W Roll_19 Part 2• . c��rr cam- 7/4. 4 � , G..,,� A- .;.4 . .,:e pp�����+au tc 4� <:r�c•�"ut. ��' �.(�c.Gc�i�. G�C�/�.�•�y Ofr• .�„,�,,,� .,ve6466a"ot `i �.� .c, ��.Cc�-ate c.,... �- vi2 .tee. � ..�.. 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LC:2 -5‘0,17 // // fo 1-e_ez 0.--„-z_0(---;7H • a 45-6, ••.g /a7 or / a"-D ••••e LI"'"- 4 ..15‘ 'CZ-L-- 44s /i , j/17..el ) erK,,!L6 7Xtt6 0/1#7 &•41‘, ,,v 2,61 Setx, V r'Z 0414,4- -17 -Let 44i .,eot 6:94-a,46 -r- i67711111V7C- 3- G4‘ 90 6� •(4 /4,07d c.0 v. / yam- azc, 1419 (fi /7's6 o FZ &L ,c,..., ` / of 9P'i �e ai4c, 40. z a 61 &- e J6/ 274.4 rierYt ,�e,��Z c� ', s 0-79 /6 si 4/ I. 76 9° • `" ` ` "� 71 .64 - - 9. 3/ '-7 l L 6� �.., ‘1,7)'' /6 Q �z, _ 77/1 &P,,Itexx v ‘,5 D. I) 57, . rr' •,� de•t- /44~ce.Z4-/eLle, 196 a. H. w Dc5' • /4, / 44,4,4 / w w x44 „--/ ,67 - /a. 41.4"-'- _✓i,/ rM'i/1 - .. _ 2./7r Az_Lizz ,- .•...-.. Lssc//_ L.:tn...�,�ti G_ ,(_ � �����'flLvl��-C.. 22ti %u.w_ 7- /� `w.v 6 �/ .gyp' - ._._._ /4z7 ._ - ___ __srfd y .r /ji pLX - 6s 65z x-rdJ .,: /o . /i-- Air . ...-.. _ .L - it7,_ .. _ _.. /! ‘,‘ 27 �/ 77� /!��/T .' /� 5 / 4 ___ - //�L_.�dl `•_ a3 •.. _ .. 4.11j 4 ai,'iet •/4 AP6s` D/ ,,c,17/7*." ;, _ - — --r'4/ ,.• _ •..A7-ed2.. /I" 65z ,44 J q`0C 4.,,x-cAwt" -Z.c.- 44, _ u-‘ 4A, • y o- ..‘-e- 4‘,PZ, /0.1 go .4‘asi7 4.e/ .2 Az,- _ ,7/1--0 .2.6 7 St14 ititi-X,- -- _ - .6 / D 2' 6 i .. - z 4.17,47, .2._e/0 )17. -* ''' -. .1. .Z.6-1 0 a1--' 4/ 7'i- vt4tAi ///d6 XI- /.1-77 ..-1-1 ..t. y_e....4z.....? . „i .fr- ,L.,/,6 .,r2,.. 2...,„......, ad,. eiL.,,.........„..v...., z.......:,%._., a•-..---,....4....v, ".4.4......_._44,14- k/74.,,-- • 4-it, i///,‘-..,,,C.(--,_ -1.-e-,-,..& zteu_. li6,,f- C-o-2.,:(; -., 1' -fru' "(A-4.-Ye•-tr..-..-.,--.---."--,-a-:, i' .=,...—_ tp- e4-.- 414-cw4-t vir----- 7.,'‘ '/Oil --,,C7 , _ d,...c.... .a.e..,..-i-- ,-e -14 4=a------,-(-. /1.0..„44../c. _v....a_ ..-6,4...E.A. -,/,...-,....e.-..., -...,_-.1..........-......e., ,i.....:&,..a.. , a.,...,...t L,, 7 _.• .., , 7,.., 0 e.‘,...., . ,‘,..6--Ai7 e..,‘ 0-r-g7 . /6 j< 3.,..."....,1§in4.4.4-• AC.. - ct-ti7 lie Si as 1,,.+4, A(tft-..a4.• . _Ara _ _•• f-ra /7 .....4 4 A. k ....P". _17 .. , 2. /1 i ..-.2„//ki," ‘,.....;: J4.0 1PAirf-4 _ - . iirst.7- _ d4 . . Lfci7 2- __ -*- 1, ,..frg/' // F_t // i/ ., _41 A/--:-,.,17/P-- zee ‘...1 4.1" 1-. d-..4.. cr1241. . ca......