Y Roll_10 Part 2 0.' ‘1. C . . ,I t 1. .r : ' l''. . 7?• ! ti". 4. P:-..., ( , ‘ . :.,,: _,. , •• . „ . r .. t .. .'. Li ... i, ti, ..i.is k *1 a .... ,f,, .4 k, .:- :t j41/4'%Iiimil040.110:" !. .:. ft...., .. r . .. t.' -414V A.. j .,-, , -.. i.r I xr I e. iti '1 -c. .. ,.. :''' ..., ••••.•-,:*'- de"Pi.k _ . r vr'%\ il ,..., 1:44 -i-1, - 414446, .it"rha.4't Cor .;,, , ..se' , i ga,s44410000 (4) (0,41.• . / 4.‘4. re .. .. , G 0 _ (i.,..„..„ ,„,........... 1 4/..,.., ,., it . :4.•:7... 4,,../.... .......k7"1" , 4 (/ i ' 1 t • 1 410"'i t Williggar t:- • e4litimoc`.4 VI ett # k.'•1 C (....... 401" 1 I 1 • A` • k/F/1 n !.r �K\ i i PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY For the Year 1891 . DUBUQUE : PALMER, WINALL& Co., PRINTERS AND BINDERS, 1892. i CITY OFFICERS FOR 1891. MAYOR, *ROBT. W. STEWART. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS. Recorder J. C. Fitzpatrick. Auditor J. M.Kenety. Treasurer Lawrence Gonner. Attorney J. J. McCarthy. Assessor P F. Guthrie i ALDERMEN. + First Ward. .. .....J. W. Halpin, Fourth Ward P. W. Crawford, { Denis Smith. Edw. C. Peaslee. Second Ward John P. Page, John Glab. Fifth Ward ...*C. J. W. Saunders, Third Ward John Trexler, F. J. Stoltz, Mell H. Cushing. *Chas. Fosselmann. APPOINTED OFFICERS. Committee Clerk John O'Connell. Engineer E. C. Blake. Meat Inspector John Klein. Marshal S. B. Rice. Sewer Inspector...Bentley Rawson. Street Commissioner Ed. Ryan. Wharf Master and Wood Meas'r, C. V. Baumann. Chief Fire Dept.... Jos. Reinfried. Market Master .... .. Alex. Gratz Electrician J L. Bunting. Park Commissioner....P. McNulty. Sidewalk Com'r..James O'Halloran. Health Officer Dr.I. S. Bigelow. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR THE YEAR 1891. EDW. C. PEASLEE, Mayor Pro Tempore. Chairman of the Committee of the Whole. FINANCE—Trexler, Peaslee, Fossel- PRINTING—Smith,Trexler,Crawford, mann, Halpin, Page. Fosselmann, Glab. ORDINANCE—Crawford, Halpin,Cush- FIRE AND WATER— Stoltz, Smith, ing, Glab,Stoltz. Peaslee, Glab, Cushing. CLAIMS—Pea$lee,Stoltz,Page,Smith, POLICE AND LIGHT—Halpin, FOs$el- I mann, Trexler, Glab, Peaslee.Trexler. DELINQUENT TAX—Smith,Page,Cush- STREETS—Glab, Peaslee, Stoltz, ing, Fosselmann,Crawford. Halpin, Cushing. ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION—Peaslee, HARBORS—Page, Smith, Crawford, Glab,Cushing, Stoltz, Halpin. Trexler, Stoltz. SEWERS—Page, Smith, Crawford, SUPPLIES—Cushing, Stoltz, Smith, Fosselmann, Trexler. Peaslee, Page. BOARD OF HEALTH—HALPIN, PAGE, Trexler, Crawford, Stoltz. MARKETS—Glab, Crawford, Trexler, Fosselmann, Halpin. PAVING—Crawford, Smith, Page, PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS— Trexler, Stoltz. Stoltz, Cushing, Page, Halpin, LEGISLATIVE — Crawford, Peaslee, Crawford. Glab. Regular meetings of the City Council held on the first Monday of each month. City Election held on the first Monday of April. *Mayor Stewart resigned June 15th. *C.J.W.Saunders elected Mayor by the Council June 38th. *Alderman Saunders resigned as Alderman of Filth Ward June 18th. *Chas.Fosselmann elected Alderman Fifth Ward June 18th. INDEX. 4- , 1891. SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE. Jan 5 Alley between Eighth and Ninth and Iowa and Main Ste.,remonstrance against paying special assessment. Received and filed. (21,p.49.) (21,p.75.) (21,p.98.) 21 2 •• SlAllison place,petition for grade on granted 21 2 51Alpine street,petition for grade on granted 21 2 51Althauser,John,sub plat of. Street committee.(21,p.26.) 21 2 46 5 Assessor P. F.Suthrie elected and qualified. (21,p. 12, 21 7 26, 40, 45.) 46 5 Assessor(Assistant)F.A.Glab approved.(21,p.12,26,45.) 21 24 Feb 2 Auchter, Jos.,delinquent tax. (21,p. 43.) .... . 2 Alley between Main and Iowa and First and Second21 24 Petition for track in • March.... 2 Angella street,petition of T. 0Sullivan for vacation of 21 39 part of. Com. whole. (21,p.52,58,79.) t. 4 Alta Vista street,change of grade. Committee appointed. (21,p.53,65,83,93,76,123,125,224,235,240.) 21 44 April 9 Alley between Elm and Queen from Sanford to 22d. Petition for opening. Street committee. (21,p.77.) 21 52 it 9 Alley from Nevada to Brad street. Petition for repair of. Street committee. (21, p.77.) 21 52 it 9 Alley between Garfield and Rhomberg and Kniest and 52 Jonston ayes.,petition to declare public. (2,p 79.)... 21 I 5 {, 9 Anna Place,red line adopted as official grade. (21,p.95.) 21 2 6 {t 9 Adair ave., profile of grade. Street corn. (21, p.164) 21 5 t « 9 Audubon ave., profile of grade. Street coin. (21,p. 164).. 21 57 ) 9 Atlantic ave., profile of grade. Street corn. (21,p.164).. 21 57 {I 9 Auburn ave.,profile of grade. Street coin. (21,p,164)... 21 57 - ro « 9 Algona ave., profile of grade. Street corn. (21,p.164).. 21 57 46 .. 9 Alta ave.,profile of grade. Street corn. (21,p.164).... 21 57 9 Ashton ave.,profile of grade. Street corn. (21,p. 164).. 21 57 11 9 Avoca ave.,profile of grade. Street corn. (21,p.164).... 21 57 it 8 Alderman Babcock resigned,Second Ward 21 68 •• 13 Alderman Second Ward,John Glab,elected. (21,p.64).. 21 64 13 Alley bet. .Johnson ave. and Stafford ave. ordered im- proved. (21, p.75) •• 20 Alley bet. 19th and Rhomberg ave. ordered improved. 21 67 (21, p.82; 21,p.121) 67 NI:t 4 Alma street,petition for improvement of. Street corn.... 21 t5 4 Anne street,petition for improvement of. Street corn.... 21 75 4 Alpine street,petition for improvement of. Street corn.. 21 75 4 Alley north of Anne place,petition for improvement of. 21 75 Street committee 4 Alley bet.Main and Iowa and 8th and 9th. Petition for 21 75 reduction of assessment. Received and filed , •• 4 Alleyin Deming & Horr's subdivison; improvement of. ld. Second Ward;21,p.96) 21 75 1/ 4 Alley bet. Lincoln ave.and Providence street and be- tween Johnson and Windsor ave.,improvement of. 21 75 (Ald.Fifth Ward; see 21,p.93) •• 4 Ahrens Mfg.Co.,bill of$4,000 for fire engine ordered paid 21 78 • 4 Alta Vista street bet.Julien ave.and W.14th ordered im- 21 79 1; proved. (21,p. 101,103,212) 1 Agnew,Felix,petition to compel employes to pay debts. 21 i (Com.whole; 21, p. 122) 92 •• 1 Alley bet.W.8th and W.5th bet. Pine and Wilson ave., pet.for extension. Street corn. (See 21,p.121,123, 21 !PI136, 137,173,175,182,183.191,204,205,225) {, 1 Ashworth,R.,communication in relation to granite paving 21 98 Street committee. (21,P.121) I! •• 1 Alley bet.Ries and Klingenberg streets ordered improved 21 100 .1 my 6 Assessor P. F.Guthrie petition to retain assistant. 21 111 6 Aspen street,pet.for repair of. Street corn. (21,p.163) 21 111 •• 6 Angster, Barbara,delinquent tax.(21,p. 164) 21 111 •• 6 Alley between Elm and Queen streets,plat of. Street committee. (21,p. 145) 21 120 21 120 •• 6 Air Hill and W.8th street. Lamp ordered M. 11 . ..._.-. INDEX. 189c. SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE. July.. ... 6 Alley bet.Winona ave and Hill street ordered improved. (21,p.137, 185,197) 21 122 .l ug 3 Alley bet. Rhomberg ave.and Division and bet.Kniest and Johnson ave. Street com. (21,p. 163) 21 136 " 3 Alley near Race street, remonstrance againt changing width. Street com. (21,p. 163) 21 136 •• 3 Alley bet.22d and 23d and bet Couler and Jackson,pet. for improvement of. Street corn.(21.p. 163,187)... 21 136 •• 3 Aeberle,Anton, pet.for pay for filling hole. Street com. 21 136 3 Alley bet. Reis and Klingenberg street,profile of grade. Street committee 21 137 3 Alley from Windsor ave. to Klingenberg st., profile of grade. Street committee 21 137 " 8 Alta Vista street,change of grade adopted 21 137 3 Assessment books for 1891 completed 21 138 Sept 8 Almond street,petition for light. (21,p. 186) 21 161 fif 8 Alpine street,sidewalk ordered on 21 173 1 " 17 Alley bet. Hill and Winona ave.ordered improved 21 174 Oct 5 Ahern,M.,granted one year's time to pay for Dodge st.. 21 188 I 5 Althauser's addition, engineer to establish grades in. (21, p. 194) 21 183 " 5 Angella street,pet.to have made passable. (21,p.204)... 21 183 Nov . 2 Althauser's sub.,profiles of grades of streets in. Street committee 21 194 " 2 Alta Vista st.,bet.Julien ave.and 14th st.,sidewalk or- dered on 21 206 2 Alley from Bluff to Julien ave.,engineer to make plat of. (21, p. 225) 21 206 6 Alley bet. Wilson ave.and Pine st.,pet.for extension of. 21 208 6 Altman,F.,appointed weightmaster 5th ward scales 21 208 11,Alley on west side lot 3 Schroeder's addition, petition for vacation of. Street committee 21 211 De......... 7 Allgeyer, L.,pet.to compel a city employe to pay his debts 21 224 7 Alleys east and west of Race st., engineer to report suitable grade 21 232 •• 14 Angella street,profile of grade. Street committee 21 234 14 Aldermen and Mayor,salaries of paid 21 , 226 I I INDEX. 4g94. SUBJECT. BOOK PAGE. Jan 5 Bills allowed 21 1 " 5 Butt Bros.,bill,$3.45. (P.&L.) 21 2 .{ 5 Baumann,Chas.V.,bill of$2. Received and filed 21 2 46 5 Bosveld,John,delinquent tax. (21,p.27) 21 2 {l 5 Broadway addition,plat of. Street committee 21 2 46 5 Board of Health report and recommendations 21 5 Feb 2 Bills allowed 21 24 46 2 Brown,Michael,delinquent tax. (21,p.48) 21 24 LL 2 Bunworth, Margaret, delinquent tax. (21,p.42) 21 24 41 2 Bush,C.T.&J.D.,delinquent tax. (21,p.42;21, p.59) 21 24 " 2 Burkis,Mrs. Geo.,delinquent tax. (21,p.43) 21 24 {' 2 Bott,.Jos., petition for allowance of attorney's fees. Re- ceived25 and filed " 2 Bluff st.extension,profile of proposed change of loca- tion. Street committee. (21,p.41,56) Il 2 Buseman's sub.,plat of. Street committee. (21,p.41). 21 85 21 March 2 Bills allow(d 8 " 2 Butt Bros.,bill of $1.50,P.& L.;$.75 F.& W. (21,p.59). 21 88 44 2 Buettel& Langworthy's add.,plat of. Street com. (21,) 21 39 { 2 Bre n58 an, Bridget,delinquent tax. (21, p.69) 21 88 " 2 Bonds,matter of keeping record of. Fin.com. (21, p.47) 21 42 2 Babcock's add,plat of. Street committee. (21,p.581... 21 48 April 9 Bills allowed 21 52 {. 9 Butler Bros.,pet.to put in curb and gutter at 16th and Maple streets. (21, p.77) 21 52 44 9 Bowlv,A.J.,for refunding.of hotel license. (21,p.77).. 21 52 61 9 Buehlman,Henrietta,delinquent tax. (21,p.78). 21 53 6' 9 Broadway extension,red line adopted as official grade. (21, 95) 21 56 44 20 Bonds of offiers referred to attorney 21 66 46 20 Bennett st., pet.in relation to waterway. Street corn... 21 66 20 Burden, Geo., to construct sewer on Chestnut street. 21 I 66 Sewer committee May 4 Bluff st.,from 14th to 16th,engineer to prepare profile of. 21 I 74 Adopted. (21,p. 78) 21 74 16 4 Bills allowed j K 4 Beyer, C. F., pet. for increase of wages. Coni. whole. 21 75 (21 p.97) 21 75 46 4 Berkhill, Mrs.N.,delinquent tax. (21,p. 121) 21 75 644 Blake, Bridget,delinquent tax. (21,p. 121) .4 4 Brad st., remonstrance against improvement of. Re- 2176 ceived and filed 4 Bonson R.,bill of $420,action on reconsidered. Com- 21 I 78 mittee of the whole. (21, p.97 t{ 4 Bluff st. between 5th and 6th,A. A. Cooper for change of 21 79 grade. (21, p.81,93,230) 466 l Bluff st.bet. 14th and 16th sts.ordered improved. (21, p.91, 101,125,155,163. 178, 182,197, 226) 21 79 LL 4 Broadway extension bet. Diagonal and Gay sts.ordered improved. (21, 86,92 122 124) 21 80 .1 tune 1 Baumann, Chas. V.pet.fr increase of salary. (21,p.122) 21 92 " 1,Bluff st., pet.for repair bet.9th and 12th. Street com... 21 93 41 I'Beiswenger, C. H.,pet.in relation to scales. Corn. mar- kets. (21, p. 145) 6121 I 93 I Butler, Margaret, deiinquent tax. (21, P. 164) 6421 94 1 Bornhauser,Susanna.delinquent tax. (21,p. 164) 21 94 1 Burns,Anna,delinquent tax. (21, 164) 461 Bluff street bet.9th and 14th,resolution for improvement,' referred to Alderman 4th ward. (21, p. 111, 121,147) 21 98 44 1 Bell street, sidewalk ordered on 21 98 .1 1 Bluff and 3d st. abutting lot 129,sidewalk ordered on... 21 99 " 1 Bluff street bet.4th and 5th.sidewalk ordered on 21 100 100 14 1 Bluff st.bet.3d and 4th,sidewalk ordered on « 1 Bluff st.and 9th st.,sidewalk ordered abutting lot 643... 21 101 my. - 6 Buehler,Elizabeth,delinquent tax. (21, P. 164) _21 111 ! __ . I i INDEX. 1891. SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE. A ug 3 Bills allowed 21 145 3 Broadway extension, pet. in relation to. Corn. whole. 21 136 (21,p.146, 175, 183 • 3 Bush,Anna M.,for lines of Camp,Water and Railroad 21 1311 ave. Received and filed 3 Boetke,John, petition for employment. Received and 21 136 filed 3 Bush, C. T.,pet.for cancellation of special assessment. 21 136 Street committee. (21,p. 163) 21 136 • 3 Bonce,W.B.,delinquent tax. (21,p. 164) 3 Blake, Ellen, pet. for replacing fence on Foye street. 21 136 (21,p. 163) •• .. 3 Bruck.Jacob,pet.to have city employe pay his debts. (Mayor) 21 137 ▪ 3 Bonds,matter of old bonds reported by auditor. Spl.com. 21 138 K 3 Bluff st.abutting city lot 134, sidewalk ordered 21 148 Sept 8 Bills allowed 21 159 8 Boundary st.,report of jury on opening,etc 21 161 8 Burke,Bridget,delinquent tax. (21,p. 186) 21 161 . 8 Bluff and 13th sts.,petition for electric light. P.&L 1 (21, p. 186) 21 161 8 Bridge fund, Board of Supervisors notified to levy 3 mills 21 169 • 8 Brick paving, Council to visit cities to investigate 21 163 8 Brad street,sidewalk ordered on. (21, p. 230) 21 173 i et. 5 Bills allowed 21 182 44 5 Burch street,petition for repair of granted 21 183 5 Board of Supervisors in relation to cancellation of taxes 21 183 5 Bannon,Kate,granted one year's time to pay for sewer on South Locust street 21 183 5 Bridge fund,cm. of Board of Supervisors in relation. (21, 204) 21 183 •' 5 Bluf street exension,sidewalk ordered on 21 187 1 4' . 5 Burns,Anna, taxes cancelled 21 187 Nov. 2 Bills allowed 21 193 t{ 2 Breckwoldt,Anna. Assessment committee 21 194 '• 2 Burton estate. Assessment committee 21 194 14 2 Broad st.bet.Julien ave.and Home for the Friendless, sidewalk ordered 21 205 14 2 Bluff st. bet, 15th and 16th sts.,sidewalk ordered 21 206 44 2 Bell street,engineer toprepare profile of grade 21 206 66 11 Bush, C.T., pet.for time to lay sidewalk on Broad street (Com. whole) 21 211 46 18 Buehler, Jacob, granted an extension of time to lay sidewalk 21 212 Dec 7 Bills allowed 21 223 j « 7 Brady, Michael. Assessment committee 21 224 I « 7 Bonds in name of Miss M.00re,auditor to change 21 225 'i 7 Brad street,resolution for sidewalk. Referred to Street committee. � 21 232 I � • • II . Irl INDEX. - 1891. SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE. Jan 5 Central Union Telephone Company bill $20.50. Elect. 21 2 committee " 5 Census enumerators'bills referred to Committee of whole 21 2 (21,p.28,78) 16 5 Cramer, Mrs.Michael,delinquent tax. (21, p.27) 21 2 5 Collins, Mrs. L.M.,delinquent tax. t21,p.27) 21 2 5l Cooper, A.A.,delinquentrix, (21,p,27,43) 21 2 61 5 City Hall,pet.of Governor's Greys to remodel third floor. 21 2 (21, 28 It 5 Cariff st., pet. of L. Zeilinger in relation to. Street 21 2 committee. (21,p.4,84) 16 5 Chadwick, Mrs., granted permission to lay temporary 21 3 sidewalk 41 5 Council proceedings to be printed 21 3 {f 5 Cleminson, Jesse,description of property corrected 21 5 Feb 2 Curran, Mrs., delinquent tax. (21,p.43) 21 24 if 2 Cadman,Rosa,delinquent tax. (21, p.43) !, it 2 Carroll,J.H. et al.,remonstrating against repairing build- ing at 4th and locust. 21,p.40,58) 21 25 if 2 City warrants to amount of $326 .23 ordered cancelled... 21 25 46 2 City warrant's, matter of duplicating. Finance com.... 21 25 11 2 Carmody, M., pet.for reduction of assessment. (21,p.45) 21 I 27 {f 2,C.,St. P.& K. C. Ry. Co.to remove switch on 17th and 21 29 Pine streets March.... 2 Corbett, Mrs. M.,delinquent tax. (21, p.59) 21 36 11 2 College ave.,petition for change of grade. Street com. 21 38 (21,P. 58, 66,79) 44 2 City warrants,recommendation of mulitor on. (21,p.57). 21 39 2 C.,St. P. & K. C. Ry. Co., suit entered for cleaning 21 39 culvert •• 2l City laborers, matter of wages. Referred to new council. 21 43 (21, p. 97) N 18,C., B. & N. R. R., engineer to prepare plat of land owned by company for taxation. (21,p 56) 21 48 April 9 Collins, Lydia.one year's time extended to pay special 21 53 assessment. 21 53 41 9 Conlin.Ellen, delinquent tax. (21, p.78) 66 9 Cornell st., red line adopted as official grade. (21, p.95).. 21. 56 44 9 Cardiff st., $69.50 paid contractor for Collins estate. 21 59 for time extended tt 20 City printing. Communication of Typographical Union. 21 (iii (21,p.79,96, 121) 61 20 Carr, W. W., pet. to lay plank sidewalk on Seventeenth 21 611 street. Committee of the whole May 4 Cain's subdivision plat of mineral lot 88. Street com- mittee. (21,p. 95) « 4 0., St.P.& K. C. R. R.,petition to have right.of way filled' 21 74 it 4 Cornell at., petition for improvement of, Street corn...., 21 75 `, 4 College ave.,petition to have brought to looter grade.I (21, p. 79, 95) 21 i 75 " 4 C.,St. P.&. K. C. Ry. Co., pet.for an ordinance for stop-, 21 78 ping street cars at crossings 16 4 C., St. P.& K. C. Ry. Co., notice to fill lots. (21, p.97).. 21 81 K 4 C.,B. & N. to build culvert near 3d st. (21,p.93,94, 122) 21 81 21 •` 4 City property,inventory of to be made 1 4 Corrance, H., pet. for permission to put in bay window. 21 82 Granted •` 11 C.,M.& St. P. R. R. notified to extend sower across right of way on 9th ave 21 86 June. .... 1 Curtis st., petition for opening and repair of. Street 21 98 committee (21, p. 121) 21 94 44 1 Cain,Michael,delinquent tax (11,p. 164) 21 94 1 Condon, Mary,delinquent tax. (21, p. 164) 41. 1 Cornell st. ordered improved. (21, p, 137, 150,156) 21 95 « 1 City lot 214, sidewalk ordered 2121 99 9 16 . 1 Clay street abutting lot 301,sidewalk ordered . 1 • 7" 1 1I I INDEX. x89r. SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE. .July 6 Cain's subdivision,plat of. Com.whole. (21,p. 146, 161) 21 110 6lCain,Bridget,for cancellation of hotel license. Mayor.. 21 111 " 6 City employes to be hired for not more than ten days each month 21 122 44 6 Clay street at 5th and 6th streets,crossings ordered 21 122 Aug. 3 Catherine street, pet.for repair. Street corn. (21, p. 163) 21 1311 CA 17 Cornell street, petition in relation to dangerous condition. Street corn. (21, p. 163). 21 155 44 17 Clay street bet.9th and 10th streets, pet. to have lowered `:I 155 Sept 8 Crawford,James, pet. for hog scales. 21,p. 186 21 162 44 8 Clay street between 4th and 5th,sidewalk ordered on.... 21 173 " 17 C.,M. & St. P. R. R. Co. notified to put in automatic safety gates. (21,p. 182,212) 21 175 .{ 17 C.,St. P.& K. C. R.R. Co. notified to put in automatic safety gates. (21, p. 182,212) 21 17:i " 21 Catosky,Mrs.John,delinquent tax. (21,p. 186) 21 17s Oct 5 Condon,Mary J.,taxes cancelled N 1 1 s:1 5 Chesterman, F. C.,allowed to pay for improvement of Delhi street at 6 per cent 21 I`:1 66 5 Catherine street, petition to make passable. 4th ward aldermen. (21, p. 204) 21 I`: • 5 Clay st.between 17th and 18th sts., petition for sewer in. 21 IS:: " 5 Calaboose,communication of marshal iu relation to cells in 21 I S-1 " 5 Clay and 10th streets, pine block crossing ordered 21 15; . 5 Curtis street,Streer commissioner to put in passable shape 21 Itis 21 Chesterman,F.C.,allowed to curb and gutter on Grand view ave 21 191 c° 21 Center place ordered improved.... 21 205 " 21 Center place,sidewalk ordered on 21 191 Nov.. .... 2 Curtis street,pet. for culvert across. Committee whole21 194 40 2 Consumers Steam Heating Co. Assessment committee.. 21 194 64 • 2 Central engine house bids, referred to P. G. and B. (21,p.205,208) 21 194 46 2 Cleveland ave.,name changed from Grandview street... 21 i 204 " 2 Chestnut and Highland,sts., gas lamp ordered 2 I ! 205 " 2 C.,M.&St. P.R. R.requested to move switch on 2d et.. 21 1 206 66 6 Carr,W.W., engineer to order to lay sidewlk as directed' (21,p 210) 21 209 6 Cooper, A.A.,ordered to remove obstructions on Main, and Third street 01 209 Dec 7 Cooper,A.A.,assessment committees 21 224 " ... .. 7 Consor,Mrs. D.,assessment committee 2°1 224 of Cox,Walter,granted time to lay sidewalk on Alta Vista st. 21 232 44 14 Catherine street,profile of grade. Street corn 2 I 234 1 64 21 Contractors, auditor to open accounts with 1 2I 244 21 Contractors paid _ 1 21 244 III i I i i IN DER. . ,a,�,. SUBJECT. BOOK.I PAGE. I;u, 5 Dubuque Electric Railway,L. & P. Co., bill of $475. 21 P.& I. 21 2 S Donnelly,James,delinquent tax. (21,p.27) •• .. . .. S Dubuque & h. C. R. B. Co.,com.of in relation to route. 21 2 (21, p.27) S Dubuque Street Railway Co.,petition for right of way on ('outer ave. (21, p. 28,29,41) 21 2 5 Dairy, State commissioner, com. in relation to testing N milk. Board of Health 1 2 •• 5 Delhi st. frein.Julien ave.to Center.at.accepted.(21,p.31) 21 4 5 Dubuque E. Hy. L.& P.Co.,pole of on Pine street or- l' dered changed. Electric committee N1 7 �,)yodge at., resolution for extension of sewer on. (21, 21 7 p..26,178) •• 5 Dubuque E.By., L.& P. Co.,Street commissioner in- structed to put in their street crossings 21 5 Dubuque Water Co.. resolution in relation to purchase of 21 • 8 (21,p. 39, 28) •• S Dodge st.,resolution for improvement of. (21, p.26, 39, 80,43, 166,178, 185,200, 212,206) 21 I 8 - g4Dubuque Lumbermeu's tracks,resolution in relation to Special committee 21 I 1221 24 Eel) '2 Donahue, Mrs. Mary,delinquent tax. (21,p.43) 24 Driscoll, Mrs. Mary, delinquent tax. (21,p. 43) 21 •• •' Donahue,T..I., pet. for $1,000 for gradin SouthDodge 21 24 street. (21, p.43) 21 24 •• Dodge st, in relation to change of grade ) Dubuque Brass and Metal Co. for extension of sewer on 21 24 Seventh streeet ,'Deckert, Mrs.H. C.,pet. for cancellation of one-half her 21 �,I 25 5 taxes. Granted 2 Dodge st. from S.Dodge to Grandview ave,profile of 21 , 25 grade 2IDubuque E. Ry.,L.& P. Co.,to enter into contract for 21 27 fifty lights •• 2 Dubuque& S. C.R. R. Co.,right of way on Iowa street 21 28 not granted. (21, p. 77) •• 2 Dubuque Street Ry. Co. notified to run cars to Eagle Point 21 29 2 Dubuque E. Ry.,L.&P. Co to run cars on Dodge street. 21 30 Marcl 2 Dubuque E. Hy., L. & P. Co.,bills of $625 and $43.40. 21 38 (21, p. S9,67) 21 38 •• 2 Dubuque Water Co.,bill of $285.40. (24,p.58) 2 Dubuque Brass and Metal Co.,delinquent tax 21 38 1 14 2 Dubraks,Josephine, delinquent tax. (21, p. 59) 21 38 11 2 Dodge st.,matter of curb on. Street committee 21 38 • - 2 Dodge and Ilill sts., plan for culvert. Street corn 21 39 ... .. 2 Dodge street from Rising avenue to S.Dodge,change of grade. (21,p. 42, 56,59) 21 39 4 Dubuque Brass and Metal Co. in relation to taxes. 21 46 (21,P.58) 21 53 April . .. . 9 Davis, Lucy A.,delinquent tax. (21,p.78) 9 De Lorimier,Mary,delinquent tax. (21,p.78) 21 53 9 Dodge street from old corporation line to South Dodgel street, profile of change of grade. Adopted 21 56 f)Dubuque ave.,profile of grade. Street com. (21,p. 164).. 21 57 44 9 Decorah ave.,profile of grade. Street corn. (21, p. 164)... 21 57 " 9 Delaware ave.,profile of grade. Street corn. (21, p. 16C 21 57 ., 9'Dodge at.,matter of curb on. Street committee 21 58 9 Dodge at. from S. Dodge street to Grandview ave., grade 21 59 established. (21,p. 121) •` 9 Dodge st„contract for sewer on let. (21,p. 185) 21 65 • 20 Dubuque Street Railway Co:,petition to forfeit charter. 21 66 (21, p.79) 66 20 Davis Farm add.,lots in ordered filled. (21,p.78) 21 67 Slav 4 Dell at. pet.for improvement of. Street corn. (21,p.95) 21 75 Il 4,Dempse ,Sophia,delinquent tax. (21,p. 121) 21 75 i jl INDEX. 1891. SUBJECT. BOOK.I PAGE. �►i1ay 4l Donahue,T.J..bill of $162.60 for macadam charged to. 21 76 " 4 Dubuque E. Ry., L. & P. Co. to construct crossing on 18th and 19th streets 21 80 61 4 Dodge st.sewer from Bluff to Locust st.ordered arched. (,21,p. 101) 21 82 June. .... 1 Dunn's sub.plat of. Street com. (21, p.121) 21 92 " 1 Diagonal at.,pet. of P. Diene in relation to grade of. Corn.whole 21 92 " 1 Dubuque Electric Ry.,L. & P. Co.notified to occupy right of way 21 97 •' 1 Dodge street, sidewalk ordered on 21 98 6 4 1 Delhi at.bet.Julien ave.and Center at.,sidewalk ordered 21 101 July.. 6 Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co, delinquent tax. (21, p. 162,164) 21 111 6 4 6 Dubuque Specialty Machine Works. (21,p. 164) 21 111 '° 6 Dubuque E.Ry.,L.&P.Co.to build on South Dodge, under penalty of forfeiture. (21,p. 125,175, 177,230) 21 120 " 6 Dodge at.,to be improved on straight line to Vine street and vacate four feet 21 121 " 15 Dubuque Street Railway Co. granted right of way on Couler ave.to city limits. (Postponed) 21 124 " 15 Dodge at., sanitary sewer on ordered covered 21 125 Aug 3 Dubuque E. Ry.L. & P. Co.,com. in relation to South Dodge street. Received and tiled 21 136 " 3 Dodge at. bet.Bluff and Locust,south half ordered im- proved. (21, p. 165,185) 21 148 " 3 Dodge at. bet. Bluff and Locust, sidewalk ordered. (21,p. 161) 21 148 " 3 Dodge street.special assessment;7 feet to be assessed to Street Railway Company 21 148 3 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's addition, lots or- 1 dered filled. (21, p. 173) 21 149 14 17 Dubuque Street Railway Co.asking that Clay bet.9th and 10th ate.be lowered. (21, p. 163) 21 155 " 17 Drehouse, John, matter of curbing. Street corn. (21, p 167) 21 156 Sept 8 Dodge st.,pet.of James Beach for narrowing sidewalk. Street com. (21,p. 185) 21 161 `` 8 Dubuque Water Co.,in relation to pay for hydrants at C.,M.&St.P. Shops. (21,p. 173, 186) 21 161 8 Dubuque Trade and Labor Congress,invitation accepted 21 162 `• 8 Dunleith and -Dubuque Bridge Co., settlement in rela- tion to taxes 21 162 " 8 Dexter ave.,profile of grade adopted 2 I 164 8 Donahue,Margaret,delinquent tax 21 164 " 17 Dubuque Street Railway notified to occupy all their right of way . 1 174 Oct.. .... 5 Delhi st.,matter of corrected assessment of abutting lot 70, S. M. Langworthy's add '21 183 '° 5 Dubuque E1et;tric Railway,L. & P. Co.for location of I 1 track on Dodge street. (21,p.195) 21 183 I' '{ 5 Dodge street,sidewalk ordered on 21 187 , Nov 2 Delhi st.at Forrest lane,pet. for lamp. P & L. (21, p. 230) .21 194 2 Dubuque Street Railway Company, asking that waste water be taken care of,18th street 21 194 2 Dubuque Trade Journal. Assessment corn 21 194 2 Donahue,T.J.,bill of$12,curb on Dodge st. (21,p.210,25) 21 195 1 " 2 Dodge street, obstructions ordered removed 21 206 " 2 Dubuque Street Railway Company, attorney to prepare ordinance forfeiting charter 21 207 I)ec,. .. .. 7 Dubuque Woodenware Co.,assessment corn 21 224 " 7 Dubuque Social Turnverein,assessment corn 21 224 " 7 Dodge street,special assessment levied 21 227 7 Dubuque street Railway Co. granted benefit of paving ordinance. (21, p.244) 21 231 " 7 Dubuque Electric Ity., L. & P. Co.granted benefit of I paving ordinance 1 21 235 INI)EX. ,Kg,, SUBJECT. BOOK PAGE. Jan 5 Early,Mrs.Eugene,delinquent tax. (21,p.27) 21 •• 5 Electric lights,city to enter into contract for 50.(21,p.43) 21 4 5 Electric lights, city to enter into contract for 60 in candescent 21 4 , .. 51Electrician's report, referred to Electrical committee..... 21 5 •• .. 5,Exchange st., resolution for railing on. Street corn.(2121 5Eighth�p.26) ordered on. (21,p. 111) 21 5 Fel: 2 Eighth st.,north side bet. Main and Iowa to be sloped... 21 211 M arch.... 2 Excelsior Oil Tank line,bill of $3 50. F. &W 21 3S 14 4 Eagle Point Ferry Co.,warrant for $400. Finance com. 21 44 •• 41Eleetionp places of, Judges, clerks and registers ap- pointed. (21,p.59) 21 46 April SI Ernsdorf,John, pet.to erect frame shed. (21,p.78) '21 2 9 Election vote canvassed and reselt declared •• 13 Electrical Co.'s bill against,referred to attorney 21 65 20 Eleventh street,sidewalk ordered on both sides 21 III May .. 4 Engineering department,deeds of. Corn.whole. (21,p.97) 21 5 4 21 4 Eleventh st.,pet.for crossingat Bluff. (21,p.97) 4 Eighth st.,the C.,St. P. & K. C. R. R. Co.to construct ai 1 X11 walk on •• 41Essman,John,salary raised to $60 per month 21 S2 14 4'Engineer E. C.Blake elected. (21,p.86,95) 21 82 .1 um..... . I Eighth and Locust st.,sketch of building approved,etc21 92 11Eagle Point Ferry Co.,taxes cancelled.... 21 93 •• 1 Electrician to remove all poles 21 i 916 •• 1 Elm st.,bet 17th and Garfield ave.,sidewalk ordered.... 21 98 •• t Eagle Point ave.between Kniest and Washington street, 21 99 sidewalk ordered .1 c,ly. .. .. ..Eagle Point ave.,pet.for repair of. (21,p. 145) 21 Iii 6,Eighteenth st., engineer to prepare plan for carrying water 21 12:1 « • 15 Equalization committee appointed. 21 124 Aug 3 Early, J. P., pet. to have city employe pay his debts. (Mayor) 21 1:17 •• 3 Engineer instructed not to allow any profiles and plats to leave his office 21 137 •• 3'Electrician's salary, attorney to collect from different companies 21 131 • 3 Engineer's office, inventory of instruments purchased from Blake 21 145 •• 3 Eleventh st.,sidewalk ordered on both sides bet. Walnut and Race streets ... 2 I 141 c Ic.t 5 Election,registers of appointed 91 184 il 9 Early,Jos., granted until spring to lay sidewalk. 21 191 N ov 2 Elm st.from Rhomberg ave.to Eagle Point ave., pet.for opening of. (21,p.230,231) 91 194 •• 2 Enright, Johu,assessment com 21 194 I h•e.. .... 7 Eighth street,pet. for crossing to scales 21 224 11 7 Ellwanger,John,assessment corn 21 224 . of ' I •1 li INDEX. ,µg,, SUBJECT. I BOOK.I PAGE. .Ian 5 Flanagan,Jas. C.,delinquent tax. (21, p. 2'7-43) 21 2 Feb. 2 Fox,Mrs.Mary,delinquent tax. (21,p. 43) 21 24 2 Finley Hospital,delinquent tax. (21,p.43) 21 24 2 Fire Ins. Co. pet.to compel them to pay taxes on the amt. of business done by them. (Corn.whole.) (21, p.43-76) 21 24 2 Foye,J. .N.,warrant for$34.09 drawn in his favor for St. work 21 25 " 2 Fourth St. Engine House,cont. awarded to M. Lavin to build cistern for$67 21 25 44 2 Forester's subd.,plat of(Street corn.) (21, p.41,58) 21 25 64 2 Fosselmann's sub. plat of(Street Corn.) (21, p.41) 21 26 .. 2 Fairmount Park Add., plat of adopted 21 26 64 2 Fifth Street sewer, contract awarded to D. W. Linehan. 21 29 2 Fire(limits9fixed. (21, p.39) 21 30 March.... 2 Fecker,Barbara, Mixes reduced 21 38 2 Flynn,.John, pet. in relation to sidewalk on West Locust St. (21, p. 139).... 21 38 2 Fire Engine House, cor.9th and Iowa Sts. (21, P.44,49, 59,66,77, 83,84, 112) 21 42 •• 4 Fifteenth Street bet. Pine and Maple Street ordered im- proved(21, p.57,96, 119) 21 44 4 Finance Committe,report of (21,p.58) 21 47 .1 pril 9 Franklin St.,red line adopted as official grade. (21, P.95. 21 56 I. 9 Fire escapes and stand pipes,notice in relation thereto.. 21 57 I46 20 Fire Department supplies, matter of purchase of. Sup- plies committee 21 67 20 Filling of lots,engineer to present plans, etc. (21, p. 200) 21 67 May 4 Fifth Street, pet. of A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.to put in scale. Street Committee 21 75 4 Fifth Ave. sewer, engineer to report estimate. (21, p. 82,83) 21 76 1 (, 4 Fourteenth street,sidewalk ordered on 21 80 .June . 1 Fireman, pet of Insurance Co.to insure. 121, p. 122).... 21 94 64 1 Finn,Mrs. Geo.,delinquent tax 21 94 •• 1 Franklin Street,red line adopted as grade 21 95 1 Fifth and Clay St., Dubuque St. Hy. Co.to put in crossing 21 95 11 1 Fireman's tournament,corn.to attend Cedar Rapids. (21, p. 103, 101) 21 99 ▪ 1 Fourth street extension to be filled to grade 21 100 • • ..18 Fifth ward alderman,resignatton of Ald. Saunders, and Chas. Fosselman elected 21 107 30 Flood sufferers,$500 appropriated for relief of. (21.p.120) 21 108 • July 6 Finnegan,Mrs. Bridget,delinquent tax. (21, p. 164).... 21 111 44 6 Flynn, Bridget,delinquent tax. (21,p. 164) 21 111 August.... 3 Fairmount Park Add., pet. for change in. (21, p. 174) 21 136 66 3 Fourth Street,plat of to High Bridge. (21,p. 163, 183).. 21 137 1 •‘ 3 Fifteenth St., bet. Locust and Bluff, to be brought to grade, etc. (21, p. 186) 21 147 ;. 1 •• 3 Filling lots,notice of in Reche's Add. (21,p. 163,173).. 21 147 I' 4. 3 First Street,crossing ordered across the Alley 2I 149 I ..17 Fourth and Clay st.,matter of sewerage connections at.. 21 155 •• ..17 Fireman's safety helmet, matter ref.to Fire Corn 21 156 ' Sept 8 Flynn,Mrs.Patrick,delinquent tax. (21, p. 186) 21 161 I 8 Ford,Patrick, estate,taxes cancelled 21 164 44 8 Fire Department,chief to put 3 minute men on regular' 46 force 21 167 8 Fire Department,Recorder to advertise for bids for hose : (21,p. 184) 21 167 i ..17 Fifth street bet. Clay and White,sidewalk ordered on... 21 174 •' 17 Filling lots,notice to fill lot 8, Hooper's add 21 176 64 21 Feyen,Thomas and Jno.,time extended to pay spl.assm't. 21 178 Oct 5 Fremont street, lamps and crossing ordered on 21 183 64 ..21 Fifth ward scales,matter of repairing. Market corn.... 21 191 Nov 2 Fourteenth and Broad st.,crossing ordered 21 194 •• 2 Fourth Street Elevator Co. Assessment Committee 21 194 61 2 Feyen,T.J.,granted sixty days to pay special ass'ment. 21 194 .. 2iFire Department, matter of horses for. F.and W 21 194 J 11 71.111111411.1111.111.111."......1111111111111111111""1"1"11,111111. 1 I • 1NItl;N. i i 1891. st.I'd I.('"1'. li()(,K. I•\I,t:. i21 II:� Nov 2 Fourteenth and Delhi st., crossing ordered 1 64 2 Fourte-hili bet. \\'bite :mil I•:ltu F4.,sidewalk ordered.. . 21 2115 ! 11 Fa,irmmmt Park ATI., pet. for grade stakes 21 211 " 11 Flenniken 'Turbine Co., pet. for exemption of taxes. 121, "I �I I p. 2:1111 " Irk 11 Fosselncann. F. resi nal ion as we iglnoaster accepted... 1 211 Dec. 7 Fifth wad. 1 clition for division of 21 t — i I I 1 I • I ' ii ' • I INDEX. ,Hg,. SUBJECT. \BOO K.1 PAGE. Jar, 5 Globe Light& Heat Co., bill of 076.67.P.& L.(21, p. 26) 21 2 5 Grandview Park add., plat ot'. Street corn. (21, p.261.. 21 5 Guernsey & Langworthy add., plat of. Street corn. 21 2 (21, p.26) •• 5 Grandview ave., engineer to prepare profile of grade. 21 j (21, p. 25) 21 3 •• 5 Glendale addition, plat of adopted 21 5 •• 5 Graham, Kate,assessment reduced •• 5 Grades,engineer to prepare profiles of all streets '21 7 •• 5 Grandview st.,engineer to prepare profile of.(21,p.29,43) 21 e Feb2 Grand Opera House Co.,delinquent tax. (21,p. 43) 21 24 2 Gantenbeiu, C., claim of : 100 for personal injuries. (21,p. 24) 21 25 •• 2 Grandview place, plat of. Street corn. (21, p. 41) 21 25 •• 2 Grandview ave.bet. Delhi and South Dodge st., improve- ment mpro ve- 29ment of. (21, p.57,41,93, 121, 182, 178, 183,201,225) 'J 1 March '9 Globe Light and heat Co., bill of :$501.66. P. & L. 21 38 (21, p. 59) 4. 2 German R. C. O. A, taxes cancelled 21 43 ✓„ 18 Grace st., pet. for grading. (21, p. 77. 175) 21 49 April 13 Grandview t. bet. Villa and Sout1, Dodge ordered im- proved. 21, p. `•` 212 .,2:1i 21 64 13 Governor. action of May or inviting to he guest of the city approved 21 65 - 13 Garbage, advertise for hids for hauling 21 65 2(1 Grandview ,t. from Mountain into to Villa:it.,profile of grade. t'21, it. 771 21 66 20 Grandview ave., pet, for change of grade. (21, p. 74)... 21 66 :Slay 4 Gold st., l,et. (or improvement of. Street corn. (21, p. 95) 21 75 4 Gill, .M rs., delinquent tax 21 75 « 4 Grandview st. bet. Villa and Mountain lane, red line adopted. (21,p. 110. 21 77 4 Geiger's subdivision. plat of adopted 21 77 4 Grove terrace, pet. for repair of. Com. whole. (21, p. 97) 21 78 4 Glenn, Mrs.John, permitted to erect frame building.... 21 80 •. 4 Garfield ave.,sidewalk ordered on 21 80 44 8 Garbage. matter of dumping. Rd. to harbor corn 21 84 .1 one 1 Gmehle's sub., plat of. Street corn, (21, p. 12) 21 92 •• 1 Garfield ave. bet. :,t le and9th ave. to be mad.• ),assable.. 21 I 100 15 Grandview ave., pet. Forehange of grade. (21, I . 1!11,204) 21 108 1 .I my 6 Glen Oak avn., pet. for 1,xtension of. (21, p. 1.2, 1:16,137, 146, 161, 17:1, 174, 175,183,205,208) 21 111 I 6 Grace street, petition • nd profile of grade. ('one. whole. (21, p. 146, 162,185) 21 111 Aug 3,Grace st., pet. for abatement of nuisance. Com.whole.. 21 136 « 17 Guern.,ev. 0. E.. granted permission to put in new curb. 21 155 17 Grandview st, from Villa st. to Mountain lane, profile of change of grade 21 155 • Sept 8 Grandview street,engineer to give grade for sidewalk.. 21 161 8 Grant ave.. proposition of A. W. Hosford to grade. (21, p.178) I 21 174 8 Grant ave., profile of grade of. (21, p. 176) I 21 174 44 17 Grandview ave.and Delhi st., pet. for light at. (21,p.18(1) 21 174 ()et 5 Grandview street. sidewalk ordered ou both sides 21 187 5 Grandview ave., Contractor Ryan notified to complete grading 21 187 fl 5 Grant Park,to be improved. (21, p. 1941 21 188 14 8 Grandview st.,resolution to change name to Cleveland ave. (21, p. 204) 21 190 21 (Gruber, Lucia,delinquent tax 21 191 Nov 2 Glab,Alderman,appointed chairman of Street corn 21 194 1 44 2 Grandview ave.,sidewalk ordered on both sides 21 206 11 Gross, H. L., granted extension of time to lay sidewalk (21, p.225) 21 211 •` 18 Grandview ave.,bids for sodding laid over 21 212 16 18 Golden Eagle Clothing Company for permission to sus- pend sign 21 212 I tee.. .... 7I(l r andview place, pet.to have grades established 21 224 7 Grandview Park, pet.to have grades established 21 224 I11 - . .TMMMMIMIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIMIMIIIIIIMIIMIMIIMIIMIIIMIIMMIIMIIIIMMIIIII' INDEX. • 5891. SUBJECT. BOOK.I PAG I... Jan 5 Hoar, H. L.,delinquent tax. (21, p.27,43) 21 2 5 Hosford,A.W.,sub. plat of. Street Com. (21,p.26,41) 21 Feb. 2 Hennessy,Rev.Jno.,delinquent tax. (21,p.43) 21 24 2 Henke, Sophia,delinquent tax 21 24 March.. 2 Hollnagel,Wm.,delinquent tax. (21,p.43, 53) 21 38 2 Hagerty Bros.,petition for refunding team license. (21, j 57 21 3t+ II 4Hi11 street and W.7th,lamp ordered moved 21 44 4 Hill street,obstruction ordered removed•... 21 45 I 4 Heim,Mrs., matter of measurement of macadam. Street Committee 21 45 April 9 Highland Place,plat of proposed extension. Com.Whole. 21 I 56 9 High Bluff St.,vacation of part to C. Loetscher 21 I 5S May 4 Houpes,Mrs.Jonathan, delinquent tax. (21,p 121)...., 21 75 64 4 11111 St., from W 3d to Dodge St.,ordered improved. (re- ferred to engineer. 21, p.98) 21 S2 .lune I High Bridge,pet. for approach to S.of 7th Street. Colo.', Whole. 21,p.93,98, 122) 21 92 1 Hodgdon Ave.,pet for grade on. (21,p.120, 145) 21 93 •1 my 6 Hosford & Gruner's Church Park add., plat of. Coln.! Whole. (21, p. 146) 2I 110 11 6 Hird,Jas., pet. for removal of obstructions 21 111 44 6 Harold St., pet.of J.P Schroeder for to do grading. (21,1 p. 145) 21 III August.... 3 Hughes, Margaret,delinquent tax. (21, p. 164) 21 I 1:9; . i3 Harrison St., tilling ordered on 21 14s 3 Hargus, Kate S.,in relation to street. Attorney 21 149 Sept 8 Heer& Son,built of $500. Corn. Whole. (21,p. 186)... 21 1(w 17 Hintrager,Wm.,corn.in relation to tilling lots. Reed., and tiled '1 174 Oct 5 Hughes,Elizabeth,delinquent tax 1 1$73 64 5 FIerbst's sub.plat of. Street corn. (21, p. 225) 21 I8% Nov 2 Ham's add.,petition for lamps in. I'.& L. (21, p. 230). 21 194 g 2 Hitchins, F.,assessment committee 21 194 • 2 Huekels,G., do 21 194 2 Healey,Geo.W., do 21 194 2 Herod,Jos., do 21 194 2 Harrison St.,street commissioner to cover water pipes.. 21 20(1 11 Hennessy,Rev.John,granted time to lay sidewalk on Alta Vista street 21 21 1 11IHerold Street,petition for improvement of. Street corn. 21 211 14 18 Holtz,Peter,taxes cancelled 21 212 11cc. 7 Hanson, Ira,assessment committee 21 224 • 41 7 Herancourt,Henry, do23 — 224 7 Harris, M.,granted time to lay sidewalk 21 234 1 I I 1 • I • INDEX. SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE. INT. Fob.... .. 2 I. C. R. R. Co.to plank crossings and move track on 9th 21 29 and Washington and Jackson April 20 Ice Harbor.corn. to ascertain if appropriation is all ex- 21 66 pended. (21,p.82) June 1 Iowa st.bet. 3d and 14th ordered paved. (21,p. 201, 110, 21 97 182) Aug.. .... 3 Iowa st. bet. 2c1 and 3d,sidewalk ordered 21 14921 149 •4 3 Iowa st. abutting lot 187,sidewalk ordered Sept 17 I. C. R. R. Co. notified to put in safety gates. (21,p. 182, 212) 21 175 17 Iowa st.,from 3d to 17th st.,ordered paved with brick. 21 (21, p. 231) 21 17671 Dec 7 Iowa st. bet. 3d and 17th sts.ordered paved _ I . I I . .III I111111I illillI III111111I111 I111111111IIIIIIIIIII I I1 11.1 ill I 111I 111 IIIIIIIalI 1111111II11' 11IilliIIIIII I I I I..— ll Ig1 ,r I i INDEX. I 4 i8gi. SUBJECT. \BOOK.I PAGE. - - ----- --- 21 a4 Feb 2Jeffroy, Jos.,delinquent tax 21 24 1. March.... 4 Jones and Main streets,crossings ordered i t, 9 Jungles, Mrs. B., permission to erect stairs on 5th and 21 46 Clay streets granted 21 58 April 20 Jeffroy,Jos.,delinquent tax. Adverse. (21,p.78) 1 16 20 Jackson and 27th sts.,stone crossing ordered on.(21.p.77) 21 66 1 11 20 Jackson st.,resolution for extension to the Maquoketa... 21 67 i Ma• y 4 Johnson ave,sidewalk ordered on ,f 8 Jackson st.,Street Commissioner to put in iron crossings 21 84 at 18th and 19th streets.... 11 Jackson Park, matter of sidewalks around. (Com.whole) 21 (21,p.97,122) June. .... 1.Julien ave.,pet. for raising retaining wall. Stre86 et corn. 21 93 100 {{ 1 Jones street ordered improved Aug. . .... 3 Jackson st.bet. Peru road and city limits ordered u n- 21 147 proved. (21, p. 165, 195,229) f, 3 Julien ave,obstruction in gutter ordered removed 21 148 1 149 {{ 3.Jones street,sidewalk ordered on Sept 8 Jackson st., grade of bet. Peru road and city limits adopted 21 162 21 2312 Dec '7 Jackson and 23d sts.,fire alarm box ordered t ii INDEX. i4qi. SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE, Jan 5 Key City Gas Co.,bill of$337.90. P.IXi L. (21,p.26)... 21 2 64 5 Krayer,M.,pet.for refunding of saloon license granted. 21 2 " 5 Kleinschmidt,J. F.,sub. plat of. Street corn. (21,p. 26). 21 2 " 5 Kirk,Mrs.F.,taxes cancelled 21 5 11 5 Kolf, Margaret, taxes cancelled 21 5 " 5 Knapp,Stout& Co. Co.,taxes reduced 21 5 46 5 Key City Electric Motor Co.notified to extend their line. 21 8 P eh 2 Keough,W.,delinquent tax. (21,p.42) 21 24 21 Key City Electric Motor Co.,pet. to compel them to oper- I ate their line granted. (21, p.80) 21 25 2 Kane st.,plat of from W.E.P.ave to city limits. (21,p.41) 21 26 March2 Key City Gas Co.bills of $122.33 and $141.47. P. & L. (21, p. 59) 21 38 • 61 2 Kniest st and Eagle Point ave., crossing ordered. 21 38 April9 Kleine st., pet. for grade stakes. (21,p. 77) 21 52 11 9 Klingenberg terrace, pet. for grade stakes. (21,p.77, 155) 21 52 . " 20 Kniest, Brown 4.V Guthrie's add. lots ordered filled. (21,p. 76, 95) 21 67 Mav 4 Knights of Labor petition in relation to wages. Com. whole 21 75 " 41 Keogh, Mrs.. delinquent tax. (21,p.121) I 21 75 " 4 Kress,Elizabeth,delinquent tax. (21,p. 121) 21 75 .lune 1 Kennicker,Fred,pet. for culvert through lot 27,West's add. (21, p. 122) 21 92 1'Key City Electric Railway Co. notified to occupy their right of way. (21, p. 100, 120) 21 98 .luly. . . .. 61Knights of Labor net.asking the city to do grading by, day labor. Received and filed 21 I 111 - 6 Key City Electric Street Railway Company notified to occupy their right of way 21 1 123 .1 u., 3 Key'City Gas Co., preposition for lighting. Com. whole. I (21.p. 173) 21 ; 136 •• 3 Key City Electric Railway Co. for extension of time. granted 21 136 3 Klingenberg terrace, pet for privilege of improving. (21, p. 155,164) 21 ' 136 •• 3 Klingenberg ave., pet. for a change of grade. etc 21 137 De(. . . . .. 5 Kessler, Jacob, appointed hog weigher at 26th and Couler ave 21 186 Nov.... .. 2 Kennicker,F., for damages for sewer at Lemon st. and Millville road. (21, p.230,231) 21 194 46 2 Kiene, P.(Sr.),assessment committee 21 194 " 2 Kopp,Z.,assessment committee • 21 194 " 2 Key City Gas Co.,assessment committee 21 194 • Dec.. .. .. 7 Krueger,Mrs.H.,assessment committee 21 224 7 Key City Electric By. Co.to operate their road _ 21 232 i I � aril i I ; _. �. . 1- _ -- INDEX. 189r. I SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE Jan ....... 5 Linehan,D. W. bill of $58.10. (21,p.26) 21 2 41 5 Linehan,B.D.,bill of $4 21 2 5 Lesure Lumber Co.,for permission to occupy market sq. 21 i 2 14 5 Lagen,B.,in relation to damage to horse. (21,p. 28)... 21 ' 2 5 Liebe's avenue,petition for opening of 21 2 ' " 5 Langworthy's Reeder,sub. plat of. (21,p.26) 21 2 " 5 Liek,H.,taxes cancelled 21 5 .1 5 Lohrman, Mrs.H.,taxes reduced 1 S ,. 9 Linehan,B.E.,proposition for sale of lot on 9th and Iowa Street 21 11 1 Feb 2 Linehan,D.W., delinquent tax. (21,p.43) 21 24 2 Lenzing,Mrs., do do 21 24 2 Lange, C., do do 21 24 •• 2 Langworthy's,Julia L.,plat of add. (21, p.41) 21 25 .1 2 Liebes avenue ordered opened 21 20 .1 2 Ledger,Daily,put on same footing with other papers...1 21 30 March 2 Lincoln ave.,pet. for extension of. (21, p.58) 21 38 2 Langworthy, Ed., granted permission to project window, 21 38 on Main street tt 2 Leathers& Lacy, plat of min.lot 178. (21, p.58) 21 39 64 2 Linehan Park add.,plat of. (21,p.58) 21 314 April 9 Lincoln ave.,bet 1st ave and Bluff st.; pet. for sidewalk (21,p.77) 21 52 May 4 Leibnitz St.,petition for improvement of. Street Coin.. 21 75 " 4 Lincoln ave.,pet.for removal of obstructions. (21, p.97, 21 75111, 145) .. 4 Lahey, Mrs. Wm.,delinquent tax 21 75 " 4 Lynn st., pet. for removal of obstruction. (21,p. 111, 145) 21 75 `. 4 Levi st., pet.for opening of. Engineer and Marshal.... 21 75 . 66 4 Lange,Martin,pet. for refunding saloon license 21 75 '• 4 Lights, ,w r coin,on P.& L.to negotiate for 50 arc lights. (21, p.96,99,122, 144,208,210,234,240,243) 1 78 4 Lincoln ave., pet. for extension of. (21, p.94, 111,146,) 21 82 June 1 Luke,Mary J.,delinquent tax. (21, p. 164) 21 94 1 Leibnitz st.,ordered improved. (21,p. 137, 150,156,244) 21 95 1 Lincoln ave. bet. Washington and Kniest st., sidewalk 21 99 ordered Angus.... 3 Lincoln ave.,pet. for extension of. (21, p. 161) 21 136 .1 3 Langworthy's add.,pet.to have lot 17 filled. (21,p.186). 21 136 " 3 Lemon at., profile of change of grade 21 137 44 3 Locust at,abutting city,631,sidewalk ordered 21 148 " 3 Livery stable license,resolution for repeal of. Ord.com. 21 148 Sept 8 Leibnitz st.,pet.of J.P. Schroeder in relation to line of . curb. (21,p. 185,210,230) 21 161 .. 8 Locust at.,near Jones,pet.to have lowered to grade21 162 Oct 5 Linehan, B.E.,in relation to partition wall at 9th and . Iowa street. (21,p.203) 21 183 5 Lincoln ave.,pet. for opening of to Cooler ave. Recd. 21 183 and filed .. 5 Lucas,Margaret,for refunding of taxes. (21,p. 194).... 21 194 1 183 Nov 2 Linton, Mary A.,aseessment corn 1 6 18 Luck,Geo.,granted time to lay sidewalk on Alth Vista 21 212 Street.... Dec 7 Leibfritz,Mr..pet. for compensation for filling street... 21 224 �' 7 Locust street bet.1st and 11th st.,resolution for improve- ment of 21 232 N 21 Lorimier House Hotel Co.,assessment committee __ 31 _ _ 240 j INDEX. ' I R,), --- --SUHJECT. -.- --- - - - ---- (ROOK. PAGE. I •I Jan 51Macadam bills allowed d1 i 2 5 McCarten Bros.,bill of $21. (21, p 26) 2 •• 5 Maclay,J.,bill of $1.25. (21,p. 25) 21 •• 5 Mussehl,Mrs. Carl,delinquent tax. (21, p. 27) 21 •• 5 Murphy, Mrs.A,delinquent tax. (21,p.27) •• 5 McMahon, Mrs. John, delinquent tax. (21. p.27) 21 - 5 Meat Inspector,coin. of Farmers'Alliance in relation 21 thereto. Corn. whole •• 5 Macadam, pet. of breakers to be allowed 75 cents per yard. Granted 21 •• 5 Morhiser's add.,plat of. (21,p. 26) 21 - .5 Meat Inspector Rogan, ref.to ordinance committee ' 21 3 J Mehlhop,John,pet.for refunding $5.39 interest.(21,p.26) 21 4 Del) 2 1Iagvire,T.&J.,delinquent. tax. (21,p.43) 21 24 2 McDanie's, Mrs. Leo,delinquent tax. (21, p.43) 21 24 •• Met%, Mrs. E.,delinquent tax. (21, p.43) 21 24 •. 2 Mueller, Henry,delinquent tax. (21. p. I.) '?I 24 • 2 Macadam bills. Street committee. (_'I, p. 41,43) 21 25 Mettel's subdivision, plat of. Street(0111. (21,p. 41) .. 21 25 •• 2 M ilk, matter of testing; referred to health officer. (21, p.49,75) 21 27 •• 2 Macadam, 50 cents per yard allowed for taking out of streets 21 :0t 4 Marsh.... 2 Mulkern,John,bill of $12. Referred to Mayor 21 38 •' Martin, Honora,delinquent tax. (21,p. 59) 21 35 •• •' M ulqueeney,T.,delinquent tax. (21,p. 59) 21 38 •. . . McNally,Johanna,delinquent tax. (21,p. 59) I 38 Main and Jones street, pet.for crossing on. Street coma 21 •• Merz st.,pet for rztension of. (21,p.58) 2I :85 ' •• „ Mulkern,John,pet. for au ,litionalpay for lot.('21,p.58,181) 2I 811 •• Michel's,sub., plat if. Stroet com. (21. p. 185) 2I 39 •• I Maple st. bet. 1:N1i and 18th sts. ordered improved.' (21, p.58) 21 44 1 Marshal Rico, re's. for $200 extra. (21, p. 58) 21 45 •• Is Macadam, list of. (21, p.57,64) 21 49 April. . . . . tt Mayor's inaugural 91 11)1-63 tf Mayor pro tent. (Alderman Saunders)elected 21 63 •• . . . . I., Moln, William S., for permission to erect frame building21 64 13 Mayor, povvsr of to vote except on a tie. (Lily att'ny).., 21 65 •• ''i Mayor's salary fixed at $1,500 per year. (21, p. 80) 2I 66 May I'Madison st., pet.for improvement of. Street com. ('21. p.100) 21 74 4 McDonald,A.Y.,Mfg. Co. pet. for scale on 5th street. . • (21,p. 86) 1 21 7 5 •• 4 May place, pet.for improvement of 21 75 4 Morrill,R., pet.for pay for filling hole on Dell street... 21 79 1 4-Main and 15th streets, stone crossing ordered 21 7:1 I I4 Main at.bet.2d and 11th ordered paved with granite. (21,p. 148) 21 .1 nue... .. 1 Michel's subdivision, plat of. Street com. (21,p. 95).., 21 71t ;12 1 McGowan, Robert, pet. in relation to license. Granted21 93 1 Marshal's office, inventory of 21 96 11Maiu st.,abutting city lot 465,sidewalk ordered 21 99 1 Millville at.,engineer to prepare plans for culvert. (21, p. 120, 164, 150, 185) 21 100 1 Main st. bet. 7th and 8th sts,,sidewalk ordered on. (21, \ . 21 100 1 Main st.bet.6th and 7th sts., sidewalk ordered on 21 100 1 Madison street ordered improved (21,p. 137) 21 100 1 Main street between 14th and 15th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on. (21,p.111.) 21 101 • 1 Main street between 16th and 17th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on. (21,p.111.) 21 101 J11111. 15 Mayor Stewart's resignation accepted 21 . 103 15 Main and Fourth street petition of P. Kiene to build bay window granted 21 103 • " 15 Moore,J. C.,delinquent tax.(21,p.121.) 21 103 '• 15 Mulqueeney,Margaret,delinquent tax. (21,p.. 121.) 21 103 ____IL,, i . ,.... .....__ _ .. . i . INDEX. -- r8gi. I SUBJECT. BOOK.\PAGE. .June 18I tMayor C.J.W. Saunders elected 21 106 « 18 Mayor pro tern. Ald.Peaslee elected 21 106 18 Market Master Hibbe,resolutions of respect on death of. 21 109106 July. 6'Mayor's inaugural 21 44 6 McNally,Johanna,delinquent tax. (21,p. 164.) 21 109 46 6.McGarry,Mrs. M.,delinquent tax. (21,p. 164.) 21 111 1Munsell,A.,delinquent tax. (21,p.164.) 21 111 L. . McGuigan, Phil, petition for refunding saloon license... 21 111 14 6 McDonald,Mrs. M. petition for refunding hotel license. 21 111 6 Moyer, Harry I.,claim of damages. (21, p. 195.) 21 111 •... .. 6,Mineral holes,communication of Marshal in relation to, 21 119 r� filling. (21,p. 124.) .{ 6,Market Master Alex Gratz elected. - .1 15IMadison street, petition for change of grade. Street, 21 124 1 Committee " " I 21 125 15 Millville road, profile of change of grade � p. 163) Aug 3 Madison street, petition in relation to sidewalk. (21,' 21 186" 8 Mineral lot 106, petition of Scheppley& Beifsteck fort, 21 186lease of. (21,p,159, 173, 184, 186,204.) I 1 3IM�l ,irry,Mrs. M.,delinquent tax 21 136 41 31)1 ain street between Jones and Charter street ordered �1 , ]48 paved i Main street between .Jones and Eighth street,resolution 21 ' 14K for paving. (Street Committee.) 3 Main street between Jones and First street,sidewalk 21 149 ordered . 8 McClure, Matilda,petition for time to pay special assess- 21 155f': ment. (21,p. 165.) t.; Sept 8 Mitton, Mary, granted permission to keep house on 21 159 Garfield avenue {, 8 Millville road, petition from Heim and Steiber for re- 21 lfii consideration Pli - .. ... 8'M cI)ermott, P�•ter, granted six months time to pay 21 162 special assessment 1, 8�M irshal to offer$25 reward for parties who broke lamps 21 165 •• 17 Main street from First to Eighth ordered paved withI Il21 176brick. (21, P.231.) 17 Main street from Eighth to Seventh ordered paved with 21 ' 176 brick. (21, p.231 ) 17 Main street from First to Jones ordered paved with) 21 176brick. (21, p.231.) Oct 5 McMahon, M.T., granted one year's time to pay special' assessment 21 183 5 Middle street,petition for grading,sidewalks and lamps. 21 184 I, 5 Mayors (ex) requested to furnish portraits for Council! 21 186 room 4• 5 Middle street,sidewalks on both sides ordered 21 187 5 McKinley,John,allowed six months time to pay special 1 188 assessment 22 188 46 21 Madison street,sidewalk ordered repaired 211 191 1 21 Market Master, petition for assistant. (21, p.208.) 21 191 16 21 McCann, A.,delinquent tax 21 191 ., 21 Maclay, I. delinquent tax Nov 2 MiningCongresslat Denver, Vol., invited to attend I 21 194 , '2IMarsh A.J.,delinquent ta . (21,p.230) ; 21 151.1 « 2 Maple st.,at 13th and 16th Sts..stagnant water or'ed tilled] 21 2o:-f 14 11 Moore,Mary,bonds Nos. 97,98a, name changed. (21,II 21 211 p.225,234) 21 224 1)ec . 7 Miller,Minnie,granted time to lay sidewalk . 14 7 Main street from Charter to 17th street ordered paved...I 2121. 232 71Macadam,matter of breaking of 21 234 66 71Metz,Elizabeth,assessment committee _- _ - 1 i I I INDEX. • Ji. 4891 SUBJECT. (BOOK. PAGE. .Jan 5 National Iron and Brass Works, bill 80c. Street com... 21 38 h March 2 Nunan, M. M.,taxes reduced 21 May 4 Ninth ave., pet. for removal of obstructions on. Ald. 5th 21 75 Ward .{ 4 Ninth st., C. St. P. & K. C,Ry. Co.to construct walk on.. 21 80 June 1 Neuwoehner, Mrs. II.,pet. in relation to saloon license.. 21 93 I 46 1 North Main at., res.for improvement of. (21,p, 121, 137) 21 101 July 6 Nineteenth st.,engineer to prepare plan for carrying 21 122 water. (21, p. 125) 21 136 Aug .. 3 Nevada st., pet.to make passable. (21, p. 163) . ,. .. 3 North Main at.,engineer reported street improved on 21 137 established grade 21 149 it 3 Ninth and Bluff streets sidewalk ordered on 17 Neary,Patrick, granted 1 year to pay special assessm't.. 21 155 Sept 8 Newman,John,granted extension of time to pay special 21 162 assessment Oct .. 5 Novelty Iron Works granted permission to take clay from 21 184 Seventh avenue 21 185 46 5 Ninth avenue sewer accepted Nov 2 Nevada street, pet. for a lamp on. (21,p. 230) 21 194 Dec.... .. 7 Ninth ave., pet. of Aug. Giese to have filled 21 224 46 7 Needham. Mrs, Mary,assessment com _ 21 224 it i Il 1 t . I i I1 II I I i 4 I " Y 1 17 itr 1 1 I INDEX.• 4 J 1 _ -- I -- -- SUBJECT. - BOOK. PAGE. 1 1891. r ---- - 21 2 .1 an.... .. 5 O'Dea,J.F.,bill of $109.06. (Paid. 21,p,28) 21 2-8_= 5 Officers,reports of _= 5 Ordinance amending meat inspctor ordinance. Com. 21 3 whole •= 5 Ordinance providing for the manner of keeping the of- 21 4 ficial record adopted 21 5 1 _= 5 O'Connor, Honora,taxes reduced ) _= 5 Ordinance fixing the time when municipal taxes become a 21 5 lien on realty. Corn.whole. (21, p.28) 8 _• 5 Officers,resolution in relation to uniforms of,adopted... 21 _= 5 Ordinance granting right of way to D. & S.C.R. R. 21 8 Corn.whole. (21, p.41, 44, 58,77) 21 '24 Feb 2 O'Farrell,Mrs.Bridget,delinquent tax. (21,p.43) 21 2r, 2 Officers,reports of 2 Ordinance committee to draft ordinance regulating) 21 21► switching.(21,p.58) _= 2 Ordinance amending snow ordinance. Corn. whole. 21 30 (21, p.43) 21 39 March.... 2 Officers,reports of _= 2 Ordinance to provide for compensation of electrician 21 40 adopted _= 2 Ordinance granting use and vacating to John P.Page 21 40 part of city lot 304,adopted 2 Ordinance granting Dubuque Street Railway Company 21 41 right of way on Couler ave. (21, p.66,58,124) 21 41 2 Ordinance amending meat inspection ordinance 18 Officers,annual reports of adopted and ordered printed21 64 64 18 Officers,res.in relation to neglect of duty. (21,p.76).•• 21 47 b744 _• 18 Officers,reports of " April 9 Ordinance com.to draft team ordinance. (21,p.'77,111, Zl 59 146, 186) 21 64 _• 13 Officers elected,salaries of fixed. (21,P. 65) 21 67 _= 20 Officers appointed to wear uniforms 21 68 _= 2(=Officers,bonds of approved May 4 Opera House Company's pet. for remission of license. 21 75 Com.whole. (21,p. 204,230) 21 75 •= 4 Officers, reports of 21 77 _= 4 Ordinance in relation to licences adopted _= 4 Ordinance to define the duties of the mayor. (21,p.86,95) 21 82 11 Ordinance repealing Section 5, Chapter 12(21, p. 91, 21 86 adopted • ,lunel Oak at.,pet.of John Degnan for repair of. Street com. �l 913 (21,p.111, 121, '46,181,194,225) 21 94 64 _• 1 Officers,reports of 1 Ordinance to compel street railway companies to slack 21 95 up at crossings postponed _= 15 O'Neill st.,pet.in relation to location of. Com.whole. 21 103 (21,p. 122) 21 119 .1 my .... . 6 Officers,reports of •• 6 Ordinance granting S.D.Ryan slaughter house privi- leges. (21, p.124) 21 120 Aug 3 Officers,reports of •= 3 Ordinance granting Dubuque Street Railway Company 4 right of way on Cooler ave. adopted 21 141 144 Sept .... . 8 Officers, reports of _• 8 Ordinance repealing livery stable ordinance. (21, p 195) 21 21 184 )et 5 Officers,reports of • 5 Ordinance forfeiting franchise of Allen&Swiney Street 21 184 Railway. (21,p. 195) 5 Ordinance in relation to paving streets. (21,p.195).... 21 185 5 Ordinance granting franchise to J. H. Strobel. (21, p. 195,225) 5 Ordinance amending outside construction; ordinance. 21 1811 committee. (21,p.195) 21 Ordinance vacating 4 feet off S.side of Dodge at I 21 194 Nov Officers,reports of 21 185 1 191 = 2 Ordinance amendtng outside construction ordinance' 21 195 adopted - A* _. ..,:i. I N DJI N DE X. 1891. SUBJECT. I HOOK.!PAGE. „‘• 2 Ordinance grant ng3Diamond Jo Company right to use 21 19f� levee. (21, p.' ) 21 195 •• 2 Oak st.,engineer to prepare profile of grade •• 1H Ordinance in relation to underground connections on 21 213 paved streets. (21, P.225) 1').,, 7 Ordinance to require street cars to stop at railroad cross-I 224 ing. Ordinance committee 2 21 1 224 •• 7 officers,reports of •• 7 ordinance providing for acceptance of certain property, 21 226 from Scheppley& Heifstech,etc 21 225 •• 7 ordinance,recorder to advertise for revision of 2 14 ordinance committee to prepare ordinance regulating!! 21 I � charges of telephones 1 I 11 \\ II I \ . I - 1 • - _. ',III":.... . .' — . _i_ 4 a_ i ~w •- . INDEX. • BOOK. PAGE. . agi. I SUBJECT. I Jan 5 Pape,Chas.,delinquent tax. (21, p.27) 21 2 • f{ 5 Pier,John,allowed 6 months'time at 6 per cent.to pay 21 8 * special assessment Feb 2 Police,report of marshal for $2 each for extra detail at fall election. Attorney. (21,p. 39) 21 2 21 45 March.... 2 Page,John P.,deed from,to lot 1,sub.city lot 305 21 46 ff 4 Plamondoti,I.,delinquent tax. (21,p.591 April 13 Pine st.,bet. 24th and 25th, pet. for improvement of. 21 64 Street corn. (21, p 79) 21 64 {f 13 Peru road ordered improved. (21,p.82,121,143) Ma 4 Pickett st., pet.for improvement of. St.com. (21,p.163) 21 75 «y 4 Police call and patrol system,matter of. Corn.whole. 21 78 (21,p. 121( 21 78 66 4 Pine st.,matter of extension in favor of June.... . 1 Providence street, pet. for opening of. Com. whole21 92 (21,p. 122) 21 192 July. .. .. 6 Peru road,sidewalk ordered on 21 124 66 15 Platt Bros.,personal property levied on for taxes 21 125 L t{ 15 Powder houses ordered removed. (21,p. 137,161) Aug 3 Proctor,I.,bill of $198.45. Referred to engineer. (21, 21 145 p.162,175) 21 145 ff 3 Parks,engineer to prepareplans for walks f{ 17 Pickett street,petition of Kate S. Hargus in relation to. 21 155 City attorney Sept 8 Prospect Hill add.,sidewalk ordered abutting lots 10,11,12 21 178 Referred f{ 17 Palen, L.& Co..for hog scales. Market coin. (21,186).. 21 178 174 14 21 Paving committee to be appointed by the Mayor Oct 5 Pierce street, petition to have made accessible. (21, 21 183 p.204,206,224, 225) 21 184 Nov . . 2 Patch,S.J.,assessment com {( 6 Paving bonds,question of legality. (21,p.210,211,212). 21 209 Dec 7 Peosta lake,committee to draft memorial to Congress for 21 224 release to city « 7 Policeman,Mayor to appoint one to patrol in vicinity of 21 232 Sanford street 21 234 {{ 14 Pierce street, profile of grade. Street corn 21 240 Dec.. ....21 Quail John petition for cityto purchase macadam.. 21 _ 11 s1� 1 . INDEX. SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE. Jan 5 Ruete,T.W.,bill of$10.15. Com.on claims. (21, p.26)..I 2121 I 9 2 11 5 Ryan Bros.,bill of$14.50. Corn.on claims 2 " 5 Ryan,J.A. $23.18. Street com. (21, p. 26) 21 " 5 Reynolds,Mrs. delinquent tax. (21, p.27) 21 615 Reuter,Cath., " " a ,1 2 " 5 Rhomberg ave., pet. for improvement of. Com. whole., 21 (21, p.28) •• 5 Russell,James II,pet.in relation to special assessment. Corn. 1 whole. (21,p. 28) 21 2 '• 5 Riverview add.,plat of. Street corn , 1 " 5 Randall, J.S. Co. Assessment com. 2'Granted 5 64 5 Rhomberg avenue, commissioners ordered appointed. 21 (21,p.26) l'eb 2 Raesli, Jno., pet. for refunding $33 marshal's fees. Cl21 24 aims. (21,p.41) •• 2 Rider, J. V., pet. for permission to erect bay window granted 21 '25 29 2 Rhomberg ave., report of corn. on change of grade 21 " 2 Rhomberg ave.bet. 1st and 7th ave.,grade changed 21 ' 29 i •' 2 Rhomberg avenue bet. Reed st. and C., M.& St. P. l v. track ordered improved. (21, p.43 96, 112, 115, 121, 123,136, 139. 161, 195,227,241) 21 30 Iarch.... 2 Reddin& Ryan,delinquent tax. (21,p.59) 21 :35 2 Rose Hill add.,plat of. Street com. (21, p.58) 21 :39 •• 2 Reed's sub., plat of lots,105 and 187, Union addition. adopted 21 :39 •• 4 Rush st., engineer to prepare profile of grade. Street corn. (21, p.56) .\1 ri I. .... 9 Reisek, M., delinquent tax. (21. p, 78) .. . 21 4:, 21 45 9Rush st.,profile of grade. Street to (21, p. 77t 21 56 20 Rising ave.,matter of filling. Street coin '21 66 >I)111.vm.4 Rising ave.,pet.for retaining wall. Street coin 21 75 4 Rigi street,pet.for extension of. Com.whole 21 7 5 4 Race st.,pet. for improvement of. Ald.4th ward '21 754 Race st.bet. Rose and W. 11th sts. ordered improved. (21,p.93, 101,185) 01 79 • 4 Rawlings,Margaret,time extended to pay special assess- ment 21 80 ,1 tine 1 Ryan, S. I)., pet. for right to erect slaughter house. Com.whole. (21,p. 91) 21 tt 1 July. .. .. 6 Reilly,Mrs.S.,petition for cancellation of hotel license Mayor 21 III " 6 Railroad ave.,engineer to prepare plans for culvert •2I 122 Aug 3 Rising ave.,pet.for sidewalk. Street com. (21, p. 163).. 21 136 " 3 Ryan, S.D.,acceptance of charters 21 136 " 3 Rose st.,profile of change of grade. (21, p. 160, 162, 165, 183,204) 21 137 3 Rose st.to be filled with surplus from Alta Vista street.. 21 147 Sept 17 Race st.,sidewalk ordered on 21 175 Get 5 Reynolds,Rose,pet. for extension of time to pay assess- ment on Dodge st.. Granted 21 183 5 Ries street,profile of grade. Street coni 2'I 183 5 Rock street, gasoline lamp ordered on 21 157 ` 5 Railroad ave., Street Commissioner to remove bridge and put in tiling 21 188 •• 21 Robinson,C.W.,assessment reduced 21 ' 191 Nov.... .. 2 Rhomberg,J.A. Assessment committee 21 • 194 2 Race st.,special assessment for improvement of 21 196 2 Rose street ordered improved. (21, p.211,225) 21 205 ,. 2 Rush st.,eng.to prepare profile of grade 21 206 6 Rebman,W. H., granted time to lay sidewalk 21 I 208 6 Rhomberg ave.bet. Reed st. and C.,M.& St.P.R. R., sidewalk ordered N1 208 " 11 Rhomberg ave.bet. 5th and 6th ave.accepted 21 210 •• IS Ryan, N. C., granted one year's time to pay special assessment 21 212 18 Recorder,corn. in regard to work in his office. Coin. ' whole. (21,p. 230) .... `21 212 Y i I f ' ' I I:DEX• 1 A SUBJECT. \BOOK. PA( E i 1891. 4 } 2 Dec.. .. . 7 Rose 11111 add., pet to have grades established 21`Ll 2224 1 21 224 64 7 Railroad crossing, matter of safety gates '• 7 Richardson,Geo., instructed to make proper sewer con- 21 230 nections ,. 7 Ryan, Con.,bill of $1,258 for rolling Grandview ave. „;4 Received and tiled 21 21 214 6• ,. ..14 Railroad ave.,sufficient lights ordered on MIMN, '. - _ _ • II I . I IN DEX. - 1891 BOOK. PAGE.SUBJECT. - _-__ • I .lau 5 Schmidt,G.F., delinquent tax 21 2 5 Seventeenth street bet. Pine and Sycamore,for reduction 21 of special assessment. (21, P.28,39,59.67) 2 •• 5 Street foreman, pet.for extra pay. Received and tiled.. 21 2 I . 5 Southern ave., pet.for alarm box. Fire corn 21�1 5 Sewer on Jones et.,pet. for sewer on. (21,p.27) 5 Sewer bet.Main and Iowa st., pet. for extension to 17th 21 street. (21, p.27,39) •• 5 Reicher,Peter,petition for refunding of saloon license. 21 Granted 5 Street from Stafford ave. through mineral lot 468,470 and Hooper& Driebelbies'add., plat of 21 2 •• 5 Stench, Chas., paid $55.33 interest due and collected.... 21 •• 5 Simplot, Alex, remonstrance against granting right of way to D. &S. C. R. R. (21,p.43) 21 ti . Feb 2 Sisters,B. M.V.,G. R. C. 0. Asylum. Delinquent tax. 21 24 (21,p.43) •• 2 Sidewalks,pet.in relation to special assessment for clean- �i 24 ing snow. (21,p.43,53) •• 21Street, from W. 11th to southerly line of lot 687, pet. for. I (21,p.43) 01 24 •• •Sewer on 7th st., pet. for extension of. (21,p. 42,57,96). 21 24 •• 2 Sullivan & Bresnahan. pet. for refunding saloon license. Mayor. (21,•p.78) 01 05 •• 2 Storm water sewers and profiles of. (21, p. 5S) 21 25 •• 2 Street laborers, wages of fixed. (21, p.43) 21 30 •• South Locust st. from old corporation line, resolution for improvement of. (21, p. 42,111) 21 30 NI• •ch.. .. Stench,Chas.,bills of $24.96 and $24.20. (21, p58) 21 38 •• .... . . 2Seluuidt,Nich.,estate,delinquent tax. (21,p.59) 21 :is 2 Selucefer, Oath., delinquent tax. (21, p. 59) 21 38 •• 2'Schiller street,pet. for straightening and improvement of. Street com 21 3S •• 2ISewer from 15th to 17th bet. Main and Iowa,agreement in relation to. (21,p.96) 21 39 •• 2 Street commissioner,inventory of tools on hand 21 39 •• 2 Second st.,rod line adopted as the grade 21 41 •• ... . . 4 Sewer ordered on Wall st. from 7th to D.& D.bridge. • (21, p.49, 112) 21 44 4 Streets in new additions ordered opened 21 44 •• 4 Street commissioner,res.to allow $100. Street corn.... 21 45 •• 4I'Sewers, lateral in 1st ward. Engineer to draw plans. (21, p. 49, 59,65,96, 112, 121, 136, 138,139,146,164, 173,204.206,212) 21 45 •• 4 Sewer from 15th to 17th bet. Main and Iowa,engineer to prepare plans. (21,p. 96) 21 45 .11 •i1 tl Sixteenth and Maple sts., pet.of Butler Bros.to put in curb 21 52 1t'.Seventeenth st., recommendation of engineer in relation to draining water.(21, p.95) 21 57 1 • ,, cl'Schiller st., proposition of C.Loetscher accepted 21 58 9 Sewer district No. 2,estimate of. (21, p.66) 21 59 13 Schroeder,John, pet. for exemption from saloon license. (21, p 78) 21 64 • 13 Street laborers,wages fixed 21 64 20 Street on north side lots 1, 2,3 and 18,sub.sec. 13,etc. (21,p.76,88,148, 161) 21 66 •• 20 Sewer on Arlington st.,pet.for extension of. (21,p.78).. 21 66 May 4 St.Joseph st.,pet.for culvert on. (21,p. 95) 21 75 4 Stevenson,Mrs.John,delinquent tax. (21,p. 121) 21 75 •• 4 Seminary st.,pet.for more lights on. P. & L 21 75 4 Southern ave.,fire box ordered on 21 78 '• 4 Sewer on Chestnut st.,ordered on. (21,p. 186) 21 78 1 •• 4 South Locust st. bet, old corporation line to 450 feet i south ordered improved. (21, P.101, 188,244) 21 80 4 Sewerage,engineer to prepare plans for on Chestnut and Arlington. (21,p.98,95, 193) 21 81 4 South Dodge st., Street Commissioner to do grading. ' (21, p. 188) - 21 81 I I : IiI ;I II I iii 11 • l r w., • 4 . y •• �•I INDEX. , 1891. SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE. . I S'Suess, Mrs.,granted 6 months' time to pay special tax...1 21 83 ' .lune 1 Schmidt,Adam,pet.for $100 extra salary. (21, p.121). .1 'I 92 1'South Dodge st.,pet. of T. J. Donahue to do his own1 work. Received and filed... 21 9:1 •• 1 Schroeder,John,pet.in relation to saloon license. Re- ceived and filed 21 93 •• 1'Sewerage, pet.for extension on Hill, Burch and W, 3d. (21,p. 111, 121,136) 21 93 •• 1 Stevenson, A. R.,pet.for damages. Claims and attorney. (31,p. 145, 155, 163) 21 94 •• 1 Shannon,Mrs. Mary,delinquent tax. (21, p. 164)... .. . 21 114 •• I Strinsky, Matthias, " " " 21 94 - I South Dodge st.,mistake in deed of Mary Wilde. (21, . p.120) 21 tr, r •• I Sewerage in alley bet. Clay and White north of 17th.1 (21,p. 120, 124,125, 183,230) 21 0 " I Sixteenth st.,bet. Iowa and Pine,sidewalk ordered on.. 21 ' 97 41 I South Dodge st.,engineer to prepare plans for sewer on 21 9S •• I South Main street ordered paved 21 98 I Second and Main street,sidewalk ordered on 21 98 •• I Seventeenth st.bet. Clay and Seminary st., sidewalk or- ilin•d1 on 21 118 99 I Sewer, eng.to prepare plan for extension of mouth of... 21 1110 •• I Sixteenth St.,contract for sewer on awarded 21 101 66 1 Stewart, R. \V.,resignation of mayor accepted 21 I03 •• 1•4Saunders, C.J.W.,elected mayor 21 1(16 Is Stout, F. 1).,granted permission to put in curb and gutter 21 107 I ely .. . .. 1.Simplot, Chas.and Alex., in relation to ownership of lot 530. (21, p.138) 1 21 11 I •• 0 Southern ave.. pet.for a change of grade,etc. (21,p. 145, • 161, 185) 21 1 Ill •• 6 Sewer in Dorgan alley, pet,for. (21, p. 137, 164, 174, 175,' 185, 230) 21 I 1 1 ..11•• 0 Steam road roller,engineer of suspewle�l. ((21, p. 123).1 21 121 •• 6,Sewers,storm water all ordered cleaned 21 123 Aug.. 3I Specht,John,com.in relation to gravel. (21,p. 163).... 21 ' 136 3 South Dodge street, petition for extension of railway on. I (21,p. 1001 21 136 •• 3 Switzer, Mr. and Mrs., claim of damages for being shot. I (21, p. 161, 163,178) 21 136 •• 3 Seminary st.,pet, to have graded. (21, p. 163, 183) 91 136 •• 3 Sewerage on Alta Vista st., pet. for sewer. (21, p. 164).. 21 130 16 3 Stafford ave., profile of change of grade. (21, p. 163)... 21 137 11 :3 South Dodge st. from Wilde st. to Grandview avenue, change of grade. (21,P.225) 21 137 " 3lSidewalks,special assessment levied for laying of 21 194 8 South Main st.,engineer to measure total amount of fill- iug. (21, p. 155, 168, 195) 21 145 3 Street committee, report of on covering for streets. (21, p.102) 21 145 66 8 Small pox patient. bills for cure of pail and ordered col- t lected from Diamond Jo('o 21 146 •` :3 Schroeder's add.,change in accepted. (21, p. 162, 185)... 21 146 3 South Locust st.,special assessment for sewerage levied. 21 146 3 South Dodge st.,special assessment;7 feet to be assessed I to street railway company 21 148 61 3 Sewerage on Ninth and Pine st.,plans of. (21, p. 155,' 164, 185,231) 21 149 468I Sanford st. bet.Jackson and Elm sts. ordered improved (21,p. 165) 21 • 149 " 3.Sanford and Elm,engineer to prepare plans for sewer I (21,p. 165) 21 150 17 Sewerage privileges at 4th and Clay sts.,resolution in relation to 21 155 46 17 Street railway companies,matter of occupying right of' way. (21,p.173) 21 156 Sept 8 South Dodge st.,pet for extension of railway on. (21,p, • 174, 175. 177, 178) 21 160 • INDEX. I 189!• I'n1 ECT. I iin0K.l PAGE. • Sept 8St. Columbkill's Church, delinquent tax. 21, p. IMfil...., 21 161 8 Shannon, Mary,Jelin Inert tax. l21. p. 164. 18111 21 161 .. 8 Strotz, Mrs. Nicholas,taxes cancelled 21 161 8 Sanford st., profile of change of grade. (21, p. 185) .. . 21 163 8 South Dodge st. accepted as far as Curtis st. (21, p. 21141. 21 164 8 Sullivan, Katie E.. one-half taxes cancelled 21 164 .. 8 Sewerage on 11111 st., remonstrance against. Granted.. . 21 173 • 17 Sewerage on Olive st., pet for. (21, p. 186, 187, 21 174 • 17 Sixteenth at.bet. Pine and Maple sts.,sidewalk ordered. 21 175 ()ct 5 Sewer, pet. for on W.3d, Burch and Ilill sts. Sewer coin 21 183 5.St.John's Lutheran ('Lurch,delinquent tax 21 183 " 5 Smedley Mfg. Co., pet.for exemption from taxation for ten years. 121, p. 204) ; 21 183 1 t. 5 Seminary st., pet. for improvement of. (21, p. 195) 21 183 • 5 St.Joseph Mercy ]Hospital,delinquent tax 21 183 " 5 Stafford ave..ct;ol_e or _rack. Street corn 21 183 5 Schneler's silk!. plat of. Street.coin ' 21 188 •' 5 Sewer connection at 18t11 ,t. engine house. Ald.3c1 ward. 21 186 5 Southern ave.. sidewalk ordered on 21 187 5 South Dodge st., sidewalk ordered on both sides of 21 187 11 Seminary and North Main st., lamp ordered on..... 21 190 " 9 Sewer on Clay st. bet. 17th and 18th st. Attorney to re- port. (21,p.234) 21 191 " 21 South Locust st., matter of straightening. Atty. and eng. 21 191 •' 21 Simplot, Chas.,delinquent tax 21 1 191 Nov 2 Seidel, Anna,assessment corn 21 1 194 2 Sears,A. W., " fit 21 194 .. 2 Street committee, Aid. Fosselmau deposed and Ald., Stoltz appointed to till vacancy • 21 194 '• 2 Sidewalk,special assessment for repairs of.(21, p.199,2001 21 195 2 Sewer on 4th st.,special assessment levied 21 21)4 2 Seventh st. bet. White and Pine sts.,sidewalk ordered on 21 2(16 2 Second st.,sidewalk ordered on 21 2011 2'Switching, special committee appointed to investigate'. matter of 21 206 i " 6 Stout, H. L.,granted permission to erect frame building on Locust bet. 11th and 12th sts 21 • 208 6 Sewer bot.Washington and.Jackson and 8th and 10th sts,• advertise for bids. (21, p.212) I 21 208 " 6 Seminary st.,gasoline lamps ordered on. (21, p. 230).... 21 208 " 6 Stocking bonds sold to Farson, Leach & Co. (21, p. 210, 225, 2341 21 2119 " 11 Schroeder ave., pet. for improvement of. Street corn.... 21 211 1 lee 7 Sullivan,T. 0., pet. for permission to put rock on West 17th street 21 224 " 7 Seeger, Mrs. C., for refunding of fine 21 224 " 7 Sewer, pet.for extension on N.side of 17th street 21 224 " 7 Street rolling bills against contractors ordered collected. 21 225 " .. 7 South Dodge st.,special assessment levied 21 227 '• 7 Sewer on Olive st. from W. 11th st. made part of sewer- ' age system 21 230 " 7 Steam roller engineer discharged .... 21 232 14FSouth Main street, lights ordered on N1 N35 " 21 Seward, Mary,assessment corn 21 240 " 21 Selueler,('Itth., li " 21 240 •• 21 Second st.extension, matter of filling of 21 244 " 21 Sewerage, matter of assessing property not abutting on. 21 244 , J • 1 I ;a • INDEX. I i89i. I - - SUBJECT. --- - BOOK. PAGE. Jan 5 Trexler, Louis, petition for permission to repair barn cor.4th and Locust. Corn.Whole. (21,p. 28) 21 2 Feb 2 Tibey,John,warrant for $454.65 ordered 21 24 2 Trees,matter of trimming. Portponed. . (21,p.27).... 21 25 Marchz Tuegel,Elizpbeth,delinquent tax. (21,p.59) 21 38 " ` Third and clay streets,crossinfl ordered.... 21 44 ' Twelfth st.bet.Jackson and Pine sts.,sidewalk ordered. 21 44 " 4 Tippe, Barbara,claim of $11.50. Street corn 21 45 April 13 Twenty-seventh st. ordered improved. (21, p.82,185, 1981 21 64 " 20 Freasurer Clonner,pet. for increase of salary. (21,p, 79) 21 66 May 4 Thomas st.,pet. for improvement of. Street com 21 75 4 Teamsters' Union,pet. in relation to 8 hours. (21, p. 75) 21 75 " 4 Thirteenth st.,sidewalk ordered on 21 80 " 4 Town clock ordered painted. (21, p.96,112, 165) 21 82 June. 1 Teamsters'ordinance,instructions to marshal in relation to. (21,p. 111, 146, 159) 21 91 °' 1 Toussant,John,permitted to build frame stable 21 98 " 1 Thomas street ordered improved. (21. p.137,150, I56).... 21 911 " 1 Twenty-third street ordered improved 21 99 August. .. 3 Treasurer to turn over money collected to contractors postponed. (21,p. 155,163) 21 148 3 Twenty-second street,sidewalk ordered on 21 149 Sept 8 Tierney, John, granted one year's time to pay special assessment 21 161 8 Tax levy for 1891 made 21 162 Oct 5 Telephone charges, question whethrr the city has the right to regulate. Attorney. (21, p.285) 21 187 61 .21 Twenty-third street.sidewalk ordered on 21 191 Nov .. 2 Taxes,matter of city and county 21 195 . 2 Third street,sidewalk ordered on 21 206 Dec 1 Tax books turned over to the treasurer 21 224 " 14 Telephone, matter of charges 21 235 ar • """41 _41111111111• ' I I INDEX. 1891. SUBJECT. ROOK. PAGE. .Jan.... .. 5 U. S.E. L.& P. Co., pet. for refunding $500. 21, p. 27, 75, 79) 21 2 March.... 2 Union ave., pet for improvement of. (21,p. 58, 76) 21 39 2 University place, plat of. (21, p. 58; 21 48 Oct, 5 Union add.,engineer to establish grades on streets in said addition I 21 183 • I N I)EX. 1891. SUBJECT. BOOK PA OF. Feb 2 Vogle,Anton, pet. for permission to erect bay window. Granted 21 24 2 Valeria st.,deed from henry Gruber for opening of 21 25 " 2 Valeria st., profile of grade. (21, p. 41) 21 25 May 4 Villa st., pet. for retaining wall. Street Corn 21 74 Aug 3 Villa st., matter of change of grade. (21,p. 1(11, 173, 185) 21 137 Dec 6 Valeria st., pet.for sidewalk on 21 224 • • 7 INDEX. 189,, I SUBJECT. BOOK. PAGE. Jan .... .. 5 Woodlawn Park add., plat of accepted I 21 4 5 White st.,engineer to prepare plat of extension from; Sanford st.to 23d. (21,p,28) 21 5 5 West Locust st., resolution for improvement of. 21, p. 43, (28, 178, 198) 21 S Feb.... .. 2 William st., plat of in Wood's add. and pet. for vacation of. (21, p.41) • 21 25 2 West Eagle Point ave., matter of sewer on. Street corn.. 21 25 2 Watson,Dr.,bill of $2.30 against contractor. Street coral ''21 '25 • •• 2 West Eagle Point ave.,profile of grade. Street corn....' 21 25 " 2 White st., plat of proposed extension of from Sanford ti, l 23d st. (21, p. 28, 39) 21 25 2 West 14th st.,pet.and profile for change of grab ( 1, p.28,58,75) 21 20 " 2 Waples,L. H., pet. for reduction tion of assessment. Adverse, 21 27 2 West Locust st.,engineer to prepare plans for sewer. (21, p.43, 178,185, 100,240) 21 25 2 Winona ave. ordered extended to West 'Third street (21, p. 39,44,59) 21 29 March.... 2 West 3d st., pet. for improvement of. (21, p.58) 21 38 2 West Eagle Point ave.,pet.in relation to price of high curb. (21, p.58) •. 21 35 2 Water mains, pet. for extension to Lincoln ave. and Walnut st. (21, p. 59,78) 21 38 2 West 5th st.,pet. for lamp at corner of and Nest sreet.' (21, p. 59) 21 38 2 Walsh st.,red line adopted as the grade 21 41 •• 4 Water plugs ordered at 17th and Sycamore and 16th and Maple. (21, p 59) , 21 44 •• 4 Winona ave., marshal to get jury for extension of. ('2I, P.59,66) 21 44 4 Water Company ordered to lead their waste pipe from Wilson ave.to.Julien ave 21 15 4 West 5th st.,stone crossing ordered on.... 21 -1 i 4 Windsor and Sanford avenues,fire alarm box ordered (21,p.59) 21 45 .. .. .. 4 Wendt, Magdalena,delinquent tax. (21, p.59) 21 16 �luil 9 Woodlawn Park, pet. of owners to have streets graded. (21, p.97, 112, 124, 137,146, 155, 175) 21 52 •• 9 West 3d st., pet. 1'()r abatement of nuisance. B.of 11.... 21 53 •• 9 Watters,W.G.,delinquent tax. (21, p. 78) 21 53 •• 9 Wood st., profile of grade. Street coin 21 57 •• 13 Washington st. bet Eagle Point ave.and Sanford st. or- dered improved. (21,p.82, 121, 141) I 21 64 20 West 3d at., plan and estimate of culvert. Street corn... 21 66 May 4 Windsor ave.,profile of change of grade Street corn.. 21 74 4 Woodworth st.,pet.to have graded. (21, p.96) 21 75 " 4 West 11th st,pet.for improvement of. Granted. (21,1 p. 78,97) .,, 21 75 " 4 Windsor ave.and Sanford st„ fire alarm box ordered on. 21 78 4 West 11th st bet.Walnut and Race sts.ordered improved. 1 (21,p.101,185, 196) 21 79 4 Whiting, Mrs. Frances, time extended to pay special assessment. 21 80 " 4 Windsor ave.bet.Eagle Point ave.and Lincoln ave.or- dered improved. (21,p. 101) 21 81 •• 4 West 5th and Nevada sts.,stone crossing ordered 21 81 •• 4l West 5th st.bet Glen Oak ave.and College ave.,sidewalk ordered 21 81 11 Washington Park, matter of sidewalk around. (21, p. • 97, 145, 122) 21 86 June. .... 1 Water Works, pet. for on West'Hill. (21,p. 122) 21 92 , 1 West 3d st. from Walsh street to College ave., pet. for a change of grade. (21, p. 121) 21 93 " 1 Water mains,pet. for extension on Julien ave.and Delhi - street. (21, p. 122) 21 94 •' 1 Water plug,pet. for at cur. 27th and Lemon sts. F. & W. 21 94 t li Water mains ordered extended on Harrison street 21 97 I i•f • INl)l X. -- --- • tags. I --- SUBJECT. --- BOOK"PAGE. .lune 1 Winona ave.ordered improved. (21,pp 137, 195,226).... 21 99 " 1 Water Company to place hydrant on Lemon and 27th sta. 21 99 " 1 West 14th st.bet. Alta Vista and W. 14th et.,sidewalk ordered on 21 101 " 1 West 11th street,pet.for a change of grade,etc. (21, p. 107,121) 21 103 July .... . 6 West Locust at. and 17th st., pet. for abatement of nuisance. (21, p. 145) 21 111 " 6 West Main st.,pet. for filling of. (21, p. 145) 21 111 if 6 Wilde,Mary,deed to lot 2 of 7,mineral lot 45 21 120 " 6 Water maius ordered extended on Delhi st.to Center at. 21 122 ii 6 " " 64 " " Dodge, S. Dodge sts. and Grandview street 21 122 Aug 3 Water mains on Seminary st.,pet.for. Granted 21 130 " 3 Windsor ave.,pet.to have street railway line extended. Granted 21 136 " 8 Washington at. pet.in relation to. (21, p. 163) 21 130 14 3 Windsor ave.and Hies streets,petition for proper gutter. (21,p. 164) 1 21 136 " 3 Water mains on Alta Vistast.,petition for extension of.1 Granted i 21 136 16 3 West Locust and 17th st., tot. for removal of horse trough. (21,p. 145) 21 130 66 3 West Locust st., pet. in relation to grade. (2',p. 1631... 21 187 • 46 3 West 3d st. from Alpine to Walsh st,change of grade. (21,p. 194) 21 137 " 3 Weighers,city reports of to be certified to 21 138 ii 3 Water spouts on buildings to be conducted to the ground 21 148 " -3 West 5th st.,sidewalk ordered on 21 149 3 West st.,sidewalk ordered on,... 21 149 3 White and 4th st., Street commissioner to repair curb and gutter 21 150 " 17 Woodlawn Park,proposition for grading accepted 21 155 " .17 Wood st., pet.for improvement of. (21, p. 1641 21 155 Sept .... . S White st„corn. in relation to bet 3d and 4th st 21 1131 8 Water mains, pet. for extension on Wall st.,Water et. and Levee. (21, p. 186) 21 I 161 " 8'.West Eagle Point ave..pet. for improvement of;granted. 21 161 " 8 West Eagle Point avenue ordered improved 21 165 " 17 Windsor ave.. profile of change of grade. (21,p. 185)... 21 174 17 West 11th st., proposition of A.W. liosford to grade. (21,p. 178) 21 � 174 6417 West 11th st.,profile of grade of. (21, P. 176) `21 174 •• 17 Walsh,James, granted one year's time to pay special assessment 21 1 174 17IWestern waterways,impt. of invitation to attend conven- tion 21 1 175 t tot 5 Wa.er mains,pet. for extension on W.3d bet.James and Hill. (21,p.229) 21 183 •' 5'Water mains,pet. for extension on Railroad ave.to Levee (21, p.229) 21 183 '• .5 West Third st. N.side from Bluff to Summit,sidewalk' ordered on j 21 186 " 5 West Locust st., Street commissioner to repair 21 k 1`+7 ' 44S Walnut st.,gasoline lamp ordered on 21 187 : " 5 West 3d st.,sidewalk ordered on 21 187 ; " r White and 15th st.,pine block crossing ordered on 21 187 ; :21 West 11th st., 6-foot sidewalk accepted 21 191 " 21 Wieneke& Hohenadel,pet.for lat.sewer 21 191 Nov 2 Water mains, pet.for extension in alley bet.14th and 15th and Clay and Iowa. Granted 21 194 " •' Welsh, Mrs. P.,assessment corn 21 194 \V,illweber, Mrs. C.G.,assessment corn 21 194 " " Wallis,Mary B.,assessment corn 21 194 White and 8th at.,wooden crossing ordered 21 205 2 Williams, Eliza,warrant for 81;100 ordered to pay for Rose street 21 205 446 West st.,sidewalk ordered on 21 208 t — 4 17"1,1"...g..."4".1""111111111.1.111111111.1111111111111-11111111111111111....17111.111111.M1111.16.".".""-- •T • I N I)EX. 1891. SUBJECT I BOOK. PAGE, Nov 6 Weigh master 5th ward scales, F. Altman appointed. (21, p.224,240) 21 209 •• 18 West 5th st.,corn. of treasurer in relation to cancellation of assessment , 21 212 1)e1 7'Weston, liidi rt, granted 6 months to pay spl. assessment. 21 224 7 Waller, Mrs.J. It., assessment.com 21 224 •• 7 Washington st. bet. Sanford and 23d st.,lamp ordered.. . 21 231 •• 7 Water maims ordered extended on 23d st. to Jackson st. . 21 231 •• 7 West Eagle Point ave., res. for improvement.of. Street committee 21 232 •• 21 Water mains ordered on Bluff bet. 7th and 8th sts 1 21 244 po• i ., I . i - -- tz IN f)EX. raw. I SUBJECT. Book]e.%c. Jan 5 Zugenbuehler, Mrs. F. .1., pet. for refunding Iirense. Granted 21 Aug 3 Zachina., pet. for monthly eompensation. lieveiv441 and filed 21 1;17 Sept 8 Zion's Church,taxes cancelled 21 Ii;t REGULAR. SESSION, 'IAN I -ARV 5Tii, 1`5:11. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, January 5th, 1891. (OFFICIAL. I Council met at 9:30 o'clock a. in. Mayor Stewart in the chair. Present—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Crawford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and \\ underlich. The following bills were allowed: Telegraph, advertising $ 66 65 E. James, expense at parks 1 65 Nesler & Jungk, plumbing 23 95 '1'renk Wire works, window guards 30 60 M. Berner & Son, comforters 7 50 L. Lindenberg, police lamps 11 00 J. M. McKenzie, window guards25 00 Mat. Clancy, lamplighter's salary25 00 Ilam & Carver, tax receipts 4 50 herald, advertising 33 35 '1'. W. Ruete, drug supplies 4 10 M. llerzog, sawing wood 18 00 Mrs. Koenig, cleaning police head- quarters 5 00 G. Ropseb, hat rack 2 00 Ledger, advertising 37 50 Dubuque Water Works, water for city hall 20 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, rubber stamps 4 75 Virginia Lewis, county recorder, recording 24 deeds 13 00 11I. J. McCullough, county auditor, auditing 24 deeds 6 00 Times, advertising 33 35 Saul & Byrnes, stone crossing 28 00 L. Daly, hauling coke 50 Karl Falk, hay 2 20 .1. R. Riley, laying sidewalk 133 92 U. Ruoff and A. Schneider, bal. on culvert 445 35 J. Williams, stone crossings 43 35 M. 'Tschirgi, Jr., freight 4 85 E. Ryan, grading Delhi street, $911.80, allowed 800 00 Chas. Steuck, excavating on Julien avenue, $2,250. allowed 1,500 00 Chas. Steuck, replacing curb and gutter 35 00 Hansen & Linehan, cement, etc3 30 .John Butt, repairs 14 90 E. E. Frith, removing dead ani- mals Frank Boppel, 6 loads oats C. W. Robison, shavings John Babcock, 1 load oats C. W. Robison, lumber T. W. Ruete, drugs supplies Jos. A. Palen, drug supplies C. C. Lembke. harness supplies.... DI. Bewer & on, blankets F'raatz & Clark, lantern wicks Key City Gas Co., coke 25 Quade & Roddy, bran, etc 4 E. B. Chandler, tire alarm box 137 Dubuque \Vooden Ware Co., lum- ber 28 A. Hing, building stone 9 Duggan & Kane, oil Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, rubber boots, etc 10 Reinfried & Jaeger, broom John Butt, grate 4 F. Schloz, sharpening tools 9 C. W. Robison, lumber Albert Gasser, brick 1. & A. M. Trexler, lanterns Wm. Welsh, macadam T. Mahony, macadam Fred. Beyer, rock A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 13 00 194 40 2 85 18 45 3 30 28 80 3 65 6 40 9 00 25 23 00 50 40 00 65 00 40 50 00 10 1 40 1 00 16 00 15 00 7 50 10 75 'I'ltos. W. Fitzpatrick, horseshoing 5 50 Albert Kannolt, horseshoeing2 00 Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing4 50 Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing3 50 .Joit Lagen, horseshoeing 13 25 E. .1. Evans, guttering at engine house 6 40 '1'. J. Donahue, stone crossing.... 21 36 James Kelly, stationery 40 65 J. .1. McCarthy, expense in city cases '6 49 M. H. \Vaples, witness fees 25 00 C. 11. Altona, keys and knobs 20 Times, printing brief 12 75 Ed. McClean, carpenter work52 80 Win Kelly, assistant niarketmaster 40 00 Key City Gas Co., coke 3 75 John O'Brien, work on sewers43 75 .John 'Tierney, work on sewers44 60 Albert Gasser. brick 7 00 Julien Avenue livery, use of wagon 13 50 Dubuque Water Works, water supply 1033 33 J. '1'. Davison, fees in case of M..1. Schaefer vs. City l 80 The following bills were ordered paid and the several amounts charged against the respective companies and poles held for payment of charges and electrician instructed to notify auditor of the owner- ship of said poles and the different amounts chargeable to the several companies and the auditor instructed to charge the amounts against the several companies. .1. Ward, removing dead poles $2 25 .John Cahill, " " 3 70 Kane 4146 663 00 Kane,. A. Duccini, " " " 4 50 \\' m. Breen. " " 44 2 25 On the following macadam bills 50c per yard was allowed on a basis of 75c per yard: John Cooney, 28 yards macadam..$14 00 .John Corbett, 16 '' " 8 00 Frank F'ofle and James Sinch, 16 yards macadam 1100 ,)mmsephllaupert, 18 yards macadam 9 00 Jac. flutter, 10 yards macadam5 00 Thos. llarkney, 40 yards macadam 20 00 Martin Ilelwig 15 " " 7 50 Paul Krokeski 35 " " 17 50 ,lames Meloy 21 " " 10 50 B. McCat1'rey & Jas. Hail, 23',‘441150 Jas. Maroon, 27 13 50 Win. Preston, 12 " " 6 00 Thos. Rogers, 38 66 " 19 00 Adam Reuter, 14 " " 7 00 .lac Schreier. 14 66 44 7 00 Thos. Welsh, 20 " " 10 00 Geo. Witter, 15 " 64 7 50 Jos. \Vusack, 14 " " 7 00 F. Freywark, 8 " 61 4 00 John llageman, 4 46 " 2 00 Aug. Marsh, 3;6; " " 1 75 .1. M'Laughlin, 35 " 46 17 50 Fred Nauck, 23 " " 11 50 Fred Otto, 24 " 12 00 11. '1'ipps, 19 ' •' 9 50 The following bills were ordered paid: A. !ling, hauling 40 yards, ma- cadam 16 00 A. Ring, hauling 15 yards ma- cadam 6 00 11. 'Tippe, hauling 8 yards ma- cadam 3 20 H. Tippe, hauling 4 yards ma- cadam 1 60 H. Tippe, hauling 3% yards ma- cadam . 1 40 H. 'Tippe, hauling 23 yards nut- cadam 9 20 H. Tippe, hauling 15 yards ma- cadam 6 00 H. Tippe, quarrying 19 yards ma- cadam 7 60 2 REGULAR SESSION, .JANUARY 5•rit, 1801. Nester & Jungk, plumbing 171 3 00 Ferguson Bros., plumbing Knapp, Stout & Co., lumber 9 31 The following bills were referred to the committee on claims: MeCarten Bros., $21.00 for damage to wagon on Exchange street; T. W. Ituete, $10.15; Ryan Bros, $14.50; John F. O'Dea, $109.96. The following were referred to the street committee: J. Ryan, ;$23.18; D. W. Linehan, $58.10; B. D. Linehan, $4.05; National Iron and Brass works, 80c. The following were referred to the com- mittee on police and light: Butt Bros., $3.45; Globe Light and Heat Co., $576.67; Key City Gas Co„ $337.90; Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co.. $475. Bill of Chas. V. Baumann of 52.00 re- ceived and filed. Bill of Central Union Telephone Co., $20.50, referred to electrical committee. Bill of J. Maclay of $1.25 referred to the city attorney. Bill of Jos. Frost $2.00 and bill of A. 11. llemmelder of $3.00 referred to committee of the whole. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: G. F. S^.hiuidt, Mrs. Carl Mussehl, Mrs. Eugene Early, Mrs. Michael Crmer, Chas. Pape. Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. A. Murphy, -Mrs. John McMahon, Mrs. It. L. 11urr, I'atherine Rueter, .iolin Boes- zeltl, James l'. Flanagan, James Donnelly, Mrs. L. M. Collins and A. A. Cooper. The following were referred to the com- mittee of the whole: Petition of Richard F. Curran in rela- tion to proposed route of Dubuque & Kan- sas City Railway company. Petition of Lesure Lumber company to ordered refnu led. fill and occupy market square for pillet, lumber. Petition of .James Howie for grade on Petition of. B. Lagen in relation to dam - and on Alpine street. ages to horse. t i ranted. Petition for improvement of Rhumberg Communication of State bury I'onilmis- avenue. >nin in relation to testing of milk in the Communication of Dubuque County cityof Dubuque. Referred to the board of Farmers' Alliance in relation to inspection li i I' 1i of meat. I'LL• fel lowing plats were referred to the Petition of Governor's Greys for !tennis- `t t'i''1 "11111111100: sin❑ to partition and remodel the third F. l' teiii liii i it's sulnliv�isionRiver- floor of the city hash views ;etaone', A. \V. Ilosford's subdi- Petittons of Dubuque :Sehuetzen Gesell vision. Ili' IJV, \ ;until ion, Grandview schaft and of Dubuque Driving Park Asso_ Park a i iii i , Il e ler Lang urtliv's suh- elation asking that the Dubuque Street division, (guernsey .� .uigwerthy's addi- Railway be given right of way on Cooler noel.'John AItlunuer'Ls subdivision, Mor - avenue between Peru road and city Iiniits. iiisers ail (till. Petition of Jas. 11. Russell in relation to (IFI iii:Ts or or• r• i tins special assessment for repairing of side- Engineer I'.rhngi presented profile of walk abutting lot 7 in A. L. Brown's grade of Riess street and »f Klingenberg sub. street. Petition of abutters on 17th street be- i Referred to street committee. tween Pine and Sycamore that the city Also presented plat of proposed street pay the difference of cost between an midi- I front Stafford avenue through mineral lots nary and an extra size curb and gutter. 468 and 470 and through Hooper & Drei- Petition of Louis Trexler for permission bilbie's addition. to make an addition to the livery stable at Referred to street committee. the corner of Fourth and Locust streets. Also presented plans for proposed brick The petition of J. '1'. Mulvey for open- sewer on Fifth street from Iowa to,, White ing of Liebe's avenue from Jackson street street. east across the C., St. 1'. & K. C. R. IL Referred to street committee. track referred to the street committee. Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn to 2 Petition of L. Zeilinger in relation to o'clock p. in. Carried. Cardiff street referred to the street com- AFTERNOON SESSION. mittee. Council met at 2:20 p. In. Petition of street foreman for extra corn- Mayor Stewart in the chair. pensatton was read. Present—ads. Babcock, Cleminson, Ald. Crawford moved to allow the fore- Crawford, Halpin, (lodge, Lowry, Sauu- men 25c per day additional for work done. ders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Lost. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. On motion the petition was received and Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand filed. Petition of residents on Southern avenue for lire alarm box in -front of lot 1, Stout's, Dubuque. Referred to fire committee with power. Petition of Mr. Brayer for refunding of $22 saloon license. Granted. Petition of Dennis Smith et al. for sewer on Jones street. Referred to the sewer committee. Petition for extension of sewer to 17th street between Main and Iowa streets. Referred to the sewer committee. Petition of 'I'tios. hackney, et al.. that they be allowed 75e per yard for breaking macadam. (,ranted. Petition of Bart E. Linehan, et al., that they be charged only what it would have cost for macadamizing for the improve- ment of alley between mit and alit and Main and Iowa streets. Received and filed. Communication of Louis Trexler and F. .1. Pick enbrock stating that they would not accept ?150 in settlement of their claim for loss of horse. The rules were suspended and Mr. Louis Trexler addressed the council on the mat- ter. On motion the matter was referred to the finance co inudtee and attorney to report at the next session what settlement could be made. Petit en ut' United States Electric Light .\ Power Co. asking that the city return the $ dill deposited by them when they put in their Ind for the city lighting was re- ferred to the electrical committee to report the minutia due the city from the U. S. i...\ P. Co. Petition of Mrs. F..1. Zugenbuehler for relunding of restaurant license of $50. Granted. Petition of Peter Stiecher for refunding of saloon ilcemae. lin motion $25.15) wits REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 5Ttt, 1891. 3 Dee. 1, 1890, $9,933.95; receipts for month of December, $29,555.31; cash on hand .Jag. 1, 1891, ?12,212.09. Antonio due on special assessments, $8,480.1:1. Amount reituired to pay city officers, $1 574.75. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn. Recorder Fitzpatrick reported licenses issued by him during December to the anmounrot .$737.50. Iteceived and tiled. Marshal rice reported $1,480.50 due po- lice; for Du...tuber, also reported 58 police cases, also 111) 11111.11 pound receipts $15; also reported itu patrol runs during De- cember. Received and tiled and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Chief Reinfried reported $1,201.40 due the firemen for December. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay same. Market Master Gratz reported scale re- ceipts of city hall scales: .flog scales $12.75; hay scales, $6,9.25; also reported $7.60 due kr board of prisoners Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay board of prisoners. Street Commissioner Schini it reported $586.40 due for street work for December: also presented itemized statement of same. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Treasurer Gonner reported having paid out for interest $1,091.45, for postage $10. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Justice of the peace Cooney reported $11 fines collected on city ordinance cases. Received and filed. Jas. c i' l lalloran, sidewalk commissioner, reported $12.3 due for cleaning sidewalks. Received and tiled and warrants ordered drawn to par tile same. Also presented list of sidewalks cleaned of snow and ice during December. Report approved and special assessments to pay for same ordered prepared. .Justice Maclay reported $5 collected on city ordinance cases. Report received and tiled. T. J. Gr:Infeld reported scale receipts of First wards tiles $23.35. Received and filed. Meat Inspector Rogan reported having inspected 440 quarters of beef, 114 veal, 8 mutton and condemned 3 quarters of beef also recommended that the ordinance tin- der which he is working be amended so as to give him the power to inspect dressed hogs and live cattle. Referred to the ordi- nance committee. Chas. Pitschner reported scale receipts West Dubuque scales, $6.87. 1tettived and filed. Frank Fosselman reported scale receipts Of Fifth ward scales. $3.35. Report re- ceived and tiled. C. Deckert reported scale receipts of Eagle Point scales $1.95. Received and filed. \1'oodmeasurer Baumann reported wood - measurers' receipts $4.00. Received and filed. Engineer 'i'schirgi presented a communi- cation stating that Mrs. Chadwick desired to lay a temporary plank sidewalk abut- ting city lot 81. (ranted and permission given to lay temporary sidewalk until spring, when a cement walk will be laid. Auditor Kenety reported that two war- rants for $10 each had been drawn in favor of Excelsior Oil Tank Line Co., in pay- ment of same bill, and asked that one of the warrants be cancelled. Warrant of October session ordered cancelled. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Halpin, chairman of the commit- tee on ordinances, reported and read for second time an ordinance in relation to the improvement of streets, etc., at ex- pense of railway companies et al., which was referred to the committee of the 'whole by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cleminson, Crawford, Hal- pin, llodge, Lowry, 5auuders, Stolt. and nnderlich. Niers -.'tIds. Babcock and Trexler. Id. !Ialptn also presented and react "An ordinance to amend an ordinance to provide for the inspection of animals and meats intended for consumption in the city of Dubuque," which upon motion was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Wunderlich, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of delaying action on petition for extension of Allen & Swiney's railway up South Dodge street. In favor of refunding Ed. Moore $51, marshal's fees paid by him to the city. Receive and file claim of N. Geissler for damages to property on Lincoln ave. Delay action on resolution for increase of pay of the police. In favor of approving the recommenda- tions of Recorder Fitzpatrick in relation to printing of the council proceedings in book form. Instruct engineer to prepare profile of ✓ established grade (if any) of Grandview avenue from Delhi street to Southern avenue. In favor of adopting. resolution for the acceptance of Edward Langworthy's plat of Glendale add. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of extending the city limits so as to include sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 15, 22. 27, 34, township 89, 2 east and section 6, township 80, 3 east. Aid. Saunders offered as a minority re- port that the original resolution to include sections 11 and 12 be adopted. Ald. Babcock moved to indefinitely post- pone action on extension of city limits. Carried by the following vote : Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Crawford, llalpin, 'lodge, Lowry, Stoltz. 'Trexler and Wun- derlich. Noes—Aids. Cleminson and Saunders. Also reported in favor nt adopting the ordinance in relation to the improvement of streets, etc., at .the expense of railroad companies et al. On motion the action of the council taken on the ordinance presented by Ald. llalpin in relation to the improvement of streets, etc., at expense of railway companies, et al., was reconsidered. The ordinance wasplaced on its second reading and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ards. Halpin, Lowry Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Noes—Aids. Cleiilitison, Crawford and Hodge. Also reported in favor of receiving and filing petition of the opera house for re- mission of licenses. On motion the matter was referred to the committee of the whole. In favor of referring petition of G. J. lleukels for removal of railroad tracks on Jackson street to the ordinance committee. Be referred to committee of the whole. Also made the following report which was referred back to the committee of the whole: Your committee of the whole would most respectfully report in favor of instructing the ordinance committee and city attorney to draft an ordinance granting the 1. C. R 4 REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY i`rrn, 1811. R. Co. certain rights and privileges for maintaining railroad tracks on Jackson and Washington streets and prescribing the conditions on which other railroads may have the privilege of having their cars transferred to and from said tracks. It being understood that the cars of all railroads, now or hereinafter entering the city, shall have equal privileges on said tracks for the delivery or forwarding of freight. Ald Crawford presented an ordinance regulating the manner of keeping the of- ficial record of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Dubuque and to provide for the preservation of the same. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford. Halpin, Hodge, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. The rules were suspended and the ordi- nance read for the second time and placed on its final passage, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock. Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Iloilgt', Lowry. Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Wunderlich. chairman of the com- mittee on streets reported in favor of ac- cepting the plat of \Wootllawn park subdi- vision. Adverse to a^cepting plat of O'Neill's subdivision No. 3. Instruct engineer to prepare a plat of Kane street from \Vest Eagle Point avenue to the city Iiatits, showing the street as opened by the city: also the part to be con- demned that is owned by parties recusing to give the required right of way. Adversely to the acceptance of plat of Hodge's sun unless a' 25 ft. or one-half the right of way is left for street purposes, abutting the west side of lots 11 and 12. That they are unable to do anything in regard to water coming down Fifth avenue in Ham's add., as abutting property owwwn- ers have tried to change the natural wa- ter course, thereby causing damages to themselves by floods and heavy rains. Instruct marshal to remove obstructions on Lynn street, as soon as the weather permits. Allow T. J. Donahue $500 for grading Dodge street. Instruct street commissioner to do the necessary work on Winona avenue so as to cause the water that runs down the alley to run north to West 5th street. In favor of paying Chas. Steuck $55.33 interest due and collected. In favor of pitying bill of E. E. Frith of $2.90; allow on bill of Hansen & Linehan of 11.1o. That they have accepted the alley be- tween ltith and 19th and Washington and Elm streets. Delhi street from Julien avenue to Center street. Also that they have accepted east side of Iowa street between 2d and 3d streets, In- cluding the railway track. Report adopted. The rules were suspended and Daniel Lavery and Mr. Carney addressed the council, objeatiug to paying the special as- sessment on account of the sidewalk not being graded to the proper width. W. F. Collins also protests that the work on Cardiff street has not been clone according to theordinance. Request of John Mehlhop that he be re- funded $5.39 interest on special assess- ment for improvement of Diagonal street referred to street committee. Ald. Babcock reported in favor of pay- ing the bills of Schroeder 4% Kleine of Dubuque rass & Metal of erD uqe Water\ors of$360. Report adopted. Also reported the bids • for repairing of fire engines which were . referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Saunders, chairman of the commit- tee on police'and light and committee on electrical construction, reported as follows: In favor of paying bills of Key City Gas Co. of $387.17; Globe Light and Heat Co., $5737; .Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co., $312.50; Doc. Carmody, $6; Central Union Telephone Co., $21.88. That a gasoline lamp has been placed on corner of Middle street; would also recommend that a sidewalk two feet wide be ordered on the east side of Middle street from Lincoln avenue north to a temporary grade. That a light has been placed on Wind- sor avenue: its to police protection would recommend) the same but having no power would therefore refer the same to the mayor for consideration. On petition for electric light on 14th and Vine, 15th and Maple and 17th and Maple streets, report in favor of delaying action until the city makes a contract for more electric lights. Report adopted. Also glade the following report: \'our committee on pollee and light and electrical construction would respectfully recommended that a contract be made for fifty arc lights of 2,000 candle power each. providing the price will be $75 per light per year the lights t„ he located as follows: Corner Union and Grandview streets, I;ailroad anti kern avenues, Dodge be- t ween Bluff awl south Dodge, Dodge and youth Dodge. Warren and Jones streets, Emmett and st. Mary's, Second and Main streets, Third and t'ardtif, 'Third and ,lanae., Third ant hill, Sixteenth and Maple, Fourth and White, Olt and Main. rth and Main, `tit and Mait,, loth and Main, 12th and Main, 11th and Main, 13th and Iowa, 1t1:11 and )'lay. silt and Washington, 10th and Washington, 12111 :ural \Vashington. 13th and Elm, 15th anti line, 17111 and Pine, Seminary and Dant streets, Seminary street opposite Int 75 Porter's add., West Locust and Foye street, Chestnut and Prairie, between Prairie and Delhi on Arlington street, tenter and Julien ayes., Alpine and Julien ave., 8th and Bluff, iv lith and fine, 25th and fouler ave.. 'I' wen t\ -fourth and Colder avenue, Itroat '.c ay, \V E Pt ave. and N Main s reels, White bet ween Lake and Eagle 1'onit atve., Washington and Lincoln ave., Stafford and Lincoln ave., Humboldt and Rhoniberg avenue, \Vindsor and Rhonlberg avenues. Kniest and ilhoniberg ave., Stafford and Garligld aye. Johnson and Garfield ayes. Your committee aI•u recommend, if the above recouunenttatious are adopted, that the whole of said lights must be in opera- tion within 90 days. Would also state that 232 gas and about 104 gisoline lamps have been discontinued, and by placing the elec- tric arc lights as recommended, our city will be grandly illuminated, and the money so expended will in our judgment meet with general approval. CitAS..J. W. S AU NnEns, JOIIN 'TnExi,Llt, J. WUNDERLICH, 0. F. (lomat:. ISAIAII ULEMINSON, J. P. LOWRY, J. W. HALPIN. Referred to committee of the whole. Also reyorted that they had made a con tract with the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company tor 60 or more incandescent lamps for one year at 70c per REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY S'rtr, 1891. 5 light per year and presented contract for same. Received and filed. Ald. Babcock, chairman of the delin- quent tax committee, reported as follows: No jurisdiction on the petition of Fal- kenhainer and Kinnbel. instruct treasurer to correct description of Cumming's sub of out lot 739 lots 16 and 17 so as to read n 18% of lot 16 and s 17X ft 17 of Cumming's sub of out lot 739, assess- ed to .Jesse and Win. Cleminson. Cancel taxes of Maurice O'Reagan. Cancel taxes on lot 3 of sub min lot 182 for 1888-90 and prior years, owned by Du- buque county and the city treasur- er rectify any irregularities in the books in his office concerning said lot, the same being owned by Dubuque county. Cancel taxes of Mrs. Shay on lot 14, Union add„ for 1890. Cancel taxes of Mrs. D. Consor on lot 27, Fengler's add. for 1890. Cancel taxes of Mrs, Ilonora Loner,,an, on lot 145, East Dubuque addition for 1890. Reduce assessment of P. S. l ; utlu'ie on lots 8 and 9, '1 ilson's sub. to •$2,500 for 1890. Report adopted. Electrician Bunting presented his report for December which was referred to the electrical committee. Ald. Halpin, chairman of the ex -com- mittee of the board of health, presented the following report: At a meeting of the ex -committee of the board of health held at the City hall, De- cember 22d, 1890, the following action was taken: The health officer was instructed to issue a notice to the general public embodying the rules and regulations of the state board of health for the prevention of contagious and infectious diseases, to be published in the official papers of the city. Also to prepare anti have minted a cir- cular giving directions for the proper care of the sick, burial of the (lead and disin- fection of the premises after the recovery or death front contagious or infectious diseases; a copy of said circular to be de- livered at each house when a warning and is placed upon the premises. and also to all who may apply for a copy of the same to the city health officer or the clerk of the board of health. The health officer was also authorized to have printed a supply of warning cards for scarlet fever and membranous croup of the proper size and color to comply with the regulations of the state board on that subject. We also recommend that the salary of the clerk of the board of health for the past year due be placed at the same figure as previous years, viz., $200, and that an order for that amount be drawn. J. W. 11ALPIN, CIIAM. J. W. SAUNDERS, 1SAIAH CLEMINSON. U. F. HODGE, J. WUNDERI.ICH, Committee. 1. S. BIGELOW, Health Officer. Report adopted. Ald. Lowry, chairman of the sewer committee on sewers reported in favor of paying the bill of Novelty Iron Works of :08.75; that they had examined and ac- cepted • the sewer constructed by P. F. Guthrie from 16th to 17th street on West Locust street: Report adopted. Also reported adversely to the city pur- chasing the sewer between Main and Locust streets as they can find no benefit to be derived from its purchase. Report referred back to the sewer committee. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the assess- ment committee reported as follows: Cancel taxes of Zyprian Kopp Mrs. F. Kirk, John Alkins, Catharine WViliging on moneys and. credits; 11. Leik, on horses and vehicles; Mrs. li. Kreeger, C. G. Wull- weber estate on moneys and credits, Mrs. '1'. McLaughlin. Magdalena P. Brahm, Jos. Jeffroy, B. Cheatham, Anna M. Spahn, Eleventh Street Elevator Co. Eli- zabeth 'flitches, Mary Seward and Marga- ret Kolf. Ed. Warnington, moneys and credits. Adverse to petitions of M. Hollenfelz, First National Bank and Wood, Crocker & Co. Reduce assessment of the following: John Wolfe on lots 30 and 31 East Du- buque add., to $2,400 for 1890. Mary and Ellen Ryan on lot 6, liedley's sub., to $1,200. Knapp, Stout & Co, Co. on lots 1 to 18 inclusive, Block 14 Dubuque harbor Im- provement Co. add., to $500 for 1890 as per ordinance. Adopted. Kate Graham, on moneys and credits to $1,000 for 1890. Key City Gas Co., on unenumerated property to $10.500 for 1890. Consumers' Steam Supply Co., to $12,000 for 1890. G. G. Moser, on lot 296, East Dubuque add., to $600 for 1890. B. E, Linehan, on lot 1, min. lot 363, to $3,000. J. S. Randall Co., on farmers' and mechanics' tools to $1,000 for 1890. Allow Mary A. Kemler to pay on $2,000 moneys anti credits for 1888 and 1889 with- out interest. Allow Mrs. Funk to pay $10 on lots 18 and 19 and s2; ft, 17, Cook's add., as pay- ment in full for 1890. Allow Mrs. II. Lohmann to pay one-half her taxes on t;•;;, 32 East Dubuque add., as payment in full for 1890. Allow Platt Bros. to pay their taxes for 1889 without interest. Allury Mrs. B. Maloney to pay one-half her taxes as payment in full for 1890 on s% 111, East Dubuque add. Allow Mrs. John O'llalloran to pay one - halt tier taxes on n ' 111, East Dubuque iild., as payment in full for 1890. Allow Mrs. Knittel to pay one-half her taxes on lot 20, II igli street add., as pay- ment iii full for 1890. Cancel taxes on horses and vehicles of Chas. Van liort and reduce assessment on manufactures to $20 for 1870. Allow Honors O'Connor to pay one-half her taxes on lot 9, sub. 138, 140 and 142. L. H. Lanaworthy's acid., as payment in full for 1890. Cancel taxes of J. V. Rider on lot 1, of sub. 741 for 1890. Allow Barbara Klamp to pay one-half her taxes on lot 17, High street add., for 1890, as payment in full. Report adopted. Also reported adversely to petition of L. U. Waples. On motion the petition was referred back to the assessment corn- mittee. Also made the following report on the petition of the Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co. To the City Council: I our committee on assessments, to which was referred the appeal of the Dun- lieth & Dubuque Bridge company from the assessment of its bridge property for the year 1890, and asking that said assess- 6 REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 5'rit, 1891. ment be reduced from $600,000 to $187,500. most respectfully reports adversely to the reduction asked for, and recommends that the valuation stand as returned by the city assessor. In support of this recommendation of the committee, it might be entirely suf- ficient to say that for the past seven years, at least, the assessment of the property has been fixed at $600,000. and has stood at those figures, during all that period, without serious objection on the part of its owners; and that no evidence has been presented tending to show that in the year 18110 it had become less valuable than in previous years. In view, however, of the large amount involved, and of the earnest- ness and persistence with which the rep- resentatives of the bridge company have urged the reduction asked for, both before the committee and in the public press, it is probably clue to courtesy, as well as to the importance of the subject, that we shall state somewhat more lully our reasons for the action recommended. The principal grouna on which the offi- cers of the bridge company have based their claim and arguments for the pro- posed reduction is their statement, which we have not deemed it necessary to at- tempt to controvert; that a new bridge of better materials amu superior construction, could now be built for $375,000, and, there- fore, the present structure should not, at most, be valued more than the cost of a new and better bridge. That, as only one half of their bridge is subject to taxation by the city of Dubuque, the assessment of the property should not exceed one half of $375,060. They even insist that that amount would be excessive, in view of the age and probable necessity for a renewal of the bridge in the near future. To the suggsstion of a member of the committee that the bare cost of the con- structien of a bridge did not constitute the only measure of its commercial value, but that the right to maintain such a bridge and the revenues derived from its opera- tion, and the price it would bring if offered for sale, were 2ircumstances to be consider- ed in arriving at its assessable value, we were answered, that the city had no power to tax the income of the bridge; that the right to build, maintain and operate it, was not derived from the city of Duquque, but from the federal government, and the city had,therefore,no right to assess it, and that the franchise was, at best, an intangi- ble thing, of no intrinsic value, and not subject to municival taxation. When It was turtner suggested, on the part of the committee, that within two years a majority of the capital stock of the bridge company ($1,200,000 in all) had been sold:at premiums of more than twenty per cent. above its par value, or at the rate of $1,440,000 for the whole number of shares of capital, we were met with the reply that no part of the capital stock was owned in the city of Dubuque and that the city had therefore no right to tax it. And further, that in the sale referred to, the price paid for the shares was based very largely on a contract with the Illinois Central Railway Co., made twenty-three years ago, under the term of which the bridge company was authorized to charge what would now be very high rates for the crossing of cars and freight. That now, since the Illinois Central owned or con- trolled the stock, the contract was practic- ally nullified, and the :value of the shares resulting from the contract, had, in a great measure, been wiped out or in the words of a once noted fianancier, "gone where the woodbine twineth ' With all deference to the representations and reasoning of the bridge company, and after giving them full weight, we are en- ttsely of the opinion that their grounds for asking a reduction are not well founded. We are satisfied that the only true basis for the valuation of the bridge for the purposes of taxation, like that of all other property, is its actual cash value, and that in fixing or aiming at that basis, every cir- cumstance or condition indicating the value of the property, or tending to make it valuable, may be taken into considera- tion. While the expense of building the fouucl:.tions and piers of a bridge, and put- ting on its superstructure may properly be taken into account, it is very far from be- ing conclusive as to the value of the property. As an illustration, we may suppose the case of two railway bridges, erected at ex- actly the same cost, and encu owned as separate property, distinct from the rail- roads themselves. One of them accommo- dates the traffic of a great trunk line, doing an enormous liminess—the other furnishes a crossing for the trains of a small plug road, having an insignificant amount of traffic. The one bridge brings a very large revenue to its own- ers—the other earns little or nothing beyond the expense of operating It. Would it be reasonable to contend that because the bridges had cost exactly the same to build them, or could be replaced for an equal sum of money, that, therefore, one was worth just as much as the other, and that they should be assessed, for the pur- pose of taxation, at exactly the same fig- ures? The proposition is absurd on the face of it. It cannot be otherwise than evident to every intelligent person that the bridge doing the business of this great trunk road would be worth vastly more than the other, and would bring if offered for sale in open market a far greater price, irre- spective of the cost of its construction. I Jere in the case we have just supposed, which is not uncommon. in greater or less degree in actual occurrence, we have an illustration of the importance and relative value of franchises. It is the franchise or right possessed by the owners of the bridge on the great trunk line to maintain and operate a bridge at the point of its ioca- tion which gives their bridge its principal value. In such an instance it contributes to the value of the property in a far greater measure than the bridge itself, though either is worthless without the other. \or does it matter how or front what source the owners of the bridge acquired their rights, whether from congress or by con- tract with the railroad company or from both combined. Their ownership and pos- session of it is the essential tact which, in connection with the bridge itself, make the two combined a property of high value. And your committee, notwithstanding the arguments of the bridge representa- tives, is entirely satified that in a like man- ner the right of the Dunleith & Dubuque Co., to maintain and operate its bridge at the point where it is located, is a most essential and valuable privilege, and con- duces very largely to the value of the property, and also that it is immaterial that it derives that right from the general government, and not from the city of Du- buque. It is sufficient that the company owns and exercises it, in connection with its other property, within our corporate limits. In attempting to arrive at the fair value ■ REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY brit, 1891. 7 of any property, the most conclusive teat is the price it would bring if sold or offered for sale in open market. In the absence of such a test, it was proper for the assessor, in the discharge•of his duties, to ascertain and fix the valuation of the bridge property from the best information he could obtain. While a recent sale of a majority of the capital stock of the bridge company may not be conclusive as to the actual value of the bridge property, it certainly affords some indication as to what it was worth at the time the transaction occurred. The fact that a large proportion of the stock of the company was sold at a rate which would amount to nearly or quite $1,500,000 for time whole, is noto- rious and undisputed. What weight was given by the assessor to that transaction your committee is not informed. If he took it into consideration, in endeavoring to arrive at a fair valuation, we think:he committed no error in doing so. Nor do we understand how the alleged fact that the stock was bought up by the Illinois Central, or is not, and for the purpose of evading an onerous contract, affects the transaction indicative of the value of the bridge, or how the mere change in owner- ship lessened the value of the shares, or of the property itself. As the bridge com- pany is the party coin planting of the assess- ment, it is evident that that company has still a distinct and separate existence. And the objectionable contract, for aught the public, or your committee knows to the contrary, may yet be unannulled. But whether it is or not we consider imma- terial. No claim has been made before your committee that the business of the bridge during the last or preceding years has been decreased. On the contrary, it was dis- tinctly admitted by its representatives, that it has constantly been growing greater. The fact, that within two years, two addi- tional railways have made use of the Uri(' -.0 for the passage of their trains, wool(l make this evident without further proof. While before the coal it was state(' by the general officers of the coin any that daring the monthof October last over 21,- 000 cars belonging to the various railways crossed the bridge, and that. during No- vember the number was fully as great. From other valuable information we are satisfied that the traffic over the orifi ge is greater than on any other bridge on the Mississippi river, with a single possible exception. It is not unreasonable to be- lieve that the revenues of the bridge com- pany are correspondingly great. With a sincere desire to be fair and just, and to treat the appeal of the bridge com- pany with the respect that it is certainly entitled to receive,your committee is unan- imously of the opinion that the assessment as returned by the assessor is not unrea- sonable or excessive, and should remain unchanged. Respectfully submitted, P. W. CJAwyoun, Chairman. Report adopted. Mayor Stewart reported in favor of re- funding Win. Guderian $17.00 on saloon license. In favor of referring bills of B. W. Jones of $18.00, and A. J. Patch of $13.00, to the committee of the whole. Report adopted. Also recommended that an ordinance be adopted fixing the time when municipal taxes becomes a lien on reality as between vendor and vendee and the same cor- respond with the state law found in Sec. 853, code of 73, or Sec. 1,335, McClain's Revised Statutes of 1888, which is as fol- lows: "All taxes upon real estate shall as be- tween vendor and purchaser become a lien on and atter the 31st day of December in each yes." Referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Trexler moved that the council proceed to elect an assessor. Carried. Jno. McKinley, Jno. C. Fuch and P. F. Guthrie, 11. Becker anti Bryan Donahue were put in nomination. On the ninth ballot P. F. Guthrie was elected assessor. P. F. Guthrie qualified as assessor. Assessor Guthrie recommended Frank A. Glab as assistant assessor. • Frank A. Glab was approved by the council as assistant assessor. Ald. Cleminson offered the following, which was referred to the electrical com- mittee with power: Be it resolved ny the City Council of the City of Dubuqu , That the Allen & Swiney electric line pole. first on east side of South Pine street near I1i11 street be and is hereby ordered removed to the op- posite or west side of said Pine street. Ald. Babcock offered the following, yy��tttich was referred to the street committee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer;be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the construction of the sewer on Dodge street front the old corporation line to South Dodge street. Ald. Lowry offered tha fallowing which was referred to the street committee: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City or Dubuque, That the street comis- sinner be and is hereby instructed to place a railing on Exchange street to guard against further accidents. A1d. Wunderlich offered the following whirls was adopted: Whereas, numerous additions are being accrete(' by the city of Dubuque, and in or, ter that proper grades be established on se..cli streets contained therein, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the (`ityof Dubuque, That the city engineer he instructed to prepare profiles from ac- tual surveys of all such streets in the city as may be deemed advisable by him and report the same with suitable grades market thereon, to the city council for ex- amination and adoption. Ald. Lowry offered the following which was adoped. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City ot Dubuque, That the city engi- nere be and is hereby instructed to prepare grade and profile of Grandview street between S. Dodge street and Villa st., anti report the same to tha next regular session of the council. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, commissioners were appointed to assess damages, if any' by reason of the proposed change of grade of Rhainberg avenue, and Whereas, said commissioners failed to make a report to this council, therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That three commissioners be appointed to assess the damages, if any, by reason of said proposed change of grade ot Rhomberg avenue, as indicated by plat and and profile prepared by M. Tschirgi, Jr., city engineer. Alda Trexler offered the following, which was adopted: 8 Rh.GI'LAR SESSION..1.\N[.\RY :irtl, 18111. Whereas, The Dubuque Electric Light and Power e section11 of the ordinance gralntwith granted to Allen & Swiney for the construction tibn of an electric street railway; therefore it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, _hat the street commissioner be and is e to construct and place iron c oss ngsuontl18th anti 19th and Jackson streets, and the same shall be charged to the account of the Dubuque Electric Light and Power Co. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, The improvement of Delhi street from Julien avenue to Center street was ordered by the city council on the representation of the Key City Motor Co., that said company was desirous of extend- ing its line to Center strteet without delay and, Whereas, said improvement of Delhi street is now fully completed, therefore Resolved, That the said Key City Motor Co. be notified of completion of the im- provement of said street, and requested to proceed at once to extend its line to Center street. kid. Wunderlich offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That John Pier be granted six months time wherein to pay his special street assessment at the rate of 6 per cent. till paid. Ald. Saunders offered the following; Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That hereafter the following named appointed officers, viz., street com- missioner, sidewalk inspector, sewer in- spector, city electrician and engineer of the steam roller shall be required to wear a suit of blue similar to the fatigue uniform of our police, the buttons and stars to be provided by the city tint( the mayor of the city be requested to appoint such above named officers special police without any extra compensation above the salary they now receive. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. C Ieminson,Saunders, St oft z, Trexler and Wunderlich. Noes—Aids. Babcock, Crawford, Halpin and Lowry. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk not less than eight feet wide, of good two-inch plank laid crosswise, within 30 days of this notice con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of 8th street, between Bluff street Und the easterly line of lot 49 in Cor- nell's subdivision where the same is not already laid, the width herein specified said sidewalk to be laid according to the estab- lished grade under the. supervision of the city engineer at the expense of the abut- ting property. Adopted by the following ;vote: —' Ayes—Alds. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Babcock presented an ordinance granting to the Dubuque & Sioux City Railway Co., its successors and assigns, the right of way for railroad track in this city. Referred to the committee of the whole. Remonstrance of Alex Simplot against granting Dubuque & Sioux City railroad right of way on Iowa street between ]First and Second streets. Referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Aid. Wunderlich offered the following, which was referred to the committee of the whole: Whereas, "Au ordinance authorizing S. Chamberlain and others to construct. maintain and operate water works" in the city of Dubuque for a term of fifty years was passed on the 16th of December, 1860; and W,hereas, The city has the right to purchase said. waterworks after a term of twenty years by giving said company six months' notice of its intention so to do; therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to notify said com- pany by giving the proper notice that the city will negotiate for the purchase of said waterworks after the expiration of the time of said notice as per section 7 of chapter 52 of the revised ordinances of the city of Dubuque of 1887. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to preparea plat and motile of the proposed extension of 11'hite street from Sanford to 23d streets, showing a 40 -foot street: also the amount of land, lots or parts of lots necessary to be taken and the names of the owners there- of, and report at the next session of the council, said extension to be made without extra cost to the city. All. Crawford offered the following which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That West Locust street between the end of the present improve- ment of said street and Alta Vista streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam- ized, in conformity with • the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the nec- essary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the !proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and maca- damizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Ald. Babcock offered the following, which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Dodge street, between the old corporation line and South Dodge street, be graded, guttered, curbed. macad- amized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans anti specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and ma- cadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Ald. llalpin uttered the following which was lost: Beit Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the services of the engineer of the steam roller be dis- pensed with from this date. Aid. Wunderlich offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City ofDubuque. That the special assess- ment levied against lot 6, Deming & Ilorr's sub., be and is hereby cancelled and the accompanying special corrected assessment levied. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for grading anti macadamizing alley from Hill street to REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 5i'ir, 1891. 9 Winona ave., by Jas. Ronan con- tractor, in front of and adjoin. ing the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Jos. Strinsky, 6 Deming & llorr's sub: 10.00 cubic yds guttering at 41c 2 00 41.75 sq yds macadamizing at 38c15 78 Total $17 78 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A his. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Wunderlich offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing 7th st. from blain to White st. by Carl Steuck, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Randolph Nalse, est lot 176 city: 125 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 53 75 62.22 sq yds guttering at 43c 26 75 248.89 sq yds macadamizing at 47c116 98 Total. $197 48 Thos. Connelly, lot 177 city: 126 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 54 18 62.22 sq yds guttering at 430 26 75 248.89 sq yds macadamizing at 47c116 98 Total • $197 91 Alex. Levi. lot 24, city: 102 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 43 86 58.67 square yards guttering at 43c25 23 234.67 sq yds macadamizing at 47c. 110 29 Total $179 38 Helen Finley est., lot 25. city: 58.67 sq yids guttering at 43c $ 25 23 234.67 sq. yds macadamizing at 47c110 29 Total $135 52 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Wunderlich offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for curbing, gut tering and macadamizing Middle street from Garfield avenue to right of way of the C., M. & St. P. R. R. by Carl Steuck, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Frank Jaeger, lot 7, Jaeger's sub: 78.5 lineal ft curbing at 42c $32 97 60.67 sq yds guttering at 42c 25 48 69.34 sq yds macadamizing at 42c 29 12 Total $87 b7 C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co., lot 51 Dl a- ney's 2d add:,.,.., , 23.21ineal feet curbing at 42c.t...$; 9 74 18.03 sq yds guttering at 42c, ..t.'. ' ' 7 58 20.62 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.. 8 66 Total. $ 25 98 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, .Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Wnnderlich offered the following; Resolvd by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for laying eight - foot plank sidewalk on east side of South Locust street from Jones street to old city line, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: J. 11. Thedinga est., south 100 552, city, 100 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 3134c $31 50 J. H. Thedinga est., lot 1 of lot 551, city, 44 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 31%c 13 86 John Burton est., 3 of 551 city: 441/ lineal feet plank sidewalk at 3134c $ 14 02 Mary Bary, s % 554 city: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 31%c $15 75 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin. Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Wunderlich offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for laying 6 -foot plank sidewalk on 18th street from Couler avenue to Pine street, by J. R. Riley, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: E. Langworthy, 171 East Dubuque: 110.3 Lineal ft plank sidewalk i►t 26c.$28 66 E. Langworthy, 161 East Dubuque: 111.8 Lineal ft plank sidewalk at2tic$29.03 German bank, 102 East Dubuque: 103 lineal feetplank sidewalk at 26c$211.78 German bank, 91 East Dubuque add: 103 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 26c.$26 82 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Wunderlich offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for filling lots 203, 204 and s 4 205, East Dubuque, by J. Williams, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, bnd parts of lots, and parcels. of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite earn lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Flynn, s w 65 ft, lot 205, East Dubuque: 120.55 cu yds filling at 23c $27 73 John Flynn, w 65 ft lot 204, East Dubuque: 301.70 cu Flynn, filling at 23c $69 39 John li w 65 ft lot 203, East Du- buque: 275.05 cu yds filling at 23c $ 63 26 C.. St. P. & K. C. lty., s 34, e 85, lot 205, East Dubuque: 5.70 cu yds filling at 23c $ 1 31 C. , St. P. & K. C. Ry., e 35, lot 204, East Dubuque: 15 cu yds filling at 23c $ 3 45 C., St. P. & K. C. Ry., e 35, lot 203, East Dubuque: 11 cu yds filling at 23c $ 2 53 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and \ 'underlieh. X11 10 RE(TI`LAR SESSION, JAN [`ARI" 5 i i r. 1891. Ald. Wunderlich offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the special' assess- ment levied against lot 7 Jaeger's sub- division for improvement of Middle street be and is hereby canceled and the accom- panying corrected assessment levied. Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improv- ing Middle street from \V line of right of way of C„ M. & St. P. R. R. Co. track to Eline of Peosta street by E. Frith, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: C., N. & St, P. R. R. Co., lot 5, Jaeger's sub.: 57.5 cu yds grading at 30c 517 25 55.75 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 25 09 Total $42 31 C., N. & St. P. K. R. Co., lot 7, Jaeger's sub.: 57.5 cubic yds grading at 30c $17.25 55.75 so yds macadamizing at 43c.... 25 09 Total $42 34 J. H. Rhomberg, lot 1, blk 8, 11'iltse's, Dubuque: 27.80 Sq yds maeadaniizing at 45e$12 51 J. H. Rhomberg, lot 35, blk 6, Wiltse's, Dubuque: 27.80 Sq. yds macadamizing at 45c$12 51 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Babcock, Cleminson. Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich, Ald. Wunderlich offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing Cardiff street from West Third street to south line of street by Edward Ryan, contractor, in front of and adioining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or pircel of real estate, as follows: 1), H. McCarthy, n 50 10-12 feet lot 4, sub of outlot 724, city: 70.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $31 59 50.13 sq yds guttering at 46c 23 06 63.20 sq yds macadamizing at 48c30 34 Total $84 99 J. J. McCarthy, south 49 2-12 ft lot 4 of sub out lot 724, city: 49.4 lineal ft curbing at 45e S22 ti 32.93 sq yds guttering at 46c 15 15 49.40 sq yds macadamizing at 48c23 71 Total $61 09 J..1. McCarthy, lot A sub out lot 724 city: 15 lineal feet curbing at 45c 5 6 75 10 square yards guttering at 46c 4 60 15 sq yds macadamizing at 48c 7 20 Total $18 65 .Mrs. Geo. B. Hamilton, lot 7 sub out lot 724 city: 56.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c$25 29 37.47 sd56.20 sq yds macadami zing at 48c26 98 Total $69 51 Mrs. Geo. B. Hamilton, lot 10 sub out lot 724: 56.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $25 29 37.47 sq yds guttering at 46c 17 24 56.20 sq yds macadamizing at 48e26 98 Total $'69 51 John Cody, lot 11 sub out lot 724: 56.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $25 29 37.47 square yards guttering at 46e17 24 51;.20 sq yds macadamizing at 48c26 98 Total $69 51 Edward McNulty, lot 14 sub out lot 721 cite: 5d.2 lineal feet rurbingat 45c v 25 29 47 sq yds guttering at 46c. 17 24 56.20 sq yds macadamizing at 48c.... 26 98 Total $6:1 51 John Laveny, n1 lot 15 sub out lot 724, city: 28 lineal feet curbing at 45c . 12 6;; 18.73 sq yds guttering at 46c s tit 28.1 sq yds macadamizing at 48c13 49 Total G 34 7t; John M. Linehan, shy lot 15, sub out lot 724, city: 28.1 lineal feet curbing at 45c 12 65 18.73 sq yds guttering at 46c 8 62 28.10 sq yds macadamizing at 48c13 49 Total 34 76 Thos. Redden, est., lot 18 sub out lot 724: 56.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 25 29 37.47 square yards guttering at 46c17 24 56.20sgyds macadamizing at 48c26 98 Total $ 69 51 D. J. Ilennessy, lot 3 sub. out lot 724 city: 126.7 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 57 02 88.80 square yards guttering at 46c40 85 120 sq yds macadamizing at 48c,57 60 Total $165 47 Wm. Quinlan, lot 8 sub out lot 724 city. 66.7 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 30 08 44.13 square yards guttering at 46c30 30 63.70 sq yds macadamizing at 48c20 58 Total $80 A0 J. L. Zeilinger, lot 9, sub. out lot 724, city: 56..2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 25 29 37.47 sq yds guttering at 46c 24 56.20 sq yds macadamizing at 48c266 98 Total $ 69 51 J. L. Zeilinger, lot 12, sub. out lot 724, city: 56.2 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 25 29 37.47 sq yds guttering at 46c 17 24 56.20 sq yds macadamizing at 48c26 98 Total $ 69 57 Wm. Hintrager, lot 13, sub, out lot 724, city: 56.' lineal feet curbing at 45c$ 25 29 37.47 sq yds guttering at 46c 17 24 56.2 sq yds macadamizing at 48c26 98 Total $ 69 51 J. 11. Quinlan, lot 16, sub of out lot 724: 56.2 Lineal ft curbing at 45c $25 29 37.47 46c... 17 24 56.20 Sq yds uare nacadamiz ng att48c.... 26 98 Total $69 51 W. F. Collins' est., lot 17, sub of out lot 724 city: 56.2 Lineal feet curbing at 45c $25 29 37.47 Sgare yards guttering at 46e17 24 56.20 Sq yds macadamizing at 48c26 98 Total $69 51 Ayes- AIIs.tBabcock,iClemin son, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: J. C. FI'1'ZPATItICK, City Recorder. I SPECIAL SESSION, JANUARY- 9T11, 1891. 11 ('1TY COUNCIL. Special Session Jan. 9th, 1891. [OFFICIAL. Council met at 7:40 o'clock p. un. Mayor Stewart in the chair. Present — Aids. Babcock, Clemnson, Crawford, Hodge, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler andff underlich. The call for the meeting was rend, which is as follow: Drnu t -r., .1an. 7th, 1891. Robe. 11'. Stew« rt, Mayor: NVe, the undersigned aldermen, would most respectfully ask you to call a special meeting of the council Friday, .Jan. 9th, 1891, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of hearing the report of the committee of the whole on the proposition of L'. i•:. Linehan on sale of lot, corner of 9th and Iowa, and such other business as the council may deem proper. J. NVu::nEnr.ICII, F. J. S rO1.Tz. Jos. P. Lown Y, J. TEEN LER, CHAS. J. W. SAt:NDERS. P. W. CRAWFORD, JOHN BABCOCK, 1SAIAII CLEM1\SON. The proposition of B. E. Linehan was read which is as follows: Drnt:91-E, la., Dec. 1, 1890. Mon. Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, fo tra: GENTLEMEN:—Some of the aldermen have requested me to state in writing what I would take for the corner lot on 9th and Iowa streets, adjoining your present en- gine house. If you will pay either the taxes for '90 or the grading of the alley I will sell it for $5,250. There is over 44 feet in the corner and if you desire to sell your 22 feet I will give you $3,200. An early reply is re- quested. Yours respectfully, BART E. LINEHAN. Ald. Crawford moved that the propo- sition of B. E. Linehan be accepted and the recorder instructed to notify Mr. Line- han to furnish abstract and deed to same to the city attorney. Carried. Ald. Lowry arrived at 7:55 o'clock p. . Ald. Saundersnn offered the following re- port: To the Hon. Moyor and Council of the City of Dubuque: Whereas, An ordinance, chapter 66 and 79 of the revised ordinance of 1887 author- izing and regulating the Dubuque Lumber - men's & Manufacturers It. R. in the city of Dubuque has expired, and whereas it seems to be necessary for the best inter- ests of our city mannfacturers and the several railroad companies that the city of Dubuque should now and forever the owner of any and all of the hack granted in the above ordinance or any side tracks granted by special ordinance to any rail- road company. Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to have a fair adjustment between all rail- road campanies now entering our city, that the said railroad company shall select two commissioners and the city council may select one of its members as one com- missioner, the so appointed commissioners shall,within one month after the passage of this resolution, meet and fairly and con- scientiously appraise all such tracks, switches or side tracks without any value of franchise, but the actual value only of iron and ties, and report the same to the council, the council then atter such appraisement may ac- cept the same or reject it at their discretion, but should the city council accept such appraisement by said com- mission the appraisement so made he final and the council may then direct the city auditor to notify each railroad company as above named to each pay within ten days thereafter into the city treasury are equal pro rata share for the benefit of the rail- road company or companies who con- structed such side track or switches. After the payment of such sum the railroad pay- ing their pro rata share shall have the priv- ilege to use said tracks for a number of years, and in accordance with an ordi- nance for rules and regulations to be adopted by this council and duly signed and accepted by all railroad companies or their proper officers, and that after the ex- piration of the time set in such ordinance not 10 exceed ten years the city shall be the sole owner of such side tracks and switches for and in consideration of pay- ing each of the railroad companies the sum of one dollar, and the city council may after such time cause said tracks and switches to be removed or let them be used by any and all railroad companies on such terms as the city council may desire and be it forthwith Resolved, That all such side tracks and switches shall be operated between the hours of 7 p. m. and 6 a. m. and while cars may he allowed to stand on such side tracks at all hours to be loaded or unloaded without interfering with or obstructing any tatiic on the streets where they are situated, but no cross street or sidewalk shall be obstructed by any cars or locomo- tive at any time during the day or night. Be it also resolved that the city may ap- point a watchman or yardman at the ex- pense pro ratio to the number of cars run over said side-tracks by each compacty; that any railroad company shall report each clay not later than 5 p. ni. what num- ber of cars and where to or where from such cars will be moved during the n ght, and that only by special permit, and only in cases of necessity cars may be switched or moved between the hours of 6 a. m. and 7 p. m., that the yardman or watch- man shall receive a salary of not less than sixty dollars per month nor more than $75 per month to be paid by each railroad csmpany per ratio of cars operated to be paid at the end of each and every month, any railroad company violating any part of this resolution shall be fined $25 for each and every offensive. Further Resolved, That the committee on ordinance with the city attorney be in- structed to prepare an ordinance revoking chapter 66 and 79 of the revised ordinances of 1887 alai enacting an ordinance in lieu thereof stipulating and fixing all responsi- bilities of operating such side tracks and switches and all matters pertaining to the improving of streets requiring the railroad company in case of any street or alley be- ing macadamized or paved where such side tracks are situated, to pay for such im- provement between the tracks and one foot on each side, said ordinance to con- tain a clause giving the city the right to have all such side tracks repaired and re- quiring the railroad companies to pay for the same jointly. The rules were suspended and Mr. Knight and Mr. Cunningham addressed the council in relation to the matter refer- red to in the above report of Ald. Saun- ders. 12 SPECIAL SESSION, JANUARY Um, 1891. Aid. Lowry moved a committee of five be appointed by the chair to confer with different railroad companies and that they present to the council an ordinance as agreed to by the various railroad compa- nies. Carried. The chair appointed as such committee Alds. Saunders, Trexler, Bodge, Babcock and Lowry. F. A. Glab qualified as assistant assessor. The bonds of Assessor Guthrie and As- sistant Assessor Glab were presented and referred to the finance committee. Ald. Wunderlich moved to adjourn. Car- ried. ttes J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. fit rf /� m7 lie notice is heresy given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 5th day of Janu- ary, 18911 the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamiz- ing Cardiff Street from West 'Third to South line of Street. Description of Name. Property. Lot. Ain't. D. 11. McCarthy sub city 724 ii 50.10 feet 4 84 99 J. J. McCarthy, sub city 724 s 49.21 feet 4 61 09 do sub city 724 a 18 55 Hamilton, Mrs. G. B. sub city 724 7 69 51 Cody,cJohn, soldocity 724 11 24 10 69 61 Ed. McNulty, do 724 14 69 51 Lavery, John, do 724 sly 15 34 76 Linehan, .Juo M. do 724 n;.; 15 34 76 Reddin, 'Phomas estate do 724 18 69 51 Hennessey, 1). J. do 724 3 155 47 Quinlan, Win do 724 8 80 90 Zeilinger, J. L. do 724 9 69 51 Hintrager, Wm. do 724 13 69 51 Quinlan, J. 11. do 724 16 69 31 Collins, W. '1' estate do 724 17 69 51 Zeilinger, J. l do 724 12 69 51 Improving Middle Street from West Line of C., M. & St. P. lty. Track, East Line of Peosta Street. Name. DescriptionProertof t. Am't. C., M. & St. P. Ry Jaeger's subo 5 42 34 do do 7 42 83 Rhomberg,dJ. H. Wiltse's Dub. 1 blk 8 12 51 For Curbing, do 35 blk 6 12 61 Macadamiz- ing Middle Guttering m Garfand ield Ave.c to C., M. & St. P. lty. Description of Name. Property. Lot. Am't. Jaes sub C. M.i&kSt P. 1 y, Mrnk�cCraney's 7 87 57 2n25 For Grading andd Macadamizinaddg 98 from 11111 Street to Winona Al}eAley Name.Description of Strinsky, J. Demi gr& Horr's sub 6 17 87 For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamizing Seventh Street from Main to Iowa. Name of Description of No. owner. Property. Lot. Ain't. Nolte, Bud estate, city 176 197 48 Connolly, Thomas do Levi, Alex,167 197 91 Finley, Helen, est, 24 179 38 do 25 135 52 For Construction Sidewalk on East Sitio of South Locust Street from Jones Street to the Old City Line. Description of Name. Property. Lot. Ain't. Thedinga, J. H. estate, city s 100 feet 552 31 50 do sub city 551, 1 13 tiff Burton, J., est city sub 551 3 14 112 Barry, Mary. city s 2-3 554 15 75 For Laying 6 -foot Plank Sidewalk on 18th Street from Couier Ave. to Pine Street. Description of Name. Property. Lot. Ani't. Langworthy, E. East Dubuque 171 28 sii do do 117311 290.4 German Bank do 102 26 78 do do 91 26 82 For Repairing Sidewalk. Description of Name. Property. Lot. Ain't. Russell, A. 11., A.IL. Brown sub 7 52.'3 For Filling Lots 203, 204 and s i, 205 East Dubuque Add. Name. Description Lot. Ain't. of Property. Flynn, .J, East Dub s .1.4" w 65 ft 205 27 73 do do w 65 ft 204 fig :39 do do w 65 ft 203 63 26 C. St. P. & K. C. R. R. do s y' e 35 ft 205 1 31 do do e 35 ft 204 345 do do a 35 ft 203 2 53 And that in case at failure to pay the same within thirty (lays from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear interest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque this 16th clay of Janu- ary, A. D., 1890. LAWRENCE GONNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. JANUARY SESSION, 1891. LIST F" CH"Y \VAIIRA) 11 ;oa 11n 1. In(ryanr lis 1.101111 Murphy \11n. Klatter Peter s.•n;u'f... Drawn by the City Recorder during October, 1890. (ITV 111:x.. 111/F.n'li ()FFII'E. I. Ill Ill (Ir E. Iowa, Nov. 1. 1800. t Toth(' 1loniralile Alayer anal City Conwell: 'file following is a coIlpllL• list of 1111• warrants issued by me durinla 1he Mont h of October, 1800: Name. For What Purpose. Allloulllt Chas. Sass........ Sala ry for Sepl., Treas- urer 43150 00 .1. C. Fitzpatrick.. Sala i y for Sept., itecor- dor 110 65 .1. M. Kencty Salary for Sept., Aud- itor 100 00 11. Zerieeke..... .Salary,for Sept., Asses- sor . 125 00 .1..1. McCarthy Salary for Sept., Attor- Ite'y.................. 1.25 00 M. '1'schirgi, .Jr... Salary for Sept., En- gineer .... .......... 230 00 S. 11. Bice ...... _Salary 101• Sept., Mar- shal 83 30 Adan( Schmidt... Sa ary for Sep ., street I'o111111 is.siwier 91 65 .Jos. Iteinfried....Salary for Sept., Chief of lire department 75 00 Alex. (lrat::.. ....Salary for sept., .\Iar- keterister 50 00 F James ...... ....Salary for Sept., Park (•tsr..lieni 45 00 C. Baunlan.......Sainiv Ior Sept.. \Vhart- master .10 00 C. Spiegelhalter•..Salary for Sept., Powel- ...aster 40 03 I. S. Bigelow '4alitry for Sept., Health officer.... ......... 30 00 .1ohnO'Connell...Salary for Sept., Com- mittee clerkCO (35 B. Rawson ........Salary for Sept , Sew er InspectorCO 00 .lames O'Ilalloran.Salary for Sept., Side- walk Inspector__ CO 01 Jas. Buiting...... Salary for Sept., Flee - 111( Ln 75 00 .lames Daly Fireman.. 60 00 Job Parties 75 0(1 \\'m. Duey 50 00 .1. Murphy " ., 60 (Nl A. ('ellen......... 60 00 T. ((Stoat " .. 50 00 T. Bork,.fill (N) .1. Mt-F;nttitt1 .. .. 50 00 lrnr,e Muyel'... `' .. ....... 75 (NI \I. Filet ........••••••• (0 00 I'. \larl311 11 .1. 1•.sstllan'• .. .. ........... .1. FI.1111' .I. \Viltse ....... T. Flynn.......... F. Essnlan........ •` T. Walker D. Ahearn .lames Allen" ........... C. Kattitolt'' .I. Srh0ibergcr" .I. Ward.. " A. Dueeini.. .'• .... ............... 0. llya11 Captain or Police .John llaesli ('a rl..rI'olice1nan \Vet. O'L'rioo Thos. I:eill. M. O'Connell Ii;u'I. Cain... \\'In. Frith....... .101111 Littscher... " ........ I'. NeNerly P. I nnegau I'. Kearney " P. Ilanlou" .............. 1(11111 Fitzpatrick. 1)au. Norton.... .101111lteiter'' .............. .lames Allen .'tunes Flynn 'Ewe.. Blake \l. I l;u•die \Vitt. Welsh 1?d. 110.ire........ 61 14 11 .......•••.••. 41 11 lb 61 85 110 1,0 (II 60 00 11. Foltz........ IN) ((0 L. (41'o8s... 50 00 1'. (1 runzi, r,o 00 .10e lira • 50 W .101111 (rlesslhl .......•.•••• .............. P. \IeC011i11s " IltlheeK ........ Geo....... .101(11 Murphy ('has. shawl, In11 . I;loinberg Ave.. 646 64 16 61 Imp. W. nth St.... F. C'. Chesterman..Imp. 1)elld street.... 61 o 46 46 K. E. Frith Imp. 2211 St ............ 2.1 St 61 •• 18111 St.... Amp. W. Eagle Point avenue Improving Colder ave F. W. Kringle... James Street 61 14 'Phos. Ahern.... SI. Ahern........ I r.41. Bey •r..... .John Bee et' Helper `• D. Iiern••s • 61 Sk . 1.11)11rcr l:u i11eor (toad ltol er .hunrs Itlu us.... \I. 111u ns........ .10101 li0l lws... I'. John isyrile .1. 13rnauuitI J. Bergman .Jlieoh liiitson .... J. ( alull John (•orbelt.... 1'. Coscrne.•...... 1. Corcoran L. Corcoran. ('ru11un\ell. \I. Carmody.... I? I. Destl.ond I LIor.rr ..Laborer .Laborer . Mason helper . Laborer I i eu. I ).ngeldlle. 'ii. I )nulphy .John 1,.ga n 1. Filzgerael 1,. Fort (`. Frisch Louis Fritz John Finnerty.. 11. Flood........ .101111 1' eriltln 11 16 16 liLo 1•y hall ............ Lab 'ret... • ............... \I I son Helper......... . Laborer ................ • 11 \flsoll helper I;thorer 11 64 ,u 61 41 ............... CO 0 F.d. drew (ill 00 John Mayes Foreman.... .......... rat 00 J. HansonMason................. 12 00 .John Haley.......Fore all 12 01 Ed. Hackett 1 abater 12 W N. 1-lih2er 13 25 I)at,. Ilal'1IInII " .. .. .. ......... 80 011 M. Hannon" ............... 74 70 .Joseph Harker_ Mason helper. ...... 53 30 Thus. II e • luley 1Aborer 50 00 F. Hertzo •..... 53 30 Jelin Jeeklin 513. A. .Johnson 51 (tri John Kinsella 53 3u M. rine 51 (15 K. Kinney 53 30 .John Kelly 50 09 John Karclt 53 Si Fred. I\ reeaer.. 4 . 70 1''. ICs 1•l " 51 (t) B. I.ilach" 50 (10 fins. Lenlbke` . 51 6.. II. 51 05 II. L.ieht ............... 51 01 .loon Lacy......., For.•nuul. ...... 1 65 .John A1111...11 l.almrer.... 51 6.1 Ned. \Morgan..... 41 10 M. Mohr \LLsun................. 4(1 10 1'. ttora0......... Mason ltelpe. • 11 Carpenter I aborer 11 " ..••.........•• 13 51 C5 48 a5 M 05 4(1 70 50 14) 51 65 51 r5 60 (10 500 l)1) 500 Un 500 110 50(1 01) 500 IN) 500 (111 500 ((0 Sen eo 500 (10 woo 00 ren IS) 299 .7 ti's 21 500 IN) 5011 110 500 (10 161 40 100 00 138 51 470 115 101 04 100 00 500 00 500 00 335 88 .3 Irl 29 10 75 00 45 (10 22 50 1 25 7 r.0 33 75 23 60 27 85 26 05 26 05 35 28 55 3600 2�25 85 so 28 SII 2t U3 a 7.-. 34 is 17 30 11 25 21) 70 34 110 14 70 2:) 71) 2:) 70 1155 32 85 29 70 30 95 23 45 17 '2(1 29 70 1.. 95 29 05 36 00 54 75 35 10 24 50 •2'2 85 29 70 24 70 34 50 29 05 30 00 20 :.9 23 45 51 0(4 til 05 •750 19 70 23 45 30 00 18 15 29 70 5 00 27 20 14 40 34 14) 27 811 17 1.11 til rat 31 10 14 DANT ART SE SIGN, 1ti'►1. P. Meichoir.......Laborer T. Mulqueeny P. Meehan J'. Mack 61.............. T. Mahony........ "....... ....... M. Morgan .......Foremnu........ ...... Jas. Meloy....... Laborer .......... Louis 14Jeurise.... •••••' C. Maekelberg.... u 11. \Le\lull'.. •••••••••.'. A. \lelbuul ••••••... Al. \(..Grata. ' I. Ale ltride "" W 'ul. \Irl)ernultt:Via<onhelper......... lnInt \terra ;eyLaborer..... ........ Al. Merin,..... ..... Foreman .............. L. Mcl•:cnvLaborer ....... Jo11n 5b iiII16 y.... John Noonan Pan. Nelcm:ultt M. Nut entt F. Neubauer L ouis NippMason II. Nichols........ Laborer F. Oswald ••••••••• M. O'Loughlin41 J. Abbelt... M. O'Shea............... 1'. O'Brien" Wm. Pickley __Foreman ............... A. PHtinerMason.................. J. PerryonMason helper John Quigney.... Laborer. J. Baet7 . Forman .la'1 es Ragan. ....Mason helper Mike Ryyan........ Laborer Win. Rooney •..••.......... M. ltinke• Chits. Roselip" 1 . Itieder John Ryan M. Reilly .7. Raesner 'lames Raw \Vii. I;iruuthit T. nu leans.. ,Ia.. Nnlilh s,•hallne' I). SutherlandForeman ,Panics Stevensol.Laborer P. Sehlcagler.... Mason helper Joe Seek . .Laborer M. Speeht........ Mason helper M. Stenuuni• Laborer gen. Stilly I•....... " \\'u1. 'Thmpson..Mason helper Il. 'Tracy.........Laborer............... .101.1. on Dillon. tt Foreman .John \\'halon Laborer.... ......... c.o.s. \Vilde Mason P. \Vaguer 1 aborer Al. \\'alters .101tl \Vol' .1. \Vatlpcch \\ . Zactlilta Al. Bogne.........Team \V. Burns... O. Brandt... " ................... J. Bricktt 1t. Bennett .... " • .................. . IMI. Crnhai...,tt L. Cahill " ..... .John Inr_gau " I. Enright Al. G❑ulenbeill` ... I.Cregur) M..1. Harmon, " Thos. Kanett I'. I:etteally tt ('. Kaulpntan P. Linehan.. " Joint (,ung... 11 Jell' Al1•Gnalh " \V. 51c1; rat " .(Hilt \la'........, " F. Al:ulhas .1. 'Murray tt L. (RI tt ................... 14.1lniuiivan " .I. It. Steiner " .... 4........ t .log Seig...... " II. Sheehan ................... Min Savage" ................... .1. SU•Ites......... " ............. .1. Sutherland " ................... .John Sprat'u I'. Specht ... tt ,J. Sognitz . " ................... ............... 41 ............... 22 80 II. Schmidt ..... 20 711 Wm. 'I'inkhaw ll 8r ('al h. "f nl,l 31 31) I'. \-mteI .... 2!111 \l \\I, :I i,, AI. Y.,,..._ .. •', nl Al,.\l;Fa( ....13(,:111 or prisoners _I-IIl:elar,l I.IIIIIner• 29 1„ (; .(.umber . \!. ..Lumber....... I�n;,lrl SInIll \ 1'u, an,p:un . Lumber C I:,2Inlri, I \ .Iae- n c r !lard ware ............. yt In 11 .1 . •n \ Line- han n ...... ....Cement, &e.... ill I,un lu & Ilea - i, 11, nln:ur 8 lu no Fercl,s,I Itrn: I'Innlbinc.. ... 3x7 7.1 IS uO f:\eeI.l�l' 1111 "I'nul. _I uu Iii.. Ilii III Od \\. II. 'fon""•rl \\'. !Inw:u•11..... I'.e Of te;t l 4 INI Homan ti; IIue111.. I I nlattn -:,•. .. 7 (I, Ledger Ieerl(sinr. .......... ::7 rli K. Uuly.......... Hauling. Karla_ • 111$ (NI Luhck & Nichol.. I'riutluir 12 (A1 John O'I)eaal t;2 Alts. Koenig ......Serabbin! police head- quarters C 'N) \V. u. \Vatlers...11at 10 2+ llardle \ Seharie,Weigllrr.' a v.111 : les21 on A. \\'nuderdch... Hotse+hnenes 11711 Geo. l t'ugler Line 1I 40 t'amtecsnu & Ham- mel .............. Rep. patrol house W..1. Bunts CementCementN812 0) '!.9 Uub. Fire & Ma- rine Ins. Co Insurance 37 6n I. 'Cloy. Grading .Juliet) ave.... 1311 int James LeeJasperite p.tvelneol... 44 44 Palmer, \Vintdl & ('o... .Stationery 14 a) J. ('. Paine ..... ...('ups and chants...... I s.3 \Vtl. At. llswvald..Sidca alk .............. Istutc Proctor (tock 114 In F. hehlor Repair a to.'is........ III 40 AI. Clancy Lamplighters' 51110 .\t. Lavin Laying sewer pipe 111 _NI ('has, I)swaai Putting up stoves..... 31 ;0 Herald ....... Advertising 113 33 Western Electric Company Copper wire l'ortlaud Paving Alactulant .......... ... National Iron a1 Brass \V.,rks. Pee. sieam roller...... P. II. I Inlpin. So;ln, .•I . .... ......... Peter Ilanscil _I in'S,t C. Mi'Elrnlll r rei_hl Robert Love...... F11•i111 ............... Dtib. Brass std Metal ('o.......I'olishing and pinttug Baumgartner & ..........,1;111... \Lu.hall.... Relr,lirin;. et:;ite A. A. l'nnrer..... \V(1entg in A. Y. Aim I. Conner.... Joseph .\. I'11,41.I)rug ... 551l1..le lusut.....Itettail ln;t sulcicalks 72 00 37 SI) 36 INI 60 INI li 1111 1n 1 12 oil 1; (1 IN 75 5,1 115 12 45 rho 1:) 4 25 9) Is '25 95 29 1'S 15 30 15 (o 3r 011 64 00 37 fill 27 20 35 011 32 20 '29 05 '28 45 5 311 _N) Sri 21) 7(1 2:1 45 9 7(1 2.1 7(1 23 10 30 00 30 00 25 00 3 75 34 90 22 80 34 10 29 7(1 30 (N1 14 70 17 110 18 00 30 30 13 10 37 50 29 70 08 25 20 75 20 05 13 30 15 95 6 25 13 75 48 011 62 25 27 75 7 r'1 6 1 II 64 511 68 25 08 25 4(1 50 48 75 24 75 49 50 21 75 50 23 09 75 7 rf) '1 (5) 42 011 53 50 Ii IN) 31(11 18 00 72 (10 10 Si) 67 50 50 3 in 6 1111 48 Olt rl 75 46 50 30 00 47 213 11 00 .John uL'ro•n Labor un scwl•rs :r2 : r .1(11111 Til•nm•y Labor on sewers..... . 3•S s0 central I' it i o n 1•elephoneCo'l•elephone service li 75 ('has. Ileriz >g....Satving wood5 on Peter \V eiga ul ...11 hue;,2 u) C. laths, Hny.................... 130 A. Kauinolt ...... Horseshtl to .......... s nu 1/oblique \Pater company........ Water supply llubugtte \Vall•r fds) IN) I)tlbmhb• \\:Ilei• Company........ \Vater 8u111V..., ..N) uo company Water supply......,u, sl Iowa Iron Works 111.1). steal.. roller I I GS Jolt) llanahl Ilorseshoeing 8 to :MI. limey & Son.. IJlaokets told y111104 13 53 (.ear & l'fltiaer... Ilotse. hoeing ... .. 13 04i Key City Cas I'o..('ohe :12 'Sit E. 11. Chtualler... Fire 0101'111mix................125 00 Oubuque Ituhber :old Ih (Lin l'o..1tnse. wtsnens Tllnex \(Iv • •I (smug B. Lageu.......... Use of inns.. Hanger & Itlish..Statmaery Western Electric Company.......\\'eat herllrnuf ,cine.... nen .I. Reilly..........Si.ietcatk ... ......... los 76 .I..1. Dunn, cleri<.'17ans, rips 2 7(4 as 65 18 85 14 35 3 :N5 2r 1 1:1 1 25 1 511 2 66 17 Ir, 4; (N) 25 0 75 to ran 2 INI 33 .i5 •! INI 1 3.1 JANUARY SE -S1 )N. 1s91. E. I.. Frith Garbage......... ....... I'rod. I:enzler.... Rep. steam roller lohn 'I'inny.......Labor........ . I h u t it &'Ryan.. Wood for steam roller \Vet. Howard oward Sprinkling for roller.. Ti.: I,I:t: 1:..1 I.n Advertising............ \\'osirrut Union "telegrams ('. II..\ Ilona Bolts.................. . IIeadford IirosStreetcross ngs ...... Gran 111'„51 ...aye' ... .lulm 1':il•Ilhorn... [lope. ch' True') & south - well. ......... outh- well............. Stone Peter ti.I,,t'h....Stone \V. \VIII•Ian stole' 1: F. Thorium] .. \ ilriul, K.e. \Val. S. Moto..... Plumbing....... Nit. liy:ut........ Witness lees II. A. Rooney.... W Loess lees ... .1..1. .\l e('arl hy... Expense ......... ..... 1'. \V. (;tiuv fora \V iltlesec lets... \voiles, fee, 1'. F. Gull: ir.... sewer euna ruetittit 4'l;ts. Stenoi: littp. Ithuntbets; Sonne ('has. Stotle]: Intprnvin (lar0.1t) ace .101[:'1' iIc '\laeud;uu .............. Ned. \':teen" John \\ titian henry Revers 1). Silt lleritunl 46 F. Sehtvarlr.ig41 Aug. liaulfncuut" il%Intl 11 i:. liosttn in 11 John Penning" .............. 33 40 Alphonse I'rL•ert" .1. Manson ,. ,John Karel,..... 41 .............. Jaen" Casper" Chas. SassMoney advanced ('has. lass........ Money Warwington, ..Loan 16 61 66 Emil Reh... u u 11 .. 11 156 00 45:) 2 (N) 3 00 15 00 66 65 G Of) 25 142 alt 149 1,0 1 00 10 50 21 75 1 00 19 77 118 09 3 85 3 874 I _0 45 L) LIST OF CIT VAIIIIANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during November, 1890. CM- RECORDER'S OFFICE, DUICUQUF., Iowa, Dec. 1, 1890. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is a complete list of the warrants issued by me durine the month of November, 1893: Name. For what J'urpose. Amount Chas. Sass ........Saltily for Oct., Treas- urer $ 70 00 L. Gonner........Salary for Oct., Treas- urer 80 00 I" 11 .1. C. Fitzpatrick..Salary for Oct., Recor- s7 der 116 65 4.23 47 .1. M. Iienety Salary for Oct., Aud- 7:1 12 icor 100 00 II() or 13. Zernecke...... Salary for Oct., Asses - 30 9n sur 125 00 8 47' .1..1. McCarthy.... Salary for Oct., Attor- 13 7r; ney125 00 3 04 M. Tschirgi, Jr... Salary for Oet., En - 8 43 Raker .... 250 00 t'8S. B.Itice.........tialary for (Oel., Mar- . . 8 r' Shill 83 30 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 72 74 Adam Schmidt... Salary lute 4 St t•net Commissioner 91 65 .Jos. Relufried....Salary fur a t., Thief of lire deparl tont75 00 Alex. Gratz.. ....Salary for (Oe:., Star- ketinaster...... E. James Salary for Oct., Park Custodian C. Bauman..., , .. Salary tutu' t rot., Whart- itt inter C. Spiegelllslter'..Stl:n'y for Oct., l'ound- masler 1. S. Bigelow Salary for (JCL, Health :nicer John O'Connell... Salary fur 0.1., Com- mittee clerk B. Rawson ........Salary for Oct., Sew- er Inspector James O'Halloran. Salary for (let., Side- walk lnspetior Jas. Bunting Salary for Oct., RIce- i l'11:1an............... 1). Rpm Captain of Police • .14)1111 Itaeslj " .......... \\'In.(';trier Policeman \Vie. O'Brien '' ............... Thu.. Reilly \I. I)'l'uunell Bart 1'aiit \\'it. frith Jetlut I•itl,elier P. Nu Nort y P. I )uineg:ut I'. Kearney I'. Ilaulnu ,Iolw Fitzpatrick. Dan. Norton John Neuter Janes .Olen James t lyun M. Barth e Win. \V el -h Isd. \Inure........ Saiz. fluter....... John tty;ut..... 'slut SIurluhy..... \1"nt. Iiltut•i I'e•le r S i.t.l'f...... (te:. Ilubrt•I: .Inlet ' Ion ltln• .lane•. IJaly Fireman.. .. .. .... .tub Ilnrnrs \Via. Inn•v .1. \Inrplt,c........ A. Cullet ........ f. (O'Shea T. mirk,. .1. \It'F;u7;cutel M. Eitel P. Marlin .1. i.ssutan " 00 70 IN) 15 37 500 00 420 43 000 out 600 00 510 00 .. " 500 00 " 50000 .. ' .......... 500 00 5)0 00 .. " .. 6110 011 41fill ' 00 " 500,0 " ........ 500 00 " .... 50.) 00 5110 (11) " 500111 Dubuque Co. Bank.Loan....... ......... 500 00 1. 500 OII " .. " 500 00 46.. " 5110 I1) .. .. " 500 01) .. 11 500 (N) 11. I.avin ...Laying sewer pipe 500 1111 Si. L:Icin.........Laying sewer pipe300 00 Meyer Saud 010 .1.:Speeltt Gravel ............ 444 26 'I'rnsler Bros...... Livery 16 00 Dugi au t aue..Itarrel 1 00 '1'reglel I'leke n- bruek.. Horse and harvest.... 150 00 .1:410 Parti r Sewer inspector 1(10 00 Nal I mai 1F1/uand I:rass \Vurks...1Iep. steam roller 17 10 N0vclty Iron Rep. steam roller 6 81 .1. Til.‘ trading 1st street..... 61) 01 I,. 1'. )'Ih'mlernra"(Iradui2 Delhi street.. 122 09 John selirnm;itIf se1litt4 curb......... 4 58 :Ic.I Ir:u \\Vurc,ltel..ieau' roller 11 81 lhrc"an, Sullivan K in„ to ...... \\'he •lbarrott'2 00 .1. K u1411..011 60 1)ouahuc•••);ran n and paving sewer . 89 80 F. I leer & Sol.... flails for city hall, ere 200 0.1 It lobe I.i,hl and Ilea! co SI reel lighting 5)0 00 4;lobe Light and 11.:•11 1'0 street lighting......... 76 67 li et 1'fly (ids Co G.15 lighting 500 00 Key I'd y (las Co..( las lighting511 40 64 14 11 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a Elle and correct list of all the warrants issued by Inc during (October. 1490. FITZI'A'I'RI('K, City Recorder. 66 1.4 6.6 64 11 11 16 41 46 111 41 61 IL .. ............. .............. .. .. .... .... .. .............. I. \Villse F. i:ssnu0t II 11 " kl 64 61 ............... 50 00 46 50 20 00 40 00 30 00 GG e,5 GO 00 60 00 75 00 75 00 70 W 46 70 46 70 50 00 61 11) 48 :15 00 00 50 00 511 00 50 1)1) 50 IN) 18 15 53 30 511 )10 1,0 00 5) 1)0 50 IN) 4:5 05 45 05 48 35 48 35 51) 00 51 80 49 15 50 811 50 80 50 80 (10 INl (3) W 75 (10 50 00 60 00 (3) 110 50 00 51 (N) 50 00 60 110 85 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 16 F. Fl nn.......... 'P Walker........ 66 JANIJABT SESSION, 1891. ............. D. Ahearn........ James Allen__ " ••••••••••••••• C. Kannolt A. Uttcciui64 ••••••••'•••••• J. Ward. ............• .T. Mchonl•crger" ••••••••••••••• G. Ganahl" Chas. Stolid:...• Imp..Tonns n Avrnu e 64E. E. Frith Imp. 22,1 St.... .... ,,•' Diagonal tit.... M. MahonyMacadam ............ • • Val. Binns•••••••••••••• Ed. Condon 66• 64 Michael Burke... S. Meyer.......... 11 C. Burkhardt 66••.......... M. Abbitz " •64 .. Fred. Felbaum..•••••••••••. A. Hoifermann" .............. W. Heinz .............. Geo. Willman" .............. H. Tippi ............. • M. AhernLaborer.... .......... T. Ahearn. Laborer ................ M. Abbitz" .... .... .... ... Alex. Alderson" ............... P. Brandenberger. " . M. Brommenshild " J. Bargrnan" B. Brummitt." ............... .Tolin Byrne" ............... D. Berner '` John BottomsMason helper.......... M. BurnsLaborer................ F. Baveniorf " .............. . J. Cahill64 M. Clark ............... John Corbett 66 • .............. M. Carmody" Wm. Crunrpwell" J. Corcoran .. " L. Corcoran " John Cooney ...... " Chas. Clemens.... " J. Callaghan...... `. M. Dieleruing.... 41 Ed. Desmond M. Dingeldme" M. Dumphy" John Eagan 46 J. Finert.y" Louis Fritz ... " H. Flood 46 F. I.offall" ...... P. Fitzgerald Mason helper.......... F. Fort Laborer ................ C. Fisher............... 50 q) Louis \I'urise....laborer 50 til \I.\Inhl'.......... Nlasotl................. ',724(43 5)) Go 0. I'. \Iolrbon•.......lahorcr• .r 60 On ,1;11;1. • • •......... 27 8pi 5 fd) (111 1, \I;II'kl•U e1g.... " ... 21 25 p2 Uu ,I. \Irllrull• ............. 11 '25 12 INI I,. \Irl(yn\•" 29 01 ou ,111,,1 \Irl rar,\II 1) 1.. 214 $ 40 127 •: \I, Mrl'nn, FIII•P1nRl1.... .......... 2s G(i I,e7, :' I II. \Ir \11111,11. .. Laboler. ............... 27 20 11 100 Ir.! 'r: .