Y Roll_11 Part 3 1 62 List of City 1T ai'rants.
I P Ilanlon. do 50 00 John Werrich, do 3 40
Geo MI da 25 l0 Jos Watry, no 70
J Murphy, do 60 00 AL:genb ehler,do 70
Rd Norton,bo'rd of prisoners........ 8 60 e Ahearn, team, 4
James Burns, labor 6 00 Tim Byron, do 12 80
J Broulette, do 6 10 R Bennet, do 3 15
H. Barlon. do 3 40 Ed Cleaver, do .... ' ' 4 75
11 05
P l3randenberg,do 11 15 Clancy, do 1 60
Cons Buse, do 4 05 A Conrad, do
John C,rbett, do 15 f5 Thos ICaBntt, do •• •••• 9 45
1:3 20 J Fitzpatrick, do 7 90
J Callahan, do ...
L Co c.ran, do 6 1 r M Hannon. do :3 05
W Crumpwell, do '•.' 70 T Haggerty, do ll 05
Sam Collins, do 32 40 .T Jochum, do 9 45
John Decker, do 3 40 P Jarden, do .... 12 60
F De Turk. do 6 10 N Kintzing er, do 7 90
Jos Dworah, do 2 05 T Kane, do 1 60
John Eagan, do 20 60 P Linehan, do 12 60
J ICisken, do 2 70 J Linehan, do .... 7 90
JEvert, do 6 10 John Long, do 11 05
JEneha dt, do 5 4, Joan I eicht, do 11 l5
M Fagan, do 11 15 Joe Moore, do Ii 45
PFitzgerald, do 4 75 A. Mink, do 6 30
J Fiedler, do 6 10 Wm.Mahor, do 11 t'5
Cohn Fix, do11 25 Dau McCullins, do 7 90
' Pat Green. do 5 40 J McFarland, do 7 90
John Graham, do 3 40 J.McCollins, do 22 g5
DGraudgenet, ro 7u J.McGrath, do .. 7 90
Wm G obe, do
John Haley, do 13 20 C McEI aMcGrath,h, do .... 9 90
Jas Hall. do 6 10 8 Norton, do 4 75
Aug Hofferman,do 70 J Parker, do 6 30
P Hall, do 2 05 Geo Reynolds, do 7 90
F Herzog, do 4 05 John ravage, do ................ 3 15
I Geo Hughes, do 14 55 Anton Siege, do 16 55
11 R IAtber, do 4 75 F Schu z. do 9 45
M Ilelvich, do 4 05 II Schmidt, do 12 60
P Jacobi, do 6 75 John S ewes. do 11 85
A Johnson, do 7 10 P St.ck, do 3 15
.1 Jecklin, do 4 05 Cath Tobin, do 9 45
Chas Janis, do 3 40 Ed Tap it, do 1 60
John Kinsella,foreman ?8 40 et Vogel, do .... . .... 7 90
P Kinney, laborer 19 25 J McUollins, exbiesa 1 00
' F Kreeser, do 1 35 D D Netterauer,do ... 1 00
I H Krentz, do 2 '70 A Waller, do 50
F Kuntz, do 2 70 cath Tobin, do 60
C Kamoman, do 3 40 V H,ri, do ................ 50
P Krocheski, do 4 75 A Fuhrman, do 50
H Srempa, do 4 75 John O'Brien, laborer 50 00
Jac Kuntz, do ................ 2 05 Tom Butcher, do 42 00
E 8 King, do ............... 70 Mike Igo, do 41 10
F Lasco, do ........ .. .... 2 05 Jas heed, do 40 25
H Leiach, do . . ............ 6 75 J Perryon, do 17 50
A Leicht, do 2 70 P McNulty, do 19 25
H Lempke, do 6 10 P Tury, do 18 35
Jas Melloy, do 6 45 E Earns, do 3 50
T Mahony, do ................ 2 70 T McCaffrey, do 69 30
' C Mackelberg do 4 05 Geo R'yu Ids, team 69 30
T Mulqueeney, do 9 80 P Linehan, do 34 65
Joan Mundt, do ................ 15 55 Wm McGrath, do 1 60
• J Moroney, do ........ ....... 4 40 M Farrell, macadam 12 75
J McNulty, do 14 20 P Ryan, do ................ 13 60
L McEvoy, do 70 John 1i helan do85
TMcCaffrey, do 45 M Burke, do 17 00
B McCormack, do 13 85 Fred Nauk, do ................ 32 30
4 T McDonald do 3 75 Chas Vincent, do 5 10
Jas 0 Dunn, do2 70 Geo Gow, do 2 55
F Otto, do ........... 70 John Bitseher, do 1 70
J Obbelt, do 10 15 uhas Ranch, do 2 55
J Osel. do 4 75 John Spies, do38 99
John PSffner, do 2 70 Max Heiner, do
Geo Parr, do 4 0513 60
Jno Woodrich, do 5 95
John Raetz, foreman 20 SO J Gillespie, do 14 87
N Ravenick, laborer .... 3 75 Chas Boregard, do ................ 26 35
E Rettenmeyer,do 8 10 Chas Prieb, do 53 50
John Ryan, do 1 35 Fred Galon, Co 23 80
C Rieger, do 2 05 Froh&'paha, do •.•............. 5 95
Chas Burchard,do 70 Ring&Deitr:ch.do4 25
Wm Rieman, do 11 50 Ring& Froh, do 30 60
A R Stevenson,engineer, ................ 19 20 Geo Schoen, do 12 75 •
P Stoffer, laborer, 10 15 J Bottoms. do 1 70
M Swartz, do 3 40 Paul Krccheeki,do 32 30
John Schuber, do 1 35 Peter Kiene, do 26 35
L Selvey, do 4 75 Del Gagne do53 55
Geo Sutter, do 4 05 Tho•O'Connell,.do •
34 00
Geo Schlaegel, do 4 05 t Mahan, do 16 15
Adam Schuller,do 4 75 Parker&Roy, do 161 85
H Schultz, do 70 Jas Cahill, do 48 45
Chas Swile, do 70 P ro cPoland, do 11 05
Chas Schultz, do 2 70 P Dempsey, do 17 75
M Specht, do 8 75 Jas Melone, do 17 85
M Scheirock, do 3 40 Remus&Co, do102 00
Gus Schultz, do 8 45 Sam Allen, do 19 12
Joe Siek, do 25 l,0
Wm Tinkham, do Thos Dorsey, do 123 25 4 05 Stephen Kane, do 8 50
Jas Tobia, do 4 05 Schreiner&Ruh,do 52 70
Aug Witter, do • 4 75 Wm Wells, do 17 00
John Wolfe, do 12 60 H Tlppe, do 14
1 14 02
P Wagner, do 4 75 Ed Kees, do 121 45
y Ed Welsh, do 4 75 J Harwich, do 22 10
l i _
List of City TYarrants.
Con McGee, do 21 25
P Quinn, do 13 80
RicnaTQ Burns, do 50 15
Joon Kohler, do 38 90
John Giessler, do 23 80
Chas Beyer, do 17 00
Aug Brocher, do 11 90
M Specht, do 11 90
John Fix, do 17 85
C Messerknecht,do 19 51
Peter Jacobi, do
John Twing, do ... 10 20
Aug Kauffman, do 22 95
C Mueggenberg, do 16 15
Wm Scharf, do ........... 27 20
John Beyer, do 22 95
IIenry Cremps, do 3 40
Jaeger & Ferris, do .... 68 00
Henry Glab, assistant in engineer's office. 50 00
Henry Geiger, repairing at city hall 5 90
Smedley Mentz Co., sliding poles 106 00
Ferguson Bros, repair+ne fountains 11 90
Nessler & Jungk. plumbing at Eighteenth 103 70
street engine house
A Wunderlich. horse shoeing 6 30
Shipley & Bauman, veterinary services13 25
3 00
Lesure Lumber Co., shavings • • • • •' 00
Byrne Bros. rent of wagon 2 2 J 432
Key City Gas Co, coke.........
E E Frith, removing dead animals 7 50
Thos Collins, horse shoeing 212 50
Lagen & Sloan, hore shoeing ...... • •••• 50
John E Rettig, repairing harness.
Jos Geiger, repairing patrol house 1 00
J M McKenzie, brass 9 9 50
Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing.......
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, rubber 5 75
boots . 1 10
Bart E Linehan, cement 81 10
Mrs A Heim, brick..... .
Catherine Riter, witness in city case 60
Continental Insurance Co, insurance on 37 50
market house 40 00
Mr and Mrs Koenig, janitor
Geo R Clark, repairlug clock tower 4 70
4 50
Jas Kelly, stationery 13 50
Barger & Blish, stationery
Barrett's Bindery, two dozen binders 4 50
G B Grosvenor, blue print 77 35
Merkes & Hassler, bran and salt...... 9 00
L Lindenberg, vise
J C Fitzpatrick, six copies session laws,ete 513 20
John Toussaint, wood1 00
Lear & niftier, horse shoeing 2 50
F Dahling, two tuba.... 9 50
Melt a Cushing, livery for com 16 10
Halpin, bran and groceries1 80
P H Halpin, bran and matches 1 00
Steuek & O'earrell, rock.... ..... .. ....• • 1 23
The Adams Co, repairing 1 90
P Klauer, pan for blue prints.... 55
Standard Lumber Co, lumber . 11 55
Fratz & Clark, oil, etc 13 50
Mrs E 8 Hyde, binding plats
Ellwanger Bros, r.,be and repairing har- 22 05
Carr, Ryder & Engler Co, frame for blue 8 00
prints 8 00
Reinfried & Jaeger, tools and rope
American Express Co, express on mer-
chandise 10 635
Bewer Bros, muslin and tape for binding
ExcelsiorJBrass,Works,t for repairing hose
hose 1 0
coupling.. 60
Chas Herzog, sawing wood. . 12 50
John T Kearns, recording plates... 3 50
John Callahan, cleaning snow around 70
city hall .... ....... ......... .
N Ravenick, cleaning snow around city
B McCormick, cleaning snow around city
hall ...............
John Finn, cleaning snow around city
Duggan & Kane, soap, soapine, matches
B McCormick, cleaning snow around city 70
John Hafey, cleaning snow around city 35
Wm Flynn, cleaning snow around city
Dubuque Co, mttrse
Bart E Linehan, white waste
Albert Kannolt, horse shoeing
Alex Gratz, fees in city cases
Brown & Brown, grading Seminary street 400 00
1 35
1 35
5 40
1 00
27 80
13 00
6 75
The Times Co, advertising 29 15
The Telegraph, aavertlsing 29 15
'The Herald, advertising ... 75 00
John E Hartlg, repairing tools 8 85
Merkes & Hassler, bran and hay 8 45
Bewer Bros, thread and muslin for bind -
leg .. ........ 2 57
Carr, Ryder & E igler Co, lumber.... .... 25
r Schloz, repairing tools ........... ...... 12 35
Consumers' Steam Heating Co, steam for
ventral engine house 1.18 80
J M McKenzie, repairing patrol wagon 25
Jos J 'tower], bedding and caps . 13 80
C H Altona, sx handle for electrician;:5
Bumgartner & Kleih, nails and rope 6 20
Z •hetner & Vogenthaler, repairing en-
gines 2 49
Dubr.que Water Works, water for horse
fo,rntains 296 38
Dubuque Water Works, 250 hydrants 500 00
do do do do do 500 00
do do do water for city hall
and patrol house 20 00
L Gonner, treasurer, money advanced500 00
do do do do 500 00
do do refunded, guaran-
tee U S Electric Light Co . 500 00
L Gonner, treasurer, refunded, guaran-
tee U S Electric Light Co . 500 00
L Gonner, treasur,r, excavation permits,
510; poste., S10; money advanced on
intereat,$183.38; refunded tax, $50 253 38
Dubuque Water Co, water for flush tanks 489 16
N Ruff, extra work on Eleventh srreet 2
sewer 8 00
Norton & Lee, extra work on West Locust 2550
Dub Elect Ry L & P Co, light 355 80
Globe L& H _o, 3l2 lights 500 008 0
Chas Herzog, sawtug wood 49 35
Key t`ity Gas Co, gas
Star Electric Co, light....... ......... 500 00
do do 311 00
Central Union Teleohone Co, rent of tele
phones 317 97
P d Halpin, com on Sanford and Queen 2 00
N H Schilling, com on Sanford and Queen 2 00
J W Parker, com on Sanford and Queen 2 00
streets ................... .... .. .... 00
ChrisA Voelker, juror 2 do oado""treet 2 00
Johnhn Pier, 2 00
A W Hosford, do do 2 00
J P Stendeback, do do 2 00
Robt Jess, do do 2 00
J P Quigley, do do 2 00
John Treater, do do 2 00
Frank Byrne, do do 2 00
M Musehitsch, do do 2 00
John O'Dea, do do 2 00
M J Mulgrew, do do
Adam Jeager, do Weigle alley2 00
2 00
A M Downer, do do do do 2 o 2 00
J J Murray, do do 2 00
J W Norton, do 2 00
Jos Kane. do 2 00
J J Sheridan, do do
Phil Pier, do do 2 00
Chris Capritz, do do 2 00
John Babcock, do do 2 00
Robt McGivern, do do 2 00
P RE Sommerfleld, do do 2 00
Nic Glab, do do 2 00
Hugh Corrance,do do 2 00
Jos Rooney, 2 00
John Hackett, labor.... .. ..... ... .
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and
correct month oflist
or all warrants issued during the
Attest: T. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, April 19, 1593.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
in the garbage districttmust hey
vide the proper receptacles for the holding
of garbage
to be placed in a convenientplace
for the collector. All parties are warned not
to throw their garbagein the oseds
or alleys or they will be prosecuted
rtoecue subject. t dcco
ed accord-
inging to the ordinance upon
lm S. B. RICE, City Marshal.
(;4 Notices.
0 fficial
Special Assessment N'oUce,
Dimmers, IOWA.
To the owner or owners of the several lots and
parcels of ground abutting.
Frances streot, from West Eagle Point avenue to
Hart street; Broadway, from Blocklinger lane
to Diagonal street; Broadway extension from
Diagonal street to Charles street; Washington
street, from Sanford street to 22d street; Queen
street, from Eagle Point avenue to Regent
street; Regent street, from Windsor avenue to
Queen street, all in the city of Dubuque:
You are hereby notified that there is now on
file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque,
a p,at of said above named streets in said city,
showing the separate lots or parcels of ground
abutting on said streets subject to special assess-
ment for the paving, guttering and cur oing and
macadamizing of said streets, and the names, as
far as practicable, of tee soveral owners of said
abutting real estate, and the amount to be as.
sensed against each lot or parcel of ground, for
the inspection of any person, firm or company
interested in any kind in said real estate, and
that such person, firm or company, having any
objections to the special tax proposed to be as-
sessed as shown by said plat, may file with the
city recorder his or their objections in writing at
or before the next meeting of the city council of
the city of Dubuque, which wtli eet on the 5th
day of June, 1893. W, H. KNOWLTON,
10t City Engineer, Dubuque, Iowa.
Notice of Sale.
I will sell at public auction to the best bid-
der for cash, on the 15th day of May. 1893, at
2 o'clock p. m., at the public pound of the
city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between
Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, the follow-
ing impounded animal, to -wit: One dark
bay horse, about 4 years old, weighs about
1,000 pounds: large wart on left hind leg
above the hoof. S. B. RICE, City Marshal.
Dubuque, May 9, 1893. 6t
Sidewalk Notices.
Resolved, By the city council of the city of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 12 feet wide, of
good 2 -inch brick. stone or cement, be, with-
in fifteen days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on east side of
Main street, between First street and Jones
street. where not already laid, at the expense
of abutting property.
lot T. J. CooNEY, City Recorder.
To Whom it May Onnc rn.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, May 4, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that all filth. man-
ure and rubbish must be hauled and dumped
on Sixth street extention. Any person haul-
ing or dumping any filth, manure or other
offensive matter on any other street, alley,
lane or private land will be arrested and
prosecuted according to the ordinance on
that subject. 20t S. B RICE, City Marshal.
Change of Grade Notice.
DUBUQUE. Iowa, May ft 1893
Notice is hereby given that there is now
on file in my office a profile showing a pro-
posed change of grade on Sanford street be-
tween Elm street and Windsor avenue. All
parties claiming damages by reason of said
proposed change of grade must file their
claims with me on or before June 5, 1593. at
which time the city council will consider the
matter. T. J. COONEY,
lm City Recorder.
Notice to Dna Owners.
Notice is hereby given that the dog license
for 1593 is now past due, and must be paid at
once. All dogs found within the limits of
the city and not having the proper tag on to
show that the license has been paid, will be
considered a public nuisance, and will be
dealt with accordingly. S. B. RICE,
4t City Marshal.
List of City Terrants. 65
Drawn by the City Recorder during the Month
of April, 1893.
P Hanlon. do 50 00
Geo Rubeck, do 25 CO
J Murphy, ' do 60 00
C Spiegelhalter, poundmaster.... 25 35
Rd Norton, board of prisoners........ 10 20
M Abbitz, labor 70
T Ahern, labor "" "" 7g 00
JBottoms, do .. .... ........... ...
1' Brindenberger, labor ................... 8 80
L Brandenberger, labor 3 40
J B etke. labor 2 05
Cnarles Buse, labor 18 25
J Broderick, do .... 70
J Burgman, do 2 70
Sam Collins, do 35 10
wCrumpwell, do 2 i0
H Crumpwell, do 3 40
J Callahan, do 16 90
L Co cnran, do 13 20
,john Corbett, dI 23 65
E1 Desmond, do 2 t
J Dougherty, do 1 35
J Everet, do 6 75
.1 Ersken, do 70
JEbeha dt, do 3 4,t
John Eagan, do 10 15
I }iris Fr. sch, do 6 10
F F idler, do 1 35
C I onsello, do 70
M Fagan, do 3 n5
J Fuhrman, do 70
A Puhrman, do 70
2 70
L do 2 05
Fos, do 1 35
(neo Gow. do 75
Wm Gow, do 4 5
P Grew, do 67 80
Ed Grew, do 6 70
Jos Hall, do 2 70
A ug Ho fferman, do •••• •••• •••
Geo Hughes, do 12 15
J Haley, do 18 902 70
N Hdo 2 70
D Harman, do 4 05
A Johnson, do 12 55
P Jacobi, do 00
J Kinsella, carpenter 70
A Krunning, laborer 6 75
Aug Kaufman, do 4 75
H KremPa, do 4 75
E S King, ..
P Kinney, 18 60
do 1 05
Chris Kinsella, do 1 15
H Luck, 16 10
H Lempke, do 3 40
John Lavin, ddo 2 70
M [Aback,45
John Mundt, do 4 5
P Mohan, 4 45
Jail Me,lary, do 7 45
T Mahony, do 2 40
M Murphy, do 70
'I' 3 Mulqueeney, do 23 60
J McNulty, do 6 60
T McDonald do 6 45
B McCormick, do 5
Wm Mcllermott,do
TMcCaffrey, do 2 752 00
T McCaffrey, mason 6 00
L McEvoy, laborer 3 35
A McGuan, do 1 70
M Nuten, 2 10
do 8 50
J Obbelt,
P O'Brien, eo
P Powers, do ""• 30 002 50
John Raetz, foreman 30 00
N Ravenick, laborer • •0
9 45
Wm Rieman, do • •" 9 45
John Ryan, do 29 40
A R St( venson, engineer, 10 00
M Speoht, laborer 10 ( 0
Jac Seik, do 12 (0
Aug Schulz, do 12 85
P Stoffer, do 12 25
M Schurrock, do .... 1 05
N Schroeder, do 6 45
N Sweeney. do
Dan Sullivan, do 3)
F Sulhavey, do 2 70
P smith, do 1 70
W Spaulding, do 1 35
J Watrey, P Sullivan, do 1 75
do 16 20
J Wolte, do do 4 00
Aug i kle,
Ed Wi n, do 4 05
Gott Wirt, do . 2 70
Jos Weirich, do .„ 2 70
John We. ah, do 2 05
R Wlederman. do • • •' • •'
DunuquE, Iowa, May 1, 1893.
To the Honorable alfayor and City Council:
GERTLEMEN—The following is a complete list of
all warrants drawn during the mouth of April,
1593' For What Purpose. Amount.
L Gonner, treasurer, salary for Marvh..$100 00
L Gonner, clerk hire do ..
J C Fitzpatrick, recorder, do . 116 70
J M Kenety, auditor, do .. 116 70
J J McCarthy, attorney, do 125 00
.. 125 00
John Stemm, assessor, do .. 125 00
Ed Blake, engineer,
E S Hyde ass't engineer, d'r .. 100 00
Jas Boyce, asst't engineer, do .. 100 00
Henry Glab, ass't engineer, do 50 ( 0
J ('arter.street commissioner do 91 65
S B Rice. marshal, do 100 00
Jos Reinfrled, fire chief, do75 00
Ed Norton, marketma•ter, do 50 00
F W Wieland, health otlicer, do 50 00
B Rawson,sewer inspector, do . 60 00
Jas Bunting, electrician, do
H. Hen ge, park custodian, do .4675 5000
Geo. Bennett, ass't assessor, do 100 0 00
0 00
G. Gmehle, do 41 65
John O'Connell, clerk, do 61 65
James Daly, fireman 75 00
Job Barnes, do
A McDonnell, do "' • 50 00
W Duey,50 00
J Murphy, doo3,313
0 00
"' '
.T Schonberger, dod50 00
T Shea, ... 50 00
Ed Weds, do 60 00
M Eitel, do ,„ 75 00
J Beaman, do 50 00
A Duecinl, do 60 00
3 Flynn, 60 00
J Wiltse, do 50 00
T Walker. do 50 00
50 00
James Powell, do
C epeeht, do 60 00
D Ahern, do 60 00
J Allen, do 60 00
W Hippuran, do 50 00
C Kannolt, do 50 00
F Ganahl, do 50 00
J Ward, Beeman, do 50 00
Geo Collinson, do 50 00
• Flynn,do 50 00
y 50 00
AFdo 50 (0
J Rooneyon y, do 75 00
D Ryan, policemen 70 00
John Raeslie, do
B Cain, do 70 00
"" 46 40
Wm Hennessy, du 46 40
Wm O Brien, do 48 40
Wm Frith, do 50 00
John Litscher, do 50 00
P McNerney, do 50 00
T Reilly. do 50 00
P KearneDunuey.
an, do 50 00
P Kearney. do 50 ( 0
J Fitzpatrick, dodo 50 40
D Norton, 50 00
Jas Allen, do 50 00
John Reuter, do ,. b0 00
Sam Elmer, do 50 00
JasRlynn, do 47 85
Dan Lavery, do
Ed Moore. do •""""• 48 40
Id Kilty, do 48 40
J D Siegrist, do .. "" "" 47 80
PSntton, do ......""" 50 00
M Hoffman,, do 5500
47 SS
J do ... 47 00
P PoweSullivan, do "" "•.. 50 00
P Powers, do
Jail Carter, do ••'•••'""""• 50 00
ntzinger,do •••••••••"" 50 00
Hardie. do "" ..... •50 00
.1 Murphy, d o .... ......... 50 00
Wm K aver, do
50 00
P Scharf, do
PMcColline, do ........•••••••• 50 03
List of City Traerants.
R Bennett, team
T B Cain, do
T Elliott. do
J Fitzpatrick, do
M Hannon. do
H IIagaerty, do
P Jardin, do
W Kessler, co
T Kane, do
J Linehan, do
Wm Mohr, do
Joe Moore, do
Wm McGrath, do
J. McGrath, do
JMtt'racken, do
C McElrath, do
J. McFarland, do
J Powers, do
En Qulnlivan, do
F Senn z, do
Anton Sieg, do
Cath Tobin, do
0 Van Wie. do
John Welsh, do
31 Zogg, do
John O'Brien, do
Tom Butcher, do
Tom Hackett, do
Mike tgo, do
Jos Reed, do
Joe Rooney, do
P McNulty, do
P Fury, do
J Perryon, oo 28 55
Eli Harris, do 19 70
Geo R'yn lda, do 58 30
P Linehan, do 9 45
M White. do 8 70
P McCaffrey, do 10 50
M Quirk, do 3 00
Chas Karch, macadam 28 90
T Rote man, do 130 05
N Goober, do 17 85
JAlbrecht. do 55 25
Wm Scharf, do 33 15
Chas Prieb, do 54 45
J Tweig, do 5 00
C Mesitenech', do 29 30
Peter Jacob, do 7 65
John Fix. do 5 10
Chas Buckord, do 12 75
Max Heiner, do 13 60
Aug Brocker, do 9 35
Chas Beyer, do 24 65
Peter Kiene, do 47 60
Paul Krokeskie, do 44 20
F Luchterhand, do 5 , 95
John Kohler, do 11 90
Johh Becker, do 10 20
RHuber, do 24 65
J Bottoms do 4 25
Jaeger & Ferris, do ..... 38 25
H Burns, do 50 15
Ed Lee, do 15 30
P F Quinn, do 12 75
P Quinn, do 21 25
John O'Shea, do 31 4i
Joe McDermott, do ...... .... 15 30
M Sullivan, do 190 40
M F.rrell, do 30 60
WmMcDermott, oo 24 65
J Stedman, do 17 85
NedMcPoland, do 33 15
Roy & Pa,ker, do 165 75
Tom O'connell, do 27 20
Jas Melone, do 69 70
John Quail, do 7 65
Ed Keas do ............ ••27 20
M Bruckhordt, do 8 50
D Sutherland, do 22 9.
Nic Theis, do 17 00
Thos Dorsey, do 67 15
Jos Gillespie, do 12 32
John M Fitzpatr:ck,handling and putting
up booths 61 00
John Westercamp..... 10 00
Mr and Mrs Koenig, janitors....... 40 00
Itivegtine and John Lavrey, for opening
State street 500 00
Fred Byer, witness in case City vs. Pule60
Thos Finn, register for election 10 00
Jolie Enright, do 10 00
John Stemm, do 10 00
G A Barnes, do 10 00
P G Altman, do .... •.••10 00
Eugene Werner, do 10 00
W S Couch, do 10 00
C H Gregoire, do 10 On
C A Walter, do 10 00
Geo P Stuber, do ...... 10 Uu
2 40
:3 95
25 20
2 40
1 60
4 75
11 05
1 60
3 15
11 05
3 15
10 25
6 30
24 45
4 75
6 30
3 95
2 40
3 15
9 45
12 61
4 75
7 90
3 10
50 00
47 25
• 8 50
47 25
41 55
36 75
21 00
:30 20
Peter P Bewer, do
Otto Tunes, co
John O'Connell, do
Adam Doerr, Jr, do
Dan RA rdan, do
C Fo ter,
Jas Bennett, do
John Hillery, do
J M Kenety, do
Jos Herod, do
E A FrenziL do
A J Schwind, do
II Prinkman, do
C D Botsford, do
G Gmehle, to
Phil Doerr do
G H Runyon, do
Henry Pi otzer, do
Thos Keuneally, Jr., clerk of election ...
11IIa,l, do
Phil Pier, judge of election
FOLee, do
T J Burns, do
Geo , ucas, clerk of election
Jo;Hannon, do
N C Ryan, judge of election
Dennis Sm th, do
J N Halpin, do
Z B Hoffman, clerk of election.... .• . • ....
C B Miller, do
Chas Mehl, judge of election
L Brin, Jr, do
Jechmidt, do ••••••
Is. iah Cleminscn, clerk of election
•tohn P Qu gley, do
A H Smyth, judge of election .....
T W Johnson, do
RT Eddy, do
.Toe Myle, clerk of election.... .....
F OUdall, do
John Wunderlich, judge of election
J Fuh'man, do
John Pier, do
a, II Altman, clerk of election
John J Lambert, do
Frank echerr, judge of election....
Jas IIayes, do
AJ Walter, do
Cha• J F,ynn, clerk of election
R E Butler, do
John C Althauser, judge of election
Leo Palen, do
A V gler, do
T J Loftus, clerk of election
Eugene Anderson, do
P Crawford, do
Edw C Peaslee, do
John A Fo rester, do
J w Coy. clerk of election .............
Chas Pitschner, do
A F Frudden, judge of election
E J Royce, do
E C Blake, do
Rob t Lee, clerk of election. ...
W G Robinson, do
Chris A Voelker, judge of election........
Jas Lee, do
Geo R Clerk, do
Jas H Hanover, c'erk of election
NH Schilling. do
D H Iloffman, judge of election
Jos R Kauffman, do
John Zimmerman, do
E Sommerfleld, clerk of election
Frank Dueretcher, do
F J Stoltz, judge of election
N P Nicks, do
I K Beekman, do
Louis Hahn, clerk of election.... •
FEL Dersch, do
Walter Richman, judge of e'ection
Adam Hefner, do
ChssElmer, do
W Mayhanks, clerk of election .......
Nic Engle, do
Paul Bewer, judge of election....
Lou s Doerfler, do
Eugene Frith, do
T Rafferty. rent of rooms for election
John Kavanaegh, do
11 Weatercamp, on
Lorfm,er house, do
Western Bcewer1, do
Edward Ryan, do
Wm Meyers, do
II Muel er do
Chris Capritz, do
Jae Crawford, do
Svendsen & Ott, do
Montana house, do
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
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10 00
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10 00
list of City Warrants.
Lorimier house, do .... 10 00
Western brewery, do .... 10 00
Wm Kenyon, do 10 00
8ehmid's brewery, do .... 10 00
Mrs E Mueller, do 10 00
Val Mackert, do 10 00
Jas Crawford, do 10 00
McDermott & Son, plumbing .... 4 95
The Telegraph, blank stationery, etc.... 194 33
Ilam & Carver, blank stationery.......... 104 90
E B Preston, hose wagon 450 00
W W Wormwood, care and winding town
clock.............. ..................... 72 00
Dubuque Cabinet Makers' association,
rent for tables and chairs for election.. 3 00
P Klauer, repafrtngg pump........... 50
Byrne & caul. cutttngcurb 25 00
Palmer, Winall & Co, record book 12 CO
J W Wittmer Jr, one brush 55
Knapp, Stout & Co company, lumber 3 59
Dubuque Rubber and Belting company,
hose. ....... ...... .... 400 00
Peter Kiene, macadam.... ........ ........ 3 90
G B Grosvenor, stationery 5 50
Jas Kelly, stationery 87 74
Thos T Carkeek. supt engine house 122 00
G B Grosvenor, stationery 10 20
W Gruber, repairing engines 1 65
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 2 00
John Ganahl, d0 16 65
Lear & Pfiffner, do 3 50
Steuck & O'Farrell, curbing 1 20
D D Niterauer, express hauling 1 50
Frank Sieg. do 1 00
A Fuhrman, do 1 50
L Daly, do 50
J McCollins, do 1 00
Wm McLoughlin, do 1 00
Jae Tobin, do 1 50
Palmer, Winall & Co, blank stationery30 50
John Tr.xler, oil...... ..... 2 50
Harger & Blish, boxes 1 50
0 J Jones, balance on engine house 50(1 00
do do do 177 50
Svendsen & Ott. lumber 11 20
Theno & Wertenbook, rubber boots 3 25
John Mundt, labor ... 4 00
G A Hoerner, six cuspedores..... ....... 3 00
J W w ittmer, Jr, oil. etc 5 40
Peter Klauer, repairing hyurants 10 75
Wm S Moto, plumbing . 12 80
Bart E Linehan. cement and sewer pipe 74 00
Lear & Pfiifoer, horse shoeing 3 00
Zehetner & Vogenthaler, repairing rods
and sewer pipe . 5 98
P Klauer, roof on patrol 101 40
Headford Bros & Hitchens Foundery eom•
pany, manholes and grates. .... 24 00
German Catholic Printing company, ad
ver,ising.... 50 00
J C Fitzpatrick. revising ordinances 400 00
P Stoffer, cleaning around city hall 1 35
N itavenick, do do 2 05
L Corcoran, do do 70
F Sieg. do do 2 50
Mary Drees, do do 50
E M Dickey Co, white waste and brooms17 80
John Butt, repairing engine house hO
Thos Hill, do do 1 95
Shipley & Bauman, services 26 50
J F Reis & Bros, sprinklers, coal hods,etc 2 40
Byrne & Saul, cutting curb, etc33 90
heinfried & daega, supplies.... 1 90
Geo Witter and Jas Malloy, macadam6 27
Thos Cain, hauling booths .... 4 00
John Wickham, hauling booths.......... 4 00
C Jacobi, office chair 1 50
Rer eve Ruboer company, hose 187 50
E B Preston & Co, hose... .. ........ . 450 00
Western Rubber and Belting company,
hose 200 00
Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing com-
pany, glass screws 3 00
P E Strelau. express of flush tank 50
E E Frith, hauling dead animals 5313 10
rhil Pier, coal...
Sveodsan & Ott, lumber 3 95
Barger & Blisb, stationery 37 85
do do 23 80
Key City Gas Co, coke 38 47
John Toussaint, wood .................... 18 00
W H Torbert, sul acid and soda. .... 9 44
Standard Lumber company, shavings.... 1 50
Geo N Raymond, baskets and mats 4 35
Con Ryan, Jr, rolling Grandview avenue250 00
P H Halpin, court cost 90 80
Harger & Blish, stationery • • • • 5 06
Peter Klauer, iron box 3 55 Chas Horzog, sawing wood10 00
Geo W Wunderlich, bottles, boxes and
J W Wittmer, medicine for prisoners
John T Kearns, filing deeds
Knapp, Stout & Co company, lumber
L Gonner, treasurer, money advanced. 1430 51
Williams & Bevin, grading and resetting
84 21
32 25
25 00
500 00
248 51
Dubuque Water Works, hydrants ..... .1235 00
The Herald, advertising .. 75 00
The Times Co, advertising.... 29 15
The Telegraph, aaverttsing . 29 15
Dubuque Light and Beat company, street
Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and 500 00
Power company, light 228 80
Key City Gas company, light.... 48 90
Star Electric Co, light 1018 96
P E Strelau, coal . 114 30
Farley, Loetscher Manufacturing com-
pany, moulding 40
Bat It Linehan, cement and sewer pipe147 00
Ferguson Bros, boiler 600 00
do do 300 00
Central Union Telehone company, tele
phone rent 20 25
1 hereby certify the foregoing 1s a correct list
of warrants issued during the month of April,
Attest: T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
5 10
10 00 .
19 48
D W Linehan. macadam
Steuek & Farrell, g•ading
Ferguson Bros, plumbing.....
do do
An Ordinance,,
An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled
"An Ordieance to Regulate Elections."
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That section four of chapter four of
the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque,
as published in the official book of Revised Or-
dinances of 1893, be. and the same is. hereby
amended by striking out of the line next to the
la•t line of said section, as found in said pub-
lished book of Revised Ordinances, the words"or
appointed." This ordinance shall take effect
from and after its publication in the Dubuque
Herald, a newspaper pubdahed in the City of Du-
Approved May 27, 1893.
Attest: T. J. C00NEY, City Recorder.
Notice to Sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the City
Engineer's office up to 4 o'clock p m. of Monday,
June 12, 1893, for constructing sidewalka as fol.
lows where not already laid, viz: A 4.ft wide
plank sidewalk on west s'de of Pine street from
Twenty-third street to Twenty fifth street; a 8•ft
wide plank sidewalk ou south side of Garfield
avenue from Pine street to Johnson avenue; a
4 ft wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Burden
avenue from Windsor avenue to City limits; a 6 -ft
wide plank sidewalk on south side of West Third
street from St. Mary's street to Cardiff street; a
6 ft Ride plank sidewalk on north side of West
Third street from Bluff street to Summit; a 4 -ft
wide plank sidewalk on south side of Almond
street in front of lots 38, 39 and 40. Cox's add; a
4 ft wide plank sidewalk on west side of Klingen-
berg street; a 6 ft wide plank sidewalk on north
side of West Fifth street from Robert's avenue to
Alpine street; a6 ft wide plank sidewalk on both
sides of West Eleventh street between Race and
alley east of Center Place—all in accordance to
specifications on file 1n said office. A bond of
$100 will be required with each bid. The city
reserves the right to reject any or all tids.
junel•dlOt W. B. KN W CityEngineer.
Bids will be received at the city recorder's
office up to 2 o'clock p. m. Monday, June 5,
1893, for doing the veterinary work of the
city for the ensuing year. Bidders must
state the price per horse per year for doing
said work, including all medicine required.
The committee reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. P. Chairman Fire Committee.
Dubuque, May 31, 1893.-4t
68 O ffl ial Notices.
Sidewalk Notice.
Resolved, By the city council of the city of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 6 feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
he, within ten days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north
side of West Fifth street, between Roberts
avenue and Alpine street, where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted Ma} 4, 1,91
lot T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Change of Grade Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there is now on file
in my office a profile showing a proposed change
of grade on Dodge street between York street and
Grandview avenue.
All parties feeling aggiieved at sa'd proposed
change of grade mutt rile their claims for dam-
ages in my office on or before July 1, 1893.
Said propos, d change of grade will be consid-
ered at the next regular session of the council, to
be held July 3, 1893. T. J. COONEY,
jel3d5t City Recorder.
Regular Session, June 5th, 1893.
Regular Session. June 5th, 1893.
Council meet at 10 o'clock, a. tn.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present .Alds. Butler,
Olinger, e, Crawford,
ra Powers,
Ryder and Vogel.
011 motion the minutes of the previous
meeting were approved as printed
The lollowing bills were allowed:
Tesler & Jungk, work on Patrol
house and Fifth Ward Engine 113 95
Jas. Kelley, stationery, etc 13 45
Peter Klauer, labor and dog tags21 65
Iowa Iron works, soft sleet 1 75
E. M. Dickey company, cyl oil2 80
P. Pier, coal 2223 82
Key City Gas Cu., coke 2
W. M. Greenhow, labor plumbing. 173 40
Svendsen & Ott, lumb r
Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum- li 07
Standard Lumber Co. iutuber 5 42
Novelty Iron works, machine bolt. 06
John E. llartig, repairing locks 8 50
and keys9 25
G. B. Grosvenor Co., flies and pens 10 00
Lear & Ptiti'ner,horseshoeing
Ferguson Bros. plumbing and sup- 8 75
Ferguson Bros. plumbing and sup- 6 75
Ferguson Bros. plumbing and sup- 80
plies 6 00
Logen & Sloan, norsesnueiug, 600
Butt Bros. blacksmithing....' • •
Zehetuer & Vogenthaler, machine b
work 2 2 8 805
P. 1f. Hatpin, merchandise
aliipley & Bauman, yertinary ser-
Lear & Fortner, uurseshoeing
Albert Karinolt, horseshoetng
Taos. Collins, horseshoeing
DubuqueSpectalty Machine works
worn at engine house
Excelsior Brass Works, work on
A. Wunderlich, nursesnoeiLig
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co.
repairing coat
John Butt, blackmailing
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, labor
at engine house inug uY-
W. M. Greenhow, rep:t
drams on Rhomberg avenue
W. M. Greenhow, repairing foun-
tain at 18th street
Key City Gas Co. coke and coal
Jacob Schmidt, labor
C. O. 1). Laundry, cleaning and
laying carpets............ • •
Reiufried & Jaeger, lawn mower
Chas. llerzog, labor
F einfried & .Jaeger, steel Lr engine
P. 11. Halpin, supplies
house .
Svendsen & Ott, sliaviugs and
lumber ................ . .
Jos. A. Palen, sUnpues for fire tie-
par[ment .......... • • ...
W. H. 'Torbert, supplies fur Lire ue-
partnieut ........................
John Mullen, narness soap...
Reinfrted & Jaeger, nardware
P. E. Strelau, coal.......... .
Baumgartner & Klein, hardware
Peter Klauer, lamps and oil
John '1'. Kearns, county recorder,
recording fees
12 55
2 5U
10 75
5 75
J. It. Jellison, sodding Jackson
Matt emelt, painting pagoda
Jas. Lee, cement sideNalk Jack-
son park
Baumgartner & Klein, tape line
E. E. Frith, filling
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co,
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing
Co., sash weight
Smith Printing Co, ordinance
David Wilson and W. M. Kretsch-
mer, taking testimony
Palmer, Winall & Co.,
and tax book
Duggan & Kane, supplies
Portland Paving Co., cement walk
around Central engine house.... 195 73
Mrs. A. Kerne, cleaning city ball.. 22 50
Mrs. E. Keouig, cleaning city hall. 23 75
J. Hall. cleaning around city hall.. 65
'1'. Morgan, cleaning around city
Larry Daley, cleaning around city 29 00
C. A. Hoerner, dusters.... 4 10
Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware, 4
&c 75
Aloes Gasser, brick 100 50
Arnold Vicks, contract on sewer73 34
Jos. Geiger, carpenter work
Headford Bros. & Hitchens Found-
ry56 Co., grates
The Knapp, Stout & Co. Company, 7 54
Bill of Duouque Water Works for $1,276
was referred to the committee on fire and
Bill of Thos. Byrne for $81.70 referred to
the street committee.
Bill of Albert Gasser was referred to the
committee on sewers.
The following bills were referred to the
committee on supplies: $ 25
Iowa Iron works 76
Standard Lumber Cu 131 1 25
Knapp, Stout & Co. Company
Ileadtord Bros. & llitchens (state -
3 80
John Toussaint
Ferguson Bros
[larger & Bltsh
4 25
4 40
5 95
11 73
4 45
15 75
7 50
23 00
7 50
3 75
1 75
for city
95 94
65 00
312 81
2 50
72 60
22 00
8 25
12 00
69 00
5 45
8 65
5 65
10 05
10 08
4 50
5 18
8 08
4 85
8 10
10 25
18 00
89 75
2 00
file following bilis were referred to the
printing committee: 861 25
Hardie & Scharle 83 00
The herald 87 15
Ledger Printing Co 75 00
National Democrat ............. 96 00
Dubuque TELEGTtAP11
The following bills were referred to
electrical construction committee:
lteinfried & Jaeger.
Peter Martin... •..14 86
Central E:ectrical company • • • • •
The following bills were referred to the
committee on police and light: 500 00
Globe Light and Heat Co.... • • • 97 70
Tom Connolly187 50
Dubuque Light and 'fraction Co,. 1187 79
Star Electric Company..........
Ansonia Electric Co ............... 1 98
Key City Gas Co... ............... 67 60
Ald. Powers moved t atweet as aI1adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. and
mittee of the whole to discuss the water
question, carried.
AFTERNOON SESSION. ' MayorCouncil meet at 3o'clock p.
Daugherty in the chair. Present 'vic 1
Butler, Crawford. Glab, Lillig,
Olinger, Powers, RyderTansd Vogel.
PEPetition of Henry Ilerancourt et al., for
70 Regular Session, June 5th, 1893.
opening streets in Grandview Park addi-
tion was read.
Aid. Nicks moved to suspend the rules
and Mr. lierancourt be allowed to address
the council on the subject. Carried.
Mr. lierancourt addressed the council in
relation to the above matter.
Ald. Nicks moved the above petition be
Ald. Powers moved as an amendment to
defer action until all parties interested ap-
pear befare the council. Carried.
Ald. Olinger moved that a recess of 15
minutes be taken and allow Mr. Henn -
court and others interested to appear be -
hire the new members of the council and
explain the situation of the matter to them.
The council reconvened after a recess of
15 minutes and Aid. Powers presented the
following report in regard to the matter.
We, the undersigned, to whom was re-
ferred the foregoing petition, report:
Thai it is inexpedient at the present
tune to open the streets therein referred to;
that it may invoke upon the city great ex-
pense, and that Mr. lierancourt's lots are
now on Grandview avenue and recommend
that the prayer of the petition be not
granted and that there is no necessity now
for opening these streets.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee:
List of macadam bills unpaid.
Petition of Peter Kiene asking for com-
pensation for labor on Valaria street.
Petition of Jimmy Melloy asking to be
appointed driver of one horse rig to be pur-
chased by the city.
Petition of Edmond J. Ryan, wanting
Angella street put in a fit condition.
Petition of Jas. Street for compensation
for rock furnished for retaining wall of
Peru road.
Petition of Bernard Gallen objecting to
change of grade on Dodge street.
Petition of Langton & Trudell in regard
to supplying street signs for the city.
Petition of J. Kerlow and others remon-
strating against special assessment levy on
Francis street until it has been more care-
fully inspected by the city engineer.
Petition of J. Jehring remonstrating
against change of grade on Sanford street
from 1Vindsor to Elm.
The following petitions were referred to
tine street committee and engineer:
Petition of J. J. Sheridan for profile of
grade of Euclid and Moaroe ayes.
The petition of Ludwig Grassal, et al.,
protesting against the change of grade of
Seminary street in Littleton and Sawyer's
add itious.
Petition of \Vin. G. Watters and others
asking the city to extend the surface water
sewers along Jones street between Locust
street and the levee.
The following petitions were referred to
the delinquent tax committee:
Mrs. McMah,du, Airs. Ellen McCormick,
Mrs. Mary Rubeck, Elizabeth Bisang,
Barbara plump, Mary Driscoll, Elizabeth
Kress. Johanna McNally, Johanna Rath,
Margaret Donahue.
The following petitions were referred to
the committee of the whole:
The petition of E. 1-i. Sheppley et al. to
tot orove Lincoln avenue between Cooler
avenue and \V bite Ft reel.
The petition of James Bowie et al. ask-
ing that Alpine street, from West Third to
Dodge street, be graded, curbed and ma-
The following petitions were referred to
the committee on police, light and elec-
trical construction:
Petition of Peter Kiene et al. asking
for an electric light placed on Broad -
w 1 etition of Thos. Barry et al., asking for
gasoline lamps on Fifth avenue in Ham's
Bill of the Eureka Gas Saving Co. was
referred to the committee on police and
Petition of Win. Hintrager remonstrat-
ing against special assessment for side-
walk repairs was received and tiled.
The comniuitcation of Isaac Proctor to
amount due on macadam on his premises
was referred to the committee on claims.
The petition of Johanna Evert asking to
have the Langworthy estate fill lots and
place sidewalk on Elm and 19th streets,
was referred to engineer.
The application of Capt. Stephen Shaw
and Frai k 'Touisant asking for the ex-
clusive privilege to run ferry between Du-
buque . and East Dubuque, Ill., was re-
ferred to city attorney, mayor and ordi-
nance coin mMee.
Bill of Lavin & Corrance for construct-
ing sewer on Wilson avenue was referred
to committee on sewers.
'l'lte following petitions were granted:
1 he petition of Chas.Stafford, et. al. for
improvement of alley between Windsor
ave. and Queen street.
Petition of Leonard Buehler, et. al.,
asking that the alley north of Kniest street
i etween Garfield and Rhino berg ayes., be
graded and macadamized.
Petition of J. D. Calehan, et. al. for the
improvement of Hutnbolt street.
Atkinson t& Oloff were allowed $4,919.25
in part payment for the improvement of
Main street.
'Che following claims were ordered paid.
Steuck & Farrell for work on culvert on
Windsor and Burden avenues, $78.75.
Claim of Richard Eddy, inspector of
brick paving on South Alain for month of
May, $45.
Bill of Peterson & Co. for rock placed
back of Alma street Wall, $19.20.
Bill of Jas. Lee for stone, $46.
Bill of Jas. Cushing for stone, $116.
Bill of Chas. Smith for work, $22 50.
Bill of Mrs. Koenig, services as janitor
Bill of E. E. Frith for resetting curb and
gutter, $15.40.
Geo. W. Farley was allowed $1,100 as
partial payment for construction of wall
on Alma street on contract of Peterson
& Co.
M. Lavin was allowed $300 as part pay-
ment for sewer ou Emmett and St. Mary's
Ald. Lillig offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
That Humboldt street, between Garfield
and Lincoln avenues, be graded, guttered,
curbed and macadamized, in conformity
with the ordinance upon that subject.
That the city engineer be and is hereby
directed to make the necessary plans and
specifications for said improvement, and
the city recorder directed to give the neces-
sary notice for bids and proposals for the
performance of the work; the guttering,
curb ng and macadamizing to be done at
the expense of the owners of the abutting
Regular Session, June 6th, 1893.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
J illigc, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Aid. Olinger moved that the resolution
of the City Council adopted at the ad-
journed regular session of the council. May
24, 1892, relating to the Eight street
and West Dubuque Street Railway and
directing that a warrant be drawn for the
sum of $340.15 he reconsidered. Carried.
Ali. Ryder, chairman of the Board of
Health, reported in favor of paying bill of
r', W. W 'eland for $7.00 for postage.
Also reported the following, which was
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen—lour executive committee
of the Board of Health, after numerous
complaints on the part of our citizens in
regard to the unwholesome condition of
the water furnished by the Dubuque
Water Co. beg leave to report that we
have had several meetings in regard to the 1
matter and have had conferences with toe
officers of the Water Co. in regard to same.
After earefullycontedering the whole matter
we have come to the conclusion that it 14 not
for us to say how the Water Co. snail pro-
ceed to furnish the city and its citizens
with pore and wholesome water. Their
chatter expressly states that they must
furnish pure and wholesome water to the
city and its citizens, in suem quantities as
may be required.
The health of our city and citizens de-
pends wholly on the condition of the water
used for culinary and drinking purposes,
and if said water is impute and unwhole-
some, what means have we to protect them
from disease and sickness?
It is o[ vital importance, therefore, that
we should nave pure and wholesome water
and too much cannot be done to attain
such a result.
We would therefore recommend to your
honorable body that the Dubuque Water
Co. be notified and instructed, forthwith,
to furnish to the city and its citizens, pure
nnd wholesome ntities as
ay be water
required,as provided iuttheir char-
ter, and in case of failure or neglect on
their part so to do, thea cue city, t.hrouell
her council, will adopt such measures to
take such means as hes in her power
forfeit said charter, and protect the inter-
ests of the city. Respectfully submitted.
.1. B. POWERS,
Attached hereto is a communication
from Health Officer J. W. Fowler, which
is submitted fur your consideration.
To toe Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen.—'1'o those who nave always
been interested in Dubuque's water sup-
ply, its purity and its taste, it. is not sur-
prising that an increase of interest not
only by the consumers but by the water
company has been manifested. This In-
terest has nut by any means been confined
to these parties, for it has been reflected
in the large space devoted to the discussion
of this topic in the columns of to daily
myss. The elf also, td
have speof nt double the alth as etime
usually taken and have examined all the
sources of supply, the purity of the water
at these places, the mains and methods of
llushnr_, the causes of the odor, color, etc.,
and many other things in which the city
and water company are directly interested.
It has been demonstrated by investiga-
tors like Prof. Sternberg in our own coun-
try and Pasteur and Koch in Europe that
water is the chief, and in some cases, the
only agent in the transmission of disease.
Water to be suitable for drinking and in
fact for general use, should be clear bright
and free from suspended matter. It must
be colorless and have an agreeable, re-
freshing taste. It must be odorless and
with little or no mineral matter in it. It
must contain no algae or other vegetable
platter, no niicroues of diseases, or any
animal matter or impurities therefrom.
J'he water from the level has been and Is
now free from all impurities. The arte-
sian well water is excellent In every way,
even the slight amount of sulphur and iron
held in this water is of benefit to the sys-
tem. Both of these waters are praised by
the state chemist and reported to the mayor
and city council as pure.
Where then is the source of contamina-
tion, what is the source of its turbidity,
odor, bad taste, etc? When toe rew mains
were being laid on Lincoln avenue the
pipes were partially tilled by long stand-
ing with clay and other dirt. No doubt
some of this was pushed out; but a large
quantity was not, and in addition to what
was in them the laying of the pipe in thin
mull and water must have increased the
quantity to tons of clay and dirt in the two
miles of pipe. This had time to settle and
harden. Now when an irregularly swift
current of water with a pressure of fitty
or more pounds to the square inch rushes
through these pipes it lifts up and dissolves
a few hundred weight of clay and then we
have the bad water. Some rust from the
old pipes is washett off also. In addition
to this we have oakum washed off, here
and there, from a litthe
new main.
Then the scaling offof the
l preparation
used to paint the insides of the pipe Is also
seen in our hydrants.
But the bad odor and taste will remain
after the ptpeS have been cleaned, and, of
course, dead ends or stagnant water will
soon and bad become ta telatrid and But if thewill
ldeadean odor
ends are
flushed and there is little or no turgidity,
the water from the present drive wells, to
my mind, will still taste like the river wa-
ter and support vegetable and animal life
and will be unwholesome and impure.
My reasons for thinking so and the
remedy for this sore evil, 1 will not now
We are slow to • condemn advisors
r oe or advise
rightly so. In fact the legal
the boardof
can ltonlytnt to the commandrter
e say
things, pure water and sufficient quantity.
How w secure the large supply that this
city of 40,000 inhabitants will demand and
how to purify the large quantity of water
which we must have in years to come is
not for us to say ae long as the Dubuque
\Vatera, Aldermancontrei he charter.
R der, Powers
The mel, andyorother meinUer of the board
and altflVogand
ve Weil
pondering over ithis t waters question from
the time they took their oaths of office to
the present. The city might prepare Itselt
to own and control its water works. The
council as a whole have no doubt discuss-
ed thisresult
1 know no . %Viththeuestion to-ay� intellligentwithat council
lthe ci
anded before the ballot el
has it willb x that each robablbef Inn-
dividuat may answer the question of
ownership for himself. Unil thent we
shall deman`villd1orall inue ter and the water
their power t
company give
72 Regular Session, June 5th, 1893.
what is asked.
.1. W. FOWLER, M. D.
Physician to the Board of Health.
Ald. Ryder also reported that after nu-
merous complaints from citizens outside
the garbage district in relation to garbage
that we have made arrangements with E
E. Frith so that the garbage will be hauled
from within the following Inuits: Nona
to Peru road„ east to Fengler street, south
to Railroad aveuue, and westerly to Dodge
and South Dodge, Delhi to Grandview
avenue, Broad street, along West Locust
street to llodgen avenue, and agree that
be should be pard $5.35 per day extra for
doing said extra work in a satisfactory
manner and that the city attorney be in-
structed to draw up a contract with said
E. E. Frith for the faithful performance of
said work. By above arrangement we be-
lieve that the city will be free from the
garbage nuisance in the future. Adopted.
Ald. Powers, chairman of the printing
committee, reported as follows:
J.0 favor of paying $29.15 to the 'Times
Co. tor printing during the month of April,
1893. Adopted.
Report also in favor of paying the bill of
the IieralU for $75 for printing during
April, 1893. Adopted.
Ald. Butler, chairman of the harbor
committee, reported:
In favor of paying Jas. Smith $30 as
salary for March and April, 1893, as
wharimaster. Adopted.
Ald. Lilbg offered the following reso-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque 'Traction
& Light company, successor to Allen &
Swiney, be and is hereby notified to con-
struct and operate un or before June 15th,
1893, that branch of its line on Windsor
avenue from Linwood cemetery nortn to
the city limits in pursuance of the fran-
chise granted to said company by the city
of Dubuque. Adopted.
Ald. Crawford moved that when the
council adjourned it would meet June 6 at
at 7:30o'clk p. tn. Carried.
Ald. Ryder moven that the rules be sus-
pended and Mr. McElrath be allowed to
address the council. Carried.
The rules were suspended and Mr. Mc-
Elrath addressed the council.
City Auditor Kenety reported:
Cash on hand in treasury May 1,
1893 $53,390 21
Receipts during the month 21,982 40
Total Disbursements $ 3 3,791,53
33,791 53
ported an itemized statement Of road ex-
penses, $4,964.55.
Also presented receipts for $307.85 for
money collected for cleaning alleys.
Report adopted a11c1 warrants ordered
drawn to pay for lobo:.
Ed. Norton Market Master reported $24.65
scale receipts for May, 1893. Also reported
$163.25 for huckster stands. Also re-
ported $23.40 due for boarding prisoners,
report adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay for boad of prisoners.
Ald. Po - moved to adjourn, carried.
Balance cash in treasury, June
1, 1893 841,581 14
Also reported amount due city officers
for the month of May, $19,231.10.
Also reported list of bonds and coupons
redeemed during the month of Dlay, 1893.
Report adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay city officers.
Chief Reinfred reported $1,493.20 amount
due fireman for month of May.
Reported adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the same.
Marshall S. B. Rice reported $1,888.35
due the police for the month of May.
Also reported 89 police cases.
A isOreporieci 92 patrol rens.
Also reported fines collected to the
amount of $47.00.
Also reported Pound receipts to amount
to 522.00. Report adopted and warrants
ordered drawn to pay police.
John Carter, street superintendant, re-
6 1892.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Glab moved to suspend the rules
and allow Mr. Griffith to address the coun-
cil. Carried.
tlr. Griffith addressed the council in re-
gard to resolution passed at the preceed-
ing meeting.
Ald. Powers moved to susnend action in
regard to the resolution relating to the
Dubuque Light and 'Traction company
taken at the preceeding session. Car-
Ald. Ryder moved to suspend and allow
Mr. R. Jess to address council in relation
to sidewalk on 1st and Main streets.
Mr. Jess addressed the council in regard
to the above sidewalk.
A Id. Glab moved to refer the above mat-
ter to the street committee with power.
Attorney Jas. Knight submitted the fol-
lowing report:
As per your instructions, heretofore
given, in company with City Treasure
Gnilfke 1 called upon Joseph Schueller,
chairman of the board of supervisors, end
demanded of him the immediate payment
to the city of the portion of the brid,refund
now, in the hands of the coun.y levied and
collected on the taxable property within
the city limits of the city of Dubuque, hut
he refused to pay over the money. M.r.
Gnitfke and Ald. Vogel also called on
County 'Treasurer '1'raut and made the
same demand which was refused. Mr.
Schueller informed us that they would
only pay over to the city in the January of
each year the money collected during the
previous year.
As 1 understand it in now refusing to
pay over the bridge fund now in his hands
belonging to the city, the county treasurer
is acting under the direction of the board
of supervisors. 'There is no denial of the
right of the city to the fund when it is col-
lected. The only question is as to when it
should be paid over; that is to say whether
the law contemplates it should be paid
over as collected or at the end of each year.
Adjourned Regular Session, June 6th, 1893. 73
1 do not thick an amicable arrangement
can be made In regard to the matter and I
believe the city will be compelled 'to es-
tablish its rights to the fund as collected,
of which 1 think there can be no question
in the courts.
The district court does not again
convene until the llth day of next
:September to which term we will
bring suit, but it is probable, however, that
a decision will not be reached in the mat-
ter wrote the time it would be paid over
wit houtsuit. Report adopted.
Aid. Olinger moved that the board of
supervisors meet the city council and dis-
cuss the matter tu order to arrive to an
amcauie settlement. Lost.
Alit. Vogel moved to have theeity attor-
1ey commence suit against the county
treasurer for the money due the city. Car -
for the grading,;eurbing, guttering and ma-
cadamizing of Brad street:
6,600 cub yds cutting at 20c $1,320
5.100 lineal ft curbing at 45c 2,295
2,260 sq yds guttering at 45c1,017
6.100 sq yds macadamizing at 45c2,745
Total 87,377
Received ado linea.
Also presented estimate of the cost and macad-
grading, curbing, guttering
Nevada street from West Fifth to
\Vest'1'hird street:
2850 cubic yards embankment at
1190 lineal feet turning at 45c 535 50
530 square yards guttering at 45c2e3 50
100 square yards macadam at 45c. 675 00
1 otal 52063 00
Received and tiled.
Also presented profile of grade of alley
east of Grant avenue frotn Julien avenue
to West Eleventh.
Also alley east of Wilson avenue. Re-
ferred to street committee.
Also presented profile of change of grade
on Brad, West Third street and College
Also profile of grade of O'Neil street.
Referred to street committee.
Also presented the following communi-
uof the
l�per ion part of the city, which wasin relation to the[e referred
to the committee of the whole:
To the Honorable Manor amcl CWJ Goin
ell of Dubuque:
GENTLEMEN: 1 find orders to illy prede-
cessor as follows, Sept. 13th, 189.2: "That
you devise a feasable plan for drainage or
Eim street between
and niber; avenue and submit avenue
the council"
Also an order te
8th, 1892, as follows: "'That youprepare
plans for draining that part of the city
north of 19th street." 1 inter that these or-
dersCrek valley lete the and the water K of shedse Couler
Creek ey 1
into it, and have acted accordingly•
have made as careful an examinations my i mood
that portion of the city
time would permit, principally it done to uascer-
tail what had already
clatter of drainage in this distrct.
In order that a correct tiea
may be had of the ques
involved In the draitiat:e of this district, 1
will state that during my previous
term of
office, at the time the sewerage system
designed by me, under Mr. C heshrouhowgh t
Chicago, a careful survey
ing the drainage area of each ravine and
drainage district leading into and through
ion will no
doubttbe of iuterest to you as this oand thas a direct
bearing upon the subject under considera-
tion 1 give it herewith:
Bee Branch district to Couler avenue,
Eagle Point avenue to Couler creek, 809
1,268 acres.
Windsor avenue, including the Couler
creek valley from Peru road to Eagle Point
avenue, 610 acres.
Total drainage area north of Eagle Point
avenue and Windsor avenue, 2,687 acres,
more than four square miles.
For the sake of comparison 1 give the
foWestiLocust street 117th street area) 572
Dodge street 303 a2 racres.
A. total of 997 acres or about one-third
as much as the first named district. These
City Attorney Knight presented his re-
ordinance st ommitt coke ommittee.
Also presented lease of the city with the
Diamond Jo coinpanY of part of the levee.
Received and riled.
Also ores nted a report 0and leletmeter et
levying a toll on telegraph
Wes in the city. Referred to the ordin-
ance committee.
Also rep'oted on the petition of 1). J.
Hennessy In relation to special assessment
t,r Inc paving of Main street. Referred to
the paving committee.
J. W. \\ odd, wiiod measurer and wharf
master, reporter total amount of fees from
all sources $66.64. Referred to harbor
J. P. Scuroettet' & Co., city weigher, re-
ported lees amounting to 53.75 for 8th St.
scale. Received and filed.
Chats. Pitscuner,"city weigher, reported
fees amounting to $1.95 for \Vest Dubuque
scale. Received ande1led. reported fees
Jas. Doyle, city
amounting to $5.75 for Jones street scale.
Received and filed.
Report of Alex Gratz, police justice, for
month ot May. Referred to''it city
City. Engineer Knowlton reported
it would be advisable for the city to pur-
chase a horse road roller about 6 to 7 ton
weight. Referred to engineer instructing
him to correspond with pariiei In regard
to the same.
.also reported that a leveling instrument
in his office needed repairing.
e -
Also reported that the city engineer's
office needed a liew ntap ot the City ot Du-
buque. Ordered to get the same.
Also recommended that the improvement
of 2211d and 23rd streets between Jackson
and Elm be postponed. Adopted.
Also reported that he had examined
Seminary street and would not recommend
any change of grade. Adopted.
Also reported that he deemed it
visable to secure right of way
private property for water to flow from
Seminary street.
The engineer was instructed to see about
securing said right of way.
Also to find out about small piece of
ground at intersection of Seminary and
x West Locust street as to right of way
through same.
Also presented communication in rela-
tion of the grade of \Vashington street.
Referred to the street committee.
Also presented communication and pro-
file in relation to the opening of strVetcon-
necting Waverly and Thedinga
Referred to street committee.
Also submitted the following estimate
74 Adjourned Regular Session, June 6th, 1893.
last mentioned districts being shorter,
steeper and more improved, the water
passes off more rapidly than the first men-
tioned districts.
The figures, however, are significant for
at best the combined waters ot Dodge,
Julien avenue and West Locust streets
could not be half that of the first natned
district with an equal rainfall over the en-
tire area, that would pass tiff to the river.
As the upper districts of the city becomes
more unproved the water will be concen-
trated to a common point much more rap-
idly than at present.
1 find upon investigation that it seems
to be the intention of the city to abandon
the Couler creek oed for storm water
outlet south of Eager Point avenue, and a
sewer built down Kueist street is substi-
tuted for the creek. The inlet to the
sewer just north of Eagle Paint avenue
Is about eight feet wide and pos-
sibly five or six feet high.
At a print in Kniest street near Eagle
Point avenue the Eagle Point avenue
sewer joins the Kniest street sewer and the
office plans show the sewer to be about
len feet wide from this junction to the out-
Aside from this sewer in case of over-
flow by reason of stoppage of sewer, or
any excess of water above the capacity of
ttie sewer no provision is made, and the
water seeks its own course from this point
to the river, althought at present the water
after passing over Eagle Point avenue
would pass into the partially filled bed of
the Couler creek ana flow out to the river.
The inlet to the Kniest street sewer, un-
der the most favorable circutnstances,
could not prov de for a rainfall of over an
inch per hour for more than three or four
Hours continuous rani, and any storm in
excess of this the water must go elsewhere.
Underground sewers with a single
inlet at best are of doubtful efficiency in an
emergency. A few boards, a section of
sidewalk, outhouses, chicken coops, fences,
hay, and numerous other floating sub-
stances are sufficient to close the inlet, and
time sewer is useless tor the main purpose
for which it was constructed, and as a
result the water is thrown over the sur-
rounding streets, alleys, lots and into the
1 am advised that since the Kniest street
sewer was constructed, that at the points
where the Couler creek crosses Lincoln,
Ehrenberg anal Garfield avenues the large
archea culverts have been constructed with
a view of preserving the original Couler
creek bed as a storm water outlet. 1 tied
plans of the same, also cost per foot to be
about ten dollars, including excavating,
etc. According to the plans these culverts
are placed Iow enough to give drainage to
nil cellars and basements to that part of
the city.
In my judgment this plan should be car-
ried out as the needs of the city may re-
quire. It is not necessary that
au the improvetnents should be
carried out at once, or perhaps even a
large portion of them, but can be done
gradually, and possibly some temporary
work could be done to advantage.
Frotn the north line of Eagle Point ave-
nue along the old Couler creek to the C.,
M. & St. P. bridge, under their track there
remains to be built about 1,320 feet of
waterway, and if built on the plan of the
clement culverts would cost from $13,000 to
$15,000 dollars.
From Eagle Point avenue to Lincoln
avenue is about 520 feet, and from Lincoln
avenue to Rhomberg avenue is about 370
feet, and from Garfield avenue to the
bridge at the C. M. & St. P. It. R. is about
430 feet. The accompanying blue print is
a copy of the maps showing the location of
the culverts at thel crossing of Lincoln,
Rhomberg, and Garfield avenues, also the
location of the Kniest street sewer. Had
the tiniest street sewer been constructed
with double Its present capacity and
improved the street on the plan of seven-
teenth street, over the sewer, the present
problem would have been largely solved.
The sewer, However, should have been
placed lower in the ground ;to have aid.sd
the sub, said drainage of the district
above E'agl • Pouit avenue.
1 am of the opinion that the Couler
creek should be preserved from Eagle
Point avenue to the river with a waterway
of at least the capacity of the arched cul-
verts now constructed at Lincoln, Rhona -
berg and Garfield avenues.
These culverts are constructed several
feet lower than the Kniest street sewer.
The water of the Eagle Point avenue
sewer could be turned into this channel
and relieve the Kniest sewer to that ex-
tent. The Kniest street sewer would re-
ceive the water from Windsor, Lincoln,
Rhomberg and Garfield avenues, and also
as touch water as could get into it from the
Couler creek . fter the main Couler creek
sewer was filled and overflowing.
Unless provisions are made for carrying
a much larger amount of water
south of Eagle Point avenue to
the river than at present exist
it becomes necessary that the Bee Branch
water be turned north to the Maquoketa.
Even with this done the Kn.est street
sewer is liable to prove inadequate tor the
remaining ilratuai.e area. From Eagle
Point avenue north the Couler creek
should be pleservea and deepened so as to
completely subdrann that porton of the
city by means of lettere! sewers. This in
the long run would be much less expensive
than to raise all the surrounding property
and streets. The cost of lowering Couler
creek, say three feet for a width of say
seventeen feet would be about one d.dlar
per font and this would be a ti 'fling cost
as compared to raising the entire Couler
valley with an average width of 1,000 feet.
With Couler creek deepened and witty
proper latterals the problems of drainage
m that Dart of the city would be
solved. With the water of the
liee Branch flowing through the
city there will always be danger
ot overflows more or less serious in that
position of the city and with this water to
provide for, Kniest street should be built
similar to Seventeenth street for an over-
flow street in case of excessive storms.
As 1 haye not had time to snake plans
in detail 1 give this general outline ot the
plan for the cons deraiion of your Honora-
ble body. Respectfully submitted.
W. 11. KNuWI.TON,
City Engineer.
The city auditor pr sented a statement
of bills due the city from different parties
Referred to the city attorney.
Plat of Liebe's sub No. 2 reterred to the
street committee.
Plat of Peil's sub referred to street com-
Petition of Dennis Smith for the erection
of a cottage in Phoenix park. Referred to
committee un public grouuds anti build-
Central Union Telephone company pre-
sented acceptance of the ordinance passed
May 1st, 1893, in relation to telephones.
Recceived and filed.
Adjourned Regular Session, June 6th, 1853.
Alda Vogel, chairman of tne finance
committee, reported as follows:
In favor of having a warrant for $534.03
drawn in favor of Henry B. Gniffke,
treasurer, for money advanced during
May, 1893, as per receipts attached.
Also to favor of having loan warrants
drawn for the several parties tor the
amounts as shown opposite their naive in
the treasurer's report. Adopted.
Ald. Vogel presented tne following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, 'That the finance committee be
authorized to borrow a sufficient atnount
of money to pay the current expenses for
the past month.
Also offered the following resolution
which was adopted:
Whereas, 'There appears upon the treas-
urer's books from year to year delinquent
personal taxes, and,
Whereas, \V ith a little expense
taxes could collected, therefore,
Resolved, That the city treasurer under
the direction of the finance committee be
collect said taxes, some competent
taseLmuch oof
same as are coilectable.
Resolved, further, 'lhat the city treasur-
er be directed nut to cash any city warrant
drawn in favor of any person or party ow-
ing Inc city delinquent taxes, and he is
directed to hold said warrant or warrants
and mark across the face thereof in red
ink the • mount to said tax due the city and
return the balance if any in cash to the
holder thereof.
Ald. Olinger, chairman of committee on
streets, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of the
establishment of the ereei line as the of-
ficial grade of the alley between .Johnson
and N incisor and Ltucolu and Providence
streets, and that the n of the
in establishing the red line bereconsidered.
Report adopted. appointed
Also reported that they had app
John Carter street superintendent.
Ald. Olinger moved that bis salary be
the same as last year. Carried.
Also reported in favor of referring the
prole of Pleasant and Lemon streets to
the engineer w examine and report it the
said grades are feasible. Adopted.
Also reported in favor of the adoption of
the red lint as the official grade of the al-
ley between 15th and 16th and Pine and
Maple streets. Adopted.
Also in favor of adopting the recom-
mendation of the city engineer in regard
to the change of grade on South Dodge
street. Adopted.
Also report in favor of referring the pro-
file of grade of alley east of !fill street to
Inc city engineer to examine and
s a feas ble determine
if said proposed g
Also reported in favor of instructing the
engineer to make an estimate of the
amount of grading on West Eagle Point
avenue between Cushing's vinegar factory
and Valeria street.. Report adopted and
the eugtueer be instructed .o find out esti-
mate of sewer.
Also report in favor of receiving and
t.liug the report of the street commissioner
for April, 1893.
Also report in favor of iustructing the
engineer to prepare a profile of grade for
estimate5th Ave. Also submit
amount of grading required tor said street.
Also report in favor of receiving
and tiling the petition of ttie Dubuque
Turbine and Roller Mill Co. for permis-
sion to lay spur track on Washiugton St.
Also report in favor of receiving and fil-
ing the cooununicattou of the Board of
Supervisors in relation to paving alley be-
tween 7th and 8th and Clay and White
streets as the council has disposed of the
matter. Adopted.
Also report in favor of receiving and fil-
ing the communisation of the auditor in
relation to warrant in favor of E. E. Frith
for resetting curb and gutter on Francis
street and that the warraut be cancelled.
Also reprtiin favor:of receiving and 111.
ing bill of B. 1). Linehan for $7.30 as same
has been paid. Adopted.
Also report in tavor of instructing the
engineer to prepare an estimate of the
amount of grading on Catherine street trom
W 17th street to Angella street and An-
gella street Irom Pierce street east to the
west boundary of Gilliams sub. Adopted.
Also report in favor of receiving and fil-
ing the petition of F. W. Kringle for the
repair of Catherine street. Adopted.
Also report that tlt3 matter of the grade
of Brad street has been referred to the city
engineer to examine and determine wheth-
er a change of grade on said street is
teasibie. Adopted. have appointed
Also report that they pl
Patrick Moore as engineer of the road
roller at a salary of $60 per month, same
as paid last year. Adopted.
o Leif receiving and
Also report in g
filing the petition for the improvement of
West 17th street. Adopted.
Also would recommend that a narrow
stone crossing be Laid across the east side
of Brad street at its intersection with
Julien avenue. Adopted.
Also report in favor of instructing Fred
Mussehl to make an affidavit as to the time
that he made the improvements on his
property on Windsor avenue. Adopted.
Also report in farurof instructing the
marshal to have the obstructions on Madi-
son street removed and the city engineer
to by have
thesucounc i walk cuustructed as Septeuber 9th, ordered
Also report in favor of the vacation of
as alley
astown on
lsit euplat.
Lahy sub,
Ald. Olinger offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted: Council of the
Resolved by the City
City of Dubuque, That the alley betweeu
lot 1, 2 and 7 in Buettel and Langworthy's
sub. be annulled n ford is public a use Banti alt aveed c
Also report in favor of instructing the
marshal to remove the obsiruetiohs ou
Kane stublie its full so that s width aid Band et ithe ll ee gi-
to p
directed to give the proper stakes to
show said street as established. Adopted.
Also report in favor of receiving and
lation the toeobstru
ctions on
street. Adopted.
Also report in favor of receiving and
filing the petition of the Norwegian Plow
Co. for permission to run a wire cable
across South Main street. Adopted.
Also report in lavor of paying bills for
macadam of Mike Burke, $7.65; Fred Gear -
lock, $$11.70. Adopted.
Also in lavor of the adoption of the fol-
lowing resolution:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide,
76 Adjourned Regular Session, June 6th, 1893.
of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of Almond street, between
Ellis street and Foye street, at the expense
of the abutting property where not already
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Butler, Crawford, Glab, LiBig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Aid. Olinger also reported in favor of the
following resolution. which was uuani-
mously adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, 'L'het a sidewalk, four fent
wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone
or cement, be, within 15 days of this
notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the south side of Grace street,
between Grandview avenue and East
street at expense of abutting property.
Ald. Olinger also presented final estim-
ate of city engineer of balance due on
street improvements for the following
Norton & Lee on Broadway, 81,081.07.
Theo 'Altman, Broadway extension
E. E. Frith, Frances street, $444.67.
Report adopted and warrants ordered to
pay same.
City Electricion Bunting reported as
The amount of gas used where the gov-
ernor is attached, is only %s of what would
be used without the governor and that
the illumination is nearly or quite as satis-
factory as previsous to the application of
the governor. Received and tiled.
Alt:. Olinger offered the following;
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
That to pay for improving Broadway
from Blocklinger Lane to Diagonal street,
by Norton & Lee, contractors, in front of
and adjoining sante, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and parts
of lois, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Addle Sagehorn, lot 4, Wulweber's sub:
42.0 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 17 66
15.55 sq yds guttering at 40c 3 22
53.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42e22 59
Total $ 46 45
Addie Sagehorn, lot3. 1Vulweber's ub:
45.0 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 18 90
20.00 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 00
80.00 sq yds macadamizing at 42e33 60
Total $ 60 50
Christian Burdt, lot 2, 1Vuliweber sub:
45.0 lineal ft curbing at 42c i 18 90
20.00 sq yds guttering at 40c8 00
88.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c36 87
Total $ 63 77
Christian Burdt, lot 1. 1Vullweber sub:
45.0 lineal ft curbing at 42e 18 90
20.00 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 00
90.00 sq yds macamizing at 42c 33 60
Theodore Blitsch, lot 5, of 5, King's 1st
45.1 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 18 94
20.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 02
80.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42e38 68
Total` $ 60 64
Mary E. Schaettgen, lot 4 of 6, King's
1st add:
$ 60 50
45.1 lineal feet curbing at 42' $ 18 94
20.04 sq yds guttering at 40e 8 02
80.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42c33 68
Total $ 60 64
Jonanua Frenzel, s Xlot 8, King's 1st
45.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 18 94
20.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 02
80.18 sq yus macadamizing at 42c33 68
Total $ 60 64
1'. Kiene, Jr., u % iot 8, Kir.g's 1st adit:
45.1 lineal feet curbingat42c 18 94
20 04 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 02
80.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42c33 68
Total $ 60 64
P. Kiene, Jr., sw 3, lot 10, King's 1st
45.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 18 94
20.04 rq yds guttering at 40c 8 02
80.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42c33 68
Total $ 60 64
P. Kiene, sr., nw3 lot 10, King's 181
45.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 18 94
20.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 02
80.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42e33 68
Total 8 60 64
F. W. Altman, w X lot 12, King's 1st
104.4 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 43 85
40.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 02
175.40 sq yds macadamizing at 42c73 67
Total 5133 54
Sylvina Mathes, s X w ,lfa tot 14, King's
1st add:
45.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 18 94
80.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 02
20.18 sq yds niacadainiztng.at 42c33 68
Total 8 60 64
Christ K. Mathes, n 3 w X lot 14, King's
1st add:
60.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 25 20
20.04 50 yds guttering at 40c 8 02
95.84 sq yds macadamizing at 42c73 47
Total $ 40 25
Jos, Eitnmennan, lot 16, King's lst add:
90.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 37 84
40.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 02
160.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42c....67 28
Total 8121 14
Mary C. King, lot 1 of 1 of 18, King's 1st
40.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c. $ 16 80
17.78 sq yds guttering at 40c7 11
71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 42c29 87
Total $ 53 78
C. J. W. Saunders, lot 2 of 1 of 18, King's
1st add:
50.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 04
22.27 sq yds guttering at 40e 8 91
89.07 sq yds a acadamiztng 42c 37 41
T'ital $ 67 36
C. J. W. Saunders, lot 2 of 20, King's 1st
6.4 Lineal feet curbing at 42c 8 2 69
2.84 sq yds guttering at 40c 1 14
11.38 sv yds macadamizing at 42c4 78
Total $ 8 61
.Jennie P. Farley, lot 15, Dunn's add.
42 2 Lineal feet curbing at 42c g 17 72
16.67 sq yds guttering at 40e 6 67
76.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42e32 25
Total $ 56 64
Adjourned Regular Session, June 6th, 1893. • 77
P. G. Altman, lot 14, Dunn's add:
62.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 26 33
25.55 sq yids guttering
at 42c47 18
at 40c 10 22
112.33 sq Y
Total $ 83 73
P. G. Altman, lot 13, Dunn's add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89
88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c37 33
Total 867 22
14'. W. Altman and 1'. Kieue, Jr., lot 12
Dunn's add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 21 00
22.22 bq yds macadinz at 40e am macadamizing at 42c37
s 09
8.s9 sq yds33
Total 8 67 22
Dora K. Altman, got 11, Dunn's add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 40e 8 89
88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c37 33
Total 367 22
W. 1). Dunsmore and G. 1i. Kirkland,
lot 2 of 10 Dunn's add:
44.4 lineal teet curbing at 42e $ 18 65
19.73 sq yds guttering at 40c 7 89
78.93 sq yds macadamizing at 42c33 15
Total... $ 59 69
W. D. Dunsmore and G. it Kirkland,
lot 1 of 10 Dunu's add'
48.8 lineal Leet of curving at 42c$ 20 50
28.27 sq yds guttering at 40c 11 31
140.80 sq yds macadamizing at 42c69 13
1.55 sq yds guttering at 40c 62
6.22 sq yds macadamizing at 4232 61
Total .8 4 70
Mary A. Scott, lot 13 ( less s3X It) King's
1st add:
8.66 lineal feet curbing at 12c $ 36 37
38.49 sq yds guttering at 40c16 40
162.95 sq yds macadamizing at 42c68 44
Total $120 21
L N Converse. lot 15, King's 1st add:
110.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 46 24
40.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 03
178.86 sq yds macadamizing at 42e74 28
Total $136 54
Chas. and U. Ruff, lot 17, King's 1st add:
90.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 37 84
40.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 02
160.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42c67 28
Total $121 14
Jacob Sctiltpp, 8 49 t,4 ft lot 19, King's
1st add:
49.5 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 20 79
22 00 sq 3 ds guttering at 40,: 8 80
88.00 sq yds macadamizing at 42c 36 96
Total 8 66 55
Christ Tieltos, a 40'y4 feet, tut 19, King's
1st add:
49.3 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 20 71
18.01 sq yds guttering at 40c 7 21
85.62 sq yds macadamizing at 42c36 96
Total .... 890 94
.lac Retnfrank, lot 3 Retufrau's sub:
17.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.... 7 47
Total...$ 7 47
Mrs. N. L'luckliuger, tut 1, King's first
10.10 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 42 42
2 02
40.04 sq yds guttering at 40c
120.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42e60 77
Total $109 21
Mrs. N. Blockltnger, lot 3, King's tirst
9.01 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 37 84
40.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 02
160.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42c67 28
Total $121 14
Mrs. N. Blockliuger, lot 5, King's first
90.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 37 84
40.04 sq yds guttering at 40e
160.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42c67 28
Total 8121 14
Mrs. N. Blocklinger, lot 7, King's first
90.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 37 84
40.04 sq yd; guttering at40c.... 16 02
160.18 sq yds macadamizing at 42c67 28
Total $121 14
P. Kieue, Sr., lot 9, King's first ado:
104.8 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 44 04
40.04 sq yds"¢uttering at 40c16 02
174.19 sq yds macadamizing at 42073 16
Total.. .... . $133 20
A. and U. Buesch, lot 11, King's ist add:
110 1 lineal feet curbing at 42c5 46 24
40.04 sq yds guttering at 40c .....
4.c.. 76 09
176.68 sq yds macadamizing at
Total$136 05
A. and U. Buesch, s 3M feet lot 3, King's
1st and:
3.5 lineal feet curbing at 42c........8 1 47
Total $ 63 89
G. Blockliuger, Jr., lot 21, King's 2nd
211.3 lineal feet curbing at 42c 388 68
93.91 sq yds guttering at 40c
376.64 sq yds maeada [zing at 42e157 77
Total $284 08
C. H. Meyer, s lot 1, King's Grove add:
71.9 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 3U 20
2 78
31.95 sv yds guttering at 40e
127.82 sq yds macadamizing at 42c. 63 68
Total $9886
C. H. Meyers, tot 2, King's Grove add:
18.8 lineal feat curving at 42c $ 79900
8 36 sq yds guttering at 40c
26.67 sq yds macadamizing at 42e11 20
Total$ 22 44
Arnold Nicks, lot 4, Zumhofi's sub:
47.2 lineal feet curbing at 42c 8 199 728
24.44 sq yds guttering at 40c
70.80 sq yds macadamizing at 42e29 65
Total $ 59 `26
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, GIa
Ltlltg, Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
r a
Noes -None.
Ald. Resolved
Olinger offered the council ofttleCity
Resolved by
of Dubuque:
That to pay for improving Regent street
from Rueen street to Windsor avenue, and
Queen street from Sanford to Eagle Point
avenue, by Steuek & U' Ferrall, contractors
in front of and ecial
tax be and is herebylevi adjoining same,
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and own-
ed, and for the several rmo estate, ts set o fpl-
sie each lot or parcel
Ferd A. Nester, lot `20, Sauford's sub:
61. sq ydstgut guttering at 40at 40c c........$ 51 60
24 53
177 3 sq g '
177.00 sq yds macadamtziPg at 39c.. 89 03
78 Adjourned Regular Seswion, June 6th. 1893.
Total $145 16
Sacred Heart church. lot 19, Sanford's
130.0 lineal ft curbing at 40e $ 52 00
61.33 sq yds guttering at 40s 24 53
168.67 sq yds macadamizing at 59c65 78
Total $142 31
Sacred lleart church, lot 31, Sanford's
187.8 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 75 12
86.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 34 19
250.55 sq yds mai•adamizing at 40e35 49
2550.55 sq yds macadamizing at 39c97 71
Total $202 32
Sacred Bean church, lot 32, Sanford's
50.0 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 20 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 40e 8 89
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39c23 83
Total $ 52 72
Sacred lleart church, lot 33, Sanford's
50.0 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 20 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c... 8 99
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39c23 83
Total $ 52 72
Sacred lleart Church, lot 31, Sanford
74.0 lineal feet curbing $ 29 60
32.89 sq yds guttering 13 16
90.44 sq yds macadamizing 35 27
Total $ 78 03
Sacred Heart Church, lot 11, Sanford
13.29 lineal feet curbing 8 53 16
60.44 sq yds guttering 24 18
168.67 sq yds macadamizing 66 78
'L'otal 8143 12
A. Pantcraiz; lot 10, 6anford's sub:
123.9 lineal feet curbing $ 49 56
56.00 sq yds guttering 22 40
160.33 sq yds macadamzin•' 62 53
Total $134 49
City of Dubuque lot 2 of min lot, 313:
133.1 lineal feet curbing 853 24
61.33 sq yds guttering 24 53
179.17 sq yds macadamizing 69 88
City of Dubuque, lit 5 or 63, Sanford's
5.0 lineal feet curbing $ 2 00
2.22 sq yds guttering H9
6.11 sq yds macadamizing 2 38
Total 8 5 27
Jas. A. Herzog, lot 35, Sanford's sub:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 4Uc 8 89
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39c23 83
Total $ 52 72
G. hath Est., tot 36, San lord's sub:
67.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c. 27 08
32.00 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 80
108.17 sq yds macadamizing at 39c42 19
Total 8 82 07
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab, •
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel -9.
Nays -None.
