W Roll_01MICROFILMED CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 'CLweilm 0 -85 A43w 40W /4,31 ROLL NO. L Date all • n , • C1 u �.,. c MfA ATJXAC`3Ltows-;Q"A CONTENTS OF ROLL I)Ltg UQL4-Q-CjZ- o UL- N i"��S START Operator L3-fi. CAMERA NO. X: _ MM 35mm Med. Blip Count LN 100, COUNTER m c�,'. CERTIFICAT-ION This is to certify that the records appearing on this roll were recorded on film.. in the regular course of business by CREST INFORMATION T'E-C-HNOLOGIES THIS NOTICE TO APPEAR AT START AND END OF FILM Name By Randy DeKlotz Title Operations Manager Date M Place Cedar Rapids, Iowa G - 86 kF 1' f ; r.," i`p}' N73.7,"` iyS ,••u 4'„F, y; . i ?3 01-;' y`'s- + .• '. :; i ,"a Ya i.5'- ES'rlwa .t j -, LLt:, t{ 5r , NL c'S > > din n •' aB a i 4 k } i v: . f P i ii 4P q j j, F r: r ,. L' i ' r . Sr7: Y jrs f •'l l;,r i R * ' t va ` 4 4 c jr ,,y 7,,, " i`,.. c.•. a iis i ' r * s . a^ s tw .it tc *! a.+? 4ai.:'i ': 4 a` '' 2.8 'so 2.5 3.2LU Lu 3.6 2.0 1 1.25 I 1.4 I `I L6 III A Sf 1 r 1 AF 1837 Pursuant to an act of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin approved an Act to incorporate the inhabitants of such Towns as may wish to become incorporated, an election for Trustees of the Town of Dubuque was held on Saturday, the first day of April 1837 by virute of which election the following gentlemen were declated to be a Board of Trustees under the name and title of the President and Trustees of the Town of Dubuque for one year from the date of said election. William Myers Thomas S. Wilson Charles Miller Thomas Fassitt Timothy Fanning ----------------------------------------------------- Monday April 3, 1837 Preliminary Preceeding Purpose of organizing the Board and electing precediary officers T. S. Wilson as president T. C. Fassitt acted as secretary Charles Corkery as Clerk Patrick Quigley Philip C. Morhiser Morheiser as Marshall and Collector Ezikial C. Dougherty as Assessor Saturday April 8, 1837 Meeting of the Board of Trustees Mr. Fanning submitted to the Board a view of the Lake, or slough adjorning the Town proper and by general consent offered the following resolutions. Resolved Removing obstructions from the slough river next to the Town of Dubuque and for rendering it managable for Steam Boats (steamboats). Money to form a treasury Resolved Committee be formed whose duty it shall be to carry into effect the objects embraced in the foregoing resolutions, to employ men Change the course of the water from the ravine near Mr. Lorimisre Lovimisre Lorimier's house to a channel more direct towards the river -------------------------------- Saturday April 16, 1837 The Board met. Members present: Fassitt, Fanning, Miller, and Wilson. President. The proceedings of the previous meetings having been read, Mr. Miller from the Committee of improvements appointed on the 8th submitted a report that the committee had carried the instruments of the Board into effect as far as fradheath but were compelled to desist from further improvements in the slough in consquences of high water. April 16, 1837 continued The Board accepted the report of Mr. Miller and the committee were discharged On mention of Mr. Fassitt the President of the Board was requested to draft ordinances on the following objects towards One in relation to the meetings of the Board An ordinance to establish certain offices and to define the duties of officers An ordinance concerning breaches of ordinances An ordinance regulating the town police An ordinance to prevent the running of and indecent exhibition of horses An ordinance on fines and forfeitures An ordinance authorizing the Treasurer to provide fire ladders An ordinance authorizing the citizens to furnish fire buckets An ordinance authorizing the citizens to form themselves into a fire company ------------------------- Saturday April 24, 1837 The Board met, members present Messrs Fassitt, Fanning, Miller, and Wilson Pres The President submitted the ordinances called for by the resolution of the 16th Ordinance No. 1 in relation to town offices and the duties of officers being read and appearred by the Board were passed. Signed by the President and attested by the Clerk April 24, 1837 continued Ordinance 2 fixing the time of meetings of the Board was read and considered and passed Ordinance 3 concerning breaches of ordinances was read and passed Ordinance 4 regulating the Town Police was next taken up. This ordinance elicited considerable discussion and after various amendments was, on motion of Mr. Miller, passed unanimously Ordinance 5 to prevent the running of and indecent exhibition of horses was next read and passed Ordinance 6 concerning fines and forfeitures was next read, adopted by the Board and passed Ordinance 7 authorizing the Town Treasurer to provide fire ladders was next read and passed Ordinance 8 requiring the citizens to provide fire buckets was next read, adopted by Board and passed Ordinance 9 authorizing the citizens to form themselves into a fire company was read and after some amendments was passed unanimously Mr. Fanning offered the following resolution: Resolved That the several members composing the Board of Trustees of this Town will individually exert his best endeavors to enforce te provisions of the ordinances just passed ------------------------------------- May 1, 1837 Members in attendance Messrs Fanning and Miller No quorum May 6, 1837 The Board met, members present Messrs Fassitt, Miller and Wilson Pres The Board proceeded to the consideration of matters relating to the revenue and taxes of the Town Mr. Miller offered the following resolution: Resolved That the President be and he is hereby (required requested) to prepare an ordinance on revenue and taxes to be submitted to the consideration of the Board of Trustees at its next stated meeting. Subject to such amendments as the Board shall deem expedient -------------------------- May 13, 1837 The Board met, members present Messrs Fanning, Miller, Fassitt, and Wilson Pres The President submitted the called for by a resolution and entitled "An Ordinance for levying and collecting taxes in the town of Dubuque" Ordinance 10 levying and collecting taxes Mr. Miller and Mr. Fassitt moved that the ordinance be withdrawn Mr. Fassitt offered the following resolutions Resolved That the ordinance entitled "An Ordinance for levying and collecting taxes" as submitted by the President be again returned to him with a request that he amend it as to make it applicable to the present situation of this Town of Dubuque Resolved The when is amendment it be presented to a special meeting of the Board to be held for that purpose on the 16 May Special Meeting May 16, 1837 Pursuant to the Resolution of the 13 the Board met this day. Members present Messrs Fanning, Miller, and Fassitt. In the absence of the President Mr. Fassitt was elected President pro tem. The Clerk handed in the amended copy of Ordinance 10 entitled "An ordinance for levying and collecting taxes in the Town of Dubuque." On motion of Mr. Miller each section was superably discussed. When, after a deliberation on motion of Mr. Fanning, the ordinance was adopted. ------------------------------ May 20, 1837 The Board met, members present Messrs Fanning, Miller, and Fassitt. Mr. Miller submitted the following preamble and resolution Whereas. Experience has shown to us the due observance of the Sabbath is highly necessary to the promotion of peace and good order in all well regulated societies, and, Whereas the prevalence of disorder is too frequent in the Town of Dubuque especially on the Sabbath. Be it therefore Resolved That the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby required to prepare an ordinance on the observance of the Sabbath to be presented to the Board May 27, 1837 The Board met. Members present Messrs Fassitt, Miller, Fanning, and Wilson Pres The Clerk presented Ordinance 11 entitled "An Ordinance to prevent and punish Sabbath breaking" which being read and considered was passed unanimously --------------------------- June 3, 1837 A quorum of members did not attend this day. Present Messrs Fanning and Miller -------------------------- June 10, 1837 The Board met this day. Members present Messrs Fassitt, Miller, Fanning, and Wilson Pres Mr. Fassitt submitted the following resolution Resolved That the Board of Trustees on a majority of them shall proceed in committee on money, taxes to lay and establish such fines and permits as to them shall expident as boundaries of the Town of Dubuque for corporate purposes On Motion of Mr. Fanning Resolved That the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby required to prepare on cause to be prepared an ordinance in relation to the corporate (Brunder) of the Town of Dubuque and also an ordinance on improvement of streets and alleys. Ordinances to be presented to the Board for approval or rejection at the special meeting to be held on Monday next the 12. Special Meeting June 12, 1837 The Board met. Members present Messrs Fassitt, Miller, Fanning, and Wilson. Mr. Fassitt, on behalf of the Committee appointed to establish the Boundaries of the Town, reported that they had carried the desires of the Board into effect and that the committee be discharged. Granted Ordinance 12 entitled "An Ordinance to define and establish the boundaries of the Town of Dubuque" read, considered, adopted. Ordinance 13 entitled "An Ordinance to provide for keeping in good repair the streets and alleys in the Town of Dubuque and the public roads for one mile from the center thereof" passed. ----------------------- June 17, 1837 The Board met. Present Messrs Fanning, Fassitt, and Miller. The President addressed a communication to the Board that he would necessarily be absent from Town for some time. Whereupon it was moved by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Fanning that Mr. Fassitt should act as President pro. tem during the absence of the President (Mr. Wilson) Instructions were given to the Marshall as to the mode of proceeding under the Ordinance 11 on Sabbath breaking June 17, 1837 Mr. Fanning offered the following resolution Resolved That the Clerk of the Board be prepared and he is hereby required to prepare an Ordinance regulating wharves and Steam Boats steamboats Mr. Fanning moved nuisances in public streets and alleys be the subject for consideration of the Board at the next regular meeting. A discussion ensued and the motion was lost. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution which passed unanimously. Resolved That the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby required to prepare an Ordinance by which the discharging of guns and other arms may be prevented within the limits of the Town of Dubuque. ----------------------- June 24, 1837 The Board met, Messrs Fanning, Miller, and Fassitt Mr. Fanning presented the petition of Alex Butterworth and George Strasser for permission to keep a butchering yard or slaughtering pen within the limits of the Town. The Board refused to grant said petition on the following grounds. First That whereas the Commissioners appointed by the President of the United States to Until said survey is completed and a final adjustment made of therein Secondly the Citizens of the Town would not approve of it The Clerk submitted the ordinance called for by Mr. Miller's resolution Ordinance 14 entitled "An ordinance to prevent the discharging of fire arms within the limits of the Town of Dubuque" Special Meeting June 16, 1837 The President pro. tem convened the Board for the purpose of considering the propriety of employing a lawyer to sustain suits instituted against individuals for breaches of Ordinance 11. Whereupon Mr. Myers submitted the proposal of Mr. W. Chapman to attend to five cases now pending for the sum of fifty. ------------------------ Special Meeting July 3, 1837 The Board met, members present Messrs Myers, Fanning, Miller, and Fassitt. The President informed the Board that an assessment list for this year had been put into his hands and that he had convened the Board for the special purpose of examining into the correctness of said assessment list. The Board proceeded to examine the assessment of all personal property made taxable to each individual in alphabetical order. After a tedious examination a large amount of property was found to have been admitted through mistake. On motion of Mr. Myers said assessment list was returned to the assessor with instructions. July 13, 1837 The Board met, present Messrs Miller, Myers, Fanning, and Fassitt pres pro tem The Books of the assessor were handed in and after examination and were again rejected property having been omitted before The Chair instructed the Clerk to give notice in the newspaper of the Town that as soon as a correct copy of the assessment list would be received the Board of Trustees would meet at their office for the purpose of hearing and determining all appeals from the assessment list of said assessor. Mr. Fanning offered the following resolution Resolved That the Board proceed forthwith to address a letter to the Surveyor General of the Northern District for a copy of the original plat of the Town of Dubuque Communication To the Hon. Rob T Lytte request that you will transmit to us a copy of the original plat of said town agreeable to the survey of G. W. Harrison Monday July 17, 1837 Resolved That the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby directed to all goods wares and merchandise corrected list of taxable property at as early a day as possible ------- Saturday July 22 1837 and July 29 1837 No meetings were held ----- Saturday August 5, 1837 Purpose of considering what subject was most necessary for future action Mr. Myers on application to Stephen Hempstead for his professional services legal construction of the act Board of Trustees were duly authorized and empowered to hold courts and impose fines for the breaches of ordinances Mr. Myers therefore offered the following resolution Resolved That the Clerk of the Board be and is hereby directed to prepare an ordinance to be submitted to the Board at a special meeting on some day of next week Saturday August 5, 1837 determine cases for breaches of ordinances by which to impose fines, collecting said fines Mr. Fanning suggested the necessity of employing a lawyer as attorney for the collection Mr. Miller offered the following Resolution Resolved whereby some restraint may be put upon the exceptive number of dogs about the streets of our town ---------------- Special Meeting Monday August 4, 1837 Ordinance 15 concerning dogs President and Trustees may be empowered to hold a court by which to take grievance of breaches of ordinances to impose fines Special Meeting Wednesday August 9, 1837 Mr. Myers should take the Chair as President pro tem The Clerk submitted the ordinance called for by the first resolution of the 5th entitled "An Ordinance to establish a Court to take cognizance / grievance of breaches of ordinances to impose fines Ordinance 16 establish a court for breaches of ordinances passed and signed ---------------- Saturday August 19, 1837 The Board met the assessor though Mr. Fanning handed in a corrected list of the assessment The President requested that the Board would forego the examination of the assessment list to a future meeting The Board refused to accept the President's verbal resignation Saturday August 19, 1837 Resignation in writing ----------- Special Meeting Wednesday August 23, 1837 The President convenes the Board this day. The Clerk presents the assessment list for examination whereupon it was moved and seconded that the President nominate a committee whose duty it shall be to cooperate with the Clerk of the Board in the examination of the assessment list and said Committee have power to correct errors, erase public property The President appointed the following committee Mr. Myers Thomas C. Fassitt Charles Miller The Marshall reported to the Board that he had called upon the citizens of the town by due notice to labor on the streets On motion the President nominated the following as a committee to cooperate with the Marshall Marshal to examine the public streets Timothy Fanning and Charles Miller were appointed that committee Saturday August 26, 1837 Thomas C. Fassitt The committee on the assessment list reported through Mr. Myers that they had used due diligence in the examination of the assessment list that they had corrected errors and mistakes and erased all public property and that they present to the board said list in due form and request that it may be accepted and approved. Said list was approved but held over until the Collectors present this bond. Committee discharged. The Clerk handed in a letter from the Surveyor General on the 6th of July last (July 6, 1837) Said communication be entered on the Journal and both be published in the Iowa News of next week Response August 7th, 1837 (August 7, 1837) Surveyor Generals office Sir, I have received the communication of the 6th of July addressed to me by the President and Trustees of the Town of Dubuque requesting a copy of the original plat of that town as surveyed by J. W. Harrison (J. M. Harrison). The original plat of Dubuque has never been filed in this office and I transmitted some weeks time all the papers and documents of every description relative to the survey of Dubuque and other towns to the Commissioners appointed by the United States to make surveys To them therefore I beg leave to refer Saturday August 26, 1837 continued you for the copy called for. Thomas C. Fassitt Robert Lytte Mr. Wilson moved that the Board the salary of the Clerk of the Board first of April 1837 (April 1, 1837) first of April 1838 (April 1, 1838) Agree to allow to Mr. Charles Corkery as Clerk of the Board the sum of two hundred dollars per annum for his services for the present year T. S. Wilson handed in his resignation which the Board accepted entered on the Journal The Board immediately proceeded to nominate a suitable person to fill the vacancy The nomination resulted in the choice of Mr. Peter A. Lorimier Monday August 28, 1837 Mr. Fassitt President pro tem convened the Board this day and informed them that he had an interview with Mr. Lorimier on the subject of his appointment Lorimier declined accepting the office Board proceeded to elect another candidate which resulted in the election of Mr. John Plumbe Jr. The Clerk was required to advise him thereof Mr. Myers offered the following resoltution Resolved committee whose duty it shall be to confer with the lawyers of the town and ascertain the terms upon which they would undertake to conduct such proceedings in law as from time to time exist under the ministerial duties of the corporation. Messrs Miller and Fanning were appointed ------------------ Wednesday August 20, 1837 communication from Mr. Plumbe accepting the office of Trustee of the town of Dubuque Wednesday August 20, 1837 confirmed appointment of Mr. Plumbe Jr. Communication from Mr. Wilson regarding resignation Saturday September 2, 1837 Mr. Plumbe took his seat Communication from Stephen Hempstead (S. Hempstead) Stephen Hempstead two hundred dollars to serve as attorney for the town Mr. Fanning moved and Mr. Plumbe seconded that the proposal of Hempstead be accepted Mr. Fassitt act as President of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Dubuque ------------------- Special Meeting Wednesday September 6, 1837 Engaging a house suitable for more office a list of several vacant houses with rents Special Meeting Wednesday September 6, 1837 rent the house to the rear of the store of John Regan motion of Mr. Myers and seconded by Mr. Plumbe Clerk of the Board to make the necessary arrangements for said house with George L. Nightingale, agent for John Regan the rent at five dollars per month twice a week at one dollar per month --------- Saturday September 9, 1837 Stephen Hempstead was sick Fassitt and Plumbe offered their service Treasurer would be absent Charles Corkery Mr. Gowan Mr. Knowlerlye Special Meeting September 13, 1837 Clerk presented the bond of the Treasurer Patrick Quigley public property claimed for the use of the town ---------- Saturday September 16, 1837 Stephen Hempstead presented his bond as attorney for the corporation to the Board of Trustees for their acceptance which being considered insufficient was returned to Mr. Hempstead with instructions Ordinance 17 on nuisances was drawn up by the Corporation Attorney A report being made to the Board of the intention of Philip C Morhiser Morheiser, Marshall of the Town to resign his office Mr. Miller select a fit to fill the office at the next meeting The President announced to the Board that whereas the commissioners under the United States to buy off the town of Dubuque had given notice in News of this day that they would commence business in Dubuque on the second day of October (October 2, 1837) highly necessary that such measures should be taken as in the opinion of the Board would be most desirable preparatory to filing a decree before said Commissioners for such parcels of ground as by previous surveys were intended for the use of the town Resolved That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to have 50 handbills printed and distributed calling on the citizens of the town and county of Dubuque to assemble at a meeting to be held on Saturday the 23rd (September 23, 1837) Saturday September 16, 1837 continued the purpose of public opinion and obtaining information relative to the survey -------------- Saturday September 23, 1837 The Board met and accepted the bond of Stephen Hempstead, objectionable clause being stricken out Mr. Hempstead was therefore declared the Attorney for the Corporation until the first of April 1838 The printers presented their bill for printing ordinances but the Board refused to accept their bill on the ground of its being extravagant Messrs Fassitt and Sherman applied to