22nd Street & Washington Street
Site Inventory Form
State Historical Society of Iowa
(December 1, 1999)
State Inventory No. 31-03371 D New rgJ Supplemental
rgJ Part of a district with known boundaries (enter inventory no.) _
Relationship: D Contributing D Noncontributing
D Contributes to a potential district with yet unknown boundaries
National Register Status:(any that apply) D Listed D De-listed D NHL D DOE
9-Digit SHPO Review & Compliance Number _
D Non-Extant (enter year) _
1. Name of Property
historic name East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
other names/site number
2. Location
street & number East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
city or town Dubuque D vicinity, county Dubuque
Legal Description: (If Rural) Township Name Township No. Range No. Section Quarter of Quarter
(If Urban) Subdivision_
3. State/Federal Agency Certification [Skip this Section]
4. National Park Service Certification [Skip this Section]
5. Classification
Category of Property (Check only one box)
IZI building(s)
D district
D site
D structure
D object
Block(s) _
Lot(s) see below
Number of Resources within Pro ert
If Non-Eligible Property If Eligible Property, enter number of:
Enter number of: Contributin Noncontributin
22 buildings Q Q buildings
sites sites
structures structures
o~ects o~ects
Total Q Q Total
Name of related project report or multiple property study (Enter "N/A" if the property is not part of a multiple property examination).
Title Historical Architectural Data Base Number
The Architectural and Historical Resources of Dubuque. 1833-1955 31-045
6. Function or Use
Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions) Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions)
01 A01-sinqle familv residence
01 B01-duplex
02-Commercial- Trade
7. Description
Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions)
Materials (Enter categories from instructions)
09A01-vernacular qable front
foundation Stone
01-no stvle. vernacular side qable
walls brick/aluminum
roof Asphalt
8. Statement of Significance
Applicable National Register Criteria (Mark "x" representing your opinion of eligibility after applying relevant National Register criteria)
DYes D No IZI More Research Recommended A Property is associated with significant events.
DYes IZI No D More Research Recommended B Property is associated with the lives of significant persons.
DYes D No IZI More Research Recommended C Property has distinctive architectural characteristics.
DYes IZI No D More Research Recommended D Property yields significant information in archaeology or history.
County Dubuque
City Dubuque
Criteria Considerations
D A Owned by a religious institution or used
for religious purposes.
D B Removed from its original location.
DCA birthplace or grave.
D D A cemetery
Address East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
Site Number 31-03371
District Number
D E A reconstructed building, object, or structure.
D F A commemorative property.
D G Less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past
50 years.
Areas of Significance (Enter categories from instructions)
Significant Dates
Construction date
1880s-19191Z1 check if circa or estimated date
Other dates
Significant Person
(Complete if National Register Criterion B is marked above)
9. Major Bibliographical References
Bibliography IZI See continuation sheet for citations of the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form
10. Geographic Data
11. Form Prepared By
name/title James E. Jacobsen
organization History Pays! Historic Preservation Consultinq Firm
street & number 4411 Inqersoll Avenue
city or town Des Moines
state IA
date January 15. 2002
telephone 515-274-3625
zip code 50312
ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION (Submit the following items with the completed form)
1. Map: showing the property's location in a town/city or township.
2. Site plan: showing position of buildings and structures on the site in relation to public road(s).
3. Photographs: representative black and white photos. If the photos are taken as part of a survey for which the Society is to be
curator of the negatives or color slides, a photo/catalog sheet needs to be included with the negatives/slides and the following
needs to be provided below on this particular inventory site:
Roll/slide sheet # 7423 Frame/slot # 18A-24A Date Taken 03-07-00
Roll/slide sheet # 7425 Frame/slot # ~ Date Taken
Roll/slide sheet # Frame/slot # Date Taken
D See continuation sheet or attached photo & slide catalog sheet for list of photo roll or slide entries.
D Photos/illustrations without negatives are also in this site inventory file.
