requesting suspension
of the 1933 taxes on Lot 81, Lang-
worthy's Addition, request granted;
Catherine Lundbeck requesting sus-
pension of the 1933 taxes on Lot 11,
Cox's Addition, and Lot 242, Woad-
laivn Parlt Addition, request gi^ant-
ed; Effie Munger requesting suspen-
sion of the 1932 and 1933 taxes on
Lots 43 and 44, McDaniel's Parle Hill
Addition, request granted; John W.
Robinson requesting suspension of
the second half of the 1933 taxes on
S.E, 61 feet 1 inch of N.W. 71 feet
of Lot 151, L. H, Langworthy's Addi•
tien, request granted;- Agnes M.
Sweeney requesting suspension of
the last half of the 1932 and all of
the 1933 taxes on Lota 27, 28 and 29,
Finley Addition, request denied;
Charles Kemps requesting suspen-
sion bf the 1933 taxes, also personal,
on Lot 1 of Sub. 71 of L, H. Lang-
worthy's Addition and Lots 2 and 3
Kemps` Sub., request denied; Adam
Zengle requesting suspension of the
19$3-taxes and prior years on Lot 9
of Hodges Sub. ~ No, 2, request de•
hied; F. 1~. 1'heiring requesting sus•
pension of the seoohd hall: bf 1932
and 'all of 1933 takes on Lots 7 and
$, 'C, W. Rodgers Sub, request grant=
e$; Fria A, Ruh requesting suspen-
sion of the 1932 and 1933 taxes on
N, 27 feet of Lot 27, Glendale Addi-
tion, request granted; Mary Benda
requesting suspension of taxes on S.
3 feet of Lot 431, all of Lot 432 and
the N. x/a of Lot 433, East Dubuque
Addition, request granted.
Councilman Jaeger excused from
the Council meeting at 5:00 o'clock
P. M.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the decisions of the City Coun-
cil on the above mentioned tax peti-
tions be approved and the Board of
Supervisors to be notified of the ac-
tion of the City Council. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts, Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that Heiiry Steffen be granted per-
mission to pay the two installments
on the special assessments levied
against Lot 261, Ham's Addition, for
the construction of a sanitary sewer
by the payment of the principal plus
6% interest, said payment to be
made by March 1st, 1935, and that
the County Treasurer to be instruct-
ed accordingly and also that the
County Treasurer be requested to
witlihold the advertisement and tax
sale on said lot 261, Ham's Addition.
Seconded by Councilman Roberts.
Carried by the follotVjng vote:
xeas - Niayer I{one, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
There being no further business,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
adjourn Seconded by Councilman
Roberts. Carried by the tblio~Ving
Yeas - Maym• Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
City Clerk.
Approved ......................................1935.
Adopted ........................................1935.
Councilmen: 1 ........................................
Attest : ..................................................
City Clerlt.
Regular Session, February 4th, 1935 25
Regular Session, February 4, 1935.
Council met at 7:40 P. M.
Present-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
City Manager Evans.
Mayor Kane stated that this is
the regular monthly meeting of the
City Council far the purpose of act-
ing upon such business as may prop-
erly come before the meeting.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of sup•
elemental estimate of Grading Fund
Taxes, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
ceive and file the proof of publica~
tion. Seconded by Councilman Jaeg-
er. Carried by the following voto:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
There being no objections filed
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
Supplemental Estimate of Grading
Fund Taxes as proposed be ap-
proved. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of H. B. McCarten re-
gttesting the exemption of the 1934
taxes or allow him the equivalent on
the West 60 feet of Lots 21-22.23 in
Bonson R; Stewart's Subdivision as
this property is being used by the
City as a playground presented and
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that a warrant in the amount of
$11.79 be ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer against the Recreation
Fund in favor of H. B. McCarten, as
payment of the 1934 taxes on the
West 60 feet of Lots 21.22-23 in Bon•
son & Stewart's Subdivision as said
property is being used by the City
of Dubuque for playground purposes.
Seconded by Councilman Roberts.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kaue, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Communication of C. Coykendall,
Administration Engineer, Iowa State
Highway Commission, Ames, Iowa,
with enclosed copy of Maintenance
Agreement between the City of Du-
buque and the Stata Highway Com-
mission, relative to Project N,R.M.
-17, Dubuque County, presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the communication and agreement
be made a matter of record. Seo-
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car•
vied by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
January 31, 1935.
To the Honorable Mayor, City Coun•
cil and City Manager, Dubuque,
Gentlemen: Relative to petition
of Lena Merkes, which was referred
to me for investigation and report,
beg to report that at a tax sale,
September 7, 1931, the City of Du-
buque purchased the undivided z/a of
West 27' of E, 60' of N. 1-5 of Lat
440 in the amount of $73.72 and the
City E, 33' of E. 60' of N. 1-5 of 440
in the amount of $88.64.
Therefore, there are no unpaid as-
sessments for the improvement of
Central Avenue against this prop-
I also find, upon further investiga-
tion, that the ,1932 regular tax of
$44.92 and the 1933 regular tax of
$76.38 and the regular tax of 1934
of $79.99, together with penalties
and advertising, remain unpaid on
the records of the County Treasurer.
I do not find any street assess-
ments against this property for the
improvement of 18th Street, except
that portion which is assessed for
Central Avenue.
Very respectfully submitted,
City Treasm'er,
Councilman Roberts moved to re-
fer the communication of City Treas-
urer Puls to the City Manager and
for him to notify Lena Merkes that
the City is in possession of tax sale
certificate held against her property.
Seconded by Councilman Andel-
finger. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
January 31, 1935.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa,
Gentlemen: I am advised today
that the request for tax suspension
presented to City Council by Miss
Rosina Durand and discussed by the
City Council on December 13th was
denied, I regret exceedingly that
this action was taken in the case of
this particularly old and deserving
lady. Had the writer been familiar
with this particular claim, I would
have recommended that suspension
be granted.
Fm' your information, the taxes on
Miss Durand's property have been
suspended every, year since 1928,
with the exception of two years.
