W Roll_11 Part 1•
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ROLL NO. JL Date 9-2/-9
AT 611nlatgtAR_ .j,yq CONTENTS OF ROLL
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Operator R•N• CAMERA NO. 121,6‘42444
MM 35mm LN low COUNTER
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C - 88
This is to certify that the records
appearing on this roll were recorded
on film: in the regular course of
business by
Randy DeKlotz•
Title Operations Manager
S t j /99.2
Place Cedar Rapids. Iowa
G -86
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Police and Gas Committee reported the petition of J Conzett, lamp post at the corner of 17th St and Iowa St
M Beiver, 15th st and White St
Delinquent Taxes, petitions
Mrs. E Turner
Henry Cannon
Mrs. Ann Morris
John Harper
Michael McLaughlin
Mrs. Ann Curtis
S K Shiffield
J G Menkel cancelling the assessment
Julia O'Connor, making a reduction of city taxes
Magdalena Schumacher, reduction of taxes
Anna Dreyhouse, cancelling the assessment
Petition of Henriette Heels?
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
William Yates, reducing assessment on improvements
B F Davis, McDaniels subdivision
M A Hubert, amount employed in manufacturing
H J Goff, reduction on homestead, furniture
John Hodgdon and Ed Martin
F R Bissell, referred to City Attorney and Engineer
James McDonnell
Double payment of taxes of lot in East Dubuque by Mrs. F V Gibbs
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Ordinance to regulate th sale of liquors
Petition of Samuel Elmer, majority of saloon keepers have already paid license
Ross McMahon, filling on 14th St west of Walnut St
Committee on Equalization
Petition of R J Edwards
Resolved City Marshal directed to commence prosecutions for
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved City Marshal directed to commence prosecutions for collection of all licenses due the City
Messrs Pollock and Shields, payment of judgment of D A Mahoney
Peoples' Savings Bank, taking up special interest order
Officers collecting money due the City are directed to pay the City Treasurer
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Bids handed in the to the City Recorder for putting on new roof on City Hall be returned
Jefferson St between Spruce St and Walnut St be graded, guttered, macadamized and Engineer prepare plans, specifications
Sidewalk on Clay st
Plank or brick
3rd St to 4th St, Clay st to Iowa St
expense of abutting property holders
City Engineer make a survey of the alley on the west side of Corriell's subdivision from 5th St to intersection with Hill St
Charles Weinstedt
profile of proposed change
Survey of the Bee Branch road from a point near the race track
Intersection of Lemon St
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Purpose of repairing Langworthy Hollow to the Corporation line
Plank sidewalk, established temporary grade
Jackson St between 21st St and 23rd St, abutting property holders
sidewalk laid on Locust St by John McCoy, contractor
Parcels of real estate
Dubuque City, J Faber's estate
G L Torbert
City Council pay for sidewalk laid by John McCoy, Contractor on Madison St
special tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate
William Rebman
L H Langworthy Subdivision, John Bale
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved sidewalk on Nevada St by John McCoy, contractor
Special tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate
Bradstreet Addition, George Reynoldson
Dubuque Water Company extend their line of water pipes from 11th St between Washington and Jackson St to Eagle Point Avenue
hydrants placed by Committee on Fire
north side of 5th St from Bluff St, J A Rhomberg's property
E A Frenzel, T O'Sullivan apply salaries as city assessors
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved Bonds for the purpose of retiring the Thompson bonds falling due
city indebtedness
District included within the following limits be declared the Water District
Corner of Iowa St, Jones St
Locust St, Dodge St
Bluff St, 17th St
Clay St, Couler Avenue to Eagle Point Avenue
Washington St to 19th St
Elm St to 10th St
Railroad Track
Properly celebrating the 4th of July
General George W Jones, constructing Pontoon Bridge opposite the City
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Evening Session
Contract of improvement of Jones St
13th St and alley between 4th St and 5th St, Clay St and White St
William Martin, lowest bidder
James N Foye, 13th St between Clay St
Claims Paid
N Frith
C G Hargus
H Nortung
J D Jennings
D W Linehan
George Salot
J D Mets
George Salot
Frank Lore
C Cutler
M Lippman
Hanson and Co
T O'Sullivan
J R A Bather
Sol Turck Engine Co
J K Graves
5th Ward hose
W C Alexander
William Jurgens
June 4, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Claims Paid
A Y McDonald
Key City Gas Light Co
Decker and Jaeger
G Perry
Spear and Lee
Lenehan and Co
Thomas Cahill
W H Church
L B Tuttle
F Morgan
Phil Pier
Anna M Schmid
Asa Roberts
E R Shankland
Dubuque Water co
Norton Brothers
George B Woodworth
G A Knowlton
M LaNicca
John Timmerty
William Jurgens
Rich and Woodruff
Ham and Carver
J M Robison
D Hoffman
T Kennedy
Pelan and Randall
Clerk of Circuit Court
June 20, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Number of communications handed to him requiring immediate action
George B Burch, grade established on 3rd St, corporation line to Hill St
Citizens of Dubuque of Various organizations
General Celebration of 4th of July
Construction of a Pontoon Bridge
Petition of John Hodgdon, grade of Bluff St from 14th St to 15th St
City Engineer make survey and profile of a suitable grade on 3rd St commencing at the old corporation line
Hill St
June 20, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved City Engineer make profile of Bluff St from 14th St to 15th St
Examine all sidewalk throughout the city
Grade to C Collins and Dr. Munsell on 5th St
City bonds for purpose of taking up city indebtedness
Thompson Bonds
2nd St between Main St and the alley east of Main St
Pennsylvania St
June 20, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Pennsylvania St in West Dubuque, established by City Engineer
Resolved, Iowa St from 1st St to 2nd St be curbed and guttered
Bids for shingling the market
John McCoy
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petitions referred to Delinquent Taxes
Ann English
I H Stobel
Mrs. Hanson
Henry Newhouse
Ernest Myer
C J Rogers
Hanora Lonergan
Thomas Melchior
Titus Heer
A McCann, St. Mary's St
John Eichhorn, macadamizing 13th St
Adam Glab, transfer the license of Joseph Neff
D E Hawley, subscription for a city directory
John Kelly, injuries sustained
John P Quigley
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
John P Quigley and George W Jones, constructing a Pontoon Bridge
Mary Driscoll, payment for work of her son as a scavenger
Magdalena Schumacher, double assessment, Mineral lot
D E Lyon, lamp post
W W Pyne, ombnibus license
D Pauw, grade on 13th St and White St
William H Martin, alley between Arlington and 14th St
grade of Almond St
Peter Wertin, Inn-Keeper's license
Alex Buchet, saloon license
Charles W Ware, taxes
Thomas McCoy
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Water trough
C G Hargus, transfer Linwood lots to George Martin
Woodmeasurer Warring, cords of wood
Auditor Jennings, salaries due City Officers and police
Market Master Frith, weighed graughts at Market Scales
Rent of huckster stands
Board of Prisoners
Alex Buchet, draughts at West Dubuque Scales
lamp lighter O'Halloran
City Sexton Gmehle, interments in Linwood Cemetery
Sale of Cemetery lots
Moses F Young
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
August Beier to Jacob Moessner, digging graves
Auditor Jennings, police cases before Cantillon
Marshal Kintzinger
sidewalks laid by John McCoy, Contractor
Bradstreets Addition, owned by George Renoldson
Estate of J Taber