Aid. Olinger offered the following reso-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for improving
Frances street from West Eagle Point
avenue to Ilan street by E. E. Frith, con -
$147 65
tractor, in front of and adjoining same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite e tch lot or parcel of real estate, as
Geo. Salo', lot 21, 'Tivoli add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 21 00
27 55 sq yds gu tering at 42c 11 57
96.44 sq yds macadamizing at 41c39 54
Total $ 72 11
John Kulow, lot 22, 'Tivoli add:
50 lineal feet cutbing at 42e
$ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
77.78 sq yds madadamtzing at,41c31 89
Total $ - 62 22
John Stuber, Jr., lot. 2i, 'Tivoli arid:
50 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 03
77.78 sq yds mac ulamizing at 41c31 89
Total $ 62 22
Fred. Lange, lot 24, Tivoli add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 42 • $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
77.7E sq yds macadamizing at 41c31 89
Total... 8 62 22
J. B. lthotnberg, tot 25. Tivoli add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 42c 8 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42. 9 33
77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c31 89
Total 8 - 62 22
.1. B. Rhonmberg, lot 26, 'Tivoli add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c31 89
Total $ 62 22
J. B. Rhomberg, lot 27. Tivoli add:
50 Itneal feet curbing at 42e S' 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 24c....'9 33
77.78sq yds macadamizuig at 41c31 89
Total $ 63 22
John Fosselwan und. X, lot 28, Tivoli
25 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
38.89 sq yds macadamizing at 41c15 94
Total .8 31 11
Frank Fosseluian, uod. 3. lot 20, 'Tivoli
25 lineal feet curbing at 42c 8 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42e 4 67
38.89 so yds macadamizing at 41c15 94
Total... $ 31 11
adJohn Fosselman, und. X lot 29, 'Tivoli,
25 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 10 59
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42e 4 67
38.89 sq yds macadamizing at 41c15 94
Total $ 31 11
Frank Fosseituan, ung 3 lot 29, 'Tivoli
25 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ U) 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 41e15 97
Total $ - 31 11
Peter J. Scharle, lot 30, 'Tivoli adds:
66 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 27 72
31.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 13 07
88.67 sq yds macadamizing at 41c36 35
Total $ 77 14
Andrew Oeth, lot 20, 'Tivoli add:
27.55 sq yds guttering (reset) at 20e.$ 5 51
96.44 sq yds macadamizing at 41c39 54
,Ll jo ui'necl Regular Session, Julie 6th., 1893.
'Fatal $ 45 05
Andrew Oeth, lot 19, Tivoli add:
22.22 sq yds
sKi acadamizing(resetat 41c at $ 4 44
31 89
77.78 sq Y
Total $ 36 33
Peter J. Schurle, lot 18, 'Tivoli add:
22.22 sq yds guttering (reset) at20c.$ 4 44
77.78 sq yds macatlatniziug at 41c31 89
Total S 36 33
Louis \Vatter, s X lot 17. Tivoli acid:
25 lineal Leet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
38.89 sq yds macadamizing at 41c15 94
Total $ 31 11
Christian Doff, n X lot 17, Tivoli add:
25 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 10 50
11uttering at 42c 4 67
38.89 sq ymacadamizing at 41c .. 15 94
38.89 sq yds ---
Total $ 31 11
Frank Lairdold, s X lot 16, 'Tivoli add:
26 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
38.89 sq yds macadamizing at 41c15 94
Total $ 31 11
Frani: Manalfl, n X lot 16, Tivoli add:
25 lineal Leet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
38.89 sq yds macadamizing at 41c15 94
Carl Steuck:
50.00 lineal feet curbing reset at 5
22.22 sq yds guttering reset at 2uc4 44
77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c31 90
Total 8 41 33
Geo. 11. Schilling, lot 14, Tivoli add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yus guttering at 42c 9 33
77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c31 89
Total $ 62 22
Catherine 131itsch, lot 13, 'Tivoli add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
1 33
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c........
77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41e.... 31 89
48.4 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 20 33
21.78 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 15
54.44 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 32
Total .$ 51 80
Nic Wooer, lot 23, 0. S. Langworthy's
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 78
Total... 8 53 11
Nic Weber, lot 22, U. S. Langworthy's
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42e 9 33
55.55 Eq yds macadamizing at 41c21 78
Total $ 53 11
Nic Weber, lot 21, 0. S. Langworthy's
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at42 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c21 78
Total .$ 53 11
N:o Weber, lot 2U, 0. S. Langworthy's
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22 22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c21 78
Total $53 11
Nic. Weber, lot 19, 0. s. Langworthy's
50.00 Lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 211 3300
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 78
Total $ 62 22
Robert Wirzbach, lot 12, Tivoli add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 211 00
'12.22 sq yds guttering at 42c
77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c31 89
Total $ 62 22
\V tn. Kirmse, w X lot 11 Tivoli add:
66.9 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 28 1000
31.11 s4 yds guttering at 42c
88.67 sq yds macadamizing at 41c 36 35
Tot al. $ 77 52
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, (*lab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel -9.
Noes -None.
Ald. Olinger offered the following reso-
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Thal to pay for improv-
ing Wasnington St. from Sanford St. to
24th St. by E. E. Frith, contractor, in front
of and and
is hereby ile ied oiniou theaia everal ecil tbeax lots,and
parts of lots. and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and deand
for rhe several amuuuty set opposite
lot or parcel of real estate,as follows:'
Nic Weber, lot 24, 0. . Langworthy's
Total $53 11
Geo. S.:euold, silt lot 18, 0. S. Langwor-
thy's sun!
25.00 lineal ft curbing at 42e $ 10 50
0 67
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c
27.78 sq yds macadatniztng at 41c11 3.'
Total $ 26 56
J. 13. Forester, u hf lot 18, 0. SLang -
worthy's sub:50
25.00 lineal fees curbing at 42a$ 10 67
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c
27.78 sq yds utaeaclamizing at 41c11 39
$ 26 56
J. �B.1Forester, lot 17, 0. S. Langworthy's
sub:21 00
50.00 lineal ft curbing at 42e $
28.22 sq yes guttering at 42r 9 83
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41a... 22 _
Total. $ 53 11
Max tthomberg, lot 16, 0. SLang -
worthy's sub:
50.00 lineal ft curbing at 42e $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 933
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 78
.$51 11
MEM RhoroberK, lot 15 0. S. Lang -
worthy's sub:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42e$ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41e... 22 78
,,••.$ 53 11
'Total..... worthy's
John Homan, lot 14, U. S• Laug
sub: -at 42c......$ 21 00
50.00 lineal feet curbing
22.22 sq yds,guttering at 42c....... 938
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41e.... 22 78
$ 63 11
Total ..............6, Boulevard add:
John Olinger,
ger,5 88
37.8 lineal feet curbing tt42c• •$ 17 09
16.89 sq yds guttering
42.22 sq yds macadamizing at 410... 17 31
80 Adjourned Regular Session, June 6th, 1893.
Total $ 40 38
John Olinger, lot 45, Boulevard add:
15.60 lineal feet of curbing at 42c$ 10 50
11.11 so yds guttering at42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger lot 44, Boulevard add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 43, Boulevard add:
25.00 50
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds inacadainizutg at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 42, Boulevard add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 34
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 41, Boulevard and.
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41e11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 40, Boulevard add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 39, Boulevard add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot38, Boulevard add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41e11 56
Total $ 26 39
John Olinger, lot 37, Boulevard add:
24.00 lineal feet curbing 42e $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 34
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 36, Boulevard add:
21.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c °t 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 69
27.78sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 34
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 35. Boulevard add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42 4 69
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Tottal .$ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 34, Boulavard add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 10 56
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 69
27.78 sq yds ntacadtnizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 33, Boulevard add:
25 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 32, Boulevard add:
25 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 31, Boulevard add:
25 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total.:: $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 30, Boulevard add:
25 lineal feet curbing at42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 eq yds macadamizing at 41c_ 11 39
Total 5 26 56
John Olinger, lot 29, Boulevard add.
25 lineal feet curb.ng at 42e $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds fluttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total .$ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 28, Boulevard add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 34
Total ... $ 26 56
John Olinger: 101 27, 13oulevard add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yos guttering at 42e 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 26, Boulevard add:
25.00 lineal teet curbing a' 42c $ 10 51
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
John Olinger, lot 25. Bout.-V.trd add:
25.00 glineal feet curbin at 42c $ 10 51
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 n7
27.78 sq yds in cadawlzing at 41c... 11 :4
Total $ 213 56
Adopted by the following vete:.
Ayes --Aids. Butler. Crawf.'rd, (*lab,
1.11lig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Noes -None.
Ald Olinger offered the following resolu-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
'That to pay for Broadway extension
from Diagonal st. to Charles, by Theo. Alt-
man, contractor, in Iront of adjoiiitng sante
a special tax be and be and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, owne•1 and situate. and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate as follows:
Arnold Nlcus,lot4,sub23,24,25,26 sub of
W. ltebman's sub:
35.00 lineal ft curbing at 41c $ 14 35
23.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 18 57
35.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c15 75
Total • $ 39 67
Arnold Nicks, lot 3, sub of 23, 24, 25, 26
of Win. ttebtnan's sub:
43.00 lineal ft curbing at 41c $ 17 63
27.33 sq yds guttering at 41c 11 21
36.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45;15 20
Total 5 45 Q5
Arnold Nicks, lot 2, sun of 23, 24, 25 and
26, Wm. Rebinau's sub:
112.7 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 46.21
107.34 sq yds guttering at41c .. 4476 0[
171.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45...
Total $167 17
Simon Veght, lot 2 of 1 sub of 23, 24. 25
and 26, W m. Rebman's sub:
20.4 Lineal feet curbing at 41c........$ 8 36
25.11 sq yds guttering at 41c 10 30
Adjourned Regular Session, June 6th, 1893.
t18.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45c30 70
Total$ 49 36
John Leierei, lot 1, ltetiman's sub:
152.1 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 62 36
68.89 sq yds guttering at 41c 28 24
183.89 sq yds macadamizing at 45c82 75
'total -,$173 35
A. Mueggeuburg, lot 8 of 3 of min. lot
878.1 lineal feet (turbine at 41c $155 02
220 sq yds guttering
zing at 45e188 25
t 41e 90 20
418.33 sq ---
Total $433 47
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Butler, Crawlord, Blat), Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel
Ald. Olinger offered the following re-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of sidewalklon�Iowa tstreet to by frepairingor
City of Du-
buque, contractor, in front and adjoining
same, a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate as lul.ows:
W m, Lltntrager, lot 2 sub 200, city:
Plank sidewalk, lumber and labur..$ 1 45
Adup;etl by the following vote:
Ayes—Butler, Crawford, Glab, Lillig
N icks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel
Ald.Olinger nioved to adjourn to Wedges-
. -11 Vi1 June 7, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried.
vz.c, T. J. COONEY, Recorder.
Adjourn c
Adjourned Regular session, June
7th, 1893.
lugs were authorized to carry out the or•
ders of the council on the matter.
Ald. Olinger, chairman of the commit-
tee un fire and water reported in favor of
paying the bills of the Dubuque Water Co.
of $20 for water. Adopted.
Also reported that they had advertised
for bids for doing the city's veterinary ser-
vices for the ensuing year from June 1,
1893 to June 1, 1894, and find that Shipley &
Bauman are the lowest bidders, being 82Xc
per horse per month and would recom-
mend that they be awarded the contract.
Also reported as follows on the petition
of R. Kimball, asking for assistance for
the Eagle Point ferry:
That we have had a conference with
said R. Kimball iii regard to the manner
in which he intends to run his ferry, and he
has agreed to make ten round trips per
day during navigation, and put up a time
card at each of the landings for the accom-
modation of the public, and in considera-
tion of tats we would recommend that he
be giyen $100 per month for five months
from June 1 to Nov. 1, 1893, provided fur-
ther that said R. Kimball will make trips
atter 6 o'clock p. tn., when necessary to ac-
commodate the public. Adopted.
Ald. Ryder, cnatrntn of the police and
light committee, reported as follows:
1n savor of paying the bill of the Star
Electric Co. of to be de-
ducted for lights not properlyless3lighted dur-
ing April, 1893. Adopted.
In favor of paying uill of Globe Light .
Heat Co. of $600 for gasoline lights during
April, 1893. Adopted.
In avor of paying bill of Key City Gas
Co. of 354.75 for gas during April, 1893.
in favor of granting petition of J. A.
on Pros-
pectmstreet, to bepla ed under the direction
of the committee. Adopted.
Also presented statement showing num-
ber of
hours the Receric ived and filed. hts were not lit
Also presented statement showing num-
ber of hours the electric lights were not
lit during May, 1893. Referred to the com-
mittee on police and light.
Ald. Lillig, tax committee, reported as folloairmau of the ws: s
In favor of reducing the assessment of
M. Brown on lots 42 and 43, East Dubuque
add., to $6,000 for 1892. Adopted.
In lavor of cancelling the taxes of
Bridget Brennan, Mrs. Patrick Flynn, Mrs.
J. Zuerr, Matt.
s teisek,
M euand
Peter E. Sp e
Also reported adverse to the petition of
Mary A. Nairn tot cancellation of person-
alty for 1892.
Ald. Glab moved as an amendment that
the petition be granted. Lost by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Alda Butler, Crawford, Glab and
Noes—Alda Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Ow-
ers and Vogel.
op ed bylowrthe folt gtvote: ttee was then
AeS Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger,
Powers andVogel.
Noes—Alda. Butler, Crawford and
Aid. Ityder of the sewer committee re-
ported as follows:
in favor of paying bill of Byrne & Saul
of $33.90. Adopted.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of P. 11. Murray for sanitary sewer on
St. Mary she street, as thwhe same
e has be. n or-
dered by
Council met at 8 o'clock p. in.
Present—Aids. Butler, Crawford. Glab,
Lillig, N ieks, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Glob, chairman of the market com-
mittee, reported in favor of allowing T. J.
Donahue to erect a public scales at his owu
expeuse, at Grandview avenue and South
Dodge streets, subject to all ordinances
and resolutions of the council iu relattuu
to the operation of the same. Report.
Aid. Olinger arrived at 8:10 p. in.
Ale. Crawford, chairman of toe com-
mittee on public grounds and buildings,
reported as toilows:
In favor of paying hill of Gomer J. Jones
of 8100 balance due on contract for central
engine house. Adopted.
I sIn uraiaicetCo.fof $37.50. g al Mechanics'
lu favor of paying bill of the Uonsumers
Steam Supply Co. of $241.60 for heating
Central engine house. Adopted.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the supply
cnoub111 of the �Dubuque Wooden Warorted favor of e tCotheiu
$27.61 fur paving blocks. Adopted.
Also reported that the sidewalks,
etc., around Grant park had been or-
dered fixed by a previous resolution of the
• Committee on public ground, and build-
82 Adjourned Regular Session, June 7th, 1893.
In favor of granting petition of I). U.
Meyers, et al., for sanitary sewer from the
crown of the street on ;summit street to
West 5th street, thence to Bill street, and
the city engineer be instructed to prepare
plans and specifications for the construc-
tion of the same. Report adopted.
in favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of U. Ruff in relation to his alleged
claim for extra work, claimed to have been
done by him on 11th street sewer.
In favor of approving of the recomenda-
tion of Sewer Inspector O'Brien in rela-
tion to the construction of manholes in
sauitay sewer. Adopted.
In favor of adopting the following reso-
Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be and
the same is hereby ordered to be constructed
on Ellis street connecting the same with
the sewer on the Dorgan alley and extend-
ing northwardly to Almond street, the
cost thereof to be assessed to the abutting
Report adopted.
In favor of granting the petition of Fran-
cis Jaeger for sanitary sewer on Couler
avenue, and would recommend that the
engineer be instructed to prepare plans
and specifications for the said sewer and
submit same to the council. Adopted.
In favor of allowing John O'Brien about
810 per month extra, he to furnish his own
horse and wagon and care for same, pro-
viding the said horse and wagon is used
by the said O'Brien for city purposes in
repairing and cleaning sewers, etc., and
said 810 to be paid while the said horse and
wagon is used as above stated.
Report adopted.
Also reported in favor of paying bill of
Lavin & Corrance of 8822.69 for construc-
tion of sanitary sewer on West 5th street,
Wilson avenue and alley east of Wilson
Ordered that warrants be drawn to the
order of M. Lavin and W. 6. Corrance for
above amount.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the Board of
Health reported in favor of paying the
bill of E. E. k rich of 8175.50 for hauling
garbage during May, 1893. Adopted.
Aid. Ryder, chairman of the Police and
Light committee, presented the following
recommendation which was adopted and
copy of same ordered furnished to the
Your committee wound reconnineud that
the marshal be authorized to purchase po-
lice caps, and belts for such police as need
the sane, and would further recommend
that the marshal be instructed to notify
the police that they must dress themselves
in a neat and clean manner and obey the
rules and regulations governing the police
department, and such other rules as the
mayor may deem just and proper. Any
failure on their part to do the same, it
shall be the duty of the marshal to notify
the mayor to that effect, and the mayor is
directed to see that the above order is ful-
Ald. Olinger, chairman of the Fire and
Water cotntntttee, presented the following
recommendation which was adopted:
Your committee would recommend that
the fire chief be instructed to notify the
members of the fire department that they
must observe the rules and regulations of
the department, and any failure on their
part so to do will subject them to dis-
tnissall or suspension for an indefinite
Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee
of the whole, reported as follows:
Your committee are unable to agree as
to the advisability of awarding the con-
tract for the improvement of Broad street
from Julien avenue to the home of the
Friendless. Adopted.
In favor of the adoption of the resolu-
tion for the improvement of Alma street.
Adopted oy the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel -9.
In favor of considering the matter of the
improvement of Spring street, providing
the aouttnig property owners ate willing
to give the necessary ground to straighten
said street so as 0t wake the proper con-
nection with Brad street. Adopted.
in favor of instructing the engineer to
examine the established grades on Nevada
between 1V. 5th and W. 3d streets; also
W 3d and Brad streets and report to the
council the advisability of any cnange in
same; also furnish estimates of cost of
grading Nevada street. Adopted.
In favor of instructing the engineer to
prepare profile of grade of High 13iutf
street and furnish estimate cost of grading
on same. Adopted.
That we deem it advisable to build a re-
taining wall on Oak street to protect pri-
vate property at the expense of the city.
Also reported as follows on the petition
01 M. Duggan, asking for damages by rea-
son of the change of grave on ;\ladison
We consider it inadvisable to give him
any compensation, as commissioners duly
appointed by the city council viewed the
change of grade on said street, and re-
ported to the council that no damages had
been sustained by reason of sail
change of grade which report was
approved by the council, but are
it favor of improving only six feet
of the sidewalk abutting said M. Duggau's
property, and allowing said M. Duggan at
toe pleasure of the council, to use Inc re-
maining six feet for a slope to protect his
trees abutting said property. Adopted.
Aid. Olinger moved that the council ap-
point tnree commissioners to assess the
damages, if any. that may be caused by
the proposed cuanged of grade on Sanford
street. Carried.
John Wunderlich, L. H. Langstaff, and
C. Reifsteck were appointed as such com-
Ald. Crawford moved that the contract
for the improvement of Broad street be
awarded to Ed. Ryan, he being the lowest
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Powers
and Ryder.
Noes—Alds. Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger
and Vogel.
Alderman Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plunk, brick, stone or
cement, be, within Z0 days of this notic,,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides 01 Broadway extension between
Diagonal street and Charles street, where
nut already lard, at expense of aoutttug
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel (9).
oes—N one.
Alderman Olinger offered the following:
Adjourned Regular Session, June 7th,, 1893.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wiue,
of stood two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 dans of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
tine ordinance 10 relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of Francis street, between Wert
Eagle Point, and Bart
t, where
not already aia d,eat expense tofeabutting
Adopted by the fo1owung vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford,Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Ouuger, Powers, Ryder and
Alderman Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Couucil of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 tet wide,
of good two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid ill conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of Broadway street, hetweeu
131ockliuger's Lane and Diagonal sweet,
where not already laid, at expense of abut-
ting property.
Attupled ny the following vote'
Ayes—Aldermeu Butler, l:rawford.Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger. Powers, Ryder auu
Vogel -9.
Ald. Olinger offered the following which
was adop.ed:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of the
City ot Dubuque, '1'bat the free use of the
Armory hail be given to the Benevolent
association of the fire department for their
annual ball on 1'naukrgiving eve, 1893.
Ald. Crawford offered toe following:
Resoled by the City Connell of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide,
01 good two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days ot this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of (rant avenue, between Julien
avenue and West Eleventh street. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Nays—None. which
Alin. tab offered the following,
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That one city eugtneer be in-
structed to prepare a suitaole grade of Gien
Oak avenue between Julien Weavenue and
at'['hird street, and summit the same to
the council.
Ald. Glab offered the following:
ttesolved by the City Council of the City
of n
Julien avenue te ue and Dodge street, ue graded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized 10 con-
formity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject; that the city enguieeer be and is hplans
uy directed to snake the necessary p
and specifications for said improvement,
and the city recorder directed to give the
proper notice for bids and proposals for
the performance of the work; the gutter-
ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done
at the expense f he bowners of e bis i 1 thLajbutting
properly, grading
Lost by the following vote: Nicks
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Glab, Lillig, -
and Ryder. Powers
Nays—Alds. Crawiord, Olinger,
a l.
Ald. Gelb offered the following:
Whereas, Lots 23 and 24 in block ave, Du -
buque harbor company
ell so as
prevent e
e nt stagnant water ft
from theretheo
o n, and,
Whereas, The owner or owners of said
lots have failed and neglected to so till said
lots, therelore.
Resolved, That the city engineer be and
is hereby instructed to prepare plans and
specifications for the tilling of said lots so
as to prevent stagnant water from lying
thereon, and when said plans and specifi-
cations are filed in his office, he is directed
to gtve the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work,
said tilling to be done at the expense of
the owners thereof and to becomea lien on
said property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alas. Butler, Crawford Glab, Lil-
lig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Crawford,
Ald. Lillie offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved, That the engineer be instruct-
ed to prepare a profile of grade of alley
between Kniest street and Johnson ave-
nue, and Rhomberg and Garfield avenues.
Ald. Lillig offered the following, which
was adopter[:
Resolved,That the engineer be instructed
to prepare a profile of grade of alley be -
tweed Sanford and Clinton and Queen and
Windsor ave.
Alderman Lillig offered the following:
Resolved by the Ctty Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Garfield ave. between
Middle and Dock streets, be graded, gut-
tered, curbed and macadamized, in con-
fortnity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and he is
nereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work; the gut-
tering, curbing attd macddatnizing to be
clone at the expense othe own rs of s bidin
abutting property, grading
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Alderman Lillig offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Dock street, between
Rhombe, g and Garfield avenues, be grad-
ed, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in
conformity with the ordinance upon that
that subject. The city engineer be and he
is hereby directed to make the necessary
pians an specifications fur said improve-
properotice forbids and proposals anyrdtrected to gfor
the performance of the work; the gutter-
ing, curbing and macadamizing to be done
at the expense ot the g owners
bbid i thotale butt-
ing propery,K
Adopted by the tollowing votCrawfe: Glab,
Ayes—Aids. Butler,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel (9).
Ald. Lillig offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That so much of the alley
duly opened between Kniest and Johnson
and Rhomberg and Garfield avenues, be
graded and macadamized, in conformity
with the ordinance upon that subject.
rected tot make the rbe and he is necessary plansrand
specifications for said improvement, and
the pity recorder directed to give the proper
tor:cance of the nwork; ons; grading and
84 Adjourned Regular Session; June 7t/t, 1893.
macadamizing to be done at the expense
of the owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Hyder and
Vogel -9.
Ald. Lillig offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the alley between Wind-
sor and Queen and Sanford and Clinton
streets, be graded and macadamized, in
covformitiy with the ordinance upon that
subject. That the city engineer be and he
is herby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ments, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work; the
grading and macadamizing to be done at
the expense of the owners of the abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel -9.
Ala. Ryder offered the following, which
was adopted:
1Vhereas, The city of Dubuque has a
contract with the Dubuque Electric Rail-
way, Light and Power Co. for thirty arc
electric lights for the period of three years,
1Vhereas, Said contract expires on or
about August 8th, 1893, and
Whereas, It specifies in said contract
that either party must give the other sixty
days notice before the termination of said
contract, and
1V hereas, The City of Dubuque desires
to terminate said contract on the date
above given; therefore,
Resolved, That the Dubuque Electric Ry.
Light & Power Co. ba and are hereby no-
tified that on and after August 8th, 1893,
the city of Dubuque will cease to use or
have any use for the said arc electric lights
and that said contract will expire and shall
be of no force or effect from and atter said
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resoived by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That Nevada street, between
West 5th and West 3d streets, be graded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con-
formity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. L'hat the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work; the
guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be
done at the expense of the owners of the
abutting property, grading to be bid in to-
Adopted by the following vote*
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel -9.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Whereas. The City Council of the City
of Dubuque deems it expedient that the
following described property, lots, and
parts of lots should be connected with the
sanitary sewer adjacent thereto, for tete
purpose of house drainage, etc.,
Therefore, Resolved that Methodist
Episcopal church, Anton Krosenest.Wm.
G. Stewart, Jac Sherman, Geo. Wilging,
and D. W. Lenehen, owners of the follow-
ing described property, respectively, lots
s 1/., 47, 2 of sub la of out lot 654 and lot
all of sub out lot 655, lot 638, n X 262 155,
44 feet 86 in city, be instructed to make
proper sewer connec ions therewith, said
work to be done within 20 days from this
date. In case of the neglect or refusal of
the owners of above described property
to make the proper iewerage connectiou
by the time above specified, the same will
be done by the city, and the costs thereof
assessed against and be a lies upon said
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Hyder and
Ald. Nicks offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved, That the street commissioner
be instructed to put in stone crossings on
the east and west sides of Couler avenue
at its intersection with Eagle Point ave-
nue, the swine to be done under the super-
vision of the city engineer.
Ald. Nicks offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the ordinance commit-
tee be and is hereby directed to draft an
ordinance governing and regulating bicy-
cle riding on the streets of the city.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two inch plans, brick, stone or
cement, be, witniu 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of Middle street, between Lin-
coln avenue and its northern terminus,
where rya already laid, at expense of abut
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Crawford, Glab,
Olinger,Powers, owers, Ryder and
Vogel -9.
Aid. Nicas offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
That, a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity %%ith the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on the
south side of 14th street, between Pine
street and Jlaule street, where not already
laid, at expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ales. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillis, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
That a sidewalk 4 feet wide. of gond
two inch p auk. brick, stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, constructed
and laid in contormity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of
Washington street, bet ween Sanford street,
and 22d street, where not already laid, at
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Giab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald, Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the alley between
West 'Third and Nenelon and Burch and
Summit streets be graded and [macadam-
ized in:contformitywiih iheordinance upon
that subject; that the city engineer be and
is hereby directed to make the necessary
Adjourned 1?egular Session, June 7th, 1893. 85
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the worst, the grad-
ing to e at e
eapethe f the abutting,
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
lig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, ,Ryder
Vogel -9.
Ald. Lillig moved that the engineer pre-
. pare a protite of a change of grade on
Broad street, and give estimate of amount
of grading required by said proposed
change. Carried.
Aid. Olinger moved to suspend the rules
and that Mr. Thoruiatin b.: allowed to ad-
dress tete council. Carried.
Mr. Thormantt then addressed the coun-
cil protesting against paying a license for
Ids Intik wagon. On motion the matter
was referred to the mayor with power.
Ala. Olinger moved that the mayor ap-
point the assessment committee for 1893.
The mayor appointed the following as
such committee. Aids. Glatt, Byrne,Vogel,
Powers and Lillig.
Ald. Ryder moved that the official dprint-
ing be left the same as last year,
o�print all proceedingsroceect to baot for ti etc.ne official
Powers ruse to a point of order, and
ojected to the sam' as being out of order.
The mayor decided the ojrcticns well
taken the motion was delared out of order.
Ald. Crawford moved committee reconsider
report of the printing
at an adjourned session of the council the
previous month.
carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Nicks,
Olinger and Ryder.
Noes—Alds. Glab, Litlig, Powers and
Vo .el.
Ald. Ryder moved to substitute the re-
port of the printing committeeof last year
one that y ers to ncil printed to ballot for
alt proceedings,
one of thea pp p
notices, etc.
Carried by the following vote: Nicks,
.;yes—Aids. Butler, Crawford,
Olinger and Ryder. Lillig, Powers and
Noes—Aids. Glab,
The mayor appointed Alds. Nick aud
Ryder tellers.
The vote resulted as follows on the first
ballot: sines 1.
1 EI.EGIAPI1 6. 'Jerald 2, Times '
The TELEORAPHhavine received a ma-
jority was declared the official paper.
Ald. 0 hitter moved to adjourn to hurs-
day, June 22d, 1893, at 7:30 p.
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks,on the north
side of West Fifth street, between Robers
avenue and Alpine street, where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abutting prop-
Adopted May COONEY, City lie oOrdeX.
1'ubtic notice is hereby given that at the
session of the city council of the City of
Dubuque, held on the 6th day of June,
1893, the following special assessments
were levied on the real estate hereinafter
described, and that in case the owners of
the property so dente they con 'pay the
assessment in seven annual equal install-
ments, the first installment being
due on the date of levy, aua
the last all installment b six
g tntfrominterest
date of levy,
at tae rate of 5 per cent. per annum.
Parties wishing to pay all at once as here-
tofore can do so. In case of failure to pay
all or any part of the assessment at the
end of six ette advertised rotand itolevy the
property will
Dated at Dubuque, this 17th day of June,
A. D. 1893.
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
For locklitiger he Lament Ie to Diagoof nal Street.
Name. Description. Lot. Ain't.
Addie Sagehorn, Wullweber's 4
Addie Sagehorrn, Wullweber'ssub 4
Christian Burdt, Wullweber's 2
Christian Burdt, Wullweber's 1
Theodore Bfirst,sub 5 King's
addition 5
Mary E. Schaettgen, sub 6,
King'=1st add4
Johannes Frenzel, King's 1st 8
add siX,......... .
1'. Kiene, Jr., King's 1st add,,8
P. Kiene, Jr., King's 1st add 10
sw�... ...........
1'. Kiene, Sr., King's 1st add 10
F. W. Altman, King's 1st add 12
wX ............ .
Sylvina Mathes, King's 1st 14
add s'/a WM......
Cbast. K. Mathes, King 14
add nXWX......
.los. Zimmerman, King's 1st
add .... 16
Mrs. C. King. sub 1 sub 18
King's lst add.... 1
C. J. W. Sab
King's lst Ladd. 2
C. W. Saunders. sub 20
King's 1st add.... 2
Jennie 1'. Farley, llunfl'os add 14
P. G. Altman, do 13
• do
F. W. Altman and 1'. Kiene
Jr., Dunn's add... 12
Dora K.:Altman, do 11
W. D. Duusmore and G. R.
or. Kirkland, sub 10,
Dunn's add.......
W. D. Dinsmoreandsu 10,
Dunn's add........
Jac. Retntrauk, Reintrank s
Mrs. N. B1o.klinXer, K:tg's
$46 45
fide •1k =Notice.
Resolved, By the City Council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch brick, stone or cement,
be, within 10 days of this notice, construct -
60 50
63 77
60 50
64 60
60 64
60 64
60 64
60 64
60 64
133 54
60 64
72 47
121 14
53 78
67 36
8 61
56 73
67 22
67 22
62 22
59 69
1 90 94
Adjourned . Repclar Session, .Tune 7th, 1893.
1st add 1 109 21
Mrs. N. Blocklinger, King's
1st acid 3 121 14
Mrs. N. Bloeklinger, King's
1st add 5 121 14
Mrs. N. Blocklinger, King's
1st add 7
1'. Kiene, Sr., King'sls t add 9
A. and O. Boesch, do 11
do dos3Xft 13
Mary A. Scott, King's lat add,
(less 33 It) 13
L. N. Converse, King's 1st
add 15
Chas. and C. Ruff, King's 1st
add 17
.Jacob Schlipp, King's 1st add,
x4934 ft 19
Christ Feilen. King's 1st add,
n 40 34 ft 19
G. Blocklinger, .1r., King's 2d
add 21
C. H. Meyer, King's Grove
add 1 96 66
C. H; Meyer, King's Grove
add 2 22 44
Arnold Nicks, Zumhoff's sub 4 511 25'
For the improvement of Washington street
from Sanford to 24th streets.
Lot. Am't.
Nic Weber, O. S. Lang
worthy's sub
121 14
133 30
136 25
4 70
120 21
136 64
121 14
66 55
63 89
284 08
do do
Geo Siebold do S34
J. B. Forester do NX
do do
Max Rhomberg do
do do
.John Boman do
John Olinger, Boulevard add,
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do 41
do do 40
do do 39
do do 88
do do 37
do do 36
do do 35
do do 34
do do 33
do do 32
do do 31
do do 30 56
do do 29 26 56
do do 28 26 56
do do 27 26 56
do do 26 26 56
do do 25 26 56
For the lmprovement of Broadway Exten-
sion from Diagonal to Charles
Arnold Nicks, sub 23, 24, 25
and 26, Wm. Reb—
mau's sub 4 $ 39 69
Arnold Nicks, sub 23, 24, 25
and 26, Wm. Reb-
man's sub 3 45 04
Arnold Nicks, sub 23, 24, 25
and 26, 1Vm. Reb-
man's sub 2 . 167
Simon Vogt, sub 1, sub 23, 24,
25 and 26, Win.
ltebmau's sub 2 49 36
John Lierer, Rebinan's sub1 .173.35
1). Mueggenburg, sub 3min lot
319 8 433 47
For the improveinent of Queen street from
Sanford street to Eagle Point ave-
nue and Regain, street from
24 $51 80
23 53 11
22 53 11
21 53 11
20 53 11
19 53 11
18 26 56
18 26 56
17 53 11
16 53 11
15 53 11
14 53 11
46 40 28
45 26 56
44 26 56
43 26 56
42 26 56
26 56
26 56
26 56
26 56
26 56
26 56
26 56
26 56
26 56
26 56
26 56
Queen street to Windsor
Lot. Ain't.
Ferd. A. Nessler, Sanford's
sub 20 $145 16
Sacred Heartchnrch do 19 142 31
do do 31 207 32
do do 32 52 72
do do 33 52 72
do cw 34 78 03
do do 11 143 12
A. 1'ancratz, do 10 134 49
Jas. A. Herzog, do 35 52 72
G. hath Est., do 36 82 07
For the Improvement of Frances S'reet
From West Eagle Point Avenue to
hart Street.
Geo. Salot 'Tivoli add
John Kulow do
John Slubcr, Jr. do
Fred Lange, do
J. B. Rnomerg, do
no und 3.
do uncl34
clo and 34
do unit y
do sal
do n34
do x34
do n34
do w34
.John Fosselman,
Frank Fosselman,
Frank Fosselman,
Peter J. Scharle,
Andrew Oeth,
Peter J. Scharle
Louis Walter
Christian Zopf
Frsnk Lairdolt
Frank Manahl
Carl Steuck
Geo. 11. Schilling
Catherine Blitsch
Robert Wirzbacn
Win. Kirmse
21 72 11
22 62 22
23 62 22
24 6 22
2•' 62 22
28 31 11
26 62 22
27 62 22
28 31 11
29 31 11
28 31 11
30 77 14
20 45 05
19 363:1
18 36 33
17 31 11
17 31 11
16 31 11
16 31 11
15 41 33
14 6'2 22
13 62 22
12 62 22
11 77 52
_Public notice is hereby given that at the
session 01 the City Couned of the city of
Dubuque, held on the 6th clay of .lune.
1893, the following special assessments
were levied on the real estate hereinafter
For repairing sidewalk on Iowa street.
Name. Description. Lot Ani't
Wm Auitrager, sub city, 200 3 $145
And that in case of failure to pay the
sante within thirty days from this date, the
same shall become delinquent and bear in-
terest thereafter at the same rate as the de-
linquent annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this 15th day of .lane.
A. 1). 1893. 1-I E N u v B. G N I P E K E,
Treasurer of the Citv of Dubuque.
Notice lo sidewalk .,..ueracrors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
city engineer's office up to 4 p. m., Mouday.
June 12, 1893, for contructiog sidewalks as
follows where not already laid, viz: A 4 -ft
Wide plank sidewalk on the west side of
Pine street trom Twenty-third street to
Twenty-fifth street; a 6 -ft wide plank side-
walk on south side of Garfield avenue from
Pine street to Johnson avenue; a 4 -ft wide
plank sidewalk on both sides of Burden
avenue fiotn Windsor avenue to City lim-
its; a 6 -ft wide plank sidewalk on south
side of %Vest Third street from St. Mary's
street; to Cardiff street; a 6 -ft wide
plank sidewalk on north side of West
Third street from Blixff street to Summit, a
4 foot wide plank sidewalk on south side of
Almond street in front of lots 38, 39 and 40,
Cox's add; a 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on
west side of Klingenberg street; a 6 foot
wide plank sidewalk 011 north side of
West Fifth street from Roberts avenue to
Alpine street; a6 ft wide plank sidewalk on
both sides of West 11th street between
Adjourned Regular Session, June 22d, 1893. 87
Race and east alley of Center Place—all in
accordance to specifications on file in said
office. A bond of $100 will be required with
each bid. The city reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
6-2-8t. W. B. KNOWLTON,
Adjourned Regular Session, June
22d, 1893.
(erred to the city engineer for computation:
Alley between 7th and 8th and Clay and
White streets.
Alley between 155th and 16th and fine
and Maple streets.
Alley between Julien Ave. and W . 11th
St. east of Grant avenue.
Alma street, and 13th street between
Pune and Maple.
City Attoruey Knight presented report
of Alex Gratz, justice of the peace, for fees
on city cases. Adopted and warrants to
be drawn next month.
Ald. Ryder reported as follows:
Your committee on polic and light and
electrical construction to whom was re-
ferred the (natter of dispensing with as
many gasoline lamps as possible, and sub-
stituting electric lights therefor,
beg leave to report that by
the location ot 34 electric lights
as shown on accompanying list we can dis-
pense with 124 gasoline l.unps, end maybe
more, which would make a saving to the
city of about $400 per year; besides we
would be giving our citizens in the outlay-
ing districts a superior light and make our
city one of the best illuminated one In the
country. Your committee would tnere-
fore recommend that the location of elec-
tric lights as shown on accompanying list
be auproved and that, said lights be put in
operation as soon as possible, and that the
gasoline lamps adjacent to same be dis-
pensed with when said electric lights are
in operation.
The followicg is the location of electric
Main and Railroad avenue, Valley and
Southern avenue, Dodge and Rising ave-
nue, West 3d and Brad street, Vernon and
Alta Vista, Reed and Rhomberg, 2d avenue
and Rhomberg, 5th and Rhomberg, 7th and
Rhomberg, 10th and Rhomberg, 5th an,i
Johnson hollow, Fengler and Lincoln
avenue, White,between Eagle Point avenue
and Sanford, Broadway between Diago-
naland Blocklinger Lane, Lemon between
27th and Dfiliville, C. & G. W. bridge,
Alma near Pickett, West Locust oppo-
site Lee's residence, West Locust between
Pierce and Union avenue, West
Locust opposite Sutherland's, West
Locust opposite Mt. ht. Joseph gate
West Locust and Seminary, Arch
and Center, Park and Center, Clark
and West 17th, Center and Delhi, Lesure
Lumber Co. bridge, Stewart and Julien
ave., West Third and Grand ave., 1'iue,
between 24d and 23rd, Burden & Windsor
ave.. Queen and Regent, 13th and Maple,
Pear and Oak. Report adopted.
The Star Electric Co. submitted a propo-
sition that it their contract be modified so
as to give them all the city electric light-
ing, including the thirty lights now fur-
nished by the Allen & Swiney Co. when
their contract expires they agree from and
after September 1,1893 for a period of three
years to furnish electric lights as hereto-
fore at the rate of $64.75 per light per annum
The above proposition was accepted and
supplementary contract was referred to
the city attorney.
Bill of McCann & Williams of $4,324.32
was presentee. On motion $3,000 was .al-
lowed on same and balance was referred to
sewer committee.
Ald. Crawford, from the committee on
paving, submitted the following report:
To the City Council:
Your committee on paying would re-
spectfully report that in connection with
the city engineer we have made a care-
ful examination of the work of Atkinson
& Oloff, under their contract for paving
Council met at 8:30 o'clock p. in.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder,
and Vogel.
The petition of Geo. Dee & Son asking
the city to have the city engineer survey
grounds leased by them setting out its
meets and bounds thereof. Granted.
Ald. Olinger moved that the matter of
water way back of Dee do Sons factory be
referred to city engineer and city attorney.
Petition of J. Zangtneister in relation to
connecting witti storm water sewer on
Julien ayenue. Referred to sewer com-
mittee with power.
Petition of John Schonk in relation to
vault on premises of Montana house. Re-
ferred to sewer committee w act imme-
The petition of Cotter & Co. and also of
Sant Starr & Co. in regard to furnishing
and putting up street signs. Referred to
the committee of the whore.
Petition of Dubuque Street Railway Co.
asking to have a crossing on Main street
between 8th and 4th. Granted and engi-
neer instructed to supervise same.
Petition of the Ladies' .Catholic Benevo-
lent society for permission for the use of
the armory June 25, 1893. Granted.
Petition of Columbian Publishing Co. in
relation to the souvenir of the city of Du-
buque. Referred to the committee on
finance and public grounds and buildings.
Petition ot W. D. iyliddlesworth et al for
electric light on Grove 'Terrace. Referred
to committee on police and light.
Petition of M. Liddy in relation to grade
in front of his property on 14th and Iowa.
Postponed until a future meeting.
Aid. Crawford moved that the mayor
appoint two more aldermen to act on the
sewer committee. Carried.
Mayor Mayor Daugherty appointed
ford and Vogel to serve on said committee.
Petition of Elizabeth J. Scott et al re-
monstrating of
alley west o3ad and betweeinst the n improvement
Summit streets. Referred to street com-
Petition of C. E. Wales et al asking that
Jennie Lewis be appointed police matron.
Referred to police and light commmittee
and mayor.
Petition of Chas. and Win. Graff to
erect temporary shed on levee near garb-
age dump. Referred to harbor committee
and marshal with power.
The affidavit of Fred Mussuehl stating
as to the time he made improvements on
his property on Windsor Ave. Referred
to street committee.
Ald. Olinger moved to have bids opened
for the improvement of streets and alleys.
Bids were opened for the improvement
of the following streets and alleys and re-
88 Adjourned Regular Session, June 22d, 1893.
with brick, and curbing Main street from
Charter street to Seventeenth street, and
find it fully completed according to the
plans and specifications, with this posstule
exception, that there seems to be a nutnber
of brick in the pavment which, on further
trial, may prove to be inferior to the
quality required by the specifications.
They are very few 1n number and cut no
figure in considering the extent of the
whole improvement. That a few unsuit-
able brick among so large a quantity as
was required for the contract should creep
into the work, was almost if not quite un-
avoidable. It would be strange if they
had not. In all oilier respects the worts
has been honestly and taithful!y done, and
the contractors are justly entitled to high
credit for the same. Under the terms of
the contract, rive per cent. of the total
amount of the cost of the improve-
ment is to be retained for one year
from the final completion of the work as a
security against any possible failure on the
part of the contractors in execut:ng their
work, or any latent deficiency in the qual-
ity of the materials. This retained per
centage, which will amounts to over $3,000
affords ample protection to the city.
The condition of the account of the city
with the contractors, as shown by the ac-
companying estimate of the city engineer,
is as follows:'
New corning, 9061.5 lineal feet at .50, $4,-
Old curbing reset 1566.7 lineal feel at .9
Granite ,paving, 181.90 sq yds at 1.99
$361.97. '
Brick paving, 33,118.91 sq yds at 1.69 855,-
Total, $61,004.81.
Arnount paid as per auditors books, $41,-
Total bt.Iance due, 819,101.62.
Less 5 per cent. retained. $3,050.24.
Amount now payable to contractor, 816,-
Your Boni nittee recomend that the
contract be accepted as apparently com-
plete, and that the contractors be paid
from the "improvement Fund," under the
terms of their contract, the sum of $l6,-
051.38, and that the sutn of 83,050.24 5 per
cent. retained) be set aside in the treasury
for one year—to be paid contractors at the
end of that period less such amount as
may be required to matte good any detic-
iency hereafter discovered in work or
material. Respectfully submitted,
P. W. Crawford,
Chairman Committee on Paving.
On motion of Ald. Crawford Atkinson &
Oloff were allowed $10,000 as partial pay -
mention above work and balance referred
to the paving committee and engineer.
Aid. Olinger moved that the mayor ap-
point another tnetnber on the paving com-
mittee. Carried.
The mayor appointed Ald. Glab to act
on said committee. •
All. Olinger moved that the engineer he
instructed lo delay action on laying side-
walks on Middle street. Carried.
City Engineer Knowlton reported as
follows ou bids for the iulproyement of
streets and alleys:
Alley between 7th and 8th and Clay and
W kite:
Harry Proctor $257 47
Jas. Cushing 248 00
Geo. Taylor 322 03
Steuck & O'Farrell 850 10
Aid. Oliugt r uun•ed shits las. Cushing
be awarded the contract. he being the low-
est bidder. Carrnl.
Alley between 15th and ltith and Pine
and Maple: 316 20
Jas. Cushing
Steuek & O'Farreli 412 00
Ald. Glaa moved that Jas. Cushing be
awarded the contract, he being the lowest
bidder. Carried.
Ailey between Julien avenue and W lith
street, east of Grant:
Cain & Schoeuthal $217 80
Ald. Nix moved Cain & Schoental be
awarded contract. Carried.
Thirteenth street, uetween Pine and
Harry Proctor $ 772 45
Steuek & O'Farrell . 1,044 00
Kringle 821 80
Aid. Nix moved that Har.y Proctor be
awarder the contract, be being the lowest
bidder. Carrred.
Alma street:
Steuck & O'Farrell $1,250 00
J. G. Peterson 1,341 00
Barry Proctor... 885 10
Con. Ryan, Jr 1,156 00
Geo. Taylor 1,063 00
Geo. W. Farley 1,154 00
Norton & Lee 1,680 00
Ald Lillig moved H. Proctor be awarded
contract, he being the lowest b drier. Car-
Twenty-fourth street, between Jackson
and Pine, E. E. F rite, $1,837.93; Steuck &
O'Farrell, $1,829.20.
Ald. Nix moved that Steuck & O'Farrell
be awarded contract, they being the lowest
Ald. Crawford moved as au amendment
that the council postpone action until next
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. ,cutler, Crawford, Glab
and Ryder.
Noes—Aids. Lilhg, Nicks, Olinger, Pow-
ers and Vogel.
The vote recurring on the original mo-
tion, was carried as follows:
Ayes—Alds. Craword, Glab, Lillie,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Vogel.
Noes—A Ids. Butler andeltyder.
Alu. nyder moved that M. Laven be al-
lowed $200 on tits bill against the city for
$348.75 and balance of $148.75 be referred
back to sewer committee. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that the rules ue
suspended and Mr. R. Eddy be allowed to
address the council. Carried.
Mr. Eudy then addressed the council in
relation to mineral shaft on West 'Third
The matter was referred to the city at-
On motion of Ald. Ryder the bill of E.
E. Frith for $465.73, amount due ou con-
tract was allowed.
Ald. Olinger, chairman of streets, re-
ported that they had examined and ac-
cepted the alley between Johnson and
Windsor and Providence and Lincoln ave-
nues, done by E. E. Frith, contractor.
On motion C. Ryan Jr., was allowed
$5,000 on contract on Windsor avenue.
Ald. Buller, chairman, committee on
harbors, reported in favor of receiving
and riling the report of John W. Woods,
city wood inspector. Adopted.
Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the action of Mayor
Daugherty in answering the garnish-
ment summons in the case of Mar-
garet. Coffee against Phillip Kinney
the city of Dubuque. garnishee, pending
before T. C. Murphy, a justice of the
Adjourned Regular Session, Juno 22<l, 1893. 89
peace in and for Julien township, is here-
by authorized and ratified by the city
council of the city of Dubuque. Adopted.
Ald. Vogel offered the following resolu-
tion, which Was adopted:
Whereas, The city council of the city of
Dubuque deems it expedient for the
safety of the traveling public that auto-
matic gates should De erected and main-
tained at different railroad crossings in
the city; therefore
Resolved, That the Chicago Great West-
ern R. R. Co., C., M. & St. P. R. It. Co.,
liltnois Central R. It. Co. and C., 13. SL N.
R. R. Co. be each respectfully notified,
according to the ordinance, to erect and
maintain automatic gates at the following
places where their tracks cross the
Eagle Point avenue and Kniest street.
Rhotnberg avenue between Elm and
Mutest streets.
Fitteehth and Pine streets.
First and lowa streets.
Sixth street.
Seventh street.
Jones street.
In case of lailure on;the part of any or
all of above railroad companies to comply
with above order after proper notice has
been served on them, the city attorney is
directed and it shall ue his duty to pro-
ceed against said companies according to
section 4 of chapter 1281of the revised or-
dinances of 1893.
A.communication of W. 11. Knowlton
that he, in connection with Ald. Olinger
examined the streets and alleys north of
Sanford street iu relation to drainage of
the same. Referred to engineer and street
committee with bower.
Aid. Powers offered the following reso-
lutiou which was adopted:
Resolved, That tate city attorney inquire
into and report to this council itt its next
session what further act.un, it any, is nec-
essary on the part of the city council to
compel the railroads within the city to
pave or improve the streets and alleys
between the rails of said raitways as pro-
vided by chapter 33 of the revised ordi-
nances ot this city and what railroads have
tailed and neglected, atter being notified to
comply with said ordinance.
Aid Oluig. r offered the following resolu-
tion which was adopted.
Resolved, 13y the city council of the
atit b Dubuque,
ato put in stothe street ne cross-
ing as follows:
North side ot 13th and lows street.
West side of Iowa and 14th streets.
West side of West Locust and Augella
Said crossing to be put in under the su-
pervision of the city engineer.
Ald Olinger offered the following reso-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Jones street between
Locust and Main streets, be curbed
and paved with brick in conform-
ity with the ordinance upon that sub -
1 erd he is
by instructed to ard the city pr pare plans ineer be iand spec-
ifications fur the performance of the work
t!ie curbing and paving to be done at the
expense of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote: e: Lillig,
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, ,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resoived by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That yr est Main street, be-
tween Main and Jones streets, be curbed
and paved with brica in conformity
with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work; the
curbing and paving to be done at the ex-
pense of the owners of the abutting
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Nicks and Ryder.
Noes—Aids. Lillig, Olinger, Powers
and Vogel.
Ald. Ryder moved to rescind the resolu-
tion to improve Jones street between Lo-
cust and Main.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Glab, Lillig, and
Noes—Alds. Crawford, Dicks, Olinger,
Powers and Vogel.
Ald. Powers offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet
wide, of cement, be, within 30 days of this
notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
nn the west side of Iowa street, between
8th street and 9th street.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Aid. Nicks offered the following reso-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the alley between Prince
and Queen and Sanford and Regent
streets, be !traded and macadamized, in
conformity with the ordinance upon that
subject. 'L'hat the city engineer be and he
is herby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
give te proper notice and the r
for bids and propo-
gradls ingg andr the pmacadamizing the
done at
the expense of the owners of the abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lilhg, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Nicks offered the following reso-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Prince street between
Eagle Point avenue and Sanford streets De
graded, guttered, curbed and macadam-
ized in conformity with the ordinance upon
that subject; that the city engineer be and
is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work; the gut-
tering, curbing and macadamizing to be
done at the expense of the owners of the
abutting property, grading to be bid in
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids: Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel -9.
Ald Olinger offered the following resolu-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Julien ave., between
Walunt and Alpine streets, be graded gut-
tered curbed ants macadamized, in con-
90 Adjourned Regular Session, Tune 22d, 1893.
fortuity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans anp specification for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work; the gut-
tering, curbing and macadamizing to be
done at the expense of the owners of the
abutting property, grading to be bid in
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
l,illig, Nicks, Olinger. Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Nicks presented the following ordi-
nance which was referred to the ordinance
commit tee:
An ordinance against riding bicycles on
the sidewalks of the city and regulating
the riding of them on the streets of the
city and tixing a penalty therefor,
Be 4t Ordained by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That no person or per-
sons shall ride or calve on bicy-
cles or on any other similar
vehicle, conveyance, or contrivance what-
ever ou or over the sidewalks of this city
or in or through any of the public parks
or public grounds in this city.
Section Z. That any person or persons
who shall ride or drive on bicycles, veloci-
pedes or on any other similar vehicle, con-
veyance, or contrivance whatever on or
over streets of this city shall be governed
and controlled by the following regula-
In traveling to the north they shall prep
on the east side of the street, and in travel-
ing to the south they shall keep on the
west side of the street, and in traveling to
tate east they shall keep on the south side
of the street, and in traveling to the west
they shall keep on the north side of the
In traveling in the night time, each bi-
cycle shall be provided with a light or lan-
tern placed in front of the same, and also
with a bell which shall be rung on the ap-
proach of any vehicle or vehicles, or horse
or horses on the street, and said bell or
bells shall also be rung by said bicycle
rider or riders when they are.approachnng
any vehicles or vehicles, or horse or horses
from behind, and said bell shall be rung
approaching and on eyery street crossing.
Section 3. That any person or persons
convicted of a violation of this ordinance
shall be fined in a sum not less than 85.00
nor more than $25.00 for each offense.
Aid. Olinger moved to adjourn. Car-
Noti to 0•ntraotore.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the city recorder up to 4 o'clock p.
m. of 'Thursday, .lune 22. 1893, for im-
proving the following streets and alleys
according to plans and specifications on
file in the city recorder's office:
Thirteenth street between Pine and
Maple streets, curbing, 500 lineal feet;
guttering, 220 square yards; macamizing,
1,060 square yards.
Alma street between 'Thomas and
Pickett streets.
Grading 474 cu. yds., curbing 900 lin. ft.,
guttering 400 sq. yds., macadamizing 900
sq. yds.
Alley east of Grant Ave. between Julien
Ave. and West llth street.
Grading 267 cu yds., macadamizing 420
sq. yds..
Alley between 7th and 3th and Clay and
White streets.
Grading 401 cu. yds., macadamizing 620
sq. yds.
Alley between 15th and 16th and Pine
and Maple streets.
Grading 341 cu. yds., macadamizing 620
sq. yds.
Bidders must state the price per lineal
foot for curbing; the price per square yard
for guttering and macadamizing. Grading
on streets to be bid in total; in alleys by
the cubic yard. Bidders must furnish a
good and sufficient bond of $200 that con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
Proposals will be acted upon at the ad -
j urned regular session of the council June
22d, 1,93. Blanks for bidders will be fur-
nished by the recorder.
The city reserves the right to reject all
bids. T. J . 000NEY,
6 -10t Recorder,
List n f City lVarran.ts.
Drawn by the City Recorder
during May, 1893.
DUnuQUE, Iowa, .Inne 1, 1893.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me durine the month
of May, 1893:
Name. For what Purpose. Amount
L. Gonner.... .... Salaryfor April, Treas-
urer$tb0 00
L. Gonner........Salary for April, clerk 50 00
,.I. C. Fitzpatrick ..Sa oiyd for April, Re-
e- 116 67
J. M. Kenety--Salary for April, Aud-
116 70
J. J. McCarthy.. Salary for April, Attor-
ney...... .... 125 00
John F. Stenun..Salary for April, As-
Ed. Blake.........Salary for April, En -
125 00
giueer . pp
E. S. Hyae.......Sahuy trEApril, As- 100 00
J. Boyce Salary for April, As-
sistant Engineer.... 100 00
Henry Glah...._Salary for April, rod
wan 50 00
John Carter .....Sal ary f
uiss pne,' StreetCom91 75
S. B. Rice.........Salary for April, Mar-
shal ..................
Jos. Reinfried....Salary for April, Chief
of lire department..
Ed. Norton. ....Salary for April, Mar-
F. M. Wieland••.•S0lar6h oHforceApril,
HeaB. Rawson........Salary for April, Sew-
er Inspector .........
James Bunting—Salary fol April, Elec-
tricianHenry Henge Salary
y fo r an April, Park
G.:orge Bennett5 satautorAp il, As.
G. GmelileSalary for April, As-
sistant Assessor•....
John O'ConnellSalarylttee Ai n t, Com -
Jas. Daly.... Fireman ...............
Job Barnes
A, McDonnell
J. Murphy••..............
W.Duey' ••••••
J. Schonberger............•••
T. O'Shea "•
Ed. Keas .. ••••"......
NI. Eitel"......•••••••.•
John Essman
A. Duccina 41
J. F1.nu...... ...............
J. Wiltse..... .,
T. Walker
0. Speciit " ......• • •.
J. Powell "
D. Ahearn.
J. Allen
W. Hlppman 14
C. Kannolt..... 61
F. Ganahl...
J. Ward. 44
G. Coldnseu
F. Essinan 16
T. Flynn
A. Str'auey..... ;
J. Ro.ne.
R. Tregilgis...............
D. Ryan.... Captain of Police
John Haesh•••""".
Bart. CainPoliceman
Wm. Henuessy... ••••••••• '
Wm. O'Brien 46
Wm. Frith" .
John Litscher""
P. McNealy
Thos. lteilly..... •
P. Dunnegan
100 00
75 00
50 00
P. Kearney.......
John Fitzpatrick.
60 00
75 00
46 00
100 00
100 00
83 10
60 00
75 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
5.1 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
Dan. Norton .......••..... 53 85
Janes Allen50 00
John Reuter51 65
Sam. Elmer 46 70
.fames Flynn 51 66
Dan. Lavery `• ...... 6644446 51 65
Ed. MooreII 48 65
M. Kilty 11 51 G5
J. Secrest 51 65
P. Sutton" 50 00
M. Craugh 51 65
John Hoffman.... " • •51 65
P. Sullivan........ 16 38 45
P. Powers........ " 50 00
Jas. Carter....... " 35
J. Kintziugcr `,
M. Hardie 50 00
John Murphy 60 00
Win. Klauer•` 43 40
Peter Seharf"
.............. fill
1. McCollins "
P. Hanlon..... .. 50 0.1
Geo. Rubeck "25 00
John MurphyPatrol Driver.......... 60 00
C. Spiegelhal: erPouudmaster .......... 48 15
T. Ahearn Laborer ................ 23 30
J. Arndt12 .0
M. Ahbltz .... •......... 7 45
J. BewerStoker, road roller.... 45 50
J. Boetke Laborer ....... ......•. 20 10 95
John Boet+cher•••• •• ••••"'.. 11 85
F. Baversdof ••'•""•""'. 1185
W. Ball .1
C. Buse 9 80 18 90
J. Bergman14 15 20
Theo. Buse1 15 20
J. ltyrne..... 6 20
B. Bruin mut6 90
M. Burns.......... " ............... 1 1890
P. Burke
It. Burns............... 15 90
D. J. Bur ke1 35
.......... .....
J. Bottoms........Mason............ ... 19 in,
Jas. Cahill Laborer ......... ..... 1 11
L. Corcoran "" "" • •..... 1920 95
John Callahan"
John Cornett 28 15
Wm. Crumpwell" 5 40
J. Corcoran „ 26 00
M. Crahiu70
M. Coyle.. 19 60
M. Carmody•` 4 75
Sam. Collins33 75
M. Dorsey" ............... 12 15
M. Dieferding" 2417 30
Ed. Desmond..•44
5 45
J. Dersch 25 99
Jas. Dolan ;; 18 99
J. Dougi erty 8 40
1'. Dempsey90
M. Dumpily182 18 30
John Eagan. 192 60
Joun l•.veret 7 10
M. Farrell.t 2 20
L. Fritz 23 25
Dan Fox
P. Fitzgerald t. 8 75
37 70
John Fix.........
C. Fonsello ••••"".•'•••• 15 20
C. Fischer.
L. Frick.......... 501 35
Joe Grail......... 1 111 18 60
H. Collie.........
M. Gelr• .ck... ....15 0005
G A. Gutuerlett. . •••• •• •..."". 19 55
C. Grunzig. „ 15 90
John Giessler 13 50
P. Grewit .............
Ed. Grew 26 00
J. M. Garrison" 7 80
James HarkerForenlan 22 00
John Hafey..... .. 29 60
Dan. Hannan ....Laborer
9 65
Ed. Hackett 18 5
James Horley.... 15 20
N. Hilger 14 20
F. Haas
F. Herzog 23 65
Geo. Hughes « 8 70
H.H. Henkel........
James Hall. "" 8 10
A. Howarka...... 17 40
P. Hayden 6 75
A. Hottermau ,„ 12 75
P. Jacobi"' 20 25
Joe Jecktln" ............ •. • 20 95
H. Kreinps" 6
P. Kinney " ............... 23 36
l 41 G0
J. Kinsella.......Carpenter .........
50 00
50 Ou
60 00
GO 00
60 00
50 00
50 Gu
50 00
50 OJ
60 00
60 00
5.1 00
50 00
8 05
75 OG
72 35
51 65
45 05
45 05
41 75
51 65
51 65
51 65
.......... 51 GI
46 70
51 65
List of City Warrants.
E. S. King........ Laborer
C. Kanipmann....
H. Kenzel
M. Kline
J. Karch
M. Kilbur'g
F. Kreiger
B. Kreutz
J. Kellett
John Lacy
John Lavin
H. Luck
John Lux.........
M. Lilack.........
H. Lippstock
C. Luckrahand
H. Lucitrahand
M. Loes .
Ed. Lee
J. Mullen........
M. Murphy
T. Mahon •
1'. Melctioir
M. Maybanks
J. Maroney..
L. Meurise
Jas. Melloy,
P. Montel
J. Melone
P. Moran`•
Jas. Merscli
M. Maltony Foreman... ........ ...
Thos. Murray Laborer ..
M. McCone.......Foreman .
A. McGuan Laborer
T. McDonnell
Wm. McDermott,
L. McEvoy. •`
B. McCormack"
J. McBride"
B. McCoy..... "
John McNulty
M. McMahon"
M. Muten.... "
D. Nickois.. "
J. Noel •
Joe Obbelt"
F. Oswald.
P. O'Brien, Sr
P. O'Brien. Jr
Wm. Pickley
D. Powers
J. Perryon
Jas. Powers"
J. H. Pierce. "
John Quail"
John It,aetzForeman
U. Ravenick......Laborer........... ..... 23 30
Win. Rieman 25 05
Geo. Rieder " 13 85
M. Raen " 15 50
Jas. Regan. ..... . .. 9 05
F. Racdloff ..... .. .. 8 45
J. Ryan 6 10
F. Rieger ` 22 30
M. Ryan .......... " 1 35
Win. Rooney..... " 2160
T. Reilly " 16 55
Joe Leik " 25 00
A. It. Stevenson.. Engineer road roller52 00
John Sullivan ....Laborer 20 95
P. Smith.......... 18 26
W. Sweeney...... •` 26 35
M.°Shea .. 10 81)
Jas. Stevenson
W. Spaulding17 25
Joe Schmidt16 90
N . Steinmetz.. 17 90
Wm. Swaegler.. 17 25
M. Specht " 24 65
P. Stoffer ..:.....
N. Schroeder 23 30
Geo. Sutter.. 2 50
13 50
F. Tlleiring.....
it 1 35
F. Voelcher .. 9 16
P. Wagner ..... if
John Wolfe .. 15 9.i
R. Wiederman66 22 65
J. F. Wolfe" 13 6e
M. Wampeck6, 10 80
T. Welsh 8 80
.. 19 25
M. Welker
0 45
C. Yost..... 8 10
W. Zachina" 24 65
Geo. ZumhoffForeman 14 00
C. O. Baker ......Team.... 36 30
R. Bennett " 33 90
N. Btanat " .. 1 60
P. Clancy........... 27 611
B. Cain ...... 6,
40 60
Foreman ..............
Laborer__ ......
18 50
22 95
8 10
9 45
17 25
13 20
9 45
4 05
28 80
19 25
27 00
27 85
24 00
11 50
10 15
9 45
17 25
4 75
18 25
13 85
25 65
18 25
17 55
15 20
18 90
20 25
18 90
1 35
10 80
2 70
30 80
4 05
13 20
21 60
7 10
7 35
20 25
9 45
2 70
5 10
22 30
19 25
8 70
1.2 15
26 70
16 20
21 95
15 0
18 90
24 70
16 66
22 95
8 45
29 60
4 75
1'. Connolly.Crahen..... " ................... 0315
Wm. Corcoran....
M. 7 90
J. Dunkley 11 06
Thos. Elliott. " 49 65
J. M. Fitzpatrick. " 12 60
Nelson Frith7 90
lobo Geary .....................18 15
M. Gantenbein" 11 05
J. Garr gan "3 16
M..T. Hannon.....................32 30
Win. Howard" 28 36
J. H. Hotfineyer.. •` 22 05
T. Hagerty....... " 3 15
T. Heins.......... I. 7 9i
R. Henderson.... 4 75
1'. Jorden.. " 21 30
J. Jochum " 3 1
N. Kintzingcr" 21 30
T. Kane.......... " 27 60
J. Kringle " 4 75
John Long........ " 16 055
J. Lahey 7 10
J. Linehan12 60
1'. Linehan'• ................... 43 35
Thos. Morgan" .. .. 15 75
John Mai" .... ... .. ... .. ... 12 fill
Joe Moor.. " 12 75
16. Mathis " 6 30
F. Mathis" ................... 630
Wm. Mohr" 10 26
Jeff. McGrath.... 33 00
J. McCracken..... " 48 85
C. McElrath...... •` 49 65
John McGrath.... " 17 35
Wm. McGrath.... " 12 60
J. McCollluso
14 20
James Powers.... " 37 05
Mrs. Ouinlivan... " 45 90
Geo. Reynolds... " 33 90
H. Seery.......... " 29 16
F. Seeley 21 30
D. Sutherland.... " .... 19 70
J. Steffen 6420 50
J. Sutherland" 80
J, Sigworth....... " 12 60
J. Savage " 16 55
A. Siege 9 45
Cath. Tobin ••39 40
A. Turner •` ...................26 80
M. Tice " 10 25
C. VanWie66
7 90
Geo. Wetter...... " 34 65
M. Logg.. " ...................1970
V. eri..... Exoresi 100
J. McCollins 1 00
J. O'Neill " 60
John O'Brien Labor on sewers......
Tom. ButcherLabor on sewers
Jas. Reed.........Labor
James Rooney.... "
John Hackett....
J. Perryon.......
M. White......... ..
Geo. Reynolds....t
P. McNulty.......
P. Furyy......... .. "
T. McCattrey "
M. Kirk "
50 00
40 25
33 26
33 85
31 00
12 25
12 25
39 36
12 25
18 75
41 25
18 00
40 70
12 20
17 34
Ed. Norton.. ... ..Boarding prisoners....
Relnfried & Jaeger. Rope and pulley
J. McCiacken ....Cleaning around city
A. Siege... .Cleaning around city
Jos. Geiger......Repairing at city hall
Smith Printing o.Printing ordinances
Smith Printing Go.Printing ordinances
Ferguson Bros.... Tile pipe. .
Hardie & Scharle.Blauk stationery
Junes Kelly Stationery
13. D. Linehan ....Repairing tools
Shipley & Bauman.Veterinary services
Chas. A. Noyes... Tracing paper...
F. Schloz......... Repairing tools
Barrett's bindery.Btnders......... .
John 1). Metz Mounting maps
Central Union
Telephone Co... Rent for telephones
John O'Dea....... Coal
Hussman & Lies ..Tools
Key Ctty Gas Co.. Coke
P. H. Halpin...... Brooms
G. B. Grosvenor.. Stationery
Butt Bros Repairing road scraper
Wm. Smith Labor.... ...........
Dubuque Rubber
and Belting CoRubber stamp .....
Iowa Iron Works Repairing engines
2 40
500 00
102 57
1 88
25 00
61 70
12 95
13 00
5 10
6 00
6 00
17 50
17 00
2 75
30 64
2 40
3 50
1 76
1 00
10 50
List of City Warrants.
Eirhhorn & Bech-
tel.... ........ .
tel............... Hay
Hardie & Scharle.Pruming finance re
Svendsen & Ott.. Lumber
P. H. Hoff man... Malt.
Erwin & Wood... Lumber...
Phil. l'ier Coal ...............
J. W. 'Tines..... Pails .
Mrs. Koenig.......Janitor................
Richard EddyBrick inspector
Standard 1111 Co.. Oil .... ...............
Lesure Lwuhrr Co.Shavings............ •
ataudard 1 1,11.1iber
Compan Shavin. 5
Dub igae water
Company...... •• Water.......
Dubuque Water
Company....... Water
DubugUe Water Water
Norton & Lee11th it et siii%er .....
Ile wer 11ros011 cloth ...............
Dubuque Specutty
Ma. lime Co Repairing gong........
Excelsior 111• as 5
Works Repairing nozzle ••
John •i. Sh rid:ui.O1) and wick....
15 as inganiter &
Klett. Rope.......
Me kris & 1-lassier.Brau .
A. Y. McDonald &
Jlor. i -nn Co__ Rubber packing ... ..
li,vtnfut•,I Ilius. &
Ilio brus Fonn-
)r> (y) Grates ....
Thus Collins Ilorsesiloein, • •••
John lint) ....Repairing hose cart...
a, Wunderi,eh,.,Hms:shneiuR
C. Herzog Lau .r ................. .
Merkes & lla,sler.tiay aid bran....
Jas. Cahill Piue wood
Chas Smith 111.d man
& St. P. tt.Chisely............
R. Co •••
Standard 4,11 Co(411
Key City Gas Co.. Gas
Ansonia Electric
Co Electric supplies..
L. ,Repairing
Gon0erTreas. onaIvncd
L. Gonner........ Money advanced
German T. and
Saving Bank __Loan . • • • •
,a „ a
a a, as ..•
66 64 It I,
u ,a
German Bank.... .. .................
„ ••• a 500 00
.... 500 00
as ...
•I••• .• ,I " 600 00
74 90
1 25
80 88
20 50
22 50
503 00
500 00
247 50
85 01)
4 90
St tb
66 iS
64 16 16 66
IS a St
Citizens State Bank
U. Rnff ..11th street sower......
75 Star Electric 00.. Street lights....,......
Dubuque Elec. ric
It. W. L. & P.Co.Street lights
2 70 Globe Light and
5 53 Heat Co_ ..... Street Lights
6 50 Star Electric Co .. Street liguts
5 00 Star Electric Co..Stre tllguts
2 40 Star c.leciric Go... Street lights
6 25 Dubuque Electric
1 75 Railway L. & P.
15 00 Co .••St”' et lights........... 392 81
Key City Gas Co.. Gas .................... 59 40
Norton & Lee Imo roving G re s ll and
Norton & Le Grading Broadway....
Norton & Lee Grading Broad Nay....
5 40 Peter KieneMacadaul..............
6 25 P. Krokeske
325 70 Remus
& Co-'
185 50
P. Mohan
Frank Royce
John O'Dea'•
James Lee
Joe Norton
S. Meyer••
Lay.n & Corrance.Gr sin et Rose 011-.1 Ce -
teThe Ledger Adve ,rising
u ,
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
sun 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
50) 00
510 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 10
500 (10
500 00
500 00
501) 00
510 00
200 0.4
500 00
500 00
500 (41)
100 011
51 27
18 75
500 00
500 00
5.0 00
39 75
1 50
3 50
49 03
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 03
5011 00
500 00
530 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
as46 64
•• •• ............... ---
.... rrvt rut
as •• .. .. ... .... ..... .. rt
Second Nat'l Bank ' • .)0 500 00
600 00
66 64
.....----- 500 00
„ •••501 (0
o .................. 500 00
••5 )3 00
500 00
.. 500 03
46.• 50 00
........ .... 500 00
,• ........... 500 00
50) 00
. 50(1 00
u ••••• .. 00
. ....... 5500
as 1u1
,• 500 00
500 33
„ 5)8) 00
500 00
„ ... ....... 5110 00
66 500 01
50 00
500 00
2511 00
13 82
17 85
86 70
37 4n
4 07
20 40
1 33
11 05
31 45
110 00
29 16
20 15
'limes C., a• 29 15
Herald_ ........ 75 00
Carr, Ryd••r and 460
Engler Co__ Lumber
FergusonB os...•rlumbwg........ 27 85
Win. G. Wat,e s. H._ ...... 1040
Dubuque Rubber 1125
and Belting 00.. Coats........ • • 2 25
Reinrrted & Ja.•ger,Wheelbarrow
Anson+a Electric
Co.... ......... ..E.ectric goods7 GO
Dubuque Wooden 3 35
Ware Co........ Lum ber
0. J. J ones ....... Centa'al engine house.. 356 20
E. E. O'rt,h.......Removing garba;:e.... 88 50
E. B. Chaudler...Automatic repeater... 500 00
E B Chandler Automatic repeater... 36- .00
13 75
Central U uion Tele-
phone Co... ..... Telephone rents
Dubuque Water Co. Rout or hydrants500 00
l,ubuque Water Co Rent of hydr nts500 00
Dubuque Water Co.11ent of hydrants. 245 00
Floyd D.,vts......Analyzing water20 00
Geo. Mengis......Anatyzing water75 00
.1, P. Cooney...... Fees
3 75
Mary U. Cooper -..Opening State street50 00
Con. Ryan, .Ir....Lnp. Windsor ave• 500 00
Con. Ryan, Jr ... .lnip. Windsor ave50 38 6000
E. C. BOake.......salary...., 38 50
John Carter......SalarY
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct
list of all warrants drawn during the month
of May, 1893.
T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Ofjidial Notices.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide.
of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem-
ent, be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both
sides of Broadway extension, between
Diagonal street and Charles street, where
not already laid, at the expense of the
abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of Middle street, between Lin-
coln Ave and its northern terminus wnere
not already laid, at the expense of abutting
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, withing 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of 14th streets, between Pine
street and Maple street, where not already
laid, at the expense of butting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
co..structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of 14th street, between Pine
street and Maple street, where not already
laid, at the expense 01 the abutting prop-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinanee in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of Washington street between
Sanford and 22d street, where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque; That a sidewalk 4feet ,vide,
of good two-inch plank, be. within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on both sides of Grant ave., be-
tween Julien avenue and West Eleventh
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide,
of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem-
ent, be, wi:hin 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both
sides of Francis street between West
Eagle Point avenue and Hart street, where
not alre idy laid at the expense of abutting
Resolved by the city Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance en relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of Broadway street, between
Blocklinger's lane and Diagonal :4reet,
where not already laid, at the expellee of
abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of Almond street, between
Ellis street and Foye street, where not
already laid, at the expense of the abutting
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
south side of Grace street, betweon Grand-
view avenue and East street, where nut
already laid, at the expense of the abutting
Adopted June 7th, 1893.
6-16 15t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Notioa to Contractors.
DuBUQuE, June 16, 1893.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 4 o'clock p. 10. July 1st, 1893,
for the improvement of the following
streets and alleys, according to plans and
specifications now on file in my office:
Nevada street from W. 5th to W . 3d
streets. Grading, cut 1,497 cubic yards, fiill
2,850 cubic yards, curbing 1,190 lineal feet,
guttering 530 square yards, macadamizing
1,590 square yards.
Humboldt street from Garfield to Lincoln
avenue. Grading cut 1,671 cubic yards,
fill 46 cubic yards, curbing 1,180 lineal feet,
guttering 524 square yards. macadamizing
1,450 square yards.
Garfield avenue from Middle to Dock
streets. Grading, out 19,590 cubic yards,
curbing 2,400 lineal feet, guttering 1,070
square yards, macadamizing 3,730 square
Dock street from ithomberg to Garfield
avenue. Grading, cut 2,510 cubic yards,
curbing 5:-8 lineal feet, guttering 261 square
yards, macadamizing 719 square yards.
Alley between Kniest and Johnson and
Rhomberg and G trneld avenues. Grading,
cut 23 cubic yards, fill 74 cubic yards, ma-
cadamizing 333 square yards.
Alley between Windsor avenue and
Queen street and Sanford and Clinton
streets. Grading, cut 1,779 cubic yards,
nit 2,267 cubic yards, macadamizing 4.444
square yards.
Alley between Summit and Burch and
West Third and Fenelon streets:
Grading, cut 544 cubic yards, fill 50 cubic
yards; macadamizing, 740 square yards.
Bidders must state the price per lineal
foot for -curbing, the price per square yard
for guttering and macadamizing.
Grading on streets to be bid for in a
gross sum.
Grading for alleys to be bid for by the
cubic yard.
Bidders mast furnish bond of $200 that
contract will be entered into if awarded.
Proposals will be acted upon at the regu-
lar session of the council to be held Mon-
day, July 3d, 1893.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished by
the recorder.
'1'he city reserves the right to reject all
bids. T. J. COONEY,
6-16-1bt City Recorder.
Notice to Sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
city engineer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m.
of Saturday, July 1st, 1893 for constructing
side walks as follows, where not already
laid, viz:
A 4 ft wide plank sidewalk on both sides
of Grant Ave. A 4 ft wide plank sidewalk
on east side of Queen St. from Sanford St.
to north end of lot 4 6a Staffords add. A
10 ft wide plank sidewalk on west side of
Madison St. from Main St. to Seminary;St.
Regular Session, July 3rd, 1893.
A 4 ft wide plank sidewalk on both sides
of Broadway Extension from Diagonal St.
to Charles St. A 4 ft wide plank sidewalk
on both sides of Frances St. from West
Eagle Point Ave. to dart St. A 4 ft wide
plank sidewalk on both sides of Washing-
ton St. from Sanford St. to 22nd St.
A 4 ft wide plank sidewalk on south side
of 14th St. from Pine St. to Maple St.
A 4 ft wide plank sidewalk on botn sides
of Middle street from Lincoln ave to its
northern terminus. A 4 ft wide plank
sidewalk on both sides of Broadway from
Blocklinger's Lane to Diagonal street. A
4 ft. wide plank sidewalk on south side of
Grace street from Grandview avenue to
East street. A 4 ft wide plank sidewalk on
south side of Almond street from Ellis
street to Foye street., all in accordance
with specifications on tile in said office. A
bond of $100 will be required with each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject any or
all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON,
6-20-1Ot CityEhgineer.
i`pecial Assessment Notice.
To the owner or owners of several lots
and parcels of ground abutting Main St
between Jones St. and Charter at., all in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and of any
street railway company occupying with its
tracks a portion of said street, and to any
person or persons or company having any
interest in said real estate or said street
You are hereby notified that there is on
file in the office of the city recorder of Du-
buque, a plat of said above named street
in said city showing the several lots or
parcels of ground abutting on said street
and the tracks of said street railway laid
thereon, subject to special assessment for
paving, guttering, curbing anis tnacadam-
izing of said street, and the names as far
as practicable, of the owners of said abut-
ting real estate, and of said street railway,
and the amount assessed against each lot
or parcel of ground and against said rail-
way, for the inspection of any person,
firm or company interested in any kind in
said real estate or in said street railway,
and that Pueli firth or company, having
objection to the special tax proposed to be
assessed, as shown by said plat, may file
with the city recorder his or their objec-
tions in writing, at or before the next
meeting of the city council of the city of
Dubuque. which will meet on the 3d day of
July, 1893. W. H. KNOWLTON,
6-21-10t City Engineer.
5th, 1893.
Council met at 9:20 o'clock a. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Craw-
ford, Glab, Liltig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder
and Vogel.
The minutes of ie;ular session June
6th, 1893, on page 71, were corrected so as
to read that reconsideration o[ the resolu-
tion of the city council in relation to draw-
ing warrant for $340.15 ou account of
Eighth street and West Dubuque Street
Ry. Cu., be postponed.
'rhe minutes as above corrected were
approved as printed.
Ald. Ryder inoveu to suspend rules to
allow Mr. Jess and others to address the
Mr. Jess addressed the council in relation
to petition of John Kecitevoet, tor permis-
sion to use part of we harbor for boat house
purposes. The petition was referred to
committee on harbors with instruction to
report to city, council and that the harbor
master deter further action.
Rev. W G. Sweeney addressed council ob-
jecting to sidewalk ou south side of Gra. e
• street, front J. J. Grigg's alley west to
East street.
Referred to city engineer and street com-
mittee and that contract shall not De let
until further notice.
Aid. Crawford moved that the ordinance
committee be instructed to draft an ordi-
nance showing the boundary of the ice
harbor as heretofore defiued by the city
council. Carried.
Regular Session, July 3rd, 1893.
Council met at 10:40 o'clock a. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Aids. Glab, Lillig, Powers,
Ryder and Vogel.
No q drum being present council stood
adjoins', of y 6th. at 9 a. m:
City Auditor Kenety reported as follows:
Casty on nand June 1, 1893 $41,681 14
Receipts for the mouth lit June16,995 71
Total $68,976 85
Disbursements for month of J nue $62,6
Balance in treasury July 1, 1893 $ 5,594 77
Also presented list of bonds and coupons
redeemed during mouth of J uue amount-
ing to $1,976.66.
Also presented the tollowiug amounts
due city officers for salaries for June:
Henry B. Gniffke, treasurer $160 0
Henry B• Gulffae, elerk
'1'. J. Cooney, recorder 116 65
116 66
.1. ill. Kenedy, auditor 126 00
Jas. Knight, attorney 126 00
J. F. Stettin', assessor
Geo. Bennett, assistant assessor100 00
100 00
G. Gtnehle, assistant assessor `176 00
W.1i. Knowlton, engineer
Jas. Boyce, assistant enassistant gineer100 00
Henry Glab, assistant engineer 60 00
5. B. Rice, marshal 100 00
Joe Rewired, fire chief 75 00
Ed N ortun, market master 60 00
J. W. Fowler, health physician50 00
Juo O'Brien, sewer inspector 70 00
5 00
Jas Bunting, electrician
1f. Henge, park commissioner 46 00
J. W. Woods, wharf commissioner.. 2803 00
John O'Connell, clerk
Report adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay city officers.
Marshal Rice reported $1,960.06 due the
city police for the month of June.
lso reported $23 paid
treasurer for
fines for city ordinance cases.
Also reported $195 collected on short
term saloon licenses and paid into the city
Also reported $13.88, amount collected
from Chas. Fosselmatl for telephone rent,.
Also reported $32 50 collected as pound
receipts for the month of Jane. Report
96 Adjourned Regular Session, July 5th, 1893.
adopted and warrants ordered drawn to
pay police..
Chief Joe I:en:dried reported $1,504.75
due the firemen for the month of Juue.
Report adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay firemen.
Street Supt. Carter reported $3,6b1 due
for labor during June, 1893.
Also presented itemized account of the
road expenses for June, 1893, warrants
ordered drawn to pay laborers and report
referred to street committee.
John O'Brien, sewer inspector, reported
June, $449.20 due tor labor on 1893. Report adoptedandr
ordered drawn to pay seine.
Ed. Norton, markeunaster, reported
$57.15 rent of stands, rooms in city hall
and scale receipts.
Also reported $18.60 due for board of
prisoners. Report adopted and warrant
ordered drawn to pay tor board of prison-
John Carter, street superintendent, re-
ported $144.40 balance due for macadam
used during June, 1843. Report adopted
and w arruits ordered drawn to pay same.
John W. Wood, wood inspector, report-
ed $2.10 as fees due the city for wood
measured in June. Received and filed.
Chas. Pitschner, city weigher, reported
$1.40 as fees due city from West Dubuque
scales. Received and filed.
Dirs. C. Deckert, city weigher, reported
$2,50 as fees due the city froin scales. Re-
ceived and tiled.
Jas. Doyie, city weigher, reported $4.05
as fees due the city irom 1st ward scales
during June. Received and tiled.
J. L. 13uwing reported that in many
localities lighted by electric lights the foli-
age of the shade trees almost completely
interfered with the light from said lamps;
and also recommended that during the
mormou fly season, the globes be removed
from the e ectric lights. Report adopted,
and that he notify parties to trim the trees
and if nut so done, to do the same at the
owner's expense.
The following bills were allowed:
Peter Kien for cleaning engineer's room
75 cents.
Lawrance Daily cleaning around city
hall $26.50.
Mrs. Koenig, Janitor service and labor
Dirs. hiene, labor $5.
Fred 'l'ropt assistant pound master $39.
Ald. Crawford moved that when the
council adjourn they meet again Monday,
July 10th at 2 o'clock p. in. Carried.
City Engineer Knowlton presented the
following communication:
In relation to the improvement of Dock
street east to the C. M. at St. P. Ry. re-
ferred to the street committee.
Also submitted estimate of cost for
grading of Eagle Point avenue from Cush-
ing's vinegar factory to Valeria street as
7,500 cubic yards of earth cutting at 25c,
$1,875; 5,000 cubic yards of rock cutting at
75c, $3,750. 'Total, $5,625.
Also in regard to sewer if built, the esti-
mated cost would be in the neighborhood
of $8,100. Referred to committee of the
Also presented communication from
manufacturers of road aollers.
Ald. Crawford moved city engineer be
instructed to purchase a horse roller, as he
thinks best adapted for the city's use. Car-
City engineer also c f fled the attention of
the city council to the e'cesity of procur-
ing more sui&abl9`eo ering for the ma-
cadamized streets. Referred to en-
gineer and street committee to ascertain
Also submitted a supplemental report in
regard to the drainage of the city north of
19th street. Referred to committee of the
Also reported on petition o[ Johanna
Evert in relation to a low lot adjoining
her property and found same below grade
and stagnant water thereon. Referred to
the city attorney and clerk to report next
Also reported estimate of the cost 01
grading Angela street from Pierce street
to the west line of txilliams' subdivision
and Catharine street from %Vest 17th street
to Angela street as follows:
Angela street:
11,124 cu yds earth cutting at 25c.$ 2,781 00
15,532 cu yds rock cutting at 75c.. 11,1349 00
Total $14,430 00
Catharine street:
2,975 cu yds earth cutting at 25e...$ 743 75
3,4119 cu yds rock cutting at 75c.... 2,601 75
Total... $3,345 60
Referred to the street committee.
Also reported in regard to the custom of
placing planet aprons in the gutters of the
streets, thus ob.tructint the same. On
motion the engineer and street superintend-
ent were insirueted to remove all aprons
that they deemed expedient.
Also presented communication in rela-
tion to filing of lots in the Dubuque Har-
bor Improvement cotnpany's add. Re-
ceived and filed.
Also reported in relation to the laying
of gas, water and other pipes in the city
with reference to the part of the street that
is to he occupied by such pipes. Referred
to the ordinance committee.
Also reported in relation to the ordi-
nance requiring parties to take out build-
ing permits. Referred to the ordinance
Also presented profile of grade of alley
from Kniest street to Johnson avenue be-
tween Darfield and Rhomberg avenues.
Referred to committee of the whole.
Also lire•ented plans and specifications
for the foliowidg sanitary sewers, which
were referred to the engineer and sewer
Ellis street from Dorgan's alley to 1 -1 -
blond street.
%Vest. 5th and Summit streets from Bill
to highest point on Sutnmit.