If possible, I ask that Council re-
consider this question as Miss Dur-
and is a lady whose tax sale claim
26 Regular Session, hebruary 4th, 1935
was purchased from the Muntz Es-
tate by contributions from quite a
number of local prominent citizens.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
when proper petition is presented
to the City Council the matter of
suspension of Miss Rosina Durand
tales will then be taken care of,
Seconded by Councilman Andelfin-
ger. Carried by the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Nays-None. '
Petition of Dubuque Ship' No. 20,
Sea Scouts of America, requesting
permission tc provide and install
waste-paper containers on certain
street corners presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
suspend the rules for the purpose of
allowing any one present in the
Council CVamber, who wishes to do
so, to addt•ess the Council. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
NIt•. R. Leman addressed the Coun-
cil relative to providing and instal-
ling waste-paper containers on cer-
taro street corners,
Councilman Roberts moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Council
for further consideration. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
The Dubuque Trades and Labor
Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 7th, 1935,
A RESOLUTION for the curtailment
of waste in the interest of munic-
ipal economy, at the same time
eliminating unsafe housing condi-
Be it Resolved that we, the mem-
bers of the Dubuque Trades sand
Labor Congress, do hereby in reg-
ular session this day of January,
recommend to your Honorable Body,
the Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa the following resolution:
Whereas, the City Administration
Building now situated on the south
side of We~Ct Thirteenth Street be-
tween Central Avenue and Iowa
Street is of ancient construction, is
woefully obsolete and is truly a vi-
vid emblem of municipal paralysis,
Whereas, the building situated on
the southeast corner of Ninth and
Iowa Streets, known as Fire Head-
quarters and the Armory Hall, do
hereby be vacated by the Fire Fight-
ing Companies now occupying said
building, because the building is not,
nor never has been properly laid out
to become iu 'any degree, either in
location or facilities, the proper type
of construction for housing fire com-
panies and apparatus, and
Whereas, the said building re-
ferred to, i. e., the Administration
building and the Fire Headquarters
building constitute a financial waste,
the cost of repairs and maintenance
does of a necessity fat• exceed the
efficient convenience necessary to
modern changing conditions in, the
care of and distribution of progres-
sive municipal affairs, and
Whereas, rve believe it to be great•
ly economical and advantageous to
the City to eater into negotiations
with the proper authorities for the
purpose of securing the property on
the northeast corner of Ninth and
Locust Streets, formerly occupied by
the United States Federal Govern-
ment as a Post Office, and combine
rote a building of public safety, the
City Administration Offices and Fire
Headquarters. Believing such a mer-
ger will meet with full approval by
the citizens of Dubuque, we urge the
adoption of the following resolution:
Resolved, that the City of Du-
buque, through the official guidance
of the City Manager and Administra-
tion Officials, avail themselves of an
excellent opportunity to promote saf-
ety and sanitation, to eliminate
wasteful maintenance and conserve
municipal expense by abandoning
the aforesaid properties and combin-
ing Fire Headquarters and the City
Administration Offices, thereby elim-
inating the total expense of two
such buildings. Selling the Fire
Headquarters building and convert-
ing the sales, or cash consideration
to some other fund, and at the same
time creating another source of in-
come by taxation.
Sincerely yours fora Progressive
Presented by-Jack Brown, A. 1I.
Bennett, B, J. Hannan, Hat•ry M,
Haggerty, J. W. Kass and I. Box•
leiter, Members of the Executive
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the resolution to the City Man-
ager for investigation, he to com-
municate with the proper author-,
ities, and to report bath to the City
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Roberts. Carried by the following
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Petition of 11lary Catherine Har-
rington, Loretta Powers, Administra-
trices of the Estate of Anna A.
O'Shea, deceased, requesting permis-
sion to pay the proportional part of
Regular Session, rebruary 4th, 1935 27
the spec}al assessments against Lot
2 of 4 of Mineral Lot 28 sand Lot 2 of
Lot. 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Mineral
Lot 28, with interest, to-wit: $689.10,
tivithout Penalty, and that upon pay-
ment of said amount that Lot 2 of 4
of Mineral Lot 28 and Lot 2 of Lot 1
of Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Mineral Lot 28
be freed of~ any lien for payment of
the Valance of the special assess-
ments due against the remaining
property unsold, presented and read.
City Solicitor Czizek recommend-
ing that the prayer of the petition
be granted, they to be permitted to
pay the proportional part of the spe•
cial assessments, upon filing of a
proper plat, by payment of the prin-
cipal plus 5% interest, to-wit:
$689.10, without penalty, and the
Treasurer to be instructed accord-
Councilman Roberts moved that
the recommendation of ,City Solic-
itor Czizek be approved. Second-
ed by Councilman Andelfinger, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
February 4, 1936.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In January, 1935, a
verbal request was made by Mr.
Hintgen, representing John L. Heim,
fot• cancellation of taxes on all lots
with the exception of the homestead,
designated West 170 ft. of Lot 310
Davis Farm Addition, and also t•e-
quest for. cancellation of special as-
sessments against all lots belonging
to Mr. Heim. This matter was re-
ferred to the writer for investigation
and report to Council. Accordingly,
tive have secured information from
the Court House as to the delin-
quency in taxes and total sewer as-
sessments due on this ptroperty.
`Phe request included cancellation
of taxes and special assessments on
211 lots. The special assessments
on 20 of these 211 lots was $1,618.62
and delinquent taxes on the 211 lots
was $1,184.30, or a total request for
cancellation amounting to $2,802.92.
The agreement tc pay delinquent
taxes on the homestead, or the west
170 ft. of Lot 310, amounts to $442.12,
or, in other words, Mr. Hintgen
agreed to pay $442.12 of the total
amount of delinquent taxes amount-
ing to $1,626.42, and, on the other
hand, asked for cancellation of the
sanitary sewer assessments against
20 lots amounting to $1,618.62.
Mr. Hintgen agreed that if delin-
quent tales and special assessments
are cancelled, except on the home-
stead tract, in the future all taxes
will be paid. He also stated that
if this t•egttest for cancellation is
not granted, he would not attempt
to tape aver the Heim property.
We have at hand the details of
the assessments and the delinquent
assessments against each and every
lot if Council desires further infor
Respectfully submitted,
City Manager,
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the request of Mr, Hintgen be
denied and the communication of
City Manager Evans be made a mat-
ter of record. Seconded by Council-
man Jaeger. Carried by tlti' follow
ing vote;
Yeas-Mayor Inane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts .and
February 4, 1935.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: This is to advise that
I have approved the following pol-
icies and bonds and desire to have
your approval on same for filing:-
George Pinski, 485 West 8th St.-
The Fidelity & Casualty Co. of N, Y.
