W Roll_08 Part 2March 5, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Auditor's report
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
petition by parties on 15th St, macadamized between Bluff St and Main St
assessed against the owners of abutting property
P A Lorimer, correction of assessment, Mineral Lot
Southern Avenue Addition
John S Williams, privilege to land coal on the public wharves for the use of steamboats
Allison and Crane in reference to overflow of lot
insufficiency of sewer at the crossing of Locust St and 5th St
John Hodgdon against macadamizing Bluff St north of 14th St
William Rebman
F R Bissell, establishment of a proper grade on Chestnut and Walnut St
John T Hancock, Pearl St and Grove St
M Ham, taxes on his lots
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
M Ham, taxes on his lots
Ham's Addition
Lots Nos. 1 to 612 inclusive
George Hograve, refunded for illegal tax collected
delinquent taxes
S M Langworthy, sidewalks removed on Hill St in 1867, macadamize
completion of sidewalks
3rd St, Hill St, Alpine St
Charles Klingenberg, planking sidewalks on Eagle Point Avenue
P M Guthrie removing dirt from the streets
15th St, Pine St
Petition signed "A Fireman"
Redemption of City Bonds
Auditor report, receipts and expenditures
Weigh master T O'Donald
1st Ward Hay scales during January and February
West Dubuque Scales
Market Master Strasser
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Central Market Scales
receipts from sales of lots in Linwood Cemetery
Mrs. M Levi
City Sexton report, interments
Special interest fund
special assessment for improvements on alleys, streets, and highways
S M Langworthy, sidewalks on Hill St
Diamond House to 3rd St
Hill St and Alpine St
Petition of Mrs. Mulligan
Petition of A A Cooper, building destroyed by fire
cancelling taxes assessed against H Heinsheimer on monies and credits
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of Edward Langworthy, cancelling taxes on lots
East Dubuque
Petition of John Reichman, remission of taxes on steam tug,
Petition of Schiller and Lodge
Abel E Skinner, difference between Treasurer
Dr. T Mason
Ordinance relative to the petition respecting steam boilers
Joseph Platz
John Blake
George Garrett
J S Williams
James Crawford
Charles Klingenberg
Barnes and Ryan
James Kelly
Philip Sage
George Strasser
Edward Metz
McGhie brothers
Howard and McArthur
S Elmer
M Eagan
J P Quigley
B Beck
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Bill of E Ratcliff for steam engine
McGhie brothers, committee on fire department
Kempf's bill
Claims, petition of T Murphy, taxed in Dubuque and Jackson County
Margaret Fanning, remission of interest
Daniel Sheehan, John McCoy
A Y McDonald
Minshall, Thompson and Co
Collection Wallet
Petition of C Collins, improvement of 5th St
legal right to amount due him
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Enlarging the sewer at crossings of Couler Avenue and 20th St
Resolved, grade of 7th St extension
Prospect St to the center of Hill St
profile annexed
grade of street
Fire Department in favor of paying Philip Sage, Engineer of the Steam Fire Engine
E Ratcliff, furnish team for steam fire engine
Petitions of William Rebman
Fred Weigle, John Carr, J Beck
Andrew and Treadway wall
Koehler Brothers, erect packing slaughterhouse
Dunleith and Dubuque Railroad Bridge
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Railroad Bridge
Resolutions read
welfare and prosperity of the City of Dubuque imperatively require that the birdge now being built across the Mississippi River opposite the City should be a free and public highway as well as a general railroad bridge
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
fair and reasonable value of all privileges
Apply to the legislature of the state of Iowa for the passage of law
authorizing City Council to contract with the bridge company
free or toll public highway
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Railroad Bridge
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
Advice of City Attorney, Counsel
Ordinance granting bridge company use of certain streets, lanes, alleys, and public grounds for railroad and other purposes
inoperative and partially void
Bridge for all time be open to the use of all railroads
equal rights and privileges and the utmost possible facilities to all
free public highway for all kinds of travel
terminate in or opposite Dubuque
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Railroad Bridge
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
equal use and benefit of any and every railroad company
Railroad tracks and improvements
free public highway for all kinds of wagon and foot travel
Directors of the Bridge Company
Illinois Central Railroad Company is opposed to the use of said bridge as a free public highway
Dubuque and Dunleith Ferry
not be as profitabloe an investment
toll bridge
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Board of Supervisors, amount of money expended on bridges within the corporate limits
Petition of A McDaniel, vacating any part of Grove St
Resolved that it would be unwise and suicidal to the interests of Dubuque for the City Council to make any futher agent of right or privilege to the Bridge Company
free and public highway for all kinds of wagons and foot travel
equal terms to all railroad companies
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Grant of right of way over, across, or along any street, lane, alley, whard, landing, or public ground
Bridge Company
City Council, right to regulate and control the use
secure equal rights to railroad tracks
use of tracks, switches, or other contrivances
Illinois Legislature
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
control the amount of coal
bridge with frair and equal
resources of Northern Iowa
confer with freeholders to represent the interests of the people
jury to examine witness and receive other testimony
constructing bridge for common highway
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved application to the legislature of Iowa for the passage of an act similar to the following
An Act authorizing and empowering municipal corporations to contract for the use of railroad bridges as public highways
Enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Iowa
incorporated cities and towns situate on the Mississippi river or Missouri River
invested with power and authority to contact with any company
railroad bridge across rivers
toll bridge
foot passengers and vehicles
public highways
Common Council, Board of Trustees
municipal corporation
levy and collect toll for transit
Resolved that the Senators and Representatives in the legislature from Dubuque County be requested to use their influence to secure the enactment of the foregoing bill
copy of bill
representatives in Congress
amendment of the laws of the U.S.