Couler avenue from 18th street to Eagle
Point avenue.
Also presented profile of grades of the
following streets, which were relerred to
the street committee:
Washington street, between 22d and 23d
high Bluff street, between Stafford ave.
and Fengler street.
Fifth avenue from Lincoln Ave. north.
Also alley between Windsor avenue and
Queen street and Sanford and north line
of ylettei's sub.
Dr. Fowler, health officer, presented a
communication 10 relation to the testing of
milk; also in relation to nuisances; also in
relation to the construction of sanitaay
sewers. Referred to the executive com-
mittee of the board of heidlth.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the police and
light committee, reported in faviir of
having telephones located as asked for by
city marshal. Report adopted.
Aid. Powers presented and read for the
tirst time an ordinance entitled("an ordin-
ance requiring carriages and other
Adjourned regular Session, July 5th, 1893.
vehicles, cars and street cars to stop and
give unobstructed use 01 streets and alleys
to fire department and providing penalty
for its violation." Adopted by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vo-
N nes—None.
On motion rules were suspended and
the ordinance read the second time and
adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Powers also presented and read the
first time an ordinance entitled "an ord;,
nance relating to Fenelon Place Elevator
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
On motion the rules were suspended and
the ordinance was read for the second time
and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Crawford offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, That all bridges and aprons
over gutters on any of the public streets of
of the city be and are hereby condemned
anu ordered to be at once removed in all
cases where it is practicable to dispense
with them and the city engineer and street
superintendent are instructed to carry this
order into effect.
Ala. Powers offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the regular city pay day
for the payment of debts, accounts and
warrants against the city hereafter shall
be as follows: The first Saturday after the
regular monthly meeting of the city coun-
cil shall be the pay day for accounts and
warrants for labor and material not fur-
nished and done under contract. That the
second Saturday after the close of the
regular monthly meeting of the city coun-
cil shall be pay day for all other accounts,
bebts and warrants against the city, all
previous resolutions and ordinances are
hereby modified in accordance with this
Alderman Ryder offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the'City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 12 feet
wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the north
side of West 5th street, abutting lots 1 and
2 of nun. lot 78, where not already laid, at
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
t^ Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne. Crawford.
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers. ,,oder
and Vogel -9.
Alderman Ryder offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 10 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 30 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of 14th street, between Bluff
and Prairie streets, wherenot already Laid,
at expense of abutttngproperty.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Ryder offered the following, which
was referred to the' engineer and street
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That, a side-
walk tour feet wide, of good
two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
andlaid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on the
north side of West 14th stree', between
Walnutstreet and Cox street, where not al-
readylaia, at expense of abutting prop-
Alderman Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good brick, stone or cement,
be, within 80 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the East side of Iowa street, between
14th street and 15th street, where not al-
ready laid, at expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote'
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Bvrne, Craw-
ford. Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder
and Vogel -9.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good
brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in con-
lorwity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the south side of 4th street,
between Locust street, and ailey east
where not already laid, at expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Giab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Itydey offered the following:
Besot Ired by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 8 feet wide,
of good two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 80 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west sides of Prairie straet between
14th street and Arlington street. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
Ryder and Vogel -
Aid Powers offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide
of good n
80 days ofrservice of notice of tick, stone or his resolu-
tion, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the west side of Locust street,
between Seventh street and Eighth street.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Byrne, Craw-
ford, Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder
and Vogel,
Ald. Powers offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the city
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good brick stone or cement be,
within 30 days after service of the notice
of resolution, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the east side of Bluff
street between 13th street and 14th street.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Olinger, Powers,'Ryderfand'
Glab, Lilligillig,,
Vogel. -9.
98 Adjourned Regular Session, July 10th,, 1893.
Ald. Powers moved to adjourn. Carried.
Adjourned Re>rular Session, July
10, 1893.
Council met ,July;10, 1893, at 2:40 p. m.,
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glatt, Lilltg, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ry-
der and Vogel.
Ald. Olinger moved that James Cushing
be appointed commissioner in place of L.
N. Langstaff to assess the damages, if any,
that may be caused by the proposed change
of grade on Sanford street. Carried. .
The tollowtng bills were allowed:
Name. For What Purpose. Amount.
P. R. Martin, inspecting steamer
Sol 'Turk $ 3 00
Ellwanger Bros., supplies 19 25
A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 7 50
John Ganahle, wagon 20 00
John Butt, supplies and work 6 25
Excelsior Brass works, labor on en-
gine 1 00
Shipley & Bauman, vet. services11 25
J. M. McKenzie, supplies and labor 3 25
Key City Gas Co., supplies for fire
department 26 05
Reinfried & Jaeger, suplies for de-
partment 4 50
Diamond Jo Line Steamer Co., sup -
piles fur hre department 11 61
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
supplies for fire department 5 25
Fraatz & Clark, supplies for fire de-
partment 40
Joseph A. Palen. supplies for fire
departtnent ... 7 55
Baumgartner & Kleieb, supplies for
fire department....... 1 60
Erwin & Wood, supplies for fire de-
partment . 1 25
Svendson & Ott, supplies for fire de-
partment 7 54
Lesure 1,umber Co., supplies for fire
dehartnient 3 00
Geo. F. Rose, Jr., & Co., repairing
fire alarms, etc 7 50
Palmer, Winall & Co., supplies and
printing 24 00
1 30
12 00
7 76
Jas. Kelly, supplies
Ham & Carver, supplies
Central Printing, printing
Dubuque 1'ELEORAPH, printing
and supplies 48 00
John Toussaint, supplies 18 00
Jos. Geiger, labor and material14 45
Central Electric Co.. electrical sup -
2 41
Works, castings
1 50
3 60
1 50
3 75
Excelsior Brass
and labor
Jos. J. Rowan, supplies
'larger & Blish, supplies
Standard Lumber Co., supplies
Thos. W. Fitzpatrick & Co., horse
5 25
Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing 700
A. L. 'I'rilk, painting engine and
patrol houses 700 00
W, 11. Greenhow, labor and supplies 11 40
Albert Gasser, brick 13 00
Ellwanger Bros., supplies and la-
26 85
G. A. Roemer. supplies 3 60
Joys. Rooney, laborer 29 75
1'. Fitzgerald, labor 14 00
John -tnith, labor 5 25
J. Jellison, material for Jackson
Park 7 50
Standard Lumber Cu., supplies for
scale" 10 24
Standard Lumber Co., supplies for
city hall 76
W. & L. E. Gurley, repairing en
gineer's level 18 10
Steuck & Farrell, contract for Queen
and Regent streets 348 58
Con. Ryan, filling on Elm str,•et40 50
P. F. Guthrie, sidewalk on West
Eleventh from Race to west end140 15
J. H. Boyce, car tare 4 50
E. S. Daugherty, service 12 00
Richard Eddy, lisp ctor an., rod -
45 00
Svendsen & Ott, supplies 23 10
Reinfried &.laeger, supplies 1 50
Standard Lumber Co., supplies 37 54
'1'. Byrne, gravel 6 00
Trexler Bros., livery 18 00
Christniau & Healey, supplies fire
department 30
P. 11. Halpin, supplies lire, depart-
ment 1 70
Leo Palen & Co., supplies tire de-
partinen 2 25
E. M. Dickey Co., supplies fire de-
partment 40
F. Schutz, labor and materials 3 35
C. 11. Alton.,, supplies 1 65
Key City Gas Co., coke steam rol-
ler 63 85
John Gannhl, repairing tools 14 70
Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum-
ber $ 21 60
Iowa Lon Works, rubber packing2 55
Baumgartner &Kleigh, hardware10 55
Dubuque Wolden \Vare Co. lum-
ber 36 14
John Harney, supplies for streets3 80
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum-
ber 31 72
Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies for
pack" . l 05
F. Sehloz, repairing toolsetc 12 05
Geo..W. Farley, tilling on Alma and
Pickett streets 36 00
Jas Lee, paving in front of engine
house 113 77
1\leikes & llasler, supplies 6 20
The following bills were referred to
committee on printing.
The uerald $ 29 15
Dubuque 'TELEQ ItAPH 75 10
Ledger Printing Co 29 15
Times Co 58 30
Ledger Printing Co
145 75
To the sewer committee.
D. W. Linehan $540 45
Bart E. Linehan 87 63
Geo. Fengler 18 00
To committee on supplies:
B. D. Lenehan $ 6 65
Bart E. Linehan 15 08
do do 15 36
do do 36 75
To the street committee:
Peterson & Co $ 746 95
Isaac Proctor 12 05
Jas. Street 31 72
Brown & Brown 39 75
M. 'Tschirgi, Jr 5 00
Steuck & Farrell 9 75
Adjourned Regular Session, July 10th, 1893. 99
'1'o committee on police and light:
Central Union 'Telephone Co $ 30 00
Key City Gila Co 52 05
Western Electric Co... 22 00
Dubuque Light and 'Traction Co187 50
7 00
GIo►:eLight and Heat Co 1,08750 91
Star Electric Co
To committee of Hoard of Heath: $ 6 00
Chesley Taylor 31 80
Arthur 'Turner •
'1'o the Committee on Fire and Water:
Dubuque Water Co $ 30 1g 31 66
Dubuque Water Co
To the Committee on Claims: 70
Menkes & M $ 1 aster 2251 59
Standard Lumber Co
13111 of City of Dubuque against V. huff
referred to the city auditor for collection.
Bills to the amount of $1.80 in city or-
dinance cases referred to city attorney.
Ald. Crawford moved that contiact for
the improvement of Broad street be let to
the lowest bidder, Ed. Ryan. Carried.
The following petions were granted:
Mrs. Margaret Lucas in relation to
special assessment for streets.
Petitioc of Wm. Sinhold, et al., in 'ela-
tion to laying sidewalk on Almond.
Petition of Henry Pfotzer, Sr., et al., in
relation to laying of sidewalk uu eas side
of Queen street.
Petition of Catharine McDermott in rela-
tion to the special assessment for the im-
provement of Dodge sireei.
Petition of Mrs. David Grant relating to
taxes on her property.
Petition of S. S. Winall in relation of
taxes on 11th street elevator.
Petition of Chas. E. Lutz in relation to
filling of lots 111 Davis Farin addition.
Thos. J. Addiusell et al in relation to
laying of sidewalk on West Locust. Re-
ferred to city engineer.
The communication of 11. Kimbell thank-
ing the
Point ferry. donation for towards
ite eived and filled the
Mayor Daugherty presented the follow-
ing message:
To the City Council of Dubuque, Ia:
GENTLEMEN:—Another devastating cy-
clone has swept through a portion of our
fair state, leaving in its track desolation
and destruction of life andproperty.On the
evening of July Lith. the town ofPom-
eroy, Ia., was nearly swept away with
fearful loss of life and a large area of
country in the vicinity of Pomeroy,
Fonda, and to fact the whole valley of the
Little Sioux suffered more or less Iron' the
effects of the storm in the loss of life,
crops and houses. Governor Boles has
visited the scene of desolation, and
his u ual promptness in such matters has
issued his proclamation calling to their aid
such contributions as can be made by tee
citizens of the sta'e—for their relief.
To those more fortunate the appeal
for relief comes with a double force
and it is meet in the name of hu-
manity to offer such succor in this
their sore distress as is due from that noble
impulse of generous hearts.
Dubuque should respond promptly and
this ssad cat
sastropheebyf to grant-
ing substantial aid.
I would recommend that such apppro-
priation be made by you for the immediate
relief of the sufferers as you in your wis-
dom may think best.
A. W. l)ATb0tlEltTY, Mayor.
1)ubugU , Ju y 10, 1893.
A d. Powe's efferrd the following which
Resolved, That responding to the com-
munication of the mayor in regard to the
relief of the destitute in Pomeroy and
vicinity caused by the tornado of July 6th
teat the city of Dubuque hereby by the
council donates to be used for said pur-
pose the sum of tive hundred dollars ($500)
to be placed in the hands of the mayor of
this city and used as he deems best.
City Attorney Jas. E. Knight and Clerk
John O'Connell reported on petition of
Mrs. Evert iu relation to .lot adjacent
to her property. that the owners of said
lot were notified to till same on or about
July 18th, 1892, and that the same has not
been filled and lecummend that' the en-
gineer prepare plans and specifications for
the filling of said lot by the city according
to the ordinance on that subject, and that
cost of said filling be cuarged to said lot.
The following were referred to the com-
mittee on pollee and light:
The application of Maitha S. 1\IcCraney
for the position of police matron.
The petition of le'. Mangold et al., asking
for arc lightou corner of Wilde and Me-
Lenan streets.
The petition and proposition of the Du-
buque Electric Light and 'fraction com-
pany 1n reward to electric light for city use.
'1 he petition of Peter Sehraft In relation
to hydrant in front of his property.
The petition of henry Riker asking to
have water from eouth nDodge toains cLeuand on l streets.
Referred to emunettee on lire and water.
'The following 1,e.itiuns were referred to
committee of the whole.
Tee petition of James Forester et al. for
extension of highland Place, south of 11th
The petition of John Page et al. asking
that ordinance in regard to hotel licenses
be enforced.
The petition of Bryan Donahue in rela-
tion to led on sidewalk.
The petition cf Michaet Breda et al. that
the city council devise means to carry off
water cumine down Cooter creek.
The following petitions were refered to
the board of health.
The petitions of W. G. Stewart and A.
Kroesen estate in relation to sewer con-
The petition of Mary C. Blake in relation
to sidewalk was referred to committee on
'The following petitions were referred to
the sewer coruinittee:
The etition of ing fors sewerage on Prairie estreet. Wallis al ask -
Petition of D. W. Rand et al in relation
to storm water sewer on West Locust
The petition of Nicholas Bohter in re-
lation to city license was referred to the
mayor with power.
The petition of W. 11. Thrift et al in be-
half of the Governor's Greys
eys in referene
to the use of the armory nblfo
the committee on ordicance and p
grounds and buildiues.
The petition of Atkinson & Oioff ir. re-
lation to claim against the city was re-
ferred to the paving committee and en-
The petition of Nicholas Kinlzinger and
James Tobin in relation to filling on 7th
avenue. Referred to engineer and street
superintetidert with power.
The petition of .Julius Deinent et al., re-
monstrating ata nst the improvement of
alley between Windsor avenue and Queen
Itari reet t' wit referred and
21 o the sircet Cos llin it`
w'O6 uuanUuuu l3' ttduptetl:
Evening Session, July 10th, 1893.
The petition of U. Ruff in regard to the
above claims.
Also the petition of Katy Giesler in re-
lation to damage done by storm.
The following petitions in relation to
taxes were referred to the delniqueut tax
Nit, and Frank Glab, Mary McMahon,
Mrs. Mary Ann O'Hara. Ellen Conlin,
Ellen M. O'Halloran, John 4V. Wood,
Ezra Lakeubell and Dubuque Pontoon
Britlue Co
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee and engineer:
Petition of Bernard Gallen in relation to
change of grade and width of Dodge
The petition of P. J. Newman et al. for
retaining wall on Oak street.
Penton of August Jungk et al. re-
monstrating against improvement of Gar-
field avenue.
Ald. Lillie moved that rules be sus-
pended a^d allow Mr. Jungk and others
address c..uueil in relation to above street.
Mr. Jungk and others then adoressed the
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee and engineer:
The•peutton 01 Karl F.•tka et al., to
to have Cedar street graded between 14th
and 15th, and 14tu from Cedar to alley.
The petition of J. A. Johnston et al., to
have Litioln avenue improved trout Reed
street north to C., M. & St. 1' railway.
The petition of Thos. llassett and resi-
dents of Cleveland avenue to have side -
w arks replaces was reterred to street su-
perintendent and engineer.
The petition of Edward McClain in rela-
tion to the widening of Dodge street was
referred to street committee, city engineer
and city attorney.
The billowing petitions were referred to
street committee:
Petition ot A. Schwarz in regard to re-
pairing Fink sirett.
The petition of C. 11. Wilmott et al. in
relation to sidewalk.
The petition of F,del Denuser in relation
to drainage of aliey between 1Vasningtou
and Elm on 19th streets.
The prupuposition of John Knoeru-
schild in relation to 10 feet of lot 170 on
Sanford street between Cooler avenue and
The petition of Ed. Muntz, in relation to
repair of Seminary street was referred to
the street committee with power.
The fallowing petitions were referred to
the committee of the whole:
The petition of Joseph A. Tyler et al.,
in relation to the drainage of Couler
The petition of C. A. Wilber et al., ask-
ing fur the opening and grading of Olive
Phe petition of Sister M. Agatha, presi-
dent 01 St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital for
the opening of part of Peabody ave.
The following petitions were reterred to
committee on ore and watar:
The petition of 1'. 11. Murray for the ex-
tension of water mains on Thitd and St.
Mary street.
The petition of W. E. Ferris asking per -
'mission for driving onto the
Referred to 11 e mayor with power
d to
carry nut ordinance.
City Attorney Knight reported that the
city cannot compel railroads to pave be-
tween rails but ran compel them to plank
between rail=. Adopted, and the marshal
notify all railroads to plank between rails
at street crossings.
The petition of Ilerman Tugel in relation
to DubuqueCe trees from sRailwayLk Co. Recevto
and filed.
Ald. Crawford moved that the ordinance
committee and city attorney draft an ordi-
nance regulating the smoke nuis•+nce in
city. Carried. by the
The commissioners appointed
city council to assess damages, if i ny, on
account of the proposed change of grade
on Sanfnrdstreet, reported as follows:
We, the undersiened jurors, have in-
vestigated the matter of chnnee of grade
on Sanford street, between Elm sirett and
Windsor avenue, beg leave to report that
after due considerationwe find ndamage
to any of theabnt:ing property
Respectfully subtnitted.
Report confirmed.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn to 7:30
o'clock p. in. Carried
Evening Session July 10,
Council meet at 8 o'clock, p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present Aids. Butler. Crawford, Glab,
Lillig. Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
The following bills were allowed:
Barger & Blish, supplies $ 1 80
Steuck & O'Farrell, contract work, 161 lb
Farley & Loetscher, supplies for en-
City Attorney Knight reported in favor
of paying witneses in city ordinance cases
as reported by A Gratz, justice of the
peace. Adopted.
Sewer Inspector O'Brien reported $155.75
due for labor of repairing sewers damaged
by storm. Adopted.
Ald. Olinger moved that bids for street
improvements be opened. Carried.
Bids were opened and referred to en-
gineer for computation.
The following petitions were referred to
the committee on claims.
The petition of John Parker, B. McCor-
mick, Jonn 1'erryon in relation to claims
for wages due from U. Ruts.
The petition of Dubuque Pressed Brick
Co. in relation to fire plug 011 Saunders
ave between Lemon and Davenport street.
The petition of J. F. Savage et al for
water fountain on South Dodge street and
Giaudview avenue.
The invitation of National Assn. of Fire
Engineers was referred to committee on
fire and water and mayor.
The invitation ot the carpenters and
Evening Session, July 10th, 1893. 101
Joiners union to attend lecture was re-
ceived and tiled and the thanks of the
council tendered for same.
The following petitions were granted:
The petition of Tint Byron et al remon-
strating against paving of Jones street.
'1'Iie petition of M. Liddy to have grade
established fur curb on lowa and14th
The petition of Wm. Quigley sk
that the Dubuque Street Railway company
be required to give the servicerequired of
it for permission to occupy the
800strip on Confer avenue.
Granted. and the mayor to notify the
said company to comply with the ordi-
nance relating to the same.
The petition of J. A. Rhomberg in rela-
tion to the sewer between Rhomberg ave-
nue and Lincoln avenue and nth and 9th
streets. Referred to sewer committee.
The petition of Anna M. Bush in rela-
tion to sidewalk. Referred to city attor-
The etition of Mrs. Mary Enright et al.
Phillip Doerr 164 66
Ald. Olinger moved that contract be
awarded to Alois Long, he being the
lowest bidder. Carried.
Alley between Summit and Burch and
West Third and Fenelon $404 80
Robert Mathis 478 80
Pat I,iinehan....
A.Id. Olinger moved that ltobt. Mathis
be awarded the contract, he being the
lowest bidder. Carried.
City Engineer Knowlton presented pro-
file of change of grade on Ellis ,& Almond
street. Referred to street committee.
Engineer Knowlton also recommended
that profile of grade of Pleasant and
Lemon Ilstreets be the official grade.
Adopted. And matter of chancing of
name of Lemon street was referred to com-
mittee oe renaming streets.
Also recommended that no change of
grade be made on Broad street. Adopted.
Also presented profile of grade of Glen
Oak ave. Referred to committee of the
P wuole.
remonstrating against sanitary sewed Tton REPORTS OF COMMITTEES.
alley between Jackson and Washington All. ort oflthe ei y treasurer for the month
Vogel, chairman of the finance com-
sts above 16th. On motion the mayor was
instructed to ask contractor to stop with mittee re tortd in favor of approving the
WWat ltith sttee: until the main sewer is re of June, 1893. Adopted.
extended.Ald. Vogel offered the following which
The petition of Jos. Diet et al. in redia- was ado ted
to stagnant water and sewer on Couler av- p the City Council of the City
enue. Referred to executive committee of Resolved by
beard of health and that umnedna a action of authorized ed and required for ue, That the the purpose oor is f
be taken.Ou motion Brown & Brown be allowed PXoteinlsngofor11ninrpV nt ent \Taint s ee t from
cost and
$2,000 on cot tract, Carried. expand
paid by moved &thLangeh be the
ProvidenceClrands Liincoln andaW alleybetween
license pard Carried. Johnson avenues, to issue, under the pro -
erKnowlton reported as follows visions
of the cited tyv. 2 ofDui
on bids for street improvements: buque, bonds to the amount of $20,000 of
Du -
Humboldt street— $1,638 88 the denomination of $500 each, numbering
EAlois E. Lang 1,763 54 from 259 to 298 inclusive, all dated August
Geo., Frits 1,582 88 1st, 1893, payable seven years after date,
CW. Farley 1,913 82 bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent.
Geo.eo Ryan, Jr 1,82.1 80 per annum, payable semi-annually at the
Taylor 1680 68 ntlice of the city treasurer of Dubuque,
Steuck & O'Farrell
1.83280 Iowa, soil redeemable at guy time a the
option of the eity of Dubuque.
That when said bonds art issued and regis
tered, they sliidi be delivered to the finance
S6,667 30 comittee,
90 authorized taotnegotiate d tisaidttbonds ee is hereby
8,303 50 less than par, and pay the proceeds of the
7,228 00 same to the city treasurer, to be applied
by him in accordance with the provisions
$ 958 53 of the ordinance adopted Nov. 2nd, 1891,
and said committee is to report its doings
hereunder to the city council.
Geo. Fen gler
Aid. Olinger moved that Geo. Farley be
awarded the contract. carried.
Garfield avenue—
Gen. W. Farley
E. E. Frith
Geo. Taylor
Steuck & O'Farrell
Dock street—
E. E. Frith „ l,g3y 15
Geo. '1'aylDr....................• 882 10
Steuck & O'Farrell
Ald. Lillig moved that contract for
Garfield and Dock streets be not let for the
present. Carried.
Nevada street— $2,034 60
Geo. Tay tor 2,209 00
Con Ryan, Jr... 2,787 00
Steuck & O'Farrell
Ald. (flab moved that contract be
awarded to Geo. 'Taylor he being toe
lowest bidder. Carried.
Alley between NV incisor and Queen—
u a —5 12
Geo. W. Farley $2,835
E. E. Frith ••••••
2.452 30
Ed. Ryan 2.452
562 05
Alois Lang .... • ...........2,231 00
Steuck & O'Farrell ...............
Aid. Olinger moved that Steuck &
O'Farrell he awarded the contract, being
the lowest bidder. Carried.
Alley between Kniest street and John-
son avenue, and lthomberg Anil Garfield
Struck & O' Fat r •I I ............. $15 70
15t 1 70
Alai., 1.•,,,v .................. .
E. E. Frith
196 85
Aid. Powers, chairman of the ordinance
committee presented and read for the first
time an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance
against riding bicycles on the sidewalks of
the city and reaulatiug the riding of them
on the streets of the city and fixing a pen-
alty therefor."
Adopted by the following vote:
Alg, —A!ds. ButlerNicks, Olinger,' Po Crawford,
, Ryder and
Vogel -9.
Aid. Powers moved moved that the rules
iite ts title and placed ended and the onordinance itsfinal read
a sagy
The ordinace was then read by its: title,
and adopted by the following vote:
A yes —Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillie. Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel -9.
AIit.Otiiigei•, chairman of the street com-
tpittce reported as follows: the le- laver 01 receiving and filing
102 Evening Session, July 10th,, 1893.
monstrance remonstrating f agtain it thethe proveme itet aof
alley be'w -eii rumfutt. and Buten and
W 3 t. and Jfenelou Place.
in favor 01 rele ring ute affidavit of Fred
Mus,ehl in relation ro time of improving
his property opt Windsor ave to the city rt-
in iavor of receiving and filing claim of
Pe er Kieae. petition
In favor of receiving and filing l
of James Melloy tor the position of driver.
In favor of referring the petition of Jos.
Needham for the opening of alley west of
Urine and report asnion avenue t.) h to the e
advisability0engineer to 1
111 favor of referring the petition of Ed-
muund Ryan for repair ot Angetla street
to the engineer and street superintendent
to examine and devise plan for repair of
In favor of referring the petition for
storm water sewer 011 Jones street to the
city engineeer to examine ant re,'ort sult-
abte plan for drainage if Saul street.
In favor of referring the remonstrance of
John Kuluw in relation to Francis street
to sir's tH city
imp ot improved on toeineer tii tiesttbitsl saidine if d
In favor of receiving and filing remon-
strance of John lehring against change of
grade on Sanford street as Inc council has
appointed commisstouers t' assess tete
damages, if any, that may. be caused by
said proposed change 01 glade.
In favor of instructing toe enitineer to
prepare profiles of grades of Euclid and
Monroe avenues.
In favor of receiving and tiling tiie re-
monstrance against chang of grade on
Seminary street as the council has no in-
tention to change said grade at present.
In favor of receiving and tiling the report
of the street superintendentofr U. 1 Buff 93.
In favor of paying
$127.40 balance true on 11th street sewer.
In favtrr of paying bill of James Street of
$29.25 for stone used 00 culvert on Mill-
ville road. Report adopted.
In favor of refunding $30.00 to A.
K chendorfer on account of pour construc-
tion of sidewalk on West Locust street.
Ald. Crawford moved as an amendment
that the report be not adopted. Lost by
the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford and
Noes—Alds. Liliig, Nicks, Olinger,
Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
The vote recurring on the report of tate
committee was adopted by the following
Ayes—Butler, Crawford, Glab, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel
In favor of the adoption of the red lines
as the official grades of alley east of Grant
avenue, also east of W ilsou avenue.
In favor of approving of the red line and
figures as the official grade of Merz street,
between Windsor and Stafford avenues.
In favor referring the profile showing
proposed chaugeof grade of Union ave-
nue to the city engineer to examine and
report as to the advisability ot changing
same. Report adopted.
Ald. Olinger moved that the council ap-
point three commissioners to assess the
damages, if any, that may be sustained by
reason of the proposed change of grade of
Dodge street, between South Dodge and
Grandview avenue. Carried.
On motion J. Wunderlich, C. iiintst as
and James Cushing were appointed
such commissioners.
—Alit. Olinger, cnairman of the committee
of the who e, reported In favor of refer-
ring protiie of grade of alley east of ilia st.
to city en_ineer to examine If same is feas-
In tavor of instructing the mar.ihal to
summon a Jury to assess the damages that
may be mused by the opaniug and exten-
treett an and West lane
Locustttst•eet Catherine
adop ted.
Aid. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
'that to pay for improving Main
street, from Charter to
streets, by Attutson Bt Oluff, con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining same
a spectat tax be and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, owne,t and situate. and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate as follows:
H. Shields, and X lot 17, block 1, Du-
buque Harbor Co.'s add:
21.9 lineal feet curbing at 50e $ 10 93
8.6 f• old curb at 9c.
63.41 sq yds brick paving at 169c107 17
Total ....$118 41
J. H. Lull est.. and 34 tut 17, block 1,
Dubuque Humor Cu.'s add:
10.9 lineal ft curbing at 50e $ 5 46
1.7 it old curbing at 9e
31.71 sq yds brick paving at 169c53 58
Total $ 59 20
W m. Bradley, and 34 lot 17, block 1, Du-
buque harbor co.'s aud:
10.9 lineal ft curbing at 50e $ 5 455
1.8 ft old curbing at 9c
31.71 sq yds brick paving at 169c.... 53 59
Total $ 59 21
J. H. Shields, mid X lot 1 of 1 block 10,
Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add:
60.1 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 33 07
4.7 ft 01d curbing at 9c
171. 39 sq yds brick paving at 169c289 64
Total $323 14
J. 1-1. Lull est., and 34 lot 1 of 1, block 10,
Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add:
33.1 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 16 54
2.3 It old curbing at 9c
85.69 sq yds brick paying at 169e144 82
Total $161 57
W m. Bradley, and 34 lot 1 of 1, block 10,
Dubuque H rbor Co.'s add:
33.1 lineal feet curbing at 500 $ 16 54
2.4 sq yds old curoing at 9c 21
85.69 sq yds brick paving at 159c144 82
Total $161 57
Norwegian Plow Co., lot 2, block, 10,
Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at 169c187 78
Total $212 78
Norwegian Plow Co., lot 3, btoek 10, Du-
nuque ilarbor Co.'s add: 25 00
50 lineal feet curbing at 50c $
111.11 sq yds brick paying at 169e187 78
Total $ 212 78
B. E. Linehan, lot 4, block 10, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 500 $ 25 00
Evening Session, July 10th, 1893.
111.11 sq yds brick paving ai 1611c....187 78
Total $212 78
13. E. Linehan, lot 6, block 10, Dubuque
11 arbor Co 's aid:
50 lineal feet curbing at 50c $25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at 169c... 187 78
Total $212 78
Anna M. Bust, lot ti, block 10, Dubuque
II arbor Co.'s add:
50 lineal feet curbing at. 50c $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick pavtug at 169c...187 78
Total $212
Anna M. Busu, lot 7, block 10, Dubuque
Harbor Cop.'s ado:
50 lineal feet curbing at 500 $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at 169c....187 78
'l otal x212 78
Anna M Bush, lot 8, block 10, Dubuque
Ilarbor Co's add:
50 lineal teen curbing at 50e $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at 169c187 87
Anna N. Bush, lot 9. block
Harbor Co's add:
60 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 25 00
111.11 so yds brick paving at 169c187 78
Total $212 78
Anna M. Bush, lot 10, block 10, Dubuqe
]]arbor Co's add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at 169c... 187 78
Total. $212 78
Anna M. Busts, lot 11, block 10, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add.
61.8 lineal feet curbing:at 50i $ 30 90
206.29 sq yds brick paving at 1692348 63
Total $379 53
Anna M. Bush, lot 1, block 14, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add:
166.2 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 83 10
399.13 sq yds brick paving at 169c674 53
Total . $757 63
13. E. Linehan, lot 2, block 14, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add:
111.1150 lineal feet curbiat 50c 25 00
t sq yds brick at 169cS 187 78
Total $212 78
B. E. Linehan, lot 3 block 14, Dubuque
1 -]arbor Co.' add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 500 $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paying at $1.69.. 187 78
Total $212 78
J. 11. Lull Est., lot 4, block 14, Dubuque
Harbor Co's add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at $1.69187 78
Total .$212 78
J. H. Lull Est, lot 5, block 14, Dubuque
Harbor Co's add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at $1.69187 78
Total $212 78
B. E. Linehan, lot 6, block 14, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at $1.69187 78
Total .$212 78
13. E. Lenehan, lot 7, block 14, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 50c. $ 25 00
$212 78
10, Dubuque
111.11 sq yds brick paving at $1.69.. 187 78
Total $212 78
13. E. Linehan, lot 8, block 14, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 50e $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paying at $1.69187 78
Total $2- 12 78
13. E. Linehan. lot9, block 14, Dubuque
Harbor to's. add:
65.6 lineai feetcurbing at 50c 32 80
136 sq yds brick paving at 169c 229 84
$2- 62 64
$ 200
145 63
Total $- 147 53
Wm. G. Waiters, lot 1, block 11, Du-
buque Harbor Co's. add:
61.1 lineal feet cut bing at 50c $ 25 55
164.10 sq yds brick paving at 169c277 33
Total .....$302 88
Norwegian Plow Co., lot 2, block 11, Du-
buque harbor Co'.s add:
56.2 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 28 10
124.89 sq Ids brick paving at 169c211 06
Total • $239 16
Norwegian Plow Co., lot 3, block 11, Du-
buque Harbor Co's. add:
186.4 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 93 20
414.22 sq yds brick paving at 169c703 03
City of Du• uque (park):
4.0 lineal feet curbing at 50e
86.11 sq yds brick uaviug at 169c
Total $793 23
Norwegian Plow Co., lot 4, block 11, Du-
buque Harbor Co's add:
112.4 lineal ft curbing at 50c 56 20
249.78 sq yds brick paving at 169c422 13
Total $478 33
Robert Waller Est. lot 5, block 11, Du-
buque Harbor Co.'s add:
112.2 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 56 20
294.78 sq yds brick paving at 169c422 13
Total $478 33
Robert Waller Est., iot 6, block 11, 1)u-
buque Ilarbor Co.'s add:
141.3 lineal feet curuiug at 50e $ 70 65
343.35 sq yds brick paving at169c580 26
Total $650 91
J. 11. Shields, lot 1, bock 13, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add:
26sq brick pat vingat 5at 169c451 15
266.95 sq yds
Total $494 60
J. 11. Shields, lot 2, block 13, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add:
100.0 lineal it curbing at 50c $ 60 00
222.22 sq yds brick paving at 169c... 375 55
Total $425 55
J. H. Shields, lot3, block 13, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add:
100.0 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 50 00
222.22 sq yds brick paving at 169c375 55
Total $425 55
13. E. Linehan, und. 34 lot 4, block 13,
Dubuque Harbor Co.'s.
50.0 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 26 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at 169c... 187 78
Total $212 78
John 13. Glover, und 34 lot 4, lot 13, Du-
buque Harbor Co.'s add:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at $1.69c..187 78
Total $212 78
104 Evening Session, July 10th., 1893.
13. E. Linehan, and X tot 5, block 13,
Dubuque harbor Co.'s add:
60.00 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving at 1.69c., 187 78
Total $212 78
John B. Glover, uni1X lot 5 block 13,
Dubuque harbor co.'s add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 25 00
111.11 sq yds brick paving $1.69c....1147 78
Total. $212 78
13. E. Linehan, and jf lot 6, block 13,
Dubuque Harbor Co.'s aria:
58.06 lineal feet 25 00
123.05 sq yds brick' pbiaving atg atlc $1.69$187 78
Total $212 78
John 13. G over, and 34 lot 6, Block 13,
Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add:
58.05 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 29 27
123.06 sq yds brick paving at $1.69...207 91
Total $237 24
Dubuque Street Railway Co:
148.17 sq yds brick paving at $1.69260 41
Total .$250 41
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
lnlhg, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder ani
N ays—None.
Ald. Olinger offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the city recorder be and
is hereby directed to issue a venire to the
city marshal, commanding him to sum-
mon a jury of twelve free holders, citizens
of said city to assess the 'damage thous may
be caused by the opening and extension of
an 8 foot lane between Catherine street
and West Locust rtreet, as shown by plat
prepared by the city enginetr.
Ald Olinger offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, That an order for $2 each be
drawn in favor of C. Reifsteck, John
Wunderlich and James l ushing for ser-
vices as commissioners on grade of San-
ford street.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
which was adopted:
Resolved, That the proposed change of
grade of i.incoln avenue between First
avenue and the alley next north of 9th
avenue in Ham's addition together with
the profile showing said propose ehantze
be referred to city engineer for his opinion
andrecommeudatiot relative to the ex-
pediency of the change prayed for by the
abutting property owners.
Ald. Lillig offered the following, which
was adopted:
'1'o M. 21. Hoffman and C. H. Meyer,
You and each of you are hereby notified
that it is the intention of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolution
at its next regular session, urderiug to be
filled and raised lots which are at times
subject to be covered with stagnant water,
which lots are numbered and described as
follows: Lots 18 and 19 in E. Langworthy's
add respectively. You are notified to ap-
pear, it you desire, at the next regular
meeting of the council and show cause, if
any you have, why said resolution should
not be passed, as it is proposed that said
filing shall be at your expense. The next
session of the council will commence on
Aug. 7, 1893.
Ald. Licit; offered the following, which
w as. ndopted :
To C.11. Meyer, your are hereby notified
that it is the intention of the City Council
of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution
at its next regular session, ordering to be
filled and rais,d lots which are itt times
subject to be covered with stagnant water,
which Tots are numbered and desribed as
follows: East 40 feet of lot 1 of sub. 4 in
L. Kniest's sub. You are notified to ap-
pear, if you desire, at the next regular
meeting of the council and show cause, if
any you have, why said resolution should
not be passed, as it is proposed that said
filling shall be at your expense. The next
session of the council will commence Au-
gus t7th,1893.
Ald. Glab offered the following, which
was adopted.
To Unknown:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that it is the intention of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolu-
tion at its next regular session, ordering to
be tilled and raised lots which are at times
subject to be covered with stagnant water,
which Tots are numbered and described as
fellows: Lots 22, 23 and 24 in block 15. Du-
buque Harbor Improvement Co.'s add:
You are notified to appear, if you de-
sire, at the next regular meeting of the
council and show cause, if any you have,
why said resolution should net be passed,
as it is proposed that said filling shall be
at your expense.
The next session of the council will com-
mence on August 7th, 1893.
Ald. Olinger offered the following which
was adopted:
'l'o Deitrich Mauer and Clifford Hain.
You and each of you • are here-
by notified that it is the inten-
tion of the City Council of the City of
Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next
regular session, ordering to be filled and
raised lots which are at times subject to be
covered with stagnant water, which lots
are numbered and described as follows:
Lot 227,228 and 370 in Davis Farm add.
You are notified to appear, if you desire,
at the next regular meeting of the council
and show cause, if any you have, why said
resolution sheuld not be passed, as it is
proposed that said filling shall be at your
The next session of the council will com-
mence on August 7th, 1893.
Ald. Olinger tnaved to adjourn to July
13th at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
Attest: T. J. CooNEY, Recorder.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, 'i'hat a sidewalk twelve
feet wide of good cement, be, with-
in twenty days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
Adjourned Regular Session, July 13th, 1893. 105
west side of Iowa street, bet ween 8th street
and 9th streets.
Adopted June 22(1, 1893.
6-28-10t Recorder.
Adjourned Roycufar Session, July
13, 1893.
Council tnet at 8:00 u. in.,
Mayor Daugherty in the cuair.
Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Giab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ry
der and Vogel.
Mayor Daugherty presented the follow-
ing which was aoprov d and ordered tiled.
To the City Council of the City of Du-
Beteg ttit•uted with the proper distri-
bution of toe fund: appropriated by you
to the unfortunate sufferers in toe late
cyclone which visited Pomeroy oil the
evening of .July ti, I beg to make the fol-
lowing report:
In addition to the amount contributed by
you I was inir.•sted also wttu the fund
contributed by the citizens through toe
several committees appointed by tie uoard
ot trade, which aggreuatsd the sum of
$1,979.50, which sum 1 t telt personalty to
Pomeroy and while there visaed the scene
of the late d sister. The ile-truction of
lite and property and twines beggars all
The cyclone came upon the people so
suddenly and the damage to lite was
so great that the survivors ware dazed and
confused with horror. But strength and
assistance soon arrived trout the neigh-
boring towns and rendered invaluable aid
in caring for the dead turd wounded. 'file
town presents the appearance ot a milita-
ry camp after a battle more than the former
prosper»nt village of Pomeroy. Tents
oeing pitched iu every direction to afford
shelter not only for the slate militia who
vigilant y guard theta from all intruders,
but which are also used as hospitals for
the uutortauate victims of the disaster.
Order and system have gradually grown
out of a chaos and confusion, and the good
work cf reiiet is going on under the fnau-
agenient of a carefully selected and compe-
tentrelirf committee an all are laboring
taithfully in the cause of humanity in car-
ing for the needy.
The Pomeroy state bank was made the
treasury for taking charge of all funds con-
tributed. the same to be take's out on the
order of the relief committee. All
funds contributed are in good [lands and 1
will vouch there will be no misappropria-
itou or squandering of the funds.
1 turned the amount contributed over to
the president and secretary of the relief
committee, taking their receipt for the
same, which I herewith attach. I have
the honor to be yours truly,A. W. DAIJOHERTY.
Received of A. W. Daugherty, mayor
of the city of Dubuque, Iowa. $500, ap-
propriated by the city council of Dubuque
for the relief of the sufferers of Pomeroy
and vicinity in the recent cyclone as. their
necessity requires, under the direction of
the relief committee of Pomeroy.
Assistant Cashier.
Ald. Powers otfeied the following which
was adopted.
Whereas, The newspaper called the Du-
buque Daily Ledger has beer transferred
to the Globe Printing Co., and the name of
the newsp 'per changed to the Dubuque
Daily Globe, therefore,
Resolved, 'That the last named newspa-
per is hereby cle+ignitted as one of the news-
papers in which le.tal notices are to be
published and the said company shall be
entitled to receive pav therefor at the same
rate as the Dubuque Daily Ledger would
be entitled had no change been made in
the title and ownership hereof.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn to Mon-
day. July 17t1 a: 7:3) p. m. Carried.
Adjourned Regular Session.
Council met July 17tu, 1893, at 8:05 p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
AW. Powers, chairman of printing com-
mittee, reported as follows:
lu favor of paying toe bill of Hardie &
Scharle of 351.25 for printing blank sta-
Also in favor of paying bill. of National
Demokrat o $75.
Also in favor of paying bill of the TELE-
GRAPH of $66.80.
Mao in favor of allowing the Ledger
Printing Co. of $58 30 for advertising tor
April and May.
Also in favor of paying bill of 329.15 of
the 'limes Co.
Also in favor of paying the bill of the
Herald of 383 for advertising and blank
s ationery.
Ald. Olinger, chairman ot fire and water
'onimit ee, reported in favor of granting
the petition tor the extension of water
mains along Cornell street to Thomas
street and along 'Thomas to Alma streets
and along Alma to Pickett, and the Du-
buque Water Co. be instructed to extend
their mains as above indicated and that hy-
drants be placed as affected by the tire
committee and chief.
Also in favor of paying the bill of the
Dubuque Water Co. of 31,276 for hydrants
during May, 1893.
Also in favor of instructing the Dubuque
Water Co. to extend their mains in alley
between 13th and 14th and Iowa and Clay
streets. Adopted.
Ald. Lillig, chairman of the delinquent
tax committee, reported in favor of can-
celling the taxes of the following parties:
Margaret Donahue, Elizabeth Krees,
Barbara Klump, Mary ttubeck, Mrs. Mc-
Mahon and Mary J. Luke.
Ald. Ryder, cnairman of the sewer com-
mittee reported in favor of instructing
the marshal to abate any nuisance tha
106 Adjourned _Regular Session, July, 17th, 1893.
may exist at the Montana House caused by
the vaults on said premises.
Also in favor of reducing the assessment
of E. Bisang on lot n 24 feet, 373, Davis'
Farm add, to $1,000.
Also in favor of allowing Mrs. Johanna
McNally to pay one-half her taxes as pay-
ment in full for 1892 on city lot 574a.
Also in faxor of allowing Ellen McCor-
mick to gay $5.00 as payment in full for
taxes on lot 13, McDaniels' sub.
Also in favor of allowing Alis. Mary
Dri,coll to pay $10.00 as payment In full
for taxes on lot 146, East Dubuque add.
Also in favor of allowing Joon Roth to
pay $10.00 as payment in lull for a xes on
lot 311, Sanford's add. Adopted.
Also in favor of approving the plans and
specifications for sanitary sewers ou
Couler avenue brtween 18th and Eagle
Point avenue. Also on Ellis street be-
tween Dorgan's alley and Almond street.
Also on West 5th and Sumnut street.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of committee
on supplies, mooned in favor of paying
the following bills:
Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella $ 2 45
P. E. Strelau h6
Reinfried & Jaeger... 80
Standard Lumber Co 2 76
The Smedly Mfg. Co
F. II. Vinke 10 00
Knapp, Stout & Cu. Company 21 2$5
Barger & Bliah 89 75
Ferguson Bros
F. Schloz 9 15
Ald. Nicks, chairman of electrical con-.
strucuon reported in favor of paying bill
of Central Electric Co. of $2.41 supplies.
Also an favor of receiving and filling bill
of the Ansonia Electric Co.
Also in favor of paying bill of E. 13.
Chaniler of $150 balance due.
AIso in favor of paying bili of Excelsior
Brass works of $3.
Also ill favor of paying bill of Central
Electric Co of $10.46_for. supplies.
Also in favor of paying bill of 1leinfried
& Jeager of $2.85. Adopted.
Ald. Butler, chairman of narborcomniit-
tee reported in favor of granting the peti-
tion of John Kekevoet. Adopted.
Aid. Powers, chairman 01 committee on
ordinac-s presented tin ordinace relating
to steam ferry for right to operate between
Dubuque and East Dubuque which was
refcrretlyto the committee of the whole.
Aid Powers moved that the City attor-
ney notify Hansen & Linehan that the city
intends to forfeit their charter to run ferry
between Dubuque and East Dubuque.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of police and
light reported in favor of paying. bills of
John Newman tor$24.50; Ansonia Electric
Co.. $1.98; Tom. Connolly, $97.70; Du-
buque Light & Traction Co., $187.601 Globe
Light & Heat Co., $500; Star Electric Co.,
$1,067.73; .Key City Gas Co., $61.60.
Also in favor of uayiug $76 on bill of the
Eureka Gas Saving Co., of $130 for gas
governors, and to hold balance for six
months and the Eureka Gas Saving Co.
give the city a written guarantee that said
governors give good satisfaction for ten
AIso in favor of receiving and filing the
communication of the city electrician in re-
lation of gasoline lamps.
Also report that an electric light has
been located on West 3d street and Burch.
Also that an electric light has been 10 -
eaten on White; between Eagle Point ave.
and Sanford street.
Also that an electric light has been lo-
cated on 5111 ave.
Also in favor of locating electric light on
Grove Terrace between 10th and 11th
Also in favor of referring petition of
Jennie Lewis'for police matron back to the
city council as no such office has been
created by them.
Also that an electric light has been
located on Alma street near Pickett.
Also an electric light has been located
on Broadway.
Also an electric light has been located at
the viaduct on Peru road.
Also in favor of receiving and Kling the
list of electric lights located by the com-
mittee and approved by the council.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the board of
health. reported as follows:
111 favor of paying the bill of A. 'Turner
of $48.60 for cleaning vault of Mrs. Mc-
Henry and the same be assessed to her
property according to ordinance.
Also in favor of paying bill of E. E.
Frith for $312 as per contract.
Also that the communication of Dr.
Fowler, health officer, be received and
filed. Adopted.
Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee
of the whole, reported in favor of instruct-
ing the treasurer to retund to Asa Horr the
taxes paid on farmers,tland mechanic's
toots for the year 1892 and adverse to bal-
ance of petition.
Also in favor of instructing the engineer
to prepare a plat showing the proposed
extension of White street between San-
ford and 22nd street to be 40 feet in width
showing the lands or lots through or over
which the same is proposed to be made,
the names of the owners thereof and the
quantity of4and proposed to be takers and
proceed in accoidance with section 2 of
chapter 30 of the revised ordinance of 1893.
Also in lavor of instructing the engineer
to make au estimate of the amount of
grading on Alpine street between West
Third an,i Dodge streets and submit same
to the council.
AIso reported on the matter of street
signs required on each street, and would
recommend that the matter be referred to
the committee on public grounds and
buildings to prepare plans and specifica-
tions for same and advertise for proposals
for furnisning and putting up said signs
and submit same to the council. Adopted.
Also presented a majority and minority
report on the petition for the improvement
of Lincoln avenue.
Ald. Lillis moved that rules be suspend-
ed and that E. 11. Sneppley be allowed to
address the council in reference to the
same. Carried.
Mr. Sheppley then addressed the coun-
cil in relation to the improvement of said
Ald. Olinger moved that the minority
report be adopted.
Ald. Lillig moved as an ammdmentthat
the majority report be adopted.
Ald. Ryder moved as an amendment to
the amendment that the matter be referred
back to the committee of the whole and
city attorney. Carried.
A1so reported in favor of instructing the
engineer to examine the grade of Stafford
avenue between Lincoln avenue and its
northern terminus also give estimate of
amount of grading on said street.
Also in favor of receiving and filing peti-
tion of Geo. Zumhoff in relation to alley
south of Broadway. Adopted.
Aid. Olinger, chairman of the street
Adjourned Regular Session, July 17th, 1893.
committee reported in reference to the mat-
ter of extendtng alley west of Center place
through lots 3 and 4, in Cummins' sub.,
that the city engineer orepare a ,iIat show-
ine k, the
naniPs ottheowners land
r rthereof, to be tau d the
quantity of land proposed to ba taken and
pro3eeu in accordance wi.h the ordinance
upon that subje?.t. Aloe ted.
The petition et Henry W. Kruse cit al.,
in reltciion to improvement of Queeu
street was refet red to toe committee of tae
The petition of Emma 1.. Allen in rela-
tion to special assessment f• r improvement
of Seminary street ref rete to street com-
mittee and engineer.
Tie petition of Mrs. M. Donhely in re-
gard to the condition of Chestnut street
west of 4valnut,referred tostreet;cummittee
with power.
The petition of Ga<tas Sippel, et al., in
relation to wall in rear of 18th street en-
gine house, referred to committee of the
'Che communication of Wrens Central
and C., M. & St. P. R.lt. Co. in relation to
antoinatic g'tes for rat road crossings. Re-
ceived and ti ell.
Ala. °limier presented the following re -
smut wh Ittiswith
deept row unanimously
\ hares
we learn of the dost)[ Jagsuci e.A.
o Mrt
father of our e• te. m
eti Vogel. Therefore,
Resolved, That we extend to thin and
his family our sincere condolence.
Resolved further, That as an everia+ting
memorial of our sympathy to our honored
colleague, that these resolntien f seispieebe
upon the records and a copy
presented to the bereaved faintly.
Aid. Ryder presented tl a following reso-
lution which was adop
Resolved, That warrants for $2.00 each
be drawn in favor of the to eel urthe
damages caused by
summoned by reason of the opening of
Fourth street extension.
Aid. Olinger offered the following reso-
lution which was adopceouncil of the city
Resolved by the city
of Dubuque, that a tire alarm box be
1,1,1ceci at os Main street and ttRailr ad avenuthe intersectioe of South
Ald. Nicks offered the tollowlng resolu-
tioct;which was adopted:
Resolved, That the C.. M. & St. P. R. R.
Co. be and are hereby instructed to remove
the piles from the water course, along
Couler Creek, where their tracks cross said
water course, within 10 day of this notice.
As said piles are an obstruction to the free creek, and
passag.• of water along t
failure on tueir part so to do in the
time above specified, the city marshal is is
to have the same done at their exp
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
uqu b Tthat a side City ewalk 4ouncil of feetewide
of Dubuque,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or,
cemet, be,
constructed and laid days
laid inconformity with
the ordinanee in relation to sidewalks, on
the east side of
Rhomberg avenue First
e andAdams street.eon
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler,erNicksandRyder.
Lillis, Olinger,
Ald. Nicks toffered he City the Cou Council off the City
o Resolved
by .
of Dubuque, That the alley between 22nd
and 23rd ROd Washington
cid m cad m
streets be graded,
ized inconformity with the ordinance upon
that subject; that the city engineer be and
is hereby •erected to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work; the
grading and macadamizing to be done at
the expense of the owners of the abutting
proper) y.
Adupted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Liam, Nicks, Olinger, rowers, and Ryder.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, 'That Regent street, between
Queen and Prince streets, be mraded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized, in
conformity with the ordinance upon that
subject. ['hat the city engineer be and he
is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ments, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice tor bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work; the
enuring, curbing and macadamizing to be
done at the expense of
abutting property, grading o
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillis, Nicks, Olinger Powers, and Ryder.
Alit. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved uy the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the al,ey uetween 22d
and 23.1 and Jat•kson and Wash ngtou
streets, be grad. d and macadamized in
conformity Wltlt the orUlllaiice open that
subject. '1 hat the city engineer be and he
is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ments. and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bads and pro-
posals fur the perturmauce of tae work;
the grading and macadamizing to be done
at the expense of the owners of the abutt-
ing property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Craword, Glab,
Lillie, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ald Ryder offered the following
Be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the city engineer
be and is hereby in.tructed to prepare a
plat showing the proposed extension of
alley between Burch and Hill and W. 3d
streets showi„g the lands and lots proposed
to be taken and the name of the owners
thereof and the quantity of land proposed
to be taken from each.
Alit. Rider offered the following:
Whereas, The assessment made again t
adjacent property for the constructtioh of
sanitary sewer on 11111, Burch and W. 3d
street exceeds the cost of constructing
same; therefore,
Resolved, That the engineer be in-
structed to prepare a new assessment,
prtion tooriginal gt radjacent cost ropeconstrurtin cting
said sewer and submit same to the coon -
on. Referred to the attorney, engineer
and sewer cominittee.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water Co.
be instructed to extend their water mains
along West 3rd street from Summit street
to St. Mary and along St. Mary street
to Emmett street and inert with
mains snow on Emmett street, the
citof to said
water company the uuseaofnsuch quantity
of water along the line of said street as
108 Adjourned Regular Session, July 17th, 1893
will produce a sum to pay interest at the
rate of 7 re-
quired for t
saidextensi n et Water st of pipe
be placed, if required, as directed by the
fire committee aid fire chief. Adopted.
Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu-
tion which was adopted:
Resolved, That that the city recorder be
instructed to advertise for bids for clean-
ing and widening Cooler creek frotu
Kniest street sewer to 23rd and Washing-
ton streets, the same to be done according
to plans and specifications prepared by
the city engineer.
A d. Lillig offered the folh.wing:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the Dubuque • Water
Co., be aid are hereby directed to extend
their water mains iu the alley between
Rhoniberg and Garfield ayes, and Stafford
and Humboldt ayes., the city of Dubuque
and its citizens guarantees to said Water
Co. a sum of money sufficient to pay
interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on ole
cost of pipe required to be so extended.
Adop ed.
Aid. Lillig offered the following:
Resolved, That t e Dubuque Water Co.,
be, and are hereby ntructed to extend their
water mains along Humboldt st. bet.
Rhomberg ate. and Garfield ave., and
place a water plug as directed by the
fire committee and fire chief. Adopted.
Ald. Lillig offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the city engineer be
and is hereby instructed to prepare plans
and specifications for a ewer on Elm
street, from Eagle Point ave., to the pres-
ent storm sewer water on Lincoln aye.
Ald. Lillig offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: 'J'hat a sidewalk 4feet .vide,
of good two-inch plank, be. within 15 days
of this notice, constructed and laid In con-
formity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the east and west sides of
,Jackson street, between 22d street and 27th
street where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler. Crawford, Glab, Lil-
lig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, and Ryder.
Ald. Powers offered the foilowing:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
co,,structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of West Locust street, be-
tween Ellis street and tlodgden avenue,
where not already laid, at the expense o1
the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alas. Butler, Crawford, GIab, Lil-
lig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, and Ryder.
Ald. Powers offered the following:
Resolved by the city Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance In relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of West Locust street, be-
tween tludgden avenue, and Flyn>t's
property at the foot 01 the hill
where not already lald, at, the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the tollowing vote:
A yes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ald. Powers offered the iollowing:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of gond two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, withing 30 days of this notice,
constructed and lard in conformity with
theordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of Arlington street, be-
tween Greve Terrace and Highland Place
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. butler. Crawford, Glab
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ala. Powers offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of good brick, stone or cement,
be, within 30 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of Sixth street, fronting the
east 25 ft city lot 752, and proper curb in
accordance with grade also laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger Powers anti Ryder.
Aid. Powers offered the foilowmg:
Resolved by the City Council 01 the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 6 feet wide,
of gond 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem-
ent, be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
south side of West Locust street, in front
of hit 15, in Quigley's sub. at the expense
of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda Butler, Crawford, Glab, Lil-
lig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ald. Butler offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two -incl plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of W est 3d street, between
St. Mary's street and Cardiff street, where
not already laid, at the expense of the
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Aid. Butier offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Lubuque, 'l'hat a sidewalk, 4 feet wide,
of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem-
ent, be, within 20 clays of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both
sides of 1-1111 street, between vV 3rd street
and Dodge street where not already laid,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ald. Giab offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 teet wide, of
good 2 inch plank, brick, stone, or cement,
be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed
and laid in cofrnuty with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks on the east side of
Iowa street, abutting s% city lot 216,where
where not aleady laid, at the expense of
butting property.
Adopted by the following vote'
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glah,
Lillig, Necks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ald. Glab offered the following
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. That Brad street, be-
tween .Julien ave and West. 3d, be. graded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized in con -
tenuity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
Adjourned Regular Session, July 17th, 1893. 109
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work: the
guttering, curbing and macadamizing to
be done at the expense of the owners
of the abutting property, grading to be
bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu-
tion, ordering sewerage connection, which
was adopted:
\V beret's, The city council of the city -of
Dubuque deems it expedient that the fol-
lowing described property, ,ots, and parts
of lit, should be connected with the sani-
tary sewer adjacent thereto, for the pur-
pose of house drainage, etc.; therefore
Resolved, That Win. lliutrager, G. M.
Staples, Grace l'rovoost, Peter blihm, 11. •
Nolte est., Frances . Coates and 11. A.
Rooney, owners of the following described
property, respectively, tots 2 and 8 of 200,
n. 2.6 feet of 266 and s. 40 ft. 267, n. jy 245,
892 and 393, 647 and n. X 66, city, be in-
structed to make proper sewer cuunecnous
therewith, said work to be done within 80
days froni this date. In case of the neglect
or refusal of the owners of above de-
scribed property to make the proper sewer-
age connection by the trine above specified,
the sante will be done by the city, and the '
costs thereof as-essed against and be a Tien
upon said property.
Aid. Glab offered the following which
was adopted:
'1'o t.assutt and Hobi and S. 111. Lan, -
worthy Est:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that it is the intent.on of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque to pass a re,olu-
tion at its next regular session, ordering to
be tilled and raised lots which are at times
subject to be covered with stagnant water,
which lots are numbered and described as
follows: 9, 10, 11, 12 and 51 in S. M.
Langworthy's add.
You are uot,fied to appear, if you desire,
at the next regular 'netting ot the council
and show cause, if any you have, why said
resolution should nut he I assed, as it is
proposed that said filling shall b.: at your
Y'ne next session of th•. council will
commence on August'1th, 1893.
Ald. Ryder offered the loliowing notice
in relation to filling lots, which was
'1'o \\'tit. Ilintrager, Al. Matthews, .J. 11.
Shields and others: You and each of you
are hereby notified that it is the intention
of the city council of the city of Dubuque
to pass a resolutiin at its next regular
session, ordering to be filled and raised
lots which are at times subject to be cov-
ered with stagnant water, which lots are
numbered and described as follows: Lot
6 of 7 of min lot 79. You are notified to
appear, if you desire, at tt:e next regular
meeting of the council and show cause,
if any you have, why said resolution
should not be passed, as it 18 propos. d that
said fll.ng shall be at your expense. The
next session of he council will commence
on August 7th, 1893.
Ald. Crawtoid offered the following
which was adopted:
Resolved, That the proposition of M.
Tschlrgi, Sr., to sell to Ine city for lire cle-
pautuietia purposes, lot one (1) 01 Summit
a,1,1atbm tar tine sum Of five hu,lr•d do1-
1:ars he aid to h aety
accepted, pro%1.led
Mr. 'Tschirgi will give 18 months' time on
the purchase money at 6 per cent. interest;
and the mayor is hereby instructed to com-
plete the purchase on the part of the city,
providing the city attorney shall approve
the title.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, That the engineer be instruct-
ed to make a survey and plat of a street
proposed to be laid out and established
from lith street to the south side of lot 687,
the middle of which street shall be the
center line of said street.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was refered to the engineer:
Resolved. That so much of the resolu-
tion adopted on the 22nd day of June 1893,
as provides for the curbing, guttering and
macadamizing of Julien ave., from the
east side of Grant ave. to the east side of
Alta Vista street be and is hereby re-
Ald. Powers moved that the motion of
Ald. Olinger to reconsider resolution of
the council ordering warrant drawn for
the Eighth 'treet and West Dubuque Rail-
way Co. be laid on the table. Carried.
Ald. Powers moved that the auditor he
instructed not to deliver warrant to the
Ledger Printing Co. until further order
from the council. Carried.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn. Car-
Notice to 1. roperty Owners.
You are hereby notified that Chapter 41
of the Revised Ordinances c,f the City of
Dubuque provides that all ornamental or
shade it?es standing on any of the streets
or sidewalks of the city, shall be kept
trimmed that no limbs or branches shall
be lower than eleven (11) feet
above the surface of the sidewalk
or street nor extend into the street
farther than eight (8) feet beyond the
curb line, and that a tine of ten (10) dol-
lars is imposed for every violation of
such provision. Also that the city coun-
cil at its last session instructed the proper
city officials to cause the ordinance to be
strictly enlorred.
And that in all cases, where any prop-
erty owner shall neglect or refuse to keep
the shade trees on the sidewalk in front
of his or her premises trimmed in the
manner above specitied the same should be
done by the city at his or her expense.
Dubuque, .July 8, 6t . City Electrician.
Resolved, 13y the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet
wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within
30 days of this notice, constructed and
alit in conformity with the ordinance to
relation to sidewalks on the east side of
Iowa street, between Fourteenth and Fif-
1eruihstreets, a11•re not already laid, at
Official Notices.
the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council 01 the City
of Dubuque: That a s:dewaik 12 feet
wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the north side
of West 5th street, abutting lots 1 and 2 of
mineral lot 78 where not already laid, at
the expense of abutting proper, y.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 11 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 30 days of tills notice,
constructt:d and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on
the south side of Fourteenth street, be-
tween Bluff street and Prairie street where
not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of goal two inch ?lank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be wit hin 30 days ol this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance it. relation to sidewalks, on the
south side of 4th street, between Locust
street and alley east, where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the Coy Uout.cil of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 30 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west std.- of Prairie street, between
14th street and Arlington street where not
ready laid, at the expenseot abutting prop-
Resolved by the City Council the of City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of brick, stone or cement, be, with-
in thirty days of service of no-
tice of this resolution, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, nn the west side
of Locust street, between 7th street and 8th
street where not already laid, at the ex-
peuse of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good brick, atone or cement, be, within
30 days alter service of notice of this reso-
lution, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the east side of Bluff street, between
13th street and 14th street where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of the abutting
Adopted July 5th, 1893.
8-7-10t. '1'. J. CoortEY, Recorder.
Requiring Carriages and other Vehicles,
Cars and Street Cars to stop and give
unobstructed. use of Streets and Alleys to
Fire Department, and providing penalty
for its violation.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That whenever any fire en-
gine, hose cart or hook and ladder convey-
ance is passing along any street or alley
the drivers of carriages, carts or other
vehicles, the engineers of railroad trains,
and the motoneers of street cars, or other
persons having the same in charge, shall
stop the same upon the approach of such
engine, hose cart or hook and ladder con-
veyance, and shall at all times so manage
as to give the full, free and unobstructed
use of the streets and alleys to the fire de-
partment at far as possible in case of a
fire or when the said department, or any of
the drivers ,hereof are answi ring, or re-
sponding to an alarm of lire.
Any person viilating any of the pro -
vi ions of this ordinance shall be tined not
less than $5 nor more than $50.
Approved .luly 7, 1893.
A. W. DAUGHEItTY, Mayor.
Atttest: '1'. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
An ordinance relating to Fenelon Place
Elevator coni' any.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That tate r eneion Place Eleva-
tor company is hereby anutoriz•d to erect
on Fourth street, at the intersection of
Fenelon stnet at the place where
the power house of the Fourth Street
Elevator company stood, which was
recently destroyed by tire, a power house
for the purpose of operating an elevator.
The right is 11er:by granted to said Fen-
elon Place E evator company to operate a
public elevator, a'id to snake charges there -
tor without further license;roin the city,
subject to the control of the city council
as to the conducting, management and
safety thereof.
Approve 1 July 7,1893.
A. W. DAUGHEftTY, %layor.
Attest: 1'. J. COONEY, Recorder.
An ordinance against riding bicycles on
the sidewalks of the city and regulating
the riding of them on the sireets ut the city
and fixing a penalty therefor.
Be ii ordained by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That no person or persons
shall ride or drive on bicycles or any other
similar conveyance or contrivance what-
ever on or over the sidewalks of this city
or through any of the public parks or pub-
lic grounds of this city.
Section 2. That ally person or persons
who snail ride or drive on bicycles or
velocipedes or any other similar convey-
ance or contrivance whatever on or over
the St reels of this city shall be governed
and controlled by the following regulators:
1n riding or driving on bicycles or on
any other similar conveyance or contriv-
ance s.id paries shall keep t., the right
side of the streets and shall at all times so
far as possible manage to giye the free and
unobstructed use of tile streets to horses,
carriages and other like vehicles, and there
shall be no racing or last rid,ng on the
In traveling in the night time each bicy-
cle shall tie provided with a light or lan-
tern placed in front of the same and also
with a bell which shall be rung on the ap-
proach of any vehicle or vehicles or horse
or horses and said bell or be is shall also
be rung by said bicycle rider or riders
when they are approaching any vehicle or
vehicles, or horse or horses from behind,
and said bell or bells shall be lung ap-
proaching and on every street crossing.
Section 3. That any person or persons
convicted of a violation of this ordinance
shall be tined in a sum not less than five
dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars
for each offense.
Adopted July 10th, 1893.
Approved July 14th, 1893.
Attest: A. T J. CoONEY, RecoryOr,
official Notices.
91hange of Grade Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there is now
on file in my office a prohle showing a pro-
posed change of grade on Dodge street be-
tween York street and Grandview Ave.
All parties feeling aggrieved at said pro.
posed change of grade must tile their
claims for damages in my office on or be-
fore July 1st, 1893.
Said propcsed change of grade will be
considered at the next regular session of
the council to be held July 3rd, 1893.
tS-13.15t. '1'. J. COONEY.
City Recorder.
Commissioner's Notice.
The undersigned coinmissioners duly
appointed by the city nouncil of the city of
Dubuque, June 7, 1893, to assess the
damages, if any, that may be caused by
reason of the proposed change of grade on
Sanford street between Elm street and
Windsor a,enue, hereby give notice that
they will meet at the city marshal's office
on the 10th day of July, 1893, to consider
and view said proposed change of grade.
6-15-2,0t L. M. LANGSTAFF.
Special Session, July 27th, 1893. 113
[014 FICIAL.
Council met July 27th, 1893, at 8 o'clock
p. in.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present Aids. Butler, Crawford, (-lnb,
Lillig, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Mayor Daugherty stated the object of
the meeting was for making a sett !einem
with Atkinson & Oloff for the imprnue-
ment tit Main street and such other busi-
ness as the council should deem proper.
Ald. Olinger offered the following reso-
lution whch was referred to the street com-
Resolved, That the action of rho council,
July 17th, 1893, ordering a sidewalk on
the south side of West 3rd street bet ween
St. Mary's and Cardiff streets be rescinded
and annulled its of no force and effect.
The petition of M. J. Mulgrew claiming
damages clone to wagon and harness by
the steam roller. Referred to the commit-
tee on claims.
Ald. Ryder of the sewer committee re-
ported in favor of paying the bill of 1). 11'.
Linehan of $540.45 on sewer contract in
Riley between .Jackson and Washington
from 10th to 13th streets. Adopted.
Ald. Powers moved t t modify the resci-
lhtion passed at the last meeting for the
laying of sidewalk on the north side of W
Locust between Ellis and Iloogen Ave. s
as not to apply t0 tire• property of Mrs.
Yates. Carried.
1 .Aid. Olinger moved that warrants to the
amount of $5,000 be drawn oo the improve-
ment fund in favor of Atkinson & Olo1f for
the improvement of Main street, and the
treasurer instrueted to endorse same at 7
per cent. per annum until redeemed. Car-
Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of
renting use room on the first flour of the
city hall be referred to ine committee on
public grounds and buildings with power.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn. Car-
Grove Terrace to highland Place where
not already laid, at expense of abutting
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, 'Chat a sidewalk, 12 feet
wide, of good two -Inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within twenty
days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
its relaid iii to sidewalks, on the north
side of Sixth street, fronting the east 25
feet of lot 752, and proper curb in accord-
ance with grade, also where not already
laid, at the exbeuseef abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good 2 -inch plank,brick, stone or cetnent
be, within 20 days atter service of the notice
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
she South side of West Locust street,
in front of lot 15 in Quigley's subdivision,
where not already laid, at, expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved, By the City tioiuicil of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement. be, within 20 dtlys of this notice,
of resolution, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance to relation
to sidewalks. on the north side of West
Locust street, betwean Ellis street and
Ilottedsn ave., where 1101 already laid, at
the expense of abutting property,
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, 'That, a side
walk lour Leet wide, 0f good
two melt plank, brick, stone or cement, be,
wiltun 20 days of this notice, construct•
mad and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on the
east side of First Avenue, between
lthoniberg avenue and Adams street, where
not ahead), laid, at expense of abutting
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide. of good 2 inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 20 days
of this notice, constructed and laid incon-
formity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the south side of West 3rd
street, between St. Mary's street and
Cardiff street where not already lniu,
at the expense of abutting property.
1tesoltett by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 12 feet wide,
of good two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 30 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the east side of Iowa street. abutting sjy
of city lot 216, wh •re not already laid, at
the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That it sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plan k, brick, stone, or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides or 11111 street, between W e+t
Third and Dodge street, where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abutting prop-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: '1'i.at a sidewalk 4 feet wide.
of gond two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and letd its conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the east and west side of Jackson street,
between 221) and 27th street, where notal -
ready laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted July 17th, 1893.
7-22-10 '1'. J. COON).Y, Recorder.
.. - ecorder.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, 'That a sidewalk 4 feet wiue
of good two-inch plana, brick, stone or
comeut, be, within 20 clays of this notice,
constructed and laid to conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the north side of West Locust street,
between lludedett avenue and Flynn's
property at the foot of the hill, whore not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
propert y.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cerilent, be, within 30 days of this notice,
constructed and laid to conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of Arlington street, from
Official Notices.
Notion to Sewer Contractors.
Seated proposals will be received at the
city engineer's office, city. of Dubuque.
lowa, up to Monday, July 81st, 1893, at 4
o'clock p. m. for furnishing all material
and labor and building the pipe sewers as
follows, according to plans and specifica-
tions on file in said office, viz: An 8 melt
tile pipe sewer on W 6th and Summit
streets from Hill street to highest point In
Summit street. Estimated length, 700 feet,
three manholes, one flush tank. An 8
inch tile pipe sewer in Couler avenue from
18th street to Eagle l'oint avenue. Esti-
mated length, 1,443 feet, five manholes, one
flush tank. An 8 inch tile pipe sewer in
Ellis street from Dorgan's alley to Almond
street. Estimated length, 580 fret, two
manholes, one flush tank.
Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with
each bid that contract will be entered into
if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. W. 11. KNOWLTON,
7-19 lot CnyEtigineer.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at tha
City Engineer's office, City of Dubuque,
Iowa, up to Monday, July 31, 1293, at 4
o'clock p. m., for furnishing 600 cubic yards
of filling—more or less—upon lot 16 East
Dubuque add. corner of 19th and Elm
streets, according to plans tool specifica-
tions on file in said office. Bidders to fur-
nish a bond of $100 with bid that contract
will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. 1V. 11. KNOWLTON,
7-19 lot City Engineer.
Notice in Relation to Filling Lots.
DUBUQUE, July 17th, 1893.
To Unknown:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that it is the intention of the city council
of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution
at its next regular session, ordering to
be filled and raised lots which are at times
subject to be covered with stagnant water,
which lots are numbered and described as
Lots 22, 23 and 24, in block Fifteen, Du-
buque Harbor improvement Co' add.
You are notified to appear, if you de-
sire. at the next regular meeting of the
council and show cause, if any you have,
why said resolution should not be passed,
as it is proposed that said filling shall be at
your expense.
The next session of the council will com-
mence on Aug. 7th, 1893.
7-17-14t S. B. 1ttcE City Marshal.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to Saturday, August 5th, 1893, at
4 o'clock p. n1., for unproving the follow-
ing street and alley according to plans and
specifications now en file in my office:
Prince street from Eagle Point avenue to
Sanford street. Grading, cut 450 cubic
yards, fill 652 cubic y .rds, curbing 1,600
lineal feet, guttering 700 square yards,
macadamizing 2,000 square yards.
Alley between Prince and Queen and
Sanford and Regent streets.
Grading, fill 446 cubic yards macadamiz-
ing 550 square yards.
Bidders must state the price per lineal
foot for curbing, the price per square yard
for guttering and macadamizing. Grad-
ing on streets to be bid in total, and in al-
leys by the cubic yard.
Bidders must furnish a good and tuff-
ficent bond of $200 that contract will be en-
tered into if awarded.
Proposals will be acted upon at the
regular session of the council to commence
August 7th, 1893.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished by
the recorder. The city reserves the right
to reject all bids.
7-19-15t T. J. COONEY,
Notice to Contractors.
DUBUQUE, July 24, 1893.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to Saturday, Aug. 511i, 1893, at 4
o'clock p. m., for the cleaning and widen -
of Couler creek, from Kniest street
sewer to 23d and Washington streets, ac-
cording to plans and specifications now on
on rile 1n my office. The bidders must
state the price per cubic yard for all exca-
vating. Bidders must furnish a good and
sufficient bond of $200 that they will enter
into contract if awarded. Blanks for bid-
ders will be furnished by the recordd-.
The city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. T. J. COONEY,
7-24-1Ot City Recorder.
Change of Gracie Not. ice.
Notice is hereby given that there is now
on file in my office, profiles showing a pro-
posed change of grade on College avenue,
West 3rd street and Brad street. All
parties feeling agrieved on account of such
proposed change of grade, must file their
claims for damages in my office on or be-
fore August pth, 1893, as said proposed
change of grade on above streets will he
considered by the council at its next
regular session to be held August 7th, 1893.
17-7-151. '1'. J. COONEY, Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To the owner or owners of thepseveral lots
and parcels of ground abutting alley from
Johnson to Windsor avenue between Lin-
coln avenue and Providence street, all in
city of Dubuque.
Yon are hereby notihed that there is now
on file in the city recorder's office of Du-
buque, a plat of said above named alley
in said city. showing the separate lots or
parcels of ground abutting 00 said alley
subject to special assessment for the grad-
ing and macadamizing of said alley, and
the names, as tar as practicable, of the
several owners of said abutting real es-
tate, and the amount to be assessed against
each lot or parcel of ground, for the in-
spection of any person, firm or company
interested in any kind, in said real estate,
and that. such person, firm or company,
having any objection to the special tax pro-
posed to be assessed, as shown by said plat,
may file with the city recorder Ills or their
objections in writing at or before the next
meeting of the city council of the city of
Dubuque, which will meet on the 7th day
of August, 1893. , W. H. KNOWLTON,
7-25-101. City Engineer.
Regular Session, August 7th, 1893.
Regular Session, August 7th,
Council met at 10 o'clock a. m.,
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, and
On motion the minutes of the previous
mew lugs were approved as printed.
A1d. Ki der moved that the rules be sus-
pended and Col. Lyon be allowed to ad-
dress the council in regard to the opening
of 26th street. Carried.
Col. Lytat then addressed the council in
relation to the above.
Messrs. Gillian and Weaver were also al-
lowed to address the council in referrence
to the ween
Alta Vista andening tltuse alley
Referred back to the street committee.
The following bills were allowed:
Mrs. Koenig, janitor at city hall$ 20 00
John 'Tibey, contract on llttl and lb0 00
Oak street
Steuck & O'Farrell, cuntlact on San 200 00
ford street
Edward Ryan, coutract ou Auburn
street 683 08
O. G. Kringle, contract un Decorah 273 `L7
Ed. Ryan, contract on Auburn ave -
106 00
O. G. Kringle, coutract on Dubuque 273 21
O. G. Kringle, contact on Alta
avenue 462 01
Norton & Lee, coutract ou Broad -
300 00
George Taylor, cum ract on Nevada
street 426 90
O. G. Kringle, contract on Dela-
ware avenue
O. G. Kringle, contract on Alta ave -
381 69
Steuck & O'Farrell, contract on 112 50
Jackson street
Peterson & Go., contract on Alma
street 131 90
Cain & Schoenthal, contract on E 35 30
Grant avenue
McCann & Williams, contract on 194 00
Dodge street
Peterson & Co., coutract, wall on 588 45
Alma street
P. F. Guthrie, sidewalks on Queen,
1V ashington, Broadway and Grant S
avenue 68 09
Mrs. Koenig, cleaning extra room162 50
Hardie & Scharle, printing
Dubuque TELEGRAPH, printing12 25
k'. W. Barris & Bro., repairing 2 50
G. B. Grosvenor & Co., T. paper... 13 60
F. Mertz repairing sale lock, etc.. 2 50
Jas. Lee, coutract on Grant Park... 332 95
2 00
Smith Printing Co., printing
Jas. Kelly, stationery
L. Daley, cleaning marketDubuque Water Co., packing
B. Lagen, livery
Jos. Geiger, carpenter work
Jas. Kelly, stat•
E. S. Daugherty, rod man for engi- 40 00
R. T. Eddy, rod man for
fengineer45 00
Ii. Nagelmaker, supplies3 80
Jas. Tobin, team for hauling poles, 13 38
Jas. 'Thompson, labor 3 38
Jas. McCrackin, team and labor33 85
Wm. Young, trimming trees 24 00
1'. Stouter, labor 14 60
Wm. 1'. Hartman, removing wires
from poles 9 56
M. Ahern, removing poles 15 00
Jos Nonni!, -trimming trees 24 00
P. Ahern, r moving poles 14 25
David '1'. Howie, ladder 6 90
Smedley M'i'g Co., supplies, etc17 19
John Newman & son, blacksmith -
John 'Duey, crossing stone
A. W underltcb, horseshoeing
Lear & Phtfner,
John Butt, blacksntiihing
John Boman, repairing chemical
Iowa Iron Works, material
H. L. Congar, coal
Tom Co Inns, horseshoeing
But. Bros., repairing
Novelty Iron Works, repairing for 1 20
steam roller
Zehe ner & Voggeuthaler, repairing 1 86
John E. liartig, repairing and ma-
a- 1 45
ter al
Jas. Street, crossing stone tarnished. 24 62
Isaac Pro.: or, crossing stone turn- 10 63
R. '1'. Eddy, sideua.lt, west 68 82
A. Thither, elayinge gutter
on 1 ah. 43 00
Jas. Boyce, 8 35
Duggan & Kane, supplies tar city
hall 395
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware 53 85
11. Corrance, oil, &c
Baumgartner& Kteih, supplies for 10 00
sewer 4 00
Lear & Ptittner, hurseshueing 24 00
Svendsen & Ott, lumber
Knapp, Stout Company, Co., lum- 42 19
F. achluz, blackmtllt repairs
Diamond Jo Co, oil and waste
B. D. Lenehan, repairing tools
Philip Miller, shot el
Thos. Byrne, gravel
Mrs Welsh :tone
3 60
25 00
2 40
5 00
3 50
5 60
1 50
43 49
6 50
3 75
1 75
21 95
1 50
1 30
8 25
8 65
20 115
12 98
9 10
42 50
6 30
P. F. Guthrie, tilling done on Wind-
sor avenue 13 20
Standard Oil Cu, oil 5 04
W. 11. 'Torbert, soda
Staudaru Lumber Co, shavings and 54 50
W. Al. Greenhow, plumbing, etc... 31 65
John Terry, pine wood
J. P. Schroeder & Co, cement 2 W
Paul Schlenker, iepairiug steam
roller 4 25
Christman & Healey, supplies
.Greenhow, plumbing la nails 6 d ma-
terial 22 60
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 5 45
hose, etc Iter 2 80
Hugo Ruh, supe
A. E. Parker, sharpening lawn 2
mower 7 00
P. E. Simian, team for hauling
dry dBros. & Hitchens roan -
manhole covers etc
Co., 87 28
J. C. Althauser, duster 50
Diamond Jo Co., brooms .. 1 50
Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., bottles 10 00
and stoppers 75
J. Mertz, lock keys lies4 75
Cabinet Markers Assn., supe 1 00
Svendsen & Ott, lumber
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware6 35
Tony Siege, stone 42 95
BaumgartneJac Schmidt, assistant park custo- 4 50
hmidassistantdian 50 00
116 Regular Session, August 7th,, 1893.
The following bills were referred to com-
mittee on fire and water.
Key City Gas Co., $18.84.
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., $3.
Dubuque Water Co., $10.
Dubuque Water Co., $1,33o.
The following bills were referred to com-
mittee on police and light.
Globe Light and heat Co., $000.
Star Electric Light Co. $1,087,91.
Key City Gas Co., $37.59.
Dubuque Light and 'fraction Co.,
The following bills were referred to
printing committee.
Globe Printing Co., $29.15.
'fhe Herald, $29.15.
The Times Co., $58.30.
Tne Dubuque TELEGRAPH, $75.
The following hills was referred to the
street committee: Altman & Co., $82 24.
Also bill of A. 1t. Stevenson for extra
work on steam roller.
The following bills were referred to the
sewer committee: J. P. Schroeder, $119.15;
D. W. Leuehan, $724.45.
The following bilis were referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
ings: W. 11. Greenhow, $14.25; Ranfried
& Jaeger, 80c.
The bills of Graff Bros. for $148.15 were
referred to the committee 01 board of
Bill of Central Union Telephone Co.,
was referred to the, committee on electrical
Bill of Mrs. Ann Knabe was referred to
city attorney and committee on claims.
Ald. Powers offered the following reso-
lution which was ad ipted:
Resolved that tete rules of order be
amended as follows:
All bills and accounts against the city,
except for work or material furnished un-
der contract be hereafter verified by the
creditor. or his agent and examined and
reported on by a committee of the council
before passed upon by the council.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn until 2
o'clock p. ni. Carried.
Council met 3:05 p. m. Aug. 7, 1893.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
On motion the rules were suspended and
R. W. Stewart was allowed to address the
council' in relation to the storm water sewer
which is used as a sanitary sewer on Hill
On motions 'Phomas Watters and Mr.
Phillips addressed the council on the same
in atter.
Ald. Powers moved that the parties file
a petition stating their grievance in regard
to the use of the above storm water sewer
which is used as a sanitary sewer and that
a special committee be appointed to inves-
tigate and that they adopt some means to
give immediate relief. Carried.
The mayor appointed the sewer commit-
tee, executive committee of board of health,
also Ald. Olinger, city engineer and city
attorney to act as said committee.
Ald. Glab moved that rules be suspend-
ed and Wm. Hintrager be allowed to ad-
dress the council in regard to draining lot
on West 5tb. Carried.
Wm. Hintrager addressed the council in
relation to same,
Aid. Powers moved that the matter of
draining said lot be referred with power to
the special committee appointed by the
mayor to inyestigate the Hill street sewer.
Ald. Olinger moved to refer the matter
of ordering satewalKs abutting VI in. lltn-
trager's property on West Locust to the
aldmmeu of the Fourth ward and engi-
neer with power. Carried.
Aid. Crawford moved that tete request of
Wm. Hintrager in relation to sewer con-
nections on lowa, between 10:h and llth
streets be received and Med. Carried,
Alit. Powers moved that rules be sus-
pended and Mr. Barnes be allowed to ad-
ar ss the council in relation to 111r.
Wooton's alley and sidewalk. Carried.
Mr. Barnes addressed the council in re-
gard to same.
The following petitions were gra.tted:
The petition 01 M. Majerus to have, city
engineer give grade on lot 300 for street
and alley.
The petition of F. A. liumpf to have city
engineer give proper line and grade;;ou
Olive and 11E street.
The invitation of the Trades and Labor
Congress through the general committee
to participate in the observance of Labor
Day was accepted, and that they be noti-
fied that the council accepts, and thanks
be returned for the saine.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee:
Petition of 1Vm. I'apenthine asking to
have stone rem•ived on Valeria street in
front of his property.
Petition of B. Schulte & Son et al. in -
relation to sidewalk on east side of Pine
yet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets.
Petition of August Gartner et al. for the
improvement of Park 11111 road.
Petition of Nelson Frith et al tor the
opening of 26th street.
Petition of Chas Anderson et al. object-
ing to present survey of Dodge street was
referred to the street coin.nitee and city
Petition of A. W. Kemler et al. in re-
gard to the repairiug of Bluff street ex-
The bill of Frank McCann for $163.65
for retaining wall on sewer on Dodge st.
The following petitions were referred to
the delinquent tax committee. '
Richard Fuhrmau, Peter Ludwig, Minna
Kaselka, Barbara Isborn, Jonathan
Houpes, Dubuque Boat Club association,
C. W. Katz, Airs. Joon Fitzpatrick, Mrs.
Honora Martin. Geo. Gruber.
The tollowing petitions were received
and filed.
Sarah Wooton, for laying sidewalk on
east side of 11111 and between Third and
Dodge streets.
Remonstrance of Sarah Wooton against
opening alley through lot 2 of 2 of 3 of
mineral lot No 76 in city.
The guarantee of Eureka Gas Saving
coni pan y.
The petiton of E. 11. Sheppley asking
not to be compelled to lay sidewalk on
Iowa street betweet . 'oureenth and Fif-
teenth street.
Petition of F.Swanson in relation to lay-
ing of sidewalk.
Petition of Mrs: Dave Grant in relation
to sidewalk on Locust between Seventh
and Eighth streets.
The petition of Julia L. Langworthy fn
relation to filling of lot 31, S. M. Lang -
worthy's add.
The following petitions were referred to
the committee of the whole:
Mrs. Maria Neumeister et al., in regard
to alley between Johnson and Windsor
The petition of John 'l'itzthum et al., for
the improvement of Harold street.
The petition of Mrs. P. Haenel et al., for
Regular Session, August 7th, 1893.
the removal of fountain on 17th and West
Petition of Geo. Acker et al., for change
of grade on West 3rtt street.
