W Roll_07 Part 2September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Dubuque County Farmer's Club
use of City Court room
P M Guthrie, Treasurer
Delinquent tax list
M L Oswald, special tax to satisfy a judgement obtained by him against the city
Solon and Edward Langworthy
Supreme Court
Allison and Crane attorney
Reports of Officers
City Attorney
Petition of J F Mach, grade of Main st sidewalks
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Reports of Officers
City Attorney
Petition of J F Mach, grade of Main st sidewalks
curbstones set
J H Shields
Street Commissioner C J Richards
streets, sewers, straightening of Clay St
Receipts from Linwood Cemetery
Market Master
Central Market report
Andrew Hoerner
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
salaries due city officers
Sam Dixon, Auditor
City Sexton, number of interments in the City graveyard
Henry Kroll
Wharfage collected
Inner levee, outer levee
C Gilliam
Standing Committees
Babbage and Co
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
F E Bissell, case of James Breen
Expense fund
Regulating licenses on omnibuses
Ordinance to license omnibuses and regulate the changes to conveyances
Running of omnibuses
Hotels, depots, steamboat landings, railroad stations
Corporate limits
carriages and livery stables
charge rates
baggage bluffs
Judge King's residence
charged for each additional trunk
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Ordinance for licensing omnibuses
Passenger, baggage
Justice of the Peace
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
An Ordinance regulating licenses
billiard tables
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
teams running away, Main St
Ordinance regulating licenses
Communication of H Chadwick, cancel tax for the year
Petition of James Mullin
T Cavanaugh
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Washington Co. No. 1
M Buch, repairing doors at Engine House
fire companies filling cisterns 5th St
David Lequist
Jacob Christman
salaries fixed by Council
Attorneys, Cooley and Eighmey for a special assessment
obtained by John Blake
no action in mandamus against the City
J H Shields
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Suitable piece of ground in the city cemetery for the interment of diseased soldiers and their families
Couler Avenue
Joseph Ogilby, D L Wilson, T L Wilson, sidewalks on Main St
taxes due the City
short bonds
Hugh Broderick license as drayman
listen and hear appeals in regard to assessments
tax of one percent on all taxable property
paying city expenses
September 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Ordinance in relation to licensing omnibuses
Daily Herald, cost does not exceed the price to be paid to the Times
salaries to the night police
Presentation of Bills
William Rebman for hauling gravel to the Market house
Alfred and Brown, Southern Avenue
John Muller
Daniel Ernst cleaning
Waller and Christman bill on cemetery
F A Gniffke, notice in relation to assessment books
delinquent taxes
Street Commissioner
Thomas Cavanaugh paving sewer on 3rd St
John T Everett night police
M Oswald
J B N Bourgeois, A Levi, cemetery fund
David Lequist repairing hose
repairing doors at Engine house
Wilson Hutchins
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
F Kempf, John Kelly, and others complaining that the smelting furnace on Southern Avenue is injurious to the health of the inhabitants
F Hinds, J T Hancock, L Tisdale, and W H Rumoff
expense and practability of lighting Main St
Resolved Mayor enter in contract with the Key City Gas Light Co
Lorimier Avenue
Expense fund
lamp posts
5th Ward
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Bissell and Shiras, judgement in the U.S. Court in favor of E Conger and against the City
balance of city scrip
Ann Curtis, poor widow taxes remitted
Thomas Murray take out express license
Market master Hoerner, speculators from St. Louis
merchants, hucksters
Fred Kenicker fine imposed for keeping a slaughterhouse nuisance
allow Dillon to address the Council
William Shields
City Hall
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
Sarah Riley, remittance of fine imposed for disorderly conduct
Robert Brown, erect a pump near 3rd St bridge, street sprinklers and water carriers
Herman, Mauer and others
23rd St between Couler Avenue and Jackson St
5th Ward
City Sexton of Linwood Cemetery
living expenses
poll tax
Frederick Henke, repairs of 13th St
Expense fund tax
P M Guthrie
A Habletzel and Nicholas Brand
slaughterhouses are a nuisance
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
George Wilde and others, repair of South Dodge St
Report of Officers
salaries of city officers
Samuel D Dixon
streets, sewers, bridges
C J Richards
Harbor Master
Gilliam, amount of wharfage collected
Outer levee
inner levee
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Report of City Sexton, Henry Kroll
interments in Linwood Cemetery
Market Master Hoerner
hay scales, hucksters stands
rent of cellar
P M Guthrie
J H Shields
George Strasser
hay scales at West Dubuque
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Receipts - General Fund
special assessment for planking
Pedlars licenses
Billiard table licenses
Livery stables
Dray and Wagon
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Receipts, Expenditures, and Disbursments of the city
General Fund
Special interest
special assessment for planking
Pedlars licenses
Billiard table licenses
Livery stables
Dray and Wagon
School fund tax
City Expense fund
Central Market
Linwood Cemetery
Jones St Wharfage
sale of lots in cemetery
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Receipts, Expenditures, and Disbursments of the city
General Fund
Cash receipts of General Fund
Expense on streets
salaries of officers
fire department
Central Market
Assessment Book
Physician services to poor
Linwood cemetery
police officers 4th of July
Charity license
wharf master
cemetery deeds
cash expenses
Disbursements cash
school orders
city court orders
tax certificates refunded
bonds, scrip
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Standing Committees
Communication of John Flynn
George Martin
Justice Welsh
sidewalks in front of Ogilby's block
Judge Wilson, V W Ogilby
A L Brown appointed engineer
Main St between 6th St, 7th St,
Southern Avenue
Dillon work on Dodge St
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Motions and Resolutions
broken rock crossing corner 10th St and Jackson St
Judge King
J L Dickinson
cords of wood for City Hall
Central Market
several justices of the peace
gift book stores
Ordinance regulating licenses
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Presentation of Bills
G T Stewert
D A Mahony printing
C L Norris
J Hough Couler Avenue
F Rieger
Carl Lenpecke 5th Warrd
A Schaffle
Marshal burying dead animals
Walter Bourke
C C Hewitt
W C Mace
Street Commissioner bills
Fire Companies salaries
William Lonegan remitting poll tax
J H Shields
J B N Bourgeois cemetery lots
John Flynn
October 1, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
City Marshall's utter neglect of duty, moved he be expelled
John Hurley, Recorder
October 21, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Petition of Walker and others, change the course of Bee Branch
protest and remonstrance against the proceedings
advertise in local papers, lowest bidder
October 21, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Protest of M B Mulkern
change in the Bee Branch
Reasons for protest
not required by the wants of the public
expense to the City
General Council meeting vs. Special Council meeting
injustice to taxpayers
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
William Robison, coupons in payment for his wharfage
C Gilliam, harbor master
Wilhelmina Fay, remit property taxes
Mary Williams, refunding of tax paid
P M Guthrie
J K Greaves
General fund
School House
George Wilde remove furnace
Doctors Lewis, Horr
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Mrs. Eliza Burden, delinquent taxes
City lots
R G Herron
School house fund
Special interest fund
General fund
Rosanna Quinn taxes on little lot
Fred Petroff, Central Market Saloon
Mathias Ham, Ham's Addition at Eagle Point
deduction of taxes
John King, A Heeb intersection of north end of Clay St, Couler Avenue be straightened and improved
Reports of Officers
wharfage collected
C Gilliam, harbor master
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Market master Hoerner, receipts for hay scales for October
A Heeb
P M Guthrie
sale of lots in Linwood Cemetery
J N B Bourgeois
paving and macadamizing
Clay St
accounts of laborers
concave gutter built across Couler Avenue
voluntary subscriptions for the improvement of 14th St
John Hodgden, M Barhart, Artisans Bank, Bissell and Shiras
J W Shully
C J Richards
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
salaries due city officers
Mrs. Hargus
Sam Dixon
Petition of Robert Brown permission to erect a pump on the inner levee
3rd St
Petition of J L Dickinson
broken railroad
General fund
John King
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
changing of the Bee Branch
proposal of Pierre Kirk
Petition of Henry Kroll, City Sexton