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
construction of bridges across the Missouri and Mississippi rivers in Iowa
Proposed legislative bill
Resolved Council be requested when making a contract giving the right of way through the streets to railroad or bridge company
public welfare
cars drawn through streets and alleys within limits of the City by horse power
running of steam locomotives through the streets
confer with a like number appointed by the citizens
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge published in the Dubuque Times, Dubuque Herald, National Democrat, and Iowa Staatz Zeitung
A E Skinner
An Ordinance amending the ordinance establishing the amount of license to be charged upon Billiard Tables
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Ordinance relating to wharfage on lumber ]
Resolved all wharfage for lumber of all descriptions, lath and shingles shall be double the present rates charged as wharfage
steamboats and wood boats, barges and all steam craft
improving and clearing obstructions from out harbor
sidewalk on lot on Jackson St, White St
washing away Stafford St
Eagle Point Avenue, Linwood Cemetery
wing wall near the culvert across 3rd St
junction with Hill St
5th St
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
City Attorney sue all claims for the special assessments now unpaid
work done by private parties for the improvement of High St and propose to futher improve St
11th St
House of Refuge rented to James Hughes
1st Ward Market House, V J Williams
Bridge on Dodge St near the gas house
Sol. Raugh and Co, redemption of city bond
Mayor's Proclamation 1857
P C Morhiser, scaler of weights and measures
Petition of J Boland, 3rd St improvement
March 12, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
several wards and appoint judges and clerks for the election
1st Ward
William Ahern, T C Roberts, John Linehan and A B Lewis
Robert Jess' House
2nd Ward
F Schumacher, William Ruff, James Collier, G W Scott
Court House
3rd Ward
William Rebman, Adam Koch, Frank Deggendorf, C T Shields
City Hall
4th Ward
Robert Mitton, Thomas Hardie, I M Preston, Adam Koch
Trudell Block, 8th St and Bluff St
5th Ward
Godfried Blocklinger, Peter Elwanger, George Fengler, Patrick Morgan
Heeb's Brewery
Plan for the payment of City bonds
Sol. Raugh and Co, bonds
tax book and assessors book
March 26, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of E R Shankland, grade of Seminary St
Engineer Potter, grading and filling street from 17th St to Main St
Petition of Julia Lewis, assessment against her lot for macadamizing Locust St be remitted
Peter Kiene, executor of the state of Elizabeth Singer, remission of taxes
S L Tibballs, assessment against property
Grading and macadamizing 13th St from Iowa St to Locust St
Edward Keas
P C Sampson
C Mason
W C Alexander
A Kaufman
John Kinna
R E Graves, refunded money for tax tittles
James Crawford repairing sidewalks
March 26, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
James Rowan to R G Herron, interest on Central Market House ground
Petition of J Reichman
execution for costs in case of City of Dubuque vs. R Bonson
H A Littleton cancelling taxes
Charles Klingenberg, assessment against property
George Hograve, taxes overpaid
Margaret Fanning for remission of interest on taxes
receipt of original tax, interest cancelled
P A Lorimer, double assessment of Southern Avenue Addition
William Meyer, J P
William Rebman, John Hodgdon
March 26, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Bluff st from 14th St to Locust St
Graham, foot sidewalk on 3rd St
Hill St
Report on Bissell, Palmer and Co
grading Chestnut St and Walnut St
Petition of J T Hancock, grading of Pearl St and Grove St
John S Williams, landing and leaving coal on the levee for use of steam boats
Fire Departments
A Y McDonald for cylender
Waller and Simpson damages
Barnes and Ryan publishing fire ordinance
March 26, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Fire Department, bill of P C Morhiser
McGhie Brothers torches
Mayor purchased at public sale acres of Central Island
L D Randall
Building of A A Cooper remit taxes
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
March 26, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
April 2, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
E McCeney, City Attorney salary
Daniel Sheehan, Hill St work
City was not legally liable to refund money to purchasers of property at city tax sales
be subrogated to the claim of the city for taxes
J O'Hea Cantillon, agent of the Farmers and Merchants Insurance Company
validity of the bridge ordinance, upper Improvement Company lands are concerned
Central Island Property
Harbor Master, Power, wharfage
April 2, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Sales of lots in Linwood Cemetery
Paid to Mrs. M Levi
Market Master Strasser
Central Market Scales
Robert McGivern, weigh master at West Dubuque
salaries of city officers
City Sexton, interments in Linwood Cemetery
digging graves
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Petition of Reichman Brothers, cancelling delinquent taxes
special assessment against Julia Lewis
J Boland, contractor
Granting petition of DeLorimer
Petition of R E Graves relative to certain taxes
property held by the city for delinquent taxes
April 2, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
city scrip, cash
current quotations of city scrip
A McGowan
C J Richards
D Nitterauer
M Cain
M Corbett
T Meyer
John Tice
John Nerting
James Finn
John Holtz
C Nitterauer
William Baldwin
Pat Tahen
George Strasser
John McCoy
Kaufman and Kemeran
Sam Elmer
James Crawford
John Gisler
J P Powell
Mrs. E M Ogilby
Petition of John Carr, opening street in Blake's Addition from Mineral St to Mineral Lot
Profile of grade of Pearl Grove and Walnut St
Bluff St
M M Hayeden
Petition of E R Shankland, grade of Seminary St
A J Cook
Washington Engine Company No. 1, Fire Department
Protection Engine Co No. 2
Mechanics Engine Co No. 3
Hawkeye Hose Co No. 4
April 2, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Fire Departments
Washington Engine Company No. 1, Fire Department
Protection Engine Co No. 2
Mechanics Engine Co No. 3
Hawkeye Hose Co No. 4
payment bill of Edwards and Co
filling cisterns
Petition of citizens for a public well near the crossing of White St and 18th St
William Rebman grading Bluff St
financial transactions of the year
Saloon, wagon, butchers, peddlers, circus licenses
Hay Scales
Sidewalks and Streets
taxes collected
April 2, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Disbursements at the City Treasury, Dubuque IA
Road Orders
Special Interest
Salaries of Police and Gas
School Orders
Salaries of Officers
Fire Departments
Expended on bridges
Treasurer's receipts
cash on hand
Engineer's report
Charged to abutters
Ordinary disbursements
April 8, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Ordinance relating to the wharfage of lumber
Wharfmaster Powers reported wharfage for April
Refunding money for tax sale
C J Richards
J McMahon
H McGowan
C Nitterauer
T E Moser
Howard and McArthur
bonds given to the purchase of steam engine of J K Graves could be settled by discount
April 8, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Redeem bonds
James Crawford Bill for work on streets
canvass the votes of the City Election
Election Returns
Election Results
Solomon Turck
William Westphal
J P Quigley
H P Ward
Frank Glab
Theodore Grozinger
J D Jennings
Collings Whittacker
City Attorney
Edward McCeeney
D L Wilson
R O Anderson
Thomas Finn
Nick Pals
P C Morhiser
April 8, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Election Returns
Election Results
1st Ward
James Rowan
P J Quigley
2nd Ward
Joseph Gehrig
Theo Stimming
3rd Ward
E G Young
N C Ryder
4th Ward
J D Busch
Thomas Coates
5th Ward
A F Jaeger
Christ Wullweber
Mayor Graves farewell address
Oath of Office
April 8, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Inaugural Address
Suffrages of the people of Dubuque
Discharge of official duty
Whole duty to my fellow citizens
Settlement of questions of important interest to our city
Dubuque has been burdened with debt
large indebtedness unliquidated
discharging debts
Extensive improvements in the streets
April 8, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
All matters relating to the railroad interests of Dubuque
No doubt we shall be able to decide with harmony and trust in a manner which will be approved by our constituents
faithfully performing the duties of our offices for the best good of all classes
administration of a municipal government
Condition of our already wealthy and thriving city
City bonds
April 8, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Public Grounds and Buildings
Protest against the vote of the Council, Jaeger has been allowed to change his vote during the existence of a former Council
April 12, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of J Boland, contractor for grading and macadamizing and paving 3rd St
City Attorney McCeeney, revision of City Ordinances
Engineer Cook, purchase of a new fire alarm bell
Remonstrance of S Hempstead against macadamizing of 15th St east of Main St
Jacob Kurz, Bluff St
Allen Leathers, Street Commissioner