Petition of Fred Dupuis et al., to have
grade established on 1Vood street from Ju-
lien avenue to 'onto end.
Communication fro!' B. E. Linehan in
relation to the Dubuque and East Dubuque
Petition of Mrs. E. G. Young et al., for
the extension of water mains in alley be-
tween 11th and 12th and Jackson and
The foliow'ng petitions were referred to
the corn mit ee on lire and water:
Petition of Geo. H. Fifield for . xtension
to cor. of West Eleventh and Praire
Petition of Mary K. Torbert, secretary
of Home for the Friendless for extension
of mater mains and sewer system from
Julien avenue through Broad street to
Hosie for the Friendless.
The following bilis were referred to the
committee on claims and city attorney:
The petition of J. G. Meukle in regard
to the injury his sot: sustained by an ac-
cident on Cain street.
The petition of lra Parker for amount
of physicians lees for attendance on Miss
Nellie Watts for injuries sustained by fall-
ing on obstruction on sidewalk.
The petition tor Ira Parken for amount
of physicians fees for attendance on Miss
Nellie Watts for injuries,sustained by fall-
ing on obstruction sidewalk.
The petition of Christ Frisch asking the
city not to 'take settlement with P. F.
Guthrie untill his bill for labor was set-
tled. Committee on claims and mayor.
The following bills were referred to the
executive committee of the board of
J. D. Bush for removing dead dogs from
The petition of Mrs. Bentin, owner of
lot No. 21 corner Rhomberg avenue and
Schiller street in relation to alley.
The following petition were referred to
the police and light and electrical con-
struction committees.
The etitionof Chas. Nollnagel in rela-
tion to the location of the electric light or-
dered placed on Which street between San-
ford and Eagle Point avenues.
The petition of C. L. Bissell, et. al. ask-
ing for an arc electric light at the head of
Fourth street near the loot of the elevator.
The petition of It. W. Stewart attorney
for citizens in relation to the sanitary and
storm water sewer on West 5th and Hill
streets was referred to a special committee.
The petition of Miss M. A. J. in regard
to the condition of Bluff street extension,
near West's Hill as regards travel, referred
to the First ward aldermen with power.
The petition of Mary A. Mcllenry in re-
lation to the special assessment for clean-
ing vault. Referred back to the com-
mittee of the board of health.
The bid of Roberts Bros., Racine, Wis.,
for street signs was referred to the com-
mittees on renaming streets.
Ald. Olinger moved that all petitions for
the extension of the water mains be re-
ferred to the committee on fire and water.
The bill of M. O'Connell as sanitary in-
spector was referred to the mayor.
Ald. Olinger moved 8 18a3j urn until
7:30 o'clock p• m. Aug.
Adjourned Regu ar Soesion, .u -
gust 8, 1893.
Council meet at 8.35 p. m.
Mayor Daugherty iu the chair.
Present—Aids. But er, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Liilig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
city engineer presented a communica-
tion to reference to the change hof grade
on 14th street between Alta Vista and
Alanuc street. Referred to the committee
of the whole.
Ald. Olinger moved that bids lie opened
and re.erred to the city engineer lir com-
putation. Carried.
The commissioners appointed by the
city council presented the following.
We the undersigned commissioners ap-
pointed by your honorable body beg leave
to report. That we have been on the
premises of Bernard Gallon, owner of lot
1 of 2 D1 lot 158, and find that no grade was
established ,at the time said Gallon
erected its building, and is therefore not
entitled to damages by reason of any grade
the city might see proper to make.
Report confirmed.
The jury appointed to assess the
damages caused by the opening of au 8 ft.
lane between Catherine and West Locust,
submitted the tollowing report:
We the undersigned jurors appointed by
City Marshal Rice {being duly sworn to
award damages if any by reason of con-
demning 8 ft et of ground iu lot 15 Quigley's
sub, also 8 feet of lot 16 in Quigley's sub,
therefore we award 1Vm. lliatrager one
hundred and five dollars damages on lot
15 in Quigley's sub, and award ilrs. Ellen
T. Callahan the sum of twenty -live dollars
on lot 16 in Quigley's sub.
Signed. Jos. ws J. towAN, FULLER,
Jos. L. HORR,
J. 11. CAR1tOLL,
Report adopted.
Ald. Olinger moved that warrants for
$2.00 each be drawn in favor of above per-
sons, also that warrants be drawn in favor
of the commissioners for two days at the
rate of $240 per day each. Carried.
City Auditor Kenety reported
cash on hand July 1, 1893, $ 5,559 77
Total $40,154 63
5,485 17
Aug. 1. Balance
118 Adjourned Regular Session, August 8t1i, 1893.
A to reported $2,069.60 due officers for
inonth of July. Report received and filed
and warrants ordered drawn to pay ol-
Marshal due police ice foce r July, 1orted 893 24 20 the
Also reported 67 police cases; also re-
ported $6 00 as fines collected, and also
$26.00 as
pond receipts
ordered July.
dopdwarrtts drawn to
pay police.
Street Superintendent Carter reported
month of July r Reportlaor ttadopted and ware
rants ordeted drawn to pay same.
Also presented itemized statement for
street expenses for month of July. Re-
port adopted.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,510,
amount due the firemen fur the month of
July, 1893. Report adopted and warrants
ordered drawn to Pay sante.
Sewer inspector O'Brien reported $976.60
for labor and teams on sewer work for the
month of July, 1893.
Report adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay fur same.
Street Supt. Carter reported $90.03 due
to patties for balance on macad un. Repott
illarketmaster Norton reported $110.5
from city scales; also $35 25 fur rent of
huckster stands. Received and Pled.
J. W. Wood,. city wood treasurer, re-
ported $2.10 due city; being the,1•er cent.
clue the city for wood measured during
July, 1893. Report received anti flied.
Chas. Pitscuner. city weigher, reported
$8 55 as the gross receipts of West Du-
buque scales, $1 30 amount being due city.
Received and filed
J. L. Bunting reported $38.83 collected
for [.rimming trees. Report received and
J. L. Bunting pre euted a statement of
account for removing "dean" or unoccu-
pied poles and the names of the companies
to be assessed for same as follows:
Dubuque Light & Traction Co $ 4 50
Llill & West Dubuque Street Rail -
way Co 15 00
Dubbuque Water Co . 10 50
Report received and filed and auditor in-
strue,ed to collect same.
J. F. Stemtn reported that the assess-
ment roll for 1893 was completed and ready
for examination. Report received and
The petition of 13. W. Lacy, agent, ask-
ing for grade of curb for lot 459, corner
llth and Iowa, granted and engineer in-
structed to give said curb line.
Jas. Doyle, city weigher, reported $3.35
due city from First ward scales. Report
The report of W. 11. Knowlton to regard
to the established grade of W. 14th from
Alta Vista to A'lantic, suggesting a
change thereon, was referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
The following reports of W. H. Knowl-
ton were received and filed:
That the ordinance now in force in
reference to the slope of sidewalks be
Also that Francis street is improved ac-
cording to the established grade.
The following reports of W. 11. Knowl-
ton were referred to the street committee:
The estimated cost for improving Cedar
street from 14th to 15th streets.
Also the report and estimate of the grade
and cost for improving Lincoln avenue
from Reed street north to the river.
Also_plat of alley east of Hill street be-
tween West 'Third and nest Fifth.
Also profile and cost for improving Staf-
ford avenue from Garfield to northern ter-
The. following reports were adopted.
The profile for the opening of 26th
street across the C. & G. W. R'y, and that
notice had been served on the company's
Also that right cf way had been secured
from .lessrs. Keppler & Schu ze through
lots 14 and 15 of Littleton & Saws et's ad-
ditun for a 40 foot street front Seminary
street t t the aitey, and Tat the street be
named Keppler 5 reef.
Also in regard to Ute change of grade on
Sanford avenue troth Queen street to Elm
The following were referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
The plan and estimate for storm water
sewer for Jones from Locust to the 1. C.
R. R.
Also estimate for cost of extending the
present culvert in Ltnculn Ave. to Eagle
Point Ave. Alsit profile of Alpine street
from We t 3rd St. to Dodge.
Also profile show! g p °posed change of
gra to on 13 ad St. from Julien Ave. to
Dodge St. Also West 3rd from Alpine to
Grandview Av. Also College Ave. from
West 5:h St. to O'Neil St.
Ats k plat showing proposed street
across the property of M ssrs. Kumpf,
Dickey, Weigle and Forester.
The lollowrttg were received and tiled:
Plat of alley west of Center !'lace Also
communication in relation to proposed
change of gr de of Union Ave. Also plat
for the prop•tsed extension of White St.
from Santo'd to 23rd St,
The City Atto tie Knight presented an
ordinance r galating the erection and
maintenance of poles fo electrical pur-
poses in the streets and alleys, referred to
the ordinance committee.
Also presented an ordinance prohibiting
the construction or use and maintenance
o[ privy vaults or cess pools in certain lo-
calities. Referred to the ordinance com-
Also an ordinance declaring the emission
of dense smoke from chimneys and smoke
stacks of buildings to be a nutsance, and
fixing a penalty for the violation thereof.
Referred to the ordinance committee, and
on motion of Ald. Olinger Ald. Powers
was excused from acting on committee and
Ald. Ryder was appointed to serve on the
The matter of Fred. Mussehl claiming
damages on account of change of grade on
Windsor avenue, reported that if said
Fred Mussehl made improvements on his
property before the grade was changed,
that he was entitled to damages, if any
was done his property. Referred to engi-
neer to; report what change was trade.
City Engineer Knowlton reported he
had made an examination of that part of
Julien avenue embracel by resolution
passed June 22, and found the street in
very fair condition. Report received and
Ald. Crawford offered the following
resolution which was adopted:
Resolved, That so much of the resolu-
tion adopted on the 22nd day of June, 1893.
as provides for the curbing, guttering and
macadamizing of Julien Ave. from west
side of !'Nilson avenue to the east side of
Alta Vista street, be and is hereby re-
The City Attorney Knight reported that
the city had a right to lay sidewalk as they
saw fit in front of lot 1 of 1 Quigley's sub
owned by Anna M. Bush. Report adopted.
Adjourned Regular Sention, August 8th, 1893. 119
The following bilis were allowed:
Brown and Brown, partial estimate for
improving Sem tuary street, $2,000.
Brown and Brown, estimate- tor gra ling
Seminary street, $539.00.
Ald. Olinger, of the finance committee,
reported in favor of having a warrant
drawn in favor of Henry B. Gniffke, city
treasurer, for 773.49 tor money advanced
during ,July, 1893; also in savor of having
loan warrants drawn in favor of the sev-
eral parties for money borrowed during
July. 1893, Adopted.
Ald. Olinger, chairman of the special
committee on hill, of %Noodlewn Park com-
pany for grading in 11`oodlawn Park addi-
tion, reported as follows:
Your committee, after a careful exami-
nation of the records find that the city en-
tered into an agreement with said compa-
ny to grade nut to exceed 50,000 cubi°
yards of grading. From estimates of the
city engineer said company has completed
said amount of grading, and your commit-
tee would recommend that they be paid
$1,510.79, being balance due under said
agreement. Beret t att coed is report of
the city attorny on same matter.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Glab, Lil-
lie, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Noes—Aid. Craword.
City Engineer Knowlton and Street Su-
perintendent Carter reported on petition of
Thos. Bassett in relation to sidewalk on
Bluff street extension, that said waiks be
moved at Mr. Hassett's expense, as he is
the only one benefited by the change.
Also reported that they do not deem it
advisable to remove filling from Seventh
aye. as asked for by James Tobin and Nic.
Kintzinger. Adopted.
Also reported that Mr. Patch had been
ordered to r lay his sidewalk on Villa
street. Adopted.
AId. Crawford offered the following
which was dopted:
Resolved, That the award of the jury
summoned to appraise any damages which
might be sustained by the owners of prop-
erty proposed to be taken for an alley
eight feet in width from the north end of
Catherine street to West Locust street be
confirmed and the several amounts
awarded be set apart in the city treasury
to be paid to the parties entitled to the
sante on their executing the proper relin-
quishments of the right of way, and that
said alley le declared a public highway.
Ald. Powers offered the following which
was adopted.
Resolved, That the Mayor's salary as
now fixed be paid quarterly and warrants
drawn to that effect.
AId. 011inger ogered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the City
of Dubuque, 'That the city recorder be
and is hereby instructed to is, ue a venire
to the City Marshal commanding him to
summon a jury of twelve freeholders,
citizens of said city, qualified to assess the
damages that may be caused by the
widening, opening and extension of the
following streets and alleys, according to
plats prepared by the city engineer:
White street bet. Sanford and 23rd
streets, and Couler Ave. and Jackson
street, 26th St. bet. Elm. and Pine streets,
Alley east of Hill St. between West 5th
and West 3rd streets, Alley west of Cen-
ter Place bet. Julien Ave. and Rose street.
Ald. Olinger offered the following
which was adopted:
Resolved, That a warrant for $200.00 be
drawn In favor of the Eagle Point Ferry
Co. for the months of June and July, 1893,
as per agreement of the city.
City Engineer Knowlton reported as fol-
lows on bids for street improvements:
Alley between 22nd and 23rd and Wash-
ington and Elm streets.
Steuck & O'Farrell, 8738,00.
E. E. Frith, $946.50.
Geo. W. Farley, $779.50.
Ald: Glab tn)ved that Steuck & O'Far-
rell be awarded the contract, they being
the lowest bidders. Carried.
Alley between 22nd and 23rd and Jack-
son and Washington streets.
Steuck & O'Farrell, 8895.
E. E. Fr th, 81,214.50.
Geo. W. Farley, $1,117.00
Ald. Nicks moved that the contract be
awarded to Steuck & O'Farrell, they being
the lowest bidders. Carried.
Prince street from Eagte Point ave. to
Sanford street:
Geo. W. Fade/. $2,043.
Geo. Eengler, $2,050.
E. E. Frith, $2,241.
Steuck & O'Farreil, $1,810.
Ald. Crawford moved that contract be
awarded to Struck & O'Farrel, they being
the lowest bidder,. Carried.
'1'wenty-second street, between Jackson
and Elm streets:
Steuck & O'Farrell, $1,330.50.
Geo. W. Far ey, $1,344.10.
E. E. Frith, $1,320.20.
AId. Nicks moved that contract be
awarded to E. E. Frith, be being the low-
est bidder. Carried.
Alley between Prince and Queen and
Sanford & Regents streets:
Steuck & O'Farrell. $275.60.
Geo. W. Farley, $376.
P. Doerr, $281.40.
1_. Lang, $302.36.
E. E. Frith, $414.
Ald. Olinger moved that contract be
awarded to Steuck & O'Farrell, they be-
ing the lowest bidders. Carried.
Regent street between Queen and Prince
streets. •
Geo. Taylor, $880,
Steuck & O'Farrell, $742.
A. Lang, $798.
Geo. W. Farley, $856.
E. E. Frith, 8858.
Ald. Nicks moved that the contract be
awarded to Steuck & O'Farrell, they being
the lowest bidders. Carried.
Alley east of Wilson avenue.
Williams and McCann, $702.
Geo. Taylor, $703 40.
Lavin & Corrance, $605.60.
AId. Crawford moved that the contract
be awarded to W. S. Corrance, in the name
of Lavin & Corrance, Mr. Laving agree-
ing to transfer his interests in said con-
tract to W. S. Corrance. Carried.
Sewer on West 5th and Summit streets:
E. C. Blake .$544 00
M. Lavin 507 00
D. W. Linehan 498 00
McCollinson & Mct:arman 451 00
W. S. Corrance... 579 00
John Fitzpatrick 62100
1.1. stuff 854 00
Jas. & Geo. Bird 483 50
Ald. Olinger moved that contract be
awarded to DlcCollinson & McCarman,
they being the lowest bidders. Carried.
Sewer on Couler avenue between 18th
street and Eagle Point avenue:
John Fitzpatrick .$1,205 10
W. S. Corrance
M. Lavin
D. W. Linehan
U. Ruff
L225 10
. 959 79
969 79
1,065 37
120 Adjourned Regular Session, August 10th, 1893.
Ald. Ryder moved that contract be
awarded to M. Lavin, he bung the lowest
bidder. Carried.
Sewer on Ellis street between Dorcau's
alley and Almond street: $504 CO
W. S. Corrance379 60
Jas. llird 423 00
E. C. Blake
U. Ruff 40600400
D. W. Linehan 497 00
John Fitzpatrick 497 00
M. Lavin
AId. Olinger moved that contract be
awarded to Jatnes Hird, he being the low-
est bidder. Carried.
Excavating CGuIer Creek:
E. A. & O. D. Parrish, excavating olic
per cubic yard; rip rap, p
E. E. Frith, excavating, 50a per cubic
yard; rip rap, $1.50 per cubic yard.
On motion the contract was awarded to
E. A. & O. D. Parrish.
Ald. Ryder moved that M. Lavin be
onpatd Em8 ettbalance due on and St. Mary's sstreets. Carewer -
ried. ried.
AId. Ryder moved to adjourn to'l'hurs-
day, Aug. 101h, at 7:80 p. m. Carried.
pproved: 33''
Adjourned Regular Session, Aug.
loth. 1893.
City council met at 7:55 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present, Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
The following bills w ere ordered paid:
Steuck & O'Farrell, improving 24th
street, 81,146.90.
J. McKennon, work on sewers, $40.35.
P. F. Guthrie, sidewalk contract, $44.51.
P. F. Guthrie, sidewalk contract, $434.46.
Dr. J. F. McCarthy, services at calaboose,
-Keneally & O'Mara, macadam on Valley
street, 8143.20.
The petition of John Cogs, et al., asking
for five electric lights on East Grandview
avenue, referred to committee on police
and light.
'The petition of W. G. Sweeney for a re-
duction of valuation on real estate, re-
ferred to the delinquent tax committee.
The petition of harry Chalder for reduc-
tion of taxes, referred to the delinquent tax
Ald. Nicks moved the rules be suspended
and Mr. Sheppley be allowed to address
the council. Carried.
Mr. Sheppley then addressed the council
in relation to laying sidewalk on Iowa, be-
tween 14th and 15th streets. Referred to
the engineer with power.
Mr. G. Barnes was allowed to address
the council in relation to sidewalk of Mrs.
Wootton. The matter was referred to the
engineer with power.
'the petition cf C. Reifsteck et al, asking
rermissinn to improve alley between
llumbo,dt and Stafford avenues. (.ranted.
The statement of account of 13. E. Line-
han for $152.54 was referred to the sewer
cunt to it tee.
AId. Crawford presented estimate of
Thos. J. Carkeett for blinds fur the second
floor of engine hous-. Referred to com-
mittee on public grounds and buildings.
The award of jury appointed to assess
damages for the widening of Weigle
alley was referred to thd committee of the
AId. Olinger preented a statement of
road expenses up to date which showed a
saving of abnut $5,000 over last year. Re-
ceived arid tiled. On motion of AId. Powers
the coure pursued by the streetcomtnittee
was approved.
Ald. Olinger tnoved that all warrants
allowed to contractors should there not be
funds in the treasury to pay same, the
treasurer is instructed to endo se the same
bearing 7 per cent. interest per annum un-
til paid. Carried.
AId. Glab, chairman of the committee
on claims, reported as follows:
In favor of paying the hill of the Stand-
ard Lumb?r company of $225.59.
In favor of paying Minnie Van Haider,
Mary Messerknecht and John Messer-
knecht 60 cents each.
In favor 01 instructing the auditor to de-
duct$35 from bill of Remus & Co. for mac-
adam when balance on same is paid, said
$35 to be delivered to Isaac Proctor.
In favor of receiving and filing petition
of Katy Giessler on account of alleged
damages done her property by flood, June
10 h, 1893.
Adverse to the petition of Mary Blake,
askiuu the city to redeem frena tax sale a
piece of property that was sold to pay for
laying : plank sidewalk. Report adopted.
Ald. O.iuger, chairman of the fire and
water committee, reported as follows:
in favor of paying the bill of the Du-
buque Water Co. of $1,321.66 for 267 fire
hydrants during June, 1893.
In favor of paying bill of the Dubuque
Water Co. of $30 for water in the city hall
and engine houi•es.
In favor of authorizing the fire chief to
attend the Twenty-first Annual Conven-
tion of the National Association of Fire
Chiefs, to be held in nlilwaukee, Vis„ the
same to be at the expense of the city. lte-
Ald. Lillig, chairman of the delinquent
tax committee, reported as follows;
In favor of cancelling the assessment of
Ezra Lukenbeil and John W. Wood on
personalty for 1892.
In favor of cancelling taxes of Ellen
Conlin for 1892.
In favor of redu ing the assessment of
Nic and Frank Glab on lots 69, 70 and 71
in Finley's add. to $600 for 1892.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
Ellen O'Halloran on lots 13, 14, 15, 172 and
173 in Finley's add. to $1,500 for 1892.
In favor of allowing Mary McMahon
and Mary Ann O'Hearn an extension of
oue year's time at 7 per cent. per annum to
pay special tax for improvement of Dodge
street abutting their property.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the executive
committee of the board of health, reported
as follows:
In favor of paying bill of E. E. Frith of
$312 for removing garbage.
Adjourned Regular Session, August 10th, 1893. 121
Receive and tile bill of Che•'ey 'Taylor
of $6.00 for r.rnoving dead Clogs from
Receive and file bill of A. Turner' for
clean int; vault.
In favor of granting the remonstrance of
V. J . Kcoesen against making sewerage
In favor of granting the remonstrance of
Wm. G. Stewart against making sewerage
In favor of instructing the engineer to
prepare plans and specifications for a
storm water sewer on Sanford street
from Cooler avenue to Couler creek, so as
to provide for the proper drainage north
of Sanford street. Report adopted.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the police and
light committee reported as follows:
111 favor of placing an electric light on
the corner of Wilde and McLenan streets,
as the same will displace five gasoline
1 n savor of receiving and filing the ap-
plication of Marthy McCraney for position
of police matron.
la favor of paying bill of Globe, Light &
Heat Co. of $500.00 for light during June
In favor of paying $1,074.39 on bill of
Star Electric Co. for light during June
In favor of paying bill of Dubuque
Light & Traction L'j. of $187.50 for light
during June 1893.
In favor of paying bill of Key City Gas
Co. of $78.30 for gas.
In favor of paying bill of Central Union
Telephone Co. of $30.00 for telephone
In favor of paying bill of Western
Electric company of $22 for electric sup-
In favor of paying bill of F. Mertz of
$1.50 for harness oil.
In favor of paying bill of Lear & Pfiffnor
of $4.50 for horseshoeing.
In favor of paying bill of Reinfried &
Jaeger of $36.50 for lanterns and pau-
1n favor of paying bill of Baumgartner
& Meth of $3.70 for supplies.
In favor of paying bill of H. E. Wise of
$2 for 1ablr. Report adopted.
Ald. Powers, chairman of the printing
committee, reported as follows:
In favor of paying $29.15 on bill of 'Times
Co. for June, 1893.
In favor of paying the bill of the TELE-
GRAPH of $75 for printing due June,
In favor of paying bill of Herald of
$29.15 for printing during June, 1893.
In favor of paying bill of the Ledger for
printing due June, 1893.
Also reported as follows on claim of the
Ledger for advertising: Would recom-
mend that the warrant for $58.30 for ad-
vertising for April and May, 1893, now in
the hands of the auditor, be paid to Louis
Erin, Jr.; also find that bill for April, 1892,
has been paid, and report adverse to pay-
ing bills for January and February. Re-
port adopted.
Ald. Ryder, of the sewer committee, re-
ported in favor of paying bill of George
Fengler of $18.00 for stone for sewer.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of D. W. Rand et al., in relation to
storm water sewer on West Locust street,
as said sewer has been repaired and put in
good shape. Report adopted.
Ald. Olinger, chairman of the street com-
mittee, reported as follows:
In favor of referring the within proposi-
tion of John Knoernchild in relation to
widening Whi'e, between Sanford and
22nd streets, to the jury that will be sum -
mo -ed to condemn the property for the
widening of said street.
In favor of receiving and filing within
remonstrance against improving alley be-
tween Queen street and Windsor avenue.
In favor of instructing the Street super-
intendent to raise the crossing in alley on
Nineteenth street between Washington and
Elm streets.
In favor of granting the petition for a
six-foot sidewalk on Alma street.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion tor a bridge on fink street.
In favor of receiving and tiling petition
of Ed McLain in relation to widt`i of Dodge
street. t
10 favor of receiving and filing petition
for retaining wall on Oak street.
111 favor of receiving ami filing estimates
of city engineer for grading Angella and
Cathetiue streets.
In favor of receiving and filing the pro-
test against change of graue on Dodge
s reet, as comrnis;ioners have been ap-
pointed to assess the damages, if any, on
said street.
Adverse to the petition of Emma L.
Allen, remonstrating against the levying
of special tax for improvement of Sem-
inary street, as the city has not made such
levy as yet.
Also report that Seminary street has
been repaired as asked for by Ed. Muntz.
Also report that we have instructed the
street superintendent to repair Chesnut
street west of Walnut street.
Also report in favor of receiving and fil-
ing the report of the street superintendent
for June 1893.
Also report in favor of paying the fol-
lowing bills:
Brown & Brown $39 75, James Street -t-
$31.72, Isaac Proctor $12.05.
Also report that sidewalk can be laid on
West 3d street, if same is laid over gutter
for a distance of 450 feet West of St. Mary's
Also report that we have accepted the
following streets and alleys:
West Fourteenth street.
Alta avenue.
Dubuque avenue.
Decorah avenue.
Deleware avenue.
Auburn avenue.
Oak street.
Windsor avenue.
Twenty-fourth street.
Alley between Seventh end Eighth and
Clay and White streets.
Seminary street from west end of pres-
ent improvement to Gold street, and from
West Locust street to the east line of min.
lot 190.
Adverse to accepting plat of Jecklin's
In favor of approving of the profile of
grades of alleys between Jackson and Elm
and 22nd and 23d streets, as shown by the
red line.
In favor of establishing a street between
Clark and Angella street, providing the
same is done without expense to the city.
Adverse to the acceptance of Harris' sub -
div ision.
In favor of approving of the plat of
Peil's subdivision.
In favor of approving of plat of Liebe's
subdivision, No. 2. Report adoptee.
Aid. Powers offered the following, which
was referred to the street committee.
Resolved, That Ilth street at and around
Grove Terrace and extending to Weigle
122 Adjourned Regular Session, August 10th, 1893.
alley be repaired and improved and ob-
structions removed, and that the street and
alley near and arounn what is known as
Highland l'iace be also repaired and nn -
proved by the street foreman, under the di-
rection and supervision ot the city en-
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council the of City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick stone or
cement, be, within twenty days of this
notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks
on both .ides of Valerie street, between
West Eagle Point ave. and hart st. where
not already laid, at the expense of abutting
Adoptrd by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glah, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved, 13y the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet
wide, of good two-inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within
20 days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on both sides ot
Windsor avenue, between Ktingeuberg
street and city limits north, where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abuttiug
Adopted by the fot:owing vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Byrne, Craw-
ford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
and Ryder.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of West Eagle Point ave-
nue, between west line of lot 3 of 135 and
west line of lot 145a in L. 11. Lang -
worthy's add, where not ready laid, at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Ald. Nicks offered the following resolu-
tion which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Alley, between
Schiller and Iiumbotctt and Rhomberg and
Lincoln aves, be (traded and macadamized,
in conformity with theordinauce upon that
subject. 'Chat the city engineer be and he
is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ments, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work; the
grading and macadamizing to be
done at the expense of the owners of the
abutting property.
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque'. That Catharine street
and Augella street, between Pierce street
and west line of Gilliam's add. be graded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized in con-
formity with the ordinance upou that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
gtve the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the perfortnance of the work; the
guttering, curbing and macadamizing to
be done at the expense of the owners
of the abutting property, said streets to
be curbed with what is known as flat
cuibing; the contract to De completed by
November 1st, 1894; the contractor to have
all rock excavated. Referred to the com-
mitt e of the whole.
AId. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of tubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide,
of good 2 inch plank, laid crosswise,
be, within 15 days ot this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewaiks, on the
west side of Walnut street, between Chest-
nut street and 14th street where not already
la'd, at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the foilowiug vote:
Ayes—Adds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, I'owers and
Aid. Crawford offered the following
reso,ution wile' was referred to the com-
mittee ot i ne whole.
Resolved, '1 hat the award of the jury
summoned to assess damages, if any, re -
stilling to the owners of property proposed
to be taken for the proposed widening of
Weigle al ey, rendered January 31, 1892,
be accepted and confirmed so lar as relates
to sub lot 4 of out lot 687, and the sum
awarded to the owner ot said lot by the
jury be set apart in the treasury and pard
to the owner of said lot 4 on his executing
the proper relinquishment of the right of
way and that said alley as widened be de-
clared a public highway, it being under-
stood that .dr. W. 11. Rutnpt has agreed
to give the right of way for he remaiu►ng
portion of said alley without charge.
Ald. Lillig offered the tollowing resolu-
tion wntcu was adopted:
Resolved, That the tax for the year 1892
on the n of lot 13, L. 11. Langworthy's
add., be cancelled as same belongs to the
A d. Lillig offered the folh.wing:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of 26ih street, between
Jackson street and Pine street, where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Ald. Lillig offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Fifth avenue between
Rhomberg avenue and north line of John-
son's sub,. be graded guttered, curbed and
macadamized in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. That
the city engiueer be and he is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ments. and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property. Grading to be bid
in total. Referred to the committee of the
Aid./ Lillig offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the nuisance existing in
the Couler Creek near 27th and Jackson
streets be referred to the executive com-
Adjourned Regular Session August 10th, 1893. 123
committee of Ilia board of health to ex-
amine and abi,te same if n, cessary.
Ald. Lillig offered the following:
Hesohed by he City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That auey between !thorn -
berg and Garfield and Humboldt and
Stafford avenues, be graded, and
macadamized, in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and he is hereby directed
to make the necessary plans and specifi-
cations for said improvement, and the city
recorder directed to give the proper notice
for bids and proposals for the performance
of the work; the graving and macadamiz-
ing to be done at the expense of the own-
ers of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
GIab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted:
Resolved, 'That the city engineer be and
is hereby instructed to prepare a profile
of grade of alley oetweeu lthoinberg and
Garffeid and Humboldt and Stafford aven-
ues and submit same to the c,ruucil.
Alderman Ityder offered the following
resolut on, which was referred to the com-
mittee on fire and water:
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque
Water Co. be instructed to extend their
water roams on Nevada street between W.
5th and W. 3rd stree s and that a water
plug be located under the direction of the
lire committee and fire chief, the city guar-
anteeing to said company a sufficient sum
of money to pay interest at the rate of 7
per cent. per annuin an ttie cost of pipe
required to be laiu.
Ald. Ityder offered the following reso-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Jones street, betweeu
Main and Locust streets, ue curbed and
payed with brick in conformity with
the ordinance upon that subject. That
the city engineer be and he is hereby di-
rected to wake the necessary plans and
specticatious for cats improvement, and
the city recorder directed to give the
proper notice for bids and proposals for
the performance of the work; the curbing
and paving to be done at the expense of
the owner• of the abutting property. Re-
ferred to the street committee.
Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu-
tion which was referred to the street com-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That West Main street, be-
tween Main and Jones streets, be curbed
and paved with brick, in conformity with
the ordinance ugon that subject. That the
city engineer be and he is hereby dirgcted
to make the necessary plans and specifica-
tions for said improvement, and the city
recorder directed to give the proper notice
for bids and proposals for the performance
of the work; the curbing and paving to be
done at the expense of the owners of the
abutting property.
Alco. Ityder offered the following resolu-
tion which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That the name of Pine street
in Kelly's sub, between Hill street and
West Eighth street be changed to Cale-
donia avenue.
Ald. Olinger offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the city engineer be in-
structed to prepare a profile from actual
survey showing a proposed change of
grade on Wtst Fourteenth, between Alta
Vista aid Deihl streets; also the estab-
lished grade, ant submit same to the coun-
Ald. Glab offered the following resolu-
Whereas, The properly, lots, and parts
of lits hereinafter described are, at times,
subject to be covered with stagnant water;
Whereas, '1'he owners of said property
have been notified as requited by law, to
appear and how cause why said lots
should not be Tilled, therefore,
Be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the following de-
scribed propel ti , lots and parts of lots, viz;
22, 23 and 24, block 15, Dubuque lineb. Imp -
merit Co's add, be filled and raised at the
rxpense of the owners, to a height suffi-
cient, in the judgment of the city engineer,
to prevent stagnant water reinaining there-
on ['he work is to be completed by Sep-
tember 1+1, 1893,
The city marshal shall notify the owners
of saw property of the passage of this res-
olution in the manner provided by law, In
case of the neglect or refusal of the owners
to till up or raise said property, lots, and
parts of lots, by the time and in the man-
ner above specified, the same will be done
by the city and the costs thereof assessed
against and be a lien upon said property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Giab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, towers, and
Ald. Lillig offered the following reso-
Whereas, The property, lots, and parts
o' lots hereinafter described are, at times,
subject to be covered with stagnant water;
\Whereas, The owners of said property
'have been notified as required by law to
appear and show cause why said lots
should not be filled, therefore,
Be it resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque, that the following de-
scribed property, lots and pars of lots, viz:
E. 40 feet of iot 1 of sub 4 in L. Kniest sub
be filled and raised at the expense of the
owners, to a height sufficient, in the judg-
ment of the city engineer, to prevent stag-
nant water retraining thereon. 'rhe work
is.to completed by Sept. 1, 1893.
The city marshal shall notify the owners
of said property of the passage of this re-
solution in the manner provided by law.
In case of the neglect or refusal of the
owners to fill up or raise said property,
lots. and parts of lots, by the time and in
the manner above specified, the same will
be done by the city and costs thereof
assessed against and be a lien upon said
Adopted by the following vote•.
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Byrne, Craw -
ord, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers
Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu
Whereas, The property, lots, and parts
of lots hereinafter described are, at times,
subject to be covered with stagnant water;
Whereas, The owners of said property
have been notified as required by law to
appear and show cause why said lots
should not be filled, therefore be it
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the following described
property, lots, and parts of 101s, viz:
Eighteen and nineteen, in E. Lang -
worthy's add., be filled and raised at the
expense of the owners, to a height suf-
1;241 Adjourned Regular Session, August -10th, 1893.
ficient, w the judgment of the city en-
gineer, to prevent stagnant water retrain-
ing thereon. The work is to be completed
by Sept. I, 1893.
'rhe city marshal shall notify the
owners of said property of the passage of
this resolution in the manner provided by
law. In case of the neglect or refusal of
the owners to fill up or raise said
property, Iota and parts of lots, by the
time and in the manner above specified,
the sante will be done by the city and the
costs there 1 assessed against and bo a
Bea upon said property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers
and Ryder.
Ald. Lillig presented the following no-
tice in relation to filling lots, which was
To Fred. Kurht, Anton Rokush and D.
A. Fuller:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that it is the inten bin of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolu-
tion at its next regular session, ordering to
be filled and raised lots which are at times
subject to be covered witu stagnant water,
which lots are num beret and descriued as
fellows: 29, 30 and 31 in E. Langworthy's
a Id. You are notified to appear, if you de-
sire, at the next regular meeting 01 the
council and show cause, if any you have
why said resolution should nut be passel,
as it is proposed that said filling shall be
at your expense.
The next session of tha council will
cammence on Sept. 4th, 1893.
Aid. Lillig presented the jollowing no-
tice in relation to filling lots, which was
1'o Thos. Zinn and John Morgan:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that it is the intention of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque to pa,s a resolution
a. its next regular session, ordering to be
tilled and raised lots which are at times
subject to be covered with stagnant water,
which lots are numbered and described as
follows: north 25 feet lot 45, south 15 feet
43 and lot 46 in i.,. II, Langworthy's ad -
addition. You are notified to appear
if you desire, at the next regular
meeting of the council and show cause, if
any you have, why said resolution should
not be passed, as it is proposed that said
filling shall be at your expense. The next
session of the council will commence ou
Sept. 4, 1893.
Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu-
Whereas, The properly, lots and parts
01 lots hereinafter described are, at times,
subject to be covered with stagnant water;
Whereas, Tne owners of said property
have been notified as required by law, to
appear and show cause why said lots
should not be tilled, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City trouncil of the
City of Dubuque: That the following de-
scribed property, lots, and parts of lots,
viz: 6 of 7 of min. lot 79 be filled and raised
at;the expense of the owners, to height,
sufficient in the judgment of the city engi-
neer, to preveut stagnant water remaining
thereon. The work is to be completed by
September 1, 1893.
The city marshal shall notify the owners
of said property of the passage of this
resolution in the manner provided by law.
In case of the neglect or refusal of the
owners to fill up or raise said property,
lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in
the manner above specified, the same will
be done by the city and costs thereof as-
sessed against and be a lien upon said
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lilltg, Nicks, Olinger, l'owers, and
Ald. Olinger offered the following reso-
Whereas, The property, lots and parts of
lots hereinafter described are, at times,
subject to be covered with stagnant water;
Whereas, the owners of said property
have been wattled as required by law, to
appear and show cause why said lots
should not be tilled, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the Ciy of Dubuque, that the following
described property, lots, and parts of lots,
viz: 227, 228 and 370 in Davis Farm add„
be filled and raised at the expense of the
owners, to a height sufficient, in the judg-
ment of the city engineer, to prevent stvg-
uant water from remaining thereon. The
work is to be completed by Sept. 1, 1893.
The city marshal shall notify the own-
ers of said property of the passage of this
resolution in the manner provided by law.
In case of the neglect or refusal of the
owners to till up or raise said property,
lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in
the manner above specihed, the same will
be done by the city and the costs thereof
assessed against and be a lien upon said
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lilllg, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 4
foot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of
Burden avenue from Windsor avenue to
north city litnits by 1'. F. Guthrie, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate
as follows:
Linwood Cemetery association, lot 4 of
sub of lots 11, 12 and 13, of n e ) ate 13, tp
89, 2e:
98.5 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17 7-8c,
Linwood Cemetery association, lot 3 of
sub of lot 11. 12 and 13, of n e M sub 13:
588 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17 7-8c,
Linwood Cemetery association. lot 1 of
1 sub of lot 11, 12 and 13, of n e ( sub 13,
89, 2e:
180 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17 7-8c,
H. Dement and E. O. Duncan, 1ot74,
Burden & Lawther add:
50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17 7.8e,
H. Dement and E. O. Duncan, lot 75,
Burden & Lawtlter add:
50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17 7-8c,
H. Dement and E. O. Duncan, lot 76,
Burden & Lawther add:
50. lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c.
Geo. Eichhorn, lot 77, Burden & Law-
ther add:
49.7 lineal feet plauk sidewalk at 17M.,
Geo. Eichhorn, lot 78, Burden & Law-
ther odd:
Adjourned Regular &&ion, August 10th, 1893. 125
58.7 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c.,
II. Dement and E. O. Duncan, lot 83,
Burden & Lawther add:
58.7 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c.,
11. Dement and E. 0. Duncan, lot 85,
Burden & Lawther add:
50. lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c.,
11. Dement and E. O. Duncan, n lot
86, Burden & Lawther's add:
25 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 1714c.
$4 46.
Fred Ackerman, lot 88, Burden & Law-
ther's add:
59.6 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c,
Geo Eichhorn, lot 92, Burden & Law-
ther's add:
105 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c,
Chas T. Rieger, lot 16, O'Neill's River-
view add:
108.6 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c,
F. Swenesen, lot 39, O'Neill's Riverview
108.4 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c,
B. J. O'Neill, lot 83 O'Neill's Riverview
add. 118.4 lineal feet plank sidewalk at
17 7-8c, $21.16.
B. J. O'Neill, lot 60 O'Neill's Riverview
add. 113 lineal feet plank sidewalk at
17 7-8c, $20.19.
B. J. O'Neill, lot 8 c O'Neill's River-
view add. 118.2 lineal feet plank sidewalk
at 17 7-8c, $21.13.
B. J. O'Neill, lot 61 O'Neill's Riverview
ado. 110 lineal feet plank sidewalk at
17 7-8c, $19.66.
Mrs. M. Muntz, lot 38 O'Neill's River-
view add. 110 lineal feet plank sidewalk at
17 7-8c, $19.66.
Martha Gantenbein, lot 17, O'Neill's
Riverview add:
108.7 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c,
Geo. Eichhorn, lot 116. Burden-Law-
ther's add:
109 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c,
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Alderman Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: l'liat to pay for improving
alley from Johnson avenue to lVmdsor
avenue between Lincoln avenue and
Providence street by E.E. Frith, contactor,
in front of and adjoining same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Mary Neumeister lot 67 Cook's add:
34.78 sq yds grading at 10c $ , 3 48
65.80 sq yds macadamizing at 55c.... 36 19
Total $ 39 67
Mary Neutneister, s12 4-10 lot 58, Cook's
8.38 sq yds grading at 10c $ 84
13.53 sq yds macadamizing at 55c7 44
Total $ 8 28
Wm. Neumeister, n 40 feet lot 58, Cook's
26.40 sq yds grading at 10c$ 2 65
43.55 sq yds macadamizing at 55c... 23 95
Total $ 26 69
.1. F. Krueger, lot 59 Cook's add:
34.78 sq yds grading at 100 3 48
57.09sq yds macadamizing at 55e31 40
Total $ 34 88
Mary P918, lot 60, Cook's add:
34.78 sq yds grading at 10c $ 3 48
57.09 sq yds macadamizing at 55c31 40
Total ...$ 34 88
Mrs. Peter Loetscher, lot 61 Cook's add.
34.78 sq yds grading at 10c $ 3 48
57.09 sq yds macadamizing at 55c31 40
$ 34 88
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to Saturday, August 5th, 1893, at
4 o'clock p. m., for improving the follow-
ing streets and alleys according to plans
and specifications now on file in my office:
Twenty -Second street from Jackson to
E m streets grading, cut 70 cu. yds., fill
620 cu. yds., curbing 1,000 lin. ft., gutter-
ing 450 sq. yds„ macadamizing 1,230 sq.
Regent street from Queen to Prince
street curbing 480 lin. ft., guttering 220 sq.
yds., macadamizing 1,200 sq. yds.
Alley between 22nd and 23rd and Jack-
son and Washington streets grading 700
cu. yds., inacadatnizitig 1,890 sq. yds.
Alley between 22nd and 23rd and Wash-
ington and Elm streets grading, fill 450
cu. yds., macadatnizing 1,390 sq. yds.
Bidders must state the price per lineal
foot for curbing, the price. per square yard
for guttering and macadamizing. Grad-
ing on streets to be bid in total, and in al-
leys by the cubic yard.
Bidders, must furnish a good and suf-
ficent bond of $200 that contract will been-
tered into if awarded.
Proposals will be acted upon at the
regular session of the council to commence
August 7th, 1893.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished by
the recorder.
The city reserves the right to reject all
bids. T. J. COONEY,
7-22-121 City Recorder.
To property owners of summoning of
jury, July 17, 1893.
To Ellen '1'. Callaghan, you will take
notice that on Friday the 4th of Aug. 1893,
at nine o'clock a. m.. at the office of the
city marshal at the city hall of Dubuque,
Iowa, a jury will be summoned, drawn
and empanelled to assess the damage, it
any, occasioned by the opening and estab-
lishment of a street through and over cer-
tain real estate owned by you; said street
known as Catherine and West Locust sts
when and where as aforesaid you can
exercise such rights in the premises as are
given by ordinance. S.t3.n ICE, .
7-18-tu Aug. 3.
126 (ficial Notices.
Notice to sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
city engineer's office, city of Dubuque,
Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday,
Aug. 6th, 1893. for constructing sidewalks
as follows, where not already laid, viz:
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on both
sides of 11111 street between W. 3rd and
Dodge street.
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on both
sides of Jackson street between 22d street
and 27th street.
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on south
side of W. 3rd street between St. Mary's
street and Cardiff street.
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on east
side of First avenue between Khomberg
avenue and Adams street.
A 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on north
sicteof West Locust street between Ellis
street and tlodgden avenue.
A 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on south
side of West Locust street in front of lot
15, Quigley's sub.
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on north
side of West Locust street between Ilodg-
den avenue and Flynn's property at the
foot of hill.
A 12 -foot wide plank sidewalk on south
side of Arlington street, between Grove
Terrace and Highland Place.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk of brick, stone
or cement on east side of Iowa street abut-
ting s of city lot 216.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk of brick, stone
or cement on north side of 6th street abut-
ting east 25 feet of city lot 752; also proper
curb in accordance with grade.
An 8 -foot sidewalk of brick, stone or ce-
ment, on east side of Iowa street, between
14th and 16th streets.
A l0 -foot wide plank sidewalk on south
side of Westt 4th street, between Bluff and
Prairie streets.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk of brick, stone
or cement, on south side of 4th street be-
tween Locust street and alley east.
An 8 -loot plank sidewalk on west side
of Pranie street between 14th street and
Arlington street.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk of brick, stone
or cement, on the west side of Locust
street between 7th and 8th streets.
An 8 -foot wide sidewalk of brick, stone
or cement on the east side of Bluff street
betweet 13th street and 14th street.
All in accordance with specifications on
file in said office. A bond of $100 will be
required with each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON,
7-24-10t City Engineer.
Adjourned Regular Session, August 10th, 189 3. 127
Special Assessment Continued
from Page 125.
Chas. Liesheimer, s3 lot 62 Cook's. add;
17.39 sq yds grading at 10c $ 1 74
28.54sq yds macadamizing at 55c.... 15 70
Total $ 17 44
Henry Stecher est., n4 lot 62 Cook's
17.39 sq yds grading at 10c $ 1 74
28.54 sq yds macadamizing at 55c15 70
Tatal $ 17 44
Mathias Mueller, lot 63 Cook's add:
34.78 sq yds grading at 10c $ 3 48
65.80 sq yds macadamizing at 55c36 19
Total $ 39 67
Peter Aepli, lot 78, Cook's add:
34.78 sq yds grading at 10c $ 3 48
65.80 sq yds macadamizing at 55c36 19
Total $ 39 67
Peter Aepli, lot 79. Cook's add:
34.78 sq yds grading at 10c 3 48
57.09sq yds macadamizing at 55c31 40
$ 34 88
John Leicht, lot 80, Cook's add:
34.78 sq yds grading at 10c 3 48
57.09 sq yds macadamizing at 55031 40
Total $ 34 88
Fred. Budden, lot 81, Cock's add:
34.78 sq yds grading at IOc 3 48
57.09 sq yas macadamizing at 55c31 40
Total $ 34 88
Jac. Bruck, lot 84, Cook's add:
104.34 sq yds guttering at 10c 10 43
179.98 sq yds macadamizing at 55c98 99
Total $109 42
Adopted by the tollowiug vote:
Ayes -Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillis, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
AId. Ryder moved that the rules be sus-
pended and Mr. Harkett be allowed to ad-
dress the council in relation to Hill street
sewer. Carried.
Mr. Harkett addressed the council on the
Aid. Olinger moved to refer to the
sewer committee and Mr. Harkett et al.
submit their proposition in writing to the
council. Carried.
Aug. 28, 1893eat 7:30 p. m. Car moved to rourn until
44e# r.
Description. Lot. Aiu't
Linwood Cemetery Association
sub 11, 12 and 13 of ne ar sec
13, 89, 2e
Linwood Cemetery Association
sub 11, 12 and 13 of ne qr sec.
13, 89, 2e
Linwood Cemetery Association
sub 1, sub 11, 12 and 17 of ne
qr sec 13, 89 2e 1 32 18
11 Dement and E 0 Duncan,
Burden & Lawther's add74 8 94
11 Dement and E 0 Duncan,
Burden & Lawtner's add76 8 94
11 Detnent and E 0 Duncan,
Burden & Lawther's add76 8 94
Geo Eichhorn, Burden & Law-
ther's add
Geo Eichhorn, Burden & Law-
ther's add
H Dement and E 0 Duncan,
Burden & Lawther's add83 10 49
11 Dement and E 0 Duncan,
Burden & Lawther's add85 8 93
11 Dement and E 0 Duncan,
Burden & Lawther's add. ii 86 4 46
Fred Ackerman, Burden &
Lawther's add 88 10 71
Geo Eichhorn, Burden & Law- 92 18 76ther's add
Chas F itieger, O'Neill's River -
6 19 41
view add
F Sweudsen, O'Neill's River -
9 19 38
view add
B J O'Neill, O'Neill's River-
i ver- 60 20 19
view acid
B J O'Neill' O'Neill's River-
view add 83
B J O'Neill, O'Neill's River- 82 21 13
view add
13 J O'Neill, O'Neill's River -
1 20 19
view and
Mrs M Muntz, O'Neill's iaver- 38 19 66
view add
Martha uanteubein, O'Neill's 17 19 48
Riverview add
Geo Eichhorn, O'Neill's River -
118 19 48
view add
And that in case of failure to pay the
same within thirty days from this date, the
same shall become delinquent and bear in-
terest thereafter at the same rate as the
delinquent annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this 16th day of
August, A. D. 1893.
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
4 $ 17 61
3 105 11
Public notice is hereby given that at the
session of the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, held on the -8th day of August,
1893, nts
were leveed olnothe real wing pestate ecial ahereinafter
For constructing a sidewalk on both
sides of Burden avenue from Windsor
avenue to city limits.
To Whom it May Concern.
Notice is hereby given to all parties in-
terested that they must take notice of the
on the street and avenues of thng the e citof y.
No person or persons shall ride or drive
on bicycles or other similar conveyance on
or over any sidewalks or through any of
parks in the city.
All persons riding or driving on bicycles
shalt always keep to the right of the road-
way, and fast riding and racing is prohib-
While traveling in the night each bicycle
shall be provided with a light or lantern in
the front of the same, and also with a bell,
which shall be rung on the approach of
any other vehicle, and also when approach-
ing street crossings.
Any person or persons convicted of vio-
lating the above ordinance shall be fined in
a ntwenty-five dollars five for each orrs
of not less than ch
The see that t
provisions of this ors nanceoare strictly en
forced. 5. 13. RICE, Marshal. 8-8-20t
128 Special Session, August 17tH., 1893.
Special Session Aug. 17th, 1893.
Council met at 8:35 p. in.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Gish,
Liilig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
The mayor stated tnat the object of the
meeting was to make a final settlement
with Peterson & Co. for construction of
wall on Alma street.
AId. Ryder moved that a warrant be
drawn in favor of Peterson & Co. for b {l-
ance due, as computed by the city en-
ngeer. Carried.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn. Car-
Att p Yl
. , 64(2/;eletilie. Recorder.
I I _.
To whom it ma concern:
Notice is hereby given that the under-
signed commissioners, duly appointed by
the city council of the city of Dubuq ue,
will meet in the city marshal's office on the
7th day of August, 1893 at 9 o'clock in the
forenoon for the purpose of viewing the
premises, grade and proposed change of
grade on Dodge, between South Dodge
and Grandview ave. as shown by the pro-
file now on hie in the office of the city re-
corder, and making assessment of dam-
ages, if any sustained, by reason of said
proposed change of grade.
Dated this llth day of July 1893.
7-12-tf T. J. COONEY, City Recorder
.. Mayor.
epeeist Assessment Notice.
'1'o the owner or owners of the several
lots and parcels of ground abutting Wind-
sor avenue, from end of present improve-
ment to north city limits; Oak street from
Quince street to Belle street; 24th street
from Jackson street to Pine street; semi-
nary street from west boundary of Cox's
add. to W.Locust street; also s 34 of Semi-
nary street between east line of lot 72,
Cox's add, to west line of said add.; W .
14th street from Delhi street to Atlantic
avenue; Alta Avenue from Dubuque to
Delaware avenue; Auburn avenue from
W. 14th street to Dexter avenue;
Dubuque avenue from Auburn ave-
nue to Alta avenue; Decorah avenue
from Auburn avenue to Alta avenue; Del-
aware avenue from Auburn avenue to
Alta avenue; alley from Seventh street to
Eighth street between Clay street and
White street, all in the city of Dubuque,
Iowa, and of any street railway company
occupying with its tracks a portion of said
street, and to any person or persons or
company having any interest in said real
estate or said street railway.
You are hereby notified that there is on
fle in the office of the city recorder of Du-
buque a plat of said above named streets,
in said city showing the several lots or
parcels of grounds abutting on said streets
and the tracks of said street railway laid
thereon, subject to special assessment for
paving, guttering, curbing and macadam-
izing o f said streets, and the naives as far
as practicable of the owners of
said abutting real estate and of
said street railway, and the
amount assessed against each lot or parcel
of ground and against said railway, for the
inspection of any person, firm or cotnpany
interested in any kind in said real estate
or in said street railway and that such firm
or company having objections to the spe-
cial tax proposed to be assessed, as shown
by said plat, inay file with the city re-
corder his or their objections in writing, at
or before the next meeting of the city
council of the city of Dubuque, wbicfi will
meet on the 28th day of August.
8-13-1Ot City Engineer.
To Unknown.
The following resolution, ordering stag-
nant water lots to be filled, was adopted
by the city council Aug. 9, 1393:
Whereas, The property, lots, and parts
of lots hereinafter described are, at times,
subject to be covered with stagnant water;
Whereas, The owners of said property
have been notified as required by law to
apuear and show cause why said lots
should not be filled; therefore be it
Resolved by ttie City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the following described
property, lots, and parts of lots, viz: 22, 23
and 24, in block 15, in Dubuque llarbor
Improvement company's add., be filled
and raised at the expense of the owners,
to a height sufficient, in the judgment of
the city engineer, to prevent stagnant
water remaining thereon. The work is to
be completed by Sept. 4th. 1893.
The city marshal shall notify the owners
of said property of the passage of this. res-
olution in the Manner provided by law.
In case of the neglect or refusal of the
owners to fill up or raise said property,
lots, and parts of Tots, by the time and in
the manner above specified, the same will
De done by the city and the costs thereof
assessed against and be a lien upon said
property. '1'. J. COONEY,
8-17-2w. City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To R. N. D. Langworthy:
You are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with a resolution of the city council
of the city of Dubuque for the improve-
ment of 24th street, from Jackson street to
Pine street, adopted on the 9th day of
August, A. D. 1893, a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil, upon all lots and parcels of land
abutting on said improvement, lot
162, 185 and 186, 294, 271, 270. 247, 246 and
243 in Glendale add. owned by you being
subject to such special assessment. And
you are notified ti appear at said meeting
of the council, to be held on the 28th day
of August, A. D. 1893 and show cause, if
any you have, why said assessment should
not be levied. T. J. COONEY,
8-19-1Ot. City Recorder.
Adjourned Regular Session, August 28th, 1893. 129
Adjourned Regular Session, Aug.
28th, 1893.
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Alda. But er, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder, and
Ald. Olinger moved that bids received as
advertised for be epened and referred to
the engineer for computation. harried.
The petition of Cornelius Callahan ob-
jecting to the assessment for the Improve-
ment of Oak street. Referred to street
commit ee.
Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus-
pended and that parties that desired to, be
allowed to addiess the council in regard to
the special assessment for the improvement
of Oak street. Carried.
Mr. Degnan and others addressed the
council in relation to same.
The petition of A. Waiter asking for the
privilage to erect iron steps on Ninth
street, side of store. Referred to commit-
teee of the whole with power.
The petition of J. A. Rtiomberg in rela-
tion to the contract for grading Blake
street, Woods add. Referred to the street
The petition o[ 1'. F. Guthrie in regard
to the difference for grading on West 14th
street from Delhi street to Atlantic ave-
nue. Referred to the street committee.
The petition of Nicolas Menet objecting
to the improvement made on W rods' r
avenue was referred to the street com-
mittee and engineer.
'The petitition of the Woodland Park
company relating to sidewalks and aprons
replaced as found in Woodland Part. ad-
dition. Referred to street committee and
The petition of Margaret Kuntzman et
al asking to call in and cancel the bids
for the work of improving of alley be-
tween Schiller and Humboldt streets and
Lincoln and lthomberg avenues. Re-
ferred to street committee and engineer.
The petition of N. W. Kimball et al, di-
rectors of Linwood Cemetery association,
asking the rescinding of order for laying
of sidewalk on the east side of Windsor
avenue. Referred to the committee of the
whole and order be suspended in the mean
The petition of the Novelty Iron works.
in relation to taxes. Referred to delin-
quent tax committee.
The petition of William Ryan asking
that the resolution ordering side walk on
east side of Bluff between Thirteenth and
Fourteenth be enforced. granted.
The petition and affidavit of Neil Mc -
Poland, William Sheridan and Geo. Will-
man claiming money due them from P. F.
Guthrie and F. C. Chesterman for work
donestaintheir claims from
ing thee city y io re
amount due Guthrie and Cbesterman on
their contract. Referred to committee on
Jas. E. Knight reported in favor of pay-
ing judgment and one-half the cost in-
curred in Richard Eddy case against the
city fur wages. Adopted.
Also presented communication in regard
Vto strip of land owned by F. A. Kumpf
which he is willing to donate to the city to
complete Weigel alley. Adopted.
The following ordinance was presented:
An ordinance amending chapter3lof the
revised ordinance of the city of Dubuque
relating to the improvement of streets,
alleys, public landing, and for the con-
struction and repair of sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That section 6 of chapter 31 of
the revised ordinance of the city of Du-
buque relating to the improvement of
streets, alleys and public landings, and
for the construction and repair of side-
walks be and is nereby amended adding
to said seetion the following lines: "Ex-
cept that hereafter all artificial stone or
cement sidewalks that may be laid shall
incline to the top of the curbing at the rate
of one-fourth inch to the foot.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and atter its passage
and publication by the city council of Du-
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alta Butler, Byrne, Crawford
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus-
pended and the ordinance read for the
second time and placed on its final pass-
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
GIab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
The ordinance was read the second time
and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Gish, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
The petition of the Dubuqus Light and
Traction Co. asking for the privilege to
put to curves on 8th street and also switch
on 5th between Main and Locust.
Ald. Ryder moved that rules be sus-
pended and Mr. Griffith and others be al-
lowed to address the council ih regard to
the same. Carried.
Mr. Griffith addressed the council in re-
gard to the petition presented by the Du-
buque Light and Traction Co.
Ald. Ryder moved that prayer of peti-
tioners be granted. Carried.
Ald. Lillig shoved that rules be sus-
pended and the abutters on alley between
Johnson and Windsor and Lincoln and
Providence be allowed to address thecoun-
cil. Carried.
Joe Bruck et al addressed the council in
relation to same.
Ala. 1:3 der moved that no further action
be taken until contract be fulfilled. Car-
Ald. Powers moved that the matter of
assessment on said alley be postponed un-
til the committee act on same. Carried.
Ald. Ryder moved that rules be sus-
pended and Mr. Spaulding et al be allowed
to address the council in relation to the
sewer on Roberts avenue.
Mr. Spaulding et al addressed the coun-
cil in regard to the same.
Mr. W. J. Knight and Col Lyon address-
ed the council in relation to automatic gates
ordered by the council to be placed at rail-
road crossings in the city.
Ald. Crawford moved that the matter be
referred to the committee of the whole and
action ordering same be suspended, until
the committee report. Carried.
Ald. Lillig moved that the rules be sus
pended and Mr. Pfotzer et al. be allowed
to address the council in relation to side-
walk on east side of Queen, objecting to
same as laid. Mr. Pfotzer addressed the
council in regard to same.
Ald. Olinger moved that the objections
130 Adjourned Regular Session, August 28th, 1893.
to same be referred to committee of the
whole. Carried.
Aid. Crawford of the comtnittee on re-
naming streets reported:
Your special committee on the names of
streets respectfully report that it has given
the subject attention, and submits the fol-
lowing recommendations:
As the suitableness of a name is a mat-
ter of taste, and tastes ditier, we are not
overconfident that our selections will be
approved, but we herewith present thein
for the cousideration of the conned.
We find that there are two Aspen streets.
We recommend that the name of the one
in Wiltse's Dubuque be changed to Linden
There is an Atlantic avenue and an
Atlantic street. We recommend that
Atlantic street in Clifton addition be
changed to Pacific street. This will be ap-
propriate as we think no one lives on it.
There is a Bell and also a Belle street
with same proeueciation. We recommend
that Belle street in Union addition be
changed to Burns street, after the great
Scotch poet.
There is a Burch street and a Birch
street, both pronounced alike. We recom-
mend that the name of Birch street in
Witters' addition be changed to Brook
There is a 13roaa street and a Brad street
which are often confounded together. We
recommend that the name Brad street, be
hereafter called Booth street, after the first
mayor of Dubuque.
There is a Burden avenue and a Burden
street. The later, which is to Linhettn ad -
is practically a part of the ehtension of
Grandview avenue, east of the Military
road, and should be called by the same
name as the rest of that avenue and we so
'rhere are two Cedar streets. We rec-
ommend that the one in the Dubuque Har-
bor lmprovetneut Co's. add. be changed
to Cypress street
We find that there are two Center streets,
one Center avenue and a Center Place.
We recommend that Center avenue in
Simpson's addition be changed to Coates
avenue; that the name of that portion of
Center street in Finley & Burton's addi-
tion, from Delhi to Park street be changed
to Asbury street, and, as there are two
Park streets, that Park street in Finley &
Burton's addition be changed to Asbury
street. Also that the portion of said Cen-
ter street which runs due north irom its
intersection with the proposed Asbury
street to the north line of Finley & Bur-
ton's addition, and ou which is situated
St. Ambrose church, be called St. Ambrose
street. We further recommend that the
narne of Center Place be changed to Bel-
mont Place.
That the names of the following streets
having each the same name as other streets
be changed as follows:
Cherry street, in Union addition, to
Holly street.
Clark street, in Linhetm addition, to
Herron Place.
Clark street, in Booth's addition, to
.River street.
Eagle street, in Clifton addition, to Fal-
con street.)
East street, in Mount Pleasant addition,
to North Glen Oak avenue.
Forrest street, in Union addition, to
Shandon street.
Franklin street, in Stein's sub, to Edison
Franklin street, in Rebman's sub, to
Fulton street.
Ilarrison street, in ltebmau's sub, to
Monroe street.
James street, in 11araor Co's. addition,
to Buff street.
John street, in Simpson's addition, to
Simpson street.
Julian street, in McDaniel's Park 11111,
to Primrose street.
Lawtber street, in i.inheim addition, to
Laurel street.
Lenton street, in Taylor & Cooley's sub,
to Viola street.
Park street, in Finley & Burton's addi-
tion, to Asbury street.
South street, in Finley, Waples & Burt-
on's addition, to West street.
State street, in McDaniel's Park 11111, to
National street.
%Vail street, in Hebman's sub, to Wal-
lace street.
1Valnut street, in Finley & Burton's add,
to Karrick street.
°Warren street, in South Park Hill, to
Putnam street.
Washington street, in Finley, Wapies,
& Burton's add, to O'Hagan street.
Willow street, in East Dubuque add, to
Marsh street.
The foregoing covers all cases in which
different streets have the same" names.
Tbere are other changes in names of
highways, which we think might be made
with propriety. For examp:e, we find the
name of Grant avenue given to a street (or
lane) forty feet wide and one block long.
We think so great a name applied to so in-
significant a street is inappropriate, and
recommend that it be changed to Emerson
Place, after a very old citizen of Dubuque
who buiit the first house and lived on the
ground over wblcn the street is located for
many years.
We also find the name of Logan avenue
given to a proposed highway, one hun-
dred and fifty feet long having but one
outlet. and impassible by reason of a sink
hole or gully used as a dumping ground
for that part of the city. We recommend
the name be changed to Pickwick street.
We recommend that the new street pro-
posed to be opened running south from
West Eleventh street to Wilbur avenue
next east of and parallel with Olive street,
be known as Forester 'Terrace.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
City engineer reported as follows on
bids for street and alley improvements:
Brad street from Julien avenue to West
Third street—
John Tibey $2.996.00
Steuck & O'Farrell 2,872.60
George Taylor 3,122.50
Williams & McCann 8,299.90
Dodson & Schoenthal 2,297.9'
M. Lavin 2,007.60
Ald. Glab moved that Dodson ac
Schoental be i+warded the contract, they
being the lowest bidder. Carried.
Alley from Humboldt to Stafford
avenues between Khomberg to Garfield
avenues: 601 7b
Geo. W. Farley $
Steuck & O'Farrell 408 46
Phil Doerr 270 00
Ald. Olinger moved that Phil Doerr be
awarded the contract, he being the lowest
bidder. Carried.
Ald. Li11ig moved that bids for the im-
provement of alley between Schiller and
Humboldt and tthomberg and Lincoln
Adiortenerl lieyrrl(1'r Session, August 29th, 1893. 131
avenues be referred to the committee of
whole. Carried.
Aid. Olinger moved to adjourn to Aug.
29th at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
29•r n 1893.
Connell met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Dougherty in the chair.
('resent: Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
(Flab, Lillie, Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee
of the whole, reported 111 lavor of granting
the petition -of C. A. Walter for permission
to replace wooden steps on Ninth street
with iron ones. Adopted.
Ald. Olinger moved that the treasurer he
instructed to notify parties own ill trproper-
ty on which special taxa: for street improve-
ments have been levied, that the sane will
bear interest at. 6 per cent. per annum,
unless paid tin mediately utter levied.
Aid. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved, uy the City Council of the
Cith of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving Windsor Ave. frau end of p'esent
improvement to end of city limits by Con.
I•)an, .1r.. '•ontraCtor, in front of and
adjoining the saute, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several Tots, and parts
of lots, and pa reels of real estate nerein-
after named, situated and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
I1. S afford, lot 17, Stafford's add
21 1 linea ft turbine at 45e $ 9 50
17 33 square yards guttering at 45c7 80
55.27 sit yds macadamizing at 53c29 29
Total $46 59
Chas. titulfot(1, lots 111 St•ifford add.
117 5 lineal It curbing at 45e $ 30 36
37.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 17 00
116 39 .sq. yds. macadainizi tg at 53 c 61 69
Total ....$109 07
Chas. Stafford. lot 15 Stafford's add.
51).0 lineal leet curling; at 45e $ 22 50
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 45c 10 00
(19.44 sq. ) ds. macadamizing at 53e36 80
Total $69 30
Chas. Stafford, lot 14 luiffurd a id.
50 0 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 22 50
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 45r 10 00
119.44 sq. yds. macadamizing at 53c36 80
Total S 69 30
Lucy L'uol, lot 13 Stafford's add.
5(1.0 lineal feet corning at 45e $ '22 50
22 •q. yds. guttering at 45c • 10 00
69.44 sq. yds. macadamizing at 53,!36 80
Total. $69 30
W in. 1)uesing, tat 12 Stafforu's add.
74.4 t
33. 7lsrl. tyds.ltgutt riltg at 45e 14 88
103.33 sq. yus. macadamizing at 53e51 76
v p)'1 12
Nlc Mlettel, lot 25 \lettel's sub:
25.55 lineal feat curoing at 45c $114 08
120.80 sq yds guttering at 45c 54 36
3711.12 sq yds macadamizing at 53c199 34
'Total 8367 78
John 1Velsh, lot. 5, sub of lot 1 of 5 of
sub of lots 11, 12 and 13 of the n e 1{ of
sec 13.1', 89nr'2e:
57.4 lineal feet curbing at 45c .S 28 83
33.33 sq yds guttering at 45e 15 00
102.50 sq yds macadamizing at 53c. 54 33
Total $ 98 16
John Welsh, lot 4 stab lot 1 01 5 of sub of
lots 11, 12 and 13 of the u e 1 of sec 13, t
89 n r 2 e:
45.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c 21) 25
20.0 sq yds guttering at 45e 9 00
62.50 sq yds macada ming at 53c33 13
Total $ 62 38
John Walsh, lot 3 sub of:lot l of 5 of sub
of jots 11, 12 and 13 of the u e 4 of sec 13, t
45.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 20 25
20.Osq yds guttering at 45c 9 00
62 50 sq yds macadamizing at 53c... 38 13
'Total $ 62 38
BarbaraZuienbnehler, lot 1, sub of lot 1
ot 5 of sub of Inns 11. 12 and 15 of then e
of see 13, t 89, n r 2 e:
49.5 linea, feet curbing at 45c $ 22 28
22 67 sq) ds guttering at 45 i 10 20
85 73 sq yds macadamizing at 53c45 44
Total $ 77 92
Barbara Zugenbueliler, Int 2, sub ot lot 1
of 5 sub of lots 11, 12 and 12 of the n e!: of
see 13, t 89, it r 2 e:
47.5 lineal feet curbing at 45c 8 21 38
:1.11 sq yds guttering at 45c9 50
65.97 sq yds macadamizing at 53c34 96
Total $ 65 89
Linwood cernetery Assn., lot x of the
sub. of lots 11, 12 and 13 of the neo of see.
13, T. 89 n, R. 2 e:
12 90 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 5 81
7.11 sq yds guttering at 45c 3 20
82.45 sq yds macadamizing at 53e43 70
Total $52 71
Linwood Cemetery Assn., lot 4 of the
sub. of lots 11, 12 and 13 of the ne% of see.
13. T. 88 n, 11. 2 e:
1172.80 lineal leet curbing at 45c....$527 76
531) 22 sq yds guttering at 45e '238 Bu
1724.44 stl yds macadamizing at 53e913 95
Total I680 31
Linwood t emetery Assn., lot 2 of the
sun. of lots 11, 12 and 13 of the ue'4 of see.
13, T. 89 it, R. 2 e:
222.00 luteal feet of curbing at 45c.$ 99 90
332.03 sq yds macadamizing at 53e., . 100.45 sq yds guttering at 45c 1
45 20
1 07
Total ....832
Christena Wasser, lot 1 of 6 Brecht's
32.60 lineal feet eurbine at 45e $ 14 67
20.89 sq yds guttering at 45c 9 40
63.62 sq yds macadamizing at 53e33 72
Total $57711
I hristeua Wasser, lot 2 of 5 Brecht's
40.00 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 18 00
1778 sq yds guttering at 45r 8 00
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 53c29 44
'Total $ 55 44
Geo. Bneger, lot 4. Brecht's sub: 2'? 5115q Ilii tlna•,l f..et violent! a' 15 •
132 Adjourned Regular Session, August 29th, 1893.
22.22 sq yds guttering at45c 10 00
69 44 sq yds macadamizing at 53c36 80
Total $ 69 30
Ludwig Kupperschmidt, lot 3 Brecht's
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50
22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 53c36 80
Total $ 6- 9 30
.lac Kraus, lot Brecht's sub:
60 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 60
22.22 sq yds:guttering at 45c10 00
69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 53336 80
Total $ 69 30
Christ Braum, lot 1 Brecht's sub:
59.0 Lineal feet curbing at 45c 9 26 55
27.78 sq yds guttering at 45c ;12 50
99.31 sq yds macadamizing at 53e52 63
Total $ 91 68
John Kawafeck, lot 1, sub o[ 8 and 9 of
lot 4 Gieger's sub:
9.3 Lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 4 19
5.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 2 60
29.17 sq yds macadamizing at 53c15 46
Total $ 22 25
Dubuque Light and Traction Co., right
of way:
2,400.22 sq yds macadamizing 53c..$1272 12
Total 51272 12
Linwoad Cemetery Ass'n, lot 10 N. E.
X Sec. 13 T. 89 N. H. 2 E.:
533 lineal feet curbing at 45c $239 85
236 sq yds guttering reset at 45e106 20
739.45 sq yds macadamizing at 53c391 93
Total $'737 98
Linwood Cemetery Ass'n., lot 7 n e X
sec 13, '1' 89 N 1t2E:
712.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c$320 49
316.53 sq yds guttering at 45c ;142 44
989.17 sq yds macadamizing at 53c....524 26
Total $987 19
Linwood Cemetery Ass'n., lot 14, n e X,
sec 13, '1' 89.NR2N.::
388.2 lineal leet curbing at 45c $174 69
172.53 sq yds guttering at 45c 77 64
539.17 sq yds macadamizing at 53r285 76
Total $538 09
Fred. Mussehl, lot 4, n e %, sec 13, 1' 89,
213.2 lineal ft curbing at 45e $ 95 94
43.40 sq yds guttering at 45c 43 40
327.33 sq yds macadamizing at 53c173 48
Total .8312 82
L. and G. A. Heyne, lot 1, Burden &
Lawther's add:
60.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
91.11 sq yds macadamizing at 53c48 28
Total $ 87 28
L. and G. 1-1. Heyne, lot 2, Burden &
Lawther's add:
50 0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50
22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 53c36 80
Total $ 69 30
L. and G. H. lieyue, lot 3, Burden &
Lawther's add:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ : 2 50
22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 53c36 80
Total $ 69 30
Geo. Burden est, lot 4, Burden & Law-
ther add:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50
22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 53c36 80
Total $ 69 30
Geo. Burden est, lot 5, Burden & Law-
ther's add:
69.1 lineal ft curbing at 45c 31 09
32.49 sq yds guttering at 45c 14 62
120.67 sq yds macadamizing at 53c63 95
Total $139 66
Geo. Burden est, lot 6, Burden & Law-
ther's add:
69.3 lineal ft curbing at 45e $ 31 18
32.58sq yds guttering at 45c 14 inti
120.67 80 yds macadamizing at 53c63 915
Total $109 811
\Vm. Lawther and J. V . hider, lot 7,
Burden & Lawther's add:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50
22.20 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 53c36 80
Total $ - 69 30
1Vm. Lawther and .;. V. Hider, lot 8,
Burden & Lawther's add:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 53c36 80
Total $ - 69 30
Wm. Lawther and J. V. Ritter, lot 10,
Burton & Lawther's add:
69.3 lineal feet turning at 45e $ 31 18
32.58 sq yds guttering at 45e 14 66
120.67 sq yds macadamizing at 53c63 96
Total $109 80
\Vw. Lawther and V. J. Ritter, not 9,
Burden and Lat‘.ther's add:
50.0 lineal ft curbing at 45c $ 22 50
22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
69.44 sq yds macadamizing at 43c36 80
Total + 69 30
Wm. Lawther and .1. V. !tater, lot 11,
Burden and Lawther's ado:
63.6 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 28 6'_'
30.04 sq yds guttering at 45c 13 52
110.94sq yds macadamizing at 53e58 80
Total $ 100 94
Wm. Lawther and J. V. 1 uler, 1ot 1`2,
Burden and Lawther's ails:
40.0 lineal feet curbing at 41e g 18 00
17.78 sq yds guttering at 45 8 00
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 53c29 44
Total 5.55 44
Win. Lawtaer and J. V. Hader, tut 13,
Burden and Lawther's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 18 00
17.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 8 0l1
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 53e29 44
'['oral $ 55 44
VVm. Lawther and J. V. ltider, lot 14,
Burden and Lawther's add:
40.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 18 00
17.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 8 00
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 53e29 44
Total $ 55 44
Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, lot 15,
Burden and Law tiler's a•ld:
40.0 lineal feet curbing at. 45c $ 18 00
17.78 sq yds guttering at 45e 8 00
55.55 sq yds inacadatniziug at 53c29 41
Total $ 55 41
Win. La wilier and .1. V. Hider, lot 16,
Burden and Lawther's add:
59.08 lineal feet eurbiug at 45c 26 91
28.35 sq yds guttering at 45e 12 76
Adjourned Regular Session, August 29th,, 1893. 133
106.78 sq yds macadamizing at 53c.. 56 59
Total $ 96 26
Win. Lawther and J. V. Ritter, lot 17
Burden and LawthZir's add:
514.5 lineall feet curbing at 45c $ 26 77
28.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 70
106.78 sq yds macadamizing at 53c56 59
Total.... ..$ 96 06
Win. Lawtherand J. V. hider, lot 18,
Burden and Lawther's add;
40.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 18 00
17.78 sq yds guttering at 45c 8 00
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 53e29 44
Total $ 55 44
Win. Lawther and .1. V. hider, lot 19,
Burden and Lawther's add:
40.00 lineal leet curbing at 45c $ 18 00
17.78 sq yds guttering at 45e 8 00
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 53c29 44
Total $ 55 44
Wm. Lawther and .1. V. Rider, lot 146,
Burden and Lawther's add:
12.5 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 5 62
5.55 sq yds guttering at 45c 2 50
17.36sq yds macadamizing at 53e9 20
Total $ 17 32
J. J. Sheridan, lot 12, Shertdau's add;
43.8 lineal feet curbing at 451• $ 19 71
19.47 sq yds guttering at 45e 8 76
60 83 sq yds macadamizing at 53c32 24
Total $ 60 71
J..J. Sheridan, lot, 11, Sheridan's add:
68.7 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 30 91
30.35 sq yds guttering at 45c 13 67
95 42 sq yds macadamizing at 511c50 57
'total .8 95 15
J. J. Sheridan, lot 10 Sliendau's add:
69.0 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 31 05
30.61 sq yds guttering at 45c 13 80
95.83 sq yds macadamizing at 53c50 80
Total $ 95 65
J. J. Sheridan, lot 9. Sheridan's add:
44.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 19 80
19.55 sq yds guttering at 45e 8 80
61.11 so yds macadamizing at 53e32 39
Total $ 60 99
J. J. Sheridan, Int 8, Sheridan's ado:
44.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 19 80
19.55 sq yds guttering at 45e 8 80
01.11 sq yds macadamizing at 53c32 39
Total $ 60 99
J. .1. She:iclan. lot 7, Sheridan's nod:
44.0 lineal feet curbing at 45e 8 19 80
19.55 sq yds guttering at 45c 8 80
01.11 sq yds macadamizing at 53c$ 32 39
Total $ 60 99
.1. J. Sheridan, lot 6, Sheridan's add:
69 lineal teet curbing at 45e $ 31 05
30.67 sq yds guttering at45c 13 80
95.83 sq yds macadamizing at 53e50 80
Total $ 95 65
J. .1. Sheridan, lot 5, Sheridan's add:
70.8 lineal leet curbing at 45c $ 31 86
31.47 sq yds guttering at 45e 14 16
98.38 sq yds macadamizing at 53e52 14
Total $ 98 16
J. J. Sheridan, lot 4, Sheridan's add:
4580 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 20 61
20.35 sq yds gruttering at 45c 9 16
63.61 sq yds macadamizing at 53e... 33 71
Total $ 63 48
J. J. Sheridan, lot 3, Sheridan's add:
45.8 lineal ft curbing at 45c $ 20 61
20.35 sq yds guttering at 45c 9 16
63.60sq yds macadamizing at 53c33 71
Total S 63 48
J. J. Sheridan, lot 2, Sheridan's add:
45.8 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 20 61
20.35 sq yds guttering at 45c 9 16
63.61 sq yds macadamizing at53e33 7L
Total ...$ 63 48
.1. J. Sheridan, lot 1, Sheridan's add:
67.7 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 30 46
31.87 sq yds guttering at 45c 14 34
127.6 sq yds macadamizing at 53c67 34
'l'otal ' $112.14
Adopted by the following vote: •
Ayes-Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ry-
der and Vogel.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for improving
Auburn avenue from West 14th street
to Dexter avenue. by Edward Ryan, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
reveral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate
as follows:
M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 200, Woodlawn Park
100.4 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 45 18
44.62 sq yds guttering at 45e 20 08
122.71 sq yds macadamizing at 48c58 90
Total $124 16
AI. 'Tschirgi, Sr., 1ot199, Woudlawn Park
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 59
22.31'sq yds guttering at 45c10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 41c29 45
Total $ 62 08
M. Tschirg , Sr., lot 198, Woodlawn Park
52 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48c29 45
Total $ 62 08
M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 197, Woodlawn Park
69.7 lineal ft curbing at 45c $ 31 36
32.75 sq yds guttering at 45c 14 74
109.31 sq yds macadamizing at 48e52 47
Total $ 98 67
C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 157, Woodlawn
Park add:
61.7 lineal ft curbing at 45c $ 28 21
29.64 sq yds guttering at 45c 13 34
102.2 sq yds macadamizing at 48e48 97
Total $ 90 52
C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 156, Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal ft curbing at 45e $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 04
61.35 sq yds maca.lamiztng at 48c29 45
Total IS 62 08
C. A. V oelker et al, lot 155 Woodlawu
Park add.:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48c29 45
Total $ 62 08
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 164 Woodlawn
Park add:
100.4 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 45 10
44.62 sq yds guttering at 45c 20 08
134 Adjourned Regular Session, August 29th, 1893.
122.71 sq yds macadamizing at 48c... 58 90
Total $124 16
John Kopp and Chas. I'itschner, lot 196
\Voudlawn l'ac'k add:
61.9 lineal feet curbing at 45c $330 55
31.95 so yds guttering at 45c 14 38
109.31 sq yds macadamizing at 48c52 47
Total .$ 97 40
John Kopp oud Chas. Pitchner, lot 195
Woodlawn Park add:
50.2 lineal It curbing at 45c. $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48c29 45
Total 62 08
.John Kopp and Chas. Pitschner, lot 194
Woodlawn Park add:
50.2 lineal ft curbing at 45e $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48c29 45
Total $ 62 08
.John Kopp and Chas. Pitschner, lot 193
Woodlawn add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48c 29 45
Total $ 62 08
John Kepp & Chas. Pitschner, lot 192
VVo.dland add.
67.9 lineal ft curbing at 45c $ 30 55
31.95 sq. yds. guttering at 45e 14 38
109.31 sq. yds. macadamizing at 48e52 47
Total $ 97 40
C. A. Voelker et al lot 162 %Voudlawn
I'ark add.
70.9 lineal feet curbing at 45c$ 31 90
33.30 sq. yds. guttering at 45c 14 98
109.31 sq. yds. macadamizing at 48c. 52 47
Total $ 99 35
C. A. Voelker et al lot 161 Woodlawn
Park add.
50.2 lineal ft curbing at 45e $ 22 59
22.31 sq. yds. guttering at 45c 10 04
61 35 sq. yds. macadatnizing at 48e29 45
$ 62 08
C. A. Voelker et al lot 160 \Voudlawn
Park add.
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45e
22.31 sq. yds. guttering at 45'.
61.35 sq. yds. macadamizing at
(J. A. Voelker et al lot 159
Park add.
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 22 50
22.31 sq. yds. guttering at 45c 10 04
61.35 sq. yds. macadamizing at 48c29 45
$ 22 59
10 04
48c29 45
°( 62 08
Total $ 62 08
Peter Eulberg lot 158 Woodlawn \'ark
61.5 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 67
29.11 sq. yds. guttering at 45e . 13 10
102.02 sq. yds. macadamizing at 48e. 48 97
Total $ 8774
r C. A. Voelker, et. al., lot 191, \Woodlawn
Park add.
68.4 lineal fert'curbiag at 45c $30 78
82.18 sq yds guttering at 45e 14 48
109.31 sq yds macadamizing at 48c52 47
Total $97 ' 3
C. A. Veelker, et al., lot 190, VVoodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45v 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48e.... 29 45
Total $tit 08
lows Building and Loan ass'n, lot 189,
Wood's wit l'ar'k add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45e $22 59
22,31 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48c29 45
Total $62 08
C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 188, Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $29 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48e24 45
Total ...$62 08
C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 187, \Voodlawn
Park add:
68.4 lineal feet curbing at 45c $30 78
32.18 sq yds guttering at 45c 14 48
109.31 sq yds macadamizing at 48e52 47
Total .. $97 73
C. A. Voelker, et al., tot 16", Woodlawn
Park add:
69.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $31 05
32.44 so yds guttering at 45c 14 60
109.31 sq yds inacadiunizing at 48c52 47
Total $98 12
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 166, Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 04
61.35 q yds macadamizing at 48c29 45
Total $ 62 08
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 165 Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet cur`Jing at 45c $ 22 59
22 31 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48 •29 45
'L'otal S 62 08
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 164, \Voudlawn
Park add'
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 04
61.35 sq yds macad.tiniziug at 48e29 45
Total $ 2 118
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 163, \Voodia t it
Park add:
69.0 lineal feet curbing at 45e ' 31 05
32 44 s sq yds guttering at 45c 14 06
109.31 sig yds macadamizing at 48e52 47
Total S 98 12
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 186, Woodlawn
Park add:
418.3 l -near feet curbing at 45e 30 73
32.13 sq yds guttering at 45e 14 46
109.31 sq yds macadamizing at 48e52 47
Total $ :17 66
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 185, \Vuudlawa
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45c '3 22 59
2_,31 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 04
61.35 sq yds inaeadaniizing at 48c29 45
Total $ 62 03
C. A. %neuter et al., lot 184, \Vootllawit
Park add:
50.2 luteal feet curbing at 45e $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48e.... 29 45
Total $ 62 08
C. A. Voelker et at., lot 183, \Voidlitwll
P.trk add:
50 2 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 24 09
22.:31 sq yds gutternn' at 450 10 25
Adjourned Regular Session-, August 29th, 1893. 135
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at48c.... 29 45 61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 50c... 30 68
Total $ 62 08
C. A. Voelker et al., lot 182, Wooalawu
Pal k add:
68.3 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 30 73
32.13 sq yds guttering at 45c 14 46
74.86 sq yds Macadamizing at 48c35 90
Total $ 81 09
C. A. Voelker et al., lot 172 Woodlawu
Park add:
67.4 linear feet curbing at 45c $ 30 33
31.73 sq yds guttering at 4ec 14 28
74.80 sq yds macadamizing at 48:35 90
Total $ 80 51
C. A. Vuelker et al, lot 171 Woodlawu
Park add;
50.2 'neat feet curbing at 45c $ 22 59
2231 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48c29 45
Total .8 62 08
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 170 Woodland
Park add:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 59
22.31 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 04
61.35 sq yds macadauriztug at 48c20 45
Total $ 62 08
C. A Voelker et:al, lot 169, Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 45.; $ 22 59
22 31 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 01
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 48e29 45
'rotai $ 62 08
F. Luedescher, lot 168, 1Voudlawn Park
67.4 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 30 37
31.89 sq yds guttering at45c 14 35
109.31 sq yds macadamizing at48c52 47
Total $97 19
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillis-', Nicks, Olinger, Powers
Hyder and Vogel.
kid. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for improving
Alta avenue from Dubuque avenue to
Delaware avenue, by O. G, nrnigle, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and For the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 285, Woodlawn
Park add:
47.2 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 18 88
20.98 89 yds culiering at 40c 8 39
57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 50c28 72
Total = $ 55 99
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 284, Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 08
22.31 sq yds cuttering at 40c 8 92
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 68
Tot -1 ..$ 59 68
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 283, Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal Leet curbing at 40c $ 20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 92
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 68
Total ..$ 59 68
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 282, Woodlawn
Park add:
255.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c .$ 20 08
20.31 sq yds guttering at 400 8 72
Total .$ 59 68
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 281, Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40e 8 72
61.35 sq macadamizing at 50c 30 68
Total.... $ 59 68
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 280, Woodlawn
Park add:
68.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 27 32
42.14 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 86
99.85 sq yds macadamizing at 50c49 92
Total .$ 94 10
C. A. Voelker et al., lot 279, Woodlawn
Park add:
68.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 27 36
42.14 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 86
99.85 sq yds inacadatnizing at 50c49 92
Total $94 14
C. A. Voelker, et al, lot 278 Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 92
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 68
Total. $ 59 68
lowa B & Loan Ass'n, lot 277, Wood -
lawn Park add:
50.2 lineal teet curbing at 40c $ 20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 92
61.35 sq yds macaaatnizing at 50c30 68
Total $59 68
C. A. Voelker, et al, lot 276 Woodlawu
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 92
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 50e30 68
Total $ 59 68
C. A. Voelker, et al, lot 275, Woodlawn
Park add:
69.1 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 27 64
42.14 sq yds guttering at 40e 16 86
99.85 sq yds macadamizing at 50c49 92
Total $ 94 42
C. A. Voelker, et al, lot 274, Woodlawn
Park add:
17.2 lineal teet curbing at 40c $ 6 88
20.05 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 02
88.50 sq yds macadamizing at 50c19 25
Total $ 3415
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 263 Woodlawn
Park add:
19.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 7 80
20.05 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 02
38.50 sq yds macadamizing at 50c19 25
Total $ 35 07
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 262, Woodlawn
Park add:
67.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 27 12
42.14 sq yds guttering at 40c 16 86
99.85 rq yds inacadamizing at 50e49 92
Total $ 93 90
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 261 Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c8 92
61.35 sq yds inacadamizing at 50c30 67
Total 59 67
0. A. Voelker et al, lot 260, Woodlawn
Park add:
50.2 lineal teet curbing at 40c $ 20 08
22.31 sq yda guttering at 40c 8 92
136 Adjourned Regular Session, August 29th, 1893.
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 500.