income of office during winter months
Cemetery fund
lots in Linwood Cemetery
Bill of D Lequist
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Report of Justices of the Peace
Motions and Resolutions
contract for the work on Bee Branch
desultory discussion
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Delinquent taxes
Ordinance to provide for the levy and collection of taxes
Andreas Hablitzel and M Brand
Resolved Office of Marshal vacate, Hargus gone to Missouri to seek other employment
F J Cromer deputy
municipal year
Republican members of the Council
Democratic party, a democrat should be substituted in his place
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Removal of Hargus as Marshal
Republican Party, Democratic Party
Appointment of deputy Marshal
Charter expecially provided that deputies be appointed by the Marshal
legal opinion
Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County
benefit of the Soldiers home
refused all aid, except in the support of paupers
sick, suffering and destitute soldiers to receive aid as common paupers
scorn and contempt of all patriotic men
demonstrates the real intentions of the board
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Patriotic soldiers
inheritance bought by the blood of our fathers
Warmest gratitude
Crush this wicked rebellion
aid to soldiers home in Dubuque
City Expense fund
tax book proposed for by the recorder
Finance borrow to meet expenses
November 5, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
John Pur engine house
Knapp, Stout and Co
Andrew Hoerner
Pat McGouldrick
Thomas Cahil
John Fitzpatrick South Dodge
Daniel Devlin
Thomas Cavanaugh
Aldred L Brown, C J Richards
John Dary cemetery deeds
Mark and Munger, locks and keys for treasurer
C Rio
Timothy Byron for drayage
Waller and Christman
P M Guthrie
Dm Delden
Myer and Boleter
December 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
O'Neil and Harvey and Allison and Crane, Attorneys for Patrick McDonough
District Court
settlement with City
Peter Hoffman, Marhsal ordered him to stop killing animals at his slaughterhouse in Blake's Hollow
Philip Perch, large hole on a lot adjoining his residence on corner of 19th St and Jackson Streets
J H Shields
Wilson and Mulkern, consider claim of Martin Delany for personal injuries sustained
Chadwick Building
December 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
J H Robison, settle wharfage with coupons
Sam D Dixon, increase of salary
A S Boyer, use of City Hall for New Years Eve ball
J D Graffort, Ordinance for rights to run a omnibus
water down 3rd St, fearful of overflowing basement
John King, cash not scrip, broken rock
Central Market hay scales
Andrew Hoerner, market master
December 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
City Sexton, number of interments in Linewood Cemetery
Henry Kroll
Salaries of City Officers
C Gilliam
aid to Soldier's Home
Treasury of the Home Society
Jones St
December 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
dockets of different Justices
Justice Maak
Justice Chapline
Justice Welch
cases instituted by the City Officials for violations of the City Ordinances
City of Dubuque vs. John Dean
City of Dubuque vs. G Miller
City of Dubuque vs. John Conley
City of Dubuque vs. Anthony Naide
City of Dubuque vs. William Watson
City of Dubuque vs. Margaret Long
City of Dubuque vs. Louis Duccing
City of Dubuque vs. Thomas Murray
City of Dubuque vs. David Lorimier
City of Dubuque vs. Frederick Kenicker
City of Dubuque vs. Nicholas Brand
City of Dubuque vs. Andrew Hubleutzel
City of Dubuque vs. John Kays
December 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Main St between 6th St and 7th St
Ogilby curbing, grade
Alfred L Brown, Engineer pro tem
Reports of Standing Committees
Proposition of Bissell, Shiras, E Granger
Knapp, Stout and Co for lumber
Eliza A Burden
J K Graves lots, tax sales
Taxes on lot cancelled, Rosanna Quinn
abatement of taxes
T L Wilson, Bittman
Dr. C W Belden, City Physician
December 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Communication of George W Wilde's, remonstrating against the action of the Council declaring their furnace a nuisance
Petition of Frederick Petroff
Fire Department, bills of A Roberts for Engine Co No. 2
Washington Fire Co No. 1, side lamps
lots in Linwood Cemetery
J N B Bourgeois
P M Guthrie
December 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Motions and Resolutions
orders drawn on City Expense fund
Knapp, Stout and Co for the recent loan of interest
support of the Soldier's Home
Poor Relief Committee
Fire Departments
embarassed financial condition of the city
management of municipal affairs and expenditures
no labor on streets can be performed during winter months
December 3, 1863
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
F E Bissell to defray expenses to Washington City
Council for the City in cases before the United States Court
Westphal and Hinds
J Volmer cleaning market outside
Levi Conzet wood
A Heeb, stone
J G Peterson engine house
P Kiene
City Hall for ice
Wilson and Mulkern attorneys acknowledging cemetery deeds
John T Everett, 1st St
Bee Branch
C C Gilliam fence
cash, carting
Thomas Cavanaugh
Street Commissioner
January 7, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
Newman and Cooper and Co
payment of damages in the continuation of Bluff St south of Dodge St
Chapline, Burton and Cp
Gilbert, Taylor, L D Randall
Main St
appointment of Dan Brown to night police
taxes on homestead of E Levre, Locust St and 1st St
Edward Langworthy, paid in cases of the City vs. Langworthy brothers
General Fund
Gilliam, complaint made last session, public nuisance at 19th St and Jackson St
public character
January 7, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Herman Chadwick, taxes paid
George Zumhoff, permission to extend an ice slide from the slough crossing White St
Richard Bonson, P A Lorimier, J K Graves
Supreme Court of Iowa decided lands known as Mineral lots, outside the old city limits, are not liable for city taxes
Reports of Officers
statement of amounts due City Officers
January 7, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
City Sexton, interments in Linwood Cemetery
Henry Kroll
cemetery lots sold
J B N Bourgeois, P M Guthrie
Market Master Hoerner, weighed drafts on Central Market hay scales
expended on streets, levees and bridges
C G Richards
Official bond of Lambert Kniest, City Assessor
J H Krosen and H Brinkman
J H Shields
J M Robison, coupons of the city
January 7, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
bill of A Heeb, rock
Westphal and Hinds
John Graffort omnibus license
Police department
settlement in the McDonough case
Patrick McDonough vs. the City of Dubuque
Allison and Crance
O'Neill and Harvey
W J Barker
January 7, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Motions and Resolutions
special tax levied against the owners of blocks between 15th St and 16th St on Clay St
Mark Murphy
H C Morgan
M McMullen
N Miller and Philip Ternes
B Evans
M Flanagan
H W Sanford
N Thorton
J McMahon
M Brichman
Resolved special tax levied
Blocks between 17th St and 18th St Clay St
Peter Holtz
J Phielan
A Thielan
M Gufford
P Morgan
W L Dayton
Trustees German and Church
A Brandt
Estate of R Waller
J Huss
January 7, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
special tax levied on Clay St property owners, printed in official paper of the City
Knapp, Stout and Co interest on loan
Resolved, order drawn on City Expense Fund
James Rowan
Central Market Building
Dubuque Harbor Company contract for paving levee
wharfage fund
Bissell and Shiras cash for defending the City
McDonough suit
holders of bonds
issue city currency scrip
railroad bonds
Junkerman and Haas assessment reduced
January 7, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Bissell and Shiras in regard to a claim of Granger and Brother for iron
Construction of Central Market
city scrip with interest
currency scrip
General fund
Shubuel P Adams and Edward A Gilbert, D B Henderson
Board of enrollment of this District
exemption papers on the ground of alienage
poll books of city elections
Dan Bowen, night policeman
House of Refuge
January 7, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
G T Stewart printing
J Pickley, removing carcass
Bobleiter and Meyer painting
John Melhop
Cooley and Eighmey
F A Gniffke
Street Commissioner
A Heeb
Westphal and Hinds
Allison and Crane, O'Neill and Harvey
W T Barker
settlement of McDonough case
Bissell and Shiras
James Rowan, Central Market Building
E Granger and brothers, cast iron columns
Fire companies
J H Shields
Knapp, Stout and Co
Dubuque Harbor Co
February 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
boundary of the 1st Ward be fixed at 3rd St, Hill St
Emerson and Shields
public hall on their lot, corner of 4th St and Main st
February 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
R D Noble, paid taxes to former collector
Reports of Officers
salaries due
Market master Hoerner
central market hay scales
Harbor Master Gilliam, J B Robison wharfage
C H Merry, outer levee
February 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Sale of lots in Linwood Cemetery
J N B Bourgeois