Dr. Charles E. Loizeaux, 220 West
9th Street-Policy No. 0. L, & T.
432660, Continental Casualty Co.
John Schaetzle, 424 West Locust
Street-Policy No. 0. L. & T. 432662,
Continental Casualty Co.
William C. Leik, 501 Rhomberg
Avenue-Policy No, 0, L. & T.
432663, Continental Casualty Co.
H. Trenkle Co., 1225.1227 Central
Avenue-Policy No. 0. L. & T.
432655, Continental Casualty Co.
Jos. W. Lange Dyeing r;z Cleaning
Wks., 1108 Iowa Street-Policy No.
YR 4333, London Guarantee & Acci-
dent Co.
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co., 622
Main Street-Policy No. GPL 107383,
Mass. Bonding & Ins. Co.
St. George Hotel, 576 Central Av-
enue-Policy No. IHP 8079325, The
Travelers Ins. Co.
Leo Diener & Bert McCormic (Pal-
ace Theatre), 506 Main Street-Pol-
icy No. GLA 803374, American Sure-
ty Co.
Courttand F. Hillyard et al, 1101•
1135 Main Street-Policy No. IP
2579, The Fidelity & Casualty Co.
Corhett & Scott, 14th and White
Streets-Policy No. 29879, Farmers
Union Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
Jahn C. Berle, 1501 Cenh°al Avenue
-Western Surety Co.
Kirchoff Confectionery, 623 Main
Street-Merchants Mutual Bonding
Yatu•s very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Roberts moved that
28 Regular Session, February 4th, 1935
the bonds and policies be approved
and placed on file. Seconded by
Councilman Schiltz. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Resolution No. 24-1935.
A Resolution approving applica-
tion for the sale of beer and author-
izing the issuance of permit.
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has examined the
application which has been filed for
permit far the sale of beer within
the City of Dubuque and has ap-
proved such application ~as applies to
the person herein named at the loca-
tion described herein: Now, There-
Be It Resolved by said Council
that permit for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque be and
the same is hereby authorized and
ordered issued as follows:
Thomas R. Peed (New)-234 W.
7th Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed with this application be
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of February, 1935.-
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
the adoption of the resolution, Sec-
onded by Councilman Roberts. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - 1Vlaym• Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Communication of C. B. Murtagh,
State Comptroller, approving an ex-
tension of time to January 16th,
1936, for the return of $75,000.00
transferred temporarily from the
Band Fund to the Consolidated and
Fire Funds presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the communication be made a mat-
ter of record. Seconded by Council-
man Jaeger. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Ordinance No. 2-35. An ordin-
ance providing for an annual tax for
the purpose of defraying the cost of
constructing grading improvements
in the City and declaring an emerg-
ency presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the reading just had be consid-
ered the first reading of the ordin-
ance. Seconded by Councilman Rob•
er'ts. Carried by the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
suspend the rules requiting an or-
dinanceto be read on three separate
!days. Seconded by Councilman Rob-
erts. Carried by the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
,The ordinance tivas then read a
second time.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the reading just ltad be consid-
ered the second reading of the or-
dinance. Seconded by Councilman
Roberts. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Resolution No. 25-~4. Resolution
providing for the issuance of bonds
in the sum of $40,000.00 for the pur-
pose of defraying the cost of grad-
ing improvements presented and
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the resolution be placed on file
with the City Clerle for public in-
spection. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Qouncilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Resolution No. 26-35.
Condemnation Resolution
Whereas, The Sisters of Holy
Ghost, are the owners of a brick
building which was recently de-
stroyed by fire, situated on City Lot
No. 14 in the City of Dubuque, and
said building having been examined
by the Board of Health and the
Chief of the Fire Department and
found to be dangerous to life, health
'and property by reason of want of
repair, weakened structural walls
and unsupported hanging floors and
roof, and has depreciated at ]east
70% of its original value, the re-
ports of such department being here-
to attached and made ~a part hereof;
Whereas, this Council heretofore
appointed a committee of three dis-
interested persons to make an inves-
tigation of such buildings and stt•uc-
ture and repm•t their findings to this
Council, said committee to act in
conjunction with the Building Com-
missioner; and
Whereas, said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
building and structure he condemn-
ed because the same is in a danger-
Regular Session, February 4th, 1935 29
ous and uusafe condition and a nuis-
ance, said report being hereto at-
tached and made a part hereof.
Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque, that the Build-
ing Commissioner be, and he is
hereby directed to cause to be
served upon said Sisters of the Holy
Ghost, the owner of the building and
structure upon the property herein
described, a written notice com-
manding them to appear before this
Council at a meeting tlret•eof to be
held at 4:00 o'clock P. M, on Mon-
day, February 1S, 1935, iu the Coun-
cil Chambers. at the City Hall, and
to show cause why said building and
structure should not be declared a
nuisance, torn down and removed
as dangerous and unsafe.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of February, 1935.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas - 11layor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Resolution No. 27-35
Whereas; J. M. Sullivan is the
owner of frame buildings and stt•uc-
tures located at the southwest cor-
ner of Main Street and West Tenth
Street in the City of Dubuque, and
situated upon City Lot No. 40 in
said City of Dubuque, and said
buildings have been examined by the
Board of Health and the Chief of the
Fire Department and found to be
unfit for human habitation, danger-
ous to life and health, by reason of
want of repair, defects in drainage
and plumbing, and have depreciated
at least seventy (70) percent of
their original value, the reports of
such departments being hereto at-
tached and made a part hereof; and
Whereas, this Council heretofore
appointed a committee of three dis-
interested persons to make an in-
vestigation of such buildings and
structure and report their findings
to the Council, said committee to
act in conjunction with the build-
ing commissionor; and
Whereas, said committee has filed
its report and recommends that said
buildings and structures be con-
demned because the same are in a
dangerous and unsafe condition, and'
a nuisance, said report being hereto
attached and made a part hereof.
