Y Roll_11 Part 1City of Dubuque Council Record Book No. 22 January 4, 1892 - December 5, 1892 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE YEAR 1892. DUBUQUE: HAM & CARVER. PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1893. CITY OFFICERS FOR 1892 Mayor—CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS Recorder—J. C. FITZPATRICK. Auditor—J. M. KENETY. Treasurer—LAWRENCE GONNER. Attorney—J. J. McCARTHY. Assessor—J. F. STEMM. ALDERMEN: First Ward—DENIS SMITH, THOS. BYRNE. Second Ward JOHN P. PAGE, JOHN GLAB. Third Ward—MELL. H. CUSHING, PETER OLINGER. Fourth Ward—EDW. C. PEASLEE, P. W. CRAWFORD. Fifth Ward—F. J. STOLT, N. P. NICKS. APPOINTED OFFICERS: Committee Clerk—JOHN O'CONNELL. Engineer—E. C. BLAKE. Sewer Inspector—BENTLEY RAWSON. Marshal—S. B. RICE. Wharf Master and Wood Measurer—JAS. SMITH. Street Commissioner—JOHN CARTER. Chief Fire Dept JOE REINFRIED. Market Master—ED. NORTON. Park Commissioner—H. HENCE. Electrician—J. L. BUNTING. Health Officer Dr. F. WIELAND STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1892 EDW. C PEASLEE Mayor Pro Tcmpore, Chairman Committee of the Whole Finance—PEASLEE, OLINGER, PAGE. Ordinance—CRAWFORD, CUSHING, STOLTZ. Claims—BYRNE,GLAB, SMITH, NICKS Streets—GLAB, OLINGER, CRAWFORD, NICKS, BYRNE. Harbors—SMITH, PAGE, PEASLEE. Supplies—OLINGER, PEASLEE, BYRNE. Markets—NICKS, OLINGER, CRAWFORD. Public Grounds and Buildings—CRAWFORD, BYRNE, STOLTZ, CUSHING, GLAB. Fire and Water—STOLTZ, OLINGER, CRAWFORD, PAGE, CUSHING, BYRNE. Printing—SMITH, PEASLEE, CUSHING, GLAB, NICKS. Police and Light—PAGE, OLINGER, NICKS, SMITH. Delinquent Tax—CUSHING, STOLTZ, CRAWFORD, BYRNE, GLAB. Electrical Construction—PEASLEE, OLINGER, STOLTZ. Sewers—PAGE, CPAWFORD, BYRNE Ex. Com. Board of Health—STOLTZ, SMITH, PEASLEE, CUSHING, GLAB. Paving—CUSHING, CRAWFORD,GLAB Regular Meetings of City Council Held on First Monday of Each Month. City Election Held on First Monday in April. ,,,I ,, ., • .. INDEX.--Bok 22. 1892. SUBJECT. PAGE. A Jan 4 Alley bet. Rhomherg Ave.and Garfield Ave., petition for vaca- tion of. (22,p.34) 1 64 4 Assessor John F.Stenon qualified. (22,p.3) .; " 4 Assessor,Assistant,James Bennett qualified. (22 p.3) 2 66 4 Alleys.profiles of from W.llth to Rose bet. Race and Walnut and Race St.and old Corp.line 11 Feb 1 Alley on 9th Ave.,between'Blomberg Ave. and Lincoln Ave., petition for culvert 26 " 1 Alley bet.Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave., petition for sewer to Adams Ave 26 " 1 Almond St.,pet.for impt of. (22,p.46) ... 26 " 1 Auchter,Jos., taxes on moneys and credits panceled 33 " 1 Alley east of Center Place,eng.prepare profile for ebonize of grade 34 k 15 Auditor's Report referred to finance committee and attorney,... 39 March 7 Althauser's Add., profile of grades of streets in. (22,p.61) 4:3 " 7 Alley in Ham's Add.,plat of proposed to be vacated. (22,p.61). 43 46 7 Alley west of Walnut St.bet. llth and Rose Sts.,pet.for impt of granted; (22, pp.178, 200) 43 46 7 Alleys from VV.llth to Rose St., east and west of Race St.,or- dered unproved. (22, pp.67-68.178-200) 48 « 7 Alleys bet.Rose and W. 1 lth,and Walnut and Race Sts, grade adopted. (22,p.51) 49 " 7 Alley bet Rose and W.llth Sts 49 April 7 Atherton,A.C., del.tax. (22, p.74) 60 7 Althauser Ave., grade of established 61 " 7 Alley 6 feet wide along south side of lot 11, sub 438, and bet. "{ Clay and Seminary Sts. (22, p.72-89) 62 667 Air Hill St.,bet. W. 8th and Julien Ave., ordered unproved. (22,pp.101-1:;:5-1.50) 63 " 7 Alley bet.15th and 16th,and Maple and Pine Sts., ordered im- - proved. (22,p.89) 63 " 20 Assessor Stenim pet.for Assistant 67-8 64 20 Assessor,Assistant Gmehle qualified 68 46 20 Angella St.,pet to have made passable. (22,pp.87-89-101) •- 68 i 66" 20 Auburn Ave.,ordered improved. (22, p.81) 68 20 Algona Ave.,ordered improved. (22, pp.81-135-147) 68 " 20 Alta Ave.,ordered improved. (22,p. 81) 68 May 2 Apple grade adopted 73 • " ........ 2 Apple St.ordered improved. (22,pp. 91- -188) 75 June 6 Alley bet.5th and 6th and Iowa and ClaySts., nuisance com- plained of. (22,p.101) 86 " 6 Alley east of Center Place,blue line adopted as grade of 86 6 Alley bet. Middle and Schiller and bet. Rhomberg and Garfield Ave.,pet.for improvement of. (22,pp 92-101) 87 1 46 6 Alley bet.Couler Ave.and W hite St.,pet.to have widened 87 66 0 Apple St., pet.for change of grade on,granted. (22, p.87) 87 - " 6 Ashton Ave.,part of vacated. (22,pp.94-115) 87 66 .. 6 Avoca Ave.,part of vacated. (22,pp.94-115) 87 64 • .15 Alma St.,matter of retaining wall on. (St.Com.) 92 Al 15 Alley in Schroeder Add.,change of location of 92 46 15 Alley bet.Johnson and Windsor,and Lincoln and Providence Sts.,ordered improved 92 64 15 Alley bet.W.5th and W. 4th, west of Winona Ave., ordered improved 93 +A " .......15 Arch St.,sidewalk ordered on 93 ,9 44 ...15 Alley bet. Wilson Ave.and Pine St.,ordered unproved 94 15 Almond St., engineer to prepare profile of change of grade. (22,p.101) 94. i: " 15 Assessment Committee for 1892 appointed 94 July....... 5 Alma St.,pet,fur improvemw:t of. (22, pp. 101-107 y 98 5 Alley bet. Washington and Elm and 18th and 19th Sts.,pet.for I1'' repair of 98 66 ....... 5 Alley bet.Ries and Mertz Sts.,pet.for extension of. (22,p.1.2.3) 98 W l INDEX.—Book 22. 1892. I SUBJECT --- PAGE. A July1892. Alley bet.blocks"K"and "M,"runningto 3d St.,pet.of Adams 'j Co.for vacation of,granted 98 " 5 Alley on 18th bet.Clay and Seminary Sts., engineer to make plat of. ( '2, pp 114-117-123-140-14 i-175-17i1-179) 99 " 5 Assessor=time of assistant extended to Aug.1, and one assist- ant dtspensed with 99 5 Alley in Schroeder's Add., Recorder to give notice of proposed change. (22,p.114) 109 664 6 Alley bet.Johnson Ave and Windsor Ave.,and bet. Rhomberg and Linroht Aves.,ordered improved 103 " 6 Almond St.,ordered iwprovrd 104 " 6 Alley bet.Middle and Schiller,and Rhombergand Garfield Ayes. ordereimprovrd 105 " 6 Alley bet.Burch and Suouuit,and bet.3d and Fenelon, pet.for and remonstrance against. (22,p.115) 107 " 18 Alley bet.lthomberg and Garfield, and bet.Kniest and Johnson Ave.,pet.for opening. St.Com. (23,p. 115). 107 18 Alley in Wieland's sub. pet. for,granted 107 Aug 1 Alley bet.Allthauser anc Wick's Add. near Middle St.,pet. for grading of. (22, .1351 113 " 1 Alley bet.'l'homas St.aucl Ann Place.petforgrade. (22, p. 13.5) 113 1 Alley in Buettel's and Langwortli 's Add., pet.for improve- ment of, rrauted 116 1 Ahna St.,ordered improved. ("3,p. 134) 116 Sept 6 Alley bet.Johnson ane( Windsor,and bet.Rhoutber and Gar- eld Aves.,net.for postponement of impt of. (2 ,p.157)... 121 6 Alley bet. White and Jackson, and 7th and 8th Sts., pet.of Farley Loetscher MYg.Co.to erect building over 121 " 6 Assessment Roll for 1891 turned over to Assessor 121 " 6 Alley bet.Julien Ave.and llelhi St. through Morhisers' Add., pet.for uupt of. (22, p. 157) 121 " 6 Angella St.,pet for impt of. (22,p.157) 122 " 6 Alley bet.Middle and Fengler Sts., remonstrance against fut- proyemeut of 192 9 Alley bet.Johnson and Windsor Ave.,and Providence and Lin- coln Ave.,ordered improved 136 " 9 Adams Co.exempted from taxes for ten years 136 " 9 Ahna St.,retaining wall built. (22,p. 161) 137 " 9 Almond St. sidewalk ordered on 137 9 Alley in Geiger's Add.,bet. Windsor and Stafford;Ayes., engi- neer to prepare plat. (29,pp.146-175) 1.36 46 9 Alley off of Cornell St.=to be make passable 139 64 Oct 3 Attorney, City,to qualify jurors 144 `3 Adams St.,pet.for repair of 144 " 3 Alley on east side of Grant Ave., bet. W. 11th and Julien Ave., « pet.for repair. (22. p.178) 144 3 Alley bet Burch and Hill, and bet.Hill and W.3d Sts.,pet.for improvement of. (23,p.178) 144 " 3 Adams St.,pet.for lights on. (22,p.178) 145 " '3 Alley in Enisley's sub.,engineer to prepare profile of grade 145 443 Alley east of Wilson Ave., profile of grade 146 " '3 Auditor's semi-annual report 154 " 4 Alley bet.6th and 9th Ayes.,engineer to prepare plans for stone arch sewer 160 " 4 Alleyway from Clay to Seminary St.,on 18th ordered opened. (22, 644 Alley running 162 from Julien Ave.to W.11th St.,east of Grant Ave..ordered improved. (22,p.204) 162 ' " 4 Auditor Kenety allowed$100 extra 162 " 4 Alley bet.27th and Peru Road,bridge to be re laced 162 " 4 Alley, between 13t1: and 14th and between Pine and Maple streets marshal to have cleaned. (22, p.162) 162 Nov 10 Atkinson&Oloff ordered paid • 176 44 10 Atkinson&Oloff,pet.for extension of time to complete Main St. (22,p.177) 177 " ........10 Angella St.,grade adopted 177 " ........10 Alley bet.Burch and 11111 Sts.,running south of.[1111 and W.5th • Sts.,ordered iiuproved 179 " 10 Alley in.loves'sub.,contractor to make return curb 179 Dec 5 Alley bet.hill St. and Winona Ave., pet.of Geo.Atkins for permission to grade 195 465 Angella St..pet.for impt of 195 195 465 Alley bet.7th and Mth and Clay and White Sts.,engineer to pre- pare profile of grade. (22,p.205) 5 Allly bet. Walnut and ]face,and bet.W. llth and Rose Sts.,ob- jection to paying assesutent 195 • It' INDEX.—Book 22. 1892. SUBJECT. PAGE. A Dec 5 Atkinson&Oloff,matter of payment of. (22,p.204) 197 5 Adams,Eugene, remonstrance against paying assessment for impt.of Main St. 198 • • • • • INDEX.—Book 22. 1892. I _ sUBJECT. — ---I PAGE. B Jan........ 4 Bills allowed..................................................... 1 4 Beeke,Bernard,Assm't Com. (2.2,p.33)........... ............ 1 ...... 4 Buse,T.F.,Assm't Com..... ... .......... ............... 1 " ........ 4 Bannon,Kate,Assnn't Com. (22,p.33).......................... 1 ........ 4 Burden Ave.,sidewalk orderedd on.... ..... 12 Feb...... . 1 Bills allowed.... .................... ...................... 26 I. ........ 1 Booth, C.H.,pet.for ordinance to lay railroad tracks and till Booth's Add. (22, pp.46-51-62)..... ................. 26 11 ........ 1 Burden Ave. pet. for inrpt of. (2-pp 46 4("8) 26 W1 Barker,L. .,delinquent tax. ( , )... ................. 27 " ........ 1 Baumhover,C.H.,delinquent tax. 22,p.46)................... 27 I. ........ 1 Brown,Michael,delinquent tax. (22,p.46)..................... 27 11 ........ 1 Burden Ave.,profile of grade of............... .................. 27 I. ........ 1 Bennett Maria L., taxes reduced................................ 33 I. ........ 1 Boesvelc'l,Mrs.Jno.,taxes canceled.............................. 33 ........ 1 Bulow.Jolrrr,taxes canceled..................................... 33 ........ 1 Buse,T.F.,taxes canceled....................................... 33 March...... 7 Bills allowed..................................................... 42 " ...... 7 Boulevard Add.,plat of. St.Com. (22,p.61). 43 7 Babcock,John,pet.for refunding of license. (22.p.72)........ 43 41 ...... 7 Building Inspector,pet.for appointment of. (22,pp.6.2-70-8'2).. 43 " ...... 7 Butler,Margaret,dellii lent tax................................. 43 ...... 7 Burden Ave.;grade of adopted................................... 45 7 Brennan Bridget,taxes canceled. ......... 45 " 7 Buelhlnnan,Henrietta ,taxes canceled.... .. ......... ... 46 " ...... 7 Brad St.,from W.3d to Dodge St.,engineer to prepare profile of grade.. .. ....... ...... ....... ... ... 47 " ...... 7 Broadway St., bet.Blocklinger's Lane and Diagonal St.,ordered improved..................................................... 48 " ...... 7 Burden Ave.,ordered improved, (22,pp.72-79-81-157-178-184)... 48 ...... 7 Bonds,opinion of City Attorney on redemption of.............. 49 " .. 7 Bonds,improvement called in$10,000 worth.................... 49 44 ......21 Broadway St.,bet.Blocklinger's Lane and Diagonal St.,ordered improved. (22, pp.67-72-81-113-204).......................... 52 Aril...... 7 Bills allowed........................... ........... ............. 59 ` ...... 7 Bush,Anna M. pet.for cancellation of assessment............. 60 " 7 Brauhn,Magdalena P.,delinquent tax. (22,p.74)... .......... 60 " 7 Beacon James,application for position of meat inspector....... 60 7 Bonds for improvement of Leibnitz St.,receipt of sale filed.. ... 61 " 7 Butler,Marcaret,adverse to pet.in relation to taxes.......62 " .. 7 Burden anY Lawther Add., engineer to establish grades on streets in... 83 May....... 2 Bills allowed. .. ...... ... ... ................... 71 2 Baseman&EUerle's sub.,plat of. (22,p.91)................... 71 ....... 2 Broad St.,estimate of engineer.................................. 12 I. ....... 2 Buena Vista St.,profile of grade................................. 72 .. ....... 2 Board of Health, clerk allowed$200............................. 74 .. ....... 2 Brad St.,resolution for improvement of. (22,pp.80-89-93-113).. 75 " ....... 2 Broad St.and.)ulien Ave,stone crossing ordered. (22,p.89)... 75 " .......16 Broad St.resolution for improvement of. (2.2,p.90)............ 80 June....... 6 Bills allowed.............................:.............. ... 86 11 ....... 6 Bluff St.extension,pet.for care of storm water. (22;p.102).... 86 is ....... 6 Bellevue Acid.,plat of referred back. (23, p.102)............... 88 " ....... 6 Buseunan's sub.No.2adoptPd......... .... .......... 91 41 .......15 Broadway,pet.that sidewalk be left so as noVit 4aiiia trees.. 92 .......1.5 Bonds,paving,resolution for issuing. (Com.Whole)........... 93 " .......15 Broadway extension ordered unproved. (22,pp.114-136)........ 94 July........ 5 Bills allowed..................................................... 98 ........ 5 Blake,bliss objection to award for fence on Foye St., warrants canceled. (22,p. 136).......... ... .... 101 " ........ 5 Bridge tax,Council to confer with Supervisors. (22,p. 103).... 101 " ........ 5 Bonds,issue of $13,500 for street impts. (22, pp. 107-108-132). 1(),_) 3, " ........ 6 Bluff St.extension,sewer ordered on............................ 106 Aiig........ 1 Bills allowed...... .................................. 112 ....... 1 Barracks,pet.for abatement of.... 113 " ........ 1 Belle St.,pet for repair of. (22,p:13.5).................. ... 113 ....... 1 Bradley,Win. L.,pet.for correction of assessment on Grand- view Ave. (22, p.123) ...................................... 114 f/ 1 Bonds,paving,called in......................................... 115 Sept........ 6 Bills allowed. (22, .122)... ...... .... ........ ... 120 ` ........ 6 BIlbrough, J. L+'., c aim of $200 damages by storm water. ('22P.158). 121 ............... " ........ 6 Bush, Aillia M., pet.in relation to assessment for filling lot. << (22,p. 159)....... ..... .... ..... .. ........ 121 ........ 6 Bluff St.,communication of D.D. Myers in relation to change of grade bet.5th and 6th Sts. (22,p.159).................... 12.3 -------L INDEX.—Book 22. 1892. I — - SUBJECT. I PAGE. Sept....... E Bridge Fund, Supervisors notified to levy tax of 3 mills. (41 140).................................................... 128 ....... 0 Bridge und,action taken by Council ratified. (22,p.1°9j..... 1128 ...... 6 Bonds,llaving,issued. (22,pp.154.177) ....................... 137 " . 9 Broad St.,ordered improved. (22.p.14.5)....................... 138 Oct........ 3 Bills allowed. (22,p. 157)................ 144-.5 ' ....... 3 Brown,M.,pet.for permission to enclose stairway received and filed..................................... ....... .. . 145 ...... 4 Brad St., bet.Julien Ave.and Dodge SG.,engineer to make pro- tile of grade.......... 159 Nov....... 7 Bills allowed. ............. . . .. . ...... . ... ... .. ... ..... ...... 173 .. ........ 7 Bonded indebtedness,proposition to refund. (22,p.177)....... 174 " 10 Burden Ave.,sidewalk ordered on both sides.................... 179 " ........23 Bell,John,granted permission to erect stairway on lot 445...... 179 Dee........ 5 Blake,Mary C., delinquent tax.................. ............... 199 " ........ 5 Bonds, paving, to amount of $20,500 issued. (Canceled.) st (T2,p.221)............................. ...................... 204 " ........29 Bonds, paving,to anount of$21;,500 Issued...................... 221 F 4.. 4 It I I i INDEX.—Book aa. 1892. sL BJEC'1•. PAGR. j Jan........ 4 Center Place.bids for inept of,opened.................... ...... 5 " ........ 4 Cooper, Bracy&Ellwauger,assort reduced........... ... ... Il G " ........ 4 Cleveland Avenue, between South Dodge and Villa street, ac- cepted. .. ... ... .. ....... ....................... 12 Feb........ 1 Clark Street,filet for inept of(22,pp.X46-72)... ...... ....... 26 " ........ 1 C.,St. P. &K.C.Ry.Co., asking that Allen&Swiney be cont- pelled to raise trolley (22,p.62)......... .................... 27 ........ 1 Cleveland,Ave,.special assessment levied......... .. ....... 28 " ........ 1 City lots south of Jones street,special assessment for filling.... 32 ...... . 1 Congregational church,taxes.canceled........................... E3 ........ 1 Cheetham Benjamin,taxes canceled............................. 33 " ........ 1 Cadman )'toss,taxes canceled................ ................... 33 " ........ 1 Crotty,Susan,for reduetio n of assort,adverse................... 33 .. 1 Colford P.,taxes c•iweled.. .......... ... d3 ........ 1 Collins,Lydia ,granted oil(-year's time to pay special assort.... 33 !i << ........ 1 Crawford,`P.W.,remonstrance against assort for sewer......... 35 ........ 1 Clay street between 17th and 18th,sidewalk ordered on......... 35 A .. 1 City property,treasurer instructed to cancel spl assort against 3.5 ........ 1 Clay street,north side.of 8th,wooden crossing ordered......... 35 March ..... 7 City maps,recorder to purchase,fifteen.......................... 43 It .. 7 City lot 552,plat of sub lots 1 to 19(22,p.61)..................... 43 ...... 7 Curtis street,pet for culvert on (22, )).(1)....................... 43 ...... 7 Couler ave,pet.'.,,have paved with grauite reed and filed....... 43 ...... 7 Cox St,pet.of G.W.Jones in relation to sidewalk on. (22,p.62) 43 " ...... 7 Cameron J.W.,del.tax (22,p. 62).............................. 49 ...... 7 Conlin,E=llen,del.tax (22, t.612) ......... ... .............. 43 ...... 7 Corbett,Michael,del.tax (V).p.e2)........................... 43 ...... 7 Cooper,A. A.,comtnunleation hi relation to excavating on 3d street.. ... .................................... 44 ...... 7 City Hall,janitor discharged..................................... 45 ...... 7 Cain.Michael,taxes canceled.................................... 45 ...... 7 Canavan,Mary,taxes canceled................................... 45 ...... 7 Collins,Lydia,taxes eanceled............ 45 ...... 7 C.,B. &iJ.Ry Co,hotified to put 3d street in proper condition.. 47 At ...... 7 Consumers Steam Suppply Co.,to put in manholes............... 47 7 C.,St.P,&K.C.Ry.Co.,to put in crossings oil 26th street..... 47 7 Comer ave and 22d street,crossinr ordered...................... 47 " ...... 8 C.,St.P.&K.C. Ry.Co.,notified that city will build sewer oil 11thstreet.................................................... 49 " ...... 3 C..M.&St. P. Ry. Co., roti tied that city will build sewer on 11th stree22,hp.60 89).......... ........................... 49 A}nil...... 7 Committees,S51andmg,re-arrangement of............ ..... 58 ...... 7 Centre Place,pet.to have grade lowered granted (22,pp. 68.89) 60 ...... 7 Catosky,Charlotte,delinquent tax ,p.74).................... 60 7 Cleveland Ave,pet.of Wm. Byrne fYor retaining wall on........ 60 ...... 7 Committees,Standing,appointed ................................ 6.5 It ......20 City laborers,wages of fixed..... ............................... 68 May....... 2Center Place,sidewalk ordered on.................. ............ 76 Clark street,ordered improved (22,pp. 9l-1K-)-145-1.W_)06•A7)... 76 " ....... 2 Central Engine House, objection of chief to plan (: ).pp.90-116- 132). ...... .. .. .. ................. 81 June....... 6 College Ave,pet.for improvement of (212,p. 102)................ 86 it ....... 6 Center Ave,pet.for improvement of............................. 86 " ....... t; C.,St.P.&K.C. Ry.Co.,to widen bridge on Peru road......... 86 " ....... 6 Couler Creek, marshal to notify railroad compauy to remove obstructions oil............................................... 87 ....... 6 Conzett,Mrs.,complaint against dairy of(22,p. 116)............ 87 " ....... 6 Central Engine House, third floor to be completed (22,p.92).... 90 " .......15 City Dixectory, matter of purchase of.... ...................... 92 .......15 Cooler Ave. and 37th Sts., tire alarm box ordered on............ 92 " .......15 Clay and 17th Sts., matter of repair of............................ 95 Jnly........ 5 Catherine St., rofile of gt•ade. (22,p.115)...................... 99 11 ....... 5 Concord sub.plat of. (22,)).115)................................ 91) " ........ 5 City,debts due for different things. AttoruPy to collect........ 101 " , 6 City parks and buildings,matter of sidewalk around............ 106 Aug........ 1 Clark St., pet.of Sehleuter and.Stines in relation to grade...... 113 ...... I Curtis St.,pet.for repair of. (22,P.1.35)........................ 113 " ........ 1 Clay St., bet.17th and l8th Sts., pet.for repair of gutter. (22, p.135)... ................. .................................. 113 A. ........ 1 Cleveland Ave.,pet.of Mrs.A.Murphy for repair of gutter on. (22,p.13.5). ..... .......... .... ... .............. 113 1 Cromer,Mrs. Michael,delinquent tax. (22, 1) 13.5)........... 113 " ........ 1 C.,M.&St.P. Ry.Co., communication in relationtotilling lots. 114 ........ 1 Center Ave., enenu•er to prepare profile and estimate........... 115 Sept....... 6 C., M. &St.P.R.R.Co., pet.to put in side track at Smedley's (V, p.159)................................................. .. 121 F EL INDEX.—Book aa. 189`3. SUBJECT. --_---_ _ I PAGE. e -- A. A C Sept....... 6 Central 1'niun Telelihone Co..deliuquenttax. (22,pp. 1.58-177). 122 Apt 6 Cox Ella B.and Ada, iu iOation to cement calk,9t1h and Main 122 ....... 6 Cholera epidemic-,communication of Board of Trade in relation theretot. .... ..... .. ... ... 12`3 9 C.,St.P.&K.C.Ry.Co., attorney to collect$50 for damage to hose.......................................................... 134 ....... 9 Cornell and Thomas Sts.,accepted. (tri,p.148)................. 13.5 .... 9 C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co., granted permisslon to put in side- track at Eagle Point. ...................................... 136 ....... 9 Clark St.,sidewalk ordered on................................... 137 .. 9 Cleveland Ave.across Belle St.,stone crossing ordered.......... 138 -Oct........ 3 Council proceedings,each alderman to have two copies......... 144 " ........ 3 Cornell St.,protestagainst manner of impt. (22,p 175-178-190) 144 ..... 3 Clay street between 7th and 8th, pet. of Board of Supervisors forgrade of................................................... 145 " ........ 3 Clay St.and Couler Ave.,pet.to have paved.................... 158 " ........ 4 Contracts,the$10 per day forfeiture to be deducted............. 160 " ........ 4 Contractors,ordered paid out oY paving fund ................... 101 Nov..... .. 7 Cit yy debt,proposition to refund. (22,p.lA5).......... ...... 174 " ........ 7 Catherine Street,pet.for extension of to West Locust St........ 175 It ........ 7 Cornell St.,pet.of Peterson&Co.for permission to excavate.. 176 " ........10 Crawford,James,appointed hogweigher........................ 376 A. ........10 Clark St.,report of committee on lowering surface of........... 177 ........10 Chicago Great Western Ry.Co., permitted to lay track on 16th St.to coffin factory....... ................ ... ............ 178 " ........10 Couler Ave.and Eagle Point Ave., crossing ordered............ 179 " ........23 Centre Place,special assessment levied.......................... 188 " ...23 Cox and W.14th St,complaint of Gen.Jones in rel.to.(22,1).197) 190 Dec........ 5 Cheetham,Mrs. John,assort. coni............................... 195 " ........ 5 Catherine St.,pet.for Improvement of........................... 195 " ........ 5 City Council Journal,recorder to subscribe for.................. 195 it ..... 5 Clark St.,matter of assmt. of.................................... 196 " .. 5 Central Engine House,report of committee on use of........... 198 46 .. 5 Central Engine House,use of granted firemen for their ball..... 204 " ........ 5 Central Engine House,use of granted Trades and Labor Con- gress.......................................................... 205 .. 5 Central Engine House,use of to Grand Army posts referred.... 205 " .... ... 5 Central Engine House, matter of heating and lighting. ('2N, ;.: P. 3071.......... .. ... .......... 205 " .. 5 Chicago Great Western Ry. Co., claim of $50 for hose, can- celed.......................................................... 200 s L OWN INDEX.—Book 22. SUBJECT. PAGE. D Jan. ..... ... I Donahue,T.J. claim of for extras (22,pp.23-49)................ 1 .. .. 4 Dubuque Street Ry. Co.,pet.for permission to lay double track on Clay St.between 13th and 14th. (2.2,pp.28-34)........... 1 . 4 Driscoll,IIrs.Mary,assessment cont. (22.P.33)............... 1 . 4 Delhi and Louisa Sts.,pet.for lamp on arann•u................. 1 .. 4 Donahue,B., bill of$119U for coustruetuigsidewalk............ 1 " ........ 4 Dubuque Street Ry. Co., colii tunutication n relation to paving Mainstreet................. ................................. 1 " ........ 4 Dorgan alley,sol.assort,ordered levied for sewer in. (Z2,P.3) 12 " ........ 4 Dun-____ and llubuque Bridge Co., assessment placed at$.500; 000 for'91.. ...... ... 10• ........ 4 Dodge St. from South Dodge St.to Grandview Ave.. engineer to prepare plan for improvement('2%p.44)........... ' Feb........ 1 Donahue,T.J.,for rebate of special assessment. (22, p.46).... 26 " ........ 1 Dorgan's alley,pet.for- improvement of. (2`2,p. 47)............ 26 44 ........ 1 Delhi St., assessment against alley in Starr's add. pail to Con Ryall,&c......... 35 March...... 7 Dubuque St.Ry.Co., kind of poles to be used on hdn tit..acptd 42 , it ...... 7 Diamond Jo Line steamers,acceptance of ordinance........... 43 it .. 7 Deckert,Mrs.11.C.i delinquent tax. (•2.2, ,.62)................. 4:i " 7 Doualiue,Mary,delmryue it tax. (22,P. 6`)..................... 43 ` 7 Daugherty,Mrs.James, delinquent tax. (:32,p.62)............. 43 " ...... 7 Dubuque Electric Ry. L. & 11. Co., resolution to put poles in y gutter. (22,pp.62)............................................ 44 ,..... 7 Durand, James E.,adverse to tax petition....................... 45 ...... 7 Dodge St.sewer,engineer to prepare plans. (•2.2,p. 72)......... 47 " ...... 7 Dodge street.;t-solution for improvement of lost................ 47 7 Dodee street,crossing ordered west side of Locust.............. 47 ...... 7 Donahue,T.J.,report on bill of........... .. ................ 49- " ...... 8 Dodge street,resolution for improvement of lost................ 50 April...... 7 Dubuque St.Rv.Co.,pet.for permission to use"T.. rail........ 60 " ,..... 7 Dodge St. resolution for improvement of lost................... 63 - " ......20 Diamond o Co.,pet.to have engineer to stake out levee front ,. (22,p.74)..................................................... 68 ......20 DeLouniier,Mary,delinquent tax. (22,p.74)................... 6S .••...20 Dubuque Ave.,ordered improved. (22,p. 81)................... 68 20 Decorah Ave.,ordered improved. (22, p.Sl).................... 68...20 Delaware Ave.,ordered improved. (221',p.81)................... (is May....... 2 Davis sub,plat of,coin whole. (22,p.91)....................... 71 " ....... 2 Dubuque St. Ry.Co.,pet.for permission to pave with granite on Main St. (`IN,P. 91).................. 71 " ....... 2 Dubuque St. Ry.Co., ordered to put 6-inch chairs under their tracks..................... ', " ....... 2 Dubuque Specialty 3Iachiue Works,taxes canceled.............. 74 " ....... 2 Dubuque Electric It. L. &P. Co, ordered to put in culverts on Sanford and Jackson......................................... 74 " ....... 2 Dodge St.sewer, resolution for extension of referred to attor- ney. (22),p. 161)............................................. s0 " .......16 Dellii$t.,special assessment for improvement of............... 80 June....... (3 Dodge St.,pet.for extension of sewer to Mahn St. (22,p. 1012).. 87 " ....... 6 Dubuque Schuetzen Geselschaft, invitation to take part in pro- cession......................... 88 .......... .hay....... +; Donahue,T.J.,claim of for work on Dodge and South Dodge St. ('"2,pp.135-140).......................... ............... 93 " ....... 5 Donahue,Margaret,delinquent tax. (2`2.p. 135)........... i18 " .......18 DeHoven,S.,communication in relation to claim for hose of$.50 107 ...18 Dodge St. south% between Locust and Bluff Sts. ordered im- prove(1............................................. .... .. 108 Aug....... 1 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., for permission to lay railroad tracks at Eagle Point. (2`2,p. 136)................ 1'.3 I. .. 1 Donath,Fred,claim of damages. (22,p. 1:34) ;1'134)........ ........... 11:3 f° ....... 1 Dubuque Water. Co., ordinance repealing section 7 (mayor's eonuuunication on)........................................... 114 ....... 1 Dubuque Electric Ry.L. &P.Co., ordered to operate track on Windsor Ave (22 pp.121-158 203) ........................... 116 .. ....... 1 Dubuque Street Raiiway Co., notified to operate line according tocharter............................................... .. .. 117 Sept....... 6 Donahue,James,bill of $1,street conunittee.................... 121 .....t. 1; Dempsey,Sophia,delinquent tax. (2`2,p.157).................. 1.3'3 ....... 6 Dur Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co. delinquent tax 2,3,p.157)........ 122 ....... 6 Dubuque Street Ry.Co.,pet.in relation to as-w-;sment for brick paving. (22,Pp.146-178).. .... ......... ... .. .. 12`3 " ....... 6 Daily,L., tet. for permission to erectframebuild'g. ( .." ,p.157) 122 " ....... 6 Duggan,1I.,pet,in relation to assort.for3Iadison St............ 1`23 ....... 6 Dubuque\Pater Co.,notified to carry out orders of the council.. 122 6 Deckert,Mrs.C.,allowed to pay$10 as payment in full for taxes 12:3 II IIi Rri INDEX.—Book 22. 180 . I Bli13,JECT — —-----_---- PAGE. Se} t....... 6 Dubagne count ,pet.for cancellation of taxes................... 1:34 .. 9 Dodge St.UPt.South Dodge and Grandview Ave.,ordered imp.. 1.38 Oct........ 3 Dubuque Water Co.,proposition to sell plant. (22, p.`03)...... 144 .. 3 Dodge St.,pet.for extension of sewer. (22,p.177).............. 144 " ........ 3 Dubuque County,in relation to taxes............................ 145 " ........ 3 Donahue, Bryan,bill of:P=.18,referred to engineer............ 145 .. ........ 4 Dubuque Electric Ry. L. & P. Co., to raise tracks at Sanford and Jack-;on St.............................................. 1.58 ........ 4 Dubuque Street Ry.Co.,ordered to set their tracks to stakes set byengineer................................................... 1162 Nov........10 Donalme,.J.P.,assessment committee........................... 176 lU Dubuque Water'Works Co.,report of committee of fifty citizens on. (22 pp.293 20.5).. .. .. ...... .... .. . 177 ........10 Dubuque Rlectrle qty.L.&P.Co.,notified to discontinue lights 179 " ........10 Dubuque Electric Ry.L. &P. Co., notified to put iron culverts on.Jackson St. (22=P. 195).......... ....... 179 " ........23 Dubuque's bluff,committee to find out cost for park purposes... 189 Dec........ 5 Dubuque Pressed Brick Co,in relation to taxes................. 195 5 Delhi Street,deed from W.Kruse for widening of.............. 193 " ........ 5 Dubuque Electric Ry. L. & 11. Co., directed to extend line on ? Windsor Ave.under penalty of forfeiture of charter........ 203 .i r 2, L i INDEX.-Book 22. 1892. SUBJECT. PAGE. E Jan........ 4 Elm St., remonstrance against opening of (22, pp.11, 12,27,34, 3.5,51,62,6:3,94,101,116, bi(i, 146)...... ...................... 1 4 Ernsdorf,John&Son,assessment reduced..... "10 Feb... 1 Ellis St.,pet for improvement of. (22,p 43-46)................. iltl 1 Early,Mrs.E.,delinquent tax. (22,p.4.5)....................... 27 1 Egelliof F.L. delinquent tax. (22,p.45).. ... .. .. ..... 27 ..... 1 Eagle Si.,engineer to prepare profile of grade. ('22,p.61)...... 3.5 March...... 7 Eleventh St.sewer,pin7 i of adopted (22,pp.44,49,51,60,68, 4) 43 . 7 Election,judges and clerks of appointed... ......... 46 April...... 5 Eighteenth St.,Rev.Ficke to remove.stone wall on. (22, p.76- 86)..................................................... ...... 08 7 Eulsley's sub,plat of. (22,pp.88-92)............................ 60 7 Election,canvass of vote........................................ 64 May....... 2 Elm St.,engineer to make protile and estimate for improvement of (22,pp.80,88,89)........................... 71 " ....... 2 Eagle Point Ave., street committee to carry out contract NN ith Dir.Kemps. (22,p. 89)..... ........... 74 ..................... " .......16 Eagle Point Ave., reinoiistrance against improvement of. (22, « p. b9)...................... .................................. s0 .......16 Elm St. front Eagle Point Ave. to li 10mberg Ave.,profile and estimate................................................ 80 June.......15 Ellis St., engineer to prepare profile of change of grade. (122, pp.101, 107,113,135........................................... 94 July....... 5 Eneer's office hours, matter referred to committee. (`32, p. gin « 116)................................................. ... .... 98 ....... 5 Elm St.,Dlorrisom Brno.to consU•uct bridge across Couler Creek 98 " ....... 6 Ellis St.,resolution for improvement of referred to street cons. (22,pp. 113-115).. ............................................ 104 Aug. .... 1 Eleventhh and Locust streets,crossings ordered.................. 117 Sept....... 6 Exchange St.,pet.for establishment of grade on............ 121 ....... 6 Excelsior Blass Co., pet, for exemption of taxes. (21,pp.136- 177)............................................. ......... 12L " ....... 6Eleventh St.Elevator Co.,delinquent tax. (22,p. 1.58).......... 122 " ....... 9 Election registration, places of fixed and registers appointed. ac ( 2,pp.139,140. 141).......................................... 133 ....... 9 Elm St. between Eagle Point Ave,and Rhomberg Ave.,engineer to snake plan for drainage..:.......... .. ................ 136 " ....... 9 Eagle Point Ave.,to be graded in front of Mr. Kemp's.......... 139 ....... 9 Engineer Hyde,to have charge of making special assessments.. 139 ` .......16 Electrician Bunting,allowed 81 per day extra................... 140 " .......16 Eighteenth St.,steps to be replaced.............................. 140 Oct........ 3 Excelsior Brass Co.,pet in relation to taxes. (22,p.177)....... 144 ....... 3 Eighth St.,pet.for grade of by, Board of Supervisors........... 145 11 ........ 4' Election,places of registration fixed........ Nov........10 Eagle Point Ferry, pet.of N. Kinlbel for donation for.sitp- 161 port of. (`,1`2, p. 197)................ .............. 176 INDEX.—Book aa. 1802. I SUBJECT. I PAGE. F Jan........ 4 Frisch, Paul, assessment coin.................................... 1 ........ 4 Faust, N. 11.1 communication in relation to filling lots. (,N,p.34) " .... •t Fifth Card,division of. ('32,p. 39) .......... 11 Feb ........ 1 Fifth Ave., pet.fur improvement of............................. 20 1 Fire Department,recommendation of chief for purchase of ap- paratus. (22,pp. V-57-62-73-157)............................. 3 " ........ 1 Frisch,Paul,taxes reduced...................................... 33 March...... 7 Freres Ile", pet.to have city purchase his macadam. (Recd stud tiled)..................................................... 43 f° ...... 7 Fire engnie"J. K Graves,"chief to test........................ 45 ...... 7 Fox Alai taxes canceled........................................ 4;)......3L Fifth St.,Uids for sewer on,and cont.awarded to 51.'1'schi i-gi,Jr. .5 April...... 7 Francis St.,pet.for improvement of,granted.................... 60 ...... 7 Foye St.,pet.of Mary Blake for compensation for t'encc. e p. 881............. 60 °° ...... 7 Farrell r Mrs. B.,delinquent tax. (tdt3,p.74)............. ....... 60 " ...... 7 Firrloit, Mrs.Sophia,delinquent tax. (22,p.74)................ 60 " ...... 7 Finance Reports, contract for 300 copies awarded to Hardie 6t s• Seharle at 75 cents per page.................................. IiL " ...... 7 Franklin Street,grade of established............................ tit " ......20 Fire department, horse to be purchased.......................... 6h ...20 Flynn,Patrickz delinquent tax. (22, n.74)...................... 68 May...... 2 Fourth Street Extension,petition for filling of. (22,p.75)...... 73 ....... 2 Forest Street,grade adopted......... "' " ....... 2 Fourth Street Extension,venire to be issued. (22,pp.88,92,93, 100,121, 146)...................................... ......... . 75 " ....... 2 Fourteenth Street between Pine and Maple,ordered improved. (22, pp.91, 115, 127)........... ......... . .... 76 " ....... 2 Financial condition of city as to indebtedness contracted this year. Committee to report. (22,p.79)...................... 76 Jttue....... I. Finley sub,plat of. (St. Com.). ................................ 86 ` .. 6 Franklin Street,petition for improvement of. (22,p.101)....... s7 July....... 5 Fifth Avenue,petition for opening of. St.Com. ('32, p.115),.. 98 " ....... 6 Fourth Street, sidewalk ordered abutting lot 612. (t32, pp.107, 115)....................................... 165 " ....... 6 Fourteenth Street, between Main and Iowa streets, sidewalk ordered. (22,p.117)......................................... 105 " 6 Fire Department,committee to locate hose company on the hill 105 . Ii Fourth Street,ordered repaired.................... 105 ` Aug....... 1 Fatka,Carl,remonstrance against tilling lot......... 113 ....... 1 Fourth Street Extension,engineer to make plat of, (22,pp. 121, 1.23, 136)...................................................... 113 1 Fink's sub,plat of.. .................. ................. 115 " .. 1 Francis Street,ordered improved. (22,1). 134).................. 117 Sept....... 6 Firrloff,Mrs.,et al.,petition for removal of overhanging rock on Horr's Bluff.................................................. 121 " .. 6 Fifth Avenue,petition for repair of. (22,p. 157)................ 112`3 " ... .. 6 Fitzpatrick,Mrs.John,delinquent tax. (22,p 158)............. 122 " .. 6 Fond,Patrick,estate,delinquent tax. (22,p.158)............... 122 " ....... 9 Forrester's sub,plat of. St.Com. (22,p. 177).................. 132 " ....... 9 Fifth Avenue,m n•shal to remove obstructions................... 136 " ....... 9 Franklin Street,ordered improved........... ................ 137 " ....... 3 Fourth and Iowa Streets,engineer to give James Forester grade of............................................................. 14.5 .. 3 Flynn,Mrs. W. F.,adverse to cancelling taxes...... ........ 1.•58 Non......... 7 Fifth Avenue,petition of August Roeber in relation to water course on and claim of$50. (22,p. 196)..................... 176 a " ........10 Fifth Avenue petition for grade on........... . ................... 170 ........10 Fire Hose ami apparatus,recommendation of chief for purchase of. (22.p.189).............................. ........ ....... 176 ........10 Fire alarm boxes, reconr'n of chief for purchase of. (!N.p. 197) 177 Dec........ 5 Fourth Street Extension,engineer to make plat of.............. 204 IL _ - I INDEX.—Book 22. I s6 r,. SL BJECT. PAGE. I Q .Jan........ 4 Geise..lolmmm,assessment cont. (22. p. •M)•.•••••••••••••••••• 1 ....... 4 Gicssler. Kate. assessntenteont. lt•:., ................. 1 " ' .. 4 (:len()al: .\ .,deeds for opening ot', 1ttot ured.................. 2 .. ..... 4 Glit tdv iew flare Add.,grades ordered Islahlished.............. 5 .. ........ 4 Grandview Park Add.,grades oldered estaltli,hed............... l " ........ 4 Gra11aul, Bate, 1ssesSlnellt on nutnecs it credits canceled..... 10 Feb........ 1 Gouner,L., resolution for$300 for extra clerl: (tire. ('=`w. P. 46).. :35 March...... 7 (;rant Ave.,pet. for improvement (if. (2'-), lip.45,61,2m)....... 4:3 .. 7 Glen Oak Ave., pet.for-sidewalk on,granted.................... 43 " 7 Grant Ave.,ri,port of eonitnittee oil grade of. (22,pp.51, 8 )... ; 45 " 7 (II-ilndview Parl:Add..obstructions ordered removed............ 47 61 7 (Urau(jview Ave., lamps ordered on, 1•'•3, It.6' )................. 47 46 .. 7 Glee Gal:Ave., street couunissionerto wadee..................... 47 " .. 7 Glee Oak Ave., enggineer to prepare lindile of(rade............. 47 " ...... 7 Grant Ave.,ordet•ed iurlrto ed. c''. l l . r;, sl, 1:15, 1411)......... 50 ......21 Gillian,Mrs. D.,pet.for damages. ('oat. of Who!e. (22, p. 74)... 51 " .....21 (lilleas,M.,delinquent tax. (2.3, p,62 ........................... 51 April...... 7 Grandview Park Add.,pet for vacation of streets in............. 60 7 Garb e, committee of Board of IIvaItIt to advertise for bids. i , (22,1).74)..................................................... M ......20 Gange,Dolph,pet.to have cit' pnrcbase umeadaut.............. lit; ......20 Grandview Ave., report of l:oYvv&Iloskius on. (22,p.94)... (lit May....... `w Groveland Place,profile of grade................................. 72 2 Goethe Ave.,profile of grade......... ......... .. .. ... 73 .......17 Glen Oak Ave,bet.W.5th land W.3d Sts.,committee to build Iculvert........................................................ 81 .......17 Grandview Ave.,street commissioner to grade sikewalks. (2.2, P. 89)......................................................... 81 June....... 6 Grandview Ave.,remonstrance against paying for.............. 87 .......15 Grandview Park Add., owners of allowed to keep fences on until Dec.189`1.. .. .. ....................... 92 Jttly....... 5 Grandview Ave.. tit. Cmii. to finish grading on.................. 99 ....... 6 Garfield Ave.,sidewalk ordered on.............................. 105 .......18 Girard,H., claim for damages to fence nu Grandview Ave. St. Com. (22,p.115)............................................. 101, Aug....... 1 Grandview Ave.and Delhi St,pet.for drinking fountain. (2,2, 11i. 136)...................... 113 Sept....... 6 -Grab,.Jos.,petition for relief. (22,p.159)....................... 121 ....... 6 Grandview Ave.,pet. of Grandview Ave. Al.E.Church for re- measurement of macadam.................................... 1-a ....... 6 Grandview Ave.,deed from G. G.Perry, et al., to part of lot 1, Whelan's sub.. 123 Oct........ 3 I Grove St.,profile of grade. (22, p.178).......................... 146 ... 4 Garbage dump matter of referred to Ex. Com. of Board of Health,midi power............................................ 15S Nov........10 Drove St. pet,for sidewalk on................................... 1711 " ........10 Grant Ave.,sidewalk ordered on........... ......... 179 " ........2.3 Governor's Greys Armory, Council to take part in dedicatory exercises. ........................ 190 Dec........ 5 Glover, H.B.and.J.B.,assessment coin... ........... 195 41 ....... 5 Globe Light&JIeat Co.,to file report of location of lamps....... 195 to ........ 5 Grace St..sidewaIk ordered on................................... 196 '- " ........ 5 Governor Boies and Lieut.Gov. Bestow invited as guests of the city while attending Governor's Greys ball.................. 203 ........ 5 Geiger's sub.,plat of lot 1 in,adopted............................ 209 I I INDEX.-Book aa. 1892. s U BJ PCT. PAGE. H Jan........ 4 Ilnpkins,Will., assessment eouuuittee. (22,p.33).............. 1 " ........ 4 I1ou t!for the Friendless,petition iu relat ri to opening alley... 11 " ........ 4 ]Ltssett&.Nfeelian,bill of $410,00 against. Canceled............ 13 " ........ 4 ]fill St.between W.3d, and Dodge streets, ordered improved. (22,pp.45, 150)............................................... 13 Feb........ 1 Hoffmann,J. H.t delinquent tax. (22,p.45).................... 27 ........ 1 Hoerner,:1.,delinquent tax. (t3':,p.45)......................... 27 " ........ 1 Hintz,J ,taxes canceled......................................... 33 " ........ 1 Howard, Will. allowed M for cinders on Grandview Ave..... 36 March...... 7 Helvick, Iartill,petition to have city purchase macadam. (St. Cent)..... .. .. .. ...................... 43 ...... 7 Hill,Tlios.,petition for redemption of property from tax sale. (22,p.73)..................................................... 4:1 .. 7 Holhiagle, Will.,delinquent tax. (22,p.62)............. ..... 43 ...... 7 Horr Jos. I,.aunt E.R.,adverse to tax petition. (22,p. 62)..... 45 .. 7 Henderson NIrs.C. H., tax on personal property canceled....... 45 ...... 7 Hughes,Efirabethi taxes canceled............ 4(19 3l Harris,31.,extension of time granted to lay sidewalk........... 57 April...... 7 Hill Street,petition for improvement of granted. (22,p. 135)... 60 " ...... 7 Health Officer,to attend a]I accidents of police and firemen..... 62 May ....... ° Hempstead Street, petition ;and plat for vacation of part of. .l Corn. Whole. (':2. p. 101)........... .......... 71 .. .............. ....... 2 Highland Plaee, rcnnna,truace against extension of. (22, pp. x 74,5 Z,91,94, 100). .... .................................... 71 " ....... 2 Iledlc -Court, prolil.of graalc................................... id June....... 6 Ilhii ;Iger Wm.. lmtit)on that judgment be paid and litigation he stopped. I•,., 1).9.1)..... .... .. ..... .......... 87 " ....... 6 114•rva•ourt, 11cnr.%. delis luent t;ax. (22,p. 1t,2)................ 87 . li IlcrlrlessC, Rev. John.dclin rn•nt tax. I'1'.,p. 102).............. 87 an .......15 hill d W.5th titrv•t, sidcN\;t1k md(-nA oil.............. ...... 93 .......15 Hoo ivi. add.resolution for liliing lot in........................ 93 July:......18 11ea th Officer,comimmic•ation of. St.Com. (22 p.1.36)........ 107 t .......18 health Officer 1\'ieland, efforts of approved and salary raised. (22, ).136).. ...... .... .. ........................... 108 Sept....... 6 Harris,B. F.,delimluew lax. (23, p. 15s)....................... 122 « ....... 6 Houlies,JIrs.Jouatlli;ua, delimtueut tax. ('22 ).158)............ 122 .......16 Health otlieer,rec•omi nd;ltiorl of. a'1'., p. 1.. )..... 140 Oct........ 3 Herron, IL L.,tlelingneul t;lx............ ...... ............ 145 ........ 3 Holland.John A,delim nont tax. ( _.., ). 1 8 145 l l )................... " ........ 4 Ilogweigher. Leu Palen ;Il aointed.............................. 162 Nov........10 Hansen.Ira. Assessment Com.................................. 176 " ........10 Hol)( llrs.Anna. Assessment C)ul........................... 1196 " ...10 I lit(.l Frank,allowed to pay $5.00 in full for taxes.......... 176 " ........10 I lighland Place,petition for extension of........................ 176 Dec........ 5 I lerod,Jos. Assessineut Com................ ...... 195 .. ........ 5 Hassett.Thos.,claim of $195 for filling South Locust Street..... 195 ........ 5 Heligessey,D. J.,protest against paying assessment for impt. of)\iaill St.................................................... 199 6 L • INDEX.—Book aa. s U BJ ECT. PAGE. I I Jan........ 4 Isborn,Barbara, petition to remove frame building;on 9th and Clay. 22,1)p.60,73)., ........ 1 May....... 2 Iowa Irma orks,adverse to paying bill of $1,0510 for repair of engine................. 73 " 2 Iowa St.between 7th and 8th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on....... .. 75 June....... 6 I.O.O.F.Lodges,petition for exemption of taxes for ten years. (22,P. 102).... 87 July....... 6 Iowa St., ordered repmmol....................................... 105 . 6 Iowa and Fourth Strw-ts, Stone Cr( r ssin ordered on............. 106 Aug........ 1 I.C.R.R.Co.,petition in relation to filling;lots................. 113 Sept....... 6 Iowa and Ninth streets, petition for grade of sidewalk on. Granted. 121 Oct........ 6 Iowa Street below 2d Street. B.L.Linehan granted permission to put in scales.................................. .... ..... 1223 Nov........10 Isborn Barbara, ranted extension of time to]ay sidewalk..... 176 g Dec........ 5 Iowa GtolumUian Commission,city directory sent to............. 19.5 I I I Ii 1 --- MOL INDEX.—Book 22. pT 1802. I sUBJECT. PAGE. J Jan........ 4 Jeffroy, Jon., petition for extension of time to pal' special ansesslnent.................................................... 1 Feb........ 1 Jennings John,delinquent tax. (tr%p.45)..................... 27 March..... 7 Jeffroy,30s.,delinquent tax. (22,p.62)......................... 43 11 .. 7 Jackson Park,sidewalks to be repaired.......... .............. 48 April...... 7 Jones Street,crossing ordered repaired.......................... 63 Dray........ 2 Janitor of Citi-Hall, Mrs.Koenig appointed.................... 71 ........ 2 Johnson Ave"ue,gutter ordered repaired........................ 74 .16 Jansen's sub.,plat of Sr.Com. (::2,pp.88,92,99)............... So " ........16 Jones'sub.,plat of St.Com. (22,pp.b8,102)... 80 June.......15 James Street,sidewalk ordered on............................... 93 `. .......15 Jackson and Sanford Streets,culverts ordered on............... 94 July....... 5 Julien Avenue, petition of M. D. Nagle in relation to rock on JulienAve.................................................. 98 " ....... 6 Julien Avenue,between Broad and Delhi Sts.,sidewalk ordered Oil................................................... 103 .......18 Julien Avenue, between Wahuit and Alpine Sts.,ordered im- proved. (22,p.113).......................................... 108 Aug........ 1 Julien Avenue and Delhi Street, petition for drinking fountain 113 Se}nt....... 6 Jones Street,petition to have paved. (`32, . 158)................ 1t3 12 a ....... 6 Jess,Robert,petition in relation to fillinglots................... lsa -« Nov........23 Jones,George W., petition in relation to fence on Cox and W. 14th Sts. (22, p. 197)........................................ 190 Dec. ...... 5 Jess.Robert, remonstrance against paying assessment for im- provement of Main St............ ....................... 198 r " ........ 5 Julien House,assessment reduced to$50,000. .................... 205 s INDEX.—Book 22. SUBJECT. I PAGE. K Feb........ 1 Krayer,John, claim against C.V.Bauman. (22,p. 45)......... 27 '. ....... 1 Kennedy.John A.,taxes reduced................................ 33 44 ........ 1 Kaesbatter,Adam,taxes reduced................................. 33 .. ........ 1 Kabat,Elenora,taxes reduced................................... 3,3 .. 1 Krentz,Chas..taxes reduced..................................... 33 " 1 Key City l;as Co.,com. in relation to Iannplighter. t':3,p.4i;j... 34 :lurch...... 7 Krokeschi,Paul, petition to have city purcuase macadam. St. Com. ('22,P. (il).....2222. ................................. 43 ...... 7 Kolf,Margaret,taxes canceled................................... 4.5 7 Klingenberg Street,sidewalk ordered on......................... 47 7 Kurtz,Joachim,assessment reduced............................. 49 ......21 Keckevoet, John, petition for permission to use lee Harbor. (22,pp.(il. 33).................. .... ..................... 51 April......20 Krees,Elizabeth, delinquent tax. (2.2,p,7 4)...:................ (is May....... 2 Kniest Street sewer, petitions for extension of. Com. Whole. (22,p. 91).................. 71 ..................... " ....... 2 Key City Electric Motor Cl).- petition to operate to West Du- hnglte. ('23, pp. ,r. sit. m!')I................................... 72 June....... 6 l:( "city Gas('o., petition tui't-xtension of franchise............ 86 ....... 6 lie) Pity ElevIrie Jlotor Co.. remonstrance against forfeiting (.barter. .......................... S7 ...15 Klingenhery strop;.sidle*alk ordered oil........................ 44 .......15 Kliugenherg Si reel.eugi.neer tA) prepare,profile of grade........ 94 July 2 2 2 2... l3 Key City Gas Co.,ordered to remove pipes from sewer on Main Street... .... ... .. .................... 105 ......... 2222. 2222. 2222.. 18 Kelly,Mary E.,deliiicent tax. (22,p.135)..................... 107 Sept....... 6 Key City Electric Railway Co.,petition for remission of taxes. (2'2,pp.159, 161)............. ........... 1'121 ....... 6 Kennedy, Mrs. P., petition for removal of overhanging rock. 12 p.1.58 121 ....... 6 Kleine Street,petition for im rovementof. Granted............ 121 .. 6 Kniest Street sewer,petition for extension of. (22,p. 157)...... 122 ....... 9 Klump,Barbara,taxes eauceled. 23, 158 13.5 . 9 Kleine Street,ordered improved................................. 138 Oct........ 3 King Street,profile of grade. (`2.9,p. 178)........................ 146 .. ........ 4 Klingenberg,Chas.,petition to have lot filled. (22,P.178)...... 1ti0 Nov........10 Kessler,Jacob,ap11minted bog weigher.......................... 17ti ........10 Koenig,Mr.and Mrs.,appointed janitors of City Hall........... 178 z Dec........ 5 Key City Electric Railway Co.,report of committee on mayor's veto. (22,p.208).. .. .... .... 197 5 Key City Gas Co., notified that the city will dispense with gas lamps.......................................... 204 i MEL 's I ' ;i !II _ l 'I ' INDEX.-Book 22. ]592. SUBJECT. I PAGE. K L Jan........ 4 Leibnetz Street,petition for retaining wall oil. St. Com........ 1 11 . 4 Ledger Company,asking to be appointed official pa er.......... 8 " ........ 4 Leibnetz Street,petition of abutters asking to be allowed to pay under paving ordinance...................................... 3 " ........ 4 Lighting Sireets, bids for opened. Com. Whole. (22, pp. 11, 27,31i1 75,91).......... ............ ....... .... 3 " ........ 4 Leibnetz Streit, abutters given privilege to pay under paving ordinance. (22, p.28)..... .................................. 5 ........ 4 Louisa Street,sidewalk ordered on...................... 5 " ........ 4 Leibnetz Street from North Main to Harold Street, special aasessutent levied............................................ 7 " ........ 4 Linton,Maty A.,assessment on nioneys and credits canceled... 10 .. 4 Legislation committee of three to be appointed. (22,p.23)..... 12 Feb........ 1 Loan Warrants,6 and 7 per cent.to be called in............. ... .36 " ........ 1 Lincoln Avenue,profile of change of grade from 1st to 9th Ave. (.w, pp 43,46, i3)............................................. 26 .. ........ 1 Lente,Ed.,remonstrance against paying special assessment ou Leibnetz Street............................................... 27 " ........ 1 Lantzky,C.A. delinquent tax. (22,p.45)...................... 27 .. ........ 1 Langworthy V.A.,taxes reduced .............................. 33 " ........ 1 Linehan.B.E.,comununication and check for$1,000.00... ..... 34 .. 1 Lemon Street,engineer to prepare profile ofggrasp.............. 35 March...... 7 Louisa Street,plat and petition for opening of. Com. Whole... 43 ...... 7 Lincoln Avenue, petition to have made passable. St. Com. (22,p.61)............. ........ ... ...... 43 ...... 7 Lincoln Avenue,petition for opening of received and filed...... 43 ...... 7 Len zing,Caroline,del ingtient tax. (22,p.62)................... 43 ...... 7 Lefbfritz C.,petition for reduction of taxes. Adverse.......... 45 ...... 7 I,aunspach,P.H.,petition for reduction of taxes. Adverse..... 45 ...... 7 Lonergan,Honors,taxes canceled............................... 45 .. 7 Leniou Street•profile,of grade. St.Cont......................... 51 April...... 7 Lincoln Avenue, petition for change of grade. (22 pp.73,87) 60 " ...... 7 Lincoln Avenue, petition for extension of. (Com. Whole. (22, p74) ... .... ....... ... .... .. .................... 60 y " ...... 7 Lahey.Ili-s. Will.,delinquent tax. (22,p.74).................... 60 " .. 7 Lohrman, Mrs.Henry,delinquent tax. (2.3, 74).............. 60 " ......20 Leibnetz Street,petition to have made passable. (22,p. 89).... 67 May....... 2 Lynn Street,petition for removal of obstructions on. (22,p.91) 71 " ...... 2 Lincoln Avenue,petition for improvement of. ( w,p.89)...... 71 . ....... o Leibnetz Street,petition for retaining wall on. (22,p.89).... .. 71 ....... 11 Lawther Avenue profile of grade............ ............... 72 " 2 Ledger Printing bo.,proposition for official printing. ......... 73 " ...... 2 Linehan,Bart E.,contract for furnishing tile.pipe............... 73 " .......16 Leibnetz Street, petition of Chas. Klingenberg et al. to have lowered. (22,p. 91)........................... 80 June....... 6 Lincoln Avenue,petition fur opening of. (22,p.102)........... 86 " ....... 6 Lincoln Avenue,petition for are lights. Police and Light...... 87 " ....... 6 Lincoln Avenue,petition of Sarah Ham for damage on account of change of grade........................................... 87 " ....... 6 Locust Street between 8th and 9th streets, ordered improved. (22,pp.101, 176,183)............. 91 ..... " .......15 Leibnetz Street, petition of John Petry in relation to. (22,p. 114)........................................................... 92 " .......15 Levee, petition of J. A. Rlio iberg in relation to filling by Standard Lmnber Co......................................... 92 lul........ 5 Leibnetz Street,petition to have lowered. Com.Whole........ 98 •• ....... 5 Leibnetz Street petition of C.Klingenberg to have wall built. St.Coln. (1:12, ).116)......................................... 98 ....... 5 Lake,Mary J.,delinquent tax. (22,p. 1,35)..................... 98 ....... 5 Lincoln Avenue,ordered opened and jury put of if $1100.00 is paid by abutters. (9.2,pp. iO3, 107,108,116, 123,160)........ 99 ....... 5 Locust Street between 8th and 10th Streets,adverse to widening sidewalks........ ............ ......... .......... 102 ....... 6 Lights,electric,location of eleven of referred to Electrical Com- mittee........................................................ 105 Aug....... 1 Langworthy,Ed.,remonstrance against hill ig lots. (22,p. 121) 113 ....... 1 Lights defective ones to be reported and deductions inade on bilis for same................................................. 116 '• ....... 6 Labor Day,invitation to take part in parade..................... 119 Sept....... 6 Linehan Park addition,petition for vacation of plat of. (22,p. 121 •• ... .. (i Linwood Cemetery,petition of N. Mettel, et al., in relation to water from. (22 p.159)...................................... 121 ....... 6 Lincoln and Seventh Avenue, communication ht relation to bridge oil................. ........ 1212 ..........:.... " ....... 6 Levee,petition to have improved. (2b,p. 157)................... 122 _ I INDEX.—Book aa. 1802. I SUBJECT I PAGE. • L Se t....... 6 Lincoln and Fifth Avenue,petition for crossing................ 122 ..... 6 Linehan B. E. granted permission to put in scales on Iowa Street below 2d Street....................................... 122 .. ....... 6 Lincoln Avenue, between Collier ,\venu( and White Street, jury ordered on. (22,pp. 145. lil), IM)....................... 129 Oct........ 3 Linwood Cemetery Associatona, petition in relation to taxes. 14i (22, . 1.7)............................ 145 " ........ 3 Lewis,I 1' . ., petitimt in rehatiou to special tax for improving Main Stroet, r•,., h. 178)..................................... « ........ 3 Lights,rewoustruace a;ramst change of location in First Ward 145 145 " ........ 3 Lights,petition for location of gasoline .. ••• .. " ........ 3 Louisa Street,plat of between N orth anti South Streets. (+N'pp. 159, t74 175,17J, IWO...... .... 146 Nov........10 Levee at charter Street and (taih•oad Avenue, petition for elee- 17(, triolights..................................................... I; Dec........ 5 Lights,matter of location of at High l3ridge aural removal of gas 195 andgasoline.................................................. f i i Illliii I , . . • INDEX.-Book aa. 180 . SUBJECT. I PAGE. M .Jan........ 4 'Nbiy Street,petition for sidewalk on............................. 1 " ........ 4 M„bury.Mrs. I3. AssessmentConunitte,•. r': I,.•'•' " ........ 4 .11Wgn,v•ny, 'I'hos. AssessuientCommith•c. r::, l,.:l:l)......... i " ........ 4 JI •AIlister,Mrs.Annie. Assessment Committee. ('t!, p. ::: .. i " ........ 4 Jlv.Nlabon, Mrs.John. AssessmentCommitt,•e. (22, p.:;, )..... I " ........ '4 Madison Street, petition for improvement of at established grade.......................................................... 3 " ........ 4 Morrisse*v, Catharine, granted one year's time to pay sewer. asscsuient......... ..................................... 3 ....... 4 Madison Ntr,v•t,ordered improved. (22,pp.45,115, 1':1, 1' , 138) 1'; " ........ 4 1fal,l, tins,t, between 14th and 18th btreets, ordered improved. d. 45, 102,12t)........................................... 11: Feb........ 1 Convention. Call for at Des Moines.................... 21 " ........ t Jladl, \[rs. Anna,delinquent tax. (22,p.45).................... 27 " ........ 1 Moore.J.C.,delinquent tax. (22,p.45)......................... 27 .. ....... 1 Murphy,Mrs.A.,delinquent tax. (22,p.45)............ ........ 27 1 Matthias,Mrs.J.G.,delinquent tax. (',:':, p.46)................. 27 ....... 1 Mahone Mrs.C.,delinquent tax. (V, ). 45 27 " 1 Diaeadalii,bills paid.. 1..... '1 )' 28 .. ... ... ........ " ........ 1 Morrissey,Catherine,taxes reduced one-half.................... 33 ....... 1 Mcl9voyt John, taxes on personalty cancelled. (22, p. 46) 33 " ........ 1 Moser I.'G.,taxes reduced...................................... 33 ....... 1 Meat)?ns eetnr,resolution for suspension of. Lost............. :3(i 1 p " ........15 Jlain and Io a titreets,matter of paving. Referred to Paving Conunitteo.................................................... 39 March...... 7 Mineral lot 106. Use of to Geo.Dee. (22,pp.499 59,61)......... 42 7 Madison Strect, petition and profile for change of grade. (132, S%. pp.51,59,60,89, 11:3,135, 1379 174)........................... 49 7 McGrath, John, petition to have macadam purchased. (22, p,43 ...... 7 Merztreet petition for extension of. Committee of the Whole. ( p.47)....... ....... .... ................................ 43 , 7 Marley, Mrs. Mary, petition in relation to storut water. (22, ................. .... .... .. ............... . 43 7 McCormack,Ellen,delinquent tax. (22,p.62).................. 43 ...... 7 McNally,Johanna,delinquent tax. 22,p.62).................. 43 7 Macadam,bills allowed.......................................... 44 7 Marsh,Antra J.,delinquent tax. (22,p.62)..................... 45 7 Murray,P.C., delinquent tax. Adverse........................ 45 7 Meyer,Frank,taxes reduced..................................... 46 •` 7 Mackart,Val, taxes reduced................. ... ........... ... 46 " 7 McCann,Mrs. P.,adverse to reduction of special assessment... 46 " ...... 7 Merz Street,from Stafford to W indsor Avenue,plat of. (22,pp. 60,63, 72). .. .. 4, " i Mineral lot 106, part of relinquished to Slieppley & Relfsteck. (22, 51).......... ............... 49 ............................ " 7 Marsh, J., granted extension of six months to pay special assessment.................................................... 51 7 Marsh,A.J.,delinquent tax..................................... 51 " ...... 7 Main Street, between 14th and 17th Streets, remonstrance against improvement of...................................... 51 21 DIineral lot 101J.nutter of deed to C.,M.&St.P. R. R. Co...... 52 " ......31 Main Street from Charter to 17th Streets, contract for paving let. (22,pp.95, 127, 146.151, 180)............... .. .............. 57 ......31 Main Street, sewer on. Contract awarded to 31. Tschirgi• Jr. (22,p.79)..................................................... 57 April...... 7 Mayor Saunders presented with aavel.......................... 60 ...... 7 Merz Street,grade,of adopted. (w-,pp.81,89)................... 61 ...... 7 Middle Street, grade of adopted..... .... ....................... 61 ...... 7 Mayor's Valedictory and Inaugural.............................. 64-5 ...... 7 Mayor Pro Tem. Aid.Peaslee elected........................... 6.5 " ......20 Macadam I3reakem,petition of for purchase of. i :,p.89)...... % May....... 2 McMalion,Michael,delinquent tax............................... 71 ....... McDernlolt, Peter, granted six months' time in which to pay special assessment........................................... 72 " ....... 2 Macadam, engineer instructed not to measure any more........ 72 ` " 2 Mineral lot 47:3, plat of sub of.................. 73 " ....... 2 Main Street, m;ushal to advertise that no digginR*'wlil be allowedon.................................................... 73 " ....... 2 Mayor Saunders granted leave of absence.... ..... 76 .......16 Madison Street, petition of M. Duggan for .„one crossing on. (122,p.89)..... ......... ...... .. .................... 80 June....... 6 Meggi-on fhos.,delinquent tax. (22, p. 102)................... 811 ..... 6 Meyer, If.,in relation to milk license. (Marshal)............... 87 ....... 6 Muntz Ed.,agreement to pay for sewer. Filed........... ..... 87 ....... 6 McMahon, M.T.,delinquent tax. (22, P. 10'3)................... 87 - - 4 Ob , 7 INDEX.—Book aa. 1892. SUBJECT. I PAGE. M June....... 6 McClain's sub. plat of referred to St.Com. (22,p,10'.)......... 87 , tb Ma lie Street between 14th and 17th, accepted. (2`Z,pp• 123,157) 93 July....... 5 McVlahon's sub., plat of. St.Com. (1212,p. 115).:........... 119 ....... 6 Main Street between 13th and 14th,report of chairman on width of.. 104 ................................... Aug......... 1 Main Street,sewer and street ...... 1 Meyer,C.H.,plat of his add. (22 p.13.5)................. ...... 113 to be rolled and charged to con- 13 tractor........................................................ .. oil p 113 ........ 1 Muntz&Quirk,communication in relation to building lant. (2'-,p. 136).................................................... " .. 1 Main Street,abutting city lots 470 and 4712,sidewalk ordered.... 117 " ........ 1 Main Street, Between 14th and 15th, resolution for sidewalk suspended idewal- suspended.................................................... 117 " .. 6 Mayor's communication and vetoes. (22,P. ................. 119 Se t....... 6 May Place,petition to have made passable. (22, 1)• 157 ••••••• • 1211 6 rlapple Street,petition for sidewalk oil 176).••.. rantem. ('- p. It.1 " 6 Mulqueene ,Thos.,delinquent tax. 02 p. 158) ... 122 " ....... 6 Mune•npal Fire and Police Telegraph Co., notice of snit for iu- ti ingement of patent. (2'l.,p. lo,)........................... 122) " ....... 6 Middle Street, petition for grading and nuprovenment of and la%ing of sidewalk. Granted............................ .... 1122 " .. 9 Morning Sim Avenue,protile of grade of. St.Chum.............. 1*3 " ....... 9 Myer's sub.,plat of,adverse to adaption of............ 131 ....... 9 diddle Street,between Lincoln Avenue and northern terminus, ordered improved............................................ 139 " ....... 9 Maule Street,sidewalk ordered on between 13th and I"th::::::: 138 ....... 9 Madison Street,sidewalk ordered on................. 1`.3d 46 ....... 9 blain Street between 8th and 9th, sidewalk ordered on..... .... 138 11 ...16 Marshal authorized to appoint two deputies..................... 140 Oct........ 3 Muggenbuu;g add.,plat of. (22,p 178)........................... 144 .. 3 .11untz,John,delinquent tax. (2•l.,p. 178)........................ 1.15 1 " ........ 3 Main Street,remonstrance against paying special assessment... 145 " ........ 3 Microscopist,recommendation for appointment of official. (2`, p. 177)........................................................ 146 .. 4 Munsell, A.,taxes canceled...................................... 158 Nov........10 McCann,A. Assessment Committee............................ 176 " ........10 Main Street,contractors allowed extension of time for improve- mentof................................................ .. 177 " ........10 Meehan & Hassett, en ineer to submit estimate of grading on g -;, South Locust Street.................... .. 178 " ........23 Alain Street,between 17th and Madison Street,engineer to make out separate bills for improvement........................... 190 Dec........ 5 Mehl,George,petition for permission to erect stairway.:........ 195 ........ 5 Main Street,steps on to be put in safe condition................. 195 I I t i I I . a>. INDEX.—Book 22. 1802. SUBJECT. PAGE. N Jan........ 5 Ninth Ave.ordered filled............. ....... 5 Feb..... .. 1 Ninth Ave. Pet.for improvement of. (22(22,,p.46)................ `?fit .......SI. North St. pet.for sidewalk on. (221 p.3112100)...... 27 March......21 National 3u&.r and Cheese Makers ssoclation invitation to.. 51 " ".•..21 Nairn's sub., lot 19,resolution in relation to erroneous assess- ment.......................................................... 5'3 June....... 6 Neumiller,Cath.,delinquent tax. (`22 p.102 .............. `... ..... 87 ....... 6 Ninth St., bet. Main and Locust, ordered improved. (22,pp. 101,176, 183). .... ... ... ........ ... ..... ... 91 is July....... 5 Ninth St.,sidewalk,matter of,and fence ordered moved to line. 99 s Sept....... 6 Ninth and Iowa Sts.,pet.for grade of sidewalk granted......... 121 " ....... 6 Nevada St.,pet.for improvement of,granied.................... 121 „ .., " ....... 9 Nagehnaker,11.,pet.for permission to make sewer connection withman-hole... ............................................................................... 134 #` ....... 9 Nevada St.,'ordered improved.. .. ......... .... ... 137 .10 Nuisance in vicinity of C.,M.&St.1'. shops,pet.in relation to. 176 u` Dec........ 5 Needham,qhs.Mary,assessment com...... 195 sq "x. t { iii! INDEX.--Book sUBJEC'1% PAGE. O Jan........ 4 Olive Street,sewer is wade a part of sewerage system........... 2 „ ........ 4 Ordinances,matter of revising• l' ,pp.34,111i,208)............ 3 . 4 Officers,reports of.................................. .... 3 " ........ 4 Ordinance granting Diamond Jo Co.use of levee. (22 pp. 14,43) 5 .. ........ 4 O'Neill Street, attorney to report as to title to as lana out. (22, 13 p.43).......................................................... 1) Feb........ 1 O'Neill,B.J.,remonstrance.against paying for filling lots...... 324 7 " ........ 1 O'Hearn,Mrs.Bridget,delinquent tax. (2'-,P.V .............. •N7 41 .. 1 Officers.reports of........ ...................................... 11 ....... 1 Ordinance granting Dubuque Street Railway Co. additional track on Clay Street between 13th and 15th.................. 28 ..... 1 O'Connor,llonora,taxes reduced................................ 33 March . ... 7 Ordinance granting George Doe the use of mineral lot 106. (229 pp.49,58,-59,lit).............................................. 42, . 7 Officers, reports of... • ......21 Officers,annual reports of........................................ 51 ......21 Ordinance granting Reitsteek&Scheppley use of part of min- eral lot 106.................... ............................... 51. April...... 7 Officers,reports of................................................ f30 1. ......20 Officers appointed....................... .. ..... ...... .. 67 44 ...29Oils,petition to have ordinance adopted regulating storage of... 68 " ..29 Officers,bonds and salaries fixed........... ..... 70 May........ 2 O'Reagan,Mus.Maurice, delinquent tax. (21,p.102)........... 71 2 Officers,reports of. (Auditor's report,22,p.74)). .. ... 72 June....... 6 Ordinance extending franchise of Key City Gas Co. Adopted.. 87 ....... 6 Ordinance to prohibit cows from running at large in any part of city....... .. 87 ....... 6 Officers,reports of................................................ 87 " 6 Official printing,matter of....................................... 90 July....... 5 Officers,reports of................ ............ ............... 100-1 5 Ordinance to restrain cows and other animals from running at large. (22.p.114)............................................ 101 ....... 5 Ordinance to reeulate excavation of streets, Ord. Com. to pre- pare. (22,1)p.115,132,1.54)................................... 101 " ........ 6 Oak Street,ordered improved. (22,pp- 1079 115,134)............ 106 " ........18 Osel,John,communication in relatimi to assessment for Grand- view Avenge. (`'N, p. 205)................................... 107 Aug........ 1 O'Brien,Hannah,delinquent tax. (22,p.135)................... 113 " ........ 1 Ordinance,repealing Sec.7 of Dubuque Rater Co.'s ordinance 114 " ........ 1 Officers, reports of........... 114 .. 1 Ordinance to regulate storage of oils. (21,p.1:32)............... 115 .. 1 Ordinance regulating width of tires. (22,pp. 132, 154, 177)...... 117 Sept....... 6 Oswaid,.C.,petition for permission to erect frame building. (22, l). 157)........................................................ 12ti •` ....... 6 Officers,reports of................ ......... ... .. ........... . 1.123 ....... 6 Ordinance subdividing the several wards into election precincts. « (2",p.133).................................................... 123 ....... 9 Ordinance regulating slaughteringof animals.................... 134 ....... 9 Ordinance requiring the making of connections with sanitary sewers. (22,p. 1.54)... .... .... ..... ............... 134 " ....... 9 Official proceedings,city officers to take notice of............... 139 ...16 Ordinance to be drafted empowering the health officer to have filthy places purified,&c. (22t p. 141)........................ 140 I. ...Ili Official proceedings, Herald notified to publish more promptly. (22 p.141) .... .... ....... .... ............ 140 Oct,,..•... 3 Oak Street,petition for change of grade. (22,p.157).,.....•.... 144 . 3 Officers,reports of.............................. 145 .. 3 Ordinance to provide for opening or annulling streets. Adopted 146 " .. 3 Ordit,ance to secure general lie, of the city................... 146 " ........ 3 Ordinance for system of street railway, by Janes Rowan....... 1443 " ........ 4 Ordinance Committee, to prepare an ordinance regulating con- struction of buildings................. ....................... 159 Nov........ 7 Officers, reports of............................................... 174 ........ 7 Ordinance regulating width of tires to be.enforced............... 175 I. .. 7 Oak Street,petition for extension of. (22,p. 193)............... 176 Dec........ ,- Oak Street,petition for damages 1)),reason of grading of........ 195 " ........ 7 O'Neill Street,petition for removal of obstruction on............ 195 " ....... 7 Officers,reports of.. ...... .. 195 " ........17 Ordinance to repeal Sec. 9 of ord.establishing ward boundaries 1207 ........17 Ordinance to amend an ordinance regulating elections.......... 208 ........17 Ordinance to repeal an ordinance regulating sale and inspection of kerosene oil, &c........................................... I 208 ........17 Ordinance to amend an ordinance to regulate markets and sale ofmeats...................................................... 208 " ........17 Ordinances, matter of revising referred to ordinance committee and recorder with power..................................... "A8 ! INDEX.—Book 22. 1891.3. I SUBJECT. PAGE. Jan........ 4 I Policeman pet.for on West Locust Sts.,and matter of......... 1 44 ........ 4 Piggott,W.A.Est.,taxes cancelled.................. .......... 11 Feb....... t Pine St..pet.for repair of. (22, p.61)........................... .ai " ........ 1 Pfeffer,Henry,delinquent tax. (2.3, ).46) til 1 Pierce St. ordered graded. (22 pp. 4,1A)... .. ......... 35 " ........ 1 Peru Road,C. St.P &S. C. �y. Co. to widen approach to bridge. ( ,Pp;'36,8B)................. ...... .... 'i5 March...... 7 Platz,Jos.,pet.to have city purchase macadam, (22,p.61).... 43 .. 7 Potts,Wm.,taxes cancelled on personalty....................... 4.5 ......21 Pauline St.,pet.to have obstructions removed granted.......... 51 ..21 Pleasant St.,profile of grade referred to St.Cont................. :11 121 Pieki p,John:Est.,taxes cancelled............................... 67!May........ .3 Pear St.,prohle of grade adopted................................ 73 } 66 ... . 2 Plum St.,profile of grade adopted.... ....... 73 .June....... 6 Pickley&Lux in relation to license. (mayor)................. 87 .......15 Policeman,O'Nnnell,pet.that he be assigned to beat on Julien =t. Ave. (received and filed)..... .. .. ..... ............ 9.21 1 f, July....... 5 Picket St.,petition for improvement of. (22,p. 107)............ 98 ....... 5 Pine St.,be 23 and`:5th Sts., sidewalk ordered........ ... 106 ,e 18 Peru Road,communication of A. Schmidt to relation to con- tract. (22 P.115)............................................. 107 Aug........ 1 Pine St., between 13th and 170,E.side, sidewalk establish- edat 6 feet................................................... 116 Sept....... 6 Pine St.,pet.for opening of between 2`tid and 23d. (22, p. 1.58).. 121 .. 6 Paragon Oil Co.,pdt.for permission to erect oil plant,granted.. 11,31 .... 6 Picket St.,declared a public litghway............................ 1923 ...... 9 Paving Committee,reorganized. (22,p. 144).................... 133 . 9 Patrol house,roof to be repaired...... .. .................... 133 Oct........ 3 Pierce St.,petition for bridge on. (22,p.178).................... 144 .. 3 Police matron,pet.for appointment of. (22, 177)............... 144 Nov........ 7 Patrol wagon pet.to have repaired. (.2,p. 197)................ 11-14 ........ 7 I'ara$on Oil Geo.,for permission to lay`3-inch pipe across Charter St. (22,p.196)..... ... ..... ..... .. ... ... 171; " ..10 Pine St., pet. of Slrep ley & Leidman for side-track to their remises. (22,p.197) ....... ... ...... .................. 176 i� p ' �i ........10 Public building,contract for painting awarded.................. 179 ........10 Peru Road,Atty.toprepare resolution forcondeming bridge on. 180 ........23 Parks,public,committee to ascertain cost of"Dubuque's Bluff' forpark purposes............................................ 189 a Y Y i . 1 INDEX.—Book 22. SUBJECT. I PAGE. Q lurch...... 7 nfgley's sub.of lots 6,7,3 and 9,plat of........................ 43 liay....... 2 ince Street,profile of grade adopted........................... 73 June....... 6 peen Street,petition for improvement of granted.............. 87 July....... 6 ween Street,ordered improved. ('w2,,pp. 113,140).............. 10.5 Oct........ 3 Queen Street,petition in relation to w� t11 of. (22,p.177)....... 145 ........ 3 Queen Street,sidewalk ordered on............................... 160 .i i I . :i INDEX.—Book 22. 1892. SUBJECT PAGE._ R Jan........ 4 Reuter.Katherine. Assessment Committee. (22,p 33)........ 1 ....... 4 Rose Street,bids for improvement of. (2.2,pp.4:1, 13.5).......... 5 ........ 4 Rose Rill add.,engineer to prepare profile of grade.............. 5 " ........ 4 ltu�precht,Mrs.,taxes cancelled............... 11 .. ........ 4 Railroad crossings,watchmen to be stationed at................. 11 " 4 Rhomberg Avenue, et. fur improvement of. (�)., p.46)........ 26 Feb........ 1 Rider, J. V., and W. W. Lacy, pet. for approval of plans for building................ ....... ........ .................. 27 .. ........ 1 Ruh,Emil,taxes on$5,000 personalty canceled........... ...... 33 .. ........ 1 Rhowberg Avenue, special asses,nlent levied for inapt.of...... 36 " ...15 Rose Street,engineer to make plat straightening same.......... 39 March...... 7 Russian sufferers,matter of appropriation for. (22, p. 49)...... 42 . 7 Reisch,Matthew,delinquent tax .............................. 43 7 Reed,Mary C., taxes reduced...... 46 ..................... . 7 Ragatz,George,taxes reduced..... 46 " ...... 7 Rose Street,recorder to issue venire for opening of. (22,pp.60, 102,134).. 46 7 Riese,M. ,pet. for permission to erect frame bldg. Granted 51 April...... 7 Railroads,assessment of......................................... 80 ...... 7 Riverview Street,grade of established........................... 61 " ...... 7 Ryan,Con,bill of$.506 for Grandview Avenue................... 61 ...... 7 Reisch, Matt,taxes canceled..................................... 62 ......20 Reilly,Charles,and Frank Roye pet.in relation tv macadam... 68 ti May....... 2 Randall's sub.,plat of. Corn. Whole............................ 71 ` ....... 2 Rush Street,pet.for improvement of, (22,p.91)......:......... 71 ....... 2 Railroad Cowpanies instructed to plank between their rails at ..:� c[6sslllgs...................................................... 71 u 2 Rhomberg Avenue,estimate of improvement of................. 72 ....... 2 Rose Street,sidewalk ordered on both sides..................... 74-5 t6 Ryan. Con, bill for$475 against for grading taken from Alta Vesta Street......... :z1 " .......17 .Rush Street,engineer to prepare profile of change of gra(le. (22, pp.87,N•2, 116)................................................ 81 June....... 6 Rr,omber Avenue,pet.for are lights on......................... 87 ....... 6 Rubeck, Mary ,delinquent tax. (22,p. 102)...................... 87 " .......15 Recorder pro tempore,John O'Connell appointed............... 9`2 " .......15 Ries Street,engineer to prepare profile of grade................. 94 July:...... 5 Rush Street,remonstrance against change of grade.............. 98 5 Rawson,Win.,refunded ogle-half team license................... 98 )' " ....... 5 Ryan E.J.,pet. for exemption of livery license received and `t filed................................................ 99 ,_. .. ....... 5 Reynolds,Rosa,claim of $.50 for damages by flood received and filed........................................................... 99 ....... 6 Regent Street,ordered improved. (22,p. 140)................... 106 .......18 Ryan,Mary E.,delinquent tax. •(22,p. L35)..................... 107 " .......18 Ries Street,sewer inspector to construct abutting Mr. Zwack's property...................................................... 107 Aug........ 1 Rubeck,Mary,delinquent tax.. .............. .......... -113 1 Rowan Street, pet. for improvement of. (22, pp. 136, 160, 161, 177,178............................................... ........ 113 " ........ 1 Rush Street,resolution for improvement of referred to engineer to make estimate............................................. 117 " ........ 0 Roads, invitation to attend convention for promotion of better 119 Sept....... 6 Rowan,James,pet.for franchise for street railway. (22,p.177) 121 ` ....... 6 Rowan Street,petition for change of name of. (22,p. 177)...... 122 .. ....... 6 Rowan,James,pet.to erect porch over alley in rear of 12th and « Iowa. (22,p. 177)............................................ 122 ...... 6 Rowan Street,pet.for establishment of grade on. (22,p,157).. 122 " ....... 6 Rhombergg Park,complaint of residents in vicinityabout........ 122 " ....... (i Roberts,`Irs.Even,pet.for refunding of saloon lienses granted 134 .. ....... 9 Rigi Street,engineer to show plat of proposed extension........ 135 11 .. 9 Registration,places fixed........................................ 139 Oct........ 3 Rowan Street,pet.in relation to glade of........................ 146 Nov........10 Riemann,W.G.,claim of damages by falling on street......... 176 " ........10 Rose Street,special assessment for improvement of levied...... 188 .. .......23 Robinson,Grace,plans of building corner 11th and Iowa Streets approved. (2p p. 197)....................................... 189 FZ­ INDEX.—Book 22. s; 1892. I SUBJECT. PAGE. s .tan........ 4 Savannah, Ga., committee in relation to dredging Savannah river. ('�,p. :34)............................................ 1 ........ 4 Sewer,between 10th and 11th and Jackson and Washington streets. 22,pp.A,44) ............. t ........ 4 Schroeder,Jo ui, pct.fur refunding saloon license. granted..... 3 ........ 4 Sewer,in alley from 17tit to 18th between Clay and White. spe- cial assessment. (29, W).33, 91)............................. 6 l " . 4 Sewer,in 9th street from W ashingtun to Pine street,special as- .. 4 Sewer, ..................................................... 6 in Dorgan s alley,special assessment.................... 6 ........ 4 South Locust Street,special assessment, levied................. 9 I.` .. 4 Sanford Street,special assessment.Iccied................ ..• 10 ........ 4 Simplot,Alex and Charles, assesswcnts. reduced.............. 10` ........ 4 Seats Anua A.,assessments, reduced.... .................. 11 ........ 4 Sehiel,Anna,assessments, cancelled............................ 11 " ........ 4 Street,contractors paid.......................................... 1'3 " ........ 4 Sewer.on Clay between lith and 18th street,engineer to adver- tise............................................................ 12 .. 4 Street, numbering,natter of. (Com. Whole)................... 13 ` 4 Small Pox,patient,Atty. to give opinion as to who is liable for careof........................................................ 14 Feb........ 1 Sidewalk Commissioner, resignation of Jas. O'Halloran........ 27 " ........ 1 Spaltn,Anna,delio iuenttax. (22p.45)........ ................ 27 " ........ 1 Sewer,between Sth and 10th and Jiwkson and Washington, s')ecial assessments,levied......................... ........ 3`12 .. ........ 1 Sout�i.1faio Strect,contract for filling cancelled................. 33 " ........ 1 Sedles, matter of.for line stock referred to)lai ket Com........ 3:: `. ........ 1 Sewer,oil i th street,dug.to prepare plans tor. ('2.:, pp.74.70) 33 " ........ I Sewer,on South Loeust street,arse-sment for canceled.......... 33 ........ 1 Seward.Jlary V., taxes reduced.................................. 33 " ........ 1 Schueller.1';ith.,taxes canceled................................. 33 " ........ 1 Shea.-Airs.John,taxes canceled ................................ 33 .. .... ... 1 Suledley.11fg.Co.,pet.for cancellation of tuxes not granted..... 34 .. ....... 1 SewerLispeetor,resolution for suspension of lost...... ... ... 36 " •••••••. 1 Stewart,R.W,comwunicalion in relation to salary as mayor. ..... (22.p.39)..................................................... 36 . 15 Schuudt. :1dam.bill of$80.5. (Street Coin)...................... 39 ...15 South Jlahi Stcvt. street commissioner to furnish grading. (2'3. p.oli..................................................... 39 " ........15 South \lain Street,auditor and attorney to collect for surplus filluigon.................................. .................. 39 ..... March . 7 Semiu:u•c titrect.pet.fur im u•oveuo•ut ot. l"'-. p.fit, 72 �2 43 ...... 7 Street, pet.Tip],through mineral lot:;nt. ;•�.� p. til).......�...... 43 7 Sewer district \o.`• ongineer to piepnrc Flans of............... 43 7 Sehaeier.Cath .dclin tient tax. (22, p.,')...................... 43 7 Stafford:k vemic,change of grade adopted. n:'. lo. 74).......... 45 ...... 7 St.Joseph's Jlercy Iio.•pital,taxes eanccicd..................... 4.5 ...... 7 St.John's Lutheran Church. taxes canceled..................... 4.5 ...... 7 Schmidt. Geo.F.,taxes reduced.................................. 46 7 Sewer,froat 9th to 7th avenues,referred to Strect foul. (L''bti- mate of. (22, p. )........................................... 46 " 7 Southern Avenue to N. U. Avenue,ordered finproved........... 47 " ...... 7 Street Crossings,eneioeer to prepare plans for iron ones........ 48 7 Schroeder Avenue, pet. (o have graded. (`?,p.01)............ 51 21 Stench, Chas.,paid•-4]w;i:,for improvement of Itnowberg and Julien avenues.................... 5•ti 21 Sew-rage, engineer to prepare plan of for Grant avenue and Rose street, etc...................................... 52 ..31 Seweron Chestuutstreet,]pet.of for by Ferguson Bros.......... 57 April...•.. 5 St.Mary's Street,matterot retaining wall on.................... 58 ...... 7 Smelly�[fg.Co.,delinquent tax. (:.t-',p. 741.................... 60 " ...... 7 Seale, live stock,one on markets,to make provision for ........ 61 .. ...... 7 Sullivan, Katie F.., taxes reduced one-half....................... 62 j ...... 7 Sewer,between 10th and lith and Jackson tall \Vashington streets,plans approved...................................... 62 " ...... 7 Sixteenth Street, between Pine allot Sycamore Streets, ordered improved. St.coro.......................................... 63 " ......20 Street west of high Bluff Street, pet. to have iaadle passable. c.,., p.89).. 68 11iay ..... 2 �tatc Street,pet. for opeuiug(it. (22, p.91j..................... 71 " ....... 2 Schroeder Avenue, pet. fill*iuihrnvement of. (22, p.S9)......... 71 " ..... 2 Seminary Street, petition for policeman on. (111a orj........... 71 " ....... 2 Sullivan,T. l)., pail 5:35.5 for macadam.............. T3 ...... 2 Sewer on Fifth Avenue,estimate of engineer. (23, p. K)....... 7'3 ....... 2 Seminary Street,profile of change of grade. 13:, p.91)......... i " ....... 2 Southern Avenue, bids for improvement of. C33,p. 91)........ 7*3 _ . S INDEX.—Book 22. SUBJECT. I PAGE. s May...... 2 Strauss Avenue,profile of grade...... 2 Sheridan Street,profile of grade... 7� Southern Avenue, pet. for vacation of s i•• �a � •2 • ~" part of sidewalk. (;*�, np. 01)... ... ................... 73 ••••••• Sup F�lips, to be purchased by supply committee.............. 73 .. ::::;:: 2 Slxth Street extension,rubbish to be dumped east of Market St. 75 16 Seventh Street, between Iowa and Main,sidewalk ordered on.. 75 ., Street specifications,right of committee to sign................. 79 ....•••16 Sixth Street,horse fountain ordered on................. ........ 79 17 Street improvements,not to exceed$100 per block for grading.• 79 a Seminary Street, engineer to make plat and survey of. pp. .. .......17 88,91, 140, 141)......................................................... Seminary Street, resolution for improvement of. ('�3, pp. 89, .June....... 6 13'39 134)........ ... .. .... 8'?. ... . .. .... . . . ....... ... Sewer,sanitary,on Burch, W 3d, Hill St. (22,pp. 99,101,114, .. ....... U 140, 198).. .... ... .. ... ......... ... ...... .. 811) Sixteenth and Clay Streets, Jos.Siniones allowed to leave side- ......• 6 walk.. ... ...... .. .... ......... .. .... ......• 86 ••••••, 6 Sioux City hood sufferers,acknowledgment of relief sent....... 86 {t ,,,,... 6 South Locust Street,pet.for repair of. (•z`a,pp. 1(2)............. 87 Seminary Street, proposition of Mrs. I)). A. Maltony to give .. ....... 6 ground accepted.............................................. 87 6 (Mayor)........... 87 Strelrtzky, John, vet.1)u relation to license. ,,,,,„ 6 Sutter,Joseph,in relation to river motors....................... 87 << ,,,,,„ 6 Stafford Avenue,petition for improvement of granted........... 81, Schiller Street,report of attorney on vacation of part of. (>2, .. 6 p. 1012)........ ... .... .. ... ..... .........•.•...•. 88 �• ;,,;;,, 6 Schueller add,plat of referred back. (21-11,p. 992)................. 88. Sewer on Clay between 17th and 18th Street, contract let. (2::, ....... 6 pp, 117,lis, 146)................. ..... ... ...... .... 91 Sewers on 18th and 19th Streets, and in alley between 18th and �. •,••,,,15 19th Streets,ordered repaired................................ 91 Sewer on Eacle Point Avenue and Elm Street ordered repaired. .. .......l5 (`a?.,P. 115).................................................... 90, Schroeder Avenue, between Seminary and Leibnitz Streets, .. ,..•.15ordered improved. (22., pp. 107, 178, 187)... ..... 93 Street Coin inissioner, ordinance committee to draft ordinance .. 15 changing duties of.....................s...................... 93 5 Sixteenth Street sewer,matter of. ('Third Ward aldermen).... 94 July••• 5 Sewers,the sewer committee to have charge of all............... 98 Seminary Street, communication of M. Duggan in relation to �. 5 damages for change of ggrade............,.......... 98 Seminary Street,elaiiu oY damages of Jolin.Flynn for change of „ 5 grade. (22 p. 116 Sewer, pet. to have one at northwest corner Nth and Bluff .� .... .. 5 for drainage.................................................. 98 Saul,Elizabeth, pet. for cancellation of special tax. Received « ....... 5 and filed........................................ 98 Seminary Street, remonstrance against change oY grade. He- 5 ceived and filed............................................ " Street from Decorah to Delhi Street, plat of referred to street ., 5 committee................. ..... .......... 99 •••••• Schroeder Avenue, profile of change of grade. (::3,p. 115)..... tel .. ......• o Stafford's sub, plat,of lot 5. ('.32,p. 115)......................... 99 ••••••• Sewer on J ul ien Avenue and streets leading thereto,petition for referred to sewer committee............ ..... .. ...... t11 " ••••••• 5 Sidewalks,special assessment levied for repair of. (:+72, p.115) 100 " ••••••• 5 Seventeenth Street, from White to West Locust,resolution for imuroventent lost............................................. 102 " •• 5 Sanford Street,ordered improved. '3,))p, 113,140)........ 10'3 `' •• 6 Sewers on 11th and 14th Streets. ordered extended. 1'3,p. 116) 104 ....... 6 Stagnant water lots,notice to fill. c!-.1,pp. 1079 115, 121)........ 104-5 ` ....... 6 Southern Avenue, sidewalk ordered on.......................... 105 " •.••••• 6 Strect foremen,to work same as laborers................. lOb '° ....... 6 Sewer.ordered on Bluff street ext'rasion........................ 1011) " .......18 Strotr. Kate,delinquent tax. i '3. IP. l:k;)........................ 107 " .......18 Swevniv. Nieholas,claim of rei•ei\ed and tiled...... 107 " .......18 Sewer ora Main Street. sewer iraslu•vtor to examine.............. 107 " .......18 Sehteiber-Conchar Co.,taxes to he exempt for ten years........ 107 " .......18 Sewer,of tilt ordered from -!1;(h and Couler avenue to Couler creel:. .. .. ..... 108 " ...18 Sewer,on Bluff frou t tth to 17th. subject(if. ('23,p. 11f))...... 108 Aug........ 1 Street,to connect lti-i or Louisa street with North and South streets, street com........................................... 113 " ........ 1 Shields,J.H., communication in relation to filling lots. (*3:3, pp. 113,1120) .................................... ............. 113 �D` INDEX.—Book 22. lSm2. I — SUBJECT. i PAGE. 1 S echt,Mrs.Johanna,pet. for appropriation to run ferry. (22, s p. Aug........ p 13J). 113 ....... 1 stagnant water lots,pet.to have filled on Pine and 14 )th streets.. 113 `� •.•..... 1 sewer,pet.for extensuni of oil14th street from Bluff 20) feet j west. (22,pp.13.5.)............................................ 113 " ........ 1 Shannon,Mrs.1Vlichael,delinquent tax. 0N. p. 1x35)............ 113 " ........ 1 Street foremen,allowed 2.5e per day extra........................ 114 " ........ 1 State Street,plat of proposed cxtcnsiou. r!•!, p. l:..)............ 114 " ........ 1 Sewers,on lith and 19th streets ordered 4 w1wd........... ... . 115 ........ 1 Street,between Seminary and West Loc-- X11 wts, pet. for granted................... ................................... llf, ........ 1 Street Committee,mavor authorized to reorgauize............... 117 ........ 1 Sewer,on Sanford street, from Jackson to Coul.-r creel:, engi- neer to inpare plans. c"' 1 . i;.si........................... 117 ........ 1 Sewer,along Colder creel: beti�'een '_';tl: ireet and Peru Road. engineer to prepare plans..:................................. 117 ........ 1 Sewer,on 11th street from Maul to Bluff and along Bluff to h 1 streets,engineer to advertise. I!!. p. VU ................... 117 11 ....... 1 Sewer Committee,to have drip pans put under manhole cover,. 117 " ........ 1 Sewer Inspector,resolution for increase ofsalarN.talded........ 117 " ........ 1 Staenant water,lots ordered filled. (:':,p. �(u3t................. Hs .. ........ 1 sewer connections,attmney to give opiuiou if cite can compt'I same to be made........ ....................... ............. 1 t Sept....... 6 Stafford Avenue,pet. that water on he taken care of. t•*!. p. ` ...... 6 Sewer on Burch Street. conkinunieatioil in relation tn. ?Te 1�.•I' Com. (Mg. 158)............................................ 1!1 " ....... fi Sheridan's Addition,plat of. (22.p. 1,P,2 . ............ ......... 1 t " ....... 6 Specht,John,proposition to sell gravel. r!!,p. 157)..... .. .... 1:! " ....... 6 Street from Olive street to Weigel alley, pet.for opening of. (aa p�.157, 160 ............. " ....... 6 Sewers, between Lincoln and Rhouiberg and 5th and 9th av- 1 enues,pet.to connect................ .... 11212 ................... ....... 6 Special assessments levied,to bear 5 per cent. iuterest.......... 1128 ....... 9 Second Avenue,pet.to open to Lake Peosta.................... 1:34 11 ....... 9 Sanford Street,between Elm and Windsor aeenme, engineer to 9 prepare profile of change of grade. p. 03)............. 135 . 9 South Locust Street accepted. I • p. 1:.:t .......... 1M ..... 9 Southern Avenue,sidewalk ordered on........... .............. 136 ` .......16 Street sweeper,matter of................. ...................... 1.30 .. .......16 Sewer,sanitary, engineer to prepare plans for oil1Vilson av- ellue,alley east of Wilson avenue and AV.5th St. (:'•?, p. IM) 1.30 .......16 SelllinarN Street,commissioners a ipoinied to assess d:uuages by reason of charge of grade. (1.!% 174)...................... 1401 Oct........ 3 Seventh and Lincoln Avenue,pet. f)iiir repair of bridge on. (I''•, Pp.143,157. 17S).......................... 144 `� ........ 3 Sisters of Charit\. B.V.M .in relation to taxes. 122,p. lii�).... 145 ....... 3 Saint Francis Urphan Asylum, pet.in relation to taxes. (`12% P. 177)........................................................ 14.5 << ........ 3 Seventh Street,pet.of Board of Supervisors forgrade on........ 145 ....... 3 Sewer,sanitary,ou White street and Couler avenue from 18th street to Sanford street,pet.for.............................. 14.5 " ........ 3 Sullivan, John, applicatiml for position on fire department. 16Chief engineer................................................ 157 " •••••••• 3 St.Colunibkill's Chinch,taxes canceled......................... 153 ........ 4 Sewer,to be exteude(l in alleys between Jackson and Elm and 11th and 17th Btrecte. (�r? p.178)............................ 1.% " ........ 4 Sewer,to be extended on Julien avenue between West 8th and Brad•••••••• 4 I Sewerage,engineer i to prepare pd in alleNS ans to drain city north of 19th 155 street. (22, p.176)..................... 158 ... .. ... 4 Sewerage, lateral, in alleys between Jackson and Elm Streets, « engineer to prepare plans. (22,p. 197)...................... 160 . 4 South Main Street between Jones and Dodge, engineer to pre- pare plaits for storm water sewer................ ............ 160 4 Sewer, sanitary, on Julien Avenue between W. 8th and Broad " ••.•.• . 4 Sewer, sanitary,eer oil Julienare Avenue from Bluffto Bill, ane on 160 Dov... Bill to W.5th Streets engineer to prepare plans............ 160 ..... 7 Sewer connections,list OF ones ordered made. (22,p. 179)...... 175 7 St.Mary's Street,petition for improvement of. (2.7,,p, 196)..... 176 ........10 Sears,A. A. Assessment Coumnittee....••• 176 " ........10 Summer Hill,petition for electric light on....................... 176 .. ........10 Sweeney,:Vic,claim of damages by reason of overflow of sewer 176 .......10 Sewer on Roberts Avenue, remonstrance against. (22, p.197) 176 .......10 Street improvements,action on bids lxistponed......... .. 176 10 Street contracts to be lived up to,and 310 forfeit enforced....... 177 k• INDEX.—Book 22. 1892. SUBJECT. I PAGE. s Nov........10 South Locust Street, engineer to make estimate of amount due Meehan&Hassett for grading............................... 178 ........10 Sixteenth Street, Chicago Great Western Railway Co. granted permission to lay track on................................... 178 ........10 Sidewalks,special assessment for construction of levied........ 187 " ........23 Sewers plans of on W. 5th and Roberts Avenue,allev between .lacizson and Washington and 10th and 17th,and\V.8th and Hill. (229 p.197)............................................. 189 Dee........ 5 State Street,petition for openin of. (22, .1901. 195 q " ........ Sewer on W.W and St. Mary's Street, petition for.............. 195 .. ........ 5 Street contractors paid........................................... 196 ........ 5 nStreet contracts,report of street committee o ................... 196 " ....... 5 Sewerage district No.2,report of committee on.................. 197 .. 5 Sewer,north of Sanford Street,,engineer to prepare plans for... 197 ....... 5 Sutherland D. bill of61.2.5. Received and filed................ 197 " .. 5 Shepplefl, I ., permission to erect stairway on Lincoln Ave 199 " ....... 5 Streets,list of examined by engineer and street commissioner.. 200 •• ........ 5 Sewer on Julien Avenue, from Bluff to Hili and W.8th Streets, engineer t-, prepare plans.................................... 204 " ........ 5 Sewer pipe on levee. Inspector to protect.. ................... 204 w A 's. s,'i f ii !� IN DI-A.—Book az. I'M ECT. I PAGE. ' T .... ... 4 Tibey,John,conimuniration in relation to rolling South Dodge street. (2�2,p. 34)............................................ 1 i ........ 4 Theis=Nic., pet. for permission to put in curb and gutter, re- ceived and filed........... .............. I " ........ 4 Telephone charges,report of attorney on........................ 2 i Feb........ 1 Tueggel,Elizabeth,taxes canceled....... ;3:3 March...... 7 Truddell,Jos.,delinquent tax. c:•p.6.)................. 4:3 ...... 7 Twenty-Sixth street,obstructions ordered removed. ss,p. l78) 47 " .. 7 Thirteenth St.,resolution for improveuientof gutter. 1 p.611 43 May........ 2 Thomas street,pet.for change of grade. (3., pp.70,n I)...•.••• 2 Twenty-Third street, ordered iniproved......................... 76 " .......18 Twenty-Sixth street, resolution for improvement ..t. street Com.gradeadopted. 132,pp.9o, IN. 157. 1,A;)................ 79 " .......16 Twenty-Fifth street, resolution for inq,ro%vi n•ut id �'Ireet Com. (1222,p.59)gradeadopted. y PI,. li�S.ln . 1 Is6).. 79 " .......16 Twenty-Fourth street, resolution for iu!luo%cun•Ii1 uf. Street Coin. (222,Pp.89, 101.10°. 1:35, 149. 1.7". 1`,:u.................. 79 " .......16 Twenty-Fourth street,between.Jackson and Phiv, ide%%alk or- dered on............................ .......16 Twenty-Fifth street,between Jackson iud Pine, s d �� ••� � ; sid�•��alk or- deredon...................................................... 30 June....... 6 Twelfth and Locust,pet. for crossing. Street Com. ". p.1l i) 37 " ......15 Twelfth and Clay streets,crossings ordered replaced............ 93 " ......15 Tenth and Iowa strrets,crossings ordered on................... 93 " ......15 Twenty-Seventh street,sidewalk ordered on..... .. gt July......,. 6 Third street,between Alpine and Brad street, sidewalk order- « ed on.... 10.5 ............. i, 13 Tierney,Michael,pet. for retaining wall on :id street. Street - Com. ('22.p. 1131..........• 107 j Sept........ 6 Thirteenth street,between Pine and Maple, pet for improve- ,� nrent of. (� ,p. I:, I......................................... IL'2 ....... 6 Tax, levy for . ... . .......... ••••••• 9 Thomas street, st.r.eet.....co..m. missio.....n.er.. to take care 133 of storm water on............ .... L'33 ••••••• 9 Thomas and Cornell streets,acce rted. (?• .p.,..1 ............... 1:3:; 9 Twenty-Fourth street between Fine and Juc��on streets, or- « dered improved. (122,p. 176)........ 1:37 ••••••• 9 Twenty-Fourth street, engineer to prepare plans for culvert across Couler creek............... III. ••••••• 9 Thirteenth street,between fine and Maple streets, ordered iui- I 133 proved........................................................ 19s Dec........ 5 Tweuty-Sixth street,pet. for opening of...................... 195 •••••••• 5 Trade surd Labor Congress,granted use of Central Engine House ii Hall............................. �I f Vii_ INDEX.—Book 22. I SUBJECT. I 189,.o. PAGE.- ---- U Feb........ 1 U.S.E.L.&a P.Co.,contract with for x:00 are lights............. 28 ....... 1 Union Avenue,engineer to prepare profile for change of grade. (22,p.44)........... 3.5 March...... 7 Union Avenue,profile of change of grade........................ 43 . 7 Union add.,city treasurer to correct description................. 46 May........ 2 Union Street,grade adopted........... ...... ............... 73 Aug....... 1 Union Avenue petition for repair of. ('203,P.135)............... 113 Nov.......10 U.S.E.L. & V Co., notice that they are prepared to furnish L8 light.......................................................... y 5E .7 INDEX.—Book aa. 1892 I SUBJECT. I PAGE. .Jan........ 4 Valeria Street,sidewalk ordered on. (22,pp.5 12)..... 12 March...... 7 Valley Street,petition for sidewalk on,granted................. 43 A ril....... 7 Vogenthaler,Catherine,delinq uent tax. (`'22,p. 74). 60 fay....... 2 Villa Street petition for improvement of. (`22 p BSI)............ 71 . {{ ....... 2 Veterinary burgeon,bids for. Comn F.o .an Y. (122, p.SIO).. 72 It . 2 Vernon Street,sidewalk ordered on.............................. 76 June....... 6 Van Horn's add.,plat of. (22,p.102)..................... ...... 88 July....... 5 Valeria Street,petition in relation to water course on........... 98 Aug........ 1 Vine Street, petition for repair of................................ 113 I !i i I III i i l i I� it til � ° w INDEX.-Book 22. , sUBJEGT. PAGE. W Jan........ 4 Wood measurer notified that lie need not pay any percentage to thecity....... .................................. ............ 4 ........ 4 Water Works system and supply, recommendation of mayor. 4 Com. Whole.................................................. < ........ 4 West 17th and Clark Streets, street commissioner to see that macadam is not placed thereon............................... 5 ., .. 4 Wales hotel Co. Assessment reduced.........................•. 10 A. .... 4 Welsh,Mrs.I'. Assessment reduced........ ... .......... .. 11 << 4 Wullweber,C.U.,assessment oil moneys and credits canceled.. 11 ., .. 4 Waids,t•edistrictfiig of......... ........ .. ........... ... 11 • ,,,,,,,, 4 Will lanis Street, city attorney to procure deeds for opening of. (22,P.68)..................................... ............... 13 ., ........ 4 Water system, committee appointed to investigate if Water Co. are inukuig extensions. 122,PP.32,#)...................r.. 13 4 I West Eagle Point Avenue, estimate and rebolutions for im- pruveutent of. (22,P. 44)............ ....................... 13 •. .,.13 Water district extended......................... 14 Feb........ 1 Wa01 verly Avenue,pet.for extension of. (22,P.46)..........•... ti ,. ........ 1 Weiss.Mrs.\lacy,claim for damages. (22,pp. 73, 114, 115)..... 6 ...... •• ., 1 West 14th Street,pet.for improvement of. (22, P•46).......... 27 35 . ........ 1 West 17th Street,engineer to make estimate for grading of. (22, « 1 Woodlawn Park,engineer to measure grading iu. (22, p.44)... 35 .h. March...... .. 7 I West 14th Street,pruhle of change of grade. Cum. Whole. (22, 43 « 7 I West 11th Street, pet. for improvement of. St. Cum. ('22, PP- 7 61'07,81, 146, ' )......... 43 « 7 West 3d Street,pet•for sidewalk on granted. ..... ..... 43 7 Windsor Avenue,pet. for improvement of granted. (`2'2,p•48) 43 7 Woodlawn Park,estimate of engineer........................... 44 ;!, • .. 7 Woodlawn Park,owners of paid$3;239.'21 for grading........... 44 q West lith Street,report of committee oil grade of............... 45 7 Wooten,Mrs.J.E.,taxes reduced............................... 47 " 7 West 3d Street,between 1(Alpine and College Avenue, sidewalk ordered on. (22,p )...................................... 47 7 Washington Street, between banford and '24th Street, ordered improved..................................................... 47 7 Washington Street,engineer to prepare profile of gratin........ 48 q W uuderlich,Johu,granted peruubbiuu to build wood-shed. (2`2, p. 62).....x...................................... .. .. 48 „ 7 Washington Park, walks in ordered repaired.................... 48 7 Windsor Avenue,ordered improved. (22,pp.72,79, 91)........ 48 :::..21 Water mains ordered extended on Grant Avenue................ 52 " ...31 Windsor Avenue,petition in relation to change of grade........ 57 April....... 7 Wasser,Josephine,delinquent tax. (221,p. A).............••••• 60 ,, 7 Whittemore, Bridget.taxes reduced............................. 62 ' ..2o Washington Street,bids for improvement of. ('2'2,PP•7.2,81)... 67 « ,,,,..2q West 5th Street,petition of Mrs.Markey in relation to ubstruc- 67 tion of................... ........................... ........ • ,,,,, 20 Watkins,pet.for perinission to build frame building............ 67 , .• Ward and Carroll, pet. for permission to erect bout house in fib harbor........................................................ 68 << ...,..20 West 14th Street,ordered improved. (2`2,pp.72, 81)............ 6820 Wellington,Addie H.,delinquent tax........... ...... « ,,,,,,20 W indlsor Avenue,petition in relation to gutter. (22,P.89)...... 68 'hitwrll,C.H.,petition In relation to veterinary service....... 72 May...... 2 walnut Street,sidewalk ordered on......... .......... ... 75 it ..,,,., 2 Windsor Avenue between Lincoln and Gartield Avenues,ordered improved. (2%pp.91, US 94,135, 149)............. .. ...... 75 • „•,,,, 2 W.5th and Hill Street, Horse drinking fountain ordered at...... 75 • 2 Walnut and W. 11th Street,crossing ordered on. (2'2,P• 89)•••• 76 ' .......16 Wood Street,petition for opening of. (22.p•b9)••••••• •.. 