1934 September Council ProceedingsRegular Session, September 3rd, 1934 249
Regular Session, September 3,
No members of the Council being
present on roll call, the meeting
was postponed subject to call.
City Clerk.
APProved ......................................1934.
Adopted ........................................1934.
Councilmen: ~ ........................................
Attest : ..................................................
City Clerk.
Special Session, September 4, 1934.
Council met at 7:55 P. M,
Present-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz and City
Manager Evans.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Meeting called by order of May
or Kane and Councilman Roberts.
Notice and Call of Special ,Meeting
of City Council of Dubuque, Iowa
August 31, 1934,
To F. M. Jaeger, Councilman,
You are hereby notified that therq
is called a special meeting of the
Council of the City of Dubuque to
be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on
Tuesday, September 4th, 1934, at the
Council Chamber. At such meeting
there will be conducted a public
]tearing upon the proposed issuance
of $28,000.00 Sewer Bonds and if
no objections are filed thereto, then
there will be introduced an ordin•
ante entitled: "Ordinance No. 10-
34. An Ordinance providing far the
issnance of $28,000 Sewer Bonds;
providing for tG~e levy of taxes to
pay the same and declaring an
Such other business will be trans
acted at said meeting as may prop•
erly come before a regular meeting
of the Council.
M. R, KANE, •
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of ffieet-
ing for issnance of $28,000,00 Sewer
Bonds for the purpose of defraying•
the cast to that amount of building
and constructing sewers in and for
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, present•
ed and read.
There being• no objections filed
Councilman Jaegep moved to receive
and file the proof of publication.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Ordinance No. 10-34
An. Ordinance providing for the
issuance of $28,000.00 Sewer Bonds,
providing for the levy of taxes to
pay the same and declaring an emer-
gency, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the ordinance. Sec-
onded by Councilman Roberts. Car•
vied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
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250 Special Session, September 4th, 1934 ~ Special Session, September 4th, 1934 251
Councilman Schiltz, moved to sus•
pend the rules requiring an ordin•
ante to be read on three separate
days. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
The ordinance was then read a
second time,
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
reading just had be considered the
second reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Conncilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Robert and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
ordinance be placed on file with the
City Clerk for public inspection far
at least one week pending final adop•
tion. Seconded by Councilman Jaeg•
er. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Chas. 0. Pape request-
ing apermit for blasting Lock on
the west side of Roosevelt Street
on Lot 2 of 1 of Mineral Lot 309
and Lot 12 Johnson's Subdivision.
also blasting bond in the amount of
$5,000.00 to covet- said permit, pre•
sented and read..
Councilman Roberts moved that
the prayer of the petition be granted
and a permit ordered issued and the
blasting bond approved. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeget•. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger•,
Council Proceedings for the month
of July, 1934, presented for approval.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
Council Proceedings for the month
of July, 1934, be approved as printed.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Cath. A. Glenn, referred
to the City Council .by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the cancel~
lotion of the 1933 taxes on West
24 feet of City Lot 120, presented
and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solic•
itor for investigation and repm't.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger,
Cat•r'ied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayer Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Fannie Chihak, referred
tb the City Council by the Board
of Supervisors, requesting the sus-
pension of the 1933 taxes on North
r/2 of Lot 287 East Dubuque Addition.
presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to t•efer
the petition to the City Solicitor foz
investigation and report. Second-
ed by Cormcilman Jaeger. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen,
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition and notice on the amend-
ment of Colombia College, referred
to the City Council by the Board
of Supervisors, requesting the ex-
emption of taxes on South 34 fee!
of Lot 5 and the Nortlt 1 foot of
Lot 4 in Bnettell and Langwotthy's
Addition and Lot 3 of the Subdivi•
sion of City Lot 507 and City Lot
566, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition and notice 'on the
amendment to the City Solicitor fot•
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeget•, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mrs. Catherine Doyle,
referred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1933 taxes on
Lot 14 of Newman, Cooper & Smith's
Sub., presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the petition to the City Salic•
itor for investigation and t'eport.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Conncilman Andelfinger.
Petition of John Schoerberl, refer
red to the City Council by the Board
of Supervisor's, requesting the sus•
pension of the 1932 and 1933 taxes
on Lot 2 of 1 of Linheim's Sttb., pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Miss Dm•a Wullweber,
referred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the second half of
the 1933 taxes on the West 44 feet
of Lot 52 East Dubuque Addition,
presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Sec•
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeget•, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfiuger.
Petition of George Sears, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Snpervisors, requesting the suspen-
sion of the 1933 taxes on Lot 1 of
North r/z of Min, Lot 309A and Lot
2 of 3 of North 1/z of Min. Lot 309,
presented and t•ead.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report, Sec•
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of L, A. Miller, referred
to the City Council by the Board
of Supervisors, requesting the sus•
pension of the last half of the 1930
taxes and all of the 1931, 1932 and
1933 taxes on Lot 2 of 2 of 4 of
Bonson's Sub., presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Sec-
onded by Counciltnan Jaeger. Car•
tied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Conncilman Andelfinger.
Petition of The Dubuque Boys'
Welfare Assn, and The Dubuque
Boys' Club, referred to the City
Council by the Board of Snpervisors,
relative to having cancelled the de•
linquent taxes on City Lot 209, pt•e•
sented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
petition be ordered retm•neu to the
Board of Supervisors for their in•
dependent action. Seconded by Conn•
Gilman Jaeger. Carried by the fol•
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of The Dubuque Bays'
Welfare Assn. and the Dubuque
Boys' Club, requesting the cancel~
lotion of all real estate taxes on
City Lot 2D9, presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to sus•
pend the rules for the purpose of
allowing any one present in the
Council Chamber, who wishes to do
so, to address the Council. Second•
ed by Councilman Jaeger, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayot• Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Mr. C. I. Kt'ajewski addressed the
Council relative to the petition of
the Dubuque Boys' Welfare Assn.
and the Dubuque Boys' Club request-
ing cancellation of all real estate
taxes on City Lot 209,
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Council
for their consideration. Seconded
by Conncilman Jaeger, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmeu
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Counciltnan Andelfinger.
Petition of L. B. Estabrooks, re•
questing a return to agricultural ex•
entption of part of the taxes for the
years 1933 and 1934 and hreeaftet•
while used as a Public Golf Course
on the following described pieces
of land, Mineral Lot 200, Mineral
Lot 189, Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Min•
eral Lot 202, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Council
fot• their consideration and the City
Manager instructed to secure infor•
oration from the City Assessor as
to the reason why said land was
removed from the agricultural ex•
emption list. Seconded by Cottncil•
man Schiltz. Carried by the fol•
lowing vote.
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Communication of Good Wil] Tours
Committee, Dubuque Chamber of
Commerce, Manufacturers a n d
Wholesale Division, requesting that
the City be represented on the two
day tout- into Northeastern Iowa on
September- 19th and 20th, 1934, pt•e-
sented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re~
fer• the comrnttnication to the City
Council for their consideration at a
later date. Seconded by Council•
man Jaeger. Carried by the follow
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Couucilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of the list of
claims for which warrants were
drawn during the month of July,
1934, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to re•
ceive and file the proof of publica~
tion. Seconded by Councilntau
Schiltz. Carried by the following
252 Special Session, September 4th, 1934 _
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Communication of Iowa Aasocia•
tion of Chiefs of Police requesting
the City of Dubuque to send the
Chief of Police to the annual con•
vention to be held at Sioux City;
Iowa, on Septem"oer 18, 19, 20, 1934,
presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
Chief of Police J. W. Giellis be auth•
orized to attend the convention. Sec•
onded by Councilman Robet•ts. Car•
Tied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayot• Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Chas. Pape et al re•
questing that the Dubuque Stone
Products Company be enjoined and
stopped from blasting except as per•
mined by City Ordinance, presented
and read.
Councilman Roberts moved to re•
ceive and file the petition. Second•
ed by Councilman Schiltz. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Sehiltz.
Nays-None. ~
Absent-Councihnan Andelfinger.
Communication of W. J. Connell,
Director of Health, recommending
that the drinking fountains located
at 8th and Main Streets, 13th and
Central Avenge, also in Washington
and Jacltson Parks be either discon-
tinued m• replaced with a type of
fountain the same as the one now in
rise on the fit•st floor of the City
Hall, presented and read.
Councilman Roberts moved to re-
fer the comnumication to the City
Manager. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Reports of the Board of Health
for the month of July, 1934, pre•
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the repot•t of the Board of Health
for the month of July, 1934, be re-
ceived and placed on file. Second•
ed by Councilman Jaeger. Carried
by the folltvaing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
August 20, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: This is to advise that
I have approved the following pol~
icies covering signs and desire to
have yottt• approval on same for fil•
Ham Brewing Co., 1487 Central
Avenue-Policy No. 0. L. & T.
432612, Continental Casualty Co.
Tti•State Motor Co., 661-671 Iowa
Street-Policy No. PW 403, Central
Surety & Ins. Corp.