C. A. Voelker, et al, lot 259, Woodlawn
Park adtl:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 92
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 67
Total $ 59 67
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 258, Woodlawn
Park add:
69.1 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 27 60
42.14 sq yds guttering at 40e... 16 86
99.85 s,l yds macadamizing at 51c 49 93
Total $ 59 68
G. 13. 'Phomas, lot 257 Woodlawn Park
69.0 lineal ft curbing at 400$ 27 60
42.14 sq yds guttering at 40e 16 86
99.85 sq yd macadamizing at 50c49 93
.. 30 67
$ 59 67
Total $94 39
J. J. Small, lot 256 Woodlawn Park
50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c8 92
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 50e30 68
Total $59 68
F. 13. Magee, lot 255 Woodlawn Park
50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40e $ 20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 92
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 50c.. 30 68
Total $59 68
H. R. Keagy, lot 254 Woodlawn Park
50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 20 08
22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 92
61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 68
Total $ 59 68
G. 13. Thomas, lot 253 Woodlawn Park
68.9 lineal ft curbing at 40e $ 27 56
42.14 sq yds gutteringlat 40c 10 86
99.85 sq yas macadamizing at 50c49 92
Total $94 34
C. A. Voelker, et al, lot 252 Woodlawn
Park add:
19.0 lineal ft curbing at 41c $ 7 60
19.73 sq yds guttering at 40c 7 89
38.50 sq yds macadamizing at 50e19 25
Total ... $34 74
Adopted by the fol:owing vote:
Ayes -Aldermen Butler, Byrne, Craw-
ford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
Nyder and Vogel.
Alderman Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for improving
1)eleware avenue from Auburn avenue to
Alta avenue by O. G. Kringle contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same, a spec-
ial tax be and is hereby levied ou the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 186 Woodlawn
Park add:
110.5 lineal feet curbing at 406 $ 44 20
49.17 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 66
144.0(3 sq yds macadamizing at 50c72 04
Total... $ 135 90
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 187 Woodlawn
Park add:
111 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 44 40
49.16 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 66
144.07 sq yds macadamizing at 50c.. 72 04
Total $ 136 10
C. A-. Voelker et al, lot 216 Woodlawn
Park add:
110 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 44 00
49.16 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 66
144.07 sq yds macadamizing at 50e72 04
Total.... ....... ................. $ 135 70
(3. A. Voelker et al, lot 217 Wooklawu
Park add:
110.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 44 16
49.16 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 66
144.07 sq yds macadamizing at 50c72 04
Total $ 135 86
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 232 W ooalawn
Park add:
108.9 Iiaeal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 56
49.16 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 e6
144.07 sq yds macadamizing at 5Uc72 04
Total $ 135 26
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 233 Woodlawn
Park add:
109.8 lineal feet curbing at 40a $ 43 92
49. 16 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 06
144.06 sq yds macadamizing at 50c72 04
Total $ 135 62
TC. A. Voelker et al., lot 262, Woodlawn
Park add:
110.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 44 08
49.16 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 66
144.07 sq yds macadamizing at 50c72 04
Total $135 78
C. A. Voelker et al., lot 263, Woodlawn
Park add:
110.3 lineal feet curbing at'40c $ 44 12
49.16 sq yds guttering at 40e 19 66
144.07 sq yds macadamizing at 50c72 04
Total $135 82
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Giab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ry-
der and Vogel.
Aid. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved, by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for improve -
nig Dubuque avenua,from Auburn ave. to
Alta ave. by O. G. Kringle, contractor, in
front of and adjoining same, a special tax
be and is heteoy levied on the several Tots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each parcel of
real estate, as follows:
John Kopp and Chas 1'itsctter, Jr., lot
196 Wood.awn Park add:
109.4 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 43 75
48.97 sq yds guttering at. 40e 19 59
143.58 sq yds macadamizing at 50e71 79
Total ...$135 14
M. '1'schirgi Sr., lot 197, Woodlawn Park
109.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 68
48.97 sq yds guttering at 40c 29 59
143.58 sq yds macadamizing at 50c71 79
Total $135 06
John Kopp and Chas l'itschner, Jr, lot
207, Woodlawn Park add:
109.8 lineal feet curbing at 40e g 43 92
48.97 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 59
143.58 sq yds macadamizing at 50c71 79
Total $135 30
(4. B. Thomas, lot 242 \Voodlawu fart
109.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 80
48.97 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 59
Adjourned Regular Session, August 29th, 1893. 137
143.58 sq yds macadamizing at 60c.. 71 79
Total 8135 18
C.1A.Voelker et al, lot 243, Woodlawn
Park add:
10g.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 36
48.97 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 69
143.58 sq yds macadamizing at 50c71 79
Total $134 74
M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 206, Woodlawn add:
109.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 72
48.97 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 59
143.58 sq yds macadamizing at 50c71 79
Total ,$135 10
C. A. Voelker et al., lot 252, Woodlawn
park add:
108.6 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 44
48.97 sq yds Buttering at 40c 19 69
143.58 sq yds macadamizing at 50c71 79
Total $134 82
G. B. Thomas, lot 253, Woodlawn park
109.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 92
48.97 sq yds guttering at 40e 19 59
143.58 sq yds macadamizing at 50c71 79
Total $136 30
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Butler, Byrne. Crawford.
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers.
Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Glab offered the following:
Resolved, by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, 'l'hat to pay for improving
Decorah ave from Auburn ave to Alta
street by U.G. Kringle contractor, in front
of and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of Tots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
C. A. Voellter et al., lot 191, Woodlawn
Park add:
106.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 42 56
49.07 sq yds guttering at 50c 19 63
143.82 so yas inacadamizing at 50e71 91
Total $134 10
John Kopp and Chas. Pitschner, Jr., lot
192, Woodlawn Park add:
110.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 44 08
49.07 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 63
143.82 sq yds macadamizing at 50c71 19
Total $135 62
John Kopp and Chas. Pitschner, Jr., lot
211 Woodlawn Park add:
109.1 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 64
49.07 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 63
143.82 sq yds macadamizing at 50c71 91
Total $136 18
C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 212, Woodlawn
Park add:
108.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 28
49.07 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 63
143.82 sq yds macadamizing at 50e17 91
Total .$134 82
C. A. Voelker` et al., lot 237, Woodlawn
Park add:
110.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 44 08
49.07 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 lis
143.82 sq yds macadamizing 50c 17 91
Total $136 62
G. B. Thomas, lot 238, Woodlawn Park
108.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 32
49,07 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 63
143.82 sq yds macadamizing at 50c.. 71 91
Total .8134 86
G. B. 'Phomas, lot 257, Woodlawn Park
109.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 72
49.07 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 63
143.82 sq yds macadamizing at 60c71 91
Total $136 26
C. A. Voelker et al., lot 258, Woodlawn
Park add:
109.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 80
49.07 sq yds guttering at 40e 19 63
143.83 sq yds macadamizing at 50c71 91
Total $126 34
Adoptedby tttefollowing vote:
Ayes-Alds..i3utler, Byrne Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks Olinger, Powers Ry-
der and Vogler.
Altl. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
ot Dubuque, Tttat to nay for improving
W. 14th street from Delhi street to Atlantic
avenue, by P. F. Guthrie, contractor, in
front ot and adjoining same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several 1ots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
Ed. H. Starr, lot 2 of 2 of 5 of 13, M. L.
201.10 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 82 45
88.44 sq yds guttering at 41c 36 26
341.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c143 36
Total $262 07
W. Stare, 1 o1 3 of 13, M. L. 172:
681 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 23 82
25.82 sq yds guttering at 41c 10 59
103.28 sq yds macadamizing at 42e43 38
Total $ 77 79
Ernest Butt, part north of 14th street, 1
of 13, M. L. 172:
64.6 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 26 49
28.71 sq yds guttering at 41c 11 77
114.84 sq yds inacadamizing at 42e48 23
Total $ 86 49
W. Starr, 2 01 4 of 13, 111. L. 172:
6.5 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 2 66
2.89 sq yds guttering at 41c 1 18
11.55 sq yds macadamizing at 42c4 85
❑Total $8 69
C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 249, Woodlawn
park add:
21.60 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 8 86
9.60 sq yds guttering at 41c 3 94
38.40 sq yds macadamizing at 42c16 13
Total $ 28 93
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 2 of 12, Mor-
heiser add:
84.3 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 34 77
37.69 sq yds guttering at 41c 15 45
150.75 sq yds macadamizing at 42c63 31
Total $113 53
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 13, Morheiser
84.8 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 34 77
37.69 sq yds guttering at 41c 15 45
150.75 sq yds macadamizing at 42c63 31
Total $113 53
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 14, Morheiser
103.3 feet lineal curbing at 41c $ 42 35
45.91 sq yds guttering at 41c 18 82
183.64 sq yds macadamizing at 42c77 13
Total 8138 30
138 Adjourned Regular Session, August 10th, 1893.
John Scromen, 6 of 13 of m 1172:
59.7 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 24 88488
26.53 sq yds guttering at 41c 10
106.13 sq yds macadamizing at 42c47 59
Total 8 79 93
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 337, Woodlawn
Park add:
155.2 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 63 63
70.75 sq yds guttering at 41c
306.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c128 61
Total $221 24
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 2 of 9, Mor-
heiser's add:
69.6 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 28 54
32.71 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 41
153.33 sq yds macadamizing at42c64 40
Total $106 35
Tschiri i & Schwind, lot 2 of 10, Mor-
heiser's add:
87.9 lineal feet curbing at 41c 836 04
37.69 sq yds guttering at41c 15 45
152.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c64 21
Total $115 70
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 2 of 11, Mor-
heiser's add
84.8 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 34 77
37.69 sq yds guttering at 41c 15 45
150.75 sq yds macadamizing at 42c63 31
Total $113 53
C. A. Voelker, lot 151, Woodlawu Park,
71.1 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 21 15
33 33 sq yds guttering ar 41c13 67
115.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c47 7a
Total $ 90 61
Geo 9'. Starr, lot 2 of 13 of m 1172:
101.0 lineal feet curbing at 41c 42 64
46.22 sq yds guttering at 41c 18 95
184.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c77 65
Total 8139 24
Geo Schromen, lot lot 13 of m 1172:
8.0 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 8 28
3.55 sq yds guttering at 41c 1 46
142.2 sq yds macadamizing at 42c5 97
Total $ 10 71
Geo Schromen, l0 2 of 3 of 13:
71.0 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 29 11
31.55 sq yds guttering at 41c 12 94
126.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c53 01
Total 8 95 06
Geo Schromen, pt south of 14th st, 1 of 4
of 13, min 1 172:
10.0 lineal leer, curbing at 41e $ 4 10
4.44 sq yds guttering at 41c 1 82
17.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c7 47
Total $ 13 39
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 201, Woodlawn
Park add:
60.21ineat feet curbing at 41c $ 24 03
26.67 sq yds guttering at 41c 10 93
117.98 sq yds macadamizing at 42c49 00
Total $ 83 96
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 200, Woodlawn
Park add:
70.7 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 29 03
33.20 sq yds guttering at 41c 15 63
152.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c62 13
Total $106 82
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 154, Woodlawn
Park add:
70.7 lineal feet curbing at 41e $ 29 11
33.20 sq yds guttering at 41c 15 67
152.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c62 16
$106 94
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 153, Woodlawn
l'ark add:
50.2 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 23 49
26.67 sq yds guttering at 41c 10 93
117.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c48 30
Total $ 82 72
C. A. Voelker et al, lot 152, Woodlawu
Park add:
60.2 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 23 33
26.67 sq yds guttering at 41c 10 93
117.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c48 30
'lbtal $ 82 56
John Jungers, lot 248, Woodiawn Park
60 lineal feet curbing at 41e $ 24 60
26.67 sq yds guttering at 41e 10 93
117.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c49 47
Total $ 85 00
C. A. Voelker et at., lot 247, Woodlawu
Park add:
60.2 lineal feet curbing at 41e $ 24 68
26.67 sq yds guttering at:41c 10 93
117.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c49 47
Total $ 85 08
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 2411, Wood.awn
Park add:
70.7 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 28 99
33.20 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 61
152.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c64 21
Total $106 81
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 203, Woodlawu
Park add:
70.7 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 28 99
32.20 sq yds guttering at 41c 13 61
15...89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c64 21
Total 8106 81
Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 202, Woodlawn
Park add:
58.5 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 23 98
26.67 sq yds guttering at 41e 10 93
116.67 sq yds macadamizing at 42c49 00
Total $ 83 91
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Oblige:, Powers, Ry-
der and Vogel.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved, 13y the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for improv-
ing of 24th from Jackson St. to Pine by
Stueck & O'Farrell,;coutcactors,in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real es-
tate hereinafter named, situate and owned
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
John Rr Flick, lot 161 Glendale add:
98.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 39 36
25.8 lineal feet curbing reset at 10c.. 2 58
54.22 so yds guttering at. 40c 21 69
159.11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c63 64
Total $ 127 27
R. and E. Langworthy, lot 162 Glendale
114.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 45 76
64.44 sq yds guttering at 400
185.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c7425 78 13
Total $ 145 67
TR. and E. Langwurthy, lot 185 Glendale
185.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c
127.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 26 78
64.44 sq yds guttering at 40c
74 13
Total $ 158 83
R. and E. Langworthy, lot 186 Glendale
Adjourned Regular Session, August 29th, 1893. 139
12.72 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 58 88
64.44 sq yds guttering at 40e 25 78
184.11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c73 64
$ 150 30
Mike liofuagel, lot 209 Glendale add:
992 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 39 68
48.44 sq yds guttering at 40e 19 38
130.78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c52 31
Total $ 111 37
Theodore Messink. lot 210 Glendale add:
80 lineal teet curbing at 40c $ 32 00
32.90 sq yds guttering at 40e.13 16
90.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c36 18
Total $ 8134
C. G. W. R. 11. Co., part of lot 13 of M.
L. 322:
70 eq yds macadamizing at 40c $ 28 00
Total $ 28 0'1
C. G. W. 11. R. Co., part 01 lot 14 of M.
L. 322:
70 sq ds macadamizing at 40c....$ 28 00
Total $ 28 00
It. & E. Langworthy, lot 294, Glei.dale
add No. 3:
83 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 33 20
32.90 sq yds guttering at 40c 13 16
90.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e36 18
Total $ 82 54
R. & E. Langworthy, lot 271, Giendale
add. No.3:
99.6 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 39 81
44.440. q nacadalniziat ug at 40c.. 62 31
0c 19 38
130.78 sq yds
Total .$111 53
R. & E. Laugworthy, lot 270, Glendale
127.5 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 51 00
64.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 25 78
184.11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c73 64
Total $150 42
ti. & E. Langworthy, lot 247, Giendale
127.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 50 96
64.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 25 78
186.07 sq yds macadamizing at 40c..- 74 43
Total $151 17
R. and E. Langworthy, lot 246, Glendale
114.4 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 45 76
64.44 yydsds gmacadamizini; at 40c4 43
186.0725 78
s sq .
182.3 lineal feet curbing at 45c $82 03
81.02 sq yds guttering at 45c 36 46
222 81 sq yds macadamizing at 50c111 40
Total $229 89
John Schromen, lot 29. Union add;
120 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 54 OU
53.33 sq yds guttering at 45c 24 00
146.66 sq yds inacadatnizing at 50e73 33
Total $151 33
Jas. Rowan, lot 28, Union add:
60 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
Total $75 66
James Rowan, lot 27, Union add:
60 lineal feet curbing at 45c 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50e36 66
Total .$ 75 66
R. 13. Grimes, tot 26, Union add:
60 lineal feet curbiug at 45c $ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50e36 66
Total $75 66
Ellen Curran, lot 25, Union add:
60 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
1'ott l $ 75 66
Pat Quinn, lot 2 of 5, Busn's sub of e pt
of min lots 63 and 68, Union add:
21 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 9 45
9.33 sq yds guttering at 45c 4 20
25.69 sq yds macadamizing at 50c12 83
Total $145 97
R. and E. Langworthy, lot 223, Glendale
126.1 lineal feet curbing at 400 $ 50 69
0 44
54.22 sq yds guttering at 40c
157.67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c63 07
Total $135 20
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved, 13y the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving Oak street from Quince street
to Belle street by John 'Tibey,
contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special• tax be and is
of lots, nd parcels oflevied on the real estate nhderein-
atter named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
otJs ohn Schromen, arcel of real sl t 30aUnilon add:
Total $ 26 48
Pat Hayden, lot 4, Bush's sub of e pt of
min lots 63 and 68, Union add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50
22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50e30 56
Total $ 63 06
Pat Ilayden, lot 3. Bush's sub of e pt of
min lots 62 and 68, Union add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 45c$ 22 50
22.22sq ds macadam
at 45c 10 00
61.111 sq yys zing at 50c30 56
Total $ 63 06
John Kennedy, lot 2, Bush's sub of E pt
of m lots 63 anu 68 Union add:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50
22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
61.11 sq yds maeadatnizing at 50e30 56
'notal $ 63 16
i Un onadd:h's sub of a pt of
m nbs 63 and 68,
56.51ineal feet curbing at 450 $ 25 42
27.00 sq yds guttering at 45e 12 15
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50e30 56
Total $ 68 13
Wm. Larken, lot 24, Union add:
60 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45' 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c 36 66
Total •$ 75 66
(Wm. Larkin, lot 23, Union add: 27 00
60 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 68
'Total $ 75 60
Phil Neuman, lot 22, Union add:
60 lineal t gat 45c at 45c $ 27 12 00
26.67 sq ydsguttering
140 Adjourned Regular Session, August 29th, 1893.
73,33 sq yds macadamizing at '50c36 66
Total .$ 75 66
P. Gregory, lot 21, Union add:
60.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c.. 36 66
Total. $ 75 66
1'. Gregory, lot 20, Union add:
60.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
26 67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
Total. $ 75 66
P. Gregory, lot 19. Union add:
60.0 lineal feet curbing at45c $ 27 00
26,67 sq yds guttering at 45e 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
Total $75 66
Pat O'Meara, lot 56, Union add:
83.4 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 35 01
43.06 sq yds guttering at 45c 19 38
131.78 sq yds macadamizing at 50c65 89
Total $120 28
Sylvester & Martha Ilickock, lot 57,
Union add:
77.8 lineal feet curbing at45c 27 00
43.06 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
131.78 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
Total $ 75 66
John llegnan, lot 59, Union and:
60.0 lineal Leet curbing at 45e ...$ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 CO
73.33sq yds macadamizing at 500$ 36 66
Total $ 75 66
Sylvester & Martha llickock, iot 58
Union add:
60.0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
26:67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
$ 27 00
16 00
Total $ 75 66
John lleguan, lot 60, Union add:
60.0 lineal feet curbing at 450 $ 27 00
26.69 sq yds guttering at 450 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
Total $ 75 66
Pat Vaughen, lot 61, Union add:
60.0 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50e36 6e
Total ... $ 75 66
Tom. Boyce, lot 62, Union add:
79 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 35 55
43.06 sq yds guttering at 45c 19 38
131.78 sq yds macademiziug at 50c65 89
Total $120 82
Sarah Ryan, lot 63, Union add:
80 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 36 00
43.06 sq yds guttering at 450 19 38
131.78 sq yds macadamizing at 50c65 89
Total $121 27
F. Franks, lot 64, Union add:
60 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
Total $ 75 66
Oath. Ryder, lot 65, Union add:
60 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.33 sq yus macadamizing at 50c36 66
Total .$ 76 66
Mike O'Meara, lot 66, Union add:
60 lineal feet curbing at 45c 27 00
26.67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
73.83 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
Total $ 75 66
James Saul, Jr., lot 67, Union add:
40.5 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 18 22
18 sq yds guttering at 45e 8 12
48.89 sq yds macadamizing at 50c24 44
Total $ 50 7g
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alts. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
Hyder and Vogel.
P Gregory, lot 18, Union add:
60 0 lineal feet curving at 45e $ 27 00
26 67 sq yds guttering at 45c... 1'2
73 33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c_ 36 66
Total $ 75 66
P Gregory, lot 17, Union add:
90 0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
26 67 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
7333 sq yds macadamizing at 50c... 36 66
Total $ 75 66
Nick Gregory, lot 16, Union ado:
61 0 lineal feet curbing at 45e $ 40 95
40 44 sq yds guttering at 45c 18 20
11122 sq yds macadamizing at 50c55 61
Total$114 76
Michael Roddy, lot 6. Bush's sub of Ept
min lot 63 and 68, Union add:
53 0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 23 85
33 55 sq yus guttering at 45c 10 60
6178 sq yds macadamizing at 50c32 39
Total $ 66 84
Michael Roddy, lot 6, Bush's sub of east
pt min lot 63 and 68, Union add:
50 0 uveal teat curbing at 45c $22 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
61 11 sq yus macadamizing at 50c30 56
Total $ 63 06
John McBride, lot 8. Bush's sub 01 part
of a min lots 63 and 68, Union add:
60 0 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 22 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 00
61 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c30 56
Total $ 63 06
A W Kewler, lot 10, Bush's sub of part
of a min lots 63 and 68, Union add:
71 2 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 32 04
31 64 sq yds guttering at 45c 14 24
84 83 sq yds macadamizing at 50c42 16
Total. $ 88 44
Mrs J Dowling, lot 51, Union add:
61 8 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 81
27 47 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 36
75 53 sq yds macadamizing at 50c87 76
Total.... $ 77 93
Isadore Plamondon, lot 52, Union acid:
61 8 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
27 47 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
75 53 sq yds macadamizing at 50c86 66
Total $ 75 66
Con Callnahan, lot 53, Union add:
61 8 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
27 47 8q yds guttering at 45c 12 00
75 53 sq yds macadamizing at 50e86 66
Total $ 75 66
pllennis Ryan, lot 54 Union add:
618 lineal teat curbing at 45c $ 27 00
27 47 sq yds guttering at 45c 12 00
75 53 sq yds macadamizing at 50c... 86 66
Total $ 75 66
Pat O'Meare, lot 55, Union add:
61 8 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 27 00
27 47 8q yds guttering at 45c 12 00
Adjourned Regular Session, August 29th, 1893. 141
75 53 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 66
Total $ 75 66
Ald, Crawford offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for improv-
ing Seminary street from West line Cox's
Add. also S ;f of Seminary street between
East line of lot 72 Cox's Add. to West line
ofisaid Add. to West Locust St.:by Brown
oz Brown, contractors, in front of and ad-
joining same, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several tots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as folows:
Mary Schroeder, lot 4 Buettells sub.
50 lineal feet curbing at 43c........$ 21 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at 43c 9 55
61 11 sq yds macadamizing at 5Uc30 55
Total $ 6160
John Kearney, lot 3 l3uettelts sub:
50 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 21 50
22.22 sq yds guttering at 43c 9 55
61 11 sq yds inacadamizing at 50c30 55
Total $ 61 60
Emma S. Allen, kit 1 Buettell's sub:
149 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 64 07
66 22 sq yds guttering at 43c 28 47
182 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50e41 05
Total $ 183 59
Nic Groh, lot 10 J. 1'. Schroeder's add:
62 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 26 66
27.55 sq yds guttering at 43c 11 55
75.78 sq yds macadamizing at 50c37 89
Total $ 76 40
J. P. Schroeder, lot 1 J. 1'. Schroeder's
.160 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 68 80
72 90 sq yds guttering at 43c 31 35
20167 sq ytls macadamizing at 50c$100 83
Total $ 200 98
John Hennessy, w 15.07 acres nun lot,
889 2 lineal feet curbing at 43e $386 23
398 67 sq yds guttering at 43e 171 43
1589 69 sq yds macadamizing at 50c794 84
Total $1,352 50
John Hennessy, min lot 188:
433 8 lineal feet curbing at 43c $186 53
192 sq yds guttering at 43c 82 56
762 67 sq yds macadamizing at 50e381 33
Total $650 42
Mt St Joseph Academy, lot 2 of 2, Thin
lot 187:
35 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 15 05
15 55 sq yds guttering at 43c 6 69
62 22 sq yds macadamizing at 50c31 11
Total $ 52 85
Mt St Joseph Academy, e 2.85 acres min
lot 190:
769 6 lineal feet curbing at 43c $330 93
347 91 sq yds guttering at 43c 149 60
137529 sq yds macadamizing at 50c. 687 65
Total $1,168 14
Mt St Joseph Academy, lot 1 of 2 of win
lot 187:
394 3 lineal feet curbing at 43c $169 55
177 78 sq yds guttering at 43e. 76 44
891 35 sq yds macadamizing at 50e445 77
.Adopted by the tollowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ry-
der and Vogel.
$691 76
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for improving
alley from 7th to 8th street, between Clay
and White sweets, by Jas Cushing, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining stone, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several ainounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Dubuque county, lot 284 a, city:
70 22 sq yds macadniaizing, at 40e...$ 28 09
Dubuque county, lot 285, city:
56 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40 ...8 22 76
Dubuque county, lot 286, city:
56 89 sq yds niacadamtzut at 40c...$-22 76
Dubuque county, lot 287, city:
56 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c...$ 22 76
Dubuque county, lot 288, city:
7022 sq yd4 macadamizing at 40 $ 28 09
Geo Mehl, lot 3114, city:
70 22 sq yds macadamizing at 40c...$ 28 09
Dubuque Co, lot 320, city:
56 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c...$ 22 76
Peter Aiarugg, lot 321, city:
56 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c...$ 22 76
Mary r' Alderman, lot 322, city:
16 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c...$ 22 76
John Pier, lot 323, City:
7022sq yds macadamizing at 40c...$ 28 09
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Olinger offered tne foilowing:
Resolved by the City Council oI the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for a tour foot
plank sideealk on Broadway and Broad-
way extension from Lilucktinger to Charles
streut by P. F. Guthrie contractor, in
front of and adjoining same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on tne several lots,
and parts 01 lots, and parcels of real estate
bereivafier named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real elate, as follows:
G Blocklinger, lot 21, King's 2nd add:
33 3 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 5 95
C 11 Meyer, lot 1, King's Grove add:
72 linear ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$12 87
C 11 Meyer, lot 2, King's Grove add
50 5 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c$ 9 03
U 11 Meyer, lot 3, King's Grove add:
50 5 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c$ 9 03
C u Meyer, tot 4, King's Grove add:
58 3 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%410 42
l H Meyer, lot 5, King's Grove add:
70 lineal fi plank sidewalk at17%c.$ 12 51
C 11 Meyer. lot 6, King's Grove a'td:
82 6 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c$ 14 76
C 11 Meyer, 101 6.t, King's Grove add:
79 5 lineal ft plank saiewalk at 17%c$ 11 21
John Nagel, lot 8, King's Grove:
70 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 12 51
John Nagel, lot 7, King's Grove:
84 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c$ 15 01
C 11 Meyer, 1ot24, King's Grove:
60 5 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%,c10 81
C 11 Meyer, lot 25, King's Grove:
58 4 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c
10 45
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillie', Nicks, Clinger, Powers,
Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Clinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque,'Phut to pay for a four feet
wide plank sidewalk on both sides of
Washington from Sanford to 'T wenty-
second street by 1',F Guthrie, contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
142 Adjourned Regular Session, August 29th, 1893.
several Tots, and pars of lots,
and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, for the several amountssituate
set opposite owned,d
op posiieeach
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
John Olinger, lot 24, Boulevard add:
41 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 7 33
John Olinger, 14 25, Boulevard add:
26John Olineal ft nger,tlot 25, Bou le17%e.8
add: 47
25 lineal 111 plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 27, Boulevard add:
25 lineal ft pianit 7
.John Olinger, lot t28,V Balou evani t au47
25 lineal it plank stdewalk at 17%c.$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 29, lsoulevant add:
25 lineal 11 plank sidewalk at 17%c.8 4 47
John Olinger, lot 30, 130uleva1u add:
25 lineal ft piaik sidewalk at 17%c.$ 4 47
John Olinger, tot 31, Boulevard add:
25 lineal ft plank sidewaik at 177x..$ 4 47
John Oiinge tot 32, Boulevard add:
25 lineal ft p,anK sidewalk at 17%1:...`p 4 47
John Olinger, lot 33, Boulevard add:
25 lineal ft plank sidewalk al 177xc..$ 4 47
Joh ti Olinger, lot 34, lioulevai'i aud:
25 lineal tt plank sidewalk tit 177xc.$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 35, uoulevarn add:
25 lineal ft plank sitiewalk at 17%e.$ 4 47
John Olinger. lot 36. Boulevard aut1:
25 lineal ft plank s dewaik at 17%e.$ 4 47
John Olinger, tot 37, Boulevard awl:
25 lineal ft plank stdewalk at 17%e.$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 38, Bouievar,i aud:
25 lineat ft plank sidewaik at 17%e.$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 39, 13ouievnro aud:
25 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 40, Boulevard add:
25 lineal It pta.ik sidewalk at 17%e.$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 41, Boulevard add:
25 lineat tt plank stdewalk at 177xc.$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 42. Boulevard add:
25 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 177xc..8 4 47
John Olinger, lot 43, Bouleva,d add:
25 /meal it plank siuewatk at 177x...$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 44 Boulevatu add:
25 lineal ft plaffksidewalk at 177x...$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot 45, Boulevard add:
25 lineal ft itlank sidewalk at 17%c..$ 4 47
John Olinger, lot46, Boulevard add:
42 5 lineal ft plank si.tewalk at 17%c$ 7 60
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ry-
der and Vogel.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Couucil of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 -foot wide
plank sidewalk on west side of Pine be-
tween 23d and 25th streets. by 11. '1' Eddy,
contractor in front of and adjoiniug the
same, a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as follows:
14 and E Langworthy, lot 213, Glendale
50 lineal Leet plank sidewalk at 19c.$ 9 50
14 and E Langworthy, lot 214, Glendale
50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 19c.$ 9 50
It and E Langworthy, lot 219, Glendale
50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 19c.$ 9 50
R and E Langworthy, lot 220, Glendale
50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 19c.$ 9 50
R & E Langworthy, lot 221 Glendale
59 2 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 19c.$11 25
It & E Langworthy, lot 294, Glendale
53 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 19c..$10 07
It & E Langworthy, lot 290, Glendale
50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 19c..$ 9 50
Adopted by the tullowtng vote.
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lilliit, Olinger, NICKS, Powers, Ry-
der and Vogel.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Couneil of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 4
foot wide plank sidewalk on boat sides of
West llth street from Race street to alley
east of Venter, by 1' '1' Guthrie, contractor,
in front of and adjoining tie same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parts of lois, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Andrew Drees, lots 1 of out lot 738 city:
136 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 24$ 92
15-16c 33
A. 1V llusturd, lot 7, t.ain's sun:
76 lineal 11 plank sidewalk at 24 $ 1895
15 16c...
11 1'uompson. lot 13, Cain's sub:
76 5 lineal Leet plank sidewalk at
2415-16c $ 19 07
A W llo,iord, lo. 17, Cain's suu:
424 lineal feet plank sidewalk at
2415.16: $ 10 57
at L Gruffer, int 16, Varri's sub:
424 Lineal feet plank sidewalk at
2415-16e $ 10 57
M A McGovern. lot 15, Cain's sub:
424 lineal Leet plank sidewalk at
2115 164; $ 10 57
A W Hosiurd, tot 14, Cant's sub:
424 lineal it plank sidewalk at
24 15-16c $ 10 57
J P Early, tut 22, Cuurini;s' sub:
104 linea, teet piauk sidewalk at
24 15-16e .$ 25 93
Adopted Uy the fuliowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. isutler, Byrne, Crawford,
GIab, Lillie, Nleiis, Olinger, Powers,
!Wier and Vogel.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for a four feet
wide plank sidewalk on the east side of
Queen street from Santord street to north
end of lot 46 Stafford's addition, ny P F
Guthrie, contractor, in front of and ad-
joining same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
John Bulow, Sr., lot 71, Stafford's add:
30 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 177xc.$ 5 36
John Bulow, Sr., lot 39, Stafford's add:
50 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 8 94
llerman Ohda, s3( of lot 40, Stafford's
25 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 4 47
Mrs. F Ohda, n% of lot 40, Stafford's
25 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 4 47
Simeon Schaetzla, lot 41, Stafford's add:
51 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 9 11
John Dettman, lot 2 of sub of 42 and 43
Stafford's add:
50 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 177xc...$8 94,
Hanry Pfotzer, lot 1 of sub of 42 and 43,
Stafford's add:
146 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$26 10
Henry Pfotzer, lot 44, Stafford's add:
501 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$8 95
Ed Pfotzer, lot 45, Stafford's add:
501 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%0..$8 95
Ed Pfotzer, lot 46A, Stafford's add:
29 3 lineal ft plank stdewalk at 17%c.$5 24
Adopted by the following vote:
Adjourned Regular Session, August 29t1t, 1893. 143
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glatt, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ry-
der and Vogel.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Duuuque: That to pay for laying
a 4 ft wide piauk sidewalk on both sides of
Grant avenue by 1'. F. Guthrie, contractor,
in trout of and adjoining the same, a spec-
ial tax be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots, and parts of tots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and tor the set eras atnounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as
sidewalks. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that the resolu-
tion in relation to the confirmation of the
report of the jury on widening of Weigel
alley offered August 10th, 1893, be ad-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lildg, Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Vogel offered the followingresolu-
tion„which was adopted:
Resolved, That the street superintend-
ent be instructed to put in a stone crossing
on the south side of Sixteenth street on
White street under the supervision of the
city engineer.
Aid. Powers offered the following reso-
Resolved, Tnat, owint to the present
financial stringency and the condition of
the city finances no further contracts shall
be made or bids for labor or material be let
or completed where the 'expen-es and
costs tuereot to the city shall exceed the
sem of $200, until further ordered by this
council, and be it further
Resolved, Ttiat, whereas laboring men
are unable to hod employment sufficient in
many cases to support their families we
recommend that more tnen be employed
and worked under the direction 01 the
street superintendent and engineer, and
work that can be clone without contract
let, be done as far as possible by the la-
boring men in the general employ of the
Ald. Crawford moved that it be referred
to the finance committee.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aide. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
and ,
Noeses—Atds. Lillis„ Nicks, Powers,
Ryder and Vogel.
1'he vote being a tie the mayor voted
Ald. Crawford moved that the ordinance
in relation to sewerage assessment be re-
ferred to the ordinance committe and en-
gineer to examine as to the expedience of
changing sante. Carried.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn. Car-
A. W. IIosford, lot 8 Cain's sub:
88 3 lin It plank sidewalk at 17%c..$ 15 78
E. 1-1. Headtord, lot 1 Cain's sub:
46 3 lin ft plank sidewalk at 17%c..8 8 28
A. W. llosford, lot 2 Cain's situ:
48 lin it plunk sidewalk at 177sc...$ 8 58
G. 11. Davis, lot 3 Cain's sub:
48 lin ft plank sidewalk at 17ge $ 8 58
Aaupted ny the following vete.
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Byrne, Craw-
ord. (lab, Lillie, Nicks, Winger, Powers
Ryder. and Vogel.
Atd. Olinger offerrey the following:
Resolved by the City Council ot the City
Dubuque, '1'uat to pay for laying a4 foot
wide plank sidewalk on the south sloe of
14th street from Pine to Maple streets by
P. F. Guthrie contractor, to front of and
adjoining same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots. and
parts of lets, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named;, situate and owned
and for the several amounts set oppositd
each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Pier & Ackerman, lot 281, East Dubuque
110 5 lineal ft plank sidewalk at
17%c 819 i5
Adopted by thefollwutg vote.
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne. Crawford,
Glab, Lilhg, Nicks, Olinger, Powers
Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
nfDubuque: That to pay for laying a 4
Inot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of
Middle from Lincoln avenue to its north-
ern terminus, by P. N. Guthrie, contractor,
in front of and adjoining saute, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the sevearl
lots and parcels of lots and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named,situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot o lotlof real 1, sub of lofts estate, and 5foas ows:
J 11 1Vestylty,
w 7 feet of 9, Wick's add:
1385 Lineal feet plank sidewalk at
$24 76
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Nicks,Olinger, rne, Crawford,
Glatt, Lillie', ,
Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of city of
Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 teet wide, ot
good 2 inch plank, brick, stone, or cement,
be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed
and laid in coformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks on the south side
of Julien ave. between Nevada and Booth
street where not aleady laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—A Ids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillie. Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Ryder moved that the resolution es-
tablishing the width of sidewalk on Alma
street at 6 feet be reconsidered and that
width of said walk be established in ac-
cordance to the ordinance in relation to
Notio= of Sale.
1 will sell at public auction to the best
bidder for cash, on Saturday, September 2,
1893, at 2 p. m., at the public pound of the
city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between
14th and 15th streets, the following im-
pounded animal, to wit: One dark bay
horse, left hind leg above hoof white;
about 8 years old. S. CE,
City Marshal.
Dubuque, Aug. 29 1893.
Special Assessment Notice.
To R. and E. Langworthy:
You are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with a resolution of the city council
ot the plank sidewalk ono West ra del of laying
Official Notices.
street between 23d. and 25th streets,
adopted on the 9th day of August, A. D.
1893, a special assessment will be levied
for the expense thereof at the next regular
lots'fleand parcelst
city un landupoabuton l
ting on said improvement, lots
213, 214, 219, 221, 294 and 290 in Glendale
add owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the count[,, to
be held on the 28th day of Aug. A. D. 1893,
and show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
8-19-1Ot. 1'city CRecorder.
Resolved by the city Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance In relation to sidewalks, on
both s.des of W incisor avenue between
Klingeub rg street and city limits north
where not already laid, a', the expense of
abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: 'That a sidewalk 4 feet wile,
of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem-
ent, be, wi:ftiu 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in contorntity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
north side of 26th street, between Jackson
street and Pine street, where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque; 'J'hat a sidewalk 4 feet .vide,
of good two-inch plank, brick stone
or cement, be. within twenty days
of this notice, constructed and laid in con -
fortuity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on both sides of 1 alerts street,
betwseu West Eagle Point ave. and Hart
street, where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of gond two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, withing 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of West .Eagle Point ave-
nue between west line of lot 3 of 135 and
west line of lot 145 A in L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, where not already laid, at
the expense of abutting property.
Adopted Aug. 9th, 1893
8-16-10t City Recorder.
,lodge to Sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
city engineer's office, city of Dubuque,
Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m., Saturday, Au-
gust 26th, 1892, for constructing sidewalks
as follows:
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on north
side of 2tith street, from Jackson to Pine
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on both
sides of Valeria street, between West
Eagle Point avenue and Hart streets.
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on west
side of Walnut street, between Chestnut
and 14th streets.
A 12 -foot wide sidewalk of brick stone
or cement on north side of 6th street abutt-
ing east 25 feet of clty lot 752;', also proper
turn in accordance with grade.
A 4 -foot sidewalk on the north side of
West Eagle Point avenue, between the
west line of lot 3 of 135, and west line of
lot 145a, L. 1i. Langworthy's add.
All in accordance with specifications on
file in said office. A bond of $100, will be
required with each bid. The city reserves
the right to reject anv or all bids.
8-15-101. City Enginee.
Notice to Contractors.
DUBUQUE, Aug. 16, 1893.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 4 o'clock p. m., Aug. 28th, 1893,
for the improvement of the following
streets and alleys according to plans and
specifications now on file in my office:
Broad street, from Julien avenue to West
3d street. Grading cut 2,887 cubic yards
filling 190 cubic yards, curbing 2,400 lineal
feet, guttering 1,100 yards, macadamizing
1,550 yards.
Alley, from Humboldt avenue to Stafford
avenue between Garfield and 1thoniuerg
avenues. Grading cut 855 cubic yards,
rnacadamiz ng 830 square yards.
Alley, from Humboldt avenue to Schil-
ler avenue between Lincoln and Rhomberg
avenues. Grading cut 232 cubic yards, fill-
ing 80 cubic yards, macadamizing b20
square yards.
Bidders must state the price ner lineal
foot for curbing the price per square yard
for guttering and macadamizing.
Grading on streets to be bid for in a gross
Grading for alleys to be bid for by the
ell hie yard.
Bidders must furnish a bond of $200 that
the contract will be entered into if
Proposals will be acted on at a session of
the council to be held Monday Aug. 28,
Blanks for bidders will be furnished by
the recorder.
The city reserves the right to reject all
8-17-10t. T. J. CooNItY.
City Recorder.
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1893. 145
Regular Session Sept. 4th, 1893.
Council met at 9:00 a. in.
Adjourned 'Tuesday, Sept. 5th at 9:00 a.
. Mayor.
Adjourned Regular Session, Sept.
5:h, 1893.
Council met at 10:00 a. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Alds. 13ut:er, Byrne, Glab,
Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder, and Vogel.
Ald. Byrne moved that the minutes of
the last meeting be approved as printed.
DUBUQUE, lowa, Sept. 4, 1893.
Gentlemen of the City Council:
You are again convened in the regular
monthly session tai discharge your duties
as councilmen, and as such 1 trust you will
protect the interests and the welfare of the
city and wisely deliberate upon all matters
brought before you for your consideration.
In ordinary tines the management of
the municipal affairs of a city is a sacred
trust—but in times of financial stringency,
such as the country is now experiencing,
the burden placed upon you and the trust
Unposed is enhanced a hundred fold, and
requires of you the most vigilant and
watchful care to guard the future destiny
and prosperity of our city.
In view of the present disturbed condi-
tions of the fiaances of the coun-
try, 1 desire to recommend most
careful and considerate action un
your part on every measure affecting the
finances of the city, curtailing expenses
where it can be done and restricting im-
provements where there is not an imine-
diate necessity for them.
The great railroad corporations through-
out the country, private corporations and
individnals in all their business relations
are alike reducing their expenses in
various ways; all extensive improvements
demanding a large outlay of money are
discontinued; the confidence of the people
in every section of the country has been
shaken, and every large expenditure of
money is looked upon with much disfavor.
At this time the utter impossibility of
floating bonds or securing loans, with
which to carry on improvements,
which in ordinary times could be
had for the asking—should remind us
that we must use every possible means to
• bring the city's expenses and outlay of
money to a minimum point.
1 do not recommend a retrenchment in
the outlay of money by this council in the
sense that you have been extravagant in
awarding contracts for the improvement
of the city, where not actually needed, but
in the face of the disturbed condition of
finansnces—with all the facts staring us
in the face, I desire to remind you that un-
til such time as the confidence' of the peo-
ple can be restored, and until such time as
money can be obtained without paying ex-
orbitant rates of interest, public improve-
ments should be correspondingly discon-
tinued and a watchful care exercised in
every department. Every bill presented
for payment should be subjected to the
closest scrutiny by the auditing committee
before Its payment; every petition for an
improvement should be well and carefully
considered in all Its relations to cost and
its necessity before being recommended
for adoption.
In order to give employment to wage-
earners who are dependent upon labor for
the malntenince of families, it is necessary
to continue to some extent much needed
improvements of streets, alleys, etc., but
this work should be, as far as practicable,
distributed only to those who are entirely
dependent on their earnings to support
themselves and families.
In order to facili ate the more rapid
transaction of the business of the council,
1 would recommend that more systematic
work be done 1u the committee rooms.
Tho amended rules of order in relation to
the disposition of bills do Inucb in the way
of facilitat ng business, as much time has
heretofore been consumed in the routine
of reading and referring which now, under
the rule, go direct to the proper commit-
Again, there is much valuable time con-
sumed in the council chamber by listening
to arguments from interested outside
parties, when by a systematic arrange-
ment of committee work the same argu-
ments could be beard by the committee
and a decision arriyed at much more satis-
factorly to all concerned.
It is not my intention to discourage en-
tirely the long establisned custom of "sus-
pending the rules" to listen to statements
before the council on important matters,
but there are many petitions and resolu-
tions referred to the committees for their
consideration, before whom interested
parties would be accorded a hearing, and
in this way touch valuable time would be
spared the council sir hearing these argu-
ments during its session.
Imposing explicit confidence in your
wisdom to regulate all matters pertaining
to the best interests of the city, 1 have the
honor to be yours respectfully.
Mayor's, Office, Sept 5, 1893.
GENTLEMEN: Since writting the above
communication 1 notice the publication of
expenditures of the city, and with no little
surprise comments on the same by the city
press which 1 desire to lay before you for
your consideration. The statement which
shows au increase of the expenditures of
the city council and of the floating debt
was premature, unauthorized and mislead-
ing and does not present the expenditures
and debts incured by the new council
in its true light. A large amount of the
debts paid by the new council were incurred
by the old council. A very large number
of heavy and expensive contracts let by
the old council were not completed when
the new council came into power, and
have been completed and paid by the new
council. A large arnout of general debts
outstanding, when the new council came
in, have been paid by the new council and
carried into the various funds, which has
increased largely the expenditures in those
146 Adjourned 1?egular Session, September 5th, 1893.
That so tar as the engineer's aepartment
is concerned it has been well, carefully
and efficiently conducted at a saving to the
city. No mistakes have been made and
many former mistakes corrected, and the
services have been of immense value to the
city. The street work under the able
comm Mee and the citychairman engineer hstreete
as been
exceedingly l done and at an
of $5,201.34leis lexpense
than it was last years dur-
ing the same period. This shows the ac-
tual savings in this road work, because
there were no outstanding , claims
againt the road department when the
new council cane in. In fact, compared
with former councils,the new council have
been very economical and should b ' coni -
mended. One difficulty that the present
council has iabore 1 under is the strin-
gency of money and the impossibility of
selling city improvement bunds. 'rite city
is compelled to pay contractors when the
work is done anti then ponds are issued and
sold and the money rectved for them goes
into the geueral fund, the bunds being
paid by sure al assessnteu:s. This year
we nave been unable to tett toe bunds, and
a large amount of the bonus are now on
hand and the money pant to contractors
unreturned to the general fund, thus the
general fund, being the floating debt, nec-
essarily and unavuidauly increased. i
herewith submit a statement and explana-
tion as to the expenditures of the new
Contracts iet by the old council and
warrants issued during the present coun-
cil to pay same:
Seminary street grad-
ing ..$ 2,939 00
Central engine house. 1,133 70
New hose 837 5U
Central engine house
plumbing748 51
Central engine house
boiler 800 00
Broadway grading1,050 00
Automatic repeaters864 00
Windsor avenue imp't 5,750 00
Alma street retaining
to all 2,464 60
Main street imp's24,914 25
Windsor ave. grading 1,500 00
Culvert on 24th and
iNashingtou 472 00
Wilson ave. sanitary
sewer .. 822 67
Broadway imp'i 1,081 til
Broadway extehsi, ti
iinp't... 136 32
Francis street inip't444 67
Dodge street sewer4,324 32
Queen and Regent
street imp't 343 58
Seminary street imp't 3,500 00
Sewer in alley be-
tween Jackson and
Washington, 10th
and 17th 540 45
Auburn ave. gradiug 106 00
Auburn ave. imp't683 08
Oak street grading100 00
Hill street imp't 50 00
Dubuque ave. imp't273 21
Alta ave. grading381 69
Alta ave imp't 462 01
Dakota ave imp't273 27
Delaware ave. imp't. 278 41
Ordinances printing
and compiling 1,050 00
858,324 33
Contracts let by present council and
warrants issues for payment of same:
Sewer Emmett anti
St. Mary's street
Alley between Lin-
coln and Providence
and Johnson and
Twenty-fourth street
Nevada street gradin;
687 00
507 43
1,146 90
426 90
$2,768 23
Report from March 1st to September 1st
comprise bilis allowed at the regular ses-
sions in March, April, May June, July
and August.
The new council did not enter into of-
fice until after the April bills were al-
'lie old council was entirely responsible
for the expenditures of two out of the six
inoul hs, viz:
March pills $16,880 10
i..prd bills 19,000 00
Total bills with which
new cuunctl had no
voice whatever $35,880 10
Money borrowed by
old cuunctl to make
up deficit in paving
fund .845,000 00
Total contracts let by
old council and for
the payment of
which the present
council issued war-
rants $58,324 33
Total expenditure due
to old council from
March 1st to Sep-
tember 1st
Oldcouncil had to pay
debts contracted by
its predecessor
Leaving old council
directly responsible
Increase of floating
deur fur past six
won, its was
Amount of liabilities
paid off by new
commit left them di-
rectly by its prede-
cessor $94,204 43
Showing the entire increase in the float-
ing debt was due to the action of the pre-
vious council with the exception of $17,-
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Vogel reported as follows on the
resolntion in relation to the employment
of laborers 00 streets, would recommend
that the resolution be amended so as to
limit the expenditures to $3,000 per mouth.
D'I'he following bills were ordered paid:
L. Daily for cleaning city hall $25 60
E. S. Daugherty, assistant engineer40 00
R. F. Eddy, assistant engineer 45 00
M. O'Connell, special patrolman50 00
Shipley & Bauman Vet, service 21 20
The following claims were referred to
the committee on police and light:
Globe Ltght and Heat Co., lights..$ 456 83
Theo. 'Trielotl, meals tor female
prisoners 2 75
Merkes & Hasler, merchandise:for
city pound 4 15
W. W. Wormood, repairing and
material 4 50
$45,000 00
$58,324 33
$139,204 33
$45,000 00
894,204 43
$111,786 71
Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1893.
Star Electric Co., arc lamps 1,193 75
Dubuque Light and 'fraction Co, 48 39
Key City Gas Co , gas 47 40
Cnas. Stillman, telephone stations 105 00
Central Union 'Telephone Co., rent
of telephone 42 75
The following bills were referred to the
committee on fire and water:
\lerkes & Hasler, merchandise
for patrol house 2 10
Excelsior Brass Works, material
and labor for fire department2 75
Merkes & limier merchandise for
engine house 80
Standard Lumber Co., merchandise
for fire departtnent 1 50
Dubuque Wooden 1Vare Co., mer-
chandise for fire department3 00
W. 11. Torbert, merchandise for
fire department 16 33
Svendson & Ott, merchandise for
fire department 3 10
Peter 11. Hoffmann, Merchandise
for nre department 2 00
Carr, Ryder & Engler, merchandise
for fire department 4 50
Key City Gas Co., merchandise for 17 87
fire department
Bernard .t. O'Neill, merchandise
for tire department 79 35
Butt Bros., merchandise fur lire de-
Fratz & Clark, merchandise for 10 52
fire department
Zehetner & Voggenthaler, repairs 90
for fire department
Lagen & Sloea, hurseshoeing for 50
fire department
P. tI. Halpin, meicbandise for tire 13 70
Dubuque W ater Co., fire hydrant, 1338 30
Kannalt & Powers. hurseshoeing 8 00
for fire department
Thos. Collins, horseshoeiug for 4 00
fire department
John Butt, work and material for 1 55
fire department
August Wunderlich, horseshoetng 6 50
for fire department
The following bilis were referred to the
committee on f'laims:
Barger & Blush, stationery, etc33 20
G. 13. Grosvenor, stationery, etc15 55
F. Scholz, stationery, etc
The following bill were referred to the
committee on streets: 50
P. H. Halpin, to merchandise
Wm. Marshall, repairing steam
rot -5 16
C. II. Altoua. meterial furished2 20
The Pure Petroleum Product Co, 57 33
material furnished
Le,ure Lumber Co., material fur-
nished 16 05
Fred Scholz, work repairing 76 86
Key City Gas Co., coke, etc
Standard Lumber Co., material6 70
Jas. Cushing, balance on contract217 81
Steuck & O'Farrell, balance on 352 21
John Tibey, balance on contract47 13
O. G• Kringle, balance on contract543 41
P. F. Gutnrie, balance on contract609 63
Con Ryan, Jr., balance on con -1376 86
Con Ryan, balance on ,contract1,500 00
'Phos Hass tt, material furnished. 10 72
J. P. Schroeder, material furnish- 19
John 'Tibey, material furnished11
John Tibey, material furnished2
Isaac Proctor, material furnished. 32
Chas;Burchart, material furnished. 10
Jas Lee, material furnished 22
August Bracher, material fur-
Dubuque Wooden 1Vare Co., mat-
erial furnished
W. 11. Knowlton, to cash paid for
freight &c
James Boyce, car fare
The rollowing bilis were referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
12 07
54 55
47 75
6 50
W. W. Wormood, attending to
town clock $ 72 00
Jac. Schmidt, assistant. park cus-
todian 27 50
Jos. Geiger, work and Muter'„!7 10
W. S. Moto, work and material34 85
The following bills were referred to the
printing eommittee:
The Globe Printing Co., advertis-
ing for August $ 29 15
The Time Co., advertising for
July and August 58 30
The Herald, advertising for Au-
gust 29 15
The Ileruld, printing 30 50
Dubuque 'TELEGRAPH 75 00
The following bilis were referred to the
electrical construction committee:
Central Union Telephone 0J0., rent
of telephone $ 1 63
Jos. Norton, trimming trees 39 00
Wm. Young, trimming trees 28 00
Jas. 'Thompson, trimming trees8 00
J. C. Norton, trimming tree-. 1 50
J. McCracken, team and wagon54 33
1'. Stanier, lauor 25 00
John Enright, collecting 8 00
The Bill ot Peter Klauer for $16.05 for
material wa+ referred to the committee on
The bill of Mrs. 11. Spielman for caring
for abandoned child for $4 was referred to
the city marshal.
The following petitions were granted:
The petition of of Isaac Cleminson to
have sewer extended on West Eighth
street to enable him to connect with
The petition of Chris. Mathis asking for
engineer to give grade line.
The petition of M. B. Hedley et al., ask.
ing that the name of Caledonia street be
changed to Caledonia Place.
The petition of George W. Healey ask-
ing to have city engineer to give curb
Petition of Mrs. D. 11. Fuller in relation
to filling lots.
Petition of Dubuque Street railway in
relation to laying track and running cars
on Sageville road.
The following report was presented:
DUBUQUE, Aug. 30th, 1893.
We, the jury appointed to assess dam-
ages on the following property:
John Knoernschield, lot 170 and part of
Iot171 in L. 11. Langworthy's sub allowed
Joseph Diane, lot 5 on White street, al-
lowed $140.00.
We allow the Chicago Great Western
Railroad Co. the sum of $20.00.
John Reddin on lot No. 3 on Center Place
the sum of $40.00.
E. A. Gilliam, lot 4 Center Place, the
sum of $40.00.
Mrs. Sarah Wooten the sum of $235.00.
G. B. Burch the sum of $ .00.
J. P. Quigley,
J. Wunderlich, Jas. Cushing,
Peter Specht, T. P. Coates,
Chas. Hollnagel, Jas. Mayes,
Chris Capretz, John Jess,
Henry NagelrakI r, JarneatE E.
148 Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1893.
Report was adopted and the treasurer
instructed to set aside the several amounts
as above stated to be paid to the parties
when Theproper
folowing spetitio sfor e werare e received
and tiled:
Petition of Bernard Gallen for damages
on account of grade of Dodee street.
Petition and hill of H. L. Conger for
coal furnished Mr. Granfield for 1st ward
The following petitions were referred to
the delinquent tax committee:
Wm. J. Shoup, Mrs. James Daug erty,
John Mundt, Johanna MacNally.
Also the communication of John F.
Stemm in relation to the assessment of
Poole & Stevens.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee:
O. G. Kringle in regard to contract for
improving various streets in Woodlawn
Petition of Michael Zwack in relation to
the improvement of Rtes street.
Petition of Chas. Klingenberg asking
that Kleine street be improved.
Claim of M. 11. Day for damage done by
steam roller.
The following petitions were referred to
the comtnitie on fire and water:
Petition of Philip Pier et al, asking for
fire protection on the hill.
Petition of Lesure Lumber Co. et al,
asking far hydrant on Seventh and Wall
The following petitions were referred to
the committee on claims and the city
Petition of Christ Spoerl. for damages
done horse and harness by falling through
Eighth street sewer.
Petition of Nicholas Revenich for relief.
The petition of Philip Kress et al, pro-
testing against having lamps removed
from Adams street was raferred to the
committee on police and light.
Petition of R. Nolte est., in relation to
notice to make sewer connection was re-
ferred to ex -commissioner of board of
The bill of '1'. E. Joseph was referred to
the board of health.
Petition of A. G. Wright et al., in rela-
tion to the change of name of Center Place
referred to the committee on renaming
The petition of Robt. Specht remonstrat-
ing against paying assessment tor laying
sidewalk. Referred to engineer.
Petition of Margaret Lucas asking that
money due her be kept from salary of an
employee of city. Referred to mayor with
Ald. Vogel moved to adjourn to 2:30 p.
m. Carrie.
i i 1893.
Adjourned egular Session, Au-
gust 5th, 1893.
Council met at 3 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Glab,il-
lig, Nicks, Olinger, tPowers, Ryder
The following Dills mere ordered paid:
Adam Schmidt est., balance on 100 00
llarry Proctor, balance on con- ,- 75
llarry Proctor, balance on con- 7l 10
Steuck & O'Farrell, balance on 180 75
M. Lavin, balance on contract502 50
Alois Lang, balance on contract141 84
Steuck & O'Farrell, balance on 705 00
Adam Schmidt est., balance on 184 88
Williams & McCann, balance on 800 00
Williams & McCann, balance on 2,362 50
E. E. Frith. balance on contract1,131 00
D. W. Linehan, balance on con- 493 62
ti act
Brown & Brown, balance on sin• 2,368 76
S:euck & O'Farrell, balance 00
contract 1,275 00
E. A. & O. D. Parish, balance on 100
Harry Proctor, balance on con -
507 30
Robert Mathis, contract 266 31
McCollinsou & McCarman, con -
139 25
Geo. W. Farley, contract 117 75
Jas Herd contract 240 75
Jas McDonald contract 264 03
Geo Taylor contract 630 00
Geo. W. Farley contract 1,008 75
M. O'Connell, service al special 28 80
The bill of the Ledger Printing Co. of
$87.83 balance fot advertising, was refer-
red to the printing committee.
The bill of F. C. Austin Mfg. Co. was
allowed as per agreement.
The bill of Svendsen & Ott was referred
to street committee.
City Auditor Kenety presented his semi-
annual report, which was received and
City Auditor KenFty presented the fol-
lowing monthly statement:
Cash on hand Aug. lit, 1893 $15,485 17
Receipts during the month of
August 14,457 93
Total $29,943 10
Disbursements for August 20,271 44
Balance in treasury Sept. 1st,
1893 $ 9,671 66
Also reported $1,879.95 amount due city
officers. Report adopted and warrants
ordered drawn to pay city officers.
City Marshal Rice reported $2,058.40
amount due to pay police during month of
Also reported 86 cases disposed of during
Also presented treasurer's receipt for
collected ordinance
Also present pound receipt eases.
for $23.35 for
Also presented treasurer's receipts for
$123.35 amount collected on short term
saloon license. Report adopted and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay police.
Street Superintendent Carter reported
83,108.75 amount due for labor on streets
during August 1893. Warrants ordered
drawn to pay for labor and referred to
street committee. Also presented itemized
.I,ljourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1893. 149
statement of road expenses. Received and
Sewer Inspector O'Brien reported $623.-
35 amount due for labor on sewers during
August, 1893. Warrants ordered drawn and
report referred to the sewer committee.
Chief,Reinlried reported $1.610 atnount
due to pay lire department for August.
Received and tiled and warrants ordered
drawn to pay firemen.
The report ot Police Justice Gratz was
referred to the city attorney.
City Wood Measurer John W. Woode,
reported total amount due the city $1 40, be-
ing live per cent of amount collected dur-
ing August. Report received and filed.
The receipt of Jos. Rooney of settlement
of claim against the city. Received and
'rhe coin unication of city attorney
stating that city marshal order the hinges
on cellar door 10 front of Byrne Bros'.
livery owned by the Richard Waller est.,
beremoved ted.
Ald"Lillis mmoved tlaid o suspend e
spnd rules and
Mr. Drehouse be permitted to address the
council. Carried.
Mr. Drehunse addressed the council in
relation to removing aprons over street
Aid. Glair moved that the marshal noti-
fy all city weighers to make a monthly re-
Ald. Lillis moved that petition of E.
Sheppleylet al for the improvement of Lin-
coln avenue ue reconsidered. Carried.
AId. Glab moved that Lincoln avenue
be opened and improved.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald Butler Byrne, Glab, Lillis,
Powers, Ryder and 'Vogel.
Noes—Ards. N icks and Olinger.
Ald. Powers offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the city auditor is in-
structed to cancel warrants drawn in favor
of the Central Union Telephone Co. up to
August, 18t3, and also all accounts of the
city against said company up to said date.
Ald. Powers offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the reports of city of-
ficers made to the council at this session
are hereby referred to the proper commit-
tee, having in charge the business to which
the report relates for their examination
can be
in their judgment any reduction
made in the departments or any of them or
thecommittee discover any errors in the
same to report to the city council.
'I'he recorder is directed to distribute the
reports to the committees in accordance
with this resolution.
Ald. Powers, chairman of ordtnnce
committee, reported as follows:
We recommend that the ordinance pro-
hibiting the construction or use and main-
tenance ot privy vaults or cess poolssin
tain localities be indefinitely postponed
the ordinian e is
coversii all that lete and
Street Supt. Carter reported $704.67,
amount due as balance on macadam. Ad-
Ald. Olinger, chairman of streets, re-
potted the following streetsand alleys
have been examined and approved:
Thirteenth street from Maple street to
Pine street.
Humboldt street from Lincoln aye. to
Garbeld ave.
Sanford street from C. G. W. Ry. to
Windor ave.
Queen street from Sanford to Regent
Dodge street from Booth street to Grand-
view ave.
Washington from 22d to 23d street.
Peru road from Couler ave. to Lemon
Nevada street from W. 5th street to alley
on easy side.
Seminary street from W. Locust to east •
line min. lot 198.
Seminary street from Harold street to 4-
Keppler street.
Alley from 15th to llith between Pine and
Maple streets.
Alley from Burch street to Summit be-
tween 3d and Fenelon street.
Alley from Kniest to Johnson between
Rhomberg and Garfield.
Alley from Sanford to Regent between
Prince and Queen.
Alley from 1st to 4th street between
Windsor and Queen. Report adopted.
Aid. Olinger, chairman of the com-
mittee 01 the whole, presented the follow -
fug report:
Your cotnunttee report in favor of grant-
ing the petition for the improvement of
Harold street providing 0 e abutters agree
to pay the cost and expense of said Im-
provement including grading.
Also report in favor of the adoption of
the proposed change of grade on West 3d
street as recommended by the engineer.
Also report in favor of Instructing the
engineer to prepare a profile of grade of
ood street from Julien avenue to its
northern terminus.
Also report in favor of forfeiting the
charter the Davegue and fatled to fulfilltheth
Perry Co., as they h
provisions of said charter.
Also report in favor of deferring action
on the resolution tor the improvement of
Catherine and Angella streets.
Also report adverse to the removal of
hone dr nking fountain on 17th and 'West
Lt,cust streets. Adopted.
Also report in favor of receiving and
filing petition of hotelkeePers in relation
to license.
Ald. Ryder presented a minority report
in favor granting the petition. On notion
the matter was referred back to the com-
mittee of the whole.
Also reported in favor of receiving and
filing the remonstrance in regard to cov-
ering in alley between Lincoln and Provi-
dence and Johnson and Windsor avenues.
Ald. Lillis presented a minority report
in favor of having alley between Lincoln
and Providence and Johnson and Windsor
avenues covered with gravel or with
screenage frons the quarry for said street.
On mottou the majority report was
Ald. Powers. chairman ot the printing
committee reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of pay-
ing the following bills:
The ilerald, $_9.16, advertising for July,
The Globe Printing Co., $29.16, adver-
tising for July, 1893.
The CELEGRAPII, $76.00, advertising for
July, 1893.
1'he'litnes, $29.15, advertising for July,
Report adopted.
Ald. Lillig, chairman of the delinquent
tax committee, presented the following re-
celline the taxes of
Ilonora Martin n34
In favor of % of lot 148 East Dubuque
adAAi o infavorof cancelling the taxes of
150 Adjourned Regular Session, September 5th, 1893.
Mrs. John otlot 2 of sub 78
and 77 Unionadd for 1892,
Also L favordwig of cancelling
iaudhe w gousof
Peter Ludwig
1890, 1891 and 1892.
Also report in favor of cancelling taxes
of Richard Fuhrman on saloon fixtures for
1890, 1891 and 1892.
Also report in favor of cancelling the
taxes ofor 1892, and would recommend Bridgeue Pontoon ommend that said
company be instructed to observe the pro-
visions of the ordinance in relation to tolls
on said bridge.
Also report in favor of reducing the as-
sessment o C. W. Katz on personalty to
$200 for 1892.
Also report adverse to the petition of the
Dubuque Boating association for cancella-
tion of taxes for 1890, 1891 and 1892.
Also report in favor of instructing the
treasurer to redeem lot 1 of 4 111 Stieos sub.
from tax sale for 1891.
Also report in favor of reducing the as-
sesstnent of lieu. W . G. Sweeney on lot 1.
2, 4, 5 and 6 in Ann O'Hares sub to $1,000
for 1892.
Also report in favor of allowing Mrs.
Jonathan Hoopes to pay one-half her taxes
as payment in full for 1892.
Also report adverse to the petition of 11.
Chalders for reduction of assessment on
personalty for 1892.
Also report adverse to to the petition of
Barbara Isborn for 'eduction of assess-
Also report adverse to the petition of
Minnie Katiske for cancellation of taxes
for 1892. Report adopted.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of police and light
reported in favor of paying the bills of Key
City Gas Co. of $37.50.
Also report in favor of paying bill of the
Globe Light and lieu Co. of $500.
Also report in favor of paying the bill of
the Dubuque Light and Traction Co. of
$187.50 for electric light.
Also report in favor of paying the bill of
Star Electric Light Co. of $1,087.91 for
Alfo report in favor of referring claim of
McDermott & t -ow to city attorney.
Also report in favor of granting the pe-
tition for an electric light at foot of 4th
street elevator. Adopted.
Alderman Olinger, chairman of commit-
tee on fire and water report, in favor of
paying the bill of the water company of
$1,345 for water for ,July, 1893; adopted.
Alderman Glab, chairman of committee on
Maims repotted as follows on the petition
of Neil McPoland, William Sheridan,
Chris Frisch and George Williams claim-
ing wages from P. F. Guthrie. In favor
of instructing the city auditor to deduct
the several amounts from bill of P. F.
Guthrie when he Is paid balance due him
on contract for improving West Fourteenth
street; adopted. Also reported in favor
of allowing M. J. Mulgrew $22.50 as pay-
ment in full for damages done to wagon
caused by road roller, said amount to be
deducted from pay of engineer of steam
roller, referred to committee on claims
and attorney. Alderman Ryder, chair-
man of the executive committee of board
of health reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of in-
structing the engineer to prepare plans
and specifications for a sanitary sewer on
Hill street from West 5th street to Julien
avenue, and on Julien avenue to Alpine;
also along intersecting streets and alleys
where practicable, said sewer to connect
with sewer now on Bluff street. Adopted.
Also report in favor of paying E. E.
Frith $324 for removing garbage etc, as per
contract. Adopted.
Also report in favor of instructing Mr.
M. O'Connell not to interfere with Win.
Benzin in the alley between Humboldt and
Schiller and Rhomberg and Lincoln ave-
nues until examined by the council.
Also reported in favor of paying the bill
of .1. F. McCarthy of $2. Adopted.
Aid. Vogel, chairman of the finance
committee, reported in favor of adopting
report of the treasurer for August, 1893.
Ald. Byrne, chairman of the sewer com-
mittee, and City Attorney Knight reported
as tollows:
Your committee report in relation to the
special assessment tor the construction of
a sanitary sewer on Hill, Burch
and \Vest 3d, and would report in fa-
vor of rescinding the special
assessment levied for the construction of
said sewer, and in lieu thereof would
recommend that the city engineer be in-
structed to prepare a new assessment cov-
ering the exact cost and expense for the
construction of said sewer and submit the
same to the council. Adopted.
The petition of A. F. Jaeger in relation
to claim against Henry Freres for maca-
dam. Referred to the conunittre on
Aid. Vogel offered the following resolu-
tion which was referred to the committee
on police and light.
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That an arc electric light be
placed at the corner of 13th and Washing-
ton streets near the patrol house.
Dr. Fowler, health officer, presented a
list recommending the same to connect
with the sewer. Referred to the engineer.
Aid. Ryder offered the following resolu-
tion which was adopted:
Resolved, by the city council of the city
of Dubuque: That the city engineer be in-
structed to prepare plans and specifications
for a sanitary sewer on West Eighth street
from its present terminus to the center of
Wilson avenue, and submit same to the
council at its next session.
Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be in-
structed to advance Ald. Butler one hun-
dred dollars. the saltie to apply on his sal-
Ald. Ryder presented the following
which was adopted:
Resolved, By the City ;Council ofLthe
City of Dubuque that the Dubuque Water
Co. be instructed to immediately extend
the water mains on West 3rd street and St.
Mary's street as heretofore ordered by the
Resolved, That the city engineer be in-
structed to prepare plans and specifica-
tions for a sanitary sewer on Almond
street between Ellis and Foy streets and
submit sante to the council at its next
meeting. Adopted.
Marketmaster Norton presented treasur-
er's receipts for $60.87, scale receipts and
sale of huckster stands.
Also presented bill of $19,60 for boarding
prisoners during month of August.
Report adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay for board of prisoners.
City weigher reported $4,55 amount due
from fees forWest Dubuque Scales. Report
received and filed.
T. J. Donahue reported 40 cents amount
due city from Grandview avenune scales,
being 10 per cent of receipts. Received and
Official Notices.
J. Doyle presented treasurer's receipt for
$4.60 being 15 per cent of the gross re -
cops of 1st want scales. Received and
The profile of change of grade of West
14th was referred to the street committee.
The profile of grade of alleys from Staf-
ford to \Vindsor avenues, between
rrhe d
and Ithomberg, and
ldt to
Stafford between Garfield and Ithom-
berg and from Humboldt to
Schiller neoln and
ombergt avenbetween i
es, referred street com-
The plans and profile and estimate of
engineer of a storm water sewer on San-
ford street from Couler creek to Couler
avenue, a distance of 1050 feet, referred to
street committee.
Ald. Glab moved to adjourn to 7:30
o'clock p. m. Carried.
thereon. The work is to be completed by
Sept. 1st, 1893.
The city marshal shall notify the owners
of said property of the passage of this re-
solution in the manner provides by law.
In case of the neglect or refusal of the
owners to fill up or raise said property,
Tots, and parts of lots, by the time and in
the manner above specified, the same will
be done by the city and costs thereof
assessed against and be a lien upon said
8-25-2w T. J. COONEY, Recorder.
An Ordinance amending Chapter 31 of the
revised ordinances of the City of Dubuque
relating to the improvement of streets,
alleys, public landings, and for the con-
struction and repair of sidewalks.
13e it ordained by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That section 6 of chapter 31
of the revised ordinances of the City of
blicmla improvement
for the construction
walks, be and is herebyamended s
ndedby ad-
ding to said section the following lines,
"Except that nereatter all 'artificial stone
or cement sidewalks that 'nay be laid shall
incline to the top of the curbing at the rate
of one-fourth inch to the foot.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and
and publicaon by the c ty councilofDue
Approved Aug. 31, 1893.
A. W . I)AU61ItEIRTY, Mayor,
Adopted Aug. 28th, 1893.
Notice in Relation to Filling Lots.
To Thos. Zinn and John Morgan:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that itis the intention of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque to pass a resolution
at its next regular session, oraering to be
filled and raised Tots which are at times
subject to be covered with stagnant water,
W hich lots are numbered and de,ctibed as
follows: N. 25 feet, lot 44, S. 15 feet, 45 and
lot 46 in E. Langworthy's Add. You are
notified to appear, if you desire, at the next
regular meeting of the council and show
cause, if ahy you have, why said resolution
should not besaid filling hall be at your expassed, as it is pense. that
The next session of the council will
commence on Sept. 4th, 1893.
8-21-12t. S. 13. RICE,
City Marshal.
Notice of Resolution Passed by the City
Council Aug. 9th. 1893.
Resolved, That the rules of order be
amended as follows: All bills and ac-
counts against the city except for work on
material furnished under contract be here-
after verified by the creditor or his agent
and com-
mittee of theareportedand
counc lbefore passed upon
by the council. T. J. GOONEY,
8 17 15t. Itecoraer.
To Unknown.
Whereas, The property, lots, and parts
of subject o be covered ereinafter swi hestagd nant waterat ;
Whave been,
notifiedners as required bsaid y lawto
appear and show cause why said lots
should not be filled, therefore be it
Resolved by the City Council of
of Dubuque, That the following described
property, lots, and parts of lots viz:
: Add.
227, 228 and 370 in Davis'the ed.
be filled and raised at
ficient, in the judgment to
t of the city height engi-
neer, to prevent stagnant water remaining
Public notice is hereby given that at the
session of the City Council of the
ciAuty of
Dubuque, held on the 8th day
were levied edonest
1893, following
real special
tate assessments hereinafter
For constructing a sidewalk on both sides
of Washington street from San-
ford to 22d street. Lot. 13m't
John Olinger, Boulevard add.. 24 $433
do do .. 26 4 47
do do 27 4 47
do do "' 28 4 47
do do L9 4 47
do 30 4 47
do do .. 81 447
do do 32 4 47
"' do 33 447
du do 34 4 47
do do "' 35 4 47
do do ...36 4 47
do do .... 37 4 47
do doS8 4 47
do do .... 39 4 47
do do .... 40 4 47
4 4
do do 42 47
do do "'43 4 47
do .... do do "' 44 4 47
Ogicial Notices.
do do• 45 447
do do 40 7 60
For constructing sidewalk on Broadway
and Broadway Extension from Block -
linger Lane to Charles streets.
G Blorkliogar, King's 2d add21
C 11 Meyer, King's Grove 1
do do • 2
do. • do 3
do do 4
John Nagel,
do do 7
C H Meyer, do 24
do do 25
For constructing a sidewalk on south side
01 14th street Irom Niue to
Maple street.
Pier & Ackerman, East Du-
buque add 281 19 75
For constructing a sidewalk on both sides
of West llth street Irom hate street to
alley east of Center Place.
Andrew Drees, sub city out lot
5 95
12 87
9 03
9 03
10 42
12 51
14 76
10 81
10 45
738 1 33 92
A W Hosfard, Cain's sub 7 18 95
11 'Thompson., do 13 19 07
A W Ilosford, do 17 10 57
M L Gruner, do 16 10 57
M A McGovern, do 15 10 57
A W tlosford, do 14 10 57
J P Earley, Cumming's sub22 2593
For the construction o[ a sidewalk on east
side of Queen street from Sanford
street to north end of lot 45
Stafford's add.
John Bulow, Sr., Staffoid's add 71 5 36
00 do 39 8 94
Herman Ohde, do 81,i 40 447
Mrs r' Ohde, do u 40 4 47
Simon Schaetzle, do 41. 911
John Detttnan, sub 42 and 43
Stafford s add 2 8 94
Henry Pfotzer, sub 42 and 43
Stafford's add 1 2810
Henry Pfotzer, Stafford's add44 8 95
Ed Pfotzer, do 45 8 95
do do .... 46a 524
For the construction of a sidewalk o4 both
•A W Hosfurtle vof Grant enue.
Cain's sub 8
E H 1 lleadford, do 18 78
A W tlosford, do 1 8 58
G 11 Davis, do 3 8 58
""" 2 858
For the construction of a sidewalk on both
sides of Middle street from Lincoln
avenue to its northern terminus.
J A Welty, sub lots 3. 5 and w
7 ft of 9, Wick's add 1 24 76
And that in case of failure to pay the
same within thirty days from this date, the
same shall become delinquent and bear in-
terest thereafter at the same rate as the de-
linquent annual city taxes.
Dated at. Dubuque this 8th day of Sep-
tember, A. D. 1893.
'Treasurer of the City of D buque.
Resolved by the City Council the of City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick stone or
cement, be, within fifteen days of this
notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks
on the south side of Julien avenue,
between Nevada and Booth streets.
Adopted Aug. 29, 1893.
9-4-1Ot T. J. CooNEY,
City Recorder.
Copies of the proposed changes in the
city assessment rolls for the year 1893 by
the board of equalization may be found at
the city hall and the court house. The
final session If the board will be held at
the council room Sept. 13th, 1893 from 2 to
3 o'clock p. m. J. M. KENETY,
9.4 61. Auditor.
Evening Session, September 8th, 1893..
1ii,vening,Seeston Sept. 3-
Covncil met at 7:50 p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
('resent—Alda. Butler, Byrne, 1 iilig.
Nieks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Byrne, chat' man of the sewer com-
mittee presented the following report:
Your committee report in favor of pav-
ing the bill of J. 1'. Schroeder of 3119.15
for cement and tile pipe. Adopted.
Also in favor of postponing action on
petition of E. A. Spaulding et al., for a
sanitary sewer on Roberts avenue as water
mains have not been extended on said
street. Adopted.
Also report in fQvor of paying bill of B.
E. Linehan of $152.54. Adopted.
Also in favor of paying D. W. Linehan
3724.45 estimate of work done on sewer in
alley between 10th and 17th and Jackson
and Washington. Adopted.
Aid. Lillig offered the following resolu-
Resolved, '!'hat the city engineer be and
is hereby instructed to report a plan for
renutubering Garfield, Rtiomberg and Lin-
coln avenues, Carried.
A Id. Lillig offered the following:
Resolved by the l ity Council of the City
of Dubuque: '!'hat a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem-
ent, be, within 20 days of this nonce, con-
structed and lard in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, en the
west side of Couler avenue abutting 3, 4
and 5, in Brewry add., where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Ald. LIllig offered the following:
Resolved by the city Council of the City
of Dubuque, '!'hat a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of 26th street, between
Couler avenue and and Jackson street,
where not already laid, a' the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Lillie, Nicks,
Olinger, Powers, 1-1.3 der anti Vogel.
Ala. Ltllig offered- the following resolu-
tion ordering stagnant water lots to be
Whereas, The property, lots, and parts
of lots hereivatter described are, at times,
subject to be covered with stagnant water;
1Vhereas. The owners of said property
have been notified as required by law, to
appear and show cause why said lots
should not be tilled, therefore,
Be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, that the lollowing de-
scribed property, lots and parts of lots,
viz: 29, 30 and 31 in E. Langworthy's
asci be filled and raised at the expense of
the owners, to a height sufficient in the
judgment of the city engineer, .o prevent
stagnant water remaiunng thereon. The
work is to be completed by October 1,
The city marshal shall notify the own-
ers of said property of the passage of this
resolution in Inc manner provided by law.
In ::ase of the neglect or refusal of the
owners to fill up or raise said property,
lots and parts of lots, by the tiiue and iu
the manner above specified, the same will
be done by the city and the costs thereof
assessed against and be a lieu upon said
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, nyder and
Ald. Lillig offered the following Reso-
lution ordering stagnant water lots to be
Whereas, The property, lots. and parts
of lots hereinafter described are, at tones,
suoject to be covered with stagnant water;
Whereas, the owners of said property
have been notified as required by law to
appear and show cause why said lots
should not be titled, therefore,
Be it resolved, by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, that the following de-
scribed property, Tots, and parts of lots,
North 25 ft. 45 and s 15 ft., lot 45 and lot
411 in E. Eangworthy's Add. be tilled and
raised at the expense of the owners, to a
height sufficient, in the judgment of the
city engineer, to prevent stagnant water
renlainil,g thereon. The work is 1:, be
completed by October lst, 1893.
The city marshal shall nonny the
owners of said property of the passage ill
this resolu ion in the manner provided
law. lu case of the neglect or refusal 01
the owners to till up or raise said property,
lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in
the manner above specified, the same will
be done by the city and the costs thereof
assessed against and be a lien upon said
property. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes, Aids. Butler, Byrne, Lillig, Nicks,
Olinger, Powers, Ryder, and Vogel.
Ald. Powers offered the toliowing:
Resolved, By the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewaik 8 feet wiae,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 2U days of this notice,
and resolutiou,constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks. on the north
side of Julien avenue in front of lots
one and eight in Cain's add. where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abutting
'Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Lillig, Nicks,
Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. rowers offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That, a side walk
eight feet wide, of good two inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days
of this notice and resolution, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on the
north side of Julien Avenue, in front
of mineral lot 46 where not already laid,
at expense of abutting property
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, By rne, Lillig,Nicks,
Olinger, Powers, 1tyder and Vogel.
Ald. Powers offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of gond 2 inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 20 days
of this notice, constructed and laid m con-
formity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on Center Place in front of
McNulty's subdivision where not already
laid. at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Byrne offered the following:
154 Evening Semion, September 8th, 1893.
Resulted by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide,
of good two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days ot this notice,
the constructed i
rdinancein reflation to sidewalks, withity
the east side of Cherry street, between
Cleveland avenue and hush street where
not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Lillie,
Nicks Olinger, Powers Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Byrne offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque that the south side of Dodge
street, between Locust and Bluff streets,
be graded guttered, curbed and
macadamized in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. 'That
the city engineer be and he is
hereby directed to make the necessary
Plans and specifications for said improve-
ments. and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals fur the perferniance of tete work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—A Id's. Butler, Byrne, 1.i1iig,
Nieks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
AId. Glab offered the following:
Be it resolved, By the city conned of the
city of Dubuque, that 'Anew n avenue
between U vier and N•nite streets,
be 'traded guttered, curbed and
macadamized, in conformity with
the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. 'l'hat the city engineer be and he
is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ments, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of ttie work; the
grading, guttering, curbing and ma-
cadamizing to be done at the expense of
the owners of the abutting property.
Lost by the following vote:
Noes—Aid's. lite ler. Byrne, Olinger,
Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ayes—Glab and Nicks.
AId. Ryder uttered the Following reso-
Resolved by the City Council of the CT
of Dubuque, That the alley between 11111
and Buren and W 3rd streets be graded and
macadamized, in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. What the
'city engineer be and he is hereby directed
to make the ue( essary plans and specifi-
cations tor said improvement, and the city
recorder directed to give the proper notice
for bids and proposals for the performance
of the work; the grading and macadamiz-
ing to be done at the expense of the own-
ers of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne. Crawford.
-Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers.
Ruder and Vogel.
Ald. Nicks offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the street superintend-
ent under the supervision of the street
committee be instructed to make Lincoln
avenue between Uouler avenue and White
street passable for public travel.
Ald. Ryder moved that Ald. Olinger be
excused to have anything to do in regard
to the improvement of Lincoln avenue.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved, by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That to pay for a four foot
wide plank sidewalk on the west side of
file street between 23d and 25th
streets, by R. T. Eddy, contractor, in trout
of and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is Hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and awned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
R. and E. Langworthy, lot 213, Glendale
50 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 19c....8 9 50
R. and E. Langworthy, lot 214, Glendale
50 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 19e $ 9 50
11. and E. Langworthy, lut 219, Glendale
50 lineal feet pan&sidewalk at 19c..$ 9 50
it. and E. Langworthy, lot 220, Glendale
50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 19e.$ 9 50
11. and E. Langworthy, lot 221, Glendale
59.2 lin feet plank sidewaik at. 19e..811 25
R. and E. Langworthy, lot 294, Glendale
53 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 19c.$10 07
Robert Spect, et al., lot 291, Glendale
50 hmeal feet plank sidewalk at 19c.$ 9 50
Adopted by the fohowing vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Byrne, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger. Powers, Ryder and
AId. Nicks offered the following resolu-
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the city attorney
andiordinahce committee be instructed to
draft an ordinance regulating the sprink-
ling 01 streets of the city and providing for
the payment of the cost of the same. Car-
AId. Nicks offered the following resolu-
Resolved, 13y the City Council of the
City o[ Dubuque, That one alderman from
each ward in conjunction with the city
electrician be directed to rearrange and
dispense with such gasoline lamps as are
not required on account of the location ot
the new electrie lights. Adopted.
Aid. Powers offered the following reso-
Resolved, '1'bat the tax levy for the year
1893 on the taxable property in the city be
as follows:
General expense fund, seven and one-
half mills.
Special interest fund, two mills.
Water, one mill.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. .Butler, Byrne, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder, and
Ald. Powers offered the following reso-
lution, which was adopted:
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the board ot super-
visor+ of Dubuque, lowa, b3 instructed to
levy 3 mills as a bridge fund on the taxable
property within the limits of the city of
Dubuque for the t ear 1893, said levy to be
paid for the use and benefit ot said city.
Ald. Byrne, chairman or the committee
on sewers reported in favor of accepting
the sanitary sewer in alleys between 10th
and 17th and Jackson and Washington
streets, done by D. W. Linehan, con-
tractors. Adopted.
;Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn. Carried.