1. Farmstead & District: (List of structures and buildings, known or estimated year built, and contributing or non-contributing status)
2. Barn:
a. A sketch of the frame/truss configuration in the form of drawing a typical middle bent of the barn.
b. A photograph of the loft showing the frame configuration along one side.
c. A sketch floor plan of the interior space arrangements along with the barn's exterior dimensions in feet.
State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Use Only Below This Line
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 1
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
7. Narrative Description:
This distinctive cluster of predominantly brick residential and one commercial property is located
at the intersection of Washington and Eagle Point Road (now East 22nd Street). The commercial
property is a corner storefront of some scale. The district developed along Eagle Point Road, an trade
and transportation arterial. The storefront is on the east end of the district, at the intersection of East
22nd, Elm and Kniest streets. The railroad ran along Elm and then between the latter two streets.
Virtually all of the properties offer variations of the dominant gable front design, mostly two
stories in height. All of the properties have raised stone foundations.
The same historic pattern continues eastward into the Phase II survey area and this district's
eastern boundary will need to be reevaluated when those properties are surveyed.
215-17 East 22nd Street. 31-03374
Descriptive Notes:
This two-story frame duplex is now covered with asphalt siding. The original siding has been
removed. The building is in deteriorated condition. It is however a landmark corner structure relative to
the district. The plan measures 31x42. The centered front porch measures 12x5.
Type: Gable front vernacular, duplex
Legal Description: L. H. Langworthy's Addn., E 35' Lot 84
301 East 22nd Street. 31-03375
Descriptive Notes:
Two-story brick side hall house plan with window arches of two rowlock rows of brick. No front
porch. Single-story gable roof rear wing. There is a side porch along east sidewall of rear wing. The
plan measures 22x30 with a 14x16 rear wing and 5x10 side porch.
Type: Gable front vernacular, two story
Legal Description: Sub Lot 1 Kemp's Sub. Lot 2
305-07 East 22nd Street. 31-03376
Descriptive Notes:
Two-story side gable duplex with saltbox rear addition. Rounded upper window sash, retains
original centered front entry porch with replacement concrete block stoop. Resided in asbestos siding.
Symmetrical fenestration, grouped entryways. The plan measures 30x40 with a 14x6 centered front
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 2
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
Type: Side Gable duplex, vernacular.
Legal Description: Sub Lot 1 Kemp's Sub. Lot 1
306 East 22nd Street. 31-03377
Descriptive Notes:
Two story gable front frame sidehall plan with gabled entry porch hood. Side windows retain
original 2/2 sash. Exterior reclad is asphalt siding. Entry door has transom. The plan measures
18.6'x30 with a 18.6'x12 rear wing.
Type: Gable front, two story, vernacular
Legal Description: Sub of N 2/3 of Lot 100 L. H. Langworthy's Addn., W % Lot 2
308 East 22nd Street. 31-03378
Descriptive Notes:
Very unusual brick side gabled side hall plan. Appears that one half of a duplex was built and
second never materialized to west given lack of fenestration on side wall. East side wall has but one
window (on the upper level). Shed roof porch is replacement. Plain stone lintels are set flush with the
This building has an interesting evolution. It started as a single story brick building set back on
the lot, apparently as a starter home. The windows in the rear wing have 2/2 sash which indicates an
early date. The two-story front was then added. The core plan measures 22x10. A single story rear
wing measures 20x27 and an enclosed rear porch 14x8.
Type: Side gable "half duplex" with side hall plan.
Legal Description: Sub N 2/3 Lot 100 L. H. Langworthy's Addn. E % of Lot 2
310 East 22nd Street. 31-03379
Descriptive Notes:
This is a one-story frame gable front plan. It is of early date but has been resided with
aluminum siding. The plan measures just 16.6'x28 (462 square feet).
Type: Gable front cottage.
Legal Description: Sub 3 N 2/3 Lot 100 L. H. Langworthy's Addn. W 22' Lot 1
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 3
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
311 East 22nd Street. 31-03380
Descriptive Notes:
Twin to 305-07 to east, this is a two story side gable roof frame duplex. It has been resided with
asbestos siding and a classical full-width front porch was added c.World War I. The plan measures
32x45 with a west centered bay (3x15). The front porch measures 32x6.