Subdivision outlot owned by William Rebman
L H Langworthy's addition by John Bale
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Street Commissioner Linehan, expenses on streets
breaking macadam
Cleaning alleys, sale of grass from Jackson Square
Claim of the City for taxes against the bankrupt estate of W H Morse
W L Bradley, special assessment levied against City lot
Carl Dietrich, redeem part of lot in Ham's Addition
William Rebman, assessment for year
O Taylor's Addition
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Assessment of William Rebman
Rebman and Bell, monies and credits cancelled
Claims of I M Robison, lumber
Claims of D Hoffman and T Kinneally, services attending Town Clock
Claim of P Malady, relation to taxes
Edward Martin, special tax in King's First Addition
Ham and Carver, Rich and Woodruff for printing
Claim of the Clerk of Circuit Court, referred to the City Attorney
Mrs. E Sage, claim of Pelan and Randall
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petition of John Hodgdon
William G Stewart, sidewalks along Jones St
Street Commissioner make necessary repairs under the direction of Street Commissioner
M L Robison, alley from 1st St to Jones St and between Main St and Iowa St be filled to grade
Dubuque Harbor Co fill vacant lots
John Phelan
Peabody, Stewart
grade of 14th St
Edward Langworthy, change of waterway near the race track
John Nagle, Farley's subdivision
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Satisfactory conveyance
Fred Liebe, waterway
City Attorney, claim of J N Foye
sale of special tax in A McDaniel's subdivision, claim of work collected by suit
H J F Webb, reduction made on assessment of lots in Bradstreet's Addition
J O'Hea Cantillon, petitioner pay tax
James Nichols
F R Bissell, sale of certain lots in Mechanic's Addition, sale of above land as lots
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
George Wharton, assessment on monies and credits
Mrs. Catherine McEvoy, tax on lot in Union Addition
Mrs. Susan Bornheiser, reduction of assessment
Mrs. Bridget Ryan
D Marechal, reduction of assessment
John C Smith, homestead
Nicholas Theis, cancelling taxes for year on lot in Blake's Addition
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petition of Henry Newhouse, reduction on assessment
Mrs. Margaret Glennan, remitting taxes on homestead
John M Corbitt, Ann O'Hare's subdivision
George Thompson, reduction on assessment
Mineral lot
Mrs. George W Connell, reduction on taxes
Nicholas Heinz, granting a reduction on assessment
Assessment on L H Langworthy's addition
Agatha Kuenzell, remitting the tax on lots in McCraney's 1st Addition
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Mrs. G A Karrick, tax on lot in West Dubuque
lots owned by her
Dr. William Eggers, reduction of assessment
Hargus and Keopfli, tax sale of certain lots in McDaneld's Park Hill and South Park Hill
Knapp, Stout
Policeman in Lumber yards
Tschirgi, policeman at West Dubuque
policemen on duty during the following hours
Other days
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Committee on Fire
L Korman, frame building inside the fire limits
B D Linehan petition, erect a frame blacksmith shop
Petition of Dubuque Social Turnverein, taxes for year be remitted
Balance due Horace Tuttle, police cases during May
M Consadine, lot in Kelly's subdivision for special assessment
William Hintrager, tax sale
Honorable George w Jones
Honorable William B Allison
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Special Committee to whom was referred the subject of the citizens meeting in Jones Block and Resolution passed in relation to a Waggon Bridge
City desirous to maintain and encourage an increase of the trade of our City
promoting prosperity and realizing the great importance of having a waggon bridge
merchants and manufacturers from North Western Illinois and South Western Wisconsin
Resolved afford all needed authority for the construction of a good, substantial and permanent waggon bridge to any company
Across the Mississippi River
Within corporate limits
Navigation of the river, safe transit of rafts, steamers, and boats
Privileges do not interfere with the rights of citizens and these already granted to other corporations and firms
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
An Ordinance to amend Chapter 23 of the revised ordinances of the City of Dubuque
Merriam and Conrick, placing water trough on 1st St
Controversey between the City of Dubuque and the Illinois Central Railroad Company
taxes on books of the Treasurer
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Fence in front of lots in Humboldt's Addition
lots in subdivision of outlot owned by Thomas H Benton
Mineral holes of considerable depth
fence enclosing the lots, greatly endangering human life
animals running at large
Declared a public nuisance
Improvement on 2nd St between Main St and Iowa St
An Ordinance providing for the settlement of indebtedness of the City of Dubuque
Revised Ordinances,
August 1, 1864
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Bonds known as Thompson Bonds
outstanding and will become due and payable on August 1, 1874
Extraordinary efforts to adjust outstanding indebtedness
Issue for the purpose of a temporary loan
Funded debt bonds
John McCoy
Resolved T O'Sullivan order, E A Frenzel, salaries as assessors
William Rebman
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
work done on 17th St
Resolved order in favor of Joseph Barnes, services as Engineer of Steamer Sol Turck
Captain of the day police detail two policemen to wind up the City Clock every morning
Strike the name of Philip Sage from the pay roll
Mr. Jo Barnes
Mayor issue a proclamation enforcing the dog ordinance
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Advertise for work on 2nd St
William Warring appointed Wharfmaster
locating Madison St
Bills read and ordered paid
George Wilde and Co
Weston Bruch and Co
Green and Bell
McKinlay and Buehler
A Freeman
Mrs. Nortung
T O'Sullivan
John Swenk
Mrs. Ogleby
Key City Gas Co
James Woolnough
Dubuque Water Co
John McCoy
Rouse and Dean
John Finnerty
H Nortung
N Frith
G B Woodworth
G A Knowlton
G A Gniffke
C Whittaker
D W Linehan
Mrs. Schmidt
Ira Davis
July 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Bills paid
Parker and Son
J K Graves, Engine Co
William Jurgens
Sol Turck, Engine Co
Dubuque Water Company, changing hydrants and pipes to suit the altered grades
Henry Stecher, work on Linwood Cemetery
July 20, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Jefferson St Bids for improvement
Contract to William Wallace and Brother, right to Mr. James Brophy to construct portion of the wall abutting his own property
An Ordinance in relation to licenses
Condition of the alley between Clay St and White St
9th St and 10th St
July 20, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Alley macadamized and graded at the expense of the abutting property holders
prepare grade and specifications
alleys between 1st St and 4th St, Main St and Locust St, 3rd St and 4th St, Locust St and Bluff St
concave plan
West side of blocks of the Dubuque Harbor
July 20, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition has become a nuisance
West side of blocks
City Recorder give notice to the parties owning said property according to Ordinance made and provided on page of revised ordinances
July 22, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petition of John P Quigley, Pontoon Bridge across the Mississippi River
proper facilities to promote that object
Board of Supervisors
Wharves and public landing
reasonable right of way
Rate of fare for crossing
Committee on Ordinances, City Attorney draw up an Ordinance
George W Jones, Pontoon Bridge
James Hughes, Ferry at Eagle Point
Engineer's Report of grade on Almond St
July 22, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Plan for a sewer on 1st St submitted by the Engineer