Emil Leiser (Leiser Beverage
Co.), 1348 Central Avenue-Policy
No. GLA 803337, American Surety
Mathey Chevrolet Co., 6th and
Iowa Streets, 588 Iowa Street-Pol-
icy No. PW 405, Central Surety &
Ins. Corp.
Tradehome Shoe Stores, Inc., 606
Main Street-Policy No. OLT 5130,
Fireman's Fund Indemnity Co.
William M. Hill (Hill's Lunch),
2024 Central Avenue-Policy No.
OLT 5123, Fireman's Fund Indemnity
Standard Oil Co., 18 signs within
City Limits-Policy No. OLT 5125,
Fireman's Fund Indetnity Co.
Fauerbach Brewing Co., 2417 Rhom•
berg Ave., 290 West 4th Street, 1656
Central Avenue, 1966 Central Aven•
ue,'189 Locust Stt•eet, 2605 Rhom•
berg Avenue-Policy No. C. L. I.
2300, Columbia Casualty Co.
Fred Boyd, 609 Locust Street, 450
West Locust Street, S. E. Cor. 17th
and Central, 1713 Maple Street-Pol-
icy No. OLT 607, Indemnity Ins.
Co. of North America.
Yours very truly,
Sec'y to City Manager.
Councilman Jaeger moved that
the policies be approved and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
August 8th, 1934.
City Clet•k, J. J. Shea.
Dubuque, Iowa.
On August 4th, a copy of resolu-
tio^ IQo. 78-34 and notice of con-
demnation of brick walls on Lot 1-2,
1-3, 1-4, 1-5, B1. 27, pt. of Dub. Har•
bor Improvement Ca. Addition in the
City of Dubuque were mailed to
Helen Cooper, owner, and today I
received return receipt bearing the
name of H. Cooper, which signifies
said Helen Cooper has received and
acknowledged aforesaid papers. En•
closed are copies of resolution, no-
tice, and returned receipt of regis~
tend mail.
C. F. Bartels,
Building Commissioner,
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the t•eturn of service be received and
filed. Seconded by Councilman Jaeg-
Special Session, September 4th, 1934 253
er. Carried by the following vote
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmet
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger..
Written report of City Solicitor
Czizek on petition of Frank Mac
gino, tvho requested the City Coun
cil to reconsider their previous ac
tion in revoking his Class "B" beet
permit and to allow him to continue
to operate under his former permit.
which was referred to him for re
port begs to advise the Council tc
permit their former action to stand
and that the petition for reconsid
eration be denied, presented and
Attorney John A. Cunningham ad•
dressed the Council relative to the
petition of Frank Macgino.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
report of City Solicitor Czizek be
approved. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Comntnnication of City Manager
Evans stating that Mt•. H. W'. Wahl-
ert, President of the Dubuque Pack-
ing Company, has made the follow
ing requests in connection with the
proposed new and revised arrange-
megts at their present location iii
the black between Sycamore and
Cedar Streets and between 16th and
]7th Streets: (1) Request far per-
mission to construct and rise a wood-
en ramp along the south sidewalk
space of East 17th Street starting
at a ground level near the Bee
Branch Sewer. (2) Request for the
right to temporarily use and fence
the entire sidewalk space on the
south of East 17th Street from Ced•
ar Street east to the beginning of
the ramp. (3) Request for permis•
sion for the Chicago, Milwaul~ee R.
R. Company to build a new single
track railroad spur from near the
tl~Iihvaukee Shops southwardly across
the north end of Sycamore Street
and along Sycamore Street to 16th
Street. '(4) Request for permission
to erect and use loading platforms
on Sycamore Street across the west
sidewalk space of Sycamore Street
between 16th and 17th Streets, pre•
sented and read.
Coumcilman Jaeger moved to re•
fer the communication to the City
Council to view the gragnds. Sec-
onded by Councihnan Schiltz. Car•
ried by the following• vote:
Yeas-NIayot• Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger
Resolution No. 99-34
A Resolution approving applica-
tions for the sale of beer and auth-
orizing the issuance of permits.
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque bas examined the
applications tivhich have been filed
for permits for the sale of beer with-
in the City of Dubuque and have
approved such applications as ap•
plies to the persons herein named
at the locations described herein:•
Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by said Council
that permits for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque be and
the same are hereby authorized and
ordered issued, as follows:-
Louis H. Kuehnle (Renewal), 1301
Rhomberg Avenue.
Albert M. Meyer (New), 130 West
8th Street.
Be it further resolved that the
bonds filed with the applications be
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of September, 1934.
11I. R. KANE,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Jaeger moved the ad•
option of the resloution. Seconded
by Councihnan Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
September 4, 1934.
Certificate of City Manager.
To the Honorable Mayot• and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The undersigned here-
by certifies that the contract for
the installation of Boulevard Lights
on Main Street from Jones Street
to West Thirteenth Street, United
Electric Company, contractors, has
been completed.
I further certify that this work
has been done in accordance with
the plaits anti specifications and stip•
ulations of the contract and I would
therefore recommend its acceptance
by the Council.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Resolution No. 100-34
A resolution accepting 5mprove-
ntent far the installation of boule-
vard lirhts on Main Street from
Jones Stt•eet tc West Thirteenth
284 Special Session, w
Street and directing the City En-
gineer to prepare a plat and schedule
_ showing the lots or parcels of real
estate subject to assessment and file
same in the office of the City Clerk
subject to public inspection and said
Clerk to publish the notice of thq
Council's intention to levy said spe-
ial assessment, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved the ad•
- option of the resolution. Seconded
= by Counbilman Jaeger. Carried by
- the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
- Nays-None.
- Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 101-34
= Preliminary approval of plans,
specifications, form of contract and
cost of improvement for the con-
=_ struction and installation of storm
water sewers in East 20th Street;
- Rhomberg Avenue, Washington
- Street and Farragut Street, present~
-_ ed and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved the ad•
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
- Nays-None,
_ Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 102-34
Fixing date of hearing upon plans,
specifications, form of contract and
cost of improvement for the con•
struction and installation of storm
water sewers in East 20th Street,
Rhomberg Avenue, Washington
Street and Fat•ragttt Street, said date
being the 17th day of September,
1934, at 4:00 o'clock P. M., presented
and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved the ad•
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
September 4, 1934.
To the Honm~able Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen; Attached is the only
bid received up to 11 a. m. today for
the proposed City Garbage Contract
The bid submitted is from the E. E
Frith Company, signed by Mr, E. T
Frith, in the sum of $18,000 per yeas
for garbage collection and disposal
The bid includes a certified checl
in the sum of $9,000, which is in ac
cordance with the instructions .o
City Council, on the basis of 10% o
the entire 5-year contract. All other
requirements of the notice to bidder.
are stated in Mr. Frith's proposal.
er 4th, 1934
The bid price is exactly the same
as was submitted by Mr, Frith and
accepted by the City Council five
years ago.
The City Manager's recommeuda•
tion is that the bid be accepted and
authority ftom the City Council be
made for the signing of a five ,(5)
year contract from and after Septem-
ber 16, 1934.
Yours very truly,
City Manager,
Resolution No. 103-34. Resolution
awarding contract for the collection
and disposal of garbage and dead
animals to E. E. Frith Company to
cover a period of five years from the
16th day of September, 1934, at 'an
annual cost to said City of $18,000.00
per year presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the resolution be approved and that
the resolution and form. of contract
be placed on file for one week for
pub 1 i c inspection. Seconded by
Councilman Jaeger, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilman
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Jaeger moved the
adoption of the resolution extending
the time limits from August 1st,
1934, on Iowa Projects Numbers 31-
H-2, 31B2-10 and 31-B8.14. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Verbal report of City Solicitor
Czizek, on communication of City
Treasm•er Puls in which the Treas-
urer recommended the advisability
of investing a part of the Bonded
Debt Sinking Fund balance in the
issue of special improvement bonds
for the improvement of Main Street,
Section No. 2 from Jones Street to
West Thirteen Street, stating that
the City has previously invested in
bonds of like security presented.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
City Treasurer be instructed to pur-
chase the special improvement bonds
issued for the improvement of Main
Street, Section No. 2, Jones Streiit to
West Thirtentlt Street, from the sur-
plus in the Bonded Debt Sinking
Fund, Seconded by Councilman Jae-
ger. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Couucilmeu
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
P~Ir. Tom Reed addressed the Coun-
cil requesting that the City Ordin-
ance be amended so as to allow the
Special Session,
establishing of a permanent auction
house in the building located at 965
Main Street.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the request of Mt•. Tom Reed to the
City Council. Seconded by Council-
man Schiltz. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Geo. J, Vogel request-
ing the City Council to make the
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co. a proposition
to settle their taxes by cancelling all
back taxes or by giving them at
]east a 60% reduction presented and
Councilman Roberts moved to re-
ceive and file the petition. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas -Mayor I{ane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
There being no further business,
Councilman Schiltz moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilman Jae•
get-. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Robetts, Schiltz.•
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
City Cler]t.
