1934 June Council Proceedingsregular Session, June 4th, 1934 169
~C11`"Y ~OUNC~I
Regular Session, June 4th, 1934,
No members of the Counoil being
present on roll call, the meeting was
postponed subject to call,
City Clerk,
APProved ......................................1934.
Adopted .............,,..,,...,,,.....,..,...,,1934
Councilmen ~ ........................................
Attest : .............................. ~.,.....,,,.,,
City Clerk.
Special Session, June 5th, 1934.
Council met at 7; 55 P, M,
Present-Mayor Kano, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson, City
Manager Evans.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Meettng called by order of Coun-
cilmen Thompson and Andelflnger,
Mayor Kane read the call and
stated that service thereef had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of apprnving
applications and authorizing the is•
suanee of permits for the sale of
beer and acting on any othor busi-
ness as may properly come before a
regular meeting of the City Council.
Councilman Andelflnger moved to
suspend the rules for the purpose of
allowing any one present in the
Council Chamber, who desires to do
so, to address the Council Socond•
ed by Councilman Thompson Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Mr. John Appe] addressed the
Council relative tb the special 8s-
sessments levied against Lot 1 of 3
and Lot 2 of 5, ]3abcock's Subdivi-
sion, A. W, Newburgh owner, for the
construction of the West Dubuque
Server System and roquesttng that a
reduction be granted on said special
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer this matter to the Council to
view the grounds. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson, Carried by
thefollawfng vote;
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent-~Couneilman Schfltz.
Rev. Francis J, Phelan and ll~r.
bonald Whelan addressed the Coun•
cif requesting that additional dirt be
secured to be placed in Rafferty
Slough in order that said grounds
may be made available for baseball
and playground purposos,
Councilman Andelflnger move d
that this matter be referred to the
Recreational Director to confer with
the City Council for immediate ac•
tinn to devise some means of taking
care of this problem, Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
the following vote:
-Yeas -Mayor Kano, Councilmen
Andelflnger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Schiltz,
Mr. Perry Comstock addressed the
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Special Session, June Sth, 1934
Council requesting that he be not
made to vacate the property in A
which he is living at 468 East 13th
Councilman Thompson moved to
refer this matter to Joseph Scharry, er
Sanitary Officer, for investigation in
and to report back to the Board of s
Health. Seconded by Councilman at
Andelfinger, Carried by the follow- C
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen le
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson- s
Nays-None. a
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Communication of Dubuque Auto•
mobile ,Club, by C. E, Rhoades, Man• r
agethe slt tP a d gol lights Presented v
and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
receive and file the communication,
Seconded by Councilman Thompson,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz,
Petition of L. J. Eberhardt et al
protesting against the proposed erec-
tion of a bill-board on the Property
of A. Duetscher, located on Kniest
Street, presented and read.
Councllman Thompson moved to
refer the petition to the City Man-
ager for investigation and he to take
such steps as will comply with the
Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by
Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Petition of Westercamp Bros, Per
Frank Westercamp, regarding con-
struction of a secondary cement
curbing on 17th Street abutting
their property and also suggesting
way down 1m7th Streettotako care of
storm water presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the Council to vie`v
the grounds. Seconded by Council•
man Thompson. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Communication of Ken Fenelon
making application for rental of City
Baseb'al] Par1T for Athletic Show
Thursday, June 14th, 1934, presented
and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the communication to the
Council. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
leas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
ndelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Petition of Mrs, Philomenia Block-
by Jahn Blocker, Adm., request-
g the installation of a sanitary
ewer in Avoca Street, commencing
Delaware Street, running northe~'-
to Cherry Street and westerly in
heery Street to Lot No. 166 in Fin•
y Addition, and requesting the City
o stand part of the expense of in•
tallation of said sewer, presented
nd read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
efer the petition to the Council to
iew the grounds, Seconded by
Councilman Thompson. Carried by
he following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Petition of William Gassman re•
questing the City Council to accept
the amount of ,$300,00 as settlement
in full of the special assessment
levied against Lots 23 and 24 in Sis-
ter's Addition for the construction of
the West Dubuque Sanitary Sewer
presented and read,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the petition to the Council to
view the grounds. Seconded by
Councilman Thompson, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Petition of S. C. Dovi, Director of
Dubuque Cadet Barid, requesting
free use of the Athletic Field on the
28th day of June, 1934, for an eve•
ning concert presented and read.
Mr, Louis Nehls addressed the Coun•
ccil relative to being granted free
use of the Athletic Park on June
28th, 1934, and requesting that in
case of inclement weather they be
granted the use of the Park on eith•
er Friday or Saturday night.
Councilman Thompson moved that
the prayer of the petition be grant-
ed and in case of inclement weather
they be allowed the use of said Ath•
letic Field on some other night.
Seconded by Councilman Andel-
finger. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilman
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Notice of Condemnation of the
United States of America, Petitioner,
vs. City of Dubuque et al Defendants
for the absolute, unqualified fee sim-
ple title for land necessary for the
construction, operation and mainten•
ante of a lock and dam to be known
Special Session, June 5th, 1934 171
and designated as "Lock and Dam
No. 11," presented and read.
Councilman Thompson moved to
refer the Notice of Condemnation to
the City Solicitor, Seconded by
Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz,
Notice of Condemnation of the
United States of America, Petitioner,
vs. City of Dubuque et al, Defend-
ants, for the unobstructed right of
way and easement for roadway pur-
poses in, on, over, along, upon and
through certain lands presented and
Councilman Thompson moved to
refer the Notice of Condemnation to
the City Solicitor. Seconded by
Councilman Andelfinger, Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor I{one, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz,
Report of the Board of Health for
• the month of April, 1934, presented.
Councilman Thompson moved that
the report of the Board of Health be
received and placed on file. Second•
ed by Councilman Andelfinger; Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Schiltz,
Ordinance No. 7-34. An ordinance
amending an ordinance entitled, "Or-
dinance No. 2-30, An ordinance
regulating the use of motor and oth-
er vehicles upon the streets of the
City of Dubuque; designating the
provisions thereof as the 'Traffic
Code of the City of Dubuque'; re-
pealing all ordinances heretofore en-
acted governing this subject and all
ordinances or parts of ordinances in-
consistent herewith; and providing
.'a penalty for violation hereof," by
repealing Rule 51 of Section 3, Par•
agraph 89, thereof and all amend-
ments thereto and enacting a sub-
stitute in lieu thereof, said ordinance
having been passed upon first and
second readings on May 23rd, 19
presented and read a third tin
ORDINANCE N0. 7.34. ~
' ',!+~~ An ordinance amending an ordi nce
` entitled, "Ordinance No, 2-30. An ordi-
nance regulating the use of'motor and
other vehicles upon the streets of the
City of Dubuque; designating the pro-
visions thereof as the 'Traffic Code of
the City of Dubuque"; repealing all or-
dinances heretofore enacted governing
this subject and all ordinances or parts
of ordinances inconsistent herewith; and
providing a penalty for violation here-
of," by repealing Rule 51 of Section 3,
Paragraph 89, thereof and all amend-
ments thereto and enacting a substitute
in lieu thereof.
Par. 430, Section 1. That Ordinance
No.,2-30, entitled "An ordinance regu-
lating the use of motor and other ve-
hicles upon the streets of the City of
Dubuque; designating the provisions
thereof as the "Traffic Code of the City
of Dubuque"; repealing al] ordinances
heretofore enacted governing this sub-
ject and all ordinances or parts of ordi-
nances inconsistent herewith; and pro-
viding a penalty for violation hereof,"
he and the same is hereby amended by
repealing Rule 51 of Section 3, Para-
graph 89, thereof and all amendments
thereto, and there is hereby enacted a
substitute therefor to read as follows:
"Rule 51, Left hand turns shall not
be permitted at any street intersection
where traffic devices or signals are in
operation except upon and when the
green light is displayed in the direction
the vehicle is proceeding."
Par. 431, Section 2. This ordinance
shall be in force and effect ten days
from and at'ter its final passage, adop-
tion and approval by the City Council
and publication as provided by law.
Passed upon first and second readings
this 23rd day of May, 1934.
Passed, adopted and approved upon
final reading this 5th day of June, 1934.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Published officially in the Telegraph-
Herald and Times-Journal newspaper,
June 7th, 1934.
6-7-1t City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the ordinance, Seconded
by Councilman Thompson. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Ordinance No. 8-34. An ordinance
prescribing rules and regulations for
the conduct of places of business
operating under "Class B Beer Per-
mits"; providing for the revocation
of such permits; providing for a pen•
alty for violation hereof; and.repeal-
ing all ordinances or parts of ordin•
antes in conflict herewith, said or-
dinance having been passed upon
first and second readings on May 23,
1934, presented and read a thircLv•F 7 }
time, Nh',l~ !i
ORDINANCE N0. 8-34. ~ p
An ordinance prescribing rules and
regulations for the conduct of places of
business operating under "Class B Beer
P h re ocation
ermits"' rovidin forte v
of such permits; providing far a penalty
for violation hereof; and repealing all or-
dinances or parts of ordinances in con-
flict herewith.
Par. 432. Method cf Operation. Seo-
tion 1. Places of business operating
under "Clans B Beer Permits" as pro-
vided far by the laws of Iowa and the
ordinance of the, city shall be conducted
at all times in a quiet, orderly and
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ecial Session, June 5th, 1934
peaceful manner and without disturb- a
once or annoyance to the surroUndhig
neighborhood, d
Par. 433, Closing Hours. Sedtion 2.
The sale or consumptioU of beer 1n
sugh plates shall not be permitted frohl
12 o'clock midnight on Saturday until
7 o'clock on the 4dlldaring >!,'hndaY i
morning nor between the hours of 1
o'Ctbck a. m. and s o'clock a, m. on
other days of_th@ week..
Par. 434, banefng. Section 3. All i
places of 11Ualness having such perinita
wherein dancing is allowed dr conduct•
ed between the sexes shall securC a li•
Cease therefor, which' license shall bd
designated "bind and 1'lande" lidena@,
for which there shall be paid $25.00 a
year in aflVance. boating [n ouch
plates shall not be Permitt@d on Sunday
nor on other days except between the
habuirns oNO refund shall be allowed den
suck) license.
Par. 435. Lunch. Section 4. A pPt'-
mlt holder snail not be allowed to glVe
away beer dr tb promote the sale of
beer by the gift of any lunch, meal or
articles of food except pretzels, cheesC
or Crackers.