P M Guthrie
Street Commissioner, streets, bridges, and sewers
C J Richards
Standing Committees
Counted, cancelled and destroyed all the funds and evidences of debt
General fund orders
City Expense fund
Special interest coupons
school fund
February 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Report of Finance Committee
Counted, cancelled and destroyed all the funds and evidences of debt
General fund orders
City Expense fund
Special interest coupons
school fund
settlement with Babbage
February 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Counted, cancelled and destroyed all the funds and evidences of debt
General fund orders
Bond of Loan of 1837
Short bond
City Expense fund
special interet orders
School order
Cemetery order
all funds received and cancelled
February 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Record of City Currency Scrip
Extra work performed by the Treasurer and collector, delinquent tax list
Mary Williams, refund her money paid in special taxes
cash taxes
February 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Communication of John Simplot, A Levi, and H B Jackson, city to cancel taxes due
Mrs. Eliza Levi
valuable and desirable lot
poor woman
Treasurer not to offer this lot for sale
Petition of Herman Chadwick, tax sale certificate
William Rebman, breakage of a waggon
Fire Departments, Protection Fire Co No. 2
February 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Motions and Resolutions
City Attorney, docket for Justices of the Peace within City Limits
published in newspapers that certain lands belonging to the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company sold at public sale
private sale to one of the officers of the company
Real value of real estate
interest of stock holders
late decision of the Supreme Court of the United States
Dubuque holds a large interest in the company
Resolved Board of Supervisors unite with the City in investigation
Election of directors of the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad company
February 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Exhibit of Justice Maak on criminal proceedings
B M Harger, stationary
John L Conzet market house
Wilson and Mulkern, cemetery deeds
William Redmond
Street Commissioner
J Maclay, fire department
Present prohibitors law of Iowa
interests of the people in destroying the revenue
legalized the sale of liquor. planned license law
Henry Kroll, City Sexton
number of interments
March 3, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
John McGrath, destructive fire
house on Julien Avenue
E R Shankland, Dubuque County Agricultural Society
taxes on Mineral lot used for fairs
State Fair
sell lot near the City Cemetery
build a house for the City Sexton
Margaret Molony owing taxes on her homestead
March 3, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Henry Baade fence and a cistern curb destroyed
Fire on Julien Avenue
Fire Department
Reports of Officers
Central Market Hay Scales
scales at West Dubuque
Andrew Hoerner
C Gilliam
J M Robison wharfage due
City Sexton, interments in city cemetery
Henry Kroll
dug graves for soldiers
salaries of different city officers
March 3, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Standing Committees
Communication of R D Noble of Cleveland Choir
Motions and Resolutions
Soldier's Home to the pest house for the use of small pox patients
beds, bedding, sheets and such articles
City Expense Fund
Resolution issue city currency, scrip in exchange for coupon bonds
March 3, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Presentation of bills
L Conzet Central Market
Alfred L Brown
Hugo Miller
George Mehl
C Gilliam
Felix Agnew
Stilson Hutchins and Co
Judges and Clerks of Election
Thomas Harron, J D Graffort
J P Quigley, Henry Cannon
George W Scott, Michael Blumaner
William Rebman, Henry Koch
N C Rider, C T Shields
H S Hetherington, Richard Cox
Samuel Dixon, S M Lorimier
John King, Godfrey Blocklinger
H Stecker, Charles Petschner
April 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Resolution in relation to furnishing articles to pest house
Reports of Officers
amount of wharfage up to date
outer levee
inner levee
Jones St
C Gilliam, Harbor Master
Soldier's home
P M Guthrie
lots sold in Linwood Cemetery
Andrew Hoerner
Central Market Hay Scales
April 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
City Sexton, number of interments in Linwood Cemetery
Henry Kroll
Streets, bridges, sewers
C J Richards
Salaries due City Officers
Sam D Dixon
Receipts and Expenses of City of Dubuque
April 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Receipts and Expenses of City of Dubuque
Expense fund from fines Central Market
Central Fund
School Fund
Special Interest Tax
Jones St Wharfage
Cemetery Fund
Linwood Cemetery
City Court fund
indebtedness of Harbor Company
Refunding tax
Fire Department
tax book
repairs on streets
Soldier's Home
Attorney fees
salary of councilmen
Settlement of Granger
Rowan claim
April 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Receipts and Expenses of City of Dubuque
dray and waggon license
special assessment
livery stable license
billiard table
poll tax
city tax
road tax
special interest
General Fund
Settlement of Granger judgement
scrip to E Langworthy, Supreme Court
removal of an old debt, establishment of a new one, General Fund
City paper
April 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Receipts and Expenses of City of Dubuque
outstanding orders on the General fund and interest
short bonds
currency scrip
Sam Dixon
Standing Committees
description of funds
City Expense fund orders
General Fund orders
April 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Receipts and Expenses of City of Dubuque
City Expense fund orders
received and cancelled in short bonds
coupon bonds
settlement with the auditor
cancelled on books and destroyed by burning
April 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Fire Department
Henry Baade and John McGrath
Presentation of bills
George Koch, work on market bell and railing
C Welsh, swearing in Judges and Clerks of Election
Andrew and Treadway for padlocks for cemetery
C J Cummings livery for Dr. Belden
vacinating poor people
Patrick McAvoy small pox patient
Hugo Miller, meat and sundires for pest house
C Gilliam hospital carting dead hogs
Adolph Maak, judges and clerks of election
Cemetery deeds
Henry Pfotzer
S Korman
John Melhop
P Roob and Co
canvass official votes cast at last election for city officers
April 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
Election Results
Election returns
Mayor J Thompson
C J Cummings
Treasurer P M Guthrie
J K Duncan
Recorder R E Bishop
C W Jones Joirns
A E Skinner
D A McKenzie
F J Cromer
S Upton
City Attorney
J H Shields
O P Shiras
Lambert Kneist
Thomas Faherty
1st Ward
J H Emerson
J H Bartlet
2nd Ward
M B Mulkern
George Mehl
3rd Ward
D L Cummings
4th Ward
H S Hetherington
G W Burton
5th Ward
John Moser
John Ruegamer
April 4, 1864
Thedinga, Quigley, Treanor, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Christman, Kiene, Schmid
judges and clerks of election, labor
Duly elected for the coming fiscal year
Owners of private residences occupied on election day
Oath of Office
April 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Oath of office to the Mayor elect
Mayor Thompson to the Council
interest, welfare and honor of the city
municipal existence, property holders and men of high character
relieve our city of indebtedness
cordial cooperation
condition of streets and public thoroughfares
burdened by taxes of various kinds
Standing Committees
Public Grounds and Buildings
Fire Departments
April 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Thanks of the Council to Mayor Thedinga
friendly regard of the Council
Directors of the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company
New York City
issuance of bonds and stocks
compromising with the creditors of the City
Resolved Board of County Supervisors
settlement with holders of the County Railroad bonds
Mayor pro tem
bonds of city officers
April 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
rules of City Council
Elect a Street Commissioner
postponing election until May session
C J Richards
Mr. Dillon
Mr. Schunk elected Watchman
Andrew Hoerner, Market Master
April 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Charles Gilliam elected to petition of wharf master
Henry Kroll City Sexton
Dubuque Democratic Herald as official paper of the City
Times newspaper
Petition and Communication
Finton Thompson remission of fine
C Gilliam, levee harbor
Thomas Hardie condition of dilapidated building situated on 12th St along alley between Jones St and Clay St
C J Cumings, appointment of William Johnson as Grain inspector
Richard Cox
Vista St from Julien Avenue
April 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Joseph Gerhig
condition of 7th St between Iowa St and Jackson St
John Forest, alley between Washington st and Elm St
12th St and 13th St
F Y Bradstreet, Lorimer Avenue
Alpine St, Nevada St
Hannah Cleaveland, taxes on lots
Hooper's addition
William J Gilchrist, chairman of the North West Ship Canal Convention
State of Iowa with Lake Michigan