the Board for the sum of fifty 50 dollars loaned by them to the Corporation in April last their account was accepted given on the Treasury for the amount The Clerk presented a bill for forty 40 dollars for three 3 months services rendered up to the first of July last. The President informed the Board that particular occassions had required him to draw on the Treasury in favor of Gehon and Hendry for the sum of twenty-five 25 dollars as he borrowed off them in April last Philip C. Morhiser Morheiser tendered his resignation of the office of Marshall and also of Collector. The Board declined accepting said resignation until all books and papers and settle all his official accounts B. F. Davis was nominated to fill the vacancy occasioned by Morhiser Special Meeting Thursday September 28, 1837 B. F. Davis presented his bond as Collector of Taxes accepted by the Board Mr. Davis qualified to act as Marshall Mr. Miller presented W. Chapman fifty dollars 50 for legal services rendered pursuant to the engagement of June 23, 1837 ------------------ Saturday September 30, 1837 The Board accepted the resignation of Mr. Morheiser Morhiser ------------------ Saturday October 7, 1837 Ordinance 18 entitled "an Ordinance to regulate shows" was passed ------------------ Saturday October 14, 1837 No meeting Saturday October 27, 1837 Mr. Miller presented a petition of inhabitants for the grading of Main Street. This petition originated a charge against the street inspection inspector for neglect of duty. Moved by Mr. Plumbe that the Clerk of the Board be directed to request the Marshall to report to the Board at a special meeting to be held on next Thursday and also to request the attendance of Messrs Rupert and Fales? Mr. Davis Mr. Miller a bill for a table for the sum of nine dollars 9 --------------- Tuesday October 24, 1837 securities of Mr. Davis appeared and apologized for the non-appearance of Mr. Davis on the ground of urgent engagement elsewhere Mr. Davis had used due diligence in the discharge of his duty Committee be formed to assist the Marshall in fulfilling the petition presented Messrs Fassitt and Miller were appointed Saturday October 28, 1837 commence the improvement of Main Street on next Monday Mr. Davis appeared with papers as evidence of the faithful discharge of duty and showed to the satisfaction of the Board that he had used due diligence on all occassions The assessors bill was handed in for $37.50 being his wages A bill from Regan was handed in for one months rent of office ------------- Saturday November 4, 1837 Members present Plumbe, Miller, and Fassitt President Letter from Mr. Hempstead occassion to be about from town recommended Mr. Farwell as his substitute Quigley and Butterworth's bill was handed in The account of Patrick Finn for the same was accepted The Board also granted orders on the Treasury for work done on the street Saturday November 18, 1837 Members present Fanning, Plumbe, Miller. Fanning as president pro tem. Situation of present graveyard grave yard prevent such occurences of graves being made in intended streets Resolved That the members of the Board should be a committee to visit said graveyard to advise a sustainable mode of preventing Commissioners Complete the road on Lorimer's Hollow Resolved That Miller and Fanning and the committee on streets that part of Main Street and also the street leading to Hollow ------------------- Saturday November 25, 1837 Members present Plumbe, Miller, and Fassitt pres Mr. Plumbe laid before the Board a plat of the North end Northend of Town embracing the grave yard called for a committee to remove the fence of said grave yard to the line designated in the survey 7 Xlf ' f/ '- /z r -, szrsZ ✓f srr-GAS . 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B�ll�vlz l�sc Gly //�/IK uiwLwe[uukVmuta. ... ••'• Si;1Ntli`"°`+:�-�s..w"`:Jflai�.7GuCv�ill�:nt�@tl�Yi.4 :kRtNK'b' /.Hole , p 'F ✓� 6t rJis �� P' 1T / i� d d ��� - �l'�il►ito vw ill n -Z ��su/,,/),r 641, ��✓.� Oe�c� y i d"Gt tiG� eV "I /Ll/ol 406 �lf'i`a�lt2sxl� �j�at�sv/SAL �Filwf2lsy K!/Ol.�is.,c� ' �jl - �� a�U/G/•G�q�" ` /i�!/1-��L �R/�Z�sG� Ge�`Gt G/G%d'-��� G ai, MA, ✓K 07cIr1✓ 0 .. l���IiL NW��' � c.Z A1- size- . y enau asap /'� a l arvad . ` - - ,L�.+cam ��` c /!tea" 2� GrrarciC ON..,`T4.4,1, as-c-ar '/jse"fissCG/LLQ /i4i!✓Islt� All, G�'�L1�dLc,AG �i!✓j /I�►�v / �dRtCi O `lN C�J�2t�tstir�7//t- L+i-1o0� .�' F�lR�lsrc`c.� ��l�Lt.dt✓1C 1 c �(s, �i� __",4 Ol` /mss v �� zits sv /�Zs ..�101�s vh f It ;00" Gtl''l`.ULIiH'!� G GLS/ /moi, r�i;�1/ufr�.� ...�• lii�c.� Q� /��f+� , `d�a X7: O r R��Li• a-�P.Gt�lRt�iy /,ctl� R�Lt�i-O's-t.I�/i � ��iv/'h des*-6%'./�f v c�R�12� L-lz'i1/S►Gv !/ice G"lLly /L`G s�C�'��QG:'`!'?/ G17�1/l1 u'-� ;7G- /�-< •G i��� ate vkoy�� irks , a s z105-4,let i��i%� -� fid- C/X�l'�2i.,/!/� u�z• �- � olio c�� �. f /"Ou l� , �►a cl�,��s= �?`� a' .dwcd ns,O.til7G:ti' 00/ l'GLp� � pis./ �17ti ,/ � p • � CG v� � �, • �t a'tt2c t� �f ov ;�c�ctrJc �� din CGda�c �/✓ 4944, d 4,1�/ �io' (�1�cL c c aeG ,u .d-QiLtc 1. �iLit i l rrG `-41P Glti' �i v `Sr o"41G:/lei,. e (s�/iL G%/24W `�I j /�t !� Gf O t� � Aeel .__..____' I !D` i 4" dy, ✓dL ��l L t,/sT `aw �/�t C AC! -s.. 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W fo��.-�-��'2 � �,� - �- /%h./��.te��C rte.- `� • �:�G,�•-� ��a... • s✓ Lt✓ //� LZt✓ p Mill ee 119, 1401 j, /I 1 J'/�•R� Jv-,WwA � Olv /!�C CGGiJ/Gt /silt ��iLt pi(' LGIi /' /h i%1sRt7ji� /tf7[✓G ic,ee tGi/ RssGL C?UYIi1/It�IiIT LCCA �C • �����a ��l�,��" c-+��.-� �y[.��,��-tet- o Ya�J� ' ti /�.6�R.4� i�ii'is.GGt Aiss-L4� K�s.0�7/-�l. ORit[-cG. �4 loolf /6t l R2 G /Ve �LGGA% P-Gt lv:� 1- /1tG /iZc®hd %Lc ki ,v ����y D/J-L1�Gt Gd �� ✓GL ✓/A7it✓ /�� � %I � � � /its /J�-d�- /Jlw Gib t-drs.� 6t Pj � t l+rccG�ss dLGi dtsa�t 6�G �i�lsa t _ 0 d+►-f..�a ➢� __`..sy �� .ems,. 9, s tom+ ` '44- � � �: ��� �.. c � .. . f ��,��. '� * • � . rs ,. �iss.¢s � � G1l �t�s /h t Iki""'' +� �/� yt�/�Y` J//=� � . �ilt:-s /jiv •%dt /Ge�rsc✓ Cl's►+C�s-►�. !' %Z•w.� f �y� .ls! R - �/ �'r, /�M d /�+s� d� F� a✓//rr✓� Q//%t/.'R�a/.l.-� ./� 19- ,�? Lffsff�777✓✓vff ✓ ���u�ssc etc � �>� 6t'Gs..� stj i 10-v J-f�� G,A s a uG f7a G t � L.s�X✓1 iir-c�1�„ f Foss e4 e� � w 6,W ✓T/' 6i /11*/7ec 1�7t.ZiG� %`'fu4 lee trle*,4-' t/' . A. 7./t n-D'ccc:d IPA , ,.40- .,�>//-rte...-fG� ct9�,� �•,y�- roc. - ,l,► • G�,ars aid sr6.i�, el- � p Q'�/ /h,.�s ccd �.ass,.ir�.�li+tiaG /�l�.�o-s•-�r. itr � G'ci�.G �L^lh-/lei, h: - ✓1`"/' Ri u�,/r� � �'Ir�a.t a1j ;J� dsu �c ce�lvl� �/kca o�a,s.�,v,. .tel • �- .�� �., �� �.� ���, v����� � ��w�-� wed 4t/ �%1Z vh�j �fKi Gtc� l�tl/�%/%C � l i�-LDisc 21L1t/ �LL°Ci1i./{. lye ZCi eNliliLRCG _ .. � U/�id� GaG ��a.�D�G<<.s..LLu cG- ✓�`r/ cL/! aH /(. ' �Q/Y�tiGOIG Uj/'GCi Sk ;.�•GleiT/!L .�/�Z � � i �"I�[ !/YL -_ - dlA.fltlJ . /.��� Li�w/�7,i, /jl-l7G�- '_ � �� �✓/'L .i[iLp �fL,�L�i p/LL P CGG-O� � !/�'19,OZ:� i���� �Q�S'k!/ •�E� �� /L��c.� ./liatiu S��Go'c�..s� veil �iro�G ,d�evz,,,�', ✓X iia.f�� � ,L�-�G� /LVI?T dlili �w _.QQ�N�v. Z,-OZ-fr- /lSc-d)-c/ Qom./ Ant G a� e -t— /,7-* ��� ��� ✓fes .Z•�:'' i��� or 0,;, We,, e dam/ O/ At •.Ofs .. / �L ►!! t Gl/ �� !r c%— /1. Scl6vsus. ✓/_� t t K../ RJ/ (�'��GL..lI���✓-7L_!f/�%ls��L� t 'l � /'GLOB" � ✓' L • f D3- ���� /►"'f '�{, it lsl� drdvl� st's+oc ..%/�..7 � iL�.R-d ��_ �-�'sic.c- . . 4i■ v�'`i Ia. � � ��G?tet tN.L�%% r �/�� lliw Gf c// . QC[' // �-' � L��Llilti//s- � �� ��iLL� �OLL •,� li7/i� G�� at?., �/`C./ /sllc' 1W /!J. vlti—i1� SCJ �� p 4; ��p-sii. coli _ a Ze G �.t40�/% • �-� • � . �dst%tee ..,•��aL- �. ,r� .P.u'/Nr4�l' �Gic �r/'z,lL �• µ�o�lac�� Qjdc��tsce GW.�4ed . t� Ll E Lt ✓�G' t // �tCtr Lid /���JJJ O� r,yL !�� 7./!.t/ Ll✓ �--�Z, .. .t/� �GLRlitL. lT i 47 C 0 y� � � � d yt��G�• �G!/�lk i�e2 Ze b� /!f Q-f-llly c !�4/ �L7r�Gf.� � -��/•!//2/�G�L l'�(!/ 4�L�+ - �� CodQ r//` G ly/s /L� u�iud✓ ✓ s �.to 47. let i �zod �&ra4." ��%G✓H e.�+G �� r' ' t!!�. & s�(//CI � , /ter //,� 1A �I l O U'OG�at t G� �CZ-✓� � /.lily � Cc LLdu-c chi 77A C! GGc.c i�04, QSB d ai. dUus / c GK �- �1isrJ :�L .d� � ��i-� lLcd �j- ,Q rtfi�ss%JL��,d G�-o✓J�'ys��i�u� �J��i �Ola�GGli �OG/c�G !/h. CiL�iJ� �dJ. C��-d� � c+C �/£a�i i�r� aw �l �e:G/..ir•�a! �. -� / LL oz�•� OtAtew �- `i ...� . • \ems\'• . WMI 4- /q zet /f/1�L12�It fall-�4�� /� l !i/'UGZCd � zv �i K C �d /t/ dZCt Lv Z;/-, at, d�GL/liJi Ait�,Ce / Gt�I7 t. �7as ctda . �,LG 7 is'P/t Ak ei Qi �Axll .li-u�7Ri� ✓lt � .rnG�'� G�� ✓�loy/�tti, /,��l�i�r, ��� � el'Qil.�aa:v� . 1i j �uc� � p rya LL __ ,o4a44,t f.G / �GLL7rGGL IOL /LU/lilC . ;67 � GiIO ' ��� �L1G L�Zt.d/l/GGf.C�d � E�%Q.LLtGGt[� �ZG �iL`G1/� Uk �fiL[i•-(l� :1f`tr.,1- a4t.d -"gee, 2W m /-alit-G-�t 4-a ex , a.G% ✓lfesL�u�, ��. �, e!a g , X-ga, 'tr. a-// Aiz-ez,A, .4 0 a � ham. a��pcd� attiaw. 00 40 dell �V/il�%yc,ccL �d V-N/:t7 ' t", lw"e4- rt f z tJt ,'�Lc� i�,t� aril ad R.✓ .�d�� �� . Pi �1GR � Gr-�-Q' G h 01— W441 (/ GL l�Zu a� �I., /ham �z �/ter bead n-aritica "'/U/�//6GL�e 2FeGtc'C6C ilco 1/ 1.LG L�ii s� i wR�d /tRscCvsv C/ � v Gelilvl.G GLS X124 '��i(/ Q -e %h �it✓�Q�j 6f'-fvL G+� diti f� G ��'G+'<vrr�G�-�/o�,s:. . ct, %h s-rG,�ic✓�, �/'��t/!t/.lr .�RH.� � 6(. to ' 71,e 0" /h Ay!%� C u7. 1�6�� ✓>fss c7 �!h. sJ1- e�l�G1.�`���alcc .o-Lt?c l'iGZ `G1srr/ /% �•GKI/h y �4�Qls.Q�.l � *raft," �i �z r�al�✓ �ost. �.0 �!i ,RAIL-L!�" .irilt6�' � (� /:/A" �-�� ,/!t !ir / lieGJ�L�L6Li/ 6GOdeAli. -,0* �/ice vV� t /`'L�i�Rs "%/L a1- �d �G�v .. cid/ 6/lc�zc risz. O/7!!• �c� �t-, �r o, c�, wu�, :/l/2 ��i ; �/�/L �Lt Ul>ilc flyer- �dl�U Lam/ LLA �jL t, !''oJ t�tQC.1'� /z// 4-"- �"-X tit, . � ljr�ilLr Ll. %'/G � .,d'al4 ' ��i2 c✓lts ./c Ct' c/d , ! ��� dr��l�ad�J edr2z,�01c-✓ %Fae�a-1 eve r�sa�• 4�.ol�asa d� �.�et r u!� Lc�zd dye« ed �o � �� it". `e7 �j/Lf�Gt��1�1G.�Gte 40Z' o ,f�[CL `� ffeLt[� J/Lvo dG2'(lLtd h� Olr t c crd ac x, d _ p e v y ..� �i�tv1a Q_.�c�4 `G Zc✓GtL�/d !,u �i��i L� �rtit.�• d��/llLrvo� orr riccU<<vr. d/uc/c(i /v ew CG• /-G7/•GC� D'Iri ifZip'lto i k d �r ✓/Gtit"lLl1 Lvcti/ GrG!/GtCLi rii Gu/�RttLG 'i'.. lY�ll�lsd cdr�scfd ly �� d /o / • � � . � G •/�is�/.� o•.f /rr L2r�/l�iv�� /oG� ew .0•:� CAv /i ILLS Gf.'�'rLi �ttsGag,'�LL�GgO �Y�.�'h d1t /ila4KGfe /� 9 ,J UoYm, AV"/jR/itad f p LLrd, G/Glrt� tA-1&A- A� as .sL�L Ly sre n dLtic�G �Z . a rd . ��e s 11ci LiL�/ %� Li1r. L✓o�lLLtJ,�fi- Cvra•�vs.,� of-d/�cL+�rcrs. �1�,e�cv,Dp"lLLcd S7'-�`iLt j�•uu P.�saC DC d�Qtis�� �c� �i /h�rlii�.Lrj l`jdeeeQi ,✓s6aw d�/y �'s���•o !Gs rw ayt.acf �rr 4e.:�/ R./�k cLGar 7/L� �c .ami _ sx �a�� �x �.fJ.l_ • /'G � r�es� to teo�.l .�L'� �iy--da�Cele �xt o 4,� -- C R�i�LLLrd ot Y��ie� OGLL�cca/ .2c /*-dwcLG �U �itc�-c•c"C. D�a'Gt� �ra.T �s-aas n��'c Lz�c �L /moo ofi� 0" A4.4,�r AOe .!!u , G l?c �h aysc -r r,Z 144AV! All • �lt% v Ii-Oi !tea• /��C A7o E� � ��eel 77 . � ��id6cciG �iP� �✓t � d1�G� �i �lets�d �c d/�R�If . o �-�Y 4Gsirsal �LI�F.dotcA� !.u/�ci •lrL�G, 1 •�' � ... . �1r �� fah � � •�t�tLY ��ds� cd 1JF� T. 1. /�e�dl. �'%1 nl� �c . S� ./��� � L OLc�:L"%�4 Gl.�-1 t.. i/,�IL LT/'IFs LI //•.cam d lrl L/GtN" !