. Recorder.
Special Se&rion, September 8th, 1893.
Special Session September, 8tb,
City council met at 8:25 o'clock p. in.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present, Aids. Butler, Byrne,
Lillig, Hyder and Vogel.
The mayor stated the object of the meet-
ing was to take action on ttte resolution
passed at the last meeting, in regard to the
disposition of the bridge fund now in the
bands of the county.
Ald. Ryder moved that the resolution of
Ald. Powers in relation to bridge fund,
adopted September 5th, 1893, be reconsid-
ered. Carried.
Ald. Glab offered the following resolu-
Resolved, By the city council of the City
of Dubuque, 'That we acceptS1b,000 in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the commit-
tee of the whole hereto attached, as pay-
ment in full from the county of Dubuque
for the bridge fund levy of 1892 and col-
lected in 1893.
Said $15,000 to be paid in three install-
ments as follows:
85,000 to be paid on September 9th, 1893.
$5,000 to be paid on or before Oct. 6th,
$5,000 to be paid on or before Nov. 6th,
Above amounts to be paid on the dates
above given, or this resolution and agree-
ment shall become null and void and of no
force or effect, and be it further
Resolved, That the city treasurer be in-
structed to give the county treasurer a re-
ceipt for the above several amounts as
they become payable by said county.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Glab, Lillig,
Ryder and Vogel -6.
Ald. Glab offered the following, which
was referred to the street committee:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wi de
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the alks, on
the or southee in sideTeofito
3d street, Wbetween
Alpine street and Booth street, where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
Aid. Glab moved the street superintend-
ent be instructed to have alt bad sidewalks
repaired immediately, the cost of same to
be assessed to the abutting property. Car-
Ald. Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried.
Attest :
Notice to (3 dewaik Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
city engineer's office. city of Dubuque,
Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, Sept.
23, 1893, for constructing sidewalks as fol-
An eight -foot wide sidewalk of brick,
stone or cement, on the east side of Bluff
street, 5etween 13th street and 14th street.
A 12 toot wide sidewalk of brick, stone or
cement, on the north std • of 6th street,
abutting east 25 feet of city lot 752; also
proper curb in accordance with grade.
An eight -foot wido plank sidewalk on
the north side of Julien avenue, abutting
lots 1 and 8, Cain's sub.
An four -foot wide plank sidewalk on
the east side of Center Place, abutting lot
lot 1, McNulty's sub.
An 8 foot wide plank sidewalk on north
side of Julien avenue abutting min lot 86.
An 8 foot wide plank sidewalk on west
side of Couter avenue abutting lots 3, 4 and
5, Brewery add.
A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on south
side of 26th street from Couter avenue to
Jackson street.
An 8 foot plank sidewalk on south side
of Julien avenue between Nevada street
and Booth street.
A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on east
side of Cherry street between Cleveland
avenue and hush street.
All in accordance with specifications on
file in said office. A bond of $100 will be
required with each bid. The city reserves
the right to reject ands.
9-12-101 City Engineer.
gete der.
Notice of Sale.
1 will sell at public Auction to the best
bidder for cash, on the 19111 day of Sept.
1893,jat the public pound of the city of Du-
buque, on Elm street, between 14 and 15th
streets, the following impounded animal
to -wit: One bay horse about 10 years old.
S. B. RICE, City Marshal.
Dubuque, Sept. 13, 1893. 9-13-6
,'irrl .tie.c.rion., Septembe,' 25th, 1893.
Spacial Session Sew,. 26th, 1893.
Council met at 8:00 p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present -A Ids .But.er, Byrne, Crawford,
Lillig, Olinger, Nicks, Ryder, and Vogel.
The mayor stated that the object- of the
meeting was to settle watt Con Ryan, .1r.
on his contract with the city.
A Id. 011eger, chairman of the street com-
mittee, reported as follows:
In savor of paying:the bill of Con. Ryan
Jr. of 81,375.86 balance clue for the nu-
provemen t of W indsor avenue.
Also in favor of paying the bill of Con
Ryan, Jr. of $1,500.00 balance due for grad-
ing Windsor avenue.
Also reported in favor of paying bill of
August Bracher of $12.07 for macadam.
Report adopted.
Ald. Olinger moved that the matter of
drainage of Julien avenue near Booth
street be referred to the city engineer and
street superintendent. Gulled.
AId. Crawford ofreted the tollownig
resolution. which was referred to thecum-
mittee of the whole:
Whereas, The season is growing late,
and the time in wliten work ou street im-
provements can oe performed is limited,
and the amount of employment furnished
to the laborers of this city during the
present season has been considerably less
than in former years; therefore
Resolved, That the limit of $3,000 per
mouth of expenditure for work on streets,
under the street cotnmissioner,recommend-
ed by the finance committee and adopted
by the council at its last regular sessson,
be increased to $5,000 per month for the re-
mainder of the present season. Provided,
That no person, or the team of anyone,
shall be employed by the street commis-
sioner, who is not an actual resident of the
Ald. Lillig moved that the engineer be
instructed to prepare enough oak lumber
for the repair of the Seventh street bridge.
AId. Olinger. chairman 01 the fire and
water committee reported in favor 01 pay-
ing the bill of B..;. O'Neill of $79.35 for
oats for fire department. Adopted.
L Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Counoil of the City
of Dubuque, That the alley between 22d
and 23d and Couler avenue and Jackson
streets be graded and macadamized in con•
fortuity with the ordinance upon that sub-
fect. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work; the grad-
ing and macadamizing to be done at the
expense of the owners of the abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Nicks offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, That the marshal be instruct-
ed to remove the obstructions on Clinton
street so that the same will be open for
AId. Ryder, of the sewer committee, re-
ported in favor of approving of the plans
and specifications for a sanitary sewer on
Almond street from Ellis to Foye street.
Ald. .Crawford moved that the matter of
landing for the Eagle Point ferry be re-
ferred to the street committee and en-
gineer. Carried.
Ald. Byrne moved to adjourn. Carried. •
Public notice is hereby given that at the
session of the City Council 01 the City of
Dubuque, held on the 28th day of August,
1893, the following special assessments
were levied on the real estate hereinafter
described, and that in case owners of the
property so desire they can pay the assess-
mentin seven annual equal installments,the
' first installment being due on the date of
levy, and the last installment six years
from date of levy, all bearing interest at
We rate of 6 percent par annum. l'ersons
wishing to pay all at once as heretofore
can do so. In the case of failure to pay all
or any part of the assessment at the end of
six years from date of levy the property
wilt be advertised and sold.
Dated at Dubuque this 13th day of
September, A. D. 1893.
liENIY B. GNIFFtct':,
Treasurer of the Ctty 01 Dubuque.
For the improvement of Windsor avenue
from end of preseutiniprove-
ment to city limits.
Description. Lot. Am't
11 Stafford, Stafford's add 17
Chas Stafford, Stafford's add16
do do 15
do do 14
Lucy Buol tlo 13
Win Duesing, do 12
Nick Mettel, Metiel's sub 25
John Walsh, sub 1, sun 5, sub
11, 12 and 13 of ne% sec 13,
89, 2e
John Walsh, sub 1, sub 5, sub
11, 12 and 13 01 he% sec 13,
89, 2e
John \Val,n, sub 1, sub 5, sub
11, 12 and 13 of 1104" sec 13,
89, 2e
Barbara Zugenuuetiier, sub 1,
sub 5, sun 11. 12 and 13 of
ne% sec 13, 89 2'
BarbaraZugenbueirler, sub 1,
sub 6, sub 11, 12 and 13 of
ne% see 13, 89 2e
Linwood Cemetery Association,
sub 11, 12 and 13 of ne ' of
sec 13, 89, 2e
Linwood Cemetery Association,
sub 11, 12 and 13 of nei.i of
sec 13, 89, 2e
Linwood Cemetery Association,
sub 11, 12 and 13 of 111.1.1 of
sec 13, 89, 2e
Chris Wasser, sub 5, Brecltt's
Chris Wasser, sub 6, Brecht's
Geo Rieger, Brecht's sub
L Kupperschmidt, Brecht's sub
$46 59
109 07
69 30
69 30
69 30
103 12
367 78
5 115 16
4 62 18
3 62 38
2 65 84
1 77 92
3 52 71
4 1680 31
2 321 07
1 57 79
2 55 44
4 69 3
3 69 30
O„fji;cial Not-ice8.
Jacob Beaus, do 2 69 30
Christ Braun, do 1 91 68
John Kawaleek, sub 4, sub 8
and 9, Liegeiger's sub 1 22 25
Dubuque Light and Traction 1262 12
Co, rlghtof way
Linwood Cemetery Associat'u,
nek sec 13, it, 89, n r 2e10 7.'7 98
Linwood Cemeiery Associat'n,
ne3 sec 13, tp 89, n r 2e 7 987 19
Linwood Cemetery Asscciat'n,
ne/ see 13,Itp 89, n r 2e 17 538 09
Fred SInssehl, ney sec 13, tp 89
n ra 3e 4 312 82
L & G llayne, Burden & Law -
tiler's add
L & 0 A Hayne, Burden &
Lawihei's add 2 69 30
L & G A Bayne, Burden &
Lawthet's add 3 69 30
G.o Burden est, Burden &Law-
ther's add 4 69 30
Geo Burden est, Burden & Law-
ther add .. 5 109 66
Geo Burden est, Burden & Law-
ther's add 6 109 80
Wm Lowther & J V Rider,
Burden & Lawther's add, 7 69 30
do do du 8 69 30
do do do 9 59 30
do do do 10 109 80
do do do 11 100 94
do do do 12 55 44
do do do 13 55 44
do do do 14 55 44
do do do 15 55 44
do do do 16 96 26
do do do 17 96 06
do do uo 18 55 44
do do do 19 55 44
do do do 146 17 32
J J Sheridan, Sheridan's add, 12 60 71
C10 do do 11 95 15
do do do 10 95 65
do do do 9 60 99
do do do 8 60 99
do do do 7 60 99
do do do 6 95 65
do do do 5 9816
do do do 4 63 48
do do do 3 63 48
do do do 2 63 48
do do do 1 11214
For the improvement of Alta avenue from
Duque avenue to Delaware avenue.
Q A Voelker et al, Woodlawn
Park add, 285 55 99
do do do284 59 68
do do do283 59 68
do do do282 59 68
do do do281 59 68
do do do280 9410
do do do279 9414
do do do278 59 68
lowa M B & L Ass'n, do277 59 68
C A Voelker et al, do276 59 68
do do do275 94 42
do do do274 34 15
do do uo263 35 07
do do do.... 262 93 93
do do do.... 261 59 67
do do do.... 260 59 67
do do do.... 259 59 67
du do do.... 258 94 43
G 13 Thomas, do.... 257 94 39
J J Small, do.... 256 59 68
N' .13 Magee, do.... 255 59 68
11 1t Keagy, do254 59 68
G B Thoinas, do.... 253 94 34
C A Voelker et al do.... 252 34 74
For the improvement of Oak Street from
Quince to Belle Streets.
John Schromen, Union add.... 30 229 89
do do .... 29 15133
James Rowan, do .... 78 75 66
do do .... 29 75 66
It 13 Grimes, du .... 26 75 66
Ellen Curran,
do26 75 66
Wm Larkin, do 24 75 66
do do 23 75 66
Phil Neuman, do • 22 75 tib
1' Gregory',
do .... 21 75 66
do do ▪ 20 75 66du do • 19 75 66
dodo .... 18 75 66
do do .... 17 75 66
Vick t,regory, do 16 114 76
M 13 Roddy, sub e pt of min lot
68 lot 68 Union add, 6 66 84
do do 7 6306
John McBride, do 8 63 06
A W Kemler, do 10 88 44
Mrs J Dowling, do 51 77 93
1 Plamonden, do 52 75 66
Con Callahan, do o3 75 66
Dennis Ryan, do 54 75 66
Patrick O'Meara, do 55 75 66
do do56 122 80
Sylvester and Martha lfickren,
Union add 57 120 28
do do 58 75 66
John Degnan, do 95 75 66
do Union add60 76 67
Pat Vauban, do 61 75 56
Tom Boyce, do li`L 120 82
Sarah Ryan, do 63 121 27
F Franks, do 64 75 66
Cath Ryder, do65 75 66
Michael O'Meara, do 76 75 66
Jams Saul, Jr., do 67 50 78
Pat Quinn, . ub 5 sub e pt min It
63, lot 68, Union add, 2 26 48
Pat Hayden, ao 4 63 06
do do 3 63 06
John A Kenedy, do 2 63 06
Sarah Farrell, do 1 68 13
For the improvement of West Fourteenth
from Delhi street to Atlantic avenue.
Ed H Starr, sub 2 sub 5 sub 13,
min lot 172,
W Starr, sub 3 sub 13, min It 172
do sub 4 sub 13, min It 172
Ernest Butt, do do
C A Voelker et al, Woodlawn
Park add, 249
John Jungers, do 248
C A Voelker et al do 247
'Pachirgi & Schwind, do 246
do do 203
do do 202
do do 201
do do 200
C A Voelker et al, do 156
do do 153
do do 152
do do161
Geo F Starr, sub 13, min It 172 2
Geo Schromann, do 172 1
• do sub 3, sub 13 do 172 2
do sub 4, do 172 1
do sub 13, do 172 6
Tschirgi & Schwind, Wood -
lawn Park add 337 221 24
Tschirgi & Schwind, sub 9.
Moreheiser's add 2 106 35
Tschirgi & Schwind, sub 10,
Moreheiser's add 2 115 70
Tschirgi & Schwind, sub 11,
Moreheiser's add 2 113 53
Tsehirgi & Schwind, sub 12,
Moreheiser's add 2
Tschirgi & Schwind, Marc-,
heiser's add 13
Tschirgi & Schwind, More-
helser's add 14 138 30
For the Improvemeat of Decorah avenue
fromAuburn to Alta avanue.
C A Voelker et al, Woodlawn
Park add,
John Kapp & Chas I'itschner, 191 134 10
W oodlawn Para add 192 135 62
2 $262 07
1 77 79
2 8 69
1 86 49
28 93
85 00
85 08
106 81
106 81
83 91
83 96
104 82
106 94
82 72
82 56
90 61
139 24
10 71
95 06
13 34
79 93
113 53
113 53
Official Notices.
John Kapp & Chas Pilsehner, For improving alley from 7th street to 8th
CWoodlawn Park add 211. 135 18 street between Clay and White sheets.
C A Voelker et al Woodtawn Dubuque County, city 281:t 28 09
Park add, 212 134 82 Dubuque County, city 285 22 76
dodu.... `237 135 62 Dubuque County, city 2811 22 76
G 13 Tnonas, do.... 238 134 86 Dubuque County. city 287 22 76
do do.... 257 135 26 Dubuque County, city.... 288 28 09
C A Voelker et al, do.... 258 135 34 Geo Mehl, city 319 28 09
Dubuque County, city 320 22 76
Peter Marugg, city 321 22 76
Mary F Alderman, city 322 22 76
John Pier, city 323 28 09
For nnproving Delaware Avenue from
Audubon Avenue to Alia Avenue.
C A. Voelker et al, Woodlawn
Park add 186 135 90
do do187 136 10
do do216 135 70
do do217 135 86
do do232 135 26
do do.... 233 135 62
do do262 135 78
do do.... 263 136 82
For the itnprovement of Dubuque Avenue
iroat Auburn Avenue to Alta A.veuue.
Jno Kapp & Chas Pitschner,
W oodlawn l'.trk add 196 135 14
M Tschirgi, Sr do.... 197 135 06
do do.... 206 135 10
Jno Kapp & Chas Pitschner,
Wocdlawn Park add 207 135 30
G 13 '1 homas, Woodlawn Park
add..... 242 135 18
C A. Voelker, et al do.... 24i 134 74
do do.... 252 134 82
G 13 Thomas, do.... 233 :135 30
For the improvement of Seminary street
from west line of Cox's add, also s hf
of Seminary street between east
line of lot 72 in Cox's add to
west line of said add to
West Locust street.
Mary Schroeder, Buettel's sub 4 61 60
noun Kearney,do do 3 61 60
John L Buettel, do do 1 183 59
Nic Groat, J P Schroeder's add 10 76 40
J P;Schroeder, do do 1 20U 98
John Hennessey, w 15.07 ac es
of min lot 190 1,352 50
John Hennessey, min lot 18S 650 42
Mt St Joseph's cademy, e 2.85
acres of min Int 190 1,168 18
Mt St Joseph's Academy, sub 2 2 62 85
min lot 187
Mt St Joseph's Academy, sub 2 1 691 76
of min tot 187
For the improvement of Auburn Avenue
from West Fourteenth street to
Dexter Avenue,
M Tschirgi, Sr, Woodlawn
Park ado 200 124 16
do do.... 199 62 t8
do do.... 198 62 08
do do.... 197 98 57
C A. Voelker et al, Woodlawn
Park a Id 157 90 52
do do.... 156 62 08
do do.... 155 62 08
do do.... 151 124 16
Jno Kapp and Chas Pitschner,
Woodlawn Park add 196 97 40
do do.... 195 62 08
du do.... 194 62 08
do do.... 193 62 08
do do.... 192 97 40
C A Voelker, et al, Woodlawn
Park add 162 99 35
do do.... 161 62 08
do do.... 160 62 08
do do.... 159 62 08
Peter Eulberg, Woodlawn
1'ark add 158 89 74
C A Voelker, et al, Woodlawn
Park add 191 97 73
do do.... 190 62 08
Iowa Building and Loan Asso-
ciation; Woodlawn Park 189 62 08
C A Voelker et al, Woodlawn
Park add 188 62 08
do do.... 187 97 73
do do1117 9812
do do.... 166 62 08
do do.... 165 62 08
do do.... 164 62 08
do do..:. 163 98 12
do do186 97 66
do do185 62 08
do do184 62 08
do do.... 183 62 08
do du182 8109
do • do172 80 51
do do171 62 08
do do170 62 08
clo do169 62 08
F Ludescher do168 97 19
For the itnprovement of 24th street from
Jackson street to Pine street.
John R Flick, Glendale add161 127 27
It & E Langworthy, Glendale
add 162 145 67
R & E Langworthy, Glendale
add 185 150 83
11 & E Langworthy, Glendale
add 186 150 30
Mike llofnagel, Glendale add,2119 111 37
Theodore Messtnk, Glendale 210 81 34
C & G W lt'y Co, sub miu lot
322 feet 13 28 00
C & G W R'y Co, sub min lot 14 28 00
322 feet...
R & E Langworthy, Glendale
add No 3 294 82 64
R & E Langworthy, Glendale
add No 3 271 111 53
R & E Langworthy, Glendale 270 150 42
R & E Langworthy, Glendale 247 151 17
R & E Langworthy, Glendale
add 246 145 97
R & E Langworthy, Glendale
add 223 135 20
Public notice is hereby given that at the
session of the city council of the City of
Dubuque, held on the{5lhday of September,
1893, the following special assessments
wete levied on the real estate hereinafter
For laying sidewalk on west side of Pine
street from 23l to 25111 streets.
R. and E. Lih.gworthy, Glen- 213 $ 9 50
dale add
R. and E. Langworthy, Glen-
dale acid •
R and E. Langworthy, Glen-
dale add
R. and E. Langwot•thy, Glen -
20 9 50
dale add
R. and E. Langworthy, Glen-
dale add 221 11 25
R. and E. Langworthy, Glen-
dale add 294 10 07
Robert Specht et al., Glendale 291 9 50
And in case of failure to pay the same
within thirty days from this date, the same
shall become delinquent and bear interest
Lot A n,'1.
100r••'114 4" the ram, rot. v' the ,loll•
.,00/1 4tlnrf'1 e'1r NfYM.
IM1M Me 4'i..,, 1r/f1'• 4444• ',Ili 're1•• '
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mono M SIN.
$mMV k Mal Am:
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+,.401 Aw•*.e1 IIt
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1' IMmk, k'
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Tl1.1. litter
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.4*4, 1 :111111.
. 4 ut'curail
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J' •.•.•1,.,41
'1.,. 1:441, ,
1.1' 1444 •l\
. Lallurer
1.,.. 1,14 y• 41.01.1...t
'70 00
'r 75
1` II
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ro (r.
44' 411
40 4(1
4R 40
110 no
514 m
011 NI
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Rr 1,
46 10
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If 714
If• M
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41' (41
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441' 1111
M 1141
441 00
ne 110
_'14 41
al 191
441 10
AR 4'1
211 411
20 25
50 00
VP 4,0
21 110
N 10
r• 441
:t(I (X.
1: 85
21 RO
r. 40
10 1441
11 60
15 90
111 80
f 00
15 '0
244 70
36 76
24 30
12 15
21 00
17 90
14 66
9 440
:16 10
27 76
15 66
11 60
14 20
16 5.
24 00
16 2.4
2 70
20 00
24 94
27 W
114 114
.41 IL
20 1;,
, c1.
41, 20
I 500
24. 00
8 10
19 20
2 70
14 bu
" IFu'•hnc
...: tt•,rknr
A. .Inhrwnn
r. JFt"
M. K Ilnr'
E. S. K Mg
J. 14 el y
P. KInnry.
1 1( nom r)
v 1r8.
. /.Ar,°rt.•r.......
Vb 1 tsthor•r .
.iohn 1,44vi
M. Lot's
F,. hncnral'an'I
C. hfckrahahId..
John Loa
John Lary .. .
11. IAck
FL I.1ppstock
.1. N.trnnry
P Monte'.
.1. Mullen.
P. M.Ietioir
P. Mohan .
M. Murphy
M. Mabouy.
T. Maho..y.,
1'. Mo son
31. Maybauks
I.. Meurisc.
C. Mackelberg .
f. Mori ny .
Jas. Mclluy,...
T. Mulqueeny
1.. McItvoy.
.1. Me('attrev....
.1 lin SG Vltlty. ..
14. McCormack.
M. McMahon....
I). Viekids
\I. Mitten.....
.I. Nag r......
L. Nip
I. Not
1'. O'Brien, Sr
John (l'1)ea
1'. (3' Rs len, Jr
Joe (Jbbelt.
F. Oswald.
11, Powers
Jag. Powers....
Wm. Piekky. Foreman.
,las. Purcell .. Laborer....
J. Perryou..
A. Filthier Mason
John Quail.. ...laborer
John Karo Fordutau....
U. Itaveulcklaborer . .
W111, toouey - '
J. Ryan......
Wm. Nieman
M. Rano
N'. Kaetll•)It
Jas . Kagan
M. Kwsru
F Rieger
1idl. Rieder ..
1Y. Sweviie
W. Spaultluls ..
N .11tl1111t1aG
P. South
M. Shay
tido sudor
Jas Stolcu,ou
WIn Sac6ell
Joh. .71..1114Ni 6
Mason...... .. .
Laborer .. ..
Forenutn . ..
N 1••11... '
t, J 44rr,'
+4 MI Jnrin N
In P, 1(1A4n4.r
. v4 ♦m..e
in J. p . i.V o1 t,
/t In '»o. Wit:1mm
).) to 11r. %A.•niria
It 'n 1;. ry. goo,..
18. Monne r.
3' :. Mran,'it
ale Writ. Ftrae(.r.r.
'r. 1.•rr 18.431er
IF '?ft f' r IRnr7
15 )0 F: F Ain
IR - -r r,mrNdsy
11 ••.-•N. 1 r.rhtn
fit i; Orn 1or,oran
oto M. 1 rK oan
FII W m. l t• r. , rl.t r
I'> 4, .1 N. F',ci r,rr
IIe) .1' )?) •,o:r,
17 `.Mr .1 f: ter 44r,
17 '4 M
al•1) Wrn. 17orar1
10 14..1 Ft.1n-:-;n
.l 11. Ft+,'rn--••
15 i" 1.
111 No K. H nrI'F4.1
1 -
M. 11-nnrvsy
k. 1'. .lar.trn
I. Ja•n .m-
to Y. K nrrraUy
T (Cance
.1. firwelr.
.1 1,0-40h ,a
1'. Ia+b.sn. _ .
.lav Moor . ..
J.,hu Nat._...
rhos. M.,rran..
.1. MN'ra
.lett MA;rath ...
John Meti 4th....
1. M-001114, .....
18 0> Wm. N eG rat h -
,;t0 Le)t.
t9 95 .lances Powers
2'2 65 -J. tJulParke
-3 t 3e) 4I , . fnhi an.
12 .5 4310. tteynuirls
l'1 :3.3 J. Stt[vrurtb"
70 1►. Sutherland .
33 3 F. Seeley .
+0 ti. Seery . "
2)) 0) 1 J. Sutherland '.
2640 7 J.Baste... _"
it 13 J. Stell -4
24 65 H. Sett null "
17 90 Cath. Tobin...
J0 A. Turner
17 a3 M. 71.e ...
10 30 1:e174. \Yelltr.
17 25 W. M easnerby
6 10 14. 71412.
38 30 John Carter..
1383 M. Igo .
40 tri NV III Terry
.: ;al John tidier!
St 66 1'. \I.Nulty
s sit Y. Fury
t: 9u F. S.1tU.tu6
K3 .11 James t:,'.'uey
;11 90 P. Calla:on
13 20 I.. t'50e1J0..y
...1 (tl J. tVtt.url
13 :J Uit.:t tt lir ru
13.3.) Jas. N.ukry
%' tit. 1`.r6iN
4.• J. t'elryru
.. a• t' 1 : ur:wa
A, s• tiro Ketu'1.14
,a. V. Mx114.ottaht
v 43 U.1'utto
11 NteCk4)
o r Jar lore
14 3o Daly
•1 91
9 u F'drgus•tn ltrve.
09 OU C. J. Hargan
to to
is du Jatgds 11911
... .............
.. ..............
street superintendent
11 85
2 70
Ir, 90
1 :36
11; i.5
9 S0
17 25
26 00
31 .'.0
44 90
18 40
44 10
17 60
3 16
9 45
15 75
411 95
9 46
43 35
37 03
Labor. .........
laborer..... .. .
i learnt sidewalkaround Cleaning round ma
tet ........
Kd1@urQtg fountains
Cleaning around elty
&'loaning around city
ball ..........
`ire. Koenig . J.ultur...... •.......
.luyl.y C tauutatile4eriu:rry serywes
37 80
.9 15
4.) 20
.11 50
17 35
11 15
20 50
22 85
:4 35
11 05
38 60
43 los
1.13 33
4 75
3 15
59 81
45 70
38 611
40 95
49 65
:18 60
26 00
16 55
36 25
73 80
73 20
54 35
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15 75
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lit 25
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hereby eettify that Pie rerew,irZ is a tyxr"at
Ilal of all warrants tagtw*1 'tarinef trier n►'mlh
..f .inns•, Ir8t•
f .1. r:O!r'.P.i r t7 P.rrgrdrt
THE (TI) (()1:\r 11,.
Spociai Sleet -Jo. Sept 29 b :833
Council met 9:21) p. m.
Mayor Pro tem. 1)lnlger In the chart.
Present—A lit+. Butler, (Aline. Olineet.
Powers, Hyder and V"o.el.
The chants stated
hf a+object
e hint the
his contracts.
Powers moved that Jas Cushing be
pard as f ,IUows, as recommender by the
street cumulate
For improving alley from seventh to
Eighth streets. between Cay and 11 tide
streets, $2217.`'1.
For Improving alley from Fifteenth le
Sixteenth streets, between fine and M 3p,r
streets, $291.29. Carried.
Aid. Ryder moved to adj•wrtt. Carr.ed-
/ 1%---
Ni sitter tu"ita>-i►gayer+.
Thu aasusamen% books tui the year 1Vd
artl UWW Toady for the lttat•es-non et tax-
payers, glad wltl.', ItlltUe t.• tie 1111111 the
hist teittuar tueettitg .el in•' 1'II 1'auurlt III
llt,t. hoer, w bolt A111, pot.t•U tea UUi seerMRad
1.1 it,: A,.t,•,111e tit -.1 :t.• her ria; ealate
, 1','►YaI lel the
1 , t1 t\,•' 1 v%,
A'te tinder.
at.ws :a1 aseossmerit. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the council,
to is held on the 2nd day of October, A. 1).,
DMI, and *how .lance, if any you have, wty
WWI aseer3UI-ot. abetter rot be levied.
'f..1. Cowin-,
9)--I14-I01 t.tty Recorder.
RasoluttVm Ordering Stagnant
Witter Ler to b Filled.
'1 thos. Zeno and .John Montan:
A her a•, 'l he property, ,o',•, and parts
of lo'• hereinafterdescnt.ea are, at times,
sejlj 0 to be covered with stagnant water;
4' o
\1'tstv:vas, The owners oI said property-
bar.- t. eu n•.tr6-d as required by law to
aplear *rid •host cause aby ,alit lots
'sh•rol+l tri( be filled: theref• re be it
Ittesefred, By the eft} (mulled of the city
of Dubuque, that the following desrr,bed
property. lies, and puss ut ',ail,viz:
\ooh' , feet 4,5 and south 15 feet 45 and
.n E.. Lang wort by's add.,
be heed arid raised at the expense of the
r,waers -o a height sufficient, m the ju.tg-
meot oI the city engineer, W etev.-ut stag-
nant water remaining thereon. The work
Is tto be cotop eted by October 1st, 1593.
The city marshal shall notify the owners
of said property" of the passage or this reso-
lutu,n In the mar:r.er provided by law. In
ca.+e of the neglect or refusai of the owners
to 61l up or raise said property, lots, and
parts of Jots, by the time and in the tnan-
net ab'•ve spectfied, the same will lie done
by the city and the costs thereof assessed
against and be a lien until Raid pr •perry.
Adopt*] sept. 5:1i, 1$93.
1rLw. 1. J. rioN
111 u :1s 8.3 ►.lt.u•t
'•'... •1 .'1'. Oil ••.41 3:10
... t ,.... .t t1 15It114 ,
. .. ..... •• .. ,vJ,%e404 :t ,tit•
u.... • - t...1 ►q1:,arta oI
.. . :ilia., %i
of Ice to vinonheeP•r14
City Mersna.'s Office, Dubuque, iowa,
You ane bereby o n15 l that vi t license
e er e
exotrea on p . . 1S93, and
must be renewed (Irl or before that date. A.
failure en your part to procure your license
n t+r before the ateve date will subject
you to the penalties of the ordinance on
that subject. \o further notice or time
wit. to Iver, and you can govern your-
steires accordingly.
s. It. RICE. City Marshal.
Sept...5. I4?9-25t10
epee -tat A*.seafauent Notice.
Ili 13l'QUE, IOwa.
To the 04 ner or oa nen of the several
lets and parcels of Ground abutting alley
from F,iteenin street to Sixteenth street,
beta ern Prue street onMaple
n t steets to
Alec. incus
street between t1 e_:t Fiord street and Fen.
Alley from finest street to Johnson
*venue between Garfield avenue and
Rh.•tubere atenue.
A11et tram Recent street to Sanford
street between Prince street and Queen
Humboldt street from Garfield avenue to
lune 1n ave tie.
Thirteenth street from Pine to Maple
sauteed street from emote avenue to
h. C. ira: t:.
i, Neett street (rem Recent s.reet to San -
bud 5tt '-
ikwtesi •t1eet from south Dodge street to
Grand%tea avenue.
11 ashinetet sneer from Twenty-second
tel 1 weary -thing streets.
Peru Read ftatu Lesion street to Cooler
avritile, 3.1 tU the city of Dubuque, Iowa,
164 Regular Sai on,
October 2ml, 1893.
and of any street railway cotnpany oc-
cupying with its tracks a portion -of said
street, and to any persons or company
having any interest in saki real estate or
said street railway.
You are hereby notified that there is on
tile in the office of the city recorder of Du-
buque a plat of said above named streets,
in said city showing the several lots or
parcels of grounds abutting on said streets
and the tracks of said strret railway laid
there m, subject to special assessment for
paving, guttering, curbing and macadam-
izing of said streets, and the names as
far as practicable of the owners
of said abutting real estate and of
said street railway, and the amount
asssssed against each lot or parcel
of ground and against said railway, for
the inspectioti of any person, firm or com-
pany interested in any kind in said real
estate or in said street railway and that
such firm or company having objections to
the special tax proposed to be assessed, as
shown by said plat, may file with the city
recorder his or their objections in writing,
at or before the next meeting of the city
council of the city of Dubuque, which
will meet on the 2nd day of Oct. 1893.
9-18-10t City Engineer.
Notice to Contraotore.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 4 o'clock p. ro. of Saturday,
September 30th, 1893, for improving the
following street and alley according the
plans and specifications now on tile in my
South one-half of Dodge street from
Locust to Bluff street.
Curbing 350 lin. ft.
Guttering 150 sq. yds.
Macadamizing 620 sq. yds.
Alley between 11111 and Burch and West
3rd streets.
Grading cut 489 cu. yds. Fill 138 cu.
Macadamizing 1280 sq. yds.
Bidders must state the price per lineal
foot for cul bing, the price per square yard
for guttering and macadamizing; grading
in alley to be bid by cubic yard.
Bidders must furnish a good and suffi-
cient bond of $200 that contract will be en-
tered into if awarded.
Proposals will be acted on at the next
regular session of the council to be held
October 2d, 1893.
Above work to be completed on or be-
fore December 1st, 1x93.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished by
the recorder.
The city reserves the right to reject all
bids. '1'. J. COONEY,
9-15-15t City .Recorder.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good 2 -inch plank,brick, stone or cement
be, within 20 days after service of the notice
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, ou
the West side of Couler Avenue,
abutting lots 3, 4 and 5 in Brewery Add.
where not already laid, at expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice
and resolution, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the north side of Julien
avenue, in front of mineral lot 86, where
not already laid, at expense of abutting
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
coment, be, within 20 clays of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on Center Place in front of lot 1 in Mc-
Nulty's subdivision.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, 'L'hat a sidewalk, 4 feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within fifteen
days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the south
side of 26th street, between Couler avenue
and Jackson streets, where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque; 'J'hat a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick stone
or cement, be. within twenty days
of this notice, constructed and laid In con-
formity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the north side of .lulien ave.
in front of lot 1 and 8 in .Caine's add,
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, withing 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
theordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the east side of Cherry street, between
Cleveland avenue and Rush street, where
not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Adopted Sept. 5th, 1893
9-19-10t City Recorder.
Regular Session Ootober, 2nd,
City council met at 9:55 o'clock a. in.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present, Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel.
The minutes of last meetings were or-
dred correc ed as follows: "That adjourned
regular meeting August 5th, 1893, on page
148 should read, Adjourned regular meet-
ing Sept. 5th, 1893. Also that the follow-
ing resolution en page 154 1n relation to
the improvement of Lincoln avenue should
read as follows:
Ald. Glab offered the following resolu-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Lincoln avenue
between Cooler avenue and White streets,
be graded guttered, curbed and
macadamized in conformity with the
ordinance upon that subject. That
the city engineer be and he is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ments. and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
Regular Session, October 2nd, 1893.
the abutting property.
Lost by the following vote:
Alis. Butler, Byrne, Glab, Lillig,
Powers, Ryder and Vogel. -7..
Noes—Alds. Nicks and Olinger.
Also that the name of Ald. Crawford be
stricken out as voting for the resolution
for the improvement of the alley between
11 111, Burch and West 8d streets, on page
154, as he was not present. at said meet-
Ald. Lillig crrived at 10:05 o'clock.
A Id. Ryder moved that Ald. Crawford
be directed to prepare such tonna as are
necessary for the recorder to verify all
bills that are properly filed in his office for
passage by the council; also to prepare
such fomes as are necessary for tiling bills
for services rendered. Carried.
Ald. Powers arrived at 10:09 o'clock.
The following bills were allowed:
J, W. Fowler, expenses to Daven-
port and return $ 11 80
T..1. Cooney and .John O'Contteil,
notarial seals and commissions8 50
Mrs. J 11. Spielm n, caring for 2
abandoned child 00
Dubuque Rubner and Belting Ce, 1 25
ru ber stamps
The Smith Printing Co., blank 4 50
station .iry
51 e:truth 'Teaming Cu., two teams 4
laeor day
M. O'Connell, special sanitary 50 00
L. Daly, cleaning around market
house 25 00
,Mrs. K. cuing, janitor city hall22 50
A..1. Kase, plastering and white- 4 25
Jos. Keintrieu, expenses to tire- 29 95
men's convention
Diamond J i Line Steamers, white 2'l. 95
.Julie 11Itrue), sharpening tools2 76
C. 11. Altana, nails 1 1 1 08
W. 11. 'Torbert, suds
.los. Geiger, repairing patrol house 1 75
.1 1'. Schroeder & Cu., sewer pipe. 6 00
Mult;rew & 1'hiilips, sewer pipe
and cement
Nt ssler & Jungk, plumbing
J. 1'. t.aamey, tees city cases
J. 1'. Schroeder & Co., sewer pipe.
Bari. N:. Linehan, sewer pipe and
• cement
Chris. taut.-ubeiu. labor
11. T. Eddy, labor
.Ins. Clark
Jas. McDonald
Ed. Ryan, improving Inroad street.
l'eter Kien, inanadain
E. E. Frith, grading 22it street
E. E. Frith, improving 22d street
69 95
11 55
4 25
3 45
Baumgartner & Kleih
Peter llorsch
J. P. Schroeder & Co
To the printing commntee—
German Catholic Printing Co
National Demnkrat
Palmer, Winall & Co
Tne Times Lo
Palmer, Winall 8t Co
Globe Printing Co
The Herald
1'o the police and light committee.
Gluue, Light and Heat Co $ 347 17
S ar Electric Co... 1369 42
Key City Gas Co 60 75
'lo the tire and water committee.
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co$ 85
Key City Gas Co 14 74
Key City Gas Co
Dubuque Water Co
W m. G. Watters
To the street committee,
Key City Gas Co
Steuck & O'Farrell
Steuck & O'Farrell
'1'o electrical construction committee.
$ 125 00
31 95
119 05
2 72
2 72
2 72
2 72
1765 50
26 05
95 91)
1100 70
7 85
11 55
3 45
$ 50,00
50 00
91 25
6 00
68 30
12 60
29 15
29 15
A. and E. Parish, excavating 100 00
Couler creek
W. 11. Knowlton; street ear fares7 00
Geo. W. Farley, stone crossings6 45
Williams & :McCann, improving 1455 30
Dodge scree'
Brown & Brown, improving Semi-
miry63 street 101 00
M. Sulttvan, macadam 18 00
R. '1'. ealily, rodman 40 00
E S. Daugherty, rodman
Shippley & Bauman, veterinary 10 65
services 0 75
John Fubrm;tti, gravel
'1 ha following Mils were referred as fol-
To the sewer ..ominittee—
W. M. Greenhow
J. t'. Schroeder & Co
11. iageimaker
;3yroe & Saul
'1'. B. Cain
$ 11 55
62 70
1 00
27 00
8 40
23 76
1345 00
14 56
$ 88 45
405 00
487 41
E. 13. Chandler
Central Union Telephone Co
'1'u city eleci rician.
Western Eiecvic Co $ 2 98
The tuiluwing bins were ordered re-
turned;for verification, James Street,$12.05,
Anton Siege, $19.58, Duggan & Kane,
'file following communication from the
mayor was , eferred to the committee of the
To the Honorable City Council:
Ge:NTLEMEN-11 becomes my painful
duty to communicate to you that since the
last moniliiy session of the council death
has invaded the ranks of the city officials.
By the death of J. W. Woods which oc-
curred on the lath of Septem-
ber tha office of city inspector
of wood 18 made vacant. Owing
to the sh •r+ space of time intervening he -
tote the next session of your honorable
bully 1 made no appointment to discharge
the duties of teat office and it will now de-
volve upon you at this session to till the
vacancy by the election of a successor for
the unexpired time of that office. 1 would
recommend that suitable resolutions be
adopted by you commemorating his vir-
tues and the loss to the city of a valued
and trusty official.
1 also desire to call your attention to the
issue of improvement bonds under date of
Aug. 1, 1893, for $20,000, the same re-
maining unsold. The above bonds were
issued bearing a rate of five per
cent. interest, payable semi-annually.
Owing to the unprecedentedstringency t n
tae money market tor the pa
it has been impussille to realize on the sale
of tae nouns at the rate of interest they
bore. Hence 1 would recommend that the
finance committee be authorized to draw the with -
market unlessye already from
thereoffor and isssue in lieu
new ones bearing a rate of six per centinfere; t p•tyable semi-annually.
It having transpired that the Dubuque
Wat r company were not carrying
oat on
their part the resolutions of your
honorable body ordering
mains to be laid in different parts
of the city 1 notified the secretary eyou you water company to appear
this session and show cause why they were
not compi%mg with the resolutions and
nt has
c) meduringthe a
to t not e council.Much cpt mouth
that the people on the hills were
166 Regular Session, October 2nd, 1893.
not receiving such protection ss their in-
terest demands in the supply of water and
the consequent indequate protection of the
tire department in the event of fire. 1
would recommend careful consideration of
this important subject and that you give
the matter the earnest attention it import-
ance demands both as to the supply of
wat r and the means for better protection
from tire on the hills.
1 have the honor to be yours respectfully,
A. W. DAIrGHETY Mayor.
Petition of John Drehouse, asking that
he be appointed inspector of all brick
buildings and chimneys was granted by
the following vote,
Ayes—Ald's. Byrne, Crawford, Glab,
Nicks, Ryder and Vogel.
Noes—Ald's. Busier, Lillig, Olinger and
Alit. Powers moved that the ordinance
Committee and city attorney be instructed
to examine the ordinances and find out if
there is any authority given tor the appoint
meat of an inspector of brick houses and
chimneys. Carried.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee:
Petition or Wnt. Lawther et al. for estab-
lishment of grades.un etreets in Burden &
Lawi her add.
Petition of Philip J. Renter, et al. re-
monstrating against the condition of the
improvement of Queen s reet, between
Saniord and Regent streets.
Petition of Bridget Costello, in relation
to condition. of Blake street, (with power.)
The lollowing were referred to the
equilizatioo committee:
Mrs. Annie Hansen, Frank Nejedley,
Mary B. Wallis, Mike McMahon, Geo.
Fink, Mrs. Ilenderson, Airs. Catherine
Finkenuauer, Mrs. C. D. Sullivan.
The following were referred to the com-
mittee on claims:
Claire of Bernard Conlin against P. F.
Claim of Thos. Bassett against P. F.
Claim of McDermott & Biggans againsa
McCann & Williams.
Petition of Daniel Lavery et al, for an
electric light at the southerly end of Car-
diff street, was referred to the committee
on police and It,ht.
Petition of John M. Grether for remis-
sion of special sewerage tax was referred
to the sewer committee.
Petition of Annie Schiei in relation to
special tax for improvement of W ashing-
ton street was referred to the delinquent
tax committee.
The following petitions were granted:
Petition of Fred. C. Meyer for grade on
Queen street north of Sanford street.
Petition of Jack Wald asking that he be
allowed free saloon license until April 1st,
Ald. Olinger moved that Jacob Kessler,
Jas. Ctawfurd and Leu Palen & Co. be ap-
pointed hug weighers at their respective
places of business for the ensuing stason.
Ald. Ryder moved to adjourn to 2:30 p.
m. Carried.
Council met at 3:45 p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Alas. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers,
Ryder and Vogel.
Registers of election were appointed as.
First Prec net as. O'Shea, John Kiley.
Second P:eciact—Jas. Bannon, G. A.
First Precinct—l'. Altman, Z Hoffman.
Second Precinct—P. F. Guthrie, W. S.
First Precinct—A. u. Walter, F. O.
Second Precinct—J. Kleinschmidt, Otto
Third Precinct—C. Breztnsky, Adam
First Precinct—Danl. Riordan, G. R.
Second Precinct—Ed. Blake, John Hil-
Third Precinct—J. M. Kenety, Joseph
First Precinct—A. Schmid, E. A. Fren-
Second Precinct—H. Brinkman, Wm.
Third Precinct—F. Stecher, G. Gmehle.
.Fourth Precinct—S. Kessler, Henry
The following were referred to the com-
mittee of the whole:
Petition of Ilenry Pfotzer et al., in rela-
tion to sidewalk laid on Queen street.
Petition of Mrs. Agatha Heim in rela-
tion to claim for damages by flood.
Pttition of hill residents in regard to
better fire protection. Qn motion toe mat-
ter was made a special oruer of business
for Friday evening, Oct. 6th, and parties
interested invited to appear before the
The lollowing were referred to the
street committee:
1'etitition of E. E. McClain in relation to
the improvement of Dodge street.
Petition of Fred. Kennicker in relation
to the improvement of Peru road.
Communication from Albert A. Pope in
relation to the opening of public works for
the employment of labor was referred to
the street and finance committees.
Pitition of C. A. Wilbor, et al., asking '
that the name tit Weigel alley be changed,
was referred to the committee on renaming
Petition of Andrew Drees in relation to
grade and severage in alley east of Grant
ave, was referred to the engineer.
Petition of Jacob Pfiffner, et al., in rela-
tion co condition of alley between llth and
12th and Jackson and Washington street
was referred to the engineer and street
Petition of J. W. Newburg, et al., ask-
ing that arc electric lights be placed on
Dodge, John, Fremont and Coates streets
was referred to the committee on police
and light.
Petition of Joseph Platz in relation to
construction of sanitary sewer in alley be-
tween 14th and 15th and Jackson and
Washington streets was reterred to the
sewer committee and engineer.
Claim of Carl Grunzig, against P. F.
Guthrie was referred to the committee on
Petition o[ Julian Gilliam for cancella-
tion of taxes was referred to the assessment
Petition of E. H. Sheppley for improve-
mentof.north one-half of Lincoln ave.,abut-
R inghis property was read. On motion ac
Regular Session, October 2nd, 1893.
tion was postponed.
Petition of J. J. Gt igg, et al., asking that
the sidewalk on south side of Grace street,
be graded.
Un motion the street superintendent was
instructed to graae said sidewalk so that
a sidewalk could be laid temporarily.
The following petitions were granted:
Petition for the improvement of .Harold
Petition of Peter Eisbach that he be al-
lowed to finish his contract on south half
of Dodge street between Locust and Bluff
Petition of the Switchmen's Mutual Aid
association of North America for use of
Armory hall, Nov. 16, 1893.
Petition o► M. E. church of Grandview
avenue for stone crossing on east end of
Grace street.
Petition of T. J. Donahue that he be ap-
pointed hog weigher tor corner 01 South
Dodge;aad Grandview avenue.
Petition of E. 11. lieadtord et al., remon-
strating against change of name of Grant
avenue to Emerson avenue.
The to Bowing were received and filed:
Petition of Mrs. E. 1'. Gilliam remon-
stiatteg against award of jury on alley
west of Center Place.
Pettnou of Cuicago, St. Paul & Kansas
City R. R. Co. remonstrating against
award of jury on 26th street.
The bills o1 1'. Quinn, Sr., of $59.50 and
N. Sweeney ot $39.10 lot macauam were
ordered paid.
City Auditor Kenety reported cash on
hand Sept. 1st, 1893, $9 671.66. Receipts
(luring the month $19,402.17. Disburse-
ments $13,931.28. Balance in treasury
Oct. 1st, 1893, $15,142.55. Also reported
$2.118.30 due city officers tor month of
septeatuer. Also repotted list of cupods
redeemed during September, 1893. Re-
port ad.,pted two warrants oitiered drawn
to pe.y city officers.
chief Renilried reported $1,516.00 due
firemen for September, 1853, Received
and tiled and warrants ordered drawu to
pay the same.
Street Superint'ndent Carter reported
$2.942 75 due for labor during September,
1893. variants ordered drawn to pay for
labor and reuort referred to the street coum-
Sewer Inspector O'Brien reported
$6011.90 due for labor 00 sewers during
epteuiber, 1893. Warrants ordered
drawn to pav for labor and report referred
to sewer ceinittitiee.
The report 111 Chas. Pitschner, T. J.
Donahue and James Doyle, city weighers,
were received and filed.
Mtu•ketuaster Norton reported $25.25
scale receipts for September, 1893; also re-
ported $17.60 uue for board of prisoners.
Warrant ..re ed drawn ttttherd cityl. ris-
uers and report referred
Report of Wood Measurer Wood was re-
ceiver and filed.
Cdy Engineer Knowlton reported as fol-
lows oil petition 1u relation to sidewalk nth
Pine street.
That sa d sidewalk was ordered laic( in
July, 1892, and official notice given, .but
not laid.
Julie 12 n andadvertised
tu he!owe+tarved
biddes r
Also reported in favor ot m'king Cooler
avenue tete initial point for numbering
Lincoln, Ruoniberg, Garfield avenues and
be one hun-
dredrstreets, and that num oers to the block.there Adopted.
Also reported in favor of having war-
rants drawn in favor of the treasurer for
the amounts of the different rolling bills,
so that the auditor can balance his ac-
counts with the contractors. Adopted.
Also presented profiles of grade of Wilde
street, Coates avenue and Wood street,
which were referred to the street commit-
City Electrician Bunting reported 258 arc
electric lights in operation, also presented
list of lights not lighted during Sept. 1893.
Referred to the committee on police and
ity Marshal Rice reported $1,973.45 due
police for Sept., 1893, also reported 102
police cases during Sept., 1893, also re-
ported $13 paid into the treasury as tees
collected in city ordinance cases.
Also reported $12 collected as pound re-
Warrants ordered drawn to pay police,
and report referred to the police and light
committee and city attorney.
City Attorney Knight reported in favor
of allowing one half the bill of Graff
Brits. of $86.40 for cleaning vault at
Montana house.
On motion the rules were suspended and
Mr. Oswald was allowed to address the
council en the matter.
On motion the matter was referred to
the executive committee of the board of
hes lth.
City Attorney Knight and ordinance
committee also reported that they had ex-
amined the ordinances and that they could
not find any such office designated as in-
spector of brick houses and chimneys, and
woulii recommend that the appointment
made be rescinded by the council.
A,so presented plans for sanitary sewer
on Julien avenue, and all intersecting
streets and alleys, where practicable. Re-
ferred to the sewer committee..
Al o presented a list of macadam meas-
ured which was ordered paid.
Ald Crawford moved that when the
council adjourns, it does so to meet Oct.
3d at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
AId. Grab moved to adjourn. Carried.
Att ;:' .
"Ora Recorder.
.. tayor.
Adjournded Regular ran Session Oot.
3, 1893.
Council met at 8:20 p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Lilllg,
Nicks, Olinger and Ryder.
appointed wood measd uat John Woods be
rer and wharf m s-
to ;for unexpired term of John W. Woods,
deceased. Carried.
Aid. Lillig offered the following reso-
Whereas, J. W. Woods, wood measurer
of the city 01 Dubuque has oeen removed
fr Whereas,;st us Mr. Wothe hand f ods' career as death,
a city
168 Adjourned Begulor Session, October 3rtl, 1983.
unswerving devotion1Zto the duties of his
office, and,
W tierces, A conscientious, upright, no-
ble 0
a man
phbltcaofflcere as a a Public trustwand IR all nis
:rets was governed solely with the insifiit't
to'do justice to all.
Therefore, Be it resolved, That in the
death of J. W. Woods, the city of Du-
buque has lost a citizen wh.,
was faithful to every publte
and private duty, a man, who as an offi-
the prosperity ioluthe city of al did Dubuq Dh to ubuque; and
be it further
Resolved, That as a mark of the es eein
in which the useful services rendered by-
ythe deceased are held by this body to the
end that his memory may be perpetuated,
as it deserves, in the archives of the city,
that a copy of these resolutions be spread
upon the record of the city and an en-
grossed copy be furnished to the family t.1
the deceased.
Adopted by the follong vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Lillig,
Nikes, Olinger and Ryder. Noes, none.
The finance committee reported in favor
cf approving of the report of the city
treasurer for the month of Septembers
1893. Adopted.
Aid. Olinger offered the following reso-
R. solved dy the eity council of the eity
ttf Dubuque: That the mayor is hereby
authorized and instructed, for the purpose
of providing for the payment of the costs
and expense of improving the fol owing
streets and alleys
Twenty Fourth street from Jackson to
Pine street, $1600.00.
Satitord Queen and Regent streets,
Washington street from Sanford to
Twenty Fourth street, $200.00.
Humboldt street from Lincoln to Gar-
field avenue, $1,400.00.
Thirteenth street from Pine to Maple
street, $1160,00.
Seminary street from west boundry of
Cox's add. to West .Locust street. $15,-
Altna street from Thomas to Pickett
street, $800.00.
Dodge street from South Dodge to
Grandview avenue, $8,900.00
Broad street from Julien avenue to Home
the Friendless, $5,300.00.
of Nevada street from West h'ifth to West
Third Street, $1,460.00 •
Twenty Second street from Jackson to
EIin street, $1,160.00,
Booth str. et from Julien avenue to West
Third street, $2,520.00.
l'rince street from Eagle Point avenue
to Sanford street, 1,800.00.
Regent street from Queen to Prince
street, $750.00.
South one-lialf of Dodge street from 1.o-
cust to Bluff street, $450.00.
Alley from Fifteenth to Sixteenth streets
between Pine and Maple streets, $300.00.
Alley from Johnson to Kniest street be-
tween Rhoniberg and Garfield avenues,
Alley from Summit to Burch streets be-
tween Fenleon Place and West 'l'hird
street, $300.00.
Alley from Regent to Sanford street, be-
tween Queen and Prince street, $250.
Alley from Sanford to Clinton, between
Windsor and Queen streets, $2,200.
Alley from 7th to 8th streets, between
Clay and White streets, 8250.
A t ley from Julien ave. to W. 11th, east
of Grant ave, $220.
Alley from Humboldt to Stafford ave..
between Rhotnberg and Garfield avenges,
WashingtonAlley from 22nd to 234 and Etmsteets, streets. between
Alley from 224 to 234 Street, between
Washington and Jackson streets, $1,000.
Ailey from Iilil to West 3d street, east of
Hill street, 8600.
Alley east of Wilson avenue, $600.
To issue under the provisions of the or-
dinance adopted Nov. 2nd, 1891 by the city
council of the city of Dubuque, bonds to
the amount of $50,000, said bonds to be
issued as tallow One hundred bonds.
numbering from 259 to 358 inclusive, to the
amount of $500 each, all dated Novew I er
1st, 1893, payable in seven 3 ears after date,
bearing interest at th • rate of six per cent.
per annum, payable semi-annually and re-
deemable at any time at the option of the
city of Dubuque, interest and principal
payable at the office of the treasurer in the
city of Dubuque. foe a, with exchange en
New York.
Said bonds when issued and registered
shad be delivered by the city recorder to
the finance committee, taking a receipt
therefor, and said committee is hereby
authorized to nego tate said bonds at not
less than par, and pay the proceeds of the
same to the city treasurer, to be applied by
him in accordance with toe provisions of
the ordinance adopted November 2 1. 1691,
and said committee is to report its doings
hereunder to the city council.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Allis. Crawford, Glab, Lilli}t.
Nicks, Olinger and Ryder. -6.
Ald. Olinger moved that bids for im-
provements be opened and referred 10 the
engineer for computation. Carried.
AId.:Glab, chairman of the committee on
claims, reported as follows:
In favor of paying the following bills:
P. Klauer, $16.05; Hargereic Blisn„3.3.20;
Ir. Schloz, 133.40; G. B. Grosvenor, $15.55.
Also reported in favor of receiving and
filing the petition of A. F. Jaeger in rela-
tion to macadam.
In lavor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of Nic. Ravenick asking fur assist-
ance, but would recommend that the street.
superintendent be instructed to give him
employment on the street.
In favor of receiving and filing the claim
of W. H. Day for repairs on water pipe
damaged by steam roller.
In favor of allowing J. G. blenkel $15
as payment in full for damages to his slit),
caused oy being butt on Kane street. Re-
port adopted.
Aid. Olinger, chairman o1 the street com-
mittee, reported as follows:
In favor of making an approach for the
landing of the Eagle Point ferry at an. ex-
pense not to exceed $200, to be done under
the supervision of the city engineer.
In favor of granting the petition of the
woodlawn;Park Co. in relation to aprons
at street crossings, and adverse to matter
in relation to sidewalks, as said walks
were laid contrary to the ordinance both
as to manner and quality of lumber.
in favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of Nicholas Mettel in relation to im-
provement of Windsor avenue.
Adverse to claim of P. F. Guthrie for
grading on West 14th street, as he has
been paid In full as estimated by the city
Adverse to the claim of O. G. Kringle
for grading streets in Woodlawn Park add.
as he bas been paid in full as estimated by
he city engineer.
Adjourned Regular Session, October 3rd, 1893.
In favor of • referring the petition of
Michael Zwack in relation to repair of
Ries street to the city engineer to examine
and report what can be done in the pre-
In favor of referring the petition of J.
A. Rhomberg in relation to grading Blake
street to the city engineer.
Also report that West llth street, High-
land place and Grove Terrace have been
10 favor of receiving and filing the
petition in relation to line of Dodge street.
infavor of receiving and filing the
petition in relation to sidewalks on Wal-
nut street.
In favor of referring the petition in re-
lation to repair ot Bluff street extension to
the city engineer.
In favor of granting the petition of
Lizzie Walter et al., asking that the side-
walk on Pine street between 13th 'and 14th
streets, be established at 12 feet in width.
In favor of 'receiving and filing tb.e
petition for opening of 26th street, as same
has been clone.
111 favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of Wm. Papenthine iu relation to
In favor of receiving and filing petition
for repair of .Park Hill road as the same
has been done.
In iavor of receiving and filing the esti-
mate of the city engineer for titling Cedar
In favor of receiving and filing the reso-
lution for the improvement of West Main
1n favor of receiving and tilling the reso-
lution for the improvement of .tones street.
In favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of Con. Callahan for cancellation of
special tax tor the improvement of Oak
In favor of receiving and thing the re-
port of the street superintendent for Aug.
In favor of receiving and tiling the com-
munication in relation to eurchaseot street
in favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion iu relation to drainage north of San -
lord street.
In favor of accepting the following
streets and alleys:
Nevada street from West 5th to West 3rd
'twenty-second street from .Jackeon to
Elm street.
Alley from 22d to 23d street between
Jackson and Washington streets.
Ailey from Sanford street to first cross
street between Windsor avenue and Queen
in favor of paying the following bills:
Sieuck & O'Farrel, $553.50; Steuck &
O'Farrell, $769.13; Steuck & O'Farrell,
$34.50;Steuck & O'Farrell, $352 21; Ed.
Ryan, $1,416; Geo. Taylor, $143;10; Geo.
Taylor. $753 38; Harry Proctor, $101.90;
Wilut,m+ & McCann, $400; Geo. W. Far-
ley, $346.71; E. E. Frith, $25.90; E. E. Frith,
wait2 &; aCo., 882.24;
Ware Co., $54.55; O. G. Kringle. $493.91;
O. G. Kringle, $50; John Tibey, $847.13;
F. .culoz, $16 50; Lesure Lumber Co.,
arrd6.OLSteuck tand-
u nt er C& U'Farrell. $6 70; Pure2 Petroleum
Product Co., $57.33; P. E. Halpin, 50c;
Chas. Burchard, 810.63; Ja.,. Boyce, $6.50;
Sventladn & Ott, $56.56; Schroeder.
Knowlton, $47.75; J. P.
$19.70; 'l huinas Hassett, $10.72;
Jouu '1'ioey„$11.60; John•'Tibey, $2.20• I.
Proctor. $32.50; C. H. Altona, 82.`20: Will.
Marshal, $5:15; P, F. Guthrie, $609.63, less
amounts due for labor and matertal fur-
In favor of referring the bill of the Key
City Gas Co. back with instructions to at-
tach weighers' gertilicates thereto.
In favor of referring bill of Frank Mc-
Cann to sewer committee.
In favor of Instructing the auditor to
collect $22.00 from Jas. Lee. Report
In favor of receiving and tiling bill of
A. R. Stevenson. On motion the same
was referrec to the committee on claims.
10 favor of approving of the blue line as
the proposed grade 01 Ellis street, and the
recorder is dtrecied to give the proper
notice of such proposed change in accord-
ance with the ordinance.
in favor of the red lines and figures as
the official grade of High Bluff street.
In favor of the blue line as the proposed
grade of Stafford ave. and the recorder is
directed to give the proper notice of such
proposed change in accordance with the
In favor of the red dotted line as the pro-
posed grade of Lincoln ave., and the re-
corder is directed to give the proper notice
of such proposed change of grade.
In favor 01 the blue line, as the proposed
grace of West 14 h street, and tete recorder
directed to give the proper notice of such
proposed change of grade.
In laver of the adoption of the red lines
and figures as the official grades of the fol-
lowing alleys:
Alley between Stafford and Humboldt
and Garfield and Rhomberg ave.
Alley between Stafford and Windsor and
Garfield ane Rhom erg ave. •
Alley between Humboldt and Schiller
and Rhomberg and Lincoln ave.
Adverse to the acceptance of plat of
Mu ggeuberg's sub.
Report adopted.
Alit. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved. 13y Ine City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
Ilunlbolt street from Lincoln avenue to
Garfield avenue, by George W. Farley,
contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax be and is
nereby levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate herein -
atter named, situate and owned, • and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as tollows:
M. J. Callahan, lot 8, Dreibelbie's add:
146.6 lineal feet curbing at 40c 58 64
65.6J sq yds guttering at 40c 26 24
202.11 sq yds macadamizing at 47c_ 94 99
Total $179 87
Christian Reifstech, 1 ot 9, Dreibelbie's
150.5 lineal feet corning at 40e26 22
65.56 s $ 60 20
197.22 sq yds macadamids uttering zing ng at47c.. 92 69
Total $179 11
Geo. Gartner, lot 24. Dreibelbie's add:
148.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $
26 17
65.42 -q yds guttering at 40e
20L17 sq yds macadamizing at 47e... 94 55
Tonal 8180 04
John Strazinsky, lot 25, Dreibelbte's add:
146.2 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 58 48
64.71 yds201.17 sqsqyds macadamizing at 47c94 55
Total $178 91
Joe Miller. lot 1, Hooper's add:
149.1 lineal feet corning at 40c $ 59 64
26 64
65.91 sq yds guttering at 40c
202.11 sq yds macadamizing at 47094 ti9
Adjourned Regular Session, October 3rd, 1893.
Total$ 180 99
Chas. Kanter lot 14 11-oper's arta:
150.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $60 98
66.62 sq yds guttering at 40c 26 65
197.22 sq yds macadamizing at 41c92 139
Total $179 62
Henry Jungk lot 15 liooper's aod:
148 4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $59 36
65,47 sq yds guttering at 40c 26 19
197.83 sq yds macadamizing at 47c92 98
Total$178 53
Phil. Doerr Est. lot 28 Hooper's add:
148 lineal feet curbing at 40c $59 20
!15.11 sq yds guttering at 40c 26 04
197.83 sq yds macadamizing at 47c92 98
Total $178 22
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aid. Crawford, Blab, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger and Ryder.
Aldertnan Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for improving
Regent street from Queen street to Wind-
sor avenue; Queen street from Sanford
street to Eagle Point avenue and Sanford
street, from K. C. track to Windsor avenue
by Steuck & O'Farrell, contractors
in front of and adjoining the same, a spec-
ial tax be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
P. J. Reiner, lot 30, Sanford's sub:i
184 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 73 60
84.62 sq yds guttering at 40c 33 85
213.78 sq yds macadamizing at 39c102 87
Total $ 210 32
H. W. Kruse, lot 29, Sanford's sub:
50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39c23 83
Total $ 52 72
H. W. Kruse, lot 28, Sanford's sub:
50 lineal feet curbing at 400 $ 20 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39c23 83
Total $ 52 72
C. Kaltenbach, lot 1of 27, Sanford's sub:
121.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 48 68
55.11 sq yds guttering at 40c • 22 04
162.67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c63 44
Total. 8134 16
C. Kaltenbach, lot 2 of 26, Sanford's sub:
83.6 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 33 44
38.93 sq yds guttering at 40e 15 57
127.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39c49 57
Total $ 98 58
M. Brinkman estate,lot 1 of 23 Sanford's
134 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 53 60
62.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 24 89
182.22 sq yds macadamizing at 39c71 07
Total $149 56
Chas. Lange, lot 1 Windsor avenue sub:
125.3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 50 12
64 sq yds guttering at 40c 25 60
177.83 sq yds macadamizing at 39c69 16
Total $144 88
John Jehring, lot 1 of 25, Sanford's sub:
66 lineal feet curbing at 40c 8 26 40
29.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 11 73
91.78 sq yds macadamizing at 39c35 79
Total $ 73 92
John Jehrinu, lot 1 of 26, Sanford's sub:
78.8 lineal feet curbing at 40' $ 31 52
36.80 sq yds guttering at 40c 14 72
123 sq yds macadamizing at 39c.... 47 97
Total $ 94 21
Henry Kru-e, lot 65, Sanlord's sub:
407.6 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 43 04
55.55 sq yds guttering at 40c 22 22
177.33 sq yds macadamizing at 39c.. 69.16
Total 8 134.42
Geo. '1'halhamtuer, lot 1 of 62 Santord's
48.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 18 72
20.80 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 32
57.20 sq yds macadamizing at 39c22 31
Total $ 49 35
Geo. '1'halhammer, lot 3, Sanford's sub:
15.6 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 6 24
6.93 sq yds guttering at 40e 2 77
19.07; sq yds macadamizing at 39c7 44
Total $ 16 45
E. Cummings, e lot 2, Saunders' sun:
25 lineal; feet curuing at 40c $ 10 011
11.11 sq yds guttering at ;40c 4 44
30.55 sq yds macadamizing at 39c11 91
Total $ 26 35
N. Maybanks, w3f lut 2. aaunder.•' sub:
25 lineal .feet curbing at 40c $ 10 00
11.11 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 44
30.55 sq yds macadamizing at t39c11 91
Total $ 26 35
N• Dlaybanks, lot 1, Saunders' sub:
65.1 lineal Leet curbing at 40e $ 26 04
30.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 27
125.67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c49 01
Total ....8 87 32
C. G. W. 11. R. Co. lot 61 Sanford's sub:
10.5 lineal It curbing at 40c $ 4 20
6.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 2 58
44.33 sq yds macadatnizing at 39c17 29
Total $ 24 07
Florence iNay, lot 42 Santord's sun:
138.7 lineal ft curbing at 40c . 55 48
64.75 sq yds guttering at 40e 25 90
210.33 sq yds macadamizing at 39c82 03
Total $163 41
Chas. Kruse, lot 1 • f 41 Sanford's sub:
163.1 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 65 24
73.64 sq yds guttering at 40c 29 45
220.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39c85 84
Total $180 58
Chas. Kruse, lot 40, Sanford's sub:
50.0 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 20 00
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 40e 8 89
61.11 sq. yds. macadamizing at 39c23 83
Total $ 52 72
Peter Bintner, lot 39 Sanford's sub:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00
22,22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89
61.11 sq yds macadatnizing at 39c23 83
Total .9 52 72
P. J. Reiner, lot 38, Sanford's sub:
50 lineat ft curbing at 40c $ 20 00
22.22 square yards guttering at 40c8 89
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39c23 83
Total 852 72
Janette Bach, lot 57, Sanford's sub:
68 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 27 20
32 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 80
108.78 sq yds macadamizing at 39e42 4.
Total $ 82 42
Adopted by the following vote:
Adjourned Regular Session, October 3rd, 1893. 171
Ayes -Alda. Crawford, Glab, LiIlig,
Nicks, Olinger, and Ryder.
Aid. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for alley from 15th
to 16th streets between Pine and Maple
streets, by James Cushing, contractor, in
front of and adjoining same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the seyeral lots.
and parts of Tots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter natned, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
Chas. Fataka, lot 256, East Dubuque
35.2 cubic yds grading at 20e 8 7 04
71.11 sq. yus. macadamizing at40c... 28 44
Total .8 35 48
Albert Benda, lot 255, East Dubuque
35.2 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 7 04
57.78 sq yds macadamizing at4Ue23 11
Total. $ 30 15
Isaac Manhoff, s 331A feet lot 254, East
Dubuque add:
23.2 sq yds grading at 20c 4 64
37.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c15 02
Total $ 19 66
Annie Reuter, n 18 feet lot 254, East
Dubuque add:
12.00 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 2 40
20.22 sq yds macadamizing at 40c8 09
Total $ 10 49
Theo. Benjamin, lot 253, East Dubuque
35.2 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 7 04
57.78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c23 11
Total $ 30 15
J. Lang, lot 252 East Dubuge add:
35.2 cub yds grading, 20' $ 7 04
71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c28 44
Total $ 35 48
John Butler, s% lot 287, East Dubuque
42.2217 6 cub yds i20c3 52
sq. yds.gramacad wlzing at 400.$ 18 89
35.2 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 7 04
71.11 sq yds macadamizing.at 40e28 44
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes- Aids. Crawford, Glab,
Nicks, Olinger and Hyder.
AId. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for
13th s reet from Maple street to
Pine street by liarry Proctor con-
tractor in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as follows:
11. A. lltnke, lot 266, East Dubuque add:
122.7 lineal feet curbing at 38c $ 46 63
56.00 sq yds guttering at 28c 21 28
284.89 sq yds macadamizing at 38c106 26
$ 35 48
Total. $20 41
Mat Bakula, n% lot 287, East Dubuque
17.6 cub yds grading at 20c $ 3 52
28.89 sq. yds. macadamizing at 40c11 56
Total .$ 15 08
Susan Bowheiser, lot 288, East Dubuque
35.2 cub yds grading at20c $ 704
57.78 sq. yds. macadamizing at 40c__2_3_11
Total. $ 30 15
101in Codesky, s% lot 289, East Dubuque
17.6 cub yds grading at 20c $ 3 52
28.89 sq yds macadatuizinglat 40c... 11.56
Total $ 15 08
Mary Gehreus, n lot 289, East Dubuque
add: 3 52
8.8 ydysmacadamizin ading at 20c at 40c$ 11 56
28.89 sq y u
Total $ 15 08
Joseph Deuttuger, lot 290, East Dubuque
35.2yd anacadamiz ug at 40c...radiat 20c $ 23 0141
b778sq ag3'
Total.. $ 30 15
Butler Bros., .101 291, East Dubuque
Total 8176 17
.1. A. lthumberg, lot 767, East Dubuque
121.5 lineal feet curbing at 38c $ 46 17
56.67 sq yds guttering at :.8c '21 53
`272.`2.2 sq yds macadamizing at 38c103 44
'Total $171 14
Pier & Ackermann, lot 278 East Du-
buque add:
107.7 Lineal feet curbing at 38c 40 93
55.78 so yds guttering at 38c 21 40
212.89 sq yds macadamizing at 38c80 90
Total $ 143 03
J. C. Nelson, lot 276, East Dubuque add:
126 5 lineal feet curbing at 38c $ 24 15
63 55 sq yds guttering at 38c
258.0 sq yds macadamizing at 38c. 98 04
Total 8107 26
.Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Glab, Nicks,
Olinger, Ryder and Lillig.
Abd. Olinger offered the following:
Resolyed by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for Peru road from
Lemon street to 150 teet east of Jackson
street by Adam Schmidt, contractor, in
and front io hereby levied
1 tnd l dtothe special
several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amodnts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Geo. Strutter. lot 26, West's add:
131.6 Lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 52 64
64 sq. yds. guttering at 40c
239.11 sq. yds. macadamizing at 39c98 25
Total........ $171 49
Fred Kenniker, lot 27, West's add:
157.9 lineal feet curbing at 40c70.22 uttering at 40c $ 6328 16
228.22 sq yds yds gmacadamizing at 39e89 01
Total $180 20
Agatha Heim, lot 2 of min lot 363:
269.8 lineal feet curbing at 40c $107 92
49 124.90 sq yds guttering at 40c
437.11 sq yds macadawtzing at 39c170 47
$328 85
Adopted by the tollowing vote:
Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Glab, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, and Ryder.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of allhe
City of Dubuque: That to pay
from Summit to Burch streets between
Fenelon and West Third street by Robert
Mathis, contractor, in front of and adjoin-
L72 Adjourned journed Regular Session. October 3rd, 1893.
ing same, a special tax be and is bereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, sttuate and owned, and for the
several an.ounts wet opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Michel Brady, lot 1 Fortunes sub:
18.65 cu yds grading at 20c $ 3 73
51.55 sq yds macadamizing at 40c20 62
Total $ 24 35
.1. G. Moore, lot 2 Fortune's sub:
18.65 cu yds grading at 20c $ 3 73
14.44 eq yds macadamizing at 40c17 78
E. J. Scott, lot 3 Fortune's sub:
18 65 cu yds grading at; 20c.........$ 3 73
14.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 17 78
Total $ 21.51
J. F. O'Dea, lot 4 Fortune's sub:
16.65 cu yds grading at 20c.... $ 3 73
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at,40c17 78
Total $ 21 51
Bate ltetaliek lot 5 Fortune's sub•
18.65 cu yds grading at 20c..... $ 3 73
44.44 sq yds macdamizing at 40e17 78
Total $ 21 51
Ed. P, Phillips, east half lot 6 Fortune's
9.32 cu yds grading at 20c $ 1 86
22.22 sq yds macadatnizing at 40c8 89
$ 21 51'
Total .$ 10 75
E. 1'. Lyrnan, west half lot 6 Fortune's
9.33 cu yds grading at 20c $ 1 87
22.22 sq yds macadamizing at 40c8 89
Total $ 10 76
'1'. Hickson, part lot 7 Fortune's sub:
12.67 cu yds grading, at 20c $ 2 53
35.73 sq yds macadamizing at 40c14 29
Total $ 16 82
Mrs. H. Scott, part lot 8 Fortune's sub:
12.53 cu yds grading at 20c 2 51
35 38 sq yds macadatnizing at 40c14 15
Total $ 16 66
Mrs. 11. Scott, lot 9 nil tune's sub:
18.65 cu yds grading at 2:c $ 3 73
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 49c17 78
Total $ 21 51
Mary Powers, lot 10, Fortune's sub:
18.65 cu yds grading at 20c $ 3 73
44.44 sq yds macada • ming at 40c17 78
'total $ 21 51
E. J. Scott, lot 11, Fortune's sub:
18.65 cu yds grading at 20e $ 3 73
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c17 78
Total $ 21 51
E. J. Scott, lot 12, Fortune's sub:
18.65 cu yds grading at 20c$ 3 73
14.44 sq. yds. macadamizing at 40e17 78
Total $ 21 51
Walter G. Cox, lot 13, Fortune's sub:
18.65 cu yds grading at 20 $ 3 73
44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 40c17 78
Total ,$ 21 51
Walter G. Cox, lot 14, Fortune's sub:
18 65 cu yds grading at 20c $ 3 73
51.35 sq yds macadamizing at 4)c20 62
$ 24 35
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Glab
Nicks, Olinger and Ryder.
Ald. Olinger offered the tolluwiog:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
01 Dubuque, That to pav for Dodge street
from South DodeP to Grandview avenue
by Williams & McCann, contractors, lin
front of and adjoining same, a ipecial tax
be and 1s hereby levied on the several lots,
and p irts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set oppo.ite each
lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
City of Dubuque, pt of lot 3. min lot
118.6 lineal ft curbing at 421. 49 81
60.71 sq yds guttering at 42t• 25 50
321.33 aq yds macadamizing at 42c134 96
Total $210 27
John McEvoy, lot 4, min lot 158:
129.8 lineal ft curbing at 42e $ 54 52
64.44 sq yds guttering at 42c 27 06
311.97 sq yds macadamizing at 42c131 03
Total $212 61
John McEvoy, lot 5, min lot 158
124.8 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 52 42
69.78 sq yds guttering at 42c 29 31
311.97 sq yds macadamizing at 42c13L 03
Total 8212 76
J. T. lianiock, lot 6, min lot 158:
186.1 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 78 16
87.71 sq yds guttering at 42c 34 74
434.23 sq yds macadamizing at 42c182 38
Total $295 28
Wm. Bothwell est., lit 8, man lot 158:
354 7 lineal ft curbing at 42c $148 97
163.78 sq yds guttering at 42i.68 79
822.50 sq yas macadamizing at 42c345 45
'total .1Fbti3 21
McUlairi Bros., lot 1 of 1 of min lot 150:
750.8 lineal feet curbing at 42c 8315 :A1
340.36 sq. yd•. guttering at 42c 1.295
1788.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c. 751 10
Total $1.209 39
Edward McCiain, lot 4 of min lot 150:
165 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 69 30
75.11 sq. yds. guttering at 42c 31 55
409.50 sq yds macadamizing at 42c171 99
Total $272 84
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Glab, Nicks,
Olinger, L,llig and Ryder.
• AId. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, 'Chat to pay for alley front
Regent to Sanf.►rd streets between Queen
and Prince streets by S:euek & O'Farrell,
contractors, in front of and adjoining
same, a sue:nal tax be and is hereby levieu
on the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as Ito lows:
Janetta Bach, lot 37 Sanford's nub:•
15 cu yds grading at 10e $ 1 50
55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 42c... 23 33
Total $ 24 83
P. J. Reinter, tot 38 Sanford's sub:
15 cu yds grading at 10c $ 1 50
55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 42c... 23 33
Total $ 24 83
Peter Binter, lot 39, Sanford's sub:
15 cu yds grading at 10c $ 150
55.61 sq yds macadamizing at 42c23 33
• Total ..$24 83
Chas Kruse, tot 40, Sanford's sub:
15 cu yds grading at 10c $ 1 50
I lj rrin,vl Rejulai' SeVlom, October 3rd, 1893. 173
$5.56 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.... 23 32
Total $24 83
Chas Kruse, lot 1 of 41, Sanford's sub:
14.55 cu yds grading at 10c $1 46
53.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42e.... ?2 63
Total $24 09
Florence May, lot 42, Sanford's sub: 23
15.45 cu yds grading at 10c $ 1 54
57.22 sq. yds. macadamizing at I2c24 03
Total $ 25 57
Jas. Cowan, lot 43, Sanford's sub:
7.50 cu yds grading at 10c $ 75
27.78 sq. yds. macadamizing at 42c11 67
Total $ 12 42
W. Euteuger, s 34 lot 43, Sanford's sub:
7.50 cu yds grading at 10c 75
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42e11 67
Total $ 12 42
Peter Meyer, n ii lot 41. Sanford's sub:
7.50cu yds grading at 10c 75
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c11 67
Total ` 12 42
John 13ewer, s % lot 44, Sanford's sub: 75
7.50 en yds grading at 1Oc
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c11 67
Total. $ 12 42
Nic. Feller, lot 45 Sanford's sub: 1 b0
.15 cu yds grading at 10c $
53.56 sq yds macadamizing at 42e23 33
Total $ 24 83
W. J. Nester, lot 46 Sanford's sub:
15.00 cu yds grading at 10c $ 1 50
53.56 sq yds macadamizing at42c.... 23.33
Total $ 24 83
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Glab, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger and Ryder -6.
Noes -None.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Counctl of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for alley be-
tween honest street and Johnson avenue,
between Garfield and lthomberg avenues,
by A. Lang, contractor, in front of anct ad-
joining saine, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned,
wa each lot and for hesev-
r eral amounts set opposite
cel of real estate as follows:
Jacob Spielman, lot 16, Smedley's sub:
7.4 cub yds grading at 15e
32.67 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.... 13 72
Total$14 83
Mathias Spect,.lot 17, Smedley's sub:
l 11
7.4 cub ydsds gmraacadamizing at 42c.... 13 72
Total ..$ 14 83
Clemens Brandt, lot 18 Smedley's sub: 11
3yds ydsnnacadamiz ng at 42c... at 15c $ 13 72
32.67 sq Y
Francis ilos, w 21, 20 ft, lot 20 in Smed-
ley's sub:
5.4 cu yds grading at 15" $ 81
36.80 sq yds macadamizing at 42c... 15 49
Total $ 16 30
Michael Wingert, w 62.2 ft, lot 21 Smed-
ley's sub:
15.6 cu yds grading at 15c $ 2 31
82.44 sq yds tuacadamizing at 64e... 34 62
Total $ 86 96
L. Buehler, e 35.6 ft, lut 21 Smedley's
9.Ocu yds grading at 15c 5 1 35
39.56 sq yds macadamizing at 42c... 16 62
Total $ 17 97
Geo. Buehler, lot 21 a Smedley's sub:
12.4 cu yds grading at 15c
54.67 sq yds macadamizing at 42c$ 21'L 9686
Total $ 24 82
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Glab, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger. Powers, and Ryder.
Ald Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for improv-
ing Washington street from Sanford to
24,111 street, by E. E. Frith, contractor, in
liont of and adjoining same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
eacstate, as follows:
FredlotStock, Jr., lot 35,or arcel of real eii Langworthy's
66.0 lineal feat curbing at 42c $ 27 72
31.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 13 07
95.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c... 39 18
Total $ 79 9Y
Fred. Stock, Jr., lot 36, E. Langworthy's
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 42c
55.55 sq. yds. macadamizing at 41c 22 77
Total $ 53 10
Andrew Wanger, lot 37 E. Laogworthy's
50.00 lineal ft curbing at 42c$ 211 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c
55.65 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Andrew Wanger, lot 38 E. Langworthy's
50.00 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 29100
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c 22 77
$ 53 10
Total$ 14 83
Louis Reinece, lot 19, Smedley's sub:
l 11
7.4 cu yds grading at 15c
32.67 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.... 13 72
Total $ 14 83
II !Louis Reinecke, lot e 82 ft, 20 in, Smed-
ley's sub:
2.0 cu yds grading at 15c $ 30
9.11 sq yds macadamizing at 42c3 83
Total $ 413
C. W. Abitz, lot 39 E. Langworthy's
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 211 330
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c
55.55 sq yds.macadamizrng at 41e22 77
Total $ 53 13
Martin Nowaschak, lot 40 E. Lang -
worthy's add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 se yds guttering at42c 9 33
55,55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
August Kauffman, lot 41, ELang -
worthy's add;
50 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c
9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total .$ 53 10
174 Adjourned Regular Session, October 3rd, 1893.
John Butow, Jr., lot 42 E. Langworthy's
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 21 00
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 42c
55.55 s4 yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Anna M. bchte', lot 43, E. Langworthy's
add: $ 21 00
50.0 lineal ft curbing at 42c
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 42c
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Wm. 1.ehfeidt, s 43 ft lot 44 ELang -
worthy's add:
43.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 18 06
19.11 sq. yds. guttering at 42c8 03
47.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c19 59
45 tib
Total $
Thos. Zinn, n 35 ft, lot 44, :ELang -
worthy's add:
26.4 lineal feet curbing at 42c .$ 6 30
11.55 sq. yds. guttering at 42' .. 2 80
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c.. 6 83
Total ..$ 15 93
John Morgan, a 35 lot 45, E. Lang -
worthy's add:
45.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c S 14 70
15.55sq yds guttering at 42c 6 53
38.88 sq yds macaclamizing•at 41c15 94
Total $ 37 17
John Morgan, lot 46, E. Langworth'y
50.0 lineal feat curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
John Morgan, lot 46, E. Langworthy's
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
65.55 so yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Roman Lourez, lot 47, E. Laugwortlty's
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c... 22 77
Total $53 10
Roman Lorenz, lot 48, E Langttorthy's
50 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22 22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
'1'otal $ 53 10
Fred Schmidt, lot 49, E Langworthy's
50 lineal ft curbing at 42e. $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macauautizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Chas Messerknecht, lot 50, E Lang -
worthy's add:
60Jlineal ft curbing at 42e $ 21 G0
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42 c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c.... 22 77
Total $ 53 10
Chas Messerknecht, lot 51, E ,Lang -
worthy's add:
72 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 30 24
33.78 sq yds guttering at 42e 1
4 19
75.55 .q yus macadamizing at 41c30 97
Total $ 75 40
John Homan, lot 13, 0 S Langworthy's
69 lineal feet curbing at 42c ' $ 28 97
32.44 sq yds guttering at 42c... . 13 62
94.33 sq yds macadamizing at 41c38 67
Total $81 27
M. M. Hohmann, lot 18, E. Langworthy's
71.2 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 29 90
33.42 sq yds guttering at 42c 14 03
75.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c30 97
Total $ 74 90
C. 11. Meyer, lot 19, E. Langworthy's
50 lineal feet curbing at 42c 27 50
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42e 933
55.55 sq yus macadamizing at 41e22 77
Total $53 10
Thos. Allen, n jf lot 20, E. Lang worthy's
25 lineal Leet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 511
1V m. Voigts, s % lot 20, E. Lang worthy's
25 lin feet curbing at 42e $ 10 50
11.11 so yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41e11 39
26 56
Nin! Voigts,111 X lot 21, 1S. Langworthy's
25 lin feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c... 11 39
Total $ 26 56
Johanna 3'ellbaum, s% lot 21, E. Lang -
worthy's add:
25 lineal ft 3urbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
Johanna P'elibaum, n% lot 22, ELang -
worthy's ad.1:
25 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering al 43c4 til
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41e11 39
Total $ 26 56
Fred Heintz, s34 lot 22, E. Langworthy's
25 lineal ft curbing at 42e $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42e 4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
Fred Heintz, lot 23, E. Langworthy's
50 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Theodore Grobe, lot 23, E. Langworthy's
50 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55 55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Fred Conrad, lot 23, E. Langworththy's
64.5 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 27 09
28.90 sq yds guttert.ig at 42e 12 14
74.44 yds macadamizing at 41c 30 52
Total $ 69 75
Fred Conrad, lot 26, E. Langworthy's
50 1.neal feet curbing at 42e $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42e 9 S3
.W journr(l h'e(/ular Session, October 3rd, 1893. 175
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total 8 53 10
Chas. itefrietsch, lot 27 E. Langworthy's
50 lineal feet curbing at 42c $21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Freitz Schargits, lot 28 E. Langworthy's
50 lineal feet curbing at 42c $21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42e 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Fred Kuhrt, lot 29 E. Langworthy'a sub:
50 lineal feet curbing at 42 . $21 00
22 22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Fred. Kuhrt, n i1 Int 30, E. Langworthy's
25.00 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
11.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 4 67
27.78 sq yds of macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total.... 826 56
Acton Rokusech, s la lot 30, E. Lang -
worthy's add:
25.00 lineal feet curbing;at42c c 10 50
11 11 sq yds guttering at 42c4 67
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 41c11 39
Total $ 26 56
D. A. Fuller, lot 316 E. Laugworthy's
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 42r $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Otto hauffinan, lot 32 E. Laugworthy's
50.00 lineal ft curoing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 9 33
55.55 sq yds macadamising at 41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Herman Mauer, lot 33 E. Langworthy's
50.00 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 21 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c -9 39
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at41c22 77
Total $ 53 10
Herman Mauer, lot 34 E. Langworthy's
66 0 lineal ft curbing at 42c$.27 72
31.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 13 07
95.55 sq yds macadamizing at 41c39 18
Total $ 79 97
John Olinger, lot 24 Boulevard add:
52.5 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 22 05
21.11 sq yds guttering at 42c 10 55
76.55 sq yds macadamiziug at 41c31 39
Total $ 63 99
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Alda. Crawford, Glab, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger and Ryder.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved, by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a
4 foot wide plank sidewalk on south side
of West Third street from St, Mary's street
to Cardiff street by James McDonald, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate. as follows:
P. 1I. Murray, lot 2 St. Raphael's add:
of lin ft plank sidewalk at 17;.c....$ 9 59
P. 11. Murray, tot 1St. Raptiael's add:
51 lin ft plank sidewalk at 173; 8 9 05
Catholic cemetery, marked •'1t. Catho-
lic Graveyard, city of Dubuque:"
413 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 1.7c, $ 73 31
Catholic cemetery. north of out -
lot 723, city of Dubuque:
275;:; lin ft plank sidewalk at 17%c,$ 48 90
John llennessy, lot 2 of outlot'24,
34 lin ft plank sidewalk at 17 5.....$ 6 01
D. J. Hennessy, lot 3, sub ut outlot 724,
39 lin ft plank sidewalk at 17 .(c8 6 92
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Gia, Lillig,
Olinger and .Ryder -6.