Type: Side gable duplex
Legal Description: Kemp's Sub Lot 2
312-14 East 22nd Street. 31-03381
Descriptive Notes:
This is an unusual one-story side gable duplex example with a cross-gable centered about the
paired entrances. The centered porch has been replaced. Siding to be asbestos shingle siding. The
plan measures 32x42 and the depth includes twin corner recessed porches (4x12).
Type: One story side gabled duplex.
Legal Description: Sub 3 N 2/3 of Lot 100 L. H. Langworthy's Addn. E 38'2" Lot 1
317 -19 East 22nd Street. 31-03382
Descriptive Notes:
Two story side gable duplex. Vinyl sided 11995 and is therefore non-contributing. The plan
measures 32x30 (core) with a rear single story wing (32x15).
Type: Two-story side gable vernacular duplex
Legal Description: Sub Lot 3 of Kemp's Sub. Lot 1
321-23 East 22nd Street. 31-03383
Descriptive Notes:
This is a two story side gable brick duplex. Fenestration is symmetrical. Fayade stone window
lintels combine rectangular spring stones and semi-elliptical forms while those on the side walls are
soldier brick rubbed semi-elliptical simple arches (which have been painted white). Entries are paired
and centered and feature transoms. The porch size is original but the square columns are of later date.
The brickwork appears to lack rowlock courses, indicating a double-wall construction method.
Chimneys are in-wall and there is a flat-roofed two-story rear wing. Double porches in the rear have
been enclosed with aluminum siding. The plan core measures 32x44, the front porch 16x5 and the rear
porch 32x7.
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 4
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
Type: Two story side gable vernacular duplex or double house
Legal Description: Sub Lot 3 of Kemps Sub, Lot 2
400 East 22nd Street. 31-03384
Descriptive Notes:
This appears to be a remarkably early and well-preserved gable front storefront. The storefront
is intact and combines cast iron columns with stone lintels (a full broad band across the entire fayade)
and brick sidewalls. A double door side entrance leads upstairs to the living quarters above. The early
date is attested to by the use of semi-elliptical brick arches with double rows of rowlock bricks. The
attic light is half circle laid in the same manner. There are just two upper windows at the rear of the
east side wall (the railroad side) and the same on the east side. There is also historic painted signage
on that wall. The plan measures 24x34 with 816 square feet on each floor. There is a 16x24 rear wing.
There is a 1900 garage (20x24).
Type: Gable front two story storefront, brick vernacular
Legal Description: Sub 1 of 12 Kniest Sub., Lot 1
2162-64 WashinQton Street. 31-03387
Descriptive Notes:
The 1891 Sanborn Map recorded this two-story side brick gable double house as two and a half
stories. The form is indeed broad and deep. Fenestration is symmetrical with the expected grouped
entries and transoms. Stone lintels on the fayade combine rectangular spring stones and semi-elliptical
arches. Side windows have brick arches. There was no porch originally and there is none now. End
chimneys are in-wall. The 1891 map does not indicate that the building is a duplex but this was
corrected by 1909. The core measures 32.6'x31, the single story rear wing 31x14, with an open rear
porch (15x5).
Type: Side gable double house, two story brick vernacular
Legal Description: Wragg Place, Lots 1-2
2172 WashinQton Street. 31-03388
Descriptive Notes:
An early story and a half gable front plan built in brick. A glassed porch with brick base
postdates the original (the 1891 Sanborn Map shows no porch). Windows employ semi-elliptical brick
arches which indicates an early date. By 1909 a north-facing three-sided bay window was added along
with a rear wing and wrap-around porch. The core measures 23x32 with a 12x4 side wing. The single
story rear wing is offset (16x15 with a wrap-around porch 23 feet wide to the rear and 21 feet to the
side. There is a 1920 12x18 garage.
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 5
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
Type: Story and a half brick gable front, vernacular.