Approved ....................................1934
Adopted ........................................1934.
Councilmen; ; ........................................
Attest : ..................................................
City Clerk.
:ember 17th, 1934 255
Special Session, September 17th,
Council met at 4:25 P, 114..
Present-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz, City Man-
aget• Evans.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Meeting called by ot•der of Coun-
cilman Schiltz and Roberts.
To F. M. Jaeger, Councilman.
Yon are hereby notified that there
is hereby called a special meeting of
the City Council of the City of Du•
buque, to be held in the Council
Chamber in the City Hal] at 4:00
o'clock P. M. on Monday, September
17th, 1934. At this meeting there
will be considered fot• final adoption
the ordinance entitled, "Ordinance
No. 10-34. An Ordinance providing
for the issuance of $28,000,00 Sewer
Bonds, providing for the levy of the
taxes to pay the wine and declaring
an emergency," which Ordinance has
been on file with the City Clerk for
public inspection since the 4th day
of September, 1934, At this meeting
there will also be introduced a reso•
lution entitled, "Resolution directing
the advertisement and sale of
$28,000.00 Sewer Bonds, a*hieh reso•
lution will have the consideration of
the Council at that time, Any othBr
fm•ther business that may properly
come before a regular meeting of
said Council will be considered at
this meeting.
Ordinance No. 10-34. An Ordin-
ance providing for the issuance of
$28,000.OD Sewer Bonds, providing
for the levy of taxes to pay the
same and declaring an emergency,
said ordinance having been passed
upon first and second readings on
September 4th, 1934, and placed on
file for public inspection, presented
and read a third time.
ORDINANCE N0, 10.34.
An Ordinance providing for the ssuance
of $28,000 Sewer Bonds, providing for
the levy of taxes to pay the same rnd
declaring an emergency.
Whereas, the City of Dubuque, in the
County of Dubuque and the State cf
Iowa, heretofor, pursuant to and in
strict compliance with all laws applic-
able, lawfully ordered and provided for
building and constructing sewers in and
for said City at a cost of not less than
$28,000; and,
Whereas, it is necessary and zdvis-
able that provisio,is be made for the
issuance of bonds of said City bt the
sum of $28,OD0 to defray the rost of
256 Special Session, September 17th, 1934
building and cmnstructing said servers;
__ and,
Whereas, notice and hearing on the
-- initiation of proceedings for the issu-
_ ance of said bonds has heretofor been
given in manner and form required by
Section 363 of the Cade of Iowa and no
- petition nor protes has been filed:
Now, Therefore, e it Ordained by
the City Council of City of Dubuque,
- follows:
Section 1. That pursuant to and as
authorized by Section 6126 of the Cade
of Iowa, there shall be and there is
hereby ordered issued the negotiable
-- Sewer Bonds of said City of Dubuque
l in the principal amount of $28,000; said
bonds to be 28 in number, dated October
1, 1934, bearing interest at the .ate of
Four and One-Half Percent (4'~~Ic) per
- annum, from the date of said bonds
until paid, payable April 1, 1936, and
1 semi-annually thereafter on the first
1 days of October and April in each year;
~, . .
' that said bonds be signed by the Mayor
° and Attested by the City Clerlt and the
seal of said City attached, and to be
_ ~ registered as to issuance by the City
_ Treasurer and a certificate of such reg-
_ ~ istration endorsed thereon; that inter-
- est upon said bonds be evidenced by
- ~ coupons thereto attached and maturing
- on the several days when such interest
matures, which coupons shall be exe-
cuted with the facsimile signatures of
said officials, and said Mayor and City
Clerlr, by the execution of said bonds,
^ ) `~ shall adapt as and far their proper sig-
natures, their respective facsimile sig-
_ , ,J~ natures appearing on said coupons; and
that both principal and interest '~e boy-
y able in lawful money of the United
~Y States of America, at the office of the
City Treasurer in and of the City of
- Dubuque, Iowa; that said bonds he of
the denomination of $1,D00.00 each, be
nambered consecutively from i 1.0 28,
_ both numbers included, b@come rhie and
= payable in their numerical order as fol-
_ •s: $28,000.00 an October 1, 1948.
Section 2. That each of said bonds
be subject to registration as to princi-
_ pal iu the name of the holder on 1.ite
- hooks of the City Treasurer, such reg-
istration being noted upon each bond so
registered, and after such registration
- payment of the principal thereof shall
be made only to the registered holder.
- Any bands sa registered, upon the t•e-
quest in writing of such holder, person-
ally or by attorney in fact, may be
transferred either to a designated trans-
feree or to bearer, and the principal of
any bonds so transferred and registered
to bearer shall thereupon be and be-
come payable to bearer in like manner
' as if such bond had never been regis-
tered. Registration of any bonds as to
principal shall not restrain the negoti-
ability of the coupons thereto attached
by delivery merely,
- Section 3. ,That said bonds, coupons
and provisions Tor registration be in
substantially the following forms:
No. $1,000.00
_ Know All Man By These Presents:
That the City of Dubuque, in the Coun-
ty of Dubuque and State of Iowa, for
• value received, promises to pay to bear-
er, or if this bond be registered as to
principal, to the registered holder there-
. of, the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) on the first day of October,
1948, rvith interest ott said sum frorn
the date hereof until paid at the rate
of -- per cent (-;a) pet
annum, payable April 1, 1935, and semi-
annually thereafter on the first days of
October and April in each Year, on pre-
sentation and surrender of the interest
coupons hereto attached as they sever-
ally mature. Both principal and inter-
est of this bond are payable in lawful
money of the United States of America
at the office of the City Treasurer in
yydlof the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
~ts bond is issued by the City of
Dubuque, pursuant to and in strict com-
pliance with the provisions of Section
6126 and Chapter 63-B1 of the Code of
Iowa, and all laws amendatory thereof
and supplementary thereto, and in con-
formity with an Ordinance of the City
Council of said City duly passed, ap-
proved and published, for the purpose
of building and constructing sewers in
and for said City.
And it is hereby certified and recited
that all acts, conditions and things re-
quired by the laws and constitution of
the State of Iowa to exist, to l>e ltad,
to be done, or to be performed precedent
to and in the issue of this bond, rv•ere
and have been properly existant, l:,ad,
done and performed in regular and due
form and time; that provisions have
been made for the levy of a sufficient
continuing annual tax on all the tax-
able property within said City fur the
his bond as the tsameaw']lrespectively
become due; that the faith credit, t•ev-
enues and resources and all the real
and personal property of said City are
irrevocably pledged for the prompt pay-
ment hereof, both principal and inter-
est; and that the total indebtedness of
said City, including this bond, dons not
exceed any constitutional or statutory
This bond is subject to t•egistration
as to principal in the name of tha holder
on the books of the City Treasurer of
said City, such reglstratimt to be evi-
denced by notation of said Traasur•er
on the bath hereof, and after such reg-
istration no transfer hereof, except
upon such books and similarly noted
hereon, shall he valid unless the last
registration shall have been to nearer.
Registration hereof shall not affect the
negotiability of the coupons hereto at-
tached, which shall continue negotiable
by delivery merely.
City, by its Comtcil, has caused this
bmtd to be signed by its Mayor and
attested by its City Clerk, with tha seal
of said City affixed and the coupons
hereto attached to be executed with
the facsimile signatures of said Mayor
and City Clerk, which officials by the
execution of this bond do adopt as and
for their Proper signatures their re-
spective facsimile signatures appear-
ing ott said coupons, all the first day
of October, 1934.
1layor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Clerlt of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
No. $---
On 19-, the Treasurer
of the City of Dubuque, in Dubuque
County, Iowa, will pay to bearer
Dollars, ($ ), at the
office of tha City Treasurer, Dubuque,
Iowa, for interest due that date on its
Server Bond, dated October 1, 1934,
.1layor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Attest: ~
Special Session, September 17th, 1934 257
Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
(Form of Registration of Ownership).
Date of Registration
Name of Registered Orvner
Signature of City Treasurer.
On the back of each bond there shall
be endorsed a certificate of the City
Treasurer in the following form:
The issue of this bond has been duly
and properly registered in my office
as of the first day of October, 1934.
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, fa.
Section 4. That said bonds be exe-
cuted as herein provided as soon after
the adoption of this ordinance as may
be and thereupon they shall be deliv-
ered to the Treasurer of said City, who
shall register the fact of the issuance
of same in a book provided for that
purpose and shall deliver said bonds to
the purchasers, as determined by this
Council, upon receipt of the purchase
price, the same to be not less than the
par value of said bonds with accrued
in rest thereon.
ection 6. That for the Purpose of
providing for the levy and collection of
direct annual tax sufficient to pay
he interest on said bonds as it falls
ne, and also to pay arid. discharge
{~ he principa! thereof at maturity, there
f ~ e and there is hereby levied upon al]
~j axable property in said City in each
f the years while said bonds ar any
_~ tl f them are ontstanding~, a tax sufficient
\J~~(" or that purpose, and in furtherance of
his provision but not in limitation
hereof that there be and there is
tereby levied on all the taxable prop-
~ erty in said City the following' direct
annual tax, to-tvit:
Far the year 1935, a tax sufficient to
a produce the sum of $2,520, being $1,260
to reimbw'se current funds for ad-
~• " vaneements to pay interest due luting
the year 1936 and $1,260 for interest.