Par. 430. Revoking Permits. 5ectimt
5, A "Class B Permit" shall he revok-
ed by tke City Council 1n any Case
where the holder thereof is convicted
of a felony; or he or his employees are
convicted of selling (ntoxioating bever-
ages other than beer in or upon the
premises for which such permit has
businesssusd~COndu ted taus dtpsortlerly
Par, 437. Term Defined. Sedtion 0
Whenever Intoxicating liquor other than
legal beer, is sold, kept, dispensed,
given away or permitted to he consum-
ed in, about or upon any premises hav-
ing abeer permit; or whenever peer is
std to or permitted to be Consumed by
persons under twenty-one years rif ac+P
in surh places of business; or whenever
beer is sold or consumed in such places
of husihPSS dtirine` the hbi,rs wheh the
sale or consumption thereof is prohlhit-
ed hereby: or whenever dancing in such
places of business is carried on thP,rein
in violation hereof: or whenever load
t;nist@rnus and disturFiing holses Or ac-
tions are permitted tri such places; hr
whenever mdeoent, immoral or intoxi-
datCfl persons are permitted to fr~~-
gnent, solicit, pander or loiter in or
abnnt sttdh places bf bttsih@ss or in
places or rooms conducted in conri@o•
tion therewith; or whenever w^ambllnQ
dr eamhline d@01C@F ar@ maihtained dr
byerated therein; ON whenever surh
places of business are conducted to vlo-
lation of the laws of the state of Towa
Or the ordinance oP the City of nn
buque; thou, and 1n any of such events,
such places of business shall be hold to
andcthe permit shalldbe rrevolred. a The
holder of the pormit shall h@ responsihln
for the conduct of his buainese, whether
the sam@ is adtUallY be[ng operated by
him dr by his employees.
Par. 438, New Permit, Section 7.
When a permit has been revoked the
permitee shall not again be allowed to
secure another permit for the sale of
beer nor shall he be an employee of env
person hnvfng such permit,
Par. 439. 140 Permit for Place, 4ec-
tion 8. When a permit has been revok-
ed snow p@rmlt shall not he issued for
the same buttding dr pr@mises for a
period of six month's then@atter•exe@pt
complaint of the owner@dfkth@ buildinP
or his ageht, and then only upon sp@-
ia1 resomtion of the City Ceunoll dr a
atisfactory showing of Bood CaUSe,
Par, 440, Repeal, Section 9. All or-
inafiees br parts dt drdlnanC@s In Con-
flict herewith are hereby repealed.
Par, 441. Penalty. Section 10, AnY
person, firm or corporation who via-
lates the_prdvisibne of this drdlnande,
n addition to having his permit reVbk~
ed, Upon CouVietion, shall be punished
by a fine of not to exceed X100 ar im-
prisonment not to exceed thirty days
n sail,
Par. 442. Sedtion 11. This drdirtance
being deemed urgent and in the Interest
of the preservation of the public peace,
efPeat tromsandtpspitdrlttsCtinal passage,
Cot ntc']na d publcatlon as pr vhded by
Passed upon first and second readings
this 23rd day of May, 1934.
Passed, adopted and approved upoh
final readingMthiRs 5th ~aEy of June, 1934.
F. M, rAEC4ER,
Attest; J, CityHC k,
Published officially lri the Telegraph•
Herald and Times-Journal newspaper,
,Tune 7th., 1934. J, J, SHEA,
0-7.1t. City Clerk.
Councilman Thompson moved the
adoption of the ordinance, Second-
ed by Councilman Andelfinger. Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas ~ Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz,
Communication of City Manager
Evans containing the decision of the
City Council that the Council would
not require City Truck Drivers to
join the International Teamsters Un-
ion presented and read,
Councilman Thompson moved to
defer action until next meeting of
the City Council. Seconded by
Councilman Andelfinger: Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent_Councilman Schiltz,
Communication of City Manager
Evans, with attached copies of pro-
posed Contract and Agreement, rela-
tive to the exclusive use of the Ath-
letic Field during the 1934 seasonfor
wrestling 'and boxing exhibitions to
H. A. Engel presented and read, Mr,
Ken Fenelon addressed the Council
relative to being granted the use of
the Athletic Field for the Balding of
Athletic Shows,
Councilman Andelfinger m o v e d
that the former application Of H. A.
Angel for use of the Athletic Field
on June 14th, 1934, for the holding of
a wrestling exhibition be granted nm
der the terms of the proposed con-
tract and agreement and that the
~ proposed contract and agreement be
Specidl Session; June ~t;i, 1934 1%3
referred to the Council and the City
Managef and City Solicitor be in-
struct2d to hold a conference with
Both Mr, Engel and Mr, Fenelon
relative to the use of the Athletic
Field far the holding of wrestling
and boxing exhibitions, Seconded by
C6unciliban TBoiiipsoh. Carried B$~
the foilor~iiig vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Maj~ 28, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, fovea:
Contlemen; Attached is a revised
copy of the proposed adjustment of
Roosevelt Street paving assessment.
At the Counbil meeting of May
23rd, Mr; Czizek suggested that the
aetnat vaIUatibns of property iiidlud-
ed in the paving assessments be
based, not 'on the 1933 assessed ra-
tio, but on present 1934, 100% valua-
tion. Accordingly, the actual 1934
individual ;00% values have been re-
Csibed frB~ the Assesliof afifl Bave
Been a§efl ih the revised calcula-
tions. The costs necessary to be as-
sumed by the city for city owned
property and the property assess-
ments in excess of 25%a of present
calculated actual dalue prib'r to pav-
ing, plus 25'% 6f paving asee'§sments
by this method, together with grad-
ing, interest, etc., amount to
$4,643.19, as against $5,444.42 on the
first plan dated May 12th, or a sav-
ing of $801,23 to the city,
A revised summary includes fhe
Tdta] Costs paid
Contractor ........$23,436,96
Less Actual Qrant
Received ...:........ 6,835.65
i§rnouti4 td be as-
sessed t6 hl•ob•
6'i•4y ah'd ~ity....$16;601:31-$133;P0
Revised Assess-
t<ient§ tfi Pro '-
erty .... 1i,958.~2
Amount to' be Asp
sumed by City ..$ 4,643:19-~-$t33,2'0
70% A§ses§meilt
bn 2 City 0'wn-
ed Lots ..............$ 239.90
'70% Costs of Ac-
tual (#iaflifbg' .... X92:69
Additional lriter-
e'§t 1~iie bee=aa9s
of dhe 1)ela~,iii
}7eceipt of 30Qfo
grant .........:...:... 457.69'
Revised Total
Amounts of
Various Assess•
meats in excess
of 25% of new
values ................ 3,604,86 +$133,20
Necessary As-
sumption byCity
of Non-Payment
by Federal Gov-
ernment of 30%
Of oiigiual fn-
terest due con-
tractor ................ 58;05
Total City Costs..$ 4,643,19
+ 133.20
$ 4,'776:39
June 15, 1934.
Questions on the assessments still
apply to the A. L. Rhomherg Lot 2,
Sub. 1 of M. L, 304, A. L, Rhomberg
Lot 12 Johnston's Sub,, 'and the hit,
Calvary+ Cemetery property, Lot 1,
SuB. 2 of M. L, 307, t is believed'
on the first two that valuations are
not high enough and no valuation is
listed on the cemetery property.
Yours very truly,
)~.. ~. EVANS,
City IY4anag2r.
corrected June 15, 19$4, by fur
ther reduction in the assessment tl%
Lot 1, Barry's Sub., of Mrs, )!da M.
Higgins of $133.20 making said as-
sessment $227.22 as against $360.42
as approved June 5, 19'34:
ft, 1V1, EVANS,
City Manager.
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Special Session, June 5th, 1934
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Session, June 5th, 1934 175
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'/a Aefiual, Paving
Assessz~aemt: Paving
Assessoretzt. Value~Rlus
v Assmo-'t
Owner No• on
Descr Valuation_ 100.% 70%; a
*Mnnie Zogg ..............................
Jansen's Sub. I~Io. 2............
............ 70.0,0:
50.10 9'8:00
26..50 98..0,0
26'.5.0 .
Mingle Z4&g .............................. 1 Jansen's Sub_ N:Q. 2 ............
N:o. 2............
's Sub
J .
............ 25.0,0 .
29...0.0 ~
41 11.11 .
*Minnae Zogg .............................
* " -
Minnie Zogg . 6
. .
Jansen's Su.,b. ..........................
- ............ 30.0.0
4'0 63:.7.8
95.65. 44..6,5
66..9.6. .
58.50 56,50 10..4&
*NlinRie Zogg :............................ .8 )
7 Jansen's Sub..........................
Jansen's Sub, ......................... ,.
............. 750.00
15.9.40. 111.5.8
111 778.0.0
98.00 111.5.8
98.00 ..............
*Lill~ia~; & Hazel Kieler.........
Mona $ircY~ ............................... .
. 6
Jansen's Sub.......................... 70.00
0 159.40
159.40 .
69$.00: 111.58 ..............
13 rn
*John gg.Twanger ..................... . 5
4 Jansen's Sub..........................
Jansen's Sub.......................... .
155.40 111.5.$
111 9.8:00
728.0.0 98:Q0.
111.5.8 .
.............. ~.
*Fr-ank L. BFeuke :....................
& M. Kalaae .........................
B .
. 3 Jansen's Sub........................... 700.0.0
0 159..40
159 .
111.5.8 128.0.0 111.58 .............. ~,
*Isabell; Wtlnde~Clich ................. . 2 Jansen's $ub .........................
' .
............. 610
_0 .
159;40. 111.5.8 638..0.0:
- 111.5,8
61 ..............
_....... ~.
*V.. Eg_genbgige~ ...................... .. 1
9 s Sub..........................
Jansen's Sub.......................... .
............. 410.0.0
............. 8$.43. 61.9.0
89 425:.0.0
34.0 .
16.89 ......
.............. ~,
*F: L. $reuk~ ............................
*~'• L- . Break-e........ .................... ..
.. 10
JaASeu's Sub.........................
.............. 30.0.0
3 24.13
29.3.0 .
20.5]: ,
35...0.0 2.0.51'
*1VTiunie Zogg ............................ .. 11 s Sub.........................
' ,
.............. 475.00 32.20 22.54 480.00 .
359 .......
............ ~.
*Minnie Zogg ............................
RU31ty Hospital..
buque Y;
D .. 12
.. 3 s Sub.........................
M-in. LA.t. 30'6 ........................ ..............
.............. ...
600 513..65.
175.38 359..58
122.77 ...........
630.00 .
9 ..
...... .....
*Chas. & Anna Thiede.......... .. 1 Johnston's Sub.. ................... .
.............. 700.00 174.56 122.19 122.1
56: ..............
...... ~.
Perry I-1,. Kirch :....................... .. 2
3 Johnston: s Su..b.....................
Johnston's Sub.................. ..............
.............. 550.00 173:65 121.56
120 580_00 .
120..9.2 ........
.............. ~
Realt~c Iz~v. Corp .....................
Lutz .........................
*Helen .
... 4
Johnston.'s Sub..................... ........... 55d_00
550 172.74
171.84 .
120.29 580:.0.0 120.29 ..............
Fred & Rosa Licht ............... ... 5
6 Johnston-'s Sub....................
Johnston's .
....••.••••.•.• 70.00
.... 170.11 119..08
118: 100.00
100..00 100.00
100_00 .