\I. \nl�n 24 U5 34 :'I .I. \niinl 11 28 45 Iii G{ I \••ni•:nn•r 13 75 '27 31 It. .\i.•191l,.._1725 20 52 \I. 1I L'ii_lil:n.. ..... 28 1.1 3'L la F. naea l,l 21 1611'! 28 71' 7U 2s SI I'. D'I;,'Irn t 55 II 21 Win. I'i,•IJ••y3: 05 19 90 I :.0 12.1 29 71) 28 45 is 75 15 q) :i(3 U; Q) 21 70 I 10 95 a 75 9 40 '2J-•11 24 10 1 25 257 36 - 26 55 40 ,7) 31 $5 9 7 2 U)) 31) 1)4) 5 12 71 111:.1 8 10 "J 70 24 40 81 00 :.'G 1)4) 36 411 21 85 6367 50 12 00 31 50 11 .5 33 775.1 1,6 26 25 38 25 18 W 1 GI1 24 00 13 50 30 1)0 18 INI 33 (0) 36 7:, 35 25 45 75 41 18 21)41 2 6'i 00 1 70 51 75 3W 59 25 17 25 22 50 40 1 GO GO 10 GU 5451 7G75 aeon John L.Icv..., 32 2" I ................... 65 3U 7G Julia 25 Malleo Laborer :;t .Elul,•, kulilh 44 2G "•71)-1:D.�Il,liunl 7GO P. Meehan........ " 1: tO T. Mulgneeny LU 45 II, l.liwidt •• 3 Os aatll.'fu�iu..,.., .. :17211 l GO P. Moran.........••••• .......• P. Mack „ •3! 05 \\lo.'fiukll:un..., " 75 T. Mahony........ •• '."" ..8 30 llcur\I'llyn, 1 ,5 ., G M. Morgan....•• 25 30 I M. Ti,',2 711 ...I'ot'eman........ • ..... 36 00 1' ... 42 7G \ ogc' .......... " 10 f� 28 . 5 44 2 111 .1. I'errc ii " 3 71 .linin 1;uicnry.... .............. 62171 \I. Itiukrr 27 5) \I. llyan. .. '27 5)) ,la OS C.,2.III ............... 7 ; Mas. 1;1'111\ 3 75.:!, 5 I;. Itidor ..... 1 85 .1 . Imo/ Pnrcman .............. 1 25 .1. lier,nrrLaborer 17 so SI. ic•ilty 27 s0 Tun:' I;• ,11v ....... ....... 26 55 .I:Ou„ lit w" 17 8.1 \Viii. Cnnue\' 40 a1 \V;,,. Ihrnrtnu.............. . 6 so I, IW 1,1 man 14 70 .11lln Itv;UI ............... 22 80 .Iaa,. Smith........ 17 50 I) Silhel9aud....l otemail 33 311 \\lu. SrMyaegler.l,abur,r 28 10 .In, S,•,k..,....... " 13 M. S.,,...19 \lawn helper....... 21 ,- I;,n. Sillii• .1. 'borer Ill N. 'trituit; I: ^n .I;I,. s%\eeney 22 -SII N. Thnlne... \I I,��u I • • I ). •lru•y I :11,'.1'1. 1., 15 \\ lu 'I.ii 111(1,.41 0111 'I'lu•n. I111•I, ,• 111 1111 I;, y.tl Dillon. " 2.1:1,1 .1,110, \\•lull,,, ........••••••. 2,9 45 .ludo 11"„11” ............... 25 715 1'..a:. \\ ifi, \Jason.. 27 s1 I'. \1':1_1,1' I ;borer 33 10 1,. III. \yr1or Foreman 29 05 \V. %a,•hiva..... .....aburer 40 50 M. 111u•us..........'I cam 15 30 .1. 1119(.k.......... " 24 Ii) Ed. Burns .. 29 40 11. lira) ll l l " C. Grunzig " 29 115 Ileo. 111111, l• " John Giessler " 28 45 N. Ilraulll .. " L. Gross.......... !8 111 IL lienn,rl . " Joe Gran.......... " •I .. " .. . ea. 111 .. " ........ .. ...... . Ed. Grew......... ............... z •u \I, I'ralcut........ " . W. B. Gra /, •••••••............ Y••••••• ............... li Ili L. Iahtll F. Herzoft...... .. " 20 40 '1 . ('u lnolly " James Hurley.... " ............... 3 75 .linin Duggan " John Hayes __Foreman .... .......... 36 00 .1. Enright........ " N. Hilger.........Laborer.......... ••• ••••..........• John Hat'ey.......Fo•einan.............. 3:115 NI. .1. Hannon._ Dan. Harmon Laborer ................ 28 III fell•, 1101',,.. ... " M. Hannon....... 1 10::11 I'. I<;uul�tu;01 '• Ed. Hackett...... 27 511 'I'Iw,. k we '• ....... .... .... Joseph Harker...Mason helper. 38 4', I'. h,l,,eully J. Hansen ........ Mason ................. 7 so .I Ilei Long. 66 Thos. Flaekney...Laborer................ 26 25 .1” n� \inv., ,•,,,,, 61 A. Holfernlan " P. Hayden 9 us .li•u \I,I;rath " 15 0;) .I. \ir('1I hits " A. Johnson .. ..... 20 0.i w. \111:I;ult. .... John Kinsella Carpenter......... 2:4 1111 I) (I'AI.n.. .... ... `1 M.Klein......... .Laborer ................ 21 In D. 11'\1,;,,1....... " K. Kinney........ 10 7,, L. 1177 ., Jolla Karst' ..... .. ' J,Kellett „•••• 13 '1.1 L. I'1•i; ..... 1• ri0 Illi Fred. Kreeger.... •' .niuiuiu 61 H. Leicht......... " 2ri i, 1'nn. 1•\ au46 Chas. Lenlbke.... •• 27 a) (it,. L' ynld, H. Leutbke •, •••• •'•'"""• 20::0 .1, It. Ali umr ..... " " 20 on .1. sot b,ll:uul •f M. !Mach._..." tri I �Irn, C.I ohrmanu M 4o511 I . 211• .•Iu ......... It. Lohrnlann Mason-" JANUARY SESSION, 1891. 17 Geo. Wetter...... " B. Wheeler W. SinholdtExpress Fred. Beyer Engineer steam roller. John BewerAssistant to steam rol- ler................... John Shore Macadam J. J. McCarthy...Money advanced on settlement of suit J. Maclay Fees..... Dub. Cabinet Ma- kers' Asso's'nRepairing chairs...... . J DeggendorfSewer construction.... The 'limes CoAdvertising Henry Geiger Repairs at city hall.... Key City Gas CoCoal and coke......... John Specht Gravel Martin & Strelau.Cartage M. Lavin Filling on 17th Street. Ferguson BrosPlumbing Lubck & Nicol.... Stationery Ellwangger Bros.. Repairing harness P. F. Guthrie. ...Sewer on West Locust street.... . . ....... Chas. Steuck Sewer on DodgeStreet 44 42 75 16 50 50 60 00 F. Schloz Repairing tools........ 8 15 G. F. Thor•man. Oil 135 F. Schloz.... ....Repairing tools17 10 Knapp -Stout & Co. 45 00 company ........Lumber 54 19 C. W. Robison.... Lumber 26 35 10 00 Dubuque Wooden 2 45 Ware Co. . . Lumber. 41 68 Central Union Telephone Co... Rent of telephones17 50 M. Lavin Balance on sewers 139 45 E. S. Greeley Electrical supplies.... 124 75 J. L. Bunting Express on electrical supplies 190 F. Ganahl Labor 1 01 9 00 75 45 89 33 35 111 85 25 04 50 44 16 50 11 96 4 25 2500 13 65 71 50 500 00 500 00 " •. .... 350 21 Engineering News.Advertising 2 00 James Kelly Stationery 14 80 J. Riley . Sidewalk 44 50 M. Lavin Water course, Delhi street ............... 25 00 H. F. Buxton Census work 32 00 Dubuque Rubber Cs ............... Nozzle and valves 52 52 John Mullen Harness oil............ 4 60 W. McDermottLabor... 36 40 A, McGuan .4 ........ 28 75 Wtn. Juergens ...Water for roller20 00 M. Bewer & Sou..Bedding.... ........ 20 00 Dubuque Rubber Co 1 dozen rin .s... 2 25 T. J. DonahueStone for sewer....... 51 30 Geo. SalotLumber................ 3 20 Hansen & Line- hanTile pipe.... ........... 6 13 M. J. G. LaNiccaPaint or city hall 4 80 Mr. Altona Wrench and bolts...... 90 Bock & Reed Repairing tools........ 3 65 leraatz & ClarkDrugs .................. 6 10 Geo Fengler Lime. ... . . 19 '20 .1. vl. McKenzieRepairing tools 4 60 Dubuque Water Company........Water supply .... 500 00 Dubuque Water Company........ Water supply 500 00 Dubuque Water company........ Water supply16 66 P. Ginter Work at City hall 3 00 Ferguson Bros.... Plumbing... 17 10 Novelty Iron W rks..........Repairing engine 4 82 A. W ituderlich... Horse.4hoeing... 5 95 A Kaunolt........ Horseslioeing 2 50 Hansen & Line- han Coal .................... 119 31 G. H. HoernerLantern globe......... 10 Christman & Hea- ley. ... Nails 2 20 E. M. Dickey Co ..4 yards ducking........ 90 Wm. Marshall....Rep. steam roller•..... 7 50 E. E. Frith... Garbage. ... . 162 00 G. A. Hoerner ....Basket ........ 1 40 Chas. Steuck Grading 7th street... 350 00 C. RowlandOB &c 6 15 German Catholic Publishing Ci .. Advertising... 50 00 Chas. Steuck Curb around city hall.. 211 53 M. Czizek Painting at city hall... 29 80 W. W. Wormood. Winding town clock... 144 00 Mr. Herzogf, Sawing wood........... 4 00 J. M. McKenzieRepairing harness 30 63 Wm. G. Watters.. Hay 40 90 John O'Brien labor... ..... 40 60 John Tierney " 40 60 John Eichhorn .... Oil .................... 75 Harger•&Blish...Stationery ......... 50 Herald Advertising . 33 35 ' has. Spai;th I abor 16 50 L. Daly...........Garbage 106 00 Mrs. Koenig Scrubbing city hall.... 19 00 Isaac Proctor Stone crossings....... 28 08 Wm. S. Moto Plumbing 204 49 Ham & Carvel Stationery 81 00 M.J. G. LaNicca.Glue 60 John F. O'Dea.... Wood 73 25 D. Mecklenberg..Brick45 50 Joseph Trieb......Brick2 27 E. M. Dickey. .....011 6 50 Palmer, Winall & Co Blank books........... 12 60 Geo. Moyer Salary electrician Dubuque TELE- GRAPH ..... ....Printing P. Klauer..... ....Putting up stoves. etc. John Leicht Sand A. Peck Census work Chas. Steuck Grading around city 75 00 66 65 33 45 27 20 40 00 2145 Chas. Steuck Grading on 17th St.... 161 22 Novelty Iron Works.Bolts, etc 12 3 ) J. M. McKenzie.. Tools . 1 75 C. H. Whitwell...Veterinaryservices25 00 Mr. Wehrspahn.. Oats...... 63 00 R. W. Stewart, mayor Expense on census.... 21 95 J M. Kenety Brooms................ 50 Lear & Milner Horseshoein ; 4 00 Matt. Clancy .....Lamplighter s salary50 00 W. J. Burns & Co.Cement 179 10 J. J. McCarthy...Printing brief 18 00 John Newman....Reppairing hook and ladder 1410 Novelty Iron Works -Supplies for en- gines 1 12 Alex. Gratz Board of prisoners.... 14 40 P. Olinger ... Livery hire............ 8 00 Hanson & Line- han 'rile pipe........ 3 92 A. Tredway & Sons............Sledge and handles3 89 L. Gonner Money advanced. 8 500 00 L. Gonner........Money advanced...... 139 30 F. B. Hoffmann. Loan ... ....... 500 00 G. F. Thormann.Drugs 1 80 Globe Light and Heat Co........Street lighting600 00 Globe Light and Heat Co Street lighting 70 67 Key City Gas Co.. " lighting...... 500 00 Key City Gas Co.. " lighting 64 90 A. hauffmann....Damage, to property2 00 John Williams.... Sand and stone9 35 r erguson Bros....Tile pipe 1 50 S. McElrath Drayage............ 12 80 T. J. DonahueCulvert on South Main Street 500 00 T. J. Donahue ....Culvert on South Main Street.... 202 90 Chas. Friel)....... Waterway on 19th St7 00 E. Frith Resetting curb 4 60 R. Burns Macadam .............. 79 14 M. Sullivan .4 83 96 I'.. Quinn... " 18 78 Quinn & Farrell.. " ....... 6 37 J. Sampson...... " ............... 82 48 F. Weazler " 139 51 Chas. flogger.... '` 19 84 Geo. Ferber ,` • 16 09 P. Nary Damage for imp. of Dodge Street........ . Butt ....... Ii•on grates............ Blackmer & PostTile pipe ., Irish Amer. Club. Rent of room for cen- sus wot•K............ A. J. PatchCen$us enumerator.... A. H. HemmelderCensu4 enumeraror... Joe BrandonCensus enumerator... Thos. J. TaylorCensus enumerator.... J. It. Frost... Census enumerator... 100 00 7 65 500 00 5000 00 186 83 20 00 6 00 200 7 00 200 2 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all the warrants issued by me during November, 1890. J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. 18 JANUARY SESSION, 1891. I 1ST OF CITY WARRANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during December, 1890. CITY RECOHDER's OrvicE, 1 1)1111•Qt'i.". litWil, ,an. 1, 1891. j To the Honorable NI ayor 1101 City 1'ouncii: The following is a complete list If the warrants issued by me during' the month of December, 1890: Name. For wnat Purpose. Amount Gonner ........ Salary for Nov., Treas- urer RIM 00 J. C. Fitzpatrick. . Salary for Nov., Recor- der 116 70 J. M. Kenety Salary for Nov., Aud- itor 100 00 H. Zernecke...... Salary for Nov., Asses- sor ..... ..... 125 0(1 J. J. McCarthy.... Salary for Nov., Attor- ney............... 125 00 M. Tschirgi, Jr... Salary for Nov., En- gineer.- ..... '250 00 S. B. Rice ...... ...Salary for Nov., Mar- shal Adam Schmidt ...Salary for Nov., Street Commissioner Jos. Reinfried.... Salary for Nov., I'llief of fire department Alex. Gratz.. ....Salary for Nov., AI ar- ketmaster. .... E. James Salary for Nov.; Park Custishan C. Bauman.......Salary tor Nov.. W hart - master ....... ..... . . C. Spiegelhalter..Salary for Nov., Pound - mast er I. S. Bigelow Salary for Nov., Health officer John O'Connell...Salary for Nov., Com- mittee ;clerk B. Rawson... ..... Salary for No y., Sew er Inspoetor.... James O'llalloran.Salary for Nov., Side- walk Inspector Jas. Bunting Salary for'Nov., Elec- triutiati..... James Daly Fireman Job !Mmes..... " Wm. 11)10.y J. NIurphy " T. Burke J. :McFarland._ " T. O'Shea Geo. Moyer M. Eitel.... " P. Martin Essman J. Flynn J. Wiltse T. Walker" Essman D. Abeam James Allen " C. Kannolt ..... " G. Ganahl.... " A. .1. Selo inlierger " .1. alit 4. liya Caplain of Police John liaesli Win. 1'a 11 ..... „Policeman Win. Thos. Reilly 51. I 11'01111;91 Itarl Cain Ven. Frit John litIscher P. NeNerny P. Ibninegan P. liearner P. I .10101 I'll/tilt rick. kw. N•0100 .101t0 Ut•ulor... Janws ..\11(31.. Hvilo• NI. 1 lard Wm. Welsh.... :. •6 el ........ • • • •• • • .• • • • ....... • .• • • ...... • • •• ti ft • • ........ • ....... • • • • • • • • ....... • Eil. 1I ()ore ..... 5001. Elmer .1(11111 Hyatt .. • .1( (lin NI [trolly tee. I hitter Peter P. ,Iiilili ceo. 1:11beel: :‘111(rphy Chas. stone', 61 11 66 • . ........ • • • • • • • • • ....... • " ........ ...• " ........ ........ IMP. lint 1 11111• III"' 1 1,1* -1 NI,' • 1.,•1 Imo lIt .1E4,1 . "-.1 II .1 reel I too Jonle-mo •,1 1 ..1111, .1o110.m.1:iVi' 11111 huh. .11 ill aC mole. C. Priel) and .1. NI ever ... •IIIIle. it reel • Carl ........lOtte. 191 P .1 E. E. Frith Imp. l• lice ......11111). litit41111:11 sl l't•c' Jolui Imp. Firs( si ii little. Julien a‘elite• Kringle ...Imp. \\'est Eagle 1..olg lii e11111" Alex. (I rat 7 Board of pi icon er, M. Ahern.......: Alex. Ahlersori" A Ilearil F. 11eyer. . steam roller 83 John Bower Ilelper steam u teller. It!:Hat:q0004er.l.aborer 91 65 I). 11. ...• •• " ......... • "•" .1.1.ii 1.‘,11.• " ............... 75 01, 1 . ...II .1. 1.1,1,...,1 ....... 50 ll" lit «•1, Masetil ....... ......... .1(.1m Ill I.ahorer . 10 Joho I ii lilt , .1 1 meorou 1.. I ...emmi .1 ( .111111 NI I ,•1•.1111z. (1 I ue I. 10111.1.11) • Eekeit II. F10,,r1 4...11d1 .1 .1. " 1,16. I• 1.1,10.1 ....... ....... 1'. F11,1116;0 li..1 12 :;:'• 40 ((Li (lo 1343 57 IA, co o. oo 75 00 rift (Hi CD 1111 Si 50 00 50 00 50 00 75 011 60 110 85 00 50 00 (3000 (5000 50 00 50 00 Ito 00 CO 0 GO 1;0 511 01) 1 60 12 00 12 00 12 Ili) 77 50 • • • • ......... • • • ......... II. I ..11, 1.410 )1 or ..... ........ II. 1,11.1 1.111111rn " .101 1.1.1 .i01111 J01111 1111)1, . FI0'."11.111 1)0n. 116E1000 .1.aiii,i • James 110,11,er . Nlas••11 helper .... N. II Lobo! er Eel. 11.(elsett Thos. 1111 Istc.2.. NI. " J. Hansen .Iolin Hatey ..... tie lull..... . Jaines Hurley .... 1.ithorer 1'. Hayden ..... I,. Ile( . " A. Holt, l orm. " A. .1,4m -um ..... John Is ol,ella I'aromilet John 1‘.11 .11 I. il.o1 e; et. 1(1111e •• I' Ix oeo•‘ 711 00 I'leo 1% ee•.2e1 s5 NI. " 11) II. . . " 511 011 5) 50 00 45 05 51 65 5(1 00 51 65 51 65 25 00 56 60 50 00 51 5U 51 50 98 35 50 00 51 65 48 35 ..... • • • ........ . . . . . I has. Lei up 1(e. (•• 1.0111111.11111 .. ...... . .J0.111 I. 11.V ....... 1'01'1.1111ln. .. . . II. I ..1,01)()rer Jell 0 31111(111 . ..• .1. 31, lie) ......... • • • • • I. 31,4.11;10 .••• • • ...... • • .1. 3jiiFlill ..I, llLli'k 64 .. 11 T. 3IA1111113 • ...... • (21 ... ...... Louis \ leunse . Laborer 1'. " • ••• ..... • 31111(posoo 31 . " :\ Mason .. . C. Mal Iselbere• 1,(l Ii. Ale( ((muds • • • ....... • 8 25 5o 00 50 00 11000 5o 00 50 Oil 50 1x) no (0) 60 0(1 67 58 54:0 00 33 78 Soo 011 I/)) :01 00 Ito 21:1 58 77 11 6 1.1 11 25 G5 G on 45 hilt 7 20 10 61 7 so 28 lit 11 S5 15 0 I 14 40 14 4,) 2$ 10 21 711 S 10 II 25 '1 70 s .4 1..I (15 7 511 1.11 II .2.-1 61 75 1 5 9 lit II 10 71 1/0 SIII I I 1rr 27 00 IC s1 30 40 1:1 45 "; 511 21 s5 7 50 3 041 33 7.1 sCi 16 s5 6 25 70 .1: 60 21 s5 12 so 6 25 26 55 It 40 2; 50 I 25 II 25 20 75 " 50 25 00 6 •!.. Is -10 13 10 IS 65 II 40 II 25 s5 8 10 11 25 1 55 2; 20 3 10 JANUARY SESSION, 1891. 19 W. McDermett" M. MeCone Foreman......... ..... A. Me( ian Laborer ................ M. Mct.r:ttii. II. NIc.\lull •u . \I. \Ie.\L•ahon............... \IcRriue" 1.. \li•Evov " .......• John M. ('ra :ey" ............... M. Nu8e11" .1. Norman" ....... ... .1. Abbelt.......... " F. Oswald . I'. O'Brien66............... M. O'Lini hlin" Wm. PickleyForeman.............. .1. l'erryonMason helper A. I'tiliner Mason...... ......... .Ja es Ragan Laborer upas. Reilly " G. Rieder M. Ryan Tees. Reilly " ....•.• ....... .1. liaetz..... Foreman I.Itaesner Laborer Win. Rooney 1\'111. Itielnann" ............ ... NI. Siweld ..... Mason helper Geo. Rnu. i'.......Ltborer................ Witt S�•llwaegler•.Mason helper. 1). Rulh 19and.... " Jas. Smith... "• .10' Reek.. ............... N. Thome Mason .................. ('has. Wilde Mason .loliii Whelan Laborer ................ i'. \\'alines.... ........ • • John Wolf '. Win. \Veber....... Foreman .1. Brick Team... ........ ....... O Br:uoll N. Ilrndi ... a Gen. Butler ................... M. Burns It. Bennett N1. .101111 I iiggaur 66 J. Enright`• .1. I I ikon ................... Peter Ilorch.. " 1'..larden..... ,. ... ('. Kauulnuann.... 1'. Keuu. ally .10110 Long Joh, \i IV" F. Mathis........ " Jeff Met:rath " ................... .1. Nelson L. Otto L. l'eil.. " ................... Con. Ragan " .1. SI.•II.•s.. ... " Iran. Sh elian.... " .1. Navage • '• .I. sat li.i9atnd..... " I'.'ii•ehl 11. S.•hnddt..'. I). i Nitterauer.Express............ I .. F. Riese.. ................... \V. Smholalt " A. Turner.. ... Team NV m. Tinkhaiii.... " .1. Terry........... " J. Tippe NI. Wagner" ................... Geo. \V tter 66 \V.11'ithrow...... Engineer & Build- ing Record Advertising ('has. Prleb Resetting curb 'larger & Blish... Stationery Albert Gasser....Bl•9•k . Saul & Burns Rock.... Win. Burtcn..... Sand John Harney R pairing tools........ 1'..1. DonatnueRock Wm. Bentley..., . Ho k........... ..... Western Electric Co Electrical supplies.... Hansen & Line- han Cement. &e............ G. ltopseh ........ Hat rack..... ..... Christman & Hea- ley Nails ...... E. M. Dickey t o..011, etc.... .......... John Murray.... Pure wood ............. John I..'i.•ht .... . Sand and water-...... Iowa I run \Vorks. Repairing steam roller 5 25 Hussman & Lies.. Nails, &c 1 85 33 75 Reinfried & .Jae - 19 40 ger.............. Powder......... 1 20 14 40 Chas. I'rieb.......Grading White St..... 3 80 9 40 Blackmer & Post. Sewer• pipe 12 00 13 110 Ferguson Bros....Fountai..... ....... 162 75 26 55 J. Reilly..........Sidewalk....... 5 20 00 J. Williams Filling lots. 167 67 12 50 L. DalyRemovinggarbage.... 9 80 16 25 J. Williams Stone crossings ..... ... 89 45 8 75 R. J. Evans ..... .,Paving 18th street en - 26 86 gate house......... 200 00 95 W. J. Burns& Co.Cement................ 26 00 6 25 John • .'Brien Work on sewers....,.. 39 35 16 85 John Tierney Work on sewer 39 35 26 25 J. 11. Riley ........Sidewalks 186 46 18 75 E. Frith Imp. Middle street.... 167 26 196'1 Key City Limo 18 10 W or•ksLime ................... 18 60 6 85 Ferguson Bros. Plumbing 60 00 1 85 National Demo - 14 70 krat Advertising... 76 00 11 25 The 'limes CoAdvertLsing 3 35 33 75 Christman & Hea- 17 50 ley..............Hardware ...... 3 35 16 21 Dr. Mengis.......Microscopic exainina- 26 85 tion.... 10 00 34 10 Win. Howard.... .Sprinkling 200 00 6 85 James Kelly. ... Stationery..... 25 18 75 Hansen & Line - 18 75 Iran ....... ..„Coal. . 30 93 7 50 J. J. M Cart hy...Expense....... ... 25 9 40 J. Ganahl....,...Repairing tools... 16 00 1 50 Dubuque Water 61 50 CompanyWater supply .... 500 00 27150 D011uyw• water 8 76 company ........Water supply......... 500 60 10 .5 Dubuque Water 32 60 company........ Water supply......... 29 15 24 75 Pier & Ackerman. Ice ..................... 19 00 6 00 Win. S. Moto Plumbing 2 85 3 00 John Newman...Repairing wagon7 00 300 Langworthy - 18 75 AdainsIron 34 50 \Vorks manhole cover 900 45 00 Key City Furniture 22 '25 Co..... . Rolls and wedges 60 45 00 Hagerty Bros Bran and oil 1 15 8 '25 A. Wunderlich...Ilorseshoeing6 25 15 00 John Ganahl...... Horseshoeing 4 75 12 00 Mrs. Koenig...... Scrubbing city offices6 00 27 011 Herald ........ ....Ativertisinl; ... 33 36 45 00 Dub. Mattress Co,\lat resses............ 12 00 37 50 James Kelly. Stationery 10 00 15 00 NI. Lavin Sewer construction4 50 31 50 Ferguson Itro4.... file pipe.... ....... 2 25 3 00 A. V. McDonald 57 1.6 M f'g Co......... Brass c'sstings1 75 7 50 Ferguson Bros „Plumbing 42 36 55 50 E. E. Fritu........Removing garbage150 00 16 50 Standard Lumber 18 75 Co ....... ...... Lumber'5 77 58 50 M i . Herzog ......Sawing wood13 12 21 (10 Christman & Heat - 41 25 ley Padlock ................75 6 00 T1 LI51:ItAl'II ldvertising........... . 66 65 27 00 J. F. O'Dea \Vood 57 72 9 00 James Agnew.... Services as notary 1)1b- 21 00lin..... 4 00 1 00 Rin. Kelly.......Assistant market mas- t (N) ter . 40 00 100 B au m gartner & 1 50 Kleih............aardware 3 10 1 50 II a o in g artner & 25 50 Kleih Hardware 2 55 9 00 A Kannolt........Hor•ses,toeing2 50 16 00 Joseph Geiger.... Rep. market house30 40 22 50 W. G. Walters .Hay 43 90 3 00 W. a:. Watters. ...h ay 9 80 C. \V. Robison.... Lumber... 5, 55 4 83 Kuapp•Stout & Co. 4 75 company ........ Lumber......... 67 70 311 P Khmer. ........ilardware 66 68 15 60 M lt. l'Iauacy......Launplignter's salary50 00 48 40 C. Rowland Suit p&tc................ 1 75 1 70 South tvell & Trueb.ltock.................. 3 00 9 3.1 Mr. Ode Rock ................... 1 50 7 00 Lear & l'liffnerHorseshoeiug.......... 5 50 7 96 Lear & 1'lilfnerHorseshoeiug ......... 6 0. Joseph A. PalenDrugs... ..... 4 30 28 45 Key City Gas Co.. Coke ................... 8 12 'I' mes.............Advertising 33 35 Ferguson Bros.... Washers.-- 22 75 2 75 5 'Leluner & Vag- kenthaler Repair's ................ 4 38 455 Butt BrosRepairing hose cart.... 31 40 12 00 Byrne BrosUse of team....... 5 0:1 E xc. lsior Oil Tank 1 Line Oil .................... 10 00 8 55 20 John MundtTt•eesfor parks 10 50 John Letcht...... Water for roller50 `)0N JANUARY SESSION, 1891. G. A. Hoerner.... Lamp chimneys ........ 30 Chas. Steuck.....Grading Stewart ave.. 180 00 Ulrich Ruff ..... ..Culverts on Garfield 0avenue .............. 500 000 •1 ..... 66........ d 1i ...... 500 500 00 • M. Tschirgi, Jr...City map...... . 250 00 L. Gonner........Money advanced...... 5555 57 W. H. Peabody.. Loan....:: too OW66 0O 116 it ........... •........ 500 00 61 66 .............. 5110 00 German Bank.... " 500 00 16 46 " ................... 500 00 16 14 I)U'fl O" 11 .. •' ................... 500 00 00 " ••500 00 �� •• ................... 500 00 1• 1 1' 500 OU 11 66 .. `1 501 00 16 ' • 1' 500 00 .. ................. • " 50100 11 11 11 ................... 600 00 a 11 , .0 500 00 11 11 •1607 00 L. M. Traut "Loan ........ 6(10 (xl 1'500 00 66 ' .................. 600 00 11 500 00 .1 " LL 11 66 u 61 •1 11 J. P. Hansen ••••••••••......... 11 •. .................. 500 (NI Dubuque Building and Loan Ass'n.Loan 500 00 66 11 1• ........... (,00 00 11 11 " r,00 00 11 11 a 11 • 500 00 1• 11 .. " 50000 " " .. . 500 00 5010 (N1 0000 500 00 500 (x1 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 50) OJ 500 00 u 61 .1 6W ql . .................. Anna M. Franks.Opening Valeria street 1 00 Peter H. Horsch.Opening Valeria street 1 00 Key City Gas Co .. Street lamps........... 500 (Nl Key City Gas Co.. " 73 19 Globe Light and Heat Co Street lamps..... 500 00 Globe Light and Heat Co Street lamps..... 74 67 John Cooney Macadam.... ......... . 13 Os James Meloy.............. 17 37 G. Welter....,••17 37 P. kisbach..... Graning Bluff street... 35 00 I.S. Bigelow Stationery......... .. 0 0i .James Street Improving Cooler ave. 302 74 John Tibey.... •Imp. First street aim Julien avenue....... 500 00 John TiheyImp. First street...... 251 00 Itob't. W. Stewart MayorSalary 500 00 46 Ald. J. W. Halpin " " • • • • • 100 a1 Aid. J. P. Lowry. " 300 00 Ald Isaiah Clem- ln90n.......... .. " 30(100 Aid. Jno. Babcock " 300 W Ail. John Wun- del.lich........ """ "" "" . 300 (IO Ald. J •o. Trexler " "" Ald. 0. F. Hodge. " 315) Aid. P. W. Craw- 3W00 0 OU ford Ail. F. J. Stoltz" 300 00 Ail. Cha . J. W. Saunders ....... " 300 Oa and herebyeclist althat warthe al foregoing lest b) me during December, 1890. J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the paving or improving of streets between and one foot outside the rails of railways and street railways located thereon, and defining the mariner of making special assessments to defray the costs and expenses thereof, and the manner of enforcing and collecting the same. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. Thal whenever the city council of the city of I:ubuque shall cause to be paved or improved any street, avenue or alley whereon any railway has. is, or shall be located or laid down, they shall also order and provide by resolution that the company or persons owning said rail- way or street railway shall pave or im- prove said street, avenue or alley betw•l en the rails of said railway or street railway and one foot outside the rails thereof at their own expense and cost. Sec. 2. Said paving ur improvement to be so constructed by said railway or street railway companies, or persons own- ing said railway tracks, shall be ordered by said resolution of the city council to be made at the same time as the rest of the street whereon said railway or street rail- ways tracks are located, Sec. S. Said resolution shall state the manner of making said itnpruv'enlent, the kind of material to be used in the con- struction thereof, with the plans and speci- fications adopted by the city coune,1 for snaking sue ii iniproveulent, and shall also provide the tinct; In w►uch Said ilnpruve- ment shall be commenced and finished by the owners of said railways or street rat. - ways. Sec. 4. That as often as the space be- tween the rail. til said railways or siren) railway and one foot on the outside there- of shall become out of repair, or wIlene%er in the judgment of the 1 ily e,1,10 I the sante shall require repaving I1r leuoprove- meut, said council by resolution shall or- der the same repaired or reiulproV ,I, set- ting birth the same particulars .cllh re- spect thereto as are contained in seri oat 3 hereof, and tax costs and expenses III s.I) l reimprovemeut to said railway or ,11...1•1 railway companies. Sec. 5. Upon the expiration of the time in said resolution tion ed for the 1•on- struction of said inl{•roveulents, rep:Iirte_ or reimprovement, and the owners h,Ill have failed, neglected or refuseil io a Inlpi; with said resolution requiring sold nodal'\ i- ntent or repairing, tile said clan .cd. .I1a11, by resolution, order that said iinpro\ Ment, retnprovemtnt or repan'in_ he con- structed under emit roc) ihtr'tole inane ;Inti entered into I11 the .Illue IIIlllllier ;1. Is el,e vided by Chapter 7 of the revised or ll - !lances of 1887 of the yof 1 nalwlne iu relation to the tinprotrnleul of avenues and alleys: awl iter th • and expenses thereof shall hate Iwo!' ;1 eerlaiued and salol lilt I.1'u Cella call, r,•,in- provcnleut of 1'epalrlll2 .hall hate It i cou.U'ueted ;fol olalle, and upon the lilll,g III the report of file city ell,lneer and slice' committee slowing salt tnets, the ..till city council shall adopt it rt•.ohll1oa tfug forth the taets of said iulproveun•l t. reimlll'ovonlent m' rellair liltviii2 been novae and the costs of nl II; lug the same and also the amount pro pi.ell to he n5-es.e l n: ;1 special tax to pa\ IoI aaill iniprocl•u leul, re-IIIIprltvt'lln•I11 1ff repair agalltSt s11111 rail- way itt ST 'lit railway companies, person of persons owners til' said railway tracks and requiring all. pel'.Iis,I'11111;11111 •s, enl'pnral- tlou8 of pir o•.; a�glIrlevo� tp or havIll Ill objection to said sty I'I1II asses -111@111. a,g;halo hfs,herortheir pi'opert)' lonlal:esura ollje-- ti011'J111 writing to tile city council in the JANUARY SESSION, 1891. 21 manner as provided by Chapter 27 of the Revised Ordinances of 1887 of the city of Dubuque relating to the assessment and levying of a special tax for the improving of streets, avenues or alleys. Sec. 6. The city council shall meet at the time designated for the hearing and de- termination of the objections so filed, it any, and shall have power to amend, re- vise and alter said assessment list and may adjourn from time to time until said objections are fully heard, determined and considered and upon final determination thereof shall adopt and confirm the same and thereupon shall pass a resolution de- claring said assessment so made and de- termined and confirmed a lien upon all property, both real and personal, of said railway company or street railway com- pany, or person or persons owning said railway tracks as aforesaid; and said tax and assessment as levied shall become delinquent and shall be collected and enforced in the same way and manner as other assessments of special taxes upon abutting property on streets, avenues and alleys, as is more particularly set out in Chapter 27 of the Revised Ordinance of 1887 of the City of Dubuque, and all the rules. orders, ordi- nances and resolutions of the city council and laws of the state relating to the en- forcementof special taxes and assessments shall be applicable to the special assess- ment herein provided for. See. 7. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and publication in the official papers of the city. Adopted January 6th, 1891. Approved: R. W. STEWART, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FIT''/.PATRICK, Recorder. Notice of Special AMsessineat for Cleaning Sidewalks of miaow. The following property owners are hereby notified that a special assessment will be levied against the respective lots and parcels of land set opposite their names, for the cleaning of snow from the sidewalks abutting said property: J. P. Scott, s51 It lot 477, city. A. Levi, s 70 li, lot 468a, city. las. Levi, n 40 ft lot 468a, city. M. A. Hubert, s 2-5 ft, 465, city. Mary J. and Ann Ryan, s 52.2 ft, lot 460, city. 1. 1). - tout, s% ft, lot 661, city. 11. 1'. Bissell estate, s 86.4 ft, lot 456, city. Jos. Collier, s 20.6 ft, lot 467, city. Mrs. Otto Junkermann,n 26.2 ft, s 46.8 ft, lot 467, city. 11. B. Glover, n 43.3 ft, s 90 ft, lot 467, city. Geo. L. Torbert, n 2-5, lot 459, city. E. A. Engler, n 1-5, lot 459, city. Mrs. E. Munsell, s X n in 1-5 and n X, m 1-5 lot 466, city. John Flannagan, in 1-5, lot 475, city. B. B. Richards, n 1-5. lot 475, city. Mrs. P. Ahearn, s 2-5, lot 474, city. Mary C. E. Meehan, s X, lot 764, A. Mc - Daniels' sub. Ed. McCeney, n X, lot 764, A. McDan- lels' sub. Ed. McCcney, lot 755, A. McDaniel's sub. Sarah A. Smyth, se '/.i, lot 766, A. Mc - Daniel's sub. Geo. W. Finn est., ne %, lot 766, A. Mc - Daniel's sub. Bernard Lynch, lots 45 and 46, Levins' add. J. C. Lobdell, lot 44. Levins' add. Jas. Forester, lot 16, Mt. Pleasant acid. D. J. Linehan, lots 1, 2 and 3, home add. J. Ittensohn, lot 4, Home add. W. C. Mase est., lot 1 of min. lot 81. Louisa Giessmaii, lot 2 of min. lot 81. John 11. Simplot, min. lot 82. Mrs. Ilerancourt, lot 1 of min. lot 84. Dubuque Water Co., lot 2, Mobley's, Du- buque. Sarah J. Chubb, lot 1, Kimball's sub. Dubuque Water Co., lot 2, Kimball's sub. John Harris est.. lot 1 of 3, Collins' sub. Mary B. Iledley, lots 8 and 9, Hedley's sub. Mary and Ellen Ryan, lot 6, Iledley's sub. J. J. Dunn, w 54X feet of lot 43, Kelly's sub. Chesley Taylor, lot 3 of 42, Kelly's sub. J. J. Dunn, n 55 ft, lot 37, Kelly's sub. Michael McCarthy, s 31 ft, lot 37, Kelhos sub. S. J. Southwell, lots'8 and 9, Bradstreet's add. Mrs. L. A. Cummings, lots 11 and 12, Bradstreet's add. Mrs. L. A. Cummings lot 2 of in in lot 80. J. C. Crabtree, lot 4, iliartin's, Dubuque. C. 11. Gregoire, lot 33, Nairn's add. Isaac Proctor, lot 44, Wilson's sub. J. M. Sullivan, lot 19, Wilson's sub. M. McLaughlin est., lot 89, Kelly's sub. B. E. Linehan, e 43 ft lot 172, city. Mrs. B. F. Lawrence, lot 36a, city. Jos. Bott, sub 5, 8 and 9 of McNulty's sub lots 6 and 7. F. D. Collett, lot 3, Kelly's sub. D. J. Ilennessy, lots 1 and 2, Kelly's sub. Jane McCune, lots 1 and 1 a, Dorgan's sub. E. H. Sheppley, lot 3, Cox's add. R. Cox est, lot 5, Cox's add. Jas. J. Murray, lot 15, Cox's add. It. Cox est, lot 20, Cox's add. John Blake est, lot 20, 21, 22, 25,26 and 27, Blake's add. Joseph Herod, lot 11, Blake's add. '1.'hos. J. Paisley, lot 12, 13 and 14, Blake's add. Jacob Traut, lot 15. Blake's add. Joseph Traut, lots 16 and 17, Blake's add. Paul 'I'raut, lots 18 and,19, Blake's add. .Joseph Ilerod, the part of lot 2 of min lot 93 b on n side West Locust st. Jos. P. Traut, min lot 192. John Flynn, lot 2 min lot lot 191. Convent school, lot 1 of min lot 188. Convect School, min lot 187. .1. V. Rider, lot 2 of 2 of 1 of min lot 186. .1. C. Moore, n 1-5 433 city. Ed. Langworthy, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 176 and w 65 ft 226 and 227, East Dubuque add. John Everett, n 299 ft 156, East Dubuque add. C., M. & St. P. R. R., lots 246 and 247, East Dubuque add. Dubuque Packing & Provision Co., lot 422 East Dubuque add, Hugh Corrance, lot 11 1-fenion & Baird's sub. L John Hennessy, lots 1 to 11 inclusive, add. Tudor Jones, lot 8, Kelly's sub. Addison Cain, min lot 85. Winona Land company, lot 565, city. Alphonse Matthews, n'a n 1-5 lot 451, city. Fred Kennicher, n 1-5 lot 452, city. P. W. Crawford, lots 1, 2 and 3 of 2 of 673, city. German M. E. church, n 50 feet eX 746, city. B. E. Linehan, lot 363, city. JANUARY SESSION, 1891. C., M. S'.. P. R. IL Co., lots 515 and t:, M. Woodworth, e 111 ft s in 1-5„140 516, ity. 663, city. It. s. Wilson est, lot 662a, city. John \lulkeru, Int 309, city. lobo T. Hancock. lot 310, city. c. \N. \Iuchen, s3.'s 51 ft lot 162, city. John .1. Linehan estate, s 23.3 teet lot \l 4th c \\ est 1 14;11, ut.;sail ft lot tib',, ily. :n13, city, 'I•hi:Iim• I I;,u la', in :34.1 ft. lot 1ii;2, icily. \l, II. Martin, n 27.4 feet and s 20 feet lot .gouts Molten, lot _' of ii' 769x, .\. Mc_ 307, city. Daniels' soh. .John J. Linehan estate, lot 399, city. George B.l'rnvoost,n i, n1-5 Int Ili,,, rit c. Thos. Metchoir, lot 238, city.('onvcot school, lot ilia, oily. N. J. Schrub, w X lot 1, McXulty's sub. .1. II. shields, a 35 f1 lot 177, city. John HennQssy, lots 6 and 7, Mobley's Finite Gnuvile, si, 15t3, less se in-' \6u Ii. Dub. city. C. Mullen estate, lot 181, city. .14)1in Boll, w 162 ft s 2-5 lot Ilii, city. 1. C. B.. R. Co., n 38 feet, lot 20. city. .1. V. Rider, c 52 ft s 2-5 lot -ilii, coy. John D. Sullivan estate, 11.1., lot 61, city. Arthur \Icl'.tun, s 1-5 lot 461, city. V. A. Langworthy, lot 372, East 1)u- John MI•I oy, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, (Ira- buque add. ham's Sill). Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, n 38.8 feet lot 219, II. 1V. I Iod', lot I. Diming & I lorr's sub. city. 1'. II. and it. \lonturler, lot 2, Icwiii, Fred Weigel, s 44 fe.•t, tot 21. city. & Hort', sub. A. Levi, n41feet, lo, 69, el LY. ts;ne• Ilarris, lots 25 and 26, Dennn4 & 1). D. Myers and W. (I. Cox, tru'lees, n purr', sub. 28 feet lot 70, city. (I. II. Davis, lot 27, Deming & porn's .James F. Crider, Int 70, city. sub. C. lligley, n 20 teet, hot 71, city. John M. Kirkpatrick, lot 1 of 4 of min S aples, Pelan & Wilson, tt lot 16. lot 73. city. V. A. Langworthy, lot 4 of sub 7 of min R. Cox estate, lot 73, Cox's add. lot 73. John Buettel, lot 72, Cox's add. N. Ii. Collier, lois 5 and b of min lot 73. Convent School, lot 2 of min lot 86. B. L. McFadden, lot 7 ut nun lot 73. A. t•. Buettel, lot 1 and lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 11, s. l.,ui tyoriby, lot 8 ill tont lot 73. 1 of 9 of nun lot 73. E. ll. shepph•c, lot 767, A. Mel Motels'Mrs. Richard Scott, lot 8, Less street, soh. Fortune's sub. E. I1. Sheppley, lot 768 a, A. Mil)aniels' S. 51. Langworthy est, lot i of min lot 73. sub. John L. Buettel, lots 69, 70, 71 and 72, 1. C. Johnston, lot 5 of 809, A. \lcl)an- Cox's add. itis' sub W..11. Peabody, lot 9, Ilenion & Baird's Rre•har.d Murrill, lot 785, A. Met)auiels' sub. sub. Max Goldberg, 2,411, East Dubuque 97 a b. \ls. 11. B. No, es, lot 78.S..\. Mei)•wiels' acid E. II. .Jackson, lot 632, city. Thos. Connolly, w :3.14 ft 789 and 790, A. L. II. \Naples, lot 45, city. McD:udels' sub. Lutheran Church, II 2-5281, city. I. J. Ronan, lots 792 and 7!1:3 A. Mcllan- tis' sub. Christian 1)uttle, n i_ a 1-5430, city. i , Mrs. It. Buechler, lots 55 and 56, East L. Al. Langstaff. lots 791 and 795, A. Me -- Dubuque add.1)' 'Is' sub. B. S. McElbney, lot 67, East Dubuque stilt..US,, A. Atherton, s a, 790, A. 51e Daniels' add, Henry Welter, n 1-5.480, city. Jules 13uettei, n !. ,9ii 1.Met) ntels'sub. Jlrs..los• I)oltze5 n , 179, city. C. A. i'a3ne, Jr,,.830,x.1. McI)titieis' sub. .!as. Plaid). in 1-5 ri iv .I Rt. Rev. Joltli lieiinessey, lots 8211 and Jos. I,. and E. llutr, ty ; 51, East Du- 8'_'1, A. Me'Mine s' sub. b Fra axil. 11..1. O'Neill, a 48 ft, 783. A. Mcl):wiels' Francis M. Cox, s 64 4 fl, isa, city. W1ii. 11i•iflin, n23 ft, 263,c I. sub. V. ,,chnitdt, tut 27t3, co t. '..Josephs College, lots 12, 13, 14 and 15 I. I. Pritchard, lois 12 and 13, blk1, llub llenani and Bairt's sub. ll:tubor Co. nut. Vit. J.oelIi's I o;lei9', lot 714, rily. littlerJ. It. Shields, mid X lot 17, blk 1, Dub Harbor co. ;old. J.Mary\'. 11'ei rep2,ot a7t4141 dvly. J. 11. Lull est, in ':1 lot 17, blk 1, Dub Alice Goldthorpe, pe,t 3 of 711t, city. Harbor Co. add. l,oldlot ' 1 \Viii. L. Bradley, In !. lot 17, blk 1, Dub Henry hiker, to I I, Parley's sub. Harbor co. aald, l(. & Stevens, Int :aril, l:.i,t Dubuque .1. I I.'shields, unit is a' 110 ft, lot 1, blk add. 10, Dim Il,irh r1'n. add. J. A. lthotuberg, lot 373, East Dubuque J. II. Lull est, unit i.i w 110 ft lot 1, blk told. 10. Dub Harbor 1 i. ;Md. Win. llintrager, lot 13. Farley's sub. Win. L. 13riu11cy, „„ti !.; t1' 110 ft lot 1\Ins. A. C. Cummings, hots I3 auii 7, cum- blk 10, Dub. harbor Co, add, , mono' A. A. Cooper, e 186 ii, blk 3, Dub liar- •las. Iluwie. Int 8, Cummings' sub. borCo.told. Owen Conway, lot 3, Ilei item nmoon' s Chamberlain flow Co., lot 570, city.sub. Mrs. B. Cunningham, lot 591, city. Geo. It. Clark, lot 12, Cummings' sub. W. H. Peabody, w% lot ti, A. L. Brown's Mrs. henry Sellars, lot 1, Yates & Pictk- sub, et s sub. las. 11. Russell, lot 7, A. L. Brown's sub, ll. J.Linehan, lois 1 mid 2, Yates & Pick - E. Langworthy, lots 177, 178, 179, 180 anti els' sub. 181, East Dubuque add. Robert Waller est, n 34 ft, lot 39, city. Aug. Springelmeyer, s 1-5 lot 434, city. Allison .\ Bradley, s 20 It, lot 33, •city. .3 1't of n;5 In 1-G \I. E. church, s! ;, lot 47, city George Burden, est. s 23 . lot 466, city.Richard Cos c -t, lot 5n, c, y. Richards & Burdenw 52 ft s 2-5 B. P:. I.an. ban, n 41 It, lot 169, city. city. 'lot ti63, D. 1'oui_isl;y, sl lu; 18,4•11y. \Ins. It. 1'. l.atyrqure, to: 313, city. >,A JANUARY SESSION, 1891. 23 Christian church, lot 633, city. G. G. Moser, lot 296, East Dub. add. You are heresy noutied to appear at the next meeting of the city council to be held on February 2d, 1891, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE city, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Ti r.EuitAptt. Adopted Jan. 5th 1891. ROB'T W. STEWART, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICIi, Recorder. Regulating the manner of keeping the of- ficial record of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, and to provide for the preservation of the sate. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That immediately after each and avery meeting of the city council, the city recorder shall cause the journal kept by him of the proceedings of such meeting to be correctly printed on paper of good and substantial quality, and on pages of a uniform size, suitable for binding in record book form, with proper margins, and each pa go numbered consecutively. ties. •'. That prior to the first regular ses.iot of the city council in each month, the recorder shall cause the journals printed as provided in the last section, of all the meetings of the city council held during the preceeding month, to be bound together in pamphlet form, and furnish copies 01 the sante, so bound, to the mayor and each member of the council. That on the opening of the regular ses- sion of the council in each month, the journal of each meeting during the last In•cce,til a month shall be real I unless stilt reading shall be dis- pea,ed with by the council t and if found to he correct, aopreve,l. if objection to any portion of the journal shall be raised by any member of the council, the same tray be corrected. After the journal shall approved by a vote of the council, the printed journal of each meeting s tall be ancien by the mayor, or president pro tem., and duly attested and signed by the city recorder. Said printed journal, when so approved, and signed and attested by the mayor and recorder, shall constitute the official record of the city council. Sec. 3. The journal required to be kept by the recorder, shall contaan in full all m etiens, r.solutioos, ordinances, offered, presented or adopted, and all other action on proceedings taken or had any regular, adjourned, or special meeting of the city council. See. 1. That immediately after the last day of December in each year, the city re- corrlor shall cause all the printed journals of the prececiIings of tete council for the last preceding twelve months, as signed and attested by the mayor anti recorder as provided in the seeimil section of this ordinance, to be bound to-gether to a substantial book form, which shall constitute the complete and permit lice oflicial record for the year. The city recorder shall prepare and attach to said book of record, a full and complete index, by subjects, of the contents of the same. Sec. 5. That such printed books of record of council proceedings shall be in lieu of the manuscript record books hereto- fore used, which shall hereafter be dis- pensed with. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be pub- lished in the official newspapers of the SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque: That a sidewalk not less than eight feet wide, of good two-inch plank, laid crosswise, be within 30 clays of this notice constructed and lairs in conformity with the ordinance In relation to sidewalks, on the south side of 8th street, be- tween Bluff street and easterly line of lot 49 Corieil's sub, where not already laid the width herein specified; said sidewalk to be laid accord - ding to the established grade, under the super- vision of the city engineer. Adopted Jan. lith. 1891. 13-tOt J. C. b'1'I'ZPATRICK, City Recorder. REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY ''t. 1ti91. CITY COUNCIL. Palmer, \Vinall ,\ co., bl,ntks, etc. 11 UU Herald, blanks and :nlvertlsing12 s5 'I'imes, adveili I g a•J •.. February 2nd, J[rs. Koenig, serubbirtg tit y hallai 110 1891. Mr. Ilerizog, sawing wool 25 90 G. B. Grosvenor. stationery 51) fOFF1C1AL.1 harper Bash, stationer- Mr. 20 Council met at 9:35 o'clock a. m• llardtr .� S,• hark., hlauchs, Cie 6U ?5 Mayor Stewart in the chair. .1..1. ylrl:.Iity, stataoneryaudex- Present—Ails. Babcock, l'ieminsou, pease,- in rite Cases ti :3U Crawford, Ilalpin, Lowry, Saunders, Central [Mon Ir\ i ifelrpbuuc Co., tele- n :,n Stoltz, '1•rexler and \\ underlich. phone Ald. 'Crexler moved that the minutes of Jas. I:elly, stanouery I I _: the previous meetings be approved of as Duggan & Laine, brooms printed. Carried. C. 1\'. Robison, lumber :;6 I t The following bills were allowed: Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber,h G. Kopsch, book case 1,t.-1 oft The bills of Glebe Light .\ Ileal ('o. of John Butt, blaelamithuig "Ic .:501.117, 1)ubuque \\';ter 1\'orbs ('o, „I- Peter f Peter Ginter, glazing 2 :'o :10, and Dubugnc Electric IV). Light & Eugene Dietzgcn Co, level bookst6:1 i'oacc ('o. of :,656.16 were referred to ill • E. E. Frith, moving dead animals5 o" ,•onnuitlee en pollee and light. 13erden, Sellecl: & Co., scales 210 01I ILII 1,l I•cr"uson tiros. of $191.20 refer - G. Kelly, assistant market r.,l to the ,iic, roue,• on piddle grounds master 40 till i,Iul huildin"s. Christman & Ilealey, rope 14 19 Lill of i'Ct,,.r EIsbach of tir3,i.130 and Win. G. It. Clark, stops and braces 2 00 ,j, ;Irgltc of $9.00 ret erred to the street cuut- John O'13r.ei, wort: on sewers45 50 tutee. John Tierney, work on sewers44 65 gill of Coates .\ \\•atters of $4 referred J. F. Itis & Bro., sprinkler and re- to the committee on markets. pairs 3 10' t c.rrrn Martin & Strelau, freight and cart- The foilowin" I tutus \C ere referred to ace 2 75 the delnnli ei t ';u cununucer: Win. G. Watters, hay IU UU Nrs. \tare I,on:thue, firs. Hary A. Fox John Kleinschmidt, feed for pound 3llehael Brown. 'l'. .1. \I,c"nue, Jlar- and patrol 11 fi0 caret Bun a oil'', Mrs. I.eu \lel);utiels, Lear&I'litl'ner,horseshoein,• 551) ' is. E. yletz, Jlrs. I:Fidget ti' Farrell . John E. Hartig, use of guns 13 00 Grand I lldc•r,c !louse 1''.. \1' ni. Keough, Dubuque Mattress Factory, matt Mrs. Mary Urlseoll. C. T. and .1. It. Lush, matt- resses 37 50 1t1. Ileo. .bloc it, !messy, 'lis. Pollan. Wm. Quinlan, removing poles75 Sisters B. V. >I., German I:. I. 1,. :I. - F.Ganahl, removing poles 4 50 sinner L'nsa Ca,lncau, .los. .\nt I,t,•r, 11 R. Lorenz, one-half pay of 3 police lien. thin ,t-, D. \V. Emilia'', l l,•ur\ \l1, i - overcoats 45 UO' ler, Mrs. Lenrnig..los..Inilloc, l'. Lange, Western Electric Co., electrical soploa Ileake and Finley Hospital. supplies 182 57 The lulluwctc" petitions in relation to a -- Key advertising 12 50 sessniercl for cleaning sidewalk of still Key Pity Gas Cu., coke 17 25 were referred to the committee 01 the Peter llohluan, soap and brooms5 6:i whole: ('. \1'. \litChell, Gc•rnuut \l. 1:. E. B. Chandler, fire alit box 125 00 l'Itn•eh, ,1. C, l.obdell, I L t' rr,uiee, \D•s. Butt latus., rings 30 l , Ilerancourc and sisters „I Charity II. C. I1. Whitwell, veterinary ser- \', Jl. vices 37 5U C. C. Lemblce, harness supplies70 The petition of 1'. .1. Donahue. asking Quade & Noddy, brooms 2 10 that he be allowed $1,000 on his contract Dubuque Water \Vorks, wa er tar g•radnlg Suni11 Dodge street, was re- • 1033 3:3 lerr,d to the committee's the whole, a ith 71 65 instructions to investigate ,Is Io Ili• pur- l() 00 ported Change 1,l grade on Dodge .street . 5 50 Communication of E. II. .bepiley, ask - 5 75 mcg the city council to compel fire ucsur- li5 allee euu:paucies to pay taxes on the amount of business dune by them it the 135 35 city. Referred to the eonnnittee of the 3 O:i whole. Regular Session, supply Wnc. G. \V;tters, hay A. \Vunderlieii, horseshueing Lear ,', Plainer, horseshuentg Albert l\annolt. hurseshueiug Jos. A. 1'alen, drugs E. .1. Evans, balance dot: I'ur pay- ee.. S. \Into, plumbiug .loon Kleinschmi(1t, vanities, etc l'luristi:I n LeInbke, scone Bate, salt ";anneal lroc and Brass \\'orlts, repairs for steam tiller Christm,uf &Healey, nails Lalliu & Rant' l'u\viler ('u., pow- der B. I). Linehan. sharpening John Nlellee, +:mace n full for personal in•juri,•s Dr. G. AI. Staples ,A sou, services In :11,•Goe vs. City rase V. A. I.ieben, incl;ocg trau>,•ript in Ne;ee vs. CIl v C i.so P. II. IIalpm, Clerk, I es iii ease of 31ctlec vs. City 111. '1's'hirgi, Jr., exIAeuses inci- dental to engineer's ueparluteut. 1'):I.r:uttarn, advert,sdu" and sta- tionery V. ltuof, balance old C 1,; \ erts 1 50 Petition of .las, I•',ire•.t,•r and E. M. 3 on hickey, for 'penin" of a .tree' from \\'e:t 1 25 IIIA sweet to the sunlb,•rlt Iine 1,I IBJ Leleri•ed 11, it ,' rnartnate , us the whole. 80 Petition of .\lex. Sinn tut et al., aslcnIg 4 30 111: 11 p'•rmisstuu be given the proper parties 1 p1111.0 a switch trek in the alley be - 3 tin I\\c,•u Al MIR 1111(1 Intra streets and from 4 05 Ist to 2,1 streets. Referred to the com- mittee of the whole. 2 50 $111:;', ;',•titiun of ,luhleis l aeslt fur rotlnulnlg of , warshal's fees referred Io euuuitiltec 25 00 on claims. 20 00 158.75 7 65 83 65 23 12 Petition of Alton \'ogler, for perwlssiun to erect a bay window on his dict,• :11 Cor- ner of llhoncluerg and ('ruler aye., "ruIllyd. Petition of .11,1111 'I'ibey, asking that ii tc;u'raul lid .$1:11.65 he drat\ tI in his t.n'ur rci account of special ussc•ssncent un \\ Itch time has boon ox tended,gnuctod. 1'o1111,•111, Du'ulue Lrass.\ for extension 1,t sewer on Se\ milli street REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 2n, 1891. 25 to their factory, referred to the sewer committee. Petition of Joseph Bott for allowance of attorneys fees in ease of Bott vs, 11intra- ger. received ;eel Med. Petition of M rs. 11. C. Deckert for can- cellation of half her taxes, granted. Petit ion of s u l l i van & Bresnahoan for re- funding of :;,loon license. Referred to mayor. Petition of residents of \Vest Dubuque asking the council to compel the Key City Electric Motor company to operate their line to Center street. Granted. Petition of .1. V. Rider for permission to erect a bay window on building corner of 12th and lowa streets. Granted. Remonstrance of .1. 11. Carroll et al, against repairing and building addition to frame building corner 4111 and Locust streets. Referred to city attorney to report whether the city has any power to prevent the repair and occupancy of said building for livery stttide purposes. Petition of C. (lantenbein, Sr., for $100 damages for person•tl injuries. Referred to the eutnnttltee on claims and city attorney. Petit ion of J. N. Foye for money due for street work, _rated, and warrant ordered drawn for $34.09, amount clue. Plat of William street in Woods' addi- tion and petition for vacation and reloca- tion of said street referred to the street cum mince. Piat of Julia L. Lantsworthy's add. refer- red to the street committee. mtewers OF OFFICERS. \ndi1 1 l\onety reported receipts for ,1 o oars s72x2.15; cast, on hand Feb. 1, 15:11,-:�I,iattos: amount required to pay city MtiMens, -I,I69.75; also reported the several inn uuis wie contractors on special assessments an l 11:u11 into the city treas- ury. R1 ceived anal tiled and warrants or- deied drawn in ae,oroance therewith. Also reported that there are warrants to the amount of 2i;.2:1 over live years (Iue and recommended that they be ordered canceled. Recommendation adopted (and auditor instructed to cancel same by writ- ing across face of warrants in red ink canceled by order of council February 2d, 1891. Also reported that B. E. Linehan and .1. 11. Shields had failed 10 pay the amount chin by them for filling ti ut11 Main street. Referred to street committee. Treasurer Gonner reported money paid out by hint for interest, wood and refund- eded licenses to the amount of $590.00. Re- ceived and tiled and warrants ordered drawn to nay same. _Marshal Rice reported $1,485.85 due the police for .January. Also reported 42 police cases, also having collected $2 pound receipts and $105 license receipts. Reetved and tiled and warrants oruered brawn to pay ponce. Chief Reinfri -d report0,1 :41,209.80 due the firemen for the month of .January. Re- ceived and filed. Recorder Fitzpatrick reported lieenses issued by hint to the amount of $323. Re- ceived and filed. Street Commisssoner tiehmidt reported $160.45 clue for street work for January; also called attention to the collodion of the sewer on West Eagle Point avenue crossing Couler avenue. Report received and tiled and warrants ordered accord- ingly. The matter of sewer on West Eagle Point avenue referred to the street com- mittee. Also presented an itemized statement of street expenses and .asked for instructions as to the matter of trimming trees. Re- ceived and filed and time for trimming trees extended. Also reported a list of amounts due the city from different parties and recom- mended that they be collected. Received and filed and auditor instructed to collect slime. Marketmaster Gratz reported scale re- ceipts $38.60; amount clue for board of prisoners $16.80. Received and tiled and warrants ordered to pay fur board of prisoners. City Attorney McCarthy reported adverse to paying the bill of J. Maclay of $1.25. Adopted Also reported having procured a deed from henry Gruber for opening of Valeria street. Report received and tiled and deed order- ed recorded. 1)r. Watson addressed the city council and stated that he had a claim of $2.30 against the contractor who constructed the sewer on West Locust street. Referred to street committee. Bids for constructing sewer at .Fourth street engine house were opened and read. Upon notion the contract was awarded to M. Lavin for $67, be being the lowest bid- der. .Justice of the Peace Duffy reported hav- ing collected $5.00 fines in city ordinance cases C. Deckert reported scale receipts of Eagle Point scales $2.05. Received and fled. F. Fosselman reported scale receipts of Fifth ward scales $2.00. Received and filed. Chas. Pitschner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $4.85. Received and tiled. Chas. Baumann, woodmeasurer, report- ed receipts for January $2.90. Received and tiled. '1'. Granfield reported scale receipts of First ward scales $16.20. Received and tiled. Meat Inspector Rogan's report for Jan- uary was'rtad and on motion was referred to a special committee consisting of Alds. Crawford, Babcock and Saunders. Electrician Bunting's report for January referred to the committee of the whole. Jacob Kessler reported scale receipts of hog scales $8.05. Received and filed. Report of Marshal Rice for $2.00 each for eleven of the policemen for extra detail at last fall's election. Referred to city at- torney. Manor Stewart returned warrant for $293.40 as same was a duplicate of a war- rant drawn in December. On motion referred to the finance com- mtttee, auditor and treasurer to devise a plan for the avoidance of drawing and paying of duplicate warrants. Engineer'I'schirgi reported as follows: Presented plans and profiles of storm water sewers on 10th and 20th streets with two branches on White and Jackson streets, and reported estimate of cost of sarne. Referred to committee of the whole. Also presented list of macadam broken. Referred to street committee. Also profiles of grade of Grandview ave- nue from .Delhi street to Southern avenue, platted in profile book No. 4, page 22. Re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Presented plat of Grandview Place. Re- ferred to tete street committe. Presented prohle of grade of Valeria street and West Eagle Point avenue. Re- ferred to the street committee. 2G REGULAR, SESSI01i, F EItlt[ARY 2u, 1891. Presented plat of 1Iettel's subdivision. Also offered the following which was Kelerred to street committee. adopted: Presented plan and profile of proposed Whereas, The alley between 161h and change in kwatlnn of Bluff street eaten- 1st]) and \vosllin non :Intl 1%1111 streets was siren. Referred to the street committee. aeeepied by the council at the January Presented pl•olile of grade of Dodgesession: and. street from South Dodge street to Grand- view \There:l•. snot alley has not been rover - view avenue, Referred to the street (.1111- ed with gravel by tine eo1111 Itlor as re- mittee. gaited: iheretore, be I1 Presented plat of l useman'ssubdivision. L'eseiwed, That the action ot the coon - Referred to the street committee. cin at the January session in tweepi11lg the Presented plat of proposed widening of 1llli,n• 0111 e•:11 rel said :111e\' be rl•l•otlsidelea alley (extension of \\'lite street) between and no tither ael]otr be taken on s:oe ('eller avenue and .Iaelaott .street from until the contractor elvers said alley .1s Sanford to 23t1 street. Referred to the city required by Itis contract. :attorney to procure (feels free of cost to 111 Inver of pltytug the bill of John Ryan the city from the owners lu the pieces of ttf.:_'3.18 read estate to be taken. .Vllverse to claim ret John Jlehlhop fur 1'lat of .N'orrester's subdivision. Ile- refunding of 55.311 nacres, pall on special ferrel to the street committee. assessment. tiepin ,tlteleed. Presented plat of Kane street from (Vest In favor of ndup111:4 the tollo\vilg reso- Eatgle Point :)Venue to city limits. Ile- Innen: (erred to the street committee. Resolved by the ('itv Council of Ilse City Plat of Fra111: FusseInian's subdivision. of Dubuque: That the city eneineer be Referred to the street t 1lnnllllttee. and is hereby Itireetca 111 advertise for teas Action on the report of the jury on fun'Lieconstruction 01 the re\tel' all II1de change of grade on ltnoulberg avenue. street from tae old (.orpor non lute to Postponed until afternoon. south Dodge sheet. Athotted. \Vatracts were ordered drawn to pity Also reported adverse to adopting the commissioners on Itlonnbcrg avenue and resolution ter railing on Exchange street. jurors for opening 1',er.•e, Mate, Fremont Adopted. streets auto Litie0I0 atelute. .\Iso in favor of granlln,tg the petition tit All. Stoltz moved to adjourn until 2 .I. '1'. \IttI vey for the opening of Plebes o'clock p. in. Carried. avenue across the railroad tack, and ,the city marshal instructed to have the same AF'iElN011x 5D;ssloN. opened mid the street commissioner to 111 - Council met at 2::1.5 o'clock. p. III. Illy the tailioad (.onlpany to cons. rite! the ie. ]olper cllssin_ aI•rlss MU Ira(.k..\dopled. Mayon• Stewart II the (.fol Present—:\Ids. Babcock, Halpin, Clem- \Ist in fa\croh grauliilg Phil. Ytiid it -ISO!), Crawford, Lowry, .sounders, Stoltz, permission to excavate sidewalk III Irout '1'rexler and 1\uo lt:Ca •ti. 01 his property Int 11 in L. 11. Laitgnor- 1'otiloo and Drente for change of grade Ilty's n ldimi• .\do11111. on West 14111 street Iront Delhi to Blinn In lo\er of pa\ fag hill of ('has. Steue1( streets. Referred to the street commit- of •sat .So. .\dol.It 0. tee. In Elver .1;Mottling the following reso- 1:Eeo1:'rs IF l 'o)i \I ITT Dis. Illi 1011: cotnunittee,Ireportc linnllirtw roofile !pproviny otlrtnbugtte: '114,olved by nhat City liedgeCouncil street, between the bunds of Assessor Guthrie and .\ssisl_ the 1141 corporation line and south lhalge :Int .\,,este (flab. 1teporicd :ololtted. ,free . he graded, guttered, curbed and :Iso reported that L. 'J rexler place, his ntlletotamiz"d. in conformity with the claim at s259. Adopted auto warrant for urdinaioe upon that subject. That the amount urderett (trawl'.city engineer be .ltd is hereby direete.l to Aid. l']emiusun ()tiered the following bloke the 110,e,;:n! v ponos and specilloo- whictl \1'115 ❑lllpll'I!( Ileus for said improvement,: and the city Resolved by the City Council of the City recorder direcl,•ti II: glue the proi•er ental of Dubuque, 1'oai the salary ot the city for bids and proposals for the perlm'11dutee assessor\t'. 1'. 1' be rnllI,e work: the guttering, t•11rbig an11 X1,500 per year as twrelofore, 111(1thesal-1 the nlaeallautiziog t1 be done at the expense of 'try of the assistant coy assessor, 11r. 1'. the owners of the abutting properly. A. (flab, be Hived al .:110 per Month for (trading to be bid in total. six mouth,. Adopted by the following wale: ,ltd. Stoltz, chairman of the committee Ayes—Alis. Babcock, Clem iitson, Craw - on claims, retained as follows:tied. Ilalpni, notice, Lowry. Saunders, In favor tit allowing the bill of Byrne Stoltz,'1'rexler and \Vntti theft. 11r'os. of ,.11.50, T. \\'. 1 trete X10.15, Jun. to 1 ttnr of adopting the tolluttItt ' 11111 s: F. O'Dea ttt1.95. (1" \(.ill's Riverview ;old, l.: ernsey Adverse to paying claim of \IcCarten I.no \wortIly'sodd, John l''. iCleilist•I intars Bros. Report Adopted. stn,, Reeder 1.augworiht'.s sub -division, \III. 1lutlge ;irkiwell zit 3 o'clock p. in. Broadway told, (iralotvit'tt Park add, Alt - .1 id. \1'utderio•h, eliairntilti of the street hauser's suhd. Report adopted. committee, wade the following report Also in Elver of vacating :rod annulling Adverse i1 paying bill of D. W. Line- \lorhisel's sub. and i1 lieu thereof op- ium of X58.10 until contract is completed. prove within plat, and city attorney in- lteport adopted.stru(.it•t] 10 see That said Vae;l fou is legally Also reported having accepted the work and properly dune. Beporl mlopted. on .Julien avenue dune by Chas. Sleuel( .\tlVerse to adoption of \. W. 1lusford's from l;lttlf street to e line of lot 44, Cur- sub. Iieptlrt adopted. rell's add, and bout 1 respect street to 11ill 1'111 el Fairmont Pa'l( add. was pre - street. Report adol•ted. A15o reported 1+875.00 clue Chas. Steucl( solicit and adopted. for exeavat ion on Julien avenue. 1Var- The rules were ettuneldel1 null Airs. Ilat- raut for moonlit ordered drawn. per ;ulire,swl the council ou the matter of Also tepored 111 1'uvul' of pnylag AIeyor cleaning sidewalk of snow nod also t•()u1- & Pneb 881.19 our improving 11 kite street. .\IatlPlarerloft idewalkistin ee rentiii ewed toickett tolitee of the whole and the matter of REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 2D, 1891. 27 Pickett street referred to the street corn- the city of Dubuque be referred to the mittee. health officer and clerk to make such ar- ARI. Saunders, chairman of the enmm1t- ran gements ;Is may tie proper in the tee on police amt light, reported in Livor premises, and they are authorized to turn - of adlewii.g the hills of Dubuque Electric isit s;unples to the state dairy commis - He I.I^III .F I'ewel' Co. el s1.0, Butt stoner. Adopted. Itre•. el s2.70 and Globe Light te Ilett Co. nl :s57e.r;7: also in favor et :Mewing. :;I I.7o tie hell of $337.90 ml Key lily (las Co Ilepel't adopted. Aht. wanders, chairman of the corn - Aid. Lowry', chairman of the sewer com- mittee, reported as tollo\v's: Voir committee on sewers would report that wehave investigated the within resp- - lotion and ui ;ultldu,n te our former re - Melee oil Cleo tr'ical construction, reported I„,11 would civ 11,1 the sewer between as billows: Main and Locust streets, running north - ]'our commit tee yeti in tis fellows on the ward from 1st l0 5th streets, is the proper- pelitiom of the I s. E. V. anti P. Ce. ler Ie of M. i'sHhit_�i. the Fel urn of the •$50o it posh. I by then) Referred) nI .\Id. Babcock and city attor- w itll the city. ':'h,it they art' ttolebtedl It, Hey to report whether this sewer can be the city as fellows: Removingueall poles, I,urchased by the city and be paid for by �In: eleelriclan's salary trent May 1st, 1890, I,erial assessment. tm I•eti. Iii, Is!il, s,)t.85; lml;Il, S119,S'i, \iso reported as follows: lc iito a Irtlaucc of I:;o.hi. Your eeue- In favor of granting petition of Dennis nil lee would Iherefert reee1tiueull mid sulilll I rsewor tie,iv,'cn Malin and Locust the balance of the depeztl, .,s4:11).15, be re- 10011in:; south to .femmes sir et and in- turlld to the U. S. E. L. and 1'. Ce. upy11 strawt the ell )neer le make the necessary coudllien that the l . s. E. L. and I'. 6t o. plans ;101 specilieadion.; for the completion agree Im the above report ,..tntl give the cite eI Iliebalauee of Ilse sc\c• r. Adopted.'a rev,'tpt iii full tor any and all claim- \ 5i) reported us fmliews: a_ain.;t the city' to date, 1•'eh. la, 1691. lin I n Iavor of extending the sewer nortJr- nietion the platter was referred to the ward Ilritugh .Jackson park to 17th street ordinance cenunittee for the purpose of hetweeu Maim and lmwa streets, provided haute, I h F• ' . E. V. ;tad 1'. Ce, ""!2l't the abutti ., property owners north of the an amendment to their ertlin n,lnce t Teeing (lark shall give tile city a written guarantee to pay then' pro Iola of the eleetl'Il'l ill s that the city shall have full control of said sewer north of the park; the property owners to pay the cost of sewer north of the park. Adopted. Also offered the following, which was adopted. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary plans and specithatinus for the construction of the se\cor between Main and Locust, running south from First street to Jolles street, and to give proper notice for aids for completion of the work; same to be done at the expense of abutting property. Ald. Saunders, chairman of the commit- tee on police and light, made the following report: Your committee on police and light beg leave to offer the following: Resolved, That the committee on police and light be and is hereby authorized and instructed to enter into el,utract with the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and !'ower Co. for 50 additional arc lights on most advantageous condili ,ns the commit - lee can ehlalu; the price per lamp per year shall not exceed $75, and such arc lights to 40 Driehb add i,e in operation h.r May 1st, 1591. salary. Also reported in favor el paying bill of ('enlrtl Union telephone Co. of $'_'t1,50.\tlnpted. Also oil'eretl the following which was adopted: lteselved, That the city electrician be and is hereby utsi ructett to assist the street ceminissiencr in lowing the trees trimmed as per IF Inn ulcc adopted by this council for the better set:vivo or street lighting. \III. summers moved to reeensider tie. len of the vermeil on extending Bute Ior trillnuu:; trees. .\ •d. l'rtw loll moved to lay the motion nn t he table, Carried. .\ Id. Babcock, cha,rmaui of the delin- quent tax cemuuiltee, repmrte,l as bellows: I mm•el taxes of Mrs. 1,. M.. Collins on lot IT mill lot 721 let' 18911. Cancel taxes of .total Boesveld. Cancel taxes of Mrs. John Mc\lahmu on lel 5 out lot 1't`'•2. Cancel taxes of Cath Reuter on lot 351, 1tails' Farm add. ('alnee! taxes of Mrs. Michel Cramer on lot 253, Davis Farm add. Cancel t ixes of Mrs. Eugene Early on lot 105, Cox's add. Cancel taxes of Mrs. Carl Mussehl on lot tweet taxes of !'ape& Maur'/, on person- AId), Crawford moved to amend the re- alty ler 18:10. Cancel taxes of .bas. Donnelly on lots 10 atnd 11, i" ut ey's add. Cancel taxes of Mr's. Carnival) on lot 3, Bissell's Du ,uque. Adversely to the petition of Inose Rey- nolds. Allow (I. F. tichulidt to pav tine -halt his taxes as pay mint in full le:• 1890. Allow Mrs. .\n•Irew ..\luridly In pay one- half her taxes a; pa, to vat in lull fir 1890. Report ad pto1. In lav',,r of e:un clliu assessment of :1lrs. 11. L. Herr on personalty. Referred back to committee. '1'Itat they have no jurisdfet ion on the pe- tition of Jas. C. Flannigan 0101 A. A. Coo- per. Referred hook to the committee. Aid. Ilalpin, chairman of the executive mittee et the whole, reported as follows: cenul:il tee of the board of health, reported Receive and file communication of It. as follows: F. Curran in relation to route of Dubuque, '!'lett the matter of testing the milk of Kaunas City & Southwestern R. R. pert as fellows; Provided, That the contract shall be made for one year and that the aldermen from each ward ;0•t as a special committee ler the placing of the proposed lights in their respeclice Wards; and. further, that the contract shall be submitted to the council for its approval before being exe- cuted. A Id. f1'underlicli moved to refer the matter to the committee of the whole. (';cried. Ald. Babcock, chairman of the assess- ment committee, reported adversely to pe- tition of L. ll. \Valdes and in favor of re- ducing assesstuent et M. Carmody to $1300 on moneys ;Ind .•red its. Report adopted. AId. Wundcrheh, chairman of the corn- 28 REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 2r, 1891. In favor of paying the bill of the TELE. GRAPH of $65.65. In favor of allowing Bernard Lagzen $13a as payment in full for all damages to his horse and buggy on .Julien ave., said Bernard Engen to pay all court costs in his suit against the city by reason of said claim. Receive and file petition of Alex. Sim- plot in relation to extension of railroad tracks on Iowa street and alley between Main and Iowa and First and Second streets. In favor of instructing city engineer to prepare a plat for the proposed extension of White street from Sanford to Twenty- third street. Report as follows on petition of the l iec- ernor's Greys for permission to make cer- tain improvements in the third story of the city hall. That they believe said building is not safe for the purpose armory, and as it is the intention of the city to build an en- gine Ath a:ad Iowa streetothe l s, and with the tassist- ante of the Governor's Greys said 'alibiing can be made three stories and reserving and dedicating the third story to the Gov- ernor's Greys for armory purposes. In favor of referring the bills of census enumerators to his honor, the mayor, as the work was done under nis supervIsuuo. In favor of allowing the abutting lu'o- perly owners on 17th street front Pine to Sycamore street to pay at the rate lit Int • per lineal foot for curbing, and engineer instructed to furnish the treasurer a state- ment of the amount id above rate; also furnish the council a statement of amount to be paid to the contractor by the city on account of said reduction. In favor of relerring the hill of the TELEGRAPH of d--"-'l.:i't for extra printing to the printing committee. Adverse to granting Louis 'I'rexter per- mission to build a frame addition to build- ing on 4th and Locust, and the city mar- shal instructed to see that the city ordi- nance in relation to buildings inside bre limits is enforced. In favor of granting petition for the im- provement of Rhoniberg avenue when the grade shall have been properly adjusted. Receive and tile petition of J. II. Russell in relation to special tax for repair of side- walks. In favor of granting petition of the Du- buque Sclutetzeu Gellscltaft and of the stockholders of 1) buque Driving Park as- sociation, asking the council to _rant the Dubuque•Street Rahway Co. right of way on Couler avenue front Peru road to city limits. Also reported that they nave no jurisdic- tion on communication of the mayor in re- lation to the adoption of an ordinance fix- ing the time when municipal taxes shall become a lieu on realty as between vender and vendee. In favor of referring the resolution in regard to the purchase of the waterworks to the city attorney, he to give his writ- ten legal opinion to the council as to the validity of their ordinance as to it being exclusive and such other information as may be valuable to the city. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of giving the con- tract for repairing the tire steamers Sol Turck and J. K. Graves to the lowest and best bidder, and the fire committee and city attorney instructed to draw ftp a con- tract with said lowest and best bidder for the faithful performance of the work. Ald. Clcminson amended that the work be divided between the two companies. Lost. The question recurring on the original motion was mitotic I. Aiso repotted adverse to the adoption of ordinance granting Dubuque .h Sioux City R. I:. Co. ri_Itt of way for a track oft Iowa street input First to Second scree s. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute for the report of the committee: That the toil or be referred to the com- mitteeon orilin;tnees with instructions to report an erinron•e grunting the right to lay the 'proposed tracks un the we.l side of Iowa streeI Iran a jtutctiot! tcitlt the briilge:rnra below Virsi stroel to �eeonil On eontlition that the company putting in said tracks shall first iseert;tin :toil compensate abutting property bottlers for any injury that may be e;wsed to stilt property by the laying of said tracks as required by section 4111, chapter lit, of the vide of Iowa, and also en condition that. ail railways doing business in the city shall have an equal richt to have their cars set ill On Said Ir;trhs when desired by stoppers dying business on that part of sand street. Adopted by the following vete: .\ yes—:\Ids. Ilabeeclt, ('Ientinsou, Craw- ford, Lowry, Saunders and Stubz. Noes—.\ gds. llalpiu, 'i'rexler and \\'un• - Aiso reporleti in favor of receiving and tiliug petition of the opera houses for re- m issiou of license.. AId. Crawford offered as a substitute that the license be fixed at $25 per year. Lost by the following:vote: Ayes—Aldi. Babcock, Crawford and Stell z. Noes—:\IQs. l'leminson, Ilalpin, Lowry, Saunders, 'frexler and \Cunderlieh. :1Id. 'frexler untved to ref •r to the com- mittee of the whole. Lost. flee tiny stem recurring on the original rep,,rt tc,as adopted. \Iso rep rt it in haver of adopting the i'esilulien for ;lie i itp:ovement id West Locust street by attic tithing it so as to read from present terminus of improvement to Wiest side et rition avenue; :Use tltatthe engineer prepare plans and speetlieations ler the extension of the server en said ntreei to west side of Union avenue. .\ Id. l'leminson moved to ;uncoil to make the improvement as far as Alta Vista street. Adopted by the following vote: .lyes —Aids. Babcock, i'Ietuinson, Craw- ford, Ilalpin. Lowry, wonders, Stoltz, Treater and \Vttnderlteh. .\Id. Clcuttnsin 'neve(' to reconsider the above action. Carrie i. Ald. Cleminsiu moved to amend the re- port to make the tiuprov'nient is far as east line of I lodgdou ;avenue. tnu•ricd. The report as amended was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—.\ Ids. Babcock, i'leininsoti, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, launder , Stoltz, 'frexler and Wunderlich. The rules were sit sospendeil and Miss Blake addressed the conned in resat ion to laying sidewalk oil West Locust street. Iteterr'ed to the street committee. Ald. Crawford moved that the city en- gineer be instructed to prepare plans and estimate of sewer on West Locust street. Carried. Profile of change of grade on \Vest 14th street from Delhi to Broad street. Re- ferred to the street committee. The report of the commissioners ap- pointed to assess damages on change of grade on Rhomberg avenue was read. The REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 2n, 1891. 29 report is as follows: To the honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa: GENTLEMEN—The undersigned appoint- ed by you :to assess the damages sus- tained by the abutting property owners by reason of the change of grade on Rhom- berg avenue would report that the follow- ing persons having filed claims with the city recorder as provided by law: Eine- line Van Fossen, Joseph A. Rhomberg, F. W. Kringle, Mrs. Winnie Miller and A. S. Wolcott. We find the damage to be as follows: Emetine Van Fossen, lot 265, L l am's add., $20, Joseph A. Rhomberg, Rhomberg park, none; Joseph A. Rhom- berg, other property not improved nourisdiction, none. Mrs. Winnie Miller, lot 270 ham's add, $50. F. W. Kringle, lots 409 and 410 none, not improved; no jurisdiction. A. S. Wolcott, lots 262, 263, 264,'none. September 16, 1890. tric Light and Power Co. be and are here- by instructed to remove the arc light now located at the junction of Burch and West Fifth street to the junction of Wilson ave- nue and West Fifth street. Ald. Cleminson offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the grade of Grandview avenue be established as shown by the blue line in report of the city en- gineer. See grade book No. 4. Ald. Cleminson offered the following which was referred to the street committee with power: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the street com- missioner under the supervision of the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to slope the sidewalk on the north side of 8th street between Main and Iowa street, on the west side of the alley to conform with the grade of said alley. Ald. Cleminson offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That Winona avenue from its present terminus in Deming & horr's ad- dition be extended to West 3d St, and that the city engineer be and is hereby instruct- ed to prepare the plan of said proposed ex- tension and file the same in his office, and give the proper notice to property owners in accordance with the ordinance on the subject. Aid. Trexler offered the following: Resolved byythe City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the street commissioner be instructed to notify the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City R. R. Co. to remove the switch on sidewalk ou lith and l'ine streets. Ald. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city re- corder be instructed to notify the 1. C. It. It. Co. to plank the street crossings, water ways and culverts on the north and south; ides of 9th and Washing- ton and Jackson streets, tile same to be completed within sixty days. Be it further resolved, that the city mar- shal be instructed to notify the 1. C. R. R. company to remove the railroad track fif- teen feet south from the curb line on the southwest corner of 9th and Jackson streets, known as the linseed oil track. Ald. Saunders offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, residents of Eagle Point are now bitterly complaining about the Du- buque street railway not operating their line according to their charter, therefore Resolved, That the city recorder be in- structed to at once notify the proper officers of said company to run their cars on that part of their line as their charter provides, and that the city marshal be and is hereby instructed to see that they com- ply with this resolution. Aid. Babcock offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city marshal be and is hereby directed to notify all parties who cause or permit water, filth or ob- struction of any kind to accumulate or be placed in any street or alley abutting pro- perty owned or occupied by them, and If said obstructions or causes of nuisances be not removed within ten days to arrest and prosecute according to the ordinances on the subject. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the fire district extends JAMES MCCANN, JAMES BEACH, T. J. DoNAn rr:. Ald. Saunders moved that the established grade on Rhomuerg avenue between 1st and 7th avenues be changed. Carried. Aid. Saunders moved that the profile of grade signed by the abutters be adopted on Rhomberg avenue, between 1st and 7th avenues. Carried. Bids for Fifth street sewer opened and referred to the engineer for computation. The engineer reported the bids back to the council. D. W. Linehan being the lowest bidder on motion of Ald. Halpin the contract was awarded to D. W. Line- han. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin- ance committee be instructed to draft an ordinance granting the Dubuque Street Railway Co. right of way on Couler ave. from Peru road to city limits. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alit. Cleminson offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the ordinance counnittee be instructed to draft an ordulancecovering all gide tracks that are now in existence, and all that may here- after be constructed on city streets or property not already so covered, granting all railroads that are now in and any that may hereafter come into the city equal switching privileges, under proper police regulation and switching charges not to exceed $1 per car. Ald. Cleminson offered the following which was referred to the street commit- tee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Grandview avenue, be- tween Delhi and South Dodge streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam- ized 64 feet wide in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. 'that the city engineer be and lie is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and .specitica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and ma- cadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, in- cluding the Key City Electric Railway Co. Grading to be bid in total. Ald. Cleminson offered the following which was referred to the electrical com- mittee with power: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the CIty of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Elec- 30 REGULAR SESSION,. FEBRUARY 21), 1811 1,500 feet beyond the water supply or hy- drants and the city engineer be and is hereby directed to furnish the city assessor with a map showing the fire district as above. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz. Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Rhomberg avenue be- tween Reed street and C., M. & St. P. R. R. track be graded, guttered, curbed and ma- cadamized in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macad- amizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid for in total, the contractor to be allowed the surplus filling. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, (eleminson, Hal- pin, Crawford Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. Lowry offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the sum of fifty cents per yard be paid to all persons taking out macadam, provided such macadam is taken out of public streets under the supervision of the street commissioner. Ald. Lowry presented the following which was referred to the committee of the whole: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That from the first day of February and for the remainder of the year 1891 the pay of foremen having charge of street laborers be fixed at $1.75 per day, and the pay of street laborers be fixed at 15 cents per hour, nine hours to constitute a day's labor; and the street commissioner be instructed to employ no person as foreman but thoroughly com- petent and reliable men. J. P. LowRY, ISAIAH UI.EMINSON, J. W. HALPIN, Ald. Lowry uNofferedC he following which was adopted: Whereas, Dodge street is now graded and macadamized to the old corporation line and the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co. have their track and poles laid on said street, but as yet have operated no cars on Dodge street; therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the Du- buque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co. be compelled to immediately operate their cars on Dodge street to the old cor- poration line." Becit Resolnn vedffbydt ethe CitywCouncil of the City of Dubuque, That the street com- mittee be and the same are hereby, in- structed to proceed and grade Hill street between West Third street to Dodge street, according to a resolution passed at the October session of the council and ap- propriating $500 for the said work, to be done under the street committee. Aid. Crawford moved as an amendment that the engineer prepare plans and esti- mate of grading, also prepare plans and specifications for building a culvert on Hill street at intersection of Dodge street, and the recorder instructe to advertise fur bids for doing the work. The resolution as amended was adopted. Ald. IL•tlpin offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'I'hat the Dubuque Daily Ledger be put on the same f� hili as regards compensation for city priori, as the other daily papers ot Dubuque, and that it be authorized to publish ill ollic•ial notices inserted in the !Moly herald iii Times of this city. Aid. Halpin offered the following which was referred to the street committee and engineer: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That South Loeust street, between old corporation lane and Railroad avenue be grade 1, guttered. curbed and macadamized, in contornaily with the ordinance upon that subject. '!':cat the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder clirecied to give the proper no:ice for bids and proposals for the performance ot the work: the gut cr- iug, curbing and macad;utiir.iii to be clone at the expense of the owners of the a nni. ting property: the grading to be bid for in total. Aid. Crawford presented an ordinance entitled 'An ordinance to amend an or- dinance prowling for the rcmioii of snow and ice from sidewalks" t0 Icich was referred to the committee of the whole: Ald. Wunderlich offered the following: be it Resolved by the City council of the City of Dubuque, That the spcciau a,se,.- ment levied against lot 5, .laeger's situ, for improvement of Middle street by E. Frith ue and is hereby cancelled and the follow- ing corrected special assessment levied: Resolved by the Pity Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for macadam- izing Middle street from w line right of wary of C., .NI. & tit. U. 11. to I'eosta street by E. Frith, con- tractor, in front of and udjoinuig the sauce, a special thax be aural is hereby- levied on the several lots, awl lulls of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: C., M. & St. R. R. Co., 50, McCraney's 2d add: 57.05 square yards guttering at 30c.. 17 25 55.75 sq yds maeadamizing at 45c.... 24 09 Total $42 34 Adopted by the following vote: Craw- ford,Ayes—AldHalpin, Lowry,o`Saunders, Stoltz, Stolt, Trexler and 1underlich. Ald. 1Vunderlicli offered the following: Resolved e City ofDubuquells That to pays foncil r tent` - ing and macadamizing alley froth lath to 19th street and between Washington and Elm sts., by J. 11. Deggendorf, contractor, in front of and adjoining the sante, at special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels ut real estate owned, and for the Several ler tmoun tssituate et andpposite each lot or p trcel of real estate , as John Pregler est, lot 101. East Dubuque: 18.9 cubic yards grading at 13.4e ' $ 2 53 70.33 sq yds macadamizing at 86c.... 25 32 Total $27 85 REGULAR SESSION, FE1UUTA1TV 2D, 1891. 31 L. Kolbert, s34 lot 162, E. Dubuque add: 11.4 cubic yards grading at 13.4c $ 1 53 41.83 sq yds macadamizing at 36c15 06 Total $16 59 Frank Lange, n% lot 162 E. Dub. add: 7.5 cubic yards gradinU at 13.4e $ 1 01 28.50 sq ycis macadamizing at 36c 10 26 Total $11 27 John D. Welsh, lot 163, E. Dub. add: 12.2 cubic yards grading at 13.4c $ 2 17 57 sq yds macadamizing at 36c 20 52 Total $22 69 Pat Welsh, lot 164, E. Dubuque: 18.2 cubic yards grading at 13.4c $ 2 44 57. sq yds macadamizing at 36c 20 52 Total $22 96 I'at welsh, lot 165, East Dubuque: 18.2 cubic yards grading at 13.4c $ 2 44 57 sq ails macadamizing at 36c 20 52 Total $22 96 Mrs. C. \Vaflutter, lot 97, East Du- buque: 19.9 cubic yds grading at 13.4e $ 2 67 70.33 sq yds macadamizing at 36e.... 25 32 Mrs. Margaret Rawlings, lot 2 of sub. tomo. lot 170: 89.8 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 37 72 41.69 sq yds guttering at 41e 17 09 141.89 sq yds macadamizing at 45c63 85 Total • $118 66 Mary Jane Stickler, lot 3 sub of min lot 170: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 35 00 Total $ 65 11 Simon H. Harker, lot 4 sub min lot 170: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $21 U0 22.22 square yards guttering at 41c9 11 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c35 00 Total $65 11 'L'hos. R. I larker, lot 5 of sub min lot 170: 60.0 lineal feet eurbingat 42c $ 25 20 26.27 sq yds guttering at 41c 10 93 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 42 00 Total ..$27 99 Rich. A. Butler, ii lot 98, East Du- buque: 1 22 9.1 cubic yds grading at 13.4c 28.50 sq yds macadamizing at 36c10 26 Total $11 48 \V m. Biddulph, s34 lot 98, East Du- buque: $ 1 22 9.1 cubic yds grading at 13.4c 28.50 sq yds macadamizing at 36c ..... 10 26 Total $11 48 \Vm. Biddulph, n% lot 99, East Du - 9 w 9.1 cubic yds grading at 13.4e 1 22 28.50 sq yds macadamizing at 36c10 26 Total $11 48 Richard Welsh, s?a lot 99, East Du- buque: $ 1 22 9.1 cubic yds gracing at 13.4c 28.50 sq yds macadamizing at 36c.... 10 26 Total $78 13 Rosa McDonough, lot 6 of sub mitt lot 170: 112.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c47 04 414.78 sq yds guttering at 41c 49 78 17.4.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45c174 22 Total $145 85 Barbara Schaetzle, lot 9 Finley, Waples and Burton's add: 81.8 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 34 36 37.73 square yards guttering at41c... 15 47 137.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c61 70 Total $111 53 Jos. Joffroy, lot 10, Finley, Waples and Burton's add: 60.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26.67 square yards guttering at 41c.. 10 93 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 42 00 Total $ 78 13 Con Mullen, lot 11, Finley, Waples and Burton's add: 60.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 5 93 26.67 sq yds guttering at41c 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c42 00 Total $11 48 1'at. Welsh, lot. 100, East Dubuque: 16.2 cubic yds grading at 13.4c $ 2 17 57.00 sq yds macadamtzin: at 36e20 52 Total $22 69 L. F. Kolfenbach, 166 East Dubuque: 19.9 cubic yds grading at 13.4e. $ 2 67 70.33 sq yds macadamizing at 36c25 32 Total. $ 27 99 Adopted liv the following vole: Ayes-.\ 1.1s. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford. Halpin. Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, '1'rexler and Wunderlich. ld. \VanderI it offered the following: ltesoly^d by the ('it Council of the City of 1)ul�uilue, That to pay for curbing, gut- tering and macail;noiziug Bilin street front .Julien ave. to ('cuter st., by Edward Ryan. contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several kits, and parts of lots, ;.nil parcels of real estate herein - al ti named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set nppuaite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: ('has. I'ilscluier, lot I, Volley add.: I'_'•'.s lineal feet curbing at 120 $ 51 58 57.73 sq )its guttering at 41c 2'3 67 190.lia sit yds macadamizing at 45c88 37 Total $ 78 13 Peter Fitzpatrick, e 4 lot 12, Finley, Waples and Burton's acid: 28.612.71 squarleleet yards guttering at 41c15 21 44.49 sq yds macadamizing at 45c20 02 Total $39 24 Neal McGowan, w lot 12, Finley, Waples and Burton's add: 28.6 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 12 01 12.71 sq yds guttering at 41e 5 21 44.49 sq yds macadamizing at 45e20 02 Total $ 37 24 Neal McGowan, lot,13, Finley, Waples and Burton's add: 3 38 8.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c 1 38 3.56 sq yds guttering at 41c 12.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c5 60 Total.$ 10 42 Mrs. Frances \V lilting lot 4, N inley, W a- ples and Burton's add.: 28 04 6`2.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 27.58 sq yds guttering at 41c 11 30 96.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c43 40 Total$80 74 Mrs. Frances Whiting, lot 4a, Finley, Waples and Burton's add.: b8..0 lineal 44 sit ydsf guttering at curbing 341 42c $11 68 Tot,i1 . $163 62 i"a 32 REGULAR. SESSION, FEBRUARY 2Ii, 189I. 105.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 47 60 Total $ 85 72 Robert McGivern, lot 5, Finley, Waples and Burton's add.: 16.8 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 96 27.47 square yards guttering at 41c11 26 96.13 sq yds macadamizing at 45c43 26 Total $80 48 Robert McGivern. loth, Finley, Waples and Burton's add.: 61.8 lineal ft curbing at 42c•$25 46 27.47 sq yds guttering at 41c11 66 96.13 sq yds macadamizing at 45e 43 26 Total $80 48 Robert McGivern, lot 7, Finley, Waples and Burton's add.: 61.18 lineal feet curbing at 42c... $26 46 27.46 sq yds guttering at 41c . 11 66 96.13 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 43 26 Total $80 48 Mrs. Frances Whiting, lot 8, Finley, Waples and Burton's acid.: 81.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c, $34 02 37.37 sq yds guttering at 41c J5 32 137.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c61 70 Total $111 04 Wm. Reche est., lot 2. Reehe's sub: 50.00 lineal ft curbing at 42c $21 00 22.22 square yards guttering at 41e9 11 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c35 00 Total $65 11 Wm. Reche est., lot 1, Reche's sub: 69.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 28 98 32.04 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 14 121.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c54 70 Total $96 82 Wm. Reche est., lot 2, min lot 161: 351.3 lineal feet curbing at 42c $147 55 158.89,sq yds guttering at 41c 65 14 559.13 sq yds macadamizing at 45c251 61 Total ...$464 30 Mrs. Frances %Vhiting, lot 1, Finley, Waples & Burton's add: 90.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $'37 93 41.51 sq yds guttering at41c 17 02 155.31 sq yds macadamizing at 45e 69 89 Total $124 84 Mrs. Frances Whiting, lot 2, Finley, Waples & Burton's add: 54.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $26 04 24.00 sq yds guttering at 41c 11 30 84.00 sq. yds macadamizing at 45c43 40 Total $80 74 Fred. Herbst, lot 8, Reche's sub: 29.3 lineal ft curbing at 42c $12 31 13.02 square yds guttering at 41c 5 34 45.58 square yds macadamizing at 45c 20 51 Total $48 16 Fred. llerbst, lot 7, Reche's sub.: 68.4 lineal feet curbing at 45c $28 73 31.78 sq yds guttering at 46c 13 03 121.55 sq yds macadamizing at 48c54 70 Total $96 46 Win. .Reche's est, lot 6, Reche's sub: 69.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $28 98 32.04 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 14 121.55 sq yds macadamizing at45c54 70 Total $911. 82 W nn. Reche's est, lot 5, Reche's sub: 50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $21 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c35 00 Total ' $65 11 Wm. Reche est, lot. 4, Reche's sub: 50.00 lineal feel curbing at 42e S2I 00 22.22 sy yds glittering at 41e 9 11. 77.78 sq yds utacadain.zing at 15e 35 0 Total S65 11 Mrs. Fr 'noes Whiting, lot 3, Finley. Wa .les .& Barton's add: 62.00 lineal Leet curbing at 42r $26 04 27.56 sq yds guttering al Ile 11 30 96.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c43 40 'Total 80 74 Wm. Reche's est, lot 8. l behe's sub: 50.00 lineal Leet curbing t0 12e s21 On 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41e 9 II 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c:15 00 Total Ernest Butt, lot I. starr's add: 60.s Il lineal feet curbing at 4",• $95 20 26.67 sq ads guttering at 41e 10 93 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at Ias12 00 Total $78.13 Elizabeth nchrobien, lot 6, staIT'S add: 60.(X) lineal feet earning at 42e $25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 41e 10 99 4333 sq yds macadamizing at 45'42 (10 Total •78 13 A. Tseltir,i, lot 2 of nein lot 172: 108.5 lineal feet euroing at 42e 3 45 57 48.22 sq yds guttering at 41t• I9 77 168.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c75 95 Total X141 29 Lennard \lotsch. lot :I0 \Inrhis'n'sub: 143.0 lineal feet curbing at 42e 57 96 61.33 sq yds guttering at 41, 25 15 1914 67 sq yds macadamizing at 15c.. 96 Ell Total $179 71 Leonard SIot.u•h, lot :11, .Iinrhtser's ado.: 91.011 line i l tint curbing at 12e.. . 38 22 40,.11 •q >d-, guttering at Ile 16 58 141.56 sig yds macadamizing at 15e63 70 ,zt15411 Total >11`i ad.,Il '1'dsc:liirgi.l �olnwind, lot 32, Jluraiser's 91.0 lineal feet curbing at 1''e 38 22 40.44 sq yds guttering at -1Ic 16 58 141.50 sq yds macadamizing at 45c63 70 'Total I18 50 John Rawlings, lot 7, of sub of min lot 170: 96.5 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 40.53 42.67 sq yds guttering at Ole 17 49 146.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45e • 65 80 Total .$123 82 Independent School District of Dubuque, lot 14 of min lot 172: 204.0 lineal feet curbing at 42e... 85 68 90.44 sq yds gutteringar It' 37 08 314.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45c111 4(1 Total 2r11 16 Ed. Starr, lot 2 of 1 of sub of min gut 172: 45.8 lineal teet curbing at 42c 1924 34.13 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 99 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c35 00 Total .$ 68 23 Ed. Starr, lot 5, Starr's add.: 25.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c ...$ 10 50 31.56 sq yds guttering at 41c 12 114 115.11 sq yds macadamizing at45c51 8(1 Total $ 75 24 Unknown, Private alley, Starr's . add: 20.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 8 40 8.89 cubic yds guttering at 41c 3 64 i REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 2D, 1891. 33 81.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 14 00 Total $ 26 04 Geo. F. Starr, lot 2, Starr's add: 60.00 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 25 20 26.67 square yards guttering at41c10 93 93.33 so yds macadttmiziug at 45e42 00 Total $ 78 13 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 44, Morhiser's add: 91.11 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 38 22 40.44 square yards guttering at 41c.. 16 58 141.56 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.. 63 70 Total $118 50 'I'.eltirgi & Schwind, lot 43, Morhiser's add: 6.0 I lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 2 52 2.67 re yards guttering at 410... 1 09 78.t;t1 • t yards macadamizing at 45e.. 35 50 C. B. & N. R. R., s 103 feet of lot 745, city: 118.8 lineal feet curbing at 48e $ 57 02 290.91 sq yds brick paying at $1.88516 91 1'Idai $ 39 11 TSehn 1.\ �eh\viud lot 12, \lorhiser's sub 4,1 lul 13. l!u1'lliset' . add: 40.117 Stj card.. macadamizing at 450.$18 30 .\domed by 1115 follow inq vole: \ rs .\ Ids. Bali oek, Cleminson, Craw - tont. 11111tun, Lu\\ ry. sounders, Stoltz, Trexler and \\'uoclerlicb. (91. Noes—None. \ Id. Wunderlich offered the following.. Resolved iby. Itie City Council of the ('ilA of 1)ubullue, '1'11111 to pay for 1 ;v 04 1-f,at i litak sidewalk 00 north sideof \fest 1. •ust stre.•t by .1. R Riley, coolraeour, in front of and adjoining saute, a ,I11eiai tax be ❑all is helohy levied 011 toe several lots and darts of to S. (1141 parcels of real estate hereuotfmr named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, its follows: .John Blake est, lot 20, \Val. Blake's acid: 60 lineal fee plank sidewalk at 16c..$ 9 60 John Blake est. lot 21. \V iii. Blake's add: 70 lineal feet thank sidewalk at 16c..$11 20 .total 131,Ike est, lot 22, Win. Blake's est: 100 lineal 1,•et plank sidewalk at 16e, 616.00 John Blake est, lot 25, Win. Blake's add: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 16c, $8.00 John Blake est, lot 26, \Vm. Blake's est: 60 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 16c, $9.60. John Blake estate, lot 27, \V in. Blake's add: (37 lineal ft plank ridewalk at 16c $11 72 Jos. 1'. 'front, 1,4 ,4 min lot 192: 145 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 16c...$23 20 John Fly on, lot ' (it lain lot 191: 285 lineal 1't plank sol,\calk at Ific..$45 60 Adopted by the billowing vote: Ayes—_\Ill.. I;atwol•k, i lemiason, 11a1 - pin, Cra\cf it, t.u\crc. Sauutlers, Stoltz, Trexler and \Vundcrllch-9. Noes—None. Alit. \Vnnderlieh offered the follow Besot\ ' l by the lily Council of the City of Dubuque, '1'11at Io tray for curbing and brick I 1 v Hoz street from 2t1 to 3d streets, by 1). \V. L nehan, contractor, in trout of and adjoining sante, a special tax be ;Intl is hereby levied on the several lots, and tarts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or pIreet of real estate, as follows: i'.. 1:. & N. Il. R., n 124 of lot 745, city: 11o. 111110111 feet curbing at 480 $ 67 25 _11! •l Sq yds brick paving at $1 88530 95 Total $598 20 key Pity Barrel Co., s 30 of n 154 of lot 745• ell y: 30.00 I lueal feet curbing at 481• $ 14 40 56.50 sq yds brick paving at $1.88106 22 Total $120 62 Total $603 93 Dubuque Street Railway Co., right of way: 109.06 sq yds brick paving at $1.88$205 03 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. I3abcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich-9. Noes—None. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for the construction of a 12 -inch tiie sewer in W. Locust street, between 16th and 17th streets, by P. F. Guthrie, contractor, ad- jacent to the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, sit- uate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: C. Bayless, lot 1 sub of 10 and 11, Coo- ley's sub, 1733 sq ft, .00566c, $9.81. First Presbyterian Church, lot 2 sub of 10 and 11, Cooley's sub, 1980 sq ft..00566e, $11.21. First Presbyterian Church, lot 3 sub of 10 and 11 Cooley's sub, 1920 sq ft, .00566, $10.87. Ellen E. Addinsell, lot 4, sub of 10 and 11. Cooley's sub, 3480 sq ft, .00566, $19.70. J. G. Peterson, lot 5, sub of 10 and 11, Cooley's sub, 600 sq ft, .00566c, $3.40. J. G. Peterson, lot 12, Cooley's sub, 6000 ,c); ft, .00566c, $33.96. J. G. Peterson, lot 13, Cooley's sub, 6000 sq ft, .00566c, $33.96. J. G. Peterson, lot 14, Cooley's sub, 5690 set ft, .00568e, $32.21. J. G. Peterson, lot 15, Cooley's sub, 4498 sit ft, .00566c, $255.46. l'..1. Lesure, lot 1 sub of 671 city, 323 sq ft, .n0566c, $1.83. 2073 C..1. Lesure, lot 2 sub of 671 city, sq ft, .00566c, $11.73. C. J. Lesure, lot3, sub of 671 city 3968 sq ft, .00566c, $22.46. Fred. A. Kumpf, lot 4, sub of 671 city, 7628 sq ft, .005560, $43.17. W. \V. Carr, lot 5, sub of 671 city, 6041 sq ft, .00565e, $34.19. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Ilalpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ali. Stoltz moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: I J. C • 1 I=Atecorder. F EI;Itt'AR1' SESSION, l'' I NOTI_C_ ]. 'l'schirtzi .F S..Itwind, DIure- It i.er's ;obi. 41 118 50 l'scllirai .F schwin,l, illilt'- I'nblie uo:iec is hereby iVrn that at tin hei.elr's nd 13 39 II ,nal id. it ('itv ('ouncil of the 14It of 1•'ur Iira4111and Jtacatlaulizin_ Alley I'iil nqin•, held on the _(l day of Pili- flitch si,Ieenth 10 Nineteenth Street ;,,. I591. the following special assessments (iii ween \\'ashint4tlu and v. ere leci•d 1111 the read estate hereinafter Elm Streets: ribcd: Name. Description Lot. Ani't. r r I'itrbalg, Guttering ;11111 \Iacadamiz- of Property. ii'' Delhi Street iruw.lulien Avenue ylr-. I'. \\'ellhoeter, East I);a- to ('enter sweet: bailie '1, 27 99 Nance. Description Lot Ain't. It vii A. Butler, East Dubuque. of Property. n'_ 'Is 11 15 Fred. ilerbst, Ifeche's sub 8 $ 38 111 \Viii. Iiitidulh.h, hast Dubuque. do !ceche'; subi 9(i 46 .I. „s I I is \\'m. (ceche est., Ileche's situ... 6 9682 ,,'iii. Blddulph, East Dubuque,do Heehe's sub.... 5 6:, I I nI_ a'a I I IS du l;echo's situ.... 65 II Iheltard 1\ elsh. East Dubuque, do lteche's sub.... 3 tis 11 s I. 9'1 I I I.s Ito lloche's sun.... •_' 115 I 1 I'at Welsh, East Dubuque 100 22 69 do Leche s silt).... I !alt ..1 John I'regler est.. East Du - do min tui 161 2 464 :lit btotue 11)1 27 s5 Mrs. Francis \\Ming, Finley, I,. kiilbert, East Dubuque, \Vauks & Burton's add 1 !_I 51 s' , 161 Rai 59 ;Mrs. Francis Whiting, Farley, Irank Lange, East Dubuque \\';tiles & I;urton's add:' 7o 5_ n' 162 II _- Dir... Frauri. \\hon st, I•'n;ley, .I14111 I). \'t1811, East DnbitgneVI:: ai!1 \\;Iles d.' Burtut's add 3 Su 71 Pill. Welsh, East 1)ubugue.....161 Mrs. Francis Whiting, Finley, Pat. Welsh, East Dubuque.. ...165 _' tic, Wallies & aturton's add I 110 71 1,. L. huBenbach, 1:ast Du- buque 166 Waples & Burton's add 4a 8.5 7_ For Curbing anti Brick I'avin Robert .\I,•tin\'ern, Finley, Stree from Second to 'third \\';Iles & Burton's add 5 sit Is �tleet s: Bonen M. Given', Finley, Name. Description Lot. .1in't. ,,Valles & Ittiriou's add ti Su IS of Property. Robert \teem rn, h'cdey, I'. B..\• N. It. II., city, ii 124 Waples & Burton's add 7 53 45 feet 715 595 !t DD's. Francis \\Iiitinz., Finley,I Key ('uy I;arrel ('11., city, s :SU \\ aides .\ Burton's addi..... . 8 111 04' 11 n 151 It 71., 120 a12 Barbara Sehatzle, Ent I'., B..\ N. R. 1;., city, s l0a Waples & Burton's ;old 9 Ili 53 feet 735 tin:; U:; Jas. Jottroy, Finley, \\ aIlesDnhugn, greet I;y. ('u 2115 n; & Burton's ;mil 10 78 13 I" i,r Macadamizing and Guttering Middle Con. Mullen, Finley, \Vaples street front W. Line of Right of Burton's nth! . 11 78 13 Way ('. M. & st. I'. R. if. Peter Fitzpatrick. Finley, io Peosta Street: Waples & Burton's add., e'd. 12 37 24 I)eserrlluot ut Neal McGowan, Finley, Name. I'lerty. Litt. Ain't. Waples & Burton's add., w,14. 12 37 24 C., DI. & St. P. I;. It. Co., Me Neal McGowan, Finley, l'raney's 2d acid 50 42 34 Waples & Burton's add 13 10 42 For Laying 4 -foot flank Sidewalk on Chas. Patschner, Finley's add1 163 62 North Side of \\e.t Locust Street: Airs. Margaret Rawlins, sub of Description of min lot 170 2 118 66 Name. Property. Lot. Am't. Mary .JaneStichler, sub of min John Blake est., Win. Blake's lot 170 3 65 11 ado . 20 9 60 Simon I1. Harker, sub of min John Blake est., Wan. Blake's lot 170 4 65 11 add 21 11 20 Thos. R. llarker, sub of min John Blake est., \Vat. Blake's lot 17(1 5 78 13 add 9.2 16 00 Rosa J1. McDonough, sub of .John Blake est., Win. Blake's min lot 170 6 145 85 add 25 8 On John 170 Rawlins, sub of min lot John Blake est., \\'m. Blake's 7 123 82 add26 11 Ind. School .Dist. of Dubuque, John BI,tke est., \Van. Blake's min lot 172 14 264 16 ;ohI 27 l09 7211 Ed. Starr, sub 1 of sub min lot 172 J. 1'. 'I'raut, part of aria 114.... 102 i 20 2 68 23 John Flynn, lot'2 of min tot...191 45 611 Ed. Starr, Starr's add 5 76 24 For the Construction of a 12 -inch 'file Unknown, private alley, Starr's ado Sewer in West Locust Street Between 26 04 Sixteenth and Seventeenth Geo, F. Starr, Starr's acid 2 78 13 Ernest Butt, Starr's add 1 78 13Streets: Description of Elizabeth Schromaun, Starr'sadd Name. Property. Lot. Am't. A. '1'schirgi, ruin lot 172 6 78 13 C. Bayless, sub of 10 and 11, 2 141 29 Cooley's sub 1 9 81 Leonard Motsch, Moreheiser'a add First Presbyterian church, 30 179 71 Cooley's sub Leonard Dlotsch, ,tlloreheiser's First Presbyterian church 2 11 21 add31 114 50 Cooley's sub '1'sehirgi & Schwind, More - healer's add Ellen E. Additsell, Cooley's 3 10 87 82 118 50 sub Tsehirki & Schwind, sub 45, 12 18 30 J. G. Peterson, Cooley's sub... 5 19 3 40 Moreheiser's addCooley's sub... 12 33 116 Iow:I F1E:I;Rirn1IY SESSU)N, 18S►1, do Cooley's sub... 13 33 96 do Cooley's sub... 14 30 21 do Cooley's sub... 15 25 46 C..1. Lesure, sub of city 671.... 1 1 83 do sub of city (171..,. 2 11 73 do sub of city 671.... 3 22 46 Fred A. Itumpf, sub of city 671. 4 43 17 W. W. Carr, sub of city 01.... 5 34 19 And that in case of failure to pay the stone within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delu' Hunt and bear interest thereafter at the same rale as the delinquent annual city taxi.,. I)ttted at Dubuque this 11th day of Feb- ruary, A. 1)., 1891. LAWRENCE tioNNISlt, t reasurer of the City of Dubuque. 117) us F Gf f I' II' Vtli I\'I l Drawn by the City Recorder during January, 1891. ('rry 1tEclNtnl'n's OFFicE, 1 1)6n171t1' r:. Iowa,Fch. 1, 1891. 1'o (lie honorable 7,l, or and Pity Comic!): •Phe following is a 1'rulldole listof the warrants issued by toe durio_ tie month of January, (silt: \u,lIle For ‘vial. I'nrllose. Amount L. I;ouner........Mainly for Ilan, 'l'reas- nn•r �1 50 (10 .I. C. l iliptllriel:..S;alary for I),•c., Reeor- der 116 65 .1. M. Kenety'..... Salary Mr Dee., And - 100 101) 00 1 I \ICC:tally....StuIti 'y for Nov., Attor- ul'a............... 125 00 11. Zernecke..... Salary 6•r Ilee., As- sessor 125110 M. 'I'schirgi, Jr... Salary for Ilea, En- gineer.— 250 00 S. It. Rice ..... ....Salary for I)ec., mar - 83 30 shat Adam Sehmidt...Saltil y rs I (i t�•., street 91 65 Commissioner Jos. lteinfried...,Salary for Uec., t'hiet of lil'o deparinn•nt.. 75 00 Alex.Itratz.. ....Salary for Ile,.„ .\lar- ketuloaer..... ...... '(0 W E.,Ituues St`Itlr,tffy nliclllor lee., Park 46 CO C. Mpiry elli•Iler..Salary for Dee., 1'0610- 40 00 nlasler I. S. Itigelow...... Salary' for Dee., Ileattli 30 00 °(Neer John l)'1•onnell,..Salary for i.e., Com- mittee elerk......,., 66 65 B. ltawson......,.Salary for I)ee., Sew- er InspeeknGO 00 James O'I-lalluran.an iir for Ile,•., side- wilk Ii,ueelur60 00 Jas. limiting ...,..Salllr Ivor Dee., Elec- t urian 75 00 T. F. Hogan '4alar for .1n•., Meat I a,llerll,r so 00 1). Ryan.. .1'a rl ul folie' 70 00 75 00 10161 I;aesli \\ 61.1'are tr1'oliceman 48 35 \via. u'Itrien..... 50 00 48 35 'rhos. Reilly„ 4G 70 TI. 11'1'0611.11 50 (111 11;11'1 Cain 11 „ 46 05 \\111. 1`1'1111 „ .. •... •. •..••. 50 00 John Litt,eher SI) 110 1'. iVle\el'n\ „ Cdl till 1'. Ih11ae�:1o• 45 411 I', Kea I',11 50 110 P. I I;loloe ,� bU 00 John I'u utUill:. 55001N1 .I,uues .\ 0,1111 . 1 00 Jrhn I;rut •r...,,, i0 00 James t I. on ” 45 05 5 Ori 3u M. Il;u'die... 40 10 'nl, \\ l' ll.. 50 00 1•:11. Throve........ ..•.•.... ! Sant. l:h6er..... •• 48 35 48 :5)0''Porn Ryan....'•36 0 1011 I;\';In47 0 ,blot Tl6rldhy'.....41r0 11I \Vitt. Kinner......«11 50 Ufete• s,•6arf...... 5110I'. TIr1'n0111S...... 5U 11 (1011. 1411111.1.1..,... �1 ,h (;0011 John 51m'phy 41.9 .1 lit'S Pill'101 ) el' 19 911 Jawes I11ly Fireman.. .............. 00 ill) fah Rtu'nes75 11 ................ 50 011 Win. Duey. _ ,1 66(011•0() l A Tune l\'„ • 1l A. 1 1!t11'll r v0 1111 0 I . Tlel':Irl;lllll.... 50 011 ;11;... 1', 11111:1 .... ... lino. Tlnrl'......'. ............... 00 011 TI. I?ilrl 86 0(1 I'. Tlerlin ,1 50011 ............. .I. f.,ncul 00 00 .I. I'I nl! .... 60 00 ,I. \\ iII .. .1 5)1 (10 P. I'1\un 50 011 'I'. \\ll„I .... .... ..... 501111 36 FEBRUARY SESSION, 1891. D. Ahearn " 60 00 A. McGuan....... 61 16 600 James Allen...... " 60 00 John McNulty.... 618 (10 14 C. Kannolt...,... " 50 00 M. O'Loughlin.... $6 •' 800 F. Ganahl......... " 5 60 1). Sutherland.... 11 61 600 J. Schonberger... •`11 40 J. Sutherland.... 6 (Si J. Ward 6610 40 J. Schemmel 6 00 A. I)uceini " .... 12 0(1 Win. Tinkhant.... •' •••... 200 J. Albrecht Laborer 3 76 Thos. Welsh " 7 (xi A. Brummltt 686 .lobo Cooney \lacadam.............. 14 (NI F. Beyer.......... En gineer road roller.. 6 • John Corbett " g 00 John Bewer HelperW steam roller... 9 00 Fofall & J. Snick.. 41 11 00 Aug. Bristan Laborer. 1 85 J. Ilauprrt....... 44 9 UO John Bottoms.... 161 15 J. Hutto......... ........... ... 5 00 C. Burkhard •' 3 75 1 hos. Hackney... •` ...............20 (N) F. Bavendorf « 95 Andrew Hing Hauling macadam..... 22 00 John Corbett 1 25 M. liel.inl. Macadam 7 fill W. Crumpwell.... "...............10 95 aul K rokesk1.• • • • 17 50 H. Crumpwell.... " ...............8 45 James llelloyy.... '• 10 50 J. Collinson....... •' •.............• 2 00 ;McCaffrey & hall. 11 10 M. Dumphy P y••••••• " 1 26 .fames \lariwn... " 1350 John Eagan....... 5 95 W. Preston 0 0. H. Foltz.......... 6 25 'Thos. Rogers 19 00 J. Finert.y......... 1 25 Adam ]touter 700 Louis Fritz....... " 1 25 J. Schrier 617 (5) 50 J. Fiedler.......................4 40 Thos. Welsh 1410 pi Ed. Grew......... " ............... 260 Geo. Wetter '• 7 John Glessler..... " 18 10 Jas. Wusack...... 417 00 Joe Grab.......... 00 " 65 F. Freymack .. John Hatey Foreman 15 00 H. 1'i t lie......... 61,1 40 Ed. Hackett Laborer 285 John H """""""' Hageman... " 2 00 John Hayes......Foreman 460 Aug, Marsh " 1 75 James Harker... Laborer................ 4 40 J. McLoughlin17 50 A. Hofferman 11 25 Fred. Natick ..... 39 00 red. Otto �� 11 50 P. Krokeski......Laborer............... 3 75 N. Schroeder 1., 00 John Kinsella Carpenter 50 F. Kruger " 3 7d H, Tipple 760 •••.. 7611 Aug.Kauffman... �6 7 50 A Gratz • Board of prisoners.... 7 an H. Icht......... 6 • 2 20 L. Donner, treas. Money advanced. 500 00 H. Lempke....... ••5 60 L. Gonne'', treas.. Honey ,druu•ed... 500 al J. Leidmger..•... " 5 60 L. Gonne'', treas. \!Duey mil aimed1110 70 A. McGuan..... .• " 65 Chas. Steuck. ., Imp. \Udll.',treel 249 16 J. McCune 2 50 • Imp. 7th sire. t ....... 30; 97 J. McBride" ,' •.. ........... L. McEvoy " l Imp. 8th sheet ........376 10 John McCraney" 20 Imp. Johnson avenue. 2:11 98 ••3 75 " I[iili. Rhoiitbetg ave.., 112 27 B. McCormuck... 46 2 60 6. J. McNulty....... 64 6 25 • • • • • • Imp• a ley bet. Elm M. McCone........ At 3 75 and flue and 13th J. Mullen......... 66 65 and 14th 266 72 L. Meurise...... Imp. 1711; street 66(18611; 00 tlu C. Markelberg.... 1 25 Imp. 17th street 164 86 M. Nuten......... 1 25 Peter E13libach... (nip. Bluff street 8t; 27 N. Nicks Mason......... 1 75 Jos. Ronan Imp. alley bet. Nevada J. Abbelt......... .Laborer18 10 and W nova avenue. 109 66 Chas. Otto ..... ... « 1 85 John TibeyImp..Julien avenue.... 219 58 Fred. Otto........ 91 U66 J. Petryon........ •` " Iwp. South Locust.. 500 t 0 14 hip. South Locust ... sal 00 Win. Rooney • 3 75 1 25 E. E. Frith.......Imp. Elm street....... tans (N) J. RyanImp. 1...1111 Street ....... 513) 0') Wm. ltiemann" .... 11 25 " Imp. Elm street....... 361 13 J. Itaetz ..... Foreman .............. 27 40 " Imp. Elm street....... 50) 00 J. Raesner........Laborer 9 05 " F. Relge[ ......... " 9 .. • • • •Imp. Diagonal street .. 500 W. Ruff Mason00 • • • • • 111111. Diagonal street.. 390 0 02 9M. Specht........Laborer 15 60 Chas. 64 Prieb imp. 19th street Gip 00 S. Steible......... •'Imp. 19.1( street388 96 Win. Weber Foreman ............... 13 50 Prieb & Meyer...11110. White t t 1)13) 00 Chas, Wilde......Mason 3 00 6, Imp. Wbii,•,tre.•i ... ;,(S 21 John Whelan Laborer Iiip. Whig• street.... :.4G 2t E Mhikel[nan.... " 1 25 :\• llueciniIfemoving dead poles.. 4 50 John Wolf ., 2 50 .J. Kane Removing dead poles.. 3 (N) H. Bennett Team....... 8 45 John ('ahi l....... Removing dead poles.. 3 75 J. Brick10 50 .1. Ward.......... Removing dead poles.. 2 25 M. J. Hanson o 21 75 Win. lirecn..... ..ltemovhlgdead poles.. 2 25 1 50 Knapp Stout.. Co. C. I{alnlImann" J. Leicht •• 7 05 company........ Lumber.... 9 31 4 50 M. Hewer & Son.. Beduin . .......... A. Leicht 27 00 Trenk Wire Works. Winnow gutird ...... 30 60 John Long 21 75 Nesler & .Jun •k.. \Vater pipe .3 9fi John McColltos... " ..... 160 E. James.... Jung k.. Ott.......... " .....Repotting shovel165 • • 21 00 Dubuque Printing J. Steffes......... 1 50 company ....... Advertising P. Specht 600 M. Hertzo.,wood h •. 66 65 J•Tertv.......... . M. to Cuttini, wood.......... 18 00 Geo. Wetter...... " 14 25 T. W. Ituete.... _Oil and emery.......... 4 10 F. Slef,•e Express...... 1 50 Herald Advertising 33 35 W. Singinldt...... • • 1 50 Matt. Clancy Half lamplighter's pay 25 00 1). 1). Nitterauer •" 1 00 J. M. McKenzie Guards for windows.. 25 00 100 Ham & ('arver.... l'rintiu;......... ..... 4 60 11. J. Love .: Victor Heer....... •• L. Lindenberg ...1 dozen lamps11 00 J. Albrecht.......Cleaning sidewalks.... 8 75 1) Works. •.Water Water for city hall.... 20 00 J. Bm•khard...... •• 600 Ledg t J. Corbett ,. .. R Hat raAdverck... •............ 7 110, G. Ito sett 6 37 50 Thos. Dorsey.... " 00 pp Hat rack ............. . 2 00 Win. Foley •• .. 8Mrs. Koeufg......Scrobl)iug city hall.... 5 00 James Harker•. 2 rimes Advertising 33 35 John Hayes 960 Virginia Lewis _Recording deeds....... 13 00 J. Hageman 12 00 M..1. Mccnlhaigh.Auditing deeds........ 6 (N) I'. Krokeska. 200 Dubuque Rubber U. H. Lesser 750 Company........ Rubber stamps........ 4 75 M Lavin 950 Carl Fatka ..... _Hay .................... 2 20 J. Mullen 1.13 J.. lla y Hauling coke........... 50 8 00 Saul & ByrnesStone crossings 28 00 IFr111n7XRY SESSION, 1SS)1, Ed. 1;\',01.........1110(1ing I), !hi street.. 61:0 00 \Vorks..........Manbole cover s 75:i-; ., 300 60 Purlins 8t\Vaguer..Macadam..,.,...... Is Lo \I. 'I'scllinrt;.Jl'... Freight 011 s(w(r pipe 4 85 J W. \\ illi:nns...Nlonc cr..s-in's....., ,. 4:3 35 I;1111 & Nrun,i11•v'.I1a1,1nee on sclvl•r 445 35 .1. IL Ccilly....... Layi11g sIt i4 alk 133 92 Ilnu-(u & I.i11clian.1'enient 3 30 John hull ........ hcpniri11c mols........ 14 90 Fran. ,'old( .,4)0ts 19140 I: r.. 1'1'ilii.....,.lt(11111vllI1 (1(.011 aui- 111aAS.. ......... 3 00 John I1a11eock....Oa ts............. 18 45 I', I\ . 110111san....1.tlillner 2 85 1\1. Ih)oer & Son.Iilauketi 9 00 1 I'. I:1114)14e 8L ('1l R(p:tiring harness 6 40 .I. A. 1'alcu1)111g................... 3 65 T. \V, I;ntle Invss.................. 28 80 1'. V. L'obisonLunib(r 3 30 Fra It, 0 ('lark... Lantern wi(Ii25 1!nnc1c ,' ,toddy .. Ih'au4 00 I lnt,cicc Rnt11 •r 1.. 00,10 Boots.. ............... 10 00 li, I 1 II'. (.a: , nI• oKe................... 25 23 I) lim.11 • 11..1.111 14.11 • l o ,.umber 28 40 I•:. I:.I It 1.1,,h.,.. Fire box... ... 137 50 .Uel:cu lloc.2. Slone,.... ,... 9 00 1111p.aul i I\nn.• (III.., . 65 ,...,.I•r Itrnu. 40 .1,1111 II,Ii 1;1:11n r, 4 50 l • \. It 1111,•uI 1.111111 •1 . ' 10 I0 I'. s1 1,1 „ .. . 1: poi, ,n•_ I...is 9 00 \111,1. 1;.1„•1 IL111: _. _140 .1. ' \, 41. II,. .... _ 1.'uIt • n 100 \') 01. \\ 1.1,11.. .. \I.I ,I ..tin16 00 1101 5111:11110 \1.1'•,1 I,uu .......... IS 01) I'r 11. Il yol' . _ 51o11r 7 50 \. \\ nn,n•rn,•ll 11..i.,...,,0•012 10 75 T. \\ I'itillalr1cls.11ur, •,II�1 • ut. 5 Ii0 I,,•:u''s 1'111111 1 II,11,, 10.002 4 50 I., ;u• \ 1.1010,1 11.r--11 ,cul_ 3 50 Johnl, .•n. ..... .11nr.-II will_ 13'25 I,...1. I•:\an...... : 11111'1: 1 Mil \\ .11,i 1.11_01• II 111,,......., 6 40 'I' .1. II n.11lu':,: ii'e111„illgs........ 21 36 .1,1n0, Is,.I... . . .,ul-nli•.. 411 65 .I..I \11-,,u!II) 1'\l, n, ''11411 \I. II. \\:1111', .. I.\1,01, I0,tI01,1n\....•, !SIN) I,I. 41,0 11 .111 1;1.11,1 1,112 .,,U,. 51 FII I uu .. I11'I�'I .... 12 75 I ;. I. 4i .1. IS •v 211 \0.,.01 's.Ilur_,I. 10,• 11111, 17 90 1 0120- I1r11..... l: 'irIIr111, 1,lnlllaill.... 3 Il0 .I, -1 1 1.I \ 01., 01 _ .. n,' I 0'1 . III , tilt ..... 1 86 .Inll's .\\ .1.14,..11.1.!, ,II lilt','............ 18 51 I)nbl1,i111• 44 llirl' I'oitrul\ .. ..... 4\ ;der supply.......,.. 5011 00 I)nlnnlu 4\,111.1 1'0111, 111\ \\'al(r s11pplv..,. 500 00 I1111.11,11w \\:,1,•1' I0u111,01c_.... \\,11cr ;u11p1\�....._t3 :Cl A. Ga.,1-1 ... .. 111 I,.:... .. 7 I1) .Iohnll'I,r;,II, . \\01 Is ,n.•\\,1' ..._. 4: 7.. .1',1111'1.1 111,\ \\u1k011<,\v,r_ 13407511 lvc\ City I.O.I'I1 . Illls,•.... \\ In. K1113 \ss.slant 111al'Arl Inn, L(1'......... In Io A Faun ,Il .. llors •s menu;II a Chas. Steuck 1:0..•ttingcnr,,_. :1111 illas. Swim': l.;') lam .lulll'n,n cull . :',011 1111 ('lets. steuckI.1';tdi11g .10110,1 ,II 1•uu, 500 as 1'11:Is. StI Iok 1.1' I t II,; .lu111-11 ,n ern( 500 00 1)11(. I':u'Iuollylto,u'diu; ho 6 IX) IntIlnlluc I'.Iiell'l(. Ligol & 1'0001 l'onlpUty 3)) 01001110 IigliIs...... 312 511 I;Ion,• I.i2.111 0101 111..0 1'0.........;411 st 1'0 .1 I:ullps....... 5111 00 (110111 I.lglll :1191 Ileal 1'0........ Street loops.. 70 G7 1\e) City (las l'o..l:as and lamps318 17 J. C. Fdzp,ttriek.l'bu'i: board of health200 01) Central Union Tel. (onlpauy........Telepllouc service21 88 Eli. \IInr.'1•....,..Fees relninl(l, 5100 11. 111' 0ed el' & Klein( "Imam's.... ................4 35 li lbu11ul AV'atot' \\'urks Waley for 1'0uut411ns... 360 00; Iulti, Brass and \11.1:11I'0 ... 131':1.. tasthrgs........ '2 SO IIi11:sen & 1.111(- , 111111 1ew00L' 1111)(... .... •••. 53.07 rim, Shuck _ I mores! 55.33. T. .1, 11,111,11ine... 1.1,111111, 11,111.:, .I1,rl 300 00 F. P: 1'11111\I,(ca law !NI u\ c I 1 y I t' n n I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct cony of all the. warrants 15suod b3 toe during January, 1891. .1. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 2D, 1891. 38 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Bess'.on March 2d, 1891. [OFFICIAL.] Council met at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Mayor Pro -tem Wunderlich in the chair. Present — Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Ilalpin, Hodge, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler andjWunderlich. Aid. Saunders moved that the minutes of the previous meetings be adopted as print- ed. Carried. The following bills were allowed: Frank Cloyd, witness in case ot Mc- Gee vs. City $ 1Vm. Lonergan, witness in case of McGee vs. City John Fitzpatrick, witness in McGee vs. City P. McCollins, witness McGee vs. City Wm. P. Carter, witness McGee vs. city .l. J. McCarthy, coats Lagen c.. City G. B. tinI.Vcnor, stationery. t:erntan Catholic Printing Co., ad- vertising E.J. Carpenter, expressage F. Schloz, repairing tools .lohn O'Brien, work on sewers .1no. Tierney, '• F. Mertz, repairs, etc Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., suc- tion hose 23 410 Key City Gas Co., coal .. . Dubuque Water works, hydrant supply 1,033 33 Fraatz & Clark, drug supplies 2 55 Carr, Ryder Engler Co., flooring12 00 Wtn. S. Mo10, pipe 50 Quade & Roddy, soap 5 25 4 00 5 50 9 75 ease of in case of in care of in case of 1 35 1 35 8 75 1 85 2 60 4 35 75 50 00 50 8 55 42 00 42 00 16 00 phone service 20 50 Ham & Carver, quit claim deeds3 00 44 • assessm,•nt rolls, &c26 75 Herald, advertising 33 35 .John Wets, vitrol 25 95 E. E. Frith, removing. dead animals6 00 A. Herzog, sawing wood 3 00 The bills of Globe Light & Heat Co. of $501.67, Butt Bros. of $1.50, Dubuque Electric Railway Light & Power Co. of $625 and $43.40 and Key City Gas Co. of $122.33 and $141.47, referred to the commit- tee on police and light. Bills of Excelsion Oil 'Tank Line of $3.50 and Butt Bros. of 75c. referred to commit- tee on tire and water. The bills of Chas. Steuck of $24.96 and $24.20 referred to street committee. Bill of,Dubuque Water Co. for horse drinking fountains of $285.40 referred to committee of the whole. Bill of John Mulltern of $12 for services as enumerator referred to the mayor. Ald. Lowry arrived at9:45 o'clock a. in. .Ino. Ganahl, horses1 toetugg Leat & I'titl'ner, horseshoeing Albert Kannolt, " A. Wunderlich. h:. M. Dickey & Co., white waste 45 and plumbago 23 ticinfried & Jaeger, hardware 4 80 W. Gruber, repairing tin roof, etc2 75 75 11. Lagen, livery hire Ifni. Kelly, a-sistant market- 40 master 0 40 00 Rein fried & Jaeger, hardware .1..1. Ilrowusou,attendance on Fire- 14 W Fire- man Burke M. Lavin, constructing cistern. 4th 71 40 street engine house1 25 Duggan & Lane, salt Chas. Steuck, tilling on Garfield ave 8 55 4 05 C. W. Robison, lumber 4 00 .John Whalen, macadam 50 Baumgartner & Kleih, rope Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber2 28 PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Dubuque Brass anti Metal Co., Mrs. M. Corbett, .Josephine Dubraks, Nick. Schmidt est., Wm. Hollnagel, Iicnora Martin, Cath. Schaefer. 'I'. Mulqueeney, Recldin & Ryan, Bridget Brennan, Johanna Mc- Nally and Elizabeth Tuegel. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Christ. Knehnle et al. asking that a lane or alley 30 feet in width in Quigley's subd north and parallel to Angella street be called Quigley's Lane. Petition for crossing on east side ot Main and Jones street. Petition for improvement of West 3d street from Alpine street to Grandview avenue. Petition for change of grade on College avenue. Petition of abutters on West Eagle Point avenue to be allowed the difference in price between a high curb and an ordinary curb. Petition for improvement of and straightening of Schiller street between Lincoln avenue and high Bluff street. The matter of curbing on Dodge street near old corporation line (and engineer). Petition for extension of Merz street (and engineer instructed to make a survey and plat of said street). Aid. Crawford arrived at 10 o'clock. Petition for extension of Lincoln avenue to Coufer avenue referred to committee of the whole. Petition for extension of water mains on Lincoln. avenue from Johnson avenue to Reed street referred to committee of the whole. Petition of Ed. Langworthy for permis- sion to project the window at 544 Main fifteen inches in the street. Granted. Petition of Barbara Fecker for reduction of $1,1100 on moneys and credits. ier et aln ed. for Petition of henry Eagle crossinPointthe aven ecorner of Kniest Gr'anted and tand engi- neer instructed to have the sante laid. Petition of M. Nunan for reduction of assessmentto$7.75. GT anted. Petition of Jona Flynn objecting to pay- ing special assessment for laying sidewalk on West Locust street in front of lot 2 of mineral lot 191. Referred to the city attor- ney to give his written opinion on said matter. Petition for gas lamp at A. A. Cooper's barn on West Fifth street, and on Prospect street and at corner of Fifth and 'Vest t'. W. Robison, lumber Bart. E. Linehan, wire, etc James Kelly, stationery I.edger, advertising E. C. Blake, staking olat I lardie & Scharle, letterheads Mrs. Koenig, scrubbing police head- quarters .los. Geiger, repairing windows 'I'imes, advertising Baumgartner & Kleih, nails, etc Ferguson Bros., plumbing Wm. S. Molo, plumbing S. McElrath, freight L6 U6 Ferguson Bros.. plumbing W. J. Burns & Co., cement..... • • • . 1 65 11 50 John F. O'Dea, wood Chas. Wilde, cement and filling cel- 1 W lar Central Union 'Telephone Co., tele - 1 15 1 20 18 90 3835 10 00 11 00 4 00 1 25 :33 35 75 6 75 2 25 1 69 39 REUULAIZ SESSION, MARCH 2D, 1891. streets. Referred to committee on police and light. Petition for improvement of Union ave• nue referred to committee of the whole. Petition of .logit Mulkern for $6 ad- ditional pay for lot 2 of 15 and 2 of 16, in Dubuque harbor improvement Co.'s ad- dition, or that the plat of said lots as originally laid out be adopted. Referred to committee on claims. Petition of Hagerty Bros. in relation to refunding of team license. Referred to finance committee. Agreement of Cr. L. Torbert et al. in re- lation to construction of sewer film loth to 17th street between Iowa and Main streets. Approved. The following plats were referred to the street commit'ee: Plat of Leathers & Lacy of lot 3 of mineral lot 178. Linehan park addition. Michel's subdivision. Buettel & Langworthy's addition. Rose 1E11 addition. Plat of Reed's subdivision of e3 of lot 105 and of 187, Union addition. Adopted. Petition of '1'. O'Sullivan for vacation of part of Angella street. Referred to the committee 01 the whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand Feb. 1, 1891, $34,736.08. Receipts for month of February $57,530.19. Lash on hand March 1st, 1891, $39,438.52. Amount required to pay city officers $1,915.30: also reported the various amounts collected on special assessment and due contractors. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay the sable. Treasurer Gunner reported $425 23 paid out during February for interest, oats and money refunded. Report adopted and war- rant ordered for amount. Marshal Rice reported $1,444.35 due the police for February: also reported 45 po- lice cases tried, also reported patrol runs 49, pound receipts $1.75, miscellaneous re- ceipts for licenses, etc., $51.96. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Street Commissioner Schmidt reported $222.40 due for street work for the month of February; also presented in inventory of the tools belonging to the city on hand to the amount of $107; also presented itemized list of street expenses for Febru- ary. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn and a copy of the inventory be referred to the street committee. Marketmaster Gratz reported scale re- (eipts for February, $24.90; nue for board of prisoners, $10.20. Received and filed and warrant ordered to pay for board of prisoners. Auditor Kenety presented a recommen- dation in relation to the drawing of dupli- cate warrants; also to the drawing of war- rants payable to parties out of town. Re- ferred to the finance committee. A Is-) recommended that the warrant of $150 drawn in favor of Trexler and Pick- enbrock be canceled. Warrant ordaretl canceled. Meat Inspector Rogan reported having inspected 238 quarters of beef, 204 quarters of veal and 14 quarters of mutton. Received and tiled. Chief Reinfrtett reported $1,240.60 due the firemen for the month of February. Re- ceived and tiled raid warrants ordered. D. Iloifnunt..1. P., repined having col- lected 9$lu.25 ii les during February. Re- ceived and hies!. l'. tli•antield reported scale receipts of F li•.st ward scales $7.71. Received and filed. Chas. V. Baumann reported wood meas- urer's receipts $2.10. Received and filed. Chas. Pitschner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $2.67. Received and filed. Jacob Kessler reported scale receipts $14.10. Received and filed. J. P. Schroeder reported scale receipts $7.20. Received and fled. F. Fosselman reported scale receipts of Fifth ward scales $2.20. Received and filed. city Engineer'1'schirgi presented speci- fications for culvert at Hill and Dodge street. Approved and referred to the street com- mittee and the engineer instructed to ad- vertise for bids and let contract for con- structing culvert. Also presented estimate for grading of 11111 sweet from West Third to Dodge st. and recommended that the surplus_grading be taken from Ilitl street and put on Dodge street, or South Locust street. Adopted. Also presented a sta'ement of correct ion in curbing on 17th street. Received and filed. Also presented a uiat' showing by the blue low the 1,500 feet limit from nearest hydrant. Adopted. Also pre -crated profile of change of grade. on Dodge street from Rising avenue hi South Dodge street, signed by all the abut- ting property owners, the blue line show- ing the proposed change of grade. Adopted. Also presented plat of Winona street ex- tension and tiled notice of return of service out owner of property proposed to be taken. The recorder was iiistructed to issue a venire to the marshal I • :uuuion a jury to assess the damages it any by reason of opening of said street. Health Officer itigelow presented his an- nual report wlitch was referred to the finance commis•,•. City Attorney Mci niIu> also presented his annual report Nc hick was referred to the finau,ce committ(e. City Attorney McCarthy asked further time on the matter of paying the police for services at last fall's elecsion. Time granted. Also presented deeds for opening of Valeria street. Deeds accepted and ordered recorded. Also that he had notified the superin- tendent of the C., SI. P. & K. ('. R. It. that he would enter suit at the \tare!) term of court for $62.50 for cle uric duper! on 11th and Pine streets. Further time granted the city attorney on the matter. Also that the contract for repair of fire engines was made. Adopted. Also that be had procured some deeds fol the extension 01 White street from San- ford to 23d street. Further time granted. Also made the following report on the water works matter which was adopted and ordered published: To the Mayor and City Council of Du- buque: GENTLEMEN: -1n response to your reso- lution of February 2d asking an opinion on the validity of chapter 52 of the revised ordutanees, known as the "water company's ordinance," and as to whether the same is exclusive and for other information, 1 beg leave to report that the rights, privileges and obligations of the water company and the city are so plainly set forth in the above ordinance that I. cannot make the same plainer or more easily understood. 1 REGULAR SESSION, MARCII 2n, 1891. 40 Under section 7 the city now has the or commence proceeding in court to forfeit right at any time to purchase the works in the company's charter, thus leaving it to the manner prescribed, but it is not the city to establish and control a water bound to do so. The city has the right to works system of its own. The difculiy of buy the waterworks at any time by giv- the water company 's charter is this: It ing six months notice of its intention to do is left to a court to decide whether the wa- so under the terms and conditions of sec- ter company has complied with its charter tion 7. chapter 52, of the revised ordinances. or not; the many delays or technicalities if the city should purchase the water incident to law suits are well known to works it can raise the funds to pay for the every one. 11 the charter placed the power same in one of three ways: to declare a forfeiture in the hands of the 1st. Out of the general funds of the city council it would have been much bet - city. ter. But such is not the case. it is aques- ?ntl. 13} issuing bonds. tion of fact for the city to establish that 3rd. By the levy of a special tax; pro- the water works is not sufficient to supply vtdcd that it does not by either of the last the needs of the city; if the city can prove two named methods exceed the constitu- this fact by competent witnesses to the sat - timed 5 per cent limit of its indebtedness. isfactton oft court, then the council may at The city can not abandon the present once forfeit the charter by the adoption of water works. The exclusive privilege of a resolution to that effect. the company is good until theexpirataon of Respectfully submitted, the fifty years limit, and the only privilege .1. J. Mr,CARTItY, of the city is to buy the works. it cannot City Attorney. grant the privilege to another company.— Also reported on the remonstrance of J. Note to Sec. 443 Dillon on Municipal Cor- 11. Carroll et al. against repairing building potations. at corner Fourth and Locust streets. That On the question of declaring a forfeiture of the ordinance was plain on the subject in the company's character the provisions are relation to repair of old buildings. On somewhat pecdliair, motion the matter was referred to the emu - It is provided that a non-compliance with mittee of the whole. • 2 any of the provisions of the charter on the Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn to part of tile company shall work a forfeiture o'clock p. tn. Carried. But whether a substantial broach of any AFTERNOON SESSION. of the provisions of the ordinance shall Council met at 2:15 o'clock p. m. have* wen committed must first be deter- Mayor Pro Tem Wunderlich in the chair, mined by a court of competent jurisdic- Present—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, tion, and not until such determination has Crawford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, been made can the city council forfeit the Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. rights of the company. So that if the city Bids for street improvement were opened at any time wishes to forfeit the charter It and read and referred to the engineer for must first establish the breach by legal computation. proceedings. The ordinance is plain and Mayor Stewart arrived at 2:25 o'clock. exact in its requirements. The failure on REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. the part, of the couhpauiy to furnish water Ald. Cleminson. chairman of the finance sutlicient to suppl the detnands of the committee, offered the following resolu- city or its citizens constitutes a breach of thou which was adopted: the ordinance for witch a, forfeiture may Be It Resolved by the City Council of be declared. The city therefore has the City of Dubuque, That the name of P. a right to insist on a sufficient supply F. Guthrie as city assessor and that of F. of water for all purposes ronteniplated, A, Glab as assistant city assessor be placed and tat• water company cannot cut off the on the city officers' pay roll at the salaries supply for one purpose so lar 15 to furnish named in resolution passed at the Feb. 2d it for another, but mist supi0 it for all session of the council. purposes, both for the cii y and tile citizens. Aid. Halpin, chairman of the ordinance hrien inforui.uion \v1114•11 I have been able committee, reported and read for the first le ;either from officers of the tire depart- time an ordinance providing for compen- noont and others, the duct ground of corn- salon of the rely electrician and destgnat- plaint against the water company consists big who shall pay the same. in the fact that the pilar: or uruns, and the Adopted be the following vote: lire plugs or hydrants in use are entirely Ayes—Alli.;. Babcock, Cleuhinson,'Craw- too small. The supply of water from the ford, Halpin, !lodge, Saunders, Stoltz, lc\ el on the hill and that furnished by Trexler and Wunderlich. iueauiS of pumps from the artesian wells is Ald. llalpin moved that the rules he sufficient but the lilies in use by the cont- suspended and the ordinance read for the !,any for the carrying of the water and the second time and placed on its final pas - tire plug attachments are too small in all saae. Carried unanimously. parts of the city. The are said to he The ordinance was read for the second much smaller than those used in other time and adopted by the following vote: cities withho dtlatam no larger than Du- Ayes \Ids. buque. Owing to the smallness of the ford, hi ilBabcock, Cleminson, Craw - pill. fledge, lilies in use and the scarcity of fire Trexler mid \Vunderlich.Saunders, Stoltz, plugs • in suave i1.irts of the Aid. Halpin presented and read for the city it is thought by persons first time an ordinance providing for the competent to judge that a large tire could vacation of a part of city tont ngt , and ne ex - et r Insufficiency of size of pipe necessarily out be controtlt•d owing to the insufficiency certain considerations of Ih, water works system.Ielusive use of the premises se vacated • to John P. Page. Adopted by tile following produces an insufficient supply of water, vote: and if this last reutd be established in Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw - court, the council could then forfeit the fort Halpin, Hodge, :.awry,• chatter of the Water company by resolu- Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Ben. if it he true that the water works Ald. Halpin moved that the rules be sus - system is insufficient to supply the needs pended and the ordinance be placed on its of the city and its citizens it then becomes final passage. Carried unanimously. to�1question for icity council whether thullhewutelhetwe d geand time worksittopt d by hfollowivot Artivz 41 REGULAR SESSION, MARCH[ 211, 1891. A yes—A Ids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw - Stoltz, rrexlerr andtWunderlich. Saunders, 9 °tiers, Also presented deed from John P. Page deeding to the city lot 1 of sub division of south half of city lot 305 according to plat tiled herewith. Deed and plat accepted and ordered recorded. Also presented and read for the first time all ordinance providing for switching and transferring aicars long certn sidetracks in the eityof Du- buque. Ald. Crawford offered the following as an amendment to be known as section tour of said ordinance which was adopted. Sec. 4. Nothing contained in this ordi- nance shall be construed to recognize or ratify the action of said C., M. & St. 1'. 11. R. Co. in laying down and using said side tracks. The ordinance as amended was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, flat - pin, Crawford, bodge, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and 1Vu11dernch. Ald. Crawford presented and read for the first time an ordinance grahtiII the Dubuque Street Railway Co. right of way on Cotler avenue from Peru road to city limits. Ald. Saunders offered the folluwnng amendment: The neglect or failure of said Dubuque Street Railway company, their successors and assigns, to comply strictly with the provisions of this ordinance and also with all the provisions and sections of ordi- nances granted to the Dubuque Street Railway Co. and adopted April 25, 1890, and Sept. 8th, 1890, shall work a forfeiture of ail the rights and privileges heretofore granted[ by said ordinances above men- tioned, which forfeiture shall take effect upon and atter the passage of a resolution by the city council of Dubuque, declaring said forfeiture, and in the event of said Dubuque Street Railway Co., their suc- cessors and assigns, failing to comply with any and all provisions and sections of all former ordinances granted and adopted April 25th, 1890, and Sept. 8th, 1890, then they shall forfeit to the city of Dubuque all rights given or granted as above mentioned by said ordinances. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Babcock, Cleminson, Ilal- pin, Dodge, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Drexler and Wunderlich. Noes—Ald. Crawford. The ordinance as amended was adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Cleminson, Crawford, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Noes—Alds. Babcock, Hatpin, dodge and Lowry. Aid. Crawford presented and read an ordinance granting to the Dubuque & Sioux City It. 11. Co., its successors and assigns, the right of way for a railway track on Iowa street on certain conditions. The rules were suspended and Mr. Bas - comb addressed the council on the matter. Ald. Wunderlich moved to refer the or- dinance back to the ordinance committee to insert a forfeiture clause. Carried. Ald. Crawford presented and read for the first time a11 ordinance to amend an ordinance to provide for the inspection of animals and meat intended for consump- tion in the city of Dubuque. Adopted by the following vote: . Ayes—Ales. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, 111111)011, Ilodlge, Saunders, Stoltz, Drexler su11 \\ ondertch. Nues—All. Lowry. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended the iu'riedl bytheced on its vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, ('lentinso0, Craw- ford, 1Lalpin, Mudge, Lowry, Saunters, Stoltz, 'Drexler and Wunderlich. The ordinance was read for the sec- ond time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—.1 Ids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford. Dahlia, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, 'Trexler, Dodge and \\`underlich. Ald. St011r, c11nirnt,tn of the committee 011 (.1811115, reported in f't\or of allowing claim (t .1(1111 Ilaesle 111' s:::1 and adverse to claim of C. 1:a111eubein, sr., tar personal damages. Deport adopted. A Id. \\' underlich, chairot,ln of the com- mittee 1111 streets, reported as 1011ows: In favor of approving profile of grade on Valeria street. Approve the following plats: Fttssel- matn's snlnlivisien, Grandview place, Julia L. Lop( '' nd,1., 1015cm:i n's sub.. 11oslotit's sub.. .\Ietiel' s sitb. Report adopted. In favor of 8111,01 in 1 he red line as the tflicial grade of \also .street and Second street. Alt Adepted. Receive ,11111 tile profile (f change of grade on West stli street. Referred to committee of the whole. In favor of approving propusetl ch:ultr of location of Bluff street extensl,ln, the same to be done without COSI to '11 V. and city engineer to notify property ewnersto appear before the council tool show cause, if any they have, why said change should not be made. .Adopted. In tavor ui 11,11 approving plat of P'ur- rester's subdi\I ion unless the alley i, changed as itdit ,e...1 \\ ilhin plat. .1do1,1e1I. In favor of 11111,1'0\'111g plait (t e\1111,11111 of Kane street and cite ,attorney instructed to procure the necessary deeds for said ex- tension, the smog to be done without ex- pense to the (11 V . Adopted. 111 favor of tat o1l11tlg.the red line as the official grade of I'ute street from 23rd to 28th streets. Adopted. In favor of approving plat of proposed change of \VtWimps street. Adonted. Also reported as follows which was adopted: Whereas, The eity council directed 11181 payments be made tor macadam as broken: and, whereas: n correct repot t of amounts due various parties had not been made for your committee in tiitte for last meeting, and, whereas: your committee cawed a cor- rected statement to be made of 0111115 1111(1 atnornl: 11110 t':1rh as 51111 ,IS 1h1 corrrrtion could be rand., by the proper officers and presented sae h. \layer Stewart, request- ing the amount, 1( he 1)11111 at once, and Whereas, NI ay( 1 ste•wart allvanced the sum of 81,682.54.nnd therewith 111111 the la- borers, and has returned vouchers for the sums so paid, witicli your committee ou examination find to be correl•t; therefore, be it Resolved, 'I'h,tt warrants be drawn ni favor of Jla\or .,tnwttrt for the situ of $1,882.54, being the sura total of the vari- ous amounts advanced to the laborers as per vouchers returned. Receive and file resolution for the im- proving of Grandview avenue and recom- mend that a resolution be passed to im- prove Grandview avenue from 1)elhi street to South Dodge street as per accompany- ing plans of the city engineer. Also presented plans 01 Grandview ave- nue as reconunendedt., which was adopted. Ald. Cleminson offered the folluwtug: Resolved by the City Council of the City REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 2n, 1891. 42 of Dubuque, That Grandview avenue, be- tween Delhi and South Dodge street, be graded, and macadamized in center 40 feet as per plan recommended by the street committee in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, including the Key City Elec- tric Railway Co. Grading to be in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A Ids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler, l lodge and Wunderlich. Also in favor of allowing P. Eisbach $52 as payment in full of bill of $65.60. Adopted. Also that they had accepted the alley be- tween 16th and 18th and Washington and Elm streets. Adopted. Also offered the following resolution which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of Du- buque, 'l'hat the blue line as shown on the accompanying profile of Dodge street from Rising avenue to South Dodge street be adopted, said change of grade being signed by all abutters. Allow $6.75 on the bill of Wm. Jurgens of $9. Adopted. Instruct street commissioner to make an estimate of the cost of grading South Locust street from old corporation line to Railroad avenue. Adopted. Also presented the following: Resolved by the City council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for curb- ing and guttering \Vest Eighth street from Julien avenue to Hill street by Chris. Steuek, contractor, in front of and ie ioiniug the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several aniounts set op- eosite each lot or p trcel of real estate, as follows: I. I;homberg, 51 Corriell's sub. 21 linoal feet curbing at45c $ 10 80 I1).1 7,,.1 yds guttering at 42c 4 48 Total $ 15 28 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes•–AIds. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Hodge, Lowry, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. Aid. Lowr), chairman of the market committee, reported in favor of allowing bill of Coates & Watters of $4. Adopted. Ald. Babcock, chairman of the commit- tee on tire and water, presented the con- tract between the Iowa Iron Works and the city for the repair of the lire engines, which was approved. A Iso made the following report which was adopted: Whereas, The Ahrens Manufacturing company has delivered to the city the lire engine It. W. Stewart according to con- tract, and that said engine has been tested under the supervision of the engineer and chief of the fire department and direction of the fire committee, and said engine was found to be satisfactory. We recommend that said engine be and is hereby accepted, and would recommend that said engine be piaced in service at the 18th street engine house. olIN m.0 K, II. H. Ilo1i,;E, .1. I'. I .n ii is v, C..1. \\.I.ttJDims, Fire Committee. Ald. Saunders, chairman of the commit- tee on police and lhttu, r -'ported in favor of allowing the bills et toe (dobe Light and Beat Co. of $501.67: Dubuque Water Co. of $10, and Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co. of $656.16. Adopted. Ald. Lowry, chairman of the sewer com- mittee, reported in favor of referring the bill of the Dubuque Water Co. of $550 for flush tanks to the, city engineer and at- torney. Adopted. Also reported as follows on the petition of the Duouque Brass and Metal Co. for extension of sewer on Seventh street to connect with their factory; in favor of in- structing the engineer to make plans and specifications and present the same to the council; also find out what the cost would be to the city, if any, and report to the council. Adopted. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of the bill of the TELEGRAPH for extra compensation be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. The matter of i:eeping record of bonds was referred to the finance committee. Aid. Trexler, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings,presented sketch of proposed engine house at corner 9th and Iowa streets and moved that the committee on public grounds and build- ings instruct F. Ileer & Son to prepare plans and specifications for new engine house in accordance with sketch as pre- sented. Carried. Ald. Trexler, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, made the following report which was adopted. Your committee on public grounds and buildings, would most respectfully report that thea received from B. E. Linehan the abstract and deet of the north 44 feet of city tot 169, corner 9th and Iowa streets, and on examine the saute find that the city and county taxes for 1889, and the special assessment for paving the al ley,amounting in all to $195.73, are not paid. Your com- mittee would recommend that warrant bo drawn in favor of B. E. Linehan for $5,- 054.27. the above amount being in full for the payment for the north 44 ft. of city lot 169, less the amount clue for taxes and special assessment as above stated. It is understood that the city will pay for the grading of the alley. JOHN '1'REXLER, ISAIAH CLEMINBON, ,J. W. IIALPIN, P. W. CRAWFORD, FRANK .1. STOLTZ. The recorder was instructed to notify Mr. Linehan that his proposition for sale of lot at corner of Ninth and Iowa .streets has been accepted by the city and the deed furnished by him is not ui accordance with said proposition. Aid. Babcock, chairman of the delin- quent tax committee, reported adverse to the following petitions: Jos. letfroy, Henry Mueller, C. T. and .1. D. Bush, Margaret Bunworth and \Vrn. Keough. Adopted. Also reported adverse to petition of Sophia Menkes. Ald. Wunderlich moved as an amend- ment that she be allowed to pay one-half her taxes as payment in full. Carried. Also reported adverse to petition of Mrs. 43 REGULAR SESSION, MA.ROH 21), ISUI. Mary Driscoll. Aid. Trexler moved as an amendment that she be allowed to pay one half her taxes as payment in full. Carried. Also reported in favor of cancelling the taxes of Mary A. Fox, .los. Auchter, (on moneys and credits), German Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, Sisters of the B. V. M., Rose Cadman, Mrs. Caroline Lenzing, Geo. Burkis estate, D. W. Line- han (on moneys and credits as guardian of Katie Linehan and Kane Cox), Mrs. Brid- get O'Farrell, Leo McDaniels' estate and Mrs. E. Metz. Adopted. Allow Mrs. Mary Donahue to pay one - halt her taxes in full for 1890. Allow Finley Hospital to pay one-half the taxes on lots 3 and 4 of min lot 159 as payment in full for taxes of 1890. Instruct the treasurer to refund Conrad Lange $2.05, the amount paid by him on personalty. Instruct treasurer to receive $102.50 as payment in full of Grand Opera House Co. on west 70 feet of lots 171 and 17.2, city, fur 1890, Instruct treasurer to receive $358.75 from A. A. Cooper as payment in full on lois 615, 616, 166a and south 8 feet 617, city, for 1890. instruct treasurer M receive $26b.50 from lit. Rev..). Ilennessy as payment in full on lot 14 for 1890. Instruct treasurer to receive $61.50 as payment in full of M. Brown fur 1890. Instruct treasurer to receive $29.25 as payment in full of '1'. Ss J. Maguire for 1890. instruct treasurer to receive $3.69 as payment in full of Mrs. Curran on lot 25, Union add., for 1890. Instruct treasurer to receive $17.40 from J. C. Flanagan in full for 1890. Instruct treasurer to receive $15.37 from Wm. Holluagel in full for 1890 on W 34 lot 35 in L. 11. Langworthy Add. Cancel personalty assessed against Mrs. iI. L. llorr. Report adopted. Ald. Wunderlich, chairman of the coin- mittee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing remon- strance against levying special tax for cleaning sidewalks, and said assessment to be reduced to ;5 cent per lineal foot. AId. Babcock moved to refer back to the committee to make assessment on a basis of square yard. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Crawford and Hodge. Noes—Aids. Cleminson, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich. The question being put on the report of the committee was adopted Receive and file the ordinance amending the snow ordinance. Adopted. In favor of adopting the blue line as the official grade of Grandview avenue from Delhi street to Southern avenue. Adopted. Receive and file comniumicarion of T. J. Donahue for allowance of $1,000 on South Dodge street and street commissioner in- structed to notify Mr. Donahue to complete his contract on South Dodge street as soon as. possible or the same will be done by the city at his expense. Adopted. Instruct the engineer to prepare a plat showing a street 50 feet wide running south of West 11th street through lots 1, 2, 3,4 and 5 of city lot 687. Adopted. Refer petition of Alex. Simplot et al. for railroad track between First and Second and Iowa and Main street to the ordinance committee. Adopted. Reser communication of E. H. Sheppley in relation to insurance companies, to the city attorney to give his legal written opin- ion as to the right of the city to make said companies pay their just proportion for the maintenance of the fire department. Adopted. In favor of referring the resolution in re- gard to wages of city laborers to the new council. Adopted. Receive and file report of City Electri- cian Bunting and city auditor instructed to collect $2.63 from the Key City Electric Railway Co., amount spent in removing pole. Adopted. In favor of referring resolution in re- gard to fifty more electric lights to the new council. Adopted. Also reported in favor of paying ma- cadam bills referred at last session. Adopted. The engineer reported the following bids: WEST 11.0C1.,.1. sTit14: . Ed. Ryan, street improvement, .$4,038: sewer, $3,673.60. 'Total. - .71 I.rn. Chas. Steuck, street no % (Aent, $3,620: sewer, $3 936. 'I'ot,i I, -7,556. .las. Lee and .1. W. Norton, street im- provement, $3,074; sewer, $3,597.70. Total, $6,671.70. V. Ruol, sewer, $3,132.56. On motion the contract was awarded to Jas. Lee and .1. W. Norton. unostnEIO AVENUE. Chas. Steuck. $13,871.92: Ed. Ryan, $14,- 580; Ed. Frith, $15,521.04. On motion the conrract was awarded to Chas. Steuck. DODGE s'I•tiN:ET. 'Phos. Byrne, street improvement, $5,- 336.20; sewer, $4,950. 'Total $10,286.20. Chas. Stenck, street improvement, $5,823: sewer, $5,625. 'Total $11,448. T. J . Donahue, street Improvement $6,- 004.70; sewer $8,600. Total $9,604.70. J. 'fiber', street improvement, $5,737.20; sewer, $4.500. Total $10,237.20. On motion the contract was awarded to T. J. Donahue. Plats of Babcock's addition and Uni- versity Place referred to the street commit- tee. AId. Crawford moved to adjourn to Wednesday, March 4, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. Attest: ,I. C. FIT%PATI:IUK, Recorder. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 4'rit, 44 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, March 4th, 1891. I OFFIC1AL.1 Council met at 2:35 o'clock p. m. Mayor I'ro-tem Wunderlich in the chair. Present—Aids. Cleminson, Crawford, Ilodge, Lowry, Saunders and Wunder- lich. Communication of Bart E. Linehan in relation to sale of lot at corner of 9th and Iowa streets was read. Ald. Babcock arrived at 2:40 o'clock p. m. Ald. 'Trexler arrived at 3:05 o'clock p. m. Mayor Stewart arrived at 3:05 o'clock p. in. and took the chair. Aid. 'Trexler moved that the mayor and attorney be instructed to tender 11r. Line- han $5,133.34, being the purchase price of the lot less the amount for the improve- ment of the alley, and upon failure of said Linehan to furnish deed to the city, the city atiorney be instructed to at once enter suit against Mr. Linehan for specific per- formance of his contract of sale of the propert to the city. Carried. .\ hi. t'rawford presented an ordinance granting to the Dubuque & Sioux City R. R. t u. right of way for a railroad track on Iowa street and moved its adoption. Adopted on first reading by the follow- ing vole: Ayes - Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, I lodge and Saunders. Stas- Aids. Lowry, Trexler and Wun tierlm•h. Ali. t'iawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on Its final passage. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Ihilicocl;, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Iludgeand unit hers. Noes—Aids. Lowry, 'Trexler and Wun- derlich. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Babcock offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, Freemont street has been properly condemned and the amount of the jury's award has been deposited with the city treasurer and is held by him sub- ject to tate order ot the property owners upon presentation of proper deeds; and Whereas, Deeds to the ancondemnetI portions have been executed to the city by the abutting property owners; therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Freemont street by and is hereby declared a public highway; and the city marshal is hereby instructed to open the seine for public travel in the manner provided by law. Ald. Babcock offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City 01 Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of a stone crossing three feet wide to be laid on the north side of Third street on Clay street and let the contract to Ute lowest responsible bidder. Ald. Trexler offered the tollowing which was referred to the committee on fire and water: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Water company be and is hereby instructed to place two fire plugs. One plugs at the corner Seventeenth a ntiSyeaniore, and One at the corner of Six- teenth and Maple. The s to have 4 and 2X inch connect i.s: Ald. Trexler offered hie following: Iteaolved by the Coy council of the City of Dubuque, That Maple si reel, be- tween 'I'htrteentli aunt Ei;ihteenth street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamiz^d, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for t he performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at tie expense of the owners of the omitting property. Grading to be bid in total. Ald. Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the city conned of the City ot Dubuque. 'I hat i tlicenth street, between Pine and i\lalitesitc ts, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in con - fortuity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject; that the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the gutter - nig, curbing. and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the toliowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Ilodge, Lowry, Saunders, 'Trexler and Wunderlich. Ald. 'Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within thirty day of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the north and south sides of 12th street, between .Jackson street and fine street, where not already laid. Adopted by the following vote: A yes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford. Ilodge, Lowry, Saunders, Trexler and 1\'iinderlich. AId. I'rexier offered the following, which tt as referred to the finance commit- tee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city recorder be in- structed o-st.ructed to draw warrant for $400 in favor of the Eagle Point Ferry company. Ald. Wunderlich offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, It is deemed expedient by the city council of the city of Dubuque to change the grade of Alta Vista street be- tween Julien avenue and 14th street in the manner recommended by the city engineer in his report to the council dated August 15th. 1890, and 10 establish the grade of said street according to the blue line shown on the profile attached to said report of the engineer: And \\' here,t i, After due legal publication and notice of the intention of the city council to make said change of grade no objections have been tiled to the same, ex- cept by the owner of lots 1 to lot 8 ircusive, in Leven's addition. Therefore Resolved, That C. W. Bitt- inann, C. II. Berg and .Jacob Zangmeister be appointed commissioners to establish and appraise any damages that may be caused to the said real estate above men- tioned or the owner thereof, by reason of such proposed change. Ald. Ilodge offered the following, which was adopted : Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque: That the city engineer bean( 45 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESS[ON, MAR(11l 4TH, 18:11. is hereby instructed to prepare plana and estimate of cost of extending the sanitary sewers on and' along Wall street from Seventh street to D. & D. Bridge Co.'s right of way. Ald. Cleminson offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That all streets platted in the new additions accepted by the city be and are hereby opened and all obstructions re- moved theretrom, under directions of the city engineer and city marshal as early in the spring as practicable, whenever and wherever it is demanded. A Id. Cleminson offered the following which was referred to the committee on police and Tight. Be it resolved by the City Connell of the City of Dubuque: That the arc electric light now 00 single pole on south side of 11 ill and \Vest Seventh streets be and is hereby ordered re- moved to the intersection of 11111 and Pine street on double pole hanger, or if thought more desirable by the committee, on single pole east corner of fine and Hill streets. Ald. Cleminson offered the following placed 1)n the east side of Main street on Jones street. and the city engineer be and hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the same. Ald. i.owry offered the following which was atloptrll: !tl'.oIvtil I,\' lily City l'1)11t1(II 01 tit• 1 II of Dubuque, I h;lt the, city 1 )1 Ili 1'1 1„• and Io hereby 111 ttoored 11) make the 111 1 sary plans and sj t 1'Ilieatlns Sur the 1'1 u1 - Mono' of the following named sewers ,lull laterals: Dodge street branch from Locust street 11, Levee on 10,1111 see el•. 011 South Locust, from First to Dndgr streets. 011 South \Iain, from Jones to Dodge streets. lin alley, het ween South JL•tin and loath Lorltsi SI 11.0K 11'0111 t•'ll'sl 10 Jones streets. On Harrison, Irmo .Innes to 1)1,1121. streets. A Id. Lowry offered the following whteh was ntlul,1tl. Il • 11 II.1..,,,;1.1 snlc,,,,1111,%., it by 11ie V ('onnrit of Tho city id Ihl.tII iia. )'hat 1ho cit) 1'n nn•rr be and 1s tiereuy lnslruct,•,l to slake a eta lite showing 1be gratlr 1)n 1,11.11 .!reef which was adopted: :roll South Dotlge street to Willa 'i•ec1. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the Aid. Lo\\ ry n[ferell the following w•lucb City of Dubuque, That the city recorder was adopted: be and is hereby iostii"tell to i -.tie it \•ell- HeSnl1'141 by the ('Sly council of the Cit) ire to the city marshal to select a jury on of Dubuque, • 1'llat 1lie city engineer lie and the proposed extension of \Vuoola avenue, is hereby instructed to prepare pare pians and according: to the plans in the olliee of the speeilic;ilious and itilyer115,• for bi ,s tor the city recorder. Said jury to report at the next construction 1)f the sewer ruunite, her b regular session of the city council. front 1o111street to 17111 street. t,t•t\\ctrl' Ald. Cleminson offered Ole following Iowa and Muni streets. the city tn ha\t• which was adopted: full control 01 said sewer I1u11 the abutting Be it Resolved by the City Council of the properly owners to pay ail co.'s of the City of Dubuque, 'flint the city engineer construction of the sewer north of .lark -on and city marshall be and are hereby In- park lu Ii111 street in accordlltll•t' wllll strutted to remove or cause to be removed agreement made by the abutting proper)) all obstacles on sidewalk on the west side owners. of 1-1i11 street fronting lot 39, Kelly's sub, Aid. Cleminson otterwt the following the established width of 8 feet. which was adopted: Ald. Cleminson offered the following lie it Resolved by the 1•ily ('1)1111311 of rhe which was adopted : City of I)nunt;ae, 'l lit the mune of 1'. F. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the Guthrie :is city a-s.•ssor, an11 I lou 11 F. A. City of Dubuque, 'That the Water Co. be Glebes ;I,sisrtni olio ass •. r, ht' ptac1•d and are hereby instructed, or, in other on the cif'. iditers' pay roll at the n);u'1es words, ordered to lead their waste water named u1 res..Iution passel) it the Fen. ',I from their hill tank (on Wilson avenue) sessnnl 01 the council. north to Julietfavenue, instead of Wilson AI,I. Crawford offered the following avenue, where itis now a nuisance. whiclt was adopted: Ald. Cleminson offered the following, Res 11 vel, 'That a warrant for the suns of which was referred to the street committee 88.32 be drawn 011 11 . cIt v tl Is111',1 in with power. laver of Michael 1 :1rhno11\. bell;; the OBe it Resolved by the City Council of the amount of the excess 1)f the taxes paid by City of Dubuque, That stone crossings be him for 1890, on his rise-sun•nl of Moneys placed on West 5th street each side of and credits for that year. the city council Burch street, on north side of West 5th having redeemed sueli assessment from street across Hill street, on west side of $1,500 to 86111. Hill street across the alley first south of A1(1. Saunders offered the following West 8th street, on .Julien avenue which was referred to the committee on diagonally from the north side -say 10 feet fire and water: below the horse water fountain to south Resolved that the committee on lire have side of Julien avenue, say opposite the a (.•tmewell tire Alarm box placed on the butcher shop, and that the city engineer be co:ner Windsor and Sanford ayes. and is hereby instructed to advertise for Ald. Wunderlich offered .the following bids for construction of same, the work to which was referred to the committee of the be done as soon as the condition of the whole: streets will permit with the frost out of the Be it Resolved by the City Council, That ground.the city marshal he allowed 82110 in addi- tion to the amount received for services was referred to the committee of the rendered as city marshal for the year 189o. whole: Claim of Barbara 'Pippo of 8111.50 against Resolved by the City Council of the City John 1lagcuruu) for damages to building of Dubuque, That thesum of one hundred caused by blasting on West Seventeenth dohars (8100) be allowed Street Commis- street. Referred to the street committee sinter Adam Schmitt for the care of a with power. horse for the past year. Matter of measurement ot macadam of Ald. Lowry offered the following whiclt Mrs. Heim referred to the street commit - was referred to t;:e street committee: tee. Resolved by the City Council of the City Communication of Treasurer Gomer of Dubuque, That a stone crossing be asking that the auditor be instructed to ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 4Tx, 1891. 46 . c•ancei'warrant No. 3850 for $5.75 issued to north side of 17th street from Clay street to alley east of Clay street. M. 'I'SCIIIRGI JR., City Engineer. w. McDermott and paid Dec. 6th, 1890. -.ant warrant being lust. Granted. .1hl. Cleminson moved that when the nucil adjourn it adjourn to Wednesday, \l,crc•ii 18th, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. Car- ried. A hi. 'I'rexlcr, chairman of the committee u public grounds and buildings, stated I hat the c•uuuuittee would incur no ex- penses in relation to plans for new engine house until they reported to the council. Petition of Mrs. B. Jungles for permis- sion to construct iron stairway and pro- jecting corner bay window on her pro- posed new building, northeast cur. 5th and Clay streets. Granted. Petition of Dubuque Brass & Metal Co., asking that its taxes on factory be left the same as assessed for the year 1888. Referred to the committee of the whole. Petitions of .1. Plamandon and Magda- lena Wendt referred to the delinquent tax committee. The following judges and clerks of elec- tion were appointed and the following places designated for polling places and 'daces of registration: FIRST WARD. .judges—.john Carter and A. W.liosford. Clerks—N. C. Ryan and Frank Coates. Voting Place—Montana (louse. Place of Registration—Thos. Burns' commission house on Locust street be- tween 1st and 2d streets. SEc'OND WARD. Judges—John McKinley and T. F. Koeptli. Clerks—II. C. Willard and Cyril Greg- oire. Voting Place—Water couipan�'s office, 5th and Locust. ('lace of Regis! rat fun—Fourth street en- gine house. Tillnl) WARD. Judges—M. M igan and Henry Nagel maker. Clerks—John schulle and Rich Butler. Voting Place—City hall. Place of Registr,ction—City hall. Putt WAItm. Judges—Chas. Seward and Capt. J. W. Parker. Clerks—A. S. Bunting and Chas. I'itschner. Voting Place--Lorimier house. Place of Registration—Omnibus office on Eighth street. WEST PRECINCT, STI' WARD. Judges—Peter Specht and 1. K. Beek- man. Clerks—A. Vogler and Peter Sahm. Voting Place—Sehmidt's brewery. Place of Registration—Meyer's livery office. EAST 1'ItEI I.NCT, 5'1'II WARD. Judges—John Leicht and Otto Hess. Cierks—Geo. Pancratz and John Lillig. Voting Place—R. W. Lange's store on Lake street. Place of ltegistration—N. W. corner Queen street and Eagle Point avenue. Ald. Babcock moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: .1. C. FITZPATItICK, Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of city engineer until 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, March 7th, 1891, for laying side- walks as per plans and specifications on file iu said office, as follows: Un north side 5th street between alley east of Main street to Iowa street, and on Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of city engineer until 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, March 7, 1891, for laying plank sidewalk on south side Railroad avenue from South Locust street to Levee, accord- ing to plans and specifications on file in said office. M. 'l'SCRIRot, Jut., City Engineer. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder at the city hall until 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, February 28th, 1891, for grading, curbing, guttering and macadamizing Rhomberg avenue from Reed street to the C., M. & St. P. R. R. track; West Locust street from west line of lot 14, Cox's addition, to liodgdon ave- nue, and Dodge street from old corpora- tion line to South Dodge street; also for constructing stone arched sewers on said portions of Dodge and West Locust streets according to plans and specifications on rile in said office. Bidders to state price per square yard for macadam, the price per square yard for guttering, the price per lineal toot for curbing, the price per lineal foot for sewer, and the price for grading in total. Bids for improving West Locust and Dodge streets, to include the construction of the sewer on each of said streets. Bidders are required to give bond in sum of $500.00 as a guarantee that if work is awarded, contract will be entered into with the city. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. .J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Dtntugur, Feb. 19, '91. 47 ADJOURNED REM' 1,.\ l; S1 -SI( /N. M .