Noes -None.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 4
feet wide plank sidewalk on both sides of
11111 street from W 3rd street to Dodge
street by James McDonald, contractor, in
front ot and adjoining same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several atnouuts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
.lames O'Farrell, lot 4 sub of 8 of to lot
50 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 8 88
James O'Farrell, lot 5, sub ot 8 of min
lot 73:
50 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c.$ 8 88
James O'Farrell, lot 6, suo ut 8 ut m lot
501ineal ft plank sidewalk at 17c.8 8 88
James McCann, tot 1 ut 2 01 of 9 of
ni tot 73:
50% lin ft plank sidewalk at 17%...$ 8 96
Mary C. Wall, lot 2 of in lot 68:
103 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17s4c.$ 18 28
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Be it resolved, By the city council ut the
city of Dubuque, 'Thzt to pay for laying a
4 foot plank sidewalk on north side of
West Locust street from Hodgden avenue
to Fiynu's by James McDonaldcuntractor,
in front of and adjoining same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of,lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situated ani
owned, and for theseveral amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Paul Traut, lot 18 Blake's add:
50 lin ft plank sidewalk at 17s4c8 8 88
Paul Traut, lot 19, Blake's add:
50 tin it plank sidewalk at 1734c$ 8 88
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aid's. Crawford, Glab, Ltlltg,
Nicks, Oliuger, and Ryder. -6
Noes -None.
Mary C. Wall, lot 4a of part of m lot 149:
32 lin feet plank sidewallr at 17%c.$ 5 68
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-AIUs. Crawford, Glab, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, and Ryder. (6)
Noes -None.
Ald Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for laying of a
four foot wine plank sidewalk on west
side of Jackson street from 22d to 27th
streets, by James McDonald, contractor,
iu front of and adjoining sante, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as
follows: _
176 adjourned Regular Session, October 3rd, 1893.
It. 11. Collier, lot 10 of m lot 322: Washington and Jackson streets, by D. W.
e same
154X., lineal feet plank sidewalk at
$27 42 a
tax be and is hereby levieacent to d on the
Acloseveral lots and parcels of;real estate here -
Adopted by the foilowg vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Glab, Llllig, inafter named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
Nicks, Olinger, and Ryder -6. or parcel of real estate as follows:
Noes -None. Cath. Gerlach, lot 389, city 5120 sq ft at
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee on public grounds and buildings, re• 51e,$26.11' Lard Mueller, n% lot 390, city, 2560
ported as follows: sq ft at sic, $13.06.
In favor of paying the following bills;
John Geiger, $7.10, W. S. 111010, $34.85; Jas. Panzxllclacn, s% lot 390, city, 2560
W. M. Greenhow, $14.26; Reinlried &
sq ft at 5tc, . Mode $13.06.
n06 lot 391,city, 2560, sqft at
Jaeger, 80c; J. L. Molt Iron Works, $116.25; ,
Jac. Scnnudt, 827.50; V. W. VVordnood, 51N, $13 06.
s,; lot 391, city, 2560 sq ft at
In favor of instructing the fire chief to 51e, $13.06.
X211. Nolte est, lot 392, city, 5120 sq ft at 51c,
purchase curtains for windaws in donut -
tory of Central engine house.
6 11.
11. Nolte est, lot 293, city, 5026 sq ft at 51c,
Also report that on account 01 the con-
traction of the currencyaud the stringency $26.11.
of the
nygo the market, tthat
expe►esd not
would slWm.
Marshall, lot 425, city, 5120 sq ft at
be caused by the construction of a cottage Peter llansou, sX lot 426, city, 2560 sq ft
at the presenttrtne, as prayed for by lion. at 51c, $13.06. lot city,2560 sq
Denis Smith. Report adopted. henry Franke, n,,426,
The printing committee repurted as fol- ft atJos5lKurz est, lot 427, city, 5120 sq ft at
In favor of paying the following bills: 51e.$26.11.
The Ilearld, $29.15; TELEGRAPH, $75.00; Get. Salot, 428, city, 5120 sq ft at 51c,
Tines Co., $29.15; Globe, $29.15. All be- $26.11.
ing for official 1•rinting for August, 1893. Jas. Downey, and 2-3 lot 429, city, 3413
Also reported in favor of paying the bill of sq ft at 51c, $17.41.
the herald of 830.50 for blank stationary. ft at 51c, Ga sol,, n 1-3 lot 429, city, 1707, sq
Report adopted.
Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee G. Schneider,s 1 1.5 lot 498, city, 5120sq ft
ou fire and water, reported as follows: at 51e, $26.11. sm 1 b lot 498,
In favor of paying the following bills: 2560 sq s1 city,
Peter 11. Martin. $4.00; Fratz & Clark, Rat
$13.$10.52; Bott Bros. $15.40; Dubuque Water Andrew Bitter, nit, s m 1-5, lot 493 city,
Co., $1,338.30; A. Wur.derlich, $6.50; 2560 sq ft at 51c, $13 06.
John Butt, $1.55; Key City Gas Co., $17.87; Martin ilerber`en, in 1-5, lot 498 city,
Merkes & ILtssler, 80c; Excel-ior Brass 5120 sq ft at 51c, ,,26.11.
Works, $2.75; Svendsou & Ott, $3 10; W. John Fuerst, nut 1-5, lot 498 city, 5120 sq
1-1. 'Torbert, $16.33; Dubuque Wooden ftat51c, 82615.
Ware Co., $3.00; Standard Lumber Co., Geo. \Lahr, n 1 6, lot 498 city, 5120 sq ft
$1.50; Kannalt & Powers, $8.00; Thos. at 51c, $26.11.
Collins, $4 00; Lagen & Sloan, 89.50: Peter Frank 1 r.•de, s 84.4 ft. lot 499 city,8440 sq
B. Hoffmann, 82.00; Carr, Ryder & Eng- ft at 51c, •$43.04.
ler Co., $4 50; Zehetner & Vogenthaler, Gro., Anna and Minnie'Stuber, n 18 ft
90c; P. 11. Halpin, $13.70. Report adopted. s 111 1-5, lot 499 city. 1800 at 51e, $9.18.
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the police and Geo„ Anna and .\Lorne Stuber, s 22 ft,
light committee reported as follows: nt1)t
1-5, lot
99l9 ci29.3 f
ti •20squ 1 b city 499city,
In favor of paying the following bills:
Chas. stilinian, $105; Key City Gas Co., 2920 sq ft at 51c, $14.89.
$47.40; Theo. 'l'rieloff, $2.75; Merkes & Dont Nichets, s 22 4 ft n m 1-5, lot 499
Bassler, $4.15; W. W. Worwood, $4.50; city, 2240 sq ft at 51c, $11.42.
Central Union Telephone Co., $14.25; Anton Vogler, s 31) it n 80 ft, lot 499 city,
Globe Light & Heat Co., 8456.83; star 3000 sq It at 551e, $15.30.
Electric Co., $1,193.75 less $16.77 to be de- Jac Pfi1Iner, n 50 fr, lot 499 city, 5000 sq
ducted for lignts not properly lighted or ft at 51c, 25 50.
cared for during August, 1893. Dubuque A. and M. Mauer, s%, lot 61, East Du -
Light & Traction Co., $48.39. buque add, 2560 sq ft at 51c, 813.06.
In favor 01 receiving and riling the re- May Bleg, n X lot 61, .East Dubuque add,
port of the marshal for August 1893. Re- 2560 sq M. ft atBuc1c $13.05 lot 60. East Du -
Ald. Ryder, chairman of the executive buque arid, 5120 sq ft at 51c, $26.11.
committee of rue board of hearth reported Jas. Harrell, sX., lot 59, East Dubuque
as follows: add, 2560 sq ft at 51c, $13.06.
In favor of paving the bill of E. E. Frith Mathias Loes, ri lot 59, East Dubuque
of $312.00 and F. E. Jw.eph of $12.10. add, 2560 sq ft at 51c, $13.06.
Also report ,tuverse to rue prtition of Mathias Loes, sX lot 58. East Dubuque
Pauli, e Nolte remonstrating against mak- add, 2560 sq ft at 51c, 13.06.
tug sett erage GuuIeetiutl. Report, adopted. Josephine Brade n3 lot b8, East Du-
buque add, Ryder of the sewer committee re- buque add, 2560 sq ft at 51e, $13.06.
ported in ltwur of paying ute lotiowing Lente, lot 57, East Dubuque add,
bills: 5120 sq fr at Ole, $26.11.
Lavin & Corrance, $171.79; $502.82; Col- Mary P,'intlsing, Int 62, East Dubuque
lin.son & Mt+Ii• tutor, $321.75; .r as, Bird,
$11.2.48; VV m. 1'. Mauer, $5.50. Report ads, 5120 sq ft to 51", $26 11.
adopted. Jag. 8' Reis, sX tot 63, East Dubuque
A:d.ltt der offered the following: add, 2:,00 sq ft at file, $1:f 06.
It sulvt d by the City Council of the City Christina Reis, a 34 itt 63, East Dubuque
of Dubuque: That , pay for the con- add, 2560 q u. a. 51e, $13 06.
struction an 8 inch tile tope sewer in alley Math. Flack, Ito 64, E tat Dubuque add.,
from 10th street to 17th street, between 5120 cq It, price Ole, amount, $26.11.
October 3rd, 1893. 177
James Ilayes, lot 65, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq ft, at ble, $26.11.
James !lases, lot 66, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq ft at 51c, $26.11.
Mrs. B. Buehler, lot 50, Last Dubuque
add 5120 sq ft at 51c, $26.11.
Mrs. B. Buehler, lot 55, East Dubuque
add, 5120 eq ft at 51c, $20 11.
Phiuip Pler.sc•h, lot 54, East Dubuque
add, 5120 sq ft a'. 51e, $26.11.
Ludwig Bechtel, s ?-; lot 53, East .Du-
buque add, 2560 sq ft at 51c, $13.00.
Henry lltllibrand, n ;1 lot 53, East Du-
buque acid, 2500 sq fp at 51e, 813.06.
C. G. Wullweber est, lot 52, East Du-
buque add, 5120 sq ft at 51c, $26.11.
B. S. Elhiney, tot 67, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq It at 51c, $20 11.
13. a. Elhiney, lot 68, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq ft at 51c, $26.11.
John 11. Murray, Int Ii9, East Dubuque
add, 5120 sq ft at 51c. •$26,12.
Peter Hanson, top 7o, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq ft at 51e, -'611. •
Peter Hanson, tot 71, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq It at. 51c, •$20.11.
'rraut & Matuett s, w ?:; lot 51, East Du-
buque add, 2560 sit ft at 51c, $13.1;6.
3lich. iticMahou, e lot 51. East Du-
buque add, 2500 >q ft at 51e, •$13.06.
Frank Beller, s '., lit 79, East Dubuque
add, 2560 sq It at 51•, $13,06.
J. F. Ilat,ch, n Int 79, East Dubuque
add, 2560 spa ti at 511, $13.06.
Frank Boy, s '_ Ind 80. East Dubuque
add, 2500 sq l it at ale, .$ 1:;.00.
Jas. O'Farrell, n '., ant 80, East Dubuque
add, 2560 >q ft at 51,•,.43.00.
Jas. O'lip riell, s 35 feet lot 81, East Du-
buque add, :1520 sq ft at 51c, $17.95,
W. J. 1' I un, n 16 feet. lot 81, East Du-
buque add, 1600 sq ft at 51e, $8.10.
Mary Enright, lot 41, East Dubuque add,
5120 tq It at 51e, $26.11.
Mary Enright, s X lot 40, East Dubuque
add, 2560 sq It at 51c, $13.06.
A. lleiiz, n ' lot 40, East Dubuque add,
560 sq ft at 51e, $13.00.
Marg't Lentz, s %; lot 39, East Dubuque
add, 2560 sq it at 51e, $13.00.
Melchior Mohr, u % lot 39, East Du-
buque add, 2560 sq ft at 51c, $13.06.
John '1'rexier, lot 38, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq ft at 51e, $26.I1.
Zion Church, lot 37, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq ftatSl',26.11.
'rhos. June's, tot 82, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq ft at 51e, $26.11.
Adolf Artus, lot 83, East Dubuque add,
5120 sq ft at 51e, $26.11.
Melchior Mohr, lot 84. East Dubuque
add, 5120 sq ft at 5R', $26 11.
Herman Ilenker, lot 85, East Dubuque
add, 5120 sq It at 51C, $26.11.
Carson McElrath, lot 86, East Dubuque
add, 5120 sq ft at 51c, 520.11.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, (Bab, .Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger and Ryder.
Jos Schwind, s % lot 50, East Dubuque
add, 2,660 sq ft at 51e, 513.06,
John Klaner Est, n % lot 50, East Du-
buque add. 2,560 sq ft at 51e, 513.00.
John Klauer Est, s % lot 49, East Du-
buque add, 2,560 sq ft at 51c, $13.06.
Anton Baumliover, n X lot 49, East Du-
buque add, 2,560 sq ft at 51c, $13.06.
Anton Baumliover, s X lot 48, East Du-
buque add, 2,600 sq It at 51e, 513.06.
tVm Krakow, n % lot 48, East Dubuque
add, 2,560;sq ft at 51e, 513.06.
Win Krakow, n 34 tot 47, East ,Dubuque
acid, 5,120 sq ft at 51c, $26.11.
Jos Platz, lot 82, East Dubuque add,
5,120 sq ft at 51c, $26.11.
Jos Platz, lot 73, East Dubuque add,
5,120 sq ft at 51c, 526.11.
John Millerpich, lot 74, East Dubuque add
5,120 sq ft at 51e, 526.11.
Henri Krakow, s ?a lot 75, East Dubuque
told, 2;500 sq ft at 51', $13.00.
Christ Krakow, n ;4 lot 75, East Dubuque
add, 2,560 sq it at 51c, 813.06.
11 Pliffuer lot 76, East Dubuque add,
5,120 sq it at 51c, 826.11.
Philup Junk, lot 46, East Dubuque add,
4,120 sq ft at 51e, $26.11.
Jas Mullen, lot 45, East Dubuque add,
5,120 sq ft at 51c, $26.11.
las Mullen, lot 44, East Dubuque add,
5,120 sq It at 51e, $26.11.
Mich Brown, lot 43, East Dubuque add,
5 120 sq tt at 51e, $26.11.
Mich Brown, lot 42, East Dubuque add,
5,120 sq It at 51e, $26.11.
I'eter Fay, 3 J 101 77, East Dubuque add,
1,500 sq It at 51c, $13.00.
Leopold Welker, n ie lot 77, East Du-
buque add, 2,560 sq ft at 51c, 513.06.
llenry Grether, Y ii lot 78, East Dubuque
add, 2,660 so ft at 51c, $13.00.
J. M. Grethen, a !a lot 78, East Dubuque
add, 2,500 sq ft at 61c, $13.06.
Adopted by the folio widg vote:
Ayes--AlUs. Crawford, Glao, Liltig,
Nick, Otiuger and Ryder.
IN( es -None.
Ald. Ryder offered the following which
was adopted:
11:tsolvtd, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the street commis-
sioner be and is hereby directed to put in a
stone crossing acro,s Seventh street on the
west side of Locust street.
Ald. Kvder tittered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the city engineer
be and is hereby instructed to prepare
plans and spec.licauons for filling the fol-
lowing lots, If nut already lilted, so as to
prevent tagnaut water from lying thereon
said titling to be done at the expense of the
otviers of the property, and to beton e a
Iter on said piopt'rty until paid. Lots 22,
23 and 24, blt.ek 15 in Dubuque llarbor)m-
prove Co.'s add. e40ft lot 1 of sub 4 in L.
K'!iest's sub.
Lots 18, 19, 29, 30, 31, 45 and 46 E. Lang -
worth 's add.
Lot 6 of 7 of nein. Int 79.
Lois 227, 228 and 370 in Davis Farm add:
When said plans and specifications are
filed by the city engineer they shall be sub-
mitted to the street committee for approval,
and when so approved. the city engineer
shall advertise for bids for the performance
of the work.
Adopted by the fol:owing vote:
Ayes -Aldermen Crawford, Glatt, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, and Ryder.
Ald. R) der offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, That the alley west of Center
Place and alley between Bill, Burch and
W 3d streets its opened by the city be and
are hereby declared public hieuways and
the engineer is instructed to have the saiue
Ali. Ryder offered tate following which
was adopted.
Resolved, That the city marshal be au-
thorize i to have pobee that 11eed overcoats
for themselves to procure rho same at a
cost 1101 110 exceed 520. the city of Dubuque
agreeing to delray oue half the cost of
'1 he assessment for sewerage on Hill,
Burch and West 3p1 streets was referred to
the sewer committee, engineer and attor-
&Id. Olinger, chairman of the eommlttee
I, }warned Regular Session, October 3rd, 1893.
of the whole, reported ns follows:
In favor of awarding the contract fair
Humboldt the
lley between C11LincolSchiller and
Rhowberg avenues to Phil Doer, he being
the lowest bidder.
Receive and rile petition for the opening
of a road between Waverly avenue and
'1'hedinga street.
Receive and tile remonstrance of Marga-
ret Kuntzmann et al. against improving
the alley between Schiller and:llumboldt
and Lincoln and lthouiberg avenues.
Grant the petition of the Linwood Cem-
etery association in relation to laying side-
walk on the east side of Windsor avenue,
providing, however, that said cemetery as-
sociation will lay an eight foot walk be-
tween Ktingenberg's and their main gate.
In favor of instructing the ordinance
committee to draft an ordinance regulat-
ing hotel and boarding house licenses.
Your committee to whom was referred
the resolution of Ald. Crawford appro-
priating $5,000 per mouth for road ex-
penditures for balance of season, would
recommend that the order of the council
passed Sept. Stu, 1893, fixing the limit at
$3,000 per month be rescinded and an-
nulled, and that the street committee, city
engineer and street superintendent be au-
thorized to spend such amounts as is nec-
essary to keep the streets of the city in re-
That the matter of the drainage of the
Couler Valley has been referred to the city
Receive and file the resolution for the
improvement of 5th avenue
Receive and file petition in relation to
obstructions in Couler Creek as the city
has retnoved shine as far as possible.
Receive and tile petition of E. H. Shep-
pley for repair of Lincoln avenue.
Grant petition of Henry Kiehler et al.
asking permission to use the city wall en
Eighteenth street back of the engine
Receive and file the ordinance entitled
"An ordinance" granting ,Stephen Shaw
and Frank '1'aunsett the right to operate a
steam Ferry between Dubuque and East
lustruct the city engineer to prepare a
profile of grade of Peabody avenue and
subunit same to the council.
Receive and rile petition asking that
Queen street be narrowed north of San-
ford street.
Refer petition and bid of Bryan Dona-
hue for sidewalks to the city engineer.
As follows on the petition of theDubuque
Water Co. in relation to extension of ttme
for laying of water mains: "In favor of
having, said water company lay their
mains in the alley between 11th and 12th
and Jackson and White streets and on
Broad street to Home for the Friendless im-
mediately and to lay the balance of mains
as ordered as soon as practicable.
ticable in the matter and report his doings
thereunder to the council.
Receive and file plan for sewer on Elm
street. Report adopted.
Ald. Chill.*, chairman of the delinquent
tax committee reported as follows:
lnstruet the city treasurer to refund $2
to John Mundt for taxes overpaid for 1891.
Cancel taxes of Mrs. James Daugherty
on lots 9 and 10 in Oak Grove add. for
Reduce asssessment of Mrs. 1). Breen on
n 64 feet of w 30 feet of lity lot 640 to $500
for 1892.
Cancel taxes of Johanna McNally on city
lot 574a for 1892.
Cancel taxes of Mrs. Eugene Early for
1892 and the treasurer be instructed to re-
fund said taxes to her.
Cancel taxes 01 Wm. J. Shoup on per-
sonalty for 1891 and 1892.
Reduce assessment of Poole & Stevens
on lot 3i5 to East Dubuque add for 1892 to
$70, and the treasurer be instructed to re-
fund amount overpaid on said lot. Re-
port adopted.
Ald. Olinger moved that when the coun-
cil adjourn it adjourn to Wednesday, Oct.
4tb, 1893, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried.
Aid. Nicks, chairman of the electrical
construction committeee, reported as fol-
In favor of paying bill of Central Union
Telephone Co. of $21.88.
In favor of approving of the report of the
city electrician for August 1893, and would
recommend that warrants be drawn for
the parties therein named for labor per-
formed trimming trees. Report adopted.
Peltion of Steuck & O'Farrell for per-
mission to finish contract on Garfield ave-
nue, between Middle and Fengler streets.
On inotien action was oosponed.
Petition of Fred. C. Meyer, asking that
the engineer be instructed to prepare pro-
file of change of grade of Quteh street,
north of Santora street. Granted.
Petition of John J. Bartter et al, asking
that they be allowed io use two feet of
sidewalk on Paul and Leibnitz streets for
to construct retaining wall to protect their
property. Granted.
Communication of City .Auditor Kenety
in relation to warrant No 3139, issued Oct.
7th, 1889 to John Kriebs for $300 and by
some oversight not signed by Robt. W.Stew-
art, mayor at that time. On motion Clerk
O'Connell was instructed to request Mr.
Robt. W. Stewart to sign said warrant.
The following bills were allowed.
Jas. Lee, $163.32; Anton Siege, $19.68;
Jas Street, $12.00; J. M. Kenety, $50; for
extra services as clerk of equalization com-
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, That the resolution adopt-
ed July 17th, 1893, providing for
the purchase by the city from M.
Tschirei, Sr., of certain property at the
junction of Forrest Lane and Delhi street
for fire department purposes, be amended
by changing the description of the ground
proposed to be purchased from Mr. Tschir-
gi, by adding after the word lot one (1,)
Summit add., "excepting the east fifty (60)
feet of said lot " Also that the mayor be
requested to close the purchase of the said
ground as soon as possible, provided the
city attorney finds no serious defect in the
Ald. Crawford offered the following reso-
Resolved, That in pursuance of the pro-
yisions of section 5 of the ordinance en -
In favor of receiving and filing applica-
tions for positiou of wood measurer. Re-
port adopted.
In favor of the adoption of the red line
as the official grade of alley between
Kniest and Johnson and Rhomberg and
Garfield ayes.
In favor of the adoption of the green
lines as the official grades of College ave.
and Booth street and in favor of the adop-
tion of the green line asthe official grade of
O'Neill street.
In favor of approving of the recomenda-
tion of the city engineer in relation to
drainage of the Couler Valley and would
recomend that he proceed as far as prac-
October 4th, 1893. 179
titled "an ordinance authorizing S. Chain-
berla in and others to construct, maintain,
and operate waterworks, and sup-
ply water to the city and citi-
zens of Dubuque detining their powers
and privileges, and prescribing their du-
ties," passed December 5, 1870, and ac-
cepted by said S. Chamberlain and others
December 18, 1870, The Dubuque \\ ater
Company, as the successor of said gran-
tees, is hereby ordered and directed to ex-
tend a water pipe in and along; Broad
street in the city of Dubuque, from a con-
nection of said water pipe with the main
water pipe of said company now laid on
Julien avenue, at. the intersection of said
avenue and Broad street the entire length of
said Broad street, to the northerly terminus
of the same. 'Th n work of said extension
to be commenced as soon as practicable,
and completed within thirt% days until atm
after the adoption of this resolution.
That said Water company is further or-
dered and directed to put in 50(1 maintain
along the line of said water pipe on Broad
street two hydrants, and such additional
number (if any) as the c,ty council may
hereafter direct; the same to be located at
such points as the chief of the bre depart-
ment of the city of Dubuque may indicate
to said company. And the city of Du-
buque, in conformity with the provisions
of said section 5, hereby guarantees to said
Dubuque \Vater company the use of such
quantity of water along the line of said
Broad stteet, as, at the rates stipulated in
said ordinance, will produce a sum of
money sufficient to pay interest at the rate
of seven (7) per cent. on the cost of the
• pipe required to be so extended.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ads. Crawford, Glab, Lillis,
Nicks, Olinger and Rider -6.
City Engineer Knowlton presented the
following proposal for improvements:
South one _calf of Dodge street between
Locust and Bluff sweets.
Geo. W. Fawley $466 660
Peter Eisback 470 00
John Tibey 448 00
M. Lavin 435 60
Thos. Hassett 429 80
Geo. Taylor 448 00
Alois Lang 339 60
Saul & Byrnes 438 35
On motion Alois Lang being the lowest
bidder was awarded the contract for ma-
Improving alley between hill, I3urch
and W 3rd street:
John Tibey $595 13
Geo. Taylor 585 35
Geo. W. Farley 643 40
E. E. Blake 601 07
.Etobt. Mathis 69888 47 50
M. Lavin 668988
On motion Geo. 'Taylor was awarded the
contract, he being the lowest bidder.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn. Car-
f hi("C2ta Recoler.
04-5 (/A.
Adjourned Regular Session Octo-
ber 4th, 1893.
Council met at 8:10 p. m.
Mayor Daugherty iu,the chair.
Present—Aids .13ut.er, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Hyder, and Vogel.
Ald. Nicks offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, 'That the street north of San-
ford street between Windsor and Queen
streets be named Stendebach Place.
AId. Nicks offered the following which
W118 adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the city engineer be in-
structed to prepare a grade for the alley
between \Vest Eagle Point avenue and
Ilart street and Frances and Valerie
AId. N irks offered the following which
was adopted:
Hesolved, That the alley next west of
Belmont Place be declared a public high-
way its full length from Julien avenue to
Rose street, and the marshal be instructed
to open the sante after having given to the
parties (having any portion of said alley
fenced up 10 daysnotice to remove ob-
Ald. N icks offered the following which
was adopts d:
Notice in relation to tilling lots.
To T. .T. Coslcy:
You and each of von are hereby notified
that it is the intention of the city council
of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution
at its next regular session, ordering to
be filled and raised lots which are at times
subject to be covered with stagnant water,
which lots are numbered and described as
Lots 217 and S 20 ft 216 Davis Farm add:
You are notified to appear, if you de-
sire. at the next regular meeting of the
council and show cause, if any you have,
why said resolution should not be passed,
as it is proposed that said filling shall be at
your expense.
The next session of the council will com-
mence on Nov. 6th, 1893.
AId. Vogel offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque. That a stone crossing be laiti
on the west side of Clay and 14th streets.
Aid. Vogel offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That a stone crossing be laid
on the west side o1 15 II and Clay streets.
All. Vogel offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That a stone crossing. be laid
on the north side of pith and .Jackson
AId. Powers arrived at 8:30 p. in.
Ald. Lillis offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved, That the marshal be and is
hereby Instructed to open the alley from
4th street to Clinton street between Wind-
svrand Queen streets.
Ald. Liilig offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the city
sf Dubuque, That the city engineer be and
is hereby instructed to renumber, Garfield,
lthonaberg and Lincoln avenues in accord-
ance with the plans submitted tor the
Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted:
Resolved, That 26th, between Elin and
180 dot jmtrne<7 J? 1utar Se non, October 4th, 1893.
Pine streets and \Cbite street between
cityord Sept.nd 5th, ii 1813,eet as opened be declared public
highways, and the engineer is instructed
to have the same recorded.
Aid. Lillig offered the followinit:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That 22nd street, between
Elm street and east end of 22nd street.
be ftraded guttered, curbed and
macadamized, In conformity with
the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. 'That the city engineer be and he
is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ments, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work; the
grading, guttering, curbing and ma-
cadamizing to be clone at tile expense of
the owners of the abutting property: grad-
ing to be bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillis, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be
suspended and Mr. Lange allowed to ad-
dress the council in relation to opening of
Olive street. Carried.
Mr. Lange then addressed the council
and stated that he and other citizens re-
siding in the vicinity demanded that said
street be opened so as to allow them to
have better access to their property.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good 2 -inch plank,brick, stone or cement
be, within 20 days after service of this notice
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
lthomber'g avenue abutting lots 443, 444,
445, 433 and 434, in ham's addition,
where not already laid, at expense of abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks
abutting Tots 230, 270. 272, 370 and 371 in
Davis Farm add., where not already laid,
at expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids, Butler, Crawford, 1,illig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel
AId. Nicks offered the 'following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 6 feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within fifteen
days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the east
side of Jackson street, between Rhouiberg
avenue and Lincoln avenue, where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford. Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers. Ruder and
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
coment, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on White street abutting lots 349, 338 and
n 2-5, 441 city where not already. laid, at
the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque; That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick stone
or cement, be. within twenty days
of this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on Jackson street, abutting lot
2 in Peterson's :sub, where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder, and Vogel
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wide
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, withing 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
theordinance to relation to sidewalks, on
White street, abutting city lots 310,312, 314,
315, 562 and 320 where not already ;laid,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice
contructed and laid in conformity with
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of ll.,buque, That a sidewalk, 6 feet wide,
of gond two-inch plank, brick, stone orce-
meut, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side of White street, between 20th
street and Eagle Point avenue, where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cetnent, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
Jackson street, abutting lots 60, s% 59 and
n% 61, Exist Dubuque add where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of Washington street, between
22d street and 23d street where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel
Adjourned Regular Session, Oetofn r 4th, 1893. 181.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide
of good 2 -inch plank, stone or cement, be,
within 20 days of this nonce, constrncled
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of
22nd street, between Jackson street and
Couier creek where not already laud, at the
expense of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel,
j8h oes—None.
Ald. Nicks offered thefoilowin;,i:
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be. within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid iu conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of Stendebach Place, between
Windsor avenue and Queen street, where
not already laid, at the expense of abutt-
ing property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald's. Butler, Crawford, Ltllig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
( .i oes—None.
Ald. Nicks offered the fallowing:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the alley between San-
ford and 22d streets and Elan and
Washington streets, be graded, gut-
tered, curbed and utaeadamized in confor-
mity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject, that the city engineer be and is
Hereby directed to [Hake the necessary
plansand specifications for said improve -
meet, and the city recorder directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work, the gut-
tering, ,curbing and macadamizing to be
done at the expense of the owners of the
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel
AId. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Couucil of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and raid in conformity with
the ordinance ie relation to sidewalks, on
14th i street, abutting n 2-5 of city
lot 431, where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote.
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Onnger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 8 feat wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance lu relation to sidewalks, on
the east side of White street, between 7th
street and 8th street, where not already
]aid,iat the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
ld. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Councihof the City
of;Dubuque, That Weigel alley, between
West llth street and south end of alley be
graded, guttered, curbed and macadam- /
ized, m conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and is heteby directed to snake the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the city recorder di-
rected to give the proper notice for olds
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the grading, guttering, curbing and
macadatniztng to be dole at the expense of
the owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by tho tnlluwi ig vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler. t'.rawfurd, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. ()Binger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Harold street, between
Seminary and Leibnetz streets, be graded,
guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con-
formity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the periortnance of the work; the
grading, guttering, curbing, and macad-
amizing to be done at the expense of the
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel.
Ald. 011inger offered:the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, That the street superintend -
ant and the city engineer be instructed to
examine such streets as good material. for
macadam can be quarried, and allow such
number of men as are required, as are m
needy circumstances, to quarry said atone
and break seine for macadam.
Ald. Olinger offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved, That the city engineer be in-
structed to prepare plans and specifica-
tions for a storm water sewer on Jones
street between Main street and the 1. C. R.
R. tracks in accordance with plans pre-
pared by him, and when said specifications
and plans are filed in his office he is direct-
ed to give the proper notice for bids for
the performance of the work.
Aid. Crawford offered the following
which was adopted:
Resolved, That the aldermen from the
Second and Fourth wards be appointed a
special committee to procure plans and
specifications fora building to be erected
on the lot to be purchased from M. T'schir-
gi, suitable to be used for a hose carriage
and the necessary crew for the same,
with an estimate of the cost, and report
the same to thecouncil.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be con-
structed on Julien avenue from the alley
next west of Alpine street, along said
Julien avenue to its intersection with West
8th street, discharging temporarily into
the storm sewer at that point, that the city
engineer be instructed to preparethe neces-
sary plans and specifications, and the city
recorder to advertise for proposals for do-
ing the work:
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald's. Butler, Crawford, Lillig,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Hyder and Vogel,
Noes—N one.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be con-
structed on Prairie street from West 14th
street to the summit or highest point on
1S2 Adjourned .Regular Session, October 4th, 1893.
said street, that the city engineer, be in-
structed to prepare the necessary plans
and specifications, and the city recorder to
advertise for proposals for doing the
Adopted by the following vote.
Ayes—Ald's. Byrne, Crawford, l.illig,
Nicks, Olinger, l'owers, Ryder and Vogel,
Ald. Hyder offered the following which
was adopted:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the city engineer
be and is hereoy instructed to prepare a
plat showing a proposed extension of alley
west of 13ooth street from O'Neill street
north to alley north of West 3d street,
showing ttie lands and lots proposed to be
taken, and the names of the owners there- .
of and the quantity of land proposed to be
taken from each, anti proceed in accord-
ance with section 2 of chapter 30 of the re-
vised ordinances of 1893.
Ald. Crawford reported as follows:
To the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, Your committee on paving, atter
several meetings and much discussion, on
the subject of a settlement with Atkinson
&c Oloff, contractors, for the paving and
curbing of Main street from Charier to
17th street has finally agreed on the basis
of a settlement with those parties, which
we rerotninend be adopted by the council
and the matter finally closed.
The only points on which there has been
any difficulty in arriving at a settlement
are the question of the amount to ba de-
ducted by the city for rolling, and also as
to the rate of payment for the large header
blocks used along the rails of the Dubuque
Street Railway. The original specihca-
ttons required these blocks to be of granite.
but an arrangement between the contract-
ors and the Street Railway Co., approved
by the committee and the council, it was
agreed to substitute for granite the Targe
header blocks for the first two blocks paved
along the railway tracks, this is, between
13th and 15111 streets,—Lite railway com-
pany agreeing to pay the contractors for
the header blocks at the sante rate as for
granite blocks. Atter the completion of
these two blocks the Street Rail-
way Co. dectthed to continue this arrange-
ment with the contractors any further, and
insisted on the use of granite. The com-
mittee in charge of the work. however, had
become satisfied that the blocks were pre-
ferable to granite; and would make a bet-
ter job, and, with the approval of the coun-
cil, instructed the contractor to continue
the use of the blocks on the remaining. por-
tion of the street occupied by the railway
tracks, which was complied with. The
contractors have always claimed that they
should be paid for these blocks, the same
price as was stipulated to be paid in the
contract, for granite, which was 10 cents
more per square yard than for the brick
paving. It should also be said that the
contractors always expressed their readi-
ness to use the granite headers, if the coun-
cil desired them to do ao.
In regard to the rolling the contractors
claim that they should be charged for only
the number of yards actually rolled, as.
where it was impossible to use the steam
roller along and between the tracks of
the street railway, they were compelled,
as required by the specifications, to pre-
pare the ground (or sub grade) by tamp-
ing or other method.
A compromise was proposed to the
city by the contractors, that if the city
would make no charge for rolling the
street from Jones to 13th streets, they (the
contractors,) would claim payment for the
large blocks along the streetcar rails only
at ttie same rate as the remainder of the
street, which was $1.69 per square yard.
It was considered, however, by your
committee that the proper method of ar-
riving at a settlement was to charge the
contractors with the amount of rolling ac-
tually done for them, and to allow their
claim for the large blocks, both to be as-
certained by a report of the city engineer,
which we have obtained and which ac-
cointanies this report.
1Ve have also obtained from the city
auditor a written statement of all money
which has been paid the contractors up to
this time on account.
On the basis of settlement above stated,
we tinu from the estimates of the engineer,
and the report of the auditor that the ac-
count of the city with Atkinson & Oloff
stands as follows:
Total due contractors fur paving and
curbing Plain street from Charter to 17th
stree s:
Total amount of curbing and pav-
ing as per estimate of the en-
gineer $61,004 81
1721) yards large blocks, as per es-
timate of engineer ;groin Jones 516 00
to 18th
Less 18,764.5 yards rolling
861,520 81
938 21
$60,582 61)
Less 5 per cent. retained for 1 3,076 04
$57,506 56
Amount Haid, less $591.78, pre-
viously deducted for rolling56,411 41
Total balance due, less 5 per cent
$ 1,195 15
($3,076 04j
From these figures it appears that the
balance remaining due on the contract,
after deducting Inc 5 per cent. which, by
terms of the same is to be held for one year
after final completion, is $1,195.15. which
we recommend be paid and ar+older drawn
on the treasury for the saine.
This report has no reference to the work
of Atkinson & Oloff on Locust and Ninth
streets, which was done under a separate
and distinct contract, and has no connec-
tion with that for Main street.
Respeettully submitted,
Chairman of Paving Committee.
Ald. Nicks moved that the rules be sus-
pended and that Mr. Atkinson be allowed
to address the council. Carried.
Mr. Atkinson then addressed the council
in relation to balance due him from the
city under his contract.
Ald. Crawford moved that action on the
report be postponed until balance of the
council were present.
Ald, Olinger moved as an amendment
that the council proceed to act ou;the re-
port. Carried.
Aid. Crawford moved that the report be
adopted. Lost by the following vote.
Ayes --Aids. Butler, Crawford, and
Nicks. -3.
Noes—Aids. Lillig, Olinger, Powers,
Ryder and Vogel. -5.
Ald. Powers moved that Atkinson &
Oloff be allowed 8468.33 in full settlement
on their contract for itnproyement 01 blain
street, except the 5 per cent. that is re-
tained for one year after completion and
acceptance of contract.
Carried by the following vote:
Adjourned Regular 8e88ion. Iletoier 13th, 1593. 183
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Liliig, N icks,
Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. -7.
Noes—A Id. Butler.
Ald. Crawford submitted the following
which was dopted:
To the City Council of the City of Du-
Your committee on paving respectfully
report that one year has elapsed since the
completion and acceptance of the contract
with Atkinson & Oioff for the paving and
curbing of Locust street between 8th and
10th street, and of 9th street between
Main and Locust streets, and that by the
terms ot their said contract the contractors
are entitled to be pard the amount of the
five per cent. retained from the total
amount due them on the work for one
year in order to secure a faithful compli-
ance with the plans and specifications.
As no defects have been discovered in
any portion of the improvement, which re-
mains in excellent condition, we recom-
mend that the amount retained be paid to
Atkinson & Oloff.
The total amount of work on Locust and
Ninth streets, by the estimates of the en-
gineer was $7,330.52 of this amount 5 per
cent was retained and is now held by the
city, and amounts to $$366.52 for which sum
we recommend warrants be drawn in favor
of Atkinson & Oloff.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Ryder moved that the fire chief and
marshal be directed to examine the old
elevator at the foot of 6th street. Carried.
Aid. Nicks moved to adjourn to Friday,
Oct. 13th, 1893, at 7:30 p. tn. Carried.
Cie -1440-11--- Recorder.
QvOv Gun.
.A,Z7 1893.
Adjourned Regular Session, Oct.
I3, 1893.
northerly over and along said alley
to the south side of 2d street and
to maintain and use said side track as so
extended for the passage over the sante of
freight cars for the accommodating the
business interest of the city of Dubuque
and the receipt and shipment of goods and
Ttiat the foregoing privileges are grant-
ed on the condition, that said side track
as extended shall be operated in accord-
ance with the laws of the state of lowa,
and subject to the provisions of said laws
regulating railway traffic in the state of
Iowa and the rules and requirements of
the Board of Railway Commissioners of
said state; also on the further condition
that said side track shall be constructed
and lard subject to the established grades
of the city and shall coutorm to any
changes in the same and shall be so con-
structed and maintained as to cause as lit-
tle obstruction as possible to the use of
said street and alley for ordinary travel,
that said company shall plank said track
between the rails and keep the same in
good condition and repair; that cars shall
not be allowed to stand on First street, nor
on any portion ot said extension for a
longer period than may be neces-
sary for the loading or un-
loading of the same: that said
railway company shall use all necessary
precautions tor the safety of the public
and against accidents, and be subject to all
reasonable police regulations of the city.
The privileges :;ranted in this resolution
shall cease and termiminate in ten years
from date of passage of the same unless
extended by the city for a longer period.
Ald. Olinger moved the matter contact-
ed in above resolution be referred to the
committee of the whole.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Olinger and Powers.
Noes—Aids. Butler, Crawford,
and il
AId.Ctawford moved the resolution be
Carried by the following vote.
Ayes—Alda. Butter, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, and Powers.
Noes—Aid. Olinger.
On motion the action of the coun-
cil in naming streets in Stafford's addition,
Standerbach Place was rescinded.
The petition of W m. Althauser et al
asking that the streets crossing Stafford's
addition be named as follows:
The one called Standerbach Place be
called Edward street.next .porth---
Henry,the next north Pfo zer, and the next
north, Sutter street. Granted.
On motion rules were suspended and
Miss Meeham be allowed to address the
council. Carried.
Miss Meehan] addressed the council in
relation to building being erected by S. P.
Petition of Miss MeehaiLet al in relation
to the erection of a building by S. 1'.
Wadley, referred to committee of the
Council met at 8:00 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present, A.lds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Olinger, and Powers.
Petition of John Mehlhop, Son & Co.
Company et al for permission to have a
track extended in alley between 1st and
2n and Iowa and Main streets was read.
Ald. Crawford moved that rules be sus-
pended and Mr. Porter be allowed to ad-
dress the council. Carried.
Mr. Porter addressed the council in rela-
tion to the matter.
Ald. Butler offered the following resolu-
tion in relation to the above matter and
moved that the same be adopted:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That permission and
authority be and is hereby granted to the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Co.
to extend the side track now operated by
said railway company in the alley be -
f 1st from
the present terminus fnsouth
rween Iowa and ofsaidoside track
Ald. Olinger moved that bids for sewer
be opened and referred to the engineer for
computation. Carried.
The petition of Wm. Lahey et al. re-
monstratiIig,againat constructing sewer on /
Juhea avenue froin ref.Diamond house Lo Ze " 111r r
alley west of Alpine street. ,
Ald. Glab moved that petition bei
and action on sewer be deferred on said
sewer, and also sewer on Prairie street.
Petition of 'Phomas Ryan et al., in re-
lation to the water coming down ‘Vest
184 Adjourned Regular Session. October 13th, 1893.
Reed street. Referred to engineer and
street superintendent with power. .cane
et al., in ref
lationto ion of alleys. lbe we. M. en 22nd and
23rd stn et and Cooler avenue and Jack-
son street. Referred to committee of
whole and action ou improvement of alley.
Petition of '1'. W. Kringle & Peterson
for permission to sink shaft on Catherine
street. Referred to street committee with
Petition of Farley, Loetscher Mfg. Co.
and Standard Lumber Co. to construct
some outlet for waste water coming from
stone yarn on 7th and Jackson. Referred
to sewer committee and engineer.
Ald. Olinger moved that rules be sus-
pended and Mr. Alien be allowed to ad-
dress council. Carried.
Mr. Alen addressed council in relation
to special lax levied on his property abut-
ting Seminary street. On motion the mat-
ter was referred to the street committee.
The bill of Peter Meyer against M.
Lavin was referred to committee on
The bill of McDermott & (low was r,-
ferrecl to board of health.
Ald. Crawford presented the following
1'o the City Council of the City of Du-
Your special committee appointed to pro-
cure plans and specifications for the erec-
tion of a suitable building for Fre depart-
ment purposes, 011 the ground recently
purchased for that objeqt, from M.
Tschirgi, Sr., and situate on Delhi street,
would respectfully report that after con-
ferring together, and with the chief of the
fire department as to the proper kind and
character of the building tno,t suitible for
the purposes intended, we have obtained
from F. Ileer & Sons, the plan and sketch
of such a building, together with an ap-
proximate estimate of the cost, which are
Herewith presented.
The building can be of brick or frame, as
the council may peeler, but your com-
mittee, alter carefully considering the
matter, is decidedly in lavor of using
brick as better in every way and more ap-
propriate for a public building, and
cheaper in the end, although costing more
to construct it in the first place.
The plan presented is coinplete in every
respect and includes everything.
1f built of brick, the approxi-
mate estimate of cost is $3,968.47. If
frame $3,292.05.
We recommend the adoption of the plan
presented, and that the building be built of
brick, and as the season is getting so late,
that no time be lost in commencing the con-
struction: •
We submit the following resolution:
Resolved That the plans and specifica-
tions herewith presented, be adopteu, and
the city engineer be instructed to advertise
for proposals for the construction of the
building, the same to be commenced Hu -
mediately after the contract is awarded,
and prosecuted vigorously until com-
pleted. Respectfully submitted
J. 11. POWERS.
We should add to the above, that the
architect is of the opinion that he has made
his estimate so liberal, that the work of
construction can be be let to a responsible
bidder for eeveral hundred dollars less than
the figures he has named. CosimirrEE.
Ald. Olinger moved that action on the
plans for the engine house and also the
plans for remodeling the city hall be post-
AId. Crawford moved that Ald. Olinger's
motion be laid on the table, carried by the
following vote:
Ayes—Ald's. Butler, Crawford, Glab and
Noes—Ald's. Lillig and Olinger.
Ald. Olinger moved that $500 be appro-
priated for construction of building on
Delhi street for hose cart. Lost by the
following vote:
Ayes—Ald's. Lillie; and Olinger.
AINoes—Ald's. Butler, Crawford, Glab
and Powers.
The vote recurring on the report of Ald.
Crawford resulted as follows:
Ayes —Ald's. Butler, Crawford, Glab
and Powers.
Noes—All's. Lillig and Olinget.
Ald. Powers offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted.
Resolved, By the city council of the city
of Dubuque, that the city treasurer be in-
structed to call in improvement bonds
numbering from 259 to 274 inclusive, Issued
Auguste, 1893, amounting to $8,000.
Lillig offered the following resolu-
tion which was adopted.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the city engineer be anit
is hereby instructed to prepare a piat
showing the proposed straightening of
Lincoln Aue., from heed St. east, showing
the lands or tots or parts of land necessary
to be taken. the naines ot the owners there-
of, and proceed in accordance with the or-
dinance on. that subject.
Aid. Olinger offered the following reso-
lution, which was adopted:
Resolved. Chiu the street superintend-
ent be instructed to put in astone crossing
on west side lit clay and Ninth streets.
AId. Glab moved that two crossings be
put in on Eighth and Washington.
Also across Bluff 00 south side of 11th
street and across Locust on north side of
11th street. Carried.
Ald. Crawford m'ivecl that Mr. Shep-
pley petition that was referred be granted.
AId. Glab moved that the claims of B.
McCormick et al., U. Ruff, be referred to
street committee. Carried.
Ald. Olinger, chairman ot street com-
mittee. reported in favor of directing the
committee clerk to pay said B. McCormick
et al. the money of A. Ruff now in his pos-
session., Carried.
The plans and specification for sanitary
sewer on Julien avenue and Prairie street
were referred to the committee of the
City Attorney Knight reported as follows
that he had procured deeds from Matthew
Tschirgi, Sr., and Fredrick Weigle also re-
ported in favor of approving of the report
of A. Gratz for jurtice of peace for August,
1893. Report adopted and city attorney
instructed to have deeds recorded.
City Engineer Knowlton reported bids
for construction of sanitary sewer on
Almond street as follows:
.Dorsey & Mullin. $492; Jos. and Geo.
Hird, $537.75; N. Ruff, $457.35; M. Lavin,
$324.50; Bentley & Evens, $487.90; Geo.
Farley, $574.50; Jos. Needham, $449; Col-
lison McKernan, $391.60; R. F. Eddy
$456; Nunian & Becker, $506; Ed. Blake,
On motion M. Lavin was awarded the
contract. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that when the
council adjourn it adjourn to Oct. 23 tit 7:30
p. In. Carried.
October 13fh, 1893. 185
Aid. Olinger moved to adjourn. Car–
Drawn by the City Recorder
during July, 1893.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, Aug. 1, 1x9:1.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Conned:
GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list
of all warrants issued by me during the month
of July, 1893:
Name. For what Purpose. Amount
H. B. Gniffi e.... Salary for June, Treas-
urer $150 00
H. B. Gniffke ....Salary for .fume, clerk
hire 50 00
T. J. Cooney S•llary for June, It('- 110 05
J. M. lienety..... Salary for June, Aud-
itor 116 65
Jas. E. Knight.. Salary for June, Attor-
.uey 125 00
N1. y
.I. $ucrest
P. Sutton
M. Craugh
John Hoffman
1'. Sullivan
1'. towers
1). Linehan
Thos. Gordon
J. Spielman
Ole Nelson
Jas. Carter
.1. Kintzinger
1\I. Hardie
John Murphy
Sam. I?Imer
Peter Srbatf
1'..N el
I'..1 I I;Lnlon.... .
('. Spieeelhaltei•
.1a- . Daly. Fireman .............. .
Job Barnes
.1. Murphy ................
W.Duey . "
Ed. Keas
J. Sehonberger
Tom. Ityder
It. Sullivan
M. Eitel.. ..
John Essman"
A. lluccinl
J. Fh nn.......... ............
J. \Viltse.....
T. Walker...............
C. Speellt
J. Powell
1). Ahearn
J. Allen
W. i inau "
C, K:moult...............
F. U:mahl • •
J. Ward
G. 1 . Vinson
F. t. Allan 66
F. lin 46
A n'nncy..
J. : o uu)...........
1,. t ehrke ..
1\I. 1 . r• Labor.• r
Wm. 'ferry ..
John Ililb ry....
1'. McNulty...,
.1 1'c u'y011"
AL 5lxrht
1'. 'lleruey..ir" ..............
John yenMason... .............
Thus. Alei'uV7ey.
.Jas.11urlcy Laborer
1'. Linehan ...... :ream
R. BeniIt 1L ......
J. \icCollmy...... "
Gro. Reynolds...
J. McCracken
\\nt. McGrath"
1'. Fut y, SrLaborer
\\'ut. t'ickley..... `
T. Ahearn...•.... .
M. Abbitz ..........
.1. Bewet•... 6
J. Bai•gitt:ltl
C. Buse 16
J. Byrne . ....
A. 13urlre
R. ``urns.........
B. Bruwuutt...... ,
.1. Boeticc
John Boetscher
J. Burns...,...". ..
1'. Burke..... ..........
1'. Brandeuberg" •.••.••........
11. Brehm •••••••••••••••
51, Burns..
F. Be17
.T. Bottoms Paver.... •........ ....
.las. Cahill ...... ...•J,ii,borer..............
L. Corcoran
John Corbett "
Sam. Collins
J. Corcoran •••••••••
.itrry Cahill
M. Coyle
Win. Crum liwclL
Win. Clark"
51. Dorsey•••••.........•
M. Dieferdutg"
.1. 1)ouguei•Ly
John F. Stemm..Salary for June, 125 00
sessor. ..
Gouge Bennett... S lary
ntf r u , As-
sistant 100 00
G. Gutehle........ Salary
ne, As-
s(Iist ntA.s essor._ 100 00
W. H. Knowlton.. Salary for June, En-
E. S. Hyae.•.....Salary for .Irate, As-
sistant En:2110 r100 00
J. Boyce Salary for .lune, As-
sistant Eu^loge"..,. 300 00
Henry Glab ..Salary for June, As-
sistant Engineer.... 50 00
S. B. Rice.........Salary for June, Mar -
shat 100 00
Jos. Reinfried....Sala
` for June,)tChef
lire 75 00
Ed. Norton. ....Salary for June, Mar-
ketmaster50 00
J.W. Fowler.....StHealth fory .1
..t60 00
J. O'Brien Salary for .lune, Sew-
er Inspector70 00
James Bunting...Salary for June, Elec-
trician .......... .
Henry Menge Salary for June, Park
Custodian 45 00
J. W. WOods...... Salary for June, Wharf-
ntaster '
John O'Connell... Saler tee r .June, Com-
John Carter Salary for July, Street
D. ityan......... .Captain of Police
John lta.eslt
Bart. fainPolicemau .
Wm. Hennessy......••.
Win. Frith
John Litscher
Y. McNerny
Thos. Reilly..... • .
P, Dunnegan
Y. Kearney
John Fitzpatrick
Dan. Norton
James Allen -
John Reuter
James Flynn
Dan. Lavery
Ed. Moore
75 00
20 00
83 00
91 05
75 OG
70 00
50 00
50 U0
50 CO
50 00
50 00
50 00
51 65
50 00
48 85
50 00
48 35
50 00
50 (k)
50 00
50 00
5e 00
54) 00
50 00
50 00
50 Ou
50 10
50 00
50 0()
48 35
511 00
50 otl
50 00
511 00
rel) 00
50 110
OU 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
50 110
60 00
00 00
50 00
50 00
10 95
29 90
00 00
75 00
50 (8)
60 03)
50 00
50 00
50 000
60 00
CO 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
10 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
27 45
50 00
17 45
48 10
45 50
42 00
36 75
28 00
17 50
18 50
17 50
14 00
8 75
8 75
1 75
22 05
1 60
10 90
28 35
9 45 •
4 75
45 LU
31 50
16 90
15 55
611 00
19 25
24 00
4 05
141 55
17 55
7 10
25 10
22 30
10 80
19 50
6 45
30 25
11 1 0
37 70
25 05
27 70
:5 10
25 00
19 25
18 !90
6 75
23 (3✓1
180 L'iRt of City lt'(wtnts.
1'. Deumsey200
\I. I)unipby14 1.5
Ed. Desmond 17 85
.Jas. !iota') ........6 75
John Eagan. " 3095
.Io•ul hverct...... 61 15 20
L. Fritz.... " 25 35
Dan Fox 2565
C. hisencr.. zb 00
C. Frischo18 25
M. Fagan 1 35
H. Foltz " 18 90
1'. 1;runzig16 21)
Ed. 11rew 23 30
John 11 i'•ssl'94 '
11. Golhe..,• 14 8'
Aug. Gauer.' 15 55
1; A. (;utbcrlett. '• 19 95
.Joe Grim. o 14 r,s
P. Grew,. ............... 70
.Juin I lafey 31 21
James Harker..... 36 00
1.oi. I Lu tnan" 21 611
N. Hilger 468 8,1
I1. Henkel1 05
F.Ilerzog " 5 40
P. Hayden. _ , 16 20
A. Holternlan " 1 35
.Joe Jecklin" 15 55
1'. Jacobi23 65
A. Johnson 6 75
.I. ithisellCarpeuter 50 00
M. Kline.......... Laborer 16 55
1'. Kinney.... 21 95
1'C. It unpm;l' " 24 00
.1. Karch .... ..... 18 60
B. S. King........ 8 80
11. 1:euzel........ " 6 75
.1. Kelle.t......;.. 13 50
1'. K rokeskle " ............... 5 40
A. Mueller • " 4 50
1'. Kien " .. 7 04
F. W. Kringle.;Foreman............... 8 00
.John Kelly.. Laborer 2 70
John Lacy " .... 21 20
',1. Lilack " 27 00
.John Lavin ., 25 00
M. Loes " 22 65
J. Lux 11 33 10
11. Luck 28 35
A. Leonard •••...... 11 5q
.1. Maloney....... " ... 13 85
1'. Moutel 61
.....•••• 8 10
.1. Mullen. 7 45
1'. Melchoir " 12 85
T. Mahon), 11 23 65
M. Murphy" 14 20
1). Nickols. 7 45
61 20 95
John O'DeaForeman....... 15 20
Joe Obbelt...... Laborer 24 65
F. Oswald " .............. 14 85
.1. Oakley" - 20 25
1). 1'owers... " 17 55
.Jas. l'urcell...... " 24 30
A. 1'liffner Mason 23 75
J. Perryon 1 aborer 1 05
John Quail " 34 10
.John Raetz Foreman........ ... 40 40
U. Ravenick Laborer 27 70
C.ltoselip.... .... 22 30
J. Ryan 17 55
Wm. Rieman 64
............ • • 24 65
Jas. Ragan 16 90
Geo. Reeder 14 2 40
Win. Rooney'9 45
F. Rieger " 14 20
M. Shay " 44 85
Geo. Sutter " 16 90
Jas. Stevenson22 95
M. Specht " 12 50
Jos. Schmidt..... 1
619 50
.Joe Lelk.......... 25 00
C. 0. Maker•
N.IJranut "
Geo. liutlel "
11. Bennett 46
.1 Becker.. ...... `•
Jay. Burnr..... ... "
M. Cain..... "..... ....•
.I. Duudley...
T. Elliott.. .. `
N. Frith.....
1'. ('. Foley `•
.1,1(11 Ue.lry•
M. 1;antenbein"
.I. Garr gau "
4 . 11. 110,1Iney er. .
T. Heins.... ......
JI..I. Hannon.... "
It. Henderson.... `
A. Kmtzluger.... "
T. Kane.......... "
John Long.... •'
las. Lail y....... •'
John alai......... "
1t. Mathis.........
.las. McCracken.. "
Win. McGrath.... "
.1. McUolllus...... "
.lett. McGrath ....
S. Norton 11
L. 0..t "
J. Parker"
dirs. Ouinitvau... "
Geo. Reynolds... " .............
D. Sutherland .... " .... ...
11. Schmidt "
J. Steffes......... `
J. Strotz 66
.1. aiukey
F. Schulz "
A. Siege "
J. Sigworth......
Cath. Tobin...... 66
Geo. Wetter......61 ...• ••
J. Welsh
P. Mo anLaborer
L. Meurise
C. Mackelberg"
1'. Murray"
Jas. Melloy,"
T. Mulqueeuy"
P. Moore Engineer road roller..
M. Mahony Laborer
A. McGuau...... "
M. McCune Foreman
L. McEvoy. ..Laborer•
B. McCormack.... "
John McNulty .... Foreman .... .
T. McDonnell..... Laborer
Jas. McDonnell.. "
M. Nuteu "
.1. Noel " .....
L. Nipp ..Mason
Ed. Not ton .... ...Boarding prisoners
. tty Auditor ......1tedempiio'i
.John Glossier.... Macadam ..
Ni. Sullivan.......
C. Steiner ........ `• 40 00
Wm. Spencely.... 14 20
J. B. Stevens.... " 1(1 15
W. Sweeney...... " 25 00
Wm. Swaegler.... " 6 75
M. Scires " 8 80
John Sullivan.... 6 76
F. Theiring 44 12 15
F. Voelcher 46
............• : 5 40
J. Vogt " 4 05
J. Wolff " ... 12 85
P. Wagner........ " 13 20
T. Welsh.......... " 12 85
R. Wiederntan... 8 80
W. Zacttina " 19 60
Geo. ZumhoffForeman 35 20
I'. Ahearn, Team . 22 05
Chas. Burenard9 75
U. Jaerbi " 3 45
John Fix 4(15
M. Specht2 10
John Bottoms5 70
Jacob Casper
`• 20 e0
.I. Twigg.......... `. 4 20
.1. Messerknect... " 2 15
J. Woodworth.... 664 20
R. Burns ..8 85
Thos. Dorsey" 33 60
Max Kiernan 7 05
.tepheu Kane11 50
Mrs. Koenig Janitor 23 25
Mrs. Kien .. ...Scrubbing city hall5 00
Peter Kien. Cleaning city hall 75
L. Daly... ...... ..Cleaning around mar-
ket 26 50
Fred. Tropp....... Assistant poundinas-
ter 39 00
A. Gratz.........Fees city cases15 00
Dubuque Wooden
Ware Co. ......-Lumber 31 72
. Schloz .Sharpening tools 12 00
Geo. W. Farley ..Grading Alma and
Pickett streets 36 00
James Lee ........Constructing sidewalk 113 79
B a u m gartner &
Kleih Hardware.............. 1 05
Merkes & Hassler•.B:an and hay......... 2 30
Dubuque Wooden
Ware CoLutnber 68
John Marney Repairing tools 3 80
14 20
27 611
20 511
all 75
12 60
15 110 .
20 59
34 65
40 95
49 65
15 75
.f3 t0
1 (0
rs 20
2"J 95
15 75
3 15
44 10
29 95
57 50 •
1 60
9 45
11 05
19 95
28 35
34 65
6 30
10 25
18 90
28 35
48 85
23 65
3 15
33 90
46 5u
14 20
12 60
26 89
18 90
15 00
38 60
29 95
23 65
19 25
21 95
7 80
5 75
5 10
31 05
60 00
6 75
21 60
18 90
9 45
16 80
4 75
21 60
17 25
52 50
18 60
310 15
4 20
List of City Warrants.
Dubuque Wooden
Ware Co........Lumber 35 46
Pomeroy Cyclone
Sufferers........ Donation 509 00
13 a u nl gartuer &
K lelh ........... Naiis ....... 10 55
Iowa Iron Works.Rebber packing 2 65
Knapp -Stout & Co
Co Lumber....... 2160
John Ganahl Repairing tools 16 10
Key City Gas Co ..Coke 63 85
C. 11. Altone ......Nails 1 65
F. Schloz Repairing tools 3 35
E. M. Dickey Co.. Ducking 40
Leo Palen & Co...Matches 2 25
1'. H. llalput Washing powder 1 70
llealey Nails ............... ... 30
Trexier Bros Livtry hire 18 00
T. Byrne. ... .....Gravel 5 00
Standard Luinber
Company ...... .. Lumber 37 54
Reinfried & .Jaeger. Steel brooms1 50
Svendseu & Ott - Lumber 23 10
Dublbhte. TEI.E-
intAPn.... .Blank stationery 48 00
Hain & Carver.. .131ank books12 00
Key City (ias Co.Coke7 110
Central Printery.. Postal cards.... 7 75
James Kelly..... Stationery t 30
Palmer, \\ Mall &
Co Blank books 34 10
(leo. 1'. )lose, Jr..repairing tire alarm7 50
Lesure Lumber (o.Shavings 3 00
Sveudsen & Ott.. Lumber 7 54
Diamond .to Line. White waste.......... 11 61
Dubuque Rueber
& Betting' Co.... Washers and rings.... 5 405
Frantz & Clark ...01;
.1. A. Palen 1) u3s 755
Ba0ingartner &
& tileth......... Files and locks........ 1 60
Erni:, & Woo:, .... Lumber ............... 1 2.
.1. M, McKenzie ..Repairs for tire de-
p.u•Meta ..... . 3 25
Reinfried & Jaeger.Hardware......., .... 4 50
Standard Lumber
(oinpany...., ...Shavings.... ,.. .5
Key lily Gas Co .( oke.... 19 05
Shipley & Bauman. Veterinary services.. 11 25
Excelsior 13 r a s s
Works ...........Repalrbig engines.... 1 00
.John 130 t Repairing wagou and
cart 5 Y5
Eliwauger tiros... Repairing haruess19 25
A. N3 uuderlieh.... Hors,. shoeing 7 50
lohu Uauahl Wagon 20 00
P. H. Martin Inspecting tire engine 3 00
it. Eddy Rax man. ...... 45 Ou
E. S Daugherty „Rod man............ 19 00
J. H. Boyce ..... _Car tare._ ..... ...... 4 50
P. F. Guthrie Sidewalk.... ....... . .. 140 15
Con. Ryan.... Grading on Ean street 40 50
Steuex & (J'Fart•ellliltegeiiproving
t Queen and.
an34:3 58
W. & L. E. Gurley.ltep.,iriog tustruments 18 10
Standard Lumber
Co. Lumber ................ 11 00
J. Jellison Fitting. 7 50
C. A. Hoerner Cusp'. ors......... 3 85
Ellwanget` 1310slinrness 2 26 00
A. Gasser Brien
W. M Greeuh0w.liepairing fountains11 40
A. L. Trttk.......1'ainting patrol anu en-
gine louses100 00
A. b. Trilk fainting patrol and
engine houses.. .. . 900 00
bear & PtillneriiorseshoemC.. 7 00
T. W. Fitrzpatrick.Horseshoeiug......... 25 75
.1. Rooney Labor
P. Fitzgerald..... 14 00
.John Schmidt.... " 5 25
Standard Lumber 3 00
CO......... ..... . Shavings
Excelsior Brass
Works Wire cltlter... ...... ... 1 50
.1..1. RonanToweling.... ......... .. 3 50
Harger & B1isttStationery 1 5o
Central Electric
Company • • • .Repairing wire cutter. " 41
Jos. Geiger....... Repairing calaboose45
G. W. Cooper"
Mrs. J. Collins.- "
Mrs. A. Beason
Cath. Cummins"
Mrs. A. Boden`
Frank Moroney"
Chas. Spade Labor......
Aug. Lange
A. Reedy
C. Holier
John Bever
U. Mire14
1'. Smithon..
W. Willer" ...................
P. Hors'•ll........
James Street
U. bre llth street sewer.... .
C, Relfsteck Commissioner
John Wunderlich.
James Cushing... 66
Brown & Brown .. Grading Seminary St
Brown & Blown _Improving Seminary
John Toussaint... Wood t su
(larger & Blisn.. Stationery
Farley & Loetscher 1 10
'Virg Co 1 eveling rod
Steuck & O'Farrell. Ex
tra workue on Bur- den 161 15
Conrad Miller....Witness fees in city cases 60
Mrs. C. Miller.... „ 6O
Thos. Duggan.... '`
11. 11. (:nirelte Money advanced.......
Iowa Trust and
Saving Bank.. . Loan .... ..............
61 61
66 61 11
„ „ 66
Dubuque Fire and
Marne Ins. Co.
in. Schunuu....
Citizens. S t e
16 66
Maggie McDonnell "
IA Of 46 Of
•11 lb
.las. McI)ounell...
11. ,f " "
..... ............
Hardie & Scharle. Blank stat'onery
National Demokrat.Advcrtising....
The TEi 1 UltAen.
The Ledger.......
'1't(e Piques
The herald
Dubuque W a t e r
Dubuque W a ter
Coutpauy Il yd rants. 500 (8)
Dubuque Water
Company ...... ...1(ydrants .. 270 00
Star Electric Co .. Electric lights500 00
Star Electric Co.. Electric lights500 00
Star r.lectrie Co .. Electric lights67 73
Glide Light and
11 at Co /:asoline light 5.,0 Ill)
Dubuque Light &
'fraction (0.....Electric light...... 187 50
Eureka Gas Sav-
ing Co Gas g vernors 75 00
Toll Connolly ....Rep. patrol wagon97 7)1
Censonia Electric
• mnpany Electrical supplies.... 1 98
,John Noonan &
Son step. road wagon...... 24 50
Key City Gas Co Gas 60 85
P. E. Styrian Freight hauling 65
Lllg''ai1, Sullivan
& Kinsella.. .. Nails 9 45
F. H. Finite...... Team numbers......., 10 00
Marled & Jaeger.Sash cord80
Standard Lumber
Company .........I uluber....... .. 2 76
Smedley MPg Co.ltep. steam roller 2 77
Knapp -Stout & Co
Company Lumber, t125
Har'gei & Blish...Stationery
Ferguson Bros....Plumbing.„ 89 75
F. ,chlor ..... Repairing tools.lit
9 1:.
lteiulri,i &.1.,eger.rlardnare
2 85
E. 13. Chandler.... balance on automatic
repeater 150 00
Excelsior 13 r a s s
Works Repairing too's..... ... 3 00
30 00
95 20
12 60
15 GO
25 50
10 00
10 40
4 25
29 25
127 50
2 00
2 00
560 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 lr)
500 111
451 12
500 00
500 00
510 00
500 0))
500 00
Soo o0
500 00
1100 01)
51)0 (8)
500 (8)
500 00
500 (10
500 (10
:,00 00
500 00
500 VI)
500 a)
500 DO
500 01)
500 00
500 00
500 110
51 25
75 0 f
GG 80
58 30
29 15
83 00
500 00
188 O, ficial Notices.
Central Electric Co. Electric supplies.
Arthur Turner ....Cleaning vault
E. E. Frith Removing garbage...
A. A. Cooper... -Juror on 4th street....
Thos. Connolly"
M. M. Walker
James Hayes
Y. Kiene Sr
Yh 1. Ryder
T. O. Sullivan
G. L Torbert
T. W. Ituete
.Jos. L. Ilorr
Justus Becht 1... • •
McCann & Williama.storin water sewer
Dodge street........
M. Lavin Sanitary sewer Si.
10 45 Cath Gannon, city uud 1-3 429
4s 6o G Schneider, city s 1-5 498
312 at do city s lit s m 1-0498
2 00 Andreas Bitter,city n hf s m 1-5 498
'2 t00 Martin Kerberger, city m 1-5498
2 0o John Foerst city n rn 1-5 498
2 00 Geo 1lolir, city n 1-5 498
2 0o Frank Brede, city s 84.4 ft499
2 0oo
Gen Ann, and Minnie Stuber,
2 200 city n 18 ft s m 1-5 499
2 00 Geo Ann, and Minnie Stuber,
200 city s22ftm 1-5 . 499
2 00 1) Nickels, city n 29.3 tt m 1-5. 499
do city, s 22.4 ft n m 1-5 499
500 00
Seo 00
324 32
100 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct
list of all warrants issued during the month
of July, ism.
T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that at the
session of the city council of the City of
Dubuque, held onthe 3d day _of October,
1893, the following special assessments
were levied on the real estate hereinafter
describen :
For the construction of a Sidewalk on the
south side of West 3d street from St.
Mary's to Cardiff street.
Name and 1)es. Lot Am't.
P 11 Murray, St. Raphael's add 2 $ 9 59
do do do 1 9 05
Catholic Cemetery, marked R
Catholic graveyard, Dub city 73 31
Catholic Cemetery, city out lot
north part of 723 48 90
John Hennessey, city out lot
sub 724 j 2 6 04
1) .J Hennessey, city out lot sub
724 3 6 92
For the construction of a Sidewalk on both
sides of Hill street
Jas O'Farrell, sub 8 sub min
lot 73 4 8 88
Jas O'Farreil, sub 8 sub nun
lot 73 5 888
Jas O'Farrell, sub 8 sub nein
lot 73 6 8 88
Jas McCann, sub 2. sub 2, sub
9, sub min 1ot73 1 896
Mary C Wall, sub min lot 682 18 28
do sno pt of min lot 149 4a b 68
For the construction of a Sidewalk on the
west side of Jackson street.
14 11 Collier, sub min lot 32210 27 42
For the construction of a Sidewalk on
uorth side of West Locust street from
Hodgdon avenue to Flynn's.
Paul Trout, Blake's add 18 8 88
do do 19 8 88
For the construction of a Sewer in the al-
ley from 10th to 17th between Wash-
ington and Jackson streets.
Cath Gerlach, city 339 26 11
Leonard Mueller, city n lif390 16 06
Joe Pazandack, city s hf 390 13 98
Alex Hodel, city u hf 391 13 96
Fred Broell, city a hf 391 13 06
11 Nolte estate, city 392 26 11
do city 393 26 11
Wm Marshall, city 425 26 11
Peter Hanson, city s hf 426 13 06
1-Ienry Franke, city n hf 426 13 06
J Kurz estate, city 427 26 11
Geo Salot, city 428 26 11
Jas Downey, city and 2-3 429 17 41
8 90
26 11
13 06
13 06
26 11
26 11
26 11
43 04
9 18
11 22
14 89
11 42
Anton Vogler, city s 30 ft n 80
feet 499 15 30
Jacob l'lilfner, city n 50 ft499 25 50
A & M Mauer, East Dubuque
add slif 61
Marg Bieg, East Dub n hf61
J M Bucholtz estate, East Dub 60
Jas liarran, East Dub s hf59
M Loes, East Dub n hf 59
11f Loes, East Dub s hf 58
Josephine Breda, East Dub nhf 58
Chas Leute, East Dub 57
Mary Primising,EastDub62
For the construction of a sewer in the al-
ley from 10th to 17th streets betwean
Washington and Jackson streets.
J ll' Ris, East Dubuque, s hf...
Ch Reis,do n hf
Math Flick, do
Jas Hayes do
do do 66
Mrs 13 Bitchier, East Dub 56
(lo do 55
Philip Pfersch, do 54
Ludwig Bechtel, do s ht53
11 Hillebrand, do n hf53
C G Wultweber est., East Dub52
B S Elhiney, East Dubuque67
do do 68
lno B Murray, do 69
P Hanson, do 70
do do 71
'l'raut & Matthews do w hf 51
M McMahon, do e hf. 51
J Schwind, do s hf. 50
John K lauer est, do n ht 50
do••'• do s ht. 49
A Baumhover, do n hf 49
do do s hf48
Wm Krakow, do n bf 48
do do 47
Jas Platz, do 72
do do 73
J Millererle, do 74
Henry Krakow, do s hf75
C Krakow do n lif 75
A Pfiffner, do 76
Philip Jungk, East Dub add46
James Mullin, do 40
do do 44
M Brown, do 43
do do 42
Peter Fay, do a hl. 77
L Voelker do n hf 77
Henry Grether, do a hf 78
J M Grether, do n hf 78
Frank Beller, Jr, do s hf. 79
J le Haisch, do n hf 79
Frank Roy, do a hf. 80
Jas O'Farrell, do n hf 80
do do s 35 2-10 81
W J Flynn, do n 16 ft 81
Mary Enright, do 41
do do s hf 40
A Heinz, do 11 hf 40 13 06
Margaret Lentz, do s hf. 39 13 05
Melchoir Mohr, do it hf 39 13 06
.lobn Trexler, do 38 26 11
Zion Church, do 37 `28 11
'Phomas Jones do 82 26 11
Adolph Artus, do 83 26 11
Melchoir Mohr, do 84 26 11
13 06
13 06
26 11
13 06
13 06
13 06
26 11
26 11
63 13 06
63 13 06
64 26 11
65 26 11
26 11
26 11
26 11
26 11
13 06
13 06
26 11
26 11
26 11
26 11
25 11
26 11
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
26 11
26 11
26 11
26 11
13 06
13 06
26 11
26 11
26 11
26 11
26 11
26 11
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
13 06
17 95
8 16
26 11
13 06
1 At
(04.1 ,/ .1.uii0e8.
Herman Henker, do
Carson 111cElratb, do
85 26 11
86 26 11
And that in case of failure to pay the
same within thirty days from this date, the
same shall become delinquent and bear in-
terest thereafter at the same rate as the de-
linquent annual city taxes.
Dated at Dubuque this 12th day of Octo-
ber, A. 1). 1893.
Treasurer of the City ot Dubuque.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at this
otlice up to Monday, Oct. 16th, 1893, at 4
o'clock, p. m. for the filling of Lots ordered
by the city council to prevent stagnant
water from lying thereon, where not al-
ready filled as follows:
Lots 22, 23 and 24, block 15 in Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Co.'s add. near 7th
and Pine street, tilling 400 cu. yds.
E 40 ioet lot 1 sub. of 4 in L. nniests sub.
south east cors Kniest street and Lincoln
ave., 220 cubic yards tilling.
Lot 18 and 19 E. Langworthy's acid at
23e1 street and Washington street. Nilliug
200 cubic yards.
Lot 6 of 7 of min. lot 79, on W. 5th
street north side between Roberts ave. and
Alpine street. Filling 760 cubic yards.
Lois 45 and 46 E. Langworthy's add. at
Washington street, between 22d and 23d
streets, 1111 740 cu yds.
Lots 29, 30 and 31, E. Langworthy's add.
at Washington street, between 22d and
23d streets, till 860 cu yds.
accordiding to specifications on file in this
otlice. Bidders will state price per cubic
yard for each lot or location.
Bidders must furnish a good and suf-
ficent bond of $200 that contract will been-
tered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON,
10-5-10t City Engineer.
Notice to Contractors.
DUBUQUE, Iowa, tiept• 29, 1893. S
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 4 o'clock p. m., of Wednesday,
October 4th, 1893, fo improving the alley
between 22d and 24th streets Couler avenue
and Jackson streets and according to
to plans and specifications on file in my
Grading 895 cubic yards t 11.
blacadamamizibg 3,100 square yards.
Bidders roust state the price per cu. yd.
for grading and price per s:l. yd for mac-
Bidders must furnish a bond of $200.00
that contract will be entered into if award-
Proposals will be acted upon at an ad-
journed meeting to be held in October,
Blanks for bidders will be furnished by
the recorder.
The city reserves the right to reject all
9-29-101 '1'. J. COONEY,
City Recorder.
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the eat side of White street, between
7tti street and 8th Street, where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
Resoled by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 6 feet wide,
of good two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days ot this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
14 street,abutting n 2-5 of city lot 431 where
not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
ltesolved by the city Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the both sides of 22d street, between
Jackson street and Couler creek, where
not already laid, at, the expense of abutt-
ing property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem-
ent, be, wi:hin 15 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
both sides of Washington street between
2211 and 23d streets, where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Duouque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of gond 2 inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within 15 days
ot this notice, constructed and laid in con -
tenuity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on both sides ot Staudebach
Place between Windsor avenue and Queen
street, where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That, a side walk
six feet wide, of good two inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days
of this notice and resolution, con;truct-
0(1 and laid in conformity N ith the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on Jack-
son street, abutting s%, 59, 60 and n% 61
in East Dubuque add where not already
laid, at expense of abutting property.
Resolved, By the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plants, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
and resolution,constructed and laid in con—
formity with the ordinance m relat
Mon to sidewalks. on the west
side of White'. street between 20th street
and Eagle Point avenue, where not al-
ready laid, at the expense of abutting
Resolved by the City Council the of City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick stone or
cement, be, within twenty days of this
notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with theordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on W hite street, abutting lots 349, 338 and
n 2-5 431, city where not already laid, at
the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque. That a sidewalk, 6 feet wide.
of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cern-
ent, be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinauce in relation to sidewalks, on the
east side of Jackson street, between Rtlom-
berg aveuue and Lincoln ave.. where not
already la'd, at the expense of abutting
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two inch plank, brick, stone
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wide
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone:or
cement, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
1:111 U iul _17v,tice8.
or cement, be, within twenty days
of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, abutting Tots 230.
270, 272, 370 and 371 in Davis Farm add,
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
White street. abutting city lots 310, 312,
314, 315, 362 and 320 where not already laid,
at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
Jackson street abutting lot 2 to Peterson's
sub, where not already laid, at the expense
of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Louncil of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone
or cement, be, within 20 days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to slide -
walks, on Rhomberg avenue, abut-
ting lots 443, 444, 445, 433 and 4i4 in
Harp's add, where not already laid, at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted Oct. 31h, 1893.
10-6-1Ot Recorder Pro Tem.
An 8 foot wide plank sidewalk on the
north side of Julien ave., abutting lot 1,
Cain's sub.
An 8 foot wide plank sidewalk On south
side of Julien ave., between Nevada street
and Booth street.
A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on east
side of Cherry street between Cleveland
ave. and Rush street.
An 8 -foot wide sidewalk of brick, stone
or cement, on the east side of Bluff street,
between lath and 14th streets.
All in accordance with specifications on
file in said office. A bond of $100 will be
required with each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. W. 11. KNOwLTON,
10-6 10t City Engineer.
Notice to newer Contrac.ors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
city engineer's otlice, City of Dubupue,
Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. in., Saturday, Oct.
7th, 1893 for furnishing all material and
labor and building a pipe sewer as follows
according to plans and specifications on
the in said office , viz: An 8 inch tile pipe
sewer on Almond street from Ellis street
to Foye street. Estimated length, 930 feet,
3 manholes, 1 Hush tank. Bidders to fur-
nish a bond of $200 with bid that contract
will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
9-26-101. City Engineer.
Notice t.. sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
city engineers aftice, city of Dubuque, la.,
up to 4 o'clock p. m. Friday, Oct.
20th, 1893, for constructing sidewalks
as follows, where not already laid, viz:
An 8 foot wide plank sidewalk on east
side of White steet between 7th and 8th
A 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on south
side of 14th street, abutting n 2-5 of city lot
A 4 -foot wide pland sidewalk on both
sides of 22d street between Jackson street
and Couler Creek.
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk: on both
sides of Washington streets between 22d
and 23d streets.
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on both
sides of Stendebach Place.
A 6 foot wide plank sidewalk on Jack-
son street abutting s X of lot 59, lot 60
and n X of lot 61, East Dubuque add:
A 6 foot wide plank sidewalk on west
side of White street between 20th street
and Eagle Point avenue.
A 6 foot wide plank sidewalk on Wnite
street abutting city lots 349, 338 and n 2-5
of 431.
An 8 foot wide plank sidewalk on White
street abutting city lots 310, 312, 314, 315,
362 and 320.
A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on Rhom-
berg avenue abutting lots 443, 444, 445, 433
and 434 Ham's add.
A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on Couler
avenue abutting lots 230, 272 and 270 Davis
Farm add.
A four foot wide plank sidewalk on
Sackson street abutting lots 370 and 371
Davis Farm add, and lot 2, Peterson's
A 6 foot wide plank sidewalk on east side
of Jackson street between Rhomberg and
Lincoln aves.
A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on the
east side of Center Place, abutting lot 1,
McNulty's sub.
Public notice is hereby given that at the
session of the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, held on the 3d day of October,
1893, the following special assessments
were levied on the real estate hereinafter
described, and that in case the wners of the
property so desire they can pay the assess-
ment in seven annual equal install inents,the
first installment being due on the date of
levy, and the last installment six years
from date of levy, all bearing interest at
the rate of 6 percent per annum. Persons
wishing to pay all at once as heretofore
can do so. In the case of failure to pay all
or any part of the assessment at the end of
six years from date of levy the property
will be advertised and sold.
Dated at Dubuque this 13th day of
October, A. D. 1893.
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
For the improvement of Washington
street from Sanford to 24th streets.
Name and Des.
Lot. A m't
Fred block, Jr, E Laugworthy's
add 35
do do .... 36
A Wanger, do .... 37
do do .... 38
C W Abitz, do .... 39
M Nowaschek, do .... 40
A Kauffman,do .... 41
J Inflow, Jr, do .... 42
Anna M Schiei, do 43
Wm Rehfeldt, do s 43 ft 44
Thos Zitn, do n'Lb ft 44
do do s15ft 45
John Morgan, do n 35 ft 45
do do .... 46
Roman Lorenz, do .... 47
do do .... 48
79 97
53 10
53 10
53 10
53 10
53 10
53 10
53 10
53 10
45 68
27 33
15 93
37 17
53 10
53 10
53 10
Official iYotice8.
Fred Schmidt, do .... 49 53 10 McClain Bros, sub min lot 150
C Messeruecht, do .... 50 53 10 lot 1 of
do do ... 51 75 40 Edward McClain, sub min lot
J Boman, 0 S Langworthy's 150 lot 1 of 4 272 84
sub 13 81 27 For improving alley from Regent to San -
M M Hoffman, E Lang worthy's ford streets. between Queen
add 18 74 90 and J'rince streets.
do 19 53 10 J Bach, Sanford's sub 37 24 83
do n hf 20 26 56
do sht 20 2655
do n hf 21 26 56
do s hf 21 26 66
do n ht 22 26 56
do s hf 22 26 56
do .... 23 5310
do .... 24 53 10
do .... 25 69 75
do .... 26 53 10
.... 27 53 10
.... 28 53 10
29 53 10
n hf 30 26 56
s hf 30 26 56
.... 31 53 10
.... 32 53 10
.... 33 53 10
34 79 97
63 99
1 1209 39
C H Meyer,
rhos Allen,
Wm Voights,
J Fellbaum,
Fred Heintz,
Theo Grobe,
Fred Conrad,
C Riepetsch, do
Fritz Schargits, do
Fred Kuhrt, do
do do
Anton Rokuseck, do
D A Fuller. do
0 Kauffman, do
H Mauer, do
do do
J Olinger, Boulevard add 24
For the improvement of Queen and Regent
streets. Queen
l'ointavvenue.R Regent from Quee
to Windsor avenue.
P J Reiner, Sanforet's sub30
H W Kruse, do 29
do do 28
C Kaltenbach, do 0127 1
do do of 26 2
M Brinkman est, do of 23 1
C Lange, Windsor ave sub1
J Jehring. Sanford's sub of 25 1
do do of 26 651
Henry Kruse, do
G Thalhammes, do of 62 1
do Saunders sub3
E Cummings, do e hf2
N May ban lts, do w hf.. 2
do do
C G W R 11 Co, Sanford's sub 421
Florence May, do
Chas Kruse, do of 41 401
do do ...
210 32
52 72
52 72
134 16
97 58
149 56
144 88
73 92
94 21
134 42
49 35
16 45
26 35
26 35
87 32
24 07
163 41
180 53
52 72
P J Rainer do
P Biutner, do
C Kruse, do'
do do
Florence May, do
Jas Rowan, do
W Eintenger, (10
.... 38 24 83
39 24 83
40 24 88
of 41 1 24 Oil
42 25 57
nhf.. 43 1242
s hi.. 43 12 42
Peter Meyer do n hf. 44 12 42
John Hewer, do s hf.. 44 12 42
Nic Teller, do .... 45 24 83
W J Nessler, do 46 24 83
For the improvement of Alley between
Pine and Maple streets from 15th
to 16th streets.
Chas Fatka, East Dub add.... 256 35 48
Albert Benda, do 255 30 15
1 Manhoff, do s 33 hf 254 19 66
n 18 ft 254 10 49
253 30 15
252 35 48
s hf287 20 41
n hf287 15 08
288 30 15
s bf289 15 08
n hf289 15 08
P Bentner, do .... 39 52 72
1' J Rainer, do .... 38 52 72
Janette Bach, do .... 37 82 42
For improving Humboldt street from Lin-
coln avenue to Garfield avenue.