1$.9,3 "'"
Fr-ed & F_4osa Licht ...........:...
Bernlyard .................. ...
... ~7 -
Johnston's Sub............-....... 70..0.0
610 169.9.0
168.87. .
640.0.0 11$.21
*Marl~~ $erulaaad....,.•••.•.•"••• •.• 3
9 ....
Johnston's Sub................
Johnston's Sub .................... ..
............... 750.00 127.50
116 780.00
99.00 117.50
9.9.00- ..............
*Henry Est. 84 Katie Miller.
& Katie Miller.
*Henry Est .
... 10 Johnston's Sub .................... ............... 70.00 166..84
5.97 .
...... 4:18' ..............
Dubuque Comity Hospital.
... 21 Fifth Ave. Sub .................... ............... ...........
140.06. 98.04.
.....~ .. .
Dubuque Counter Hospital. ... 19 Fifth Ave. Sub... ................. ........
30.00 70.81 49.57 4.00 .
*A. L 1ipomberg .............. ... 18.
17 Fifth Ave. Sub. ...................
Fifth Ave. Sub................... ...............
................ 30.00 70.81 49.57
49:57 42.00
42:00 42:00; 7•.57
*A. L. Rhomberg ....................
Rhomberg ....................
*A ....
.... 16 Fifth Ave. Sub................... ................ 30.00-
30:00 70:81
70:83 49-.57 42.00- 42.00 7.57
L. Rhomberg ....................
*A .... 15 Fifth Ave. Sub................... ................
30:00 70:ST 49.57 42.00: 42.00 .
*A. L. Rhomberg .................... .... 14 Fifth Ave. Sub................... ................
Paving ~a Actual
Value Plus
Owner 1Vo. Description 1/4 Actual Assessment Assessment ~/d of 70% Adjusted City
Valuation 100% 70% Pav. Assm't Assessment Share
*A. L. Rhomberg .............. .......... 13 Fifth Ave. Sub................................... 40.00 79.71 55.80 54.00 54.00 1.80
*A. L. Rhomberg .............. .......... 12 Fifth Ave. Sub................................... 40.00 79.71 55.80 ~ 54.00 54.00 1.80
*A. L. Rhomberg .............. ............11 Fifth Ave. Sub............ ~...................... 40.00 79.71 55.80 54.00 54.00 1.80
*A. L. Rhomberg ............... ......... 10 Fifth Ave. Sub..............................:.... 40.00 79.71 55.80 54.00 54.00 1.80
*A. L. Rhomberg ............... ......... 9 Fifth Ave. Sub................................... 40.00 79.71 55.80 54.00 54.00 1.80
*A. L. Rhomberg ............... ......... 8 -Fifth Ave. Sub................................... 40.00 79.71 55.80 54.00 54.00 1.80
*Frank J. Frey ................. ......... 7 Fifth Ave. Sub.-................................. 40.00 79.7f 55.80 54.00 54.00 1.80 ~
*Frank J. Frey ................. ........_ fi Fifth Ave_ Suh. }.. _......._...-.-....-..._-.. 500.00 79.71 55.80 514.00 55.80 .
. '~
*Frank J. Frey ................. .......__ 5 Fifth Ave. Sub. }_............................. 500.00 79.71 55.80 514_QO 55.80 ...
.............. ~
Frank Thore ..................... ......._. 4 Fifth Ave. Sub. ).........-...--............... 500.00 95.65 66.96 516.00 66.96 .............. w•
Frank Thore ..................... ......... 3 Fifth Ave- Sub. ) .............................. 400.00 79.71 55.80 414.00 55.80 `+
*A. L. Rhomberg ............... ......... 2 Fifth Ave. Sub................................... 40.00 79.71 55.80 54.00 54.00 ..............
1.80 ~
*A. L. Rhomberg ............... ......... 1 Fifth Ave. Sub................................... 40.00 79.71 55.80 54.00 54.00 1.80 ~
*Frank J. Frey ................. ......... 20 Fifth Ave. Sub. W. 1/z•••••••••••••••••••• 20.00 158.74 11112 48.00 48.00 63.12 ~•
Frank Thore ..................... ......... 20 Fifth Ave. Sub. E. 1/2...................... 20.00 90.13 63.09 36.00 36.00 27.09
H. Schaan ......................... ......... 1 Sub. Lot 537 Dam's Add. )........ 20.00 4.67 327 ............ 3.27
H. Schaan .........................
......... 1
Sub. Lot 537-A Ham's Add.}........
01 ..............
*T. E. Rhomberg ...............
......... 1
Sub. Lot 2 of 537 Ham's Add_......
40.00 .
38.99 ..............
*J. H. Rhomberg Est ...... ......... 2 Sub. Lot 2 of 537 Ham's Add....... 36.00 18.49 12.94 29.00 12.94 ..............
Adolph Hehl .....................
......... 3
Sub. Lot 2 of 537 Ham's Add.......
8.34 ..............
dolph Hehl .....................
......... 1 •
Lincoln Sub.......................................
4.07 ..............
. r.,.
*J. A. Rhomberg Est ...... ......... 1 Sub. Lot 2 Lincoln Sub................. 200.00 1.34 .94 200.00 .94 ........
*J. A. Rhomberg Est ......
Ham's Add.........................................
128.00 ..............
24.58 ~,
*J- A. Rhomberg Est ...... .........486 Ham's Add......................................... 90.00 93.87 65.71 106
00 71
65 °''
. A_ Rhomberg Est...._
Ham's Add .........................................
36.20 .
99.00 .
.. .
*J. A. Rhomberg Est ......
Ham's Add.._.......................................
16.72 ..
*J. A- Rhomberg Est ...... .........489 Ham's Add...-..................................... 90.00 13.33 9.33 92.00 9.33 ......
*J. A. Rhomberg Est ......
Ham's Add.........................................
3.66 .-............
*Edw. W. Giese ..................
Ham's Add.........................................
182.87 ..............
*K_ M. & V. Schulte, Etc
Ham's Add. ........................................
52.35 ..
*A. L. Rhomberg ........................408
Ham's Add.........................................
26.89 .
E Kruser .......................
Ham's Add.......-.................................
13.18 ..............
Henry Schroeder ............. .........406 Ham's Add....................................... 840.00 8.62 6.04 801.00 6.04 ~
Dubuque County Hospi tal....
Extra Work ..................... ............ 484.62 339
23 .............. v
. . ............ . .............. v
Special Session, June Sth, 1934
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Special Session, June 5th, 1934 179
Councilman Thompson moved that
the assessments as adjusted be ap-
proved and the City Treasurer in-
structed accordingly. Seconded by
Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Nays-None. •
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Couucilman Andelfinger move d
that the written remonstrance of
Mrs. I. M. Higgins, Mrs. Katie Enz-
lel•, Mrs. Fannie Berg, Mrs, Mary
Geishelter, A. L. Rhomberg for self,
for T. E. Rhomberg and J. A. Rhom-
berg Estate, Calvary Cemetery As-
sociation, Mrs. Minnie Zogg et al,
objecting to the proposed assess-
ments to be levied for the improv-
ing of Roosevelt Street from the
westerly property line of Rhomberg
Avenue to the north line of Lot 6 in
Peil's Sub., be received and filed,
Seconded by Councilman Thompson.
Carried by the following vote: ,
Peas - Maym• Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Resolution No. 51-34.
A Resolution approving applica-
tions for the sale of beer and auth-
orizing the issuance of permit.
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has examined the
applications which have been filed
for permits for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque and has
approved such applications as apply
to the persons herein named at the
locations described herein: Now,
Be It Resolved by said Council
that permits for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque be and
the same are hereby authorized and
ordered issued, as follows:
Fred L, Meighan, 429 Main Street.
Leo Cunningham and John M.
Thompson, 265 West 1st Street,
Mrs. Margaret Ward, 2364 Wash•
ington Street,
S. Constantinos, 951 Main Street,
Frank L, Schaefle - (Transfer of
Address), 802 Iowa Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed with these applications
be approved,
Passed, adopted and approved this
5th day of June, 1934.
Attest J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Andelfinger move d
the adoption of the resolution. Sec•
owded by Councilman Thompson,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Councilman Thompson moved that
Mr. C. I. Krajewski, Mr. W. L.
Yolrom and Mr, Anton Zwack, to•
gether with the Building Commis•
sinner, act as a committee to inves-
tigate and report back to the City
Council their findings as to the con-
denmation of the building located on
the River Front and owned by A. A.
Cooper Estate and also the building
located in the 2700 block on Elm
Street and owned by Dubuque Spiral
Harrow Company. Seconded by
Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -- Mayor Kane, Counclmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Counclman Andelfinger move d
that the claim of Clarence Dendin-
ger, in the amount of $11.25 for dam•
ages to his automobile caused by
running into an open manhole on
Eighteenth Street between Central
Avenue and White Streets, be al-
lowed and that a warrant in said
amount be ordered drawn on the
City Treasurer as settlement in full
of the claim, Seconded by Council-
man Thompson, Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz,
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the claim of Anton Zaug be
settled for the sum of $100.00, said
claim being for injuries received in
falling on icy alley intersection on
Julien Avenue between Alta Vista
Street and Center Place, and that a
warrant in said amount be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer in fa-
vor of Gilloon & Glenn, Attorneys,
as settlement in full of the claim.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the City Solicitor be authorized
to settle the claim of Ida B. Wallace
in the amount of $250.00, said claim
being for injuries received in falling
on icy sidewalk on West Tenth
Street west of Main Street, and that
upon settlement of said claim that a
warrant in the amcunt of $250.00 be
ordered drawn on the City Treasurer
r, _~
:~/ .
~ .
ecial Session, June 9th, 1934
in favor of Galloon & Glenn, Attor-
neys, as settlement in full of the
claim. Seconded by Councilman
Thompson. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz,
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the claim of Mrs. Alice Eachen,
far injuries received in falling in a
depression on the street intersection
at Ninth and Main Streets, he re-
ferred to the Thos. Flynn Coal Com-
pany, contractors, for adjustment.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz,
Councilman Thompson moved that
a warrant in the amount of $28.07 be
ordered drawn on the City Treas•
user for payment of the 1933 taxes
on Lots 280 and 281, East Dubuque
Addition, said lots being used for
playground purposes, and that the
receipt for said taxes be turned aver
to the owner of said lots, namely J.
J. Nagle Estate- Seconded by Coun•
oilman Andelfinger. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson.
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
There being no further business,
Councilman Thompson moved to ad-
delfingeseCCadriedb byCthetfallowing
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Thompson,
Absent-Councilman Schiltz.
Citq Cleric.
Approved ......................................1934
Adopted ........................................1984.
Councilmen { .......................................
Attest: •••°
City Clerk.
Special Session, June 9th, 1934,
Couucil met at 10;10 A. M,
Present -Mayor Kane, Council-
men Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz,
City Manager Evans.