Now, therefore
Be it resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque; that the Build-
ing Commissioner be, and he is here-
by directed to cause to be served
upon said J. M. Sullivan, the owner
of the building and structures upon
the property herein described, a
written notice conmianding him to
appear before this Council at a
meeting thereof to be held at 4:00
o'clock P. M. on Monday,, February
18, 1935, in the Council Ghpmbers at
the City Hall, and to show cause
why said buildings and structures
should not be declared a nuisance,
torn down and removed as danger-
ous and unsafe structures.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of February, 1935.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Roberts moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Andelfinger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor I{one, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Quit Claim Deed of Interstate
Power Company to City of Dubuque,
Iowa, all of the right, title and in-
terest said Interstate Power Com-
pany may have in and to the lands
situated in the City of Dubuque, Du-
buque County, Iowa, and legally
known as follows: Mineral Lots 298;
299 and 300 and situated on an area
commonly referred to as Ham's Is-
land, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
Quit Claim Deed be accepted and re-
corded with the County Recorder.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Verbal report of City Manager
Evans recommending that the re-
quest of Erie Cafe, be grouted, in
allowing them to place a sign on
the rock located on lot owned by
the City of Dubuque, on South Lo-
cust Street, between Dodge Street
and Railt•oad Avenue at a yearly
charge of $5.00 per year, presented.
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the recommendation of City
11lanager Evans be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
30 Special Session, February 13th, 1935 Special Session, February 13th, 1935 31
There being no further business,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Roberts. Carried by the fallowing
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
City Cleric,
Approved ......................................1935.
Adopted ........................................1935.
Councilmen: 1 ........................................
Attest : .................................................
City Clerk,
Special Session, February 13, 1935,
Council met at 4:20 P. M.
Present-Mayor I{one, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
City Manager Evans.
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Schiltz and Jaeger,
Dubuque, Iowa.
February 11, 1935.
Notice and Call of Special Meeting
of the City Council of City
of Dubuque, Iowa.
To M. B. Andelfinger, Councilman,
You are hereby notified that there
is called a Special Meeting of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to be held on the 13th day of Febru-
ary, 193b, at 4:00 o'clock P, M. at
the Council Chambers in the City
Hall. At this meeting there will be
taken up for final consideration and
passage an Ordinance entitled: "Or-
dinance No. 2-35, An Ordinance
providing for an annual tax for- the
purpose of defraying the cost of con-
structing grading improvements in
the City, and declaring an emergen-
cy"; and also a Resolution entitled:
"Resolution No, 25-35. Resolution
providing far the issuance of bonds
in the sum of $40,000, for the pur-
pose of paying the cost of grading
fmprovements"; and also a resolu-
tion entitled: "Resolution No. 28-
35. A Resolution directing the ad-
vertisement and sale of $40,000 City
Grading Bonds:'
Such other business may be trans-
acted at said meeting as will pro-
perly come before a regular meeting
of said Council.
Ordinance No. 2-35. An ordin-
ance providing for an annual tax
for the purpose of defraying the cost
of constructing grading improve-
ments in the City and declaring an
emergency, said ordinance having
been passed upon first and second
readings on February 4th, 1935, pre-
sented and read a third time.
An Ordinance providing for an
annual tax for the purpose of de-
fraying' the cost of constructing
grading improvements in the City
and declaring an emergency.
\VI3EREA5, the City of Dubuque, in
the County of Dubuque and State of
Iowa, heretofore, pursuant to and in
strict compliance with all laws applic-
able to said City, lawfully ordered the
ceustrnction of grading improvements
in said City, the cost thereof to be paid
from a tax levied on all the taxable
property tvilhin said City, and it is now
advisable to make Provisions with
respeot to the lev3'ing of said tax:
Section 1. That in Pursuance of Para-
graph 1 of Section 6211 of the Code of
Iowa, 1931, as amended, and subject to
the amounts necessary for prior pledges
there shall be and there is hereby levied
and there shall be assessed and collect-
ed adirect annual tax upon all the tax-
able property within said City, three-
fourths.(~'r) of a mill on the dollar (or
such portion thereof as may be nec-
essary) upon the assessed value of such
taxable property sufficient to produce
the net annttal sums as hereinafter
Year of Levy Amount
1935 ......................... $ 2,400
1936 ...................... 1, 600
1937 .......................... 13, G00
1938 ......................... 7,120
1939 ........................ 7, 880
1940 ....................... 7, G00
1941 ........... _....... 8,320
Section 2. Said Taxes shall be collect-
ed each year at the same time and iu
the same manner, and in addition to all
other taxes in and for said city, and
when collected shall be converted into
a special fund which is hereby Pledged
for and shall be used only to pay the
portion of the cost of constructing grad-
ing improvements, or to pay the princi-
pal and interest of bonds issued there-
Section 3. That a certified copy of this
ordinance be filed with the County
Auditor of Dubuque County and that
said Auditor be, and he is hereby in-
structed in and for each of the years
1935 to 1947. inclusive, to levy and
assess the tax hereby authorized.
Section 4. That all ordinances m•
resolutions or parts thereof in conflict
herewith be, and the same are hereby
Section 5. That it is herehy found
and declared that an emergency exists
and that it is necessary for the inmted-
iate preservation of the public Peace,
health and safetS' that this ordinance
becoue effective upon its passage, ap-
proval and publication, and it is so
Passed upon first and second readings
this 4th. day of February, 1935.
Passed, adopted and approved this
13th day of February, 1935
14I. R. KANE,
\~%. S. ROBERTS,
Attest: J. J. SHEA, Councilmen
City Cleric.
Recorded: February 14th, 1935.
Published: February 15th, 1935.
City Clerk.
Published officially in the Telegraph-
Herald and Times-Journal newspaper,
February 15th, 1935.
2-15-1t. City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
the adoption of the ordinance, Sec-
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Resolution Na. 25-35
Whereas, the City of Dubuque, in
the County of Dubuque, and State
of Iowa, has heretofore pursuant to
and in strict compliance with all
laws applicable to said City, lawfully
ordered the construction of grading
improvements in said City; and
Whereas, the cost of said improve-
ments to the amount of $40,000 is
to be paid by said -City,'and it is
now advisable to make provision for
said payment;
Now therefore be it resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
Section 1. That the cost of con-
structing grading itnpr•ovements in
said City to the amount of $40,000
is hereby ordered paid from the
proceeds of City Grading Bonds of
said City issued in anticipation of
the collection of a grading fund tax
heretofore levied by an Ordinance
entitled "Ordinance No. 2-35. An
Ordinance providing for- an annual
tax for the purpose of defraying the
cost of constructing grading im-
provements in the City, and declar-
ing an emergency," and the tax
thereby levied is hereby pledged,
acrd when collected shall be used
only fm• the payment of the bonds
hereby authorized.