B W Harger
R E Bishop, Recorder
April 11, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
Robert Armstrong
Air Hill St to Lorimer Avenue
W A Rupert, Walnut St be repaired so as to be passable for teams
Joseph Burk, Lake St north of Couler Avenue
C J Richards
Petition of Bradstreet, Nevada St extended to Lorimer Avenue
April 11, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Alpine St and Nevada St
P M Guthrie, treasurer
A Heeb, R Cox, John Mulligan, O O Mullin, Pat O'Hern
Lambert Kneist, AssessorJ M Krosen
H Brinkman
C Gilliam
J Melhop, W W Luck, James Pratt
A E Skinner, Y S Wilson, Timothy Mason
R E Bishop, S Hempstead, W Miller
F J Cromer, Richard Cox, John Blake
C J Richards, H W Robinson, F Weigel
Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Directory
extending road and effect upon the stock holders
April 11, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Communication of W J Gilchrist
Northwestern Ship Canal Convention
strengthening national defense
Cooperation to their enterprise
City officer, Justice of the Peace
violation of City Ordinances
April 11, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Resolved, Marshal report all persons liable to pay license to the City under the ordinance
Delinquent license
Marshal notify property holders and occupants
remove manure from alleys
newspapers published
published ordinances
clean desks of Aldermen
Patrick Logan
vacant lot between 3rd St, 4th St and Main St
April 11, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
salaries of the City Officers
Sealer of weights and measures
R E Bishop
April 25, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and communications
A Graham appoint a wood inspector
George Schunk, night watchman, salary
Margaret Brady, taxes remitted for lot in Kelly's Addition
Henry Grimm, alley between White St and Jackson St, 10th St and 11th St
Nicholas Brand vending of meat in the Public Market
April 25, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
vending of meat in public market
payment for market stalls
clean Calaboose
hand bills printed in German and English that hog and dog laws will be enforced
parcels of ground in the market building
Marshal burn the clothing at pest house
April 25, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Market Buildings
April 31, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
suspend rules so that an outsider could speak
M Mahony and others
settlement of the Gelpcke claim against the City of Dubuque
Resolved Committee to confer with Gelpcke
May 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Resolved Finance Committee, favorable arrangement with parties or persons by the issue of bonds or scrip laboring interest
settlement of any and all legal and just claims against the City
collatorals held by creditors
vote of thanks to all citizens present
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
V Herancourt
alley from Air Hill St to the old corporation line
Robert Armstrong
C Gilliam, harbor master, outer levee
H W Sanford, water of the Bee Branch turned away from the current course near the upper end of the Plank Road
drain dug down the Peru Road
William H Murphy, Southern Avenue
B J O'Halloran construction of bridge on Bee Branch at the Jackson St crossing
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
G L Torbert taxes void
C Hilliam, wharfage
Lawrence Kearney, taxes on lot outside of city limits
A Treadway asking for the families of the day volunteer
belong to the city
Hugo Miller, sell meat at his house on White St between 9th St and 10th st
Reports of Officers
C Gilliam, amount of wharfage collected, receipts of the treasurer
C J Richards, Street Commissioner
accounts of laborers
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Andrew Hoerner, Market Master
weighing on hay scales
Huckster stands
Henry Kroll, City Sexton
number of interments in City Cemetery, Linwood Cemetery
Delinquent license
ten pin alley
P M Guthrie receipts and expenditures
Salaries due City Officers
H Shields
F J Cromer
C J Richards
R E Bishop
A E SKinner
A Hoerner
George Schunk
Henry Kroll
Night police
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Standing Committees
Ordinance regulate the sale of wood
Petition of A Graham
city limits
Bill of Dr. Belden, approval and direction of Mayor
C J Cummings bill
Communication of Hannah Cleaveland
remission of tax on lot No, 19 in Hooper's Addition
Petition of Philip Pier, sewer constructed in 7th St between White St and Jackson St
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
sewer in 7th St
Petition of Joseph Bush, repairs on Lake St
Petition of W A Rupert, repairs on Walnut St
residence of a large number of citizens
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petition of Richard Cox, Alta Vista St
Bad condition of Couler Avenue
rock or bluff filling
Necessity of procuring so much of the south part of Lot No. 439
Mineral St
Main St
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Report of Street Commissioner
Condition of streets
7th St between Iowa St and Clay St
special tax upon the adjoining lots
official paper of the city
Locust St from 8th St to 10th St
remove sheds around the Custom House
Dodge St
sewer on 8th St, Eagle Point Avenue
North Western Packet Company
Mr. Blanchard
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Condition of fence around Jackson Square
prevent cattle from grazing on it
small trees
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Committee to settle with Gelpcke
Alexander ODonnell is lying dangerously ill within city limits, destitute and unable to procure medical aid
Mayor furnish such as he may find absolutely needfull
Street leading from the Ferry to the Railroad Depot
property holders of Dubuque are taxed by the Board of County Supervisors for building of bridges throughout the County
Construction and repair of bridges in city limits
Treasurer not to issue any license to any party who deals in games of chance, gambling
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Resolved pay of watchmen of the City on Main St
contract between the City and J B N Bourgeois, relating to the City Cemetery
Negotiate with George W Martin
Bradstreet subdivision
carrying of water
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Justice Maak, police in his court
Justice Welch
Griffith and Knight
J H Shields, court at Davenport
C Riss, sprinkling pot
Conrad, Schmid and Co
new locks, keys
Henry Kroll, digging graves
Wilson and Mulkern
D V Wilson, furnishing lumber and fence
Herald Office for printing
May 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
H A Gniffke printing
G T Stewart printing
V Herancourt coffins
John Hanke cleaning market house
Gabriel Baumgartner
L Conzet
A Rossley
John Lynch
R E Bishop
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
Nicholas Theyes, rent of stalls in Central Market
P M Guthrie received from Joseph Helwood, guardian of Mary Burton
lot sold for taxes
George Blocklinger stating City lot No. 277 was sold for special tax
Joe Rhomberg Romburg
license on billiard tables
Rich and Merrill, lease put up 2 ports in front of Main St
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
W M Becker, leave to sell the Close Ringer as a peddler, without being subject to taking out license
Catharine Fincher, taxes remitted, subdivision
D Harrinton, construction of road
Denis Flanery remuneration for damages done by the water undermining part of his house
Austin Adams, use of City Hall building for the Sanitary Fair
Margaret Dogle, taxes remitted
P Morgan, repairing road between the City of Dubuque and Catrfish Mills
John Blake, sale of his land for taxes
city indebted to him
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Margaret Brady, remission of her taxes
C H Merry paying wharfage fees
Packet Company, fix landing
Philip Pier, large shed on the corner of Iowa St and 5th St
A Bunting, leave to sink a shaft on 5th St
N C Ryder, Locust St grade
12th St and 15th St
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Reports of Officers
salaries of city officers
A E Skinner
J H Shields
P M Guthrie
F J Cromer
C J Richards
R E Bishop
A Hoerner
George Schunk
M Donell
L Brown
H Kroll
amount for cemetery lots
hay scales
J H Shields, contract between the City and Bourgeois in relation to Linwood Cemetery
Minette Levi
legally authorized person to recieve Cemetery funds
Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
City Sexton number of interments
Henry Kroll
C J Richards, money expended on streets, sewers and bridges
C Gilliam wharfage collected
C J Chapline
Linwood Cemetery, City Attorney
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Communication of Lawrence Kearney
maps in reference to Lot No. 144
Petition of Murphy, repair road in front of residence
Petition of Peter Klein, construction of bridge on Jackson St
Petition of Armstrong and others, old corporation line
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petition of V Herancourt
alley, official plat of the City
Petition of H W Sanford, course of Bee Branch be changed to run along Peru Road
benefit to the property holders
culvert built along the road