John McCoy, shingling the City Hall
Bids for macadamizing Iowa St between 1st St and 2nd St
Contract to George Blocklinger
August 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
August 8, 1874
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
George B Burch, 3rd St be graded from Summitt to Hill St
C E Hetherington, sidewalk on 1st St
Samuel Root, change of grade at head of Main St and Madison St
Board of Education, change of water course on Couler Avenue
James Hutton, compensation for macadamizing done at crossings of Julien Avenue and Nevada Streets
C J Richards, appropriation for repairing Seminary St
F R Bissell, alley from Grove St to 14th St
Mary M Hewitt, donate a piece of land to the City
Construct a sewer through her lot
Farley's subdivision
Jefferson St
Henry Riker, drain water that accumulates in the alley between Jefferson and 11th St
Michael Reids
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Teamwork so as to pay his license
M H Beach, Jefferson St east of Spruce St be graded, guttered, and macadamized
Ellen Lavin, exemption of taxes, cancellation of special assessment against McDaniels subdivision
Jacob Kurz, sidewalk on White St and Jackson St
William H Rumpf, change of grade on Prairie St
H G Scott, J L Langworthy, compensation for lands taken for the widening of Walnut St
14th St
W Luke, moveaway obstructions in Pearl St in Finley, Waples, and Burton Additions
Henry Beckett, alley between Delhi and Cherry St
Austin Adams, Spruce St from Jefferson St to 11th St
John Heim, assessment on personal property
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petitions on assessments and taxes
Jessie R Thomas and Sisters
Jacob Aronson
W H Torbert
N C Ryan, real estate
Catherine Hanlon, taxes against her homestead
Finley's Addition
John N Abry
L H Langworthy's Subdivision
Ellen Sullivan, over assessment
Jacob Seeyar
Anton Heeb
J C Lay
Bridget Ryan, personal property
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petitions on assessments and taxes
Margaret O'Grady
Magdalena Miller
Maria Lee
George W Rogers Subdivision
John R Waller, tax sale of city lot
original tax
Margaret Flynn
Board of Education, remission of taxes
Duncan and Waller, pay taxes without interest
Cook's Addition
Dubuque Water Company, damages to Water Pipe Hydrants, 17th St
M Morgan, permission to erect a stable
H N Cooley, sale of city lot
Mary Driscoll, balance due for scavanger
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
William Bothwell, sidewalk by Louis Schers
Magdalena Schumacher, double assessment of lots
E Langworthy's addition
tax sale
Thomas M Monroe, hose breaking through crossing on Julien Avenue
G Gmehle, permission to transfer lot to Charles Wiedner to Henry Kruse
Mrs. M Levi, sell her interest in the unused lots in Linwood Cemetery in city scrip
W P Large, Ordinance to prevent the tearing up of the streets
A Gleed, two lamp posts on Jones St and Dodge St
Locust St and 1st St
Ad Schnyder
Christian Horrig, 9th St and 10th St, Main St
W S Wright
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Communication of Wharfmaster Warring, no raft enter the Waples Cut except in string
Wharfboat, contract with Diamond Jo Line
M Cosgrove in relation to grade being raised in front of McDaniel's Subdivision
J S Hooper, sidewalk on Jackson St between 23rd St and Peru Road
Salaries due each of the City Officers and police
Auditor Jennings in relation to showing dogs
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Street Commissioner Linehan
breaking macadam
Woodmeasurer Warring, cords of wood
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Marshal Kintzinger, sidewalk by John McCoy
Sidewalks laid by John McCoy, contractor, as approved and accepted
Corriell's subdivision
M C Munsell
Marketmaster Frith, weighed drafts at the market scales
Huckster stands
Alexander Buchet, weighed drafts at West Dubuque Scales
Treasurer Riordan
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Paid costs in the case of the City vs.
Illinois Central Railroad
Postage stamps and postal cards
A Graham
Mrs. Levi, Linwood Cemetery
T O'Donnell, 1st Ward scales
William Hintrager
tax sale
Chief Engineer of Fire Department
number of fires, loss, and insurance
City Sexton Gmehle, number of interments in Linwood Cemetery
sale of cemetery lots
George W Pope
Peter McMahan
John Buelon
J M McKinley
Joseph Ernest
M H Beach
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Sale of Linwood Lots
John McLilly
C H Hudson
Henry Schmitt
Gottfried Gmehle
digging graves
D E Hawley
John Nelly for additional compensation for injuries
D G Scott, damages for opening Walnut St
Illinois Central Railroad Company
Adam Glab, transfer saloon license of Joseph Neff
Ordinance to establish Eagle Point Ferry and construct a levee in connection
Ordinance to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
W W Pyne, permission to run omnibus
Layen and Sons, exclusive privilege of running omnibuses
within city limits
Petition of Elizabeth Sage, team license
Pelan and Randall, lumber for streets
A McCann
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Width of St. Mary's Street
Petition of F Pann, raising curb on the north side of 13th St and White St
Omnibus, petition of William H Martin
improvement of alley from Prairie St to Dell St
W W Luke, grade on Alta Vista St
Henry Mueller, wall at Eagle Point Avenue
John Eichorn, macadamizing 13th St from Clay St to White St
Hay market
Extension of Main St and Seminary St
abutters pay hald the expenses of the survey
William Rebman, 17th St
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Work done by William Rebman on 17th St from White St to Iowa St
Examine the work done by W J Foye on 13th St between White St and Clay St
George Fengler, John J Linehan, P Lagen
Jones St
improvement of 2nd St between Main st and Iowa St
William Rebman to do work, surplus dirt is louded on city teams
G Blocklinger
George W Connell estate
Mrs. Hanson
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Titus Heer, reducing assessments on personal property
Ernest Meyer, over assessment
Hannorah Lonegan, remitting taxes in East Dubuque
J H Strobel
C J Rogers, Finley's addition
Mrs. Ann M English, reducing assessment
Thomas Melchior
L Dufit
J Dufit
collect saloon licenses in West Dubuque
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petition of Henry Neuhaus
Assessment on City lot
Petition of J H Rhomberg
Business matter betweent he Water Company and the parties having those watering troughs
Mr. Gibbs
10th St and Bluff St
D E Lyon, putting up lamp posts
sold an old hose carriage
purchased bell for J K Graves Engine House
W E Wellington
William G Stewart, Dubuque Harbor Company
grading on Streets
East of Iowa St, 1st St, Jones St, Iowa St to levee
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Auditor Jennings, relation to police cases before Justice McLenan
City Engineer, W H Knowlton, relation to Dodge St Bridge
work done on 14th St by Ross McMahon
Bids for work advertised for on alleys
work between 9th St and 10th St, Clay St and White St
William Rebman
alley between 3rd St and 4th St, Locust St and Bluff St
Michael Donnolly
1st St, 4th St, Main St
John McCoy, payment for sidewalk
plank sidewalk constructed on Jackson St between 23rd St and Peru Road
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved Street Commissioner repair Plank Road and the streets leading to the exhibition grounds in order to give the City a favorable appearance to strangers
Committee on Fire Advertise for bids for fuel for city purpose
stagnant water, create a nuisance
grade of Locust St
filling to an elevation
City Engineer grading alley between 1st St and 4th st, Locust St and Main St
Alley between 3rd St and 4th St, Locust St and Bluff St
Jones St, Old Main
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Former Session of Council, Dubuque Water Company extend their line of water pipes from 11th St to Eagle Point Avenue
