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1934 October Council Proceedings;,
Regular Session, October 1st, 1934 273
Eleanor Lowther, Lot 14, Sub,
CITY COUNCIL W. 1/z Bloclt 1, Dub. Harbor
Co.'s Add., Und. ~z ................ 35.79
Eleanor Lowther, Lot 13, Sub,
(Official,) W. ~ Block 1, Dub. Harbor
Regular Session, October 1st, 1934, Co.'s Add., Und. ~ ................ 35.79
Council met at 7:40 P. M. Lida W, Bradley, John Maclay
Present-Mayor Kane, Councilmen and Eliz, Lewis Tr„ Kath.
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz, W,, John H, & Grace F.
City Manager Evans. Bradley, Esther B, Witmer
Mayor Kane stated .that this is the & Eliz. B. Lewis, Lot 15,
regular monthly meeting of the City Sub. W. ~ Block 1, -Dub.
Council for the purpose of acting up- Harbor Co.'s Add., Und. ~.. 35,77
on such business as may properly Lida W: Bradley, John Maclay
come before the meeting. & Eliz. Lewis Tr., Kath, W.,
Proofs of publications, certified to John H. & Grace F. Brad-
by the publishers, of the notice of ley, Esther B. Witmer &
levy of epecial assessment and inten. Eliz. B. Lewis, Lot 14, Sub.
lion of City~.Council to issue bonds W, r/z of Block 1, Dub, Har-
for tho installation of boulevard bor Co.'s Add ......................... 35,77
lights on Main Street from Jones Lida W, Bradley, Jahn Maclay
Street to West Thirteenth Street pre- & Eliz. Lewis, Tr., Kath W.,
sented and read. John H. & Graco F. Brad-
Councilman Schiltz moved to re• ley, Esther B, Witmer &
ceive and file the proofs of publica• Eliz. B. Lewis, Lot 13, Sub.
lions, Seconded by Councilman Jae• W, i/z Block 1, Dub. Harbor
ger, Carried by the following vote: Co.'s Add., Und, ~ .................. 35.77
Yeas -Mayer Kane, Councilmen H, B. & M. J. Spensley, Lot
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz. 12, Sub. W, i/z Bloclt 1, Dub,
Nays-None. Harbor Co.'s Add ................... 131,46
SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS, F. N, Schroeder Est„ Lot 11,
Resolution No. 112-34. Sub, W, ~ Block 1, Dub.
Resolved by the City Council of ~ Harbor Ga.'s Add ................. 71.46
the City of Dubuque: That to pay F. N. Schroeder Est., Lot 10,
for the installation of Boulevard Sub. W, r/z Bloclt 1, Dub,
Lights on Main Street from Jones Harbor Co: s Add ................. 71,46
Street to West Thirteenth Street, by Eleanor S. Lowther, Lot 9A,
United Electric Company, contract- Sub. W, ~z Block 1, Dub.
ors, in front of and adjoining the Harbor Co.'s Add ................. 71.46
same, a special tax be and is hereby Eleanor S. Lowther, Lot 9,
levied on the several lots, and part Sub. W. ~z Block 1; Dub.
of lots, and parcels of real estate Harbor Co: s Add ................... 71.46
hereinafter named, situate and own- Eleanor S. Lowther, Lot 8B,
ed, and for the several amounts set Sub. W. ~ Block 1, Dub.
opposite each lot or parcel of real Harbor Co:s Add ................... 61.18
estate, as follows: Eleanor S, Lowther, Lot 8A,
Special Assessment submitted Sub. W. 1/z Block 1, Dub,
........., 1934. Harbor Co.'s Add ................... 61.18
Owner. Location. Assessment. Eleanor S. Lowther, Lot 8,
T. J. Mulgrew Co„ Lot 1, Sub. Sub. W. 1/z Block 1, Dub,
Lot 1 of W, 1/z Bllt. 10, Dub. Harbor Co.'s Add . .................. 61.18
Har, Co,'s Add .......................$208.17 J. J. Nagle Est,, Lot 7, Sub,
C. M. St. P. & P, R, R. Co., W '/z Block 1, Dub, Harbor
Lat 2, Sub, Lot 1 of W. 1/z Co.'s Add ................................. 61.44
Blk, 10, Dub. Har, Co: s R. F. Conlon & Mary A,
Add., E, 20 ft ........................... 12.53 Brown, Lot 6, Sub, W. r/z
Int. Harvester Co, of America, Block 1, Dub. Harbor's Co: s
Lot 2, Sub. Lot 1 of W, ~z Add ....................... .................... 61.44
Blk: 10, Dub. Har. Co.'s J, J. Nagle Est., Lot 5, Sub.
Add., W. 27 ft ......................... 23,28 W 1/z Bloclt 1, Dub. Harbor
Mary Ernsdorf, Lot 1, Sub. Co.'s Add . ............................... 61.44
Bloclt 11, Dub. Harbor Co.'s J. J. Nagle Est,, Lot 4, Sub.
A W, 1/z Bloclt 1, Dub. Harbor
Na Schroeder Est.,
Lot 17, Co.'s Add ................................. 61.44
Sub. W. i/z Bloclt 1, Dub. Francis Kirk, Lot 532A, City
Harbor Co.'s Add ................. 218,95 Lot S. 27 ft............................... 45.25
F. N, Schroeder Est., Lot 16, Helen Conway, Lot 532A, City
Sub. W. 1/z Block 1, Dub. Lot N. 24 ft ........................... 51,46
Harbor Co.'s Add ............. ... 71.45 Helen Conway, Lot 532, City
Eleanor Lowther, Lot 15, Sub. Lot, S. ~/z • ............................... 55.08
W. i/z Bloclt 1, Dub. Harbor Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
Co.'s Add., Und. 1/z .................. 35.74: 532, City Lot N. 1/z.................. 58.71
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274 Regular Session, October 1st, 1934
Archdiocese of Dubuque Lot
631, City Lot .......................... 141.41
The Heeb Co., Lot 1, City Lot
S, 21 ft. 6 in ........................... 61.43
Wm. S. Dennis Est., Lot 1,
City Lot N. 43 ft, 1 in......... 123.12
Wm. S. Dennis Est„ Lot 2,
City Lot S, 4 in . .................... .94
Wm. S. Dennis Est„ Lot 2,
City Lot S. 20 ft. 10 in. oY
N. 21 ft, 6 in ............................. 59,54
Sophia Hanson, .Lot 2, City
Lot N. 8 in. of N. 21 ft, 6 in. 1.91
Sophia Hanson, Lot 2A, City
Lot ............................................ 122.16
Sophia Hanson, Lot 3, City
Lot ............................................ 62.88
Theo, F, Ris, Lot 3A, City Lot
S. 1/y .....................................:..:. 61.09
F, M, Cota, Lot 3A, City Lot
N. 1/z Und. ~i ........................ 30.65
Michael Duggan, Lot 3A, City
Lat N, r/2 Und. ~ .................. 30,55
Mary B. Reckord, Lot 4, City
Lot ...........................................' 68.59
F, A, Cringes, Lot 4A, City
Lot S. 1/z .................................. 58.23
Wm. F. Cooper, Lot 4A, City
Lot N. r~ ......................:........... 68.23
Albert B. Wharton and R. T.
Hill, Tr„ Lot 6, City Lat...... 183.59
Albert B. Wharton and R. T,
Hill, Tr., Lot 6, City Lot...... 183.59
Albert B. Wharton and R. T.
Hill, Tr,, Lot 7, City Lot ... 183.59
Mary Callahan, Lot 8, City
Lot S. 22 ft ............................. 62.88
Ludwig Frommelt, Lat 8, City
Lot M. 19 ft. 4 in ................. 55,24
Wesley B. Reynolds, Lot 8,
City Lot N, 23 ft ................... 65,73
Jos. J. Bertsch, Lat 9, City
Lot ............................................ 183.59
Henry G, Willging, Lot 10,
City Lot .................................... 97.89
Consolidated National Bank,
Lot 10A, City Lot .................... 86.75
Roshek Realty Co., Lot 11,
City Lot S. ~ .......................... 122.40
Mary J, Spenaley, Lot 11, City
Lot N, ~ .................................. 61.22
P. F, McDonald Est,, Lot 12,
City Lot S, 20 ft ..................... 57.17
Marie Nagle, Lot 12, City Lot
N. 44 ft. Und. ~/3 .................... 62.88
Jahn A, Nagle, Lot 12, City
Lot, N, 44 ft, Und, 1/z............ 62.88
Jahn A. Nagle, Lot-13, City
Lot ............................................ 184.33
Sisters of the Holy Ghast, Lot
14, City Lot ............................ 184.33
J. M. Walker, Lot 15, City Lot
S. ~ .......................................... 61.43
Anna J. Hackett, Lot 15, City
Lot M. 1/s ................................ 61.43
Mary Brown, Lot 15, City Lot
N. 1/z .....................................'.... 61.43
Telegraph-Herald, Lot 16, City
Lot ............................................ 184,33
S. D, Ryan, Tr., liot 17, City
Lot S. 21 ft . ............................ 60,02
John R. Wallis, Tr., Lot 17,
City Lat N. 4 3 ft. 6 in,........ 124.31
Mary Brown, Lot 18, City Lot
S. 34 ft ..................................... 97.17
Mary Brown, Lot 18, City Lot
S. 20 ft. of N, 36 ft, 6 i n..... 57,17
Merle Traynor, Lot 18, City
Lot, N. 10 ft, 6 in ................. 28.59
Merle Traynor, Lot 19, City
Lot S, 11 ft. 6 in ..................... 32.84
Francis L. Gibbs Est., Lot 19,
City Lot S. 20 ft, of M. 40 ft. 57.16
Pauline L. Rood Est,, Lot 19,
City Lot N. 20 ft. of M. 40
ft ................................................. 57.16
Consolidated National Bank,
Lot 19, City Lot N, 13 it,.... 37,15
Consolidated National Bank,
Lot 20, City Lot ...................... 184.33
Dubuque National Bank, Lot
21, City Lot S. 44 ft ............. 125,74
F, M. Jaeger, Lot 21, City Lot
N. 20 Yt . .................................... 57.16
S. D. Ryan, Tr,, Lot 22, City
Lot S, ~ .................................. 91.56
I{ath, Bradley, Lot 22, City
Lot N. 1/z .................................. 91.66
Kath. Bradley, Lot 23, City
Lot S. 21 ft. 3 in ..................... 61,02
Lida W. Bradley, John Maclay
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Tr., Kath.
W., John H, & Grace F,
Bradley, Esther B, Witmer
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Lot 23,
City Lot N. 42 ft. 8 in,........ 122,10
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lat
24, City Lot .............................. 182.73
Kath. W. Bradley, Lot 25, City
Lot ............................................ 182.49
F. M, Jaeger, Lot 26, City Lot
S, 37 ft, 6 in ............................. 107.17
M. E, Richards Est, Lot 26,
City Lot N, 26 ft, 6 in,........ 76,01
M. E. Richards Est., Lot 27A,
City Lot .................................... 22.88
J. J, Nagle Est„ Lot 27, City
Lot S. 23 ft . ............................ 65.73
Viola Rider Burden et al., Lot
27, City Lot N, 33 ft ............... 94.31
Viola Rider Burden et al„ Lot
28A, City Lot S. 7 ft ............. 20,01
Hattie B, Reynolds, Lot 28A,
City Lot N. 21 ft ..................... 60,03
Viola Rider Burden et al., Lot
28, City Lot ............................ 102.87
Security Building Co., Lot 29,
City Lot .................................... 182.88
Security Building Co., Lot 30,
City Lot .................................... 182.88
Security Building Co„ Lot 31,
City Lot S. 1/a .......................... 60.94
Viola Rider Burden et 'a]„ Lot
31, City Lot M. r/s........~......... 60,94
Ella 'B, Ruete & H, B, Lusch,
Lot 31, City Lot N, ~.......... 60.94
Leo J, Flynn, Lot 32, City Lot
S. 30 ft ..................................... 85.73
A. Woodward & M. J. Spena•
ley, Lot 32, City Lat N. 34
ft ................................................. 97,17
Regular Session, October 1st, 1934 275
Lida W, Bradley and John
Maclay & Eliz, B. Lewis, Tr.
Kath. W,, John H, & Grace
F, Bradley, Esther B.'Wit~
mer & Eliz, B, Lewis, Lot
33, City Lot S. 20 ft........... 67,16
Lida W. Bradley & John Ma•
clay & Eliz. B. Lewis, Tr„
Kath. W., John H, & Grace
F. Bradley, Esther B. Wit•
mer & Eliz. B. Lewis, Lot
33, Clty Lot N, 1/a of S, 40
ft . ................................................ 57.16
Lida W, Bradley & John Ma•
clay & Eliz, B. Lewis, Tr„
Kath. W„ John H, & Grace,
F, Bradley, Esther B. Wit•
mer & Eliz. B. Lewis,
Lot 33, City Lot N. 11 ft.
2 in ............................................. 32.01
Lida W, Bradley & John Ma•
clay ~ Eliz. B, Lewis, Tr.,
Kath, W., John H. & Grace
F, Bradley, Esther B, Wit-
mer & Eliz. B. Lewis, Lot
34, City Lat S. 9 ft. 7 in..... 27.38
Ernest Wesselhaft, Lot 34,
City Lot N. 41 ft, 6 in......... 118,60
Geo, W. Kissel Est.,
Tr„ Lot
35, City Lot N. 1/z ................ 73.16
Sarah Provost, Lot 35, City
Und. ~ of S. 1/a .................. 27,41
Nellie Provost, Lot 34, City
Lat Und. ~ of S, r/z......... 27.41
Mary P. Albee Est„ Lot 36,
City Lot Und. ~4 of S, ~...... 18,33
S. P, Rider Eat,, Lot 36, City
Lot Und, 1/a .............................. 48.76
Viola Rider Burden et al, Lot
36, City Lot Und, ~a .............. 48.76
Geo. A, Burden, Lot 36, City
Lot Und. ~ ........ 48.79
Geo, A. Burden, Lot 36A, City
Lot Und. '~ .............................. 48.76
S. P. Rider Est„ Lot 36A, City
Lot Und, ~a ............................ 48,76
Viola Rider Burden et al, Lot
36A, City Lot Und, r/a 48.79
Viola Rider Burden et al, Lot
37, City Lot Und, ~ .............. 48.76
S, P. Rider Est., Lot 37, City
Lot Und 1/a 48.79
Geo. A. Burden, Lot 37, City
Lot Und, >~ .............................. 48.76
Lida W, Bradley, John Maclay
& Ellz, B. Lewis, Tr,, Kath,
W,, John H. & Grace F.
Bradley, Esther B. Witmer
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Lot 38,
City Lot .................................... 146,30
Kath, W, Bradley, Lot 39, City
Lot ...................:.......................... 146,30
Lida W. Bradley, John Maclay
& Eliz. B, Lewis, Tr., Kath.
W., John H, & Grace F,
Bradley, Esther B. Witmer
& Eliz, B. Lewis, Lot 40,
City Lot .................................... 146.30
Burrett ~S, Lacy, Lot 40A, City
Lot .............................. ...... 146,30
Realty Imp, Co., Lot 466, City
Lot S, 1.5 .................................. 146.30
Realty Imp Co., Lot 466, City
Lot S. 35 ft, 2 in, of S, M. 1.5 100.60
Alfred Collings, Lot 968, City
Lot N. 16 ft, of S. M. 1.6.....,.. 45.72
Alfred Collings, Lot 466, City
Lot S. ~Z oY M. 1.6 .................. 73.16
J. J. Nagle Eet., Lot 466, City
Lot N, ~ of M, 1.5 .................. 73.16
J. J. Nagle Est., Lot 466, City
Lot S, 1~ of N. M. 1.5 ............ 73,16
Kretschmer Bros. Co., Lot 466,
City Lot S. 23 ft, 6 in, of N.
~x of N, M, 1.6 ........................ 67,14
Grand Opera House Co., Lot
466, City Lot N. 2 ft, 6 in, of
N. 1/z Of . M. l•5 ...................... 7.16
Grand Opera House Co„ Lot
466, City Lot N. 1-6 ................ 146,30
Clara Heles, Lot 465, City Lot
' W, 65 ft, 8 in. of S. 62 ft.
4 in, of S. 2.6 Und, ~..........., 46,93
Wayne A. Johnson, Lot 466,
City Lot W. 65 ft, 8 in, of R.
62 ft, 4 in. oY S. 2.6 Und, ~ 46.96
C, E, Lynn, Lot 486, City Lot
W. 66 ft. 8 in, of S. 62 ft.
4 in. of S. 2.6 Und. ~ .............. 46,96
Clara Heles, Lot 466, City Lot
N. 40 ft of S. 2.5 Und. ~...... 28,58
C, E. Lynn, Lot 466, City Lot
N. 40 ft of S. 2.5 Und. I/4...... 28,68
A, G. Plankers, Lot 466, City
Lot N, 40 ft of S. 2.6 Und, r/g 28.68
Wayne A, Johnson, Lot 465,
City Lot N. 40 ft, of S. 2.6
Und. 1/4 ...................................... 28,68
Minnie K. Herdman, Lot 466,
City Lot M. 1.5 ........................ 146,30
Lida W, Bradley, John Maclay
& Eliz, B, Lewis, Tr., Kath.
W., John H. & Grace F.
Bradley, Esther B. Witmer
& Eliz, B. Lewis, Lot 466,
City Lot N, M, 1.5 .................. 146.30
Lida W. Bradley, John Maclay
& Dliz. B. Lewis, Tr., Kath,
W., John H. & Grace F.