John McGrath position as night watchman, City Hall
Grant and Smith, attorneys in the case of Henry Young vs. Mayor
Quit Claim Deed, alley in McDaniels subdivision
April 12, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Remission of taxes, estate of Mrs. Eliza Singer
Ordinance relating to the wharfage of lumber
Petition of A A Cooper remission of taxes
Completion of improvement of junction of Hill st and 11th St
J M Preston
Charles J Rogers
J Dolder
John Kritzmacher
C Metz
Frank Beyer
P C Morhiser
Palmer, Winall, and Co
April 12, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
profile of 17th St
Petition of F Weigel
City Assessor, books and an office room
Tax matter of the estate of James Mullen
taxes of Mrs. O'Hare
Petition of John Beck, public wells
Committee on Fire Department
Ordinance to repeal the bridge ordinance
Petition of A Graham
change of a location of a sidewalk
Petition of A Trudell
Bill of Minshall, Thompson and Co
A McDaniel, width of sidewalk on High St
Communication signed firemen
Remonstrance of property holders on 3rd St
April 12, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Ordinance relating to the wharfage on lumber be published in the German papers of the City
Resolved Examine condition of streets
horse railroad
Company charter from the City
work is an obstruction to the water courses or gutters at the several crosstreets
dangerous to travel and public safety
Municipal government
present incumbent
Graves leaves a cash balance in the treasury of nearly 20,000 dollars
City Attorney and committee to investigate the official acts of Ex Mayor Graves and his appointees
money from time to time drawn from treasury
April 12, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved accepting the proposition of Mr. Silsby for pay for the steamer J K Graves
Daniel Sheehan in reference to pay for work done on Hill St
Resolved the Dubuque Herald and Dubuque National Demokrat be and are hereby appointed official papers of the City for publishing Ordinances, Resolutions, and official proceedings
death of Adam Jaeger, an esteemed citizen
suffer the loss of an upright and good citizen, faithful friend
Resolutions be spread upon the records of the Council
presented to the family of the deceased
April 12, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Election of Officers
Nicholas Powers
Francis Schumacher
Eugene Flannery
Harbor Master
Market Master, George Strasser
Gottfried Gmehle, City Sexton
Office of wood inspector, Dennis H McKinzie
Thomas Faherty
Marshal Morhiser nominated Samuel Elmer for Deputy
amount of bonds and salaries
April 2, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Continued from page 185
Profile of streets with the following resolution
Grade from the center of Dodge St on Bluff to Jones St
Collins Whitaker, H P Ward
examining into the financial affairs of the city government
P C Morhiser, refreshments for firemen
Ordinance to repeal the Ordinance passed granting certain privileges to the Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
April 3, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Remonstrance signed by John Fitzpatrick, name had been signed to a petition for macadamizing a portion of 15th St under a misapprehension on his part
T C Roberts, declining to serve as judge of election in 1st Ward
Michael and Patrick Ahern against macadamizing 15th St
Richard Cox judge of election of 4th Ward
Thomas Hardie decline serving
bills of street laborers
withold amount of licenses due
John McCoy
Knapp, Stout and Co
James Crawford sidewalk work
Profile of proposed grade of Bluff St above 14th St in connection with a resolution to establish the proposed grade
Dubuque Manufacturing Company
proposed grade of Locust St from 15th St to 17th St
April 3, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved dotted lines on probile by Captain Hayden
declared grade of Locust St from 15th St to 17th St
Additional compensation to the City Treasurer
J P Quigley
corrections in the books
Treasurer's office
delinquent taxes
Petition of William L Bradley, relative to money paid for city tax titles
amount paid in cash and scrip
John McMahon, improvement of High St
Southern Avenue, work done under supervision
Papers relating to the matter of the Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
April 3, 1868
Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Company and City shall fully define the rights and privileges of said company and limiting them to a certain definite location
April 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of Michael O'Hare, claiming the City for work done
G Gmehle, City Sexton
fence around Linwood Cemetery
public grounds and buildings
William L Bradley permission to build a stairway on 7th St
2nd story of his building
Athenaeum and Julien Hall
bonds and salaries of officers
April 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Examination of the various bends
Adopting a resolution for macadamizing 15th St
Street below Main St
Election of a street commissioner
M Hardie
A Leathers
John Hurley
P McDonough
Deputy Marshal
Ordinance relating to the wharfage of lumber
April 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Chief Engineer for fire department
A E Skinner
Barnes and Ryan
Resolved P W Crawford permitted to set out shade trees on the strip of ground owned by the City adjoining his residence south of the Market House
Mayor assigns a desk and chair within the railing of the Council chamber for use of City Attorney
Street Railway track lower than the grade of 13th St from Iowa St to Main st
Street Railroads
Recorder draw orders for all the judges and clerks of city election
April 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
List of orders drawn
judges and clerks of elections
1st Ward
William Ahern, T C Roberts, John Linehan and A B Lewis
L K W Scott
Horace Tuttle
Robert Jess' House
2nd Ward
Francis Schumacher, William Ruff, James Collier, G W Scott, Henry Koch
William Rebman, George O'Cowles
Court House
3rd Ward
William Rebman, Adam Koch, Frank Deggendorf, C T Shields
City Hall
4th Ward
Robert Mitton, Thomas Hardie, I M Preston, Adam Koch
Trudell Block, 8th St and Bluff St
5th Ward
Godfried Blocklinger, Peter Elwanger, George Fengler, Patrick Morgan
Heeb's Brewery
Resolved Bills and matters that are ordered paid by the Council
vouchers for payment
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of H Brinkman, 8th St between Main St and Iowa St
Petition of B W Poor, change of grade on Bluff St, remonstrance of D McKinlay and others
Henry Grimm, sidewalks on Jackson St between 11th St and 19th St
remove obstructions from 11th St to 7th St
John Baumer, damage for having his leg broke
Thomas Burns, compensation for building a crossing on Street Rail Road
John Clark, protection of property from floods
City Attorney, Sheriff levied up on the safe in the Treasurer's office
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of C Collins pay for grading and macadamizing 5th St
render aid under the ordinances
Petition of H Hennings, sidewalks laid on White St between 4th St and 8th St, Clay St between 3rd St and 7th St
5th St, 6th St
Balance of petition as to lamp posts
Nicholas Pals, services as Deputy Marshal under Charles Hargus
Florence McCarthy refunded money paid on tax sales
P McNamara, wall to protect property on Southern Avenue from floods
Patrick O'Connor, complete work on 5th St
John Blake, assessment on sidewalk, removal of obstruction from Union St
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
George Mehl, confirmation of H Palmer as nightwatchman on 7th St
Clay St in the 2nd Ward
Tim Byron, sewer or gutter at the intersection of Jones St and Locust St
George W Jones, 1st St, 2nd St, 3rd St, 4th St extended towards the river
City Attorney
M Levi addressed the Council
Charles Klingenberg, nightwatchman 5th Ward
T C Roberts, change of North Cascade Road
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Citizens of 5th Ward, Fire Engines located in that ward
Fire Department
Tim Byron sewer on Locust St and Jones st
Treasurer Quigley
Order in favor of M Levi
lot at 5th St and Hill St
converting old bonds
Street Commissioner sidewalks
Jones St, Main St to Iowa St, Central Market House, 12th St
H Brinkman
George L Dickinson
8th St between Main St and Iowa St
abutting property
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Robert Mitton, repair of Spruce St from Lorimer Avenue to Jefferson St
Finance Report
Treasurer's vouchers on file in the Auditor's office
unpaid tax lists commencing with the year 1857
old bonds converted into new bonds
hands of Receiver L D Randall
John Coates
1st National Bank
official papers of the City
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
First National Bank
Special meeting of the City Council held in Mayor Graves' office
balance after paying Sarah Lee Porter judgement
bonds of the issue of 1864
Delinquent taxes of 1866 and tax sales in a proper book
bear testimony
Finance Report
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
cancelling the tax of the estate of James Mullen
Petition of William L Bradley, taxes paid at tax sale
T C Roberts
Resolved proposed change of North Cascade Road