alley between Jackson St and Washington St
Lake St to alley
Washington to Eagle Point Avenue
Water Company sell hydrants
City Engineer to give the water company the grade for pipes and hydrants
City Recorder advertise for bids for the construction of a sewer on 1st St
pamphlets printed of city ordinances
since May 4, 1872
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Water Company, in favor of William Rebman
proceeds arising from any licenses issued by the City of Dubuque to any carriages, hacks, omnibuses, waggons, or any other conveyance
paid to the treasurer of agricultural and mechanical exhibition
Resolved Committee on ordinances prepare an ordinance for the purpose of stopping the use of fire crackers in the city
P F Guthrie improvement of streets and alleys and highways
plans and specifications of the 1st St sewer
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
T O'Sullivan and E A Frenzel
Claims paid
H W Lenehan
B Gantert
Laflin, Rand and Powder Co
Pelan and Randall
Weston Burch Co
McKinley and Buehler
william Jergens
John McCoy
Key City Gas Light Co
John McCoy
H Stecher
J C Paine
Spear and Lee
M Donley
John Maclay
W E Wellington
H Frith
Klauer and Brothers
Pat McMahon
G B Woodworth
G A Knowlton
G A Marsh
A Freeman
McKinley and Buchler
John Pals
H Nortung
Dubuque Water Company
Thomas Cahill
J Conant
P J Quigley
John McCoy moving sidewalks
August 11, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
J D Miller and Co
C Herancourt
John Pier
Palmer and Brothers
J M Robison
John McCoy
W H Torbert
W Hansen
J K Graves, Engine Co
Asa Roberts
Sol Turck Engine Co
Rouse and Dean
A Freeman
Mrs. Ann Welsh
Ham and Carver
Rich and Woodruff
August 24, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Construction of a sewer on 1st St
lowest bidder
J McDonough
Bids for macadamizing the alley between 1st St and 4th St, Main St and Locust St
3rd St and 4th St, Locust St and Bluff St
Small frame house on 1st St and Iowa St removed to some place of safety
Mathias Ham balance of taxes due the city
J W Parker
A Kaiser
A A Cooper
August 24, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Recorder draw an order in such amounts as the Finance Committee
coupons due New York, Grant and Smith Bonds
Resolved order on the Treasury, First National Bank
City Treasurer, Austin Adams, Attorney
Suit of Larnard against the City of Dubuque in United States at Des Moines
Claim of Solomon Turck, Engine Company
J K Graves Engine Co
August 28, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Ordinance in relation to the assessment and collection of taxes in the City of Dubuque
City Attorney, certifying city taxes to the County Treasurer
C J McDonough, bid on 1st St sewer
Recorder advertise for bids for the construction of the sewer on 1st St
Ross McMahon, payment for grading done on 14th St between Bluff St and Prairie St
1st St east of Main St
Ordinance to amend an Ordinance in relation to licenses
August 28, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petition in relation to tax matters, referred to delinquent tax committee
C J Rogers, Sarah J Michigan
First Presbyterian Church
Johanna Hoerner
Francis Rafferty
J T Jarrett
Mrs. M Miller
J F Mack
Julia Bauch
A Geisler and Son
Patch and Waite
R H Collier
Mrs. John B Smith
John Becker
James Carroll
William Johnson
Grover and Baker, sewing Machine Co
Peter Schiltz
Margaret Jordan
George Rath
H S Hetherington
Bridge over Couler Creek
J M Preston, sidewalk on Seminary St
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
John Bell, road between Julien Avenue and 8th St
Ross McMahon, excavation done on 14th St
Charles Klingenberg, license
Mary Westphal, sidewalk
Mary Morrison, house removed by the City Marshal
Christian Wuerz, assistance on account of sickness in his family
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company
Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque Railroad Company
filling alleys
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
O P Shiras, erect a frame wood shed in the rear of his residence
L Adler, piling lumber at 8th St and White St
Mrs. H Spillenberg, Mrs. A Beringer, transfer of cemetery lots
Removal of hay market from present location
Edward Langworthy, sidewalk on Jackson St
City Assessors, assessment roll
M Kingman, grade of Prairie St
W H Robison curbing and guttering Summit St
Martin Frommelt, remission of taxes in McCraney's Addition
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
McCraney's Addition in Hooper's Addition
John P Williams transfer of Saloon License
Street Commissioner Linehan
breaking macadam
Market Master Frith, weighed draughts
rent for huckster's stands
Board of Prisoners
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Mrs. M Levi for Linwood Cemetery lots
City Sexton Gmehle, interments
Philip Mueller
Sam Des Jarden
Christian Weinzirl
William Field
Wilhelm Wendt
digging graves
A T Cook, chief of the Fire Department
election of F Morgan as foreman of J K Graves Engine Co
C Cutter
Engineer Knowlton, survey of St. Mary's Street
T O'Donald weighed draughts at the 1st Ward Scales
West Dubuque Scale
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Wood measurer Waring, cords of wood
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Auditor Jennings, salaries due City Officers and policemen
W L Wright
Delinquent tax, petition of Jacob Aronson
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
N C Ryan, assessment against him for personalty
Board of Education, tax on property without interest
Catherine Hanlon
Maria Lee
J N Abry
Margaret Flynn
A Gleed, lamp posts
M Morgan, frame barn
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Delinquent tax, petition of W H Torbert
Jesse R Thomas
Just and equal division of the assessment
Mrs. M Miller
Bridget Ryan, taxes without interest
Anton Heeb, reduction of assessment
Duncan and Waller, Cook's Addition
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Margaret O'Grady, assessment of monies and credits
Magdalena Schumacher, taxes paid land doubly assessed
Miss M Eggleston, tax on homestead, household furniture cancelled
Samuel Root, change of grade
Henry Riker, draining off water accumulating on lots in Farley's Addition
C S Richards, improvement of Seminary Hill
W H Rumpf, grade of Prairie St
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petition of Board of Education, overflow of water coming down Diagonal St
James Hulton, crossings on Julien Avenue
Ellen Lavin, taxes in McDaniel's Addition
Jacob Kurzal, 10th St, White St and Jackson St
John McCoy, sidewalks on Washington St
Michael Rude, pay team license
Austin Adams, W H Beach
Spruce St from Jefferson St to 11th St
George R Burch, street graded from Summit St to Hill St
City Attorney draw up deeds and
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
City Attorney draw up deeds and have them signed
W H Beach, Jefferson St be macadamized east of Spruce St
F R Bissell and Louis Boisot from Grove St to 14th St
Petitioners pay for the right of way
Bridge on Dodge St, Catfish Crossing
J D Miller and Co, baskets furnished to Recorder and Auditor
C Herancourt, Window curtains
Mary Driscoll
William Bothwell, sidewalks laid by Louis Scherer
Thomas M Monroe, claiming damages by reason of his horse falling through bridge on Julien
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Thomas M Monroe, claiming damages by reason of his horse falling through bridge on Julien Avenue
John McCoy, repairing cemetery gate
Palmer Brothers
John Pier, candles furnished Engine house
J W Robison, lumber
M Hanson
work done by William Rebman on 2nd St between Main St and Iowa St
W H Torbert
D G Scott and J L Langworthy, relation to widening Walnut St
D N Cooley, sale of outlot
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
G Blocklinger on Iowa St between 1st St and 2nd St