Far each of the years 1936 to 1946,
both inclusive, a tax sufficient to pro-
duce the sum oP $1,260 each year for
For the, year 1947, a tax sufficient to
produce the smn of $29,260 for princi-
pal and interest. ~
Said taxes when collected shall be
converted into a special fund for the
pa3'ment of principal and interest of
the bonds hereby authorized and no
other purposes whatsoever.
coon 6. That the principal w• in-
terest coming' due at any time when
there are insufficient funds oa band to
pay the satire, 'be promptly paid when
clue from current funds on hand, and
reimbursement Ue made to such current
funds in the sums thus advanced when
the taxes herein provided shall have
been collected.
Section 7; That a certified copy of
this Ordinance be filed with the County
Auditor of Dubuque Comtty and .that
said Auditor be and he is hereby in-
structed in and for each of the years
1936 to 1947, inclusive, to enter for
collection and assess the tax hereby
Section 8. That all ordinances and
resolutions or parts thereof in conflict
herewith be and the same are hereby
Section 9, That it is necessary for
the immediate preservation of public
peace, health and safety that this ordi-
nance become effective upon its pass-
age, approval and publication, and' it is
so ordered.
Introduced, September 4th, 1934.
Passed and approved September 17th,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Recorded, September 18th, 1934,
Published, September 19th, 1934.
City Clerlt.
Published officially in the Telegraph-
Herald and Times-Journal newspaper
September 19th, 1934.
9-19-1t City Clerk.
Councilman Schiltz mAVed the
a(Ibption of the ordinance. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 104-34,
Whereas, it is necessary and for
the best interests of said City that
$23,000 Sewer Bonds contemplated to
be issued by the City of Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa, be offered
for sale at this time: Now, There-
Be It Resolved by the City Coun•
cif of Dubuque, Iowa, as follows:
Section 1. That Sewer Bonds in
the amount of $28,000 as proposed to
be issued and as referred to in the
Preamble of this Resolution, dated
October 1, 1934, be offered for sale
pursuant to published advertisement.
Sec, 2. That the City Clerk be and
he is hereby authorized 'and directed
to pttblisll hotice of the sale of said
bonds foI• two or more consecutive
weeks iu tlio Telegraph-Herald and
Times-Journal, an official newspaper
of Dubuque County, printed and pub-
lished in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
such notice to state that bids will be
received and acted upon by tfie
Council at a meeting to be held at
4 o'clacl: P. M, on October' 8, 1934,
'and such notice to be in substantial-
ly the following form:
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the City C1eI•k in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, until 10 o'cloclt A.
M., October 8, 1934, for $28,000
Server Bands of the City of Dubuque,
Iotaa, at which time they will be re-
ferred to the City Council of said
City at its meeting to be then held
258 Special Session, September 17th, 1934
- in the Council Chamber of the City
- Hall, and after the receipt of which
open bids will be received and the
- bonds will then be sold to the high-
est biddet• for cash. Said bonds will
be dated October 1, 1934, and ma-
ture $28,000 on Octobet• 1, 1948. Both
principal and interest are to be paid
at the office of the City Treasurer,
_ Dubuque, Iowa. All bids shall spec-
_ ify the rate of interest, and all other
things being equal, the bid of par
and accrued interest or better for
the lowest interest rate will be given
preference. The successful bidder
_ must pay the cost of printing the '.
These bands are to be issued for
the purpose of defraying the cost of
building and constructing sewers and
- will constitute general obligations of
_ the said City. The City will furnish
= the approved opinion of Messrs.
'Chapman & Cutler, Lawyers, Chi-
cago, Illinois, and all bids must be
- so conditioned.
°_ Bidders must furnish certified
checlt for $1,000 as guarantee of
- good faith, this amount to be for-
= feited by the successful bidder
- should he fail to take up and pay for
the bonds when ready. The right is
- reserved to reject any or all bids.
By order of the City Council.
- City Clerlt."
- Dated September 19th, 1934.
- Section 3. That the City Clerlt is
further authorized to prepare such
circulars for future advertisements
as may be deemed advisable in order
to afford due publication for the sale
of said bonds.
- Section 4, That all Resolutions of
parts of Resolutions in conflict here-
- with be and the same are hereby
Passed and approved September
17, 1934.
- Councilmen.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption,of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayer Kane, Councilmen
_ Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
- Nays-None.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Proof of publication, certified tc
by the publishers, of the notice a1
hearing upon plans and specifica
tions, form of contract and cost of
construction of storm water sewer:
in East 20th Street, Rhomberg Ave
nue, Washington Street and Farra•
gut Street, presented and read. '
Councilman Jaeger moved to re-
ceive and file the proof of publica-
tion. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 105-34. Resolution
containing decision of the Council
upon objections to plans and specif-
ications,form of contract and cost of
construction of storm water sewers
in East 20th Street, Rhomberg Ave•
nue, Washington Street and Farra-
gut Street, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Couucilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 1DS-34. Resolution
m•dering construction and directing
the Clerlt to advertise for bids for
the construction of stm•m water
sewers in East 20th Street, Rhom-
berg Avenue, Washington Street and
Farragnt Street, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved the
adoption of the resolution Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz, Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schutz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of S. D. Canavan et al.,
requesting the construction of sani-
tary sewers im Chestnut Street and
Cox Street, presented and read.
Councilman Roberts moved to sus-
pend the rules for the purpose of
allowing any one present in the
Council Chamber, who wishes to do
so, to address the Council. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Mr. S. D. Canavan addressed the
Council requesting that sanitary
sewers be constructed in Chestnut
Street and Cox Street.
Councilman Roberts moved to re•
fer the petition to the Council. SecF
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger,: Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Commupication of Sidney J. Wil-
liams, Director, Public Safety Divi-
sion, National Safety Council, hc.,
Special Session, September 17th, 1934 259
extending invitation to City Man-
ager Evans to attend the conference
of Community Safety Council Man-
agers which will be held in Cleve•
land, Ohio, on September 29th and
30th, 1934, presented and read,
Councilman Roberts moved to re•
ceive and file the communication.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Communication of Retail Met'-
chants Bm•eau, with attached resolu-
tion, opposing the amending of the
City Ordinance relating to auction
sales so that 'a permanent Auction
House may be established, presented
and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
communication and resolution be
made a matter of record. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mary G. Starr referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the suspen-
sion of the 1932 and 1933 taxes on
West 48 feet of Lot 3, Farley's Sub.,
the East 5 feet of Lot 4, Barley's
Sub., and the 1933 tax on Cain's Sub.
the North i/ of Lot 5, presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Second-
ed by Councilman Roberts. Carried
by the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mary J. Ring, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the suspen-
sion of the 1934 taxes on North 1/z
of West 170 feet of Lot Z88, Davis
Farm Addition, presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and repm•t. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Cat•ried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Franlt Kressig, re•
fert•ed to • the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors requesting the
suspension of the 1934 taxes on Lqts
74.75-76, Pleasant View Addition,
presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor fm'
investigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Couucilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilmen Andelfinget•.
Petition of Mrs. Matilda Cooper,
referred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1932 and 1933
taxes on Lot 29 of Mineral Lot 39
presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts, Carried 6y
the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mrs. Walter J. Burke,
referred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1933 taxes on Lot
4 of South Avenue Addition present-
ed and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and t•eport. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mrs. Bridget Casey, re-
ferred to the City Council by tlae
Boat•tl of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1933 taxes on Lot
1 of 2 of 7 of M. L. 79, Lot 2 of 1
of 1 of 3 of 7 of M. L. 79 and Lot
2 of 1 of 3 or 7 of M, L. 79, pre•
rented 'and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor fot•
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor I{one, Councilmen
Jaeger,, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of Barbara Eberhardt, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the last half of the
1933 taxes on NW. 1/r of Lot 95, L.
H, Langworthy's Add., and Lot 1 of
2 of S. 1/z of 96 L. H. Langworthy's
Add., presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the petition to ,the City Solicitor
for investigation and report, Sec-
onded by Councilman Roberts, Car-
ried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
260 Special Session, S
Petition of Mathilda Becker, re•
= ferred to the City Council by the
_ Board of Supervisors, requesting the
- suspension of the 1933 taxes on N.
- '/z of Lot 2, Frank Fosselman's Sub„
presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
_ the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
= Nays-None.
° Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petitions of Henrietta. Pesky, re-
_ ferred to the City Council by the
_ Board of Supervisors, requesting the
- suspension of the 1932 sand 1933 tax-
es on Lot 7, Kelly's Sub., and the
1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 sand 1933 taxes
suspended on Lot 2 of 2 of 9 of City
- Lat 703, Lot 2 of 8 of City l.ot 703
° and Lot 4 and 5 of City Lot 703, pre-
- sented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
-_ for the petition to the. City Solicitor
_ for investigation and report. Second-
ed by Councilman Roberts, Carried
-_ by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
- Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
- Nays-None.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Lessie Dawson, re-
- ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
-_ suspension of the 1933 taxes on Lot
79, Union Add., presented and read.
- Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
__ by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
_ Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of F. J. Kotowske et al.,
requesting that the Interstate Pow-
er Company operate their busses on
A~fount Loretta Avenue presented
and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Manager.
Seconded by Councilman Roberts.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Warranty Deed from Dubuque Lum-
ber ~ Coal Co. to the City of Du-
buque conveying Lat 25 (excepting
Railnoad Right of Way) in McCra-
ney's Eagle Point Addition, present•
_ ed.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
Warranty Deed be accepted and re•
corded with the County Recorder,
Member 17th, 1934
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Mayot• Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Max Blum requesting
that before granting a permit to the
Milwaukee Railroad Company tc ex-
tend attack down Sycamore Street
to 16th Street that it be required to
give him or subsequent holder or
purchaser of the real estate now
held by him the right to require the
Milwaulee Railroad Company, upon
payment for the extension, to extend
the railroad tracks south on Syoa-
mone Street to 15th Street ar to ex•
tend the tracks south through the
alley west of Sycamore Street from
16th Stroet to 15th Street at the
election of the petitioner or any sub-
sequent holder of said real estate to
use the branch road in receiving or
shipping freight presented and read.
Councilman Roberts moved to re-
fer the petition to the Council. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car-
ted by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor I{one, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
September 12, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Yesterday morning
Mr. Oliver Kringle stopped me on
plain Street and advised that he had
objections to a new railnoad track
being constructed and used on Syca-
more Street. Mr. Kringle advised
that he had recently purchased three
houses on tine west side of Sycamore
Street just north of 18th Street.'
While the members of the City
Council were viewing thfs proposed
railroad track location yesterday
afternoon, Mr. Kringle also handed
to Councilman Peter Schiltz a list
of persons objecting to this proposed
railroad track. The petition is here•
with attached.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the communication of City Manager
Evans with the attached petition of
Jas. Benda et al. to the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Peas - Maym• Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
September 11, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: On September 9, 1921,
the City of Dubuque purchased at a
Special Session, September 17th, 1934 261
request dated September 4, 1934, for
the continued Agricultural Exemp•
tion on certain portions of the Bunk•
et• Hill Golf Course, owned by Mr.
L. B. Estabrooks, was referred to
the City Manager for a report by
action of the City Council, Septem•
ber 4, 1934.
On November 21, 1927, a petition
from Mr. L. B. Estabrooks was sub-
nutted to the Council requesting
Agricultural Exemption on the fol-
lowing tracts: Min. Lot No. 189
(17.25 acres), part of M. L. 265 (12.05
acres), M. L, 200 (19.63 acres), M. L.
202 (12 acres), part of M, L. 201
(5,03 acres), M, L. 340 (18.35 acres),
or total act•eage of 84.31 acres. The
action of the Council was that the
request he referred to the City Sa•
]icitm• for report.
Accordingly, at the meeting of
March 27, 1928, Mr. Czizek recom•
mended that certain portions of the
area petitioned to be exempt were
entitled to Agricultural Exemption,
while other parts were not. The
tracts recommended and authorized
by Council for Agricultural Exemp-
tion March 27, 1928, were M. L. 200
(19.63 acn•es), M. L. 1 of 189 (17.25
acres), Lot 1 of 265, Lot 1 of 202,
and part of Lot 201 (22.51 acres) or
a total of 59.39 acres.
Again on December 4, 1928 the
same question was presented to
Ceuncil. The action taken was that
the same Agricultural Exemption be
continued for 1928 as was authorized
for the 1927 taxes. !
Mr. Estabrooks advised today that,
since his original petition and auth•
orization by Council portions of vat-
ions tracts belonging to him had
been taxed on Agricultural Exemp-
tion basis until the 1933 levy for 1934
On August 7, 1933, the Budget oP
Expenditures for the year 1934 was
revised by the striking off of the
Agricultural Exemptions on Mr. Es•
tabrooks' tracts including M. L, 200,
M. L. 189, Lot 1 of M. L. 265, Lots
1 and 2 of 202, including a total
acreage of 48,72 acres, Other form•
er Agricultural Exemptions were al•
so eliminated at this time,
At a conference with the Assess-
ons September 8th, Mr. Bennett
showed facts that the Assessors had
Placed valuations on all the Esta-
bn•ool[ property without Agricultural
Exemptions. The Council had pre•
viously adjusted, yearly, the certain
area exempt, but the Assessors were
not advised of the exemptions.
It was ascertained that in the As-
sessor's records a reduction in Esta•
tax sale, held at the Court House,
Lot 27 in Block 26, Dubuque Harbor
Improvement Company's Addition to
the City of Dubuque, for the im-
provement of Faut•th Street exten-
sion, levied October 19, 1916, the
City paying the sum of $72,45.
Only July 13, 1925, the City re-
ceived aTreasurer's deed from Mr,
C. E. Mullin, County Treasurer,
which deed was filed for record July
18, 1925. On January 4, 1927, J. H.
Rhomberg, deceased, purchased the
tax sale certificate against the afore•
said property for the delinquent reg-
ular tax of 1924 and 1925, also pay-
ing asubsequent tax on April 27,
I have since learned from the
Township Assessor, George Bennett,
that the value of this lot is placed
at $72.00,
On January 26, 1926, Mary E,
Waller, to whom this property was
assessed before purchase by the City
of Dubuque, gave to the aforesaid
J. H. Rhomberg, deceased, a quit
claim deed, which was Sled for rec-
m~d January 15, 1926, At the time of
making of this deed to J. H. Rhom-
berg, deceased, the City of Dubuque
was then owner of this property,
having received a Treasurer's deed
from the County on July 13, 1925.
Mr. J. Anthony Rhomberg, admin•
istraton• of the estate of J. I-I, Rhom-
berg, deceased, is now serving notice
on the City of Dubuque to redeem
this property or at the expiration of
ninety (90) days he will claim title.
I am setting out these facts and
attaching hereto the notice of re-
demption far your consideration.
The cost of redemption as of Octo-
ber 1st, 1934, amounts to $19.63.
Yours very truly,
City Treasurer,
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
City redeem Lot 27 in Block 26 in
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com-
pany's Addition and that a warrant
in the sum of $19.63 be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer in fa-
vor of the County Treasurer for the
redemption of said lot. Seconded by
Councilman Schiltz. Carried by the
fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
September 10, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The question of the
= 262 Special Session, S
brooks city valuations had been
- made as follows:
Acre- 1931 Val- 1935 Val-
- age ues For ues For
1932 Taxes 1934 Taxes
M. L. 189....._....17,26 $1,100.00 $ 740.00
M. L. 200.,,..,,.....19.63 2,800.00 1,900.00
Part of
M. L. 201 6.87 600.00 400.00
M. L. 202-1.,,... 5.47 1,000.00 680.00
M. L. 202-2...... 6.67 1,100.00 740.00
M. L. 340-2...... 3.35)
_ M. L, 340-1
of 3 ........,.._........... 9.62) 1,000.OD 630.00
M, L. 265-1.....,12.05)
= M. L, 265-2......1.30) 1,120.00 752.00
~ Assessor's To-
- tal City
Acreage .........86.21
Assessed Val-
uations .................... $8,720.00 $5,892.00
Taxed Val-
- ations ....................... 2,180.00 6,892.00
Millage Rates ...._... 158.0 M. 41.3 M.
Assessor's Rec-
ord of Taxes.....,... 344.44 243.34
Mr. Estabrooks reports that his
- total taxes far the portions of the
Golf Course land within the City,
(part of his tract, including his
home, is beyond city limits) and as
- follows:
1931 Levy for 1932 Taxes,.....$205.82
1932 Levy for 1933 Taxes...... 197.06
1933 Levy for 1934 Taxes...... 243.34
N1,r. Estabrooks stated that his
first nine holes were opened for use
June 17, 1927; the second nine holes
were started in July, 1927, and op•
- ened far use in June, 1928. ,
Mr. Estabrooks further stated that
his estimate of the use of his 86
- acres within the city includes 41.0
acres for golf; 40.0 acres of timber
- in various locations and 5.0 acres
_ of non-used land. He stated that
no cows were pastured on his land,
but hay along the rough in the fair-
ways had amounted to as much as
G tons in 1932, but none this year.
The hay was used by Mr. Bradley,
The request of September 4, 1934;
for Agricultural Exemption on the
lots including
Mineral Lot 200 ..................19.63 Acre.