/ I.i('I�frilt H. � ✓1G � /�l.l�it... It .i7�LiiLLu�fit� ©� f d' �'IN7tlLl ht"g 7e !1,11,e1t oe ltd tl� r�Lc y.w //0 dle.10414az hflt Ry+d di�rfl(s�ti�r Cro�GLid �f�-1s.: c� avetl 6+-a/ C�sr,u�f�' �F.-I�,�G' e,�t. Az �tadGs.*A '�Clrwrstih rte. ✓lst,��r.• z� -h/fA b� �ai Life �d i�Grti' f.G yew Lt'o�L s ti'Y Q iitL�" ��L�L'c/ss�s. /�!?-//spv ..LL/LG�s-fs�. d� �1tG LtiGl�Gtil7c--LLtc-' O�GK.I.IiG/K(,(r //G `yyLt xv bol I y Ilk .. �`/-.!� %� ec�� /oRf7 zw� Y/ -it, e ez,G� Zoe. 741at tee Q.0 �lG?//ri " � a �-Llt X1.1; GC. �<L[i �i t GJIi�. I%/L Gc -Zi2�j � � �/r/GLcL(. WA, vz�4i: dl� � dlaz ra��, f of . 4'� r o,cc� , i�.Ct:�Lc,��•� nlu �j,Gsr�i �ppst. �tzcecs.� , yam.- i�t �r� �t..�dcL� �s��LtL JJrrc ��s✓ bL�1k� /l/��ra� g C'tt flt �r ` s7 ) r✓a �h d a s r�lar✓✓ l�syc/ X.elljl �P� •�G.3-, r% *T c�ojld✓.� u//� �Lis�-a-�,, 9, %'lalfle `�L/ivGllft; 3 [ iti �' a t� �� l�� ar /i`o�d .i h /s1e � �e� �rw /�s-�tGua,•�r�r. ?Zei�vsL - !ir?-��lt' /' Gi-Gteul L:�,a7' /HC'�/Lztdt7fr��L�c'Ls'�+y. �2raJ.crt.cL G�lcd ��,s/�.iv ffe _ I�o�o dtG2 .-rbfa� Gs2s.d/�Jf-c iId./e%2L,a— Mef • G��d�zGd ��.3�./f / �_� �llnvad vim-- loll 7G/%I/ft 14e elf !amu-7-r�s.,� ,�ti� . �l��ira �i-c: G�' uGs../� ` �✓ `• � � QJ2GL�✓-Lli�Gt `„Lc.�G7�-a �-i! /f/'U�LLe Gtr/ � . ....:+::: . le” tA /� �i �fG ai�j,��J a aaisr�J CCQ <•�r, $ZI faGe �.��i,Ao - •� ealc i S'4 �j�rGz�.a �a� a cGfsc,n�i Gly a z2c�, �� pp Gs f.'��ts•t?1G ,��2� /iL{t� :/L'G•'lsiC-�LL� QiL+/Gi! -2�[�c-c.1 %L� - CSG -ps• /�frG ala-AdG It^>��as,, ti��Jrtie,/d �- �i ll�oil�le rf i?Z oy/ rilo. rv, Yic �GiO t�Gic c Q Ptih�GtG � d G°i/���Gi r.i Ile- !% :%p.- %JIG 6`�•!/h ! - C� �Gc�! `� AK1/o Ile Q LGO7�t�-6Q� J,%jf1 vL^ ��ij�� U�,o `fTrr� �ay/l�s�1 z.4 AGtr� QirY/� toll, i:��Pl�G!/jt G% C�GvGQGIG lUU/ /IiY�G-��,T�LIiSc ,N+ �L jC �2o GC Plr /ATG t.4" elle "�� ! �h cG(fjGa � �"!i t �, �icA 1114 `/.j C�-��lc�✓/ vii' W ccs e� ze a i��o G.d l s�1• a� a.Zc� ski Gl..rs 4AW�� .. � -��j�v ��'' � �� ��iL��'k.'/� ��. tea; ��"Gca'•` �' Tf T ��� �//6�hr. o�Z �l-1 es� d `hts �i, cl i� i- u r ��et..c� wfu •�� �/ •• .�� <' r , t A�/-�.� Lj, . �1� !.!G!c �l�l.�. ��� �c � �%j' � '17 .�'CiGt c.1c atm . ud t4 GcY� Qac. ile / /d cat• Qlr,. � !/.tii-� ,/N�/i'+�L� --lit• �t.. �i��C.I�Z�'OS =�C!/lrrcl�c 6t�+at� G�r� ,I.�CI' x�',�.. Grli>.tsi.Zt� ,c.,.• , �- J� «1, �� �- !�*G i�.1G Vic-. � �CY�.s� c'-c!J mac/ � t•�� GC ink. _✓_ . _ _� Y-/� _ / � � �-�_ �/U—//lrt/��,pCaC U/l/lJ�l��ilr !lt�l�6Lc.✓ �r� L't/"/�G C�(�� RiL�Gfi/ �LGL� �' fJ� .�9'7" .� ..� s- Gc R -L ilsz c� �sr� �' �fi, C•s a = sc /� �a^, ii,� .�oa.�f �l,`������ _ ' " ; lea. !-o 1 :4 Y- /o t*'-. e4J Q C C r,1 .7i -4-Y C'�� //�'�� rss- � y�GL✓t u q R / � p - p .O �d c/ TO /�/tvJccti� l% GZza 92iOc�c�a- cliv Gvr�d ileCtvYt. Lfit� c �l d� ey a✓i�CLt �r� Gw. "c�� cv .��n�r,��r r.��ic /�i1i- �i rew e ld / 7 ee-,�ta�sr,/�AG �c £jc�r-��rs� Q.�l ��tu�i�t crrc�shriyr�f i1t il�iizr,aa/ �Li�-cam-� � '.�<�sa✓ �Qiu � i�s+�.q_ ,b` �1,�cdd'�a.�� �:�.� � i��co/ ccis � a'��l�ac nvssT�f��� ��G ✓/ti� lilt _ V e/�'CLLY,7a I Z.. � . dGtt d • � ,�-� avfl�-i ✓�v�- .�G� t�cul �w �I �t.�-�lr-C u�%f �c� d�� . All- Uijdvc Ga+C C . r/tc•ur. � U: -71 1' cd ��Arh. L�"C.��t�i RAJ Cfi2%�' !� � r p�c �rr�✓. v �cs�.✓ Cz �fii✓ R%tAll9� c<�cc.�t �L �/�cP1�s�pdoLs /jdolcd / '11.e c« rc r dcayi ai 4:.e _ _ � �iydctcd �at" ll�lrlicc - cd 7 .�s�n� . i ce d� fcr�✓/ sem De cApi, 4,A1, a', 4� a/ �14efll-" -n----�--- ✓I`LL /J4+-t� �"7�ii' �i-�=d f%�dG��ttL/yyy/�/st�.,•srz� ��tyl� e�"I�4'.�r:d�GuolC li7 yy�� 77Il��tt i o/yic G°sni��s>_+�`c Ltf�szrz f C+G C�- fit llii�,r�io Gssi/?zcvr`s�r�x�i"I aftof / •-hCT-s !lc G1 eiG�Gte %t/IlL%L[ �• �yi fez ��i��F/J f �i�tfi , ..�.. � � [°LZtdG �d -R.fl /[rQ�Ri4j �[cse l� ii i. l�t�d� itr eC4,ya-e a e? lvs. ,eqw At a~44*rp.N1121Nw tr ws..c AX, pp iir[!fi 144-!.I/L'c l �Rit/�6i al C c/� /'�.�,.�lii�c✓�rL� d ��ir �irha �h- , lc o-� � .��r.�✓.v s�� � ' ���//�I.CL�•�,��.ecsl�..�a 7fra• ,�i�,A�/�yy�rcde ..�e�.s�d� l.�rafG�� �'•e /l /oll //f0/ PGS `iv7 c d cea. lrLv /�yw�it ��2r li,�fi !rY /1Las!trtaGii GRI/!t/ I I/l�h�r� /tcsu.!/�d a✓�!�-�lvcc� �.c as, ��. st.�s..' . �✓�fii Ufa; b��IS4a�": /.�� �l� k-ee�r��d ski. LGw /lam lr cYe srha irl!�.�i. es.�� /JIk .wt.7 a./ 19.01 7 ✓.di a ce i..e�•� �.�� �,K� Ufr. D�-a�� �t�.c� �cs �L` .�ts:.rG �ti��ir�i ��+ ifst.��.fs /�t',� �, �-Q•f.�G � ./�G.i M4'._ s4,G1,G. I�%I� �' � 7X A14 - Y- zpj ge _a1..O4 V/ c Ar - J/ �We O -A e—;; 1&7,ct*fv 4 6 C 4*-j&,a&j C- 47 ri `p/� �+/".b12N�� r2 2CL�t� !L Lz-LLL-� O� //'�ti ./CGCG�'�G�' `� •C /a�Gt A.� !� a &4ca ewsei= isaZ.Cf� dGac�a�yzee ri/A'L,/ � Vi/ a` Lp . (//Lt' ,?ss L� �s-c, L� •/ �/�LI,? aux tt �- Gf veo '4"1� Z'e t thr �u Z" a! .O• d �tG�GPjv l!/`Gsi /�cGsu�4t-d .-G ,•%l�iG�'u - f L�rl !�!� i%��Ls.•�-R.� ✓G Illy �/�i' �.ta - LLt��G GLLL'i / Li.RN.AL U' �UltrLf� 0 y/' , p �/ •_ �as.. �� `/l�i�u./•ate /�r��zvvi�.�"iG ..o4jr��- - ac .2t �wiyiw-s9 �j`1' `��c0 ff L✓ �/T! LG�s��� /�'��L��� �/�'Q!^t A.tc-G+� Cv/1v ,y�� sot J�tif�ai ��d✓ O/ �f' / _ b i Y Gji tats LG fG /!cc . (l� lLsc-Q-�`` !�. AC �tcre-tic✓ �h lLio• cs�-q, v�.l-ins.- �osco .st. .tl tc aysrfit� �O dR./d O �7 � it�iu��fad.r�-ems I i�l"o,�� [ G.�L'/Yif- • �j� �Q�%is aci ./X/�dt,� mss. u��. �� �d� �>,. -��,. %l7` `*/, > �•h. �+.- /�!�/a� . � /��I'hrifs..��� r!a /r_�,/wky�t- iL�Bt/' //����' 6th.-C�✓, - t p �jjQ�l2td J �L ,��� � 2lc�tt-rvr� SU/•k/�i. t<� /s[�u.f_c s� zCi /�4vCL �LCCvl.�CG !�^fL�� lot cet X ' �t 7 oJc LI4A41t ^ o ,/moii e c.�L cG. s / ,��.�.s.�<,. `� � s t. dry Ccf «� !� •�,� t�d*�d:-f-R' eF�t...cY�- 7 (layp'Gt c s� A / ®vdYta ct.t. �c ��i,�/.vt,. 'q l.Gl Lr�-�4 �Ls.. sC `-'�✓� r cv� y� ,� t,¢ c c/��' � d � 1� � �!2•t Gt�dG> !1 s d fi [ lZia!� di GC /L �i-Ialres, CG /2 ! .ti 2- i%!,/J�L✓ . R�� LLQ 0^CK � . Z7-— l- Alk��t.j�' <t %Ylt <l %a � �r�,.,f • -moi., a' Cv�csti> � a �� • �-=1/�+(/"rL la.0 i � fit � ' ,• A.C: ��A♦.N//ZfG1z !/L�ldrit�., ,R-� �C/�G'F�%S�/itl . /y . ld/ ��l�iYc s6%1. �Iv� ' fi�'l1J C1 Cl'F llL Clitec!- l s�lvylltif�. �/o{.,� (G�v /yia o♦'iacrJa/� 9';r3Y.c/`i�.t'.�GG1 add Qv ll'�yv /1=s..a �a.p`1z• O� ��.No-e�l,�// _ Ex ` 4,alewGe 2GCLt?i fG1G OLY !/7 �i 6 f i/IC/c. /vhrf G wh a jam GGsZ� • %� �(O�icf'G � ar.L�arccli`/ iL- t� `si2r,�t .�° o' � ��fia��a ��.��lv ,vw�` CLtzd ,odd ! �� /� �/ oL vtv nli`t /!:orf aB�i,li jz�acar 1pbt' ,ei; O � / pO' l/rC✓G�td p ll�l.� �s-C.se�'7�4 ,.'f�,s2�•$ �r`tti CGGi��v 4f � A4. cCas�t� �c..�c v�/. cv . X ,%i �i �� y CR �� 2' ` �z /vGz a� � /fort •r,.1, 20�/Y; i� dvai� BZ �, leGCLGrrcd� R�wd .��� � %(�L a,*. ac, 4a[�• vc L�O't�/!oL1La//hCe ./G/�y® /yy /llqulse, �2t �yJL�s2v ac � Lrrlo{�ei l G- -- . �c _ , � mac- .•� �% �1AY:iFi61�- /p%L/ Z7I�T/O//►ice�/J�ilti�/ L !/f2v !/l/C/Ylti G12[O /d2GCC A" Pt /is* R do o'I�i .9�Pdi� R- JGs L Qtr i+C 11 4 lLte ►Tiar!/�ji !d 4,,.. e. !"i�tLLh-G, O' C�� GvGG C.K G7 �t /.t GSC r?R.GL�G sQd �a.-/s- aldet� 1, • d iG..-a.�+i'c .�ri.osG ll�c X21 OW tel-, atmos,. ��iec���r ��Jn,�iceft 4 LiQ:Q"Gt6d /SS�Il Gl�ite.�J7+-��RC i��s✓��e= ana o J�w �� �u�, d . � y�s�.•� -fir ,� �1 � cl�� �s� x.1.1' . B1. %r��v .� �y ✓/[ AHiil2Gfd �[� , lR.j �N'�=.Clt.� t��Z,ti��GZ�� . r /G�IJ� %��'6�(S¢-. ��lrist ✓ ,�!•3 6'�� � �+�// LL G7rD�t.-�-Z�i� QZ / P��/!jam � o-�/ li/� ��Nd iic(�f.I7'�G6! `yam a (9esti eoc .�G `, �pf'�,i' fir. n v r s�-� �� /�•,, d. /� ��it stc�/.�t�� Pe l,a �yrn° Aral'. !WL /* s-z,r/.. � Gk; o.�' OiGs It Gaotalt•,t g . - . ► gat �y 6�- ��OF���?a ��e rsliu� a ��i,�s . ��i d� ,4•C�G �at.��/g Ge' L /l�+c .Cruraz 94"61, xc .4.Z oW s s 4' 4WIA-tall: 40 (Ve �L Qt Ili" ! «6d ..�or�fi !ems �� v � OcL+rsaa di•s•dsw /fes �/Y LLtd `'�'' GZ' /1G I.LI/GJt ��QQ.(islt�li i.VY!% � • �c I�i • l�- %hi�fG� - /��r .tea .. � ._: . �aa' awo • v �.!: y P y .giA pa' %ej4 " - LG1dG.�a ilir9 O�'�%/'L��!icc �Y�icz�cl ��pp yy G'<et1� riGZGL� ; .� i/ c �''t i e-c c+l a-& �,r a G¢ot � o-c•" v /Ott 4--. L ,ris• �'4 le-le, L �1y sof vas. ` fiJ dIJ� � zo GV-r(�ii/�tsi�- !�-d• .,fit `/�d�, d �-s••�.-ysr..� �D iLr�v� .�y �t !�h 6t'� 4 , Ga-awe C/��1 dar.c d /f�2f lliZvGc. �1/t�t..2�s-� /ucgc.��c. �i�ss.-Goa �i .u� /Q.l-�d � a.�•c • /,fzr.�..�ss�. d _zt��� , �p,.�i JCC /� G, /led'D�yR�lsasd*-li cl itc SGV- 5 r aP cs fit pts La. ��� �fl�ucts4• ✓I�l� iysa c�, /% �,.c lroLL,.oiG �/�io' G� .r.resaev�✓/� s�- ,.,�•�LA�L1?1i Pih/ � A�isv � G��7'�tilu� � •mow �.�,ZTriLaLr,,q•8�, �Grr 1oliGi GQ� L� /?7 ZL L�� C2�'c1%,O l/lc iii�/i� l'/�� ,`� �• .ore�. �L �s-a /l�6/�i l� ✓ f/' �IiL�Z�/tn-y_ ,/ _ :7 7,04't-OIAI'111-11-k"'.1e,Ile. e �T Z/ 4-" a a z,- l� 40A. 5 Av �..� �Le �//TG �G GS•��lt/1•L GG a��►Lc.o �Y/1t G� //Jf�Q/'_{/,,i��ll CG2 �GLCIil�.t.L. A .a Ae may., .J.'. ... . /.1. .n. r �sVJa.� V • �•�T` A-+h•�.a�y�x �iC. .�"!4. � 4 ��e:N'.3j.�.s•.'F4 �.. �� i t . pq (li /Oov- 171 6vl�i� of lolei,ear ,. / G. lit, ee of yvG,ll y'�H.l�.�1 !/lri /Ijv /2G�LGI�tvpl-v• � tG�%C/.ls%� �C� JyCZo �/LeOG2li1�Gd. el lee I;t Q d� Lv e Gfi• _ / lrrls�e e /u lytic- _..����, cv a.�✓,oC���t�, u� O�l/lt t /! 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City �i� ��t� iti% �stR'�d-v Q cd�/1 oLL �►�ir�y� QiGc--drr��/I�/,cry ii ��" �,dLi,1 L,. v �L�• ��lr�/hQ'� /!u //iL- � �!r' u.4� d��lL/CG� lF.l'/GG• c-d,�� iX, G�Q�Lt/LLGZ G[rl c t "6L v vGk-�c C!J v C.t ,L A,*'alt [ cv, X77 - q�� � cevh/f, ev . �'�/ �G/ Ll 1 ✓� 1 , Yet / ✓G� /X ` /L cA .�G� � • !�H/'f lt�y .�"-'��":.;�T�OI/ti! t i ¢ d- /fla✓ Gj 1et'ote d f �fl C �C a-lae. / .41 .yld � /Jyi tc �.�.` � (i�/ tai � ��`-ayr�- i�+ii d .i c✓cs �' -Y �'t /.y��Ltdv-d� ,//i c • Brij -t e�li AiG A. vu y �/s,� e lle, /� e d �o�e7� d �6i�t d vd�Li:�Liu �L - %�2r�Ile alio Lal Al �.. p �1 'el A:41 dy�-w- �t di 21-.e—_,C� 401- /1 'lye, • //�+- `ham✓ C��Gt,!%� vh Sc � / � .: 6 Cry ,!u e'r `y s�larli.Ql� .2 d .ac t-. c F.. •�r}',�y -., :».:ki-444^M,';/MA t(ya .. .. C + ':�'. .. 7.nde..kY+r..w,uhhv tiV ,..a. . � .... .e. i ", If. wAarywm+:f.• l r,_ w'�:��� Gs,�.,�M .1^,fT-i'II.M' . y1iYwr� • �J( t Q/ �jZc. G1�12 ac.. � 6� � (' D LL �tf /fir.✓ !-r��<-- ,-> s �-.1� u. f � C� l� �� .yy L �Ty Gl�'L1-.� ICG��l�1,tL1' CLtcOC All �� G°1.!7L'G/L� IlL E't �ji/i 4,//ICLi �L'd'ytG � � �!L 6r.�12tiY /J�l"jT,e ea✓ ,�� �...-see iGGW,,, �Aiv/! /ik .ac L ✓'RLi tli �. �.e� st �� eeGGt�.c-d �i �`l �f i� � ``'' . GIs LiGGLI �l ,QG`' - ....1 �j' � <_�dt'i•u! �-�l�Lr. dcti /Iyt6i. tZ�«z Lc� � e .�� alt. ' /� c �. �u sieG .�y i Z-Fe4t �a ,� nc ✓ ovG :s ,�lcGfd� �%•� �`I2G u✓ >!iG �' �i�/lcGt 1Ct<ty- C`' l� /G12 t'7,eO14 � P/ �vzaLle. l2 C/G��C� 6ihlLf . ifi �Z1'L+�/lct�l�f�. `�,'A�'•�r!/k�cGi' G/ f�A.ilz//6t!/ . %%.%L O'iL!(� �4 L � �l C �r ��G6 a.� ✓' �f/ys/jLL ,/� � �'r - . LI`Ct r- j/.t �sta,c s1C �ZtL..�y..l�, ✓ ��/ � o Q'! D %�T LC �i L✓au d vs 1471-w- 109-lic etit ���/�' C`-J'y��-Z�✓7/L /-1c /ll��L t L?� 61 ♦ 7L� ,E•d G� �eLt-e,�s.. sus- �- l yi/ sse EL f�if �� ✓/ .JAR-•L4.1s�2..- �s.�_ rt l/alt y y� cstls s1 ,� "L �liLw/ FaG,s�R. lvrl�%L� IN..S�GG��i/t •,7i1.� l� G� s y LGL//7LL I1L�.L Gf/'"L(! G°6L• / //'die �G izvr aG 6vlu�e.GG .��,�rta�da�c _ Z-�luiri� - r . U 'JL:Gz c d f74� /�1Grti . A.li'44lL Q'1- tr,e IV"/,Y /17. (y/i L✓Gl [ aL !/f.t LL� !-%/Lt� !�l'dlc�:.��G' . l iiL � %l/C :Zl�k lC ��• •cv plc lc L � rlrsi� �/..