Claim Resp., Wolff, Clark W.BARRY A. LINDAHL, CORPORATION COUNSEL, ~BUQUE MEMO To: DATE: RE: Claimants Clark W. Wolff Mayor Terrance M. Duggan and Members of the City Council March 28, 2001 Claim of Clark W. Wolff Date of Claims 3/23/01 Date of Loss 1/12/01 Nature of Claim property damage/ loss of profits This is a claim for damages to the claimant's property, which allegedly sustained damage during a construction project on the Third Street Parking Ramp. This claim has been referred to Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, the agent for the Iowa Communities Assurance Pool. BAL/jm Cc: Cindy Steinhauser, Parking Systems Supervisor David Clemens, Attorney 196 DUBUQD~ BUILD~O 700 LOCUST STREET DUBUQUE, IA 52001-6824 TELEPHONE (319) 583-4113/FAx (319) 583-1040/EMAIL BALESQ~MWCI.NET