Section 2. That bonds of said
City, in the amount of $40,000 be
issued in anticipation of the col-
lection of said grading fund taxes
pursuant to the provisions of Chap-
ter 320 of. the Code of Iowa, 1931;
that each of said bonds be desig-
nated as a "City Grading Bond," be
forty (40) in number, numbered
from 1 to 40, both included, be dat-
ed February 1, 1935, bear interest
at the rate of 4% (four percent)
per annum frorn the date of said
bonds until payment thereof, pay-
able August 1, 1935 and semi-an-
nually thereafter on the first day
of February and August in each
year; that said bonds be signed
by the Mayor and attested by the
City Clerk and the aeal of said City
be attached, and be registered by
the City Treasurer, and a certificate
of registration endorsed thereon;
that interest on said bonds be evi-
denced by coupons thereto attached
and maturing on the several days
when such interest matures such
coupons to be executed with the fac-
simile signature of said Mayor and
City Clerk, and said ofdcials, by the
execution of said bonds, shall adopt
as and for their own proper signa-
tures their respective facsimile sig-
natures appearing on each of said
coupons and that both principal and
interest be payable at the office of
the City Treasurer in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa; said bonds shall be
of the denomination of $1,000 each;
said bonds shall become due and.
payable in numerical order, as fol-
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
' Scltiltz.
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that City Manager Evans be iri-
structed to communicate with the
officials of the various raih•oads to
ar•I•ange a meeting at an early date
relative to the installation of elec-
tric signals on all railroad cross-
ings within the limits of the City
of Dubuque. Seconded by Council-
man Roberts. Carried by the fol•
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
32 Special Session, February 13th, 1935
lows: $12,000 on August 1, 1938;
$0,000 on August 1, 1939; $7,000 on
August 1, 1940; $7,000 on August 1,
1941; and $8,000 on August 1, 1942,
Section 3. The bonds hereby auth-
orized shall be in form substantially
as Pollows:
(Form of Bond)
No ..................... $1,000.00
Know All Men by These Presents:
That the City of Dubuque, in the
County of Dubuque and State of
Iowa, for value received, promises to
pay to bearer One Thousand Dollars
($1,OOD) lawful money of the United
States of Amer-ica on the first day
of August, 19......, with interest on
said sum from the date hereof until
paid, at the rate of .............. per cent
(.....%„) per annum, payable August
1, 1935, and semi-annually thereafter
on the first days of February and
August in each year, upon presenta-
tion and surrender of the interest
coupons hereto attached, both prin-
cipal and interest payable at the
office of the City Treasurer in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa,
This bond is one of a series of
bonds issued by the City of Du-
bugne pursuant to and in strict com•
pliance with the provisions of Chap-
ter 320 of the Code of Iowa, 1931,
and all laws amendatory thereof and
supplementary thereto, and in con-
formity with a resolution of the
Council of said City duly passed on
the 13th day of February, 1935, and
approved and recorded, for the pur-
pose of defraying the cost of the
construction of grading improve-
ments in said City.
And it is .hereby certified and re-
cited that all acts, conditions and
things required by the laws and con-
stittttion of the State of Iowa to ex-
ist, to be had, to be done, or to be
performed, precedent to and in the
issue of this bond, were and have
been properly existent, had, done
and performed in regular and due
form and time: and that this bond
and interest hereon are payable ex-
clusively from the proceeds of a suf-
ficient continuing annual tax which
has been duly levied on all the tax-
able property within said City and
is pledged solely for the payment o2
the principal and interest of said
series of bonds and does not exceed
the rate authorized by law; that the
faith, credit, revenue and resources
and al] the real and personal prop-
erty of 'said City are irrevocably
pledged for the regular and due
collection and proper application of
said tax; and that the total indebt-
edness of said City, including this
bond, does not exceed the consti•
tutional or statutory ]imitations of
indebtedness or taxation.
In Testimony Thereof, said City,
by its Council, has caused this bond
to be signed by its Mayor and at-
tested by its City Clerk with the
seal of said City affixed and the cou-
pons hereto attached to be executed
with the fac-simile signature of said
Mayor and City Clerk, and said of-
ficials, by the execution of this bond,
do adopt as and for their own sig-
natures their respective facsimile
signatures appearing on said cou-
pons, all as of the first day of Feb-
ruary, 1935.
Attest : ......................................................
Clerk of City of Dubuque,
(Form of Coupon)
No ................. $................:.....
On ............................................. 19......,
the Treasurer of the City of Du-
buque, Dubuque County, Iowa, will
pay to bearer ..........................................
Dollars ($ ........................) at the office
of the City Treasurer, Dubuque,
Iowa, for setni-annual interest due
that date on its City Grading Bond,
dated February 1, 1935, No ...............
Mayor of City of Dubuque, Iowa,
Attest : ......................................................
Clerlt of City of Dubuque, Iowa.
(On the baclt of each bond, there
shall be endorsed a certificate of the
City Treasurer in the following
(Form of City Treasurer's
This bond duly and properly reg-
istered in my office as of the first
day of February, 1935,
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
Section 4. That when said bonds
have been executed, as aforesaid
they shall be delivered to the
Treasurer of said City who shall
register them in a book provided
for that purpose and shall thereupon
deliver said bonds to the purchaser
as may hereafter be determined by
this Council upon receipt of the pur-
chase price, the same to be not less
than the par value. of said bonds
with accrued interest thereon.
Section 5. That the principal and
interest falling due at any titne when
there are insufficient funds to pay
the same, be paid promptly when
due from the eurrentfunds on hand
and reimbursement Ue made to such
current funds in the sums thus ad-
vanced when the taxes herein pro-
vided for shall have been collected.
Section 6. That all resolutions or
parts thereof in conflict herewith be
and the same are hereby repealed.