Bradley, Esther B, Witmer
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Lot 466,
City Lat N. 1.5 ........................ 146,30
Realty Inv. Carp.,, Lot 464',
City Lot S. 1.6 ........................ 146,30
St, Joseph's Convent & ScLool,
Lot 468, City Lot .................... 404.28
J, J. Nagle Est., Lot 468A, City
Lot N, 66 ft ............................. 186.36
Pau] C. Mathis, Lot 468A, City
Lot S. 50 ft . ............................ 143.36
St. Luke's M. E. Church, Lat
467, City Lot N, 66 ft ............. 174,90
St. Luke's M. E, Church, Lot
467, City Lat N. M, 100 ft..... 286.71
C. F. & Sabyl Jane Hillyard,
Lot 467, City Lot S. 21 ft,
2 in. of S. 90 ft ....................... 6090
C, F. & Saby] Jane Hillyard,
Lot 467, City Lot S. 26 ft.
111/2 in. oY N. 68 ft, 11 in, of
'5.,90 ft ..................................... 74,44
C, F. & Saby] Jane Hillyard,
Lot 467, City Lot N. 42 ft.
1.11/2 in, of N, 68 ft. 11 in, oP
S. 90 ft ..................................... 123,16
276 Regular Session, October 1st, 1934
C. J. W. Saunders, Lot 41,
City Lot N. 43 ft. 2 in....... 1 23.87
Hattie Curtis and Natalia
Hecker, Lot 41, City Lot S.
8 ft. 2 in ................................. 23.52
Hattie Curtis and Natalia
Hecker, Lot 42A, City Lot.... 37.28
Hattie Curtis and Natalia
Hecker, Lot 42, City Lot...... 1 09.51
Ed, Zejda & H, L. Hruska, Lot
43, City Lot N, r/z • ................. 73.39
W. J, Nesler, Lot 43, City Lot
S. '/a ........................:................ 73.39
Eleanor S, Lowther, Lot 44,
City Lot N. 42 ft. 2 in, ........,. 1 20.99
Marie Waples, Lot 44, City
Lot S. 9 ft .............................. 25,81
Marie Waples, Lot 46, City
Lot .............................................. 146,80
J. M. Sullivan, Lot 46, City Lot 14fi.80
Margaret Nagle, Lot 47, City
Lot N. ~ .................................. 73.39
C. A. Noyes, Lot 47, City Lot
S. '/z .......................................... 73.39
Esther B. Witmer, Lot 48, City
Lot N. '/z .................................. 73.39
W. G. Cox, Lat 48, City Lot
S, r/z .......................................... 73,39
Bank & Insurance Co., Lot 49,
City Lot ..............::.................... 146.SU
Hank & Insurance Co., Lot 50,
City Lot .................................... 146.8U
Federal Bldg. Go., Lot 51, City
Lat .............................................. 146.8D
Federal Bldg. Co., Lot 52, City
Lot N. 2 ft. 2 in ..................... 6.30
Jesse H. Lacy, Lot 52, City
Lot N. 33 ft. of S. 49 ft......... 94.61
J, C. Penney Co., Lat 52, City
Lat S. 16 ft. of S. 49 ft......... 45.88
J. C, Penney Co., Lot 53, City
Lot N. 1/z .................................. 73.39
Viola Rider Burden et al, Lot
53, City Lot S. 1/z ••••••••••• •••••• 73.39
A. Woodward & M. J, Spens•
ley„ Lot 54, City Lot .............. 146.80
F. Weigel Est., Lot 55, City
Lot ...................................:.......... 146,80
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
56, City Lat .............................. 146,80
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lat
57, City Lot .............................. 146,80
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
58, City Lot N. 23 ft ............. 65.96
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
58, City Lot S. 28 ft. 8 in..... 82,18
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lat
59, City Lot N, 19 ft. 4 in.... 55.81
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
59, City Lot S. 31 ft. 8 in..... 91.19
Archdiocese of Dubuque, Lot
60, City Lot .............................. 146.80
Lida W. Bradley, John Maclay
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Tr., Kath.
W., Jahn H. & Grace F.
Bradley, Esther B. Witmer
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Lot 761,
City Lot .................................... 183.72
Lida W. Bradley, John Maclay
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Tr., Kath.
W., John H. & Grace F.
Bradley, Esther B. Witmer
& Eliz, B, Lewis, Lot 750,
City Lot N. 2.3 of N. ~a•••••••• 61.24
Alice Woodward, Lot 750, City
Lot S. ~S of N. ~/z .................... 30,62
Alice Woodward, Lot 760, City
Lot N. t/s of S. ~ .................... 30.62
Lida W. Bradley, John Maclay
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Tr., Kath,
W„ John H. & Grace F.
Bradley; Esther B. Witmer
& Eliz,' B. Lewis, Lot 750,
City Lot S, 2.3 of S, r/z • ~••••• 61,24
M. J. Spensley & Jane Allen,
Lot 749, City Lot N. ~ •••• •• 61,24
Ed, B, & E. Linehan, Lot 749,
City Lot M, ~/s ........................ 61.24
Jas. M. Sullivan, Lot 749, City
Lot S. ~a ...............................:.... 61,24
Lida W. Bradley, John Maclay
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Tr,, Kath.
W„ Jahn H. & Grace F.
Bradley, Esther B. Witmer
& Eliz. B. Lewis, Lat 748,
city Lot N, ~/a 61.24
da W. Bradley, John Maclay
& Eliz. B, Lewis, Tr., Kath,
W., John H, & Grace F.
Bradley, Esther B. Witmer
& Eliz. B, Lewis, Lot 748,
City Lot S. 2.3 ........................ 122.48
I, & M. Ryder, Lot 61, City
Lot N. r/z .................................. 92.46
Nic, Kintzinger, Lot 61, City
Lot S. M. 19 ft, 6 in . ............ 55.91
J. H. Thedinga Est., Lot 61,
City Lot S. 12 ft. 9 in ............. 36.56
J. H, Thedinga Est., Lot 62,
City Lot N. 11 ft ..................... 31.55
Joseph A. Enzler,'Lot 62, City
Lot N, M. 20 ft ....................... 67.36
S. P. Rider Est., Lot 62, City
Lot S, M. 19 ft. 2 in ............. 54.96
S. P. Rider Est., Lat 62, City
Lot S, 14 ft. 4 in ................... 41,09
Arthur Herrmann, Lot 63, City
Lot N. ~/s .................................. 61.65
J. M, Sullivan, Lot 63, City
Lot M. 1/a .................................. 61.65
Irvin C, Renier, Lot 63, City
Lot S, r/s Und. r/a ................. 20.66
Ralph V. Renier, Lot 63, City
Lot S. r/a Und. r/s ................. 20,56
Sam C. & Alvina Dovi, Lot 63,
City Lat ~S, 1/s Und. ~/s ........ 20.53
R. F. Conlon, Lot 64, City Lot
Und. 1/z of N. ~a .................... 30.81
Mary A, Brown, Lot 64, City
Lot Und. r/z of N, r/a~ ••~ ••••• • 30.84
First National Bank, Lot 64,
City Lot E, 94 ft. of M, 1/a.... 56,95
First National Bank, Lot 64,
City Lot E. 94 ft, of S. r/a.... 56.95
Ella Bassermann, Lot 65, City
Lot .............................................. 106.10
Ella Bassermann, Lot 65A,
City Lot N, 7 ft ....................... 20.08
Edith Langworthy, Lot 65A,
City Lot S, 20 ft, 6 in........... 58,77
C. W, Powers, Lot 66, City
Lot N. ~/s .................................. 61.66
Ida Simplot Est., Lot 66, City
Lot S. 2-3 .................................. 123,28
Session, October 1st, 1934 277
Ross Bassermann, Lot 67, City
Lot Und, r/4 of N. ~S ............ 15,42
Mamie C, Perkins et al, Lot
67, City Lot Und. ~4 of N. ~ 46,23
Wm. Lowther, Sr, Est„ Lot 67,
City Lot S. 2-3 ........................ 123,28
Wm, Lowther, Sr, Est,, Lot 68,
City Lot N. 11 in ..................... 2.64
Mary J. Spensley, Lot 68, City
Lot S, 63 ft. 7 in. Und. 4.6.... 145.87
Alice E. Woodward, Lot 68,
City Lot S. 63 ft, 7 in, Und.
1.5 .............................................. 36,47
Wm. Lowther, Sr. Est., Lot 69,
City Lot N, 44 ft ................... 126,14
John J. McDonnell, Lot 69,
City Lot S. 20 ft, 6 in........... 58.77
John J. McDonnell, Lot 70,
City Lot N. 28 ft. 5 in, ........ 81.47
Jobn .J. McDonnell, Lot 70,
City Lot S, 20 ft ................... 57,37
Harry Poele, Lot 70A, City Lot 45,88
Harry Poole, Lot 71, City Lot
N. 5 ft ....................................... 14.33
J. J. Nagle Est., Lot 71, City
Lot S. 19 ft ............................... 54,48
J. J. Nagle Est„ Lot 71A, City
Lot N. 8 in ............................... 1,93
J, J. Nagle Est., Lot 71A, City
Lot S, 39 ft, 7 in . .................... 113.48
J. Nagle Est„ Lot 72, City
Lot N; 6 ft. 9 in . .................... 19,38
hn Ryder, Lat 72, City Lot
S, 25 ft. 5 in . ............................ 72.88
John Ryder, Lot 72A, City Lot 91.79
A, A, Cooper, Inc,, Lat 73, City
Lot N. 64 ft. 3 in ................... 184.21
Wm, Lowther; Jr, et al, Lot 73,
City Lot S. 3 in ....................... .70
Wm. Lowther, Jr. et al, Lot 74,
City Lot .................................... 138.33
Wm, Lowther, Jr. et al, Lot
74A, City Lat N. 6 in ............. 1.43
Isabelle & Marion Ryder, Lot
74A, City Lot S, 15 ft. 6 in, 44.43
Isabelle & Marion Ryder, Lot
75A, City Lot .......................... 25.81
Isabelle & Marion Ryder, Lot
75, City Lot N. 42 ft ............... 120.42
Walter Manson Est., Lot 75,
City Lot S. 13 ft. 2 in........... 37.78
Walter Manson Est., Lot 76,
City Lot .................................... 184.21
Wm. Lowther, Jr, et al, Lot
77, City Lot N. 30 ft. 2 in,.... 86.51
Ellen Hennessey, Lot 77, City
Lot S. 10 in . ............................ 2.39
Ellen Hennessey, Lot 77A,
City Lot N. 16 ft. 9 in ............. 48.02
C. W. Powers, Lot 77A, City
Lot S. 16 ft. 11'4 in ............... 48.67
C. W. Powers, Lot 78, City
Lot N, 2 ft, 6 in ..................... 7,18
Dan Mackin, Lot 78, City Lot,
S, 19 ft. 6 in, of N. 22 ft....... 55.91
Wm, Lowther, Jr, et al, Lot
78, City Lot S. 22 ft, 4 in..... 63,06
Wm. Lowther, Jr. et al, Lot
78A, City Lot Und. 5.11........ 26,11
Wm. Lowther, Jr., Lot 78A,
City Lot Und. 4-11 ................ 20.89
A, E. Lowther, Est„ Lot 78A,
City Lot Und. 2-11 .................. 10.44
A, E. Lowther, Est., Lot 79,
City Lot N, 22 Yt. Und. 2.11 11,48
Wm. Lowther, Jr., Lot 79, City
Lat N. 22 ft. Und, 9.11.......... 22,96
Wm. Lowther, Sr. Est„ Lot
79, City Lot N, 22 Pt, Und.
5.11 .................::......................... 28.69
Wm, Lowther, Sr. Eat„ Lot
79, City Lot M, 22 ft, Und.
5.11 ............................................ 28.69
Wm, Lowther, Jr., Lot 79,'City
Lot M. 22 ft, Und: 4.11............ 22.96
A, E. Lowther Est., Lot 79,
City Lot M. 22 ft, Und. 2.11 11,48
Henry Sussmann, Lot 79, City
Lot S. M. 19 ft. 4 in . .............. 66.43
Wm. Lowther, Jr. et al, Lot
79, City Lot S. 1 ft. 6 in, .... 4.07
Wm, Lowther, Jr, et al, Lot
80, City Lot .............................. 185.65
Dubuque Realty Co., Lot 633,
City Lot E. 35 ft . .................. 83.71
Dubuque Realty Co,, Lot 534,
City Lot E, 35 ft, of N. 10 ft. -13.92
Dubuque Realty Co., Lot 534,
City Lot S. 42 ft, 5 in ............. 121.61
Lot 535, City
Lange .
.:.......:.................... 61.86
City of Dubuque, Flat Iron
Park .......................................... 206.33
City of Dubuque, Sidewalks....1 ,112.53
Total ....................................$21,317.09
81 Boulevard Light iStand-
ards as per contract........$ 18,740.00
Extra Expense at ,005313793 106.9U
Interest at 6% ••~... • ............... 178,77
Extra Expense City of ~Du-
buque sidewallt repair.... 1,103.15
4047 Lin. ft, Fibre Duct at
.20 per lin. ft . .................. 809.40
Galvanized Conduit as per
bill ........................................ 379.87
Total ........................:...........$21,317,09
All of which is assessed in pro-
portion to the special benefits con•
Passed, adopted and approved this
1st. day of October, 1934.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger,' Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilman
Andeltinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Statement of Albert A. Eitel, sub•
scribed and sworn to, that he posted
along the line of improvement the
notice of levy of special assessment
and intention of the City Council to
issue bonds for the installation of
boulevard lights on Main Street from
278 Rel;ular Session, October 1st, 1934
Jones Street to West Thirteenth
Street presented and ,read.
~Couneilman Schiltz moved to re•
ceive and file the statement. Sec•
onded by Councilman Jaeger, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberta, Schiltz,
Proofs of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of the notice oY
the intention oY the City Council
to issue public improvement bonds in
the amount of $21,317.09 to pay for
the installation of boulevard lights
on Main Street from Jones Street
to West Thirteenth Street presented
and read,
Councilman Jaeger moved to re•
ceive and file the proofs of publica-
tions, Seconded , by Gbuncilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
(Resolution Providing for the Issu•
once of Public Improvement Bonds.)
Resolution No. 113.34
WHEREAS, the contract hereto-
fore entered into by the City of Du•
bogus for the installation of Boule•
yard Lights on Main Street, herein-
after described, has been completed
and said improvement has been
accepted by the City Council of said
City and the City Engineer has com•
puted the cost and expense thereof
to be $21,317.09.
AND WHEREAS, public notice as
provided by law, has been published
by the City Clerk stating the inten•
tion of the City Council to issue
bonds to pay the cast of said im-
provement and a public hearing has
been held pursuant thereto, and all
objections filed thereto have been
considered and determined:
SOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque that to provide for
the cost of the installation of Boule•
vard Lights on Main Street from
Jones' Street to West Thirteenth
Street, there be issued Improvement
bonds tq the amount of $21,317.09,
Said bonds shat] be issued under the
provisions of Chapter 311 of the Code
of Iowa, 1927, which bear date ae
of the 1st. day of November, 1939
A. D., and shall be in the denomina
tions of $500.00 except that therE
shall 'be one bond to the amount of
$317.09. They shall be numberei
from 3645 to 3687 inclusive and aka]'
be divided into ten sories of whicl
the bonds numbered 3645.3648 shal
constitute the first aeries and shal
be payable the first day of April
A. D, 1936; the bonds numberei
3649-3662 shall constitute the aeconi
aeries and shall be payable the first
day of April, A. D. 1936; the bonds
numbered 3663.3656 shall constitute
the third series and shall be payable
the first day of April, A, D. 1937;
the bonds numbered 3657.3660 shall
constitute the fourth series and
shall be payable the first day of
April, A. D. 1938; the bonds num•
bared 3661.3664 shall constitute the
fifth series and shall be payable the
first day of April, A.D. 1939; the
bonds numbered 3666.3668 shall con•
atitute the sixth aeries and shall be
payable the first day of April, A,D.
1940; the bonds numbered 3669-3672
shall constitute the seventh aeries
and shall •be payable the first day
of April, A.D. 1941; the bonds num-
bered 3673.3676 shall constitute the
eighth series and shall be payable
the first day of April, A,D, 1942; the
bonds numbered 3677.3680 shall con-
atitute the ninth series and shall be
payable the first day oY April, A.D.
1943; the bonds numbered 3681.3687
shall constitute the tenth series and
shall be payable the first day of
April, A,D. 1944.
Said bonds shall bear interest at
the rate of five per cent per annum
which interest shall be payable semi-
annually, in accordance with the
terms of the coupons thereto at-
tacked; and said bonds shall be
payable out oY the proceeds of the
special assessment levied for said
Both principal and interest shall
be payable at the office of the City
Treasurer in the City of Dubuque.
Said bonds shall be substantially in
the following form:
N o .............................
Series No .................
Improvement Bond
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa promises to pay as herein-
after mentioned to the bearer hereof,
on the first day of April, A. D, 193....;
or any time before that date at the
option of the City, the sum of
with interest thereon at the rate of
five per cent per annum, payable on
the presentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached,
both interest and principal are pay-
able at the office of the City Trea-
auger in the City of Dubuque in the
State of Iowa. This bond is issued
by the City of Dubuque pursuant to
and by virtue of Chapter 311 of the
Code of Iowa, 1927, and in accordance
with a resolution of the City Council
of said City, duly passed on the 1st,
day of October, 1934. This bond is
one of a aeries of 43 bonds, 42 for
$500.00 numbered from 3645 to 3686
inclusive, and one for $317.09 num•
bared 3687, all of like tenor and
Regular Session, October 1st, 1934 279
date, and issued for the purpose of
the installation of Boulevard Lights
on Main Street from Jones Street to
West Thirteenth St„ and described
in said resolution; which coat is as~
leasable to and levied along said
improvement, and is made by law a
lien on all abutting or adjacent pro•
party, and payable in ten annual
installments, with interest on all
deferred payments at the rate of
five per cent per annum, and this
band is payable only out of the
money derived from the collection of
said special tax, and said money can
be used for no other purpose. And
it is hereby certified and recited
that all the acts and conditions and
things required to be done precedent
to and in the issuing of this series
of bonds, have been done, happened
and performed in regular and due
4orm as required by said law and
resolution; and far the assessments,
collections and payment hereon of
said special tax, the faith and dili•
genes of said City of Dubuque are
hereby irrevocably pledged.