Mineral Lot 189 ..................17.25 Acre:
Lot 1 of M. L, 202....:....... 5.47 Acre:
Lot 2 of M. L. 202............ 6.67 Acre:
Total ................................49.02 Acre
The present request for Agricul
rural Exemption is 49/86 of the rota
tract while the exemption of 192'
and 1928 were 59/86 of the total
There may be a legal question of thi
division of Lots 1 and 2 of M. L. 202
both less than 10.0 acres. The sta
totes (6210) provide that no exemp
tion is permitted on tracts under 10.1
acres of area and same must be uses
for farming purpose or preservatioi
of timber (2605). No map is avail
able of the specific location of the ll
golf holes. It is estimated that eac]
and every one of the various tract
contains one or more golf hole:
ember 17th, 1934
alight variations exist in the various
This question rests with the Coun-
eiL In August, 1933, the previous
exemptions were first denied, since
1927, by the City Council action.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted and
the County Auditor instructed ac-
cordingly, Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
September 5, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In accordance `with
the authorized agreement of May 7,
1934, between the City and Mr. Nich-
olas Welbes for the use of Welbes'
playground field up to September
4, 1934, for the sum of $50.00, please
be advised that the time limit of
the playground use of this private
property ltas expit•ed, The children
of the `vest end are still using this
field and Mr. Welbes objects to con-
tinued use.
At a conference today with Mr.
Welbes and Mr. Syl. McOauley, Mr.
Welbes finally agreed to permit the
use' of his land for football, skating
and other recreational features for
the next eight (8) months, or to
May 1, 1935, for the sum of flfty
($50.00) dollars, which is the same
amount paid to him for Your mouths
of use this summer.
Within the last few days several
requests and complaints have been
filed to secure the Welbes tract
fm• playground purposes this fall
and this winter-.
Mr. Welbes was advised that if
the City Council did approve and
authorize the farther use of his tract,
that likely no payment for the same
could be made until next spring.
The playground situation in the
west end of the City is critical. If
this tract can be used, it will pro•
vide a safe location for many hun-
dreds of children this fall and
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Jaeger moved that
authority be granted for the i~ettt-
ing of Welbes Field for an addi•
tional 8 month period till May 1st,
1935, far the sum of $50.00 said war-
rant to be drawh against the Recre•
ation Fnnd Nhen appropriation is
available. Seconded by Councilman
Special Session, September 17th, 1934 263
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayot• Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
September 13, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayot• and .City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen; The City Council, at
an informal meeting held Septem•
ber 12th, considered the request pre•
seated by the Dubuque Boys' Wel•
fare Association and the Dubuque
Boys' Club. This request was orig-
inally referred by the Council to the
Council September 4, 1934, and in•
eluded tax exemption on the property
considered to be purchased by the
Boys' Club, but yet owned by the
Dubuque Bread Co., said property
being on Lot 209, southeast cornet~
of Iowa and 9th Streets.
Upon advice from the City Solic•
itor and County Attorney, the City
Council determined that it was not
legal to cancel taxes on property not
yet owned by the Boys' Clttb, Ac•
cordingly, the request, above men•
tinned; was denied.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
action of the City Council be ap•
proved. Seconded by Councilman
Roberts. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
September 13, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: On June 5, 1934, the
City Council referred a petition,
signed by L, J. Eberhardt, Jr., et al,
objecting to a proposed erection, or
re•erection, of a billboard on Kniest
Street on property of Mr. A. Duet-
scher to the City Manager.
The petition is herewith returned
for the records of the Council No
attempt has been made toward the
billboard erection. In this location
and all others the full requirements
of the Zoning Ot•dinance will be
enforced on billboard locations.
Yours very truly,
City Manager,
Councilman Jaeger moved to re-
ceive and file the communication of
City Manager Evans and also the
petition of L. J. Eberhardt, Jr., et
al. Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilmen Andelfinger.
September 13, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: The City Council
yesterday considered -the request of
the Central Avenue Business Men's
Association, submitted to Council
July 2, 1934, asking that City Routes
20, 55 and 61 for Federal Highways
be established on Central- Avenue
from 4th to 14th Streets,
The decision of the Council was
that, since the saute three city routes
had been authorized to be estab•
lashed on Main Street prior to July
2, 1934, it was impossible to autho~'-
ize additional City Routes for Fed•
er•al Highways on Central Avenue
from 4th to 14th Streets.
Yaut•s very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
decision of the Council be received
and filed. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger'.
September 13, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa,
Gentlemen: On May 7, 1934, the
matter- of a claim for injuries sus•
rained by Mrs. Clarence Sauer who
fell and suffered injuries at 8th and
Main Streets in the year 1933, was
personally discussed with the City
Council. Action of the Council was
that the claim be referred to the
After investigation of said claim,
the City Council `determined on Sep•
tember 12, 1934, to deny the claim.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Roberts moved that
the decision of the Council be re•
ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun•
Gilman Schiltz, Carried by the fol•
lowing vote:
Yeas-Mayot• Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts acid Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
September 13, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: At an informal meet-
ing of the City Council held Sep•
tember 12, 1934, the question was
submitted to the Council in regard
to the possible change of al] city
man-operated gates and flags at cer-
264 Special Session, September 17th, 1934 Special Session, September 17th, 1934 265 I~~~~ ~I~~1~~ ~ ,~
tain city street crossings of railroad
lines to electrically operated flash-
ing signals operating 24 hours per
Information was also given, indi•
rectly, that possibly all the local
Railroad Companies favored the use
of the modern electric flashing sig-
nal system and that possibly a flash-
ing signal system could be secured
at all street crossings, whereas at
present many street crossings are
entirely unprotected and some other
crossings have a flagman only at cer•
twin hours of the day and at cer•
tain times of the year. Special dang•
Brous conditions exist at East 16th,
East 17th, Lincoln Avenue, 29th
Street, etc.
In a copy of a letter at hand from
Mr. T, H, McDonald, Chief of Bureau
of Public Roads, U. S, Department
of Agriculture, to District Engineers,
it is stated that the Joint Committee
on Grade Crossing Protection of the
American Railway Association ap•
proves certain types of electric
flashing signals with additional stop
signs in case of current failure, This
committee favors uniform signals
that have already proved success-
ful and efficient in actual service.
In the City of Des Moines, Iowa,
also at DeWitt, Iowa, several cross-
ings have recently been changed to
the electric type. In Illinois, Indi-
ana, Ohio and Pennsylvania many
electric signs are no~v in service
at main crossings where fast ritov-
ing trains crass Federal Highways.
The cost and maintenance of all
the possible new electric signals at
all city* railroad crossings would be
up to the individual railroad, or in
a few cases, to two or more rail-
roads involved at certain crossings.
The questions to be considered
are tivhether or not the City Coun•
cil would favor this change of some-
what antiquated protection service
to the modern type; whether or not
the ordinance should be changed re-
quiring electric signals at present
gate and watchman locations and at
possibly all crossings in the City;
and whether or not the local rail-
road companies will agree to this
change at this time.
It is suggested that this electric
signal service be investigated and
secured if possible far increased
safety to every grade crossing in
our City.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re
fer the communication of City Man
ager Evans to the Council. Second
ed by Councilman Jaeger. Carriei
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane; Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
September 17, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa,
Gentlemen: This is to advise that
I have approved the following pol•
icies and desire to have your ap•
proval on same for filing:-
George C. Rath & Sons, Inc., 1203-7
Central Avenue-Policy No. 0. L. &
T. 432610, Continental Casualty Co.
Kretz Cafeteria, 498 Main Street
-Policy No. IR 2430, The Fidelity
& Casualty Co.
Charles Landon, 245 West 8th
Street-Policy No, 0. L. & T, 432615,
Continental Casualty Co.
Eisenegger's Old Style Restaurant,
1105 Iowa Street-Policy No. ILO
55383, Great American Indemnity Co.
Jos. J. Bertsch (Merchants Hotel),
300-326 Main Street-Policy No. ILO
56408, Great American Indemnity Co.
Courtland F. Hillyard, 1101-35 Main
Street-Policy No. IP 1895, The Fi•
delity & Casualty Co.
Irving Seubert and Edna Fesler,
1828 Central Avenue-Policy No. ILC
2G191, Great American Indemnity Co.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
policies be approved and placed on
file. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
September 10, 1934,
To the Honm•able Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I am submitting here-
with reports of the City Auditor, City
Treasurer and City Water Depart-
ment for the month of August, 1934,
also list of claims and list of pay
rolls for which warrants were issued
during the month of August, 1934.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the reports be received and place
on file, Seconded by Councilman
Roberts. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 103-34
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that a
contract be awarded to E. E. Frith
Company, for the collection and dis-
posal of garbage and dead animals
in said City, said contract to cover
a period of five (5) years from the
sixteenth (16th) day of September,
1934, at an annual cast to said City
of $18,000.00 per year.