„.....e...._ , 4.,..,.,,),./........6._.z...4., i&i,„,........ti, - ,..,., .i.A. . .,e-4-- dt- -,,l_.a......,-..!- ,-7..,-.0-Z.....e....-- 'AA 4 eZ ‘e/a1-7-v /4/ ip7/to4z *tr‘4/ SD44,—,ec, c:TE'&0 AL.6 a-?' -,e 744 s- a-C/‘ s‘. le-ge 4x. /‘ 42.4e Az• • ad -of f-- of- ort Dr- os--- 07, ,--444/-r-h-, tf-44- t7t1 ,_,k_ „,6,;..,..,_, _/,„, ,„2_,_ , , ..._,/e_.,,c_ ..,, ,,.,,� L , a.,...,c_ ,..__ .,..„-� .„e /D. .. 2 .,� _.,6..,,.,..-a._ . - / ‘,.-.' 565 7z4- In- �,- cx....,.C. w.,�s ad •e.�a oi.....d ��-u a-e .mac -Cc. •rC r/2 a� /6/ 5/- 1- they/ 17y //4s7.. AZ,-.. /l/ e '9 Di #4fi..�i%- �f96 ms ,— ,c . , — .,e1.eo-, ct.,,..,c/A.�„ -,.€.4.e ep�, . e.- v ,,.,.� ..,.4..LL- .i.� .0 v7,v'iuiL , 0:,- .#C 7iL..e.- ,2c,c....,-e 677 /6/ //!,...277 a kc-ovv.;€, 0 4- a1d /0 567 .• A Q. fLur. A4Gua �q;�, y✓/eve.-t-s i /o 568 ! � L-wL /�7.1 /" 7 0-7 g&a. ,‘,97 driLa /roe& if//77i.fr COti.-�-�•c-a�i ict-c.o-L� A7a7 /t Z . • % ..fo r of a, �i Z` �` Z 4 vey /t . ykt awt p `, / V V ✓ 141/ I�/ �i���W Taw�� �/C:/�ytA s �/ e` a2444 .�' �•�.,r j��"ec' /,(�`"`.cdc' s`,� �'� .�2..c�Z� �,, ��.c T� ,4.(�c.�z- �-�- - 569 .1„f4Z4_, c-,,.,,C_ _Oe % .,/,.,_,,____._ fC4.,..,e,, ,,_,L pz,.-, , y"',6`' , ". --, " `/ w 7-_• , .`fix ,, T4-4A1- z/ - • - re..&- -0,44 --t ep,....- - a.,..."_._-_,-z jv ,,e„,,.. • • 7i4e.g4.__._ ,: ,,,.e. , w • .- ..... c4VLF i�l'�' y �r�C�%�OI.C.�R- ���C�� (/ _.✓ iGe •i lO." . e44.4. 7t 773 cr-*.e..t4;1 ±,Z:ita,- iL7(1--/t4-.2 F'//7I � _, e c�7 a.` , eeid-02 A4‘4662-6 4/417Z r -(r-v.. PUS /a., L4v1L-- la-- 1 1%0Z2 '7-444-1 /--%-ct:44,- -4,:eC 5 �i. c . '` gin kkie--......a-, c: k,-- 1-t,-,-- i --,41-e. Xe27----- 1 ".-4,-.1--- -.,--.-e,4,. -,..,---..e._ ./a,1...-e Zt_e , - . - r.,‘,_, 0--.%- /r164., /...G. 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Vic, 7,4 // s ,ss-/ //. /a' d t"Z .s/ // I he /t - 39f 't4 c'ti r li ‘41- /�-L 1� /4e >t- v� /4e O os 7 /' D3 580 ti s p a �i 77Ji 6 _,c- - j zJ // �� ,3� ,717 gut 39� /o �G � wry 7 2M- £-e C/ 47-r 37 /`. 33` JP'fe- ,xe.e..7.a...ae irxx /,Zy 1442' 9fy oe-L-,-Zou. 0- .Zdr d f 9/ s7 PP( ks - / • b' ' .aye-•K �"""c� %J Go a 7 I. /0 J- 9 r 3 F� d f7Ic 7- 7�VJ Z / e ; c. lc ±Z I "friieLV _ - -- �� ra,2a.� oasAl /40 is 43,9 fr i 2`• 6/ 93. 6.1 yr97 �7%ceded ef'/ - /ftL'1l .e % > 6 /d, lD � fux Aea); Z. y-e4.e did ppo- Ae- wC 4 O -4- 0 of 4‘ dr‘ ate- . • /-e-r Z-e 77 4‘o,1 .2 644/.s / 1 41 71- LiY -4701‘ 1.1.44 CeL1L4: g, SZ1Zee4 r-71c--}dc-%. qL,.