accurate survey and plat of the road
Ordinance to provide for the opening, altering, or annulling streets, alleys, and highways in Dubuque
Wharfage of lumber, shingles
Revised Ordinances of 1861, page 225 and 226
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Extension of time to report on other ordinances
B W Poor, remonstrance of H Knapp
Poor, Wilson and others address Council
An Ordinance to amend an ordinance regulating the paving of sidewalks
J P Quigley
Barnes and Ryan printing
P C Morehiser
Thomas Murray hauling
J McQuillan hanging bell
Joseph Geiger platform
George Strasser Market house
F Beyer stone work
J Gehrig street labor
Perry and Pitchner painting wagon
W Winter street labor
Clark and Allen cistern
Rouse and Dean bell fixtures
A A Cooper pay on his assessment
Petition of Jacob Kurz, work in front of his property on Bluff St
Petition of J Boland, recommending enforcement of the contract
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Street crossings, horse railway, improvements and a contract for the completion of works on the crossings
Wall on High St and 11th St
perches of stone wall
earth and rock excavation
Resolved annexed profile shall be the official grade of Seminary St
extending from 17th St to the west line of Porter's subdivision
official grade of Chesnut St extending from the west line of High St to the east line of Prairie St
8th St, Hill St, Pine St
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
profile of Locust St and 15th St, 17th St
Captain Hayden
Deed of A McDaniel of an alley in lot in McDaniels subdivision
Book K, page 408 of city records
tax paid, F M Robinson
recording deed
fence around cemetery
cisterns on corner of 15th St, White St
John D Jennings, Auditor
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
List of officers and sums due each
Owen Hardy
M Sutton
H Halpine
G Campbell
G Beyer
J Kinsinger
H Stecher
J Boltzer
P O'Halloran
City Sexton interments
G Weis
Sus Bornhouser
M B Miller
G A Higley
H Stecher
Marshal Morhiser report
cases arrested, fined, send out of City, send to jail
state and criminal, discharged
Property stolen
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Street Commissioner
laborers paid
E Filler
M Cap
G Hawthorn
George Fox
Jos Mous
Mart Shear
Martin Jacknet
Nic Denny
Math Graff
Fred Schulsselburg
Philip Smith
Jerry Pickley
John McGrath
Martin Carmon
Dennis Dorgan
Michael Corbet
James Bennett
Thomas Harron
William Baldwin
Anthony McGuire
Michael Donahue
William Thompson
Jerry Carhen
Jerry Murphy
Pat McDonough
Owen Donahue
Thomas Maher
John Doyle
Hugh Flood
Pat Taken
Market Master Strasser drafts on Central Market Scales
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Robert McGivern, weighmaster at West Dubuque
hay, corn
Thomas O'Donald, 1st Ward
loads of coal
Howard and McArthur
Justice Foltzer, city cases
City Attorney fine due
Justice Meyer, bill for April
Resolved Recorder order out of the Treasury to buy stamps
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co
Ordinance, right of way
Mr. Thomas
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Communication of Mr. Thomas, Bridge Ordinance
Ald Jaeger Mayor Pro Tem
funds received for wharfages appropriated for improving harbor and removing obstructions
suitable rings or posts or both
facilitate the business of all parties using our wharf privileges
Resolved suitable grade and pave with plank, brick, or stone
grounds on Iowa St, Central Market House
carry water from building to gutter
Major General Warren
authority of the U.S. Congress to make surveys and remove obstructions to the navigation of the Upper Mississippi River
survey of harbor
landings and levees
jurisdiction of the government
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Profile annexed, grade of Bluff St from 14th St to the intersection of Locust St
Resolved graded, curbed, macadamized
Bluff St intersection with Locust St
expense of improvement assessed upon property abutting
Establishment of the grade of Bluff St
raise the curbing and fill to grade
Bell and Armstrong refunded, Thomas Collins paid taxes on the subdivisions for that year
Platted by Frank Kelly
Tax assessed against C H Williams, Williams and Son
May 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Walnut St in Dubuque leads from Lorimer Avenue to the center of the intersection of 11th St
expense abutting property
Samuel Elmer, Deputy Marshal
Ordinance to define the powers and duties of the City Marshal
Resolved City Recorder requested to permit no ordinance as shall be passed by the Council to be taken from his office for any purpose whatsoever
all ordinances become a law by action of the Council
placed on record in the proper office
Daniel Sheehan, G Graham
Passage and publication in the official papers
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of Richard Cox, establishment of grade in 16th St between Main St and Bluff St
Main St and Locust St, 15th St and 17th St, 16th St
Bills Paid
Fred Lear
C Smith
W C Mase
P Sage
F Beyer
Ed Mertz
S Elmer
Walter Bourke
J O'Hea Cantillon
Ordinance to repeal an ordinance concerning the appointment of Deputy Marshal
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of Citizens of 5th Ward
Fire Engines removed to that ward
Petition of John Clark, appointment of a special committee
2 bonds cancelled
Special interest fund
Petition of C A Thompson, improvement of the alley between 8th st and 9th St, Locust St
waterway, 5th St and Summit St
Investigating certain official acts of J K Graves, Esq, whilst acting as Mayor
fair and impartial investigation, free from bias of partisian
Records of City Council
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Rowan's report on J K Graves
Investigating certain official acts of J K Graves, Esq, whilst acting as Mayor
fair and impartial investigation, free from bias of partisian
Records of City Council
Language of the charter is very plain in defining the duties of mayor
Mayor being executive officer of the City entrusted with certain powers for its government
enforce ordinances and resolutions
appropriating public money for the purpose of indemnifying the Mayor and Aldermen of the City against any personal liability on the claim of Mrs. Sarah Lee Porter
November 15, 1867 special meeting held at Mayor Graves' office in the National State Bank Building
John Thompson
Committee have serious doubts as to the authority of the mayor to call a special session of the Council at any other place there that designated by the City Council
City Charter
settlement with Sarah Lee Porter
bonds retired by City Treasury
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Rowan's report on J K Graves
April 30, 1868
H S Hetherington, Esq
investigate matters in relation to the settlement of Sarah Lee Porter claim
statement of money paid out of the 12,000 dollars
Sarah Lee Porter
Bissell, Shiras and Ballon
Griffith and Knight
M B Mulkern
Court costs
First National State Bank
John Thompson
no replies to inquiries
Committee not empowered by the charter or ordinance to compel persons to come before them
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Rowan's report on J K Graves
require a fill statement from all the parties implicated in this transaction
R E Graves, brother
refund money paid at City tax sales
City Attorney, city not liable to refund money to purchasers of property at tax sales
quotations of city scrip
order book
written statements made by the Treasurer
H P Ward, Esq of the Finance Committee
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Rowan's report on J K Graves
E R Graves orders
vouchers, evidence of indebtedness on the part of the City
William Ashley Jones, Ex Recorder
A E Skinner, Ex Auditor
Countersigned Mayor's receipt
Investigating Committee
drawn from the City Treasury for the benefit of R E Graves
Do not know of any authority by which the order was drawn for
Sarah Lee Porter claims did not appear in annual financial report
relative to certain bonds
State National Bank
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Rowan's report on J K Graves
Settlement by Sarah Lee Porter claim
verbal information and contradictory
balance of cash and bonds redeemed from the National State Bank
H P Ward
James Rowan, H Pleines, Adam Jaeger, Committee on Investigation
R E Graves, city tax sale titles
December 5, 1862
delinquent taxes
Tax sale books, J K Graves has bid off a large amount of city lots
Road Fund
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Rowan's report on J K Graves
Jno P Quigley, Treasurer
James Rowan, H Pleines, Adam Jaeger, Committee on Investigation
Graves delivering his valedictory showing successful administration of the City government
$20,000 in treasury, left in debt $300
Settlement of Sarah Lee Porter case
Communication of A McDaniel remonstrating against the charge in the width of sidewalk up High St
Firemen communication
Hill St sidewalk, 3rd St
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
laying sidealks by A Graham, 3rd St
Ordinance granting right of way to the bridge company
Orders drawn on the Road Fund
Ordinance for the repeal of an Ordinance passed June 7, 1867
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
General Jones and others