Petition of W P Large, preventing the locking of wagons on macadamized streets
Committee on Fire in connection with the City Attorney
Claim of the Dubuque Water Company
William Rebman bill, work done on 17th St
Auditor's report of police cases before Justice McLenan
M Schnyder, relation to lettering lamp posts
A Freeman, hauling drunken men to calaboose
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Ann Welsh, boarding paupers
Rich and Woodruff, printing
Ham and Carver
Claim of Rouse and Dean, repairing steam enginers
Asa Roberts, repairs on hose cart, bolts, screws
W H Torbert, oils furnished fire department
W H Martin, grading done on alley between 3rd St and 4th St, Clay St and White St
Petitions of C Harrig, assistance from City for injuries received by falling on sidewalk
Policemen for shooting dogs
An Ordinance to establish Eagle Point Ferry and Construct a levee in connection
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
An Ordinance to amend chapter 30 of the revised ordinance
An Ordinance defining offences and prescribing the punishment
An Ordinance in relation to licenses
William Rebman, grading on 2nd st
Estimate of work done on Iowa St between 1st St and 2nd St
George Blocklinger
4th St and 5th St, Clay St and White St
Grading done by Wallace and Brothers on Jefferson St
Resolved curbing, guttering, macadamizing, 2nd St from Mail St to the alley east of Main St by William Rebman, Contractor
Special tax levied
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Special tax levied on parcels of Real Estate
Dubuque City, Mrs. Margaret Kavanaugh
W W Woodworth
Resolved 13th St between Clay St and White St
J N Foy, contractor
Special tax
lots and parcels of real estate
C Payen
Mrs. B Buechler
Mrs. H Mathews
John Eichorn
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
sidewalk laid by John McCoy, contractor on Jackson St
Special tax levied upon lots, parcels of real estate
L H Langworthy Addition
plank sidewalk, grade of 10th St between White St and Jackson St
Mayor hire required number of special police to keerp order at the fair grounds
Herman Bruening
Collecting delinquent taxes
Order drawn on treasurer in favor of William Rebman
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
17th St
Resolved Engineer make survey and profile
Grade on Prairie St between Chestnut St and 11th St
Order to John Kelly for damages claimed for falling down on the street
William Wallis and Brothers, grading Jefferson St
Justice of the Peace
prosecutions for violations of City ordinances
Marshal and city police take all persons arrested by them before Justice of Police
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Abutters on Summit St between 5th St and Fenelon St are permitted to gutter said street at their own expense and to hire their own mechanics to do the work
prohibit the use of fire crackers in the City
An Ordinance to provide for the prosecutions passed in 1869
John Kelly
Curbing, guttering, and macadamizing of Iowa St between 1st St and 2nd St
tax levied on lots and parcels of real estate
A H Cooper
Jonthan Houps
A Simplot, C Simplot
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved guttering macadamizing, curbing under sidewalks on 17th St between Iowa St and Clay St by William Rebman, contractor
John Beck's Estate
N Nix
Henry Geiger
Anton Stines
Patrick Morgan
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Special tax levied on lots
Frederick Kunicker
German Presbyterian Church
Farley's subdivision, owned by John Nagle
Justice Tuttle, Police Justice
Justice Cantillon
Bids for furnishing coal to the Steam Engines
Contract to Frank Parker
Pitsburgh Coal
Illinois Coal
Proposals for doing work on alleys, buildings, sewer on 1st St
James Doyle, lowest bidder, alley between 1st St and 4th St, Main St and Locust St
3rd St and 4th St, Locust St and Bluff St
Andrew Merz
1st St sewer
D E Lyon, asking for lamp post on Bluff St and 10th St
September 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Damages claimed by Arthur McCann, wall on Saint Mary's St
George Young, permanent grade on George Street
John Street
Jacob Seegar
Delinquent taxes
German Presbyterian Church
September 5, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Assessment of Real and Personal Property
City Assessor
General Expense, six mills
Special Interest, eight mills
included within the water limits
Ordinance granting the right of way for approaches to Pontoon Bridge
Joseph Collison
Petition of Jacob Seiger
September 5, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Delinquent taxes
Patch and Waite, locating horse cart near the corner of 10th St and Jackson St
E A Frenzel, T O'Sullivan
Claims Paid
Ham and Carver
Hodge and Whitelaw
F Mertz
T O'Sullivan
A H Stuart
Frederick Burdt
John Dubrocks
Dubuque Water Co
George R Woodworth
Martin Odler
L B Tuttle
D V Wilson
Cabinet Makers Association
Rouse and Dean
Pelan and Randall
John D Jennings
D W Linehan
H C Palmer
H Nortung
James Nichols
Ingram, Kennedy and Day
J E Marsh
William Jergins
Key City Gas Light Co Spear and Lee
Weston, Burch and Co
G R West
N Frith
October 1, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
October 2, 1874
Petitions in relation to taxes, Delinquent taxes
F Burdt
E Rachel Huggards
Caroline Webb
Anton Heeb
Daniel McClean
W Blumenauer
Ann Tierney
P Morgan
W B De Lorimier
M Pfiffner
Catherine Klein
J W Bishop
John Falty
German Presbyterian Church
E Sullivan
Catherine McCann
Mrs. L E Cooley
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
A W Wood, relation to the improvement in front of McDaniel's Subdivision
G Becker, macadamizing alley between 11th St and 12th st
Clay St and White St
J L Dickinson, grade of Washington St and Elm St
James Green, gutters on the west side of Bluff St
J Conzett, sidewalk on 17th St
H M Andres, work done on sewer on Julien Avenue
Zumhoff, Joseph and Co
building bridge on Couler Creek
Peter Kiene, improving alley in King's Addition
H G Scott, widening street
5th Ward
L Adler, prevent piling of lumber
8th St and White St
Special Assessment
Finance Committee, City Attorney
F Brede, lamp post on corner of 11th St and Jackson St
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
G Becker, lamp post on corner of 11th St, White St
Ingram, Kennedy, and Day
corner of 7th St and Jackson St
Mrs. M Howard
Cemetery lot
P O'Halloran, increase of salary
N Eichmann, vacant space between the market and adjoining property
12th St and market, Clay St and Iowa St
Street Commissioner Lenehan
breaking macadam
Auditor Jennings, salaries due city officers and police
Marketmaster Frith, weighed drafts at market scales
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Receipts for huckster stands
Board of Prisoners
Alexander Buchet, weighed drafts at West Dubuque Scales
T O'Donald
Woodmeasurer Waring, cords of wood
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Auditor Jennings, police report
City Sexton Gmehle, interments in Linwood Cemetery
A T Cook and Gates
Giles Samuel
Henry A Meyer
George O Cowles
Hugh Corrance
P P Sadler
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Digging graves
P Ryder, Captain of the Day Police
Engineer Knowlton, due William Rebman
Charles Klingenberg
R H Collier, assessment of lots in Fortune's Addition
Honorable Soloman Turck
J M Preston, sidewalk on Seminary St
Alleys between 1st St and 4th St, Locust St and Bluff St
Jones St
George Rath, H S Hetherington
Couler Creek on 17th St
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
C E Hetherington, sidewalk be laid on the south side of 1st St
John Bell, relation to street between Julien Avenue and 8th St
Ross McMahon, 14th St
Henry Beckett, obstructions on the alley between Delhi St and Cherry St in Finley's addition
William Waring, increase of salary as wharfmaster
Auditor Jennings cases before Justice Leckie
Petition of Patch and Waite, hose cart on 10th St and Jackson St