Legal Description: Sub of N 2/3 of Lot 100 L. H. Langworthy's Addn. N % Lot 1
2201-03 WashinQton Street. 31-03389
Descriptive Notes:
This is a two story side gable brick duplex. The plan measures 32x29.6 and contains 472
square feet of living space. The fayade has grouped entries with transoms, carved stone lintels which
combine rectangular spring stone and semi-elliptical arch forms into a unified piece, and an entry porch
that is or approximates the original. Side wall window arches are of semi-elliptical rubbed brick arches
(painted white). A formal stone water table runs the length of the fayade. Fenestration is symmetrical.
There is a 1930 garage (2201) and the two halves are separately owned.
Type: Two story side gable double house
Legal Description: 2201-03-Sub S 43' of Lot 83, L. H. Langworthy's Addn. Lot 2
2209 WashinQton Street. 31-03391
Descriptive Notes:
This is an early single story gable cottage form, fairly rare in the survey area. The cottage has
been aluminum sided (fayade only, asbestos siding on side walls) and a hip roof full-width front porch
has been added. Windows are 2/2 sash which indicates an early building date. Non-contributing due
to re-siding. This is one of the narrowest plans in the survey area, 14.6'x61.
Type: One story gable front vernacular frame house
Legal Description: L. H. Langworthy's Add. N 21' Lot 83
2215 WashinQton Street. 31-03390
Descriptive Notes:
This small house has a very deep setback. The plan measures 32x16 with single story rear
additions which add 18 feet to the depth of the plan. The second floor is sided with asbestos shingles,
the main floor clapboard. There is a 1920 1 Ox18 garage.
Type: Two-story side gable I-house, frame
Legal Description: Steiner's Addn. N 46' Lot 20
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 6
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
2219 WashinQton Street. 31-03392
Descriptive Notes:
Two-story side gable double house with centered entry porch. Two rear wings, of narrower
width, are centered on plan. Need photo, assessor's card. The front core plan measures 30x16, the
single story rear wing 30x12,with a centered enclosed rear porch (13.6x8.6). The exterior is covered
with aluminum siding.
Type: Two-story side gable double I-house.
Legal Description: L. H. Langworthy's Addn. Lot 82
2222 WashinQton Street. 31-033893
Descriptive Notes:
Two story side gable brick duplex with a rear gabled wing of equal width and a front cross gable.
The two halves have separate owners. The fayade is highly ornamental with a large semi-circular
combination brick and stone attic light arch, elaborately carved stone lintels and a replacement
concrete block full-width front porch. The side wall windows have double rowlock brick semi-elliptical
window arches (painted white). A formal stone water table runs the length of the fayade. There is a
16x14 rear one story addition and a (1920) 16x10 garage. The plan measures 36x30.6' with 752
square feet of living space per floor. The rear wing is centered and measures 14x14.6', the rear porch
Type: Two-story side gable double house
Legal Description: Sub Lot 1-4 Kemps Sub Lot 2
2226 WashinQton Street. 31-03394
Descriptive Notes:
This is a frame story and a half gable front house. The house has been resided and the porch
covered with vertical paneling and enclosed. The porch has a concrete block foundation. This property
is non-contributing. The plan measures 24x27 with a porch 24x6.
Type: Story and a half gable front vernacular frame house
Legal Description: Sub of S % of Lot 1 of 3 of Lot 102 in L. H. Langworthy's Addn. Lot 1
2227 WashinQton Street. 31-03395
Descriptive Notes:
Two story brick front gable house (22x34) with single story rear wing (16x16) and north-facing
side porch (6x16).
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 7
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
Type: Two-story gable front house, vernacular
Legal Description: L. H. Langworthy's Addn. Lot 81
2234-36 WashinQton Street. 31-03396
Descriptive Notes:
This is a Chris Voelker-built concrete block duplex (vertical separation in unified ownership).