Introduced and placed on file with
the City Clerk for public inspection
February 4, 1935.
Special Session, Fie
Passed, adopted and approved this
13th day of February 1935,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerlt,
Recorded: February 14, 1935.
City Clerk,
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Roberts. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilten
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Resolution No. 28-35
OF $40,000.00 CITY GRADING
Whereas, it is necessary and for
the best interests of the City of
Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa,
that $40,000 City Grading Bonds con-
templated to be issued by said City
be offered for sale at this time:
Naw, therefore, be it resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
Section 1, That City Grading
Bonds, in the amount of Forty Thou-
sand ($40,000) Dollars, as proposed
to be issued and as referred to in
the preamble of the resolution, dat-
ed February 13, 1935, be offered far
sale pursuant to published adver-
Section 2. That the City Clerk
be, and he is hereby authorized and
directed to publish notice of the sale
of said bonds for two or more con-
secutive weeps in the Telegraph-
Herald and Times-Journal, an official
newspaper of Dubuque County, print-
ed and published in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, such notice to state
that bids will be received and acted
upon by this Council at a meeting
to be held at 7:30 e'clock P. M. on
March 4, 1935, and such notice to be
in substantially the following form:
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the City Clerk in the City
Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, until 10 o'clock
A. M. March 4, 1935, for $40,000 City
Grading Bonds of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, at which time they will
be referred to the City Council of
said City at its meeting to be held
on that date in the Council Cham-
ber of said City Hall and after the
receipt of which, open bids will be
received and' the bonds then sold
to the highest bidder for cash. Said
bonds will be dated February 1,
13th, 1935 33
1935, and mature as follows: $12,000
on August 1, 1938; $0,000 on August
1, 1939; $7,000 on August 1, 1940•
$7,000 on August 1, 1941; and $8,00
on August 1, 1942. Both principal
and interest are to be payable at
the office of the City Treasurer,
Dubuque, Iowa. All bids shall spe-
cify the rate of interest, and all oth-
er things being equal, the bid of par
and accrued interest or better for
the lowest interest rate tivill be giv-
en preference. The successful bid-
der must pay the cost of printing
the bonds.
These bonds are to be issued for
the purpose of defraying the cost of
building and constructing grading
improvements in said city and will
be payable both as to principal and
interest from special taxes levied
on all the taxable property in this
The City will furnish the approv-
ing opinion of Messers. Chapman
and Cutler, Lawyers, Chicago, Ill.,
and all bids must be so conditioned.
Bidders must furnish certified check
for $1,500.00 as guarantee of good
faith, this amount to be forfeited
by the successful bidder should he
fail to take up and pay for the
bonds when ready. The right is
reserved to reject any or all bids.
By order of the City Council, dat-
ed February 13, 1935.
City Clerk.
Section 3. That the City Clerk
is further authorized to prepare
such circulars for further advertise-
ment as ntay be deemed advisable
in order to afford due publicity for
the sale of said bonds.
"aection 4. All resolutions or parts
thereof in conflict herewith be and
the same are hereby repealed.
Passed, adopted and approved this
13th day of February, 1935.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Schiltz moved the ad-
option of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Andelfinger. Car-i
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, and
Bid of Times Hotel Register Com-
pany itt the amount of $92.50 for the
printing of the Index and binding of
the Council Proceedings for the year
1934, presented and read,
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the bid of Times Hotel Register
Company be accepted and the con-
34 Special Session, February 13th, 1935
tract for the printing of the Index
and binding of the Council Proceed-
ings far the year 1934 be awarded
to the Times Hotel Register Com-
pany. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Claim of Stella F. Sheridan in the
amount of $77.00 for injuries re-
ceived in falling on icy walk at 1589
Bluff Street presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the claim to the City Solicitor. Sec-
onded by Councilman Roberts. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Statement of Claim of G. W. Lar-
son in the amount of $57.29 fm• re-
pairs and materials on his auto-
mobile caused by skidding into wire
cable on West 8th Street caused by
the icy condition of said street pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
to refer the statement of claim to
the City Solicitor for investigation
and report. Seconded by Council-
man Roberts. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Petition of Mary A. Decleert re-
questing that the County Treasurer
be instructed to accept the balance
of the special assessments levied
against Lot 203, Woodlawn Park Ad-
dition, without penalties, presented
and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the prayer of the petition be grant-
ed and the County Treasurer in-
structed to accept the balance of the
special assessments levied against
Lot 203, PJoodlawn Park Addition,
upon the payment of the principal
plus 6% interest, the penalties to be
waived. Seconded by Councilman
Andelfinger. Carried by the follow-
ing voter
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Petition of Junior Auxiliary of the
Visiting Nurse Association request-
ing the City to place a sign across
Main Street to advertise the "Follies
of 1935" presented 'and read,
Councilman Andelfinger m e v e d'
that the Junior Auxiliary of the
Visiting Nurse Association be grant-
ed permission for the placing of a
canvas banner across Main Street,
they to furnish a suitable banner.
Seconded by Councilman Roberts,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Petition of Victor Hoerstmann
making application fm• the conces-
sions at the Ball Park, Bathing
Beach and Eagle Point Park for the
year 1935 presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
suspend the rules for the purpose of
allowing any one present in the
Council Chamber, who wishes to do
so, to address the Council, Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Victor Hoerstmann addressed the
Council requesting that his applica-
tion be granted.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
petition as the same applies to the
Ball Park concession be referred to
the Council, Seconded by Council-
man Schiltz, Carried by the follow-
ing vote;
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Communication of I. K. Werwinski
requesting the Council's approval of
the attached resolution memorializ•
ing the Congress of the T7nited
States to pass, and the President of
the United States to approve, if
passed, The General Pulaski's Megr-
orial Day Resolution now pending in
Congress presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car-
ried by the following vote,
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Petition of Amelia H. Adams, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting
the suspension of the 1933 taxes on
Lot 1 of 1 of 18, Newberry & Hales
Sub., presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the Petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Petition of John Bodies, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the cancella-
tion of the 1934 taxes on Lots 24, 20
and 27, Oak Grove Addition, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Second-
ed by Councilman Andelfinger. Car•
tied by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Special Session, )?ebruary 13th, 1935 35
Petitions of Rosins Durand, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1933 taxes and
the suspension of the 1934 taxes on
South ~ of Lot 138, East Dubuque
Addition, presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petitions to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
February 13, 1935.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: We were advised this
morning through Mr. David Murphy,
`vho attended the Highway Commis-
sion meeting yesterday at Ames,
that East 20th Street and Rhomberg
Avenue paving project was awarded
yesterday tc the Harrison Engineer-
ing & Construction Company of Kan-
sas City. This firm was the lowest
bidder on concrete when bids were
received at Ames two weeks ago
yesterday. The basis of this entire
improvement will be on concrete
rather than brick.