80 ....... Water mains on W.14th Street ordered extended to Mrs.Wilde's SU 64 ....,,.16 World's Fair, communication in relation to exhibit of road machinery. (22, P. 102)......... " 17 West 14th Street,grading from Woodlawn Park to be put un.... 81 17 West 14th Street,engneer to prepare plans for culverts on..... 81 ••••...17 White and 7th streets crossings ordered on82 ................. ... 81 17 West 8th street,engineer to prepare profile of change.of grade.. West Locust street,between Seminary all([ street , side- June.......15 Wes93 walk ordered on........................ .......15 Wiuu oa avenue, sidewalk ordered on............................ 93 41 15 W iudsor avenue, mutter of grade settled......................... 9,5 50 for Jttly........ 5 Welsh,Cath.,claim of X40`2 damages by storm 211•water•i•... • ... 5 West 3d street,sidewalk ordered oil south side (2 e o . , , 135). .. .......................... INDEX.—Book aa. 1802. SUBJECT PA(JE• W July........ 5 West Locust street,sewer ordered arched. (-,N.p. 13.1).......... 99 ....... 6 White street,ordered repaired................ ......... ... ....... 1055 .......18 West3d street,engineer to lurinn•e profile of grade between Brad and College aw•nuc..................................... 1018 ...18 West 14th street,sic ewoIk I Idcrtd...................... 108 Aug....... 1 Williams,Mrs.B.,pet- Ior sI:tirs on hose sheet. (.":, p. l:ti).... 113 ....... 1 Water mains,pet.for extension of op Julie11avenue and Walnut street......................................................... 11:3 ....... 1 Welsh,J.D.and Mrs.P.,remonstrance against tilling lots. (22), 1) 135)........................................................ 11:3 .. I White street,plat of proposed extension......................... 114 Sept........ 6 West 7th street,between Prospect and Hill strett,pet.to repair. 157).................................................... 1'31 ....... 6 Water mains, pet.for extension of to 3d and Market streets. (N,h. 157)................ .............. .. ' ....... (; Weigel alley, pet. to change grade and widen. (22, pp. 146, 159, 1 1 175)....................... ................................... 131 ....... G Windsor avenue pet.to have+water from Linwood flow on...... 131 ....... 6 White,C.It.&N.,asking to refund intere-t.................... 1*22 ....... 6 Water mains,on Seminary street, pet. fi-r c\icnsiim of.......... 133 ....... 6 Watermains,on lith and Jackson. Intlel c\icn,imi of......... 1L~3 A Water Works Co.and system, matter .f. tt. I. to:: 1:33 .....:. 9 Water mains,ordered extended in alley 11,l wevn loth and 11th Zrr• and White and Jackson...................................... I 1313 ;,,." Oct...... .. 3 West 14th street, between Broad and Adair avenue, pet. for « change of grade. ( 2,p. 177).................. .. 145 .•... 3 Water mains,pet.for extension of White street........... . 195 " ....... 3 Westercanip.B..pet.to erect frame building on Clay, near 17th street. -ranted................................................ 195 * " ....... 3 Whistle;, marshal to stop................... 154 " ....... 4 Woodla%%n Park Co.,bill of for grading. City attorney. (2.), p. 4 17 7)........................ 159 " ....... 4 Wilbur Lane,city attorney to procuredeed; for opening of..... 160 ` ••••••• 4 Water inains,ordered extended along A I l ison Place............. 1130 « ••••••• 4 Water mains,ordered extended along Wv,t -,t h sheet........... 160 ••••••• 4 Water mains, ordered extended in alley ho ween Ist and Jones and Main and Locust........................................ 161. Nov........10 West 5th street,petition of I. Proctor fur change of grade of « sidewalk...................................................... 176 10 White,C.H. &Co.,pet.to have int •rest refunded............... 177 " .......10 Water Works,report of Connuittc•of 50 Citizens on. 1 '3. p.`3(n) 177 " .......lo West 11th street,sidewalk ordered on............................ 17:► .......10 Weigel alley,matter of. (2"3,pp. 19t;.NM8)........................ 1 0 " ••••••.23 West 14th and Cox street3,communication of Gen.Jones in re- Dee (2+^x+,1). 197)................................... 1911 Dec........ 5 `Vallis, Mary B.,assessment committee. ........................ 1!1.5 ........ 5 West 17t st reet.pet.for improvement of........................ 19.5 •• 5 White.C. IL &Co. communication in relation to coupons...... 195 " ........ 5 Water Works,mayor to give potice that city intends to purchase 3(15 'I I I, i i i 1Y5 f i k INDEX.—Book aa. SUBJECT. I PAGE, Z Sept........ 6 Zwack, 'Mr., matter of entrance to residence. St. Coin. (33, 1). 157), ......... 1':1 ....................... pct........ 4 %err,Mrs.John,taxes canceled.................................. 15S y.. i C I Page left blank. REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4TI1, 1892 "R I CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, January 4th, I' 1892. pin [OFFICIAL.] $6 Council met at 9:40 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. in Present—Aids. Crawford, Fosselmann, D Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, to Stolt•r. and Trexler. The rules were suspended and Mrs. co Geisler addressed the council objecting to the opening of Elm street. Mrs. Morrissey also addressed the coun- el ell objecting to paypig special assessment se for sewer in Dorgan's alley. On.inotion lire minutes of the previous to meeting were Approved as printed. The following bills were allowed: A. Kannolt, horseshoeing.......... $ 11 50 t Fred. It. Whipple Co,, electrical 6 00 directory .......................... v A. Wunderlich, horseshoeinic.....,. 16 70 tl Consolidated 'Tank Line Co, oil..... to 6'2 t• Lear & Plitfner, horseshoeing...... 2 00 E. W. young, work on steamer..... 3 00 i A. Christman. matting ............. 19 80 .Johp I,whhorn, brooms ............. 9(1 Knape ,,,out & Co. Co., lumber..... 8 96' f Joe. Stoltz, work at patrol house.... 4 7b n I'. E. Strelau, coal .................. 62`2 24 s E, E. Frith. hauling dead animals.. 2 50 1 L. Daly, hauling dead animals..... 3 00 i Western Electric Co., electrical sup. 7b 32 f plies ........... Palmer Winall & Co., stationary... 24 00 G. B. Grosvenor, stationery......... 1 75 , herald, blank books ................ 26 00 .lames Kelly, stationery ............. 12 15 Ald, Cushing arrived at 10:10 o'clock iii' janitor work Mr. and 11rs. Koenig, city hail .......................... 40 00 has. tlertzogI sawing wood........ 3 7b Jacobi & Wlidley,chairs............ 6 00 Sveudsen & Ott, lumber............ 3 1u Knaup Stout Co. Co., lumber....... 6 66 John Harney, repairs ............... E. M. Dickey Co. pipes............ 1 40, W. J. Pictiley, chain ............... 3 00 35 AI. Bewer & Son, box ............... Bewer Bros., blankets, &c.......... 46 tib C. C. Lemke, harness repairs...... 35 Key City Gas Co., coke ............. 2a ti7 .John O'Brian. work on sewers...... 43 75 Thus. Buelither4work on sewers.. • • 41 30 1 36 Butler Bros., corn .................. Fred Roehl, hardware .............. 1 50 Adatn Schmidt, grading 27th street, 100 00 Adam Schmidt, rolling Leibnitz stn, 19 26 30 00 '1'ELE'GRAPH. blanks .............. E. E. Frith, extra work on Sanford 2 80 street............ E. E. 1,rith, connectiuus to Elin 6 UO street sewer ............... Ilassett & Meehan, grading South. 175 OU South- ern avenue ..................... Michael McMahon, construcnug 144 sidewalk ......................... 'T. W. ltuete, sponges ............... 25 The following oills were referred: '1'0 the committee on police and light: 'ruin Connolly, $5.75; Globe Light. & heat Co., 864,0; Key Crty GAS Co,, $118.06; Du- bul u tue h commitlectric tee a of fit and itiier:0 Dubuque lihaler CO.. 81,059.15; Dubuque "Br -ass and Aletal Co., $4.40; G. B. Gros- venor, $3.60. 'To the committee on supplies: Barger & Bhsh, $1.60• John E. llartig, 2+6.70;,1ohn F. O'Dea: 818. 1'0 the committee on printing: ,edger, $58,30; 'Times,' $29.20; Herald, 416; 'l N:LEOttnPti, $81.20. 'o the committee on public grounds and ildings: Dubuque Water Co., $24.15; John Mur- , $3.50. 1'o the street committee: Ferguson Bros., $27.40; T. J. Donahue, 72.50. Aid. Halpin moved that the engineer be structed to examine the work of 'T . J. onahue where any extras are claimed d report. to the street com mittee. Bill of J, F. McCarthy, $15, referred to imniitlee on claims. Bill of Geo. Cutler, $1.20, referred to the ectrical committee. Bill of .John Butt, $9,50, referred to the wer committee. Bill of Hardie & Scharle, $21, referreu the recorder. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to If committee of the whole: Co'himunicatiou from the city of Sa- annatn, (i i., asking the co-operation of re city of Dubuque to aid them in get - ng au appropriation from congress to iln- rease the depth of the Savannah river at is month. I'eutior of Dubuque Street Railway Co. or permission to lay an additional track n Clay street from Fifteenth to 'Thirteenth treet. Petition of Con. Ryan to be allowed one- raif of his bill as payment in full for roll - nu Grandview avenue. Petition of John Tibey in relation to pay or rolling south Dodge street. Remonstrance of Katerina Geissler against opening of Elm street. Petition of John Morrison for vacation )f alley between Rhonberg avenue ana Garheul avenue. 1'u the street committee: 1'etiuun of Mrs. John Atkins for side- walk on May street. Petition of Chas. Klingenberg that the engineer make it profile and estimate for a retaining wall on the north side of Lieb- oitz'east of Paul street, (With power.) '1'u the assessment committee:. 1Vui. Ilopkins, Paul Frisch, Johenua Geise, Bernard Berke, T. F. Buse, Kath. Reuter, Mrs. B. \lolony, Kath. Giessler, 'Phos. Alulqueeny, Mrs. Mary Driscoll, Mrs. Annie AtcCalhster, Mrs. Kate Bannon ;out Mrs. John Mc\lahon. The petition of N ic. Theis for permission 10 put in his own curb and gutter on West Locust street. Received and filed. Petition of Barbara Isborn for permis- sion to move from building oil 9th and Clay streets. Received and filed. Petition of Paul lig et al., for lamp qp Delin t Louisa granted coomitee on plice and ght instructed to have lamp put in. Bill of B. Donahue of $1.90 for construct- ing sidewalk, referred to the engineer. Petition of Gus. JefProy for extension of tune to pay special assessment for street improvement. Granted. Petition Win. Marshall for sewer frog loll, to 11th street, street between Jackson and Washington streets. Referred to the sewer committee. Petition of Dubuque Street RAilway CO,, awing that when the city advertise fur bids for paving Main street that specifica- tions be prepared for both brick and gran- ite paving. Referred to the paving coil Initee. Ptetition for appointment of policeman for West Locust street. On motion the marshal was fustrueted 2M REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 41.11, 1892. to extend the beats of the different police throughout the city so as to cover more territory. Assessor -elect John F. Stemm pre- sented his bond, which on motion was ap- proved and John F. Stemm wits sworn in as city assessor. City Assessor Stemm presented a com- munication recommending that James Bennett be appointed assistant assessor. oil motion the nomtuation was approved and James Bennett was appointed assist- ant city assessor for six months at it salary of $too per month, and his bond fixed at '1.000. City Attorney McCarthy reported hav- ing procured deeds for opening; of Gien Oak avenue from F. Kirk and J. Lang- worthy et al. and that the warrant for F. Kirk lie made in his name and be receipted for by both Kirk and ltnonrberg. Also recommended that the sewer on Olive street he made a part of the sewer- age system of the city. Also reported in favor of having the as- sessment for sewer in Dorgan's alley levied. Report adopted. Also made the following report: To the (Aty Courteil•: At a previous session you adopted a resolution requesting my legal opinion as to whether the city had the power to fix and regulate by ordinance the charges for telephone service. lhavelound no little difficulty in reaching a satislactory solution of your proposition. It would, perhaps,at this it nae serve no use- ful purpose to enter upon it discussion of the legal phases of the question or the cita- tiou of legal authority. It is results—con- clusions, which the council are after, not legal argument, 1 find that on August 7th, 1882 the city council adopted an ordinance granting to the Western Telephone company its successors and assigns a tranchise to erect poles and wires and maintain a telrphone ex- change in Dubuque. This ordinance is silent as to telephone rates and charges. it does not attempt to fix the rates nor does it confer upon the city council to fix or regu- late them. Whatever may be said as to the wisdom of the ordinance at the time of its adoption, it certainly now has become ap- pareul to every one that the ordinance is detective in this particular. 'Prue, a simi- lar franchise may be granted to another teleuhone company which might have it tendency to produce a healthy competition for the business and thereby lower rates. An exclusive or perpetual franchise can not be granted by municipal corporations, and wben they have been granted, the courts have almost invariably refused to give effect to them. It is well understood, however, that the telephone patents are so owned and controlled that good -faith com- petition is next to impossible. if this be true, then the present telephone company, looking at his liberal franchise alone, may charge any sum it pleases for telephone services. This would surely be un just. The telephone, like gas ,water, ream heating, telegraphy and electric lighting, has become one of the modern necessaries of commercial life. Members Of the city council who claim to have in- vestigated the question, say that the rates now charged for telephone service are un- reasonably high—out of all proportion to the capital invested and expenses of opera- tion. Your resolution asking my legal Opinion imports a like conclusion. Many claim that the rates ought to be reduced 50 per cent.. If this be true then a great wrong is being perpetrated upon our peo- tile. For every wrong there ought to be it remedy. Ilnliire private corpora- tions and individuals, [lie telephone: like the street and steam railroad, and ott- er public agencies is tete creature of pub- lic favor. It has its poles and wires lit and over the public streets and alleys and has other public privileges, all granted and permitted by authority of lite city. 'Tilt, telephone would be a useless invention without the aid of the city. If the city council were given the power in the ordi- nance to fix :laid regulate telephone cuarges it could not lax and enforce an unreasona- blv low rate any more than the telephone ciitnpany could charge and enforce all un- reasonably high rate for service. The rule as laid down by the highest courts is that the charge shall be reasonabb•, taki-ng into account the capital invested and the ex- pense o1 operation and :u►y and all other facts and circumstances which may be reasonably proper to consider. This has been the conlusion reached by the courts in construing the recently en- acted railroad freight legislation in tl►is state. To be sure, this council has no power excepting such as is conferred by our special charter laid the subsequent en- actment of the state legislature applying to special charter cities like Dubuque. At the time of the adoption of our special charter in 1857 the aeiephone like electric street railways and many other modern in- ventious, was unheatred lit iudeed, 1 think in 1882, wben the ordinance wits granted, the telephone was in its infancy. Perhaps this was the reason why the then clay council failed to take the precaution which now seems important to the the people. But the legisla- ture of the state, 22nd general assembly, like ourselves, has evidently been consider- ing this apparently vexed question lit rates and charges for telephone and other kindred services. And upon it hurried reading of the act one would be likely to conclude that they had conferred upon certain cities the power to hxand regulate telephone charges. 1 am free to admit that when 1 first read the act I canoe to this conclusion. And 1 am as free to co -n - less now that 1 am in doubt as to the meaning of the law, or as to what the legislators hand in mind when they en- acted it. It is a chapter 16 of the Acts of the 'Twenly.Second General As- sembly, adopted April 10 1888. The title of the law is, 'An act granting ad- ditional powers to certain cities of the first class and to cities organized under special charters and to cities of the second class having over 7,000 inhabitants.' The act is a very lengthy one containing about fifty distinct additional powers upon the cities mentioned. That part of it material to an understanding of the question before us reads as tollows: Section 1. That all cities * * * or- ganized unuer special charters in this state in addition vi the powers, now granted shall have the further and additional powers conferred by this stet, its follows, to -wit: They shall have the power to * * * regulate telegraph, telephone, electric light, district telegraph and other electric wires, and provide the manner in which and the places where the sante may be placed upon, along or under the the streets and alleys of such city; to regulate the price of gas, electric light, water rates, and to regulate and fix charges for water. gas ureters, electric light meters or any other device or means -necessary for deter- mining the consumption of gas, Witter or electric light, This shall mot be construed IN REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4T11, 1892 103 to authorize the passage of an ordinance or resolution, or the making of any con- s, tract whereby the above powers are i abridged. To fix the charges for making b g(ns, electric light, steam heating, water, telephone, and district telegraph r connections," etc. The council will a Observe that the language used is, to say t the leastof it, doubtful and Uncertain. In r fact the whole act is full of doubt and un- f certainty of meaning. The power given is to "tix the charges * * * for making telephone connections." What this language means is hard to tell. it may 1 mean One thing to one person and to an- other It has a different menning. It has i not that clear and satisfactory meaning; which would justify ole in advising the conneil to enact aiid undertake to enforce ail ordinanceunder it. The legislature of the state will be in session in a few days and i would recommend that the ordi- nanee committee draft a bill and that this council aik the representatives from this county to introduce It and ask its passage by the legislature. This call be done im mediately if so de- sired by the council, and in the meantime I would recommend that the matter of dratting an ordinance regulating tele- phonechaiges be referred to tile ordinance committee with request to present an or- dinance In conformity with the state law upon the subject. Respectfully submitted, J. J. MCCARTHY. On motion the report was adopted. AId. Crawford moved that the ordinance committee and attorney draft a memorial t0 the state legislature to he signed by the mayor and aldermen and attested by the recorder, asking the legislature to pass a bill vestill" the power in tile, city to regu- late the price of telephones. Carried. Tile rules were suspended and Mr. 11. Flynn addressed the council fn behalf of ills !:other and objected to :he special as- sessment for sewer in Dorgan's alley. AId. P. W. Crawford protested against the levying of an asses.,nnent against lots 1 and 2 of sub 673 city, for the reason that lie cammot connect with said sewer. Aid. Cushing moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. In. Carried. AFTERNOON SFSRION. Council met at 2:10 o'clock P. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present — Aids, Crawford, Cushing Glab, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz anc Trexler. Petition of Geo. C. Rath for refunding o 5 for license overpaid. Granted. Petition for improvement of bladisol street at established grade. Granted. Bill of \. 11. Foust, F3.50 referred to th street committee. Petition of .John Schroeder for refund ing cif saloon license. On motion a will rant for $20 was ordered drawn in hi favor providad lie discontinues keeping se lion. CommunicatiOtt of Ledger Printini: Co. asking to be appointed official pacer an and agreeing to do all the official printin for $400 a year. Lain over until ne3 `f i etition of N. 11. Faust in relation t tilling lots Oil Jackson street. Referred t committee of the whole. Petition given all abo tunity toters oil Leibnitz use ofti be aopp street paving ordinance. Granted. Petition Of Catherine 51orrnssey fore, tension of time to pay sewerage asses merits. Granted one years amu at 6 p, cent. Bond of .lames P. Bennett, assistant as- -ssor, presented and approved and .James Bennett. sworn in as assistant assessor y the maiyor The followng'bids for 2.000 candle elec- •ic lights for a term of three years and for II night lighting and also according to he Philadelphia moon schedule and all ark and cloudy nights, were read and re - erred to the committee of the whole. United States Electric Light & Power ;o. $100, and $64.95 per lamp per year. Dubuque Street Ey Co. $110 and $85 per amp per year. Dubuque Electric Ry Light & Power Co, ;100 and $75 per lamp per year. Bids for revising the city ordinances Here next taken up. Aid. Crawford moved that in case the :ontract for revising the ordinances is let .hat it be done under the supervision -and o the satisfaction of the ordinance com- mittee. The following bilis were read: J. J. McCarthy, $500, 11. F. Guthrie, $180, and Fitzpatrick & Connell, $300. On motion all bids were rejected and the matter of revising the ordinances referrei to the committee of the whole by the fol- lowing vote: Ayey—Alds. Glab, Halpin, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes-11ds. Crawford, Castling and Peaslee. Bids for street improvements were opened and referred to the engineer for computation. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor henety reported the re- ceip!s for December, 1891, $104696.10. Cash on hand January 1st, 1892. $24,565.36. Also reported the several amounts collected and due contractors, also the amount clue the city otiicers. Also presented a list of cou- pomscandled during December. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. City Treasurer Gonner reported having paid Out during December for interest, re- funded tax, expense, etc„ $1,179.90. Received and tiled and warrants ordered drawii to pay sante. Sireet Commissioner Ryan reported $475.40 due for street work for December; also presented itemized statement of same; also reported having collected $8.05 from Theo. Altman for macadam sold. Re= ceivea and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay same. led, chief of the tire p Joe Reinfrdart- ment, reported $1,369 due the firemen for the month of December. Received and tiled i and warrants ordered drawn to pay the same. Marketmaster Gratz reported scale re ceipts $37.35; also reported $21.40 due for board of prisoners. Warrant ordered to tothe markt for telcommitteea report s referred Dlarsh'tll Rice reported $1,550.95 due the police for Decemberalso reported 70 police cases tried duruing vecember, also report- ed $6.00 pound recepts, also having collect- ed $8.10 frit Dubuque Water CO. for elec- tricians lec- ! services Ilpo i2r received and 00 for ln wardscales f filed o and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. o N; gleDeo it tscalesrt$ 54ed aRecived le land of o filed. e OChas. West Dubuque les t and filed. R_ Lamplighter Coughlin reported having ;r ligated 53 lamps during Dec. Received and filed. 4 REGULAR. SESSION, JANUARY 4,r[[, 18n. Jacob Kessler reported scale receipts 11.A5. Received and filed. 'Phos. Granfield reported scale receipts of First ward scales $14.15, Received and filed. Woodmeasurer Baumann reported wood - measurer's receipts for December $1.05. Received and filed and ordered that the woodmeasurer be instructed that he need not turn a percentage of his receipts into thecity treasurer. Sidewalk Commissioner 0111alloran re- ported having collected $1.25 for repairing sidewalk; also recommended that 75 cents be paid James Ragan for repairing side- walk. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn. A MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR. Mayor Saunders submitted the following message and resolution to the Council oh the qu estion of water supply. To the Members of the City Connell: I call your attention to the service given by the Dubuque Water company. Fust, the water company does not sup- ply the water where needed and has not complied with the resolutions of the coun- cil. Second, the city hi obliged by the word- ing of a one-sided and onerous charter to pay more for water—yes, almost twice the amount that cities similarly situated pay— :laid yet has no water for fire protecLwai, at least no direct pressure, and it puts the city, herefore, to an additional expense of $20,000 per year for maintaining fire steam- ers. 1 will only for instance compare with our neighbor, the city of Davenport. Dubuque pays $60 a hydrant for uarely enough water to supply a lire steamer; Davenport uays $40 per hydrant ail([ has direct pressure and no use for fire steamers. Why must It be so, that the city of Du- buque is annually wrouaed of at. least $25,000 of illt! taxpayers' money ? Will not the members of this council stand up for the rights and interests of the city, and make the antiquated system known as the Dubuque Water works at least keep up with tate improvements of the time and Put in a system that will at least save tate ciLy the unnecessary expense of buying and maintanrg fire steamers. According to the charter of the water company ill section 6, should the water rront the level prove insufficient to supply the eity, then the company must estaulish pumping stations, with necessary engines and reservoirs and force the water through the necessary pipes to any part of tate city from the maw cuunnel of the Niisanssippl above seventh street. I call your attention to this fact, for In that provision lays your power to protect your city and give us a modern waterworks. f have a resolution prepared, and If you will adopt it, it means a saving to the city of at least $20,000 a year, besides it will give fire protection where most needed. 1 also request of you to prepare an act to be presented to the legislature to enable the city of Dubuque to issue the necessary bonds for a suitable water system, to enable the city to protect itself in the event that the Dubuque Water company should refuse to comply with the above mentioned rsolution, and the Coun- cil should by resolution as provided forfeit the charter ofathe company. Respectfully submitted, CHAS. J, W . ZSAUNI)ERs, The mayor also presented the following resolution which with his coin in unication were referred to the committee of the whole. THE RESOLU'T'ION. Whereas, The city of Dubuque is in need of more and better water for lire and utter purposes on account of the continued growth of said city; and, Whereas, The Dubuque W'atercompany, in accordance Witt section six of their ordi- nance, are required to furnish water from the mats Channel of the Wssissippi river. in the event that the "level" would not fur- nish it sufiieient ,uuouut of water to the city and Inhabitants thereof; and, Whereas, Said Dubuque Watereontpant fail to furnish a suthelent amount of water from Elie level; therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water company be and are hereby insLruc- ted till([ required to construct or cause to be constructed at. some point above Sevenut street, sueli pumptog station or stations as mity be necessary to supply Elie city of Duuuque and inhabitants thereof, as they may alemand, Willi good aid wholesome Witter front the mail, channel of the ,Mississippi river. Resolved, further, That for the purpose of proteclaug the city of Dubuque and the inhabitants thereof from lire, that the city of Dubuque be divided into districts as lot - lows, and the Dubuque Water campaoy be instructed to lay Its main and construct its reservoirs as hereinafter located and de- scribed. the intention of ifte city of Du- buque ijuma L . afford proper fire protev- Uua to its Inhabitants tfhruughou, Elie clay where applicable. District .,.u. 1 shall be that part of the city east of the Chicago, st. Paul & Kau- sys City company's railway tracks, unrili of Fifteenth street ,laid east of North Eiui street, the reservoir or tank to be aL or near as possible Elie highest point till the oluffs north of Lineolu avenue, haul's ad- dition. District No. 2 shall be all that part of the city west of North Elni street and north of Eagle Point avenue to the city limits, with reservoir or tank located tin the highest point of Park hill. )sistrict No. 3 shall be that part of the city south of Eagle 1'oint avenue, west of Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City railway tracks, north of Fifteenth street and east of Bluff street anal west and north of Sevt eateeutlt street, Willi reservoir or tank a- ur near Mt. St. Joseph's academy. District N o. 4 shall be all that part of the city south of Seventeenth street, norm of Eighteenth street aha west cif cutin channel of Mississippi river, with tank or reservoir at or near the Summit house oil Julien avenue. District No. 5 shall be all that part of the city south of Eightli street uud north of Third street. with lank or reservoir near Fellelon Place. District No. 0 shall be all that part of the city south of 'Third street and north of the old corporation line oh soutlh Locust street, between the outer levee and east of Bluff street, with reservoir oil 1Ve.sLhill. District No. 7 shall be all that part of the City south of the old corporation line and west of Bluff street, now included tit dis- tricts Nos. 5 and 0, with reservoir on tile highest point on Summer Hill. 14e it further Resolved, That the committee on fire and water shall locate tike necessary fire hydrants as required by ordinance. And be it further Resolved, That the above requirements be complied with as soon as possible by the Duuuque Winer company, and in the event of a failure of said company to CUm- PiY With any or all of the above require- REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4Tli, 1892. W5 1,le+ts, then a resolution on the part of the for the converientdispatch of its business city of Dubuque forleiting al I rights of said at this point was react for the second time. Dubuque water company I. the city shall Aid. Peaslee offered the following be passed and adopted. amendment to section one of the above The engineer reported the following bids ordinance which was adopted: for improvement of hose street and Center "What the city shall be held harmless Place: from any expense or damages in any suit .John '1'ibey, .$4,172; Chas Steuck and for damages arising by reason of the pro - James O'Farrell, A4,291.70-, D. W. Line- posed structure occupying a part of public hall, 9.1,120.70; O. G. Kringle, $3,957.70; property. 11 Uott Ryan. $4.559.30; M. Lavin anu W. S. amendment Tr xi sectionier ered eveuthe "And the Currance, $3,9:.9.50. Afit. 'Trexler nwyed that the contract be boats shall be allowed to land at said ware - awarded to Lavin & Corrance. Carried. house by paying a reasonable charge, and Ald. Glab offered the following; the council shall have the regulation of Resolved, 'That as Leibuitz street has said charge in case of disagreement," been completed and accepted by the city, Adopted by the following vote: and as the city is about to levy a special Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, tax ()Itabutting property to defray the cost Halpin, Panslee, myth and Trexler. of said nnprovenent. 'Therefore resolved that the owners of The ordinance as amended was put on abutting property oil Leibnitz street, be its final passage and adopted by the fol - and are hereby allowed the benefit of sec- lowing vote: t gun 1 t of the ordinanceadopted'ov the Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, city council November 2d, 1891, permitting Peaslee, Smith and Trexler. abutters to pay their special assessment in Noes—Aids. Halpin and :ntioitz. seven equal installments n, accordance 10 REPORTS OF CONIMIITTEES. the provisions of said section in([ further Aid. Peaslee, chairman of the committee provided. that the privilege granted in oil claims, reported in favor of paying the this resolution is oil the express condition fullowins bills: that the owner or owners of real estate Karl 1•atim, $2.20; Novelty Iron works, abutting om sand Leibnitz street shall $10.82. Report ad,.pted. severally promise and agree fn writing Aid. Glab, chF irman of the street com- that in consideration of having the right mittee, reported as follows: IO pay their assessmPut or respective In favor of allowing the following gills: assessments in Installments. They will CO". Ryan, $300; Farley-Loetscher `iana- not make any objection of illegality or ir- factmio!, Co., $4; Chas. Steuck, $'c00; regularity as to their respective assess- Dubuge Wra,deu Ware Co., $52.63; Con. ments, and will pay the same with interest Ryan, $24.22; Novelty 11-01, Works, $200; thereon at the rate of 6 per cent. per an- Carl l'alta, $3.00; 1I. it Schilling, $5.25; B. num, ;tis said assessments shall become ll. Lineham, $9AU; 1ti'm. 1larshall, $1.80; due, and ally owner or owners of any lot Christman & lle:dey $14.75, Novelty Iron or lots assessed for the pavinent of cost' of tNorks,.56.44;and John Gamahl, $17.75. said improvement who will not promise li,slruct the street commissoner the fill and agree fn writing, as above provided, 9th ave. shall be re( tO pay his or their as- im fovur of granting petition for the es- shall in full open made, and the same tabIishntent of grades on streets fn Grand - shal l be collectable by or throe any of view Parl: am(l Grandview Place additions, the methods provided by law u1- ordinalive +uul engineer instructed to prepare profile for the collectiuu of said special assess- ufAsk further time on resolution for im- nhents•iu Locust street from 1st to 11th Resolved by the City Council of the city prov: of Duuuque, That the mayor is hereby streets. aU[hOrl'Lrd and required for the purpose of Ask further time on petition for pur- provfdin for the payment of lite cost and chase of miacadaui. expense, ..f improving Lebnit street to Grant petition for sidewalkon south issue, under the provisions of the orcin- side of Valera street. nanc•e adopted November 2d. 1891, by the Instruct engineer to prepare profiles of city council of the city Of Dubuque, bonds grades of streets in Rose Bill add, as pray - to lite amount of $4,500, said bunds to be ed iur by A. G. Kringle. X5011 each,usihvdatedthFebruary e to tile RlstUt1892, van for t of eperm ssioand file nietoiodeposit ocknloil payable seven years after dale hearing in West 17th and Clark streets, and the street serest at the rate of six per cent. per an- commissioner instructed to see that n numnn n, payable sent -annually and redeem- vate partiesiso not place inacad:+moo able at any ittne at the option of the city of said Receive tand file report of street commis - Dubuque. Said bonds when issued and registered sioner for November 1891. shall be delivered by the city recorder to That the bill of the E. At. Dickey Co.of the finance committee taking a receipt $2.53 for mgnuiila rope has been paid. therefor, and said finance committee is here- Receive and file chum of P. Quinn,Sr, for by authorized and empowered to negotiate bluff material. Report adopted. said bonds ,it not less than par, and pay the Also reported in favor of the adoption of proceeds Of the same to the city u•easurer the following resolution: to be applied fu accordance with the pro- liesolved 1iy the City Council of the City of eet her 21, 1891, and report is doings hereunder wide,ofRood two-inch plank. brick, shone to the city council. or cement be, within ten da) s of this no - Adopted by the following voter lice, constructed and laid in conformity Ayest Aids. Crawford, Cushing, 'lab, with the Ordinance uh relation to side llalpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trex- on between the streetcland Gr cee Of istreetse .eet, ler. An ordinance granting to Diamond Jo Adopted by the following vo e: itLine certain piart of riallt 10 levee ai a the Huse a puss= I easlee, Sinti" Stoltz and Cushing, Glab, city of Dubuque, Iowa, ami to erect and Resolved byrth offered Citythe Counc l of he City maintain thereon a warehouse and Ofifce 6 REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4TIf, 1892. of Dubuque: That to pay for the con- struction of all 8 inch tile pipe sewer in alley from 17 to 18th street between Clay and White, and in 18th street by dl. Lavin contraceor, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Schrup, it 121X ft of city, lot 435, 12,160 sq ft, .53c, $64.45. Matt Bewer, s 32 ft of min 1-5 lot 435, 3,200 sq ft, .53c, $16.96. Matt Bewer, n 8.2 ft of s In 1-5 lot 436, 820 sq ft, .53c, $4.85. Jas. Dreher, n 40 ft of 643 ft m 1-5 lot 435, 4,000 sq fl, .63c, $21.20. Leonard Hartman, s 3 ft of s m 1-5 lot 435, 300 sq ft, .53^, $1.69. Leonard Hartman, n 27.1 ft of lot 435, 2,720 sq it, .63c, $14.42. 1N ick Palen, s 24 ft of lot 435, 2,400 sq ft, ,63e, $12.72. Peter Voltz, a 60 ft of n 1-5 lot 440, 3,072 sq It, .53c, $16.28. G. F. 'Thorman w 40 ft of n 1.5 lot 440, 2,048 sq ft, .53c, $10.85. li. Sellulte, n X of it m 1-5 lot 440, 2,660 sq ft, .53c, $13.57. Ml. Wagner, s X s in 1-5 lot 440, 2,5609 sq ft, .53c, $13,57. Anion 'Thielen Est, m 1-5 lot 440, 5.120 sq ft, .53c, $27.14. Conrad Giesel, it 38 ft s at 1-5 tot 440, 3,800 sq ft,.53c, $20.14. John V. Riderand B. IV. Lacy, s 64.4 it lot 440, 6,440 sq ft, .53c, $34,13. City of Dubuque, lot 10 of sub citylots 438, 439 slid part of 676, 6,180 sq ft, .53c, $3275. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. i rawford, Cushing, Glab. Halpin, Peaslee, Sn)ith, Stoltz and Trex- ter. Noes -None. Ald. Trexler offered the following: Resolved By the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for the construc- tion of a 10 inch tile pipesewer iu 9th street from Washington to fine streets by 1). 1V. Linehan, contractor, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, ant! parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Iowa Iron works. s % of lot Willi, city, 8,704 sq ft, 42e, $311.66. Iowa Iron works, lot 3 of sub of lot 506, city, 19,456 sq ft, 42c, $81.72. C., St. P. & K. C. lty., lot 2 of sub of lot 506,city, 311,352 sq It, 42c, $152.68. C„ St. P. & K. C. Ky., n% lot 1 of 4 of lot 509a , city, 26,352 sq it, 42e, $110.68. 11. L. Stout, u j of lot 5U9, city, 22,400 sq ft, 42c, $94.08. 11. L. Stout, n 4 of lot 2 of 4 of lot 509a, city„5,760 sq ft, 42c, $24.19. John Glab, lot 1 of lot 509a, city, 4,000 sq ft, 42c, $16.80. John Glab, lot 2 of lot 509a, city, 6,000 sq ft, 42c, $25.20. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab lialpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trex- ler. Noes -None. Aid. rrexler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'That to pay for the construc- tion of all eight inch tale pipe sewer in Morgan's alley, between 17th street and Ellis sheet, by D. W. Linehan, contractor, adjacent to the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied oft tine several lots, lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each, lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Jane McCune, lot 1, Morgan's sub, 6,000 sq ft, .466^ 323.30. Jane McCune, lot la, Dorgan's sub, 1,0011 sq ft, .466c $18.61. Catll. Morrissey, lot 3, Dorgan's sub, 4,300 sq ft, .466c, $20.04. John 1V. Norton, lot 2, Morgan's sub, 4,810 sq it, .41i6c, $22.31. ,Mathias Flick, lot 4. Morgan's sub, 5,000 sq it, .4H6c, $23.30. Mrs. Anna Behrens, lot ti, Morgan's sub, 5,000 sq ft, .466c, $28.30. Paul Becker, lot 7, Morgan's sub, 5,000 sq ft, .466c. $23.30. Nellie Morgan, lot 8. Dorgan's sub, 5,000 sq ft, .466c, $23.30. Mary Flynn, lot 9, Dorgan's sub, 6,250 sq ft, .406c ,$24.47. John Jennings, lot 10, Morgan's sub, 4,950 sq ft, .466c, .$23-07. Michael Mullen est., lot 11, Morgan's sub, 4,950 sq ft,.466c, $23.07. Michael Mullen est., lot 12, Dorgan's sub, 3,000 sq ft. .466c, $13.98. 1'lros. Mlulqueeny, lot 13, Morgan's sub, 4,900 sq ft, .466c, $22.83. Lucinde E. King, lot 14, 6,850 sq ft, .466c, $31.92. A. F. Ileab, lot I of 15, 2,600 sq ft, .466c, $1'2.12 1I. U. Muse, lot 2 of 15, 4,650 sq ft, .466c, $21.69. A. F. Ileeb, lot 1 of 16, 1,200 sq ft., .466e, $5.67. Anna Backert,lot 2 of 16,4,000 sq ft. ,466c, $18.64. Anna Backert, lot 2 of 17, 3,100 sq ft., 466c, $14.45. Anna Backert. lot 4 of sub. lot 672 a, city, 9,900 sq ft., .166c, $46.13. Anna E. McGovern, lot 2 of sub. lot 612 a, city, 4,8U0 sq ft., .466c, $22.37. 1). U. Cram, Int 1 of sub. lot 672 a, city, 2,280, sq ft., .466c, $10.62. D. C. Cram, lot 3 of sub lot 672 a, city, 1,720 sq ft, .466c, $8.01. A. F. fleeb, lot 1 of 1 of sub lot 673 a,it City, 1,350 sq ft, .466e, $6.29. Il. U. Rose, tot 2 of 1 of sub lot 673 a, city, 400sq fl, 466c, $1.86. Anna Backerl, lot 2 of 673a, city, 3,680 sh ft, ,166c, $17.15. Y. W. Criwford, lot 1 of 2 of 673, city, 4,900 sq ft, .466e, 322.83. P. W. Crawlord, lot 2 of 2 of 673. city, 3,'200 sq It, .466c, $14.91. Y. W. Crawford, lot 3 of 2 of 673 city, 4,200 sq ft, .466c, 814.91. Flemming Bros., lot 1 of 4 of 2 of 673, city, 2,880 sq ft, 466e, $13.42. James McCann, lot 2 of 4 of 2 of 673, city, 1,400 so ft, .466c, 36 52. James McCann, lot 5 of 673, city, 2,900 sq ft, .466c, $13.51. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Alds. Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes -None. Aid. Crawford was excused from voting on above resolution. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resoived by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Leibnitz street from North Main street to Harold street, by Adam Schmidt, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the stone, a special tax be and is hereby levied oil the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: IN REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4T11, 1892. 11. J. sinith, lot. 119, Mechanic's add: J. A. Ithomberg, lot 395 Main's add.: 29.1 lineal tees curbing tit 44c.......$ 12 80 12.93 sq yds guttering at. 45c......... 5 82 45.27 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 20 37 Total .......................... .8 38 99 J, Klein, lot 118. Nlec•luutic's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c........$ 22 00 .'2.22 sq yds gut ermg att45c........ 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadamizing 45c...... 35 00 Total .............. ... .. ...$ 67 00 T. 0• Sullivan, lot 117, Dlechanic's add: 50 lineal feet curring at44c......... 5 22 00 22.'L'2 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 10 00 ,7.78 sq yds macadamizing 45c...... 85 00 73.33 aq yds macadamizing at 45c... 33 00 Total ... ..........................871 97 C. A. Voelker, lot 15, C. A. Volker's add: 65 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......,$ 28 60 30.67 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 13 80 96.56 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.. 43 45 ,notal .............................$ 85 85 C. A. Voelker, lot 11, C. A. Voelker's add: 71.3 lineal feet cubing at 44c........$ 31 37 33.47 sq ;ids guttering at 45c........ 15 06 100.83 sq yds macadamizing at 45c .. 45 38 Total .............................$ 91 81. C. A. Voelker, lot 10, C. A. Voelker's Total ..............................$ 67 00 ado: T. 0. Sullivan, lot 116, Mechanic's add 62.5 lineal feet curbing at 44(.........$27 50 50 lineal feet curbing it 44c.........$ 22 00 28.2`2 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 12 70 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 10 00 77.61 sq yds macadatuiztug at 45c.... 34 92 77.78 sq yds macadamizing 45 ...... 35 00 Total.................. ..........$6701 T. 0. Sullivan, lot115, Mechanic's add: 50.00 lineal feet curbing at 44;......8 22 00 32.22 sq yds t;utterint; at, 45c......... 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadamizin¢ at 45c... 35 00 'notal.. .. ........$ 67 00 T. 0. Sullivan, Int 114, Niechanic's add: 50 lineal feet cu rbing at 44c........$ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45e........ 10 00 77.78:;(l yds macadamizing at 45c... 35 00 'l'otal ............. $ 67 00 T. 0. 6t111rvan, lot ll3, Dfechanis's add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 44c...........$ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45e........ 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 35 00 Total 8 67 00 Jos. Llirnes, lot 112, Mechanic's add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 44e...........$ 22 00 82.22 sq Yds ;.'uttering at 45c........ 10 00 77.78 sq yds ttt,acadainizing at 45c... 35 00 'natal ................... .........6 til 00 '11. 0. Sullivan, lot lit, Mechaide's add: :i0 lineal fret curbing at44c.........$ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45C........ 10 00 77.78 sq Yds macadamizing at 45c... 35 00 Total.......... .. .. ......$ 67 00 T. 0. Sullivan, lot 110, Mechanic's add: 50 lineal ft curbing at We......... •.$ 22 00 32.22 sq yds guttering at, 45e........ 10 0 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 35 0 'Tota I ............... 8 67 0 L. F. Kolfeubach, s 100 feet lot 109, Me chanic's add: 74.5 luteal Leet curbing at 44c.......$ 32 7 34.89 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 15 7 119.78 sq yds macadamaziug at 45c.. 53 9 'fatal . $102 3 C. A. Voelker, lot 21, C. A. Voelltcr' add: 93 lineal ft curbing at 44C........... 43.11 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 93.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.. 'Total ............. .... .. ...$75 12 F. Boettscher, lot 7, C. A. Voelker's add: 62.2 lineal feet curbing at 44(.........$'27 37 28.23 sq yds guttering at 45c.......... 12 70 77.61 sq ycls macadamizing at 45e .... 34 92 Total..............................$74 99 Gottfried Feyen, lot 6, C. A. Voelker's add: 70.5 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......$ 31 02 33.11 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 14 90 100.83 sq yds macadamizing at 45(.._45 38 'Total .............................$ 91 30 C. A. Voelker, lot 3, C. A. Voelker's acid: 68.5 lineal feet curbing at 440......$ 30 14 32.22 sq yds guttering at 45c,........ 14 50 96.56 sq yds macadamlziug at 45e.. 43 45 'T otal .............................$ 88 09 C. A. Voelker, lot 2, C. A. Welker's add: 53.5 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......8 23 51 23.78 sq yds guttering at 45e........ 10 70 66.39 sq yds macada►ntzing at 4bc... 29 43 'Total............ 8 63 til Chas. Klingenberg, lot 24, Cnas. Klin- genberg s 4th sub: •29.5 lineal feel curbing at 44c.......5 12 98 13.11. sq yds gutterutg at 45c.. 5 90 36.0 sq yds tnaeadauuznng at 45c.... 16 22 ..........$ 35 10 p Chas. Klingenberg, lot 231 Chas. Klin- genberg's 4th sub: $ 12 98 p '29.5 lioeal feet curbing at 44c ........ Y 13.11 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 5 90 36.05 sq yds macacla►mztng at 45u... lti '2'2 8$ 35 10 p 'Total .............. p Chas. Klingenberg, lot 22, Chas. Klin- t:•enberg's 4111 sub: 8 29.5 lineal feet curbing at 44e.... • • • •$ 12 48 5 90 s 13.11 sq yds guttering at 45c......... 36.05 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 16 22 $ 40 92 $ 35 10 19 40 Total .............. 42 05 Chas. Klingenberg, lot 21, Chas. Kline- enberg's 4th sub: Total .............................$102 37 33.8 Linetidt feetcurbingit 45cat 4c...... $ 16 79 C. A. Voelker, lot 20, C. A. Voelker's 14 1s q ydsgmacadamizing at 4bc.. 18 59 add: 112.7 lineal feet curbing at 44(........$27 59 .........$ 40 2'2 28 stn yds guttering it 45e ............. 12 60 'Total .... Andrew eth, . ........ Chas. Klingen- 77 sq yds mm acadaizing at 45c....... 34 65 berg's 4th sub:lot 2Q $74 84 33.8 lineal feet curbing at 44c...... •$ 16 76 Total .................. C. A- .... ,15.112 btis ,uttering at tue........ C. A. Voelkar, lot 16, U. A. Voelker s 41.31 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 18 59 add: 61.3 lineal feet curbing at 44C....... 26 97 . •.... . ..........$ 40 22 . 26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c......... 12 00 Total . REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4T11, 1892. Andrew Oeth, lot 19, Chas. Klingen- berg's 4th sub: 33.8 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......$ 14 87' 6 76 16.02 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 41.31 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 18 59 Total .$ Chas. Klingenberg, lot 18, Chas. 40 2`2 Kling- enberg's 4th sub: 33.8 lineal feet curbing at 44C.......$ 14 87 15.02 sq yds guttering at 45c......... 6 76 18 59 41.31 sq yds macadamizing at 45e... Total ..........$ 40 22 .................. Chas. klingenberg, lot 17, Chas. Kling- enherg s 4th sub: 33,8 hueal feet curbing at 44c.......$ 14 87 15.02 sq yds guttering at 45e......... 6 76 41.31 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 18 59 Total ............... .. ....8 40 22 Chas Klingenberg, lot 16, Chits. Kling- 57.78 Sq yds gutteringiar at l........ 26 (X) 202.22 aq yds [nacml;uTm nig it 45e.. 91 Oil Total .$175 21 J. P. Schroeder, lot 4, J. P. .Scuroeder's add: 130 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......$ 57 20 57.78 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 26 00 202.22 sq yds niacadantizing sit 45c.. 91 00 Total ............................ $174 20 Phillip Link, lot 3.. J. 11. Schroeder's add: 52 lineal feet curbing at 44c.........8 22 88 23.11 sq yds ttutteriog at 45c........ 10 40 90.89 sq yds mneatlaluizing at 45c... 40 90 Total ............. ..8 74 18 Phillip Link, lot 2, ,1. 11. Shroeder's ndd: 42.00 lineal feet curbing at. 44c.....$ 18 48 18.67 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 8 40 65.33 sq yds macatlautizing at 45c... 29 40 enberg's 41h sub:h 56 `28 33.8 lineal tees curbing at 44c......$ 14 87 'Total ............... ............ 15.02 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 6 76 T. U. Sullivan, lot 108, Mechanic's add: 41.31 sq yds n►acadamizing at 45c... 18 59 68 7 lineal It curbing tit 44c........ $ 30 2:3 82.31 sq yds guttering at 44c........ 14 54 Total .................. .......... 40 22 Ephria n Yingling, lot 15, Chas Klingen- herg's 4th sub: 5U.5 lineal teet gurbing at 440.......3 22 22 22.44 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 61.72 sq yds maeadamizuig at 45c... 10 10 27 77 Total .............................$ 60 O9 Ephriam Yutgting, lot 14. Chas Kluigen- berg's 4th sub: 50.5 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......$ 22 22 22.41 sq yds guttering at 45c......... W 10 61.72 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 27 77 Total. .. .. .$ 9U 09 .... .... ............ ... Chas Klingenberg, lot 13, Chas Klingen- berg's 4th sub: 25.3 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......$ 11 13 11.24 sq yd,- guttering at 45c......... 5 06 30.:+2 sq yds macadamizing at 45c ... 13 91 Total.............................$ 30 10 Chas Klingenberg. lot 12, Chas Klingen- berg's 4th sub: 25.3 Imeal leer curbing at 44c....... 11 13 11.24 sq yds guuering at 45c......... 5 06 30.92 sq yds macadatnizing at 45c... 13 91 157.78 Sq yds inavadautizilig at 45c.. 7l VU Total.. .$115 77 C. A. Welker, lot 22, C. A. Voelker's add: 69.7 lineal feet curbing at 44e.......8 30 til 32.75 sq yds guttering M 44c......... 14 74 84.33 bq yds uiacadannizucg at 45c... 37 Sit Total.. ... .$ 83 36 Johu litegard, lot 2.4, t A. Voelker's ndd: 50 lineal ft curbing at 45c...........8 23 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 27 50 Total.. ........ .$ 59 50 John L'argtnann, lot 24, C. A. Welker's add: 50 lineal It curbing at 44c..........$ 22 Oil 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c......... 10 UO 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 27 50 Total ............................. $ 30 10 L. F. Farwell, lot 1 of 2 of Geo. D. Wood's sub of mcg lot 105. 50.5 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......5 22 22 22.44 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 10 10 61.7.2 sq yds macadainiziug 45c...... 27 77 Total .............................$ 6O 09 J. L. McGirk, w 117 eft lot 45, Marsh's add: 140 biieal feet curbing at 44c.......$ 61 60 62.22 sq yds guttering at 45c......... 28 00 171.11 sq yds macadainizitig at 45c.. 77 00 Total. ... .$166 60 ................ ......... .John Kleinschmidt, a 100 It, lot 35 llfarsh's add: 100 lineal feet curbing at 44c........$ 44 00 64.22 sq yds guttering at 45c......... 28 90 134.44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.. 60 5U Total.............................$133 40 Peter Maus, lot 32. J. P. Sehroeder's add: 117.8 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......5 51 83 56.67 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 25 50 202.22 sq yds macadamizing tit 45c.. 91 OO Total .............................$168 33 1. 1'. Schroeder, lot `20, J. P. Schroeder's :add: 32.3 Lineal feet curbing at 44c.....$ 58 21 Total .............................44 59 50 Joseph Theobauld, lot 25, C. A. Voelker's add, 50 lineal feet enrbing at 44c........$ 23 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadatnizing at 55c... 27 50 Total .............................8 59 50 If. ll. Lauuters, lot 26, Chris Voellter's adti: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44c.........$ 22 Ola 22.23 sil yds guttering at 45c......... 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 27 50 Total. .$ 59 50 . .......................... Nic Engel, lot 27, C. A. Voelker's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45c......... $ 22 013 22.22 sq yds Buttering at 45c........ 10 00 61.11 sq yds maeadamizittg at 45c... 27 50 Total... ... ... .. .w 59 50 Daniel lirewbaher, lot 28, C. A. Voel- kees add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e.........$ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c......... 10 00 61.11 sq yds maeadamizitig at 45c.... 27 50 Total ..............................$ 59 50 Mary Parr, lot 29, C. A. Voelker's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at44e.......... $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering tit 45c......... 10 00 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 27 50 Total ..............................$ 59 50 Leonard Schoester, lot 30, C. A.Voelker's add: A REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY lnr, 1892. M9 50lineal feet curbing at 44c..........$ 2.2 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c......... 1000 61.11 sq yds mile adan,izing at 45e.... 27 50 'Dotal ........ ....................$ 59 50 Edward Leute, lot 31, C. A. Voelket's add: $28 60 tib lineal feet curbing tit 44c ......... 30.67 sn Yds ];uttering at 45c.... .... 13 80 96.56 sq yds itittca(laiiiizitig at 45c.... 43 46 Total. .. .. .$ 85 R5 G. B. Thomas, lot 32, C. A. Vuelker's acid: tib lineal feet curbing at44e......... $ 28 60 `10.67 sq yds guttering at 46e......... 13 80 96.56 sq yds maca(unnizing at 45c... 43 46 Total. .$ 85 85 C• A. Voelker, int 33, C. A. Voellder's add: 22 00 50 lineal feet curbing at 44e.........4 $ •22.22 sq yds guttering tit 45e........ 10 00 61.11 sq yds utacad amiring at 45c...._ 27 50 Total........... $ 59 50 Al aria Young, tut 84,..1.. A. Voelltet's add: 30.5 lineal feet canting at 44c.......8 9 02 9.11 sq yds guttering itt 4bc.......... 4 ]0 _5.OU cq yds macadamizing at 4bc.... 11 28 Total .............................$ 24 4 Maria Young, lot 3 of l0 of l=eorg ll. Wood's sub of min lot 105: 70 lineal feet curbing at 44c.........5 30 8 31.11 sq yds gutiering at 45e......... 14 01 85.56 sq yds macadamizing it 45c.... 38 b 'Total.. .$ 83 U L. Zest, list 3 of 9 of Gcorge D. Wood' slit) ut min Iot105: 550. lineal feet eni bing at 44c.......$ 22 2 •32.44 sq yds g1lttel-Mg tit 45C........ 10 1 (11.7'2 sq yds maeadamiZitlg tit 45c ... 27 7 'Total . $ 60 U L. Zust, lot 3 of 8 of George D. Wood' 105• 'Total............ .............$ 60 0tt L. F. Farwell, lot 3 of 2 of Geo. D. Wood's sub of min lot 105: 50.05 lineal feet. curbing at 44c......5 22 22 22.44 sq yds guttering ai 45e......... 10 10 61.72 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... '27 77 TO, al .............................. 6009 Edward Ellis, lot 3 of 1 of Geo, D. W ond's sub of min Int 105: 27.`2 lineal feet curbing at 44c........$11 97 12.09 sq yds guttering at 45P......... 5 44 33.25 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 14 96 Total .... .........................$ 3'2 37 Anthony Schmitz, w 146 of lot 47, March's add: 153 iineal feet curbing at44c.:....... $ 67 32 68 sq ya.; guttering at 45c........... M 60 187 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 84 15 Total.............................$182 07 Jelin Kieinschmidt, a 100 it lot 47, \larch's add: 100 liiic,tl feet curbing at 44c........$ 44 00 58.89 cq yds guttering at 45c........ 26 50 134.44 sq yds macadamizmg at 45c.. 60 50 Total.............................$1e1 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Cusbing, Glab, 0 Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoitz and •Trex- ler-8. Noes -None. p Aid. Glab offered the following' ] Resolved, by the City Council of the 0 nrov- g S. Locof ust streetuque tfrom at 10 polct (corporor ation p line to 450 feet south, by Meehan S. llasset s contactor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax, be, and is hereby levied 2 on the several lots, and parts of lots, and p parcels of real estate hereinafter named, 7 situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of 9 real estate, as follows: s John Pier, lot 578, city'. 3.3 pineal feet curbing at 45c........$ 1 48 tt rfn * at 45c....... 66 sub of min lot 1.47 sq yds gu a g, 50.5 lineal feet curbing at 44c.......$ 22 ds macadamizing at 4,;c.,4 72 10.49 sq y' 10 '22.24 sq yds guttering at 45c........ 10 lU 61.72 Sq yds macadamiziu!; at 45c ... 27 77 6 86 Total 60 09 .............................$ John Pier, part of lot 230'Union add: 7 56 Total ....................... 16.8 lineal feet curbing at 45c.......$ Anna Kelly, lot 3 of 7 of George ll• 7.47 sq yds guttering at 45c 3 36 13 44 Woods sub of min lot 105: 29.87 sq yds macadantizutg at4bc... 22 2 50.5 lineal feet curbing at 44c... •. • .$ at 45c......... U 111 $ 24 36 22.44 sq yds guttering 61.72 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 7 77 Dotal ................ Wm. Kenn?dy, lot 1, 130 19011's sub: 23 62 ---- 'Total ....1 ..$ 60 2.5 lineal feet d3 teringat 45c. ....... 10 60 ..................... ,s Anus Kelli , lot 3 of 6 of Geo. 1). W uud s 33 Sol yds gut 93.33 sq yds macadamizmg at 45c...- 42 00 sub of mill lot 105: 50.05 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 22 at 45c........ 10 10 Total.............................6 76 12 lot 2, 13onson's sub: 3'2.44 rq Yds guttering 61.7`2 sq yds inacadamrziug at 45c... 27 77 John Collins, 52.5 lineal feet curbing at 45C..... • •$ 23 62 10 50 60 09 23.33 sq yds guttering at 45c......... at 45c.. 42 00 Total ........................ • Ephriam Yingling, lor. Sofa of Geo. D. 93.33 sq yds macadamizing $ 76 12 W nod's sub of mill lot 105: 50.05 lineal feet curbing at 44C.....$ `32 32 Total ............... . Andrew Alurphy, est., lot 3, Bouson's 22.44 sq yds guttering at 45c......., lU 10 61.72 sq yds macadlainizing at 46c. • • 27 77 sub: 60 lineal feet curbing at 45c.......$ 27 W 12 00 $ 60 09 26.67 sq yds guttering at 45e........ .q yds macadamizmg at 45c.. 4R 00 Total ..................... Ephriam Yingling;, lot 3 of 4 of Geo. ll. 106.67 $ 87 OU Wood's sub of in in tot 105: lineal feet curbing at 44C.....$ 22 22 Total ................... Al. Shannon, est., n 29Y3 it., lot 4, Bon - 50.05 22.44 sq yds guttering at 45c......... 10 10 61.72 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 27 77 son's sub: 29.5 lineal feet curbing at 45C.......$ 13 28 5 90 li0 09 13.11 sq yds guttering at 45c........ macadatnizttig at 4bc.. 2 3 60 Total ............................ J. J. hart, lot 3 of 3 of Geo. V. 1V'ou s 52.44 sq yds 42 78 sub of min lot. 105. 60.6 lineal feet curbing at 44c.....$ 22 22 Total .......... ._.....•....$ T,natz Sieger est, min lot 66: 32.44 sq vds guttering at 46c• • • • • :. • • 10 10 at 45c... 27 77 61,72 sq yds macadamizing; TO to REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4'rli, 1892 146.6 lineal feet curbing at 45c.....$ 65 97 65.16 sq yds uuttering at 45c......... 29 32 256 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 115 20 Total.... ... .... .. ..$210 49 Andrew Murphy est, lot. 2, Coates' add; 55 lineal feet curbing at 45c.........$ 24 75 24.44 sq yds guttering at 45c ......... 11 00 97.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 44 00 Total..............................$ 79 75 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Feaslee, Smith Stoltz and Trexier -8. Noes -None. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improv- ing Sanford street from Jackson to Elm streets, by E. E. Frith, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Dubuque Street Railway Co., lot 188, 1,. 11. Langworthy's add: 287.2 lineal feet curbing at 50c......$143 60 208 sq yds guttering at 52c......... 108 A 338.78,sq yds macadamizing at 52c. 176 17 Total.............................8427 93 Nic. Weber, let 24, U. S. Langtworthy' s sub: 123.8 lineal feet curbing at 50c.....$ 61 110 76.67 sq yds guttering at 52e....... 34 87 126.11 sq yds macadamizing at 52c.. 65 58 Total.............................$167 35 Afary Graff, lot 1 of U. S. Langworthy's sub: 179.17 sq yds macadamizing at 52c..$ 93 17 Total .............................$ 93 17 John Ulrich, lot 1 of sub of lot 107, Lan;;woithy's add: 168 lineal feet curbing at 50e........$ 84 00 102 sq yds guttering at 52e........ 53 04 177.33 sq yds macadamizing at 52c.. 92 21 Total.............................$299 25 John Ulrich, lot 2 of sub of lot 107, L. H. Langworthv's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 50c.........$ 25 00 33.33 so, yds guttering at 5'2e......... 17 33 50 sq yds macadamizing at 52c...... 25 00 Total .............................$ 68 33 John Ulrich, lot 3 of sub of lot 107, L. H. Langworthy's add: 57 lineal feet curbing at 50c......$ 28 50 4167 sq yds guttering at 52c....... 21 67 83:67 sq yds macauamizing at 52c.. 43 51 Total .... ....................... 8 93 68 John Bohn, lot 70, L. H. Langworthy's add: 136.67 sq yds macadamizing at 52c.. 71 07 Total .......... ..................$ 71 07 Aorta W iehl, lot 69, L. H. Langworthy'a add: 107.3 lineal feet curbing at 50c......$53 R 51.33 sq yds guttering at 52c........ 42 2 123.00 sq yds macadamizing at 52c... 63 9t Total.............................$159 9( C., St. P. & K. C. IVY, lot 61, Sanford', sub: 11.6 lineal feet curbing at 50e.......8 5 8( 20 sq yds macadamizing at 52c...... 10 4( Total . .. .. ..... ...$ 16 21 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-A.Ids. Crawford, Cushing, Mab, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and,'Trex- cr-8. Noes -None. Aid. Glab, chairman of the committee ott markets reported as follows: In favor o1 paying the bill of Pier .\ Ackermann of $31.00 for ice during pa,t 3enson. Receive and file the petition of J. 11. Schroeder in relation to it bridge on 811, snd White streets, leading to the hay 3cales. Reeeive and file report of market master for November, 1891. Report adopted. Aid. Stoltz, chairman of the committee nn public grounds ann Buildings reported in favor of paying the following bills: 'Phos. T. Carkeek, 864; tVni. Iloward, $225; T. 1V. Ruete, $1.50. Report adopted. Aid. Smith, chairman of the printing ,ommittee, reported in favor of allowing; the following bills: Herald, $29.15; 'Times, $29.15; Ledger, t$29.15; TEtEGRAt'll, 875.00; National Urmokrat, $75.(1(►. Report adopted. Aid. Stoltz, chairman of the committee oft fire and water, reported in favor of al- lowing the following; bills: Dubuque Mattress Co., 8;: Dubuque Water Works, $270.15 and X1,055; T. W. Fitzpatrick & Co., $7.00; Iowa Iron Works, $1.20; T. W. Ruete, $34.40. Receive and file communication of fire and water. Receive and file pay roll of chief of fire department for November. 1891. lieport adopted. Aid. Halpin, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported as follows: In favor of paying the folio Ning bills: T. W. Ruete, $8.35; Globe, Light and Heat Co., $531.67; Kev City Gas Co., $108.33, and Dubuque E ectric Railway, Light and Power Co., $670.50. Receive acid file report of the marshal for November. Also reported that the necessary lamp, had been placed on Railroad avenue and South blain street. lieport adopted. Aid. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction reportnd in favor of paying the bili of barley & Loetscher Xlf'g. Co. of 81.00. Report adopted, The following bills were referred to the anditor for collection: Meehan & Hassett, $37.00; Adam Schmidt, $267.00; E. E. Frith, $61.74. Aid. Crawford, chairman of the assess- ment committee, reported as follows: Reduce the assessment of Ira Hansen on city lot 40a to $14,000 for 1891. Reduce the as-+essmeot of J. Maclay on personality to $200 fur 1891. Cancel assessment of Anna Breckwoldt on moneys anti creeds lar 1891. Cancel assessment of Kane Graham on moneys and cred'.ts for 1891. Reduce assessment of Alex and Chas. Simplot on lot. 530 to $2,400 for 1891. Reduce assessment of :he Key City Gas Co. on personalty to $105,160 for 1891. Reduce assessment of the Consumers; Steam Supply company to $12,000 for 1891. Reduce assessment of Wales hotel com- pany on household furniture used in .Ju- lien house to $15,000. Instruct treasurer to give John Ernsdorf & Son credit for $30 on their taxes for 1891, being the amount overpaid by them for 1890. That the assessment of the Dunleith & Dubuque Bridge company within the city of Dubuque be placed at $500,000 for 1891t in accordance with the understanding be- tween the company anti the city council. REUULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4T11, 18192. "ti Cancel taxes of Eliznbeih Metz on lots 71 Ald, Ilalpin moved to adjourn to 7:30 and 8, Marion's add, for 1891. o'ctoclt p. nt. Carried. Cancel taxes of Dirs. ll. Carson for year VENING Council met t 7 4U 'ciock p. m. 1891 on lot 271t Nenitler's add. Allow %• K"111) to pny one half his taxes Present -or ders Aids. Crawford, Cushing, as payment in full fur 1891. Cancel taxes of Mary Needham on lot 4, lab. linipin, Peaslee, Smith, atoltz and Needham's sub for 1891. of the Cancel taxes of JIrs. Rupprecht, of lot committee Smith, chairman referred the m ti 440, llatns add, for 1891. l;ancel taxes of W. A. Piggott, Est., for cii osfl>sat railroad o.gs, eprted afollows: 1891. Cancel assessment of Diary A. Ltnton,on Your ccmuuttee would recommend in moneys and credits, to $3,000 for 1891. lieu of In 8 tht the C., St. P. & K. C. R. ta- Reduce of el!i sl b sof 474,lcAynfor 1891, to t o ed bn iLat luc,,d to have e Point venue And Sevetchmen nth rn1 N % street, from b a. m. to 8 P. ►n. of each :4,000. Cancel taxes of \ nna Scheel, on lot 43, (lay. ito 'place at watetim nCon be heir L. 11. Lant:woFth} s add, for 1891. a. Cancel taxes of Dlrs. it. Kreel;er, on lot in. ofiench (lay,street also front th tbtheii►ordinan e 24, Fenitler's add, for 1891. all Cancel taxes of Dubuque Social Turn nam committee enn erucall ted t Railway Cu at. h to Verein for 1891. t{educe assessment of Cowper, Brady & have their cars come to n full stop before Ellwan„ear, on lot 745, to $20,000 for 1811. erossiol, the tract: of any steam railroad or Reduce:,ssessmeut of Geo. W. llexley, another railway, now or that may be here- on lot 1, 11etlierinl;un►'s sub, to $800 for afterport operated ill the city of Dubuque. Re - 1891. Aid. Cushin„ chairman of the commit - Cancel taxes of Lena Gruhei', on lot 1, sub ]45, L. haat worthy's add, for 1891. tee on supplies reported as lollill Reduce assessment cf Mrs. ,101111 R. Allow 22.bU, for wood on bill. of John Waller. on city lot 140. to $10,000, and O'Dea. Waller. the folluwin„ bills: G. B. Gros household furniture to $200. Reduce the assessment of Franl; titch- venor. 1x.75; E. C. lilalte, ttie Eugene ens rm south 1-5 of w. m ?., lot 500 to $50U l iem adcutell',$11.25; P. Klauer $1118.36. for 1891. 1{ednce nssessment of A. G. Ilnel:els The Hill of Lavin & U1 to c1 t $2tr for for 1891 as follows: City lot 325 to $2.600, sewer in alley from Stn to 10th streets city UH. 374 t0 $600. and,lots 7, 8, and 9 in O1Ald lPz islee, chairman of the committee Finley's add to 5650. Caucel taxes of Fourth Street Elevator of tile actiante1onspetition of E• J. Co. for 1891. Reduce a sesstnent of Mrs. P. Welsh 0n Evans for return of a I;uarantee to pay a ll cart of lot 71 \1cCraney's;•lst weld to $200 Bluff street Liausnt lc.ithe grade on lsgrade d cstreet for 1891. Cancel assessment of C. G. \Vuliwcber is amicably settled by the city Lir other- for or, moneys and credits for 1891. wise. Cancel taxes of Dubuque Trade Journal fots Allow B. \rendered lill ocomparing bill of lcity for 1890. the Reduce assessment of Dubuque 3 r Od n soul B. W. Jonesi$71 tl eeaboveram outntsito Ware Co. for 1891 on lots 1, `2, 8 V2in Paid and s hf 18, \IcCrat eP'uu., s hf 23 iDIcCra- beReceive t` ndt tie pet tions of Dubuqul to $1,000; lots 1, L,: ney's Eazle Point, to $250; lots 358, 359 and lor electric Street Railway CO.s,in relation to bidding 60 tf1m,'s atad'dto 940 tach+$5.003beach1 proposals forkl> his saseasked for by city has them. en> lots 371 and 372 llain's acid• to $1 0 and angel forAdverse to niting alleged itollaveChristian done iontthe and lot 528, Ilan► s add, to $20U, In favor of filing petition of the Home personalty as per agreement made with street abuuiut: his Property. city March, 1891. Adverse to the Veli ion of . Nl A ann, f or ileylthr ughtthe r propertyon to property. , S. J. Patch, henry Cooper and Peter Kiene, Sr. Report five fe1hisic0utm►against Carl Spiefielhatter, adopted. Also reported as follows on the petition to the city in, . tne of J. A. Khombern, for reduction of assess- %VaierIn aWorks vor (if of $390, t per price paid ter meat for 1891: lteduee lois 2, 3, 4, b, 6 and 7,tJblock add, same aAlso sreported ad eiswdtotthe petition llubuque Harbor Improvement asking that the 5th ward be divided into to $200 each.118, 119, 120, l 1, two wards. Reduce lots 116, 117, Ald, klalpin offered the following as a 123 124, 1'15, 1`1.6, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, to the special committee of 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 112th4s, lack1,14t amendment Restlived'flit asp report: uinted by 146, 164, 165, 199 and 200, five, one from each ward, be app $175 each. Reduce lot 1 of min lot 398 and lot 1 of toe maycr to redistreetthe city into five of the city and min ]0t 3051 to $3,750 and adverse to bat- wards as equal as can be made according ante of petition. O) motion the report was to the Population ill.wa so that each preetnct reft-rred back to tie assessment committee, that each ward be divide pito may have 600 voters or as near that as is Plat of proposed extension of Elm street v may h precincts referred to copimittee of the whole. for the spring street io of radeEleventhofalle%,s fr t in weeiei formed so as ► be dready for the s to g Race street and \Valnut street and Race election is 1892, said committee to embthe ody street and old corporation line. Referred the abo the ce in ouncil llat i[ nancenext tregular tse - to the street committee. 120 REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4TH, 1892. cion. The amendment was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Cushing, Halpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and'rrexler. Noes—Alds. Crawford and Glab. Bill of ill. 11. Cushing of $12 for livery ordered paid. Aid. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. That warrants be ordered drawn as follows for the several contrac- tors, being the balance due said cantrac- tors on streets that have been bonded for the payment of the cost thereof, and being the, amount hereinafter stated, to wit: Con Ryan, Grandview avenue.. a 6,344 95 Norton & Lee, West Locust St.. 587 31 Norton & Lee, Bluff St.......... 453 00 Con Ryan, Alta Vista St........ 1,925 28 John '1'ibey; South Dodgebt..... 2,213 22 .John Tibey, Winona avenue.... 779 31 Hassett & Meehan, Cleveland avenue ......................... 4,004 58 T. J. Donahue, Dodge St........ 1,752 18 1). W. Linehan, .Jackson St...... 836 25 E. E. Frith, Sanford St.......... 697 20 E. E. Frith, West 11th and Race street ........................... 536 60 Chas. Steuck, Rhomberg avenue. 2,997 60 Hassett & Meehan, South Locust street .......................... 603 48 Total ..........................$23,7`26 96 Aid. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That a warrant for $775.25 be drawn in favor of I lassett & Meehan, be- ing the balance due them on grading Cleveland avenue as per contract. Aid. Halpin offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved. That the mayor and a com- mittee of three members of the council,to be appointed by the mayor, constitute a•`eom- mitte on legislation," whose duty shall be to have such laws passed by the legislature as shall or would be a benefit to our city and to request all, I urge our representa- tives, on behalf of the city, to work for the passage of such laws as said comutittee deem expedient, Aid, Halpin offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the improvement of Dodge street from South Dodge street to Grandview avenue and said engineer to furnish an estimate of the cost of said work to the council. A Id. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved,By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city recorder of the city of Dubuque be and he is hers - by authorized and intructed to is- sue a ventere to the city marshal commauding him to summon a jury of 12 disinterested free holaers to assess the damage, if any, to property owners by rea- son of the proposed opening of Elm street according to the map and profile of same filed December 10, 1891, by E. C. Blake, city engineer, and according to the ordi- nances of the city and the law. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Glab. llalpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltr. and Trex- ler. Alderman Stoltz offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid to ei n- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Benton ave- nue, between Windsor avenue and Grove - land avenue, on temporary grade to be paid for by the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Peaslee, South, Stoltz, and Tie.x- ler. Aid. Trexler offered the following Resolved by the City Council of the Citv of Dubuque, That the city engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifica- tions, and advertise for bide to ednstruct it lateral sewer on the west side of Clay be- tween 17th and 181,11 streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (,lab, Halpin. Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trex- ler, Aid. Cushing offered tha following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 2 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the south side of Valeria street, between Cushlug's factory and West Eagle Point avenue to a temporary grade, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the tollotying vote: Ayes—Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Hal- pin, Peaslee, Smiln, Stoltz and Trexter. Aid. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by tite City Cottuell of tile City of Dubuque, That Madison street, between Main and Seminary streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized and the retaiinng wall built where necessary in conformity with the ordinance uuoti that subject. That the city engineer be. and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals to. the pertorniance of the work; the gut- tering,curbing ilndmacaditiii rzin¢ to bedone at tile expense of the owner: of the abuttin_- property. No grading to be done northeast of the line of the curb on the northeasterly sideot the street. The grading to be bid for in a gross sum. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Halpin, Peaslee, Smirh, Stoliz and'1'rexier. Aid. TrexlEr offered tine loilowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Maple street, between 1801 and 14th streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity With the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and tie is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. and tile city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the work: the guitering, curbing and inac- admizing to be done ai tie exbense of the abutting property. The grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cashing, Glab, Hit 1pin, Peasiee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trex- ler. Aid. Glab, chairman of the street com- mittee, made t&`following report: Your committee oil streets would most respectfully report that, they have exam- ined and accepted Cleveland avenue from South Dodge street to Villa street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes--Alds. Crawford, Glab, llalpin, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. No—Ald. Cashing. Aid. Glab offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the action of the council fat the December session in ordering the ItEGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 4T11, 1892. city auditor to collect $410 from Bassett & Meehan on account of grading Cleveland avenue be reconsidered; and city auditor instructed to cancel said amount against said Bassett & Meehan. AkI. (Bab offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city auditor be and is hereby instructed to cancel the amount charged Geo. Taylor for rolling the alley 'between West Third and West Fifth loaf hill streets and Winona avenue, as said Geo.. Taylor at own expense, the teamount bdone esingrolling his 4.30. • Ald. Utah offered tete following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city attorney be instructed to examine into the title of O'Neill street as laid out and platted. and the city,engineer instructed totiie „t❑ any assistance that he may need n the matter as regards present tot'ation-of street also as platted and tiled in the county recorder's office, and report to the council at its next regular session. A Id. llalpin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the Cil of Dubuque: and seets,street, between West Third Dodgebe graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. 'rhat the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to snake the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and propo- sals fur tie performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense the owners to be bid abutting property. total. Adopted by the following vote: T Web, Peaslee, Crawford, Cushing 1lalpit, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trex- ler. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: the City Council Be it resolved by of the city of Dubuque, That the city at- torney" be instructed to secure deeds front J. A. 1-:homoerg for the north fifty feet of lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. 32, 43, also frd a Anton Sieg, for lots 34, 35. 36 addition, this fifty feet in Woods' audition joins \Williams street. As the present lo- cation of Williams street has been ordered e ove mentioned50 feet, anthe city dthe eddon tengineer instructed to change and repeat said street so as to make it50 feet in width to comply with deeds to be given by said above tpar- Ald. Crawford offered the tollowmg ties and report same in the prop ner. which was adopted: Resolved '1 hat the committee on vfirand eswater tigate andreport be intoruthe c cted to as early as possible, whether the Dubuque Water company is taking steps to comply with the several orders of the council re- quiring Wee Dubuque,the sion VVest'ethe 4111l0uutr Semin- ary street, towards nd what makingsif said eany has en- sions. Engineer Blake presented the following estimate for grading \Ve3L Eagle le 'oInt 444 cubic . nue: Cut, 9,131 cubic yards; 3 19uic yards; estimate cost at 35e per yd$ , .85. Ald. Glab. chairman of the street com- mittee, reported in favor of adopting the following resolution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That \Vest Eagle Point ave- nue from present terminus of improvement 13 to Valeria street, be graded, guttered, curbed avd macadamized, in conformity with the paving ordinance upon that sub- ject. That theetty engineer be and he is hereby dorepted to make the necessary plates and'specifications for said improve went, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids Said.. pro- posals fpr the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing ,and macadamizing, to be done at the expense rof t he o Uesof bi i the abutting property; grading in total. :.1 Adopted by the following vote: eyes—"Aids. Crawford,, Cushing, Glab,, (lalpin, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trex; ler. The recorder was instructed to com- municate with the board of Supervisors • 1:Id req Zeit them to cancel the sale of wli lot 22 in Cox's add., as the same is a public street. The matter of numbering. streets was re- onuniitee of the whole. moved to adjourn. Carried. .1. C. 1'' I'r %PAT RICK, CI tg Record r. city taxes f reln.ainin ary ntsx1l"come delin and be: interes at s*rat for the first three lonths, and two pe -4' cent. for each •month after Islay 1st until paid. LAWRENCE GON'NER. Treasurer. ;, Notice to Contractors. hh,ee Bids will be received at the jf eaoE the cit v recorder up to Saturday, tr and mac?aif, 11,92, for the curbing, g amizing of Itose street from Walnut street to Alta Vista street,and Center 1'lace,froip Rose street to north line of let 111 in Mc- Nulty's add., . according iso plans and specifications now on the iptnhy n ce. Bidders must state the price per lineal oot for curbin_ and the price per square, yard for guttering and macadamizing. oldwill .+q Bids must be accompanied by, a b ti20ered into and tWork completed ed that, iif proposal is accepted. • The ctt.y reserves the right to reject any or alt bids. , C. FIT% Red Recorder. NOTICE. Bids wilt be received at the office of the OW .Recorder up to 4 o'clock 9; in., January 2,189r for 20a arc electric fights of 3e0.t candle er, for lighting the city for 0 term' .of three ow said tights to be located as .designated by the 1 counctoria ootnmittee thereof. Rids to he made tor lighting a^cording to the Philadelphia moon schedule, and t t evear kiln cloudy nights; also for all nig ht lighting. good and sufficient security f of $1,00o.00 that 'contract will be entered into 1f awarded. • The city reserves the right to reject any or an bids. J. C. lIT2PATItRIKorder. 12-23-101 — — Notice. Bids will be received at the otlice of latare city recorder up to 4 o'cidek p. m. day, January 2, 1892, for a. complete aod, thoreual1 revision of the city ordinance* tip to .Jan. 1st; 1892br all city reserves the right to reject any J C. FITZPATRICK. • Recorder. 14r SPECIAL SESSION, JANUARY 13Th, 1892. CITY COIJNCIL. (OFFICIAL.1 Special Session, Jan. 13th, 1892. Council met at 2:40 o'clock p. m - Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present — Alds. Crawford, Cushing, (flab, Page, Halpin, I'easlee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of taking ac- tion on the ordinance adopted at the last session of the council granting to the Dia- mond Jo company- part of the levee front, which he returned to the council without his approval, and read the following com- munication: MAYORS OFFICE, 1)unuqur, lowA Jan. 12, 1892. To the members of the city council: GENTLEMEN:—At the last regual session you passed an ordinance giving the Di mond Jo company a strip of the publi Ieveee 100x250 feet, to erect and maintain a warehouse thereon for 20 years with the right of renewal. In the first place the company has made the application without presenting the proper map and plans showing exactly what they desire to use, and kind of ware house to be erected thereon. The ordinance provides that they shall have a strip of ground at the levee commencing at the north line of First street extension and running south 250 feet. which would almost cut off the main entrance to the ice harbor, and if above de- scribed premises shall commence at the north line of First street extension as now improved, said grant will extend as far south as the center of Jones street, thus shutting off the main entrance of the leyee to public travel unless they pay tribute to said Diamond Jo Co, The etmpany is given the privilege to use so much of the old iwharfboat as may be useful, or all of it for that matter, it it sults their purpose, for the purpose of a warehouse, and may erect it on piles or other foun- dation, if they so desire, and the part of said land not occupied by their warehouse may be used for a coal or wood yard, or any other purpose they may desire. Thus the city virtually gives said Diamond Jo company the right to occupy a piece of public levee more than eight times as large as the proposed warehouse without any restrictions on said company. I do not object to the Diamond Jo company being granted enough of the levee for the erection of their proposed warehouse and use the same for the carrying on of their business. the council, however, to reserve the right at any time when it becomes a public necessity to order said building re- moved. Such a grant to the Diamond Jo Co. with proper restrictions protecting the city will meet with my bearty approval, but as the ordinance passed by you January 4, 1892, does not give the city and the travel- ing public the necessary safe -guards for the use of a public levee, 1 therefore return said ordinance to you without my approval or official signature. Respectfully submitted, CHAS. J. W. Ald. Peaslee moved St at thesordi ance be passed notwithstanding the mayors' veto. The rules were suspended and Mr, E. M. Dickey addressed the council in relation to the ordinance refered to above. The question being put on the motion of Ald. Peaslee was carried by the followin_ vote. , Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (aab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and '1'rex ler. Noes—Stoltz. Petition of E. 0. Duncan et al. remons- trating against the removal of the steps leading from 18th street to Seminary street. Referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Thai, the water district for 1892 shalt extend 1,500 feet beyond the wa- ter supply or water plugs. Ald. Crawford moved that the city at- torney be instructed to give his written opinion as to whether the city or the Diamond Jo Co. is liable to pay the ex- pense for the care of the small pox patient landed here last summer. Carried. Aid. Page ioved to adjourn. Carried. At st: 1, (;, 'IT%PATRICK, stirs, City Recorder. S 0 JANUARY SESSION, 1892. 1,15 AN ORDINANCE. Granting J. 11. Strobel, his heirs and assigns, the right to slaughter hogs and horned cattle and to carry :on the general meat packing business in the city of Du- buque. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. Whereas, J. 11. Strobel pro- poses to erect a meat packing house on lots 413, 414, 415, 416 and 417 in "East Du- buque," Dubuque city and county, state of Lott a: and whereas, he is desirous of having secured to him, his heirs and as- signs, forever the right to slaughter hogs and horned cattle and carry on a meat packing and curing business in all us branches on said premises, with- out which he is unwilling to incur expense necessary to carry on said business and whereas it is to the interest of the city to encourage such undertaking, and we are willing and it is our intention hereby to secure to said .1. 11. Strobel, his heirs and assigns, the right aforesaid as fully and effectually as we can do se. There- fore, in order to give effect to such inten- tion on our part and as inducement to said .1. 11. S:robel to carry out his proposed undertaking we, the city council of the city of Dubuque, do hereby grant to said .I. 11. Strobel, his heirs and a•4si,ns, for- ever, full power and authority to slaughter hogs and horned cattle and carry on a meat packing and curing business in all its branches on said lots 413, 414, 415, 416 and 417 in East Dubuque, Dubuque city and county, state of Iowa, which he has bough;, provided that in carrying on said business, he shall not allow tilth to ac- cumulate on said premises as to thereby create a nuisance. See. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the city council of the city of Dubuque and after its publication in the official pa- pers of said city and its acceptance in writ- ing by said .1. 11. Strobel. Adopted by the city council Dec. 7, 1891. CHAS. J. W. SA.UUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATR Recorder. T. O'Sullivan, do do do do ]os Birner, T O'Sullivan, do L r' Kolfenbaeh, C A Voelher, C A alo 11.7 do .. 116 cdo 10 .... 11113 5 do .. 114 do .. 112 t10 .. 111 do 110 dosID ft.. 109 Voelker's add.... 21 102 37 do do do d0 2U .... 10 7174 8497 do do .... 15 85 85 do do .... 11 (10 (10 .... 10 F Boettcher, do .... 7 Gottfried Fayen, do .... 6 C A Voelher, d0 .... 3 do do • .... 2 Chas Klingenberg, Chas Klin- genberg's4th sub 24 do do do 23 d0 do do 22 (10 d0 . -do 21 Andrew Oeth, dodo • 20 do •do do 19 Chas Klingenberg, do do 18 do do . ..do 17 do do do 16 Ephriam Yingling, do do 15 (10 do do 14 Chas Klingenberg, do do 13 do do (10 • 12 L I' Farwell, lot 1 of 2 of Geo ll %Vood's sub min 105 J L McGirk, Marsh's add, w 117 feet 45 John Kleinschmidt, Marsh's add, e 100 feet 45 Peter Maus, .J 1' Schroeder's add.... 32 J P Schroeder, do .... 20 do d0 4 Philip link, do ...• 3 do do .. 2 '1' O'Sullivan, Mechanics' add 108 C. A. Voelker, C. A.,Voelker's ad do do do do do do do do do do do Maria Young, do do no lot 3 of LO of Geo D Woods' sub of 105 thin lot lot 3 of 9 of Geo D Woods' sub of min lot 105 do lot 3 of 8 of o D Woods' sub ofemin lot 105 105 Anna Kelley, of Geo Woods 7 of sub of min lot 105 do lot 3 of 6 of o D Woods' sub ofenin lot 105 l:phriam Y ingling, lot 3 of 5 of Geo D Woods' sub min lot 105 60 09 40 lot 3 of 4 of Geo D Woods' sub of min lot 105 60 09 .1t 3 of 3 of D o .1 Matt' Wo ds' sub ofemn lot 105 60 09 67 00 67 00 67 00 67 00 67 00 67 00 67 00 67 00 102 38 NOTICE. 1'uolie notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 4th day of January, 1892, the following special assessments were levied ()II the real estate hereinafter described, and in ease the owners of the property so desire they can pay the assess- ment in seven annual equal installments, the first installment being due on date of levy, and the last installment six years from date of levy, ail bearing interest at the rate of ti ger cent. per annum. Par- ties wishing to pay all at once as hereto- fore can do so. In case of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from date of levy the property will be advertised and sold. I.AW HENCE GUNNER. Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. Dubuque Iowa, Jan. 12, 1892. For the improvement of Leibnitz street, from North Main to liarold Street. Name. Description. Lot. Ain't M .1 Smith, Mechanics add.. 119 38 99 .1. Kline, do .. 118 67 00 John Biegard do John Bargmaan, do Joseph Teobauld,do H. A. Lamers, do N ic. Engels, do Dante Brew backer, Mary Parr, do Leonard Schoester, Edward Lente, do 0 B Thomas do C. A. Voelker, do L Zust, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 b2 33 34 91 81 75 12 74 99 91 30 88 09 63 67 35 10 35 10 35 10 40 22 40 22 40 22 40 22 40 22 40 22 60 09 60 09 30 10 30 10 60 09 166 60 133 40 168 33 175 21 174 20. 74 18 56 28 115 77 83 36 59 50 59 50 59 50 59 50 59 50 59 50 59 50 59 50 85 85 85 85 59 50 24 40 83 30 60 09 60 09 60 09 60 09 16 JANUARY SESSION, 1892. L F Farwell,lot 1W2 of Woods' subGeo I) of min lot 105 60 09 Edward Ellis, lot 2 of 1 of Geo 1). Woods' sub of min lot 105 32 37 Anthony Schmitz, Marsh's add w 146 feet 47 182 07 ,Jiiu Kleinschmidt, Marsh's add e 100 tPet 47 131 00 For Improvement of Sanford Street, From Jackson to Elm Streets. Dubuque Street Ry Co, L 1-I Langworthy's add 188 427 93 Nie Weber, 0 S Langworthy's add 24 167 35 Mary Groff, 0 5 Langworthy's add 1 P3 17 John Ulrich, sub 107 L 11 Langworthy's add 1 229 25 do sub 107 of L 11 Langworthy's add 2 68 33 do sub 107 of L II Langworthy's add 3 93 68 John Bohn, L 11 Lang worthy's add 70 71 07 Anna Wiehe, L 11 L a n g - worthy's add 64 159 90 C, St P & K C Ry Co, Sanford's sub 61 16 20 For Improving South Locust Street From Old City Line to 450 feet South. ,John Pier, city 578 6 86 do Union add part 230 24 36 Wm. Kenedy, Bonson's sub1 76 12 John Collins, do do 2 76 12 Andrew Murphy, do do 3 87 00 M Shannon est. Bonsou's sub n 2934 feet 4 42 78 Ignatz Sieger est, mineral lot 56 210 49 Andrew Murphy, Coate's add 2 79 75 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 4th day of January. 1892, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For the construction of a sewer in Dor- gan's alley, from Seventeenth to Ellis street. Name. Description. Lot. Am't ,Jane McCune, Dorgan's sub.. 1 $23 30 do do la 18 64 Cath. Morrissey, do 3 20 04 John W Norton. do 2 22 31 Mathias Flick, do 4 23 30 Mrs Anna Behrens, tin 6 23 30 Paul Becker, do 7 23 30 Nellie Dorgan, do 8 23 30 Mary Flynn, do 9 24 47 John Jennings, do 10 23 07 Michael Mullin, est, do 11 23 07 do do do do 12 13 98 Thos Muiqueeny, do 13 22 83 Lucinda E King, do 14 31 92 A Fkleeb, do It1of 15 1212 11 0 hose, do It 2 of 15 21 87 A F lieeb, do 1t 1 of 16 5 59 Anna Backert, do It 2 of 16 18 64 do do It 2 of 17 14 45 do city sub of 672a4 46 13 Anna E McGovern, do 2 22 37 1) C Crain, do 1 10 82 do do A F Heeb, city sub of 673a lot 3 8 Ul 1 of 1 6 29 11 0 Rose, city sub of 673a lot 2 of... 1 1 86 Anna Backert, city sub of 673a lot 2 of 2 17 15 P W Crawford, city Aub 813 lot 1 of. 2 22 83 do city sub of 673 112 of 2 14 91 do do 1t 3 of 2 14 91 Fleming Bros, do It 1 of 4 of 2 13 42 James McCann, do It 2 of 4 of 2 6 52 do city sub 6735 13 51 For the construction of a sewer in the alley from 17th to 18th, between Clay and White streets, and 18111 street. ,John Schrup, city n 1213. ft.. 435 64 45 Math liewer, city s 32 ft in 1-5. 435 16 96 do city u 8 2-12 It 8 m 1.5 435 435 Jas Dreher, city n 40 ft s 43 ft ft s to 1-5 435 21 20 Leonara Hartman, city s 3 ft s m 1-5 485 1 59 Leonara Hartman, city n 27.2 ft s 1-5 435 14 42 Nick Palen. city s 24 ft 435 12 72 Peter Holtz, city e 60 ft n 1-5440 16 28 G F Thorman, city w 40 ft n 1-5 440 10 85 B Schulte, city a jy n in 1-5440 13 57 M Wagner, city s J n m 1-5440 13 57 Anton Theilen est, city m 1-5440 27 14 Conrad Geisel, city n 38 ft s m 1-5 440 20 14 John V hider, city s 64.4 ft440 34 13 City of Dubuque, city sub ;438 and 434 lot 108 pt of 676 32 75 For the construction of a sewer in 9th street from Washington to Pine streets. Iowa Iron \Yorks, city s ;1506a 36 56 do du city lot 3of 506 81 72 C, St P & K C Ry, city lot 2 of 506 152 68 do do city n 34 of 1 of 4 504a 110 68 H L Stout, city n iy 504 94 08 do city n ? y of 2 of 4 of 509a 24 14 John Glab, city lot 1 of 5011a 1'; 80 do city lot 2 of 509a 25 20 And that in case of failure to pay the same within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear in- terest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque, this 12tii day of .Janu- ary, A. D., 1892. LAWRENCE: GUNNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. r JANUARY SESSION, 1892. UST OF cvry \VARIIANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during November, 1891. James Allen John Reuter M. Ilardie Ed. Moore Sam. Elmer (acnes Flynn Dan. Lavery .101111 Roffman Wm. Welsh Thos. Blake ('rry 1183:01tnl?It's (lr•r1cr:, , John Murphy DuttretcE, Iowa. Dee. 1. 18:1.1 Wm. Klauer To the 1lowtrable Al ay or and city ('ouucil: Peter Sehart It i:N' LE:St EN—The following 15 L complete list 1'. McColllns of all warrants Issued by me during the mouth Geo. Rubeck 01 November 1891: John Murphy Chas. Steuck Name.For what Purpose. Amount 1.. Gunner ......_Salary for Oct, Treas- urer....... $150 00 .1. C. Fitzpatrick.. Salary for Oct., ]fecor- 11G e5 der... .1. M. Kenety Salary for `larfor Oct., Aud- itor 116 66 1 I 'McCarthy _Salary for Oct., Attor- ney ttor- 125 00 ney P. F. Gutile ....Salary for Oct., As- 125 Ott sessor S. B. Mice........ Salary ffor Oct., Mar- 100 00 Ed. Ryan. Salary for Oct., Street ('uuunissioner 91 65 .los. Hcinfried....Salary for Oct., thief of fire department75 00 A. Gratz_ .. ....Salary llifotel'.r )ct., Mar. 5) 00 P. McNulty Salary for uct., Park Custodian ('has. Bauman... S(la ry for Oct., Wharf - master 1. S. Bigelow .Salary for Oct., Ilealth officer.... C. Spies elhaltcrSalaryfor Oct.,Pound- master 13. Itawson........Salary for Oct„ Sew- er Insptector......... .lamesO'Halloran.Sa ry for)) let., w.I. Klein.... .Salary for (lett., Meat Inspector .lames Bunting...Salary for Octt., Elec- trician Ed. Blake.,,, Salary for Oct., En- gineer E. S. llyrie.••-...SalaiyEngineer for As - sit .1. Boyce ..... .....Salary for Oct., As- sistant Engineer .lultn O'Connell... Salary ittee for clo., Com - A. Gratz Board of prisoners.... .1a,. DalyFireman Job Barnes....... W. lino' .1. Murphy A. Cullen .1. Schouberger .1. *Farland T. O'Shea M. Eitel.. I'. Martin .)ohu Essurau .1. lel; un .1. \Viltse..... ..... T. Flynn T. \Valker F. Esslllan 1). Ahearn........ .1. Allen..... G. Moyer C. Ivulnolt....... I. \Yard... A. 1)ueeini I). Ryan... ......Cap(aln of Pollee John Raeslt Janes Carter Polic,•nlau •• Win. t l'Brien .. M, (1'1'01111'11""" Bait. (rain Wm. Frith .John l.itscher P. McNeruy 'rhos. Reilly 1', 1)unnegan 1'. Kearney 1'. Hanlon ,John Fitzpatrick. Ilan. Norton ..•55.55..•..• 46 64 61 66 61 66 41 14 16 " 14 1.1 11 44 66 61. 11 Imp. Ilhomberg, ave.. 66 44 66 a 61 41 Adam S(•hmidt... " Peru road Tony Siege....... " .Julien avenue '1'..1. Donanue.... " Dodge street .10110 Tibey....... . Washington St T. Ahearn I aborer \I. Ahearn....... 66 l(1hn Bottoms.... " Win. Barkley 11. Burns" B. Brummitt" .J. Byrne" M. Burns " .....•••••...:. 46 10 20 00 30 00 40 00 60 00 60 00 5) 00 75 00 120 00 100 00 100 00 44 ••••..........•• 50 (s) 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 511 09 50 00 50 00 48 35 500.1 4•) 35 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 119 34) 427 36 500 011 34 14 J. Bargman 1 aborer................ J. B.1vendorf...... ............... W. Ball.... `. A. I3tirke..... " .. ........... T. BewerHelper road roller..... M. Cotyle..... Laborer John Corbett...... " L. Corcoran w••••••••••••.•• Ed. Condon Foreman.. ............ J. Corcoran habou er Sam. Collins__ John Callahan.... " Wm. Cruulpwell.. " B. Coulon.. . 46 Joan Coyne Laborer JamesDoyle ...... Foreman..... M. Dieferdiug .... Laborer ............... M. Dumpily Jas. Dolin w. .John Eagan 1'. Fitzgerald John Fix 66 H. Foltz H. Flood" H. Go1Re Ed. Grew L. Gross .Joe Gr'ab...... • John Giessler 46 ...... • • • • • • • • • .. Tilos. Hackney._ .......... ..... J. HansenMason.... •• Dan. Harman ....Laborer .......... John Hafey....... Ed. Hackett ••••••••"••"' Jas. Harker •••••••••...••' I'. Hayden1' ............... N. Hilger.... ............... Jas. Hall......... A. Jo1111sOn....... " John Kinsella.—Carpenter..... AI . KB,'e.......... Laborer F. IC reeaer ........ ., J. Karch ...... •... „ John Kelly........ T. Louergan...... M. Lilack......... H. Luck 66 C. Lempke...... John Laviu61 ••••• ••••"'•' H. Leicht Ed. Lee• Jas. Melloy P. Melchoir66 ,. P. Meehan Geo Martin., M. Murphy T. Mulqueeny.••• T. M*thOnv 1: C. Mackelberg P. Meehan L Meurlse...... " M. MorganForeman. ...... ,. • .... 1'. Moran Ned Morgan............... M. McCone.... Foreman.......... • • • • A. McGmtnl.abo•er................ II. McCormack... ` ......' • " 75 00 17 80 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 Ifo 00 59 00 50 00 50 00 50 Oo 85 00 60 00 GO 00 GO 00 50 011 50 410 50011 60 00 6000 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 70 00 48 35 43 05 36 35 37 95 50 0'1 50 00 50 (10 F(1 00 5000 43 40 f0 00 41 25, 51 65 213 10 196 95 216 86 464 05 28 10 22 50 32 25 22 50 75 12 011 'A 25 18 40 76 50 28 51) 5 25 16 511 750 52 50 15 00 34 90 32 GO 27 55 29 25 33 40 91 00 9 75 9 00 6 00 44 65 24011 13 50 1350 19 511 4 5o 30 00 29 25 900 24 75 33 75 15 75 28 10 31 50 46 50 55 5o 21'00 12 90 32 10 33 25 38 60 22 30 9 (N1 12 (((1 54 00 21 00 16 50 15 75 3 00 25 00 20 25 15 00 150 28 10 18 75 16 50 12 75 37 50 300 2250 17 611 16 40 30 75 21 011 18 75 31 511 8 75 1500 15 00 41 20 31 90 2100 i8rr M. McMahon.... X .loeMcCone., .101)11 %leBride .tohn McNulty I,. McEvoy I1. McMIIBeII \t. Nnten .1. Noonan It. N iehols D. slel:ola Martin O'Loughlin Mal. l 'Loughlin F. Oswald I'. O'Brien, Sr Joe Obbelt 1' O'Brien, Jr Wm. Pickley Jas. Yurcell .1. Quigney J. Quail M. Ryan.... Wm. Rieman G. Reider Jas ltaw .fas. Ryan Chris. Roselip............... .John Raetr Foreman I. Raesnor........ Laborer .1. Ragan.......... M. Sullivan.. " M. Specht Joe Sell " Al. StevensonEneineer road roller... Geo. SatterLaborrr M. Scollard....... ` D. Sutherland.... " lno. Whalen. " M. Wanger....... " G. Wirt ....... " John Wolfe...... " W. Zachins....... " Geo. %I mhotf.....Foremau N. Brandt. .......Team 1 . Bennett..... " M. Crah..in........ " B. lain... ....... •` 1.. Cahill.......... " .1. Doyle.......... 1. linnkley....... " ... JohnEvens....... " ................... Fischer & Co " M. Gantenbein`• ................... F. (.rail ................... Wm Howard " .. M. .1. lIan non ••••......•••••••• .1. Hotlnuie;................... P. Jardeu 'Phos. Kane ................... C. Kainpmann 61 14 it 1.1 11 14 61. 41 16 14 61 66 66 44 16 .TANIJARY SESSION, 1892. 12 40 C. W. Robison... 1. nnher........... ... 19 so 18 00 L. Daly........... Hauling garbage and 34 50 Cleaning market106 isr 38 95 John Williams.... Rock 75 10 31 50 Jits. Kelly ........Stationery 11 45 7 50 M. Brown & Son.Oats, hay and bran6 Ir., 15 75 Barbara Isboru...Relitfor patrol 18 a 75 Kev City (:as Go..Tar................. . 5; 21 1. w W ituner...'I'ur )entice 25 W 9 00 John Terry.......Hauling garbage162 o0 14 25 John Harney Repairing tools 2 05 25 10 W. J. Burns & ('o•Otl and cement 1 60 19 50 Duggan & Kane..041 and rope 75 12 75 John Murphy....Room rent 12 2 0 24 75 G. B. Grosvenor.. Stationery 16 50 Mr Herzog...... Sawing wood6 00 21 40 Mrs. Meehan..... Scrubbing city offices. 3 13 19 50 fames Lyons Pails15 tq A. Leicht Rock 13 5n 38'5 Jos. Geiger ..... ..Giassand glazing 65401, chains and clips1 50 95 50 Ferguson Bros.... Repairing fountains46 15 17 25 Jos Duseck Resetting curb and 8 iii 1.3 75 gutter ............... 21 00 Wm. MarshallRepairing ru.ler..... . 16 501. Kean Si Brosline wood 7 50 John Tibey.. • • ... Rock 42 011 Dubuque TELE- __ . 29 25 ORA PH ... .... ..Tax receipts........... , _5 9 00 Hardie & sebane . Blank books 14 75 75 Byrne & Saut....Stoue crossings90 44 24 00 Palmer, Winall & 25 00 Co Printing.......... 9 -':• 110 00 Lee & Norton Extra grading on Bluff 9 75 street 3 CO R. Lorenz Police costa........... 2 25 B. E. LinehanCement and pipe...... 30 00 Mrs. Koenig .Scrubbing city hall.... 4 50 Butler Bros....... Hay. oats and corn.... 9 75 John O'Brien Labor 1375 John Tierney " •••••• •• •-•• •• 15 75 C. M. & St. P :4 95 Rt. RFreight ....... ... .... 3 11 ::6 75 L. Gonner... Money advanced...... 500 0 0 00 4025 `-66 ` ` It5 i 38 5 # T. .1. Donahue Imp. Dodge street.... 379 s2 as 50 Eliza WilliamsChange of grade on 42 90 Bluff street 100 00 19 _5 Frank Pafford ....Painting poles30 00 33 25 E. M. Dickey Rope for electrie.an... 2 51 49 00 Wm Reeser.... _Painting poles........ 24 10 ..... 46 40 Ed. Smith•` 64 4 51) 31 50 H. H. i. leavlandPaint for electric poles 6 no 39 40 W. H. TorbertPaint and brushes.... 91 75 36 75 Christman & Hea- 29 50 ley..• Clothes line............ 90 21 70 Dubuque Ilectrle 336 00 6 00 ley L. & P. Co.. Lights................ 66 31 50 Key City Gas Co.Gas I 35 5'_i 13 511 10.9 92 15 011 6 Mt 1t ss 8 s 45 59 42 00 Ed. Lagen " 37 70 John Long .. " ................... 41 20 John May........ •` 30 70 (-. Messerknecht. " 42 00 Win. McGrath.... " 36 75 J. McQuillan..... " 92 75 P. Noonan........ ....... 35 00 John Parker .. ................... 22 7 i T. Rawson 8 75 Con. Ragan 22 75 .John Stelles .....................35 b0 .1. Spear .,33 25 1'. Schroeder" .... 18 40 11. Schmidt " ................... 38 50 J. Sullivan" 19 25 %1. T lee 24 50 IL 'Elope. ........ •• 41 20 NI. Wagner " 611 41) (1. ),v eller40 2.1 A. Wunderlich....Hor eshoeing9 4,5 E. C. Blake Printing ..... ... 2 00 F. schloz Repairing tools....... 7 4l0 .John Ganahl Horseshoeing........ • 12 25 Carr. Ryder & En- gler Co.... ..... .Shavings .............. 1 25 Sibley Mf'g CoRepairing engine...... 9 75 4 • O. Lemiike Rep. harness. 8 00 4'. A. Miller Broou.s................ 5 2,' Bhrn• & liouahoeOats................... 3 30 Christman & Hea- 1t•y Nails and sash cord... 11 95 Standard Lumber (goal parry .Lumber ................ 14 60 A. B. Herold Wood................. 9 60 .1. Al. McKenzieWrench........... ..... 1 50 .1. 4 '. AlthaeserLamp wick .... ....... 25 C. 4.. Lempke Repairlu: harness.... 14 85 Wm. S. MoloRepairing fountain.... 50 Knapp -Stout & Co Company. ..... Lumber............... 20 74 500 00 170 50 106 25 .. .. .. .... .... .... .... .... 6 311 Globe Light and Heat Co " ................... 500 00 Globe Light and Heat Go .. 16 67 Lear & Ili ffnerHorseshoeing 4 50 John Murphy..... House rent12 00 Ellwanger Bros.. Repairhr•a harness 4 90 The Times Co.... Advertising 29 15 the T9:LEuRAPH7.100 The Ledger....... 29 15 The Herald " 2315 The TELEGRAPH.Printing 66 60 Adani Schmidt.... Resetting curb 6 17 .Sewer Miliville road... 169 2ii Ulrich Ruff Labor 9th ay. sewer... 17 75 B. Donahue Latying sidewalk 46 20 Byrne & Saul..... crossings21 76 J. It. Riley........ " sidewalk 4 25 E. E. Frith Grading ltace and W. 11th streets 9,! 00 Ulrich Ruff.......Sewer on 9th ave 500 00 .. . 348 (.Y) Farley, Loetscher Mtg l'o Lumber 4 25 Ulrich Ruff........Extra work on Ninth avenue sewer 64 35 T. J. Donahue... Extra work on Dodge street sewer 77 20 John Williams....Filling on Maple street 55 55 Ferguson Bros.... Rep. fountains 7 40 F. Mertz .......... Rep. locks 15 95 Langworthy -Adams Iron Works.. ...Manhole cover9 #10 Jas. retail Opening Gleu Oak ave 3(10 00 O. G. Kringle" .. 50 00 M. A. Blocklinger. " .. 25 00 S. M. Langworthy estate " " " .. 50') 011 100 91 11. JANUARY SESSION, 1. 9.2. M. Lavin.......... Lateral sewerage200 00 D. W. Linehan...Grading Jackson St100 00 F.. F.. Frith ...... Extra grading on W. 11th St........ SNI 00 T. 1'. Duffy Fees, ordinance case.. 43 34 II. D. LinehanRepairing tools 5 05 Lee li[. Norton... h.radhtg Altff St3300 00 ,m; Ryan 5100 00 .. " Grandview av 500 00 " `. 500 00 Meehan & Hassett "St. 500 ou ' St. 50010 John Tibey... Winona ave.. 4511 00 T..f. Donahue Dodge S. 500 00 . 500 011 u 150 00 It. McCormack ....Sawing wood city hall 1 50 Jos. Stoltz Moving baron........... 15 00 M. Oswald G travel ................. 201 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true auringrthetmontt h of Novef all mbner 18ts issued by me .1. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. 20 Page left blank JANUARY SESSION, 1892. 21 usi" OF CITY Drawn by the City Recorder during December, 1891. CITY Itkebiu It'S OFFICE, Dultu@uE, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1892. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me durinu the month of December, 1891: Name. For wilat Purpose. Amount I,. Conner........ Salary for Noy, Treas- urer $150 00 .1. ('. Fit r.pntrick .. Salary for Nov., Recor- der 116 65 .1. M. Kenety Salary for Nov., Aud- ltor 116 65 .1. J. McCarthy .. Salary for Nov., Attor- ney ....... ..... 125 00 P. F. Guthrie.. Salary for Nov., As - s 125 00 essor i. 13. Itice.........Salary for Nov., Mar- shal 100 00 Ed. Ryan Salary for Nov., Street Commissioner 9165 .los. Reinfried....Salary for Nov., Chief of lire department75 00 .1. liratz.... ....Salary for Nov., Mar- ket easter50 00 P. McNulty Salary for No.v, Park Custodian 4'.00 Chas. Bauman _Salary for Nov., Wharf - master ......... 20 00 1. S. Bigelow . Sala►•ffiy for Nov., Health ocer.... C. SplegelhalterSalaryfor Nov.. •Pound - master.......... B. Rawson Salary for Nov„ Sew- er Inspector ..... .... James O'Halloran.Sa:ary for Nov., Side- walk inspector. J.:Klein Salary for Nov., Meat Inspector............ .James BuntingSalary ter Nov., Elec- trician Ed. Blake.... Salary for Nov., En- gineer E. S. Hyae.......Salary for Nov., As- sistant Engineer .1. Boyce..........Salary for Nov., As- sistant Engineer John O'Connell...Salary for Oct., Com- mittee clerk Ja/. Daly... Fireman Job Barnes....... W. Duey.......... .. I Murphy ........ A. Cullen.-. .... T. O'Shea •' ...... .1. McFarland .J. Schonberger NI. Eitel P. Martin John Essman..••..•....••............... . .7. Flinn J. Wiltse..... •. T. Flynn T. Walker F. Essman 1). Ahearn......,. J . Allen . Hoyer Kanttolt F. Giutahl ... 