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Company under the control of the Fire Department
O P Shiras, permission to erect a frame wood shed on Iowa St and 11th St
Delinquent taxes , petition of Julia Bauck, taxes remitted
L H Langworthy's Addition
Mrs. John b Smith, Union addition
Magdalena Miller
Francis Rafferty, assessments on lots
Johanna Hoerner, exempted from taxation, homestead
J C Lay, reducing assessment on monies and credits
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petition of William Johnson, released from partnership of Schiller and Johnson, pay personal tax
John Heim, assessment reduced on personal property
J T Jarrett
Margaret Jordan
Johnson and Kahlke, assessment on manufacturers
James Carroll, erroneous description of property
Petition of the Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company
Jacob Sugar, taxes on lot
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
William Hintrager, claim
C J Rogers, monies and credits assessed
John Becker, assessment in L H Langworthy's addition
First Presbyterian Church
Adam Geisler and Son, assessment on merchandise
Sarah J Mihigan, subdivision out lot
Peter Schiltz, assessment on merchandise
Patch and Waite, reduction on personal property
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
J F Mack, canceling tax for the year
city lot
Mary Morrissey, building on Southern Avenue
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company, Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque Railroad Company
filling Alley between Main St and Iowa St from Jones St to Railroad Avenue
high water mark
Petition of Christian Muerz, help to support himself and family
Board of Supervisors
John Fahey, damages for injuries received in helping a policeman arrest a prisoner
Ordinance in relation to fee bills before Justice of the Peace
Ordinance granting the right to John P Quigley and his associates
pile pontoon bridge over the Mississippi River
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved City Engineer draw plans and specifications for a sewer through lot in Farley's Subdivision
curb on White St between 13th St and 14th St
Establishing a telegraph, fire and police alarm
Resolved alley between Locust St and Bluff St and 7th St and 8th St ordered macadamized
Change of grade of Madison St
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Advertise proposed change of grade on Madison St between Main St and Seminary St
plank sidewalk laid at the west side of White St between 7th St and 8th St
George Mehl
City Engineer make plans and specifications
macadamizing alley between 1st St, 2nd St, Main St, and Iowa St
Inspectors of boilers for the City
John Nagle, Farley's Subdivision
Saint Mary Street
abutters to agree
Resolved City Engineer make plans and specifications for the macadamizing of alleys between 4th St and 5th St, Locust St and Bluff St
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved alley between Iowa St and Clay St and 12th St and 13th St
St Mary's Street, Saint Raphael's Addition
Engineer prepare plans and specifications
curbing, guttering, macadamizing
Locust St, 15th St
William Rebman, 17th St
Dubuque Water Company
plank sidewalk, temporary grade, 8th St Hugh Treanor
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Temporary grade of Seminary St
17th St to base of the hill
William Rebman, filling on Elm St between 13th St and 14th St
Resolved, action of Mayor Jaeger in employing Adams and Robinson in the suit of H L Stout
Claim of Dubuque Central Improvement Company
alleged liability of the City
Central Improvement Company bonds
Attend city suits in Central Island Cases
Resolved City Engineer make survey and plat of a street
1st St, east of the bridge company track
intersection of Lake St
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Change grade on Prairie St between Chestnut and 11th St
E H Frenzel
balance due assessor
Claim of T O Sullivan
Appoint Michael Parker as weighmaster of dressed hogs
Bills paid
Key City Gas Light Co
Bell and Green
James Crawford
D V Wilson
Dubuque Water Co
Scherer and Watry
George Fengler
J Christman
G B Woodworth
J C Paine
William Jergins
John McCoy
Joseph Meyer
Mrs. M Levi
H Bruening
C Christman
M Hansen
John Maclay
Parker and Son
Patrick Nichols
W H Torbert
H Nortung
R Bennett
J E Marsh
A E Linehan
William Kelly
Mrs. Oglesby
Dubuque Harbor Co
Daniel Riordan
Claims of the 5th Ward Hose Company
Claim of the Sol Turck Engine Company
claim of A M Hemmalder
J K Graves Engine Co
October 2, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Claim of Christian Schass
F A Gniffke, claim of Rich and Woodruff, printing
W Hansen
October 12, 1874
William Rebman to be the lowest bidder for the alley between 12th St and 13th St, Clay St and Iowa St
James N Foye, lowest bidder
4th St and 5th St, Locust St and Bluff St, G Blocklinger
1st St, 2nd St, Main St, Iowa St
alley between 7th St and 8th St, Locust St, Bluff St
October 12, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved H Tuttle, appointed police justice
survey and profile of the change of grade on Mineral St
17th St
City Engineer prepare plans and specifications for macadamizing the alley between 7th St and 8th st, Main St and Locust St
F Brede, praying for lamp post on 11th St and Jackson St
G Becker, lamp posts on corner of 10th St and 11th St, White St
Committee on Fire
Sol Turck Engine Company
J K Graves
5th Ward Hose Company
A M Hemmelder
Set of scales in the 1st Ward
Bowdish settlement
October 12, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
October 26, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Bids for street work, committee on streets
William Rebman, lowest bidder on alley between 7th St, 8th St, Main St, Locust St
Andrew Merz, lowest bidder on sewer build in Farley's Subdivision
Daniel McClean, damages done to property by change of grade on Walnut St
Delinquent taxes, petition of Ann Stuart
lot in West's addition
Ann Tierney, taxes on lot of subdivision out of Quigley's subdivision
B De Lorimier
Petition of Maria Pfiffner, taxes on lot in Jung's Addition
October 26, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Engineer prepare plans and specifications for curbing, guttering, and macadamizing Jones St from old Main St, Locust St
espense of abutting property owners
S M Pollock, amount due him for taxes on personalty
District Court of this County, case of S M Pollock vs. the Mayor and Aldermen
City Attorney, conjunction with the Treasurer
sidewalk on White St and 8th St
plank sidewalk, 9th st
sale of the property belonging to Alexander Katherine and Samuel Homy
cancel the taxes against the property
October 26, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Engineer prepare plans and specifications for guttering, macadamizing, 16th St between Main St and Locust St
south side of Jefferson St between Spruce St and Walnut St
Supervision of City Engineer
lower a crossing on 13th St and Clay St, sufficient to drain the water
alley between 11th St and 12th St, Clay St and White St
November 5, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Committee on Fire, establishing a telegraph, fire, and police alarm
large amount of property may be saved by it
2nd Annual convention of the National Association of Chiefs of Fire Departments of the United States, held at St. Louis
November 5, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Margaret Donohue remission of taxes
Agnes Turner, remission of taxes
Eliza Turner, Union Addition
G B Hamilton refunded, illegal sale of Mineral Lot
K C Cooley, cancel the taxes against the lot in Fortune's Addition
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
William L Bradley, nine acres of Mineral Lot
John McGrath, remission of taxes, Kelly's Subdivision
Felix Oswald, Burton's Addition
J K Graves, president of Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad
Clinton, Chicago, and Dubuque Railroad Companies