After the receipt of bids January
29th, the writer discussed with the
Highway Commission the point that
if an award were made to an out of
state contractor or even ~a non-
Dubuque contractor, would the pos
sibility arise of employing non-local
mechanics and labor. We were ad-
vised by Mr. White, Chief Engineer,
that regardless of whom the con-
tract was awarded to, the contractor
on the project could only bring from
out of Dubuque certain key men.
Accordingly, the project loops very
We regret that local contractors
were not successful in securing the
work, but the do feel that our efforts
to secure concrete construction rath-
er than brick will afford consider-
ably more local labm• and will also
provide sales greatly in excess of
the brick construction to local deal-
ers. The awarded price is slightly.in
excess of $94,000.00.
A letter attached has been `vritten
to the State Highway Commission
today advising of the. appreciation of
the City Council toward their quick
action and hoping that the project
tivill be started as quickly as the
weather will permit.
Pours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the communication of City Manager
Evans be made a matter of record.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
February 7, 1935.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I am submitting here-
with reports of the City Auditor,
City Treasurer and City Water De•
partment for the month of January,
1935, also list of claims 'and list of
payrolls for which warrants were
drawn during the month of January,
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the reports be received and placed
on file, Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the request of Rev. B. W. From•
melt for permission to place a ban-
ner across Maiu Street to advertise
the -holding of a bazaar be granted
when petition for said request is
received, Seconded by Councilman
Roberts. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Verbal report of City Solicitor
Czizelc recommending the payment
of the bills of Dr. J. C. Kassmeyer
in the amount of $13.00 for profes-
sional services rendered to Pauline
McCoy, she having been injured due
to a fall on icy walk on Bluff Street
Extension, presented,
Councilman Roberts moved that
the recommendation of City Solicitor
Czizelc tie approved 'and that a war-
rant in the amount of $13.00 be or-
dered drawn on the City Treasurer
in favor of Dr. J. C. Kassmeyer far
professional services rendered to
Pauline McCoy. Seconded by Couu•
Gilman Schiltz. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Petition of the members of the
Fire Department requesting the City
Council to restore to the members
of the Pire Department the reduc-
tion in salary received the month of
January, 1933, presented and read,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the petition to the City Coun-
cil for Budget consideration. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schiltz, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
36 Special Session, February 18th, 1935
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Petition of committee elected to
represent the Police Department re-
questing the City Council to restore
to the members of the Police De-
partment the reduction in salary re-
ceived in January, 1933, presented
and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the petition to the City Coun-
cil for Budget consideration. Sec•
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that Jacob Liepe, owner of Lots 6
and 7, Hantelman's Sub,, be granted
permission to abandon the sewer
connection in Grace Street and that
the City authorize the connecting of
this property into the sanitary sever
in Bennett Street. Seconded by
Councilman Roberts. Carried by the
following vote: '
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
There being na further business,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
City Clerlc,
Approved ....................................1935
Adapted ........................................1935,
Councilmen : l ........................................
Attest : .................................................
City Clerk.
Special Session, Febt•uaty 18, 1935.
Council met at 4:20 P. M.
Present-Councilmen Andelfinger,
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz and City
Manager Evans.
Absent-Mayor Kane..
Meeting called by order of Coun-
cilmen Andelfinger and Roberts.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
Councilman Andelfinger be appoint-
ed Mayor Pro Tetn of the meeting.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Councilmen Jaeger, Rob•
erts and Schiltz.
Absent-Mayor Kane,
Councilman Andelfinger not vot-
Mayor Pro Tem Andelfinger read
the call and stated that service
thereof had been duly made and
that this meeting is called for the
purpose of conducting a hearing up-
on condemnation notices served up•
on the owners of buildings and struc-
tures located on City Lot 14 Sisters
of the Holy Ghost, owners, and also
the buildings and structures located
on City Lot 46 James M, Sullivan,
owner, and acting on any other bus-
iness as tuay properly come before
a regular meeting'of the City Coun-
Councilman Roberts moved tb sus-
pend the roles for the purpose of
allowing any one present in the
Council Chamber, who wishes to do
so, to address the Council. Second-
ed by Councilman Schiltz. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tent Andelfing-
er, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane.
Representatives of the four rail-
roads operating in Dubuque, ad-
dressed the Council, presenting plans
for the installation of automatic elec-
tric alarm signals at all railroad
crossings within the City Limits.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the matter of installation of auto-
matic electric alarm signals at all
railroad crossings within the City
Limits be referred to the City Coun-
cil for further consideration. Second-
ed by Councilman Roberts. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfing-
er, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane.
Return of service, subscribed and
sworn to, of C. F. Bartels, Building
Commissioner, that he served the at-
tached notice upon the Sisters of
Special Session, I'ebruary 18th, 1935 37
the Holy Ghost directing them to ap-
pear before the City Council to show
cause why the brick building de•
strayed by fire and located upon
City Lot 14 should not be declared
a nuisance' and abated, presented
and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
t•etut•n of service be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Cat•ried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfing-
er, Ceuncilnen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Maym• Kane.
3 Communication of John Nagle stat-
• ing that in his opinion it is not to
the interest or the betterment of
our Main Street to demolish the
structure recently burned on City
Lot 14, presented and read.
~ Councilman Roberts moved to re-
ceive and file the communication.
Seconded by Conncilman Schiltz,
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfing-
~~ er, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
' Nays-None.
Absent-Mayor I{one.