-/�t� ,ccrv,cct 4ee .�. .?yiu--�v l ,cz �/%�/ r - 3� �/ �L✓�v F ly cCC, n lam/if weI CLIlit I s-G7 LGi er •y126 Ld�//i(.L= :� ��Q/�'G'Lc-/ �� /LY-ZY�' "G�'��� l-Zr-fir- F %i /7C..�GC<(. CL p 1�� d��riLr�`is�1r�EC1LLtdl�` -erej " �Q L�-/�� , •2aLZ2evJ-�.�i� elJlrii,C�/ � / I-Awew d r/c����i✓iz zte i rT. /[!; Cl J'�.f? L C �C �C�Gt 9l t L- tt (U" !L'LL �Jz LZ[ �Q� ��/✓ /i!I`<il.��� /�z�ICv�G�r't/`! i s %iy� If x AL �n %�Zlr It 6z, ` 1woWe 1/1�L ��rJaeel,1� ee V Zfi //G L .-L Glt !� - �<</ t//t IG•C Li✓ l a '�,j i! yJ �l� �/1L �LLt G IFlY l/7i /hL tiv -Y a 2i / h• l� I YL CL/- 2A�vd/sy�r.C%cf[.• �/��,t�� � (/ ✓�+f �l[ �il�ls. /L< /Gl/�• /P�S.� (!� . ��/.f��iG��r. /%CS/[ i 1 QY ,�/�. �lO���Y r7" C -t . Lll-G .J��L�Ct isc c t -c �<1iJ-Z i . t� ll/7u i l!t'd �� • •Zl �Q/.!/!c' /O A p ' l � /moi/` e-", eve, !� � ��✓�•� J92v It --Q.! caG 6 /J` Gz-1t G L� a• /y � //� of t* j E. okti,CO/ �/ .fGe /� CC saEiicd L•crs. l` gii�.i� p c /I,/, / G ell. 1a1 aJ� `l a c%�t�lid/ /� .✓u�,- r��! du/,�� �-vs ee c -tip g sZ/ Q� 6���-Ps.- i -h � `' lJ'� d -Ga c lE �zrir !�G Stu Vis. �e �l►ls�s��•� O / e,'e C ass -7V49 ael&z. / ,•X, /Za cc d�c a G/l�lw Co7c 1�r� Pif - P i2 /Ln�'/� �fi �rN rJt X�i ✓ Eel he ii.- �.L,flgr�v Ijc-�`Lie jjli. L ♦ � off`/!�`I�tL� >' f .tA-!<r.7t /t_' ��c,J l :bh �' ,f%j /-iLvC.l1 < ��cm�- /!t t (�Llh �K �'Gl�c d � cRz GLC 01 G -1 !-, O A.,e 10 sY.',lL��hG •��%tom dist., visa, � cLi.- /l !�[ O -!/Lt �%c , -cili R %J•%G(/ a-,, o1L �2G7Gc- " 00,11 G o � L,9LZc1 C a ,ZZ![ /1t1/iYr Loleo"� • d/�� �i GL't/lL'6LseGl� GZv oi)c l/�if"<t- �—L2-�s.t-C /-[ (/j},ffI/GO 4v-Ae i�i2 cdtle� 6L lei �/ A.�c-�a �G`c. Lt'G�- s Ye.✓t rlG dt��.��6�G.. d+G LT - lil- CLt�aA�sc e -t-- ' t �• s9/�.- Lt! ��/.•Lr.G-Lc ✓� a �L �%'/�sr%ti� Rte- ciL �'l+u-�ifi`wc. yia.✓ �lr� uao/�� .0 G i-s� .wat=• Ola a a. � ��.. - f. <eE+�ccilc--- qv ,L��p//c /Lr-✓-I..22GppR�irAG ��i�'iita�i .� 2� e�cat�elX Cl�sc cels-aI(i a�Gi� 7s�.i .�JSl1St T G d�/s-r.•+r�uG. .... ��j i iY zz' e-e-- ool -e" '.e —7 21 a -e CAC -751-y de -14- /2J - � oze e,Ytih Cle z Z�-'ZZK W, - 7-e W �i- �t,� .J%��1 . � .s,.: '.> �zc s� �ir..��•(��ft- . O .lits 6c Zt !•+yid L� Gam/ /f1: F7+ c y .�-f ��.- ia� //�/`% y+-cx+- !� Inc- _cf7 a ruts ss -L s'7c /!.!-C!Q/a d /7t� �91r, /7>C flL�t,' !/la �✓/ � / !! it'��?.Zs e� . - Xl� !.c-n�G dire c e k• �lLr iilcc �y �Qe-�.lL-w- <t�� vh-. . 4W elle"O�Z� ��� sass ✓ ��� ��c�p. st.q/,7 „.p'tom✓ bf A,<'oo”� Z�a R� l�u� .� i i lwuf;LY. ltztor /hc `G�.�� I.�-�is-�, sG - d • .Iir:�tlt�i9�-- �a `r V . • /� J' Gti//A�G ��A'K�hy t�Jt� 7�i✓"�lfL+ //l�'C lits Gs.�iss.l6Jo`l-1r1� Al G'1[' l ei' � � L'•-sa.issa.. �,%�` moo► ,�.�'.�c.G,c �"_�c../�i��;�[.. /K8 � i�f- .moi• i2 4 rc �Lf.� ami !, .f � . � L.'[l �, (�'t-,r. �l'e�l�! .� /%-1 ' r�t1s • i� ��� 46'e �r - Z�k r 1 A(�to .f iZski 4e- ezole.� v t-. �.. Q�� - •c.l. d i—�p � p i�us of %tr .&2"xo� 'fc-ooe"C Z s!� �:l//l�fi /isc� ✓�vu. /�tii. ZZs G( 21/ SGC- Q� � t �i • . ��bi� -r � � � � � ��L �d <y i��. �0 �h �ri�,f'�� - . f3l7�F��tt tiakiG ° • '• ,/G�2��'+sc.. � G�L� � � �cC� �d/ � �l�t/•/ �. Aim "'re �A .e: Rl2c.i�sae�- ew- ilele . �JR/R►:/i Z� .t�.e !Y-Ei'vayc/�tsa I�/Lc /,.�L7t��L�'•Cs !/ CG: RQ=♦Gs-G�c�G� • _ - '# //d l-lt-� Gti`ti! G �7*'Lt�%! �yd .��s.t Gtr !! O?Zvk ta. • /-.!>� ^ D�ss� �s-s t �.,G • Gz nl f`tr -:tet t // // ) �Pl�L i� �i tai 7l L �T�6'/�-• 1 6t7ta ca7y ti L t� -e ef AA ✓y. a.l �6�t llir lGi, Gly !3�/�ih v /'f tet' _-ea All �' � ✓YIG��r�-�, �xv !°lt- � �, rt.1�/J�`?c.Gz'a G'�/ <-C a �� f _ �Glt L�/a cam:.. Glt� ✓�l R�./at� /A �7�,R_�c a �c !fit;Vf0�4 .rh �o-Gcr�✓� �-vat� �i .v �'�i.�s-lc.r r� G�i,c..�� �� .ate l/�p `�fc t : ���/ vim. ��-t a��.�•.�f'` �,�- %/�.�i .-� fad ere ;"i o, c ee . - ./i� GL -"I eojs. 6' "!-/I Awl 1/D !!t/ e Li� / " G✓ i��/ it [ elAOr�% /i! Kd64�vu (f//I't� i�i A�l•L !1c �y�_ /U �.Lt'!/G./ � // �-� �i�`%t�GZ�t-w. G ��J' _ / r����«f��c" � � low • Ti"ws�� C!//t, ,/jLv/�Uk � L'/ �./��ILGt 9it/✓�2� �p" /i �/?iG�GL-LG� -� ��lLtq=. GtA00C6 LT�1s3�, ���. � � ✓�L�a � ��i%� .rte- �l�a.�. . dt�s%ts 1I of l�tv d /j-dast d wo— 409 R.. GZ!NrascGL/c ��. d�/�Pts-L L!' �,>t r%ltstc L'. !%�-tC �1Gs•hl.1'[�d �(L� �t'd•�/RAJ L�fi- /ff t !//�LliT.. �✓ C�l�lLsL: st.,s �;1� i rG'•L- �GG-tYt d .f`�S�c. �u�f�pGtL ��L /1-sZ rs...c� ���� �� e �- f*t z, , - _ l� Cc�<Ld /si.isLtd� /1l >� l�i.»i1�7.r��- usr. ��aCa7a�.- �- ✓l ���t/� `�S izL.�c 1! -ass-tii! ,Sl, O , ' ;�,0�. .ms`s ._ /�..f.�e�. ; �`- .tea � �,��•�.� .. �i��u�c-Ti..orv�, 0111, f i /�//: �l���it�•.• • � /i✓1. G.d!/ls �� /Kd /C�'l�hGti//��! l ✓/l P ' l ..�G°l�Jz1� . a .,�7!-R• .sem � d -T3u .�r� � dTl,-�e _ .� � J��l ✓9Z �-y Alt, 10/�'vw-�--- ;.�/1?l /t moi/ -d L1 7rGi R /h �t-hz� d" lif 1�12��sr <s, //Y�gi, �c1 aEc% fes; d,�' l�rYf %L o 'Xo; 2 moa` � e%•.�Yf'�-..�,�, q_�' �� � ,� �� tom//�� � 2 G.l�lil�/� /�' , L Tib r/ls dry y o'JC f �. •�� eide.L"tall eofx;t J64 , . r�` w lel 400 6Ltc-- P.�[-a.Z�i"viz- tom- ����� ,`��: �'/ c ftp-dcc /�sr, c s�•v � �IOCIa.� A/'f+s L41a��Q/ I�/soli i2� pe/ iw �p '.. Oz. - .,rte ,r tk/04i: tar �Arsti�s�r`l��%iteJos.7s is�s..dej- -W— .r�� J���� r Lvt� .�� � �i-tltc-s. v/ ✓� Q �'4`�—. 1,9 go -it 10- 4e-" Ge- �/I� C'S�iLitaii�/.lc Gz.. n^! �.2 f dz.� `�p /is.�lLc r/�'� �,N g: c.r.L /7.v�1�v.• � i�G- .,� . • -mss- s2J��c ce,G���� , ./ dl7�r�isis..��� . fit nt �/ s^t�/ - lis ./ice -�v c it✓ AIL, Gs�'/li .�• .i n� �� ��-!��%7-tet. 6-lC'c, aL !z� i'?CA.Lw+/eac. �e lL e'!/tari/,s�Litosv� f/lt�e�' y�, d.�t� Cc:��� � A-.�..-.lil• 6L CIiG �.� �l�v�s7�vAka�. j���' �� = //�.s•/IoG4 it G•J!/IG-LLQ -e 94 Ti �is+�6L� `,ti`•_�cc.,li%- � yY /7>t... �zo�-G jit c c-�� � ��.�%�L 10, �i� ✓f -t �� a� J�i �� � • a!%�rt �.�5 �. !�"ad*%/�LL �•G4h �R.' � ��/�lLr�<// !�!r/�I/L�'L�G- wst /� !/Ja-Ot �''.ts�f� C � L1.ct� Q//' Qs.-- G��e s t� /'41�=► 'is , K^/2%f'�1/' �f/il•!rr LL��� � �R%� £�-�^�fe R.�t4 �t.� ol,1�i•�- s" -e 7s z-�/"' o e:�; iX�-0421z; � v �ir A l�j �tf R�t�/_ L s . 2G�ii risme lylsc C-ji_ h 1Q4 Q G Lri, . ./91 ✓I a d a� �� �CvW 2Y sze/ sf�� �-Lz./ �. !/h d�Cttics-sc�+% � �vk �L/vety� _ 17/h t��-sq �eI 47• �' +may WI/k e -z' rs� 7 101-7 s%�/ �cLu�� c� � � P/tR�✓ CGi/iG - � / /� iia✓ nd.��a! -fv _��a�,a'J. -/p ., a t1 - G ."il�i� � 1 C R.✓-[•r.�. w �/y e. �ir�Li-fc q t/� � I�.sr. ` _ ���� ..1�-/w ,auk–a c. a'pe�aG :►s- ���� �,'S�ite�e.� � r17�4" f�hvkk.�- p�i 00.- • � /Q�/LGAi !//c .f��" � CSI f1t/Ji�t./�L �. 6 %u R3Li'-4'L9!' f it.t 13�G G l `1 Q� LL B G°l��GZ' QitLQ `1-GyGc t d 1y,e / !y-i!��dp�i----� a�/�il�✓ li,.�!utis� "(C%fi ..L`t�9.�I7L d. �PlLI�1 � • " �"- a.'exlt /� �-- /li/lti Ate+- d e," 41 e /ylYGr a R' c /99 �d - � C'�T2�7Zi i�,� v�,. nom• L !�1 L i �� �� �c*,cd/� �� if� Lv-� � � idlz-' ./LLc.-moi !�W � Cv n��'1vGLla p /� ®Ydu- � G7r" 1lL� � �Lrt/%7� vt- /�� 7-iJ�• gi�dlt� !1/h -AG /����i'��.' ell 1114�Wl ia Bpi. Q G. ��1�%2//iLt/I�L!/Ia� /� i% . i ;oj�J/ f�li I �1 �Q-✓jl�G LOr�lN-�Gi(i l4%`�Lf.Gf� �..� QBv,GL' R �l�/,./ /.-4 /lkC!G/jo-�.�/ L' .G L l/`�.�1! G C�i �t'iLaG�' �•�i ILLGGib P lrti. n /� His %`lam• . c4t /, 4.c !L� d� 21d� : • Recd Oh- ems/ �� P iiti v G- QAC /. !�' "o eo t o �,�=... � .�.G�a.�v�: ,�f - Llc. ��e�:�✓ .�_ tee-�-s..,.��.�:,��. .L,y 1 RaCk. &4l/a 'oft 442,04 A'. e. 41le .oV ¢ a! '4� n >. � G Q,. -I �iflidt t d Z%`�i:si�/ �L �llce�s.P.e 47 ,Ile 1CGc !'/JLC l��%i yiLti/%?4!ZR� Xe� ew lo� s.•.�is z—a � �s-���-�-.�"mac ,..�.�a,�� .�-.��t� Qi►a/ rUi6!'�.c.a Zo 44 Ofs. ,)-03 77 1410�,e � �eI"ecs a.L/G ,,-/A �0 r; 1 r q 1 &I�. .sem Q e�L oe iJ'�l✓�dfG�yP1✓ O� � CGf lild� ll'�yA�dcsd �� �HO ,Of�1G O,�C%Oty� pl.�'�d�ccc� �� /amu. csi.. fiacf CIIGCdYi� t / Gam ��af —� 4160 gee CYJ� !!� J i/ ,�l.�Z���./CA�H �js� Gsti /t/ k/ �� �!*f/r -��/�+t-7�ls ✓-/oZ��./,�2 C4!/L���000/. �� �-� ��/lf1J, G/��17_ 1J��t11/� ,(/.fl/ ��//✓Gini 1�:�'�Iv !� !/� � 1��0% sc4 S �R/ fYL�' GGA �!J L� i y . ,,,P' .off^ �- � • s�-u.xo e �ei.^ � f -/[/"1v �/(/ ✓r/O' �t'z✓ . `/!'i1,A 6i'LKGLGIIL O �ffi y�Q.t.e�.t - - 1 130 ool .k �� � �vv�GA'*�._ _ • as EY14 40, �i.eae 6 iTt WCL -//� �'�L'Ic- �/ � Ll/7ilr(��•G� o - oe- �, g, f iZ�G,/�jr�f/f.A..c�I�L Gtr Fi.E iiJ. • l�i�- oe,i ,�i�w� u i���•� �-t ��y l 6t'Gti , oe 7rool 11/JG�G� l/h �.tile0 � /,✓J�//L� . l LI Gt!%.e �f !� `�-c G'1i, . ✓/ Ia/� ' � �� �'�%' lG�LZ�%✓ ,.��/ tal�Gl�-/-L LLQ L��%`� tc. J ���//t cG/ «�� yao, / a , Gc• e,"- i fool> Az R c 1rzz.t� ID'S u- L-l/'t/ Gail. t�Jicsy�C •//�//�` �,..��-,,�.� �� � ,���. �,�.� - -`��'; ''-_ rte. ,QY/+n-tet "qw Awe llor441,ei vie�i� i�.�� fid- � y..� ��/��,.;d ,��.. ����.^ Af- Plor -'WI(I M weex A'a 0 Zia "aa, e ev-A-a '"t 4z-- - 4- 5���e �r A �,6 44— ZAe Mo. 7evel"A�Xlie A /,,Zl/ 7�6 ol� e", e -X-e- - /7 - XX Kee; .0 41� Of/. ✓/� it /�iGN c= G� ,2t7. u-�i�� � <'` /1�i- ,f/ t C1 . �' c / tl I/e C-/ / a t. !e l C; , I c Co/v/ A ;G����I�i�rrr.rf i�G �•Gv-R-� .r.�i2✓ � , zc� trv-�w Awn. di� c•�c-r�� �ru-,� A �'e�I-l�Lvl�otw /GL�� of Q G�sr.� • � e�ir�� ,O • // . / � p U'iGfe-Gc e d Til�a� � i!v ��iio�i., c �.ac. J �//�w G�0�ti-d. Av Of .t. lcetF aae .nw . , (1�.ikLVS6a.a ift' ��` �+'� •t %/e GLtD� �.Lt.L- �`t t ;,Oe- (6��iti�LL�/�f/ LGLR r yes •:-. � �� � 1912 � �i > 6" f��v� �v�-�+G " �i.<D ,z-<�/�% ✓f 71. !C />G �00,OLv,�1.-• /h�/ll�cGAL /fr/Gta%�h0 4LO!/Lt�/!/GY� �G�iL�!'�LcG�d !'T/,ys.• � . �✓,2J`L°fiL ✓///y>i7.> -LG- � T i� °� r//ITiL /%Lv/s` • //ad /tA'�-tea ���it.� a( �Z .�Gt2ac�G't4 �4400, -' tAr�d• �a� � C'.IrJac�1af.�.oc,- d . � y. O�—.,� - ,i LjtR�s-r-: -,. zw. G��-cam• !� Ne.� Z '00 Je ii�'A iL r %ate„AX�, a ..00 �oe, /-tt..s.' J� d >° � �o,eooat:#, -.L zd i'i'i G ✓- R-c •AG - � -�" rp— � `ya � �'-t/J•r 4�iLr. lt.t a Gvhl,, d !/I-C�+-t Pis ervr Gum Q5&,-e. p3 W, Jaz 'ez a,- z -G 7 G Dti'Zis Lllh oc. di11-. vsz�i/� l�' /VA�`g��d lee cam, rh-I.O (/� LG � ��� l �. • �u/" ,esoellrov���-�Z�7�(��'P/A/�l�s G�!/ls •7GL'C L� .�S G�: �N��'Ij/sJ�- �1� ��G ! �t�-' ��%7Gi��K l.�`u7-�rG�ly/ K //is �G��� �Le"•/moi � ��/` / i .1/1 Lc �fil � 'IZ'!/LL ' .A2:/'' -r .-S�'/fes-7`-'=��/���i�i.l��Tl'��L- - . ✓ • ��i�tt-�C.���t*s w Fv..c eel 1 KI, //fit A"/mac d1� �L%'`-�7Jw•GCGc -7G !°�/dZt-/J�i, /i//GG 21i, /I.GGCI�/.L �Jc lam' l/ll' �.� �-" L•� �•f��J✓/t�, Lei+ -d �"•2✓ . C�'Js �i.,� Q'� ��A�-G, (� OGtr X20 �it^cas d1ai d/ Gl�s�i�c. dc�i �rati�-c '47 of -Z;&, /il�s i r1 G!� LL%�diCnis/Jzvs,. ��/z •;' •%C �azi lac,, d-AtiGL ��L ZZs-- <f -c-. L�rr��y..�i1G pp 4& / 't ti /dv !qtr. .t2�- ty, (ilii oz.- n1 lLt. flC o� ez Gc��� f 00, �/LL�ice �1.r L4ti1.d mil (mss �G y��� AG�Q �vC 'ate �G .S� � e���t a% �, �,�.- a , ����- .��cu•�-� of _ s¢,/// AZ,uc - 1 . �.� C.-�`•titi�/t�ii.i��: c. /�, /! 1�127�c �2i f4�� � C 6L/,uJ 1. /c �. R hAG !�-r� GL�i,D�-�ih. Rte.-t�C--• � % /� e--e- -e, foG�G R te, '74 a " --�- e �z•!_ - /�w /moi a . Le— C1/Lo Il/ �' / %i -�2 /�t�. �s �i•1�6.7G,. � a� �77rr ,/„s" ��G /,,L d���l� lL!'O'/moi . P47i 'u� ".,-A/lac �ttt G+�lti Z ftc, �ih� a`.Zt /6h dl 1,, y �L A& e4,C tz 0601r04, a e av IW A -As�-,- �,/�Ol� ��/ %�7L !°i0�✓1/!�✓/.L/7��JJ� lily ,%l t Q-� Plv •Lt/ -�[.!� %I7 R.?i�� �-I`f�D-G G�L2..7 /7 oC a i!