4 23 16 City Council Proceedings Official_Special CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA
The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 6:00 p.m. on April 23, 2018 in
the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street.
Present: Mayor Buol; Council Members Jones, Larson, Resnick, Rios, Shaw; City
Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Brumwell
Absent: Council Member Del Toro.
Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called
for the purpose of conducting the Sustainable Dubuque Quarterly Work Session.
Sustainable Dubuque Quarterly Work Session
Updates from the Resilient Community Advisory Commission
Assistant City Manager and Sustainability Coordinator Cori Burbach introduced the
agenda and emphasized focus on the efforts of the Resilient Community Advisory
Commission. Ms. Burbach then presented a video from Alliant Energy receiving the
Envision Platinum 2018 Award for their Dubuque solar project, adding that the project
will be part of the mobile tours for October's Growing Sustainable Communities
Resilient Community Advisory Commission (RCAC)
• Development and history of the RCAC
• Community engagement process and definition of resiliency
• Blending with and dissolution of the Environmental Stewardship Advisory
• RCAC Responsibilities
• Commission member makeup and cross representation with other City boards
and commissions
• Commission Orientation & Learning
o Star Community Rating
o Dubuque County Emergency Preparedness
o Presentations from Cross-Represented Commissioners
o 50% by 2030 Community climate & resiliency plan
o Imagine Dubuque Comprehensive Plan
• Commission Chair Leah Specht provided a biography and relayed her personal
connection to the RCAC.
• Alignment of issues with Council goals, RCAC goals
RCAC Strategic Priorities (Council / Commission rolls)
• Climate change
o mitigation and adaptation
• Economic resiliency through combatting poverty & increasing social capital
o Increase methods of sharing
o Use equity lens
o Measurement of social capital and identify City's role
• Healthy community
o Identify policies
o Support initiatives
o Partner for health services
o Transparency Performance Measurement
• Resiliency Commission Development
Climate Adaptation
Municipal Climate Adaptation Report for Dubuque
Considerations, implications and shared understanding of climate change
1 . Annual/Seasonal Temperature
2. Annual/Seasonal Rainfall
3. Snowfall
1 . Monthly Climate Norms
2. Rainfall trends, extremes and seasonality
3. Temperature Trends & Implications
4. Precipitation Trends & Implications
5. Anticipating more extremes
6. Seasonal summaries, extreme changes, damaging events & implications
Climate scientist's predictions
Next Steps
• Partnering for impact on most vulnerable populations
• Update 50% by 2030 GHG reduction
• Consider impact on budget
• Integrate with hazard mitigation planning
• Integrate with daily planning efforts
Design and Resiliency Team (DART) Report
• Engaged design and resiliency team fall 2017
o Equity roll in climate change
DART Team observations & recommendations
• Related to emergency preparedness & city planning
• Related to neighborhood & social resiliency
• Related to healthy & resilient community
• Placemaking
RCAC Strategic goals mind map and connecting two reports
Prioritizing projects, implementation, funding.
Sustainable Dubuque Community Grants
Aligning City investment with the City Council and RCAC priorities.
Case Studies
Partner Hobie Wood provided a description funded projects and events he has been
involved with, the Dubuque Trees Forever program and the recent Tree City USA
Commissioner Robin Kinnecker addressed the Council on her viewpoint of the
Commission's work as it relates to local, state and regional efforts while maintaining
equity for residents.
City Council had discussion with the presenters who responded to questions related
to RCAC priorities, interpretation of data and statistics, introducing climate change
information to the public, Council policy decisions, local vs. regional air quality, and
Council input in conjunction with annual goal setting sessions.
There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
/s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC, City Clerk