Be it further resolved that the City
Manager and Clerk be and they are
hereby directed to execute said con•
tract on behalf of the City of Du•
buque, Iowa, said contract to be in
accordance with the proposal execut•
ed and submitted by the contractor
and the published notice to Bidders,
as authorized by the City Council,
Angtlst 10th, 1934, all of which are
hereby, made a part hereof, by refer-
ence thereto, a form of contract to
be approved by this Council before
the same is finally executed.
Approved and placed on file far
one week for public inspection this
4th clay of September, 1934.
Passed, adopted and approved this
17th day of September, 1934.
Attest: J. J. Slrea,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schiltz moved the ad•
option of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger, Carried by
the following- vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Garbage Contract
I{now All Men By These Presents:
That articles of agreement are
hereby entered into by and between
the City of Dubuque, a municipal
corporation, of Iowa, as party of the
first part, and E. E, Frith Company
of Dubuque, Iewa, party of the sec-
ond part, with and under the follow
ing terms and couditions to•wit:
1, In consideration of the matters
and things and works to be done and
performed by said party of the sec•
and part, the party of the first here-
by agrees to pay said party of the
second part the sum of $18,000.00 per
year for a period of five years from
the 16th day of September, 1934, pay-
ments each year to be made in twen•
tyfour• installments computed at the
middle and end of each month.
2. The patty of the second part,
in consideration of the, payments to
be made as herein stated, agrees to
collect all garbage, dead animals and
decayed matter within the entire
limits of the City of Dubuque as now
existing, and dispose of the name at
its reduction plant outside the City
~, Limits, and, in order that the per-
iods of collection and tho number of
times collections are to be made may
be understood, the said City is di-
vided into two districts within which
collections are to be made as
DISTRICT N0. 1. This district in-
cludes all the territory - circum-
scribed by West 17th Street on the
North, Jones Street on the South,
Bluff Street on the West, and Cen-
tral Avenue on the East, both
sides of the named streets includ-
ed. In this district, collections
shall be made three times a week
from Juue 1st to November 1st
and twice a week at other times.
DISTRICT N0. 2. This district
embraces all parts of the City
within its present limits which are
not included within District No. 1.
Collections shall be made in Dis-
trict No. 2 twice a week from June
1st to November 1st and once a
week from November 1st to June
3. Throughout the entire city, dead
animals shall be removed daily, Sun•
days and holidays included,
4. The second party shall use an
adequate number of vehicles for the
collection of garbage, which vehicles
shall be so constructed as to be non-
leakable and so loaded as not to per•
ntit the scattering of garbago or ref•
use upon the streets, sidewalks, or
alleys, and when loaded the contents
thereof shall be secm•ely covered.
5. To insure the faithful perform-
ance of the contract during the con-
tract peried, the party of the second
part shall furnish the party of the
first part with a surety bond in the
penal stmt of $5,000, which bond shall
be so conditioned as to protect the
said first party against all damages
which it may sustain by reason of
the breach of any of, the terms or
conditions of this contract.
6. The proposal submitted by the
party of the second part and the
surety bond furnished by it are here-
by made a part of this contract just
as much as if the provisions thereof
were set out fully herein.
This contract has been executed
by the City of Dubuque by its City
Manager and Clerk pursuant to a
resolution duly adopted September
17th, 1934, by the City Council of
said City and the execution' of the
same by al] of the parties hereto
which constitute an acceptance of all
of the provisions hereof,
2hF, 5necial Session, September 17th, 1934
Dated and signed at Dubuque,
Iowa, this 18th day of September,
Party of the first part.
By J. J, SHEA,
Passed, adopted and approved this
17th day of September, 1934,
Yeas - Maym• Kane, Councilmen
Witness: Cleri. Attest: J. J. SHEA,
W. H. CULLEN City Clerk.
A, E. SIGMAN. Councilman Schiltz moved the
E. E. FRITH COMPANY, adoption of the r•esolutioh. Seconded
Party of the second part. by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
By E. T. FRITH. the following vote:
Petition of Dominick Gala request- Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
ing permission to rent his building Nays-None.
located at 574 East 16th Street for Absent-Councilmah Andelfinger.
the business as a beer tavern i;o
whomsoever he might deem fit, said Resolution No. 108-34.
building having been previously rent- ge It Resolved by the City Conn-
ed for a beer tavern and that on cil of the City of Dubuque that the
August 12th, 1934, said owner of the following, having complied with the
beer permit was arrested and found provisions of law relating to the sale
guilty of selling beer ou Sunday of cigarettes within the City of Du-
which caused the building to be va- buque, be gt•anted a permit to sell
toted far a period of six months for cigarettes and cigarette papers with-
the use as a beer tavern, presented in said City and the Manager is di-
and read. Attorney Ed. Tschudi ad- rected to issue such permit on behalf
dressed the Council r•e]ative to the of said City:
petition of Dominick Gala, Mrs. George Biver-521 East 22nd
Councilman Jaeger moved that the Street.
prayer of the petition of Dominick Be It Further- Resolved that the
Gala be denied. Seconded by Coun- bond filed `vith the application be
cihnan Roberts. Carried by the fol• approved,
lowing vote: Passed, adopted and approved this
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen 17th daY of September, 1934.
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz. M, R. KANE,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 107-34.
A Resolution approving applica-
tions for the sale of beer- and auth-
orizing the issuance of permits,
Wlrereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has examined the
applications which have been filed
for permits for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque and has
approved such applications as apply
to the persons herein named as the
locations described herein: Now,
Be It Resolved by said Council
that permits for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque be and
the same are hereby authorized and
ordered issued as follows:
Joseph J, Bever-530 East 22nd
John P. Carney-116 West 6th
Frank Reuter-2616 W i n d s o r
Mr•s, Sophie McMatrn-1236 Iowa
Be It Further Resolved that the
bonds filed with these applications
be approved.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Ceuncilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Dominick Welu request-
ing arefund iu the amount of $75,00
on his cigarette license, as he, has
discontinued business and the sale
of cigarettes at the location of 532
East 22nd Street, presented and
Councihnau Jaeger moved that the
prayer, of the petition be granted
and a warrant in the amount of
$75.00 be ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in favor of Dominick We•
lu to cover the amount of the refund.
Seconded by Councilman Roberts.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Special Session, September 17th, 1934 267
Condemnation Resolution
No, 109-34
Whereas, under appropriate pro-
ceedings heretofore taken by this
Council, certain brick walls and
structures located upon Lots 1 of 2,
1 of 3, 1 of 4, and 1 of 5 in Bloclc 27,
part of Dubuque Harbor Improve-
ment Company's Addition in the
City of Dubuque and owned by
Helen Cooper was declared to be
dangerous and liable to fall, and the
owner thereof was given 'an oppor•
tunity to be heard and show cause
why such structure should not be
declared a nuisance and ordered
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved
that the Building Commissioner be
and he is hereby directed to cause to
be sent by registered mail a written
notice to the owner of said premises
at her last known address requiring
her to abate said nuisance and take
the same down on or before said
15th day of October, 1934, attaching
to said notice a copy of this Reso-
Be It Further Resolved that should
said owner fail to abate said nuis•
ante and take down said dangerous
structure within the time hereby de•
scribed, then and in such event said
structure shall be taken down and
the nuisance created thereby be
abated by and under the direction of
the Chief of the Fire Department
and all costs and expense incident
thereto shall be assessed against
said described real estate, in the
manner provided by law:
Passed, adopted and approved this
17th day of September, 1934.
' Mayor.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Roberts moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilman
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Verbal report of City Manager
Evans recommending the installa-
tion of a 250 C. P, street light, to be
located at abort the middle of Burch
Street, presented,
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
recommendation of City 11lanager
Evans be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Roberts. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Verbal request of Mr. Wille for
permission to operate a beer tavern
at 1901 Washington Street pre-
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the request be denied. Seconded by
Councilman Roberts. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Roberts moved that
Councilman Peter Schiltz and City
Manager Evans be authorized to at-
tend the Good Will Tour of North-
eastern Iowa on September 19th and
20th, 1934. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the- following
Yeas - Pilayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Schiltz not voting.
Councilman Jaeger moved that
Leuise Schadler, owner of Lot 2,
Sub. Lot 2 of Saunders' Sub., be
granted permission to pay the delin-
quent special assessment install-
ments levied against said property
by paying the principal plus 6n/o in-
terest and advertising costs, the peu•
alties to be omitted, and the County
Treasurer instructed accordingly.
Seconded by Councilman Roberts.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
There being no further business,
Councilman Jaeger moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Councilmatf
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
City Clerk.
Approved ......................................1934.
Adopted ........................................1934.
Councilmen { ......................................
Attest : ..................................................
City Clet•k.
I,,,I .
~~~ ,
268 Special Session, September 21st, 1934 _
Special Sessien, September 21st,
Council met at 4:20 P. M.