G W Martin deeded to the City 7 feet on lot No. 8 on Alpine St for sewerage
Petition of Hugo Miller to sell meat on White St
Stalls in the Central Market
prohibiting sale of meat within certain limits
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Agent of the North West Packet Company relating to the amount of wharfage
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Motions and Resolutions
Levee between Jones St and the Dubuque and Sioux City Frieght Depot
C H Merry pay expense of railroad fill of levee
contract lowest bidder
destruction of shade trees in the parks and cemeteries
trees and shrubbery
fines and imprisonment
assistance of competent engineers, grade on Locust St
N C Ryder
streets and alleys, public health
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Recorder mark and endorse on each paper handed to him for the action of the City Council
repairing, cleaning
Market building
draw on City Expense fund
Road known as the Military road from Whisky Hill to the levee
Table Mound Township
County Board of Supervisors
Appoint special police to serve during the week of the sanitary fair
June 2, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
S Hutchkins, stationary
Herman Tuegel work hauling
William McLennan deeds
Waller, Calaboose
Ruegamer and Ade, meat for pest house
Dr. Belden, pest house
M Terrency, hogs and dogs
J Cromer
J Richmond wood for pest house
J G Menkel special police
John Jennings
Bissell, Milles and Shiras, attorney fees
Margaret Oday attending small pox patient
Margaret Clay
James McClay, goods for pest house
Joseph Bratt and Co
G Meehen
June 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Proposition for the adjustment of the City Debt
Bills of Bissell, Mills and Shiras
legal services in the Gelpcke case
Auditor issue scip for bonds and coupons
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
rapid growth of sand bar in front of the City
selling the levee, main slough on 3rd St
H T McNulty, repeal of Ordinance regulating auction sales
Wood, Luke and Co
Jacob Roth, privilege to rent the cellar rooms of the Central Market
J T Hancock, Walnut St, Chestnut St and High St
McDaniels Addition
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
sidewalk repair on 5th St between Main St and White St
Denis Flanery
condition of Southern Avenue
Peter Kiene remit delinquent taxes
Elizabeth Fanning city tax on her homestead
Margaret Guilford remit taxes
O Johnson, condition of bridge over the 1st St and 2nd St slough on 7th St
H Smead, personal tax due J P Farley
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Reports of Officers
lots in Linwood Cemetery
Market Master hay scales and huckster stands
C Gilliam, wharfmaster
amount of wharfage collected
A E Skinner, due city officers
Henry Kroll, City Sexton, number of interments in the City Cemetery
C J Richards, streets, sewers, bridges
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Margaret Oday
Bill of George Mehl
Petition of Dennis Flannery, damage sustained by water conductor
bad filling up of petitioners sidewalk
P Morgan work on Catfish road
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Bids to fill the outer levee
contract to P Conner and Mr. Brody
Bluff filling
C Merry, remove the Ferry Landing down below the Packet Company landing
present low stage of water
move the ferry landing
taxing costs in Justice courts
City of Dubuque vs. Gerald?
Justice Maak
Justices of the Peace
Ordinance to regulate the sale of wood and creating the office of wood measurer
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County on the subject of bridge building and the bridge tax within city limits
I L Wilson, attorneys for the Board of Supervisors
bridge tax upon property within city limits
Dangerous condition of the bridge over the inner slough on 7th St
Wilson and Mulkern
entitled by law to appropriate portion of the bridge fund
city government
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
tax for bridges looked by the supervisors as a County Tax
Julien Township
Wilson and Mulkern
County Supervisors
Bridge fund
City Charter
Special road tax shall not exceed city limits
County Court
labor upon the highways within the City
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Sections 19-21
subjects and streets and highways
General Incorporation act
Board of Commissioners of public improvements
Supreme Court
Central Bridge within City Limits
Populous Township
inner slough on 7th St
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Bridge fund
rights, duties and responsibilities
Board of Supervisors in reference to the Military road
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Entitled an Ordinance providing for the settlement of the indebtedness of the City of Dubuque
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Resolutions and Motions
licenses for billiard tables, dogs and other things
Resolved interest of the Central Island Company property
Improvement of Walnut St
montly report for the Council
July 7, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
John Thompson, stationary
John Fox, cleaning market
A Schaffer, printing
J M Robinson lumber
Westphal and Hinds
J T Everett
C Mace
C Cahall
N Palls
C Soble
D V Wilson
D Earnest repairing cistern
J Cromer
July 9, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
E Jangle calaboose
Bill of Bobletter and Myer
City Hall painting
Simon Smith
Market house
Cummings and Remington
Henry Grimme
George Buchler fence around Jackson Square
P Robb and Co
John Thompson
Cooley and Eighmey service in Supreme Court
Langworthy brothers vs. City of Dubuque
July 9, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Deputy Marshal
Ordinance for the preservation and safe keeping of property belonging to the City
Fire Department
selling fire engine, new hose carriage
An Ordinance to license, tax, and regulate the keeping of dogs
Ordinance about settling City debt
August 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Communications and Petitions
George Young, unjustly ejected from a stall in the old market building
J H Saleamp paid license
Margaret Barry, fine to be remitted, violating City Ordinance
H Jackson, price of grain inspector
Margaret Doyle
E Stock
James Noins
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
John Scanlan, fined under City Ordinances
Henry Kroll
F J Cromer, Ordinance to organize a chain gang to work on the streets, prevention of the increase in crime
P M Guthrie
scrip for a license
Settlement with Langworthy Brothers
Rev Francis Welsh, loan some curbstone
Catholic Church on 14th St
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Reports of officers
salaries of city officers
C J Richards
laborers on streets, bridges, sewers
R Corriell
Marshal, sold hogs and pigs
City Sexton interments in City Cemetery
Linwood Cemetery lots
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
P M Guthrie receipts
George W Connell, market master
C Gilliam, harbor master
wharfage collected
coupon bonds
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petition of Mrs. T Fanning, Hargus, Guilford, and Ragarts
taxes remitted
taxes due on property
against the policy of the city to remit taxes on mortgaged property
Petition of Margaret Brady
Kelly's Addition
County Board of Supervisors
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petition of Margaret Molony abatement of the taxes due on lots
Remit taxes
Margaret Doye
Kelly's Addition
death of husband
James Bratt and Co for stoneware
D N Wilson, work at City Hall and public square
Bill of Bobletter and Meyer, painting stairway
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petition of Mathias Hays, repair on sidewalk on 5th St
J T Hancock repair on Walnut St, Chestnut St, and High St
Proposition of Jacob Roth, lease vacant rooms in the basement of the Central Market building
lease between the City
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
8th St sewer
Recorder give notice to tax payers of the city
Ordinance to provide for the levy and collection of taxes
Bridges over the gutter on Julien Avenue
Wharfmaster purchase cords of wood
Mayor employ additional counsel
Ordinance providing for the settlement of the indebtedness of the City
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Fredrick Kelliger market house
William Rebman, sewer, White St and 7th St
A Reid lightning rods
John O'Neill
J Keghouse? burying dogs
R Jen, damages to clothing by soldiers
F J Cromer, calaboose
Bounce and Wilcot , damages from Julien Avenue sewer overflow
7th St bridge
D G Stiles
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
John McCoy, Pest House
J H O'Neill
E C Clark lumber for bridge
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
order for work on levee
Ferry license
cover 7th St bridge
Bill of C E Donn labor on 7th St bridge
condition of sidewalk on Roger Thompson's lot
Engineer survey
Deputy Marshal
John Pier, wood measurer on 7th St
August 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
An Ordinance to regulate the sale of wood and create the office of Wood Measurer and define his duties
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
Jane Knap, taxes on Mineral Lot
J D Bush