1)ueciul J. Ward Ed. Keas 1.d. 11 c Donald John Earl U. Ryan... Captain of Pollee John ltaesli...... .James Carter .....Policeman Wiu. O'Brien M. O'Connell " Bait Cain" Wm. Frith John Litscher l'. iMcNerny 'rhos. Reilly 1'. Dunnegan 1'. Kearney 66 16 61. 66 46 66 .1 66 P. Iianlon John Fitzpatrick" Dan. Norton James Allen John Reuter M. Hardie Ed. Moore Sam. EI►ner .lames Flynn Dan. Lavery............. Wm. Welsh 66...... John Hoffman............. Thos. Blake .............. John Murphy " W m. Mauer " Peter Stuart 1'. McCollins41 Geo. Rubeck 66 John Murphy M. Ahearn Laborer J. Altman........ Mason. J. Ackley Laborer ................ J. Albtecltt.... " ........... Wm. Barkley ............... Ed. Beyer" J. Byrne" ......... B. Brummitt P. B 11Mason John Bottotns....Laborer J. Bargman...... H. K. ckett J. Beaver Helper road roller..... M. Coyne. . Laborer L. Corcoran.... John Cot come.... John Corbett Sam. Collins " Ed. Condon Foreman. ............. M. Coyle. .... Laborer Wm. Cruntpwell.. J. Cahill.. ..... James Doyle......Foreman Jas. Dol .0... ... .Laborer M. Dumpily ' M. Dieferding' John Eagan John Fix H. Flood H. Foltz... F. Fellbaum P. Fitzgerald M. Farrell John Giessler Ed. Grew Joe Grab C. Gross H. Gollie Thos. Hackney... Jas. Hall Dan. Has•nlan Ed. Hackett Jas. Harker P. Hayden F. Herzog N. Hilget ........ J. Hansen Mason.... •. M. Hannan Laborer., ....... ....... John Hafey John Kelly. Sr John K rnsellaCarpenter.............. John Kelly, Jr.. Laborer.... F. Kreeger J. Karch...... •1 M. Kilburg '••••••. M. Kli e.. " T. Louergan.. H. Leicht 11 M. Lilack11 „ Ed. Lee John Lavin11 H. Luck C. „ Lempke1. P. Meehan T. Mahony „ P. Moran.......... 11 L Mourise........ 11 T. Mulgueeny.•.. M. Maltony....... 1, Ned Morgan...... P. Melehoir <i Geo. Martin.1 Jas. Melloy... C. Maekel erg„ 16 M. Murphy M. McCoue.... Fot•enlan..... ..•• A. McGuauLaborer John McNulty.... " P. McMullen 66 •6 L. McEvoy Joe McCune 30 00 40 0:r 60 00 60 Of 50 00 75 00 125 00 100 00 1G0 00 7510 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 00 00 50 00 ,0 01) 50 00 60 0;1 85 00 6000 00 00 00 GO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 W 00 00 50 W 00 35 70 00 85 05 00 00 00 00 50 60 60 50 50 59 60 110 75 50 50 50 50 25 2 75 70 48 46 50 39 45 50 50 50 50 41 " 66 66 1. 11 " 1, 66 " 66 46 16 46 70 46 70 50 00 50 Ofl 50 00 60 00 28 25 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 46 70 48 35 50 10 50 00 50 00 10 00 50 00 60 00 4 10 13 On 6 75 450 34 50 10 50 23 50 12 75 36 00 7 50 14 50 7 50 42 00 25 500 10 60 22 50 32 25 30 75 14 00 18 00 900 750 24 50 21 00 22 50 13 50 13 10 25 50 13 50 13 50 6 15 2 60 10 10 12 00 36 75 19 50 12 75 12 75 7 00 25 90 16 35 27 00 27 75 18 W 12 00 12 00 12 00 150 2 25 7 10 47 00 16 50 16 90 6 00 6 00 9 75 25 00 7 50 13 50 25 60 20 25 10 50 6 00 19 50 22 50 21 75 14 25 15 00 22 50 22 50 18 00 18 50 1200 12 75 8 25 20 60 11 25 32 10 18 40 26 25 16 75 .•....•.•.••.. 22 JANUARY SESSION, 1892. B. McCormack.••••.•........ 64 Wm. McDermott. 46 M. Naten... 11 D. Nickels Joe Obbelt - P. O'Brien, Sr F. Oswald B. Oswald r• 8. Powers......... Jas. Yurreli...... Wm. Pickley o .1. Qui ne John Rae(z Foreman . .1. RaesnOrLaborer ................ Jas. Ryan J. Ragan............... Wm. Rieman 66 Jas Raw M. Ryan... M. Scollard M. Sullivan M. Specht .... " F. Scliweekering. ............ • • • Joe Seik" A1. StevensonEngineer roar roller... John WolfeLaborer Jno. Whalen G. Wirt' P. Wenger' T. Welsh ...•..:....... Geo. Zumhotf Foreman W. Zaehina..... .. I.a orer R. Be n nett........Team........... M. Crahin........ L. Cahill.......... " 13. Cain........... • Levi Cruell....... " .1. Dunkley....... ', John Decker...... John Evens....... " Fischer & Co..... " F. Graff " ................... M. Gantenbein" .............. • • .. • J. Hoflmeiel•" ................... Wm Howard 66 •• M. J. Hannon............ •. • • • • 1'. Jarden T. Kane11 ................. . P. Kenneally 16 : .................. . C. Kainpman................... P. Linehan " John Long .John Leiclit " ......•.......••••. C. McCarren " ................... .las. MCDimald" ...... • ........... Wm. McGrath................... .I.McGrath" ................... Jslin Nelson" ........... .. S. Nocton ......... 41 ................... Con. Ragan ................... T. Rawson" John Ryan" ................... .John States.-- " ................... H. Schmidt"• J. Sullivan " ................... P. Schroeder" P. Schroeder, Jr D. Sheehan " ..... J. Simons " Cath. Tobin " ................... M. Wagner '' (4. tt etter........ " A. Gratz Boarding prisoners. .. E. E. Frith ..... Iino. West lith and Race streets......... E. E. Frith linp. Windsor ave Lee & Norton " West Locust St.. Con. Ryan" Grandview ave... " 16 John Tibeyy. ... " Washington St T.J. Donahue" Dodge street Toney Sieg........ " Julien ave Chas. Steuck Hhomberg ave... {f 66 11 T. J. Donahue• • Adam Schmidt" E. E. Frith " Lee & Norton" 1. Bluff street....... A. FuhrnutnExpress M. Murphy....... Repairing sidewalk Knapp, Stout & Co. Co.......... Lumber.... Key (' ty GasCo..Coal ('hruuuau & Hea- ley ....... ...... .Hardwa.te........... Frank 1'atlurd.... Removing dead poles Meehan & Hassett.Grading Grandview street..... Dodge street 27th street Windsor ave West Locust St 66 12 75 940 0 75 701 30 00•• 31 10 Key City (lito. s C.Coal 9 45 12 110 Farley & Loetscher 12 (11 Mfg Co.......... Lumber._ ....... 1 15 22 50 Siandard. Lumber 25 50 Comuany........ Shav1 so 14 25 Bart E Linehan.. Sewer pipe and ce- 18 00 Inept 106 50 31 50 C. W. Robison...Lumber............... 8 5e 13 65 Kna .p -Stout & Co 2 60 CoiWmp.autstuy& IJe- Lumber 23 07 17 51 W 16 fi0 vine Rock for fountain 4 00 10 50 Prank Hartman.. Wire cable 9 92 14 25 Blnilai.%ruler & 19 50 KIeiII........... Supp lies... 456 23 25 John O'Ilrieh..... Labor42 fro 19 90 John Tierney 22 7b Iii 05 Thos. But Curl'" 13 10 25 00 E. R. ChandlerElectrician•! supplies.. 12 1.o G. 11. MoyerExpres•age....... .. 45 Geo. P. Rose...—. Repairing indicator... 1 (w Frantz & Clark. ... Blue vitrol............ 24 75 The Herald Mitotic books........... 10 5o .holes Kelly Stationery ............. 11 50 D1000010 TH1.14- GRAPH Blank books........... 14 50 C. itowlandHay and oats.. ....... 5 `lb L. Daly Itelnovul, garbage.... 75 00 John Ferry" " ... 150 00 los. GeigerRepairing city hall.... 4 00 Lavin & Corranee.Sewer in alley between Jaeksou and White streets.. . 200 i 0 Joe Stoltz... ... ...Repairing calaboose.. 64 u0 90 E. P. Spahn...... Gloves._ ............. 50 23 00 C. H. Altona......Cushion for patrol 3 40 wagon ............... 19 25 710 John Newman & 53 50 Son Rep. marshal's office.. 3 00 42 90 John StenesRemoving dirt from 14 00 patrol house......... 2 00 43 78 Palmer, Winall & 35 00 Co Blank books 12 50 52 10John Tibey.......Rock9 35 7 00 Barbara Isborn... Rent patrol house 18 00 Nic. Kauffman...Barn for patrol house40 00 Barger & Bl ish...Stationery ..... ..... 2 01. Mr. KL Mrs. Koe- nig..............J initor city hall 40 00 I, J. Baumhover .Gloves 2 93 M. Brown & Son. Hay and oats 6 90 Fred. Roehi Hardware 25 L. Daly Cleaning around mar- _ Meehan & Hessett.Grading Grandview street.... ..... 500 00 James Howe. ...Removing patrol kouse tt000 50016 44 5 00 60 00 1820 22 59 61 75 9 75 2 25 20 40 15 011 35 90 2125 15 75 15 75 3 15 8 75 17 50 8 75 19 25 16 70 51 70 5 25 4 90 4 90 i 5 75 31i 31 511 7 00 525 39 20 30 60 49 90 17 50 4 70 3 15 3 15 42 00 57 15 8 15 16 60 464 02 393 48 4868 00 60 143 20 153 15 2 92 17 0 367 08 125 80 24! 19 205 20 211 94 500 981 200 92 343 83 75 1 50 1 18 15 30 50 4 10 500 00 John Butt Repairing 1005........ 5 05 M. Lavin... Sewer to alley bet. 17th and 18th streets 208 85 Lear & Peffner... Horsesnoeing9 50 Zehetuer & Vogeu- tllaler........... Repairing engine5 70 Dub. Rubber and Belting Co.. .Rep. rubber coat 75 D. W. Linehan.... Sewer on 9th street500 00 4 76 " 1st and Lo - oust streets 86 72 Isaac Proctor..... Foundation e n g i n e house ..... 500 00 o .. ,. , 5.10 00 C. C. Lempke Repairing harness i 35 Thos. Hill........ hose cart5 25 Dub. Linseed Oil and Paint Co....0i1 15 70 Dubuque Brass & ,. Metal Co ........ 011 c u ps ................ 25 Lear & P6ffner... Horseshoeing.......... 7 00 Bantbro Stock 1 arn,...........Pasturing horses 15 60 D. Quiullvan .... '• " ••.•• 4 00 W. J. Burns & Go.Centent........... 2 06 C. A. Whit well_ Veterinary services25 (w John Butt........Siirveylilg play1 80 Thos. Collins Horseshuelug2 00 John Murpphy.... House rent 12 00 John 'lrexler Rope.— ........ ..... 45 Mr. HerzogCutting wood. ........ 12 50 Con. RyanGrading Grace and Bennett st'eets 61 75 Chas. Steuck Itep. 8th avenue.... .. 04 40 John Harney Repairing tools 13 20 Knapp-Sto,.t & Co Com.'anyy I amber 7 25 E. P. Spaliu Repairing curtains.... 4 50 G. A. Hoerner.. Waste basket 75 M. Oswald Repairing cistern 21 00 JANUARY SESSION, 1892. 23 llosford &Gruner. Gradingg Grant avenue and W. Ilth street.. 171 81 Byrne & Saul..... Stone crossings........ 54 40 4 84 I). \V. I.inehan...Resetting•cur •. _Grading Iowa street.. 85 03 I. M. Me Kenzie ..Repairing engine...... 2 65 1)110 10111.0er and 600 00 Belting Co Hose......... 500 00 0 46 Chas. HerzogSawing wood 2 00 250 Lear & Pliffner... Horseshoeing Key CitGas Ca..Gas for city hall 15 15 Globe Light and Heat Co Gas........... 500 00 Globe Light and Heat CO 21 67 Dubuque Electric R.'yL. & 1'. Co" .................. 500 00 Key City 'Gast 0. " 108 Lear & 1 1111'ner... Horseshoeing......... 4 hitt Bros Repairing enifine 14 N. 'V. Mclhntald.. fi 1 Dill).\V:ter Co..11ydiants 0 Dub. Water Co...11yd an[v..... 500 Dub. \\':Iter 4'))...Hydrant)55 Dub. \\at ort')) ..\Vater.... .. 2 1) u h u Ilue'l'ra.r: 4:1(A1.11 7 advertising... 7 The Ledger Roman Catholic b Printing Co The Herald « The TimesC o W. W. WormoodCaring for town clock. John O'Deatt cod for city hall Smedley Mfg ('.I I:r,tss.... . e\C.'r 4)i 11• B. E. I,ineu..n 1 Iowa hon \Nnri.. l;rl liriaer)Ilrr Homan & 10)1•(11 1).''.k ... . . \Vm. S. '.0 )1)).....Ilose coupling 0ltc lion \Nark.......... I0en. steals roller C. W. 160048011... Lumber Farley, Loetsehor Mfg G'... . .. stakes. ...... ........ Con. ]cyan...... . t: railing Grand view avenue... 5 66 66 a 14 1. •1 1 4.4 66 64 66 " 61 500 00 000 00 (04) 00 500 Oil 5000 5000 500 00 500 00 11 500 00 •, 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 110 50000 .. 600 00 50000 510 a) 00 Mary McGuiness. " 6 000 W . 50000 33 Jno. P. Quigley ..Juror, Prince street2 al 00 J. W. Parker ,• .. 2 IX) Ou ,John W. Norton.. 16 " 21x) 25 Theo Altman ' 200 00 H. Nagelmaker'• 16 11 2 00 00 Thos. Kenneally. "" 2 00 0., E. A. Frenzel 2 00 0 110 John Meyer 4. •. 2 00 00 Chris. Capritz 2 00 5 00 Geo. W. Healey" „ .. 2 00 15 Otto Ellwanger" 2 1 00 A. W. Hostotd" " " 292 9 00 Michael McMalton.Sidewalk 29 15 Chas. Steuck Grading Rhomberg 29 20 avenue-- ......... 500 00 72 00 John and Minnie 30 00 BerlowOpening alley......... i 00 60 M;uy Flynn.... ` 100 23 40 Kato Moore._ .. 2 20 Edward. Mary and 1 0) 13 60 Jokn Ryan...... 30 Richard and Sarah 100 Byrns........... 1 69 Ex -Mayor Rouert 312 50 :t Ou W. Stewart..... Salary........... Mayor C. J. W. „ 5110 00 8 00 Saunders........ .... 3-,4 10 •• 1. 3045 00 00 00 Ald. Halppin...... „ 31000 " Smith .. " page ................. 300 00 Glab..... 300 00 " Trexler " 300 0.) ...... 300 00 " Crawfor ing .. ........ 300 00 .. Crawford ................ • 00 " Peaslee33°100 00 " Stoltz........ " 3330 bO Fosselman... 11 Thos. Carkeek....Plans forengine ho house 360 00 Con, Ryan. • • • • • • .Im noviu 5O 3 00 nvealle......... 5 0 W 14 469 1046 5001 Ou 46 1. 5(NI 0 3t 4. 44 46 •• 5Wul) 16 10 500OU 0 " 500 IX) bIX 00 4 5.10 ill: 05 2 68 ` ...... „ 1• 5.0 .0 3 W . .. 44 1b 6 70 3 uo Norton & Lee imp. West Locust St.. Ib a 1. 2110 41 Chas. Steuck" ithomberg ave: 001 00 •••••• 0 500 00 611 500 00 64 66 Con. Ryan66 `' Alta Vista St, 600 Ot) ... 500 00 .. .1 •• .. 4 3 28 E. E. Frith" Windsor ave.. 271 78 " S. Dodge St... 500 00 John Tibet' „ 500 t0 0 16 " " .... 000 UO 600 W .... 213 22 .. Dodge stre0 66 et.. 500 00, ••.. 500 00 „ 11 ,,.. 54)0 00 11 14 • ... 465 32 " Cleveland ave. 500 500 00 .. ... 0 1. 50000 a " .... 600 W a . .. .... 500 W 66 i " . 50000 Bart. E. Lmehan..Sewer pipe 52 20 Henry Geiger.... Doors .................. 2 12 l0 Jos. Duseck Cutting curb. ......... U. Ruff._ • • • ....Sewer, sieeet add Pan -ford 400 40 Con. Ryan Grading Alta Vista St500 oo 0 66 46 . 500 00 .. 11 " . 500 00 Adam Schmidt.Incline on Millville 81 10 road T. J. Donahue ....Grading South Dodge street U. Ruff Sewer, 16th and Cedar streets...... C. Gantenbein...Stone crossing Con. Ryan ....... Extra grading Alta Vis- ta street .. 5 1. T. J. Conlon......Livery ......... •••••••• Wm, S. M11I" Repairing hydrant B. Lagen ..........Livery Novelty Iron {icing Hook and Works......•• ReLltdder Truck L. Donner Money advanced...... 14 • German Trust & 50 00 Savings' Bauk..,Lostin....... 500 01 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 50000 19 00 500 00 367 97 66 " •. " •••• ........... • 16 ` a 10lbutue National Bank..,..... .. 501 00 500 00 500 00 50000 ................... 500 00 " 44 ` 00 .....• 500 14 •• " ............ 50000 „ .. 5110 00 11 50000 11 /t 0 ......6 " ..... 500 Ou « 11 110000 00 41 •• 14 00 500 00 500 00 1.18eplt Zimmerman " ...... • • 50) 00 61 "................ 50000 •T. J. Donahue.. 66 Meehan & Has- sett ............. 24 JANUARY SESSION, 1892. John Tibey...... D. W. Lineliiiu.. I:. E.Frith...... 41 61 6t 111 " Winina avenue " Jackson street " Sanford street 11 •• Race and W. iith streets 61 61 16 Norton & Lee... " Bluff street.... " 1). W. Linehan.. Sewer in Dorgan'salley 500 03 500 00 500 00 4 57 55110 279 30 500 00 336 25 500 03 197 20 503 00 3600 5',u 10 463 7,1 510 00 77 u7 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of Decent er 1891. .3. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. To Whom it May Concern. Notice Is hereby given to all parties in- terested to clear or have cleared the snow or ice on their sidewalks that abuts on any street, avenue, lane or alley after fifteen hours from the time said snow ceases to fall. In case of failure of the owner of owners of any such sidewalk to clear or have cleared of ice and snow in the time above specified, then 1 shall have the samecleared off at your ex- pense without furtherRYAN, from me. ED. 1-11-10t Street Commissioner. Special Assessment Notion. '1'o C. E. and W. F. McKinley: You are hereby Notified that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the filling of lots, adopted on the 4th day of January, A. D.. 1892, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meet- ing of the City Council. upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improve- ment, Lot n X 543 in city owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 1st day of February, A. 1)., 1892 and show cause, If any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. J. C. N'ITZPATIIICK. 1-11-10t City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To Le Claire & Laude: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolu- tion of the Cite Council of the City of Du- buque for the tilling of lots adopted on the 4th day of .lanuary, A. I). 1892, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all tots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot s 34 543 In city, owned by you bene¢ sub- ject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council. to be held on the 1st day of February, A. D. 1892, and sh• w cause, if any you haye, why said assessment should not be levied. J. C. FITZPATRICK, 1-11-10t City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To John Marzen: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improve- ment of sidewalk adopted on the 4t11 day of .lanuary, A. D. 1892, it special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 43 and north 35 feet of lot 45 in E. Langworthy's addition, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the lst day of Feb- ruary. A. 1). 1892. and show cause, if any Von nave, why said asses.iment should not be levied. J. C. F1TZ1'A'1'It1CK, 1-14-10t City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. Thomas Zinn: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improve- ment of sidewalk. adopted on the 4tn day of Jan., A. D. 1892, a special assessment will be levied fur the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city coun- cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutt- ing on said improvement, n 25 feet lot 44 811(1 s 15 feet lot 45 in E. 1.tulgworthy's add, owneu by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council to be held on the 2t1 day of February, F. D 189E„and show cause. it any you have why said assessment should not be levied, .1. C. FITZPATRICK, 1-14•lOt City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE An ordinance granting to Diamond .to Line steamers the right to occupy and use a certain part of the public levee in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and to erect and maintain thereon a warehouse and office for the convenient dispatch of its business at this point. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, lows: Section 1. That permission be and is hereby granted to Diamond .Io Lahti steamers of McGregor, Iowa, a corporation organized and doing business nutter the laws of the state of Iowa and engaged in the transportation ot freight and pas- sengers on the Mississippi river and its tributaries. io occupy and use for a term of twenty (20) years from the date of the passage of this ordinance, that part of the pubic levee in the city of Dubuque, county of Dubuque, state of Iowa, bounden and describeu us follows: Beginning at a point at the junction 01 the north tine of First street extension and the east line to the paved portion of the levee, ruining in a southerly direr ion along the east edge of the paled levee 250 feet; thence westerly 100 feet. thence north to the hurts line of k ir,t sheet extension; thence east to place ot Degwuiug. And sand Diamond Jo Line steamers is also Hereby suihorazed to erect within the limits above described, and during said period of twenty years to keep same in good condition; that the city should be held blameless from any expense or dam- ages iu suit fur damages arising by reason 01 the proposed strucluro occupying a part of public property; a warehouse, suitable for the reception and uccontinudation of tretgtt and passengers. See. 2. The foregoing permission :.inti authority is nereby granted to the said Diamond Jo Line steamers upon the 1o1- lowse:ing express conditions, and not other- First—Said company shall pay to said city of Dubuque as rent for said parcel of a JANUARY SESSION, 1892. land the sum of $5.00 per year, same to be in lieu ot all wharfage claims against said Diamond .lo Line steamers and to be pay- able on the first day 01 April in each year at the c,fllce of the city treasurer of said city. Second—That said company shall, within six months after the passage and pubhca- thou of this ordinance, erect a good and aim substantial warehouse on said parcel of laud, and shall nnuutaiu same in gond condition and repair during said term of twenty (20) years. Third—Saul warehouse shall be a neat, substantial frame building, not less than 30 feet wide and 150 Leet lung, and shall contain, in addition to sufficient space and arrangements for handling freight, a SUR - able place for the accommodation of pas- sengers. the approaches to said warehouse, both from land and wa.er side, shad at ane seh cure forthetpassage of persons es be kept iawl such vehicles as may be used for the delivery and trttister ot goods, wares and uteirli,tu- dise; or in the conveyance of passengers to and from said boats, and shalt not obstruct the passage of said vehicles between said warehouse and the river except in high water seasons. Filth—That said Diamond Jo line steam- ers shall within thir. y days from and atter the passage of this; ordinatice,wake and tile with the clerk of the city council of said city tit Dubuque, a written acceptance, executed in proper form by its duly au- thorized officers, of tne ordinance, and grant thereby conferred together with all the terms, huts;duels and conditions herein contained; and it saki 1)iamoud Jo Line steamers shall fail to tile such acceptance within said time, or having tiled such ac- ly withorconiturmthereafter to any of thefail conditionsior limitations to this ordinance, then the stone shall be and become null and void, and said city cuuncit may, upon notice .if thirty days, _ieclare and enforce a forfeiture of all rights and privileges hereby granted and re-enter and take possession. of sato parcel of land; and at ail events, the said Dia- mond Jo Line steamers shall vacate and surrender to the said city of Dubuque the said parcel of land, the use whereof Is here- by granted. Sixth—It is further understood and agreed that at the expiration of the time herein steamers tailin: edto rensaidew au Diamond Jo lease of said ground, or at any time its rightsaud privi- leges have been forfeited, may have the privilege of removing such improvements as it may have placed thereon, or the said city of Dubuque, at its option, inay have the privilege of purchasing the same frim said Diamond Jo Line stearers upon Ole payment of Its fair appraised value, each iparty f not able totg agree, tne o appraiser, a third. rand he two, Seventh --That no storage id hDall e charged or demanded by a ond .10 Line steamers on freight received for shipment or shipped to this city, van e shall have remained in the warehouse an unreasonable time after notice is giver to the person or persons to whom shipped; soul in that event such charges shall not exceed the rates charged by the keepers of other warehouses in this city: and other be ailowed to land at said ware- laats use byll paying a reasonable charge, and the council should have the regulation of said charge in case of disagreement. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force from and after its 26 passage, and publication in the official pa- per of the city. Adopted by the city council January 4th, 1892. Vetoed by the mayor January 12th, 1892. Passed over the mayor's veto by a two - third vote of the ty council of Dubuque, tow..lapuary h, 1892. .1. C. FITZPATRICK, cymi do -pity Recorder. 2.7141!)` I 26 REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1, 1892. CITY COTTNCIL. Regular Session, Feb. 1. 1892. [OFFICIAL.' Council met at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Mayor Saunders recommended that the engineer measure macadam broken by poor people and the treasurer instructed to pay 50 per cent to each and report to the council. Referred to the street commit- tee with power. The mayor also recommended that the finance committee be instructed to call to all outstanding 7 and 6 per cent warrants so as to save the city paying unnecessary interest. Adopted. On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were approved as printed. The following bills were allowed: Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber$ 2 31 E. E. Frith & Bro., hauling dead animals 4 00 '1 ELEGRAPM, blanks and stationery 89 75 Ledger, printing for Jan 29 15 Mr. and Sirs. Koenig, services as janitor 40 00 G. H. Moyer, freight 32 James Kelly, stationery 7 45 Thos. Hein, witness fee 60 Western Electric Co., electrical supplies 2 60 Herald, printing brief In case of Helen Lamed vs. city 40 00 Win. S. Molo, plumbing 1 00 Ferguson Bros., plumbing 1 40 E. Scholliao, one-half police over- coat 15 00 L. Lindenberg. brass spring 8 1 25 !larger & Bbstc, memoradum bool:s 3 60 H. J. Love, witness tees 6u Jas. Levi & Co., mat 1 60 .1. C. Longueville, expenses to Des Moines in case of Lamed vs. city 23 15 J. J. D1cCarthy, expenses to Des liloines in rase of Lnrned vs. city 23 15 James Howie, balance for moving patrol house 100 00 T. .l. Donahue, filling Dodge street sewer 33 25 C. Herzog, cutting wood 22 50 Jan es Lahey, 21 cords maple wood115 50 B. E. Linehan, white waste 1 80 E. M. Dickey Co., white waste 4 75 G. N. Raymond, globes and basket. 2 00 Novelty Iron Works, boring brass bushing 1 50 Thos. Grainfield, coal 1 2u Wm. ti. Watters, hay 143 84 E. B. Chandler, fire alarm box 125 00 Standard .Lumber Co., shavings2 25 Aid. Crawford arrived at 9:55 a in A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 8 75 Lear & Ptiffuer, horseshoeing 8 50 John Lagen, horseshoeing 14 50 Key City Gas Co., coke 10 25 Ald. 'l'rexler arrived at 10 a. m. Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness. Key City Gas Co., coke Novelty Iron Works, brass bushing. Ahrens Mfg. Co., glass oiler C. W. Robison, lumber C. W. Robinson, lumber 1. !till, repair for fire department C. C. Lembke, harness supplies A. 1(amioll, horseshoeing A. Y. ?deDonald Mfg Co., brass Vin. S. Molo, plumbing Burns & Donahue, oats W m. G. Wattecs. hay John O'Brien, work on sewer '1'. Butcher, `' " 11 50 17 11 7 50 2 50 1 95 30 1 45 2 55 400 3 98 75 31 77 52 54 43 75 43 75 Jordan & Jordan, fitting up pulley Geo. 1t. Clark, sewer door 85 'Phos. Ilentley, tin pipe 1 00 Ilardie & Scharle, blanks and sta- tionery 21 00 Eliwanger Bros., harness supplies10 81) .1..1. Rowan. muslin and quilts 29 87 Duggan & Kane, brown 50 The following bills were allowed: To the committee on supplies: .john F. O'Dea 818.00; Cabinet M ,kers' as:tociauon, $6.87. '1'o the committee on supplies: 'Tom. Connolly, $5.75; Isaac Proctor, 8198.25. '1'o the committee on police and light: Dubuque Electric lty. L. & P. Co., 8666.30, Key City Gas Co., 8125.11; Lear & Ptittner, 85; Globe Light anti lleat Co., 8540. To the committee of printing: Tunes, $29.20: Herald, 829.15: TELEGRAPH, 875. '1'o the committee on public grounds and buildings: Isaac Proctor, 8300, Joseph Geiger, 85.40. To the co ninia,tee on tire and water: Du- buque %Vatter Co., 810 and 81060, Consoli- dated Tank Line Co., 84.95; Iowa iron Works. 85.13, (1. It Grosvenor? 83.60. '1'o the stree committee: 1\ in, !toward, 8300. PET1T10N. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition and profile of change of grade on Lincoln avenue, between 1st avenue and the alley above lith avenue. Petition of T. J. Donahue for rebate on special assessment for improvement of south Dodge street. Petition of .1. A. Rhomberg et al., to have stone culvert ui the alley on 9th ave., between Rhomberg and Lineoln avenues, extended and connected with the brick sewer west of 7th avenue to Main's ad - (Mom. Petition for improvement of 9th avenue between !Blomberg and Lincoln avenues, and for the improvement of Lincoln avenue between 9th avenue and the river. Petition for improvement of Rhomberg avenue from t'., M. & St. 1'. R. R. track to the river. Petition of C. 11. Booth for the adoption 01 an ordinance giving hint a franchise to lay railroad tracks in Booth's addi•ion, the purpose being to encourage the expendi• tore necessary to reclaim property subject to overflow. Petition tor extension of brick sewer in the alley between Rhomberg ave., Line- han ave., to the north side of Adams ave., and that Fifth ave., be improved between lthotnberg ave., and the north side of Adams ave. Petition for extension of Waverly ave. through mineral lot 311 to connect with the county road at or near the northeast cornersec, 12 of Dubuque township. Petition for improvement of Ellis, Al- mond. Clark street, and Durgans alley. Petition for improvement of Burden ave. 'Ihe petition of City Attorney Sharon of Davenport in relation to bills to be sub- mitted to the legislature for enactment in regard sewers, referred to the committee on legislation. Petition of Henry Freres, A. ll. Ilem- melder and John Spies asking the council to purchase their macadam, referred to the street committee. Petition of John Fuhrinan for repair of Pine street between 24th and 251h streets. referred to the, street committse with power. Clain of Mrs. Mary Weiss for personal damages sustained by failing at corner 35 L REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1, 1892. 2. Brad and W. 3(1 streets, referred to the committee on claims. Protest of Dubuque Street Railway Co. against accepting award of Jury for open- ing of Elm street. Pet i ion for int provement of West 14th streat from A11a Vista street to Delhi street, referred to the committee of the whole and the engineer instructed to make an estimate of the amount of grading and report the same to the committee of the whole. Communication of C., SI. P. & K. C. Ry. Co. it siting that the Dubuque E. Ry. L. & 1'. Co. be compelled to raise their trolley wire 22 feet above the rail. Referred to the committee on electrical construction with power. Remonstrance of B. .1. O'Neil against levying of special assessment for tilling lots. Received and filed. Petition for sidewalk on North street granted. Petition of J. V. Rider and 13. W. Lacy for approval of building plans N. E. tur- ner Seventeenth and Clay streets. granted. Remonstrance of Ed. Leute against pay- ing special assessment on Leibnitz street. Received and tiled. Call ler a mayor's convention at Des Moines, Feb. d and 4th, 1892. Referred to the mayor w power. Claim of John Krt yer of $21.00 against C. V. Ila it mann, teferted to the commit- tee on harbors. Resignation of .lames O'Halloran as side- walk inspector. Adopted. 1'hc following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax contnttttee: Mrs. Anna Mod1, Mrs. l3ridget'l)llearh, J. C. Moore, t).... Lauttzky, Mrs. Anna L. Early, Mrs. A. Murphy. John Jennings, Anna Spahil, ellman, F. el- hof,Michael l3 Brown, Hoerner,k r, Chas. II. Baunihever, Henry Pfeffer, Mrs. J. G. Mathias and Mrs. C. Mahoney. The rules were suspended and Mr. 'rhos. Kenneally on behalf of the abutters on Cleveland ave objected to the levying of the special assessment for the improvement of said avenue. ItEPORTs OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kenety repined cash on hand Jan. 1, 1892, $24,565.36; r,ceipts for Jan— uary, $62,724.11; disbursements during January, $51,999.43; cash on nand Feb. 1, 1892, $42,290.01; amount required to pay city officers, $1.819.80; also reported the several amounts collected on special as- sessment and due contractors. Received and tiled and warrants or$1,525.60 due the Marshal Rice rep police for the month of January, 1892; also reported 41 police cases tried during Jan- uary; also reported $48.20 pound receipts and 42 patrol runs; also reported having collected $120 on short term saloons, $8.30 from Diamond Jo Co. for electrician's salary; also $25 from Duncan & Waller Opera House Co.; also $5 from runner for hotel Julien. Received tiled and war- rants ordered to pay police. Chief Reinfried reported $1,325 due the firemen for January. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Street Commissioner Ryan reported $191.50 due for street work for the month of January; also presented an itemized list of expenditures. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay saute. Market,nfster Gratz reported scale re- ceipts $37.10; also reported $10.84 doe fur board of prisoners. Received a b board f ed and warrants ordered to pay forof 11LMrs. Deckert reported scale receipts of Eagle Point scales $3.08. Received and filed. Chas. Pitchner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $4.64. Received and filed. Phos. Granfield reported scale receipts of First ward scales $19.80. Received and filed. Chas. Beiswenger rennrted scale receipts of Fifth ward scales $2.05. Received and filed. Meat Inspector Klein presented his re- port for the months of December and Jan- uary. Received and filed. IV m. Ceugnlin reported having lighted 53 gas lamps during January '92. Received and tiled. Report of Electrician Bunting for Jan- uary, referred to the comittee on electricial construction. Engineer Blake presented a profile of grade of Burden avenue, referred to the street committee. The following is the report of the jury on the opening of Elm street: DUBUQUE, Jan. 29, 1892. We, the jury duly appointed and quali- fied to assess the damages caused by the extension of Elm street bstween lthom- berg and Eagle Point avenues beg leave to submit the following report, according to accompanying plat suoinitted by the city engineer: St. John's Luthrran church $ 1 0 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 13. Dement E. J. Schilling .1, B. Millerlelle Conrad Fucns F. W. Altman, of subdivision John Raetz llenry Muller Geo. Ruoeck and Peter Scharf Dubuque Street Railway Co......$1,0 6 000 0 John Scharf estate N irk Giesler J. Perryon Frank Brede Anton Bauhlhover Total $2,020 00 We would further recommend that the city of Dubuque, where the curbing extends across Elm street that said city take up the same and lay the same on abutting property where parties paid for same bef.,re, 1'. F. Guthrie. foreman. Wm. Lawtlier. 'font Byrne. 11. yagehnaker. i antes Howie. John Moser. John Trexler, Sr. C. 11. Vath. M. M. Hoffmann. 1'. 11. E. somerfeld. 1'. 11. Halpin. Ald. Stoltz moved that the award be ac- cepted and tile money set apart in the city treasurers office and the attorney be in- structed to procure deeds and that( tahe r - street be declared a public highway' ried by the foilowmg vote: Ayes --Aids. Crawford, ouzhi n ,, , GlabGlab, Page Peaslee, Smith, ler. ofAthe whole made the follochairman of wing report. ee Your committee report in favor of awarding the contract lor aercrc hC1ectric lights 01 2,0110 candle power for a term of titre years to the United States Electric Light and Power Co. Aid. Glab moved that the report of the lot 11, Kniest's 1 00 1 00 1 00 John ltaesle.... 1 00 260 00 100 00 25 00 550 00 28 REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1, 1892. committee be adopted. Corned. The contract with the U. S. Electric Light Co., for 200 arc lights of 2,000 candle power for n term of three years was rend. Aid. Cushing moved to amend $tile con- tract by inserting that seventy of the lights be in operation within sixty days and that the bund be fixed at $25,000. The amendineut was lost by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Alda. tushing, Peaslee, and Stoltz. Noes—Alda. Crawford, Giab. Page, Smith and Trexler. The question being put on the adoption of the contract as read was carried by the tollowing vote: Ayes — A ithz. Crawford, Glab, Page, Smith and Trexler. Noes — Aids. Cushing, Peaslee, and Stoltz. Alit. Page moved to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council niet at 2:25 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and Trexler. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Aid. 'Trextei, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows: Your finance committee would tnost re- spectfully report thait it has negotiated the sale of Leibnitz suet improvement bonds to C. H. White & Co.. New York, for X per cent premium; would also recommend that warrants be drawn in favor of Adam Schmidt for$4,939.86. The above amount is in lull fur improving Leibnitz street as per contract. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee presented and read for the first time an orclimauce authorizing the Dubuque Street Railway Co. to const runt and operate and addition- al track on Clay street between 13th and 15th streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Peaslee, Stoltz and 'Trexler. No—Aid. Cushing. Ald. Crawford moved haat the rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glut), Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and Trexer. No—Ald. Cushing. '1'Ite ordinance was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and 'Trexler. No Ald. Cushing. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the commit- tee on claims, reported as follows: In favor of allowimz the bill of Charles Steuck of $140.31 fur filling 00 South Main street. also adowiug hill of Chas. Steuck of $235.62 for filling on South blain street, as per measurement of city engineer. Receive and file ball o[ Dr. J. F. McCar- thy of $15.00 for services rendered Police- man John Loecher. Report adopted. Ald. Club, chairman of the street com- mittee, reported as follows: Receive anti file wthiu bill of T. .l. Donahue of $73.80 for grading on Dodge stieet, as he has been paid in full accord- ing to contact. Abort' $400 on bill of T. J. Donahue for grading on account of construction of sewer on Dodge s reet as per contract. Receive and file claim of T. J. Donahue for sewer on Dodge and South Dodge streets of $29.80, as the sane has been paid. Page, Receive and file claim of '1'. J. Donahue of $118.91) for extra grading on South Dodge street as the council has allotted hi in tor said grading heretofore. Also reported in favor of allowing ma- cadam bills to tate amount of $1,1'37.53. In favor of allowing the following bills: N. 11. Faust, $3.50; k'ergusun 13ros., $3.6(1, $l.20 and $19.60. Ald. (.iiab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for improve- ment of Cleveland atenue ((;randvirtt street) from South Dodge street to V street, by Meehan & llasset. contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: John Fitzpatrick, lot 2 sub lots 76 and 77, Union add: 117.7 lineal feet curbing at. 42e A 49 43 53 33 sq yds guttering at 40e 21 33 213.33 sq yds macadamizing at 41,c85 33 Total $156 014 Mattie Greene, lot 1 sub lots 76 and 77, Union add: 60 lineal feet curb ng at 420 $ 25 2(1 26.67 sq yns guttering at 40c 10 fi7 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 67 'l'otai $ 78 54 Mattie Greene, lot 78, Union add: 60 lineal feet turbine at 42c $ 25 211 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at,40c42 67 Total.... $ 78 54 Peter Dawson, lot 79, Union add: 60 line I feet euibing at 42- $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 111 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total.... $ 78 Patrick Hayden, Int 80, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing tit 4"e $ 26 26.67 =q yds gin terua_ at 40e... . 10 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 54 20 67 67 Total.... $ 78 54 Wni. Byrne, lot 81, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 Wm. Byrne, lot 82, Union add: 79.51 ne.i1 ft curbing at 420 $ 33 39 45.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 17 33 160 sq yds macadamizing at 40e 64 00 Total $1u 72 Bridget Whittemore, lot 83, Union add: 81.5 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 34 23 44.20 sq yds guttering at 40e 17 69 160 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 64 00 'total $115 92 Jonathan Rickard, lot 81. Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c. $ 25 20 26 67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.66 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 Jonathan Richard, lot 85, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing itt 42c $ 25 20 26 67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 67 Total M. Maher, lot 86, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 78 54 REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1, 1892. 26.87 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 M. Maher, lot 87, Union add: 60 Lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 25 20 26.67 tiq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 Patrick Murray, lot 88, Union add.: 84 6 lineal feet curbing to 42c$ 35 53 45.33 sq yds guttering at 40e18 13 160 sq yds Inaea(l 1111 .Zing at 40e 64 00 Total $117 66 Owen Reynolds, lot 89, U cion acid.: 60 lineal feet curbing a: 42,.. $ 25 21 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40a 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamtzing at 40c42 67 Total .$ 78 54 Thos. Ryder, nw 4 lu 90, Union wad.: 30 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 12 60 13.33 sq yds guttering at 40e5 33 53.33 sq yds inaeadatnizing at 40e21 33 'Total $ 39 26 1'. Kenneaily, ue !.a lot lilt, Union add.: 30 lineal feet curbing al 42a $ 12 60 I3.33 sq yds guttering n.t 40c.... 5 33 53.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40e21 33 Total $ 39 26 T. Kenneaily, lot 91, Union add 60 lineal feet curbing at 49e $ 25 `20 26.67 sq yds entitling at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds to a•atlamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 '1'. Ken nealty, lot 92, Union add.: 84.6 lineal ft curbing itt 42e $ 85 5 45.33 sq yds guttering at 40e 160 sq yds -macadamizing at 40c 18 1 64 0 8117 6 3 3 0 'Total 6 Thos. Byrne. lot 93, Union add: 84.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 35 57 45.33 sq yds guttering at. 40c 18 13 160 sq yds macadamizing at 40e 64 00 Total $117 Thos. Byrne, lot 94, Union add: 60 lineal ft. curbing at 42e $ 25 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 70 20 67 67 Total $ 78 54 A. W. Kemler, lot 95. Union add: 60 lineal leet curbing at 42a $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 67 Total $ 78 54 A. W. Kemler, lot 96, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 67 'rota I $ 78 54 A. W. Kemler, lot 97, Union add: 60 lineal leet curbing at 42c. $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 67 Total $ 78 54 A. W. Kemler, lot 98. Union add: 83 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 34 86 44.89 sq yds guttering at 40e 17 96 160 sq yds macadamizing at 40c64 00 Total $1.16 82 11. F. Curran, n 125 feet, lot 99, Linton add: 83.3 lineal feet curbing at 42e $34 119 45.02 sq yds guttering at 40c........18 01 2,1 160 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.... 61 00 Total ..$117 0) R. F. Curran, w 5 feet. lot 100, Union add: 5 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 2 10 2.22 sq yds guttering at 40e 89 8.89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c3 55 Total •..$ 6 51 Jno. McEvoy, e 55 feet, lot 100, Union add: 55 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 23 10 24.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 9 77 97.78 sq yds macadamizing at 40e39 11 Total $ 7198 Ed. Conlon, lot 101. Union add: 80. lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 N Marlin, lot 102, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c4:: 67 Total $ 78 54 Nie. 1larlmn, lot. 103, Union add: 60. lineal feet c urbing at 42e $ 25 20 26 67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds tnacadatnizing at 40e42 68 Total $ 78 54 Nic Marlin, lot 104, Union add: 83 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 34 86 45.78 sq yds guttering sit 40e 18 31 163.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 65 42 Total $118 54 Dennis Ryan, W X lot 105, Union add: 140.75 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 59 11 71 44 sq yds guttering at 40e 28 58 264.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c105 78 Total $193 47 Eliza hall and Lizzie Reed, E 35 of lot 105. Union add: 138.55 lineal feet curbing at 42c....$ 58 19 69.71 sq yds guttering at 40c 27 88 261.42 sq yds macadamizing at 40c104 57 Total $190 64 lirrnard May, lot 106, Union add: 125.3 lineal feet curbing at 42.:$ 52 63 63.47 sq yds guttering at 40a 25 39 532.53sq yds macadamizing at40c93 01 Total $171 03 13. 1'. Duffy, lot 107, Union ad,l: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26 67 sq yds guttering at 40c.... 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 'total $ 78 54 11. F. Carey, lot 108, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 25 20 26 67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 Mrs. E. Loughren, lot 109, Union add: 601ineal Leet curbing at 42c $ 26 20 26.67 sq yds guttering a! 40e 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadatnizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 John Pic kup est, lot 110, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c 825 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 n7 106.67 sq yds macaditinizing at 40e42 67 Total $ 78 54 0.f no Pickup est, lot 111, Union add: 57 6 lineal feet cur.:fng at 42c $ 24 19 30 REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1, 1892. 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 67 Total $ 77 53 Phillip Pier, lot 11.2, Union and: 2625 28 .67 sq ydseet guttering acurbingat t 400 42$ 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 67 Total $ 78 62 Phillip Pier, w 20 ft lot 113, Union add: 20 lineal leet curbing at 42c $ 8 40 8.89 sq yds guttering at 40c 3 55 35.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c14 22 Total $ 26 17 Elmira Elliott and A. W. Hosford, lot 4, Harper's sub. 20 lineal feei guttering curbing at 40at 42c $ 8 40 3 55 8.89 .89sq yds g 36.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c14 22 _ 'total $ 26 17 Aluiira Elliott, lot 1, 1larper's sub: 65 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 27 30 28.89 sq yds guttering at 40c 11 55 115.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c46 22 Total $ 85 07 Thos. llassett, bit 2, llarper's sub: 94 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 39 48 43.56 sq yds guttering at 40c 7 42 198.89 sq yds macadamizing at 40e77 15 Total $134 (5 R. Bonsun est., lot 33, Union add: 16.67 sq) cls macadamizing ht 40c6 67 Total $ 6 67 P. J. Lee, lot 35, Union add: 35 lineal feet cutbing at 42c $ 14 70 17.16 sq yds guttering at 40e 6 b6 68.62 sq yds ntacauuiutzing at 40c27 45 Total $ 49 01 P..1. Lee, e 20 [1 lot 38, Union add: 20 lineal feet curbing at, 42e $ 8 40 8.89 so yds guttering at 40e 3 55 35.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c14 22 Total 8 26 17 James Ryder, w 40 It lot 38, Union add: 40 lineal feet curbing at 42e$ 16 80 17.78 sq yds guttering at 40e 7 11 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c28 44 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 John Pickup estate, 1ot43 Udion add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 22 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 67 '106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total 78 54 .Ino. Pier, lot 44, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42e $25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at40c 10 67 106.67 q yds macadamizing at 40e 42 67 Total $78 54 A. W. Kent ler, lot 45, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42e $25 '20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 til 106.67 sqyds macadamizing at 40e42 67 Total $ 52 35 James Ryder, east 10 leet lot 39 Union add: 10 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 420 4.44 sq yds guttering at 42e... 1 7s 17.78 sq yds macadamizing at ;40c7 11 Total $13 09 Barney Murphy, west 50 feet lot 39 Union add: 50 lineal feet curbing a2 44c $ 21 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 88 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c35 55 Total $ 65 43 W. 31, Monaghan, lot 40 Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 42e42 67 Total ...$ 78 54 31. Jlahony, lot 41 Union add: 60 lineal feel curbing at 42e $ 25 20 2667 sq yds guttering at 40c10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 4_e42 67 'lot al .$ 78 34 31. Mahony, lot 42 Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 Total 8 78 54 Wesley Ireland, lot 46, Union add.: 60 ineal feet curbing at 42e $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing 40c42 67 Total .8 78 54 Frank Battle, lot 47, Union add.: 60 lineal lee( curbing at42c 8 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40i 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing 40e 42 67 'total $ 78 54 Anna Enright, lot 48, Union add: 69.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 29 27 39 11 sq yds gut ter.ng at 40c 15 61 137.42 sq yds macadamizing 403 51 97 Total $ 99 88 Patrick Fox, est e X lot 49, Union add.: 83.9 lineal feet curbing at 42. $ 35 24 45.42 sq yds guttering at 40c 18 17 161.42 sq yds macadamizing at 40c64 57 Total 8117 98 W. A. Irwin. w % lot 49, Union add: 60.5 lineal feet curbing at 42i $25 41 26 89 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 76 107.56 sq yds macadamizing at. 40c42 02 Total 879 114 Wm. A. Irwin, e X lot 50, Union add: 53 lineal feet cubing at 42c• $ 22 tri 23.56 sq yds guttering at 40c 9 42 94 22 sq yds tnaeadautizing at 40c 37 69 Total .$ 69 37 Gen. 31. Robinson; w ) lot 50, Union add: 6.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c 32 21 72.98 sq yds guttering at 40c 17 19 15.11 sq 3 cls macadamizing at 40c60 44 Total ... 8109 84 John Dowling est, lot. 51, Union add: 84.4 lineal feet curbing at 42c ,$ 35 45 46.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 18 49 163.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c65 42 Total $119 36 lsadorelPlamondon, lot 52, Union add: 60 lineal Ieetcurbing at 42e $25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $78 54 Con Callahan, lot 53. Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c .$ 25 20 26 67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 Dennis Ryan. lot 54, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e4.2 67 REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1, 1892. 31 Total $ 78 54 Patrick O'Meara, lot 55. Union add: 801ineal feet curbing at 42r. $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e42 67 Total $ 78 54 Patrick 0' ylcitra, lot 56, Union add: 82.3 lineal feta curbing at 42c $ 34 57 44.58 sq yds guttering at 40c 17 83 160 sq;yds macadamizing at 40c64 00 Total $116 40 Sylvester 11 ickok, lot 57. Union add: 84 lineal feet gurbingat 42c $ 35 28 45.33 sq yds guttering at 40e 18 13 160 sq yds macadamizing at 40c64 00 Total $117 41 Sylvester II ickok, lot 58, Union adil: 60 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds ;uttering at 40e 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadatniziug at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 John i)egnan, lot 59, Union told: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 25 211 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total .$ 78 54 John Degnan, lot 60, Union add: 60 lineal feet enroiur at, 42e $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 10 67 100.67 sq yds unteada tnizing at 40e42 67 lbtal $ 2G 06 Pat. Hayden, lot 4 hush's sub, east part of mineral lot 63 and lot 68 Union add: '50litieal Ieetembing at 42c$ 21 00 22.22 sq yds stuttering at 40e 8 89 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 40e.. 35 55 Total $ 78 54 Patrick Vaughn. lot 61, Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.64 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 Thomas Boyce, lot 62. Union add: 83.3 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 34 99 45.02 sq yds guttering at 40c 18 01 160 sq yds macadamizing at 40e 64 00 'I'otal $117 00 Sarah ltyan, lot 63, Union add: 83.3 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 34 99 45.02 sq yds guttering at 40c 18 01 160 sq yds macadamizing at 40c64 00 Total $117 00 Fruen Frank, lot 64, Unioo add: 60 lineal tt curbing at 42e $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40e. 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $65 44 Pat. Ilayilen► lot 3 Bush's sub of east part of mineral lot 63 and lot 68 Union addition: 0 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 21 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40e 8 89 88 89 asq yds macadamizing at 40e35 15 'Total $ 78 54 Cath. Ryder, tilt 65, Union add: 60 lineal It curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26.67 sq yds guttering at. 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadaunizing at 40c42 67 Tot ai $ 78 61 Michael O'Meara, lot 66 Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 2t► 26.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 07 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 42 67 Total $65 44 .John A. Kennedy, hot 2 Bush's sub east. part of mineral lot 63 and lot 68 Union addition: 50 lineal feet curbing at 42 21 00 22 22 square yards guttering at 40c8 89 88.8:3 sq yards macadamizing at 40c. 35 55 Total $65 44 Sarah Farrell, lot 1, Bush's sub of e part of min lot 63 and lot 68. Union add: 70 tinea) feet curbing at 42c $ 29 40 35.78 sq yds guttering at. 40e 14 31 125.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c50 13 Total $ 78 54 James Saul, Jr., lot 67 Union add: 70 5 lineal feet curbing at 42c 29 61 31.56 so yds guttering at 40c 12 62 126.22 sq yds macadamizing at 40c50 49 Total $ 92 72 .Mary McManus, lot 1 of 5 of Bush's sun of east part mineral lot 63 and lot 68 Union add: 19.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 8 2277 8.89 sq yds guttering at 40e.. 35.55 sq yds macadiunizing 40c 14 22 Total $ 93 84 ,Joseph Creswell, e 120 ft lot 69, Union add: 139.8 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 58 7.2 67.13 sq yds guttering at 40c 26 85 252.80 sq yds macadamizing at 40c101 12 Total $186 69 Miiu•iceT. 0' Hearn, w 117 it lot 69, Union add: 117 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 49 14 52 sq yds guttering at 40c 20 80 208 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 83 20 Total °t153 14 Jonathan Ilonpes, lot 2, sub lots 70 and 71, Union add: 143.7 lineal feet curbing at42c $ 60 35 63.87 sq yds guttering at 40e 25 55 225.47 sq yds macadamizing at 40c102 19 Total $188 09 1V m. and Dora Rawson, lot 1, sub lots 70 and 71, Union ado: 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20 26 67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c42 67 Total $ 78 54 Peter Karney, lot 75. Union add: 169 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 70 98 75.11 sq yds guttering at 40c 314.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.. 125 87 'l'otal $226 89 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and Stoltz, Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the City Councilof the City of Dubuque, That to pay for sidewalk on Washington street between 22nd and 23rd streets, by city of Dubuque contactor, 10 front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several and parcels and parts of hereots i of realeste nal er named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Thos. Zint:, n 25 ft lot 44 and s 15 ft 45, E. Langworthy's add: It J 18 ohn l rzeu,r lot ewalk 46 $1 46 and u 35 ft 45, E. Langworthy's add: 1 32 REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1, 1892. Repairing plank sidewalk $1 18 Adopted by tha following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee. Smith and Stoltz. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing sidewalk by M. C. Mahon, contractor, in front of adjoining the same, a special tax be and is is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of Tots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nvmed, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: S. M. Langworthy, east part of lot 6 of mineral lot 1'3. 8 lineal feet of plank'sidewalk at 18c.$ 1 44 S. M. Langworthy, lots 31 and 32, S. M. Langworthy's add: 154 lineal feet of plank sidewalk at 18e $27 72 J. S. Stephens, lot 33. S. M. Langworthy's add: 50 lineal feet of plank sidewalk at 18e $ 900 Mary Walsh, tot 3, S. .M. Langworthy's sub. west part of lot 6 of mineral lot 73: 50 lineal feet of plank sidewalk at U18c $900 .1. S. Stephens, lots 1 and 2, S. M. Lang - worthy's sub of lot 6 of mineral lot 73: 90 lineal feet of plank sidewalk at 18c $16 20 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. A Id. Page offered the following: Resolved,Iiy the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the construc- tion of an eight inch tale pipe sewer in al- ley between 8 h and 10th and Jackson and Washington streets, by Lavin & l'orrauce, contractors, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as follows: Carr, Ryder & Engler, Co., city lot 394, 5,120 sq it, price, 48c, total, 824.58. Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., city lot 395, 5,120 sq ft 48e, 824.58. Carr, Ryder & Engler Cu., city lot 396, 5,120 sq ft, 48c, 824.58 Carr, nyder & Engler Co., city lot 397, 5,120 sq ft, 48c, 824.58. Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., city lot 398, 5,120 sq ft, 48e, 824.58. Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., city lot 420, 5,120 sq ft, 48c. $24.58. Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., city tot 421, 5,120 sq ft, 48', 824.58. Carr, Ryder & En .ler Co., city lot 422, 5,120 q 11, 48c, 824.58. Carr, Ryder & Engler Co:, city lot 423, 5,120 sq fr,48c, $24.58. Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., city lot 424, 5,120 sq ft, 48c, $24.58. Jac. Burnett, city lot, 399. 5,120 sq ft, 48c, $24.58. Jae. Burnett, n34city lot 400, 2,560 sq ft, 48e, $12.29. Wieueeke & flohenadel s34 city lot 400, 2,560 sq ft, 48c, 812.29. W ienecke & Ilolienadel, city lot 401, 5,120 sq ft, 48e. $24.58. C. E. Kleis, city lot 402, 5,120 sq fl, 48c, $24.58. (Farley, Lne•seher, Mfg. Co., city lot 403, 5,126 sq ft, 48e, $24.58. H. L. Stout, city lot 415, 5,120 sq ft, 48e, $24.58. 11. I.. Stout, city lot 416, 5,120 sq fr, 48e, $24.58. Schreiber, Conchar, Westphal & Co., city lot 417, 5,120 sq ft, 48c, $24.58. Schreiber, Conchar. West llhal & Co., city lot 418, 5,120 sq ft, 48 •, 824 58. Schreiber, Conchar, Westphal & Co., city lot 419, 5,120 sq tt, 48e, $24 58. Adopted by the tollowmgvote: Ayes - Aids. Crawford Cushing, Glab, Pulte, Peaslee, South and Stoltz. Noes -None. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Couueil of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for tilling cer- tain lots ordered by die city council of Dubuque in conformity with chapter 29, revised city ordinances of the city, by Thos. Byrne, contractor, a special tax ie and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter earned, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as lollows: Geo. 1V. Junes, city lot 546, 741 cu yds, price 29%e, amount 8220.45. 13. J. O'Neill, city lot 545, 793 cu yds, 29%e, 8235.92. .john isurton est, s 34 city lot 514, 402 cu Yds, 29%0, $137.45. Mrs. U. A. Samuels, 11 X city lot 544, 462 en yds, 29%c $134.47. Le Coiir & Lamle, s 34 city lot 543,422 cu yds. 29%,e, 8125.55. C. E. told W. F. McKinley, n 34 city lot. 543, 412 eu yds, 29%e. 8122.57. S. M. Langworthy est, s 34 city lot 562, 401 eu yds, 29%e, 8119 30. John Burton est, ti 34 city lot 542, 392 cu yds, 29%r•, $116.62. Anis M. 13usri, s 36 ft city lot 541, 241 cu yds, 29%e, 871.70. City of Dubuque, in Harrison street, 389. City of Dubunue in West Main street, 114 503 cu yds, 29%,e,$149.65. Adopted by tete following vote: Aves-Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glatt, Page,Peas'ee, Smith, Stoltz and 'l'rexter. The auditor was instructed to collect $15,60 from Con Ryan for gravel furnished, and collect $41.05 from Carr, Ryder & Engler for macadam. Ald. Smith arrived at 2:45 o'clock p. m. ALL(•ushing, chairman of the committee on supplies reported in favor of paying the following bills: J. F. O'Dea, 818; I larger & Bllsh, .$1.60; John E. Ilartig, $5.70. Report adopter(. Ald. Glab, chairman of the committee on market reported in favor of receiving and filing report of market master for Decem- ber. Report adopted. Ald. 'l.'rexler moved that the contract for tilling South Main street, be cancelled. Carried. On motion that part of the audtto.s re- port relative to the salary of sidewalk in- spector was reconsidered and a warrant for $32 ordered drawn in favor of the side- walk inspector, and the auditor ,instructed to smite ttie sidewalk; inspector name off the pay roll. The matter of fixing city scales so that live stock can be weighed, referre i to the market committee. Switz, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings. reported in favor of paying the following bills: Dubuque Water Works, $4.15 and 820 and John Murphy 83.50. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing committee, reported in favor of allowing the following bills: 'I'f:LiQIt pit, 881.20; I tures, 829.15; Herald, $29 15, and Ledger $29.15. Report adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee nn tire and water, reported as follows: In favor of allowing the following bills: G. B. Grosvenor $3.60, Dubuque Brass & REGULAR SESSION, I'I` U A IIY 1, 1.892. 33 Metal Co. $4 40, and Dubuque Water Mrs. Annie McAllister on moneys and Works $1,059.15. Report adopted. c•rceds. Also offered the following report which yiary F. Seoard on IN 30 ft lot li of sub wits adopted and ordered made a matter of out lot 703. record: \Irs. Maria 1,. Bennett on lot 10,0'Ilare's To the honorable Mayor and City Coun- s'ti „ngreeatiunal church on s 1-5 of s'L-5 ell: (Ji:NT1,1 MEN—Tour committee to whom city lot 478. was referred the matter of finding out what Bernard Beekeon moneys :out credits. action the Dubuque Water company is Mrs. Kate pennon on part city Int 556. tatting to ('iltill the orders of the council Mrs. ,John McMahon on lot 5 sub out lot report find that said company is melting Catherine Schueller on n 2-5 lots 3 and 4. preparations to erect a pumping station at Stafford's add. Mts. Chetham on east n 50 ft Int 38. Engle Point to pump water from the sissnppi river. Wilson's sub. The company has also contracted for the Elizabeth Tuegel on lot 47, L. ll. Lang - erection of a steel reservoir near the Fin- worthy's add. ley hospital, to be thirty feet in diameter Joseph Auchter on $1,000on moneys and and 70 feet high with capacity to supply credits. the city and its inhabitants above the Mrs. J. Hintz on lot 23 and X 22, E. bluffs all the water that is or may be re- Langworthy's odd. quired. It also intends 10 furnish soli Mrs. John Boesveld. water to manufactures, which will be a Mrs. John Shea on lot 14, Bush's sub. great benefit to th n,, 1'. Colton! on lot 33, sub min lot 39. We are also informed that the company Rosa Cadman on the e % lot 33, Cox's has contracted for enough pipe to lay the add. extension.: ordered by the council; anti John McEvoy on $1,000 on personalty. would recommend that no harsh measures Adverse to the petitions of Cather.oe be resorted to until a reasonable time is Giessler and Susan Crotty for reduction of passed to allow the company to filt above stalest Reduce assessment of John A. Kennedyorders. Respectfully submitted, on lot 2, flush's sub, to $830. Chairman, (''RANI{ J. STOI TZ, Reduce assessment of Adam Kaeshauer Eow. 1'. 1'EAs1,EE, 011 lot 13, 14 and 15, Marsh's add, to $900. 1)1•:NN s>irrit, Grant Mrs. Lydia Collins one year time A Id. Peaslee, of the committee on police at 6 per cent. in which to pay her:special and light. reported in favor of allowing tax for the improvement of Cardiff street the following bills; Dubuque Electric Ity and that she be allowed to pay in monthly Light and power Co. of $665.30, Key City ins aliments of $6 each month. one-half Gas Co. $118.06, and Globe Light and heat Allow Cath. Morrisey to pay Co. of $540. Report adopted. her taxes as payment in full for '91. All. Trustee. chairman of the committee Reduce assessment of Elenora Kabat 00 on eleelrit•a1 construction, reported in fit- n. m. 1-5 of city lot 454 to $3,000 for vor ut rcci•ivin_• and li!io:: bill of Geo. Cut- 1891. ter of $1._n, as the goods were ordered by Reduce assessment of John Bulow, the elcc.rolan for himself. Report. adopted. .Jr., on lots 42 and 62, E. Langworthy's Chief ltciniried recommended that the and., to $750. yt city purchase a first class aerial turn -table Allow Mrs. Hatton O'Connor to pay hook and ladder truck. Recommendations one-half her taxes as payment ti lull for adopted and referred to the committee on 1891. tire and water. Allow Mrs. B. Mahout' to pay one -hall' API.l'age, chairman of the committee on her taxes as payment in full ons. % lot 111, sewers reported as follows: East Dubuque add. Allow M. Lavin 59 cents per foot, con- Reduce assessment of Chas. i reutz on tract price for relayieg 165 feet[ot sewer in lot 367 to $900 for 1891. alley between 17th and 18th streets, total Reduce assessment of Johanna Giese on $97 35. lois 228 anti 229, Finley's add., to $750. Alle.w bill of John C. O'Neill 50c. Reduce assessment of Paul Frisch 4 in o Grant. petition for sewer in alley between s. ' lot 39 and n. 54 feet of e. 101h and 11th and .Jackson and \Vashiu, - L. 11. Langworthy's add., to $8,800. ton streets and engineer instructed to pre- Reduce assessment of T. F. Buse on pare i plans and specifications tor said lots 38 and 39, Cock's add., to $2,600. sewer, the work to be done at the expense Grant 'Thomas Mulqueeoy an exten- adjacent property. snot of six months' time at 6per cei'. per Grant petition for sanitary sewer on annum to pay for sewer ni Dorgan .' al- norih side of 17th street from east side of ley'. >Iain street to Clay stIeet and thence to Reduce assessment of Wm. Hopkins on and Clay street and the city engineer lot 16, McNulty's ub., and sub. 13, Mc- iestructed to prepare plans and sepecifica- N Ilyi's s . 2, 10 4,500.1 G ( Moser on buns for said sewer. Allow hill Dubuque Water Co. of lotReduce ast assessmen t add., worthy, ,172.50Allow for water for tlusit tanks.9 Ilow bill of John Butt oY $9. b0 for re- °tn13 a, of Re Reduce assessmand ent of Lor miel0,0i 0 use pairinglu done on scrapers. }teiund to Mrs. 13. hall and Wm. Cor- hotel Cu., on lot 5 of sub out lot 652, to coran the money paid erroneously for $355,,000rfor 189s. Mary Driscoll to pay one sewer on South Locust street. Refer the bill of M. Lavin of $16.50 to half her taxes as payment in lull on lot the mayor and attorney. Report adopted. 186 East. Dubuque add. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the assess Ental Ruh of $5,000 on personalty. ltcduee assnln meutuu % lots 542. 549 meat ctee, reported as follows: and 550 to $200 each; lots 2 and 3 of min lot - Cancel the he taxes 0f the following: 150 10 $650 the same being assessed to the John Burton, est. Catherine Renter on lot 351 Davis' Farm2 of educe lit $9,000 and lot sub min lot t95,ctot 472 w 39 ft to $100, assessedacid. REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARi' 18'1', 1892 to Jos. Herod. Reduce has 780 and 781, A. McDainel's sub to $7,000 assessed to Nary Wallis. Reduce assessment of J. A. Rbomberg as follows for 1891. Reduce hots 2, 3, 4. 5, 6 and 7 block 3, Dubuque lfarbor improvement Co. add, to $2,400; also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, block 4 in same addition, to $200 each. Reduce lots 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, L3, 124, 126. 126, 127, 128, 131 and 182 to 146 inclusive, and lois 164, 165, 199 and 200, Ham's add, to $176 each. Reduce lot 1 mineral lot 308 and lot 1 of mineral lot 305a to $6,000. Re- port adopted. Ald. Peaslee, charman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: La favor of referring the claim of Con Ryan for rolling Grandview avenue to the street committee, and said Ryan to furnish said committee an itemized statement of his cost in roiling said street. I{eceive and tile petition of Smedley Manufacturing Co. for cancellation of taxes for ten years no their manufactory and machinery. In fa- vor of granting petition of Dubuque street railway company for double track on Clay street between 155th and 13th streets anti the ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordinance granting a bove riehts to said company. Instruct the engineer to prepare a plat showing the alley asked to be vacated by John Morrison, and the names of the abut- ting property owners and that proper no- tice be given the persons interested. Receive and file communication of the mayor of Savannah, Ga., in relation to dredging harbor in said city. Receive and tile petition of Katharine Giessler against the extension of Elm street through her property on account of jury having already been ordered on said street. Receive and file petition of Noah 11: Faust in relation to tilling lots in Davis Farm add. In favor of adopting the following reso- lution: Whereas, Thecity of Dubuque is in need of more and better water for fire and other purposes on account of the continued growth of said city; and, Whereas, The Dubuque Water company, in , ccordance with sect ion six of their ord- inance, are required, to furnish water from the main channel 01 the Alississippt river, in the event that the "level" would not furnish a sufficient amount of water to the city and inhabitants thereof; and, Whereas. said Dubuque Water company fail to furnish a sufficient amount of water from the level; therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuqne Water company be and are hereby in- structed and required to construct or cause to be constructed at some point above Seventh street, such pumping station or stations as may be necessary to supply the city of Dubuque and inhabitants thereof, as they may demand, with good and wholesome water frons the main channel of the Mississippi river. Resolved, further, That for the purpose of protecting the city of Dubuque and the inhabitants thereof from fire, that the city of Dubuque be divided i io districts as fol - anti the Dubuque Water company be instructed to lay its main and construct its reservoirs as t►ereinafter located and de- scribed, the intention of the city of Du- buque being lo afford proper fire protec- tion to its inhabitants throughout the city where applicable. District No. 1 shall be that part of the city east of the Chicago, St. Paul & Kan- sas City company's railway tracks, north of Fifteenth street and east of North Elm street, the reservoir or tank to be at or near as possible the highest point on the bluffs north of Lincoln avenue, 1-lam's ad- dition. District No. 2 shall be all that part of the city west of North Elm street and north of Eagle Point avenue to the city limits, Witt. reservoir or tank located on the highest point of Park hill. District No. 3 snail be that part of the city south of Eagle Point avenue, west of Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City railway tracks, north of Fifteenth street and east of Bluff street and west and north of Seventeenth street, with reservoir or tank at or near Mt. St. Joseph's academy. District No. 4 shall be all that part of the city south of Seventeenth street, north of Eighteenth street and west of main chan- nel of Mississippi river, with tank or res- ervoir at or near the Summit house on Julien avenue. District No. 5 shall be all that part of the city south of Eighth street and north of Third street, with tank or reservoir near Fenelon Place. District No. 6 shall be all that part of the city south of Third street and north of the old corporation line on South Locust street, between the outer levee and east of Bluff street, with reservoir on West hill. District No. 7 shall be all that part of the city south of the old corporation line and west 01 Bluff street, now included in districts Nos. 5 and 6, with reservoir on the highest point on Summer Hill. Be it further. Resolved, That the committee on fire and water shall locate the necessary fire hydrants as required by ordinance. And be it further. Resolved, That the above requirements be complied with as soon as possible by the Dubuque Water company, and in the event of a failure of said company to com- ply with any or all of the above require- ments, then a resolution on the part of the city of Dubuque forfeiting all rights of said Dubuque Water coutp:iny in the city shall be pasted and adopted. The report was adopted. Also reported in favor of allowing John Tibey, $145.55, being one-half the amount of the cost of rolling South Dodge street this amount being alniwetl on account of delaying said J. Tibey in fulfilling his con- tract. Aid. Glab moved that John Tibey be al- lowed the full amount of the cost 01 rolling South Dodge street. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Alda. Page and Trexler. Also reported in favor of giving the con- tract for revising the city ordinances to P. N'. Guthrie for $180, said revision to be done under the supervision of the ordi- nance committee and to their satifaciion before being accepted by the city council. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee moved that the recorder be instructed to deliver the necessary books to Mr. Guthrie for the revision of the ordi- nances. Carried. 'treasurer Donner reported $1,437.93 duo him for money advanced during the month of January for interest. refunded tax, oats ete. Received and filed and war- rants ordered to pay the same. Communication of the Key City Gas Co. asking the city to pay one half lamp light- ers salary. Referred to the committee of BEGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1sT, 1892. 3a the whole. !'he following communication accom- panied by a check for $1,000 was received and the check ordered turned over to the city treasurer. Dunectu I . Ia., Feb. 1st, 1892. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: GEN'rL1:MEN.—Euclused please find my check on the Continental National bank of St. Louis for one thousand dollars ($1,000) Payable to the city treasurer of the city of Dubuque, and put up as a bond for the faithful fulfillment of our electric light contract with the city. Yours respectfully, BART E. LINEMAN. City Attorney McCarthy reported hav- ing procurea a deer) from John and Mar- garet McCoy for the extension of \VMona avenue. Ordered recorded. Communication of P. W. Crawford pro- testing against. paying special assessment on lots 1 and 2 of lot 2 of sub of out lot 673 reterred to the attorney and engineer. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the recorder be instructed to advertise for proposals for the grading of a roadway thirty (30) feet in width on Pierce street, from West Locust street to West Seventeenth street; that the city en- gineer be instructed to prepare and the with the recorder the necessary plans and specifications, the improvement 10 be com- pleted by July 1st, 1892, and to be in ac- cordance with the grade recommended by the city engineer. The bids to be made in a gross sum for the grading. Ald. Crawford offeied the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer he in- structed to prepare and submit to the council an estimate of the amount of grading required to grade West 17th street to Cox street, and the probable cost of such improvement. Ald. Crawlord offered the following re- solution which was adopted: N'herea+, It is the opinion of a portion, if not all of the owners of real estate on Onion avenue, that a straight and uniform slope on said street would be better for abutters, and the public general, than the grade as now established. Therelore, Resolved, 'That the city engineer be in- structed to make a re -survey of said ave- nue, and prepare and report a plan for a change the present grade with profile showing a uniform grading from %Vest Locust street to Alta v ista street. Also, That he report an approximate es- timate of the amount of grading that would be required to bring said avenue to the proposed grade, and the kind of mater- ial that would have to be movers; and also whether any surplus of material on said avenue will not be needed for the filling of Maple street, which has been ordered im- proved. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, '1'liat the city engineer be in - 1111 ucted to prepare a plat and profile show- ing the change of grade of the north por- tion of the alley next east of Center Place rendered necessary in order to contorm to the recent change in the grade of Rose street. Also that he procure the written consent of the abutting holders, to said change, endorsed on such plat. Ald. Crawford offerers the following which was adopted: Resolved, that a gasoline lamp he placed on the alley north of Julien avenue in front of the African Methodist church. Ald. 'Trexler offered the following which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved, that an order for $310 be drawn ue favor of Lawrence Gonner, treasurer. beiu;; the amount agreed upon by the council, May 4, 1891. to be paid to pay him fur clerk hire. Ald. 'llexler offered the following which was referred to the committee of the whole: ltesolved, that the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City 1t. 1t. Co. he instructed to con- struct and widen the bridge and approach- es over the Peru road, the same to be 04 feet wide. Ald. 'Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resoived, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to measure the grading done on streets in Woodlawn park and report at the next session of the coun- cil. Ald. Trexler offered the following which Wits adopted: Resolved, that warrants for $2 each be drawn in favor of the jurors for opening of Elm street. Ald. 'Trexler offered the following; Resolved oy the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plants, brick, stone or cement., be, within 5 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conforinity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Clay street, between 17th street and 18th street, abutting s 1-5 of city ot440, and s. 131t. of the s. in. 1-5 of city lot 44U. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—AL.Is. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, t'y the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be and is hereoy instructed to cancel any special assessment that is or may be levied against any city property for any purpose, and the auditor instructed to the sante ef- fect. Alt!. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to prepare profiles of grades of Lennon and Eagle streets in Cooley and tlealey's'sub from actual survey, and sub- mit the same to the city council. Ald. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. That the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to construct a wooden block crossing on the north side of 8th and Clay streets. Ald. With offered the following .which was adopted: Whereas, The city treasurer, at a tax sale of unpaid special taxes, held Decem- ber 15th, .1891, according to law; and, Whereas, Said treasurer did offer for sale a piece of property abutting on a private alley in Marrs add for the im- prov ement of Delhi street, by Con. Ryan, and, Whereas, Said treasurer was unable to sell said piece of property; f'herefore, Resolved. That an order for $26.04 be drawn in favor of Con. Ryan, and that said amount with all interest d that costs be a -len on said property, the matter of the collection of said special tax be referred Glab offered the following Ald. 36 REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1, 1892. Be it resolved by the City Counril of the City of Dubuque, That the following special assesments becancelled, viz: J. A. Rhomberg, lot 208, Ham's add: 275 lineal feet curbing at 44c $129 80 13211 ydsuttering at 41c acada macadamizing at 40c17 432.114 12 ' sq yds2 84 Total $356 76 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 325, ham's add: 83.2 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 36 61 331.7984 ssq 3294ssq ydsgmaeaaamaizt ing1c 15 49 at 40c52 78 Total 8104 88 .And in lieu thereof be 1t Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Rhomberg ave- nue from Reed avenue to C., M. & St. P. R'y by Chas. Steuck, contractor. in front of and adjoining the sante, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several Tots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the severs amounts set opposite each lot or parcel o real estate. as follows: C., M. & St. P. R'y, e pt lot 325 Ham's add: 33.2 lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 14 61 15.56 sq yds guttering at 41c6 38 62.50 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 25 00 city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk ;4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of north street, between Grandview ave. and west line of lot 9 in Quigley's add. Adopted by the following vote. Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and'1'rexler. Noes—Alds. Cushing. AId. Stoltz moved to allow Wm. How and $200 on bill for cinders on Grandview avenue. Carried. The matter of filling hole between 2d and 3d street east of the C., 11. & N. R. R. depot referred to the committee of the who's. Communication of R. W. Stewart de- clining to accept salary allowed hint for services as mayor received and filed. Id. Smitoved to adjourn. Carried. tte4t: // J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. Total ...$ 45 99 J. A. Rhomberg, w pt lot 325, ham's aud: 50 Lineal feet curbing at 44c $ 22 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 41e 9 11 69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 46e's7 78 Total $ 58 89 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 208, Ham's add: 295 lineal feet curbing at 44c .8129 80 132 sq yds guttering at 41c 54 12 265.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c106 26 Total $290 18 Dubuque Street Ry. Co: 166.44 sq yds macadamizing at $ 66 58 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Alcl. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the offices of city sewer and meat inspectors be abolished, and the auditor instructed to strike the names of the present incumbents from the pay roll of the city officers from date. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alas. Cushing and Smith. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and '1'rexler. Ald. Smith offered the following which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved. that the C., St. P. and K. C. R. R. Co. be instructed to construct a durable fence 8 feet high on both sides of the bridge over their tracks on Peru toad, as at present the said bridge is dangerous to the traveling public. Ald. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted: • Resolved, that the alderman of each ward .e authorized to name the location of additional lights not already located and report to the chairman of the committee goo electrical construction, who is author- ized to furnish the U. S. E. L. and P. Co. with a copy and an order locating lights embraced by their contract; be it further resolved, that 70 lights not embodied in the Allen & Swiney contract for 3 years be lo- cated where they uow are. Ani. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, Jiy the City Council of the FEBRUARY SESSION, 1892. 3. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the lst clay of February, 1892, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: To the Construction of a Sewer in the Alley From 8th to 10th Streets, be- tween Washington and Jackson Streets. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Carr, Ryder & Engler Co. do do do do do do do do do Jac. Burnett do do do n3400 Wienecke & Hoh nadei, citysN 400 Wienecke & llohenadel, city401 C. E. Klein, city 402 Farley, Loetscher Mfg Co, city 403 11 L Stout, city 415 do do 416 Schreiber, Conchar, Westphal Co., city 417 Schreiber, Conchar, \Vc,tphal Company, city 418 Schreiber, Conchar, \Vestlilutl Company, cite 419 24 58 For Laying and Repairing Sidewalks Abut- ting Property as billows: Name. Description. Lot. 5 M Langworthy est, sub min lot 73 part 6 S M Langworthy, 5 M Lang - worthy's add..31 and 32 J S Stevens, 5 M Lang worthy's add 33 Mary 1Va1sh, sub min lot 73 sub w pt 6 3 J S Stephens, sub min lot 73, sub w pt 6 182 Thos Zinn, E Latigworthy's add, n 25 ft 44 Thos. Zinn, E Langworthy'S add. s 15 ft 45 John 31orzen, E hangwor- thy's add n 35 ft 45 John 31orzen, E Langwor- thy's add 46 For Filling Certain Lots Ordered by City Council of Dubuque in Conformity with Cal.ter 29, Revised City Ordinance. Name. Description. Lot. Ain't. (deo. W Jones city 546 $220 45 B .1 O'Neill do 545 235 92 John Burton est, do sX 544 137 45 Mrs 0 A Samuels, do iil/.a 544 131 47 Let;laire & Lands, do sit 443 122 57 C E and W F McKinley, n% 543 125 55 S ..t Langworthy est, city 834 542 119 542 116 30 .John Burton est, city u 62 Anna ill Bush, du s 36 ft 541 71 70 City of Dubuque, Harrison and West Main street.... 149 65 And that in case of failure to pay the same within thirty days from this date, the sante shall become delinquent and bear in- terest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque, this llth day of Febru- ary, A. D., 1892. LAWRENCE GONNEtt, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. city do do do do do do do do do .. 394 $'t24 58 .. 395 24 58 .. 396 24 58 .. 397 24 58 .. 398 24 58 .. 420 24 58 .. 421 24 58 .. 422 24 58 423 24 68 .. .24 24 58 .. 399 24 58 12 29 12 29 24 68 24 58 24 58 24 58 24 58 24 58 24 58 Ar't. NOTICE. Puulic notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 1st day of February, 1892, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and in case the owners of the property so desire they can pay the assess- ment in seven annual equal installments, the first installment being due on date of levy, and the last inslallmeut six years from date of,levy, all bearing interest at the rate of 6.Rer cent. per annum. Par- ties wishing to pay all at once as hereto- fore can do so. In case of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from date of levy the property will be advertised and sold. LAWRENCE GONNEIt, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. Dubuque luwa, Feb. 11, 1892. $ 144 27 72 9 00 9 00 16 20 1 18 1 18 For Improvement of Rhomberg Avenue from heed Avenue to C., M. & St. P. Ity. Description Name. of Property. Lot. Ain't. C., M. & St. I'. 14y., Ham's add., e. part 325 $45 99 J. A. Rhonluerg, Ham's add, W. part 325 58 84 J. A. Rhomberg,llauI'S add208 29018 Dubuque Street Railway Co, 66 58 right of way For Improvement of Cleveland Avenue from South Dodge to Villa Streets. Description Name. . of Properly. Lot. Am't. John Fitzpatrick, sub. 76 and 77, Uuion add 2 $156 09 Mattie Greene, sub. 76 and 77, Union add 1 Mattie Greene, Union add78 Peter Dawson, do 79 Patrick Hayden, do 80 W ui. Byrne, d do Bridget Whittemore, du 83 Jonathan Rickard, do 85 do do do M. Maher, do Patrick Murray, Owen Reynolds, do 'Phos. Ryder, do nw3. T. lien neally, 90 91 do ao Thomas Byrne, 94 do A. W. Kemler, do du do R. F. Curran, do John McEvoy, Ed Conlon, Nic .Marlin, du do du Dennis Ryan, do w/.. 105 Eliza Hall and Lizzie heed, Union add., e. Bernard Nay, Union do add105 107 107 B. P. Duffy, I 78 54 78 54 78 54 78 54 81 78 54 82 114 72 115 92 78 54 84 78 54 86 78 54 do .. 87 117 17 do .. 88 117 66 89 78 54 90 39 26 % done.. du 39 26 9 26 do .. 92 117 66 do .. 93 117 70 do .. 78 54 do .. 95 78 54 do .. 96 78 54 do : 97 78 54 do .. 98 116 82 don 125 ft. 99 117 00 do w 5ft.. 100 664 Godo ft.. 1011 71 54 do .. 102 78 54 do .. 103 78 54 101 118 54 193 47 190 64 171 03 78 54 78 54 M. F. Carey, t o .. 109 78 54 Mrs E. Laughren, do John Pickup est., do .. 11110 78 54 77 53 do do .. 112 78 62 do Philip Pier, do w 20 ft.. 113 26 17 Almira Elliott and A. W. Hos- ford, ilarper's sub.... 4 26 17 38 FEBRUARY SESSION, 1892 Almira Elliott, lfarper's sub1 Thos. Ilassett, do R. Bonson est., Union add338 P. J. Lee, do doe 20 ft38 James Ryder, do w 40 ft88 do do a 10 ft39 Barney Murphy, do w 50 It39 W. M. Monaghan, do .. 40 M. Mahony, do do do 42 John l'ickup est., do 43 John Pier, do • • 44 A. W. Kemler, do 45 Wesley Ireland, do 46 Frank Baule, do 47 Anna Enright, do 48 I'atricklFox est., do e? I49 Wm. A. Irwin, do wX49 do do e X50 Geo. M. Robinson, do w%50 John Dowling est do 51 Isadore Plamondon do 62 Con Callahan, do 53 Dennis Ryan, do 54 Patrick O'Meara, do 55 do do do 56 Sylvester Hickok, do 57 do do do 58 John Degnan, do 59 do do 60 1'atricic Vaughn, do 61 Thomas Boyce, do 62 Sarah Ryan, do 63 Fruen Frank, do 64 Cath. Ryder, do 65 Michael O'Meara, Union add66 .Jas Saul, Jr.. do 67 Mary McManus, sub 5, Bush's sub 1 Pat Hayden, Bush's sub 4 do do 3 M A Kennedy, do 2 Sarah Farrell, do 1 Joseph Cresswell, Union add, e 120 ft 69 Maurice T O'Hearn, Union add, w 117 ft 69 .Jonathan Iloupes, sub 70 and 71, Union add 2 Wm and Dora Rawson, sub 70 and 71, Union add1 Peter Karney, Union add 75 AN ORDINANCE 85 07 134 05 6 67 49 01 26 17 52 35 13 09 65 43 78 54 78 64 78 54 78 54 78 54 78 54 78 54 78 54 99 88 117 98 79 19 69 37 109 84 119 36 78 54 78 54 78 54 78 54 11640 117 41 78 54 78 54 78 54 78 54 117 00 117 00 78 54 78 54 78 54 92 72 26 05 65 44 65 44 65 44 93 84 186 69 153 14 188 09 78 54 226 89 Authorizing the Dubuque Street Railway Company to construct and maintain and operate, in connection with the street railway, lines already in operation, an additional track on Clay street in the City of Dubuque, from the south side of Thirteenth street to the north side of Fifteenth street. Be it Ordained by the City Domicil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Dubuque Street Rail- way Company be and is hereby granted the right and authority to construct, main- tain, and operate in connection with its lines of street railway, already in opera- tion in said city, an additional track on Clay street, from the south side of 'Thir- teenth street to the north side of Fifteenth street. Sec. 2. That the right granted in the pre- ceding section shall be subject to all the conditions, restrictions and reservations, so far as applicable, contained in an ordi- nance adopted April 25 1890, granting to said Dubuque Street Rtailway Company certain additional rights and privileges, and authority to make certain extensions. Sec. 3. That the construction of said ad- ditional shall be completed and in opera- tion on or before the first day of June, 1892; otherwise this ordinance shall become absolutely null and void. Sec. 4. 'That the right and authority herein granted shall be accepted by the Dubuque Street Railway- company Within ten days after the approval of this ordin- ance by the mayor, otherwise it shall have no force or validity. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be pub- lished in the official papers of the city, and and shall take effect from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily TELEGRAPH newspaper. Passed by the City Council on the 1st day of February, 1892. CHAS. J. W. SArNHERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. SPE(' 1.\ L SESSION) FEBRUARY 15, 1892. C'I'TY COUNCIL. • Special Session February 15th, 1892. [OFFICIAL.] Council inet at 2:80 o'clock p. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alis. Crawford,;Cushing, Ca lab, Ilalpha, Page, l'easiee, Snaith, Stoltz and T rex ler. The following call for the meeting was read: '1'o the Jfntlor Chas. .1. 11W. Saunders: \Vc, the undersigned aldermen. request nd to call a special session of the city council for the consideration of a petition and ordinance as requested by citizens of the Fifth ward. PRANK .1. aTOI.TZ, CHAS. F0SSELMANN, MELL 11. CUsIIN0, JOHN TREXLER, 1 have no objection to having a special meeting of the council. Enw. C. I'EASLEE, .JOHN GLAB. The mayor stated that in accordance wall the foregoing call he had called the meeting for to -day. A petition signed by three hundred and twenty-five residents of the Fifth ward asking that the ward be divided Into two wards was read; an ordinance covering the foregoing accompanied the petition. Ald. Stoltz moved that the petition be granted and that the ordinance be read for i the first time. Ald. Halpin moved to indefinitely post- 1 pone action. The mct.ion to postpone was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alits. Crawford, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Stoltz and Trek - ler. Bill of Adam Schmidt of $805 for extra grating on Liebtutz street. Referred to street committee. Auditor Kenety presented the following statement: Cash on hand Feb. lst $42,290.04; re- ceipts up to Feb. 13th, $33,739.92; amount due contractors, $129.30; balance to the credit of the city, $75,891.55; less warrants and coupons redeemed, $63,188.81; balance cash on hand, $12,702.85; of this amount there belongs to the improvement fund, x7,538.49; balance to the credit of city tend, 55,164.36; total amount• of bonds issued, S50,50U; total assessment on bonded books. 551,274.12: uncollected of this, 542,961.51; which snows there has been collected, .8,312.61: there Is belonging to the im- provement Lund, $7,538.49. Referred to the finance committee and city attorney. A smith offered the following which was relerreti to the street committee with power: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to give the necessary grade stakes to the street commissioner on South Main street between .Jones and Charter streets, and the street commissioner instructed to bring said street to the proper grade, as directed by the saki city engineer. Aid. Halpin roved that the auditor and attorney be instructed to collect for sur- plus tilling on private property on South .Dain street. Carried. AId. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Vile max, It is desired expedient by the .•;t ,•tnincil 10 partially straighten Rose 39 street by cutting off the elbow or angle in said street between Center Place and Alta Vista street. 'Therefore Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to make a survey and plat of that portion of said street showing the change proposed to be made, and file the same in his office, also to give the notices of the proposed change as required by section 25 of the revised ordinances. Engineer Blake submitted plans for drainage of streets which were approved. tThe matter of paving Main and Iowa street referred to the paving committee. :11d. Halpin moved to adjourn. Carried. The council immediately re -convened for further business. The cominunication of R. W. Stewart received at the last session was read, and on motion of Ald. Ilalpin the warrant of $312.50, referred to in the 'communication was ordered cancelled. Id. :mint ved to adjourn. Carried. tte: _ / J. C. ITZPATRICK, Recorder. f/i' FEBRUARY SESSION, 1892. L1s'T OF OITY Drawn by the City Reco1 del' during January, 1892. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE( (. DUBUQUE, Iowa, N eb. 1. 1892. 1 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: G I NTLF.MEN—Tile following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of January, 1892: Name. For what Purpose. Amount 1.. Gonner........ Salary for Dec, Treas- urer A150 00 .1.1'. Fitzpatrick.. Salary for Dee., Recor- der 116 65 .1. M. Kenety Salary for Dec., Aud- itor 116 65 .1..1. McCarthy .. Salary for Dec., Attor- ney 125 00 1'. F. Guthrie.. Salary for Dec., As- sessor 125 00 S. 13. Rice.........Salary for Dec., Mar- slial 100 00 Ed. Ryan Salary for Dec., Street Commissioner91 65 .los. Reinfried .... Salary for Dec., Chief of tire department.. 75 00 A. Gratz.... Salary for Dec., Mar•- ketmaster 50 00 1'. McNulty Salary for Dec., Park Custodian 46 50 1. S. Bigelow .Salary for Dec., Health officer..' . ...... .... 30 00 C. Spiegelhalter..Salary for ec., Pound - master B. Rawson Salary for Dec., Sew- er Inspector......... 60 00 James O'Halloran.Sa;ary for Dec., Side- walk inspector. J. Klein Salary for Dec., Meat 60 00 Inspector 50 00 James Bunting...Salary for Dec., Elec- trician 75 00 Ed. Blake Salary for Dec , En- gineer.... 125 00 1.. S. Hyae.......Salary for Dec., As- sistant Engineer100 00 .1. Boyce Salary for Dec., As- sistant. Engineer.... John O'ConnellSalary for Dec., Com- mittee clerk...... Jas. DalyFireman ............... Job Barnes W. Duey .1. Murphy A. Cullen J. McFarland T. O'Shea J. Schonberger M. Eitel.. 1'. Martin John Essman J. Flynn..... .1. \Viltse..... T. Flynn T. Walker F. Essman 1). Ahearn .1. Allen G . Moyer C. Kannolt F. Ganahl J. Ward A. Duecini Ed. Keas 1). RyanCaptain of Police John Raesli James CarterPoliceman Win. O'Brien M. O'Connell Bart Cain Wm. Frith John Litscher" P. McNerny" 'rhos. Reilly" 1', 1)unnegan 1'. Kearney P. Hanlon John Fitzpatrick 1)an. Norton James Allen John Reuter 'I. Hardie 40 00 66 64 16 66 it " 64 66 " 66 ............... ............... 66 150 00 83 35 GO 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 GO 00 85 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 1.0 50 00 GO 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 25 00 75 00 70 00 50 00 26 60 50 00 46 70 50 00 46 70 50 00 48 35 50 00 34 85 54) 00 48 33 50 00 50 00 50 00 1.0 00 Ed. Mooro........ Sam. Elmer....... I:mles Flynn..... 1):ul. Lavery John Hoffman NN' in. Welsh Thos. Blake John Murphy Win. Khmer Peter Scharf I'. Mc(ellins Geo. Rubeek "... ..... John Murphy Patrol Driver H. licekett ..Laborer Wali. Barkley .1. Byrne" .1. Bargman::............. J. BowerHelper road roller.... . John CorbettLaborer M. Farrell........ 410 .............. .............1 .101111 Fix.. ...... .John Frohs...... Ed. Grew......... .101111 Giessler Joe Grab F. Gaal) Jas. Marker John Hafey F. Herzog ,John Jecalin John Kinsella(':upenter.............. .John Kelly.. Laborer F. Kreeger........ " H. Leicht H. Iaatlame...... T. Mahonyy.. C. Atackelberg M. Murphy. P. Melehoir M. McDermott John McNulty P. McMullen L. McEvoy B. McCormack D. Nickols Joe Obbelt P. O'Brien Win. Pickley John RaetzForeman M. Ryan .... Laborer M. Specht..... .. " 46 lo 46 41. 46 66 66 66 16 46 ,1 64 66 50 (40 511 1114 444(10 ro (x1 54) 4x1 43 1. 50 011 50 10 500(4 504x1 10 1x1 5(1 ( 4x 1 60x1 .5 9 40 1 011 101 50 i.(1 3 00 28 71(1 1 rs l 11 21-;.'11) 5 5 (al 9 3 (M. 7u 75 1 541 75 43 75 :3 (x1 1 511 9 75 3 (xl 77. 1 50 1 50 21 5111 6 0' 3 111 1(111 3 (xl 1 541 3 011 6 4111 6141 :s5 1 50 3041 Al. Stevenson.... Engineer roan roller... 1s 00 .1. Seik Laborer 25 00 Geo. 'Zumhon Foreman II 40 Win Howard.. . Team .. .. 42 (40 M..1. Hannon.... 9 70 Thos. Hassett.... " P. Darden......... " 15 7:, P. Kenueally 2 70 John Long " ................... 5 25 1'. Linehan....... ...... *4 0 1 Jas. McCarron.... 29 75 1'. O'Meara....... " .................. 17 50 John Steffes...... '• ................... 7 00 H. Schmidt....... " ................... 21 00 J. Sullivan....... 16 i9 M. Wagner....... `• 17 ;,0 . J. Duukley.......Express 75 John Steffen...... 75 A. Gratz......... Board of urisoners21 40 L. Gonner..... .. Money advanced 501 011 439 92 "239 98 James Ragan Repairing sidewalks.. 7.. John Tibey Improving Washin_ton street 46 50 Adam Schnnnt.... Imp. 27th street 90 77 Chas. Steuck Imp. Julien, Stewart and Rhomberg ave' 283 15 Geo. TaylorImp. alley..... 218 51; John Eichhoru.... Brooms 90 P. E. Strelau Coal ................... 500 00 " ................... 122 24 ,Knapp Stout & Co. CoLumber ................ 11 96 A. Christman Matt ing 19 80 Joe Stoltz Repairing pat rol house 4 75 E. W. Young " engine 3 011 Consolidated Tank Line Oil 14162 The F. H. Whip- ple Co........... Electrical directory5 011 A. Kannolt........ Horseshoeing 11 50 A. Wunderlich... 16 70 Lear & PMeer ... 66 2 011 L. Daly Removing dead ani - Butler BrosCorn Is ................. 1 37. T. W. ltuete Sponge 25 FP:131UL\ ItY SESSION, 1892. 41 M. McMahon Sidewalks ..... 1 44 Hassett & Meehan•Grading S o 11 t h ern avenue._ 175 00 E. E. Frith ...... Itesetting curb on Sanford street...-. 8 80 Adam Schmidt ...Rolling and grading130 110 Fred. Itoehl Tools ....... 1 50 .John O'Brien .......... 43 75 Thos Butcher " ..... ............. 41 10 22 67 35 35 46 65 300 140 5 25 h ey ( tt y Gas Co . .Coke 1. Lempke Repairing harness 51. Bewer & SouBox newer Bros Bedding 51. .1. Pickley Uhain ....... ........... E 51. Dickey Spikes .101in Harney Repairing tools. K Hoeft -Stout & Co . 'ompany ........Lumber S5 endson & Ott „Lumber__ ......... .1:1,•01.1 & Wattley.Chairs t 'Itas. Herzog Sawing wook .........• 51r. and Mrs Koenig ... °Janitors .. 40 00 t i. B. GrosvenorStationery.... ........ . 1 75 James Kelly 46 12 15 Dubuque Tra.it- flitApit Blank books 19 25 Palmer. Wilton & Co ...... . ....... Blank books. ....t 24 00 li. E. Frith .... .... Removing (lead ani- mals... ......... .... 2 50 The Herald ..... ..111ank books 26 09 Western Electric Co ,.. . W ire. etc 75 32 41eo. C. Rath .. .. . Refunded packers' li- celise 5 00 T. W. Ruete Drugs 8 35 Globe Light and Heat Co Gls 500 00 4 ;lobe Light and Ileat Co 66 31 67 Key City Gas Ca.. Gas ...... ............. . 108 33 Dubuque Electric War L. & P. Co.. " .... .......... .... 500 00 ' .. 170 50 Novelty Iron Works.... ..... . Repairing steam roller 10 82 Karl Fatka...... °Hay.. . .......... ...... 2 20 Farley & Loetscher Mfg Co.... ..... . Repairing engine ...... 1 00 1n/wm Mattress co.... ..... .. .. Mattresses 7 00 Dubuque Water Works Water for fountains... 270 15 Inib. Water Co Water 500 00 Dub. Water Co... " 500 00 Dub. Water Co... 66 . . • • . . . . . 55 00 T. Fitzpatrick ....Horseshoeing 7 00 120 31 40 290 3 00 5 00 3 75 Eugene Dietzgen G. B. Grosvenor.Stationery 1101 John O'Dea__ Wood 22 50 P. Khmer & Co ..... .......Supplies for engineer. 77 SLtooavne s . . . . . . .......... . 158 36 Geo. Jenkins 200 0) John Terry 500 0000 0. 64 ('on. Ryan ......... I mp.:Gia.n.d. i i ..... . ave5E00 1(11 030 Iowa Iron NN orks.1 ticking 'r. W. Ruete .1•Mugn National Demo- krat Advertising The TELEGRApti. Ledger The Times.... .. • • • • 75 00 75 00 29 15 ..... ....... 29 15 I lie Heralu....... ....... ..... 29 15 '1'. W. Ruete . • ... •Drugs.... ...... ........ 1 50 Wm, Howard .... Sprinkling 025 00 Thos. Carkeek... Plans and specifica- tions for patrol house 60 00 Pier & Ackerman.Ice..... . 31 00 John Ganahl Repairiag. tools ... ..... 17 75 Novelty Iron Work, Rep. steam roller...... 6 44 I liristintin & Hea- ley N -ills and powder 14 75 Wm. Ilarshall.. „Repairing 1 Ober ... . 1 80 15. E. Linehan.... " Tools 9 11) N. H. Schilling ...Team 5 25 Karl Fat lia .. .• —Oil—. ............ 3 00 Novelty Iron Works.... ..... ..New wheel for roller 200 00 I 'on . Ryan Filling Stewart ave.... 24 22 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co . Weod for roller _. . .... 52 63 Chas. Steuck.....(1 Biding R li o in b erg avenue. 500 00 Farley, Loetscher Mtg Co Stakes' V'''. 00 I 'on . Ryan.— ..... Grading Gram view avenue ....... ...... . 300 00 11. W. Jones Census enumerator... 11 00 Dubuque Water Works Horse fountains ..... .. 390 90 Me% CushingRent for engine ..... ... 12 00 Hassett & Meeinin.Grading C le v 0 land avenue 51)0 00 66 61 is 275 25 Lavin & Corrance.Sewer in alley bet. sth and 1001 streets 200 00 61 66 .... 500 W 66 .... 500 00 0 ...• 500 00 5001.1. tee °00 ... • ,,•. 344 95 Norton & Lee Imp. West Locust St.. 500 00 it 66 87 31 Norton & Lee imp Bluff street 453 GO Con. Ryan p. Alta Vista St500 00 500 00 44 • . 500 v0 66 61, 425 25 Joh.iTibey Imp. South Dodge tat: 500 of .... 500 00 0 '• 500 00 .... 500 00 .... 500 00 .... 10001) 64 46 66 it " .. .... 213 22 Winona ave. 600 00 " 0 " ...... .... 279 31 Hassett & Meehan•Imp..Cleveland ave... 500 00 , 46 " .... 500 0)) 0 4 .... 500 00 4"6 66 66 66 66 46 66 66 .... 50006 .... 500 00 .... 50001) .... 50001 .... 500 00 .... 454 T. .J. Donahue.. " Dodge street.. 500 00 66 66 •••••• 0 66 46 252 18 D. W:Linehau.. " Jackson St. 500 00 46 .... 336 25 E. E. Frith • • • " Sanford street 500 00 1972)) 64 .. West llth and Race Sts500 oo 0 64 44 36 60 Chas.Steuck:l2 " Rhomberg ave. 500 00 " 500 00 ..• •••• 0. " 50000 . . 4450000 . Li " . 5001)) Hassett 8ziii;3Z- 497 60 44 66 " South Locust St NO 00 han‘,........... 46 66 10344 •••••• 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of January, 1892. J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 5 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Clay street between 17th and 18111 streets, abut- ting s. 1-5 city lot 440, and s. 13 feet of the s. m. 1-5 city lot 440. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk tour feet wide, of good two-inch plank, stone or cement- be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of North street, between Grandview avenue and western line of lot 9, Quigley's add. Adopted February 1st, 1892. J. C. FITZPATRIK. 8-2 10t. Recorder. 42 REGULAR SESSION., MARCH 7, 18 2. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Maroh 7th, 1892. 1 OFFICIAL. 1 Council met at 9:40 o'clock a. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Presenr—A Ids. Crawlord, Cushing. (:lab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. AId. 'Trexler moved that the minutes of the previous meetings be approved as printed, and that a vote of thanks be ex- tended by the council to Recorder Fitz- patrick for the thorough manner in which the official proceedings of the council have been kept and for a copy of the same lur- uished today by the recorder to each al- derman. Carried. President J. A. Ithomberg of the Du- buque Street Railway Co. presented sketches of poles to be used on his Main street line and on motion the Walworth pole was approved by the council. The rules were suspended and Mr. M. M. Walker, president of the Board of Trade, addressed the council and urged that the council give Mr. Dee a lease of lot 2 of mineral lot 106, for manufactur- ing purposes. , An ordinance granting George Dee the use of lot 2 of mineral lot 106 for manufac- turing purposes for a term of ninety-nine years was presented. Mr. George Dee also addressed the coun- cil and urged the early passage of the or- dinance. Ald. Halpin moved that the ordinance be read for the first time. Carried. The ordinance was read by the recorder. Ald. Halpin moved that the ordinance be adopted ou the first reading. Ald. Crawford moved that action be postponed until Wednesday at 2 o'clock p. in., and that it be made a special order of business for that time. The question being put on the motion to postpone was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Stoltz and 'Trexler. The question recurring on the motion to adopt the ordinance for the first time was carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, South, Stoltz and Trexier. Alos. Crawford and Peaslee were ex- cused from voting. Ald. Trexler moved that the ordinance be referred to the committee of the whole to report Tuesday..11ar•;h 8th, 1892 at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Giab. Page, Peas - lee_, ,mith, Stoltz and Trexler. oes—Alds. cushing, and Halpin. Mr. Phil. Pier in behalf of the ladies of Red Cross rociety addressed ttie council and presented a petition asking the council to donate $500 for the relief of the Russian sufferers. AId. Page moved to refer the petition to the committee of the whole to report to the council at 2 o'clock to -morrow afternoon. Carried. The following bills were allowed: Keas & Gehrke, spanner for Line- han engine $ 80 T. J. Conlin, shavings 2 50 Consolidated Tank Line Co., oil3 50 James Kelly, stationery 17 10 E. E. Frith, hauling dead animals 7 50 hear & Pfiffner, hoi'seshoeing 4 50 13. Donahue, balance due for lay- • ing sidewalk 1 20 Lavin & Corrance, balance due for r sewer between .lackson and Washington streets 52 00 Albert Kannon, borseshoeing.. 7 no Win. IIoward, balance due for cin- ders on Grandview avenue 233 IN) Bart. E. Linehan, cement 2 50 Nester & ,lou: k, plumbing 2 05 'Phos. Melchior, rubber boots 3 75 Herald, blank books 40 IN) Harger & Mist], stationary 7 hit F. Schloz, bracing railing, city2 Oa Thos. Collings, hook.; :i 00 Chas. Van Ilorit, repairs for sewer 7 so Adam Schmidt, grading Liebnitz street 2,300 0)) Key City Gas Co., coke 4 75 TELEGRAPH, job work 42 fill Ledger Printing Co., advertising to date 29 15 John '1'. Kearns, reeordiug plat1 INI Palmer, Wiu:ali &(o.. vital sta- tistics and binding council pro- ceedings ro- ceedings 40 75 1'. F. Guthrie. part payment revis- ing ordinances 50 tlu John \Mullen, harness oil 4 5o Frantz & Clark; Iranip burners30 1. F. His & Bro., repairs 1 25 Andy Cullen, two wheeled rig5 00 A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing8 75 N. Kutsch & Sons, box and labor. 3 5u Standard Lumber Co., lumber10 13 Dubuque Water Works, water supply . 1,0611 0)) C. 11. Whitwell, veterinary ser- vices 37 50 Lear & Tinnier, horseshueilig .... 3 50 Fraatz & Clark, drugs 4 35 Key City Gas Co., coke 8 31 John O'Brien, work on sewer 42 00 Thos. Butcher, wore: on sewer38 50 Joseph Geiger, repairs at city hall 29 20 Christman & Healey, hardware3 27 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 1 60 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum- ber 4 74 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber7 51) Hardie & Scharle, bonds, letter heads, etc 59 Oil Mr. and Mrs.Koenig, janitor work 41) 00 The following bills were referred: To the committee on fire and water, P.11. Halpin, $4.60; Novelty Iron 1Vorks.80c and Reinfried & .)eager $6.00. '1'o the committee on printing, Herald, $29.15; German Cathoiic Pty., Co., $50.00: TELEGRAPH, $75.00 and Times. 829.20. To the committee on supplies, H. L. Comer, coal $6.50; Jno. .1. Sheridan, $3.50; Duggan & Kane, $1.00. 'l'o the electrical committee: Heinfried & Jaeger, 30c; Christman & Healey, 70c: '1'o the committee on police and light: Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co., 8655.50; .1. M. McKenzie, $8.65: Globe Light and Heat Co:, $543 33; Rein - fried & Jaeger, $3.90 and $3.50; Key City Gas Co., $115.81; Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., 840.68. 'I'o the committee on claims: Novelty Iron Works, $2.95; Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Association,7e5;Nesler & Jungk, $1.20. '1'o the Comntirtee 00 pub!ie grounds and puildings: Nester & Jungk, $18.95, and 1Vin. S. Molo, $1.50. To the committee of the whole: Dr. J. J. L'rownson, $20; I)r. G. M. Sta- ples & Son, $161 00. Bill of F. Schloz .$1.20'referred to th 11U til LA 1; SESSIOIN, MARCH 7, 1892 43 street committee. Bill of Chas. lierlzog, $7.50, refeferrett to the committee on markets. Bill of Ahrens Mfg Co. of $17.10 for re- pairing wheel on steam engine. Received and filed and recorder instructed to write the Ahrens Co. Bills against Dubuque St. 1{y. Co. of $4.95 ruin Dubuque Electric Ry. Light & ('ower Co. of $5.50 for opening culverts were referred to the auditor for collection. Ald. Glab offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, 1' hat the city recorder be in- structed to order ot B. F. Miller & Co. fifteen (15) of the proposed new city maps of the city of Dubuque, at the regular sub- scription price, the maps to be as repre- sented as in the prospectus attached. A Id. 11alpin moved to adjourn o'clock p. tn. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council niet at 2:15 o'clock p. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith Stoltz and 'frexler. Bids for street improvements opened, read and referred to the street committee and engineer for computation. PETI'T'IONS. Plat of subdivision of lots 0, 7, 8 and 9, of Quigley's sub. Referred to street com- mittee. Plat of Boulevard add. Referred to the street comniittee. Plat of sub. of lots 1 to 19, of city lot 552. Referred to the street comniittee. Plan of storm water sewer on Eleventh street. Adopted. Petition and profile for change of grade on West 14th street. lteferred to the com- mittee of the whole. Profile of grades In Althauser's add re- ferred to the street committee. Profile of charge o[ grade on Union ave. referred to the street committee. Petition and plat ;or opening of Louisa street relerred to the committee of the tvnole. Plat of alley proposed to be vacated in Thug's add referred W the street commit- tee. Petition for change of ;,'rade on Madison street accompanied by a profile showiuu the established grade anu the proposed grade. Ald Halpin moved that the blue line be adopted as the official grade of Madison street. AId Cushing proved as as an amendment that communication he received and filed which was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, and Peaslee. Noes—Halpin, Smith, Stoltz and '1'rex- ler. The following were refered to street committee: Claim of '1'.J. Donahue of 16300.58 for ex- tras on Dodge and South Dodge streets re- ferred to the (engineer.) Petition for improvement of Seminary street. Petition of Peter Eisuach for culvert on Curtis street (with power). Petition for street through mineral lot 806 from Union avenue to Fifth avenue. Petition to have Lincoln avenue made passable. Petition of the independent District of Dubuque for street crossings on• Couler avenue at Fulton school ( with power). Petition of Paul Kroebesky and Martin Ilelviclr to have the city purchase their macadam. .Petition of Joseph Platz to have the city purchase his tnacadam. Petition of Andrew Drees for the im- provement of \Vest 11th street. Petition of 11. 11. \Vilmers for the im- provement of Grant avenue. Petition of John \LcGrath to have the city purchase his macat:am (with power). The petition for the etxension of Herr. street referred to the committee of the whole. Remonstrance of Sarah 11. Ham against change of grade and opening of Lincoln avenue. Received and filed. Retnonstance of Julia Gilliam against improvement of Rose street. Received and tiled. Petition of 'Phos. Hill for redemption ot his property from tax sale, said property to 2 having been sold for special tax for side- walk. Referred to the committee on claims. Petition for sidewalk on north side of W 3rd sireet from Brad street to Glen Oak avenue and for sidewalk on west. side of Glen Oak avenue to Fifth street. Granted. Petition for sidewalk on Valley street and Wilde street. Granted. Petition for extension of sewer from 18th and Clay streets up Couler avenue. Ald. Halpin moved that the city engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifi- cations for the putting in of the secoud sewer district. Carried. Petition for street lamp on corner of Grandview avenue and Delhi streets. Granted. Petition for improvement of Windsor avenue. Granted. Remonstrance against improvement of Dorgan's alley and that Ellis street be made so that it will carry its own water. Referred to the engineer to present plans. Acceptance of the Diamond Jo line of steamers of an ordinance giving then the use of the levee was ordered placed on file. Petition of John Babcock for refunding of licenses referred to mayor with power. Petition for opening of Lincoln avenue to Couler avenue received and tiled. Petition of Dubuque Street Railway Co. to have Clay street and Couler avenue paved with granite. Received and filed. Petition for improvement of the alley west of Waleut street between West llth and Rose streets. Granted. Petition of Henry Freres to have the city purchase his macadam. Received and tiled. Petition of Geo. W. Jones in relation to assessment for sidewalk at corner of West 14th and Cox streets. Referred to the committee of the whole. Petition for appointment of a building inspector. Referred to committe of the whole. The followine petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the delinquent tax committee: J. W. Cameron, Jos. Trude'', .Matthew 1{eiseh, Caroline Lenzing, Ellen Conlin, Mrs. Mary Markey, Wm. 1lollnagel, Ellen McCormick, Mrs. Michael Corbett, Joseph ret But- lettCatherineina Schaefer, Mrs. Mary Dona- hue, Mrs. I!. C. Deckert, Mrs. .lames Daugherty. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand 1!'eb. 1st, $42,290.04. Receipts for the month of Feb. 189`2,$28 734.87?8. Cash on rd March 1 also reported $10,153.90in bonded iinpovemeut fund; also presented a list of coupons redeemed during Feb. 1; also reported $1,756.95 due the officers for 44 REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 7 1892. the month of Feb. 1892. Report ordered received and filed and warrants ordered for the several amounts. Jlarshal Rice reported 81,583.30 due the police for the month of Feb; also reporter( 74 police cases during Feb, pound receipts $4, and having collected $143.90 for various [natters ordered by the courted. Report received and filed and warrants or- dered to pay the several amounts. Chief Reinfried, of the fire department, reported $1,320 due the firemen for the month of February. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay the same. Street Commissioner Ryan reported $245.25 due for street work for February, and also presented itemized statement of same. Report received and filed and war- rants ordered drawn to pay same. Marketmaster Gratz reported scale re- ceipts $33.32; also reported $i .80 due for board of prisoners fur the month of Feb- ruary. Report received and filed and war• rants ordered to pay for the board of the oristoners. Treasurer Gonner reported 61,426.45 money advanced during Feuruary for in- terest, oats, postage, and also reported $10.153.90 in the special bonded imoruve- ment fund and suggested that $10.000 of the bonds be taken up. Report received and filed and warrants ordered tor same. Engineer Blake made the following re- port: Grading Woudlawn Park, 34,097 cubic yards. West Seventeenth street, from Locust to Cox street. 11,635 cubic yards excavation; 4,552 cubic yards till. Cost, $3.500. Union avenue, trout West Locust. to Alta Vista street, on proposed change of grade; excavation. 20,584 cubic yards. Dodge street, from South Dodge to Granas view avenue. Excavation. 7,250 cubic yards; fill. 3,300 cubic yards; sewer, 1,850 feet at $2.25 per lineal foot: total, $4,162.50; cost of grading. $2,100. Total, $6,262.50. A Id. Trexler moved that a warrant for $3,239.21 be drawn in favor of the \Vood- lawn Park company, according to the esti- mate of the engineer. Carried. The report of the engineer was referred to the street committee. Ald. Glab presented a list of macadam broken to the amount of $4,120.85, and moved that the several amounts be paid. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. No—Aid. Cushing. Mayor Saunders reported on the bill of Lavin as follows: That M. Lavin is entitled to 10 cents per load, and would recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of M. Lavin for $6.60 in full for within bill. Report adopted. Also presented a communication from A. A. Cooper in relation to excavating at corner of 'Third and Locust' streets, guarn- anteeing to hold the city harmless against any loss or damages by reason of deposit- ing sand on 'Third street, west side of Lo- cust. Ordered filed. Justice of the Peace Hoffmann reported having collected $8.40 fines on city ordi- EVENING SESSION. Hance cases. Received and filed. Council met at 7:30 o'clock p. 01. T. J. Cranfield reported scale receipts of Mayor Saunders in the chair. First ward scales, $11.90. Received and Present— Alda. Crawford, Cushing, bled. blab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz Chas. Pitsehner reported scale receipts and Trexler. of the West Dubuque scales, $3.240. lie- The engineer reported the following eeived and filed. bids: J. P. Schroeder, scale receipts of Eighth GRADING PIERCE F 1I1EKr. street scales, $8.30. Received and fiscal. Thomas O'Connell, 29e per cubic yard. C. 11. Beiswenger reported scale receipts of Fifth ward scales 81.55. Received and li led. Jacob Kessler reported scale receipts of 26th street scales, $16.65. Received and tiled. Lamplighter Coughlin reported having lighted 53 gas lamps during February. Received and filed. Engineer Blake presented plans and spec hcanons for sewer in alley from 11111 to 10th street, between ,laekson and Wash- ington streets and for sewer in o\t • , I across 171.11 street at alley between .\l,ttn and Iowa streets. Referred to sewer com- mittee. Aid. Halpin offered the following reso- lution which was refeferred to the com- mittee on electrical contraction wit h power: Resolved, That the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and ('ower Co. be and are hereby authorized and instructed to place and maintain their poles fur light and prover purposes between Main and Locust streets in the gutter adjoining the curb stone on south >nl, t l hard street and al so in the gutter oa east side of Locust street adjoining the t',,op,•r wagon factory. City Engineer Blake reported the follow- ing bids for constructing sewer in 1110 street from Main to Washington streets: Lee ,C: Norton—brick $5,437.50, stone $4,4.' .sIuI. John \vuy—briek $6,288, stone $5,853. Fraise I11'ann—brick $7,593. Ulrich sluff --brick $7.770, stone, $7,470. Steuck & Farrell—brick $5;805. Bids on sewer in filth street, trout Wash- ington street to slough: Lee. & Norton—Brick $3,903.25, stone $3,- 447.25. John McEvoy—brick $3,631, stone $3,- 354. Frank McCann—Brick 84,764. Ulrich Ruff—Brick $4,180, stone $4,100. Stench & Farrell, for complete sewer, 58,320. Ala. Trexler moved to award contract to lowest bidder. Ald. Halton moved to refer to the street committee to report to -morrow. Carried by the following vote: Ayes --aids. Crawford, Glab, llalpau, Peaslee and Smith. No—Alds. Cushing, Page, Stoltz wad Trexler. Also reported the following bids on West Eagle Point avenue: Con. Ryan, ,Ir 88,084 25 E. E. Frith 7,327 60 6,954 6 Steuck & Farrell (i Adam Schmidt 9.086 52 Alai. Stoltz moved to award the contract to Steuck & Farrell. A10. Page moved to refer 011 bids to the street committee Lost. The question being put on the motion to award the contract to Steuck & Farrell was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Cushing, Halpin, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—Alds. Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaselee and South. Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 7, 1892 45 ('on. ity aft, .1r., 32c per cubic yard. • Struck & Farrell, 30e per cubic yard. Bryan Donahue, 24;-'c per cubic yard. Oliver t 1. K ringlo. 37e per cubic yard. 1(t ,m Schmidt, 52c bercubic yard. API. Crawfords moved that the contract be awarded to 11. Donahue. AId. Halpin moved as an amendment that all the bids be rejected and that the st,eet commissioner be instructed to do the grading and make a roadway 16 feet wide and the engineer in- structed to give the necessary stakes. Carried. MAPLE s'rrtvET. Con. Ryan, .Ir .$6,606 10 Adapt Schmidt 6,959 90 E. E. Frith 5,843 20 O. G. Mringle 6,393 45 Steuck & Farrell . 5,666 40 A Id. Halpin moved that the contract be awarded to Steuck & Farrell. AId. Crawford moved as an amendment that the street commissioner be instructed to do the work. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford and Cushing. Noes—Aids. Giab, Halpin, l'age, Peas - lee, Smith, Stoltz and '1'rexler. The question being put on the motion to award the contract to Steuck & Farrell was carried by the following vote: Ayes—APIs. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and '1'rexter. 11I1.I. STREET. Steuck & Farrell $4,556 20 Oliver Kringle 4,656 20 .1ohm Tibey 4,477 00 Adam Schmidt 5.051 48 Asci. Halpin moved that the contract be awarded to John 'Tibet'. Carried. MAI ISDN STREET. $3,108 89 3,632 27 3,794 01 2,922 34 Con. Ryan, Jr Lee & Norton Attain Schmidt Steuck & Farrell Ald. Peaslee moved to award contract to Steuck & Farrell. Carried. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the special committee on the grade of Grant avenue and Vest 11th street reported as follows: Your committee to whom was referred the within profile of grades would report as folllows: In favor of adopting the blue line as the official grade of Grant avenue and the red line as the official grade of \Vest lltit street as shown 00 within plat. Report adopted. A Id. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on claims reported as follows: In favor of allowing the bill of Toin Con- nolly of $5.75. Receive and tile the bill of Isaac Proctor of $198.25. Report adopted. AId. Glab, chairman of the street com- mittee reported as follows: 1n favor of the adoption of the red line as the official grade of Burden avenue also in savor of the adoption of the blue line. as the proposed change of grade 01 Staf- lord avenue as shown on within plat, and city recorder instructed to give the proper notice to abutting property owner to show cause if any they have why said change should not be adopted. Report adopted. AId. Stoltz, chairman of the conuuittee on public grounds and buildings reported as follows: • In favor of paying the bills of Joseph Geiger$5.40, and Isaac Proctor $300.00. API. Gla b. chairman of Ihecoin mittee on markets, offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved. That the services of the jani- tors of the city hall be dispensed with on and after March 14th, 1892, and that their names be stricken from the pay roll from and after that date. Ald. Page, chairman 01 the committee on harbors reported as follows: In favor of receiving and tiling petition of John Krayer asking the city to make i city employe pay a debt claimed to be due him. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the committee on printing, reported in favcr of allowing the following bills: Ilerald, $29.15; Times, $29.15, and TELE°IRAPl3, $75. Report adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on fire and water, reported as follows: In favor of instructing the recorder to adver- tise for proposals for a modern aerial turn table hood and ladder truck the city to have the right rejeet any or all bids if not satisfactory. in favor of paying bill of Dubuque \Va- ter Co. of $10 for water for patrol house. Allow the bill of Consolidated Tank Line Co.. $4.95. Allow bill of Iowa Iron Works of $5.13. Allow bill of G. 13. (Grosvenor of $3.60. Allow bill of Dubuque Water works of $1,060. Report adopted. AId. Halpin rnoved that the chief and two engineers of the fire department he in- structed to test the J. K. Graves engine and report to the council the result. Car- ried. Ald. Halpin, chairman of the comtnittee on police and light: In favor of paying the following bills: Dubuque Electric Ry. L. & 1'. Co., $666.30; Globe Light and Heat Co., $531; Key City Gas Co., $125.11. Report adopted. AId. Smith, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: Adverse to the following: Anna J. Marsh, C. Leibtritz, John Jennings, Phil. H. Latunspach, Jos. L. and E. R. Horr, 1'. C. Muaray, F, L. Egelhof, Airs. A. Murphy, C. A. Luntzky and James E. Durand. In favor of cancelling the following: St. Joseph Mercy Hospital on lots 3, 4 and 8, A. Langworthy's add for 1891. St. John's Lutheran church on sub 10 of 3 of sub 2, Kniest, Guthrie & Brown's sub for 1891. Michael Cain, on lot 5, 13reakey's add for 1891. Andrew Hoerner, for 1891 on water tax. lot 16,L. H . Anna Spahn, on sX, s%, Langworthy's add for 1891. ltonora bonergan, on lot 145, East Du- buque add for 1891. Mary Canavan for 1891. Anna L. Early, on lot 105, Cox's add for 1891. 1. C. Moore, on money and credits for 1891. .1. W. lloffmaun, on moneys and credits for 1891. Lydia Collins, on lot 17, sub out lot 724 for 1891. Bridget Brennan, on lot 6, Quigley's sub for 1891. Bridget O'liearn, on lot 19, S. M. Lang - worthy's add for 1891. Mary Fox, on lot 49, Union add for 1891. Win. Potts, on personality for 1891. Mrs. C. 11. Ilenderson, on personalty for 1891. Margaret Kolt, on lot 19, high street add. for 1891. Mrs. Anna Madl, on lot 249 to Davis' Farm add, for 1891. Mrs. C. Mahony, on lot 143, Union adds, for 1891. 16 REGULAR sl':..it►\. M.AI;('II 7. i 9.2 Henrietta Buelilman, on lot 9 and s 20 ft lot 10, L. 11. Langworlhy's add, for 1891. Elizabeth Ilughes, on lot 1, l.enhenn's add, for 1891. Reduce the assessment of the following: Mary C. Reed, on e 86 ft s i4 lot 183, L. 11. Lan worthy's add, for 1891. Mary Osterberger, on s Xlot 222, Davis' Farm add, for 1891. John G. Matti:s, on lot 3, W ieland's sub. to $700 for 1891. Chas. 11. Bauinhovar. on e !, sub 1, Geiger's sub, to $400 for 1891. Michael Brown on lots 42 and 43, East Dubuque, add, to $6,000 for 1891. Mrs. J. E. Wooten; on lot 2 o[ sub 3 of moa lot 76 to $1.175 tar 1891. L. W. Barker, on lot 6, Driebelbie's add, to $600 for 1891. Val 11lachert, on lot 95 nt/, McCraney's first add, to $200 for 1891. Geo. Ragaiz, on lot 332, Davis Farm add, to $500 for 1891. Frank Meyer, on e 85 feet of n t., lot 182, .L. 11. Langworthy's add, for 1891. Henry Pfiffer, on lot 10, L. 11. Lang- wnrthy's sub, to $800. Instruct the treasurer to correct the de- scription on the tax books for 1891 of the subdivision of lots 76 and 77, Union add, as platted and recorded. That they have no jurisdiction on with- in petition of John McEvoy for cancella- tion of taxes for 1892. Allow Geo. F. Schmidt to pay one-half his taxes as payment in full for 1891. Report adopted. The following report was made on the petition of Mrs. P. McCann: our committee report adverse to within petition of Mrs. P. McCann for reduction of special tax for the improvement of Dodge street, as the saltie has been levied and taxed according to the ordinances and laws of the city. Reported adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the comtnittee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of referring back petition and profile for a change of grade on Lincoln avenue to J. A. Rhotnberg to secure the necessary signatures to said profile for said proposed change of grade. Receive and file communication of '1'. J. Donahue in relation to special assessment for the improvement. of South Dodge street. Grant petition for the impovement of Burden avenue. Refer petition of G. B. lfenckels et al. for improvement of Ellis, Almond and Clark street to the street committee and engineer of ascertain the cost and report to the council. Refer petition for inlprovernent of West 14th street to the street committee and en- gineer to ascertian the cost to the cost also ascertain the amount of surplus grading on Broad street how Julien ave- nue to the llori'e of the Friendless. Receive and tile petition of Key City Gas Co. in relation to gas lamps and paying one-half the lamp lighters salary. In favor of the adoption of resolution for payment of $300 to L.Gonner, treasurer for clerk hire. Refer the matter of filling the hole east of the Burlington depot to the ordinance committee to report an ordinance and that each alderman be furnished a copy of said ordinance for examination. Refer petition of J. A. Rhoinberg et al., for extension of sewer from 9th to 7th ave- nue to the street committee and engineer to ascerain the cost and report to the council. Refer ition of J. A. ncoebaeet for the improvemet of Llfrom tlth avenue to the river: also imptovemetu of Ninth ave. to the street committee and engineer to ascertain the cost to the cit.v for said improvement. Refer petition of Aug. I;oeber forexteu- sio' of brick sewer trout 5th avenue to Adams avenue to the street tOltlttllttee and engineer to ascertain the cost 1•i the city. Refer petition of John Morrison et al„ for the inlprovenleet of I;huotberg ave. from the C., M. & St. 1'. track to the sUeet committee and engineer to ascertain the cost to the city. Refer petit ion of C. 11. Meyer et al, tor extension ut 11 overly avenue to the street committee and engineer to ascertain the cost to the city. Ask fur tanner time on communication of C. 11. Booth for tilling lois in his ad- dition, and said C. 1f. Booth be instructed to tiie a plat showing the streets and alleys along and over which he desires to lite railroad tracks. Report adopted. The following judger and clerks of elec- tion were apl timed and the lolloaying places designated as the place of huldu the election, also the places of registra- tion: FIRST WARD. Judges -N. C. Ryan, John .less. Clerks -Cal Roberts and James llenuttt. °Place of Electio ontana House. Place of Regi n-'1'raiuor's ware house on Locust between First and Second streets. SECOND WARD. Judges -'1'. F. Koepttl and Robert Mc- Arthur. Clerks -D. G. Scott and W. F. Fitz- patrick. Place of Election -1V iter company's office. Place of Registration -Fourth street en- gine house. THIRD WARD. Judges -61. 1dorgau and I'eter 11o11'- 1na1111. Clerks -Peter Hewer and Richard But- ler. FIFTH w'AItn-EAST I'RE('INC•r. Judges -Otto Mess and John Licht. Clerks -Frank Stecher and John Lil- lis;, Jr. Place of Election -1t. W. Lange's store. Place of Registration -211 Eagle Point avenue. FIFTH WARD -WEST PRECINCT. Judges -l. K. Beekman and E. Sonner- feld. Clerks-l'etet Specht and Peter Oeth. Place of J;Iectlou-lieeb's brewery. Place of Registration-Meyer's livery ofii ce. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That. the recorder be instruct- ed to Issue a venire to the city marshal commanding hint to summon a jury of twelve freeholders having the qualifications required by law for the purpose of assess- ing any damages which may be sustained by the persons whose property may be taken for the straightening of hose street, between Center Place and Alta Vista street, in the manner shown by the survey and plat made by the city engineer allot filed in his office in pursuance of the order of the council at its last. session. Adopted by the following vote: Aves-Alds. Crawford, Cu llili2, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Sundt, Stoltz and '1'rexler-9. Ald. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city marshal be in- structed to remove all obstructions found REGULAR SESSION, MARC II 7, 1892 in the streets and alleys in Grandview Park add, and the engineer directed to give the marshal the proper lines for removing said obstructions. A Id. Halpin offered the following, which was referred to the ordinance committee: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the ity of Dubuque, That the C., B. oz N. Ry. he notified to proceed :o put Third street, east of the ('., M. & St. Paul track, in prover condition within ten days, other- wise the street commissioner shall do the work at their expense. AId. Crawford offered the following, 47 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constricted and laid in conformity with the ordinrnce in 'relation to side- walks. on the north side of West3rd street, between Alpine street and College avenue to temporary grade at expense of abutting ?roperty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawtord, Cushing, Giab Ilalpin. Page, Peaslee, Snaith, Stoltz and 'frexler, AId. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to grade Glen Oak avenue to a temporary grade, so 115 to make the sante passable for public travel. Atd. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare profiles of grades of Glen Oak avenue from West 3t1 street to Julien avenue, and Brad street from West 3d to Dodge street. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved, liy the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Washington street, be- tween Sanford and 24th streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to snake the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals fol the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at he expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Ral- ph), Page, Peaslee, Stith n, Stoltz and Trex ler—A. Noes—N one. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved,By the city council of the city of Dubuque, 'That the marahal be and is hereby instructed to notify the abutting property owners on 26th street, from Jack- son to Pine streets, to remove all ,obstruc- tions from said street, and also notify tine C., Si. P. Si K. C. It. tt. Co. to construct suitable crossing over their tracks on said street. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid on the south side of 22nd street and Couler avenue, dveu iae forbidsfor the the city iieer directed to erformance of the work. Ald. Stoitz offered the following: It esolved by the City Council of the Cit - of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Klingenberg street, to tempo- rary grade. Adopted by the following vote: blab, AcP ige, rSmith,hStoCushing, and 8111111,IlPage, i eas ee, '1'rcxler. No—None. .1ii1. Stoltz offered the following, was adopted: Whereas, A plat showing Merz street, ex- tended from Stafford to Windsor avenue, has been tiled with the city; therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to notify the owners of property, as shown on said piat, to appear at the next session of the council and show which was lost: Ile it Resolved by the City Council, That the committee on light be and are hereby instructed to place six additional gasoline lamps on (Grandview avenue, between Delhi and South Dodge streets. .1111. Halpin offeree the following, which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a stone arch sewer on Dodge street, from South Dodge to Grandview avenue. AId. Halpin offered the lotlowiug: Resolved by the City Coma Il of the City If Dubuque, That Dodge. street, between South Dodge street and Grandview avenue, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in confornnty with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is here- by directed to snake the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. :and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for performance of the work: the gu tering, curbing and macaclmizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The grading to be bid in total. Lust by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Halpin, Page, Smith, and 'frexler-4. Noes—A Ids. Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Peaslee and Stoltz -5. AId. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Southern avenue from 450 feet south of old corporation line to Itaitraud avenue, be graded, guttered, eurbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. The eity engineer be and he is hereuy directr4i to makethe necessary plans and specitira- tions for said Improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposal for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing, and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grad- ing to be bud in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — A Ids. Crawford Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee South, Stoltz and 'frexler—A. Noes—None. A Id. Smith offered the was shouted: Resolved, That the Consumers Steam Supply company be. and are hereby re- quired to :;oustrnct Suitable manholes on Main street, with good substantial iron covers on same, as said company will not be allowed to tear up said street, after the same is paved with brick. Ald. Smith offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone crossing be con- structed on the west side o1 Locust street at its intersection with Dodge street. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, 1,y the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four following which Iti EEG I' 1..\ R SESSION. MA RCH 7. 18112 cause, if any they have, why said street should not be extended. Aid. Stoltz offered the following. which MIS adopted: Resolved, 'That the city engineer he and is hereby instructed to prepare a plat and profile showing a grade of Washington, from Sanford street, to its northern ter- minus. AId. Trexler offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That. Broadway street, be- tween BlockIinger'ri lane and Diagonal streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the or- dinance upon that subject. 'l'hat the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary- plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The grading to be bid in total. The following is the vote: Ayes --Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Noes—Aids, llalpin and Smith. AId. Trexler offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to repair the gutter on the south side of 13th street between Clay and White street. Ald. Trexler offered the following, which was referred to the fire committee with power: Resolved, That John Wunderlich, owner of city lot 333, be allowed to construct a woodshed In the rear of said lot. AId. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the committee on public grounds and buildings be instructed to re- pair the walks in Jackson and Washing ton parks. AId. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the assessment on city lot n 25 ft of the s 127 ft of city lot 443 be reduced from 82.000 to 81,230, assessed to the estate of Joachum Kurtz. AId. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Be it Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby Instructed to prepare plans and specifications for cast iron aprons for all the crossings where wooden aprons are now in use, and advertise for bids for the same and report to the council at the next regular session. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the alleys running front West llth street to Rose street next west of; also the alley next east of Race street. be graded and macadamized, in conformi- ty with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said Improvement, and and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty. The grading of each alley to be bid separately 10 a gross sum. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler-9. Noes -0. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'i'hat Windsor avenue from end of pre:ent improvement on the north to the city limits be graded, guttered, curbed and macaddniized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and lie Is hereby di- rected to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadam it mg to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Pushing, With, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—None. Ald. Cushing offered the following: }resolved by the Pity Council of the ('ity of Dubuque. That Burden avenue, between Windsor avenue and city limits, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject; that the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and speeifications for said iinprovement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and propotals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and maeotdatnizitig to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz, Trexler-9. oes —None. City Attorney McCarthy reported that in the matter as to the location of ('Neill street that it would not be well for the cite to interfere in the matter. A Id. Stoltz moved to adjourn to Tues March St h, 11+92 at 2 o'clock p. ni. Parried tt•. t .1. C. r rrZIA•riitea. m*a(«y Pity- Recorder. J1 Ai)Jut?RNEl) RD AlR SP:SsION ViiARCH 8, 1892. 49 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, March 8th, 1892, O1'Fir IA1..1 jetted and the engineer be instructed to notify the railroad companies and prepare plans and specifications and readvertise for bids. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing. Halpin, l'age,Pea$- lee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes --Aids. Crawford and Glab. Ald. Trexler, chairman of the finance committee, presented the following written opinion of City Attorney McCarthy, which was ordered filed: Dubuque, March 8th, 1892. Hon. John 1'1'C,r'l(1', rho i rwan of Fi- nance Committer, inti,l roc, Iowa: DEAR SiR:—loud t'egilest illy written legal opinion on two questions. First—Can the city call in or redeem at any time what are known as the "paving bonds" issued for the improvement of streets under the provision of Chanter 14 of the acts of the 'Twenty-third General Assembly and the ordinance thereunder? Second—Cast the money or fund received by the city treasurer from the owners of property abutting streets improved under this law. be used for any other purpose than taking up or redeeming the outstand• int paving bonds? Answering yott.r first quessioh, will stale that the city is at liberty at any time to call in and pay off the paving bonds. They are optional bonds. Tile law is clear upeu this point. Indeed the language of the bond, themselves make it optional with the city to redeem them at pleasure. Your second p1 ipositian Is equally clear. The money derived from the special assessments must ne used in the redemp- tion of the bunds; it can not lawfully be devoted to any other use. This fund is the only security that the bondholder has for the payment of his bonds. Section 14 of the out is so conclusive upon this question that it would be useless to argue further. Very respectfully, J. J. JIcCA1ITUY, City Attorney. Ald. '1'rexter offered the following reso- tion: \Vhereas, There is paid in the city treasury over $10,000 for the improvement of streets for which paving bonds were issued ou December 1, 1891, and Whereas Said improvement bonds were issued optional to be redeemed by the city; therefore' the CityCouncil of Be it Resolved by the City of Dubuque. That the city treas- urer be and is hereby instructed to call 111 bonds number 73 to 92 inclusive, iue of mr 1, , and y treasssurerDecebe notibefied to g1891lve'prope the h73 tticit9.2 Council met at 2:25 e'e.locit p. tn. Jla or Saunders in Ilse c111(11. Present--.\ ids. Crawford, Cushing, Glob, Halpin, I'Iee, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'll'e\ter Aid. Peaslee, chairman 01 the committee of the whole, made the fntiow'hag report: Ip favor of reveivllae ,not tiling petition of the Real Pros., meetly for an appropria- tion of .s;,un for Russian sufferers as we be- lieve tbaat private individuals have already contributed liberally and do net slunk it justice (01140 citizens to cohlhtote out of the ,eueral fund. Report adopted. .k Iso repotltd an livor of the adoption of the erdana nee leas,nC to Geo. lice part of mineral lot lot; fish the amendments :ts 111;010 by the (om1111 111. - ,Id. 4'rawfurd moved than the amend- ments In the urdio;w1e he adopted. Car- ried by the following vole: A yes --Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (dal), Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz, and Trexler. .1 Id. lluipin towed that rul••s he sus- pended. c tailed by the following tote: .\ ye, - Allis. Crawford, Cusho•t_. 4.laab, Hatpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith. Stoltz imil Tres ler. Aid. Crawford votipg under protest. Ali. Halpin moved that the ordinance be read for the second time and put on Its final passage. Carried by the following vote: A yes-- Albs. Crawford, Cushing. Glib, Halpin, Page. Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. An amendment was offered to the ordi- nance reserving d waterway through the ground and al -0 r'esetving para of the lot, which w'ae, adopted by the following, vote: Ayes- Aids. C:awtord, Glatt, " llalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smiths, Stoltz and '1rt rIt '. No—Ald. Cushing. The ordinate was read for the second time find adopted by the following vote: A yes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin. Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz ant 'l'rexer. -\ Id. 1,lab, chairman of the committee on streets, reported as follows: In favor o1' approving the red line as the el -helot ,;rade of the alley between hose and \Vest 11111 and \V aluut ant Race and also alley between Rose and West 11111 street, as shown on within plat. Also in favor of paying T. J. Donahue that interest on said bonds Nos. • 8107.08 for macadam sold and used by the inclusive, will cease April 1, 1892. city auad adverse to balance of the claim. Adopted by t e following Glab, Page, Peas - 111 adopted. • lu livor of constructing storm water ice, smith, Stoltz and'1'rexler. sewer on 11111 street of stone, and that Lee ' Nees— Alds. Crawlord and llalpin. & Norton be awarded cuntraN for same Ald. Halpin offered the following reso- iront Main to Washington streets, and that. lotion which was adopted.; front' \V shtngton str etaeastt for a distance c ie contractt Be of Resolvedif by that the the Co.,St. P. & t K. of 800 feet, more or less as the street cum- ' 1'. lty. and the C., M. & St. P. 1ty. be nott- mittee may determine, tied that It Is the intention of the city to Ald. Stoltz moved as an amendment that construct a rive foot sewer under their the contract for the whole sewer be award- tracks on and iling acrossdllth plans streetesithin a0 ed to Stench & Farrell. tiuits. Lost by the tot Menne vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, l'age, Stoltz and :\ M. Crawford offered the following reso- Innon: of Dubuque 1'reoes le &utile Noes—Aids. Crawford, blab, Halpin. I herebylrel Resolved,That Scnepp y Peaslee laI Smith. be - report of thetcmoved as a omn tree that 11111 bids bet re- too the strip or parcel of groundlying an ADJOURNED REGULAR `ESSIOX. NI .\ I1I S, avenuetween Garfield a side of lot eleven (11) in Eathe East Dubuque addition, the same being a part of lot (2) two of mineral lot one hundred and six ((IO) on condition that said Sneppley .Rt lteitsteck shall, before the first day of April, 1892, pay all special assessments due on the said strip and that the city attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance in ac- cordance with this resolution. Said ordi- nance to include a further condition that the city reserves a waterway as now lo- cated through said strip. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. No— Ald. Peaslee. Aid. Crawtord offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Grant avenue and %Vest Eleventh street, west of Race street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering. curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The grading to be bid for in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Dodge street, between South Dodge and Grandview streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the neces- sary plans and specifications for said im- provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing so be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid for in total. The following is the vote on the above resolution: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Halpin. Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—Alds. Glab, Page and Peaslee. Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. in. Monday, March 21st, 1892. C • rried. AAt'est: .J. C. FITZPATRICK, i;-‘44,,14' Recorder. I, ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 21, 1892. 5.1 CITY COUNCIL, Adjourned Regular Session, March 21st, 1892. this profession and that this advancement will tend to the bettering of all concerned. Be it Resolved, That we hereby extend to this association a cordial invitation to make our city your next meeting place and pledge you the protection of our municipal government. Profiles of grade on Lemon street and Pleasant street referred to the street com- mittee. An ordinance releasing; and granting certain property to C. Reifsteck and C. Schepple was presented and read and re- ferred to the ordinance comtnittee. The following judges and clerks of elec- tion for the Fourth ward were appointed. Judges—Robt. McGivern and W. K. De- Lorimier. Clerks—Chas. Pitschner and Richard Wallace. Place of Election—Lorimier house. Place of Registration Omnibus office. A Id. Crawford moved to reconsider the action of the council on the adoption of the red line as the official grade, of the alley from Rose street to West 11t street between Walnut and Race street. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the blue line be adopted as the official grade of the alley from hose to \Vest iltlt street between 1Valnut and Race street. Carried. The matter of grade of Grant avenue re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Crawford moved that the action of the council in referring the Lteifsteek & Sheplaete ordinance to the ordinance com- mittee be reconsidered. Carried. The otdinance was read for the first tune and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Steitz, Trexler-9. Noes—None. Ald. Crawfords moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance put on its hnal passage. Carried. The ordinance was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cashing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—None. 'rite. engineer reported the following bids for constructing sewer on Eleventh street: From Main to Washington street, U. Ruts, $5,925; Lee & Norton, $5,775; Adam Schmidt, $4,860; Steuclt & Farrell, $6,180. Aid. Stoltz moved that the contract be awarded to Adam Schmidt. Carried. Through the railroad company's right of way: Lee & Norton, $1,375; Steuck & Farrell, $1,492.50. Ald. Peaslee moved that t•he conn the ra.ie IOFFICIAL.1 Council met at 2:40 o'clock p. 10. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and '1'rexler. The annual reports of the treasurer, au- ditor, marshal, engineer and atteruey were presented and on motion of A Id. Trexler were referred to th finance committee to have published in yamulllet farm. Plans and speeitications for sewer on Eleventh street were presented and adopted. Bids for construction o[ sewer on Elev- enth street. from Main street to the slough were opened and read and referred to the engineer for computation. A Id. '1'rex1er moved that the contract for the sewer be awarded in sections to the lowest bidder. Carried. Bill of F. Jlert•r., $5.10, referred to com- mittee nu public grounds and buildings. Petition of 31. 1'. Riese for permission to erect a one story triune building on west side of Clay between 7th and 8th streets. (lran ted. Petition of Mrs. A. .1. Marsh for exten- sien of time of six months to pay for street Improvement. Granted. Aid. Crawford moved that the action of the delinquent tax committee on the peti- tion of this A. J. Marsh tar reduction of ass..ssmeut De reconsidered and the peti- t OM be referred back to the delinquent tax ceuiuittee. Carried. Petition of John Kechevoet for permis- 114ill to use 600 foot space in the ice 1larbor referred to the committee on harbors. Petition of G. Gmehle to have the Mr. Welty remove his fence off Pauline street. Granted, and marshal instructed to have said fence removed. Petition of Mrs. 1). Gillen, et al. for dam- ages to their property caused by the im- provement of \Vest Eighth street in 1885 re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Remonstrance against improvement on \lain street between 14th and 17th:streets received and tiled. Co:umnatcation of C. 11. Booth in rela- tion to tilling and laying of railroad tracks in Booth's addition referred to the cout- inatee 01 the whole. Petition til Dubuque Street Railway Co. • for increase in the award of the jury for awarded to Lee & Norton m c. the opening of Elm street received and road company do not construct the sewer tiled. themselves. Carried. Petition to have Schroeder avenue graded From Washington street to the slough referred to the street committee. Petition of 11. Gilleas tor reduction of assessment referred to the delinquent tax committee. Communication of N. S. Andrews ask- ing tete council to extend an invitation to the National Butter and Cheese Makers association to have their next annual meet- ing held here granted and the following resolution was adopted: '1'o the National Butter and Cheese -Mak- er's Association: Whereas, We, the mayor and members of the city council of the city of Dubuque, 'Iowa, recognize the fact that our city is fa- vorably avorably situated in a very rich dairy (11s- trict and that the manufacture of good but- ter and cheese as now conducted is one of the noblest professions of the age, and that the efforts of the Natonal Butter and Cheese Makers' Association is to advance excepting through railroad rig___ Lee oz Norton, $2,580: U. Ruff, $1,915; Steuclt & Farrell, $2,503.75. Ald. Stoltz moved that the contract be awarded to U. ltutf. Carried. Ald. l'age moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn to March 31st, 1892, at 2 o'clock p. tn. Carried. AId. Crawford presented the following report: To the City Council: Your special committee to which was referred the subject of the proposed change of Grade of Madison street between Main street and Seminary street, respectfully recommend that the said grade be changed and re-established 11 line accord- ance with tete greenrotile this don the plan and and P presented to the council, and that the re- 52 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 21, 1892 corder be instructed to give the public no- tice by publication in the manner and for the time required by chapter 25 of the re- vised ordinances of thle proposed chan. W. ge. EDW. C. 1'FASLEF.. Ald. Glab moved as an amendment to the report to substitute the "blue line" for the "green line." Carried. 'rhe report as amended was adopted. ItEBOLIITION9. Aid. Peaslee offered the following: Whereas, In February, 1881, the electors of the city of Dubuque voted to buy for the C., M. & St. 1'. R. 1t. Co., among other property, lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Railroad addition, and, Whereas, By reason of some oversight or clerical error the above described Tots were omitted from the deed to said railroad company; and, Whereas, It appears that it was the in- tention that said railroad company should have and own said lots; Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city attorney prepare the proper deed and the mayor and recorder be and are hereby instructed to execute said deed and deliver, same to the proper officer of the C., M. & St. P. P. Co., provided that before the execu- tion and delivery of said deea the said C., M. & St P. R. It. Co., shall pay into the treasury of the city the cost and expense of improving Garfield avenue abutting said lots and also the cost of building the side-, walk abutting thereon, provided; also that the said C., M. & St, P. R. R. Co., shall ex- ecute to the city of Dubuque a proper quit claim deed of lot 2 of min. lot 106 in the city ot Dubugne, said deed to be approved by the city attorney and reported to this council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, l'age, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and 'Trexler. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, 'l'hat an order for $103.9b principal and $5.15 interest be drawn io favor ot Chas. Steuck, being the amount due hien for improvement of Blomberg avenue between Reed and 5uh avenue, On which the city has extended time of own- ers of property to pay said tax. A.Id. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat show- ing a proposed system of sewerage for Grant avenue, Rose street, Center Place, Race street, Alta Vista street, Julien ave- nue, Wilson avenue, Alpine street, 11111 street, Walnut street,West 5th street, Ne- vada street, Burch street, Summer street, West 3rd street, West llth street, Prairie street and any other street that the engi- neer may deem advisable and proper in the vicinity of the above named streets, and submit the same to this council at his earl= test convenience. Ald. Stoltz offered the following ,which was adopted: Resolved. That the Dubuque Water Co. be and is hereby directed to extend its water mains into and along Grant avenue so that the abutting property owners along said avenue may have an opportunity to connect with and use said water. This resolution is offered by virtue of the pro- vision of Sec. 5 of chapter 52 of the revised ordinances of the city of Dubuque; the said water company is also directed to ex- tend its water mains on and along West llth street and Rose street. Ald. Trexler offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor of Chas. Steuck as follows: Special tax $189.79, interest $4.811, total $194.60, be- ing the amount due said Chas. Steuck tor the improvement of Julien avenue from Bluff to dill street, on which the council has granted the owner of property an ex- tension of time to pay said tax. Aid. Trexler offered the following which was adtoped: Whereas, Lot 19 Nairn's sub was return- ed for assessment 1890 to Geo. Perry; also to A Cain, thus making a double assess- ment, and, whereas, Geo. Perry paid the taxon said lot for 1890, and the sante lot assessed to A. Cain for said year was sold for taxes for said year, thus being an illegal sale, therefore, Resolved, That the city treasurer be;In- structed to redeem said lot from said sale. according to the ordinance on that subject, and relieve any defect in the title of said lot by reason of said sale. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City 01 Dubuque, That Broadway street, be- tween Bionklinger's !ane and Diag- onal streets, be graded, guttered, • curbed and macadamized in conform- ity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject; that the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the Performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawtord, Cushing, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and '1'rexier —8. N oes—None. AId. Page moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest .1. C. I iTZPAT1t1CK. City Recorder. 71 !l%" MARCII SESSION, 1892. IJIST OF CITY IVARRANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during February, 1892. l'1TV I:I?1'„nl)Elt'S (Wi i1'i:, 1)1 1 1 Qt1E. Iolc:!• 51;'1111, 1892. To ,lit I luuurallle Mayor anll ('it\ Connell: GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me (1111.1112 the month of February, 1892: Name. For what Purpose. Amount l.. Gonner........ Salary for Jan., Treas- urer $150 00 .1. ('. Fitzpatrick.. Sultry for Jan., Recor- der... 116 65 J. M. Kenety.....Sal:u•y for Jan., Aud- itor 116 65 .1..1. McCarthy.. Salary for Jan., Attor- ...... ney125 00 1'. F. Guthrie.. Salary for Jan., As- sessor 12 50 Jolul F. Stem) _Salary for .Jan., As- sessor•. 112 50 .ias.1'.13enuett...S.lary for Jan., As- sistant Asses,or90 CO S. 13. Rice .........Salary for Jan., Mar- shal 100 00 Ed. Ryan Salary for Jan., Street Commissioner 91 65 .los. Heinfried....Salary for Jan., Chief of lire do rtrtn)ent75 00 A. Gratz.... ....Salary for Jan., Mar- ketinaster. 50 00 P. McNulty....... Salary for Jan., Park Custodian 46 50 I. S. Bigelow .Salary for Jan., Health ollicer.... ... .... al 00 l'. SpiegelhalterSalary for Jan., Pound - master 40 00 13. Itawson........Salary for .1:,11., Sew er Inspeetur60 00 .lames O'Halloran. Salary for .Jan., Side- walk Inspector.•. • • •. 32 00 .I. IC1ein.......... Salary for Jan., Meat Inspector•50 00 .tames Bunting...Salary for Jan., Elec- trielan75 00 Ed. Blake S'tlary for Jan , En- gt,iueer..-. 125 00 E. 5. Hyae.......Salary for Jan., As- sistant Engineer100 00 .I. Boyce ...Salary for Jan., As- sistant Engineer.... 160 00 .luhnO'Connell...Salary for Jan., Com- mittee clerk...... .Ia;. Daly......... Fireman Job Barnes .1. Strany ” .1. 'Murphy W. Duey " ......... .1. Se honberger" ............... T. O'Shea Bd. Iteas...... M. Eitel 61..•.•...•••.... P. Martin John Essman" .......... .1. Wiltse" Fly nn„ T. Flynn F. Walker" F. Essinan ............ .. 1). Ahearn....:..... (1. Moyer 66 1. Allen 1'. Kannolt..... .• " ....... F. Gau:thl` .1. Ward A. Ill ceiui " .1. Albrect Laborer ................ I. Bewer" •.••- Win. Barkley and Son J. Byrne. 11. Iloze. John Corbett .John Fix.. " Ed. Grew ,Joe Grab..... " ......•••• . ... John I(lnsellaCarpenter ...........:.. T. MnlqueenyLa4boror A. MlGuau. L. McEvoy. ,f 11 16 14 83 35 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 03 60 00 60 00 50 00 GO 0:) 85 00 60 00 GO 00 GO 00 60 Ou 50 60 5(1 00 60 00 75 00 00 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 (10 2 25 350 6 75 6 75 1 50 5 25 3 00 16 50 4 50 43 75 1060 160 20 25 53 Joe Obbelt........3 75 .......... .1. Perryon " 7F M. Itya 1.......... " 3 (x1 JohnHaet7 Foreman ..... ......... 10 5n J. Sehrup.... ....Laborer75 M. Specht..... .. " 3 75 J. r.etk " 24 0(t Jelin Wolfe ....... " 900 G. Wirt" ... 1 50 Thos. Kane... .Team 8 75 II. Leak........... 61,12 25 .5. Siet1'es......,,,, " .1. McCollins. ....Express10 5(t ....Express.. Siege ,.100 I). Ryan... Captain 0f Police 75 00 .1ohu It:teslr70 00 James Carter Policeman 41 25 \Vm. O'Brien " 3135 M. O'Connell " 48 35 Batt (rain \\'nl. Fritht611 55 43 3t. John I,its1 her44 5F 1'. McNerny456 0 O70 'Thos. Iteilly I', Dunnegan 50 Ott 1'. Kearney .... 511 000 I'. Hanlon.. . . ............ b0 G(1 John Fitzpatrick. " ••• 50 011 Ilan. Norton 5(1 on .lames Allen98 35 John Reuter" 48 35 M. Hardie ...4648 35 Wnl. Welsh " Sam. Elmer" James Flynn " .. ••........ •. Dan. Lavery John Hoffman" 1?d. Moore„ Tho,. Blake...... " John Alnrphy " \V in. 1'. laner" Peter 1.•h:u•f41 I'..\11 c'ullins" .............. ccn. 1h111:11c " .... —. ... .. John Marphv Patrol Driver W III. 1 I ennessy Police A. t:ratz.... ..... Board of urlsoners. John Tibey...... lu)p. Washington St I). W. Lineh:m..Imp.Iowa street Chas. Steuck......Imp. Julien avenue ... I11111. Rhonberg ave Tony Siege........ Imp. Julien aye..... Geo. Taylor ......Imp. alley. Ed. Ryan... Imp. Dello street Adana Schmidt... l mp. 27th street •` Dup. 27th street........ T. J. Donahue.. Jinn. Dod_c street Thos. Graniield...Coal lor )ceigbmaster Jas. Levi & Co... Matting....., It. J. Love........ Witness in mty case Wm. U. Watters. Hay L. Li denbere.... Brass wire ...... E. Schollian.... -Overcoat for police.... Ferguson Bros.... iiepaiting fountains... W. S. Molo....... engine...... Knapp, Stout & Co. Go..........Lumber. James Kelly......Stationery. The Heralo.......1'ritting ,........ Novelty Iron Works.......... Repairing hook and lad ler............... G. W. Raymond.Lantern globes, etc.... B. F. Linehan.... Waite waste E. M. Dickey Co.. Jatnes Leahy __Fuel ....... Chas. Herzog..... hawing wood .......... James Howie Moving patrol house.. J. J. McCarthyExpense to Des Moines J. C. t,onguwllle. ' Barger & Blish Stationery West rn Electric 39 60 50 00 50 10 50 (10 10 00 41 23 tO 00 50 (1(1 GO 0(1 29 70 10 80 99 60 169 GO 143 35 244 94' 198 45 31 11 210 98 600 00 373 95 70 00 2 25 1 GO 60 143 84 1 25 15 09 1 40 1 00 2 :s1 7 45 40 00 1 5o 2 00 1 80 4 75 115 50 22 50 160 00 23 15 23 15 360 Company ........ Eiectrical sup:,lies2 60 Thos. Hein....... Witness is city case60 Geo. H. Moyer... Freight charges 32 Mr. and Mrs. Koenig.......... Janitor salary40 00 Ledger Printing Company ....... Advertising... 29 15 Dubuque TELE- tatArH Bank books and star tLnely................ E. E. Frith,Removing dead ani- mals... ............. 4 00 Duggan & KaneBrooms........... 50 .1os..1. Rowan.... Bedding........... 29 87 C. W. Robison... Lumber ............... 1 95 Ifllwanger Bros...ltep siring harness and blankrts10 80 Hardie Si Scharle.Stationer) 21 00 89 75 M MARCH SESSION, 1892. Thos. Henny..... Tin pipe.... ......... Geo. 1t. Ciark Doors Jordan & Jordan. Repairing pully John O'Brien.....Labor Flies. Butcher.... •••••........•.••• Win. 0Watters-Hay Burns i§1 Donahoe Gats W. S. Moto .......Repairing engine A, Y. ,McDonald Mfg Co.......... Repairing engine A. Kannolt........ Horseshoeing ....... • • C. C. I.empke Coke..... ..... ..... C. W. Robison Lumber ................ T. HillRepairing hose cart... Ahrens Manufae- tering CoGlass Oilers Novelty Iron Works Repairing engines.... E. 13. Chandler1 lire alarm box Key City as Co..Coke Ellwanger Bros... Blankets and repair- ing harness11 50 John Lagen Horseshoeing... . 14 50 Key City Gas Co.Coke................... 10 25 Lear & PflffnerHorseshoeing... 8 50 A. Wunderlich.... Hor•sef hoeing......... 8 75 Slanddrd Lumber Comnany,Shavings John Whalen • Macadam Ed. Lee........... Tim. Mobility .••••....... .John Hennis John McNulty Wm. Mel)ermott John Byrne Felix McBride John Bottoms John Quail John :4elone Chas. Mauk Chas, Rllchard Chas. Monk Patrick Mohan John Corbett Michael Ryan M. Nowathen N. Bakula Fred. Galow Joe Dowarak Geo. Welter Wm. Flannagan P. Klene J. Albrecht" P. Kiene....... James Mclloy J. Albrecht Geo. Gow J, Ham yen Geo. Gow Peter Kiene M. Lilack John Albrecht Fred. Calow Jas. Melloy M. Bak ula...... .Joe Dowarek J. Marone A. Winhehnen Geo. Welter John Corbett M. Nowothen M. Lllack J. Albrecht Win. Flannagan J. Moroni John Corbett J. Moroni Fred. Galow Andrew Ring 1. Proctor P,e Guthrie._ .Juror on Elm street.. Wm. Lowther T Byrne, 11. Nagehnaker Jaynes Howie John Moser John Trexler, Sr. Ch. Vath M. M. Hoffmann P. H. Sommerlield 1 00 57 Dub.Witer Co.... " 59 15 559 15. 35 Dub. Water Co .. 24 15 43 75 John Murphy Rent for house 350 43 75 Globe Light and 52 54 Heat Co Light, 600 00 31 77 Globe Light and 66 40 00 75 rlHeat Co Key City Gas CoGas..... 118 at Dubuque Electric It'd L. & 5°0 00 166 31) The Ledger Advertising.... 29 16 The Herald....... TheTitnes.... ••••• 2 50 The TELEGRAPH. " • Adam Schmidt... Imp. Leibritz streett6 61 3 98 4 00 2 55 30 1 45 7 50 125 00 17 11 Is 66 11 „ 14 Of a 44 to " tt 14 66 u of 46 O. .1 ••••.........• •••.•.••....... •••••.•.......• .......••• ... ••••••••....... ••••.........•• 61 46 6,6 66 {l P. H. Haluin..... " Chas. Steuck Fillina South Main St. {{ tf John E. HartigRepairing tools........ /larger & Blish Stationery. ........... John O'DeaWood for patrol house G. B. GrosvenorWall piper Dubuque Brass & ,`i Metal Co ........ Repairs on engine 1)ub. Water Co.. Water .... 2 25 65 32 49 23 31 62 13 80 4174 32 89 5 1; 23 57 18 40 4600 74 75 103:0 f,2 50 12 00 42 55 13 12 3 07 10 :.5 20 85 9 97 11 25 1 35 10 95 6 07 3 67 5 85 14 55 4 57 15 22 25 01 24 22 41 77 18 97 19 05 15 52 10 65 18 37 9 67 10 20 6 911 7 65 11 55 12 12 5 4,0 14 70 13 35 9 30 9 60 1335 33 GO 178 24 63 40 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 200 140 31 235 62 5 70 1 GO 18 00 3 GO 4 40 500 00 46 66 66 Ed. Ryan Imp. Delhi street John Butt Repairing tools........ John O'NeillEx press hauling...... M. Lavin Sewer Dub. Water Co...Water for flush tanks. Noah H. Faust...Rent for pump T. J. Donahue. ...Grading for Dodge St sewer Ferguson Bros.... Repairing fountains L. Gonner, Treas.Interest Oats, etc John Tibe9....... Rolling South Dodge street 291 10 Wm. Howard. --...0 i u d e rs, Grandview avenue 200 00 Chas. Steuck, ....Juror on Elm street2 00 John Schroeder.. R e f u nded saloon li- cense 20 00 29 15 81 20 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 439 86 26 04 9 50 50 97 36 472 50 3 50 433 25 24 41 500 00 500 00 437 93 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of February, 1892. J. C. FITZPATIRICK, Recorder. MARCH. SESSION, 1892. AN ORDINANCE. Releasing and granting certain property to C. Reifsteck and C. Scheppele. Whereas, Garfield avenue formerly ex- tended along the north boundary line ot lot No. eleven (I1), East Dubuque addition, as indicated by the old city map; and, Whereas, The course oI the avenue was changed so that a strip of ground was left between said lot No. 11, as originally platted, and the avenue as now established; therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. 'rhe City of Dubuque hereby relinquishes and releases unto C. Reifsteck and C. Scheppele, the own rs of said lot No. 11 all that part and parcel of land ly- ing and being between said lot No. 11 and said Garfield avenue. '1'liat said tract of land is more particularly described as bounded on the north by Garfield avenue, on the east by easterly line of said hit 11 extended to said avenne and on the south by said lot 11 and on the west by westerly line of said lot No. 11 extended to said avenue, and that by reason of said change in course of said highway the property is con- sidered as part of said lot No. 11 and the same shall be so considered for purposes of taxatin and street improvements on which taxes and assessments shall be paid by the owners of said lot No. 11, and the same (taxes and assessments) shall be a sten upon said lot No. 11, including the proper- ty hereby released and made a part thereof. Sec. 11. That upon the adoption hereof said C. Reitsteck and C. Scheppele shall pay to the city of Dubuque a supe of money equal to that amount which it would cost the grantees herein to improve the street by curbing and macadamizing 111 in front of the property hereby conveyed, under a resolution of the council ordering the same improved and the amount shall be ascertained from Busts of last street im- provement of said avenue. Sec.111. The grantees herein accept the property hereby released without the right of interferring with or changing the water- course trout present course on said strip or piece of ground until consent may be given by the City of Dubuque to any change that inay be desired by the grantees or their heirs or assigns. Sec. 4. Upon payment of the money pro- vided for in section 2 hereof this ordinance shall be published in the official paper of said city from and atter which publication this ordinance shall take effect and be in force. Adopted by the city council, March 21, 1892. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. To the honorable Mayor and City 1'ouncil: GENTLEMEN: The undersigned hereby agree to accept the ordinance passed by your honorable body March 21, 1892, grant- ing us certain rights and privileges, and agree to all restrietions and limitations contatped therein. C. 1tEIFSTECK, C. F. SIIEPPELE. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone, or cement, be. within 15 days of this notice, constructed and lald in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Klingenberg street, to tempo- rary grade. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk lour feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement: be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of West Third street, between Alpine street and College avenue, to atem- porary grade at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the City Council, March 7, 1892. J. C. FITZPATRICK, Mar 16 10t Recorder. Notice of Change Grade. At the session of the city council of Du- buque held March 21st, 1892, it was ordered that the proposed change of grade on Mad- ison street, from Main to Seminary street, as shown by the profile in the recorder's office will be considered at the next regular session of the city council, not less the fif- teen days from the date of this publication and that all persons claiming damages by reason of such proposed change of grade must file their claims before such meeting with the city recorder. J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Dubuque, Iowa, March 22st, 1892. 3-23-5t Proposals for Brick Paving. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, i DUBUQUE, Iowa, March 12, 1892. y Sealed proposals will be received at the office of City Recorder until 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, March 31. 1892, for pav- ing Main street between Charter street and Seventeenth street, in the City of Dubuque, with brick, and for curbing said street with new curb where necessary and for re- setting oid curbing where suitable for use; also for excavating, levelling and prepar- ing the sub -grade and constructing the foundation for the surtace paving accord- ing to plans and specifications on file in my office. The extent of the work is as follows: Macadam nr concrete, sand, and paving with brick, 28,000 square yards. New curbing, 7,000 lineal feet. Old curbing taken up and reset, 1,5110 lineal feet. Granite toothing, 3,200 square yards. Bids for the paving must be made at so much per s:tuare yard of surface pavement, which will include the preparation of the sub -grade, ccnstruction of foundation and the furnishing of all materials for the same. Bids for new curbing and resetting curb- ing shall be made at su much per lineal font. Proposals must be made in the alterna- tive for paving with a concrete foundation, or for paving with a macadam founda- tion. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check 00 some Dubuque bank for $500, payable to the order of the mayor of the city of Dubuque in case the party to whom the contract is awarded shall fail to execute the contract so awarded within five days after such contract is awarded. Bidders are required to furnish samples of brick with which work Is to be done. The contractor to whom the contract is awarded will be required to give a bond of $5,000 for the faithful performance of the work. MARCH SESSION, 1892. Copies of plans and specifications will be furnished on application by the city re- corder. The work is to be completed by August 1, 1892. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. J. C. FITZPATRICK. 3-15-14t Recorder. Sealed Proposals. W ill be received at the city eneinee's of- fice till 2 p. m. March 31, 1892, for con- atruetiug storm water sewer on Main and Fifth street, according to the plans and specifications on tile in the engineer's of- fice. vie city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. C BLAKE, En:ineer. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. In pursuance of law and the ordinance of the city, 1, Chas. J. W. Saunders, Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, do hereby proclaim that an election will be held in said city on Monday, April 4th, 1892, for the purpose of electing A Mayor, An Auditor, An Assessor, Also one Alderman from each ward in said city. That on said day the polls will be opened at 9 o'clock a. m. and kept open until 7 o'clock p. in. of said day to receive the votes cast at such election, in the following places, to -wit: First Ward—Montana House. Second Ward—Dubuque Water Co's Of- fice bth foul Locust. Third Ward—City Hall. Fourth Waid—Lorimier house. Fifth Ward, East Precinct — R. W. Lange's store. Fifth Ward, West Precinct — lleeb's Brewery. Witness my hand and the seal of said city this 23d day of March, 1892. Chas. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 12 o'clock noon, March 31, 18112, for a modern Aerial Turntable I ook and Ladder Truck. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. C, FITZPATRICK, 3-16-141 Recorder. The places of registration of voters in the several wards and precincts of said city are as rollows: First Ward — Trainor's warehouse, on Locust street. Second 1Vard—Engine house, Fourth and Locust streets. Third Ward—Police headquarters, city hall. Fourth Ward—Omnibus office. Fifth Ward—West precinct, Meyer's liv- ery; East precinct, 211 Eagle Point avenue. All qualified voters of said city who fulled to have their names on last fall's registry are hereby notified that unless they present themselves at the places and within the time herein before mentioned for registration they will be debarred the privilege of voting at said election. CHAS..). W. SAITNtiKits, Mayor. J. C. FITz1'AT1tICK, Recorder. Registration Notice. Notice is hereby given that the registers of election duly appointed to register voters in the city of Dubuque, state of Iowa, will be in attendance at the places herein desig- nated, for the purpose of correcting the registry list of last fall's election and add- ing thereto such electors as may be en- titled to vote at the city election to be held April 4111, 1892. Said registers will meet at their respec- tive places on Saturday, April 2d, 1892, at 8 o'clock a. m. and be in session until 9 o'clock p. m. of said day. And said Registers will thereafter meet on Monday (election day), April 4th, 1892, and be in session from the time the polls open until they close, and register only such voters as were absent from the city on the preceding Saturday during the time the board was in session; also such voters as did not beeome citizens until Monday, April4th, 1892. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, MARCH 31, 1892. 57 CITY COUNCIL • Adjourned Regular Session, March 31st, 1892. [OFFICIAL.] Council met at 4:16 o'clock p. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Cra wford, Cushing. Glab, Bailin', Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and '1'rex- ler. AId. Stoltz moved Ihat the bids for brick paving be opened. A Id. Crawford moved that action be postponed and the bids set aside. '1'he question being put on the motion to postpone was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford and Glab. Noes—Aids. Cushing, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz and 'I'rexler. 'L'he ouestion being put on the motion to open the bids was carried. A Id. Hatpin moved that the Contract be awarded to the lowest bidder on concrete inundation. Carried. The bids for brick paving were opened and read and referred to the paving com- mittee and engineer tor computation. Alit. Smith arrived at 4:50 o'clock p. in. A Id. Crawford, chairman of the commit- tee on paving, made the following report on the bids for paving Main street: J. 1i. Smith & Co. $61,200, Atkinson & Oloff $57,323, Bick & (Hann $61,010, Ste- phens & Stephens $65,497, Becker & Pierce :$63,275, D. A. Mei+uigan $90,275, Steuck & .Farrell $66,345, .1. 11. McDonald $68,670, Rockford Construction Co. $70,655, Kringle & 'I'schirgi $137,050. AId. Stoltz moved that the contract be awarded to Atkinson & Oloff. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Cushing, Glab, llalpin, Pave, .Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz. and 'I'rexler. No—AId. Crawford. On motion of AId. '1'rexler the checks deposited with the bids were returned to the bidders with the exception of the check of Atkinson & Oloff. AId. Crawford moved that the matter of paving between the rails with granite on Main street be referred to the paving com- mittee. Ald Page moved to lay the motion on the table. Carried. Bids for constructing sewer nn 6th street and on Main street from 4th to 13th streets were opened and referred to the engineer for coin put ation. AId. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That 11. 11. Smyth be appoint- ed a judge of election in the Second ward vice 1', F. Kuepfli, deceased. AId. Crawford moved that the bids for aerial truck be opened and read. Carried. The bids were opened and read and on motion of AId. Smith were referred to the committee on fire and water. Petition of M. Harris for extention of time to lay sidewalk on 5th and White streets referred to the mayor with power. Petition o1 Linwood cemetery associa- tion in relation to change of grade on Windsor avenue referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Ferguson Bros. in relation to sewer on Chesnut street referred to the sewer committee and attorney. The engineer reported the following bids for sewer on Main and 5th streets: Sewer between 4th and 8th streets and from Iowa to Main streets: Lavin & Corrance, $2,077.20; N. 11. Shil- Iing,.$1.993.80; M.Tschirgi,$1,855.60;Steuck & Farrell, $2,400.70. From 8th to 14th streets: Lavin & Corrance, $1,934; N. 11. Schil- ling, $1,932; M. 'I'schirgi, $1,1317.40; Steuck & k'arrell, $2.448.50. Ald. Page moved that the contract be awarded M. '1'schirgi. Carried. t Ald. Peas! = moved to adjourn. Carried. tt:'t: / J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. -i$Q;O 0 t ty hail April 1, 1892, for meting ings as follows• On the sot f side of T street and Couler avenue. )n the west side of South Locust and Dodge streets. The work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications on file in said office. The city reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids. 3-28.5t E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. 58 SPECIAL SESSION, APRIL 5, 1892. CITY COUNCIL. Special SessiOn April 5',h, 1892. Council met at 2:55 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Critwford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith Stoltz and Trexler. The following call for the meeting was read: Dubuque, Iowa, April 4tl►, 1892. To the Ilon. C. J. W. Saunders, mayor: The undersigned alder►nen request you to call a special session of the city council on 'Tuesday, April 5th, at 2 o'clock p. m. to take up and consider the Basket Factory ordinance. J. W. IHALPIN, F. J. STOLTZ, JOHN P. PAGE, JOAN 'I'TEXLER, NELL H. CUSHING, EDW. C. PEASLEE, According to the above request 1 hereby cart a special session of the city council at the time and hour as mentioned. Respectfully, CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Ald. Trexler moved that the matter of a retaining wall on St. Mary's street be re- ferred to the street .committee and attor- ney. Carried. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dnuuque, That the city marshal notify the Rev. Ficke to re►nove the stone wall adjacent to the 18th street engine house on the west, as it is in a dangerous con- dition. The matter of the Dee ordinance was taken up. Phe rules were suspended and Mr. P. .1. Quigley addressed the council in rela- tion thereto. A Id. Ilalpin moved that the Dee ordi- nance be reconsidered. Mr. Dee addressed the council and stated tie could not and would not accept the ordinance as passed. The question being put on the motion of Ala. Halpin to reconsider was carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford Cushing, Glut,' Halpin, Page, Stoltz and Trexler. Noce.—Aids. Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Halpin presented and read an amended ordinance granting Geo. Dee certain privileges on lot 2 of mineral lot 106 which on motion of AId. Page was refer- red to the ordinance committee to report at the regular sesssion of the council Thursday. Ald. llalpin offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the action of the coun- cil malting five members on each standing committee be and is hereby rescinded, and in lieu thereof that the mayor at his option be instructed to have from three to five members on each committee for the en- suing year as all committees do not re- quire five members. AId. llalp' coved to adjourn. Carried. 1t ..t: J. C. N'ITZPATRICK, 'ity Recorder. 1 REGULAR SESSION, AP'RII. 7, 1892. 511 C1TY COIINCIL. Reggular Session, April 7th, 1892. thed. deordinance Crawford presentednthe followiu. ng report which was adopted: 1'o the city council of the city of Du- buque: Your committee on ordinan' a to which was referred the ordinance adopted March 8th, 1892, and reconsidered April 5th, 1892, leasing for manufacturing purposes, to George i)ee, on certain conditions for the terns ut' 99 years, lot 2 of mineral lot 106 in the city of Dubuque, respectfully report that we have carefully considered tho various provisions of the ordinance ob- jected to by Mr. Dee, and recommend that the same be amended by striking out sec- tions 4, 5, 8 anil 10 of the sand ordinance and by substituting the sections appended to this report, similarly numbered, in lieu of the sections stricken out. From a conference with Mr. Dee we are assured that the ordinance, if amended as proposed, will be satisfactory to him; and we also believe that the interest of the city will he sufficiently guarded and pro- tected. We therefore recommend the ad- option of the ordinance with the proposed amendments. ltespec'fully submitted, IOFF1C1A1..1 Council met at 9:30 o'clock p. til. Alayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Ads. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. Ald. Trexler tnoved that the minutes of the previous session be approved as printed. Carried. The following bills were allowed: The Newbnrgh Co., tin signs .$10 85 Thos. Keuneally, Making out reg- istry list 1'. E. Sttelau, pine wood for roller2 00 Eugene Dietzgen & Co., stationer , 3 82 for engineer 82 E. C. Blake, express charges A. l'orwancher, tilling sidewalk 10 00 Engineering News Publishing Co, 2 40 advert icing 1 1 25 James Kelly. stationery Puimer, \V initis & Co., blanks, &e• • 30 2i 13 15 75 75 88 47 25 45 50 4 25 50 Mrs. Ki'eui_, scrubbing otlices !larger & Blish, stationery Ferguson Bros., rubber packing James belly, stationery Sver,dseu & Ott, lumber John O'Brien, work on sewers Tom Butcher, work 00 sewers Lear• & 1'fitl'ner, horseshoeiug John E. 1lartig, keys Me11 11. Cushing, storage of chemical 6 00 engine 4 80 Ferguson .Bros., plunibiug W. W. \Vormood, care of town clock 72 00 The following Was were referred: TO to the printing committee: Herald, $29.15; Ledger. $29.15;'l'Et,t.GnArt_, $75.00; Times, $58.40. To the committee 00 tire and water: Robert MCGivertl, $14; G. Schramm, $i ; Iowa _Hon \\'odes, $1,050; John Klein- schmidt, $8. To the committee on police and light: $8.00; Key City Gas Co., 119.70; Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co., $6115.30; L. Daly, $4; .John Kleinschmidt, $16; Globe Light and heat Cc., $550; 11. L. Conger. $2. To the street committee: Con Ryan $50, Wm. Howard $8, John Kleinschmidt 40c, Anna M. Bush $2.75. The bill 01 J. A. McKinlay of $9, refer- red to the eomutttee of the whole. Bill of 1. S. Bigelow of $7 referred to the coinnuttee of the board of health. Bill of the herald of $118.50 referred to the committee on supplies and the re- corder. Bill of Western Electric Co. of $30.40 re- feferred to the committee on electrical con- struction. Bilis of II. 11. South $6, N. C. Ryan, $6, received and tiled. Ad. Trexler moved that the judges and clerks of election as appointed by the coun- cil be allowed $5 each, also that the pro- prietors of the places where the election was held be allowed $5 each. Carried The matter of investigating the matter of the judges and clerks of election of the 4th ward be referred to the aldermen of the 4th ward. Ald. Trexler moved that $10 each be al- lowed the registers of election; also allow $l0 ettela to the proprietors of the places where the regi..tration was held. Carried. Ald. Crawford 'mired that the report of he committee 00 ordinance in ;relation to 1'. W . Crawford, J. \V. Halpin, M. 11. Cushing, F..1. Stoltz. John Glab, Committee on Ordinances. Ald. 11aalpin moved that the ordinance be read for the first time. Carried. The ordinance was read for the first time. by the recorder and adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Stoltz and Trexier. Noes—Aids. Crawford, l'easelee and Smith. Aid. Halpin moved that the rules be suspended. Carried. Aces—Aids. Cushin^, Glab, 11alpin, Page, Peaslee, Sinith, Stoltz. and Trexler. No—AId. Crawford. Ald. Halpin moved that the ordinance be read for the second time. Theordidance was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: • Aces—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Stoltz and Trexler. Noes—Aids. Peaslee and Smith The following bilis were allowed: Svendsen & Ott, lumber $ Knapp, Stout & Co. hardware James Chistaan & Heap, .lames O'Contlor, brushes and lan- terns Joseph Gager, carpenter work Frani: Robinson, labor on steam roller A. 1'. McDonald mfg. Co., brass Frat•r. & Clark, lantern wicks Janes O'Connor, soap, &e John Ganahl, horseshocing Standard Lumber Co, shavings Dubuque Mattress Factory, mat- tresses and springs Dubuque Water Works. hydrant 1,00000 6 75 2 50 2 436 3 30 4 05 4 00 3195 5 75 58 20 5 80 13 70 1 50 37 00 su opt y A. Wunderlich, horseshoetig Lear & Plitl'ner, horseshoeiog T. W. Fitzpatrick & Co., horseshoe 3 50 70 '1'. Hill, repairs 426 Key City Gas Co., coke 35 Frank Robinson, laborTons scales4 00 PThe following petitions were referred to the street committee: Remonstrance of .1. F. Stampfer ataint proposed changed of grade on Madison street. 10 REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 7, 1892 Communication of C., M. & St. P. Ry. Co. notifying the city that they will con- struct Eleventh street. Ston sewer over the right of way Profile ane petition for change of grade on Lincoln avenue and plat of Enisley's subdivision. The lullowinl insurance policies and bills referted to the committee on public grounds and buildings: Norwich Union, $37.50; American, $28.12; Jersey City, $18.75. Statement of the assessment and valua- tion of railroads of Dubuque city present- ed by County Auditor McCullough, re- ferred to the city assessor. Petition for the improvement of Francis street granted. Petition for the improvement of 11i11 street from Julien avenue to \Vest Eighth street, granted. Petition of Anna M. Bush for cancella- tion of special assessment for filling lot. Received and filed. Protest and claim for damages of Michael Duggan on amount of proposed change of grade on Madison street. Re- ceived and filed. The following agreement was a!sn pre• sented and ordered recorded in the min- utes; . 1 hereby agree not to urge any objection to an assessment against ole for improve- ment of Madison street in the city of Du- buque on account of any damages for change of grade on said street not having been allowed and paid before the work was done. April 6, 1892. Communication of the Dubuque Water company, stating that they made no charge for the use 'if their otfiee on election (lay. Received and tiled and a note 01 thanks extended to the \Vater company for their liberality. Petition for vacation of certain streets In Grandview Park add tion. Received and filed. Petition of UubugneStreet Railway for permission to use a "'1"' rail on Main street. Received and tiled. Petition to have the grade on Center Place lowered on such part of said street as lies south of the point, where the mac- adamizing now ends and running far enough south so as to make the grade eaey of access from Julien avenue and to con- form with the grade now established on Rose street. Grant, d and the engineer in- structed to prepare profile of grade. Petition of Chas. Klingenberg for exten- sion of Lincoln avenue. referreed to the committee of the whole. l'etion of Mary C. Blake for compensa- tion for a fence torn (town by the city in opening up Foye street, referred to the al- dermen of the 4th ward. Petition of Mrs. Barbrara lshom for per- mission to move frame bulking at the corner of 9th and Clay streets, referred to the committee on fire arid water. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Charlotte Catosky, Mrs. 1i. Farrell, Josephine Wasser, A. C. Atherton, Smed- ley Manufacturing Co., Magdalena I'. Brauhm, Mrs. \Vin. Lahey, Mrs. Henry Lohrmann, Catherine Vogeuthaler and Mrs. Sophia Flrzlofi•. Application of James Beacons for posi- tion as meat inspector. Received and filed. AId. Trexler, in behalf of the council, presented to Mayor Saunders a handsome gavel. The mayor, in a few well chosen re- marks, returned thanks to the council. 11. Schmidt addressed the council and objected to the opening of Merz street. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kenety reported cash 00 hand March 1st, 1892, .$28,734.86; receipts for the month of March, $37.803.88; disbursements for March, $24,655 69. Cash on hand April 1st, 1892, $41,883.05; amount required to pay city officers, $1.759.80; amount col- lected and due contractors, $2,327.36; also dui ngg March. nted a .tslWarrantsporderedons cto med pay same and report referred to the finance committee. Treasurer Gonner reported 8834,58 paid out. during the month of March for refund- ed tax. interest, expense, etc. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn. Recorder Fitzpatrick reported licenses issued by hint to the atm,unt of $45.50 dur- ing March. Received and filed. Marshal Rime reported $1,523.60 due the police for the mouth of March; also report- ed 67 police cases tried during March; also reported pound receipts $1 collected on city ordinance cases $12.20; also collected from Dubuque Street Railway company $4.95; also tenoned 68 patrol runs for March. Received and tiled and warrants ordered to pay same. Chief Reinfried reported $1,327 due the firemen for the mouth of March. Raceived and filed and warrants ordered to pay the same. Marketmaster Gratz reported scale re- ceipts $22.05, also reported $19 due for board of prisoners. Received and tiled and warrants ordered to pay same. C. 11. Betswenger receipts of Fifth ward scales, $1.50. Received and tiled. Street Commissioner Ryan reported $1,415 due for street work during March, also . presented itemized list of said ex- penses. Received and filed and warrants ordered. Chas. Pitsehner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $2.77. Received and filed, 1'. Granfieid reported scale receipts of First ward scales $6.10. Received and filed. Engineer Blake presented the following list of maeadatu measured by him: Soman & Meyer, $34; Mrs. Heim, $110; Lewis Wachter, 816; Ed. Morgan, $43; Valentine Burns, $18; N. Mcl'oland, $39; Patrick Ryan, $21; Andrew Ring, $5.20. John Malone, $4.50. Ordertd timid uy the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Halpin. Page, Peaslee, Smith. and Trexler. Petition of \Via. Byrne for retaining wail on Cleveland avenue. Received and tiled. The following is the report of the jury on the straightening of Rose street, DunuQuK, Iowa, March 25, 1892. To the Honorable Mayor and the City Council. GENTLEMEN:—'The jury appointed to award damages, if any, caused by the straightening of Rose street, as indicated by the plat of the city engineer, would re- spectfully report that they award as dam- ages to Mrs. Gilliams' property the sum of $164.58, and to Joseph Lott the sum of $68.83. Respectfully submitted, Charles Mehl, 1. Wunderlich, Chas. liollnagel, 11. Poole, James Bayes, John .less, Josepti Stoltz, G. Fleming, John llegnau, Chas. 11. Gregorle, Lewis C. Fuller, J. W. Parker. Urs motion the award was approved and 1 REGULAR SESSION, :11'[:11. 7, 1892 til the money set apart in the treasurer's office and the attorney instructed to procure the necessary deeds, and warrants of $2 each ordered drawn in favor of the jurors. Ald. Crawford moved that the property condemned be declared a public highway. Carried. :11d. Ilalpin moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:10 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders to the chair. Present—A.Ids. Cushing, Glab, Ilalpin. Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz and Trexler. 'The ordinance granting Geo. Dee the right to use lot 2 of mineral lot 100 was read. A Id. Halpin moved that, inasmuch as the ordinance read is a true copy of the ordi- nance as passed, that it be filed and Mr. 1)ee be given an opportunity to tile Itis ac- ceptance with the recorder. t arried. 1r. Geo. 1)ee filed his acceptance of the ordinance as passed. A Id. Crawford arrived at 2:25 o'clock p. tn. ItEYOITS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Trexier, chairman of the finance committee reported as follows: That Ihev have awarded the contract f or printing 300 copies of the finance reports of 1891 to pirate S. Scharle for 75c per pave; also bled the treasurer's receipt. for $4,- 522.50 amount received for the sale of bonus for the improvement of Leibnitz street. Report adopted. A id. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on claims, reported as follows: Pay the bills of Nessler d'; .lungk, $1.20; Novelty Iron Works, $2.95: allow 25e as payment in fuli of bill of 75c of Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Association. Report adopted. AId. Utah, chairman of the street com- mittee, reported as follows: 1 n laver of approving the plat of Boule- vard addition. In fsvor of vacation of alleys in Ila th'4 addition as shown 00 plat. Report adopted. A Id. Glab then offered the following res- olution m reference to the vacation of al- leys referred to: Resolved, 'That the alleys between 'Weinberg and Garfield and 9th and 10:h avenues he and are hereby vacated and an- nulled for public use, and shall be consid- ered as belonging to the owners of abut- ting property, the Dubuque \Vater Works Co. so long as they own and operate their pumping station on said property, but shout(' the city in the future purchase said plant, the value of alleys vacated shall not be estimated as of any value to said water company. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peaslee, Snaith, Stoltz and 'l'rexer. A Id. Glab also reported as follows: 111 favor of approving plat of the subdi- vision of lots 1 to 19 of sub of city lot 552. In favor of the adoption of the red lines as the official grades of Merz, Ea_le, Franklin, Muddle and Riverview streets and Alihauser avenue as shown on pro- file. Grant the petition for the improvement of Schroeder ave. That they have ordered crossings on Couler avenue near Fulton school. Instruct the engineer to prepare a profile of a change of grade on Seminary street. Receive and file petitions for improve- ment of \Vest llth street and Grant avenue as said streets have been ordered unproved. On the petition of Peter Eishach for a culvert -across Curtis street reported in fa- vor of improving the block ou the east end of Curtis street. On the resolution for the grading of South Main street that the council ties awarded the contract for the improvement of said street. In favor of the adoption of the resolution for repair of gutter on south side of 18th street between Clay and White streets. That they have instructed the street commissioner to repair fine street. Instruct the engineer to prepare a plat showing a street through mineral lot 300, begiuninc at Union avenue and running south to 5th avenue. 111 favor of expending $150 for repair of Lincoln avenue east of the Milwaukee Irick anis the street commissioner is so in- structed. Allow the bill of F. Schlnz of $1.20. Receive and tale petitions of John Mc- Grath awl Paul Krochesky. Glint petition of Joseph Platz for pur- ehaseof macadam. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing of the street committee re- ported to favor of allowing Con Ryan $500 as payment in full for rolling Grand- view avenue with horse roller. A Id. Glab moved to amend to allow $250 in full. A Id. Trex.er moved as a substitute to refer the natter to Aids. Crawford, Peaslee turd caul'. Lost by the followini vote: Ayes—Aids. Glab, Page and 'I'rexler. Noes—Aids. Crawlord, Cushing Hal- pin, Peastee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford moved as an amendment to the amendment that the report be he adopted and a warrant for $250 be drawn in faivor of Can ligan and the other $250 be o itheh.l subject to the linal settle- ment. with Nit.. Ryan. and that thequ3stion of final settlement with. Mr. Ryan be refer - ed to the street committee. Carried by the following vote: Ayes— Aids. Crawford, Cushing. Hal- pin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Alds. Glab and 'Trexier. The question being put on the report of the committee as amended was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Hal- pin, Page. I'easle , Snaith and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Gin and 'Trexier. Ald. Page, chairman of the committee on harbors, reported as follows: 111 favor of referring petition of John Keckevoet to the city attorney, to give his legal opinion as to the rights of the city having control of the ice harbor. Report adopted. AId. Cush ng, chairman of the commit- tee on supplies, tel•orted as follows: Adverse to bill of .1..1. Sheridan of $3.511 for oats for patrol house in 1885, ars on in- vestigation we find that the patrol wagon was not purchased until 1887. Adverse to paying bill of the Dubuque Rubber Co. of $5 for stamp for meat In- spector. In favor of paying bills of Duggan and Kane, $1.00, .lis Kelly, 75e. Refer the bill of IL L. Conger of $6.50 for coal for 'Thos. Grantield. Report adopted. A Id Glab, chairman of the committee on markets reported in favor of allowing the bill of Chas Hertzug of $7.50. Report adopted. Ald. Glab offered the following which was referred to the iiicouting council. Resolved, That the committee; en mark- ets be authorized and empowered to pur- chase and tit up a scales 011 the Ilay Ii2 market for the weighing of live stock as at present the city is without a scale for that purpose. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing committee reported as foilows: In favor of allowing the following bills '1'ELEGRRAPH, $75; German Catholic Print- ing Co., $50; Herald $29.15; Times $29;15. Report adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on public grounds and bu;ldings, reported as follows: 111 favor of paying the following hills: F. ler & Mertz, 95; C. J. S. `Il;ra Jngk,$18 yon, $37.50. Report adopted. Aid. Stoltz chairman of the comittee on fire and water, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Novelty iron %Volts, 80c, Reinfried & Jaeger, $0; P. II. Halpin, $4.60. Tat they are ill favor of allowing John Wunderlich to build frame wood shed on rear of city lot 333. Report. adopted. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Your committee to whom was referred the advisability of purchasing a new•terial hook and ladder truck beg leave to report that they are in favor of reterriig the mat- ter to the fire committee of the new coun- cil, as our time was too short for a careful consideration of the merits of the different lloolt and ladder trucks. Ald. Page moved to refer the resolution to the committee of the whole. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Page, Peaslee and Trexler. Noes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Halpin, Smith and Stoltz. On motion the resolution was adopted. Ald. Halpin, chairnni,a of the committee on police and light reported as follows: That they have placed a street lamp as ordered on southwest corner Grandview avenue and Delhi street. In favor of p-.ylne the following bills: Key City Gas Co. $110.43, Reinfried & Jaeger $3.50, Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co. $665.50. Key City Gas Co. $5.40, Globe Light and Beat Co., and refer the following bills to the committee on public grounos and buildings: Du- buque Wooden Ware Co. $40.68, J. M. McKenzie $8.65, Reinfried & Jaeger $3.40. Report adopted. Ald. Santh„chairman of the delinquent tax committee reported as follows: Adverse to the petition of Margaret But- ler, Jos. Trude', \\'ui. Ilollnagel and Il. C. Deckert. Cancel the taxes for 1891 for the follow• ing: Cath. Schaeffer, ,Joseph Jeffroy, Jo- hanna McNally, Matt Helsel, John Pickup, Caroline J.enzig, Ellen Coulon, Mrs. N. Corbett and Mrs. James Dliugherty. Iteduce assessment of J. W. Cameron on lots 284 and 285 Glendale add No. 3 to 8700 for 1841. Allow Katie E. Sullivan to pay one half her taxes 00 lot 1 of 2 of 3 of out lot 738 city as payment in full for 1891. Reduce assessment of Anna J. Marsh on min lot 174 to $9,000 for 1891. Reduce assessmeotIof Mrs. E. R. Horr on n 26 feet of int 1-5 of city lot 458 1084,000 for 1841. Allow Bridget \Vhittermore to pay one- half her taxes on lots 74 and 83, Union add, as payment in full for 1891. Reduce assessment of M. Gilleas on s 46 ft of m 1-5 city lot 472 to $8,000 for J891. Allow Mary Donahue to pay one-half her taxes as payment in full for 1891 REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 7, 1892. sub, for 1891. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction, reported as fol- lows: In favor of granting the petition in rela- tion to height of Dubuque Electric Rail- way, Light and Power Co.'s trolley wire over Ute C., St. P. & K. (2. crossing on Eagle Point avenue and Kniest street. Your committee to whom was referred the within resolution authorizing the Du- buque Electric Railway, Light and Power company to place and maintain poles for light and power on Locust and 3d streets as herein specified, beg leave to report adverse to adopting said resolution. 1n favor of paying the bills of Christ- man & Ilealey 70e, Reinfried &Jaeger, 30e. Ald. Page. chairman of the committee on severs, reported in favor of approving plans and speciticitioations for sanitary sewer in :they between 10th and 11th and Jackson and Washington streets. Re- port adopted. Ald, Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of the the extension of Merz street kinin Stafford to Windsor ave. Instruct the C., St. 1'. & K. C. R. R. Co. to widen their bridge on the Peru road over then' tracks to 32 feet in width and con- struct a fence eight feet high on both sides of said bridge. That the chief of the lire department be appointed as building inspector and that he receive such compensation to be paid by the council as will enable him to devote all his tone to the duties of said offices. In favor of paying $131 to be a settle- ment in full of the bills of Drs. Brown - son, Lindsay, and G. M. Staples & Son for attending Fireman Kannolt, the same being agreed to with Dr. Staples. Receive and tile pet' ton of C. 11. Booth for permission to construct and maintain railroad tracks on the streets and alleys in Booth's addition. Instruct engineer to prepare plat show- ing a lane six feet wide along the south • sole of lot 11 of sub. 438, 439 and 676, city, being between Clay street and Seminary street. Your committee ofd the whole would recommend that in future all accidents that ntay haunen to any members of the police and til” departments while in the performance of their duties, shall be attended by the city physician, and the same shall be considered a part of his duties, as health officer of the city. In favor of referiig the petition of Geo. W. Jones for repair of his fence and side- walk on Cox street, to the street commit- tee. Report adopted. City Attorney McCarthy reported hav- ing procured deeds from John Itaesle and wife and Geo. Rubcck and wife, John ltaetz and wife, J. B. Mullerleile and wife, Herman Dement and wife, St. John's Lutheran church for the extension of Elm steet the consideration being $1.00 for each. Also a deed from AnrotrBaumhover and wife for lot 2 of sub 3 of nX of 100 L. 11. Langworthy add consideration 8550, and a deed from Anton Baumhover and wife for lot 2 sub of sX lot 100 un L. 11. Lang - worthy's add. consideration $25. Report adopted, warrants ordered as above, and deeds ordered recorded. RESOLUTIONS. Allow Ellen McCormack to pay $5 as Resolved, t.y the City Council of the pay went in full on lot 813. A. McDaniels' City of Dubuque: That the city engineer 1 REGTU'LAR SESSION, APRIL 7, 1802. 68 be and is hereby instructed to prepare pro- file of grades of the streets to Burden & Lawiher's add, with respect to proper in- tersections to streets of adjoining property and report same at adjourned session Vr edne day, April 20th, 1892. Aid. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Air Ilillstreet, between Julien avenue and ]Vest 8th street, be graded, fluttered, curbed and ma- cadauirted, in conformity with the or- dinance upon that subject. The city engineer be and he is hereuy directed to makethe necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposal for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing, and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grad- ing to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Halpin, Page, Peasiee, Sinith, and Stoltz. N oes—N one. Ald. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted. Resolved, That the action of the council of Feb. 1st, 1892, in receiving and filing claim of i)r. McCarthy. against Policeman John Litscher for medical services rendered said John Litscher on account of being dis- abled while on duty, be reconsidered, and that a warrant for $15 be drawn in favor of John Litscher, that ueiug the amount of said bill. Aid. Trexler offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That alley, betw, en 15th and pith and Maple and Pine streets be graded and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that, subject. ']'hat the city engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the grading and ntacadamiz'ng to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting property. Aid. Trexler offered the following which was referred to the street coniniittee: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, ']'lint 16th street, between Pine and Sycamore streets, be t'raded,'gut- tered curbed and wacadamizei,in conform- ity, with the ordinance upon that subject. Thai the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to wake the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and and the city recorder directed tc give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter- ing. curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting property. Ald. llaiplu offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Dodge street, between South Dodge street and Grandview avenue, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement. and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and rnacadmizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The grading to be bid in total. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Crawford, Cushing, Ilalpin, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -7. Noes—Aids. Glab and Trexler. Ald. Smith offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the crossing on Jones street near the Milwaukee track be re- paired and put in passable condition. Ald. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the executive committee of the board of health be instructed to ad- vertise for bids for hauling garbage the coming season in the three different dis- tricts, and said committee to award the contract for each district to the best inter- ests of the city and report their action to the council. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city marshal he in- structed to empanel a jury of twelve free- holders, citizens, to assess the damages that may be caused by reason of the ex- tension of Merz street between Windsor and Stafford avenues as surveyed and platted and tiled with the council, and ac- cording to the ordinance of the city on that subject. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Itesolved, That the marshal be instruct- ed to remove all obstructions on Elm street extension, and the street commissioner di- rected to put what surplus material that is scraped from the streets and alleys in the vicanity of said street. Ald. Trexler moved that the council proceed to canvass the vote of the erection. Carried. Alds. Halpin and Trexler were appoint- ed tellers. The result is as follows: Regular Session, April 7, 1892 Municipal Offices Candidates First Ward...Second Ward...Third Ward...Fourth Ward...Fifth Ward West Precinct...Fifth Ward East Precinct...Total...Majority Mayor Charles J. W. Saunders...............607...475...791...377...582...443...3295...1865 Hugh Corrance...173...228...252...471...123...183...1480 Auditor John M. Kenety...573...386...741...326...547...388...2961...1202 Thomas J. Cooney...227...317...303...518...159...235...1759 Assessor John P. Lux...195...168...518...245...396...207...1729 John F. Stemm...695...537...524...597...304...412...2979...1250 Aldermen Candidates Total...Majority First Ward Thomas Byrne...482...164 James Ryder...318 Second Ward John Glab...441...189 J Zangmeisier...252 Third Ward Peter Olinger...805...30 Ed. Muntz...205 Fourth Ward P. W. Crawford...810...810 Fifth Ward - W. Precinct N. P. Nicks...479...259 J. H. Rhomberg...220 Fifth Ward - E. Precinct N.P. Nicks J. H. Rhomberg...295 AId. Trexler arose and delivered the fol- lowing farewell address: Mr. President card Gentlemen of the Council: Afteruncsix consecutive years in the ser- vice of the city, the (line has come for me to sever the many pleasant relations with you as a member of the council. Whether 1 have discharged my duties faithfully is not for me to say. Whatever mistakes 1 have are entirely those of the (head and not of the heart. \Ve are not infallible and mistakes will happen. 1 now Dili you all farewell and hope the many happy mem- ories of the past will not soon he forgot- ten; and I will always take an interest in your proceedings, and hope that you will one and all keep It warm place In your hearts and call to memory the days of the council ot'111. Ala. Halpin also made a few remarks bidding the council farewell, and stated that "after serving four years I think that to retiring 1 can return the chair 1 have occupied in an unblemished condition to my successor. With feelings of friend- ship fur all, of both new and old councils, 1 bid you all good bye." Ald. Stoltz offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: \Vhereas, Aids. llalpin, Trexler and Fosselmann are about to sever theirofii.cial relations with us, and Whereas, Our relations with said alder- men have always been pleasant and agree- able, striving for the best interests of the city, therefore Resolved, That they have our hearty good wishes tor their future welfare and hope that they may be as successtul in their private business as they have been for the interests of the city. Mayor Saunders delivered the following valedictory: THE VALEDICTORY. Gentlemen of the Council: The hour of parting has coupe, our offi- cial relations as a body must cease, but be- fore the soulless body of this council is dissolved it is but just that we call to our memory the official action of the past year, and while while 1 look over volume 21 of the council records anu find the immense amount of official of work neceessary to till u1,249 pages, t come to the conclusion that this has been a hard working council. You have worked faithfully and untiringly for your constituents; you may in some in- stances have, by your actions met with disapproval by some, while others have praised you for your actions on the very same queseStlon. We have incurred more or less criticism, but not more nor less temperate than is the lot of all bodies having public responsi- bilities. Larger and more improvements have been made the past year than in any of the previous years. Miles of streets have been unproved, thus making it necessary to construct large and costly storm water sewers to afford proper drainage. All the improvements have been Ilhaae by your constituents. Contract; may have been improperly done. Individuals may have taken advant- age of the city, but the members of this council have as 1 verily believe, dune all in their power to protect the interest ut the city. The great ealamity as prohesized by a certain gentleman has failed to mater- ialize. The financial condition of the city of Dubuque is first class. The eity of Du- buque pays one hundred cents on the dol- lar and the bonds of the city of Dubuque Ald. Halpin moved that the cam idates receiving the highest majorities be de- clared elected. Carried. RE(ilrLAR SESSION, APRIL. 7, 1892 (lit are in demand and command a premium. As we are now about to adjourn, I will say to Aldermen llaipin and 'l'rexler, who are now about to retire to private occupa- tions, that they have been faithful and trusted servants of the city, who may with pride refer to the proceedings of the coun- cil during the long term of their service as aldermen of their respective wards. The records will show that they have been un- tiring, active and always on hand to pro- mote the welfare of the city. May nothing but pleasing recollections renr,um with them when perchance we meet in the path- way of life; and I now take theliberty of expiessing tor the remaining members as well as for myself heartfelt good wishes for their future prosperity and happiness. Thanking you, gentlemen, one and all, for past courtesies, I will pronounce the, to me, most solemn words. This council is adjourned sine die. AId. Crawford moved That the thanks of the council be extended 10 our worthy mayor tor the impartial manner in which he has conducted the business of the mayor's office. Carried unanimously. City Attorney McCarthy delivered the oath of office to Mayor Saunders. Messrs. Byrne, Glab, Olinger, Crawford and Nicks were sworn in as aldermen by Mayor Saunders, of the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth wards respect- ively. ayer Saunders delivered the following inaugural address: TUN. INAU((UIIAI.. (Gentlemen of tiro Council:— As tine strokes of the belfrey brings td - dings to the watchful that the new yea r has made its appearance; so have the votes of our people declared in favor of a new council, and while we iuitia:e but the new members, yet the body created is new, and may it tie of life 10 stride onward and help to keep it in a prosperous condition, for the best interests of our city. Let use make up our minds that in order to accomplish good results, we must be at- tentive to our duties, working in our of- ficial capacity carefully, yet firmly, for the advauceineut of the city. Do not order im- provements without first finding out the exact cost; be sure that the financial con- dition of the city is such that the outlay is warranted. 1 would recommend that you make ap- propriations for streets, waterways and culverts. It is the large sum expended for grading which is most ruinous to the city. 11 private individuals for their own gain, find it advantageous to buy cornfields;on the outskirts of the city or impassable bluffs, and convert the same into lots and sell thein at large figures to innocent pur- chasers, 1 believe it the duty of the specu- lators to grade their streets before the city, accep s the same. Most of the dissatisfac- tion arises from the above causes, as well as the Targe oxpense for grading; as it is impossible for a city to do all the grading and comply with ,the many petitions tor improvements. 