Present-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, ,Roberts, Schiltz and
City Manager Evans.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Meeting called by order of Coun•
cilmen Schiltz and Roberts.
Te M. B. Andelfinger, Councilman.
You are hereby notified and there
is hereby called a Special Meeting
of the City Council of the City of
Dubuque to be held in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall at 4 o'clock
P. M. on Friday, September 21, 1934.
At this meeting there will be intro-
duced an Ordinance entitled "~Jrdin•
ante No. 12-34. An Ordinance
amending an Ordinance entitled 'Or-
dinance No. 10-34. An Ordinance
providing for the issuance of $28,000
Sewer Bonds, providing for the levy
of taxes to pay the same and declar-
ing an emergency' by amending sec-
tiogs 1 and 5 thereof so as to fix oth-
er maturities of said bonds and pro•
vide far the levy of taxes to pay the
same and declaring an emergency."
There will also be introduced at said
meeting a Resoluiton entitled: Reso•
lotion No. 110-34. A resolution re-
scinding aresolution adopted on Sep-
tember 17, 1934, entitled `Resolution
No. 104-34. A Resolution directing
the advertisement and sale of $28,000
Sewer Bonds':' Such other business
will be transacted at said meeting as
may properly come before a regular
meeting of the Council.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 20th
day of September, 1934,
Ordinance No. 11-34
An Ordinance granting to the Chi-
cago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific
Railroad Company, its successors and
assigns, the right to construct, main-
tain and operate an Industry Track,
over, along and upon Sycamore
Street and intersecting streets from
East 19th Street to East 16th Street,
and declaring an emergency, pre•
sented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the reading just had be consid•
eyed the first reading of the ordin-
ance. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
suspend the rules requiring an ordin-
ance to be read on three separate
days. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
The ordinance was then read a
second time.
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the reading just had be con•
sidered the second reading of the
ordinance. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Councilman Andelfingei~ move d
that the requests of the Dubuque
Packing Company, for permission to
construct and use a wooden ramp
along the south sidewalk space of
East 17th Street starting at a ground
level near the Bee Branch Sewer",
for the right to temporarily use and
fence the entire sidewalk space on
the south of East 17th Street from
Cedar Street east to the beginning
of the ramp and for permission to
erect and use loading platforms on
Sycamore Street across the west
sidewalk space of Sycamore Street
between 16th and 17th Streets, be
granted and the City Solicitor in-
structed to draw up the necessary
proceedings. Seconded by Council-
man Schiltz. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Ordinance Ne. 12-34. An Ordin-
ance amending an Ordinance entit-
led "Ordinance No. 10-34. An Or-
dinance providing for the issuance
of $28,000.00 Sewer Bonds, providing
for the levy of taxes to pay the same
and declaring an emergency" by
amending Sections 1 and 5 thereof
so as to fix other maturities for said
bands and provide for the levy of
taxes to pay the same, and declaring
an emergency, presented and read.
Ceuncilman Andelfinger move d
that the reading just had be consid-
eyed the first reading of the ordin-
ante. Seconded by Ceuncilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilme^
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Special Session, September 21st, 1934 269
Absent-Councilmen Jaeger.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
suspend the rules requiring an or-
dinance to be read on three separate
days. S e c o n d e d by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
The ordinance was then read a
second time. Councilman Andelfinger
moved that the reading just had be
considered the second reading of the
ordinance. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the fallowing
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Resolution No. 110-34.
A Resolution rescin[ling a resolu-
tion adopted on September 17, 1934,
entitled "A resolutimr directing the
advertisement and sale of $28,000
Sewer Bonds."
Be It Resolved by the .City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a resolution here-
tofore adopted by this Council en•
titled: "Resolution Na. 104-34. A
Resolution directing the advertises
meat and sale of $28,000 Sewer
Bonds" be and the same is hereby
rescinded, said resolutimi having
been adapted on the 17th day of
September, 1934.
Section 2. That the City Clerk be
and he is hereby directed to discon-
tinue the publication of notices of
the sale of said bonds,
Section 3. That all resolutions or
parts of resolutions in conflict here-
with be and the same are hereby re•
Passed and approved this 21st day
of September, 1934.
M. R. I{ANE,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
the adoption of the resolution. Sec-
onded by Councilman Roberts. Oar-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of Ordinance No,
10-34, An Ordinance providing for
the issuance of $28,000 Sewer Bonds,
providing for the levy of taxes to
pay the same and declaring an emer-
gency presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
ceive and file the proof of publica-
tion. Seconded by Councilman Rob-
erts. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Communication of P, M, Benton,
Finance Director for the Adminis-
trator, Federal Emergency Adminis-
tration of Public Works, stating that
the application of the City 6f Du-
buque for federal funds for the con-
str•uctiou of a municipal swimming
pool has been rejected by the Public
Worlts Administration at Washing-
ton, D, C., presented and read.
Councilman Roberts moved to r•e•
ceive and file the communication.
Seconded by Councilman Andelfih-
.ger Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger,
Communication of C, W. Bond,
Secretary, Upper Mississippi Water-
way Association, containing official
notice of annual meeting of'Upper
Mississippi Waterway Association to
be held at Minneapolis, Minn., on
October 17th, 1934, requesting that
the City of Dubuque be represented
at said meeting, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the communication to the Council,
Seconded by Councilman Andelfin-
ger. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas'- Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Communication of Clarence E. Rid-
ley, Executive Director, of the Inter-
national City Managers' Association,
extending invitations to the Mayor,
City'Ceuncil and City Manager to at-
tend the annual convention of the
International City Managers' Assoc-
iation to be held at St. Louis, Mis-
souri, on October 15.17, 1934, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the Mayor, City Manager and
members of the City Council who
fin[l it convenient to do so be auth-
orized to attend the convention.
Seconded by Councilman Roberts.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Original Notice of Suit of Rose
Birndorf in the amount of $1,000.00
for injuries sustained in falling at
f l
!~'~~, ,,
270 Special Session, September 21st, 1934
the intersection of Eighth and Main
Streets presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the Original Notice of Suit to the
City Solicitor, Seconded by Council-
man Andelfinger. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilman
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Petition of Elizabeth Byrne, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1933 taxes on Lot
20 and Lot 1 of 1 of 24, Bonson &
Stewart's Sub., presented and read,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the petition to the City Solic-
itor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas ^- Mayor Kaue, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Petition of Maud McLaughlin, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1933 taxes on
South ~Z of Lot 314 of East Dubuque
Add,, presented and read,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the petition to the City Solic-
itor for investigation and report,
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmeq
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Petition of John W. Miller, re.
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellaton of the 1933 taxes on
parts of Lots 40 and 41 of Cook's
Addition presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the petition to the City Solic•
itor for investigation and report
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmei
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Jaeger,
Petition of Jacob Hefty, referret
to the City Council by the Board o:
Supervisors, requesting the suspen
sion of the 1933 taxes on Lot 584
Ham's Addition, presented and read
Councilman Andelfinger moved ti
refer the petition to the City Solic
itor for investigation and report
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Petition of Louisa Scharff, referrer
;o the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the suspen-
sion of the 1933 taxes on Lots 34 apd
35, Belmont Addition, presented and
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the petition to the City Solic-
itor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz,
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Petition of Wm. Schmid, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the suspen-
sion of the 1933 taxes ou Lot 2 of 1
o f l o f l a n d Lot 2 o f l o f 1 o f
Weland's Sub., Presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the Petition to the City Solic-
itor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Petition of Peter N. Nicks, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1933 taxes on Lot
3 of Phillip's Sub,,, presented and
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the Petition to the City Solic-
itor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote.
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Nicks, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1933 taxes on
property located at 1848.1850 White
Street presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
refer the petition to the City Solic-
itor far investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Report of the Board of Health for
the tponth of August, 1934, pre•
Councilman Andelfinger move d
that the report of the Board of
Health for the month of August,
1934, be received and placed on file.
Seconded by Councilman Roberts.
Carried by the following vote:
Special Session, September 21st, 1934 271
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts; Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Resolution No. 111-34.
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque that the
following, having complied with the
provisions of law relating to the sale
of cfgarettes within the City of Du-
buque, be granted a permit to sell
cigarettes and cigarette papers with•
in said City and the Manager is di-
rected to issue such permit on be•
half of said city;
Paul Meyer, 532 East 22nd Street.
Be It Further Resolved that the
bond filed with the application be
Passed adopted and approved this
21st day of September, 1934.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Roberts moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
suspend the rules for the purpose of
allowing any one present iu the
Council Chamber, who wishes to do
so, to address the Council, Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
I eas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger,
Mr. Scott, Representative of the
State Department of Agriculture, ad-
dressed the Council relative to beer
taverns being compelled to sterilize
their glasses and stating that alltav-
ern owners with the exception of
two have complied with this order,
There being no further business,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Jaeger.
City Clerk.
Approved ....................................1934.
Adopted ........................................1934.
Councilmen {
Attest : ..................................................
City Clerk.