Wharfmaster Powers, wharfage returned
Resolved J O'Hea Cantillon, J P
City Justice
John T Everett and M M Hayden
election of City Engineer
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Appointment of City Marshal
Pay orders drawn on Road Fund out of any money on hand
Samuel Elmer for Deputy Marshal
Marshal collect all licenses due the City
Sandford Street Improvement
May 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Ordinance relating to sidewalks
J O'Cantillon
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
City Attorney, propriety of passing an ordinance to prevent the use of obscene language in the street cars
making each conductor of the cars a special policeman
condition of the sewer on 14th St
Property of widow Catherine Quigley be released from liability for macadamizing the street
Petition of John Crowley in reference to injury received while working for the city
Petition of T Murphy, slaughterhouse of John Yall be removed
abate the nuisance
Petition of F Kempf street in front of his property on Southern Avenue is higher
Mrs. Aaron Baptiste, a colored woman, in reference to taxes
Petition of A Greenwald, damages on property
Thomas Hardie, circus and other exhibitions not allowed near public schools
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Communication signed "a tax payer"
George Martin, outer levee between Jones St and lower depot
F Tischer, cabinet makers lumber on sidewalks
Jackson St
R Waller, condition of Dodge St and South Dodge st
Petition from residents of Southern Avenue, Kempf's brewery creating a bad odor
J N Hill, improvements on Walnut St
John Blake, denying he benefitted from opening Carr St
City lots be subdivided
Resolution about indexing records
Communication of A T Cook, Chief Engineer
improvements and repairs in the Engine House
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Morgan and Quigley, appointment of City Weigher
Petition of John Carr in reference to the opening of Mineral St through Blake's Addition
Communication of Missionary George R Ransom, permission to hold religious meetings in the house of Engine Company No. 3
Fire Department
Ed Smith, property sold at tax sales
payment of R E Graves for amount illegally taken out of the treasury
City Attorney to bring suit against Graves
J O'Hea Cantillon
City Sexton, number of interments
digging graves
Mrs. A Webster
Moses Huggard
R McGivern
Market master Strasser, rent for fish stands
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Salaries due for city officers and policemen
Spruce St repaired
Jerry Boland
Frank Wiber
J Smith
William Pickley
John Burke
George Shannon
David Fox
R Bennett
M Hardy
Mrs. Flynn
Daniel Develin
Patrick Kern
John Kelly
Tim Hinds
Greg Riley
Fred Schlusselburg
Charles Freeman
Math Graf
Mathias Copp
Daniel Harrington
John McMahan
John Crowley Jr
Tim Hinds
Michael O'Hare
John Finnerty
Peter Stainer
John O'Shea
John Halloran
Hugh Flood
Patrick Taken
William Baldwin
Michael Donahue
Owen Donahue
Dennis Dorgan
Jerry Murphy
Jos Herring
Casper Smith
Bennette Bromletter
Tim Sulivan
Terry O'Toole
James Glassby
John Henneberg
John Mahony
John Kelly
Michael Murray
James Boland
Lary Moore
Jerry Cahill
Michael Corbitt
Thomas Maher
Jerry Pickley
William Thompson
Thomas Herron
Nath Kerin
Anth McGowan
John McGrath
cleaning alleys
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Amount due cleaning alleys
Wharfmaster Powers, wharfage
Street Commissioner Leathers, improvement of 8th St
Main St to Iowa St, covering the sewer in a bad condition
City Marshal, total number of city cases
fined, jail, send out of city, discharged
State cases
jurors verdict for opening street through Mineral Lot
lamplighter, oil lamps, gas lamps
Order drawn for M Levi
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
City Attorney, bill of J O'Hea Cantillon
Petition of E Smith, City is not legally bound to refund money paid by purchasers at tax sales
Petition of H Rooney, claim in suit
Petition of C Collins, settlement with present owner of 5th St property
Bill of A Maak
An Ordinance to regulate the conduct and language of persons in and about the Dubuque Street Railway, cars, and buildings
Ordinance to make drivers special police
An Ordinance requiring transient or travelling physicians practicing in Dubuque to take out license
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Bills of the Herald, Times, and Iowa Staats Zeitung
Thomas Masser
M M Hayden
George H Remmington
T Sullivan
Samuel Elmer
George Funk
James Crawford
Conrad Schmidt
F H Deggendorf
G A foltzer
John Blake
Howard and McArthur
James Kelly
Patrick Roddy
George Strasser
E R Lumbert
Herman Mauer
Knapp, Stout and Co
J Boland
Thomas Burns
G H Fry
weighing of coal, asking a deduction
Florence McCarthy taxes
Resolved, city taxes standing against Michael McLaughlin be cancelled and the Treasurer cancel the sum
B A Babbage, special tax against some property
Petition of John Blake, payment of sidewalk on Locust St lot
Settle delinquent tax matters
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
City of Dubuque vs. the Board of Supervisors
regard to Bridge money
petition of Nicholas Pals
special interest fund, redemption of city bond
Redeem bonds held by William L Bradley
Bills of J T Everett and William Ashley Jones
Petition of T Byron, gutter extended from Locust St to the alley, Jones St to the slough
Petition of Patrick McNamara, Thomas Burns, work and materials
John Fitzpatrick, 15th St curbed, macadamized
Resolved, 15th St from Bluff St, Main St in accordance with City Ordinance
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Walnut St macadamized
P Connors, constructing waterway on 5th St and Summit St
Profile of grade of alley between Main St and Locust St, 15th St to 17th St
Resolved profile of grade of 16th St
Grade of 16th St from Locust St to Main St
Petition of citizens from the 2nd Ward that a lamp post needed
Iowa St, 5th St
5th St, White St, Clay St, 6th St
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved Street Commissioner oversee the hands at work upon the streets, bosses or overseers be hired for that purpose
bills against property holders
Abutting property assessed
Bluff st between 5th St and McCabe lot, south opposite 1st St
Jones St from Locust St to Bluff St
2nd St
Ordinance regulating the laying of sidewalk in the City of Dubuque
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved, City Sexton appointed a special policeman, full power to arrest, bring before the proper court
Trespassing on City Cemetery
City employ an attorney in conjunction with City Attorney
attend suits in law
bill of D Sheehan
Special assessment levied on lots owned by Catharine Quigley for macadamizing in front of Bluff St
order in favor of Frank Beyer, contractor
Rossana Quinns assessment
Resolved gateway of Linwood Cemetery
cistern for holding surface water
owners of lots in cemetery
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved Deputy Marshal Samuel Elmer, salary for current year
public grounds and buildings, suitable repair the fence around Washington Square
remove obstructions
Seminary St worked to grade
abutting street
High St from Walnut St to its intersection of 11th St
special assessment
City ordinances
Ira Hanson construct a stairway in accordance with the ordinances of the city on 11th St
junction with Main St
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Sidewalk on Pearl St, Bluff St to Walnut St
House of Mr. Fairbanks
Street Commissioner
Suspend Rule 29
Ordinance concerning the location of Circus and other exhibitions
Deed from A McDaniel for lots
Resolved special committee appointed, matter of tax sales of property in the City
J K Graves, R E Graves
send for persons and papers
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
full and impartial report of the result of the investigations and particularly so far as regards an order around April 1868
Amend the ordinances
An Ordinance granting the right of way to Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
railroad across and along streets, alleys, levees
public property in the City
locate bridge on outer levee
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Building cisterns on 15th St, White St
Fire Department
Special Committee on ferry matter
Petition of George Backert and E Hochner in relation to selling vegetables all over the streets
Market House ordinance
Resolved all ordinances pertaining to the location and sale of meats and vegetables
Survey on 3rd St from Bluff St to Summitt St
Advertize and receive bids for improvement
Potter grade
F Glab, Recorder
June 13, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Suspend the minutes of last session, usual orders of business
streets damaged by the late freshet
City Engineer and Street Commissioner Leathers
John Crowly
E R Lumbert
Walter Burk
Peter Mihm
Pringle and Atherlon
Petition of Nick Metler, bridge in front of property in Langworthy Hollow
George S Brown, grade on Seminary St
Communication from Michael Dunn, work on Main St
unable to collect pay, City Attorney
June 13, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved 17th St graded and paved and curbed from Main St to Jackson St
Street graded as to be concaved from curb to curb