Absent-Councilman Thompson.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Kane and Councilman Andelfinger.
Mayor Kane read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the' purpose of approving
a swimming pool site and acting on
any other business as may properly
come before the meeting.
Communisation of Ken Fenelon
making apAlicaton far the rental of
the City Baseball Park for an ath•
letic show, Thursday, Jutte 21st,
1934, presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
ceive and file the communication.
Seconded by Councilman Andelfin-
ger. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz,
Absent~Councilman Thompson.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that H. A. Engel be granted the use
of the Athletic Field for the holding
of ,an athletic exhibition on Thurs-
day, June 21st, 1934, upon the terms
as set out in the proposed contract
and agreement. Seconded by Coun-
cilman Schiltz. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor I{pane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
Absent--Councilman Thompson,
Communication of Herbert Adams
stating that he would appose build-
ing the swimming pool in Comiskey
Field presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
receive and file the communication.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Thompson.
Junt 7, 1934•
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I am submitting here-
with reports of the City Auditor,
City Treasurer and City Water 17e-.
partment for the month of May,
1934, also list of claims and list of
payrolls for which warrants were
drawn during the month of May,
fours very truly,
City Manager.
Session, June 9th, 1934 181
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the reports be received and
placed on file. Seconded by Council-
man Schiltz. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Thompson,
Resolution No. 52-34.
A Resolution approving applica-
tions far the sale of beer and auth•
orizing the issuance of permit.
Wheras, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has examined the
applications which have been filed
for permits for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque and has
approved such applications as apply
to the persons herein named at the
locatons described herein; Now,
Be It Resolved by said Council
that permits for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque be and
the same are hereby authorized and
ordered issued, as follows:
Anton Schmitt-1298 Washington
Mike Sand-2498 Central Avenue,
Ftank Klein-600 Central Avenue.
George Dell - (Transfer of ad-
dress), 1965 Central Avenue,
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed with these application's
be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved this
9th day of June, 1934,
Attest: J• J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Thompson,
Resolution No. 53-34.
Be It Resolved by the City Coun•
oil of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County, Iowa, that there should be,
and hereby is, set aver, transferred
and appropriated the sum of $384A0
from the Consolidated Fund, which
sum is sufficient to meet the appro-
priation to lie used in connection
with the Iowa State E, R. A. Project
No; 31-B2-1b far the City of Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa, the applica-
tion far which is by this reference
made a part hereof as follows:
Project No. 31-B2.10. Repair
and maintenance of roads,
streets, highways, sidewalks,
pathways and gutters on follow-
ing streets: Grandview Avenue,
Henion Street, East 29th Street,
East 16th Street, Riker Street,
Pork Street, Algona Street and
Avoca Street.
Be It Resolved that there is here-
by set aver far the use of the Iowa
State E, R. A. on this project, ma-
terials, equipment and services in
the fair money value of $384.00.
Passed, adopted and approved this
9th day of June, 1934.
Attest: J• J. SHEA,
City Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before
me by J. J. Shea, to me personally
known to be the City Clerk of the
City of Dubuque, Dubuque County.
Notary Public in and foi'
Dubuque County.
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger- Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - Nlayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Thompson.
Resolution No. 54-34.
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County, Iowa, that there should be,
and hereby is, set over, transferred
and appropriated the sum of
$2,734,20 from the Consolidated
Fund, which sum is sufficient to
meet the appropriation to be used
in connection with the Iowa State
E. R. A. Project No. 31-B8-13 for
the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
Cohnty, Iowa, the application for
which is by this reference made a
part hereof, as follows:
Project No. 31-B8-13. Mainten-
ance, repair of sewers, drainage
and sanitation on following
streets: Bee Hranch Sewer, re-
building oue section with atone,
Pearl Street, Curtis Street, Ri-
ker Street.
Be It Resolved that there should
be and there is hereby transferred,
for the use of the Iowa Stato E. R.
A, on this project, materials, equip-
ment and services in the fair money
value of $384.00.
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182 Special Session, June 9th, 1934
Passed, adopted and approved this
9th day of June, 1934,
M, R. KANE, ,
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me by J. J. Shea, to me personally
known to be the City Clerk of the
City of Dubuque, Dubuque County.
Notary Public in and for
Dubuque County,
Councilman Andelflnger moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelflnger, Jaeger, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Thompson,
Resolution Na. 55--34.
Whereas, the City Council of Du-
bugite, Iowa, did by Resolution No.
104, passed October 23, 1933, approve
and authorize an application to be
made fora 30% Grant and 70% Loan
from the Federal Government for a
total sum of Sixty Thousand
($60,000.00) Dollars to construct a
new, outdoor Swimming Pool at Du-
buque, Towa; and
Whereas, the City Council of Du-
buque, Iowa, did by Resolution No.
113, passed October 23, 1933, approve
the location site for this proposed
swimming pool at city owned prop-
erty at the southeast corner of Rail-
road Street and South Locust
Street; and
Whereas, the City Council, by
Resolution No. 128, passed Novem-
ber 3, 1933, approved a new site in,
or adjacent to, Grandview Tourist
Park; and again by Resolution No.
140, passed December 4, 1933, auth-
orized that the total sum necessary
for cbnstrdetion and purchase of
land be increased front $60,000.00 to
$96,500.00: Now, Therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of Dubuque, Iowa, that since the
Federal Government has not ap-
proved of the grant and loan for the
swimming pool at the more expen•
live site ,that Resolution Nos. 128
and 140 be rescinded, and that the
City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, does
hereby endorse and authorize a new
revised application to be submitted
to the Federal Government in ac-
cordance with Resolution No. 104 in
regard to the requesed 30% Grant
and 70% Loan on the total sum of
sixty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars
'or a new outdoor Swimming Pcol.
Be It Further Resolved that the
Jity Council of Dubuque, Iowa, does
tereby endorse and authorize the
triginal location of the proppse~
swimming Pool to be at the south-
sast corner of Railroad Street and
south Locust Street as outlined by
Reaolutioii No. 113, which site is
owned by the City of Dubuque.
Be It Further Resolved that the
City Manager immediately prepare a
revised application for the location
and cost of the Swimming Pool as
finally authorized by the City Coun-
cil and that such revised application
be filed at the earliest date possible
with the proper P. W. A. officials at
Des Moines, Iowa, and Washington,
D, C.
Passed, adopted and approved this
9tlt day of June, 1934.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Andelflnger moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote;
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelflnger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Thompson.
Councilman Andelflnger move d
that the City of Dubuque rent for
playground purposes the Voelker
property located at 32nd Street,
]mown as Lot 5 of Min. Lot 322, for
an annual charge of $50.00, reserv-
ing to the Voellcer Realty Company
the right to lease said grounds for
circuses and show purposes. Second-
ed by Councilman Schiltz. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andlefinger, Jaeger, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Thompson.
Verbal report of City Manager
Evans recommending that Thos.
Flynn Coal Company be awarded
the contract, at a price of $20.00 per
cu, yd., for the furnishing of con-
crete placed in sidewalk forma, the
quotation to apply to all sidewalks
and approaches to the curb of High-
way No. 161, Project No. NRM-17•C
Councilman Andelflnger move d
that the recommendation of City
Manager Evans be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schiltz, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelflnger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
Session, June 12th, 1934 183
Absent-Councilman Thompson,
There being no further business,
Councilman Andelflnger moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelflnger, Jaeger, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Thompson.
City Clerk,
Approved ......................................1934,
Adopted ........................................1934,
Councilmen ........................................
l .......................................
Attest : ..................................................
City Clerk.
Special Session, June 12th, 1934.
Council met at 7:00 P. 141.
Present-1liayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelflnger, Jaeger Schiltz,
Absent -Councilman Thompsoh,
deceased, and City Manager Evans.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Kane and Councilman Andelflnger.
Nlayoi• Kane read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of adapting a
resolution of sympathy upon the un-
timely death of Councilman Ardenal
Thompson, also far the appointment
of his successor, and acting on shy
other business as may properly come
before the meeting.
Resolution No. 56-34.
The tragic death of Ardenal
Thompson, a member cE the govern-
ing body of the City of Dubuque,
has stunned his associates and the
entire cititienry with its horror and
suddenness. This Council has met
in Special Session far the purpose of
giving expression to our sincere sor-
row occasioned by his death and to
voice not merely our own individ-
ual appreciation of his public service
but also the appreciation of all citi-
zens of this community,
Ardenal Thompson was a good
public officer, He was sincerely in-
terested in the progress of the City
he loved. He sought always to do
what was just and right, He was
firm in hie convictions. Throughout
his public career he appreciated the
full responsibility of his position and
never hesitated to perform his du-
ties sincerely and conscientiously,
He gave full measure of service.
Ardenal Thompson was elected to
this Council in 1932 as one of labor's
representatives and was serving his
ftrst term at the time of his death.
In Marclr, 1934, he was re-elected to
this body by the largest vote cast
for any of the candidates. Tn this.
expression of confidence by the peo-
ple of this City and their approval
and endorsement of his service, we
recognize a high tribute to hie dhar-
acter, his integrity and his ability.
When the hand of Almighty God was
laid upon him he was called away
from his earthly responsibilities and
endowed with his eternal reward.
Individually and as his associates
upon this Council we talcs this op-
portunity to express the great loss
which we and this community has
suffered by his sudden demise and
to extend our sincere sympathy to
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184 Special Session, June 12th, 1934 _
Now, There•
his bereaved family; A ..................1934.
pprrved .••.~•-••••••-••••~~°••
Be It Resolved by the Council of .................,.................1934,
Adopted ..~...-~~~~---••
the City of Dubuque that this expres- -_
sion of sympathy and acknowledg- - - ~-
ment of public service be spread up•
on the Permanent records of thrs
Council and that a certified copy
thereef be transmitted by the Clerk _
Councr men:
to the surviving widow. _•-
Passed, adoped and approved this -•-----••--
12th day of June, A, D. 1934. -~
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Andelfinger move d
the adoption of the resolution, Sec•
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that William S, Roberts be appoint-
ed as a member of the City Council
to fill the unexpired term of Council-
man Ardenal Thompson, deceased.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the Margaret Bishop Estate be
granted permission to redeem the
tax sale certificate held by the City
of Dubuque against Lots 81 and 82,
O'Neill's Riverview Addition, upon
payment of the face value of the
certificates plus 5% interest and the
City Treasurer to be instructed ac-
cordingly. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
There being no further business,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
adjourn, Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz.
City Clerk.
Attest :......... _....-.......... .............. _....,.................
City Clerk,
Special Session, June 1Sth, 1934 185
Special Session, June 16th, 1934.
Council met at 3:40 P. M.
Present-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Schiltz and City
Manager Evans.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Kane and Councilmen Andelfinger,
Mayor Kane read the call and stat•
ed that service thereof had been duly
made and that this meeting is called
for the purpose of installing Wi]•
liam S. Roberts as a member of the
City Council, as successor to Arden-
al Thompson, deceased, to fill said
unexpired term, and acting on any
other business as may properly come
before the meeting.