\ I;I'11 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular sion March 18th, 1891. [OFFICIAL.] Council met at 2:25 o'clock p. m. Mayor Stewart in the chair. Present — Aids. Cleminson, Halpin, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and IN underlich. Ald. Cleminson, chairman of the finance committee, presented the annual reports of \,tial deer • • • in the different officers and made the follow-,tt tit,, tot \\'hich taken how "iii the above leaves the actual in- crease of total in- debtedness the past year null Then again we find the total cx- j)euses lot the ear ending Feb. 28tu, 1890 And total ex- pensefo the \ear ending Feb. -s, '91 ing report, which was acloptecl REPORT OF FIN? NCE COMM, IT t't?I;. To the Honorable Mayor end Cit ('. nn - cit of the City of Ltuburiue: GENTLEMEN: Your finance committee herewith present for your consideration complete annual reports of the officers in their respective departments, showing fully the financial transactions of our city during the past year ending Feb. 28th, in presenting the same we take they liberty in calling your attention to a a few important points. We rind considerable shrinkage in what are usually estimated as available re- sources in the items of delinquent taxes, license and special taxes, some of which run back a number of years as shown by the report of the auditor. We will venture a suggestion to the incoming council, that they devise some means of collectins; . all these old matters that are collectable and cancel all that are not collectable. 1 t certainly must be a disadvantage in re - taming uncollectable accounts on the city books to be considered in the estimated available resources, for we know that in our deliberations on the tax levy we must use as a basis our estimated available re- sources and if they are not reliable, the result is a shrinkage at the end of the (is - cal year. We find 'rimm. CITY INDEBTEDNESS. Warrnnis outstand- ing March 1st, '91.8121,120 46 Less cash on hand March 1st, '91... 39,438 52 Actual net floating debt Mch 1st, 'N. Actual net fl 'ung debt rich 1st, '90. Increase of floating debt Bonded debt Mch. 1st, 1890 Bonded debt Melt 1st, 1891 $81,651 94 liti.176 15 818,505 711 738,279 47 730,602 50 Decrease of bonded debt ( amoull t paid on principal) Net increase of to- tal indebtedness Now then we au'c entitled to the in- creaseot estimated available re- sources as shown by the report March 1st, 18111... 124,774 38 And by the report Marco 1st, 1890... 114,829 77 Net increase of esti- painted available resources ... 881 21 214.714 51 2:l5,tad 48 Vicar 9,1144 Uti Which in our estimauon is a very good ,bowing when we take into consideration the large amount tltat has been expended on our streets, made necessary 1.3 the in- creased growth tit our cit v and the de- crease of one-quarter of a moll in the tax levy from that of 1889, and that upon a valu- ation very slightly improved, which was an actual son nig to the tax -payer's of about I,;dnt, that is I. say the tax -payers of the cuy actually paid that amount less tax :ban ihc\ dui the previous tear, as the figures will short. We have, however, the pleasure of noting a ,tectdcd tail n tcluent in (present values ,,l aur ctly Property, and While the cumber of new additions will timbal ttedly increase the ilettiand ter new street improvements, we trust the incoming equalization board will see to it that the increased valuation on uch liropert} will hi' ' out the inrrraswl t'xpcnst' and further, while the proposIiiom may not urea with general I. we will v,•tittu'e a recommmcndatiol to the me\\ council that they devise some means by which all property abutting streets tvlu.•h are to be unproved shall bear at least one- half the expense of grading as well as ad of the macadamizing, gultering and curb- ing or other rnpro\entenis made: in this the city would be relieved of considerable burden, besides it would undoubtedly in- fluence parties laying out new additions not to at all times (arrange their Flats so that the streets will take in all the holes, ditches anti most inaccessible portions lit the property, and by this much of the bur- den being assessed to the primed y irect I v benefited, it will not be neees,ai't for the next board of equalization to increase the levy of tax for 1891. Otherwise they will be obliged to increase the levy in order to cover the unavoidable large increase in street expenses for the ensuing year. During the year we were obliged to bor- row money in different amounts aggregat- ing $47,000 to meet the necessary current expenses, most of which was obtained at 6 per cent. interest, and that at - per cent. only during the stringency of the money market in October and November. While we are at this point we wish to ex- plain the status of the Stocking' bonds, which we undertook to refund at 4 per cent, interest, calling the six per cents in August 15, 1890. Nearly all the bonds were turned in, but unfortunately the stringency in the money market cameupon us before we could get the four per cents placed, and we are indebted to tilt. German Trust and Savings bank for their kindness in taking up the old bonds ;tnt,l holding them for us. We feel confident from the present prospects in the atone\ market that the new finance conituiuee will soon be able to place the new I poi- cent. bonds in place of the six Per cents, which will be quite a saving in interest 7,676 97 10,828 82 9,944 dl ADJOURNED R,EGGULAR, SESSION, MARCH 1R•rlt, 1891. 48 to the city. The worst feature (to outsiders only) in the face of our city bonds is the five-year clause, but one moment's thought and a glance at the balance of our bonded debt of $38,057.89 drawing 7 per cent.; of $201,- 926.67 drawing 6 per cent. due in 1896; of $356,956.55 drawing 6 per cent, due in 1897, and of $107,161.43 miscellaneous loans drawing 6 per cent. due 1`+99 to 1904 will convince any one that it not at all likely that the city will take tap t per cell' bonds before the full time— so years, or at least as long as there are plenty of six and seven per cent bonds so near due. Upon the resignation of Mr. Sass as city treasurer Nov. 1st, 1890, and the the conse- quent transfer of all moneys, books, etc., to the new treasurer, Mr. L. Gonner, we found ever ything correct -and the system ot bookkeeping good. The matter of keep- ing record and reports of the payment of interest coupons upon suggestion of the auditor can be improved by the adoption of a form which we have recommended. There has been inure or less trouble in the payment of bills for supplies in the draw- ing of warrants covering bills for the same goods twice. This, we believe, can be easily obviated by properly defining and enforcing the duties of the committee on purchase of supplies, and we would recommend that the officer at the head of each department in the city be re- quired at the beginning of each month or quarter of the year to furnish thechairman of the committee on purchase of supplies, a list of the probable requirements in his department for such stated period, and it should be the duty of said committee through the chairman to purchase all such supplies at the lowest competition prices. By this we believe many dollars could be saved for the city, Sind duel u me bills and payments more easily and entirely avoided. We believe his honor, the mayor, and every member of the council, has acted on every question with a view purely in the interest of the city of Dubuque. We take no credit upon ourselves as a finance com- mittee, further than that we succeeded in borrowing all the money that it was abso- lutely necessary to have to meet the cur- rent expenses, and in so doing we feel proud to say we found the credit of the city excellent. Respectfully submitted, ISAIAH CLEMINsoN• F. J. S•rourz, J. TISENLER, J. W. BALPIN. Aids. Babcock and Lowry arrived at 2:35 o'clock p. m. Aid. Saunders moved that the annual reports of the officers be adopted and or- dered printed. Carried. Ald. Trexler moved that the reports be referred to the finance committee to have 300 copies printed, the contract to be awarded to the lowest bidder. Carried. Ald. l lodge arrived at 2:45 o'clock p. m. Aid. Cleminson presented form of keep- ing record of bonds redeemed and recom- mended that it be adopted. Adopted. On motion the matter was referred to finance committee. Ald. llalpin offered the following: Whereas, The owners of lots 541, 542, 543, 544, 546 and 548, having totally failed to comply with the resolution adopted at a regular session of the city council held October 10th, 1890, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer prepare plans and specifica- tions for the raising or tilling of said lots in accordance with said resolution, and that he advertise for bids and proposals for the doing of the work; the expense thereof as- sessed to the owner or owners of said lots. Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Cleminson, Hal- pin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Wunderlich, Aid. Halpin offered the following which was referred to the ordinance committee: Whereas, Certain city officers are for sonic reason failing to enforce and carry out the resolutions of the city council as passed and adopted by the council; there- fore, be it Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That any city officer, whether elected or appointed, who shall fail for any reason to carry out the instructions of the city councill shall be suspended from his office by the mayor and shall receive no salary during the interim until re -instated by the council. Ald. llalpin offered the following which was adopted. Whereas, The City Council of the City of Dubuque, did on the 6th day of Octo- ber, 1890, grant by ordinance certain parcels of land to the Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railway company, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare a proper plat of said parcels of land for the purpose of taxation and said plat and description be furnfshed to the assessor for taxation for 1891. Ald. Babcock offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That an order for $50 be drawn in favor of Mrs. Siege on account of the opening of Fremont street, being the amount awarded by the jury and now in the hands of the treasurer, and the city at- torney is instructed to procure the neces- LICENSES. We believe a small license should be im- posed on all twill; peddlers. With their wagons they have unlimited use ot our im- proved streets, and they should be willing to bear a portion of the expense necessary to keep up our streets. We believe all foreign insurance com- panies doing business in the city should be required to pay a small city license. They should be willing to bear a portion of the expense necessary to keep up our the department. The chief of the fire department in his report makes some very excellent suggestions in regard to fire protection for the laid property, which should re- ceive eaaretul eme.id •ratioi and action of the incoming council, hearing in mind that this portion of our city is becoming quite thickly populated and paying their pro- portion of the expense of the fire depart- ment they should receive due considera- tion. We hope the members of the new council w:11 pardon us Lf we have overstepped a reasonable boundary of advice and recom- mendations to them, and allow us to make one more, and that is to urge the neces- sity of erecting a fire proof safety vault large enough to accommodate all the valuable books and papers belonging to the city. We believe the citizens of Du- buque would willingly pay an extra mill tax to meet the expenditure. In con- clusion we cannot but compliment the heads of all the different departments for their ever courteous deportment and for the efficient manner in which they have discharged their respective duties. 41) ADJOURNED REGULAR SLASION, MAU('11 t`s:►l. sarydeeds for the opening of said street. City Engineer '1'schirgi reported in fa- vor of allowing the bill of the Dubuque Water Co. of $550 for flush tanks less $15, amount paid by M. i,ifor one- half thesefflush tank nEghth street. Adopted. Engineer 'I'schirgi presented a list of macadam broken amounting to .$2o0.96, which was ordered paid. Also presented plans and specifications for constructing sewers on Seventh and on Wall streets; Dodge street, from Locust street to levee; South Main street, from Jones street to Dodge street; South Locust street, from First street to Dodge street; Harrison street, from Jones street to Dodge street: alley between Locust and Main streets from First to Dodge street; Jackson park, from Fifteenth to Seventeenth street, which were referred to the committee of the whole. Treasurer Gonner presented receipt from C. 11. Booth for delivery of tax receipts amounting to $012.76 and asked that war- rants be drawn in his favor for that amount. Also presented paper from James Wood- ward waiving all right find claim for dam- ages for the opening of Fremont street. Report received and filed and warrants ordered drawn as requested. Petition of J..1. Grigg for grading of Grace street in order to turn the water on to Bennett street. Referred to street com- mittee and engineer. Ald. Halpin moved that the health offi- cer be authorized to purchase the neces- sary apparatus for the testing of milk. Carried. Ald. Saunders moved that the matter of building an engine house be referred to committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Hodge moved to reconsider the action of the council In referring the pro- file of sewers on 7th and Wall streets to com- mittee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Wunderlich moved that the plans and specifications for sewer on 7th and Wall streets be adopted and the recorder instructed to advertise for bids for doing the work. Carried. Ald. Babcock moved that a warrant for $158.32 he drawn in favor of E. .1. Evans for improvement of alley between 8th and Ath, and between Main and Iowa streets. Carried. Ald. Saunders moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. ol-h117/ 414111 A MAILCII SESSION, 18 )1. i0 AN ORDINANCE. tering or procuring to be slaughtered any sick, unhealthy, lumpy or big -jawed or Providing for compensation of the cityotherwise diseased cattle, sheep, calves, electrician and designating who shall lambs, swine, chickens, turkeys, geese or Icty the sone. other live animals or fowls, intended for Ile it ordained by the City Council of consumption in said city as human food, the City of Dubuque: and any person found guilty thereof Sr:c'rnis 1. That any person, partner- shall be linea for each tool every such hip or corporation operating, ]raving or offense, not, IPSS than five nor nnu'e Ihat maintaining any ^oles in the streets or fifty dollars with costs of prosecution. alleys of the city of Dubuque for the Sec. 73. That it shall be unlawful for stringing of wires for the operation of any person or persons within the limits of any electric light, electric power, tele- the city of Dubuque to sell, offer or ex - phone, telegraph or other purposes. shall pose for sale, or to have in his or their contribute to the compensation of the city possession with intent to sell, or to buy electrician in proportion to the number or bargain for with the intention of sell - of utiles of poles opened or controlled by ing again, any tainted, putrid, slimy, in - each, or if house -top lines are used in- fected or dis-atsed beef, mutton, veal, stead of poles, they shall contribute in pork, fish, dressed chickens or other proportion to the number of utiles of poultry of any kind: or the meat or flesh wire so erected or used. of any sick, unhealthy, lumpy or 1i•:c' 2. It shall be the duty of the city jawed, or in any manner diseased beeves, electrician to report numthly to the city sheep, calves, hogs or pigs or other ani - auditor the number of miles of poles or mals, or fish or fowl intended for ciin- wire so erected or used, and the city au- sunilition in the city of Dubuque, as hu- ditor shall make out, bills for the pro rata man food, and any violating any of the amount due from each person or con- provisions of this section shall on con- pany monthly and request payment of viction be tined not less than five nor same. more than fifty dollars for each and every Sye. :1. In case of ne,'lect or refusal of' offense% tyith costs of prosecution. any such person or company to pay when SN'. I. That it shall be the duty of demanded the city council nuty direct the the city meat inspector to be active and city electrician to remove said poles or diligent in lin, enforcemeat of the pro - wires upon giving five days' notice. visions of this ordinance, and in discover - Spa.. d. TIiis ordinance shall be in ing and detecting any violation of the force from and after its passage and pub- sante, and for that purpose he shall pos- licat ion in the official paper of the city of sess all the power and authority given by Dubuque. law or ordinance to members of the city Adopted March 2, 1891. police, iind may arrest, with or without RoifT. W. STEW.\RT, Mayor. written wai't;uit any person or persons Attest: J. C. FYri..PA't'RIcK, round iii• detected in the act of offending Recorder. against, or violating any of said provis- ions, or of the provisions of an ordinance AN ORDINANCE, entitled "An ordinance to establish and regulate markets ;mil the sale of meats, To amend an ordinance entitled "au ordi- etc.,,•' and to bring the person or persons nance to provide for the inspection of so arrested before the proper court for animals and meat intended for con- trial. It is further made the duty of the sumption in the City of Dubuque" and meat inspector to visit daily, if practica- ble, and as often as he may consider it too more fully define the duties of meat necessary for the strict enforcement of inspector, this ordinance and the faithful discharge Be it ordained by the City Council of of his duties. till slaughter houses or other the City of Dubuque: the in the city of Dubuque used for the slau_hte•ring of animals intended for Si'a-'rioN 1. That so nun•h of the pro- consumption in the city of Dubuque as visions of an ordinance adopted Nevem- human food, and to make a careful ex bet• Fula, 1888, entitled "An orditi:ince to amination of the condition of such houses provide for the inspection of animals and or places, and the yards and premi-es treat intended I'orcousun,ption in the city connected therewith, and of the animals of Dubuque." requires that all beeves, slaughtered or awaiting slaughter there - calves, lambs, sheep, swine and other in, or that may be brought there for the :uiintals; and all meat except dressed portio -.c of being slaughtered. Ile shall hogs brought into the city and intended also visit as often as practicable, and at for consumption therein, or offered for such tinges as he shall demi iiIvisable, till sale, shall be inspected before being butcher or meat shops, and other places slaulifered or offered for sale during ver- iu Ilii' city of Dubuque whore fresh titin seasons of the year and the mune is meats of any kind, or poultry or fresh fish nosy be kept er exposed for sale, and to beech}' repealed. Sn:c. 2. That it shall be unlawful for carefully inspect the cenditii n of such any person or persons within the limits shops Brother places, and also the coll- et' the city of Dubuque to slaughter or dition and quality of the limits, poultry, procure to be slaughtered, or to sell, or game iii' fish kept or exposed for sale offer or expose for sale, to bring or drive thereat. into said city for the purpose of, selling Sec. :,. That for the purpose of enab- or otieringor exposing for sale, or slaugh- ling the city meat inspector to properly. r')1 MARCH SESSION, 1Y11. and efficiently discharge the duties im- posed on him in the last preceding sec- tion, said officer shall have power and authority. at any time, at reasonable hours, to visit and enter any slaughter house, cattle yard, butcher or meat shop, store or any other place to the city of Dubuque used for the slaughtering of animals, or the selling or exposing for sale of fresh meats of any kind, fresh fish, game or poultry. intended for con- sumption in said city as human food, for the purpose of examining and inspecting the condition of the same and inspecting the condition exposed for sale, and to make a thorough examination and in- spection of the building, or buildings, sheds, yards, and premises connected therewith, and shall have access to, and may open and inspect any ice box or other receptacle, or place used for the storing or preservation of the articles of food hereinbefore mentioned: and any person or persons who shall in any man- ner interfere with, hinder or obstruct said officer in the discharge of the duties im- posed upon him by the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on con- viction thereof, be fined in any sum hot less than five, nor more than twenty dollars for each and every offense, with costs of prosecution. And said meat inspector shall have power to file complaints, and initiate pro- ceedings for the prosecution of tory per- son guilty of violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be pub- lished in the official papers of 1 he city, and shall take effect and be ill force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily TELEGRAPH. Adopted March 2d, 1891. R. W. S'1•M:WART, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. Providing for the vacation of a part of city lot 304, and for certain considera- tions, granting the exclusive use of the premises so vacated to John P. Page, his heirs and as_ igns forever. 'Whereas, the city of Dubuque is now the owner of lot No. 2 of the subdivision of what was originally city lot 304, and, Whereas, Said lot No. 2 aforesaid is now leased to and occupied by John P. Page for hotel purposes; therefore, Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That in consideration that said John P. Page deed to the city of Du- buque for street purposes Lot No. 1 of the subdivision of the south one-half of lot No. 305, the city of Dubuque hereby vacates, quits all claim and grants I I John P. Page his heirs, executors and aS. signs, the perpetual and exclusive rig_ ht to Use and occupy so much t.l' said lot No. 2 as is more fully described as l'ol- lows, to -wit: Commencing :9 0 point on the south lino of said city lot :1t14 a dis tance of 47 7, III fret from the southwest corner of said city lot :304, thence north easterly a distance of 15 feet, thence northerly a distance of 49 8.110 foot to a point tit 111 feet west from the north east corner of said city lot 3114, thence west to 0 point -1 I 7 111 foot from the southwest corner of said city lei ao-I. thence southerly in :t straight line a dis tintce of ill 7 Io feet to the point of begin- ning: said piece of properly to be here.. after known and desi_nate l oat the city nap as lot 211 of the subdivision of city lot :304. Sec. 2. That whereas the city of Du biotite is the owner of a piece of _round lying contiguous and innneoliati ly east of staid lot ''a more particularly dost ribed its follows, to -wit: Commencing at the northeast corner of said city lot :tot, thence west on the north line oIf said city lot No. :MI :t distance of Iti i 10 feet. thence southeasterly a dist:ince of 19 K In feet: thence northeasterly it distance of flu :1-10 feet to the point of beginning. said piece of land to be hereafter kni to as lot 2 of the subdivision of city lot :all: and. wht•reas, said Jodi!) 13, I':tge non oc copies said lot 2 'cult buildings and ob structions, it is hereby provided that this ordinance shall not be valid unless said 1'age shall remove said obstructions on or heron, July 1st, 11.391. or at any time there after, by order of tate city council the int'ntion being that lot 2 of city lot :iu4 and said lot 1 of the subdivisiion south halt' of city lot :1111) shall be use.: as a public highway for street purptl:es Sec. 3, It is further hereby provided, that the trap hereto attached, executed by M. Tschirgi, Jr., city engineer, dated Feb. 14, 1891, is hereby accepted by the city as a correct map of the sttbili' inion of city lots Nos. 804 and :l11:1, and the city engineer is hereby direel poi to record the saute ill the book of plats. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in force from anti after its passage and pub- lication in the oflic'ial pauper of the city. Adopted )larch 2, 1891. Approved: lt. W. S'rnw'An'r. y Attest: .1. l •. FrrzeATR1MatK, or. Recorder. 1 • REG I"LAR SESSION 11_PIIIL 9t'tr, 1891. C1TY CO1INCIL. Regular Session April 9th, 1891. [OFFICIAL.1 Council:met at 9:15 o'clock a. m. Meeting called to order by Recorder Fitzpatrick. Present—Aids. Cleminson Crawford, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz and'Irexler. On motion of Ald. Trexier, Ald. Saun- ders was elected president. Action on the minutes of the previous :ecsions was postponed. '[he following bills were allowed: 11am & Carver, ledger, blank books, etc3 24 50 Chas. Wilde, repairing chimney, market house James itagan, repairing chimney, market house .1olin Corbett, repairing chimney, market house Victor !leer, repairing chimney, market house Wm. Kelly, assistant market mas- ter Chas. Oswald, setting up stoves, etc 1'. Sahm, administering oath to judges of election Central U nion Telephone company telephone services Duggan & Kane, soap and brooms. Haw & t ,irver, blank books Hardie & Scliarle, 500 notices and 300 finance reports herald, advertising W. W. W ormuod, ooe dozen key checks Times, blanks for engineer... H. Eddy, laying sidewalk on Rail- road avenue Janes Lally, work at Fourth street engine house John O'Brien, work on sewers .lohn 'Tierney, work on sewers Nesler & Jungk, plumbing James Kelly, stationer'.... German Catholic Printing com- pany, advertising It. D. Leneham, repairing tools h. Sehloz, repairing tools '['ltes, advertising Knapp, Stout & Co., lumber 1.edger, advertising F. II. 1 mice, team tags Mrs. Koenig, scrubbing police headquarters Baumgartner &Kleih, snow shovel I toward & Ryan, load wood Wm. Marshall, repairs steam roller Frank Robinson, repairs steam roller Zehetter & Voggenthaler, repairs steam roller Christman & Healey, 2 snow shov- els Standard Lumber Co., lumber Bart E. Linehan, sewer pipe Wm. Bentin, sand Ellwaoger Bros., harness supplies for patrol Duggan & Kane, brushes Lear & Ptiftner, horseshoeing E. E. Frith, removing dead ani- mals L. Daly, expressage .John 'Toussaint, maple wood W. J. Burns & Co., cement John Butt, blacksmith repairs .1. P. Cooney, fees .John 1'. Williams, 47 loads filling 3 00 1 25 65 75 40 00 1 85 100 20 50 75 6 50 66 50 33 35 3 00 4 00 116 00 10 80 32 35 34 10 17 45 20 30 50 00 2 70 5 10 33 35 11 36 33 33 22 50 4 00 45 1 75 120 55 48 43 74 43 70 7 30 3 00 1 70 15 35 45 10 25 6 50 1 00 5 40 10 21 3 20 2 25 10 40 59 '1'ELEGRAPII, advertising 133 30 C. W. Robison, lumber 4 80 Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware90 Bamboo Stock farm, board of fire horse 8 50 W. S. Molo,plumbing 2 27 John Logan, horse shoeing 10 50 Jos. A. Palen, drugs 6 55 E. M. Dickey Co., clucking 2 50 C. W. Robison, lumber 3 85 T. W. Fitzpatrick,horseshoeiug3 00 C. H. Altona, sewing splasher1 00 Lear & I'fiffner, horseshoeing 2 00 Albert Kannolt, '° 2 00 C. '4V. Robison lumber 55 M..hewer, towling 2 35 Hagerty Bros., bran, etc2 05 Key City Gas Co., coke 19 74 Excelsior Oil Tank Line Co., oil6 50 Butt Bros., repairs 75 W. S. Molo plumbing 1 95 Dubuque Water Co., water suply1033 33 lteinfried & Jaeger, hardware 2 65 A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 6 75 C. 1I.Wliitwell,verterinary services 25 00 C. W. Robison, shavings 1 50 The bills of .John Steffes of $1.50, and T. J. Donahue of $143, referred to the street committee. The bills of Globe Light and Ileat coin- navy onnPavy of $501.67, Key City Gas company of $7.80 and $95.83, and o'f Dubuque Electric Railway Light and • Power company of $6.25 and $44.21, referred to the committee on police and light. The bill of $192.40 against the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power com- pany for use of steam roller and electri- cian's salary, referred to the committee on police and light. Bills of Dubuque Cabinet Makers' asso- ciation of $3.50, and Aherns Manufactur- ing Co. of $4,000, referred to the commit- tee on fire and water. Bills of Geo. Cutler of $2.90, B. Lagen, $2.00, and A. R. Stanfenbeil $5.00, referred to the committee on claims. Aid. Babcock arrived at 9:50 a. m. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the street committee : Butler Bros. for permission to put in curb and gutter around their premises, corner 16th and Maple streets. Chas. Klingenberg, for grade stakes on Kleine street. and Klingenberg Terrace, (and engineer). Petition for sidewalks and crossings on Lincoln avenue and First avenue, Ham's addition and Bluff street. Petition for opening an alley between Elm and Queen streets from Sanford to 22d street. John 1. Mullany et al. for repair of alley from Nevada to Brad street. Ald. Halpin arrived at 9:55 o'clock a. m. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition that the alley between Garfield avenue and Rhoniberg avenue and Kniest and Johnson avenue be declared a public highway. Remonstrance of property owners against vacating any part of Angella street. Jacob Besten for vacation of part of An- gella street. Petition of owners of Woodlawn Park addition to have the streets in said addi- tion graded to the extent of 50,000 yards they to pav one-half of said grading. The petition of A. J. and C. A. Bowley for refunding of hotel license referred to the•comamittee on claims. Petition of John Ernsdorf for permission to erect a frame wood shed in alley be- tween Clay and White and 11th and 12th 53 REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 9ru, 1891 streets, referred to the committee on lire with power. Ald. Hodge arrived at 10:10 o'clock a. m. Communication of Marshal Rice in rela- tion to commissioners to assess damages for change of grade on Alta Vista street, referred to the city attorney. Petition of T. F. Gilliam, asking that the nuisance on West Third street in Mc- Coy's subdiv. be abated, referred to board of health with power. Communication of Dubuque Water Co., stating that they make no charge for the use of their room for election purposes, re- 'linos. Connolly, w 3.6 ft ceived and the thanks of the council ex- litDaniels' �i t`niill, 790, A. Me- 53 tended the company for the favor. Petition of Wm. llollnaget for refund- .1. .1. I;nwai, lots 792 and inn' of taxes overpaid. Received and 793. A. Mc Daniels. sub..100 filed. Petition of Lydia Collins for cancella- tion of special assessment. One year's time granted her at 6 per cent. Interest. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the delinquent tax com- mittee: Wnr. G. Walters, Lucy A. Davis, Nary DeLorimier, Mrs. Ellen Conlin, Henrietta Buehiman, M. Reisek and Joseph Jetfroy. The bids for street improvements were opened and read and referred to the engi- neer for computation. The following special assessment was read: Resolved ny the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for cleaning sidewalks of snow and ice by City of Dubuque. in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Feet. Rate. Amt J. P. Scott, s 51 ft lot 477, city 51 lc 8 25 A. Levi, s 75 it lot 468a, city 75 Jas. Levi, n 40 ft lot 468a, city . 40 M. A. Hubert, a 2-5 lot 465, city 100 Mary J. and Ann Ryan, s 52.2 ft lot 460, city 40 F. D. Stout, s % lot 661, city 411 II. P. Bissell est., a 86.4 ft lot 466, city 100 .las. Collier, a 20.6 ft lot 467, city 20 Mrs. Otto Junkermann, n 26 2 ft, s 46.8 ft lot 467, city 26 11. B. Glover, n 43.3 ft of s 90 ft lot 467, city 14 Geo. L. Toruert, n 2-5 lot 459, city 40 E. A. Engler, in 1-5 lot 459, city 50 Mrs. E. Munsell, s % a m 1-5 and n X m 1-5 lot 466, city 50 John Flannagan, m 1-5 lot 475, city 50 B. 13. Richards, a 1-5 lot 475, city 150 Mrs. P. Ahearn, s 2-5 lot 474, city 120 Mary C. E. Meehan, a X lot 764, A. Mcllaniels' sub25 Ed. Mcueney, n X lot 764, A. Mcllaniels' sub 25 Ed. McCeney, lot 765, A. Mcllaniels' sub 50 Sarah A. Smith, s e y lot 766, A. Niel/allies' sub25 George \V. Finn est., n e lot 766, A. \Icllaniels' 25 sub E. H. Sheppley, lot 767, A. \Icllaniels' sub 50 E. II. Sheppley, lot 768a, A. Jlcllaniels' sub 10 J. C. Johnston, lot 5 of lot 809, A. Mcllaniels' sub40 Richard tlorritl, lot 785, A. Mel)aniels' sub 122 \lrs. II. I;. Noyes, lot 788, '. McDaniels' 60 lc lc lc lc lc lc lc lc lc in lc lc lc lc lc lc lc lc 37 20 50 20 2 05 50 10 L. M. Iain. stall, lots 794 and 795, A. Multaniels• l� sub S. A. Atherton, s 1:; lot 796, A. Mcllaniels'sub 60 John Buettel, n ;1,4 lot 706, 40A. McDaniel,' sub C. A. Payne, .Ir., lot 830, A. Mcllaniels' sub 225 lit. Rev. ,John Hennessy, lots 820 and 821, A. Mc- IIaniels'sub 146 IL .1. (t' Neill, 1148 ft lot 783, A. McDaniels' sub 88 Si . .11,seph's college, lots 12, 13, II and 15, llenion & B;ord's sub 164 St. Joseph's college, lot 714, city;? J. V. Bider, lot 1 of lot 741, city 193 Weigel, lot 2 of lot 741, city 104 Alice Goldthorpe, lot 3 of lot 741, city 91 Walter Cox, lot 2 of min lot 40 825 Henry Riker, lot 14, Far- ley's sub 161 Poole & Stevens, lot 361, East Dubuque add 100 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 373, East Dub add 100 Wm. llintrager, lot 13 Far- ley's sub 50 Mrs. A. C. Cummings, lots band 7 Cummings' sun100 Jas. Howe, lot 8 Cummings' sub 120 Owen Con way, lot 8 ileth- erington's sub 50 Geo. if. Clark, lot 12, Cum- mings' sub 150 Mrs. henry Sellers, lot 4, Tates & Picket's sub100 ll. J. Linehan. lots 1 and 2. Yates & Picket's sub130 W. 11. Peabody, w% lot 6, A. L. Brown's sub 41 Jas. 11. Russell, lot 7, A. L. Brown's sub 85 E. Langworthy, lots 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, East Du- buque add 334 Aug. Sprengelmeyer, s 1-5 lot 434, city 100 (leo. Burden est., s 23.3 of UX in 1-5 lot 466, city.... 23 Richards & Burden, w 52 ft s 2-5 lot 663, city 154 E. M. Woodw•irth, a 111 ft s in 1-5 lot 663, city 5'.1 1). S. Wilson est, lot 692a, city 290 C. \V . Mitchell, s s s 51 ft Iot662.city 25 Mary Westphal, zi s 51 ft 13 7 20 25 25 25 75 60 12 12 25 le 12 lc 12 lc b5 lc lc 2 lc 01 lc' 25 lc 26 lc Sit lc 50 lc ;iu it 45 k 1 12 le 73 lc 44 le 84 in 1 93 lc 96 lc 52 1 45 le 412 I • 80 It 5(1 lc 50 it. 25 lc 50 lc 60 lc 25 in 75 in 50 in (15 Ic 20 is 42 lc 1 67 lc 50 lc 11 lc 77 lc 25 lc 1 45 lc 12 REGULAR SESSION, A I'RIL 9TH, 1891. 54 lot 662, city 25 Thos. Hardie, m 38.1 ft lot 136s, city 38 Jas. Mullen lot 2 of n3lot 769a, A. Mcl)aniels' sub. 30 (leo. 13. Provoost, n% n 1-5 lot 465, city 30 Convent School, lot 468, city253 J. II. Shields, n 35 ft lot 477, city 135 Emile Gmehle, s3 lot 456 (less s e 16 2-3x(50 ft), city113 John Bell, w 62 ft s 2-5 lot 461, city 62 J. V. Rider, e 5: ft s 2-5 lot 461, city 110 Arthur Jlc('anu, s 1-5 lot 461, city 100 .John McCoy, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Graham's sub 218 Henry F.I lodge, lot i,Dem- int & I lorr's sub 195 F. 11 & 11. Mindorfer, lot 2, Deming & Ilorr's sub. 50 Isaac Ilarris, lots 25 and 26, Deming & I lorr's sub100 G. II. Davis, lot 27, Deming & Ilorr's sub 50 John M. Kirkpatrick. lot 1 of lot 4 of min lot 73 60 V. A. Langworthy, lot 4 of sub 7 of min lot 73 114 A. A. Collier, lots 5 and 6 of sub 7 of min lot 1ot73335 Bernice T. McFadden, lot 7, of sub? of min 73 163 0. S. Langworthy, lot 8 of sub 7 of min lot 73 422 A. C. luettell, lots 1 and 2, lot 1 of lot 1 of lot 2 of lot 1 of lot 9 of min lot 73154 Mrs. Richard Scott, lots 8 (less street) and 9, For- tune's sub 176 S. M. Langworthy est, lot 6 of min lot 73 163 .John L. Buettel, lots 69, 70, 71 and 72, Cox's add 200 W. 11. Peabody, lot 9, Hen - ion & Baird's sub 50 Max Goldberg, lots 297 and 311, East Dub. add 200 Dubuque Packing & Prov. Co., 422, East Dub. add 100 Hugh Corrance, lot11,1len- ion & Baird's sub 40 .John Hennessy, lots 1 to 11, inclusive, Levin's add.600 Tudor Jones, lot 8, Kelly's sub 50 Addison Cain, min. lot 85200 Bernard Lynch, lots 45 and 46, Levin's add 100 J.C. Lobdell,lots 44,Levin's 50 add .Jas. Forrester, lot 16, Mt. Pleasant add 300 I)..J. 1 inehan,lots 1,2 and 3, I I tune add 150 .1. Itterson, lot 4, Home ailil'o 50 . ('. Mase est., lot 1 of nut lot 81 30 I.iinisa uiesmau, lot 2, min lot 81 40 John 11. Simplot, min. lot 82 30 Mrs. IIermncourt, lot 1 of min. lot 84 25 Dub. Water Co., lot 2, Mob- ley's Dub 25 Sarah J. Chubb, lot 1, Kim- ball's sub 25 I)ub. Water Co., lot 2, Kim- ball's sub 20 .Iolui Harris est.,elot 1 of 3, is 12 Collin's sub 80 Mary B. Hedley, lots 8 and lc 19 9, lledley's sub 75 Mary Ellen Ryan, lot 6, lc 15 lledley's sub 25 J. J. Dunn w54X ft., lot lc 15 43, Kelly's sub 104 lc 1 26 Chesley Taylor, lot 3 of 42, Kelly's sub 50 lc 67 J. J. Dunn, n55 ft., lot 37, Kelly's sub 55 lc 56 Michael McCarthy's s31 ft, Kelly's sub 30 it 31 Sam. J. Southwell,lot 8 and 9, Bradstreet's adct 100 lc 55 Mrs. L. A. Cummings, lots 11 and 12,Bradstreet's add100 lc 50 Mrs. L. A. Cummings, lot 2 of min. lot 80 . 50 lc 1 09 J. C.Crabtree,lot 4,Martin's Dubuque 40 lc 97 C. H. Gregoire, lot 33, Nairn's add 200 lc 25 Isaac Proctor, lot 41, Wil- son's sub 129 lc 50 .Jas. Sullivan, lot 19, Wil- son's sub 75 lc 25 M. McLaughlin est., lot 39, Kelly's sub 60 lc 30 B. E. Linehan, e43 ft., 172, 40 city lc 57 Mrs. B. F. Lawrence,lot 86a city 150 lc 4 67 Robert Waller est., n 34 ft, lot 32, city 100 it 81 Allison & Bradley, s 20 ft, lot 33, city... 100 is 2 11 M. E. Church, s 3 of lot 47, city 25 Richard Cox est.,lot 50,ctty.150 lc 77 B. E. Linehan, n 44 ft., lot 169, city 144 D. Conigisky, s%, lot 48, lc 88 city 25 Mrs. B. F. Lawreuce,lot 36, lc 81 city 50 Christian church, lot 633,150 lc 1 00 city G. G. Moser, 296, East Dub lc 25 add. 100 E. R..Jat kson, lot 632, city50 is 50 L. H. \Valdes, lot 45, city25 Lutheran church, n 2-5 2812 lc 50 city Christina Duttle, n n 1-51� lc 20 430 city Mrs. B. Buehler, lots 55 and lc 3 00 56 East Dubuque .200 B. S. McElhtney, lot 67 East lc 25 Dubuque 150 it 1 00 Henry \Velter, n 1-5 480,1 city lc 50 Mrs. Jos. Foltzer, n 14 479,1 city it 25 Jac. Plapp, w 1-5 495, city.. 50 Jos. L. and E. llorr, w 3 is 1 00 51, East Dubuque adil.... 50 Frances M. Cox, s 64 4-10 ft 104 lc 75 483, city... W m. Grtihn, a 23 ft 263,123 lc 25 city.... Veit Schmidt, lot 276, city50 le 15 C. L. Pritchard, lots 12 and 13, blk 1, Dubuque liar -73 lc 20 bor Co's add J.'II. Shields, and lot 17, lc 15 blk 1, Dubuque Harbor 175 Co's add lot 17, le 12 J. 11. Lull est, m 3a blk 1, Dubuque Harbor l7b lc 12 Co's add Wm. L. Bradley, m 3a lot 17, lc 12 bik 1, Dubuque harbor lc Co's add L II. Shields, d0v Itot1, blk 10, Da lc 15 it 37 lc 12 it 52 lc 25 lc 27 lc 15 lc 50 lc 50 it 25 it 20 lc 1 00 lc 64 2c 37 lc 30 lc 20 lc 55 lc 50 lc 50 is 12 lc 75 lc 72 lc 12 is 25 lc 75 is 50 %c 25 %c 12 Xc 100 Xc 50 Xe 100 3c 75 Xe 50 Xe 50 Xc 25 %c 25 82 Xc 61 Xc 25 Xc 36 jc 87 3dc 87 3sc 87 1 REGULAR SESSION, APRIL t►rlt, 18 1. buque Harbor Co's add ..275 J. H. Lull est, uncl%w110 ft of lot 1, blk 10, 1)u- buque Harbor Co's add ..275 Wm. L. Bradley, uncl 14 w 110 ft of lot 1, blk 10, 1)u- buque Harbor Co's add..275 A. A. Cooper, e 186 ft, blk 3, Dubuque Harbor Co's add 186 Chamberlain Plow Co, lot 570, city 120 Mrs. B. Cunningham, lot 591, city • 100 Winona Land Co, lot 565, city.. 65 Alphonse Matthews, n ;S, u 1-5 451, city 100 Fred. Kennicker, n 1-5 452, city100 P. W. Crawford, lots 1, 2, 3 of 2 of 673, city 199 German M. church, n 50 ft 3X 746, city 150 B. E. Lenehan, lot 363, city 60 C., M. & St. P. Co., lots 515 and 516, city 100 John Mulkern, lot 309, city.... 150 John '1'. Hancock, 310, city. 50 .lolin J. Linehan est, 823 3-10 ft 306, city 23 M. H. Martin, n 27 4-10 ft, 306 and s 20 ft 307 city47 John J. Lenihan est, lot 299, city 100 Thos. Melehoir, lot 238, city.. 100 N. J. Senrup, w % lot 1, McNulty's sub 171 John Hennessy, lots 6 and 7 Mobley's, Dubuque 100 C. Mullen est, lot 181, city 137 1. C. R. R. Co., n 38 ft lot 20, city 113 John D. Sullivan est, n X 61,city .113 V.A. Langworthy, 372 East Dubuque add 100 Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, n 38.8 ft. 219 city 30 Fred. Weigel, s 44 ft, 21 city .113 A. Levi, n 44 ft, 69 city113 1). D. Myers and W. G. Cox, trustees, n 28 ft 70 city 28 Jas. F. Crider, 70 city 24 Christ Higley, n 20 1t 71 city 20 Staples, Pelan & Wilson, n %, 16 city 113 R. Cox estate, lot 73 Cox's acid 50 John Buettel, lot 72 Cox's add 30 Convent School, lot 2 of min lot 86 180 Jos. Bott, sub 5, 8 and 9 of McNulty's sub lots 6 and 7 70 F. D. Collett, lot 3 Kelly's sub 55 1)..1. Hennessey, lots 1 and 2, Kelly's sub 100 James McCune, lots 1 and la Dorgan's sub 75 E. 11. Sheppley, lot 3 Cox's add 50 R. Cox estate, lot 5 Cox's add 50 Jas..). Murray, lot 15 Cox's add 50 It. Cox estate, lot 20 Cox's %c 137 3zc 137 %c 137 3 c 83 ?;c 60 3 c 50 ?•ac 32 },c 50 ;ac 50 is 99 34c 75 - c 30 ?•zc 50 ; c 75 34e 25 3c 11 %c 23 3gc 50 %c 50 Xc 85 Xe 50 %c 68 %c 56 ?ic 56 lc 50 lc 15 lc 56 lc 56 lc 14 le 12 lc 10 lc 56 lc 25 lc 15 lc 90 lc 35 lc 27 lc 50 lc 37 lc 25 lc 25 lc 25 add 50 le 25 John 13lakeestate, lots 20, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27 Blake's add 410 le 2.05 Joseph Ilerod, lots 20, 21, 22, 24, 26 and 27 Blake's add. 50 lc 25 Thos. ,1. Paisley, lois 12, 13 and 14 Blake's add 150 lc 75 Jacob '1'raut, lot 15 Blake's add 50 le 25 Joseph 'Taut, lots 16 and 17 Blake's add 100 le 50 Paul 'l'raut. lots 18 and 19, Blake's add 100 lc 50 Joseph Herod, the part of lot 2 of min lot 93 b on north side of %Vest Locust street 111 lc 55 Jos. P. 'I'raut, min lot 192110 lc 70 .John Flynn, lot 2 min lot 1'.11 300 le 1.50 Concent 'rnooi, lot 1 of 1 o ruin list I,ul .600 lc 3.00 Convent school, lot 1 of 1 of min lot 187 600 lc 3.00 J. V. Rider, lot 2 of 2 of 1 of nun lot 186 1511 le 75 .1. C. Moore, n 1-5 433 city. 10)1 le 50 Ed. Langworthy. 177, 178, 179, 180, 181. 176 w 65 ft 226 and 227, East Du- buque add 600 lc 3.(00 John Everett, a 29.91 156 I:,tst Dubuque add 129 11• 6l C., 51. $t. P. It. 11. 246, 217 East 1,ubu que add 200 lc 1.00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—.Ids. Babcock, Cleminson, Craw- ford, Halpin, Bodge, Saunders, Stoltz and '1'rexler. The matter of levying special assessment for improving ,Julien avenue from Bluff street to hill street was postponed. The following special assesment was read: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, '%'hat to pay for grad- ing and macadamizing alley from 16th to 19th streets, between Washington and Elm streets, by John i I . Deggendort, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, sit- uate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mrs. B. Maloney, s 3f, lot 111, East 1)u- ouque: 14.4 cubic yds grading at PI 4c $151 1 93 41.78sgyds macadamizing at 36c 04 Total $16 97 Nick Flynn, lot 152, East Dubuque: 24.6 cubic yds grading at 13.4c 3 30 70.20 sq yds macadamizing at 36c 25 28 'Total 1,4'28 58 Nick Flynn, lot 153, East Dubuque: 19 cubic yds grading at 13.4c 2 55 56.89 sq yds macadamizing at 36c20 48 Total $23 03 B. W. Jones, lot 154, East Dubuque: 16.1 cubic yds grading at 13.4c 2 16 56.89 sq yds macadamizing at 36c20 48 Total $22 64 John A. Essman, s % 155, East Dubuque add. 6.7 cubic yds grading at 13.4c 90 28.44 sq yds macadamizing at 36c$10 24 Total. $11 14 John Flynn, n Y 155, East Dubuque: 6.7 cubic yards grading at 13.4c $ 90 REGULAR SESSION, APRIL S)rn, 1S:)1. 28.44 sq yds macadamizing at 36c.... 10 24 Total 811 14 Ed. Langworthy, lot 161 East Dubuque: 26.3 cubic yds grading at 13.4c $ 3 52 70.11 sq yds macadamizing at 36c25 24 Total $28 76 Jac Weber, lot 107 East 1)ubuque: 12.9 cubic yds grading at 13.4c $ 1 73 70.22 sq yds macadamizing at 36c25 28 Total $27 01 James Crawford, lot 108 East Dubuque: 13.4 cubic yds gradings at 13.4c $ 1 80 56.89 sq yds macadamizing at Mc20 48 Total $22 28 James Crawford, lot 109, East Dubuque: 16.1 cubic yds grading at 13.4c $ 2 16 56.82 sq yds macadamizing at 36c20 48 Total $22 64 Bridget O'Farrell, lot 110, East Du- buque: 19.2 cubic yds grading at 13.4c $ 2 55 56.89 sq yds macadamizing at 36c20 48 Total $23 03 Mrs. John O'Halloran, ny lot 111 East Dubuque: 10.2 cubic yds grading at 13.4e.....$ 1 37 28.44 sq yds macadamizing at 36c10 24 Total. $ 11 61 Germ an Bank, lot 112, East Dubuque: 26.3 tubi:, yards grading at 13.4c $ 3 52 70.11 sq yds macadamizing at 36c25 24 Total $28 76 German Bank, lot 103, East Dubuque: 27.7 cubic yards grading at 13.4c $ 3 71 56.78 sq yds macadamizing at 36c20 44 Total $24 15 Anton W ittiug est, lot 104, E. Dubuque: 28.5 cubic yards grading at 13.4c $ 3 82 56.78 sq yds macadamizing at 36c20 44 Total $24 26 Ambrose Mai, ii lot 105, E. Dubuque: 10.4 cubic yards grading at 13.4c $ 1 39 28.39 sq yds macadamizing at 36c 10 22 Total $11 61 Elizabeth Kurt, s34 lot 105, E. Dubuque: 10.4 cubic yards grading at 13.4c$ 1 39 38.39 sq ycls macadamizing at 36c10 22 JF) Kilian .1. Mary, lot 159 East Dubuque: 28.5 cu yards grading at 13.4c $ 3 82 56.78 sq yds macadamizing at 36c.. 20 44 Total $24 26 Ed. Langworthy, lot 160 East Dubuque: 27.7 on yds grading at 13.4c $ 3 71 56.78 sq yds macadamizing at 36c20 44 Total $ 24 15 John Evert, n29.2 ft lot 156, E. Dubuque: 8 5 cubic yds grading at 13.4c $ 1 14 45.78 sq yds macadamizing at 36.4c16 48 Total $17 62 Adopted by the following vote : Ayes -:Ads. Babcock, Cleminsou, Craw- ford, Halpin, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz, and Trexler, Plat of proposed extension of Pine street from 27th street to Peru road and petition of Jacob Collins for said exten- sion. presented and referred to committee of the whole. Plat of sub of lot 3 of Luger's subdi- vision, referred to the street committee: The following is the report of the jury appointed to assess damages for the open - ng of Winona avenue: DUBUQUE, Ia., March 27, 1891. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coan- oil of the City of Lubuque: We, the undersigned jurors, bee leave to report on the damages in opening Wind- sor avenue: We find the property to be worth $600 and damages to abutting prop- erty $75; total, $675. H. Poole, chairman, Chris. A. Voelker, John F. O'Dea, James 11arrigan, Charles Apel, M. M. Hoffman, Justus Buehtel, Chas. Ilollnagel, John Nagle, John Moser, James E. McClain, Francis Jaeger. Action on above report postponed until after noon. Total $11 61 John Froelich, 232' lot 156, E. Dubuque: 4.4 cubic yards grading at 13.4c $ 59 21.44 sq yds macadamizing at 36c8 80 Total $ 9 39 Glab Bros., lot 106 East Dubuque: 10.5 cu yards grading at 13 4c $ 1 41 ;0.11 sq yds macadamizing at 36c25 24 Total $26 65 Jac. Spoo, let 157 East Dubuque: 10.5 cu yds grading at 13.4c $;1 41 70.11 sq yds macadamizing at 36c.... 25 24 Total $26 65 John Sill, s ' lot 158, East Dubuque: 10.4 en yds grading at 1$.4c $ 1 39 28.39 sq yds macadamizing at $Sc. 10 22 Total $11 61 Charles Randall n lot 158 East Du- buque: 28.5 cu yards guttering at 13.4c $ 1 39 28.29 sq yds macadamizing at 36c.. 10 22 Total $ 11 61 REPOITTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer 'I'schirgi presented return of notice served on property -owners af- fected by the proposed change of location of Bluff street extension. The rules were suspended and Mr. J. Murphy and Mr. John Collins addressed the council in relation to the above change of Bluff strei.t. On motion the matter was referred to the street,cominittee. Also presented plat of proposed exten- sion of highland Place. Referred to the committee of the whole. Also presented profile of grade of hush street. Referred to the street committee. Also presented profile of change of grade on Dodge street from old corporation line to South Dodge street, signed by all the abutters, which was adopted. Also presented plat of one -hundred foot strip and of lands conveyed by the city to the C., B. N. railroad company for depot grounds, which was referred to the asses- sor for taxation purposes. Also presented profiles of grades (in grade book No. 4,) of the following streets, and recommended that the red lines shown be adopted as the official grades: Frank- lin street from Harrison street to King street, Broadway Extension from Diagnal street to Gay street, Cornell street from May Place to West Locust street, Anna Place from Cornell street to east end. Re- ferred to the street committee. Also presented profiles of grades (in profile book 4,) of the following streets and recommended the red lines as official grade: Dubuque ave., from Adair ave. to Alta ave. ,)I REGULAR SESSION, APRI I, :1111, 1:11. Decorah ave., from Ada ave. to Avoca Al - ave. Delaware ave., from Adair ave. to A - gona ave. Adair ave. from W 14th street to Dexter ave. Audubon ave., from W. 14th street to Dexter ave. Atlantic aye., from W. 14th street to Dexter ave. Auburn ave., from W. 14th street to Dex- ter ave. Algona ave., from W. 14th street to Dex- ter ave. Alta ave., from south end of ave. to Del- aware ave. Ashton ave., from south end of ave. to Delaware ave. Avoca ave., from south end of ave. to Delaware ave. Wood street, from W. 14th to north end of street. Referred to the street committee. Also presented a recommendation for draining the water that remains under ingrailroad cross - o n Pine street. Referverts on 17th red ito the street committee, Also presented a list of macadam broken amounting to $3,714.40. Warrants ordered drawn to pay for same. Also presented the following notice and return Proved service amade winch was tof rovedand ordered amatter record. DUnUQUE, March 12th, 1891. To Lorlmier House Cu., John Decry, Merchants' Hotel, Jas. Beach, Commit- tee on Public Grounds and Buildings City of Dubuque, Mrs. M. \Vallis, Glover & Co., Carr. Ryder & Engler Co., A. Frudden, Turner hall, Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Co., Secretary Hardie, public schools: You are hereby notified that within 30 days from date of service of this notice, to conform to the ordinance adopted by the city council providing for the erection of fie escapes and stand pipes by erecting the necessary fire escapes and stand pipes, in the buildings owned, leased or occupied by you as required by said ordinance. 1 hereby certify that I have served a copy of the within notice on the within named parties. 1\I. '1'sciti tGI, City Engineer. Also reported the following bids: Sewer on Seventh street and Wall street. M. Lavin, $373.80; D. W. Linehan, $465.70. On motion of ARL Halpin the contract was awarded to M. Lavin. Fifteenth street from Pine to Maple street: John W. Norton and J. M. Lt•e, $618,28; John Tibey, $642.70; E. E. Filth and '1'. E. Frith, $554.80. On motion of Ald. Ilalpin the contract was awarded to E. E. and T. E. Frith. Grandview avenue from Delhi street to South Dodge street: Con. an, Jr., $19,228; Chas. Stench, $20,160; John Tibey, $19,760; J. W. Norton and John M. Lee, $20,724; Thos. Ilassett and Thos. Meehan, $18,554.88. Ald. Babcock moved that the contract be awarded to Con. Ryan. Carried. Auditor Keuety reported cash on hand March 1st, 1891, $39,438.52; cash on hand April 1st, 1891, $43,163.52. Amount due city officers $1,694.80; also presented the amounts due the contractors and collected on special assessments. Also presented a statement of the coupons redeemed dur- ing the month of March to the amount of $908.86. Received and filed and warrants ordered in accordance with said report. Recorder Fitzpatrick reported having issued licenses to the amount of $156. Re- ceived and ailed. Street Commissioner Sclunnit reported $1,012.30 due Ion Shier wurr for the month of Marchi; also prc.enic,l itemized state- ment of sane. Received and Bled and warrants ordered drawn accordingly. Chief Reinfried reps ria I lutl due the firemen for the month of Marco. Re- ceived and tiled and warrants ordered drawn to pay sante. Mnrsha I Rice reported .$1,16o.75 due the police for the mouth of )larch: also re- ported 56 police cases during lite month of March; also reported 58 patrol r tl fit receipts no alsoi having collected 1 1 $2.63 collected frot Key it.:�I•:le (tric ile(It . Co. for removing pole` on hotel license. Received and tiled and warrants ordered drawn. Marketmaster liraiz. repor c(t scale re- ceipts $17.88 and 11.40 due for the bou•d of prisoners. Received and tiled and war- rants ordered drawn to pay board of prisoners. Report of Meat Inspector Rogan was read and receit,l l and tiled. J. 1'. Cooney justice of the peace re- ported $10 litres collected. Received and flied. Jacob Hessler reported scale receipts $1.83. Received and tiled. '1'. J. Grautield reported scale receipts of First ward scales $5.55. lteceivett and tiled. F. Fosselman and repurte i0 cage receipts e c ll tsof Filth ward scales filed. C. Deckert reported scale receipts of Eagle Point scales $3.05. Received said filed. Chas. Pitchner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $3.03. Received amid filed. Also reported that the approaches to the scales are in bad repair. Referred to the street committee. Chas. Baumann reported wont receipts $1.90. Received and tiled. REPORTS OF a ott\tt rrr. �. Ald. Cleuunson, chairman of the finance committee, teporied that the treasurer had paid out during the •oughi of March • 317.- 16. Received and filed and warrant order- ed drawn. Also reported in favor of adopting toe following resolution, offered by Aid. '1'rex- ler at the March session. Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city recorder be instructed to draw warrant for •$400 in favor of the Eagle Point ferry company. Adopted. In favor of ine trn(•t iug the treasurer to refund $5 to ll:c.,r(y Bros., being ;.mount overpaid on team license. In favor of instructing the recorder to give the treasurer proper police when mon- ey is advanced to contractors oil wort: on ac- count of time being given to abutters, that the said amount goes to the city when pant and the auditor lii sI lilt ti( I to notify parties living outside city when orders are drawn and send sante to parties made pay- able to their order. Adopted. Also reported as follows on the matter of duplicating of orders: The chairmen of the setcral committee must look up previous bills :ui(t see that they do not recommend the drawing or payment of duplicate warrants and when partial or lull payments of special assess- ments are advanced to contractors. The treasurer must be notified of toe nature of the same, so that he may understand that • REGU'LA I; SESSION, all moneys from such special assessments when paid in will belong to the city. Adopted. Also reported that they had let the con- tract f•or the printing of the finance report to Hardie .t Scharle at $1 per page for three hunored copies. Report adopted. Ald. Ilalpin, cftatrman of the ordinance committee, preseuted an ordinance re - kiting to the switching of railroad cars; also an ordinance in relation to laying a railroad track on Iowa street between First and Second streets; also an ordinance granting right of way to the Dubuque Street Railway company on Couler ave., and recommended that action be post- poned and that they be referred to the new council. (carried. Ald. ( raivtort1 moved to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. tn. Carried. AFt't liNooN sE:vtov. Council met nt 2:15 o'clock p. tit. Mayor Stewart in the chair. I'resent—A Ids. Babcock, Clentinson, Crawford, Halpin, Hodge, Lowry, Saun- ders, Steitz atilt Trexler. Ald. Stolt'/., chairman of the committee on claims, reported in favor of allowing the claim of Jelin Mul kern of $6.00 pro- viding said Mull:ern gives a deed to the city to the additional ground taken in the Dubuque II arbor lieproventent company's add. Report adopted. Committee Clerk O'Connell made the following report for the street committee: In favor of acceptilig the plat 01 Uni- versity Place, Babeeek's add.; Rose I-Itll add., Buettel & I.aigworthy's arid., Illne- han • add. Report aclelitecl. Allerse to accepting plat of Lacy & Leather's add. In favor of not approving plat of Forres- ter's sub. unless the alley is changed as in- dicated on within plat. Report adopted. In fa ver of granting petition for improve- ment tit West Third street and engineer in- structed to prepare flans fur a culvert for storm water on sail West 't'hu'd street be- tween Arad st reel and College avenue, and when said culvert is built engineer to be instructed to have surplus malertal from Grandview avenue hauled on West Third street where needed. Adopted. In favor of instructing the street com- missioner to notify the Dubuque Street Railway Co. to replace the stone crossing on the east side of Main on Jones street, and if not done by said company the same will be done by the city at their expense. Adopted. Refer petition of .J. .1. Grigg in relation to waterway near Bennett street to the new council. In favor of having the city recorder no- tify the abutting owners on West 14th street to tile then. claims for damages, if ally they have, by reason of the proposed change of grade on said street. .\dopted. In lavor of accepting the proposition of C. Loetscher for making Schiller street of untform width and city attorney instructed to procure the necessary deed from C. Loetscher, and also prepare an ordinance for the vacation of a 3 -loot strip on Iligh Bluff street to C. Loetscher in exchange for his 3 -foot strip; the same to be done without expense no the city. Adopted. In tiivor of paying the bills of Chits. Steuck of $24.98 and 21.20. Adopted. In favor of referring the hatter of curb on Dodge street to the ,•ity engineer, he to see that. the emitractor sets his curb to grade. Adopted. Lt favor of referring petition for change of grade on College avenue to new council. Adopted. APRIL 9TH, 1,91. • Adverse to naming an alley in Quigley's add. Adopted. In favor of granting petition for exten- sion of Merz street provided the same is clone without cost to the city. Referred to the street committee of the new council. Adverse to petition of abbutters on West Eagle Point ave. for refunding extra cost on; account of curbing. Referred to the street committee of the new council. In favor of adopting the following re- solution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Maple street. between Thirteenth and Eighteenth streets, be graded, guttered, curb 'd and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans an t specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing anti macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting property. Grading to be bit. in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Babcock, Clemfns+n, Craw- ford, Ilalpin, Hodge, Lowry, Saunders, Stoltz and 'Trexier. Committee Clerk O'Connell made the following report for the committee of the whole: Your committee of the whole, to whom was referred the petition of T. 0. Sulli- van, for vacation of part of Angella street, beg leave to report as follows: In favor of allowing T. O. Sullivan, at the pleasure of the council, to use tat part of Angella street as shown on act:multiplying plat, said 'I'. O. Sullivan to file an indemnifying bund to be fixed by the mayor, that lie will, whenever called 'upon by the city, remove all obstructions front said part of Angella street used by hint; also file another indemnifying bond to be fixed by the mayor to hold the city harmless from all damages and costs that may be occa- si'med by his using the said part of An- gella street, said bonds to be filed and ap- proved before the above priviliges go into effect. Referred to the committee of the whole of the new couneii. In favor of referring the plans for storm water sewers to the new council. Adopted. In favor of pitying the bill of the TELE- GRAPH GRAI'If of $224.35 for extra printing on account of special sewerage notices nut in- cluded in contract. Anemed. Receive and tile communication of .1. Il. Carroll et al. for con denivaion of frame building. corner Fourth and .u.•ust streets. Adopted. Receive and file resolution for addi- tional allowance to city marshal for 1890. Refer the bill of Dubuque Water Co. of $285.40 for drinking fountains to lire com- mittee to invest 'gate the lust and see what arrangements they can make in regard to cost of water for fountains in future. Adopted. In favor of referr ug petition for the opening of Lincoln avenue back to the pe- titioners, they to give the necessary land for said extension when the coudcil will order same opened. Adopted. Instruct engineer to give estimate of the cost of grading Union avenue from West Locust street to Alta Vista street. Adopted. in favor of exempting the taxes of the Dubuque Brass and Metal Co. on improve- ments fur five years, and that the as-ess- went on lois ?,8,9.10,11,12,13,14.23,24, 25,211,27 and 28, Dubuque Harbor Im- provement (co.'s add., remain the same as 59 I:E(TU'LAR SESSION, AVM I, 9'iit, 1491. 1890 for a term of five years. Adopted. Ald. Trexler. chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, presented plans for new engine house which, upon his motion, were referred to the new coun- cil. Also reported in favor of paying; the bill of Ferguson Bros. of $194.20. Adopted. Ald. Babcock, chairman of the fire com- mittee, presented the following papers • which upon his motion were referred to drawn in favor of I has. Stench by reason the tire committee of the council: of the city allowing abutting properly Petition for extension of water mains on owners a rebate on ,•urhnig used for un - Lincoln avenue, on Walnut street, and for proving 17th street from I'irc to Sycamore water plusz and fire alarm box on S utherii streets. avenue. Also resolution for fire alarm box Ald. Trexler offered the following which on corner Windsor and Sanford avenues. was referred to the ordinance committee Also resolution for fire plugs on 17111 and and attorney. Sycamore and 16th and Maple streets. Resolved by the ('ity Council of the Ald, Saunders, chairman of the commit- Pity of Dubuque. That I lie ordinance conn - tee on police and light, reported as lot- tiiitheieninstructed t extisession :Ito drat( npresentd to ordirrou•eto compel lows: In favor of referring the petition for the all delivery teams raid dray to Pay a cd> replacing gas lamps at A. A. Cooper's license. barn on 5th street, and on Prospect, street; A Id. Crawford offered the following at alley between \\'est 5th and West 7thtt hirh was adopted: streets; and at corner 5th and West streets, Whereas, t'pun examination of the re - and at West 7th and West street, be refer- Port of the city engineer relative to the red to the new council. Adopted. proposed lacing out and opening of In favor of paying the tollott ing bills: \\ mora avenue and of the assessment of Globe Light and Heat comp oiy,. sn1.6;7: the jury summoned to :u pi:use the dam - Butt Bros.,$1.50; Dubuque Electric Bid- ages that may result to the owners of the way Light and Power company, .7-6.2.5, and real estate proposed to be taken for sand 9143.40, and Key City Gas company, avenue, it is deemed expedient and neces- sary by the city council to lay out and open saidavenue. Therefore Resolved, That the award of the ,jury summoned to appra.se said dam- ages. this day returned to th'• couneil, he and hereby approved, and that theamount required to pay such it images kr set apart in the city treasury to be pail to to the persons entitled to the same under the award of the jury on their de- manding the same and presenting a deed of reltnnini-hinenI to the ground taken fur sail avenue: and further, that said avenue be and is hereny declared public highway. Warrants of i'a It were ordered drawn to pay the jury for appraising damages on Winona avenue. Warrants for judges and clerks of e ge- ttou of $5 each were ordered drawn. Warrants forregisters of election of $10 each were ordered drawn. Ald. Trexler moved that the c•ouacil proceed to canvass the tote of Ute election. Ca riled. Aids. 'Trexler and Halpin were appoint- ed tellers. 'I'lie result is as follows: South Locust street, South Main street. i.odge street, Harrison street and alley be- tween )lain and Locust street from First to Jones street as prepared and presented by the eity engineer be and are hereb\ approved. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the city Uubttque, 'four an order for $412.53 be 33, and in favor of deducting s'.t.:1l from the bill of Key City Gas company of $111.47, paying balance, $132.13. Adopted. Aid. Babcock,chairutan of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: In favor of cancelling the taxes of the following named parties: Elizabeth 'l'ue- gel, Bridget Brennan, '1'. Mulqueeney, Catherine Schaefer, Nick Schmidt estate, Josephine Dabraks and Mrs. M. Corbett. In favor of allowing .Johanna McNally to pay one-half her taxes on lot 594a city as payment in full for 1890. In favor of allowing llonora Martin to pay one-half her taxes on n hf 148 East Du- buque, as payment in full for 1890. Re••eive and file petitions of 1. I'lamon- don and Magdalena Wendt. Adverse to petition of Reddin & Ryan for cancellation of taxes for 1890. In favor of allowing Brush Bros. to pay taxes of 1884 on personalty without inter- est. Report adopted. Ald. Lowry, chairman of the committee on sewers, presented estimate of sewer dis- trict No. 2, which, upon his motion, was referred to the new council. Ald. Halpin offered the following reso- lution which was adopted : Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a warrant for $119.50 be —v. drawn in favor of Ed. Ryan,contractor, for 77 improvement of Cardiff street, being the amount due from W. F. Collin's estate on which time has been extended, and city re- corder instructed to notify the city treas- urer that amount due by said W. F. Col- lin's estate has been advanced by the city. • • Ald, Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the blue line, as shown on the plat of the city engineer, showing the grade of Dodge street be, and the same is hereby declared the official grade of Dodge street from South Dodge street to Grandview avenue. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City at Dubuque, That the plans and specifications of the sanitary sewers on O V wa First Ward l Second Ward b rc"1t J Third Ward a- ga- t: c t Fourth Ward........ �• c w Fifth Ward, E. Pet. i:EGUL.\.I S1; I( )N, .\ PIN I, :)Tit, 1891.. til) bls ti 2 w`w°t.4 Fifth Ward, W. 1"ct ,L +-• � o c a -j Total Majority ........ » L ALIEi(MEN. Total. Maj. takes is largely due to the governing body, hence the responsibility with the people in making seleetions fur the import- ant duty devolving newt members of the council, and in selecting the council as a body, for upon it does the prosperity largely depend. If the people make poor selections they must expect poor results, for a council cannot. rise in discretion surd' wisdom above that of the members. The responsibility for decay, therefore, in most instances, rests with the people. Dubuque to -day stands pre-eminent in commercial importance over all other cities of the state, and had it been afforded the opportunities of profiting by its natural advantages, it would to -day have ranked first, in population instead or sceontt. The city we represent is one of which we may well feel proud, her business interests and enterprises resting on a financial founda- tion as solid as the "rock of ages.'' All re turtling influences the council has had to contend with for the past two years had their origion at home—the fancily circle— and yet without truth or foundation in fact. I am glad however that the influence of that ominous shake of the head is a thing of the past, and that the city is now improving and growing property enhanc- ing in value, as in no other city in toe state, and second to none in the north- west, while the natural advantages and merits of the city are commencing to shine out to the world unclouded with false re - fleet kilts from home. 1' wo years since the council was pledged to conduct the affairs of the city in con- sonance with the true science of municipal government, but we have failed in more instances than one. The science issImtlie, but strict adoerence to principle is often exceedingly difficult. As we commence anew it is well for us to consider the "stumbling blocks" over which we have for years been tailing. In the tirst place we are without any financial system. It is exceedingly strange that this is true, yet I must confess that for the last half of each fiscal year during the two years 1 have beet contributing my feeble efforts in ;tiding the council, I have been without iutertn,ttiou as to the condi- tion of the treasury. ler cout•ouu parlance we have been • going it blind." We never had any record of the appropriations, or liabilities incurred from Lime to time. Liabilities incurred daily without refer- ence to appropriations heretofore made, and without knowledge as to amount 01 available funds in the treasury. When the fiscal year closes the receipts and ex- penditures are summed up, and then, for the first I line, we know we have a balant•e to our credit, or have euhauneed the float - iii debt. '1'1w fact is, gentlemen, we have practically' no system of bookkeeping in the auditor's office, and our pieseutetii- cieut antiage• will corroborate this state- ment. lle has time and again called myat- tentiot to the accounts anti recommended a system of keeping accounts widen I heart- ily comment;, find now urge upon this council to consider the Mather with the auditor and provide for a system by which an officer, or any interested person, call at any time ascertana, by looking at the prop - First Ward- - .1 . r. Loc r y ......................... 354 l)cnnts Small ....................... 334 40 5.•uud Wa d— .lohn I'ay .......................... 356 32 Il. L. Conger. ........... . 324 It. Eddy ............................. 48 Thirst \V tnI-- lohu \1'nnd •rliclt................... 346 M. 1-1 l'usbnt,• 713 373 Fo.trtit ward -- E. I'. l'ra slrc ............... 5411 198 II. Int• he ............................ 316 Fifth Ward, E. I'ret•iuct— F..i, Stolt'/ 244 John ylryer.............. .......... 367 Fittlt Ward. \V. I'rerinet— I'..I . Stoltz .......................... 433 146 John \1cier 209 On nit teen the candidates receiving the highest majorities were declared elected. AIii. naunders offered the followingreso- lutioa which was adopted: Whereas, The term of four of the mete- bers of this council has expired, and they are about to sever their official relations with us, and \VItercas, the immense amount of of - fiend duties done by the members retiring can be seen by ticeofffcial proceedings pub- lished during the year. They are also eu- tuted to it gootl share of credit in obtaining for the city electric street railway, elec- tric lights and other improvements beneficial to the city and our citizens; they have at all tunes proven that the best in- terests of our city was for them the main question, always fair to their fellow mem- bers of the council, and Whereas, They have our hearty good wishes for their future prosperity, havuig, while in office, given the.r time and devo- tion for the welfare of the public good and in their retirement may they have rest and the satisfaction of knowing than they even hold a warm place in the memory of the members with whom they have served to promo,e the best interests of our city; t It •retore .Resolved, 'flat we extend our sincere thanks ,to our retiring b.wtlier aldermen for their uniform cotirtesy- and untiring devotion to duty. Alderman Cteminson and Alderman Lowry on retirieg in a few well chosen re- marks thanked the council for the court- esy shown them during their official career. \ nlertteu-tiled Smith, 1'a e, Cushing, I'eiNIt.t. all(' Stoltz were sworn in as alder - Stewart delivered the following iaau,iu'al address: To thy t'it!, I'otin il: t;i.:S t i•t.lir.N. -ler the vicissitudes of life acus can but discover how weak a crc,uur Ice is when perchance he is called upon to shed his light upon the alliirs of a municipality as a member of the governing body, what- soever it way be sty led, ;and there devote er account, exactly how much looney be - his time, energy, anti knowledge of the lungs to, anti how much has heel' :ttppru- science of government to tine people, in 'trotted and expended in any department. endeavoring to guide, for their" benefit, the In this connection 1 desu't• i t c ill aticn- course, the operations and business of the lien to the appropriation ordinance which -soulless hotly" as it presses onward and 1 \vas t inns to adopted Ite t year. emadrlor Ltre tiresvaria pio- tl ward in growth ltd prosperity, or as it. Itstiitonts, but the essential part was becomes diminished and sinks into tib- minti�•tl. Thu ordinance should provide Inion. as the ease may be. The course it fit . I:E(;•I-LA1Z SESSION, Al'ItIL .►in, 14:11. that upon the council ordering any .im- provement made, or upon any liability being assumed, the amount thereof should be charged in the account at once by the auditor, then the balance would always show available funds in that de- partment. The ordinance now requires the amounts to be charged when paid, hence is but little aid, as the purpose of the ordinance is to require such an account- ing that we may at any and all times know the condition of the treasuryconsidering lia- bilities incurred. One important feature of the ordinance should be an appropria- tion for street repairs and cleating, or street commissioner's fund. Under the present system the city is virtually al the mercy of a street commissioner, who has no particular responsibility. Set aside a stated sum for his purposes and you will be able to nix a responsibility that will be of great value, and largely reduce street ex- penses, and without which you need not expect economy in that department. It will require sonic additional labor on the part of the auditor, but the present in- cumbent informs me it can be dune with- out difficulty. For the additional labor lie should be paid. The increase in salary would not be worth considering i'hen we think of the large sums of money annually expended on the supposition that we will have a balance to apply on the floating in- debtedness. The appropriation ordinance thus amended and followed will ever af- ford a guide to the council and avoid all guess work as to amounts expended and available funds subject to cheek. I sin- cerely hope the council will amend this or- dinance and comply with its terms. It will be a great ail to the mayor and of great value to the aldermen. The streets of Dubuque require much at- tention. Main street is in a deplorable condition and every spring complaint is made and the cry is "who is to blame Some observations will answer the ques- tion. ltrequires but little skill to ascer- tain that the street is made of poor rock. Limestone spalls are the poorest of all ma- terials with which to macadamize streets, and especially those subjected to heavy traffic. "Who is to blame' for the toml is answered by the statement that tete sys- tem of improving and repairing is at fault and not city officials for work done. The macadam on Main street is little more than hard clay. The frosty of winter fol- lowed by damp and warm weather softens the limestone so that it is crushed by very moderate traf- fic, hence the greater part of the mud we see on the street. The only way to rid ourselves of the evil is a change in the method of street making. Limestone is wholly unfit for street purposes, and is either muddy or extremely dusty, and is an expensive material. I' or instance : It costs annually over $8,000 for street clean- in,g, and no one has ever accused us of having clean streets, hence $8,000 and over annually spent in scraping and haul- ing off material, most of which is placed on the streets at large expense. In addi- tion to this the repairs to streets Costs over $30,000 annually. More money is spent annually in repairs than in construction, for the average annual cost of street con- struction is about $28,000. These figures demonstrate that there is something radi- cally wrong. We have about 250 miles of streets, of which 44 miles are improved, (not including streets made last summer) as follows: In First ward. 5 miles. In Second ward, 11 miles. In 'Third ward, 13 miles. In Fourth ward, 7 miles. In Fifth ward, 8 miles. The improved streets are the expensive ones to keep in repair, and as the improved streets increase in milea.e the cost of re- pairing will proportionally increase. flow to improve streets is the lo•oblem aoostdifficuli for us to solve. In the light of experience of other cities and our own needs t have no hesitation in sa3lug Main street should be paved and no more mac- adam used thereon. The Material to be used is for you to hater nine, and I recom- mend that. the cutniciI cutnnience the im- provement at anew with ervrle blocks un- less you c;tn agree upon some substantial material that kill coat less money. The best pavane brick May be sufficient for level streets but on heavy grade's granite block is better. I cannot recommend brick for paving Main street between F .rst and Fourth streets. 'l'he block of j;isperite is a failure an my judgment, due to the manlier of consirui i i r. l'ol. Drake, flu+ patentee of ibis met Mid, says he will bid for work and di awarded a enilraci will give ample security to tine cit\ tau iu leiuni- fy it against loss or expense for repairs for live or more years. On inve.tigtitiutt I find the jasp •rite pavement was not !oils:rueled ti accordance with the Drake patent si eciliratiuus. however. the city is not the loser as the work was done under contract trt'rat011 1 tl mut to break, etc. It is perhaps experimental, yet the city cannot .infer by p•ay,ng Maio street tcith dasperte under .utlicieut guarantee of its durability and that it will cost nothing for repairs fur a terns of nen years. It wiw;d east uitwh less than granite bucks and more than brick. -In intersection lir St. Paul has been paved with .Jasperite, fromwhich tiller 3(111 can get reliable information as to the dura- bility of the Material, etc. It would be a waste of time amid stoney to surface 31 lin street again. It should be paved and the work commenced ;It once. With blain street and Iowa steel paved the people will demand it on other suects, and it will not be long before the streets can be swept daily with less expense than it now requires to i icasi finally scrape ell the dis- intergrated limestone. In connection with the sublet of street construction, 1 trust it will neat be amiss for Me to say a few for is coh •eruing cost of grading. Our charter pro ymles that as- sessments can be unite rot. costs of grading, but the statutes of lei;a one ndc that such exp -use must be pail ow of alp• general laud by the uuutcipadit , and cannot be assessed against the improved nroperty. It would be etch better for the benefited property to pity a large part of the graduig expenses. For 1113 11,0'1 I would ratio pay one-half or two-iliird.s oft he costs ul grad- ing a street through benefited ',report). 1 'night own. and have a low rate of taxa - !Ion while 1 live, than have the municipal- ity assume such expenses and lorever tax lily property to the highe•t extent to ac- quire lauds for street grading in other parts of the city. •1'1w constant heavy tax rate annually exacted from properly tconld eoumterbala liceaall I saavehy the cit[ assum- ing the entire burden. It sounds well to say the city pays fur this or that nuprovememi but pray tell me where the money cones front 9 e must give the motley to the city be- fore it can pay for the grading. It :ill comes from the peekel.; of the people, hence I recommend that the council peti- tion the next le!:i:,l;ature to restore to the 1 1 REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 9'rir, 1891 (')a city the powers originally conferred by to spend at home—instead of sending it to charter, and then let the council in its wis- dom say whether or not the present sys- tem and high rate of taxation shall con- tinue. It will be remembered that the most costly streets we have were not made by the city, so the argument that it would be unjust to those who have been contrib- uting through general taxation to streets constructed, does not apply with much force. however, it is a poor argument to say that because we have pursued an er- roneous course for a term of years that we cannot correct it. Taxes will not be bur- densome with this change, and the indi- vidual property owner will not be required to contribute as much money through tax- ation to the municipolity as under the present system. In view of the fact that we have over 200 miles of unimproved streets, this subject is one of vast import- ance and should he well considered. There are a number of small matters that should receive attention as soon as practi- cable. For instance, the ordinance relat- ing to licenses should be amended so that when application is made during the fiscal year the applicant could procure his license upon Laying for time, commencing with the first til the month in which the application is made rather than from the first of March and October of each year as now provided. This change will relieve the council of numerous petitions and vexatious questions. Again, the council should require all aprons for entrance over sidewalks to pri- vate property to be removed. They are dangerous obstructions and should anyone be injured by reason of such obstruction the city would unquestionably be held for damages. Proper crossings can be made by the property -owners under the super- vision of the proper officers and will be better and safer and at the same time im- prove the appearance of the streets. It would also be well for the council to require the officers to report to the com- mittee on purchase of supplies the needs in Iheir respective departments, and state- ments of material that will probably be needed from time to time, that the sup - may be purchased by the committee. IOWA LEGISLATION CONCERNING MCNICI- PALITIES. Our state laws are not calculated to pro- mote the welfare of cities, and this, per- haps, is one of the reasons why the state cannot boast of a city such as is found in each of our border states. It is singular, yet the fact is the state is surrounded with large cities, some states having two, while Iowa has none. There is a cause for this. The retarding influence should be sought out and the evil remedied by the state. One matter of legislation, particularly injurious, is that pertaining to municipal indebtedness. The statute provides that any bonds issued by a municipality shall be subject to redemption in live years. The effect of this is that bonds cannot be easily placed at a low rate of interest. A twenty-year 4 per cent. bond issued by Dubuque could easily be negotiated, but when the live year redetnptiou clause is inserted as required by Iowa legislation, the bond isn't taken unless the rate of in- terest is increased. Our indeutedness of about $750,000 can tie refunded as it ma- tures at 4 per cent, if the next legislature can be prevailed upon to relieve the tax- payer of paying six and seven per cent. interest by repealing the statute referred to. At the present rate of taxation the council would have over 816,000 annually more money to make improvements with— New York and Boston. While petitioning the legislature of Iowa for relief in the matters mentioned it would be well also to ask for a statute authoriz- ing the council to divide the city into sprinkling districts and authorize an as- sessment in each district for costs of sprinkling the streets therein. It certainly would be a great benefit to have the streets in entire districts sprinkled in summer time, thereby preventing clouds of (lust from flying through the streets to the detri- ment of every one, especially to the mer- chants. I will close my remarks with a few words on the subject of FRAN CIIISES. Our city has been more seriously injur- ed and retarded by loose legislation in the matter or granting franchises than in any other one particular. For years it seems to have been the pleasure of the council to grant a franchise for almost any purpose desired, without imposing any particular burdens upon the grantee or exacting a consideration for privileges granted. For instance, a franchise was granted to the Telephone Co., but no express con. ditions were imposed upon it by which the council can protect the people and re- quire it to render service for reasonable compensation. There is no limitation on the charges, and practically the city has but little control over it. The council should avail itself of the first opportunity to impose upon the company the proper restrictions. The Dubuque Street Rail- way Co. had the same kind of a franchise two years ago, under which the council was practically powerless to compel it to afford any reasonable accommodations, but the council took advantage of an op- portunity and after a protracted struggle the company accepted an amendment to its franchise with the same restrictions and conditions imposed by the council on the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power company, which will enable the council to protect the people and exact a reasonable service as an equivalent. The result of the council's struggles for the people is that to -day we have a first-class overhead system of elec- tric street railway which, with sixteen cars (including new ones now en route) will, commencing the 1st of May, give a six minute service, while on the Main street line will be operated the only storage bat- tery system in the United States. It is in- deed gratifying to know that Dubuque was among the first cities of Iowa to have an electric railway and the first in the United States to have the storage battery system. I have never seen cars more beau- tiful than the four new storage battery cars (and the six additional cars en route are the same, so Mr. Rhophberg informs ine) and Mr. Rhomberg is entitled to credit for this distinction by planing Dubuque at the very front of all the prosperous, pro- gressive cities of the United `;tides, and providing our city with that which will be a model for all other cities. I ala exceed- ingly glad to realize the improvement iii the service of the Dubuque Street railway Stop a moment, gentle- men, and picture Main street paved and cleanly swept, with elegant street cars moving to and fro, Is the picture too bright ? No, gentlemen. I f we work harmoniously and economically, 1 promise you the full realization of what two years ago seemed impossible. The Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power coin pa- 63 REGVIA R SESSION. .Ai'IZIf. SArtt, 1891. uy of the Allen & Swiney line, as it is familiarly called, aroused Dubuque from its slumbers, and with these two lines competing for business, the people will be provided with ample accommodations, and there is no limit now to our prosperity and progress if the council is careful espe- cially in granting franchises or additional privileges to the corporations now com- peting for the patronage of the people. 1V hi le granting franchises constitute spe tial legislation, and:each ordinance is dis- tinct from any other, granting similar privileges, yet they shout not materially differ on the same subject matter. That is to say the same restrictions, conditions and burdens should be imposed upon like institutions, and franchises secariig to each and all the same advantages but giv- ing none privileges withheld from others, thereby conferring superior advantages and favors. One 1111111, or one corporation, is as good as another in the eye of the law, therefore the coun- cil should treat all alike and be partial to none. These principles should be rigorously applied this year, that peo- ple generally may profit and be benefited to the credit of the city, by controlling the „various companies competing for lighting, street railway and other privileges. On the success of the various enterprises - largely depends our future growth, hence no legislation should be permitted which would necessarily produce unnatural and unhealthy strife. For instance we have three distinct systems of street railway service, each of which has ample territory of its own without entering the territory of another. To have the street car lines upon the sante street would be utter folly, as one must perish while the other must suffer financially. The people would gain no benefits and not enjoy a good, efficient service from either, but should it become ne.•essary for one company to extend its hoes or use another company's tracks a short distance to enable it to extend to a point beyond—but should one company de- sire to occupy a street with another com- pany or use its tracks a short distance to enable it to extend its lines to an advantageous point beyond, it should be accorded that privilige, even though it should operate injuriously to the company' first occupying the street, be- cause of the fact that such an extension would be a benefit to the public, and the pu bi ie interests are what we are here to pro- tect as against the interests of private parties. Whatever you do in the way of granting franchises, by all means avoid the mis- takes of the past in granting corporations privileges on verbal promises of the offi- cers or representatives. If the franchise is not worth having with the condition embodied as a consideration of the grant,the franchise is not worth having without the condition, and is surely not worth grant- ing. If Dubuque continues to prosper and grow it will be due to her ability to attract foreign capital. If when foreign capital is brought in it is discriminated against, no more need be expected. A great re- sponsibility rests upon us—the town is alive—progress is the watchword—growth and prosperity will continue so long as we so conduct the affairs that from our acts the greatest good redounds to the largest number. R. W. STEWART. Resignation of John Babcock, alderman of the Second ward, was read. On motion of Ald. Page the resignation of Ald. Babcock was accepted. AId. Halpin moved that when we ad- journ we adjourn to Monday, April 13th, at 9 o'clock a. m. Carried. AId. Trexler nominated Ald. Saunders for mayor pro tem. Ald. Cushing nominated AId. Crawford for mayor pro tem. AId. Trexler moved that tellers be ap- pointed. The mayor appointed Aids. 'Trexler and Halpin tellers. On the first ballot Aid. Saunders received four votes, Ald. Crawford three votes. On motion of A Id. Crawford the election of Ald. Saunders was made unanimous. Carried. Ald. 'Trexler moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: .1. l q F rrz PATRICK , Recorder. A IM O V RNID REGULAR SESSIONi APRIL 13'rtt, 1891. 6-1, CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session April 13th, 1891. IOFFICIAL. I Council met at. 9:25 o'clock a. m. Mayor Stewart in the chair. Present—Aids. Page, Crawford, llalpin, Peaslee, Smith, Saunders, Stoltz, Trekler and Cushing. The council proceeded to ballot for alder- man to fill the vacancy of John Babcock, resigned. On the fourth ballot John Glab was elected alderman to fill the vacancy. Petition of residents in the. vicinity of .Jackson park asking that E. James be ap- pointed park custodian. Received and tiled. Petition of N. II. McCarthy et al., ask- ing that Thos. Lonegan be appointed city weigher. Received and filed. Application of \% in. Van Ilaltern for the oftiee of city marshal. Received and filed. Application of E. James for the office of park custodian. Received and filed. Application of At. McCarten for the posi- tion of sidewalk inspector. Received and tiled. Petition of \V. S. Mob for permission to erect frame dwelling on portion of city lot 478. Granted. Petition for improvement of Pine street between 24th and 25th streets. Referred to the committee of the whole. Engineer Tschirgi presented a list of macadam broken and measured by him amounting to $109.07. Ordered paid The following bills were ordered paid: Engineering News, advertising $1 00 11. Zernecke, swearing in judges of election 1 00 Martin & Strelau, hauling tile pipe1 50 Communication of Engineer Tschirgi in relation to special assessment for laying sidewalk abutting lot 373. Referred to de- lingent tax committee. Petition of John Schroeder for exemp- tion from paying saloon license. Referred to the mayor with power. Ald. Trexler moved that the plan adopt- ed by the council for the purchase of mac- adam be discontinued. Carried. Bids for the filling of lots and construc- tion of sewers were opened and read and referred to the engineer for computation. Ald. Saunders offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the schedule of wages for street labor and teams for the ensuing year be as follows: For street laborers, 15 cents per hour; foremen 17% cents per hour; teams, 35 cents per hour. and that 9 hours shall be considered a day's work for laborers and teams. Ald. Saunders offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That 27th street, between Jackson and Lemon streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be ana is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and propo- sals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Page, Crawford, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, Saunders, Stoltz, 'Trexler and Cushing. Aid. Saunders offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Washington street, between Eagle Point avenue and Sanford street, be graded, guttered, curbed and ma- cadamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby affected to make the necessary plans and specifications for said Improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macad- amizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading tb be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Page, Crawford, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, Saundeis, Stoltz, Trexier and Cushing. Ald. Halpin offered the tollowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Grandview street, be- tween Villa and South Dodge streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directe.l to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for lite performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Aids. Page, Crawford, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Cushing. Alderman -elect Glab having arrived was duly sworn in as alderman of the Second ward to till the vacancy. Ald. Stoltz offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved oy the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the alley, between John- son avenue and Stafford avenue, be graded and macaaamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said iniprovenient, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the macadamizing and grad- ing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Glab, Page, Crawford, Hal- pin, Peaslee. Smith, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Cushing. .3ld. Stoltz offered the following : Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Peru road between Lemon street and 150 feet east of Jackson street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macaatnnized, in conformity with the or- dinance upon thtit subject. That the city engineer be and he Is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be but in total. Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Aids. (lab, Page, Crawford, Ifal- nin, Peaslee, Smith, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Cushing. 65 ADJOITRNED REGULAR, SESSION, APRIL 13TH, 1891. Ald. Crawford moved that the subjects in the mayor's inaugural in reference to streets be referred to the street coitttee and accounts to the�financethose treference tothe eommittee and mayor. . 'l'he ^ouncil proceeded to the election of officers. Alds. Peaslee and Cushreg were appointed tellers. On the second ballot S. B. Rice was elected marshal. On the tenth ballot Ed. Ryan was elected street commissioner. Jos. Reinfried was elected chief of the fire department by acclamation. On the sixth ballot Henry ilibi was elected market -master. On the first ballot 1. S. Bigelow was elected health officer. On the first ballot B. Rawson was elected sewer inspector. . On the first ballot Jas. O'Halloran was elected sidewalk commissioner. On the first ballot John Klein was elceted meat inspector. On the first ballot Jas. L. Bunting was elected electrician. On the third ballot P. McNulty was elected park custodian. The following weighmasters were elected: First ward scales—'1'. J. Granfield. Eagle Point scales—C. Heckert. Fifth ward scales—F. Fosselman. • West Dubuque scales—Chas. Pitchner. Chas. V. Bauman was elected wood - measurer and wharfmaster. Marshal Street Commissioner Chief fire department NIarketmaster Park custodian, $1.50 per day Wharfmaster,$20 per;month during navi- gation. health officer, $360. Committee clerk, $900. Sewer inspector, $60 per month. Sidewalk Inspector, $60 per month. Meat inspector, $50 per month. Electrician, $75 per month. The bills against the different electrical companies for the payment of the electri- cian's salary were ordered referred to the city attorney for collection. The statement of County Auditor Mc- Cullough of the assessment and valuation of railroads in Dubuque city was referred to the assessor for taxation purposes. Ald.'1'rexler moved to adjourn to Mon - (lay, Apt•il 20th, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. Attest:' 1. C. FITZPATRI('K, Recorder. 1,200 1,10(1 9011 600 AId. Peaslee moved that a committee of three be appointed to decorate the city buildings. Carried. The mayoa appointed as such committee Aids. Peaslee, l'rexler and Halpin. The action of the mayor in inviting the governor and staff to be the guests of the city and arrangements made by him ap- proved. Contract for Dodge street sewer awarded to M. Lavin for $1,093.20. Contract for South Alain street, South Locust street, Harrison street, alley be- tween Main and Locust, Jackson park, and for manhole and flush tanks awarded to D. W. Linehan for $2,828.96. Tne following bids for filling lots were read: Thos. Byrne $1,559.17, Ed. 'i'ibey $1,- 91.5 4, .John Savage $1,939.13. On motion of Aid. Page the letting of the contract was postponed until next meeting. Aid. Peaslee moved that the clerk of the board of health be instructed to advertise for bids for hauling garbage the same as last year. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that Jas. Cushing be appointed a commissioner to assess damages by reason of proposed change of grade on Alta Vista street, in place of C. W. Batman. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that all officers elected by the council be so elected unani- mously. Carried. Ala. Crawford moved that the question whether the mayor has the right to vote or not on the election of officers excepting where the vote is a tie be referred to the city attorney for his opinion. Carried. Aid. Crawford moved that the bonds of the officers be fixed the same as last year. Carried. The following salaries were fixed: Treasurer $1,800 Assessor .Attorney Recorder Auditor 1,500 1,500 1,400 1,400 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 20m, 1891. (i(i CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular S3ssion, April 2Oth, 1891. Street Railway company right of way on Cotler avenue from Peru road to the city limits was brought up and read for the second time. Aid. Saunders offered an amendment that cars shall be run every thirty minutes northerly frotn the city limits. AId. Stoltz moved to postpone action. Carried. AId. Halpin moved that the contract for filling of lots be awarded to Thos. Byrne. AId. Trexler moved to postpone action until the May session. Carried. Ald. Smith moved that a committee of three be appointed to ascertain if any of the appropriation made by congress for the improvement of the ice harbor remains un- expended and available, the committee to consist ot Ald. Smith, Mayor Stewart and AId. Peaslee. The matter of filling on Rising avenue was referred to the street committee. Ald. Crawford offered an ordinance granting the Dubuque & Sioux Uity Rail- road Company right of way on lowa street and moved that it be substituted for the ordinance passed on first reading at March session. Referred to the ordinance com- mittee. Ald. Halpin offered the Billowing: Whereas, The duties of the inayor of the city of Dubuque are increasing from year toear, and Whereas, The emoluments from said office are inadeouate to compensate him for his services. •Theretore, Be it Resolved by the City of Dubuque, that the salary ot the mayor for the ensu- ing year be placed at $1,500. AId. Trexler moved to refer to the committee ot the whole. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Aids. Crawford, Glab, rage, Saunders and Trexler. Noes—Alda. Cushing, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The mayor voted no and the motion was declared lost. Ald. Crawford moved to amend by fixing the salary at $1,000. The vote was as follows: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Page Saun- ders and Smith. Noes—Alds. Cushing, Halpin, Peaslee, Stoltz and Trexler. The mayor voted no and the motion was declared losi. Theques.ton recurring on the original resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Cushing, Halpin, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Page and Trexler. Ald. Peaslee offered the following which was referred to the street commit- tee: Beit Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that stone crossings be placed on Jackson street. on north side of 27th street and across 27th street on east side of Jackson street and that the city engineer have the work done by con- tract. Aid. Peaslee offered the following which was referred to the sewer committee: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That permission is given Geo. Burden to construct a lateral sewer on 150 feet west fromextending Highland sinut street the Place,work to be done in accordance with plan of said Chestnut street sewer as filed in city engi- neer's office, and to be done under the di- rection of the city engineer. and the city to refund to the said Geo. Burden the same rate per foot as may be contracted for the (OFFICIAL. Council met at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Stewart in the chair. {Present — Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. 'Che following bills were ordered paid. N. S. Andrews, milk tester $ 15 00 J. F. Ris & Bro., milk tray and 4 cans 50 J. McDermott, macadam 14 67 M. Farrel, macadam 13 96 Hotel Julien, use of parlors, board, etc., for governor and start 100 00 It. W. Lange, use of room for elec- tion 500 Bill 01 James Agnew of $3 for adminis- tering oaths to jury on opening of Winona avenue, referred to the city attorney. Bill of TOM. Connolly of $4.95 for repairs referred to the committee on police and light. Profile of grade on Grandview street, fron. Mountain Lane to Villa street, re- ferred to the street committee. Petition for cnange of grade on Grand- view avenue, referred to the street com- mitteeand engineer. Plan and estimate of cost of culvert on West Third street between Brad street and College avenue, reterred to the street committee. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole. Trades and Labor Congress asking that in the construction of the new engine house no scab labor be used. and that every dollar expended thereon be as tar as prac- ticable spent in Dubuque. Typographical Union No. 22 protesting against the giving of any of the city print- ing to the Dubuque Daily 'I'inies. .1. K. Buehler et al, asking that the council declare the charter of the Dubuque Street Railway Co. on lthomberg avenue forfeited. City Treasurer Gonner asking for in- crease of salary. Petition of W. W. Carr tor privilege to lay plank sidewalk on 17th steeet, received and tiled. Petition of Rev. C. Johannes, et al., for widening to uniform width ot 60 feet the street on the north side of lots 1, 2, 3 and 18 of sub. of n. e. '4 section 13, 89, 2 e. and extend sante through to Eitg13 Point Avenue. Ald. Crawford moved that the engineer be instructed to prepare a plat of proposed widening and extention and present same atiy session 1eicil. Carried. theonoRichard Morll for the ex- tension of sewer one hundred ttnd twenty- five fret west on Arlington street re- ferred to sewer committee. Bonds of the different officers were re- ferred to the city attorney. Petition of J. J. Grigg in relation to waterway near Bennett street referred to street committee. Estirnate of sewer district No. 2 re- ceived and tiled. Petition for change of grade on College avenue referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Saunders moved that when the council adjourn a meeting of the board of health be called. Carried. The ordinance granting the Dubuque 67 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 20m, 1891. balance of the sewer whenever extended. Ald: Glab offered the following which was adopted:. Whereas, The convenience of the far- mers and gardeners living in the country north and west of the city, and the trade and business of the retail dealers in the city of Dubuque requires that there bs at least one unobstructed public highway leading from the Peru road north to Ma- quoketa river. Be it Resolved by the City Council, That the opening of such road is of great impor- tance to the city and that the mayor ap- point a committee of three aldermen to act with a committee of the Board of Super- visors to procure the establishment and immediate impaovement of a public road at least sixty-four feet wide extending from the present limits of Jackson street north to the Maquoketa river. • Aids. Glab, Cushing and ,aunders were appointed such committee. AId. Smith offered the following which was referred to the committee on purchose of supplies. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the chief engineer be instructed to furnish the committee on fire with an estimate and itemized statement of the amount of supplies required for the en- suing year and said committee on tire in- structed to advertise for bids for furnish- ing the same and let to the lowest and best bidder. Ald. ilalpin offered the following whish was referred to the city attorney: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That an order fur $85.45 be drawn in lavor of James Ronan, contract- or, for improvement of alley in Deming & Burr's sub -division, which was levied No- vember 10th, 1890, and still remains un- paid, and. treasurer instructed to notify city auditor when same is collected that it goes to the city. AId. ilalpin offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed in every instance to present to the city council a plan and estimate of the filling of all stagnant water lots so that said plans and estimates may be accepted and approved by the city coun- cil, and said plan and estimate shall show the height to winch said lot or lots are to be filled. Ald. Saunders offered the following: Resolved by the City Council, That city recorder notify all appointed officers that they are requested by the council to provide themselves with a uni- form similar to the fatigue uniforms of the city police within thirty clays at their own expenses the city to furnish the proper buttons. Ald. ilalpin moved to refer to the com- mittee of the whole. Lost by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, ilalpin and Smith. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Gla h, Page, Peas - lee. Saunders, Stoltz and Trexler. The question being put on the resolution as offered was adopted. Aid. Saunders offered the following: Whereas, the owners of the hereinafter described lots have at various times as re- qeired by law been notified that the here- inafter dedcribed lots are at certain times covered. with stagnant water and the said lots have been ordered tilled sufficiently high to abait the nuisance but as the above request has not been complied with, Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids and let contract and ascertain the amount of filling necessary to abate and remove such stagnant water from lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of sub. 218 and 219 Davis Farm add. at the expense of the owners of the lots according to the ordi- nances of the City of Dubuque upon that subjects. Adopted by the following vote: A;e—:11c1s. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId Saunders offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, parts of lots 4 and 5 of sub 4 of Kniest, Brown & Guthrie's add., are at times covered. with stagnant water; there- fore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby iustructed to ascertnie the amount of filling necessary to abate such nuisance and the city marshal be and is hereby instructed to serve such notice re- quiring such nuisance to be abated within thirty clays at the expense of the owners. AId. Saunders offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city auditor be in- structed to give the Dubuque Electric Rail- way Light and Power Co. credit for $192.41) as follows: $50 for electrician's salary fur three months, $130 for use of steam roller, acid $2.40 for hauling brush, being the amount deducted from their electric light bill April 9th, 1891. Ald. Trexler offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be instructed to cancel special assessment of $412.53 for improvement of 17th street from Pine to Sycamore street, being the amount deducted by the city on original cost to abutters on account of the extra high curb on said street. Aldi. Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That alley between 19th and Rhomberg avenue and Jackson and Wash- ington streets, be graded and macadam- ized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. 'l'hat the city engineer be and lie is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- aected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alas. Crawford, Cushing, (lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north and south sides of 11th street, between White street and Pine street, where not already laid. . Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. City Attorney McCarthy reported the bonds of the.ofticers in correct form, and on Motion the bonds were approved. The following officers were sworn in: ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 2OTIr, 1891. G8 Treasurer—L. Gonner. Attorney—J. J. McCarthy. Recorder—.l. C. Fitzpatrick. Ma-shat—S. B. Rice. Street Commissioner—Edward Ryan. Chief of Fire Department—Jos. Rein - fried. Sidewalk Commissioner—James O'llal- loran. Sewer inspector—B. Rawson. Electrician—J. L. Bunting. Market.master—Henry Hibbe. Park Custodian—P. McNulty. Wharf Master—C. V. Baumann. Weigh Master, First Ward—Thos. Gran - field. Aid. Stolt. moved to adjourn. Attest' C TZPATRICK. R arder. Jr - r. April Syty X91, r the colle off kiddead animals, six + •• sit week below the bluffs and twice a week on the bluffs. The city to be divided into three districts as fol- lows: First District—AMI territory bet ween Dodge and Eighth streets south of Julien avenue. Second District—All territory between Eighth and Fifteenth streets north of Julien avenue. Third District—All territory north of Fifteenth street to San tord street. Bidders will state the price for each dis- trict separately. Bidders must furnish a good and suffi- cient bond of $200 that contract will be en- tered into and executed if awarded. Blank bonds for bidders will be furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, • Recorder. heating: also necessary stalls for horses and accommodations fur the following de- partments: One patrol wagon, two fire engines, one hook and ladder truck, one chemical engine and one hose wagon. The cost of said engine house nut to exceed $18,000. The party whose sketch is ac- cepted will receive the contract for plans and specifications and for superintending construction. The 3ity will not pay for sketches rejected. The city reserves the right to reject any or all sketches. By order of COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUII.DINOS. Notice to Contractors, Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder until 4 o'clock p. tr.. of Saturday, April 4, 1891 A. D., for the following work according to plans and specifications on file in said office: Grading and macadamizing Grandview avenue from Delhi street to South Dodge street. Grading, curbing, guttering and macad- amizing 15th street from Pine to Maple streets. Constructing sewers on 7th and on Wall streets. Bidders are required to furnish bonds W*11 bids. Tne city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. C. Fierzt'ATRICK, Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder until 4 o'clock p. in. of Saturday, April 11th, 1891, for the const ruction of the following named sew- ers, according to the plans and specifica- tions on file in said office: Dodge street branch from Locust street to levee. South Main street lateral from Jones to Dodge street. South Locust street lateral from First street to Dodge street. Harrison street lateral from Jones street to Dodge street. Alley lateral between Mani and Locust street from First to Jones street. Jackson Park lateral front Fifteenth to Seventeenth street. Bidders to state price ;per lineal foot for sewers complete Pri le for each manhole. Price for each flush tank. Bidders will be requited to bid on each sewer separately. Bidders wilt be required to furnish bond of $200 with btd. The city reserves right to reject any or all bids. J. C. FITZPATRICK, ltecorder. Notice to Architects. Notice to Contraotors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city engineer until 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, March 28th, A. D., 1891, for the construction of a stone arched culvert on the north side of Dodge street at its in- tersection with Ilill street. Bidders to state price per lineal foot, including grad- ing. The work to be d ne in accordance with plans and specifications on file in said office. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. M. TSCHIRGI, JR., City Engineer. Sketches will be received at the office of the city recorder on April 1st, 1891, at 11 o'clock a. m., for an engine house 60E113 feet, three stories high, third story not to be finishes except floor, with hose tower, one cistern, capacity 500 barrels; dormi- tories, necessary plumbing and steam Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city engineer until 4 o'clock p. in. of Saturday, April 4th, 1891. for lay- ing stone crossings on Eagle Pointavenue and Kniest street, and on Third street and Clay street, according to plans and specifi- cations on file in said office. The city re- serves the right to reject any or all bids. M. TSCIIIRGI, JR., City Engineer. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city engineer until 4 o'clock p. in, of Saturday, April 11th, A. D.. 1891, for tilling city lots 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546 and 548, according to plans and specifica- tions on file in said office. Bidders to state the price per cubic yard for filling. The esty reserves the right to reject any or all bids. M. TSCHIRGI, JR., City Engineer. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good no- tice,i con plank, and `laid in 30 dconformitythis with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north and south sides of 12th street, between Jackson street and Pine street where not already laid. Adopted March 4th. 1891. 3 -12 -let J. C. FITZI'ATItICK, City Recorder. APRIL SESSION 1891 69 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 9th day of April, 1391, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For grading and macadamizing alley from Sixteenth to Nineteenth be- tween Washington and Elm Streets. Lot. (german Bank, East llubuque.102 do do 103 Anton Witting est, East Dub.104 Ambrose Mai, East Dub. nl '105 105 Elizabeth Kurt, do s3 . Glab Bros., do 106 .lac Spot), do 157 .John Sill, do ('has. Randall, do K. J. May, do Ed. Langworthy, dod do o .Joe Weber, do .las. Crawford, do do do Bridget O'Farrell, do M 1 n..1. (I' I lalioraa,do Mrs. It. \l Money, do Michael Flynn, do do do II. W. Jones, do .1(01111 A. Essman, do .John Flynn, do .loan Froelich, do .John Everet, do sl -z.158 ii .158 159 160 1111 107 108 109 110 n?a 111 sf 111 152 153 154 s% 155 u% 155 s22 it 156 n 29 1t 2 in 156 17 62 E. ll. Sheppley, lot 767, A. sub 25 E. 11. Sheppley, lot 768a, A. Mcllaniels' sub 50 J. C. Johnston, lot 5 of lot McDaniels' sub 10 809, A. Mcllaniels' sub... 40 Richard Morrill, lot 785, A. Mrs. 11. B. Noyes, lot 788,McDaniels' sub 122 Thos. Connolly, w 3.6 ft A. Mcllaniels' sub 50 lots 789 and 790, A. Mc - Daniels' sub 53 .J. J. Rowan, lots 792 and 793, A. McDaniels' sub100 L. M. Langstaff, lots 794 and 795, A. Mcllaniels'100 sub S. A. Atherton, s % lot 796, A. Mcllaniels' sub 60 John Buettel, n X lot 796, A. McDaniels' sub 90 C. A. Payne, Jr., lot 830, A. Mcllautels' sub 225 Rt. Rev. John Hennessy, lots 820 and 821, A. 1 Mc - Daniels' sub B..1. O'Neill, n 48 ft lot 783, A. McDantels' sub 88 St. Joseph's college, lots i2, 13, 14 and 15, Henion &169 Baird's sub St. Joseph's college, lot 714,387 city J. V. Rider, lot 1 of lot 741,193 city Mary Weigel, lot 2 of lot 04 lc 741, city Alice Goldthorpe, lot 3 of 91 lc lot 741, city Walter U. Cox, lot 2 of min 826 lc lot 90 Henry hiker, lot 14, Far161 le 25 ley's sub Poole & Stevens, lot 361, East Dubuque add 100 le J. A. Rhomberg, lot 373,100 lc East Dub add Win. IIintrager, lot 13 Far - 50 lc Ice's sub Mrs. .A. C. Cummings, lots 6;,nd 7 Cummings' sub100 lc Jas. Howe, lot8 Cummings' l20 lc sub Owen Conway, lot 3 lleth- 60 le erington's sub Geo. R. Clark, lot 12, Cum - 10 'Dings' sub 150 lc Mrs. Henry Sellers, lot 4, Yates & Picket's sub100 lc 13 D. J. Linehan. lots 1 and 2, Yates & Picket's sub130 is 7 W. 11. Peabody, w;f lot 6, A. L. Brows sub 41 lc Browns 20 Jas. 11. Russell, lot 7, A. L. 85 le Brown's sub lots 177, 25 E. Langworthy, 178, 179, 180, 181, East Du -334 le buque add 25 Aug. Sprengelmeyer, s 1-5 00 le lot 434, city 25 Geo. Burden est., s 23.3 of riX in 1-5 lot 466, city23 le 75 !Richards & Burden, w 52 ft16} lc s 2-5 lot 663, city 60 E. M. Woodw'lrtb, e 111 ft s lc in 1-5 lot 663, city 50 12 1). S. Wilson est, lot 662a,290 le city ........... 12 C. W . Mitchell, sX s 51 ft 25 25 Mary 6Westj hal, n4 s 51 ft lot 662, city 25 12 Thos. Hardie, in 38.1 ft lot 38 662, city Jas. Mullen, lot 2 of n'/ lot Am't. $28 76 24 15 24 26 11 61 11 61 26 65 26 65 11 61 11 61 24 26 24 15 28 76 27 01 22 28 22 64 23 03 11 61 16 97 28 58 23 03 22 64 11 14 11 14 9 39 nut t t.EAit1No SIDEWWAil OF LtaNOW. Feet. Amt .1. P. Scott, s 51 ft lot 477,51 lc city A. Levi, s 75 it lot 468a, 75 lc city .Jas. Levi, n 40 ft lot 468a, lc 40 l M. A. I I ubert, s 2-5 lot 465,100 lc city Mary .1. and .inn Ryan, s 40 lc 52.2 It lot 4110, city F. D. Stout, s ii lot 661, 411 01,411 lc city II. I'. Bissell est, s 86.4 ft 100 lc lot 466, city .las. Collier, s 20.6 ft lot 4(17, 20 lc city Mrs. Otto Junherintuut. u 26 2 ft, s 46.8 ft lot 407, 26 lc city IL B. Glover, n 43.3 ft of s 14 lc 90 ft lot 467, city (leo. L. Torbert, a 2-5 lot 40 lc 459, city E. A. Engler, in 1-5 lot 459, 50 lc city t m Mrs. E. Munsclt, s ;s n 1-5 and n ;s in 1-5 lot 466, 50 lc city .John Flannagan, in 1-5 lot 50 lc 475, city II. B. Richards, n 1-5 lot 475,160 le city Mrs. P. Ahearn, s 2.5 lot 474. city120 lc Mary C. E. Meehan, s ;j lot 7(14, A. McDantels'1su 25 lc Ed. McCeuey, n ;4 , A. Mel/lintels' sub25 lc Ed. McCeney, lot 765, A. Mc Daniels' sub 50 lc Farah A. Smith, s e !; lot 7136, A. McDaniels' sub.. 25 le (George W. Finn est., n e ., lot r66, A. Mcllaniels' is lc le lc lc lc lc lc lc le lc lc is 1c lc lc lc 37 20 50 20 2 05 50 12 25 5 2 til 25 26 50 50 30 45 1 12 73 44 84 1 93 96 52 45 4 12 80 50 50 25 50 60 25 75 50 65 20 42 1 67 50 11 77 25 1 45 lc 12 lc 12 lc 19 70 A1'I;ILsl`:s`1O . 769a, A. McDaniels' sub. 30 Geo. B. l'rovoost, iia n 1-5 lot 465, city 30 lc Convent School, lot 468, city253 le .1. II. Shields, n 35 ft lot 477, city 135 Ensile Omchle, s?f, lot 456 (less s e 16 2-3x60 ft), city113 John Bell, w 62 ft s 2-5 lot 461, city 62 J. V. Rider, e 5.1ft s 2-5 lot 461, city Arthur McCann, s 1-5 lot 461, city 100 John McCoy, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Graham's sub 215 Henry F. Hodge, lot 1,Dein- intt & (ion's sub 105 F. 1-1 & H. Mindorter, lot 2, Deming & l low's sub. 50 Isaac Harris, lots 25 and 26, Deming & purr's sub100 G. 11. Davis, lot 27, Deming & Horr's sub 50 .John M. Kirkpatrick. lot 1 of lot 4 of min lot 73 60 V. A. Langworthy. lot 4 of sub 7 of min lot 73 114 R. 11. Collier, lots 5 and 6 of sub 7 of min lot 10173335 Bernice L. McFadden, lot 7, of sub 7 of min 73 163 (I. S. Langworthy, lot 8 of sub 7 of min lot 73 422 :1. C. 3uettell, lots 1 and 2, lot 1 of lot 1 of lot 2of lot 1 of lot 9 of min lot 73...151 lc 77 .\Irs. Richard Scott. lois 8 (less street) and 9, For- tune's sub 176 lc 88 S. M. Langworthy est, lot (i of min lot 73 163 lc 81 .tuhn L. Buettel, lots till, 70, 71 and 72, Cox's add 200 lc 1 00 W. 11. Peabody, iol 9, Hen - ion & Baird's sub 50 lc 25 Max Goldberg, lots 297 and 311, East Dub. add 100 lc 50 Dubuque Packing & Prov Co., 422, East Dub. add 100 1e 50 Thigh Corrance, lot11,lleu- ion & Baird's sub 40 lc 20 .John Hennessy, lots 1 to 11, inclusive, Levi ti's add000 lc 3 00 Tudor Jones, lot 8, Kelly's sub 50 lc 25 Addison Cain, min. lot 85200 lc 1 00 Bernard Lynch, lots 45 and 46, Levin's add 100 lc 511 J.C. Lobdell,lots 44,Levin's acid 50 lc 25 Jas. Forrester, lot 16, Mt Pleasant add 300 le 1 50 D.J. Linehan,lots 1,2 and 3, Home add 150 lc 75 J. ltterson, lot 4, Houle add'n 50 lc 25 W.. C. Mase est., lot 1 of min lot 81 30 lc 15 Louisa Giesman, lot 2, min lot 81 40 Ic 20 John H. Simplot, in lot 82 30 lc 15 Mrs. llerancourt, lot 1 of min. lot 84 25 lc 12 Dub. Water Co., lot 2, Mob- ley's Dub 25 lc 12 Sarah .1. Chubb, lot 1, Kim- ball's sub 25 lc 12 Dub. \Vater Co., lot 2, Kim- ball's sub 25 le 12 John Harris est., lot 1 of 3, Collin's sub 30 le 15 Mary B. Medley, lots 8 and 9, lledley's sub 75 lc 37 Mary Ellen Ryan, lot 6, Iledley's sub 25 is 12 Ic 15 15 1 26 lc 67 lc 56 lc 31 le 55 lc 50 le 1 09 lc 97 lc 25 lc 50 le 25 lc 30 lc 57 le 4 117 Ic 81 le 2 11 J. .I. 'bun, w54!_ ft., lot J3, Folly's sub 104 lc 52 t'hesley Taylor, lot 3 of 12, Kelly's sub ill Ic 25 J..1. Dunn, 1155 It., Int 37, Iv'llly's sub 55 Iv 27 Michas ,IcCart ty's sal It., Kelley's sub 37in Ic 15 Sam .1. Southwell,) i 8 and 9, I;rril,lrcet'sadd IOU Ic 3U JIrs. I...1.('aninuncs, lots II and 12 I;i'ad,tr'cei's addl))I) Ic 5U Jlrs. L.:1.1 nntinings, lot 2 of min. ut au Si Ir 25 J. C.Cr thtree,loi t„31artil's I)uhuqur IU Ic 211 C. II. Gregoire, lot 33 x Nairn's add 201) Ic IU,) Isaac Proctor, lot 41, %VII - son'.; sub I_:1 Ic lis Jas. SttlllVan, Int 111, I1•ii- son's sub 75 2c 37 31. 31cLaughlin est., lot 31), Kelly's sub lin I, :;U Linehan, e13 It., 172. Illy' 1.1 Ic 20 Mrs. I;. F. I,;twrence,lot :t111 city IIit It 55 Hubert `Valley est., it 31 It, lot 32, cit, . loo Ic 50 .1luson ,\ I;railley, s lot city 11/0 Ic 50 31. F. church, , of lot 17, city 25 1e 12 Richard cox i s;.,l l 5n,, ttcl50 Ie 75 B. I:. Linehan, n II It., 1,6 169, cult 111 I' 72 11. l ,int lsl:y, , lot 18, ruts 25 I' 12 31rs. B. F. Lawrt•nce,lnl :36. 'it)' 50 lc •'5 Christian church, lot city 150 Ic 75 G. U. Moser, 296, I. I,t I lib. add.. IOU Ic 50 E. R. Jackson, loi 632, oily5U r 25 H. 11. \\apses, lot -15, its 25 ' 12 Lutheran church, it 2-5.281 city •,1111c I Ila Chri,tuut Duttle, n i , it I.5 431) cite IUU c 511 Jlrs. B. Buehler. lot. 55,11111 Sri East Dubuque ."UU IUU B. S. 31cElluney, lot til East Dubuque: 15)) 75 Henry Welter, a I-5 (SU, cuy 100 I ,c 50 3lys, .Io,. Fuhrer, a I., 1711, city11111 .511 .lac. I'Ia111, m 11-51115, iiii',. 5U Ins. L. and E. Hort, iv 51, Brat Ihibti 1it';i ;OA._ 5u ',c. 25 Franco, AI. i iiA, sr.! 1 -lo ft is:1, city 1111 ..i 82 Win. Griffin, u 2:; ft 263, - i'ui .. 12 8 Inc 61 Veit Schmidt, lit 270, city'50 ;,c 25 C. H. Pritchard, lots 12 and 13, blk 1, Dubuque IIar- bot' Cu'., add 7:3 !,ac 3111 J.•11. Shields, turd i_ lot 17, blk 1, 1)ubuque harbor Co's add 17:1 c (4 J. 11. Lull est,uucl L, lot I7,• - Iila 1, lllubuque li trbur I'o's add 175 !,c 11.111. L. Bradley, uoil I-+ los 17,bilt 1,Dubtuluc Harbor Co's add 175 J. 11. Shields, and 1.. w 1111 ft of lot 1, blit IU, Du - Dubuque Barber Co'sathi275 Igc 69 J. II. Lull est, nod I., w 110 ft of lot 1, blit 111 Du- buque ll;ti'I,or c'o's iold275 1,e 35 Win. L. Bradley, unit 4 w 110 It of lot 1, hilt 10, Du- A PHIL SESSION, 1891. 71 buque II arbor Co's add ..275 3036 Thos..). J. Paisley, lots 12, 13 1. A. Cooper, a ]86 ft, Ulk and 14 Blake's aid 150 lc 75 3, Dubuque Barbra. Co's Jaeob'1'raut, lot 15 Blake's 11(1(1 .186 %c 83 add 50 lc 25 Chamberlain Plow Cu, lot Joseph Traut, lots 16 and 17 570, city 120 ;-ac 60 Blake's add 100 le 50 Irs. 11. Cunningham, lot Paul '1'raut, lots 18 and 19, •51)1, cite 100 %c 50 Blake's add 100 lc 50 tn,,ua Land Co, lot 565, Joseph llerod, the part of cite tis %c 32 lot 2 of min lot 93 ab on \ I l house NI attthcws, n ?-a, north side of West Locust n 1-5 151, city 100 %c 50 street 111 lc 55 Fred. hcnnicl:Cr, n 1-5 452, .los. 1'. '1'raut, min lot 192140 le 70 ••its 100 Xic 50 John tin, lot 2 min lot 1'. \\'. c rawford, lots 1, 2, 3 191 .300 lc 1.50 of 2 of 073, city 199 %c 99 Convent Senool, lot 1 of 1 of German yl. E. church, n 50 min lot 186 600 lc 3.00 It r', 7111, city150 ;4c 75 Convert School, lot 1 of 1 II. E. Linehan, lot 363 of min lot 187 600 lc 3.00 4,0 y 60 ;ac 30 J. V. Rider, lot 2 of 2 of 1 of c., M. nt. 1'. Co., lots 515 roto Int. 186 150 lc 75 and 516, city 100 Xe 50 1. C. Moore, n 1-5 433city ..100 lc 50 John �1ulkern, lot 309, Ed. Langworthy, 177, 178, city 150 %c 75 179, 180, 181. 176 w 65 ft lului T. Il;uu ocl:, 31U, 226 and 227, East Du - city 50 r/c 25 buque add 600 lc 3.00 lohn .1. Linehan est, s 23 John Everett, n 29.9-10 156 it :,06, ,•uy 23 Sae 11 F5ist Dubuque add 129 lc 64 \I. II.,lartut, u I-lu it, C., NI. & tit. P. R. 11..246, 301 ;111,1 s 20 it 3117 city.... 47 30 23 247 East Dubuque add200 lc 100. John .1. Linehan est, lot And t hat in ease 01 failure to pay the 'lth, city 100 ;ac 50 same within thirty days from this date, Nieichuir, lot 238, the same shall becomedelinquent and bear 100 ?ac 50 interest thereafter at the same rate as the \..I. Krol , ". '__• lot 1, delinquent annual city taxes. >It•NiUl s sub 171 L;e 85 Dated at Dubuque this 28th day of John Ilcune•sy", lots tland 7 April, A. D., 1891. Moblc\'s Dubuguc 100 ;t!50 LAWRENCE GONNEII, C. Mullen estate, lot 181, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. city 137 ;ac 68 U. 1t. Co., n 38 11 lot !0, cite 113 3.e 56 .1,0111 D. Sullivanest,nt; til, t� 113 !;c 56 \ ..\. l.unt;wurthy,372 Last Dubuque add 100 lc 50 \i rs. Alice Goldthorpe, 11 3x.8 ft, 219, city30 le 15 I' red . Weigel, s 44 ft, 21113 lc 66 .•ity A. Levi, n 44 ft, 119 city 113 lc 56 1). 1). Myers and \\'. 1;. Cox, trustees, a _ti It, 70 city 28 le 14 .las. F. Crider, 70 city 24 le 12 Christ Higley, n 20 ft, 11120 lc 10 cit) Maples, Petal' & Wilson, 11 1)1 city 113 le 56 It. Cox estate, lot 711, Cox's 50 lc 25 adcl .fon liucttel, lot 72, Cox's 30 lc 15 acid Conv out school, lot 2 of ruin lot 811 180 lc 90 Jos. 11"tt, sub 5, 8 and 9 of Mcy's sub lots 670 lc 35 and 7 F. D. Collett, lot 3 Kelly's 55 le 27 sub I). J. Hennessy, lots 1 and 2, sub 100 lc 50 .lames Mc(one, lots 1 and 75 lc 37 Ia Hor;an'ssub I.. 11. Sheppley, lot 3 Cox's 50 le 25 add L'. Cox estate, lot 5, Cox's add 50 lc 25 3118..1. Murray, lot 15,Cox's 50 lc 25 add It. Cox estate, lot 20, Cox's 50 le 25 add John Iilakeestate, lots 20, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27 410 lc 2.05 Blake's add J oseplt Ilerod, lot 11,1ilake's50 lc 25 add.... IN APRIL SES 1(►N, i.X!it. LIST OF CIT I' \V:\RIIANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during February, 1891. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Iowa, M.treh 2, 1891. 1. '1"4, the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is a complete list of the warrants issued by me during the month of February, 1891• Name. For what l'In'u al`. Amount. L. Gonner........Salary for Jan., "Irene. urer RIM 00 J. C. Fitzpatrick.. Salary for .Ian„ Recor- der 116 65 J. M. Kenety Salary for Jan., Aud- itor 100 (NI J. J. McCarthy.... Salary for Jan., Attor- ney 125 INI M. Tschirgi, Jr... Salary for Jan., En- gineer.— 'st11111 S. B. Rice.........Salary for Jan., Mar- shal 83 30 Alex. Gratz... ....Salary for Jan., Mar- kelmaster 50 00 E. James Salary for Jan., Park Custodian 41150 Adam Schinidt...Salary for .Jan., Street Commissioner 91 65 B. Rawson........ Salary for Jan., Sew. et' Inspector60 00 James O'Halloran.Sa:ary for Jan., Side- walk inspector60 Oo T. F. Rogan......Salary for elan., Meat Inspector 50 00 C. Spiegelhaltcr..Salary for Jan., Pound - master 40 00 Jos. Reinfried....Salary for Jan., (Chief of fire department75 00 I. S. Bigelow Salary for Jan., Health offcer... SO 00 .Salary for .1an., Elec- t rician........ ,Salary for Jan., Com- mittee clerk... .Cautain of Police , Policeman James BuntIng,. John O'Connell.. 1). 1151111... ..... John Rtteslt..... Wm. Carter ...... Win. O'Brien Thos. Reilly M. O'Connell Bart Cain Win. Frith John Littscher. , P. McNerny P. Dunnegan P. Kearney P. Hanlon........ Tohn Fitzpatrick. Dau. Norton James Allen John Reuter M. Hardie Wm. Welsh...... Ed. Moore........ Sam. Elmer....... .tames Flynn, Thos, Blake WJohn Murphy..... in. Khmer Peter Scharf...... P. McCollins Geo. Rubeck John Murphy James Daly Job Barnes...., Wm. Duey , J. Murphy....... A. Cullen T. Burke J. McFarland.... T. O'Shea Geo. Moyer M. Eitel P. Martin J. Essmau J. Flynn J. Wiltse J. F1 nn... T. Walker F Essman D. Ahearn .. , ... , James Allen if • • 1. 66 64 " H Fireman.. 66 H • • ••••......... •.••••••••..•. •.•••••••• •.• .•..••••••..• •.•........•••• •••............ 75 110 l;35 75 111 70 00 50 00 50 00 50 0.1 50 to 48 35 50 00 50 00 50 00 5000 5000 50 00 41 25 50 00 50 00 48 35 5o oo 5000 50 00 42 90 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 6001 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 5000 75 00 60 00 8500 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 6000 1550 00 6000 60 00 50 00 F'. Ganahl..., ..... " 11 60A. I)uccini........ 9 20 .1. Ward. 12 al 1. Schonberger..,................19 (N) F. Beyer.......... Engineer .train roller.. 60 (NI John hewer Helper steam roller... 1 so A. Allh`r•on ...... L al11.I'.r lie Itrununiii .1. Callahan 2 500 'IV. I ruul11,4, •II. " 1 II. Ilnulplyal.... " 05 F. l 1. Crrtc. 1 8S James II ar. l..r.. 05 ,John llaiev Fore man I ;N1 ,lolul Ia in.. lla. carpenter 451N1 \1.1'11, . Forewarn 4 :OI iv. .. 1.:111orer .1. I ,s:I Jas. (lagan. •' 6.5 John Riot/ Foreman .... .1. 100..100. .. Laborer F. L' ,cel 183 \I. .peelit.... ... 1 ............ 9. 5301 " 1'. h;unpw:"I' uw.....;un 10:d, I'. (1'\leani " ..... 914, .1..111 Savage 1 :.0 \1'. "uili hIt ..... E\ :NI E. .1. Carpenter :NI I). Xilter:Iner.. ...... I INI A Itr1V Board ,it lo'Loner... 10 80 I,. I;I.nn.r, Irea'. Money all\;Illrr. 1. :NI INI F. C. rile.'erinan. Imp. Il.11li .t r.•et 57 'd. I.. Goo u.r, Irra: \toll.•\' alb ;vo•e11_ .. 0Nl IN. r., r. 1'01111.... _ 11111..I:IIn .i reel I' :J F. 55. kI I ,1le imp. 55'. I:. I'. a1.. I to 1•: .1. I•:\ans Inap. alley John libey..... 1:nit..1ul..4:nrnn. lu1p. I Ir.l .I reg ) Carl I'rieb lint., 1.4u .u, el �1 PI'11'U & Jas. Ronan ...... luno. ally :1 Peter EisbacIi.... I nip. Ilion .0 ..I .) Steuck Imp, slit an l 17111 .t, 110, imp. la 11.1 .I I'e•1 I'll I; Imp. 7111 .1...•I Lid I. G. }toparhBook t.. I� John (tuttILan.l .art ;unl I.. 1i. INI E. Deitzgeu & co.. Stationery . _ ..0.; (C. W. Robison1.111110,1':.; 1r Knapp -Stout & ('o. compail'Lumber .. 71; E. E. Frithlteuun1nq detil nal Borden, Selleck & Co 2 neW sealed......... 210 (NI (Christman & He ley. Hope 14 19 N'. Kelly.... Assistant ,narl.et Ina.- 14.r. +0 (NI Geo It. ('10u'kSI ' ;u IJ Ii:u•......... 2011 John E. HartigRent ..f gun. ... I3 (NI Lear & I'iilfw'r. ILu.. .in l,•uc _....... 5 51 JKleinschmidt I lay anal lo:ol II 6)) W.m. G Watters. l lay ... 10 (MI Martin & Strelau. Fre iglit J. F. MS & Bro...flttrdnnr. 61) John i '13rieu \\•ork oil ..•10.1. 45 su John Tierney..... \\ oil: "1, .,•w.•r. 44 Peter (:Inter (llazinc nl . II 11.,11 2 511 .Janes Station.•rc 14 25 Duggan & KaneBrooms.... . Central Union Tel. company......,.Telephoue del 990:)1 PalmM. Tschirgi, .1rSupp,ies... 7 (15 V. Rut!&to Const Filet ..veer.... ss 1" Dubuque Printing Co.er, Wmall.. .ria Advertising............ 83 1. , Co Stationery 4:, 1NI Ham & Carver.... Advertising 4': 8±. Harute & Scharle..Adv'ertising (30 75 (4. B. Grosvenor.. Advertising 51• Times Co.... ,,....Advertising 33 ::5 Harger & Blish...Stationery._ 4 .0 Mr. Her'tzog...... Sawing wood25 90 Mrs. Koenig ...... Scrubbing city hall5 (NI John Mc • ee ...... Damages.... 25o oil Clerk of Court ....Costs in case of McGee vs. city 158 75 V. A. Lieben... ..Coats in case of McGee .. N G. M. Staples & vs. city. Son.............Costs in case of M:Gee V. city 5 5a 13. D. IJnehan....Repairing tools 2O 3 4( 11I Latlin & Rand Pow- der Co , .... Powder and fuse ...... 9 co A1'1:11, SI.S41ON, 1.:)1. I;s Christman & 1 -lea-{ I ley....... ........Nat's....... 30 Joseph A Palen.Drugs......... 65 1 25 Duggan & Kane.. Salt.. . Chris. Lenipite.... Stone .................. 3 00 National Iron and Brass Works... Repairing roller ..... •• 12 80 0 Ledg r Advertising ..... ....... 17 25 Key l'ityi tli, n_I'ii:....... laud Itnts L'ins... ,'. II \Vnil well ... Vetariaary services... 37 50 ('. ('. Malil,ke It •pairing harness.... 70 10 \V. S. \i itoltepairing Graves .1. K leinselimidt . supplies for roller1 60 E..1 . (•:vans...... laving Fifth ward en- 136 36 gine house95 Win. S. Mo10.....Supplles 2 75 A. Km au,ll- liorseshoeing Lear I'iillnrr...liorseshoeing 5 50 A. \Vuwlerlieli... Ilorse+hoeiug.......... 10 00 W. 11. \\',Mors. Hay ................... 71 65 1)11101,01e Water 500 Company leis hydrants 00 I tuliu (11,, \V;iter 600 00 i'outli:uiy IIydrants.......... Ihlhmltie Water 13 33 CompanyIIydrauts2 10 (!nude & RoddyBrooms E. It. ,'handler .1 alarm box125 00 l'eter Iloltntfu....Soa.p, brooms, etc5 65 .1. F. his & Bro. Sprinkler and cups \\',•;tern EleeI Co.. Eleelrival supplies182 57 It. 1.Ton/ t Ivere..sts. 45 00 \Vol. Quinlan.... Removing dead poles. 75 , F. (t ivalil .. Removing dead poles 4 50 Ih000111•',l.it lress 37 50 ('o ....... mattresses 6 30 .1..1. Mei tart by... Expense It. lacer Damage to horse 135 00 .I..hu 'I it. y ......money advanced454 65 1 I10111n1ue 'FELE- ,: F1' 66 65 inn. ... ..Advertising ('l•litral t' i iii I.ol. ( Ii Telephone service.... 20 50 Trutt 1;1-0... ..... Itcp, cutter for marshal 2 70 i now.lne P.lhi trlc ... 476 00 l:•v I. P. i'o .Street lights........ clot., List,( and Ileat i'0ae: lamps... ......... .. 500 00 (,lobe 1•iitht and llual ('0 sl ret lamps..... . 76 67 Keyl'ity rast'u. I.awl,: and gas 314 ('has. Si url(... (l iii nuts Cha.. sten,'(;_.. i ;railing Julien avenue 50000 (ian.'t'.iel;.... " " " 37500 .Bilin (1' l iea . .. \V00(1 for city hall109 96 6 T. W. Kiwi••...... 1)rugs 1 10 4 1 155 Byrne Bros.._ . Livery... ...... 'I•rexier &t lie'u- broek....... . I i:imaFes to horse 250 00 Meyer & Prin.!, ... hop. `White street238 18 19 .1. Ryan........ .l'nlverts318 .Tames lieaclt......Iii or fees 2 00 .Tames McCann.. u 2 00 'l•..1 Donahue N 2 00 Jost ,s Bechtel... 2 00 .Iolui P. l'age.... 2 00 •fh s. P. Coates.' 4 2 00 Paul ('rant..• ., 200 1'e,er spue I. I I. I I:(luiu.11t.., •, " 2 00 ('kris. A. Veelker. " 2 00 Aliening Browna ... 2 00 Julio \Ielilhep...." 2 00 II. ('orrance...... n 200 .............. I'. (Taney a 200 .............. bilin Pier44200 2 00 I I r:e•e Poole200 .1 \V. Norton61 2 00 .1. II. ('arroll „ •"'•'•....... 200 I. iRinger ... "". 200 F. \I:mmold. •' .I. %ata tiieister41 200 P. Itiwe, .11' 2 00 2 00 .10 'II .less200 .1. Christman2 00 Jos. NV Ulmer 2 00 P. Klein, Sr 2 00 I.. i'. Fuller .............. 200 I hereby certify that t to warrantsissuedbltrue me :Ind correct copy of all during February, 1891. J. C. FITZPATRICK. city Recorder. 74 REGULAR SEI( )N. MAY 1111 1.Y11. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Sessi.on May 4th, 1891. FOFFICIAL. Council met at 9:15 o'clock. a. in. Mayor Stewart in the chair. Present — Aids. Page, Glob, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, and Cushing. Meat Inspector John Klein was sworn in by the mayor. Ald. IlaIpin moved that the minutes of the previous sessions be approved as printed. Carried. Ald. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to nrepare a pro- file and grade of Bluff street trout 14th to 16th street and present the same to the city council. The following bills were allowed: Dubuque TELEGRAPH, advertis- ing John O'Brien, work on sewers....ii John Tierney, work on sewers28 00 R. boson, license clerk hire 4m 00 Pinter & Kriebs, straps Aids. Crawford, Saunders and Trexlcr arrived at 9: 20 o'clock a. in. Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing6 00 Ledger, advertising t:;151 73(5) G. B. Grosvenor, decorations for city hall John Cahill, decorating city hall1 25 Alex Puccini, decorating city hall 1 25 R. Eddy, laying sidewalk 102 53 .1. R. Williams, laying stone cross- ings 70 60 J. Tibey, constructing culvert on Dodge and Ilill street 155 91 '1'. J. Donahue, constructing catch basins 12 00 M. Lavin, constructing sewer on Wall street 178 50 Win. S. Molo, plumbing 23 65 2 James Kelly, stationery 6 10 Herald, advertising and job work40 10 Palmer, Whitt!' & Co., vital statis- tics, etc 12 00 Central Union Telephone Co., tele- phone service 20 50 U. B. Grosvenor, stationery 2 55 \V in. Kelly, assisting market - master 8 00 Times, advertismo. 33 35 Tom. Connolly, repairs on patrol wagon 4 95 Mrs. Koenig, scrubbing city hall.. 14 00 Mary Meehan, scrubbing city hall. 3 15 1Viii. Meyer, room rent for regis- ters 5 00 Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum- ber 25 89 Standard Lumber Co., pine wood4 00 C. W. Robison, lumber 3 50 Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware 4 31 Geo. Schon, services on Dodge street as inspector and auditor instructed to charge amount to Contractor T. J. Donahue 6 00 Iowa Iron works, oilers for steam roller 1 60 Dubuque Woodenware Co., lum- ber 8 30 John Leicht, sand 1 70 John Ilarney, sharpening tools70 Hussman & Lies, nails and pad lock 100 Ald. Stoltz arrrived at 9:45 a. in C. ii. Altona, wire brads 30 E. E. Frith, hauling garbage 9 00 James Kelly, record nook for at- :; oo torney Barger & Blish, stationery for at - 8 torney 2 F;. Frith, grng' adi15.1 o th street .i 7., 11' in. S. Moio, plumbing 5 sit brooms, etc It tilt C. W. Ilobison, shavings I 511 1101 Trudell, repairs for lire dept 2 Oil Duagon soap and brushes co„ hydrant iii ion 14 II I Lear & PlitIner, horseshoeing 3 5 T. .1. Burns, oats for tire dept Dubuque Bobber Co., rings for hose couplings .‘. IVunderlielt, horsestioeing l'atil sehlenker, hard a ate imouque \V titer Co., water sno- oty shavings h.Iii. s coal TlicII \\ :mg trills wore retere,i; To it I III mmlioii public grounds and .1. P. 4.2ingley. ,-.1s.75; C. .1. Brayton. 1/utitique Foe & Marine los. Co., To 1,1111111M1.1. 1111 Hill111,: P. Ilagan, $15.0o: Tom Ilrieti.•!,5.oit; its. Freeman. lit'.\V . num. i'III nli tee on police and (Hobt. 'Mid I leat Co., s516.67: lsev City Gas t•ii., Dubuque Electric Ey. 1.. ik 1'. committee: (co. (titter, 3.67: Bart E. 10 snivel commitIce: Settloz, 31.1.a\ in. Ald. situniiers, eh:drill:in of the street commit WO, reporied as follows: Your coin oidhs. report in liv, it of re- ceiving and tiling eimintunication in re- lation to chaiwilig griolt• t 0 4 ilandViv‘V as dt.t.111 it lo I ti, hes! ei lilt? city that the grade remain es- tablished. Also offered the follo‘ving as a minority report to the above and iin•ved its adoption: That Gm coyengineer he instructed to re- port 0 itt early dale how a change in grntulu III Itabove Grand it,‘V avenue be made S,) 10 lit, petitioners. lite I tiles War,, sospololod Mid .111,1ga. P01104.k affiirt.ssod the on behalf of the abutters in relation to eliang,, of grade. Ald. Crawford norviiil as an amend- ment io A lii. Nitimicrs' 'notion that the majority report it the all()Pted. C:until 1)Y the fullim Aye•—.1 Crii \‘. font, Cushing, Halpin, Pagc, Peitslee, smith and Noll/. Noes—A his. Glatt, Saunders and Trexler. A id. Crawford moved tin i he cool Fit' I be instructed to depo-t( lit, tonitit'al ii Grattulv ow nivcttttn. iii lit'cOell by the Iii the lots of the abutters. l'arried. er.T1 The following \\ere rererrett C0111111dtee: to tile sI root Petition anti profile of change of grade on Windsor is Vtintle. Ald. Saunders irovett that the recorder notify the abutters on 1V indsor avenue to appear and show cause why said grade should not be adopted. C,arrietl. Plat of Cain's subdivision of mineral lot 88. I'etition to have Madison street put to proper grade mot width. Petition to have right of way of the C., St. P. & K. I:. Il. between Lincoln and Eagle Point a venuos tilled to prevent stag- nant water remaining thereon. Petition for retaining wall on Villa street, and that all surplus grading from REGI'I..A is SI:S"i( )N, MAY -1'I•n. 1891. Grandview street be placed on said Villa street ( with power.) A. F. McDonald M'f'g Co. for permis- sion to put scale on sidewalk on Fifth street. Petition for retaining wall on Rising ave- nue. Petition for improvement of Dell street. Pei ition to make Gold street passanle , with power.) I'etitiou for improvement of Pickett and Huta streets; also Thomas, Cornell and Anne streets; also May Place. Petition for improvement of Leibnitz streel. Petition for improvement of Alpine Feet from West 'third to Dodge street. I'etilion for improvement of Cornell street from :lima Place for about one hun- dred feet; also for time.), \ i ig of alley north of said Anna Place (witlt power.) Petition that College avenue be brought at once to its proper grade. Petition that a suitable bridge or cul- vert be built on St. Joseph street at or near Stillmore street. Petition to have Woodworth street graded. To the committee of the whole: Petition for extent ion of litgi street. Petition of opera house companies for re- mission of Iaccasc. Petition of ('. F. Beyer for increase of wages. Petition from Labor Assembly 4192, Knights of Labor, that. the pay of t letters he $1.50 per slay, and that teams be paid X5.50 per day, and that eight hours consti- tute as day's work. Petition of United States Electric I, & I'. Co. for return of $500 deposited with the city with their bid for street lighting; also for ttic return of contract signed and delivered to the city at that time; and also for return of bond for 550(1. 1'eittion of J. A. Ilhnniberg for re- moval of obstruction ori I,incoli avenue. Claim 01 .1. II. aural N. F. \\'Miners for damages for change of grade on \Vest 14th street. Petition of .1. II. and \V . F. W iIlmers for withdrawal of their names Irota petition for change of grade on West 14111 street. Petition of Teamsters' union that eight hours constitute a day's work and that the pay of teamsters be 83.50 per day. Remonstrance of Ed. Starr, George F. Starr, John Seliromen, Geo. Schramm and Ernest Butt against change of grade on \Vest 14th street. Communication of Engineer '1'schirgi in relation to the needs of the engineering de- partment. Ilemohstrauce of L. R. Dohs against the change of grade on West Fourteenth street. On motion of Aid. Crawford the whole subject. of the change of grade on West Fourteenth street was referred to the com- mittee of the whole. IIctvrred to the delinquent tau com- mittee: Mrs. hengh, .\lrs. M. lierk- hill, Mrs. John Sit \t'' un, Mrs. Lahey, Mrs .1onatit ;dt lieu ties, Sophia Dempsey, Elizabeth Kress, Mrs. Gill, Bridget Blake. The following petitions were received and filed. Petition of abutters for reduction of spec- ial assessment for the improvement of al- ley between 8th and 9th and between Main and Iowa streets. Remonstrance age'inst improvement of Brad street. Petition of .1. A. Rhomberg for removal of obstruction on Lynn street. The communication of Health Officer Bigelow in relation to testing milk was referred to the board of health with power. Petition for improvement of alley in Demme & llorr's subd was referred to the aldermen of the Second ward. Petition of Mrs. Mary A. Langworthy in Fetid inn to sidewalk on 11i11 street was referred to the aldermen of the First and Second wards. Petition of John Lecht for improve- ment of alley between Lincoln avenue and Providence street and between John- son and 1V indsor avenues was referred to the aldermen of the Fifth ward. Petition of Anton Seidel for removal of obstruction on Ninth avenue. Referred to the aldermen of the Fifth ward. Petition of Martin Kermit for improve- ment of Race street. Referred to the alder- men of the Fourth ward. Petition of E. J. Evans that the property abutting the alley between Eighth and Ninth and M t ii and Iowa streets be sold to p ty special assessment. Granted. Pet it t,f teamsters that dealers in lum- ber, pine woad, coal, wood, sand, rock, ice, milk and brick be compelled to pay a license the same as other teamsters, or that the ordinance requirutg teamsters to pay license be repealed. Referred to the orcu- nance committee. ..Petition for more lights on the streets on Seminary hill. Referred to the commit- tee on police and light. Petition for the opening of Levi street. Referred to the city engineer and marshal to cause any obstructions on said street to be removed. Remonstrance against improvement of alley between .Johnson and Stafford avenues and Lincoln and Rhomberg avenues. Granted and bids for said im- provement ordered returned to the bid- ders. Petition of Nick Kauffman for improve- ment of \Vest Eleventh street. Granted. Petition of Martin Lange for refunding of saloon license. Referred to the mayor with power. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kehety reported cash on hand April 1st, 1891, $43,163.52; receipts for the mouth of April, $15,615.64; disbursements for the month of April, $27,453.66. Cash on hand May 1st, 1891, -31,325.50. Amount required to pay city officers $1,713.95; also presented list of coupons cancelled during April, 1891. Warrants for the various amounts ordered drawn and report referred to the finance committee. Recorder Fitzpid rick reported licenses issued by hint :during April, 1891, to the amount of $7I,152.50. Received and tiled. Chief Rein fried reported $1,203.40 due the firemen for the month of April, 1891. Received and tiled and warran.s ordered to pay same. Marshal Rice reported $1,515.30 due the police for April; also reported 86 police cases tried during April; also reported pound receipts $10.30; also reported hav- ing made 90 patrol runs. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Street Commissioner Schmidt reported $6,090.50 due for street work for the month of April, 1891. Received and tiled and warrants ordered to pay same. Also presented an itemized statement of street expenses for April. Referred to the street committee. Marketmaster Gratz reported scale re- ceipts $17.40; also reported $26.60 due for the board of prisoners. Received and tiled • r 1110 Ali 1E([!.\ It SESSION, D1.11' •11r11, 1`S91. and warrants ordered to pay for board of prisoners. Meat Inspector Rogan presented his monthly report. Received and tiled. Electrician Bunting presented his monthly report which was referred to the committee on electrical construction. ('has. Pttschner reported scale receipts of \Vest Dubuque scales 49c. Received and filed. F. Fosselman reported scale receipts of Fifth ward scales $1.55. Received and filed. T. J. (iranfield reported scale receipts of First ward scales $3.90. Received and filed. Sidewalk Commissioner O'Halloran pre- sented his report and recommended the or- dering of a number of new sidewalks. Referred to the street committee. Chas. Bauman reported woidmeasurer's receipts for April $1.10. Received and filed. T. T. Duffy, justice of the peace, report- ed having collected on city ordinance cases fines to the amount of $23.25. Re- ceived and filed. Engineer Tschirgi presented plat of the proposed widening and extension of street, on the north side of lots 1, 2, 3 and 18 of sub n -e %, section 13, 814 2-e. Relerred to street committee. Also presented plat of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of sub of lots 219 and 220 Davis Farm add., and cross section snowing the location of lots and height of filling estimated to be 1,792 cubic yards. Approved and engineer instructed to advertise for oitts and let con- tract for filling. Also presented list of macadam broken and unpaid. Referred to street commit- tee. Also presented plat and estimate of pro- posed filling 4 and 3 of sub 4 of Kniest, Brown & Guthrie's add. Referred to street committee. Also presented estimate of grading and cost of same of Union avenue from Alta Vista street to West Locust street. Re- ferred to street committee. Also reported that there had been turn - d over to '1'. .1. Donahue 141.34 cubic yards of macadam amounting to $162.60. Adopted and auditor instructed to charge said amount to T..1. Donahue. Also recommended that the special as- sessment against the C., M. & St. P. 11. V. Co. for constructing sidewalk be can- celled. Approved and assessment ordered cancelled. Ald.Smitlt moved to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2 o'clock p. m. Mayor Stewart in the chair. Present — Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, ilalpin, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and 'Trexler. The commissoners anpointed to assess damages by reason of proposed change of grade no Alta Vista street repotted as fol- lows: To the City Council of the City of int- buque: GEN'1't.EmEN:—At your regular session in March, 1891. you adopted a resolution appointing C. 11. Berg, Jacob Zatigmeister and C. W. Bittman commissioners to ap- praise damages, if any, by reason of a proposed change of grade on Alta Vista street in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. That according to the ordinances and notice published Saturday, April 4, 1891, was set for viewingthe premises and ap- praising damages, ut owing to the sick- ness of ('.IV. Batman, one of the sass, inissioners, an adjournment wn, That at your regular April session. 1s91,\,„l adopted a resolution appointing .I,inies Cushing a oonlinissioner to art in Ilse place of said C. \\. liittuiaun who, ow hg ;,,.i, l;- ne.s, was unable to serve, and, pur•nnii pi said a li uunnunt,.aul t . II. lierg. •Ite..l, 7,aug11•t-Ier and .lanes ('ushulg met ai Io a. tn. April 21'Ii, Is:II, and viewed .nig; premises for the piirl,osc of making all as- sessment of damages aeeordilg Io profile of said proposed th,unge of grade. Thai ,1fuv vie \: nig s;o,l premises and twin. fully advised We find Ilia! the only prop- rrty duni:Ietl on said street is lot 1 of Levin's addition in the city of Dubuque. lona. We caused the city marshal to notify Peter Klene, Esq., \vhn is !Ii. no- thot'ize( went of Rev. .1e1111 Ilenneay, the earner of said lot 1 in I LVnl's addnl n. to lie present; said kiene ❑s .uh agent ap- peaed on said premises wit 1i its on All, Vista street, and at er he,u•ing the uhjet'- tions of said Diene we al,paise the dam- ages to said lot l by reason of said pro- posed change it grade to the lithe line u1 the profile as 11,1111 by Ilse etly en;nleer and 1111 ,1 ,,lid d:nnage.• 'Al the stun of one hundred and fifty,! ,ll: r.. C. II. Ills•,,. 1.\ ill 1 I -sit I ,, lnlnt.sioners. Ald. Cra\vfnrd cher' I Il.• fo,low in_ Ilesolved, 'That the ,tt l r;u.einent and report of the eommi..aoiers appointed ill ,1ppr,tisr and (Stns ut ' the Lun;12'S it any which night accrue .o the ttiVnerS of abut - tin properI_ caused oV the change of tut• gradeoi .\Ilii \'i.la street het\veen Julio avenueaod IIIIi .beet in the manner rec- ommended he the city en^-un•er In his re- port to the council dated .\ug. fall,. Istill, be and the sante Is hereby ,Icrenled and centirined and the eil c engineer dnreh•ti In record the proposed eli.il ge of grade in the grade book of IIIe r;lc 511,1 the Sam,• declared the established grade of said street: also that the city treasurer he ill- rected to set apart ui the treasury the sum of slam aw•atrded to the Id. rev. .lulu, Itetnessey, and keep the same separate to be paid to time party entitled thereto of de- re.atd by !lint. .\dopted by the following Vole: Ayes—Aids. ('ratvfnrd. (rushing, (dab, IL•tlpin, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and 'hr'exler. Al,ls. Page and Stoltz arrived at 2:lo o'clock p. m. Huls for street improvements opened, read ,and referred to the engineer for com- putation. AId. samplers moved that the engineer report his former estimate of cost of work on SIh ave. sewer. carried. ('ily Attorney .\le('artity reported as fol- lows: On the resolution of Ald. Halpin in rela- tion lit the dereliction of certain mincers, that there is already an ordinance govern- ing such case, and that the resolution be received and tiled. Adopted. In favor of pitying the bill of .las Ag- new of .$goo: „Is , in favor of paying Jas. Rowan $86.15 for improvement of alley in Deming & herr', add. On the communication of F. II. Shep- pley that all fire fusttt•,um•e companies pay taxes on the amount of business done 10 them in the city, reported than the city has not the power to make insurance compa- nies pay taxes or license, and has no juris- diction in the matter. Adopted. Received and tiled communication of i V ItEGIT kR SESSION, MAY 4'111, 1891. 77 Marshal Rice in relation to commissioner on Alta Vista street. Adopted. Also presented the following which was adopted: Whereas, In accordance with the in- structions of the City Council the City has procured deeds to Fremont street, t herefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the map of said Fremont street prepared by M. Tschirgi, .1r., city engineer, dated A pril 2, 1891, be and is hereby accepted by the city of Du- buque and ordered of record upon the pro- per book of plats and that said deeds be ac- cepted and ordered of record by the city recorder and a warrant of $50 be drawn in favor of .1mo L. Buettell for land deeded to the city fur said:Fremont street, he being the only person entitled to any compensation. REPORTS OF COMM ITT EES. Ald. Trexler, chairman of the finance committee, reported in favor of receiving and Bifid the treasurer's report and that a warrant for $197.31 be drawn in favor of city treasurer for moneys paid during the month. AId. Crawford, from the ordinance com- mittee, submitted the following report in relation to team license, which was adopted: To the City (mtnril:—Your committee on ordinances, in pursuance of a resolu- tion presented by Aid. Trexler at the meet- ing of the cuumeil on April 9th, submits herewith an ordinance amending the or- dinance relative to the licensing of team- ster's and expressmen. The ordinance, as amended, provides for the licensing of all teams engaged in the hauling or delivery for profit or hire, of goods, merchandise or other articles of eNery description. It is intended to include the teams of dealers in lumber, wood, coal, rine wood, ice, brick sand, stone, and many others. It will probably apply to milkmen and the deliv- ery wagons of retail grocers. As its adop- tion will undoubtedly create some dissat- isfaction among the parties affected, it will be well for the council to understand fully in advance the effect and scope of the proposed amendment. The teamsters and expressmen, who have heretofore been required to pay license, have long complained of the al- leged hardship and injustice of the re- quirement which has exacted an annual license fee from them, while great num- bers of other tennis engaged in the haul- ing and delivery of the goods of heavy dealers in lumber, coal, ice, wood, brick, stone and numerous other descriptions of goods and wares, were exempt from any payment. It is the object of the proposed ordinance to remedy the injustice com- plained of. Respectfully submitted. 1'. W. C n.v w FORD, 31E1.i,. II. CUSHING, JOHN 1V. II.A',PIN, F J. S'rof.'rz, Committee. Aid. Crawford presented and read for the first time an ordinance to amend an or- dinance entitledfidi ordinance in relation to otrfixauce. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saundeis, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on its final passage. Carried. '1'lie ordinance was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, &lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. i Aid. Crawford presented an ordinance granting the Dubuque & Sioux City Rail- road Co., its successors and assigns, the right of way for a railway track on Iowa street in the city of Dubuque, and moved that it be substituted for the ordinance passed at the April session. Carried. The ordinance was read the second time and placed on its final passage. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—A Ids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, flat pin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Alt. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on claims, reported adverse to the petition of A. J. &C. A. Bowley for refunding of hotel license. In favor of paying the bills of George Cutler, $2.90; B. Lagen, $2.00; and A. R. St aufenbeil, $5.00. Report adopted. AId. Saunders, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: In favor of adopting the red line as the official grade of Grandview street from Villa street to Mluntain Lane. In favor of adopting the red line as the official grade of Rush street. In favor of accepting plat of Geiger's sub -division. In favor of paying bill of T. J. Donahue of $143 for extra grading on Dodge street. In favor of paying bill of John Steffes of $1.50 for removing debris on 17th and Jackson street and auditor instructed to collect same from Dubuque Electric R'y L. & P. Co. Instruct the street commissioner to do the necessary work for draining alley be- tween Bradt and Nevada and West 5th and West 3d streets. Instruct street commissioner to do neces- sary repairing to approaches of the scales in West Dubuque. Instruct engineer to set grade stakes on Kleiie.& Klingenberg avenue as prayed for. In favor of adopting resolution for stone crossing on east and north sides of 27th and Jackson streets. Instruct engineer to prepare a plat show- ing an alley between Elm and Queen and Sanford and 22nd streets. Refer communication of residents on First ave. high Bluff street and Lincoln avenue in relation to streets and side- walks to the street commissioner and side- walk inspector, they to report to thecoun- cil what is necessary to be done. In favor of constructing a stone culvert across Grace street so as to carry the wa- ter in its natural course, and adverse to constructing any culvert or gutter through the property of J. J. Grigg. In favor of allowing Butler Bros. to set their own curb and gutter on 16th and Maple streets, the came to be done under the supervision of the city engineer accord- ing to plans prepared by said engineer, and said Butler Bros. to pay for any extra cost in the future that may be caused by the changing of said curb • nd gutter to conlorm with the balance of street when the same is improved. Report adopted. AId. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings made the following report: Your committee on pub- lic grounds and buildings, after an exam- ination of the different plans for engine house on 9th, and Iowa streets,would most respectfully report in favor of accepting sketch of F. lleer & Son with the excep- tion that the third floor be leftinconipleted, and said F. Meer & Son be instructed to to said sare ketch, salans id specifications icaccording building toexcee 78 IZEGI'LAR SESSI(I\, MAY -t'i'll, 1891. a cost of $20,000. The rules were suspended and Architect Carkeek addressed the council in relation to his saetch of the new engine house. Ald Crawford moved tnat when the council adjourn it does so to meet on Fri- day, May 8th, 1891, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. and that action on the above report be de- ferred until that time and the different architects be notified to be present at the meeting. Carried. Ald. 'Trexler moved that the matter of official printing be referred to the printing committee, and the committee see twat the publication of the official proceedines is done more promptly. Carried. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on fire and water, reported as follows: In favor of paying the bill of the Du- buque Water Co. of $285.40 for water for horse fountains, and in favor of paying the bill of Dubuque Cabinet Makers' associa- tion of $5.50. In favor of granting petition for fire alarm box on Southern ave. near lot 1, Stout's Dubuque add. In favor of adopting the resolution for fire ,alarm box on corner of Windsor ave. and Sanford street. In favor of granting petition for exten- sion of water mains on Walnut street from West Eleventh street to Julien ave. A fire plug to be placed on the corner of Julien ave. and Walnut street and Water Co. so in- structed. In favor of adopting resolution for water plugs at corner sof Eighteenth and Sycamore streets and at corner of Seven- teen and Maple streets. In favor of instructing Water Co. to ex- tend their main from Rhomberg ave. to Lincoln ave along Schiller street and place a fire plug on north east corner of Schiller and Lincoln ave. lu favor of granting petition of John Ernsdorf for permission to erect it frame shed in alley between Clay and White street and between Eleyenth and Tweltth streets. In favor of paying bill of .A hrens Mfg. Co. of $4,000.00 for new fire engine as per contract, the same to be delivered May 27th, 1891. Report adopted. Ald. Halpin, chairman of the committee on police and light. reported as follows: In favor of allowing the bills of the Globe Light & Heat Co. $501.67; Dubuque Electric Ry. L. & 1'. Co. of $669.21; Key City Gas Co. of 107.25. Also reported that the bill of $192.40 against Dubuque Electric Ry. L. & P. Co. has been paid. Also made the following recommenda- tion: That the committee on police and light be instructed to negotiate for the putting in of fifty arc lights,the said lights to be located ten in each ward and by the alderman of each ward, the cost of each light not to exceed the sum of $75.00, per light per year, and the committee report to the council for its approval. Report adopted. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was referred to the committee of the whole: W herea•t, Large portions of the city are in need of better police protection, and are without even telephone service to make their wants known. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city council proceed to put in operation a police call and patrol system in order to give the inhabitants of the city better pro- tection to their lives and property. • Ald. Smith, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: Cancel special assessment against lot 373 East Dubuque add. for laying plank sidewalk as the same is erroneous. Adverse to petition of Jos. Jeffroy for cancellation of special tax for improve- ment of Delhi street. Cancel taxes of Lucy A. Davis on lot 24 Mt. Pleasant add for:1890. Cancel taxes of Mary De Lorimier on s 16 ft, lot 159 city, for 1890. Cancel true} of Mrs. Ellen Conlin one 30 ft of s % lot 28 in Kelly's sub for 1890. Cancel assessment of W. G. Watters on merchandise of $500 for 1890 cancel tax of \l. lteisek on lot 352 East Dubuque addition for 1890. Allow Mrs. Henrietta Iluehlinan to pay one-half her tax on lot 4 and south 20 feet lot 10 in L. 11. Langworthy's addition, as payment in full for 1890. Report adopted. AId. Pace, chairman( of the committee on sewers, reported as follows: Your committee report as follows on pe- tition of Richard Morrill for extension of sewer on Arlington street, would recom- mend that a lateral sewer be constructed on Arlington street from Highland Place to Prairie street. Also reported as follows on the resolu- tion for extension of lateral sewerage on Chestnut street: "We deem it inadvisable to allow abut- ters to construct a stub branch sewer, and 111 lien thereof would recommend that lat- eral sewerage be constructed on Chestnut street from highland Place to Prairie street." Mayor Stewart made the following re- port on the census bills referred to him: Allow B. W. Jones $7 on bill of $18: al- low A. J. Patch $11 00 bill i.f $13 if ac- cepted in full; allow b.it of John Mulkern of $10; adverse to bill of J. R. Frost of $2, and bill of A. 11. 11emnnelrler of $3. Also reported adverse to granting peti- tion of Jacob Schroeder for exemption from paying saloon license. In favor of allowing Sullivan & Bresna- han $20 to be credited on license for first hall of present fiscal year. Report adopted. Complaint of Key City Gas Co. that the storm sewer on 5th street interferes with the pipes of that company referred to the street committee. Ald. Halpin moved that at 6 o'clock p. m. the council take a recess until 7:311 o'clock p. 01. Ald. Trexler moved that the action of the council taken at the morning session on the bill of R. 13ouson for $420 be recon- sidered. Carried. Aid. Halpin moved that the bill be re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition for a crossing on Eleventh street where it crosses the lime back of Mrs. Lull's residence on Bluff street, Re- ferred to committee of the whole. Petition for repair of Grove 'Terrace and West Eleventh street, and to raise the wall on Grove Terrace to the grade of the street and have the coping put thereon. lteferred to the committee of the whole. Communication of C., St. I'. & K. C. It. R. Co. asking the city to adopt an ordi- nance compelling street and motor cars to come to a full stop upon approaching rail- road crossings, and that the drivers or conductors see that the railroad crossed is free and safe before attempting to pass over. Referred to the ordinance commit- tee to prepare ordinance. Petition of R. Morrill that he be allowed REGLTLAR SESSION, MAY 4TH, 1891. 79 twenty cents per yard tor about one hun- dred and fifty yards of filling to fill the hole on Dell street. Referred to the street committee and engineer. Profile of grade of Bluff street from 14th to 16th street. Adopted. Ald. Saunders, chairman of the commit- tee ofilthe whole, reported as follows: Receive and file petition of T. 0. Sul- livan for vacation of part of Angella street. In favor of the extension of Pine street as indicated by change on within plat provided the necessary land for said pro- posed extension is given without cost to the city. It favor of accepting the private alley between Kniest street and Johnson and Garfield and Rhom berg avenues providing the abutting owners dedicate the alley as shown on accompa niig plat without cost to the city. In favor of having the salary of Lawrence Gonner, treasurer, the same as fixed by the council, but in favor of allow- ing $300 for clerk hire for the next fiscal year. Receive and file petition in relation to forfeiture of franchise of Dubuque Street 1ty. Co. on lthomberg ave. Refer communication of Typographical Union in relation to city printing to the printing committee. Receive and file petition of Jacob Becker tor vacation of part of Aligellastreet. Ask for further time on communication of 'Trades and Labor Congress in relation to kinds of labor to be employed on new engine house. Receive and file remonstrance of W. G. Cox et al against vacation 01 part of An- gella street. That they deem it inadvisable to im- prove one block on fine street as prayed for, and would ask that act on on same be postponed until streets leading to sante are improved. Adverse to petition for change of grade on College avenue. Petition of A. A. Cooper for change of grade on Bluff street between Fifth and Sixth streets read and action postponed for the present. In accordance with the order passed the council adjourned to meet at 7:30 o'clock p. In. EVENING+ SESSION. Council met at 7:35 o'clock p. m. Mayor Stewart in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Ilatpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trex- ler. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Bluff street, between 14th and 16iii streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. 'I' hat the city engineer be and lie is hereby di- rected to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting pro- perty, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the foil wing vote: Ayes—Ales. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, llalpiu, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'I'rex- ler. Aid, Peaslee offered the following which was adopted: Bettolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to lay a stone crossing in conformity with the ordinance relating thereto across Main street on the south side of 15th street. Alds. Saunders and Page arrived at 7:40 o'clock p. m. Aid. Peaslee offered the following : Whereas, Matin greet is now in a very bad condition for public travel, and at cer- tain times its appearance amounts almost to a public nuisance as well as being a dis- grace to the city, being the principal busi- ness street in the city, and, Whereas, It appears to this council that the system of improvement, macadamizing, is a failure; therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Main street, between south side of Second street and north line of Eleventh street, be paved with granite, in conformity with the or- dinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the paving to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Aids. Glab, Page, Crawford, Ilal- jiiu, Peaslee, Smith, Saunders, Stoltz, I'rexler and Cushing. Ald.Crawford offered the tollowing : Resolved by the City Council of the City 01 Dubuque, That Alta Vista street, be- tween Julien avenue and West 14th street be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The sidewalks on both sides to be established and graded fif- teen feet wide, the grading to be bid in total. Adopted ny the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved uy the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That West Eleventh street, between Watnut street and west line of Race street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and i'rexler. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Race street, between Rose and West Eleventh streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gut- 80 REGULAR SESSION, MAY -Grit. 1891. tering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the tirne for thepayment of the special tax levied against the prop- erty of Mrs. Margaret Rc.uliogs and her children for the curbing and macndamiz- ing of Delhi street, in West Dubuque, be extended six months at 6 per cent. per an- num. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That Mrs. .Frances Whiting be granted an extension of time for three months at 6 Der cent. per annum in whicn to pay special tax for improvement of Delhi street. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolyed, That the city attorney be in- structed to investigate and report at the next meeting of the council whether there is any legal method by which the Hill Street Railway company can be compelled to complete its line and run its cars to Center street in West Dubuque. Ud. Crawford) offered the following: Resolved, That the resolution adopted at the last meeting of the council raising the salary of the mayor from $600 to $1,500 per annum be and is hereby rescinded and annulled. Ald. Smith moved to lay the resolution on the table. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Cushing, Halpin, Peaslee, Page, Saunders, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Alds. Crawford, Glab and Trex- ler. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That South Locust street, be- tween old corporation line and a point 450 feet south, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity will the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to snake the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the uerformance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid in total. .Adopted by the following vote: Ayes— Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Smith offered the following which was referred to the committe on fire and water: Resolved ny the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Mrs. John Glenn be allowed to build a frame addition eight feet high to her premises on First street, be- tween Locust and Bluff streets. Ald. Saunders offered the following winch was adopted: Your committee on streets report that the contract on Dodge street from Bluff street to old corporation line has been com- pleted by the contractor, Thomas Dona- hue, and accepted by the street com- mittee. Ald. Saunders offered the following: Resolved by the • City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east and west. sides of Garfield avenue between Johnson avenue and Middle street where not already laid at the expense of the abutting property owners. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (Bab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Saunders offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Broadway exten- sion. between Diagonal and Gay streets, be graded, guttered, curbed •itnd macadam- ized, in conformity with the ordinance up- on that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the nec- essary plans and specifications for said iin- provr went, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The price of grad- ing to be in total. Adopted by the following vole: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, (Bab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. 'Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light & Power Co. be notified to construct iron crossings on 18th, 19th and L' Romberg avenue and Jackson,street, the same to be completed withithirty days. Ald. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the l'.. St. P. & K. C. H. R. Cu. be instructed to place a walk four feet wide of stone or oak on the north side of 8th street and the south side of 9th street, the sante to be done within 20 days of this notice. Ald. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to raise the crossing on the south side of 17th and White streets. Ald. 'Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to advert ise for bids for the construction of a store culvert on alley between Cedar and Sycamore on loth street. Ald. Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet. wide, o[ good two-inch plank, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north and south sides of 18th street, between White street and Pine street, where not already laid. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, (;lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk eight feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the north side of 14th street, between Locust and Bluff. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunaers, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. REGULAR SESSION, MAY 4'rH, 1891. 81 The following was offered by Ald. Stoltz: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Windsor avenue, be- tween Eagle Point avenue and Lincoln avenue, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. 'i'hat the city engineer be apd is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recortle directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance for the work; the guttering, curbing and macad- amizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: A; e:—Alrls. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Mtoltz and 'Trexler. Aid. 'Trexler offerred the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City if Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east and west sides of Johnson ave, between Eagle Point ave. and Garfield ave. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glah, Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Notice in relation to tilling lots:— To Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City R. It. Co.: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, or- dering to be tilled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: '!'heir right-of- way between Lincoln and Eaele Point avenues and the west side of right -fit -way between 19th street and Rhoniberg avenue. You are notified to appear, if you desire, at the next regular meeting of the council, and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will continence on June 1st, 1891. AId. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and 18 hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for lateral sewerage on Chestnut and Arlington streets between 11ighland place and Prairie street• also in alley between Arlington and West 14th and Dell and Prairie streets, the cost of sante to be at the expense of adjacent property as per ordinance on that sub- ject. AId. !'age offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, The C., B. & N. R. R. Co. is tilling up that portion of the 100 toot strip and portion of the levee, immediately above and below Third street, thereby obstruct- ing the storm water drainage of the city above 'Third street,therefore, Be it resolved that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary plans, and specifications for a sewer of necessary size, and after ap- proval of sante by street committee that the said C. B. & N. R. R. Co. be noti- fied to construct the same through the properly now being filled. Ald. Glab offered the following which was adopted: DResolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a stone crossing be placed across the west side of West 5th and Nevada streets, and city engineer instruct- ed to advertise for bids for doing the same. Ald. Glab offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to raise the re- taining wall on West 5th street between Glen Oak and College avenues, so that abutting property owner can lay his side- walk to grade. AId. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, '1'. J. Donahue has failed W grade South Dodge street according to his contract with the city; and, Whereas, The contract for the curbing, guttering and n►acadainizing of said South Dodge street has long since been awarded to one John Tihey, and said Tihey has made his arrangements to make said im- provement and is now waiting for the grad- ing to be done; and, \V hereas, Said street has long been in a very bad condition and a nuisance to that part of town; therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to proceed ac- cording to section 6 of chapter 27 of the revised ordinances of 1887, and complete said grading and report the expense of said grading to the city council, and said ex- pense of completing said grading be de- ducting from whatever money may be com- ing to the contractor for work done on said street. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, It is deemed expedient to change gradeofBluff street from Fifth street to Sixth street in the city of Dubuque. '!'herefore, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city re- corder be instructed to notify abutting property owners on Bluff street between Fifth and Sixth streets according to the ordinance on that subject, that it is the in- tention of the city council at its next meet- ing lo consider a change of grade on said 411eet as indicated by profile now on file in the city recorder's office, and present their clanns for damages if any they have by reason of such proposed change. Alderman (:gab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, '!'hat a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within thirty days 01 this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of West Fifth street, between Glen Oak ave. and College ave., where not already laid, at ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, South, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the head of each department be and hereby instructed to take an inventory of the property of the city in the several departments with the value of the same, and that an account be kept of all purchases added to each de- partment in order to at any time know tlae assets of the city. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: 82 REGULAR SESSION, MAY 4T11, 1891. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dodge street sewer, between Bluff street and Locust street, be arched,and that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the nec- essary plans for the work and the city recorder be Instructed to advertise for bids and proposals for the doing of the work. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was referred to the engineer to make an estimate and report at the next meeting. Resolved by the City Council of the City or Dubuque, That Hill street, between West Third and Dodge streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid for In total. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the town clock tower be painted and put in proper repair and an illuminated dial be placed on the clock. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, John Essman, stoker of 18th street engine house, is used as extra en- gineer for reserve fire engine when used; and, Whereas, Ills compensation for said ser- vices are not deemed sufficient; therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That from this date he be paid at the rate of $60 per month, and said John Essman to act as engineer of reserve engine whenever called on so to do. Ald. Halpin moved that the council pro- ceed to elect a city engineer. Carried. DAlds. Halpin and Crawford were elected tellers. On the sixth ballot E. C. Blake was elected city engineer. Ald. Stoltz presented a list of supplies needed by the fire department which was referred to the committee on supplies. Petition of E. H. Sheppley for extension of Lincoln avenue referred to the alder- men of the Fifth ward. Petition of 11. Corrance for permission to put in a bay window at corner of 13th and Iowa streets. Granted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the special committee to investigate as to the amount of the appropriation for the improvement of the ice harbor unexpended, presented a communication from A. Mackenzie. major, corps of engineers on the subject which was referred to the committee of the whole. Aid. Halpin presented and read for the first time an ordinance to amend an or- dinance entitled an ordinance to define the duties of the mayor of the city of Du- buque. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Engineer Tschirgi reported the follow- ing bids for street improvements: Grandview street, from South Dodge to Villa street: 'Phomas Meehan and Thomas Bassett, $12,444. 'I'ohn Tibey, $12,778.88. Ald. Halpin moved to. award the con- tract to Meehan and Ilassett. Carried. Alley between Jackson and 1Vashingte i streets from 19th street to Ithoniberg ave: Chas. Steuck, $317.84. E. E. Frith, $327.84. On motion of Ald. Halpin contract was a warded to Chas. Stench. Fifth avenue sewer. J. W. Norton and J. M. Lee, 88,305. M. Lavin and J. Corrance, $6,005. Aid. Stoltz moved that the bids be re- jected and same be constructed by the street committee and engineer Carried. Perue road from Lemon street to 150 feet east of .Jackson Street: J. W. Norton and ,Cohn M. Lee, $3,000.61. E. E. Frifth, $2,851.75. Chas. Steuck, $2,919.90. Adam Schmidt.. $2,423.44. Ald. Haplin moved that the contract be awarded to Adam Schmidt. Carried. Twenty-seventh street, from Lemon to Jackson streets: E. E. Frith, $1,754.15. Chas. Steuck, $1,845.89. Adam Schmidt, $1,534.80. Ald. Halpin moved to award the con- tract to Adam Schmidt. Carried. Washington street, from Eagle Point avenue to Stafford avenue: John 'I'ibey, $2,468.95. Chas. Steuck, $2,623.83. E. E. Frith, $2,643.83. Ald. Halpin moved to award contract to John Tibey. Carried. Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn. Curried. Attest: J. C. FrrzlA'retcx, Recorder. ADJOURNED SESSION, MAY 8TH, 1891. 83 CITY COTTNCIL. Adjourned Session. (OFFICIAL. FRIDAY, May 8, 1891. Council met at 7:35 o'clock p. m. Mayor Stewart in the chair. Present—Aids. Glab, II al pin, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The rules were suspended and W. J. Knight addressed the council in behalf of Bishop llennessy in relation to the change of grade on Alta Vista street, and asked that the grade be changed so that the cut in the street abutting Bishop Hennessy's property be three feet instead of five feet. Ald. Page arrived at 7:45 o'clock p. in. AId. Halpin moved that the action of the council taken on the matter of change of grade of Alta Vista street be reconsidered and the matter referred to the committeeot the whole. Carried. Aids. Cushing and Crawford arrived at 7:50 o'clock p. m. Ald. Saunders, chairman of the commit- tee on streets, reported as follows: Your committee on streets would respect- fully report that they have examined the improvement of Julien ave. between Broad and Delhi streets done by Anton Siege, contractor, and have accepted the same. Report adopted. Also presented the following which was adopted: Whereas, The city council on the 4th day of May ordered a storm water sewer constructed on Fifth avenue, from Lincoln avenue to ('., M. & St. P. It. R. track, and, Whereas, Atter an investigation, we find the stone ,inadvisable, as it only provides for the water from Fifth avenue; and. Whereas. If said sewer is changed so as to run along Lincoln avenue, from Fifth to Seventh avenue thence along Ninth avenue to the right of way of the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co., the sewer is capable of carrying the water front Fifth and Seventh avenues; lie rehire Resolved, That the action of the council of May 4 in ordering sewer on Filth ave- nue be rescinded, and in lieu thereof or- dered.that the city engineer prepare plans for storm water sewer on Lincoln avenue from Fifth to Seventh avenue, and from the north side of ltliwnberg avenue on Ninth avenue to right of way of the C., M. & St. P. R. it. and submit the stone to the street committee for approval, and street commis- sioner under the supervision of the street committee and city engineer to construct sant sewer or so much thereof as an appro- priation of $4,060 will carry it. when he shall stop until further orders from the city council. Also presented the following report which was adopted: Your committee on streets, to whom was referred the proposed extension and wid- ening of street north of lots 1, 2, 3 and 18 of the sub of ti -e % of sec. 13, township 89 2-e, city of Dubuque, la., would recom- mend that the city engineer be instructed to notify property owners on said proposed extension of the council's intention, and atter said notice has been properly given to property owners to appear before the council and the city recorder instructed to issue a venire to the marshal to summon a jury to assess damages, if any, caused by said proposed extension. AId. l'easlee stated that he had been re- quested by the abutters on the alley be- tween 8th and 9th and Iowa and Main streets, toe bring the matter of paying special assessment for improvement of said alley, that they would be willing to pay the assessment immediately less the penalty. 'I' he rules were suspended and Contractor Evans addressed the council and states that he was not willing to lose the penalty, and that he had already waited a long time fur his money on that contract, and that he wanted all that he was entitled to. Plans for new engine house were pre- sented: Aid. Stoltz offered the following report and moved its adoption. Your committee on public grounds and buildings, atter an examination of the different plans for engine house on 9th and lows streets, would most respectfully report in favor of accepting sketch of F. (leer & Son with the exception that the 3rd floor be left uncompleted and said F. Heer & Son be instructed to prepare plans and specifications according to said sketch. Said build ng not to exceed a cost of $20, 000. Aid. l'easlee moved to postpone action lost. Aid. Smith moved as an amendment to substitute , he plans of Architect Carkeek for the plans of F. Heer & Son. The vote being a tie the mayor voted aye, the motion was declared carried. AId. Crawford moved to postpone action. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Ulab, Page and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Cushing, llalpin, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and 'Trexler. The question bring put on the report of the committee as amended by Ald. Smith was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alis. Cushing, Halpin, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and 'I rexier. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Page and Stoltz. Ald. Saunders moved that Mr. Carkeek be instructed to prepare plans and specifi- cations as per sketch presented and con- fer with chief of fire departm^nt and fire committee as regards changes without ad- ditiolial expense, and that the plans and specifications yo prepared be submitted to toe committee of the whole for approval. AId. Crawford moved as an amendment that after the plans and specifications are completed that they be submitted to the committee on public grounds and build ings, chief of the fire department and city engineer for their approval before adver- tising. Aid. Peaslee moved as a substitute that the whole matter he referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Carried. The rules were suspended and Mr. Car- keek addressed the council and stated that his charges would be two per cent. for pre- paring plans and specifications and two per cent. additional for superintending construction. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That Mrs. Suess be allowed an extension of six months time from this date at six per cent. per annum in which to pay special tax for improvement of Couler avenue abutting her property. Ald. Saunders moved that the action taken at this meeting reconsidering the action of the council taken on the grade of Alla Vista street be rescinded. Carried. AId. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the action of the council at this meeting in reconsidering and re- ferring to the committee of the whole the matter of the change of grade of Alta 1 Garaivt 11. 84 ADJOURNED SESSION MAY Slit, 181)1. Vista street be and is hereby rescinded and annulled and that the action of the city council of May 4th, 1891, in establish- ing the change of grade of said Alta Vista street be confirmed and approved. Ald. Saunders offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city marshal be and is hereby instructed to advertise and sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the two frame and one brick residence belong- ing to the city on 9th and Iowa streets, the buildings to be removed within 15 days by the purchaser. Ald. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the street committee be instructed to complete the iron crossings on 18th, 19th and 20th and Jackson streets, in conformity with the one constructed by the Street Railway Co. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Reswlved, That the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to place the street roller on Cardiff street and roll the same in the proper manner. Ald. Smith moved that the matter If dumping garbage be referred to the com- mittee on harbors. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn. Car- ried. . Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK. • Recorder. ,'"• e� i �..1. f e a t . n of ents of eh' r n and others i a ed t il0+a-ttce in rel •n to jumping on cars, and the police and officers of railroad companies will see that the same is strictly enforced. "Any person, not an employe of a railroad company or an officer of the law, who shall at any place in the city of Dubuque, other than the established depots, get on or off any engine, or car of any railroad com- pany in said city, whilst such engine or car is in motion, or at any plt:ce in said city get on any engine or car of any rail- road company without the consent, ex- pressed or implied, of the person in charge of such engine or car, shall be subject to a fine of not less than one or more than twenty dollars and costs of prosecution. 1 am determined to stop this nuisance as accidents are liable to happen at any time, then "somebody" else is to blame. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. DVBuQuE, Iowa, April 22, 1891. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the ordinance in relation to shooting catapults and ball playing on the streets will be strictly en- forced and aay person found violating the same will be punished to the full extent of the law. "A word to the wise is sufficient." S. B. RICE, City Marshal. DUBUQUE, Iowa, April 21, 1891. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of city recorder at the city hall until 12 o'clock m., of Monday, May 4, 1891, for doing the following work in accordance with plans and specifications on tile in said office: For grading, curbing, guttering and ma cadamizing Maple street from Thirteenth to Eight- eenth streets. Grandview street from Dodge street to Villa street. Twenty-seventh street from Jackson street to Lemon street. Peru Road from Lemon street to 160 feet east of Jackson street. Washington street from Eagle Point ave- nue to Sanford street. And grading and macadamizing alleys from Johnson avenue to Stafford avenues, between Lincoln and Rhombere avenue; and from Nineteenth street to Ithomberg avenue, between Jackson and Washing- ton streets. Bidders to state the price per lineal foot for curbing, the once per square yard for macadamizing and guttering, and the price for grading on streets in total, and on alleys per cubic yard. Bidders to furnish bonds with proposals. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. .1. C. FITZPATRICK. City Recorder. Notice for Removal of Garbage. Sealed proposals will be received up to 12 o'clock m., of Monday, May 4, 1891, for the collection of garbage and dead animals, six days a week below the bluffs and twice a week on the bluffs. The city to be divided into three districts as follows: Second District—Ali territory between Eighth and Fifteenth streets north of Julien avenue. Third District—All territory north of Fifteenth street to Sanford street. Bidders will state the price for each dis- trict separately. Bidders must furnish a good and suffi- cient bond of 8200 that contract will be en- tered into and executed if awarded. Blank bonds for bidders will be furnished by the recorder. •'i'he city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Ohauge of Grade. Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office a profile showing the proposed change of grade on West Four- teenth street from Broad to Delhi street, which will be considered at the next regu- lar session of the council to be held May 4th, 1891, and all persons claiming dam- ages by reason of such proposed chance of grade must file their claims with the re- corder before said meeting. J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. Dubuque, April 16, 1891. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office 01 the city engineer until 12 o'clock m. of Monday, May 4, A. D. 1891, for the construction of a storm sewer on Fifth avenue from Lincoln avenue to C., M. & St. P. railroad track, according to plans and specifications on tile in said office. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. M. TBCHIRGI,, JR., City Engineer. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office until 4 o'clock p. in., Thursday, May 7th, 1891, for filling lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of sub - 44 ADJOURNED SESSION, MAY STn, 1891. 85 division of lots 218 and 219 l)avis farm ad- dition according to plans and specifications on file in said office. The city reserves the right to reject my or all bids. M. TsCHIROI, JR., City Engineer. SIDE W ALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north and south sides of 11th street, between White street and Pine street, where not already laid. Adopted April 20th. 1891. 446-10t .1. C. MTTZPATRICK. Recorder. 86 SPECIAL SESSION, MAY 11TH, 1891. CITY COUNCIL. Special Session, May 11, 1891. [OFFICIAL.] Council met at 3:20 o'clock p. tn. Mayor pro tempore Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Ilal- pin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Trexler. Petition for straightening of Broadway extension referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plat and profile for proposed straightening of Broad- way extension between the first alley run- ning south from said street and Gay street, as per plat attached to petition requesting said change and notify abutters and own- ers of the intention of the city council to straighten said street. Sidewalk Commissioner O'Ilalloran re- ported that the sidewalks around Jackson and Washington parks are in bad condition and recommended that new walks be laid. Referred to committee of the whole. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, It is the intention of the city to construct a storm water sewer from 5th to 9th avenue and along 9th avenue to the C., M. St. P. R. IL; therefore, Resolved, That the C., M. & St. P. R. II. Co. be notified to make preparations for extension of said sewer through their right-of-way on 9th avenue at their own expense, the same to be clone and com- pleted when the city has its part clone to said C., M. & St. P. R. R. right-of-way. Ald. Peaslee moved that Mr. McGrath be given permission to move barn on West Seventeenth street until West Locust street is improved, said McGrath to hold the city harmless against airy damages that may arise. Carried. AId. Peaslee moved that the street com- mittee report on petition of A. Y. McDon- ald M'f'g Co. for permission to put in a scale on the sidewalk on 5th street at their factory. Carried. AId. Saunders, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: In favor of allowing A. Y. McDonald M'f'g Co. to place scale as prayed for during the pleasure of the council. Adopted. Ald. Halpin moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance entitled "An or- dinanceto define the duties of the mayor" be read the second time and placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Halpin, Page, Saunders and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Page moved that action on the ordinance be postponed. Carried. Ald. Crawford presented and read for the first time au ordinance entitled an ordinance repealing section ti of chapter 12 of the revised ordinances of 1887 and en- acting a substitute in lieu thereof. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Trexler. Ald. Halpin movea that the rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Hal- pin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Trexler. The ordinance was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes Alds. Craword, Cushing, Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Trex- ler. Engineer elect Blake presented his of- ficial bond which was approved. Mayor Stewart took the chair at 4:30 o'clock p. M. E. C. Blake was sworn in as city en- gineer by the mayor. Aid. Crawford offered the following which was adopted. Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby authorized to apppoint two as- sistants, in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance this (lay adopted, such appointments to be submit- ted to the council for its approval pur- suant to said ordinance. Aid. Saunders moved that the salary of city engineer be fixed at the rate of $1,500 per year. Carried. Aid. Saunders moved that Engineer Hyde be retained in the city engineer's of- fice at a salary of $100 per month until the appointments made by the city engineer are approved. Carried. AId. Saunders moved to adjourn. Tied. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Record To Whom It Notice is her stands around Saturday, May o'clock a. m. t cash. Co. cern !nt all 111 "ett 'u/ . Y. Mark I • s� Car- lievealing Section five (5) of Chapter 12 of the Revised Ordinances of 1887, and enacting a substitute in lieu thereof. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: SECTION 1. That Section five (5) of Chapter 12 01 the Revised Ordinances of 1887, being an ordinance entitled "An Or- dinance to Provide for the Appointment of a City Engineer and to Define His Duties," he and the same is hereby re- pealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof, to -wit: "Section 5. The City Council may by resolution, whenever deemed expedient, authorize the city engineer to appoint one or more assistants, who shall be educated and competent civil engineers and possess- ing the same qualifications as the city en- gineer, to assist him in the discharge of his official duties, but no appointment of any assistant city engineer shall take ef- fect until the city engineer shall in writing submit such appointment, and the compen- sation proposed to be paid, to the City Council for its approval. The vote on the question of such ,approval shall be by bal- aot, and a majority of all the aldermen shall be required to confirm the appoint- ment. Any person so appointed and con- firmed as assistant city engineer shall hold his position during the pleasure of the coun- cil unless appointed for a certain specified time, to be stated by the city engineer in his communication submitting the appoint- ment to the council. He shall discharge his duties under the direction of the city engineer, and be subject to his supervision. 'Che time and services of the city engineer and assistant city engineer, while holding 1 SPECIAL SESSION MAY Hili. 1`+91 their several official positions, shall be de- voted exclusively to the city of Dubuque; and to the performance of the duties im- posed upon the city engineer by ordinance, and he instructions of the city council. It shall be the duty of the city engineer to provide as far as practicable that his office in the city hall shall be at all times open for business during ordinary business hours, and that either himself or an assist- ant, or other authorized person, shall be present therein for the purpose of afford- ing facilities for the examination of the maps, plats, grades, and other official records of the office by all persons desiring access thereto, and the rendering informa- tion in relation to the same." SEC. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Daily TELE- GRAPH newspaper. Adopted May 11th, 1891. R. W. STEWART, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. AN ORDINANCE '1'o amend an ordinance entitled "an ordi- nance in relation to licenses," being chapter twenty-three (23) of the revised ordinances of 1887. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the first paragraph of section eleven (11) of chapter 23 of the re- vised ordinances of 1887 be, and the same is, hereby repealed; and the following en- acted in lieu thereof: "Section 11. That no person shall with- in the limits of the city of Dubuque keep, own or use any dray., wagon, or other vehicle for hire or profit, or for the carry- ing from one place to another, or the deliv- ery of any goods, merchandise, or other articles, in the course of any business, or employment, within the city of Dubuque, without a license therefor, under a penalty of two dollars for each load or parcel so carried without license; and for a license for every such vehicle he shall pay to the city the sum of rive dollars per annum for each vehicle drawn by one horse or mule, and:len dollars per annum if drawn by more than one." Section 2. That nothing in the first sec- tion of this ordinance shall be construed to apply to, or affect, paragraphs a and b of said section eleven, which paragraph shall remain in full force. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque DAILY TELEGRAPH newspaper. Adopted May 4th, 1891. Ron'T W. STEWART, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. 88 MAY SESSION, 1891. LIST OF CI'f Y Po` aRIEaVf 3 Drawn by the City Recorder during March, 1891. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, IOwa, April 1, 1891. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is a complete list of the warrants issued by me during the month of March, 1891: T. Flynn Fireman T. Walker........ " FEssman........ I). Ahearn... Hook and lathier cap- tain.— – ... ..... ap- tain60 On James Allen......Driver GO 00 C. Kannolt..... .. Fireman 50 qt F. Ganahl.........Minute man25 75 J. Schonberger... 12 in 46 J. Ward 12 1111 A. Duccini6% 12 00 tk S. Schallenberg3 311 Ed. Keas66 30000 D. Trigilgus04) 413 B. Jlellonnell..• ,, t q1 00 A. Straney••••••. J. Albrecht. b 65 F. Bever Fut6latiiieerorerroad roller... 45 00 J. Byrne ..... ........ Laborer 65 65 P. Brandeuberger " John Eagan...... 91 725 0 J. Corbett........ 1 ,85 8:) J. Callahall 1 J. Eberhardt 1 25 Joe Friedley 1 .5 H. Foltz__. . ............... Ed. Grew5 q1 1 85 P. Grew... 50 7 Geo. Hug6hs�� 7 70 JonnHatev..... ..•••.......... John Kinsella Carpenter 45 q1 J. Kremer........ Laborer 1 85 M. MOCone........Foreman 3 (8)15)L. McEvoy........ Laborer 6x5, J. McNulty....... 64a 15 B. McCormack.... " 2 50 Win. McDermott. ........ • • • • • 1 55 Jotsu Ryan...P. Melcholr..... .. tl'1 J. Perryorr....... " 1 2:• ..... 2 5W John Itaet7 •' F o erctri 3 9 u 5 F. Rieger J. Koerner........ ............... 1 'l J. Sass. ...... " ............... 1 8:, M. Specht 66 1_'5 Geo. Sutter Iit 1 25 25 J. Wolff65 Ed. Winkelman3 75 P. Ilorsch Te on 3 2 1'. Jordan 126341 0 bl C. Kawp aann'� 4 51) S. Norton......... �� 3 75r A. Turner......... '• 1 514 John Williams.... " 6 O11 F. Siege Fxpress• 1 0 Win. Sinholdt.... 511 H. Haas 66 �. 50 (leo. Doerr E. J. Carpenter" .................. 1 co A. Fulu'maun " 1I M. Lavin.4. 50 J. Steffee. ....... " 1 00 Geo. Hinkson.... " ...............• 50. J. McCollins...... „ 1 00 1). D. Nitterauer. Alex. Gratr..... ...lioardof prisoners10 214 L. Conner ......... Treasurer, p o s t s Ke, 425 25 oats, etc Robt. W. Stewart.Muney advanced an macadam . 50(100 Robt. W. Siewart.Money advanced •ou 50000macadam Robt. \V. Stewart. I oney advanced ou l)(1 muctulam 00 Robt. W. Stewart.Mouey advanced on macadam .. . Chas. SteucK Special assessment .... 50 00 50 00 50 q1 Name. For wnat Purpose. Amount L. Gonner........Salary for Feb., Treas- urer. reas- $150 00 urer•....... J. C. FitzpatrickSalary for Feb., RRecor- 116 70 J. M. Kenety Sallar for Feb., Aud- itor ud- 100 00 J. J. McCarthy....Salary for Feb., Attor- 125 00 M. Tschirgi, Jr... Salary foi Feb., En. 250 00 gineer........ .... S. B. Rice.........Salary for Feb., Mar- shal Alex. Gratz.. ....Salary for Feb., Mar- ketmaster E. James Salary for Feb., Park 42 co Custodian Adam Schmidt...Salomfor mirs Feb.,er Street 91 65 B. Rawson........Salary for Feb., Sew- er Inspector ..... 60 00 James O'Halloran•Saiary tor Feb., Side- walk Inspector 60 00 T. F. Rogan Salary for Feb., Meat Inspector............ 50 00 C. SpiegelhalterSalary for Feb., Pound- 00 Pound - master Jos. Reinfrled.... Salary for Feb., Chief of lire department75 00 I. S. Bigelow Salary for Feb., Health 30 00 officer James Bunting...Salary for Feb., Elec- trician......... 75 00 John O'Connell... Salary for Feb , Coin- tmttee clerk66 65 P. F. Gut late .... Salary for Jan. and k'e , assessor250 00 F. A. Glab........Salary fassistant Feb., and as- sessor, 200 00 D. Ryan... ......Cantaiu of Police 75 W John Iiaesli...... 4870 00 Win. Carter....... Policeman Wm. O'Brien I. . 1485 50 7 7 Thos. Reilly...... 61 01 M. O'Connell 64 50 CO Bart Cain a50 00 Win. Frith66 00 John Littscher•Go 00 •..••••••••••• 6000 P. McNerny 5000 Li 5i) P. Dunnegan I'. Kearney46 70 P. Hanlon " 50 00 John Fitzpatrick44. 14 0 Dan. Norton 5 00 50 60 James Allen 0 John Reuter 50 00 M. Ilardie..... 50 00 Win. Welsh" .............. 46 70 Ed. Moore 50 00 Sam. Elmer 60 00 James Flynn 50 00 Thos. Blake...... .. 50 00 John Murphy, 48 35 Win. Klauea• " 46 70 Peter Scharf " 50 00 P. McUollius1 6 ....•••••••••• 5000 Geo. Rubeek L6 46 70 John Murphy Patrol driver 60 00 Jas. Carter .... ....1'olice... 32 15 James Daly Fireman captain....... 60 W Job Barnes....... Engineer 75 00 Win. Duey ... Stoker 50 00 J. Murphy Driver .................60 00 A. Cullen... 60 00 T. Burke I iceman.... 50 00 J. McFarland•• 50 00 T. O'Shea "• 50 00 Geo. Moyer I' lectrician 75 ou M. Eitel........... Fireman captain 60 00 P. Martin......... Engineer 85 00 J. Essulan Stoker 5000 J. Flynn Driver ................. 60 00 J. Wiltse .. 00 00 Ed. P..xan`• •••• 44H J. H. Deggendoif " 66 • • • • E. Frith'• •••• F. hisbachII •••• John Tlbey.. " ` •••• James RowanII 61 • • • • Prieb Si Meyer• • • • E. E. Frith... . Int. on assessment.... Sam. Allen .Macadam .............. John Albreeht" Martin Bentz II •••• ••••••••. Anton Bole •• 61•John Burns Chas. liehhhard" Vat Burns•` John Bo.-tscher" Mike Burke " J. Crider " ••••••••••••••• Richard Burns" John Callahan•' John Bavendorf 182 54 197 11 500 00 258 69 500 00 216 43 89 94 119 69 71 96 143 95 31 59 41 40 10 72 5 q1 35311 15 95 8 ill 8 611 38 65 80 50 4 00 17 q► 685 92 25 265 25 45 MAY SESSION, 1891. 89 John Corbett Alex. Duceini Dau. Coughlin August lluccinl Mr Drumm__ Pat. 1)etnpsey Frank Fotfah .1. Fitzgerald C Fi'U11Y.... .. John Fuhrman Pat. Gill..... John ,gess er Adolph Gague .John Heekerman. Thos. Hackney Jas. Huboldt...... Sam. Keetzman Paul I(rokeski John Leidinger .lames Melloy .luhu Mullin .1. NIaruna... Aug:. Marsh Alike .lthony Tint. 3laitony Simon Meyer J. Nlcl,,itghlin Win. Mel)ermott. Mike 3eMahou Phil. Mi Pride John McNulty Fred. Nauic Fred. alto T. O'Connell M. O'Loughlin John O'10 -a Pullen & Wagner. Chas. Reilly Frank Roy ( has. Rein........ A. Reuter A. Renter Thos. Rogers W. Preston P. Quinn .......... .1. Schreiner S. Steib e Nic. Schroeder... Thos. Welsh...... M. Wagner....... Geo. Welter I. Werssacli Ed. Welsh Aug. \Verntz .1. Harnett .1 ilcobotter A. Lange M. Helvick J. Hanson A Hotferman Fred. Hess C. Jacobi I', Ktaheski .6 66 „ „ . ,66 ............... 16 46 41 ............... 61 „ 14 ............... ............... 66 66 16 61 „ at 66 4, „ Mc('affre &Hall” Il McCaffrey ” Chas. Karch .Ias. Swiney Al. Sullivan_ ‘• chits. Sabel......, ............... John Tally " Alex. I)Uiiiui„ ............... John Williams \\'m. Wells \Vnl. Freymark64 .101111 Cooney " Alex. Duccini .1. Williams .1. Mundt &Co" . ...• Win. Wells....... •` Chas. Nauk ••••••••••••••• II •1 ippic A. Ring... Joint Lacy " •••.•••••••••.. .1. 1'ippie„ ............... Dti:Wali & KaneSalt ............... .... G. I1. (I rosvenorStationery. . . A.\Vutiderlich1-Iorseshoeing.......... II anmgartner& Kiel!' .Rope .................. . C. \V. Robison Lumber Ed. Blake ..... ... Plat....... ........... Ledger • • • • • • •. •... Advertising B. E. Linehan... Wire and ducking .1. Whelan Macadam .............. James KellyStationery M. Lavin . Cistern, 4111 and Locust Chas. Ste uck Grading Garfield ave.. 11. Bronson, Medical attendance... Ileinfried & Jae- get•..............Nails, etc.............. \\ in. Kelly ..... —Assistant market inas- 14 75 ter. 40 00 10 30 B. Lagen.......... Livery 2 00 21 65 Reiufried & Jae - l; 60 ger.............. Hardware ... 4 80 1 45 W. Gruber.......Repairing stoves, etc2 75 89 05 E. M. Dickey Co.. White waste 11 10 11 40 E. M. Dickey Co..White waste12 30 37 05 Albert Kannolt....Herseshoeing....... 6 50 47 55 W. S. Moto ..... ..Ropairing engines 75 46 35 Lear & Pfiffner...Hor.esho ing4 00 34 t0 John Ganahl Horseshoefug 5 25 18 65 Frantz & Clark... Drug supplies2 55 18 50 Key City Gas C.I..Coke and Coal24 18 48 15 Dubuque Water Co.Water supply500 00 43 01 " " " 500 00 10 8.) 44 " " " 33 33 3e 46 Quade & Roddy.. Soap 50 32 85 Carr. Ryder & En - 26 28 gier Co... L i mbet 12 00 7 87 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co.. Hose 72 40 8 10 F. Mertz.. .......Repairing locks16 00 7 00 J. O'Brien Labor on sewers....... 42 00 167 45 John Tierney Labor on sewers.... .... 42 00 65 54) F. SchlozRepairing tools........ 8 55 57 50 German Catholic 139 00 Printing Co Advertising............ 50 00 33 60 E. J. Carpenter.Express. .. to 1 59 J. J. McCarthyCourt expenses 4 35 19 80 Win. P. Carter... Witness fees......:2 60 20 55 P. McColiins...... Witness tees.... 135 33 83 .1. Fitzpatrick._ Witness fees3 75 41 9) Wm. Lonegian... Witness fees1 35 20 Frank Clove Witness tees........... 1 35 9: 31 29 Ch Is. Herzog Sawing wood 3 00 85 67 60 5 McElrath.... _Drayage 1 69 13 50 E. h. Frith........ Removing dead ani - 43 20 mats.... ......... 6 00 143 20 Herald............Advertising ....... 33 35 16 20 Ham & Carver.... Blanks ................. 26 75 2 4o John F. O'Dea.... Wood 11 50 8 9b John Weis........Blue vitriol25 95 40 77 Ham & Carver....Blank deeds3 00 4 32 Central Union Tel. company Rent of telephones.... 20 50 24 11d) 0 Chas. WildeRep. City hall........ 1 o0 W. J. Barns & Co.('einent... 1 65 2 Ferguson BrosRepairing fountain.... 1 50 93 Ferguson brosRep. at city hall...... 20 55 21 3 6.111° Win. S. MoloPlumbing • ..............2 25 Knapp -Stout & Co. 4 69companyLumber 2 28 815 Baumtartner & Kleili..... .....Lime and nails. 75 9 75 Jos. Geiger....... Rep. city hall1 25 Times Co.......... Advertising .33 35 14 94 17 94 Hardie & Scharle. Letter heads,&c11 00 90 Mrs. Koenig Scrubbing police head - 1470 quarters...... ... 4 00 John Itaesli......Refunded fees 33 00 7 25 l'eter Eisbach....'1'lle sewer on Bluff St52 00 22 51i ('oaten & Watters.Matcbes4 uU 14 25 Dubuque Electric 13 01 R'y L. & P. Co.. Lighting 31 16 6 00 „ ..Lighting 000 00 11 32 „ " .. Lighting 195 00 110 Globe Light and 49 15 Heat Co Lighting 500 00 49 Globe Light and 168 15 Heat Co Lighting 1 67 22 20 Dubuque Water.. a orks Co Water for patrol house In 00 Wm. Jurg1,ens Water for roller....... 6 75 Bart. E. Linehan,Purchase of lot corner Ninth and Iowa 'its500 00 • ,• ' 500110 500 00 500 00 500 (10 168 60 56 35 19 90 92 45 3 65 10 66 104 59 850 44 85 17 20 7 10 2 20 55 05 33 70 18 75 1 25 100 9 75 50 4 95 10 00 33 35 1 20 600 18 90 71 40 8 55 14 00 6 40 ,4 „ ta,. 66 u „ „ e, „ at 16 46 „ M. Carmody ......Refunded tax.......... L. Gonuer, Treas.C. H. Booth, filling act 66 66 Mrs. Siee......... Opening of Fremont St Dub. Water Co... Water for flush tanks. Dub. Water Co... Water for flush tanks. Fred. Otto... Macadam .............. Lorenz Meyer” • • •..... • • • • • A. Kauffman •••••...•.. Fred. Fell bautn........... HermanKarnfeld " ••••••••••••••• T. Rottei•man.... � ............... John Doherty.... •••• E.J. Evans.... • • 91th and Iowa & MaiStli n 158 32 500 00 500 1)0 500 00 500 o0 500 00 133 34 8 32 (100 00 12 76 0000 500 00 35 00 73 90 4 80 20 01 95 30 8:0 17 95 86 00 14 70 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true mo 90 MAY SESSION, 1891. and correct cony of all the warrants issued bl me during March 1891. J. C. March, City Recorder. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will sell at nution to the highest bidder for cash the two frame and one brick building on the north 44 feet of city lot 169, on Ninth and Iowa streets, said sale to begin on Friday, May 15th, 1891, at 10 a. m., said buildings to be removed by the purchaser within 15 days from date of sale. S. B. tticr:. City Marshal. Dubuque, May 11, 1991. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the oftlice of the city engineer until 4 o'clock p. in. of May 14, for construction of storm sewer from 5th to 7th avenue, and on 9th avenue, city of Dubuque, according to plans and specifications on tile in said of- fice. Bidders to state price per lineal foot including grading for each sewer. '1'lie city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. M. TscHInol, JR., City Engineer. Dunuoui:, May 9th. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city engineer until 4 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, May 16th, 1891, for lay- ing plank sidewalk on both sides of Eleventh street from "t hite to Pine streets, where not already laid, according to plans and specifications on file in said office. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dl. Tsciituol, City Engineer. REGIULAR SESSION, JUNE 1ST, 1891. 91. CITY COTINCIL. Regular Session June let, 1891. [OFF ICIAL. Council met at 9:20 o'clock a. in. Mayor Stewart in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith Stoltz and Trexler. On motion of Ald.Saunders, the minutes of the previous session, were approved of as printed. The following bills were ordered paid. E. M. Dickey Co., oil $ 9 00 7 35 54 36 3 88 Baumgartner & Kleih, nails 4 30 Chr stman & llealey, hardware. 7 15 Duggan & Kane, oil & barrels3 70 .1. Ileum, brick 28 45 Dubuque Wooden WareCo.,lumb. 3 93 Rules were suspended and Mr. Kumpf addressed the council in relation to plat of I'intey Monte addition. flat ot inley llome addition presented and adopted by the council. Communication of S. D. Ryan asking for an ordinance giving him the right to erect a slaughter house on lot 27, Du- buque harbor Co.'s add., and also for the use of Camp street. Ald. Trexler moved that the communica- tion be referred to the committee of the whole, and that the council adjourn at 11 o'clock a. ni. and go on the ground and examine same and report to the council at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. Mules suspended and F. 13. Daniels ad- dressed the council in relation to proposed improvement of Bluff street between 14th and 15th streets. Remonstrance of Mrs. Ryder et Al. against proposed improvement of Bluff street between 14th and 15th streets. Re- ferred to the committee ot the whole to ex- amine when they meet at 11 o'clock a. m. On motion tit Ald. Ilalpin the rules were suspended. All. Ilalpin moved that the contract for tilling lots soli be awarded to Thos Byrne as per his bid. Carried. 'Inc'following bills were ordered paid: G. A, Hoerner, 6 Iantero globes..$ 45 11. '1'. Eddy, laying sidewalk on 44 44 11th street L. Daly, collecting garbage 1st 78 00 district Cum Ryan, Jr., grading. on Delhi street, $'2,600; allowed 1,950 00 Standard Lumber Co., lumber John Tibey, constructing culverts on 3rd street Baumgartner & Kleih, sledge handle '1'. J. Donahue, constructing waterway on Dodge street Farley & Loetscher, Mfg. Co, stakes for engineer C. Rowland, supplies Lear & l'titfucr, horseshoeing 1). W. Linehan, 5th street sewer D. W. Linehan, sewer in Jackson park and between park and 17th street 1). W . Linehan, sewer on South Locust street, $755.27; allowed. M. Lavin, sewer un 7th street, $132.60; allowed E. E. Frith, removing dead ani- mals Chas. Nati eu, assisting pound master Bart E. Linehan, sewer pipe taco. Schon, inspector on Dodge C. W. Robison. lumber Knapp, Stout & Co., lunber LeSure Lumber Co., lumber street 46 00 M. Morgan, inspector on W. Lo- cust street 34 50 Jno. Deggendorf, inspector on Grandview ave 0 00 P. Schiltz, inspector on lthom- berg ave 82 50 Ordered paid and amounts charged to contractors. Western Electric Co., electrical supplies Harger & Blish, stationery P. McCullough, 1 hay horse L. Daly, cleaning around market. Jos. Simones & Co., oil cloth A. C. Pancratz, rent of room for registers ... Western Union 'Telegraph Co, telegrams J. C. Althauser dusters Geo. Hinkson, hauling chairs.... Palmer, W mall & Co., stationery Tom Connolly, repairs on patrol wagon Langworthy & Adams Iron Works, man -hole cover James Kelly, stationery G. 13. Grosvenor, stationery Hardie & Scharle, stationery and blanks I lerald, envelopes and note heads The following bills were referred to the printing committee: Ledger, $33.0; TELEGRAPH, $66.65; Herald, $33.35; 'Times, $33.35. To the committee on claims: 13. W. Jones, $18; Lorimier House, $5; Lanirwortlty, Adams Iron Works, $18; Novelty Iron Works, 92c; P. Klauer, $34.85' C. W. Robison, $1.00; Joseph Gei- ger, 75c; Ferguson Bros., $2.20, $7.70, $31.10 and $34.10. '1'o the street committee: P. E. Strelau, $13; Key $2.00. To city attorney: Thos. F. Phillips, $4. '1'o committee -on fire and water: National Iron & Brass Works, 85c. To committee on police and light: Key City Gas Co., $97.91. The- bill of Beck & Heer of $180 for sketch for new engine house received and tiled and sketch ordered returned to Beck & Ileer. 13111 of P. E. Strelau of $4.25 for wood for pest house rejected and ordered pre- sented to the hoard of health. Ald. Crawford moved that the street commissioner suspend operations on Iowa street until further orders from the coun- 44 06 cil. Carried. The council adjourned until 2 o'clock p. 176 00 m. as per previous order. AFTERNOON SESSION. 55 Council met at 2:10 o'clock p. m. Mayor Stewart in the chair. 11 63 Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, 3 00 Stoltz said Trexler. 3 85 Alt. Saunders, chairman of the commit - 5 00 tee of the whole, reported as follows on the 961 05 petition of S. D. Ryan for a franchise for a slaughter house on block 27, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add., that the same be grant - 523 15 ed, and that he be allowed the use of Camp street as prayed for. 642 Ald. Ilalpin moved that the prayer of the petition of S. D. Ryan be granted. 112 71 Carried. A Id. Halpin moved that the city attor- 2 50 ney be instructed to draft an ordinance in accordance with the petition. Carried. 13 50 Whereas, In the opinion of the city 30 25 May 4, 1891, amen ding chain the pter 23adopted the 13 32 225 200 00 L9 20 S 30 6 00 1 30 3 09 1 00 1 75 35 70 9 00 6 90 1 45 54 10 7 00 City Gas Co., 92 REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1st, 1591. revised ordinances relative to teamsters' licenses can reasonably be construed to impose the payment of a license fee on livery stables or private carriages, and it was not the intention of the council to im- pose such license fee: and Whereas, The object and purpose of the council in adopting said ordinance is plainly apparent from the wording of the ordinance itself and from the report of the ordinance committee submitting the same; therefore Resolved, That the published notice of the marshal calling upon the proprietors of livery stables and the owners of private carriages to pay for and take out licenses under the new ordinance is not in accord- ance with said ordinace, and is unwar- rantedby the provisions of the same, and he is therefore hereby instructed to withdraw said notice from the papers, and if nece - sary substitute one in conformity with the amended ordinance as passed. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford and Page. Noes—Alds. Cushing, Glab, Ilalpin, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The following bills were allowed: Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing $ 2 00 C. 11. Whitwell, veterinary ser- vices.... 25 00 G. N. Raymond, globes 70 Butt Bros., repairing chief's wagon 24 85 Key City Gas Co., coke 26 11 Butt Bros., repairs for 4th street engine 2 00 Lee & Norton, 1,000 feet sewer W r. Locust street, $2,700; allowed 2,025 00 Thos Donahue, 900 feet sewer Dodge street, $2,160; allowed1,620 00 Chas Steuck, grading Julien ave, $850; allowed 500 00 G. 13. Grosvenor, stationery 4 80 C. W. Robison, lumber 2 45 Key City Gas Co, coke 12 75 Dubuque Water Co., water sup- ply 1,053 33 C., 13. & N. R. 1t. Co., freight5 64 '1'. J. Burns, one bale hay 65 M. Brown & Sons, oats 42 30 Fire Extinguisher Co., globe 2 00 Standard Lumber Co., 3 loads shavings Ellwanger Bros., harness sup- plies 16 75 Excelsior Oil Tank Line, oil16 00 A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing5 00 Jos. A. Palen, drugs 6 20 Paul Schlenker, 2 strainers or couplings Jas. pagan, ' day's labor on side- walk 75 Tony Siege, grading Julien ave685 00 T. J. Burns, oats 3 20 P. Klauer, iron for fire. alarm keys 2 30 Hill & Trudell, rep. for fire dept2 26 Standard Lumber Co., shavings50 C. W. Robison, lumber and shav- ings .... Paul Schlenker, oil cans 1 00 Kutsch & Sons, repairs at 18th street engine house 1 50 M. McCarten, removing fence on Tremont street A. Duccini, planting trees at Jackson park, $46, 75 per cent of bill allowed 34 50 Cahill & Duccipl, sodding First street park 88 50 Cahill & Ducini, planting trees in First street park, $25; 75 per cent allowed 18 75 John O'Brien, work on sewer28 00 John Tierney,work on sewer 28 90 1 50 1 50 2 20 3 00 42 :10 M. Brown, oats Central Union 'Telephone Co., tel- ephone services 20 50 Reintried &.laeger. 1 six 1 00 D. W. Linehan, curbing, etc, around brick paving on Iowa street . 100 46 Mrs. Meakin, cleaning city hall7 57 Mrs. Koenig, " 22 50 S. A. Miller, one -halt dozen browns 1 25 Alex Simplot, 500 souvenirs 100 00 Joseph Geiger, taking out win- dows 12 30 Chas. Steuck, grading Rhomberg avenue 500 00 J. N. Boyce, assistant engineer64 00 Henry Glab, rudivan for engi- neer 25 85 John Blake, chainuian for engi- neer 25 85 Chas. Brown, axman for engi- neer 5 80 Ilerald, advertising tux list 7 b0 The following petitions were referred to committee on supplies: M. Tschirgi $ 6 45 Knapp, Stout &1'.., co4 32 1teinfried & Jaeger 14 75 To committee on pall .e and light: Dubuque Electric Railway, Light & Power Co., $670.50; Globe, Light & Ileat Co., $516.67. '1'o committee on claims: National Iron & Brass Works, 82.60. 'l'o street committee: P. E. Strelau, $96.25. '10 printing committee: Herald, $15. Estimate of cost of cement sidewalk around Jackson and Washington parks. Referred to the committee of the whole. t'ETITIONS. Plat of Gmehle's subdivision, Dunn's subdivision, i1ichel's subdivision. Re- ferred to the ,treet committee. Petition of B. W. Lacy, \\'m. L. Brad- ley and J. V. Rider asking for the ap- proval of sketch of building being erected corner 8th and Locust streets and that the slight projections in the street as per said sketch ne permitted. Granted. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Chas. V. Baumann, wharf piaster, for increase of salary. Petition of J. Welker and Alois Nipp, for opening of Providence street. Petition of Adam Schmidt, ex -street com- missioner, fur $100 additional conpensa- tion. Petition of Frederick Kennilier, for the construction of a a culvert through lot 27 West's add. for the reason that the channel of Bee Branch creek has been diverted from its natural course,and turned through said lot, or that he be compensated for damages sustained by reason of said creek being turned through his premises. Petition for an approach to the Digit Bridge south of 7th street. Petition for water works on West Hill. Petition of Felix Agnew asking the council to compel employes of toe city to pay him money due hits from said em- ployes. Remonstrance against improvement of Broadway extension. Petition of Peter Kiene, .1r., and F. W. Altman in relation to grade of Diagonal street. Referred to committee of the whole and engineer instructed to make it plan for the same to remedy the evil com- plained of. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1ST, 1891. 93 Petition of Hugh '1.'alty and John Yeo for retaining wall in front of their property on Grandview avenue. Petition of Anna M. Bush for raising of retaining wall on Julien avenue between Wood and Delhi street (with power.) Petition for improvement of alley be- tween W 8th and W 5th and between Pine streets and Wilson avenue, and for the ex- tension of sewer in same and for the va- cation of short alley from Wilson avenue to alley named. Communication of R. Ashworth in rela- tion to granite paving. Petition of John Degnan for an ap- proach to his barn on Oak street. Petition for change of grade of West 3t1 street from College avenue to Walsh street. . Engineer instructed to prepare profile as asked for. Petition for opeuims and repair of Curtis street from Exchange street to South Dodge street. With power. Petition for repair of Bluff street be- tween 9th and 12th streets. Petition of Rt. Rev. .1. Hennessy for postponement and reconsideration of council on change of grade on Alta Vista street. Peter Kiene, Jr., addressed the council in relation to the foregoing petition. Aid. Cushing moved to receive and file. Ald. Halpin moved to refer to the com- mittee on streets. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Glab, llalpin, Page and Smith. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Peas - lee, Saunders, Stoltz and Trexler. The question being put on the motion to receive and file was carried. Petition of abutters on Dodge street ob- jecting to paying special assessment for the improvement of Dodge street between Bluff street and old corporation line on ac- count of narrowing of said street above old corporation line. Communication of City Engineer Blake in relation to same matter was read. Ald. Crawford moved that the city en- gineer make a correct survey of said street and report the same to the city attorney and the city attorney be instructed to ad- vise the engineer and street committee how to proceed so that a special assessment can be legally collected for the improvement of said street. Carried. Petition for lamp at corner of Air 11111 and West Eighth street. Granted. Pet it ion of Eagle Point Ferry Co. for re- mission of taxes for 1890. Granted. Remonstrance against extension of sewer on Chestnut street west,of C. J. Pe•erson's. Granted. Petition of John Toussaint for permis- sion to build a stable on alley between 5th and lith and White and Clay streets. Re- ferred to the tire committee with power. Petition for a roadway to the ingti bridge by way of the outer levee south of with street extension. Referred to the street committee with power to expend not to exceed $200. That part of the petition referring to the necessity of filling certain streets in same locality referred to_thecom- mittee of tile whole. Application of 'I'ELEOltArtit for city printing referred to the printing commit- tee. Claim of damages of D. D. Myers on ac- count of change of grade of Bluff street between 5th and 6th streets referred to the aldermen of the Second ward. Remonstrance against improvement of Race street referred to the aldermen of the Fourth ward. Remonstrance against improvement of alley between Johnson avenue and Wind- sor avenue referred to the aldermen of the Fifth ward. Invitation of Mayor .Cohn B. Henderson of Cedar Rapids to the mayor and city council to attend the firemen's tourna- ment at Cedar Rapids, la., June 9, 10, 11 and 12, accepted. Communication of Great Western Elec- tric Supply Co. in relaticn to purchase of electrical supplies referred to the electrical committee. Communication of C. H. Beiswenger in relation to putting in a scale at the corner of Couler avenue and Diagonal street. Re- ferred to the committee on markets with power. Petition of Kenety & Mulgrew for grade on llodgdon avenue. Engineer instructed to prepare profile of grade and report sante to the council. Petition of Robert J. McGowan for re- mission of license for canvassing for or- ders for pillow sham holders. Recorder instructed to issue permit free of charge per month. Invitation to attend the unveiling of the Grant statue at Galena, ill., June 3, 1891, was read. Ald. Crawford moved that the invitation be accepted and the council attend in a body at their own expense. Carried. Aid. Crawford was appointed chairman for the occasion. Petition of Mrs. 1i. Neuwoeher;for credit of four months on saloon licenese referred to the mayor with power. Petition of 'I'. J. Donahue for permis- sion to improve South Dodge street in trout of his property. Received and filed. Petition of John Schroeder in relation to saloon license. Received and filed. An anonymous commuication signed "'Tax Payer" was received and filed. Petition for extension of sewerage sys- tem on 11111 street. Referred to sewer com- mittee. Petition for extension of sewerage sys- tem on hill, Buren and West 3rd streets. Referred to the sewer committee. Petition of M. Brady et et. for cancella- tion of penalty on special assessment for the iniprovememt of Iowa street between 2nd and 3rd streets, penalty amounting to $39.88; ordered cancelled. The following was read, ordered received and tiled and made a matter of record: OFFICE OF CITY CLERK, EAST DUBUQUE, ILL.., May 11th, 1891. Resolved, By tete City Council of East Dubuque, That the thanks of this city are due, and are hereby:tendleredto His Honor, Mayor Stewart of Dubuque, Iowa, and to the tire department of said city, for their prompt response to a call by the mayor of this city, for and in extinguishing tire on the 27th of greater loss and f nddama9 ge to property bwas prevented. And that said kind action on the part of sisterour in rendering assist- ancewill be city ela in grateful remembrance by our citizens. I do hereby certify othat the above eais a true and correct copy t- ed by the city council of the city of East Dubuque in session on the 8th day of May, 1891. GEO. B. REtiVELL, City Clerk. The rules were suspended and Mr.Purdy addressed the council in relation to sewer conneetious at 2d and 3d streets across the C., B. & N. right of way. Mayor Stewart retired at 5:50 o'clock p.m. 94 REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1st, 1891. Ald. Peaslee moved that the matter of storm water sewers under C., 13. .it N. right of way be referred to the committee ot the whole. Carried. Ald. Saunders, chairman of the special committee on opening of Lincoln avenue, reported as follows: Your special committee to whom was re- ferred the within petition of extending Lincoln avenue from Jackson street to Cooler avenue beg leave to submit the fol- lowing report: First. A plat has been prepared by the city engineer which shows that the total distance necessary for said right of way is about 320 feet, but that 320 feet will give an outlet to a street over two miles in Length. Second. \Ve find that the blocks through which said extension is asked for are about 1,100 feet in length, without a cross street, and that Cooler avenue can not be properly drained unless the said Lincoln avenue is extended, as Eagle Point avenue can not take all the storm water and cel- lars on Couler avenue are therefore situ- ject to overflow. Third. Your committee finds that it is only a question of a very short time that said Lincoln avenue must be extended and the right of way can be had tor less stoney now than after the same is ob- structed by costly buildings. 1n view of all the above facts your committee rec- ommends that said street be ordered ex- tended and the city engineer be instructed to notify owners of lots according to the plat now on file in the engineer's office and the city recorder instructed to issue an or- der to the city marshal for a venireof jury according to the ordinance for condemn- ing right of way for opening of streets. ALD. SAUNDERS, ALD. STOLTZ. Action postponed unci 7:30 o'clock p. w . Ald. Smith moved to adjourn until 7:30 o'clock p. tn. Carried. EVENING SESSION. Council met at 7:55 o'clock p. m. Mayor pro tempore Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Yeaslee, Saunders, Smith and Trexler. Bids for street improvements:opened and read and referred to the city engineer for computation. The report of the special committee on opening of Lincoln avenue was taken up. _Report adopted. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the recorder be in- structed to issue a venire to the city mar- shal commanding him to summon a jury for the purpose of assessing the damages which any person may sustain by reason of the extending of Lincoln avenue from Jackson street to t.ouler avenue in the manner indicated by the survey and plat ou file in the office of the city engineer. All the proceedings to be conducted in the manner provided in chapter 26 of the re- vised ordinances of 1887. Adopted by the Iollowing vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushigg, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltzamd Trexler. Petitions for extension of water mains on Julien avenue and Delhi street. Referred to committee of the whole. Petition for water plug at corner of 27th and Lennon streets. Referred to the com- mittee on fire and water. Petitton of American Casuality Insur- ance and Security Co. to insure the fire- men. Referred to the committee of the whole. Claim of A. R. Stevenson ;for uersona! damages sustained by reason of falling 011 sidewalk out; if repair. Referred to the conn- mitttee un claims and city attorney. 13i11 Of B. 1). Linehan of $10,45 for repair of tools ordered paid. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mathias Strtnsky. Margaret Butler, Michael Cain, airs. Mary Shannon, Sus- anna Bornhauser, Mari Condon, Mrs. !Geo. Finn, Anna Burns, lis. Mary J. Luke. REPORTS OF OFFICEIIB. Auditor Kenety reported receipts tor May $20,138.50. Cash on hand June 1st, $27,878.83; also reported the several amounts due contractors collected on spe- cial assessment; also reported that 81,700.55 is due the officers for for the month of May. Received and tiled and wartants ordered drawn accordingly. Rec order Fitzpatrick reported licenses issued during the month of May to the amount of $9,171.50. ltecei ved and tiled. Street Commissioner Ryan reported $4,354.50 due for street work for the month of May. Also reported $25.60 due !militia. Dubuque Electric Railway, Light & Power Cu. for repair of their track on Locust street between 1st and 2nd streets; also presented itemized list of street expenses. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay same and auditor instruetect to collect amount due trout Dubuque Elec- tric Railway, Light & Power Co, Marshal Rice reported :51,539.15 due the police for the month of May, 1891; also re- ported 100 police eases; also reported 105 patrol runs; a so reported pound re cipts $27,00; also reported that one horse had been sole to Bn.eyBery for $18.50,but alter the sale it %%us !mond that the horses back was broken, so the money was returned to Berg and the horse killed; also reported receips for sale $28.50; ot horses oat 9th and lows streets also reputed having received from Geo. Klein $7.00 rot flush tnk. Ald. Crawford moved that the action of the marshal in relation to sale of house to Boley Berg be approved. Carred. 1)n !notion the report was received and tiled and warrants ordered to pay police. Jlarketniaster llibbe reporteu scale re- ceipts $13.35,'ale of huckster stands $127;50 due for board of prisoners $19.00. Re- ceived and filed and warrants ordered to pay for board of !Manners. 1'. J. Grantield reported scale receipts of First Ward scales $5.98. Received and filed. Chas. Pi:schner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $2.03. Received and filed. C. Deckert reported scale receipts of tiledEagle. Point scales $1.80. Received and Chas. Bauman reported wood measurer's receipts 45e. Received and tiled. Jos. Reinfried, chief of the fire depart- ment, reported $1,150 due the firemen for the month ot May. Received and tiled and warrants ordered to pay sante. 1). Hoffman, justice of the peace, re- ported having collected $14 lines from city ordinance cases. Received and filed. Street Commissioner Ryan reported $49.70 due for work in grading South Dodge street. Received and tiled and amount ordered chatged to T. J. Donahue. City Electrician Bunting reported $48 70 due for trimming trees. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay sante and electrician instructed to collect saute ilifrons parties whose trees were trimmed by us REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1sT, 1891. 95 Also reported that there are numerous dead and unused telephone wires which frequently fall and obstruct the street. Re- port adopted and electrician instructed to remove all dead wires. City Engineer Blake reported that the engineer's office was badly in need of some new instruments. Ald. Crawford moved to refer to the committee on purchase of supplies to ex- amine and purchase such instruments as are engineer's office. anti take an inventory effects the of the eCarried. Engineer Blake recommended the ap- pointment of J. 11. Boyce and E. S. Hyde as city engineers at the rate of $1,200 each per year. Recommendations approved. City Attorney McCarthy reported that there had been a mistake made in the deed ot Mrs. for the wide ung of SSry outh lDodge toe street.ehe city That the said Mary Wilde had deeded lot 2 of 7 of mineral tt5athe intention todeed lo4of suboflot 7ofmineral lot 45. Referred back to the city attorney to make a written report to the council at the next session. Ald. Page tnoved that the action of the council ordering sewers constructed on Chestnut and Arlington streets be recon- sidered. Carried. Au ordinance to amend an ordinance en- titled an ordinance to define thef duties, u iesque ,of of the mayor of the city s taken up and read for the second time. Ald. Trexler moved to amend by adding to sand ordinance "and front the Lohours of 2 �2 p. m. to 4 p. tn." Lost by vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Glatt, Halpin Page, Peaslee, ordmanceawas adopted t by Smith athe Stoltz lowing vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Stoltz and Trexler. L. Gunner city treasurer reported $119.77 due hint for interest, postage, &c., for May. Recorded and riled amd warrant ordered to pay same. REPORTS OF COIIIIITTI:ES. Ald. Crawford chairman of the ordinance committee present d and read an ordi- nance requiring street, railway companies to cause their cars to be slacked up before crossing the tracks of steam aratl owed until On motion action was ► p the different railroad companies put in safety gates at crossings where ordered. • Ala. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on clatms.reportecl 01 favor of allowing the bills of Tutu. O'Brien of $5.00 for rent of room for registers, A. Y. \lciouatd Manufacturing Co. $40 for hose coupliu_s, and in favor of allowing 1'. Ragan $10.00 in full for use of room for election and registration purposes. Report adopted. Ald. Saunders, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: f Cain's sub- division. favor ot accepting p lat division. 111 favor of allowing macadam bills of $56.60. In favor or adopting the red lines as shown in book 4 of grades as the official grades ot Franklin, Broadway extension, Cornell str,et and Anua Place. Report adopted. 111 favor of adopting the following reso- lution: Resolved by the City Council ,That Leibnitz of City of Dubuque, street, between North Main street ete and curbed Har- rold street, be graded, b and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper noti fore bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to bedone at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grad- ing to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: A yes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. In favor of adopting the following reso- lution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Thomas street, be- tween Cornell and Alma streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the neces sary plans and specifications for said im- provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macad- amizing tobe done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grad- ing to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Aids. Glab, Page, Crawford, Hat- pin, Peasfee, Smith, Saunders, Stoltz, Trexler and Cushing. In favor of adapting the following reso- lution: Resolved by the City Council of the City 01 Dubuque, That Cornell street, from present terminus of improve►nent to Thomas street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the dinance upon that subject. That the city en- gineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the curbing nRn ce ofthe work; the guttering , macad- amizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting propesty. Grad- ing to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Receive and rile petition for culvert on St. Joseph street. Receive and file communication of En- gineer Tschirgi in relation to draining water from culvert on 17th and fine streets. That the proper resolution has been passed for filling low lands along C., St. P. & K. C. railroad between lthomberg and E a;tle Point avenues. Allow M. Lavin $8.50 on bill of $9 for laying tile sewers on Grace sett llall streets. Receive and file petition for grading College avenue. petition of R. Morrill Receive and file for permission to put tilling on Dell street. instruct street commissioner to raise the retaining wall now on West Fifth street ave- nuebetween so that abutters cal n lay their snue and idewalk Receiveturade. and tile plans for tilling lots 4 and 5 of lot 4 in Kniest, Guthrie and Brown's sub. Instruct the Dubuque Street Railway Co. to put in iron culvert on the north side of Fifth and Clay streets, and the city to pay tor such part as is not required to Glab, Smith, mt• REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1s'r, 1891. be put in by said Dubuque Street Rail- way Co. Allow bill of F. Schloz, $10.25, for shar- pening tools. That they have ordered Gold street graded so as to make it passable. Receive and file petttion for improve- ment of Delhi street. That Woodworth street has been made passable as ordered. Instruct street commissioner to do the necessary repairing on Alpine street. . Receive and file report of street commis- sioner of road expenses for April, 1891. In favor of having sidewalks laid as rec- ommended by sidewalk commissioner and that resolutions be offered accordingly. --That they have examined and accepted the following streets: Rhomberg avenue from Reed to 2d ave- nue by Chas. Steuck. 15th street from Pine to Maple street by E. E. Frith. Stewart avenue from Delhi to Julien avenue by Chas. Steuck. West half of brick paving on Iowa street between 2d and 3d streets by D. W. Linehan. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the commit- tee on purchase of supplies,reported in fa- vor of allowing bill of B. E. Linehan of $38.74 less $1.52 for drayage; allow 77c on bill of Geo. Cutler of 3.67. Report adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follows : In favor of paying insurance premiums as follows : Amazon Insurance Co., $18.75; •Dubuque Fire and Marine Insur- ance Co., $62.50; Phoenix. $75.00; and Du- buque Fire and Marine, $75.00. Also in favor of adopting the resolution for painting and illuminating' the dial 01 the town clock and city recorder instructed to advertise for bids for painting the tower and also for illuminating the dial. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing committee, reported as follows: To the City Cownctl: Your Committee on printing, to which was referred the subject of the official printing of the city for the present year, re- spectfully reports, that the committee, after considering the subject carefully, would recommend that -the same arrange- ments be inaae with the different news- papers of the city as during the last year; with the exception that the Daily TELE- GRAPH be allowed $150 more than last year for publishing the official proceedings of the council; and that $50 be deducted from the amount allowed each of the other daily newspapers to make up the differ- ence. This arrangement with the TELE- GRAPH to be on the express condition that that paper shall publish the official pro- ceedings of the; council within three days after each meeting. Under the plan proposed by the commit- tee the several newspapers would be paid as follows: TELEGRAPH, for publishing the official proceedings in newspaper and pamphlet form and all official advertising of the city except tax list, $950. Herald, Times and Ledger for all official advertising except tax lists, each $350. The `National Demokrat" and "Iowa" each $150.00. The total amount will be $2,300, or the same as last year. We further recommend that the council reserve the right to terminate the forego - ins arrangement, or any part of it, at any time. . Respectfully submitted, DENNIS SMITH; P. W. CRAWFOIID, JOHN GLAD, CIIAS. J. V. SAUNDEIIs. Ald. Trexler presented the following minority report amid moved its adoption: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil—GENTLEMEN: Your committee on printing beg leave to present a minority report as follows: We deem it hot advisable to appropriate so much money for printing as is contem- plated in the majority report, viz: $2,300, and in lieu thereof would recommend that the council proceed to ballot for one daily official paper which shall print all the offi- cial proceeduigs,uotices,ordinances and ad- vertisements and to receive as compensa- tion therefor the sum of $1,000; also one German paper for $200. Respectfully submitted, JOHN TRExLEit. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Halpin and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Stoltz. 'l'he question being put on the majority report was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. ,Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page. Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Halpin and Trexler. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the lire:comniit- tee reported in favor of allowing Mrs. John Glenn to build frame addition to her house on First street. Report adopted. Ald. Halpin, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported in favor of paying the bills of Globe Light & Head Co. of $51667, Dubuque Electric Ry., Light & Power Co. $670.50, Key City Gas Co. $104.16. Report adopted. Also made the following report: Your committee report that we are un- able to secure 50 additional electric lights for $75 apiece per annum, but the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light & Power Co. sub- mitted an agreement to furnish 50 more lights at $85 per light per annum for live years, or it the city will extend their pres- ent contract to a term of five years they will agree to furnish 150 lights at $75 per annum. Report adopted. Also presented an inventory of the ef- fects of the marshal's office. Received and filed. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the electrical committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of in- , structing the city electrician to remove all dead poles, according to the ordinance on that subject that have or are to be used for electrical purposes; also in favor of in- structing the electrician to have all poles painted brown to a height of 7 feet and balance of pole to be painted gray and all companies be notified to mark their poles so that same may be known to what com- pany they belong. Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the committee on sewers, reported as follows: Your committee on sewers would most respectfully report that they have exam- ined and accepted the following sewers : Lateral sewer between 15th and 17th and Main and Iowa streets, by 1). W. Linehan, contractor. Storm water sewer on 5th street, be- tween Iowa and White streets, by D. W. Linehan, contractor. Lateral sewer on South Locust by D. W. Linehan, contraetor. Lateral sewer on 7th street and Wall .v. REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1ST, 1891. 97 street, by M. Lavin, contractor. Report adopted. Aid. Glab, chairman of the special com- mittee consisting of the aldermen of the Second ward, reported as follows: That we deem it in dvisable to improve the al- ley in Deming & llorr's addition. Report adopted. Aid. Saunders, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Receive and file communication of City Engineer Tschirgi in relation to duties of the engineer's office, Instruct the city treasurer to return check of U. S. E. L. & P. Co. of $500, less $1is ia� s salary of removingr $79.80 ddead ue city, elec- trician's making s dg0U.aS.nEtre Lu &r Pinstructed give Co. receipts for same. In favor of paying city laborers at the rate of $1.50 per day, nine hours to con- stitute a day's work. In favor of paying city teams $3.50 per slay for ensuing year, nine hours to con- stitute a clay's wore. Receive and file within bill of Robt. Bon - son for cleric hire in mayor's office. Instruct the street commissioner to ex- tend the coping on Grove Terrace wall to 11th street, and also do the necessary re- pairing on Grove street and West 11th street. Receive and file petition of J. A. Rhom- berg for moving obstructions on Lincoln avenue. Instruct city engineer to prepare plans and specifications and estimates of cost of cement walks around Washington and Jackson parks, said walks to be 12 feet in width. In favor of fixing salary of engineer of the steam roller at $720 per year. In favor of granting petition for grading streets in Woodlawii Park addition, and city engineer instructed to prepare plans and specifications, and city recorder in- structed to advertise for bids for doing the grading. In favor of granting petition for plank crossing on 11th street across the lane back of Mrs. Lull's residence and street com- missioner instructed to jay the same. Re- port adopted. Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (:lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer,be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the construction of stone crossings on the north side of 17th and White streets and on the south side of 19th and White streets. Ald. Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for lateral sewerage in alley between Clay and White streets and north of 17th to engine house No. 1; the cost of same to be at the expense of ad- jacent property as per ordinance on that subject. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Ald. Trexler offered the following: Whereas, The property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject to be covered with stagnant water; and Whereas, The owners of said property have been notified as required by law to appear and show cause why said lots should not be tilled; therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the following de- scribed property, lots, and parts of lots, viz: The Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railroad and Eagle Purint avenht of ues between and the west side of right of way between 19th street and Garfield avenue he filled and raised at the expense of the owners, to a height sufficient, in the judgment of the city en- gineer, to prevent stagnant water remain- ing thereon. The work is to be completed by July 10th, 1891. The city marshal shall notify the owners of said property of the passage of this res- olution in the manlier provided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up or raise said property, lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by reof assessed against and costs and the e be alienuponsaid property. Adopted by the following: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (lab, Hatpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Alderman Trexler offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewallki hin fifteenft , of good two-inch plank, be, days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Six- teenth street, between Iowaand Pine streets. Adopted by the following vote: b, Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Saunders offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That stone crossings be laid on the north and south sides on Couler avenue opposite Diagonal street and the city engineer be and is herebytriinstructed to have the same put in by Ald. Saunders offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city recorder notify RESOLUTIONS. Ald Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: • Resolved, That an order for $308.58 be drawn in favor of Chas. Steuck, being the amount due him for special tax on street improvements on which time has being given to pay the same. Aid. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That a warrant for $500 be drawn ifavor of part paymentJames for construction e same to apply asof cement walk around the city hall. Ald. Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque That Iowa street, between 'Third and Fourteenth streets, be graded, curbed and paved with brick, in conformity with the ordinance up- on andthat he is hereby dire ted to ject. Tat the cimakengineer the nec- essary plans and specifications for said itn- provc•ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the curbing and brick paving done at the expense of the. ownerse o the abutting property. The grad- ing to be in total. Adopted by the following vote: - 98 REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1ST, 1891. the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light .xc Power Co. to proceed to construct their street railway line on Dodge and South Dodge streets in compliance with their franchise. Ald. Saunders presented the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city recorder notify the Key City Electric Motor Co. to within 90 clays construct and operate a motor line on their right of way on Grandview ave- nue, said avenue being now improved. Ald. Saunders offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby in3.truptetLl a are plans for a stone seweg�, r of re to Curtis street, and adverti?te for bids, and the street com- mittee be and is hereby instructed to have said sewer constructed immediately. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That South Main street, between Jones and Charter streets, be paved with vitrified brick, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proer notice for bids anti proposals for the heperformance of the work; the curbing and paving to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, anu Chits Steuck be instructed to set cure ac- cording to contract on that street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Halpin uttered the following which was referred to the aldermen of the 4th ward: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Bluff street, between Ninth and Fourteenth streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid for in total. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, The sanitary sewer pipe is now being laid in Harrison street; and, whereas, it is necessary to have the water mains in connection with the sewerage system; therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the water company be instructed to lay its water mains in said Harrison street, between Jones and Dodge streets. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Hill street, be- tween West 3d and Dodge streets, be gutter- ed. curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby diracted to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the prop_ notice for bids and proposals for the work; the guttering, curbing and macadam- izing to be done at the expense of the own- ers of the abutting property. The street commissioner to do the grading. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Pare, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Halpin offered the . following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city marshal be in- structed to have all obstructions removed from levee on north side of ice harbor from 2d street to outer levee and along outer lev- ee to the 11 igh Bridge. Ald. llalpin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wale, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, ccnstructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on 2nd and Main streets' abutting city lot 77, at the expense of abut- ting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (flab, lixlpm, i'age, Peaslee, Saunders, South, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque,That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, ut good two -incl[ plank, be, within 30 days of this notice, coustructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the west side of Bell street, between Vine street and Grandview street, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Adds. Crawford, Cushing, (flab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved by the. City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 30 slays of this notice, constructed and laid in (•onfrmity with the ordinance in relation t:, sidewalks, on the north and soul Ii sit Ie ;01 i)odge street, be- tween Blulr street and old corporation line, where not already anti, at the expense of the abu.ting property. Adopted by the follo tug vote: Ayes— Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of 16th street, between Iowa street and Pine street, where not already laid, at the expense of the abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Adds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east and west sides of Elm street, be- tween 17th street and Garfield avenue, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with t REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1sT, 1891. 99 the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of 17th street, between Clay and Seminary streets, at expense of abut- ting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Alderman Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the east side of Main street, abutting lot 465 city, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Winona ave., between West Fifth and \Vest 3d street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity wi`,h the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Adds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Pea -lee, Saunders, Smith and Trexler. AId. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of tis notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, abutting city lot 129 on 3d and Bluff streets, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Halpin, Glab. Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Glib offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, abutting city lot 214, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Ilalpin, Glab, Page, Peastee, Maunders, Snit�h, Stoltz, and '1'rexier. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide; of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Clay street, abutting city lot 301, at expense oflabuttin!g propert y. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to advertise and have a stone crossing placed across West Fifth (5th) street, at its intersection with Burch street, also a crossing of stone across Hill street from Garrigan's to the south side of West Seventh street, the same to be done by the lowest and best bidder. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, That the mayor be directed on behalf of the city to eater into new con- tract with the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company for 150 arc lights 2,000 candle power to be placed as the city council may direct, 50 of said lights to be for four years from September 1st, 1891; 50 for three years from September 1st, 1891; 50 for one year from September 1st. 1891; at the price of $75 per lamp per year, the contract to be identi cal in all other respects with the contract now in force. The execution of the new contract to be a cancellation of the present con- tract. Referred to the committee of the whole by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trex- ler. Noes—Aids. Glab and Halpin. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 80 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Eagle Point avenue, be- tween Washington street and Kniest street, at expense of abutting properly. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A Ids. Crawford; Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. AId. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the south side of Lincoln ave- nue, between Washington street and Kniest street,where not already laid. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to notify abutting property owners. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, 'rhe Iowa State Firemen's tournament will be held in Cedar Rapids June 8th to 11th inclusive; and Whereas, 11 would be to the best interest of the city it said tournament was held here in 1$92; therefore, Resolved, That the mayor, mayor pro tem., tire committee and chief be instruct- ed to attend said tournament for the pur- pose of securing said tournament for this city in 1892. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water Co. be instructed to place a tire hydrant on Lemon and 27th streets. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That 23d street, between Cotler avenue and 1Vashmgton street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam- ized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder direct- ed to give the proper notice for bids and 100 REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1st, 1891. proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (flab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and 'I rexler. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans for a stone culvert across Millville street, near Peru road, and advertise for bids for the same. Aid. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the alley between Reis and Klingenberg streets be graded and macadamized at the expense of the abut- ting property. The recorder is hereby di- rected to advertise for bids for the same. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner he and is hereby instructed to make a pass- able road for,the accommodation of teams on Garfield avenue, between 5th and 91.11 avenues, while Rhomberg avenue is under construction. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That 4th street extension, from White street to the intersection of Market and 6th streets, be tilled to grade by Gen. C. H. Booth according to his prop- osition to be paid 20 cents per cubic yard, one-half payable in cash and the other half to be credited to his account to apply in payment of his city taxes. That he be instructed to commence the fill as soon as possible. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. a ld. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Jones street, between Locust and West Main streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and propo- sals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing, and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, llalpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolyed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That south half of Jones street, between West Main and Main streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the or- dinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grad- ing to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee. Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be directed to prepare plans and specifications for the extension of the mouth of the main sanitary sewer on the lower levee, by us- ing the iron pipe now on levee, and the city recorder instructed to advertise, for bids for the performance of the work, and the same to be done under the supervision of the sewer committee. AId. Pante offered the following: Resolved by the City Cowie' I of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk I_ legit wide, of good stone or cement, be, witton 30 days of this notice, constructed and butt in con fortuity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of ,Nlain street, bet ween 7th street and 8th street, at ex- pense of abutting property. „Adopted by the following vote. • Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin. Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. Page offered the following: Resolved by the City conned) of the City of Dubuque. That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick. stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laud m confortnit) with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks, on the east side of Bluff street, between en 4th street and fith street, abutting city logs 131 and 132 at ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Ald. Page offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'That a sidewalk 12 ace; wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Bluff street, between Third and Fourth streets, abutting lots 1 and' 2, city lots lint, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (.lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. Page offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good stone or cement, be, within 31) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Maio street, between 6th and 7th streets, abutting city lots 1-3 and nt 1-3 749, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. A Id. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city attorney be and is hereby instructed to file with the clerk of the court the bill now due the city from the Key City Electric Railway Co. for their portion of the city electrician's salary. AId. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Madison street, be- tween North Main street and Seminary street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to REGULAR SESSION, JUNE 1st, 1891. 101 make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alils. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The council took a recess of five minutes at 10:55 o'clock p. m. and reconvened at 11 o'clock p. m. Ald. Peaslee offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That North Main street, be- tween 17th and Madison streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper no ice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gut- tering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property grading to be bid in total. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the Ci y Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of:good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 (lays of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewailts. on both sides of Delhi street, between Julien avenue and Center street, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. l'easlee offered the following: Resolves by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wirle, of good two-inch plank, laid cross- wise. be, within 30 days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in reflation to sidewalks, on the north side oft14th street, between Alta Vista street and Broad street, at expense of abu.ting property; laid to temporary grade. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cusning, Glab, II al pin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved,by the City Connell of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity wiih the ordinance in relation to side ".iiIts. on the west side of Main street, bet ween 14th street and 15th street. abut- ting city lot 470, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald�s. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City 01 Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed mid laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, abutting city lot 643 on Ninth and Bluff streets, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Stoltz, Smith and Trexler. On motion the above resolution was re- cosidered and refered to the alderman of the 4th ward. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on Main street, between 16th street and 17th street, abutting s ni 3fcity lot 472, at ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Engineer Blake reported the following bids for street improvements: Alta Vista Street—Con. Ryan, $6,201.70; E. E. Frith, $6,632.10• Chas. Steuck, $7,- 338.60; John O'Dea,a6 801.10. On motion of Ald. Halpin the contract was awarded to Con. Ryan. Bluff street from 14th to 16th—Lee & Norton, $1,715.66; E. E. Frith, $1,785.44. On motion of Ala. Stoltz the contract was awarded to Lee & Norton. South Locust street—John Tibey, $1,553; Meehan & llassett, $1,506. On motion of Ald. Halpin the contract was awarded to Meehan & llassett. Windsor avenue—E. E..Frith, $1,293.55. On motion of Ald. Stoltz the contract was awarded to E. E. Frith. Dodge street sewer from Locust to Bluff street—Peter Eisbach, $699.90; Byrne & Saul, $706.10; John Tibey, $1,151.25. Ald. Stoltz moved to award contract to Peter Eisaach. Carried. Sixteenth street sewer—Peter Eisbach, $572.16; Lee & Norton, $600; Ulrich Ruof, $460. On m tion of Ald. Smith the contract was awarded to Ulrich Ruof. Race and West Eleventh street—E. E. Frith, $1,986.10; Chas. Steuck, $2,297.40, Aid. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That the contract for the im- provement of West 11th and Race streets be awarded to E. E. Frith he being the lowest bidder for the same, provided he will consent to put in flat curbing on Race instead of the standing curb, said flat curb- ing to be put in at an expense of one-half the price bid for the standing curb, also that said Race street be improved 26 feet between curbs. P. W. CRAWFORD, EDW. C. PEASLEE, Special Committee. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford moved to reconsider ac- tion of council ordering Iowa street im- proved. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved to change said resolution to read "to 14th street" instead of 17th street. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz. Noes—Aid. Trexler. The resolution as changed was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. No—Ald. Peaslee. Aid. Smith moved that $100 be appro- niittee to Cedar Rapithds. expenses. of coin- Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: J. C. N City Recorder. 102 REGULAR SESSION, .II'\ E 1s1•, 1.891. SIDEWALK NOTICES, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good twirinch plank, brick, stone or eement, be, with- in 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of West Fifth street, between Glen Oak avenue and College avenue, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- I.uque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid iu conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east and west sides of Johnson avenue, between Eagle Point avenue and Garfield avenue. Resolved by the City Council or the City of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be with- in 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalas, on the east and west sides of Gar- field avenue, between Johnson avenue and Mid- dle street, at the expense of the abutting prop- erty owners, where not already laid. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide of good cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Fourteenth street, between Locust street and Bluff street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north and south sides of Thirteenth street, between White street and Pine street. Adopted May 4th, 1891. 5-13-10t J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Notice of t. hange of Grade. At the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque held May 4th, 1891, it was ordered that, the proposed change of grade of Bluff street, from 5th to 6th streets, as shown by the profile in the recorder's of- fice, will be considered at the next regular session of the city council not less than fifteen days from the date of this publica- tion and that all persons claiming dam- ages by reason of such proposed change of grade must file their claims before such meeting with the city recorder. Dubuque, la., May 14th,PATIIICK. 1891 SPECIAL SESSION, JUNE 15'ra, 1991. 108 CITY COUNCIL. Special Session June 15th, 1891. (OFFIC1AL.1 Council met at 2:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Pro Tern Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Saunders and Smitn. The following call for the meeting was read: DUBUQUE, Iowa, June 13th, 1891. Recorder Fitzpatrick: At request 01 property owners on Grand - will Dodge be a special meeting w avenue south of o thecity coun- cil Monday, June 15th, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. in., to receive their petition and take such action as the council may in its wisdom deem just with reference to the grade (and improvement being made) of said avenue. Please issue notice of meeting and oblige. Yours &c., R. W. STEWART, Mayor. The petition of the abutters for change of grade on Grandview avenue between Dodge and South Dodge street was read. A petition was also read asking for change of grade on W 11th street and for the widening of sidewalks on W 11th street. The council adjourned to view Grand- view avenue and West 11th street as per request of petitioners. I'he council reconvened at 5:20 o'clock. Mayor Pro Tern Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and 'I'rexler. Ald. 'I'rexler moved that the petition for change of grade on Grandview avenue be received and filed. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the curbing on south side of West 11th street be set tif- teen feet from the rty; line on condi- tion that the contractoreand abutters aeree. Carried. The matter of the petition as to change of grade on West 11th street received and tile. The following communication of Mayor Stewart was read: MAYOR'S OFFI J'nneuluque,1Io1 Iowa, To the City Council: GENTLEMEN:—The time is fast ap- proaching when the ordinance relating to the mayor's office should be approved or reported back without the mayor's signa- ture. I have been endeavoring to arrange my affairs, since Alderman Halpin introduced the ordinance, that 1 might accommodate myself to the requirements thereof, but am confronted with circumstances that aban- donmake my it Profession to cerative ome conformon therewith. After keeping open office for more than two years, where private business has al- ways given way to public duty, 1 am not now willing to take advantage of the or- dinance and refuse to transact official busi- ness during other hours than those desig- nated. It would nor would satis- factory to the public it be just. To give three hours each morning from my law office, and be subjected in the afternoons to the require- ments of official business, would entirely sacrifice my practice, which I cannot afford, and therefore resign my position as mayor of Dubuque. Respectfully, ROBERT W. STEWART. Ald. Glab moved that the resignation of Mayor Stewart be accepted. Ald. Peaslee moved that the matter be referred to the committee of the whole to confer with Mayor Stewart and see if an arrangement could not be made by chang- ing the office hours of the mayor to the afternoon or such time as would be satis- factory to the council and the mayor. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Peaslee and Smith. Noes—Aid. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Saunders and 'T rexler. The question being put on the motion to accept the resignation was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Trexier. Ald. Crawford moved to reconsider the action of the council on the resignation of Mayor Stewart. Ald. Crawford moved to lay the mo- tion for re -consideration on the table. Car- ried. A communication from Mayor Stewart in relation to the council attending the firemen's tournament at Cedar Rapids was read. Received and filed. Petition of Peter Kiene to build bay window on the corner of 4th and Main streets. Granted. Petition of Win. S. White in relation to O'Neill street. Referred to the committee of the whole. The petitions of .J. C. Moore and Margaret Mulqueeny in relation to taxes were re- ferred to the delinquent tax committee. Ald. Page offered the following resolu- tion: Whereas, The City Council of Dubuque received an invitation to attened the 13th annual tournment of the Iowa Fire- men's association from the committee on arragements at Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and, Whereas, The City Council did accept said invitation and visited the fair city of Cedar Rapids, and while there were royal- ly entertained and courteously treated by Mayor .John Henderson, the city council and all citizens whom it was their pleas- ure to meet. Resolved, That the thanks of the city council of Dubuque be tendered to Mayor Henderson, the members of the council and to the citizens of Cedar Rapi.ls for the many courtesies extended and hopitality shown during to Cedar Rapids on June 10,e brief s11it oand f i body be it further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon our official minutes and a copy forwarded to Hon. John Henderson, may- or, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Pace, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and 'I'rexler. Ald. Page moved that one year's time be con- structiiiig�sidewalk ed oee for n westsidof Main street between 7th and 8th streets. Ald. 'Trexler moved as an amendment that the time be extended for ten years. Lost by the following vote: aslee and '1'rex Ayes—Aids. Cushing, ler. Noes—Alda. Crawford (flab, Page, Saunders and Smith. The question being put on Ald. Page's tnolion to extend the time one year was lost by the following vote: Ayes_Alds. Crawford and f Page. lab, Penslee, Noes—Aids. Cushing, Saunders, Smith and 'I'rezler. 104 SPECIAL SESSION, JUNE 15, 1891. Ald. Glab moved that further time be extended to Bishop Hennessy for laying sidewalk on west side of Main street be- tween 7th and 8th streets. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That the resolution adopted May 4, 1891, for the improvement of Alta Vista street, between Julien avenue and 14th streets, he amended by providing that the sidewalks on each side be graded twenty feet wide and the remain- der of the street be curbed and macadamized in accordance with the original resolution, provided that the owners of the abutting property and the contractor shall give their consent to the change. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith and Trexier. Ald. Page moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: J. C. 1''ITZPATItICK, Recorder. i • • dr Sealed p /'r' : i cel d the office ofoc p. m., of b.•,Vie F. l ►:'•, the foil gwor act tans a specs ons on fila grading, curbing, guttering and macadam- izing the following streets, viz: Bluff street from 14th to 16th sts. Windsor Ave. from Eagle Point Ave. to Lincoln Ave. South Locust street from O. C. line to 450 feet south. Alta Vista street from Julien Ave. to West 14th street. West 11th street from Walnut to Race street. Race street from West 11th to Rose street. Hill street from West 3rd street to Dodge street. Also for constructing stone arch sewer on Dodge street from Bluff to Locust. Bidders are required to furnish bond of $200.00 with bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. Final Notice. To whom 2t may concern: You are hereby notified that by virtue of an ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and approved by the mayor on May 4th, 1891, the owner, keeper or user of every dray, wagon, car- riage or other vehicle, used or kept for use in the city of Duouque, shall procure a license therefor; for a license for every such vehicle there shall be paid to the city of Dubuque $5.00 per annum for vehicles drawn by one horse or mule and $10.00 per annum if drawn by more than one. This ordinance applies to brewers, stores, manufacturers, bakers, builders, contrac- tors, coal dealers, wood dealers, dairymen, grocers, ice dealers, undertakers, junk dealers, lightning -rod dealers, lime dealers, livery and boarding stable teams, doctors, lumber dealers, butcher wagons, private carriages, sewing machine teams, tank line teams, transfer wagons, plumbers, etc. etc., and to all other vehicles in the city of Dubuque. The ordinance admits of no exception and all are expected to procure licenses. It was not intended to apply to uny particular line or class of vehicles nor will it be enforced against any particu- lar class of vehicles. All will he treated alike, There are several hundred of such licenses that must be procured. Until June 10th will be given to pay, and all who shall have failed to procure licenses by this date will be arrested and fined. 'rhe marshal will not, call for licenses but all are expected to apply for licenses at the city recorder's office as required by law. S. B. RICE, Dubuque, May 28. City Marshal. Notice. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 p. m. Saturday, June 13, 1891, for laying the following sidewalks as fol- lows: On the north and south sides of 13th st. from White to Pine st. 6 feet wide. On the east and west sides of Garfield avenue from Johnson ave. to Middle st. 6 feet wide. On the east and west sides of Johnson venue from Eagle Point avenue to Gar- field avenue 6 feet wide. On the south side of West 5th st. front Glen Oak avenue to College avenue 4 feet ide. On the north side of 14th st. from Lo- cust st. to Bluff st. 8 feet cement walk according to plans and specifications on tile in my office. On the south aide of Emmet street from Bluff to St. Mary's 6 feet wide. Stone cross walks on the north side of 17th and White streets and on the south side.of 19th and White streets. The right to reject any and all bids is re- served. E. C. BLAKE, City Eng. Notice of' Bale. 1 will sell at public auction to the best bidder for cash, on the 20th day of May, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. in., at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, be- tween 14th and 15th streets, the following impounded animals, to -wit: One bay horse about 10 years old. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Dubuque, May 15th, 1891. Garbage Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to throw any slop or garbage in the strets or alleys, but must provide themselves with a receptable receiving the slops and gar- bage, which will be emptied daily below the bluffs and twice a week on the bluffs by the garbage collector. All violations of the ordinance in relation to depositing filth or garbage in the streets or alleys will be rigidly enforced. Dubuque, May 9, 1891. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Notice to Teamsters. You will hereby notice that your license for 1891 is now past due anti must be paid at once, and the license number must be posted on a conspicuous place on the wagon or vehicles. The owners of all vehicles subject to license will please call on the city treasurer at once anti procure license as all persons subject to said license must pay. S.B. RICE, City Marshal, Dubuque, Iowa, May 7, 1891. SPECIAL SESSION JUNE 15, 1891. 105 Notioe to Dog Owners. You will please call at the city treas- urer's office and pay your dog tax for 1891, and save trouble and expense as I am bound to see that all dogs are properly licensed. A failure to comply with the above order will subject the offender to the penalties of the ordinance. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Dubuque, May 7tn, 1891. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on Main street, between 16th street and 17th street, abutting s m % city lot 472, at ex- pense of abutting property. lation to sidewalks, on the east side of Bluff street, between 4th street and fith street, abutting city lots 131 and 132, at ex- pense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide of good two -Inch plank or stone be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the south side of Lincoln ave- nue, between Washington street and Kniest street,where not already laid. That the city engineer be and Is hereby directed to notify abutting property owners. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of l+;agle Point avenue, be- tween Washington street and Kniest street, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, laid cross- wise, be, within 4 clays of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of 14th street, between Alta Vista street and Broad street, at expense of abutting property; laid to temporary grade. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good stone or cement, be, within 30days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Main street, between 14th street and 15th street. abut- ting city lot 470, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That asidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 clays of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides ot Delhi street, between Julien avenue and Center street, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within:30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on 2nd and Main streets' abutting city lot 77, at the expense of abut- ting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque,'L'hat a sidewalk 4 feet wide, 01 good two-inch plank, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- lorimty with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Bell street, between Vine street and Grandview street, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north and south sides of Dodge street, be- tween Bluff street and old corporation line where not already laid, at the expense of the abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good stone or cement, be, within 30 clays of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Main street, between 6th and 7th streets, abutting city lots s 1-3 and in 1-3 742, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Bluff street, between Third and Fourth streets, abutting lots 1 and 2, city lots 654, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con • fortuity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Main str ex- pensehet ween 7th street and 8th street, of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone, or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re - Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of 16th street, between Iowa street and Pine street, where not already laid, at the expense of the abutting prop- erty. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two -ii cli plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of 17th. street, between Clay street and Seminary street, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days ot this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to side" alks, on the east side of Main street, abuitiug lot 466 city, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of tate City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed ittrelation totsidewalks, abuttingcityClot 106 SPECIAL SESSION, JUNE 15, 1891. 129 on 3d and Bluff streets, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, abutting city lot 214, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within thirty clays of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Clay street, abutting city lot 301, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Six- teenth street, between Iowa and Pine streets, where not already laid. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 80 days of this nonce, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east and west sides of Elm street, be- tween 17th street and Garfield avenue, at expense of abutting property. Adopted June 1st, 1891. o=r -tot J. C. I,ITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Street Lighting. The general public is respectfully re- quested to notify police headquarters either by telephone or postal card of the neglect of the lamplighter to properly light and take care of gasoline lamps. Many com- plaints are made of the manner in which the lamps are being attended to. A num- ber of these lights are beyond the police boundaries, and the only means the police have of knowing that the lamps are not being attended to satisfactorily is by the number of complaints received. The citi- zens will confer a favor on the officers and secure better service in the lighting if they will rep•m't delinquencies to police head- quarters. J. W. IIALPIN, Chairman Police and Light Coin. AN ORDINANCE To amend an Ordinance entitled "Au Ordinance to define the duties of the Mayor of the City of Dubuque." Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That chapter 6 of the revised ordinance of 1887, being an ordinance en- titled "An ordinance to define the dunes of the mayor of the city of Dubuque" be, and is hereby amended by adding thereto after seduun 6 of said ordinance the fol- Iowinv additional section. to wit: sec. 7. That the office of the mayor, for the transaction of alt business of the city of Dubuque connected with his official position, and for the discharge of all duties imposed upon hint by the charter and oruittance of said city, shall be kept in the city hall. He shall be in attendance at his said office for business from the hour of 9 a. in. to 12 m. of each secular day, legal holidays excepted, unless en- gaged in presiding at sessions of the city council. In case of the absence, or in- ability of the mayor at any time to attend at his office at the time herein specified, it shall be the duty of the mayor pro tempore to attend at said office in his place. and to discharge all the duties, and pos- sess all the powers of the mayor for the transaction of all matters and business of the city during the absence or inability of said officer. Sec. 2. This ordinance e u in the official papers of thea city, andtshtake effect from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily TELEGRAPH newspaper. Adopted June 1st, 1891. Approved June 16th, 1891. CIIAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor Pro Tem. Attest: J. C. hITZPATOICK,, Recorder. Notice to Saloonkeepers. You are hereby notified that on and from this elate you will be prosecuted for leaving empty beer kegs on the sidewalk in front of your premises, as they are a nuisance and the same must be abated. S. B. RICE, Dubuque, June 9th, 1891.City Marshal. CITY COUNCIL. [OFFICIAL. sI'ECIAL SESSION, JUNE 18TH, 1891. Council met at 7:55 o'clock p. m. Mayor pro tempore Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The following call for the meeting was read: To C. .r. 1V, Saunders, Mayor Pro TG771.: SIR—The undersigned aldermen would respectfully ask you to call a special ses- sion of the city council to fill the vacancy in the office of mayor,a nd for the consider- ation of such other business as may come before the meeting on Thursday, June 18th, at 7:30 o'clock p. in. .1. W. 11ALPIN, DENNIS SMITH, JOHN P. PAGE, 1'. W. CRAWFORD, JOHN GLAB, TELL H. CUSHING, EDW. C. PEASLEE. Ald. Peaslee moved that the council proceed to the election of a Mayor to fill the vacancy caused oy the resignation of Robert W. Stewart. Carried. Ands. Ilalpin and Peaslee were ap- pointed tellers. The first ballot resulted as follows: C..1. W. Saunders, nine votes. Ald. Halpin moved that the election of Aid. Saunders as mayor be made unani- mous. Carried. Mayor -elect Saunders retired to prepare his resignation as alderman of the Fifth ward. Ald. Peaslee was appointed chairman during the absence of Mayor -elect Saun- ders. Ald. Ilalpin moved that Ald. Peaslee be elected mayor pro tem. for the ensuing year and that the election be made by ac- clamation. Carried. 0111 SPECIAL SESSION, JUNE 15, 1891. 107 Mayor -elect Saunders, returning to the council chamber, presented the following: To the Members of the Council: GENTLEMEN: -1 hereby tender my resig- nation as alderman of the Fifth ward, also as member of the several committees and as mayor pro tem. on account of the ac- tion of the council at a special session June 18th, 1891, by electing me mayor to till the vacancy, hoping that the citizens of the Fifth ward who have honored me by electing me twice as alderman will kindly pardon me for so doing. Respectfully, CHAS. J. W. SAPNI)ERs. Aid. Page moved that the resignation be accepted. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that Mayor -elect Saunders be sworn in. Mayor -elect Saunders asked the council the privilege of making a few remark. which was granted, and he spoke as fol- lows: To the Members of the Council; My sincere thanks for the honor you conferred by selecting me as your pre- siding officer. Let me assure you that 1 shall recognize you with respect and feel- ing of a fellow member of this council, as 1 have been associated with most of you in official relation for years. Such have been very pleaiant, and may they con- tinue. And as you have deemed it wise to select me for mayor of our beautiful and prosperous city, may your action be ap- proved by our worthy citizens. I will do all lean to promote the welfare and guard the common interests of all. As I am now ready to accept the office, 1 will also say that 1 do not and will not ac- cept to serve for any increased salary more than $600 per year, as I believe the city's interests will be better guarded by leaving the office of mayor an office of hon- or rather than a question of salary. Again I thank you. Mayor pro tern. Peaslee took the chair and administered the oath of office to May- or -elect Saunders. Ald. Stoltz moved that the council pro- ceed to elect an alderman to fill the vac- ancy in the aldermanship of the Fifth ward. Carried. The first ballot resulted as follows: Chas Fosselmann E. 11. Sheppley 1 11. Richter On motion the election of Chas. Fossel- man was made unanimous. Petition of F. D. Stout for permission to construct new sidewalk and curb and gut- ter around his premises on 11th and Lo- cust and Bluff streets. Granted under su- pervision of street committee and engi- neer. Communication of N. Kauffman in rela- tion to lowering guttering on south side of West Eleventh street referred to the street committee and engineer. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, It is with deep regret thet we learn of the death of Marketmaster henry llibbe; and, Whereas, During his official connections with the city he has provedtthe re- spect r and trustworthy official, gaining and friendship of all his associates; therefore Resolved, That we extend to his bereaved wife our heartfelt sympathy in her sad be- reavement, and that a copy of these reso- lutions be spread upon the records of the city, and that a copy be furnished to the widow of the deceased. Alderman elect Fosselman haying ar- rived the oath of office was administered to him by Mayor Saunders. Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: .1. C. FIT%PATRICK, Recorder. )fruye-c. w SPECIAL SESSION, JUNE 30, 1891. THE CITY COUNCIL. [OFFICIAL.] SPECIAL SESSION, JUNE 30TH, 1891. Council met at 10:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Cushing, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Drexler. The following call for the meeting was read: ) MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) lluBrQUE, June 29th, 1891. To the Members of the Council: GENTLEMEN. -1 have been requested by a committee of citizens, also members of the Board of Trade, to call a meeting of the city council for the purpose of ascer- !alnini if the council would appropriate a :um of money to aid the sufferers of the Hooded district of western Iowa. 1 there- fore call a special meeting for to -morrow morning, June 30th, at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Respectfully yours, (MTAs. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. We, the undersigned, hereby accept the above call. JOHN '1 nExr,ER, CHAS. FOSSELMAN, EDW. C. PEASLEE, JOHN P. PAISE, MELL H. CUSIHING, FRANK J. STOLTZ, DENNIS SMITH, J. W. HALPIN. AId. Trexler moved that $500 be appro- priated for the flood sufferers In western Iowa provides the same amount is appro- priated by the board of supervisors. Carried. The board of supervisors reported that they would appropriate $500 for the same purpose. Ald. Page moved that the mayor or some oueappointed by him constitute the members of a committee from the council to see that the appropriation is properly I istributed.Irried. AtteSl: 1 .1. C. FITZPATRICK, ���� Recorder. 109 REGUL' A l{ SESSION, JULY GTH, 1891. , CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session July 8th, 1891. [OFFICIAL. 1 Council met at 9:15 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Peaslee moved that the minutes of the previous meetings be approved as printed except in the matter of appoint- ment of assistant engineers on page 95 which should read assistant engineers Boyce and Hyde; also on page 97 the re- solution in relation to paving Iowa street which should read to 17th street instead 01 14th street. Carried. Aids. Crawford, Trexler and Halpin ar- rived at 9:20 o'clock a. in. Mayor Saunders read the following in- augural: Members of the Council: GENTLEMEN:—As the fiscal year in city affairs is wt 11 advanced, must of the larger contracts have been let, and the resources of the city treasury, as in former years at this time, have shrunk almost to nothing; nearly all the appropriations have been spent on our streets, partly for grading but mostly for storm water sewers which become a necessity when certain streets are ordered improved. The bulk of the street improvements now under way were ordered by a former council, and the bilis for grading, sewers and other large items were left for the present council to pay. 1 deem it but just that the beanie, if any, should be put where it justly belongs, and as 1 was a member of the former council 1 will shoulder my just share, if any. There is an old adage, still true, that "it is never too late to mend." And if the fel- low members of the council will, front this on, give their services to the city in a prompt business -like manner, you will find that, like your own private busi- ness, the city affairs will be managed in good style. 'There is no reason why the city should not get the actual value for the money expended. I.et us, before any contract is ordered, ask the finance committee if such improve- ment can be made without straining the city treasury. 1 most earnestly recommend that you snake a special levy of one mill to redeem what are known as the Stocking bonds, which were called in a year ago without making the proper arrangements for paying the same, and which have been laying at a bank at a 7 per cent rate of in- terest, and the payment of which may be demanded at any flute when least expected. This bond obligation amounts to $26,000. Let us consult the city attorney and the committee on ordinances before we adopt ordinances that are a hardship rather than a benefit to our citizens. No claims should be allowed that are in any way doubtful or not properly signed by the respective committees of the sev- eral departments. The committee should see, and it is their duty to see, that all street labor is fairly di- vided as to teams and hands. 'There must be no favoritism shown to any person or persons. You will then be in a position to demand in return an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. See that each man or team gets as nearly as possible the sante number of days' work. The principal streets in the heart of the city must have immediate attention, as they are in need of repairs. Granite or brick paving is without doubt the best mode of Improvement, but before either can be put down it is necessary to adopt a better plan of drainage. 1 there- fore recommend that you instruct your street commissioners to proceed at once to make the necessary repairs, and also in- struct the street railway companies to re- pair their part. The committee on harbors will please keep the harbors in such condition as will reflect a proper credit on the city. The committee on supplies should insist that all supplies needed for the several de- partments of the city, unless otherwise provided by ordinance, must be bought by that committee, and a recbrd kept by tate committee clerk, who shall report each day to the city auditor each and every such purchase and for what department. We will then know at any time if a bill 18 cor- rect and the cost of each article before pur- chasing. I'ubtic grounds and buildings should al- ways be kept in the best of condition as they are generally taken for example when the council tries to enforce its ordinances relative to private grounds and buildings. Contracts for city printing having been awarded the committee should see that, as in every other contract, the city trust have the proper returns for the outlay. The fire department is as good as can be had as to mien, but as to number and ap- paratus it is weak. While the city has ex- perienced extraordinary blessings of Provi- dence nt immunity from destructive tires, we should not depend too touch on Provi- dence but be better prepared for emergency. The water company, according to their franchise, must be in such condition as to supply an adequate amount of water wherever required. The police department will be under my direct supervision, and 1 assure the coun- cil and the public that the police will and must be a credit to the city. Mules will be placed at police headquarters and they trust and will be enforced. Our city is fairly well supplied withelec- tric, gas and gasoline lights, but as the city builds up on the outskirts more lights are needed, but by referring such matins to the finance comtnittee you will use due consideration on new expenditures. The committee on delinquent taxes must' be very considerate and exercise the great- est care, and while you mus: respect the hand held up for charity, yet see that jus- tice is done to the taxpayers. The committee on electrical construct on is charged to see to the proper construction and fastening of dangerous wires to guard against damage to life and property. The committee should also insist that all poles in the city limits be painted Immediately. I atm informed by the city engineer that the sanitary sewers are in good condition. They ought to be kept so, as on them de pends the health of the city. Livery stables, laundries, in fact all places where large amount of water is used, should be made to connect, so as to avoid the nui- sance of large amount of stagnant water lying in gutters and streets. You will find that all the offices in the city department of the city hall are in very good condition and the various elected officers are very attentive to duty. You and all the people who may wish to see the mayor on city business will find him at the office at the tine required by ordinance. Very glad to be of service to tie people of Dubuque. Ald. Trexler Ino ed that all mat erstS. per- taining to Stocking bonds be referred to IIE(xULAIt SESSION, JULY 6TH, 1891. 110 the finance committee. Carried. The following bills were allowed: .las. O'Farrell, labor on Stewart avenue $ 9 00 Standard Lumber Co., shavings50 A. Kannolt, horseshoeing 10 50 Key City Gas Co., coke 10 93 Carr, Ryder & Engler>, shay.ttgs50 E. B. Chandler, two automatic fire alarm boxes 250 00 .lohu Gauahl, repairs and horse- 25 20 shoeing Lear & Ptiffuer, horseshoeing4 00 A. \Vuntlerlich,horseslioeing 3 60 Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware. 1 65 Head ford Bros., casting 25 Key t'iiy Gas Co., c ke 8 25 C. \\'. Robison, lumber 47 Butt Bros., repairs 48 35 Dubuque Water Works, rent of 1,037 50 29 80 hydrants .1V in. S. Molo, plumbing National Iron mid Brass works, brass 85 It. T. Eddy, laying sidewalk 17 60 B. onahue, " 200 02 Henry Glab, rodman, engineer's office 35 90 John Blake, chaiuinan, engineer's 40 00 office Chas. Brown, axmam, engineer's 40 00 office On motion the matter of assistants in the engineer's office was referred to the street committee with power. G. B. Grosvenor, stationery Vacuum On Co., oil \\'in. S. Moto, plumbing Matin & Carver, blanks, &c Ferguson Bros, plumbing Win. S. Moto, plumbing 1. Terry, hauling garbage .John Butt, repairs Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, rubber coats 11am & Carver, lax list books and lot book... L. Daily, cleaning around mar- ket L. Daily, hauling garbage A. Feller, while washing police headquarters Geo. Ilinkson, hauling chairs Joseph Geiger, repairs at city hall. 14. J. Love, hauling dead dog Lear & Pfitluer, horseshoeing 11. B. Herold, hauling dead ani- mals Ellwanger Bros., epairing har- ness J. C. Goebel, hats TEI.EGIRAPI., letter heads Central Union Telephone Co, telephone service Joseph Geiger, covering desk P. Linehan, hauling iron pipe Ferguson Bros., plumbing Duggan & Kane, soap and matches Hardie & Scharle, stationery Jacobi & Wadley, office chair P. Schiliz, inspector on 5th ave. sewer M. Morgan, inspector of West Lo- cust street Dan Sheehan, inspector of Grand- view ave J . Deggendorf,mspector of Grand- view ave George Schon, inspector of Dodge 48 00 street The bills for inspectors ordered paid and charged to contractors. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of hiring and discharging inspectors be re- ferred to the street committee with power. 8 40 31 63 22 25 75 2 20 110 52 264 00 3 05 Carried. Nester & Jungk, plumbing $23 95 Telegraph, notices and blanks 15 75 James Kelly, stationery 19 60 Alex Gratz, assisting market -mas- ter 75 33 Mrs. Koenig, scruubing police head- 7 00 quarters G. A. Hoerner, 4 cuspidores Jos. Simones, telt Wm. G. Waters, hay for patrol The following bills were referred to the street committee: Novelty Iron Works, $30.16; .John Fuhr- man $4.65; P. E. Strelau, $13.10 and $98.25; Baumgartner & Kleih, $1.25• Win. Marshall, $7.38; F. Schloz. $0.85 and $4.60; John Marney, $5.10 and $173.20;• I. M. Mc• Kenzie, $1.75; Key City Gas Co., $2.00; B. Li. Lineman, $9.90; Knaup, Stout & Co. Co., $22.49; C. W. Robison, $15.75; Jos. Greenwood; $2.00; Christman & llealey, $6.60; Albert Gasser, $6.10; E. M. Dickey Co., $6.50; Frank Robinson, $3.21; John 'Fairy. $3.33; John Kleiuschtmdt, 55c; B. Van Vranken, $94.50; Novelty Iron Works, 55c; Farle. & Loetcher Mfg. Co., $10.75; E. Dieizgen, $5.85; Zehetner & Voggen- thaler, $2.74; W. & L. E. Gurley, $12.75; Lesure Lumber Co., $3.88; J. Heim, $28; Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella, $1.35; U. W. Linehan, $79.40; Trueb & Southwell, $3; Ed. Ryan, $111.80; Chas Stella, $140.31; T. J. Donahue, $20.22; John Morrison, $90; Norton & Lee, $208.30; Ferguson Bros. $7.60• B. E. Linehan, $13.44 hang 2 40 3 00 34 75 'worthy & Adams Iron Works, $24.610; Has- sett & Meehan, $1,684.75• Peter Eisbach, $400; Con. Ryan, $2,400; Chas. Steucit, $235.62; '1'. J. Donahue, $600; E. E. Frith, $370 and $350; John Ttbey, $250, and John Williams, $68.12. The following bills were referred to the committee on supplies: 10 75 Win. G. Watters, $167.74; J. 1). Mets, $9; John Kleinschmidt, $21; Butt Bros., 30 50 $2.80; J. W. Witmer, $6.20. The ,ollowiug bills were referred to the 25 00 prwting committee: 78 00 TELEGRAPH, $75 and $66.65; Times, $02.55; Ledger, $62.50; Herald, $33.35; 6 50 I)emokrat, $75. 1 00 The following bills were referred to the 3 65 committee on police and light: 50 Key City Gas Co., $112.26; Globe Light 7 25 and heat Co., $516.67; uubuque Electric Ry., L. & I'. Co., $45.50 and $625; 14. D. 1 00 Kiruise, $1.75. The following' bills were referred to the 5 85 committee on sewers: 44 b0 Nester & Jungk, $4.10; Lee & Norton, 4 50 $1.487.70; D. W. Linehan, $510.54; M. Lavin, $51.39; 1). W. Linehan, $362.76; M. 20 60 Lavin, $18.50; James Lee, $6::5.56; M. 1 95 Tschirgi, Jr., $1,000; M. Lavin, $700; D.W. 2 50 Linehan, $113.29 and $406.60. 48 95 The bills of the Dubuque Omnibus com- pany :of $10; Butt Bros., 5c, referred to the 6 15 committee on claims. 12 25 Bill of T. J. Griuilteid of. $15 referred to 6 00 the committee on public grounds and build- ings. 32 50 Bill of 1. S. Bigelow of $2.50 referred to the board of health; also the bills for the 46 00 care of small pox patient. PETITIONS. 49 00 Plat of llosford & limner's church park add., and plat of subdivision lots 62 and 63 49 00 of Simpson's add., and plat of Cain's sub- division referred to committee of the whole. Remonstrance against paving iowa street with brick received and filed. Petition for change of grade on Grand- view street, trout Mountain Lane to Villa street, referred to engineer and city at- 111 REGULAR SESSION, JULY GTx, 1891. torney, and engineer instructed to prepare profile of grade in accordance with petition and also report if it is expedient to change the grade on any part of said street. Petition of James Hird for remeval of obstructions in alley in Finley's add. granted,and engineer and marshaiinstruct- ed to have same removed. Petition of Key City assembly 4,192 K. of L. asking that city grading be done by day labor. Ald. Stoltz moved to receive and file the petiton. Ald. Trexler moved to refer to the com- mittee of the whole. Lost. The motion to receive and file prevailed. Communication of Assessor Guthrie ask- ing that he be allowed to retain his assist- ant for a few weeks. Granted until August 1st, 1891. Petition of D. B. Henderson et al. for ex- tension of time for laying sidewalk abut- ting lot 740 until season of 1892, granted. Petition of .1. A. Rhomberg for removal of obstruction on Lynn street bet. 18th and 19th sts: also for removal of obstruc- tion on Lincoln ave. bet. 8th and 9th ave., referred to street committee. Petition of lit. Rev. J. Hennessy in rela- tion to laying sidewalk in front of lot 114, referred to street coininittee. Petition for extension of Glen Oak ave- nue referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of John Degnan for replacing of filling taken off Oak street referred to com- mittee of the whole. Petition fur repeal of team license ordi- nance referred to coin tnittee of the whole by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Smith and Trex- ler. Ald. Crawford moved that the mayor and marshal be requested to defer the col- lection of team license until the report of the committee of the whole is made to the council. Carried. Ala. Page moved to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. in. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present — Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. Halpin moved that the council pro- ceed to the election of a marketinaster. AId. Trexler moved that the council proceed with the regular business. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'Trexler. Noes—Aids. Halpin and Stoltz. Petition of J. P. Schroeder to nave sub- division of Schroeder's add. changed re- ferred to committee of the whole. Petition for repeal of team licen9e or- dinance referred to committee of the whole. Petition of Charles and Alex Simplot in relation to the occupancy and ownership of city lot 530 referred to committee of the whole. Petition of property owners on South Locust street in relation to special assess- ment for lateral sewer, referred to com- mittee of the whole. Petition and profile of change of grade of Grace street, referred to the commit- tee of the whole. Communication of L. A. Marshall and J. H. Drake in relation to Jasperite paving on Main street, referred to committee of the whole. Petition of Mrs. Neuwohner in relation to saloon license, referred to the mayor with power. The following petitions were referred to the street committee. Petition for change of grade on South- ern avenue between old corporation line and Railroad avenue, also that an eight toot sidewalk be substituted for a twelve foot one on the west side of said avenue. Petition of Byrne Bros. for extension of time to lay sidewalk on south side of 8th' street from Iowa east to the alley. Petition of DeWitt C. Cram for abate- ment of nuisance caused by fountain at corner 17th and West Locust streets (with power.) • Petition for repair of Aspen street. Petition of A. Kemps for repair of Eagle Point avenue. Petition of Norwegian Plow Co. for fill- ing of West Main street west of their fac- tory. Petition of J. P. Schroeder for permis- sion to grade Herold street for the dirt. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax comuuuce: Mrs. Johanna McNally, Mrs. M. Mc- Garry, Mrs. Bridget Finnegan, Barbara Angster, Elizabeth Buehler, A. Munsell, Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co., Dubuque Specialty Machine Works, and Bridget Flynn. Remonstrance against improvement of Bluff street from 9th to 14th street referred to aldermen of the 4th ward. Petition of 11. F. Mulligan for extension of time for laying sidewalk on Main street, granted and recorder instructed to notify the engineer. Petition of First Baptist church for the exte"sion of time for laying sidewalk on Twelfth and Main street, granted and re- corder instructed to notify the city engi- neer. Petition of H. 11. Blish to have that part of the petition asking for sewer in rear of Wilson avenue be stricken out.,granted. Petition of Phil MeGugian for the re- funding of saloon license referred to the mayor with power. Petitions of Mrs. M. McDonald, Bridget Cain and Mrs. S. Reilly for cancellation of boarding house license referred to the mayor with power. Petition of harry L. Moyer for damages for personal injuries referred to the com- mittee on claims and city attorney. Petition for sewer up Dorgan's alley granted and engineer instructed to pre- pare proper plans for same. The bills of Portland Paving Co., $21.40; Chas. Steuck, $8.50, ordered paid. The following report of the jury for opening of Lincoln avenue was read: DuntiQuE, la., June 24, 1891. We, the jury summoned to assess dam- ages to the following property for opening Lincoln avenue from Jackson street to Coiner avenue, find fur the following per- sons, viz: Nick Nicks $ 1,000 Benedict Nicholas 1,700 Frank Drasda 8,800 Margaret Graff 5,000 Total $11,000 John P. Quigley, foreman. J. Macdonald, secretary. A. W. Daugherty, Jas. Cushing, J. Wunderlich, Pat Clancy, Richard Bennett, G. Gtnehle, John Dorgan, C. Riefsteck, C. A. Wilber, Isaiah Clerninson. Agreement of residents in vicinity of said street agreeing to pay $475 toward REGULAR SESSION, JULY G'rlr, 1891. 112 opening said street was read. Referred to the committee of the whole. On motion the report of the jury was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. On motion orders of $2.00 each were or- dered to pay the jurymen. The bids for street improvements were taken up. Ald. Halpin moved that the engineer be directed to bring in the grade book show- ing the grades of streets in Woodlawn park addition. Carried. Ald. Halpin moved that when the. coun- cil adjourn it adjourn to \Wednesday, July 15, 18it1, at 7:30 o'clock p. in. carried. Ala. Halpin moved that profile of grades in Woodlawn park addition be referred to the street committee to report on at the ad- journed meeting. Carried. Aid. Halpin moved that all bids for street work be returned to bidders. Car- ried. AId. Halpin moved that the recorder be directed to re -advertise for bids for street work providing the specifications are prop- erly signed by the street committee. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford moved that the engineer change the specifications for grading in Woodlawn Park so that said specifications shall state definitily which streets in Wood - lawn Park are to be graded. Carried. The following bids for painting the town clock tower were opened and read: M. Czizek, $299; Theodore Trilk, $215; On motion the contract ;was awarded to Theodore '1'rilk. Bids for foundation of engine house, cor. lith and Iowa streets, opened and read: Isaac Proctor, $2,177; W. M. Oswald $2,- 290. On motion of Ald. Crawford the con- tract was awarded to Isaac Proctor. The recorder was directed to notify the proper owners of s40 feet of lot 268 of special assessment for improvemeet of lthomberg avenue. Ald. Trexler moved that Architect Car: Reek be instructed to prepare plans and speciheations and advertise for removal of Wash- ingtonpatrol streets house�at a c nesoof 13not to and $ ,- 200, and that the matter be referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings with power. Curried. The following special assessments for street work and sewers were read: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for the coms'ruc- tion of a 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Wall street by M. Lavin, contractor, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. add: Mrs. P. McMahon, lot 10, block 19, sq ft 0,600, price $.0045, amount $29.70. Mrs. P. McMahon, lot 11, block 19, 2,500, .0045c, $11.25. Lesure Lumber Co, lot 12, 2,500, .0045c, $11.25. Lesure Lumber Co, lot 13, 2,500, .0045c, $11.25. 0. F. Hodge, pt of lot 82 block 20, 1,725, 0045c, $7.76. 0, F. (lodge, lot 9, 2,250. 0045c, $10.12. 0. F. !lodge, lot 10, 2,265, .0045c, $10.19. 0. F. Hodge, lot 11, 2,280, .0045, $10.26. 0. F. (lodge. lot 12, 2,295, 0045c, $10.33. O. F. (lodge, lot 13, 2,310..0045e, $10.39. 0. F. (lodge. lot 14, 2,325, .0045e, $10.46. C. M. & St. P. Ry Co., lot 15, `2,340, .0045, $10.53. C., M. & St. 1'. Ry Co, lot 16, 2,355, .0045c, $10.60. C., M. & St. P. Co., lot 17, 3,290, .0045c, $14.80. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for the construc- tion of an 8 inch tile pipe sewer in South Locust from Dodge to Jones street, by I). W . Linehan, contractor, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows. Mrs. Mary Meehan, w 34 lot 553, city, 7,577 sq ft, price $.0037, amount, $28.03. !Margaret Barry,w X s% 554, 48011, .0037c, $17.79. Jas. Doyle, w 35 nX 554, 2403 sq ft, .0037x., 8.89. Jas. Doyle, w 36 lot 4 sub 555, 1075 sq ft, .0037, $3.98. Margaret Mulqueeny, lot 3 sub 555, 2210 sq ft, .0037c, $8.18. Eliza O'Brien, w X lot 1 sub 555, 3388 sq ft, .0037c, $12.54. Mrs. Pat Bannon, w •X n 36 lot 556, 2176 sq ft, .0037, $8.05. David Crotty, w X m 36 lot 556, 2176 sq ft, .0J37c, $8.05. Dan Sheehan, w % s X lot 556, 3264 sq ft, .0037c, $12.08. Felix Agnew, w X lot 557, 6181 sq ft, .0037e, $22.87. Mary Donahue, w n % lot 558, 3874 sq ft, .0037c, $14.33. Mary O'llalloran, w X sX lot 558, 1937 sq ft, .0J87c, $7.17. 'Pint Byron, w ,i lot 559, 5423 sq ft,.0087c, $20.07. 1'. 11. Halpin, ,lot 571, 10219 sq ft, .0037c, $37.81. Michael Halpin est., lot 572, 11445 sq ft, .0037e, $42.85. las. Breslin, lot 573, 8993 sq ft, .0037c, $33.27. ,Jotinanna McNally, lot 574a, 4496 sq It, .0037e, $16.64. Michael Halpin est., lot 574, 5723 sq ft, .0037c, $21.18. Michael Ahern, lot 575, 8516 sq ft, .0037c, $31.15. Michael Halpin est., lot 575a, 1814 sq ft, .0037c, $6.81. Michael Halpin est., n 20 '/a ft lot 576, 2794 sq ft, .0037c, $10.34. Joint W. Halpin, s 30 ft lot 576, 4088 sq ft, .0037c, $D.13. Mrs. Pat Flynn, lot 576a,3406 sq ft, .0037c, $1.2.60. • Nic '!'using, lot 577, 10219 sq ft, .0037c, $37.81. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for the construc- tion of an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in South Locust street from Jones to First street, by D. W. Linehan, contractor, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as tollows: W. .1. Burns, w lot 560 city, 4608 sq ft, .0046c, $21.20. Mrs. B. hall. w X lot 561, city, 4304 sq ft, .0046e, $19.80. Win. Corcoran, w% 1tt 562, city, 4000 sq tt,,.0046, $18.40. Thos. Byrne, w % lot 1, sub of 563-604, 113 REGULAR. SI':St-4I.1)\, JULY lirtr, 1891. city, 3347 sq ft, .0046e, $15.39. Wm. Corcoran, w lot 2, sub of b68-604, city, 2255 sq ft, .0046e, $10.87. •vv inona Land Co., w lot 564, 2964 sq ft, 0046o, $13.65. Winona Land Co., w X lot 565, 3848 sq ft, .0046c, $17.70. • John Lucas estate, lot 566, 3900 sq ft, .0046c, $17.94. John Lucas estate, n 10 ft lot 567, 1320 sq ft, .0046c, $6.07. • Gen. 13. Burch, a 65 ft lot 567, 8856 sq ft, .0046e, $40.74. - .)as. O'Shea estate, n 25 ft lot 568, 3406 sq ft. .0046c, $15.67. Mrs. Jerry Cahill, s 50 ft lot 568, 6812 sq ft, .0046e, $31.34. Chamberlain Plow Works, lot 569, 10218 sq ft, .0046e1$47.00. Chamberlain Plow Works, lot 570, 4080 sq ft, .0046c, $18.77. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, reaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trex ter. • Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for curbing and brick paving Iowa street, from 2d street to 3d street by D. W. Lineman, coot, actor, in flout of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol lows: • Julien (louse Hotel Co. lot •196a city: 84.9 lineal feet curbing at 48c $ 40 75 183 square yards brick paving at $1.88 344 04 • Total $384 79 Julien I louse Hotel Co. sl/a lot 195 tits : 21.5 lineal feet curbing at 48c $10 82 38.78 square yards brick paving at $1.88 72 90 Total $83 22 Anna M. Bush, n%H lot 195 city: 42.9 lineal feet curbing at 48c $ 20 59 76.78 square yards brick paving at . • $1.88 144 34 Total $1ti4 43 Key City Barrel Co. s% lot 194 city: 42.9 lineal feet curbing at 48e $ 20 59 75.78 square yards brick paving at $1.88 ' 142 46 • Total. $163 05 Dubuque Harness and Saddle Co., n3 lot 194, city: 21.5 lineal feet curbing at 48c.. . $10 32 37.67 square yards brick paving at $1.88 70 81 Total $81 13 Dubuque Harness and Saddle Co, sS, lot 193, city: 21.5 lineal feet curbing at 48c $10 32 37.33 square yards brick paving at $1.88 70 18 Total $80 50 Mary Westphal, ii X, lot 193, city: 58.1 lineal feet curbing at 48e $ 27 88 square yards of brick paving at $1.88 276 77 Total $334 65 Dubuque Street Railway Co.: 145.25 square yards macadamizing at $1.88 $267 .99 Ayes -Aldermen Crawford, Cushing, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for curbig, gut- tering anti macadamizing Stewart avenue by Charles Steuck, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied out the several lots,• and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and fur the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: • Loetscher & Buol, lot 2, Loetscher & Trueb's sub: 105.9 lineal ft curoing at 45c $47 66 47.07•sq yds glittering at 46e21 1$ 126.56 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.,..56 95 Total $125 49 Loetscher & Buol, lot 3, Loetscher & Trueb's sub: • 53.6 lineal feet curbing at 45c........$24 12 23.82 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 72 59.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 26 80 Total $61 64 Loetscher & Buol, lot 4, Loetscher & Trueb's sub: 40.5 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 18 23 18.00 sq yds guttering at 41c'=8 10 45.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c20 25 Total sub: $46 5tt Casper Buol, lot 5, Loetscher & Trueb's 40.00 lineal ft curbing at 45c $18 00 17.78 square yards guttering at 45e8011 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45e20 00 Total $46 00 J. L. Bittle, lot 6, Luetseher & Trueb's sub: 40.00 lineal feet curbing at 45c $18 00 17.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 8 Olt 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c21) 00 Total $46 00 .1. L. Bittle, lot 7, Loaseller• & Trueb's sub: 40.00 lineal feet curbing at. 45c $18 00 17.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 8 00 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c2 000 Total $46 00 .1. L. Bittle, lot 8, Loetscher & Trueb's sub: 40.00 lineal feet curbing at 45c $18 00 17.78 sq yds guttering at45c 8 (10 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c20 00 Total $ 46 00 .1. L. Bittle, lot 9, Loetscher & Trueb's sub: 40.00 lineal feet curbing at 45c $18 00 17.78 square yds guttering at 45c n 8 00 44.44 square yds macadamizing at 45c 20 00 Total $46 00 Loetscher & Buol, lot 0Loetscher & Trueb's sub. 40.00 lineal feet curbing at45c $18 00 17.78sq yds guttering at 45c 8 00 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c20 00 Total $46 00 Loetscher & Buol, lot 2Loelcher & Trueb's sub: 96.8 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 43 56 47.69 sq yds guttering at 45c 21 49 119.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45c53 55 • Total $118 67 Loetscher (Si Bout, lot 131 Loetscher & Treub's sub; 102.6 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 46 17 49.33 sq yds guttering at 45c 22 20 122.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c55 50 ;I1:(;r1.\l; SESSION, JULY GTH, 1891. 114 Total. $123 87 Loetscher & Buol, lot 15, Loetscher & Treub's sub: 46.8 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 21 06 20.00 square yards guttering at 45c9 00 50.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.. 22 50 Total $52 56 Jno. P. Williams, lot 16, Loetscher & Trueb's sub: 40.00 lineal feetcurbing at 45c $18 00 17.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 8 00 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c20 00 'rotal $46 00 JI10. P. Williams, lot 17, Loetscher & Trueb's sdb: 40.00 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 18 00 17.78 sq yils guttering at 45e 8 00 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 20 00 Total $46 00 Gus. Schwind, lot 18, Loetscher & Trueb's sub: 87.9 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 39 55 42.84 sq yds guttering at 45e 19 28 112.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c50 70 Total $109 53 Geo.Buxleiter, lot 7, Motor sub: 209.8 lineal feet curbing at 450 $ 94 41 95.56 sq yds guttering at 45c 43 00 242.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45c109 00 Total . $246 41 Adopted by the follow ing vote: A yes-Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'I'rex ler . Itesolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That 10 pay for curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing Julien avenue, from Broad to Delhi streets, by l'ony Siege, contractor, in Iron t of an adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on tlie several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate aim owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set imposite etlell lot or par- cel of real estate, as loliows: S. M. Langworthy est., lot 2, Summit add: 30 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 12 00 5.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 2 13 65.78 sq yds macaclaining at 42e 27 63 Total $ 41 76 M. 'l'schirgi, Sr., lot 1, Summit add: 80.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c...$ 33 97 'rotal $ 33 97 Joseph Trueb, lot 1, Trueb's sub: 106.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 78 72 131.20 sq yds guttering at 40e 52 48 432 44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c181 62 $312 82 1'. S. Webster, lot 7, Milligan's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 20 00 33.23 sq yds guttering at 40e 13 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42t $ 32 67 50.00 lineal feet curbing at 40e $20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 13 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c32 67 'rotai $ 66 00 P. S. Webster, 01 6, Milligan's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40e 13 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c32 67 Total 866 00 P. S. Webster, 101 8, Milligan's sub: 50.0lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40c13 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c32 67 Total $ 66 00 P. S. Webster, lot 5, Milligan's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering. itt 40e 13 38 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c32 67 Total $66 00 Duncan & Waller, lot 2, Milligan's sub: 50.00 lineal feet curbing at 4Uc 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 13 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c32 67 Total $ 66 00 P. S. Webster, lot 4, Milligan's sub: Total . .$ 66 00 Anton 'rreub, lot 1, Nlilligan's sub: • 58.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 23 36 40.00 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 0(1 94.89 80 yds macadamizing at 42c39 85 Total $79 21 „John S. Brunskill, lot 2, Motor sub: 59.71ineal feet curbing at 40c $ 23 88 42.40 80 yds guttering at 40c 16 96 98.00 sq yds macadamizing at 42c41 16 Total .$ 82 00 John 5. Brunskill, lot 3, Motor sub: 50.00 lineal feet curbing at 40c $90 00 33.33 sq 3 ds guttering at 40c 13 38 77.78 sq yds inacadam,zing at 42c32 66 Total $65 99 Loetscher & Boul, lot 14, Loetscher & 'l'rueb's sub: 49.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $19 92 33.20 sq yds guttering at 40c 13 28 77.47 sq yds macadamizing at 42c... 32 54 Total $65 74 Loetscher & Bout, lot 13, Loetscuer & Trueb's sub: 66.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 26 48 47.07 square yards guttering at40c18 83 109.20 so yds macadamizing at 42e45 86 Total $ 91 17 Loetseher & Boul, lot 12, Loetscher & 'l'rueb's sub: 67 lineal feet curbing at 40c ... . . $ 26 80 47.07 square yards guttering at 40c18 83 110.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42e46 38 Total $92 01 Loetscher & Bout, lot 11, Loetscher & Trueb's sub: 62 'meat feet cur ing at 40c $24 80 39.61) sq yds grading at 40e 15 84 91.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c38 55 Total 819 19 KOV City Electric St. By. Co., lot 3, sub lot 1:.?., 01 min lot 172: 48.8 lineal feet curbing itt 40c $19 52 30.13 sq yds guttering at 40e 12 05 68.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c28 74 Total $60 31 Key City Electric Si. 14. Co., lot 2, sub lot 12, of min lot 172: 39.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $15 68 26.13 square yards guttering at 40c10 45 60.98 sq yds macadamizing at 42e25 61 Total .35174 Key City Electric Si. By Co., lot 1, sub lot 12, of min lot 172: 39.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c 815 68 26.13 sq yds guttering at 4Uc $10 45 60.98 sq yds macadamizing at 42e25 61 'rotal $51 74 M. 'l'sehirgi, Sr., lot 19, Morheiser's sub lot 45, Mothiser's add: 113 ItL( I'L.1It SESSION, SIO>\, .1 ['LV 6•11l, 1891. 44.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $17 29.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 11 69.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c29 Total $58 '!4 �I. 'I•srttir::i, Sr., lot 18,Morheiser'ssub of lot 45, Jlurliiser's add: 44.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $17 80 29.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 11 87 69.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42e29 07 Total $58 74 Alfred Amesbry, lot 17, Morheiser's sub lot 45, Morhiser's add: 44.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $17 80 29.67 square anis guttering at 40c11 87 69.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c29 07 Total $58 74 John R. Weston, lot 16, Morheiser's sub lot 45, Morhiser's add: 44.5 lineal feet curbing at 4Uc $ 17 80 29.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 11 87 69.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c29 07 Total $58 74 John H. Weston, lot 15, Morheiser's sub lot 45, Morheiser's add: 44.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $17 80 29.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 11 87 69.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c29 07 Total $58 74 John Schwind, lot 14, Morheiser's sub., 45, Morheiser's add: 44.5 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 17 80 29.67 square yards guttering at 40c11 87 69.22 sq yds macadamizing at 47c29 07 Total $ 58 74 John Schwind, lot 13, Morheiser's sub. 45, Norheiser's add: ' 45.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 18 12 38.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 15 47 108.89 sq yds muicadamizitig at 42c45 73 80 87 07 Total $ 79 32 Schwind estate, lot 8, Morheiser's sub., 45, Morheiser's add: 24.6 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 9 84 20 square yards guttering at 40c8 00 28 sq yds macadamizing at 42c . 11 76 Total $ 29 60 Fred. Boxleiter, lot 9, Mortteiset's sub. 45, Morheiser's add: ' 44.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 17 80 29.67 sq yds guttering at40c 11 87 69.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c29 07 Total $ 58 74 Fred. Boxleiter, lot 10, Morheiser's sub. 45, Morheiser's add: ' 44.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 17 80 29.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 11 87 69.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.... 29 07 Total $ 58 74 Fred. Boxleiter, lot 11, Morheiser's sub., 45, Morheiser's add:. 44.5 lineal feet enrbing at 40c $ 17 80 29.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 11 87 69.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c29 07 Total $ 58 74 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 12, Morheiser's sub 45, Morheiser's add: 83.9 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 33 56 56.00 sq yds guttering at 40e.... 22 40 169.55 sq yds macadamizing at42c71 21 Total $127 17 C. '1'. Bush, 6X lot 30, Mt. Pleasant add: 171.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 68 72 111.00 sq yds guttering at 40,• 44 00 `292.27 sq yds macadamizing 'at 42c235.47 Total $254 15 Anna 111. Bush, w j lot 30, Mi. Pleasant add: 175.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 70 12 125.07 sq yds guttering at 40( 50 00 290.89 sq yds macadamizing 42c 122 17 Total $242 32 Anna M. Bush, lot 29, Mt Pleasant add: 307.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $122 92 218.40 sq yds guttering at 40c 87 36 494.98 sq yds macadamizing 42 207 89 Total $436 27 Anna N.Bush,tot 2, of 1, of 1,umi lot 172: 480.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $192 20 320.33 sq yds guttering at 41tc 128 10 747.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c313 92 Total $634 25 Anna M. Bush, lot 46, Morheiser's add: 20.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 8 20 13.67 sq yds guttering at 403 5 47 31.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c13 39 Total $27 06 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 40, Morheiser's 81 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 32 40 54 sq yds guttering at 40c 21 6o 126 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.... 52 92 Total $106 92 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 39, Morheiser's add.: 81 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 32 40 54 sq yds guttering at 40c . 21 60 126 sq yds macadamizing at 42c: 52 92 Total $106 92 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 38, Morheiser's add.: 81 lineal feet curbing at 40c.... $ 32 41) 54 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 21 60 126 sq yds mttcadaniiziug at 42c.... 52 92 Total $106 92 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 37, Morheiser's add.: 107 lineal feet curbing at 40c.. $ 462:221 2 80 71.33 sq yus guttering at 40c 28 58 166.44 sq yds macadamizing at42c.... 69 911 Total $141 23 adTd.sehirgi: & Schwind, lot 41, blorheiser's 107 lineal feet curbing at40c $ 42 80 71.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 28 53 166.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.... 69 90 Total $141 23 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 42, Morheiser's add.: 81 lineal feet curbing at 40c$ 32 40 54 sq yds guttering at 40c 21 60 126 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.... 52 92 Total $106 92 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 43, Morheiser's add: 94.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 37 80 68 sq vds guttering at. 40c 25 20 126 sq yds macadamizing at 42c52 92 Total $115 92 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Club, Halpin, Page, Peaslee. Smith, Stoltz and 3rexler. Resolved by the City Couhcil of the City\ of Dubuque, That to pay for curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing Rhoiber_ ave- nue, [rota Reed street to C., M. & St. P. R. R., by Carl Steuck, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be REGULAR SESSION, JULY GTH, 1891. 111 and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and pareels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as lollows: Henry Neuwoner, lot 70, McCraney's first addition: 65.5 lineal feet curbing at 44c... $28 82 30.89 square yards guttering at 41c12 66 86.45 square yards macad,.nuzing at 40c 34 18 Total $75 66 Pat Walsh, lot 71, McCraney's first add: 31.6 lineal feet curbing at 44c $13 90 14.04 sq yds glittering at 41c 5 75 35.81 sq yds macadamizing at 40c14 32 Total $33 97 Mary A. Walsh, lot 447, ham's add: 60.8 lineal feet curbing at 44c $26 75 27.02 sq yds guttering at 41c • 11 07 71.15 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 28 46 Total $66 28 Solon Rupereeht, lot 440, ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e 322 00 22.22 sq yds gu;teting at 41c........., 4 11 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 24 44 Total $55 55 John Dobler, lot 445, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yds glittering at 41c 9 11 63.