curbing, guttering and macadamizing be assessed against the abutting property
repair street in front of the so called Blue Church
repair bridges on Southern Avenue, Dodge St, Lake St, Langworthy Hollow, Mineral St, Bee Branch, Julien Avenue, 14th St, walls on Hill St and Dodge St
Alley between Iowa St and Clay St, 5th St and 6th St
Potter grade
June 4, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Locust St and Main St, 6th St and 7th St
Potter grade
assessed against the abutting property
Obstructions at 1st St and Locust St, bridge or culvert
open concave gutter
Fire Department fill cisterns
redemption of bonds
condition of sidewalks on Julien Theater
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petitions and Communications
Conrad Schmidt, enforcements of ordinances relating to markets
Theopond Muller, established an Intelligence office at his house, Apollo Building
A Cain, drain which conducts waste water across Alpine St
R O Anderson, assessor
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
salary deduction
Charles Klingenberg, Eagle Point Avenue sewer
Petition of Bittman and Schroeder, Nora Buckley, Tuder Jones, Sarah Jane, Mehigan and Th Muller
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of Bittman and Schroeder, Nora Buckley, Tuder Jones, Sarah Jane, Mehigan and Th Muller
A Greenwald
E A Lull, culvert constructed at the intersection of 11th St and Bluff St
cost assessed to abutters
Joseph Trudell, damage sustained by the late freshet
Mathias Morgan, remove present wood measurer from office
Peter Stammeyer, Council to remit his license for teaming
G H Tucker, lease of land 6th St
Remonstrance P Morgan, concaving 17th St
M M Hayden office rent
L Kneist rafts 10th St
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
R O Anderson, assessor
reducing assessment of Mrs. Mary E Bowen
Firemen Celebration of 4th of July
Patrick Ahern, paving and macadamizing property on 15th St
Michael Hardy, assessment of lot
J Trudell, condition of Julien Avenue sewer
John Crowly, injury while working for the City
Henry Young, judgement against City
order in favor of M Levi, lots sold in Linwood Cemetery
Abram Williams, sale of lots in cemetery be set aside to beautify the graveyard
L Munsell, wrong assessment of property
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
W R Clark, assessment for Singer Sewing Machine Co
City Attorney, petition of M Dunn, collect money due him for work
property holders abutting
taxes ordered cancelled
Wharfmaster Powers
collected wharfage for June
J O'Hea Cantillon, fine collected
reconsider petition of R O Anderson
City Marshal for June, city cases
fined, jail, send out of City
state cases, discharged
property stolen and recovered
Dubuque, Schutzen Gesellshaft
festival August 4
Schuetzen Gesellschaft
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
lamplighter O'Halloran, oil lamps and gas lamps
J T Everett, Engineer, making concave street on 17th St
Market Master Strasser, bill of expenses for market house
City Sexton number of interments and digging graves
Mrs. Heth
Schiller Lodge
Weighmaster O'Donald
Street Commissioner Leathers work done on streets, bridges, sewers
Washington Fire Company
Protection Fire Company
Mechanics Company
Hawkeye Hose
Chief Engineer Fire Department
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Salaries of city officers
Burton, Hill and Co
collect license
H H Smyth, erroneous assessments
Engineer J T Everett, grade of 5th St and Locust St
Petition of Mrs. Aaron Baptiste, cancelling taxes
Ordinance requiring transient or travelling physicians to take out license
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
An Ordinance to regulate the weighing of dressed hogs
Bills paid
Iowa Staats Zeitung
Times Co
Ham and Carver
Howard and McArthur
George Garrett
Walter Burck
Palmer, Winall and Co
McGhie Brothers
T O'Sullivan
Fred Lear
Sam Elmer
Hawkeye Hose Company
Peter Nihm
John T Everett
William Ashley Jones
Melichor Mohr
Kaufman and Kammerer
Peter Nihm
Frank Beyer
F Kempf
Dubuque Cabinet Makers
Rouse and Dean
John Dochouse
James Brophy
H Tuttle and Son
John Nagle
J K Duncan for Mrs. Ogilby
John Moloney
E R Lumbert
Lewis Trapp and Co
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Order drawn in favor of Frank Beyer
tax of Rossana Quinn
City Attorney McCeney
judgements in favor of the City
Bills from the Street Commissioner for cleaning alleys
Deputy Marshall for collection
petition of John Blake
T S Wilson against 17th St improvement
sewer concave
verdict of the jury
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
bids for improvement of 15th St, 14th St, Locust St
Rose McMahon, finished contract with city street crossings
Resolved rebuild and replace sidewalk on Mineral St
special assessment against lots on Bluff St between 7th St and 8th St
5th St between Locust St and Bluff St be graded, curbed, guttered and macadamized
property abutting
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Ferry matter, Ferry company
Resolved Hawkeye Fire Company, fire salutes in celebrating the anniversary of our independence, 4th of July
Street Commissioner concave gutters
13th St and White St
Proclamation requiring all persons owning or harboring dogs to confine them from running at large
public nuisance
McMahon on waterway crossing on Main St and Clay St
contract and specification
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved auiditing, claims for doing work
Solomon Turck
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co
Company possess any legal right under ordinance
inner levee, inner slough
constructing a railroad
cars propelled by steam
Patrick Clancey, occupy and use alley fronting Jones St
Locust St, Main St
shade trees
lamp lights
Ordinance prohibitng swine from running at large
July 2, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolution and preamble
Bridge across the slough on 3rd St
teamsters transferring wood from the 3rd St landing
holes in the flooring dangerous to man and beast
7th St bridge
Ordinance for the protection of the public peace
suspended during July 4
15th St, Locust St, Main St
14th St, Bluff St
John Hays
alley, Dennis O'Connor
July 8, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition from Patrick Gainor
Farley's addition, building of waterway
Mrs. Ann O'Hare, remission of taxes on Mineral Lot
City Attorney
proper mode of assessing property for the purpose of taxation
property both real and personal of the Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
Dubuque Street Railway Co
private individuals
road bed, track, rolling stock and necessary buildings for operating the road
National banks in the City of Dubuque
city taxes
E McCeney
Robert McGivern, West Dubuque Scales
July 8, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
An Ordinance to provide for the collection of all taxes, rates and special assessments levied on property
Junkerman and Haas
Ed Kearney
John Crowley send to the Poor House
M M Hayden office rent
waterways constructed by Ross McMahon
balance of money due on contract
L Kniest, rafts on foot of 12th St
July 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Market House matter
Ordinance in regard to selling meat
establish and regulate markets
Committee on damages
Assistant Engineer John Pier, resignation
Resolved Mayor receive appropriation for bridges
Samuel Elmer, Deputy Marshal
July 7, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co
crossings made by the railroad over streets and inner slough
Fire Company, trials for championship
property owners on Clay St
repair sidewalks from 15th St to 4th St
8th St, Locust St
City Lot on SE corner of Main St, 17th St
stagnant water
prevent nuisances
committee examine and approve contract works
August 6, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
5th St from Hill St to Nevada St and Alpine St from 3rd St to Lorimer Avenue
Ordinance to provide for paving and macadamizing streets
17th St specifications
August 6, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Hugh Treanor, change of location of St. Mary's St in St. Raphael's addition
George D Wood, resurvey of Walnut St from High St. to Prairie St
J P Herkes and John Brochl
sundry favors done to the police
saloon license remitted
Neal McGowan, reference to turning water on his lot in Southern Avenue
Hugh Talty taxes against city lot
Schoolfund property
delinquent taxes
Hawkeye hose company
J and J Mulligan, additional watchman needed
Jones St to 2nd St on Iowa St
Fire Department and Police
T C Roberts, establishment of Summit St from 5th st to Fenelon St
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Peter Carney, replace sidewalks on Mineral St, destroyed by late flood
J H Thedinga against grading of 5th St between Locust St and Bluff St
Richard Morriell, removing dirt on Walnut St
John Hancock, procure another steam fire engine
John Hayes, rock put on Bluff St
J K Graves, Dubuque Water Works Company
sales of cemetery lots
Mrs. Levi
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Major General Warren, survey of the harbor
removal of sandbars
Bill for the survey of N Western and western rivers passed to remove obstructions
A M Spier of New York
amounts due City Officers