Mayor Kane administered the oath
of office to Mr, William S. Roberts
and having qualified took his seat
as a member of the City Council,
as successor to Councilman Ardena]
Thompson, deceased, to fill the uh-
expired term,
Communication of K•M Supply
Company stating that the claim of
Mrs. M• Birndorf, which was re-
ferred to them by the City Council,
for injuries received in falling at
the intersection of 8th and Main
Streets while said street was under
construction, has been referred to
their Insurance Agent for adjust-
ment, presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the communication be received
and made a matter of record. Sec•
onded by Cormcilman Schiltz. Car-
ried. by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of the list of
claims for which warrants were
drawn during the month of May,
1934, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
ceive ant] file the proof of publica•
tion. Seconded by Councilman Jaeg•
er. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Council Proceedings for the Month
of April, 1934, presented for approv-
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the Council Proceedings Por the
month of April, 1934, be approved
as printed. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the matter of the license and
of the operation of the ice .cream
stand at the corner of Mt. Pleae•
ant Street and Julien Avenue be
referred to the City Manager for in•
vestigation and he to report back
to the Council. Seconded by Coun•
Gilman Schiltz, Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
July 13, 1834,
To the Honorable Maycr and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In connection with
the daily charge for license For a
circus in the City of Dubuque the
sum required to be paid is $200.00
for the first day. It was contem•
plated that this applied to circuses
of the size of Ringling Bros, and
Haggenbeck & Wallace where seat-
ing capacity varies from 6,600 to
On June 13th we had an applica-
tion from Barnett Bros, to hold a
circus in Dubuque on June 29th or
30th, one day only. The agent stat-
ed that his circus could not pay the
$200.00 required by the ordinance.
We find that while some of the larg-
er circuses are handled by railroad
cars varying from 30 to 50 cars, that
the size of this particular circus is
handled by 30 trucks, and seating
capacity is less than 2,000.
The individual members of tho'
Council were contacted by phone
and the majority agreed that we
could offer this small circus a li-
tense for $100.00 per day. Your of-
ftoial action on this application is
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that Barnett Bros. be granted per-
mission for the holding of a circus.
in the City of Dubuque on the 29th
or 30th of June, 1934, and that the
chal'ge for said license to be $100.00
Par one day. Seconded by gpuncl-
man Jaeger. Carried by the fpltow-
ing vote:
Yegs-Mayol' Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger Roberts and
June 14, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Itpblique, Iowa.
Gsntleman: This is to advise that
I have approved the foAoWing pol•
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owned by Mrs. Ida M. Higgins,
please be advised as follows:
'The writer `vas authorized to get
rn conference with the officials of
the Federal Home Loan Bank Board
and attempt to prevent the reputed
refusal of said Board to loan the
necessary amount to Mrs. Ida M.
Higgins, by reason of excessive pav-
ing assessments in her lots. It was
determined that $600.00 was to be
the minimum settlement for Mrs.
Higgins for the paving assessments
to prevent loss of this property.
Accordingly, Mr. Cullen and I in-
terviewed Mr. Louia Kolfenbach and
Attorney I. H. Christoffersen an June
6th on this question. We have been
to their office since then, and fin-
ally, today, Mr. Christoffersen has
advised that the gentlemen holding
the mortgage has agreed to settle;
that the Home Loan Board will
agree to advance $1,592.00, condi•
tinned on the examination of the
title being approved, and condition-
ed on the City reducing the pavng
assessment on Lot No. 1.
The Federal Hdme Loan Bank
officials have agreed as follows:
Total Amount of Loan............$1,592.00
Payment to Mr. Witter........$1,046.78
Payment of required repairs 173.00
Payment' of Loan expense 110.00
Payment of Taxes ..................
Balance left for paving as-
sessment, Lot No. 1........ 227.22 '
June 15, 1934.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In connection with
the adjusted assessment in the pav
ing of Roosevelt Street, as finally
adopted by the City Council June
5, 1934, with the exception of the
further possible necessary adjust-
ment of the assessment of property
ides covering signs and desire to
have your approval on same for
Theisen Battery & Electric Co.,
330 West 8th Street-Policy No. YC
2088, London Guarantee & Accident
Byrne Bros. Co., 900.904 Iowa
Street-Policy No. 0. L. & T. 432601,
Continental Casualty Co.
Mathis-Moffatt Co., 115 West Sixth
Street-Policy No. LP 3062, Fire•
man's Fund Indemnity Co.
Avon Theatre, 869 Main Street-
Policy No. IP 2160, The Fidelity &
Casualty Co.
Premier Pabst Sales Co., beer
signs at the following locations: 576
Central Avenue, 2403 Central Aven-
ue, 408 Weat Locust Street, 1401
Elm Street-Policy No. OLT 5119,
Fireman's Fund Indemnity Co.
The Majestic Supply Co., beer
signs at fallowing locations: Bro-
deura Cafe, 1080 Julien Ave., M. Ber-
wick, 400 Iowa St.-Policy No. PL
21624, Iowa Mutual Liability Ins. Co.
K-M Supply Co., beer signs at fol•
lowing locations: Eissenegger's Taw
ern, 1105 Iowa St., Stenrm's Tavern,
1298 Main St., K-M Supply Co., 145
Locust St., A. A. Kochendorfer, 698
Central Ave., Nelson's Tavern, 2400
Central Ave., Washington Tavern,
7th and Locust Sts.-Policy No. GLA
803325, American Surety Co.
Miller Brewing Co., beer signs at
following locations, 1174 Iowa St.,
9th and Main Sts., 14th and Jackson
Sts.--Policy No. IHP 8011809, The
Travelers Ins. Co.
Mary Callaghan, 280 Main Street
-Policy No. 0. L. & T. 432604, Con-
tinental Casualty Co.
Renier Music Store, 531 Main
Street-Policy No. IGB 2650, Stan•
dard Accident Ins. Ce.
Key City Roofing Co., 802 White
Street-The Fidelity & Casualty Co.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the policies be approved and
oilman Schiltz. Carriede by theofol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Session, June 18th, 1934
Special Session, June 15th, 1934 187
Paving assessments, as reduced and approved by Council June 5tft,
70% Readjusted City
Owner Lot No. Assessment Assessment Share
Mrs. Ida M. Iliggins, 1 Barry's Sub ... ..........$360.42 $360.42 $ 0.00
Mrs. Ida M. Higgins, 6 Barry's Sub ... .......... 80.70 80.70 0.00
Mra. Ida M. Higgins, 2 Barry's Sub ... :......... 490.97 247.00 243.97
Mrs. Ida M. Higgins, 6 Barry's Sub ... .......... 45.08 45.08 0.00
Total assessments far Mrs. Higgins ..............$977.17
Total adjusted assessment, 6/5/34 ..........................................$733.20
Total, City Share, 6/5/34 ......................................................................................$243.97
Whereas, on Lot No. 1 the maximum assessment allowed by a loan
from the F. H. L. B. will be $227.22, as compared to the adjusted assess-
ment, June 5, 1934, of $360.42, it will be necessary for the City to assume
the difference, or $133.20.
Following is the further adjusted assessment on Mrs. Higgins proper-
ties, as per your authority:
70% Readjusted City
Owner Lot No. Assessment Assessment Share
Mrs. Ida M. Higgins, 1 Barry's Sub ...:.........$360.42 $227.22 $133.20
Mra. Ida M. Higgins, 6 Barry's Sub ............. 80.70 80.70 ............
Mra. Ida M. Higgins, 2 Barry's Sub ............. 490.97 247.00 243.97
Mrs. Ida M. Higgins, 5 Barry's Sub ............. 45.08 45.08 ............
Total assessments for Mrs. Higgins ..............$97717
Total readjusted Higgins assessments ..................................$600.00
Total City Share, as revised June 15, 1934 ................................................$377.17
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Concilman Schiltz moved that
the report of City Manager Evans
be approved and the assessments
adjusted as outlined and the City
Treasurer instructed accordingly.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger Roberts and
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that Councilman Schiltz be appoint-
ed as a member of the Board of
Examiners, for Plumbers, to fill the
vacancy, on said Board, of Coun~il-
man Thompson, deceased. Second-
ed by Councilman Andelfinger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts.
Councilman Schiltz not voting.
There being na further business,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
City Clerk.
Approved ......................................1934.
Adopted ........................................1934.
Councilmen ; ..................................:....
Attest : ..................................................
City Clerk.
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lgg Special Session, June 25th, 1934
Special Session, June 16th, 19$4,
Present-Chairman M. lZ. Kane,
Messers. M, B. Andelfinger, F. M.
Jaeger, William S. Roberts and Pet-
er Schiltz.
Communioation of Joseph T.
Scharry, Sanitary O>ficer, requesting
that the premises at 458 East 13th
Street be ordered closed, presented
and read.
Mr, Peter Schiltz moved that the
Sanitary Officer be instructed to pro-
ceedwith the closing of the premises
located at 468 East 13th Street. Sec•
onded by Mr. F. M. Jaeger. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Chairman M. R, Kane,
Messers. M, $. Andelfinger, F. M.
Jaeger, William S. Roberts and
Peter Schiltz.
There being no further business,
Mr. M. B. Andelfinger moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Mr, Peter
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas-Chairman M. R. Kane,
Messers. M. B. Andelfinger, F, M,
Jaeger, William S. Roberts and
Peter Schiltz.
Clerk of Board of Health.
Attest: ..........._ ........................--.........•..._..._..
Clerk, Board of Health.
Special Session, June 26th, 1934.
Council met at 4:16 P. M.
Present-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz, City Man•
alter Evans.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Kane and Qouncflman Roberts.
Mayor Kane read the cal] 'and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of considering
the Budget Estimate for the ensuing
year and acting on any other busi-
ness as may properly come before
the meeting.
Councilman Schiltz moved to sus-
pend the rules for the purpose of al-
lowing any ono present in the Coun-
cil Chamber, who wishes to do so,
to address the Council. Seconded by
Councilman Roberts, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Messrs. Paul Mathis, Al. J. Hartig,
Peter V. Kies and Joseph A. Enzler
addressed the Council requesting
the establishing of a "City Route"
through the business district on
Main Street from Fourteenth Street
to Second Street and the placing of
markers designating the same,
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the matter of establishing a "City
Route" through the business district
on Main Street from Fourteenth
Street to Second Street be referred
to the City Solicitor for investiga-
tion and the copies of the routes be
referred to the Council for consider
atlpn, Seconded by Councilman Jae•
ger. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Katie, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Couneilman Andelfinger,
Petition pf Witwer Grocer Com-
pany requesting permission to place
a refrigerator car in the rear of the
Witwer Qrocer Company building at
15 South Main Street presented and
read, .
Couucilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the Council to view
the grounds. Seconded by Council-
man Schiltz, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Amorican Legion, Du•
buque Post No. 6, requesting permis-
Special Session, June 25th, 1934 189
sion for the use of the Airport for
the holding of a Model Airplane Con-
test for boys an July 8th, presented
and read. Mr, Frank McCarthy ad-
dressed the Council requestiug that
the prrayer of the petition of the
American Legion for use of the Air-
port be granted,
Councilman Jaeger moved to re-
ceive and file the petition. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Roberts moved that
the Committee representing the
American Legion be advised to view
the grounds at Rafferty Slough and
if found suitable the American Le-
gion be grouted permission to. use
said Rafferty Slough for the holding
of the Model Airplane Contest for
boys on July 8th, 1934, Seconded by
Councilman Schiltz, Carried by the
following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Conncilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Communication of Dubuque Trades
and Labor Congress advising City
Council that they were well pleased
with the selection and appointment
of William S, Roberts to fill the va•
cancy on the City Council caused by
the death of Ardenal Thompson pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the communication be made a mat-
ter of record. Seconded by Council-
man Jaeger. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Communication of United Brother-
hood of Carpenters and Joiners ex-
pressing their thanks in the appoint-
ment of William S. Roberts to fill
the vacancy on the City Council)
created by the death of Ardenal
Thompson presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the communication be made a mat-
ter of record. Seconded by Council-
man Jaeger. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Emery F, Healey, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the last half of the
1931 and all of the 1932 and 1933
taxes on Lot 109 of McCraney's 1st
Addition, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of Ralph W, Coates, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1932 and 1933 tax•
es an North '/z of Lot 766 of A. Mc-
Daniel's Sub., presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Arnold Lang, Vetran of
the World War, requesting cancella-
tion of the 1934 rental charge on
Market Stand No. 15, presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
prayer of the petition be denied.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Michael Pusateri re-
questing the City Council to instruct
the City Treasurer to accept the sum
of $203.23 in full payment of the
special assessment levied against
the West 45 feet of Lot 7 in Hodges
Sub. No, 2 presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
prayer of the petition be denied.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of Morris Blum request-
ing arefund on the license fee paid
far the operation of a beer tavern
at 574 East 16th Street, stating that
on account of illness he is discon-
tinuing business, presented and read,
Councilman Jaeger moved that
the prayer of the petition be denied,
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Written report of C. I. Krajewski,
Anton Zwack .and Wm. L. Yokom,
Committee 'appointed by the City
Council to view the building located
at northwest corner of Railroad Ave-
I ~~ ~-
i~~q lij ~.i
II ~.
VIII ,, ~~I .
Ill) i i',
III fl'y'
p. .
Special Session, June 2Sth, 1934
nue and Terminal Street on Lots 1.2,
1-3, 1-4, 1.5, Block 27, part of Du-
buque Harbor Co's Addition, A. A.
Cooper Estate owners, and recom•
mending that said building be com•
pletely demolished, presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the report be made a matter of ree•
ord and the City Manager instructed
to notify said owners of the report
of this committee, and that the own-
ers be given the right to demolieh
said building within aten-day P
iod. Seconded by Councilman Jae•
geYe~ SarriedMayortlKaue11 Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Written report of C. I. Krajewski,
Anton Zwack and Wm. L. Yokom,
Committee appointed by the City
Council to view the building located
at 2730 Elm Street on Lots 200, 201
and 202, Glendale Addition, Dubuque
Spiral Harrow Company owners, and
recommending that said building be
not demolished at this time, Aresent•
ed and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
report be received and filed. Second-
ed by Councilman Roberts. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Communication of Anton Zwack
C. I. Krajewski and Wm. L. Yoko
submitting their bill for examinatio
of the following property as ordere
by the City Council: Pfotzer prop
erty an Windsor Avenue, Dubuqu
Spiral Harrow Company Property o
27th and Elm Streets and the Coo
er property at Raih'oad Avenue an
Terminal Street; the bill being $5.0
per man for each property inspecte
presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved that.t
bill be paid and warrants in t
amount of $15.00 each ordered dray
in favor of Anton Zwack, C, I. Kr
jewski and Wm. L, Yolcom, Secon
ed by Councilman Schiltz. Carri
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilm
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinge
Report of the Board934, present
the month of May,
for approval.
Councilman Schiltz moved t
the report of the Board 934, be
for the month of May,
ceived and placed on file, Secon
by Councimanl Jaeger. Carried
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition ermission to nedeemethe
questing p
tax sale certificate held by the City
of Dubuque against the east half of
Lot 7 of the Subdivision of the east
half of City Lot 655 upon payment of
the face value of thG certificate plus
5% interest presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the Prayer of the Petition be granted
upon payment of the face value of
the certificate plus 5% interest and
the City Treasurer instructed accord-
ingly, Seconded by Councilman Jae•
ger. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Concilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Communication of Heinie Engel
making application for use of Ball
Park for the holding of wrestling
exhibitions on July 12th' and 26th,
August 9th and 23rd, September 13th
and 27th, and possibly one date in
October presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the application of Heinie Engel be
aproved, Seconded by Councilman
Roberts. Carried by the fallowing
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
June 25th, 1934.
m To the Honorable Mayor and City
n Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
d Gentlemen: In connection with the
e instructions from the City Council
n at the close of the meeting June
p- 15th regarding the use of the Ath•
d letic Field for wrestling matches far
0 the summer season 1934, please be
d advised that a conference was held
at Mr. Czizek's office on June 16th
he between Mr. Engel, Mr. Fenelon, Mr.
he Czizek and the writer.
vn Attached is a letter from Mr. Hei-
a• nie Engel, dated June 23rd, in which
d- he finally has agreed to use the Ath•
ed letic Field for wrestling purposes on
certain requested dates, in a non•
exclusive contract, all of which dates
en are on Thursday night. Mr. Fenelon
has not objected, so far as I know,
to the competitive use far wrestling
r• matches held by others than himself,
for Accordingly, the writer sugge~s
ed that the dates requested by
Engel be approved by the l;ouncil
hat and that if other dates are desired
lth by others than Mr. Engel, that the
re• same be considered and approved
ded conditioned on the original date for
by said contest to be one week apart
and that no two original exhibition
Session, June 2Sth, 1934 191
dates be scheduled within a week
from oath other.
It is suggested that in addition to
the minimum $20.00 fee far the use
of the park, that the $10.00 fee be
added as required by Ordinance No.
4 of 1933 and that the lessee for
each night Aay the entire cost of
the field and grandstand lighting and
any aditional lighting cast that may
be incurred by trial or practice
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the recommendation of City Mah•
ager Evans be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Communication of Interstate Pow-
er Company with attached bill in the
amount of $3,G97.95, which covers
labor and materials supplied in the
removal of their transmission ]lees
from the site of the riew Air Port,
presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the communication with attached
bill to the Council for consideration.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Notice of hearing to be held at the
United States Engineer's Office,
Rack Island, III., upon objections to
the approval of plans for. the con
structien of 'a loading wharf on the
right bank of the Mississippi River
about three miles below Dubuque
for the purpose of loading stone on
barges presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the notice be made a matter of rec-
ord. Seconded by Councilman Jae-
ger. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent Councilman Andelfinger,
Acceptance of Voelker Realty
Company of the terms relative to
the rental of their property at 32nd
and Jackson Streets for playground
purposes presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the acceptance be made a matter of
record and that a `varrant in the
amount of $50.00 be ordered drawn
on the Recreation Fund in favor of
Voelker Realty Company to cover
the rental charge fm' the use of said
grounds. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Communication of International
Harvester Company of America ex-
tending invitation to the City Coun-
cil to attend the Safety Meeting to
be held at their building on June
27th, 1934, presented and read,
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
invitation be accepted with thanks.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Dubuque, Iowa .....................1934,
To the White-Phillips Company, Inc.,
Davenport, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Iu consideration of
your accepting at par, warrants le-
gally issued on the various funds of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, between
July 1, 1934, and up to, or on March
31, 1935, in an aggregate amount of
approximately One Hundred Thou-
sand Dollars ($100,000), which war-
rants have been presented to the
City Treasurer and have been
stamped "not paid for want of
funds" bearing interest at the rate
of Four and One Quarter (4r/4%o) Per
Centum per annum, which warrants
said City represents will be author
ized and issued within all limitations
and in compliance with all provis-
ions of the Laws of Iowa, said City
agrees to liquidate such indebted-
ness on or about April 1st, 1935, in
either of the fallowing methods as
selected by you and written notifica-
tion of such selection mailed to the
Mayor not later than April 1, 1935.
First Method. In exchange for a
like amount of said indebtedness of
said City, the City agrees to deliver
to you on or about April 15, 1935,
legally issued 4% Funding Bonds of
said City in an amount equal to the
amount of City indebtedness you
hold, said bonds to mature as mu-
tually agreeable.
Second Method. Tho City agrees
to sell at a publicc sale on or about
April•lst, 1935, funding bonds of said
City in an amount equal to said in-
debtedness you hold and to apply
the proceeds to such an amount as
will liquidate said indebtedness or to
retire said indebtedness out of other
funds available for such purpose or
to retire said indebtedness from
bond proceeds of such bands as may
be sold and from other funds avaik
able for such purpose so that said
indebtedness will have been retired
in full.
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cial Session, June 25th, 1934
If you select .the first method
above mentioned, then prior to ex-
change of said indebtedness for said
bonds, the City agrees to furnish you
with a certified transcript of pro•
ceedings pertaining to the evidence
of said indebtedness and pertaining
to said bond issue which shall show
their legality to the satisfaction of
Attorneys Chapman & Cutler, and
furnish such other legal proceedings
as they may require for this purpose.
The City agrees tc furnish the print-
ed bonds and the approving opinion
of said Attorneys and lend full co•
operation in carrying out the sug-
gestion of said Attorneys in the is•
suance of said bonds and to defray
any local expense incident thereto,
including the fees of local counsel
if such counsel be required by said
It is hereby understood, however,
that we reserve the right of retiring
warrants issued prior to April 1st,
1935, providing we have cash in the
varous funds received from taxation
iastedabetweenSeJuly lot 1934, and
March, 31, 1935.
Respectfully submitted,
By :.............................. ~aYor;..
B y ..........................:.....................
Ctty Clerk.
The above and foregoing proposi-
tion accepted this....day of ...................
BY :...............................................