1t is necessary, in order to have some business like method to be governed by to make an appropriation for street improve- ments not to exceed $50,000 for the tical year, (even if we do not have the stoney) to be kept in a separate fund; yet, the aud- itor should carry such appropriation on his book from month to month, and charge such expenditures to the road fund, and keep the council informed every month as to the condition of such tuna. The above amount should not be exceeded. You will find by perusing the ordinances that the street commissioner is the most powerful officer of the city, having juris- diction unlimited and 1 earnestly call yuor attention to the matter and request that you amend the ordinance on that subject. Ali incompetent officer in that itositiou can do much to thwart all the good intentions of the council. The purchasing of supplies, as provided by ordinance, should be rigidly enforced; no officer whether elected by the people or appointed by the council should be al- lowed to purchase hisoffice supplies. The chairman of the Commitee for purchasing supplies should insist that all supplies, large or small, necessary for the police, fire and road departments should be purchased nn an order from him, and 1 hope that the council will not consider a bill unless a proper or- der accompanies the same from the chair- man. The Targe amount of bills brought before the council m011 thly and of which, lifter no explanation can be had, shows surely that the management in that par- channel ar-ch innel is defective; for ,t demon- strates that people employed by the city will often show their authority by creating inexcusable accounts or unnecessary ex- pense. The city can save money by pay- ing the chairman on supplies for his ser- vices. Believing our lire department to be first class, and ve y efficient as to number and sire, you will fiuu it necessary that the same will demand large outlays upon the completion of the new engine house, and 1 would recommend and urge that purchases found necessary, after careful considera- tion, be made of the best in the market. In compliance with the wishes of the council the water company is mak- ing large improvements in order to give the city a more modern and efficient water ser- vice, wile,' will enable the council, by placing upon the bluffs at different places a sufficient amount of hose to give fire protection to our citizens who are taxed for the stone. Let us aim to run all departments in a business like manner, and we cannot fail to demonstrate to our citizens that we have been worthy of our trust. AId. Stoltz moved that AId. Peaslee be elected ma yet• pro tein by acclamation. Carried. AId. l'easlee in a few appropriate re- marks thanker, the council for the con- tinued confidence reposed in him. The mayor presented the following as his standing committees tor the ensuing year. Ftnance—Peaslee, Olinger, Page. Ordinance—Crawford, Stoltz, Cushing. Claiuis—Lyrae, Glab, Smith, Niaks. Streets —Glab, Olinger, Crawford, N icks, Byrne. 1larbors—Smith, Page, Peaslee. • Supplies—Olinger, Peaslee, Byrne. \lancets—Nicks, Olinger, Crawford. Public Grounds and Buildings—Craw- tad, Byrne, Stoltz. Cushing, Glab. Fire and Water—Stoltz, Olinger, Craw- ford, Page, Cushing, Byrne. Printing—Smith, Glab, Peaslee, Cush- ing, Nicks. Police and Light—Page, Nicks, Olinger, Smith. Delinquent 'fax Cushing, Stoltz, Craw- ford, Byrne, Glab. Electrical Construction—Peaslee, Olin- ger, Stoltz. Sewers—Page, Crawford, Byrne. Board of Ilealth—Stoltz, Smith, Peaslee, Cushing, Glab. REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 7, 1892. Special Committee o Paving—Cushing, Crawford, Glab. AId. 1'eastee moved rto postpone action on the elector of officers until Wednes- day, April 201h, at 2 o'clock p. 111., and that when the council adjourn it adjourn to that date. Ald. Cushing moved to amend tliat the council now proceed to tete election of otli- etrs. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing, Olinger and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee and Smith. '1'Ire question being put on Ald. l'easlees motion was carried. AId. Glab loved to adjourn. Carried. tte't: J. '. F TZI'ATRICK. ,Ad, tar. Re : r If :co city r c ler g c 18tr o'clo ! ' ., for th grading, cur ing, gutt 'a he following sire- s: be entered into and work be completed as per plans and specifications. Plans and specifications on tile at the city recorder's office. The city reserves the right to to reject all bids. J. C. 11'ITZt'ATItICK, 28-3 10t. Recorder. Washington street from Sanford street to 24th street. Southern avenue from 450 feet south of old corporation line to Railroad avenue. Windsor avenue from end of present im- provement on the north to the city Routs. Broadway from BIc'ci:linger Lane to Diagonal street. Burden avenue from Windsor avenue to city limits. Grant avenue and West llth street west of Race street. Alleys runing from West llth street to Rose, one east of Hace, one west of Mace. The extent of the work is as follows: Washington street, 4350 lineal feet curb- ing, 1,930 square yards guttering, 5,400 square yards Macadamizing. '1'o he completed Sept. 1st., 1892. Southern avenue, grading 2.265 cubic yards, 1,7110 lineal feet curbing, 755, square yards guttering, 3,020 square yards macad- amizing. To be completed Sept. 1st., 1892. Windsor avenue, grading 5,162 cubic yards cut, 25.182 cubic yard.; till, 6,140 lineal feet eurbing, 2,780 square yards gut- tering, 10,930 square yards macadamizing. Broadway street, grading 4,735 cultic yards cut. and 300 cubic yards hit. 2,100 lineal feet curbing, 1,066 square yards gut- ting, 4,21)11 square yards macadamizing. To be completed Sept. 1, 1892. Burden avenue, grading, 6,376 cubic yards cut and 12.737 enbie yards till. 4,900 lineal Bret sorbing, 2178 square yards gut- tering, 7622 square yards macadamizing. Grant avenue, 2,400 cubic yards grading, 1320 lineal feet curbing, 580 square yards guttering, 1,860 square yards ntacadamiz- 111Y. To be completed August 1, 1892. Alleys from West llth street to Rose street. Alley east of Race street, grading, 110 cubic yards eut and 211 cubic yards fi 1, 400 square yards macadamizing. Alley west of Race street, grading 679 mule yards cut, 666 square yards macadam- izing. '1'o be completed August lst. 1892. Bidders will stale the price in total for grading the price per lineal foot for curbing and the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing. Each proposal must be accompanied by a good bond of $200 agreeing that in case the bid is accepted that the contract will ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 20, 1892 67 THE CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, April 2Oth, 1892, IOP'FICIAL.1 Council stet at 2:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders ut the chart. Present—Ards. Byrne, Crawford Cush- ing, Blob, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith, raid Stoltz. A Id. Stoltz moved that the council pro- ceed 10 ballot for the election of officers. Altl. Crawford moved as an amendment that the ballots be dispensed with and that the nIdernten vote in answer to the roll call, each alderman mentioning the name of the man he wishes to vote tor. Curried by the following vote: • Ayes--Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page rind Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Peaslee and Smith. 'l'he vote for city marshal resulted as follows: For S. 13. Rice—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Olinger, Peaslee, Snaith and Stoltz—ti. For Tim Shen—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Nicks and Page -4. S. B. Rice having received a majority was declared elected. The vote fur street commissioner resulted as follows: For ,John Carter—Alds. Byrne, Craw- ford, Nicks, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -6. For 1.1. Oswald— Aids. Cushing, Glair, Olinger and Page -4. Jr ltu Carter having received a majority was declared elected. The vote for tire chief resulted as fol- lows: For Jos. Reinfried—Alds. Byrne, Craw- ford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Stoltz -7. For Jas. Melearland—Aids. Cushing, Peaslee and Sntith-3. .lo . lletntriecl having received a ma- jority, was declared elected. The vote for sewer inspector resulted as follows: For B. Rawson—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee and Stoltz -6. For .John 'ferry—Aids. Cushing, Nicks, Olinger and Smith -4. 13. Rawson 'inviter received a majority was declared elected. AId. Byrne moved to dispence with the office of sidewalk inspector. Ald. Cushing offered as an amendmeut that the council proceed to vote for side- walk inspector. Lost by the following vote. Ayes—Alts. Crawford, Cushing and Peaslee-8. Noes—Alts. Byrne, Glab, Nicks,Olinger, Page, Smith and Stoltz --7. The vote recurring on the original mo- tion was carried. Ala. Smith moved to dispense with the office of meat. inspector. Carried by the following vote. Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Nto;s, Olinger and Smith—U. Noes—Aids. Glab, Page, Peaslee and Stoltz -4. The vote on city engineer resulted as fol- lows: For Ell. Blake—Alts. Byrne. Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -8. For E. Anderson—Aid. Crawfor11-1. For W. 11. Knowlton—Aid. Cunning -1. For Jas. Boyce—Alts. Glob and Page -2. Ed. Blake having received a majority was declared elected. The vote for city electrician resulted as follows: For Jas. Bunting—Aids. Byrne, Craw- ford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -1O. Jas. Bunting 'inviter received the unani- mous vote was dei lured elected. The vote for ntaIketnnster resulted as follows: For Ed. Norton—Alit. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Olinger, Peaslee, Smoot—U. For C. Gautenbein--Aids. Glab and Page -2. For Joseph Spahn—Alds. Nichols and Stoltz -2. Ed. Norton having received a maiority of votes was declared elected. The vote for health officer resulted as follows: For F. W. Wieland—Aids. Cushing. Nielts,Olinger,Page, Peaslee and Stoltz—Ii. For Win. Bray—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Gino, and Smith -4. F. W. \Vielind having received a major- ity of votes was declared elected. 1'he vote on park eustudian resulted as ` - follows: For A. lienge—Aids. Crawford, Cush- ing, Glab, Nicks, Page and Peaslee. For M. O'.\lara—Aids. Byrne, and Smith. For W. Pickley—Aids. Olinger and Stallz A. !lenge having received a majority of voles was declared elected. 'file vote for wharfaiaster and wood - measurer resulted as follows: For Jas. Smith—Alas. Cushing, Glah, Nicks, Olinger, Page and titoliz. For Phil, McCabe—Aids. Byrne and Smith. For Jos. Brandon—Aids. Crawford and Peaslee. Jas. Smith having received a majority of the votes was declared elected. 'l'Ite lollowing weighntasters were elected: Chas. Pitschner, West Dubuque scales. 'Phos. Grantield, First ward scales. Mrs. R. a'. Deekert, Eagle Point scales. Alit. I'eisiee moved that the matter of bonds and salaries of officers be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. A St ltz moved that when the council anjourd It to Friday, April 29,h, 1892, at 7:8U o'ck.ck p. ni. Carried. Alit. Crawford moved that the bids for the improvement of the alleys from West llth street to hose street be opened. Car- ried. 1'ne bids were opened, read and referred to the street committee and engineer. Alit. Crawford moved to open bids for improvement of Grant avenue and West lith street, Washington and Broadway streets. AId. Olinger moved to deter action on all bilis until next. meeting of the council. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, and Smith. Noe'—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab and Stoltz. I'ETITIONs. Petition of Mrs. Mary Markey in rela- tion to obstruction of water way on West Fifth street was referred to the street com- mittee. Petition of Fred Berg et al. to have Leibnitz street made passable was referred to the street connnttee. Petition of W. 11. Watkins for permis- sion to erect a frame building on Locust between 7th and 8th streets was referred to the committee 011 fire and water. Petition of Assessor Stennis asking that G. Ginehle be appointed assistant assessor was read. 08 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 20, 1812 Aid. Smith moved that G. lfinehle be ap- Auburn avenue, between Wrest Fourteenth pointed assistaltt assessor for two months. and Dexter avenue; Algona avenue, be - Carried by the fitllotvnr; yule: tween West Fourteenth and Dexter ave.; Adds. Ilyroe, Crawford, Cushing, Nicks, Alta avenue, bet tteen Dubuque and t.ela- Oltnger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz.- ware avenues; Dubuque avenue, between 9. Nees—Aid. Glab. Alta and Auburn avenues; 1)e .drab ave., Aid. Crawlnrd moved that the salary of bet wet 11 Alta and Auburn avenues; Dela- (1. Gmehlelie $100.09 per month. ware a veno:', between Alta and A Id. Page offered as an amendment that Auburn avenues, be graded, gut- tered curbed and 111 aeadauuized,111 con fnrm- The question recurring on the original 113with the ordinance upon that subject. motion was carried, That the city engineer be and he is hereby G. (1mettle presented his bund, which (lireeteal to make the htcessary plants and upon motion was approved. Ile was then spectticaiions for said improvement, and sworn in my the mayor, and the city recorder directed lc give tate Petition of Dietrich 'Thorne et al. asking proper notice for bids and proposals for that. Augella street be put in passable cub- the performance of the work; the gutter diaton was referred to the street committee. fug. curbing and macadamizing to be done Petition of Dolph Gagne, asking the at the expense of the owners of the abut - council to purchase the remainder of his ting property. macadam a11(1 remove the same from Its Adopted by the following vote: premises so that lie eon build a house was Ayes—Ably. Byrne, Crawford, Cush referred to the street committee. ing, (;Lib, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee Petition of '1'. P. Coates et al., asking the owl Sotilh. council to adopt an ordinance regulating Bill of .John 11. 1Ierancourt of E3l.50 for the storage of oils in large quantiles, re- insurance referred to the committee on ferred to the ordinance eomrttittee to draft public wounds and 1 uilings. an ordinance regulating the saute. Bill of Mr. and Mrs. Koenig, $20, ordered Petition of .l. Carroll and J. Wood for paid. permission to erect a boat house on the Bill of Western Fireman, .$1.25. Ordered lower levee was referred to the harbor paid. committee. Communication of 1'. (gill et al. asking Petition of A. C. Neass et al., to make the that the council pay them $1.15 per yard street along the blutf west of nigh RlutT' for macadam. Received and tiled. street passable, referred to the street cum- Communication of Patrick J. Royce and puttee. W. II. llesltins in relation to the amount Petition of Diamond Jo Co., ask in: that and quality of macadam on Grandview the city engineer be ie siructed to designate avenue. Received and tiled. the space 00 the levee for their wareh-use, Bill of (Carr, Ryder & Engler of 50c was referred to the committee of the referred to the committee on supplies. whole. Petition of Airs. Patrick Flynn and Remonstrance of .John Duffle, et al Elizabeth Kress referred to the delinquent against change of grade on Center Place, tax committee. was referred to the street committee. Petition of Addie Il, Wellington lor per Petition of Macy De Lorimer In relation mission to erect a flame bund ng on Lo to taxes, referred to the delinquent tax (•u,t street, between 14th and 15tH streets. connnitlee. Granted. . Ald. Glib offered the following, which Petition of Sic. Engel et al., asking that was referred to the market committee. the city relieve the abutters on the west Resolved, That the committee on side of Windsor avenue from the overflow markets be auth, rized and empowered to of storms water. Referred to the street com- purchase and fit up a scales on the hay uuttee. market for the wethmg of live stock, as at Petition of Frank Rove and Chas. Reilly present the city is without a scale for that asking the city to purchase their macadam purpose. referred to the street committee. AId. Glab offered the following: Engineer Blake reported the following . Whereas, Large numbers at able-bodied bids tor improvement of alleys east and men seek employment from the city on ac- west of Race street. from West 11tH to Rose count that they receive os much for nine street: O. G. Kringle, $774.98. Lavin .& hours work as they would for ten hour's Corrance, $718 62; Con. Ryan, .1r., $'i37.34; work other ptaees; and, Geo. 'Taylor, $783.30. Whereas, 11 is it detriment, to the inter- Ald. Stoltz moved that the contract be esus el old men that are unable to work awaualed to Corrance & Lavin. Carried. elsewhere; therefore, Ald. Peaslee moved that the engineer Resolved, That laborers be paid at the and marshal be instructed to stop U. 1{uff rate of 15 cents per hour, and teams 35 Irian constructing sewer on Eleventh street cents per hour fon' the ensuing year, cum_ where be has no contract and that the nteneiug May lst, 1892. matter of constructing said sewer be re - Adopted by the following vo'.e: ferred to the committee of the whole with Ayes—A,ds. Byrne, Cushing, Glab, power. • Nicks, Olinger, Paee,and Stoltz -7. Ald. Page coved to adjourn. Carried.Noes--Alas. Crawford, Peaslee antic/ • tt st: ,0 J. C. FITZI'ATI:ICK Snit n-8. Ald, atoltz, chairman of the fire tom- ` mittee, submitted the following which was I 100 t (! i ,' adopted: ,i!} rTT ,',.. 1• 'V-. lour committee on fire would most' r• v r it . spectfully recommend that a first class Sealed pr ads will be / t t burse be purchased for the lire department four o''lo .:uurday, A1,iQI t in lieu of the two horses now unlit for ser- the Pellet to of garbage a (dad animals, vire, sad that Inc disposal of said two six days a week below the tufts, soil twice horses be referred to the committee on fire a week on the bluffs, the city to be divided aid water with power. into three districts as follows: Resolved by Ih City Council of the City First Dist rict—A II territory between of Dubuque, That \Vest Fourteenth street, Dodge and Eighth streets south of Julien between Delhi street and Atlantic avenue; avenue. • • • • ADJOUitNEI) REGUI AR SESSION, AI31tt1, 20, I81t2. 69 Second District—All territory between Eighth and Fifteenth streets north of Julien avenue. Third District—AII territory north of Fifteenth street to Sanford street. Bidders will state the price for each dis- trict separately. Bidders must furnish a bond of$2011 with their bid,guaranteeing that if the contract is awarded them, that the contract will be entered into and ex- ecuted. Blank bonds for bidders will be . furnished by the recnr.ler. The city re- serves the richt to reject any and all bids. 'RANK 1.STOLTZ, Ch'n. .1. (;. 1"1't'ZPA'l'ItICK, Clerk. i 1! I, • ' i r. Page left blank 111 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSII)N, APRIL 29. 1`S!►•!. 70 `1. i CPTY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session April y1' 11 29k , 1892. '' Council met at 7:50 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids.Craw lord,Cushing.Glab, I li Nicks. Olinger, Page, Peaslee,Smith and ••,'. Stoltz. '.'i , Amerman Peaslee, chairman of the C ), committee of the whole reported as fol- , „ lows: ., il ,, Your committee to whom was referred ,t, the'tatter of bowls and salaries of tue cit y I • officers for the coswuq year beg le.,ve to report as follows: • I, Officer. Bond. Salary. M•cyor $1,000 I, Treasurer $75.000 1,800 Treasurer clerk hire 6011 Recorder 5,0110 1,4 0 Auditor 5 000 1,400 Attorney 5,000 1,500 Asssessor 5,000 1,500 Marshal 5,000 1,200 Street Conunissioie 1,000 11.00 Fire Chief 5,000 400 , Marketmaster 500 600 Heatth Officer 500 860 Poundmaster 480 Sewer Inspector 500 720 I i Electrician 200 Engineer... 5,000 1,500I Committee Clerk 1,00J Park Custodian$1.50 per day. W harfmaster$20 per mouth(luring nav- igation. Report adopted. The bonds of the following officers were read and approved: Auditor, marketmaster,chief of tire de- partment,marshal,sewer inspector,health officer, street cum'ussiouer and en- gineer. Ald. Byrne arrived at8o'clock, p. m. The following officers were sworn in by the mayor: Auditor—J. M. Kenety. Fire Chief—Jos lteinfried. Street Commissioner—John Carter. Engineer—E. C. BIake. Park Cnstodian—A. [lenge. Warlmaster—J as Smith. Market master—Ed. Eorton. Electrician—Jas L. Bunting. Health Officer—F. W. Wieland. Marshal—S.B. Rice. Sewer lnspector—Bentley Rawson. Weighmaster First Ward scales—Thos Granfield. Aid. Peaslee offered the following reso- lution which was referred to the commit- tee of the whole: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a building inspector De appointed according to the recommendation of the committee of the whole in their report at the April 7th meeting at a salary of $50 per month,and that the ordinance commit- tee be instructed to draft an ordinance for that purpose. Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn. A 'est: 1. C. FITZPATRICK. al /24 ,40144'1 Recorder. "PT '''' / / / .. 46(.71-41t- I( 1 71 REGULAR SESSION, MAY 2ND, 1892. CITY COUNCIL. Reggular Session, May 2nd, 1892. [OFFICIAL.] Council met at 9:30 o'clock a. in. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cush- ing, Nicks, Page, Peaslee and Stoltz. Aid. Peaslee moved that that part of the minutes of the April session on page sixty -t w" and sixty-three in relation to in- structions to the city engineer be corrected by adding to sato resolution the word "adopted." Carried. The minutes with the above correction made were approved as printed. The following bilk were allowed: Natne, For What purpose. Amount. Dubuque Electric Ry., L. & 1'. Co. lighting for April $ 666 30 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., 1u;: - ber Christman & Healey, powder and fuse 2 65 Duggan & Kane, oil 15 Frank Robinson, repairing roller, 4 00 Knapp, Stout & Co., lumber 10 95 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 13 00 Hardie & Scharle, printing finance reports, et,... 70 00 Headlord Bros., manhole plate8 00 B 1) Linehan, repairing tools 5 1U .lames Kelly, stationery 16 15 Palmer, Winall & Co., blanks, etc 11 00 Mrs. Koenig, cleaning police head- quarters 11 25 A Id. Nicks moved that Mrs. Koenig b: engaged as assistant janitor to take care of the council room and offices at a salary of $15 per month. Carried. Ald. Olinger arrived at 9:50 o'clock a. n. Mary Meehan, scrubbing at city hall F. 1f. Finite, 300 team tags Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., one load kindling Herald, blank books and placards .John Schuller, oil, etc 1larger & Blish, stationery John O'Brien, work on sewers 'Phos Butcher, work on sewers Isaac Procter, on account stone contract, engine house P 11 Halpin, bran Key City Gas Co, coal and coke G B Grovenor, X doz receipt books Philip Pier, coal Thos Denney, iron pail John Kleinschmidt. eorn 1)ubuaue Cabinet Makers As - dation, castors and room mold- ings Lear & 1'tiifner, one can foot oil John Cahill, planting trees $25, 820 allowed and $5 witheld Smedley, Mfg Co, brass castings Dubuque Water Works Co, • hydrant supply A Wunderlich, horseshoeing C 11 1V hit well, veternary services and drugs Ferguson Bros, plumbing Joseph Geiger, repairs at patrol house, etc John Cahill, balance due for trees planted in '91 E L Frith & Bros, removing dead animals 5 50 Lear & Ptiifner, horseshoeing.... 6 50 The following balls were referred: 'l'o the committee on supplies: Fraatz 93 3 75 30 00 2 00 6 75 1 60 2 25 44 50 44 50 750 00 1 60 17 56 2 50 8 50 2 00 1 60 6 87 1 50 20 00 1 20 1060 00 5 25 25 50 23 75 22 00 18 75 & Clark, $3.05: John Ganahl, \I vle, 70h'; Tom. Con natty, $9.75; Dubuque 1Voudenware Co., 826 78; J. F. O'Dea, $48; Norwegian flow Co., 84.25; Dubuque Water works, $20. To the street cuuinaittee: Chas. Oswald, $1.10; Dubuque Wooden ware Co., 824.33: Novelty iron w ,41 L. '1'o the prnitiugorks, r mmittee:ti1National Demokrat, 875; Herald, 829.15; Ledger, $211.15; Times, 829.15. '1'o the conunittee on police and light: Key City Gas Co., $112.38; Globe Light & Heat Co. $551.67. The bill of Electrical Supply Co., $4.55, referred to the electrical committee. 13111 of 1'. F. Guthrie of $130, referred to the ordinance committee. Bill of Joe Straney, 84, referred to the committee on harbors. Bill of 75c against E. M. Dickey referred to the auditor for collection. Ald. 1'age, chairman of the committee on police and light reported in favor of pay- ing the bill Of Dubuque Electric Bait way, Light & Power Co. of $666.30. t'ETITIONS. The following pl.,ts were referred to the committee of the whole: Davis' sub., Randall's sub., Busenian & Ebert's sub., Buseman's sub., and plat and petition of 11. Busman, asking for the va- cation of part of Hempstead street. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of .1. A. lthotuberg for removal of obstruction on Lynn street, between 18th and 19th streets. Remonstrance of F. Weigel against ex- tension of Grove 'Terrace. Petition for extension of Kniest street sewer. Petition for opening of State street to Grandview avenue and Curtis street. Petition for the Improvement of R'rslr street. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition for improvement of Lincoln av- enue from Reed street to C., 51. & St. P. 11. R. tracks. Petition of C. Klingenberg for retaining wall on Leibnitz street. Petition of J. 1'. Schroeder for improve- ment of Schroeder avenue and the petition for improvement of villa street. The petition of the Dubuque Street Rail- way Co. asking if an agreement could be made with the contractors for paving Main street, that the said Dubuque Street Railway Co. be allowed to pave between the tracks, between the rails and a foot outside with granite. deferred to the pav- ing committee. Petition of Farley Loetscher Manufac- turing Co. asking that the ordinance 111 relation . to planking between the rails of railroads and street car lilies be enforced. Ald. Stoltz moved that the street vont- tnissioner and marshal be instructed to no- tify the different railroad companies and street car companies to plank all crossings where their lines cross within fifteen days. On the petition for the improvement of Elisa street, between Rhoniberg avenue and Eagle l'ouit avenue, the city engineer was instructed to prepare a profile of grade on said street and make an estimate of the cost. Petition for policeman on Seminary street referred to the hia3 or and committee on police and light. Petitions of Michael ]McMahon and Airs. Maurice O'Reagan referred to the delin- quent tax committee. 0 REGULAR SESSION, MAY 2x11, 1.8512. Petition of Peter McDermott for exten- sion Of time to pay for special assessment on Dodge street. Six months time granted of six per cent. AId. (flab arrived at 10:35 o'clock a. in. Petition of C. H. Whitwell in relation to the position of city veterinary surgeon. Ald. Stoltz. moved to receive and file the eolith) AId. Page moved to refer to the commit- tee on tire. The question being put on the motion to receive and file was carried by the follow- ing vote: Engineer Blake reported the following estimates: Broad street, from Julien ave. to W. 14th street, cut 16644 cu yds., cost $3,911. Ithomberg ave., from C., M. & St. P. It. R. tracks to tine river, 111l 10,000 cu. yds, COSI $2,500. Sewer from 7th ave to 9th live in Ilam's ado, length 1070 feet, cost, $6,420. Sewer on 5th ave from alley between Rhoinberg and Lincoln ayes to Adams street, cost $2,400. Seminary street, from west line of Por- ter's addition to Mineral street on the old I grade cut 11600 cu. yds, fill 12083 cu. yds. till, 12083 cu. yds. cost $2,900. Clark street, from West Locust to West 17th street cut 3,(00 cu. yds., cost $1,050. Report referred to the committee of the whole. Engineer Blake also uresented a plat of proposed alley from Clay to Seminary street. Referred to the street committee. Also presented profile of change of grade on seminary street referred to the commit- -f tee of the whole. The jury appointed to assess damages for the opening of Merz street reported as follows: 1)UBuquE, la., April 28, 1892. The jury whose names are hereby af- fixed do under oath assess damages for the opening of Merz street at one thousand dollars ($1,000) to Richard Smith. Justus Bechtel, Ed. W. Duncan, Charles Apel, J. H. Carroll, Frank Brede, J. Christman, Julien Wiedner, James O'Connor, Chris. A. Voelker, Ira Hanson, llenry Nageluiatter, A. Buesch. AId. Stoltz moved that the award be ac- cepted and that the treasurer be instructed to set $400 aside in the treasury and when the petitioners for the opening of said street deposit the remaining $600 as agreed the treasurer is instructed to pay the said Richard Smith the award ot the jury on re- ceipt of proper deed, and that the city attor- ney be instructed to procure the proper deed and the said street be declared a public high- way and that warrants for $2 each be drawn in favor of the jurors. Carried. Aid. Page moved that the bids for sewer on Dodge street and specifications and bids for improvement of Burden and Windsor avenues be referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Olinger moved that the specifica- tions and bids for the improvement of Southern avenue be referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Stoltz moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council net at 2:25 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. 1tllCrawford. , Cush- ing, Nicks, Oiuger, Page, Pea le, Smith and Stoltz. Aid. Olinger moved that the specifica- tions and bids for FV 14th street be referred to the street committee. Carried. On motion the bids and specifications for Grant avenue, West 11th street, Broadway and Washington streets were referred to the street commit ee. Bids for position as city veterinary sur- geon referred to the committee on tire with power. Profile of grades ot Groveland Place sowther avenue, Strauss le ire t, Goethe avenue, BuenaPVista str e lt, Sheridan street, Hedley court, and an al- ley all in Burden & Lawtlers sub. Re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Petition for change ot grade on Thomas Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Cushing, Nicks, Olinger anal Stoltz. N oes—A Ids. Crawford, Glab, Page and I'easlee. Petition of T. O. Sul11van that he be paid ;x255 for macadam purchased by hint on the city engineer's certificate of tneasurement. Ald. Olinger moved that the bill be pard. AId. Page moved as an amendment that the biil be received and tiled. The question being put on the motion to receive and file was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Ards. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Nicks, Olinger, I'easlee. Noes—Alds. Glab and Parte. '1'nequestion being put on the motion to pay the bill was carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the engineer be instructed not to measure any macadam unless instructed by, the chairman of the street committee or the council. Carried. Petition of the residents of West Du- buque asking the council to compel the Key City Electric Motor Co. 10 operate their line to Canter street. Aid. Cushing moved that the ordinane committee and attorney be intructed to draft an ordinance forfeiting the charter of the said Key City Electric Motor Co. Car- ried. IIF.I'OTR OF OFFICERS. Marshal Rice reported $1,739.05 due the police for the month of April; also re- ported 59 police cases tried during April; also reported $11 pound receipts; also re- ported 63 patrol runs; also reported having solo one fire horse for $75. Received and tiled and warrants ordered drawn to pay pollee. 5!reet. Commissioner Ryan reported 86,:123.80 due for street work for April; also presented itemized list of same; also reported $179.50 collected for cleaning alleys. 1Varrants orderecl drawn for same and report referred to the street com- mittee. Jos. Reinfrted, chief of the tire depart- ment, reported $1,335 due the firemen for month of April. Received and tiled and warrants ordered to pay same. llarketmaster Gratz reported scale re- cess of City Hall scales $17.25; also report- ed $14.80 due for board of prisoners. Received and filed and warrant ordered to pay for board of prisoners. Mayor Saunders reported on petition of John Babcock that he found the claim cor- rect and instructed the treasurer to refund • the amount, $40. Repoli adopted. l'..1. Gradtield reported scale receipts of First ward scales $5.30. Received and ti led. C. 11. Beisweuger reported scale receipts of Filth ward scales, $1.20. Received and Wed. Charles Pitschner reported scale receipts tit \Vest Dubuque settles, $1.58. Received autd tiled. Lamplighter Coughlin reported having lighted titt-two lamps during the month of April. Received and tiled. 73 REGULAR SESSION, MAY 2ND, 1892 street referred to the committee of the 111 favor of paying the following bilis: whole with power. John Kleinschmidt. 40c: X1'10. 1Iow:n,l, Bill of D. W. Linehan of $32.25 for $8; Anna Jl. Bush, $2.75. Report mi - macadam used. Referred to the street opted. committee. Ad. Olingar, chairtuao of the committee Petition 01 Wm. Kennedy for vacation on supplies reported as follows: of part of sidewalk on Southern avenue. In lavor of pa yit g the following hill. Referred to the committee of the whale. Car, Ryder & Engler, 50c; herald, $118.50 Proposition of Ledger Printing Co. to Retina adopted. publish official proceedings 01 city council Also reported having made n contract for $500 in addition to what they now re - with Bart E. Linehan tor furnishing tile ceive. Referred to the printing commit- pipe, which was ordered place on file. tee. Also made the following recommenda- Petrtion for filling of Fourth street ex- tion, which was adopted: tension to Sixth street in order to make a '1•o the mayor and aldermen: secuuo approach to the 11igli bridge. Re Appreciating the responsibility resting (erred to the committee of the whole. Re - upon the supply committee and aware of Plat of subdivision of mineral lot 473. the fact that a good many dollars could be Referred to the street committee. saved in the coarse of a year to the city if REPORTS or COMMITTEES. all of the supplies were purchased under Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the finance the supervision of the supply committee. committee, reported 111 favor 01 adopting observation of the supplies purchased report of Treasurer Gonner for April and throughout the city is that they have recommended that warrants be drawn in been purchased, in our judgment, not alto - favor of toe treasurer for $1,214.44 for tether in the most economical manner. moneys paid out during April. Report This being the commencement of a new adopted. year your committee, alter duly consider- Ald. Cushing offered the following: ing the matter, would like to have it done Resolved, That the Dubuque Street Rail- in a systematic and business way in ac - way Co. be and are hereby instructed to cordanee with our ideas and would re- place six-inch iron chairs under their commend that the city recorder be instruct - tracks on Main street between Jones and ed to toddy the heads of the several de - 15th streets, so that the city can pave said payments throughout, the city that on and street with brick 11:1 a good substantial after date all supplies needed must be pro - manner, it being impossible to construct a cured through the supply committee who, good street where railroad tracks are un- upon application will promptly attend to less said tracks are placed on chairs. the purchasing Of same or provide suitable Adopted by the following vote: means whereby they be obtained. Ayes--Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Ald. Crawlurd, chairman of the commit- Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith tee on pi.blic grounds and buildings re - and Stoltz. ported as follows: Ald. Crawford offered the following: In favor of paying the following bills: Resolved, That the city marshal be in- Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., $40.67, Rein- structed to give notice by publication in fried & Jaeger, $3.40 and .1. M. 111•rKeii ie, the oflfcial:papers of the city that Main $8.65. street, from Charter to Seventeenth streets, Also In favor of accepting the following is about to be paved with brick on a con- insurance policies and have warrants trete foundation, and that after the execn- drawn to pay the premiums: Fireman's tion of said improvement no digging up fund, $37.50, Norwich Union, $37.50, Ilan - tor any purpose of the surface of said over, $37.50, Commercial Union, $75. Liv - street will be permitted; and that all own- erpool and London and Globe, $37.50, and ers or occupants of abutting property de- the North British and Mercantile, $37.50. siring to make connections with gas, steam, Report adopted. sewer or other pipes, must make thein be- A Id. Stoltz, chatrmain of the committee fore the putting down of the pavement or on fire and water, reported as follows: the foundation for the same. Allow bills of John Kleinschmidt $88, Adoptd by the following vote: Robert McGivern $14. Also made the fol- Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Cushing, Glab, lowing report: Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Crawlurd, Your committee on fire to whom was re - Smith and Stoltz. ferrel the matter of purchasing a new AId. Byrne, chairman of the committee aerial hook and ladder truce: beg leave to on claims, reporteo as follows: report, that after a careful examination of Receive and ale petition of Thos. hill the different hooit and ladder trucks, have 111 relation to special tux levied against his Conte to the conclusion that the Babcock property for the construction of a side- hook and ladder truck is the best, in our walk. judgment, and would recommend that the Refer claim of Mary Weiss for personal city purchase said hook and ladder truck damages to the city attorney to investigate at the price, $3,100, mentioned in their bid, and report the liability of the city if any said truck to be delivered to the city when in said case. Report adopted. the Central engine house on 9th and Iowa Ald. Glab, chairman of the committee on streets is completed and ready for occu- streets, reported as follows: panty. In favor of the adoption of the blue tine F..1. S'roirrz, as the official grade of Forest and Union P. Oi.1NOElt. streets, and the red line as the oificial MEM, Il. CUsniNG, grade of Quince, Pear, Apple, l'Iuni and P. W. CI1AA'FOHD, Cherry streets, (as shown on the profile) JOIIN P. PAGE, between Cleveland avenue and Rush Tom BYRNi:, street. Deists SMITH. In favor of giving the proper notice to Adverse to paying the bill of the Iowa parties objecting to the proposed change Iron Works of $1,050 for repairing .1. K. of grade on Lincoln avenue, as shown on Graves engine until the Sol Turk engine accompanying profile and if objections be is completed and accepted. trade we would recommend that commis- Adverse to granting the petition of B:tr- sioners be appointed to assess tiledamages, bara 1sborn to remove frame building on if any, by reason of said change. Clay and 1011 streets to the back of her lot. REGULAR SESSION, 1[11" 2x0, 1892. lienort. adopted. Ald. South, chairman of. the printing committee, reported as follows: In favor of allowing the following bills: Telegraph $75, lleralcl$29.15, Titnes $29.15, and Ledger $29.15. Receive and file bill of Times of $29.15. Report adopted. AId. Page, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported as follows: Al- low the following bills: Key City Gas company .$110.41 and $9.30, Globe Light and tient company $550, L. Daly $4, John Kleinsehnndt $16, 11. L. Conner $8.50 and E. E. Frith $8. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the delin- quent tax committee, reported as fol- lows: Cancel the taxes for 1891 of the following: \lary • 1)eLorimier, Charlotte Catosky, \Ingdalena P. Brauhn, Mrs. Wm. Lahey, Josephine %Nasser, Elizabeth Kress and Urs. Patrick Flynn. Allow Urs. B. Farrell to pay one-half her taxes as payment in full tor year 1891. Reduce assessment of Cath. Vogentha- ler to $600 on s% lot 119, East Dubuque add., for 1891. Reduce assessment of Mrs. Sophia Fitz - toff to $1,800 for 1891. In favor of placing the a•sessment of the Smedley Mfg. Co. at $20,000 for a term of six years, commencing Jan. 1st, 1892, said amount being the assessed valuation of Said plant prior to recent improvements. Reduce assessment of A. C. Atherton on lot 4, Kingman's sub, to $1,100, and lots 17 and 18, S. 1f. Langworthy's sub, to $1,400, fur 18141. Allow Mrs. Henry- Lohman 10 pay one- half her taxes as payment in full on s3 hit 32, East Dubuque add., for 1891. Re- port adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the commit- tee on 00 electrical construction, reported in favor of allowing the following bills: R..1. Love, $1.85, and Western Electric Co., $30.40. Report adopted. Aid. Page, cnairman of the committee on sewers, reported in favor of approving the plans and speciflcations for extension of sanitary sewer across 17th street be- tween Main and Iowa streets. Report adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glatt, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Aid. Stoltz, chairman of the executive committee board of health reported as fol- lows: Allow the bill of 1 S Bigelow of $7. Also as follows: Your committee of the board of health would respectfully report that they have awarded the contract for removing the gar- hage and dead animals in the three gar- bage districts to Carson 11cElraill for the sum of $7 per day for the three districts, and recommend teat a warrant for $200 be drawn in favor of .1. C. Fitzpatrick, clerk "1 the board of health, for the past year. 1feport adopted, Aid. Peaslee. chairman of the committee Id' the whole reported as follows: Would recomineud that the engineer be instructed to give proper notice to the own- . ors of properly that it is the intention of the city to lay out a street'J1 rough lots 1, 2. 3. 4 and 5 of city lot 6 VI 4- as shown on p11(1. {/ In favor of instructing tl a Diamond .10 Line Co. to sc erre the proper party them- selves to designate the space allowed them for ware house purposes on the levee its 74 per their ordinance. Reported as follows on the petition of Mrs. 1). Gillian et al. for alleged damages 10 property abutting on West Eighth street. After a caretul investigation we find that the said West Eighth street was improved to a grade legally established by the city and that petitioner's property abutting nn said street is below the grade and has been since said street was im- proved, and we do not believe that said damages if any, are caused by any negli- gence of the city, and would recommend that the said petition be received arid tiled. Your committee to whom was referred the matter of 11th street sewer beg leave to report that they find that the contractor, U. Ituff, has a contract with the city for the construetion of a storm water sewer on 11111 street to the slough. Recommend that the assessment of the Dubuque Specialty Machine 4Vorks on new improvements, stock, machinery and manufactures be cancelled for a terns of six years commencing Jan. 1st, 1892. Receive and rile petition of Chas. Kling- enberg offering to sell the city a piece of property for the extension of Lincoln ave- nue. Allow the bill of .John McKinley of $9. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger moved that the chairman of the street committee be instructed to carry out the contract made by a former street committee with Mr. Kemps in relation to the repair of Eagle Point avenue abutting his property. Carried. Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand April 1 $41.883.05; receipts for the month of April, $25,799.12: cub on hand May 1.:$42,- 164.61. Also reported the several amounts collected on special assessments and due contractors. Also reported $1,797 due city officers for April. Also presented list of coupons redeemed during April. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay same. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Nicks offered the following: 1Vhereas, No objection has been made to the proposed change of grade on Stafford avenue as shown in accompanying plat; therefore, Resolved, '1'Itat the blue Zine as shown on said plat be and is hereby declared to De the established grade of Stafford ave- nue. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cush- inc. Grab, Nick, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz.: API. Nicks offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the Dubuque Electrie Railway, Light and Power Co. be instruct- ed to construct iron culverts under their track on both sides of Sanford street on .Jackson, said culverts to be 8x18 inches in size, so as to allow the free pa -sage of water under their tracks on s fid street,and if said culverts are not complete.' within 30 days from this date, then the street com- missioner is directed to put in the same and charge the expense thereof to the sae' Dubuque Electric Railway, Light ani Power Co. API. Crawford offered the following which wins adopted: Resolved, That the gutter on the north side of Johnson avenue west of Garfield avenue be repaired and put in such a con- dition as shall prevent water from stand- ing on the swine. AId. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet 75 REGULAR SESSION, MAY 2N1), 1592. wide, of good two-inch plank laid cross- wise, brick, stone, or cement, be. within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in renown to sidewalks, on both sides of Bose street between Walnut and Alta Vista streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, (Bab, Nicks, Olinger Page, Peaslee, smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque„ fiat a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Iowa street, between Seventh street and Eighth streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, (Bab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee. Snaith and Stoltz AId. Crawford offered the following, which wns adopted: Resolved, That the question of it proper distribution and placing of the arc tights recently contracted for Irian the U. S. Elec- tric Light Co. be referred to the committee on electrical construction. Aid. Crawford offered the fol!owtn;, : Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide. of good two-inch plank, laid cross- wise, be, within titteen days of this notice, constructed and lard in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Walnut street, between Eleventh street and the alley next north 01 Eleventh street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page. Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. AId. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the marshal be instructed to see that the rubbish hauled on Sixth street extension be dumped east of market street on said street, as at present it creates a nuisance by being dumped near the main tracks of the C., M. & St. 1'. 11. R. and (2., B. & N. R. 11, Ald. Page offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That that city recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a venire to the city marshal commanding Yum to summon a jury of twelve disinterested tree holders to assess the damages if any by reason of the proposed extension of Fourth street to the outer levee according to sur- vey and plat of the city engineer and ac- cording to the law and ordinances of the city. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glau. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald.Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Conned of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of cement, be within 30 days of t his not ice, constructed and laid in conformity with ordinace in r,•lation to £idewalds, on the north side of 7th street, between Iowa street and alley next west of lona street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glib offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That Windsor avenue be- tween Lincoln and Garfield avenues be graded guttered, curbed and mac- adamized, in conformity with tiie ordinance upon that subject. That thecity engineer be and he is hereby di. reeled to make the necessary plaits toot specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder titrectetl to give the pro- per notice for bids and proposals i'ni' rho perforutanee of the %viol:: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the ow'ner's of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Snaith and Stoltz. AId. Glib offered the following: Resolved, By: the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Apple street, between Rush street and Cleveland avenue, be grad- ed, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance 1111011 that subject. 'Clint the city engineer be and is herdoy directed to make the necessary plans and specifications tor said improve- ment and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals fo: the pertorntanceof the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following resolu- tion, which was referred to the street com- mittee: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That Brad street, between Julien avenue and I)uclge street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized. in conformity with the or- dinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be limo he is hereby directed 10 snake the necessary- plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, cutbiit and macadautiz ng to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. grading _to be bid in total. Ald. Glab offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved, That the committee on public grounds and buildings be instructed to ad- vertise for a drinking and horse fountain to be erected at or hear West 5th and 11111 sheets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing. Glib, Nicks. Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. A Id. Glab offered the following, which was referred to the paving~ committee: ltesuived, Thu an order for S757.15 be drawn in favor of 1). \V. Linehan, being 5 per cent of the total cost for improving Iowa street from 2d to 3d streets, and held by the city from said 1). W. Linehan as a guarantee that said work would be in good condition for one year from date of com- pletion. Ald. Glab offered the following, which was referred to the street committee: Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid across the west side of Broad street at its intersection with Julien avenue. AId. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk live feet wide, of good two iueh plank, laid cross- wise, brick, stone or cement, he, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in eontormtty with the ordinance 01 -REGULAR SESSIO\T, MAY 2Nn, 1892. ;1; relation to si(lewalks, on both sides of Cen- ter Place, between I{ose street and the north Ince of McNulty addition. Adopted by the toltowing vote: aye+—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, (:tau. Nicks, Olinger. Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald.Cu.hnig offered the following: Whereas, The Key City Electric Rail- way Co., have failed to comply with the orders of the council in neglecting to oper- ate their line to its western terminus :.near lrhnelers store in \Vest Dubuque, there - lore, Resolved, '\'hat the ordinance committee be instructed to draft an ordinance torfiet- int; all hunts of the Key City Ecectric Railway Co. to all streets, lanes and ave- nues on which it Is operating or has the riuht to operate an electric railway; said committee to report to the council at its next regular session. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, !Crawford, Cushing, ,aeb. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. A Id. Peaslee offered the following: 1 -resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: '\'hat Clark street, between Locust and W. 17 streets. be graded, gut- tered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- jeet. That the city engineerbe and he is hereby directed to matte the necessary plans and specifications for said impr..ve- nient and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the work: the guttering, curbing and mac- adamizing to be done at the expense of the owners nt abutting property. Grading to be bid it. the total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Grab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Aid. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, '\'hat a sidewalk 2 feet wide. of good two-inch plank, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed an(t laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the north side of Vernon street, between Broad street and East street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne. Crawford Cushing. Glatt, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford moved that a warrant for $30 be drawn in faun' 1'. F. Guthrie as paint payment for revising ordinances. Carried. The mayor staled that he wished to absent himself from the city for several weeks. Ala. Stoltz moved thst the mayor be granted leave of absence for e: ix weeks or more if he so desires. Carried. Ald. Peaslee moved that the action of the •council in relation to the reference of the specifications and bids, to the commi tee of the whole, of Windsor and Burd avenues be reconsidered. Lost. AId. Giab moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn to Monday, May 16th, 1892. at 2:30o'clock p. m. Aid. Olinger moved toamrnd by chang- ing the hour Trout 2:30 p. m. to 7:30 p. in. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Castling, Olinger, Peasleee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, N dcl(s and Page. The mayor voted no. The question being put on the original Illation was carried. Alt. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Fourteenths street, be- tween foie and Maple streets, be graded, stuttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glib, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith anti Stoltz. A Id. Peaslee offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Resoived, That a stone crossingbe placed on the east side of Walnut street across %Vest llth street. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That 23d street, between Couter avenue and Jackson streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer ne and he is hereby directed to make the nec- essary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder direct- ed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total - Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Bvrne Crawford, Cushing, Grab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, '\'hat the committee on finance be instructed to investigate and re- port to the council at the next session the total amount, which will be required to be paid from the city treasury tinder all un- completed contracts for street and other improvements; also the amount which the city would be required to pay for all im- provements already ordered, but tor which the contracts have not yet been let; also how soon the city will be compelled to commence borrowing money to pay for such improvements and other necessary current expenses. Ald. Stoltz moved that the natter of wall back of 18th street engine house be referred to the street committee with power. Carried. AId. Peaslee moved to adjourn. Carried. .1. C. 'erzi'ATttICK, er. fir RemeRem; is ating the ing ball a streets,rn'1`s" of the cit 11 be vi_' and the po ice are lust e. to arr•st all v lot at ors of above ord inance. 4-22-10t S. B. RICE, City Marshal. AN ORDINANCE Granting to George Dee the right to erect, maintain and operate a factory on part of lot 2 of mineral lot 106 in the city of Dubuque. 77 REGULAR SESSION, MAY 2ND, 1892. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the Citi/ of vubuque: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to George Lee, his successors and assigns, the right to use and occupy lot two of 11110-, eras lot 106 in the city of Dubuque, as per plat attached, for a term of ninety -1111w sears beginning march 15111, 1892, at an annual rental of one (teller per year. See. 11. The said George Dee to estab- lish and operate on said premises a Basket Factory awl Lve \V'orlts and have the same in operation within four months after the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 111. 'I he said George 1)ee to have electetl and cumpleted in said premises 011 or before July 15th, 1892, one main build- ing, stone foundation, brick walls. roof size silty feet by one hundred and fifty feet, two stories high, with boiler and en- gine house attached, and have placed therein the necessary machinery to ()perste said factory, includaig steam boilers and engines of at least seventy-five horse power, and wilt as soon thereafter as prac- ticable erect the necessary store rooms, warehouses and lumber :hells to be used in connection with said laetory. Sec IV. That said grantee shall have on or before July 1st, 1843. at least. one hun- dred employ es regularly employee(' in and about said factory on and about said prem- ises; at least one-fourth of which employes snail be 'nate adults; and after such date, during the continuance of this lease, for a period of at least ten (10) years, shall keep, maintain, and operate said factory on saki premises with the yearly average number of employes not less than the number stud of the character above stated, except when work in said factory may be temporarily suspended for necessary repairs, or by rea- son of unavoidable casualties. That Jur- the continuance of this lease, said premises shall be used and occupied solely and exclusively for manufacturing purposes and the grantee hereby balite himself, his successors told assigns to constantly maintain and operate it manufactory on said premises during the full term of this lease. Sec. V. The grantee herein agrees to hold the City of Dubuque harmless from any damage or litigator. that may here - atter at ise on account of this lease, or the buildings or improvements to be placed on said premises; and said grantee, his suces- stirs and assigns shall pay the expenses and costs of any public improvement abutting, ur adjacent to said premises, and all ordi- nary municipal tax on said real estate, and improvements the same as if he or they were the owners in fee simple of the same. Provided, that in consideration of the es- tablishment and maintenance of sald man- ufactory, said real estate and all ma- chinery used in connection with said fact - tory and all goods manufactured therein shall be exampt from ordinary city tax- ation for tete period ten (10) years from and after the taking effect this ordi- nance. Sec. VI. In the event of the failure on the part of said grantee his successors and assigns to comply stictly with the terms, conditions and limitations of this ordinance with reference to time of commencement and continuance of the operation of said factory the character of building, number of employes and otherwise all rights and privileges under this lease and contract shall cease and become 111111 and void and the said premises revert to the City of Du- buque and the forfeiture shall become ef- fective only after it has been so declared by a resolution of the city council adopted after notice to the grantees and a hearing in open council. Sec. VI . Should this lease be declared forfeited on or before five years from .July 15, 1843, all buildings and nnprovemen is placed and erected en said real estate shall become tor[eited u, the city of Dubuque. and said city may enter into possession of the same and devote theta to such use as the city council see proper. Should the lease be forfeitett after said period of five years the grantees shall have the right to remove all buildings and improvements. Sec. V111. That if at any time after July 15. 1902, sal' grantee, his successors and assigns shall deem it best to change the character of the factory, and the kind of wares to be utanufac•ttired therein, lie • or they shall have the right to du so, sub- ject to such city- ordinances and municipal pollee regulations as may then be ;n force. 1X. 'l'he city also reset ves the right of a natural water -way as now located con- nect:ng with the stone -arch sewer acres Garfield avenue near fine street: the city also reserves the right and Title to of that part of l:tt 2 of mineral lot 106 fronting. on Garfield avenue en north side of lot 11, East Dubuque addition. Sec. X. 'find tine said George Dee shall hle hos written acceptance of this or.11- 11ance with the city recorder within ten (10) clays after its passage by the city council; otherwise the ordinance shall be null and void. 'nits ordinatie shall be published in the official papers of the city after having been accepted by the said George Dee, and its approval by the mayor, and shall take elfeet from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily '1'elegraoh newspaper. Adopted April 7th, 1892. CIIAS. J. W. SAUNDEI*, Ma or. Attest: J. C. Firzi'a•i'ittcic, Recorder. 1 hereby accept the above ordinance and agree to be bound by its provisions. GEORGE DEE, April 7, 1892. Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recordor up to 9 o'clock a. m. Monday, May 2nd, 1892, for the iin- provement of West 14th street, from Delhi street to Atlantic avenue. 'Ilse extent of the work is as follows: Grading, 10.200 cubic yards cut. Curbing, 2,080 lineal feet. Guttering, 925 square yards. Macadamizing. 3,7011 square yards. Said work to be completed on ur before September 1st. 1892. Plans and specifications for said work on file in City Recorder's (like. Bale will be acted upon at the regular s18ession92. of the council to be held May 2nd, Bidders will be required to furnish bond of $200 guaranteeing that the contract will be entered into if awarded. Blank bonds will be furnished by the re- corder. J. C. N'rrzra reicf:. 4 22.101 Recorder. Notice to C.rntraotors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office until 4 o'clock p. in., Saturday, April 30, 1892, fur constructing sidewalks as fol- lows: On the north side of West Third street, from Alpiite street to College avenue: on the north side 111 North street nom Grandview aveuus to the west line of REGULAR SESSION, MAY- 2N1) 185)2. 78 lot 4, Quigley's add.; on the south side of Valeria street, between Cushing's factory and West Eagle Point avenue. The work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications on file in my office. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bldg• E. C. BLAKE, 4-22-5t. City Engineer. Notice. Proposals will be received at the city recorder's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, April 30th, 1892, for doing the ity's veterinary work for the ensuing year. The veterinary surgeon whose bid is ac- cepted must furnish all medicine at his own expense. ;,lank proposals will be furnished by the city recorder. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Fire Committee. F. J. STOLTZ. c hairin n. Horses For (Sale. The city marshal will sell at public auction at the city hall Saturday, April 301 h, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. nt. to the highest bidder for cash, two horses now in use in the city fire department. F. J. STot:rz, Chairman Fire Committee. Final Notice to Saloonkeepers. CITY MAItSIiA.L'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, April 21st, 1892. ) Notice is hereby given that all saloon licenses must be paid on or before May lst, 1892, or 1 will be compelled to enforce the ordinance in relation to collection of licenses. Do not wait to be called upon, but conte at once to the City Hall and pro- cure your license and save any further trouble, S. 13. Rick. City Marshal. 4.22-10 Garbage Notice. CITY MABSUAL'S OFFICE, j IIunuQuE. April 21st, 1892. j All persons are hereby notified not to throw any slop or garbage in the streets or alleys and must provide themselves with receptacles for receivtng the siops and gar- bage, which. will be collected daily below the brutfs and twice a week on the bluffs by the garbage collector. All violations of throwing filth or garbage on the streets or alleys will be prosecuted. S. 13. 1ticE, 4-22-105 City Marshal. a9 AD.TOUR.NED UEGITLAR SESSION, MAY 16, 1892. CITY COUNCIL.per connections with stomp water sewer on Main street at each of the corners whe e necessary, said work to be done under the Adjourned Regular Session, May supervision of the engineer. 16th 1892. Ald. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. That the committee on public (OFFIC1AL.I grounds and buildings be instructed to Council met at 2:b5 o'clock p. m. have a horse drinking fountain placed on Mayor Pro Tem Peaslee in the chair. nth street between Iowa quad Clay streets, Present—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cush- as at present there is no such teuntain ing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, and within a tainwill be radius t areatmile, benefit tocthe ttravelid ing Smith. City Attorney McCarthy gave it as his public in said vicinity. legal opinion that the committee on streets Ald. Olinger offered the following: and the city engineer had the right to sign Whereas. The city council has ordered and approve plans and specifications for street improvements at an enormous cost improvement of streets with macadam to the city; and, after bids had been aiveriised for as „u- Whereas, Out improved streets are get- thorized by ordinance adoptedNov.2, 1891. ting in very poor condition; therefore, Report adopted. Resolved, That the city council for this Aid. Peaslee, chairman of the committee year cease to order street improvements of the whole, reported as follows: Your where the cost of grading exceeds $100, committee of the whole to whom was re- and that we order our improved streets put ferred the plans and specifications and in good repair, for if we continue ordering proposals for improving Burden avenue, Heavy street improvements we will have would recommend that the proposals be an empty treasury and be compelled to bor- opened for the improvement of said street, row an enormous ateountof money to meet nroviding the city attorney gives it as his the current expenses of the city. legal opinion that said street has been le- Adopted by the following vote: gaily advertised for said improvement; and Ades—Alas. Cushing, Nicks, Olinger, that the opening of proposals for the im- Page and Smith. provement of Windsor avenue be post- Noes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford and (flab. potted until the June session so that a suit- Aid. Nicks offered the following, which able grade may be established on said was referred to the street contoitteee: street. Report adopted. Resolved, by the City Council of the City Ald. Glab, chairman of the street coin- of Dubuque, That 26th street between mitee, reported that the street committee Cooler avenue and Jackson street, be grad - had signed and approvad all specifications ed, guttered, curbed and macadamized in referred to them. Report adopted. conformity with the ordinance upon that Ald. Crawford moved that the bids be subject. That the city engineer be and as opened for all work that has been adver- hereby directed to snake the necessary used for and specifications approved by plans and specifications tor said improve - the street committee. Carried. went and the city recorder directed to give Ald. Glab moved that before bids are the proper notice for bids and proposals opened that the finance committee make for the perlortnanceof the work; toe gutter - their report on the muter referred to ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done said committee, at the May 2nd session in at the expense of owners of the abutting relation to the amount required to be paid property. Grading to be bid in total. by the city for work already contracted for Ald. Nicks offered the following which and still unpaid. Carried. was referred to the street committee: Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee Resolved by the City Council of the City finance reported the following amount due of Dubuque, That 25th street, between on contracts awarded for grading $3,113.25; Cooler avenue and Jackson streets, be for sewer $13,558; for new engine house graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, $28,5528. Report adopted. .n conformity with the ordinance upon The bids for the several street improve that subject. That the city engineer ue ments were opened and read and referred and he is hereby directed to slake the nee - to the engineer and street committee for essary plans and specifications for said computation. . improvement, and the city recorder direct - The proposition of Martin Bdol and A. ed to give the proper notice for bids and A. Loetscher that if the grade on 'Phomas proposals for the performance of the work: street was changed they would pay the the guttering, curbing and macadamizing city ten cents per cubic yard for surplus to be done at the expense of the owners of tilling delivered on their lots. the abutting property. Grading to be bid Ald. Olinger moved that the immesh in total. together with tha matter of change of Ald. Nicks offered the following. which grade on 'Phomas street be referred to the was referred to the street committee: COM nut tee of the whole. Carried. Resolved by the City C+tuueil of the City Ald. Crawford chairman of the committee of Dubuque, That 24th street, between on public grounds and buildings, reported touter ave. and Jackson street, be graded, in favor of paying the following premiums guttered, eurbed and macadamized, in con - for insurance on city property: American formaty with the ordinance upon that sub - insurance Co., $28.12; Jersey City Insur- jeet. That the city mutineer be and he is ance Co., $18.75; hereby directed to make the necessary Dubuque Fare & Marine, $37.50; Key plans and specifications for said improve - City, $28.15. Report adopted. ment, and the city recorder diret•ted to give Ald. Page chairman of the committee on the proper notice for buts and proposals for sewers reported in lavor of accepting the the performance of the work; toe gutter - plan and specifications for a sanitary ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done sewer on west side of Clay street between at the expense of the owners of the abut- 17t1t and 18th streets. Report adopted. ting property. Aid. Page of offered the following which AIB. Nicks offered the following: was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City Resolved, That the sewer inspector be of Dubugw.r, That a sidewalk. 4 feet wide, end is hereby instructed to make the pro of good two inch lalank, be within 15 (lays AU,TOURNEI) REGULAR SESSION, MAY 16, 1892. SO of this notice, constructed and laid in con- I the hill water mains on West 14th street fortuity with the ordinace in relation to down to her residence so that she can con- idewalks, on the south sideof 24th street, oetween Jackson street and Pine street, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: A yes—Alds. liyrne, Crawford, Cushing (slab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide. of good two-inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, (008 ruet td and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of 25th street, between Jack- son and Pine streets. Adopted ny the following vote: Ayes—Alas. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glao. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. -1Id. Smith offered the following: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- strueted to prepare olans and specifica- tions for the extension of Dodge street sewer from Main street to the outer slough, and when said plaits and specihcations are approved by the street committee the city recorder is instructed to advertise for bids for the performance of the work. Ald. Page moved to iefer to the street committee. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Glab, Page and l'easiee. Noes — Aids. Byrne, Cushing, Nicks, )linger and Smith. Aid. Crawford moved to refer to the at- torney to give his opinion as to whether the raiiroad companies have to pay for storm water sewers through their right of way. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was referred to the street commit- tee. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That Broad street between ,Julien avenues and Fourteenth street, be graded guttered, curoed and mac- adamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to snake the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the pro- per notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadatnizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn until to -morrow at 9 o'clock a. m. Carried. 13111 of Duncan Coats of $75 insurance premium referred to the committee on pub- lic grounds and buildings. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition for opening of Wood street. 1tomonstrance against improvement of Eagle fount avenue between Stafford and %V incisor avenues. Remonstrance against improvement of Brad street. Petition of M. Duggan iiig on Madison street in deuce. (Wit11 power). Bill of $475 against Con. Ryan for grad- ing taken trout Alta Vista street. Re- ferred to the street committee. Petition of Chas Klingenberg and E. Yingling to have Leibnitz street Towered in front of their property. Referred to the committee of the whole. Bill of Electrical Supply Co. $4.55. Re- ferred to the committee on supplies. Petition of Mary NVilde for extension of nett with the same and have a supply of water that will reach all parts nt her house. Granted and the Water company notified to stake the necessary extension. Bill of W. S. Moto, 50c. Iteterred to the committee on public ground and buildings. Bill of Western Electric Co. of $40.145. Referred to the electrical committee. 11111 of C. V. Baumann of $30 tor a month and a half services as wharf master. Ordered paid. Communication of Albert A. Pope ask - Ing the city's co-operation to secure a com- prehensive exhibit. of improved rods and road making machinery at the world's fair. Referred to the committee 01 the whole. Ald. Glab offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the following special assessment be cancelled: W ni. llintrager, lot 2 of 71, S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 11 8929 lineal feet curbing at 41c 14.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 5 87 117.61 sq yds macadamizing at 38c44 69 Total $ 62 45 And in lieu thereof, Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improv- ing Delhi street from Broad street to Grandview avenue by N. C. Chesterman, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, anti parcels of real estatehereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opnositeeach lot or parcel of real estate as follows: M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 1, Summit add: 29. lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 11 89 14.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 5 87 117.61 sq yds macadamizing at 38c44 69 Total $ 62 45 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cush- inc, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, and Smith. The following bills for sand sold by the city were referred to the auditor tor col- lection: 'Phos. Byrne, $35; James Lee, .$35; M. Gautenbeio, $3.50 and Otto Renecke $7.20. Profile of grade and estimate of Elm to be g avenue. Eaglefrotn Referred tovthe enutreetRconi- mittee. Plat of Jansen's subdivision. Referred to the street committee. Plat of .Jones' subdivision. Referred to the street committee. A ht. Smith tnov o adjourn. Carried. A st: FITZPATRICK, 'recorder. for storm eros front of his rest- 81 ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, MAY 17, 1S9•'. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION MAY 17t.Ii, 1892. Council met at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Mayor Pro 'I'ein Peaslee in the chair. Present -Aids. Byrne. Crawford, Cush- ing,Glatt, Nicks, Page, 1'easlee and Smith. The rules were suspended and ex -Mayor voelker addressed the council nn relation to the improvement of streets in 1Vood- lawn Park addition. The engineer presented the following bids tor Street improvements. (}RANT ANENUE AND WEST 11TII STEP:T. Theadore Altman $2,418 00 Lavin and Corrauce 2.320 60 Steuck & Farrell 2,41': 00 Williams & Bevins 2,259 00 Con Ryan 2,347 80 G. G. Kringle 2,345 80 The rules were suspended and A. W. llosford addressed the council and asked that a change of grade be made on Grant avenue. Ald. Cushing, moved that the contract be awarded to Williams & Bevins. Car- ried. BROADWAY STREET. Con. Ryan, Jr $4,634 28 0. G. Kringle 4,899 70 E. E. Frith 4,370 10 Steuck & Farrell 4,978 12 Norton & Lee 4,276 12 Theodore Altman 4,654 14 Ald. Cushing moved the contract be awarded Norton & Lee. Carried. WASIIINOTON STREET, FROM SANFORD TO 24T11 STREETS. Theodore Altman $4,903 40 Con. Ryan, Jr 5,149 70 Williams & Bevins 5,148 00 Norton & Lee 5.119 90 Steuck & Farrell 4,905 60 E. E. Frith 4,851 60 0. G. Kringle 5,445 60 Aid. Nicks moved that the contract be awarded to E. E. Frith. Carried. 23RD ST. FROM COL1.Efl AVENUE 1'O JACK- SON STREET. O. G. Kringle $1024 00 Theo. Altman 891100 Guthrie & Chesterman 054 40 Steuck & Farrell 971 00 E. E. Frith 867 50 AId..Nieks moved to award the contract to E. E. Frith. Carried. BURDEN AVENUE. Steuck & Farrell 59115 00 O. G. Kringle 9924 60 Con. Ryan, Jr 9768 32 AId. Page moved to award the contract to Steuck & Farrell. Carried. WEST 14T11 STREET. O. G. Kringle $4990 00 t:uthrie, Chesterman & Spear 4724 05 Lavin & Corrauce 5022 15 Con. IEyan ,Jr 1963 40 Steuck & 1' arrell 6237 75 Geo. and Jas. Taylor 6583 20 E. E. Frith 539:1 25 Ald. Smith moved 10 award contract to Guthrie, Chesterman & Spear. Carried. . ALTA AVENUE. Theodore Altman $2,258 00 Steuck & Farrell 2,844 00 O. G. Kringle 2,111 00 Ald. Glab moved to award the contract to O. t. Kringle. Carried. DunixquIE AVENUE. Steuck & Farrell $1,792 50 Theodore Altman 1,436 80 Ed. Ryan 1,416 50 0. (4. Kringle 1,302 00 Guthrie & Chesterman 1,391 00 Ald Glab moved to award toe contract to O. G. Kringle. Carried. DELAWARE AVENUE. Ed. Ryan $1,689 60 Steuck & Farrell 1,532 511 0. (4. Kringle 1.193 10 Ald. Smith moved to award the contract to 0. G. Kringle. Carried. DECORAII AVENUE. Steuck & Farrell +1,507 50 O. G. Kringle . 1.197 00 Ed. & C. Ryan 1,235 60 Ald. Smith moved to nwarit the contract to U. G. Krinllle. Carried. AUBURN AVENUE. Steuck & Farrell $6,541 80 Ed. & C. Ryan 5,381 90 Ald. Smith moved to award contract to Ed. & C. Ryan. Carried. ALOONA AVENUE. Steuck & Farrell $4,211 20 Ed. & C. Ryan 3,451 70 0. 0. Kringle 3,336 40 Theodore Altman 3,449 40 Ald. Smith moved to award contract to O. G. Kringle. Carried. Ald Smith moved that the surplus grad- ing on streets in Woodlawn Park and \Vest Fourteenth street for which contracts have been let to -day be placed on West Four- teenth street. Carried. The rules were suspended and Joe Rein - fried, chief of the fire department, ad- dressed the council, and objected to the plan of the new engine house, corner of Ninth and lowa streets, and requested the council to have the plan changed. Ald. Page moved that the mater of mak- ing changes in the plan of the new engine house he referred to the committee on pub- lic grounds and euildings, the thiel of the tire department and Aid. Nicks. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. AId. Glab offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved that the city engineer be in- structed to prepare plans and specifications for a stone arch culvert on West 14th street and submit the same to the street commit- tee for approval, and when same are ap- proved by said committee the city recorder is instructed to advertise for bids for the performance of the work. Ald. Glab offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to build a dry wail culvert on Glen Oak avenue between \Vest 3d and \Vest 5th streets, so that the surplus ma- terial in the vicinity can be deposited on said street without interfering with the waterway. Ald. Glab offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to lay a stone crossing on the south side of 7th and White streets. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was referred to the street committee with power. Resolved, That the street committee be authorized to have the sidewalks on (4rand- vie w avenue properly graded, so that the - abutters can plank their walks in accord- itnee with the orders of the council. Ald. Nicks offered the following, which was referred to the street committee and engineer with power. Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to do the necessary grading on Merz street between Stafford and Wind- sor avenue, so as to make the saute pass- able for public travel. Ald. Byrne offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, 'That the city engineer be in- structed to prepare a profile from actual survey, showing the present grand of hush street, also that the proposed grade, as at ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, MAY 17, 1892. 82 the established grade it would be a great damage to abutting property. AId. Cushing offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of Seminary street through min. lot 1F8,showing a straight street and connect- ing properly with the remainder of said street in accordance with the provisions of chapter 2ti of the revised ordinances. Ald. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolve,', That the city engineer be in- structed to prepare a plat and profile show- ing a change of grade on West 8th street from 11'11 to Pine street. AId. Crawford offered the following which was referred to the street commit- tee: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Seminary street, be- tween Paul and West Locust streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the or- dinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement., and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. AId. I'easlee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows on the resolution for the appointment of a build- ing inspector: That the ordinance committee be in- structed to draft an ordinance amending the ordinance in relation to the duties of the chief of the fire department, so as to make it the duty of the said chief to in- spect all buildings according to the ordin- ance, and that he be paid $25 per month extra for such services, said chief to devote his whole time to the ,duties of fire chief and inspector of buildings. Report adopted. Ald. Nicks moved to adjourn. Carried. Att st: J. C. FITZPATI order. der. I1 83 MAT SESS1ON1 1892 UST OF CITY \VARIIANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during March, 1892 CITY REColtWElt's OFFICE, 1 DuatiQuE, Iowa, April 1, 1892. 1 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the mouth of March, 1892: game. For what Purpose. Amount 1.. Donner........ Salary for Feb., Treas- urer reas- e150 00 urer....... J. C. Fitzpatrick.. Salary for Feb., Recor- der 116 70 .1. M. Kenety Salary for Feb., Aud- itor 110 70 .1. J. McCarthy.. Salary for Feb., Attor- ney......... 12_5 00 John F. Stemm..Salary for Feb., As- sessor•. 125 00 Jas. P. Bennett... S..lary for Feb., As- sistant Assessor 5.13. Rice Salary for Feb., Mar- shal Ed. Ryan . Salary for Feb., Street Comuussioner Jos. Reinfried....Salary for Feb., Chief of lire department A. Gratz.... ....Salary for Feb., Mar- ketmaster 1'. McNulty. Salary for Feb., Park Custodian 1. S. Bigelow .Salary for Feb., Health officer.. .. C. SpiegelhalterSalary for Feb., Pound - master B. Rawson Salary for Feb., Sew- er Inspector......... .1. Klein Salary for Feb., Meat Inspector .lames Bunting...Salary for Feb., Elec- trician Ed. Blake Salary for Feb., En- gineer E. S. Hyae.......Salary for Feb., As- sistant Engeer Feb.,F .1. Boyce..........Salary for As- sistant Engineer .John O'Connell... Salary for Feb., Com- mittee clerk I). Ryan.... ..... .Captain of Police .Toho ltaeslt James Carter Policeman Wm. O'Brien M. O'Connell Win. Hennessy Wm. Frith John Litscher P. McNerny Thos. Reilly 1', 1)unnegau 1'. Kearney. P. I lanlon. John Fitzpatrick 1)an. Norton .lames Allen John Reuter M. Hardie \vin. Welsh Sam. Ebner James Flynn Dan. Lavery J(>1111 Hoffman 1?d. Moore Phos. Blake John Murphy W10. Khmer Prier Srrarf I'..11r('ollins Uro. Itubeek lolui Murphy (tart. Calu .la., Daly......... Fireman... Job Barnes....... " .1. Strany W. Duey . .1. Murphy T. O'Shea .1. Schouberger 1•:d. Keas 11 • 6. 16 44 61 14 66 .61 61 61 61 16 11 .............. .........• •••• 66 61 " M. Eitel.. tfi 1'. Martin It 11 John Nssmau ,1 J. F1. 011 .I.1Viltseu, 1•'. Essul:tn T. Walker '1'. Flynn11 I). Ahearn.` .1. Allen .. 11 (;.Moyer 11 A 1)uccjui `• F. Janahl`• J. Ward 1, C. Kannolt..... " ............... .1. Albrect Laborer J. Bewer.... ..... Helper, road roller.... Chas. Buse .......Laborer John Cahill Forma ............... Sam. CollinsLaborer L. Corcoran 11 10) 00 100 00 91 70 75 00 50 00 43 50 30 00 40 0) 60 00 60 00 75 00 125 00 100 00 110 00 •• •••••....... John Corbett M. Fal-rell Io110 Fix.. ...... Nd. Grew .1. Gicssler........ Joe Crab......... John 1latev••••••• ......•..•.•.•• John Kinsella....Carpenter aborer 61 16 .1. Krause 1, P. Kiene... 1. McEvoy '1. MurlueeuyL J. Pero. on. l'ickleY•.. •• .1. ltaetz..... A. Reuter .1. Sehrup..... I. Seik James Tobin John Wolie 1'. Jordeu..... . C. I(alnpmau .1. Williams A. Doerr.......... 1;..). Car..cuter ). 1). ,itterauer. L. Daly H. Haas ..... L'. Noonan ........ J. McColtins...... F. Siege.......... Win. Sinaloa.... L. Gouuel•, treas.. aborer 1' oreinall ..... fatborer 11 .1 ......... .. Tealn .................. 83 35 75 00 70 00 51 65 3, 40 50 el) 50 00 50 0.1 50 00 50 00 18 90 34 Al 44 711 5010 30 9.) 50 09 50 09 50 00 50 00 41 70 511 10 5(1 00 50 TIO 46 43 10 OO 34 40 51 65 37 80 50 00 10 00 50 00 6000 48 30 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 1)0 60 00 50 09 50 00 50 00 11 A. Gratz........ M. Lavin......... Express 11 CO Olt 89 1) 1 6, (11 60011 60 00 5)) 10 1(1 0.1 50 00 6)) 1)0 611 1111 7500 50 ()4I 50 00 50 00 50 00 5 25 11 25 1 50 6 15 1 911 1 50 10 9)) 54 50 ll 00 27 1)0 4 50 6 00 12 75 43 25 1 10 1 50 17 25 601 1 59 75 23 20 4 50 11 25 2500 2 25 9 75 12 _5 10 50 16 5' 2 09 1 50 1 00 1 01) 50 1.1) 50 1 50 1 511 Money aovancetl • • 500 ()4> •• '•580 00 1• 1' 423 Board of prisoners15 8u lteinoviug dirt from sewer.... ......... 6 60 Voelker, K 1 e i 11- scliiuidt & Han- over ............. 66 Grading streets Wood - lawn Park.......... 1, .1 ,1 11 66 11 16 46 54 16 11 Wm. McDermott.Macadain John Burrs....... John McNulty.... M. v'Louglll.u.... .1. Hausou........ A. liollernlaun... C. Miggeuberg... W. lteluelll A. (rurlpwell A. Kaulfulauu L;iwvenue Tax C. Mackelberg John Tweed Wm. Kerlow Fred. Hein W. ('1.1111111eld M. Kern and J Taloa• Henry Ferris C i3osegard Jacob Paster Mad. Lee Tim. Mahony 11. Burrs M. Sullivan Ed. Condon .las. 0' Shea John I-leunis Mrs. C. 1). Suitt - F. McBride...... 41 ,1 11 46 66 16 " • 11 44 16 ............... 500 00 500 W 500 141 51)41 (0) 500 01) 5011 00 259 31 27 cu 10 (11) 45 04) 32 00 40 01) 21) 0 ) !110 26 10 2 09 49 00 (1 )6) 22 0., 5 50 22 00 5 00 36 00 1211 10 17 00 77 (JO 38 0.) 63 00 9) 00 80 00 1'0 10 10 0(1 83 10 20 01) 19 1)0 4 50 John Menne ('has. Nauk W. Premark Patrick \Julian Aug.Boltile P. Fitzgeraid John (,hail John Fix \Vin. Scharf Fred. Bess. Chas. I(arch .Iolul Spense C. H mmelder 10. \Vinkehnan Chas. I'rieh & Co. ' Peter 1lorseh 16 .1. Ilavendorf roger NlePoland \I. Carroll \I. Farrell11 MAY SESSION. .1SJ2. .......•••... . ..••.........•• ...........••• ............... 34 00 mals..... ...... ...... 7 50 123 05 Keas & Gephe....Repairing engine rut 19 55 Thos. \ielcholr... Rubber boots... 3 75 44 0 ) Consolidated Tank 13 00 Line CO Gil 3 50 50 (10 Dubuque Thur.- 42 a) GI{APH.... ....Adverhstng 75 00 32 00 The 'limes Co.... " 20 15 8 00 The Herald....... 85 00 Jos. Geiger Repairing city hall 5 4.) 73 00 Isaac Proctor Foundation e n g i n e 80 00 house300 On 30 00 tum. ConnollyRep. patrol wagon.... 5 75 25 00 Key Cit yy Gas Ca.. Gas and light 12; 11 104 00 Globe Light and 2.2 00 Heat Co " " 32 01) Globe Light and 11 09 Heat Co •' .1 11 0:) Dubuque Electric 25 00 It'y L. & P. yo" u P. Ryant......... . " 40 00 M. Ahearn 38 O Thos. nev lurs. l) s 59 to Parker, Ott & Co. " 500 00 Parker, Ott & Co. '• 72 00 'Phos. O'Connell.. ` .. 144 00 P. gill............ " 194 00 11. t\leMmlen 4659 011 S Steible , 88 00 King & Reilly 11 .. 137 00 Adolph ()ague..,, 16 1011 00 P. Qu un.......... ..Si 00 M. Mahony....... 46(0. 0.) I'. Dempsey. 46176 (u1 .1. Gillaspie..... .. ..11)5 80 Soechl & Obbelt . 61 00 Aug. Fr•ohs 91 011 W. Kettelberg' 37 60 I. llutehatd....,, 4417 u4) A. Ring & Co 11120 011 John iloitonls142917 020 4'. 13ist•hard" 50 4'llas. Malik9 211 los. gVigor ..... _Repairing city hall.... 29 20 Mr. and airs. KoenigJanitor city hall....... 40 00 T. J . Conlon .Shavings 2 50 The IL rald.......131ank books .. 40 10 Hardie 61 Sebarle. 6169 00 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co.......... Lumber 7 50 1)ubuque Wooden Ware Co I umber 4 74 Sventhen & Ott... Lumber... 1 00 John O'Brien 1 abor ou sewer42 O0 'Thos. Butcher.... 38 59 Christman & Hea- ley Rope and nails........ 3 27 Fraatz & Clarklh•ugs 4 35 Kev City Gas Co.Coke6800 31 Duh. Water Co.. Water.... 00 1)ub. Water Co... 5011 00 Dub. Water Co... "60 00 C. 11. Whitwell.. Veterinary serviees37 50 Siandsrd Lumber Coinuany........ Lumber 10 13 I(uloh & hall .... ..Repairing hose cart3 50 A. Wunderlich....Horseehoeing 58 75 A. Cullen ..... • • ...Cart 5 00 .1.00 e. Rh& Bros. spi inkier, etc Fraatz & Clark...Lamp burner30 1'. F. Guthrie Revision of ordinances 60 10 John Mullen Harness oil... 4 50 Palmer, Winall & C'o..... . Blank books 42 75 John T. Kearns...ltecording plat1 00 Ledger Printing 291b Company Advertising... ........ Dubuque TELE- GRAPH Indexing council pro- ceedings Adam Schmidt. _Grading Leibnetz street 11 64 41 11 11 F Sch:o7 Bracei for steps city halKey City Gas ('0Coke 4'Ilas. Van Horn.. Repairing tools Thos. Collins .....Hooks tot manholes Wilt. Howard Cinders..... 1 larger & Blish....Stationery Bart E. Linehan.. Cement Nessler & Jungk.Plumbing A. Kannolt ..... ..Horseslmeing.......... Lavin & Corrauce.Constructing sewer... James Kelly.... _Stationery ............. Lear & 1'110nor... Horseshoeing I:ryalt Donahue...Constr•ucting siaewulk E. 10 Frith ........Removing dead aul- 42 50 500 00 500 00 6110 00 500 01) 30000 2 00 4 76 7 80 3 00 233 00 760 2 50 2 05 7 00 52 00 17 10 8 00 1 220 Lear & l'tllTner... Horseshoeing... Iowa L•on Works.Stove casting Consolidated Tank Line Co Od...................... G. B. GrosvenorWall paper............ 3 611 Dubuque Water Works......... Water....... . 500 00 500 00 40011 500 00 166 311 5 011 5 13 4 95 •• ••'• . 500 01) 41 11 14 60 00 L. Gunner... Clerk hire..... ..... .... 300 00 Adam Schmidt....Improving 27th street 52 75 66 " •• Peru road.. 470 50 E. E. Frith Filling lots............ 90 64 John •1'ibey Improving Washington street ................ 76 55 T. J. DonahueMacadam..... . 107 98 Chas. Steuck Improving .Julien ave 191 60 Ohas. Steuck Improving Rhomberg avenue.............. 109 11. 7 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of March; 1892. J. C. FI'I'LPA (RICK, Recorder. Page left blank Regular Session, June 6, 1892. 86 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, June 6, 1892. Council met at 9:45 o'clock a. m. Mayor Pro Tem. Peaslee in the chair. Present, Alds Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Page moved that the minutes of the previous meetings be approved as printed. Carried. Petition of Key City Gas company for an extension of their franchise. Referred to the ordinance committee to report at the afternoon session Rev. Fiske addressed the council and ob- jected to granting right of way for an alley from Eighteenth street engine house to Seminary street. The following bills were allowed: NAME. FOR WIIAT PURPOSE. AMOUNT. John hiuntz, store $ 3 00 Mrs Koenig, services as janitor 15 00 C McEirath, removing dead dog5U H. Griffin & Sona, one —Numerator"12 00 Palmer, Winall & Co., blanks, etc19 00 Harger & ttlish, stationery 50 C. McElrath, hauling garbage 182 00 Wm. S. Molo, one wrench 2 25 H. Naglemaker, brooms, etc 6 90 Wm. G Watters, hay for patrol 39 99 James Kelly, stationery 14 60 Baumgartner & Kleih, hoe 45 Mrs. Meehan, scrubbing city hall3 10 Dubuque Linseed Oil Co., flaxseed1 70 Jos. Gerger, repairs at city hall 14 70 E. M. Dickey Co.. white waste 12 50 Baumgartner & Kleih, locks 1 70 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, hose 8 25 S. McElrath, drayage 1 00 John Newman & Son, repairs on wagon 13 50 J. Christman & Son, matting 25 87 Chas. J. Heller, policy hats 1uS 00 John Trexler, rope 35 Western Electric Co., electric sup- plies. 10 55 Key City Gas Co., coke and coal21 57 W. S. Molo, glass gauges 1 00 T. Hill, repairs for fire dept 2 75 Fraatz & Clark, sponges 60 Christman & Healey, hardware 2 20 Standard Lumber Co., shavings2 25 Fraatz & Clark, drugs. 1 70 E. M. Dickey Co., white waste 13 80 James Kelly, ink 75 Wm. G. Watters. hay for fire dept154 81 Dubuque Water Co ,hydrant supply 1,060 00 A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 4 70 John Laizen, 41 7 51) Lear & Pflffner, " 2 50 Albert Kannolt, f1 7 50 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 42 61 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber24 23 Wm. S. Molo. plumbing 7 20 Reinfried & Jaeger, nails 30 James Sheet, stone 4 89 Bart E: Linehan, sewer pipe 7 20 Headford Bros., manhole corners40 00 John E. Hartig, lock repairs 4 00 Dubuque Wooden Ware company, lumber 17 77 James Levi & Co., gloves 1 88 Henry Glab,rodman for engineer50 00 John O'Brien, work on sewers 42 85 Thos. Butcher. work on sewers.... 42 85 Christman & Healey, hardware. 3 40 Dubuque Rubher company, boots3 75 Tschirgi & Kringle, Main street sewer, $3.605.50; allowed 1,802 50 Bart E Linehan, sewer pipe .. 18 90 Lavin & Corrance, grading Rose street, $300; allowed 150 00 Norton & Lee, grading Cornell and Thomas street, $1.200; allowed$ 500 00 P. F. Guthrie, laying sidewalk 145 77 The following bills were referred: To the committee on supplies: Reinfried & Jaeger, 81195; G. A. Hoerner, 65 cents; John Butt 82 40: Knapp, Stout & Co., $2 45; Far- ley & Loetscher Manufacturing company, 50 cents; W. S. Moto, $41 85: H. Nagelmaker, $4 30; Fraatz & Clark, $57 42. To the street committee: Ulrich Ruff. $35; Adam Smith, $3,000; Thomas McDonald, 82; James Street, 819.53. To the co mitten) on public grounds and buildings: E J. Evans. $17.28: Wm. Green- how. $6 45: Ferguson Bros., 8i2.10; Gomer J. Jones, $5,850; Thos. T. Carkeek, $150. To the committee on police and light: Key City Gas company, $109 40: Dubuque Elec- tric Railway, Light and Power company; $666.30; Globe Light and Heat company, $551.65. To the committee on fire and water: Nov- elty Iron works, $'3.75; Smedley Manufac- turing company, 29 cents. To the committee on markets: John Har- tig, 8425; Adam Doerrer, 75 cents; L. Daly, $33.10. To the committee on printing: The Her- ald $29.15, the Times $29.20, and the Ledger $•58.30. Ald. Crawford moved that the attorney and marshal be instructed to collect from parties whose teams break fountains. Car- ried. PETITIONS The following petitions were referred to the committee ot the whole: Petition of the residents of West Dubuque to compel the Key City Electric Railway company to operate their cars as far as Schueller's store Petition ot Mrs. James Welsh that the storm water on Bluff street extension be taken care of so that it will not flood her property. Petition for opening of Lincoln avenue to Cooler avenue. The petition of George Martin et al., iu re- lation to nuts Ince in alley iri rear of Alien & Swiney power house between Fifth and Sixth and between lows and Clay streets. Referred to the marshal with Instructions to enforce the ordinance. Petition for sanitary sewer on Burch, West Third, Hill, and West Fitth streets and Wil- son avenue. and remonstrance against sani- tary sewer on Hill street. Referred to the sewer committee. Petition of Joseph Simones for permission to leave sidewalk on corner of Sixteenth and Clay streets remain until the sidewalk is ordered on Sixteenth street. Granted. Petition of Thomas Meggison for reduc- tion of assessment. Referred to the delin- quent tax committee. Petition tor improvement of College ave- nue, also for improvement of Center avenue, referred to the street committee. Petition of the Chicago, St. Paul and Kan- sas City railroad company asking that the order of the council directing them to widen their bridge on Peru road be rescinded. Ald. Stoltz moved that the railroad com- pany be instructed to widen the bridge and approaches thereto to thirty-two feet, and they be given ninety days in which to com- plete the job. Carried. The blue line as shown on profile adopted as the grade of the alley east of Center Place, the same being signed by all the abutters. Plat of Finley's subdivision referred to the street committee. Acknowledgment from the mayor of Sioux City of the $500 sent by the city for the relief of the flood sufferers, ordered filed. Ald. Stoltz moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. 87 Regular Session, June 6, 1892. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:35 o'clock p. m., Mayor Pro Tem Peaslee in the chair. Present—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordinance committee, reported in favor nt the adop- tion of an ordinance entitled' An ordinance providing for the extension of the right of the Key City Gas company to lay and main- tain its gas pipes in the streets and alleys of the city of Dubuque for twenty years, com- mencing July 1, 1894, and to amend the pres- ent ordinances relating thereto." The ordinance was read for the first time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Burne, Crawford, Cushing, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslce, Smith and Stoltz. On motion the rules were suspended and the ordinance read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford. Cushing, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz The following p.titions were referred to the street committee: Petition of James Beach for repair of crossing corner Twelfth and Locust streets. Petition of abutters on Grandview ave- nue objecting to paying for improvements of said street and slating that they will lay sidewalks when the street is properly graded. Petition of Geo. Fengler for improvement of alley between Middle and Schiller and Rhomberg and Garfield avenunes. Petition of T. O. 1ia11ivan for repair of Angella street. Petition for repair of South Locust street between Jones and Dodge streets, so as to carry off surface water. Petition for improvement of Franklin street. To the committee of the whole: Harmony and Julien lodges I. O. O. F., for exemption of taxes for ten years. Remonstrance against forfeiting the char- ter of the Key City Electric railway com- pany. Petition to have alley between Couler ave- nue and Jackson street and Sanford street and Peru road widened and improvad. Petition for extension of Dodge street sewer to Main street. On the petition of John Kieffer et al., complaining of the obstruction of Couler creek by stakes being driven iu the bed of said creek, it was ordered that the marshal be instructed to notify the railroad company to remove said obstructions. Proposition of Mrs D. A. Mahony to give enough ground off her property to straiguten Seminary street, it the city will move her fence for her, accepted. Communications of D. C. Cram, attorney of Wm. Hintrager, asking that the judg- ment against the city in favor of Wm. Hiu- traiier be pvid, and that litigation on the matter of the Burden taxes be stopped. Re- ferred to the attorney for his opinion as to proper course for the city to take. Petition for additional arc lights on Rhom- berg and Lincoln avenues referred to the electrical committee. Petitions of Pinkly and Lux and of John Strelitzky In relation to business,referred to the mayor with power Petition of Joseph Sutter in relation to river motors referred to the mayor. Petition of H. Meyer in relation to license for peddling milk referred to the marshal with instructions to enforce ordinance. Complaint ,against dairy of Mrs. Conzett ou Walnut street. Received and tiled. Petition for change of grade on Apple street. Granted. Claimi of Sarah Ham for damages by reason of proposed change of grade on Lin- coln avenue. Ald. Crawford moved that commissioners be appointed to assess damages by reason of proposed change of grade. Carried. Agreement of Ed. Muntz to pay for sani- tory service on Ciay street between Seven- teenth and Eighteenth street. Ordered tiled. Petition for improvement of Queen street. Granted. Petition for improvement of Stafford ave- nue Granted. Bill of Tony Siege for $14 50. Referred to the street committee. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mary Rubeck, Henry Heran- court, M T. McMahon, Catherine Neumiller and Rt. Rsv. John Hennessy. Petition of U. Roof for an advance of $7u0 on account of sewer on Eleventh street. Received and filed. Ald. Glab arrived at 3:15 o'clock p. m. Aid. Crawford moved that when the coun- cil aijourn, it adjourn to Monday, June 20, at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. Ald. Olinger moved that the city attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance extend- ing the cow ordinance limits so as to take in the whole city. Carried. Mr. F. Weigel addressed the council and objected to the proposed extension of High- land Place in case it takes any of his prop- erty. Profile of change of grade on Apple street was presented, and on motion of Aid. Byrne the change of grade was adopted. Profile of change of grad • of Rush street was referred to the street committee. Petition for vacation of part of Ashton and Avoca avenues as per plat presented was granted. Profile of change of grade of Grant avenue was presented. Ald. Cushing moved to re- fer to the street committee. Lost by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aide. Cushing, Nicks and Olinger. Noes—Aids. Byrne, tirawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford moved that the grade be adopted as changed. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Alds. Cushing, Nicks and Olinger. Plat of McClains' sub. referred to the street committee. Ald Crawford moved to adjourn to 7:30 o'clock p. m Carried. EVENING SESSION. Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Pro Tem. Peaslee in the chair. Present, Alds. Byrne. Crawford. Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smitn and Stoltz. Ald. Page moved that the action of the council in fixing the time of adjournment to June 20 be reconsidered. Carried Ald Page moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn to June 15 at 2 p. m. Car- ried. Ald. Glab moved that the matter of send- ing representatives to Atlantic, Ia., to at- tend the firemen's tournment be referred to the committee on fire with power. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Keoety reported cash on hand May 1, $42,164.64; receipts for month of May. $11,190 78; disbursements for May, $27,954.19; cash on hand June I, $25,401.23; also report- ed $1,833.30 due the city officers for May; also presented list of coupons redeemed dur- ing May ; warrants ordered for several amounts and report referred to the finance committee. The auditor was also instructed to deliver warrant for judge of election in Fourth ward to C. C. Seward. Marshal Rice reported $1,758 90 due the police for the month of May; also reported 89 police cases tried during May. A so reported having collected $31 for impounded animals; also having collected Regular Session, June 6, 1892. SS $5.50 for repairing crossing and $40 5J for sand; also reported having made 91 patrol runs during May. Report adopted and war- rants ordered to pay police. Chief Reinfried reported $1,325 due the firemen for the month of May. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Communication of Treasurer Gonner in relation to taxes on lot 169 city, and part of lot 3 and 4 in Graham and McCoy's sub. Re- ferred to the floince committee. D. Hoffmann. police justice for the month of May, reported having collected $10.75 flues on city ordinance cases. Received and filed. Lamplighter Coughlin reported having lighted 51 gas lamps in May. Referred to the committee on police and light. Sidewalk Commissioner Eddy reported a number of sidewalks repaired by him during May. Referred to the street committee and recorder instructed to give proper notice for special assessment. Engineer Blake presented return of right- of-way notice for straightening of 4eminary street, and for the extension of Fourth street to the High bridge. Ordered filed. Marketmaster Norton reported $12.15 scale releipts for May; also having collected $147.50 for rent of huckster stands; also re- ported $12 due him for hoard of prisoners for the month of May. Report received and filed and warrant ordered for board of prisoners. Street Commissioner Carter reported $3,- 327.40 due for street work for the month of May; also presented itemized list of same. Warrants ordered drawn and report re- ferred to the street committee. • Chas. Pitsebner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $2.00. Report received and filed. Mrs. Deckert reported scale receipts of Eagle Point scales $3 98. Report received and filed. T. J. Granfleld reported scale receipts of First ward scales $3.85. Report received and filed. J. P. Schroeder reported scale receipts of Eighth street scales $3.42. Report received and filed. City Attorney McCarthy reported on the petition of John Keckevoet for leave to use part of the ice harbor for boat house, that the city of Dubuque had no jurisdiction to take action on said petition; that the ice harbor was under control of the United States government, the city of Dubuque only having control in so tar as proper mu- nicipal police regulations are concerned. Report adopted. Also reported as follows on claim of Ellen Blake for $100 as damages to fence torn down by the city marshal by order of the city council: That while not recognizing or admitting any legal liability on the part of the city, recommended that the sum of $20 be paid on said claim, provided a receipt in full for all claims of every character be executed by said Ellen Blake and that this report be accepted by said Ellen Blake on or prior to the next regular session of this council. Report adopted. Also presented deeds from J. A. Rhomberg and wife and Anton Siege and wife. to cer- tain ground for the straightening of Williams street, which were ordered recorded. Also reported on the resolution of Ald. Smith for extension of Dodge street sewer through the right of way of the railway companies. That the city has the right to compel the railway companies to construct sewers through their right of way. Report a Alsodpresented the following resolution which was referred to the committee of the whole: WHEREAS, Schiller street in the city of Dubuque, is not now of uniform width. and WHEREAS, It is desirable that said street should be of uniform width, and WIIEREAs, Christian Loetscher, the owner of all the land abutting on easterly side of said street has petitioned thio council asking that said street be improved, and requesting that said street he made of uniform width, and has tendered to the city and executed a deed to a piece of ground in exchange for a piece of ground of similar dimensions which makes the street of uniform width; and, WIIEREAS, It appears chat a plat of said proposed change has been prepared by the city enigneer, E 1. C. Blake, which plat is dated May 26th, 1893, and is now on file in the city's recorder's office; and WHEREAS. It appears to this council that the public interests would be served by granting the prayer of the petition of said Christian Loetscher: Therefore. be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: First—That said plat be approved and ac- cepted. and the same is ordered of record. Second—That the deed from Christian Loetscher and his wife, Mary Loetscher, to lot 1 of the sub•division of lot No. 25 in Mc- Craney's Second addition, be accepted and the same is ordered of record. Third—That lot No. 2 of the sub of lot 25 in McCraney's Second addition. as shown by said plat, be and the same is hereby vacated as a public highway, and the said Christian Loetscher, his heirs and assigns, are hereby granted the exclusive use and title to the same in so far as the city of Dubuque can grant title, and the mayor pro tem and the city recorder are hereby authorized to exe- cute a quit claim deed to said Christian Loetscher to said lot. Fourth—That final action on this resolu- tion he deferred until the next regular ses- sion of this council, and the city recorder is instructed to publish a notice in the official papers of the city of the council's intention to vacate a part of Schiller street as re- quired by sec. 8 of chap. 26 of the revised ordinances of 1887 and as contemplated by this resolution. and this resolution with pe- tition, plat and deed be referred to the com- mittee of the whole to report at next regular session. Invitation of the Dubuque Schuetzen Ges- ellschaft to take part in the procession on the 11th inst. was read. Ald Stoltz moved that the invitation be accepted and the council turn out in a body. Carried. The mayor was instructed to procure the necessary carriages. The following bills for jury services were ordered paid: Wm. Weber, $1; W. H. Jennings, $1: Geo. H. Fry, $1, M. A. Hubert. $1: J. P. Rewell, $1; Samuel Martin. $1: John Palen, $11 Chas. Moyer, $1; J. H. McCabe, $1; Edward Hughes, $1; H. Tody, $1, and Wm. Davis, $1. Bids for street improvements and con- struction of sewers referred to the engineer for computation. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported in favor of a warrant being drawn in favor of L. Gonner for $1,159,84. being the total amount of moneys paid out during May as per receipts attached to re- port. Report adopted. Ald. Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported as follows: That the following plats of additions and subdivisions be referred back to the owners to make the proper dedication of the streets and alleys: Jones' sub.. Emslev's sub , Jan- sen's sub., Van Horn's sub., Bellevue add., and Schueler's add. That the red line and figures, as shown on profile, be adopted as the official grade of Regular Session, June (, 1 S90. Elm street between Rhomberg and Eagle Point avenues. In favor of the opening of the alley be- tween Clay and Seminary street, as shown on the plat, providing the same is done with- out expense to the city. Receive and file remonstrance against im- provement of Brad street. Receive and file report of street commis- sioner for April. Receive and file communication of John Duttle in regard to changing the grade of Center Place. In favor of the adoption of within resolu- tion for stone crossing on the west side of Broad street and Julien avenue. As follows on petition of C. Loetscher for the improvement of Lincoln avenue: We believe that the cost to the city for the grad- ing of said street would be too expensive at present, and would, therefore, recommend that the question of improving said street be delayed for the present. Instruct the street commissioner to make the street passable that is north of High Bluff street. File petition of residents along Windsor avenue in relation to waterway on said street. That they are unable to find any contract on record between the city and Mr. Kemp, and are, therefore, unable to fulfill any con- tract with him. Receive and file remonstrance of A. Muel- ler et al. against improvement of Eagle Point avenue, as said street has not been ordered improved. Instruct the engineer to prepare a profile of grade of Merz street from Windsor to Stafford avenue. That they have notified Con Ryan to com- plete his grading of the sidewalks on Grand- view avenue, and it the same is not done by him the street commissioner is instructed to do said work and charge the expense thereof to said Con Ryan. Receive and file petition of Mary Markey , in relation to water on her lot on West Fifth street. Receive and file petition of Frank Roye and Chas. Reilly, asking the city to purchase the balance of their macadam. In favor of paying the bill of Charles Os- wald of $1.10 for fixing lamps. Receive and file claim of D. W. Linehan of $32.25 for macadam used by the city that was taken from Iowa street between Second and Third streets, as the same belonged to the city. Allow $63.25 on bill of Wm. Marshall for repairing boiler of steam roller. In favor of having commissioners appoint- ed to assess the damages, it any, by reason of the proposed change of grade of Madison street. In favor of filing communication of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Si. Paul railway company in relation to construction of sewer through their right of way on Eleventh street. In favor of delaying action on resolution for the improvement of alley from Fifteenth to Sixteenth streets, between Pine and Maple streets, as the city is improving Maple street and it would be a hardship on abutting property owners to pay for both improve- ments in the same year. In favor of paying $4t9 44 on bill of Novel- ty Iron Works for repairing of steam roller. That Angella street is now being made passible so as to connect with Pierce street and that abutting property owners will have easy access to their property. That it is impossible to put Leibnitz street in a passible condition, unless a large cul- vert is built across said street where the waterway crosses. Adverse to petition of Chas Klingenberg, asking that a retaining wall be substituted for rip -rapping along Leibnitz street as we believe rip -rapping will answer the purpose as well and will not be so expensive to the city. That a stone crossing has been laid on Madison street as prayed for by M. Duggan. Instruct the engineer to make an estimate of the amount of grading on Schroeder avenue. Instruct the marshal to have all obstruc- tions removed on Wood street and open the same for public travel. Instruct the street commissioner to do the necessary repairs on Villa street, so as to make the sante passable for public travel. In favor of the adoption of the resolution for stone crossing on the east side of Walnut and West Eleventh streets. Iu favor of payiug the bill of the Dubuque Wooden Ware company of $23 50 for wooden blocks for crossings Report adopted. Also reported as follows on the resolution for the improvement of Seminary street: Your committee to which was referred the resolution offered by Ald. Crawford for the improvement of Seminary street, recom- mended that the resolution be adopted with the modification shown within. The change substitutes the west boundary of Cox's ad- dition for Paul street as the easterly ter- minus of the improvement. The following is a copy of the resolution as changed: Resolved, That Seminary street between the west boundary of Cox's addition and West Locust street: and also the south half of said Seminary street between the east line of lot seventy-two (72) in Cox's addi- tion, and the west line of said addition be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for *said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to b done at the expense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Alds tushing and Olinger. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Twenty-fourth street, be- tween Couler avenue and Jackson streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam- ized, in accordance with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Twenty-fifth street, between Couler avenue and Jackson street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting prop- Regular Session, June 6, 1892. 91 erty. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution: Resolvtd, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Twenty -Sixth street. be- tween Louler avenue and Jackson streets, be graded, guttered, curbed end macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bide and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering. curb - Ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting proper- ty, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aide. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, by the city council of the cite of Dubuque, That Broad street, between Julien avenue and Fourteenth street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in con- formity with the ordinance upou that sub- ject. That the city engineer be, and he is hereby directed,to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement,and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty: the grading to be bid in total. Ald. Olinger moved that action be post- poned until next year Lost by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Cushing,Olinger and Page. Noes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The question being put on the adoption of the report of the committee was lost by the following vote : Ayes—Alda. Byrne Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Alda. Cushing, Olinger and Page. Ald. Smith, chairman of the committee on harbors. reported in favor of allowing the bill of Joe 13traney, Jr. of $4.50. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported as follows: Allow the following bills: Dubuque Water Works $20: John Gentili! $7.50; J. Myles 700, Fraatz & Clark $3 05; Norwegian Plow Co. 44.25; Tom Connelly $9 75: John F. O'Dea $48. On the bill of Electrical Supply Co. of $4.55 the recorder was instructed to ask for the items. Report adopted. Ald. Nicks, chairman of the committee on markets, reported in favor of paying the bine of Mrs. Koenig $15.25 and Mrs. Kien $13 25. Report adopted Ald. Crawford, chairman of the commit- tee on public grounds and buildings, report- ed in favor of paying the following bills: Ferguson Bros., $4.40, $4.80 and d3.S5. and Wm. S. Molo, 50 cents. Return policy of Duncan & Coates on City hall. Report adopted. Also made the following report: Your committee on public grounas and buildings with Ald. Nicks added, to which was re- ferred the proposed change in plans of low- er story of Ninth street engine house, re- spectfully report that we deem it inexpedi- ent to make any changes in the first story of said building, except that the large front doors be made to open outwardly instead of inwardly. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Nicks and Page. Also reported in favor of awarding the contract for veterinary work to Shipley & Bauman for the ensuing year at the rate of $9 75 per month, said Shipley & Bauman be- ing the lowest responsible bidder. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the committee on public grounds and buildings he authorized to re- ceive proposals for the fiuishiug of the third story of the Ninth street engine house. in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by ti,e architect and approved by the committee. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing com- mittee, reported as follows: To the Hon. _lfayor and City Council: Gen lemen—Your committee on printing beg leave to submit the following report iu regard to the official printing for the ens ling year, from June 1, 1593 to June 1, reds: That. the Dubuque Daily Herald be made the official paper to print all proceedings of the city council, all official notices from the officers of the city, and print and furnish fifty copies of the council proceedings in pamphlet form each month, it being under- stood that sald Dubuque Herald shall print all proceedings, furnish pamphlets. as above stated, and publish all notices of the city, for above time, except the delinquent tax list, and receive as compensation for such work at the rate of $9011 per year That the Telegraph, Times and Ledger be made official papers of the city for time above stated, t , print all official notices of the city as printed in the Herald, except the council proceedings, and receive as compen- sation for such work at the rate of $350 each per annum. That the National Demokrat and Iowa, weekly papers, be made official papers, and print all official notices of the city as print- ed in the Herald, except the council proceed- ings, and receive tie compensation for such work at the rate of $150 each per annum. We would further recommeud that the council reserve the right, at any time to an- nul the foregoing arrangement or any part of it. We would further recommend the council reserves the right to deduct from the above amounts, to be paid said newspapers, a pro- portionate amount when they fail to pub- lish all official notices as printed in the Du- buque Daily Herald. as required by them, it being understood that said papers will copy all such notices as are required by them to be published, without further notice from anybody in the employ of the city, as soon as said notices are published in the Herald. Respectfully submitted, DENNIS SMITH, JOHN GLAD, N P. Nicks, EDWIN C. PEASLEE. Ald. Crawford moved that the report be adopted except that the paper to print the proceedings of the council be balloted for. Carried. On ballot the Herald received seven, the Ledger two and the Times one vote. Ou motion the report as presented was adopted. Ald. Smith also reported in favor of al- lowing the following bills: Times, $29.15; Herald, $39.15; Leager, $29.15: Telegraph, $75; Demokrat, $75. Report adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on fire and water. reported in fa-, or of al. lowing Geo. t`ichamm $7.20 on his bill of $10.20 for damages to his cistern. Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported in favor of pay ing the following bills: Key City Gas Co. - $10S.33 and $L 05; Globe Light and Heat Co., 91 Regular Session, June 6, 189 2. $551.61, and W. W. Wormood $6. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction, reported as fol- lows: Receive and tile bill of Western Electric Co. of 810 95 Also reported as follows: Your committee to whom the proper dis- tribution and placing of the arc lights re- cently contracted for was referred beg leave to report that they have carefully gone over the locations as originally made and have made such changes agreeable to the alder. men of he several wards. Report adonted- Ald. Cushing, chairman ot the paving committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of receiv- ing and filing petition of Dubuque Street Railway Co., asking that the space between the ra is and one foot on the outside along their right of way be paved with granite blocks Report adopted. Also reported in favor of holding back bill of D. W. Linehan of $157.15, for paving Iowa street, between Second and Third streets, untill said street is repaired and put in good shape. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Cushing, Glab, Page and Peaslee. Noes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Nicks, Olinger, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Cus ing, ot the special committee. re- porte as follows: Your committee to whom was referred the matter ot connecting the sanitary sewer with the Eighteenth street engine house, beg leave to report in favor of iustructiug the engineer to prepare plans and specifications for said connection, and the city recorder is instructed to alvertise for bids for the performance of the work ac- cording to said plans and specifications. Re- port adopted. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted : Resolved by the City Council of the Czty of Du- buque: That the accompanying plat showing the proposed straightening of Seminary street be accepted and approved and that the city -I- engineer be instructed to have said plat re- corded. Also that said engineer be instruct- ed to give the lines on said street, and the street commissioner is instruc ed to move the fences ou said street as straightened and laid out. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee ot the whole reported as follows: In favor of filing the estimates of the city engineer of the cost of coustructing storm - water sewers between .Fifth and Ninth ave- 4- nues in Ham's addition ; also estimates for grading Broad street, Rhomberg avenue, Seminary street and Clark street. In favor of postponing the improvement of Southern avenue for the present, as said street is in good passable condition. File remonstrance of Fred Weigel against the propo,ed extension of Highlaud Place Receive and file petition for the improve- ment of Rush street, between South Dodge and Villa streets. Instruct the engineer to prepare a plat showing the proposed extension of State street between Grandview avenue and Cur- tis street, according to the ordinance on that subject. Receive and file petition of J. A. Rhom- berg in relation to obstructions on Lynn street, Adverse to within petition of Wm. Ken- nedy fu relation to vacation of four feet of the sidewalk on Southern avenue, and that the marshal be instructed to remove ob- structions on said street. Adverse to petition of Chas Klingenberg, et al , asking that Leibnitz street be lowered for a distance of 300 feet along their prop- erty. Receive and file petition of Smedley Manu- facturing company et al., for the extension of Kneist street sewer. In favor of approving the plats of Davis' sub, Buseman's sub No. 2, and plat of Buse - man's & Eberle's sub. That Messrs. Loetscher and Buol are un- able to come to an agreement with us in re- lation to surplus material on Thomas street by reason of the proposed change of grade, and would recommend that said proposed change of grade be received and filed. Receive and file profile of change of grade on West Fourteenth street. Io favor of the proposed grade of Semi- nary street as shown by the red line on pro- file, and the city recorder is iustructed to give the proper notices to the abutting prop- erty owners to appear and file their claims, if any, by reason of such proposed change. Reoort adopted. Engineer Blake made the following report on the bids referred to him for computation: Sewer on Clay street from Seventeenth to Eighteenth streets—Lavin & Corrance, $293, D. W. Linehan, $332; O. G Kringle, 8320 Ald Page moved to award contract to Lavin & Corrauce. Carried. Apple street from i7leveland avenue to Rush street: O. G Kringle, $2,078; John Tth'y, 82,302.55. Ald. leyrne moved to award contract to O. G Kringle. Carried Wind?or Avenue—Stenck & Farrell, $1,- 41480; E. E. Frith, $1,607 30; O. G Kringle, $1524; Theo. Altman, $1,600 91; Ed. Ryan, $1,655; D. W . Linehan, $ L 670 50. Aid. Stoltz moved to award the contract to Steuck & Farrell. Car, ied. Clark Street—Theo. Altman, $1,61648; E. E. Frith, 81,724.98, Norton & Lee, $1.625.20; Steuck & Farrell, 81,573 00; O. G. Kringle, $1,496 40; John and M. Hannon, $1,546.32; Lavin & Corrance, $1,672.58; Ed. Ryan, $1,- 602 92; D. W. Linehan, $1,701 9 i. Aid. Page moved to award the contract to O G. Kringle. Carried. Fourteenth Street—Ed. Ryan, $853 30; Steuck & Farrell, $760 90; Theodore Altman, $783 20; E. E. Frith, $850 50: Norton & Lee, $844 20; D. W. Linehan, $892 40; O. G. Krin- gle. $804 Ald. Stoltz moved to award the contract to Steuck & Farrell. Carried. RESOLUT ONS: Ald. Cushing offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque: That Locust street between Eighth and Tenth streets, and Ninth street between Main and Locust streets be curbed with curbstone and paved with brick in conform- ity with the ordinance upon that subject. Tnat the city engineer be and is hereby di- rected to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the perform- ance of the work; the curbing and paving to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger. Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. -10. Noes—None. Ald. Olinger offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the sewer committee and city engineer be instructed to have the storm water sewer on Eighteenth and Nine- teenth streets, between Washington and Elm streets; also sewer in alley between Eighteenth and Nineteenth and Washington and Elm streets repaired so as to carry off the storm water that fi ' s on said streets. Ald. Smith moved t, ourn. Carried. Attest: - FITZ PATRICK, Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, June 15, 1892. 92 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, June 15, 1892. Council met at 2:55 p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present: Aids Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Olinger Page, Peaslee and Stoltz. Ald. Peaslee moved that John O'Connell be appointed recorder pro tempore during the absence of Recorder Fitzpatrick. Carried. Mr. O'Connell then filed his bona, which upon motion was approved. He was then sworn in by the mayor. City Attorney McCarthy reported as fol- lows on the case of Wm. Hlntrager vs. City of Dubuque: Would recommend that war- rants be drawn as follows: In favor of the clerk of the ,•upreme court for $42 75; in favor of the clerk of the district court for *93.90; in favor of Wm. Hintrager for $136 64, and that old warrant for $416 13 be not de- livered to him until he satisfies the judg- ment and attorney's lien against him. Re- port adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, submitted the following repott which was adopted: To the City Council: Your committee on public grounds and buildings respectfully report that in pursu- ance of the order of the council at its last session. we instructed the architect to ad- vertise for proposals for the finishing of the third story of the Ninth street engine house, which has been done, and we find that the bid of G. J. Jones proposing to do the work completed, incluhtng the heating apparatus, for the sum of $4,426, is the lowest, and we therefore recommend that the contract be awarded to the said. G. J. Jones. Respectfully submitted, P. W. CRAWFORD, F. G. STOLTZ, JOAN GLAD, TOM BYRNE. Ald. Crawford moved that when the coun- cil adjourns it does so to meet again at 8 o'clock p. m. Carried. Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn. Lost. Petition of Geo. Perry, et al., asking that they be allowed to restore the fences on the streets and alleys in Grandview park was read. On motion the rules were suspended and George Perry and Henry Herancourt ad- dressed the council in relation to the matter. Ald. Crawford moved that Geo. Perry, et al., be allowed to restore the fences on streets in Grandview Park addition until Dec. 1, 1892, and they then be given notice to remove said fences. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Peas - lee. (4 ) Nays—Alds Olinger, Page, Smith. (3 ) As per notice given, J. A. Rhomberg and Wm. Hiutrager appeared before the council objecting to proposed extension of Fourth street as proposed by the city. On motion the rules were suspended and W. H. Rebman addressed the council in re- lation to the condition of Alma street, and asked that the city construct a retaining wall on the east side of said street to protect the tilling thereon. Referred to the street committee. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: John Jansen, asking the council to accept his plat of Jansen's sub. Geo. Fengler, asking that immediate ac- tion be taken in regard to improving alley abutting his property. S. K. Scott, et al., asking that the side- walks on Broadway be left so as not to dam- age their shade treets. (with power ) Petition of Jacob Zangmeister et al., ask- ing that Policeman Michael O'Connell be assigned to his former beat on Julien ave- nue, was received and filed. Petition of Smith & Mathis asking the council to purchase city directories for 1592, was referred to the committee on printing with power. Petition of John Petry in relation to part of his property being taken for Leibnitz street, was referred to the city attorney and engineer. tetiti.n of J. A. Rhomberg in relation to filling on levee by the Standard Lumber Co., was referred to the committee on pub is grounds and buildings wi.b power. Petition of J. -. Schroeder showing change in the alley in Schroeder't sub. Re- ferred to street committee. Ald. Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee reported as follows: In favor of accepting Schueller's sub. In favor of accepting Emsley's sub. Also reported that they had examined Maple street between Fourteenth and Seven- teenth streets, and had accepted the same. Reports adopted. Also reported as follows on proposed change of grade of Rush street. Your com- mittee report in favor of the adoption of the blue line as the proposed grade of Rush street, and the recorder instructed to give the proper notice to property owners inter- ested. Report, adopted. Bill of C. H. Whitewell of $15 62 for veter- inary services ordered paid. Bill of J. J. MaCollius of $1.00 for hauling dead dog. Referred to the executive com- mittee of the board of health. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which upon his motion was adopted. Resolved, That the fire committee be in- structed to have a Gamewell fire alarm box placed at the corner of Twenty-seventh and Couler Avenue. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which upon his motion was referred to the street committee: Resolved. That the street commissioner be instructed to repair the sewer on Eagle Point avenue at its intersection with Elm street. Ald. Crawford moved that action on bids for the improvement of Windsor avenue be postponed until evening session. Carried. Ald. Stoltz moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: JOHN O'CoNNELL, Recorder, Pro Tempore. EVENING SESSION. Council met at 8:05 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Preseut—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Bids for the improvement of Winsor ave- nue were opened, read and referred to the engineer. Alds. Nicks and Olinger arrived at 8:15. IRESOLIJTIONS. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the alley between Johnson and Windsor and Lincoln and Providence streets, be graded and macad- amized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby direc ed to make the neces- sary plans and specifications for said im- provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the grad- ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex - pause of the owners of the abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks. Olinger, Page, Peaselee and Smith -9. Noes, none. 93 ,adjourned Regular Session, Tune 15, 1892. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the alley between West Fifth and West Fou -th, west of Winona avenue, be graded and macadamized in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the perform- ance of the work; the grading and macad- amizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaselee and Smith -9 Noes, none. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of of Dubuque, That Schroeder avenue,between Seminary and Leibnitz streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for satd improvement,and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense ot the owners of the abutting prop- erty; grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith -9. Noes—None Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of West Locust street, between Seminary street and Arch street, at the expense of abetting property. Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith -9. Noes—None. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and lain in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Arch street, between West Locust street and Center street, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the' following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith -9. Noes—none. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of James street, between West Third street and Peabody avenue, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. -9. Noes—None. Ald. Glab offered the following: 13esolved by the city council ot the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two inch plank, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Winona avenue, between West Fifth street and West Third streets, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: AYES—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. (9 ) Noes—None. Ald. Glab offered the following, which wag adopted : Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid on the east side of Hill street at its intersection with West Fifth street. Ald. Glab offered the following which was adopted : Resolved, That the city engineer he and is hereby instructed t o make a survey and es- timate of the amount of grading on Brad street, between Julien avenue and Dodge street, and submit the same to the council. Ald. Glab offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the engineer be instructed to make a survey and estimate of the amount of grading on College avenue and submit the same to the city council. Ald. Web offered a resolution for the issu- ing of paving bonds, which upon motion was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald Glab offered the following: WHEREAS, The property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, sub- ject to be covered with stagnant water; and, WHEREAS, The owners of said property have been notified as required by law, to ap- pear and show cause why said lots should not be filled; therefore, be it Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the following described prop- erty, lots, and parts of lots, viz: 8 in Hoop- er's addition be filled and raised at the ex- pense of the owners, to a height sufficient, in the judgment of the city engineer, to pre- vent stagnant water remaining thereon. The work is to be completed by July 15, 1892. The city marshal shall notify the owners of said property of the passage of this re,olu- tion in the manner provided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up or raise sail property, lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith -9 Noes—None. Ald. Olinger m,ved that the ordinance committee be instructed to draft an ordi- nance, amending the ordinance in relation to the duties of the street commissioner, giv- ing the street committee full control of the street commissioner. Carried. Ald. Olinger offered the following, which was adopted: Rosolved, That the crossing across Twelfth street and across Clay street at Twelfth street be repaired or replaced with new ones it necessary. Ald. Olinger offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone or plank crossing be placed on the north side of Tenth street across lowa street. Ald. Page offered the following: WHEREAS, The city council has heretofore adopted a resolution directing the city en- gineer to make a survey showing the pro- posed opening and extension of Fourth street, and WHEREAS, Said plat was so prepared and is now on file in the office of the city record- er, and WHEREAS, As provided by law, due notice has been served upon the owners of the property through and over which such im- provement is proposed to be made to appear before the council to show cause, it any, why such improvement should not be made; and WHaREAE, It is deemed advisable to lay ont and open said street. Therefore Adjourned Regular Session, June 15, 1892. 94 Be it Resolved, That the city recorder issue a venire to the city marshal commanding him to summon a jury of twelve free holders, citizens of the city of Dubuque, not directly int:rested to assess damages which any per- son may sustain by reason of opening said street, and said jury shall make their return as required by law. Adupted by the following vote: Ayes— Alds. Byrne, Crawtord,Cushing, Glab,Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith, (9 ) Noes—None. Ald. Nicks offered the following: Resolved by the Cit} Council of the City of Du- buque: That Broadway extension between Diago- nal and Charles streets, be graded, guttered. curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to make the necessary plans and specifi- cations for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, prad- ing to be bid in total. Adopted oy the following vote: Aves— Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab,Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smite, (9 ) Noes—None. Aid. Nicks offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City oJ' Du- buque: u- buque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the west side of Klingenberg street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Aaopted by the fol owing vote: Ayes—Alas. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, t'easlee and Smita.-9. Noes—None. Ald. Nicks offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of .Du- buque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank. be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Twenty-seventh street, between Couler avenue and Jackson street, at expense of abutting property. A iopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, an Cushing, Giab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee d Smith —9. Noes - None. Ald. Nicks offered the following: WHEREAS, The jury that was summoned to assess the damages by reason of the exten- sion of Elm street, between Rhomberg ave- nue and Eagle Point avenue, omitted to re- port on a piece of ground belonging to C. H. Meyer and F. W. Altman; therefore, be it Resolved, That the city engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a plat of said streets, showing the lots or lands necessary to be taken for the opening of said street,the names of the owners thereof, and the quan- tity of land proposed to be taken. Said en - the revto eproceed ora o ordinances ofi18S7 to chapter 31 of Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith -9 Noes—None. which Ald. Nicks offered the following, was adopted : Resolved, That the engineer be instructed to prepare profiles of grades of !ties and Kliugenberg streets, between Windsor and Stafford avenues, and submit same to the council. Ald Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the alley between Wilson avenue and Pine street, south of As, est Eighth street, be graded and mac- adamized, in conformity with the ordinance apon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bide and proposals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property : Adopted by the following vote: AYES—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and !Smith. (9 ) NOES—None. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer prepare a profile, showing the established grade ot Almond and Ellis streets, also showing a pro- posed change of grade on sail streets, so that they witi be uniform and have the proper drainage Ald Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, Trutt the street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to repair the several holes made in Grandview avenue by the abutters on said avenue. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, That the recorder be and is hereby instructed to isue a venire to the city mar- shal cammandiog him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders having the qualifications required by law for the purpose of assessing any damages which might bo sustained by any person or persons whose property may be taken by the opening of Highland place extension, in accordance with' the plat of said proposed extension on file in the office of the city engineer Adopted by the following vote: Aves— Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushiog,Glab,Nlcks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith, (9.) Noes—None. Aid. Pea -lee offered the following which was adopted. WHEREAS, It 18 proposed by the City Coun- cil to vacate aux annul all of Ashton aven- ue, in Woodlawn Park addition, south of the north line of lot 290, in saia addition; and all of Avoca avenue, in same addition, south of Decorah avenue. Therefore Resolved, That the city recorder inssrt in the official papers ot the city a notice of said proposed vacation, and that any person op- posed to such action can file their objections at the next regular session of the council. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildins, reported as follows: In favor of paying Gomer J. Jones $5 850 on Central Eogine House, as per contract. In favor of paying Thomas T. Carkeek $150 for superintending construction of Central Engine House. Iu favor of paying bill I. E. J. Evens of $17.28 for repairing walks in Jackson park. and that the auditor be instructed to collect $3.78 from D. W. Linehan on account of damage to walks in said park, while con- structing sewer. Reports adopted. The mayor appointed the following com- mittee on assessments for 1892. Aids. Peaslee, Nicks. Cushing, Byrne and Page. The engineer reported the following pro- posals for ethe improvement of Windsor avenue: St nck 86 O'Farrell, $18,410; Con. Ryan, Jr., $13,784.40; E. E. Frith, 817,226, and O. G. Kringle, $ 15,039 4U. Ald. Page moves that the contract be awarded to Con. Ryap, Jr., be being the lowest bidder. C -tout -ie dL , 95 Adjourned Regular Session, June 15, 1892. City Attorney McCarthy submitted the submitted the following in relation to the grade of Windsor avenue, which was adopt- ed. Resolved, That the paper on fl1e in the city recorder's office, dated March 2'), 1891, pur- porting to show a proposed grade on Windsor avenue, be and the same is cancelled and an- nulled, the proper grade of said Windsor avenue having been established on Oct. 5, 1891, as shown by profile on file in the city engineer's office, date July 11, 1891. Ald. Nicks moved that the street commis- sioner be instructed t') put in iron culverts on Sanford and Jackson streets at the ex- pense of the Dubuque Electric Railway,Light and Power company. Carried. Ald.Cushing reported that Seventeeth and Clay streets were in bad shape on account of the Dubuque Street Railway company's tracks. Referred to the paving committee with power to have same fixed. The matter of storm water sewer on Six- teenth street was referred to the aldermen of the Third ward with power. Ald. Cushing moved that the matter of widening the sidewalks on Locust street be referred to the committee of the whole and city attorney. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the paving committee, reported that the committee had decided to dispense with granite toothing along the street railway tracks. Also, reported, that after a careful investi- gation, that he believed that chairs should be placed under the rails of the street rail- ways, to make a good paved street. Ald. Or ger moved to adjourn. Attest: s O'CONNELL, Re • der Pro Tempore. t44/kki *471r-' ic; err 0iio 5- Oficial Notices. 90 AN ORDINANCE. Providing for theex:eusion of the right of the Key City Gas company to lay and maintain its gas pipes in the streets and alleys of the City of Dubuque for twenty years, commencing July 1, 1894. and to amend the present ordinance re• lating thereto. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: section 1. That the rights now held and en- joyed by the Key City Gas company of laying and maintaining its gas pipes in the streets and alleys of the City of Dubuque, under and by virtue of the provisions of an ordinance entitled "An or- dinance providing for the extension of the right of the Key City ..as company to lay it. gas pipes in he streets and alleys of toe City of Dubuque for ten yeas. commencing July 1, 1' 81, on cer- tain conditions," and to a.nend an ordinance en- titled "An ordinance to provide for lighting the City of Dubuque with as, which passed Sept. 13, 1853, and amended and extended Nov. 5, 1877," be, and Ine same are hereby continued for the te•m of twet.ty years from the 1st day of Ju y, 1894. Sec. 2. That the rights and privileges hereby extended shall be subject to all the Bond tions and reservations contained in the ordinance re- ferred to in the preceding section, and amend- ments theretot Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be published in the official papers of the city, and shall take ef- fectand be in force from and after its publlea- tion one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Adopted June 0. 1892. Approved June 11, 1892. C. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. J. C. FIT%PATRICK, Recorder. The Key City G.s company accepts the aforesaid ordinance. and further agrees that nothing here- in conta'ned snail be construed to limit the power of the City Council to fix and regulate the price to be charged for gas after July 1, 1894. KEY C,TY GA8 COMPANY. By Gao. McLEAN, Secretary. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office until Wednesday, June 15, A D. 1892, for finishing the third story of the Central engine house. Plans and specifi- cations may be seen at my office. By order of Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Taos. T. CARKEEK, Architect, Southeast corner Eighth and Main streets, Dubuque, Iowa.—td Notice for Change of Grade. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE. DUBUQUE, Iowa, June 14, 1892 Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office a profile showing a change of grade on Seminary street, be- tween the east line of Porter's addition and West Locust street, which will be considered at the next regular session of the council, to be held July 4, 1892, and all persons claiming damages by reason of such proposed change of grade must file their claims in my office before said meet. in$ J. C. FITZPATRICK, 176 City Recorder. Notice. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, June 16. S Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office a plat showing the proposed vacation of Ashton avenue in Woodlawn Park addition, south of the north line of lot 290 in eaid addition. Also all of Avoca avenue in the same ad• dition south of Decorah avenue. That it is the intention of the city coun- cil at its next regular session, to be held July 4, 1892, to consider said proposed va- cation. All persons opposed to the above propos- ed vactions must rile their objectious on or before the next regular session of the council. JOHN O'CONNELL, 10t— Recorder Pro Tempore. Notice of Change of Grade. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, June 16. 1892 Notice is hereby given, that there is now on file in my office a profile showing a proposed change of grade of Rush street, which will be considered at the next reg- ular session of the council, to be held July 4, 1892, and all persons claiming damages by reason of such proposed change of grade must file their claims in my office before said meeting. JOHN O'CONNELL, dtd Recorder Pro Tempore. Notice. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Iowa, June 11, 1892. Notice is hereby given to all parties concerned that all refuse, manure and other debris must be hauled and dumped at the foot of Sixth street extension. There is a man stationed on said street who will direct where you can dump. Any person caught dumping manure, filth or other debris on any other street, alley or private lot will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. (100 S. B RICE, City Marshal. Notice to Contractors. CITY RECORDEIt'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Iowa, June 17, 1892. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, July 2, • 1892, for grading, guttering, curbing and intzwthe following y fourth,Tenty-flfthanstreets: Twen- ty Twenty-sixth streets, from (:ouler avenue to Jackson street Air Hill street, from Julien avenue to West Eighth street, according to plans and speci- fications on file in my office. The extent of the work is as follows: Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth and Twenty- sixth streets; grading, cut 722 cubic yards; fill. 30 cubic yards; curbing, 2,400 lineal feet; gutterin, 1,050 square yards; macadamizing, 3,000 square yards. Air Hill street, grading, cut 145 cubic feet, guttering 300 sfill 95 cubic quare yards, macadamiz670 - ing S20 square yards. Bidders must state the price per lineal feet for curbing; the price per square yard for muacadamizing; grading to be bid in total. Vii; Official Notices. Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient bond, that they will enter into contract, if awarded. Proposals will be acted on at the next reg- ular session, July 4, 1392. Blank bonds for bidders will be furnished by the recorder. Work to be completed on or before Sept. 1, 15t 2. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. JOHN O'CONNELL, td Recorder Pro Tempore. Rpaciai Aemawsment Notice. To O. F. Hodge: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the laying of plank sidewalk on west side of North street, from Grandview avenue west, adopted on the 6th day of June A. D. 1892, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lots 2, 3 and4 in Quigley's sub. owaed by you being subject to such special assessment And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council, to be held on the 4th day ofJuly A D. 1892 and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. J. C. FITZPATRICK, —10t City Recorder. special Aseeoem-nt Notice. To P. H Harris: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city councilor the city of Dubuque for the laying of a plank sidewalk on West Third street, from Brad street to College avenue, adopted on the sixth day of June A. D, 1892, a special assessment will he levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 8 in sub mineral lot 159, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council. to be held on the 4th day of July, A D., 1802, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. J. C. FITZPATRICK, Un— City Recorder. Sidewalk Notices. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within ten days of this notice, conitructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks. on the south side of Twenty-seventh street, between Couler avenue and Jackson street. at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of James street, between West Third street and Peabody avenue, at expense of abutting property. ['Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two inch plank, be, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and laid iu conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Arch street, between West Locust street and Center street, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two inch plank, be. within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in con• formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on both sides of Winona avenue. between West Fifth street and West Third street. at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Thatasidewalk four feet wide, of good two inch plank, he, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, ou the north side of West Locust street, between Seminary street and Arch street,at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of goodtwo•inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Klingenberg street, where not already laid,at the expe ise of abutting property. JOHN O'CONN&LL, —10t Recorder Pro Tempore. Special Aseee.ment Notice. To Henry Mehl: Y ou are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the laying of a plank sidewalk on north side of North street, from Grandview avenue west, adopted on the 6th day of June, A D.. 1892, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lots 4 and 5 of sub of lot 1 in Quigley's sub., owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council. to be held on the 4th day of July, A. D., 1594 a Id show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. JOHN O'CONNELL, 10t City Recorder, (Pro. Tem.) Notice to Property Owners of Swu- m .1,1nr of Jury. To J. H. Shields: You will take notice that on Wednesday, the 29th day of June, 1892, at 9 o'clock a. m , at the office of the city marshal at the City Hall in the city o.. Dubuque, Iowa, a jury will be summoned, drawn and empanelled to assess the damage, it any, occasioned by the opening and estab- lishment of a street through and over cer- tain real estate owned by you; said street known as proposed extension of Fourth street, when and where as aforesaid you can exercise such rights in the premises as are given you by ordinance. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. JITNE SESSION, 1892. us'T OF CIT Y \VAIIRANTS Drawn by the City Recorder during April, 1892. CITY 1tEcoRDF.R's OFFICE DuitugUE, Iowa, May 1, 1892. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: l; ENPI.EM EN—The followin • is a complete list of all warrants Issued by me during the mouth Of April, 1892: Name. For what Purpose. Amount 1.. Gonner.... .... Si la ry for Al arch, Treas- urer ....... +150 00 J. C. Fitzpatrick .. Sa In ry for March, Re - 16 66 corder J. M. Kenety..... Salary for NI arch, Aud- itor 116 65 J. J. McCarthy.. Salary for March, Attor- x M Ell. Keas M. Eitel.. .. 1'. Martin John Essmrto ............... .1. FI)on............... J. Wiltse" F. Essinan .. .... .. .... ... .. T. Walker.. ........••••••• T. Flynn `, 1). Ahearn.. J. Allen 1;. Moyer Flectriciao C. Kannolt....... Fireman F. Ganahl ..•. ••••'••• ••' A. I)uccini" J. Ward 61 T. Young_ J. Arndt Laborer L. Aberhardt..... ' M. AI)bitz •••• •...... J. Albrecht T. Ahearn H. Blinkert .... 'f. Buse C. Bore lard...... W. Ball T. Boetke F. Bavel•sdof J. Barguuau A. Burke... A. Iiisu•am .1. Byrne..... , 11'n). liartlmg.. o R. Burns.. D. Bernes.. 1t. 11. Benedict•••• •• • •••• .... P. Brandeuberger " .J. Bottoms J. Sewer... .Helper, road roller...: John Cahill Forma ............... Win. CrumpwellLaborer ................ .1. Casper......... .John Cornett .. Sam. Collins 1'. Conlin L. Corcoran 41. .. J. Connory .. 1). Connory ' Ned Condo.' Foreman John 1 allahan.... Laborer John Corcoran... T. Connolly....... • Jerry Cahill I. M. t.iark.......... Jas. Cahill........ M. Carmody M. Dieferding J. Dwo rak P. Dempsey J. Doug erty Geo. Dingeldeiu Jas. Dolan Ed. Desmond M. Dumpily ............... James 1►oyleForeman C. Elerno Laborer John Eagan. .... Wm. Emmert.... ............••• H. Foltz.......... ............... C Fousello " John Fix ;; " 66 66 • 66 John F. Stenun..Salary for March, As_ 125 00 As- sessor. Jas. P. Bennett... Salary for March, As- sistaut Asses or10) 00 S. B. Itice.........S:alary for March, Mar - shat 100 00 Ed. Ryan . Salary for March, Street Commissioner 91 65 Jos. Reinfried....Salary for March, Chief of lire department75 00 A. Gratz.... ....Salary for March, Mar- ketmaster. .. 50 00 P. McNulty....... Salary for :31arch,Park Custodian 46 50 I. S. Bigelow .Salary for officer M. arch, 30 00 C. Spiegelhalter..Salary nd fortet:blareh,Pou40 00 B. Rawson._ ....Salary for ,March, Sew- er Inspector......... 60 00 .1. Klein.......... Salary for Mar. h, Meat Inspector. ...... 60 00 .lames Bunting... Salary for Mar 3), Elec- 75 00 trieian Ed. Blake Salary for March, En- gineer. n- 125 00 g6iueer•.... E. S. Hyae.......Ealary for Mar h. As- sistant Engineer100 00 .1. Boyce Salary for March, As- ,istant Engineer, h 0 00 John O'Connell...Salaifoe McW.ierk Com- 83 35 I). Ryan... Captain of Police 75 00 .Iohn ltaesll...... 70 00 .James Carter.... . Policeman 43 60 50 00 37 20 511 00 50 00 46 80 50 (10 :0 IN) 45 20 13 20 LO 00 45 20 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 6.) 50 00 45 20 50 00 50 00 48 00 48 00 50 00 46 80 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 60 75 W 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 Bart. Cam Win. O'Brien M. O'Connell Wm. Hennessy Win. Frith Iohn Loetscher 1'. MeNerny Thos. Reilly 1'. Dunnegan P. Kearney. P. Hanhul......... John Fitzpatrick. Dan. Norton .lames Allen John Reuter M. Hardie Win. Welsh Sam. Elmer....... .lames Flynn 1)an. Lavery...... John Hoffman.... Ed. Moore... Tilos. Blake .John Murphy Win. Klauer Peter Sebarf P. McCollins (e0.ltubeck ••.••••. ••••• John Murphy Patrol Drivel.......... .las. Daly... Fireman ............... Job ltarnes .1. Straily .1. Murphy W. Duey .1. Schonberger T. O'Shea 46 16 66 61 66 " 46 to 46 66 61 " " .. 66 66 46 66 46 16 " ...........•••• 4. 16 46 H. Flood L. Fritz Dan. Fox Win. Flannagan. F. Fort........... C. Pfend.......... P. Fitzgerald 11. (3ollie John Gi ewe Wm. Grobe L. Gross Joe Gran J. Ginter C. Grunzig Ed. Grew.... John Giessler , Aug. Hofferman. ` Geo. I1enKeI•• N. Hilger 16 Chas. Herzog Dan. Harman A. Honnour James Hall. F. Herzog M. Helvick John Hafey T. Hackney....... 16 66 61. 1. 16 46 16 16 66 " 66 " 61 66 50 00 60 00 85 01) 6.)60 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 000 60 00 60 00 7500 50 01) 50 00 50 00 50 IMI 200 600 1 50 6 75 3 00 2 25 6 75 6 75 4 51) 6 a) 6 00 6 75 6 75 6 0 6 bh 4 fa) 4 5.) 6 td) 0 00 4 50 225 19 25 42 90 6 75 6 75 15 60 6 75 6 IM) 6 75 3 00 3 00 7 90 6 75 5 25 450 6 75 4 50 5 61) 3 1 6 75 4 90 6 75 3 75 6 00 4 50 6 75 4 50 525 6 75 6 75 4 50 7 50 7 51) 8 25 6 00 6 75 6 75 600 6 00 4 50 450 2 25 7 50 4 50 6 00 6 00 6 75 3 75 61.0 29 25 36 04) 6 75 6 95 6 40 5 50 9 75 6 75 2 25 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 JUNE SESSION, 1892 I?ii. Ilackett P. Hayden Ileo. 11lig lies James Harker James Hurley A. .Johnson .. ..... ...... ••- 1. Kinsella .Carpenter A. Kauffman Laborer F. Kruse......... " F. Kuntz......... .. A. Knoeber •' P. Kien J. Krafts.' J. Krantz M. Kilburg'; J. Karch F. Karras......... '. F. lire ger " J. Kellett J. Kelly .. P. Kinney.. M. Kline " i:d. Lee C. Luckbolu John Lacy " .John Lavin H. Luck. 66 .Lames TobinH H. rrolip....... " 3 110 .John Wolfe•` 12 75 1'. Weirich" 6 76 l'. Wagner.... .. " 6 00 J. Welriek" 2 25 Aug. Wlttee" 8 75 G. Wirt " Ed. Welsh ............... 6 75 T. Welsh " 6 00 John Whalen 4 50 11. Wiedertnau4 50 John Welsh3 no . A. E. Walker ............... 3 75 Chris. Yust.. ....... 6 75 Geo. Lumhof Foreman 7 90 J .Littnlan........ Laborer.... 5 25 W. Zachina " ........ 4 50 U. Brandt Team 10 50 R. Bennett....... T. Byron.......... " J. Beacon........ Ed. Burns 66 101. Burns...... " M. Craltiu't Wln Coreoi'au" Bart. Ca.n " W. Cook46 Ed. Cleaver..," T. Chatfield " T. Elliott •' E. E. Frith " Fisrher & Co" J. Uarragau.. E. L. Glees•' Ni. G anteubein" F. Gregory" F. Uratf .. Haggerty Bros" 1'. Horsch .... " ........... M. J. Haunou " ................... 11. 13. Harold " P. Jarden " t'. Kampuiau `. ................... Thos. Kane.. 0. G. Kringle" Ben Kane " John Long " P. Linehan . " Wm. Moore... .. " St ............... .••••••........ ............... 7 50 67 50 4 50 75 525 47 75 6 25 4 50 4 10 2 25 30 75 5 25 6 75 5 25 6 75 3 75 6 75 6 75 2 25 6 75 610 450 6 00 6 00 6 75 6 75 37 50 •••........... J. Menzel F. Mathis " It. Alatilis .Ioe Moore C. McEi.ia h Wm. McGrath .1. McCollius .. " .1. McGrath " .1. McDonald 16 .1. AleCtacken" J. McQui.lau" .1. McCarron J. Norton__ •' S. Norton " Ed. Pegel 66 John Parker, Sr .John Parker, Jr" John Pratt ton. Eyan Cou. Ragan Jas. Itouap Cal. Roberts ................... 12 25 1 75 1 75 1 7.o 1 7.. 8 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 7, 1 75 1 75 7 0(1 8 75 10 50 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 8 75 12 25 5 25 1 75 14 00 11 40 10 50 875 1 75 7 00 87. 8 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 10 50 10 50 8 75 8 75 3 50 10 50 1 75 12 25 8 75 7 0. 7 00 9 75 1 ;0 1 75 5 25 7 OJ 7 On 1 75 11. ti.•hulidt .1. till lliVall John Stelfes Joe Siege .1..Siinpsora J. Stro.7 J. 'iigrit7 J, Sutherland J. Singreen F. Seeley John Savage John Terry 1t. Talbot......... Cath. Tobin A. 'Turner... P. Vogel Geo. Wetter F. Wint-r's 1). Zo•'g......... L. Daly....... D. Nitterauer E. J. Carpenter A. Doerr .John O'Brien Thos. Butcher.... T. Kenuealiy.... •. Sveud-en & t)Lt.. Lea. & i'li fnee . W. W. W orrnood Mel. H. Cushing. 66 a 16 N 46 " " " u ................... a u 16 14 Express 66 I aborer i hlplicate register list. Lumber—. ........... Hors.-shoelug . Winding and ca, Ing for town clock .Storage of Chemical engine._ John E. Hartia...2 Ice) s Svendseu & Utt... Lumber A. 1'auwaucher... Fining sidewalks.... • • James Kelly Stat,onety Fergusou Bros.... Repairing Iouutalus Rubner packing Knapp, Stout & Co. Co.......... Lumber Christman & Hea- ley ........•...... Nails ............ Jas. O'Connor.... Brushes and lanterns.. Jos. Geiger Repairing seal s H. Lippstock H. Leiclit... M. L lade H. Lange J. Lux P. Lynch P. Alelcu it C. Macbelberg.... P. Monte' A. Mareska C. Meckenberg L. Meurise........ J. Melone........ Jas. Melloy. M. Murpuy T. Ylahouy M. Mahony ed Mori; di L. Maher......... 1'. Moran. C. Messeraneeht. C. Aieckleuberg .. A. Mery " ............... P. Mohan 41 B. McCo,mack........... M. McCone Foreman J. McNulty....... Laborer ....•... L. McEvoy........ A. McGuan J. AleBride" ........... T. McDonald ............... John 51ct,rath 11. McMullen M. Ntlteu" D. Niekols " B. Ntekois M. Nowarth 64 P. O'Brien J.Obbelt •' Outs. ..tto Julius Otto. 66 F. Oswald46 ..............• 1'. l'apenthen" ............... Wm. PickteyForeman H. Polls .. Laborer James Purcell.... •• D. P:)wers........ 41 J. Perryou Jarrett Parr J. I'aut7 66 J. Qutgney... 641). Quirk...., 66 A. heater " John Eaetz.... Foreman ............... Labor.. r 11 " 66 46 ..... ....... .. ............... ............... ............... .. .. ...... .. .. •.•••.••......• ........••••••• ............... .... ....... .. .. ............... 19 25 5 25 5 25 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 8 75 12 25 14 90 1 75 5 25 10 50 1 75 1 75 50 50 50 51, 4725 45 eO 10 00 26 4.6 4 25 72 00 6 (10 50 88 10 Ou 75 4 80 75 3 30 4 05 4 00 31 95 6 00 6 00 6 00 2 25 6 75 4 50 7 50 7 5, 6 00 5 25 5 25 5 25 6 7a 6 75 6 75 6 00 6 75 6 .5 6 75 67. 4 50 3 75 1 5.1 1 50 7 50 11 60 6 40 14 60 6 75 301 3 75 4 50 3 75 67 6 0(1 1 50 1 50 4 50 15 00 6 75 7 50 1375 2 25 7 90 6 75 9 00 4 50 2 6.. 4 011 5 11 13 75 4 50 36 00 18 40 JUNE SESSION, 1892. F. Itaedloff Laborer .......... .... C. ltaeger 4. F. It.eger F. Remus C. Rebesch G o. Rink" W. Rieman C. ltaerelt M. its an.... ..... t M. Raen Geo. Rieder 4 .John Ryan.. ............... .lames Raw James Ragan" Al. Stevens .uEngineer road roller.. Jos. Saber ..... ._Laborer ................ M. Specht" 1'. Staffer ............... M. bchroeder " Aug. Schiltzy Geo. Sutter 1. 4t ••••••........ N. Sweeney Win. Swaegler P. Smith......... S. Steihle M. Sullivan .loe eeik John Twigg Frank L'obinsonRep. steam roller. A. Y. McDonald Mfg Co Rep. steamer Linehan Frantz & Clark Lantern wick .......... .las. O'Conn•u•Lye JohnGanahl.....Horseshoetug Standard Lumber Co Shavings.... Dubuque Mattress Co Wire bed springs..... 1,1•11r & 1'11tinrrHorse ,itoeing Phos. Fitzpatrick. " T. If ill ............ Rep iring hose cart Key City (4as Co.Coke............ Frani; Robinson.. 1epailing scales A. Wunderlich....Hor.,eshoel. g Eugene Dietzen & Co Fraser and level b .ok N. C. Blake Freight on goods Palmer, Winall & Co Blank books Engineering :Sews Pub. Co Advertisinf........ .... The Newburg CoTin signs for fire alarm .lames Kelly...... Stationery 1'. it. Strelau Pine wood !larger & Blish....Stationery Mrs. Koenig 4 rubbing city hall Dub. Water ).o.. Water Dub. Water Co... " ....... Dub. Water Co... " N . C. Ityan.......Judire of election John Jess •' Cal. Roberts Clerk of James Bennett" 11. H. Smyth.... Judge of Robert McArthur. D. G. Scott .Clerk of W. F. Piiznatrtck. " M. Morgan ........fudge of P. Hoffman....... P. hewer Clerk of R. Butler H McGivernJudge of W. K. DeLorimiel C. Pitschnei Clerk of R. Wallis... " Otto Hess Judge of John Leicht Frank -teekerClerk of J. Lillig, Jr I. K. BEekmanJudge of E. Sommerfield P. Specht Clerk of Peter Oeth Montana 11ouseRent for J. 1. Mullany I.orirnier• House" Dubgque Omnibus Co . R. W. Lange Mrs. E. Miller Fleeb Brewing Co .. Win. Meyer .. '1' Keuneally. Jr.Register of election 11. Keeleyy E. Ctunmings 66 6. • • • • • • P. N. Guthrie•••••• " 66 1. 46 66 66 46 64 66 46 46 66 66 " " .4 66 66 .4 " 46 46 14 " " 44 " 46 6 75 J. Kleinschmidt.. 6 15 H. Ternes 66 8 :5 A. S. Bunting 6 75 D. Riornan 3 75 H. Brinkman 7 50 G. Ginehle 6 00 A. Schmid 5 25 E. A. Frenzel 6 75 A. Gratz 6 00 Geo. Taylor• Thos. Byrne 66 Adapt Schmidt John Ttbe Chas. Steuck 6 00 6 00 450 5 60 60 00 6 00 8 25 6 75 5 60 6 00 5 25 660 6 00 4 5u 75 4 LO 4 50 450 21 00 7 50 5 76 " 44 66 44• 44 14 64 66 • 110111d of prisoners.... .lmproving alley....... N lhlllg Int9............ :Intp.27thStreet .Imp. Washington St .Dnp. Ithomberg ave D. W. Linehan... " Iowa street.....66 .. l.. Gonner, treaig.Mnnev advanced ..... Simon Meyer ..... Macadam Mrs. Hein... Louis W aehien... " ............. . Ne.t. Morgan..... Val. Burns... U. McPoland P. Ryan2t rni A. Ring. 5 211 John Melone " ............ .. 4 20 .............. Chas. Mehl,Juror on hose street.. 2 00 C. H' llnagel" " " .... 2 10 Jas. Hayes" " .... 2 00 58 Joi. Stoltz 20 John Degguan 66` .... 2 at 680 L C. Huller 2 0 13 79 J. Wunderlich" 44 .... 2 00 66 462 00 H. Poole 1 50 John .less " .... 2 rn) G. Flemming 6644 .... 210 .4 4 37 00 C. H. Gregoire" 40" .... 2 W 2 511 .1. W. Parker66" 66 .... 2 00 3 50 F. Schloz..... 66 06 641 20 4 70 Key City Gas CaGas and light......... 115 8) 35 26 Dubuque hlectrlc 4 00 11'y L. & 1'. Co.. " " 500 11n 6 75 166 7 i Globe Light and 3 8: Heat Co " " .......... 500 00 40 Globe Light and Heat Co" 43 33 30 25 Reinfried & Jaeger.Handcuffs............ 3 50 Dr. (4. M. Staples.Services of 0. Kanumt 131 00 2 40 Duggan & KaneMatches ............... 1 no dames KellyStationery ............. 75 10 s0 Novelty Irou 11 20 WorkRepairing engine...... 80 2 00 Beintried & Jae - 1.. 00 ger... .Steel broom and 4 10109 brushes 6 00 500 0o0 P. H. Halpin Nails soap, lye, etc.... 4 60 5id) 08 Nessler & JungkRepairing city hall.... 1 20 6045 Novelty Iron y95 5 05 WorkiLeat her belt 5 00 Dubuque Cabinet 5 00 Maker's Associa- 2b 5 00 tion Band sawing........... 5 00 Chas. HerzogSawing wood.......... 7 50 5 n0 Dubuque ELE- 75 00 5 01 GRAPH.... .. Advertising 5 00 German Catholic 4 9 0 Printing Co .4 50 15 5 c0 The Herald••• 5 50 The'Times Co.. ............. 29 15 5 00 5'. Mertz..... Repairing locks....... 5 1u 5 00 Nessler & Ju8. ngk. Plumbing patroall 1 50 l house 18 3 1. 00 Amer can Assur 37 50 5 10 auce 00.... ..... Insurauce 5 00 Christman & Hea- 5 00 ley.... ........... Wire and nails70 5 00 Reinfried & Jae - 5 00 5 .0 John Litsclier.... Medical a handle..., 15 0000 5 0(1 Con. Ryan. ..It 011 I n g Grandview 5 00 avenue 250 00 5 00 Western Fireman.Adveftising 1 25 5 00 Mr. and Mrs. Koe- 10 0'20 ..............Janitors city hall 20 00 5 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true warrants issued by me 10 00 19 18) 10 181 10 (8) 1000 10 00 111 00 10 0) 19 00 145 55 500 01) 121 49 213 36 24 50 500 00 303 39 50.1 00 16 11 500 00 334 58 34 11)) 110 00 4 43 10 4 lit 00 4 39 011 .. " .... 200 )0 00 511. 10 0" 500 11 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 and correct ei.t list of all w during the month of April, 1s9J. J. C. FITZP'ATRICK, Itecorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder up to Saturday, JUNE SESSION, 1892. June 4th, 1892, at 4 o'clock p. tn. for the improvement of the following streets: Clark street, from West Locust to West 17th street, Windsor avenue, Irom Lincoln ave. to Garfield ave.; Apple street, from Rush street to Cleveland ave., and Four- teenth street, from Pine to;Staple streets. The following is the estimation of the above inlili ovements: Clark street, grading 1140 cubic yards cut, 90 cubic yards fill, 1000 lineal feetcurb- ing, 444 square yards guttering, 1780 square yards macadaniizrtng. Windsor ave., grading. 1045 cubic yards cut, 260 cubic yards till, 1200 lineal feet. curbing, 530 square yards guttering, 1460 square yards macadamizing. Apple street grading 4980 cub'c yards cut, 800 lineal feel curbing, 855 square yards guttering, 1240 square yards maca- damizing. Fourteenth street—Grading 676 cubic yards fill, 464 lineal feet curbing, 206 square yards guttering, 820 square yards ruacad- 'zing. Bids will be acted upon at the regular session of the council June 6th, 1892. Bidders must state the price tor grading in total, the price per lineal foot for euro- ing, the price per square yard for gutter- ing, and the price per square yard for m't- cadauuzing. Bidders must give a good and sufficient bond of $200 that, if bid is accepted, con- tract will be entered into for the perform- ance of the work. All of the above work to be completed on or before September 1st, 1892. Bads fur each street must he made sepa- rately. Blank bonds for bidders will he furnished by the recorder. The city re- serves the right to reject all bids. 5-13-tf .1. C. FITZPATIRICK. Recorder. NOTICE. Publte not ire is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 16th day of May, 1892, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereivaiter described. For curbing, guttering and macadamiz- ing Delhi street front Brad street to Grand- view avenue. N a ine. Description. Lot. Amt. 111. Tschirgi, Jr. Summit, add. 1 $62.45 And that in case of failure lo pay the same within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear in- terest thereafter at the same rate the de- linquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque, this 24th day of May, A. D. 1892. LAWRENCE GUNNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder until 12 o'clock noon of Monday, May 16, 1892, for grading, guttering, curbing and macadamizing the lot lowing streets: Twenty-third street, from Couler avenue to Jackson street; Auburn avenue from West Fourteenth street to Dexter street; Algona avenue, from West fourteenth to Dexter street; Alta avenue, from Du- buque to Delaware avenue; Decorah ave., from Alta to Auburn avenue; Delaware avenue, from Alta to Auburn avenue; 1)u- buque avenue, from Alta to Auburn ave., according to plans and specifications on file in my office. The following is the estimate of the above improvement : Twenty-third street—(;urbing, 770 lineal feet; guttering 340 square yards; macadam - mg, 940 square yards. Auburn avenue—Curbing, 2,400 lineal feet; guttering, 1.066 square yards; ntacau- amiziug, 2,900 square yards. Algona avenue—Curbing, 2,400 lineal feet; guttering, 1,066 square yards; macad- amizing, 2,900 square yards. Alta avenue—Curbing, 1,800 lineal feet; guttering, 580 square 3 ards; tnacadamizing 1.600 square yards. Decorah avenue—Curbing 880 lineal feet; guttering, 400 square yards; mac- adamtziug, 1,070 square yards. Delaware avenue—Curbing, 880 lineal feet; guttering, 400 square yards, mac- adamizing, 1,070 square yards. Duquque avenue—Curbing, 880 lineal feel; guttering, 400 square yards; mac- ad,m zing, 1,070 squat.. yards. Bidders must &tate the price per lineal font of curbing, the price per square yard for guttering and the price per square yard for macadamizing, grading to be bid in total. Bidders must give a good and sufficient bond ot $200 that, if hal is aceepted, con- tract will be entered into for the perform- ance of the work. The above work to be completed by Sept. 1, 1892. Bland bonds for bidders will be furnish- ed by the recorder. The city reserves the right ot reject any or all bids. J. C. FITZI'ATRICK. Al ay -6 -lot Recorder. CI'T'Y COUNCIL. Special 8 assion, May 27th, 1892, [OFFICIAL. l Council 'tet at 9:45 o'clock a. m. Mayor Pro l'ein t'easlee in the chair. Present—A Ids. Byrne, Crawford, Cush- ing, Clab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee and Smith. The mayor stated that the object 01 this meeting was for the purpose of taking some action to afford relief to the people of Sioux City suffering front the effects of the recent flood and that the meeting had been called at the request of the citizens. Ald. Smith moved that a warrant for 3500 be draw,, in favor of the Sioux City flood sufferers and the mayor instructed to telegraph the amount to the mayor of Sioux Clty. Carried. Ald. Cushing moveci to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: J. C. FITZI'ATRICK, Recorder. Notice of Chance of Grade. At the session of the city council held May 2n0, 1892, it was ordered that the pro- posed change of grade ot Lincoln avenue, from First avenue to 'Tenth avenue as shown by profile in the recorder's office, will bo considered at the next regular ses- sion of the council not less than fifteen days from the date of this publication, and that all persons claiming damages by rea- son of said proposed change of grade must file their claims before such meeting with the city recorder. J. C. FITZPA'rRICK, May 6 15t Recorder. JUNE SESSION, 1892. Notice. CITY MARBIHAL'S OFFICE, 1)unu@uE, May 9, 1892. To Saloonkeepers, 'Teamsters, Livery- men Butchers, Hotel and Boarding House- keepers, Restaurants, Auctioneers, Vault Cleaners, Brokers, Milk Peddlers, and owners of Billiard and Pool Halls and Boat !louses: You are hereby notified that your city license for 1892 is now past due anct must be paid forthwith. 11 same are not paid L will be compelled to enforce the ordinance in relation to li- censes. So walk up gentlemen and pro- cure your license atid avoid trouble and ex- pense. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. b -9-6t. EDWARD NORTON, Marketmaster. b•3.5t. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 2 p. m. Monday, June 6th, 1892, for Isying plank sidewalks as follows: On both sides of Grandview avenue from Delhi street to South Dodge street; also on the west side of Alta Vista street from Julien avenue to West Fourteenth street. The above sidewalks to be six feet wide. -24-10t E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Sidewalk Notices. Resolved by the Citv Council of the City ot wide, of good stone oThat a r dcement,walk twelve be,within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in reon the west de of loiaon to wa street, ibetween Seventh and Eighth streets. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That a sidewalk four feet wile, of good two-inch plank, laid cross- wise, be, within 16 days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformtty with the the east side ordinance ofrelationin Walnutstreetto , between on en11111 street and the alley next north of llth street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide of cement, be, within 30 clays of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to solewt.lks, on the north side of 7th street, between Iowa- street and alley next west of lowa street. Resolved by the City Council of the • ity of Dubuque: That a sidewalk five feet wide of good two-inch plank, laid cross- wise, brick, stone or cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relatio of Center to piece,clon betweenRoset sides street and north line of McNulty's add: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 2 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Vernon street, between Broad street and East street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,. of good two-inch plank, laid crosswise, brick, stone or cement, be, with 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity on- to y dew alksion bothhe ordinance siides of Rose street. relation be- tween Walnut street and Alta Vista street. Adopted May 2d, 1892. 5-6-101. J. C. i I L P ARICK. der. To Whom It May Concern. Notice is hereby given that the market e sold on Sands around y 17, betweee city n 9vill ani112 o'clock Saturday, L. m. Page left blank Adjourned Regular Session., July 5, 1892. 98 CITY COUNCIL. Reguhr Session, July 4, 1892. Mayor Pro Tem. Peaslee in the chair. Present, none. Adjourned to Tuesday, July 5, at9 a. m. Attest: JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder Pro Tempore. Adjourned Regular Session, July 5. 1892. Council met at 9:40 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present, Ald. Byrne, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Ald. Smith moved that the minutes of the previous meetings be approved as printed. Carried. Ald. Crawford arrived at 9:50 o'clock. The following bills were allowed: Name. For What Purpose. Amount. Palmer, Winall & Co., blanks $ 14 00 G. B. Grosvenor, stationery 11 75 A. H. Parker, repairing lawn mower 2 00 P. Klauer. hardware 46 45 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing 10 00 A. Y. McDonald Manufacturing Co, pai- tongs 1 40 F. Schloz, repairing tools 2 60 Wm. Marshall, repairs on steamer Linehan 45 57 Headford Bros castings 2 55 Wm. S. Molo, hose baud 30 A Wunderlich, horserhoeing 5 00 Dubuque Water :.o., hydrant sup- ply 1,060 00 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., bolt for steamer 50 T. Hill, repairs for fire dept. 2 85 Lear & Ptiffner, horseshoeing 3 00 Paul Schlenker, oil can repaired40 James Kelly, stationery 14 50 Kev City Gas Co., coke 2J 30 T. J. Conlin, carriage hire 6 00 B. Lagen, 4' 3 00 Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., lum- ber 50 Guthrie & Chesterman, sewer on West Fourteenth street 4 00 I. Proctor, cutting curb 6J L. Daly, cleaning around market .. 25 75 G. A. Hoerner, cuspidores 7 2J Stench & Farrell, grading Maple street, $500, aliowe 1 90 cents on account 450 00 P. F. Guthrie, grading West Four- teenth street, 2703, allowed on ac- count 500 00 Henry (Nab, services as rodmau for June 50 00 Ald. Page moved that the mayor appoint a committee to report this afternoon on the matter of fixing the city engineer's office hours. Carried. The mayor appointed as such committee the committee of the whole. The following bills were referred: To the committee on supplies: Knapp, Stout & Co $ 2 25 Headford Bros 48 00 Baumgartner & Kleih 8 75 Key C•tv. Iron Works 53 J W. Wittmer 16 00 Bart E. Linehan 384 10 Knapp. Stout & Co 48 66 Standard Lumber Co 7 90 Baumgartner & Kleih 7 15 F Schloz 2 35 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co 1 90 Svendsen & Ott 59.60 Knapp, Stout & Co. Company 19 31 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co 93 J. P. Williams 13 85 Duggan & Kane 1 30 C. H Alton& 05 Bart E. Linehan 2 50 P Schloz.... 2 85 Christman & Healb 3 95 To the street committee: P. Schloz 7 80 Lavin & Corranee 119 85 Knapp, Stout & Co. Compact), 5 22 To the committee on police and light: Globe Light and Heat Co 55L 67 Key City Gas Co 111 35 .1. W. W ittmer 6 U5 To the committee of the whole: P. F Guthrie 80 00 Adam Schmidt 4,924 00 To the committee on printing: Ledger 29 15 Times 58 40 To the comm`ttee of the board of health: Carson McElrath 175 00 To the electrical committee: E. Ryan 1 75 To the commit.ee on public grounds and buildings: Gomer J. Jones 4,567 50 To the committee on markets: Dubuque Water Works Co 20 00 Ald. Crawford moved that the sewer com- mittee have jurisdiction over all sewers whether storm water or sanitary. Carried. Ald. Stoltz moved that the marshal notify Morrison Bros. to construct a bridge the same width as the city's bridge across Coul- er creek on Elm street between Sanford and Twenty-second streets. Carried. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition for improvement of Alma and Picket streets. Petition of Chas. Klingenberg to have Leibnitz street lowered. Claim of T. J. Donahue for work on Dodge and South Dcdge streets. Remonstrance against change of grade 012 Rush street. The rules were suspended and Mr. Fred Spielman addressed the council in relation to proposed change of grade on Rush street. Communication of M. Duggan in relation to damages for change of grade on Seminary street. Communication of H. F. Brammer Manu- facturing company in relation to purchase of ballot boxes. Claim of John Flynn for damages by rea- son of change of grade on Seminary street. X The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition of M D. Nagle calling the atten- tion of the council to the dangerous condi- tion of the bluff on the south side of Julien avenue, and that the street commissioner be instructed to repair the same. Petition for repair of alley between W ash- ington and Elm streets, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. Petition of residents on Valeria street, calling attention to the inadequate and un- satisfactory condition of the water course abutting their property. Petition for the opening of Fifth avenue full width. Petition of Chas. Klingenberg asking that a wall be built to protect Leibnitz street in- stead of having said street rip rapped. The pe itions of Margaret Donahue and Mary J. Luke were referred to the delin- quent tax committee. Petition to have the drainage from the northwest corner of Twelfth and Bluff streets improved by putting in a sewer. Re- ferred to the sewer committee. Petition for extension of alley between Ries and Mertz streets, the abutters to give the necessary ground. Granted, and the en- gineer instructed to prepare a plat of same. Petition of the A lams company asking for 99 old jo urfled Regula)' Session, July 5, 1S92. the vacation of the portion of the alley be- tween blocks "K" and "M" south of the alley dividing block "K" and running par- allel with Third street. Granted, and the re- corder directed to publish the proper vaca- tion notice and the ordinance committee in- structed to prepare an ordinance vacating said alley. Petition of Wm Rawson for refunding of one-half or team license paid by him on ac- count of having sold his team and not using said liceuse, referred to the mayor with power. The mayor immediately reported that on returning. to the recorder, his license and tag, that $5 be refunded him Claim of Catherine Welsh of $402.50 for oamages sustained by storm water, re- ceived and filed Petition of Elizabeth Saul for cancellation of special assessment, received and filed. Petition for sidewalk on south side of West Third street from St. Mary's street to Cardiff street. Granted. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of B..uuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two inch plank, laid crosswise, brick, stone or cement, be, within 21) days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south sides of Third street, between St.Mary's street and Cardiff street. Adopted by the following vote: AYES—Aids. Burne, Crawford.Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noss—None. Petition of John J. Lavery asking that the order passed in 1b91 ordering a sidewalk on Grandview avenue be enforced. Ald. Crawford moved that the street com- missioner be instructed to employ a respon- sible party to complete the grading on Grandview avenue and keep au account of the expense of same. Carried. Petition for a six-foot alley on Eighteenth street connecting Clay and Seminary streets. The engineer was instructed to make a plat of same. Remonstrance against change of grade on Seminary street. Received and filed. t Petition for arching of the West Locust street sewer. Granted. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted : Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the West Locust street sewer from Clark street west be arched with stone where not already arched. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work. Ald. Glab moved that the action taken on the forego ng resolution be reconsidered. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Glab, Page and Smith. Noes—Alds Byrne, Cushing, Nicks, Peas - lee and Stoltz Petition of E J. Ryan for exemption of livery license. Received and tiled. Claim of Rosa Reynolds of $50 for dam- ages caused by the flood. Received and ��filed. Petition for opening of Lincoln avenue from Jameson street to Couler avenue. Ald Stoltz moved that Lincoln avenue be opened from Couler avenue to White street and a jury b3 put on to assess the damages, provided the interested parties pay 76.10 of the expenses. Carried. Communication of As essor S'emm asking that the time of his assistants be extended until such time as the assessment roll will be completed. Ald. Peaslee moved that he be allowed one assistant until August 1, and that the ser- vices of the other assistant be dispensed with. Carried. Ald. Smith moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SES5LON. Council met at 2:35 o'clock p. m. Mayor Sani.ders in the chair. Present: Alds Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glah. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Plat of proposed street from Decorah ave- nue to Delhi street referred to the street committee. Profile of proposed change of grade on Schroeder avenue. Referred to the street committee. Profile of grade of Catherine street. Re- ferred to the street committee. Plat of Concord subdivision. Referred to the street committee Plat of Jansen's subdivision. Adopted. Plat of subdivision of lot 5 of Stafford's subdivision. Referred to the street com- mittee. Plat of McMahon's subdivision. Referred to the street committee. The following bills were ordered paid: Name. For What Purpose. Amount. Standard Lumber company, lumber..$ 122 SO P. H. Halpin, bran, etc... Baumgartner & K1eih, hardware 70 G. Gmehle, salary as assistant as- sessor 1 50 T. Hill, six spanners J. W. Witmer, drug supplies 6 75 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing 10 company, shavings 1 21 10 Platt Bros., hats. B. D. Lenehan, repairing tools 9 15 Adam Reuter, assistant park cus- todian Steuck & Farrell, grading Madison street, $937.10: allowed on account850 00 The bill of Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company of $666 30 was re- ferred to the committee on police and light. Petition of Catherine Conzett that she be retunded $27 collected from her for cows im- pounded by the city pound master. Referred to the aldermen of the Fourth ward. Petition for sanitary sewer on Julien avenue and streets leading thereto, referred to the sewer committee. Invitation of the arrangement committee of the turnfest to be held July 17, to the council and city officers, to take part in the procession accepted and ordered that they turn out in a body. Ald. Page. chairman of the sewer commit- tee, reported as follows: Receive and file remonstrance against sewerage on Hill street. In favor of granting petil ion for extension of sewerage on Hill, Burch, West Third, West Fifth and Wilson avenue, and the city engineer is instructed to prepare plans and specifications for said extension of sewerage to make connections with storm water sewer on Fifth and Hill streets. Report adopted. C. T. Bush addressed the council and stated that the sidewalk laid by the city on North street was not laid in t he proper place but nearer the middle of the street than the side. Ald. Cushing moved that the marshal have the feuce on North street removed and that the sidewalk be put in its proper place. Carried. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the following special as- sessment be cancelled, viz: Wm. Hintrager, lot 2 of 71, S. M. Lang - worthy's add.. 49 7-12 lineal feet plank side- walk at 14X, $7.18; and in lieu thereof, Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for 4 ft. 2 in plank sidewalk on south side of Delhi street, be- 411 Adjourned Regular Session, July 5 1892. 100 tweet' Julien avenue and Grandview avenue by contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 1, Summit add., 49 7-12 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 1434, $7.18. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that:to pay for a 2 -inch plank side- walk, 4 feet wide. on the s.luth side of North street, between Grandview avenue and lot 9 of Quigley's sub by P. F. Guthrie, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, aid for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Anna M. Bush, lot 1 sub lot 1. Quigley's sub lot 2 of mineral lot 157: 17334 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 1634c—$28 59. Henry Mehl, lot 4 sub lot 1, Quigley's sub lot 2 of mineral lot 157; 80 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 1635c—$13.20. Henry Mehl, lot 5 sub lot 1, Quigley's sub lot 2 of mineral lot 157; 87 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 100—$14.36. 0. F. Hodge, lot 2 Quigley's sub lot 2 of mineral lot 157; 87 lineal feet plank side- walk at 1614c—$14.36. O. F. Hodge, lot 3 Quigley's sub lot 2 of mineral lot 157; 87 lineal feet plank side- walk at 1634c—$14.36. O. F. Hoage, lot 4 Quigley's sub lot 2 of mineral lot 157; 7634 lineal feet plank side- walk at 164o—$12 56. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuuque, That to pay for a four -foot two- inch plank sidewalk on north side of West Third street, between Brad and College avenue, by P. F. Guthrie, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: P. H. Harris, lot 8, sub. min. lot 159. 293 lineal feet of plank sidewalk at 1635, $48.34. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the following special assessment be cancelled: Wm. Hintrager, lot 2, of 71, S. M. Lang - worthy's add., 29 lineal feet curbing as 410, 811.89; 14 67 square yards guttering at 40c, 85.87; 117.61 square yards macadamizing at 38c, $44 69. Total, $62.45. And in lieu thereof be it Resolved, by the city council of the city of of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Delhi street from Broad street to Grandview avenue, by D. C. Ohesterman, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 1, Summit add. 29 lineal feet curbing at 410, 111.89; 14 67 square yards guttering at 40c, $5 87; 117 61 square yards macadamizing at 38o, $44 69. Total, $62 45. Adopted by the following vote: AbeBeByrne, Cushing, Glab, Pageeasle,Smit and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following; Resolved by the city council of the city of Dut,uque, That to pay for repairing side- walks by City of Dubuque, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es ate, as follows: Mt. St. Joseph Academy, min lot 191. Re- pairing sidewalk. Total 50c Hughes & Blake, lot 27, W. Blake's add. Repairing sidewalk. Total $3 Owen O'Hare, lot 24, Kelley's sub., repair- ing sidewalk at 50 cents. >g. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 1, Summit add , re- pairing sidewalk at 50 cents. Robt. Waller, lot 2 of sub. of College sub., repairing sidewalk at 20 cents. Jos. L Horr, lot 225, Davis Farm add., re- pairing sidewalk at 20 cents John Hein, lots 316 and 317, Davis Farm add. repairing sidewalk at 35 cents. John Noel, repairing sidewalk at 15 cents. Herman Kolb, lot 6, West's add., repair- ing sidewalk at 15 cents. Peter Roth, lot 242. Davis Farm add., re- pairing sidewalk at 35 cents. Geo. Works, lot 253, Davis Farm add., re- pairing sidewalk at 30 cents. R. Bonson estate. city lot 629, repairing sidewalk at 30 Dents. Julius Rudolph; lot 243, Davis, 15 cents. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes— Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the following special sew- erage assessment be annulled, viz : Mrs. D. Breen, west 30 feet city lot 541, $13.40; and in lieu thereof, be it Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that to pay for construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer on Harrison street, by D. W. Linehan, contractor, acjacent to the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereluafter named, sit- uate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mrs. D. Breen, n 64 feet of w 30 feet city lot 541,$9 03; Anna M. Bush, s 40 feet of w 30 feet city lot 541, $4.37. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Giab moved to allow A. Schmid 14 5110 on his contract for Eleventh street sewer. Carried. Bids for brick paving opened, read and re- ferred to the engineer for computation. The jury appointed to assess damages for the extension of Highland Place reported their award to be $ 1,501. On motion the report was set aside and warrants of 12each ordered drawn in favor of thejurors. The Jury appointed to assess damages for the proposed extension of Fourth street re- ported their award to be $35,160. Aid. Peaslee moved that the award be set aside and warrants for $2 each be drawn in favor of the jurors. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kennedy reported cash on hand June 1, $25,401 23; receipts for month of June, $30,17l 48; disbursements for month of 101 Adjourned Regular Session, July 5, 1S92. June, 824,766.98; cash on hand July 1, $5,419.48. Also reported $1,539.30 due city officers for the month of June; also presented list of coupons redeemed. Warrants ordered to pay officers and report referred to the finance committee. Chief Reinfrid reported $1,325 due the fire- men for the month of June. Report re- ceived and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Street Commissioner Carter reported $5,- 323.25 due for street labor for the month of June; also presented itemized list same. Warrants ordered to pay same and report referred to the street committee. Ma,shal Rice reported $1,834.65 due the police for the month of June; also reported seventy-nine police cases; also reported $47 pound receipts; also reported having made the following collections: D. W. Linehan, $3.75; for sale of horse, $35; fines collected, $17; Dubuque Water Co., $1 49; also reported eighty-three patrol runs. Re- port adopted and warrants ordered to pay police. Also reported having collected all license from milk peddlers, also that the order in relation to removing obstructions in the alley between Fifth and Sixth and Iowa and Clay streets Las been complied with. Adopted. Marketmaster Norton reported scale re- ceipts $25.80, also reported having collected $54.75 for rent of huckster stands, also re- ported $10.80 due for board of prisoners. Re- port received and flied and warrant ordered drawn to pay for board of prisoners. Lamplighter Coughlin reported having lighted 51 lamps during June. Received and filed. Charles Pitschner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $1.65. Received and filed. J. P. Schroeder reported $5 scale receipts of Eighth street scales. Receiv;d and Sled. Action was deferred on the recommenda- tion of Health Officer Wieland in relation to the filling of lots until such time as the health officer was present. Auditor Kenety presented a list of parties indebted to the city for different things. The auditor was Instructed to mark war- rants Doming to any of the parties referred to and the treasurer instructed to deduct the amount due the city, and that the city at- torney be instructed to collect the different amounts from the other parties. T. J. Granfield reported scale receipts of First ward scales at $4.60. Received and Sled. Sidewalk Commissioner Eddy reported $15 collected for repairing sidewalks. Also presented list of sidewalks repaired. Refer- red to the street committee. Ald. Cushing offered the following: WHEREAS, It is deemed expedient by the city council to change the grade of Ellis street in such a manner that the grade of said street shall correspond with the grade of Almond street at the intersection of said streets, and that the grade of Elis street from said intersection be a straight line to West Locust street, and established in ac- cordance with the blue line on the plat and profile submitted by the city engineer to the council July 5th, 1892; therefore, Resolved, That the city recorder be in- structed to give the public notice of said change in the manner provided by law. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the plans now on file in the city engineer's office be adopted so far as the same apply to Burch street, West Third street and Hill street from West Third street to storm sewer at Harkett's nursery. Bids for street improvements opened and referred to the engineer for computation. Profile o." grade of Almor, d street and profile of change of grade on Ell s street, referred to the street committee. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on finance, reported in favor of placing the report of the auditor for May on file. Also reported in favor of cancelling the taxes on n. 46 ft. of city lot 169 for 1890.also cancel tax• es on w 15 ft of lot 3, and e. 35 ft. of lot 4, Mc- Coy's sub., for 1891, as above described prop- erty belongs to the city. Also reported in favor of having warrants drawn in favor of L. Gonner, treas., for $1,002.35, money ad- vanced by him. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing, of the ordinance committee, reported an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend an ordinance to restrain cows, horses and other animals from running at large. Adopted on its first reading by the follow- ing vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Stoltz. Noes—A1ds. Byrue and Smith. Ald. Cushing moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance placed on its final passage. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Cushing. Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Stoltz. Noes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford and Smith. Ald. Page moved that $40;t be allowed Alt- man and Meyer for the opening of Elm street and recorder instructed to draw war- rant in case they accept same. they to notify the recorder before the next adjourned meet- ing. Carried. The rules were suspended and Miss Blake addressed the council and objected to the amount awarded her for removing fence on Foye street. On motion action on the bill of Carson Mc- Elrath of $175 was reconsidered and the bill ordered pard. Ald. Olinger moved that the ordinance committee be instructed to draft an ordi- nance regulating excavations of streets. Carried. The rules were suspended and Supervisor Stewart addressed the council and asked them to meet the board of supervisors to discuss the matter of the bridge tax. Ald. Peaslee moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn until tomorrow at 2 o'clock p. m., and the county supervisors be given an opportunity to confer with the council, and that the council take up such other business as may come before it. Car- ried. City Attorney McCarthy recommended that the warrants in favor of Mary Blake of $15 and $•A respectively be cancelled. Adopted. Al• . Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported in favor of paying the follow- ing bills: Thomas I. McDonald, $2; James Street, $19.53; Tony Siege, $14 52; also re- ported as follows: Instruct engineer to make an estimate of the cost of grading Franklin street and submit the same to the council. That they have instructed the street commissioner to dig a gutter on the west side of Alma street so as to carry the water on the west side of said street and prevent the same flowing over the east side of the street. Grant the petition of George Fengler for the improvement of the alley between Schil- ler and Middle streets and Rhomberg and Garfield avenues. Instruct the street commissioner to repair Angella street at its terminus near West Locust street so as to make the same passable. Engineer Blake reported the following as being the lowest bidders for the following street improvements: Locust street from eighth to tenth, and ninth street from Locust & Main street: Atkinson & Oloff $7330.52 On motion contract was awarded to Atkinson and Oloff Air Hill street: Dan Sheenhan $851.64 On motion contract was awarded to Dan Sheehan Twenty fourth, twenty fifth, and twenty sixth streets: George E Taylor $2687.10 On motion contract was awarded to Geo. E Taylor I Adjourned Regular Session, July 5, 1892. 102 Instruct the street commissioner to repair the gutter on the west side of South Locust street, between Jones and Dodge streets, so as to prevent- stagnant water from laying thereon. That the council has instructed the engi- neer to make an estimate of the amount of grading on College avenue and would report in favor of delaying action on within 1 e :i - tion for the improvement of said street un- til said estimate is submitted. In favor of approving plat of Van Horn's sub. That they have examined and accepted the improvement on Maple street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth and Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets done by Stenck & Farrell. Recommended that in consideration of $75 to be paid by E. E Jones to the city, the city agrees to vacate a strip of ground lying along and adjacent to Rose street as shown on accompanying plat. In favor of approving plats of McClain's subdivision, Bellevue subdivision and Jones' subdivision. In favor of accepting the grades of Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth and Twenty- sixth streets between Jackson street and Outlier avenue. Instruct the recorder to give the proper notice to abutting property owners by rea- son of the proposed change in alley in Schroeder's addition as shown on the within plat. Report adopted Ald Olinger, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported in favor of paying the following hills: Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., 50c; G. A. Hoerner, 65c; H. Nagle - maker, $4.30; John Butt, $2.40; W. S. Molo 500; Reinfried & Jaeger, $580; Fraatz & Clark, $57 42 anti Knapp, Stout & Co., $2 47. Return the bill of Wm. S. Molo of $41 85 for itemized statement. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved. by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Seventeenth street, from alley between White and Clay streets to West Locust street be paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. Teat the city engineer be, and he is hereby directed,to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement,and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the paving to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Lost by the following vote : Ayes—Alds. Cushing, Nicks, Olinger and Stoltz. Noes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Nicks, ch airman of the committee on markets, reported in favor of paying the bills of J. E Honig $4.25 and Adam Doerr 75c. Report adopted. Ald. Sto.tz, chairman of the committee on fire and water, reported in favor of paying the bills of Novelty Iron works $2.75 and Smedley manufacturing company 29c. Re. port adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing com- mitted, reported in favor of paying the fol- lowing bills: Times, $29.20; Ledger, $29 15, and Herat $29 15; also reported that the had ordered eieht copies of the new city direc- tory at $3.00 a piece. Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Dubuque Electric Rail- way, Light & Power Co.. $666.31; Globe Light and Heat Co., $551.67, and Key City Gas Co., $109.40. Receive and file report of city lamp light er. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the electrical committee, reported in favor of paying the bill of the Electrical Supply Co. of $5.55. Report adopted. Ald Crawford, Chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported in favor of paying the bill of W. M. Greenhow of $6.45. Report adopted. Ald. Nicks, chairman of the committee on markets, reported in favor of paying the bill of L Daly of $32 10. Report 'adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairmnn of the ex-committe of the board of health reported in favor of paying the bill of J. J. McCollins of $1. 50. Roporc adopted. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: Cancel taxes of M. McMahon for 1891. Reduce assessment of Thomas Meggison on lot 287, Glendale addition No. 3, to $450 for 1891. Allow Mary Rubub to pay one -halt her taxes on lot n % of m 15 496, city, as pay- ment in full for 1891. Cancel taxes of Mrs. Maurice O'Reagan on lot 3 of mineral lot 21 and lots 3 and 6 of suh mineral 1ot28 for 1891. Cancel taxes of Cath. Neumiller on lot 17, Quigley's subdivision of out lot 715 for 1891. Cancel taxes on lots 22, 23 and 24, Finley addition for 1889. 1890 and 1891, as the same is used for church purposes. Reduce the assessment of H. Herancourt for 189 as follows: Lots 1 to 16, block 2, to $75 each: lots 1 to 16, b ock 3, to $75 each; lots 1 to 16 block 4, to $75 each; lots Ito 18, block 5, to $75 each; lots 13 to 23. block 6, to $75 each; lots 21 to 29, block 15, to $75 each, all inclusive in Grandview Park addition. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of the adoption of the resolution presented at the June 6th session in relation to the straightening of Schiller street. Grant petition of Mre. Welsh asking that South Bluff street be fixed so that the storm water will not inundate her premises. Exempt the taxes of Harmony and Julien lodges I. O. O. F. on city lot 6:33 for a term of years commencing Jan. 1, 1892. Delay action on petition asking that the Key City Electric Railway company be com- pelled to operate their line to West Dubuque. In favor of widening the alley between Couler avenue and Jackson street, and San- ford street and Peru road so as to be a con- tinuation of White street, providing the same is done without expen,e to the city, and to be a 40 -feet street; and the city en- gineer is instructed to prepare a plat show- ing the lands or lots necessary to be taken for the widening of said continuation of White street. Delay action on remonstrance against for- feiting charter of Key City Electric Railway company. • Delay action on petition for extension of Dodge street sewer to Main street until said street is improved. Receive the letter in relation to "The World's Columbian Exposition," and place the same on file. Ask for further time on petition for exten- sion of Lincoln avenue. Adverse to vacating part of Hempstead street. as shown on plat. Report adopted. Also adverse to widening sidewalks on Locust street between Eighth and Tenth streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Glab,Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz, No—Ald. Cushing. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution: W HEREss, The contracts heretofore enter- ed into by the city council for curbing, gut- tering and paving with macadam of the streets hereinafter mentioned are approacL- ing completion, and the compensation 103 Adjourned Regular Session, July 5, 1592. agreed to be paid to the several contractors has been comply ed by the city engineer to amount to the following sums on said sev- eral contracts as follows: Maple street from Thirteenth to Eighteenth street $4,116 40 Madison street from Main to Semi- nary street , Hill street from West Third to Dodge street 3,337 00 South Locust street 6:10 00 Rose street and Center Place4,000 00 Total • x14,485 74 and, Whereas, The amounts duo the several contractors for the improvement of the above named streets, under their contracts, will soon become due and payable, there- fore, 1?esolved, That the city council of Dubuque, That the mayor is hereby authorized and required, for the purpose of pro- viding for the payment of the cost and expense of improving said streets, to issue under the provisions of the ordinance adopted Nov 2, 159L, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, bonds of the denomination of $500.00 eacu, all dated July 1, payable even years atter date, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually at the office of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and redeemable at any time at the option of the city of Dubuque, said bonds to be issued for said streets as follows: Maple street d 4,000 C00 Madison street 3,000 Hill street500 South Locust street Rose and Center streets 4,000 Total $13,500 That when said bonds are issued and regis- tered shall be delivered by the city re- corder to the finance committee, taking re- ceipt therefor, and said finance committee is hereby authorized to negotiate said bonds at not less than par and to the best interests of the city, and pay the proceeds of the same to the city treasurer, to be applied in accordance with the provisions of the or- dinance adopted Nov. 2, 1591, and report the same to the city council. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger moved that the action taken on the street commissioners report be recon- sidered. Carried. Ald. Olinger moved that the report of the street commissioner be referred to the street committee and street commis_ toner to report on to -m' row. Carried. Ald., ith moved to a t: J. C rn. Carried. TZPATRICK, Recorder. A< journed Regular Session, July 6, 1S92. 104 Adjourned regular Session, July 6, 1892. Council met at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The rules were suspended and County Supervisor Stewart, chairman of the com• mittee on roads and bridges, addressed the council and requested that the county be allowed to retain a part, or at least one- third of the money collected for the bridge fund on account of the great expense caused by the recent heavy rains, and stated that the money would be used to the repair of the roads leading into the city. Other members of the county board of supervisors also addressed the council on the same matter. Aid. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That it i t the sense of the city council, that in view of the large expendi- tures by the city for bridges, culverts and other necessary improvements the city council will not be justified in relinquishing to the county any portion of the bridge fund belonging to the city at the present time. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Page, Peas - lee and Smith. Noes—Alds. (lab, Nicks, Olinger and Stoltz. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the city treasurer of the city of Dubuque be and is hereby directed to de- mand of the board of supervisors of Du- buque county for that portion of the "Bridge fund" levy of 1891, that has been collected by said county treasurer. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz. Ald Stoltz offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the city engineer be and is hereby Instructed to prepare a plat showing the proposed extension of Lincoln avenue between Couler avenue and White street, showing the lands or lots or parts of lots necessary to be taken, with the names of the owners thereef, and the quantity of land pro- posed to be taken, said plat to show a street 50 feet through the n 34 of lot 13 in L. H. Langworthy's addition. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes:—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of of Dubuque, That Sanford streets, between the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City rail- road tracks and Windsorlavenue, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. 'filet the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement,and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to ba done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty; grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page Perslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the alley between Johnson avenue and Windsor avenue and Rhomberg avenue and Lincoln avenue, be graded and macadamized in con formity with the ordinance upon that ;sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the perform- ance of the work; the grading and macad- amizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Nicks, Olinger,Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk tour feet wide, of good two-inch plank, laid crossways. or brick,stone or cement be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,on the south side of Julien avenue between Broad street and Delhi street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the ctty of Dubuque: That Almond street, between Foy and Elis streets, be graded, gut- tered. curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting proper- ty, the grading to be bid for in a gross sum. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne,Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smitn and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Ellis street, between West Locust and Almond streets, be graded. gut- tered, curbed and macadamized, in conform- ity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby di- rected to make the necessary plans and spec- ifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The grading to be bid for in a gross sum. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That the Eleventh and Four- teenth street sewers be extended from Main street to the west side of Bluff street, and that the city engineer be instructed to pre- pare the necessary plans and specifications, and the city recorder to advertise for pro- posals for doing the work. The bids for said sewers to be made • and contracts let separ- ately. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The report of the chairman of the paving committee on the width of the street be- tween curbs on Main street between Thir- teenth and Fourteenth. Referred to the pav- ing committee. Ald. Olinger presented the following no- tice in relation to filling lots: To L. Trentlin, C. Fischer, Wm. Conrad, M. M. Hoffman, P. Utzig, J. R. Flick, A. Glab, Mary E. Hagerty. Eugene Frith, A. McDonnell, D. A. Price, J. A. Rhomberg, F. Lenzing estate, John Raith, Adam Jaeger, John Clemens, F. Schroeder, A. Long, A: Wanderechied, James Levi, D. Maner, L. Leineche, F. Fosselman, H. Fischer, Mary J. Switzer, A Soldner, C. H. Meyer, John Reb- man and Paul Tract: You and each of you are hereby noitfled 105 Adjourned Regular Session, July 6, 1 S92. that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be tilled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: 366, 362, 363, 369, 370, 372, 374, 375, 314, 215, 218, 219, 221, 274, 273, 272, 271, 270, 269, 268, 267, 237, 238, 227, 228, Davis Farm add: lots 18.2, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 171, 172 188, 189, 190 and 191 L H Langworthy's add, and lots 1 and 2 Frank Fosselman's sub; lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Traut's sub. You are notified to appear, it you desire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is pro- posed that said filling shall be done at your expense. The next session of the councill commence on August 1st, 1892. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes-Ald. Page. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved,:hy the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a e idewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within thirty days of thie notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Southern ave- nue, between Railroad avenue and east side of lot one, O'connor's addition, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Bvrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and lain in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the north side of Third street, between Alpine street and Brad street, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote. Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger. Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Olinger offertd the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be. within twenty days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Garfield avenue, between Pine street and Johnson avenue. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford,Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee Smite and Stoltz. Noes -None. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve feet wide, of cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Fourth street, between Bluff street and west line of city lot 612, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the follow,ng vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford,Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes -None. Alderman Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to continue the improvement of Pierce street until said street be put in good condition for travel. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was referred to the committee on electrical construction : Be it resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque. that the location of the eleven electrical lights to complete the thirty lights contracted for with the Du- buque Electric Railway, Light and Power company be referred to the electrical com- mittee with pawer. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to have all street foremen work the same as other laborers on the streets, and no foreman shall be employed who fails to obey this order. Adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes-Alds Byrne,Crawford, Glab, Nicks,. Olinger. Page. Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good cement, be, withiu thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Fourteenth street, be- tween Main street and Iowa street, at the expense of abutting p operty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes- Aids. Byrne,Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page. Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 12 feet wide. of good cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Main street, between Fourteenth street and Fifteenth street, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Byrne,Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following resolu- tion : Resolved by the city council of the city of the city of Dubuque, That the alley between Middle and Schiller and Rhomberg and Gar- field avenues be graded and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bide and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopt- ed by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Byrne, Crawford, GIab,Nicks, Olinger. Page. Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offeed the following: WHEREAS, The Dubuque Water company are extending their water mains on the hills as directed by the council; and, WHEREAS, Some Of said mains will be ready for use by the city in a short while; therefore, Resolved, That the fire committee be in- structed to procure a hose wagon and horses, also necessary quarters for said horses and wagon together with all appurtenances re- quired in connection therewith for equip- ping a good hose company on the hill. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Byrne, Crawford,Glab, Nicks, Olinger. Page, Peaslee, dmith and Stoltz Ald. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to repair White street from Sixth to Fourth streets, Fourth street from Iowa to Clay and Iowa between Third and Fourth streets. Ald. Page offered the following which was adopted : Resolved, That the city marshal be instruct- ed to notify the Key City Gas company to remove their pipes from the storm water sewer on Main between Fourteenth and Seventeenth streets so that the water will not be obstructed in said sewer. Ald. Nicks offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Queen street, between San- ford and Eagle Point avenues, be graded, Adjourned Regular Session, July 0, 1 S92. 100 guttered. curbed and macadamized, In conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifi- cations for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grad- ing to be bid in total. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Nicks offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days of thit notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Pine street. between Twenty- third street and Twenty fifth street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cush- ing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Nicks offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, thatRegent street, between Wind- sor avenue and Queen street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work,—the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopu- ed by the following vote: Ay es—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Byrne offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Oak street, between Belle street and the east line of Oak street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement,and the city recorder directed to g ve the prober notice for bids and proposals for the perfor mance of the work; the guttering. curbing and macadamizing to he done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Adopted by the following vote: • A9es—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, GIab,Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and tato tz. Ald Byrne offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for a stone arch sewer on Bluff street extension from Dodge street to the bluff, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notices for bids and propo- sals for the performance of the work. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of sidewalks around city parks and city build- ings be referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings with power. Car- ried. Ald. Olinger moved that the council now adjourn until July 18 at 2 o'clock p. m. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Noes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to place a stone crossing on Iowa street on the south side of Fourth street. Bill of Tschirgl & Kringle of $1802 51, bal- ance due for Main street sewer, referred to the street committee. The following bilis were ordered paid: Charley Smith, helper for engineer, $8; John Sharp,work on Main street, $3 75; Mrs. Koenig, services as j anitor, $15. Ald. Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported in favor of adopting report of the street commissioner and that warrants be drawn to pay the same. Also reported in favor of allowing the bill of Lavin & Corrance of $119 85 for building wall on Rose street. Reportpdopted. urn until July arried FITZ PATRICK, Recorder. Ald. Olinger moved to 18, 1892, o'clock p. m Atte: 107 Adjourned Regular Session, .1u7, y IS, 1892. CITY COUNCIL Ad,journtd Regular Session, July 18, 1892. Council met at 2:55 o'clock. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present, Allis. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition for improvement of alley between Burch and Summit streets and between Third and Fenelou streets; also remonstrance against improvement of said alley. Petition of H. Girard for compensation • for fence destroyed on Grandview avenue by the contractor. Petition of Adam Schmidt in relation to his contract for the improvement of Peru road (with power). Petition for opening of alley between Rhomherg and Garfield avenues and be- tween Kniest street and Johnson avenue Petition of Michael Tierney asking the 'city to build retaining wall on Third street, West of BIuIf. Remonstrance against improvement of Oek street. Petition of Joseph S. Morgan in relation to sidewalk on Fourth street. On motion the order was suspended and the engineer instructed not t,, order side- walk constructed until further orders and the petition referred to the street committee. Communication in relation to opening of Lincoln avenue from Couler avenue to White street with treasurer's receipt for $600 attached to pay toward opening of said avenue. Referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Mary and Ellen Ryan, Mary E. Kelley and Kate Strotz referred to the de- linquent tax committee. Bill of Wm. S Molo of $41 85 referred to the committee on supplies. Recommendation of Health Officer Wie- land in relation to filling of lots covered with stagnant water adopted. Communication of Health Officer Wieland in relation to sanitary condition of alleys received and filed. Communication of the receiver of the Western Home Insurance company referred to the coaimittee on public grounds and buildings. Petition for alley in Wieland'a sub grant- ed and engineer instructed to prepare plat. Claim of Nicholas Sweeney of $75 tor damages caused by storm water received and filed. Petition of S. Delloven in relation to claim against the Chicago, St.Paul and Kan- sas City railway company of $50 for hose. Referred to the committee on claims. Petition of John Osel for correction of special assessment for improvement of Grandview avenue. Referred to the engi- neer. Claim of George A. Ferris for damage by reason of proposed change of grade on Ellis street. Received and filed. Aid. Crawford moved that the resolution authorizing the issuance of paving bonds be rescinded. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of is3uing paving bonds be referred to the fi- nance committee. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that Gomer Jones be allowed $4,500 on his contract for construc- tion of central engine house. Carried. Bide for improvement of Schroeder avenue opened. read and referred to the engineer for computation. Aid. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported iu favor of postpon- ing action on petition for the improvement of Alma and Pickett streets, as we believe tue city has sufficient contract work under way for the balance of the year. Also reported that the council has allowed $4,5u0 on the bill of Adam ?Schmidt for con- structing a sewer on Eleventh street. Re- port adopted. Ald. Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported in favor of paying bill of Adam dcbmidt of ?424 balance due for con- structing Eleventh street sewer. In favor of paying bill of John Williams of $51 50 for gravel. In favor of allowing Tschirgi & Kringle $1,200 on their bill of $1,802.51 for constructing storm water sewer on Main street. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford moved that the sewer in- spector be instructed to make a thorough ex- amination of the Main street sewer and re- port the result of his examination Go the council. Carried. Ald. Cushiug offered the following which was adopted: NOTICE IN IRELATION TO FILLING LOTS To Chas. Fatka, John Schuler, James Mal- loy, John Chapulka, Poole & Stephens, Theo. Benjamin, Chicago, Milwaukee and rt. Paul railroad, Ed. Langworthy, Chas. Steuck and Jas.O'Farrel,John Wimmeres- tate, Illinois Central railroad company, J. H. Shields, Wm. G. Watters, Norwegian Plow company, Robt. Waller estate, Dave Crotty, Dan Sheehan, Robt. Jess, Chris. Reifsteck, Eliz, Reed, L. Kolfeubach, Cas- per Campmau, John D. Walsh and Pat Walsh. 'You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be Oiled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: Lots 257, 258, 259, 260, 252 223. 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 177. 178, 179. 180, 181, 222, 233, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 173, 127, 174, 175, 176, in East Dubuque addition: lots 1 and 2. block 9, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 block 11, E 3f block 10 in Dubuque Harbor company's audition; city lot 556, and lots 543, 544, 545, 548, 547 and 548 Dubuque Harbor compauy's add. and N 25 tt. block 7 Dubuque Harbor company's add. and lots 242, 243, 244, 245. 237. 238, 239, 240, 231, 167, 168 169, 170,171, 232, 233, 234,235, 236, 160, 161, 163,164, 16 and 17 in East Du- buque addition. You ale notified to appear, if you desire,at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said reso- lution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be at your expense. The next session of the couucil will com- mence on Aug. 1, 1892. The rules were suspended and Mr. Adams, of the Adams company, addressed the coun- cil and asked that his company be exempt from taxation for a period of ten years. Ald. Crawford moved that it is the sense of the council that the taxes of the Adams company and Schreiber, Conchar & Co., on north ,y of block C in Booth's add. remain for the next ten years at the same figure as for 189L. Carried. Engineer Blake reported the following bide for the improvement of Schroeder ave- nue: Steuch & Farrell, $1,375; Frank Hilbert, $1,215 and E. E Frith, 81,157.10. Ald. Glab moved that the contract be awarded to E E. Frith. Carried. Mayor Saunders stated that it was neces- sary to construct a short piece of sewer on Ries street, so as to enable Mr. Zwach to en- ter his premises. The sewer inspector was instructed to comply with the same. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the finance Adjourned Regular Session, July 18, 1802. 108 committee, presented the following resolu- tion : Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the mayor is hereby author- ized and instructed for the purpose of pro- viding for the payment of the costs and expense of improving the follow- ing streets: Maple, Madison, Hill, South Locust, Rose and Center Place, and Mein street, to issue, under the provisions of the ordinance adopted Nov. 2, 1891, by the city council of the city of Du- buque, bonds to the amount of $43,C?..), said bonds to be issued as follows: Forty-seven to the amount of ::500 each, all dated Aug. 1, 1892, payable seven years after date, bear- ing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually and redeem- able at any lime at the option of the city of Duburue; interest and principal payable at the ohtce of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Said bonds when issued and registered shah be delivered by the city recorder to the finance committee,taking a receipt there • for, and said finance committee is hereby authorized and empowered to negotiate said bonds at not less than par, and pay the pro- ceeds of the same to the city treasurer to be applied in accordance with the provisionb of the ordinance adopted Nov. 2, 1891, and report to the city council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nf-ks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Farson, Leach & Co., Chicago, offered to take the issue of paving bonds for the ensu- ine• year at par less a commission of 134 per Dent. a White & Co., of New York, made the following proposition : DUBUQUE. Iowa, July 18, 1892. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council: For all the bonds bearing 5 per cent., optional after their dates, issued by the city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to and includ- ing April 1, 1893, from July 18, 1892, interest and principal payable in Dubuque, we will give par value of bonds and matured cou- pons deliverable in Dubuque, it legally is• sued, free of expense. The above proposi- tion applies to all amounts issued as above in whatever amounts. C. H. WHITE & CO., by F. J. CURNICH. On motion the proposition of C. 11 White & Co. was accented by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, That the city engineer be instruct- ed to prepare a profile showing the estab- lished grade of West Third street between Brad and College avenue; also a proposed change of grade so as to make proper con- nections with intersecting streets, and sub- mit same to the council. Adopted by the following vote: Aves—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Nicks offered the following which was adopted : Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to lay a tile sewer from Twenty- sixth street and Couler avenue to Couler Creek, as at present surface water is laying on the streets and adjacent nroperty to the detriment of the health of tie residents in that vicinity. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That the city council highly ap- preciates and app.ovesthe efforts of the city health officer, Dr. ove the sanitary condition of fthecland, to r city, and requests him to persevere in endeavors for that pur- pose; and, further, that all goodicltizens are urged to second the work of the health officer by connecting their premises, where prac- ticable, with sewers and refraining from throwing garbage and other obnoxious mat- ter in the alleys or streets; also by abolish- ing cesspools and purifying and disinfecting their cellars. Adooted by the following vote: Ayes, Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing,Glab,Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. ()Anger offe ed the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Julien avenue between Wal- nut and Alpine street, be graded,guttered,curb ed and macademized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Cushing, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the south side of West Fourteenth street, between Prairie street and Alta Vista street, at expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Aids. Byrne, Crawford Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the ci y council of Dubuque, That south half of Dodge street, between Lo- cust and Bluff streets, be graded, guttered, curbed with flat curb and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty; grading to be paid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Crawford offer. d the following which was adopted; Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to give the notice provia- ed for in section 2 of chapter 20 of the re- vise 3 ordinan es of 1847 to the owner or owners of property propos.d to be taken for the opening of Lincoln avenue, from Couler avenue to White street, that the city pro- poses to lay out and open said avenue be- tween said street, and will consider and de- termine said question at its first session oc- curring after the lapse of the date and serv- ice of the notice or notices, and that said owner or owners may appear, present their objections if any they have, against the opening of said street. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That the subject of constructing a sewer on Bluff street, from Eleventh street to Seventeenth street, for the purpose of Lo- custconnecting with street be referred nd to the commit- tee ommt- tee on sewers. Ald. 0 • • ger oved t. 'rourn. Carried. Att/ Recorder. 109 O%iei tl Notices. Notice to Property Owners of Sum - mooing of Jury. To Wm. Hintreger: You will take notice that on Wednesday, the 29th of June, 1892, at 9 o'clock a. m., at the office of the city marshal at the city hall in the city of Du- buque, Iowa, a jury will be summoned, drawn and empanelled to assess the damage, if any, occasioned by the opening and estab- lishment of a street terough and over cer- tain real estate owned by you; said street known as proposed extension of Fourth street, when ani where as aforesaid you can exercise such rights in the premises as are given you by ordinance. 7t S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Notice to nontractore. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, IowA, June 21, 1892. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, July 2, 1892. for paving Locust street between Eighth and Tenth streets; and Ninth street between Main and Locusts streets with brick, and for curbing said streets with new curb where necessary and for resetting old curbing where suitable for use according to plans and specifications on file in my office. The extent of the work is as follows: Macadam or concrete, sand, and paving with brick. 4,200 square yards. New curbing, 1,200 lineal feet. Old curbing taken up and reset, 200 lineal feet. Bids for paving must be made at so much per square yard of surface payment, which will include the preparation of the sub - grade, construction of foundation, and the furnishing of all materials for the same. Bids for new curbing and resetting old curbing shall be made at so much per lineal foot. Proposals must be made in the alternative .. for paving with a concrete foundation, or for paving with macadam foundation. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check on some Dubuque bank for $500.00, payable to the order of the • mayor of the city of Dubuque, in case the party to whom the contract is awarded shall fail to execute the contract so awarded within five days after such contract is awarded. Bidders will be required to furnish samples of brick with which the work is to be done. The contractor to whom the contract is awarded will be required to give a bond of $5,01'0 00 for the faithful performance of the work. Copies of plans and specifications will be furnished 011 application by the city re- corder. The work to be completed on or before September 1, 1892. Proposals will be acted on at next regular session, July 4, 1892. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. JOHN O'CONNELL, 101. Recorder Pro Tempore. tawets, A ent Notice. To Patrick Kelly Estate: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city couneil of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Maple street, from Fourteenth street to Seventeenth street, adopted on the 15th day of June, A. D., 1892, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot s% 314 in East Dubuque addition owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council, to be held on the 4th of July, A. D , 1892, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. —1 t City Re orde •, Pro Ten pore. To the General Public of Dubuque. It is a painful truth that•our city is in a very unhealthy condition and may be the cause of untold suffering before the ap- proach of (mid weather,notwithstanding the greatest of efforts on our part to improve the same. It is the stagnant pools,the filthy alleys and the damp cellars I allude to. The stagnant pools lam using all my in- fluence to have filled up, the alleys cleaned and sewerage connection secured. To im- prove the sanitary condition of your cellars is my object of this communication to in- struct you with the consent of the board of health. The majority of cellars contain more or less water which, as a matter of course must be removed. Every cellars should have all the ventila- tion possible and then should be sprinkled with a disinfecting solution. As the cheapest and most eflective sub- stance to be used for this purpose is sulphate of iron, or what is known in common lan- guage as copper's or green vitriol. It can be secured for about 2 cents per pound and is to be dissolved in boiling hot water, in the proportion of one pound of the copperas to a quart of the water. The floor and walls of the cellar are to be sprinkled with this solution once In two or three days for such length of time as may be indicated. You will find this a cbeap and effective means to destroy all unpleasant odors about the premises,and itis to be hoped that every body will take heed and make use of it. Respectfully, F. W. WIELAND, M. D. Health Officer. Notice to Contractors. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, / DUBCQUE, Ia., July 7, 1892. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. July 18, 1892, for grading, guttering, curbing and macadamizing Schroeder avenue from Sem- inary to Leibnetz street, according to plans and specifications on file in my office. The extent of the work is as follows: Grading cut, 1,668 cubic yards. Curbing, 750 lineal feet. Guttering, 350 square yards. Macadamizing, 850 square yards. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for curbing; the price per square yard for guttering. the price per square yard for macadamizing; grading to be bid in total. Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient bond, that they will enter into contract, if awarded. Proposals will be acted on July 18, 1892 Blank bonds for bidders will be furnished by the recorder. Work to be completed by Sept, 15, 1892. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. 101 J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Notice of Vacation ot Alley. Notice is hereby given .that there is now on file in my office a petition asking for the vacation of the alley between blocks "K" and "M," south of the alley dividing block "K," and running parallel with Third street, in Booth's addition. All persons objecting to said proposed va- cation of said alley must file their objec- tions on or before Aug. 1 1892. rut J. C. FITzpATaICJ.. City Recorder. Notice 01' Sale. I will sell at publio auction to the best bid- der for cash, on Saturday, the 2d day of July, 1892, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, the following impounded animal, to -wit: Red Cuw, upright hornes, about 8 -years old. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Dubuque, June 27, 1892.-61 /3.,.,4' 2. 2 )(2714 dt4 i'1.c ,2e Zice, 11 1 • c gi ,illl ilrotioes. 110 Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the Uity Council of the MY of Dubuque, held on the 5th day of July, 1892, the fallowing special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For repairing sidewalk— Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Mt. St. Joseph' cad- emy Mineral lot 191 $ 50 Hughes & Blake W. Blake's add 27 3 00 Owen O'Hare Kelley's sub 24 50 M. Tschirgi, Sr Summit t.dd 1 50 Rob't Waller sub of College sub 2 20 Jas L Hon Davies Farm add 225 20 John Heim,est " 316&317 35 John Noel it tt " 299 15 He, man Kalb Wekt's add 6 15 Peter Roth Davis Farm add 242 35 George Works " 255 30 R. Ronson, est City 6 9 30 Julius Rudolph Davis Farm add 243 15 For cons ructing a 2 -inch plank sidewalk four feet wise on I.orth s•de of North street. between Grandview avenue and lut 9 in Quigley's sub— Name. Description. Lot. Am't Anna M Bush lot 1 of 2 of Quig- ley's sub 1 $23 59 Henry Mehl lot 1 ot 2 of Quig• ley's sub 4 13 20 Henry Mehl lot 1 of 2 of Quig- ley's sub 5 14 36 OF Hodge sub 2 of Quigley's sub 2 14 36 3 14 36 „ „ „ " „ u 4 12 58 For constructing a "-inch plank sidewalk four feet wide on north side of West Third street, be- tween Brad and College avenue— Name. Description. Lot. Am't P H Harris sub min lot 159 8 $48 34 For constructing a 2 inch plank sidewalk four feet wide on south side of Delhi street, between Julien avenue and Grandview avenue— :t Tschirgi, Sr Summit aid 1 $ 7 18 For the construction of an 8 inch tile sewer iu Harrison street— Mrs D Breen city, n 64 ft w 30 ft 541 $ 9 03 Anna M Bush city s 40 ft w 30 ft 541 4 37 And that in case of failure to pay the same within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear interest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque, this 18th day of July, A. D., 1892. Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. To the Members of the Medical Pro- fession and the Midwives of the ()try of Dubuque. • Whereas, there seems to be ample reason to exist for complaint against, at least, some of you for negligence on your part, or other reasons, in failing. to report deaths, births, contagious and infective diseases. Aod, whereas, it is of great importance that all such cases he promptly reported as a duty you owe to the public and the require- ments of the laws and ordinauces on that subject. I, therefore, give you due and timely no- tice to see that these requirements be promptly complied with or complaint will be filed against you and you be made to suf- fer the full penalty of the law and ordi- nances provided in such cases. Respectfully, M. D., Health Officer. Notice of Change of Grade. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, t DUBUQUE, Iowa, July 11, 1892. f Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office a profile showing pro- posed change of grade on Ellis street, which will be considered at the next regular ses- sion of the council, to be held Aug. 1, 1892, and all persons claiming damages by reason of such change of grade must file their claims in my office before said meeting. J. C. FITZPATRICK, —12t Recorder. Notice of Sale. I will sell at publio auction i o the best bid- der for cash, on the 23d day of Jnly, 1892. at 2 o'clock, at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm .treet, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, the following im- poundedanimal, to -wit: One Red Cow, with• out horns, white star in forehead, about 8 years old. 8. B RICE, City Marshal. Dubquue, July 16, 1891. 71 Notice. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE. 1. DuncugE, Iowa July 11, 1892. Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my office a plat showing the pro- posed change of location of alley in Schroe- der's addition. That it is the intention of the city council at its next regular meeting, August 1st, 1892, to consider said change. All persons opposed to the above change must file their objections on or before Au- gust 1st, 1892. J. C. FI zPATRICK, Recorder. Sidewalk Notices. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two•inch plank, laid crosswise, or brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalss, on the south side of Third street, between St. Mary's street and Cardiff street. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two inch plank, laid crosswise, or brick, stone or cement be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Julien ave- nue, between Broad street and Delhi street. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of PIne street,between Twenty- third street and Twenty-fifth street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That asidewalk four Leet wide, of good two inch plank, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Southern avenue as now traveled, between Railroad avenue and the east side of lot 1 O'Connor's addition, at expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Garfield avenue, between Pine street and Johnson avenue. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve Leet wide, of cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Fourth street, between Bluff street and went line of city lot 612, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two inch plank, be,within twenty days of this notice. constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Third street, between Alpine street and Brad street, at the exnense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve feet wide, 111 Official Notion. of good cement, be, within thirty days of this notice. constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Main street, be- tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve feet wide, of good cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the North side of Fourteenth street, between Main and Iowa streets, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the city council July 5, 1892. -10t J. C. FITZPATRICIi, Recorder. Notice in Relation to Pilling Lots. To Chas. Fatka, Jno. Schueler, Jas. Mellov, Jno. Chapulka, Jos. Lang. Theo. Benja- min. C., M. and St. P. Ry. Co., Epi Lang- worthy, Chas. Steuck & Jas O'Farrell, Jno. Wimmer est., I. C. R. R., J. H. Shields. W. G Watters, Norwegian Plow Co., Robt. Waller est, Dave Crotty, Dan Sheehan, Le Claire & Laude, C. E. & W. F. McKinley, Jno. Burton est., 0 A. Sam- uels, B. J. O'Neili, G. W. Jones, T. J. Donahue, Geo Gray, Sr., Chas. Reifsteck, Eliza Reid. L Kolfenbach, C. Campman, J D. Walsh, P. Walsh: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: Lots 257. 258..259, 260, 252, 253, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 172, 173. 174, 175 and 176, East Dubuque add. ; and lots 1 and 2, blk. 9, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • and 6, blk. 11, E. 35 blk 10. Dubuque Harbor Co 's add ; city lots 556, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, N 25 feet lots 242, 243, 244, 245, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 232, 233, 234. 235, 236, 160, 161, 163, 164 and 16, East Dubuque add. You are notified to appear, if you desire, at the next regular meeting of the conncil and show cense, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is pro- posed that said filling shall be at your ex- pense. The next session of the council will com- mence on Aug. 1, 1892. 10t 8. B. Rice, City Marshal. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder up to 9 o'clock a. m , Monday, Aug. 1, 1892, for grading, curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing the fol- lowing streets according to plebs and specifi- cations on file in the city recorder's office: B•oadway extension from Diagonal street to Charles street. Sanford street from C., St. P. and K. C. track to Windsor avenue. Regent street from Queen street to Wind- sor avenue. Queen , treet from Sanford street to Eagle Point avenue. The extent of the work is as follows: Broadway -Grading, 1,125 cubic yards cut; 11,568 cubic yaida fill; curbing, 2,800 lineal feet; guttering, 1.860 square yards; maead- imizing, 2,800 square yards. Sanford, Regent and Queen streets - Grad- ing, 1,677 cubic yards; curbing, 2,960 lineal feet; guttering, 1,300 square yards; macad- amizing, 3,600 square vards. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for curbing; the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing; grading to be bid for in total. Bidders must furnish bond of 4200 that they will enter into contract if awardad. Proposals will be acted on at the regular session of the council to be held Aug. 1, 1892. The foregoing work to be completed by Nov. 1, 1892. Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the recorder. The cieserves the right bp reject all bids. 10t / / J. - . FiTZPATIt'ici;, Recorder. Regular Session, August 1, 1892. 112 CITY COUNCIL. Regii1 tr Sessiou, Aug. 1, 1892. Council met at 9:40 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present, Ald. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The minutes on rage 102 in reference to the taxes of I. O. O. F. were corrected so as to read exempted for a term of ten years. On motion the minutes as printed with the foregoing correction were approved. The chairman of the printing committee was instructed to see that the official paper have the proceedings of the council pub- lished more promptly, and also furnish the pamphlets more promptly. Tho rules were suspended, and Mr. John Deery addressed the council in relation to the grade and improvement on Clark street. The following bills were allowed: L. Daiv, cleaning around market .3 26 50 Mrs. Koenig, cleaning police head- quarters 9 00 Mrs. Koenig, wages as janitor 15 00 W. M. Greenhow. cleaning out sink1 40 H. Tropp. assisting pound master21 110 J. R. Jellison, repairing sewer 2 50 Perry Powers, work on fire alarm poles 5 25 S. McElrath, freight and cartage on wire 1 92 Western Electric Co., wire 81 18 J. K. Graves, witness fees in Porter case 12 00 C. McElrath, hauling garbage 189 00 Hera d cart 10 00 James Kelly, stationery. 16 25 J. H. Trieb, flush tank and man- holes John O'Brien, work on sewers Tom Butcher, work on sewers Wm. S Molo, plumbing A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing Smedley Manufacturing company, castings. etc 1 44 Key City Gas Co., coke 18 86 Dubuque Water Co., water supply1,060 U0 E. B. Chandler, fire alarm boxes and magnets 135 00 Wm. Howard, team hire 3 00 T. T. Carkeek, superintending en- gine house 150 00 Gomer J. Jones, estimate on engine house 975 00 Joseph Geiger, repairs at city hall7 00 Fergusr n Bros., plumbing 11 90 Adam Reuter, assisting park cus- todian 25 00 Bart E. Linehan, cement 85 60 Wm. G. Watters, hay 69 31 Smedley Manufacturing company, 3 brass rod 00 Ellwanger Bros., harness supplies17 35 John Mullen, harness soap 4 50 Dubuque Rubber company, twelve coats 54 00 Lesure Lumber Co., shavings 1 00 Rubber Co., hose and straps 7 60 Byrne & Saul, sewer covering 411 80 Tony Siege, stone 221 50 4 John Pickley, gravel B. D. Linehan, sharpening tools 4 35 Hussmann & Lies, powder and fuse. 5 00 Rubber Co., repairing coat 50 Gomer -Jones, balance due on esti- 67 mate for June 50 Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum- ber 26 283 Svendsen & Ott, lumber F. Schloz, repairing tools 3 05 21 85 50 00 43 75 43 00 5 50 Nonveelty Iron Works, rubber pack - Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum- ber 10 62 Standard Lumber company, lumber 28 50 Bart E. Linehan, cement, sewer pipe, etc 55 30 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 22 95 Duggan & Kane, oil 1 35 Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware 15 95 Zehetner & Voggenthaler, work on roller 2 22 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing company, slakes 4 50 John Tibey, stone 67 30 Baumgartner & Kleih, chain 90 G. 13. Grosvenor, stationery 12 05 F. Schloz, sharpening tools 1 00 Hussman & Lies, fuse 30 E. J Evans, patching around poles in sidewalk (auditor instructed to collect from different companies). E. C. Blake, express and telegraph charges F. Schloz, steel pins Dubuque Water Co , water at city hall John Tibey,grading Hill street, 8500, allowed James Street, stone crossing Steuck & Farrell, grading Four- teenth street Portland Paving Co. filling on Main street Byrne & Saul, filling on Main street Guthrie & Chesterman, grading Fourteenth street, $1,438, allowed. f . Gantenbein, stone crossing H. Glab, assistant in engineer's affi^e Williams & Bevine, Grading Grant avenue, $567, allowed Chas. Smith, helper on Main street R. J. Love, dry wood for roller Wm. Geieheker, rodman on Main street John Schrup. inspector on Main street Atkinson & Oloff, estimate for pav- ing Main street, $8,034.18, allowed 75 per cent when money arrives from sale of bonds 6,024 73 Headford Bros., grates 113 14 James Bennett, salary as assistant assessor 100 00 The following bills were referred to the committee on supplies: Duggan & Kane, $1.25; Young & Sons, $222.'0; Reinfried & Jaeger, $355; W. S. Molo, 85 cents; Ferguson Bros., $37.25; Tredway Hardware company, 47 cants. To committee on police and light: Dubuque Electric Railway, Light & Power company. $666 30; Globe Light & Heat com- pany, $551.67; Key City Gas company, $109 25. To the street committee: E. E. Frith, $68; M. Sullivan, $70; Key City Gas company, $27.39 To the printing committee: Ledger Printing company $ b8 30 Times Herald 150 00 To the committee on paving : 38 85 Byrne & Saul 22 505 Joseph S. Norton 48 20 Headford Bros To the committee of the whole: 535 50 H. Meyer To the sewer committee: 602 50 Tschirgi & Kringle To the committee on public grounds and buildings: Dubuque Water company 10 00 The following bills against the following parties were referred to the auditor for col- lection : $10 &5 Jas. Lee 12 85 Chris. Gantenbein 3 00 14 00 5 30 2 75 20 00 400 00 21 42 150 00 15 75 125 25 500 00 20 16 50 00 400 00 25 00 1 50 23 07 45 00 113 Peyular Session, August 1, 1892. Hosford 8; Gruner M. Kerwin Wm. Wilkinson Wm Keachie R. Gruner 7 50 2 50 3 00 7 50 2 50 PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred: To the street committee : Petition for grading of alley at northwest end ot Middle street between Althauser's and Wick's subdivisions. Petition for establishment of grade on alley between Thomas street and Anna Place. Remonstrance of Rev. J. Hennessy against laving sidewalk ou West Third street. Petition of Mrs. E. Williams to have a stairway with railiugs to lead from her premises to Rose street. Remonstrance against change of grade on Ellis street. Petition for opening of street through Quigley's addition to connect Rigi or Louisa streets from South street to Nortn street. Plat of :.. H. Meyer's addition. Remonstrance agaiast proposed change of grade ou Sauford and Queeu streets. To the committee ot the whole: Petition for improvement of Brad street and for change of grade on said street. Petition of Dubuque Wooden Ware com- pany and Water company for permission to lay railroad tracks across streets and alleys at Eagle Point. Communication of J H. Scields in rela- tion to tilling of lots on South Main street. Petition of Mrs. Johanuah Specht for an appropriation of $1,000 to aid in purchasing a ferry boat for use at Specht's Ferry. To the executive committee of the board of health: Petition to have lots filled across the alley and fronting on Pine street be- tween Sixteenth and oeveuteenth streets. Protest of Karl Fatka against filling lot 257, East Dubuque add. Petition for abatement of nuisance caused by the "barracks" ou Wet Eleventh street. To the delinquent tax committee: Peti- tions of Mary Rubeck and Hannah O'Brien for remission of teres. On the petition for improvement of Row- an street, Ald. Crawford moved to refer to the street committee with power, not to ex- pend to exceed $150. Ald. Olinger moved to refer petition to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition for extension of water mains on Julien avenue and Walnut street. Referred to the committee on fire and water. Remonstrance against the improvement of Julien avenue from Walnut street to Alpine street. Oa motion of Ald Crawford the im- provement of Julien avenue was postponed. Petitions of residents on Broadway street asking that the contractor who has the con- tract for improving said street be compelled to commence work immediately, or that the contract be rescinded and the work given to the next lowest bidder; also protesting against any change in the width of the mac adam part of the street. Ald. Crawford moved that the petition be granted, and Broadway be improved on a basis of forty feet of macadam and fifteen feet sidewalk. Carried. Ald. Stoltz moved that the contractors on Broadway be notified to begin work within three days or their contract will be forfeit- ed. Carried. Ald. Glab moved that Contractor Ryan be notified to begin work on Windsor avenue and keep the same in a passable condition. Carried. The rules were suspended and Mr. John Macdonald addressed the conncil in relation to the proposed extension of Fourth street. Ald. Peaslee offered the following resolu- tion : Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city engineer be in- structed to prepare a plat showing the pro- posed extension of Fourth street from Sixth street to the High bridge, showing the lands or lots through or i.ver which the same is proposed to be made; the names of the own- ers thereof, and the quantity of land pro- posed to be taken; and when such plat is completed it shall be filed in said engineer's office, and be subject to public Inspection. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawfnrd, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz The rules were suspended, and Hon. J. H. Shields addressed the council, and asked for further time for filling lots ordered by the council. Ald. Olinger moved tnat Mr. Shields be given further time in which to fill lot 1, block 9, in Dubuque Harbor company's ad- dition. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the street com- missioner be instructed to roll Main street ahead of the brick pavers, and that he also roll the sewer and charge the expense there- of to the contra Aor. Carried. Ald Glab moved to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:35 o'clock n. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Smith and Stoltz. The rules were suspended and Hon. Fred O'Donnell addressed the council in behalf of the If inois Central railroad company in relation to filling stagnant water lots. also in behalf of Mr. M. Duggan on Madison street, and stated that Mr. Duggan would make no clam for damages on accouut of cbauge of grade on said Madison street it the council would remit the special assess- ment against his property for the improve- ment of Madison street. The rules were suspended and Hon. R. W. Stewart addressed the council in behalf of Edward Langworthy i❑ relatiou to filling stagnant water lots in East Dubuque ad- dition, and asked for an extension of time for filling said lc:s: alss, objected to the order for laying sidewalks until the street is graded. Ald. Peaslee arrived at 3 o'clock p. m. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred: To the committee of the whole: Petition for drinking fountain at corner of Delhi street and Julien avenue Communication of Schleuter & Stifles In relation to the grade and low curb on Clark street (with power.) Petition of Muntz dt Quirk for permission to build oil plant iu Dubuque Harbor Com- pany's addition. Petition for horse drinking fountain at the corner of Grandview avenue and Delhi streets. To the street committee: Petition for the improvement of Curtis street. Petition for the repair of Union avenue. Petition for repair of gutter on Clay street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. Protest of Mrs. P. Welsh and John D. Welsh against filling lots in East Dubuque addition. Petition for the repair of Belle and Vine streets. Petition for extension of Fourteenth street from Bluff street two hundred feet west. Petition of Mrs. A. Murphy for repair of gutter on Cleveland avenue. To the delinquent tax committee: Petition of Mrs. Michael Cremer and Mrs. Michael Shannon. The claims of the following for damages by reason of proposed change of grade on Regular Session August 1, 1592. 114 Ellis street were received and filed: Hattie B. Hetherington Wm. M. Davis, Wm.Lund- beck and H. r Hetherington. etherington. Claim of Fred Donath for damages by reason of falling on a sidewalk referred to the committee on claims. Petition of Wm. L. Bradley for correc- tion of special assessment for improvement of Grandview avenue, referred to the engi- neer and city attorney. Communication of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway company in relation to filling lots, referred and filed. Ald. Cushing presented an ordinance re- pealing section seven of the ordinance au- thorizing the construction and maintenance of water works in the city of Dubuque. Re- ferred to the committee of the whole. The rules were suspended and illi. John Wimmer objected to filling lots at Seven- teenth and Pine streets. Mayor Saunders presented the following communication to the council which was re- ferred to the committeee of the whole: To the :)[embers of the City Council: GENTLEMEN :—By the presenting of an or- dinance we are informed that the American Water Works and Guarantee company, of Pittsburgh, Pa., has made arrangements as to the purchasing of the Dubuque water works property; provided, however, that a favorable franchise or a continuance of the charter now in force, with section 7 re- pealed, which would simply mean a contin- uance for twenty-eight years to come. Now it may or may not be advisable or possible for the city to purchase the water works now or hereafter. but it is clearly to be seen that should the city council feel so inclined to repeal or grant privileges, the city itself, as well as the people, should and must de- rive a benefit thereby, and therefore the schedule price of the water rates as now charged ought to be reduced at least 33 per cent, and the city rates for fire hydrants and flush tanks to be reduced in the same pro- portion, and any water used for public drinking fountains of any kind, as web as street sprinkling, if done at some future time by the city, ought to be furnished free of charge. Bids for street improvements opened and referred to the engineer for computation. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kenetyj reported cash on hand July 1, $5,409 48; cash on hand Aug. 1. $14,- 601 48; amount required to pay city officers, 1,679 95. Report received and filed and warrants or- dered for same. Marshal Rice reported $1,752 70 due the police for the month of July; also reported ninety-two police cases tried during July, ,and also reported pound receipts for July, $29. Warrants ordered to pay police and report received and filed. Street Commissioner Carter reported $5,- 462 75 due for street work for July and pre- sented itemized statement of expenditures. Report referred to the street committee and warrants ordered to pay same. Ald. Olinger moved that street foremen be allowed 25 cents per day more than laborers, to apply to work done in July. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Cushing, Ulab, Olin- ger. Page, Peaslee and Stoltz. Noes—Alda. Crawford, Nicks and Smith. Chief Reintried of the fire department re- ported $1,303 05 due the firemen for the month of July. Received and filed and war- rants ordered to pay same. Marketmaster Norton reported scale re- ceipts for July $21.60. sale of huskster stands $33.70. also reported $20 60 due for board of prisoners for July. Received and filedand warrant ordered to pay for board of prison- ers. Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $371.90 due for sewer work for the month of July. Warrants ordered to pay for same and re- port referred to the sewer committee. Engineer Blake presented plat showing alley from Eighteenth street to Seminary street; also plat of proposed extension of State street, which were referred to the street committle. Also presented plat of proposed extension of White street from Sanford street to Peru road. Referred to the committee of the whole. Plat of pro- posed change of location of alley in Schroe- der's additiou. Adopted. Lampl ghter Coughlin reported having lighted 51 gas lamps during July. Referred to the committee on police and light. Health Officer Wieland reported and call- ed the attention of the council to many mat- ters pertaining to the health of the city, and asked the co operation of the council in his efforts for a better sanitary condition of af- fairs. Referred to the executive committee of the board of health. Weighmaster Granfield reported scale re- ceipts of First ward scales $3 3i. Received and filed. T. T. Duffy, justice of the peace, presented his report for the month of July. Referred to the committee on police and light. Weighmaster Pitschner reported scale re- ceipts of West Dubuque scales $1.95. Re- ceived and filed. Marshal Rice reported having summoned throe jurors to assess damages for right of way, who were rejected, and asked that they be compensated. Referred to the com- mittee on claims. City Attorney McCarthy reported in favor of referring the petition of Mary Weiss to the committee on claims. Report adopted. Also reported on the petition of Julius Petry for pay for eight feet of ground claimed to be taken for the use of Leibnitz street, as follows: That having investigated the subject of the foregoing petition and found that Leibnitz street was correctly located and that the petition be received and filed. Report adopted. Engineer Blake reported the following bids: Sewers on Burch, West Third and Hill streets— C. J. & Frank Brown $1,565 00 M. Lavin and W. S. Corrance 1 1,519 9 00 D. W. Linehan 0 Ald. Peaslee moved that the contract be awarded to Lavin & Corrance. Carried. Broadway extension— $6 273 32 M. Tschirgi, Jr 6 273 00 Steuck & Farrell 5,162 85 Theodore Altman 5,462 00 E E. Frith Ald. Stoltz moved to award the contract to T. Altman. Carried. The ordinance amending "an ordinance to restrain cows, horses and other animals from running at large" was read for the second time. Aid. Crawford offered the following amendment to section 2 of the ordinance: Provided, That the provisions of the or- dinance shall not apply to the following portion of the city, to -wit: All of the territory lying east of the tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway north of Eleventh street. All of section fourteen (14) and the west half of section twenty-three (23), town 89, range two (2) east; all territory west of the west line of Grandview avenue extended due north to the south line of section 23; also all south of Southern avenue. Provided, further, that all animals speci- fied in the first section of chapter 51 of the Revised Ordinances are prohibited from running at large in any of the above de• scribed from ofcity) o'clock k the night time,seven 115 Rt yula/' Session, August 1, 18'.13. to seven (7) o'clock a. m., and any animal therein specified found running at large between the hours above named shall be restrained, secured and detained in the manner provided in said section, and only released on the payment of the fees specified in section 3 of said ordi- nance. The amendment was adopted by the fol- lowirg vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne. Crawford, Nicks, Olin- ger, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz. Noes—Alds. Cushing, Glab and Page. The ordinance as amended was adopted by the following vote. Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crswford,Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Aids. Cushing and Page. REPORTS 01' COMMITTEES. Ald Peaslee, chairman of the finance com- mittee reported as follows : In favor of having warrants drawn in favor of L Gonner,treas- urer, for moneys paid c ut during the month of July to the amount of $1,954 35; also have warrants drawn for moneys borrowed, pay- able as follows: Dubuque National band Second National bank $9 000 S 000 German Trust and Savings bank 3,000 Bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city treasurer of the city of Dubuque be and he is hereby instructed to call iu for redemption, Dubuque paving bonds from No. 1 to 16 inclusive, dated Dec. 1, 1591, and sold to Farson, Leach & Co., of Chicago, amounting to $5,000. The said bonds to be paid on or before Oct. 1, 1S92. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Glab, Nicks, Cushing, Olinger, Peaslee, and Smith. Noes—Ald. Crawford. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordinance committee, reported an ordinance to amend an ordinance in relation to the manufacture and storage of inflammable oils and sub- stances. Adopted on the first reading by the follow- ing vote: Ayeo—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. On motion the ordinance was referred to the ordinance committee. Also presented au ordinance in relation to the excavation of paved streets, highways, avenues and alleys. 3n motion the ordinance was amended so that section four of the ordinance read that the recorder instead of the city council shall issue permits. The ordinance was adopted on its first reading by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab,Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. On motion the ordinance was referred to the ordinance committee and the recorder instructed to furnish a copy of the ordinance to each member of the council. Ald. Byrne, chairman of the committee on claims, reported as follows: Your commit- tee on claims to whom was referred the pe- tition of Mrs. Mary Weis for damages on ac- count of an injury received upon a sidewalk at the corner of Brad and Third streets on Jan.26.1691,would report in favor of allowing said Mrs. Mary Weis the sum of seventy-flve dollars provided she receives the same in full of all demands against the city of Du- buque, growing out of said injury, and exe- cutes the proper receipt therefor. Report adopted Ald. Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported as follows: Recommend that the green line as shown on the plat and pro- file presented by the city engineer on July 28, 1892, be adopted as the official grade of Catherine street, and be duly recorded in the official grade book of city. We further recommend that action on the grade of An- gella street be postponed until next session of the council. In favor of accepting plat of FInk's subdi- vision. In favor of approving plat of McMahon's subdivision. In favor of approving plat of Concord subdivision. In favor of approving plat of Richard Schmid of sub of lot 5, Stafford's addition. In favor of approving plat showing change of location of street and alley in Woodlawn Park addition, and vacation of that part of Ashton and Avoca avenues as shown on pia*. In favor of the adoption of the blue line as the proposed change of grade of Schroeder avenue as shown on within profile. That they have accepted Madison street from Main to Seminary street: Fourteenth street from Pine to Maple street In favor of granting petition for an alley between Rhomberg and Garfield avenue, and Kniest street and Johnson avenue, pro- viding the same is done without expense to the city. That they had ordered the contractor on Peru Road to finish his contract. Delay action on resolution for a new side- walk on the nor h side of Fourth street from Bluff street west. Receive and filo petition of 11 Girard in relation to damage to fence on Grandview avenue. Instruct street commissioner to open the storm water sewers on Eighteenth and Nine- teenth streets between Washington and Pine streets so as to carry storm water. Adverse to building a retaining wall on Third street in front of the premises of Michael Tierney, and that the street com- missioner be instructed to remove the earth and debris on said street and sidewalk so'as to leave the same passable for public travel. Raceive and file remonstrance against improvement of Oak street. Receive and file remonstrance against improvement of alley between West Third street and Fenelon Place, and Burch and Summit streets. As follows on petition of residents of West Eagle Point avenue in relation to waterway : That it is the intention of the city to im- prove said street and thereby provide a means for the conveyance of the storm water along said street. To delay action on the resolution for the improvement of Ellis street until the grade on said street is settled satisfactory. Petition granted for a stone crossing on the west side of Twelfth and Locust streets. Delay action on the resolution in regard to sewer on Elm street and Eagle Point avenue, until Elm street is ordered im- proved. In favor of paying the following bills: F. Schloz, 87.50; Knapp, Stout Co. company, 65.22. Instruct the recorder to give the proper not(ce to parties who failed to pay for re- pairing sidewalks, to appear before the council and show cause why a special tax should not he levied against their property. Instruct the engineer to prepare a profile of grade on Center avenue; also estimate of amount of grading on said Center avenue. Instruct the city marshal to remove all ob- structions on Fifth avenue, as prayed for by John Jansen et al. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Novelty iron works $ 53 F. Schloz 2 35 Dubuque Woodenware company 2 S3 B. E, Linehan 2 50 1 1 f Regular Session, August 1, 1593. Svendsen & Ott 59 60 Knapp, Stout & Co. company 19 31 Duggan $; Kau., 65 Baumgartner & Kieih 8 75 Christman & Henley 3 95 C. H. Altona 5 Headf•rrd Bros 48 B. E. Linehan. 101 00 Standard Lumber company 7 99 Knapp Stout & Co. company 50 yi J. W. Wittmer 16 111 B. E. Linehan 287 10 J. P. Williams 12 85 F. Scholz 2 85 Baumgartner & Kleih 7 15 Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing com- mittee, reported in favor of allo.ving the following bills: Times Ledger Rep ,rt adopted Ald. Page, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported in favor of allow- ing the following bills: Dubuque Electric Railway L'ght and Power company $ 666 30 Globe Light and Heat company 551 67 Key City Gas company 111 35 J. W. Wittmer 7 35 Also reporte I in favor of receiving and filing report of lamplighter for Juno. Re- port adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction reported in favor of paying the following bills: Adams Express company 75 E. Ryan 1 75 Report adopted. AId. Page, chairman of the sewer commit- tee, reported in favor of granting petition for storm water sewer on Eleventh street from Main to Bluff street and along Bluff street to the north side of Twelfth street. Report adopted. AId. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole. reported as foliows: In favor of fixing the office hours of the city engineer from 8 to 12 a. m. and 1:30 to 6 o'clock p. m : that said engineer, when busily engagfd with outside work to leave notice at his offi^e of his whereabouts Receive and file petition of Charles Kling- enberg in relation to lowering Leibintz street in front of his property Receive and file bill of P. F. Guthrie of $50, as he has not completed his contract with the city in revising the city ordinances. Receive and file communication in regard to the purchase of voting booths. Grant petition for improvement of the alley in Buettel and Langworthy sub. Receive and file remonstrance of John Flynn against the proposed change of grade on Seminary street. Grant petition of John Flynn for a street between Seminary and West Locust streets, between min. lots 191 and 193 and through min. lot 192, providing the same is done with out expense to the city. Ask further time on communication of E. H. Sheppley et al, offering to denote $600 for the opening of Lincoln avenue, providing that they have corner lots when said street is opened, as we are unable to decide what the council will do with the award of the jury that condemns the necessary land for the opening of said street. In favor of changing the grade of Rush street as follows: That the blue line as shown on the plat and profile as submitted by the city engi- neer, between South Dodge and Pear streets be declared the ofii pial grade. and the grade of said Rush street from Pear to Quince street be a straight uniform grade from the present established grade at Quince and Rush streets to the proposed grads at the intersection of Rush and Pear streets. $ 29 15 29 15 Report adopted Ald. Peaslee, of the committee of the Fourth ward aldermen, reported as follows: Your committee, after investigation, find that Mrs. )ot zett's cows as per the within petition were taken by the pound master when outside of the limits defined in the cow ord utnce, therefore report in favor of having 837, being the amount of fines col- lected, returned to Mrs. Cotzett On motion ordered that Mrs. Conzett be refunded the amount paid by her. Ald Stoltz moved that the recorder be in- structed to procure fifteen copies of the acts of the Twen y -fourth general assembly of Iowa, and that a copy be furnished to each alderman. Cirried. Ald. Crawford moved that the architect in charge of the central engine house be au thorized to change specifications for roof and have a tin roof put on at an expense not to exceed $3.50. Carried. Ald. Stoltz moved that whet the money from the sale of the paving bon is arrives that warrants he drawn in favor of the sev- eral contractors for their pro rata amounts. Carried. Ald. Page moved that a warrant be drawn in favor of Altman & Meyer for opening of Eim street. Ald. Olinger moved to refer the matter to the committee of the whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Peaslee offered the to lowing: Resolved By the city council of the city of Dubuque. that Alma street, between Thomas and Pickett street, be graded, gutter- ed, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject That the city engineer he and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper natice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work,—the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to Le done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Aves—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Aid Olinger offered the following: WHEREAS, Windsor avenue is being im- proved from the end of the present improve- ment to the city limits: therefore, Resolved: That the Dubuque Electric Rail- way Light and Power company teins'ructed to proceed and construct their tracks from present terminus near Linwood gate north of the city limits and operate same when completed, said tracks to be laid in conjunc- tion with the street improvement Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Olinger offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, that the sidewalk on the east side of Pine street from Thirteenth to Seven - t entb streets be established at six feet, as at present the space between the railroad tracks and the sidewalk is too narrow for public travel. AId. Olinger offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, that the city marshal be instruct- ed to notify the police to report all electric lights that are not provided with globes,and that hereafter all lamps not provided with globes shall be considered defective and that the city will deduct a proportionate amount from the bill of the E;ectric Light company the same as if said lights were not lighted, and it is hereby made the duty of the city marshal to report monthly to the council all such lamps as are not provided with globes. Ald. Byrne offered the following which 117 ScsNinlf, Auyrist 1, 1,S:1_'. was referred to the engineer to make an esti- mate of the grading: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Rush street, between South Dodge and Quince streets, be graded, gut- tered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city res irder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering. curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expeuee of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Ald Olinger offered the following which was adopted: WREI<EAs, from the statements and recom- meudatioes of C. J. W. Saunders, mayor of the city of Dubuque, it is deemed proper and expedient that the street committee be changed and reorganized; therefore, be it Resolved Tnat the mayor be and he is here- by authorized to cancel and revoke his ac- tion heretofore taken 111 the selection of a street committee, and that he be authorized to organize and appoint a new street com- mittee, to serve until their successors are ap- pointei. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Cushing. Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, and Smith. Noes—Aids. Crawford and Stoltz. Aid. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted: - Resolved. by the city council of the city of of Dubuque, That the vestry of St. John's Episcopal church be granted further time in which to lay down a cement sidewalk 011 Fourteenth street adjoining their property. Also that they be allowed to lay their ce- met sidewalk on Main street adjoining their property a uniform width to correspond with sidewalks on said street. Ald. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted : Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to place a stone ecrossing on Eleventh street on the west side of Lo- cust and on Locust street on north side of Eleventh street. Ald. Nicks offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Francis street, between Hart street and W.st Eagle Point avenue, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance unon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Nicks offered the following, which was adopted: .lesolvcd, That the city engineer be in• Structed to prepare plans and specifications for a storm water sewer on Sanford street from Jackson street to the Couler creek, and when same are approved by the street com- mittee the city recorder is instructed to ad- vertise for bids for the performance of the work. Ald. Nicks offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and spec- ifications for a stone arch culvert along Cou- ler creek in the alley between Twenty-sev- enth street and Peru road and Couler avenue and Lemon street, and when said plans are approv d by the street committee, the city recorder is instructed to advertise for bids for he performance of the work. Ald. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the extension of the storm sewer on Eleventh street from Main to Bluff street, and along Bluff street to the north side of Twelfth street, and when said plans are filed in the recorder's office the city recorder is instruct- ed to advertise for bids for the performance of the work. Ald. Page offered the following which was referred to the sewer committee with power: WHEREAS, Lavin and Corrance have failed to complete their contract on sewers on Clay street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets: therefore, Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to repair said street along route of sewer. also, that the sewer inspector be instructed to clean said sewer, all of above work to be done at the expense of Lavin & Corrance, and to be deducted from any money due them from the city. Ald. Page offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the sewer committee be in- structed to have drip pans put under all the covers of manholes and flush tauks of the sanitary sewers so as to prevent saud and dirt from going into the sewers. Md. Page offered the following, which on motion was laid on the table: WHEREAS, The duties of the sewer inspect- or have been doubly increased by giving him charge of the storm water sewers throughout the city, therefore, Resolved, That his salary be fixed at the rate of $75 per month from Aug. 1, 1s92. Ald. Cushing offered the Iollowing which was adopted: Resolved, That the city recorder be and is hereby notified to issue a venire to the mar- shal to summon a jury of twelve citizens, freeholders, to assess damages, if any, by reason of tae opening of an alley between Clay and Seminary street as shown by plat prepared by the city engineer. Ald. Cusning offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved, That the ordinance committee and city attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance regulating the width of tires on transfer wagons, drays, etc., and provid- ing for a penalty for failure to comply with the same. Aid. .willing offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 9 feet wide, of good cement, be, within thirty days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relateen to sidewalks, on the west side of Main street, abu;ting s. m. 3(, n. m. , n. 34, city lot 470, and s. m. 1-5 city lot 472 at expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford moved that the resolution ordering sidewalk on east side of Main street between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, be resc'nded in so far as it applies to n 3-5 of said block. Carried. Ald. Nicks moved that the Dubuque Street Railway company be notified to operate their street railway line in accordance with the provisions of their charter. or that same will be forfeited at the next session of the council. t, arried. Ald. Cushing offered the following resolu- tion ordering stagnant water lots to be filled: WHEREAS, The property, lots, and parts • 1 Regular Session, August 1, 1892. 11S of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject to be covered with stagnant water; and WHEREAS, The owners of said property have been notified as required by law to ap- pear and show cause why said lots should not be filled, therefore, Be it Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the following described property, lots. and parts of lots, viz: 366, 362, 363, 369. 370, 372, 374. 375 314, 215, 218, 219, 221, 274, 273, 272, 271, 270, 269, 268, 267,237, 238, 227, 228, Davis Farm addition : lots 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 171, 172. 188, 189, 190 and 191, L H. Langworthy's addition, and lots 1 and 2, Frank Fosselman's sub of lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Traut's sub, be filled and raised at the expense of the owners, to a height suffi- cient, in the judgment of the city engineer to prevent stagnant water remaining there- on. The work is to be completed by Sept. 1, 1892. The city marshal shall notify the owners of said property of the passage of this reso- lution in the manner provided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up or raise said properly, lots. and parts of lots. by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property Adopted by the following vote: Ayes. Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Cushing offered the following resolu- tion ordering stagnant water lots to be filled : WHEREAS, The property, lots and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, sub- ject to be covered with stagnant water; and WHEREAS, the owners of said property - have been notified as required by law to a pear and show cause why said lots sho not be filled, therefore, be it Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the following described property, lots and parts of lots viz : 250, 251, 257, 258, 259, 260, 252, 253, 247, 248, 249, 177,178, 179, 180, 181, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228,229, 172, 173, 174, 175 and 176, East Dubuque Add.; lot 2, block 9; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6, block 11, E3y block 10, Dubuque Harbor company's Add. ; city lots 556, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 54S, N 25 ft lots 242, 243, 244, 245, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 232, 233. 234, 235, 236, 160, 161. 163. 164 and 16, East Dubuque Add., be filled and raised at the expenselof the owners, to a height sufficient, in the judgment of the city engineer, to prevent stagnant water remaining thereon.The work is to be completed by Sept. 1, 1892. The city marshal shall notify the owners of said property of the passage of this reso- lution in the manner provided by law. In case of the neglect or recusal of the owners to fill up or raise said property, lots and parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above specifled,the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page,Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Reeolved, That the city attorney be and is hereby instructed to furnish his written legal opinion to the city council as soon as possible whether the council has the power to compel property owners to connect their premises with sewers, and if he finds that the council possesses such power, that he prepare and present an ordinance regulating and providing for the exerci of the same. ACd1 S h .: . rn. Carried. Attest ..Recorder. 1892. dfrilid". / / Mayor. 119 Special Session, August 6, 1892. Special Session. Aug. 6, 1892. Official Proceedings. Council met at 11:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Peaslee, and Smith. mayor Saunders presented and read the following communication : To the flonorable Jlentbers of the City Conned: GENTLEMEN :-At the last session of the council you ordered warrants drawn for $125 75 in favor of Byrne & Saul for filling on South Main street. I find nothing in the proceedings of the council to indicate that the above parties have any contract to do any grading on Main street, or that any committee has been authorized to have such grading done. I therefore return you the warrant without my signature. 1 would also state that a warrant for $15.75 for filling on South Main street has been ordered, and for simiiar reasons I re- turn you the warrant without my approval. Upon examination I find that H 11 street is not graded according to contract, yet a warrant has been ordered drawn for 4100 in favor of the contractor. I return you the same without my signature, so you may be able to examine into the matter. I also return the warrants for Grant av- enue and West Eleventh treet grading, the grading having been reduced by the change. The council will examine the same: al West Fourteenth, Auburn, Alta, Algo. Dubuque, Decorah, Delaware, Windsor av- enue and Apple street, as the grading is less than the original estimate. Upon inquiry at the engineer's office, I have been requested to have a re -survey made, giving the proper engineer who made the original survey a chance to correct the same, as the estimate was overrated. I would also call your attention to Clark street on the same grounds. Respectfully, CHAS. J. W. SAU\ IERs, Mayor. Oa motion the communication was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. The invitation of the Trades and Labor congress to the council to take part in the Labor day celebration was adopted and Ald Cushing was appointed to procure car- riages for the council to take part in the parade. The mayor called the council's attention to the fact that he had received an invita- tion to appoint a committee of four to at- tend a convention to be held in Des Moines on the 16th inst. to take some action for bet- ter roads throughout the state. Ald. Peaslee moved that the mayor be authorized to appoint a committee of four aldermen and that the mayor be chairman of the committee. Carried. The mayor appointed as such committee Aids Cre:wford, Peaslee, Cushing and Stoltz. Aid) ' :. s1 tq adjourn. Carried. 1 1 teco rdcr. 1892. aZi'M "Mayor. Adjourned 1i?egular Session, Sept. 6, 1S92. 120 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Sept. 5, 1892. Council met at 9 o'clock a. m., Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Byrne, Cushing, Glab, Peas - lee and Smith. A quorum not being present, the council adjourned until Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1893, at 9 o'clock a m. Attest: Approved Recorder. 1892. Mayor. Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 6, 1892. Council met at 9:40 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present, Ald. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Oa motion the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed, with the exception that the record on page 113 in re- lation to filling lot belonging to J. H. Shields was changed to read lot 2 instead of lor, 1. The following bills were ordered paid: Mrs. Koenig, services as janitor-$ 15 00 Peter Hoffmann, brooms, etc 5 90 Jos. J. Rowan. one spread 1 50 Erwin & Wood, yellow pine floor- ing 60 04 Smith Printing Co., eight city di- rertories 24 00 Dr. I. S. Bigelow, health inspection5 00 Adam Reuter, assisting park cus- todian 25 00 Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware 1 10 Mrs. Koenig, scrubbing police head- quarters 4 00 W. W. Wormood, care of town clock, and star 74 00 Key City Gas Co., coke 16 87 G. N. Raymond, lanterns 32 00 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 4 00 Headford Bros., manhole cover, etc4 34 H. S. Freeman, one organ box 1 00 J. J. Sheridan, two kegs 50 Dubuque Rubber and Belting com- pany, one pair boots 3 00 Kapp, Stout & Company Co., lum- ber6 75 R. Trigellis, wiring new engine house, etc John Bixler, team hire C. McElrath, removing garbage 23 00 1 40 189 00 M. Zwach, repairing roller..... Frank Robinson, repairing roller7 99 Gomer J. Jones, estimate on Central engine house 2,389 50 Christman & Healey, nails 2 75 James Kelly, stationery. 8 70 Western Wheeled Scraper company, one steel reversible road machine 236 37 M. J. McCullough, fifteen copies of laws of Iowa 7 50 L. Daly, cleaning around market... 25 00 Palmer, Winall & Co., blanks and stationery 69 50 John R. Barrett & Co.. one binder2 44 D. B. Linehan, blacksmith repairs3 25 P. C. Foley, pine wood 7 00 John Newman & Son, repairs on road wagon 4 51 Lear & Pfiil'oer, horseshneing 10 10 Jordan & Jordan, straight edge ... 1 30 Birt E. Linehan, cement 21 40 Harger & Blish. stationery. 11 10 The foilowiog bills were referred: To the committee on supplies: John Harney $ 11 70 P. C. Foley 1 75 B. E Linehan 68 40 Svendsen & Ott 25 90 Standard Lumber Co 14 08 Key City tins Co 29 91 Christman & Healey 5 20 F. Schloz 2 10 Baumgartner & Klein 8 15 N. Theis 30 00 George Fengler 56 50 B. D Linehan 3 65 Farley & Loetscher 1 00 Trailer Bros 16 00 Baumgartner & Kleih 4 00 H. Corrance 13 95 3 95 Novelty Iron Works 2 99 Carr. Ryder & Engler 20 D. Sutherland 61 25 Key City Lime works 6 50 To the street committee: Wm. Marshall 6 23 Glab & Burns 16 45 To the printing committee: Telegraph. 58 33 75 00 " 87 50 German Catholic Printing Co 50 00 Herald 75 00 Ledger 29 15 Times 53 30 To the committee on police and light: Key City Gas Co 110 90 Globe Light and Heat Co 551 67 To the committee of the whole: John Muntz . 4 00 Wondlawn Park Co 1,510 79 B. F. Miller & Co. (together with acceptance of maps) 225 00 To the committee on claims: T. J. Conlin M. H. Cushing 29 00 George G. Peri. & Bro 25 To the committee on public grounds and buildings: The Adams Co 225 00 Ferguson Bros 195 75 To the committee on police and light: Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company 666 30 To the electrinal committee: The Electrical Supply Co.. 9 78 The Rectrical Supply Co 42 68 The Electricat Supply Co 9 13 Wm. S Moto 25 Svendsen & Ott 1 90 To the comm ttee on fire and water: Novelty Iron Works 2 94 To the city attorney : Martin Hal, es Jacob Klein A. Graham A. Graham Henry Herancourt John Dolan L. Brin L Moltoscky To the auditor for collection : John Tilley A. Ney 2 50 The bill of D. W. Linehan of tiI5715 re- ferred to the paving committee to examine the work and to remove all poor brick and replace them with good ones and report at the adjourned meeting. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred: To the committee of the whole: Petition of residents along the line of the Key City Ele2tric Railway Co., asking the 60 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 1 00 9 10 121 Adjourned Ileyulai Session, &pt. 6, 1892. council to remit all city taxes now levied against said company and to exempt the property of said company from taxation. Petition of Horace Poole, Receiver of the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co., asking that the actioit of the council ordering the extension of said railway on Windsor avenue be reconsidered or that the time be extended in which to construct said extension. Petition of Mrs. P. Kennedy asking that Mrs. Ellen Gleason be compelled to abate a nuisance on lot 2 of sub 229, Union add., in the form of a large loose rock overhanging said lot and being dangerous to people pass- ing and living in that neighborhood. Petition for opening of Pine street from 22d to 23d streets. Claim of J E Bilbrough of $290, for dam- ages sustained by reasou of storm water flooding bis residence. Petition of Mrs. H. Firzlaff et al , asking that an overhanging rock left on Horse bluff be removed as the same is dangerous. To the street committee: Petition for repair of West Seventh street from Hill to Prospect street. Protest against manner in which the im provement of Maple street, between Seven- teenth and Eighteenth streets, was made. Bill of James Donahoe of $1 far repairing culvert on Fifth street. Petition for postponement of the improve- ment of the alley between Johnson and Win4sor avenues and between Rhomberg and Garfield avenues. Petition of O. W. Geiger and John B. Schmitz, asking that the water from Staf ford avenue be taken care of and prevented form running through their Lots. (with power ) Petition to have May Place made passable, (with power). To the engineer: Petition to have order rescinded ordering lots 1 to 6 of blocs 11, Dubuque Harbor com- pany's addition filled. Petition of Dubuque Mattress factory ask- ing that they be not compelled to fill lots 545 and 546, Dubuque Harbor company's addi- tion. Petition of E Langworthy asking that he be given further time in which to fill the block and lot north of Sixteen h street east of Elm street, and stating that he will fill said lots this fall and winter. The rules were suspended and ex -Mayor Stewart addressed the council in relation to the foregoing petition of E Langworthy. The petition of Paragon 011 company for permission to erect an oil plant on lots I and 2, block 19, on the east side of South Main street. Granted. The petition tor establishment of grade on Exchange street, granted and the engineer instructed to give grade. Petition of Farley $ Loetscher Manufac- turing company for permission to erect a building over alley be•ween white and Jack- son and Seventh and Eighth streets. Granted. Petition for macadamizing of Kleine street from West Eagle Point avenue to Klinginberg terrace. Granted. Petition for sidewalk on both sides of Maple streets between Thirteenth and Eight- eenth streets. Granted. Petition of trustees of the Dubuque tu- ners for grade of sidewalk ou Ninth and Iowa streets. Granted, and engineer in- structed to give grade. Petition for improvement of Nevada street between Third and Fifth streots. Granted. Communication of Geo. B. Burch in rela- tion to manner of constructing sewer on Burch street. Referred to the sewer com- mittee. Petition of The Adams Company asking that the council order the Water Company to extend their water mains to the intersec- tion of Third and Market streets. Referred to the committee ou fire and water. Communication of AssessorStemm notify- ing Slid council that the assessment roll for 1592 is ready. Referred to the equalization committee. Bills of James P. Bennett and G. Gmehle of $100 each as assistant assessors fur the month of August. Ordered paid and that this be final paymeut for assistants for the assessor. Petition of James McCann. et al. asking that the city exempt the plant of the Excel- sior Brass Company from taxes for a period of ten years. Referred to the committee of the whole to report on at the afternoon ses- sion. The matter of entrance to the building of Mr. Zwack on Ries street, referred to the street committee with power. Petition of Dubuque Investment company asking that the plat of Linehan park addi- tion he vacated and that the plat presented this day of said addition be adopted. Re- ferred to the committee of the whole. • Plat of Sheridau's addition referred to the street committee. Ald. Glab moved to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON sE'_8ION. Council met at 2:45 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Byrne. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz The rules were suspended and Judge Line- han adarossed the council on behalf of J. A. Rhomberg and objected to the proceedings pending before the council for the opening of Fourth street extension, and filed the ob- jections in writing On motion the matter was referred to the city attorney for his written opinion on ob- jections presented. The rules were suspended and Mr. Bale addressed the council, and objected to the assessment for the improvement of Madison street, which he claims is excessive. The matter was referred to the street committee and engineer. Mr. Cameron also addressed the council and made the same objections. Referred to the street committee and engineer. Jos. Herod addressed the council and ob- jected to the assessment for paving Main street. Referred to the paving committee. The following petitions were referred: To the committee of the whole: Petition for a change of grade on Weigel alley and that the same be made at least 4u ft wide from Eleventh street and extending south to private alley running west, said street to be taken from property owned or controlled by Fred Weigel. Communication of National Association 91 Inspectors and Commissioners of Build- ings in relation to proper construction of buildings. Petition of N. Mattel et al., asking that the water from the artesian well at Linwood be caused to flow into the gutter on Windsor avenue and not in the rear of their homes. Petition of Smedley Manufacturing com- pany for permission for the Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul railway company to lay side track to their grounds and for right of way for the said railway company to put in said side track. Petition of Anna M. Bush in relation to erroneou s assessment for filling lot 450, (and treasurer instructed to postpone sale until committee report. )i Petition of Joseph Grab for assistance and help to pay his rent and doctor bill. Petition of James Rowan for a franchise to construct and maintain a street railway. The rules were suspended and Mr. Rowan vim Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 6, 1S92. 122 addressed th council in relation to his pro- ject. Petition of James Rowan to change the name of Rowan street to Rowena street. Petition of James Rowan for permission to erect a porch over the alley in the rear of Rowan's store corner of Twelfth and Iowa streets. Communication of D. D. iyers in relation to change of grade on Bluff street between Fifth and Sixth streets. Petition of Dubuque street Railway com- pany to have Jones street paved with granite or at least ha oe the part between the rails ordered paved. To the street committee: Petition for improvement of alley between Julien avenue and Delhi street running through Morhiser's subdivision to Trueb and Loetscher's subdivision. Petition of Sarah H. Ham calling atten- tion to dangerous condition of bridge on Lincoln and Seventh avenue (With power.) Petition for improvement of A:igella street. Petition for extensk.n of Kuiest street sewer to a point beyond the right of way of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad company. Proposition of John Specht to sell the city gravel. Petition of the Ryan Packing company to have the levee from Jones street to Camp street improved. Petition of W. H. Conine to have a cross- ing put over the ditch at Lincoln and Fifth avenues. (With power ) Pet.tion for repair of Fifth avenue. (With power.) Petition for the opening of a street from Olive street to Weigel alley Petition for the improvement of Thirteenth street between Pine and Maple street. Petition of James Rowan for establishment of a grade on Rowan street accompanied by a profile of proposed grade. To the delinquent tax committee: Sophie Dempsey, A. Munson, Eleventh Street Elevator Co., B. F. Harris, Mrs. John Fitzpatrick, Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co., Central Union Telephone Co., Thos. Mulqueeny, Mrs. Jonathan Houps, and minor heirs of Patrick Ford. To the paving committee: Petition of Ella B. and Ada Cox asking that the city put the cement walk cor. 9th and Main streets in proper shape, the same having been damaged by the brick contrac- tors. (And attorney). Petition of Dubuque Street Railway Co., in relation to assessment for brick paving blocks substituted for granite blocks on Main street. (And attorney). Petition of Dubuque Street Railway Co., in relation to raising of grade of Main street from Eighth to First street. The petition of residents in the vicinity of Rhomberg park asking that said park be de- clared a nuisance, referred to the mayor with power. Petition of Grandview Avenue M. E. church for remeasurement of macadam abutting their premises on Grandview ave- nue. Referred to the engineer, with instruc- tions to comply with the request and report to the council. Petition of Dubuque board of trade asking the council to take immediate steps to put the city in a healthy condition in view of the danger of a cholera epidemic. Referred to the executive committee of the board of health. Petition of J. A. Rhomberg asking that the sewers between Lincoln and Rhomberg avenues and between Fifth and Ninth ave- nues, be connected. Referred oo the sewer committee. Petition of L. Daily for permission to erect a frame building on city lot 594. Referred to the committee on fire and water with power. Notice of Municipal Fire and Police Tele- graph company that suit has been entered against the Gamewell Fire Alarm company for infringement of patent. Referred to the committee on fire and water. Petition of C. Oswald for permission to erect a frame budding in the alley between Clay and White and hetween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Referred to the commit- tee on fire and water. Communication of C. H. White & Co. ask- ing that accrued interest on paving bonds paid by them be refunded. Granted, and treasurer lustructed to send draft for the amount, $26 11. Petition of Robert Jess, asking that the order passed ordering the north 25 feet of block 7, Dubuque Harbor company's addi- tion, to be filled, be rescinded. Referred to the city engineer. Communication of M. Duggan in relation to special assessment for the improvement of Madison s reet. Received and filed. Remonstrance against improvement of the alley between Middle and Fengler and be- tween Rhomberg and Garfield avenues. Petition for extens on of water mains on Seminary street. Granted. Ald. Smith moved that the city attorney draft a resolutsou notifying the water com- pany that unless the orders of the council are carried out that their charter will he for- feited. Carried. Petition of Alfred A. Thompson et al., for grading and laying of sidewalks on Meddle street, from Lincoln avenue to the northern terminus of Middle street. Granted. Petition of Jacob Kuatz for improvement of Middle street from Lincoln avenue to High Bluff street. Granted. Petition of Bart E. Linehan for permission to put in a scale on Iowa street south of Sec- ond street. Grafted. Petition of Frank Lndescher for extension of water mains to Eleventh and Jackson streets. Granted. Ald. Stoltz moved that Mrs. C. Deckert be 'allowed to pay CO as payment in full for taxes of 1891. Carried. Ald. Peaslee moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn to Friday, Sept. 9, 1892, at 9 o'clock a. m. Carried. Action on bids for street improvement was postponed until adjourued meeting. The following bills were ordered paid: M. Burns, use of team for fire de- partment $ 55 00 T. Hill, repairs for fire department2 10 Fraatz & Clark, drugs, etc 9 05 Christman & Healey. hardware 35 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 6 15 Lear & Pfltrner, horseshoeing 6 00 P. Clancy, use of horse for fire de- partment 1 50 Albert Kannolt, horseshoeeng 9 00 Wm. Marshall, repairs for tire de- partment 5 13 Smedley Manufacturing Co., repairs for fire department 2 82 Lesure Lumber company, shavings1 00 Baumgartner & Kleih, bolts and nails 70 C. C. Lembke, harness supplies 5 35 Tom Haggerty, use of horse for fire department 7 00 A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing Atkinson & Olofi, extra haul for grading 121 50 Dubuque Water works, hydrant sup- ply 1,074 64 C. C. Lembke, boot for fire wagon2 75 Jordan & Jordan, level board 1 50 The following bills were referred: To the street committee: E. E. Frith 200 00 Steuck & O'Farrell 33 87 Henry Glab 50 00 123 Adjourned Regular Session., Sept. 6, 1892. Norton & Lee Wm. Geteheker O. G. Kringle Steuck & O'Farrell Steuck & O'Farrell Chas. Smith John elchrup O. G. Kringle Eugene Diet zgen Thos. Hassett James Street O. G. Kringle To the sewer committee: Lavin & Corrance To the committee on supplies: Standard Oil company To the city attorney : Byrne & Saul 20 45 The following is the report of the jury ap- pointed to assess damages by reason of the opening of alley from Clay to Seminary street: Dr unquE. Ia.. Sept. 1, 1892. To the Hon. City Council of the City of Du- buque: We, the undersigned jurors, duly sworn to assess damages on pro, arty belonging to German Evangelical Congregational church, herewith fix damages to said property at 8125 (one hundred and twenty-five dollars), being six feet of said lot according to plat of city engineer. Chris A. Voelker, Ira Hanson, J. Christ- man, W. H. Torbert, John Pier. T. 0 Sulli- van, M. M. Hoffmann, Henry W. Kruse, C. Gantenbein, John Pllmaier, John F. O'Dea, Herman Zernecke. On motion. the award was adlpted and money ordered set aside in treasurer's office, and attorney instructed to procure neces- sary deed, and that warrants for $2.00 each be drawn to pay jurors. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand Sept. 1, $29,775 15; amount required to pay city officers, $1 689 80. Also presented list of coupons redenmed during August. Also reported that be had failed to collect bills agaiust Hosford & Gruner of $7.50 and against R. Gruner of $2 51 for filling, they claiming they did not order the filling. Report received and filed and warrants or- dered to pay same, and bills referred to Ald. Glab for collection. Auditor Kenety also presented his semi- annual report which was referred to the finance committee. Street Commissione Carter reported $5,- 105 60 due for street work for the month of August and presented an itemized statement of where this amount was expended. Re- ceived and filed and warrants ordered to pay satue. Marshal Rice reported $1,813.45 due the police for August; also reported 1(4 police cases tried during August: also reported $12 pound receipts collected, also having made 107 patrol runs; also having collected $55 saloon license, and $3 for filling. Received and flied and warrants ordered to pay police. Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $355.35 due for work done on Main street intercept- ing sewers. Adopted and warrants ordered. Marketmaster Norton reported scale re- ceipts $30.10. also $30 20 due for board of prisoners. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Chief Reinfried reported $1,325 due the firemen for the month of August. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay same. Charles Pitschner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales to be $1.30. Received and filed. T. J. Granfleld reported scale receipts of First ward scales to be $7.30. Received and filed. 1,073 00 51 00 12 50 57 10 5n 00 25 0() 45 00 341 84 2 75 231 60 7 00 62 75 283 25 9 00 Lamplighter Coughlin reported having lighted fifty-one gas letups during August. Referred to the committee on police and light. Communications from Health Officer Wie- land in relation to the following matters were referred to the board of health : Recommending the filling of lots in Du- buque Harbor company's addition. Recommending the extension of the sanl- te'v sewers. Recommending that the nuisance caused by the Dubuque Butchers' association be abated. Recommending that alley in Ham's addi- tion be Oiled so as to prevent stagnant water remaining thereon. Recommending that Warren street be filled. Recommending that the order passed ordering Tots filled of Mrs. C. Lenzing and Mrs Reitz be rescinded. D. Hoffmann, justice of the peace, report- ed having collected $46 50 on city ordivance cases during August; also presented the fol- lowing bills for juror and witness fees: A. Houps Si 00 U. D. Seward 1 00 G. W. Burton 1 00 James Donahue 1 00 P. Hughes 1 00 Peter Gandolfo .. 1. 00 Joe Dansch 1 00 N. Barbier 60 John Grode 60 L. K. Adams 60 Wm. Doty 60 Maggie Doty 60 Nora L'suser 60 Sarah E. Dean 60 Referred to city attorney. Engineer Blake presented returns of right of way notices for opening of alley between Ries and Mertz streets. Received and filed. Also returns of right of way notices for proposed extension of Fourth street. Re' tarred to the city attorney. Also presented plate of proposed extension of Lincoln avenue and proposed extension of alley ii Geiger's subdivision. City Attorney McCarthy reported adverse to petition of W. L. Bradley for correction of special assessment for improvement of Grandview avenue, and recommended that a warrant for $24.00 be drawn in favor of George G. Perry in consideration of a deed to part of lot 1 of Whelan's subdivision. Re- port adop:ed. Ald. Crawford presented and read for the first time an ordinance providing for the subdivision of the several wards of the city of Dubuque into election precincts. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne. Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Nicks, Page.Peaslee, and Smith. The following bills for rolling streets were referred to the auditor for collection : Steuck & O'Farrell, 8291.63, $14744, and 84893; Atkinson & Oloff. $416 71. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Maple street from Thirteenth to Eighteenth by Steuck & O'Farrell, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and ie hereoy levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parts of real estate herein - atter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as follows: Michel Schmidt. lot 326, East Dubuque add: 72 5 lineal feet curbing, at 420 $ 30 45 34 square yards guttering •• 14 28 17i.69 square yards macad- amizing at 52c.. 74 63 $ 119 36 Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 6, 1 S{ 2. 124 Anton Wandrasek, lot 327, East Dubuque add: 51-7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 71 22 98 square yards guttering at 42c 9 65 91.91 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 58 60 -$ 69 96 Jacob Pfeiffer estate,lut 328, East Dubuque add: 51.7 lineal tent curbing at 4213 $ 21 71 22.98 square yards guttering at 423 9 65 91.91 square yards macadam• izing at 42c. 38 60 A. W. Kemler, lot 329 East Dubuque add: 51 7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 71 22 93 square yards gutteriug at 423 9 65 91.9L square yards macadam• izing at 42c 38 69 - $ 69 66 Anna Turn( r, lot 330, E sat Dubuque add : 74.1 lineal fret curbing at 42c $ 31 12 31.71 square yards guttering at 42c 14 53 170 58 square yards macad- amizing at 42c 71 61 $ 117 31 69 96 Pier & Ackerman, lot 231, East Dnbuque add : 73.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 30 96 Sat 4253 square yards guttering 14 50 177.69 square yards macad- amizing at 42c 74 63 --$ 120 09 Pier & Ackerman, lot 380, East Dubuque add: 51.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $21 71 22.98 square yards of gutter- ing at 42c 965 91 21 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 38 60 Pier & Ackerman, lot 279, East Dubuque add: 51.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $21 71 22.98 square yards guttering at 42c 9 65 91 91 squareyards macadam- izing at 42c 38 60 Pier & Ackerman, lot 278, East Dubuque add: 51 7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $21 71 22 78 square yards guttering at 42c 9 65 91.91 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 38 60 Pier & Ackerman, lot 277, East Dubuque add: 73.3 lineal feet curbing at 42c $30 79 34.35 square yards guttering at 42c 14 43 170.58 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 71 64 - $116 86 J. R. Jellison, e34 lot 292, East Dubuque add: 48 lineal feet curbing at 427$20 16 23 62 square yards gettering at 420 9 92 131.30 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 55 15 John Cahill, n34 lot 292, East Dubuque add: 25.6 lineal feet curbing at 42c $10 75 11.40 0s gcuare yards gutteringa4 79 45.60 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 19 15 869 96 $69 96 $69 96 885 23 $34 69 Vitus Fleischman, lot 293, East Dubuque add: 51.3 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 21 55 22 80 square yards guttering at 423 9 57 91 20 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 38 30 $ 69 42 Martin Nowotny, s34 lot 294 East Dubuque add: 25 6 lineal feet curbing at 42c.$ 11.40 square yards guttering at 42c 45.61/ square yards guttering at 42c.. 10 75 4 79 19 15 $ 34 69 Anton Zack, n34 lot 294, East Dubuque add : 25 6 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 75 11.40 square yards guttering at 42c. 4 79 45 60 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 19 15 $ 34 69 Helen Koenig e34 lot 295, East Duhuque add: 25.6 lineal feet curbing at 42e.$ 10 75 11.40 square yards guttering at 42c 4 79 45 60 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 19 15 $ 34 69 G. G. Moser, lot 293, East Dubuque add: 52.7 liueal feet curbing at 42c$ 22 13 28 13 square yards guttering at 42c 11 81 112.53 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 47 26 --$ 81 20 Wm McLaughlin, Sr., w61 ft lot 315, East Dubuque add: 74 9 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 31 46 35.47 square yards guttering at 42c 14 89 176 96 square y ards macadam- izing at 42c 74 35 $120 65 Albert Benda, s 34 lot 314, East Duhugaeadd: 25 6 lineal feet curbing at 42o. $10 75 11.40 square quare yards gutteringat 23 4 79 45.60 square yards macad- amizing at 423 19 15 Nicholas Steffen, n34lot 314, East Dubuque add: 25.6 lineal feet curbing at 42c $10 75 1140 square yards guttering at 4.2c 4 79 45 60 square yards macad- amizing at 42c. 19 15 Pete M. Schlosser, ii14 lot 313, East Dubuque add: 25.6 lineal feet curbing at 42c $10 75 11.40 square yards gutteriug at 42c 4 79 45.60 spuare yards macad- amizing at 42c 19 15 Jos. M atone, n34; lot 313, Ea t Dubuque add: 25 6 lineal feet curbing at 42o $10 75 11.40 square yards guttering at 42c 4 79 45 60 square yards macad- amizing at 420 19 15 Mary Boyle, s34 lot 312, East Dubuque add: 25 6 lineal feet curbing at 42c 310 75 11.40 square yards guttering at 42c 479 45.60 square yards macad- amizing at 42c 19 15 $34 69 $34 69 834 69 $34 69 $34 69 125 Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 6, 180 2. Isaac Bel' .Joseph, nay lot 812, East Dubuque add: 95 6 lineal feet curbing at 42c $10 75 11.40 square yards guttering at 42c 4 79 45.60 square yards macad- amizing at 42c 19 15 Isaac Ber Joseph, lot 2, sub lot 311, East Dubuque add : 1. lineal foot curbing at 42c$ 42 .44 square yards guttering at 42c 18 1.78 square yards macadamiz- ing at 42c 75 Reuben Lewis, lot 1, sub of lot 311, East Dubuque add: 5(13 lineal feet curbing at 42o.$ 21 13 27.69 42 uare yards guttering . 11 63 110 75 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 46 52 $34 69 1 35 $ 79 28 Albert Leute, lot 283, East Dubuque add: 74.2 lineal feet curbing at 42b$ 31 16 76 4 square yards gutteringa14 67 177.51 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 74 k5 - $ 120 31 Aug. Rohr, lot 283, East Dubuque add: 51.6lineal feet curbing at42c.$ 21 67 22.93 square yards guttering at 420 963 91.73 square yards macadam- izing at 42e 38 53 John Stumpf, lot 284, East Dubuque add: 51.6 lineal Leet curbing at 42c.$ 21 67 22.93 square yards guttering at 42c 963 91.73 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 33 53 Mary Driscoll lot 285, East -$ Dubuque add: 51.6 lineal feet curbing at 42c.$ 21 67 22.93 square yards guttering at 430 963 91.73 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 38 53 Chas Fatka, lot 286 East -$ 69 83 Dubuque add : 53.5 lineal feet curbing at 42c 22 47 23.78 square yards gutter- ing at 42c 9 99 156.18 Square yards macad- izing at 42c 65 59 69 ;3 John Kluck, lot 325, East Dubuque add.: 75.4 lineal feetcurbing at 42c 35.29 square yards gutter- ing at 42c 177.51 square yards macad amizing at 42,: Anton Wandraczak, lot 324 East Dubuque add: 51.6 lineal feet curbing at 42c. 21 67 22.93 square yards guttering at 42c 963 91.73 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 38 53 --$ 31 67 14 82 98 05 74 55 $ 121 04 Mathias Dudzineki, lot 323 East Dubuque add: 51.6 lineal feet curbing at 42c. 21 67 22.93 square yards gutter- ing at 42o 9.63 91.73 Fquare yards macadam- izing at 42c 38 53 69 83 69 83 Frank Strineky, lot 322 East Dubuque add: 51.6 lineal teet curbing at 42c 22.93 square yarde guttering at 42c 91.73 square yards macadam- izing at 42c Peter Hanson, lot 321, East Dubuque add: 75 2 lineal feet curbing at 42c. 35.20 square yards guttering at 42c 174 82 square yards macad- amizing at 42c John Butler,s34 lot 287,East Dubuque add. 110.39 square yards macad- amizing at42c 21 67 9 63 F3 53 $ 69 83 31 59 14 78 73 42 $ 119 79 $46 36 $ 46 36 Mat Bahukg, n34 lot 287, East Dubuque add. 45 96 square yards macadam- izing at 42., $ 19 30 -$ 19 30 Chae. Bcrnheiser, lot 288, East Dubuque add: 51.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 71 22 98 square yards guttering at 420 91.91 square yards macadam- izing at 42e 9 65 28 69 -$ 69 90 John Kodesky, s% lot 289, East Dubuque add: 25 8 lineal feet curbing 42e$ 10 84 11.49 square yards guttering at 42c 4 83 45 96 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 19 30 $ 34 97 Mary Gehrens, nX 289, East Dubuque add: 25 9 lineal feet curbing at42c $ 10 88 11.49 square yards guttering at 420 483 45.95 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 19 30 $ 35 01 Joseph Dentinger, lot 290, East Dubuque add: 51.7 lineal teat curbing at 42c$ 21 71 22.98 square yards guttering at 42c 965 91.91 square yards macadam- izing at 42c 38 60 $ 69 96 J. C. & R. E. Butler lot 291 E. Dubuque add : 177.69 sq yds macadam at 42c $ 74 63 Mathias Lillak lot 320 E. $ 74 83 Dubuque add: 72.9 lin ft curbing at 42c$ 30 62 34.76 sq yds guttering at 42014 60 175.02 sq yds macadam at 42c 73 51 $ 118 73 Nicholas Boesen lot 319 E. Dubuque add: 51.7 lin ft curbing at 42c $ 21 71 22 OS sq yds guttering 42o9 65 91.91 sq yds macadam at 42c38 60 $ 69 96 Joseph Zemanek lot 318 E. Dubuque add: 51.7 lineal ft curbing at 420..8 21 71 22.98 sq yds guttering at 42o. 9 85 91.91 sq y ds macadm at 42e.. 38 60 Frank Kopsa s3fi lot 317 E. $ 69 96 Dubuque add: 25.8 lineal ft curbing at 42c..$ 10 84 11.49 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 483 45 95 sq yds macaw at 420.... 19 30 $ 34 9T i`iI,4 to •S' Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 6, 1892. 126 Frank Peter km n34 lot 317E. Dubuque add: 25 8 lineal ft curbing at 42c..$ 10 84 11.49 so yds guttering at 42c.. 4 83 45.95 sq yds niacadau at 42c.. 19 30 $ 34 97 Josephina Broda, lot 316, East Dubuque add: 75 7 lineal faet curbing at 42c$ 31 79 35.65 eq yds guttering at 423.. 14 97 177.69 sq yds macadam at 42c. 74 63 --$ 121 39 J. A.Rhomberg, lot 306 East Dubuque add: 58.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c.$ 24 65 26.1 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 10 96 104.4 eq yds macadam at 42c. 43 85 $ 79 46 Chas. R Anthony, n34 307, East Dubuque add: 25.6 lineal teet curbing at 4213.$ 10 75 11.4 sq yds guttering at 42c... 4 79 45.5 sq y ds macadam at 42c.. 19 11 --$ 34 65 Aug. Ducclni, s3! 307, East Dubuque add: 25 6 lineal feet curbing at 423 $ 11.4 sq yds guttering at 42c... 45.5 sq yds macadam at 42c.. Geo. Kline, n34 308, Nast Dubuque add: 25.6 lineal feet curbing at 420.$ 10 75 11.4 sq yds guttering at 42c... 4 79 45.5 sq yds macadam at 42c.. 19 11 $ 34 65 10 75 4 79 19 11 $ 34 65 C. W. Kannolt,lot 309, East Dubuque add: 51.2 lineal feet curbinW at 42c.