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40 • 55 33 Total $06 44 .John Dobler, lot 444, Ham's add: 50 lineal Leet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 65.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 911 25 33 add: 26.2 lineal feet curbing at 44c $11 58 11.64 sq yds guttering at 41e 4 77 29.69 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 87 Total $56 44 .John Dobler, lot 443, Ham's add: 71.8 lineal feet curbing at 44c $31 59 33.69 sq yds guttering at 4k 13 81 118.26 sq yds macadamizing at 40c47 30 Total $28 17 Matilda McCluer, lot 37, 51cCraney's 1st add: 65 lineal feet curbing at 44e .$28 60 30.67 sq yds guttering at 41c 12 57 86.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c34 62 Total $75 79 F. M. Robinson est, lot 436, ham's acid: 69.6 lineal feet curbing at 44c $30 62 3..71 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 41 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 48 40 Total $92 43 F. M. Robinson est, lot 436, Ham's add: 50.00 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total $58 88 F. M. Robinson est, lot 437, Ham's add: 50.00 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total $58 88 F. N. Robinson est., lot 438,11ain's add.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 so yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total $92 70 blab Bros., lot 261, ham's add: 71.1 lineal feet curbing at 44e 31 28 33 38 sq yards gutteringat 41..e.... 13 64 118.26 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.. 47 30 Total $42 27 Win. Maden, lot 260, ham's add: 5a :lineal feet curbing at 44e $22.00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 9 11 lis sq yds macadamizing at 40c26 00 Total $57 11 Wm. \Veiiheit, lot 259, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 11 02.78 sq yds macadamizing at 40e25 11 Total. $ 56 22 .1. F. PfohI, lot 258, 11am's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 60.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c24 22 Total $55 33 J. F. Ptohl, lot 257, ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 58.89 sq yds macadamiz,ng at 40e23 55 Total $58 88 Thos. Johnston, lot 49, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total $58 88 inn. Heil, lot 441, Main's add.: 50 lineal feet cgirbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c..... 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadainizing at 40c.... 27 77 Total $58 88 Thus. Johnston, lot 440, Ham's add.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.2: sot yds guttering at 41c$ 27 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing,40c Total $58 88 Jou. 110I, lot 447 Ham's add.: 73 lineal feet curbing at 44c.. $32 2 1202 34.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 481 40 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c Total$94 55 A. C. WolcoC, lot 267 Rain's add.: 73.1 lineal feet curbing at 44c $32 111 34.us 1 y6 sdyds macadamizing ds guttering at 41c. . 14 04 121at 40c. 48 4 Total$94 60 A. C. \Voleott, lot 263, Main's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c$22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 410 69.44 sq yards macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total$58 88 A. C. Wolcott, lot 261, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41e 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 'L'otal$58 88 E. Van Fossen, lot 265, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 410 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total ...$58 88 Louisa Reilsteiclt, lot 266, Ham's add: Total $54 66 .1. F. Pfuhl, lot 256, ham's add: 16.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 7 04 7.11 fq yds guttering at 41c 2 92 18.31 sq yes macadamizing at 40c7 32 Total $17 28 Matilda McCluer, lot 36, McCraney's 1st 117 PEGULAIU SESSION, .II"L1- (Fni, 1891. 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 27 77 Total $58 88 henry iilarsh, lot 267, IIam's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total $58 88 J. Buehler, lot 263, ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41e 9 11 614.44 sq yds macadam zing at 40c27 77 Total $58 88 .1. Bueuler, lot 269, Ham's add: 72.4 lineal feet curbing at 44c $31 86 33 95 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 91 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40e 48 40 Total $94 17 Dubuque Street Hy. C•i.: 671.46 sq yds macadamizing at 40c$268 59 Total $268.59 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (Bab, Halpin, Page, I'easlee, Smith, Stoltz and 'I'rexler. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing Dodge street, from Bluff to old corporation line, by T. J. Donahue, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the sante, it special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or uarcel of real estate, as totlows: Anna M. Kush, lot 4 J u b city lot 730 and lot 1 Union add: 16.4 lineal feet curbing al 39e$ 6 39 10.93 sq yds guttering at 40e1 4 37 28.43 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 37 Total $22 13 Anna M. Bush, lot 5,sub city lot 730, and lot 1 Union add: 48.1 lineal feet curbing at 39c$18 76 32.07 sq yds guttering at 40c .. 12 83 83.37 sq yds macadamizing at 40e.... 33 35 Total ..$64 94 Mrs. Bridget Doherty, lot 6, suu city lot 730, and lot 1, Union add: 35 lineal feet curbing at 39c $13 65 23.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 9 33 83.87 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 24 27 Total $.7 25 Margt. Donahue, lot 7, sub city lot 530, and lot 1, Union add: 46.2 lineal feet curbing at 39c.... $18 01 30 sq yds glittering at 40c 12 00 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 31 20 Total 61 21 Win. Coughlin, lot 8, sub city lot 730, and lot 1, Union acid: 46.4 lineal feet curbing at 39c $18 Ota 30 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 00 78 sq yds macadam izing at 40c 31 20 Total $61 29 Jas. Martin. lot 9, sub city lot 730, and lot 1, Union add: 34 lineal teet curbing at 39c $13 26 22.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 9 07 58 93 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 57 Total $45 90 1). J. Sullivan, lot 10, sub. city lot 730, and lot 1, Union add: 34 lineal feet curbing at 39c $13 26 22.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 9 07 58.93 sq yds macadamizing at 40,:23 57 Total $45 90 Cath. McNulty, lot 11, sub. city lot 730, and lot 1, Union add: 34 lineal feet curbing at 39c $13 26 22.67 sq yds glittering at 40e 9 07 54.02 sq yds macadamizing at 40c21 61 Total $411 94 Peter McDermott, lot 12, sub. city lot 730, and lot 1, Union add: 33.7 lineal feet curbing at 39c $13 14 22.47 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 99 46.05 sq yds macadamizing at 40c18 42 Total $40 55 C. W. Robison, lot. 13, sub. city lot 730, and lot 1, Union add: 33.7 lineal feet curbing at 39c $13 14 22.47 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 99 45.30 sq yds macadamizing at 40c18 12 Total 40 25 C. W. Robison, w 33,r feet lot 14, sub. city lot 730, and lot 1, Union add: 36 lineal feet curbing at. 89c $ 1 52 2.4 sq yds guttering at 40c 96 4.8 sq yds macadamizing at 40e 1 92 Total $ 4 40 .1as. Walsh, e 301/ feet lot 14, sub city lot 730, and lot 1, Union add: 30.1 lineal feet curling at 39e $11 71 20.07 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 03 40.50 sq yds macadamizing at 40c16 20 Total $35 94 .las. Walsh, lot 15, sub lot 730, and lot 1, Union add: 33.7 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 13 14 22.47 sq yds guttering at 40r... 8 99 45.30 sq yds macadamizing at 40e18 12 Total $ 40 25 Ellen Ahern, a 150 it lot U, Co .per's sub: 117.8 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 45 94 78.53 •q yds guttering at 40c31 41 188.44 sq yds miteadantizing at 40c75 37 Total $152 72 Pat Neary, lot C, Cooper's sub: 109.8 lineal leer curbing at 39c $ 42 82 77.20 sq yds guttering at 40c 80 88 192.05 sq y'ds ntacadrunizing at 40e76 82 Total $150 5.2 Jas Siraney, ow 50x150 ft of lot B, Coop- er's sub: 48.9 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 40.60 sq yds guttering at 40c 1619 24 89.96 sq yds macadamizing at 40c85 9807 Total $ 71 29 Jos. Straney, ne 5x150 ft lot B, Cooper's sub: 51.9 lineal feet curbing at 39e $ 20 24 34.60 so yds guttering at 40c13 84 89.96 sq yds macadamizing at 40c35 98 Total $ 70 06 Hannah O'Brien, lot 3, sub lot "A,' Cooper's sub: 31.5 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 12 21 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 4028 54.6Osq yds macadamizing at 40e21 84 Total $ 4'2 52 Hannah O'Brien, w 1/( lot 2, sub lot A. Cooper's sub; 15.8 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 6 16 10.50 sq yds glittering at 40c 4 20 27.21 sq yds macadamizing at 40c10 88 Total $21 24 REGULAR SESSION, JULY 6'rir, 1891. 118 M. T. McMahon, e 34 lot 2, sub lot A. Cooper's sub: 15.7 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 6 12 10 50 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 20 27.39 sq yds macadamizing at 40c10 96 Total $21 28 M. '1'. M^Mahon, w 4.2 ft lot 1 sub lot A. Cooper's sub: 4.2 lineal feet curbing at 39c $1 64 2.8 sq yds guttering at 40c 1 12 7.28 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 2 91 Total $5 67 John J. Tierney e 26 ft lot 1, sub lot A. Cooper's sub: 27.3 lineal feet curbing at 39c $10 65 18.20 sq yds guttering at 40e 7 28 47.32 sq ybs macadamizing at 40c18 93 Total $36 86 Mrs I. 'Tracy, lot 14, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 390 $11 70 20 sq yards guttering at 40c 8 00 52 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 20 80 Total $40 50 Cath Wilson, lot 13, Newman, Cooper & Sinyth's sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $11 70 20 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 00 52 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 20 80 Total $40 50 Cath Wilson, w% lot 12, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub: 15 lineal feet curbing at 39c.... $ 5 85 10 sq yds guttering at 40e 4 00 26 sq yds macadamizing at 40e 1040 Total $20.25 Anna Burns, e% lot 12, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub: 15 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 5 85 10 sq yds guttering at 40c 400 26 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 10 40 Total $20 25 Anna Burns, lot 11, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $11 70 20 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 00 52 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 20 80 Total $40 50 John burns, lot 10, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub: 30 lineal leer curbing at 39c.. $11 70 20 sq yds guttering at 40e 8 00 52 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 20 80 Total $40 50 Michael Ahearn, lot 9, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $11 70 20 sq yds guttering at 40e 800 52 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 20 80 Total $40 50 Mich. Ahearn, lot 8, Newman, Cooper & Sniytl&'s sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39e $11 70 20 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 00 52 sq .1 ds macadamizing at 40c 20 80 Total Terry O'Loughlin, lot 7, Coope& & Smyth's sub: 30 lineal curbing at 39c 20 sq yds guttering at 40c 51, sq yds macadamizing at 40e $40 50 Newman, 16188 00 20 80 Total $40 50 l'at McCormick, lot 6, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $11 70 20 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 00 52 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 20 80 Total $40 50 Jos. Straney, lot 5, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $11 70 20 sv yds guttering at 40c 28 00 52 sq yds macadamizing at 40e 0 80 Total $40 50 1'. McNulty, lot 4, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $11 70 20 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 00 52 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 20 80 Total $40 50 Bridget Ryan, lot 3, Newman, Cooper & Sinyth's sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $11 70 20 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 00 52 sq yds macadamizing at 30c 20 80 Total $40 50 Mary McLaughlin, lot 2, Newman, Coo- per & Smyth's sub: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $11 70 20 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 00 52 sq yds uutcadamizing at 40c 20 80 Total $40 50 James Walsh, lot 1, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub.: 75.7 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 29 52 42 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 80 142.88 sq yds macadamizing zit 40c57 15 Total $103 47 Dubuque Electric Railwiy, Light & Poorer Co.: 1171.76 square yds macadamizing at 40c $468 70 \Vm. Hintraeer, city lot 598a: 60.2 lineal feet curbing at 39c $23 48 1,0 14 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 05 111.48 sq yds macadaniiz.ng at 40c44 59 Total $84 12 Wnt. Hintrager, lot 1 of 3, sub city lot 598: 32.4 lineal feet curbing at 39c $12 64 21.60 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 64 58.16 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 26 Total $44 54 Ed. Burke, lot 4, sub city lot 598: 25 lineal feet cuib ng at 39e $ 9 75 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 6 67 43.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c17 33 '1'etal $33 75 Ed. Burke, lot 5, sub city lot 598: 25 lineal feet curbing at 39e $ 9 75 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 6 67 4333 sq yds macadamizing at 40c17 83 Total $33 75 John F. O'Dea, lot 6, sub city lot 598: 25.00 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 9 75 16.78 sq yds guttering at 40c 6 67 43.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c17 38 Total $93 75 Nu: Sweeney, lot 7, sub city lot 598: 25.00 lineal feet curbing at 39e $ 0 75 16.57 sq ytls guttering at 40c 6 67 43.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40e17 33 Total $33 75 Rosa Reynolds, lot 8, sub city lot 598: 67.4 lineal feet curdiug at 39c $26 29 44.93 sq yds guttering at 40c 17 97 116.83 sq yds macadamizing at 40e46 73 S, l to Nit . - t .> I, . - t "r !7I. rr ..iii 111a, •ef:... . .li!. 9' IG ,,1..t . r: `OOa the s:.. _.... s.; :-,urtt'•tlgrading done by I•Iloei_e street t0 line am -K 4 ':"xered paid and auJ:tr,r '•' T. J. Donahue, coorrwetM,t. i' •,- tur K ein made his a.nnt.lu- J'1 7.7 .:._at inspected uy hunt f.e4:1e•e11ey. rNT 4 :ti s. I' schuer reported sea.. rtere.pc> =t Dubuque scales $1.53. Rc .t.•. 1J. J. lirauhrld reported scale re p.rs e f :•: ward s•aies $5.2u. Heerliett +M,t r sank Fos-eiutan reported kale rbeeipa> Ftftu ward scales S1.:O. ltecei‘erl s -t-' :=:51 4. seal_ Aid. '1rexler moved that the action of har4t the council n1 levying special at.sessme:.; for nnproceulettt of Fifteenth street be considered. ()o'i'led. Ali. '1'rexler offered the following re•t_ soon In place of the one reei.Ii l re,l: Resolved b1' the CH) I'onn(•11 ill the Co • 'f Dubuque, 't hat to Ita.% for corbini. .:Littering tont( nl;trallannIan 15th .t_. y; ur rrtkl from Pine to Mai. e .I s. h> I' E. Frill. ctlltractor, In trent of ;uid adjoining 5n' Bator, a sptri3I t ;t be and IS beech)' lets: the several lots, atm p. • hots, alit( Iltirccls of .t,_ eo'ate hereiilat et 11a111ed. Sllila P c. :'e.. .. „ the Se% evil 14111.1:•. • : ttr p.lri el of lets. lot , t'.. i)... Su. _ . SPECIAL SESSION, JULY 6'r1f, 1891.. 120 City Attorney McCarthy reported hav- ing procured a deed from Ann M. Cahill for opening of alley between Twenty-sec- ond and Twenty-third streets and between .Jackson and Washington streets. War- rant for 81 ordered drawn in favor of Ann M. Cahill. Also reported that the council has the legal right 10 compel the Key City Electric Railway company to operate their line. Ald. Crawford moved that the city at- torney be instructed to draft the proper resolution torleitiug the Key City E ectric Railway company's franchise for non-com- pliance with provisions thereof. Carried, Also presented and read for the first time an ordinance granting to S. D. Ryan, his heirs and assignsthe right to slaughter hogs std horned cattle and U, carry on the general meat -packing uusiness in the city of Dubuque. Also an ordinance for the vacation of Camp street from its intersecnon with Water street easterly to the levee. Also an a rdiniice permitting and au- thorizing S. D. Ryan, his heirs and assigns to construct and maintain staging and a covered platform on the levee easterly and in front of block 27 in Dubuque llar- hur Company's add. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'I rexler. On motion the ordinances were referred to the ordinance committee. Also made the following report: \Vhereas, on the 251ih of June, 1840, Mrs. Mary Wilda ,'or the t•onsiderat on of one dol- lar, exeeuteu a deed to the city of Dubuque to property de,cribed as follow as, to -wit: Lot 2 of lot 7 of mineral lot 45 i1 the city of Dubuque, and, Whereas, It was only the intention of both said Mrs. Mary Wilde and the city of Dubuque that a small harrow strip 01 lanai should be conveyed for the widening of South Dodge street; and, Whereas, By reason of a mistake in the description til the property intended to be conveyed, the deed, instead of conveying such small narrow strap of ground, as a matter of fact conveyed a large tract of real estate including the homestead of said Mrs. Wilde. Now, therefore, for the pur- pose only of correcting said mistake the city 01 Dubuque hereby quits all claim to said laud so conveyed as aforesaid and hereby authorizes and directs that a 'urinal deed of quit claim be executed in the name o' the city of Dubuque to said Mrs. Mary Wilde of said preporty and that the mayor and recorder, as officers of said ci y, be and are hereby authorized to sign and acknowl- edge said quit claim deed. Provided, however, That said quit claim deed shall not be executed until said Mrs. Marry Wilde shall have executed to the city of Dubuque a proper deed to the strip of land originally intended to be conveyed and which strip of fund is properly de- scribed as follows: Lot?, of 2 of 2 of 7 of mineral lot 45 in the city of Dubuque, la., as the sauce Is described and shown by :t plat of mod premises attached hereto and dated .July 6th, 1891, and the city of Du- buque hereby recognizes said plat as cor- rect and accepts the same and orders the same recorded in the plat boost in the county recorder's office. Adopted uy the follow ng vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Ilalpin, Page, Peasley, Smith, Stoltz and '1•rexler. Aid. rawford offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, Wm. L. Allen and Thomas 0. Swiney, and their successors and asso- ciates, have failed to comply with the pro- visions of section 19 of the ordinance adopted November 4th, 1889, by neglecting to construct and continue their line of street railway on South Dodge street, and on that porton of Dodge street between the old corporation line and South Dodge street within the time fixed in said section 19, and have taken no action toward the construction of their line of railway on said streets, although both streets have been brought to the established grade; therefore, Resolved, That the mayor be instructed 0) cause written notice to be served on said Allen & Swiney, or their successors or assigns, notifying them to proceed at once to construct and operate their line of railway on the streets hereinbefore named, and that in case of their failure to so proceed without furiha delay to con- struct and operate their line of railway on said streets, the city council declare for- feited all rights granted by the ordinance above referred to in accordance with the provisions of section 24 of said ordinance. Adopted by the foliowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'I'rexler. Mayor Saunders presented receipt from David 11. Bloom, mayor of t.herokee for $500 donated by Dubuque to tie flood sufferers in that section. Ordered received and filed. Ald. Peaslee moved to adjourn until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. EVENING SESSION. Council met. at 7:40 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alois. Cushing, Glab, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Engineer Blake presented plat of pro- posed alley between Ella and Queen streets. Referred to the street committee. Also presented profile of grade of llodgdon avenue. Referred to the street committee. Also presented plans and specifications of sewer in alley lroml7thto18th, between Clay and W bite streets. Accepted and en- gineer instructed to advertise for bids. Bul for constrncting culvert on Millville street was opea.ed and read. Adain Schmidt being the only bidder the contract was awarded to hint at $5.40 per fuer. Ald. Crawford arrived at 8 o'clock p. nt. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. '1•rexler, chairman of the finance committee, reported in favor of having warrant drawn In favor of L. Gunner, treasurer, for $461.43. That amount is for money paid during the month of June, 1891. Adopted. Ald. Peaslee. chairman of the committee on claims, reported as billows: In favor of paying the following bills: Langworthy -Adams iron Works, $18,00; Jos. Geiger, 75c• C. W. Robison, 81.00; Novelty Iron Works, 92e and 82.60; Fer- guson Bros., $44.00: 1'. Klauer, $34.85, also reported as follows: That they Lind that the city on May 4, 1891. on reciimmehdatlon of the mayor, has allowed $7.00 as payment in full or within Dill of B. W. Jones of $18.00, and there- fore report adverse to the hill. Also reported in favor of paying within bill of $5 of Lorimier house for room rent, the same to apply as part payment on hotel license for 1891. Reported adopted. Ald. Ilalpin arrived at 8:20 p. m. Ald. Peaslee, of the street committee, re - 1 121 SPECIAL SE'SSI(_)N, JULY 1;r11, 1S91. ported as follows: 1n favor of approving the plats of Dunn's subdivision, and Gmehle's subdivision. Also reported as follows on communica tion of M. Tschirgi, Jr., on grade of Wes Eleventh street: in tavor of instructing the engineer to have West Eleventh street improved on the established grade as taken Irons the records in his office. Instruct the engineer to prepare profile from actual survey of grade cf West Third street, from College avenue to Walsh street, showing present grade. Also proposed grade showing a four or five foot cut in front ut Mrs. L. Decherts property. Receive and file petition of John Degnan for approach to Ills barn on Oak street. Refer toe petition of residents on Bluff street for repair of said street from Ninth to Twelfth streets to the aldermen of the Fourtn ward. Receive and file petition of Hugh '1'alty et al., for retaining wall on Grandview avenue. Refer resolution for improvement of North Main street from 17th to Madison street to the city engineer to give an esti- mate of the cost of grading and report whether the old improvement was made un the established grade. Defer action on petition for improvement of Curtis street until South Dodge street is completed. Grant the petition for straightening the alley between West 8th street and West 5th street, east of Wilson avenue, and va- cating part of said alley as shown on ac- companying plat, provided the parties in- terested will pay all costs of same. Receive and file communication of R. Ashworth in relation to granite paving and the city engineer to notify R. Ash- worth when the city is in iiee't of granite. Report adopted. Also matte the following report: Your committee to whom was referred the matter in regard to the improvement. of Dodge street oeg leave to report as tot - lows: 1n favor of improving Dodge street from Bluff to Vine street on a straight line as shown on accompanying plat; also in favor of -meriting that part of said street on the south side as shown on plat so as to leave an eight -toot sidewalk, and or- dinance committee and city attorney in- structed to draft an ordinance vacating said portion of Dodge street and present the same to the council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes— Aids. Cushing, With, Peaslee, Smith, Slot z and Trexler. No—Aid. Crawford. Also made the following report: Your committee would most respectfully report that they have dispensed with the services of Fred. Beyer, engineer of the road roller, and have filled the vacancy temporarily by appointing Peter Martin at a salary of $25. Alu. Glab offered the following minor- ity report: The undersigned begs leave to present minority report in relation to the suspen- sion of Fred. Beyer as engineer of the road roller, and would recommend that the matter be referred to a special com- mittee of three to ascertain what the charges if any were against him, for being removed, and report the same to the coun- cil. The question being put on the minority report was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Cushing, llalpin, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. The question recurring on the report of the committee was adopted by the follow - mg vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Halpin, Peaslee, t Smith and Trexler. Noes—Aids, Crawford, Glab and Stoltz.. Also reported having examined andac - cepted the following streets: Peru Road from Cooler avenue to 130 feet east of Jackson street by Adam Schmidt, contractor. Alley between 19th street and Rhont- berg avenue and .Jackson and Washington streets ny E. E. Frith. contractor. Rhomberg avenue from 3nd1 to 5th avenue by Chas. Steuck. contractor. Julien avenue from Bluff to Hill streets by Chas. Steuck, contractor. Washington street from E tale Point avenue to Sanford street by John Tibet', contractor. Report ado•'ted. Ald. Page arrived at 8:50 p. ut. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing committee, reported in favor of receiving and filing communication of Dubuque Typographical Union No. 22 in relati•,n to city pr ntingas the council has disposed of that matter. Heltort adopted. • Ald, llalpin, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported as follows: That a lamp has been placed at corner Air 11111 and %Vest Ei_hth streets. Allow the bills of Key City Gas Co., $106.25; Globe Light v& heat Co., $516 67, aid Dubuque Electric Railway Light & Power Co., $670.50. Also reported in favor of the introduc- tion of police •all system and that the city contract for ten boxes as proposed by the Police & Telephone Co., of Chicago, the same to be put in when the new police headquarters are built on 9th and Iowa streets. Report adopted. Alii. Smith, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: Cancel the taxes of Margaret Mul- queenney, Mrs. Keogh, J. C. Moore, Sophia Dempsey, Mrs. J. Stevenson, Elizabeth Kress. Adverse to petition of Mrs. M. Birkill for cancellation of taxes. Accept one-half the taxes of Mrs. Jonathan Houpes as payment in full for 1890. Report adopted. Adverse to petition of Bridget Blake. Ald. Crawford presented a minority re- port that the taxes of Bridget Blake be cancelled. ,Minority report adopted. Also reported adverse to petition of Mrs. Mary A. Langworthy for cancellation of spe•tal tax for laying sidewallt, as the council has on a former petition reduced the amount from $36 to $24. Aid. Crawford offered the following mi- nority report• The undersigned believes an injustice was done Mrs. Langworthy in laying new sidewalk when there was a fairly good one already and therefore recommend that the speetd assessment be cancelled. Lost. P. I', CRAWFORD. The question being put on the report of the coinmtttee was adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the sewer com- mittee, reported as follows: Instruct engineer to prepare plans and estimates for construction of lateral sewer on Bill street, Burch, James and West 3rd streets and submit the same to the council. Adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Allow Adapt Schmidt $15.40 balance due as street commissioner for 1890, and ad- verse to petition for additional allowance 1 .1 REGULAR SESSION, JULY Brix, 1891. 122 for work claimed to be done on city hall basement. Instruct city engineer to prepare plat showing a street from 4th and Market streets to the high bridge by the most di- rect feasible route; also an estimate of cost of same and report to the council. Receive and file communication of Felix Agnew in relation to money due him from city employe. Refer resolution in relation to contract for more electric lights to the ordinance committee to draft an ordinance in relation to same. In favor of granting petition for exten- sion of water mains on West's hill. In favor of delaying ac.pot for Improve- ment of Broadway extension as prayed by within petitioners. Postpone action on communication of the American Casualty Insurance & Se- curity in relation to the insurance of the firemen. Refer the within estimate of cement wa. ks around the parks to the committee on public grounds and buildings to report to the council what part of said walks is most necessary to be dune at present. Receive and file petition of Chas. Bau- man lir increase of salary as wharf mas- ter. Refer the matter of storm water sewer ut.tler C., B. & N. R. R. tracks on 2d and 3rd streets to tie city engnteer to see that said railroad company emistruet said sewers of the proper dimensions so that they will carry the storm water. In favor of granting the petition for ex- tension of water mains on Julien avenue and Delhi street to Center street and no- tify the Dubuque Water Co. to extend their mains. Receive and tile petition of Fred. Ken - nicker in relation to Bee Branch that runs through his property. Refer petition of J. Welker in relation to Providence street to aldermen of the Filth ward. Instruct the engineer to prepare plat showiug O'Neill street as now laid out, also show said O'Neil street as laid out and platted as shown ny the records in the county it, corder's office. Ald. Halpin moved that committee on electrical construction be empowered to place tire alarm !lox No. 19 at such place as they see fit. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alit. 'Trexler offered tore following reso- lution which was adpo'ed: Resolved, That the special tax against lot w 26 ft lot 28 Cox's told, and lot 46 Marsh's add for laying plank walk be can- celed as the same is erroneous, the lots being public streets. Aid. Treader offered the following which was adopted: Resolved., That the special tax levied for the improvement of alley between Main and Iowa and 8th and lith streets abutting city lot 169 be cancelled, as the sante be- longs to the city and the c.in►ractor has received payment in full. Ald. 'trexler offered the following which With adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to give the grade for the Dubuque Electric Railway. Light and Power Co. to construct iron culverts on 18th and 19111 on Jackson streets. Ald. 'trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to repair the gutter on the sown side of 16th and Elm. Aid. Trexlerotfered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'that street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to not employ any men or teams more than ten days in each! month so as to make a more equal distri- bution of tate work. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the alley between Win- ona avenue and Hill street, in 1)wtiug & Ilorr's subdivision, be graded and macad- amized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, flalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexicr. Aid. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to make survey of plat of the pro- posed extension Ot Glen Oak avenue to Julien avenue and Tiird street as peti- tioned for by Otto Reinecke et al in ac- cordance with provisions of section one (1) of chapter 26 of the rev.sed ordinance. Ald. Halpin offered the following which %t as adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be instructed to prepare plani and speci- fications for a sewer to carry the water across Railroad avenue to replace the old bridge located there and that the city re- corder advertise for buts and proposals for the doing of the work. Ald. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That stone crossings be placed on the north side of 5th and Clay; also On south side of 6th and Clay streets, and city engineer instructed to advertise for bids for construction of sante and let con- tract to the lowest and best. bidder. Ald Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water Co. be instructed to extend their water mains a'oug Julien avenue from present ter- minus to Dellis street, and along Delhi street to Center street, anti that tire:plugs be located under the direction of 'the fire committee and fire chief. Aid. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the Dubuque Water Co. be instructed to extend their water mains from the present terminus on Dodge street, along Dodge to South Dodge street, along South Dodge street to Grand- view street, along Grandview street, to Villa street for the purpose 01 supplying water to residents along said streets, and that water plugs be placed under the direc- tion of the fire committee and fire chief. A Id. .Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, instructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Peru road, between Cooler avenue and Jackson street. Adopted by the hollowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, 1.723 I -LAIC SESSION, JULY (i•rx, 1891. Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Whereas That the storm water sewer on 18th and 19th, east of Washington, are not large enough to carry the water. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be instructed to prepare some plan for carrying the water from said streets, and report at the next adjourned session. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, 'l'hat the city engineer be in- structed to wake a survey and plat of the proposed extension to Fifth street of the alley next east of Wilson avenue in accor- dance with the provisions of chapter 26 of the revised ordinances as petitioned for by 11, II. Blish and others. Aid. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the Key City Electric Street Railway Co. of Dubuque be noti- fied to complete and operate its line of rail- way to Center street in West Dubuque within thirty days from this date, other- wise the city council will declare forfeited all rights granted to said company by ordi- nance adopted March 4, 1889. Aid. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, '!'hat a stone crossing be con- structed across 14th street on the east side of Delhi street to be put in under direction of the city engineer. Ald. ~Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the sum of 32 each be al- lowed C. II. Berg, Jacob Zangmeister and James Cushing, the commissioners ap- pointed by the council to assess damages by reason of the change of grade of Alta Vista street. Ald. Ilalpin moved that the council pro- ceed to the election of a market master. Carried. Alex. Gratz was elected market master to fill the vacancy on the first ballot. Aid. Crawford moved that the engineer prepare profile of grade of alley east of Wilson avenue. Carried. Ald. Trexler moved that extension of three months time be given Chas. Steuck for completion of his contract on 'thorn - berg avenue. Carried. AId. Glab moved that the street commis- sioner be instructed to have all storm water sewers cleaned. Carried. AId. Trexler moved that the matter of appointing an engineer for the steam road roller be referred to the street committee with power. Carried. A Id. llalpin ' oved to adjourn. Carried. Ajtest% J. C. FITZPATRICK, • / / ADJt)[RN1':I) RE( 1"[.A1; SESSION, JULY 151'it, 1S91. 124 THE CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, July 15th, 1891. [OFFICIAL.I front of block No. 27 in Dubuque was read for the second time. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fos- selman, Glab, age, Peaslee, Smith, and Trexler. Aid. Crawford offered the following resolution, which was referred to the com- mittee of the whole: Resolved, That the recorder be in- structed to issue a venire to the city mar- shal commanding him to summon a jury to assess the damages which may be sus- tained by the owner or owners of the ground proposed to be taken for the ex- tension and straightening of Broadway in the manner shown by the plat of the same prepared and hied by the guy engineer on June 0th, 1801, in pursuance of the order of the city council of May 11th, 1801, the jury to possess the qualifications pre- scribed by chapter 26 of the revised or- dinances, and all the proceedings to be conducted according to the provisions of said ordinance. Aid. Crawford moved that the ordinance granting the Dubuque Street Railway Co. right of way on Couler avenue from Peru road to city limits be taken up. AId. Page moved to postpone action on Dubuque Street Railway Co's. ordinance. Carried. Bids for constucting sewer in alley be- tween 17th and 18th streets, between Clay and White street, were opened and read, and referred to the city engineer for com- putation. Profile and petition for change of grade on Madison streets referred to the street committee. The rules were suspended and (x -May- or Voelker addressed the council in rela- tion to grading of streets in ‘Voodlawn Park addition, and urged the council to speedy action. Ald. Glab moved that the bids for street improvements be opened. Ald. Fosselmann moved that action on all bids for street improvements be post- poned until next regular session. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Glab and Trexler. City Attorney McCarthy presented the following: Whereas, It is deemed by this council that the uncovered and unprotected min- eral holes situated on lot 732 city of Du- buque and lot 3 of sub city lot 724 are pub- lic nuisances; therefore, Be it Resolved b�1 the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the uncovered min- eral holes upon the above described pro- perty be filled, fence protected or other- wise abated at the expense of the owners of said property, the work to be completed by August 15, 1801. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill, fence, pro- tect or otherwise abate said holes so situ- ated upon said property by the time speci- fied the same will be done by the 'city at the expense of the said owners and the costs there- of shall be assessed against and be a lien on said property. The work, if done by the owner, shall be subject to the ap- proval of the city engineer who is hereby designated the agent of the city for this purpose. If said work shall not be com- pleted by the date aforesaid by he owners of said property, the city engineer shall proper- ty to tl eare apresent city council showing the location, aton, character mid number of said holes and a plan for their proposed abatement or im- Council met at 7:55 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Fosaelman, (lab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. City Attorney McCarthy presented the following resolution: Whereas, Lawrence Gonner, city treas- urer, to satisfy the delinquent personal property tax, 1800, due front Platt Bros.; and, Whereas, To satisfy said tax said treas- urer on July 13, 1801, levied upon and took possession of certain personal property of said Platt Bros. and has advertised the same for sale; and, Whereas, A replevin suit was com- menced by certain persons who claim to have mortgages on said property; and, Whereas, In order to retain possession of said distrained property it was neces- sary for said treasurer to furnish a bond to the sheriff for the use of the plaintiffs in said replevin suit; andi, Whereas, J. A. McKinlay became sure- ty on said bond; herefore,-: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the action of said treasurer in making said levy be and is hereby commended and approved; and, Resolved further, That the city of Du- buque sloes hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless said .1. A. McKinlay from any and all damages that he may sustain by reason of his liability on said bond or otherwise and as ger- inane to the subject of this resolution the city of Dubuque hereby urges and requests its treasurer to take prompt action toward the collection of all personal property taxes now delinquent or hereafter to become delinquent. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fos- setmann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Tex ler. Ald. Crawford moved that an equaliza- tion committee be appointed. Carried. The mayor appointed as such committee Alas. Crawford, Glab, Trexler, Stoltz and Smith. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordi- nance committee. reported favorably on the ordinances of S. 1). Ryan and moved that the rules be suspended and the ordi- nances read for the second tune and placed :n, their final passage. Carries. An ordinance for the vacation of Camp front Water street to the levee, and permit- ting use of same by S. 1). Ryan for certain purposes, was read for the second time. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'i'rex- ler. An ordinance granting to S. D. Ryan, his heirs and assigns, the right to slaughter hogs and horned cattle and to carry on the general meat packing business in the city was read for the second time. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and Trexler. An ordinance permitting and authoriz- ing S. 1). Ryan, his heirs and assigns, to construct and maintain staging and a cov- ered platform on the levee easterly and in Fosselmaii, 125 ADJOIJRNED REGULAR SESSION, JULY 15'r11, 1891. provement, upon the acceptance of which by the city council, the city engineer shall advertise for bias fur the doing of said work in accordance with said plans. Resolved further, That this resolution be laid over until the next' regular meet- ing and the city recorder is hereby direct- ed according to section 4 of chapter 30 of revised ordinances of 1887, to issue copies of tits resolution to the marshal to be served upon the owners of said property, all to be done and the assessment to be made according to section 4 of chapter 30 of revised ordinances of 1887, being an or- dinance in relation to filling or otherwise protecting dangerous mineral holes. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fos- selnlan, (1lab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'Prez ler. Engineer Blake reported the following, bids for eonatruetiig sewer in alley be- tween 17th and 181h streets between Clay and 41' lute streets: M. Layil,$400; D. W. Linehan, $469. Ald. Smith moved that the contract be awarded to M. Lavin. Carried. City Attorney McCarthy repor'ed that the matter of improving Bluff street from 14th to 16.11 street was in proper shape, and advised the council that it the im- provement was necessary to go on with the improvement. The mayor, on the above report, withdrew his disapproval of the contract fur the improvement of Bluff street. Ald. Fosselmann offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, The powder houses contain- ing powder on Kane street are detrimental to life and property, therefore, Resolved, That the owners he and are hereby given 30 days from elate to cease and quit using said powder houses for the storage of powder, and city marshal in- structed to see that the above order is car- ried out. Profile of change of grade on Millville road, referred to the street committee. The rules were suspended and Mr. Al- phonse Matthews addressed the council in relation to the resolution adopted at the last session of the council ordering the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light & Power Co. to lay their track and operate cars on Dodge and South Dodge s'reets, and stated that the resolution was not correct, that the grading was not completed and that the company could not be held to the conditions of the resolution. lie also stated that it was im- possible for any electric car to run up South Dodge street as a portion of said street was unproved on a101/ per cent. grade. The matter of change of grade of Alta Vista street and Ruse street referred to the aldermen of the 4th ward with power o get the consent of the abutters to the change. Plan of storm water sewer on 19th street referred to the street committee. Aid. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to cover the sanitary sewer on Dodge street, between South Locust and South Main street, as said sewer is exposed and unprotected. Ald. Peaslee moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Its, • /g •i ' budder for a tecorde� „leU 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, be- tween 14th and 15th streets, the following impounded animals, to -wit: One bay horse about 12 years old. S. B. hies:. City Marshal. Dubuque, July 7th, 1R91. Notice to Hole! and Boardinghouse Pro- prietors. You are hereby notihed that your license is past due and the same must be pail at once, as the ordinance in relation to licenses to ooarding houses will be en- forced. This applies to all hotels and private boarding houses. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Notice. Bids will be received at the office of the city recorder up to 2 o'clock p. in. Monday July 6th, 1891, for painting the town clock tower two coats. Color to be decided by the committee. Per order Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Notice to Contractors. Bids will be received at my office up to 2 o'clock p. m. Monday, July Ii, 1891, for the improvement of the following streets according to plans and specifications now on file in my office: Leibnitz street, from North Main street to Harold street; %VI- nona avenue, from West Third to West Fifth street; Madison street, from North Main to Seminary street; Cornell and Thomas streets. Grading streets in Wood Lawn Park addition. Bidders will be required to give a good and sufficient bond that contract will be entered into if awarded. Grading to be bid in total. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. C. FrrzPA'rtuct:, City Recorder. Notice. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 2 o'clock p. in. of Monday, July 6th, 1891, for constructing a storm water sewer at the intersection 'of Millville and Lemon streets; also for stone cross walks across West 5th street at its Intersection with Burch street; also across llill street from the north to the south side, opposite West 7th street; also across Cooler avenue opposite Diagonal street,, according to plans and specifications on file in my office. The city reserves the right to reject any or till bids. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Notice. Bids will be received at the office of the city recorder up to Wednesday, July. 15th, 1891, at 4 o'clock p. nu. for the grading, curbing, guttering and macadamizing of Madison street, Leibnitz street, and Wi- nona avenue, and Cornell and 'Phomas streets, and for grading certain streets in Woodlawn Park according to plans and sped: ations on file in the recorder's otli Is must be accompanied by a good and 1 ).1 i !I I; N I-.11 REGULAR SESSION, .11"I.V 1 1'91. 1721; sufficient bond of $200. Blanks will be furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. .Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder until 4 o'clock p. in. of Wednesday, July 15th, A. D., 1891, for the construction of the following named sewer, according to the plans and specifications on tile in said office, viz: lateral sewer from 17th street to 18th street between Clay and White streets; also in 18th street from alley east of Clay street to Clay street. Bidders to state price per lineal foot for sewer complete; price for each manhole; price for each flush tank. Bonds of $200 will be renuired with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. 1. .11 I --I:��ION, 1891. 12 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given i list at the session of the City Council of the Cil y of Dubuque, held on the 61n day of July, 1891, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For constructing sidewalk on Eleventh st reet— Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Isaac II Keepers, city 339 $22 00 Nic Kauffman, do sub 5001 22 40 For repairing sidewalk— Name. Description. Lot. Am't. It Cox est, Cox's add, e X 47 $1 50 John McCoy, McCoy's sub3 1 50 For constructing 8 -inch tile sewer in South Locust St., from Dodge to Jones Sts— Name. Description. Lot. Ain't. Mrs Mary Meehan, city, w 4.553 $18 03 \i ary Barry, city, w 34, a %. 7 79 .I ashuyle, city, wiin3� 554 .las Itoy le, city, sub 555, w lot 4 3 98 Margaret Mulqueeney, city, suit 555 3 8 18 Eliza �O'Brien, city, sub 555,w 1 12 64 Mrs Pat Bannon, city, w X, n65ti David Crotty, c.1 y, w 34, in X.556 Dan Sheehan, city, w %, sX556 556 n Felix Agnew, city, w 3� '5u7 Mary Donahue, city,w 3, itis 58 Mary O'Ilailoran, city, w 3.'568 559 571 572 573 574A s36 Tim Byron, city, w P Il Halpin, city Michael Halpin est, city .las Breslin, city .Johanna McN ally, city \I ichael Halpin est, city .....574 Michael Ahern, do 575 Michael Halpin est, do 575A Michael Halpin est, city, u676 20'1 it John \V ILdpin, city, s30It576 Mrs Pat Flynn, do 576A Nic'Iusing, do 577 For constructing 8 -inch tile sewer in South Locust St., from Jones to First St— Name. Description. Lot. Ain't. VV.1 Burris, city, w 3, 20 Mrs. B. Hall, city, w X561 19 80 Wm Corcoran, city, w X562 18 40 'Phos Byrne, city. sub 563 and 1 604, w 34 \V in Corcoran. cit) , sub 563 2 and 604, w Winona Lane company, city, 6 w? 64 Winona Laud company, c.ty5565 Joint Lucas est, city 66 dc, dun 10 ft5117 O 1' !lodge, Dub Harbor Imp Co add .. 9 O 1' !lodge, Dub Harbor luili Co add 10 O 1' 'lodge, Dub harbor Imp Co add 11 O 1' !lodge, l)nb harbor Imp Co add 12 O r' !lodge, Dub Harbor Imp Co acid 13 O N' !lodge, Dub Harbor Imp Co add 14 C :11 & St P Ry Co, Dub harbor Imp Co add15 C M & St P Ity Co, Dub Harbor Imp Co add ..16 CM&StP1-tyCo, Dub Harbor Imp Co add ..17 20 14 80 For curbing and brick -paving Iowa St, from Second to Tbird Sts— Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Julien IlousellotelCo, city..196A $384 79 Julien House Hotel Co, city,l4b A Anna M Bush, city, n % 195 Key City Barrel Co, city, s%194 Dub lHarness & Sad Co, city, 194 81 13 Dub ilarness & Sad Co, city,1S13 80 60 s Mary Westphal, city, it %193 304 65 Dubuque Street Ry Co, city267 99 For curbing, gut tering and macadamizing Stewart avenue— Nanie. Description. Lot. Ain't. Loetscher & Boul, Loetscher 2 $125 79 & Trueb's sub Loetscher & Boul, Loetscher 3 & Trueb's sub Loetscher & Bout, Loetscher 4 & Trueb's sub Casper Boni, Loeischer & 5 Trueb's sub J L Buettel, Loetscher & Trueb's sub 6 J L Buettel, Loetscher & 7 Trueb's sub J L Buettel, Loetscher & 8 Trueb's sub J L Buettel, Loetscher & Trueb's sub 9 Loetscher & Boul, Loetscher 10 & Trueb's sub Loetscher & Bout, Loetscher 12 & Trueb's sub Loetscher & Buol, Loetscher 1K & Trueb's sub Loetscher & Bout, Loetscher & '1 rueb's sub 15 John P. Williams, Loetscher 16 & Trueb's sub John P Williams, Loetscher 17 & Trueb's sub Gus Schwind, Loetscher & 18 109 63 Trueb's sub 246 41 Geo Boxletler, Motor sub 7 For curbing, guttering and macadamizing Klima berg avenue from Reed avenue to C M & St Paul Ry— N ame. Desci iption, Lot. HenryNeuwohuer, McCra- ney's 1st. add 70 Patrick Walsh, McCraney's 71 1st add Mary A Walsh, llam'sadd..447 Solon Ruperecht, do ..4446 John Dobler, do do do ,.445 8 05 8 05 12 08 22 87 14 33 7 17 20 07 37 81 42 35 83 27 16 64 21 18 31 51 6 81 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 19 10 19 10 26 10 33 10 39 10 46 10 53 10 60 10 34 15 13 12 60 37 81 83 22 164 93 163 05 15 39 10 37 13 63 17 70 17 94 6 07 Geo B Burch, do s 65 ft...567 40 74 Jas O'Shea est, do n 25 ft...568 15 67 Mrs Jerry Cahill, dos 50 ft...568 31 34 Chamberlain Plow Wks,ci.57018 ty569 47 00 do dou For constructing 8 -inch tile sewer in Wall street— Name. Description. Lot. Mrs P McMahon, Dub Ilarbor imp Co add ..10 Jlrs P McMahon, Dub II arbor Imp Co add ..11 Lesure Lumber Cu, Dub Harbor into Co add..12 Lesure Lumber Co, Dub h arbor Imp Co add..13 Lesure Lumber Cu, Dub harbor Imp Co add..14 0 1' !lodge, Dub bt liar 8 Imp Co add, part8 Ilk. Anl't. 19 19 19 19 19 20 $29 70 11 25 11 25 11 25 11 25 7 76 61 134 46 58 46 00 46 00 46 00 46 00 46 00 46 00 118 67 123 87 52 56 46 00 46 00 do Glab Bros, Win. Radon, \Vm VVeisheit, J 1' l'fohl, do do Matilda McClure, do ..443 du ..'61 do ..260 do ..2511 do ..258 do ..257 do ..256 McCran- Am't. $75 66 83 97 66 28 55 55 56 44 57 33 92 70 92 27 57 11 56 22 55 33 54 66 17 28 128 JULY SESSION, 1891. ey's 1st add 38 Matilda McClure, McCran- ey's 1st add 37 F M Robinson est, Ilam's add 435 do 436 437 .428 .439 .440 .441 .442 .262 .263 .264 .265 .266 .267 .268 .269 do do 'Phos Johnston, do John Ileil, do A C Wolcott, do do E Van Fassen, Louisa Iteifsteck, Ilenry Marsh, .1 Buehler, do do do do do do do do clo do do do do do 28 17 76 79 92 43 58 88 58 88 58 88 58 88 58 88 58 88 94 55 94 60 58 88 58 88 58 88 58 88 58 88 58 88 du do 94 17 Dubuque Street Ry Co 268 59 For Curbing, Cluttering and Macadamizing Julien avenue, from Broad to Delhi sts. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. S M Langworthy est:, Sum- mit and 2 M. Tschirgi, Sr., Summit add 1 Jos. 'l'rueb, Trueb's sub 1 1' S Webster, Milligan's sub7 do do 6 do do 5 do do 4 do do 3 IUauncan & Waller, do 2 Anton Trueb, do 1 John S 13runskill, Motor sub..2 do do 3 Loetscher & Buol, Loetscher & Trueb's sub 14 Loetscher & Bout, Loetscher &Treub's sub 13 Loetscher & 13uol, Loetscher & Trueb's sub 12 Loetscher & Buol, Loetscher &Trueb's sub 11 Key City Electric St Ry Co, sub 12, sub min lot 17.2 3 Key City Electric St Ry Co, sub 12, min lot 172 2 Key City Electric St. Ry Cu, sub 12, min lot 172 1 yl Tschirgi, Sr, sty) 45, .tor- heiser's add 18 ill Tschirgi, Sr, sub 45, Mor- beist is add 19 Alfred •t tuesbry, sub45, Nor- heiser's add 17 John It. Weston, sub 45, Mor- eiser's add 16 John R. Weston, sub 45, Mor- heiser's add 25 .Iohu ,chw'ind, sub 45, Mor- heiser's add 14 John Schwind, sub 45, Mor- heiser's add 13 Schwind estate, sub 45, Mor- heiser's add 8 Fred. lioxleiter, sub 45, Nor- heiser's add 9 Fred. Boxleuer, sub 45, Mut- heiser's add. 10 Frei' Boxleiter, sub 45, Mor- heiser's add 11 '1'scturgi & Schwind,sub 45, Morheiser's add 12 C F Bush, .Ml. Pleasant add, e X30 Anna M !lush, Mt Pleasant add, w ti 30 Anna M Bush, Mt Pleasant 144141 29 Anna .t1 Bush, sub 1, suu 1, min lot 172 2 Anna M. Bush, Morheiser's add 46 Tschirgi & Schwind, Mor- $41 76 33 97 312 82 66 00 66 00 66 00 66 00 66 00 66 00 79 21 82 00 65 99 65 74 91 17 92 01 79 19 60 31 51 74 51 74 58 74 58 74 48 74 58 74 58 74 58 74 79 32 29 60 58 74 58 74 58 74 127 17 235 47 242 32 418 17 634 25 27 06 heiser's add 40 106 92 Tschirgi & Schwind, Nor- heiser's add 39 106 92 Tschirgi & Schwind, Mor- heiser's add 38 106 92 Tschirgi Sr Schwind, Mor- heiser's add 37 141 23 Tschirgi & Schwind, Mor- hiser's add 41 141 23 Tschirgi & Schwind, Mor- heiser's add 42 106 92 Tschirgi & Schwind, Mor- heiser's add 48 115 92 For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamiz- ing Dodge st from Bluff to old city tine: Name. Description Lot. Ain't. Anna M Bush, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union add4 22 13 Anna M Built, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union add5 64 94 Mrs B Doherty, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union addt; 47 25 Margaret Donahue, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union add 7 61 21 Win Couglin, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union add 8 61 29 Jas Martin, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union add 9 45 90 1) .1 Sullivan, sub city lot 730 and lot 1 Union add 10 45 90 Cath McNulty, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union add11 43 94 Peter McDermott, sup city lot 730 and lot t, Union add12 40 55 C W Robinson, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union add... 14 40 25 C W Robinson, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union add, w 3% ft 14 4 40 Jas Walsh, sub city lot 730 and lot 1,. Union add, e 30 feet 44 35 94 Jas Walsh, sub city lot 730 and lot 1, Union add 15 40 24 Ellen Ahern, Cooper's sub, n 150 feet D 152 72 Pat Neary, Cooper's sub C 150 52 Jas Strabey, Cooper's sub, n w 50x150 leer B 71 29 Jas Straney, Cooper's sub, n e 50x150 tees B 70 06 Hannah O'Brien, Cooper's sub, lot A 3 42 52 lla,inah O'Brien, Cooper's sub, sub lot A, w ; 2 21 24 M '1' McMahon, Cooper's sub, sub lot A, e X 2 21 28 11 T McMallon, Cooper's sub, sub lot A, w 4 2-12 Leet 1 5 67 John J 'Tierney, Cooper's sub, sub lot A, e 26 feet1 36 86 Mrs M'1'racy, Newman, Coo- per & Smyth's sub 14 40 50 Cath Wiison, Newman, Coo- per & Sntyth's sub 13 40 50 Oath NV Hsu'', Newman Coo- per & sin ytlt's sub, w X12 20 25 Anna Burn.,, Newman, Coo- per &Sol.lbssub, eX12 2025 Aoba Burn,, Newman, Coo- per & Smyth's sou 11 40 50 John Burn-, Newman, Coo- per & Smyth's sub 10 40 50 Michael Ahern, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub 9 40 50 Michael Ahern, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub 8 40 50 'Perry O'Loughlin, Newman, Cooper & Smyth's sub 7 40 50 Pat McCormick, Newman, Cooper & Smith's sub 6 40 50 Jos. Srracey, Newman, Coo- per & Smyth's suu P McNulty,5 40 50 Newman, Coo- 's sub Bridget igen Ryer & an,1Newman, Coo- 4 40 50 .11' 1,1" SESSION, 1891. per & Smyth's sub 3 40 50 Margaret Loughlin, New- man, Cooper & Smyth's sub 2 40 50 .las Walsh, Newman, Cooper & Sinyth's sub 1 103 47 Dub Electric Ry, Light & Power Co 468 70 Wm llintrager, city 6484 84 12 do do lot 1 of 3 of sub598 44 54 Ed Burke, city, lot 4 of sub of 598 33 75 Ed Burke, city, lot 5 sub of 598 33 75 John O'Dea; city,lot 6 sub of.598 83 75 Sic Sweeney. sub city 698.... 7 33 75 Rosa Reyuoids, sub city 8 90 99 Eliza McCarrian, sub city 694, e % 3 3116 .John Linehan, sub city 694, w i/., 3 34 16 Itt Rev John Hennessey, sub city 694 1 66 69 Rt. Rev John Hennessey, out lot, city 697 331 43 lit Rev John Hennessey, out lot, cit 726 331 43 Itt Rev John Hennessey, out lot, city 725 298 59 It I;onson est, out lot, city731 331 43 For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamiz- ing Fifteenth street loon Pite to Maple streets: Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Chas. Fatka, East Dubuque.256 $97 28 do do 257 177 30 do do 286 165 35 .las Butler, do s;4 287 89 20 And that in case of failure to pay the same within thirty day !rum this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear in - Iciest thereatter at • the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque, this 20th day of July, A. D., 1891. LAWRENCE GUNNER, Treasurer of the t'ity of Dubuque. 1729 (now used as court house) in the city of Dubuque, Dubuque county, Iowa, to the highest bidder for cash the following described personal property, to -wit: Three Kersey overcoats, lot 5316. Four Kersey overcoats, lot 5318. Three Kersey overcoats, lot 5317. Three Kersey overcoats, lot 6093. Three Kersey over.'oats, lot 4710. Three Kersey overcoats, lot 6086. Six Cass overcoats, lot 5792. Three Beaver overcoats, lot 3745. Sale at 10 o'clock a. in. of staid day satisfy said tax, expenses end costs. Dated at. Dubuque, Iowa, this 14th day of July, 1891. LAWRENCE. CONN Eit, City Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. to Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office at city hall up to Thursday, July 23, 1891, according to plans and specifications on file in said office for laying side- walks as follows: On the south side of 16th street ;from Iowa to Elm slreet,6 feet wide. On east. and west sides of Elm from 17th street to Garfield avenue. 4 feet wide. On the south side of 8th street from Iowa street to alley east, brick, stone or cement, 12 feet wide. On north side of 17th street from Clay street, to Semenary street, 12 feet wide. On north side of 16 h street from Iowa to Pine street, 6 feet wide. On north and south sides of Dodge from Bluff street to old corporation hoe, 6 feet wide. On west side of Bell street from Vine street to Gradview street, 4 feet wide. Both sides of Delhi street from Julien ave. to Center street, 6 feet wide. On Lincoln avenue from Washington street to Kniest street on the south side, where not all ready layed. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Notice. To the Owners of (tog and all Poles used for the Support of Wires: You are hereby notified to immediately paint or cause to be painted all poles owned or used by you within the city lim- its, the c: for fixed by the city counpil, which is brown, for seven feet above the ground and gray from a point seven feet above the ground to the top of the pole. This in- cludes both poles supporting wires convey- ing current of electricity and guy stubs or poles. Upon failure to comply with this ordinance the painting will be done at your expense. J. L. BUNTING, City Electrician. Dubuque, July 13, 1891. Notice of City Treasurer's Sale for Tax The City of Dubuque vs. Platt Brothers. Know all Men by these Presents: That by virtue of the power vested in me by law, and by reason of a personal prop- erty tax of 1890 due the city of Dubuque, Iowa, from Patt Bros. of said city, 1, as treasurer of said city, did on the 13th day. afJuly, 1891, levy upon, take possession of in ddistratu personal property of said Platt Bros. consisting of 28 overcoats; and notice os hereby given that, to satisfy said tax, on the 25th day of .luly, 1891, 1 will sell at public sale at the front door of the city hall, AN ORDINANCE Permitting and authorizing S. D. Ryan, his heirs and assigns, to construct and maintain staging and a covered platform on the levee, easterly and in front of block No. 27 in Dubuque Harbor company's addition to the city of Dubuque. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. Whereas, S. D. Ryan of Du- buque, Iowa, is about to construct and operate a large meat packing house on block 27 in Dubuque Harbor company's addition to the city of Dubuque, lows; and, Whereas, For the convenient and suc- said cessful packingmaintenance establishment tsaid ion ofRyan should have the use of a part of the levee easterly from said block 27. Therefore, the city council of Dubuque now hereby grants permission (as fully and effectually as can be done) to said Ryan, his heirs and assigns, to construct and maintain staat part a ging levee lyingeasterlyof saidtform n block No. 27, the same to be used in con- nection with and for the more convenient 130 JULY SESSION, 1591. management and carrying on of said meat packing establishment. Provided, however, that an open drive or passageway for the use and convenience of the traveling public, at least sixty (60) feet in width, shall be maintained and kept open and tit for public travel immediately east of the east line of said block 27; and, Provided, further, that saidstaging, plat- forms,etc., shall be erected under the super- vision and subject to the approval of the city engineer and committee on streets of the city of Dubuque, and the said S. D. Ryan, his heirs and as- signs, hereby assumes all damages or other liability that may be incurred by reason of the erection, maintenance or operation of said staging, platforms, etc., or otherwise in connection with said meat packing establishment, and agrees to hold the city harmless in the premises, and the city of Dubuque hereby reserves the right to make all usual and reasonable police regulations with reference to the use of said levee by said Ryan, his heirs or assigns, or with reference to the maintenance and opera- tion of said meat packing establishment. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and publication onetime in the official papers of the city of Dubuque and its acceptance in writing by the said S. D. Ryan. Adopted July 15th, 1891. Caps. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. 1''112PATItICK, Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. Au ordinance for the vacation of Camp street from its intersection with Water street easterly to the levee, and permit- ting use of same by S. D. Ryan for cer- tain purposes. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. Whereas, S. 1). Ryan of 1)u- buque, Iowa, is about to erect in said city a large meat packing house on block twenty-seven (271 in Dubuque Harbor com- pany's addition to the city of Dubuque; anti, whereas, for the convenient and suc- cessful maintenance and operation of said meat packing establishment the use of the easterly part of Camp street will be esseu- t ia,;tiietefore the city council hereby vacates ani tiuuuts that unit of Camp street lying and extending easterly to Witter street. And the sato S. 1). Ryan, his hefts and assigns, are hereby permitted and authorized to fill, ..ratte and improve and use that part of said street so vacated, in connection with said meat packing establishment, and are authorized and permitted to utilize said va- cated street and such authority is conferred as fully and effectually as the city council has the power to grant saute. Sc.c2. The portion of the street so va- cate... whenever discontinued for packing house purposes shall revert to the city of Dubuque and •he city shall not be required or expected to compensate said S. 1). Ryan, his heirs or assigns, for the tilling or other tin prove mci It on saute. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall be in force from and atter its passage and publication in the official papers of the city, and its acceptance iu writing by tate said S. D. Ryan. Adopted July 15th, 1891. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDEItS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. I''ITZ1'ATItICK, Recorder. AN ORDINANCE Granting to S. D. Ryan, his heirs and as- signs, the right to slaughter hogs and horned cattle and to carry on the gen- eral meat packing business in the city of Dubuque. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. Whereas, S. I). Ryan and his associates propose to erect a large meat packing house on block 27, Dubuque Harbor company's addition to Dubuque city, Iowa, which property he proposes to purchase for said purpose; and, whereas, he is desirous of having secured to him, his heirs and assigns forever the right to slaughter hogs and horned cattle and carry on the meat packing and curing business in all its branches on said premises, without which he is unwilling to make said purchase and incur t,.e expense necessary to carry on said business; and, whereas, it is to the interest of the city to encourage such undertaking, and we are willing and it is our intention hereby to secure said S. D. Ryan, his heirs and as- signs, the right aforesaid as fully and rftectually as we can do so; therefore, in order to give effect to such intention on our part and as an inducement to said S. 1). Ryan to make said purchase and to carry out said proposed undertaking, we, the city council of the city of Dubuque, do hereby grant to said S. D. Ryan, his heirs and assigns, forever, full power and authority to slaughter hogs and horned cattle and carry on the meat pack- ing and curing business in all its branches on said block 27, in Dubuque harbor com- pany's addition to the city, which he has already bought or may hereafter purchase, provided that in carrying on said business he shell not allow lilth to accumulate on said premises as to thereby create a nuisance. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect Irom and after its passage by the city council of Dubuque and alter its publication in the official papers of said city, and its acceptance in writing by said S. D. Ryan. Adopted July 15th, 1891. CIIAS. J. W. SAUND19ns, Mayor. Attest: .1. C. FirzeATiuck, Recorder. I LIST OF CITY \VARRANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during April, 1891. CITY RFCO1tDEn's OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Iowa, May 1, 1891. S To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is a complete list of the warrants issued by me (lulus: the month of April, 1891: t 131 J. Wiltse F E3smanFireillan T. Flynn.......... Fireman T. Walker........ D. Ahearn........ Hook and lathier cap - James Allen ......Driver.tain C. Kannolt Fireman .............. . Geo. Moyer i' lectrielan F.Gauahl Minute man........... A. Ducciui " J. Schonberger........... J. Ward 46 ........... J. Aberhardt Laborer ................ J. Albrecht............... M. Ahearn............... T. Ahearn" M. Abbita....... . " Name. For what Purpose. Amount W. Brackett ............... W. Burning_............... L. Gonner.... .... Salary for March, 1 real 8160 00 W • 13x11 • uiet....... F. Be) er..... En tneerroad roller... .1.C. Fitzpatrick .. Salary for March, Hecor- 11G 70 J. Byrne""""" _Laborer tier I'. B1 andenburg.. " J. M. Kenety..... Salary for March, And- C Brandenburg.. " ••••••••••••••• itor 100 00 J. Bargman.. b.. " J. J. McCarthy,. Salary for March, Actor- John Beyer ....... Mason ................. ney........••126 00 Aug. Bisi ram.... Laborer ................ P. F. Guthrie .... Salary for March, As- 12b 00John Bewer...... ••••••••••••••• scsso M. Tsehirgi, .Ji... Salary for Mat ch, En ,60 00 Ch.(C. Buethe..... .... ,s. Below •' • • • • • • • • • ..... • gitieer.... ..... Jacob ulitsch" . ............ • S. B. Bice......... Salary tor Mare", Mar- 30 F. Bruecilner • • • • • • • • • .... • • sial H. Bliukert....... .•••••••••..... Alex. Gratz.. ....Salary for March, Mar- ' Chas, Brenner... . • • • • • • • • • • .. • . keUnastcr.,.,...,.,•• 50 001 A. Burke......... ' E. James Salary for March, Park o to 4. 6. I John Corbett...... " Custodian I John Callahan.... • • • • • • • • • .. • • Adam Schmidt.. Salary for March, street 46 Commissioner 91 65 B.Rawson ... ..... Salary for March, Sew- " ••••••••••••... er Inspector00 00 '' • James O'Halloan•5 Slade Walk 11u',t 4A01••. Gu 00 , John Corcoran... T. F. Hogan......Salary for March,.Mleat64 1'lws. Conry Inspector60 00 al. Carmody . C. Spiegelhalter..Salary for March, A. Carrmonduig Pouudivaster 40 00 H. Crwupiceh.... , Jos. Iteinftied....Salary for Marc)',paChief John 1)0ciw•...... of liredep:utwrut7600 Geo.1)ecker.....• • ,. I. S. Bigelow ...... Salary for March, J. Dougherty health officer...... • 30 00 E. Desmond ,. F. A. GLib........Sa James Bunting...Salary for Mare'', Eleo- M. uumphy tlrieiaary nfor ...M...ar.ch..., ..... 76 (b Joe Drusaicll". As- John Drees sistant Assessor.... 100 00 M. Dieferdiug„ .101m O'Connell... Salary for March, Com 66 G5 Carl Erhert. puttee c erk John ltaeslr " 7 I). Ryan... Cuutuin of Police 76 00 J. Emmert,....... John Eagan...... �, 0 00 Win, Carter Policeman .............. 37 96 Wm. O'Brien ' 37 9b 'Phos. Reilly" .............. 48 40 M. O'Connell" .............. 48 40 Bart Cain 70 Win. Frith 40 00 46 .Iohn Littscher 1'. McNerny.... I', Dunnegan P. Kearney P. Hanlon ... John Fttzpatriek. Dan. Norton .James Allen John Renter M. Hardie Win. WelshFA.\lucre Sam. Eimer JamesJnes Flynn 'l'1rus, Blake Joint Murphy NV in. Flynn Peter Swarf P. McCollins Geo. Hubeck John Murphy Patrol driver .las. Carter ........Police James Daly Fireman captain .lob Barnes....... Engiueel'...... • • • • • • Wm. Duey .Stoker J. Murphy........ Driver " .. A. Cullen T. O'Shea Fireman. ............. . T. Burke r ireman........... •... J. McFarland••••••••••••••• M. EitelFireman captain P. Martin Engineer ...........••• J. Essmau Stoker • • • • J. Flynn Driver ................. Sam. Collins John Chintoft.... M. Clark.......... L. Corcoran.... . P. Colfo•d 14 6. 44 11 46 46 .. .. ......... J 50 00 50 00 48 40 50 00 37 95 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 3 30 5000 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 00 00 50 u0 6000 75 W 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 (8) 50 00 60 00 85 00 50 00 60 00 M. Fagan........ Chris. Elmer F. Erego .... .... M. Farrell F. Frieuler F. Folfall H. Flood H. Foltz F. Fellbaum „ John Fix14L. ',linter• Chas. Fuusello Chris. Fischel............... Chris. Fischer K. Gutherlett „ H. Guttenkauf Ed. Grew............... Y. Grew.......... Joe Grab, 2 bel C. Gi•uhzig................. .. „ 2 511 JoeWinlitter a 160 Joe Gowt „ Leo. oss .... . 1 25 JohnLG1'.ss..... „ ............... 65 Getsh..... M. Gersh„ 5 60 icelHall..... "••••••• 3 3 10 Janice0 Hall.— John HayesForeman. ............ 2 5 Dan.o.Harmon Laborer....„............. „ 11 25 Geo. s Harker_ „ 16 85 James 1iarK.y •••........ „ ... 31 lu ............ Hal F. Herzogn ... • • • • 50) Aug. Hoftermau.• ,,2 6O N. huger „ ..... Ell) Jos. Haupert..... 1 85 Aug. Hannover... ............... I '85 Aug' Hefti.... • • .. 126 Nick .tarot....... , ..... • • •' ......... 1 25 Peter Jurst....... 46 „ I. 66 60 110 50 no 50 (Mi 50 90 .............. ••..........• GO 00 GO 00 50 00 75 9 20 12 00 12 ho 10 80 8 75 17 20 3 75 1 85 6 25 1 85 1 85 1 8. 58 00 3 10 8 75 1060 3 76 10 51 1 85 1 25 2 fill 2 50 5 30 1 25 1 25 1 25 17 20 15,7 3 10 1 85 2 50 2 50 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 85 1 85 4 70 2 50 1 25 1 25 1 '25 '2 50 185 1 25 65 2 50 3 10 1 25 2 50 1 25 65 15 00 2 51) 1 85 4 70 2 50 21 25 I 85 185 1 85 1 25 5 92 7 30 11 85 6 25 12 20 7 1 132 JULY SESSION, 1891 .Torsi...... " 1 25 P. Wagner" 1 85 HenryCn .Jueet...... 1 2; A. Wonting " 3 10 John Jecklin 1 2; J Woodrich...... " 2 50 A. eck 1 25 E. Winkelman.... 500 ..... Jacob Krause............... 65 John Whalen..... " 1 25 M. Kilburg" 1 2; Geo. Wetter 250 F. Kauffman ............... 1 85 John Wolf........ " 13 45 P. Kree„ er440 Mat. Wolf........ " 250 J. hinsedstCarpenter 46 00 John \nice h.... " ....... 260 M. Kline ..... ..... latborer... 7 50 Aug. Wince 220 Aug. Kaulfman .. " ............... 3 75 Anton Weldlieh" 2 2U l iiil. Kenny....... ` 10 50 GH. eo. ultuosky. • • • • " 2 G0 .1. Kellett " 250 Geo. Lumhof...... " t 2G Paul KroheskL" 2 50 N. Brandt. .Team. 3 00 F. Kauffman" ............... 2 60 R. Bennett........ .......... 300 F. Barns" 2 50 1.. Cahill.......... " 3 00 S. liittsnsan...... " 2 50 John Duggan..... " 1 GU F. K;i[z....... ... " .............. • 1 86 Win. Howard.... " 4 50 I Wis.Milliner._1 SG ,J, Kane ,, 3 00 John l,ux " 8 10 J. Long.._....... 46 450 John Lacy ..... 125 J. McCollms...... 16 9 tq II. Liiii t, " 2 50 Jas. McDonnell.. 11 1 50 Lenipke.. 2 bn Win. Mohr........ .. 450 M. Lilach..... " ............... 2 50 John Nelson 44... 4 G11 Ed. Luckritz 1 25 S. Norton 450 Aug. Lange t 25 Louis I'eil..... ... o1 50 Aug. Mintz 2 5u lid. Ryan 44.. 3 00 M. Murphy._... ......... ... 3 75 Con. Ragan 8 W l'. Melc t0 r...... " 440 John Steges 8 25 C. acheuburg.. 600 J. Savage44 0 75 1 . Maher.... 8 10 J Sullivan " 4 bti 1. M:dlon "" y........ 5 00 P. `Specht 12 00 .4•• •• ......•• P. Moran......... ............... 250 John Terry " 460 I'. Meehan........ " 186 Cath. '1obut.... •• " 1 50Heckenbel•g...... " 2 50 John Williams.... " 1 50 T. Mulqueeny.... ............... 2 50 P. Vogel Express 1 W L. Meurise " ......•........ 2 50 J. C. O'Neill...... 66 1 W C. Mxrcktllberg2 5u C. Daly........... .. ... 1 50 P. Montel ..... 1 25 J. Mc(Jollins...... " 2 al M. McCune.... ..Foreman .......... .... 15 00 Geo. Hwkliou.... " 100 Il. 51crormack.... Laborer .......... 5 30 J. Steres ,, 50 .John .\IcNulty.... ............... 20 30 J. Williams 66 GO I McEvoy " ....4.......... 1'2 50 A. F.Jtrmstiln fit 1 GO 3 McBride ............... 1 25 E. J. Carpenter.. " 1 50 A. McGuauG L5 A. Dooerr.... .. ... 64... all .Joe McCune " 51. 'McMahon .. W. �inholdt...... 64.... 150 2 50 Frank Siege " 1 00 'Phos. Melionadd.. ............... 3 In 1). 1). Nitterauer " .... I'. Merolaud 2 00 3 75 Il. haus.......... ..... 5U Juhu Noonan "• • p so 51. Naten ., 0 25 A. Gratz..........Board of prisoners.... 11 40 slime) Nosky " 2 50 Win. Kelly ........Assistant market mac - ter . 40 00 lou Obeli " 11 31 John O'Brien Labor on sewer........ 32 85 .Juliusltttu........ " ... 5 6(1 ,Jotm Trendy ......Labor on sewer....... 34 10 Fihz t)1' " 7 50 l•has. Iliumanu.. Wharfmaster... 10 00 Chas. MO 14 5 00 t'1ias. \\ Dde...... Repairing chimney city I' . t)'Ilrien.. 4 40 ...............hall II. II'Lougliiiii... s' 2 L0 .I:ones Ragan " " 3 25W U. Powers........ 1 25 .lobo ('urbelt 4 05 11 11.I.I'e ryon......... t, tib „ Victor Herr...." 75 I:uues Park...... 1 85 Tunes Co.... .lflanks .luno tluiguey.... " 4 00 1 8G R. Eddy... ...... .him:walk 110 00 .1, Itatshlor...•• •• 185 Chas. Oswald Putting u 1 stoves 1 85 lltlu Ries " 1 85 b 1 M. Rinker " ••••••""""• W•N• Wurmood.Key' checks............ 3 00 1 Herald Advertising........... 33 3.; John ltaetz......Foreman .............. 28 10 Hardie & ScharleBlanks, &c............ 06 50 A. Reuter 1 aborer 6 if500 Hen & Carver....B antis, etc M. Ryon........ 8. Pretier 566 DuK uu & Iiaue..Soa and brooms...... I 85 Central Union Tel. John Ryan,,Chas. Reusch18 'l6 Co Te'eohone service.... 20 50 James Ryan " 1 86 Peter Sahu1..... ..Notary public services 100 Win. Rthiney" 1 Ham & Carver.... Blank books 24 50 Win. Itleman....James Lally Repairing; 4t ii street . ltIlieln .... ,. 260 engine house.......... 16 80 2 1,0 Doc. CarmodyBoarding horse.U 50thss. Paeiult..... " 0Baumgartner &t'ha:. ... 2 I, red. lta -Wolf, Sr Klein..... Repairing harness 93 FredFred. Itacdloti', .Ir 1 85 Ledger Auvertialntr..... ....... 33 30 . IUtetllotf... " 1 86 Knapp -Stout & Co. Win. Scharr .. 1 85 company........Lumber 11 36' 1 85 Times Co Advtlrtislug••.•....... . 33 35 S. Ste•blt:........ " 10 tt55 F. Schloz Repairing tools........ G W Geo. Sutter__•• James KellyStationer N. Schroeder.... y.... • ••• •• 3 7G German (',inulin 2l1 30 A Sadder..... • • • •13 50 Printing Cu Advertising 50 00 Al. Specht 10 25 B. D. Linen:tn....Hewitt ing tools... 2 70 lams $ Smith • • •. 1 26 Nesler & Jungk.. Rumbiug..............17 45 N. Stork..... 1 25 Mrs. Koenig N. Sweeney...... ' 1 25 Scrubbing police bead - N. " quarters 4 50 Win. s Stevenson..teven r.... " F. II. Finke Team license tags__ 22 60 50 2 50 C. W. Robison Lumber g N. Stel"ttz....... " 2 50 A. KaiinoltHorseshoeing..... 2 tU Win. Securer • 2 Lear & PIhfner... 00 Peter Stoffel" 3 2575 '1'. W. Fitzpatrick " 2 (NI Chas. Smith C. H. Altona Re .. I. Seidman........ 1 25 C W. Robison._ Lumber S splashes.... 1 t85 Joe Selk......... " 1 25 E. M. Dickey ('o.41 yards duckine...... 2 50 D. Tracey 2 50 C. M. Tracey tree[1 20 Jos. A. Palen Oil, lye &c............ 6 5; lt. ,. WI tr et.... " 1 25 •John LagenHorseslloeiug...... .... 10 50 Win. S. Moto Repairing lath street SESSION, 1891. 13:3 engine house........ Win. Benton ......Sand It E. Linehan ....Sewer pipe S.auivard Lumber company ........Lumber...... ..... ('nristinan & Hea- ley ..............2 iron shovels %dietner & Vog- genthaler..... .. Rep. steam roller Frank Robison...Rep. steam roller Wm. Marshall....Rep. steam roller Howard & Ryan.. line wood Baumgartner & Klein Iron shovel.... .• Ellwanger BrosRepairing harness and blankets ..... E. E. Frith........Removing dead ani- mals Lear & I'flftner...Horseshoeing Duggan & Katie.. Brushes John Toussaint..Wood L. Daly Hatt ing coke.......... Hagerty BrosBran, &c M. Hewer & Son ..Toweling. Excelsior oil Tank Line........ ....011 Key City Gas Ca..Coke............ Wm. S. Moto Repairing engines Reiniried & Jae- ger .............. Fi es and tools Dubuque Water.. t, orks Co 198 hydrants........... John ButtRepairing tools........ W. J. Burns & Co.Cement Dubuque TELE- uu4eR,Advert sing Dubuque WaterCo.Hydranls Dubuque NaterCo.Hydrants .1. P. Cooney Fees .1. P. Willialrms.... Filliu; cistern on 7th street A. Wunderlich... Horseshoeing... . C. W. Robison_ Shavi gs and lumber C. H. Whitwell...Veterinary services butt Bros Rep. hook and ladder. Sam. Allen._ Macadam ............. . C. Burkhardt.... ••••••••••••••• M. Ahearn" Burkhardt & Heim " ....... • ....... .lona 13oto1ns" •••••••••.• .101111 Bavend .rf A. Ring.� Martin Benz .John willlaws..,. Burke & Hi•1" Jacob Casper 11 :: ........• Dan. Coughlin• •.......... t has. uillon I)ax & Heim" P. Dempsey " Chas. Lvoraek" •.•••••••.••• A. Ring... Fotl'a1L11 A. Ring... . J. Fitzgerald J. Greenwood 11 P. (Gill... A. Layne ,: John Hems John Ileim. 14 1. J. ilampert . Alung........••••••• M. He•vu 11. .1. uuboldt .......... Fred. Hess .1. I schupie C. Hagge C..racoui Aug. Karclt Nic. Krier A. Ring P Krok, ski• S. Kittsmanu ••••••••••'••'• Fred. Kuehl M. Kirk John Lilinger Simon M, yer Fred. 'M.tnzel Jos. t arunnia 2 27 T. Rotterman 6 1 70 Theo. Regers 18 7 a611 300 A. Icing" it co Jos. Simpson 11 7 30 Jules Simpson18 40 164 46 Nic. Schroeder.. 3 9*) 70 Pat. Ryan........ '• 2l 40 Henry Tippe 383 uu Tippe & Frey- mrark......... 17 71) Geo. Wetter S 7) 76 A. lung.... 425 J. Williams19 40 45 Wm. Wells " 26 30 John Talty9 80 15 35 H. Kuap............... 48 U: Alex. Duceini41 25 6 50 .Jacob Hutter" ............... 4•L IU 10 25 Ed. Ryan Imp. Cardia street.... 173 78 45 Ed. 11tyan Imp. Delhi street...... 500 00 5 50 Ed. Ryan Imp. Delhi street...... 500 00 1 00 Ed. Ryan... Imp. Delhi street 160 38 2 05 Peter Eisbaeli.... lino. Bluff street105 95 2 36 JonnTiuey........hap. First street 12 (,5 Mel, & Meyer....Imp. White street8l 19 6 50 John Deggeldort.lmp. alley 158 97 20 i4 Chas. Steuck Imp. Middle street.... 122 34 1 95 " Imp. 17th street 325 17 66 Imp. Rhmuberg ave196 23 2 65 " ...... Grading Rhomberg ave and Middle street49 18 00 " ... ... Imp. 17th street412 53 20 Ed. Ryan.... ....Imp. Cardiff street69 51 21 L. Conner, treas..Money advanced.. 315 16 Ferguson Bros....Pluuming 194 20 30 TELEGRAPH Extra advertising 224 35 00 Dubuque Electric 33 ley L. & 1'. Co.. Street lights, ktc 478 00 25 Globe Light and Heat Co........ Al street lamps500 00 10 40 Globe Light and 6 75 Heat Co....... ;Lighting 1 67 6 30 he, City Gas Co.. Street lamps255 46 25 00 Butt Bros ........Rep. patrol wagon1 50 76 John Carter......Judge of election, 55 4)) 33 00 A. W. liosford.... ' • • • • • • 0 4 85 N. C. Ryan........Clerk of election5 00 35 95 Frank Coates. ...Clerk of election 5 00 2 30 John McKinlay.. Judge of election5 a) 39 10 1'. F. Koeptli Judge of election 5 uO 13 35 H. C. Willard ....Clerk of election 5 Ulf 15 l0 Cyril Greg,dre....Clerk of election 5 00 14 (10 Si. Morgan Judge of election...... 5 00 7 45 P. HoffmanJudge of election...... 5 00 36 U5 John Schulte Clea: of election...... 5 00 (i4 70 P. Burl r... .Clerk of election 5 00 36 05 Chas. Seward....Judge of election5 e0 23 40 J. W.Par.<er Judge of election...... 5 (s) 8 60 A. S. Bunting. _Clerk of election....... 5 (1(1 116 45 Chas. 1'itschnerClerk of election....... 5 uo 5 25 Peter Specht Judge of election...... 5 M) 2 80 1. K. Beekman Judge of election.... 5 00 6 00 A. Vogel.... __Clerk of election 5 (M) 13 80 1'. Sahm.......... Clerk of election 5 I ) 19 85 Johu Leicht......Judgge of election5 01) 7 95 Otto Hess J edge of election5 00 67 65 Geo. 1'ancr'atz....Cle•k of election5 00 84 90 John Lillig........Clerk of election 5 (N1 500 00 .1. ilauuou........ Register of election10 0U 136 60 neo. Barnes—. •• �' 10 (XI 16 35 11. Eddy.......... " 14 40 1'. 1 . Guthrie 10 00 10 65 J. IUcroschmklt" .... 10 00 10 35 Walter Jones10 00 11 10 00 B 30 Jas. Norton 10 W 15 35 Jos. I i.irud „ 10 00 9856 A.Nchun Mt reiize.. 1000 31 30 E. A. Frenzel.... 10 Ull 40 55 ll. Brinkman• l0 (X) 28 50 G. Uuichle..,. 45 48 34 00 E. �Iorgan........ Macadam :11 93 9 35 M. Mauony 14 83 2595 H. McMullen••"•••••'•'..' 1783 73 10 Jolla Helm 26 95 H. ZerneckeNotary public......... 1 W 44 60 Martin & StrelauF reight......... • • • • • • • • 1 00 7 35 Engineering Ne ws.Adverti4hlg6' s 90 J. Ii.. McClain ....Jurol• on Winona ave03 00 7 25 Jas. Harrigan.... :, 2 W 6 10 M. dl. Hoffman..11 2 00 4 16 H. Poole.......... ., 2 00 176 35 C. Hollnagel...... .. 2 00 785 Justus Bechtel.... 2 110 2 25 John O'Dea...... „I. ,. 200 4 45 John Nagle......• 2 00 4 85 C. A. Voelker.... „ 2 W 3 00 John Moser 2 011 80 50 Francis Jaeger�. . 2 00 • 4u Chas. Appel 51 80 Eagle Point Ferry 74 43 •18 43 1.90 55 1 Jas. Melloy John Mullin McLain Bros Fred Nauk Chas. Nauk M. O'Laughlin Thos. O'Connell. Fie. Penning 1'. Quinn... E. Roy 500 3 10 133 500 33 1 ............... '20 I. l .11' 1.1" SESSION, 1891.. company ...... Imitation ....... 410 00 N. S..lndrea...•.Milk tester.... ....... 15 00 .1. I Itis h Iiro... :Milk tray and eats.... 4 50 It. W. Lange...... Menne for elution...... 5 00 Hotel Julien lient of parlors for Governor and staff._ 100 00 W. Mcilern[nttMaca lam 14 67 M. Farrell.... .... Marto Id 13 90 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct cony of all the N5 mrr1n[s189ued b3 me during April, 1891. .1. Cr. FPMZPAT 1111'I(, ('ity Recorder. REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 3D, 1891. 135 CITY COUNCIL. R3gular S3sslon, August 3d, 1891. OFFICIAL. Council met at 9:15 o'clock a. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds. Cushing, Fosselmann, (:lab, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Stoltz moved that the minutes of the previous meetings be approved as printed. Carried. Nano'. For What Purpose. Amount. Fralz & ('lark, drug supplies $ 2 65 Carr, Ryder & Engler, shavings Key City Gas Co., coke A. Y. McDonald Manufacturing ('u., plumbing .Ins. A. Palen, drug supplies Dubutlue \Vater Co., rent of ii in an Is 1,045 00 c'Iiristiuiui & Healey, Hardware1 18 Quit levan, pasturage 2 00 I. ll. \Vhdewell, veterinary ser- vices 11111 & '1'rudell, repairs Burns & Donahue, oats s. McElrath, horse hire . \\ underlich, horseshoeing & noddy, feed i 1acrty Bros., feed s. Malo, plumbing I.. v. Frith, hauling dead animals u.,uu Bros.. plumbing... I iaiy, hauling garbage SV burgh Co., vermillion t\ .stern Electric Co., electrical supplies \V .1'. Allen, blue vitriol L. Daly, cleaning aroma mar- ket TELEGRAPH, stationery John O'Brien, work on sewers Inc J uly John Tierney, work on sewers for July Alm. Page arrived at 9:30 o'clock a. [larger & Blish, stationery 1). W. Rant[, work in recorder's office Herald, blanks, etc Hardie & Scharle, blanks, etc Peter Martin, services as engineer et steam roller Christman & llealey, grass seed Dubuque Cabinet Makers' associa- tion, furniture John O'Brien, vvorlt on .1 tote John Tierney, work on June T. Butcher, work on June John Pals, exprersa'.te Dubuque Water Co., patrol house Wm. Clark, work in (dice Frank At Ho., work in parks ... Frank Murphy, work in parks... .1. ('nest in:ui, carpet 1'I:i.ra:r,:vru, blinks, etc Centrad union Telephone Co., tel- ephone service 1,aungwurtliy, Adams & Cu., maul 12 40 hole cu vers, etc bun 'ferry, hauling garbage 156 00 :\Id.. Crawford and Halpin arrived at 11:50 o'clock a. M. Buehler, resetting curb on l)oille sweet Fred. (um loaf, resetting curb on Dodge street Lour & l'filfiner, liorseslloertig. 1 00 33 41 1 85 5 20 sewers in sewers iii sewers ill water for recorder's 25 00 1 35 4 50 16 25 5 25 8 10 7 60 7 50 1 50 8 50 81 00 5 00 31 25 15 75 25 50 6 50 42 00 42 09 Iii. 80 5 60 28 00 21 75 25 00 90 '1'. .1. Granheld, work on 1' first ward park Jas. Kelly, stationery Byrne & Saul, stone crossings Peter Eisbock, stone sewer on Dodge street Lee & Norton, extra work on W Locust street Chas. Brown, chainman gineer's office John Blake, rodman in engineer's office John Williams, stone crossings Ulrich Ituof, culvert on Sixteenth street Adam Schmidt, culvert at Mill- ville road 378 00 M. Tschirgi, Jr., sewer on 5th ave2,253 85 J. J. McCarthy, filing fee in city cases C. W. Robison, shavings Bart. E. Linehan, sewer pipe 75 30 45 50 44 65 1 75 5U 10 00 3 50 22 50 21 00 40 50 25 25 20 50 in en - 8 75 23 64 8 50 12 00 8 65 76 90 718 02 236 00 40 00 10 00 60 12 568 80 3 00 3 50 13 50 Standard Lumber Co., shavings51) Win. S. Moto, plumbing 5 95 Reinfried & Jaeger, wire 70 The following bills for street inspector's were ordered paid and charged to the sev- eral contractors: 1'. Schlitz, street inspector, 5th:ave- nue sewer $23 50 M. Morgan, street inspector, West 49 00 Locust street J. Deggendort, street inspector, Grandview avenue 48 00 Geo. Schon, street inspector, Dodge 35 00 street Dan. Shehan, street inspector, Grand- view street G. B. Grosvenor, stationery 80 Mrs. Koenig, cleaning city hall 7 00 Christman & Healey, lawn mower7 40 The lollowing bills were referred to the street committee; 1. P. Williams, $55.55; T. J. Donahue, $12, $780 and $1,343; Chas. Van Hurn, $15.60; Norwegian flow Co., $2; Novelty Iron Works, 30c; C. W. Robison, 30c; John Harney, $17.70; Jas. O'Connor, $2.75. The following bills were referred to the printing committee: TELEGRAPH, $75: Times; $91.75, German Catholic Printing Co., $50; Herald, $29.17; Ledger, $91.65. 'rte following bills were referred to the committee on claims: Key City Gas Co., $4; W. W. Wormood, $75; Ferguson Bros., $0.55; Ahrens M'lg Co., $15.85. The following bills were referred to the committee on police and light: Key City Gas Co.. $110.42: Globe Light & I teat Co., $516.65; Dubuque Electric Its., L. & P. Co., $670.50. Bills of B. Lagen $4, and Christman & Healey $1.55, referred to the committee on fire and water. The followut , bills were referred to the electrical coat ii ii tee: Melo, 1'.0e; Western Electric Co., $2.511: IV. I I. Torbert, $34.35; E. M. Dickey Co., $1.15; Geo. Cutter, $2.43; Christman & llealey65e. Bill of B3aumgartner & Kleih of $4.15 refered to sewer committee. Bill of Dubuque Water Co.,$200, referred to committee of the whole. Bill of Jim. P. Williams, $21.00, for rent of derrick, received and tiled until work is completett. 13111 of W. .1. Burns & Co. of $1')0 fur damages caused by overflow of water, July lith, received and filed. I'L't'I•t•IONs. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Communication of John Specht in rela- 136 REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 3n, 1891. tion to furnishing gravel. Petition for opening up an alley between ll.homberg avenue and Division street, and between Kinest street and Johnson ave. Petition for sidewalk on Rising avenue. Petition of Ed. Milligan for repair of Catherine street. The following were referred to the com- mittee of the whole: Proposition of Key City Gas Co. for lighting the city with gas. Petition of Peter Ktene, Jr., and Franc W. Altman in relation to improvement of Broadway extension. Protest of abutters on Hill street against constructing sewer on said street. The petitions of owners of property on South Dodge street and vicinity asking the council to compel the Dubuque Electric R'y, L. & P. Co. to build and operate their line on South Dodge street. and that they be given no extension of time in which to do so, was read. The rules were suspended and Mr. J. C. Longueville ad- dressed the council in behalf of the pe- titioners for the completion of the line. Ald. Halpin moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Carried. Petition for extension of water mains on Seminary granted, and the matter of b- eating water plugs referred to the commit- tee on fire and water. Petition for opening of Lincoln avenue from Couler avenue to White street was read. Ald. Stoltz moved to grant prayer of pe- tition. Ald. Halpin moved to receive and file the petition. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Halpin, Page, 1'eastee and Smith. Noes—Alds. Cushing, Fosselman, Stoltz and Trexler. Petition to have Allen & Swiney con- struct their line on Windsor ave. Granted. Communication of Dubuque Electric Ity., Light & Power Co. in relation to oc- cupying right of way on Dodge and South Dodge street. Received and filed. Also for recinding resolutions in re- lation to forfeiture of charters. Claim of Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer of $50 for damages sustained by • being accident- ally shot by a policeman. Referred to the committee on claims. Communication of the Key City Ry. Co. and residents along the line of said railway asking for an extension of time in which to complete and operate their line to Center street. The rules were suspended and Mr. F. B. Daniels ad- dressed the council in relation to same. Time extended 60 days provided the com- pany keeps their track in good shape. Petition of Anna M. Bush for lines of Camp and Water street and of Railroad avenue. Granted. On motion the action of the council on the petition of Anna M. Bush was recon- sidered, and ordered received and filed. Petition of John Boetke asking for em- ployment from the city. Received and tiled. Remonstrance of abutters on Rhoniberg avenue against paying for improvement. Received and tiled. Ald. Smith moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:15 o'clock p. tn. Mayor Saunders in the chair. :Preseut—Alds, Crawford, Cushing, Fos. Neiman, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and'Trexler. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition of Sisters of Charity to have Seminary street graded to Mineral street. Petition in regard to Washington street between Eagle Point avenue and Sanford street. Communication of Frank Coates in re- lation to poor condition of sidewalk on Madison street. Petition of Chas. Young to have Ne- vada street made passable (with power t. Remonstrance against reducing width of alley near Race street. Petition to have lot 17, 1,angworthy's add on \V 5th street, filled to grade. Petition for improvement of alley be- tween 221 and 23.i and between Cooler avenue and Jackson street. Petitiot, for proper gutter on Windsor avenue and Ries street so that surtdu.4 storm:water will be cared for (with power.) Petition in relation to condition of alley between 19:h and 20th and Jackson and Washington streets. Petition of Anton Aeberle for pay for filling hole in front of his home. Petition of Chas. Klingenberg for privi- lege of grading and improving Klingen- berg Terrace (with power.) Petition and plat of Jas. Levi of subdi- vision of mineral lot 355 and lots 50, 51, 52 and 53, West's add; also for change in lo- cation of Fairmount anti Saunders avenues. Petition of C. 'I'. Bush for cancellation of special assessment or for repair of gutter abutting lot 30 Mount Pleasant add. (with power to fix gutter and charge costot same to contractor.) Ald. Halpin arrived at 2:40 o'clock p. m, The following were referred to the com- mittee of the whole: Claims of W. A. ifarkett and L. G. Dotson for opening of alley from West 8th street to West 5th street, Wilson's sub. Remonstrance against' extension of al- ley from West 8th to West 5th street in Wilson's sub. Petition of C. Reifstectt and C. T. Schep- ple for lease of part of lot 2 of mineral lot 106. Petition of owners of property on South Locust street objecting to paying for sani- tary sewer on said street. Petition for abatement of nuisance on Grace street. Remonstrance of Mrs. Julia Burke and Barbara McLaren against opening of Glen Oak avenue. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mrs. M. McGarry, W. B. Bonce and Margaret Hughes. The petition of Ellen Blake for replacing fence on Foye street or for damages for same referred to committee on claims. Petition of Sisters of the Academy of Visitation for extension of sewerage sys- tem on Alta Vista street. Referred to the sewer committee. Bond of Marketinaster Gratz referred to finance committee. Petition for extension of water mains on Alta Vista street, from Julien avenue to 14th street, granted and the water com- pany instructed to make said extension. Petition for removal of horse trough cor- ner 17th and West Locust street, referred to the aldermen of the Fourth ward. The following acceptance of S. 1). Ryan of charters granted him was ordered re- ceived and filed and made a matter of rec- ord. Dunuquic, Iowa, Aug. 3, 1891. To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Dubuque, Iowa: GENTLEMEN. -1 hereby accdpt the REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 3n, 1811. 137 ordinance permitting and authorizing me to construct and maintain staging and covered platform on the levee easterly and in front of block No. 27, Dubuque I larbor Co.'s addition to the city of Dubuque, and vacating Camp street from its intersection with Water street easterly to the levee and permitting use of same for certain pur- poses and granting right to slaughter hogs and horned cattle and to carry on the general meat packing business in the city of Dubuque, as adopted by you July 15th, 1891. Yours respectfully, S. D. RYAN. Petitions of J. P. Early and Jacob Burck asking that certain city employes be made to pay their debts, referred to the mayor with.power. Petition of Latin & Rand Powder Co. for extension of time in which to remove powder houses. Time extended for thirty days. Petition of Wenzel Zachina for monthly eampensasion for injuries sustained re- ceived and filed. Petition of C. Klingenberg et al. for change of grade on Klingenberg avenue granted, and all former aetion adopting grade on Klingenberg Terrace rescinded. Petition of abutters on West Locuet st. in reference to grade of sant street. The city engineer instructed to make a report in writing as to the grade of West Locust street and the petitoa referred to the street coin mitt ee. Profile of proposed change of grade on Lemon street referred to the street com- mittee. on ,Mile of proposed change of Stafford ave front Men". street to north end referred to the street committee. Proposed change of grade on Villa street referred to the committee of the whole. Profile of grade of alley between Riess and Klingenberg streets and profile of grade of alley from Windsor ave. to Kim- genberg street, referred to street commit- tee. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Engineer Blake presented plat of Fourth street to nigh bridge. Referred to street cummittee. Plat of proposed extension of alley to \Vest Fifth street referred to the commit- tee of the Whole. Plat of proposed extension 01 Glen Oak avenue ordered tiled in office of city en- gineer, lie to give proper notice to parties interested. Petition and profile for change of grade on South Dodge street from Wilde street to Grandview avenue granted, and blue line adopted as the official grade, the peti- tion being signed by all the abutters. Petition and profi,e of change of grade on Alta Vista street granted and green line atlupted as official grade. Prollie of change of grade on West Third s reet from Alpine to Walsh street. City recorder iusti octet' to give proper notice to abutters. Petition and profile of change of erade on Rose street referred to the aldermen of the 4th ward. Alda Peaslee moved that the engineer b instructed to not allow any i iritis. profiles or otter papers to leave his utliee. Car- ried. The rules were suspended and Mr. A. Iloerner addressed the t•oum:il in relation to widening of street on north smile of lots 1, 2, 3 and 18 of sub iie'.3 sec 13, 892 e, and objected to said wideiang. Engineer Blake reported that he had made a survey of .\urth Main street from 17th street to Madison street, and found the said street improved to the established grade. Received and filed. Plans for sewer in Dorgan's alley from 17th street to Ellis street referred to sewer committee. 1' he action of the oouncil in ordering the bill of the Central Union Telephone Co. paid was reconsidered and the auditor in- structed to credit that amount to the said company, and all bills against the various companies for the pay of the city electric- ian ordered. Referred to the city attorney for collection. Bids for street work were opened, read and referred to the engineer for computat ion. - Bid of Ed. McClean for removing and re- modeling patrol house for $2,208 read, and on motion bid was rejected. Street Commissioner Ryan reported clue for street work for the month of July $5,070 85; also presented itemized state- ment of street expenses. Warrants ordered drawn to pay same and report referred to the street committee. Treasurer Gunner reported money paid out by him during July $979.65 for oats, refunded license and interest. Warrants ordered to pay same; also reported having borrowed $2,506.20 during July. Report adopted and loan warrants ordered to cover same. City Recorder Fitzpatrick reported licenses issued by him during the month of July to the amount of $667.65. Report received and filed. Engineer Blake reported the following bids for street improvements: Madison street—Norton & Lee, $4,462.88. On motion action was postponed. Cornell and Thomas streets—E. E. Frith, $3,610.88; Norton & Lee, $3,541.93. On motion action was postponed. Grading streets in Woodlawn Park— Con. Ryan, $9,500; Geo. 'Taylor, $9,750. Ald. Trexler moved to award the con- tract to the lowest bidder. Ald. Page moved to postpone action. Lost by the following vote.' Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Halpin, Page and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Fosselman, Glab, Peaslee,Smith and Trexler. 'The uestion recurring on Ald. Trexler's motion to award contract was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford,iCushing, Fossel- man, Glab, Peaslee, Smith, Stolti and Tres ler. Noes—Aids. Ilalpin and Page. Ald Glab moved to reconsider the action just taken on awarding contract. Carried by the following vote: Ayes— Aids. Crawtord` Cushing, Fos- selman, Glair, Halpin, Page, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Peaslee and 'Trexler. On motion the matter of Woodlawn Park wits referred to the street committee and city attorney. WINONA AVENUE. Winona Ave.—John Tibey, $1,993.60; on motion the contract was awarded to John Tibey. LettnitzStreet—Adam Schmidt, $7,324.30; Steuck & Farrell, $9,089.70; E. E. Frith, $9,371.76. On motion the letting of the contract was postponed by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Fosselman, Glab, Halpin, Page and Smith. Noes—Alas. Cushing, Peaslee, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Alley between lull street and Winona avenue. 138 REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST :31, 18)1. George Taylor, grading 12c per cubic yard, niactulanuz.ng 48c per quare yard. On .notion the contract was awarded to Geo. Taylor. Ald. Page moved to adjourn to 7:30 o'clock p. in. Carried. EVENING SESSION. Council met at 7:50 o'clock p. m. Present—Aids. Crawford. Cushing., Fos- selman, Glab, lIalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand July 1st $17,370.48. Cash on hand Aug. 1st $5,927.33; amount required to pay city officers, $1,831.45; also presented a statement of the standing of the differ- ent accounts; also presented list of cou- pons paid (luring Juiy. 1Varrauts ordered drawn to pay the several amounts and the report referred to the finance committee. Chief Reinfrel reported $1,263.55 clue the firemen for the month of July. Re- ceived and filed. Marshal Rice reported $1,503.40 due the mince for the month of July; also reported 63 police cases tried during July; also re- ported 73 patrol rims during July. found receipts, $13.50. Collected for saloon li- censes, $190. Warrants ordered drawn and report referred to committee on police and light. Electrician Bunting presented his month- ly report and reported $26 clues for paint- ing poles. Warrants drawn to pay same and report referred to the committee on electrical construction. Marketnaster Gratz reported scale re- ceipts $20.25; rent cf hucksters' stands $28; also reported clue for board of prison- ers $16.40. Received and flied and war- rants ordered to pay same. Auditor Kenety reported that there is now on the old records twelve bonds of $500 each that appear to have not been can- celed, together with $8.450 clue on coupons, making a total of $14,500, and that the same have not been for several years com- puted in the indebtedness of the city, and recommended that the matter be referred to the city attorney and finance committee Ald. Halpin moved that the matter be referred to a special committee of three and city attorney. Carried. The mayor appointed as such commit- tee Alds. Iialpin, Crawford and Trexler. Sidewalk Inspector O'Halloran reported a number of sidewalk out of repair and recommended the laying of several new ones. Referred to the street committee. Meat Inspector Klein presented his re- port for July, which was referred to the borad of health. Assessor Guthrie reported that the as- sessment books for 1891 are completed. Received and tiled. f 8th stret . P. hroeder scales,Ce$10.15. ed scale R e receipts e Received an 1 filed and the matter of making a monthly report referred to the market committee. T. '1'. Dotty, justice of the peace, re- ported $6 collected on city ordinance cases. Received and filed. ts of West Dubuque reported Receivscale ed and filed. FirsJ. reported tWard scale$scale receipts 5.25.Receivecland filed. Frank Fosselman reported scale receipts of 5th ward scales $3. Received and filed. Ald. Dalton moved that hereafter the reports of the city weighers be certified to by the chairman of the committee on mar- kets and that the stubs of the several weighers be checked up by the chairman. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourn to adjourn until August 17th, 1891 at 7:30 o'clock p. tin. Carried. City Attorney McCarthy reported in fa- vor of receiving and tiling communica- tion of Chas. and Alex. Simplot in relation to the occupancy and ownership of city lot 530. Also reported adverse to the petition of John Flynn in relation to special assess- ment for laying sidewalk. Report adopted. The following special sewerage assess- ment was read and on motion referred to the sewer committee to report on at the ad- journed session: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for the construc- tion of an 8 iu tile pipe sewer on Damson street, from Dodge to Jones street by D. W. Linehan, contractor, adjacent to the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mrs Mary Meehan, e34 lot 553, city, 7577 sq ft at .0047 $35 60 Mary Barry, elf s% lot 554, city, 4806 sq ft at .0047 22 59 Jas Doyle, e3 ii lot 554, city, 2403 sq ft at .0047 11 29 Jas Doyle, e3 lot 4, sub of lot 555, city, 1075 sq ft at .0047... 5 05 Marg Mulqueeney, lot 2 of sub of lot 555, city, 2600 sti ft at .0047 12 22 Eliza O'Brien e3 lot 1 of sub of lot 555, city, 3318 sq ft at .0047 15 92 Mrs Pat Bannon, e% nXof sub of lot 556, city, 2176 sq ft at .0047 10 23 David Crotty, eX niX of sub of lot 556, city, 2176 so ft at .0047 10 23 Win Ilintrat_rer, e% s3. of sub of lot 556, city, 1088 sq ft at .0047 5 11 Felix Agnew, e;‘ of sub of lot 557, city, 6181 sq ft at .0047 29 05 Mary Donahue, e33 n% of sub of lot 558, city, 3874 sq ft at .0047 18 21 Mary O'llalloran, e31. s3( of sub of lot 558, city, 1937 sq ft, at .0047 9 10 Tim Byron, e% of sub of lot 559, 5123 sq ft at .0047 25 49 Mrs Dan Breen, w 30 of sub of lot 541, city, 2850 sq It at .0017 13 40 John Burton est., w3 nIA of sub of lot 542, city, 2432 sq ft at .0017 11 43 S M Langworthy est., w% s% of sub of lot 542, city, 2432 sq ft at .004711 48 Leclaire & Laude, w% sX of sub of lot 543 city, 2560 sq ft at .0047 12 03 CE & 1� F McKinley, w34 nj of .sub0047 of lot 543, city, 2560 std ft at John Burton est., wX s;� of sub of 12 03 lot 544, city, 2688 sq ft at .0047 12 63 Mrs 0 A Samuels, wj n% of sub of lot 514, city, 2688 sq ft at .0047 12 63 B J O'Neill, w3 of sub of lot 545, city, 5632 sq ft at .0047 26 47 Geo W Jones, w% of sub of lot 546, city, 5888 sq ft at .0047 27 67 'rhos J Donahue, wX of sub of lot 547, city, 6144 sq ft at .0047 city, 6700 sq ft at .0047 28 88 Geo Gray, Sr., wj of sub of lot 548, 31 49 II I'he following resolution was read: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for the con- struction of an eight inch tile pipe sewer in South Main street from Dodge to;Jones streets, by D. W. Linehan, contractor, ad- jacent to the same, a specal tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of na named, situate and ownecl, athl Mora the 1 I I , I LAR SESSION, AUGUST 3D, 1891. 139 several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Dennis Smith, e30 lot 1 block 10, Du- buque I larbor Co's add, 1650 sq ft, at .0046 8 7 59 .1. 11. Shields, and w101, block 10, Dubuque Ilaroor add, 3520 sq It, .0046 16 111 .1. 11. Lull, and % w101, block 10, Dubuque Harbor add, 1760 sq ft, at .0016 Win. L. Bradley, unci 3 w101,block 10, Dubuque Barba add, 1760 sq ft,at .0046 .1. it. Lull, und X lot 2. block 10, Du- buque 1l arbor add, 2825 sq ft. at J. V. Rider, and % lot 2. block 10, Dubuque Harbor add, 2825 sq fl, at .0046 .1, H. Lull, und 1/., lot 2, block 10, Du- buque llartor add, 2825 sq it, at .0046.... .1. V. Rider, and X lot 3, block 10 Du- buque. Harbor add, 2825 sq It, at .0046 II. E. Linehan mid 3 lot 4, block 10, Dubuque Harbor add, 5650 sq It at .0046 I:. E. Linehan, lot 5. block 10, Dubuque Harbor add, 5650 sq ft, at .0010 25 99 Anna Bush, lot 6, block 10, Du- buque Harbor add, 5650 sq ft, at 25 99 .01)44 Anna Bush, lot 7, block 10, Du- buque Harbor add, 5650 sq ft, at .0046 25 99 Anna Bush lot 8 block 10, Du- buque Harbor add, 5650 sq it, at .0016 25 99 Anna Lush, lot 9, block 10, Du- buque harbor add, 5650 sq ft. at .0046 25 99 Anna Bush, lot 10, block 10, Du- buque Harbor add, 5650 mg ft, at .0046 25 99 Anna Bush, lot 11, block 10, Du- buque Harbor add, 5650 sq it, at .0046 25 99 Win. G. Waiters, e% lot 1, block 11, DuLuque harbor add, 996 sq ft, at 4 58 .0046 Nuweeian Plow Co., e- lot 2, block 11, Dubuque harbor add, 2400 sq ft, 11 04 tit .0046 Norwegian flow Co., g i it 3, block 8 10 8 10 13 00 13 00 13 00 13 00 25 99 W. J. Burns, eX lot 560, city, 4,608 sq ft at .0045 $20 73 Mrs. B. Hall, eX lot 561, city, 4,304 sq ft .0045 19 36 Win. Corcoran, e34 lot 562, city,4,000 18 00 sq ft at .0046 Thos. Byrne, OA lot 1 sub 563 and 60604, 3,347 sq ft at .0045 15 06 ut. Corcoran eX lot 2, sub 563 and W4, 2,255 sq ft at .0045 10 15 Winona Land Co., eX lot 561, city, 2,964 sq ft at .0045 13 34 John Jess, lot 565a, city, 2,080 sq ft at 9 36 .0045 Robert .less, e 35 ft lot 533, city, 1,820 8 19 at .0045 Robert Waller, e m 20 ft lot 533, city, 4 68 1,040 sq ft at 0045 Oath. Sullivan, in 19 ft lot 533, city, 4 45 988 sq ft at .0045 Cath. Sullivan, w ni lot 20 ft lot 533, 4 68 1,040 sq ft at .0045 J. 11. Carroll, w 20 ft lot 533, city, 1,040 sq ft at 1,040 sq ft at 4 68 Robert .less, s42 ft lot 564, city, 4,788 21 55 sq ft at .0045 Robert Jess, e 35 ft n 10 ft lot 564, city, 350 sq ft at .0045 1 58 Robert Waller, e m 20 ft n 10 ft lot 564, city, 200 sq ft at .0045 Cath. Sullivan, m 19 ft ii 10 ft lot 564, city, 190 sq ft. at .0045 Cath. Sullivan, n in 20 ft. n 10 It lot 564, city, 200 sq ft at .0045 90 J. 11. Carroll, w 23 It n 10 ft lot 564, 90 city, 200 sq ft at .0045 Cath. Sullivan, lot 535, city, 2,640 sq 11 88 ft at .0046 Oath. Sullivan, lot 535a, city, 2,712 sq ft at .0045 12 20 Auaui Adams, sX lot 536, city, 3,68016 56 sq ft at .0045 D. J. I lennessy, nX lot 536, city, 3,680 16 56 sq ft at .0046 John Bell, iiX lot 537, city, 3,920 sq ft 17 t)4 at .0045 John Coates, s3. lot 537, city, 3,920 sq 17 64 ft at .0047 Anna N. Bush, lot 538, city, 8,256 sq 4? 15 It at .0045 Anna M. Bush, lot 539, city, 4,860 sq 21 87 ft at .0045 Pat McCullough, lot 539a, city, 3,808 17 14 sq ft at .0045 Mrs. Dan Breen, w 40 ft lot 540, city, 9 2,000 sq ft at .0045 00 Anna M. Bush, e 10 .29 ft lot 540, city, 31 21 6,936 sq ft at .0045 Adopted by the following vote: Fos- Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, selmau, Glab, Halpin, Page, 1'easlee, Smith, Stoltz and 'I'rexler. The following resolution was read: ll)ubuque,esolved y the 1'h tiCouncil fthe , topayforcurbing of guttering and;macadamizing Rhoni berg avenue from ,Reed avenue to C., M. & St. P. R. R. by Charles Steuck, contractor, in trout of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mrs. Wm. Miller, lot 270, Ham's add: 72.4 lineal feet curbing at 44c$31 86 121 s6 sq yds ydsm ca damiat 41.e 13 92 izing at 40c 48 40 11, Dubuque Harbor add, 10.58 sq 49 48 ft, at .0046 Norwegian flow Co., X lot 4 block 11, Dubuque harbor add, 8049sq n, 39 05 at .0046 linbt. Waller, est. e% lot 5, block 11, Dubuque Harbor add, 9940 sq 45 72 It, at .0040 Multi. Wall, r, est., ' _ lot 6, block 11, Dubuque Harbor add. 11400 sq It, 52 44 at .0046........ Alt in Dubuque II arbor Co's addition. Adopted by the lolloWiug vote: Ayes—.lids. Cusluug, Fosseloitut, Hal- pni, Page, l'easlee, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—Crawford, Glab and Snilln. The following resolution was read: Resor eft b) the 1 try Council of the City of Dubuque, That to Iciy for the construc- tion of all 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley butween West Lo- st street,,frum Hairrison to Fstreet iirst street, by 1). W. Linehan, contractor, adjacent to the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: 90 86 Total$94 18 J. A. lthotnberg, lot 271, Ilain's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c . 9 11 69.41 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.... 27 78 i 140 REG[' 1,:A R SESSION, AUGUST Total $58 J. A. Ithomberg, lot 272, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at40e 27 Total $ 58 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 273, ilatn's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 ta9.44 sq ytls macadamiz.ng at 40c27 au, 1891. 89 72.5 lineal feet curbing at 44c $31 90 24 sq yds guttering at 41e 13 94 00 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40e .. 48 40 11 78 Total $94 24 J. A. Ithomberg, lot 279, Ham's add: 89 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 .2.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 00 11 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Ithomberg, lot 274, ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $5S 89 J. A. Rhomoerg, lot 275, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 276, dam's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k. 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 1. A. Rhomberg, lot 277, Ham's add: 71.1 lineal leet curbing at 41c $31 28 1 .83sq yds guttering at 4k 13 69 q yds macadamizing at 40c 48 40 Total $93 37 J. A. Ithomberg, 427, llam's acid: 74.5 lineal feet curbing at 44e $32 78 at 410 14 30 121 sq yds macadamizing ds at 40c 48 40 Total $95 48 J. A. Ithomberg, lot 428, 1-lam's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $5889 J. A. ltuomberg, lot 4211, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing it 44e.........$ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 9 11 69.41 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Ithomberg, lot 430, haul's add: 50 lineal Leet curbing an 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yards guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Ithomberg, lot 431, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 222.2 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.14 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 27 78 Total $58 89 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 432, Ham's add: 50 lineal curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e27 78 Total $58 89 Jos. Zimmerman, lot 433, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k$ 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 .los. Zimmerman, lot 434, Haul's add: 72.9 lineal feet curbing at 44e $32 08 34.18 sq yds guttering at 41c 14 01 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c..... 48 40 Total $94 49 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 278, llani's add: Total $58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 280, Ilam's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds glittering at 41c... 9 11 69 44sq yds macadamizing at 40......27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 281! Il am's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 9 11 69.44 sq yards macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 84 J. A. Ithomberg, lot 282, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 283, ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. lihontberg, lot 284, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Ithomberg, lot 285, ham's add: 1.3 lineal:feet curbing at 44c $31 37 3.47 sq yds Buttering at 4k 13 72 21 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 48 40 Total • .. $93 49 J. A. Ithomberg, lot 419, 1laan's add: 72.5 lineal feet curbing lit 44e $ 31 90 34 sq yds guttering at 4k 13 94 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c48 40 Total $94 Geo- Ummacht, lot 420, I Iant's add.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 22.2.2 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 Total $58 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 421, Ham's add.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 4k $22 22.2: sq yds guttering at 41e... $ 9 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at40c27 Total $58 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 422, Main's a.ld: 24 00 11 78 89 00 11 78 89 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 84 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 423, Ilain's add.: 601ineal feet curbing at 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4th . 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 424, Ham's add.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 426, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 REGULAR SESSION, AUG l'ST :it), 1891. 141 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.... 27 78 Total $58 .J. A. Rhomberg, lot 426, Ham's add: 71 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 31 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 48 89 24 67 40 Total $93 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 286, Ham's add: 73.3 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 32 34.35 sq vds guttering at 4k 14 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c48 31 25 08 40 Total $ 94 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 287, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 22.22 sq yards guttering at 41c...... 9 68.04 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 27 73 00 11 22 Total $ 58 .1. A. Ithont berg, lot 288, I lam's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at44c $ 22 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 9 54.94 sq yds macadamizing at 40c21 33 00 11 98 Total $ 53 .1. A. Ithomber'g, lot 289, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 22.22 square yards guttering at 41c... 9 49.94 tq yds macadamizing at 40c19 09 00 11 98 Total $51 Dubuque Street Ry Cu: 1192.84 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.$477 011 16 Total $477 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 290, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 22.22 sq yds guttering at 411. 9 52.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c20 16 00 11 98 Total $52 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 291, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 66.73 sq yds macadamizing at 40e26 09 00 11 69 Total $57 .l. A. Rhomberg, lot 292, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 614.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 80 00 11 78 Total $58 89 .1..A. Rhomberg, lot 412, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e27 78 Total $58 89 1. A. Bhornberg, lot 41311iuu's add 50 lineal feet curbing at 39c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 66.73 sq yds macadamizing at 40c26 69 Total $57 80 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 414, Ilam'sado: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k.... 9 11 52.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c20 98 Total $ 52 09 .1. A. Rhouiberg, 1ot415, Ham's add: 50 lineal Leet . urbing at 44e $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 9 11 411.94 sq yds macadamizing at 40c114 98 Total .$ 51 09 .1. A. Ithomberg, lot 416, Dam's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 9 11 54.94 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.... 21 98 'Total $ 53 09 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 417, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 i1 68.04 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 22 Total $ 58 33 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 418, Ham's add: 72.6 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 31 94 34.04 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 95 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.... 48 40 Total $ 94 30 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fos- selmann, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The following resolution was read: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing Washington street, from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street, by .1. '1'ibey, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: John Bohn, lot 70, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 83.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.. 37 50 Total ... $37 50 Arnold Kemps, lot 71, L. 11. Langwor- thy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45c..........$28 80 28.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 80 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at45c 32 W Total $73 60 Arnold Kemps, lot 72, L 11. Langwor- thy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at45c $28 80 28.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 80 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 32 00 Total $73 60 ,John Jehring, lot 73, L. 11. Langwor- thy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45e $28.81) 28.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 80 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 32 01) Total $73 60 John Jehring, a 16 of lot 74, L. HLang - worthy's add: 16 lineal feet curbing at 45e 8 7 20 7.11 sq yds guttering at 45c .... 3 20 17.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45 c.... 8 00 'l'otal $18 40 Adam Wiehl, s 48 of lot 74, L. 11Lang - worthy's add: 48 lineal feet curbing at 450 $21 60 21.33 sq yds guttering at 453 9 60 53.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c24 00 Total $55 20 Adam Wiehi, n 16 lot 75, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add: 16 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 7 20 7.11 sq yds guttering at 45e 3 20 17.78 sq yds macadamizing at 4k8 00 Total ' $18 40 .John Brachtenbach, s 48 lot 75. L. II. Langworthy's add: 48 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 21 60 21.33 sq yds guttering at 45c 9 60 53 33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c: 21 01) Total $55 20 HenrytFischer, lot 76, L. 11. Lang- worthy s add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45c $28 80 28.44 sq yds guttering at 4k 12 80 142 ItE(a[TLAR SESSION, AUGUST 31), 1.891. • 71.11 sq ycls macadamizing at 45e32 00 Total $73 60 John Theis, lot 77, L. H. Langworthy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45c $28 80 28.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 80 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45e32 00 Total $73 60 F. Kadow est., lot 78, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45c $28 80 28.44 89 yds guttering at 45c 12 80 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c32 00 Total $73 60 Fred. Burda, Jr., lot 79, L. H. Lang - worthy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45c $28 80 28.44 square yards guttering at 45c12 80 71.1189 yds maeadatnizing at 45c32 00 Total $73 B0 Ferri. Mertz, lot 80, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45e $28 80 28.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 80 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c82 00 Total $7'3 60 Gerhard Walldorf, lot 81, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45e $28 80 28.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 80 71.11 89 yds macadamizing at 4be32 00 Total $48 60 Fred..Rieger, lot 82, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 64.00 lineal feet curbing at 45c $28 80 28.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 80 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c. 32 00 Total $73 60 Fred. Rieger, lot 83, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45c $28 80 28.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 80 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c32 00 Total $73 60 Henry L. Oser, lot 84, L. H. Lang - worthy's add: 64 lineal feet curbing at 45e $28 80 28.44 89 yds guttering at 45e 12 80 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c32 00 Total $73 60 Arnold Kemps, lot 101, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add: 182 lineal feet curbing at 45c$81 90 80.89 89 yds guttering at 45e 36 40 202.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 91 00 Total $209 30 John Van Dillon, w pt of lot 3 of 102, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 80.3 lineal feel curbing at 45c $ 36 14 35.69 89 yds guttering at 45e 16 06 89.22 sq ycts macadamizing 450 40 15 Total $ 92 35 Mary Puts, a jy lot 2 01102, L. HLang - worthy's add: 20.3 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 9 14 9.02 89 yds guttering at 45e 4 06 '1.2.56 89 yds macadautiziog at 45e10 15 Total $23 35 Anna Northup, n , lot 2 of 102, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 20.3 lineal feet curbing at 45c$ 9 14 9.02 89 yds guttering at 45e. 4 06 22.56 89 yds macadamizing at 45c 10 15 Total - $23 35 Bernard Brahmet, lot 1 of 102, L. 11. Langworthy add: 40.1 lineal ft curbing at 45c $18 05 17.82 89 yds guttering at 45c ... 8 02 44.50 89 yds macadamizing at 45c.... 20 05 Total $ 46 12 John Theis, lot 2 of 103, L. 11Lang - Nit orthy's add: 25.8 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 11.61 11.47 sq yds guttering at 45c 5 10 28.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c12 90 Total $ 29 67 Albert Van llaltern, lot 4 of 103, L. 11. Langworthy's told: 51.7 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 23 2i 22.98 89 57.44 sq yds mds acadamizing izuttering siing at 45c2t 45c 5 85 Total $ 69 46 John Van Dillon, w pt lot 1 of 138 L. 11. Langworthy's add: 77.5 lineal feet curbing at 45e $34 88 34.44 sq yds guttering at 45e 15 50 86.11 89 yds macadamizing at 45c38 75 Total... $89 13 '1'. J. Feyen, s 45 of lot 104, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add: 45 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 20 25 20 sq yds guttering at 45e 9 00 50 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 22 50 Total $ 51 75 John Cantelehner, s 60 a 90 lot 104, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 60 lineal feet curbing at45e $27 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45e30 00 Total. 869 013 Henry Kiebler, n 30 lot 104, L. H. 1.aug- wortlry's add: 30 lineal feet curbing at 45c $13 50 13.33sgtyds guttering at 45c 6 00 33.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 15 00 Total $34 50 Jos. Vogel, s 88x150, lot 105, L. H. Lati4- worthy's add: 85 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 38 25 37.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 17 Ott 94.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c42 50 Total $ 97 75 John Kieffer, ii 50x150, lot 105, L. 11. Langworthy's acid: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00 55.56.sq yds macadamizing 45e 25 00 Total $ 57 50 John Theis, lot 106 (less 41,) L. 1l. Langworthy's add: 135 lineal feet curbing at 45e $60 75 60 sq yds guttering at 45o 27 00 150 sq yds macadamizing at 45e 67 50 Total $155 25 John Ulrich, lot 1 of 107, L. 11Lang worthy's add: 86 lineal feet of curbing at 45c $38 70 40 sq yds guttering at 45e 18 70 88.89 89 yds macadamizing at 45c40 001 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing. .;lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexier. The foliowin.,oresolution was read: Rosolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, '1'lutt to pay for curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing Julien avenue, from 11t11 street to Bluff street. by Chas. Steuck, contractor, hi front of and adjoin- itfg the same, a special tax be and is here- :REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 81in, 1891. 143 by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel 01 real estate, as follows: A. Lorenz, w 27 ft lot 9 sub out lots 688 and part 654: 48.89 sq yds macadamizing at 50c...$24 45 Total $24 45 E. 11. Sheppley, e 33 ft lot 9 sub out lots 688 and pt 654: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 50c$29 78 Total $29 78 Dan Brennan, lot 8 sub out lots 688 and pt 654: 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c$35 56 Total $35 56 B. Lorenz est, lot 7 sub out lot 688 and pt 654: 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c$34 67 Total $34 67 John Eiseuegger, lot 6 sub out lot 688 and pt 651: 35.56 sq yds macadamizing at 50c $17 78 1'utal $17 78 Abbie G. Mullen, lot 5 sub out lot 688 and pi 654: 49.78 sq yds macadamizing at 50c$24 89 Total $24 89 John Lally est., lot 4 sub out lot 688 and part 454: 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c$22 22 after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Joe Steuber, lot 321, Davis Farm add: 191.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 76 68 84.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 38 87 219.47 sq yds macadamizing at 39c85 59 Total $22 22 Math Ludescher, lot 3 sub out lot 688 and part 654: 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c$22 22 Total $22 22 John Fuchs, lot 2 sub out lot 688 and part. 654: 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c $22 22 Total $22 22 Jus. Jaeggi, lot 1 sub out lot 688 and part 654: 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c$22 22 Total $22 22 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 42, I orrlell's sun: 71.4 lineal feet curbing at 50e $ 35 70 47.60 square yards guttering at 50e23 80 111.07 sq yds macauatnizing at 50c55 54 Total $115 04 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 43, Curriell's sub: 51 lineal feet curbing at. 50c $25 50 34 square yards guttering at 50c17 00 79.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c39 67 Total $82 17 14. Cox est., lot 4, Corriell's sub: 156.8 lineal feet corning at 50e $ 78 40 104.53 sq yds guttering at 50c52 27 243 91 50 yds macadamizing at 5Ue121 416 • Total $252 63 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and '1'rex ler. The following resolution was read: Resolved by the City Council of the City 01 Dubuque, 1'ltat to pay for curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing Peru road, from Lemon street to 150 e of Jackson stseet, by Adam Schmidt, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is Hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of 'lots, and parcels of real estate herein - Total $196 14 John Heim, east lot 322, Davis Farm add: 210.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 84 28 95.11 sq yds guttering at 40c 38 04 282.77 sq yds macadamizing at 39c90 78 Total... $213 10 Peter Nicks, lot 5, min. lot 322: 173.5 lineal Leet curbing at 40c $ 69 40 78.89 sq yds guttering at 40c 31 56 :89.60 sq yds macadamizing at 39c112 94 Total ... $213 90 C., St. P. & K. C. R. 11. Co., lot 2 of lot 1 of min. lot 363: 167.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 67 08 76.31 sq yds guttering at 40e 30 58 289.60 sq yds macadamizing at 39c111 36 Total $203 96 li. E. Linehan, lot 1 of lot 1 of min. lot 363: 399.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $159 80 179.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 71 73 566.33 sq yds macadamizing at 39c220 87 Total $452 40 Dubuque Electric. Railway, L. & P. Cu: 820.05 sq yds macadamizing at 39c$124 82 Total $124 82 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aldermen Crawford, Cushing, Fosselniau, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The following resolution was read: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for grading and macadamizing alley from 19th street to Rhomberg ave. between Jackson and Washington street by Chas. Steuck, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite eaehlot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mary achaffuer, lot 1 of min lot 100: 15.3 cu. yds. grading at 35c $ 6 35 68.33 sq yds macadamizing at 55c37 58 Total $42 93 Mary Schaffner, lot 1 of lot 2 of min lot 100: 6 cu yds grading at 35r $ 2 10 22.22 sq yds macadamizing at 55c12 22 Total $14 32 Peter Meyer, lot 2 of lot 2 of min lot 100: 9.3 cu yds grading at 35c 3 25 35 sq yds macadamizing at 55c 19 25 Total $22 60 Win. Duenser, w ,t lot 3, min tot 100: 7.6 en yds grading at 35c 2 66 28.67 sq yds macadamizing at 55c15 77 Cotal $18 43 Jos. Fritche, s'/ lot 3 ruin lot 100: 7.6 cu yds grading at 35c $ 2 67 82.67 sq yds macadamizing at 55c15 76 Total... $18 43 John Fosselman, lot 4 min lot 100: 15.4 cu yds grading at 35c $ 5 39 70.56 sq yds macadamizing at 55e38 81 144 Itl;GI'LA It SESSION, AUGUST 31), 1891. Total $44 20 Mrs..1. Bente, lots min lot 100: 15.4 en yds grading at 35c $ 5 36 70.56 sq yds macadamizing at 55c38 81 Total $ 42 20 Andrew Bauer, lot 6 min lot 100: 7.6 cu yds grading at 35c $ 2 66 28.67 sq yds macadamizing at 55c15 77 Total $ 18 43 Mrs. A. L. Trilk, s 25 lot 7 min lot 100. 7.6 eu yds grading at 35c $ 2 66 28.67 sq yds macadamizing at 55c15 77 18 43 Total Mrs. E. Baner, n 50 lot 7 min lot 100: 15.3 cu yds grding at 35 $ 5 35 57.22 sq yds macadamizing at55c31 41 Total Mrs. E. Batter, s 1 ft min lot .100. .3 cu yds grading at35c $ 11 1.11 sq yds macadamizing at 55c61 Total $ 72 .John ltuega•.ner est., n 49 lot 8 min lot 100. 15. cu yds grading at 35c $ 5 25 67.22 sq yds macadamizing at 55c36 07 $ 36 83 Total $ 42 22 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, Halpin, Page. Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. The following resolution was read: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for laying plank sidewalk by 11. Donahue, contractor, in frsut of an adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: City of Dubuque, s 38.2 of lot 126, East Dubuque. add: 102 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 18c$ 18 36 Mrs. B. Buehler, lot 56, East Dubuque add: 101.2 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 18c18 22 Mary Lawban, lot 4, sub city lot 601: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 18c18 00 Peter Meyer, lot 4, min. lot 303: 100 lineal ftplauk sidewalk at 18c18 00 1. K. Defining, lot 2, min. lot 466: 710 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 18c127 80 C. M. & St. P. It. It. Co, lot 6, block 8, It. R. add: 10 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 18c 1 80 C., M. & St. P. It. R. Co., lot 7, block 8, It. It. add: 25 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 18c..$ 4 50 C., M. & St. 1'. R. R. Cu., lot 8, block 8, R. R. add: 13 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 18c..$ 2 34 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. The following was read: Resolved b the Council of the Ci 01 1 ubuque,That to pay for ces ent ide northwalk on hn Morrison,contractor, in front of andth street djby oin- ing the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., lot 184, city: Cement sidewalk $90 00 Total $90 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man,Glab,ltalpin, Page, Peaslee, Saunders, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for plank sidewalk on north side of W. 5th by . 'I'. Eddy, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a spec- ial tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Wni. Ilintrager, lot 6 sub of lot 7, min- eral lot 79: Old walls relaid 8 2 21) 77 lineal feel plana sidewalk at20c15 40 Total $17 60 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Giab, Fosselman, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. AId. 'Trexler, chairman of the finance committee, reported that it would be neces- sary to borrow funds to meet current ex- penses. On motion the finance committee were authorized to borrow the necessary funds to meet current expenses. AId. Crawford, chairman of the commit- tee on ordinance, asked for further time on the matter of ordinance iii reference to electric lighting. Also presented and read an ordinance granting the 1)ubuoue Street Railway Co. right of way on Cooler avenue from Peru road to the city limits and moved that the said ordinance be substituted for an ordi- nance adopted for the first time March 2nd, 1891, granting the Dubuque Street Ry Co. right of way on Couler avenue from Peru road to city limits. The rules were suspended and Mr. Wm. Quigley addressed the council in relation to right of way for .Jackson street, and urged the passage of the above ordinance. The ordinance was adopted as a substi- tute by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Glab, Page, Smith and 'Trexler. Noes—Ails. Cushing, Fosselman, Hal- pin, Peaslee and Stoltz. The mayor voted aye. AId. Halpin moved that the ordinance be referred to the ordinance committee. AId. Crawford moved that Ald. ltalpin's motion be laid on the table. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawlord, Glab, Page, Smith and 'Trexler. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Fosselmauu, Hal- pin, Peaslee and Stoltz. The mayor voted aye. AId. Crawford moved that the ordinance be read for the second time and placed on its final passage. Carried. The ordinance was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Page, Smith and'I'rexler. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Fosselman n, Hal- pin, Peaslee and Stoltz. The mayor voted aye. Alu. Fosselmann, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: 1). W. Linehan, $79.40; Meehan & Bassett, $1,684.75; Eugene Drelzaen, $5.85; Novelty Iron Works, 55c; Farley, Loetscher Man- ufacturing Co., $10.75; Peter Eisbach, $400; 1;I:1,I I..\ I; -I. - It1N, AUGUST 31), 1891. 145 ('on. Ryan, $24.00; Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella, $1.35; W. & L. E. Gurley, $12.75; Ii. 13. Linehan, $13.44; E. E. Frith, $870; Edward Ryan $111.80, John Tibey $250, Norton & Lee $208.30, B. Van Vranken $94.50, Zehetner & Vogenthaler $2.74, Fer- guson Bros. $6.50, Lesure Lumber Co. $3.88. John Williams $68.12, Langworthy, Adams Co. $24.50, E. E. Frith $350. Nelser & .Jungk $1.00, E. M. Dickey Co., $6.50, A. (lessen $6.00, Frank Robinson $3.21, ,Iohn Fuhrman $4.65, Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co. $2.40, Novelty Iron Works $30.16. F. Schloz $6.85, John Kleinschmidt 55e, John Harney $5.10 and $173.20, F. :',cltloz $4.60 Wm. Marshall $7.38, Baum- gartner & Kleih $1.25, .Joe Greenwood $2.00, '1'..1. Donahue $20.22, .1. $1. McKen- zie $1.75, 1'. E. Strelau $96.25, I'. E. Strelau $13.10, Knapp, Stout & t o. Co. $22.49. B. D. Linehan $9.90, Key City Gas Co. $2 00, C. W. Robison $12.75, Christman & Healey $5.60. Also reported in favor of instructing the engineer to measure the total amount of grading done on South \lain street to date by Chas. Steuck, also total amount of money received from toe city for same on his contract and report the same to the council. Receive and hie claim of John Beim of $28.00 for brick as the same has been paid for. In favor of referring the bill of I. Proctor of $198.45 to the city engineer, to measure the stone delivered icy him on 17th street culvert and that said engineer compute the time for use of derrick at the rate of $1.00 per day and that he be allowed nothing for hauling or putting up derrick. Adverse to bill of Trieb, Southwell & Co. of $3 for stove as ex -Street Commis- sioner Schmidt certifies that the stove was lost last year and has not been found yet. Instruct engineer to prepare profile of showing proposed change of :rade on Southern avenue not to exceed a cut of 18 inches, also established grade and submit the same to the city council. In favor of approving the recommenda- tion of sidewalk inspector in re;ation to new sidewalks with the exception at side- walk abutting east 111 teat, s 2-5 of city lot 663 and would recommend that the same be ordered repaired. Received and tile petition of lit. Rey. .John Hennessy in relation to sidewalk abutting city lot 114. (:rant petition id Byrne Bros. in relation to sidewalk on 8th street provided said Byrne Bros. trim up the walk so as to make P. in good passable condition. Grant petition of A. Kemp for the im- provement of Eagle Point ave west of Kan- sas City It. R. where not aiready improved. (.rant .I. P. Schroeder permission to grade Harold street at his own expense on condition that said Schroeder does not go below the established grade. Receive and tile petition of J. A. Rhotu- berg in relation to removing obstructions on Lincoln avenue and Lynn street until such time as the council orders all obstruc- tions removed from the public streets. Instruct the street commissioner to haul the street cleanings on West Main street when the saute is convenient. That they have instructed the street commissioner to have the fountain at 17th and West Locust street fixed so as to avoid overflowing. Refer the till of John Morrison of $90 for cement walk on 5th and Iowa street to the city treasurer, he to pay the sauce when the special assessment is collected. Receive cud file plat of proposed alley between Queen and Elm streets until such time as the parties are interested and are willing to pay all costs for the opening of said alley. Receive and file profile of grade of llodg- don avenue. Report adopted. Also made the following report: Your committee would most respectfully reports that they have refused to accept any new street improvements, its the con- tractors are very reluctant and in som a in- stances refuse to cover the street with gravel as specfied in their contracts with the city, and we would ask your Hon. Body for instructions so that we can pro- ceed and have toe contractors finish their work. On motion the matter was left to the street committee to use their judg- ment in selecting covering for street. Alit. I'easilee,chairman of the committee on claims, reported in favor of paying the hills of Dubuque Omnibus Co. of $10.00, and Butt Bros'. at 75c. Report adopted. Also reported as follows on the claim of A. It. Stevenson: Your committee mit recognizing or ad- mitting any legal liability report III favor of pitying claimants doctor bill of $50 and $50 more for loss of tune, in all $100, but said money shall not be paid until a receipt in full of all demands, to be approved by the city attorney, shall have been presented and tiled with city auditor. Ald. '1'rexi.-r moved as an amendment that he be paid $100 provided he give the city a receipt in lull. Carried. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the com- mittee on supplies reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: 31. '1'schirgi, Jr,. $6.95, .1. W. Witmer, $6.20; Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., $4.32; Butt Bros., $2.85; John Kletuchtnidt, $21.10; J. D. 3letz, $9.00; Iteinfried & Jaeger, $14.75. Also reported in favor of buying instru- ments now in the engineer's ,ottice belong- ing to City Engineer Blake as shown by inventory hereto attached for the sum of $182, and that said inventory be tiled in the city auditor's office for future refer- ence. Report adopted. Ald. Glib, chairman of the committee on markets, reported that they have received and filed petition of Chas Betswenger tar permission to put up a city scale on Diago- nal and Cooler avenue for 5 per cent. of receipts as there is two scales in the Fifth ward capable of doing all the weighing that pay 15 per cent of their receipts to the cit y. Report adopted. Ald. S.oltz, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follows: Allow $500 on bill of .Jas. Lee for side- walk around city hall; pay the bill of '1'. ,J. Grantield of $15 for caring for First ward park. In favor of having a new cement side- walk placed on the east and north sides of Washington park eight feet wide and on the south side of Jackson park eight feet w ide. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing committee. reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: National Demokrat, $75; Ledger, $62 50; Herald, $15, $33.35, $29.20; TELEGRAPH, $75 and $66.65; Times, $62.55. Ald. Iialpit], chairman of the committee on police and light, reported in favor of allowing the following bills: It. Kirrnse, $1.75; Key City Gas Co., $6 and $106.25; Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co., $45.50 and $625; Globe Light and !Leat Co., $516.67. Also reported in favor of receiving and 14(1 REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 3n, 18:11 tiling report of marshal. for June and the marshal instructed not to give the patrol- men extra detail unless of urgent neces- sity. Ald. Page, chairman of the sewer com- mittee, reported as follows: In favor of allowing the following bills: M. Lavin, $51.39, and $18.50; Lavin & Corrance, $1,331.60; D. W. Linehan, $406.60, $113.29, $362.76, $510.54. Report adopted. In favor of referring bill of N. Tschirgi, Jr., of $1,000 for work on storm water sewer in alley between 5th and 7th avenues to the street committee. Received and filed. In favor of referring bill of Lee & Nor- ton of $1,487.70 to the street committee, as the same is in relation to storm water sewer on West Locust street, which is under the supervision of the street commit- tee. Report adopted. Also reportea as follows: Your committee on sewers would most respectfully report that they have ex- amined and accepted the following sewers: Dodge street branch from south Locust to outer levee, by M. Lavin, contractor; South Main street lateral from Jones to Dodge street, by D. 1V. Linehan, con- tractor; IIarrison street lateral from .Jones to Dodge street; also lateral in alley be- tween 1st and .Jones and Main and Locust streets, by D. W. Linehan, contractor. Re- port adopted. Ald. Ilalpin, chairman of the ex -commit - lee of the board of health reported in fav- or of paying the following bills and that the same be presented to the Diamond Jo. Steamboat Co. for payment in accordance with agreement made with said company. 1. S. Bigelow, $2.50; John Kleinschmidt, $25.90; Pickley & Il'rexier, $10.50; P. Khmer, $7.10; N. W. Wieland, $320; M. J. G. LaNicca, $8.10; Chas. Leweiin, $1.85; John Pickley $10; .los. Rowan, 1.00; 1'. E. Strelau,$4.25; M. Scnlegel,$4.65; John Wil- lis, $200. Report ['doped. Ald Trexler moved that the owners of Woodlawn Park be allowed to withdraw their proposition for grading street in said addition. Carried. The council at 10:45 o'clock p. in. took a recess of live minutes. The council reconvened at 10:50 o'clock p. tn. Ald. Halpin moved that the engineer prepare plans and specifications for ce- ment walks around the parks in ccord- sance with the report of the committee on public grounds and buildings and the re- corder advertise for bids for doing the worn. Carried. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the commit- tee of the whole, reported as follows: Adverse to accepting plat of A. Cain's subd. Refer plats of llosford's sub:: to the street committee. That they deem it inad- visable to change line of Broadway ex- tension at present and would recommend that action on stone be postponed until the abutting property owners interested in said street are willing to open and change the same. In lavor of de 'sadd andcityeagineerl instructed to prepare plait showing proposed change. That there has been no legally estab- lished grade on Grace street and would recommend that the city engineer be in- structed to prepare a plat and profile show- ing a suitable grade on said street and sub- mit the same to the council. On petition in relation to sewerage as- sessment on South Locust street that the work is all clone; assessment made and recommend that petition be received and tiled as the assessment is made properly and according to lane. As follows on the petition fur extension of Glen Oak avenue. In favor of instruct- ing the engineer to notify the owners of the property to appear at the next session of tie council and show cause, if any they have, why said street should not be open- ened and extended as shown on plat on file in city engineer's office. Reported as follows on communication of Drake Co. in reiatieu to repairing Main street from 211 to 3d street with ,jasperite: We find that said street cannot be proper- ly repaired to make a substantial street and therefore decline to accept the proposition of said Drake Co. and the ma3or be in- structed to semi said Drake Co. a copy of this report. Report adopted. Also reported as follows on petition of John Degnan in relation to approach to his barn on Oak street; also in regard to improving Oak street. That the street commissioner be instructed to level off the street so as to drain the water and leave the street in good passable condition. Ald. Cushing presented the following minority report: Recommend that Oak street be curbed, guttered and macadam- ized as prayed for by .John De,nan. Ald. Crawford moved to lay the minority report on the table. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Halpin, lace, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. Noes--Alds. Cushing, Fosselman and. Glab. Ald. Glab moved to reconsider the action just taken. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Fosseintab, (Hal), Smith and Trexler. Nays --Crawford, llalpin, Page and Peaslee. Also made the following report: Receive and file petition in relation to team licen- ses and city marshal instructed to collect said licenses according to the ordinance. Ald. Crawford offered the following as a minority report: Respectfully recommend that all ordinances or part of ordinances requiring teamsters, draymen, true k►nen, expressman and keepers of livery stables to obtain a license in order to prosecute their business be repealed. It is reported in the daily press that a large portion of the teamsters and owners of teams intended to be reached b y the re- cent amendment to the ordinance have combined to resist the payment of license, whether they have the law on their side or not the undersigned believe it will be un- profitable for the city to enter on a pro- tracted contest to entorce collection. While litigation would be pending it is not prob- able that any of those to whom the ordi- nance applies, would pay their licenses until the legal question would be finally decided, If the ordinance requiring the payment of license, cannot be enforced against aril persons engaged in the busi- ness of leaning; we think it would be un- just to exact payment from any portion of them—espestally as those willing to coin - ply with the ordinance are a class least able to pay. Further, we doubt the policy or justice of compelling ally of our citizens to pay at license for the privilege of carrying on any legitimate business. Respectfully submited, P. W. CHA.wponn, Ald. Cushing moved to laytTZ. the minority report on the table. Carried by the follow- ing vote: 1 REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 31tn, 1891. 147 Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Fosse!mann, Glab, llalpnt, Page. Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. No—Aid. Crawford. On motion the report of the committee was adopied. Also reported as follows: That they deem it inexpedient to open Lincoln avenue at present, as the city would be compelled to borrow the money to pay for same, and therefor report in favor of rejecting the award of the jury on said street. Ald. Cushing offered the following mi- nority report: The undersigned beg leave to present a minority report in relation to the opening of Lincoln avenue from Cooler avenue to ,lackson street, and would recommend that the appraisement of said jury on Lincoln avenue from Cooler avenue to White street. be confirmed and approved and that warrants be drawn for the several parties as returned by said jury, and the city attor- ney instructed to procure the necessary deeds for the opening of said street as above described, and plated in the city engineer's office. Ald, Crawford moved to lay the minor- ity report on the table. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Fosselmanu and Trexler. On motion the report of the committee was adopted. Ald. Crawford made the following re- port: Your special committee, consisting of the aldermen of the Fourth ward, to which was referred the resolution of Ald. Halpin providing for the remacadamiriug, curb- ing and guttering of Bluff street, between 91h and 14th street, would report that lit our judgment it is unnecessary to make the improvement proposed as the street is now in a fairly good condition, and only needs a little repairing. The laying of sewer pipe and the improper tilling of the trenches has caused the surface to be some- what rough. la our ,judgement, if the sur- face of the street shall be picket up and a light coating of macadam put on and gravelled and rolled, the street will be in as good condition as if entirely re -im- proved. The expense will probable not exceed $50 per block while the cost of renia- eadanuzing will be some $700 or $800 per block. We therefore recomtnend that the resolution be not adopted and the street commissioner inst.) ucted to repair the street as indicated in this report. P. W. CRAWFOItn, Enw C PECABLE1., Report adopted. RESOLUTIONS. AId. Peaslee offered the following reso- lution: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the grade for Fit- tecuth street, between Locust street and Bluff street, be and the same Is hereby established at an aur line from the sidewalk at west line of Locust street, the sidewalk grade on Bluff street at east line of 131uff street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fos- selman, Mab, Hatpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. AId. Peaslee offered the following vote: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the street com- missioner be and he is hereby instructed fothwith to bring to grade Fifteenth street between Locust street and Bluff street and to fill the same as far as may he appropri- ate to that end and to reset curb to corres- pond, and the engineer is instructed to set the proper marks to indicate the grade for the purpose; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the abutting property owners. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Foss- elmautn, Glab, IIalpru, Page, Peaslee. Smith and Trexler. Ald. Peaslee offered the following notice in relation Ito tilling lots which was adopted: 1'o Fred lleer, you and each of you are bereby notified that it is the intention of the city council of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular ses- sion, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are, num- bered and described as tollna•s: Iteche addition lots No. 25 and 27. You are notified to appear, if you desire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show couse, if any you have, wiry said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said tilling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will com- meue con Sept. 7th 1891. Aid. I rawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to have the filling of Rose street with the surplus earth of Alta Vista street continued until said Rose street shall be filled to grade, provided that it shall cause no expense to the city. AId. Crawford filtered the following: Resolved by the city Council of the City. of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, eight feet wide, of gone two inch plank, be laid crosswise within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the oro inance in relation to sidewalks, on the South side of Eleventh street, between Walnut street and West side of Race street Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Crawford, Cashing. Fossel- inaa, Glab, Ilalpiu, Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'Trexler. AId. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Duduque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank laid crosswise be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Eleventh street, between Walnnt street and Race street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alis. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- mar , Glab. Balpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'Trexler. AId. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Jackson street, between Peru road and the north boundary of the city be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamiz- ed, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the nec- es.ary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder direct- ed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid iu total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- mann, Glab, Halpin, Page, l'easlee, Smith 148 REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 3u, 1911. and 'Trexler. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Main street, between Jones and Charter streets, be graded, curbed and paved with brick, in conform- ity with the ordinance upon the subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby di- rected to snake the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the paving and curbing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. '1' he grading to be bid for in a gross sum. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Ilalpin, Page, I'easlee, Smith and 'Trexler.. Noes—Aids. Fosseltnan. AId. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to remove the obstructions from the gutter on the south side of Julien avenue without delay. Ald. llalpin offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council, That the street commissioner be and is heresy instructed to place the proper amount of filling on llarrisou street between Jones and Dodge so as to allow the water com- pany to lay their mains to that point. Ald. llalpin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That south halt of Dodge street, between Bluff and South Locust streets, be guttered and curbed in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to stake the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering and curbing to be done at the expense of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- maun, Glab, llalp1ii, Page, Peaslee, Sinilh and Trexler. Ald. Ilalpin offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, 'That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone, or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in reI•itiou to sidewalks, on the south side of Dodge street, between South Locust street and Bluff street, at ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the lol in iv i ng vote: Ayes—Ards. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- tnan, (lab, llalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. AM. llalpin offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city marshal be and is hereby instructed to have the water spouts on all buildings conducted to the ground. as per ordinance on that subject, as at present there is it large number of said water spouts a com- mon nuisance and should be abated. Resolved by�the eCity red tCouncil he tof following: City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is here..y instructed that when he Prepares the special assessment on Dodge street from the old corporation line to South Dodge street and on South Dodge street he leave a space equal to 7 feet in the muddle as nearly as practicable, of said streets, to be assessed in the future to the Street Railway company. By the adoption of this resolnt;on it shall not be understood that the city will be deprived of its right to make a special assessment for said 7 feet at any time in the future either to the railway company or to the adjoining property as the city council may deem proper. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, (flab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Sinitit and 'Trexler. Ald. llalpin offered the following on which action was postponed until the ad- journed meeting: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'l'hat the treasurer be instructed to turn over to any contractor any money that he may have in his cus- tody as collected on special assessment and take the contractor's receipt therefor and the same to be reported at the next regular session. AId. Crawford moved that the resolu- tion ordering blain street paved with granite be rescinded. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was referred to the street commit- tee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, '1'httt Main street, be- tween Jones and 8th streets, be graded, curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary pians and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and preposals for the performance of the work; the paving and curbing to be done at the expebsa of the owners of the abutting property and the Dubuque Street Railway company. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve feet wide, of cement, be, within thirty days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, abutting city lot 631 on Locust street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alas. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, uulpin, Page, Smith and 'Trex- ler. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of I)nbuque: That a sidewalk twelve feet wide, of good two-incit plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within thirty clays of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on Blult street, abutting n. jj city lot. 134. Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Fosselman, llalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'Trexler. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was referred to the ordinance com- mittee: Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That the ordinance now in force requiring livery stables to pay it license of $50 per year be and the sante is hereby repealed. Ald 'Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, that the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a vernie to the city marshal to summon a jury to assess the damages of any by reason of the wid- ening of street along and through the north side of lois 1, 2, 3 and 18 of the sub of N E >4 of sec 13, township 892 E City of Dubuque Iowa, as shown on plat now on file in the office of the city engineer. Aid. Glad offered the following: I ; l :( i UL A1: SESSION, AUGUST 3n, 181)1, 14:) Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, in the south side of West 5th street, between Burch street and Summit street, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes— Craword, Cushing, Fossehnan, (flab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler, Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, I f good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and releid crosswise in con- formity with the ordinance in relati.au to sidewalks, on the south side of West 5th street, between Glen Oak avenue and Col- lege avenue where not already laid at the expense of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: A yes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing Fossel- man, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following, which was referred to the aldermen of the P'irst ward: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 12 feet wide, of good cement, be, within 30 (lays of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordnance in relation to sidewalks, on both sines of Iowa street, between Second street and Third street. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plan!:, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 clays of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, (in the south side of West street between hill street and Alpine street, where not already laid to be laid cross- wise at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, Halpin, Page, Smith and 'Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following which was adopted. Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for extension ot lateral sewerage to 11th and Pine streets and sub- mit same to the council. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the north side of Jones street, between Iowa street and Water street. Adopted fly the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Craw•lord, Cushing, Fos- sehuau, (I lab, 1l al pi u, Page, Peaslee, Smith �•d�ol Trexler. \r(dift: IN ItEI.ATION TO FILLING LOTS. '1•o "unknown:" You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dukuque to ',ass a resolution at its next regular sea - skill, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, width lots are num- bered and described as follows: 23 and 24 in block 15. Dubuque harbor improvement Co.'s add. You are hereby notified to ap- pear, it you .Iestre, at tate next meeting of the (smiled and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at:your expense. The next session of the council will cotn- meuee on Sept. 7th, 1891. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council ot the City of 1)ubuque: '[liat a sidewalk twelve feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, nn the east side of Main street, between First street and Jones street, where not already laid. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. AId. Smith offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That a crossing be placed on the alley on the north side of First street, between Locust and Bluff streets, the same to be done under supervision of the city engineer. Fosselmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, conru acted and Isal in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on Iowa street, abutting city lot 187. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- mann, Glen, Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'Trexler. id. Fosselman offered the following: Resolved by the City Conned of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con foriot y with the onItnance in relation to sidewalks, on Oath and Bluff street, abutting city lot 643. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, Gtab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. Ald. Fosselntan offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 31) days of this notice, cottsu•uctcd and laid in conformity with the ordnance in relation to sidewalks, on the soot It side of 22d street, between Coutes avenue and Jackson street where not al- ready laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, 1laipdig. Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'Trexler. Aid. Fosselman offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Sauforu street, between Jackson and Elm streets, be graded, gut- tered, curbed and macadamized in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject; that the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and apcciiicadimis for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadauuziug to be dune at, the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, h'ossel- mad, Glob, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and 'Trexler. 1 150 REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 3n, 1891. Aid. Fosselman offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a stone arch sewer across Sanford on Elm street and when said plans are approved by the street committee, city recorder be instructed to advertise for bids fo the performance of the work. Ald. Fosselman offered the following which was referred to the street committee with power: Resolved, that Adam Schmidt, contract- or, be instructed to const rust thirty feet more to arch culvert on Mtllville road and Lemon street at same price as former con- tract, said culvert now being left in a dan- gerous condition to the traveling public. Ala. Halpin moved that the street com- missioner remove the lines and replace curb and guttering in proper shape at cor- ner 4th and White streets. Carried. Ald. Crawlord moved that the contracts for Thomas and Cornell and for Leibnitz street be awarded to the lowest bidder pro- viding the contractors will wait until next spring for grading. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Fosselmann, Iialpin, Page. I'easlee and Smith. On motion of Alt. Fosselmann the coun- cil adjourned at 1:15 o'clock a. m. At est: / J. C. FI'I'ZPATRICK, ecorder. "o an or r' ante grants r to the Dubuque Street Railway company the right to maintain aid operate an Electric Street Railway over and upon certain streets and public places in the city of Dubuque, Iowa," by amending the ordinance heretofore pass- ed to favor of said company,being the or- dinance entitled "Au Ordinace author- izing and regulating street railways in the City of Dubuque," and the ordi- nance entitled "An Ordinance grant- ing certain additional rights and priv- ileges to the Dubuque Street Railway company: Be it ordained the the city council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. '1'tutt the ordinance adopted on the twenty-fifth day of April, 1890 granting to the Dubuque Street Railway' company the right to maintain and oper- ate au electric street railway over and upon certain streets and public places iii the City of Dubuque, be, and the same is, hereby amended, by adding to the first section of said ordinance at the end of said section the following words, to wit: Anal also on Couler aveuue, from the Peru road to the northerly limits of the City of Dubuque." Sec. 2. That the additional right grant- ed to the Dubuqe Street Railway company in the foregoing section, of operating its tine of railway on Couler avenue, from the Peru road to the northerly limits of the city, shall be subject to all the requirements, conditions and reservations contained in the ordinance to which this ordinance is amendatory and supplemental so tar as applicable; and the Dubuque Street Rail- way company especially agrees to operate its cars in conformity with all require- ments so as to operate and run a car be- tween Peru road and the main entrance of the Dubuque Driving Park at least three times each stay, as follows: One car to leave said Dubuque Driving Park at 6:30 a. m. daily. One car to leave said Dubuque Driving Park at 1:00 o'clock p. in. daily, and one car to leave said Dubuque Driv- ing Park at 7:15 p. in. daily. The fare to said Dubuque Driving Park from any part of the city on the line of the Dubuque Street rail wary shall be five cents, and from said Dubuque Driving Park to any part of the city ou the line of the Ott- buque Street rail way shall be five cents; and in case of non-compliance on the part of the Dubuque Street Railway company to operate its cars to the above named place (the Dubuque Driving Park) at least as often as above mentioned, then the city council may by resolution uy a member of the city council, at a regular or special session, revoke all rights and privileges granted by this ordinance, and the city council may instruct the city marshal to remove the tracks of said Dubuque Street Railway company at the expense of sail company between the Peru road and the northern limits of the city. And the city of Dubuque further re- serves the right to designate and specify upon what portion of said avenue the tracks of said railway shall be placed be- tween the points hereinbefore named. Sec. 3. Said street car track shall be completed and in operation under the terms of this ordinance by the first day of May 1892. sec. 4. That the Dubuque Street Rail- way company shall tile with the city re- cord a written acceptance of this ordinance within ten (lays after its passage and ap- proval by the mayor. Otherwise it shall become null and void. if this ordinance shall be accepted by said Dubuque Street Railway company within the time herein specified, it shall thereupon be published in the official newspapers of the city, and shall take effect and he in force from and after the date of its publication in the DuutQuH: DAILY TELEGRAPH. Adopted August 3d, 1891. CHAS. .1. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPA'rRICK, Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To C. E. and W. F. McKinley: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the construc- tion of lateral sewerage on Harrison street from Dodge to Jones street adopted on the 6th day of July, A. D., 1891, a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land adjacent to said sewerage, lot w n 34 543 city owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 3d day of August A. D., 1891, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. ,i. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. Notice to Contractors. at Bids to the t,cityrecorder up to2 o'clock m., Aug.3lfbgrading and tacanRonalyetweenHill eeadWita avenue, according to specifications on file in the city recorder's office. ItEGLTLAIt SESSION, AUGUST :31); 1s91. 1 Ci 1 Bidders will .state the price per cubic yard for grading and the price per square yard for macadamizing. Bids must be ac- companied with a good and sufficient bond of $200. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Blanks will be furnished by the city re- corder on application. .1. C. F lTzl urinCK, City Recorder. SIDE WALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 20 clays of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Peru Road between Cooler avenue and .Jackson street. Adopted July 6th. 1891. 7-t i -lot J. C. LIT'ZPATRICK. Recorder. Spe.:ial Assessment Notio3. To Margt. Lawham and Mrs. B. Buehler: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the laying of plank sidewalk, adopted on the 6th day of July, A. I).. 1891, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 4 in sub. city lot 601 and lot 6h E. Dubuque add, owned by you being subject to such speciol assessment, and you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council to be held on the 3rd day of August, A. 1)., 1891, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. i l:,•? A ['GUST SESSION, 1891. LIST OF CITY %VARIIANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during May, 1891. Cyr( RECORDER'S OFFICE DUBUQUE, Iowa, June 1. 1891. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is a complete list of the warrants issued by me during the month of May, Is91: Name, For wnat Purpose. Amount L. Gonner........Salary forApril, Treas- urer ....... ..... $150 00 J. C. Fitzpatrick.. Salary for April, Recor- der•.... 116 65 .1. M. Kenety Salary for April, Aud- itor 100 00 J. J. McCarthy.. Salary for April, Attor- 1'25 00 i'. F. Guthrie. ...Salary for April, As- sessor 125 00 M. Tschirgi, Jr... Salary for April, En- gineer .... 250 00 S. 13. Rice Salary for Apiil, Mar- shal Alex. Gratz.. ....Salary for April, Mar- ketnlaster........... E. James Salary for April, Park Custodian Commissioner 45 01 Adam Schncidt..Salary for April, Street B. Rawson Salary for April, Sew - 9180 er Inspector......... 60 00 .lames O'Halloran.Salar•y for April, sidewalk Inspector.. T. F. Rogan __Salary for April, Meat Inspector C. Spiegelhalter..Salary for April, Poundmaster 40 00 .los. Reinfried.... Salary for April, Chief of lire departmept75 00 I. S. Bigelow......Salary for April, Health officer 30 00 James Bunting...Salary for April, Elec- trician 75 00 F. A. Glab........ Salary for April, As- sistant Assessor100 00 ,lohnO'Connell...Salary for April Com- mittee clerk 66 85 Chas. Baumann.. Salary for A pril, wharf - master...... James Daly Fireman captain Job Barnesh.ugineer.............. Win. Duey ..Stoker I. Murphy ........ Driver A. Cullen ............ T. O'Shea Fireman T. Burke Fireman J. McFarland.... ............... M. Eitel........... Fireman captain 1'. Martin Engineer J. Essnlan........Stoker J. Flynn Driver ................. J. W iltse .............. T. Flynn Fireman T. Walker •. F Essman........ Fireman 1). Ahearn Hook and ladder cap- tain..... James Allen Driver ................. I'. Kannolt Fireman... (leo. Moyer I lectrician l.(lanahl Minute man........... :\. .1. Ward ........... I. ,cironberger11..... D. Ryan... Captain of Police ,101i11 111(0511..... . Win. O'Brien Policeman ............. Thos. Reilly 11 M. O'Connell Bart Cain Wm. Frith John Littscher• P. McNerny I', Dunnegan P. Kearney P. Hanlon ., ,John Fitzpatrick. Dan. Norton .lances Alien 83 65 50 00 60 00 50 00 44 44 44 u. 16 61 44 oi .............. .............. 20 00 6000 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 (x) 50 00 60 00 85 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 0. 60 t0 50 00 75 00 6 00 12 00 12 (10 8 40 82 50 79 40 54 95 54 95 51 65 53 30 54 95 33 ::5 54 05 53 30 51 65 41 25 50 00 54 95 Si 63 John Renter...... M. Hardie....... Wm. Welsh...... Ed. Moore Sam. Ebner lames Flynn Thos. Blake John Murphy Wm. Klauer Peter Scharf P. McCollins Jas. Carter Geo. Rubeck 4, 44 GI 41 61 64 ........ ..... .John Murphy Patrol driver I)an. Lavery...... Policeman A. Gratz ... ....... Board of prisoners.... Chas. Steuck..... Special assessment.... ...... Special assessment.. . John Tibey.......Special assessment S. Locust street....... 148 05 Ed. Ryan ... Special assessment Delhi street 5495 31 35 21 45 54 95 51 65 51 6:4 50 00 51 65 5o 00 50 al 51 65 54 95 5000 00 00 8 25 26 60 347 45 319 61 d .. 4 66 66 J. Albrecht.......Laborer J. Aberhardt M. Ahearn" T. Ahearn M. Abbitt" Thos. Archer" John Ar•ndt" C. Brackett " . Wm. Brack tt" W. Battling " W. Ball .. F. Bet erEngineer road roller... J. Byrne..... ..Laborer P. Brandenberger " C.Braudenberger " J. Bargman John Beyer " Aug. Bisir•am` John Bewer Fngineer road roller.. J. BoetheLaborer Chris. Below 1). Burnes Jas. Burns F. Bruechner Chas. Blinkert C. Brener . A. Burke J. Blitsch F. Bavendorf.... Wm. Barkley John Corbett John Callahan Sam. Collins John l'Iirislotf M. Clark. L. Corcoran.... P. Coltord John Corcoran Thos. Conroy 61. Carmody H. Cr•unrpwell J. Cahill C. Coppersmith EJ. Dougherty . 1).-smond M. Dumpily John Dre s, M. Dieferding G. I'iigteldine John Lagan Chris. Memo F. Lrego . J. Tiernan M. Fusan......., Frank Fort. F. Fdealer H. Flood + F. Folfall......... H. Foltz..... F, Fellbaum...... !. Fitzgerald J. Fitzgibbon John Fix L. Firmer Chris. Fonselle, Sr Chris. Fonseile, Jr Chris. Fischer Win. Grope Joe Ginter Geo, Gow L. Gross W. B. Gray K. Gutileclett A. Gutirenkauf Ed. Grew Joe Grab 16 61 44 44 61 66 It ............... ............... ............... .... .. ......... 500 011 500 00 308 63 26 23 :3 UI 28 45 26 55 750 3 75 750 185 3 75 5 110 7 50 62 00 19 05 19 40 18 75 23 75 3 75 3 71) 34 50 0 85 3 75 14 40 15 011 10 60 13 10 2 50 23 50 18 75 8 50 19 85 28 75 18 10 27 8(1 1 90 3 75 28 10 23 10 19 40 27 20 15 95 6 25 23 10 1 25 7 29 25 00 21) 00 13 75 20 30 15 00 27 80 2 50 2 50 12 50 15 00 14 40 22 50 25 00 24 70 25 95 8 10 10 60 05 28 75 1 25 23 45 3 10 8 10 3 75 15 60 5 00 17 80 8 75 23 10 21 25 2560 28 45 AUGUST SESSION, 1891. 153 C. Grunzig 41 John Gersh M. Gersh II. Collie... John I;iessler' I. l;rew, " John Hurley 'I'. Hackney`• . M. Helvick....... .JamesHiill....m. " ••••••••.: • John Hayes.. Foreman. lan. Harmon I aborer Geo. thighes...... James Harker.... ,John Haley Her•roF Aug. Hoftermaii N. linger .los. Hauppert Aug. 1-1 nnover Ed. li ac K ett ..... .Jas. Hayes \\. Hos P. Hayden .John Jeckiin A. Joss 11 11 Peter Joss Justus Joss•.•••••• Chris .Juest 4. A. ,Johnson" ........... Jacob Krause M. Kilburg ••••.••••••• ' F. Kauffman • I'. Kree_er" ............... I. I( „Carpenter M. Kline.......... Laborer Aug. i{auftmun.. Phil. Kenny....... .1. Kellett......... Paul 1{rokeski... F. Karns.......... S. Kittsman...... F. K4.ntz.......... Chits. Kenuker.... .1. Karch F. aurt ........... Win. Koenig Ed Lee John Lavin .Johu Lux .John Lacy............... II. Lange 4.. Loinpke SI. Lilach Ed. Luckritz Aug. Lange Henry Leicht H. Luck M. Mo gau....... ........... M. Slur Ihy....... P. Melc lr otr. 1'. Machenburg' I. Maher.... 1'. N1:, Irony I'. .\i 011\.0 P. NIeolian II. Mleokenberg T. SInhtileeny I. SI arise . 1'. SI air elberg11 •••••••••^.... I. .\ I outel1 .lames Meloy ('. M ecklenburg1• J. Morony ••' .. C. Messer neCht.. " I ioo.ank...... " . • . . . Murphy........ " ..... M. M42.0110 ... ..Foreman .... 11. \lel'ui i i:uk.... Laborer._ ..... loin. ]le\i lIy.... " ••••'•" .1 .\lrlIrule " .••••••'•""' .1. .0 rl:un.u.... • .fur 51.1'011e •••••••• SI. 5151 hnu " •...... :114.14.m2141.•••..• ••.... II SI Si bleu•••••••••••... B. ,vtc('uy . Jeff. McGrath B. McCaffrey • • • • • • • • • .John MCCrancy" N.1. U. Mahon Collector .1ohu Noonan Iatbotet............... M. Notes......... ............... R. Nickols Joe Abbelt "" Chas. Otto ........ 11 Fred. Otto........ Julius Otto........ 1'. O'Brien 27 80 16 85 5 00 15 30 " 14 61 46 .1 46 11 46 11 16 11 11 44 " 1, " M. O'Loughlin" 2125 F. Oswald" ............ •. • 16 85 D. Powers" 27 20 J.Perryon " ............... 17 20 James Park " 12 20 Carl Pfend..... " 15 04) Wm. Pickley" Tri John Quigney" 19 05 Adam Reuter " 8 10 Geo. Reider•, ............... 560 r. Rotterman" 20 W M. ltaen" 12 50 J. D. Richardson 65 .Jne Rassach 17 20 Chris. Rieger.... "9 40 .......... J. Raesner........ "24 40 ............. Otto Ries " 3 75 M. Rinker........ •' John Laetz....... •' 35 tri M. Ryan ... , 28 45 John Ryan •• 19 40 Chas. 1teusch" 16 25 James Ryan12 5.1 Win. Ho mey 13 05 24 05 \Vitt. Rieman.... 3 70 Win. Ra6.efelt...... clods. Rosa 0.... 3 3 Tri 5 (Chas. ltobesch.... 14 40 75 Fred. Ra d1off, Sr Fred. Raedloli• Jr 3 0 10 Chas. ltaedloff... 1 85 85 Thos. Rogers ••••....... " 2405 Fred. !Heger 11 James Ragan 15 (6'10 J. Rennie •, 61 25 5 James naw16'25 Louis Sauer„ 13 40 Pat. Smith1 85 Thos. Str•aney Aug. Schilsky5 7 3 8 75 Wm. Scharf7 50 S. Steiblc17 4o Ge•1. Sutter �. ............... 12 40 N. Schroeder 3 75 A Sneider.23 75 M. Sped') 41 .... 25 60 James Smith .1 3 10 N. Stork N. Sweeney•'•"••'•""' 1810 1810 Wm. Swaeglet'.... " ........... N. Stei�intz" ............... 13 10 Witt. Seem2 50 er ............... PetPeterStoffel • "" 14 40 •••••••••' 40 Chas. Smith •'•'•'•''•"'.. 2 50 J. Seidman" ••••'•••....... 23 10 Joe Serle...... ............... Jas. Stevenson• • 18 10 8 75 H. Schroeder.... 00 Jas. Sweeney.... 11 7 10 Aug. Schultz...... 1 8.5 „ : 13 75 J. Schroeder „ 16 85 D. Sullivan...... • "" .. 18 45 D. Tracy 3 75 y... Win. '1'ei•r•y..... •• ............ 2 50 A. Walker•..... ............. l 25 M. W. Webster............... l3 15 C. M Westreet10 00 R. W ie Wagner ran• 11 • 13 75 I'. gn3 76 3 75 A. Waliling Y. Wanger ,1 14 40 E. Winkelman•••••••••"' John Whalen'• 17 25 05 05 John Wolfe 14 ••••... 2565 G. Wirt............ 24 06 John Weirieb••••'•' Aug. WitteeWeil 16 55 14 05 Anton Weldlich.. I• 1 25 II. erU.s ...... Johnn Welslr.... 6u J. Weitz.......... 2( 40 'Phos. N'el.h...,,• ............ 23 1•, John Weber...... (leo. Zwnholt .... Foreman ............. . 27 75 y.... 55 3(1 H. 'Luntmosk IatUorer... ..... A. Zachina...... •, W. 'Lacltiva....... 23 W :� 00 N. 13randt....... .Team. 0P ............ 9 00 It. Beunel......... J. ) 28 60 ................... 28 60 J. cn.......... .• J. Brick-- rns .... • 34 50 M Burns 18 ISI .. Geo. Butler...... ................... • 21 (NI L. Cahill.......... ......... 61 50 M. Craltin........ .•........ „ 6 00 L.WC uel'. ran.... 11 19 50 L. Cruel'. ..... M. Cohn 11 13 50 Win. Dodson.-- ....... ..... ....... 27 75 3 L1 15 60 1065 9 70 22 50 37 50 26 55 19 05 12 60 35 25 16 25 16 00 26 85 14 40 1500 24 411 1 25 18 75 18 75 23 75 2 50 3 75 2 50 24 40 28 45 65 14 70 4 40 24 70 50 00 12 811 5 61) 23 10 14 40 10 30 4 40 10 60 250 3 75 14 05 16 55 3000 10 00 11 25 20 60 22 66 4 411 16 85 2.1 75 2 50 19 511 91 .5 14 41) 1990 20 95 26 85 00 8 10 24 4.9 15 55 16 25 3 75 til 40 23 76 13 10 8 10 8 10 4 411 50 05 5 6ii 15 95 32 15 4 70 26 86 21 40 19 11., 20 95 8 45 1 r5 1060 28 10 14 40 4 50 2250 2 50 22 5.1 22 50 24 50 11 81 28 45 15 00 20 611 13 75 2 50 1 15.1 Ai'1.1'-]' SESSION, 18(.)1. John Decker..... " C 0:7 Herald. ...Advertisingandhlanks 40 10 .Joe Dunkley 19 50 R. Eddy..........Siaewalk on Railroad John Duggan"....... It 6J avenue.... ...... ... 102 53 Jas. Doyle........ 19 50 A. Duccini........ Decorating city hall.. 1 25 H, Dodson...... C 0 . John (Cahill....... Decorating city hall.. 1 25 L. M. Edwards...•(R_t 13 50 Dubuque TELE- Jischer & Co.... 28 50 PH,...... .. Advertising 56 65E. E. Frith...... " ..... . • • • • 13 50 John O'Brien Work on sewers 29 75 J. Fitzgibbons.... ................... 15 00 John Tierney Work on sewers ...... 28 00 .1. Fannon........ " 10 50 Ledger......... Advertising............33 as F. Gregory....... •••19 5, Lear & PflffnerHorsesitoeing C no John •,a rrlgan„ .. 2s 50 James Kelly...... Stationery 26 W E. L Giew..... .. ................... 19 5, Wln.S.Moto......Plumbing 23 2,-. M. Gantenbein.. " ...................52 5J M. Lavin........:Sewer on Wail street178 50 F. Grant 9 Uu 1'fliiner & Kriebs.Strap 75 M..1. Hannon.... " ................... 58 5u T. J. Donahue ....eaten basin12 int Wal. Howard.... " ................... 4U 50 J. Tibey..........Stone culvert on Hill 1'. Borsch........ "••••• •12 00 and Dodge streets'15.; 91 Hagerty Bros...- •lz ou E. E. Frith Removing dead full - John Hilson...... ........... 1 60 9 00 1'. Jordan......., .` ....... mals •••••••••••••-.•••• 58 50 Rger.. ed ...fue- Thos. Kant;....... .`••••••• ••••42 u0 ger..............Hardware 4 30 C. K+mlppmaan.... .... 55 60 C. W. Robison.... Lumber_ C 10 Chris. Lempke... • • • •• •• •• ••............ 40 511 C. H. Altona...... Tacks 30 P. Linehan....... ••• ... 15 u0 Hussman & Lies.. Hardware 1 00 J. Long........... " 47 25 Jona Haney Repairing tools........ 70 1'. Longley........ " 9 75 Knapp -Stout & Co. ................... Wm. Mct,rath... " ••••• • ... 45 00 co;npauy..... Lumber 25 89 .1. McGrath.......•••• •••••••••...... s0 uu John Lefcilt ...... Sand 1 70 .1. McCollins...... ••••••28 5u Dub. Woodeoware S. iMt:W atli...... •.. J McDonald •.. "" """""• 3 5u company Lnmuer J. .1, 30 OJ Iowa Iron Works 8 30 Alex. Murrayrray warn.. " 16 00 company ..... ...Ren. steam roller 1 oo F. Matins 12 00 Geo. Schon ..... ..Inspector on Dodge St. 0 00 R. Mathis.....'...... . ...... 22 50 Win. .Meyer....... ltent for registers..... 500 " ••• Win. Mohr13 5u Mary Meehan Scrubbing city halt... 3 15 ...... • " 13 &0 Stannard Lumber JohnA. Mink.......... • ... 1t ou compp au.........Wood for roller....... 4 00 May,Mrs. � .............. ....... J7 bo Koenig.....Scrubbing city hull.... 14 00 C. MesseiKnecht .. ............ 4 5� Tom. Connolly.... Rep. patrol wagon....oa.... 4 95Joe Moore..18 00 Times Co Advertising .......33 3Joe mardr...... .. . Win. Kelly..Assistant market Inas- EdEd. . Norton....... ` 9 S. Norton .1 . ter......... .. 8 00 John Nelson" ..' 7 10 G. R. Grosvenor.. Stationery Thos. Noonan ,.... 39 00 Central Union Tel " 55 Victor Nell,s15 W Co Te «phone service.... 20 50 1'. O'Meara....... ......". .... C 0050 B. E. odehltnCoal.............. 7 5u A. WunderlichHorseshoeing........ S 10x+1 Louis Ott ........ 24 00 Dub. Rubber and D. O'Meara...... " James I uch..... " '.........• ..""' 9 Ut1 Belting Burns Coupling ............... 10 W John Pratt........ .."."".'."""' 9 uU T. Burns Oats " U co Lear & Pllffner_liorseshoci0 • s3 a0 John Pelt......... " • • •' ...". """"' 6 00 Duggan & Kane.. Soap, etc... 1 00 Con. liugaa...... " 15 00 H111 & Trudell.... Rep. chief's wagon2 00 Ed Ryanga._..... 42 75 F. Frith..........lirading 15th street28 72 7 6,7 Barger & Biish...Stationery3 50 N. Bull........... ................... 19 50 Huger & Blish... Stittonery 1 10 T. Law.,on........ ... Ifi 0, James Kelly......sI ilii; ery.... ••• 3 (10 ll Urn. Reynolds.... " 15 UO Aherns Mfg. Co.. I hydrant connection8 00 (111u 1;putvCke.... " ................... John Simpson._ " ......•• "'.""" C 5U Carr, Ryder & En- .....1. Sutherland..., " .............. ... 13 6U filer Co.........shavings 00 John Sutherland.— " '.........""••.•. 35 26 C. 1r, liobisun....;;li,iviugs............... 1 so 1 Sullivan....... .. 7 50 Phil. 1'ter.... ..... I'u al .................... 7 50 John Spetu'....... " 28 50 1'. Sehleakcr.....1:epairing engines 4 00 John peit;e...... 45 uu .1. R. Williams.... Stone crossings 70 00 J.�iBritz...6...... " ............." 7 Sc Dubuque Water Co. hs Hydrants ... 5410 (10 •..........••••.•. 4 50 Dubuque Jou lege......... " lue Watcr('o.11`'drituts•••••........ 500 00 J. B. Steiner'' •• 15 .0 Dubuque \1 titer t'u.1Iydrants • • H. lrcluuldt.• 33 35 '. 4 500 1.. Gunner........ \iuucy advanced lag5....• • " A. It. Staufeubeil.Repairing Blocks 1'00 3xB. Lage; • • • Livery 2 ( Geo. I'litter..... Iaeetric supplies .4225 9u7l Specht17 John Savage "30 James Sudan__" .Juliii Smith... " W Jolla Ste,.es...... 00 .. 1,1) 6u 177. S'lillth..... Win. Tiukham.... " J. Truesdale...... `• •••'. "'.........:: 55 bU John Terry...9 06 A. 7uruer .... .. ................. 38 00 M. Tice... .... ..... 31 oo .. Tom. Taylor...... .. C W John Taylor ...... " .......'"•... 3 00 J. Tuussaint...... " . .......""" 3 00 Cath. 'Tobin...... " •.......""""" "' 60 M. Wagner. ..3 1)0 Geo. Wetter..... • ..... 19 50 John Williams... " '."'•• 5035 John Welsh...... " ' ' 64 50 A. Wallet ........ st 01 ..9 00 D. Zogg. ...... .. L. Zeuinaun lU 50 Geo. Wetter r•......Express1 00 .. H. Haus......_ '• ...... .... 60 .. „ .... E. J. Carpenter•.. " ^'• J. Wllihlms....... " 1 00 Dubuque Nater (leo. Htnkrou.,,, •� W. sin! ol.tt...... "• 50 company... Water for fountains... 285 40 90 G. B. Grosveuor.Flags unit .bulitiugCl 70 John Steles...... Labor.. Dodge street. 14,1 5040) (Jude & Roddy .. Bran &c 11 IX \VI;;. S. Moto..... Repairing Water Pipe5 80 I hereby certify that theforegoing is a true Palmer, Wivalt & and correct list of all warrants issued by me Cu ...............Stationery16 00 during the month of May 1891. .1. C. FITZl'ATRICK, City Recordor. Dubuque Ca luet \Ll<w ......\lattress........••. 3 511 Key City Ge., CJ.. Lig„tiag 499 90 Dttuuque Electric t'y L. & P. Co.. Lighting... 46 44Globe Light and 500 00 169 20 Heat Co......., " 500 00 Globe Light and Heat Co " 1 Cr John MulkernCensus work.......... 10 00 A. J. Patch Census work........... 11 00 B. W. JonesCensus work... 7 (.0 James Ronanimprovingalley....... 80 45 James AgnewNotar'y public service. .7 00 Alien's Mfg. CoAhern s fire engine... Sop 00 " 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 Ixr 500 0(1 51x) 1111 51x1 00 11 ,1 46 46 44 14 16 C f C ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 11TH, 1891. 15 THE CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Aug. 17th, 1891. ferred to the aldermen of the Fifth ward. Petition of Patrick Neary for one year's extension of time to pay special assessment granted at six per cent per annum. Petition of Kate S. Harcus in relation to street near her property, which is claimed by W. II. Rebman as his property, referred to the city attorney. Petition of 0. E. Guernsey for permis- sion to put in new curb on corner 13th and Locust street granted and engineer in- structed to give stakes. Communication of D. J. Lenehan and James Ilowie in relation to the dangerous condition of Cornell street referred to the street committee and street commissioner with power. Petitiou of Dubuque Street Railway Co. that Clay street bet ween 9th and 10th be lowered to the established grade, or that said company be allowed to raise its track, referred to the street committee with power. Petition of Chas. Klingenberg asking that the action of the council taken at the last session in relation to the improvement 01 Klingenberg Terrace be reconsidered and annulled, and instead that it be or- dered that said Klingenberg Ter- race he graded and macadamized 20 feet In width on the established grade. (.ranted. City Engineer Blake reported the fol- lowing figures in reference to filling done on South Main street: Filling on street 12,393 cu. yds Filling adjacent property4,320 cu. yds Total 16,713 cu. yds Total amount paid for sante as per audi- tor's books, $8,428.17. Referred to the street committee. Petition of C. Bayless asking that the width of Bluff street between 15th and 16.h streets tie reduced to 28 feet betw' en curbs, or give the abutters such relief as is in their power. Referred to the street committee, city engineer and city attor- ney. Plans and specifications for sewer on 9th street from Washington to Pine streets. Referred to sewer committee. Petition of change of grade on Grand- view street from Villa street to Mountain lane, with profile of proposed change. Granted and profile adopted. Petition of abutters on west side of Bluff street for a three foot curb in the im- provement now being made on said street from 14th to 16th street. Granted pro- vided an acceptable arrangement can be made with the contractor. The resolution of Ald. llalpin In refer- ence to paying contractors moneys due them collected on special assessments when collected, and oil which action was post- poned was taken up and on motion was re- ferred.to the finance committee and at- torney. Aid. Page offered the following and moved its adoption: Be it Resolved by the City Council, That upon the payment of $45 (being 10') ft at 45c) into the city treasurer by the owners of city lot 523, corner of 4th and Clay sts., hat they be allowed sewer privileges with the sewer already in 4th street, and that the above specified amount be considered a special sewer assessment against above described real estate. Aid. llalpin moved to refer to the sewer committee. Lost by the following vote: A yes—Aids. Cushing, Ilalpin and Smith. Noes—Aids. Glab, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and Trexler. The question being put on the adoption [OFFICIAL. I Council met at 7:55 o'clock p. nn. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Communication of Architect Carkeek in relation to removal of patrol house. Ald. Trexler moved that all matters pertaining to the removal or sale of the patrol house be referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings with power. j The following proposition for the grad- ing of streets in Woodlawn Park aid was read. DunuQuE, Iowa, Aug. 17, 1891. '1'o the lion. Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN:—The undersigned, your petitioners and owners of Woodland Park addition to the city of Du- buque, would respectfully state that as there is a number of houses al- most completed, and several more in pros- pect, and the streets leading to them are al- most impassable to the loaded wagon, tied as we are desirous of grading the lots in the addition, would respectfully ask your honorable body to allow them to grade Dubuque, Delaware, Deoorah, Dexter, Avoca, Ashton, Alta, Algona, Auburn, Atlantic, Audubon and Adair avenues, and put them in a passable condition at once. The city to pay us nine and one-half (9M) cents per cubic yard for all grading done on said streets; (grading to mean cut- ting and not filling) according to city en- gineer's measurement, not to exceed 50,000 yards. Payment to be made to us on or before March 15th, 1892. The above addition coin - prises 337 lots, 116 of which have already been sold, mostly to laboring people, who desire to build homes for themselves. As it is getting late in the season, we are anx- ious to complete the grading of our lots, and the parties that have built, and those about to build, are also anxious to grade and sod their lots, we would urge your honorable body to give this your immedi- ate attention. Respectfully, ltA. VOELKER, J. Ki.EussctiMifT, Jos. II. IlA.vovEit. Ald. Trexler moved that the proposition be accepted. Ald. Page moved that action be post- poned until next regular session. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Halpin, Page and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Glob, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. The ouestion being put on the motion to accept the proposition was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Peaslee, Smith and 'Trexler. Noes—Aids.11aipin, Page and Stoltz. Petition of A. 11. Stevenson asking that he be allowed S150 instead of $100 as al- anwed at the d declining ito accest p t Ine $100 allof the owed, and giving notice a hat if lie is not allowed the $150 suit will be entered by hint against the city. Referred to the committee on claims and attorney. Petition for the improvement of Wood street, referred to the street committee with power. Petition of Matilda McClure for exten- sion of time to pay special assessment, re- 156 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, AUGUST 1 7'rir, 1891. of the resoultion,was carried by the fwooll- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Glab, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Halpin and Smith. The following bills were referred: I. S. Bigelow $2.50, board of health; Novelty Iron works 25c, committee on supplies. Central Union 'I'elepnone Co.$2.75, and (leo. Cutter $2.43, committee on claims. Duggan & Kane $1.00, Key City Lime works $1.80; street committee. The rules were suspended and N. Michel addressed the council in relation to his plat and urged speedy action. The rules. were suspended and Mr. Ed- munds addressed the council in relation to a patent safety firemtin's helmet. On mo- tion the matter was referred to the com- initteeon fire and water. Ald Smith offered the following which was refered to the committee of the whole and city attorney: Resolved, That all street railway com- panies now in operation in the city of Du- buque be and are hereby notified to oper- ate all their right of way by electricity ac- cording to their charter on or before Sept. 1, 1891, or forfeit all rights to such right of way as is not so operated. Aid. Cushing moved that the matter of curbing abutting J. Drehouse's property between 15th and 16th streets on Clay be referred to the street committee and en- gineer with power. Abd. Trexler moved that the contract for Leibnitz street and for Cornell and Thomas streets be awarded to the lowest bidders, the grading not to be paid for un- til March 151h, 1891. Carried. Adam Schmidt is the lowest bidder on Leibnitz street; his bid in total being $7,324.30. )'Norton & Lee are the lowestt bidders on Cornell and Thomas streets, their bid in total being $3,541.98. Ald. Cushing moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: /f J. C. jt 1TZPATI CK, order. Ara tid- /pIl•perw' tT •3 of lied to/that I wa 4, outs front �rteir builds are const • el , , ,e ordini cesoas to i. ry t e water on the street or alley without creating a nuisance. A failure on your part to comply with above order forthwith will cause we to en- force the ordinance on that subject. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Notice to Contractors. Sealedproposals will be received at the office of the city engineer, until 4 o'clock, p. m., Thursday, August 13, 1891, for con- structing of cross -walks of stone, brick, Norway pine and cedar block, according to plans and specifications on tile in said office. Bidd. rs to state the price per lin- eal foot for doing the work. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. C. Br.AKL, City Engineer. Notice to Teamsters and Owners of Vehicles. You are to ortoliea for yar1891,acrdingthe ordinance on that subject which reads as follows: "That no person shall within the limits of tire city of Dubuque keep, own or use any dray, wagon or other ve- hicle for hire or profit, or 'from the carry- ing from one place to aoot er, or the de- livery of any goods, merchandise or other articles, in the course of any business or employment, within the city of Dubuque, without a license. Therefore, under a pen- alty of two dollars for each load or parcel so carried without license, and for a li- cense for every such vehicle lie shall pay to the city the sum of five dollars per annum for each vehicle drawn by one horse or mule, and ten dollars per annum if drawn by more than one." A failure on your part to comply with the above ordinance on or before August 17th, 1891, will compel me to enforce the same. S. B. 11 wit, City Marshal. SEPTEMBER SESSION, 1891. 157 IN O TICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 3d day of August, 1891, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For curbing, guttering and macadamizing Peru road from Lemon street to 150 feet east of Jackson street. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. .Joe Steuber, Davis Farm add321 $196 14 John Heim est do 322 213 10 Peter Nicks, sub min lot 3225 213 90 C., St. P. &K. C. R. R. Co., sub 2 208 96 1 min lot 363 B. Linehan, sub i sub min lot 363 1 452 40� Dubuque Electric RV, Light and Power Co 124 82 For curbing, guttering and macadamizing Washington street from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street. Name. Description. Lot. Ain't. John Bohn, L, 11. Langworthy's add 70 37 50 Arnold Kemps, L. H. Lang - worthy's add Arnold Kemps, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add 72 73 60 John Jehring, L. H. Langwor- thy's73 73 60 add .John Jehring, L. 11. Langwor- thy's add, n 16 ft 74 18 40 Adam Weilil, L. 11. Langwor- thy's add, s 48 ft 74 Adam Weihl, L. 11. Langwor- thy's add, n 16 ft 75 John Brachtenbach, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add, s 48 ft 75 Ilenry Fischer, L. li. Laut;wor- thy's add 76 John 'Theta, L. 1J. Langwor- thy's add F. Kadon est, L. 11. Langwor- thy's add Fred. Burdt, Jr., L. H. Lang - worthy's add Fred Mertz, L. IL Langworthy's 80 add Gerhard Walladorf,L. 11. Lang81 worthy's add Fred Rieger, L. 11. Langwor- thy's add Fred Rieger, L. 11. Languor- thy's add 83 Henry L. Oser, L. H. .Langwor- thy's add 84 Arnold Kemps, L. 11. Langwor-101 t hy's add John Van Dillon, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add, w pt of lot 3 of.102 Mary 1'uls, L. 11, Langworthy's 102 add, s % of lot 2 Anna Northup, L. II. Langwor- thy's add, n X lot 2 102 Bernard Brehmet, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add, lot 1 of 102 John Theiss, L. II. Langwor- thy's add, lot 2 of 103 Albert Van Haden, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add, lot 4 Of 103 John Van Dillon, L. If. Lang - worth's add, w pt of lot 1 of103 1'. J. Feyen, L. I1. Langwor- thy's add, s 45 ft John Canteihaner, L. H. Lang - worthy's add, s 60ftof n 90 ft.104 llenry Kiebler,L. 11. Langwor- thy's add, n 30 ft .Jas. Nagel, L. 11. Langworthy's106 add, s 88x150 It John Kieffer, L. 11. Langwor- 105 thy's add, n 60x150 ft John 'Theis, L. H. Langwor- thy's add, (less 41 It) 106 155 25 John Ulrich, L. H. Langwor- thy's add, lot 1 of 107 96 70 For grading and macadamizing alley from 19th street to Rhomberg avenue, between Jackson and Wash- ington streets. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Mary Schaffner„lot 1 of min100 $ 42 93 do lot 1of2of min .100 14 32 Peter Meyer, lot 2 oft of min100 22 50 Wni. Duenser, nX lot min 100 18 43 Jas. Fritschte, s X lot 3min John Fosselman, lot 4 min Mrs. J. Linte, lot 5 min Andrew Bauer, lot 6 min Mrs. A. L. 'frill, s 25 ft of lot 7 min 100 18 43 Mrs. E. Bauer, n 50 It of lot 7100 38 88 min .... .. Mrs. E. Bauer, s lit of lot 8min.100 72 .John Rueganu-r est, n 49 ft of lot 8 min 100 42 22 For curbing, muttering and macadamizing Rhomberg avenue from Reed ave- nue to C., M. & St. P. R. R. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Mrs. W nt. Miller, Ham's aam'sad.2758 89 d0 $ 18 J. A. lthomberg, do do 272 58 89 do do 273 58 89 do 274 68 89 275 58 89 276 58 89 277 93 37 427 95 48 428 58 89 429 58 89 430 58 89 431 58 89 do do 432 58 89 Jas. Zimmerman, do 433 58 89 do do 434 94 49 J. A. Rhomberg, Ham's add....278 94 24 do do 279 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 93 41 94 24 58 89 58 80 58 89 68 89 58 89 58 89 93 31 94 73 58 33 53 09 do 289 51 09 Dubuque Street Ry Co 477 16 J. A. Rhomberg, llam's add —2do 90 52 09 52 09 do do do 292 58 89 do do""' do do 413 57 80 do do 414 52 09 do do415 51 09 do do 416 53 09 do do 417 58 33 do do 418 94 30 For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamiz- ing Julien Avenue from Hill to Bluff Streets. A. Lorenz, we27rftptlott 9 sub of Lot. Am't. out lot 688 and part .654 24 45 E. A. Shepley, e 33 ft lot 9 vub664 29 78 of out lot 688 and part Dan. Brennan, lot 8 sub of out 6 54 35 56 lot 688 and part B. Lorenz eat., lot 7 sub of out 100 18 43 100 44 20 100 44 20 100 18 48 55 20 18 40 55 20 73 60 73 60 73 60 73 60 73 60 73 60 73 60 73 60 87 40 209 30 92 35 23 35 23 35 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 46 12 29 67 59 46 89 13 51 75 69 00 34 50 97 75 do do 280 do do 281 do do 282 do do 283 do do 284 do do 285 do do 419 Geo. Unuacht, do 420 .1. A. Rhomberg, do 421 do do 422 do do 423 do Bio 424 do do 425 do do 426 do do 286 do do 287 do do 288 do 57 50 158 SEPTEMBER SESSION, 1841. lot 688 and part 654 34 John Elsenegger, lot 6 sub of out lot 688 and part 654 17 Abbie G. Mullen, lot 5 sub of out lot 688 and part 654 24 John Lally est., lot 4 sub of out lot 688 and part 654 22 Math. Ludescher, lot 3 sub of out lot 688 and part 654 22 22 .john Fuchs, lot 2 sub of out lot 688 and part 654 22 22 .Jos. Jaeggi, lot 1 sub of out lot 688 and part 654 22 22 J. A. Rhomberg, Corriell's sub42 115 04 do do 43 8217 B. Cox est., do 44 252 63 For Laying Cement Sidewalk on North Side of Fifth Street. Name. Description. Lot. Ain't A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., city 184 90 00 For Laying Plank Sidewalk on North Side of West Fifth Street. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Wm. Ilintrager, lot 6 sub of lot 7sub min... .79 1760 For Laying Plank Sidewalk on North Side of Thirteenth Street. Name. Description. Lot. Ain't. City of Dubuque, East Dubuque add, s 82.2 It 126 18 36 Mrs. B. Buehler, East Dubuque add 56 18 22 For Laying Plank Sidewalk on South Side of Emmett Street. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Mary Lawhatu, lot 4 sub of city 601 900 For Laying Plank Smewalk on South Side of Garfield Avenue. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Peter Meyer, lot 4 of min lot303 18 00 J. K. Deming, lot 2 of min lot466 127 80 C., M. & St. 1'. R. R., blk 8, Railroad add 6 1 80 C. M. & St. P. R. R., blk 8, Railroad add... 7 4 50 C, M. & St. 1'. R. R., blk 8, Railroad add 8 2 34 For the Construction of an 8 -inch Tile Sewer in Alley Between West Main and South Locust Streets From Har- rison to 1st Streets. Name. Description. ron. Lot. Ain't. W. J. Burns, city e j 560 20 73 Mrs. B. Hall, city, e 561 19 36 Wm. Corcoran, city, e ' 562 18 00 Phos. Byrne, city, e jy lot, sub of 563 and 604 15 06 1Vm. Corcoran, city, e ,/ lot 2 sub of 563 and 604 10 15 1Vinona Land Company, city e 564 13 34 John .less, city 565a 9 36 Robert Jess, city, e 35 feet 533 8 19 Robert Waller, city, e in 20 feet533 4 68 Catherine Sullivan, city, in 19 feet 533 4 45 Catherine Sullivan, city, w m20 feet 533 468 1. II. Carroll, city, w 20 feet583 4 68 Robert Jess, city, s 42 feet 564 21 55 Robert Jess, city, e 35 feet n 10 feet 564 1 58 Robert Waller, city, e in 20 feet n 10 feet 664 90 Catharine Sullivan, city, in 19 leet n 10 feet 564 86 Catharine Sullivan, city, w m 20 feet n 10 feet 564 90 J. II. Carroll, city, w 20 feet, n 10 feet..... Catharine Sullivan, city.....:511690 Uu do 4 11 88 b35a 12 20 67 78 89 22 Austin Adams, City, sy 536 16 56 1). J. Hennessy, city, ii 536 16 56 John Bell, city, n . 537 17 64 John Coates, city, s3 537 17 64 Anna M Bush, city 538 37 15 do do 539 21 87 Patrick McCullough, city 539a 17 14 Mrs. Dan Breen, city, w 40 feet540 9 00 Anna M. Bush, city, e 1029 feet540 31 21 For the Cunstruetion of an 8 -inch Tile Sewer in South Main Street From Dodge to Jones Streets. Name. Description. Lot. Ain't. Dennis Smith, Dubuque II arbor Company's add. e 30 feet, bik 10 1 7 59 J. H. Shields, Dubuque Harbor Company's add, and X w 101 feet, bllc 10.... 1 16 19 J. 11. Lull, Dubuque Harbor Couip, ny's add, and j w 101 feet blk 10 1 8 10 Wm. L. Bradley, Dubuque Har- bor Company's add, and y w 101 feet, bik 10 1 8 10 J. II. Lull, Dubuque Harbor Company's add, und i/, blk 10 2 13 00 J. V. Rider, Dubuque Harbor Company's add, and %, blk 10 2 13 00 J. 11. Lull, Dubuque Harbor Company's add, and j;, bik 10 3 13 00 J. V. Rider, Dubuque llaruor Company's add, and %, blk 10 3 13 00 B. E. Linehan, Dubuque Har- bor Company's add, blk 104 25 99 B. E. Linehan, Dubuque liar - bur Company's add, blk 105 25 99 Anna M. Bush, Dubuque Har- bor Company's add, blk 106 25 99 Anna M. Bush, Dubuque Bar- bor Company's add, blk 107 25 99 Anna M. Bush, Dubuque Har- bor Company's add, blk 108 25 99 Anna M. Bush, Dubuque liar- bor Company's add, blk 10.... 9 25 99 Anna M. Bush, Dubuque Har- bor Company's add, blk 10.... 10 25 99 Anna M. Bush, Dubuque Har- bor Company's add, bik 10.... 11 41 06 W in. G. Waters, Dubuque liar- bor Company's add, e Wil, bik 11 1 4 58 Norwegian Plow Co., Dubuque Harbor Company's add, e X, bik 11 2 11 04 Norwegian Plow Co., Dubuque Harbor Company's add, e , bik 11 3 49 48 Norwegian Plow Co., Dubuque harbor Company's add, e , blk 11 4 39 05 Robert Waller est., Dubuque Harbor Company's add, e X blk 11 5 45 72 Robert Waller est., Dubuque Harbor Company's add, e �, bik 11 6 52 44 And that in case of failure to pay the same within dathe e, shall become el nday uuent andbear in- terest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque, this 26th day of Aug. A. D., 1891. LAw1 aNcE GUNNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 7TH, 1891. 159 CITY COUNCIL. [ OFFICIAL.] Regular session Sept. 7th, 1891, Council met at 9:10 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds. Cushing and Peaslee. There being no quorum present ad- journed to Tuesday, Sept. 8th, 1891, at 9 o'clock a. m. 1ttest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, G � il( o,Aecorder. Ad ourned Regular S ssion, Sep- tember 8th, 1891. Council met at 9:20 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Fos- selman, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and Stoltz. Ald. Peaslee moved that the minutes of the previous session be approved as print- ed with the following corrections: On page 135 insert immediately abovethe list of bills the words "'The following bills were allowed." On page 138 insert immediately after the chief's report the words "and warrants or- dered to pay the same." On page 145 insert after the reports of Aids. Stoltz, Smith and Halpin the words "Report adopted." On page 155, immediately after the mo- tion of Ald. Trexler in relation to removal and sale of patrol house, insert the word "Carried." On page 147 that the resolution ordering sidewalk on north side of 11th street be changed to read eight feet wide instead of four feet. Carried. The rules were suspended and ex•Mayor Stewart addressed the council in behalf of Messrs. Sheppley & Reifsteck for permis- sion to erect scales on Garfield avenue. Un motion the matter was relerred to the com- mittee of the whole. 'I'lie following bills were allowed: Zehetner & Voggenthaler, 1 set $ 5 70 10 75 45 60 grates John l,agen, horsestioeing Leo Palen & Co., bran C. W. Robison, lumber Lear & P8lT'ner, horsesnoeing 3 00 Win. S. Moto, plumbing2 65 Mehl 11. Cushing, storage of en - 20 00 gine Christman & Healey, hardware. 65 .1 no. Ernsdorf & Sons, springs 1 2b E. L. King, painting engine house5 40 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 4 50 fireman's coat A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 4 65 Mrs. Koenig, scrubbing police 500 headquarters Bart. E. Linehan, cement.......... 4 20 Win. S. Molo, cleaning water clos- 7b et Palmer. 1Vinall & Cu., stationery 41 00 and blanks Trueb & Southwell, 12 loads rock3 0078 !larger & Blish, stationery O. B. Grosvenor, stationery 7 90 Bart. E. Linehan, sewer pipe 1230 00 .lames Kelly, stationery 'I'ELE(4IIAPH, blanks and postals10 50 J. J. McCollins, hauling flush tanks .John O'Brien, work on sewer John Tierney, work on sewer Ferguson Bros., plumbing C. Speigelhalter, special police - 75 43 75 40 25 15 25 man 250 Duggan & Kane, one-half bbl.... 1 00 The rules were suspended and the peti- tion for the repeal of the teamsters ordin- ance was taken up and read. Messrs. 11. L. Fouke, Phil. Pier, M. M. Walker and M. H. McCarthy addressed the council in re- lation thereto. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter he referred to the committee of the whole. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Fosselmann, Glab, Page and Stoltz. Noes—Ales. Cushing, Peaslee and Smith. Petition of Mary Milton for permission to leave her house remain on Lincoln ave- nue. Granted at the pleasure of the council. The following bills were allowed: Wm. G. Watters, hay $ 69 75 W. J. Burns & Co., cement 4 90 1. M. McKenzie, chain links 75 John Eichhorn,rope 75 Dubuque Water Works, water sup- ply 1,050 00 Wm. S. Moto, plumbing 95 Reinfried & Jaeger, rope 7 80 Henry Geiger, repairs at the engine house 18 05 Bailin & Kaufman, police helmets 6 00 Portland I'aving company, balance on sidewalk at city hall 125 56 P. Klauer hardware 20 30 J. M. McKenzie, rep. steam roller. 5 60 L. Daly, hauling garbage and cleaning around city hall.. 103 00 John Terry, hauling garbage 156 00 L. Lindenberg, taps and drills 2 00 Langworthy-Adatns Iron works, castings 1 19 Wm. Dlarstall, repairs on steam roller 8 12 Consolida:ed Tank Line Co, 6 72 oil J. M. McKenzie, wheel scraper and tongs and damper 1 00 Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum- ber 7b ber 33 Novelty Iron works, repairs oil steam roller 1 27 %ehetner & Vogenthaler, grates31 70 Duggan & Kane, oil 65 Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum- 4 76 ber C. NV. Robison, lumber b0 Wm. Marshall, repairs on steam 6 roller 00 Christman & Healey, hardware2 20 10 C. II. Al tuna, nails Christman & Healey, nails 1 95 Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum- ? 40 ber 1 20 W. J. Burns, cement Adam Schmidt, grading Peru road. 140 00 50 John T. Kearns, filing plat 1 35 Joseph Geiger, lock J. C. Fitzpatrick, services as clerk Board of Health 200 00 Standard Lumber Co., lumber 15 54 Jacob Ilanson's bill for resetting pav- ing on 17th street, where Win. S. olo dug up the street to snake connections with waterworks, $2.10, ordered paid, and amoun, ordered charged to Wm. S. Slott). The following bills were referred to the street committee: 'T. .1. Donahue $47.20; James Farrell $2.80; E. E. Frith $3.35; P. Martin $25; Ferguson Bros. $6.55 and $11.30; C. Ryan $114.30; James Ragen $3.011; Jas. F. Bunts $3.00; H. '1'. Eddy $2.25; J..I . McCollins $1.25; Baumgartner & Kleih 30c; Knapp Stout & Co. Co. $1.50; B. E. Linehan $23.40. The following were referred to the com- mittee on police and light: Key City (las Co. $110.42, Lear & Piftf- MO ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 8TH, 1891 ner $4.00, Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co. $46.60 and $625, Globe, Light and heat Co. $olb.b7. The following referred to the printing committee: Times $58.40, Ledger $58.30, TELEGRAPH $75.00, Herald $33.35. The following referred to the committee on claims: Jacobi & Wadley $5.00, A. Y. McDonald Manufacturing Co. $1.80, West- ern Electric Co. $2.50. The following referred to the committee on supplies: Gen. Fengler $2.40, Wm. S. Nolo $15.65. P. Klauer $18.70, Reinfried & Jaeger $6.65, A. Christman $14.50. The following referred to the sewer com- mittee: Wm. S. Mob $24.45, Langworthy Adams Co. $9.00. Bill of Christman & Healy 40 cents re- ferred to the committee on elLetrical con- struction. Bill of Dubuque Water Works $20 re- ferred to committee on public grounds and buildings. Bill of F. Heer & Son $500 referred to the committee of the whole. Bill against John '1'ibey of $69.67 for macadam referred to the auditor for col- lection. City Attorney McCarthy reported hav- ing collected $28.25 from the Diamond Jo Co. for electrician's salary. Also made the following;reporl in relation to Picket street: On the within petition in relation to Picket street, 1 would re- spectfully report that from the examina- tion 1 have been able to make concerning the same 1 have come to the con- clusion that it is a public street 40 feet in width at its easterly end and 20 feet in width on the westerly end. 1 have accord- ingly instructed the city engineer to so place the curbing on the new Bluff street improvement as to recognize the street in question. From an examination of the abstract it is apparent that a conflict will arise as to the rights ot private property owners and the right of the city to open said street and re- move buildings and other appurtenances therefrom. Property owners in the im- mediate vicinity are especially interested in the street in question and the city agrees to lend them any aid in its power with a view of having said build- ings removed, The city at the pres- ent time is not interested in hay - mg said street opened for public travel, but at any time when the interested property owners in the vicinity desire to move in the premises the city stands ready to become a party to the proceedings in t.ourt or otherwise. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to prepare a profile showing the proposed change of grade of Rose street, between Center Place and Race street, in accordance with section 3 of chapter 25 of the Revised Ordinances, and submit the same to the council. Ald. Smith moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. in. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fos- selman, ulab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'I rexler. The rules were suspended and Mr. T. J. Donahue, chairman of the committee appointed by the residents of West hill to present to the council a metnoiial from said citizens in relation to the occupancy of South Dodge street by the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co., addressed the council. The hollowing is the memorial: Dt'BUQUE, la., Sept. 4, 1891. Iv'he.eas, The citizens of West 11111 and vicinity, finding it necessary to adopt some means of making known their griev- ances and securing their rights, and to ask of the city council to take immediate ac- tion toward our relief, have assembled in mass meeting this even mg; and Whereas, The Dubuque Electric Rail- way, Light and Power Company received from the city of Dubuque a vaivable fran- chise to build and operate an electric street railway on certain streets which included Dodge and South Dodge streets; and Whereas, Said company has not com- plied with their charter in occupying and operating cars on South Dodge street; and Whereas, On October 10, 1890, the saul Dubuque Dlectric Railway, Light and Power Company were granted an exten- sion of time to build their line on Dodge street from old corporation line to South Dodge street until such nine as said street had been ordered improved: and Whereas, On February 2d, 1891, seven months ago, said Dodge street was ordered improved; that as yet no start has been made to lay track on Dodge street although in accordance with the resolution pre- sented by themselves and drawn up by their attorney and adopted by the city council they were to start as soon as the street was ordered improved; and Whereas, The city council did on June 1st, 1891, (lour months atter said Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power com- pany should have had said line in operation ) by resolution direct the said company to proceed at once and occupy their right of way on Dodge street and on South Dodge street, to which no attention was paid by said company, also on .luly 6th, 1891, an- other resolution was adopted unanimously by the city council, ordering the said Du- buque Electric Railway, Light a, !'ower company to occupy their right of way on Dodge and South Dodge streets under pen- alty of forfeiture of their charter. This resolution too was ignored in so far as con- structing their line is concerned, although they did present to the council a communi- cation stating that the grade was too steep on South Douge street, and that they would build on Dodge street to South Dodge street if the resolution of July 6th were rescinded, but it said resolution was not recinded they would do nothing. The council relused to rescind the resolution and they have so far kept their wont and done nothing, and we have no car line on Dodge street from old corporation line to South Dodge street, nor on South i.odge street, althouhg if said company was made to live up to its con- tract with the city we would have had street car facilities on both streets for the past three months. At the present time and according to the disposition shown by the officers of said Dubuque Electric Rail- way, Light and Power company it seems to us that unless the council takes some decisive action we will get no railway fa- cilities on South Dodge street; and Whereas, The residents of West Hill and vicinity presented to the city council a petition signed by over three hundred taxpayers in that vicinity which asked that toe said company be compelled to oc- cupy their right-of-way on South Dodge street immediately and that no extension ot time be granted them. This petition was unanimously adopted by the council at the August session, and Whereas, The people on South Dodge \.It)1.TINED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 8T11, 1891. 101 and on the streets in the immediate vicin- ity have been put to an expense of about $35,000 and the city has also been put to an expense of $20,000, in all a total of $55,- 000, with the expectation that the said company would build their said line on Sough Dodge street; and Whereas, The objection made by said company to build on South Dodge street is that the grade 10per cent. Is too steep for theta. The fallacy of this argument is proved by tie tact that other railway com- panies using the same horse -power motors climb grades as high as 15 per cent. and for longer distances than the 450 feet on South Dodge street, and at greater dis- tances from the power house. The records of the city will show that the grade on South Dodge street was adopted arior to the granting of the charter to said com- pany and there has been no change since made in the grade; and Whereas, The said company has accepted the same, and at the tune was anxious for the right- of-way, and now shows a disposition to avoid occupying the satne, and have been notified ort different occasions to fulfill their contract, and have totally ignored said notice and the constant demands of the people of West Hill and vicinity. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Cit% Council, That it forfeit all the street railway rights ot the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power coin - Patty and that cars be stopped from run- ning on said line and that their track be declared an obstruction to the streets, and the mayor be directed to see that said tracks are removed forthwith; provided, however, that it the said Dubuque Elec- tric 1tat %ay, Light and Power company deposit w tilt the city treasurer within three (3) days the sum of $5,000.00 cash that said road will be ni operation on Dodge and South Dodge streets widhin thirty (30) days from date hereof, then this resolution to be void, otherwise in full force and ef- fect. Be it Further Resolved, 'That a c ,py of these resolutions be presented to the city council and that the city tuuncii be re- quested to adopt the same. Ald. Smith moved to grant the prayer of the petition. Mr. A. Matthews, attorney for the Du- buque Electric Railway, Light and Power company, addressed the council to refer- ence to the matter and also presented a petition stating that the cotnpany was de- sirous of completing their line on South Dodge street. but asked that the grade on said street be lowered. Ald. Page moved that when the council adjour it adjourn until Thursday, Septem- ber 17th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. A10. Peaslee moved that the memorial of the people of West's hill he referred to the Gummi tee of the whole to report at the adjourned session on the 17th inst. Car- ried by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Crawlord, Fosselman, Wan, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. No.—Ald. Cushing. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of change of grade on South Dodge street be referred to tt special cominitttee of three and the engineer, to report at the adjourn- ed session. Carried. The mayor appeeinted as such committee Aids. '1'rexler, Crawford and Smith. The jury appointed to assess damages for the widening of Boundary street re- ported the followieg award: Andrew Hoerner. $4,079.00; — Baal, $851.00. On motion the report of the jury was received and filed, and warrants for $2.00 each ordered to pay the jury men. PETITIONS. Revised plat of Cain's subdivision adopted. Petition of A. W. llosford to have the streets in Cain's sub'n graded, referred to the street committee. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition of James 13each for permision to place the sidewalk on Dodge street, be- tween Bluff and South Locust, six feet baclt from the curb lice, (with power.) Petition of James Beach, that the order for a new sidewalk on Dodge street, be- tween Bluff and South Locust street, be changed from a twelve foot sidewalk to a six foot sidewalk, (with power.) Petition of John Heim and Geo. Steiber asking the council to reconsider the im- provement of Millville road. Communication of Henderson, Hurd, Daniels & Kiesel In relation to the con- dition of White street between 3d and 4th streets. Referred to street ccmmittee and engineer. Petition of J. P. Schroeder in relation to line of curb on Leibnitz street. Referred to street committee. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee with power: St. Coluinbkill's church, Mary Shannon, Mrs. Patrick Flynn, Bridget Burke. The following petitions were received and filed: Petitions of Julia L. Langworthy, Jas. Blocklinger and Jas. l'elaii in relation to opening til Glen Oak avenue. Petition of John Degnan in relation to approach to his barn on Oak street. Petition of J. A. Rhomberg for change of assessment for improvement of idiom - berg avenue. Petition of E. H. Sheppley for opening of Lincoln avenue. The petition of Standard Lumber Co. for extension of water mains from the levee along ‘Vali street to vicinity of Market street and locate two hydrants. Referred to the committee on tire and water. Communication of Dubuque Water Co. in relation to the paynleut for hydrants near the C., M. & St. P. R. R. shops. Re- ferred to the fire committee. Clain[ of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Switzer for $150 for damages sustained by reason for being shot by a policeman. Referred to the city attorney. Petition of Geo. W. Jones et al for an electric light at corner of 13th and Bluff streets. Referred to the committee on electrical construction. Petition for a light on Almond street. Referred to the committee on police and light. Petition of Labii & hand Powder Co. for extension of six months time In which to move powder houses. Time extended for thirty days. Petition of F. Baule and W. Ireland that the city engineer be instructed to give the proper lines and grade for the purpose of laying sidewalk on Grandview street. Granted. Petition for the Improvement of West Eagle Point avenue. ((ranted. Petition of Zion's church and Ms. Nic- holas Strotz of cancellation of taxes. Granted. Petition of John Tierney for extension of time to pay special assessment on Dodge street. One year's time granted at 8 per cent. lti'. AllJOURNED REGULAR `Es"It1N. sE1'T Si'n, 1891. Petition of Peter McDermott for exten- sion of time to pay spe. ial assessment on Dodge street. Six months time granted at 6 per cent. Petition of John Newman for extension of time to lay sidewalk. Granted. Petition of W. J. Burns to have Locust street near Jones street lowered to the es- tablished grade. Referred to the engineer and attorney, (with power.) Petition of James Crawford for location of hog scales at the corner of 23rd and .Jackson streets. Referred to the commit- tee on markets. Petition of street contractors for permis- sion to use quarry gravel for street cover- ing. Ald. Stoltz moved that no poorer cover- ing be accepted by the street cotnntittee than quarry screenings on all unfinished streets. Carried. Invitation of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress to take part in the exeicises on Labor day. The council having accepted the invitation the communication was re- ceived and tiled. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the honoraule Board of Supervisors be and is hereby notified to levy a tax of 3 mills for bridge fund for the city of Dubuque for the year 1891, accord- ing to chapter 16 of the laws of the twenty- second general assembly of 1888. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alit. Crawtord, Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That in conformity with the ordinances, and for the purpose of raising revenue to defray the expense and to pay the debts of the city, the tax levy for the year 1891 shall be as follows: General expense, 6 mills. interest account, 3 mills. Water account, 1 mill. Constructing new tire engine house, 1 mill. Adopted by the following vote: Ase main, G ab, Page,IPeaslee, Smia ih S Stong, ltz and Trexler. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the action of the mayor and the board of equalization in arranging with the Dunleith and Du- buque Bridge company for a settlement of the question of the assessment of the prop- erty of said company within the limits of the city for the year 1890 by agreeing that sato assessment shall be fixed at $500,000.00, and of the city treasurer in accepting the sum of $5,125.00 as payment in full of the taxes on said property for the year 1890 be and the same is hereby approved and con- firmed. Aid. Stoltz moved to adjourn to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. EVENING SESSION. Council met at 7:45 p. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. PresenFos- selmano,t Glab, Crawford, l age, Peaslee,Cushing, Stoltz and Trexler. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Engineer Blake presented profile of change of grade on Southern avenue. Re- ferred to the street committee; also pre- sented profile of change of grade on Rose street which was adopted. on Alsopresented roestreet profile from street changeof ade to Grandview street. Referred to the street committee. Profile of change of grade on Sanford street. Referred to the street committee with power. Profile of grade on Jackson street be- tween Jackson street and city limits. Adopted. Plat of Schroeder's re -arrangement of lots in J. P. Schroeder's add. Referred to the street committee. Profile of grade on Grace street. Re- ferred to the street committee. Also reported in favor of aIlowing .1saa' Proctor $135.30 on his bill of $198.25. Re- port adopted. Bids for street improvements wore read and referred to the engineer for computa- tion. Auditor Kenety presented his semi-an- nual report which was received and tiled; also reported cash on hand Aug. 1, 1891. $5.927.33; receipts for the month of Aug- ust 847,536.22; cash on hand Sept 1, 1891, $25,973.96; also reported the various amounts true contractors and collected on special assessment; also reported that the warrants of $400.00 drawn in favor of Peter Eisback, and the warrant of $3.88 drawn in favor of the Lesure Lumber Co. should be canceled as the same have been paid before; also re- ported $1,731.60 due the city officers for the month of August. Report received and filed and warrants ordered to pay the several amounts, and the two duplicate warrants ordered canceled. Recorder Fitzpatrick reported licenses issued by him to the amount of $843.00. Street Commissioner Ryan reported $3,846.30 due for street work during Au- gust. Also presented itemized statement of street expenses for the month of Au- gust. Accepted. Warrants ordered to pay same and report referred to the street committee. Marshal Rice reported $1,651 due the police for the month of Au- gust; also reported 88 police cases tried during August; also reported pound receipts $13.50; also reported having collected $40.00 on saloon license; also re- ported 92 patrol runs. Warrants ordered to pity same, and report referred to the committee on police and light. Chief Reinfried reported $1,275 clue the firemen for the month of September. Re- ceived and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Electrician Bunting presented his report for August which was referred to the com- mittee on electrical construction. 1). Hoffmann, justice of the peace, pre- sented his report for the month of August. Received and tiled. Marketmaster Gratz reported scale re- ceipts $18.45; rent of huckster stands, $26.50; due for board of prisoners $27.60. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay for board of prisoners. T. J. Granfleld reported scale receipts of First ward scales $5.85. Received and filed. Frank Fosselman reported scale receipts of Fifth ward scales $2.10. Received and hied. C. Deekert reported scale receipts of Eagle Point scales $2.20. Received and filed. Chas. Pitschner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $2.12. Received and filed. Street Commissioner Ryan presended a communication asking the council to give him instructions as to the repair of Main, Iowa and Ciay streets, stating that the ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. &rlr, 1891. 163 said streets are badly in need of repair. Ald. Page moved that the street commis- sioner be instructed to repair Main, Iowa and Clay streets. Lust. Aid. Crawford moved that the members of the council who have not visited Gales- burg, Davenport and other cities where brick paving is in operation are requested to visit those cities and investigate the mat- ter of brick paving. Carried. Aid. Page was appointed chairman the delegat ion. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Trexier, chairman of the finance committee, reported,$2,413.35 paid out by the treasurer for interest, hay and oats; also reported having borrowed $28,100 luring August. Report received and tiled and warrants ordered to pay same. Also reported in favor of receiving and tiling the resolution instructing the treas- urer to turn over to contractors money in his custody as collected. Also reported in favor of approving the bond of Marketuaster Gratz. Also reported in favor of receiving and filing report of the city auditor. Report adopted. Aid. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on claims, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Key City Gas Co. $4.00; Central Union Telephone Co. $2.75; Ferguson Bros. $9.55. Received and file bills of Geo. Cutter $2.48; Ahrens Mfg. Co. $15.85; also claim of A. R. Stevenson for injuries received by tailing on sidewalk. Refer claim of Ellen Blake for damages to fence on Foye street to the chairman of the committee on claims and city attorney to adjust the catim with said Ellen Blake to the best interests of the city. In favor of allowing W. W. Wormood $72.00 for within bill for taking_ care of g town clock for Ii months from Nov. 1 to May 1, 1891. Refer claim of Mr. and Mrs. Switzer for damages sustained by being shot by a po- liceman to the city attorney. Report adopted. Ald. Fosselmann, chairman of the street committee, ieported as follows: In favor of instructing the engineer to notify the property owners along the pro- posed exte, siou of 4th street of the coun- cil's intention to open up Said street and to appear at the next session of the council and show cause,it any, they have why said street should not be extended as proposed. In favor of referring profile of change of grade on Madison street to the alderman of the 4th ward. lu favor of paying the following bills: C. W. Robison, 30c; Chas. Van Dorn; $15.80; Norwegian Plow Co., $2.00;Noveity Iron Works, 80c; Jas. O'Connor, $3.75; Duggan & Kane, $1.00; Key City Lime works, $1.80. In favor of accepting the report of the street commissioner for July. We fiud that a great deal of work has been done by the street commissioner under orders Iron others than the council and street commit- tee, and would recommend that the coun- cil give the street commissioner orders from whom he shall receive his instruc- tions in the future. in favor of approving report of the city engineer on the grade of West Locust street as improved, and city recorder instructed to notify the chairman of the petitioners of the report of the city engineer. Receive and file petition for repair of sidewalk on Madison street until said street is improved. Receive and file bill of Thomas Donahue of of $780 for extra grading on Dodge street as said 'Pbos. Donahue agreed to grade said street for $500 in total and has re- ceived his pay therefor. Receive and file petition for opening of alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln and Kniest and Johnson avenues until said property owners are willing to pay the costs of damages for opening the same. Instruct the contractor to cover the allev between 19th and 20th and Jackson and Washington streets with gravel where necessary, and that the same be rolled with the steam roller when done. Receive and file petition for repair of Aspen street. That they find that there has been two feet on each side of Washington street taken of the sidewalk and that said im- proveme:it was done by stakes and lines given by the city engineer at that time, and it corresponds with the improvement of the rest of Washington street. That they have instructed the street commissioner to do the necessary repairing on Picket and Cornell streets so as to carry the water in the gutters. That they find from the estimate of the city engineer of filling done on South Main street that the con- tractor has been paid $744.75 more than the estimate of the engineer and would recommend that said contractor be notitien to do so much more filling on said street as will balance his account. That they have agreed to allow the Du- buque Street lty Co. to raise their track on Clay street from 9th to 10th streets dur- ing the pleasure of the council, said Du- buque Stteet Railway Co. to be responsible for any damages that may be caused by said change. In favor of granting the petition of C. Bayless et al. in relation to change of curb on Bluff street between 14th and pith streets. 'that they have examined the gutter to front of C. '1'. Bush's property on Julien avenue, and find the same was laid accord- ing to the plans of the engineer. Receive and file petition of Ed. Mulligan fold refoanr of Catharine street. That they have instructed the street corn- missioner to haul what surplus material he may have in the vicinity of Nevada street on said street so as to make the same pass- ablo as prayed for by Chas. J. Young. Receive and file petition of F. Baule et. al for sidewalk on south side of Rising avenue. Refer the petition of John V. Stuher in relation to low lot on West 5th street to the executive committee of the board of health to determine if said low lot is a nuisance. Receive arid file proposition of John Specht for purchase of gravel as the city Is not in need of any at present. That they deem it inadvisable to im- prove the alley between 22nd and 23rd and • Cooler ave. and Jackson street at pesent, as extension of White street along said alley is contemplated in the fixture and is now being agitated by property owners inter- ested. In favor of granting petition in relation to alley in Cummings sub. as the council has rejected the plat of A. Cain's sub. Delay action on petition in relation to storm water on Stafford avcnue and hies street until the proposed change of grade on Stafford avenue is determined. Instruct the engineer to make an esti- mate of the atnouut of grading required fur grading Seminary street; also the cost of same and report to the council. Receive and file bill of John IV 'Mains of 164. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 8TH, 1801. $55.55 for filling on Maple street, as the same was done without authority. Instruct the street commissioner to do the necessary repairing on Wood street so as to make said street passable, the same to be done at the least possible expense. That they have agreed to have the cul- vert on road extended 30 feet fu: ther at the same price as the original contract, and same has been done. Receive and file petition of Chas. Klingenberg; in relation to improving Klingenberg 'Terrace as said Chas. Kling- enberg has asked that his proposition be withdrawn. In favor of accepting the following streets: South Dodge street from Dodge to Curtis street. Windsor avenue from Eagle Point avenue to Lincoln avenue. In favor of accepting the grades of the following streets in Woodland Park add. as 8110 wit in plat book No. 4 on file in the city engineer's office. Adair, Audubon, Atlantic, Auburn and Algona avenues to Dexter avenue. Alta and Ashton avenues to Delaware avenue. Avoca avenue full length. Dex- ter avenue from Adair to Algona avenue. Delaware and Decorah avenues from Adair to Avoca avenue. Dubuque avenue from Adair to Alta avenue. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the commit- tee on supplies, leported in favor of pay- ing the bill of Novelty Iron Works 25c and Wm. G. Watters $167.74. Report adopted. Aid. Cushing presented and read for the first time an ordinance en- titled "Ali ordinance to repeal the pro- visions of section 10 of chapter 23 of the Revised Ordinances requiring keepers of livery stables to obtain a license for carry- ing on then business," which was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, With, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reporteu in favor 01 paying the bill of W m. S. Moto of 78 cents; also that they have secured temporary quarters for the patrol house on the corner of 9th and Clay streets. Re- port adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on tire, reported in favor of paying the bills of Christman & Ilcaley of $1.55 and 11. Lagen of $4.00. Reort adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported in favor of paying the bills of Key City Gas Co., $110.42; Dubuque Electric Railway, Light & Power Co., $670.50; Globe Light & Heat Co., $516.67. Report adopted. Aid. Smith. chairman of the printing committee, reported in favor of paying the following bills: TELEGRAPH, $75, German Catholic Printing Co., $50; Gerald, $29.17; allow $29.20 on bid of $91.75 of the Times Co., allow $29.15 on the bill of the Ledger of $91.65. Report adopted. Aid. Smith, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: In favor of cancelling the the taxes of A. Munsell, Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co., Mrs. C. Mahony, Patrick Ford estate, Margaret Donahue, M. Cain, Mary Shannon, Mary Jane Luke. Receive and file petition of Barbara Angster, W. B. Bunce, Mary Condon, Anna Burns, Margaret Butler, Bridget Flynn, Mrs. M. McGarry, Mrs. B. Finhe- gau and Elizabeth Buehler. Instruct treasurer to receive one-half the taxes of Katie E. Sullivan in full for 18141. Reler petition of Dubuque Specialty Ma- chine Works for exemption from taxation for 40 years to the committee of the whole. Instruct treasurer to receive $15.00 as payment in full from M. Strinsky on his homestead for 1890. Instruct treasurer to receive one half the taxes of Mrs. Johanna McNally in full for taxes of 1890. Instruct treasurer to receive one half the taxes of Margaret Hughes as 'payment in full for 1890. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of receiving and tiling petition of Mrs. (leo. Finn for can- cellation of taxes. Aid. Crawford moved that the taxes of Mrs. Finn be cancelled. Carried. Also reported in favor of receiving and filing petition of Susanna Bornheiser for caucellatoon of taxes. Ald. Trexier moved that Mrs. Boruheiser be al.owed to pay $10 in full for taxes of 1890. Carried. AId. Peaslee, chairman on electrical con- struction, reported as follows: In favor of receiving and tiling report of city electrician for July, 1891; also in favor of paying the bills 01 Win. S. Moto of $2.70 and W. li. Torbert of $34.35. Report adopted. Aid. Page, chairman of the sewer coin - nutted, reported as follows: In favor of paying the bills of Nester & Jungk, $4.10; Baumgartner & Klein, $4.15. In favor at granting petition of Sisters of Visitation for sewerage on Alta Vista street as soon as the sanitary sewer is ex- tended on Walnut and Rose streets. In favor of approving' plans for lateral sewerage on 9th street from 11'ashiogton to Pine streets and recorder instructed to ad- vertise for bids for the perlormance of the work. That they tend that by the plans of the city engineer for lateral sewer in Dorgan's alley, that in crossing 17th street said sewer will extend about one foot over the bottom of storm sewer. thereby creating an obstruetiun in said storm water sewer. We would therefore recommend that said plans be not approved. iii tavor of approving resolution for levy- ing special assessment for construction of lateral sewer on Harrison street between Jones and Dodge streets. Report adopted. The following resolution was read: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for the construc- tion of an eight inch tile pipe sewer in Harrison street from Dodge to Jones street by D. W. Linehan, contractor, adjacent to the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mrs. Mary Meehan, e34 lot 553, city, 4,577 sq ft at .0047, $35.60. Mary Barry, ej a% 554, city, 4806 sq ft at .0047, $22.59. James Doyle, e% n3(, 554, city, 2,403 sq ft at .0047, $11.29. .lames Doyle, OA lot 4, sub 555, city, 1,075 sq ft at .0047, $5.05. Mary Mulqueeney, lot 2, sub 555, city, 2,600 sq ft at .0047, $12.22. Eliza O'Brien, e% lot 61, sub 555, city, 3,388 sq ft at .0047, $15.92. Mrs. I'at. Bannon, &X uX lot 556, city, 2,176 sq ft at .0047, $10.23. David Crotty, e3 mjf lot 556, city, 2,176 sq ft at .0047, $10.23. 1ti tit. llintrager, e3 sy lot 556, city, 1,088 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 8TH, 1891. 165. sq ft at .0047, $6.11. Felix Agnew, e3 lot 557, city, 6.181 sq ft at .0047, $29.06. Mary Donahue, e;4 n% lot 558, city, 3,874 sq It at .0047, $18 21. Mary O'Halloran, ejf sj{ lot 558, city, 1,937 sq ft at .0047, $9.10. Tim Byron, e34 lot 559, city, 5,423 sq ft at .0047, $26.49. Mrs. Dan Breen, w30 ft lot 541, city, 2,860 sq ft at .0047, $13.40. J no. Burton est., w% n% lot 542, city, 2,432 sq ft at .01147, $11.43. S. M. Langworthy est:, wX sX lot 542, ell y. 2,4112 sq ft at .0047, $11.43. Leclaire & Laude, w34 sal, lot 543, city, 2,560 89 It at .0047, $12.03. C. L. and W. F. McKinley, wjfi nX lot 543, city, 2,560 sq ft. at .0047, $12.03. John Burton est., w% OA lot 544, city, 2,688 sq ft at .0047, $12.63. Mrs. O. A. Samuels, w% n3 lot 544, city, 2,688 sq ft at .0047, $12.63. B..1. O'Neill, wjf lot 545, city, 6,632 sq ft at .0047 $2b.47. Geo. V. Jones, wjf lot 546, city, 5,888 sq ft at .0047, $27.67. Thos. .1. Donahue, w% lot 547, city, 6,144 sq It at .0047, $28.88. Geo. Gray, Sr., wX lot 548, city, 6,700 sq ft at .0047, $31.49. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A his. Cushing, Fosselinann, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Glab and Smith. '1'lie engineer reported the following bids: Culvert on Sanford street—Ulrich Ruof $432.00. Ald. Fossselman moved that contract be awarded to Ulrich Ruot. Carried. SX Douge street bi,i ween Bluff and South Locust street—P. Eisback $207; .John 'Piney $230. Ald. '1'rexler moved that the matter be referred to the street committee. Carried. SANFORD STREET. .John 'l'ibey $1.527; E. E. Frith $1,394.40; Steuck & O'N'arrel $1,741. Ald. Stoltz moved to award contract to E. E. Frith. Carried. JACKSON STREET. D. W. Linehan $1,776.40; E. E. Frith $2,141.00; Steuck & O'Farrel $1,960.00. AId. Peaslee moved to award contract to D. W. Linehan. Carried. Aids. Fosselman and Stoltz, the special committee on petition of Mrs. Matilda Mc- Clure for extension of tone for one year to pay special assessment for improvement of Rhomberg ave., reported in favor of grant - ng the petition at 6 per cent. Aids. Crawford and reaslee, of the special committee on the charge of grade on Rose street, reputed as follows: Re- spectfully recommend that the proposed cmanee of grade of Rose street between Alta Vista and tenter Place be carried into effect and that the profile of said gra le as shown by the green line on the plat submitted by the city engineer at the last regular season be adopted and re- corded in the grade book in the engineer's office, all the owners of property abutting on that portion of said street who have made improvements having signed their consent on the plat submitted by the en- gineer to the council on August 3d, 1891. We further recommend that the change of grade of that portion of said street, be- tween Center Place and Race street sub- mitted by the engineer, and shown by the green line on the plat this day submitted by him to the council, be approved and the report of the engineer adopted; and that he recor der be instructed to give the no- tices of said proposed change provided in section 4 of chapter 25 of the revised or- dinances. Respectfully submitted. P. W. CRAWFORD, EDW. C. PEASLEE. Report adopted. ESOLUTIONS. Ald. Smith offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the matter of the special tax on lots 8 sub 7 of min lot No 73, on the sw corner of Hill and 'Third streets owned by Mrs. Mary Langworthy, for the con- struction of a sidewalk on the west side of Hill street in front of said lot be referred to the comtnittee on claims said got hay ing'been sold for said tax while the petition of Mrs. Langworthy for a reduction of the same was pending before the city council. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city marshal be and is hereby instructed to offer a reward of $25 to any party or parties who may give iutormation that will lead to the arrest and conviction 01 the parties who maliciously destroyed the gasoline lamps on Southern avenue on the night of September 7th, 1891. Ald. Stoltz presented the following: Resolved, That the city recorder be in- structed to advertise for bids for painting the town clock. The tower to be painted with two coats of light grey paint. Shutters to be painted brown or green, two coats. Dials to be painted black, two coats; Roman figures and hands on clock to be gilded. Contractor to furnish and build all neces- sary scaffolding required for above work, said work to be completed within sixty days from date of contract and subject to approval of the committee on public grounds and buildings. The contractor must give a good and sufficient bond that he will complete the contract and be responsible for any and all damages that may be occasioned by above work. The city to reserve the right to reject any or all bids. AId. l'age moved that the contract be awarded to M. C. Czizek, he being the next lowest bidder, for $299, provided Mr. Czizek agrees to do the work according to the above specifications. Mr. Czizek stated that he would agree to do the work for his bid of $299 according to the specifications as above. l'he contract was awarded to Mr. Czizek. A Id. Fosselman offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That West Eagle Point ave. between present terminus and Valeria st., be graded, guttered,curbed and macadamiz- on thatta abjeyyct. Thatwith thethe cityake the nordinance be and lie is hereby directed to make the nee- es..ary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder direct- ed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to the edone at abuttingtpr peexrty,seof gradng(to e owners ebid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Fosselman, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. No—Ald. Crawford. The following resolution was offered: Be it Resolved, That the special assess mens for improvement of Dodge stret from Bluff street to old cityline by:T. J- DIG ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 8TH 1891. Donahue, contractor, on the following described real estate be canceled: Joseph Straney, n. e. 50x150 lot B, Coop- er's sub.: 51.9 lineal feet curbing at 39c $20 24 34.60 sq yds guttering at 40e... 13 84 89 96 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.....35 98 Total $70 06 C. W. Robison, w. 36 lot 14, sub city lot 730 and lot 1 Union sive.: 3.6 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 1 52 2.4 sq yds guttering at 40c 96 4.80 sq yds macadamizing at 40c1 92 Total $ 4 40 and that the following be in lien thereof: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing Dodge from Bluff to old city line by T. J. Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on toe several lots, and parts of lots, and uarcels of real estate hereinafter earned, situate and own- ed, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Joseph Straney ne 50x150 of lot "B" Coop- er's sub.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 19 50 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 13 33 86 69 sq yds macadamizing at 40c34 67 Total $ 67 50 James Straney, uw 53.8x150, lot "B," Cooper's sub.: ' 1.9 lineal feet curbing at 39e $ 74 1.27 sq yds guttering at 40e 51 3.27 sq yds macadamizing at 40c1 31 Total $2 56 C. W. Robison, w 3y inches lot 14 sub city lot 730 and lot 1 Union add: 0.3 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 12 0.2 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 0.4 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 16 Total $ 36 Jas. W alsh a 33 3X lot 14 sub city lot 730 and lot 1'Union add.: 3.3 lineal feet curbing at 39c $1 29 2.2 sq yds guttering at 40e 88 4.4 sq yds macadamizing at40c 1 76 Total $3 93 Adopted by the following vote: ossel- moa lds. Crawford, , Glab,Page,Peaslee, Cushing, Smith, N Stutz and Trexler. The following resolution was offered: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the special assessment for the improvement of Garfield avenue from Pine to Fengler street by Chas. Steuck, contractor, on the following des- cribed real estate be cancelled, viz: City of Dubuque, lot 2 nein lot 106: 493.6 lineal ft curoing at 39c $192 50 219.2 sq yds guttering at 38c83 30 765.5 sq yds macadamizing at 39c298 55 Total $574 35 And the following be in lieu therefore. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing Garfield avenue from Pine street to Fengler street by Chas. Steuck, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Shepply R Retlsteck, lot A of min. lot 100: 119.5 lineal feet curbing at 39c... $240620 6118 53.11 sq yds guttering at 38c 185.89 sq yds macadamizing at 39e73 50 interest 2 years at 6 per cent 16 83 Total 8157 12 City of Dubuque, lot 2 of J1 in. lot 106: 374.1 lineal feet of curbing at 39c$145 89 166 09 sq yds guttering at 38.• 63 12 579.61 sq yds macadantiziug at 39c225 05 Total $434 06 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.-Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Fosselman, (+lab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The following resolution was offered: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing .Julien avenue from Bluff street to Hill street, b Carl Steuck, contractor, in front o and adjoining the seine, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Magd. ,tilers, lot 7 of 653a, City of Du- buque: 67.3 lineal feet curbing at 50e $ 33 66 37.33 sq yds guttering at 50c 16 67 128 44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c.... 64 22 Total $116 54 Magd. Merz, e 14.9 It. 8 of 653a, City of Dubuque: 14.9 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 7 45 9.93 sq yds glittering at 50c 4 97 23.18 sq yds macadamizing at 50c11 59 f Total $ 24 01 Mrs. Robert Short. w 30 ft 8 of 653 a City of Dubuque: 30 lineal feet curbing at 50c $15 00 22 sq yds guttering at 50e 10 00 46.07 sq yds macadamizing at 50c23 34 Total $48 34 John A. McKinley, lot 2 of 1 of 653, City of Dubuque: 117.8 lineal curbing at 50c $58 90 78.53 sq yds guttering at 50c 89 27 183.24 sq yds macadaunizing at 50c91 62 Total $189 79 Lorinnier House Hotel Co., lot 5 Lori- mier's sub. 307.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50x$153 56 Total $153 56 Dubuque Omnibus Cu., lot 6 Loritnier's sub: 38.22 sq yds macadamizing at 60c $19 11 Total $19 11 Dubuque Omnibus Co, lot 7, Lorimier's sub. 38.22 sq yds macadamizing at 50e 19 11 Total $19 11 Dubuque Omnibus Cu, lot 8, Lornnier's sub. 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c... 22 22 Total E. H. $ 2222 She le lot 49 Correlt's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 50e $25 00 33.33 sq yards guttering at 50c 16 67 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 50c38 89 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 8TH, 1891. 1117 Total $80 56 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 48 Correll's sub: 50.8 lineal feet curbing at50c $ 25 40 34.33 sq yds guttering at 50c 17 17 83.22 sq yds macadamizing at 50e41 61 Total $84 18 .1. A. Rhomberg, lot 47 Correll's sub: 71.4 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 35 70 47.60 sq yds guttering at 50c 23 80 111.07 sq yds macadamizing at 50c55 54 Total $115 04 .l. W. Hoffmann, lot 13, sub out lot 703: 56.78 sq yds macadamizing at 50c28 39 'Total $ 28 39 Polly (laggard, lot 12, sub out lot 703, city. 116. sq yds macadamizing at 50e 88 00 Total. $88 00 Thos. Hikson,lot 11, sub out lot 688 and pt 1154, city. 83.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c 46 67 Total $46 67 Win. Buckler, w 47 of lot 10 sub out lot 1188 and part of 654, city: 84.98 sq yds macadamizing at 50c$42 49 Total $42 49 Dora Pureeaer, e 18 lot 10 sub out lot 688 and part 654 city: 32.36 sq yds macadamizing at 50c16 18 Total $16 18 Adopted by the following vote: A yes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- man, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and Stoltz. A Id. '1'rexler moved that the action of the mayor in employing men for street work be approved. Carried. Ald.'Trexler moved that the mayor be authorized to swear in the marketmaster. Carried. Ald. Trexler moved that the street com- missioner be instructed to straighten the curb in front of J. Drehouse. Carried. Ald. Stoltz moved that the chief of the lire department be authorized to put the three minute Caen on the regular lire de- partment force. Carried. Ald. Stoltz moved that the city recorder advertise for 1,000 feet of 2% inch best hose. Carried. Ald. Smith moved to adjourn. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Fosselmau, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz, and '1'rexler. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, and l'age. Attest: J. C. 1•'rrz i'ATit CX, order. /‘ a /4,:)/1) Ileso by th of 1) ue, That •.: a , . of g .1 two-inch nk, brick. sto or cls ment, be, within 30 days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of 22d street, between Couler avenue and Jackson street, where not al- ready laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good two-inch plank. laid crosswise, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and Laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Eleventh street, between Walnut street and west side of Race street. Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Main street, between lsttstreet and Jones street, where not already laid. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good, two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, const ruct- ed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of west 5th street, between Hill street and Alpine street, where not already laid, plank to be laid crosswise at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 12 feet wide, of good cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on Ninth and Bluff streets, abutting city lot 643. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That a sidewalk, 8 feet wide, of good two inch plank, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid crosswise in conformity with the ordin- ance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of Eleventh street, between Walnut and Race streets. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone o ce- ment, be, within 30 days of thisnotice,.on- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Dodge street, between South Locust street and Bluff street, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good cement, be, within 30 days of this nstice. constructed and laid in comformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, abutting city lot 630 on Locust street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance to relation to side- walks, on Bluff street, abutting ii X city lot 134. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and relaid crosswise in con- orntity with the ordinance in relation to idewalks, on the south side of West 5th street, between Glen Oak avenue and Col- lege avenue, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch ph:ok, brick,stone or cement, be, within 30 day of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of West 5th street, between Burch street and Summit street, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Jones street, between Iowa street, and Walter street. Adopted lies ADJOURNED REGULAI(iN. ',Hi. I . Aog. 3rd 1891. I1-8-lOt. .J. C. FITZPATRICK. Recorder. Mayor's Proclamation. By chapter 45 of the act of the Twenty - Third i.eneral Assembly ot Iowa a law was enacted designating the first Monday in September as a legal holiday to be known as labor day. The introduction of this law was intended as a just recognition of the -toilers of our state. The business prosperity of our city in the past year is almost unparalteled in the history of Du- buque. We have Increased in population, our laboring people were all employed at remunerative wages, and our manufac- tures, jobbers, and other business men, as a rule, have met with a fair measure of success. The prosperity of any people depends largely upon the condition of the laboring classes. Reports from all parts of the state and from the whole ot the great northwest indicate that the crop of 1891 will he abundant. With a rich har- vest and our labor and capital well em- ployed we can rest assured that the great master wheel of our business commerce is sound and in its place. For these bless- ings we should be profoundly grateful. In accordance with custom, as mayor of tliesity, 1 appeal to all the people of Du- buque to observe this state holiday in a manner becoming the occasion with the thought that by so doing those who labor may have a day of rest and recreation and believing that it will be to the ultimate benefit of employer and employed as well as to all the people. Witness my hand and the seal of said IPEAL.I city this 31st day of Au- gust, 1891. CRAY. J. W. SAUNDERS. Mayor. 'Notice in Relation to Filling Lots. To Unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular ses- sion, ordering to be tilled and raiseed lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are num- bered and described as follows: Lots 23 and 24 in block 15, Dubuque Harbor im- provement Co's. add. You are notified to appear, if you desire at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said tilling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will com- mence on Sept. 7th, 1891. J. C. f'ITZPATRICK, City Recorder. SF I''1'E\I BER SESSION. 1891. llt!I i.lsT'J F V I.rr 1 W A11 A` Ts John Esatnan : ::::::::::::::: rs al J.F1'nn " 6000 J. Wlltse..... .. IN1 to I. Essman...... 50 00 Drawn by the City Recorder r: W lker " t 66 0 a .1. Daly„ during June, 1891. Job I a n s 60 00 75 00 W . Duey__ " .1. Murphy........ " .. 50 a) 60 00 CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE I D. Ahearn........ Hook anti laddercal- DUBUQUE, Iowa, July 1, 1891. ( Lan 'I'n the Honorable Mayor and City Council: James Allen...... Driver The following is a complete list of the warrants C . nahl......... Fireman._ IesIII ii by me during the mouth of June, F. G:Ena hbergl.... „ 1x01. J. Sehonberger... J. Ward 46 A. Duccini Name. For what Purpose. Amount M. Benston ...•.. •.. ••...... 1.. Gonner... Salary for May, Treas A. Feirstine urer X160 00 J. Finn " A. • McDonnell.... .1.C. Fitzpatrick Salary for May, Reco- John Lacy........ Laborer der.1. M. Kenety.....Salaryfor May, And- 116 65 D. QuIiMeelk n........ itor 116 65 M McCarten..... ............... ,. L J. McCarthy.. Salary for May, Allot M McMahon 46 126 00 trey .................. D. Tracy,. P.F. Gutnrie.... Salary for May, As- T Ahearn " sessor......... 12500 P. Hayden........ " ••••••••••••••• F. A. Glab........ Salary for May, As- H. Hibbs ....... Board of prisoners.... sistant Assessor100 00 L. Gonner........ Money advanced S. B. R1ce.........Salary for May, Mar- M. Ahearn.......Laborer shal 100 °0 A. Albrecht Ed. Ryan Salary for May, Street `• Commissioner 91 65 C. J. Ackley John Arndt " ............... Jos. Reinfried....Salary for May, Chief T. Ahearn........ '• of lire department75 00 J. Bawer .... ...._Helper seam roller.. H. Hibbe.... ....Salary for May, Mar- F. Be.er..... ...... Engineer road roller.. ketnntster...... 5000 John Bottoms. ..Laborer... ••.. I'. McNulty. Salary for May, Park A. Burke......... Custodian 46 50 D. Berner......... " •. Chas. Baumann..Salary for May, wharf - J. 00 P' B Il Mason ................. JBargnlanLaborer..... .... 1. S. Bigelow Salary for May, J. Bavemdort Health offtcer....... 30 00 J. Bhtseh........, ''.Iohm O'Comtell...Salary for May, Com- 66J. Byrne puttee c erk...... 75 00 B. 13rummitt B. Rawson ........Salary for May, Sew. It. Burns•- er Inspector......... 60 00 M. Burns " lames O'Halloran.Sa:ary for May,Wnl. Barkley•............•. sidewalk inspector.. 60 a) Sam. Collins..f. Klein... •Salary for May, Meat John Corbett Inspector 50 00 •••• • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••--•• . James Bunting...Salary for May, Elec. Jas. Cahill........ John Callahan. " Wotan 7J 00 ... Thos. Conroy 44 M. 'l'sch irgi, Jr... Salary for May, En- L. •Corcoran.... . • • • ........ - • • *weer 91 70 M. Carmody John Corcoran" W. Crumpwell ., P. Colford C. Coppersmith•••••......•••• N. CondonForeman .John Christoff .... Laborer M. Diefertlin " •••••••••-•' E. Desllrond...... .• M. Dumpily. - James Doyle....„Foreman__ . G. Dini.eldine.... Laborer John Eagan...... " H. Flood.......... •' John Fix......... H. Foil? ............... Chris. Fonsella... •.•......•.... F. Fotfall..... Chris. Fischer.... P. Fa•rgerald John I. crnau 66 C. Grunzig..... Ed. Grew• 64 K. Gulberlett H. GollIe ............... John Glossier••••••••••••••• JoeGrab............... L. Gross....... Thos. Hackney. l'arpente•............. . Jas. Barker Laborer.... John Ilafey ••••••••••••• Ed. HackettMason .................. .lames Ilan..Luboier................ Jno, Ilayes........Foreman Lahorer................ N. Hd6•. r61 Jas. Henley Dan. Harmon.....••••-••.•. Au Herzog ...... • • • • • . • F. lerzog" P. Hayden A. Johmon J..1eckline...... • J. KinsellaCarpenter.............. Win. Koenig Laborer Ed. Blake......... Salary for May. En- gineer ........ E. S. Hyac.......S.alary for Ni , As- sistant Engineer T. F. Rogan...... Salary for May, Meat inspector D. Ryan... ......Captain of Police .lolltt Raeslr...... James Carter..... Policeman. ...... Win. O'Brien 46 'Phos. Reilly 66 M. O'Connell •' Bart, Cain............... Win. Frith•' .1' Win Littscher" P. McNeruy I', Dunnegan P. Kearney 1'. Ilanlon" John Fitzpatrick. " Dan. Norton '' ••.•••••.•.. .. .lames Allen• .lohn lteuter.... •• " M. Hardie•" Wm. Welsh...... " Ed. Moore........ 64 Sam. Elmer....... mutes Flynn " • • • • • •. Dan. Lavery.... - 44 Thos. Blake John Murphy ,W1n. Klauer " Peter Scharf ••••••••'"•" P. McCollius• " John Ryan .'... Geo. % eek ••• ••• ••••• John Murphy Patrol driver A. Cullen......... Fireman T. Burke „ . •. •• •.' •'"". J. McFarland••-••••••••••• C. O'Shea • • M. Eitel........••••••• P. Martin 79 10 63.30 3 35 75 00 70 00 48 35 46 70 48 35 48 35 48 35 41 25 50 00 50 00 50 00 46 70 33 00 50 00 48 35 50 00 50 0 50 00 28 05 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 0 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 ro IN) 00 6500 00 60 00 85 00 60 al 60 00 5000 8 80 1.2 00 12 00 12 00 200 2 W 2 00 2 00 7 85 6 75 67: 6 75 6 75 5 40 5 40 4 05 19 00 119 77 20 05 26 00 20 25 6 10 405 45 00 60 00 1)1 54) 27 a) 18 00 42 00 20 25 2330 17 55 17 a) 12 15 5 40 405 8 80 27 00 31 50 24 65 10 55 1 70 27 70 1 70 26 a) 24 65 16 20 2 511 15 75 1 70 20 25 26 W 24 65 31 t5 16 20 21 65 26 :)5 25 65 19 25 1 35 16 20 1'26 17 '25 5 40 18 25 27 a) 12 15 21 :N1 24 36 4 06 27 35 35 45 31 50 1485 43 00 28 35 305 21 95 21 95 16 2t1 1 25 6 u) 2 70 5 40 10 80 48 a) 270 170 SEP1'EIt i1+:R SESSION, 1891. Phil. Kinny .1. Kurelt " F. K reeeer" Aug.I<oltn`• M. Kline�. F. Kurt `Y . .•............ Ed. Lee........... " :........... John Lavin" .lolui LacyForeman.... ......... II. Linpstock.....Laborer.... 41. Lilach......... " ............... John Lux......... " H. [elk........... " T. Ma;limy ........ " T. Murphy........ ............... M. Murphy....... " L. Maher..... • L. Metirise T. Alulqueeny.... .............. P. Melchoir...... James Meloy P. Meehan C. Meek en berg" •••.••....,.... P. Montel 61 M. McMahon.. M. McCone...._Foreman .......... ... . L. McEvoyLaborer.......... .1 McBride" .. 41 M. McGrath...... H. McMullen.... Joe McCune...... B. McCaffrey A. McGu:at John McNulty M. J. Mahon M. McCaiten M. Nuten B. Nickols John Noonan Joe Abbelt P. O'Brien F. Oswald Jas. Purcell D. Powers J. Pe, rtvon..... Carl 1 tend A. PtlffnerMason ................. Win. PickleyForeman ............... I . Quirk... Laborer................ .John it .etaForeman......... M. Ryan.... ..... Laborer ............... W. Rooney 66 John Ryan.. ..... M. Raw.......... h'. Rieger" I leu. Heider•' .... ..........• Win. Rielnu nn Chris Roselr n.......1. Rotterua..Jas Raw. ••••••.•. .lanes pagan.. " Wm. Ruff Mason ............... F. Itaeuloff Laborer ................ Fred. iia dloff, Jr " (las. ltttedloff.. . .1. Ryan Geo. Sutter L. Sabot .lames Smith .roe Sellc.. .las. steveusun... ••..••...... \I. SperhI Dan. Sheehan N Stehuitr N. Stork ...... .. I. Schroeder D. 'Tracy .John Wolfe 1'. Welsh........ .John A. Weber.. ........... 1l. Wii•tlr.. ........... Wm. Weber .... Foreman ........•..• . .Je nWeni,LLaorci...... John Whalen" It. W'iedentan P. Wagner.. Peter Weu•lelt` W. Zachina" (leo. Zumhof Foreman ..... ........ M. Burns 'room... .I. Beacon......... " .1. Brick...... .... U ................... N. Brandt ......... .. ................... D. Bogue......... .. C C. Baker....... ................... L. Cahill.......... ............... M. Crahun... ... .. Bart. Cain ........ .. .................. . 'rhos. Ca'n........ .. .................. P. Clanc .. • • ............. . 66 11 .. .........•••.•• " .. •..•.........•• • 66 4' • 6 75 J. Dunkley....... " ... 25 30 J. Elliott.......... 22 60 J. Fitzgibbons.... " ..... • . • ......... • • 20 25 John Carrigan.... " 16 20 F. Gregory........ 66 16 20 M. J. Hannon.... " 5 40 Win. Howard..... 21155 John Hilsotl 61 17'3.5 P. Jardin" 20 26 C. Kampmann" 19 tO P. Linehin" ................... 4 05 Chris. Lempke" .................. 11 15 Ed. Lagen" ................... 20 25 John Mengil" ................... 14 85 John May..... " 18 25 .1. McGrath....... •` 28 00 Jas. McCracken. " 22 :6 Alex. McElwain.. " 25 00 Win. McGrath... " ......... 24 65 Noonan Bros 15 20 Louis Ott 9 45 Jas. Pinch " 16 20 Con. Ragan...... .. 4 05 Jas. Ryan......... John Spear ....... .. PJ. Sutherland.... " . Specht......... `. F. Selnllz " H. Schmidt....... John Steffes ` Dan. Sullivan.... ` John Singuir.... .. Anton Beige...... A. Turner " J. Toussaint...... " Wln. Tinkhtun... " Call. Tobin H. Tippe.6 John Williams" Geo. Wetter...... " M. Wagner. ..... .. A. Waller ..... .. ........... E. J. Carpenter.. Express... J. J. Mcc,olllns.. L. Daly .......... .. :t00 31 60 25 65 21 25 18 90 8 10 16 20 205 4 75 540 4 05 4 05 20 55 16 10 8 10 27 35 8 45 26 65 4 75 24 65 30 4' 1 70 ;.550 20 45 4 05 35 05 21 60 '2 95 26 00 135 1 35 135 22 60 22 95 21 30 16 55 16 110 3 75 1 85 65 50t 5 40 18 25 16 20 21 60 26 00 24 30 14 20 4 75 16 k0 8 10 4 05 20 95 27 35 11 50 1 35 21 60 27 95 13 60 16 20 1 35 42 05 25 85 31 99 12 60 26 75 53 55 12 60 946 11 75 56 70 58 25 37 80 5040 9 45 D. Meanse....... . F. Siege.......... :.............. Wm. Sinnholt.... Chas. Steuck..... Due for street work Chas. Steuck Due for street work.. JAL' TibeyDue for street work. E. J. Evans Due for Street work. K..1. EvansDue for street work. Ed. Ryan..,,,Due for street work. Ed. RyanDue for street work. J. II. beggendort.l>ue for street work.. Chas. Steuck Grading Julien avenue Alex. Duccini Shade trees........... Key City,Gas Co Coke Excelsior Oil Tank Co.. 011.......... G. N. LaymuudGtobes................. • BJos. A. PalenTripoli ............... . utt Bras.... ,... • Repairing book • and Butt BrosRepairi .... Butt G. B. Grosy. nor Stiff lone ry............ • James KellyStationery ............. C. H. Wbitwell... Veterinary services. .. Lear & l'flffnerHorseshoeing T..1. Burns.......Hay..... • ...... Dubuque Water Co.Hydrants..... 500 00 Dubuque Water Co.Hyydrauts500 00 Dubuque Water Co.Hydrants33 :33 Lee & Norton Sewer on W. Locust St (100 00 do do do500 00 do do do do ... 50(11) .... 500 00 do dodo do 25 00 Thos. Donuhu .., Sewer on Dodge St.... 500 ou do de) do 50o 00 do ilo ..... do do .... 500 lin Dubuque Water 00 do 129 1Ni Ccompany. .•... • • Witer for engine house 10 1x1 ., R. & Q. H• R.. Freight ................ Cahill Ducciul.. So id ng parks 504 Key City bias (o..Coke107 25 Fire Extinguisher 12 74 company.. ......Lars and ¢lobes2 00 Eliw:wger Bro,... Harness supplies16 75 Stauuard Lumber coutpan% ....... Shavings ...... ... A. Wunderlich...Ilorseslroeing... ,5lx Langworthy -Adams company •....•.. Manhole cover9 00 Tony Siege........ Grading Julien +tee500 00 oM. McCarten.....Labor...... o a�„, ' • 185 00 N. Kutch & Son.. Repairs at engine 300 house 1 5u • 22 05 6 30 57 25 3 15 3 15 55 10 3 95 18 90 47 25 40 95 1 60 55!0 61 65 26 715 9 45 55 10 44 10 4 75 46 70 26 75 9 46 3 15 25 20 12 60 4 75 44 10 18 10 16 36 5:300 :34 65 22 05 235 26 75 4 75 4 75 45 70 63 80 37 00 14 20 48 05 25 20 1730 50 1 50 100 2 00 50 50 444 23 165 15 64 86 500 W 382 55 500 00 3111 04 429 23 500 00 34 50 26 li 10 00 70 6 20 200 24 85 480 6 90 25 00 200 SEPTE MBEIt SESSION, 1891. 171 Paul Schlenker... Repairing hose coup- lings Paul Schlenker...Oil cans ............... James Ragan.... Repairing sidewalk 1. T. Burns.......Oats......... I'. Klauer.........Galvauizrd iron 11i11 & Trudell.... Setting tires \l. isrown & Son..Oats. O. W. Linehan ....Grading and repairing Iowa street......... Central Union Tel. Co Rent of te'ephones... . Mrs. Meehan Scrubbing offices...... Mr•. Koenig Scrubbing offices...... F. A. Mil lerBrooms Alex. Simplot 500 souvenirs .los. Geiger Repairing windows.... t'has. SteuckGrading Rhomberg avenue ............. 1 . II. Royce Assistant engineer.... Henry Glab..... _Assistant engineer.... .lobi' Blake ...... Assist nt engineer.... Chas. Brown Assistant engineer.... Knapp•Stout & Co. company ..... Lumber ................ Dub. Woodenware company... Lwnuer............... . E. M. Dickey CoOil i..Rya, i, J .Gr ......ading Grandview av do ....... do 41 do .. do ....... do do do .. do do do do .1ohn Tiney .......Culverts on 341 street.. Baumgartner & Klein ..... Sledge handles......: It. E. LinehanSewer pii.e........... T. J. Donahue Watercourse on Dodge street ................ Farley- Luetscher company Stakes.... ........... C. Rowland Salt etc.......... ..... U. W. LinehanFifth street sewer.... do do do ... Lear & 1'IiffnerHorseshoeing U. . Linehan...Sewer in Jackson park do .... do do M. Lavin......... Sewer nn 7th street E. a. Frith Removing dead ani- mals.. ........ ni- inals............ Chas. Hansen Assistant Poundmaster George Schoustreet inspector ....... M. Morgan ..... Street inspector John Deggendo•f. Street ins pector Peter Schlitz Street inspector....... D. W. LinehanSewer on South Locust street D. W. Linehan....Sewer •n South Locust street Western Electric company..:..... Electrical supplies Harker & Blish... Stationery P. McCullough ....1 Horse.. ........... L. Daly.... ..... ..Cleaning around city hall........... ...... . Jos. Bimones & Co.011 cloth A. C. 1•ancratz.... Room rent for election Western Union TeL company........ Telegrams Geo. Hinloon .... Hauling chairs J. C. Althauser... Dusters Palmer, Winall & Co Stationery.... ........ Tom. ConnollyRep.patrol wagon.... G. B. Grosvenor Stationery_ ........... Hardie & ScharleStationery ............. Rei aidStationery ............. HeraldAdvertising tax list... Duggan & KanoBbl. and lamp wick.... J.1-leim prick .................. G. A. Roemer Lantern globes ...... R.T. Eddy Sidewalks ............. L. Daly... Removing garbage.... Lesure Lumber company.... Lmnber................ Baumgartner & RichNails................... Christman & Hea- 1ey Wheelbarrows, etc.... C. W. Robison Lumber.. .. ....... Standard Lumuer companyShavings and lumber.. Iteinu•led & Jae - 1 00 1 60 75 3 25 2%.0 225 42 30 100 46 20 50 7 511 22 541 1 25 10.1 00 19 30 500 00 64 50 25 85 25 85 5 80 54 36 3 93 9 00 500 00 5041 00 500 00 450 00 176 00 55 30 25 11 63 300 3 85 510 00 464 05 5 00 500 00 23 15 112 71 2 50 13 50 46 00 34:0 30 00 32 50 500 00 142 00 12 48 3 25 200 00 29 20 2 30 6 00 1 30 1 00 3 09 1 75 35 70 300 64 10 7 00 7 40 3 70 28 45 45 44 44 78 00 3 88 4 30 7 15 1200 44 56 Oger Tools........... ....... 1 00 .doe NortonTrimming trees........ 14 00 Win. YoungTrimming trees........ 14 00 Wm. QuinlanTrhumiug trees........ 9 00 M. AhearnTrimming trees....... 11 00 .his. Meloy... Trimming trees....... 70 Dub. Fire & Ma- rine Ins. Co....Insurance.............. 137 50 Phoenix Ins. Co.. Insurance Amazon Ins. Co.. Insurance B. E. Linehan. ...Sewer pipe Geo. Cutler....... Electrical supplies Burke & 11111 Macadam H. Weber.... ..... Macadam.... ....... Jos. Appelt ..... ..Macadam M. Lavin.... .....Culvert on Il.rove and Hill street F. Schlo z......... Repairing tools Thos. O'Brien .... Room rent for election A. Y. McDonald MP. Rfg igun Room suction election le 00 Key City Gas CaStreet gas.............. 104 16 Dubuque Electric Wy L. & P. CoStreet lighting......... 500 00 170 50 Globe Light and Heat Co........ .... 500 m Globe Light and Heat Co66 16 dr B. D. Linehan ....Repairing tools........ 10 45 Chas. Steuck.... Street work............ 308 88 James Lee ...... _Cement sidewalk city hall .................. 500 00 Chairman Fire Tournament.... For trip to Cedar Rapids .............. S. McElrath Freight C. Spiegelhalter.. Salary as Poundmaster John O'Brien .....Labor John Tierney Labor .................. 75 00 18 75 37 24 32 64) 10 35 136. 850 10 25 5 00 100 00 84 40 00 28 00 28 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct cony of all the warrants issued b3 me during .lune, 1891. J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. 172 SEPTEMBER SESSION, 1891. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 8ih day of Sept., 1891, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamiz- ing Julien Avenue from Bluff to 11111 Streets. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Margaret Merz, city sub 653a7 $116 51 do do a 14 9 feet 8 24 01 Mrs. Robert snort, city sub 653a ii 30 ft 8 48 34 .1. A. McKwltty, city sub 653 lot 2of 1 18979 1.oriiiier House Hotel Co, Lorimer sub 5 158 56 Dubuque Omnibus Co., Lurt- uner sub 6 19 11 Dubuque omnibus Co., Lori - Wier sou 7 19 11 Dubuque Omnibus Co., Lori- uter sub 8 22 22 E. 11. Slteppiey, Currieli'ssuu49 bu 56 I. A. Khomuerg, Corriell's sub 48 8418 .1. A. lthoniuerg, Cornet's sub 47 115 04 .1. W . Hoffman, city suu 70313 28 39 Polly Haggard, do 12 88 Oil T. Nickson, city sub 688 part 654 11 46 67 W at. Buechler, city suu 688 part 654 w 47 it 10 42 49 Dura l'uerecka, city sun 688 part 654 e 18 It 10 1618 For Curbing, Guttering and macadamizing Dodge Street from Bluff Street to Old City Line. Jos. Straney, Cooper's suu, n e 50x150 u B 67 50 James Straiiey, Cooper's sub, a w538x16Oit B 2 56 C. W. Robison, suu city 73Oatd . lot 1 Union add, w 3,i inches 14 36 .las. Walsh, sub city 730 and lot 1 Union ado, 33411 14 3 93 For Curving, Guttering and Macadamiz- ing Garfield Avenue from fine to ieugler Streets Shepley & Beilsteck, mit lot 100 A 157 12 City of Dubuque, unit lot 1062 434 06 For the Construction of au 8 -inch 'Tie Sewer in Harrison Street from Dodge to Jones Streets. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Airs. Mary Meehan, city, e %553 $35 6u Margaret Barry, city, e X s %554 22 59 Jas. Doyle, city, e 34 ii 'r6 654 it 29 do do e 36 lot 4 sub555 5 05 Margaret Mulqueeney, city, sub 555.... 2 Eliza O'Brien, city , sub 555 e X 1 Urs. Pat. 8111111011, city, e ;y it 36 556 David ciotty, city, e 3y in X556 Win. Hiutrager, city, e y s X556 helix Agnew, cit.), e 35 557 Mary Donahue, city, e X t %558 Mary O'Halloran, city, e ;y s X 558 Tim Byron, city, e X b69 Mrs. Dau Breen, city, w 30 it541 John Burton est., city, w 34 n % 542 S. M. i.augworthy est., w 38 s 34 542 LeClaire & Laude, city, w 12 22 15 92 s X 543 12 03 C. E. and W. F. McKinlay, city, w y n 34 543 12 03 John Burton est., city, w s 3y 544 12 63 Mrs. U. A. Samuels, city, w X nt( 544 1263 B. J. O'Neill, city, w 3f 545 26 47 Geo. W. Jones, city, w 'Xi 546 27 67 Thos. J. Donahue, city, w 3a.547 28 88 Geo. Gray, Sr., city, w 3y 518 31 414 And that iu case of failure to pay the same within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear interest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque, this 18th day of eptember, A. D. 1891. LAWRENCE GONNE:It, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. 10 23 10 23 5 11 29 05 18 21 9 10 25 49 13 40 11 43 11 43 Notice. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder up to 12 o'clock m., Sept. 8, 1891, for the improvement of Sanford street from Jackson to Elm street; Jackson street front Peru road to city limits; south half of Dodge street front 1llutt to South Locust street; for constructing culvert on Couler creek front Sanford to Elm streets, according to plans and specifications on file in the city re- corder's office. Bidders must state the price per lineal loot for curbing; the price per square yard for guttering and ma- cadamizing. Grading to be bid in total. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. .J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. Notice of Change of Grade. At the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque held August 3d, 1891, it was ordered that the proposed change of grade on West Third street, front Walsh street. to College avenue, as shown by the profile in the recorder's office, will be con- sidered at 111e next regular session of the council, and that all persons claitnnigdam- ages by reason of such proposed change of grade must file their claims before such meeting with the city recorder. Dcut-qui:, La., Aug, 12th, 1891. .1. C. FITZPATRICK, t't corder. $25 Reward. The above amount will be paid to the party giving information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who maliciously destroyed the gasoline lamps on Southern avenue on the night of September 7th, 1891. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Dubuque, Sept. 9, 1891. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 17TH. 1891 173 CITY COUNCIL. the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Brad street, abutting lots 1, 2 and 3 in S. M. Langworthy's add. Adopted Dy the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Fosselmann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and l rexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Whereas, The property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject to be covered with stagnant water; and Whereas, The owners of said property have been notified, as required by law, to appear and show cause why said lots should not be filled, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the following de- seribed property, lots, and parts of lots, viz: Lots 23 and 24, block 15, Dubuque 1 [ar- bor improvement Co.'s add, be filled and raised, at the exyense of the hwiers, to a height sufficient, in the judgment of the city engineer, to prevent stagnant water remaining thereon. The work is to be co" pieted by Oct. 15th, 1891. The city marshal' shall notify the owners of said property of the passage of this reso- lution in the manner provided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the own- ers to till up or raise said property, lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by toe city and the costs thereof as- sessed against and be a lien upon said property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- maun, Gab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz. and Trexler. Ald. (flab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide. of good two-iicu plank, brick, stoma or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid crosswise in coeforemy with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side. of Alpine street, between Dodge street and West Third street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Critwtord, gushing, Fossel- man, Glau, Page, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trex- ler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or ceniettt be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Clay street, between 4th street and 5th street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Cushing, Fossel- mann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. (flat) offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 80 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west sole of White street, between 4th arid bili streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Vessel - mann, (flab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz, and 'Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved Uy the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick stone or cement, be, within 20 days ie nutter., eonytlucted and laid in con - Adjourned Regular Session Sep- tember 17th, 1891. (OFFICIAL." Coutteil meet at, 2:40 o'clock p. m., May- or Saunders in the chair. Present. —Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fosselmann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of referring plat of Reifsteck & Schepple to the city attorney and city en- gineer to report to the council the owner- ship of lots A anti B of part of mineral lot 106. Ask further time on proposition of Key City Gas company for lurnshing gas light to the city. Recommended that the petition of resi- dents of Hilt street and Julien avenue against extension of sanitary sewer on said streets be granted. That the council has taken the proceed- ings to abate nuisance on lots 25 and 27 Reche's sub. as asked for. Recommend that the petition in relation to tax for sewerage in alley from 1st to Dodge street be referred to the sewer com- mittee and city attorney with power. Receive and file remonstrance of Mrs. Julia Burke and Barbara McLaren against opening of Glen Oak avenue. Adverse to the bill of Dubuque Water Co. of $200 as no committee had been authorized or diel make a contract for furnishing water for tee Milwaukee shops. Receive and file resolution relating to forefeiture of right of way of certain tracks not operated by street railways. Adverse to proposed change of grade of Villa street. Receive and file plat and all papers in re- lation to alley east of W tison avenue as the matter has been disposed of by the council until 11. ll. Illish pays all damages that may be caused by the opening of said alley. Report adopted. RESOLUTIONS. Aid. Page offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, abutting lots 10, 11 and 12 in Prospect Hill add. Lost, by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford. Glab, Page, Stoliz and Trexler. On motion the resolution was referred to Aids. Cushing, Peaslee and Smith, they having refused to vote on same. Ald. Page offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west sole of Brad street abutting lots 31 and 32 in S. M. Lantrworthy's add. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ards. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- mann, Glob, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Page offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stoneor e wt cement, b , thin 20 days of this notice, ce, oa �• constructed and laid in conformity .with forma).with the ordinance in relation to I ; I A I►.101*l;NEI► REGULAR SESSION. SEPT. 17m, 1891 sidewalks, on the south side of 5th street, between Clay street and White street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- mann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following : Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the alley between Hill and Wiuoua avenue be graded and macad- amized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is Hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications fur said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the macadanuzit.g to be none at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Crawford, Cushing. Fossel- mann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Petition of Chas. Steuck that he be paid 01,399.30 collected on special tax and $2.24 interest. Ald. Stoltz moved that warrants be drawn, provided the auditor finds the amount correct. Carried. AId. Trexler, chairman of the special committee on the grade of South Dodge street, reported as follows: Your special committee, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Elec- tric Railway,Light and Power company in relation to change of grade of South Dodge street, would respectfully report that we have carefully examined said: street with the city engineer and find that the street has been unproved in accordance with the grade established over thirty years ago and which was the established grade at the time Allen & Swiney accept(( tie ordinance for the couatruction of their railway. While the grade might possibly be better, vet now that it has been improved at a great cost to the city and abutting property owners, we think it inexpedient to attempt to change it, especially as the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power com- pany declines to defray ally portion of the expenses of the cost of change of grade. 'rhe engineer estimates the cost over $6,- 000. Respectfnlly submitted, IoiIN TItEXLER, P. W. CRAWEORD, DENIS SDIITH. Report adopted. Ala. Smith offered the following resolu- tion: Whereas, The Dubuque Street Railway company did on March 14, 1889, receive front the city of Dubuque valuable fran- chises in consideration that said company were to operate an electric street railway in said city; and, Whereas, Said company, through her proper officers, did, on April 25, 1889, ac- cept said franchise and agreed to fulfill all obligations contained therein; and, Whereaa, Said company has failed to fulfill its contract with the city in neglect - tog to operate its lines on Rhomberg ave- nue, Clay street, Third street, Iowa street and Second street with electricity accord- ing to section 2 of their ordinance; there- fore, be it Resolved, that said company be notified to operate their lines on above streets ac- cording to their ordinance within thirty 30) d.,ys from date of this notice, and in failure of said company to obey above order then all rights and privileges held by said company shall be declared for felted. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Fosselmann. Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—Alds. Crawford and Glab. AId. Crawford offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the city council reiterates and reaffirms the resolutions adopted by this body on .lune, 1891, and July, 1891, notifying and directing Allen & Swiney, their associates and successors, to proceed without further delay to carry out their contract with the city by constructing and operating their line of street railway on South Dodge street. and on that part of Dodge street between South Dodge street and the old corporation line. Resolved, further, that a continuance of their delay to carry out said contract with the city of Dubuque, in good faith, will compel the city council to resort to such measures as may be deemed necessary to enforce compliance therewith. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. 'Trexler moved that when we ad- journ we adjourn to Monday, September 21st, 1891, at 2o'clocic p. m., to receive the report of the city attorney as to whether city council has the power to declare for- feited the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power company's franchise at once for non-cornphance with their charter, or whether the said company had one year's time in which to complete their said tide. Carried. Ald. Fosselmann, chairman of the street committee. reported in favor of approving the plat of Fatrmoulit Park addition as shown on within plat, also in favor of va- cating and annulling the former plat of It'airuount Park addition accepted Feb. 2, 1891.. Report adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Fosselmann. Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. No.—Ald. Cushing. Profile of change of grade on Windsor avenue referred to street committee. Prof,ositiou of A. W. Hosford to grade ('rant avenue and West Eleventh street in Bain's sub. for 9 cents per cubic yard re- ferred to the street committee. Profile of grade on West 11th street and on Grant avenue referred to the street commit tee. Petition of L. Palen & Co. for the priv- ilege of placing hog scales at corner 18th and Couler avenue referred to marlcetcom- mtttee. Petition for light at corner Grandview avenue and Delhi street referred to the committee on police and light. Petition for sewer on Olive street re- ferred to sewer committee. Petition of James Wa sit for an exten- sion of one year's time at 6 per cent. in which to pay special assessment for im- provement of Dodge street granted. Communication of Wm. Ilnutrager in re- lation to filling stagnant wa.er lots re- ceived and tiled. Claim of Barbara McLaren for damages for opening of Glen Oak avenue received 1111d tiled. Petition of D. C. Cram in relation to sewer in Dorgan's alley. AId. Smith moved that the plans for said sewer be adopted as prepared by the city engineer. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Fosselmnrt, Glab, Peaslee, Smith,'Stol a and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Cushing and Page. I ADJOURN ED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 17TH, 1891 11:) The committee on public grounds and buildings were instructed to see that the lightning rods on town clock be properly attended to. Petition of H. Il. 13.ish and John Phil- lip, agreeing to pay expense of jury for opening alley east. of Wilson ave. granted. Petition to have ,.race street graded to e-tablished grade. Referred to street com- mittee and engineer in tiucted to give esti- mate of cost os grading. Petition of Isaac Proctor for re -referring his bill to the street committee rtceiveu and filed. Bill of '1'..1. Donahue for $251.50 referred to the street committee and engineer. Bill of I. S. Bigelow for $5 referred to the board of health. Invitation to attend convention for the improvement of western water ways at Evansville, lull.. Oct. 14th and 15th, was read and ordered received and filed. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows on the petition of the residents 01 West's llall to compel the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light & Power Co. to extend their line on South Dodge street: That they were un- able to come to any definite conic usiou for extension of street railway on Dodge and South Dodge streets. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution: Resolved, That the recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a venire to the city ma. shat commanding him to summon u jury of twelve fteehuide's having the qualitications required by law for the pur- pose of assessing any damages wnich may be sustained by ally person whose property may be taken for the extension of Glen Oak avenue to Julien avenue to accord- ance with the plat of said proposed exten- sion on the in the office of the city en- gineer. All of the proceedings under this resolution to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 26 01 the Revised Ordinances. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alt. urawlord, Cushing, Fossel- mann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Lr'exler. City Engineer Blake asked for itistruc- Iions as to whether it was his duly to set grade stakes for the grading of streets w Woodlawn Park add. Ald. Stoltz moved that the engineer give the proper stakes and superintend the work, and the mayor be requested to sign the contract. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, tllab, Smith, Stoltz and '!'rexier. Noes—.Ads. Crawford, Fosselmann and Page. Aid. Peaslee moved that the action above taken on the Woodlawm Pars matter be reconsidered. Carried. Alt. Fosselmann moved that the com- munication of the city engineer he re- ceived anti filed. Carried. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, That the recorder be and is hereoy instructed to issue a venire to the city him to sum - won aatjuryfy ofctwteltve freeholders having the qualuic.Attons required by law tar the purpose of assessing any damages which ought be sustained by any person or per- sons whose property may be taken forWithe extension of the alley between avenue and Pine street, and Bill. .street running south from West 8th.-btreet to West 5th street, in accordsice whit the plat of said proposed e�.tetision on tile iu the office of the City engineer; also for Peaslee, Broadway extension as per plat on tile in the chy engineer's office. All of the proceedings under this reso- lution to be conducted in accordance with chapter 26 of the Revised Ordinances. Adoptd by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- mann, With, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and '!'rexier. Ald. Page offered the following: Resolved, That the action of the council of Sept. 8th, 1591, in rejecting plans anti specifications for lateral sewerage in Dor- gan's alley be reconsidered, in lieu thereof teat said plans and specifications be ac- cepted and approved, and the city engi- neer be instructed to advertise for bids for the performace of the work, said work to be tame at the expense of adjacent prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Crawford, Fosselmann, Glib, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. No—AIdd. Cushing. AId. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two -,00h plank, be, within 20 bays of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east sin a of Race street be- tween West 11th and Rose streets. Ald. Fosselmann moved to amend to make the sidewalk twelve fee. wide. Carried. The question being put on the resolution as amended was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Fosselmann, Smith anti Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee and 'Trexler. Aid. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Race street, between West 11th street and Rose street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—•Alts. Crawford, Glib, Page, l'eas- lee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Vies—AId. Fosselmann. Alii. 'Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Thatadwafeet id oft I plank,brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance its relation sidh e a ksi te south side of be- tween Pine street, and Maple street, to be laid on temporary grade. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Chat), Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. OAld. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: To C., M. & St. P. R. It. Co.; C.. St. P. &K.C.It. R.Co. and l.C.R.R.Co: You and each of you are hereby notified ahits nextt is fregular season tf o betcitheld :coua Oct. cil, 5th, 1891, to pas. olutiun ordering you t itto cunstr ' id maintain automatic safety gates, ---over public thoroughfares over tracks object being to protect thetraveling publicromba ger while crossing your tracks. Ald. Fosselman offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That an order for Sl(Nki be lits .11)JOUPNEh REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 17TH 1891 drawn in favor of Ulrich Ruff as part pay- ment for construction of stone arch sewer on 9th avenue. Aid. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to survey and report to the council a suitable grade for West 11th street and Grant avenue, as laid out on the subdivision of the property of Hos- ford & Gruner, and also an estimate of the number of yards of grading on said streets. AId. 'Trexler offered the following which was adopted: '1'o E. H. Sheppley: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular ses- sion, ordering to be filled and raiseed lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are num- bered and described as follows: Lot 8 in Hooper's addition. You are notified to appear, if you desire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will com- mence on Oct. 5th, 1891. Aid. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Main street, between First and Eighth streets, be paved with brick in conformity with the ordMance upon that subject. '1'liat the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the nec- essary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder direct- ed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the paving to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, and the Dubuque Street Railway company and the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company and the Key City Electric Motor company. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fosse!. mann, Glatt, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. 'Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Cauncil of the City of Dubuque, That Iowa street, between 3rd and 17th streets, be curbed and paved with brick, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to make the necessary plans and specifications h eecifi ty rect r deror said direct improvement, ogivand proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the curbing mid paving with brick to be, done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting pro- perty, and the Dubuque Electric Ry., Light and Power Co.; Dubuque Street Ry. Co. and Key City Electric Moter Co. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- mann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. Cushing offered the following: Resolved rCouncil ofDubuque, 'flint M Main street, the tween EEighth and Seventeenth streets, oe curbed Sad paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said Improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of, the work, the curbing and paving to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, the Key City Motor company and the Dubuque Street Rail- way company. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cusliiug, Fossel- mann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Aid. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Main street, between Jones and First streets, be curbed and paved with brick in couiormity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary phut; and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the curbing and paving to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting•property and Dubuque Street Railway company. Adopted by. the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fos- selmann, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. AId. Cushing offered the following which was unanimously adopted: Whereas, tine mayor and members of the city council of the city of Dubuque visited the cities of Davenport, Galesburg, Bur- lington and Rock Island for the purpose of investigating as to the merits of brick pav- ing for streets; and i hereas, The mayor and aldermen of said cities were untiring in their efforts to furnish us with the required information, and to make our visit as pleasant as pos- sible; and Whereas. The C., B. & N. R. R. officials also aided to our comforts by setting aside a special car for us, and the kind attention paid us by their agents along the route. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That we extend to the mayor and aldermen of Davenport, Galesburg, Burlington, Rock Island and to the C., B. & N. It. K. officials our sincere thanks for the courtesies ex- tended us, and be it further resolved teat a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes and a copy of the same forwarded to mayor and city council of the above cities and to the C., B. & N . R. R. officials AId. Peaslee moved that the street com- missioner replace the fence between Broad and Alta Vista streets. Carried. AId. Peasiee moved that the ordinance committee be instructed to draft an or- dinance compelling abutters on streets where brick paving has been ordered to make all underground connections before the improvement is made. Carried. Aid. Stoltz moved to adjourn. Carried. A est: .1. C. FITZPATRICK, icy recorder. A U JOURNED REGULAR SESSION, SEPT. 21ST, 1891. 177. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session Sep- tember 21, 1891. Council met at 2:30 p. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Cra wford, Cushing, Glab, l'easlee, Smith and Trexler. AId. Glab moved tl.at warrant ordered at the session of the council Sept. 8th, 1891, in favor of John Ryan, policeman, be paid. Carried. City Attorney McCarthy offered the fol- lowing report which was adopted: To the City Council: G1 TLEMJ;N:—At your adjourned regu- lar session, held on 'Thursday, the 17,h inst., 1 was instructed to render to the council a written opinion as to, First, whether the city council has the power to declare forfeited the lranchise of the Dubuque Electric Railway, Li4ht and Power company for non-compliance with its provisions; and, Second, whether said company had one year in which to construct and operate its railway on South Dodge street from the time said street was brought to the estab- lished grade by the city. Concerning the second proposition, 1 am at a loss to know how to make it any plainer than by referring the c. uhcil to the language of the ordinance itself. Section 1 ot the ordinance recites as follows: "Pro- viced also that said grantees shall not be required to build its line of railway on South Dodge street until the city shall have first brought that portion of said street on which the grade has been es- tablished to the estaulished grade." This paragraph of the ordinance cannot be construeu to mean anything else than that the railway shall he constructed when the street is Drought to grade. No one will claim that under this provision the road must be constructed in a day or a week after the Sireel is graded. The jaw never requires impossibilities. But the rule is well estab- lished that where no definite time is fixed in a contract, a reasonab.e nine is meant. 1 am informed by the city en gineer that the middle of the street in question was graded so as to admit of the laying 01 railway tracks in July last. This statement must be taken as official and correct since he is the officer upon whom devolves the duty to in- dicate the grade line and decide when the grading is complete. I am unable to con- strue that, by the ordinance, the 'com- pany shall stave a year after the street is graded in which to build its road. I don't think it is susceptible of any suchconstruc- tion. It merits that the road shall be con- structed within a reasonable time alter the street shall been brought to grade. And you are the judges of what is meant by a reasonable time. You must take into consideration all the facts and circum- stances, and, in the exercise of an honest and impartial judgmeht,decide whether the company had a reasouabie time to build its road. You are judges of this, not 1. 1 can only apply tile rules of law, you must de- termine the !accts. The law contemplates that while you are to conserve public in- terests, at the same time you must jealous- ly protect private rights that have been created and encouraged by your legisla- tion. At your regular session in June you adopted a resolution requiring toe railway com con- struction of questionany in seline of proceed to railway onitSouth Dodge street; a copy of this resolution was served upon the company. To this resolution, I think, the company paid no attention. At your July, 1891, ses- sion you adopted a resolution rectum; that the company had failed to comply with its charter by negt-ctiog to construct its rail- way on South Dodge street and threaten- ing to lolled the charter upon neglect or latlure to so construct its line. A copy of this resolution a as nerved upon the com- pany. To this resolution the company re- spooaed by a communication to the coun- cil under date ot Aug. 3, 1891, and it, its coniwunicattou can De construed to mean anything, it means that the company does not propose building on South Dodge street at all. The company has had ample notice of the council's intention to forfeit its charter and, so far as I am advised, has made no move toward comment ng the construc- tion of the line in controversy. Upon the other question whether the council can de- clare a forfeiture 1 will also quote the lahgu mge of the ordinance. It is as fol- lows: "And upon the latlure to comply with said cohddions said grantees shall hereby forfeit to the city of Dubuque the said $10,000 and also their rights under the ordinance." It is claimed on the part of the company that the council cannot de- clare a forfeiture, and that the only remedy of the city is to go into court and have the question deter- mined by judicial proceeding. 1 have ex- amined the law upon this question with all the care possible and am unable to reach a like conclusion. The ordinance in question is a contract by the terms of which both the city and the company are bound. It is in its nature a conditional contract. That is, the company is to have no rigts at til unless it complies with the requirements of its charter. And the city, when it made the contract referred to, ex- pressly stated that unless the company complied with its charter it would thereby forfeit not only all its rights under the charter, but 810,000 in money. The inteD- tton of the law making body is always a controlling feature in the interpreta- tion of statutes and ordinances. It was never the intention to require the city to go into court and perhaps carry on expensive and needless litigation fur a long period of time to determine whether or not a uorleiture lied taken piece. if such had been the intehtiou it would be so stated in the ordnance. Suppose the company had failed to build its road on Iowa and Jack- son streets as contemplated by the ordi- nance must it be ciaimed that the city must go into court to determine a lorfet- ture? if a charter had been granted without any reservation or without any reference to a forfeiture then 1 concede a judicial proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction might be necessary. In the case before us, how- eter, the contract expressly recites that un- less the company complies with its charter it thereby forfeits all rights. If the com- pany has complied with its charter the council must keep hands off. But the council are the judges us to whether the company has compiled with its charter. As before stated, they are the conservators of the public welfare, the representatives of all the people of the city, and the theory is well understood that the rights of the public are better rhe ndinure speedily than pro- moted by council y he courts. If you find as a matter of fact that the company has had a reas- onable time in which to construct its 178 ADJOURNED PEGULAR,SESSSION. SEPT 21TH, 1891. line of railway on South Dodge street you may then pass an ordinance re- pealing the ordinance heretofore granted to the so-called Allen & Swiney company reciting in said ordinance the facts on which you base your {cause of re- peal and such other requirements concern- ing the repealing clause as may be deter- mined by your committee on ordinances or the council. If the city undertakes to do anything wrong concerning the rights or property 01 the company the courts are open to the company to stay the hands of the council, marshal, police or other person that may wrongfully interfere. I have undertaken, gentlemen, to answer your questions and trust 1 have made my- self plainly understood. The only apology 1 can express for the somewhat lengthy opinion is the thought that important public and private rights are involved and that your action, if any, may be guuted by the best light that 1 am capable of giving. The city council, like the king, is presumed to do no wrong and while undertaking to serve the public, the law contemplates that you should scrut- inize carefully the private rights of those whose:property is largely entrusted to your care. Respectfully, J. J. MCCAicrur, City Attorney. Ald. Smith offered the following: N hereas, The Dubuque Electric Rail- way, Light & Power Co. did receive from the city of Dubuque valuable franchises in consideration that said company were to occupy and operate an electric street rail- way upon and along certain streets and avenues in the city of Dubuque, and Whereas, Said company through its proper officers did accept said franchise and agreed to fulfill all its obligations con- tained therein, and Whereas, Said company has failed to fulfill its contract with the city in neglect- ing to occupy and operate its right of way on Dodge and South Dodge streets. There- fore Resolved, That said company be notified to occupy and operate their lines on above streets according to their ordinance with- in 30 days from date of this notice, and a failure of said company to obey above order then all rights and privileges held by:said coin pan y shall be declared forfeited. Adopted by the following vote: Ades—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Peas - lee Smith and Trexler. N' o—Ald. Glab. Ald. Trexler moved that the city attor- ney draft an ordinance in relation to forfeiture of charter of the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co„ in accordance with his report, and present the same at the next session of the coun- cil. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the proposi- tion of A. W. Hosford for grading Grant avenue and West 11th street (not to ex- ceed 2,500 cubic yards) be accepted. Carried. City Attorney McCarthy reported that the city was not legally liable for damages for the shooting of Mr. arid Mrs. Switzer by a policeman. Ald. Trexler moved that Mr. and Mrs Switzer be allowed $100 in full for dam- ages. AId. Glab moved to amend to allow Mr. and Mrs. Switzer $50 in full. Carried. Aid. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That a special committee on paving be appointed by the mayor, which shall have general supervision of the paving with brick of all streets which -the city council may order paved; and also the preparation and apprcval of specifications of such work, in connection with the city engineer. Ald. Cushing moved that Grandview ave. from Delhi to South Dodge street be accepted. Carried. AId. Crawford moved that the grades of Grant avenue and West 11th street be re- terred to a special committee consisting of Aids. Peaslee, Cushing and Glab. Car- ried. AId. Cushing moved that Dodge street for a distance of 500 feet west of old corpo- ration line be accepted. Carried. Ald. Cushing moved that the sewer on Dodge street from old corporation line to South Dodge street be accepted. Carried. Ald. Peaslee moved that the sewer on West Locust street be accepted. Carried. AId. Peaslee moved that West Locust street from end of present improvement to Hodgdon avenue be accepted. Carried. Ald. Peaslee moved that Bluff street, be- tween 14th and 16th streets, be accepted. Carried. The rules were suspended and Chas. Steuck addressed the council in relation to filling South Main street. Ald. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. That 'Phomas and John Foyeu, owners of city lot No. 401, Ed. Langworthy's add., be allowed sixty days time to pay their special assessment at 6 per cent. interest. Petition of Mrs. John Catosky in rela- tion to taxes referred to the delinquent tax committee. Ald. Peaslee moved to adjourn. Carried. ttest: .1. C.� �ITZPATRICK, Recorde OCTOBER SESSSION, 1891. 179 1.11'f OF CITY IVAIIRANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during July, 1891. CITY RF,COItDE1t's OFFICE, 1)unuquE, Iowa, Aug. 1, 1891. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is a complete list of the warrants Issued by me during the mouth of July, 1891: Name. For what Purpose. Amount Flood Sufferers.. Western Iowa, sett to Clieroke , I ,wa 500 0 L. Gonner........Salaly for .Julie. 'lreas- tii•e1'$150 00 J. C. Fitzpatrick.. Salary for J line, Recor- der 116 65 J. M. Kenety.....Salary fur Julie, Aud- itor 116 5i J. J. McCarthy _Salary for Ju.n-, Attor- 125 00 P. F. Gut.:rie....Baliny for June, As- sesso 125 00 F. A. Glab........ Shan y for June, As- sistant Asses:8or 100 10 S. B. Rice.........Salaiy 'or June, Mar - hid 100_10 Ed. Ryan Salary for June, street Commission. r 91 15 Jos. Reinfried....Salary for June, Chief of fire I: de u•tlnent75 00 11. Hibbe.... ....Salary for .Ju .e, Alar- keimast er. 25 00 P. McNulty Salary for June, Park Custodian 45 00 Chas. Baumann.. Salary for:June, Wharf master 20 00 I. S. Bigelow Salary for June, Health officer....... 30 00 C. SpiegelhalterSal,Iry for J lie, Pound - master ............... 40 0; B. RawsonSalm., for June, Sew- er iuspector......... 60 00 James O'Halloran. Salary for Ju e, > sidewalk inspector.. 60 00 J. KleinSalary for June, Meat Inspector ........... 50 00 James BuntingSalary for June, Elec- trielan 75 00 Ed. Blake Salary for June. En- gineer 125 00 J. 11. Boyce.......Salary .or Julie, As- sistant Engineer.... 100 00 E. S. Hyae.......Salary for June, As- sistant Engineer.... 100 00 John O'Connell...Salaryl�ore June, Com- mittee 76 110 F. Be. er...........Sal: ry for June, En- gineer steam ruler.. J Daly........... Fireman ............... Job Barnes....... •` W. ... ..... ........• J. Murphy A. Cullen' T. Burke a••••••••••••••• J. McFarland66 .•••••.......•• T. O'Shea •• •••••••........ M. Eitel.. 61 P. Martinu ............... John Essman J. Fl I11I...... " ............... J. Wase" 1'. Flynn" ............... F. Esaman `{ .. T. Walker ............... D. Ahearn11 J. Allen............... C. Kannolt, 2 months G. Nloy.•r .. F. Gateald ••••••.•••••••' J.4o11unberger" A. Iheccini.... " •....... J. Wold.. 11 1). Ryan... Captain of Police John ltaesll Jal es ttarter Policeman Win. O'Brien..... ", Thos. Reilly M. O'Connell Bart Cain Win. FrIth John Littscher 46 66 N 60 011 611 00 75 00 50 00 00 00 60 (8) 50 (4) 550 1,0 60 00 60 00 86 W 60 00 60 110 60 1.0 50 0•i 50 00 50 (1(1 6000 1060 50 1.0 150 00 6 50 1200 12 00 12 03 8u 60 74 711 60 00 4. 65 53 30 51. 0.) 48 35 51 65 .............. 53 30 P. MeNerny " P, Dunnegan '• P. Kearney " P.lia(1111 " John Fitzpatrick" Dan. Norton .lames Allen•' .101111 Reuter " M. Hard.e„ Ed. Moore Sant. Elmer .lames Flynn 1).111. L iyery ............. Tho.. Blake John ,Hurplly %,% in. Klauer " Peter S. ,.1n•f .............. 1'..neCol11ns " .............. Jhu Ryau..... .............. Geo. htbeck ........ ..... John Murphy " John Hoivau" .... .......... M. ,neCarieuLaborer ................ ‘. Ste mail/•' ............... B. Nieh"ls........ " ............... 1. Wel,11......... " ............... M. Dieferding" John Lux" N. Hllg r ' J. Byrn, ...... " C. J. Ack.e .... " ......... •..... M. Ahearn....... " T. Alt a.n..... ................. . J. Albrecht....... " JohnA,u,.t .... " ............... A. Burne......... " ............... .1. Bever.......... Helper s e..m ruler.. 1'. B 11............ Mason....... . ., oltl bo( toms. .. Laborer John Byrne ............... 1). heroes....... " J. Bargin:.n............... 10. burns" ............... M. l.uris B. Brum,nitt .1. Boetne........ . ............... W. I: a ............... Wm. Barkley ............... John Corbett Jas. Canlll.. • ...... L. lure. r.io •` W. CrunipweJ,, " 53 70 46 70 38 45 5330 6'320 •••........•.. 53 30 .............. 51 30 53 3 • 6130 53 30 5360 30 51 65 51 63 63 .0 6130 53 30 50 00 53 ::0 60 IA 90 as 3 76 10 10 13 7 0 710i 3 75 3 75 22.; 2 25 34 :0 37 1.00 26 6 11 10 14 60 IA 14i58. 61100 10 50 29 60 2960 2'J 60 16 90 2. 60 35 60 3 110 •A 00 '27 00 21 75 33 40 ,• 1 :,0 22 50 _ • 25:0 t`at11. Copula •' 37 00 N. CondoleForeman. :,6 35 P. Oo.lord Laborer ................ 5 t0 John Cal :.vhan".... 15 00 E. Desmond__.. •... .. ..• 23 60 Geo. lie. her............... 1 �1 lid M. .. unipll.. ............... M. Diefervling" 29 60 James 1 o> ie.... Foreman .... .. ....... 44 15 G...luge.duieLaborer..... 25 90 John Eagan29 26 1' Fuzgerall "38 23 550 H. Floud" ............... 35 60 .101111 Flx F. leo. t8 25 H. Foitza. •' 35 60 3 75 EdGrew, ........ 11. Gollie ............... Si 411 John Giessler6627 00 Joe Grab" 2.12.; C. Grua,. g" 24 40 K. Gu L.•rl• It" 16 5.4 .1. M. Garrison�� 161e0 L. hi'oss�� 10 45 50 Thos. Hackney Ed. Doe elt 46 • :•26 • 3 23 Jas. Harker 66 • Jas. Hurley...—6620 03 James tlau..Laborer ............. 10 10 John Haley'• ........ ............... 37 I.an. Haran n• ' 4 N. Hilgel'" 17 10 Y Hayden" 13 10 1+. Herzog " ............... 19 50 A Hanuuur" 3 W 21 00 J. J.calene " .1. Kinsella Carpenter............ 49 00 M. Kl.neLanorei..... ...... •.... 30 75 F. Kurt. 1'. Kiane 10 0 y""' "' J. ]{aleli. ............... 33 1027 75 b'. K••ee er I'. Krukeski " 73 75 T. I,:inergan"31160 11. I.ippsttx•k 3l 50 H. Leieltt M. Lilach" 180 OCTOBER SESSION, 1891. John Lavin" John 14 C)' " John Lux.... " C. I.eln,.ky" H, leis. , 11 I. Marler•• T. Murphy•` T. Moiling " T. Mulgiieeny" MJames Meioy " . oturphy " L. Me rise" C. Meckenberg" P. elelehoir" P. Atoutel" P. Aleehan" J Modell ". John 1icNulty" T. Mc Dern alt11 M. McCuneForeman ..... ......... A. McGuaii Laborer H. McMullen.... B. McCormack... J McBride L. McEvoy Jo • McCone M. M1•Maiion M. Met erten B. McCaffrey John McGee John Noonan B. Nickols M. Nuteu Joe Aui,elt P. O'Bri. n, Jr F. O'Brien, Sr F. Oswald A. PliffnerMason......... .1.I'rrr\ on......... Laborer N nt. Pickley......Foreman.... Wilt. Powers......Laborer . Quire... ...... J. Quigney 1/ M. liinker" M.Ryan " John iiyan.... " WJames lia_an. 11 m. R eiiiann John Raetz Foreman.... ... I. ItaesnorLaborer F. Rieger " 1'. Rott1•rman" W. Rooney11 Jas Raw" James Ryan 11 Chris Roselq, Geo. Reider N. stork...... .1a . itevensun Joe Sell( N. Stei[nttz....,, James Sm th U. Sutherland tie .. Sutter M. Speck D. Tracy.... Wagner .1uhn Wolfe G. Wirth Peter Weirieh John W hal •u T. Welsh Peter Weist..... " .1. Weber .,St .... .......... Wm. Weber ... Foreman (leo. Zuni hot.....ForemaII..... W. Za1•hma.......Laborer J. Brick ........... Team C0. Baker....... " ........•• I). Bogue......... " 1,. Cahill......... " P. chancy........: ...... 1 ....... J. Careyy " ................... M. Craltan. ....... " 'o. cook.......... 1. Doyle G. 1 unkley .1. Fitzgibbons..., John Garria0, M. J. Hamm I Wm. I toward John tin . nloler P. ,lartlln C. Kaut,,manu Thos. Kane Ed. Lagen......, Chris, Lempke John Long F. Mathis It. Math's ............... ............... 11 11 .1 1 " 1. u 11 " ./ 11 ............... .............. ............... " 11 11 " 1{ 11 11 " b " " " " 61 1/ ............... ............... 1. " u u 0 1. u " 11 GI 11 11 11 1. 11 37 90 27 65 9 40 :i 00 32 60 5 00 33 LO 37 10 37 90 21 40 27 40 35 10 22 60 26 10 13 10 28 111 3 75 34 0 6 75 40 70 34 10 12 40 22 50 2s 90 33 40 8 60 26 60 8 60 1800 10 50 26 60 18 75 :1 0 38 40 11 60 18 fie 34 50 42 75 31 90 37 65 37 10 28 10 2 25 19 90 25 90 23 60 18 40 36 75 42 45 18 00 21 75 16 16 20 25 22 10 31 10 16 90 3 tw 13 50 20 60 :0 00 19 50 12 30 19 90 1810 22 90 33 40 1. 40 38 75 1390 1 10 9 40 11 00 17 25 13 .0 1.1 :0 44 65 23 60 :ss 1)0 75 25 18 ..0 21 25 32 70 18 40 86 7 • 14 00 hl :0 9.' 44 70 68 25 _8 90 35 60 9 70 14 00 30 70 25 411 14 90 28 tm 33 5 3 50 35 0 35 W John May Jas Met racken. " .1. McGrath....... Wu.. McGrath... '• P. N000an 46 Jas. M••Dounell61 John Noonan .John u'Dea Louis IKt Jim. Parker Jno Ryan Con. Ragan J. Savage .. Anton Siege 11 Ii '4 u 11 J Spear. . u Dan Sheehan..... J. Sutherland.... 11 John Steffes...... H. Schmidt " I'. iseltulz..... /1 Cath. Tobin" Win. Tiukham`• H. 'I ippe11 A. Turner J. Von Holten A. Willer •' Geo. Wetter" J1i0. Welsh, " M. W a_ner...... U. Zog A. J. FulirmanExpress Wm. Sinnholt" D. Nitterauer T. Siege..... " Wm. Young Trimming trees........ Joy Norton Tr,mmiug trees........ M. Ah• arut..... Trimming trees....... is in. QuinlanTriuuning trees........ J. Str,.neyTrimming trees....... P. MahonyTrin int ng trees........ P. Weiricli ..... Trimming trees........ P. AhearnTriuuuing trees........ II. Tippee Hauling trees... ..... ( linton Davis Hauling trees James McCracken.Hauling tret s Mrs. H. B. dWM. boarding prisoners Portland Paving company........Extra work on walk around city hall Chas.3teuck...... Grading Julien ave Win. G. Watters. flay........ Jas. O'Farrell. .. Labor Dub. Rubber Co..Coats and bouts John Butt Repairing tools ...... John TerryRemoving gar oage.... Haul & Carver -Itationery.... A. h eller ..........Wit tewashing... L. Dalyy .........ltewulviog garuaue L. Daly...........Clesumg around city hall .............. Ham & Carver ....Tax l.st book and lot book Wm. S. Moro Hose nozzle. &c....... Jos. Snnones eh for engine house.. G. A. H ,ernes-Four cuspidors Mrs. Koenig Scrubbing cit. hall A. Gratz..... Assistant market mas- ter, larter, May ani June. James Kelly..... Stationery.......... . TELEGRAPH B1 Hik�J, &c............ Nesler & .JtuigkPuunoiu •.............. Jac •iii & Wa I,ey.u1, Le chair Harte & scuarle. Blanks, etc •.u;g:L1 & halm.. Soap and matches Fergu on Bi o,.... l'hlmuing........ ... P. Linehan ..... ..Hauling iron pipe Jos. Gel er.......R pau,ug ssiuduws Central Umou Tel litl Rent of to ephones.... TELEGRAPH ,Letter bends..,,...••• 1. C. Goeuel Caps and uutLnus Edwang r Bros.. Rep firing harness, &e H. B. Herold......Removing dead anl- luxl Lear & Plitiner...Horseshoeing It. J. Love........ Removing dead aul- Inals... Jos. Geiger Repairlug w udows... t eo. II nelson.... Hunting 011811'8 1 IA %Vim s, Molo.... Plumbing 110 52 Ferguson Bros... Plum 2 20 Win. S. Mo.o Plumbing....... 22 acuutn int Coll....... 31 6 t .tss G. B. Grosvenor ..State) tory 8 40 lleiiry GAL) ...... .istauL eiigi eer36 90 Join Blake ...... .,As•ist wit engineer40 0 Cli s. Brown A si taut engin el•.... 40 0) B. Donahoe B.illdwg sou walks.... 200 0 11. Eddy Building skit walks.... 17 6n Dob. Water CoHydrants 610 Ip Dub. Water Co...Hyd rants .... 500 00 ................... ................. . ................... ................... 29 75 24 50 49 00 43 70 17 50 350 47 25 5 30 20 20 8 75 81 40 43 75 8 76 31 40 90 44 70 53 40 20 20 39 40 1 75 67 40 1. 25 39 40 17 50 1050 18 40 27 20 525 3 50 24 50 60 1 0 1 00 1 00 24 00 24 00 15 50 1 00 7 50 6 00 7 87 2 00 13 12 5 25 700 18 40 21 40 350 00 34 57 00 10 75 3 115 264 .0 25 75 6 50 78 00 25 00 3050 29 80 3 00 2 40 700 75 33 19 61 15 75 23 95 6 00 12 26 6 15 48 96 25.► 1 95 20 50 4 50 44 OJ 5 85 1 00 7 26 50 3 85 OCTOBER SEFSION, 1891. 181 Dub. Water Co...Hydrants 37 50 .•ationat I on & Brass Works...Repoiring engines Butt Bros ......... Repairing engines C. W. It"bisun....Lumber Key t'ity Go •• Ca ..Coke Headford Bros...Casting Baumgartner & Kirin... ........ Supplies A. Wundrrlich...Ho, s. shoeing... Levu & l'titftier ... Horse»hoeing .John G ina•.1 Horseshoe ng and re - pa ring engine...... 25 20 E. B. ChandlerTwo lire alarm boxes.. 250 00 Carr, Ryder & EnglerShavings 60 Key City Gas Co.l'oke 10 93 Albert Kannolt.. Horseshueing10 50 Standard Lumber company Shavings. ............. 60 Peter ScliiltzStreet inspector....... 32 50 Ai. M rgauSt tetinspector ....... 40 00 Dan. Sne.edauS'reet iusp ctor....... 49 01 .1. Deggrnil rfStreet inspector 49 iso Geo. Scnou Street inspector 48 00 Thos. P';iiliips....Boar ling p ,so .ers4 00 Adam Schmidt .. Salary as street c an- tnis,iocer 16 4 Globe Light and Heat Co........ Street lamps.. ... 600 00 Globe Light and Heat Co " ............... 16 61 Duuueue Electric 1.'y L. & P. CoStreet tights........... 500 0 " •• " 170.,d Key City Gas CoStreettights.......... 106 25 Lnrlinier House Roo,u for registers.... 5 00 Langworthy - Adams t'oTwo m inhole covers.. 18 • 0 Jo• Gei erSign boards........... 75 C. W. Robison Shavin s 1 00 Novelty Iron Works.......... Rep. ste an roller 92 Ferguson Bros.... Plumbing 44 10 P. Kutner Dog tags, etc 34 8,5 National Iron & nirass Works...Repairing roller2 60 L. Gonner........ Mon •y advanced 461 43 2 0 I 2 0) 2 0' 201 ..,.... 2 00 .... 2 110 i00 85 48 35 47 8 _5 25 1 65 5 60 4 00 John P. (tuig1,leyJur) in.n .1. oacd •u.►ld. . ........... A. W. i)au •herty1.1, ............... .la . Cushing " ............... J. Wunderlich" R Clancy ... R. Bennett ........ " t;. Gmehle" 2 Oil John Dorgan " ............... 2 110 C. Reitsteck2 00 C. A. Wilber " ............... 2 W I. Clenonson 2 04 C. H. Berg .. Com'snr on change of gra Ie......... 2 00 J. ZangmeisterCotn'snr on change of grade 2 0 Jas. Cushing .....Com'snron change of gr ulr 200 E. J. . vans...... Lop. alley 8th and 9ta streets 65 00 I) W: Linehan.. Imp. Iowa street500 00 D. W. Lineuan...Imp. Iowa 5. reef500 .M) 1). W. Llneh n.. Imp. Iowa street 3`.1275 F. C. Cliesterman.Imp. Delhi street 341 15 ()Ibis. S euck Street work............ 444 .1 J. 1)••ggeudorfStreet work 74 22 Led. Ryan... Street work....... 234 8i Carl Priob... Street work.... 97 05 Anna M. Chiel...Opening alley between .3d and 24th Sts1 00 I hereby certify Ihat tit,- foregoing is a true and correct couy of all the warrants issued by tae during July, 1891. J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Notice to Oontraotore. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 2 D. m. 'Tuesday, Sept. 29, '91, for constructing the following sulewal,s: On the west of Iowa street between Fourth and Fifth stroets, abutting lot 187; stone or cement. 12 feet wide. Oat the Peru road from Jackson to Couler avenue; plank 4 feet wide. On the east side of Main between First and Jones where nut already lard; 12 feet wide. Ott the north side of Jones street front Iowa to Water street; 12 feet wide. On the south side of Eleventh from Wal- nut to the west side of Race street; 8 feet wide. On the south side of Dodge street trout Locust. to Bluff; 12 feet wide. The work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications on tile in my office. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. C. BLAKE, Dubuque, Sept. 23. City Engineer. 4 182 REGULAR SESSION, OCTOBER 5TH, 1891. CITY COUNCEL. Regular Session October 8th, 1891. Council met at 9:25 ii. in. Dlayor Saunders iii the chair. Present —AIds. Crawler'', Cushing, Fos- selman, Glab, l'easlee, Smith, and Stoltz. Ald. Sto,iz moved that the mi uteri of the previous uteetiitgs be approved as printed. Carden. The following bills were allowed: Fred Roelit, shov.1 80 2 00 6 00 44 60 4110 8 5U 1 50 B. Lagen, livery A. G•tsser, brick John O'Brien, work on sewer... Joint Tierney, work en sewer... Join Harney, repairing tub s... I' ratltz & Clan:, drug• Pape & Jaeytunot, lig Ian rods for town cluck Rhode 'shunt Coupling Co, nozzle 15 10 Albert Kaman', t, horse snoring2 50 1'. II. Halpin, hay and bt'ait 4 15 A. W unite' Lich, burse shoeing4 15 Excelsior Oil 'Tank Line, oil 6 00 F. 11. Finite, team tags.. 80 110 B. 1). l.euehati, rep. touts 8 55 A. Gasser, brick 5 70 Aldermen Page and '1'rcxler arrived at 9:4.1 o'clock a. m. Jell. 1'. VV anions, rent of derick and paving 78 50 Chas. Struck, grading Romberg Ave., $14(11) allowed 700 00 Iowa Amu works, rep steam roller 2 00 Specialty Machine Works, rep steamer Linehan 2 CO Geo. 1'. Ruse, rep. indicator 75 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, packing 2 90 Eugene Ditzgen & t.o., stationery 14 18 J. v(. %'timer, tit u_s 4 95 Dubuque Water Co., llyura nt suppties 1,055 00 A. Emmet, horse shoeing 8 5i) Norwrgaut Plow Cu., rep. plow 50 Duuuq.,e Wooden %V are Co, tuuiner 2 85 Key city Gas Cu, coal and coke25 45 C. II. Wuitweli, veterinary ser- vice + 25 00 F. Schatz. repairing toots..... 9 25 Bart. E. Linehan, 011ie, cement, etc 235 30 P. E. Strelau, cine 86 45 Rein inett & Jaeger, hardware1 4.) Joseph Geiger, fixing up patrol house, etc 113 26 M. Cz zea:, p.uutiug town cuuca3o9 00 J. W. Witmer. mugs 2 70 1). M. genburt;, or.ck 6 50 A. Niels, sewer Vilirki 6 90 1''eigusoi Bios., plumbing 10 75 Mrs. Koenig, cue.Wlug oily hall11 Si) Urs, Meehan, clement; coy hall 6 25 Jtru. Dorgan, vacating city prop- erty 20 00 Barbara Osnore, root of patio! 18 Ou Juuit Terry, hauling gat 156 00 C. Rowland, and, matches, etc 3 It) Mania.. & Rural, mattress 8 50 Amnon .Ilacutrie C(1., clwceltag ulaelllnle 25 00 jut,. O'Nehi. expressing 1 00 L. Ditty, Mauling garbage and Curti ttrug Il:burlier 103 50 James Kelly, stationery 10 80 Ell wauger Brun., Iituvess repair- ing 4 10 Furley & Luetscuer Uig. Co., shavings 75 71 4U Novelty Iron Works, repairs3 92 Christ man & !leafy, hardware6 45 Knapp. Strutt & 31 96 C. VV. Robison, luulb'r 4 45 Win. Marshall, lepatring steam roller Standard Lumber Cu., lumberb 70 J. M. .lrKer.zie, repairing scraper 75 Tile toileting bills were referred to the street cum mit tee: E. E. Frith $90.00 and $90.00; B. Don- ahue $47 40; .1. It. Riley $4.25; U. Ruof $64.35 and 818.00; T. .1. Donohue $77.20; Farley & Loeiscuer blfg. Co. $4.25; Adam Schmidt $100 00. $162.20 and $8.82; Byrne & Saul $21.76; U. Ruin $17 75. l'(1 the ctllnliltee oil claims: F. Jlerrz $15.95; Ferguson Bros. $7.40; Lanewerthy & Adams $9.00. To the committee un supplies: Iowa Iron Works, $2.20; Novelty Iron Works, $1.69; W, S. Mote. 30c; Homan & Roehl, $1 'l'o.50. the committee on printing: Ledger, $58.30; TI•:L.x:u,.AP11, $67.80 and $75.00; '1'imcs, $58.40; Derail', $29.15. '10 ole euutmitlee on pollee and light. Dubuque Eli c rue Railway, Light and Power Co.. $45.50 and $625.00; Lear & I'liffner, $4.50; .lull•.Murphy, $12.00; Key City Gas co., $114.05; Globe Light and Heat CO, $516.65. To the city attorney: J. P. Cooney, $'2.75. 1u the committee on fire and water: Ellwau_er lira•., $4.90. Dills against Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co. el $26 45 anti against Nester & Jungk of $4.25, referred to the auditor for collection. Petition of Mary J. Condon for cancel - 'mien of taxes granted and treasurer in- structed not to sell property. The award of the jury on opening the alley trent %Vest 81.11 to West 5th streets was opened and read. The rules were suspended and W. J. Canttllon addressed the council in behaif of L. (i. Dulsuii and ebjeeted to the upen- Wg of said alley and tiled a remit, strauce agates' the sante. The rules were suspended and Mr. F. B. Daniels addressed the council in behalf if Mrs. Ryder, and ptotesred against the levying of a special assessment for the im- provement of Bluff street. tram 14th to 16th streets. 1) E. Lyon in behalf of the C., St. P. & K. C. It. R. Co. and W. J. Knight. in behalf of the L C. R. R. Co. and the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. piu.ested against the resolu- nen ordering said cuinpantes to construct auiomaticillgssafety gates at railroad cross- . Mr. F. B. Daniels addressed the council in behalf of the abutters on Iowa street and oujet•.ti-d to the said street being paved waft beret:, A remonstrance from the abutters on Grandview avenue objecting to pitying tar said Improvement was presented and read by Mr. Hugh Tally. Mr. Fred. O'Donnell also addressed the coui Cut in behalf of the abutterson Grand- vieu' avenue. All. Ilalpitiarrived at 11 o'clock a. m. F. C. Ches erniati, Albert Gasser, and .1. W. White also addressed the council re- monstrating against the levying of the special assessment for the improvement of Grandview avenue. Ald. Smith moved that the matter of Grandview avenue be rcferre I to the com- mittee of the whole to report on at the ad- journed session. Carried. 5 53 REGULAR SESSION, OCTOBER 5TH, 1891. 183 Bill of W. P. Allen, $5.65, paid. Remonstrance against pay lig lowa street with brick from 15th to 17th streets. Ald. Crawford moved to refer to the pav- ing committee. Lost by the lollowing vote: A yes.—Aids. Crawford, (lab, ilalpin and 'I'rexler. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Fosselmann, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stolz. Ald. Page moved to receive and file pe - tion. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Cushing, Fosselma nn, Ilal- pin, Page, Peaslee, Smith anal Stoltz. Noes—Aids. t,rawtord. Grab and '1'rex- ler. Remonstrance against grading Seminary street referred to the street committee. Declination of award ot jury of con - demolition for opening of alley from W. 8th to W 5th streets of L. G. Dolsuu. Re- ceived and tiled. Petition of Geo. B. Burch for repair of Burch street. Granted soar street com- missioner om- ni ssi oner instructed to repair same. l'el loon for saputtry sewer on West 3rd street, Burch s reel. an 1 11 11 street. Re- ferred to the sewer cern n11 tie and engineer to report a feasible plan sod the cost of same. Petition of St. John's Lutheran church referred to the delinquent tax commtt,ee. 1'etition for es.abl•stuneut of grade 00 A pp e street granted . bit engineer Instruct- ed to prepare profiles of grade on all streets in Union add. Petition for extension of water mains on We-I8t1 street between .Jones and 11111 streets. Referred to the committee on lire and water with power 10 locate hydrants. Petition of F. C. Chesterman for pay- ment of special tax for improvement of Delhi street. Amount ordered paid at 6 per cent. provided he accept the sauie in full. The matter of making corrected assess- ment for the improvement of Delhi street abutting lot 70 to S. yl. Langavorthy's add, referred to the city engineer and city at- torney. Petition of Smedley Manufacturing Co. for exemption from taxation for a period of ten years on improvements reterred to committee of the whole. A Id. Peaslee moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:00 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Hat- pin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 1'rex ler. '1 he rules were suspended and J. A. Rhumberg addressed the council in rela- tion to Fourth street extefstuu and ob- jected to the proposed extension. Aldermen Fosseiinan and Glab arrived at 2:15 o'clock p. 1n. Petition 01 board of supervisors for can- cellation of tax oil lot 320 for 1890. Referred to the finance committee. Also We matter of having the county cancel the taxes on patrol It,t, corner Ninth and Iowa streets. Petition tor the itnprovementel Seminary street referred to the street committee. Alderman Halpin arrived at 2:40 o'clock p. m. Petition of Rose Reynolds for extension of time to pay special assessment for im- provement et Dodge street. One year's time granted at 6 per cent. Petition of M.' 1'. McMahon for one year's time to pay special assessment for the im- provement of Dodgestreet. Granted at 6 per cert. Petition of Elizabeth Hughes for cancel- lation of taxes. Referred to the delinquent tax cominiltet;. Pei it of Michael Ahern for one year's time to pay special assessment on Dodge street. Granted at 6 per cent. Communication of Dubuque Elect rte It'y. L. Si 1'. Co. in r talion to location of track on South Do ge street. Referred to street committee and engineer with power. Petition S. 1). Ryan fur extension of wa- ter mains to the levee at Railroad ave- nue. Referred to the committee on fire and water with 11t..wer. Petition tit B. E. Linehan in relation to partition wall at Nth and Iowa streets. Re- ferred to ole eobunittee on pubic grounds and buildings. Pei it for Lamps and crossings on Fre- mont street. The utatterut lamps referred to the committee on pollee and light and the si reet commissioner Instructed to put 111 macadam erossings. Petition tor the opening of Lincoln ave- nue to Cooler avenue. Received anti filed. Petition of Bridget Bannon for one year's time to pav special assessment for sewer 011 South Locust street granted at six per cent. Petition of John Althauser for establish- ment 01 grates iu A,thauser's add. En- g.neer Instructed to prepare profiles of );rade. Pe Rion of Margaret Locas forcancella- lion of taxes. Granted and warrant for $2.20 ordered drawn in her favor. Petition to have Angella, Catherine or Pierce streets made passable. ltef.