In Witness Whereof, the City of
Dubuque by its City Council has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and countersigned by its City
Clerk, with the seal. of said City
affixed this let. day of October, 1934,
and has authorized the use of their
facsimile signature to the interest
coupons hereto attached,
City Clerk.
Countersigned (Seal)
(Form of Coupon.)
On the '........... day of ........................
A.D. 193...., the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer,
as provided in the bond, the sum of
...................................................... Dollars,
at the office of the City Treasurer
in the City of Dubuque, being............
months interest due that day on its
Improvement Bond No . .....................
dated ........................................... 193......,
' Mayor.
City Clerk.
that the Mayor and City Clerk 'be
and they are hereby instructed to
cause said bonds to be prepared and
when so prepared to execute said
bonds, and that the City Clerk be
and he is hereby instructed to regis•
ter said bonds in a book tc be kept
by him far that purpose, and to than
deliver them to the City Treasurer
who will also register them in a book
to be kept by him for that purpose.
that the City Treasurer be and he
is hereby instructed to sell said
bonds in the manner provided by
law, the proceeds of said sale to be
kept in a special fund to be known
as Improvement Fund.
that the interest coupons attached to
the ~bonda be signed with the fac•
simile signature of the Mayor and
countersigned with the Yac•aimile
signature of the City Clerk.
that as fast as funds allow, beginning
with the second year after the pay
went of interest due, these bonds
shall be called and retired in the
same order as numbered.
Adopted this 1st day of October,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Council Proceedings for the Month
of August, 1934, presented for
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the Council Preceedings for the
Month of August, 1934, be approved
as printed. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Petition of Mayme Meurisae, et al,
property owners on Sycamore Street,
stating that they are not in favor of
a track in front of their homes,
presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
suspend the rules for the purpose of
allowing any one present in the
Council Chamber, who wishes to do
so, to address the Council, Seconded
by Councilman Roberts, Carried 'by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberta, Schiltz.
Mr. J. Venn, et al, addressed the
Council objecting to granting the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul &
Pacific Railroad Company the right
to construct and maintain an indus•
try track on Sycamore Street and
intersecting streets from East 19th
Street to East 16th Street,
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
petition be made a matter of record.
280 Regular Sessicln, October 1st, 1934
dq \~
Seconded ~bY Councilman Roberta,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberta, 9ohiltz.
Ordinance No, 11.34, An Ordinance
granting to the Chicago, Milwaukeo,
St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company,
its successors and assigns, the xight
to construct, maintain and operate
an Industry Track over, along and
upon Sycamore Street and iuteraect-
ing streets from Aast 19th 'Street to
East 16th Street, and declaring an
emergency, said ordinance having
been passed upon first and second
readings on .the 21st day of Septem•
her, 1934, presented and read a third
Ordinance No. 11-34.
An Ordinance granting to the Chi-
cago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific
Railroad company, its successors and
assigns, the right to construct, main-
tain and operate an Industry Trark
over, along and upon Sycamore Street
and intersecting streets from East 19th
street to East 16th, street, and declar-
ing an emergency,
Par, 448-Section One. That there be
and there is hereby granted to the Qhi-
cago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific
Railroad Company, its successors and
assigns, the right and autho~•ity to con-
struct, maintain and operate an Indus-
try track over, along and upon Sycamore
and interseoting streets from East 19th
street to East 10th street in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, said track to be
located in and upon said streets as iss-
dicated with red parallel Ilnos drawn
upon a plat hereto attached and made
li part hereof and shall extend from a
lioint 4n the north line of East 19th
street to a point on the north line of
:.ast 16th street at approximately the
ovation and between the Points marked
"C" and "$" on said plat, said track
to be used to serve the Uubuque Pack-
ing Co.'s plant located at the north-
west corner of Sycamore and East 10th
streets and other industries. '
Par. 449-Section Two. Said track
shall conform to the grade of said
streets as now or as hereafter estab-
lished and shall be so constructed and
forever maintained that the free pass-
age for vehicles across the same at all
points shall not be interfered with and
the right to impose additional con.9i-
t10ns and requirements upon the use.ol
said track or its maintenance whenever
reasonable. circumstances arise to re-
quire the same is reserved to the
Council of said City.
Par, 450-Section Three, It is [ur-
ther expressly stipulated and provided
that all railroad companies now operat•
ing tracks in this city shall be entitled
at any time to slave their cars trans•
ferred over said tracks, and all inter
mediate tracks of said company, is:
successors or assigns, which may be
necessary to be used in order to. con
nett ,with the track hereby autliorizet
upon the payment of such switctsin@
` charges which may be uniformly ap
Y~ plied within tkis city and accepted a:
reasonable between railroad companies
o in within the city.
ar 45~Section Four. This ordi
Hance being deemed urgent and of im
mediate necessity, shall become e(faa•
five upon its passage, adoption and ap-
proval by the City Council and pstbli-
a,tion, as provided by law, and the
rights herein granted shall accrue to
said railroad company only when the
injury and damages to property abet-.
flog upon said streets have been ascer-
tained and compensated tor, or in lieu
thereof, when the record owners of
each property and record holders of
liens and encumbrances thereon have
filed with thin council their consent
to the construction and operation of
such track and waivers and releases
of any damages which may be sus-
tained by them on account of the con-
struction and operation of the sarno,
Passed upon first and second readings
this 21st day of September, 1934.
Passed, adopted and approved this
1st day of October; 1934,
Attest: J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Published officially in the Telegraph-
Herald and Times-Journal newspaper,
October 3rd, 1934, '
10-3-1t City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Roberts, Car•
vied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberta and
Ordinance No. 12-34. An Ordi-
nance amending an Ordinance en-
titled 'Ordinance No. 10-34. An
Ordinance providing far the issuance
of $28,000.00 Sewer Bonds, provid•
ing for the levy of taxes to pay the
same and declaring an emergency'
by amending sections 1 and 5 there•
of so as to fix other maturities for
said bonds and provide for the levy
of taxes to pay the same, and de•
Glaring an emergency, said ordin•
ante having been passed upon first
and second readings on the 21st day
of September, 1934, presented and
read a third time.
ORDINANCE N0, 12-34.
Au Ordinance amending an Ordinance
enl.itled 'Ordinance No. 10-34. An Or-
dinance providing for the issuance of
r i in for the
n s ov d
R e er Bo d
2 0 S w
00 p g
$ ,
levy of taxes to pay the same and de-
cl.~'n~ an eniergeney' by amending
sections 1 and 6, thereof so as to fix
other maturities for said bonds and pro-
vide for the levy of taxes to exy the
same, and declaring an emergency.
Whereas, under date of September 17,
1934, this City Council oP the Pity of
Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, en-
acted an Ordinance entitled "ordin+rnce
No. 10-34- An Ordinance providing
for the issuance of $28,000 Sewer L'onds,
providing for the levy of taxes to pay
the same and declaring an emergency":
Whereas, in Section 1 thereof it is
provided that all of said bonds shall
mature in the year 1948 instead of ser-
ially, as by law provided; and
Regular Session, October 1st, 1934 281
Whereas in Section 6 thereof it is
proposed to pay all of said bonds in
the year 1948 from a tax levy made in
1947 instead of making provision for
the payment of said bonds serla.lly, as
provided by law; and
Whereas, ft is necessary to change
the maturities o1 said bands in order
to comply with existing laws and pro-
vide for the levy of taxes to pay the
same as they respectively mature;
Naw, Therefor
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of tli~City of Dubuque:
c ion 1. That Section 1 of the Or-
dinance referred to in -the preamble
hereof be and the same is hereby
amen to read as follows:
ection 1, That pursuant to and as
a thorized by Section 6126 of the Cade
of Iowa, there shall be and there is
hereby ordered issued the negotiable
Sewer Bonds of said City of Duhnque
in the principal amount of $28,Oi10; said
bonds to be 28 in number, dated October
1, 1934, bearing interest at the rate of
Four and One-half (4>~%) per cent Ter
annum, from the date of said fronds
until paid, payable April 1, 1935, and
semi-annually thereafter on the first
days of October and April in each year;
that said bonds be signed by the Islayor
and attested by the City Clerlt and the
seal of said City attached; that they be
registered as .to issuance by the City
Treasurer and a certificate of such reg-
istration endorsed thereon; that inter-
est upon said bonds be evidenced by
coupons thereto attached and maturing
on the several days when such interest
matures which coupons shall be exe-
cuted with the facsimile signahares of
said officials, and said Mayor •and City
C'^ i~ i,v the execution of said bonds,
shall adopt as and for their proper sig-
natures, their respective facsimile sig-
n^~•t^~c appearing on said coupons; and
thal both principal and interest be pay-
able in lawful money of the united
States of America at the office of the
City Treasurer in and of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa; that said bonds be of
the denomination of $1,D00 each, be
numbered consecutively from 1 to 2.4.
both numbers included, become vine and
payable in their numerical order as
follows: $5000 on October 1, 1946; ;5000
on rvtober 1947; and $18,000 on Oc-
tober 1, 1948. '
hat Section 5 of the Or-
dinance referred to in the preamle
hereof be and the same ie hereby
am ed to read as follows:
ection 5. That for the purpose of
viding for the levy and collection of
a direct annual tax sufficient to pay' the
interest on said bonds as it falls due,
and also to pay and discharge the prin-
cipal thereof at maturity, there he and
there is hereby levied upon all fixable
property in said city in each of the
years while said bonds or any of them
are outstanding, a tax sufficient for
one and
p p m furtherance of this
provision but not in limitation thereof,
that there be and there is hereby levied
on all the taxable property in ;aid city
the following direct annual tax, to-wit:
For the year 1935, a tax sufficient to
produce the sum of $2620, being £1260
to reimburse current funds for advance-
ments to pay interest due during the
yr 1935. and $1260 far interest.
For each of the years 1936 to 1944,
both inclusive, a tax sufficient to prC-
duce the sum of $1260 for interest.
For the year 1945 a tax sufficient to
produce the sum of $6260 for principal
and interest.
For the year 1946 a tax sufficient to
produce the sum of $6035 for principal
and interest.
For the year 1947, a tax sufficient to
produce the cum of $18,810 for princi-
pal and interest.
Said taxes when collected shall he
converted lots a special fund for the
payment of principal and interest of the
bonds hereby authorized nd for no
other purpose whatsoever.'
Section 3. That a c ified copy of
this amendatory ordinance shall be filed
}vith the County Auditor of Dubuque
County, and that said Auditor be and
he is hereby instructed in and for each
of the years 1936'to 1947, inclusive, to
levy and assess the amount of annual
taxes as hereinbefore set out, in lieu
of the amounts as provided by the or-
iginal ordinance hereby amended, and
a certified copy of which ordinance
.was filed !n his office on September
27th, 1934,
Section 4. That all ordinances and
resolutions and parts thereof in so far
as the same may be in conflict here-
with, be and the same are hereby re-
pealed, and that the ordinance hereby
amended, as amended, be and the same
is hereby in all respects ratified and
Section 5. That it is hereby found
and declared that an emergency r-xists
and that it is necessary for the Immedi-
ate preservation of the public peace,
health and safety that this ordinance
become effective upon its passage, ap-
proval and publication, and it is so or-
Introduced September 21st, 1934.
Passed and approved October 1st,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Recorded October 2nd, 1934,
Published October 3rd, 1934.
City Clerlt,
Published officially in the Telegraplt-
Herald and Times-Journal newspaper,
October 3rd, 1934.
J. J. SHL+'A,
1D-3-1t. City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Roberts. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of F. A. GI•ings et al re-
questing that East Grove Terrace be
repaired or put in a passable con-
dition, presented and read.
an Roberts moved that
the petition be referred to the Coun-
cil. Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of Disabled American Vet-
erans World War requesting per-
mission to hold Forget-Me-Not drive
on Saturday, September 29th, 1934,
presented and 1'ead.
City Manager Evans stating that
permission had been granted be•
282 Regular Session,, October 1st, 1934
cause of the fact that no meeting
was scheduled before the date re•
quested to hold the drive.
Councilman Roberts moved that
the action of City Manager Evans
be approved. Seconded by Council•
man Schiltz. Carried by the follotiv
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberta and
Petition of H, B. McCarten, re•
questing an exemption of taxes or
the equivalent of same on the West
00 feet of Lots 21, 22, 23 in Bon•
son and Stewart's Subdivision as
'said property is being used for play-'
ground purposes, presented and
Councilman Jaeger moved that
the prayer of the petition be granted
and that a warrant in the amount
of $11.57 be ordered drawn on the
City Treasurer to cover payment of
the 1933 taxes as requested due to
the fact that this property is being
used for playground purposes, See-
onded by Councilman Roberts. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of Dubuque Ccunty Demo•
cratic Central Committee, requesting
permission to hang a political ban•
ner across Main Street from their
headquarters to the building. on the
opposite side of the street, present-
ed and read,
Councilman Roberta moved that
prayer of the petition be granted.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, oP the list of
claims for which warrants were
drawn during the month of August,
1934, presented and read.
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
receive and file the proof of publica-
tion. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of Francis H. Dersch, re-
ferred to the City Council, by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1933 taxes on Lot
13 of Dreibilbies Addition, presented
and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report, Second•
ed by Councilman Andelfinger, Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of John Keatly, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the auapen•
aton of the 1933 and 1934 taxes on
South 44 feet of Lot 23 of 0, S. Lang-
worthy's Addition, presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solic-
itor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Andelfing-
er, Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of Andrew Milks, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the cancella•
tiou of the 1933 taxes on tha West
24 feet of Lot 101 of Union Addition,
presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberta and
Petition of Carl J. Schneider, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1933 taxes on Lot
2 of 73 and Lot 2 of 74 of Wood's
Addition, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solic•
itor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Andelflng•
er. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of Mrs. Sandra Strand•
berg, referred to the City Council
by the Board of Supervisors, re+
questing the suspension of the 1933
taxes an Lat 2 of 10, Lot 2 of 2 of
11, Lot 2 of 1 of 11 Wullweber'a
Sub., the West i/z of Lot 274 Davis
Farm Addition and Lots 6 and 7 of
Bradley's Sub., presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Sec-
onded by, Councilman Andelfinger,
Carried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of Della C. Thul, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Session, October 1st, 1934 283
Supervisors, requesting the cancella•
tion of the 1933 taxes on South 2,6
feet of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3 of
Kleinschmidt's Sub., presented and
Councilman Schiltz nraved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Sec•
onded by Councilman Andelfinger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of Joseph J. Weber, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1933 taxes on
North 42.6 feet of Lot 46 of E. Lang-
worthy'a Addition, presented and
Ccuncilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solic•
itor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Andelflng-
er, Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberta and
Petition of Clifford B, Young, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1932 and 1933
taxes on Lot 16 of Wooten's Addi•
tion, presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solic-
itor for investigation and report,
Seconded by Councilman Andelflng•
er. Carried by the following .vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Communication of Board of Di•
rectors of the Dubuque Community
Chest requesting the City Council
to appoint someone on the Milk
Fund Committee, preferably one
connected with the Board of Health,
presented and read,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
receive and file the communication,
Seconded by Counci]man Jaeger,
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Ceuncilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Communication of Public Works
Committee of the Chamber of Com-
merce requesting the City Council
to send a representative to Wash-
ington, D. C„ to ascertain whether
or not it would be possible far the
City of Dubuque to secure a Federal
Grant and Loan in the amount of
$40,000.00 for the construction of a
municipal swimming pool, presented
and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
communication be referred to the
City Manager to communicate with
the Public Works Administration at
Washington, D, C., relative to the
securing of said Federal Grant and
Loan. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of Klauer Manufacturing
Company requesting the City Coun•
cil, acting under the provisions of
the Franchise Ordinance and under
the Statutes of the State of Iowa
that they require the Interstate Pow•
er Company to file with the City
Council an itemized statement show•
ing the receipts and expenditures in•
cidental to its distributing system in
the City of Dubuque and also afford
the Council access to al] of its books
and records so as to enable the
Council to secure the information
necessary for the adoption of an Or-
dinance regulating the rates to be
charged by the said Interstate Pow-
er Company for electrical energy
in the City of Dubuque, and there-
by relieve your petitioner and other
citizens from the unjust, arbitrary
and discriminating practices com-
plained of in this petition, presented
and read.
Attorney F. D. Galloon addressed
the Council relative to the petition
of Klauer Manufacturing Company.
Councilman Jaeger moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Manager
for investigation and to report back
to the City Council, Seconded by
Councilman Schiltz. Carried by the
Following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts and
Petition of Mary Catherine Har•
rington, Loretta Powers, Administra•
traces of the Estate of Anna A.