The corner porch is recessed and measures10x6, the core plan 25x41 with rear corner porch. Each
level contains 1, 085 square feet of living space. The fayade is comprised of a double-level recessed
porch with square concrete block columns and a two-story three-sided front bay. The gable is
pedimented, covered with wood shingles and has a Palladian-like triple light attic window set. The
shingles flare out at the pediment base. The gable is cantilevered over the porch and no structural
supports are required. There is a water table and belt course between floors. There is also a half-high
stairway window on the north side wall. The upper porch balcony is accessed by a door.
Type: Two-story gable front duplex, concrete block, vernacular
Legal Description: Sub 3-102 L. H. Langworthy's Addn. N % Lot 1
2237 -41 WashinQton Street. 31-03398
Descriptive Notes:
Two-story side gable double house with centered front entry porch. The two halves are in
separate ownership. The plan measures 32x32 (true square) with a rear single story wing (32x14).
There is a two-party garage of early date.
Type: Side gable double house, vernacular
Legal Description: Sub S 39.40' of 80' L. H. Langworthy's Addn. Lot 2
2238 WashinQton Street. 31-03397
Descriptive Notes:
Two story side gable double house with centered front entry porch. Each half is in separate
ownership. The plan measures 32x46 with no rear porches. The front porch measures 32x7.
Type: Side gable double house, vernacular
Legal Description: Sub 1 S % of 1-2 of 102 L. H. Langworthy's Lot 1.
8. Narrative Statement of Significance:
This primarily residential area of brick homes and two brick storefronts developed during the late
1880s with half of the buildings being built by 1891 and the remainder by 1909 (one c.1909-19). One
storefront is specifically dated to 1891. Four of 22 properties are deemed to be non-contributing due to
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 8
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
re-siding (312, 317 E. 22nd, 2209, 2226 Washington streets). Excellent and potentially individually
eligible properties are 400 E. 22nd (an early and very well preserved commercial storefront) and 2222
Washington Street (an elaborate double house). The district is historically significant under Criterion C
architecture as an excellent representation of German vernacular housing (with one related storefront)
of the 1880's-1909.
This rapid and substantial development coincided with the development and growth of the
nearby Milwaukee Shops, the location of small industrial plants to the southeast and the establishment
of Catholic Sacred Heart Parish to the northeast.
215 East 22nd Street. 1891-1909
The Assessor dates to +/- 1900. As of 1891 (Sanborn Map) there was a single story frame
barbershop and saloon on this site. The present building was present by 1909.
301 East 22nd Street. 1891-1909
The Assessor dates to +/- 1900. Present on 1909 Sanborn Map. Addressed 1891 as 143.
305-07 East 22nd Street. 1891-1909
The Assessor dates to +/- 1900. Present on 1909 Sanborn Map. Addressed 1891 as 153-55.
306 East 22nd Street. pre-1891
The Assessor dates to +/- 1880. Present on 1891, 1909 Sanborn Map. Addressed 1891 as
308 East 22nd Street. pre-1891. 1891-1909
The Assessor dates to +/- 1880. The single story rear portion of this property was present on
the 1891 Sanborn Map. The two-story front was in place by 1909. Addressed 1891 as 170.
310 East 22nd Street. pre-1891
The Assessor dates to +/- 1880. A single story cottage was on the rear portion of this property
as of 1891 (Sanborn Map). The 1909/36 Sanborn map shows a story and a half cottage here. This is
either the same house or it was enlarged. Addressed 1891 as 174.
311-13 East 22nd Street. 1891-1909
The Assessor dates to +/- 1900. Present on the 1909/36 Sanborn Map as a duplex. Addressed
1891 as 166-66.
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 9
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
312-14 East 22nd Street. 1891-1909
The Assessor dates to 1886. Present as of 1909 (Sanborn Map). Addressed 1891 as 312-14.
317-19 East 22nd Street. 1891-1909
The Assessor dates to +/- 1900. Present on the 1909 Sanborn Map as a duplex. Addressed
1891 as 173-75, 317-19 in 1909/36.
321-23 East 22nd Street. 1891
The 1891 Sanborn Map labels as "being built." Addressed 1891 as 177-79. Assessor dates to
1921 !