( /9ieeX erm.rc2, c/01; / .r.44 &c% 1 rkkc.0-,........en, ...,. i,_,......c ,-, ,.......... .414....:...t. .,E4, .4_,,_,.z., ,...,_.., _e,,,-fra,,,„ ht. a...,2- .a.....‘ ,,,....k a.—..*C U-r7-- ./‘c, ork, r ,Kwt.4.- .Zowl, ‘‘'1' P4-eAe"1"ILI .),46 2-"-- rf--...r;:; —4- „Zee Lip 17 ir JD_ ;77Ir- r- A4ae, ,‘„,e aye — ,Algorfr.‘1",4' • 14.17 777r - _ _ ji-ed 211- e / Asetei"-4 LIP - • .G.s-lee, 4.‘ 44 i.J/1 11/"‘‘'-`Agfd- cf 7,s•- 4S7 6 ci ‘-'72 *i,s- 1 58 .Z� •' 7-sue %yJ� c3zd.. /6P7D. 0.24 .17/ .4‘3d oo 4/ 77 9a3 %µme 4 • JD t 4'j 3 G� �J%i 3 P' aZ // Ss /�p 585 .st), J' l s ,yam 140244:4,.., , ,e. z -4.4,..,; „t, a" .- .. 44377 f3 ‘s— .?2,,s- 7/52r ".,..�G. 7 33 6— 7S_,S ..cr...e�... 41.¢,y-' . ,, — -1Z,, �1 427/-2.--re.----, 7fTh,� -c-c-L ..t, i39 /3 6 LS— 4' s ie .� « 9 7 IC1"4/—Z' 2z•3s- fi %ii 2- � � ea. .,e.L� -/ 9 4,&3 - ' s— G w 3 1' `'` /G JD.j sa 1 r ��.. 5�`� d - -e ,...-� .z/ /L ✓� 4i.1..7 L1 ��.N:� -e .��� �/ ZJ ‘5.‘/6 C7"n.444 .Ja .3: ..t.is- x%�w il-e . /O /lc u/ --e, .ate.-x, .a.Q, 4,..7 aZ-/ i.3 LIS— ,..e.r....E....AL-r,..dic, .4.,--e f‘ / /6 4-r4,04- 444d.i-___. ., 4-`// . -- 0 4,.. _A- - • ¢Q/e /-t,4 -L 4-cr .� •r-e.4Z4,L/- 4 26 7' 5,6, 7oG/ ��ti Z.. ,kf,,.:.,,e; //-z 58F, 5'1.¢471v ` --e- -C• 77t. 63- �� - �' 6 96•••�e.-e- GfCo s 941. 44. 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Oyu .4 4e. ;,a, 1' 593 r- G . 7c,,.,, Z. • `14t2:41,4-c:, f-ez •,a.,o� Zo ��- / 2.a•f ,�t.�- r-5-9-4-11v ‘,„,4 , ��..e. 1 ,. c . 4ca, ,.*..--s[- Z , / ADD 3 4‘0, 3 6 „-.Z- Zc /17 ai5 G iG / '777 _� 1� e ,1 _ c� .f . - t o'er 6 44..: .. ,c. .•,- , v ,47,‘_,,t .e -.1_ _ 40,c.4 =--..,.„L X.,,,,.;„e- ,._.z fiii4..4.- ..--c _ = /1":-/.-#4,-.±1,?`C 7Z e t L f : , ' " ' ,,.'‘'''r- a"'(-44: a,,...,- f---,n- fr, -I, ..,.Z. 7 1 L ,,,:.,,,,,i's.a . X.....4,..c, a-..„..,C_ a.....c , , .., .,,,2'' ot414.� uE ..e_dc - c-,."1 2!• ,, Gv ccee- -.e.c.c.4,7 -2 0 d- it.4-C • tea" 27C -,.1w4 it/eo--vGc- P a.eL-n- a�� a.di L arit„ C..w. o., ,. ,.Z ✓u�i / -acc, dyer Qv, 0,.. � � , a.,..� ao a�.� r7,E a. frt.„c, at!. Ste. � .� �- / .Ci tO eL. tLqw.-- a , _.F ,!± . ee,.,—,ajeel cam'- ,a �,,,.. 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(fp Thru: were photographed as received and without alteration by the CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES at Cedar Rapids, Iowa Date: Signed: /• Witness: Z� �.Y CREST INFOR (` ION TECHNOLOGI A END ROLL NOUj 1 /48111890