Return of service, subscribed and
sworn to, of C. F. Bat•tels, Building
Conunissioner, that he served the
attached notice, by registered mail,
aeon J. M. Sullivan directing him to
appear before the City Council to
show Goose why the buildings and
structures located on City Lot 46
should not be declared a nuisance
and abated, presented and read,
Councilman Roberts moved that
the return of set•vice be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Schilt. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfing-
er, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane.
Conununication of James M. Salli-
van advising the City Council that
he has closed a contract which will
replace the buildings on City Lot
46 with a substantial fireproof build-
ing, presented and read.
Conncilman Jaeger moved to re-
ceive and file the communication,
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfing-
er, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane.
Communication of Earl M. Bolsing-
er submitting claim of Adam Sick-
els in the amount of $228.70 for in-
juries received in falling on sidewalk
at 25th and Elms Streets, also aub-
nutting his own claim in the amount
of $1000.00 for care of said Adam
Sickels, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the communication and claims
to the City Solicitor. Seconded by
Councilman Roberts. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayot• Pro Tem Andelfing•
er, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberta and
Absent-Mayor Kane,
Petition of Mrs. E. B. Lyons, et al,
requesting the installation of a
street light on Fremont Avenue be-
tween Dodge Street and St, Joseph
Street, presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the petition to the City Manager
for investigation and report, Sec-
onded by Councilman Roberts. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfing-
er, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of the official
publication of Ordinance No. 2-35.
An ordinance providing for an an-
nual tax for the purpose of defray-
ing the cost of constructing grading
improvements in the City and de•
Glaring an emergency, presented and
Councilman Roberts moved to re•
ceive and file the proof of publica-
tion. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfing-
er, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane,
~ Resolution No. 30-35
A Resolution approving applica-
tion for the sale of beer and author-
izing the issuance of permit,
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has examined the
application which has been filed for
permit for the sale of beer within
the City of Dubuque and h'as ap-
proved such application as applies
to the Person herein named at the
location described herein: Now,
Be It Resolved by said Council
that permit far the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque be and
the same is hereby authorized and
ordered issued as follows:
Frank W. Childers, 574 East 16th
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed with this application be
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of February, 1935.
Mayor Pro Tem.
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried' by
the following vote: '
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfin•
ger, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane.
Condemnation Resolution No. 31-35
Whereas, under appropriate pro-
ceedings heretofore taken by this
Council, a certain building and struc-
ture located upon City Lot No. 14 in
the Town (now City) of Dubuque,
and owned by the Sisters of The
Holy Ghost, was declared to be dan-
gerous, due to dilapidation, lack of
repair, and other causes, and said
owners were given an oppm•tunity to
be heard 'and to show cause why
such building and structure should
not be condemned as a nuisance and
dangerous structure and ordered
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved
by the Council of the City of Du-
buque, after full and a fair consid-
eration, that the building and struc-
ture located upon said described
premises, be and the same is her•e•
by found and declared to be danger-
eus and, because of its condition, is
declared to be a nuisance and the
same is hereby ordered abated and
taken down on or before the 15th
day of March, 1935.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
Building Commissioner be, and he is
hereby directed to serve upon said
Sisters of Holy Ghost a written no-
tice requiring them to take dawn
said dangerous building and struc-
ture and abate the nuisance caused
thereby, all to be dawn on or before
the 15th day of March, 1936.
Be It Further Resolved, that
should said owners fail to comply
with said notice on or before said
date, or in case of dispute arising
on account of said notice and order
of this Council, this Council shall
either confirm said order or amend
the same, and if confirmed, said
building and structure shall be
taken down 'and the nuisance
created by it shall be abated by and
uudet• the directions of the Chief of
the Fire Department and all costs
thereof shall be assessed against the
real estate above described.
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of February, 1935,
Mayor Pro Tem,
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Roberts moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Schiltz, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfin-
ger, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane,
Condemnation Resolution Nor32-35
Whereas, under appropriate pro-
ceedings heretofore taken by this
Council, certain buildings and struc-
tures located upon City Lot No. 46
in the Town (now City) of Dubuque,
and awned by James Sullivan, were
declared to be dangerous, due to
dilapidation, lack of repair, and oth-
er causes, and said owner was given
pan opportunity to be heard and to
show cause why such buildings and
structures should not be condemned
as nuisances and dangerous struc-
tures and ordered abated:
Now, Therefore, Be' It Resolved
by the Council of the City of Du-
buque, after full and fair considera-
tion,that the buildings and str•uc-
tur•es located upon said described
premises, be, and the same are here-
by found and declared to bo danger
ous and, because of their condition,
are declared to be a nuisance and
the same are hereby ordered abated
and taken down on or before the
15th day of March, 1935.
Be It Further Resolved, that the
Building Commissioner be, and he is
hereby directed to serve upon said
James Sullivan a written notice re-
quiring him to take down said dan-
gerous buildings and structures and
abate-the nuisance caused thereby,
all to be down on or• before the 15th
day of March, 1935,
Be It Further Resolved, that
should said owner fail to comply
with said notice on or before said
date, ot• in case of dispute arising
on account of said notice and order
of this Council, this Council shall
either confirm said order or amend
the same, and, if confirmed, said
buildings 'and structures shall be
taken down and the nuisance created
by them shall be abated by and un-
der the directions of the Chief of
the Fire Department and all costs
thereof shall be assessed against the
real estate above describd.
Special Session, February 18th, 1935 39
Fassed, adopted and approved this
18th day of February, 1935.
Mayor Prc Tem.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Roberts moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfin-
ger, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane,
Councilman Roberts moved that
the concession privileges at the Mu-
nicipal Athletic Field for the year
1935 be awarded to Cosley Bottling
Company upon the same terms and
agreemnt as last year, Seconded by
Councilman Jaeger. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfin-
ger, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane.
Councilman Roberts moved that
the City Manager be instructed to
investigate and ascertain if any Fed-
eral Grant will be allowed,on public
improvement contracts such as the
improving of various streets by pav-
ing. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfin-
ger•, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane. '
There being no further business,
Councilman Roberts moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Pro Tem Andelfin-
ger, Councilmen Jaeger, Roberts and
Absent-Mayor Kane.
City Clerk.
Approved ......................................1935.
Adopted ........................................1935.
Councilmen ~ ........................................
Attest : .................................................
City Cleric.
Special Session, February 18th, 1935