O'Shea, deceased, requesting permis-
sion to pay the proportional part of
the special assessment against Lot
7 of Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Min. Lot 28
in the amount of $228.99 without
penalty and that upon payment of
said amount that Lot 2 of Lot 1 of
Lot 4 of Min. Lot 28 be freed of
any lien for payment of the balance
of the special assessments due
against the remaining property un-
sold and that as a particular lot is.
sold that they be allowed to pay
said proportional assessment with-
out penalty but with regular ~nN
terest 'at 5 per cent, presented and
284 ~ Regular Session, October 1st, 1934
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the prayer of the petition be
granted. Seconded by Councilman
Roberts, Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberta and
WHEREAS, Anna Shea, deceased,
was the owner of Lot No. 4 of sub•
division of Mineral Lot No. 28 in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, and, upon
her death, said lot was made a part
of her estate; and
WHDREAS, said lot was assessed
for the construction of public im-
provements, and certain installments
thereof remain unpaid; and
WHEREAS, said lot has now been
subdivided into several separate
parcels and one lot described as lot
No. 2 subdivision of lot No. 1 of the
subdivision of Lot No. 4 of Mineral
Lot No. 28 is about to be sold.
WHEREAS, a plat of said lot swb-
divided and described has been pry
pared and filed; and
WFIDREAS, the unpaid portion of
the special assessment has been
apportioned and the amount of such
special assessment, charged to said
lot as subdivided, has been ascer-
tained to be the sum of $228,99, in-
cluding interest at the rate of 5%;
WHEREAS, a petition has been
tiled with this Council to permit the
executors of said estate to pay said
sum of $228.99 in full of said assess-
ments and without any further in-
terest or penalty. Now, therefore;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council
of the City of Dubuque that, upo^
the filing of said plat in the office
of the Recorder of Dubuque County,
Iowa, showing the subdivision of said
lot No. 4 of the subdivision of Min•
eral lot No, 28 and the County Trea-
surer advised thereof, that the exe-
cutors of said estate be and they are
hereby authorized and permitted to
pay said sum of $228.99 in full set-
tlement and satisfaction of all special
assessments levied against said por-
tion of said lot No. 4 of the subdivi-
sion of mineral lot No. 28 as now
subdivided and described to be lot
No. 2 of subdivision of lot No, 1 of
the subdivision of Lot No. 4 of
Mineral lot No. 28, and the City
Clerk be and he is hereby instructed
to certify a copy of this Resolution
to the County Treasurer of Dubuque
County, Iowa, and said certified Reso-
lution shall be his authority for ac-
ceptance of said sum in full of said
special assessments aoportioned
against said lot, as subdivided and
herein provided.
Passed, adapted and approved this
1st day of October, 1934.
Attest: J, J. SHDA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts, Carried by
the following vote;
Yeae-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
A Resolution approving applica-
tions for the sale of beer and author-
izing the issuance of permits.
WHEREAS, the City Council of
the City of Dubuque has examined
the applications which have been
filed for permits for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque and has
approved such applications as apply
to the persons herein named at the
locations described herein: NOW,
BE IT RDSOLVED iby said Council
that permits for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque be and
the same are hereby authorized and
ordered issued as follows;
Class "B" Permit
The Dubuque Club (renewal), 895
Main Street (Basement),
William Cosley (renewal), 1121
Julien Avenue.
that the bonds filed with these
applications be approved.
Passed, adopted and aproved this
1st day of October, 1934.
Attest: J, J. SHDA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried Eby
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque that
the following, having complied with
the provisions of law relating to the
sale of cigarettes within the City of
Dubuque, 'be granted a permit to sell
cigarettes and cigarette papers with-
in said City and the Manager is
Regular Session, October 1st, 1934 285
directed to issue such permit on
behalf of said City:
Raymond J. Stoltz & George J.
Zillig, 234 West 9th Street.
Thos. P. Sullivan, 620 South Grand•
view Avenue.
Karigan & Koleopoulos, 493 Main
that the bond filed with~the applica•
tion be approved.
Passed, adopted and approved this
1st day of October, 1934.
Attest: J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried Eby
the Following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Nays-Nona. '
Resolution No. 117.34, Resolution
setting over and appropriating the
amount of ;1500.00 from the Con-
solidated Fund to be used on Iowa
Protect No, 31-BS-14 for maintenance,
repair of sewers, drainage and sani-
tation of Bee Branch Sewer, Pear]
Street, Curtis Street and Riker
Street, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Resolution providing for increas-
ing deposits of public funds of the
City of Dubuque in depository banks
in excess of the amounts deposited
after April 16, 1927.
WHEREAS, on and after April 16,
1927, authority was granted to the
City Treasurer of the City of Du•
buque, Iowa, to deposit public funds
of said City in the First National
Bank and American Trust and Sav
ings Bank, both of Dubuque, Iowa,
in amounts not to exceed ;60,000,00
in each bank, there 'being at that
time three other banks of said city
which were designated like deppsi-
tories; and
WHEREAS, the First National
Bank and the American Trust and
Savings Bank are the only remaining
banks open in said city and, by
resolution of this Council dated April i
2, 1934, said banks were designated
such depositories and the City
Treasurer was instructed to deposit
public funds therein, as follows:
In the First National Bank, not to
exceed ;175,000.00
In the American Trust and Savings
Bank, not to exceed $160,000; and
W~HDREAS, these sums are in ex-
cess of the amounts authorized to be,
deposited in said banks on April 16,
1927; Now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque: that
the Treasurer of State be and he is
hereby requesed to approve the in•
crease of deposits of public funds
in said named banks in the amounts
herein specified and, to that end, a
copy of this resolution be certified
to said Treasurer of State for his
Passed, adopted and approved this
1st day of October, 1934.
• M. R. KANE,
Attest; J, J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger, Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Resolution directing the advertise-
ment and sale of ;28,000 Sewer
WHEREAS it is necessary and for
the best interests of said City that
$28,000 Sewer Bonds contemplated
to be issued by the City of Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa, be offered for
sale at this time;
Section 1. That Sewer Bonds in the
amount of $28,000, as proposed to
be issued and as referred to in the
preamble of this resolution, dated
October 1, 1934, be offered for sale
pursuant to published advertise-
Section 2. That the City Clerk be
and he is hereby authorized and
directed to publish notice of the
sale of said bonds far two or more
consecutive weeks in the Tele-
graph-Herald and Times-Journal,
an official newspaper of Dubuque
County, printed and published in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, such
notice to state that bids will be re-
ceived and acted upon by this
Council at a meeting to be held at
4.00 o'clock P. M. on October 19,
1934, and such notice to 'be in
substantially the following form:
Session, October 1st, 1934
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the City Clerk in the
City Hall, Durouque, Iowa, until 10:00
o'clock a. m. on October 17, 1934,
for $28,000 Sewer Bonds of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, at which time
they will be referred to the City
Council of said City at its meeting to
be then held in the Council Chamber
of said City Hall, and after the re•
ceipt of which open bide will be re-
ceived and the bonds will then be
sold to the highest bidder far cash.
Said bonds will be dated October 1,
1934 and mature $5,000 on October
1, 1946, $5,Ob0 an October 1, 1947,
and $18,000 on October 1, 1948. Bath
principal and interest are to be paY•,
able at the office of the City Trea•
surer, Dubuque, Iowa, All bids shall
specify the rate of interest, and all
other things being equal, the bid of
par and accrued interest or better
for the lowest interest rate will be
given preference. The successful
bidder must pay the cost of printing
the bonds,
These bonds are to be issued for
the purpose of defraying the cost of
building and constructing sewers and
will constitute general obligations of
the said City, The City will furnish
the approving opinion of Messers
Chapman and Cutler, Lawyers, Chi•
cago, Illinois, and al] bids must be ao
conditioned, Bidders must furnish
certified check for $1,000 as guar•
antes of good faith, this amount to
be forfeited by the successful bidder
should he fail to take up and pay
for the bonds when ready. The
right is reserved to reject any or all
By order of the City Council.
City Clerk.
Dated October 3rd, 1934.
Section 3. That the City Clerk is
further authorized to prepare such
circulars for further advertises
ments as may be deemed advisable
in order to afford due publication
for the sale of said bands.
Section 4. That all resolutions or
parts of Resolutions in conflict
herewith be and the same are
hereby repealed,
Passed and approved October 1st,
Attest. J. J, SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Andelfinger moved the
adoption of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Ordinance No, 13.34. An Ordinance
granting to the Dubuque Packing Co.,
its successors and assigns, the right
to construct and maintain a loading
platform an the west side of ~Syca-
more Street from East 18th Street to
East 17th Street and a ramp and
aisle enclosure on the south side of
East 17th Street from Cedar Street
to Sycamore Street prescribing the
conditions of such grant and declar•
ing an emergency, presented and
Councilman Andelfinger moved
that the reading, just had, be con•
sidered the first reading of the
ordinance, Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz, Carried by the following
Yeas--,Mayor Kane, Councilmen.
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Councilman Ande]finger moved to
suspend the rules requiring an ordi•
nance to be read on three separate
days. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
The ordinance was then read a
second time. Councilman Andelfinger
moved that the reading just had be
considered the second reading of the
ordinance. Seconded my Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
There being no further business,
Councilman Andelfinger moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Andelfinger, Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
City Clerk.
Approved ......................................1934.
Adapted ........................................1934.
Councilmen: { ........................................
Attest : ..................................................
City Clerk.
Special Session, October 8th, 1934 287
Special Session, October 8th, 1934,
Council met at 4:05 p. m.
Present-Mayor Kane, Councilmen,
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz, City Man•
ager Evans,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Meeting called by order of Mayor
Kane and Councilman Roberts.
Mayor Kane read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and that this meeting is
called for the purpose of acting on
proposals submitted for the con•
struction of storm water sewers in
East Twentieth Street, Rhomberg
Avenue, Washington Street and Far-
ragut Street and acting on any other
business as may properly come be•
fore a regular meeting of the City
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of the notice to con-
tractors of the receipt of proposals
for the construction of storm water
sewers in East Twentieth Street,
Rhomberg Avenue, Washington St.,
and Farragut Street, presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
ceive and file the proof of publica-
tion. Seconded by Councilman Jae-
ger. Carried ~by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
October 8, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
In accordance with your instruc-
tions and our advertisements, bids
were received at 10:00 a. m. Monday,
October 8, 1934, for the construc-
tion of Storm Sewers in and along
East 20th Street, Rhomberg Avenue,
Washington Street and Farragut
I am attaching hereto a tabulation
sheet showing the unit prices and
total prices bid and respectfully rec-
ommend that the contract for the
construction of said storm sewers be
awarded to the Thos. F1Ynn Coal
Company as their bid was the lowest
one received.
One additional bid was submitted
at 10:07 a. m, from Mr. Elmer Burk-
hart. One envelope, only, included
his bid and check. He stated that his
bid included a cashier's check, not a
certified check. The bid was not
opened. Mr, Burkhart was advised
that if desired his sealed bid would
be submitted to Council. However,
he stated that his total price was
higher than the bide read, He asked
that his unopened bid be rejeoted
and returned to him. This was done.
Yours very truly,
City Manager..
Storm sewer in and along East
20th Street, Rhomberg Avenue,
Washington Street aiiA Farragut
Thos. Flynn Coal Co. 24 in, yit•
rifted Tile Sewer Plpe, 534 lin, ft., at
$2,01; 18 in, Vitrified Tile Sewer
Pipe, 620 lin, ft., at $1.42; 15 in, Vit•
rifled Tile Sewer Pipe, 1880 lin, it„
at ;1.11; 12 in, Vitrified Tile Sewer
pipe, 800 lia, ft., at $1,00; 20 Brick
1Vlanholes, complete, at $57,00; 30
Concrete 'Catch Basins, complete,
including cast irp11 cover (See de-
tail), at $58,00; 20 cu, yds. Class A
Concrete in place (1.2-3 mixture), at
$9.00; 130 cu. yds. Class $ Concrete
in place (1.2.5 mixture}> $or con-
crete base over sewor trench, at
$5,00; 2000 sq. Pt, of Sidewalk at $•17;
15 Catch Basins-concrete with con-
Crete top and manhole ring and
rovor, at 858.OQ; 25 Concrete Catch
BasinsT(Standard cast iron top with
4 in. lip), at $58.40. Total amount of
bid, $11,102.50; City Engineer's Esti-
mate, $15,460.00:
Jas, F. Lee Paving Co. 534 lin. ft,
of 24 in, Vitrified Tile Sower Pipe at
$2,44; 520 ]in: ft. of 18 in, Vitrified
Tile Sewer Pipe at $1.79; 18801in, ft.
15 in. Vitrified Tile Sewer Pipe at
$1.44; 800 lin. ft. of 12 in. Vitrified
Tile Sower Pipe at $1.26; 20 Brick
Manholes, complete at $41,50; 30
Concrete Catch Basins, complete, in•
eluding cast iron cover (see detail),
at $50.00; 20 cu, Yds, Class A Con-
crete in place (1.2.3 mixture), at
;9.90; 130 cu, yds. Class B Concrete
In place (1-23z 5 mixture), for con-
crete base over sewor trench, at
$Q.95; 2600 aq, ft. of Sidewalk at
$.155; 15 Catch Basins-concrete
with concrete top and manhole ring
and cover, at $45,40; 25 Concrete
Catch Basins-(Standard oast iron
top with 4 in. lip), at $50,p0. Total
amount of bid, $11,698,70.
K•M Construction Co.-530 lin. ft.
of 24 in Vitrified Tile Sewer Pipe at
$2.09; 520 lin, ft. of 18 in. Vitrified
Tile Sewer Pipe at $1.05; 1880 lin.
ft, of 16 in. Vitrified Tile Sewer Pipe
at $1.49; 800 lin. ft. of 12 in. Vitrified
Tile Sewer Pipe at $1,22; 20 Brick
Manholes, complete, at $51.50; 30
Concrete Catch Basins, complete, in-
cluding cast iron cover (see detail),
at $51.75; 20 cu yds, Class A Con-
Crete in place (1.2.3 mixture), at
$8.00; 130 cu, yds. Class B Concrete
in place (1.2~-5 mixture), for con-
crete base over sewer trench, at
$0.00; 2600 sq. ft. of Sidewalk at
$.25; 15 Catch Basins-concrete with
288 Special Session, October 8th, 1934
concrete top and manhole ring and
cover, at $48,00; 25 Concrete Catch
Basins-(Standard cast iron tap with
4 in, lip), at $53.60. Total amount
of bid, $11,972.90,
Cook & Kean-630 gin. ft, of 24 in.
Vitrified Tile Sewer Pipe at ;2.35;
520 gin, ft, of 18 in. Vitrified Tile
Sewer Pipe at ;1,77; 1880 gin, ft, of
15 in. Vitrified Tile Sewer Pipe at
;1,59; 800 gin, ft. of 12 in, Vitrified
Tile Sewer Pipe at ;1.30; 20 Brick
Manholes, complete, at ;40,00; 30
Concrete Catch Basins, complete, in•
eluding cast iron cover (see detail),
at $40.00; 20 cu, yds. Class A Con-
crete in place (1-2.3 mixture), at
59,00; 130 cu, yds. Class B Concrete
in place (1-2~-5 mixture), for con-
crete base over sewer trench, at
;8.00; 2600 sq. ft, of Sidewalk at
;.20; 15 Catch Basins-concrete with
concrete top and manhole ring and
cover at ;55.00; 25 Concrete Catch
Basins-(standard cast iron top with
4 in, lip), at;55,00. Total amount of
'bid, $12,136.10,
Resolution No. 120.34. Resolution
awarding contract for the construc-
tion of storm water sewers in and
along East 20th Street, }thomberg
Avenue, Washington Street and Far-
ragut Street to Thos. Flynn Coal
Company, they being the lowest
bidders, presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
resolution be approved and placed
on file for public inspection for one
week. Seconded by Councilman
Roberts. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Proof of publication, certified to by
the publishers, of the official publi
cation of Ordinance No. 12-34. An
ordinance amending an Ordinanet
entitled Ordinance No, 10.34. Ar
ordinance providing for the issuancE
of $28,000.00 Sewer Bonds, providin@
for the levy of taxes to pay the
same and declaring an emergent}
by amending Sections 1 and 5 thereo,
so as to fix other maturities for sail
bonds and provide for the levy o,
taxes to pay the same and declaring
an emergency, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to re
ceive and file the proof of publics
lion. Seconded by Councilma]
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmel
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Communication of Disabled Amel
icon. Veterans of World War thong
ing Council far granting permissio:
to them to hold For-Get-Me-Not driv
m September 29th, 1934, presented
end read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
;ommunication be made a matter of
record. Seconded by Councilman
faeger. Carried by the following
Yeas~Mayor Kane, Councilmen
faeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of Pauline Danzer, re•
(erred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1933 taxes on
West 29.10 feet of Lot 8 of East
Part of City 682 and Lot 11 of Mor-
gan's Sub., presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Geo. J. Hendricks, re•
(erred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1933 taxes on parts
of Lots 40 and 41 of Kelly's Sub,,
presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Lena Hantelman, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1932 and 1933 taxes
on parts of Lots 6 and 8 of J. King's
Dubuque, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of Theresa Koenig, 1•e-
ferred 'to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 2nd ,half of the
1933 taxes on parts of Lot 8 of J.
King's Dubuque, presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of Ruth M, Tuthill, re•
Special Session, October 8t11, 1934 289
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1933 taxes on Lot
64 of Qnigley's Sub,, presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor far
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger; Roberts and Schiltz, ,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of Republican County Cen-
tral Committee requesting permis-
sion to extend a banner across
Eighth Street from the Lincoln
Building to the Roshek Building, pre•
seated and read.