property outside of the old corporation line
R A Babbage
street adjoining Lee Seminary grounds
boundary lines of lots, stone monuments, convienant point in the city
B W Poor, W L Oswell
delinquent taxes
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Marshal salary
Hugo Miller, An Ordinance to establish and regulate markets
sell meat on White St between 9th St and 10th St
Edward Hockett, injury from falling into the 8th St sewer
Reports of Officers
P M Guthrie, lots in Linwood Cemetery
G W Connell, market master
C Gilliam, Harbor Master
A E Skinner, amounts due City Officers
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
amounts due city officers
Henry Kroll, City Sexton
interments, City Cemetery
C J Richards
streets, sewers, bridges
Westphal and Hinds, Daniels and Garrett, W Huff, John Pasmontier and J McGrath
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
J H Shields, City Attorney
rights of the City and County in levying, collecting, and spending the road and bridge tax within the corporate limits
County Board of Supervisors has no control or supervision over the highways and bridges within corporate limits
Exclusive control and management of highways and bridges given by the municipal charter to the City government, no act of our state legislature can amend
vested rights under the charter
State of Iowa
fundamental principles of taxation
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Validity of road tax and bridge tax
County Board of Supervisors, Attorneys for the City
J H Shields
Petition of Horace Smead
suit now pending in District Court
County taxes
lien on property
Petition of citizens, removal of obstructions in front of the harbor
remove sandbars on the harbor, build wingdam on Wisconsin side of the river
current with greater force
raise an embankment or levee from high land below Eagle Point
high water
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
state of City Finances and the great scarcety of labor
build temporary wharfs, extreme low water boats could land
inner slough, old harbor, restore old landing to original condition
steamboat landing
harbor for barges in the winter and low water
Public mind may settle down on some adequate plan as well on the means of carrying it out
Boats for the packet company
slough above 7th St
excavation, trivial expense
boats and barges
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Proposition of the Marshall, suppressing crimes and vagrancy in the City
Petition of Margaret Barry, leniency will only encourage violations of city ordinances
Petition of Henry Kroll, City Sexton paid yearly salary for services
outer levee filled up on condition that the City pay 1/3, Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Co pay 1/3, and Charles Merry pay 1/3
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
John Everett for surveying grounds
John McClay stove pipe
Pest House
House of Refuge
Bounce and Wilcox, damage sustained by Julien Avenue sewer
Theopoint and Muller, overflowing Julien Avenue sewer
claim of William Rebman, excavating the sewer White St and 7th St
Bill for lumber of E C Clark
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Committee on City Debt
Providing fort the settlement of indebtedness of the City
Herman Gelpcke, holders of bonds issued by the City
Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company
total bonds
City held stock
outstanding bonds
interest due
Proportion of stock
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
interest stock
Herman Gelpcke
C H Booth, Trustee
old bonds
stock in Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company
S D Randle Times Office, printing of bonds
bonds pro rata
settlement with bond holders
Railroad purposes
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
liquidation of all coupons
T W Schmid and Co
Herman Gelpcke
C H Booth, Trustee Agent of the City of Dubuque
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Resolved notice to property owners on lot on Locust St
sidewalk graded
Bluff St, Kelly's subdivision
improvements above 7th St
Agents of the Packet Company, business on the levee
auction sales and auctioneers, annual license
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Resolution, Main St and 17th St, prevent stagnant water
Ordinance providing for the improvement of streets and thoroughfares
Levy and collection of taxes
Chaplin Burton
Mayor employ deputy City Marshall
repair hay scales at West Dubuque
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
George W Connell cleaning Market House
James Brophy, Walnut St, Lorimier Avenue to 11th St
Times Company, printing
John Thompson, revenue stamps
F J Cromer, calaboose
Fred Lebe, railing on stairs
John Smith
Patrick Sargy
Peter Karney
September 5, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
A E Schafle, printing and book binding
F A Gniffke, printing
Staats Zeitung publishing
Times Company
R Rob and Co
September 9, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Harbor Committee, channel through 3rd St
slough leading into inner harbor, build a bridge to allow steamboats to pass
convenient place for laying up steamboats and barges in winter
3rd St
excavate the slough above 7th St
parties owning property near the levee, pay part of the expense
R E Bishop
October 6, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
C E Dow, 7th St bridge work
Martin Armstrong severe bodily injuries, polling into the 8th St sewer
Lambert Kniest
George D Wood funeral expense for Arkansas refugees
October 6, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Reports of Officers
G W Connell, hay scales
C J Richards grading of Seminary St
Accounts of Clark, Movil, Benton, Smith, Waller, and Christman
C J Choplin
Auditor Report, salaries of officers
C Gilliam, wharfage collected
Henry Kroll, City Sexton
number of interments in City Cemetery
October 6, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Communication of B W Poor, case of W L Oswell, exception of interest
Claims, petition of Jane Knopp, tax
Petition of Edward Becket damages for falling into uncovered sewer on 8th St
October 6, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
8th St
contractor, Armstrong
P M Guthrie
tariffs at hay scales
hay weighers
Grain Market
empty wagon
selling produce
Ordinance relating to public scales amended
October 6, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petition of F J Cromer, increase of salary
Deputy Marshall
repairing West Dubuque hay scale
John Wolters
October 6, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
grate placed at sewer on 3rd St above intersection with the Main sewer on Lorimier Avenue
deposit of rock and other rubbish on Main sewer
brick stone, wood walk
Dubuque Harbor Co on the Harbor fund to apply for taxes
contract for building levee
streets in McDaniels Hill between 11th St and 14th St, east of Walnut St
payment of interest on city bonds
city debt liquidation
city expenses
Bruming removed from the office of Grain inspector
William Johnson
October 6, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
C H Booth, Trustee
delinquent taxes
Repairing Dodge St on the hills, Dubuque and Pacific Railroad
Repeal Ordinance providing for the measurment of wood
Assess property of the Central Improvment Co
Harbor Improvement
North West Packet Company
John Brodrick, 7th St wood measurer
October 6, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Amend City Wood ordinance
salaries of city officers
Order in favor of Minette Levi
watchman of market house
Petition of Hugo Miller, attorney Parker address the Council
selling meat outside market house
October 6, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
C Gilliam
John O'Neill, sowing wood
Casper Wilk bridge
Gilbert and Taylor
P Kelly scales
Martin Dunphy wood
William A Judd horse
William Kley
Timothy Byron
Rouse and William hardware
Hutchinson and Wiseman
Special session on 386
November 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
John Hodnott, wood ordinance amended and repealed
John Hers, rock in the street near lot, St. Cloud livery stable
W Hintrager, tax sale
L H Langworthy hold receipt
H W Sanford, macadamizing 15th St, 16th St, 17th St and 18th St
John Wood, wood measurer to measure a load of wood
bond for faithful performance of duties
George D Woodin, behalf of J C Tholbrook
taxes remitted
November 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
J J Cromer, sidewalks on Bluff St and 5th St
upaid taxes on Lee Seminary
taxes on public buildings
City Sexton, Henry Kroll
interments in City Cemetery
sale of cemetery lots
Amounts due City Officers
C Gilliam, wharf master
October 14, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Removal of the Grain Inspector
Resolved resolution removing Brunning be recinded
Resolved employ a suitable agent to assist them in negociating the new bonds for the purpose of funding City debt
bookcase for keeping of books of the city
keep a copy of the official paper
November 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Market master, G W Connell
hay scales
C J Richards
labor on streets, gutters, and bridges
Whiskey Hill Road
Standing Committees
Petition of J H Lutcamp?