/ Lae ihs L h o Gu�yCv c G `lc /hs L /i !rL'c L l/ //L l/'ljtI/ 0�wGs tee �2 -fL�LC Avt.. a GL�LzT %h �i 'A �i,,C��,2�.uCc a, l! Gc �t f�iv� cc< �L of �Gf !!lJ-! R' � ! !/tt=- p� t t.-• ffit �.�j�, P1c. - �nt'¢,. �, // / �-- - (,vel L✓/L.�6OL rR/�A..G'snc�-�-� 1 � � %•fit/ fes! li-%�,p�G GO l�t�'LLl!� ls,,Gc dtri /1.�1lG�tQeb� t/� !f /c .- L2�+• d `c -v OT-� aCCocs�v//G,� �i�• d �.� fla�d.G�.�cr9.�a��t�.�7Lt�itt� �.S � �o•a-tea i���a../yts Os•�-div- • 6; 9 1.6 t-ea-� /Xolea eya-1 All, � 11de A e - 'ey /!� rj C�/��l'"���-G •�7�f'�✓t•,r syz Gay- �� A� z,. y" , �lD,�%/��c�-,. ,ic✓os:�cCC �`i-c; .�i�l-1 �" /��, ,sL- Ca.��v,f�sr-�lz� lG1i CG `L��i� 41, lvlst C' aa e d`h JAO� d d • G , L, pY� t r th 6Lt�f iii /Yll cs. r+ �rL� I / Lt O� I� ,/�i•- 7 �y/' L4 /GLa�Ej �1tG C3C.�.`?,/� t�"l �" %IZir/t•/lli1 7tI`zcdC/.D-i- GAJ L J"1tic�L �Gar�f bLi, ,(102, • � . LA `Ti�wL+ d .r �LtrC�icy uGGL'v�L�e Q / ` %GiG I [ lbs ���- �'✓�f/d!/.C�bR../!,�- �/G� �!Z`(:4 ��/Ll L�/ir. "!/ VH�i ,�1tr�.6L �%Zf/G!.' �J li1L-6L�LZ✓ %J61.. .. - w - _. 7 l�J' /�V V' �A LL!-[- fJ� �L114 Llr /? L.L✓fitt , Il - !y �/ �//1'-G - c%b�9ry��!•s s/1�-ci 61-a. it i !a �!�/i !e Gt -R s��yh� Gh �`i "`�i� •i � tel( dt�7 � _- 9 t A! • /./,�j1.6Li*- � !// CJ6�a f GLS Gl .G7�- //�,.f7n �� %� _ dab. 63 da . A, A/ Ata It e ee i'.cC�s:. CG1i a(�• l?r— L-. i ,c aL-r. . ,/GY, /%"/�%l�J."hli�(, ��%�i-(/!'�ti� !L✓N� `� ti/ -R.0 •mac C t-scti l/y�t s C%�Lt�-R,.! s2 Ca G �aL, oma , 41a. 44; A,— / A -AW Pl-4ee t L!h V G✓tip OL L1 �!t G ��//t1 1?o~�✓Gt,{ 40'1�c4gIK �v�4 !� G1Tdr t ZY�✓R��4' -%Z� /GY A� �.� Z� ���u✓ ,/amu- � 6iriJy"�/� �i� - � p _rev Wo dlow biro lm,� dvs..�is..iu d `�Zi c ��'� d� Gr2c. %� /Y %f!'GI G •�RtiC GI?1:-sa..�: , 4lpifLlil. v!/!✓ 1l %fZ s�v</ �/!' i�?,PLf✓:/1C��bKGe� �ihi ✓fit 0'/ti !/�r- `��/a�fs2'/�.� /� / /.�- _ _ � . �'(//!�'Oi'�•ly'R✓ IQ C �'(�/�!%i1L 6titioL °!A'he de" L XxIo 4`�� �Yl/cdl h / �C�1hil�i U/6oLo '�f ' ! -ll�fj�c( 40'Alr c( oc evil G. - U:1 - t Q 0,;� & ri�i rel✓ ism--u-Rt Aid. L��e2i lL�l filGtvey.,�,y„ �s� u O e� �� O� Tlc� •ups..- !/e3 �lLr-. d ��!�7�i clili . R�/z d `�,e�-Z�t, e7�';� !v-�LS 6l 6�.�1.��rJ� ,eAA. lt- !� Z-,&-�i l�� L!� crab rl fvl e . lhryc/f /iwee. Grp Qiict!d. do I c �� cil � ✓cel Rid/lGi 11�1/LdJ`L� ,/ylt Glc L%t y. !it L • �/xkt�Cl� _ Mva-An ,�Ge.�u✓cd vlz� ,s. /.-. _�iaAv.u.�,,.s. dr _ �-.��� .��. /tif_ . 95 iA,:lbs 7a4 t�i/-I Q/ 1. e , ��G✓GG 'lbr E w � G✓s:. , lL� Q�IRI�L� �� O �L,/ Sl W, le XY x-&- �t cco�Lid �tt�' ®p �p �/ /O�j-G✓Ga [ 'CC f�ff 2f !�/r G LiC��%7st�Ls1 G 1�1TG. /ilc- AGl�i�a.' �o GJ6-Ccc.lii- #moi` ✓�c :N� ��Qir✓�-ti�l�!� l�il-r2� /r p,oY� ,l-spa-��i�/: /.�/a�o,j. G�s'!a S-� dulr;���iZ� ���p�1.�.6tc L�`as� d�•� ��rt T��. ✓/f✓�` C/'"®(f'l�s9v P1z- .GrC-u,G� `cl/f� �� ra H.U>v liR�G Lt12 /�cG'✓rc�� � �i�rtdc ti --A [ ..� e���s�.�n � �� � � T� d���a t✓ ,may �<< � �z " Ld�C R� a� Zivr�-2�sllGi�tz ccs �..-,LK�e�.-�-�L. � li ..�.ii7?.ti���• K��4,d�R�A�YG�QJ //� _.. A�� ' �/I�.' . ��L�? 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U/l� IWi &Ape . ,y�ii C Co ao,. e4:11 4.i, ay o-vl ov, IFCIZ,*A e'A'cz' `�X"V_', Ile, C -/Ga," Oac/ /yLLr,�,sv G c�� /� all(} 41 loi" Ile~ 1'.4 ����, �.. fay ., ��14, Calltl 4"r_ 01 Z4 ,4-,f -e- 46 'ate aowt 46, oe X49 /77 - p eyz Gtu�r �� ••�-rye / P�v �svdE�� �d /%�-�jir,,a-��._..� 6Lo /� �v�i�t� �i G��-- G��tiw�o Ae,2 y C_+r�r-rc �j� lJ AUC G� �!2 /-»v QO �(O Glt/.e � �Lh/• oC�v�JL.�i sr -i ,D o Q �f.Q/L�-/9ft/t�� Yl�-� Gfi C'.P�Qrtw �lr�d a •w GC.Q� O -r✓ 4� , C�.u_-d j� �, z s�Gni c_R�—A%/ � p �G/!(�j 06 Y/ C h /LI l/�LQ D I!V �/! O (LLft 0 ltd 0%�✓fSi!/ (%l �Wiv ih e4O le*b Atzle a e'aO VA1W((// / VOW 40� 4;e.SV S)eaAgg�� VVZd 744 �Ll. 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I C/ '%f(i�ecH9l � v�-D d��i�y Q,c,�-�— lh/ �� Gl�r�. ai�v/ �<fw• C,t'�,e� e f tie �iih er cJ�ir,i r.H. �r A&4- dL/�4.49c Jai �A'�. /41 �� �t-s�✓� �� , fC�'� a�r�.. oma✓ i�e- a � X11_ o � �� �%fL ��1,�, �,a� lei 4 a rr fo iltE Ls Q. d lu�v �/tLt�n� tut a�s- t�� trr-� , � 1.c�� o-r�c_oG �i„-LL2c��,y_ , �u-L„ �/[✓� �r f-- dLO l.� G Ca� CLc �.� ((i'o.h�vlrrLv/'�et�rOa�r��rfo /�- y Q / A�ltOlYcdpi . fti � ¢ a4l' �h.pur Cp , ltrfi��v !o '4141 . /iZa t �tP. 4, d cG � 42f�i lti t/H✓ ��?i Qi �z e �a S �✓ �f2_� ,,G;� /,�� �'� •�te_a.oa-may �ai e-2�dyvu�� � a V- 1••da��.p� ao 9u.0 ,¢a.1v cep✓ -014114-AlY� A)ltt.L /01 D t.� 04/, ole" hC J G� t, */iy e7 e Poll- /��" e �..lv � %71/T i'l"�%�''/QC' /�„ aQ-y✓, ��,/f� ��/y �„�t- e4e, G1_lL�Ii-f!/1,.l��O �!i-ss•,l t �LtrQ�r 9'J,/�l-Gtc �Qk'-Lr� !.Z' ^GJ/,lil✓�vOr�//// !�l'+.✓"Ldgs+� �i COQ c a /t1, (rrn, r�.✓ I(Q_Dc��a,� /111iO� w A'fi C.l�dl"t�r'Y� l,L,✓ ✓��A��1� � �Vtdl.[�r �ftLf�7r!-/2�c• a u�. CJp/tiL116�,�J as t_p Lp ctw P /72/vc t 4w !/C!/ Z c�_� �ri tr:�, i►r� �-11,f a A6,0,4* ow, o ft o Gv I� 44”, e Ot/ 40-yr/tj�r&,,� t� �GG4 (_ Gu v� Ccs �IYt ¢9�•� _ r,GA atii% J 9/���� i���ci1 ./( CCIitL OY" �i—c/ sl.f2,[.! �G4.Gc . ��L/�^L''i G•4 1f.-11 �-si O , --r �a-�.� :.La; /r ?z �.�-� CtLel'y�% r•_n d On J _/i�„ `JCa /� / `�� �lGr���>hir,- 1%5lz 0Z, .r eam�- _Js ,p ow" iyZe�� ale• � � �a.� �����.,_ �� • i�J � f2� ���ct ct. L�r ate„ mac` .! �,�•� � /�i� �v c�y� �-ir��r�= �-n..0 L•Lsn.� - OV / = LG p�y�/ !� G!r• t.�.d � a--s,.� . � if�CJ.�- a. . �arrr,-rn�t .t-t� � l��lfi�n. An C -G[- GLpiLrnrn Rir✓ !%L �LGl�ir. GLv�t/ ii�'i,s ri ¢� �a� -�/ lel 67i n Q� e J Gs✓ �� Gt�o er O �e /If4 1 ,/ /sTZ'• �s`afi✓� / CL� Gt./�J -�a �tivv/lJ Ct-c�Ord� ,�LO?+✓ �i �Grv� e /zs�� ioo';x) •nOcon �e� _' i(��.T o -ft/ /j72.Is�f[ e-si/ / t/D�i� �l�sr� e�i-</o�i%ZE f�'T-[ter/ /•iid�'-�it�t-L( i/{Z ct�J/��•� /c�/J.Q'� �1/lrrw �Qc i t�O�/�Rt�/�����%�" �J L ��t&`-'I� ;�' �1 - ,�.-� f7,./ /7tLi% � . �� C .Lin. t-�/ ,,�-e.�rvc .� �•�A -CLIL�[0, d Paa� ✓"/c-oitwAO UD��it�ilJ ��L���i1tL� / �ti f-'/�Ga" � �t-a�✓ tctie% �� • ei� .!� ,s.�-t►.�..:•F��-o • cec.z.i s-!�i �_ 2e� o� hC���.�i�� v���- GZz29 �•rr b;-���Q-s- t-+✓•a_.o.�a �%�-1--� .. � "C I.. dih a ,vs✓ ski G���ti �9wa�c�, llr..� 614A� �4,IC4 k AW /12a� %%-ciza�y�ev,� iju44 s' ar/ r�.' eT ae,/, _0 d U r _//�hv W � CP�2r�✓ %%10? --'CJ G6L o-i� n,�✓ , d -n/ yxs tr -ar 1+7 A.4 !� �ez�_ � GZ�� 4c .e►r.,.. A06, stl,Ivt. - /DJZr LL� yO �/L(,•4/��t'VC�^, ac%, C -,z ct-) a c0 4.1 .�ca' • �l ts�rQ. Ao^-gf - rT-%f �i, �u-/�cv ufi�r/� amu_ lI . � �lri�•cri d Lut/ [.abd Lc..�i sr✓ Nei f�� r . �//✓ �/�L�,ci �. a � �La �oli... a � p�it�tv,4���. hi!-ev Iii+ s c�Ar/ , `� v�.2 a✓ AP -4 *4 A'Ohu�,e �mr/.�nEi�iyr/ s��n (/��dtti a-•-�i�.- %/v�/Gl�s�vauor//, '.�� �i-�� s�. k4,l r,si14/ v!� 6Lr� a -r;9 f�ei Q�t r I !f �71�LF cif.-� � iG 1Xkt•/!tom �i '-Axt .4 z� .co OS' -?teaticAf—I /QJ % . Gf'rvi.c-�� /b•�,t,.�./ Lr- w,e A ria j �,4) , !!-"JiGL%"��/iZ�Z+'iZ 1. ��/i�� .../'-(%/ C. �./ (/-lh(� QQ' !i !f A L .l•/' / / /C l/ice /G- _ �•-� ,,// // /�/] //�, / �(' ✓tel � L�7/ �lfo Gls✓ � �Gx> c7LpP 4z t � tlT2 ec t � / / ��� �� • t ' �L /%L !1->O �n elk /�) ao!G, v ./ 66/96 � LN�i�,�yC�_- l� C�6t•� Ami -�I �, QP®/P tT�su r%d oir! ir/,fa�.s � u� e � 4y ,r4--�Otd LL /-C}Y ter✓� LA i. i r�'G/i I //h/ /ii t///y✓Cl /l �C..S�/�h/�/ /ha�GyLoQiv o- �-GGdl�,rll�% `�✓•t-� ,�%(J`��G�/.r�_/,�/�y'�/���� rJ •• - / t'GL/Ltd�_�i�plt.�� � .�iQ,�/,1 /try .��/' /`f= cJYlilu/ a�il4 ��CLtii Gswg Ph. Lt l� •, tJ��J /fiat�/"[����-_� Qzc �. 1j12r�uJ ftr�� �f�/ ��GrvPQ-tom r L��k_� �vur�L �Lr_�sFi /-G��.fPi �r�/lJ�xt/G,e✓ !ern/ 4lv .�EP�r✓ vtt ce fia t AC, / GY Zo . / &"7- tl fui ja c� fCrp/ �Oyi ,n/ t red o!�T�`GGa r/, G .r/ AAw .e. a✓ l!h!`�/�./r�n��j ��e,7.w .ems �S .`�' ;�^, .'�d�p.� � , Je &41-10 21olo Y/G L1.yIm/!' iii y+Lo ihv 40- a�.c : /fry ilz w. r �y1 a� fir. �/L+ �!".tom ?4T�P/LC/•fil!%✓R.D co�trv» [� Q ,r l lL' /c �ZP�: •i 7 /� '. l�h/.f.JGI� •Ldp_... •`� f �Gu� �Q.�.�Q�c �9 /JLcd moi/ !d �1i1,I /e-n:cc-�� 42 a,+� C'l /l u1 %% or Gyp dOii 004, ? �ft.� �- �lGyau-le✓ ��a.d � /!n. 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J� ,��/B7iJ aii C��lv /hi-e'r e��CGllilr,, 2�✓ C. �O Pi/r�A� f ly 4 d �Oo t�i� a�� r Lro-e- / 22t� /Q �?il i i � rrvs .N/ �fi N�/j/ �eL/�yz /z�sL� �iiv ��C?� ✓�Ghei/�G� Q �i,� �T&v, � lG! oC/ . // a - / /O,IO� • <i ✓I � J- %Mve/- /j - U�D Cl�•vo�AFi�r�� eye c�i�i>ve;/ �G "LfLsUf��/f/ei�/�,/GCriT/��G2 C� Ye— 0' ~,Cl, ' v f!V- � llA � Cali �D a�:%% C' f'o dcL ni /'c,9lditih` .ks�..r 1G GLS ! t tv�- i' Gf..-,Zi �--� /`�eci L•z-rr-c..ec. _ ,r l4q,.eef j /l!L .,r/CS/ fW"�61t.•Q fi.�/; /�< /E/� 6tct�/ �G-1 L9L�GriR'�if// ��.�i i��G .iG� . ` .LF-. �� �LLria.L✓ ��pQ�/ Ar c-/ �71..i�L.•%.SJR /moi c'�, 9 • c.�s.� wry .. f �.1 . �� .�Y•�i �� h � � a -+.4'w o�=--- i%C?�L-O-%LL�`+;.• /�A�-/� %� %d��7li C2f�' Cf�2ssri VA�t/f� ��QiL'1.. � /�/ ��-d' f A� art / U'rir .rte o /ei1 Cif Gtr rte, ��Yrrr� /lyr �.�r-y�,C.E� /`iii d�aryt� Yp•,4u'�w tr.-r�1� lGyc Qc�� Q�.�i ./�1,� G>�rilr_a_ . 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J <�� ,� Q � Og > ✓� �av �2yu� /� %/Ga..-:�L`-'vim-/4'oude/ ltia� /��, a�d�L Ivcrl O �p �, . � ..@� ate.. y.- �� /a�,nJe ti;�� �O ��:' r/�� �rx��� a� �.67'n✓ a�0,1,�•%G/ ./Jtt'ipp� , � �� O�ivQ e�rtp� �-o�J golLC��i A � �Qr G Are- Aw ��� e/'fQ �Q�//fQ.I�J+� ��• Lff% rr•�l /�pp•Lt.G�I QteP_Cl/ie�. 2t a sILa,Q •u / �uo-� ac �a" fl Ct.c�.-r-�o sn m�i�e� C%s ��v_ le� ,/fv dh� �if'i �e/L�y�y•%!� ��/ � L1.te,Q. �o.2le,�i-�i �r.7'Ai d > 4 d. 119- dA1 wZ�u.9. ��d� �.�d�► 4�'�G�s�v � ll�o.cr� Al chi a?cv, sv i��o. 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W c% 1,"y ;,,I A-1 o-eh,�i�d 11 fi�yrs�ii t a 1e uC� �L�i b �7!i- B-vi / �✓ CY'�! a�i� .1 �0 � oilGssv6ly �`->t/ oZ�Lr.� �O.l�. ��/. �% �/Q�fi�i%tt/ yJ2 �ltL j �R� �i o�D ��Gv✓ G[ tri %Jv r%Qiy�.�i �� �lf +1a.� �uiri h-ew a.�rawl�7a� Ot.,�w /hel. tw J/ =��1`� au.J��iirrsj�.ae3- T' aq> a �oGa.�r 6ii y�ay ti �h�i E �ti�ia u— E Z4GCIjYI�// a4Z - i/ l Y/I.1'YVi %/G )1)(Z4� . %rL + �%G2�iv4.ya� 2t,1✓' c�JLor� CAX 1f0, C%JGc�.Cv.�,:g �L � � 01.1,1 riri�,-Gi✓ %tea / 61,t', ., j-;v,,%lc aI(— '49O, "f -/j Of',C/I 2 vz i ��c �' �i-a-aG/ / -(o o7ii�i�r.1T� Grr o Grilui CI�r�GuLn.7oG ��zo ctuv�f'Gr� 4 T �iiaruu/ L,f Gc dt<��io s✓ �,L./� 11 ,1t���c 0 / ��hi/hri•�yv o�C-�G�--.�D-r-�, . GLG(.un g l kL. G LLG `d U GCGr/ ld4 a"l/O � `fit/ �L,�t�C,4 _ if i ➢qlw,: r+ t �^"'.. _.::....'.. .. syr, �( N li a i/L ���iiy✓ll+�+�// i f�7/�2w �/y>LLLiwe-Aj/Gv17 e 7u- C��v t co -GGtuyz�,�1 /�✓ %G �1.�'Lvw� (•ftL AC�et,c.i� �/.L�gti,- G�i �cyri �-� �G�C�> v/i/ �!>e.li _ � /�Q.H 44(J`tl�u z� ' �.T� � ��1ti. �lzG� �1.�� �OG-/ry-r�-Llvr,.CG�IO�✓ d>: i al �100-a4 p %hGGfi�R f/ �G� rz. • za/•i✓ �k�i CEdw L, (✓//%QLD//�� jam- G Vv..//iG(iI/•t// �iiv/Y✓GIL.0 �Qir�r O��Kivc-/ /Qii�./• "' ? Id jei /1iL�rvv C.�i � C(� Z G( -Cu � /f1/Cl./ '�/>�� Eur✓r�tx/ �/ Qc9 L.,, V 6Gl,® Ae lee? -til tGv /�C��»v!,(� eft j4eop. Y a-flL 6; SLC mho/etc 4,7e-- A�YD� t/ yy aeII ,`,�� i�s'r✓ � �i �/�',Gf�� , U/h-s �iLL 9 Ptirwvv �2a Iry � c�+ �%,"Q�- �, ��'t.C^--- Ll�lr,CG•r- ,GiA��P,t/� , ) I s ,L ..(Q 4 G 1h d / _ t%w /LGI , cc AiLLA if /%l j t'l iint ,/ Ile,e'o , G'/' • oi (% eey ( [! CO/LsIv L,•G, G 2[i u/ 4GA`> i G16essr✓ GLi .e'JO L1e d l 0 / 4i %i%/iOt /Z42'L0 4J/ /GYn✓ i !'ti%,./ t COOiJn/ 1/,j /lJMc ..,, /apca G! 