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
proposal be appt•oved subject to the
approval of State Comptroller Mur-
tagh. Seconded by Councilman Jae-
ger. Carried by i<he following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
May 10, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa. ,
Gentlemen: A petition was pre•
seated to Council February 5th fro
the International Brotherhood o
Teamsters, Chauffeurs, etc., advisin
that at the meeting of the local or
ganization of teamsters the reques
was made that all truck drivers em
ployed by the City of Dubuque b
required to be members of the or
ganized body of International Team
This question vas discussed May
9th and the decision was that the
Council would not require city truclt
drivers to join this union.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
decision of the Council Count lman
and filed. Seconded tithe following
Schiltz. Carried by
vote: Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Yeas -
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilm Junen19,1934 •
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentle oynthe C'ty Count lscalled
for Friday ache Councffuneewed thA
3:00 P. M.,
request of Mr. Wm. Gassman as pre•
rented at the regular meeting of
June .5th with the plea to accept
$30D.00 in full settlement of the de•
linquent setiver assessments on Lots
on Stetmore Street, WestoDubuque
district. the City Council
viewed this property in the after-
noon of June 15th. It was as~er~
fornseweraon Lot 23 was $22146 and
on Lot 24 the same, $221.46, mak•
ing a total of $442.92. This original
assessment was levied December 22,
1930. On April 22, 1931, 10%totall ng
two above mentioned lots,
$44.28, were paid. Also interest was
paid in the sum of $7.36, whjch931.
eluded interest due to April 22,
The total amount of the unpaid as•
sessments on said two lots, exclud•
ing interest, was $398.64. it was
After viewing the Property,
the Council's decision that the re•
quest would oTtion of he roriginal
the unpaid p
assessments from $398.64 to $300.00
up to the final date of settlement
at the rate of 5%• The City Treas•
urer has calculated that the inter-
est due on said $398.64 of the or•
iginal assessment from ears 2and93~
to June 22, 1934~tot is $63.12. Ac•
months 'at 5%,
m cordingly, Mr. Mihm, agent for the
f Mettel Land & SecurityJuIlem 16th,
g was advised Saturday,
that the full unpaid claim could be
t settled Por $363.12.
On June 19th, Mr. Mihm advised
e that a check for $363,12 in full set•
tlement for this unpaid principal;
• plus the interest, was avail ~hee. ChY
check was received by
Session, June 28th, 1934 193
Treasurer and the City Treasurer
was instructed to pay from the City
Municipal Improvement Fund the
difference to the County Treasurer
in order to eliminate the entire prin•
cipal and interest due on said two
Yours very truly,
City Manager,
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
cotnmunication be made a matter of
record and decision of Council ap-
proved ahd the City Treasurer in•
strutted accordingly and that a war•
rant in the amount of $100.56 be
ordered drawn on the Consolidated
Fund in favor of the Special. Bonded
Fund to cover the amount of the
redaction as granted. Seconded by
Councilman Jaeger. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
June 19, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: On May 23rd the
writer advised the City Council of
the reported damage done to the
home of Mrs. Catherine Weber of
1906 Pierce Street by blasting last
winter on C. W. A, poer aid project
just north of said house. By action
of the Counci] May 23rd the matter
of this damage was referred to the
writer for investigation and report.
Accordingly, in a few days Mr.
Byrne and I made au examination
of the home and werd shown by Mrs.
Weber and her son, Mr. L. A, Web•
er, the damage reported tc have ',
been down, It was almost impos•
sible for us to ascertain as to haw
much the blasting had damaged this
property. New paper had been
placed over at least two rooms with-
in the last few months and since the
blasting ceased,
It was my thought at the time to
possibly try to offer a settlement in
the case for as much as $25.00, but
Mrs, Weber and her son felt that
it would be better to have a con•
tractor made an estimate of the
actual damage pet•fot•med. About a
week ago a man appeared at my
office, asking on what authority Mrs.
Weber desired an estimate. He was
advised that it was unknown to the
writer as to ~s~hat authority was giv
en him and we should try to deal
with Mrs. Weber as to what she
actually deemed was the damage per-
fot•med, Accordingly, today the at•
tached written stdtement has been
presented for a total of $229.00 as
furnished by Mr. Anton Basten.
There is a grave question in the
writer's mind ae to whether or not
~ the blasting did the actual damage
as mentioned in this complete re•
pairing program.
Yours very truly;
' City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the commm~ication of City Man•
ager Evans to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
June 19, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The petition of Mrs,
Fhilomina Blocker, signed by John
Blocker, administrator, requesting
the construction of sanitary sewer
from their residence on Cherry
Street eastwardly on Cherry Street
to Avoca and southwardly on Avoca
to the present existing manhole at
the intersection of Delaware and
Avoca, teas received by the City
Ceuncil June 5th and was referred
to the Council to view said site.
Accordingly, an June 15th the
Council viewed the location of this
request. The decision of the City
Council was that a request by Mr,
John Blocker to the City Council for
the permission tc build a sanitary
sewer on the east end of Cherry
Street and on Avoca Street from
Cherry to Delaware could be pre-
sented; that the City would not
stand part of the cost of the same,
but that a sworn statement could
be filed by Mr. John Blocker to the
City Council advising of the actual
cost of said sewer construction and
that in the future if other properties
were connected with said sewer built
at the cost of Mr. John Blocker, a
proportionate charge for said addi•
tional connections would be made
on the basis of the total possible
sewer connections.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Jaeger moved that
the decision of the Council be ap•
proved and made a matter of record.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
June 19, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayer and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The petition of the
Weatercamp Bros., by Frank Wester'
I'! ~ ~• +'
(~ •"'~1
~`, •4.
„'I,~ ' .
Session, June 25th, 1934
- camp, referred to City Council June
- 5th ahd flecfded upon by the 'Council
- to be viewed by the same body; was
viewed June 15th.
The decision of Council was that
it was notadvisable to build an ad•
_ ditidhal cut'b at a lower curb eleva-
_ tion then the present existiiig curb
toward the Center of West 17th
Street from Central Avenue east to
the alley west of White Street. It
- ivas, however, agreed that if the
_ Westercamp Brds. desired to, at
their own expense, lower the present
= curb apprdximately one fdot from its
present height and ni~ake an addi-
tional step do the sidewalk between
the present curb and their Property
- line, that permission was to be
__ granted by the City Council foi• this
approved construction at the cost of
the Westercamp Bros. and work to
- lie done under the supervision of the
City Engineer.
- ~ Ydurs very truly,
- R, M. EVANS,
City Manager.
- Councilman Jaeger moved that
• the decision of the Council be ap-
proved and made a matter of record.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
- Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
- Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
- Nays-None.
= Absent-Councilma~u end9lfi 934r•
To the Honorable Mayor and Cit
- Council Dubuque, Iowa.
proved aiid madC a ~tmanof Jaege .
Seconded by
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Nays-None. '
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Resolution No. 57-34.
Whereas, the City of Dubuque is
enrolled in the 1934 National Traffic
Safety Contest of the National Saf•
ety Cduhcil; and;
Whereas, automobile accidents in
the United States are increasing tre-
menddusly this year; and,
~phereas; two (2) deaths and thu`-
ty (gp) personal iniuries have re•
salted from accidents in our city so
far this year, up to June 1st; and,
Whereas, it is the aim and pur•
pose of our Mayor 'and City Council
to do all in their power to make
motoring on the streets of our City
safe; Now, Tlierefdre,
Be It Resolved that this City Coun-
cil issue to dur people a warning to
abstain from those common, careless
acts which cause the bulk of acci•
debts dh cur streets; to obey the
signs alld signals gild the drdiAances
of our city; and to observe those
i'llles of courtesy and self-respect in
driving which ]ie'at the heart of the
automobile safety problem in this
country. iCved this
y Passed, adopted ahd app'
26th day o~J Re°KANE,
Gentlemen: The verbal request of
_, Mrs. A. W. Newburgh as presented
to City Council June 5th with a plea
for reduction in the pumping assess-
- ~ ment in the West Dubuque sanitary
- sewer district was referred to the
Council to view the ground,
' Accordingly, on the afternoon of
- June 15t1t the Council viewed this
- tract of land, including about 162 ft.
on Fremont Avenue and extending
- approximately 600 ft, westwardly on
~_ Marion Street for a depth of 160 ft.
This property lies on the south side
- of Marion Street. The assessment
= for the sewer pumping provision on
the larger of the two tracts, namely
Lot 1 of 3, Babcock's Subdivision,
was $298.79 and oh Lnt 2 of 5 of
Babcock's Subdivision it was $4094.
The Council viewed this property;
determined that nd sanitary sewer
- had been erected on Marion Street;
-_ that ho payments whatabever on the
total assessment had been made and
desired that no reduction teas to be
g authorized.
- Ydhrs very truly,
= R, 111, EVANS,
City Manager,
Councilman Schiltz moved that
- the decision of the Council be ap•
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resdlution. Second•
ed by Councilman Jaeger, Carried
by the following vdte:
Yeas -Mayor Kahe, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
ReSOlUtlon No. 58-34.
Whereas, the value of taxable
property within the City of Dubuque
has been reduced by order of the
State Board of Assessment and Re-
view ih 1933, and, as a result thei'e•
of, the Fire Maintenance Fund of
said City for the year of operation
1936.36 will be wholly insufficient to
meet the requirements of said fund
unless authorization from the State
Comptroller is granted for an iii•
creased levy; and,
Whereas, by S. F, 83 of the Spe•
cial Session of the 45th General As•
sembly ah application is permitted
Session, June 28th, 1934 195
to be made to the State Comptroller
together with reasons why by strict
necessity it will be necessary to in-
e1•ease the Flre Maintenance Levy
to be made in August 1934 and,
Whereas, the City Council recog-
nizes the existence of said antic-
ipated emergency, and, in the inter-
ests of public welfare ahd the pre•
tection of ]ffe and property and to
avoid the threat of increased fire in-
surance rates that may cost the
property owners much mdse than
the necessary increase in the Fire
Maintenance Levy for 1934, the
Council deems that it is the duty to
make adequate provisiohs for the
operation of the Dubuque Fire De•
partment in the levy for 1934 and to
that end to exercise its right to ap-
ply to the State Comptroller of Iowa
for authority to increase the 1934
levy for Fire Maintenance: Now,
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
That the City Manager and City
Clerk be and they are hereby di•
rected to prepare and file with the
State Comptroller of Iowa an appli-
cation for authm•ity to levy in the
year 1934 sufficient millage to Pro-
duce from taxes $98,400 and to re-
quest the aPpt'oval thereof.
Passed, adopted and approved this
25t1t day of June, 1934,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Resolution No. 59-34.
Whereas; the Forty-fifth General
Assembly of the State of Iowa en•
acted the Conference Committee
Amendment to Senate Substitute for
Senate File 131, providing for the
mandatory reduction of tax levies in
the years 1933 and 1934, using as a
base for such reduction the rate'of
taxes levied for the several funds in
the year 1930; and,
Whereas, the Fire Pension Fund
of the City of Dubuque is afrected by
the law aforesaid and a compliance
with the same will result ih a sub•
stantial decrease in the amount of
money that will be available for said
fund in the fiscal year 1935.36 below
the sum actually needed to pay pen-
sions to retired firemen, their wi~
dotes and minor children, unless said
fund for said City of Dubuque is ex•
empted from the application of the
provisions of Section One of said
law; and,
Whereas, special provisions are
made in said late for exemption from
the application of its provisiohs ua-
der certain defined conditions, said
conditions being that where the levy
in 1930 far a particular fund was law
as compared with the levy for the
same fund in any of the four years
immediately preceding or the year
immediately following, and where
the levy in 1930 for such fund was
low on account of the contemplated
use of an accumulated surplus or
balance then on hand; and where
strict necessity exists, then, and in
such event, relief from the applica•
tion of said law may be had by ap-
peal to the Budget Director of the
State of Iowa; and, .