Councilman Roberts moved to
,grant the prayer of the petition, Sec-
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car-
ried by the following vote;
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Ordinance No. 13-34. An Ordinance
granting to the Dubuque Packing Co„
its successors and assiggs, the right
to construct and maintain a loading
platform on the west side of Syca-
more Street from East 16th Street
to East 17th Street and a ramp and
aisle enclosure on the south side of
East 17th Street from Cedar Street
to Sycamore Street, prescrvbjng the
conditions of such grant and declar-
ing an emergency, said ordinance
Laving been passed upon first and
second readings on October 1st, 1934,
Presented and read a third time. ~,•,
Ordinance No. 13-34. ;~'~.,
An Ordinance granting to the Duk
buque Packing Co., its successors and
assigns, the right to construct and
maintain a loading platform on the west
side of Sycamore street from East 16th
street to East 17th street and a ramp
and aisle enclosure on the south side
of East 17th street from Cedar street
to Sycamore street, prescribing the con-
ditions of such grant and declaring an
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Duhuque:
Par. 952-- Section 1. That the Du-
buque Packing Co., its successors and
assigns, be and it is hereby granted the
right and authority to construct and
maintain a loading platform on the
West side of Sycamore street from East
16th street to Fast 17th street and ex-
tending easterly for a distance of ten
feet from the east property line of the
property owned by said Dubuque Pack-
ing Co., the same to be used in connec-
tion tvitl4 the operation of the business
of said cmnpany, said structure to be
built under the supervision of the
Building Commissioner of the City of
Par, 953-Section 2. That the Du-
buque Packing Co., its successors and
assigns be and it is hereby granted the
further right and authority to construct
and maintain an enclosed cattle ramp
and aisle on the south side of East
17th street from Cedar street to SYca-
mo^e street ana extending northerly for
a distance of twelve feet from the north
property line oY the Property owned by
the said Dubuque Packing Co„ the
same to be used in connection In the
operation of the business of said com-
pany, said structure to be built under
the supervision of the Building Com-
missioner of the City of Dubuque,
Par. 454.-Section 3, That both of
said structures shall be built as shown
upon the plat thereof hereto attached
and made a part hereof.
Par. 455.-Sgctlon 4. It is understood
and provided that these grants are sub-
ject to the cont[nuous control of the
City Council of this city, reserving the
right to impose restrictions or condi-
tions upon the enjoyment thereof as
Wray be reasonably necessary for the
protection of the public interest, In-
cluding the right to revoke and rescind
these grants if at any time such public
interest should require such revocation.
Par, 45G.-Section b. This Ordinance,
being deemed urgent and of immedi-
ate necessity, shall become effective
upon the final passage and adoption
thereof by the City Council and publi-
catior as Provided by law, and the
rights hereunder shall accrue to said
Dubuque Packing Co., its successors
and assigns when the provisions hereof
shall have been accepted by said tom-
Passed upon first and second readings
this 1st day of October, 1934,
Passed, adopted, and approved, upon
final reading this 8th day of October,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk
N0. 134
The Dubuque Packing Co., througn
its attthorized officials, does hereby ac-
cept all of the terms, conditions, and
provisions of an Ordinance adopted by
the City Council of the City of Dubuque
on the 8th day of October and entitled:
"'i^nhiance No 13-34, granting to the
Dubuque Packing Co., its successors
and assigns, the right to construct and
maintain a loading platform on tho
west side of Sycamore street from East
1Gth street to East 17th street and a
ramp and aisle enclosure on the south
side of East 17th street from Cedar
street to Sycamore street, prescribing
the condition of such grant and declar-
ing an emergency.
Dated this 9th day of October, 1934.
Published officially in the Telegrapk}-
Herald and Times-Journal= newspaper
October 10th, 1934. ,O
°^~""°=" J. J. SHEA,
~70-1t. City Clerk,
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
290 Special Session, October 8th, 1934
October` 6th, 1934,
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
On October 6th, 1934, at a meeting
of the Planning and Zoning Commis•
sion held at the City Hall, the Com•
mission recommended to the Council
the following change in Article 5,
Section 1 (h) of the Zoning Ordin•
ante and asked that the revision 'be
made at yotir earliest convenience.
The revision to read as follows;
"Signboard and ~ or Electric Sign,
exclusive of flashing or intermittenly
illuminated electric signs, indicating
the name and character of business
transacted on the premises, attached
to the building or structure, but no
part of the sign or hanging whether
suspended or pro)ected to extend
more than six (0). feet from same.
The total area of the face of the
sign shall not exceed twenty-four
(24) square feet. Signboards shall
not extend over public property more
than the thickness of the sign, but
in no case more than three (3)
The Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion have given serious considerate
tion to the above proposed revision
and hope that same will meet with
the approval of the Couucil.
Yours very truly,
R, V. McKAY,
Planning and Zoning Commission,
Councilman Roberts moved to re-
fer the communication to the City
Manager and City Solicitor For them
to report back to the City Council.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried Eby the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
October G, 1934,
To the Honorable Mayor
and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa.
On September 21st, 1934, at a meet-
ing of the Planning and Zoning Com-
mission, held in the City Hall, it
was recommended to the Gounci]
that the following changes be made
in the Zoning map of the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque
and asks that the revisions be made
at your earliest convenience.
1. The following area be changed
from Light Industrial to Heavy Indus•
trial Uses, including all that portion
lying between the center line of
South Locust Street and the center
line of Bluff Street Extension from
the center line of Dodge Street to a
straight line extension of the south
street line of Ruah Street, all as
shown on enclosed sketch.
2. The following lots be changed
from Single Family Residence Dis•
trio to Local Business District, in•
eluding all of Lots 3 and 4 in Schul-
er's Sub„ all in the City of Dubuque
and as shown on the enclosed plat.
3. The following lots be changed
from Two Family and Multiple Resi-
dence Districts to Business Districts,
including all of Lots 1 of 2 of 1 and
2 of 2 of 1 in McKinley's Sub, and
Lot 5 of City Lot 653, all in the City
of Dubuque and as shown on the
enclosed plat,
The Planning and Zoning Commis•
sion have given serious consideration
to all of the above items and sincere-
ly hope that same will meet with the
approval of the Council,
Yours very truly,
R. V. McKAY, Secretary,
Planning and Zoning Commission.
Councilman Roberts moved to re-
fer the communication to the City
Manager and City Solicitor for to
report back to the City Council.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz,
Carried 'by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Conncilman Andelfinger,
September 23, 1939.
Mr. J. J. Shea,
City Clerk,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Dear Sir:
This is to certify that a notice was
sent by registered mail to Helen
Cooper, Indiana Hotel, Fort Wayne,
Indiana, a copy of said letter being .
herein enclosed, and a return of ser-
vice was received by me this 24th
day of September, 1934,
Yours very truly,
Building Commissioner.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
ceive and file the communication,
Seconded by 'Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberta and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
October 2, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayer and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In connection with
the $75,000.00 transfer from the
Dubuque Bonded Debt Sinking Fund,
it seems absolutely necessary that
an application be made to the State
Comptroller for permission to delay
the repayment of this transfer for
another year,
The City Couucil, on January 15,
1934, authorized the application, by
Resolution to the State Comptroller,
fm' permission to temporarily trans-
fer $76,000.00 from the Bonded Debt
Sinking Fund as follows:-
ecial Session, October 8th, 1934 291
(a) $66,000.00 to the Consolidated
(b) $20,000.00 to the Flre Main•
tenance Fund.
On January 10, 1934, Mr. C. B.
Murtagh, State Comptrolier, ap•
proved the transfer, conditioned up•
on (1) the City not using more of
the $75,000.00 approved transfer
than was absolutely necessary and
(2) that definite plane be made to
return thja money during the year
1934, in order that every possible
effort be made to retire bonds when
the same shall become due.
The reason for the requested
transfer in January, 1934, and the
present reason for the desired de•
lay in repaying the $76,000,00 to
the Sinking- Fund is entirely due
to the delinquency in tax collections.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
October 8, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: This is to advise that
I have approved the following pol-
icies and bond and desire to have
your approval on same for filing:
Carl F. Hartman, 872 Main Street;
Policy No, 0, L, & T. 432618, Con-
tinental Casualty Co.
B, & , G. Battery & Electric Co.,
1084.1090 Iowa Street; Policy No.
LOLT 7896, General Casualty Co.
Edward B. Tegeler, 2293 Central
Avenue; Policy No. LAG 1218, Gen-
eral Casualty Co,
Fluckiger Motor Co., 490 Central
Avenue; Policy No. 11116, American
Automobile Insurance Co.
i W
L; w
0 ,a
~ w
70mm d~ '~ Cvro Q~b mC"~, ,o cf
4~Gb a$~~ ~~W ~UW ~a•~
~Uao a
a,~ *~>
m oytn wk~gro
°' o""~'
~ "7mr`o.
ro id~d..~>; a°'U Jti
wa Fa':~ r
UFrc,~v a
ti°a~M c
4_«a ,
o .
1928-29 .............$ 711,369.00 $ 707,831. G4 99.603% $ 3,039.03 $369,790.08 50.58%
1929-30 .............. 733,876.45
1930-31 .............. 722,469.49 721,339.52
706,241.39 98,292%
97.764% 5,217,88
7,288.90 342,331.40 46.64%
338,763.95 46.89%
1931-32 ............... 718,780.9fi
: 701,859.49 ~J7.G46% 4,355.38 338,231.37 47.05%
........... 676,433.00
1933-34 ............. 650,681.00 607,311.54
5.^3,919.91 89.781%
52.055~Jo 6,458.15
9,388.73 293,224.10 43,35%
223,782.90 34.39%
6 Yr. Levies $4,213,608.90
6 Yr. Current Delinq....._..., ....$ 23b,106.b1
6 Yr, Current Collect . ........... ...$3,978,503.49
6 Yr. Delinquent Conections ............................. ............................ .....$ 36,748.07
Net Delinquency to Iv[arc h 31, 1934........... .......................... ....$199,367.34
1934-5-$b72,977.00 ................... ...................................... ............................. ................................ ..?$211,828.78 36.96%a
'1934-35 Total Collect ions to Sept. 301 1934 i nclude delinquent taxes amount-
ing' to $37,933.69, or a rurrent tat collections to d ate for 1.934= $176,080.71 or 30.73%
of the present levy.
Inasmuch as the Sinking Fltnd
must be intact in 1937, it would seem
that the requirement of the re-trans-
fer in 1934 is not necessary and
furthermore cannot possibly be done
unless the tax collections up to De•
cember 31, 1934, greatly increase.
Accordingly, authority of the City
Council is desired in order to make
an authorized request to the State
Comptroller for one year additional
extension of the return of the $75,000
transfer to the Sinking Fund.
Yours very truly,
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the City Manager be authorized to
make application to the State Comp•
troller for a year's extension of time
in returning the $75,000.00 transfer
back to the Sinking Fund. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Miss Nora James and Miss Lillian
Luckert (The Orange Bowl), 1079
Main Street; Policy No, ILO 55418,
Great American Indemnity Co.
Strand Theatre, 12th and Nlaiu
Streets; Policy No. L. 0. L. 1091,
New Amsterdam Casualty Co.
George I. Beeves, 2531 Windsm•
Avenue; U. S, Casualty Co.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
policies and bond be approved and
placed on file. Seconded by Council•
man Roberts. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
October 8, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: I 'am submitting here-
with reports of the City Auditor,
292 Suecial Session, October 8th, 1934 _
City Treasurer and City Water De-
partment for the month of Septem-
ber, 1934, also list of claims and
list of payrolls for which warrants
were drawn during the month of
September, 1934,
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
reports be received and placed on
file. Seconded by Councilman Jae-
ger. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Nlayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
October 6, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In response to the in-
structions of the City Council made
several months ago that the City
Manager investigate and report on
certain conditions of the Interstate
Power Company regarding (1) the
number of and availability of the dif-
ferent rates for light and power in
the City of Dubuque, (2) general
facts concerning valuations, rev-
enues and costs of the Interstate
Power Company and (3) a summary
of recent light and power rate re-
ductions, including also the possibil-
ity of additional reductions as have
been promised at such time as may
be possible, please be advised as
The officials of the Interstate Pow-
er Company, for several weeps, have
cooperated in every possible way to-
ward preparation and presentation
of data and facts, as you have re-
Certain of data on revenue, costs,
savings by rate reductions has been
prepared iu detail by the Interstate
Power Company officials. Mr. George
Taylor and Mr. Chas. Dove bath ad-
vise that their entire records are
open to the City Council for check
and examination, if so desired.
Upon examination of the Council
Recartls of the City of Dubuque, the
following public Light and Power
Rates, all of which have been re-
duced once, or several times since
1930, are on file and have had the
last approval as stated below by the
City Council:
(A) Small Residence Lighting Rate
-By Ordinance, Jan. 22, 1934.
(B) Optional Residence L i g h t i n g
Rate - By Ordinance Jan. 22,
(C) Commercial Lighting Rate-By
Resolution Jan. 4, 1932.
(D) Small Power, Energy Rate-By
Motion Dec. 22, 1930.
(E) Large Power, Demand and En-
ergy Rate-By Motion Dec. 22,
(F) Rates for City Street Lighting-
By Motion Dec. 22, 1930.
There is also on file a Speeial City
Water Department Rate, effective
since July 1, 1924.
Certain other rates are in effect
for services by the Interstate Power
Company, in all cases of which the
costs to the consumers are leas than
the above maximum rates approved
by the City Council. A complete list
of the light and power rates in use,
but not in our file, including the
number of customers within the Cfty
on each rate, is as follows:
No. of
on Each
(A) Private Parlt & Road, Flat
Rate (Same as City Street
Lighting Rates) ................... 2
(B) Wholesale Commercial
Light & Power over 100
K.W. Primary Metered Ad•
ditional discount for Power
factor and off peak use)...... 8
(C) Special Rate Contracted
for, prior to Operation of
present Interstate Power
Co., at Julien Dubuque
Hotel ...................................... 1
(D) Special Rate, Applicable to
off-peak power, for metal-
melting furnaces of 100
I{,W., or over ........................ 1
(E) Specie] Contract, prior to
1924, fm' Stone Quarry
operation ................................ 1
(1931 Code)
"6143, Regulation of rates and ser•
vice. They shall have power to re-
quire every individual or private
corporation operating such wm•lts or
plant, subject to reasonable rules
and regulations, to furnish auy per-
son applying therefor, along the line
of its pipes, mains, wires, or other
conduits, with gas, heat, water, light,
or power, and to supply said city or
town with water for fire protection,
and with gas, heat, water, light, or
power for other necessary public
purposes and to regulate and fix the
rent or rate for water, gas, heat,
light, or power; to regulate and fix
the rents or rates of water, gas, heat,
and electric light or power; to reg-
ulate and fix the charges for water
meters, gas meters, electric light or
power meters, or other device or
means necessary for determining the
consumption of water, gas, heat,
electric light or power, and these
powers shall not be abridged by or-
dinance, resolution, or contract,"
ecial Session, October 8th, 1934 293
In accordance with' the above Sec-
tion of the Cade in which the City
Council has the power to regulate
and to fix the rates for electric
light and power, it is apparent that
all rates for light and power should
be considered and approved by the
City Council and Should remain on
file for genera] information.
Another question that has been
considered is the fact that certain
rate reductions, as approved by the
City Council on Dec. 22, 1930, and
January 4, 1932, were in the form of
letters describing the reductions and
the action of the City Council was
by a motion in 1930 and by a Reso-
lution iu 1932 to approve the same,
Later, on January 22, 1934, certain
further reductions were authorized
by the City Council by an Ordin-
ance. .......................................
A. That all rates now in effect, as at
present, approved >ly motions or
Resolutions of the Council, be fur-
ther authorized by Ordinance.
B. That each and every special rate
now in effect, and not filed with
the City Council, be submitted to
the City Council and be author-
ized by an Ordinance.
C. That hereafter no special rate foi•
new or increasbd or any service
be permitted to be entered into
until the same has been sub•
mited to the City Council and
D. That hereafter all revisions in
any and all rates for light and
power shall be required to be
sulmitted to and approved by the
City Council, prior to the use of
service and ap'prbved by Ordin-
The aim of the above recommen•
dations is to guarantee that all users
of current in each and gall classes of
the same use shall be billed at the
same rate basis and that ali rates in
effect shall be approved by the Coun-
cil, as is required by law.
It has been learned from officials
of the Interstate Power Company
that their action has been to elim-
inate special rates, since their pos-
session of the Dubuque light and
power interests in 1924. In 1924 there
were numerous separate and special
rates in effect far power. The pres-
ent plan of elimination of special
rates is in strict accordance with an
agreement made by Mr. George Tay
for with the City Council, under for-
mer Mayor Wm, Meuser's adminis-
tration in 1930.
(Information from Power Co. Officials)
A. Valuations of the Interstate Power Company, including
entire Dubuque Plant, Substations, Distribution Line, Uti]-
ity Equipment, O,jfice Equipment, Street Railway (unamor-
tized), Buses, Garage, Transportation Equipment, Buildings
and Warehouse ..................................................................................$10,880.435,63 /.
B, Valuations of the Interstate Power Company, including
only such part of the above description (in II-A), as applic-
able to the City of Dubuque, Towa, (not including Trolleys) $ 5,155,651.13
*Note: The valuation applicable to our City, viz, $5,155,661.13, in-
cludes one item of $100,000 listed as necessary working capital for
45 days,
The value of the portion of the power plant allocated to Dubuque, and
amounting to $2,380,000.00 is based upon the proportion of the Du•
buque Load as compared to the peak load on the entire power plant.
C. Peak Year Revenue, Feb, 1, 1930 to Jan. 31, 1931, From
Electric Energy Sales ............................................$937,363.36
Trolley and Bus Operation .................................... 240,615.39
}?ark (Approx.] ..... ...........................:.................... 4,000.00
TOTAL - $1,181,978.75
Last Year Revenue, Sept. 1, 1933 to Aug. 31, 1934,
From Electric Energy Sales ..................................$777,267.96
From Bus Operation (No Trolleys) ...................... 148,607.73
From Misc. Operation .............................................. 1,610,00
TOTAL $ 927,485:69
Less in Electric Energy Sales, peak to last year ......................$ 160,095,40
Total Loss in Business, peak to last year ..................................$ 254,493.06
294 Special Session, October 8th, 1934
D. Expenses and Costs of Interstate Power Company,
For Yea]• Sept. 1, 1933 to Aug. 31, 1934.