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Gsc�1 pp��� �c� ���Tm�✓ �c��u,-,� ��f8 �o� d�i� l�ie�!✓ l'�`iueo� YO 'a�crz t'•uy��J d ale -aw 6;r4v ani c% /% lC �i �LGr, ori aLi// ClG `CDe[�pJ oz/ C�//�u r/sLG'r—j SJ" 1 O <,f/ CJGLLaQyr� ff 1 1-ple I— 0244� Ao- J C/'Cv �Gct o�v OTGv "G�Prit�-ivGr�� - -d��i/ �/L21�Yt�a.� /y', %,. h,. ty-ss+•. h i ,,i_e Pt -e ,.0 NiC Ati,CJ F e '%O / . efL-Grp W I.v►rvsr.6tll Gl7. p . C./r 'Ole, r ilGyy . •• / S /LD f/7/1 i d L iyC iv , i % *a') e-/l4/4u- If -41A e-, "I'd e,4 i 1dQ . !/ G Gu Q/ 11G<ti L L c</sir • eJ fY Ri.Fii E Ll P L✓O lzs iIE LLt. 9 i`vio G a f% O / %GlLtn Ge lLl t ¢. Gf'd %iin Wexe_9 Li/ GZP7i. i A(,,ya'o ' 6,r.• i iiste s, otG2 R, C ' c :. i -ia rn/ c e2nn ' f 0, ooh air "GQ Iv ,( nipv - l z ,e/%aGvaey Qe 'aQ..-.-,1-ate.✓ /d. . : o, /'/lc ii /C /-2th,ev ✓ u-ate GLi Aevy. i- / / . i . e 40 " ,,_ =4Gyntr lvJ/v ✓e-17 u,•rT G%Gccl r`. llsttvif / , aisa✓ xci Q/26GGe GI7✓i`iF-/1 w1 r �h,, � r/, //r- . : k..�• � a. �vl�l�sL eJ Q�_ d.�s,.f % lns. X0,* W"f"d GLA'A h J,-- - !(/ �f.Ll/C�i,/.v� �.�l�iG�lLA-�' �L%�(.P�G.SLI���.<_� �•��� 1 �/�.(lf�s/ ��7,J�/f%� Q.u.9 .. ; ` J Li toys, &avw9446-4L-" 1 74 � ee� �i.,a� Vii► fi�ry, Ale— rove 4�IF a.. .�2�� %?a.d�-- L./7L4� ,l�•�� ,tea cs,. -� ���. - 9� � li O �QJ ' ald 47, .IedL+'Cy, �C�[ �-i�v �o�- �Q... -�f� _ � !(w._ �:, +c � nL l< ✓ /f -L..4.. s .FIV.• ���0"(�jf y y eM �y O� Sao ���- - �� .71 �— i�%7o�.�. 12�� �/��"�.L �` idea -V v - 41^ 4 1 Uf2� %1CtZ0�.. 4a! �42 ,z��. dpA— x A 4� If /loWjezG ; of e 'h-00.. UO &,55,Lza� or., a \m-- U el .teras 42 A. I lei gee- .� a fwd, A,� w a , ia{_ p{. / ,'k�,- �`.. y�#'I�i,!►.4�" ktiil�ww+a �w.. . � ... .. r ��'v.'�r 5 w� A �a...M.ia. 1�-�••�.�iYiF�4�'• ...>rl�+ A. .y�.M -;a ti stIMA^.i2 . �Sw� 8u.�v n"t kai.:.-,.'+r ....w° �..... .., .. .,.. � - •� ... cle-Ire c :� ,9 zol" sc.".s. LCL GGs s. 4t. wq � 1 ea4 K ttL d.,, 4ez :--�del aplie � 4'h. �� LrLs cs•,� ..Qk all sl�[00,40 ia��e,�ir Ale'" . • vR to R.�L / � -/ ' /��- • X1'1 �'v � -//��L (Q,/J T !L � / �/ / � /' yJ,(� L//� � S �Cc-- r'Y� Hl/� ��p `bSLr ,p d • e� -� Age— ..t"C.C-P�Lsa+ /� ,�/c�ss-.� ✓Ps.-n� � 3'��is«- O z 40o�/ a./, L�e�i.� •��, o� /�a �'zctJ- C�,-..,c+C �Ca-� " __ .�s�aa..� ilk -all %jZ P?i�•i i :�2�-mss. �`' , Ailsa. !/ �% /2-Zts�.. �' (T L�'�L�•(L� �j•�.•�/ .v/LLGC+ �J�76 /���I+ �C� .:a�}-L >AI .. :..;y,.. ri4.` '�,.+��W.-'iii% hi �wi�,.s. � .'..z ,a.�•:. r.. t ,kf�.M`�•' 3, K.,o.Ac.3pi .,.i i,..`��yj35,'. tM.1ilr 4.. °fir li.w. 1 � t/� �%Z� or lr�r-•1 q G�s�i�t,l�) iL��i.' � a�..f� /htLA �v ��er��✓ia:Y�Li2Lari�—g, �t..�t L OLra-�GV� � / . [t � �• ((�, s,..: : j�L e►a"s-asscs�/- JS�'P�'�.-L.f- ��Irn,.�'�.� Lz �i:�.-, � AA - (/[-�'/ T ��{��i�Q,� ✓ � �G / G�N Y�L� - �t�/J � o� - ..� �iiYJ 7- L►t. �f L �- ,� _a...L� �xi�r,+�-Yt �i ��. � err-a.��°(• � i!/ hze- ze,.. 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' Y .-........_.__ . ......-a..-. _.. .-,.mss.-,.. .. oze.L LL LYy Vl Yf n <.. 9 .P�12�f�w�f "��c.EE. a ..✓' ��G•G.f /..`.'ei<-. �' � G. 6i�..tL[- LZe�' tL.LI.� / ( Q,WL.L GL Li�si !l� VL UL-tt �L 3--/ �-��/���+CCY•i�L � // �. LCObi `^�67CL �Lh Oso 11�,IL' a�.lr7'7a ..' - u• (.lIA�LQ./•i✓ bf //YLI.V� .} r, '�. ate. (.G(+4� ..:... �/.4� - K✓�i....� IW�-1+ ��'Y�6G.. �Y4 �GC./. �• � f/). .. C: ._. Lara....... vl �.[.�da i-+✓, ifa- h-s.fl � ,. . � n !/N., 4 ;t M .K= -+-ave •.,..:... V (V V ,.-�.k.i' .gy�fpJ. w , • , s.. sr 1 JB ^ ((0 .. .�./t�+�;�y,.,;:.ra..- � j t/.�aY,.i.+a,.+► h�3�•: �*.�r "'R-AEl�isiv:�•,r ,5� .�Ir.. '.'�':'�cl`"'i 1'i� j"' '4Q .11 .�. ,. �,.r-.:"�`ir .,, ...�:...:. ^�a r. �':.+r �`a, w. "�L w;.b�� ,�.. ��4I:• _�;�;. �:»r'�T ":r�����_ 04. loo i Ob ZMAI eve AA !J'�l- �lZe9�t moi.. �. .C�cl�` a�.c� vi` /�✓as, .• :,;Q.K,:, 6Ll,�,.t.u:a �"rte.,.._ � 1&..--�Q �D-e-�'r�'� �i�,►��.� 1 �j�/�%" 02. OA e�e - ��+►x ,�,,� �u,� -�u•�� ,�s�C-Gam..••- 1 4k 1dPZCl A%Ac�� &40�" ekZz 4.!p 4.. el,� e-, f000. . •; % 4 ati... Guo'. . .. • ,, O - ` a — .r .l o i• '^C ,( •+-':i ;.. . '.i, -PLR..(,% Y `/L• / -. L. / . //' v - -- w "'-- • 5 z.__ ''w: . ,,.,;;.:;..`:".. ,>'•+F '+r„d `,+; ":... /74- AL- iC' ��' ,lrA��a.. • Caw: �. /�� ` �2� 4� Z?�L9 4-101- xe-1 07X AVAW awl. . �.. s ,e� hgp'p-i:P--t+ 1.-n:.:y; n'• .•�p•,+vr<AkxSwri/vew'.f-ai' `. `� L` :. '•% �„ ,cif �y f to �/ =�i// LL��W�FC.f' �G��� �...!' •yq�i�'.6..„ ,:�' se+.-w4.•,.�-.•a y •� n.a ae7/ (/t 4 � � �-i !Ar ��wr� LT �iEC�•7 � .. i f9alf+?�.— �R.. ._ . s 4'►n.. •' Yi4 (..�+�o.Sj'V�. .��.•. -.. a.�y. � .'�.�.•....•.. 4 •.,- .: F..'�:�1►a7�- •aK.?�w . ,. rw"�i tz'C`k'�F'b9N�A'R":'. w ..� <......!/ `�rr e��. , //L f/[ -lc -�K , //� C �a..... cam.. •a." C[« a?c�-.off:-.w:.q::. \�t`-LC 6�.=✓310 ��'c'..^.� ��tcL �C /e�(i), f:�.pa.r►.�i../.._.al'agna li Q:s-.. a �`l Q�.-� � �t �✓� � � �Dri ✓I /J/�/per/ ew eel l zfy oll o ow. ���.. a -Q. owl �^ � �% � K � rY+a.•.•j+ �7wMi.^r�•4..RSa ...,.�.r.w ..w;fM..wF�„- r �l�bY. � � �� c 'a.� i NL GK de-. is.n.� /.L1 �%'CL. I� ✓�/. �Lt. iY s�o d %�1. � �Le..� � a�i�c.r� c. <g �t�.«,..�1 e✓ c�`�r.�,i r,� I" � S : l/ 4 Lw Ld"jy� GSC, � • �a�l GGt.IOC:sE u.. �� � L6c��� �` � �/1� a` •�_ THE><1NNU 61L Wj!j ill i T¢ YRAI ' April 98. Psid That. Farls fbr securing k!*as May 19, '! L.Oessiek,work on 4th St r .. .. ... P. Nertom. .. ., •, • I '➢lel 3 18 00 .. .. a Job Collins, u « of ' 1..kJn, L. 1.. .. 97 00 •• « •• J. P. Farley, work em pmb. ear4, n pett h e 90 00 •, 18. « E. O'Hare, work om-L. St., with team, 500 .. .. « Wm. O'Hern, •. .., •. ; , 900 •' •' A. Calhoun, leveling on L. St. - 200 •• « C. J. LAW, for teaming, " ` 400 June 2 '• A. Cline, for judge of election of 18451 200 " C. J. Lieut, work on L. bellow 4b salary •p B 4tlW311,'46.41 00 J •, do E. Dwello, materials for 6: map, 590 C. J. Liest, salary onto Ma 95th. !0 00 " •' •' Wm. Smith, work on 4th Z. 1200 II .. •. .. Wm. Roach, ,• •4 i r 200 •• •• •• C. H. Booth, as judge of election for 11848, 200 « « u A. W. Harrison, clerk •• •• 200 " •' " C. Collins, hauling rock on 8tb St. 360 L. Jacob making Dusk and Table ler Council rem; 2000 « •. «• M. Catteh •• 0 Beeches " •' 800 " 9 « L. P. Lack, work on 59h St. as per contract; 2500 '. 12 " M. Daley " on road at lower sad of Town, 1275 ' " '• " Mr. Qilsom. •, •• " " •• 1125 b u •' 1I. Maboq s. '• •• « .. 150 u « M. Mere, •, « « •• „ 900 P. Donn, hauling y fining r%4 at to '• " 4000 s' " •• Mr. Ball assisting to survey. 300 of 98 Wm. Jones work on road, 500 July 2 John Husm"tter leveling ons![.48thSt. as per contract, 400o " T • ' P. Dunn, work an road u per contract. 20 00 " •' D. Nagle, building bridge on Clair St. 20 00 '• „ •. 'Win. O'Hern, 4 days wotk home & cart. 1000 .. " (iso. Starr, Rag staff, 500 " •• C.1. Liest, Sala7 up to June 25th '45. 2000 15 J. P. Farley, fencing P. Square, 98 40 " '• •• Thus. Farley. work at L. Hollow. 600 Win. , " •' W. Lawler, •' •' 525 '• Jas. Camp9eld,0. •• 5 July 15 John McCoy work on L. Hellon•, 525 25 Rob.Long, •• •• 525 « •• Hath Hays, .. ,. .• Pat Norton, .. .. . ,;.:, 00 _ ! •• •• •• Wm. Jones •• .. .. 9 •` >N " Tho peon ik Finley one se: he, y''. •• "• •• Farley &Benson one sneathe, C J. Le! removing nuinoue* on Streets, I W '•" " C. J. Liest, salary up to July 95th 45, i. P. Dunn, work on lower end of town, .. P. Dann, •. l a Aug. S '• Wm. Jones buildin- bridge at landing, >K M A. Calhoun, leveling on M. St. M " IS '• John Coffee, building wall an L. St. •• •• •• John Coffee •• •• •. i dl "_'2 " " •• If. Simplot. rope and chains for Bre books "190 •. . p pe . .trrirrve 3480 Espptea Office fbr printing, 41 00 " Jnhn Hasenetter grading M. St. 60 Transcript office printing 400 00 G. L. Nightingale, drawing 2 deed* & swasring in Mayer. 400 " '• •• C. J. Used, salary to Angus l 25th 145. p Sept IS '• P. Duan work at lower and of town, J. Whiteherassessing city. i,' 4600 •' '• C. J. Liest reparing grave yard, 1M 0000 " " •• C. J. Liest, salary to Sept. 23th '45, Wm. Blake, repa ring pith St. per cootrint• moo '• " •' John Hsasenetter, grading M. til. Oct. $ " C. J. Lieut, wood for Cfuncil room, wY Jobs Hapenettcr, grading on M di, 4tb nt, noSts. N 7 Nee, l0 • A. Calboun• leveling an M. &othsr8ta ' •` C. J. Leitary to OIL 25th •45. 040 Sullivan 4r Graffurd. work as 3d. Ac Bluffat&. „g0 17 John llup*sstter,grading(,aBluff4cotherSls. par"Wimt, Q U II4 M. d, Bluff 6538 Das 1 •' Joe. Evans• building bridge on white St. 8 _ Ransil Evans, rock furaubed on •• 111180 •• 9 Q • JGa Laagwortby, lumber krslabed betd0 gsa. Ir. Guerin, cutting willows efi tke tdasd51 0, 51 9 00 01 JAS CeRbe.oR contract grsdisg 1. fit *.,;,. ,' 60 90 Jos. Ogiiby. mendin`` Ire ladder. 2 • Bs ess Odles. prize all tax 9 ee Jaa. ee Is J. It whitcher• aarveyiarg AIM. k L aw lose M. Sullivan, making Sri ladders, low 19 R. Afters, grading market boom.o w • G. W. Starr. or asaoostpa istiag Market Herne. 640 .• ! •« Jas. Ogilby. making & OXIDE Gro book,, Is C. J. Lisst, Salar Marshal up to Apr. let 148. 10490300 0. L. Nightie ale a drafting Market ordinance, 1000 Peter Duan, irg bridge at lower sad of tows, 200 C. J. Lint, hauling for city 1845, " '!' •' C. J. Lieut, 5 per ant on collection of 6M dc « N u Ladd'Bombold1 84 >t 4509 u u Pa 1at contrast of market hoahouse8 78 J.E.Wbishernuawricaleesameatofcity 13b0 '• " e' Wan O'hern hauling 18= cubic yards w L. St. '" 900 .• « " J. E. Wbicber 2 seesaw i; Boob • N J. P. Farley rent of joom fbr Corned 8000 00 w W.Is.SmithSalary asakwlt «. Jahn Coffee contract for radi g K L. et. a. , 0' A Calhoun leveling grade se,adMia.0® fxz " C. Cellists atone Wali as id fi4 C. iN% Aem ii4ease far ale Blots ` _ .y > t,atr,ypo n! r I Total amount of money poiti" di; hoax Apr. let. it** Apr. let 11848. Note due Miner'a Bank per St. profiles ;3488 51 10000 Promisa-y note due Win. A. Trask for fire engine 606 fR Aawunt ofoutetandingorders 2000 00 Ii Amoom due for building Powder Magazine 406 83 Balance due on Market House am 00 By amount of money received fur the year 1846 4. :0061 03 8484 15 1845. City Corporation, Cr. By ain't of taxes collected by C. J. Liss% for 1842, 1843 do '44 8994 4rocery Liceues for 1848 it 48 15M K Dray and WegOn license for 1846*'46 Jae Ree" Hay Scales 115 (K) Auctioneers and Pedlars .702 6400 Billiard Tables A2 45 A pit collectedby C. J. Liest as Mankal for 10411 and 146 81970 Incidental collection from ahuws and exhibition 400 Dog tax collected by Marshal for 1846 da '46 2889 35 4000 Cash received from Innd Office for sale of IR to 72000 labs For the psymcbt ofthe above amount of � Ain't due the city in the hands of Thoe. McKnight flamer receiver of _ Public money at the town ofllubuque received for the sale of town lots - and not paid over to the city X00 O0 Ain't of cash on hand in the hands of i3. Langworthy present receiver of Public moneys, and ready to be paid over 900 00 Supposed amount of money due the,oit upon unsold Iota Fire by the city d*� 500 00 (` enFine purebased 41U 88 I Ain't of judgemeuta due the city 7832, Fire I64ien and books on hand . d n u n.1 _ u 12500 Cit1loea 30 00 City, Furoi�ters 5000 Powder Magazin* 35000 Ain't of funds collected and not paid over b� the formor marshal M. McNair secured by L. Langworthy and Geo. umMons 6* security 19324 City Market House 120000 De:inquent taxes reported by former boards for the years I889'40'4l 2082 93 Hay *Cale* purchased br the city and on hand - ' due tax lists of 1842, '4344 d* '45 12500 Am't on , d7 ' ^ '}" ! F. K. O'FERRAI.L, Baler. Attest; W 13.831ITH. Clerk. Dubuque, March $let 1848 n30 _ 8t I Ir. a Alderman of Me City ofDohiquakforik ytar)W. Treasury ',"ll 4 •Or;ors Aprril jo, p on City Mid A. Fullwiler, for -work lon Maine st. 4 80 f A. Morgan 11 U a "Maw at. Houghton W'.;nyt* 5,00 and forTsi%okg 10,50 22 Wilson ar.' Aceseeker 26,50 M. McNair forcollectiog tarof 180,*I9 att perct. 