Ordinance for the formation of a chain change
November 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Ordinance for the safe keeping of tools, implements, property of the city
Ordinance for the improvement of streets and thoroughfares
owners of property
Amend wood ordinances
November 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
George D Wood, expenses for burial of thr Arkansas refugees
Martin Armstrong, damages sustained by falling into the 7th St sewer
8th St sewer convered, arched
November 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Huchinson and Wiseman bill
Fire Department
Rouse and Williams bill
Iowa St between 8th St and 10th St, construct sidewalks
property owners notified
November 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
New York
hose carriage
lighting of 50 lamps
hay scales
Chaplin and Burton
C Rise
James Roffey building sewer
John Droyhouse
Thomas Mully
D V Wilson fixing windows Market house
John T Everett
Philip Dev
A Crogin, notarial fees
Gilbert and Taylor
Times Co printing
P Nobb and Co tax book
November 4, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
W A Palmer, letterhead
Henry Kroll, digging graves
Dr. Loy, Alex O'Donald bail
An Ordinance to provide for the levy and collection of taxes
reduction of taxes
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
Iowa St and Main St sidewalk, 17th St
Stephen Vonescher, owners south lot high fence nuisance
J K Graves
Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad company
delinquent taxes
A Cain by Cooley and Eighmey, his attorneys
judgement against the city, obtained in District Court
scrip, evidence of indebtedness
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Reports of Officers
streets, bridges and gutters
Harbor Master report
P M Guthrie, receipts and expenditures
salaries due officers
market master
hay scales
Henry Kroll, City Sexton
interments in Linwood Cemetery
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Dr. Loy attending Alexander ODonald
J L Langworthy and Brothers, permission to pay scrip portion of delinquent taxes in bonds
counted and cancelled all orders on bonds and currency scrip
City Expense Fund
short bond, principal and interest
order on wharfage fund
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Orders on City Expense fund, 1864
short bond, principal and interest
order on wharfage fund
currency scrip
cemetery fund
general fund
school order
city currency
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
City Expense fund
short bond, principal and interest
order on wharfage fund
currency scrip
cemetery fund
general fund
school order
city currency
Auditor report receipts and expenditures
An Ordinance to define the City Cemetery to protect, define duties of the City Sexton, regulate compensation
Communication of C E Donn, 7th St Bridge
petition of H W Sanford macadamizing Clay Sr
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petition of John Hess
9th St between Iowa St and Clay St
discretionary power
An Ordinance in relation to streets and sidewalks
rocks on streets
right to let building material remain on streets
increase of salaries of city officers
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Additional compensation to the regular salaries fixed last spring
revised salaries of Mayor and Aldermen
streets lighted with gas
providing for a night police
Proposition from J K Graves
street lamps
business men on Main St
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
present police force
Resolutions and Motions
scrip and other evidences of indebtedness be issued by the City of Dubuque in satisfaction of claim in judgement against the City
"new scrip"
plank sidewalk be constructed on Iowa St between 8th St and 17th St
Main St in front of lots
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
City Sexton compensation
Dubuque and Dunleith Ferry Company, conveying passengers and freight
transferring the business of the public in a safe and speedy manner
contract with the city
East boundary of the Mount Pleasant Addition
rock filling
Bluff St between the Cathedral and Julien Avenue leading to the different churches of the City
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
W W Luke, small portion of west end of 15th St between Locust St and Bluff St
not interfere with the public interest
Street Commissioner notify the owners of property between Alta Vista St and the line dividing Marsh's Dubuque and Mount Pleasant Addition
Lorimier Avenue
plank walk, Ordinance regulating sidewalks
order drawn in favor of L Kneist, Assessor
Iowa St between 10th St and 11th St
build sidewalks
wood, brick, or stone
City Expense funds in favor of Mayor Thompson
recent visits to Chicago
December 1, 1864
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
City Expense Fund, tax book
A Roberts, Fire Company No. 1
J M Robinson
Thomas Henney
M Cushing
D Munsell bottles
Times Company for printing
Dr. Loy professional services
Mayor to buy a book case
January 5, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
Newman and Cooper obtained a judgement against the city
evidences of indebtedness
Christian Chadwick
money paid for by her for taxes of 1857
Michael Moriarty
bond against the city, ordinary scrip
Cushing and Fischer
place slides on Clay St and 4th St, running to their ice house
George Zumhof sold wood, measure wood
January 5, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
O P Shiras
Resolution concerning sidewalks
Reports of Officers
salaries of city officers
Street Commissioner
Market Master
John Walters
receipts on hay sales of West Dubuque
Henry Kroll, City Sexton
interments in Linwood Cemetery
January 5, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
amounts of receipts for the month
C J Chaplin J P
Communication William Hintrager
L H Langworthy taxes due
C J Leist
J M Robinson for lumber
January 5, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Bill of Cushing and Fischer for ice
City Hall
Resolutions and Motions
special tax for repairing sidewalks
Main st
John Sullivan
laying down sidewalks extended until the spring
P M Guthrie salary
C Gilliam wharf master
January 5, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Dubuque Harbor Co
Resolved balance due the Harbor Co to pay off
all scrip issued to judgement creditors
words "new scrip" recinded
Petition of Moriarty? Moartz?