Electric Operating Costs
Total Operating Expenses ... •• •• • ~•• ~•• • $342,587.56
Uncollected Accounts ....................... .. 4,000.00
EXPENSES, 1933.34
Bus Casts
Operating expenses for buses, only, includ-
ing no bus replacements ............................$164,951.81
Other Expenses, track removal, etc ............. 9,500.00
TOTAL YEARLY BUS EXPENSES, 1933.34 $ 174,451.81
TOTAL YEARLY EXPENSES .......................:......................$ 521,039.37
E, Method of Depreciation
From (2-C) Gross Revenues, 1933.34 year ......................................$927,485,69
From (2-D) Gross Operating Expenses, 1933-34 .......................... 521,039.37
NET REVENUE BEFORE DEPRECIATION ..................................$406,446.32
Depreciation @ 4% in portion of total investment used by
City ($5,055,651.13, excluding $100,000 working capital).... 202,226.04
AVAILABLE INTEREST ..........:.................................................$204,220,28
RETURN ON INVESTMENT (Basis of Aug. 31, 1934 Rates)
Balance, $204,220.23, Divided by Valuations in Dubuque (2-B) (includ-
ing $100,000 working capital, totalling $5,155,651.13) = 3.96%.
Estimated Return on Investment on Basis of the following described
Two Rate Reductions offered (viz, Oct. 1, 1934 and April 1, 1935) on
Commercial Lighting = $204,220.28.
less estimated loss in revenue by reductions equal to $25,500.00 = net
amount available for interest = $178,720.28 or a factor of 3.46 -1-%
return on inveatm.ent,
The present 3.96% of return on investment, and, due to the later de-
scribed rate reductions reducing the same factor to 3.46% is much less
than the factor of return that is necessary to meet bond interest alone.
No allowance was made far additional coats and lasses, not above
mentioned, including
amortization of old trolley system, and costs of moving towers,
poles and wires for new Air Port site which last item exceeded
Facts are available and can be investigated to the extent that local
gross revenue from customers tivithin the City received by the Inter-
state Power Company is less yearly than payrolls, taxes and local pur•
chases paid by the same company in Dubuque, Iowa.
In ~accordnace with instructions from the City Council received by the
writer in the fall of 1930, investigations were made, conferences held with
the Interstate' Power officials and a reduction in all filed rates was sub•
witted to and approved by City Council on December 22, 1930.
Later, another set of reductions in Residence Lighting, Optional Resi-
dence Lighting, Commercial Lighting and Gity Street Lighting was obtained
and approved by City Council January 4, 1932.
Again on January 22, 1934, a redaction in Residence Lighting and Op•
tional Residence Lighting Rates, together with a reduction in penalty from
$.Ol per K.W.H, to 10% of bill fol• both. the Residence and Optional rates
was presented and approved by the City Council,
In December 1930 a promise ss~as made by Mr. George Taylor that, as
Session, October 8th, 1934 295
quickly as possible, light and power rates would be reduced in Dubuque.
Since 1930, three reductions~in each of Residence and Optional Rates, to-
gether with changes in penalties on bath, one reduction in Small Power
Rate, two reductions in Commercial Lighting and reductions in Street
Lighting Cost have produced the following savings;-
From January 1, 1931 to August 31, 1934
Savings in Residence Lighting (Small ..................$120,170,84
Savings in Commercial Lighting .............................. 40,D34.78
Savings in Small Power .............................................. 5,577,00
Savings in Large Power ............................................ 39,498.57
' Savings in Street Lighting ...................................... 11,166.4D
MONTHS ..................................................................$216,447.59
The Savings to customers for the last 12 months on present basis of
Usage and Equipment as Compared to Rates in Effect Dec, 1930, amounts
to approximately $100,000,00 per year. The proposed two reductious of
,$25,500 in Commercial Lighting will increase this reduction per year to
approximately $125,000.
The results, since 1930, in Residence Lighting reductions apply to the
greatest number of customers and the largest factor of revenue. The pro-
posed savings in Commercial Lighting will also apply to the next largest
factor of revenue from present service.
Monthly Prlor to After Mar. 1 %a Reduction
K.~'/.H, and193D ]931 1932 1934 Since 1930
10 K.W.H. *$1.00 *$1.00 *$1.00 *$1.00 $.....: 0.0%
15 K.W.H. 1,36 1.28 1.20 1.13 .22=16.3%
20 K.W.H. 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 .30=16.6%
30 K.W.H. 2.70 2.65 2.40 2.25 .45=16.6%
40 K:W.H. 3.50 3.30 3,20 3,00 .60=14.3%
50 K.W.H. 4.30 4.05 4.00 3.75 .65=12.8%
75 K.W.H. 6.30 5.93 5.75 b.26 1.05=16.6%
100 K.W.H. 8.30 7.80 7.60 6.75 1.66=18.6%
160 K.W.H. 11.80 11.05 11.00 8.75 3,05=25.8%
*Minimum per
month $1.00 $1.00 $1,00 $1.00 $1.00
Average Reduction of 1934 since 1930 of 8 above monthly consumptions
Monthly Prior to After Mar. 1 ~%o Reduction
I{.W.H, and 1930 1931 1932 1934 Since 1930
40 K.W.H. *$4,45 *$4.25 *$4.00 *$3.20 $1.25 =28.1%
50 K.W.H. * 4.46 * 4.26 * 4,00 3.60 .85= 19,1%
76 K.W.H. 5.45 5.26 5.00 4.60 .85 =15,5%
80 K.W.H. 5.66 5.46 5.20 4.80 .85 =15.0%
100 K.W.H. 6.45 6,25 6,00 5.40 1.05 =16.3%
150 K.W.H.. 7.95 7.76 7,50 6.90 1.05 =13.2%
200 K.W.H. 9.46 9.26 9.00 8.30 1,15 =12.2%
300 K.W.H. 12.45 12.25 12.00 10.80 1.65 =13.3%
400 K.W.H. 15.45 15.25 16.00 13.30 2.15 =13.9%
*Minimum per i ~1,'ll'
month $4.45 $4.25 $4.00 $3.20 ~ry
Average Reduction of 1934 since 1930 of above 9 monthly consumptions ~',~ ~
=16.3%, : it
Ilo fi4'i
296 Special Session, October 8th, 1934 Special Session, October 8th, 1934 ~ 297
K.1V.H, Prior to
and 1930 Afterdan. % Reduction
1931 1932 Since 1930 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA
10 *$ 1,00 *$ 1:0;0 *$ 1.00 IV~ane COSTS OF LIGHT AND POWER
15 1.35 1.05 1.05 $ .30= 22,2%
l Monthly Small Optional
40 1.40 .40;
22.2% I Consumption Residential Residential Commercial Small Large
30 .
2.70 .
z.1o z.lo .so=
z2.z% a
~ in K.W.H. Lighting Lighting Lighting Power Power
50 4.80 3.50 3.50 .80= .18,6% (~ 10 *$1.00 **$3.20 *$1.00 *$1,00 ~
75 6
30 5:25 5.25 1.05= b` 16.7% I ~' 15 1,13 * 3.20 1.05 * 1
00 ~
100 ,
8.30 7.00 7.00 1.30= ~ 15,7% ,
20 1.50 * 3.20 1.40 1.20 Fa ~
150 11.80 10.50 10.60, 1.30= ,-i 11,0%a ~ 30 2.25 * 3,20 2.10 1.80 ~~
14.00 13.50 1.80=
~ ,
60 3.75 3.60 3.50 3,00 a:r~
300 21.30 20,00 19,50 1.80= 8.4% ~ 75 5.25 4.60 5.25 4,50 ~ q
400 27.30 26.00 25,60 1.80= 6.6% o0 100 6.75 5.40 7.00 6.00 U U
500 33.30 32.00 31,00 2.30= 6.9%a 150 8.75 6.90 10.60 9.00 a27
750 46.80. 44.50 43.50 2.30= 5.0% ~ 200 ..... 8.30 13.60 12.00 *'
1000 58.30 67.00 56.00 2.30= 3.9% c~
" 300 ..... 10,80 19.50 18.00 °1 ~
1500 78,30 77.00 76.00 2.30= 2.9% (
'• 400 ..... 13.30 25.50 24.00 ~°~
2000 .
98.30 97.00 96.00 2.30-
- 2,3% 111 "'
500 ........ 31.00 30.00 ~ G
750 .... ........ 43.60 42.50 a~
per ? 1000 ...... ....... 66.00 55.00 ~
Month $1.00 $1.00 $1,00
Avera ge Reduction of 1934 since 1930 for above 15 monthly consump• *Minimum per Month far Small Residential, Commercial and Small Power
tions =11,76%. =$1.00.
**Minimum per IDlonth for Optional Residential Lighting=$3.20,
CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA B, NEW REDUCTIONS IN COM• subject, I am also now authorized
MERCIAL LIGHTING by Mr, George Taylor and Mr. Chas
Prior to
and 1930
% Reduction
Since 1930 ,
In spite of the loss in revenue Dove, of the Interstate Power Com-
. and shrinkage in the percentage of pony, to present to the City Council
$ *$ 1,00 ............ ................ Return of Investment, after several two proposed Late redpctions in
15 i;
* 1,00 ............
$j ..05= 4.8%
`, recent conferences and stud of this Commercial Li htin as follows:
Y 9 9.
20 1.4b 1.20 ........... .20=14.3%
30 2.10 1,80 ............ .30=14.3% ~
3,00 ............
, October 6, 1934.
100 7.00 6.00 ............ 1.00=14.3%
150 10
50 9,00 1,60=14,3% First Proposed Second Proposed
200 .
00 00 :.:::
12 2,00=14,3%
Present Rate Reduction Effective Reduction Effective
300 .
50 .
18.00 ............
' October 1, 1934 April 1, 1935
400 .
24.00 ............
2.50= 9.4% . First 150 KWH per mo., 7c KWH First 150 at 61,~c KWH First 100 at 6~c KWH
Next 300 KWH per mo., Dc KWH Next 300 at 5~c KWH Next 200 at 5~c I{WH
500 32.50 30.00 ............ 2.50= 7.7% Next 550 KWH per mo., 5c KWH Next 550 at 4ysc KWH Next 200 at 4~c KWH
750 45
00 42,60 %
2,50= 5.5 o Next 1000 KWH per mo., 4c KWH Next 1000 at is KWH Next 500 at 4c I{WH
1000 .
2.50= 4.4% Over 2000 KWH per mo., 3c KWH Balance at 3c I{WH Next 1000 at 3~c I{WH
1500 .
77.50 ......
75.OQ ............
2.50= 32%
' Balance at 3c KWH
Minimum $1.00 per month Min. $1.00 per month Min. $1.00 per month.
2000 9'7.50 95.00 .......... 2.50= 2.6%
All bills shall be rendered at a The maximum reduction in the
*Min, per mo. $1.00 $1.00
Average 11,edtiction since 1930 for above 13 monthly consumptions= gross rate, i.e, one cent (1c) per
KWH higher than the above rate, October 1, 1934 and April 1, 1935
11.1%, and a discount of one cent (1c) proposed rates is at the monthly
per KWH will be allowed if the bill consumption of 1000 KWH, at which
is paid within the Company's dis• the cost will be lowered from $56.00
count period. to $61.00 or equal to 8.9% reduction
Cnstomers' monthly bills will be at this time, and from $56.00 to
computed at the net rate, and there $46.50 or 17.0% in April, 1936, based
will lie added to the total net bill on September, 1934 ratea.
a sum equal to ten (10) per cent Few, if any, local stores are now
thereof which will be collected from on the Commercial Lighting Rate
customers who fail to pay the net above 2000 KWH per month. At
bill within ten (10) days of date of 2000 KWH per month the April, 1936
bill. reduction also included 15.1% saving,
298 Special Session, October 8th, 1934
~ ~~
~ o
~° ~
~ ~a'
ww Fed dm ~~ ~U 14.d~m ti q
a wq w • m ~W tn~~
~ yd~ ~ti y o
~ ~
~ o,«a mo a y ." a~ Nro ti .~M*
~ as
~ oav, owAm o,;a oma UN°a ~ ,~
16 $ 1.06 *$ 1.00 $ .05 5,0% $ 1.00 $'.05 5.0%
25 1.75 1.63 .12 6.8% 1.63 .12 6.8%
50 3.50 3.25 .25 7.1% 3.25 .26 7.1%
100 7.00 6.50 .50 7.1% 6.50 .50 7.1%
200 13.50 12.60 1.0.0 7.4% 12.00 1.50 11.1%
500 31.OU 28.50 2.50 8.1% 26.50 4.50 14.5%
1000 56.00 51.Q0 , 5.00 8.9%a 46.50 9.60 17.0%
2000 96.00 91.00 5.00 5.2% 81.50 14.50 16.1%
3000 126.00 121.00 5.00 4,7% 111.50 14.50 11.6%
5000 186.00 181.00 5.00 2.7% 171.50 14.50 7.8%
Min. Fer Mo. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
*= Minimum per Month.
It is the writer's recommendation
that the proposed two (2) Commer•
cial Lighting Reduced Rates, as
above outlined and described, be ap•
proved by the City Council by Or•
With splendid co-operation from
the present officials of the Inter•
state Power Company, my opinion
based on present new promises and
assurances from those in authority,
is that additional reductions in var•
ious classes of rates will be made
as quickly as conditions and earn- ~.
ing shall warrant. Even at this
time, further studies are being made
in an attempt to forcast future
changes in certain other rates.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
recommendation of City Manager
Evans be approved and the City
Solicitor instructed to draft an or•
dinance covering the same. Sec•
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Nays-None. 1
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 121-34
A Resolution approving application
for the sale of beer and authorizing
the issuance of permit.
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has examined the
application which has been filed far
permit for the sale of beer within
the City of Dubuque and has ap~
proved such application as applies
to the person herein named at the
location described herein: Now,
Be it resolved by said Council
that permit for the sale of beer
within the City of Dubuque be and
the same is hereby authorized and
ordered iasned, as follows:-
College Inn (Elmer H. Johann•
sen)-New. N. E. Corner 6th and
Locust Streets.
Be it further resolved that the
bond filed with this application be
Passed, adopted and approved this
8th day of October, 1934.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk.
Councilman Schiltz moved the
adoption of the resolution. Second-
ed by Councilman Jaeger. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Roberts moved that
Mr. P. S. Fawkes be reappointed
as a member of the Dock Cotnmis•
sion for the term expiring Novem•,
ber 26, 1936, and that Rt. Rev. Msgr.
J. M. Wolfe and Mr. William Avery
Smith be reappointed as members
of the Planning and Zoning Com•
mission for the terms expiring May
24, 1939. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Special Session, October 19th, 1934 299
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
decision of the City Council at their
informal meeting held October 4,
1934, relative to the claim of Peter
V. Kies for damages to his auto-
mobile by Fire Department Truck
on Main Street between Sixth and
Seventh Streets, be approved, name-
ly as follows, that he be allowed
the replacement of a left front fend
er and labor on replacing of same
and .that the bill be submitted to
the City for payment. Seconded by
Councilman Jaeger.' Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
City Engineer be instructed to pre•
pare plans and specifications for
the construction of sanitary sewers
in Chestnut Street and Cox Street.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger,
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
There being no further business,
Councilman Schiltz moved to ad•
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
City Cleric.
Approved ......................................1934.
Adopted .......................................1934.
Special Session, October 19, 1934.
Council met at 4;15 p. m. .
Present-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz and City
Manager Evans.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Meeting called by order of Council•
men Roberts and Schiltz.
Notice and Call of Special Meeting
of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque
To F. M. Jaeger, Councilman.
You are hereby notified and there
is hereby called a Special Meeting
of the City Council of the City of
Dttbuque to be held in the Council
Chamber in the City Hall at 4:00
o'clock P. M. on the 19th day of
October, 1934,
At this meeting there will be con•
sidered the bids submitted by pur•
chasers for $28,000 Sewer Bands and
if a satisfactory bid is received then
a Resolution will be introduced en•
titled, "Resolution No. 122-34. Reso•
lution providing for the sale and
award of $28,000 Sewer Bonds and
approving and authorizing the agree~
went of such sale and award."
If the interest rate proposed in
the best bid submitted is lower than
41/z%~ then there will be introduced
an ordinance entitled: "Ordinance
No. 14-34. An ordinance amending
Ordinance No. 12.34 entitled:. 'An Or•
dinance amending Ordinance No.
10-34. An ordinance providing far
the issuance of $28,000 Sewer Bonds,
providing for the levy of taxes to
pay the same and declaring an emer•
gency by amending Section 1 and 5
thereof so as to fix other maturities
for said bonds and providing for the
levy of taxes to pay the same ana
declaring an emergency,' so as to
reduce the interest rate and effect
a reduction in the amount of annual
taxes thereby provided for, and de•
Glaring an emergency."
Such other business will be trans-
acted at said meeting as may pro•
perly come before a' regular meet-
ing of the Council.
Dated this 18th day of October,
Proof of publication, certified to
by the publishers, of notice of sale
of $28,000.00 Sewer Bonds, present-
ed and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
ceive and file the proof of publica-
tion. Seconded . by Councilman
300 Special Session, October 19th, 1934 __ ~ Special Session, October 19th, 1934 301 ~~~~
- Jeager. Carried by the following
- vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
_ Nays-None,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
October 19, 1934.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Attached please find
a copy of the Notice to Bidders for
the sale of $28,000 Sewer Bonds.