400 East 22nd Street. pre-1891
The Assessor dates to +/- 1880. A meat market as of 1891 (Sanborn Map), store as of
1909/36. Addressed 1891 as 196.
2162 WashinQton Street. pre-1891
The Assessor dates to +/- 1890. Present 1891 Sanborn Map, addressed as 2164. Duplexed by
1909/36 if same building.
2172 WashinQton Street. 1891-1909. Henry Hussman House
The Assessor dates to +/- 1900. Replaces story and a half frame house with no porch (1891).
Hussman here as of 1902-1925.
2201-03 WashinQton Street. pre-1891
The Assessor dates to +/- 1900. Present 1891 Sanborn Map. Assessor dates as +/-1900.
2209 WashinQton Street. pre-1891
The Assessor dates to +/- 1900. Present 1891 Sanborn Map.
2215 WashinQton Street. post-1909
The Assessor dates to +/- 1900. Not present on 1909 Sanborn Map.
2219 WashinQton Street. pre-1891
The Assessor dates to +/- 1870. Present 1891 Sanborn Map, addressed as 2219-21. George
Riger here as of 1902-25.
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
Paqe 10
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
2222 WashinQton Street. 1891-1909. Mrs. MarQaret WriQht House
Assessor dates +/-1880, present 1891 Sanborn Map, addressed as 2220-22. Wright here as of
2226 WashinQton Street. 1891-1909
Assessor dates +/-1900, single story square frame cottage present 1891 Sanborn Map, present
by 1909/36. John M. Kluck here as of 1911-34, H. J. Oser here 1902.
2227 WashinQton Street. pre-1891
The Assessor dates to +/- 1870. Present 1891 Sanborn Map. Gerhardt Waldorf here as 0
2234-36 WashinQton Street. 1891-1909. Luckritz-Scheuer Duplex
Assessor dates to +/-1900. Present 1909/36 Sanborn Map but likely dates to c.1909-19 given
concrete block construction. Sanborns don't list 1902. Adolph Luckritz here (2234) 1911-15. Gustav
C. Scheuer in 2236 1911.
2238 WashinQton Street. pre-1891
The Assessor dates to +/- 1880. Present 1891 Sanborn Map, addressed as 2238-40. Mrs.
Mary Puis here 1902-34 (2238) and in 22401911-15.
2237 -41 WashinQton Street. 1891-1909. Ruehl-Bieber Duplex
The Assessor dates to 1886. Single story frame dwelling set back on lot present 1891, this
house by 1909. Mrs. Sophia Ruehl (2237) and Mrs. Dora Bieber (2241) here as of 1902. George
Wunder in 2237 as of 1911-34.
9. Major Sibliographical References:
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, 1884, 1891, 1909/36
Dubuque City Directories, 1902, 1915, 1925, 1934
Bruce Kriviskey, Dubuque, lowa--Architectural Survey 1978/1979, Atlas of City Wide and District
Survey Maps, Dubuque; n.p., c.1979
County Assessor's Data
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Paqe 11
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
10. Additional Documentation:
District Map:
District Map (outlined buildings are deemed individually eligible)
321 E. 22nd
400 E. 22nd
308,306 E. 22nd, 2172, 2162 Washington
2234-36 Washington
2222 Washington
2201-03 Washington
View along E. 22nd from Washington
View along Washington towards E. 22nd
Street, 2162, 2172 Washington center right view north
2237 -41 Washington view southwest
same view west
view northwest
view southeast
view southwest
view east
view southeast
view southwest
view east
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Site Inventory Form
Continuation Sheet
Paqe 12
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street Historic District
Name of Property
East 22nd Street and Washinqton Street
Site Number 31-03371
Related District Number
2219, 2227 Washington
2227 Washington
2144 Washington
2136,2130 Washington
2137 Washington
2130,2120,2116 Washington
2051, 2057 Washington
209,213, East 22nd,
2183 Washington
208 East 22nd
209,213 East 22nd
view southwest
view west
view northwest
view southeast
view southwest
view southeast
view southwest
view north
view northeast
view north