H Ficke, German Congregational Church
excavating done at head of Clay St, permission to erect a wall
John Kaep, curb stone White St
14th St, 15th St
City Engineer, grade of street
John Finzel, 7th St opened from High St northerly through Ham's Addition
T O'Sullivan, 3rd Ward Engine House
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
John Lynch, abatement of a nuisance
H L Stout, postponement of the macadamizing of Mineral St
17th St to the west line of Mineral Lot
John Gantenbein, street opened from Stafford Avenue to Middle Street
Ross McMahon, special tax levied for improvement
west of Bluff St
C F Hobbs, lamp post erected on either corner of 8th St and White St
James Brophy, sidewalk on Jefferson St
C Higley
F A Gniffke, Guardian of Mrs. Wilhelmina Baade, damages done to her property, Farley's Subdivision
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
John Nagle damages done to his property
Alexander Simplot grade of 1st St, alley between Main St and Iowa St
Frame House fronting on 1st St
John Graff, damages for a wrong survey
J S Littrell, L H Langworthy's Addition
William Wallace and Broby, Thomas Burns, work on Jefferson St
Peter Klein, collection of Butcher's license
Klingenberg and Borgwald, transfer Butcher's license to August Look
Richard Scott, macadamizing 16th St
G R West, O L West, privilege to mine under Villa St
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petitions referred to committe on equalization
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Treasurer Riordan
Amount due Mrs. M Levi, Cemetery lots
H W Griswold
T O'Donald, weighed at 1st Ward Scales
Marketmaster Frith, weighed Central Market Scales
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Amount of receipts
Fine of prisoner
Board of prisoners
Lamplighter O'Halloran
City Sexton Gmehle, Linwood Cemetery lots
Leonard Buehler
Mrs. Dorothea Rhomberg
Ludwig Allgyer
Abraham M Vyverburg
John S Looney
Josiah Conzett
Nicholas Plattner
Fred Rubi
digging graves
Marshal Kintzinger
B W Jones on Jackson St
Peru Road
Woodmeasurer Waring, cords of wood
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Street Commissioner Linehan
laborers, masons, teams
Saint Mary St
Report of Alexander Buchet, weighmaster of the West Dubuque Scales
J L Dickinson and Co, grade on Washington and Elm St
Peter Kiene, grading, macadamizing, laying a sidewalk in Blocklinger Alley
G Becker, grading alley between 11th St and 12th St, Clay St and White St
W Luke, obstruction of Pearl St in Finley, Waples and Burton's Addition
I M Wood, obstructions in McDaniel's Subdivision
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
14th St
Ross McMahon
Josiah Conzett, 17th St being obstructed
West side between Main St and Locust St
James Green, gutter on Bluff St
Subdivision of City lot
H M Andres, compensation for covering the sewer, premises on Julien Avenue
Daniel McClean, change of grade of Walnut St
Mrs. L E Cooley, special assessment
Treasurer's books, Fortune's Addition
Claim of M Hanson, hauling dead animals
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Catharine McCann, macadamizing alley
German Presbyterian Church, macadamizing and guttering done on 17th St
Delinquent tax, M Blumaneuer
Assessment on lots in Schaffners Subdivision
P Morgan, monies and credits
Mrs. C Klein, Marsh's Addition
Mrs. Caroline Webb, assessment on personal property
household furniture
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
E Rachel Huggards, taxes on lots in Julien Addition
John Talty, subdivision of Mineral Lot
T E Frith, board of prisoners
D D Myers, placing gas lights along the line of 3rd St, west of Bluff St
pay for the main pipe
Auditor Jennings, cases before Justice Tuttle
Ingram, Kennedy and Day, corner of 7th St and Washington St
C N Clark, Factory
fire hydrant
Jackson St
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
P O'Halloran, lamplighter, increase of salary
Committee on Fire, Washington Fire Engine to George Sower
exchange on draft
Mrs. Ellen McMahon, printing claim of F A Gniffke, printing
investigate the charges made against the Marshal
Police cases tried before Justice Cantillon
Violation of City Ordinance
Mayor Peaslee, securing records and papers in the market building
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resignation of D W Linehan, Street Commissioner
L K Bowdish, lease of city lot on 15th St and Locust St
Amend an Ordinance to provide for improving the streets, alleys, and public landings
Construction of sidewalks and sewers in the City of Dubuque
Collection of special assessments
Enable the Treasurer to know what property is delinquent
sidewalk on Jefferson St, at abutters expense
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
grading and railing be done at the expense of the City
Compromise between Knapp, Stout and Co
Gamewell and Co, Fire Alarm Telegraph
open bids for street work
M Dunn, lowest bidder on 16th St between Main St and Locust St, alley between 11th St and 12th St, Clay St and White St
James Doyle
B F Davis
Resolved Order in favor of John R Waller
Wilson's Subdivision
Dr. J C Lay, reduction on taxes
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Bond owned by the Dubuque Central Improvement Company
Liability of the city on the bond
annual interest
Resolved, order in favor of Dan Riordan
Mr. Ordway, Attorney for the holders of bonds
William Hintrager, purpose of redeeming city lot for special tax
Feasibility and practicality of purchasing the Dubuque Water Works
suitable book and ladder truck, grounds for the
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
grounds for the erection of an Engine House
hook and ladder truck
Case of Richard Waller vs. the City of Dubuque
Term of the Supreme Court
Decision of the district court of the County
Leases from the plaintiff
taxed as personalty
A Merz
Justice Cantillon, Police Justice
plank sidewalk on 8th St between Clay St and White St
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Resolved case of T M Monroe vs. the City of Dubuque
failure to effect a settlement that the City Attorney be directed to take an appeal in said case
Engineer draw up plans and specifications for guttering and macadamizing Blocklinger Alley
Change of grade on Mineral St
Change of grade on 17th St
Resolved Engineer prepare a profile and establish a grade of Grandview Avenue from Delhi Road to Southern Avenue
lamp post in front of Samuel Elmer's boarding house
Adams and Robinson, suit of Knapp, Stout and Co against the City
Circuit Court of Buchanan County
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
purchase as much hose as they deem necessary
Fire Companies
Macadamizing of the alley from 1st St to 2nd St between Main St and Iowa St by G Blocklinger, Contractor
special tax levied upon the lots, parts of lots, parcels of real estate
Dubuque City
A A Cooper
Johnathan Houps
C Simplot
Henry Simplot
Charles Simplot
A Simplot
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
special tax levied upon the lots, parts of lots, parcels of real estate
Dubuque City
A Simplot
Mrs. Josephine Yates
William Coates, William Watters
A W Kimler
R Hinds
John Kries
O P Shiras, Guardian for estate of F E Bissell
Mrs. Margaret Kavanaugh
Pay for macadamizing the alley from 7th St to 8th St between Locust St and Bluff St
William Rebman, Contractor
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
special tax levied upon the lots, parts of lots, parcels of real estate
Dubuque City
R Waller
David Grant
O E Richmond
Mrs. Catharine Knight
James Brunskill
Mrs. E Sage
Jacob Christman
Mrs. C J Cumings
16th St from Main St to Locust St
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Leroy D Randall, Trustee under the Ordinance of July 7, 1864 in possession of certain bonds
Completion of Thompson Bonds
Honorable A H Peaslee, conjunction with the finance committee
Street Commissioner dispensed with from November 15