8,34 U Stationary bill 15,00 kill Oven Smith "for securing bridge 12,00 MMcNair, as Marshal, 20.00 Rogers and Booth, as judgits of Election, each, 4,00 "Rw « Daugherty and Dyer do do 4,00 •.,,,,•.,,,,NJames Patterson Cjibr) ortwo Elections4100 " 29 Rupert and Lewis redia room for two do.-." per day 4,00 June, 3 For or, ey and hate fixing Bridge WV­oitr, 6,00 ow 10 wry;- am Marshall, Thbs. Wallaos, fixing Culvert on Iowa St. * 27,22 25,00 15 " 0 L Night engale Justices rem ia,esae.of Woo. Relimen 3,17 Jul"I i urisance " V. M;'GjWe liarying nuri iwl' m, " 2,00 AFufivilerfor itir berfulr.**.for i"A.T" 2,00 22 LPJAick work an MSt. 11000jjarn do Iowa St. -0,00 49 a (A Emoribn and SIRiilds materials furnished lb rave Yard, Lori miori'llollow and paying hqy 15,12 M Reynolds work on L hollow 12.00 John McLaughlin, d6' do 10,00 15 John Blake worit,6p lu wa 14,00 20 M McNair services'&*-wanitl to An 3d 184 40,00 August 19 26 A Peter Dunn work on M Sti' 49 M. McNair money paid rk, *14 wo " 3,00 10,76 4 Mr Calhoun leveling on Mli _ `pty 110 apt 3 14 M McNair services as Marshall 11 B F Davis assessing City for 194 i; 11 IG 9 118 L Clifton 30 perch -of rock fhi klllk 1 0 0 3 I T Do,.' oi_j,jl jr-, T 0 Dyer cost of suit (Sty *' ,vd E. O. Ila re Ilaul in# zLoc 'Vit 5,00 99 11 John Malony, %vork.on at St. 4,00 " M. Flannngan, 4,00 " Thos. Parley, 16 " U. Timmov p -work on Locust St. 3,00 20 4 Jesse Moroing lithe furnished for M. St. &r 6,00 Heist 26 14 Thos. McCgoiiayllales note $26,31 and $16,17 lumber , I . furnished for bridges on Main St. 011- 8 11 7 11 9 ZVm. Lashells work on bridge at landing 0,00 V' " " co. Sharidan building wall on Main St. 410,00i Sept. 20 P Done hoe contract and extra work on LAvust9t. 200,00 Oct 21 Nov 28 L Velarslk Teaming on Main St . Transcript Office Printing14 26,50 OD PDuun hauling and fixing Bridge 4100 Deo'- R Rogerslaying 17 perch of rock on 4th ft 'I A Cline as arbitrator between City and:H TY61W **; 9 • A C Collins hauling reckon 4th. St 11410 id R Rogers rock furnish 4th at s C Is 03'. , money paid or'*6rlk on 8th at 6,00 .18440" 13 W R Evans work on L Hollow_6,00 .1", 27 Felix Mercier 100 leads dirt an 10 11 iw J V Campton Ironing fiveladdIrs 4,40 Feb 10 C J Liest services as Marshal fortis M9& 40,00 " " Farley& Bonson 108 ft square Luml:i*` 8,64 66. 24 R Cox rent of room up to Apl 1st 1845 36,00 44 J E Witcher making Schedule of real estate on, account 26.00 C J Liest services as Marshal up to Feb 25 J!0100 Mar. 10 Win Spears hauling dirt on Locust at 8,00 94 W B Smith services maClerk up to Apl. lot le" 150,00 26- PC Morohiser painting fire Ladders GL Nightenga e acknowledging 2 Deeds 12,00 1.06 .9 Liest collecting $630,43 at 5 per cent 3152 ,4J;l1kist:aa Marshal up to March 25th 18451. :jLjArthur hu liauliug 9 loads M 20,00 sand on at. Felix McrciDrdofive Ladders 60 Gen. GrectieCity Attorney for 1844 Joseph 60,00, Evans work on Culvortou,M & 8th sta 54,00 41bs 'fFor improvemoults,%ly contgpts on the, followilig A streets (to wit? awli, n1wr"Locil"16. Iowajo.) Clay, and W wit? mg,9"80 31 J§ Mr Chaplain foor Wduliog rock oi'a't N' "di qt 10.00 I: Lang worthy W We turpiomil on JkAi"7 "T 1,80 U Thos Farley repairing Bridge 4,00 K,Tr* 42:(,iop statnook& w;cj rorCr Totahamotft qfmp"y, from Apl.lot 18" I&AP. Jet 104A ,11 !--v* Liew due Miners Bank for streetprofilm 1.939100,05 rgomisary note duo W *j7_jV^*.r#r" to Ndsh interest at a per cii 1111tit 1840 I ! " toAprill$tlm 141VFM "M7 1 Amount of outstanding orders we%urnei & am. ped by the Clerk as per ordinance No.3 provioustoApl 1st 1813 3331M klsk Amount due on Pjwdor*.Ma qasi- 106,95 -1 4ft -Aswl U,j 02,11q!PTYCOIV,0#ATIMI Orders paid- to J. G; Shields,by T.Ifl,13outon Ibroft Treasurer,. McNair for 1-84211 * By amt. of Taxes collected by McNI , 61 Cc 1143W 184#419,1'4+`, Grocery License for 1844 and 164S 1249,2st 44 130 00 Dray and Wagon do ! Jas. Reese Bay scales 12,25 Auctioneers and Pedlars .56,00 10,00 Billiard Table Bent from 4th St. for, manifel raised by E. Lao&o,itbk 5515, i1b. P., I C. Nothisor payment for Lot no. 653 70,00 (W.1 By amt" Collected by C. J. Laist as Marshal for 1'42 43 do 44 444,68 Incidenjal r_ollecjjbhg from shows andexhibitione 1:1,00 Dog tax collected by, Mar", 43,00 Amount offinds t,614D n totyle City and in the hands of the 141.124 former Marsha, 11#. a air. Atuount due from E. Blown ss former Marshal- 2,50 Amount of jndgerin6t paid by Enoch. BrowA to Ma M eNair sit Can stable and not pdwo"r- 40,63 #or the payment of the above'dqbt Vf qa!e there is due on Tax lists as reported by former Ward* for the. 2032,93, '41 ­ft� e rs 1839140 and a ;"i"fo EueouTs.-Llvtofl842- ffdo '1,1­ : not & the.yasr .1913. 61,60 Amt. etDelinqueal�,Tamev pd Of .....�t' '* 114,00 Atof ftb the City flow 1400DI'll"'! U40 seport- v ots as Supposed wht on sales of 170 1 ert,1604- Of site at 110 -IM100 Lead office, IL4 0" not rch 47th 1643 1 , ' MR a by City a d "d 41066 -1 Fire engine purchased Am' -'f' d eme nts due the city. 12'defrs hand 39 72,00' Fire on 30,00 Cky8cra ro City T Do Furniture and Prosr 8100 360,00 Powder Magazine. — 8883,06 F. K. 01 ERRALL May Attest W. B. SMITY buque A(,rc h slat 1845 wAtalsip. fa _end ,trot El 40 MAP ANNUAL REPORT THE MOOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF DUWjQ!VV THE YEAR 1043. -ryv 0W'&ilsmon6&nCK,',9TwMkor, bill or,,wiot;9g1br.1#4%,,"'�l "' $I1' "ib Nair, for services as Marshal,, Lrn 675 vans & Watkins, bill of stationster, 13 it,G. L. Nightingale, bill as Justice for 1844 S14 I C. Stafford for guarding and lisaaffinge. Rebwr%*,",*� s oo 94 J. W. mcmillion, do ­40�-:,-4o, , 2 00 .46 S. L Clifton, for planking hridgep• .; , .,..i+ 300 #4 0. July The* Farley, setting posts on 14adiaffi. 0%. & 00 3W C. Stafford,fbr work on Lorimidr4*11081i 30 00 Aug W. B. Smith, assessing city, McNair, bill for taking u d6"pal`df6tba0lin 81 5 31 August, T, Mason, - Judge of Election, « sl 2 00 Qdlowi% setting. 43. posts on landiaS 8 87 IR s' 'j 4F6 Qwi ley, as appraiser for 1843, .0. •'t ()0 X C. Cugherty, do do , d, di2 00 ;I Bobien, hauliu Iogo for bridge, 75 Fanning, square lumber do 2 75 4='Loog, building bridge, .S000 sept. 10, McAl J. W. illion, for removia"Iiisences, ' 8 75 Oetblr log McNair, removing obatruetionon PhiblicSquitre,.- -21 00 dc John Wright, 63 feetOnto lumber for bridg* 3 181 44, Thos. Farley, digging-Irwri, 11 00 Nov. Ttb# J. R. Slo", money rufanded for lleadw paid TrOMMM - a 3& 17 Joe. Evans, hauling lumber for ladder, y A , 7* At Wm. Logsdon, Jigging 4raia, _. ,. Iwft 1 17 James Fanning, materinlefurniabod for grift yal*,j j st One cord of good for City Courstil, A, I Dec. 18 Houghton & W harting, printing ordinance Na If r. Iligby, survey in alley, McNair, fixing Alain -street. a 23 W ns. Rebmarr, blacksmith, for grAve-yard, Dec. 18tN, F4 noincurred in taking up hogs, r M. Owair, bill for taking up hogs, AL Timons, hauling lumber, *L; we's bill, of I**,'or, a - wait ;&n. 64, 31idowell's bi I I of I u mbor, 16. Shafrordi hauling lumber, l 17 Ltria" 44. Coburin do do 67` $67 Benj. C-aboin, for fixing Alain -street, r.41F 00 SO John Bartlett, hauling Ion*, 00 Tice and Hazlett do do "0 87 Jan. 220d. Jos. Ogleby snaking Ciro ladders, 00 Feb. igth. T. Falvey making city press, •09 ]March 4th. Clifton and Farley fixing bridge, ?e 60 Jus. Fanning making city seal, P. Qt;i"ley appraising in 1842, o U'4 1 too 27th James Anson building five culverts at 40* Do. do Culvert on Main St. M. McNair's bill as Marshal, -'w 50 41 B. Rupert " Justice of the Peace, 67 Jlt_04 4 G. L NigUtingale do. *1, Jed. Evans bilk for -Wilding bridges or culverts A « Jos. - 0 1 b bill for 2 ladders, Attorney fees, V.iugC afo , 44 '40 Strsith extra servicae, Kelly sorlipen rendered, It. µ Amt paid McNair for collecting $6A86 bias W. IX Smith services as clerk, Total amount of money paid out br. t April let. IM, to April list. 1644, Note duo Miners's Bank for street',. r, I aqj. 3 Promissory note due W. A. t 8 -per cent from July 11th. 1 (140 to A;ril 'w 184 Amt. of out standing orders ret%&wd andby or Ordinance No 3, issued previouslo 1st Ap d kjap, 7 38 Total of City debt amt r, r - CIIT l,'OWORATION, .... _ ._ ,....,-,T y iI 1st. Orders remaining in Treasury, - _ 75 I i.' By amount collected by Ni. McNair on taxes for 184' %9 Grocery License for 1843and 44 8 Dray do -do do .: i 90 Bowes an&Naboy do Cireuo, g C. M'.Ilex for hay scales in 1842 and 4.1, - 10 60 r rt*: 1, ,,, , Paid to the Treasurer by McNair fbr'41A* of, 41 and 43? 458 05 t Wm. Hales note, - �'' f 24 31 t Oft' Amt. received for tfroaale of Hogs, •c wi' 62 40 + Amt. pd. Treasurer by the Marshal ibr dog tax# " 26 00 1 Amt. do by Marshalls collected from filar fit T tin •aa; Pe h4'tr'e600 ' Amt. do by Clerk as oallected from do do, 806 ' Duo corporation by P. C. Morhiser for lot on Biuffstrptj - logo Judgment in favor of Cit]r,8 j tW E. Bronw for money** paid over Collector for 1842 with coat,46 ,. ��'•r ` ;, 83 1844. Amt. duo by Jas. Rom as trd(jh "$ten 14 06 , 1494 611, � For the payn*nt of the above debt, of $5461 84, there is due an "Tax List, reported by fornterboard, for the years 1839-'40, dr'41, Due on Tax List *6 per former board4f 1849 ' Amount ofdel inquent taxes unvoVeated of. Lim yaae l✓N$r Note of William Hale, - - - - . - %1 14 gr.:, ,A•m't of money due the city# in.tbaLand Oflieey ttrper•l7 eoster's r" ..1$pp, Supposed am't on Bales of 170 lots, as advertised- for sale of the Land• . }! • Offico, Alareh 27, 1845, from the report of Conner boitrdr ' • Fire Engine, purchtised by the city,, and sw on hand, ` , .44 • . AmtounrfJudgments due,tbecity, P.• w 3>i -. Fite Ladder, made and an sated;.. .rs);: + •. :. :; *" *: 40 00 City Scrapers, w w .,H . - R Air A tts1 Wig. S�rrn, ClIk fi .. due, March 29, 1844. ` - - } 4 �, f : , r , •lyan�i ,. � e ,, 24, "'6iF •l ri €l:a y. 'VAC ► ,`iy,� - •-• t p. 1 1 y�• . 7�+ i Al*4 CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES I hereby certify that the following described records of:_ r`• �Af-i l..l; f Z7'� M��'1.��12 i Af; l� i RAZ/-�l2 j s - - State: t7c,�tAc�c T� From: Thru: were photographed as received and without alteration by the CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES at Cedar Rapids, Iowa Date: 9-�6 �g� Signed: CREST INFORM TION TECHNOLOGIES Witness: �— ROLL NOWENDAftiaLA� C-87 vii