lamplighter P O'Halloran
Robert McGivern, weighmaster of West Dubuque
City Sexton, interments in Linwood Cemetery
digging graves
W E Robinson
William E Wellington
Josiah H Goodrich
L P Truesdail
wharfage collected
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Street improvements
teams and labor
Bill of John McGrath
Market Master Strasser, market house
William Hintrager, reference to certain claims, city tax titles
R O Anderson, City Assessor
Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge Company
railway track along the streets of the city
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Citizens Committee on the subject of the bridge
obtained without grade trouble and delay
power of the Council to pass the ordinance
An Ordinance granting the right of way to the Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
public property of the city
outer levee
bridge route
repealing ordinance
rights of the bridge company
right of way ordinance
purposes in law
incorporation law
Mayor's office, not at Council Chambers
appropriate property for the construction of a railway track
wagon bridge
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Bridge Company cannot legally proceed with its railway bridge
right of the people to a wagon bridge
incorporation law
company can be questioned only by a warrant
state authorities
City Attorney
Company organized solely for bridge purposes
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
Articles of incorporation
building railroad from depot of the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad to Dunleith in the State of Illinois
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Objections against the validity of the ordinance
Bridge Company
General right of way act of 1853, company would have a right to run its road through the city
discussion of the Supreme Court of Iowa
City of Clinton and the CJNRR
power of the City to regulate the work, protect and preserve
proper police regulations
regulate the mode in which the track is laid
unnecessarily interfere with the company
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Bridge Company
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge
obstruct streets and public places
speediest and easiest way to settle matters
agree on grades and crossings
Griffith and Knight
E McCeney
Ross McMahon, work on street crossings
Marshal report on stolen property
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of P Stammeyer, remission of teamsters license
Petition of H Smyth, remission of taxes
J O'Hea Cantillon
Claims paid
P C Morhiser
Michael Dunn
Lafflin Powder Co
Weber and Hoffman
John McCoy
Peter Mihm
Warner Lewis
John Lucas for O'Brien
J T Everett
Melichor Mohr
Walter Burke
Asa Roberts
C J Corkery
Conrad Schmidt
Jerry Boland
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Howard and McArthur
James Crawford
John Nagle
Knapp, Stout and Co
Petition of Michael Hardy
Nicholas Pals, Deputy Marshal
Petition of A Cain, Alpine St improvement
safeguard property
City Engineer survey streets
1st St, 2nd St, 3rd St, 4th St
inner slough to outer levee
Mississippi River
Resolved extension of streets to the inner slough
Dubuque Central Improvement Co
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Improvement of 3rd St
Mayor and City Engineer
thoroughfare for the public
Potter Grade
steep grade destroys the usefullness as a principal thoroughfare
point west and adjoining Captain Harrison's house
summit of the hill
public improvement
Resolved City Engineer survey 3rd St from Harrison's house
plat and profile of grade
plan on 3rd St
Committee on printing
L Sigrist
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Selling fire engine
Fire Department
Ferry Company willing to lease
contract entered into with the JCRR Company
Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge question
Petition of M Morgan, removal of the wood inspector
parties settled difficulties
change of grade of 3rd St
plat and profile
filling up the water course or inner slough which connects Lake Peosta has exploded and would if carried out, detrimental to the interest of Dubuque
closing levee territory
lumber trade of Dubuque vast commercial importance
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved opening a water communication with Lake Peosta along the sloughs or inner levee for lumber
obstructions under 3rd St bridge
7th St bridge
Mississippi River
17th St improvement
An Ordinance to amend an ordinance to prevent the erection of wooden buildings
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of John T Hancock
Resolved purchase suitabe steam fire engine hose, hose carriages
extinguishment of fires
Remonstrances of E Langworthy and others against the improvement of Hill St, Alpine St, and Nevada St
5th St
curbed and gutted
Potter Grade
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Preamble and Resolution
widen Couler Avenue, 8th St
survey and plat
names of owners
suit conveniences of public travel
Ordinance to prevent hogs from running at large
W W Smith, Justice of the Peace
City Justice
all cases arising under the ordinances of the city
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
W W Smith, Justice
complaint, arrest
High St ordered to be worked to grade
assessed to the property abutting
Repairing Mineral St
Temporary bridges be immediately built across the 14th St sewer
crossing of alleys between White St and Jackson St
Washington St
Bridge on 22nd St and Elm St
Main St from 14th St to 17th St
Potter Grade
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved 13th St from Locust St to Bluff St
graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized
assessed on property abutting
Work of F Beyer, macadamizing on Bluff St between 10th St and 13th St
assessment levied on Bluff St
11th St
Charles C Eighmey coupons against the city
fires up the steam engine, J K Graves, salary
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved the Mayor or any Aldermen shall have the power to discharge any laboring hand who may be in the employ of the City
Abolish the office of Street Commissioner
Fire Department repair cisterns by the Julien Theater
R O Anderson, City Assessor
1st St between Main St and Locust St
Alderman Fassitt resignation 2nd Ward
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Aldermen 2nd Ward
G W Scott
Theo Stimmey
Market Master Strasser
Market House
cisterns in 3rd Ward, 5th Ward
Bills in Recorder's hands
Petition of William Ashley Jones for back pay
City Engineer's Office
August 10, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Fassitt, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Frank Glab
September 3, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
no quorum
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
J A Rhomberg, improvement of 7th St grading, curbing, paving, macadamizing
expense of abutting property holders
Prospect St west to Hill St
John T Hancock condition of 11th St
B Kistler, boxes filled with straw in the rear of Howard and Co store
Ed Blake impassible condition of 8th St from Hill St to Seminary St
William Kelly, assessed for personal property that he did not possess
Rev F E Judd, bad condition of 17th St
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
F H Carbery remonstrating against proposed change of grade of 3rd St
Amelia Frith, payment of taxes assessed on the distillery property in Ham's Addition
Langworthy's Addition
Mary Clark for remission of taxes
Hugh Morgan, payment for sidewalks on Dodge St from gas house to S Dodge St
Adam Glab removal of a slaughter house and soap factory on the Plank Road
B B Richards 17th St
all principal streets
William Rebman, Locust St from 13th St to 14th St
sale of lots in Linwood Cemetery order in favor of M Levi
Ross McMahon, extra work on waterways
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Illinois Central Railroad
State of Iowa
City of Dubuque
County of Dubuque
Contract book page 174
Judge Polock's judgment
tax for 1867 cancelled
City Attorney
Wharfmaster Powers
Market Master Strasser
F O'Donald, weigher from 1st Ward Scales
R McGivern
lamplighter P O'Halloran, 77 lamps lighted
amount due City Officers
City Sexton, total interments
digging graves
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Linwood Cemetery
J W Smith
W W Carr
F Stange
John Brown
James Sims
Report of W W Smith, City Justice
Street Commissioner Leathers
List of teamsters and laborers
City Marshal Morhiser
Engineer report on late survey of Peter Holz's property
proposed diagram of street
Bills paid
A W Richmond and Co
D Leigriest
McGhie Brothers
John Nagle
Rouse and Dean
F D Collette
Sam Elmer
William Jergins
Walter Bourke
Bill of N Eichman and Co for use of City Hall
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Petition of R Morriell, work on street opposite his premise
Neal McGowan, waterway
John Hayes, failure for allowing him a contract when he was the lowest bidder
Maurice Brown, establishment of grade of Seminary St
Potter Grade
J H Thedinga, against change of grade of 5th St, prayer of petitioners
Harbor, removed obstructions
3rd St bridge
Public Square
fence around Linwood Cemetery
wood work outside the market house