-rred to aldermen of the Fourth ward and street commissioner with power. Petition and claim of damages for change of grade on hose street.. Action post pulled. Petition of St..Joseph's Mercy Hospital in relation to taxes. Referred to delin- quent tax committee. Pe Ilion for sewer on Clay stroet, be- tween 17th and 18•h streets. Referred to the sewer committee. Petition of M. Lavin that the sewer itt the alley between Clay and White and 1711i and 18th streets be accepted and that he be paid for same. Referred to the sewer committee. Communication of the board of super- visors asking the city to devote a part or itl of the bridge fund collected for the city ov the eounty, to the building and malt. - taming of the principal roads leading to the city ot Dubuque. Referred to thecelu- mrttee of the whole. Remonstrance of II. Girard against pity- ing special assessment 011 Grandview ave. Referred to the committee of the whole. Pc.ttiout and profile of grade on (ties street, ttnd for change of grade on Stafford avenue. Referred 10 the street committee. Plat of Schueler's sub. Referred to the street committee. Plat of Ilerbst's sub. Referred to the street committee. The rules were suspended and Mr. E. 11. Shepply addressed the council and stated that he had tilled the Int ordered at the lastsessloti of the council. The follovi Ing is the report, of the jury appointed to condemn right-of-way for certain streets aid alley. DUBUQUE, la.,Oet. 2, 1891. to S. B. Rice, city marshal of Dubuque: Stn:—The undersigned who were se- lected by you to assess damages by reason of the opening and establishment of streets Known as Glen Oak avenue Broadway extension and alley between West 8th and West 5th streets would respectfully report Is follows: 184 REGULAR SESSION, OCTOBER 5TH, 1891. That of reason of the opening of Glen Oak ave., the following parties be allowed: James ,'elan, the sum 01 $300. G. G. Kringle, the sunt of $50. Mary A. Blochlinger, the suit, of $25. S. M. Langworthy es. ate, the sum of •600. That by reason of the opening of Broad- way extension 1). Muggetiberg be allowed $4,791. That by reason of the alley between West 8th and West Fifth streets L. G. Dot- son be allowed $15 and 11. blush, $20. All of which is respect ully submitted. N. 11. 'C1111.LINo, .1. C. 1.ONOUESV11.LE, Louts DOEIiFLEit, PAT. CLANCY, 1'HILII' PIER, A. ill';UCtIN:LIN, .1. 11 UNDERI.ICH, 1toni.tsT .i.C'GIVERN, Li.wls C. FULLI.:u, .Joi1N 31o$L14, .!AMEN .1,CDONNELL, .1..1. DUNN. Ald. Crawford moved that award of jury on Gietsoak avenue be steeep.ed pros/wed the inti rested parties pay $250 toward the expense. Alit. Trexler moved to postpone action until aujouried session. Carried. On mission the matter was referred to a special cemmiltee consisting of Aids. Crawford and Glab. On motion Ilse matter of Broadway ex- tension referred to the aldermen of the Filth ward. '1'ue matter of alley between West 8th and West 5th streets received and filed. Warrants ordered drawn to pay the jury. Cads fur sewer construction opened and rel erred to Ilieeingineer sur cuui 'utathun. Petition for grading Middle street and for sidewalks al]d sur street lamp on Mid- dle street. The master of grading sweet referred to the street committee with power. The matter of sight relerred to the com- mittee on pule • and light. Petition of Novelty trot, Works for per- mission Il] take moulding clan Irum 7s Ii Ave., guaranteeing to replace she st'ei t lit good passable condition. Granted under dui eeiiutl Os street comm sssiuuer: The lallowil]g bids for fire hose were read: Ilull & Thouipsot, W lute Anchor Ilose $1.00 per tool. Hever Rubber Co., Revere (lose 90c. and Anerirait Jsdhet 65e. per lout. Dubuque Rubber anti Belting Co., Mal- tese Cross (earbul zed) Ilese $1.00 per loot. Aid. Stoltz moved that the city purchase 1000 feet of aaltese Cross Mose from the Dubuque Rubber and llettiug Co. Carried. '1 lie solluwiug registers um election and places of leg1straIiiin were itppoil]ted: First Ward—T. .1. Bursts and Thos. Finn at '1'rainor's ware house, between 1st and 2d un I ,,cost street. Second Wald—P. F. Guthrie and Robert 'McArthur, at Fourth street engine house. Thud Ward—John Kleiuscicuidt and Walter ,lames, at city hall. Fourth 1Va rd—.1. M. Kenety and A. S. lluntiug, at Lurtiller house. h'ilth Ward — East. precinct—II. Brink- man and G. l:mehle, at 211 last Eagle !'pint avenue. Filth Ward—West precinct—Alphonse Schmidt and E. A. Frenzel, at Meyers' livery stable. tEPoitTs OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kemwv reported cash on hand Sept. 189,, $25,973.96. Receipts for the month ot Se;,tember $45,369.88. Cash on hand Oct. 1st. 1891. $18,769.06. Also re- ported amount required to pay city Wheels $1,729.115. Also reported the several amounts collected on special assessments and due cottracters. Also presented a list of coupons redeemed during September. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn in accordance with report. Also reported (lie several stinssunts Col- lected on special assesstuet,ts since Octo- ber 1st, and due contractors. Warrants ordered drawn in favor of the contractors fur she several amounts. Marshal Rice reported $1,618.50 due the po ice tor Sept.; also repotted 98 police cases tried stud 102 patrol runs for sept.; also reported pound receipts $9.00 1Varrows ordered drawl] for the several amounts and the report relerted to the cumntittce on puttee and light. street Commissioner an reported $3,- 032 45 due tut• street wort: for Sept. and also i resented itemized statel]lent 01 street expenses. Report accepted and warrants ordereddtawii to paV sdtlle and report re - fel rest to toe st reet coin mittee. .Joseph Remlrsed,chief of the fire depart - mem, reported $1,247 nue the firemen for the month it September. Report received and filed and warrants ordered to pay seine. Marke!master Gratz reported scale re- ceipts $33.15; rent of huckster stands, $26.25; sal•o re.poried due sur board ot pris- oners $18 40. Report received and tiled and warrant ordered for board of prisoners. Lsdl]plighter Cougnlw reported having lighted tilty-one gins lamps during Septem- ber. Received and filed. On motion the matter of gasoline lamps was relerred to the committee on police and light. J. P. Cooney, justice of the peace, re- ported having collected $16.00 tines in city ordinance cases. Report received and filed. Communication of Marshal Rice in rela- tion to unsafe condition of the cells in the calaboose. ltelerred to the committee on police said light. EIt•carirnw Bunting reported that he had pain eat t hue poles of the U toed States Elec- tric Light and !'ower Co. amounting in tura! to $137.98 swd pmeseited the ttffereht bills for toe lila eti.l auto labor. Referred so the utmost It tee on etre. rical eullstl uctiud. '1. J. Gratifield repo. ted scale receipts First ward scales $7.50. Received cud tiled. i'. Fosselmun reported scale receipts of Fifili ward scales, $3.05. Received mad flied. Chas. Pitschter reported scale receipts sit 11 est Dubuque scales, $3.58. Received and fied. City Attorney McCarthy reported hav- ing procured a deed irons John Mulkern to lot 2 ut sub lot 15 and lot 2 ot sub lot .6 w bock 30 in Duuuque Harbor Improve- ment. Co.'s sold., and iecotumended that the deed be accepted and a warrant for $6 be drawn in favor of John a,ulkern. Re- port adopted. Also reported in favor ot referring the petition of Relish ek & Schepple in relation to lease of min lot 15ti to the committee of toe ws ole. Report, adopted. Also presented, as per instruction from the council, an ordinance repeating an or- dinance granting to Wm. L. Allem and 'Phos. O. Swaney the r,ght to maintain sand operate au electric railway over and upon certain streets and public places in the city of Dubuque and defitwg the causes of such repeal aid providing for a forfeiture of all rights acquired under said ordi- nance. REGULAR SESSION, OCTOBER 5TH 1891. 185 Ald. Crawford moved that the ordinance be adopted on its first reading. Carried. The ordinance was adot.ted by the fol- lowing vote: A yes—Aids. Crawford Cushing, Fossel- man, Glatt, Halpin, Page, I'easie, Smith Stoltz and '1'rexier. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. 'I rexier, iiia! main of the finance comtnitiee, repotted in favor of paying warrants for $740.34, (trawl] in favor of L. Gunner, city treasurer, tar moneys paid during the month tit September. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford, enairman of the urcdi- naice committee, presented and read for the first time "an oruwance to provide for giving effect to the pr -visions 01 chapter fourteen to the acts of the 1 wenty -third General Assembly if the state of lata, and malting prt.visiom with Iesprcttocon- tracts for paving two ctruitg streets and the construction 01 sewers, the collection of assessments and the issuance 01 bunds or certificates by toe e.ty of Dubuque to pay for such improvements. Auop.e.i by the toliowit.g vole: Ayrs—Alas. Crawford, Cushtig, Glab, IlutpIn, Page, Feaster, SIoti, Stoltz and 'Prex ler. No—Ald. Fosselmatn. 1 he recorder was directed to furnish eaco aluermau a pi wteu copy of the oruo- eamcv; also preseired tar the first tune tit ()romance granting J. ill. Strobel, his heirs and asstgi.s, the tight to slaui.mter hogs amu horned cattle and to curry on the geu- erttl meat pack irg business in nue city of Dubuque. Adopted by toe hollowing vole: Ayes—Aids. Craw lord, Cushing, Fos- setuuwu, tltab, llulpil], Page, Peaslee, South, : tub a anti 'I totter. Aid.'Peaslee, chantm..n of the commit- tee oil claims reported as lolliws: In Iavor of paying bills of Jacobi & Wadley $5.00; and Western Electric Co $2.50; anti that they find that the of $1.85 tit A. Y. ZtIcDul]atti Mtg. Co. has been paid. Report adopted. Aid. Fosseol]al]n, chairman of the street committee reported as follows: Ask for luther time on plat for change ill Scuruedei's sub. Delay action on plat of Michele's sub., uttit West. 3rd street is extended west 'rout Grandview tavenue, Refer the profile of grade of Grace street to toe city engineer to prepare a more appropriate grade for said rtret. ll] favor tit applu%lug til the blue line as the proposed change of grade of Windsor avenue. ill Iavor of approving of the blue line as the official grade 01 Saniord street between Jackson Will 1,1111 Sil'eets. In favor of adopting the blue line as the proposed grade to southern avenue as pe- ttttoned tar by abutting property owners. In laver of accepting toe luhluwiug streets: South Dodge street from Curtis to Grand- view avenue. West 11th and Race streets. Twenty-seventh street, between Lemon and Jackson streets. Alley between West 5th and West 3d and Winona avenue and 11111 street. Culvert on Miliviue road and Lemon strtet and s arm water sewer on 9th ave- nue. In favor of approving the red line as the official grade of Villa street. ll] Iavor of a warding the contract for curbing and be- tween Bluff and tLocust strtering eetsstreet to Peter Eisbach, he being the lowest bidder. In favor of alfowitg the following bills: Baumgartner & Kieth. 30 cents: P. Mar- tin, $20.00; .los. F. Burns, $8.00; J. J. Mc - Collins, $1.25; James Ragan, $3.00; R. I. Eddy, $2.25; E. E. Frith, $3.35; Janne: Farrell, $2.80; Kl]ap, stout CO. Co., $1,50. Allow T. J. Donahue $2, 425.60 balhtnce due for storm sewer on Dodge street. Al- low T..1. Donahue $1,000.00 on bill for grading South Dodge street and said Dona- hue Instructed to hii-h the giadmit on said street within 15 days or the city will finish the same at his expense. Receive and tile report of the street com- tuissiouer for August 1891. Instruct the engineer to make an esti- mate of the amount of extra ,grailiug dome by T..1. Dona .tie in South Dodgestreet,nn account of change of grade on said street. Ask for further time on petition for grad- ing of 6race street until the grade is es- tablished. Allow $7.00 on claim of Anton Aberte for titling nide on Seminal y street. Instruct, the etigineer to lay out Leib- nitz street accurumg to the records on fire ill his office. Refer claim of 1'. J. Donahue for reset- till4 curb ou Dodge street to the committee on claims. Deter 'till of B. E. Linehan of $23.40 to the committee on supplies. ll] favor tit establishing the width of the sidewalk on south side if Dodge street be- tween Locust and Buff +tree's told that said street be improved accordIngly. In favor ot allowing James Beach to lay a six -toot sidewalk on :moth side of Dodge street between Locust and Bluff streets. Allow bills of John Harney of $17.70 and Jo1111 Tibey $33. Report adopted. Also ref orfed in htvor of allowing Lee' & Norton $2,810.34 for construction of 1,581 !meal feet of sewer on West Locust street. beteg the balaiice due on their con- tract with the city for said work. Adopted by the following tote: Ayes—Aids. Crawlohd, Giab, llalpin. Peuslee, Smith and Trexfer. • Nota—Aids. Cushing, Fosseluuwn, Page and Stoltz. The matter of janiter work in the city hall relei'red to the market committee. Ald. t alpin moved to adjourn to 7:30 o'clo k p. ht. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, b'usselinann,Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and Stoltz. Noes—Alas. Crawlurd and '1'rexler. EVENING SESSION. Council met at 7:40 o'clock p. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present.—Alda. Craw turd, Cushing, Fo•sehniula, Blab, hatpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The engineer reported the following bids: Sewer in Dorgan's alley, 111. Lavin, $54.50; D. W. Linehan, $548. Aid. Dalton unveil that the contract be awarded to D. W. Linehan. Carried. Sewer in 11111 street, troll Washington to fine streets. Jl. l.avdt, $552.50; D. W. Linehan, $548. Aid. T'rexter moved that the contract be awarded to D. W. Llnemai. Cloned. Ald. Cushing, chatrni ti of the commit- tee on supplies, reported as follows: Allow the bills of Geo. Fengler, $2.40: P. KnitterA. , Christman, Relried& Jaeger, $6.andWin. S.Molt), $13.65. Report adupt�d. Aid. Mab, chairman of the committee ou markets reported as follows. ll] laver of allowing Leo l'alen to ere e 186 REGULAR SESSION, OCTOBER 5TH, 1891. and maintain a hog scale on 18th street and Couler ave, according to the ordi- nances of the city the coming season. in favor 01 allowing James Crawford to erect and mawtaiu a hag scale oi, 23d and .1acxsoe streets, accot,aung to the ordi- nances of the city, during the coming season. AIse that Jacob Kessler be allowed to rent and maintain a hog scale on 20tH street tied touter avenue the coming season accoiditg to tine ordinance of the city. Report adopted. A Id. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on puuie t:reutds and buildings, reported in lavor of allowing the till ot i•uuuque Water Co. of $20 for water for city hat. Report adopted. Ald. Sotto, chairman of the printing committee reported in favor of Int) int I lie lot owing balls: 'TELEGRAPH $75.00; Tenes$29.16; Ledger $29.15; Herald $29.16 Repurttd adopted. Ail. ,Cult,., chairman of the committee on tire and wa er reported in favor 01 granting tie prayer of petition 01 Stand- ard Lumber Lu. for extension of water mains on the levee and Market street, aim Dubuque Water Co. instructed to extent their water maims on said streets, the tire plugs to be located by the tire Culnmitte. Report adopted. The matter of payment of bill of $200 for water plugs at C., M. & P. It. 1t. shops re- ferred to tate committee on claims. Aid. Halpin, chairman of the committee on police and light. replied us,lullow,: In laver of paying the bites of Lear & Ptifner, $4; Globe Light & Ile,at Co., $516.67; E. E. Frith, $1.50; Dubuque Elec- tric Railway Light & Power CI... $670.5u; allow the Key city this Co. $1102.07 on bili of $110.42. In favor of granting the petition for more Iiettt on Almond street. Receive and file report of city marshal. In favor of emitting petition fur exten- sion of gas :mutts to West Dubuque. Aid. Milli, euatemotii of tie delilquen, tax c.anini[tee, reported as lollows: Cancel taxes ot ,Nary ,h}uan.•ii, Bridget Burke, Airs. Patrick Flynn, ,t. Coluntu- kill's church and Mrs. Jutta t;atosky. Re- port adopted. AId. I'easlee, chairman of the committee oil electrical construction, reported as follows: Allow the bill of Christman & Healy, 10 cent , Receive and file report of city electrician for August. In tavur of granting petition for an elee- Ir a light to be placed at 13th aid Bluff streets, said light to be placed there as soon as the city contracts for more ere lights and in the meantime would recom- mend that a gas lamp be placed oti the ,tote street. Report adopted. Also presented an ordinance to amend an urdinauce concerning outside electrical construction which was referred to the ordiiaice committee. Also presented a list of suppliev needed in the electrical department referred to the committee un supplies with instructtuis to procure the iecessaty supplies. Tee batter of special assessments were relerred to tie street committee to report on at the next adjourned session. A hatpin moved that when the coun- cil adjourn it adjourn to Oct. 21st, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. in. Carried. Ald. I tiepin, chairman of the ex-conimit- tee of the board of health, reported as fol- lows: Receive and file report of meat inspector. Receive and file petition for filling of lot 17 in Lahgworthy's add. on 5th street. In favor of paying the will of Dr.J. S. Sigebw of $7.50. Report adopted. Ald. )'age, chairman of the sewer com- mittee repotted as follows: In favor of grant iig petition for sanitary sewer on Olive street and alley between West llih and Jefferson street. In favor of paying the bills of Lang- worthy, Adams Co., $9, and W. S. 61010, $24.45. Also that they have accepted the sewer on t,hestiut street from highland Place west to alley. Report adopted. AId. Peaslee, chairman of the commit- tee 01 the w hone, reported as follows: Adverse to allowing Reifstetk & Shep- ey to use Garheht ave. for scale purposes. Also in favor of iistruc hig Rettsteck & Shepply to prepare an ordinance leasing to them a part of mineral tut 106 and sub - tun toe same to the ordinance committee. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of enforcing the ram airdimnce according to the ordinance ..ow ii tut! f free and efiec . Ails. Crawford and Soil z presented a ininomy report ui tue shape of an ordi- nance repeating the urdinauce in relation to tie licensing al teams. The rules were suspended and Mr. H. B. Fout,e audressed the council in relation . he, eta. The question bring put on the minority report was lost by the iollowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawling and Stoltz. Noel—Aids. Cushing, hosslmamn, Glab, Ilatptiy Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. l he question recurring on the majority report til toe committee wits adopted by the lolt.tvting vete: Ayes—.►Ids. Cushing, Fosselman, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smite and 'Trexler. Noes—AWs. Craw ord and Stoltz. Ake) reported in fat or of allowing F. (leer & sem $1100 as payment in full for IUrnishi ng plaits and sketches for patrol house. Adopted by the Following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Fusseltnann Ilalp.II Page, and Stoltz. ' Noes—Allis. Cushing, Glab, Peaslee, Smith dud 'Trexler. The mayor vo•ed aye. AId. Cushing 01 the special committee on the resoiutien for sidewalk abutting lots 10, 11 and 12, !'respect Hill add., re - wined in favor 01 the resolution amended 80 as to read along north side of W 3d street from Bluff to Summit street. Report ittlopted. A l. sewer c unue(.t oltz oil at the 18th t treet engiof ne house tie referred to the aldermen of the 3rd ward. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alt. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the Cttt ot 1uuagtie. That ex -mayors, the tion. Fred. O'Donnell, John Glab, It. W. Stewart and W..1. Knight be requested to !welsh their portratis to the city of i)u- bugne to be hung in the council chamber with the portraits of the other ex -ma) ars, and that the present mayor be authorized to accept :Mule on behalf 01 the city. Aul. Peaslee offered the following which was adapted: 'Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the resolution adopted at the session of [he council held August 341urderin, the street commissioner to bring 15th street to grade between Locust and Bluff, tie awarded by striking out the words " The cu. Bing, guttering and macad- REGULAR SESSION, OCTOBER, 5'rH, 1891. 18 amizing to be done at tete expense of the abutting property owner." A Id. ,toltzofl'ered the following: Resolved by the C.ty Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, briek, some or cement, be, within 2t) lays of this no- tice, eonstrueled and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on both st es of Middle street, between high Bluff street and its hurtern terminus at expense of abut meg prop- erly. :+yes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- matin, Glab. Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and't'rexler. Ala. smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Cou nal of the City of Dubuque, That a sid-wait, 4 feet wide, of good two Inch plank, buck. some or cement be, within 20 days o. this notice, constructed and laid in coufurmity with the ordInance in relation to sidewalks, en the east side of tuff street extension be- tween Dodge street and Villa street. Adopted by the following tote. Ayes—Aids. Crawior.t, Cu -Ling, Fossel- mau, Glab, Beloit), Page, Peaslee, Smith, S eliz and Trexter. Ald. smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good t wit Inco plank, uriek, stone or cement be, within 3d days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sulewatr. s, "n the mirth side of Southern avenue abutting 4 of sub. min. lot 34. Adopted by the tul- lowing vote: Ftig- Ayes—Ail-. Crawliird, . Cushing, seluienn, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That a soiewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch piatk, brick. stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this nutieie, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to Siitewalks, on both side of Grandview street, between South Dodge s. reel and Villa street. Adoted be the lollowwg vote: Ayes, Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- manm, Glab, Ilalpin, Pag , Peaslee, Smith, Stoitz and'1'rexler. Aid. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the city council tit the City ot Dgoo d twoinh pl Wadi, 8 i,stone or of or c •ment, be, welkin 30 days of this notice, constructed and I. id ill conformity with the ordinance in n latiuo to sidewalks, ud both sides of Dodge stlee . between old corporation line and South Dooge street. Adopted by the billow dug vote: Ayes, All.:. t,t•aword, Cushing. N'ussel- man, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Ti ester. Ald. Smith offered the following: lcesoived by nae City Cuumcu of the City. of Dubuque, i hat a sidewalk 6 feet wide, ot good two-inch plank, brink, :hide or ce- nieit"be, ++itiin 20 days 01 this Holler, con- structed and loo ui conlurninv with the ordinance in relation to s dew it! Its, on both sides of omit Dodge street, between Duuge sheet anti Grandview avenue. Adopted by tile tallow Ing vote: A+ es, Alds. Craw i'01, Cushing, Fussel- ma.nu, Glatt, Il al pita, Page, Peaslee, Sunlit, StollZ and l.'rexler. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, Teat the city attorney be re- quested iia report to this emoted as early as possible in writlig, whether un,ter chap- ter 16 of tile acts of the 22nd General As- sembly or under any other general or spe- cial law. or authority the city council has power to regulate the rates of charges by telephone companies in the city of Du- buque anti .f the ety las such power, to prepare and present an ordinance fixing socia charge-. having the amounts in blank to be tilted by the council. Ald. Craw lord offered the following whir' was adopted: Be it resolved by the city council that that the street coni In lssiu imler De and is here- by instructed to repair West Locust street adjoining the east end where it was this ear macadamized to where it was fixed this spring, during this month. Ald. •('rexler moved that the street com- missioner be instructed to engage Mr. Mliithias blorgata to superintend the work. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved that a gasoline street lamp be placed on the west side of Walnut street opposite the center of the alley between Chestnut and 1Viilnut streets;al-o than the easoliue lamp formerly located on Rock s reet, and removed with- out orders from the council be replaced iii its former location. AM. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by die City Council of the City of ubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide. of good two- uclt plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid m colttormity with the ordmta lted ill reratiun to sidewalks, on the north side of West 3rd street, between Bluff street. and Summit street at expense u[ abutting property. Adopted by the luilowing vote: Ales—Aids. Crawford„Cushing, Fossel- man. Glib, Halpin, Page, Peaslee. Smith, Stoltz and 'l'rexler. Alii. Cushing offered the following whacii was adopted: Resolved by the City Conncil of the City of Dubuque, that Mr. Con Ryan, con- raetur uu Grandview avenue, be n1struct- ed to complete his cumtract on said street within twenty days of this notice, or the street commissioner will proceed with the work and the expense wilt be charged to his account. AId. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed t, prepare plans and specification nor a sanitary sewer extewl- tug south from West 11111 along Olive street to alley and west along alley about 150 Ieet and submit the sauce to the city eunuch. Ald. '1'rexleroffered the following which was adopted: Resolved, Tiittt the street commissioner be iustrueied to repair anti roll the alley between 19.nstreet and Rhomtetg avenue and between .lacka.ut and 4Vashiugtun s reels and charge the slime to the account til the coolracor, T. E. Frith. Aid. 'I'rexter offered the following widen was adopted: Re-olued by the Coy Council of the City of Duuwtu'', '['hal the street cum.nis-iun.+r e iisirtidted to Iaty I. crossing of pine blocks on ne north sole of 15th and White streets anti on 10 In and Clay si reel S. Ald. Ilaalpin offered the wing which was admit ed: Resolved, That the taxes of Mrs. Anna Burns, a widow, on 1.it ll and e X lot 12 in Newman, Duper & Smyth's sun be can- celled for the year 1890. Aid. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: 188 REGULAR SESSION, OCTOBER 5TH, 1891. Resolved, That John McKinley be al- loweit six Months time at 6 per cent. to pay special tax against let 2 III 1 of suit city 653 for Impreveul1-nt of .Julien avenue. Ald. Halpin offered the following which Was adopted: Whereas, The bridge on Railroad ave- nue is In a dangerous Conditoii and unfit for puoitc travel, and, Whereas, Said Railroad avenue is also impassable, and as the Hyatt eumpany have erected a large paek.ng house on said avenue, theret,re, bo it. Resolved, That the street cuntotsslone be instructed to remove the bridge and pu the proper tiling to draw the water acres and under said avenue, and place said av eaue in good passable condition for heavy travel. AId. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, Ilas•ett & Meehan had been awarded the contract for improving 450 feet of south Locust street, and, Whereas, The prof used change of grade on saw street has been before the city council for consideration and Whereas, While said change has been before the council, said Ilasset: & .Meehan have been unable to proceed wills their contract; thereiore Resolved, That said Ilesset & ' eehan be allowed to proceed with their contract on said street, and Ieceive for grinding a pro rata amount, according to their original contract, as will tie measured by the city engineer, provided said Meehan & Hassett accept said change in the contract. Aid. Halpin offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, 'I'ttat the street commissioner be inafructed to put Curtis street in pass- able cmiddtoo as agreed upon last spring. '1 he expense not to exceed $100. AId. F'osselnolhti offered the following whtah was adopted: lt' solved, That 1'. .1. Donahue be in- structed to finish the grading of the side- walks on South Dodge s reel. within 15 days of this not:ceomi en fat iure to do the Smile iii the sl�e,Cined tone Ilse Street Cenl- nitsstoher instructed to finish the grading of said sidewalks at the expense of toe contractor. was whieh lreferredce to ciftheed the IIlderinee following tl a sth ward with power. Resolved, 'That Grant park he la•veled and otherwise improved in such a manner as to give it an ornamental appearance. Ala. Halpin moved to aejourii. Carried. ttest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Corder, esolved by tl ity�.�siltiod.4J el,'ity Dubuque, '1' a sidewalk 4 led't Witlti, of cement. ond be,-inch stinotice, constructed and law in conforutty with thon the east thsidee in (if rBrradaii to streetbutt sidewalks. lots 1, 2 and 3, in S. M. Langwort113's ado. Resolved by the City Couletl of the City of Dubuque, That a sinew all( 4 leet wide of good two -loth plank, brick, stone or ve- nter'', be, within 20 days of this net tee, con- struced and laid crosswise In cuulilrutty. Willi Ilieordinance iii retain'', tush lewalIts, on the east side of Alpine street, between Dodge street and West Third street. Resolved by the City Council of the City r 1. s of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, beck, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this not ce, constructed and laid incunformnv,with ;Ile orurnao i'e in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Brad street, abutting luta 31 and 32 in S. M. Lang worthy's add. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubrique, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, be, wiihin 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Race street, between West 11th street and Rose street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plc uk, be, within 10 days or this iotce,emistructed and laid in eoti- lornuty wish the ordinance in relation to stilewalks, on the south side of 16th street between Pine street and bdaple street, to be laid to a temporary grade. it ofl{Dubuque, tl'hattthe a�sidewalk council of 112 he feet wide of brick, stone or cement, be, with- in 20 days of this notice, con- structed and laid in coulormity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of 5th street, between Clay street and White street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in eollformity with the ordinance relal i to on the i f W hi �estreet, between 4th street andside 5th street. Resolved by the City of Dubuque, That a sewail ktwelof ve feee t w ide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within thirty days 01 this notice,nonstructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of I lay street, between Fourth street and Filth street. Adopted Sept. 17th, 1841. J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Special Assessment Noting. To Michael Stapleton, John A. Koch, Ellen F. Callaghan, H. Rivers and Pat- rick Cassidy: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improve- mentiif West Locust street, from lot 14 Cox's add to Iludg.lon ave., adopted on the 21st day oI September, A. D., 1841, a spe- vi,al assessment will be levied Jur the ex- ufrthethereof coma ih ii4lontallg orentttsrandmeepar cels of land atsutttng on said improvement, lasts 10 and 11 in Quii le's sub., out lot 710, owned by you being subject 10 such special per a assessment. �aiimem And (if tou he notified unc I, to tat e held on ;lie 5th day of October, A. D., 189L 111111 snow cause, ii and you have, why said assessment should not be levied. J. C. FITZPATRICK, RSpecial AssessmenttNo ane. '10 Jas. NI. & Wm. Whelan and Clara Solomon: You are herety notified that in aceordam•e with a MAI/MIK/II of the City Ciaullcal of the City iif Dubuque for the tna- 'movement of Grandview avenue from Delhi at rem ti South Dodge street adopted 1111 the 21st day of September. A. 1). 1841, a special assessment will be levied for the 1 REGULAR SEESION, ul'.ft1I1. expense thereof at the next regular meet- inc of the city courted, upon all lots and parcels of land abu nog on sail improve• ment, lots 8 and 9 in 1Vhelan's sub., owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the e. uracil, to he held on the 5th day of 0 tither A. ii. 1891, and show cause, if any %on have, why said assessment should not Ue levied. J. C. FITZPArtucE, City Recorder. Not ice to Saloonkeepers 11AIts1IAi.'S OFFICE, l)uuuque, Ia. The second installment of Sour license for 1891, is now past due and ntu:t be pail at once. A failure on your part to secure on or before Saturday, Ocrob ar 10th, 1891, will cause me to enforce the ordinance on that subject. PS. B. RicE, city Marshal. DUBUQUE, October 1. 1891. Notice to Contrastore. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock of Saturday, October 3rd, 1891, for the constructs m •f lateral sewerage from Washington to Pine street, according to plans and specifications on file in my office. Bidders to state the price per lineal foot for sewer cemulete. Price for encu man- hole, also price for each flush -tank. Bid- ders must furnish a bond of $200 with pro- posal. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. .1. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock of Saturday, Oct. 3, 1891, for the conn ruction of lateral sewer- age in Dorgan's alley, from Seventeenth to Ellis street, according to pians and speci- fications on tile in my oflire. Bidders to sate the Klee per lineal foot for sewer complete; price for each man- hole; also price for each flush -tank. Bidders must furnish a bond of $200 with proposal. The pity reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 3, 1891. Notice. Bids will be received at the office of the city recorder up to Saturday, O••toher 2d. 18i1. at 4 o'clock p. int., for t to furoishutg of one thousand feet or bsst. 2% inch rub- ber tire hose. Bids must be aec.mpauted by sample of hos •. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. .I. C. FITZPATKICK, City Recorder. To Whcm it May Concern. Notice is hereby given that th •re is now on file in in v offic a profile snowing the proposed grade of Rise street between Center Place and Race street, which will be considered at the next regular session of the council to be held October 5th, 1891, and all persons claiming damages by reason of such proposed change of grade must file their claims with the recorder before said meeting. J. C. FITZPATKICK, t'ity Recorder. 190 SPECIAI. SESSION, OCTOBER 9TH, 1891. CITY COUNCIL. Special Session, October 9th, 1891. Council ►net at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawtord, Cushing, Fos- seimann, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and '1'rexler. The following call for the meeting was read: DUBUQUE, la., Oct.. 9th, 1891. To the Honorable Members of the City Council: GENTLEMEN.—At the last session of the council held Oct. 5th, 1891, upon the report of the city engineer and street committee, you allowed Norton & Lee, contractors, an estimate of 1,581 lineal feet for sewer constructed on West Locust strreet. Upon investigation 1 found that the estimate was erroneous, varying consid- erable from the contract. L requested the engineer to make a remeasurement in my presence, and 1 Lind that the total length is only 1,281 lineal feet, making a difference of 300 lineal feet, at $2.74, amounting to $822.64 more than the contractors are en- titled to. You will, therefore, please take such action as in the premises you may deem proper. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS. Mayor. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the warrants ordered drawn in favor of Norton & Lee for $2,- 810.34 be ca►icailed and that warrants be drawn in favor of Norton & Lee for the amount of $1,487.67, this being correct amount. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was referred to the aldermen of the First ward: Whereas, The two thoroughfares known as Grandview street and Grandview ave- nue are causing much contusion and an- noyance through the similarity of names, Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the street heretofore known as Grandview street be hereafter known as Cleveland avenue. Ald. Crae ford moved that the committee on police and light be requested to restore the gas lamp at Seminary street and North Main street. Carried. The matter of repair of steam roller re- ferred to the mayor with power. Ald. Page moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: . C. FIT PATRICK, Recorder. 1 AI.)JOURNED REGULAR SESSION, OCTOBER 21ST, 1891 191 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, ber 21st, 1891. [OFFICIAL. Council met at 2:30 o'clock p. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present.—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. Petition of Joe Early asking that the or- der ordering the lay tug of a six-foot side- walk on Race street be revoked ur sus- pended indefinitely. Ald. Crawford moved that Mr. Early be granted until next spring to put down a six-foot walk. Carried. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: our committee report in favor of refer- ring within petition of property owners of Grandview avenue in relation to the tm- p,ovement or said street back to said peti- tioners to prepare a profile or a change of grade and submit the same to the council, together with such a proposition as they may agree on towards helping to pay for said change. Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the same com- mittee reported its follows: In lavor of ex- tending the lateral sewer along Clay street from 18th to 17th streets, and city attorney instructed to ascertain and report to the council if the city can collect from adjacent property tar cost of construction of said sewer. Report adopted. City Attorney McCarthy reported as fol- lows: Allow the bill of .1. 1'. Cooney of $2.75. Also recommended that P. C. Chester- man be paid $80.19 and that the treasurer be and is hereby instructed to sell the prop- erty in question for what it wilt bring. Repot t adopted. Also presented a bill of $9 in favor of E. McClain for copy of code of Iowa, ordered paid. Also presented an ordinance vacating 4 feet in width off the south side of Dodge street from Bluff street to Vine street. Re- ferred to the ordinance committee. Ald. Cushing arrived at 3:10 o'clock p. iii. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to repair the sidewalk on the southwest side 01 Madison street and put the same in a safe condition for travel until the street can be perma- nently improved. The matter of repairing scales in the Filth ward referred to the market com- mittee. Aid. Peaslee moved that the action of the council in relation to opening alley be- tween West Fifth and West Eighth streets be reconsidered. Carried. Ald. 'Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, 'Tht a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 20 days of this noticie, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on south side of 23rd street, between Cooler ave. and Elm street, to be land at the expense of abutting property. Adopted be the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and Trexler. 'I'ne matter of straightening South Lo- cust street from the old corporation line to Railroad avenue, referred to the city engi- neer and city attorney with power, to con - Octo- fer with Mr. 11. Moore and prepare plat of same. Petition of C. W. Robison for reduction of assessment was read. On motion his assessment on his stock of lumber was re- duced to $20,000 for 1891. Ald. Crawford moved that a six foot sidewalk on West 11th street be accepted and the engineer so instructed. The rules were suspended and Mr. II. H. Blislt addressed the council and stated that it the award of the jury for the open- ing of said alley were accepted he would pay double the award of the jury on con- dition that tie other part of the alley va- cated be conveyed to him. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That Mr. Frank Chest- erman be al,owed to curb, gutter and Ma- cadam ize 100 feet in Irma of his property on Grandview avenue under the super- vision of the city engineer. Ald• Cushing offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the award of the jury summoned to assess the damages which might accrue to the owner or own- ers of properly proposed to be taken for the extension to bur street of the alley east of Wilson avenue )be approved aim adcpted and the sum of $300 be set apart in the city treasury to be paid to the owner of the real estate taken for said extension, and the proposition of 11. 11. Bush and John Philtips be accepted. Lost by the Iollowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawlord, Cushing and Peaslee. Noes—Aids. (nab, Halpin, Page, Smith and 'fickler. On motion the proposition of H. 11. Blish and Jno. Phillips in relation to ex- tension of sand alley was referred to the committee of the whole. Aid. Utah offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, flint a sidewalk 0 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity witl1.th ordimtuce in relation to sidewalks, uit'itde of Center Place, abutting lot 1 of McNttity's add, in Dubuque, Iowa. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Aids. Crawford, Glab, llalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and Trexlex. Petition of Wieneke & liohenadel fo construction of lateral sewer in alley back of their property. Referred to the sewer committee. The following bills were allowed: $ 84 60 P. R. Couuolly, oats WOO B. N. Arquitte. derrick The M. C. Lido' & buttonstf 00 The bill of W. II. 'Torbert of $92.10 re- ferred to the committee on electrical con- struction. Communication of Marketmaster Gratz asking for an assistant. Referred to the committee on markets with power. The following petitions were referred to the assessment committee: Alex. and Chas. Simplot, Lucia Gruber, A. McCann and J. Maclay. Proposition anti profile of proposed change of grade of Grandview avenue was presented by the abutters on Grandview avenue and referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn. Car- ried. At st:. J. C. IICK, Cit itec irdee 192 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, OCTOBER 21sT, 1891 will be received at my office in the city hall up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, Oct. 24th, 1841, for laying the following plank sidewalks according to plans and specifi- cations on file in my office on the following streets where not already laid: On the south side of 11th between Wal- nut and west side of Race street, 8 feet wide. On the north side of Jones street be- tween Iowa and Water streets, 12 feet wide. On the east side of Main between 1st and Jones streets, 12 feet wine. On the south side of Peru road between Jackson street and Couler avenue, 4 feet wide. On the west side of Race street between West 11th and Rose streets, 6 feet wide. On the east side of Alpine street between Dodge and West 3d streets, 4 feet wide. On the east side of Brad street abutting lots 1, 2 and 3, S. M. Langworthy's sub, 4 feet wide. On the west side of Brad street abutting lots 31 and 32, S. M. Langworthys' add, 4 feet wide. These walks are to be of brick, stone or cement: On the south side of 5th street between Clay and White streets, 12 feet wide. On the east side of Clay street between 4th and 5th streets, 12 feet wide, On the west side 'if White street between 4th and 5th streets, 12 feet wide. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. NOZ ICE. To whom it may concern: The assessment books are now ready for the inspection of tax payers and will be until Oct. 19th when any person feeling aggrieved by the assessment of their real estate or personal property may appeal to the council for correction. A list of changes proposed to be made by the equal- ization board will be found at the city hall and court house. An adjourned meeting of said board for final action on the proposed changes will he held at the city hall on the 14th of Oc- tober, 1841, at 2 p. in. until 4 p. m. .1. M. KENETY, Auditor. To Whom it May Concern. Notice is hereby given to all parties in- terested that they will be required to pro- cure a permit from the city engineer be- fore they open or dig up any street, alley or public highway. A failure on your part to secure the necessary permit will cause me to en- force the ordinance on that subject. ED. RYAN, Street Commissioner. Alley Notice. All persons interested are hereby noti- fied to clean the alley in the rear of their premises within 24 hours of this notice. This includes all boxes, wood, paper, rub- bish and all objectionable materials detri- mental to the health and safety of the public. A failure on your part to comply with the above order will cause me to clean the same at your expense; also remove all boxes, wood, etc.: at your expeuse, as I am determined to see that the alleys are kept in a safe and healthy condition. En. RYAN, Street Commissioner. Dubuque, Oct. 2, 1861. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank. brick, stone or ce- ment, be. within 20 days of this notice. constructed said laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Middle street, between High Bluff street and its northern terminus at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, he, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Bluff street extension, between Bluff street and Villa street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a side -walk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within thirty days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks on the north side of Southern ave., abutting 4 of sub min lot 34. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Grandview street, between South Dodge street and Villa street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, eight feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Dodge street, between old corporation line and South Dodge street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce- merit,be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of South Dodge street, between Dodge street and Grandview avenue. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch Blank. brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of West Third street, be- tween Bluff street and Summit street, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted Oct. 5th, 1891. J. C. N ITZPATItICK, Recorder. 1 lr. REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1891. 193 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session November 1891. 2nd Council met at 9:35 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'I'rexler. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted. That the record of the proceedings of the council on September 8th, 1891, on page 165 be corrected by substituting the word "blue" instead of "green" in the report of the special committee on the grade of Rose street. relating to the change of grade of said street between Center place and Race street, the word "green" being a clerical error. Ald. Peaslee moved that the minutes of the previous sessions be approved as print- ed. Carried. The rules were suspended and Mr. J. P. Williams addressed the council in rela- tion to his bill of $55.55 for filling done on Maple street. Action on the matter post- poned until the afternoon. The matter of sidewalk on Almond street referred to the marshal to stop teams from being driven over the same. The following bills were allowed: J W. Wittmer, turpentine $ 25 W. J. Burns & Co. cement 1 60 .John Marney, repairing Iouis 2 05 .Jno. P. Williams, stone for 15th St55 85 .1no. P. Williams, building stone19 25 Key City Gas Co., coke, etc 8 00 C. C. Lembke, harness repairs 14 65 W. S. Molo, plumbing 50 Dubuque Water Co.,211 hydrants (re- considered) 1055 00 .John 'Teby, hauling gar bage 162 00 The matter of hauling garbage referred to the Board of Health with power. Standard Lumber Cu., lumber 9 10 L. Daly, cleaning market 25 00 Jas. Kelly, stationery 10 60 John Murphy, room rent for Octo- ber 12 00 G. B. Grosvenor, 1 banker' case5 00 6 80 3 13 60 13 50 19 80 8 50 20 74 1 50 40 15 8 60 M. Herzog, sawing wood -Mrs. Meehan, scrubbing offices .Joseph Geiger, glazing A. Leicht, stone C. W. Robison, lumher Duggan & Kane, rope and oil Knapp, Stout & Co., lumber James Lyons, hardware Ferguson Bros., plumbing Joe Dusech, resetting curb Wm. Marshall, repairs on steam roller Christman & Healey, nails John '1'ibey, stone 1 35 2 55 13 50 J. Kean & Bio., pine wood 5 25 Mrs. B. lsborn, rent of patrol house18 00 L. Laly, hauling garbage81 00 M. Brown & Sun, oats, hay, etc 6 95 Dubuque TELEGRAPH, blanks, tax 77 25 receipts, etc Hardie & Scharle, blanks, etc14 75 Palmer, Winall & Co., blanks, etc9 25 R. Lorenz, one-half pay for police 15 00 overcoat Lee & Norton, exira grading on 108 92 90 44 640 45 50 4'2 00 8 80 Bluff street Byrne & Saul, stone crossings Bart E. Linehan, cement .John O'Brien, work on sewers .John Tierney, work on sewers Butler Bros., oats, etc Mrs. Koenig, scrubbing police headquarters (and referred to mar- ket committee) 11 88 The marshal was instructed to notify Alderman Fosselmann to attend the meet- ing of the council. The matter of a sewer on Chestnut street from Highland Place west referred to the sewer committee and city attorney. The rules were suspended and Hon. Fred O'Donnell addressed the council in rela- tion to Grandview avenue. The following bills were referred to the committee of the whole: Con. Ryan, $842.68; Novelty Iron works, $211.90. To the printing committee: TELEGRAPH, $217.80; Ledger, $58.30. To the committee on claims: W. Molo, $6 70; B. Lagen. $3.00; Dubuque Water Co., $390; Novelty Iron works, $34 72. To committee on police and light: Key City Gas Co. $108.33; Globe Light and Heat Co., $521.67; Lear & Ptiftner, $7.00; Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Cu., $625 and $45,50. To committee on supplies: John O'Dea, $30; Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., $5; Smedley. atfg Co., 60c; G. B. Grosvenor. $18.65; [larger & Blish, $7.60; James Kelly, 85c. '1'o committee on public grounds and buildings: W. W. Wormood, $72; Thos. T. Car- keek, $360; James Howie, $800. To committee on fire and water: Dubuque Water Co., $20; A. Y. McDon- ald, $1.25; Lear & Pfiffiner, $4. To street committee: U. Ruof, $40.65; John Eichhorn; Con. Ryan. $2,500• U. Ruof, $446.40; Con. Ryan, Jr., $25.50; John Tibet' $450; C. W. Robi- son, $3.00; E. E. Frith, $320.20. To the market committee: B. McCormick, $1.50. To the electric committee: Western Electric Co., $2.50. On motion the action taken on the bills of U. B. Grosvenor. Ilarger & Blish and Jas. Kelly for stationery was reconsidered and the bills ordered received and filed, the same not having been contracted by the outer authorized to procure stationery. Bill of Chas. Baumann of 25c received and tiled. The following bills for rolling were re- ferred to the auditor for collection: Con. Ryan, Jr., $1,253; Geo. Taylor, $44.84; E. E. Frith, $73.92; Adam Schmidt, $84.50. Ald. llatpin moved that the action of the council o, the bills for lighting be recon- sidered. Lost. Aid. Halpin moved that the action of the council ordering paid the bill of the Du- buque ubuque Water Company of $1,055 be recon- sidered. Carried. 'I' he bill was referred to the committee on fire and water. Aid. Halpin moved to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:20 o'clock p. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds.Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and '1'rexler. The following bills were allowed: A. Wunderlich, norseshoeing and 9 05 repairs E. C. Blake, copying specification2 00 F. Schloz, repairing tools 7 00 Christman & llealy, hardware8 60 John Gabahl, horseshoeing 12 25 Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., shav- 1 25 ings Silsby Mfg Co., vacuum chamber9 75 F. G. Ranney, repairs 3 11 194 REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1891. C. C. Lembke, harness repairs 800 F, A. Miller, brooms 5 20 Christman & Healy, sash cord 80 Burns & Donahue, oats 330 H. B. Herold, wood 900 Standard Lumber Co., lumber5 50 J. M. McKenzie, wrench 1 50 J. C. Althauser, lampwick 25 The following bills were referred to the street committee: D. W. Linehan $100, Bart. E. Linehan $52.20 Farley & Loetacher Manufacturing Co. $8. To committee on fire and water: Butt Bros. $14. To the sewer committee: D. W. Linehan $577 07. The bill of G. B. Grosvenor of $10.75 re- ceived and tiled. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred: To the committee of the whole: Tetition for opening of Elm street be- tween Rhomberg ave. and Eagle Point ave. Petition of Peter Eisbach for culvert across Curtis street. Petition of F. Kenniker and Harriet Kenniker for construction of arch sewer through their premises or for damages done by reason of construction of sewer across Lemon street, and Milleville road. To committee on police and light: Petition for a lamp on Nevada street. Petition for a lamp on Delhi street at Forest Lane. Petition for lamps on 1st, 2d and 3d ave- nues, Ham's add. Petition of John Degnan for an approach to his home on Oak street referred to the street committee. Remonstrance against location of water trough near Grant park. Referred to the aldermen of the Fourth ward. Petition of Dubuque Street Railway Co., asking that the waste water from 18th street engine house be taken care of and not allowed to run on their tracks. Re- ferred to the sewer committee with power. Petition for crossing on north side of 14th street at Broad street. Granted. Petition of Margaret Lucas tor an ex- tension of one year's time to pay special assessment. Granted at the same rate as last year. Petition for extension of water mains in the alley between 14th and 15th streets and Clay and Iowa streets. Granted. Invitation to attend the Mining congress at Denver, Col.,Nov. 18th, 19th and 20tn,re- fered to the mayor. Claims of Geo. Fengler of $269 30 against Ulrich Ruof. The auditor instructed to withold the amount from any warrants due said Ruof. The following petitions in reference to taxes refered to the assessment committe: Peter Kiene, Sr., Z. Kopp, F. Ilitcnins, Anna Schiel, Fourth Street Elevator Co., Mrs. P. Welsh, Dubuque Trade Journal, J. A. Rhomberg, A. VV. Sears. Mrs. C. G. Wullweber, G. Huekels Mary Anna Lin- ton, S. J. Patch, Geo. W. Healy, John En- right, Anna Breckwoldt, Consumer Steam Heating Co., Jos. Herod, Burton Est. and Mary B. Wallis, and Key City Gas Co. Petition of A. J. Marsh refered to the de- linquent tax committee. Ald. Craword moved that Ald. Glab be appointed chairman of the street coin - m ittee. AId. Halpin moved as an amendment that the street committee as now consti- tuted be dissolved and reorganized. The question being put on the amend- ment was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Halpin and Smith Noes—Aids. Crawford, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and Trexler. The mayor refused to put the question on Ald. Crawford's motion declaring the motion out of order. AId. Halpin offered the following: Whereas, Alt. Fosselmann, the chair- man on streets, has failed to attend to the duties of his position; therefore, Be it Resolved, That his place on the committee be and is hereby declared va- cant and the mayor requested to fill the vacancy. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawfori, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The mayor appointed Ald. Stoltz to till the vacancy. All. Stoltz moved that AId. Glab be made chairman of the street committee. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Cushing, 1 -Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'L'rexler. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand Oct. 1st, $18,769.00. Recoipts for Oct. $24,- 878.74. Cash on hand Nov. 1st, $15,002.66; also reported the various amounts collect- ed on special assessment and due con- tractors; also reported $1,731.45 due the city officers for October; also presented list of coupons redeemed in October. Re- port received and filed and warrants or- dered to pay same. Recorder Fitzpatrick reported licenses issued by him to the amount of $1,044.50. Received and filed. Marshall Rice reported $1,576.70 due the police for October. also reported 84 police cases tried during October; also reported pound receipts $12.90; also reported 87 patrol runs for October; also reported hav- ing collected from Diamond Jo Co. $19.85 for electricians' salary. Warrants ordered drawn to pay police and report referred to the committe on police and light. Street Commissioner Ryan reported $3,775.20 due for street work for the month of October; also presented an itemized statement of the same. Received and filed. Chief Reinfried reported $1,344 due the firemen for the month of October. Re- ceived and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay same. Marketmaster Gratz reported scale re- ceipts $50.70; also reported $17.80 due for board of prisoners. Received and filed and warrant ordered to pay board of pris- oners. Chas. Pitschner reported scale receipts West Dubuque scales $4.40. Received and filed. T. J. Cranfield reported scale receipts First ward scales $10.45. Received and filed. Meat Inspector Klein presented his monthly report. Received and filed. Frank Fosselman reported scale receipts of Fifth ward scales $3.15. Received and filed. Wm. Coughlin, lamplighter, reported having lighted fitty-two gas lamps during the month of October. Received and tiled. '1'. J. Feyen granted sixty days to pay one-half special assessment on s 45 ft lot 104, L. H. Langworthy's add. The matter o, horses for the fire depart- ment referred to the committee on fire and water with power. Bids tor the building of the Central en- gine house opened, read and referred to committee on public grounds and build - tugs. i i f REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER, 2ND 1891. 195 Aid. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, The city council did order the city engineer to prepare a profile for a change of grade on West Third street, and Whereas, The engineer did prepare said profile and the recorder has given the proper notice and, Whereas, No objection has been filed to svid proposed change; therefore, Resolved, That the blue line and figures, as shown on said plat, be and is hereby de- clared the official grade of West 3d street, between Walsh street and college ave. Profile of grades of streets in Althauser's sub referred to the street committee. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Trexler, chairman of the committee on finance, reported as follows: In favor of instructing the treasurer to cancel the taxes on city lot 320 for;1890 as the same belongs to the county, and would recommend that the county be requested to cancel all taxes against n 44 feet of city lot 169 belonging to the city and to be used for tire purposes. In favor of having warrants drawn for $1,135.75 in favor of L. Gunner, city treas- urer, for money paid out during the month of October. Report adopted. The finance committee were authorized to borrow sufficient funds to meet current expenses. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordi- nance committee, reported as follows: Presented and tead for the first time an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend an ordinance concerning outside electrical construction for electric light and power. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aide. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, ,Stoltz and Trexler.• On motion the rules were suspended and the ordinance read for the second time and placed on its final passage and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Also presented an amendment to the paving ordinance to be inserted as section ten of said ordinance, which was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cashing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The ordinance as amended was read for the second time and adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The ordinance granting J. H. Strobel the privilege of carrying on a packing business was referred to the ordinance coin uh ittee. Action was postponed on the ordinance repealing the livery license; also the ordinance forfeiting the Allen & Swiney railway ordinance. Petition and ordinance granting the Dia- mond Jo Line steamers the right to occu- py and use a certain part of the public levee, and to erect and maintain thereon a warehouse and office for the convenient dispatcu of its business at this point, re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Aid. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole reported as follows: Receive and file resolution in relation to special tax against Mrs. Mary Langworthy for laying plank sidewalk. Receiveand file claim of Harry L. tat Moyer , d by him personal n falling uries a id to be sus - from a sidewalk. That they are unable to find by whose authority the bill of T. J. Donahue of $12 for resetting curb on Dodge street was ordered. in favor of allowing the following bills: Langworthy & Adams $9; F. Mertz, $15.95; Ferguson Bros., $7.40. Ald. Glab, chairman of the strset com- mittee, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: T. J. Donahue, $77.20; U. Ruof, $64.35; Farley, Loetscher Mfg Co., $4.25• U. Ruof, $848; E E. Frith, $90:.1. R. Riley, $4.25; Byrne & Saul,$21.76; B. Donahue, $46.20; U. Ruof, $1.75' Adorn Schmidt, $162; John Williams, $,5.55. In favor of allowing Adam Schmidt $6.1.7 on his bill of $8.82. Ask further time on bill of Adam Schmidt of $10U for constructing wing wall on culvert on Lemon street and Mill- ville Road. In favor of approving plat of Michels subdivision. URefer bill of E. E. Frith of $90 for extra grading on Race and W 11th street to the aldermen of the 4th ward. Refer the bills of Chas. Steuck for grad- ing on South Main street to the committee bn claims. Refer petitions for and against grading of Seminary street to the committee on paving. Receive and tilled report of the street commissioner for September 1891. That they have located the tracks of the Dubuque Electric Railroad Light and Power com- pany on Dodge and South Dodge street. That they have examined and accepted the following streets. Rhomberg avenne from 6th avenue to C., M. & St. P. R. R. track. Jackson street from Peru road to city limits. Winona avenue from West 5th to West 3rd street. Report adopted. Ald. Page moved that when we adjourn, we adjourn to Friday at 2 o'clock p. m. Lost. Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn to 7:140 o'clock p. m. Carried. EVENING SESSION. Council met at 7:45 p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repairs on sidewalks on W 3d street by .1. R. Riley, contractor in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite •each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Catherine O'Brien, lot 11, Prospect 11111 add, repairs on sidewalk, $2.25. Michael Freeman, lot 12, Prospect Hill add, repairs on sidewalks, $2. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aids. Cushing, Crawford, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz. and Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved .by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for constructing sidewalk by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposits each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: 196 REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND 1891. Jas. Rowan, lot 12, Bush's add, 60 lineal it plank sidewalk 4 ft wide, Belle street, at 14c $8 40 Neal McGowan, w 34 lot 12, Finley Waples and Burton's,add: 30 lineal ft plank sidewalk, six ft wide, Delhi street at 18c $5 40 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz, and Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for im- provements on West 11th street from Wal- nut to Race street, and of Race street by E. E. Frith, contractor, in front of and ad- hoining the same, a special tax be and is ereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as tollpws: Andrew Drees, lot 1, sub of city lot 738: 35.8 lineal feet curbing at 45c. $ 16 11 15.91 sq yds guttering at 45c 7 16 57.68 sq yds macadamizing at 48.c27 69 Total $ 50 96 Nic Kauffman, lot 2, sub of city lot 738: 238.3 lineal feet curbing at 45c $107 24 114.35 sq yds guttering at 45e 51 46 383.03 sq yds macadamizing at 48c183 85 Total $342 55 Geo. E. Clark, lot 12, Cummins' sub: 116.6 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 52 47 57.86 sq yds guttering at 45c 26 04 179.15 sq yds macadamizing at 48c85 99 Total $164 50 Garrett Fleming, lot 13, Cummins' .sub: 132.7 lineal feet curbing at 45c $59 72 57 lineal feet curbing at 2230 12 83 83.60 sq yds guttering at 45e 37 62 281.89 sq yds macadamizing at 48c135 31 Total $245 48 Martin Kirwin, lot 14, Cummins' sub: 55 lineal feet curbing at 22Xc $12 38 24.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 11 00 55 sq yds macadamizing at 48c. 26 4u Total $49 78 Martin Kerwin, lot 15, Cummins' sub: 55 lineal feet curbing at22%c $12 38 24.44 square yards guttering at45c11 00 55 sq yds macadamizing at 48c 26 40 Total $49 78 C. Vath, s 2-3 lot 16, Cummins' sub.: 36.07 lineal feet curbing at 2235c$ 8 26 16.3'. sq yds guttering at 45c7 34 36.70 sq yds macadamizing at 48c17 62 Total $33 22 Isaiah Cleminson, a 1-3 lot 16, Cummins' sub.: 18.03 lineal feet curbing at 2235 $ 4 12 8.13 sq yds guttering at 450... $ 3 66 18.3 sq yds macadamizing at48c 8 78 Total $16 56 1 saiahCleminson, s 1-3 lot 17, Cummins' sub.: 18.3 lineal feet curbing at 2t34c $ 4 12 8.13 sq yds guttering at 45c 3 66 18.30 sq yds macadamizing at 48c8 78 Total $16 56 Ira Hanson, n 2-3 lot 17, Cummins' sub.: 49lineal feet curbing at 2235c... $11 03 21.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 9 80 49 so yds macadatuizing at 48c 23 52 Total $44 35 Mrs. A. Cummins, lot 18 Cummins' sub.: 68 lineal feet curbing at 221c $ 5 30 30.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 18 60 68 sq yds macadamizing at 48c 32 64 Total $61 44 Mrs. Dora Reed, lot 19, Cummins' sub.: 55 lineal feet curbing at 2235c $12 38 24.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 11 00 55 sq yds macadamizing at 48c 26 40 Total .$49 78 W. F. Gilliam, lot 20, Cummins"sub: 55 lineal feet curbing at 22%c $12 38 24.40 sq yds guttering at 45c 11 00 55 sq yds macadamizing at 48c 26 40 'l'otal $49 78 .1. P. Earley, lot 21, Cummins' snb: 50 lineal feet curbing at 2235c $12 38 24.44 sq yds guttering at 45c 11 00 55 sq yds macadamizing at 48c 26 40 Total $49 78 J. P. Earley, lot 22, Cummins' sub: 77.5 lineal:feet curbing at 22Xc $ 17 44 36.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 16 30 111.28 sq yds macadamizing at 48c53 41 Total $ 87 15 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improve- ments on 271h street from Jackson street to Lemon street, by Adam Schmidt, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be, and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of realestate hereinafter named, situ- ate and owned, and several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Adam Glab, lot 11 West's add: 274.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $109 88 122.09 sq yds guttering at 40e 48 84 350.41 sq yds macadamizing at 39e136 66 Total $295 38 Robert Thompson, lot 12 West's add: 129.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 51 72 57.69 sq yds guttering at 40c 23 08 173.66 sq yds macadamizing at 39c... 67 69 Total $142 49 Adam Giab, lot 40 West's add: 148.1 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 59 24 68.04 square yards guttering at 40c... 27 22 176. sq yds inacadainizing at 39c68 64 Total $155 10 C. A. Walter, lot 306 Davis Farm: 187.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $74 96 84.27 sq yds guttering at40c 33 71 247.5 sq yds macadamizing at 39c96 53 Total $205 20 N. W. Kimbell, lot 337 Davis Farm: 190.9 lineal feet curbing at 40c $76 36 85.6 sq yds guttering at 40c 34 26 247.5 sq yds macadamizing at 39c95 53 Total $207 15 Nic Glab, lot 306 Davis Farm: 190.9 lineal feet curbing at 40c $76 04 84.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 38 87 247.5 sq yds macadamizing at 39c96 53 Total $206 44 Nic & Frank Glab, lot 336, Davis Farm: 193.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $77 52 85.78 sq yds guttering at 40c 34 31 24.75 sq yds macadamizing at 39c96 53 i REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1891. 197 Total $208 36 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improve- ments in alley between Hill street and Winona avenue by George "Taylor, con- trractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot and parcel of real es- tate as follows: 0. F. Hodge, lot 18, Deming & Horr's add: 89. sq yds grading at 12Xc • 11 13 47.50 cu yds macadamizing at48c.... 22 80 10 sq yds macadamizing at 48c 4 80 Total $ 7 68 J. M. Kirkpatrick, lot 2 of 4 of mineral lot 73: 127.5 cubic yds. grading at 12 4c$ 15 94 50 sq yds macadamizing at 48c 24 00 Total $ 39 94 Isaac Harris, lot 26, Deming & llorr's add: 104 cubic yds grading at 12Xc $ 13 00 49.17 sq yds macadauuzeng at 48c23 60 Total $33 93 0. F. Hodge, lot 19, Deming & Horr's add: 66.50 cu yds grading at 12Xe 8 31 41.67 sq yds macadamizing at 48c... 20 00 Total $28 31 0. F. Hodge, lot 20, Deming & Hurt's add: 9 13 73. cu yds grading at 12Xc 41.67 sq yds macadamizing at . 48c20 00 Total $ 29 13 0. F. Hodge, lot 21, Deming & Horr's add: 104 cu yds grading at 1234c 9 13 41.67 sq yds macadamizing at 48c20 00 Total $ 29 13 0. F. Hodge, lot 22, Deming & Horr's add: 77.5 cu yds grading at 12Xe 9 69 42.50 sq yds macadamizing at 48c20 40 Total $30 09 U. F. Hodge, lot 23. Deming & Horr's add: 64 cu 41 67 ds ycat cuds macadamizing at 48c20 00 Total $28 00 0. F. Hodge, lot 24, Demining & Florr's add: 50 cu yards grading at 12Xc $ 6 25 43.33 sq yds macadamizing at 48c20 80 Total $27 05 C. E. and Ellen Bradley, lot 29, Denting & Horr's add: 9.5 cu yds grading at 123yc $ 1 19 9.97 sq yds macadamizing at48c 4 78 Total $ 36 60 Isaac Harris, lot 25, Deming & purr's add: 322 cubic yds grading at 12Xc $ 40 25 236.89 sq yds macadamizing at 48c113 71 Total ..$153 9 6 John McCoy, lot 1, McCoy's sub: 14 lineal feet curbing resetting 10c..$ 1 40 172.50 cubic yds grading at 123fc.... 21 56 147.39 sq yds macadamizing at 48c.. 70 73 Total $ 93 69 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Coshing, Glab, Ilalptn, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improve- ments on Bluff street trom 14th to 16th streets, by Lee & Norton, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as iulluws: C. A. Eighmey, lot 1 of 2 city lot 66472 77 91 lineal feet curbing at 47e 666472: 4 34.22 sq yds guttering at 44c 16 08 110.88 sq yds macadamizing at 45c49 85 Total 70 Mrs. Kate Hargers: lot 1 city lot 667:$108 119.7 lineal feet curbing at 47c... $56 26 54.98 sq yds guttering at 47c . 25 84 156.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 70 35 Total $ 5 97 F. W. W oodrich, n X lot 28, Deming & Horr's add: 16.5 yds ca 12Xc $ 2 06 20.84 sq Ym a at at 48c10 00 Total $ 12 06 Richard Greenly, s X lot 28, Deicing & Horr's add: $ 3 00 24 en yds grding at 123. 20.84 sq yds macadamizing at48c10 00 Total$ - 13 00 G. A. Davis, lot 27, Deming & llorr's add: $ 8 ()D 64 cu yds grading at 12;4c 41.67 sq yds macadamizing at 48c... 20 00 Total$ - 28 00 73: 2zgf 1 of 1 of 4 of min lot 3 Cu ydsrading at124c$ 88 Total 8152 45 W..1-1. ltebnuti, s % lot 1, Cooley's sob.: 5.4 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 2 54 30 lineal feet curbing at 80c $24 00 15.62 sq yds guttering at 47c 7 34 46.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c20 85 30 lineal feet footing course, 5c 1 50 Total$56 23 Jas. G. Carney, n X lot 1, Cooley's sub.: 20 lineal feet curbing at 80c 00 7.78 sq yds guttering at 47c.. $13 68 24.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45e11 00 20 lineal feet footing course at 5c1 00 Total$81 66 J. B. Powers, lot 2, Cooley's sub.: 50 lineai feet curbing at 80r $40 00 19.44 sq yds guttering at 47c 9 14 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 4be27 50 50 lineal feet footing course at 5c.... 2 50 Total$79 14 J. B. Powers, s 7 lot 3, Cooley's sub.: 7 lineal feet of curbing at 80c $ 5 60 2 72 sq yds guttering at 47c 1 28 8.56 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 3 85 6 lineal leet footing course at 5c35 Total $11 08 N in. Reitman est., n 43 lot 3, Cooley s sub: 1 198 REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1891 43 lineal feet curbing at 80c $ 34 40 16.72 sq yds guttering at 47c 7 86 52.56 sq yds macadamizing at 45c23 65 43 lineal ft footing course at 5c 2 15 'Dotal $ 68 06 Wm. Rebman est., s 2.4 ft lot 4, Cooley's sub: 24 lineal feet curbing at 80c $ 1 92 0.93 sq yds guttering at 47c • -• 44 2.93 sq yds macadamizing at 45c1 32 2.4 lineal it footing course at 5c12. _ Total $ 380 Mrs. L. A. Bowdish, s 28 u 48 lot 4, Cooley's sub: 28 lineal feet curbing at 80c $ 22 40 10.89 sq yds• guttering at 47c 5 12 34.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45c15 40 28 tineal ft footing course at 5c 1 40 Total $ 44 32 Alfred Marfield, n 20 lot 4, Cooley's sub: 20 lineal feet curbing at 80c $ 16 00 7.78 sq yds guttering at 47c 3 66 24.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c11 00 20 lineal ft footing course at 5c 1 00 Total $ 31 66 John B. Glover, lot 5 Cooley's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 80c $ 40 00 19.44 sq yds guttering at 47c 9 14 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c27 50 50 lineal ft footing course at 5c 2 50 Total $ 79 14 Win. Rebman est., lot 6, Cooley's sub: 0 lineal feet curbing at 80c $ 40 00 9.44 sq yds guttering at 47c 9 14 61.11 sqlyds macadamizing at 45c27 50 50 lineal ft footing course at 5c 2 50 'l'otal .. . $ 79 14 Wm. Rebman est, lot 7, Cooley's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 80c 8 40 00 19.44 sq yds guttering at 47c 9 14 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c27 50 50 lineal feet footing course at 5c2 50 Total $ 79 14 Geo. M. Staples, lot 8, Cooley's sub: 50 lineal curbing at 80c $40 00 19.44 sq yds guttering at 47c 9 14 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c27 50 50 lineal feet footing course at 5c2 50 Total $ 79 14 C. Bayless, lot 3 of 9, Cooley's sub: 40 lineal feet curbing at 80c $32 00 24.4 lineal feet curbing at47c 11 47 28.62 sq yards guttering at 47c 13 45 76.39 sq yds macadamizing at 45e34 38 Total $91 30 City of Dubuque, "Grant Park:" 236.21 lineal feet curbing at 47c $111 01 106.76 sq yds guttering at 50c 50 18 517.16 sq yds macadamizing at 45c232 72 Total $393 91 Mrs. N. C. Ryder n 113 city lot 664: 137.5 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 64 63 61.11 sq yds guttering at 47c 28 72' 191.06 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 85 98 Total $179 33 A. H. Wellington, n 40 feet, city lot 664: 42.5 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 19 98 188.9 sq yds guttering at 47c 8 88 51.94 sq yds macadamizing at 45c23 37 Total $ 52 23 Amelia M. Hodgdon, south 2-5 city lot 664: 121.5 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 57 it 48.89 sq yds guttering at 47c 22 98 151.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.. 68 00 Total $148 09 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and •1'rexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of West Locust street from west line of lot 14, Cox's add., to llodgdon avenue, by Lee & Norton, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinalier named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Bridget Brennan, lot 6, Quigley's sub of out lot 710: 48 lineal feet curbing at 49c $19 20 Total $19 20 John W. Norton, lot 7, Quigley's sub of out 710: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 00 Total 820 00 John W. Norton, lot 8, Quigley's sub of out lot 710: 50 lineal teet curbing at 40c $20 00 24 sq yds guttering at 37c 8 88 56 sq yds macadamizing at 38c 21 28 Total $50 16 John W. Norton, lot 9, Quigley's sub of out lot 710: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 56 Total $61 89 Michael Stapleton, lot 10, Quigley's sub of out lot 710: 50 lineal feet curbing atj40c $20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at,38c29 56 Total $61 89 Michael Stapleton, lot 11, Quigley's sub of out lot 710: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c 820 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 511 Total $61 89 Fred Schapp, lot 12, Quigley's sub out out lot 710: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c.... 29 56 Total 861 89 John Coleman, lot 13, Quigley's sub out lot 710: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 33.33 sq yards guttering at 37c...... 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at Sic... 29 56 Total $ 61 89 Ella 'I'. Callaghan, lot 14, Quigley's sub out lot 710: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 00 33.33 sq yards guttering at 37c 12 33 77.78 sb yds macadamizing at 38c29 56 Total $61 89 Wm. llintrager, lot 15, Quigley's sub out lot 710: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 00 33.43 sq yards guttering at 37c 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 56 Total $61 89 11. Rivers, lot 15a, Quigley's sub out lot REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1891. 199 710: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 00 38.33 sq yards guttering at 37c 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 56 Total $61 89 Carolina Strobel, lot 10, Quigley's sub out lot 711: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 00 33.33 sq yards guttering at 37c 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 88c29 56 Total $61 89 Carolina Strobel, lot 11, Quigley's sub out lot 711: 69.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $27 88 48 square yards guttering at 37c17 76 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 38c35 46 Total $61 89 John Blake est, lot 6, Ellen Blake's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c... 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 56 Total $61 89 John Blake est, lot 7, Ellen Blake's sub: 129.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $51 92 92.53 sq yds guttering at 37c 34 24 203.47 sq yds macadamizing at 38c57 32 Total $163 48 Kate Lundbeck, e 24 lot 22, Cox's add: 42.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 16 92 31.33 sq yds guttering at 37c, 11 59 60.67 sq yds macadamizing at 38c23 05 Total $81 10 1'. Hughes, lot 2 ot8 Ellen Blake's sub.: 161.4 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 64 56 153.80 sq yds guttering at 37c 56 83 291.82 sq yds macadamizing at 38c110 89 Total $232 28 Jeff McGrath, lot 1 of min lot 93a: 222.1 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 88 67 8 81 191 sq yds guttering at 37c 445.67 sq yds macadamizing at 38e169 35 1 otal $328.86 Patrick Cassidy, lot 1 of min lot 95: 77 lineal feet curbing at 40c $30 80 51.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 18 99 119 sq yds macadamizing at 38c 45 52 Total $95 31 Jeff McGrath, lot 2 of nun lot 143 0: 72 lineal feet curbing at 40c $28 80 48 sq yds guttering at 37c 17 123.67 sq yds macadamizing at 38c46 9i1 Total $93 55 lnd. School district of Dubuque part• lot 2 min. lot 95: 61 68 154.2 lineal curbing at 40e $ 38 04 239.87 q02.8 ssyds ydguttering et macadaat macadamizing at 38c91 15 Total $ 51 511 Emma Ailen, lot.21, Cox'a add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 20 33 80 3.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 77.78 sq yds macadamizing' at 38c29 56 'Total $ 61 89 John W. and W. G. Cox, lot 20, Cox's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 12 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 56 $ 61 89. W. A. Buettel, lot 19, Cox's add: $ 12 33 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c , • • • 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 292 33 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 58c 56 Total$ 61 89 Michael Carney, lot 18, Cox's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c..... ..... g20 0 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 3 7'1.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 56 Total$61 89 W. J. Sullivan, w% lot 18, Cox's add: 25 lineal feet curbing at 40e $100 010 16.67 sq yds guttering at 37 16 17 38.39 sq yds macadamizing at 38c Total 95 Ellen Sullivan, e% lot. 17, Cox's add: 25 lineal feet curbing, at 40c $100 00 16.67 sq yds guttering at 37c 17 88.89 sq yds macada►nizing at 38c14 78 Total Total $190 87 lnd. school dist. of Dubuque, lot 2 min lot 93 a: 52 206.3 lineal feet curbing at3 0c $ 82 52 137.53 sq yds guttering at 320. 91 sq yds macadamizing at 38c121 95 Total$255 36 C. M. Buettel, lot 1, Ellen Btake's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c$ 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c........ 12 33 77.78 sq yds inacadawizing at 3$c... 29 56 Total .. . ...$ 61 89 C. M. Buetel, lot 2, Ellen Blake's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40i .........$ 20 00 33. 33 sq yds guttering at 37c........ 12 83 71.78 sq yds macadamizing 38c ...... 29 56 Total . C. M. Buetel, lot 3, Ellen Blake's..........$6189 sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40e. • . .....$ 20 00 33 77.78.sq yds macadamizing at 38c... 29 56 sq yds' 'total ..... $ 61 89 V. Stoltz, lot 4. Ellen Blake's sub: 30 83 sql featguttering atat 437c........$ 20 00 T2 33 73.83 yds 56 77.78 sq yds macadamizing Sc'ma $ 61 89 Total. • • •' ' V. Stoltz, lot 5, Ellen Blake's sub. 50 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37e 77.78 sq yds macadamizing 38c 29 56 Total$30 95 John A. Koch, lot 16 Cox's add: 2U 00 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 38 33.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 56 Total$61 89 Jas. J. Murray, lot 15, Cox's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 00 33.38 sq yns guttering at 37C 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 56 Total $61 89 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Crawford, Cushing, (flab, Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'i'rexler. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repairing sidewalk on White street by R. '1'. Eddy, contractor, in front of and adjoining the sane, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, lot orparcel for the several of amounts set opposite each real estate, as follows: Mary F. Alderman, city lots 322 and f322 � repairing sidewalk 1 200 REGULAR SESSION NOVEMBER, 2ND 1891. Total $2 25 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repairing sidewalks by James Ragan, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: C. J. Peterson, lot 2, Peterson's sub, repairing sidewalk $1 00 R. H. Collier, lot 10, min lot 322, re- pairing sidewalk 65 R. and E. Lang worthy, lots 223 and 228, Glendale No. 3, repairing side- walk $1 00 Win. Potts, n 75 ft lot 1, Kiene and Blocklinger's sub, repairing side- walk $4 45 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page. Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repairing sidewalks on Southern avenue by James F. Burns, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Henderson Levi & Sullivan, lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Southern avenue add, re- pairs on sidewalk $3 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for filling certain lots ordered by the city council in accord- ance with chapter 29, Revised City Ordi- nances by E. E. Frith, contractor, adja- cent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situ- ate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es - tats, as follows: Andrew McDonnell, lot 1 sub lots 278 and 216, 160 cu yus at 27c $43 20 Andrew McDonnell, lot 2 Davis' Farm acid, 200 cu yds at 27c 81 00 Andrew McDonnell, lot 3 Davis' Farm add, 375 cu yds at 27c 101 25 N. H. Faust, lot 4. Davis' Farm add, 351 cu yds at 27c, 94 76 Total $320 20 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Crawford, Cushing, Mab, Hal- pin. Page, Peaslee. Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Glab offered the rollowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improve- ment of Dodge street. from old corporation line to South Dodge street, by T. J. Donahue, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax lie and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Mercy Hospital, lot 2 of min lot 66: 500 lineal feet curbing at 39c $195 00 333.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 133 33 861.11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c344 44 Total $672 77 Anna M. Bush, lot 3, sub out lot 730 and lot 1, Union add: 16.5 lineal feet curbing at 39c ..$ 6 44 11 sq yds guttering at 40e 4 40 28.42 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 37 Total $ 22 21 Anna M. Bush, lot 2, sub out lot 730 and lot 1, Union add: 16.5 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 6 44 11 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 40 28.42 sq ds macadamizing at 40c11 37 Total $ 22 21 Anna M. Bush, lot 1, sub of out lot 730 and lot 1 Union add: 27 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 10 53 18 sq yds guttering at 40c 7 20 46.50 sq yds macadamizing at 40c18 6U _ Total $ 36 63 Frank McLaughlin, lot 2, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 23 40 40 sit yds guttering at 40c 16 00 103.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c41 33 Total $ 80 73 Frank McLaughlin, lot 3, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 23 40 40 sq yds guttering at 40c 16100 103.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c41 33 Total $ 80 73 Erank McLaughlin, e3,1, lot 4, Union add: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 11 70 20 sq yds gurttering at 40c 8 00 51.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c20 117 Total $ 40 37 Patrick Enw•righ, wX lot 4, Unoin add: 30 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 11 70 20 sq yds gutering at 40c 8 00 51.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c20 67 Total $ 40 37 Alexander Fatly, lot 5, Union add: 110 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ i3 40 40 sq yads guttering at 40c 16 00 103.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c41 33 Total $ 80 73 Patrick Lagen, eat. lot 6 Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 23 40 40 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 00 103.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c41 33 Total $ 80 73 Patrick Roddy, lot 7 Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 23 40 40 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 00 103.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c41 83 Total •$ 83 73 Patrick Roddy, lot 8, Uoion add: 120 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 46 80 80 sq yds guttering at 40c 32 00 306.66 sq yds macadamizing at 40c82 66 Total $161 46 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz, and Trexler. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Windsor avenue from Eagle Point avenue to Lincoln avenue by E. E. Frith, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1891. 201 several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hererinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate as follows: Demain and Anna Emsley lot 2 of min- eaal lot 467: 71 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 29 82 37.78 sq yds guttering at 41c 15 49 122.78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c49 11 Total $ 94 42 Peter Aepli, lot 78, Cook's add: 16.13 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 67 75 75.56 sq yds curbing at 41c 30 98 245.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c98 22 Total $196 95 Gerhard Ten hof, lot 63 t ook's acid: 144 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 60 48 68.44 sq yds guttering at 41c 28 06 222.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c88 98 Total Aug. Reyer, lot 64, Cook's add: 143.5 lineal feet curbing at 42c 68.44 sq yds guttering at 41c 223.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c $177 52 $ 60 27 28 06 . 88 98 • Total $177 31 Nic Elligad, s99.5 ft lot 77 Cook's add: 106.5 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 44 73 48.76 sq vds: guttering at 41c 18 95 158.17 sq yds macadamizing 40c 63 27 Total $127 95 M. F. Michels, n 38 It lot 77 Cook's add: 538 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 22 60 26.89 sq yds guttering at 41c 11 02 87.39 sq yds macadamizing at 40c34 96 Total $ 68 58 Chas. Rose est, lot 3 min lot 467: 71.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $29 86 37.78 sq yds guttering at 41c 15 50 122.78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c49 11 Total Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The street commissioner was instructed to notify Lee & Norton to fix crossing on West Locust street within ten days. Ald. Crawford moved that action on special assessment for Grandview avenue be postponed until the council shall decide on the proposition of abutters. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford and Glab. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Halpin moved that the special as- sessment for the improvement of Grand- view avenue be levied. Carried. The following assessment was therefore read: Resolvad By the City Council oftheCi of Dubuque, That to pay Macadamiz- ing Grandview avenue from Delhigh street to South Dodge street by Con. Ryan, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining thesame, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, awl parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: West. Dubuque M. E. church, lot 1 of 20, Reche's sub: 188.33 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$101 70 Hyacinth Girard, lot 5, llodge,s sub: 214.67 sq yds macadatniztn¢ at 54e...$115 92 1 t yacinth Girard, lot 4, Hodge's sub: 146.73 sq yds macadamizing at 64e..$ 79 23 $94 47 Hyacinth Girard, lot 3, Hodge's sub: 125.43 sq yds macadamizing at 54c$ 67 73 T. B. Cain, lot 2, Hodge's sub: 119.78 sq yds macadamizing at 54c$ 64 68 O. F. Hodge, lot 1, Hodge's sub: 311.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c$1t18 00 Thomas Hill, e part of lot 29, Ann O'Hare's sub: 391.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c.$ 21 20 Bery Bigg, a 106 feet lot 80, Ann O'Hare's sub: 235.56 sq yds macadamizing at 55c.$127 20 Theresia Henderson s 64 feet of n 84 feet lot 30, Ann O'Hare's sub: 142.22 sq yds macadamizing at 54c.$ 76 80 U. F. Hodge, n 20 fee lot 30, Ann O'Hare's sub: 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 54c8 24 00 O. F. Hodge, lot 3 of 1, Quigley's sub: 202.22 sq yds macadamizing at 54c.$109 20 M. Donovan, lot 2 of 1, Quigley's sub: 180 sq yds macadamizing at 54c $ 97 20 Anna M. Bush, lot 1 of 1 Quigley's sub.: 263.33 so yds macadamizing at 64c$136 80 Chas. Van Wie lot 1 sun of 38 and 39 Quigley's sub.: 178.89 sq yds macadamizing at 54c8 96 00 Chas. Van Wie, lot 2 sub 38 and 39 Quigley's sub.: 116.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c$ 63 00 H. H. Witimers, lot 3sub 38 and 39, Quig- ley's sub.: 116.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c8 63 00 II. H. W:Ilmers, lot 4 sub 28 and 39 Quig- ley's sub.: 117.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c8 63 24 Anna Dl. Bush, lots 5 sub 38 and 89 Quigley's sub.: 117.33 sq yds macadamizing at 54c.$ 63 37 Jacob Mehl, lot 40, Quigley's sub: 259.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c$159 60 Albert Gasser, lot 42, Quigley's sub: 302.22 so yds macatlimiziig at 54c8168 20 AluerGasser, lot 1 of 4$, Quigley's sub: 160 sq yds macadamizing at 54c $ 86 40 Albert Gasser, 41 Quigley's sub: 302.22 sq yds macadamizing at 54c8163 20 Benedict Sige, lot 2 of 43, Quigley's sub: 320 sq yds macadamizing at 54c $172 80 Mich O'Shea, lot 1 of nun lot 145: 524.43 sq yds macadamizing at 54c$283 19 Frank Altman, lot 1, Grandview Place: 106.22 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..857 36 Frank Altman, lot 2, Grandview Place: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..860 00 Frank Altman, lot 3, Grandview Place: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 64c..$60 00 Frank Altman, lot 4, Graddview Place: 110.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$59 76 Frank Altman, lot 5, Grandview Place: 110.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..859 76 Frank Altman, lot 6, Grandview Place: 110.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$59 76 Frank Altman, lot 7, Grandview Place: 166 sq Frank Altman,t lot 8,a Grandview $ 89 Place: 1614 ranxsAltman,nlot 9,t Grandc view$ 89 64 Place. 110.67 9 76 rnk Altman, lot 0sq yds a Grandv ew Place: 120.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..8 69 76 Frank Altman, lot 11, Grandview Place: 110.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 59 713 Frank Altman, lot 12, Grandview Place: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$ 60 00 Frank Altman, lot 13, Grandview Place: Mr.s111.1lA0 nna yds macadaWhelan, 14,, o Mc Grandview Place: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$ 60 00 Clara Solomon, 101 12, Whelan's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..8 60 00 J. W. White, lot 11, Whelan's sub: 111.11 sq yds inacadamizing at 54c..$ 60 00 Mr. Anna Whelan, lot 10, damizing at 54c e.$ 78 00 144.44 sq yds macadamizing 202 REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1891. Jas. M. and Wm. Whelan, lot 9 Whel- ans sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 60 00 James M. and Wm. Whelan, lot 8, Whe- lan's sub: 166.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...890 00 McClain Bros., lot 7, Whelan's sub: 166.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$90 00 T. J. Paisley, lot 6, Whelan's sub: 111.11 slt yds macadamizing at 54c...$60 00 7.'. J. Paisley, lot 5, Whelan's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...860 00 T. J. Paisley, lot 4 Whelan's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$60 00 A. E. 1•errald, lot 3, Whelan's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...860 00 1). E. Fernald, lot. 2 Whelan's sub.: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 60 00 1). E. Fernald, lot 1, Whelan's sub.: 324.44 sq yds macadamizing at 54c.$175 20 Henry ilerancourt, lot 1 block 2, Grand- view Park: 84.45 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 45 60 henry Herancourt, lot 2 block 2, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamiztng at 54c..$ 30 00 Henry Herancourt. lot 3 block 2, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..8 30 00 Henry ilerancourt, lot 4 block 2, Grand - Park: henry Ilerancourt, lot 5, blk 2, Grand- view I'ark: 56.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 30 00 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 6, blk 2, Grand- view Park: 65.56 sq yds rnacatlamizing at 54c...$ 30 00 Henry Ilerancourt, lot �, blk 2, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 30 00 Ilenry ilerancourt, lot 8, blk 2, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 30 00 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 9, blk 2, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 64c...$ 30 00 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 10, bik 2, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 30 00 henry Herancourt, lot 11, bik 2, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c... 30 00 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 12, blk 2, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 30 00 henry Ilerancourt, lot 13, bik 2, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 64c..$ 30 00 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 14, bik 2, Grand - mew Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 30 00 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 15, blk 2, Grand- view Park: 55.35 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...8 29 88 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 16, blk 2, Grand- view Park: 110.66 50 yds macadamizing at Mc..$ 59 76 Ilenry Herancourt, lot 1 blk 3. Grand- view Park: 110.66 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 59 76 Henry ilerancourt, lot 2 blk 8, Grand- view Park: 56.33 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 29 88 Ilenry Ilerancourt, lot 3 blk 3, Grand- view Park: 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..8 29 88 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 4 blk 3, Grand- view Park: 55.33sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$ 29 88 Henry ilerancourt, lot 7 blk 3, Grand- view Park: 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at Mc...$ 29 88 Henry ilerancourt, lot 6 blk 3. Grand- view Park: 66.33 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 29 88 Henry Herancourt, lot 7, blk 8, Grand- view Park: 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at Mc...$ 29 88 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 8, blk 3, Grand- view Park: 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 29 88 Henry Herancourt, lot 9, blk 3, Grand - mew Park: 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 29 88 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 10, WI: 3, Grand- view Park: 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at Mc :.8 29 88 Henry Herancourt, lot 11, blk 3, Grand- view Park: 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 29 88 Henry Herancourt, lot 12, blk 3, Grand- view Park: 55.33 sq yds macadamizing at Mc...$ 29 88 Henry Herancourt, lot 13 blk 3, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$ 30 00 Henry Herancouet, lot 14 block 3 Grand- view Para: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54e..$ 30 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 15 block 3 Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at54c....$ 30 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 16, block 3, Grand- view Park: 155.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 84 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 1, block 4, Grand- view ave.: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 60 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 2 block 4, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..8 30 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 3, block 4, Grand- view Park: 55.56sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 30 00 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 4, block 4, Grand• view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...8 30 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 5, block 4, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...8 30 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 6, block 4, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 30 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 7, block 8, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds tnacadantiling at 54c...'4 30 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 9, bik 4, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds maeadamizing at 54e...$ 30 00 Henry ilerancourt, lot 10, bik 4, Grand view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...8 80 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 11, blk 4, Grand- view ave: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...8 30 00 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 12, blk 4, Grand- view Park: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 30 00 Henry Herancourt, lot 13, blk 4, Grand- view aye: 55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 30 00 Ilenry Herancourt, lot 14, blk 4, Grand- view Park: 65.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 80 00 Ilenry Herancourt, lot 15 blk 4, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$ 32 16 Henry Herancourt, lot 16 blk 4, Grand- view Park: 119.12 sq yds macadamizing at Mc...864 32 Henry Herancourt, lot 1 bik 5, Grand- view Park; 119.12 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...864 32 Henry Ilerancourt, lot 2 blk 4, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 32 16 Henry Herancourt, lot 3 blk 5, Grand- view Park: 56.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 32 16 Ilenry Aerancourt, lot 4 blk 5, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 32 16 via REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1891. 203 Henry Ilerat[court, lot 5, blk,5, Grand- view Park: 69.66 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 32 16 Henry llerancourt,Ilot 6, blit 5, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 32 16 Henry llerancourt, lot 7; bik 5, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 64c...$ 32 16 Henry Herancourt, lot 8, blk 5, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 64c...$ 32 16 Henry Herancourt, lot 9, blk 5, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 32 16 Henry Herancourt, lot 9, blk 5, Grand- view Park: 59.b6 so yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 32 16 Henry Herancourt, lot 11, blk 6, Grand- view Park: 69.66 sq yds macadamizing at Mc.... $ 32 16 Henry Herancourt, lot 12, blk 5, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yd macadamizing at 64c....8 32 16 Henry lierancourt, lot 13, blk 5, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 5k...$ 32 16 henry llerancourt, lot 14, bik 5, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 32 16 henry Herancourt, lot 15, blk 5, Grand- view Park: 59.56 sq yds macadamizing at 64c...8 32 16 Henry Herancourt, lot 16, blk 5, Grand- view Park: 69.66 sq yds macadamizing at 54c...$ 32 16 Henry Herancourt, lot 17, block 5Gradid- view Park: 49.66 sq yds macadamizing at 44c..$ 32 16 uenry Herancourt, lot 18 block 6, Grand- view Park: 104 sq yds macadamizing at Mc....$ 56 16 Mary Wilde, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 7 of inin lot 45: 226.67 sq yds macapamizing at 54c..122 40 T. J. Donahue, lot 1 of Dun lot 46: 817.78 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$441 60 Ellen Lavery, lot 2 01 2 of min lot 46: 366.66 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$192 (Al Tun Dillon, 1 of 2 of 0 111 1(4 46: 06.67 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$149 40 C. 11. Berg, lot 1, Grandview ave turd: 177.78 sq yds macadamizing at Mc.. 96 00 C. H. Berg, lot2, Grandview ave add: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c.. 60 00 C. II. Berg, lot 8, Grandview ave. add: 166.67 sq y ds macadatnizing at Mc.. 90 00 C. H. Berg, lO 4, Grandview ave. add: 166.67 sq yds macadamizing at 54c.. 90 00 C. 11. Berg, lot 5, Grandview ave. add: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 64c.. 60 00 C. 11. Berg, lot 6, Grandview ave. add: 111.11 so yds macadamizing at 640.. 60 00 C. 11. Berg, lot 7, Grandview ave add: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at Mc...860 00 1'im Dillon, lot 8, Grandview ave add: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 64c...$60 00 A. A. Cooper, lot 9, Grandave ave add: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 64c...$80 00 A. A. Cooper, lot 10 Grandview ave add: 111.11 sq yds tnacadamizing at Mc...860 00 A. A.Cooper, lot 11, Grandview ave ado: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 64c...$60 00 A. A. Cols er, lot 12, inacadamizing at 54c...$24 add:ew ave 144.44 sq 54c...$2400 y' (leo. F. Ohmert lot 19 O'Hare's sub: 866.67 sq yds macadamizing at 5k, $468 00 John Oser lot 13 Stesl'ftrt's sub: Timothy tyds hy- Dillondloti11 macadamizing33 'LO sub: 124.42 sq yds macadamizing at 5k..8 67 20 John Oser lot 14 Stewarts sub* 122.22 Timothy illonlot macadamizing 10 ewart's 66 00 sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$ 60 00 Timothy Dillon lot 9 Stewart's sub: 111,11 sq yds macadamizing Mc.....$ 60 00 Timothy Dillon, lot 8, Stewart's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$ 60 00 Timothy Dillon, lot 7, Stewart's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$ 60 00 Timothy Dillon, lot 6, Stewart's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..8 60 00 Timotho Dillon, k1ot5, Stewart's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 64c..8 60 00 Timothy Dillon, lot 4, Stewart's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 64c..$ 60 00 Timothy Dillon, lot3, Stewart's sub: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 64c..860 00 Timothy Dillon, lot 2, Stewart's sub: 111.11 sq yds macauamizing at 54c...$60 00 Timothy Dillon, lot 1, Stewart's sub: 200.44 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$108 24 John :iurton lest., lot 2, min lot 150: 988.89 sq yds macadamizing at 54c.$534 00 Junto isurton est., lot 2 of 3, min Jut 150: 368.89 sq yds macadamizing at Me..8199 20 McClain Bros., lot 1 of 1, min lot 150: 244.44 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..8132 00 Alice McClain, lot 2 of 1, mini lot 150: 206.67 sq yds macadamizing at 64c..$111 60 McClain Bros., lot 3 of 1 min lot 150: 206.67 sq yds macadamizing at 64c..$111 60 Edward McClain, lot 4of 1 min lot 150: 366.66 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$192 00 W m. Bothwell est, lot 8 min lot 158: 1191.11 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..643 20 Jotui '1'. Hancock, lot 7 win lot 158: 477.78 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$258 00 Jos. McCune, lot 3, Boxleiter's add: 177.78 sq yds macadamizing at 54c..$ 96 00 John M. Iseo, lot 4, Boxleiter's add: 257.78 sq yds macadamizing at Mc..$189 20 Hugh 'laity, lot 3 of 1, Boxleiter's add: 130 sq yds macadamizing at Mc.... 70 20 Hugh Tally, lot 2, Boxleiter's add: 680 sq yds macadamizing at MC.. 313 20 H. F. Carpenter, lot 3 of 1 of I. Boxleiters add: 111.11 sq yds macadamizing at 54c.. 60 00 F. L. Chesterman, lot 1 of 1 of 1, Box- leiter's add: 1424.44 sq yds macadamizing at Mc. 769 20 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Frasier. Noes—Aids. Crawford and Glab. Aid. Stoltz, chairman of 'lie committee on public grounds and buildings reported in favor ot granting the following petition: To the llonoarbae Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: GENTLEMEN:—The undersigned would respectfully state he is the owner of the property adjoining itnmediately south of the lot on which the city is now engaged in erecting the new engine and patrol house on the corner of Ninth and Iowa streets; that the partition wall between the property bought by the city and my lot immediately south stands from 10 to 12 inches over on my lot and beyond the distance allowed by law for the city to erect a wall in common; that the archi- techt and contractor have torn down a part of the dividing wall and are about to tear down the remainder ; that trom 10 to 12 inches of the wall stands exclusively on my ground. That 1 am willing to allow the city to put iu a wall in place of the one to be torn down provided the city will with me to aow m the u entert of the ao rwall as a wall in act commoe without paying anything therefor when- ever 1 desire to use the same. 1 would therefore respectfully ask the city council to pass a resolution authoriz- ing the mayor to enter into a contract with me to the above etfeCBART E. LINEMAN. 1 204 REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1891. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing committee, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bill: TELEGRAPH, $06.60; Herald, $29.15; Ledger, $29.15; TELEGRAPH, $75.00 and Times $29.15. Report adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on fire and water, reported in favor of paying the twill of Ellwanger Bros. of $4.90. Report adopted. Ald. Halpin, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported as follows: Receive and file report of the marshal for September, 1891. Receive and file report of the lamp- lighter for September. In favor of paying the following bills: Dubuque Electric Ry., Light and Power Co., $670.50; Key City Gas Co., $6.40; John Murphy, $12; Lear & Pfiffner, $1.50; Key City Gas Co., $106.25 and Globe Lignt and Heat Co.. $516.67. Receive and tile bill of Key City Gas Co. of $1.50 for moving gas lamp. Ask fuither time in communication of marshal in relation to cells in calaboose. Report adopted. Ald- Halpin of the special committee to whom was referred the resolution chang- ing the name of Grandview street to Cleveland avenue reported in favor cf the adoption of the resolution. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction reported as fol- lows: In favor of paying the following hills: W. 11. Torbert, $91.75; Christman & Healey, 50c; R. II. Cleveland, $6.00; E. Dickey Co., $2,53. In favor of approving the report of the city electrician for September and would recommend that warrants be drawn in fa- vor of Frank Pafford, $30; \'Gni. Reese, $24, and Ed. Smith, $4.50 for painting poles during the month of September, 1891. Report adopted. The rules were suspended and Mr. Tim Kain addressed the council and objected to the special assessment on South Dodge street and stated that the gutters in front of his premises was not in proper shape. The matter was referred to the street com- mittee. The matter of opera house license re- ferred to the mayor with power. Aid. Page, chairman of the sewer com- mittee, reported as follows: Instruct the engineer to prepare plans and specifications for lateral sewerage in the alley between Jackson and Washing- ton streets and submit the same to the council. On the petition of the abutters on the east side of Locust street between First and Dodge streets, we would respectfully recommend that the assessment for the sewer on Locust street between First and Dodge streets be assessed according to the understanding upon which the improve- ment was ordered; that is, that abutters on the west side of said Locust street pay one-half the expense and the city pay the other half. Report adopted. AId. Page offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for the construc- tion of a a 10 inch tile sewer in 4th street, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Manhart & Noel lot 523 a city; area ft 4,900; price .0063; amount of tax $31.25. Hanhart &Noel, lot 3 of 524, city; area ft, 2,190; price; .0063; amount of tax $13 80. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz, Trexler. AIN. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing all com- munications in relation to a change of grade on Grandview avenue from Delhi to South Dodge street. Receive and file petition of the board of supervisors praying that the city spend a part or whole of the bridge fund on the county roads leading to the city. Ask iurther time on within petition of Smedley Iron works for exemption from taxation nor a period of ten years on their new improvements. That they are in favor of having the alley between Hill street and Wilson ave- nue straightened and opened to West 5th street as asked for by H. H. Blish, but find that the council has taken final action on the report of the last jury we would therefore recommend that the Recorder issue a venue to the marshal to summon a jury according to section 3 of chapter 26 of the revised ordinances of 1887. Your committee report that they have already reported on the petition of Reif - steel( & Scheppele for lease of part of min. lot 106. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford offered the following re- port, which was adopted: To the City Council of the City of Du- buque: Your special committee, to which was re‘erred the change of the grade of Rose street between Center Place anti Race street as proposed by the city engineer in his report to the council on September 8, 1891, respectfully report that all the abut- ters have signed their approval of the pro- posed change, except Urs. Eliza Williams, the owner of lot one (1) in Cummins' ad- dition. whose lot and dwelling are left some five feet. below the proposed grade, and are badly damaged. Mrs. Williams filed a claim of $600. but has since pro- posed in writing to accept one hundred dollars and an exemption from any special Lax on the property for curbing, guttering and macadamizing, when the street shall be permanently improved. We consider her proposition a good one for the city, and recommend its accept- ance, and that the proposed change of grade as shown by the blue line on the profile submitted by the city engineer be adopted and recorded as the permanent grade of the street. Respectfully submitted. P. W. CRAWFORD, EDW. C. PEASLEE. Ald. Crawford offered the following re- port which was adopted: To the City Council: Your special committee, consisting of the alderman from the 4th ward, to which was referred the petition of Frank Faber and 24 other residents between 17th and West Locust streets, asking the council to provide a practicable graded street to their homes by way of Pierce, Angela, or Catherine streets, would respectfully re- port that the iuiptovement asked for is badly needed, as the petitioners have at present no means of getting their wood, coal, or other supplies, except by a very circuitous route, and then only by passing over private property, which may at any time be,fenced up. In our opinion Pierce street should be REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMER 2ND, 1891. 205 opened and improved from West Locust to 17th street, and Angela street made pass- able from Pierce street easterly. We re- commend that the city engineer be in- srtucted to report a suitable grade for Pierce street from West Locust to 17th, and an estimate of the quality of grading nec- essary to be done to bring the street to grade. Also. that immediate steps be taken to obtain the right-of-way for said street where it has not alreaby been done. Respectfully submitted: P. W. CRAWFORD, EDW. C. PEASLEE. Ald. Crawford presented the following agreement of property owners on Glen Oak avenue: DUBUQUE, Iowa, Nov. 2, 1891. We the undersigned property owners and interested parties in the extension of Glen Oak avenue, hereby agree to pay to the city of Dubuque the suis set opposite our respective names in aid for the exten- sion of said avenue. 1. Zangmeister $60 John A. Hauser $50 George Casutt $25 John Gla5 $50 Ald. Crawford moved that the award of the jury on Glen Oak avenue be accepted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee. Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. No—Aid. lialp!n. The following is the award of the jury on Glen Oak avenue: James Pelan $300 O. G. Kringle Mary A. Block linger 25 S. M. Langworthy est 600 Aid. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildidgs, reported the following report on the bids for the central engine house. Bids complete without tin roof with pressed brick on 91h and Iowa streets and additional cut stone: James Bowie Confer Jones Bids complete per tions: James Howie Gomer Jones Difference in lowest bids for ±,ressed brick and additional cut stone, $3,251. On motion the contract was awarded to Gomer Jones for $21,201 by tLe following voce: Ayes—AId. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. $22,370 21,201 plans and speediest - $19,8S4 18,961 RESOLUTIONS. AId. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to place a ma- cadam crossing on the north side of 14th street across Delhi street. AId. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a laced at the corner of Chestnut l street add as lamp be lighland Place. All Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the CitY of Dubuque, That Rose Street and Center Place between Rose and the north line of McNulty's addition streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- tornut�y with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and he is nereby directed to make the necessary plans ment,trandspecifications the cat' city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The grading to be bid for in a gross sum. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Aids, Crawford, Cushing, (lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the north side of 14th street, between white street and Elm street where not already laid. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Hatpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the street commissioner be and is hereby instrudted to fill the stag- nant water pool at the corner of 13th and Maple and 16th and Maple streets. AId. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a venire to the city marshal commanding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders having the qualifications required by law for the pur- pose of assessing any damages winch might be sustained by any person or per- sons whose property may be taken for the extension of the alley between Wilson ave. and Pine street and 11111 street running south from West 8th street to West 5th 5th street in accordance with the plat of said proposed extension on file in the office of the city engineer. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to place a wooden block crossing on the north side of 8th and White streets. AId. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for sodding slope of sidewalk to gutter and two feet back from same on the east and 'west side of Grandview avenue from Delhi to South Dodge street. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That a warrant for $100 be drawn in favor of Eliza Williams in ac- cordance with the action of the council taken this day in accepting the proposition of Mrs. Williams for the settlement of her claim for damages arising from the change in the grade of Rose street. A Id. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good L 2 -inch pl nk, bri20ck, daystone or cement be, of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Broad street, between Julien avenue and Home of the Friendless where not already laid at ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, llalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Alderman Crawford offered the follow- ing: 206 REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER, 2ND 1891. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank laid croscwise, brick, stone or cement, be, within'30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the H est side of Alta Vista street, between Julien avenue and 14th streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexier. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a cement sidewalk seven (7) feet wide, be, within 10 days of this notice. constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west sid9 of Bluff street between 15th street and 16th street, where the sidewalk is not already constructed. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved that the recorder be Instructed to issued a venire to the city marshal com- manding him to summon a jury of 12 free- holders having the qualifications required by law for the purpose of assessing any damages which may be sustained by any person or persons whose property may be taken for the opening of Pierce street from Weet Locust street to 17th street in ac- fordauce with the plat of said street on ile in the office of the city engineer. All the proceedings to be taken in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 26 of the revised ordinances. Aid. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be. and is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of the proposed extension westerly to Julien avenue of the alley ruuniug west of Bluff street, next north of and parallel With 8th street, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 26 of the revised or- dinances. Ald. Halpin offered to following which was adopted: Resolved, That warrants be drawn in favor of T. J. Donahue, contractor for the following amounts due for the improve- ment of Dodge street from Bluff street to the old corporation line on account of time being given to the parties to pay their as- sessments, as follows: Peter McDermott $ 40 55 T. M. McMahon 21 28 do 5 67 Jno. J. Terney 86 86 Michael Ahearn 81 00 Jas. Walsh 103 47 Rosa ltaynolds 90 82 Total $379 82 And the recorder instructed to notify the treasurer that when said amounts are paid that it goes to the city. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be instructed to establish grades on Rising ave., Oak street, Bell street and Rush street, in order to make the proper connections with the cross streets in Union addition and submit the same t'i the next session of the city council. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City mitres be appottitod to investigate as to of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Seventh street, between White street and Pine street at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslei, Smith, Stoltz and Trexier. Aid. Halpin offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council, That the street commissioner be instructed to have the obstructions removed from Dodge Street between Bluff Street and old cor- poration line at the expense of the parties who placed the obstructions in the street. Ah:. Halpin offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved that the assessment levied on the property on the east side of Locust,, Street between First and Dodge Street for salutary sewer, he and is hereby declared void and the treasurer instructed to cancel the same on his books. Aid. Halpin offered the following: Resolved by tie City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constucted and laid in conformity with the ordinance In relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Grandview avenne betwen Delhi street and South Dodge streets' at the expense of the abutting property owners. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Hatpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexier. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was referred to the street committee with power. Be it resolved by the City Council, • '1'hat the street con missioner be and is hereby instructed to place the necessary tilling over the water pipes laid in I Iarrisou street to protect the said water pines from frost. Ala. Smith offered the following: ' Resolved by the City Council of the City. of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Second. street, between Iowa street and C., B. & N. depot, where not already laid, at ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexier. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south side of Third street, between Iowa street and C., B. & N. depot at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The matter of purchasing gravel of Mr. Oswald referred to the street committee. Ald. Crawford moved that the mayor re- quest the C. M. & St. P. 1t. R. Co. to move their switch on 2nd street north about twenty or thirty feet. Carried. Dubuque, Crawford moved that a special com- of That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,wsitching on streets. Carried. REGULAR SESSION, N()\' l;\I I;F11; '-'NI., 191 .'l)i X1ds. Halpin, Crawford and Page ap- pointed as such committee - The marshal was instructed to enforce the ordinance iii relation to switching. Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn until Friday, Nov. 6th, 1891, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Car- ried. Aid. Cushing moved that the city at- torney prepare an ordinance forfeiting the charter of the Dubuque Street Railway Co. for non-compliance with the terms of the same and report the same at the next session. Carried. The following hills for rolling streets were referred to the auditor for collection. E. E. Frith, rolling Windsor ave8 59 08 Lee & Norton, rolling West Locust street 203 58 Lee & Norton, rolling Bluff street87 69 Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn. Car- ried. J. C. FIrzr.&micIC, ttcii 208 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, NOVEMBER(i'rtr, 1891 CITY COUNCIL. [OFFICIAL. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION. November 6, 1891. Council met at 7:50 o'clock p. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, • Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. Petition of 11. L. Stout for permission to erect aframe dwelling on lot 661, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets on Locust street. Grunted. Petition of L. G. Dotson for extension of the alley east of Wilson avenue, southerly to the south line of lot 15, thence westerly to Wilson avenue on the tine between said lot 15 and mineral lot 78. Referred to com- mittee of the whole. On motion further time was granted W. 11. Rebhan to lay sidewalk on Bluff street. Ald. Ilalpin moved that $2,000 be al- lowed Con. Ryan on account, $1,000 on Grandview avenue and $1,000 on Alta Vista street. Carried. Bill of Lee & Norton of $300 for grading Bluff street ordered paid. Meehan & Bassett allowed $1,000 dollars on their bill of $2,715.25 for grading Grand- view street. Bill of B. D. Lineham of $5.05 paid. Bill of T. T. Duffy of $43.34 paid. Reports of weighmaster C. Dechert of Eagle Point scales received and filed. Ald. Page, chairman of the sewer coin- inittee, reported as fo,Iows: In favor of approving the plans and specifications for lateral sewerage in the alley beiweet Washington and Jackson and 8th and 101h streets anti the city engi- neer instructed to advertise for bids for the performance of the of the work. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Cushing. (;lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexter. AId. Glib, Chairman of the street com- mittee, reported in favor of allowing the bill of D. W. Lineham of $100 for grading Jackson street. Report adopted. Aid. Glab, chairman of the committee on markets reported as follows: That they are not iii favor of expecdirig any money for repairing hay scale on San- ford and Couler ave., as the same is in fair condition at present. Report adopted. Also reported as follows, on petition of Marketmaster Gritz for an assistant. That they have appointed W. Koenig at n salary of $40 per month for four months to act as jaititor and we would recom- mend that the market master be instructed and required to turn all money collected by him on the hay and hog scales into the city treasury, and to report to the council each month. Report adopted. Aid. Crawford of the committee of the alderman of the Fourth ward reported in favor of allowing the bill of E. E. Frith of $90.50. _Report adopted. Ald. CrasA turd moved that M. Lavin be all ,wed $800 on his contract for construct- ing sewer between 17th and 18111 streets. AId. Page moved to amend to allow M. Lavin $200. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing and Ilalpin. AId. Halpin offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved, That Mr. Gomer Jones, the contractor nor the construction of the Cen- tral engine house, be allowed 75 per cent. of the amount of work clone on monthly estimates upon certificate of the architect and that the work on sato engine house be completed on or before August 1st, 1892 and upon failure to complete by this time, the city may deduct $25 per day for each day the work remains uncom- pleted, the said penalty to be deducted from any money due on said contract to said Jones. Ald. Trexler offered ti e following: Resolve by the City Council of the City of Dubuxue, 'That a sidewalk 6 feel wide, of good two-inch plank be, witiniii 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of 1Vesl. street, between West 5th street and West 7th street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --A Ids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halp n, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Trexler- Ald. Trexler offered the following winch was referred to the committee on police and light: Resloved, That the committee on police and light be instructed to place two gaso- line lamps between Schroeder ave. and Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph on Seminary street. • Aid. Trexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within tea days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Ithcdnberg avenue, between Reed street and the C., M. 8sat. P. It. R. tracks, where not a� ready laid. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Snaith and Trexler, Plat showing location of O'Neill street referred to the street committee. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That the award of the jury in the coudeuwatien proceedings for the opening of Glen Oak avenue De, and the same is hereby accepted, confirmed and approved, and that the sum of $975 be set apart in the treasury to be delivered to the property owners upon the presentation of deeds as provided uy the ordinances upon that suujert: ivad Resolved further, That such part of Glen Oak avenue thus condemned, be, and the satire is hereby declared a public high- way. AId. Glab moved that the city attorney procure deeds for the Opening of Glen Oak avenue. Carried. AId. Page offered the following, which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the mayor be di- rected to enter into a contract with the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co. for 50 additional 'Arc" lights id 2000 candle power to be placed ten in each ward as directed by the city council for a term of five years, at the price of seventy-tive'tollars per year per lamp, the contract to be identical iii all respects with the present contract tow in torte. AId. Ilalpin moved that Mr. F. Altman be appointed wei,hutaster of the Fifth Ward scales, he to furnish the necessary scales at his own expense and to turn into the city treasury fifteen per cent. of the gross receipts. Carried. Ald. Peaslee moved that the engineer be directed to enforce the resolution in rela- tion to sidewalk of W. W. Carr on 17th 1 .1I)JOi'RNE1) REGULAR SESSION, NOVE11.:1; t;rl1, tall. 2131) and West Locust street. 'Carried. Ald. Trexier moved that the sidewalk inspector be directed to notify A. A. Cooper to remove the obstructions on Main street near 3rd. Carried. The rules were suspended and Mr. Leach of the banking firm of Farson & Leach of Chicago addressed the council and proposed to take up the ,$2(1,500 ti per cent. stocking bonds if refunded into twenty year bonds at 5 per cent. interest payable semi-annually in New York, at par with accrued interest. Ald. 'Trexier moved that the proposition be accepted and the matter referred to the finance committee• Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the question of whether or not the city can issue paving bonds to pay for work already completed, be referred to the city attorney. Carried. Ald. IIalpin moved that when the coun- cil adjourn it adjourn until Wednesday, November 11th, 1891, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. The question of legality of paving bonds referred to the committee of the whole and city attorney. .1 id. Smith moved to adjourn. Carried. At st: .J. Fr %PATRIC IRP seder. Not zdaaleflll'i;r'1��� e in e :�p1� <,�►1 4 m., ..''. . 7. 1891. Fo /ng stone 'r oak cro . nus, in acct specifications on n i y o'iee. On the south side of Ninth street and north side of 8th street from the Kansas City freight house to the passenger depot plattorm. Also a 4 -foot plank sidewalk on both sides of Middle street, between High Bluff street and its northern terminus. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Notice of Sale. I will sell at public auction to the best bidder for cash on the 24th day of October, 1891, at 2 p. in., at the,nblic pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street. between 14th and 15th streets, the following im- pounded animals, to -wit: One red heifer with a few white spurs, 3 years old. S. 13. RtcE, City Marshal. Dubuque, Oct. 19, 1891. SIDE WALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the Cityof Dubuque, That a sidewalk, Ii feet wide, of good wo inch plank be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewali.s, on the east, side of Centre place auuttiug lot 1 of McNulty's add in Dubuque Iowa. Resolved by the City Council of the City wide,�of)gouque, That a sidewalk 4 feet od two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the south sides of 23rd street, between Couler avenue and Elm street, to be laid at the expense of the abutting prop- ert owners. Adopted October 21st, 1891. J. City Recorder. 23-10-10t Registration Notice. MAYOR'S OFFICE, DunuQun, la., Oct. 13, 1891. } Notice is hereby given that the registers of election duly appointed to register voters in the city of Dubuque, state of Iowa, for the ensuing year, will be in attendance in the places herein below designated for the purpose of copying the list of last fail's election and adding thereto such as may be entitled to vote at this lull's election, to be held Nov. 3d, 1891. Said registers will meet at their respec- tive places on Thursday and Friday, Oc- tober 22d and 23d, 1891, at 8 o'clock a. m., and be in session until 9 o'clock p. m. of said days. Said registers will thereafter meet on Saturday, Oct. 31st, 1891, from 8 a. in. toil p. m. of said day for the purpose of cor- recting the list and adding thereto such as may be entitled to vote. Said registers will therefore meet on Tuesday, November 3d, 1891, and be in session from the time the polls open until they close and register only such voters as were absent from the city during the pre- ceding days that the board was in session; also such voters as did not become citizens til Tuesday, November 3d, 1891. The places of registration of voters in the several wards of said city are as follows: First Ward—Traiuor's warehouse, be- tween First and Second on Locust street. Second Ward—Fourth street engine house. Third Ward—City Hall. Fourth Ward—Lorimier Clouse. Fifth Ward, East Precinct -211 East Eagle Point ave. Fifth Ward, West Precinct—Meyer's livery stable. All qualified voters of said city who failed to register last spring are hereby notified that unless they present themselves at the places and within the time herein before mentioned for registration, they be debarred the privilege of voting at said election. Chas. J. W. SAUNnaits, Mayor. Attest J. C. Fil'zeATitte c, ltecorder. im• 210 A DJ0URN EI) REGULAR SESSION, NOV. 11TH, 1891. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session No- vember 1 lth, 1891. Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz an,; Trexler. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee on the whole and city attorney to whom was reierred the val- idity of issuing paving bonds according to the ordinance adopted by the council, would beg leave to report that they are in favor of issuing paying bonds for the street improvement, according to said ordinance, as we believe that said ordinance is valid and will be legal. In favor of referring resolution for 150 arc electric lights to the electrical construc- tion committee and mayor to draw up a contract with the Dubuque Electrical Rail- way Light and Power Co. for said lights and submit the same to the council. Re- port adopted. Aid. Glab offered to following which was adopted: Resolved that an order be drawn for $1,150 in favor of T. J. Donahue, being the eoitract price for grading Dodge street from the old corporation line to South Dodge street. Bill of '1. J. Donahue for grading on Dodge and South Dodge street referred to the street committee. Aid. Glab offered the following winch was adopted: Resolved, That au order for $450 be drawn in favor of .John Tibey, the contract price for grading. Winona avenue. Ald. Glab, chairman 01 the street com- mittee reported as follows: Your committee on streets would report that they have examined Rhoniberg ave- nue between 5th and 6.h avenues and have accepted the same. Report adopted. Glab, chairman, reported in favor of paying the bill of B. McCormick, $1 50. Report adopted. The rules were suspended and ex -Mayor Stewart addressed the council in retation to the laying of sidewalk Di tront of the property of V. 1V. Carr on Seventeenth street. AIc1. Crawford moved that Mr. Carr be given until next spring to lay said sidewalk. Carried. A Id. Trexler chairman of the finance committee reported as follows: W helves, The city of Dubuque did, on the 4th day of February, 1884, cause to be issued bonds numbered front 1 to 27, in- clusive in denominationsof $500 and $1,000, amounting in all to the sum of $26,500 and Whereas, Said bonds were signed by the proper officers of the said city of Dubuque, were dated January 1, 1884, were issued for the purpose of settling and I i iiig up a prior bonded indebteuuess of the city know as the "Stocking bonds," which bonds had been put in judgment by said Stork nag in the circuit count of tie United States for the northern district of the state of lowat in the year 1883, and \1"hcreas, Said bonds utere each payable in twenty years fruit said .January 1, 1884, or at any time live years from said date at the pleasure of the city council of said city of Dubuque and bears 6 per cent. interest per annum, interest payable annually, and Whereas, More than five years have elapsed since the issue and date of said bonds hereby giving the city the right to redeem and pay the same. and Whereas, It appears to the city council that a rate of 6 per cent. interest per an- num is a large rate of interest to pay on Dubuque city bonds, and Whereas, The city, through its council, believe that new bonds bearing only 5 per cent. interest can be issued to take the place of salt "Stocking bonds, and Whereas, It appears also that the saving of 1 per cent interest on said bonded debt ought to be made and that the new 5 per cent bonds ought to be issued to replace said "Stocking bunds" therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the mayor and recorder of said ei:y of Dubuque be and are hereby authorized to sign bonds on behalf of the city of Dubuque to the amount of $26,500 in denominations of $500 to ue dated De- cember 1, 18e1, bearing 5 per cent interest, payable semi-annually, said bunds to he payable in twenty years from their date; the principal of said bonds shall be pay- able in Dubuque but the interest shall be payable in New Fork City. Resolved further that the finance com- mittee and city attorney are hereby in- structed to prepare blank bunds in the legal form as contemplated by this resolu- tion and present the same to the council for approval. Resolved tort her, that the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to call in said "Stocking bonus," mark the same in red ink "cancelled" and return same with coupons attached with his monthly report to t his council for examination. Resolved, also that the new 5 per cent. bonds to be issued herein shall be placed in the hands of city treasurer, and that said treasurer in connection with the finance committee shall sell said new bonds to the highest bidder for cash, but not be- low par, and the cash to be realized from stud sale shall be immediately applied by sant treasurer to the payment of said "Stock ante b suds." Resolved, also that any interest that may be due on said "tucking bonds" shall be paid out of any money in the treasury by the treasurer of said city of Dubuque who shall report his doings therein to the coun- cil fully. This resolution is adopted by virtue of Chapter 19 of the Acts of the T'wenty.sec- ond General Assembly of Iowa. And two- thirds of the members of the council here- by concur in its adoption as required by law, and a sufficient tax shall be levied an- nually to provide for the interest as it be- comes due and to pay the principal there- of at maturity, and rescind all former reso- lutions of this council in relation to the issuing awl sale of the 4 per cent, Stock- ing bonds passed Sept. 1st, 1890, and Oct. 10th, 1890, the city having failed to negoti- ate the said bonds. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Crawford, Cushing, Glut), Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Also made the following report: Your committee on finance reports, that it has negotiated the sate of bonds issued to take up the Stocking bonds to Messrs. Farsor:, Leach & Cu. of Chicago, at par its required and provided by the resolution of this council adopted at last adjourned reg- ular session held November 6th 1891. JORN TREXilii JNO. W. liALi'IN, JOIIN P. PAG it, Enw. C. PEASL►,E, Finance conimttte, ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, NOV. 11m, 1891. 211 Adopted by the following vole: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Hatpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexter. Petition of J. P. Schroeder relation to hues of Leibnitz street, referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of the owners of Fairmount Park addition asking that they be allowed to grade the streets and alleys in Fairmount Park addition; also asking that the en- gineer give them stakes so as to grade the streets and alleys. Granted. Ald. Cush- ing voting no. Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn until Wednes- day, Nov. 18th, 1891 at 7:3J o'clock p. m. Carried. Ald. Peaslee moved that the proposition of Farson, Leach & Co. to take the first is- sue of the paving bonds not to exceed $60,- 0011 at 6 per cent. for improvements al- ready completed be accepted. Carried. Forni of bond as submitted by the city attorney as amended. Adopted by the council. Mr. Leach proposed to the council that he would have the bonds printed in Chi- cago at no expense to the city. The propo- sition was accepted. Communication of Auditor Kenety in relation to bonds No 97 and 98a asking that the same be changed from Miss Moore to May Moore. The city attorney presented the following resolution in relation to the matter. Resolved that the city auditor be and he is hereby authorized to make the transfer on the bond books of the two bonds (97 and 98a) refereed to in his communication of tuts date, changing the name of "Miss Moore" as now shown on bond book to Thiry Moore the council being satisfied I roll) the affidavits and proofs on file that 11ins Moore and Mary Moore are one and the saute person. A'toiited by the following vote: .\ yes—Alrls. Crawford, Cushing. Glab, I I all(in, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexter. Petition of Rt. Rev. John Hennessy for extension of time until next spring to lay sidewalk on Alta Vista street. Granted. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition of J. P. Schroeder for improve- ment of Herold street and Schroeder ave- nue. Petition of Jos. Bott et al. that flat curb be substituted for the standing curb In the iniprev,•ntent of Rose street. let 111,11 of 11. L. Gross for extension of time in which to lay sidewalk in ham's add., (with power). Petition of John Perty for vacation of alley on west side of lot3, Schroeder's add., (with power). The petition of the Flenniken Turbine Co. for exemption from taxes for ten years referred to the committee of the whole. Report of tVciehmaster Fosselneann for the month of Nov. to Nov. 10th, 1891. Re- ceived and tiled. Resignation of WeighmasterFosselmann of the Fifth ward scales accepted. Petition of C. T. Bush for postponement of laving sidewalk on Broad street re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Bill deiof $2 referredo the stuck of reet committee3 and HenGel- der Bill of Chas. Ilerz.g of $2 referred to the committee on police and light. AId. Mab moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest. J. C. FIT%I A{ RICK r. Notice. Bids will be received at the office of the city recorder until Saturday, Nov. 14th, 1891, at 4 o'clock p. m., for sodding the slope of sidewalk to gutter and two feet back from same on both side of Grand- view ave., front Delhi street to Souht Dodge street. .1. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. 212 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION NOV. 18, 1891 CITY COUNCIL, Adjourned Regular Session Nov 18, 1891. [OFFICIAL. Council met at 7:45 o'clock p. tn. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Peaslee, Smith and 'I'rexler. Bids for sodding Grandview avenue were laid over until next meeting. Bids for constructing lateral sewer from 8th to 10th street between Jackson and Washington streets were opened. The bids were as follows: D. W. Linehan $553 and Layin & Cur - ranee $485. On motion the contract was awarded to Lavin & Corrance. Aid. Page arrived at 8:50 p. rn. Pei ition of N. C. Ryan for one year's ex- tension of time to pay special assessment for improvement of First street. Granted. Petition of Jacob Buehler for an exten- sion of time until next April in which to lay sidewalk abutting lot 269 Ham's add. Granted. Coinniunteation of Treasurer Gunner in relation to cancellation of special assess- ment for improvement of West 5th street, assessed to R. Waller, referred to the city attorney. Communication of 'Treasurer Gunner asking that assessment fur 1890 on tatng- ley's sub lot 25 assessed to Peter Voltz be canceled as the same is a double assess- ment. Ordered cancelled. Petition of Geo. C. Luck for privilege of not laying sidewalk on Alta Vista street until next spring. Granted. Petition of Mrs. B. hall and Wm. Cor• Goran for refunding of sewer tax paid for sewer on South Locust street, referred to the sewer committee and city attorney. Petition if Golden Eagle Clothing Co. for permission to suspend their wire sign across Main street. Ald. Crawford moved that the prayer of petition be granted at the pleasure of the council. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Page and Trex- ler. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Peaslee and Smith. Coin inunication of City Ifeeorder Fitz- patrick, calling the attention of the coun- cil to the fact that the work in the recorder's office is falling behind and ask- ing the council to take such action as they may deem best. Referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Bills of Michael Oswald of $201, and of Jos. Stoltz of $15 ordered paid. Bill of T. J. Conlin of $3 referred to the committee on claiws. Bill of German Catholic Printing Co. of $50 referred to the printing committee. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Whereas, '1 he city council has given the proper n►otioo to the C.. M & St. P. It. R. Co.; C., St. P. & K. C. R. 11. Cu. and 1. C. It. R. Co., to construct the proper auto- matic gates °vet their tracks, anti, Whereas, Saul companies did appear be- fore the council objecting to said gates, and, Whereas the council has refused to defer action it; eGnstruction of said gates, there- fore, Resolved, That said compan;es be. and are hereby instructed to construct and maintain safety gates on all street cross- ings withih 30 days of this notice, and in failure of said companies or any of them to fulfill said order, then the city recorder is hereby instructed to advertise for the construction of said gates, the same to be at the expense of the above railroad companies. Referred to the comittee of the whole by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Page, and Smith. Noes—Aids-Cushing, Peaslee, Trexler. Ald. Glab, chairman of tie street com- mittee, made the following report which was adopted: Your committee on streets would re- spectfully report that they have examined and accepted the following streets: Grand- view street between South Dodge and Vil- la street; Alta Vista street between Julien avenue and West Fourteenth street, and Dodge street from Rising avenue to South Dodge street. Respectfully submitted, JOHN GLAB, NELL. II. CusItiNtt, Enw'D C. rEAsiALE, Street. Committee. Ald. Crawford offered the following res- olution: Resolved, That the owners of the real estate abutting on the streets or parts of streets hereinafter named, which have here,ofore been ordered by the city council to be improved at the expense of the own- ers of said real estate, and on which the work of improvement has been in progress during the year 1891, and is now completed, or nearly approaching completion, and to defray the cost and expense of which im- provemen s, the city council has levied, or is about to levy, special assessments on said abutting real estate, be and are hereby allowed the benefit of sectria 11 of the or- dinance adopted by the city council No- vember 2, 1891, and permitted to pay their several assessments in seven (7) equal in- stallments in accordance with the provis- ions of said section, this privilege to apply to the real estate abutting on the following streets, or parts of street.; improved as aloresaid, as follows, to -wit: Grandview avenue from Delhi to South Dodge street. West Locust street from the west fine of lot 14 in Cox's addition to lloitgdon ave. Rhomberg avenue from Fifth avenue to the crossing of the C., M. & St. P. rail- way. Alta Vista street from .Julien avenue to Fourteenth street. Windsor avenue front Lincoln avenue to Eagle Point avenue. • South Dodge street its full length. Dodge street from the old corporation line to South Dodge street. Cleveland avenue its full length. Winona avenue its full length. Jackson street from Peru road to city limits. Sanford street from Jackson to Elm street. West Eleventh street from Walnut to Race street, and Race street its full length. Bluff street from Fourteenth to Six- teenth street. South Locust street from the old corpo- ration line to a point 450 feet south of said Inc. This resolution shall apply to any street railway company which may occupy with its tracks any or any part of said streets. The privilege granted in this resolution is on the express condition that the owner or owners of real estate abutting on any I;N I:I) RE(Ti..ElI1 SESSION, NOV, I', 18511 21:1 of said streets, or street railway, shall sev- erally promise and agree in writing that in consideration of having the right to pay his or their assessment, or respective as- sessments, in iusttlliteits, they will not mage any objection of illegality or irregu- larity as to their respective assessments, and will pay the same, with interest there- on at the rate of 6 per cent per annum as said assessments shall severally become due; and any owner or owners of any lot or lots, or any street railway company, as- sessed for payment of cost of any of said improvements, who will not promise and agree in writing, as above provided, shall be required to pay his or their assessment in full when made, and the same shall be _collectable by or through any of the meth-' ods provided by law for the collection of assessments for local improvements. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Page,Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. Alc. Crawford offered the following: Whereas, the contracts heretofore en- tered into by the city council of the city of Duuuque for the curbing and paving with macadam of the streets hereinafter speci- tied have all been duly prosecuted, and the work provided for in said contracts is pro- gressing, and either substantially com- pleted, or approaching cumpietioi, and the compensation agreed by said city to be paid to the several contractors for the doing of said work has ween computed by the city engineer of said city to� several oamount to following sums on the con- tracts as follows: For 11 est Locust street from the west Ince of lot 14 in Cox ad- dition to lfodgdon avenin, $ 2,943 32 For Cleveland avenue its full 7,984 00 length For Alta Vista street from Julien avenue to Fourteenth 3,70170 street For Grandview avenue trout Delhi street to South Dodge street For lthomberg avenue from Filth avenue in Dam's addition to the crossing of the (;., 51. tk St. P. railway tracks For Windsor avenue from Eagle Point avenue to Lincoln avenue For South Dodge street its Lull length For Dodge sweet, from the old corporation line to South Dodge street lull 1"ur 11' len,tli For Jackson street from the Peru road to the northerly line of the city 1 For Sanford stn to Elm street For Race street its lull length, and Wal- nut street ttotwest sidecof Race street For South Locust street trout the old corporation line 450 Met south For Bluff street Dom Fourteenth to Sixteenth street • 13,532 30 authorized and required, for the purpose 01 providing for the payment of the cost and expenses of improving said streets, to issue under the provisions of the ordinance adopted November 21, 1891, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, bonds of the denomination of $500 each, all dated December 1, 1891, payable seven years af- ter date, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum payable semi-an- nually, and redeemable at any time at the option of the.city of Dubuque, said bonds to be in the amounts for each portion of said improvements as follows, to -wit: \Vest Locust street $ 2,500 7,500 3,500 12,000 5,000 500 3,500 4,004) 1,500 1,500 L0011 Race street and 11th street.......... 1,000 South Locust street 1,01)11 Bluff street . 1,500 '6,000 00 943 55 4,090 45 4,454 70 nota avenue, its u 1,548 60 1,676 40 eel from Jackson sou 1,894 40 Cleveland avenue Alta Vista street Grandview avenue Rhoniberg aysnue Windsor avenue South Dodge street Dodge street 1V Mona avenue Jackson street Sanford street 'Ibtal $4b, ) That said bonds when issued and regis- tered shall be delivered by the city recorder to the cotnmitte ;on finance taxing due re- ceipt therefor and said finance committee is hereby authorized to negotiate said bonds at not less than par, and pay the proceeds of the saute ;to the city treasurer to be applied in accordance with the pro- visions of the ordinance adopted November 2, 1891, and report its doings hereunder to the c.ty council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peastee, Smith and Trexler. Further time was granted the ordinance committee on the ordinance compelling abutters oil streets where paving has been ordered to make all underground connec- tions. The matter of preparing paving bonds was referred to the finance committee with power. Aid. Page moved to adjourn. Carried. Attes J / J. C. F'rrzPATRICK, 1,311 77 1.305 001 1,768 52 Total $52,749 71 And Whereas, The amounts due the several contractors tar the improvements of the above named streets, or parts of streets, under their said contracts, will soon become due and payable; therefore, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the mayor is hereby To amend a dinaice en ' c gT;l{f7 �' nance co cerniig outsi'e electric con- structions for electric light and power." Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section I. That atter the word "power" in the title of the ordinance the words "or other electrical purposes" be inserted. Sec. 2. That after the word "poles" in the second line of section 1 the words, -must be made previous to setting any pole." Also after the word city engineer in the first section the words "and elec- committee" be inserted. Sec. 8. That the words "electric light and power" in the third line of section 6 be changed to "any overhead wires." Sec. 4. After the word "railways" w h or tsection elephone lie ines;"rds and"that ther for ( words " and committee on electrical construction" be inserted alter "electrician of the city" in the eighth line of section 8. Sec. 5. That after the first word of sec- tion 9 the words "for electric light and power." 1 214 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, NOV. 18, 1891 Sec. 6. That after the last word of sec- tion 13 the words "whenever the city coun- cil may deem necessary for the safety of the public." Sec. 7. That before the word "wires" in the first line of section 20 the words "elec- tric light and power be inserted. Sec. 8. That in line of "Consulting Electrician," the works city council be used, and instead of the word "said" in the sixth line of section 27 the word "the" be substituted. Sec. 9, That there be added to section 34, the following. "And the failure on the part of any company or person to comply with any of the provisions of the above ordinance be decided a misdemeanor and a nttnirnunt tine for the willful violation be one dollar for each 24 hours of failure to comply. CIiAY..1. W. SAUNDEns, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office in the city hall up to 4 o'clock p. tn. Wednesday, November 18, 1891, for build- ing lateral sewer front 8th to 10th streets. between Washington and Jackson streets, in accordance to plans and specifications on file in said office. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. C. ISLAam, City Engineer. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office until 4 o'clock p. in. of Thursday, Nov. 19, 1891, for constructing sidewalks as follows: East side of Center Place abutting) lot No. 1 of MlcNulty's sub. Both sides 01 South Dodge street street, between Dodge street and Grandview ave- nue. Both sides of Cleveland avenue, between South Dodge and Villa streets. The work to be done in odeordance with plans and specifications on file in my of- fice. E. C. BLAKE. City Engineer. Notice of Sale. 1 will sell at public auction to the best bidder for cash, on the 18 day of Novem- ber 1891, at 2 p. in., at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, be- tween 14th and 15th streets, the following impounded animals, to -wit: One red cow without horns, 6 years old. S. B. Biel:, City Marshal. Dubuque, Nov. 13 1891. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 2nd clay of Nov., 1891, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For repairing sidewalks abutting the fol- lowing lots: Mary F. Alderman, city, lots 322 and 323, $2.25. C. J. Peterson, Peterson's sub., lot 2, $1.00. 1t. 11. Collier, nein lot 322, 65c. It. and E. Langworthy, Glendale add., No. 3, 223 and 228 $1.00. W tn. Potts, Ktene & Blocklinger sub n 75 feet. lot 1, $4.45. Anderson, Levi & Sullivan, Southern ave. add, lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, $3.00. Catherine O'Brien, Prospect Bill add, lot 11, $2.25. Michael 'Tiernan, Prospect hill add, lot 12, $2.00. Jas. Rowan, Bush's add, lot 12, $8.40. Neal McGowan. Finley, Waples & Bur- ton's add, w M 12, $5.40. For the construction of a 10 -inch tile sewer in 4th street. Mlanhart & Noel, city, lot 523a, $31.25. Dlanhart &Noel, city lot 3 of lot 524, $13.80. And that in case of failure to pay the same within thirty day from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear in- tetest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent. annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque, this 20th day of Nov. A. D., 1891. AWRENCE GONNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. AN ORDINANCE. To provide for giving effect to the pro- visions of Chapter Fourteen (14) of the acts of the 'Twenty-third General As- sembly of the State of Iowa, and matting provision, with respect to contracts, for paving and curbing streets, and the con- struction of sewers, the collection of assessments and the issuance of bonds or certificates by the City of Dubuque to nay for such improvements. Be it Ordained uy the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. '1'uat when the city council of the City of Dubuque shall direct the paving and curbing of any street or streets, or the construction tit any sewer or sewers, the cost ot which shall be assess- able against the abutting real e,tate it shall tnal:e and enter into contract for furnish- ing the materials, and making the im- provement, either fur the entire work in one contract, or parts hereof in separate and specified sections,as to the council may seem best. Sec. 2. All such contracts shall be made with the lowest responsible bidder or bid- ders, upon sealed proposals after public notice for not less than ten days in at least two newspapers published in the city of Dubuque, which notice shall state as near- ly as practicable the extent of the work, the kind of materials to be furnished, when the work shall be done, and at what time the .proposals wilt be acied upon. Each contractor shall be required to give bond to the city, with sureties to be ap- proved by the city council, for the faithful performance of the contract. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the city engineer to furnish the council with the proper grades and lines of the street or streets to be improved, and to see that the work is done in accordance with the or- dinances and regulations of the city, with respect to said grades and lines. Sac. 4. For the purpose of providing for the cost and expenses of any such im- provement or inipro•ents, the city council shall )rum time to tune, as the work pro- gresses, make requisition upon the mayor for the issue of the bonds of the city of Dubuque in such sums and of such de- nominations, as the council shall deem best; and it shall be tate duty of the mayor t.J make and execute bonds accordingly in the name of the city to an amount not ex- ceeding the amount ot the contract price of such improvement, and the incidentals attending the same. Said bonds shall bear the names ot the street or streets 1 Nov SE SION, 1801 21:1 improved, and be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the city recorder, a city auditor and seated with the corporation seal of the city, and shall all bear the same date and be payable seven years after date, and be reeeeniable at any time at the option of the city, and shall bear such in- terest as the council may direct, at a rate net exceeding six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Sec. 5. When such bonds shall have been issued by the mayor, and sealed with the corporation seal of city, they shalt be delivered to the city recorder, who shall countersign the sante, and register them in a book to be kept for that pur- pose; they shall also be be registered by the city auditor in the bond registry book of the city,kept ii his office, and countersign- ed by him. Said bonds shall then be de- livered by the city recorder to the commit- tee or person or persons authorized to ne- gotiate Die sante. taking receipt therefor. Sec. 6. The committee, or other persons authorized to negotiate said bonus, shall negotiate the same in such manner as they may deem best, under direction of the council, and for such prices as may be obtainable for the same, not less than par and shall pay all moneys received there - trout to the treasurer of the. city, taking duplicate receipts therefor, one of which shall be delivered to the city auditor. They shall also report in writing to the city recorder the number of bonds sold, and the amount received therefor, which report shall be accompanied by a euplieate copy of toe city treasurer's receipt fur the amount ot the proceeds paid to hint. Be- fore delivering said bonds to the purchaser of the same, said bonus shr-11 be counter- signed by the committee or other person or persons authorized to negotiate the same. Sec. 7. All moneys received by the city treasurer trout the sale tit said bunds shall be kept by hint in a separate land which shat be Known as toe -Street, Improve- ment Fund," a.ad paid out only on iequist- tion of the council, ttccompan led by affidavit of the engineer that work has ween done or material furnished to the amount of said warrant or requisition, and that it is re cuffed for the pay went ot the same; and all moneys received by said treasurer shall be kept in the sauce manner and sub- ject to all the regulations regarrliug other money of the city, except that lie shall keep a seperate account of the same, and all interest received upon the same shall tae credited to such fund. See. 8. Au account shall be kept by the city auditor, with the city treasurer, of all money received by the treas- urer uaidat said byt him improvement same, He and 1 shall report to the council at hue first regu- lar tweeting in each month, the condition of said trued. sec. 9. ti' hen any such id lo whbat p shall have been completed,t duty of the city council to ascertain the entire lost ut le by las+' assessable on adjacent property, and the onion of such cost so assessable shad paportion of said street under rove Sectinyon (tile (1) of Chapter lei of the Acts ot the 22 l General Assembly, or by virtue of the provisions of any contract, or ordinance ill the city under which said street railway may have been constructed, or be maintained, and it the owner or owners shall laid or refuse to comply with the order of the council to do such paving, then the portion of the cost of paving such street, assessable upon such street railway, shall be assessed against such street rail- way. Sec. 10. That whenever any improve- ment contemplated by this ordinance shall be ordered by the city council, it shall be the duty of the city recorder, as soon as practicable thereafter, to cause to be served on the managing officer of any street rail- way company occupying, or about to oc- cupy with its track, the street or streets ordered to be improved, a copy of the reso- lutions ordering such improvement; and the resolution shall direct such street Iaul- way company to improve such portion of the street us is contemplated by section one (1) of charter sixteen (16) of the acts of the 22nd General Assembly, or as shalt be designated or required by virtue of the provisions of any contractor ordinance of the city under which said sire! railway I' tuitany may have been constructed, spe- eIIviiig the general character of the ma- terial to be used, and tile time at which said wera shall be commenced and finished. ished. And said resolution shall require of said street railway company to designate in Writing within five (5) days after the ser - vire of a copy of the same on said railway company, whether or not it proposes tett desires to do the work of improvement it - ell; and that ib case of the nature of said street railway to so designate its wishes iii writing within the time specified, ht e ill be presumed that the said railway c"m- pany does not propose to mute the im- provements itself, and that the city coun- cil will then be at liberty to make the im- provement its contemulated by law, at the expense of such street railway company. SEc. 11. It shall be the duty 01 the city engineer to make and file for pubic inspec- tion in the office of the city recorder, a plat of the place or places on winch stn ti improve- ment shall be matte, showing the separate lots or parcels of ground subject to assess- ment for such improvemuent, and I lie names, so far as practicable of the several owner's, and the amount to he assessed against each lot or piece of ground, and if such tniprove- went shall be the paining or other nnprove- wentof any street, said plat shall also show any and all street railway tracks thereon, and the amount, if any, to be assessed against such stiet•t railway,and shall, after the making and Mout: of said plat as afore- said, cause to be glen ten ten days public notice in t wo daily newspapers published in the city of Dubuque, that such plat is on file in the office of the city recorder, for the inspection of any persue or company interested therein and thatsuch person nioot company to the tax proposed to be as- sessed thereby, may file with the re- corder his or their objections in writing, at t,efore the next meeting of the city then beassessed asprovided y w ordinance ot the city, upon ur the c ouu,•tl alter the publication of such no - the property fronting or abutting tin t1, e. that or as accitysot ih Council atter at such .att1 improvement. WIhen any street- uu•iiing, as railway has been constructed, and shall 11th' (,able, and after hearing and deciding remain upon any street which the &null ' utter a k }j atitnece n so flied, if ant ons and IWdirect to he paved and curbed, til otherwise improved, at the tune when sheat the assessment as proposed by said plat, direction shall be give::; and when the will assess and levy us a special tax upon owner r owns may beibounde1to t�pavet or otherf stl11 street,wise aim- • specialpthe raerssments as each aferesaid,wner liable just 216 NOVEMBER SESSION, 1891 and true proportion according to law, and according to said assessment proposed by said plat as corrected and approved, of the amount to be specially assessed for such improvement. Said assessment shall be duly entered on the proper tax books of such city and shall be payable at the office of the city treasurer of said city, in seven equal installments, with in- terest at the rate of six per cent. per an- num, from the uate of the asseesment upon the unpaid portion thereof, the first of which with interest on the whole amount. at six per cent. per annum, shall be paya- ble on and after the date of such assess- ment, as aforesaid and the other annually after the date of said assessment, and said assessment shall be col- lected like other special taxes, as may be provided by the ordinances of the city of Dubuque. Sec. 12. Said assessment, with interest accruing thereon, shall be a lien upon the property abutting upon thestreet or streets on which any such improvement is made, or upon such improvement from the com- mencement of the work, and shall remain a lien until fully paid, ant shall have pre- cedence over all other liens except ordinary taxes, and shall not be divested by any judicial sale, provided that such lien shall be limited to the lots or lands bounding or abutting oil such street or streets, or on such improvement, and not exceeding iii depth therefrom 150 feeet. Any assessraeet against any street raii- way for the paving of any street shall be a first and paramount lieu upon the entice tract of said street railway within the limits of the city of Dubuque. Sec. 13. The owner el any property against which an assessment, shall hove been made for the cost of any such im- provement, shall have the right to pay the same in lull, with interest thereon at s,x per cent. per annum trent the time said as- sessment was :nude, or after having pond one or more of said seven installments, and 'interest, lie may at any time pay in full the balance of his assessments remaining unpaid, with interest thereon at six per cent. per annum from the time whet, the preceding payment becomes due, and such payment in full shall satisfy and discharge the lien upon said property, and any own- er of such property who shall divide the same so that the feet front on any such improvement aid divided into separate lots or parcels may discharge the lien in like manner upon any one, or more of such lots or parcels by pad ment of the unwind unpaid thereon calculated, by the ratio of feet front of such lot or lots, or parcel or parcels to the feet front of the whole lot. If any assessment shall have been made against any street railway for the paving of any street, the owner of said street rail- way shall have the sante rights as are herein before provided to pay in install- ments, or to nay in full, the assessment against said street railway; but no part of the line of said street railway shall be re- leased from the lien for any portion of any unpaid assessment. which niay have been made against it for paving any street as aforesaid. See. 14. All moneys received from as- sessments shall be appropriated to the payment of the interest or payment and redemption of the bonds that shall be is- sued sur such improvements, and ii any interest shall become due on any of said bonds when there may be no money in the city treasury derived trout such special as- sessnientsto pay the same the council shall temporarily transfer a sufficient sum from the general fund, or ma ke a temporary loan, for the payment thereof. Sec. 15. The city council may at any time in its discretion, when levying a special assessment against any lot or lots, or any street railway, for any street im- provement contemplated in this ordinance, by resolution require the owner or owners of such lot or lots, or street railway, to severally promise and agree in writing that in consideration of having the right to pay his or their assessment, or respective assessments, in installments, they will not make tiny objection of ille- gality or iriegalarity as to their respective assessments and will pay the same with In- terest thereon at the rate of six per cent. per annum as said installments shall sever- ally become due; and any owner of any lot or lots, or any street railway, assessed for payment of cost of any such improvement, who will not promise sun agree in writing, as above provided, shall be required to pay his assessment in full when made, and the same shall be collectible by or through tiny of the methods pro- vided by law for the collection of assessments for local improvements. SEC. 16. Any mistake in the description of the property, or in the name of the owner, shall not vitiate the lien on the property assessed, nor affect the validity of the assessment. SI•:c.17. The provisions of this ordi- nance shall apply to all methods of im- proving the surface of the streets of the city between, and including curbing, where the cost of the work is assessable to the abutting real £state, whether material used for paving be brick, wooden or granite blocks, or macadam. Sec. 18. The plans and specifications for the paving of street with brick shall be subject to the approval of the committee on paving, and the execution of the work shall be under the supervision of the city engineer and said committee; those for paving with macadam shall be approved by and the work performed under the supervision of the committee on streets and the city engineer. Sec. 19. Whenever any contract, as con- templated in the first and second sections of tris ordinance shall be fully completed according to the plans and specifications, it shall be the duty of the committee having . the same in charge, to re- port the fact to the city council, which shall accept the work, unless valid objections shall be made. When ac- cepted, the ainuunt dtie the contractor shall be paid within thirty days after ac- ceptance, according to the estimate of the city engineer approved by the committee in charge of the work, by warrants on the "Street Improvement Fund." Said pay- ment to be in full unless, by the terms of the contract, a percentage is to be retained for a specified period, as a guarantee that the contract has been faithfully executed. Nothing herein shall be construed to pre- vent the city council front waking pay- ments on account of the improvement. be- fore completion, under the recommenda- tion of the committee in charge. Sec. 20. All ordinances or parts of ordi- ances inconsistent with or controverting any of the foregoing provisions are hereby repealed; but nothing herein shall be con- strued to affect or invalidate any ordinance or resolution heretofore adopted nut in conflict with this ordinance. SEc. 21. This ordinance shall be pub- lished in the official papers of the city, and shall be in force and take effect front and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily TELEGRAPH. Adopted Nov. 2d, 1891. Attest: CHAS. J. W. SAC\Ii:i:o, J. C. FITZPATRICK, Mayor. Recorder. li I I \OVEMI>E11 SESSION, 1S91. LIST OF CITY \VARRANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during August, 1891. ('l i v II l: uitl)lin'N 01,1,11'li. Ill la'Itl'I?, Iowa, stmt.. I. !Sill. 1 To the 1luuurable Mayor and City ('oluleii : The following is a cumpletr list of all warrants issued by toe Burin_ the mouth of August, 1591: Name. L. Gon,let'....... .1.('. Fit 'patt•ills J. M. Kenety For what Purpose. A .Salary for .1uly, Treas- urer ....... .......... ..Salary for July, Recur - der Salary for .1uly, Aud- itor .Salary for July, Attor- ney..., ..... ttor- ney............... ...Salary for July, As- sesso' Salary for July, As- sistant Assesssor ..Salary for Ju y, Mar- shal Ed. Ryan Salary for July, Street Commissioner Jos. Reinfried....Salary for July, Chief of lire department A. Gratz.... ....Salary for July, Mar- k et n e tster P. McNulty Salau•V for July, Park t •llstodiatn ('has. Baumann.. Salary for July, \1•harf- master I. S. Bigelow...... Salary for July, Ilealtla olflcer.... C. Spiegelhalter..Salary for July,Pound- master B. Rawson........Salary for .July, Sew- er Inspector..•• ide James O'Halloran.SalarV for July, Side- walk Inspector. .1. Klein Salary for July, Meat Inspector .James Bunting...Salary for July, Elec- trician ........ Ed. Blake......... Salary for July, En- gineer E. S. Hyde.......Sala• sEafor nt Engineer._J,y .John O'Connell...Sala Iy ..for July, Com - J. Daly........... Fireman._ . • • • • • • • • • • Job Barnes W. I )ucey......... J. Murphy A. Cullen 'F. Burke T. O'Shea J. McFarland M. Eitel P. Martin John Essman J. Flynn J. Wiltse 'I'. Flynn T. Walker F. Essman D. Ahearn .1. Allen G. Moyer - C. Kaunolt• F. Ganal,l J. Schonberger A. Ducciui« .... J. Ward.. D. Ryan... ..... .Captain of Police John ltaesh...... .James Cartel.'..... PolicemanWm. 'Brien ;: M. O'C nnell Bart Cain JohnWi Littscher P. McNerny. Thos. Reilly P, Dunnegan P. Kearney ..... John Fitzpatrick. Dan. Norton..... .1 1 NECarthy. P. F. Gut.irie. F. A. Glab llloltllt $150 00 116 53 116 65 125 00 125 00 100 10 100 .0 91 t5 75 00 50 00 46 50 20 00 30 00 40 0) 60 00 S. B, Rice....... " 11 11 11 11 46 11 11 66 66 James Allen ...... John Reuter \I. Hard.'" Itd. \leer Sam. Elmer -;tulle., dello D,ol. Lavery__ _ 51 65 John Iletlnutil... 41 711 Tho.. 1Rak)' so IN) .101111 \Ineptly .............. 43 35 Win. Khmer Peter Brunel " .............. 50 OI I'..Nrlollius" .............. 50 00 Gro. I(ulrrrl: " ... .. 50 01 .luh❑ SInrphy " .... . 60 uu 5\ to It a .h. .... 11 65 Ale\. IlfatzBoar.l of pl'L1,ur,, 1(1 40 Jett St rine. . Painting poles......... 2 Ix) hralll: I',ulln'd I'nultiu� 1111;1'4..... 12 5) \\ ul. It r el I'aullmc I"'OV. 11 50 Tim) ti11'_1'........ 111111. .I III i'll j‘'.11;1,• 374 2- I i. I.V III Imp- Delhi street 81 2.. 'F. Ah sell........Laborer1:) In) II Ahearn-- " . ... 27 00 ..1. .\ckmt .... 10 rd) ....... li 50 J. Bev, cr.......... Helper roadroller52 5) John Itoelhe Laborer ................ 14 Ix) 1'. B 11Mason.. ............... 70 50 11. Brumulll tLaborer 23 25 1). Heroes......... " • 21 40 .1. Bargmaut ...... ..... • • • • • • ... 28 25 \I. 11111.115......... 29 23 John Byrne 22 10 \V. 11.1i " 159°50 00 . (Rorke10 50 I. Berry" 13 10 It. Burns._ 2175 .1. Itroulette" 12 Ott \Vol. Bar'tle.t, " 15 40 1I.I'atl'mody" 13 I)) .1. 1 ori ora❑ " 23 'di Saul. Collins" 28 JO .lolul) tll,llrb;w,, " 19 10 66'28 10 Corr, u.....' . 1:. 1'a'eur0895 Condon...... John Corbett Laborerer 31 90 Jas. Cahill........ 4 10 . I' runl)iIVrll.... 61.... 20 25 I. I ahill " 21 00 20 25 43 75 _7 00 .. 9300 18 40 25 90 1650 28 50 28 50 32 60 25 121 0 39 00 2810 .. 14 60 .. 16 50 25 10 26 255 l2 10 6 75 19 10 20 25 7 50 33 00 32 60 33 75 18 75 16 rio 6,4 1 21 753 90 66 66 61 ,. 01 .............. 50 tx) 50 coo . 50 Ix) GO 0.1 .I :I 1111' I II \ I SI. I ieferdlm;.... II. Uuulphy. Geo. Uwgeldine.. Ed. Desmond.... M. Durand........ 101111 Eagan...... I'. Fitzgerald H. Flood Joint Fix.... F. Fort Ed. Grew......... Joe Grab II. Collie 1.. truss .1. 1l. Garrison .101111 Glossier J. Gruuzlg••• Joe Geuzil Geo. Grow Thus. Hackney Ed. Hatcl<ett Dan. liar)llon John Haley las. Harker N. Hager P. Hayden Geo. Hughes J. Jeckline. .1. KinselhtCa rpeuter. F. Kree.terLaborer.......... M. Kline. ... P. KKrokeski.... •. ............... M. Lilack......... John Lavin „ T. Louergan H. Llppstock H. Mick H. Leicht Chas. Leen pke T. Mt'.1queeny • • • • „ James Meloy „ '1'. Mahony..., Y. Melchuir M. Murphy T. Murphy L. Meunse 50 00 75 00 125 00 100 00 75 I 0 (10 00 75 00 50 18) 60 00 60 ((0 50 o0 34 65 50 WI 60 00 85 00 60 00 60 (x) 60 00 60 00 50 00 51) 00 60 00 (10 00 75 00 60 u0 47 00 12 00 32 90 12 00 75 00 70 00 8 30 50 00 50 00 48 35 50 00 50 00 50 00 46 70 56 00 45 05 50 00 50 00 50 00 ............... 5300 27 75 22 10 31 50 21 00 4 10 23 25 2850 28 50 12 40 14 60 22 90 20 25 34 50 25 60 19 50 1) 25 17 60 12 75 _2 10 1 218 NOVEMBER SESSION, 1891 P. Meehan" P. Moran '• C. Mackienburg, J. Melone •' ... .... .... ... M. McCune.... Foreman .......... ... . A. McGuan Laborer ................ L. McEvoy" 1t. McCaffrey " John McKee " Jo• McCone " John McNulty" M. McMahon H. McMalien R. McCormack" M. McGrath J McBride `• John Noonan " M. Nuten... B. Nickols•• F. Oswald Joe Obbelt" F. O'Brien, Sr ' " P. O'Brien Jr._ " M. O'Loughlin... " Martin O'Laughlin " ............... J. I'erryon...... 1). Powersh •Wm. PickleyForeman.'.......... .... C. 1'fena....... Laborer ... 11. Quirk... ...... .. J. W.utgney... 11 Joe Quail " ............... F Rieger. .4 • I. Rieman 44 ,lames Ryan..., Jas Raw ..... . •. ............... ............... M. pinker.. John ltaet7 Foreman .............. Joh]) ItyanLaborer M. Ryan .......... Geo. Rieder....... " C. Rosetta ..... ... " T. Rotterman.... " Nic. sweeney.... ` Jas. Stevenson... ` D. Sutherland.... James Smith ..... " Joe Seilc.......... N. Steinmetz...., " Geo. Slitter. .... " MJohn Schroeder.. " . Specht........ " J. Straney........ " P. Schatz . I). Tracy.......," 1'. Welsh......... ., C. Wirt..... •••••• " 24 40 John Wolf...,27 76 P. Wiest •, 31 10 John Weber" 4 10 John Whalen," G. Wanger....... " 2175R. Widermann•• • " 2210 15 00 P. Wagner" 19 40 Geo.luutlloff Foreman ......... 43 30 21 40 W. Ztichinia Laborer N. Brandt Team ....................... 48 15 R. Bennett •'• 36 75 C. 0. Baker" 47 25 J. Brick..,.. •"Il J 4140 DJ.Burns "� . . Bogue•.,10 50 ....... ....... .1. Carey : b 90 ��••27 10 "•• '22'3 L. Cahill.... . .... ''........ 28 90911 J. Decker • " ••• 21 00 .1. 1)tlnkley66 F. Gregory" 22 75 M. I lantenbein" .. ...""...•• 4000 J. lioflineier 14 00 51..1. Mannon« .......... 37 0070 Win. HowardP. Jarden 66 39 40 " 7 .1. ICenneaily..... "6 26 C. Kampmann..,, �, 68 0 Thos. haste....... " 60 40 Chris. Lempke,, " •••••""• 371 70 JohnLong.....,.. " ..... Ed. Lagen........•• `48 90 John May ...•. .. " ••••••""•"'••••• 3176 F. Mathis......... ` 31 0 R. Mathis......... 24 10 Joe Wenzil... .... .. 1'22 2b C. Messer•knecllt. " 11 41) Wm. McGrath... " ••••••"'""•••••• 2010 J. McGrath.......• 3 76 Jas, McDonnell.. " •••••••••••• "3550 " Jas. McCracken........ ' . ' ..... " 215 5 ..........'. 41 15 ............... •......... 27 75 23 60 23 25 3 75 42 90 33 75 27 75 31 10 3l 5(1 30 00 30 75 31 50 17 611 8 25 22 to 21 09 31 t0 15 00 16 10 3010 :3•s 10 30 00 :8 10 10 90 4 10 13 91 13 10 42 00 21 10 17 60 32 25 16 10 21 75 2475 29 25 27 00 13 911 15 00 43 75 :5 10 t5 10 18 40 24 40 16 10 29 60 18 40 22 , 50 18 40 25 50 116'1 1800 10 50 24 75 21 75 5 25 24 75 13 10 Dan McGollins... .John Noonan P. S Norton " ... P. Noonan.. " .................. . John O'Dea Jno. Parker " ................... .1no Ryan........ ' Con. Ryan . 66 ........... J. Sutherland Dan Sheehan ... H. Schmidt...,................... " 1'. Specht......... , John Steffes...... '• J. Singuin........ " J. Spear Joe Siege H. '1ippe.. Win. Tinkham`• 36 75 Oath. Tobin ' 3410 J. Von Hohen" 12 25 M. Wagner. " 40 25 Jno. Welsh....... " 32 40 A. Waller " 6 10 J. Williams" 34 10 Geo. Wetter" 1 75 D. Logg.......... " ............. .. .. 37 70 W. Sinholt....... Express 1 00 P. Schiltz......... Inspector for Tschirgi 23 50 M. Morgan ..... _Inspector for Norton & Lee 49 00 J. Deggendorf....Inspector for Ryan48 00 Geo. Schon .......Inspector for Donahue 35 00 Dan. Sheehan....lnspei•tor for Howard & Williams .... 40 00 Key City Gas Co.Coke 33 41 Carr, Ryder & Engler ..........Shavings 1 00 Fraa' z & Clark... Oil, &c........... 2 65 J. %. Palen __Oil, &c 5 20 A. Y. McDonald Mfg Co Rei airing engine 1 85 C. H. Whitwell.. Veteran try services25 0)1 1). Quinlivan..... Pasturage 2 00 11i11& Trudell....Repairing wagon 1 35 Dub. Water Co. ..Hythants 500 00 Dub. Water Co... Hydi ants 500 00 Dub. Water Co.,. Hydrants.......... 45 00 Burns & Douahue.Oats A. 1Vunderlich...Horsishoeing 4 25 Quarte & Roddy..14 ran and matches8 10 Haggerty Bros.... Corn and bran7 60 WS. Moto ..... ..Hose... .... ...• 750 E. E. Frith ..• ......Removing dead ani- mals 1 50 Ferguson Bros.... Removing hydrant.... 8 50 L. Daly........... Hauling gar .rge...... 81 00 Newburgh Co.... Paint 5 00 Western Electric companyy........ Electrical supplies31 25 W. P. Allen......Blue vitriol 15 75 S. McElrath..... •.Freight on supplies.., 16 25 L. Daly...........Cleaning around mar- ket 25 50 TELEGRAPH...... Blanks.. 6 Fi0 John O'Brien Labor 42 00 John Tierney __Labor. 42 00 Harrier & Brash.. Stationery.. 80 D. W. Ranu......Repairing recorder's office 5 60 Herald ...........Blanks.... .. 28 00 Hardie &.Seharlo.Binders,&e............ 21 75 P. Martin.........Engineer• steam roller. 26 00 Cnr•istinan & Hea- ley .............. Hardware ...... 208 Dub. Cab. Makers association ...... Ballot boxes.......... 75 30 T. J. Granfleld ....Ass's. park cons...... 12 00 Langworthy -Adams lr It Works 141auhole covers....... 12 40 John O'Brien Labor ............. 45 50 John TierneyLabor•..... 94 65 Thos. ButcherLabor..... 1 75 John Pats Express .............. 50 DIM. Water CoWater for patrol...... 10 00 W. ClarkRepairing in recorder's Frank Muroh .' ....... 2 50 Frank Murphy y Asst park. ont........ 22 50 J. Christman &Ass't park corn S1 06 Son..., Carpet and laying..... 40 50 TELEGRAPH Stationery 25 25 John Teri y ..... _Hauling garbage 156 82 M. Buechler......Cutt,ng curb8 75 Fred. Gaeloff Resetting curb... ...... 23 64 Lear & PflffnerHorseshoeing 8 L0 James Kelly. ....Stationery8 65 Byrne Xt Saul....Stone crossings. 76 90 Chas. Brown...... Asst for engineer 40 U0 John Blake Ass't for engineer 10 00 J. Boyce.... Ass't for engineer100 00 27 10 42 00 42 90 111 5(1 31 511 36 75 54 25 30 70 35 00 36 75 39 40 31 50 38 50 525 78 50 700 35 W OVEAII3ER SESSION, 1891. 219 F. 13eyer ..... Salary 1 lay ...........2 On WilliamS. Stone crossings 60 1 .T. J. M. CartFiling 3 00 Standard Lumber company Shavings. ............. 50 Win. S. Moto Rep. ...... 5 95 B. E. Linehan Sewer pipe Rejoined 8,z Jae- 13 ..0 ger. .....Brass wire 70 IT. B. Grosvenor.. Stationery ............. 80 Mrs. Koenig Scrubbing city hall.... 7 00 C. W. Robison ....Shavin ........ ...... 3 50 (1hris)man & Hee,- ley._ . LaWu mower...........7 45 Lee & Norton Extra worn on West Locust street ........ 236 00 M. Tsehirgi, Jr5th avenue sewer ..... 500 0 M. Tschirgi, Jr5th Avenue sewer ...... 500 00 M. Tschirgi, Jr.. 5t0 avenue sewer ...... 510 00 M. Tschirgi, Jr5th avenue se er 500 00 M. Tschirgi, Jr5th avenue sewer 253 85 Adam Schmidt Culvert on 511111,111e road ........ ... . ..... :378 00 Peter Eisbach Sewer on Do ige St ... 50u 00 Peter Eisbach _Sewer on Dodge St.... 218 02 Ruof ..... Culvert on 16th St..... 50 0. Ulrich Ruo.,... _Culvert o 16th St ..... 68 80 L ; inner, Treas. Money advanced 51)0 01) L. (Twiner, Treas. Money advanced__ 479 65 P. E. Strelau Coke..... ..... ....... . 90 25 .1. M. McKenzieWrench... ...... 1 75 T. J. Donahue _Sewer on Dodge St.... 20 22 Joe GreenwoodMacadam.... ........ 2 (C Baumgartner & Kleih ... , . Hinges and nails 1 23 Wm. MarshallRep. steam roller__ 7 38 .1. c............. 173 20 F . Stlla/ ..liepairing loots ........4 60 John Harney 'lemming tools... ..... 5 10 J. KleInsehmidt Oil and basket.... ... 55 F. Schloz ..... .....Repairing tools... ..... 6 85 Novelty Iron Works.. •• __Rep. steam roller-- 30 16 Dubuque Rubber Company .Expansion ring... ..... 2 40 Fuhrinau......Gravel 4 85 F. Robinson ..... „Rep. steam roller ..... 3 21 A. Gasser ... , Brick • • • • • • 6 10 E. M. DickeyEo .. Oil._ • • • • • 6 50 Christina" & Hea- C. W. Robison Lumber Key City Gas Ca ..Coke .......... B. 1). Linehan Repairing tools_ ..... Knapp Stout &Co. Company ..... Lumber 21 49 1'. E. Strelan Coke .......... • ....... 13 10 Nester & JuimkRep. steam re ler._ i 00 E E. Frith._ Windsor ave.. 350 00 Lang worthy - Adams Co._ _Manhole covers 24 .1. Williams._ Rock 68 Lesure Lumber Co.Lumber3 Zelietner & S ogen- t haler ....... ....Repairing roller 2 13. Van Vrankken.3 flush tanks 91 Norton & Lee Extra work on sewer.. 203 .f. Tib y.... Grading Washington street........ ..... 250 Ed. Ryan.... Grading Delhi street .. III E. E. Frith ..... _Grading Race and \V. 11th street ....... . 13. E. Linehan Sewer pipe ........ • • • • W. & L. E. Girley•Supplies for engineer. Duggan, Kinsella & Sullivan.. __Tools Con. Ryan lading G randy iew ave 500 UU 500 00 0 64 .... 4000)) 46 EiSbaellSewer on Dodge St.... 400 Farley & Loetsch- er Mfg Co Stakes for engineer... 10 Novelty Iron Works Rep. steam roller...... E. Dietzgen•Suplies for engine ir.. 5 Ilassett,14 Meehan.Grading Grandview street. ..... ..... 500 46 64 500 44 46 500 0 I 1). W. Linehanse e er & White St t A. R. StevensonPersonal damages.... 100 Butt .13r . Rep. tree trimmer. .. Dub. ,muibus Co.Rooni rem for reels- . • 1 M. Lavin.......... Sewer in 71)1 street5 Lavin & Co: rance.13ranch sewers on Dodge street .... . " 50 I.aVin & Corrance. 12 9 (a) 75 00 90 50 I). \V. Linehan...Sewer in Harrison St.. o4 fio 11 " South Main St " Locust street. 11 .• • . •• 44 Globe Light and Heat Co .... ....Street lamps..500 00 Globe Light and Heat Co 14 16 61 Dubuque Electric It'y L. & 1'. Co100Are lights ....... 500 011 Arc and incandescent. 170 00 Key City Gas CoStreet lighing.. ...... 112 25 R. Kinnse Star for meat inspector 1 75 Times AclvvrtisIng 62 55 331 60 4ot; II) :312 76 500 00 10 54 113 29 12 88 74 50 30 00 8 Te.i4 GRAPH PH Herald... •. • • • • .• • • • . 75 00 ....... 29 20 " ............Stationery IS 0 I Ledger...... ...... Advertising 02 50 Demokrat ..... 73 e i James Lee._ ...... Sidewalk around city hail.......... ..... 5 0 0,) T .1. t1ranfleld ...Care of park 15 e0 E. C. Blake ....... Instruments for en- gineer's office ..... 182 00 Iteinfried & Jae - 14 75 get Hai de e John D. Metz Profile book .1. Monist:Innen .• Hay and bran 9 (8) .1. . !Miler . Paint and oil__ 9(11 20(5) M. Tschirgi, Jr....Supplies for office__ 6 15 Knapp -Stout & Co Company... ..... Lumber 4 32 Butt Bros .........1 wagon Jack 2 80 John 55 illis Nurse for small pox patient ..... 200 00 M. Schlegel.. ..... Milk for small pox pa - Jos. J. Rowan._ Pants for small DUX pa - P. E. Strelau....-Wood small pox pa- tient ...... John ries ley .. Team battling for small Clothes for small pox in lie p ix patient C. Lewellu patient ..............I 85 M. J. La Nivea._ Medicine for small pox patient ............8 1 Dr. F. \V. Wielaud.Fees as doctor for small pox patient... 320 00 P. El men Cooking utensils for stnall pox patient... 7 tit Plckley & TrexlenTeain delivering for smallpox patient.... 10 3)) K'einselimidt „Supplies tor small pox patient ... ..... . .... 25 9 s. 11.ealow Testing milk 2 50 M. Lay Sewer on 13th St.__ 18 50 Mary 51. 4 klvi her - ger, .1. Selinica. and Geo. Monr.Loau ........ .......... (8) 500 00 500 00 ........ .... 500 00 ..... 256 20 260 III) 4; I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true 370 11.) 12 75 and correct list of all the warrants issued.by me during the moeth of August, 1891. 1 !fi J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. 500 00 300 0.1 N Of ICE 00 75 I'uulic notice is hereby given that at the sr s0:•Slon of the city council of the city of 85 Dubuque, held on the 20 (MN of November, 1.891, the following special assessments 00 were levied on the real estate hereinafter 00 described, and in ease !he owners ot the properly so desire hey ran pay the assess - melt !1- meet in seven annual oival installments, 00 the first installment being due on date of 75 levy, and the last installment six years from date of levy, all bearing interest at 0 °° the rate of 6 per cent, per annum. Par- t • all at once as hereto - Ci 1 so ties wishing 00 fore can do so. In ease of failure to pay 3 00 all or ally part of the assessment at the end Mfpr 220 NOVEMBER SESSION, 1891. of six years from date of levy the property will be advertised and sold. LAWRENCE GONNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. Dubuque Iowa, Nov. 25, 1891.. For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamtziu West Eleventh Street Irom Walnut to Race Streets and Race Street: Des - Name. cript.ion. Lot. Am'r. Andrew Drees, sub city 738 1 $ 50 116 Nic Kauffman, do 2 842 55 Geo. R, Clark, Cummings sub 12 164 50 Garret Fleming, do 13 245 48 Martin Kerwin, do 14 49 78 dodu 15 49 78 C Vatu. do s% 16 33 22 lssiah Cleminson, do n j(, 16 16 56 do (10 17 16 56 Ira Hansen, do ri 17 44 35 Mrs A Cummings, do 18 61 54 Mrs. Dora Reen, do 19 49 78 W '1' Gilliam, do 20 49 78 .1 P Farley, do 21 49 78 do do 22 8715 For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamizing Windsor Avenue Iroti Eagle Point to Lincoln Avenue: Name. Description. Lot. Ain't I) & E Emsley, sub 2, tutu lot 67 Peter Sepli. Cooks add 78 $196 95 Gerhard Tenhof, do 63 177 52 Aug Beyer, do 64 177 31 Nic Elligan, Cook's add, s95.5 It 77 127 95 M F Michaels, do n 38 ft 77 68 58 Chas Rase est, sub nun lot 467 3 91 47 For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamizing . West Locust Street from North lane of Lot 14, 01 Cox's add to Hodgdon Avenue: Naiae. Description. Lot. Ain't Bridget Brennan, Quigley's sub out lot 710 6 $19 20 John W. Norton, do 7 20 00 do (10 8 5016 do do 9 6189 Michael Stapleton, do 10 61 89 do do 11 61 89 Fred Schapp, do 12 61 89 John Coleman, do 13 61 89 Ella l+' Callahan, do 14 61 89 Win 11intrager, do 15 6189 II Revers, do 15a 6188 Caroline Strobel, sub out lot 711 10 61 89 do do 11 8. 10 P Hughes, sub 8, Ellen Blake's sub 2 232 28 Jeff McGrath, lot 1 of min lot 93a 828 86 Patrick Cassidy, lot 1 of nth' lot 95 95 31 Jeff McGrath, lot 2 of min lot 93b 93 55 Ind. School Dist. of Dubuque, part of lot 2 of nun lot 95 190 87 Ind. School Dust. of Dubuque, sub min lot 93a 2 36 C M. Buettel, Ellen Blake's sub 1 255 61 89 do do 2 6189 do do 3 6189 V Stoltz, do 4 61 89 do do 5 6189 John Blake est., do 6 61 89 do do 7 168 48 Kate Lundbeck, Cox's add, 324 1 feet 22 51 56 Emma Allen, Cox's add 21 61 89 John W and W G Cox, Cox's add 20 6189 J W A Buettel, Cox's add 19 61 89 Michal Carney, do 18 61 89 1V J Sullivan, do wjy 17 30 95 len Sullivan, do eX 17 30 95 John A Koch, do 16 61 89 James .l Murray, do 15 61 89 For t'urbing, Guttering and Macadamizing Bluff Street front Fourteenth to Sixteenth streets. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. g C H Eighmey, lot 1 of 2of city 66'! $108 70 Mrs Kate llargus, lot 1 of city 667 152 45 W 11 Rebman, Cooley's sub sX 1 56 23 James G Carney, do nX 1 81 66 J B Powers, do 2 79 14 do do s 7 ft 3 11 08 Wm Rebman, est do n 43 ft 3 68 06 do do s 26 ft 4 3 80 Mrs L A Bowdiih, do s28 ft 48 ft A Mayfield, Cooley's subs, 20 ft 4 31 66 John B Glover do 5 79 14 Wm Liebman, est, do 6 79 14 do (10 7 7914 Geo M Staples, do 8 79 14 C Baylies, do lot 3 of 9 91 30 City of Dubuque, Grant Park 393 91 Mrs N C Ryder, city n 113 ft 664 179 33 A H Wellington, city m 40 It 664 52 83 Amelia lJodgdon, city, s 2-5 664 148 09 For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamiz- ing Dadge Street from Old City limits to South I odge Street. Des - Name cription. Lot. Am't. Mercy Hospital, min lot 66 2 $ 672 77 Anna M. Bush. sud out lot 730 and lot 1 Union add 3 22 21 do do 2 22 21 clo (10 1 36 33 Frank McLaughlin, Unit' add 2 80 73 do do 3 80 73 (10 do e 1 40 Patrick Enright, do wX 4 40 37 Alexander Farley, do 5 80 73 Patrick Cagan, est, do 6 80 73 Patrick Roddy, do 7 80 73 (10 do 8 161 40 For Curbing, Glittering and Macadamizing Grandview Avenue front Delhi to South Dodge Streets. Name. Des. West Dubuque MIEtChurchn. Lot. Ain't. Reche's sub lot 1 of 20 101 70 Hyacinth Girard, Hodge's sub 5 115 92 do do 4 79 23 do do 3 67 73 1' B Cain, do 2 64 68 O F Hodge, do 1 168 00 Phos Hill, Ann O'h are's sub, e part 29 211 20 Benj Bigg, Ann O'Aare's sub 'Theresa Ilend6 erson, Ann t 30 127 20 O'llare's sub s 64 O F Ilodge,fAtntii O'h are's sub 30 76 80 UFHod Hodge, 30 2400 g , Quigley's sub lot 3 of 1 109 20 M Donovan, Quigley's sub lot 2 of Anna M Bush, 1 A7 20 Quigley's sub Chas. Van Wloie of 1 136 80 Quigley's sub oChas Van Wie 88 and 19 1 96 60 Quigley's sub li II Winners, of 8Quigley's and 39 2 63 00 Qu gley s sub ol 11 Wilwef 38 ahil 39 3 63 00 Quigley's sub Anna M Bash 8 and 39 4 63 24 Quigley's sub of38and 39 5 6337 acub Meld, Quigley's sub 40 159 60 Albert Glasser, do 41 163 20 dodo 42 163 20 do do lot 1 of 43 86 40 u NOVEMBER SESSION, 1881. 291 Benedict Slim, Quigley's sub du du 8 30 00 lot 2 of 43 172 80 do do 9 3U tin Michael O'Shea, sub min lot do do 10 30 UU 145 1 283 19 du do 11 3U uo Frank Altman, Grandview do do 12 30Th, Place 1 57 36 do do 13 30 (lU Frank Altman, Grandview (to do 14 30 0O Place 2 60 00 du do 15 32 16 Frank Altman, Grandview do do 16 64 32 Place 3 60 00 henry lierancourt, Grandview Frank Altman, Grandview Park, blk 5 1 64 32 Place 4 59 76 do do 2 16 Frank Altman, Grandview do du 3 16 Place 6 6A 76 do do 4 32 16 Frank Altman, Grandview do ao 5 3.:23216 Place 6 b9 76 clo do 6 32 1,i Frank Allman, Grandview du do 7 82 u. Place 7 89 64 do du 8 32 n Frank Altman, Grandview du do 9 32 u. Place 8 89 64 do no 10 32 I�'� Frank Altman, Grandview du du 11 32 II; Place 9 59 76 du du 12 32 I�'� Frank Altman, Grandview do do 13 32 In Place 10 59 76 do do 14 32 16 Frank Altman, Grandview do do 15 3216 Place 11 6A 76 do do 16 32 16 Frank Altman, Grandview do do 17 32 1H Place 12 60 00 do do 18 56 141 Frank Altman, Grandview Mary Wilde. lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 7 Place13 60 00 of nun 45 122 40 Mrs Anna Whelan, Grandview '1' J Donahue, lot 1 of min 46 441 00 Place 14 60 00 Ellen Lavery, lot 2 of 2 of min 46 19. ti Clara Solomon, Whelans' sub 12 60 00 Tim Dillon, lot 1 of 2 of min 46 149 40 J W White, do 11 60 00 C 11 Berg, Grandview add 1 96 00 Mrs Anna Whelan, do 10 78 00 do no 2 60 00 .las M and Wm Whelan, do 9 60 00 dodo 3 140 (N) do do do 8 90 00 do do 4 90 00 McClain Bros, do 7 90 00 do do 5 60 00 '1' J Paisley, do 6 60 00 dodu 6 60 W do do 5 60 00 do do 7 60 00 do do 4 60 00 Tim Dillondo 8 60 00 1) E Ferwald, do S 60 00 A A Cooper, do 8 60 04) do do 2 60 00 do tl„ 10 60 00 do do 1 175 20 do d„ 11 60 00 Henry Herancourt, Grandview do do 12 24 00 Park 1311( 2 1 30 00 Geodi! Oilmen, O'Ilare's sub 19 48 00 do do 2 30 00 John Oser, Stewart's sub 14 66 00 do do 3 30 00 do11 tlo 13 133 `20 20 do do 4 30 00 Timothy Dillon, dc�30 00 10 6067 00 du do 30 00 do 9 60 00 do do do do do 7 30 00 do do8 6U 00 do do 8 30 00 do do 7 60 00 do do 9 30 00 do do 6 60 00 do do 10 30 00 do do 5 60 00 do 11 30 00 do do 4 60 vU dodo do 3 60 00 do do 12 30 0') do du 2 60 00 du tlo 13 30 00 do do 1 108 24 do do 14 30 W do do 15 29 88 John Burton, est, lot 2 of 3 of 150 534 00 do do 16 59 76 nun.... Henry Herancourt, Grandview John Burton, est, Ind 2 of min 150 199 20 Park, blk 3 1 59 88 Bice McLain,lot lotlof 2 of111of min 150 Ill 60 f min 150 132 00 do do 2 29 88 dodc, 3 29 88 McLain Bros, lot 1 of 1 Of min 150 111 60 do do 4 29 88 Edward McLain, lot 4 of 1 of 150 192 00 du 5 29 88 win do do du 6 29 88 Wm Bothwell, lot 8 of min 158 643 20 do du 7 29 88 John 'P Hancock, lot 7 of min 158 258 do do 8 29 88 Jos 'McCune, Boxleiter's add 3 146 4 139 00 do do 9 :-9 88 John 'i Yen do do lot 3of 1 70 `20 do do 10 29 88 Hugh Talty, do2 338 20 do do 11 29 88 do do du 12 29 88 11 F Carpenter, Box 1e�i er's add 1 60 W (10 do 18 30W f do do 14 30 110 F L Chestaddalot 1 of l otter's 1 769 `2U do do 15 3U UO do do 16 84 110 NOT 10E. Henry lierancourt, Grandview Park, till( 4 1 60 00 do do 2 30 00 Public notice is hereby given that at the do do 3 30 00 session of the City Council of the City of do do 4 30 00 SO 00 1891, st theue' followingheld on he 2(1 specialday of assessments do do do du 6 30 00 were levied on the real estate hereinafter do do 7 30 00 described: 116 222 NOVEMBER, SESSION, 18)1. For grading and macadamizing alley from 11111 street to Winona avenue. N.toe. Description. Lot. Am't. O. F. Mudge, Deming & Ilorr's add18$3393 0. F. Dodge, Deming & llorr's add ••• 19 28 31 0. F. liotlg.•, Damao;; & llorr's raid 20 29 13 U. F. Hodge, Deni ii & iiorr's add 21 33 00 0. F. Hodge, Dentin.: & purr's add 22 30 09 0. F. Hodge, Deming & llorr's add 23 28 00 U. F. Mudge, Dewing Lkt porn's add 24 27 05 C. E. and Ellen Braule), Dem- ing & llorr's add 29 5 97 F. W. Woodrich, Deming & Horr's add, n 3f, 28 12 06 Richard Greenly, Deming & Horn's add, s 34 28 13 00 G. II. Davis, Deming & Duet's add 27 28 00 J. Al, Kirkpatrick, lot 1 of 1 of 4 of mut lot 73 7 68 .l.Al. Kirkpatrick, lot 2 of 4 of min tot 73 39 94 Issue llarris, Deming & Burr's add 26 36 60 Isaac Harris, Deming & tlorr's add 25 153 96 John McCoy, McCoy's sub 1 93 69 For filling the following lots ordered by the City Council. Andrew McDonnell, Davis Farm add, sub 218 and 2191 43 20 Andrew McDonnell, Davis Farm add, sub 218 and 2192 81 00 Andrew McDonnell, Davis Farm add, sub 218 and 2193 101 25 N. Ii. Faust, Davis Farm add, sub 218 and 219 4 94 76 For curbing, guttering and macadamizing 27th street from Jackson to Lemon street. Adam Glab, West's add 11 295 38 Robert Thompson, West's add12 142 49 Adam t,lab, {Vest's acid 40 155 10 C. A. Walter, Daviv Farm 306 205 20 N. W. Kimball, Davis Farm337 207 15 Nic Glab, Davis Farm 307 206 44 Nic and Frank Glab, Davis Farm 836 208 36 d in case of failurea the same within thirty day Irem this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear in- terest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque, this 251.11 day of Nov. A. 1)., 1891. LAwit6:xc'i% GONNCR, Treasurer of lie City of Dubuque. REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER Trit, 1891. 223 CITY COTTNCIL. Regular Session December 7th, 1891. JOFFICIAL. 1 Council met at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Cushing, (flab, Peaslee, Page, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler, Aid. Trexter moved that the minutes of the previous sessions be approved as print- ed. Carried. The rules were suspended and a petition from the abutters on Grandview street objecting to the levying of a special assess- ment for the improvement of Grandview street. Mr. James Ryder, on behalf of the abut- ters, addred the council In relation to the leveyiug of said assessment. Ald. Trexier moved that the former ac- tion of the council in accepting Gri.ud- view street be reconsidered. Carried by the following vote: Peaslee, Ayes—Cushing, (lab, Page, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Aid. Crawford arrived at 9:45 o'clock a. m. The following bills were allowed. Name. For What Purpose. 'D. W. Linehan, grading Iowa street 1). W. Lmehan,resetttng curb and gutter Byrne & Saul putting in stone crossings ' Ilosford & Gruener, grading Grant avenue Chas. Stench, tilling on 8 h ave Con Ryan, grading Grace and Ben- nett sts C. Herzog, sawing wood • John Trexlex, rope Batting atner & Kleih, snow shov- els and nails... E. P. Spahn, curtains and repairs G. A. !Werner, waste basket Knapp -Stout Co. Co., lumber M. Oswald. repairing cistern at patrol house ' J. 111. McKenzie, handles and wrenches • .John Harney, repairing tools .John Murphy, room rent Thos. Collings. horseshoetug John Butt, survey pins C. II. Whitwell, veterinary ser- vices.... W. J. Burns & Co., cement D. QuiniIvali, pasturage Bamboo Stock Farm, pasturage Lear & Pfittner, hor` eta) t gCooil Dubuque Brass & cups Dubuque Linseed Oil Paint Co., oil 'rhos. Hill, repairs for fire depart- ment C. C. Lenibke, harness supplies Dubuque Rubber Co, repairing rubber coat %ehelner & Vogeenthaler, grates Isaac Proctor, on account of foun- dation of fire house I). W. from Linehan, Firsttoconnecting sew- ers t street D. W. Linehan, sewer on Ninth street M. Laven, sewer in alley, Seven- teenth to Eighteenth streets ,John Butt, repairs. John Steffes, hauling Am' t. 85 00 4 81 54 40 171 81 64 40 Lear & Pflffner, horseshoeing John Newman & Son, repairs C. H. Alton, patrol cushions E. P. Spahn, white gloves Jos. Stoltz, work on door at the patrol house Lavin & Corrance, on account of sewer between Eighth and Tentn streets Joseph Geiger, book case John Terry. hauling garbage L. Daily, hauling garbage L. Daily, cleaning around market Fred Kuehl curry comb 51. Brown & Sons, hay and oats L..1. Baumhover, gloves Herald, blanks Mr. and Mrs. Koenig, janitor work Barger & Blish, lot book for as iesso t' N. Kauffman, us - C. ktt,wland, soap, matches, &c... Dubuque 'l'Er.EoRAPII, WWI Rs &e. Palmer, Widal & Cu., blanks &c. Jas. Kelly, stationery H'rituz & Clark, blue vitro! Geo. P. Rose, cleaning indicator.. G. H. Moyer, express charges..... E. B. Chandler, magnets and lightning arrester John O'Brien, work on sewers John 'Tierney, work on sewers Tho?. Butcher, work on sewers Baungartiter & Kleih, hardware Curistutan & Healey, hinges Barbara !shorn, rent of patrol house Jolts Piney, rock Williams & Bevine, stone Frank Hartman, wire cable Knap;i, Stout & Co. Co., lumber C. W. Robison, lumber B. E. Linehan, cement and sewer pipe Key City Gas Co., coal Standard Lumber Co, shavings Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., tar paper James Howie, moving patrol house $1,600, allowed Meehan & Hassett, grading Grand• view street $1,775.25, allowed Dubuque Rubber Co., 1,000 feet hu.;e (to be paid .Jan. 1st, 1892) Frank Pafford, labor moving poles and auditor instructed to collect Irani Key City Electric R'y Co.. 4 00 The bill against Ilassett & Meehan of $410 for reduction of the original estimate by the change of grade on Grandview street referred to the auditor fur collection. The following bills were referred to the printing committee: Herald, $58.30; rFLt oRIAPII, $75.00; Times, $29.20; Led- ger, $58.30; Demok rat, $75.00. '1'o eimimlttee on fire and water: 'I'. W. ituele, $3440, Iowa Iron Works, $1.20; '1'. W. Fttzpatnick & Co., $7.00; Dubuque Water CM, $2715 .C1 , and $1.55. 1,055, Smedley To committee on police and gas: Globe 75 Light and Heat co., $531 67, Key City (:as Co., $108.33, Dubuque Electric 14v L. & P. $45.50 and $625.00 and T. W. Ruete, $8.85. To the sewer committee: M. Lavin $16.50, and $134.50, Dubuque Water Co. $472.50. To the street committee: Christman & Healey 7 Win. Marshall Fatkai $3.00, Fat Fat & LoetscherMfgCo. $4.00, Novelty Iron Works $6.44, N. II. Schilling $5.25, Dubuque Wooden Ware Co. $52.63, B. D. Linehan $9.00, 1'. Quinn 01 75 12 50 45 1 30 4 50 75 7 25 24 00 2 65 13 2U 12 00 2 00 1 80 barn for patrol 25 00 2 06 4 00 15 60 7 00 25 15 70 5 25 3 35 950 3 00 19 25 50 6 40 200 00 4 00 150 00 75 00 • 5 80 25 6 90 2 911 10 50 40 0 2 00 40 00 5 25 14 50 12 50 11 50 24 75 1 00 46 12 00 42 00 22 75 13 10 3 26 50 18 00 9 35 4 00 9 92 23 07 8 60 106 50 24 79 1 50 1 15 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 5 70 1,000 00 86 72 504 76 208 85 5 05 2 00 224 REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER 7TH, 1891. Sr., $25.00. John Ganahl $2.25 and $15.50, E. M. Dickey $2.53. To the committee on supplies: Eugene Dietz,gt:n & Co. $11.25, James Kelly $1.50, G. B. Grosvenor $10.75. J. F. O'Dea $18.00 and $34.50, P. Mauer $150.30. To committee on public grounds and buildings: T. W. Ruete $1.50, T. T. Car- keek $64.00, Win. Howard $225. 13111 of B. W. •Jones $19.62 referred to committee of the whole, Bill of Cameron, Amberg & Co. $35 re- ferred to the finance committee and re- corder. Bill of Pier & Ackermann $31.00 referred Ili committee on markets. Bill of Farley & Loetscher $1.00. Re- ferred to committee on electrical construc- tions. Bill of Karl Fatka of $2.20 referred to the committee on claims. Bill of A. J. Patch of $15. Received and filed. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred: To the street committee: Petition of O. G. Kringle to have grades established on the streets in Rose I1i11 add. Petition of owners to have grades estab- lished on the streets in Grandview Par, and Grandview Place, (anti engineer). Petition for sidewalk on Valeria stree.. Petition of T. O. Sullivan for permission to deposit rock on West 17th street at its junetion with Clark street. Petition of August Giese asking that 9th avenue near his premises oc filled in, (with power). '1'o the committee of the whole: Petition of Mr. Leibfritz compensation for filling street. Petition to divide the 5th ward. Petition of L. Allgeyer asking that a city employee be compelled 10 pay a judgment against him or that the city discharge said employee. Six months time at 8 per cent, per an- num was granted Robert Weston in which to pay special assessment fur the improve- ment 01 Julien avenue. Petition of .1. P. Schroeder & Co. for crossing at 8th street scales refered of market committee. Communication of Fouke & Lyon in re- lation to ordinate requiring street cars to stop before crossing railway tracks. Re- ferred to the ordinance committee. ofPfinieioftof $10 for violation r o for ivault refunding ordi- nance. Redeye(' and filed. Petition of Minnie Miller for extension of time to lay sidewalk. Granted. lar Communication the procuring frR. om the U. S.. Stewart igov- ernment to the city of Dubuque a release to the property which formerly constituted the bed of lake Peusta. Alit. Crawford moved that a committee of three be appointed to draft a memorial to congress and report the same to the council at the next session. Carried. Aids. Crawford, Cushing and Stoltz were appointed such committee. Petition of Jas. Cushing and J. F. Stampfer for extension of sewer on tli north side of 17th street to their property, referred to the sewer coinmil tee. pointed weigh of Jmastertof theci Malmbto erg wasread. Trexler the reso- lution in relation offered etoollow rich a s adopted. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city marshal be in - bidder the old city scale at the street car house. The following petitions were referred to the assessment coin nuttee: A. A. Cooper, Michael Brady and John Ellwanger, A. A. Cooper, Mrs. 11. Krue- $er, Mis. D. Consor, Ira Hanson, Mrs. Rupprecht, Henry Heranconrt, Mrs. Mary Needham, Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., Dubuque Social 'Turn Vereio and Mrs. .1. R. Waller. Ald. I'rexler moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m, Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saumiets in the chair. Present —Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz anti 'Trex- ler. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: You committee report in favor of in- structing the recorder to notify the dif- ferent railroad companies to appear at the next session of the council, Dec. 7th, 1891, and show cause why the resolution in re- lation to construction of ' safety gates across railroad tracks should not be adopted and enforced. The rules were suspended and W. J. Kni,ht addressed the council in'behalf oI the C., M. & St. P. railway company, the Illinois Central railway company and the Dun leith & Dubuque bridge company. D. E. Lyon addressed the council on behalf of the C., St. P. & K. C. railway com- pany. l er b referred to acommittee -that n tteet f tfi e, he onetfr one earth ward. Adopted by:I he following vote: Ayes—Aids. Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing and Glab. The mayor appointed as such committee Aids. Smith. Page, Trexler, Crawford, and Stoltz. Mr. W. objected toYoung the aware addressed theee jurytcil for tthe opening of Pierce street. Rem nstaoce against levying special as- sessrnett for the improvement of Alta Vista street was presented and read. A Id. Glab moved to reconsider the for- mer action of the council in accepting Alta Vista street. Carried. S. A uditor Ke REPORTS s etyrepoF r reported cash on hand Nov. 1st, $15.002.16; receipts for the month of Nov., $14,241.26; disbursements, $24,- 329.09. Cash oil hand Dec. 1st, $4,914 83; amount required to pay city officers, $1,729.- 15. Also reported the several amounts due the several contractors for street improve- ments, also presented a list of the coupons redeemed during November. Receivett and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay same. Recorder .Fitzpatrick tenoned licenses issued by him during November to the amount of $865.50. 'Received and filed. Marshal Rice reported $1,613.15 due the police for November; also reported 81 po- lice cases tried in November; also reported having collected $14 pound receipts, $38 opera house license and $40 saloon license; also reported 62 patrol runs for the month of November. W rran several amounts and thesLereportreferred td for o the committee on police and light. $2,- 818.50Street due for istreet Commissioner work Novemortede: alsq presented itemized statement of same; also reported having collected $7344 ed to sell at auction to the highet and report referred to the street committee. fling lots. Warrants ordered to pay same REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER 7'rir, 1891. 225 Auditor Kenety reported that since the first of Dec. there has been paid in on special assessments tor street work and due contrrctors' $1,883.98. Warrants or- dered drawn iu favor of contractors for the several amounts. Marketmaster Gratz reported scale re- ceipts of markethouse scales $27 95; also re- ported $16 60 due for board of prisoners. Warrant ordered to pay for board of pris- oners and reported referred to the commit- tee on markets. Sidewalk Commissioner O'Halloran. re- ported having collected $4 13 for repairing sidewalk on Almond street, and presented the following bills which were paid: A. Fuhrman 75c, M. Murphy $1 50, Knapp, Stout br; Cc. Co., $1 88. Chief Reinfried reported $1,371 15. due the firemen for the month of November. Warrants ordered to pay the same and re- port referred to the committee on fire and water. P. J. Granfield reported scale receipts of First ward scales, $9.95. Received and tiled. Auditor Kenety reported that lots 7 and 8 in block 8 Railroad add, belonging to the city had been sold for the street Improve- ment at tax sale. Ald. Crawford moved that the treasurer be instructed to cancel the sale and return the money to the purchaser. Carried. Auditor Kenety also reported tnat he turned over the tax books for 1891 to the treasurer for collection. Also asked for instructions to change the name of Miss Moore to Mary Moore on four bonds issued to h .r. Ald. Trexler offered the following which was referred to the city attorney: Resolved, That the city auditor;, be, and is hereby authorized to make the transfer on the bond books of the four bonds 95, 96, 97 and 98a, and also on the bonds when presented referred to, in his communica- tion of this date changing the name of Miss Moore and Mary Moore to bearer. The d from affidavits and proofs oil n file that ting he same is proper and D. T1ghL. re- ported, Hoffman, ng justice ell collected $1the pea cittyordi- nance case tried during November. Re- ceived and filed. Chas. Pitschner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales, $4.61. Received and filed. reported scale receipts J. 11. Rhomberg of Fifth ward scales $1.60. Racetved and filed. J. I'. Schroeder reported scale receipts of Eighth street scales $11.10. R ceived and filed. presented J. L. Bunting, report, city wl which was rferred to his e monthly the committee on e,it1eportedthaving Lamplighter Coughlin lighted 62 gas lamp; during November. Received and filed. Remonstrance of ed e fy runt tt Friend- less against prop front of lot 12 of out lot 703, city. Re- ferrer) to the committee of the whole. The following is the report, of the jury appointed to assess damages for the exten- sion of Pierce street and for the extension of alley east of Wilson avenue. DUBUQUE, duly pointed and qualifiedtoned sand app ap- praise and assess thedamages sustained by reason bet the betweenening West ofPierce and aWest 8th treet and • alley streets would most respectfully report as follows: dollars ($76); Young's estate, on and thirty dollars ($130). Alley between West 5th and West 8th streets—L. G. Dotson, nine hundred and ten dollars ($910); 11. H. Blish, one dollar t$1.00). Respectfully submitted, John P. Quigley, foreman; Thos. Ken - neatly, A. W. Hostord, F. Nagelmaker. E. A. Frenzel, J. W. Parker, Otto Eliwanger, John Meyer, Chris.;Capretz, Theo. Altman, Geo. W. Healey, J. W. Norton. Aid. Crawford moved that the award of the jury on Pierce street be accepted and the treasurer instructed to set the amount apart in the treasury, and tile city attorney instructed to procure deeds. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page. Peaslee, Stoltz and Trexier. • No—Aid. Smith. Ald. Peaslee moved that warrants of $2 each be drawn to pay the jurors, and that he award of the jury on the alley between West Fifth and West Eighth streets be disapproved and rejected. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Trexler. chairman of the finance committee, reported in favor of having warrants drawn for $867.97 in favor of L. Donner treasurer, for moneys advanced during November! also in favor of having loan warrants issued to the amount of $21,000 for money borrowed during the mouth of November; also deposited with the recorder the treasurer's receipt for $26,500 received for refunded "Stocking Bonds." Report adopted and warrants ordered accordingly. Ald. Crawford chairman of the ordi- nance committee presented and read for the second II. Strobel his theirs e an and assignsdinance ! then right to siaugtiter. hogs and horned cattle and carry on the general meat packing busi- ness, Adopted by the following vote: Pe Slee, Smith, Stoltzand'1' exler. Page, A loso presented an ordinance providing for acceptance of certain property from s and other considerations infor ,treet exchangetifor use of certain property owned by the city of Dubuoue. Action postponed and the engineer instructed to prepare plat for the next session. Also presented an ordinance relating to the excavation of paved streets, highways and alleys. Referred to the ordinance committee. Aid. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on claims. reported as follows: In favor of paying the bills of the Novelty Iron Works, I lo, $6.70, :Oana 13. J. Lager,nln, $300 0; W. S. In favor of referring bill of Novelty Iron Wroits of $5.20 to the street commit- tee. Report adopted. Ald. Glabb, chairman of the street coni- mitttee, reported as follows - In tavor of accepting the plat of Herbsts solid. have allowed H. L. Gross un- tilLspri they spring in which to construct sidewalk on Rhomberg ave. Allow C. Gantenbein $16.10 on his bill of $32.80 for stone furnished the city. Receive and file bill of J. D. Bush of of 2.75. Allow Ti. Roof $31.40 on bill of $40.65 for end walls on 16th st. and 9th ave. sewer. Receive and file petition of Jos. Bott for Rai. curb on Rose street. Receive and tile petition of John Deg - min relation .J.to Donahue $126.0 for tion of Oak etreet. extra grading on South Dodge street; also allow him $343 balance due on original contract Pierce Street—T. , llughes, seventy-six hundred 226 REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER ITH, 1881. for grading South Dodge street. That street the commissioner has done the neccessary filling over water pipes on liar- rison street. Allow Adam Schmidt. $81.10 on bill o $100 for constructing wing walls on the culvert on Millville road. Instruct the treasurer to turn over the money to E. E. Frith, when collected for tilling of lots on .Jackson street. In favor of paying Con Ryan $1,500 be• tog the balance due on his contract for grading Alta Vista street. Alow Con Ryan, Jr., $1,000 on bill of $2,350 for grading Grandview avenue and that the balance be held back until the grading is completed to the satisfaction of the street committee. In favor of paying the following bills: U. Roof $446.40, Jos, Duesch $16, Henry Geiger $2, Bart E. Linehan $52.208, Farley & Loetsciter Manufacturing company $8, and C. W. Robison $3. Also presented the following bills for rolling against the several contractors, which were referred to the auditor for col- lection: John Tibey, South Dodge street, $291.10; T. J. Donahue, Dodge street, $320.19; D. W. Linehan, Jackson street, $101.87; John Tibey, Winona avenue, $75.03. Re; port adopted. Ald. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the following spe- cial assessment for the improvetne..t of Bluff street from 14th to 16th streets by Lee & Norton, contractors, be cancelled: C. Bayless, lot 3 of 9, of Cooley's sub: 40 lineal feet curbing at 80c g 32 00 24.4 lineal feet curbing at 47c 11 47 28.62 sq: yds guttering at 47c 13 45 76.39 sq yds lit icadamiziug at 45e34 38 Total $ 91 30 Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improve - of Bluff street front 14th to 16th street, by Lee & Norton, contractors, in front of and adjoining the sante, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and p irts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: C. Bayless, lot 3 of 9, Cooley's sub: 40 iineat feet curbing at 80c $ 32 00 24.4 lineal feet curbing at 47c 11 47 28.62 sq yds glittering at 47c 13 45 58.89 sq yds macadamizing at 45e26 50 Total $ 83 42 Adopted by the folio wing vote: Ayes- Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, 1 easlee, Stnith, Stoltz, Treader. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Winona avenue:from West 5th street to W 3rd street by John Tibey, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is herecy levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinater named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: D. J. Kent, lot 9 Deming & Horn's sub: 117.6 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 52 92 48.89 sv yds guttering at 45c 22 Oil 134.44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c67 22 Total $142 14 0. F. Hodge, lot lot 11, Denting & Horr's sub: 46.8 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 21 06 20.8 sq yds guttering at 45c 9 36 57.20 sq yds macadamizing at 40c28 60 Total $ 59 0 U. F. Bodge, lot 12, Deming & Borr's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 55 Total ........ $ 63 05 U. F. Bodge, lot 13, Denting & llorr's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 5030 55 'l'otal $ 63 05 0. F. Bodge, lot 14, Deming & Horn's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c30 55 Total $ 63 05 0. F. Hodge, lot 15, Deming & Borr'e sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 55 Total $6305 0. F. Ilodge,lot 16,Demiug & Horr's sub: 50. lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50 22 22 sq yds glittering at 45c 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 55 Total $ 63 05 0. F. I -lodge, lot 17, Deming a Horr's sub: 65. lineal feet gurbingat 45e • $ 29 25 28.811 sq yds guttering at 45c 13 00 79.44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c39 72 Total $ 81 97 John McCoy, lot 4, Alccoy's sub: 149 lineal feet curbing at 45c$ 67 05 63.56 sq yds guttering at 45c.. , 28 60 174.78 sq yds macadamizing at 50c87 39 Total $183 04 John McCoy, lot 3, McCoy's sub: 150 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 67 50 63.56 sq yds guttering at 45c 28 60 8 sq yds macadamizing at 50c87 88 Total $183 49 0. F. dodge, lot 18, Deming & purr's sub: 52.7 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 28 22 2.89 sq yds guttering at 45c 13 00 79.44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c39 72 Total $ 80 94 0. F. Hodge, lot 19, Denting & Itorrs sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 55 Total $ 63 00 0. F. Hodge, lot 20, Deming & ilorr's sub.: 50 Lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50 22.22 Si yds guttering at 45c 10 00 61.11 Sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 55 Total • $ 63 06 0. F. Hodge, lot 21, Denting & Horn's sub.: 49 l 21,78 Sgtyds gutter nget nat 45c.. $ 22 80 69 89 Sq yds macadamizing at 50c29 95 Total 8 61 80 REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER MI, 1891. 22 U. F. Hodge, lot 22, Deming & Borr's sub.: 46 Lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 20 25 20 Sq yds guttering at 45c 9 00 55 Sq yds macadamizing at 50e27 50 Total $ 56 75 O. F. Hodge, lot 23, Deming & port's sub.: 44 Lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 19 80 19.56 Sq yds guttering at 45c 8 80 53.78 Sq yds macadamizing at 50c26 89 Total. $ 55 49 U. F. Hodge, lot 24, Deming & Hurt's sub.: 47.1 Lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 21 20 22 Sq yds guttering at 45c 9 90 60.50 Sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 25 Total.... $ 61 35 Bridget Leahy, lot 8, Deming & llorr's sub.: 124.3 Lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 55 94 52.22 Sq yds guttering at 45c 23 50 143.61 Sq yds macadamizing at 500. 71 81 R. Bonson est lot 5 Union add. 61 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 23 79 40.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 16 27 109.34 sq yds macadatnizing at 40c43' Total $ 83 80 W. Coates lot 5 sub. lots 14 and 15 Bush's add. 33.4 lineal feet curbing at 39 $13 03 40.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 27 112.73sq yds macadamizing at 40 c45 09 Total $ 74 89 Alex. Farley lot 3 sab. lois 14 and 15 Bush's acid. 118.3 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 46 14 72.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 29 07 230.11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c92 04 Poral $167 25 Jas. E. McClain, lot 2, sub lots 14 and 15, Bush's add: 51) lineal ft curbing. at 39c• $ 19 50 83.83 sq yds guttering at 40c 13 33 105.55 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 A Total $ 75 05 Jas. E. McClaui, lot 1, sub lots 14 and 15, Bush's add: 60 lineal tt curbing at 39e $ 23 40 40 sq yds guttering at 40e 16 00 126.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e50 67 Total.... $151 15 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improve- ments on Rhomberg avenue from Reed avenue to C., M. & St. P. R. R. by Chas. Steuck, contractor; in front of and adjoin- ing the same, a special tax he and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: J. A. Rhomberg, lot 293, Hams add: 70.8 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 31 15 13 63 48 40 $ 93 18 33.24 sq yds guttering at 41c 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c Total J. 11. Rhomherg, lot 411. Ham's add: 71 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 31 24 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c Total Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'l'rexler. Resolved by the City Council ofhCity of Dubuque, That to pay for the improve- ment of Dodge street from old corporation line to South Dodge street by 1'. J. Dona- hue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, ad parts of lots and parcels real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several l ramountsseal e set et opposite ecah lot or parcel ' follows: Patrick Roddy, lot 9, Union add. 267.5 lineal feet curbing at 39c $104 33 85 49 213.73 so yds gutterring at 40c 552.14 sq yds macademrzing at 40c220 85 Total... $410 68 Patrick McCann lott 13 Union add. 16 lineal feet curbing at at 39c... • • ••$ 20 24 50.27 sq yds guttering at 40c 129.86 sq yds macadamizing at 40c- 51.94 'total ................. $ 78 29 John Shay lot 14 Union add. 23 40 60 lineal feet curbing i t. 89e $ 23 00 40 .3 yds q ymacadamizing at 40c41 34 103.34 sq yds__-- Total80 74 13 b 48 40 $ 93 31 Total $ 90 07 John and Ed. '1'ibey, lot 1 of 3 of min lot 63. 142.6 lineal It curbing at 39c $ 55 61 93.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 37 83 296.54 sq yds macadamizing at 40c118 62 Total $211 56 Michael Rea, lot2 et min lot 62: 85.53 sq yds macadamizing at 40c$ 34 21 Total $ 34 21 ;\1cClain Bros., nun lot 67: 738.2 lineal ft curbing at 39c $287 90 494.67 sq yds guttering at40c 197 87 1167.53 sq yds macadamizing at 40e467 01 Total $952 78 Mercy Hospital. lot 2, min lot 66: $ 97 50 250 lineal ft curbing at 89c 97 67 166.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 430.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40e172 22 Total $336 39 Dubuque raectric Ry Light and Power Co. 1162.78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c$455 11 Total $465 11 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes--Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Ad.PGlabe tfeedit ie followinStoltz g: Resolved, Aid Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improwe- street to Grandview eth w avenue streetfront contractor in front of and adjoining the same, a specigl tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, Isituat.e andowachtrr lot he orseveral parcelofunts real settopposite estate, as follows: lot 1 of 8 of min John and Ed 'Tibey, lot 63, 608.8 lineal feet curbing at 85c $ 23 08 408.58 sq yds guttering at 35e 142 99 721.17 sq yds macadamizing at 37c266 83 Total$622 90 Michael Rea, lot 2 of 5, min lot 52: 276.9 lineal teet curbing at 35c..... •$ 6 92 92 184.60 sq yds guttering at 35c 228 REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER 7TH, 1891. 150.43 sq yds macadamizing at 37c.. 55 66 Total $217 19 John Byrnes, lot 25, Bouson & Stewart's sub: 85 lineal feet curbing at 35e $ 29 75 56.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 19 83 47.22 sq yds macadamizing at 37c17 47 Total $ 67 05 Jahn Byrnes, lot 24 Bonson & Stewart's sub: 80.1 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 28 04 53.0 sq yds guttering at 35e 20 09 1 yus macadamizing at 37c19 73 Total 67 86 Geo. Koet tier, lot 2 of 3 of 01111 lot 63: 75 lined feet curbing at 35c • $ 26 25 50 sq yds guttering at 35c 17 50 70.84 sq yds macadamizing at 371'26 21 'total... $ 69 98 Peter C. Meehan, lot 72, Union add: 63.5 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 22 23 42.33 sq yds guttering at 35e 14 82 59.9780 yds macadamizing at 37c22 19 Total $ 59 24 Patrick Hayden, lot 73, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 21 00 40 sq yards ,zuttering at 35c 14 00 56.6'7 sq yds lnacadain zing at 37c20 117 Total $ 55 97 Bridget Whittemore, lot 74, Unio ado: 60 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 21 00 56.6740 sq yds guttering at 35c 14 00 1 yds macadamizing at 37c20 97 Total $ 55 97 Peter Kearney, lot 75, Union add: 10.2 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 36 05 8103 sq yds guttering at 35a 28 47 115.23 sq yds macadamizing at 37a42 61 Total $107 16 H. Bonson est, lot 26, botisoli & stew_ art's sub 94.5 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 33 08 68 sq yds guttering at 35c 23 80 122 sq yds macadamizing at 37c 45 14 I, Total $102 02 Peter Eisbach, lot 4 of min lot 63: 141.4 lineal feet curbing at 85c $ 49 49 91.27 sq yds guttering at 35c 32 99 141.86 ax yds macadamizing at 371'52 49 Total $134 97 Owen 93 3linealDonahue, curbiig iatlosk35c in's scab' 62.2 sq yds guttering at 35c....... $ 312 67 88.10 80 yds macadamizing at 37c32 60 Total $ 87 03 Eliza Saul, lot 2' Iloskin's sub: 71.50 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 25 03 47.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 16 68 67.53 sq yds macadamizing at 37r24 99 Total $ 66 70 Mrs. Isabella Cain, lot 3, lloskiu's sub: 56.8 lineal tett cur. ing at 35c 19 88 87.87sq yds guttering at 35c 13 25 sq yds Macadamizing at 37c19 84 Total $ 52 97 James and M. A. Bruuskill, lot 4, Hos- kin's sun: 83 lineal feet curbing at 35e $ 29 05 55.33 sq yds guttering at 35c 19 37 78.39 sq yds macadamizing at 37c29 00 Total $ 77 42 W. A. McClain, lot 5, lioskiu's sub: 75 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 26 25 50 sq yds guttering at 35c 17 50 70,79 sq yds macadamizing at 37c26 19 Total $ 69 94 John Fitzpatrick, lot 2, sub 76 and .7, Union arid: 241.5 lineal feet curbing at 350$ 84 53 174.60 sq yds glittering at 35c 63 13 247.44 sq yds macadamizing at 37c91 55 !'Dial $237 21 T. W. Fitzpatrick, lot 146, Union adds: 219 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 76 65 151.8.3 sq yds guttering at 35c 52 97 214.39 sq yds macadamizing at 37e89 32 Total $208 94 Frank McGuinness, lot 1, of min lot 47: 164.5 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 57 57 179.33126.67 s 1 yds guttering at 35c 44 33 1 yds macadamizing at 37c66 35 Total '8168 25 Tim Cain, lot 1 of 2 of 7 of min lot. 45: 24.6 lineal feet curbing at 35c 86 10 169.33 sq yds guttering at 35c 59 27 286.08 sq yds macadamizing at 37c105 85 !'..tai $251 22 Mary Wilde, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 7 min lot 45: 105 lineal feet eurbing at 35c $ 36 48 28670 sq yds muttering at 35c 24 50 sI yds macadamizing at 37c:105 82 Total $187 07 '1'. J. Donahue, lot 1 of linin lot 46: 213 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 85 05 165.33 sq yds guttering at35c 57 87 636 sq yds macadamizing at 37c 235 32 !'ural $378 24 'I'. .1. Donahue, lot 2 of nein lot 47: 165.7 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 58 00 110.67 sq ycls guttering at 35c 38 73 156.78 sq yds macadamizing at 37e58 01 Total $154 74 Daniel hire, lot. 152 Union ad..: 101.4 lineal feet curbiigat 85e $ 35 49 67.6 pill yds guttering an.. 35c 95.77 sq yds macadamizing ■ 23 66 at 37c35 43 Total" $ 94 58 .1. C. Fitzpatrick, lot 151, Union add.: 85 Lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 29 75 56.67 sq yds gulf ring at 35c 80.28 sq yds macadamizing at 37c29 70 Total $ 79 28 James Saui, Sr., lot 150, Union add.: 85 Lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 29 75 80.2856.67 yds guttering at 35c 19 83 sq yds macadamizing at 37c29 70 Total $ 79 28 James Saul, Sr., lot 149, Union add.: 56.67 sq 5 Lyda guttering at 35c at 60 $ 29 75 80.28 sq yds mac.iuluniz lig 19 83 „ at 37c29 70 Total 8 79 28 James Saul, Sr., lot 148, Union add.: 85 Lineal tees curbing at 35c$ 29 75 56.67 sq yds guttering at 35c19 f'3 80.28 sq yds inae:aMmizing at 37c29 70 Total.,.' $ 79 28 Dubuque Electric tag Light and Power Co.: 1445.18 sq yds macadamizing at 37c$534 72 Total $534 72 vote: RyeAdopted Alde.t Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'L'rexler. REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER 7T1f, 1891. 229 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for improvement of Jackson street from Peru road to city limits by D. W. Linehan, contractor, in front of and adjonig the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of..real,estate, as follows: is. E. Linehan lot 1, Linehan Park add. 98lineal feet curbing at47c $ 46 06 43.56 sq yds guttering at 46e C20 04 195.46 sq yds macadamizing at 46c89 96 Total $156 06 B. E. Linehan lot, 3 Linehan Park add: 25 lineal feet curbing at 47c... 8 11 75 11.11 so yds guttering at 46c5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46e20 44 Total .$ 37 30 B. E. Linehan tot 4, Lineni.n t'ark add. 25 lineal feet curbing at 47c$ 11 72 11 sq yds glittering at 46c 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46e20 44 Total $ 37 30 B E. Linehan lot 5, Linehan Park add. 25 lineal feet curbing at 46c..... $ 11 72 11 sq yds guttering at 46c 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46c20 41 Total $ 37 30 B. E. Linehan lot 6, Linehan Park add. 25 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 11 72 11 sq yds guttering at 47c 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46e20 44 Total $ 37 30 B. E. Linehan lot 7, Linehan Park add. 25 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 11 72 11 so yds guttering at 46c 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46c20 44 Total .8 37 30 B. E. Linehan, lot 8, Linehan Park add: 25 lineal ft curbing at 47c $ 11 75 11.11 sq yds guttering at 46e 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46c20 44 Total $ 37 30 B. Linehan, lot 9, Linehan Park add: 25 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 11 75 11.11 sq yds guttering at 46c5 11 44.44 sq yds Macadamizing at 46c20 44 Total $ 37 80 B. E. Linehan. lot 10. Linehan Park add: 25 lineal ft curbing at 47c $ 11 75 11.11 sq yds guttering til, 46c 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46c20 44 Total $ 37 30 B. E. Linehan, lot 11, Linehan Park add: 46.6 lineal fret curbing at47c $ 21 90 22.27 sq yds guttering at 46c 10 24 112.07 sq yds macadamizing at 46c51 55 Total $ 83 69 B. E. Linehan, lot37, Linehan Park add: 45.4 lineal ft curbing at. 47c $ 21 34 21.73 sq yds guttering at 46c 10 00 112.07 sq yds macadamizing at 46c51 55 Total $ 82 89 13. E. Linehan, lot 38, Linehan Park add: 25 lineal ft curbing at 47c $ 11 75 11.11 sq yds guttering at 46c 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46c20 44 Total $ 37 30 B. E. Linehan, lot 38, Linehan's Park add: 25 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 11 76 11.11 sq yds guttering at 46c 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 4620 44 Total $ 87 S0 B. E. Linehan, lot 40, Linehan's Park add: 25 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 11 75 11.11 sq yds guttering at 46c 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46c20 44 Total $ 37 30 B. E. Linehan, lot 40, Linehan Park add: 25 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 11 75 11.11 sq yds guttering at 46e 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46e20 44 Total $ 37 30 B. E. Linehan, lot 42, Linehan Park add: 25 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 11 75 11.11 sq yds euttering at 46c5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46c20 44 Total $ 37 80 B. E. Linehan, loi 43, Linehan Park add: 25 lineal tee. curbing g at 47c$ 11 75 11.11 sq yds guttering at 46c 5 11 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46c20 44 Total $ 37 30 B. E. Linehan, lot 44, Linehan Parkadd: 8.5 lineal feet curbing at 47c $ 4 00 3.78 sq yds guttering at 46c 1 74 7.19 sq yds macadamizing at 46c3 31 Total ...$ 9.05 C., St. P. & K. C. Ry, lot 2 of mineral lot 363: 539.3 Lineal feet .curbing at 47c....$253 44 240.13 sq yds guttering at 46c 110 46 988.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46c454 68 Total $618 61 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and'1'rexler. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the commit tee on supplies, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Novelty Iron works $1.69, W. S. Molo 30c, Homan & Roehl $13.50, Iowa Iron works $2.20, 13. E. Linehan $23.40, Smedley Manufacturing Co. 60e, John. F. O'Dea $30.00. Report adopted. Aid. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported in favor of paying the bill of W. W. Wor- mood of $72.00. Report adopted. Aid. Smith, chairman of the committee on printing, reported as follows: In favor of allowing the bill of the Times, $29.20; Herald, $29.15; German Catholic Printing Co., $50. In favor of allowing $29.15 on bill of the Ledger of $53.30. Allow $75.00 on bill of TELEGRAPH for printing during October, and adverse to payment of bill for publishing delinquent tax list and bill of June for printing as the same has been paid. Report adopted. Aid. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on fire and water reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills, Dubuque Water Co., $1,055 and 20.00; A Y. NcDonald Mfg. Co. $1.25; Butt Bros $14; Lear & Pfiffner $4.00. Receive and file remonstrance against locating water ripe and hydrant on W 3rd. street. Delay action on petition for exten- sion of water main on W 3rd. street until next spring. That they have ordered the water mains extended to leveee and Railroad avenue, as payed for by S. D. Ryan. Report adopted. Aid. Peaslee of the committee on police and light reported as follows: In favor of paving the bills of Key City Gas Co $108,3$; Dubuque Electric Ry. L. and P. Co. $670.50; Globe Light a nd 230 REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER 7TH, 1891. Heat Co, $521.67; Key City Gas Co. $15.15; Chas. Herzog $2.00. Allow $2.50 on bill of Lear & Pliffner of $7.00. Ask further time on petition for gasoline lamps on 1st, 2d and 3d avenues, Ham's add. That they have placed lamp on Nevada street as prayed for by John 1. Mullany, et al. In favor of granting petition for lamp on Delhi street at intersection of Forest Lane. Ask for further time for resolution for gasoline lamps on Seminary street. Receive and file report of city marshal for October. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported in favor of allow- ing Mrs. A. J. Marsh four months' time in which to pay her special tax for improve- ment of Julien avenue. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction, reported in fa- vor of receiving and filing bill of Western • Electric company for $2.60, as same has been paid. Report adopted. Altl. Page, chairman of the sewer com- mittee, reported as follows: Your committee on sewer would most respectfully report that they have ex- amined and accepted the following sewers: Lateral sewer in alley between 17th and 18th to Clay and White streets by bl. Lavin, contractor. Lateral sewer in Dorgan's alley between 17th street and West Locust street by D. W. Linehan, contractor. Lateral sewer on 9th street between Washington and Pine streets by D. W. Linehan, contractor. That they are in favor of accepting lat- eral sewer from W 11th street along Olive street to alley, and west along alley 100 feet, and that the same be made a part of •the sewerage system of the city. Report adopted. Aid. Page offered the following which was adopted:. Whereas, .Geo. Richardson did on the 19th day of October, 1889, obtain a permit to make a sewerage. connection with his building on 3d and Bluff street, and Whereas, The said connection was im• properly made by having said connection as large as the lateral sewer, doing great damage to said lateral sewer. Therefore, Resolved, That said Geo. Richardson ue and is hereby instructed to make a proper connection within ten days of this notice, and if not done the engineer and sewer in- spector is instructed to awe the nuisance occasioned by salt.' connection, AId. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: in faJor of instructing Committee Clerk O'Connell to assist the city iecorder in his office whenever his services are required, and that he be paid at the rate of $83.33 per mouth from Dee. 1, 1891, for his ser- vices, and said committee clerk to be under the supervision of the city recorder. Allow Anna M. and C. T. Bush time un- til next spring in which to construct side- walk on west side of Brad street. Receive and file petition of .1. P. Schroed- er in relation to line Leibnitz street as the engineer says he has laid out said street according to the records on file in his office. • Instruct the engineer to prepare a plat from actual survey showing the extension of Elm street from Rhonil erg avenue to Eagle Point avenue and file toe seine with the recorder, and also notify owners of property over which said street is pro- posed to be run to appear at the next ses- sion of the council and show cause, if any they have, why said street should not be extended as proposed. Receive and file petition of Fred. and Harriet Kenniker in relation to culvert and sewer on M►Ilville road. In favor of remitting the taxes of the Flenniken Turbine Co. for a term of six years on improvements and personalty, and that the assessment on their realty re- main the same as assessed for the year 1891 for a term of six years, above agree- ment to commence .January 1st, 1892. Receive and file petition of L. G. Dotson in relation to alley between West 5th and West 8th streets. Postpone action on petition of Peter Eis- bach in relation to constructing culvert across Curtis street. Your committee report that the petition of the opera houses for remission of license has been referred to the mayor with power. In favor of granting ordinance of Dia- mond Jo Cu. for permission to use a part of the levee south of the Ice Harbor for warehouse purposes subject to such re- strictions as is in the ordinance, and that the within ordinance be read first time and laid over under the rules and each member of the council to be furnished with a copy of said ordinance. In favor of paying bill of Con. Ryan, $842.68 for extra grading on Alta Vista street, caused by change of grade on said street. Refer bill of Novelty Iron Works for $211.90 to the committee on streets. Report adopted. Petition of E. J. Evans for return to him of guarantee by A. A. Cooper against any damages by reason of change of grade of sidewalk at 5th and Bluff streets. Re- ferred to the committee of the whole. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Smith presented the following reso- lution: Whereas, The city council of the city of Dubuque did on the 6th day of October, 1891, adopt fur the first time an ordinance forfeiting the charter of the Dubuque Elec- tric Railway Light and Power Co. for non-compliance with said charier, and Whereas, At the session held on No- vember 2, 1891, action on said ordinance was postponed for the reason that said company at that time were constructing their line on Dodge and South Dodge street, and it then looked as if the said company • were in earnest and intended to comply with their charter, but for the past three weeks they have been at a stand -still, and it looks as if they do not in- tend to operate ihr r cars it they can avoid it, and Whereas, it is the desire of the city coun- cil to give said company all reasonable time in the operation of said line. Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the said Dubuque Electric Railway, Light & Power Co. be given ten days further time in which to operate their line on Dodge and South .Dodge streets, and be it further Resolved, That if the said line on Dodge and South Dodge streets is nut in operation by that time that the ordinance forfeiting their railway franchise shall be passed for the second time and go into effect immedi- ately. AId. Smith then offered the following as a substitute to the above resolution which was adopted: Whereas, the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co. hits constructed its road on South Dodge street. and the cold weather prevents the street from being put in a condition that will enable the company to operate the snow plow on their road, therefore / J REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER 7TR, 1811. 231 Be it resolved that time for operating the road on South Dodge street be extended until April 1st, 1892; also • Resolved, That the road be operated on Dodge street according to terms of the charter granted to said company to South Dodge street within ten days. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the several resolutions heretofore adopted by the city council pro- viding for paving Main street and Iowa street with brick, be and the same are here- by rescinded, not being in conformity with toe general ordinance on that subject. Aid. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: 'Resolved that the Dubuque Street Rail- way Co. be allowed the benefit of sec. 11 of the ordinance adopted November 2nd, 1891, and permitted to pay its assessment for improving Rhomberg avenue between Reed street and 5th accrue in installments as provided iii said section ou condition ex- pressed in the resolution giving the pro- perty holders on Grandview avenue and other streets, the benefit of said section, adopted November 18th, 1891. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Iowa street between Third and Seventeenth streets be curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that, subject. That tee city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the curbing and all of the paving, except such portions of the same as the several street railway companies oc- cupying portions of said street with their track, are bound by law or Dy virtue of the provisions of their contract or ordinance of the city under which said street rail- ways have been constructed and maintain- ed are bound to pave at their own cost, to be done at the expense of abutting proper- ty. That the Dubuque Electric Rail- way Light and Power Co., Dubuque Street Railway Company and the receiver of the Key City Electric Railway Co. be each severally directed to pave such por- tions of said street in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the same by the city engineer, as they are sev- erally legally bound to do by law or ordi- nance; and said street railway companies and said receiver are hereby required to severally notify the city recorder in writing rive days after the service of copies of this resolution on said street railway compa- nies and said receiver, whether or not they or either of them proposes and desires to do said paving themselves, and that in case of their failure or either of them to so designate their wishes. within said. five days, it will be presumed that said street railway companies or company or receiver does not wish to make said improvement themselves, and that the city will be then at liberty to make the improvement as con- templated by law at the expense of the sev- eral street railway companies. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'I'rex- ler.-8. N oes—None. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Main street, from Char- ter street to Seventeenth street be curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the curbing and all of the paving, except such portions of the same as the several street railway companies occupying portions of said street with their tracks are bound by law, or by virtue of the provisions of their contract or ordi- nances of the city under which said street railways have been constructed and main- tained, are bound to pave at their own ost, to be done at the expense of the abut- ting property. That the Dubuque Street Railway Co., Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co. and the receiver of the Key City Electric Railway Co. be each severally directed to pave such portions of said street in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the sanieby the city engineer, as they are severally legally bound to du by law or ordinance; and said street railway companies and said receiver are hereby required to• notify the city recorder in writing within five clays after the service of copies of this resolution on said street railway Cos.', and said receiver, whether • or not, they or either of them proposes and desires to do said paving themselves, and that in case of their failure to so • designate their wishes within said five days, it will be presumed that said street railways or companies or receiver, do not wish to make the improvements themselves, and that the city will then be at liberty to make • the improvement as contemplated by law, athe expense of the several Street Railway • companies. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—N one. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was referred to the comwitte on police and light. Resolved, That the committee on police and light are hereby instructed to place a • gasoline lamp on Washington street be- tween Sanford and 22d streets. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the fire committee be in- structed to have a Gamewell fire alarm box placed on 23d and Jackson streets. Aid. Stoltz offered the following, which Was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to fill or drain the standing water troni in front of the residence of Mr. Fred. Kennicker on the corner of Lemon street and Peru road. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Besolved, That the Water Co. be and is heteby instructed to extend their water mains on 23d street from Couler ave to .1 ackson street and place a fire plug on 23d and Jackson street under direction of the fire committee. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat show- ing the land and lots and parts of lots necessary to be taken for the extension of Elm street from Rhomberg avenue to Eagle Point avenue; also showing the names of the owners thereof, and tile the same with the recorder, and also notify the owners of property interested to appear at the next session of the council and.show cause why said street should not be extended. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, 1 232 REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER 7Th, 1891. Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—N one. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That West Eagle Point ave- nue from present terminus of improvement to Valarie street be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the paving ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans And specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Ald. Crawford offered thej following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to make a survey and report a suitable grade for the alleys east and west of Race street. Aid. Glab offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, The city has a number of old citizens that are poor and unable to find employment during the long winter months; therefore Resolved, That the street committee be instructed to allow such persons to break macadam where they deem it advisable to the best interests of the city, and that they receive so much per yard as the street coni- mittee may deem just, to be determined by the location and quality of the stone or macadam. Ald. Glab offered the following, which was referred to the mayor with power: Resolved, That the mayor be instructed to appoint a policeman to patrol the terri- tory, between Sanford street and Kansas City Round house, as at presents above territory is without police protection. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Brad street, abutting lot 33, in S. N. Lang - worthy's add. Adopted by the following vote: Page,ePelee, rutl Stoliz andhlrexie (8). Noes—Noir. AId. 'Trexler offered the hollowing which was referred to the street committee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good two inch plank be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Louise street, between Delhi street and Grace street. Ald. Smith offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for curbing and paving Lo- t cust street with brick from 1st to lltu street f according to the paving ordinance at ex- a pense of abutting property and Dubuque Electric Railway Light and l'ower Co.; t also prepare plans for a storm water sewer on said street from ls. to 11th streets of o sufficient capacity to drain all surface o water Irom the bluffs. AId. Peaslee offered the following o which was adopted: f Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the complete and thorough revision of the city ordinances up to January 1st, 1892. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That as the Key City Elec- tric Street Railway company are at present suffering from a financial embarrassmedt and are unable to procure power necessary to operate their line from Delhi and Julien avenue to Schueller's store by electricity; Be it resolved that the city recorder be and Is hereby instructed to notify the afore- said company that they shall operate the above part of their lines by horse power at the pleasure of the council. Walter Cox was allowed further time in which to lay sidewalk on Alta Vita street. Ald. Trexler moved that the services of the engineer of the steam roller dispensed with from to -day. Carried. Ald. Trexler moved that when we ad- journ we do so to meet again Monday, Dec. 14th at 2 p. m. Carried. Ald. Smitl nio ed to adjourn. Carried. Attest: ftil�3.iRiiiii'� � Tr' Pi'1 ,,� Resolved by the city counci of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both shies of Grandview ave., between Delhi street and South Dodge street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- t ewalks,ttonlithe�lsouthe in sideelaon to ofttThird street, between Iowa street and C., B. & N. depot, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch 1pank, be, within 20 days of notice con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of Second street, between Iowa street and C., It. & N. depot where not already laid at the expense of abutt- ing property. eofgey tad1l o the Resolved ubuThasiewalk 6 e wd of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the or.tinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Seventh street, between White street and Pine street at expense of abutting property. oflttit Dubuque: That a cement sirdeCouncil Of thewalk seven (7) feet wide, be, within 10 days of his notice. constructed and laid in con- orniity with the oidinance in relation to idewalks, on the west sing of Bluff street between 15th street and 16th street, where he sidewalk is not already constructed. Resolved by the City Council of the City f Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, f good two-inch plank laid crosswise, rick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days f this notice, constructed an maid in con- ormity with the ordinance in relation to REGULAR SESSION, DECEMBER 7'nr, 1801. 233 sidewalks, on the west side of Alta Vista street, between Julien avenue and 14th streets. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constucted and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on west sides of Broad street, between Jnlien ave., and Home of the Friendless. where not already laid, at expense of the abutt- ing property. Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 20 days of this notice, coustructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of 14 street, between White street and Elm street, where not already laid. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of goou two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in ••ouform ity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the west side of West street, between W 5th street and W 7th street. � Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 2 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both side of Rhomberg ave., between Reed street and C., M. & St. It. R. track, where not already laid. Adopted November 2nd, 1891. J. C. Fitzpatrick, Recorder. NOTICE Notice to Mary Smith and the unknown owners of lot No. 2 of out lot 711 in the city of Dubuque, State of Iowa, that a proposition is now pending before the city council of the city of Dubuque for the es- tablishment 01 a street across lands which you claim an interest as follows: Lot 2 of out lot 711 city of Dubuque. A plat of proposed improvement has been tiled in the office of the city engineer of said city, and you are notified that at a session of the city council to beholden at the city hall of said city on the 7th day of December, 1891, it will be determined whether said proposed improvement will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear before said council at said session, and show cause, if any you have, why said pro- posed improvement 'should not be mE. C. ade. City Engineer. Notice or Redemption or Bonds. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the City of Dubuque has, by resolution, directed the undersigned to call in and redeem the fol- lowing city bonds, viz.: Dubuque City 6 per cent. bonds numbering from 1 to 27 in- clusive, in denominations of $500 00 and $1,000 00 amouting in all to $26,500 00; said bonds dated January 1, 1884, and due in 20 years from date but redeemable at any time after five years after date. The holders of said bonds will please present same for payment at my office on Dec. 1, 1891, at which time interest will cease thereon. LAWRENCE GoNNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. Notice to Property Owners of Summon- ing of Jury. To Mary Smith : You will take notice that on Friday the 27th day of November, 1891, at 9 o'clock a. m., at the office of the city marshal, at the city hall in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, a jury will be summoned, drawn and em- panelled to assess the damage, if any, oc- casioned by the opening and establishment of a street through and over certain real estate owned by you, and street known as Pearce street, when and where as aforesaid you can exercise such rights in the premises as are given you by ordinance. S. B, RICE, City Marsnal. A 234 ADJOURNED REGULAR, SESSION DEC. 14nr, 1891. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, De- cember 14th, 1891. [OFFICIAL.] Council met at 2:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders In the chair. l Crawford, Fos- selmann,Glab, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. City Attorney McCarthy reported hav- ing collected $18.80 from North American Telegraph Co. for electrician's services; also reported in favor of cancelling special assessment of R. Waller for Iinjaovemeiit of West 5th sheer. Also reported that the council can col- lect one -Half of the cost of lateral sewer on Clay street from 17th to 18th streets, from the property on the west side. Also reported having procured a deed front John Bulow, .1r., and wife for open- ing of an alley and recommended that a warrant for $2.00 be drawn for same. Also reported having procured deeds from Richard Burns and wife Ed ward Ryan et al, Katharine Moore and Mary Flynn for the widening of Southern avenue; also reported that he could not procure a deed from Mr. Gandolfo for a strip near Rail- road avenue. Report adopted. Ald. llalpin moved that the deeds be accepted and the matter of procuring deed from Mr. Gandolfo be referred to a special committee. Carried. Ald. Trexler, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows: Your repo toce thatt� theyttee haveuld delivereect- d to Farson, Leach & Co. the $46,000 of paving bonds, for which find treasurer's receipt attached for same, would also report that they have collected the accrued interest, $37.80; also have settled the bill for print- ing the paving bonds for $17.50, Farson, Leach & Co. paying the balance of $17.50. Respectfully submitted, JOHN TREXLER, EDW. C. PEASLEE, JOHN W. HALPIN, JOHN P. PAGE, CHAS. FOSSELSTANN, Jteport adopted. Paition of Elizabeth Netz referred to the assessment committee, Petition of M. Harris for extension of time until next spring in which to lay side- walk at corner 5th and White streets. Granted. Bill of Con. Ryan of $1,253 for rolling Grandview ave. AW. Trexl removed to receive and file the bill. Ald. Crawford moved to refer to the committee on claims. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Halpin, Page, and,Smith. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Fosselmann, Glab, Peaslee, Stoltz and Trexler. The question being put on the motion to receive and file was carried by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Fosselman, Glab, Peaslee, Stoltz and 'Trexler. i Noes—Aids. Crawford, Halpin, Page and Smith. Bill of Chas. Stueck of $700 for grading Bhoniberg avenue. Allowed $500 and bill referred to thee. Bill of llassett & Meehan of $1street ,437.35 for grading Grandview street, and bill of Con. Ryan, $350. Referred to the street com- mitlee. Bill of Dubuque mattress factory of $7. Referred to the committee on fire and water. Bill of Michael McMahon of $61.92 for constructing sidewalk. Paid. Profiles of grades of tierce street, Catherine street and Angela street. Re- ferred to the street committee. Communication of John .1. Tierney in relation to his discharge from sewer work. Received and filed. City Attorney McCarthy reported in favor of adopting the following resolu- tion: Resolved, That the city auditor be and is hereby authorized to make the transfer on the bend books of the four bonds (95, 96, 97 and 98.x) and also on the bonds when presented referred to in his corn- iliunicatiori of date Dec. 7th, 1891, chang- ing the name of Miss Moore and Mary Moore to bearer, the 'council being satis- lied from affidavits and proofs on tile that the same is proper and right. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction reported as fol- lows: Your committe to whom the resolution for 150 electric arc lamps instructing them to submit contract to the council beg leave to report the contract hereto attacted: CONTRA It is hereby agreed by and between the City of Dubuque, as 1st. party, and Du- buque Electric Railway, Light and Power company, as2ncl. party as follows: First—Said 2nd. party hereby agrees to furnish street lighting for the 1st. party, and for that purpose, it is agreed that said 2nd. party shall maintain and operate, as hereinafter stated, one hundred and fifty electric arc lamps, of which number, fifty lamps shall be for term of two years fifty for term of three years, and fifty for term of live years, and to continue to furnish light by operating alt of said lamps, after expiration of periods designated until no- tice is given to discontinue the same as hereinafter provided. Second—One hundred of said Ir nips are now located, being same lamps of 2nd. party, now in use, located by resolution •of and Council fifty the nut mbesshall be lc cated�its directed by the council and that the fifty additional lamps ui hr located, shall be ready for use within 90 days from time the places are designated by the 1st. party where the poles shall be terected, from which the lamps shall be suspended, main-, tallied and operated by the 2nd. party. Third—The arc lamps herein mentioned shall be the 2,000 candle power l.unus and shall be maintained and operated at their full capacity. Fourth—'The 150 are lights or lamps mentioned in Hart first hereof shall be operated in at least 3 divisions, and to 50 lamps herein contracted for, for period of 2 years are those now located and being operated within the following described boundaries: Commencing ihnterlion 6tseIowastreets,tenceeasiithtrett to city limits, and north of said lith street on Iowa street to 17th street, thence easterly on 17th to Clay street, thence northerly on Clay to 18th street, thence northerly on Couler avenue to city limits, thence easterly to city limits, thence southerly along limits of city to 6,h street. In this district shall be included the lamp back of 18th street engine house. The lamps included herein for term of ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, DEC. 14, 1891. 235 3. years are those now operated by the 2d party and not included within above de- scribed boundaries. The tamps included herein for term of 5 years shall be the new lights to be located by the first party, and to be placed and operated by the second party. Fifth—lt either party hereto desires to have the lamps discontinues at expiration of contract period, or at any time there- after, sixty days' shall be given to the other party, in writing, and no lamps shall be discontinued until notice in writi ng shall have been given for 60 days that the lamps designated in the notice are to be discontinued. Sixth—The contract heretofore entered into by the parties hereto for arc lights is hereby terminated. Seventh—The arc lamps so furnished underprovisions of this contract areto be kept lighted and in operation under what is known as the Philadelphia moon light schedule, provided, however, that the lamps shall be lighted ane in operation from and after the sunset until one hour after moonrise, woo , hoe hour before the moon sets. It is further provid- ed that on all schedule moonlight nights when it is cloudy and dark, the mayor, or marshal, or captain of night police may re- quire the second party to operate such arc lights; and within one hour after receiving notice so to do from either of the three per- sons above named, said second party shall have all lamps, or such sections as may be ordered, lighted and in operation as di- rected. Eighth—lf, during the continuance of thin contract, any of said lamps become out of repair 80 as to fail to give required light. and said second party does not repair or replace the same within a reasonable time after being notified so to do, said second party shall forfeit all pay for the lamp or lamps while so out of repair after such rea- sonable time for repairing same. Ninth—For its faithful compliance with all the provisions of this contract, said sec - party agrees to furnish a bond, if one shall be required, in sunt of $5,000 with sureties to be approved by the mayor. Tenth—lt is further agreed that the first party by resolution of the city council, adopted at any time prior to the first day of Api il, 1892, may require the second puny to operate under the terms and conditions of this contract, either 50, or 100, or 150 are lights additional to the 150a` c lights igh sdlbow- nated in part first hereof: p' + ever. that to prepare the additional lamps under this 10th provision, the second party shall have 90 days after being notified of where the poles shall be erected for maintenance and operation[ of the same, within which time t++ install the Ilist 50 lamps, and for the next two series or sets of 50 lamps each, 60 nays' additional time shall be allowed for each series or set of lamps, and that the additional laps or- dered shall be operated and maintained by the second party for a term of live years. Eleventh -1n consideration of the lul- ti!lment of this contract eagrees y thesecondy the warty, the first party . g said second party, the sum of seventy -flue dollars a year for each of the arc lamps op - be ,>ayebleniu accordance installmentsttwhile the payable lamps or any of ttieni are operated under the provisions of this contract. 111 witness is exe- ct ted in�duplictttef this nand texecuted this 12th day of December, A. D. 1891. CITY OF DUBUQUE. By EDW'D. C. PEASLEE, By FRANK J. STOLTZ, By JoUN GLAB, By JNO. W. HHALPIN, By MELL H. CUBIIING. And being the committee ap- pointed by the council to make a contract, subject to approval of council. Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Company. By R. W. STEwART, President. Above and foregoing contract reported by the committee is approved by action of the council and the mayor this day of A. D. 1891. Mayor. Attest: Recorder. Ald. Crawford moved that action be postponed until next session, and the re- corder furnish a printed copy of contract to each alderman, and have the same pub- lished in the official papers. Carried by the following:vote: Ayes—Ards. Crawford, Cushing,. Glab, Halpin, 1'easlee, SID 1tlh and Trexler. Noes—Ards. Fos.•eduauu, 1'iiee, and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following report which was adopted: Your committee on streets would most respectfully report that Alta Vista is now completed, being covered and rolled, and would recommend that said street be ac- cepted and the special assessment be levied against abutting property for payment of same, according to the ordinance on that subject. Ald. Stoltz, chairman, of the committee oti public grounds and buildings reported in favor of allowing the bill of Thos, '1'. Carkeek of $360. Report adopted. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque That the police and light coin- mittee be and is hereby instructed to place a sufficient number of lights on Railroad ave:+lie and South Main street as the said streets are in total darkness. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was referred to the committee on police and light: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the Citlight police an d Dubuque, beand are of That oimitthe eby on rand - view in - as .,iplace betweenadditional light Dlhi andSouth Dodge street. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Electric Ry., Light and Power Co. be allowed the benefit of section 11 of the ordinance adopt• ed Nov. 2d, 1891, in relation to improving streets, etc., and that they be permitted to pay their special assessment for improving Dodge street from the old corporation line to South Dodge street, in installments as provided in said section, on the condition expressed in the resolution giving the pro- perty holders on Grandview avenue and other streets the benefit of said section adopted Nov. 18th, 1891. A Id. Trexler moved that when the coun- cil adjoured it adjourn to Monday, Dec. 21, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of taking up lighting contract. Carried. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of mit- tee beband are hereby That the ,instructed to rdinance draft au ordinance regulating the changes of telephones, according to chapter 16 of the 236 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, DEC. 14TH, 1891. laws of the 22d general assembly, said charges or rates to be proportioned accord- ing to the distance that telephones are lo- cated from the Central Telephone station action postponed until city attorney fur- nishes his written opinion on the subject of whether the city has the right or not to regulate charges of telephones. Ald Trexler offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved, That the city recorder he in- structed to draw warrents in favor of Ex - Mayor R. W. Stewart for $312.50; C. J. W. Saunders $854.15; $300 each tor Aids. Hal- pin, Smith, Page, Glab, Trexler, Cushing, Crawford, Peaslee, Stoltz and $237.50 for Ald. Fosselmann. Adopted by the following vote: Amann, G ab,Is. Halpin, Page, eslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The matter of paying street contractors referred to the street committee to report next Monday. Ald Halpin moved that the matter of in- creasing the police force be referred to the committee on police and light and mayor. Carried. Aid Peaslee moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: J. C. FITZPATR CR, i*//':tyI:•order. of4440_.„ / # DECEMBER CESSION, 1891. 237 LIST OF CITY \YAIIIIANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during September, 1891. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE DUBUIIUE, Iowa, flet, 1, 1891. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The following 18 a complete list of all warrants Issued by me during the month of September, 1891: Name. For what Purpose. Amount L. Conner... Salary for Aug, Treas- urer .J. C. Fitzpatrick.. Salary for Aug., Recor-$160 00 def 116 70 J. M. Kenety Salary for Aug., Aud- 118 70 or .1. J. McCarthy ..Salary for Aug., Attor- ney. ttor- 125 00 P. F. Guthrie ....Salary for Aug., As- sessor... 125 00 S. B. Rice ..... ....SalaB for Aug., Mar- shal 100 00 Ed. Ryan Salary for Aug., Street Commissioner 9170 .los. Reinfrled....Salary for Aug., Chief of fire department75 00 A. Gratz........Salary for Aug., Mar- ketinaster...... ..... 50 00 P. McNulty.. Salary for Aug., Park Custodian 46 60 ('has. Bauman...Salary for Aug., Wharf - master ....... 20 00 I. S. Bigelow .Saloffiary for .Aug., Health C. SpiegelhalterSalary for Aug., Pound - master B. Rawson........Salary for Aug„ Sew- er Inspector .lames O'Halloran.Sawalk foor rge .,.Side- J. Klein..........Salary for Aug., Meat Inspector L'lec- .laines Bunting.. •S Lary for Aug., Ed. Blake......... Salary for Aug., En- gineerE. S. Ilyae.......Salar6 of for EAug.,uAAs- .1. Boyce ...... ....Salary for Aug., As- sistant Engineer John O'Connell... Sala y for Aug„ Com- .lay. Daly.... ..... .ireivan Job Baines....... WDucey. ....... �� .Oo .1. Mur lhy ........... . 60 A. Cullen.. ..50 �� .1. McFarlan T. Burke 46 50 T O'Shea „ M. Eitel.. .. P. Martin... .. John Essmun.... 1() J. Flynn.. • „ Co I. Wiltse.......••• 50 F. Essn)an .1 T. Flynn. ........ 66 T. -Walker I). Ahearn............... i. Allen. ............. C. Kanllolt..... (1. Moyer " F. Gauahl A. Ducelui..... �� .1. Ward. .. 1. Schonberger46 F. Walker.. .1. Williams 66 A. Fostlter• 111. F In Ed. McDonald.. • • of Pollee I). Ryan ..........Cap • rain John Raesll...... James Carter..... i'olicclnau Wm. O'Brien P,46 05 Dunnegan P. Kearney P. Hanlon ........ . 51 06 41 75 John Fitzpatrick. .. 40 W Dan. Norton 14 61 06 James Allen •' 51 05 John ReuterGl &i M. Hardie6661 (i5 Ed. Moore.. 40 70 Sam. Elmer 61 86 James Flynn �� •. 48 ;)G Dan. Lavery 61 65 John Hoffman413 70 Wm. Welsh " ......••••••.. Thos. Blake ...... • .. • .... 30 60 John Murphy '" 6000 50 00 Wm. Mauer " 4A8 35 Peter Scharf66 P. McCollins..60 00 Geo. Rubeck ..50 John Ryan........ 50 0000 ,John Murphy ..W 00 C. J. Ackley LaborerT. Ahearn•' 222,71 8 00 27 W M. Ahearn....... �� M. Abbitz........10 90 J. hewer.......... Helper road roller52 50 J. Bargman Laborer 20 25 J. Byrne.. .... B.Brummitt...... �' 18 36 4075 W. Ball •••............ 25 D. Berner" 7 50 P. B.11Mason 51 0) J. Broulette......Laborer 17 25 M. Burns. 1619 6U R. Burns......... 4 011 P. Brandenberger 8 25 John Boetke...... 14 16 500 J. Berry1 90 .......... 1 60 Fred. Baler " 29 W Sam. Collins 29 644 M. Carmody ;; 23167005 J. Corcoran10 10 Win. Corbett ll John Corbett,� 1p 10 L. Corcoran 9 60 M. Clark.......... 25 44) E. Condon........Foreman 25 Jas. Cahill Laborer 1494 00 John Callahan.... 41 55 James Doyle..... Foreman 3 0 45 Ed. Desmond.... Laborer M. Dieferding.... .. 34 505 John Eagan...... .. John Fix �� 355 255 25 P. Fitzgerald 46 23 25 F. Fort 15 75 H. Flood.......... ,. 9 75 H. Foltz... 3315 Ed. Grew......... 10 OU L. Gross.......... " ....... •• 1'L 40 K. Gutberlett . ............... ik);11 Joe mess .. 21 75 John Giesler 24 75 J. Grunzig " ••••••••••'••" g H. Mollie 19 54) J. M. Garrison............... TL 75 John Haley28 50 Jas. Harker s4 50 34611 Dan. H .... „ 23 25 Geo. Hughes 15 75 N. Huger......... ,, 23 25 P. Hayden........ 5 W Ed. Hackett11 4 10 Thos. Hackney... �� 10 90 J.. Jecklin......... 51 IX) .1. Kinsella Carpenter 5 I) M. Kline.......... Laborer,........•.•• : 31 10 J. Karel)......... .� 18 75 F. Kreeaer...... •. P. Kinney........ Mason 15 75 P. Kinney.........Laborer.............. 11 50 J. Kelly a 25 90 John Lavin , ..: 26 60 .. H. Lippstock..... 26 10 30 00 40 00 60 00 00 00 50 00 75 00 125 00 100 00 100 00 75 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 00 W 00 (Jo Oe 00 Ou 85 00 60 00 00 00 M. O'Connell Bart Cain John Litscher.... hos. Reilly...... .. " 61 00 50 00 50(10 W00 (1000 50 00 75 00 50 00 1.00 12 00 12 00 8 00 3 00 200 300 77 50 72 25 51 65 51 65 51 65 61 05 51 05 51 65 51 65 51 05 M. Lilack.. Chas. Leinpke.... H. Luck T. Louergan H. Leik.. T. Mulqueeny P. Mohan M. Murphy J, Mullen C. Mackelberg P. Melclloir ,. 9.40 18 75 .. 17 25 19 50 34 10 1275 23 25 25 10 u " " .. ... 18 011 „ 2 26 P. Meehan.....•. �� 33 W I. Nonse......... •••••••• 15 75 M. Maher ....... 14 25 P. Monan........ .2:36 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, DEC. 14nt, 1891. laws of the 22d general assembly, said charges or rates to be proportioned accord- ing to the distance that telephones are lo- cated from the Central Telephone station action postponed until city attorney fur- nishes his written opinion on the subject of whether the city has the right or not to regulate charges of telephones. Ald '1'rexier offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved, That the city recorder he in- structed to draw warrents in favor of Ex - Mayor R. W. Stewart for $312.50; C. J. W. Saunders $854.15; $300 each tor Alds. Hal- pin, Smith, Page, (Ulab, Trexler, Cushing, Crawford, Peaslee, Stoltz and $237.50 for Ald. Fosselmann. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Fossel- mann, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexier. The matter of paying street contractors referred to the street committee to report next Monday. AId ilalpin moved that the matter of in- creasing the police force be referred to the committee on police and light and mayor. Carried. Ald Peaslee moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: .1. C. FITZPATR Cx, 4 ,✓ . ►�"f 'ty R : • order. DECEMBER SESSION, 1891. 237 LiST OF CiTY \VARRANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during September, 1891. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE DUBUQUE, Iowa, Oct. 1, 1891. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of September, 1891: Name. For what Purpose. Amount L. Gonner........Sala yr for Aug, Treas- urer reas- $160 00 J. C. Fitzpatrick ..Salary for Aug., Recor- der 116 70 .1. M. Kenety Salary for Aug., Aud- itor 116 70 .1..1. McCarthy.. Salary for Aug., Attor- ney.... ttor- 126 ney 00 P. F. Guthrie. ...Salary for Aug., As- sessor ... 125 00 S. B. Rice......... Salary for Aug., Mar- shal 100 00 Ed. Ryan Salary tmulssioAug., Street 91 70 Jos. Relafried....Salary ef ire deparrtment.. 75 00 A. Gratz.... Salary for Aug., Mar- ketmaster...... ...... 50 00 P. McNulty Salary for Aug., Park Custodian 46 50 Chas. Bauman... Salary for Aug., Wharf - master ...... I. S. Bigelow .Salary for Aug., Health officer.... ..... ..... . C. SplegelhalterSalary for Aug., Pound - master ............... B. Rawson........Salary for Aug„ Sew- er Insptector .laces O'Halloran.Sawtarlk]or or Aug., Sale tor J. Klein.......... Salary for Aug., Meat Inspector James Bunting...Sa lr ee- 8por Aug., lll Ed. Blake......... Salary for Aug., En- gineer E. S.Ilyne.......Salar� of r Aug., As - .1. Boyce..........Salary for Aug., As- sistant Engineer John O'Connell... Sala yfor Aug., u i k Com, .las. Daly......... Fireman._ ....... Job Barnes....... \V. Ducey......... .1. Murphy A. Cullen J. McFarland T. Burke T. O'Shea M. Eitel 1'. Martin John Essman J. Flynn .1. Wiitse F. Esaman T. Flynn T. Walker D. Ahearn I. Allen 11. Kannolt• G. Moyer F. Ganahl.... A. Duccinl 66 66 P, Dunnegan I'. Kearney P. Hanlon John Fitzpatrick. Dan. Norton James Allen John Reuter M. Hardie Ed. Moore Sam. Elmer James Flynn Dan. Lavery John Hoffman.... Wm. Welsh Tltes. Blake John Murphy Wm. Klauer Peter Scharf P. McCollins Geo. Itubeck John Ryan........ John Murphy C. J. Ackley Laborer 00 30 00 40 00 60 00 00 00 50 00 75 00 125 00 100 00 100 00 1. 66 1611 6166 l6 66 .1. Schonberger... F. Walker........ ............. J. Williams....... ' A. Foster I Finn Ed. McDonakL ... I). Ryan..........Captain of Police John Rueslt I'olicemuu.. l ames Carter Win. O'Brien M. O'Connell Bart Catn Win. Frith..... •••.'•"' .1ohn Litscher P. McNerny............ Thos. Reilly • •••"""' 66 61 61 66 66 66 ............. 66 66 66 M. Ahearn....... " M. AbbitZ........ " ............... J. Bewer.......... Helper road roller..... J. Bergman Laborer... .... J. Byrne" B. Brummttt" .........•... W. Ball " ••••••••....... D. Bernes 66 P. Bell-- ..... •Mason ............. J. Broulette...... Laborer M. Burns......... ................ R. Burns.... ............ • •• P. Brandenberger ..... John Boetke J. Berry.......... ' Fred. Baler ` Sam. Collins-- 66 M. Carmody" J. Corcoran 66 Wm. Crumpwell" John Corbett �� L. Corcoran {. M. Clark ••••••••••-•"' E. CondonForeman............... Jas. CahillLaborer John Callahan.... ........... •. • James Doyle Foreman Ed. Desmond.... Laborer M. Dieferding.... " John Eagan �� loltn Fla—. P. Fitzgerald 66 66 r. For H. Flood H. Foltz Ed. Grew......... " L. Gross K. Gutberlett..... John Giesler J. Grunzig..... .. H. Collie 1. M. Garrison John Haley Jas. Harker Dan. Harman Geo. Hughes% N. Hilger 1'. Hayden Ed. Hackett Thos. Hackney............... u .1. Kinsellat ..... .Carpenter ............... M. Kline.... . Laborer. ............... J. Karch.. F. Kreeller..... P. Kiene..... Mason P. Kinney ..... ....Lrr...... ... ....... J. Kelly 61 ............... John Lavin H. Lippstock 66 ,6 M. Lilack Chas. Lempke H. Luck 66 ItT. Louergan H. Leik T. Mulqueeny P. Mohan.. M. Murphy J, Mullen „ C. Mackelberg 1'. Melchoir• P. Meehan L. Meurise M. Maher P. Monan ............... 4605 51 65 41 75 50 00 51 65 51 65 51 05 61 65 46 70 51 65 48 35 51 65 46 70 50 00 3960 60 00 48 35 50 00 6000 60 00 5000 60 00 21 00 28 50 27 00 10 90 52 50 29 25 18 75 9 40 352.5 7 50 51 0) 17 25 19 50 4 90 8 215 16 50 1 90 1 50 29 00 29 a) 21 75 16 10 36 00 19 10 950 25 40 14 25 94 00 41 55 80 40 '28 60 34 50 35 25 35 25 23 '25 15 75 9 75 33 W 20 60 12 40 80 40 21 75 24 75 19 50 12 75 28 50 34 50 34 50 23'25 15 75 23 '9.5 5 60 4 10 1090 51 W 10 18) 31 10 18 75 15 75 14 25 1 60 25 90 26 60 25 10 9 40 18 75 17 25 19 51) 84 10 12 75 23 25 93 25 25 10 18 00 2 '251 33U) 15 75 14 25 75 00 60 00 76 00 50 00 60 W 60 00 50 00 50 00 TM 00 60 01) 85 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 5000 50 011 50 1111 60 00 00 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 1.2 00 12 00 1200 3 00 3W 200 3 tO 3 00 77 50 72 25 51 65 51 65 51 65 51 65 51 05 51 65 54 65 51 65 11 .1 66 11 " " .1 1. 0 11 .1 .1 238 DECEMBER. SESSION, 1891. T. Mxhony.. M. McGrath " M. McCone.... Foreman .......... .. . A. McGuanLaborer L. McEvoy....... " B. McCaffrey..... H. McMullen.... M. McMahon..... John McKee ......... .1. McBride 21 00 .Joe McCone 12 Ou .John McNulty.... .. 30 75 B. McCormack.. 3 75 J. Noonan " 17 40 B. Nickols" 15 00 M. Nuten" 10 00 F. O'Brien, Sr " 20 60 Martin O'Laughlin " 31 50 ,P. O'Brien, Jr.... " 10 00 Joe Obbelt...... 66s5 25 Mal. O'Loughlin.. 6627 00 F. Oswald........ ......... 25 50 Win. Pickley Forenlan..............� 34 10 .1. I'erryon Laborer 18 00 1'. I'fena. ' 9 75 .Jus. Purcell �• .I nu. Quail" 7 10 0 I. (lwgney.......• " 26 00 John Ryan. ...... . " 30 75 \I. ltullker" 10 '19 .las Raw ....... 4 50 John Raetz F "" "' Foreman � 41 15 F. Rieger.... Laborer 26 25 Wm. Rieman Laborer ................ 27 75 C. Roselip............... 17 25 Geo. Rieder M. Ryan15 75 • James Ryan .. "" ' 12 40 .J. Ragan... 13 50 �� 150 J. Raesnor..... 11 5o Jas. Stevenson" • • . • ....... •• 3 00 James Smith 25 50 John Schroeder.. 0 00 M. Specht " 18 00 D. Sutherland" 17 2. Geo. Sutter•" N. Sweeney'6 14 25 J. Straney.. . 31 10 M. Sullivan .. 17 25 M. Sommers" 9 75 25 75 Joe Sellt.......... 25 50 John Wolfe .. P. Winger...... , " 34 50 P. Wagner........ " 17 907 5 .John W hales..... " 16 10 W. Zachina..... " If 3(1 75 (leo. Zutnlioff Foreman .............. 31 50 C. 0. IlakerTeam 42 00 J. ]turkain . " 17 50 It. Bennett...... " 21 00 N. Brandt......... " J. Brick........... " 12 25 L. Cahill • """""""' 360 M. Crxldu" 29 75 B Cain 16 21 00 J. 1lunkley" • 19 25 Jas. Doyle........ " 3 50 25 John Evens....... .� 9 70 F. Gregory....... .. 75 M. (lantenbein... " ... 1 00 M. J. Hannon.... " 14 500 .1. Hoffmeler..... " 4 P..Iarden....... .. " 4001 25 C. Kampmann.... " 28'95 Thos. Kane 28 0' John Long •. 21 00 C. ].etnpke........ 6631 50 F. Mathis......... 22 5 U. Messerknecht. " 22 John May........ " 10. 50 7 50 13 20 R. Mathis......... " 17 00 Dan McCollins... " Jas. McCracken. " 4 0 J. McQuillan 61341 10 4 Jas. McDonald" 5 0 0 J. McGrath•'40 20 M. McGrath..... " 20 75 P. Noonan........ " 33 75' John Nelson 33 so John O'Dea" 3 50 Louis Ott a 700 Jno. Parker •• 1 75 L. Pell....... 66 34 10 J. B. Steiner .. 36 75 John Steffes6 1 H. Schmitt" 35 009 Dan Sheehan 1136 90 J. Sutherland" 15 75 J. Sig ..... .. ........... ....... 10 10 J. Sullivan....... .. 110 75 C. Tobin.. 1 75 45 50 .. .. .. 12 76 12 00 33 25 30 00 25 50 27 40 15 75 21 75 25 50 H. Tippe..... ...:;. .. 37 59 M. Tice. A. Turner „ 10 40 00 Chas, Van Wie11:::: :1: """'"' 25 40 Geo. Wetter. 12 90 Zehetner & Vog- " 42 90 enthaler......„Grates 6 711 John Lagers...... Horseshoelug10 Iii Leo. Palen &.Co..Bran45 C. W. Robison... Lumber .......... . to Lear Pfiiftier...Hor•seshoeing 3 011 Win. S. Moro Repairing lire engine.. ' 2 65 Melt. H. Cusli,ug.Rent for engine sto- Christman&Hea. rage...'....."' "" 20 al ley Nails and sash cord... John Ernsdorf & Son1 set of springs 1 23 E. L. King ..... ..I'ainting......... 5 40 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co 1 rubber coat..:..:.... 4 50 A. WunderlichHorseshoeing.... ...... 4 05 Mrs. KoenigScrubbing police head- quarters 5 00 Bart E. Linehan.Cemerit......:4 20 Wml S. Moto Repairing water closet 75 Palmer, Winall & Co Stationery and blank 00 G. B. Grosvenor•Stationer ”"' 41 Trueb, Southwell Y 1 165 & Co:..:. Stone 300 Harger & Blish...Stationery 3 i8 Merger & Blish.. Stationery............ 1 00 G. B. Grosvenor.. Stationery.. •• 6 75 James Kelly Stationery 1 05 Dubuque £ LE- CItAPH Receipt books 16 50 John McCollins... Drayage 75 JJolla O'Brien Labor ohn Tierney Labor 43 73 40 25 Ferguson Bros... Repairing fountain15 25 C. Spiegelhalter..Special policeman2 50 Duggan & Kane ..1 barrel__ 1 e0 Dub. Water Co...2lo Hydrants 500 00Dub. Water Co...Hydiants get Hardware 500 lit Dub. Water Co... Hydrants 50 00 Wm. S. Moro Plumbing 95 lteinfrled & Jae - Bailin & Kaufman,Hats for police:07 080 Portland Paving Company. Walk around cityhall. 125 56 P. Klauer... ....Hardware 20 30 L. Dally........... Hauling garbage103 00 John Terry Hauling garbage 160 00 L. Lindenberg.... Hardware............ 2 00 J. M. McKenzie.. Rep. steam roller 5 0t1 Consolidated Tank Line Co Oil......... 5 7s W. Marshall.... Rep. steam roller...... 8 1s J. K. McKenzie.. " a 4, Wm. Harshall.. • . .. '_ .. 6 00 65 Langworthy -Adams Iron Works " " 1 19 J. M. McKenzie" " ........ 30 Novelty Iron Works" " 1 27 Standard Lumber company.. Lumber. ...... . . ..... 7 20 J. M. McKenzieRep. steam roller 25 Standard Lumber Company........Lumber 4 34 Zehetner & Vogen- thaier...........Iron grates 31 70 Duggan & Kane.. Oil__ ....... . ...... 65 Christman & Hea- ley... .Powder and fuse2 20 Kdapp Stout & Co. Company........Lumber 4 75 C. W. Robison ....Lumber• 60 Christman & Hea- ley... . Nails 1 93 Knapp -Stout & Co Company Lumber John .aichhorn...Rope............. 7r 3 505 .1. M. McKenzie...lied. steam roller C. H. Altana Nails 10 Standard Lumber Company........Lumber 4 00 W. J. Burns...... Cement........ 1 20 Knapp -Stout & Co Company.......Lumber 3 90 Adam Schmidt... Grading Peru road140 1.0 John T. Kearns ..Recording city deeds5.1 Joe Geiger........ Repairing locks and J. C. Citzpatrick.Cled kBoard of Health 900 W J. Hansen Resetting paving on 17th street 2 10 DECEMBER SESSION, 1891. 239 Knapp -Stout & Co CompanyLumber ................ 33 75 \V. J. Burns & CoCement4 90 4'has. Stanek Imp. Rhomberg, Ju- lien and Stewart ave 170 70 Ed. RyanImp. Delhi street 500 00 Ed. Ryan.... ..... Imp, Delhi street219 41 r:. E. Frith....... Imp. 15th street 600 00 E. E. Frith.... ....Imp. 15th street 29 18 11. W. Linehan... Imp. Iowa street 500 00 D. W. Linehan ....Imp. Iowa street 434 29 F. C. Chesterman. Imp. Delhi street 168 30 Tony Siege 'lop. Julien ave 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 14 •` " 500 00 " " 365 18 T. J. Donanue....Imp. Dodge street500 00 500 00 44 4. 4• •• 44 44 44 66 44 66 L. lionner, Treas.Money advanced on interest 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 . 44 44 64 44 44 44 " Citizens' State Bank.Loan 44 66 44 66 44 66 64 4 4• 44 46 46 66 4 66 44 " 4Z 44 " ............44 a 11 . . 44 4• 44 ................ 44 44 4• 66 66 66 66 46 66 • 44 44 44 46 4 46 44 44 ................ 44 44 44 Second National Bank Loan .................. 44 4 44 • ................ 44 " 44 44 44 44 44 4• 44 44 14 • 41 44 4• 44 4• 44 46 44 44 44 44 4• 66 44 44 44 44 4• 4• 44 44 44 44 .Johanna Broderick 44 Iowa Trust & Sav- vin�s' Banks.... • 44 44 16 16 44 " 44 44 44 16 44 4• Herman Zernecke A. Donalwe 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 64 44 44 44 44 44 44 •4 " 66 " 66 16 44 66 44 4• 44 44 44 44 .................. .................. ................ 500 00 500 00 485 54 M. Wagner John Welsh D. Zoggg... M. Sinnholt F. Sieg Henry Geiger, Wm. G. Watters I. Proctor A. Gratz.......... Geo. L. rb James McCann... John Jess........ P. H. Halpin ... Chas. Hollnagel.. J. Wunderlich.... L. Reinecke..... J. Christman.... M. Brown........ " Nick. Glab Chas. P. Betz M. M. Walker" " " .. N esslei & Jungk Plum bing .............. Baumgartner & KleIhTools ................... '4 15 500 00 Wm. S. Molo Electrical supplies.... 2 70 500 00 E. M. 1'ickeyCoRope for electrician... 1 15 500 00 Geo. CutterElectrical suppdes 2 43 500 00 Christman & Hes- 413 35 lea .............. Electrical supplies 65 500 00 W. H. Torbert....O11, paint, etc 45 35 5..0 00 Key City Gas Co.. Gas 110 42 500 00 Globe Light and 500 00 Heat Co... ..... Light 500 00 500 00 Globe Light and 500 00 Heat Co " 16 67 500 00 Dubuque Electrics 500 00 R'y L. & P. CoLight................. 500 00 500 00 " .................. 170 50 500 00 B. LagenLivery ................. 400 500 00 Christman &Hea- 500 00 ley.... Supplies 1 55 5 500 00 The Herald Advertising 500 00 German Catholic 60 00 500 00 Printing Co..... 500 00 The Times Co29 20 75 500 00 'i'he TELEGRAPH. " •• 500 00 The Ledg6er....... " ............... 29 15 500 00 Wm. G. Watters..Hay.... ........... 167 74 50000 Novelty Iron Works..........Rep. steam roller...... 25 500 00 Wm. S. Molo Rep. fountain.......... 78 500 00 C. W. Robison.... Lumber ............... 30 500 00 Chas Van HornGratesand tools....... 15 60 500 00 Norwegian Plow 500 00 CompanyRepairing plow........ 2 05 50000 Novelty Iron 500 00 WorksRep. steam roller 30 500 00 Jas. O'Conner Pail and broom 3 75 500 00 Duggan & Kane..Pail and brooms 1 00 500 00 Key City Lime 500 00 Works..........Limo4 8 500 00 Key City Gas Co.. Coke 500 00 W W. WormoodWinding town clock72 00 500 0 . Central Union Tel- 2 7 500 00 ephone Co......R.nt of telephones, 955 5 500 00 Ferguson Bros....Repairing fountains2 55 500 00 B. E. Linehan....Sewer pipe 500 00 Chas. Steuek Imp. Stewart & Rliom- 5W 00 500 00 berg ayes 500 00 00 00 " " .. 399 30 5 5W 01500 500 00 Ulrich Ruff 'Sewer 9th ave sewer... 500 00 665500 00 " " 44 . 500 00 Mr. and Mrs. Swit- 500 00 zer .............. Damages for being shot 50 00 44 Express................ • Rep. engine house.... Hay.............. Stone and rent of.der- rick Board of prisoners .Juror BoundrySt 66 • • • 44 • 44 44 4. 44 66 66 44 44 44 44 15 75 10 50 18 41 100 50 16 05 69 75 135 30 27 60 2 00 200 200 2 00 200 2 00 200 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 10 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 UO 500 00 500 00 500 00 50100 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 0o 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 44 4 500 00 4 Jahn W iiliams .... Team .................. 3 5o 1 240 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, DEC. 21, 1891. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Seeeion De- cember 21, 1891. [OFFICIAL.] Council met at 2:25 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present - Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, I'easlee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The following petitions were referred to the assessment committees: Mary F. Sew- ard. the Lorimer House Hotel Co. and Catherine Scitueler. Petition of John Quail asking the city to purchase his macadam. Referred to the street committee. Bill of .1. C. O'Neill 50c referred to the sewer committee. Communication of Dubuque Street Ry. Co. asking to be given an opportunity to bid for lighting the city. Referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Dubuque Street Railway Co. for permission to have the scales recently purchased by them from the city, remain where they are for the present. Granted. Citamounts clue the city itor from the corted ontre actors, winch on motion were referred to the au- ditor for collection, and the auditor was instructed to cancel the charge for sewer inspector on West Locust street. Ald. Glen offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the city Dubuque, That to pay for ttnprovenents on Alta Vista street from Julien ave. to %V 14th street, uy Con Ryan contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, mid for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as hollows: John ilennessey, lot 1, Levens add: 468.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c .$187 32 211469 sq yds guttering at 40c 87 88 833.44 sq yds macadamizing at 55c457 84 Total $733 24 John Hennessey, lot 2, Levens add: 74.6 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ L9 84 14.9338.22 q yds guttering at 40c 13 97 sq yds macadamizing at 55c76 02 Total $119 83 John Hennessey, lot 3, Levens add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c48 89 Total $ 77 78 John Hennessey, lot 4, Levins add: 50. lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c48 89 Total $ 77 78 John ilennessey, lot 5, Levins add: 50. lineal feet gurbingat 40c $ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c48 89 Total $ 77 78 John Hennessey, lot 6, Levies add: 50 lineal feet curbing at at 40c .$ 20 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c48 89 Total $ 77 78 John Hennessy, lot 7, Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c48 89 Total $ 77 78 John Hennessy, lot 8, Levine' add: 71 Lineal feet curbing at 40c$ 28 40 33.33 Sq yds guttering at 40c 13 33 138.22 sq yds macadamizing at 55c76 02 Total $117 75 John Hennessy', lot 9, Levins' add: 74.6 lineal It curbing at 40c $ 29 84 34.93 sq yds guttering at 40c 13 97 138.25 Sq yds macadamizing at 55c76 02 Total $119 83 John Hennessy. lot 10, Levtns' add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89 83.88 sq yds macadamizing at 55e48 89 Total $ 77 78 John Hennessy, lot 11, Levies' add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 20 00 222 22.22 q yds guttering at 40e 8 89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c48 89 Total $ 77 78 G. L. Luck, lot 12, Levins' add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c.... 48 89 Total $ 77 78 G. L. Luck, lot 13. Levins add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c48 89 Total $ 77 78 Walter Cox, lot 14. Levtns' add: 89.8 Lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 35 92 41.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 53 164.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c90 69 Total $143 14 W. G, Cox, lot 3, min lot 90: 208.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 83 62 94.58 sq yds guttering at 40c 37 83 388.44 sq yds macadamizing at 55c213 64 Total $334 99 E. E. Jones, lot 6, nun lot 88: 141.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 56 72 63.02 sq yds guttering at 40c 25 21 252.09 sq yds macadamizing at 55c138 65 Total $220 58 E. E. Jones, lot 5, min lot 88: 162.4 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 64 96 298.67 sq ydsyds l'macadamizing at 40c164 5c 24 88 Total $256 11 Julia Gillian', part of min lot 88 (50xI65 feet): 71.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 28 68 26.13 sq yds guttering at 400 10 45 152.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c81 09 Total $123 22 Julia Gilliam, lot 57, Levins' add: 50 lineal ttcurbing at 40c $ 20 00 88.8922.22 q yds guttering at 40e 8 89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c48 89 Total $ 77 78 Julia Gilliam, n j lot 58, Levin's add: 25 luteal ft curbing at 40c $ 10 00 11.11 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 44 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 55c24 44 Total $ 38 88 W. E. Massey, a 34 lot 58, Levins' acid: 25 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 10 00 11.11 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 44 ADJOURNED • REGULAR SESSION, ])EO. 21, 1891. '241 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 55e24 44 Total $ 38 88 W. E. Massey, lot 59, Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 55c48 89 Total $ 77 78 W. E. Massey, lot 60,Levins' add: 20 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 8 00 8.89 sq yds guttering at 40e 3 58 35.56 sq yds macadamizing at 55c19 56 Total $ 31 12 W. E. Massey. (.05 acres) pt of min. lot 86: 31.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 12 80 14 sq yds guttering at 40c 5 60 56 sq yds macadamizing at 55c 30 80 Total $ 49 00 Academy of the Visitation (2 acres) pt of mineral lot 86: 436.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $174 52 203.56 sq yds guttering at 40c 81 42 746.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c410 67 Total $661 61 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith Stoltz and 'Trexler. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improve- ments of Khomberg avenue from Reed avenue to C., M. & St. P. R. R. by Clias. Steuck, contractor, in front of and adjoin- ing the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: J. A. Rhomberg, lot 393, Ham's add: 72.00 Lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 31 68 49.33 Sq yds guttering at 41c 20 23 106.33 Sq yds macadamizing at 40c. 42 53 Total. $ 94 44 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 3142, Ham's add. 50 Lineal feet. curbing at 44c$ 22 00 33.33 Sq yds guttering at 41c 13 67 58.33 bq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 59 00 J. A. Rhomberg. lot 391, Ham's add: 50 Lineal feet curbing at 44c$ 22 00 33.33 Sq yds guttering at 41c 13 67 58.33 Sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 59 00 J. A. Rhom berg, lot 390. Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 67 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 59 00 J. A. Rhotn berg, lot 389, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq -yds guttering at 41c 13 67 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 J. A. Rhom berg, lot 388 Ham's add.: 69.8 Lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 30 62 49.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 20 23 106.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 53 Total . S 93 38 Wm. Janson, lot 304 Ham's add.: 72.2 Lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 31 77 19..333 sq yds guttering at 41c '20 23 9 sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 53 Total $ 94 533 Chas. Voltz, 305 !Jam's ado.: 50 Lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 4k13 68 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c'23 33 'l'otal $ 58 99 Sam. Elmer, Jr., lot 306 Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbingat 44e $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 66 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 83 Total -- $ 58 99 A. H, Henderson, lot 307, Ham's add.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 66 58,33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c'23 33 Total $58 99 Eliza Withrow, lot 308, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq ,yds guttering at 41c 13 66 58.33 sq yds macadaming at, 40c23 33 Total $'58 94 Mary Kress, lot 309, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ '22 00 33.23 sq yds guttering at 41c '13 66 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 58 99 Nich Sartor, lot 310, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 18 66 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40e23 33 Total $ 68 99 Nich bartor, lot 311, Ham's add: 71.9 lineal feet curbing at 44c ' 31 64 49.33 sq yds guttering at 4k 20 23 106.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 53 Total• $ 59 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 388, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 0) 33.33 so yds gutterrtug at 41e. 13 67 58.33 sq yds macadetnizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 59 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 387, Ham's add.: 50.00 Lineal feet curbing at 44c$ 22 00 33,33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 67 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40e23 33 Total .. $ 59 00 Total $ 94 40 F. W. Kringle, lot 410, Ham's add; 69.5 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ BO 58 32.67 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 39 121.69 sq yds macadamizing at 40e48 67 Total .$ 92 64 F. W. Kringle, lot 409, Ham's add: 50;lineal feet curbing at 44c......... $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 4k 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c'27 78 Total $ 58 84 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 402, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9.11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 58 814 Geo. Fengler lot 401, Ram's add: 72.2 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 31 77 34.87 sq yds guttering at 4k 14 21 48 40 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c Total .$ 94'38 Aug. Itoeber, lot 294, !gam's add: 61 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 26 84 28.89 sq yds guttering at 41c 11 84 107.81 sq yds macadamizing at 40c43 12 Total $ 81 80 Aug. Roeber, lot 295, Ham's add: $. 22 00 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c 242 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, DEC. 21, 1891. 22.22 sq yds guttering 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 68 89 Aug. Roeber, lot 296, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e27 78 Total $ b8 89 Aug. lioeber, lot 297 Ham's add: .50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 20 00 69.22 .44 sq ydscadam yards zing at 9 11 40c27 78 Total $ 58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 408, Ham's acid: 50 lineal feetcur..ing at 44e $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 68 89 J. A. lthomberg, lot 407, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 406, Ham's add: 50 lineal fest curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 2 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 58 89 Aug. Roehn, lot 405, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c$ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 68.44 sq yds m'tcadtuuizing a. 40c27 78 Total $ 58 89 Aug. Roeber, lot 404, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 58 89 Win. Giese, lot 403, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sx yds macadamizing tat40e27 78 Total $ 58 89 Aug. Roeber, lot 298, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e27 78 Total ....... $ 58 89 Aug. Roeber, lot 299, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total 58 89 Aug. Roeber, lot 800, llain's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 4 11 69,44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 58 89 Aug. Roeber, lot 301, llant's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 58 89 Aug. Roeber, lot 302, Ilam's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.2.2 sq yds guttering at 41e 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 58 89 Aug. Roeder, lot 3u3, Ham's add: 72.3 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 31 81 34.67 sq yds guttering at 41c 14 21 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 48 40 Total $ 94 42 Marion Putnam, lot 400 clam's add.: 70 lineal feet curbing at 44c $30 80 34.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 14 03 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 48 40 Total $93 L3 Albert Coyle, lot 399 Ham's add.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 Henry Groppe, Jr., lot 398 Ham's add.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.... 27 78 Total $68 89 .J. A. lthomberg, lot 397 Ham's add.: 60 lineal feet curbing at 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 .1. A. Rhombefg, lot 396 Ham's add.: 60 lineal Leet curbing at 44e $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 895 Ham's add.: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 3114, Ham's add: 71 lineal feet cut tang at 44e $ 31 24 34.22 sq yds gut:ertug at 41c 14 03 121 sq yds macadamizing 40c 48 40 Total $ 93 67 J. A. lthomberg, lot 207, Ham's add: 98 lineal feet curbing at44c $ 43 12 45.78 sq yds guttering at 41e 18 77 157.11 sq yds macadamizing 40c 62 84 'rotal $124 73 J. A. lthomberg, lot 208, Ham's add: 2145 lineal feet curbing at 44c $129 80 132 sq yds gutter.ng at 41c 54 4.2 432.11 sq yds macadamizing 40.3 172 84 Total $356 76 J. A. lthomberg, lot 385, ham's add: 71.4 lineal feet curbing st 443 $ 31 41 49.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 20 28 105.33 sq yds Macadamizing at 40c42 53 Total $ 94 17 J. A. nitwit berg, lot 384, Ham's add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 67 58.33 c'q yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 59 00 J. A. lthomberg, lot 385, Han's add: 50 lineal feet cubing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 67 68.33 sq yds macadamizing at 4uc23 33 Total $ 69 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 382, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c ,$ 22 00 33.83 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 67 b3.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40e23 33 Total $ 59 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 381, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq 33.33yds guttering at 41c 13 67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 59 00 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, DEC. 21, 1801. 248 J. -A. Rhomberg, iot 380, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 67 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 69 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 379, Hum's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering itt 41c 13 67 58.83 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 • Total $ 59 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 378, Ham's add: 71 lineal feet curbing at 44c 5 31 24 49.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 20 23 106.33sq yds macadamiziug at 40c42 53 Total • $ 94 00 J. A. lthomberg, lot 312. Ham's add: 71 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 31 24 49.33 sq ycls guttering at 41c 20 22 106.33 sq yds Macadamizing at 40c42 93 Total $ 93 99 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 313, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 66 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c, 23 33 Total $ 5• 8 99. F. M. Ellis, lot 314, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c.........$ 22 00 33.3$ sq yds guttering at 41c 13 66 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 83 Total $ 58 99 F. M. Ells, lot 315, ham's add: 50 feet lineal feet curbing at44c $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c13 66 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 58 99 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 316, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 66 58.35 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 33 Total $ 58 99 J. A. Ramberg, lot 317, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 440 $ 22 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 66 58.38 sq yds macadamizing at 40e23 33 Total $ 58 99 J. ,1. Rhomberg, lot 318, Ham's and: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 2. 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 41e 13 56 58.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c,23 33 Total $ 58 99 J. A. lthoniber_, lot 819, 1-lam's add: 73 lineal feet curbing at 44c . $ 32 12 19.33 sq yds guttering at•41c 20 22 106.33 sq yds macadamiziug at 40e42 53 Total $ 94 87 I. A. Rhomberg, lot 377, Ham's add: 73:3 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 32 25 34.67 sq yds guttering at 41c 14 21 121 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 48 40 22.22 sq yds guttering at41c' • 9.11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 47 Total 358 88 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 573, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total $'58 88 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lot 372 Ham's add: 50 lineal teet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41e 9 11 67.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total $ 58 88 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lot 371, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 69.44 sq yds macadamizing 40c $ 22 00 9 11 27 77 $'5888 add: 6 64 Total J. A. Rhomberg, 1ot370, Ham's 15.1 lineal feet curbing at.44c 38.50 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 15 40 Lotal 422 04 Aug. Giese, lot 320, Ham's add: 741 lineal feet curbing at 44c• $ 32 16 33.67 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 14 21 121 sq yus macadamizing at 40c 48 40 Total $ 94 86 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 376, 1-latn's add: 50 lineal teet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering tit 41c • 9 11 69.41 sq yds macadamizing at 40c27 77 Total $ 58 88 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 375, Ham's add: "u0 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering et 41e • 9 11 60.44 sq yds tnaoadhmizing at'40c• 27 47 Total......,.. $ 94 77 Martin Gager, lot 321, Ham's add: ' 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 400 , 27 78 Total • $ 58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 322, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 44c27 7.8• Total $ 58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 323 Ham's add: • 50 lineal feet curbing at 440 $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 9 11 6:+.44 sb yds macadamizing at 40c27 78 Total $ 58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 324, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c. • $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41c......... . 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e... 27 78 Total $ 58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 325 Ham's add.': 83.2 lineal feet curbing at 44e $ 36 61 37.78 sq yds guttering at 41c 15 49 131.94 sq yds macadamiziug at 40c.. 52 78 Total• - • $ 58.88 J . A. Rhomberg, lot 374, Ham's add; 51) lineal feet curbing at 44c 3 22 00 Total $104 88 Dubuque Street Railway Co.: 1779.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.$711 82 Adopted by the following vote: • Ayes -Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and '1'rexler. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved. That the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to advertise for 200 arc lights of 2,000 candle power for light- ing the city for aterm of three years, said lights to be located as designated by the council or a committee thereof, bidders to furnish a good and sufficient security of $1,000 that contract will be entered into if awarded, the city to "reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Adopted by the following voter Ayes -Alda. Crawford; ' Glelb,` Peaslee, •Smith, Stoltz and'l'rexler. • Noes-A1ds. Cushing and Page. On motion the mayor was authorized to 244 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, DEC. 21, 1891. purchase a copy of Whipple's Elite cal Directory. AId. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the Dubuque Water Co. be instructed to extend their water mains on Bluff street between 7th and 8th streets so that adjacent property can connect with said water works. AId. Trexler offered the following: Resolved, That from and after this date the city auditor be and is hereby instructed to open accounts with any and all contrac- tors that may have a contract with the city and that said auditor be furnished with a copy of said contract so as to be able to open an account with him. Ald. Guth, chairman of the street com- mittee, reported as follows: 'Your committee on streets would report that they have examined and accepted the following streets: Leibnitz street, A. Schmidt, contractor; Sanford street, E. E. Frith, contractor; South Locust street, from old corporation line south 225 feet, Meehan & llassett, con- tractors. Report adopted. Also made the following report: Your committee on streets to whom was referred the smatter of paying contractors • for work on streets that have been bonded for the cost thereof, would submit the fol- lowing resolution, as the time has been too short to enable us to make an estimate of the total cost of said work: Resolved, That warrants be drawn in fa- vor of the following contractors for the amount opposite their names, and that the city auditor be instructed to open accounts with said contractors and credit the city for any and all amounts paid said contractors on their contracts: Con Ryan, Grandview ave $6,514 15 Norton & Lee, West Locust st1,246 41 Chas Steuck, Rhomberg ave 3,057 55 Con Ryan, Alia Vista st 1,923 28 E. E. Frith, W inds.dr ave 271 78 John Tibey, South Dodge st 2,213 22 I. J. Donahue, Dodge st 2,465 32 Meehan & llassett, Cleveland ay4,004 57 John Tibey, Winona ave 779 30 1). W. Linehan, Jackson street836 25 E. E. Frith, Sanford street 697 20 • E. E. Erith, West 11th and Race streets 536 60 Norton & Lee, Bluff street 963 70 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cashing, Glab, ,Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz, 'Trexler. On motion the recorder was instructed to change warrant drawn at the session of the 7th inst in favor of Jos. Stoltz fur $6,40 to $64. Aid. Glab moved that the action of the council, taken Dec. 7th, granting the Du- buque Street Railway Co. the privilege of paying for the improvement of Hhomberg ave in accordance with the paving ordi- nance, he reconsidered. Carried. fillliing the slough 2n t tstreeta te ension be referred to AId. Crawford. Carried. The matter of assessment of property to does notfor lab tal onl he sewer eeferreer whersaid citty at city attorney for his legal opinion. Ald. Page, chairman of the siwer com- mittee reported in favor or paying the bill of D. W. Linehan of $577.07 for Dorgans alley fewer. Report adopted. AId. Smith moved to adjourn. Carried. Attes : J. C. FIT' ATRICK, Recorder. / 14 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 7th day of December, 1891, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and in case the owners of the property so desire they can pay the assess- ment in seven annual equal installments, the first installment being due on date of levy, and the last instalimeut six years from date of levy, all bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. Par- ties wishing to pay all at once as hereto- fore can do so. In ease of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from elate of levy the property will be advertised and sold. AWENCTreasurer a the City of DubuqGONNERue. Dubuque Iowa, Dec. 18, 1891. For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamizing Winona Avenue from West Fitth to West Third Streets. Name. Description. Lot. Am't D J Kent, Deming & Horr's sub 9 $142 14 U F llodge, Deming & Horr's sub 11 59 02 U F Hodge, Denning & llorr's sub 12 e3 05 O F Hodge, Deming & llorr's sub 13 63 05 U F Hodge, Deming & port's sub U F Hodge, Deming & llorr's 14 63 05 sub 15 63 05 U F (lodge, Denning& !lurr's sub O F Hodge, Denning ,Yc Borr's 16 ti3 O6 sub 17 81 97 John McCoy, McCoy's sub4 183 04 do do 3 183 49 OF dodge, Deming & port's O F Hodge, Deming & llorr's 18 80 94 sub 19 63 06 U N' Bodge, Dentiug & !iorr's sub . 20 63 06 U N' Hodge, Deming & Ilorr's sub O F Hodge, Deming & Horr's 21 B1 80 sub . 22 56 70 U 1I' Hodge, Denting & liorr's sub . 23 55 97 U F Hodge, Deming & llorr's sub.... 21 61 35 Bridget Leahey, Deming & Horr's sub 8 151 25 For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamizing South Dodge Street from Dodge Street to Grandview Ave. Name. Description. Lot. Ain't Joan and Ed Tibey, lot 1 of lot 3 of nun 63 622 90 Michael (thea, lot 2 of lot 6 of min 62 217 19 John Byrnes, Bonbon & Stew- art's sub 25 67 05 John Byrnes, Ronson' & Stew- art's sub 24 67 86 George Koerner, lot 2 of 3 of niin 63' 69 96 Peter C Meehan, Union add72 ill 24 Patrick Hayden, Union add73 55 97 Bridget Whittemore, Union ado 74 5 97 Peter Kearney,U nton add 75 107 16 ft Benson est, Ronson & Stew- art's sub 26 102.02 Peter Eisbaclt. lot 4of min63 134 97 Owen Donahue, Iluskiu's sub1 87 08 ADJOURNED R,EGULAIt, SESSION, DEC. ;?1, 1x91. >(;, Eiiza Saul, I'risk iii's sub 2 66 70 Al rs. Isabella Cai n, Iloskiit's sub 3 62 97 .Ias and M A Brunskill, llos- kin's sub 4 77 42 W A McClain, 1losain's sub5 69 94 John Fitzpatrick, sub 76 and 77, Union add 2 237 21 '1' IV Fitzpatrick, Union adct146 208 94 Frank McGuinnees, lot 1 of nein 47 168 25 Tim Cain, lot 1 of 2 of 7 of min . 45 251 22 Mary Wilde, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 7 of min 45 167 07 '1' J Donahue, lot 1 of min46 378 24 do lot 2 of min47 154 74 Daniel Rice, Union add152 94 58 .1 U Fitzpatrick, Union add151 79 28 James Saul, Sr, Union add150 79 28 do do 149 79 28 do do 148 79 28 Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co, right of way 534 72 For Improving Rhomberg Avenue from Reed Street to Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. N ame. Description. Lot. Am't. J A lthomberg, Dam's add293 93 18 do do 411 93 31 For Improving Bluff Street from Four- teenth to Sixteenth Streets. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. C Bayless, Cooley's sub lot 3 of 9 83 42 For Curbing, Guttering and Macadamizing Dodge;Street from Old City Line to South Dodge Street. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Patrick Roddy Union add9 4W 68 Patrick McCann, Union add13 78 29 .lulus Shay. Union add 14 80 74 Ii Buusuu est, Union add 15 83 80 IV in Coate's, sub 14 and 15, Bush's add 5 74 39 :\ lex Farley, Bush's add 3 167 25 .las E McClain, Bush's add2 75 55 rho do 1 90 07 John and Ed'l'ibey, lot 1 of 3 of min 63 211 56 Michael Rhea, lot 2 of 5 of miii 62 34 21 McClain tiros, min 67 952 78 Mercy Ilospital, lot 2 of min66 336 39 Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co, right of way 465 11 For Curbing, Guttering and \lacadamizing .Jackson Street from Peru Road to City Limits. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. B E Linehan, Lin'han P'rk ad. 1 156 06 do do 3 37 30 dodo 4 37 30 Flo do 5 37 30 do do 6 37 30 do do 7 37 30 do do 8 37 30 do do 9 37 30 do do 10 37 30 do do 11 83 69 do do 37 82 89 do do 38 37 30 do do 39 37 30 do do 40 37 30 . do do 41 37 30 do do 42 37 30 ido do 43 37 30 do do 44 9 05 Chicago, St. Paul 86 Kansas City Railway, lot 2 of min365 818 61 I hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct list of all the warrants issuedlby me during them on Co TZPATRI'CK,�Recorder. DECEMBER SESSION, 1891. 246 LIST OF CITY %VAIIIIANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during Octooar, 1891. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, I. DUBUQUE, Iowa Nov.1V1, 1891. 1 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1891: Name. For what Purpose. Amount L. Gonner........ Salary for Sept, Treas- urer....... $150 00 J. C. Fitzpatrick.. Salary for sept., Recor- der 116 65 J. M. Kenety Salary for S pt., Aud- itor .1. J. McCarthy.. Salary for Sept., Attor- ney P. F. Guterle.... Salary for Sept., As- sessor S. B. Rice.........Salary for Sept., Mar- shal ........... Ed. Ryan. Salary for Sept., Street Commissioner .los. Reinfried....Salary for Sept., Chief of lire department A. Gratz........Salary for Sept., Mar- ketmaster I'. McNulty. Salary for Sept., Park Custodian Chas. Bauman... Salary for Sept., W harf- master I. S. Bigelow .Salary for Sept., Health officer.... . C. SpiegelhalterSalary for Sept., Pound - master B. Rawson Salary for Sept„ Sew- er Inspector......... .lames O'Halloran.Salary for Sept., Side. walk Inspector. .1. KleinSalary fpqr Sept., Meat Ins' tor .tames Bunting...Salary''77or Sept., Elec- trician Ed. Blake.... Salary for S. pt , En- gineer..... E. S. Hyae....... 'alary for Sept., As- ! sistant Engineer J. Boyce Salary for Sept., As- sistant Engineer John O'Connell...Salary for Sept., Com- mittee cork 75 00 A. Gratz......... Board 0, prisoners18 40 •Ja•. Daly.........Fireman60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 Ou 85 00 60 00 00 00 (10 00 50 0.) 511 Oil 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 75 00 31 00 29 00 31 00 27 00 77 50 74 70 46 76 51 05 53 30 51 65 51 65 51 65 51 65 53 30 51 65 51 65 53 30 43 40 116 65 12501 125 00 100 00 91 05 75 00 Dan. Norton 6440 GO James Allen61 65 John Iteuter63 30 Ed. Moore M. Hardie.. 51 65 61 6a Sam. Elmer 16.............. 51 05 James Flynn t::. 53 30 Dan. Lavery" 51 65 John Hoffman61 65 Wm. Welsh 61 65 Thos. Blake " .............. 51 65 John Murphy " 6l 05 Win. Klauer.............. 51 65 Peter Scharf61 65 P. Mc('ollins51 65 Geo. Rubeck .. 51 60 John Murphy •` 60 00 Chas. Smack Imp. Rhomberg, Stew- art and Julien ave.. 500 00 .. •` .. 500 16 " " 61 " 62 00 T. J. DonanueImp. Dixie street.... Gio On •' ..... 191 58 Tony SiegeImp. Julien avenue... 275 47 John TibeyImp. Washington St.. 500 00 61 46 ". 457 73 D. W. LinehanPaving Iowa street.... 164 93 Adam SchmidtImp. Peru road........ 410 04 Chas. SteuckIir,p. Rhomberg ave.. 500 00 61 ...... 500 00 " " 46 ...... 500 00 61 `.600 00 It 41 a 500 00 .. •' 64330 36 " " Julien avenue and alley.......... 462 85 50 00 •John 'Filmy... Imp. Washington St.. 316 02 Adam SchmidtImp. Peru road..... .. 124 89 45 00 e..1. Ackley Laborer ................ 6 00 M. Ahearn31 50 20 00 T. Ahearn" .. ...•..•.... 18 00 J. SewerHelper road roller..... 50 75 30 00 B. Bmmitt laborer 16 50 NI. Stru1i'ns 28 50 40 00 John Jlall " 12 00 J. Ravendorf.... ,4 50 60 00 John Boa lie " ............... 16 00 P. B 11 ..... Mason .................. 70 50 60 00 J. Bargman I aborer................ 10 50 J. Byrne" ............... 6 0) 50 00 W. 11 ,rkley ............... 24 00 M. Carmody........ .... 2 25 75 00 N. CondonForeman ............... 36 75 John CorbettLaborer 25 00 125 00 L. Corcoran John Callahan......... ..... 37 50 100 00 Sam. Collins " ............... 23 95 Wm. Crumpwell" ... 13 50 100 00 James Doyle Foreman .............. 41 15 M. DumpilyLaborer 300 3 00 Ed. Desmond.... " 930 00 NI. Dieferding.... « 5 60 John Eagan...... 5 60 H. Flood.......... 31 50 25 F. Fort........... 41 15 00 John Fix 24 W H. Foltz.......... 4'L 110 64 P. Fitzgerald H. Gollie L.94 50 C. Grunzig`. 31 60 Ed. Grew" 25 50 Joe Grab.......... ..... 20 25 J. M. Garris tn" ............... 15 00 L. Gross" ............... 15 00 K. Gutberlett" 10 50 50 • ohn (Hessler • Thos. HackneyCarpenter ............... 35 50 John Haley Laborer. 28 Dan. Harman, 20 60 Ed. Hackett" ............... 19 50 Jas. Harker 37 50 P. Hayden........ 30 00 N. Hilger......... " 9 00 J. Jecklin......... 226 John Kinsella....Carpenter50 00 J. Karch .......... Laborer • 18 550 M. Kline.......... 1 50 P. Kearney....... " 9 60 F. Kreeger..... ... •• 25 00 .• 3225 .. 16 75 18 00 •• 300 13 75 .. 18 00 Job Barnes• W . Ducy.. J. Murphy A. Cullen T. Burke J. McFarland T. O'Shea M. Eitel P. Martin ••••••••... John Essman .1. F1•ntt............... .1. \Viltse l'. Flynn F. Essman T. Walker D. Ahearn .1. Allen . Kannolt G. Moyer '•. J. Ward A. Duccini........ " J. Schonberger••••••••••••••• F. Ganalil, .•••••••••..... D. RyanCaptain of Police John ltaesli•-•-•••••• ,James Carter Policeman •. Win. O'Brien..... •••••••-••••••• M. O'Connell )sari. ('ain Win. Frith John Litsclier P. McNerny Thos. Reilly P, Dunnegan P. Kearney 1'. Hanlon John Fitzpatrick it •••..••••..... •••• • ......... 66 • 16 .............. T. Louergan John Lavin H. Luck H. Leicht M. Lilack......... T. Mulqueeny.... P. Melchoir P. Mee.... L. Metu'isehan J, Mullen M. Murphy • ••••••........• 27 00 40 25 4 50 1 50 247 DECEMBER. SESSION, 1892. I. Mahony " J. Mello •• C. Messerknecht. " C. Mackelbl•rg M• C. Mahon" Joe MoCone" M. McCone.... Foreman......... A. MeGuan Laborer ................ B. McCaffrey61 John McKee .1 McBride John McNulty L. McEvoy H. McMullen M. McGrath M. Nuten... J. Noonan F. O'Brien, Sr Mal. O'Loughlin Joe Obbelt .. F. Oswald Martin O'Loughlin ........ •' •"" Jas. Purcell ..'... Wm. Pickle """"' ney .1. QuigyForeman ............... Laborer ............... .Jas. Ryan • . ,Jas Raw .John ItaetzForeman Win. Rieman Laborer ................ F. Ringer" M. Ryan.... " A. Reuter J. Ragan ............... Joe Seik . ...•• Geo. Sutter.:" 1). •Sutherlaml" Al. Stevenson Engineer roan roller... G. Wirt ........Laborer..... John Wolfe..... " "•' it 66 66 64 it .1 44 66 Chas. Wlmien Geo. Zumhoff Foreman......... W. Zachina..... ..L 'borer N. Brandt......... Team........ M. Bul'ns......... T. Beacon 6. L. Cahill 11 M. Cr•alrin........ 1t 11 Cain............ " .... .................. J. Utinitley..." . John Evens....... •1 M. Gantenbein... '• J. Hoffineler.. , .. " M. J. Hannon.... " Win Howard " 1'. Jardeh •• C. Kampmann... " John Long , • o • • Ed. Lagen. J. McGrath Win. McGrath.... . • ......... ... J. McQuillan.1 .................. John Parker L. Pell........ .1. 1'eil 61 ............ ....... Win. Rawson" .John Steffen........,. " """' J. Sutherland._" ..""""" J. Steiner .1 ..... H. Schmidt........."' H. Trope....... " ................... C. Tobin.......... " (1. Wetter 11 ... . ...•. M. Wagner........ ................... .1 Chas. Stench. 10 50 Grading Rhomberg ave 500 110 Dub. Water Co...211 Hydrants'• 500 00 Dub. Water Co...Hyd ants.............. 500 00 5 Dub. Water Co... Hydrants ............... 5 Oo Norwegian Plow Company........ Repairing plow........ 50 Al. Kannolt... .... Horsesboeing......... 8 50 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co ........Lumber ..............•• 2 85 Key City Gas CO.Coke and coal 25 45 lobo Williams....Tcam and derrick 78 50 iteiuhled & Jae - I get Wire and blooms...... 1 40 Coo W. Witmer. Jr .Repairing indicator•.• • 4 95 Iowa Iron Works.Rep. steam roller..... 2 00 B. D. Linehan Repairing tools ........ 8 55 Excelsior 011 Tank 5 00 Line .... Oil_ ..... .... 5 00 A. Wunderlich....Horseshoeing......... 15 M. Cziek Painting town clock... 309 00 Joseph GeigerRepairing patrol house Standard Lumber. and city hall......., 113 26 12 75 24 00 75 13 50 31 50 31 50 22 76 19 50 1210 750 34 50 37 50 14 25 12 00 150 6 00 3 00 8 25 •31 50 24 75 14 25 23 60 30 no 22 75 37 50 31 50 31 50 29 75 25 50 1 10 150 150 3 00 25 00 3 00 7 50 60 00 16 50 1200 40 25 90,1 36 75 90 441 25 36 75 1925 42 00 40 25 40 25 17 @0 7 00 35 00 40 25 36 75 7 00 3', 00 1 72 12 25 28 00 35 00 35 t•,0 11 40 43 75 3 50 3 50 28 00 38 51 35 00 14 011 45 50 42 00 36 75 36 55 21 00 company........ Lumber.. 6 70 Win. Marshall....Rep. steam roller 5 53 Christman & Hea- ley Nails and tools 6 45 J. M. McKenzie.. Repairings scraper75 C. W. Robison... Lumber.......... • 4 45 Knapp -Stout & Co Company........ Lumber........... :31 86 Dubuque Specialty Machine Co.... Drilling vacuum cham- ber 2 no Eugene Dutzgen..Supplies 14 18 Dub Rubber & Belting Co...... Rubber belting . 2 90 C. H. Whitwell'.. Veterinary services95 00 F Sehloz..........Repairing tools9 25 B. E. Lin ban.... Coke and cement 9 ,5 30 P. . Strelau Coke ................... 86 45 J. W. Witimer011, wick, etc 2 70 I lid rich Muggen- berg... Brick .................. 6 50 Arnold NeksRepairing •ewer 6 90 Ferguson Bros....Repairing patrol house 10 7:1 Mrs. Koenig...... Scrubbing . ity hall11 50 Mrs. Meehan Scrubbing city hall.... 6 25 John Doran .... Vacating city lot 20 00 Bat bara Isboru... Rent pat, 01 house 18 00 John Terry.......Removing garbage356 00 C. Rowland....... Supplies city hall3 10 Homan & Roehl..One mattress3 50 Abbott Maehlue " Company .......,Cancelling machine22 r o John O'Neill...... Express 1 09 L. Daly ........... ttemovin1 garbage and cleaning city ball103 50 James Kelly Stationery............ 10 80 Ellwanger BrosRepairing harness.... 4 10 Farley, Loetscher Mfg Co Shavings ............... 75 Novelty Iron Works Rep. steam roller...... 3 92 Fred. Roehl Shovel....... 80 Albert KaunoltITurseshoetng.......... 2 50 P. H. lid luln Hay and feed.......... , 4 13 F. H. Fluke_ Team nutubers........ 30 00 Al. Gasser Brick ................... 5 70 Rhode Island g Pape Coupling ' q inot Rodding townu clock.. 71 tin John HarneyRepairing tools..., .... 8 50 Fr1 atz & ClarkBrushes and sponges.. 1 50 Al. (lasser.... Brick.........6 00 B. Ligen....Liver .... John O'Brien Labor .......... . 2 00 John Tierney • •• "" 44 `10 John MulkernDeed to plop ert .... . 41 30 property.... 505 W. P. Allen Paint and al.......... 5 i 5 Margaret LucasRefunded tax.......... 2 20 Bauiu •artner & Kieili........... Nails 30 J. F. Burns.......Retairing sidewalk3 00 P. Martin........ Engineer steam roller20 00 J..1. McColdds... Express 1 25 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co... • Lumber. .. 1 50 Jas. Ragan .Repairing sidewalk,... 3 W R. Eddy... • ' E. L. FrithResetting curb' 3 5 Jas. Farrell2 80 ..... Anton AberleFilling hole on : emt- JOlru Tibe nary Hill............ 7 00 yStone.. .... ... 33 00 T. J. Donahue Grading S. Dodge Si.. 500 00 • " u 1 600 00 4tStorm water sewer on It Rouge Street . ... 5 0 00 11 11 " 11 it 50000 500 00 • if 500 00 Lee & Norton Storm water sewer on 425 60 West Locust street.. 500 00 " u 500 00 16 66 •••••• 11 16 500 00 500 00 John Harney gtools 310 34 Ro Repairing ...... 17 70 Western Electric Company, . ...Electricians' supplies. 3 50 Jacobi & Wadley.Olnce chair5 00 L. Gonner........Money advanced on 1•', Heer & Son....Ilans and sketches for 740 34 aolWm. S. Molo.....Reu. flushttank 124 00 Langworthy -Adams 24 45 L•on Works Manhole cover......... 9 00 I. S. Bigelow Testing milk 7 50 Christman & Hea- ley.... ... • ...... ea - ley.............. Wire and nails40 DECEMBER SESSION, 1891. ' 248 Key City Gas CoGas .................... Dubuque Electric R`y L. & P. CoLIKht................. Globe Light and Heat Co ................... Globe Light and Heat Co „ Lear & POffnerHorseshoeing......... E. E. FrithRemoving dead ani- mals Dub. Water Co... Water for eitp hall Wm. S. Molo.....Repairing fountains Reinfried' & Jae- ger..............Rent of guns and am- munition A. Christman Matting............ P. Klauer Tags and locks........ Geo. FenglerLime....... The TM.LEGRAPHAdvertising..... ....... The Herald " TheLedger............... The Times Co A. H. SchillingJuror, condemning .Sts J. C. Longueville. " 44 " " 11 " 11 11 " " 11 t. 11 ,1 1i 1,4 1. 11 1. . 11 " ,1 11 Louis Doerfler Pat. Cla•icy Phillip Pier A. Henchlin .1. Wunderlich R. McGivern L. C. Fuller John Moser .1. McDonnell .1. J. Dunn Norton & Lee Storm Fewer, West Lo- cust street 44 11 11 tl 1. 11 11 11 41 M. C. Lilly & Ce.. Buttons P. R. Connolly .... t late ................... B. N. Arquitte.... Derrick F. C. Chesterman. Imp. Delhi street J. P. Cooney Fees, city cases........ it, McClain Code of Iowa 102 07 do do 13 77 78 Walter Cox do 14 143 14 W G Cox, Sub min, lot 90 3 334 99 E E Jones do do 88 6 220 58 do do do 88 5 25611 Julia Williams, Part min lot 16 67 (50x165 ft) 88 123 22 4 00 do Levins' add 57 77 78 do do n3 58 38 88 20 00 W E Massey do s;4 58 38 88 13 65 130 do 59 77 78 do do 60 3112 do Part of min lot (5.05 acres) 86 49 00 Academy of the Visitation, Part of min lot (2 acres) 86 666 61 For the improvement of 1-thomberh ave- nue from Reed avenue to C., M. & St. P. R. it. 500 00 170 50 500 00 6 65 14 50 18 70 2 40 7.,00 29 16 29 15 29 16 2 00 200 2 0 2 00 200 2 0.1 2 00 200 2 00 2 110 2 00 2 00 500 00 50 00 457 67 6 00 84 50 40 00 68 19 2 75 9 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1891. J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. NOTICE. Puulic notice is hereby given that at the se sion of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 14th day of December, 1891, the following special asse•sments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and in case the owners of the property so desire they can pay the assess- ment in seven annual equal installments, the first installment being due on date of levy, and the last installmeut six years from date of levy, all bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. Par- ties wishing to pay all at once as hereto- fore can do so. Hi case of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from date of levy the property will he advertised and sold. LAWRENCE GONNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. Dubuque Iowa, Dec. 28, 1891. For the improvement of Aita Vista street, from Julien avenue to West Fourteenth street. Name. Description. Lot. Am't .John Hennessey, Levies' add.. 1 $733 04 do do 2 119 83 do do 3 77 78 do (10 4 77 78 do do 5 77 78 do do 6 77 78 do do 7 77 78 do do 8 117 75 do do 9 119 83 do do 10 77 78 do do 11 77 78 (4 L Luck, do 12 77 78 Name. Description. Lot. J A Rhomberg, Ham's add 393 do do 392 do 391 do 390 do 889 do 388 do 387 do 386 do 304 do 305 do 306 do 307 do 308 do 309 do 310 311 410 do ... 409 do .. 408 do .. 407 do .. 406 do .. 405 do .. 404 do .. 403 do .. 402 do .. 401 do .. 294 do ..295 do .. 296 do .. 297 do .. 298 do .. 299 do .. 800 do .. 301 do .. 302 do .. 303 do .. 400 do .. 399 do .. 398 do .. 397 do .. 396 do .. 395 do .. 894 do .. 207 do .. 208 d o .. 385 do .. 384 do .. 383 do .. 382 do .. 381 do .. 380 do .. 379 do .. 378 do .. 312 do .. 313 do .. 314 do .. 315 do .. 316 do .. 317 do .. 318 do .. 319 do .. 377 do .. 376 do .. 375 do .. 374 do .. 373 do do do do do do Wm .Jansen. Cath Valtz, Sam Elmer, Jr., A H llenderon, Eliza Withrom, Mary Kress, Nick Sartor, do do F W Kringle, Ham's add.. do J. A. Rhomberg, do do Aug Raeber, do Wm Giese, 1 A Rhomberg, Gen Fengler, Aug Raeber, do do do do do do do do do Marion Putnam, Albert Cayle, Henry Gruppe, Jr. J A Rhomberg do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do F M Ellis, do J A Rhomberg, no do do .do do . do do do Am't $94 44 59 00 59 00 59 00 59 00 59 00 59 00 93 38 94 53 58 99 58 99 58 99 58 99 58 99 58 99 94 40 92 64 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 68 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 94 88 81 80 68 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 94 42 93 23 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 58 89 93 67 124 73 856 76 94 17 59 00 59 00 59 00 59 00 59 00 59 00 94 00 93 99 58 99 58 99 58 99 58 99 58 99 58 99 94 87 94 86 58 88 58 88 58 88 58 88 • among 249 DECEMBER SESSION, 1891. Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, Ham's add37.2 58 88 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, Ham's add371 58 88 .1 A Rhomberg do 370 22 04 Aug Giese do 320 94 77 Martin Lager, do 321 58 89 .1 A Rhomberg„ , do 322 58 89 do do 323 58 89 do do 324 58 89 do do325 104 88 Dubuque Street R'y Co., right of way 711 82 SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Brad street, abutting lot 33 in S. M. Langworthy's addition. Adopted Dec. 7, 1891. J. C. F ITZPATttICK, I2 -16-10t City Recorder.