City Engineer collect from the several Railroad Companies
expense of the construction of the 1st St sewer
Bills Paid
Moses Leppman
Dubuque Harbor Co
Dubuque Times
William Rebman
Key City Gas Light Co
H Nortung
Sol Turck Engine Co
Tom Connolly
Ed Morgan
Philip Pier
William Rebman
Fairbanks, Morse Co
Dubuque Times
John Schwenk
Conrad Lange
Ham and Carver
J W Parker and Sons
John McCoy
November 6, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
William Jergins
Andrew and Treadway
Rouse and Dean
Hansen and Linehan
J K Graves, Engine Co
Dubuque Telegraph
W H Knowlton
Dubuque Water Co
5th Ward Hose Co
James Doyle
S M Pollock
D W Linehan
B D Lenehan
Asa Roberts
N Frith
P Pfersch
George B Woodworth
J E Marsh
Asa Roberts
T O'Sullivan
Dubuque Times
Rich and Woodruff
November 18, 1874
Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad and the Clinton, Chicago and Dubuque Railroad Co
Illinois Central Railroad Co
lay tracks for the respective roads
alley between Main St and Iowa St
1st St
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co
Special Committee
November 18, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Treasurer Riordan, work done by William Rebman and J N Foye
Committee on Equalization
Atherton and Lewis
Rachel Martin
Arthur McArthur
Kelly and Moser
George W Jones
Lester P Bissell
James Levi
N C Ryder
Hannah B Rupert
Peter Ellwanger
R S Harris
John W Smith
S M Langworthy
Joseph Zagenbuehler
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Catherine Hickey, lot on East Dubuque
C O Mullin
Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad Company
reduction of assessment
Bradley Guffin, judgement rendered in the District Court of Dubuque County of Iowa
Monroe and Deery, fees in the case of appeal of the City of Dubuque vs. John D Bush
Duncan and Waller, cancelation of certificate in King's Addition
Bartholomew Lenehan, damages for injuries
Jefferson St Wall
Anton Stines, vacation of Merz St
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
G R West, work on Villa St
William Wallis and Brothers, special tax levied in Farley's subdivision
Michael Weis
Mrs. Bieg
C Herancourt, reduction of assessment
Margaret Dunn, remission of taxes
Catherine Gerlach
J A Rhomberg, pay taxes on lots in Ham's Addition
E W Duncan, Union Addition
Mrs. Karrick, lots sold for taxes
John T Farley
Patrick Smith, remission of taxes in Union Addition
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Duncan and Waller, refund on Mineral Lot
Ann Morris, remission of taxes in O'Connor's Subdivision
Mrs. J B Smith, remission of taxes, Union Addition
William Rebman, sale of City lot
J H Thompson, taxes against part of out lot
E W Duncan, refunded, Marsh's Addition
Petition of Mrs. Kohn, remission of taxes in E Langworthy's Addition
Henry Sellers, lot in Yates, Ricketts Addition
Petitions, Committee on Equalization
Martin and Welter
Hugh Martin
F W Kruse
Albert Hanson
Henry Grimm
John Simplot
Rev John Hennessy
G Blocklinger
Mrs. Sieger
F Cholvin
Thomas H Benton Jr
James Reddin
George Wilde
J T Hancock and Co
George Salot
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petitions, Committee on Equalization
Anton Vogler
L D Randall
W H Peabody
Peter Werton
James Crider
Mrs. Julia O'Connor
Joseph L Horr
Fred Weigel
Patrick Moloney
H Yeipprech
J P Farley
B B Richards
L D Randall
Joseph Sauervein
Lucy Gruber
J W Finley
Joseph Schukart
Ellen Blake
Peter Schiltz
J K Hallam
Fred Rieger
A Tan Payer
Mathias Schlegel
Schulte and Wagner
P W Skemp
P Morgan
W L Banbein
J W Parker
Fred Fullbaum
Joseph Kinsler
G F Schmidt
T F Koepfle
George W Martin
William Watson, moving dead bodies of soldiers from the Potter's Field to Linwood Cemetery
Soldier's Lot
Supervision of the City Sexton
salaries of city officers and policemen
City Sexton Gmehle
Linwood Cemetery lots
J K Graves
Wilhelm Schafer
J C Howard
Michael Parker, weighed dressed hogs
Woodmeasurer Waring, measured cords of wood
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Captain P Ryder, amount collected for saloon license
Lamplighter O'Halloran
Street Commissioner Linehan
Marshal Kintzinger
John McCoy, contractor
C J Rogers
Auditor Jennings, police cases before Justice Tuttle
Alex Buchet, weighed drafts at the West Dubuque Scales during October
John Molony
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
John Molony supervision
Alexander Buchet, weighed drafts at West Dubuque Scales
T O'Donald, 1st Ward Scales
Marketmaster Frith, drafts on Central Market Scales
Board of Prisoners
Treasurer Riordan, freight and co
Steam Fire Engine, Sol Turck
Seneca Falls
sum due Mrs. M Levi on Cemetery lots
W H Knowlton, due to E M Chaney, work on 1st St
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
W H Knowlton, amount due Andrew Merz, work done and material furnished in building a birck sewer
Farley's Subdivision lot
James N Foye, alley between 4th st and 5th st, Locust St and Bluff St
Amount due William Rebman, work done on alley from 12th St to the Market House and Clay St and Iowa St
7th St, 8th St, Main St, Locust St
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Captain P Ryder, found 19 butchers licenses outstanding, all of which collected except Thomas Allsop of West Dubuque
Justice for Collection
Central Market
C Steven, H Hahn
W H Knowlton, due James Doyle for work done on alley between 3rd St and 4th st, Main St and Locust St
Treasurer Riordan
L D Randall, Trustee
Mayor and Aldermen of the City Council
outstanding Thompson Bonds
Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company
Dubuque Western Railroad Company
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
bonds and coupons
Dubuque and Western Railroad Company Bonds
Retirement of the Thompson Bonds
Honor Mayor Peaslee
Claim of A Y McDonald
G Perry and Co
J Christman, C Christman
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Oliver and Cragin
Bell and Green
W C Chamberlain
F A Gniffke, printing
E A Frenzel, Equalization Committee
Resignation of William Warring, Wharfmaster
Petition of Peter Klein, Butcher's license
Thomas M Monroe
Mrs. E Sullivan
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
J G Moore grading 3rd St from Summit St to the Old Corporation Line
Ross McMahon, special tax levied for the improvement on 14th St west of Bluff St
H Ficke, ground from the city adjoining the German Congregational Church
John Gantenbein, street from Stafford Avenue to Middle St
John Finzel, 7th St from High St through Ham's Addition
John Kaep, curbstones on White St between 14th St and 15th St
City Engineer
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
H L Stout, postponement of macadamizing Mineral St
John Lynch, abatement of a nuisance, Jackson
T O'Sullivan, 3rd Ward Engine House
Mrs. Margaret Howard, cemetery lot
John Eichorn, 18th St from Clay St to White St
hay market
John Krayer against the removal of the hay market
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
M Levi, selling unsold cemetery lots
G Gmehle, transfer lot to Charles Weidneier
Henry Kruse
Mrs. H Spellenberg and Mrs. Behringer, transforming cemetery lots
Henry Spellenberg
J Knoonschild
Auditor Jennings, police cases tried before Justice Cantillon
C F Hobbs, lamp post
C D M Round House
Delinquent taxes
Mrs. Sarah Young
Petition of J M Robinson
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Robison, over assessment
John McGrath
subdivision of lot in Kelly's Addition
monies and credits
Agnes Turner, remission of taxes
John R Waller, sale of city lot
Felix Oswald, Burton's Addition
Margaret Donohue
William L Bradley
December 3, 1874
Peaslee, Lagen, Cooper, Pier, Lenehan, Cantillon, Wunderlich, Maclay, Parker, Fengler, Kaiser
Petition of Eliza Turner, Assessment in Union's Addition
George D Dickinson assessment
Mrs. Anna Pier, remission of taxes in East Dubuque
K C Cooley, tax book, Fortune's Addition
B Bassler, lots in Morhiser's Subdivision
Edward Whelan, assessment on mineral lot