Fire Department petition of Hawkeye Hose Company
fill empty cisterns
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
police committee remove certain lampposts on Alta Vista St
tax book for 1886 correct
Resolved Street Commissioner replace sidewalks on Dodge St and Southern Avenue
15th St from Iowa St to Clay St
Resolved streets and alleys cleaned
Mayor employ a competent person to record in alphabetical form in a book to be called the Grade Book
notes of all established grades
grades of streets, profiles
repair gutter on Alpine St
property of Absalem Cain, Dodge St and Southern Avenue
damage by freshets
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Office of the City Engineer is abolished
F Kempf, cut down Southern Avenue to the proper grade
City Tax
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Preamble and Resolution
City Engineer, survey and plat of real estate situate at the intersection of Couler Avenue and 18th St in Dubuque
widening Couler Avenue
plat, Lot 439
Peter Hohz
issue a venire to the Marshal to summon a jury
Couler Avenue, 18th St
Cemetery lot books
owners names
City Sexton, which lots are sold
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved Public grounds and buildings, specifications for the exterior painting of the woodwork on the Central Market house
preserve wood from decay
1000 warrants to Joseph Ryder
improvements contemplated on 17th St
Main St, Jackson St, ordered graded, curbed, macadamized according to Potter grade
abutting property holders assessed
Fire Department purchase steam fire engine and hose cart
westerly side of Main St to 17th St
Blake's hollow
September 5, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved propriety of ordering all houses and buildings proper to be numbered
expense of property holders
Recorder advertize tax book
Petition of F E Judd
entrance on Seminary St
Competent person for duties of City Engineer, whenever necessary
monument for the grave of Julien Dubuque
J T Everett bill
September 9, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Unsafe and dangerous condition of the buildings known as the Bishop's Block
Morrison's Block erected prior to 1864
An Ordinance to prevent the erection of dangerous walls, January 24, 1864
September 9, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
M McNulty to address the Council
open bids for improvement of 3rd St
Mathias Morgan
Ordinance book
Seminary St between 17th St and Main St
Potter grade
assessed upon the abutting property
13th St from Locust St to Bluff st
Petition of M Laughlin
delinquent taxes
September 9, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved appropriations for the improvement of 3rd St
Ordinance in relation to the payment for contracts
M Morgan contract 3rd St
Frank Beyer
Michael Hardy
bids for improvement of Alpine St
September 9, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Cemetery map
Mayor pay Daniel McLain, bridge warrants
Bill of Thomas Burns, masonry
Stationary in James Kelly's bill
Otto H Crusius, Assistant engineer
J G Menkel, constable fees
Board adjourns to Saturday next
Resolution, Alpine St gutter repair
F Kempf to cut the street in front of property to grade
September 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Remonstrances of John Hennesey, owner and occupant of Bishop Block
condemn said building
City Attorney, report of W W Smith, City Justice
Hugh Talty, remission of taxes
property belonging to the School Fund
special tax
Repair fence on public square
Ross McMahon claims against the city
Bills paid
William Rebman
Peter Penter
James Kelly
Patrick O'Hern
September 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
5th Ward watchmen
alley of Bradley Rock
Bradley's Alley paved
owner's plan
5th St
Central Island Property
City Attorney, Mayor
M Morgan, contract for 3rd St
bidders contract for 3rd St, sidewalk on streets
Howard and McArthur
William Jergins
F A Gniffke
Thomas A McCarron
J T Everett
J Moehring
F W Cringle
John Kemp
M Dunn
John Pier
John McCoy
G Gmehle
H Maurer
J McCoy
S Turck
E G Young
A T Cook
Philip Sage
Westphal and Hinds
Mitchell and Scott
A Y McDonald
Frank Stransky
James Nevins
September 14, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Sam Elmer
G McCoy
E R Lumbert
Auditor, Recorder
Safflin and Smith Co
money advanced the City
C H Eighmey coupons
F Glab
October 1, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Mrs. Mary Ross, remission of taxes on school fund property
Cook's Addition
Communication of James Boland, concave gutter on Southern Avenue
construction of sewer
pay one half of the wall so built
Illinois Central Railroad Company, franchise and property of the Dunleith and Dubuque ferry company
City Attorney
received for lots sold in Linwood Cemetery, M Levi
preparing cemetery lot books
receipts and expenditures of City Government
Market Master Strasser, Central Market hay scales
market house
October 1, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Report of R McGivern
West Dubuque scales
Lamplighter report, street lamps
Amount due city officers
Harbor Master N Powers
City Sexton, interments
digging graves
W H Sheffild?
T J Williams
George C Dean
time of teamsters and laborers
cleaning streets
Marshal report, police force and arrests made
removing nusiance in 5th Ward
Nora Buckley
verdict of the jury, widening Couler Avenue
Peter Holz
Chief Engineer A T Cook, members of Mechanics Fire Company No. 3
October 1, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
City Attorney, Judge Pollock
Endorse tax on judgement
Nora Buckley
Petition of John Peter Herkes
William Kelly, reduction of taxes
Petition of Emilie Frith
An Ordinance regulating the weighing of dressed hogs
October 1, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
An Ordinance regulating the weighing of dressed hogs
Sections of Ordinance regulating hogs
October 1, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved Market Master George Strasser declared inspector of weights and measures
W W Smith, Justice of the Peace
An Ordinance regulating the weighing of dressed hogs
October 1, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Communication of T Davis, sale of Mineral Lot for delinquent taxes
City Attorney
Jurors report on Couler Avenue
assess damages by reason of widening Couler Avenue
intersection with 18th St
plat furnished by Engineer
City Recorder office
M Kain? appropriation Eagle Point Ferry
J G Menkel
James Nevins
John McCoy
Howard and McArthur
Dr. M H Waples
G T Hancock, improvement of 11th St
Enlarging Eagle Point sewer
arched sewer be built
October 1, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolution providing a sewer on 17th St from Main St to Jackson St
verdict of the jury on widening Couler Avenue
Hay Scales at West Dubuque
sidewalks ordered laid by the Council at the expense of the property holders
replank 8th St sewer from Main St to Clay St
John Blake against the City
remove rocks on Southern Avenue in front of Flannery's Store
Petition of M Cosgrove, dangerous injuries sustained in falling into 14th St sewer
October 1, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved plank with suitable planks in 14th St sewer
Main St to Elm St, dangerous to life and limbs of citizens
Order in favor of John King, pay jury fees in assessing damages on property of Peter Holz
Justice Meyer, oaths
macadamizing Alpine St
Frank Beyer improvement, 17th St
letting the contracts
A T Cook, building cisterns
Fire Department
St. Mary's Church
Thomas Burns, bridges on Southern Avenue
Resignation of D A McKenzie, wood inspector
Treasurer's office removed from the City Court Room
Joseph Ryder
O H Crusius
W H Langworthy
October 1, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Contract for improvement of Alpine St, John Hayes contractor
Resolved Business of Andrew Hablutzel and Marble and Co, nuisance
city limits
Assessment ordered against out lot, 5th St
P O'Connor, contractor
lot owned by J Rhomberg
City Marshal buy cords of wood
Fire Department buy coal
Claims, orders issued by Recorder during vacation
W A Jones
B Sehull and Co
John Nagle
P Penter
J Moehring
William Jergins
P B Martin
George Garrett
J W Parker
J McCoy
Dubuque Maufacturing
October 16, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
John Ademan, enforcement of the City Ordinance relating to markets
F Beyer, remission of taxes on Mineral Lot
John Blake
Mrs. J Allen, remission of taxes in West Dubuque
J Howard and McArthur, use of Steamer J K Graves, purpose of filling one of their tanks
Peter Hohz, attorneys Griffith and Knight appear next regular session
M M Moore, business office in the vicinity of the 1st Ward Market House
Mary Cardiff, Lot in Kelly's subdivision
An Ordinance regulating the weighing of dressed hogs
October 16, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
An Ordinance regulating the weighing of dressed hogs
Ross McMahon bill
Reimbursement of the Treasury
Thomas Burns, McLean and Ryder
Contractors Bills
Felix Aaron
Dr. Waples
Philip Sage
County of Dubuque
William Rebman
October 16, 1868
Turck, Rowan, Lucas, Gehrig, Scott, Young, Pleins, Coates, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining
Resolved improvement of 3rd St
paid to the Contractor when work is completed