In compliance with the notice, please
be advised that bids were received
this morning at 10:00 a. m.
Two sealed bids wet•e presented,
namely from the Iowa-Des Moines
National Bank & Trust Company, i
Des Moines, and the Carlton D. Beh i,
Company, Dea Moines. Representa-
tives wet•e present from Glaspell,
Vieth & Duncan of Davenport, Jack•
ley & Company, Des Moines, and
White-Phillips Company of Daven-
port. Certified checks in the sum
of $1,000 were submitted by each
of the three representatives who
stated they intended to bid orally.
The first bid was from Glaspell,
Vieth & Duncan at the interest rate
of 31/2% with a premium of $30,0.00.
The second was from the White•
Phillips Company at the interest rate
of 31/z% on the basis of a premium
of $325.00. The representative from
Jackley & Company stated that no
bid could be submitted by him on
this basis, Accordingly, no bid was
farther submitted from Jackley &
The premium on the basis of 31/x%
interest increased by Glaspell- Vieth
& Duncan and the White-Phillips
Company to the final offer of White-
Phillips Co, at 31/z% interest with a
premium of $598.00. Sealed bids re•
ceived included the bid of the Iowa-
Des Moines National Bank & Trust
Co, on the basis of 31/Z% interest
with a premium of $276.00 and the
second sealed bid from Carlton D.
Beh Company was on the basis of
3~4% interest and a premium of
Accordingly, there is no question
but that the bid of the White-Phil-
]ips Company, as an oral bid, on the
basis of 31/2% interest and a pt•em•
ium of $598.00 is the best bid offered,
Attached please find two copies of
the White-Phillips Company final off-
er for your consideration.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
ceive and file the communication.
Seconded by Counciman Roberts.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution No. 122-34
Resolution providing for the sale
and award of $28,000.00 Sewer Bonda
and approving and authorizing the
agreement of such sale and award
to The White Phillips Company,
Davenport, Iowa, presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
resolution and agreement be ap•
proved and placed on file for public
inapection for one week with the
City Clerk, Seconded by Council•
man Jaeger. Carried by the follow- .
ing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Ordinance No, 14-34
An Ordinance amending Ordin•
ante No. 12-34 entitled "An ordin-
ance amending Ordinance No. 10-
34. An ordinance providing for the
issuance of $28,p00.00 Sewer Bonds,
providing for the levy of taxes to
pay the same and declaring an emer•
gency by amending Section 1 and 5
thereof so as to fix other maturities
for said bonds and providing for the
levy of taxes to pay the same and
declaring an emergency" so as to .
reduce the interest rate and effect
a t•eduction in the amount of the
annual taxes thereby provided for
and declaring an emergency, pre•
seated and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved that
the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the ordinance.
Seconded by Councilman Roberta.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Schiltz moved to sus•
pend the rules requiring an Ordin-
ance to be read on three separate
days. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
The ordinance was then read a
second time.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
reading just had be considered the
second reading of the ordinance, Sec-
onded by Councilman Roberts. Cat••
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Ceuncilman
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Bill of Peter V, Kies in the amount
of $23.65 far repairs to his auto•
mobile which was damaged by Fire
Department' truck on Main Street
between Sixth and Seventh Streets,
presented and read.
Councilman Roberts moved that
the bill be paid and that a warrant
in the amount of $23.65 be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer to cov
er the amount of said bill. Sec•
onded by Councilman Schiltz. Car•
tied by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Preof of publication, certified to
by the publishers; of the list of
claims for which warants were
drawn during the month of Septem•
bar, 1934, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to re-
ceive and file the proof of publi-
cation. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Nays-None, •
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Dubuque Realty Com•
pony requesting the City Council
to accept the amount of $335.32 in
full payment of the special assess•
meat, without penalty or interest,
levied against the East 35 feet of
Lot'533, the south 42 feet five inch-
es of Lot 34 and the East 35 feet
of the North 10 feet of Lot 534
for the improvement of Main Street,
presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
ceive and file the petition. Second-
ed by Councilman Jaeger, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mdyot• Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mrs. E. Schuller, et al,
objecting to the construction of the
proposed sanitary sewer in West
Chestnut at this time, presented and
Ceuncilman Schiltz moved to sus-
pend the rules for the purpose of
allowing- any one present in the
Council Chamber, who wishes to do
so, to address the Council. Sea
onded by Councilman Roberta. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Nlrs. White, Mrs. Manley and Mr,
Martin Buehler addressed the Coun-
cil objecting to the construction of
the proposed sanitary sewer in
Clestnut and Cox Streets.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
far the petition to the Council. Sec•
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberta and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Robert Alderson, re-
ferred,to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesing the
cancellation of the 1933 taxes on N.
W. 60 feet of Lots 86 and 87, Finley,
Waples & Burton Addition, present-
ed and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to tho City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mrs. Nlary Abel, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of taxes on property lo•
Gated on Diagonal Street and Curtis
Street presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Robet•ts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Elizabeth Beckett, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervismrs, requesting the
suspension of the 1932 and 1933 tax-
es, also personal, on Lots 2 of 1 of
lA, 1 of 6, 2 of 6, 1 of 3 of Keogh's
Sub., presented and read,
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor far
investigation and t•eport. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Caspar Brenke, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the second half of the
1933 taxes on East ~ of Lot 2 of
Sub. of Mineral Lot 304 presented
and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the Petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts: Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mrs. Timothy Flynn,
I! ~:. ,
302 Special Session, October 19th, 1934 Special Session, October 19th, 1934 3a3 ~~~r
- referred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1933 taxes on Lot
2 Sub. City Lot 667 presented and
_ read,
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts, Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberta, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mary E, Gregory, re-
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1932 and 1933
taxes on South 27 feet 8 inches of,
Lot 335 in the City of Dubuque pre-'
sented and read,
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of Mra. Mary Grutz, re•
(erred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the last half of the
1933 taxes on Lots 130 and 131, Bel-
, wont Addition, Lots 3 and 4 of Sub.
of 6.7-8.9 of Lot 157, Quigley's Sub.,
presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Robet•ts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kaney Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Jbhn and Anna Hau-
pert, referred to the City Council by
the Board of Supervisors, requesting
the suspension of the 1933 taxes an
Lots 116.117-118, Mechanics Addition,
presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote;
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Lena Kaiser, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the suspen-
Sion of the 1933 taxes on Lot 3 and
4 of Kniest'a Sub., presented and
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts, Carried by
the fallowing vote:
Yeas - Maym• Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger•,
Petition of Anna B. Wanger, re•
(erred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1933 taxes on Lot
15, 0, S. Langworthy's Addition, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and repm•t. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of P, J, Kearns, referred
to the City Council by .the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the suspen-
sion of 1933 taxes on Lot 312, Wood-
lawn Park Addition, and Lot 2 of 2
of 14 of Mineral Lot 172, presented
and read,
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Mrs. C. H, Goodrich,
referred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the 1932 and 1933 tax-
es on Lot 31 of Finley Addition and
East ~ of Lot 331, East Dubuque Ad•
dition, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Kath. Weiner, referred
to the City Council by the Board of
Supervisors, requesting the suspen•
Sion of the 1933 taxes on Lot 12 of
Linehan Park Addition and Lots 90,
91 and 92, Belmont Addition, pre-
sented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor fot•
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of W. F, Allendorf, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1931, 1932 and
1933 taxes on Lot 35, Farley's Sub.,
and also that the street assessment
far the said years be allowed to re-
main alien against said property
presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the City Solicitor for
investigation and report, Seconded
by Councilman Roberts. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Theresa and William
Witter requesting the City Council
to accept the sum of $200.00 for a
receipt in full of the special assess-
ment levied against Lot 2 of 2 of 1
of 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 307 for the
improvement of Roosevelt Street
presented and read.
• Councilman Jaeger moved to refer
the petition to the Council to view
the grounds. Seconded by Council-
man Roberts. Carried by the follow-
ing vote: '
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilma¢ Andelfinger.
October 19, 1934,
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: In connection `vith the
report from the City Manager dated
October 6th, which was referred to
the City Council October 8th, please
be advised that the action to the
City Council is as follows:
The Gity Solicitor; Mr. Czizek, has
prepared an Ordinance fixing rates
for light and power service which
will apply to each and every custom-
er in the City of Dubuque from and
after October 1, 1934, and one spe-
cial rate for commercial lighting that
will be effecteive April 1, 1935.
These detailed rates have been
. carefully checked. The officials from
the Interstate Power Company have
made the statement that absolutely
no increase in any rate has occurred.
I verify this statement after a care-
ful check.
My analysis of the entire rate or•
dinance includes the following infor-
Rates that have been previously
filed with the City Council include
the fallowing schedules; 1, 2, 6-a,
6-b, 7 and 9. Rates that have not
been previously filed with the Coun-
cil include schedules 3, 4, 5, 8, 10,
11 and 12.
Includes a statement as follows:
"Where residence service is meas-
ut•ed to apartment buildings through
one meter, service shall be billed at
the residence service rate, the blocks
of energy of which shall be multi-
plied by the number of apartments
served, etc:' This has never been
stated previously, but there has been
a statement as follows: "The resi-
dence lighting rate shall apply strict-
ly to single homes. or single apart-
ments," No change is apparent in
Schedule 1 since March 1934,
The same notation on blocks of
energy is included in the optional
residence service as is in the resi-
dence service Schedule 1. The same
previously mentioned description
that optional service includes only
single family homes is also in prev-
ious statements on rate reductions.
No change is apparent in Schedule 2
since March 1934.
This rate provision includes cer-
tain commercial service where pow-
er service is included therewith not
in excess of one horsepower. This is
'a new rate schedule, However, the
costs of current and the minimum in
Schedule 3 is exactly the same as in
Schedule 2 above mentioned and op-
tional service was applicable to sev-
eral commercial institutions as men-
tioned in Ordinance S•34 passed Jan-
uary 22, 1934,
This rate was never filed before
with the City Council. ,
This rate was never filed before
with the City Council.
Includes the described rate reduc-
tion effective October 1, 1934, for
commercial service. In addition to
the reduction in energy service,
there is also a new clause in this
schedule which reduces the former
lc per KWH penalty for non-pay-
ment within ten days from date of
bill to a flat 10% penalty on the
basis of the energy charge,
Includes the second revision in the
Commercial Service that will be ef-
fective April 1, 1935, This also in•
304 Special Session, October 19th, 1934 Special Session, October 19th, 1934 3OS
-_ eludes the continued reduction in
the penalty clause on the basis of
the 10% rather than the lc per
Includes no change in the energy
charges, but does include a reduction
in the minimum monthly bill effec-
tive October 1, 1934, by which the
former minimum of $1.D0 per horse-
power of installed equipment has
been reduced to $1.00 per horse-
power of installed equipment up to
and including the first 5 horsepower
and thereafter 50c per horsepower.
Additional reduction in this Sehe-
dule 7 also includes the change in
penalty to 10% of the energy rate
rather than lc per KWH,
This is a new rate which has nev
er been filed before with the City
No change in the demand m• en-
ergy charges is included. This rate
was effective in January 193E How-
ever, in the minimum monthly bill
the minimum has been reduced from
$1.00 Per connected horsepower or
fraction thereof to 50c per horse-
power or fraction thereof.
This rate was never filed before
with the City Council.
This rate was never filed before
with the City Council.
This rate was never filed before
~wzth the City Council.
Yours very truly,
City Manager.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
communication of City Manager
Evans be made a matter of record.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayer Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schitlz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Ordinance ATO, 15-34. An Ordin~
anco fixing and establishing rates to
be charged for the furnishing of
electricity for residential, cammer
ci~al, power, and other uses and pur
poses with the City of Dubuque,
Iowa; prescribing a penalty hereof;
repealing all ordinances and resolu-
tions in conflict herewith; and de-
claring an emergency, presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the ordinance, Sec-
onded by Councilman Roberts. Car•
vied by the following vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Schiltz moved to sus•
Pend the rules requiring an ordin-
ance to be read on three separate
days. Seconded by Councilman Jae•
ger. Carried by the following. vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
The ordinance was then read a
second time. Councilman Schiltz
moved that the reading just had be
considered the second reading of
the ordinance. Seconded by Council-
man Jaeger, Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of C. A. Noyes requesting
that he be allowed to pay the special
assessment levied against Lot 2,
Junkg Dubuque, by the paying of
the principal plus 6% interest, the
penalty to be waived, presented and
~ read.
Councilman Roberts moved that
the prayer of the petition be granted
and the Treasurer instructed accord-
ingly. Seconded by Councilman Jae•
ger. Carried by the fallowing vote:
Yeas -Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Resolution Mo, 123-34.
Whereas, the Planning and Zoning
Commission of the City of Dubuque
has recommended to this Council
that the present Zoning Ordinance
and Map be amended in the follow-
ing respects:
Section 1, By repealing subdivi•
Sion h. of Section 1 of article V,
thereof by enacting a substitute
therefm• so as to permit sign boards
and electric signs in local business
districts to extend from the building
or structure not to exceed six feet.
Section 2. By changing from Light
Industrial District to Heavy hidus-
trial District, all lands lying between
the center line of South Locust
Street on the East, and the center
line of Bluff Street Extension on the
West from the center line of Dodge
Street on the North southerly to a
point where the soutll line of Rush
Street, if extended Easterly, would
intersect the center line of South
Locust Street on the East,
Section 3. By changing from Sin•
gle Residence District to Local Busi•
ness District, the premises described
as Lots No. 3 and 4 in Schuler's Sub•
division in the City of Dubuque.
Section 4. By changing from Two
Family and Multiple Residence Dis•
trio to Business District all of Lots
No. 1 of 2 of 1 and Z of 2 of 1, in
McKinley's Subdivision and Lot No,
5 of City Lot Nc. 653, in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa; and
Whereas, before said Ordinance
and Map can be thus amended and
changed it is necessary that a pub-
lic hearing be held thereon:
Now therefore,
Be it resolved by the Council of
the City of Dubuque that the clerk
be and he is hereby directed to cause
to be published in the official news-
paper of the City of Dubuque, a no-
tice of a public hearing to be held
by this Council upon the proposed
changes and modifications, the date
of said meeting being hereby fixed
at 4 o'clock p. m. on November 12,
1934, and to be held in the Coun•
cil Chamber in the City Hall at
which meeting all parties in interest
and citizens shall have an oppor•
tunity to be heard, said notice to
be published at ]east 15 days before
the date of said meeting.
Passed, adopted and approved this
19th day of October, 1934.
Attest: J. J. SIIEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Schiltz moved the ad•
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman AndelSnger.
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
verbal reques6 of the Johnson High
Test Oil Company for permission
to construct new driveways at their
filling station located at Tenth and
Locust Streets be referred to the
Geuncil to view the grounds. Sec•
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car•
ried by the following vote: ,
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Communication of 0. A. Reynolds,
Secretary of Dubuque Chamber oY
Commerce, with attached bill in the
amount of $4.40 for City share to
help cover additional expense on two
day Sociability Tour into Northeast-
ern Iowa, presented and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
bill in the amount of $4.40 be paid
and that a warrant in said amount
be ordered drawn on the City Treas•
urer in favor of Sociability Tours
Committee care of Chamber of Com-
merce. Seconded by Councilman
Schiltz. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
following named persons be appoint-
ed as members of the Playground
and Recreation Commission, their
terms to expire on July 10, 1937:
H. C. Baumgartner, Alois M, Hoff-
man, George J. Roepsch, Leo T,
Gregory, P. K. Karberg, Karl J,
Rhomberg, August Zoller, City Mah•
ages R, M. Evans, Walter G. Doran.
Seconded by Councilman Schiltz.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
There being no further business,
Councilman Schiltz moved to ad•
journ. Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the following
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schfltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
City Clerk,
Approved ....................................1934.
Adopted ................:.......................1934.
Councilmen: { ........................................
Attest : ..................................................
City Clerk.
306 Special Session, October 26th, 1934
Special Session, October 26, 1934.i~
Council met at 4;10 P. M. '
Present-Mayor Kane, Council- ',
men Jaeger, Roberts, Schiltz and
City Manager Evans.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Meeting called by order of Coun•
cilmen Schiltz and Roberts.
Notice and Call of a Special Council
Meeting of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
To F. M. Jaeger, Councilman,
You are hereby notified and there
is hereby called a Special Meeting
of the City Council of the City of
Dubuque to be held at 4:00 o'clock
P, M, on October 26, 1934, at the
Council Chamber in the City Hall.
At this meeting there will be tak-
en up for final consideration and
adoption a resolution entitled "Res-
olution No. 122-34. Resolution pro-
viding for the sale and award of
$28,000 Sewer Bonds and approving
and authorizing the agreement of
such sale and award;' which reso•
lotion has been on file with the City
Clerk for public inspection since
October 19, 1934.
At this meeting there will also
be considered for final adoption the
Ordinance entitled "Ordinance No.
14-34. An Ordinance amending
Ordinance No, 12-34 entitled "Av
Ordinance amending Ordinance No.
10-34. An Ordinance providing for
the issuance of $28,000 Sewer Bonds,
providing for the levy of taxes to
pay the same and declaring an emer-
gency by amending Sections 1 and
5 thereof so as to fix other matur-
ities for said bands and providing
for the levy of taxes to pay the same
and declaring. an emergency," so as
to reduce the interest rate and ef•
fect a reduction in the amount of
the annual taxes thereby provided
for and declaring an emergency,"
which ordinance has been on file
with the City Clerk for public in•
spection since October 19, 1934.
Such other business will be trans-
acted at said meeting as may prop-
erly come before a regular meet-
ing of the Council.