Whereas, the tax levy for the
Fire Pension Fund in 1930 was one
mill (1), producing the sum of
Twelve Thousand Fifteen Dollars
($12,015.D0), on a taxable value of
Twelve Million, Fourteen Thousand,
Five Hundred Twenty-eight Dollars
Whereas, in 1931 there existed on
hand in said fund a surplus of Five
Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), which
reduced the tax requirements for
said fund to such extent; and,
Whereas, since 1931 the number of
pensioners entitled to benefits from
said fund has substantially increased
and all surpluses of prior years have
been exhausted and the amount nec-
essary to pay such pensions during
the fiscal year 1935.36 is estimated
to be Seventeen Thousand, Seven
Hundt'ed Dollars ($17,700.00), which
sum cannot be realized by comply-
ing with the provisions of said law;
Whereas, in order to produce the
sum required for said pension fund
during the fiscal year 1936.36, it is
necessary that the City of Dutiuque
be relieved from the operation of
said law in order that a millage levy
be made sufficient to produce said
sum of $17,700.00; and,
Whereas, the millage levy of 1930
for said Fire Pension Fund was low
as compared ivlth the four preceding
years because of the number of pen-
sioners then receiving payments
from said fund, and, further, oh ac-
count of the contemplated use of the
accumulated surplus then on hadd;
Whereas, a edndition of strict nec-
essity has arisen:
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by
.~. ~
196 Special Session, June 25th, 1934
the City Council of the City of Du- ~
That the Manager and Clerk be
and they are hereby directed to pre-
taollea of Iowa, gas by lawapiovided,
an application for exemption from
the provisions of Section One of the
Conference Committee Amendment
to Senate Substitute for Senate File
131 requesting therein that the City
of Dubuque be relieved from the
operation of said law in the tax levy
for said Fire Pension Fund for the
year 1934, an emergency and strict
necessity for such relief having ari-
sen, and requesting further that said
State Comptroller fix the time and
place for a public hearing at which
such showing may be made and pre-
scribe anotice of such hearing.
Passed, adopted and approved this
25th day of June, 1934.
114. R, KANE,
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger, Carried by
the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 60-34.
Whereas, the Forty-fifth General
Assembly of the State of Iowa en-
acted the Conference Committee
Amendment to Senate Substitute for
Senate File 131, providing for the
mandatory reduction of tax levies in
the years 1933 and 1934, using as a
base for such reductions the rate of
taxes levied for the several funds in
the year 1930; and,
Whereas, the Police Pension Fund
of the City of Dubuque is affected by
the la~v aforesaid and a compliant
with the same will result in a sub
stantial decrease in the amount o
money that will be available for sai
Police Pension Fund in the fists
year 1935-36 below the sum actuall
needed to pay pensions to retire
policemen, their widows and wino
children, unless said fund for th
City of Dubuque is exempted fro
the application of the provisions o
Section One of said law; and,
Whereas, special provisions ar
made in said law far exemption fro
the application of its provisions u
der certain defined conditions, on
of said conditions being that where
the levy in 1930 for a particular fund
was low as compared with the levy
for the same fund in any of the
four years immediately preceding or
the year immediately following and
strict necessity exists, then, and in
such event, relief from the applica-
tion of said law may be had by ap-
peal to the Budget Director of the
State of Iowa; and,
Whereas, the tax levy far the Pol•
ice Pension Fund in 1930 vas fifty
hundredths (.50) of a mill, produc-
ing the sum of Six Thousand Seven
Dollars ($6,007.00) on a taxable
valuation of Twelve Million, Four-
teen Thousand, Five Hundred Twen-
ty-eight Dollars ($12,014,528); and,
Whereas, since 1931 the number
of pensioners entitled to benefits
from said fund has substantially in-
creased and the amount necessary
to pay such Pensions during the fis-
cal year 1935-36 is estimated to be
Thirteen Thousand, Two Hundred
Dollars ($13,200,00) which sum can-
not be realized by complying with
the provisions of said la~v; and,
Whereas, in order to produce the
sum required far said pension fund
during the fiscal year 1935.36, it is
necessary that the City of Dubuque
be relieved from the operation of
said la`v in order that a millage levy
may be made sufficient to produce
said sum of $13,200.00; and,
Whereas, the millage levy of 1930
for the Police Pension Fund was low
as compared with the levy for said
fund in the year 1931 on account of
the number of pensioners then re-
ceiving payments from said fund;
Whereas, a conditon of strict nec-
essity has arisen;
Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du•
That the Manager and Clerk be
and they are hereby directed to pre-
pare and file with the State Comp-
troller of Iowa, as by law provided,
e an application for exemption from
- the provisions of Section One of the
f Conference Committee Amendment
d to Senate Substitute far Senate File
] 131, requesting therein that the City
Y of Dubuque, Iowa, be relieved from
d the operation of said law in the tax
r levy for the Police Pension Fund in
e the year 1934, an emergency and
m strict necessity for such relief hav-
f ing arisen, -and further requesting
that said 'State Comptroller fix a
e time and place for a public hearing
m at which such showing may be made
n- and prescribe a notice of such
e hearing.
cial Session, Jtitte 25th, 1934 197
Passed, adopted and approved this
25th day o~ June, 1934.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Cle~'1t,
Councilman Sbhiltz moved the
adoption bt fife res(lution, Seconded
by ~oiiheilman Jaeger, Carried by
the following vote:
boas - Mayor Kane, Cbiihcilinen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
June 25, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor find City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The undersigned here-
by certifies that the contract for the
repaving of Main Street from the
south property line bf Jones Street
to the north property line of West
Thirtoenth Street, designated Sec-
ticn 2-Main Street Repaving, K-M
Supply Company, contactors, has
been completed,
I further certify that this work
has been done in accordance with
the plans and specieations and stipu-
lations of the contract and I would
therefore recommend its acceptance
by the Council.
Yours very truly,
City Manager,
Resolution No. 61-34. A resolri-
tion accepting the improvement of
Main Street and South Main Street
from the north property line of
Charter Street to the south property
line of West 17th Street, Section No,
2, Jones Street to West 13th Street,
and directing the City Engineer to
prepare a plat and schedule showing
the lots and parcels of real estate
subject to assessment and file the
same in the office of the City Clerl~
subject to public inspection, and said
Clerk shall upon receipt of such plat
'and schedule publish notice of th'e
Council's intention to levy said ape
cis] assessment presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 62-34.
A Resolution approving applica-
tions for the sale of beer and auth-
orizing the issuance of permit.
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dllbngtie has examined the
applications which have Ueeh tildd
for perimit"s fat the Salo of beer
within the City of Dubuque and has
approved such applications as apply
to the persons herein pained at the
locations described herein: Nbw,
Be it Resolved by said Cdhhcil
that permits for the Gale of beer
~dithin the City of Dubuque, be and
the same are liereby authm'ized and
ordered issued, as follows:
Dell H, Warren-1696 Central
Adam J. )3erntgeh=5$0 Main
Lawrence Nie]Sen - 12~(i Iowa.
Peter tieidei~scheit-3125 Jackson
Stamatios CbnstahtinoS-951 Main
Be it 1' urther Resolved that the
bonds filed with these applfCatiohs
be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved this
25th day of June, 1934.
M, lt. KANi,,
vW. S. Roi#ERi~s,
Attest: J, J. $HEA,
City Clerk.
Councilmah Schiltz moved the
adoptfon of the reSoldtitlh. Sebbnd-
ed by Cbhhcilman .laeger. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas = Mayor Vane, Cbunbilmon
Jaeger, Roberts, Schlltti.
Absent-COunCiliiian AndelfingeN.
Where being ho fdrther bdsiheSS,
CdhnCilman Jaeger moved to ad-
~durn. Secdnded by CtlUhcilnian
Sbhiltz, Carried by the fohbwliig
Yeas- Maybi' Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts; Scliilt2,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
City blerk;
Approved :..:.......:...:...........:.....::.1934.
Adopted ........................................192$.
COhhciltheii ~ ......................................
Attest : ....:....:........:::...:..............:...::....
Cit3~ Clerlt,
~' `
~~'~~~~lk ~'~~
n -,y
198 Special Session,
Special Session, June 25th, 1934.
Present-Chairman M. R. Kane,
Messrs. F, M. Jaeger, W. S. Roberts,
Peter Schiltz,
Absent-Mr. M. B, Andelfinger.
To John R, Luthe and H. W.
You are hereby notified that on
the 25th day of June, 1934, the Local
Board of Health far the City of Du-
buque adopted a resolution ordering
you to connect said premises with
the sanitary sewer and disconnect
said private sewer from the storm
sewer, all of which to be done with-
in thirty (30) days from the date of
said resolution, a copy of which is
herein sent out and is as follows:
Resolution No. 63-34.
Be it Resolved by the Board of
Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
that it is deemed necessary that Lot
Number One of Gilliam's Addition,
awned by John R. Luthe and H. W.
Tucker, be connected with sanitary
Be it further resolved that said
John R. Luthe and H. W. Tucker be
notified that said property be con-
nected with the sanitary sewer with-
in (30) days from the date thereof,
Be it further resolved that said
Jahn R. Luthe and H. W. Tucker lie
notified of 'the action of this Board
by the service of a written notice
together with a copy of the resolu-
tion. Failure to comply with the
terms hereof within the time stated
shall be followed by prosecution or
such other action as the Council or
Board of Health may determine.
Dated this 25th day of June, 1934.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
You are further notified that pro•
secution will follo~Y a failure to com-
ply with this order and notice, or
such further action will be taken as
to the Council or Board of Health
may seem proper.
(Signed) W JHeONh Officer,
Mr. Peter Schiltz moved the adop•
tion of the resolution, Seconded by
Mr. F, M. Jaeger. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Chairman M. R, Kane,
Messra. F. M. Jaeger, W. S, Roberts,
Peter Schiltz.
une 25th, 1934
Absent-Mr. M. B. Andelfinger.
There being no further business,
Mr, Peter Schiltz moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Mr. F. M. Jaeger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Chairman M. R. Kaue,
Messrs. F. M. Jaeger, W. S. Roberts,
Peter Schi]tz.
Absent-Mr, M. B. Andelfinger.
Clerk of Board of Health.
Approved ......................................1934
Adopted ........................................1934.
Members of ~
Board of { ........................................
Attest: ...................
................................ .
Clerk of Board of Health.
. ~'.
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