January 5, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
F J Cromer, money for calaboose
wood for the poor
Westphal and Hinds
D Earnest, cisterns
E C Clark, lumber
F A Gniffke, printing
P Robb and Co, printing
Thompson, Jones stationary
Engine Company No. 2
fire departments
Henebery, money paid for repairing sidewalk
January 14, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Ordinance creating the office of Inspector of Beef, Pork
Office of City Inspector
J K Graves
light the principal streets of the city, where our pipes now run,
street lamps
lit at dark and extinguished at break of day
Key City Gas Light Co
January 14, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petition from F Guerin, remove Cushing and Fischer ice slide near his house
D A Mahoney bill for keeping prisoners
Hugo Miller selling meat illegally
R E Bishop, Recorder
January 16, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
An Ordinance to create the office of inspector of beef, pork, lard, boar, butter, and other provisions to define the duties
newspapers publish ordinances
Petition of F Gurson, obstructions on Clay St between 3rd St and 4th St be removed
Cushing and Co
fines and penalties
January 20, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
J P Adams, B Henderson, and others asking Henry Winninghoff be appointed City Inspector of Beef, Pork, and Flour
Hugo Miller, McAfee and Blumenauer
Office of Inspector
collect all the ordinances that have been passed by the Council since the publication of the pamphlet of ordinances
inquiry from Chicago, amount paid for inspecting beef, pork, flour and beans
Resolved the inspector of beef, flour, butter, pork, lard, and other provisions
charge and receive for services
January 20, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Resolved the inspector of beef, flour, butter, pork, lard, and other provisions
charge and receive for services
expense of unpacking, repacking
elect a City Inspector
Blumenauer, McAfee, Hugo Miller
taxation of church property
night police
discharged men for inefficiency, drunkenness, and cowardice
January 20, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
compliments to the Mayor
change of the police
liquidating the debt of the city
Stout and Graves overpaid their subscription to take new bonds
R E Bishop
February 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and Communications
Petition from P Palls, bonds against the City
Anna J Marsh, repeal ordinance in relation to sidewalks
William B Yates, Peter Hoffman had a slaughterhouse in Cox's Addition
Ordinances published
February 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Ordinances recorded and published
signed by the Mayor and Recorder
M Blumenauer, City Inspector
Reports of Officers
City Treasurer receipts
Market Master
Central market hay scales
City Sexton
city cemetery, digging graves, interments
salaries of city officers
February 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
streets and sewers
Knapp, Stout and Co
Lambert and Waples for lumber
Thompson and Jones, stationary
Fire Department
lock and key
Justice Chapline on fines imposed for violations of city ordinances, costs incurred in his court
J H Shields, City Attorney
Bill of D A Mahoney, board and furnish to persons committed to the County Jail
February 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petition of J C Holbrook, remit taxes
Congregational Church
not to assess parsonage
Resolution remit taxes on Church
Religious purposes exclusively
Resolutions and Motions
repair the macadamizing on Lorimer Avenue in front of J H Emerson's residence
Subject of exempt property
amount assessed against the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company
D V Wilson, work on cisterns
Fire Company No. 1
George Zumhoff wood
F J Cromer, meals to calaboose
A Raisler, sawing wood
John Mehlhop
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Petitions and communications
Louis Stotts, Guardian of the Miner Leiser
C Hennings, taxes paid for
Petition from Ann Carlin, lots on 11th St in Farley's subdivision
George W Burton and others, sidewalk constructed on the south side of Julien Avenue from Alpine St to Nevada St
5th St
P Pals, city bonds against the City of Dubuque which were post due
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Reports of City Officers
James H Shields, City Attorney
District Court of Dubuque County
cases now pending in Court
L H and J L Langworthy vs. City of Dubuque
Jefferson Gardner vs. City of Dubuque
Absolam Cain vs. vs. City of Dubuque
W L Oswell vs. City of Dubuque
Martin Delany vs. City of Dubuque
Shelfreld and Scott vs. Jane Davis and the City of Dubuque
Newman and Cooper vs. City of Dubuque
The Dubuque and Sioux City Rail Road Company vs. City of Dubuque, J K Graves
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
James H Shields, City Attorney
District Court of Dubuque County
cases now pending in Court
J K Graves vs. M Ham, the City of Dubuque
Jefferson Gardner, C H Eighmey vs. City of Dubuque
John V Rider vs. S W Langworthy and City of Dubuque
Thomas Yates vs. J H Pickett and Delia Pickett
Sarah Le Roiter vs. City of Dubuque
Timothy Davis vs. City of Dubuque, P M Guthrie Treasurer
Ann O'Hare of the Estate of Edward O'Hare deceased vs. City of Dubuque
City of Dubuque vs. Huron and Christiana Chadwick
Frank J Cromer vs. Dubuque County and the Board of Supervisors
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
City Treasurer, receipts and expenditures
Report of City Sexton, interments
Market Master, Central Market hay scales
Bill of Waples, E C Clark, P A Lorimer
Auditor, salaries of City Officers
verdict of the jury summoned to assess the damages and benefits desired from opening and continuation of Bluff St
Newman and Cooper
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
verdict of the jury summoned to assess the damages and benefits desired from opening and continuation of Bluff St
lots in the vicinity
city scrip paid to Newman and Cooper
order on General Fund, judgment on docket
Treasurer's books
Resolutions and Motions
petition by sundry citizens of the 4th Ward, residing on Lorimier Avenue and Nevada St
Gnobb Blank
plank sidewalk, Lorimier Avenue, Alpine St to Nevada St to 5th St
Ordinance regulating streets and sidewalks
Elect clerks and judges of elections
Main st and 3rd St, property owner to construct a sidewalk in front of said lot
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Opening of polls at several wards
City Elections, want of necessary facilities in the way of stationary ballot boxes
Recorder provide stationary
Marshal deliver ballot boxes
Judges and Clerks of election
1st Ward
Thomas Harson, J Mangol
R J Montgomery, O Chamberlain
Place of Voting, R Jerr?
2nd Ward
George Mehl, C C Lieben
C Wulweber, Dr. Scott
Court House
3rd Ward
William Rebman, Henry Koch
N C Rider, H Shields
City Hall
4th Ward
Robert Mitton, Thomas Hardie
J K Duncan, William A Jones
Kudell's Block
5th Ward
Allan Leathers, Samuel Elmers
Henry Strecher, E R Shankland
Frame School House
District Court of Dubuque County
Fee Book
City Attorney, power to issue scrip
Bill of Asa Roberts for fixing engine
Acknowledging deeds
F J Cromer
D Earnest for work
March 2, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Bill of P Campbell
V Herancourt coffin
B M Harger
Ordinance to prohibit the storage of coal, oil, and lard in large quantities
Raise salary of Assessor
April 6, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
R S Lewis, removal of the building now occupied by the City Sexton
Ward C Cooley, taxes on Mineral Lot
Cornelius Welsh, sidewalk be built up, Langworthy Hollow
John Stenler, open Main St next to L H Langworthy's addition west of Heeb's Brewery
Michael Dunn, sidewalk built from Pier St in Quigley's Addition
Mineral St, 17th St, 17th St to Main St
Robert P Minsholl, Ordinance prohibiting the storing of coal, oil, and petroleum in large quantities
April 6, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
Cow on John Hansen was a dangerous animal, nuisance
Reports of Officers
Receipts, Orders redeemed
A E Skinner
Salaries of City Officers
Market Master Hassner, hay scales at Central Market
John Wolter, hay scaler at West Dubuque
Henry Kroll, City Sexton, interments
Tools returned by Street Commissioner
April 6, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
C J Richards
amount expended on streets, bridges, sewers
accounts of laborers
Bills of Waples lumber, Westphal and Hinds, Clark and Scott, E Moser
C Gilliam, Harbor Master
Auditor receipts and expenditures
Delinquent taxes
Special Assessment for planking
Clay St
Old Cemetery Revenue
Linwood Cemetery
Jones St Wharfage
Inner levee
Hay scales at Central Market
West Dubuque
digging graves
C J Richards improving streets
pigeon license
ten pin alleys
Billiard table
Livery stables
sale of stove
April 6, 1865
Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid
School Board
Interest on coupons
Cemetery orders
Mrs. Lewis, Linwood Cemetery
bonds and scrip
salaries of officers
Fire Companies
coffins and digging graves
professional services
calaboose, market building
D V Wilson
Wood and sawing
hose carriage
Election expenses
small pox Pest House and Hospital
Expenses to Chicago
Notarial fees
damages and injuries
funeral expenses for Kansas Refugees
land for streets
Armstrong contract, 8th St sewer
C H Booth, Trustees Railroad
Claim of George Young
Improvements on Levee
Refund taxes of William Kentgen