$ 21 50 22.8 sq yds guttering at 42c... 9 57 91 sq yds macadam at 42c.... 38 22 Albert Hovorka, N 3! 310, East Dubuque add: 27.4 lineal feet curbing of 42c.$ 11 51 12.2 sq yds guttering at 42c... 5 13 48.7 sq yds macadam at 42c... 20 45 Jos. Kubec, s 3! 310, East Dubuque adu : 28 2 lineal feet curbing at 42c.$ 11 84 17.5 sq yds guttering at 42:... 7 35 70.2 sq yda macadam at 42c.. 29 48 --$ C., M. & St. P. R. R compa- ny, lot 301, East Dubuque add: 54.7 lineal feet curbing at 4213.$ 22 97 24.3 sq yds guttering at 42c... 10 21 97.4 sq yds macadam at42.... 40 91 - $ 7419 C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co., lot 300, East Dubuque add: 51.2 lineal feet curbing at 42e.$ 21 51. 22.8 sq yds guttering at 4213... 9 57 91 sq yds macadam at 42c.... 28 22 ---$ 69 30 Valentine Hentrick, lot 299, East Dubuque add: 51.2 lineal feet curbing at 4213.$ 22.8 sq yds guttering at 4'3.. 91 sq yds macadam at 42c.... 69 29 37 09 4S 67 21 51 9 57 33 22 -$ 69 30 John Rokusech,lot 298, East Dubuque add: 51.2 lineal feet curbing at 42c.$ 21 51 22.8 sq yds guttering at 42e... 9 57 91 sq yds macadam at 42c.... 38 22 Valentine Hentrich, lot 297, East Dubuque add: 54 lineal feet curbing at 42c..$ 22 68 29 3 sq yds guttering at 42c... 12 31 117.3 sq ys macadam at 42c.. 49 27 - $ 69 30 84 26 A. Lewis, say lot 308, East Dubuque add: 25 8 lineal feet curbing at 42c.$ 10 75 11.4 sq yds guttering at 42c... 4 79 45.5 sq yds macadam at 42c... 19 11 ---$ 34 65 John Murdt, nal lot 295, East Dubuque add: 25 6 lineal feet curbing at420.$ 10 75 11.40 eq yds guttering at 42c.. 4 79 45.60 sq yds macadam at 42c.. 19 15 Recapitulation of above: 2740.4 lineal ft curbing at 42c.$1150 92 1260.12 sq yds guttering at 42c 529 24 5832 66 sq yds macadam at 42c 2 449 67 Total amount of special as- sessment due contractor.. $4,129 83 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, i'easlee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That that to nay for improve- ments on Madison street from Main istreet to Seminary, by Stanek & Farrell, contract- ors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate as fo'lows : A. R. Staufenbeil, lot 91, Cox's add: 14 8 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 6 22 6.22 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 2 61 8.79 sq yds macadam at 42c.. 3 85 --$ 12 48 A. R. Staufenbeil, lot 92, Cox'e add: 131 lineal feet curb at 42c...$ 55 02 58.22 eq yds guttering at 42c 24 45 209 sq yds macadam at 42o 87 78 $167 25 A. R. Staufenbeil, e3 1 lot 51, Cox's add: 50 lineal ft burbing at 42c...$ 21 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33 77.79 sq yds macadam at 42c 32 67 $ 63 00 A. R. Staufenbeil, e3! lot 50, Cox's add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 42c...$ 21 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33 77.79 sq yds maoadam at 42c 32 87 - $ 63 00 A. R. Staufenbeil, eX lot 49, Coxs add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 42c...$ 21 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 420 9 33 77.79 sq yds macadam at 42c 32 67 - $ 63 00 A. R. Staufenbeil, e3! lot 44, Cox's add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 42c...$ 21 00 22 21 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 07 77.79 sq yds macadam at 42c 30 71 $ 60 78 A. R. Staufenbeil, E 3y lot 47, Cox's add : 6 lineal ft curbing at 42o $ 2 52 2.67 sq yds guttering at 42c1 12 933 sq yds macadam at 42o3 92 -$ 758 ---$ 34 69 Wm. Rudolph, lot 1 of out - lot 678, city. 14.6 lineal feet curbing at 42c.$ 61 32 64.59 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 27 25 227.11 sq yds macadam at 42c. 95 32 - --$ 183 96 Christian Jungk, lot 1 of 2 of outlot 678, city : 100 lineal feet curbing at 42c. 42 00 44 44 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 18 86 155.56 sq yds macadam at 42c. 65 34 - ---$ 126 00 127 Adjourned Regular Session, ,Sept. 6, 1892. Christian Juogk, lot 2 of 2 of 2 of outlot 678, city : 60 lineal feet curbing at 42c..$ 25 20 26 67 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 11 20 93.33 eq yds macadam at 4Lc..39 20 ---$ 75 60 Mary Flynn, lot 6 sub of 2 of outlot 673: 107 lineal feet curbing at 32c.$ 42 94 47 56 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 19 98 166.44 sq yds macadam at 42c 69 90 $ 134 82 James Mc:.ann, lot 5 of 2 of outlot 673: 57 lineal feet curbing at 42c..$ 23 94 25.33 sq yds guttering at 42c. 10 64 88.67 sq yds macadam at 42c. 37 24 -$ 71 82 James McCann, lot 2 of 4 of 2 of outlot 673, city: 20 5 lin feet curbing at 42e...$ 8 61 9.11 eq yds guttering at 42e... 3 83 31.89 sq yds macadam at 92c. 13 39 -- -$ 25 83 Fleming Bros., lot 1 of 4 of of 2 of outlot 673, city : 36 5 lin feet curbing at 42c... 15 33 49 66 sq yds guttering at 42c. 20 86 113.22 sq yds macamam at 42c 47 55 P. W. Crawford, lot 7 of 2 of outlot 673, city: 11.5 lineal feet curbing at 42o $ 4 83 5,11 sq yds guttering at 42c... 2 15 41.17 sq yds macadam at 42c.. 17 29 $ 24 27 P. W. Crawford, lot 1 of 2 of outlot 673, city : 20.2 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 8 40 8.98 sq yds guttering at 42c... 3 77 21.17 sq yds guttering at 423.. 10 15 Eliza A. Bale, lot 1 of out - lot 673. city : 169.3 lin feet curbing at 42o...$ 71 11 86 67 sq yds guttering at 423.. 36 40 294 44 sq yds macadam at 42c 143 66 $ 231 87 83 74 22 40 John Cameron, lot 31, L. H. Langworthy's sub: 112.5 lin feet curbing at 42c..$ 47 25 50 sq yds guttering at 42c.... 21 00 175 sq yds macadam at 42c... 73 50 $ 141 75 John Cameron. lot 30, L. H. Langworthy's sub. 54.7 lineal ft curbing at 42c...$ 22 97 24 31 sq yds guttering at 42c .. 19 21 85.09 sq yds macadam at 42c.. 35 74 4 88 92 John Cameron, lot 29, L. H. Langworthy's sub. 54 7 lineal ft curbing at 42c. $ 22 97 24.31 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 10 21. 85.09 sq yds macadamat42c.. 35 74 $ 68 92 John Cameron, lot 28, L H. Langworthy's sub. 7 lineal feet curbing at 42e...$ 2 94 3.11 eq yds guttering at 423.. 1 31 10.89 sq yds macadam at 42c. 4 57 -- -$ 8 82 Michael Duggan, lot 1, of out lot 678, city. 470.4 lineal ft curbing at 42c..$ 197 57 209.79 eq yds guttering at 42c. 83 11 750.09 sq yds macadam at 42c 315 04 -$ 600 72 Michael Duggan, lot 2 of 54, Marsh's add. 39.3lineal ft curbing at 4213...$ 16 51 18 22 sq yds guttering at 420.. 7 65 73.11 sq yds macadam at 42c. 30 71 ---$ 54 87 Recapitulation of above: 1,818.4 lin ft curbing at 42c.$ 763 73 853.53 sq yds guttering at 42c. 358 47 2,948.87 sq yds macad at 42c..1,238 48 Total amount ot special as- --- sessment due contractor $2,360 68 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Aids. Byrne, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page. Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Crawford excused from voting. Ald. Glab offered the following. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for the improvement of Fourteenth street, from Pine street to Maple street, by Stanek & O'Farrell, con- tractors. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax he and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lot4, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owued, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estats, as follows: Pier & Ackerman, lot 281, East Dubuque add: 112 3 lineal feet curbing at 4lc$ 46 04 49.02 Eq yds guttering at 41c.. 20 10 209.42 sq yds macadam at 41c. 85 86 - $ 152 00 Albert Leute, lot 284, East Dubuque add: 112.8 lineal feet curbing at 41c$ 46 25 49.24 sq yds guttering at 41c. 20 19 210.31 sq yds macadam at 41c 88 23$152 67 Nic Class, lot 261, East Du- buque add: 133.9 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 54 90 60.40 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 24 76 279.02 eq yds macadam at 41c 114 40 - 4 194 C6 Anna Roshon, lot 262, East Dubuque add: 143 3 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 54 75 64 58 sq yds guttering at 51c. 26 48 279.91 sq yds macadam at 41c 114 76$ 199 99 Recapitulation of the above: 502.3 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 205 94 223.4 sq yds guttering at 410. 91 53 978 66 sq yds macadam at 41c 4u1 25 -$ 698 72 Adopted by the following vote. Ayes -Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cush- ing, Glab, Nicks. Page, Peaslee and Smith. Aid. Cushiug offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvements on Main street, from Seventeenth to Charter street, by Atkinson & Oloff, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts ot lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Bt. John's Episcopal church, s2 5 lot 463, city : 129 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 64 80 277 94 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 469 72 -$ 534 22 E H. Sheppley, ml -5 lot 463, city : 51.2 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 25 60 99 56 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 168 26 ---$ 193 86 N. W. Kimball, n2-5 lot 433, cite : 84 5 lineal ft curbing at 50e$ 42 25 41 5 old curbing reset at 903 74 268 03 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 452 97 $ 498 96 City of Dubuque, "Jackson Park:" 385 9 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 192 95 900.36 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 1521 61 - -$1714 56 F. M. Robinson est., s 157 ft of w'% lot 746, city : 157 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 78 50 345 40 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 583 73 ----$ 662 23 Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 6, 1892. 128 Geo. L Torbert, n 57 ft of way lot 746, city : 66.9 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 33 45 127.16 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 214 90 $ 248 35 Joseph Herod, n one-fifth lot 472, ciiy 66.2 lin feet curbing at 50o....$ 33 10 114.4 sq yds brick pav, $1.69. 193 34 $ 226 44 Joseph Herod, n X n m one-fifth lot 472, city: 25.6 lin feet curbing at 50c....$ 12 80 56.32 sq yds brick pav, $1.69.. 95 18 $ 107 98 Mrs. Mary Wilson, s 3y n m one-fifth lot 472, city : 25.6 lin feet curbing, at 500...$ 12 80 56.32 eq yds brick pav, $1.69 . 95 18 ---$ 107 98 Mrs. Mary Wilson, n 52 ft m one-flfth lot 472, city : 5.2 lin feet curbing at 50c $ 2 60 11.44 sq yds brick pav, $1.6919 33 -$ 21 93 M. Gilleas,s 46 ftm one-fifth lot 472, city : 46 lineal feet curbiug at 50c..$ 23 00 101.20 sq yds brick pav, $1.69. 171 03$ 194 03 H. F. Mulligan, s m one- fifth lot 472, city: 51.2 lin feet curbing at 50c...$ 25 60 112.64 sq yds brick pav, $1.69. 190 35 --$ 215 96 J. and D. Olinger, s 1-5 lot 472, city : 64.4 lineal feet curbing at 500.$ 32 20 11.5 do old curb reset at 9c... 1 04 211.67 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 357 76 -$ 391 00 W. H. Peabody, n 1.51ot471, 69 4 lineal feet curbing at 50e.$ 34 70 8.8 do old curb reset at 90 79 211.69 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 357 76 $ 393 25 R. Cox est n m 5610-100 ft lot 471, city : 56 8 lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 28 40 126.22 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 213 31 -$ 241 71 Mrs. Anna Otley, s m 51 2-100 ft lot 471, city : 512 lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 25 60 113.78 sq yds brick paving at 192 29 $1.69 ---$ 2I7 89 D. D. Myers, s 9610-100 ft lot 471, city : 121.11 lineal feet curb at 50e..$ 60 55 303.02 sq yds brick paving at $1.69 $ 589 55 --$ 589 55 Mrs. Elizabeth Young, lot 470a, city: 77 lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 3 85 72.5 do old curb reset at 9c6 53 184 47 sq yds brick paving at 311 75 $1.69 ----$ 322 13 A. J. Van Duzee, n lot 470 city : 51.2 lineal feet curbing at 500.$ 25 60 85.90 sq yds 1 rick pav, $1.69.145 17 -$ 170 77 George Crane, n w ( lot 470. city: 51.2Iineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 25 69 88.18 sq ds brick pav, $1.69.. 149 02$ 174 62 D. B. Henderson, s m X lot 470, city : 51. 2 lineal feet curbing at 50c. $ 25 60 90.46 sq yds brick pav, $1.69..152 88 -$ 178 48 N. J. Scbrup, s % lot 470 75.1 lineal feet curbing at 50,.$ 37 55 3.4 lin ft old curb reset at .09. 31 178.20 sq yds brick pav, $1.69. 301 16--$ 339 02 Dubuque Street Railway Co (from 15th to center of 14th.) 259 80 s- yds brick pav, EL 69. Recapitulation of above: 1694.2 lineal feet curbing at 50o... $ 847 10 137.7 lineal feet old curb reset, at .09e 12 4t 4334.8 sq yds brick paving at $1.69.. 7 324 77 Total amount due contractor $8 184 28 $ 459 06 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aids. Byrne. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Cushing moved that the action of the council on the levying of a special assess- ment for Main street in so far as it applies to the Dubuque Street Railway Company be reconsidered. Carried. Aid. Crawford moved that all special assessments levied today bear interest at the rate of tive per cent. per annum. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That the mayor be and is hereby instructed to re -organize the raving com- mittee, as at present said committee are unable to agree on the manner that Main street is being improved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks and Page. Noes-Alds. Byrne Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That the honorable board of supervi- sors be and is hereby notified to levy a tax of (3) three mills for bridge fund for the city of Dubuque for the year 1892 according to to chapter 16 of the laws of the Twenty- second General Assembly of 1888, and the recorder be and is hereby instructed to for- ward a copy of the above resolution to the honorable board of supervisors. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, and Smith. Ald. Smith moved that the action taken by the council at the special session held August 31st, 1892, in relation to the bridge fund be ratified and approved, provided that the board of supervisors pay over the amount agreed upon fortwith. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Page, and Smith. Noes- Alds. Cushing and Peaslee. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city recorder be and is city herebytheinstructed to issue a venire to marshal commanding him to ummona jury of twelve freeholders, having 129 Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 6, 1892. the qualfications required by law, to assess the damages which any person may sustain by reason of the opening of Lincoln avenue from White street to Couler avenue, in accordance with the plat of said proposed street now on the in the office of the city engineer. All the proceedings connected with the issue of sai venire, the summoning of the jury, and t assessment of damages to be taken an •n - ducted in accordance with the provisions of chapter26 of the revised ordinances. Ald. Glab moved that the matter of loca- tion and the improvement of Broadway b referred to the committee of the whole t CITY COUNCIL report on at the adjourned meeting. Car- ried. d. 'ourn, Carried. Special Session, Aug. 31, 1892. Council met at 11:15 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present, Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Gllab, Nicks, Page and Stoltz. Ali Page offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the county treasurer of Du- buque be and is hereby requested to pay over, forthwith, to the city of Dubuque, th sum of $1,500, or so much thereof as ha been collected, and the balance of said *1,- 500 when collected, and that the balance the bridge fund levy of 1S91 for Julien ship be appropriated by the city of prIbu to be expended by the board of super • sors of Dubuque county, together wi . • mayor and street committee, on the principal roads leading into the city of Dubuque, includin repairs, and that a report shall be made t the city council as to where the money is e pended. ::recorder. 1992 7 _111/ Cf r' L L Mayor. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes. Alds. Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Page and Stoltz. Nay, Ala. Cushing. Ald. Gilab offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the city of Dubuque: That Pickett street in the city of Dubuque be and the same is hereby de- clared a public highway, and the city mar- shal is hereby directed to remove any ob- struction that may be upon said streets according to law. Ald. Pare ad'ourn. ar ":• Recorder. Approved 1592. •7 7I .. Dfuyor. Official Notices. 130 AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE to amend an ordinance en- tit'ed "An ordinance to restr tin cows, horses, and other animals from running at large," the purpose of the amendment being to extend the operations of the said ordinance so as tjin- clude the entire limits of the city of Dubuque Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sea. 1 That sect'on 1 of chapter 31 of the re- vised ordinances of 1887 of the city of Dubuque, being an ordinance entitled "Au ordinance to restrain cows, horses and other animals from running at lame," be and the same is hereby amended a, follows, viz: By striking from and repealing all that par of section 1 of said ordi- nance commencing with the word "provided" in the fourteenth line and ending with the w .rds "Semina,y street" in the twenty sixth line of said section. Sec. 2. The intention of this o dinance is to extend the provisions and ope'ations of said chapter 51 of the revised ord nances of the city of D,.buque of 1887 so as to apply to and include all territory lying within the corporat, limits of the city of Dubuque, 'owa. Provided, That the provis'ons of he ordinance shad not apply to the following portions of the city, to -wit: All of the territory lying east of the tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul railway north of E eveuth street; alt of section fourteen (14), and the west half of section twenty three (23), town 89, rang (2) east; all territory west of the west line of Grandview avenue extended due north to the south lice of section 23; also, all south of routbern avenue. Provided further, That all animals spec tied in the first section of chapter 51 of the revised ordinances ere pr thibited from running at large in any of the above deserihed parts of the city during the night time from seven (7) o'clock p. In. to seven (7) o'clock a. m. ; and any animals therein specified found running at large between the bouts above named shall be d,strained se cured, and detained in the manner provided riI said section, and only released on the payment of the fees specified in section 3 of said ordi- nance. Sec. 3 This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Herald, a newspaper printed and published iu the city of Dubuque, state of Iowa. Adopted August 1st. 1892. Approved August 19th, . 892 CHAS J W SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To P. Cantwell, Henry Cannon, J. H. Shields and unknown: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city couneil of the city of Dubuque for the laying of sidewalk, adopted on the 1st day of August, A. D., 1892, a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 2, Finlev'y addition, lot 140, 141 and 142 in Fin- ley, Waples & Burton's addition owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the council, to be held on the 5th of September, A. D , 1892, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. J. C. FITZPATRICK, 121 City Recorder. To Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder until Friday, Aug. 19, at 3 p. m., for furnishing and putting in new curbing around Washington square, in the city of Dubuque. according to specifica- tions on file in the office of the city recorder. Dubuque, Aug. 13, 1892. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. • Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder up to Monday, Sept. 5, 1892, at 9 o'clock a. m for grading, curbing, guttering and macademizmg the the following streets according to plans and specifications on file in the city recorder's office : Francis street from West Eagle Point ave- nue to Hart street. Alma street from Thomas to Pickett street. Oak street from Quince to Belle street. seminary street from west boundary of Cox's addition to West Locust street, also the south half of Seminary street between the east line of lot 72, Cox's addition and west line of said C 'x'sadd. Alley between Rhomberg and Garfield and between Johnston and Windsor avenues. Alley between Middle and Fengler stretes, and between Rhomberg and Garfield ave- nues. The extent of the work is as follows: Francis street—Grading, 9iS cubic yards cut; curbing, 800 lineal feet; guttering, 360 square yards; macadamizing, 1,550 square yards. Alma street—Grading, 750 cubic yards cut; curbing, 800 lineal feet; guttering, 355 square yards; macadamizing, 1.070 square yards. Oak street—Grading, 6,793 cubs yards cut and 1,S50 cubic yards fill; curbing, 2,700 lineal feet. guttering, 1,200 cubic yards; macada- mizing, 3,300 cubic yards. Seminary street— Grading 19,695 cubic yards cut and 15,844 cubic yards till; curb- ing, 10,4.50lineal feet; guttering, 4,640 square yards: macadamizing, 17.700 square yards. Alley between Rhomberg and Garfield avenues and Johnston and Windsor avenues —Grading, 370 cubic yards cut; macadamiz- ing, 818 square yards Alley between Middle and Schiller, and be- tween Rhomberg and G. rfield avenues.;grad- ing 1011 cubic yards; macadamizing 747 square yards. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for curbing the price per sqnare yard for guttering and macadamizing. Grading on streets to be bid for in total, grading for alloys to be bid for by cubic yard. Bidders must furnish bond of 3200 that contract will be entered into if awarded them. Proposals will be acted upon at the regu- lar session to be held Monday, Aug. 5, 1892. Blank kids for bidders will be furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the right to reject all bids J C. FITZPATRICK, —lot City Recorder. The Mayor's Proclamation. By chapter 45 of the Acts of the Twenty- third General Assembly of Iowa, the first Monday of September was designated as a legal holiday to he known as Labor Day. The adoption of this law was aust recog- nition of the workingmen of Iowa. Du- buque during the past year has been pros- perous; our population has increased. and our laboring people have been all employed at remunerative wages and our business men as a rule have met with a fair measure of success. In accordance with custom, as mayor of the city, I appeal to all the people of Dubuque to observe this state holiday in a manner becoming the occasion, with the thought that by so doing those who labor may have a day of rest and recreation, and believing that it will be to the ultimate ben- efit of employe and employed as well as all the people. Witness my hand and the seal of the city of Dubuque this 3d day of September, 1592. CHAS. J. W. Seusimts, Mayor. 131 Oficial Notices. Resolution Ordering Stagnant Water L ,ts to be Filled WREREAe, The property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, sub- ject to be covered with stagnant water; and, WHEREAS, The owners of said property have been notified as required by law to ap- pear and show cause why said lots should not be filled: therefore, Be it Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque that the following described property, lots and parts of lots, viz: 548 and 543, city, be filled and raised at the expense of the owners to a heighth sufficient, in the judgment of the city engineer, to prevent stagnant water remaining thereon. The work is to be completed by Sept. 1, 1892. The city marshal shall notify the owners of said praperty of the passage of this reso- lution in the manner provided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up or raise said property, lots and parts of lots. by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien noon said property. 12t S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Notice. To the owner or owners of the several lots or parcels of ground abutting Madison street. Maple street between Thirteenth and Eighteenth streets, Fourteenth street between Pine and Maple streets, and Main street from Fourteenth to Seventeenth streets, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and of the street railway occupying with its track a portion of said Main street, and to any person or persons' firm or company having any interest in said real estate or said railway. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER, DUBUQUE, Iowa. You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque a plat of Madison street, Maple street between Thirteenth and Eighteenth streets, Fourteenth street between Pine and Maple streets, and Main from Fourteenth to Seventeenth streets, in said city, showing the seperate lots or parcels of ground abutting on said street and the tracks of the street railway laid thereon, subject to special asseFsment for the paving, curbing and macadamizing of said streets, and the names, as far as far as practicable, of the several owners of said abutting real estate, and of said street railway, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and against said street railway, sor the in4pec- toin of any person, flrm or company inter- ested in any of said real estate or in street railpby, and thrt such person, firm or com- pany, having any objections to the special tax proposed to be asseosed as shown by said plat, may flfle with the city recorder his or their objections in writing at or be- fore the next meeting of the city council of the City of Dubuque which will meet on the 5th day of September, 1892 E C. BLAKE, 10t City Engineer of Dubuque, Iowa. Sidewalk Notice. .Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk nine feet wide, of good Dement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Main street, abutting s -m3 n -m3 n3(1 city lot 470, and s -ml -5 city lot 472. Adopted Aug. 1, 1892. lot J. C. FrTzrwTsICK. City Recorder. Notice or Sal-. I will sell at public auction to the best bid- der for cash ou the 9th day of August, 1892, at 2 o'clock p m., at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, the follow- ing impounded animals, to -wit: One light gray horse about 12 years old. 8. B. Rica, City Marshal. Dubuque, Aug. 3,1892.—fie special A Pesi,ment Notice. To Mrs. Elizabeth Young: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Main street, from Fourteenth street to Seventeenth street. adopted on the 1st day of August A D. 1892, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all tots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 470 A in city owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 5th day of September A. D. 1892 and show cause, it any you have, why said as- sessment should not be levied. J. C. FITZPATRICK, —5t City Recorder. No,Ice. Bids will be received at the office of the city recorder up to 12 o'clock noon Thurs- day, Sept. 15, 1892, for the furnishing of 100 voting booths to comply with the election law as passed by the Twenty-fourth General Assembly of Iowa. B ds must be accompanied by a sample of booth bid on. also a certified check of $500 on a Dubuque bank that if contract is awarded the booths will be delivered at the city hall in the city of Dubuque on or before Oct. 15, 1893. J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. CGAs. J. W. SAUNDBRS, Mayor. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder in the city of Du- buque. until Friday, August l9ch, 1S92, at 3 o'clock p m., for furnishing materials and constructing cement sidewalks as follows: On the west side of Jackson square. On all four sides of Washington square. On the east and south fronts of the Fourth street engine house. The work to be done according to the specifications on file in the office of the city recorder. P. W. CRAWFORD. Chairman Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. 5t Notice. To all Owners of Poles and Wires: The electrical department will immediately commence the removal at your expense, of all poles and wires erected or maintained in violation of the ordinances relating thereto. J. L. BUNTING. 2t City Electrician. Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 9, 1592. 132 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Ieguli.r Session, Sept. 9, 1892. Council met at 10:05 o'clock a. m., Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present -Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab. Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Petition of James Fares er asking that plat of Forester's sub be accepted, presented and read. Ald. Peaslee moved that the plat on file in the recorder's office of Forester's sub he re- ferred to the street committee. Carried. Ald. Smith moved that all bids for street Improvements except for alley between Schilleriand Middle, and between; Rhom- berg and Garfield avenues, be opened and read. Carried. Bids opened and read. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Rasolved, That the contract for the improve- ment of Seminary street be awarded to the lowest and best bidder, with the under: tend- ing that the heavy filling w.11 he done this fall, but no paving or macadamizing be put on such fills uutil next spring; also, that the surface of the other portions of the street shall not be excavated to a greater extent than the whole improvement of such por- t.ons can be completed this fall, and further that the city reserves the right to make the proposed changes of grade. The bids were referred to the engineer for computation. Communication from the Trades and Labor congress a -king that the third story of the Central Engine house be kept for pub- lic purposes and not give the use of same to any one or more organizations, and that it will be kept under control of the committee on public buildings. Referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Bill of Bryan Donahue of $333.18 for con- structing sidewalks. Referred to the street committee. Bill of Steuck & O'Farrell of $305. Re- ferred to the street committee. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Peasle, chairman of the finance com- mittee reported as follows: Your committee report that they have de- livered improvement bonds numbered from 1 to 47 inclusive amounting to $23,500 to C. H. White 8c Co., as per resolution adopted July 18, 1892. Herewith find treasurer's re- ceipt attached for same. EDW. O. PEASLEE, JOHN P. PAGE, Committee. Report adopted. Also reported that they find the treasurer's report herewith attached correct and recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of L. Gonner, treasurer, for $1,429 57, being the amount due him for moneys paid out during the month of August, we also recommend that loan warrants be drawn for $20,000 for money borrowed during the month of August as per the within report. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee moved that a warrant for $4.95 be drawn in favor of the mayor for fine refunded an ex -policeman of Sioux City. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordinance committee, presented and read for the first time the following ordinance, which was ordered published in the official proceedings: AN ORDINANCE. To protect the paved and macadamized streets of the city of Dubuque, and for that purpose to regulate the width of the the tires of wagons, trucks, drays and other ve- hicles used for the transportation of heavy articles Be it ordained by the city council of the citv of Dubuqne. SECTION 1 That on and after the first day of November, 192, it shall be unlawful for any teamster, truckman, drayman Gartman. wagoner, or other person, to drive or use, or permit to be driven or used, on any of the paved or macadamized streets of the city of Dubuque, any wagon drawn by more than one horse or mule, or zany truck, dray, cart, or other vehicle used for the hauling of any kind f merchandise, lumber, cordwood, pinewood, coal, ice, stone, brick, earth, sand, or gravel. or other heavy articles of any kind, unless the tires of the wheels of such wagon, truck, dray, cart. or other vehicle shall be at least four inches in width. Provided. That until after the first day of -- l8- the provisions of this section shall not apply to the wagons of farmers bringing into the city any kind of farm produce, or in the city for the purpose of trading. Sec. 2. That on and after No ember, 1, 1392, it shall be unlawful for the owner or driver of any omnibus, omnibus wagon, baggage wagon, or milk wagon, to drive, or use, or permit to be driven or used on any of the paved or macadamized streets of the city, any omuibus, omnibus wagon, baggage wagon, or milk wagon drawn by more than one horse or mule unless the surface of the tires of the wheels of such omnibus, or other vehicles shall be at least three inches in width. Sec. 3. That after the expiration of three months from the date of the taking effect of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any teamster, farmer, truckman, drayman, or other owner or driver of any wagon, truck, cart or other vehicle, drawn by more than one horse or other animal to lock, or permit to be locked, or othewise prevent, or obstruct the turning of the wheels of such wagon or other vehicle while being driven on any street, avenue, or public road or alley, with- in the city limits, except by means of a metal or wooden shoe, at least four inches wide Provided that this section shall not apply to vehicles used exclusively for the transportation of passangers. Sec. 4. That any person who shall be guilty of violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof, be tined one dollar tor the fir t offence, with costs of suit; and for each subsequent offence not less than five nor more than twenty dollars, with costs. See. 5. That the ordinance adopted August 5, 18S9, entitled an ordinance -regulating teamsters and owners of heavy draft wagons. drays, trucks, etc , for protectionot streets," be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 6. That the city marshal, street com- missioner, and other city officers having police powers, are specially charged with the strict enforcement of this ordinance. Sec. 7 This ordinance shall he published in the official papers of the city, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Herald newspaper. Adopted on first reading by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Byrne, Crawford. Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Also presented and read for the second time an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance in relation to the manufacture and storage cf inflammable oils and substances. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee. Smith and Stoltz. Also presented and read an ordinance regulating excavation in streets, which on motion was re-referred to the ordinance committee. pI 133 Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 9, 1892. Ald. Cushing arriv d at 11:15 o'clock a. m. Ald. Crawford moved that when we ad- journ we adjourn until Friday, Sept. 16th, 1892, at 2 o'clock p m. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordinance redistricting the wards be taken up. Car- ried Ald. Crawford moved that in section two of said ordinance, that Locust street be sub- stituted for Main street as the dividing line of said ward. Carried. Ald. Peaslee offered the following amend- ment to the ordinance providing for the division of the wards: First Ward—Precinct No 1—All that p -r - tion outh of Dodge street and South street on is direct line from center of South street to city limits. Precinct No 2—All that t or - tion north of Dodge street and South street. Second Ward—First Precinct—All that portion east of Locust street. Second pre- cinct—All that portion west of Locust street. Third Ward—First Precinct—All that por- tion between Eighth and Twelfth streets. Second Precinct—All that portion between Twelfth and Fifteenth. Third Precinct— All that portion north of Fifteenth street. Fourth Ward—First Precinct—All that por- tion south of Fourt.euth street and east of Alta Vista street Second Precinct --All that portion west of Alta Vista street and south of West Locust street and Arch street to the city limits. Third Precinct—All that por- tion north of Fourteenth street and east of Alta Vista street to its intersection with West Locust street, end all north of Arch street and north and east of West Locust street. Fifth ward—First precinct—All that por- tion west of Couler avenue. Second pre- tinct—All that portion north of Twentieth street, east of Couier avenue, south of San- ford street and west of Windsor avenue. Third precinct—All that portion east of Windsor avenue to intersectio.1 with Twen- tieth street to city limits. Fourth precinct —All that portion north of Sandford street east of Couler avenue, west of Windsor avenue to city limits. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Byrne, Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Peaslee moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance as amended be put on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Cushing. Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The ordinance was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Nicks moved tbat the following places be designated as the places of registration for the Fifth ward: First precinct, Schmidt's brewery; Second precinct, Saunders' building, near Kniest street and Eagle Point avenue; Third pre- cinct, corner of Fengler street and Rhom- berg avenue; Fourth precinct, corner Jack- son and Twenty-third street. Carried. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That in conformity with the or- dinance and for the purpose of raising rev- enue to defray the expense and to pay the debts of the city, the tax levy for the year 1892 shall be as follows: Mills. General expense qi Interest account 2 Water account 1 To complete Central engine house Total 11 The rules were suspended and Judge Lacy addressed the council in behalf of a delega- tion of citizens opposed to the surrender by the city to the Water company of its option to buy the water works, and stated that it seemed to be the general opinion that the city should not give up its right to buy the works, and that the city delay action until such time as a public meeting can be held and the matter thoroughly discussed. Hon. Jacob Rich and P. J Quigley also addressed the council in relation to the mat - tar and urged the council to delay action and not surrender its right to purchase the water works. Ald. Crawford moved that the mayor be requested to appoint a committee of flfty citizens to act with the council in the consid- eration of the whole question of the water company and the water supply of the city. Carried Mayor Saunders presented the following: Gentlemen of the Council: You have adopted at the regular session, Tuesday, Sept. 6, a resolution requesting me to reorganize the paving committee. I will now dissolve the same without reflection as to their having done everything and all in their power to give the city and the tax- payers an honest and creditable contract in the construction of Main street, believing, however, that the new paving committee should consist of five members. I will ap- point same as follows: Alds. Cushing, Olinger, Crawford, Peaslee and Glab. Respectfully, Cues J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Ald. Smith moved to adjourn to 2:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 3:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present, A1d. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee,Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford moved that the paving committee be authorized to elect its own chairman Ald. Peaslee moved to lay the motionson the table. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Nicks, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Noes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab and Page. The question recurring on the motion of Ald. Crawford was carried by the following vote: Ayes— Aids. Burne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks and Page. Noes—Ald. Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Aid Nicks moved that the bids for Queen, Regent and Sanford streets be opened. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford moved to reconsider the ac- tion of the council on opening bids for Queen, Regent and Sanford streets and that the matter be referred to the aldermen of the Fifth ward and mayor. Carried. The rules were suspended and Rev. Ruston addressed the council and asked that some action be taken to prevent the storm water from overflowing the premises on West Lo- cust street, coming from the bluff,on Thomas street. Ald Peaslee moved that the stree commis- sioner give immediate temporary relief by turning the water. Carried. It was ordered that Architect Carkeek be notified of the fact that there is a leak in the roof of the patrol house, and that he see that the contractor have same repaired. Profile of grade of Morning dun avenue retbrred to the street committee. Bill of Con Ryan of $50, balance due on grading of Grandview avenue, ordered paid. Bill of James Lee of $515 62, partial pay- ment for walks around Jackson park, order- ed paid. Bills of Ed Ryan, $1,600, and Steuck & Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 9, 1 S92. 134 Farrell, $2,145, referred to the street com- mittee. Petition of J. M. Kenety and J. W. Nor- ton to have Second avenue, from Garfield avenue to Lake Peosta, opened and have fences removed. Ald. Stoltz moved that the marshal have fences and obstructions removed. Carried. Petition of county auditor asking that the city taxes on city lot 320 for 1891 be cancelled as the same belongs to the county. Granted. Petition of Henry Nagel maker for permis- sion to make sewer connection with man- hole in center of the street on Thirteenth and Washington streets. Referred to the sewer committee. Petition of Mrs. Even Roberts for refund- ing of one-half of saloon license paid by her husband. Referred to the mayor with power. The mayor immediately reported in favor of drawing warrant for $25 as prayed for. The city engineer reported the following bids for street improvements: Francis street from West Eagle Point ave- nue to Hart street: Steuck & O'Farrell $1,378 00 John Williams 1,408 2) E E. Frith 1,322 70 Adam Schmidt 1,407 SO Ald. Nicks moved to award contract to E. E Frith. Carried. Oak street: Tschirgi & Kringle $5,170 00 John Tibey 5,005 00 Ald. Smith moved to award contract to John Tibey. Carried. Alma street: Norton & Lee $1,458 50 John Williams 1,139 40 Adam Schmidt 1,137 50 Steuck & O'Farrell 1,189 00 Ald. Nicks moved to award contract to Adam Schmidt. Carried. Seminary street: Brown & Brown $19 277 70 M. Tschirgi, Jr 22,230 00 Adam Schmidt 19.636 00 Steuck & O'Farrell 19,517 75 E E. Frith 22,026 00 Ald. Page moved to award contract to Brown & Brown. Carried. Sewer on West Eleventh and Bluff streets: Adam Schmidt $3,200 Ulrich Ruff 2,645 Steuck & O'Farrell 3,0C) Ald. Page moved to award contract to Ulrich Ruff. Carried Arching West Locust sewer: Steuck & O'Farrell $2,925 Norton & Lee 1,267 Ald. Page moved: to award contract to Norton & Lee. Carried. City Attorney McCarthy reported having procured deed from Anna M. Wilkinson and Wm. W. Wilkinson to part of mineral lot SS for the purpose of straightening Rose street. Deed ordered recorded and warrant for $68.S3 drawn in favor of Mrs. Wilkinson. Also presented an ordinance prohibiting the slaughtering in any of the slaughter houses in the city of any but sound and healthy animals that are fit and wholesome human food. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordinance be adopted. Carried. The ordinance was adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Alas. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee,Smith and Stoltz. On motion the ordinance was referred to the ordinance committee to report on at the next adjourned meeting. Also presented and read the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE requiring the making of connections with sanitary sewers. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That whenever it shall appear to the city council that any property owner on any street, alley, avenue or public high- way along which a sanitary sewer bas been constructed, has failed, neglected or refused to make proper and necessary house connec- tions for the proper carrying off of house or privy sewage, the city council may. by resolution, order such proper sewer connec- tions to be made by such property owner, and said resolution shall state the name of the owner or owners of the property to be thus connected by sewer. with a description of the property, and fix the time in said resolution within which such connections shall bo made, and shall also recite that if said connections are not made by the time specified the council shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expenses there- of against the property to be thus connected by sewer. Sec. 2. A copy of said resolution, duly at- tested by the city recorder, shall forthwith be served upon such property owner or own- er, or his or their duly authorized agent or attorney. The service thereof shall be made by the city marshal, who must endorse there- on his return and file the same with the city recorder, and whenever it appears that such property owner or owners are non-residents, and has no duly authorized agent or attor- ney upon whom service can be made, then and in that case the said notice shall be pub- lished in the official paper of the city of Du- buque for five times. And the service of a copy of said resolution, as herein provided, shall be deemed sufficient to require such property to make said sewer connections. Sec. 3. Whenever any property owner who has been duly served with notice to make such sewer connections shall neglect or refu e so to do, then and in that case the council may order the same to be done by contract, after plans for said improvement have been submitted and approved by the city council, and for that purpose they shall advertise in the city paper for ten times for proposals for constructing said house drains or connecting sewers, and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus connected, said work to be done under the supervision of the sewer inspector and committee on sewers, and said assess- ment shall be made and collected in the same manner as assessments and taxes are levied, assessed and collect- ed for the erection of lateral sew- ers as is provided in chapter 94 of the revised ordinances of the city of Dubuque, of 1887. Seo. 4. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage by this council and publication ten times in the official papers of the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordinance be adopted on its first reading. Carried. The ordinance was adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The ordinance was ordered published in the official proceedings. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Byrne, chairman of the committee on claims, reported as follows: Receive and file claim of Fred Donath for damages from the city for alleged injuries received by falling on sidewalk. Instruct city attorney to collect bill of $50 from the C.., St. P. & K. C. R. R for dam- ages to hose on Ninth and Pine streets. Re- port adopted. 135 Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 9, 1592. Ald. Glab, chairman of the street com- mittee, reported as follows: Adverse to approving plat of Myers' sub until the streets In said addition are made 50 feet in width. Instruct the city engineer to notify the owners of property that has to be Lassa for the opening of State street to appear and show cause why said extension should not be made. Delay action on petition for improvement of Curtis street until spring. Instruct engineer to prepare a plat show- ing an extension of Rigi street fifty feet in width between Nnrth and South streets. Delay action on having a sidewalk laid on south side of West Third street, between St. Mary's and Cardiff streets, Instruct city engineer to prepare a profile showing the established grade of Sanford street between Elm and Windsor avenue; also a proposed change of grade, which will conform to the present surface as near as possible. In favor of having the alley between Thomas street and Anna Place graded and macadamized, and the engineer is instructed to prepare profile of grade for said alley. Adverse to petition of Mrs. E Williams for a stairway to lead to her house on Rose street. Receive and file petition of P. McCullough et al. for extension of storm sewer 200 feet west of Bluff on Fourteenth street. File remonstrance of J. W. Norton against the proposed grade of Eilis street. Instruct street commissioner to do neces- sary repairs on Bell and Vine streets. Instruct street comm,ssioner to repair the gutter abutting lot 39 Union addition on Cleveland avenue, and bring the sidewalk • to grade on said street near said lot. In favor of improving the alley at the northwest end of Middle street, between Altbauser's and Wick's addition. Your committee report that after a care- ful investigation of the condition of Union avenue that it would cost the city a good deal to put it in good passable condition, and we therefore made arrangements with Tony Seige to fix said street between West Locust street and Alta Vista street to the satisfaction of the street committee and that when said work is done that he be paid the sum of $50. File petition of John Welsh and Mrs. Welsh in regard to filling lots. In favor of paying the following bills: E. E. Frith $ 68 00 Key City Gas Co 27 39 M. Sullivan 70 00 Receive and file petition of Ed. Muntz for repair of gutter on Clay street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. Also reported that they have examined and accepted the following street improve- ments: Air Hill street, Grant avenue. Wind- sor avenue, between Lincoln and Garfield avenues; Twenty-third strreet between !:ou- ler avenue and Jackson street; Twenty- fourth street between Couler avenue and Jackson street; Clark street between West Locust and Seventeenth street; Cornell and Thomas streets, Algona avenue, Hill street, South Locust street; Rose street from Alta Vista street to,Genter place. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the committee on printing, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Herald .$75 00 Times 29 15 Ledger 29 15 Report adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the commit- tee on public grounds and buildings, report- ed in favor of paying the following bills: Ferguson Bros $62 10 Dubuque Water Co 10 00 Report adopted. Ald. Crawford moved that the Adams company be paid for 69 settees at $3 each. Carried. Ald. Page, chairman of the committee on police and light reported as follows: In favor of allowing the followiog bilis: Dubuque Electric Railway, Litht and Power Co $666 30 106 25 Globe Light and Heat Co 551 67 Key City Gas Co 3 00 Receive and file report of lamplighter for July. In favor of approving the report of T. T. Duffy. justice of the peace for July, and that a warrant for 815 be drawn in his favor for fees in city ordinance cases, and also a war- rant for 60 cents in favor of Wm. Glynn for witness fees. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing. chairman. of the committee on delinquent taxes, reported as follows. Cancel taxes of Margaret Donahue, Mary J Luke, Patrick Kelly estate, Mrs Micaael Shannon, Barbara Klump, Mrs. M. Cremer, Catherine Strotz Allow Hannah O'Brien six months' time at 6 per cent. in which to pay her special tax for the improvement of Dodge street. Reduce assesstuent of Mary and Ellen Ryan on lot 6, Eledley's sub, to $1,200 for 1591. Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the sewer commit- tee, reporred es follows: Allow Ulrich Ruff $S'0 on his bill of $2,1 SO 96. Allow Tschirgi & Kringle 4)0 on their bill of $602.50, and that balance be held until the sewer is cleaned of sand and debris. Receive and file report of sewer inspector for July. Report that the sewer on Clay street be- tween Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, has been cleaned by the city, and that the cost of same, when reported by the sewer inspector, he deducted from the hill of Lavin & Corrance, contractors. Report adopted. Ald. Page offered the following resolution, which was adopted: J?csolaed by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the sewer on the west side of Clay street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets be accepted and the city engineer be instructed to prepare assessment on same. A!d. Cushing, chairman of the paving committee, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Jos. P Norton $22 50 Headford Bros 48 20 Byrne & Saul 3S 85 Report adopted. Ald Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of appointing three commission- ers to assess the damages, if any, that M. Duggan may have sustained by reason of the change of grade on Madison street. Refer the petition of T. J. Donahue in re- lation to his claim against the city to the city attorney, as said T. J. Donahue has en- tered suit against the city for damages by reason of said claim. Ai follows on communication of the mayor in refusug to sign certain warrants ordered paid for filling and grading certain streets: In favor of paying bills of Byrne & Saul of $125 25 for filling on South Main street providing James Saul of the firm of Byrne & *laid make affidavit that they deposited 835 cubic yards of filling on South Main street. Receive and file bill of Portland Paving company ot$15.75 for filling olaimed to be done on South Main street. Instruct engineer to make new estimates of grading on all streets under contract, and report to the council when same are com- pleted. Key City Gas Co '"r111MN Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 9, 1 S92. 136 Instruct the engineer to locate Broadway as platted and laid out as shown by plats and records on file in his office, as the city does not intend that the lines of said street should be changed. Grant petition for a drinking fuuntain on Delhi and Grandview avenue. In favor of expending $150 for repair of Rowan street, to be done under the super- vision ot the street commissioner. Receive and file petition of Muntz & Quirk for permission to build oil house in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s addition. Receive and tile petition of Mrs. Johanna Specht, asking the city to donate her $1,000 for the purpose of building a steam ferry to run between Specht's Ferry and the Wiscon- sin shore. Reccommend that a warrant for $459 be drawn in favor of Altman and Meyer for damages to property on account of the open- ing ot Elm street, and the city attorney to procure deed for said property from Meyer & Altman. Allow the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. to con- struct a side track east ot their main line to lead to the power -house of the water works and yards of the Dubuque Wooden Ware company, providing that none of the streets and alleys are obstructed by said track, and shall be subject to all police regulations and ordinances of the city, said track to remain at the pleasure of the council. In favor of granting petition for extension of Fourth street to the high bridge. Receive and file petition in relation to the improvement of Broadway extension. Receive and file petition of Louis Giese - man, et al., for drinking fountain on Delhi street and Julien avenue In favor of paying bill of F. B. Miller & Co., of $225 for fifteen city maps as per con- tract. In favor of allowing the assessment of the Excelsior Bass Works to remain the same as the Chamberlain Plow Works for 1891, for a term of ten years, commencing Jan. 1, 1893. In favor of paying bill of A. Meyer of $535 50. Report adopted. Also presented affidavit of James Saul in regard to filling on South Main street, and moved that a warrant for the amount of the bill ($125.25) be drawn to pay same. Car- ried. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the executive committee of the board of health, made the following report, which was adopted: Your executive committee of the board of health would most respectfully report that at the solicitation of the health officer we visited the packing establishments and found that there is lots of room for improve- ment as far as their sanitary condition is concerned, and we commend the efforts of the health officer in his endeavors to have all nuisances abated in the city, and hope he will continue the good work, as we believe that with a little diligence all nuisances can be abated, at least to such an extent that the same would not be unbearable and detrimental to the health of all citizens who may come in contact with such nuisances, and we would recommend that all lawful means be used by the health officer and mar- shal to abate all nuisances that may exist. Ald. Peaslee, of the special committee, re- ported as follows: Your special c •mmittee report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mary Blake for damages by reason of the removal of her fence as same has already been re- ported on by city attorney as final. Report adopted. RESOLUTIONS: Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the alley between Johnson and Windsor avenues and Providence and Lincoln avenues be graded and macamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the grading and macamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted bythe following vote: Aves—Aids Byrne, Crawford. Cushing, Web. Nicks, Peaslee. Smith and Stolz. (8 ) Noes—None. Aid. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque. That Middle street, between Lin- coln avenue and its northern terminus, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement,and the city recorder directed to give the prope notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty ; grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -8. Noes—None. Ald. Stoltz offered the following. which was adopted: Resolved, That the engineer be and is here- by instructed to devi: e a feasible plan for the drainage of Elm street between Eagle Point avenue and Rhomberg avenue and submit same to the council. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the marshal be instructed to remove the obstructions on Fifth avenue so that the water may have a free passage on said street. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within 15 days of this notice. constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the south and east side of southern avenue, betweeu Railroad avenue and lot 4, O'Connors's add, at expense of abutting property, on temporary grade. Adopted by the following vote: Aves—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -9. Noes—None. Aid Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That the city assessment of north half of block "C" in Booth's addition (being lots 1 to 21 inclusive.) shall be fixed at and remain $3,150 for ten years, commencing wi;h the present year, providing said real estate shall be used during that t me by the Adams Company, its successors or assigns, exclusively for manufacturing purposes. Adopted by the following vote: Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaelee, Smith and Stoltz. -9. Noes—None. Ald Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: WHEREAS, The duties of the city physician have been considerably increased the pres- ent year by requiring him to attend the members of the police and fire department who may be taken sick or injured in conse- quence of the discharge of their official duties, and also by the unusual efforts ren- dered necessary in order to improve the sanitary condition of the city in view of the threatened movement westward of the Asiatic cholera; therefore, Resolved, That the compensation of the 137 Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 9, 1892. city physician be increased to fifty ($50) dollars per month, such increase to com- mence on Sept. 1, 1892, and continue until May 1, 1893. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Rssolved, By the city council of the pity of Dubuque: That a stone wall of sufficient height be built upon the east side of Alma street, from the north side of Thomas street to Pickett street. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted by a unanimous vote: Resolved, That the thanks of this council be extended to the city of Des Moines for the elegantly bound volume of its revised ordi- dit,ances, forwarded to City Attorney Mc- Carthy, for the use of the city of Dubuque, through Mayor C. C. Lane, of Des Moines; and the recorder is directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the latter city; also, to forward one of our city ordinances, when revised, to the may or of Des Moines. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Thata sidewalk six feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the north side of Clark street, between West Locust street and Seventeenth street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith, Stoltz -9. Noes—None. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved. by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That L. M. Langstaff, John Wunderlich and James Howie be and they are hereby appointed as commissioners to assess the damage, if any, sustained by Michael Duggan by reason of the change of grade of Madison street, made by the city of Dubuque in the year 1892. Said commission- ers shall first be duly sworn to discharge their duty to the beet of their ability, and the city recorder shall cause notice of the adoption of this resolution to be given, signed by the commissioners, for three weeks in the official paper in the manner provided by section 7 of chapter 25 of the revised or- dinances of 1887. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks. Page, Peaslee,Smith and Stoltz. Ald Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- • formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Almond street, in front of lots 38, 39 and 40, in Cox's addition. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee,Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid on the west side of Alta Vista street, across West Fourteenth street. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the mayor is hereby author- ized and instructed, for the purpose of pro- viding for the payment of the costs and ex- pense of improving the following streets: Windor avenue from Lincoln to Garfield avenue; Twenty-third street from Couler avenue to Jackson street: Twenty-fourth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street; Clark street from West Locust to West Seventeenth street; Cornell street from Thomas street to end of present improve- ment; Thomas street from Cornell to Alma street: Air Hill street from Julien avenue to West Eighth street; Twenty-fifth street from Jackson street to Couler avenue; Twenty- sixth street from Jackson street to Couler avenue; Schroeder avenue from Seminary street to Leibnitz street; Grant avenue from West Eleventh street to Julien avenue; West Eleventh street from Race street to western terminus; Algona avenue from West Fourteenth street to Dex- ter avenue. Fourteenth street from Pine to Maple streets; Main street from Fourteenth to Eighth streets; Ninth street from Main to Locust streets; Locust street from Eighth to Ninth streets, to issue under the provisions of the ordinance adopted Nov. 2, 1591, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, bonds to the amount of $ 50,000; said bonds to be is- sued as follows: One hundred bonds num- bering from 48 to 148, inclusive, to the amount of $500 each, all dated Oct. 1, 1892; payable seven years after date, bearing in- terest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually and redeemable at any time at the option of the city of Du- buque; interest and principal payable at the office of the treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Said bonds when issued and regis- tered shall be delivered by the city recorder to the finance committee, taking a receipt therefor, and said committee is instructed to tiotify' C. H. White & Co. to take up said bonds according to their contract of July 18, 1892. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: .Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Nevada street, between West Fifth and West Third streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee,Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offering the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Franklin street, between Cornell and Henion streets, be graded, gut- tured, curbed and macadamized in conform- ity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pente of the owners of the abutting prop- erty; grading to be bid in total. Adapted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Glab offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to lay a stone crossing on the north side of Sixteenth and Clay streets. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Twentyty-fourth street, be- tween Jackson and Pine streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in con- formity with the ordinance on that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- Adjourned _Regular Session, Sept. 9, 1S92. 13S ing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the abutting property. Grading to be hid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Broad street, between Julien avenue and the Home of the Friend- less, be graded, guttered, curbed and macad- amized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder direct- ed to give the proper notice for bids for pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The grading, or so much of it as is possible, to be done the present season, and the material deposited on Four- teenth street where below grade, but no paving or macadamizing to be done until next spring. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following, which wes adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be instruct- ed to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a stone arch culvert across Couler creek on Twenty-fourth street, and when the same are approved, the city recorder is directed to give the proper no- tice for bids for the performance of the work. Ald. Nicks offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be instruct- ed to prepare a plat of an alley in Geiger's sub between Windsor and Stafford avenue, as the abutting property owners are willing to give the necessary ground for same free of cost to the city. Ald. Nicks offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the City of Dubuque: that Klein street, between West Eagle Point avenue and Klingenberg Terrace streets be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city en- gineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work ; the guttering, curbing and macadam- izing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee,Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Cushing offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Dubuque Water com- pany be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains in the alley between Jack- son and White and Tenth and Eleventh streets, so that people abutting said alley may avail themselves of the benefit of sew- erage. Ald. Cushing offered the following: resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Maple street be- tween Thirteenth and Eighteenth streets, where not already laid. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee,Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Cushing offered the following: resolved by the city council of the city of of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 10 feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the west side of Madison street, between Main street and Seminary street, where not already laid. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ala. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good cement be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with theordinance in relation to side- walks, on the west side of Main street, be- tween Eighth street and Ninth street, abut- ting s 16 feet of lot 53 and n 3! lot 53, city. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Thirteenth street, between Pine and Maple streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city re- corder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and mac- adamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith, and Stoltz. Ald. Byrne offered the following, which was adopted : Be it resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to place a stone crossing on Cleveland avenue across Bell street. Ald. Byrne offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the street commissioner be instructed to replace the crossing at Cleve- land avenue and Pear street. Bill of Atkinson & Oloff of $10,116.16, esti- mate of work on Main street, ordered paid by the following vote: Ayes—Aide. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. No—Ald. Cushing. Communication of Marshal Rice calling attention to the condition of the garbage dump. Referred to the executive committee of the board of health. Ald Page offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Dodge street, between South Dodge street and Grandview avenue, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamiz- ed, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work ; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee,Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of assessment on Madison street be referred to the engineer and attorney. Carried. Ald. Smith moved that the street commis- sioner be instructed to make a passable en- 139 Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 9, 1892. trance to alley off of Cornell street. Car- ried. Ald. Glab moved that the street commis- sioner be instructed to grade Eagle Point avenue in front of the property of Mr. Kempfs and put in flat curb. Carried. Ald. Stoltz moved that the maps pur- chased by the city be distributed as follows : One to the mayor, one each to the aldermen, and one to the recorder, treasurer, auditor and assessor. Carried. Ald. tlmith moved that the following places be designated as the places of regis- tration for the First ward : First precinct—Office of Svendsen it Ott, corner Dodge and Bluff streets. Second precinct—No. 182 Main street. Carried. Ald. Page offered the following, which w adopted: Resolved, That the places for registrtio of voters in the Second ward for the =n election be as follows: First precinct -Peter Ferring's, Seventh and Clay streets. Second precinct—Fourth street engine house. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That all city officers be and are hereby required to take notice of the action of the city council on all questions as ap- pearing in the official proceedings of the council, and published in the official paper of the city, and act in accordance there- with, without waiting for further notifica- tion or instructions. Ald. Crawford moved that Assistant En- gineer Hyde be appointed as assessment clerk in engineer's office, and that he be held responsible for the correctness of all assess- nts. _.: r moveo a ourn. Carried. corder. _1892. !,YJ� Mayor. Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 16, 1892. 140 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 16, 1892. Council met at 2:45 o'clock p. m., Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present -Aids Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Peaslee and Smith. Health Officer Wieland presented a com- munication asking that the council pass an ordinance empowering the health officer to have all filthy premises purified or closed; also, to isolate persons affected with con- tagious diseases Ald. Crawford moved that the city attor- ney draft an ordinance in compliance with the request of the health officer. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the marshal be authorized to appoint one or two deputies to help him while needed in enforcing the health laws. Carried The rules were suspended, and Mr. Wen- ders addressed the council and presented photographs of his street sweeping machine. Ald. Peaslee moved that the matter of street sweeper be referred to the paving committee. Carried. City Attorney McCarthy reported in favor receiving and filing the petition of T. J. Don- ahue in relation to claim against the city. Also reported that he found the report of D. Rodman, justice of the peace,correct, and recommended that warrants be drawn for the following named parties for juror and witness fees: Arthur Houps $ 1 00 C. D Seward 1 00 Pete Gandolfo 1 00 J. Dausch 1 00 Wm. Doty 60 Maggie Doty 60 Nora Langer 60 Sarah E Dean 60 Henry Herancourt 100 A. Graham 1 00 Martin Hayes 60 Geo. W. Burton 1 00 James Donahue 1 00 Pat Hughes 1 00 Nick Barbier 60 John Grode 60 L. H. Adams 1 00 L. Molitosky 1 t 0 L. Brin 1 00 John Dolan 60 A. Graham 1 00 Jake Klein 60 Report adopted. The rules were then suspended and Super- visor Klauer addressed the council and asked the council to reduce the bridge fund levy to two mills instead of three. Ald. Crawford moved that the resolution passed at the last session ordering the super- visors to levy three mills for bridge fund be reconsidered. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Glab and Nicks. Noes—Alds. Byrne, Cushing, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city electrician, J. L. Bunting. be paid til per day over and above his regular salary during the time that he takes care of the Gamewell fire alarm sys- tem, it being extra work. Ald. Cushing offered the following, which was adopted: Be it Resolved, by tho city council of the city ot Dubuque, That the city carpenter be instructed to replace the old steps with new ones, six feet wide, at the head of Eighteenth street, between Clay and Seminary street. Ald. Grab, Chairman of the street commit- mittee, reported es follows: In favor ot approving plat of Linehan Park audition. In favor of paying the following bills: Thomas Hassett, $231.60: John Schrup, $45; William Geisheaer, $50; Henry Glab, $511; Charles Smith, $2.5. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing offered the fo.lowing, which was adopted Resolved, That the alley between Clay and Seminary streets be and the same is hereby declared a public highway, and the city mar- shal is instructed to open the same or public travel. Bids for the improvement of Sanford, Re- gent and Queen streets were opeaed and read. Ald. Cushing moved that the contract be awarded to Steuck & Farrell. Carried. Ald Smith offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. That the publishers of the Herald be notified that they must publish the official proceedings of the council more promptly, and a failure on their part to publish the same promptly will necessitate a change in the official paper. The rules were suspended and Mr. L. G. Hurd addressed the council in relation to sewer on Burch, West Third and Hill streets, and asked that the same be extended on Wilson avenue. Aid. Crawford offered the following: Resolved. by the city council of the city of Dubuque. That the city engineer be instruct- ed to prepare profile, detaiied plans and spe- cifications for the construction of sanitary sewer from the highest point in the alley be- tween Wilson avenue and Pine street to its intersection with Wilson avenue; thence down Wilson avenue to Fifth street; thence down Fifth street to intersection with storm sewer, and that the city engineer be instruct• ed to advertise f,r bids therefor. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Peaslee, and Smith. Aid. Crawford offered the following reso- lution : Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the plans now on file in the city engineers office, be adopted so far as the same apply to the sanitary sewer on Fifth street, Wilson avenue and the alley between Wilson avenue and Pine street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Grab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, and Smith. The democratic central committee pre- sented names for registers of election, from which the following were chosen: FIRST WARD. First precinct—Thomas Kenneally, Jr. Second precinct—John F. Stemm. SECOND WARD. First precinct—Peter Altman. Second precinct—C. Gregoire. THIRD WARD. First precinct—A. C. Walter. Second precinct—John Kleinschmidt. Third precinct—John O'Connell. FOURTH WARD. First precinct—Dan Riordan. Second precinct—James Bennett. Third precinct—J. M. Kenety. FIFTH WARD. First precinct—Alphonse Schmidt. Second precinct—H. Brinkmann. Third precinct—F. Stechar Fourth precinct—Jacob Kessler. Communication of Health Officer Wieland, asking that the low lands north of Sanford street bA drained into the Couler creek, re- ferred to the street committee with power. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was adopted: WHEREAS, It is deemed expedient by the city council of tie city of Dubuque to change the grade of Seminary street at various points between Paul street and West Locust 141 Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 16, 1892. street in accordance with the plat and pro- file showing said change. submitted by the city engineer and dated Junne 6, 1892, and flied in the office of the city recorder; and WIIERAS, C. H. Jordan, Geo R. Clark and Alexander Cullen. owners of real estate abutting on said street and effected by said changes, have objected to the same and filed claims for damages by reason of such pro- posed changes. Therefore, Resolved, That James Howie, L. M. Lang- staff and John Mulkern bo and are hereby appointed commissioners to appraise and asstss any damages which may result to the property of the above named objectors on account of the changes proposed to be made by the city council, all of the proceedings to be taken and conducted in accordance wit the provision of chapter 25 of the revised or dinances. Ald. Smith offered the following, w was adopted: WIIEREAs, The publication of the proceedings of the session of the city • . cil held Sept. 9, i892, has not yet been complet- ed. and WHEREAS, Such delay is detrimental, and tends to counteract the purpose of the city in contracting and paying for such publica tion. Therefore, Resolved, That the subj; ct be referred to the committee on printing Kith instructions to investigate the cause of said delay, and recommend to the council what steps ought to be taken by the council to secure a prompt publication of its proceedings. Bill of John Bell of $39 60 for floor at en- gine house ordered paid. Ald. Glab moved that Steuck & O'Farrell be allowed $1,500 for grading on Burden avenue, and that Ed. Ryan be allowed $1,- 000 for grading on Auburn avenue. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the chairman of the republican central committee make his recommendations for registers of elec- tion to the ma o :d. �. C moved o adjourn. Carried. Record Cr. 1892. O fjici«l Notices. 142 Roard of Re.Ith Notice To the General Public of the City of Rumple: - 1u pursuance of a resolution of the board of health, because of the approaching dan- ger of the most fatal and dreaded of disease; gaining a foothold in our city, I do hereby instruct you to take the following precau- tion s, and ask each and every individual to co-operate with the authorities in this mat- ter. I therefore suggest that you use the utmost vigilance to keep your premises in as dry and wholesome a condition as possible, in- side and out: to avoid throwing filth of any kind into your yards or on ground ar+jacent thereto, into the alleys or on the streets; nor suffer the satne to be done by others it within your power to pre- vent it; to keep clean in your persons, houses and effects; to report and make known any nuisance to the board of health at your earliest possible convenience; to guard against excess or privation of all kinds; to refrain from eating raw fruits or raw vegetables of any kind: to avoid living in houses overcrowded with people and to report such, if existing, to the board of health; to guard against eating any food which in your opinion may produce diar- rhoea; to report any case under your obser vation simulating the disease in question; to use no milk or water without the same hav- ing previously been boiled; to solicit the advice of your family physician or the board of health upon anything pertaining to this matter not her -in stated; to improve the sanitary condition of your premises, etc , and not confllicting with jus- tice and common sense. It is suggested that you resort to the use of copperas as the most effective disiufectant,to destroy any stench about the premises not practicable to be removed. To observe and remember the above sug- gestions I earnestly appeal to you; for while the cholera scourge has not gained a foot- hold on this continent so far as is known, at this time, we may not be surprised to hear of a case right here among us tomorrow. "Forewarned is to be forearmed." Let us take heed and take the necessary precau- tions in time. F. W. WIELAND. M. D., Health Officer. Sidewalk Notices: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south and east side of Southern avenue, between railroad avenue and lot4, O'Connor's add.. at the expense of abutting property, on temporary grade. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on both sides of Maple street, be- tween Thirteenth street and Eighteenth street. where not already laid. Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk ten feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Madison street, between Main street and Seminary street. where not already laid. Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve feet wide, of good cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation t - sidewalks, on the west side of Main street:be tween Eighth street and Ninth street abut- ting s16 feet lot 52 and n% lot 53, city. Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the r rdinauce in relation to side- walks, on the south side of Almond street, in front of lots 38. 89 and 40 Cox's add. Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 0 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of Clark street, between West Locust street and Seventeenth street. Adopted Sept. 9, 1S92. J. C. FITZI'ATRICK. 10t City Recorder. An Ordinance Requ'riue the making of connections with sani- tary sewers. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1 That whenever it shall appear to the city counci, that any property owner o.i any street, alley, avenue or pubic highway along o h ce a sani ary tewer has been constructed, has faded, neglected or refused to make proper and necessary house connections for the prop. r carrying off of house or privy sewerage, the city counci, may, by resolution, order such proper sewtr conoectLns to be made by such property owner, and said resolution shall state the name of the owner or owners cf the property to be thus connected by sewer, wits a iescriptton of the property, and fix the time in said resolution with- in which such connections shall be made, and shall also recite that if said connections are not made by the lime specified the council shall order such work and connections made and as sess the cost and expense, thereof against the property to be thus connected by sower. section 2 A copy of said reso.ution, duly at- test t t by the city recorder, shall forthwita be served upon such property owner or owners, or their dn.}, authorized agent orat'ornry The ser , ice thereof shall be made by the city marshal, who must Endorse thereon his return and file the same with the city recorder. and whenever it appears that such property owner or owners are non residents. and has no duly authorized agent or attorney upon whom such service can be mad., thea and in that case the said notice shall be published in the official taper of the city of Dubuque f ;r five times. And the service of a col y of this resolution as herein provided, shall be deemed sufficient to require su;h property to make said sewer connections. Section 3. Whenever any property owner who hss been duly served with notice to make such sewer connections shall neglect or refuse so to do, then and in that case the council may order the same to be done by contract, after plans for said improvement have been submitted and an - proved by the city council, and for that purpose they shall adveitise in the city paper ten times for proposals for constructing said house drains or connecting sewers, ani assess the cost and ex• pensee taereof against the property to be thus connected, said work to be done under the super- vision of the sewer lnspect.,r and the committee on sewers, and said assessment shall be made and collected in the same manner as a sessments and taxes are levied. assessed and collected for the erection of lateral sewers as is providod in chap- ter 94 of the revised ordinances of the city of Dubuque, of 1887. Section 4. Tnis ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage by this council and publication ten time; in Inc official papers of the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Sept.17d10t. Notice to Salonnkeeper.. You are hereby notified not to sell or give away any intoxicating liquors to minors whether by the glass, can or otherwise. A failure on your part to comply with above order shall cause me to prosecute you to the full extent of the law, as I am determined that this evil must be stopped tt S. B. Rice, City Marshal. 143 Official Notices. Notice.. To whom it may concern: Notice is here- by given that the undersigned commission- ers duly appointed by the city council of the city of Dubuque will meet in the marshal's office of the (nty of Dubuque on Monday the 21st day of October 1593, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the pu'•pose of viewing the change of grade on Madison street and assessing the damages, if any, sustained by Michael Dug- gan by reason of said change of grade. L. M. LANOSTAFF, J. WUNDERLIIH, tf JAMES HOwIE. Alley Notice. STREET • OMMISSIONBR'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE Ia.. Sept. 16. 1892. All persons are hereby notified not to throw any garbage, filth or refuse of any • kind in the streets or alleys of the city, as I have cleaned the same at the expense of the city, and am determined that the same shall be k. pt clean Any person violating above order will be prosecuted and fined to the full extent of the law. JOHN CARTER, lm Street Commissioner AN ORDINANCE Providing for the subdivision of the several Wards of the city of Dubuque into Election Precincts. Where•ts, The enactment of chapter thirty• three 133) of the laws of the 24th Oeuer+l A Bem- bly of the State of Iowa. commonly known as the Australian ballot law, bas rendered necessary the snbdiviston of the several wards of the City 1if Dubuque into election pre.incts; therefore, Be it Ordained by .he City Council of the City of Dubuque: Dubuque Islbe sane dFlist hereby divide edCi into two election Precincts. That all that portion of said a and lying s .nth of Dodge street and South' street and on a direct line from center or South street t . City limits shall constitute and be known as the first precinct; that all that portion of said Ward lying north of Dodge street . nd South street shall co..ati.ute and be known as the second precinct. Sec. 2 That the SF cond Ward of said City shall be divided into two election precincts: That all that portion of said Ward east of Locust st: eet shall constitute the first precinct; and all that portion of the Ward west of Locust street shall constitute the second precinct. Section 3 That the Third Ward of said City shall be divided into three election precincts All that portion of said Ward lying between Eighth and Twelfth streets shall constitute the first precinct: all tnat portion of said Ward tying between Twelf.h and t'ifteen h streets shall con- stitute the second precinct; all that portion of said R• and north of F.fteenth street shall consti- tute the third precinct. s ard of siCity aSu be divided into three urthelection precl cts. That ail that o l'ou Fourteenthstreet and east of Alta Vrtion of said Ward ista g street shall constitute the first precinct; alt that potion of said Ward west of Alta Vista street and south of West Locust street and Arch street tat the city limits shall constitule the second precinct; all that portion of said Ward north of Fourteenth street and east of Alta Vista street to its inter- section w th West Locust street and all north of Arch street and no. th and east of Kest Locust street shall constitute the third precinc . Sec. 5. That the Fifth Ward of said city shall be d vtded in o four election prec.ncts. All that portion of said Wa-d lying went r.f t'ou er avenue shall con tftute the first pr civet; all that portion of said ward tying norm of Twentie•h street, east of Couler avenue. south of Sanfo•d street and east of a indsor avenue shall constitute the second precinct; a 1 that portion of said Ward ly,ng eas of Windsor ay. nue to intersection wit Twentieth street to City limits shall cousti- tute the third precinct; all that portion of said Ward lying nor h of Sanford Street, east of Cou er avenue, west of Windsor avenue to City limits shall constitute the fourth precinct. :•ec 0 That at all City electigt,s in the City of Dubuque, a sep .rate poll shall be opened at such place as shall oe designated by the C1tr Council in each of the precincts created by this ordi- nance. for the .eceptton of the ballots of the legal voters • esiding in such precinct. No p„r- son shall vote in any othe- precinct than that in which he resides Pt the time. A 1 e:e •tions in the precincts created by this ordinance shall be conducted io all respects in the manner proviled by law and the ordinances of the City now In force. Sec. 7 Al' ordin+nces or parts of ordinan^es in conflict with any of rhe fore going provisions ar • hereby repealed so tar as, and only to the extent, that tbey cont avene er a -e in.oaslstent with this ordinance. Sec. 8 This ordinance shall be published in the offi !al paper of the City, and shall take fl'e.t and be In force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daly Herald newspaper. Aoopt d Sept 9, 1892. Approved Sept. l3, , 8Q2. CHAS .7 W SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. A n Ordinance To Amend an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance in relation to the manufacture and storage of iuflammanie oils and substances: Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: SECTION 1. That Chapter Thirty nine (39) of the Revi ed Ordinances of 1887 be and 1s hereby amended by adding to said ordinance the follow- ing additional section, to be umbered and des- ignated as section three t3) of said ordinance, to wit: 'SECTION 3. That it shall be unlawful for any jobber, wholesaler, or other dealer in oils to keep or have on hand or 1n store at any one place its the city of Dubuque. any petroleum oils of any kind or variety, i.:cluding kerosene. gaso- line, benzine, naptha, lubricating, machine or other inflammable oil in greater cusntltles than five (5) barrels except the same be kept in fire- proof tanks made of tank iron, or stored in a brick or stone bui•ding or buildings made as nearly fire -proof as possible.” Sac. 2. That ter 39 be hereaftersection designated ) as section3) of numbr four (4). in the official papers offihe city. and shall ance shall beh ll ake ef- fect and be in force from and after its publica- tion one time iu the Dubuque Dail) Herald news- paper. Adopted Sent. 9, 189:. Approved Sept. for 1892. CHAS J W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. et.est; J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1S92. 144 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. Council met at 9:40 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. The minutes of the previous meetings were approved as printed, with the exception that the resolution authorizing the mayor to re- organize the paving committee he credited to Ald. Cushing instead of Ald. Crawford. Ald. Crawford moved that each alderman be furnished with two copies of the printed proceedings of the council. Carried. The rules *were suspended and Col. Lyon addressed the council in behalf of the Du- buque Water company and presented the following communication from the Dubuque Water company, which was ordered made a matter of record and referred to the com- mittee of the whole: CLEVELAND, 0., Sept. 27, 1892. To the City GOU2teil of the City of Dubuque: GENTLEMEN You are hereby notified that the Dubuque Water company, a corporation organized under the laws of Iowa, and the owner of all the machinery, buildings, pipes and other property, and all the rights and privileges pertaining to the consaruction, operation and n.aintenance'at water works to supply water Jo the city and citizens of Dubuque, as provided by chapter 52 of the revised ordinances of the said city, has re- ceived and is ready to accept an offer, spot cash, made by J. K. Graves and C. J. Bray- ton, for themselves and associates, for the purchase of all its property rights and priv- ileges for the sum of+319,675, the purchaser to assume its indebtedness in the sum of $40,759.33. And the Dubuque Water com- pany hereby tenders to the city of Dubuque the privilege of purchasing said p operty, rights and privileges at the same rates and upon the same terms, and requests the acceptance or refusal of said offer TILE DUBUbUE WATER COMPANY, By E R PERKINS, President. The following bi:ls were allowed: Name. For what purpose. Amount. Thos. T. Carkeek, plans and superin- tending engine house $200 00 Ed. Desmond, labor for board of health 2 05 E. S. King, labor for board of health2 05 M. Ryan, do do 2 05 B. McCormack, do do 1 05 J. Perryon, Jr., do do 1 35 Mrs. Quinlivan, do do 3 15 Hsrger & Blish, copying paper 90 Headford Bros., casting 30 Standard Lumber Co., lumber 2 87 Erwin & wood, yellow pine flooring14 40 Robinson & Pursel, oil 1 30 Dubuque Rubber Co.. hose and coup- lings 13 15 E. M. Dickey Co.. coke 8 20 Duggan & Kane, brooms 50 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 4 10 Smedley Mfg. Co., straps for roller6=30 B. D Linehan, sharpening tools 3 30 C. J. Heller, clubs and sockets 33 00 John F. O'Dea, wood 500 Headford Bros., manhole frame and cover 40 00 J. H. Trieb, work on sewers 17 25 Baumgartner & Klieh, pick handles4 45 Dubuque Wooden Ware company, lumber 8 93 A. Felder, whitewashing calaboose11 00 Bart E Linehan, cement 99 18 Thomas Henny, seventy-five iron dust pans 82 50 James Levi, gloves 3 50 Joseph Geiger, repairs at city hall3 50 Key City Gas company, coke 85 97 Baumgartner & Kleih. nails. etc 1 30 Tony Siege, repairing Union avenue59 00 Telegraph, printing blanks, etc 179 50 C. McElrath, hauling garbage 182 00 J. A. McKinlay, notary services 15 00 G. A. Hoerner, one burner 10 Ham & Carver. blanks, etc 5 00 Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum- ber 13 83 Standard Lumber company, lumber7 03 Svendseu & Ott, lumber 10 05 The following bills were referred to the street committee: Nicholas Theis.... $ 30 00 Thomas Hassett 195 00 A. Gszne 135 00 E E. Frith 3 71) M. Mahonv 160 00 Mrs. Welsh 37 00 Richard Corrigan 24 40 John O'Dea 105 00 John P. Williams 15 00 Matt. Specht 4 t.0 Chas Burkhard 23 00 Henry Blit ch. 9 00 To the committee on police and light: Globe. Light and Heat Co $551 67 Key City Gas Co 22 95 Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co 666 30 To the committee on fire and water: Iowa Iron W orks $ 1 00 Shipley & Bauman 33 45 To the printing committee: Times. $ 58 30 Herald . 241 40 Ledger 58 30 To the sewer committee. Ulrich Ruff .$ 8 85 Mrs. John Heim 141 30 To committee on suppl'es: Carr, Ryder & Eogler Co $ 15 To electrical committee: Electrical Supply Co $ 8 92 On the bill of Gomer J. Jones of $3 251.25, ordered that the bill be referred to the com- mittee ori public grounds and buildings to ' examine how Jones stands with the sub contractors and that the bill be paid when the committee reports. Bill of Electrical Supply company of $61.50 received and flied. Bill of $11 25 against James Lee, and bill of $12 70 against D. S. and T. S. Wilson re- ferred to the auditor for collection. Ald. Glab moved that the marshal instruct the pity attorney to qualify jurors in future. Carried. The rules were suspended and abutters on Oak street addressed the council in relation to the grade of said street, and presented a petitition in reference thereto. The engi- neer was instructed to prepare a profile of change of grade and get the abutters to sign the same and report to the street committee. The following petitions were referred: To the street committee: Petition of Han- nah Gelling objecting to the manner in which the improvement of Cornell street was made. Plat of Muggenburg addition. Petition for repair of Adams street. Petition of An- drew Drees for repair of alley on east side of Grant avenue between West Eleventh street and Julien avenue. Petition for re- pair of bridge on Seventh and Lincoln aven- ues Petition of P. McNerney for bridge across Pierce street. (With power.) Petition for improvement of alley between Burch and Hill streets, running from Hill street to- ward West Third street. To the committee of the whole: S. P. Wadley for extension of Dodge street sewer to Main street (with power). Petition of Excelsior Brass works in relation to assess- ment. Petition asking for the appointment of a police matron. Petition in reference to V 145 _Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. width of Queen street. Petition for change of grade ou West Fourteenth street, between Broad street and Adair avenue. To the finance committee; Petition of Sis- ters of Charity. B. V. M. Petition of St. Francis Orphan asylum. Petition of Lin- wood Cemetery association. Petition of board of supervisors (with power) all for cancellation of taxes. To the delinquent tax committee: Petition of John Muntz, H. L. Herron and John A. Holland. To the paving committee: Petition of A. P. Lewis, objecting to paying special assess ment for improvement of Main street. To the electrical committee: Remon- strance against change of ocation of lights in the First ward. To the committee on pnlica and light: Petition for four street lamps on Adams street. To the committee on fire and water: Petition of J. J. Griggs for extension of water mains to lot 355 N bite street. Remostrance of Anua M. and C. T Bush against improvement of Broad street Re- ceived and filed. Petitition of M Brown for permission to retain an enclosure under stairway on Six- teenth street Received and filed. Protest against special assessment for im- provement of Clark street. Referred to the city attorney. On the petition to have grade of alley es- tablished in Emsley's sub, the engineer was instructed to prepare a profile of grade. Petition of B. Westercamp for permission to build a frame building in rear of 1678 Clay street Granted. Petition for two gasoline lamps at corner of Pierce and Angella streets and one mid- way between West Locust and Angella on Pierce street. Granted; and when lamps are to be removed elsewhere to be put on said street. Petition of board of supervisors for grade, etc., on Seventh, Clay and Eighth streets granted, and engineer instructed to give stakes for grade. Ald. Peaslee moved that the engineer give James Forester grade on Fourth and Iowa streets for sidewalk. Carried. Ald. Glab moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESMON. Council met at 2:15 o'clock p. m Saunders in the chair. p' Mayor Present—A1de. Byrne. Cushing, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz'. The following bills were allowed: Name. For what purpose Amount. H. Naglemaker, matches, oil, etc$ 3 95 Lesure Lumber Co., shavings 1 59 Lear & Pflgner, horse shoeing 3 00 H'adford Bros., grates 50 40 Key City Gas Co., coke and coal12 71 Dubuque Water Works,hydrant sup- ply1,145 00 Chas. Brown, rodman for engineer. 42 00 John Schrup, concrete inspector45 00 Atkinson & Oloff, extra haul for grading 154 44 Ulrich Ruof, sewer on Eleventh St., $1,120, allowed, 800 00 The following bills were referred to the street Committee: O G Kringle........... $ 614 80 Altman & Taylor ..... .......... C. Ryan • • • • 2 Ed Ryan.......... 4,000 00 Atkinson& Oloff..............""' . 1'13100 Atkinson & Oloff ......... 1„.561 1.561 00 C..B.&N' ...........5,715 00 To the R. R Co......... ... paving committee: 36 54 Byrne & Saul.... Knapp, Stout k Co. company......... ..•$18 20 $7 Bills against Norton & Lee for 3 7d against Lavin & Corrance for wereer and ferl•ed to the auditor for collection re - Petition for sanitary sewer on White street and Cooler avenue, extending from Eigh- teenth street to Sanford street. Referred to the sewer committee. Bill of Br} an Donahue of $333.18, referred to the engineer. Communication of Sarah H. Ham in rela- tion to bridge on Seventh and Lincoln ave- nues, referred to the street committee. Ald. Crawford arrived at 2:35 o'clock p. m. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand Sept. 1, $29,775.15. Receipts, $25.699 01: dis- bursements, ;34,312 49; cash on hand Oct. 1, $21,161 67. Also reported $1,693 30 due the city officers for September, and also pre- sented a list of coupons redeemed during September. Received and filed and war- rants ordered to pay same. Marshal Rice reported $1,765 60 due the police for the month of September; also re- ported ninety police cases tried; also report- ed $3.00 fines collected, $S 5) pound receipts, and $2 40 collected for electrician services; also reported ninety-three patrol runs. Re- ceived and tiled and warrants ordered to pay police Joe Reinfried. chief of the fire department, reported $1,282 due the firemen for Septem- ber. Received and filed and warrants or- dered to pay same. Street Commissioner 766 30 due forstreet work aforrreported of September, and presented an itemized state- ment of the same. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Marketmaster Norton reported scale re - also repor43 ted $151of huckster stands80 due for board of } prison- ers for the month of September. Received and filed and warrant ordered to pay for board of prisoners. Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $450.35 due for work done on sewers during Sep- tember. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. T. J. Granfleld reported scale receipts of First ward scaled $7.35 Received and flied. Chas. Pitschner reported scale receipts of West Dububue scales $2. Received and filed. J. P. Schroeder reported scale receipts of Eighth street scales $8 86. Received and filed. Lamplighter Coughlin reported having lighted fifty-one gas lamps during Septem- ber. Received and filed. Ald. Glab arrived at 2:50 o'clock p m. The jury appointed to assess damages for the opening of Lincoln avenue from Couler avenue to White street reported as follows: 1892. To the Hon. Dtllayor anuua ed City CIowa, ouncil of Du- buque: GENTLEMEN—We, the jury appointed to assess the damages sustained by Margrret Graff In opening a street in the north halt of lot 13, in L. A. Langworthy's add., beg leave to report that we have examined the and eight hundrednd fix s ($$$55,800) edat five thous- ollars, l clud ing all improvements thereon. JACOB RICII, G L. TORBERT, JOHN O'NEILL, THOS. CONNOLLY, ED. W. DIINCAN, JOHN DERRY, JOHN ELLWANOER, M. J. MuLOREW, JOIIN TRESLER, F. W. ALTMAN, PIIILIP PIER, Ald. Stoltz offered the ollowinglo evolu- tion in relation thereto: Resolved, That Lincoln avenue as extended between Couler avenue and White street be and is hereby declared a public highway, Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. 146 and the city treasurer is instructed to depos- it the award of the jury in his office, subject to the order of the owners, and the city at- torney is instructed to procure a deed from said owners. Resolved further, That the city martial be and is hereby instructed to proceed and open said sheet and advertise and sell to the highest bidders for cash, the buildings now on said street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. City Attorney McCarthy reported in favor of allowing $6.50 on the bill of Byrne & Saul of $20.45. Report adopted. Also reported having procured deed from C. H. Meyer and F. W. Altman for opening of Elm street. Ordered that the deed and plat be made a matter of record. Also reported on communication of Du- buque Street Railway company in relation to assessment for paving "That when brick blocks are used the assessment should be for brick prices and not at granite prides." Re- port adopted. Also reported that suit had been entered against the city to restrain it from opening alley from Eighteenth to Seminary streets. Also reported in favor of receiving and filing objections of J. A. Rhomberg and right of way notices for opening of Fourth street extension. Report adopted. Also presented an ordinance to amend an ordinance to provide for opening, altering or annulling streets, alleys and highways in the city of Dubuque. Adopted on the first reading by the follow- ing vote: Ayes Alds Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald Olinger moved that the rules be sus- pended. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The ordinance was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Also presented an ordinance to secure the general health of the city, and giving effect to chapter 168 of the acts of the Nineteenth general assembly, providing for the appoint- ment of local boards of health, their powers and duties in cities acting under special charters. On motion the ordinance was re- ferred to the ordinance committee. Communication of Health Officer Wieland asking the city to engage the services of Dr. Minges as microscopist. Referred to the committee of the whole. Mi James Rowan presented an ordinance for a system of street railways through the city, also a map showing the route of said rail- ways. Referred to the committee of the whole. Proposition of James Rowan in relation to grade of Rowan street. Referred to the street committee. Bide for culverts and sewers were opened and read. Action was postponed on all bide except- ing bids for sanitary sewer, which was re- ferred to the engineer for computation. Engineer Blake presented a plat showing the widening of Weigle alley. Referred to the street committee; also presented a pro- file of grade of King and Grove streets. Re- ferred to the street committee; also present- ed a profile of grade of alley east of Wilson avenue; also presented plat of an alley in Geiger's sub. Referred to street committee. Also presented plat of proposed Louisa street from North street to South street. Referred to the street committee. The following bills for rolling of streets were referred to the auditor for collection: O. G. Kringle $148 58 45 06 Meehan & Hassett 40 67 200 81. 93 22 91 67 49 60 60 15 Atkinson & Oloff 375 07 Bill of Bart E. Linehan for $163.20 referred to the committee on supplies. The following bills were ordered paid: Adams Co $ 18 00 Jesse Jellison 56 70 John Tibey 539 71 Ald Vega offered the following: Resolved by the City Council or the City of Du- buque, That to pay for the construction of an eight inch tile pipe sewer in Clay street from Seventeenth to Eighteenth street, by Leven & Corrance, contractors, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts 'set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: MaryNewhaus, lot 1 of out-1ot675 city, 2,160 sq ft at $.009 s19 44 Kiene & Altman, lot 2 of out -lot 675, city, 2,160 sq ft at $ 009 19 44 W. Gruber, n 27% ft, lot 3 of out -lot, 675, city, 1,380 sq ft at $ 009 12 42 Thaddeus Gruber, s 15% ft. lot 3 of out - lot 675, city, 780 sq ft at $.009 7 02 Thaddeus Gruber, n 177% fc. lot 4 of out - lot 675, city, 860 s.1 ft at $.009 7 74 Nic and Frank Glab, s 22 ft lot 4 of out - lot 675, city, 1,130 sq ft at $.009 10 17 Edward Muntz, lot 5of out-1ot675, city, 3,759 sq ft at $.018 67 50 Adam Vogel, lot 6 of out -lot 675, city, 3,750 sq ft at $ 009 33 75 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne. Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Main street from Charter to Seventeenth streets, by Atkinson & Oloff, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots,) and parcels of real estate hereinafter named,situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Dubuque Street Railway company from Fourteenth to Fifteenth st ' eets : 92 80 eq yds granite paving at $1.99 $184 67 1671s6q yds brick paving at 7 282 23 99 —$ 466 90 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Burne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. No—Ald. Cushing. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of Grant avenue and 'West Eleventh street, west of Race street, by John P. Williams & Charles Bovine, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and the same is hereby levied on the several lots,and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: A. W. Hosford, lot 1, Cain's sub. 63.5 lineal ft curbing at 45c..4 28 58 34.40 sq yds guttering at 45c. 15 48 59.11 sq yds macadam at 45c. 26 60 ---$ 70 66 Dan Sheehan John Tihev Stench & O'Farrell O. G. Kringle Geo. E. Taylor E. E. Frith