Dated this 25th day of October,
Councilman Schiltz moved that W.
H, Cullen be appointed City Clerk
pro tem of the meeting. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and' Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Dubuque, Iowa,
October 19, 1934.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Dubuque, Iowa,
Gentlemen: For your $28,000,
3t/z%, legally issued Sewer Bbnds,
tb be issued under date of October
1, 1934, the principal and semian-
nual interest payable at the office
of the City Treasurer, Dubuque, Ia.,
the principal to mature as follows:
$ 6,000............Oct, i, 1946
$ 5,000............Oct, 1, 1947
$18,000............Oct, 1, 1948
we will pay you par and accrued
interest plus a premium of $598,00,
Priot• to the delivery of the above
mentioned bands to tis, you are to
furnish us with a full and complete
certified transcript of all proceed-
ings requisite to the issuance altd
delivery of said bonds, evidencing
their legality and taxation provisions
relating thereto, to the satisfaction
of Messrs Chapman and Cutler, Law•
yers, Chicago, Illinois, together with
their final approving opinion there-
on. The lithographed printed bonds
are to be furnished by The White•
Phillips Company,
We hand you het•ewith our cert•
tified check No. 2168 for $1,000,00
as evidence of out- good faith in
complying with the terms and con•
ditions of this bid; said check to
be applied ae part payment of said
legally issued bonds if delivered to
us in accordance with the terms of
this agreement. In the event the
legality of the bonds is not approved
by said attorneys, said check is to
be returned to us upon demand. In
case of our failure to carry out the
terms of this agreement, said check
is to be full, complete and agreed
liquidated damages.
Delivery of the bonds to be made
to us on or about .................................
19....... As soon as possible,
Respectfully submitted
By: S. A. BECK,
The above and foregoing proposi•
tion is hereby accepted this 26th
day of October', 1934, and the under-
signed being authorized to contract,
we agree to deliver the above bonds
PANY, INC., Davenport, Iowa, as
above provided.
City Treasurer.
Attest: J, J, SHEA,
City Clerk.
Special Session, October 26th, 1934 307
Resolution No. 122-34.
Whereas, notice of sale of Twenty-
Eight Thousand Dollars, '($28,000)
Sewer Bonds of the City of Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa, has hereto-
fore been given in strict compliance
with the provisions of Chapter 63
of the Code of Iowa, 1931, by publi-
cation of notice for two or more con-
secutive weeks in one of the official
newspapers of Dubuque County; and
Whereas, all sealed bids have been
received and placed on file, after
which open bids were called for and
received as Yollows: The White-
Phillips Co., Davenport, Iowa, par
and accrued interest plus premium
of $698,00; Glaspell-Vieth & Dun-
can, Davenport, Iowa, par and ac•
trued interest plus premium of
$597,00; interest rate 31/z%; and
thereafter such sealed bids were
opened, the substance of the best
sealed bid being as follows: Iowa-
Des Mcines, National Bank & Trust
Company, Des Moines, Iowa, par and
accrued interest plus premium of
$275.00, interest rate 3t/z%•
Now, thetefore, be it resolved by
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, as follows:
Section 1. That upon being ad-
vised in the pt•emises it is hereby
determined that the bid of The
White•Phillips Company, Davenport,
Iowa, for the purchase of Twenty
Eight Thousand Dollars, ($28,000)
Sewer Bonds, as advertised, bearing
interest at the rate of three and one-'
half per cent (3r/z%) per annum,
with par and accrued interest and
plus a premium of $698.00, is the
highest and best bid received and
that said bonds be and the same
are hereby awarded to said White•
Phillips Company, Davenport, Iowa.
Section 2. That the farm of agree-
ment of sale of said bonds to The
White•Phillips Co., Davenport, Iowa,
be and the same is hereby approved,
and the Mayor, City Clerk and Treas•
urer of the City of Dubuque are
hereby authorized to execute said I
agreement for and on behalf of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, and to affix
the corporate sea] of said City there
Section 3. That all resolutions or
parts of resolutions in conflict here-
with be and the same are hereby
Introduced and filed October 19,
Passed and approved October 26,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerk,
Councilman Schiltz moved the ad-
option of the resolution. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Ordinance No, 14-34. An Ordin•
ante amending Ordinance No. 12-
34 entitled "An Ordinance amending
Ordinance No, 10-34. An Ordinance
providing for the issuance of $28,000
Sewer Bonds, providing for the levy
of taxes to pay the same and de-~
daring an emergency by amending
Section 1 and 5 thereof so as to fix
other maturities for said bonds and
providing for the levy of taxes to
pay the same and declaring an
emergency" so as to reduce the in-
terest rate and effect a reduction
in the amount of the annual taxes
thereby provided for and declaring
an emergency, said ordinance hav
ing been passed upon first and sec•
and readings on the 19th day of
October, 1934, presented and read
a third time.
ORDINANCE N0, 1q-34,
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No.
12.34, Entitled "An Ordinance
Amending Ordinance Na, 10-34. An
Ordinance Providing For the Issu•
once of $28,000 Sewer Bonds, Provid•
ing Far the Levy of Taxes to Pay
the Same and Declaring An Emer• /
gency By Amending Section 1 and 5 I /
Thereof So As to Fix Other Maturi- VVV
ties For Said Bonds and Providing
For the Levy of Taxes to Pay the
Same and Declaring An Emergency"
So As to Reduce the Interest Rate
and Effect a Reduction in the
Amount of the Annual Taxes There•
by Provided For and Declaring~An
WHEREAS, under date of October 1,
1934, this City Council of the City of
Dubuque, llubuque County, Iowa, en-
acted au Ordinance entitled "Ordinance
12--34, An Ordinance amending an
Ordinance entitled Ordinance No. 10-
34. An Ordinance providing for the is-
suanre of $28,000 Sewer Bonds, provid-
ing for the levy of taxes to pay the
same and declaring an emergency by
amending Sections 1 and 5 thereof so as
to fix other maturities for said bonds
and provide for the levy of taxes to pay
the same and declaring an emergency";
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable
and for the best interests of said City
that the bonds thereby authorized be
issued bearing interest at the rate of
three and one-half per cent (3~%) per
annun instead of four and one-half per
cent (411~~/0) per annum. as therein pro-
308 Special Session, October
Be ik Ordaiped by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque as follows;
Section 1. That Sectiep 1 of the
Ordinance referred to in the Preamble
hereof be and the same is hereby I
am nded to read as follows:
Section 1. That Pursuant to and as
a orized by Section 6125 of the Code
of Lowa there shall be and there is
hereby ordered issued the negotiable
bonds of said City. of Dubuque in the
principal amount of Twenty-Eight
Thousand Dollars ($28,000); said bonds
to be twenty-eight (28) in number,
dated October 1, 1934, bearing interest
at the rate of three and one-half Per
cent (3~%) Pet• annum, from the date
of said bonds until paid, payable April
1, 1935, and semi-annually thereafter
on the first day of October and April
in each year; that said bonds be sign-
ed by the Mayor .and attested by the
City Clerk and the seal of said City
attached; that they be registered as to
issuance by the City Treasurer and a
certificate of such registration endorsed
thereon; that interest upon said bonds
be evidenced by coupons thereto at-
tached and maturing on the several
days when such interest matures,
which coupons shall be executed with
the facsimile signatures of the said of-
ficials, and said Mayor and said City
Clerk, by the execution of said bonds,
shall adopt as and far their proper
signatures their respective facsimile
signatures appearing on said coupons;
and that bond Principal and interest be
payable in lawful money of the United
States of America at the office of the
Cit3' Treasurer in and for the City of
Duliuque, Iowa; that said bonds be of
the denomination of $1,000 each, be
numbered consecutively from 1 to 28,
both numbers included, become due
and payable in their numerical order,
as follows: $5,000 on October 1, 1940;
$5,000 nn Oetobe• 1947; and $18,000
on October 1, 1948.'
Section 2. Tha ection 2 of the
Ordinance referred to in .the preamble
hereof be and the same is hereby
mended to read as follows:
"Section 2: That Section 5 of the
Ordinance referred to in the preamble
hereof be and the same is ereby
amended to read as follows: ecfiou
5. That for the Purpose of iding
fm• the levy and collection of a' direct
annual tax sufficient to pay the inter-
est on said bonds as they fall due,
and also to pay and discharge the Prin-i
cipal thereof at maturity, there be and
there is hereby levied upon all taxable
property in said City in each of the
years while said bands or any of them
are outstanding, a tax sufficient for
that purpose, and in• furtherance of
this .provision but not in limitation
thereof; that there be and there is
hereby levied on all the taxable Prop-
erty in said City the following direct
annual tax, to-wit:
or the year 1935, a tax sufficient to
oduce the sum of $1,900,00, berg
$980.00 to reimburse cm•rent fgnds for
advancement to pay interest due dur-
ing the year 1935 and $980,00 for in-
For each of the years 1936 to 1944,
both inclusive, a tax sufficient to pro-
duce the sum of $980.00 for interest.
For the year 1945 a tax sufficient to
produce the sum of $5,930.00 for prin-
cipal and. interest. ,
For the year 194G a tax sufficient to
produce the sum of $5,805,00 for prin-
cipal and interest. '
For the year 1947 a tax sufficient to
produce the sum of $15,630.00 fdr prin-
cipaP and Interest.
Said taxes when collected shall be
converted into a special fund far the
payment of principal and interest of
the bonds hereby authoriz~,and for
no other purpose whatsoever.
Section 3. That a certifl copy of
this amendatory ordinance shall be
filed with the County Auditor of Du-
buque'County, Iowa, and that said
Auditor be and he is hereby instructed
in and for each of the years 1935 to
1947, bath inclusive, to levy and assess
the amount oT annual taxes as. herein
before set out, in lieu of the amounts
as provided by the amendatory ordi-
nance hereby amended, a Certified copy
of which ordinance was filed in his of-
fice on October 9, 1934.
Section 4. That all ordinances and
resolutions and parts thereof insofar
as the same may be in conflict here-
with, be and the satne are hereby re-
pealed and that the ordinance hereby
amended, as amended, be and the same
is beraby in all respects. ratified and
Section 5. That it is hereby found
and declared that an emergency exists
and that it is necessary far the im-
mediate preservation of the Public
peace; health and safety that this
ordinance become • effective upon its
passage approval and publication, and
it is so ordered.
Introduced October 19, 1934.
Passed, adopted and approved Octo-
ber 20th, 1934,
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Clerlc.
Recorded October 27th, 1934.
Published October 29th, 1934.
J, d. SHEA,
City Clerlc
Published officially in the Telegraph-
Herald and Times-Journal newspaper
O.ctaber 29th, 1934. J. J. SHEA,
10-29-1t City Clerlc.
Councilman Roberts moved the
adoption of the ordinance. Second-
ed by Councilman Schiltz. Carried
by the fallowing vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
aeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Herman Hostert re•
!questing permission tc redeem the
`,tax sale certificate held by the City
of Dubuque against the South 1/z of
Lot 41 McCraney's second Addition
upon payment of the face value of
the certificate Allis 5.% inteCest, the
,penalty to be waived, presented and
Councilman Roberts moved that
the prayer of the petition be granted
and the City Treasurer instructed
to accept the face value of the cer•
tificate plus 5% interest, the penalty
to be waived, and the certificate to
be assigned to Herman Hostert. Sec-
onded by Councilman Schiltz, Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Session, October 26th, 1934 309
Council Proceedings for the Month
of September, 1934, presented far ap•
Councilman Schiltz moved that the
Council Proceedings for the Month
of September, 1934, be approved as
printed, Seconded by Councilman
Jaeger. Carried by the Yollowing
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilman
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Communication of Thomas G, Ro•
shek with attached bill in the
amount of $21.44 for repairs to his
car as a result of driving into an
open manhole at the corner of North
Main and Seminary Streets on the
night of October 18, 1934, presented
and read.
Councilman Jaeger moved that the
bill be paid and a warrant in the
amount of $21.44 be ordered drawn
on the City Treasurer i^ favor of
Thomas G. Roshek to cover the
amount of said bill. Seconded by
Councilman Schiltz, Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Ernest Grobe, referred
to the City Council by the Board
of Supervisors, requesting the aus•
pension of the 1932 and 1933 taxes
on Lots 8 and 9 Klein and Klingen-
berg's Sub„ presented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for Investigation and report. Sec•
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car•
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Jesse Jellison, referred
to the City Council by the Board
of Supervisors, requesting the sus•
pension of the 1933 taxes on South
~Z of Lot 287 East Dubuque Addi•
tion, presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solic-
itor for investigation and report,
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
~ Petition of Louisa M. Kline, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1932 and 1933
taxes on South 18 feet of North 26
feet 2 inches of South, 1-5 and the
South 25 feet of South 1.5 of City
Lot 456, presented and read.,
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to tha City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Sec•
onded by Council Jaeger, Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Anton Lammers, re•
fered to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of taxes on Lota 1 and
2 of Gmehles Sub„ presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved to refer
the petition to the City. Solicitor for
investigation and report. Seconded
by Councilman Jaeger. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberta and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Elizabeth Osterberger,
referred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of taxes on South ~ of
Lot 222 Davis Farm Addition, pre•
sented and read.
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the petition to the City Solic•
itor for investigation and report.
Seconded by Councilman Jaeger.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberta and Schiltz.
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger,
Petition of Margaret Rudolph, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
cancellation of the 1932 and 1933
taxes on South r/z of Lot 166 Glen-
dale Add. and Lot 1 Sub. 2 and 3
Davis Farm Addition, presented and
Councilman Schiltz moved to re-
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Sec•
onded by Councilman Jaeger, par-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of Elizabeth Schrup, re•
ferred to the City Council by the
Board of Supervisors, requesting the
suspension of the last half of the
1933 taxes on North 49 feet of Lot 1,
Lois Add., presented and read,
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
fer the petition to the City Solicitor
for investigation and report. Sec-
onded by Councilman Jaeger, Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz,
Absent--Councilman Andelfinger.
Petition of S. A. Story, referred
to the City Council by the Board
310 Special Session, October 26th, 1934
of Supervisors, requesting the can• Be it resolved by said Council that
cellation of the 1933 taxes on South permit for the sale of beer ,within
50 feet of Lot 5 and South 50 feet the City of Dubuque be and the
of Lot 6 in S. M. Langworthy's Ad• same is hereby authorized and or•
presented and read.
dition dered issued, ap fcilows:-
Councilman Schiltz moved to re•
tition to the City Solicitor CLASS "B" PERMIT
Frank C. Scherrer (Renewal), 1736
fer the pe
for investigation and report, Sec•
Car• Central Avenue.
Be it further resolved that the
onded by Councilman Jaeger.
Tied by the following vote: bond filed with the application be
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Roberts and Schiltz. approved,
oved this
Nays-None. 26Ph
0c ober
day of
Absent-Councilman Andelflnger. M. R. KANE, Mayor
Petition of Louise Voggenthaler, W. S. ROBERTS,
referred to the City Council by the PETER SCHILTZ,
Board of Supervisors, requesting the F.- M. JAEo
cancellation of taxes on South ~
t Dubuque Addition,
E ilmen,
of Lot 119,
presented and read. t e
Councilman Roberts
Councilman Schiltz moved to re• adoption of the resolution. Second•
fer the petition to the City Solicitor ed by Councilman Jaeger, Carried
for investigation and report. Sec- by the following vote:
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car• Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
ried by the following vote: Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
Roberts and Schiltz. Nays-None,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Jaeger, Petition of The Retail Merchants'
Absent-Councilman Andelflnger. Bureau, requesting permission to in-
Resolution No. 120-34. Reaolu• stall their Christmas lighting decor•
tion awarding contract to Thos. ations at intersections on Main
Flynn Coal Company fot• the con• Street from Fourth to Tenth Street
struction of storm sewers in and inclusive and on West Eighth Street
along East 20th Street, Rhomberg from Iowa to Bluff Streets inclusive,
Washington Street and Far•
Avenue stating that they plan to install
ragut Street, said resolution having these lights a few days before
been approved and placed on file Thanksgiving, presented and read,
for public iAspection on October 8, Councilman Schiltz moved that the
presented for final adoption.
1934 prayer of the petition be granted.
Councilman Roberta moved the ad• Seconded by Counci]man Jaeger.
option of the resolution. Seconded Carried by the fallowing vote:
by Councilman Schiltz. Carried by ltz ncilmen
the fallowing vote: ts and Schi
.Jaeger, Robe
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen Nays-None.
Roberts and Schiltz.
Jaeger Absent-Councilman Andelfinger.
Nays-None. There being no further business,
Absent-Councilman Andelfinger. Councilman Jaeger moved to ad•
Board of Health report for the journ, Seconded by Councilman
Month of September, 1934, presented, Roberts. Carried by the following
Councilman Schiltz moved that the vote:
report of the Board of Health for Yeas-Mayor Kane, Councilmen
the Month of September, 1934, be Jaeger, Roberta and Schiltz.
received and placed on file. Sec• Nays-None,
onded by Councilman Jaeger. Car• elfinger,
ried by the following vote: w
Yeas-Mayor Kane, Counci]men City Clerk, Pro Tem.
Jaeger, Roberts and Schiltz.
Approved 1934.
Absent-Councilman Andelflnger. Adopted 1934.
"' ~""""'~ '~' """~ "'
Resolution No. 124-34
A resolution approving application ,, , ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
for the Bale of beer and authorizing (
the issuance of permit. ~ ~ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque has examined- the Councilmen j ........................................
application which has been filed for
permit for the sale of beer within ~ ,,, , ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
the City of Dubuque and has ap- ~
proved such application as applies 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
to the person herein named at the
location described herein: Now; Attest : .................................................
therefore, City Clerk, Pra Tem.