M J Callahan, Driebelbies add 8 179 87
C Reitsteck, do .... 9 179 11
Geo Garner, do .... 24 180 04
J Strazinsky, do .... 25 178 91
J Miller, Hooper's add 1 180 99
Chas Kutler, do 14 179 62
Henry Jungk, do 15 178 53
Phil Doerr est, do 28 178 22
For the improvement of Peru road from
Lemon street to 150 feet east of
Jackson street.
Geo Stuber, West's add 26 171 49
F Kenniker, do 27 180 26
Agatha Heim, min lot 36321 328 35
For improving 13tstreet from Maple
H 0 Henke, East Dubuque266 176 17
J A Rhomberg. do 267 111 14
Pier & Ackerman, ddo ... 277 143 03
143 26
J C Wilson,
For Improving t to avenue. street South
City of Dubuque, sub min lot 3
158 feet 210 27
J Mc do oY, doo8
b gun o 154 212 61
5 212 76
J '1' Hancock. sub min lot 158. 6 295 28
Wm Bothwell est, sub min lot
8 563 21
Annie Reuter, do
T Benjamin, do
J Lang, do
J Butler, do
M Bukula, do
S Bornheiser, do
J Codesky, do
M Gehrens, do
J Dentinger, do ...... 290 30 15
Butler Bros, do 291 35 48
For improving alley from Kniest street to
Johnson avenue between Garfield
and Rhomberg avenues.
.1 Spielman, Smedley's sub16 14 83
M Specht, do 17 14 83
C Brandt, do 18 14 83
L Rainicke, do 19 14 83
do do a 8.2 ft 20 4 13
F Hos, do w 21X ft 20 16 30
M Wingert, do w 62.2 ft 21 36 96
L Buehler, do e 35.6 ft 21 17 97
Geo Buehler, do 21a 24 82
For improving Alley from Summit to
Burch streets between Fulton Place
and West Third streets.
M Brady, Fortune's sub 1 24 35
J G Moore, do 2 21 51
E J Scott, do 43 21 51
21 51
J F O'Dea, do
Kate Retalick, do 5 21 51
E 1' Phillips, do e hf6 10 75
E P Lyman, do w hf6 10 76
1 Hickson, do do part7 16 82
Mrs 14 Scott, do part8 16 66
Mrs do part9 21 51
Mary Powers, do 10 21 51
E J Scott, do 11 21 51
do do 12 21 51
W G Cos, do 13 21 51
do do 14 24 35
192 Adjourned Regular .S'es.tiion. (Holler 231d. 1893.
Adjourned Regular Session, October 23, 1893.
Council met at 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Aid. Powers moved that council go into
a committee of the whole to transact busi-
ness. Carried.
The council reconvened at 8:15 o'clock.
On motion bids were opened and given
to the engineer for computation.
Ald. Olinger moved that action on bids
for improvement of alley between 22(1 and
24th streets and Couler avenue and Jack-
son street be postponed. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that tie rules be
suspended and Chas. Klingenberg be al-
lowed to address the council in relation
to Kleine street. Carried.
Mr. Klingenberg addressed the council
on the opening of the bids for the improve-
ment of Kleine street.
The petition of Mr. Klingenberg to have
bids for the improvement of Kleine street
opened was granted.
The notice frotu Lyons & Lenehan, at-
torneys for the C. G. W. railroad Co. of
appeal from award ot jury for the opening
of 26th street received and filed.
The petition of Mrs. Maurice O'Reagan
for remission of taxes for 1892. Granted.
The following petitions were referred to
the delinquent tax committee.
Jos. Herod and Sarah G. Wells.
'rhe petition of Bridget Wittemore in re-
lation to sidewalk on Cherry street be-
tween Cleveland avenue and Rush street
in front of her property. Granted.
The petition of Anna M. Bush in rela-
tion to the moving of side walk to the
proper place on North street. Granted.
Aid. Olinger moved teat the resolution
authorizing the issuing of $50,000 itnprove-
ment bonds passed Oct. 2nd, 1893, be re-
considered. Adopted.
Ald Olinger offered the following
Resolved by the City Council of ttie city
of Dubuque, That the mayor is hereby au-
thorized and Instructed, for the purpose of
providing for the payment of the costs and
expense of improving the following streets
and alleys.
Twenty-fourth street trout Jackson
street to tine street, $1,600; Sanford, Queen
and Regent street, $700; Washington street
from Sanford street to Twenty-fourth
street, $200; ll.uwboidt street from Lincoln
ave to Garfield ave, $1,400; 'Thirteenth
street from Mauls street to Pine street,
$660; Seminary street from west boundary
of Cox's add to West Locust street, $15,300;
Alma Street from '1'huinas street to Pickett
street, $800; Dodge street from Seuth
Dodge street to Grandview ave, $8,900;
Broad street from Julien ave to Rothe of
Friendless $5,300; Nevada street from West
5th street to West 3rd street, $1,460;
Twenty -Second street from Jackson
street to Elm street, $1,160; Booth street
from Julien avenue to West 'Third street,
$2,520; Prince street from Eagle Point
avenue to Sanford str.-et, 81,800; Regent
street from Queen street to Prince street,
$750; south one-half of Dodge street from
Bluff street to Locust street, $450; alley
from 15th to 16th streets between Pure and
Maple streets, $300; alley from Johnson to
Kniest streets between Garfield and Mom -
berg avenues, $160; alley from Summit to
Burch streets between N'enelon place and
West 3d street, $300; alley from Regent
to Sanford streets between Queen and
Prince streets, $?50; alley from Sanford to
Clinton streets between Windsor avenue
and Queen street, $2,200; alley from 7th to
8th streets between Clay and White
streets, $250; alley from Julien
avenue to West llth street east of Grant
avenue, $220.00; alley froth Humboldt
avenue to Stafford avenue between Garfield
and Rhontberg avenues, $370.00; alley from
22nd and 23rd street between Washington
and Elm streets, $750.00; alley from 221id
to 23rd street between Washington and
Jackson streets, $1,000.00; alley from hill
to West 3rd street east of 11ill street, $600.-
00; alley east of Wilson avenue, $600.00:
to issu • under the provisions of the ordi-
nance adopted Nov. 2, 1891, by the City
Council ot the City of Dubuque bunds to
the amount of $60,000, said bonds to be is-
sued as follows: One hundred bonds num-
bering from 299 to 398 inclusive, to the
amount of $500 each, ail dated Nov. 1st,
1893, payable seven years after
date, bearing interest at the
rate of six per cent. per annum,
payable semi-annually, both interest and
principal payable at the office of the
treasurer in the city of Dubuque, lowai
with exchange on New York. Said bona
when issued and registered shall be de-
liverd by the city recorder to the finance
committee, taking a receipt therefor, and
said committee is hereby authorized to ne-
gotiate said bonds at not less than par,
and pay the proceeds ot the same to the
city treasurer to be applied by hien in ac-
cordance with the provisions of the ordi-
nance adopted Nov. 2t1, 1891, and said
committee is to report its doings hereunder
to the city council.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillie, Olinger, Powers, and Ryder.
Ald. Glab moved that all bids for the im-
provement of Kleine street be rejected.
Ald. Crawford tnoved that the resolution
passed for improvement be rescinded.
Ald. Byrne roved that the sewer on
Dodge street be extended past tee 1Vadley
building according to resolution already
adopted by ttie council and on record.
Carried and the street superintendent un-
der the direction of the engineer and street
committee to have the same done by
day laborers.
Ald. Glab offered the following resolu-
tion which was adopted.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, 'That the street superintend-
ent be instructed to have two stone cross-
ings laid across alley on West side of Hill
street between W. 8th and Caledonia
Ald. Glatt offered the lollowi:tg reso-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That Kleine street, be-
tween West Eagle Point avenue
and Klingenberg Terrace, be graded,
guttered, curbed and m icadamized, in con-
formity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to give
the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the worlt; the
guttering, curbing, and macadatniz-
ing to be done at the expense of the
abutting property. Gradutg to be bid in
October 23, 1893
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glib, Lillig, Olinger. Powers and Hyder.
The invitation of the common council of
the city 01 Chicago to the mayor, alder-
men and officers to attend the reunion of
American cities at Chicago, Oct. 28, 1893,
was accepted and the tnayor instructed to
acknowleee acceptance of the same.
The bias for the erection of the engine
house ne.,r Delhi and Forest lane were
opened and were as follows: ,i 419
Jones Bros r
Taylor & Miley (not in,•Iuding
plumbing 3,919
M. C. Nhare 3,400
P. I)omentg 3,646
F. 1I. Rettenmauer 3,800
.iules Guderian 3,681
Crawford Bros 3,875
Ald. Glab moved that .tones Bros. be
awarded the contract provided they Ole
bund Oct. 24th, 1893. and comply with the
plans and specifications, otherwise the con-
tract shall go to the next lowest. Car-
City engineer reported as follows on
Prop sats for street improvement:
Twenty-second street from Elm street to
end of:
E. E. Frith 8360 40
los. IIaberkurn 313 90
A. Lang... 311 60
Steuck ,v O'Farrell 312 30
Geo. W. Farley 349 40
Ald. ity„er moven that A. Lang be
awarded the contract. Carried.
Harold street: 90lieu. Taylor $771771 80
Jos. llaupert 805 70
Geo. W. Farley 744 80
Brown & Brown 744 80
Steuck & O'Farrell
Ald. Crawford moved that Jus. liaupert
be awarded the contract. Carried.
Weigle alley:
Sleuck & O'Farrell $1.940 00
0 00
Geo. 4V. Farley 32 50
Ed. Ryan 797 50
Edw. Tibey 978 50
Geo. Taylor
Ald. Ryder tnoved that Edw. Tibey be
awarded the contract. Carrieo.
Alley from Sanford to 22nd street and
\Vashiueton and Elm streets:
Steuck & O'Farrell $324 00
Adolph HaberKorn 31100
E. E. Frith 399 00
Alois Lane 3 0 50
Geo. W. Farley 417 00
Ald. Ryder moved that A. Lang be
awarded the contract. Carried.
Ald. Lillig moved that the contract for
the improvement of Garfield avenue from
Middle street to Ann be awarded to Geo.
W. Farley. Carried.
Ald. Glab moved that the City Attorney
notify the owners of the old elevator to
tear down same. Carried.
Ald. Glab moved that the sale of Mrs.
Anna Bush's property for special assess-
ment for sidewalk be deferred and matter
referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 6 feat wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the; ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both shies of Broad said street at he expense -
eof abutting prthe full length op -
ertr .
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, and Ryder.
AId. ()l linger offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the street superintend -
ant be instructed to have macadam cross-
ing put on the street crossing on the west
side of Grandview ave, between Delhi and
Dodge street.
Ald. Olinger offered the following reso-
lution,which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the:city
of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and
is hereby directed to examine the grade
now on Park 11i11 Road, as to the feasabil-
ity of changing sant•, and if practicle to
submit profile showing a proposed change
of grade, also submit pretties of grade of
all .street$ in, Park 1101 u add.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
resolution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the city engineer be in-
structed to examine the grade of Weigle
alley and report to the council whether it
is expeitient to change said grade in • ac-
cordance with the desire of a number of
the abutters, and that in case he finds it
deairable to make, such change that he ob-
tain the signatures of the abutters con-
senting to the proposed change.
Ald. Crawford offered the following res-
olution, which was adopted:
Whereas, M. Tschirgi, Sr., has sold and
conveyed to the City of Dubuque by deed
of general warranty all of lot one (11'01
Stimtuit Addition, except the easterly fifty
(b') feet of said lot; •
And whereas, 11 appears from the tax
records of the city that the city has a lien
ou a small fraction of said ground lying at
the southwest corner, or apex of the same,
under a special assessment levied for the
improvement of'Delhi street;which special
assessnienthas never been collected for
the reasonthat the then owner, Wm.
llintrager, relused to pay said special tax,
and there were no bidders when said frac
tion of ground was repeatedly' offered by
the Treasurer at public tax sale;
And whereas, The City of Dubuque is
destrous of obtaining an assetnent on the
westerly five (5) feet of the easterly fifty
(50) feet of said lot one, Summit Addition,
for a passageway from Delhi street to For-
rest lane, on the east side of the engine
house about to be erected by the city. on
the ground purchased from said Tschirgi;
Theretore be it resolved, That in con-
sideration that said M. Tschirgi.
.Sr., will grant said Han ave nel,t or
riabg t
of way
described, extending through from Delhi
.street to .Forrest lane, the city of llubdque
will on its part release and discharge M.
Tschirgi, Sr., from any liability or obliga-
tion to said city on account of the special
tax lien above mentioned, under his
warranty of. title of the ground conveyed
by him to the city.
Resolved further, That in erecting an
engine house on said ground, a strip
rive feet wide, shah be left vacant by the
city on the east side of said engine house,
which five footstrip• With the five feet 'to
be granted by saidTsctiirgi adjoining the
sante, shall constitute, an open spaee or
passage way ten (10) (eet,wide from Delhi
,sttceet to Forrest lane, which shall be
under the control of the city and used at
its discretion, but not'In such a mhnnet as
to darken the light oobscure
yehe windoter ws
in a,v budding which
erected by said. '1's liirgi .,r his a -signs, on
the ground aujoinine said ten lout strip on
tho east.
And resolved further, That the city at -
194 Adjourned _Regular Sessiw", October 23rd, 1893.
torney be instructed to draft an agree -
Inept between the city of Dubuque and
said M. '1'schirgi, Sr., providing for carry-
ing into effect the provisions of the fore -
e same to
gog ons andd executed
hee brespective
Aid. Crawford moved that the :streeneedy
perintendent shall employ
more persons from now on and the street com-
mittee see that all such persons receive
work in preference to others. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn. Car-
Notice t s'Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Thursday,
October 19th, 1893, for improving the
foilowing streets and the
plans and alleys
spc ificationsnw on filet in my
Twenty-second street from. Elm street
to east end of street.
Grading cut, 50 cubic yards; fill 100 yds.
Curbing, 300 lineal feet.
Guttering, 130 square yards.
Macadamizing, 360 square yards.
Weigel alley from West llth street to
south end of alley.
Grading cut, 1000 yards; fill 250 yards;
curbing 800 yards; guttering, 350 yards;
macadamizing, 700 yards.
Alley from Sanford street t'i 12d street,
between Washington and Elm streets,
grading, cut, 100 yds fill 90 yds, macadamiz-
ing 100 yds.
Harold street, from Seminary to Leibnitz
streets, curbing 840 ft, guttering 370 sq yds,
macadamizing 750.
Bidders must state the price per lineal
loot for curbing, the price per square yard
for guttering and macadamizing; grading
in alleys to be bid by cubic yard.
Bidders must furnish a good and suf-
ficient bond of $200 that contract will be
entered into if awarded.
Proposals will be acted on at an ad-
journed session of the council to be held
on or after Oct. 19th, 1893.
Above work to be completed on or be-
fore Dec. 1st, 1893.
Blank for bidders will be furnished by
the recorder.
'rhe city reserves the right to reject any
or all bide. JOHN O'CONNELL,
10-9-1Ot Recorder Pro Tem.
DUBUQUE, Oct. 13th, 1893.
Bids will be received at the office of the
city engineer up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Oct.
23rd, 1893, for constructing an engine
house on Julien avenue and Delhi street in
accordance with plans and specifications
on tile in my office. The right is reserved
to reject any atal all bills.
10-16-6t City Engineer.
Regular S3asion, Nov. 6th, 1893.
Council !Hitt at In:,NI u'eIuck a. In.
Mayor I)au,hrrt \ III the chair.
Present—A Ids. 1 u1lcr, Byrne. Crawford,
(flab, Lillig. Nick,. Olinger, I'owets and
Ak(. Byrne moved that, the minutes as
printed of last session be approved. Car-
The following bills were orderett paid.
The Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lum- 142 04
Adam Reuter, labor at parks 1 25
Thus. Welsh, labor at palls... 7 50
Lesure Lumber Co., Runner 37 50
I"red Se11Ioz, supplies and labor17 35
Fred Schlitz, supplies and labor26 54
G. . A, Boerne'', supplies 3 45
John '1•ousaini, wood 51 Olt
Agusttts Brown, supplies 1 (10
1)uuuquc \Woollen \\ are Co., sup- 5 25
John Terry 5 25
Baumgartner & Kleih. supplies4 111
Eilwautuer tiros., supplies 4 L5
Lear & I'lilfner, horsestiueiti r 11 50
II. E. Linehan, supplies and work14 15
1)tamuud .lit Line steamers, sup-
plies 3 25
1.atlni &• hand Powder Co.. sup- 2 00
plies 11 00
.las. Kelly, supplies
[larger & Iiush, supple•+ 12 50
Jewett Calculator Co.; situp. les5 00
Hardie & Scharle, supplies and
Iteiulrie't & ,Jaeger, supplies
Otto ltenteke, iiateriat tor street
Geo. Corratice, ulater,al for street..
Diamond .10 Line steamers, Inm-
83 06ber
P arley, Loetscuer alauutacturing 11 10
Co., lumber, &c
Merkes & Ilasier, merchandise7 60
Mrs. 1'. Kien, cleaning (qty. tali10 65
Urs. Koenig, janitor and cleaning 31 90
city hall
Ferguson Bros„ plumbing and
Standard Lumber Co., shavings
Jas. Levi R Co., matting, tte
Lesure Lumber Co., shavings
Lawrence Daily, cleaning around
1'. 1lughes & Sun, baskets
.11 . O'Connell, services as special
sanitary °dicer
P. If. (let'an o, pails used at tire
.1. IL Jellison, sodding and grading
Hardie & Scharle, stationary and
Eilwanger Bros., repairs and sup-
Lear & Pliffuei•, horse shoeing ....•
Jos. Geiger, Repairs and Material
ltelutried & .Seager, supplies
lies hard-
& llealey,sul 1
ware etc
Key City Gas Co, coal and coke
Key City Gas Co., deal and coke
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware
W. 11. Torbert, supplies
W. Il. Torhert, supplies
Merkes & Basler, supplies to en-
gine house
Chas. llerzog, cuttiug wuud
Diamond Jo Line Strs., supplies
Baumgartner & Kleigh, supplies
R. Weston, painting fountain
65 00
3 95
5 25
17 15
r 611i, 1,93.
U. T. 1.:(1,1y, serv'ee.Y 43 76.
Wm. s. :Midi), plumbing and itis=
term! 94 15
Bart E. Linehan. material etc
14:3 N5.
tleadford Bros. & Ilit.chens \Ifg.
Co., castings etc fit 31
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber 7 8E
Baumgartner & Kleign, hardware
etc .. 225
Ald. Crawford offered the following res-
Besot%e,t by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That the alley between Lo-
cust: and Iautf and Kit and 10(11 streets, be
traded ;old ulaeadlunl'/.i)1, 1 11 coulorunty
w'.111 the ordinance upon that - ubject.
'That. the city engineer be and i. here 01-
reeted to make the necessary plans and
specifications fur said intone -molt, and
the city recorder directed to give the prop-
er notice for buds and proposals tor the
1u'rtormauce of the work; the ;grading
and 111aeadalin/111l! to be dune at the eX
pain se of ow nes e. lwilttlutitting property.
Adop ed by the following vote.
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne Craw ford,
(flab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Power-, and
li filet'.
Alit. Lillis, offered the fodowine:
Int solved by the City tnincli of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of em id two-inch plank, brick. stone of
cement, be. within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, ou
the west side 01 \Wunlsor ave, b••tweeu,
Burdett ave and north end of Windsor ave.
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Aye:—T. Id's. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
(f1adl, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, and
AId. Lillie offered the follnw'ing:
Resolved by 1heCity Council of the Pity
of Dubuque, That Elm street, between
ltliumberg ave. and law Eagle Point ave,
be graded, t;uuer'eo, curbed and macadam -
Med, 111 con 1orlll fly whit (1111 ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and Is heieby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement, and the coy recorder di-
rected to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for tie performance of the
work; CuuerttlC, curbing and macadamiz-
ing to be dune It theexpense of the owners
of the abutting property. (trading to be bid
in total.
Adoplel1 by tho following vote:
Ayes—Attts. Butler. Byrne, 4.'rawtord,
61111), Lillig, Nicks, ()linger, Powers, and
AId. l.illlg offered the following resolu-
tion, whlelt was adopted:
(18 54
4 00
12 79
3 00
25 00
1 00
50 00
1 75
90 00
55 75
16 35,
V 25
18 10
7 65
19 12
17 62
39 85
1 30
11 12
5 04
1 75
11 90
14 00
145 00
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the city engineer
is hereby ordered to carry out the resolu-
tion of Oct. 31, 1893, ordering an 8 toot
wide plank sidewalk along the east side of
%Viidsor avenue from Klingenberg,s sub.
to main entrance to cemetery.
Aid. Ryder offered the following resolu-
tion, which was adopted:
Resolved, That the street superintend-
ent, under the supervlstou of the city en-
gineer, be iustrueted to rb on
7th street, east 01 the C., raise & St. 1' R. 11.
Co.'s track.
Ald. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council o[ the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
November 6th, 1893.
stone or cetltent. be, within :en
days of this notice. constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks. on each
side of Regent street, between Windsor
avenue and Prince street, where not
already lard, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Adds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
(flab, 1,011g, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Noes-- None.
Ald. Nicks offered the follow lite:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this hulk.•
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks
on eaeh side of Prince street, between
Eagle Point ave. and Sanford street, where
not already laid, at expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
(:lab, Lillie, Nicks, Olinger, L'oweis, and
Aid. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the city Council of the City
of Dubuque, '['hat a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, ou
each side of Dodge street, between South
Dodge street and Grandview ave., where
not already laid, a! the expense of abutt-
ing property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aid's. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
(flab, Lillie, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Ryder. -9
All. (lab offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque. 'L'hat a sidewalk. 4 feet wide,
of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem-
ent, be, within 10 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in couformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
each side of Booth street, between West
Third street and Julien ave., where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Niclts, Olinger, Powers, and
Aid. Powers offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That, a sidewalk
six feet wide, of good two inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days
of this notice and resolution, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on the
south side of West Locust street in front
of lot 14 of the Quigley sub of out lot 710,
where not already laid, at expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Ald. Powers offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within 10 (lays of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side of Alma street, between
Pickett street and Phomas street where not
alteady laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, ('raw ford
Glab, Ldlig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers sin
Ald. Powers offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of iho city
of Dubuque, That. a sidewalk four
feel wide of good 2 -inch plank,
stone, brick or cement, be within
10 days of lois nonce, coust.tticted
and laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on south side of
A von street, between the alley .ind west
side of Avon where not already lam, at the
expense of tba abutting property.
Ado') ed by the following vote:
lyes—Atds.' Butler, By rile. Crawford,
(lab, 1.illig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
Ryder. (91.
Ald. Ryder offered file following resolu-
tion which was adopted:
Be it Resolved by the Pity Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the steps on the
south side of it est Eighth street, west of
the Diamond house, be repaired and re-
newed where necessary and where re-
newed to be raised at least one or two
steps to make the intervals between the
nigh s more level and be done under the
supervision of the city engineer.
Ald. Ryder moved that the engineer and
street superintendent be instructed to
grade down the sidewalk on Cherry street
Mr. ►'. htttiuiore be allowed time to lay Itis
sidewalk. Carried.
A.Id. Crawford offered the following
resolution which was adopted:
Resolved, That .lotto Wunderlich,
D. W. Linehan, and C. 1 eifsteck
be and are hereby appointed cont-
uussioners to assess the damages if
any, which may result to any person or
persons by reason of the change of grades
of Ellis street, Lincoln avenue, Stafford
avenue and West Fourteenth s(reet, in ac-
cordance with the provisions of sections
six and seven of chapter 29 of the revised
Ald. Crawford moved that a macadam
e,ossing be laid at the intersection of Alta
Vista and Vernon streets. Carried.
Ald. Byrne moved that the steps ou
Vine be replaced. Carried.
The following bilis were referred to the
printing committee:
The Globe ['riming Co. $29.15.
The Dubuque Telegraph, $79.00.
The 'Times Co. 858.30.
The 'Jerald, $136.60.
The Herald, $$30.65.
The following bills were referred to the
committee on police and light.
Central Union Telegraph Co. $12.89.
Star Electric Co. $1,418.94. t — 7
Central Electric Co. $95.75.
Globe Light and Heat Co. $320.
Key City Gas Co. $82.20.
The following bills were referred to the
committee on lire and water:
Dubuque Water Co., $30.
Dubuque \Vater Co., $400.
Dubuque Water Co„ $200.
The following bilis were referred to the
street committee:
Allick Alderson, $22.50.
M.'Tschirgi, Jr., $5.00.
The trill of the Electrical Supply. Co. of
$50.89 was referred to the committee on
electrical construction.
The city auditor was instructed to col;
lett the bills against the following parties:
November 6th, 1893
Illinois Central railroad Co $2.2 1l•„
C., a 1. & St. P. railroad Co 22 !)`d
Constttuers' Steil in I Seating Co II
The bell of .1. 1'. Schroeder .Yc Co. for
$6 41) was relerred to the sewer commit-
The following petitions were relerred to
Bo! delinquent tax committee:
11'. 11. .Jaeggi, M rs Michael shatnlsin,
i1artim Du inphv, Henry B. I;nitfke, treas-
urer; 11ie tobigisky, Jacob t1'elihoeler,
Capt. R. Kimbel.
'1'he f1Uowiuu petitions were referred
to the committee on public gt omits and
buildings: •l'yoographit'.al Union No. 22,
Key City Pleasure club and I)ubugne
Drum Corps, each of whom ask tor the
use of the armory hall.
'1'he foUuwuig petitions were:granted:
Henry Mueller et al., for the improvement
of Glut street to Eagle Point avenue.
I'eti ion of building committee of the
4)dtt b'ellow's 't'euipie for the improve-
ment tit alley between Stili and 10,u and
Locust and Blurt' streets.
Petition of the board of supervisors for
cancellation of taxes un N W of lot 4
Hughes sub, owned by county of Du-
❑'I he petition of Mrs. Mary Neuhaus for
cancellation of special tax was referred to
sewer committee.
Petition of Dubuque Street Rail way Co.,
for remission of taxes was relerred to the
committee of the wrote.
Petition oI Mloha1/,wack, et al., remon-
strating against the change of grade ut
Stafford avenue was referred to the street
commit tee.
Petition of Win. G. Waters et al., for the
removal of large boulder 110111 the street at
1)odge street extension near Cascade cross-
ing was referred to engineer and street
superintendent with power.
Petition of 1•'. 11. Daniels, president of
school board, was referred to committee
on tire end water.
Petition of Capt. 11. Kumbel for pay-
ment of balance due lion as per agreement
with city was granted and warrant or
tiered drawn to pay same, less amount due
the city tor taxes on terry boat.
The following petitions were received
and tiled:
Petition of A. O. Chapin, Ilenry Rose
and Kate N'. Rose, remonstrating against
change of grade on West 14th street were
received and tiled.
Also petition of W. S. 1Vright et al. re-
questing that a tour toot sidewalk be al-
lowed to be laid in place 01 a six foot walk
as ordered on llroau street.
DAlsu petition 0[ 11. S. Hetherington, 11.
13, Hetherington, Edward Clark and Geo.
A. Ferris, remonstrating against change
of grade on Ellis street and claims for
damages if said grade should be adopted.
memoir rs or OFFICERS.
Auditors Kenety reported as follows:
Casts on haud,Oct. 1, 1893 $15,142 55
Receipts during the munch • • • • 30,300 00
Disbursements $'15,882 00
Balance in treasury. Nov. lst..$ 9,560 55
Also reported $1,Zi4i9.80 due city officers
for month of October.
Also reported list of coupons redeemed
during month of October.
Report adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay city officers.
• Street Supt. Carter reported $5,921.50
due for labor on streets for October 1893.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers
and report referred to street committee.
:Marshal Kice reported $1,995.10 due
police for month of October, 1893.
Also reported $18.25 paid to city for
pound receipts.
Also reported $30.00 paid to city for lines
in city ordinance cases.
Warrants ordered drawn to pay police
and report referred to city attorney.
Sewer Inspector O'Brien reported 8872
due for labor on sewer tor October. IVar-
rutts ordered drawn and report referred to
sewer committee.
Jlarketinaster Norton reported $46.20
scale receipts.
At o reported .x24.75 refit of huckster
Also reported $13.1)0 due f it board of
prisoners. Warrants ordered drawn to
pay for hoard. of prisoners and report re-
ceived and filed.
Reports of Chas. I'itsehlier, .las. Moyle,
Chas..). Even, T. .1. Donahue, Mrs. C.
Decker, city weighers, recto‘4.d and filed.
Cho'I.los. Reinfried reported $1,511.35
dui' the firemen for 11101011 of (let. 1898.
Received and tiled and warrants ordered
drawn to pay firemen.
Report of .I. 11. Wood, wood measurer,
was received and tiled.
Attorney Jas. E. Knight reported that
the report of Justice Gratz fur the tnonth
of August 1893, was correct. Report
AId. Ryder moved that committee on
markelshave an assistant for Marketuiaster
Norton. Carried.
IA P1. Olinger moved toadjourn to'l'hurs-
day, Nov. 9411 at 9 o'clock a. In. Carried.
"- . 1893.
Adjourned Regular Session Nov.
9th, 1893.
Council met at 10 o'clock a. 111.
Mayer Daugherty an the chair.
Present—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Ulab,
Li1Iig, Nicks, Olinger, I'owers, and Ry-
AId. Olinger moved that the rules be
suspended and .1r. Duggan be allowed to
address the council. Carried.
Attorney McCarthy, in behalf of Mr.
Duggan, addressed the council in relation
to the change of grade on Madison street.
Petition of Michael Duggan asking the
city to give six loot striu on Madison street
and $300 as agreed by the former council
as compensation for damages caused by
the change of grade on Madison street.
Petition of Mrs. Jane t'iiewning asking
that two dollars be refunded to her which
was paid to get cows out of pond. Referr-
ed to the tnayor with power.
The following petitions were referred to
the delinquent tax committee.
Maurice '1'. Ahearn, Dubuque Light and
Traction company, Trustees, J ackson
Street M. G. church.
November 9th, 1893
Ald. Crawford moved that when the
council adjourned 11 adjourn to 7:30 p. nl.
Ael. Byrne arrived at 11 o'clock.
Ald. Olinger Moved that treasurer be
instructed 10 postpone sale of the Jackson
Mtreel M . E. march at tax sale as clatter
had been referred to delihrlaeut tax conl-
The following petitions were referred to
'street committee.
Petition of It. .I. Fessler in regal',' to
change of grade on Stafford avenue.
Petition o[ Geo. W. Farley in relation to
the completion o[ improvement on t:artield
avenue between Aon and 'teed streets.
Petition tit Saran 11. 'hail claiming
damages on aecodnt of change of grade 011
Lincoln avenue.
Petition of A. A. Loetscher et al. to have
steps placed on 15111 street. Referred to
•street committee with power.
I'etltloh of A. 11. \L'tcKeIIZIe et al. for
the grading of Augella street. Referred
to street committee and engineer. The
.following petitions were referred to com-
mittee on claims.
Petition or Scherr Bros. asking that
Money clue them from henry Blab be re-
tained from wages due hint from city.
Pet ttoto of Christian Spoerl ask leg com-
pensation for injury to horse from break-
ing in sewer on 8111 street .
Petition of Aleck Alderson tor pay fur
dirt removed from his premises on Mineral
street. (referred to committee on claims,
street superintendent and engineer.
Petition of Roger Mcl'uland;and Jas.
E. McClain to have city engineer survey
lot 24 of mineral lot 149. (.ranted.
Petition of Katy Giesler for damages
cause by overflew on Elm street. , Referred
and filed.
Petition of Dewitt C. Cram asking to
have watering fountain on 17th and Locust.
removed. Referred to the committee 011
Petition of .las. Beacon, et al., to have
Oak street opened to connect well Rising
tivenne. Referred to committee of the
Petition of Nic Ryan asking that interest
on special tax be canceled. Referred with
power to special eommittee consisting of
Aids. Ryder and Powers.
Petition o1 River Jordan, et al., asking
for electric lamp on Roberts avenue. Re-
ferred to committee on police and light.
Petition of John Steiner et al, to have
crossing placed on intersection of (;rand -
view avenue and North and Bennett
street. (ranted.
The following bilis were ordered paid:
W. S. Moro for plumbing and material,
Dubuque Omnibus Co., two horses and
saddles 83.00.
John Terry, one load pine wood, 82.00.
Ald. Olinger moved that warrants for
three dollars each be drawn in favor of
the jury that assessed damages for the
opening of 26th street, White street ex-
tension, alley east of Hill and alley west
of Center.
Ald. (ijji m t ved to adjourn. Carried.
... 1893.
. Mayor.
Adjourned Regular Saesion Nov.
9th, 1893.
Coum tl met at 8 o'cloclt p. I.
\t:lvor Uoaghetty in the chair.
Present—A Id's. But Byrne, (Crawford,
(flab, Lillig. Nicks, (Ringer and Ryder.
The petition of 11. L. Torbert, et al., in-
5111'aIIce .4 gents, asking Ihat 1 chimney and
brtl'It builllitle Inspector be appointed :11111
recconlulelided .luhIl I ire:thuuse be
selected for same. Referred to city attar--
uey and 0rdnlluloe cup wiuee.
1:I;I'oIt'l' op• uFFICEIts.
Eneineer 11'. I1. leneWItull reported as
fottens: 'That warn:alts be dr'aw'n for
$851.37 to pay'rolliug:oill•..\dopted report.
Also presen e.l profile til proposed
change in l'ark Gill avenue. Referred to
street Cnllllllittee.
Also reported statement 491 neteadam
measure 1••r the mown of O0tebet' Hiatt,
anunplting to $498.90. lettered paid.
Also reported 821.411 balance due on mac-
adam used by the coy, which was or-
dered paid.
Also reported 690.$1 due .lapses \Ic-
1)onaltl for sidewalk contract. Adopted
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
Also presented profile of change of grade
on Queen street, showing by Ute blue line
the cIiaoge he would recommend. 1 eler-
red to street committee.
Also presented profile of ally frons Eagle
Point avenue lo Ilart street, between
Frances and Vieeria street shuwine by the
red line the change lie would recommend.
Also presented profile of l.arfield .'venue
from Middle street to 7111 avenue showing
by the broken red line the change of
grade he would recommend. :Adopted.
Also report that street superintendent
has repaired alley between 11th and 12th
and between Washington and Jackson.
Received and tiled,
Also report that ditches have been
made that will give temporary relief on
West heed street and Lincoln avenue:
improvement 5110010 be extended to give
permanent relief. Received and filed.
Also reported that a grade has already
been established on Peabody avenue. Re-
ceived and filed.
Also reported that the sewerage pian
does not contemplate the location of a
sewer in alley east of Grant avenue, and
that the grade of alley when completed
will be satisfactory to all parties. Re-
ceived and filed.
Also reported that it will require about
200 cubic yards of filling to gtve an outlet
on Blake straet to Union avenue. Re-
ferred to street committee and engineer.
Also reported that to fill (ties street in
front of M. Zaacks, would require about
200 yards of filling at a cost of about 850.
Received and filed.
Also reported that storm water sewer
on Jones street from Main street to the
1. C. R. R. depot cost 8242.19, a cost of 81.31
per lineal toot. Received and filed.
Also reported that there is no established
grade on Blake street. Received and filed. iv
Also presented profile of change of grade
on Weigle alley. Adopted.
'rhe following bills were allowed:
Alois Lange, improvement of s 3
Dodge street, from Bluff to Lo-
cust streets $ 140 00
November 9th, 1893
M. Lavin, sewer in Almond street
from Ellis lu Inv 174 38
Williams ,\ 11eC 11111, improve-
ment of 1)n11►estWet ft ,n,Swttti
Dodge to I;t•,uolciew 2,844 45
WlUtams &. yleC:uut, grading. of
Dodge street from S,,'tth Dodge
to 13randv:e v 185 20
Peter I tsh:tell, inmreveuleet of s
}1 Dodge from 111nff to Locust. 2117 na
A. &. E. Parrish, exe•n•atmg router
t Leel: 167 62
Steuck & 1YFarrell, grading
C1'rtnce, from San;ord to Eagle
Point ave 40 00
Steuck & 1r Farrell, improving
Prince, troth Sanford to Eagle
Point ave 487 74
Steuek & 1) Farrel.improvme Ile -
gent street from Queen 1,, Pio we
street 556 81)
Steuck & O'Farrell, intpr:mg al-
ley trent 22,1 to 23,1 bet\t'een
Jackson and Washington
Steuek & 1)' Ferret', improving al-
ley from Sanford street to Clin-
ton ave., bet ween Queen street
to 1V tinsel ay.
Et ligan, grading Broad street
from .Julien ave to Thune for
the Friendless 744 (111
Brown .F Brown, :ulproyeulent of
Seminary 2,111 15
Jas. Lee, taking up and replacing
si•lewalk 22 n11
Maury Praetor, improvement of
13.h, from fine 11) Maple 21 613
Barry I'rueter, improvement of
Alma from 'Phomas to Pickett
street 610 50
Dods 111 Schoenthal, improvement
of Booth street. Iron: Julien :uv
to West 'Third 454 00
1►odsou Schoenthal, grading Booth
street from Julien ave. to \%'est
Third 384 75
Anthony Sieg, crossing stone..... 116 70
John '1'Ibey, crossing stone 15 65
Thos. !tassel t, cros•intr stone 11 30
(deo. W. Farley, ex r,t work on
11uu1bolllt street 20 17
E. S. Daugherty, services for
Phil. 1)oerr, improvement of at ley
from 1lumboldt avenue to Schil-
ler between I1homberg, and
Lincoln avenue
Phil. Doerr, improvement of alley
from Iluulboldt avenue to Staf-
ford between Garfield and 111nm
berg avenue
Cain & Schoenthal, improvement
east of Grant avenue from Jul-
ien avenue to Vest 11th street
1ieo.Taylor, improvement. of alley
between 11111 and %Vest 3rd and
Bureh street 440 25
1117 54
480 110
40 00
232 40
338 15
103 35
AId. Olinger of the finance committee
reported in favor of approving of the re-
port of city treasurer for mon tit of October,
1893 and loan warrants be drawn tor the
several amounts as stated therein.
AId. Olinger, chairman ut' the street
committee, reported as follows:
Committee report in favor of accepting
the following streets and alleys:
Alma street from 'Phomas street to Pick-
ett, Harry Procter, contractor.
S/ Dollte street from llluff to S. Locust
street, Peter Eisbach and Alois Lang, con-
Regent street from Queen to Prince
street, Steuck & O'Farrell, contractors.
Prince street from Sanford street to E.
P. avenue, Steuek ,v Ir Farrell, enntract-
Seminary street front fox's add to W.
Locust, Brown & Brown. contractors.
liruad street from W. I4111 street to Rome
of the 1tiendtess, Ed Ryan, contractor.
Alley east 01 Grant avenue tr Julien
avenue to W. lith street. Cain & Schoen-
thal, contractors.
Alley from 221 street to 231 street, be-
tween 11 ash menu, and Elm streets, Steuck
& O'Ferral, contractors.
Alley from Sanford to Clinton street, be-
tween Windsor and Queen streets, Steuck
& O'Farrell, contractors.
Alley from 11untbol It avenue to Stafford
avenue, between Ehrenberg & Barfield
avenues, Phil Doerr, contractor.
alley front Ilumbuldt avenue to sell i1ler
avenue, between 111hon1berg and Lincoln
avenues, P,11I Doerr, 1•n11Intel l or.
Dodge street from 5. Dodge streeet to
Grandview avenue, 1\ Ifhams &. \feCann,
eont•ae1.irs. Adopted.
Iso retina pi favor of receiving and
tiling the report of street superintendent.
Also report in favor of instructing the
engineer to prepare preliies of grades of
streets in Iiurlien and 1.a %ther's aduition
and manila the same to the eounell.
Also report that street superiutendeut
has beet' instructed to make the neces-
sary repairs at the lower end of Bluff
street extension. Adopted.
Also report 'in favor 111 adopting the
resolution for a Still` walk on the south
stile \Vest. 3rd street, between Alpine and
Booth street. Adopted.
Also reported in favor of :u,proving of
the red line as the nthieial grade of alley
between Windsor and Queen, Ilntl Sand-
ford and Clinton streets. Adopted.
Also report in favor of the adoption of
the red line as the official grade of 1Vood
street. Adopted.
Also report in favor of the adoption of
the red line as the onkel' grade of Wild
street tram South Dodge 1,, .Ir1 tion
street. .Adopted.
Also report in favor of the adoption of
the red lice as the (Miele' grade of Coates
avenue. .1 do pt ed.
AId. Ryder, eh:dna:tit of executive com-
mittee of board of health reported as fol-
Your committee report in favor of re-
ceiving and tiling the claim of Grail' Bros.
of $86.40 for cleaning vault at Montana
House. Adopted.
Also present bill of E. E. Frith of X312
for removing garbage and dead animals
for the mouth 01 October 1848. 1V arrant
ordered drawn to pay sante.
Also present a report of the examination
of the condition of the vaults of the Mon-
tana (louse trade by Sewer Inspector
O'Brien and Al. O'Connell. Referred to
board of health.
AId. Crawford moved the expiration of
contract with E. E. Frith for removing
Garbage be referred to the board of health
with power. Adopted.
AId. Olinger, chairman of the committee
of the whole, presented the following re-
ports, which were adopted:
Your cohunittee report in favor of re-
ceiving and tiling the petition of C. A.
Wilber et al for the opening and grading
of Olive street.
Also in favor of instructing engineer to
prepare a ulltt of the proposed widening of
White street between 22d and 23d streets.
Also proposed extension of Oak street,
showing the lands or lots necessary to be
November 9th, 1893.
taken, the names oil the owners thereof.
and the cluanilly o[ land proposed to be
taken, aunt proceed in aev >1(1 u,ce with the
ordinance on that subject.
Also report that the matter 01 automatic
gates at r>tlto>el (Tie -sings that atter a con-
ference wash Ute officials of he railruads,'we
agreed in lieu of the gates the railroad com-
pany is to put tri electric goings un the
ctossnigs at Lincoln, Ilhumberg and (far -
field avenues.
AId. Lillie chairman of delinquent
tax presented the fotluwiug reports vvMelt
were adopted:
Your committee report that Anna \l.
Bush be allowed u> pay specntl tax tar sidewalk on North street at the rate of
7 per cent. !t:•r annum., the same to be paid
Also report on the petition of Anna
Schiel for catccllat'n of part of special
tax tor street 111>11 etneitts, 'That in ae-
eordatee with the onunauce she Mas seven
years to pay her assessment, which Nye be-
lieve wilt out be a ¢lett hardship.
Also report Mn lay.,r of cane. lliut; the
taxes of Brad ey el at. tat Iu;s 29, 30 and 31
in I ni ey 110me add. for 1SS2 as the same Is
it double as.essweut.
Also report in favor of reducing the as-
ses.tient ni \i. \IcC>,rteo 011 tot 7, in hou-
ses Mid sic, to 159 tar 1Sit2,
and treasurer instructed to reluutl .unuuut
overpaid nit .ante.
AIs,> tepurt w favor of cancelling the
taxes on lot I of win. lot 1116 aid lot 1 of
nut. lot 197 fur I892, as the saute is a
trouble assessment.
A Ifyder, chairman of police and
light., reported as tallows:
]'our emotion, a report in laver of hill
of the (Nobe Light & Ileal Co. of •$:147.17
tor light during September, ISU7S. Adopted
Also report 111 favor of paying the Star
Electric Co., $1,365,119 ter electric lirut
less •'$.7S for lights not lit or properly
cared for fitting Sept. ISti:. Adopted.
Also rowel in tavur of paying hey' City
(las Co., x41.4(1 and t'efetring bill of x19.35
for gas at the t eutral engine, house to ('1ty
Electrician Bluffing tor farther Mnvesti ;a-
unt. Adopted.
Also report in favor of approving of the
report, of city electrician and would rcetul-
llietd that lie be instru>•ed to have {isles
painted an appropriate color in accord-
ance wish the oid,mauee. Adopted.
Also r. port in favor of receiving and
tiling report of the marshal tor Sept. 1bt:1.
AId. Nicks, chairman on electrical con-
struction, presented the following report .
which wits adopted.
Your committee report in favor of paying
the following bills:
13111 of the Ceniral Electric Co., for elec-
trical supplies for Inc alarm circuit, S95.75.
Also bill of 11. E. \Vise of $:L00 tot re-
moving pules in alley between Ninth and
Tenth and Clay and \Vhiee, the same to be
assessed to the Star Electric Co.
Also bill of Portland Paving Co., of $S.h6
for repairing sidewalk damaged by the
Star Electric Co., and that the same
should be assessed to then.
Also bill of the Central Union Telephone
Co., of $31.95 for telephone service.
Also bill of E. 13. Chandler of $125 for fire
alarm box.
Ald. Olinger, chairman of committee on
streets, reported in favor of paying the
following bills. Steuck & O'Farrell,8487.41;
Win. Marshall, $13.50; Baumgartner &
Kleih, $5.86; Steuck & O'Farrell, $405;
Key City Gas Co., $168.25. Adopted.
\Ise report 111 favor of allowing E. W.
hri,igle & Peterson to dig a shalt on
Catherine street. providing they leave a
roadway of sullieient width for public
travel, lile a bond to hold the city harmless
Iron any damages that may be caused uM
aecuunt of said shaft, and they shall till
shaft when through ( ir ordered by the
cloned to do so. Adopted.
Alit. Byrne, chairman of sewer commit-
tee, reported in litvur of paying the follow-
ing bills, which tvas adopted:
.1. 1'. Schroeder & Co., $62.70: T. U.
('ant, ..S 10: Peter 1lorsch, $I 1.55: Baum-
gartner & k gin, $7.85; I1. Na.gelntaker,
81; Byrnes & Saul, •$Y7; .1. 1'. Schroeder &
Co., :3.15.
AId. 1) Inger, chairman of the commit-
tee ort lire and water, reported in favor of
paying the following bills, wined was
Andrew I)re: , ?_'.7.i:.Iolua Butt, 56.30;
McDermott & ;ow, $1.15; John Britt,
1u.!5; Karol for lira -s works, S:175: Thus.
t'o1:111 , .l'• Powers, .$11;
I;anlanti. r., 75,. Dubuque Water Co.,
.l.. 1.: Ise) city Lias Co., $1)S.5(I.
Aitl. Nyder offered the billowing resolu-
tions which were adopted:
Resolved by the council of the etty of
"Minnow, That the street superintendent
be instructed to repair .iuhen aveune be-
tween \W>11101 street mei women avenue
as said street is in deplorable condition.
Resolved by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That the order of the council
passed Oct. 2, 1.93, agreeing to pay one
hilt the cost of pollee overcoats, orovIding
said coats dad not exceed ?2U each, be re-
considered and annulled, awl in lieu there-
of that the city marshal be authorized to
have such police as need everpuitts to pro-
cure the same, said overcoats to he in regu-
lar form except that they may be :made a
•'sack•' cut instead of a frock, the city of
l)ubnune to defray one-half of the cost of
the sante.
Resolved, That an arc electric light be
placed at the corner ut 111 it and Iowa
streets, as said locality is in total darkuesss
at nights.
Resolved, That an arc electric light be
placed on Roberts avenue. as said locality
is 111 total darkness at nights, ata place
where the city may see proper to place it.
The following resolution was referred
to the outuittee on police and light with
Resolved, That an arc electric light be
placed on (;arliiel1 avenue, near the Chi-
cago Great Western railroad crossing, as
the said crossing is dangerous to public
travel at present.
AId. Olinger presented the following
report widen was ado:,ted.
Your committee to whom was referred
the matter of contructiun of sanitary sewer
on Prairie street from \V Luh to 11th
street, would recomend that a sanitary
sewer be constructed on said Prairie street
from W 14tH to Chestnut streets.
Alt). Olinger offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Whereas, The City Council of the City
of Dubuque did, on the lid day of October,
1893, pass a resolution 'authorizing the
mayor to issue $50,000 of improvement
bonds, both principal and interest of said
bonds payable at the office of the treasurer
in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, with ex-
change on New York, and
Whereas, It is the intention of the city
of Dubuque that both principal and inter-
est of said bonds shall be payable in New
York, therefore,
Resolved, That the words, "payable at
November 9th, 1893.
the office of the treasurer in the city of
Dubuque, with exchange on New i ork"
in said resolution be and are hereby de-
clared null and void and of no force or et -
feet, and in lieu 1Iicreot that the billowing
words ba subs:bided, "payable at the
National Park bank in New York."
:110. thing r offered the following reso-
lie.oive.d by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to nay for improving
alley from 2211 to 23 1 streets, hen ween
Jackson and Washington streets, oy Stench
& O'Farrell a'0011.actors, in front of and ad-
joining same, a special tax be mid is here-
uy levied nti the several lots and purls of
lots, told parcels of real esi.ale liei(ivailer
named, .ituade and owned, ;aWWI for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each tut or par-
cel of real estate as follows:
.1. M. Hoffmann, lot 18 E. Langworlhy'8
62.22 sq Yds macadamizing at 45c... 28 00
22.46 cu yds curbing at 25e 5 74
Total •4 33 74
C. 11. \ley'ers, lot 14 E. Lutgwurthy's
55.55 sq yds macadami-/.in_+ at 450 25 00
211.50 cu yds grading al '_'S.• 5 15
Total. .$ 30 13
Thus. Allen, u!, lot 20, E. Langworthy's
27.78 811 yds 111aea 1ainizing at 45e.. 12 50
10.25 cubic yds grading at 25e 2 56
Total .$ 15 06
Wm. Vogt's, s;2 lot 20, E. Langworthy's
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45e... 12 511
10.25 cubic yds grading at 25e 2 56
Total 15 06
Wm. Vogts, u;9 lot 21, E. Lang w, rthy's
27.78 sq vde macadamizing at 45c$ 12 50
10.25 cubic yds grading at 25e 2 56
Total $ 15 06
Fred. Fellbaum, s X lot 2l, ELang -
wotthy's add:
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45.c.... 12 50
10.25 cu yds grading, at 25e 2 56
Free. Fellbauui, n % lot 22, E. Lang -
worthy's add:
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c12 50
10.25 cu yds grading at 25e 2 56
Johanna. Heintz, S % lot 22, E.
worthy's add:
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45e.... 12 50
2 56
10.25 cu yds grating at 25c
Total $15 06
Johanna lleuitz, lot 23 E. Langwortlly's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c25 00
20.50 cu yds grading at 25c 5 13
- Fred Conrail, lot 26, E. Langworthy's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45e.. '2'i W
20.50 cubic yards grading at 25e.... 5 13
Total $ 30 13
Chas. l{ieptet.ch, lot 27, E.La niiworthy's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45e25 00
20.50 cubic yards grading at 25e 5 13
$ 15 06
Lang -
Total $30 13
Theodore Grube, lot 24 E. Langworthy's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at at 45e25 00
20.50 cu yds gradin„5 13
Fred Conrad, lot 25, E
57.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.. 26 00
21.68 cubic yards grading at 25c.... 543
.$30 13
Lang worthy's
$ 31 43
Total $ 30 18
Treitz Schargets, lot 28, E.,Langworthy's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 15e... 25 00
20.50 cubic yds. grading at 25c 5 13
Total $ 30 13
Fred. Rohit, lot 24, E. Lang worthy's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45e 25 00
20.50 cubic yds. grading at 5 Ia
Total $30 13
Fred. Kuhrt, l' 34 lot 30, E. Laug-
worthy'. ado:
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45e... 12 idt
10 25 cubic 308 grading at 25: 2 56
Total $ 15 06
Anton1{ol:useck, s'3 lilt 30, E. Lang -
worthy's add:
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 451'1.2 50
10.25 cubic yds grading at 25e 2 56
Total a 15 06
U.:\. Fuller, lot 31, E. Langwurihy's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c25 00
20.50 cub yds grading at 25c 5 13
'I'otal $ 30 18
Otto Kauffman lot 32, E. Laingworthy's
55 55 sit yds macadamizing at 45c... 26 00
2.1.511 cut) yds grading as 45c 5 13
Total $ 30 18
Ilermau Mauer, lot 33, E. Langworthy's
55 55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c$ 25 00
20.55 cub yds grading at 25c 5 13
Total 830 18
Hernial' Mauer, lot 34, E. Lal'gworthy's
20 50 cu yds grading at 25e $ 5 13
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c25 111
Total $ 30 13
Dietrich Mauer, lot 1, E. Langworthy's
20.50 ea yds grading at 25c $ 5 13
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c25 00
Total ,$ 30 13
Deltrich Mauer, lot 2, E. Langworthy's
20.50 cu yds grading at 25e $ 5 13
55.55 sq. yds. macadamizing at 45e25 00
Total $ 821 13
Dietrich Mauer, lot 3, E. Langworthy's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c25 W
20.50 cu yds grading at 25c15 13
Total $ 30 13
Nicholas Meyer, s 36 ft lot 4 ELang -
worthy's add:
40.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c18 00
14.76 cu yds grading at 25C $
Total $ 21 69
Ignatius Lercher n 14 ft lot 4, ELang -
worthy's add:
November 9th. 1893.
15.65 alt yds macadamizing at 451'..."1 7 110 22.06 cubic yds grading at 25e
5.74 cit yds grading at 25e 1 41
Total $ 8 44
Ignatius Lercher, s !., lot 5, E. Lang -
worthy's add:
27.78 sq yds maeada ' ming at 45c12 50
10.25 cu yds grading at 25r $ 2 56
Total 15 1)1
John Koehn, nit lots, E. Langwullily's
27.78 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 12 5Q
10.25 cu yds grading at 25e $ 2 56
Total 31 13
.1ohn l{oehl, lot 6, E. Langworthy's add:
20.55sq y Is mne ld:unlziag at 45c.. 25 00
55.60 eu ids gradin_' at 25e 5 13
Total $ 80 13
Michael Abilz, Int 7, E. 1.augworth3's
55.54 sq yds 111411 ntlallllzint: al 45e.... 25 (N)
20.50 eu yds grading at 25e S 5 13
Total 30 13
Sophia Prange, lot 8 E. Lang worthy's
55.55 stn yds tnaeadamizing at 45c.... 25 00
20.50 eu yds grading at 25e 5 13
Total $90 13
John Laytich, lot 4 E. Langworthy's
55.55 841 yds maeadamizi1L at 45e25 (N)
20.501•8 yds grading at 25u 1 13
'Total 8..-1F-13
.1oh11 Lynch, lot 10 E. Langwurtlly''s
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45e.... 25 00
17.25 cu yds grading at 25c 4 31
Total "1 24 31
Joseph 'Tyler, lot 11, E. Lang worthy's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45e....• 25 (0
20.50 cu yds grading at 25c 5 13
Total 8 30 13
Wm. Abitz, lot 12, E. Langworthy's
55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c8 25 01
20.50 cu yds grading at 25e 5 13
'Total 8 '30 131
Chas. llenuings, lot 13, E. Langworthy's
55.55 811 ylls maedaiilizing at 45e.... S 25 00
20.50 cu yds grading at 25c ..... $ 5 13
Total 8 30 13
John Schuu, lot 14. L. Langworthy's
55.511 sq yds nntchdamizinq at 45".,. 25 00
20.50 cu yds grading at 25e 5 13
Total . 30 13
Peter Ziegler, lot 15, E. Langworthy's
55.55 sq;yds macadamizing at 45c.. 25 00
20.55 cubic yds grading at 25c 5 13
Total 8 30 13
Jlentietta Hoffmann, lot 16, E. Lang -
worthy's add:
55,55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c25 00
20.50 cubic yds grading at_45c 5 13
Total 8 30 13
Nicholas Stoltz est., lot 17, ELang -
worthy's add:
62.22 sq yds macadamizing at 45c28 00
5 74
Total$t 33 74
Adopted 03. the following vote:
Ayt•s-Alda. Butler, Byrne, Craw-
ford. Blab, Lithg, Nicks, Olinger and
Aid. Olinger ()tiered the following reso-
Resolved by the City Connell of the l'ity.
of Dubuque, That to pay for Improving
Nevada street front 1i' 5th street
to \V 3rd sheet by (.e,. 'Taylor
contractor, 14 front of null adjnutlug
same, al suetaal tax be and Is hereby levied
on the several lots, and plans nl' lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinnit,'r named,
situlte and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot of parcel of
r1.14t estate, as Ito JIM'S:
'1'. n. Nairn, Int 27, Nairn's add:
174.1 lineal, Rpt curium; at 411c 68 (14
52.111 sq yds guttering at 45e 36 40
2:17.72 sit yds macadamizing at ,5u,•118 86
'1'5151 "12'2'2 811
Martin l at rob, Iii 7, Vii is acid:
60.4 lineal (vet curbing at 40.' "1 24 16
27.11 stn '.ds guttering at 15e 12 20
814.78, sq yds macadamizing at 511e43 39
Total "1 79 75
Martin Carroll, nut , N iuld:
50.4 lineal ft curbing at 401' "1 20 00
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 45e 10 00
111.11 sit. yds. macadamizing at 50e311 56
'l'otal $ 60 55
T. S. Nairn, lot 11, Nairn'. add:
511.0 lineal leer 'lll'11111g at 4111' 24 1N)
22.22 sq yds glittering at 45e 14 00
141.11 so yds Macadamizing at 50e. 0 55
Total 8 Ell 55
T. l'. Nairn, nut 10, Nairn's add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 40e 8 20 00
'22.:!*2 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 00.
61.11 sq yds uuu'adamiztug at 50eall 56
Total $ 60 55
John L. Duetted, lit 11 Nairn's add:
50 lineal leet curbing at 40e 8 20 00
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 45c 10 00
61.11 so yds macadanuzulg at 50c30 55
Total 5 (10 55
John L. Duetted, lot 12 Nairn's t.dd:
50 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 211 Oil
22.22 sq. yd,. guttering at 45e 10 00
01.11 sq yds mnacadamurtlg at 50c30 55.
Total .8 60 55
.John L. lluette!I, lot 13 Nau'u's add:
50 lineai,feet curbing at 40c $ 20 (40
22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 00
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c311 55
Total.... 8 110 55
John L. Duetted, lot 14, Nairn's add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 40c 5 24) 00
22.32 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 00
61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50e30 55
Total 8 60 55
John L. Duette(, lot I, Nairn's add::
50.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 45c 10 40
61.11 s p yds macadamizing at 50e30 55
Total $ 60 55
John L. Duetted, lot 2. Nairn,s add:
50.0 lineal ft curving at 411e $ 20 00
22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 45e 10 00
61.11 sq yds Macadamizing at 50c30 55
Total $ 60 65
November 9th, 1893
John 1,. Iiuettell, lot 3, Nairu's add:
50.00 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 20 00
22.22 sq yda guttering at 45e 10 Olt
$1.11 sq yds macadamizing at bec30 55
Total :yl 60 55
John L. Iiuettell, lot 4. Nairn's'adit:
50.00 lineal ft curbing at 40e • * 20 00
22.22 sq yds guttering at 45e 10 00
51.11 sq yds macadamizing at 50.'. 30 55
Total 60 55
lda M. Youig.lot 5 Nairo's add:
60.2 lii:eal ft nurbnig at JOc.........$ 24 08
26.22 sq yds guttering al 45 11 80
82.11 all yds macadamizing at 5Or41 05
Total $ 76 ti3
'1'. S. Nairn, lot 6, Nairn's add:
132.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 52 96
60.31 sq. yds. guttering at 45c 27 14
175.85 sq. yds. macadamizing at 50e. 87 98
Total $168 03
C. D. Gregoire, lot 113, Nairn's add:
184.0 lineal feet curbing at 41k• -3 60
105.46 sq yds guttering at 45c 47 46
245.67 s:l yds macadamizing at 50c122 84
Tota, • 5243 410
Adopted by the following vole:
Ayes-Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford
Giab, Lillis, Nicks, (lniger and Ryder.
A Id. Vogel offered the following resolu-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: 'l'tiat to pay for improving
22d street from Jackson street to Nam
street by 1':. E. Frith, contractor,
in front of aid adjoining the
sante, a special tax be and is hereby levied
00 the several huts, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
sttuate and uwied, and for the several.
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as follows:
Dieterick Mauer, lot 1, E. •La» gworthy's
137.5 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 57 75
60.90 aq yds.guttering at 42e... 25 58
190.78 sq yds macadamizing at 44c83 94
'1'otai $167. 27
Berman Mauer, lot 34, E. Langworthy's
133.8 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ Eli 20
1.0.00 sq yds guttering at 42c 20 20
176.11 sq yds macadamizing at 42c37 49
Total $158 89
Fred. Stock, Jr.,IIot 36, E. Langworthy's
109.1 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 45 82
47.55 sq yds guttering at 42c 19 97
138.55 sq yds macadamizing at 44c60 76
Total.... ... $126 75
John Steffes, lot 69, E. Langworthy's
119.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 49 98
48.44 sq yds guttering at 42c 20 34
142.22 sq yds macadamizing at 44e62 58
Total .$132 90
John Olinger. lot 23, Boulevard add:
129.8 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 64 52
60.90 sq yds guttering at 42c 25 58
192.17 sq yds macadamizing at 44c84 55
Total $1114 66
John Olinger, lot 24, Boulevard add:
129.5 lin feet curbing at 42c $ 54 39
60.00 sq yds guttering at 42c 25 20
177.50 sq yds macadamizing at 44e78 10
Total $157 69
John Montan, lot 13, O, S. Langworthy's
105.6 lineal teetenrbing itt 42e
$ 44 31
46.22 sq yds guttering at 42c 19 41
1336.78 80 yds Inacadamizing at 44e60 18
Total $123 94)
Chas. Krus.•, lot 12, O. S. I,angworrhy's
122.0(4 lineal feet curbing at 42e 51 24
48.44 sq yds glittering at 42e 20 34
140.44 sq yds macadamizing at 44e61 79
'Total '+I$3 317
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. rintler, Byrne, Crawford
Glab, LiIIi'g, Nick, Olinger, Powers and
.Noes -None
AI•t. Olinger ntll'ret1 the tellntving:
Resolved by tiro t'ity Council of the City
of 1) ibuque, That a sidewalk, 8 feet,
wide, of good brick, stone or ce-
ment, be, within 10 days of this notice,
cimsIrneted and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in rela•ion to sidewalks, on
both' sides of lowit street between •13th
street and 14th street, where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote.
Ayes-Ald's. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lnllig, Nick', Olinger, and'ltyder.
A Id. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
content, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in ennformity with
The ordinance in relation to sidewalks!
abutting city lot 457. where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Adopters by the following vote:
• Ayes -A ids. Butler, (Byrne Crawford,
Glab, Lillie, Nicks. Olinger. and ityder.
Alderman Olinger offered the sollowing:
• Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of good brick, stone or cement be,
within 10 days after service of this notice
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
west side of Clay street, between 12th
street and 13th street where not already
laid, at expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the follong vote:
Ayes-AId. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, l.ilii_, Nicks, Olinger and Ryder.
AId. Olinger Offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wide
of gond brick, stone or cement, be, with
in 10 days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with theordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the north side
of 13th street, between lova street and al-
ley east, where not already laid, at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glag, Lilhg, Nicks, Olinger, and Ryder.
Aid. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Stafford ave., be-
tween Rhontberg ave. and Garfield ave.
be (traded guttered, curbed and
macadamized, in conformity with
the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. 'L'hat the city engineer be and he
is hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work; the
grading, guttering, curbing and ma-
cadamizing to be done at the expense of
/November 9th, 1893.
the owners of the abutting property: grad-
ing to be bid in total.
Adopted by the following vote:
styes—Alis. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Gfab, Lillig, Nicks, Ultnger, rind Ryder.
Aid. Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by tate tatty t,euuetl 01 the
City of Dubuque: Tbat a sidewalk 4 feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone
or cement, be, within 10 days of this no -
sire, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to siide-
walks, on the north side of Seminary
street between Clifford street and west
line of min lot 1118, where not already laid,
at the txpense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, l.tlhg, N irks, Olinger and Ryder.
Aid. Nicks 'tiered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
Um south side of. Seminary street, between
Gold street and Vest Locust street, where
not already laid, at the expense of abutting
property .
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nick, Olinger and Ryder.
Alderman Nicks offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk ti feet nide.
of good two-inch plank. brick stone
or cement, be. within ten days
of this novice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the east side of West Locust
street, between 17th and (alis streets,
where not already laid. at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Butler. Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillie, Nicks, Oliuger and Ryder.
Ald. Crawford moved that the recorder
be instructed to advertise at once for the
construction of a sanitary sewer on Prairie
street from 14th to Chestnut streets, iu ac -
commute with the report of the committee
adopted this day. Carried.
Ald. Crawford offered the following'
resolution which was dopted:
Resolved, Tbat the city engineer be in-
structed to have the crossing at the inter-
section of W 14th ane Dell streets repaired
and so changed that it will not be danger -
ons to the citizens walking over the same.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Julien avenue between
Alta Vista and Alpine street, be graded,
guttered, curbed and ntacadatmzed, in
conformity with the ordinance upon that
subject. That the city engineer be and is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specifications for said improve-
ment. and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notiee for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property. If any of the old
curbing is fit for use the same shall be r e -
set, the contractor to have the benefit of
old macadam and gutter stone.
Adopted by the fohowing vote:
Ayes—Aid. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Clan, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger. and Ryder.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That Almond street, and
Ellis street, betwect Nest Locust street
and the north side of Atwood street, be
eroded, gottenal, curbed and rnaeadamizeet
in conformity with the ordinance upow
that subject, 'That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to make the neces-
sary plans and specifications for ,•aid im-
provement, and the elty recorder directed
so give the proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing anti inae.adataizing
to be dune at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property.
Adapted by the following vole:
Ayes—.Vis. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillie, Nicks, Olinger, anti Rydsir-
Aid. Lillie uttered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That W Hite sir e►, between
Sanford and Zito streets, be graded, gut-
tered,eurbed and macadamized, in con-
formity with the ordinance upon that sub-
ject. That the city engineer be and is
Hereby directed to mike the necessary
platys and specifications tor sand improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give the proper notice for bids and propo-
sals for the performance of the work; the
guttering, curbing and macadamizing so
be done at the expense owners of the
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. But,er, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger and Ryder.
'lid. Lillig offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of I)ubugne, 'l'hat Stafford ave., between
Ithombertt ave., Linwood cemetery be
graded, guttered, curbed and macadam-
ized, in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
he and is hereby directed to make the -
necessary plans and specifications for seta
improvement, and the city recotder di-
rected to give the proper notice for bids
and proposals for the performance of the
work; the guttering, curbing and maca-
damizing to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds, Butler, Byrne, Crawford,.
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, and Ryder.
Ald. Lillie offerers the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That Lincoln avenue between
Reed and 2d avenue, be graded, guttered
and macadamized, to conformity with the
ordtnauce upon that subject. That the
city engineer be and is hereby directed to -
make the necessary plans and specifica-
tions for said improvement, and the city
recorder directed to give the proper notice
for bids and proposals for the performauce-
of Ibe work; the guttering, curbing and
macadamizing to be done at the expense of
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,.
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger and Ryder.
Aid. Glab offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That Booth street,
between West Thirds and Dodge streets, be
graded, guttered, curued and macadamized
in conformity with the ordinance upon
that subject, that the city engineer be and
is hereby directed to snake the necessary
plans and specifications for said Improve-
ment, and the city recorder directed to
give Ibe proper notice for bids and pro-
posals for the performance of the work,
the guttering, curbing rind macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
November 9th, 1893
(.Isb, Lill O.:, Nicks, Olutger and Ryder.
Ald. Glab offered the following:
ltesnited by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:' That Olen Oat: avenue, be-
tween .Julien avenue and West 3.1 street,
be graded, curbed and niacadamiz, d, iu
conformity with the ordinance upon that
subject. That the city a iAtite tr be .111(1 is
hereby directed to make the necessary
plans and specihealiuns for said Uuprove-
meet, and the city recorder directed io
give the proper notice tor bids and pro.
metals for the performance of the work;
the guttering, curbing and utacsdanuzing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vole:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawhiivl.
Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger. and Ryder.
Ald. Ryder offered the followin :
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, Thal Wilde street. between
South lhxtge and 11ci.enan streets, be
graded, guttered, curbed and mat:04111-
ited, in conformity with the ordinance
upon that subject. That the city engineer
be and is hereby directed to make the
necessary plans and specifications is r said
improvement, and the city recorder direct-
ed to give the proper notice for bids and
proposals for the performs nee of he work;
the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of
the abutting properly, granding to be bid
in total.
Adopted by the toliowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, l,lllig, Nicks, Olinger, and Ryder.
Aid. Ryder moved that the sewer in-
spector and engineer proceed at once to
lay sewer on .tones street from Locust
street to Main street. Carried.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn to Nov.
28rd, at 7:30 o'clock. Carried.
- Reit. tion No- tice.
DUBUI UE, Iowa, Oct. 10, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that the registers
of election duly appointed to register
voters in the city of Dubuque, state of
tows, for the ensuing year, will be in at
tendauce in the places herein below des-
ignated for the purpose of copying the list
of last fall's election and adding thereto
such as may be entitled to vote at this
fall's election, to be held November 7th,
Said registers will meet at their respec-
tive places on Thursday and Friday, Octo-
ber 26th and 27th, 1893, at 8 °clock a. m.,
and be In session until 9 o'clock p. m. of
said days.
Said registers will thereafter meet on
Saturday, November 4tb, 1893, from 8 a.
m. to 9 D. M. of said day for the purpose of
correcting the list and adding thereto
such as may be entitled to vote.
Said registers will thereafter meet on
Tuesday, November, lib. 1893, (election
day) and be iu session from the time the
polls open until they close and register
only such voters as were absent from the
.1., ,,•, 11111. P :)411,, 18103. '.I►.)
city ,luring toe preeediug drays that the
board was in session; also such voters as
did not bec:►me citizens until Tuesday,
November 7th, 1893.
'l'he plate u( registrar prat in the several
wards and prewucts of said city are its fol-
M'Ilts'r WIRD.
First. Precipct—Sveuson & Ott's lumber
oltice,'.°cost and Dodge streets.
Second Precinct—Montana house.
SEcoND WAite.
First 1'reciuct—Court house.
Second PI'e••inct—Fourth !Street Engine
house -
Timm W.tIID.
First. Precinct—Central Engtae house,
Ninth and town streets.
Second Precinct—City Ball.
'third Precinct -Eighteenth Street En-
gine house.
FOL' ItTil W Alto.
First Precinct—I,oruuier (muse.
Second Precinct—Western Brewery.
l'hird Precinct—Kenyon's barber shop,
West Locust street.
First Precinct—Schmid's Brewery.
Second Precinct —Mrs. E. Mueller's Con-
fectionary, Eagle Point ave.
Third 1'.ecinct—Michael M4151111
Fourth Precinct—:w3(1 and .htclieou
Ali qualified voters of said city who
failed to have their names on last spring's
registry list are hereby notified that unless
they preseat themselves at the places and
within the time herein before mentioned
for registration, they will be debarred
the privilege of voting at said election.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, State of
Attest: 'C..1. COO]NEY,
City Recorder. td
M. YOE'S OFFICE, DU0IJ1 til , l
IOWA, Oct. 30th, 1893. 5
As required by law, the following places
herein below designated, will be the voting
places in the different wards and preclt►ct
for the fall election to be held November
7th, 1893.
Voting Precincts for Fall 1893.
First Precinct—Ratferty's, South Locust
Second Precinct—No. 155 Main street.
First Precinct—Court house.
Second Precinct—Fourth street engine
THIRD W Altl).
First Precinct—Ninth street engine
Second Precinct—City hall.
Third Precinct—Muutz building, 1785
Clay street.
First Pr cinct—Lorimier house.
Second Precinct—Western brewery.
Third Precinct—Ryan's livery stable.
First Precinct-Schinitt's brewery.
Second Precinct—Henry Miller's, corner
of tiniest street and Eagle Point ave.
Third Precinet—Chris. Capritz':
Fourth Precinct—Jas. Crawford's, Ltd
and Jackson boulevard.
Attest: '1'. J. CooNEY, Recorder
206 1i.0t of City Tirt„,'',ot...
.'. ern
John Fitzp1,1SrrOFCI'llYIVARRB1IS 1'JKitoegay(''.. . ::::::::::::: 51 rS
:.0 a)
Jt 50Dan. Not
on ;Al W
Jame, Allen
51 G;
• Issued by the Oity Recorder John Reuter •' St 65
.hnes Flynn
51 ISG
during August, 1803. Dan. Lavery... :.t 6.655
E.I. Moore51 65
\I. kMy.............• 51 (45
.1. 5 •.•r.•s( " 46 70
1'1'1'1 III•:Ct1111/1.11'S. 111'Suttoo..... 51 65
• Unntiou I. IowaW:l,, Sept. I. 1893. ( 1'. i.t li5
'1'14 1148 Honorable M:tyor;lml ('Sly 1.011114.11:\I. 1'r:nr_I1 _ 50 W
(' l:N'l'I,KM P:N-The full.. Ullg is :r eolllplel.• list .1141111 I loll onto _ .. ;,O LN)
of 1411 warrants issued by me Miring the month 1' P. rowels 50 (8)
of August. 149: 1). Linehan.
1 6.5
'rhos.tioriillll :51 65
Name. For what. 1'urlro.e. Amount .1. Spielman 51 14.5
1)Ie Nelsntl,r
\ Treas. 5l (wr
11. IS. l;uiff.c....Salnry for July, 41fif1 ISI .las. 1 :ut. r 41 5"
ur1(11' "Ile -
.1. I'.I41 1iu);cr51 65
1'..I. Cooney Salary 1 for July'. Ila M. Ilai'.I e..,..,. • 51 63
c111'dtg• 91G G6 .r 51 65
ll. 11. I:niI(ke ....Salary for only, ••Ierk lobo lurpl4y
hire...-. ........... 50 Ia San'. I?Imcr 50 011
Salary for July, .1ud_ I'eter(enarf 51 65
I. M. Kem 1y 1' 111; ,; s I'..\Ic(•ollius it L'6
ileoP. .1 Hanlon 51 G,
.las. E. Knight.. Sal:u•y for .11(19, :\tlur-"" .......... 51 W
...... ney........., .. 125 1111 .1. AI 1(I (III% ....•
John F. Stclum..Sa.lary for .11419, As- 1'. Spice lialler..l'uuudnlas,er.......... :i0 (8)
s.•ssul'. 1.25 141 1 . .114rarn.........I.aborer•
29 95
(1,;orgc helmet' ...S larc for July. As- M. •1o.itr.
.l.iant Asses,ur.... 100 tw .l, hewer.... .... • I lelper road roller 50 W
G. (lulchle ...Salary for July, As- ' I'. Iturlce......... Laborer 21 a)
18 90
3-414(((1 Assessor.... 100 01. N. Kurus ... 20 G'
IV. 11. Knowllou..Salary for July, En- K. (turns.......... 22 95
gamer 275 00 .1. Ity'rue... .. .... )4 20
E. S. Ilyne.......St Ialy for July, As- 1'. liraudeuberg.. 18 M1
51-4141111 Engineer..:1141 00 ..1. Ilnrus.......... 37 (10
.1. Boyce..... ..... Salary for July, As_ .1. Jt;n_ulau '' 15 90
-islnut Engineer.... 100 141 1', Ih1sc ............
... 10 15
'hairy tilab..... ..SaINry t.r .Illy, As_ I' t0
wslaut Engineer.... 50 W .1. L'octl:e"
S. It. ltiee........ .Sa1: tor July. Mar-
shal1(.luhn Roetscher1' 9 +
100 01) .1. Pu(t,mis........ laver .. 4 110
John ('81(44r......Sal:1.ry for .1111y, SLreel 1Y111. Clark ......1'arpenter...... 414541;
:; Nl
Superintendent 91 65 .las. Cahill ...Laborer ............... 14 20
.10s. 111.1101'1(41 ....Satan' for July. 1'luef .I. ('urcnrat.. 12 85
of lire de :ti'tluenl .. 75 al 1.. Corcoran 46 13 65
Nd. Norton. Salary for .fully, Mar- 31.4'oyt1..... " 17 G50
kelmastel' SAI 00 I . 1 %11 00 I:III....... g
.1.11'. Fowler .....ti a la ory' 1'111' .1 u1 y, ' I). Crotty'......... "
Iieal1h onlee1'50 (4) .1111411 ( 'orut( '14 55
.1. O'Brien.... ....Salary for .Iuly, Sew. 44V111. l'rumpwell27 00
er Inspector.........70 00 'thus l'atireyM1asou...... .... •' 0U
.lames Ruuting...Salary for .Ju y, lace- h, (0111111l.* loner ................ 11 10
trielau ........ 75 00 Saul. Collins...... .... .•., 7
Jleury !lenge Salary Mr July, ('ark .1. Duugoet•ty.••.. " ............... 1..) (1rr.
.'11Nttnii:ul 4G 50 M. Dorsey. •12 30
.l. W. 11'uuds..... .salary for July, Wharf- NI. Dumpily__17 55
W .las. Dolan........ " 1.1 15
Julu1l)'('uuuell...Salary for July, (Jon'- .Luba Eagan ............... ::5 W
mILtee clerk .. 83 .luau l'.veret •'G W
.1:l.. Daly. 1'irum:w.... .... ....... (4)141 lJ. i isencr ............-... 16'111
Job Rarius....... 7.1 W Dan Foe ,t 70
A. McDonnell.... 514 W I.. Frit/ 114 e0
J. Murphy........ W W t'. F,ise11 ` 20 35
11'. Duct' ` (l) 00 lis FulVr..... .. .... "0f
I. Schoubelger" 50 00 F. Faber ... ...... .41V1:11.30011.8-11.... ................5 25
II. Keas 50 00 Ed. Grew . 214 9:r
Tout. RyJar 6U W ti A. (hitherleLL. 1 35
11. Eitel..W W 11. (10111 ......... 66 5`10
John 1'-48(11114175 00 John Giesslet• 30 40
.1. Flynn.......... " 60 00 C. Grunzig.. 55
I. Wilts((.......... " W a) Joe Gran 227136727 W
T. Walker1'....... "
U W .1. hen 70
A. pe ecfut 50 00 Dau. Itarulan.... 70
C. Specht " 514 00 Jonu Haley " •.W
.1. Powell 6146 45 l ll. Hackett " 21 GO
J. ,,coney........ " 50 00 A. Hofterman 10 15
G, l:ebrkey 12 45 N. Hilger 11 150
D. Ahearn........ " W 014 Jas. Harker... " 030
.1. Allen LI 00 W F. Herzog 61
W. 111ppinan " 60 00 A..lollnson " ............... 14 85
C. Kanuolt 6150 00 1'. Jacobi......... " 18 05
F. Uauahl 50 00 M. Kline .... .... 64 15 55
J. Ward.. " 50 00 Y. Kinney‘.19 61)
(S. 1,sinaOn...... 50 W F. W. Kringle.....Foreman.......... ... 39 2085
F. baman. 60 00 J. Kareh.........Laborer 14 85
F. 14'1111.... 4660 00 .1. Kelly." `17 (4)
A. a.traney........ 50 00 F. Krt:eger 14 214
D. Ryan... Captain of Police 77 W C. Kampman..... " 00
John ltaeslt 72 35 J. Kinsella Carpenter GO 00
Bart. Cain ..... ...Policeman 51 65 John Lavin Laborer 8 11)
Wm. Hennessy.....................51 65 John Lux " ... ............ 33 75
Win. O'Brien " .... 50 W H. Luck......... " ................ 28 35
Wm. Frith 46 7o John Lacy. .... 31 05
.Sohn Lltscher..... 11 53 30 M. l.ilack....... .. " 27 00
P. McNerny...... " 51 GG M. 'saes " 2 70
Thos. Bellly....... " 50 00 T. Mulqueen' " 16 20
Li8t of City Warrant,.
T. Morias .` ............... 14 20
M. Mahouy 23 65
T. Mahouy •` 24 30
N. Moran " 14 85
.1. %tarotley....... " ..... 21 60
C. Maekelberg...,i .......'•A•40
L. McUrise ., 20 :.5
1'. Melehoir "
P. Moore..... Eugineer load roller.. 00 Ou
.1. McNulty Foreman ............... 34 20
A. Mcltua11..... 1..bor r ..............92 95
L. McEvoy.......... ..... 14 83
It McCormack - 13 50
M. McCone...... Foreman 27 20
Wm. McDermott. Laborer 17 35
W. McLa111... — 10 15
P. MeM filen 19 15
.las. McDonnell" 24 3o
Alois Nip11 ..... ... Mason 48 00
M. Nuten ........Laborer 16 20
1). Nickols......,. 1 35
1'. O'Brien, Sr.... 33 75
.1. Obb, It •' .............. • 213 65
F. Oswald. 24 85
las. i'ureeli 66 17 55
1). Powers...... 25 00
Win. Pickles Foreman........ ... 15 20
.John (dual!.. .............. 20 25
W. Rooney 16 16 20
T. R iliy .. 18 91
U. ltavenick " 22115
.1. Ryan'• 16 90
Jas. 'lagban. li 73
C. ltoselip.... 21 60
Win. Rieman 16
............... 18 25
M. Rinker.. 11 15
.1. Renter39 60
F. Rieger •' 20 25
N. Sweeney. 24 31
.l £traney. . ............. 25 65
.1. Sullivan'• 9 45
Win. Spensley
17 55
M. Shay .. 22 91
Geo. Sutter 70
P Stoffcr..6 75
Jos. Schmidt a 75
Jas. Stevenson615
M. Seires " 135
J. Steiner. 40 35
Joe Leik25 00
Wm. Swat•gler 13 50
Y. Voelcher .. 1015
J. Whalen ................. 18 25
M. Watters " 1215
1'. Wagner" 8 70
John E. HartigRetmiiin; tools....... 1 45
Novelty iron
Works Repairing steam loiter
Lear & I'tiffnerktorseshoeing..........
A. Wunderlich Horseshoeing. ........
I). T. Howel.adder
Dubuque Water'
company ..... ...Packing ............... .
John Newman &
Son Repairing tools....... .
F. N. Harris &
Bros Repairing furniture.... 2 50
Chao. Collins Horseshoe ue..........
H. Nat gelluakerBrooms, matches and
Jos. Geiger ..... ..(41ass and glazing
Smith Printing Co.l'rluting
James Kelly Stationery
N. Mertz.......... Repairing safe
Smedley Mrg Co..ltepairiug steam roller
G. B. Grosvenor.. stationery
.1. 1'. Schroeder ...Cement ..........
Dubuque TitLe-
GRAI•H.......... Blank Stationery12 25
Knapp -Stout & Co
Co........ ...... Lumber
Hardie & Scharle. Blank stat'onery
Butt Bros......... Repairing wagon
Fire Extinguisher
Mf'g Co.. ......Supplies
Dubuque Cabinet
Makers' Associ-
ation . Curtains and mouldings
'F. Mertz Keys 75
13 a u in gartner &
Kleilr Nails ....... ..........
Mein f reed & J aege r•. N a Cls ................. .
Standard Lumber
Co Lumber
Duggan, Sullivan
& Kinsella...... Nails 0 CO
Christman & Hea-
ley Wheelbarrows 4 25
W. -M. Greenhow. Repairing fountains51 25
.lames 13oyce Street car tare........ 8 35
James Lee Cetueut walk.......... 332 95
1 20
5 50
6 50
6 90
Isaac Proctor 1 eek. ........ 10 63
Gain & Schoeu-
(hal ....... . Retaining wail 35 30
MeCann & Will-
iams Sewer on Dodge St.... 190 p
Norton 113 Lee Grading 13ro tdway... MO 00
Peterson & Co14etainmb wall on Al-
ma street............ 500 Oa
Peterson & CoRetaining wall on Alma
street 88 45
Geo. Taylor (grading Nevada >t... 426 90
.James Street (tock ................... 24 52
Etl. 'Cyan Grading Auburn ave.. 108 OR
Ed. Ryan improving Au bur
avenue; ..............
Ed. Ryan Improving A u bur n
avenue 183 08
John Tibey Grading• and lin ',rot, -
11111 street...... 193 40
Steuck & Far yell. Imp. ovingqueen and
Repent 312 50
St tick & Harrell.. lin, roving 24th greet5 0 00
Steuck & Farrell Improving 2401 street 500 00
Steuck Si Farrell. Improving 24tb st. est. 146 90
1'. 1'. t.utluie Sidew$tk.............. 378 09
K. '1. Eddy Sidewalk .............. 63 82
O. o. Kling eImproviug 1) u b ague
avenue.. ..............273 21
0..0. Kringle(lradiug Alta ave 681 69
O. 11. Kringle improving Alta ave... 4491 01
O. G. KringleImproving 1) e c o rah
avenue ... X78 27
O. G. Kringle..Improving D e !aware
Blown & Brown..l)np. Seminary street
5,10 00
16 16 61
...Grading Seminary
278 41
t00 00
100 00
100 00
100 00
100 Ix)
100 00
100 00
11x) 00
100 00
100 00
11x1 4)u
100 W
m t 500 00
:392 05
391 44
500 00
500 00
500 00
3,0 W
501 01
500 00
00 I)0
50) 00
100 Ou
500 th
300 u
50) 00
5)10 W
500 011
200 00
100 CO
51x1 00
21)0 00
500 00
........ 150 00
300 011
500 00
500 0,
500 00
500 00
2.0 00
H. 11. Gniffke Money advanced
11. 11. Guidke M,iney what ed......
.lout WuuderlichLoan..... .............
.4 .• 6.
16 61 16
Mrs. S. J. Bunting
Nlrs. ('ath. Statf,)rd "
Frank Melvin....
2 40 Martin I'alr Y.... "
.Jen McGrath
1 50 " "
James Doyle•`
8 25 Mary Callahan.... "
Jeff. McGrath.... •'
3 80 '
3 50 P. J. Hanlon,.
1 00.,9 20 John ,Murphy "
2 50 Peter Meyer...
17 19 ,.
13 60 66 "
2 Ou " ...
66 66
M. Michels
4 32 „
16 25 M. Ahea ti"
30 60 John McFarland. " ... .
Norma Jung e3"
1010 11Michael Flynn" ..................
is4 90 S. 13. Mice" ... .........
Luau ........ .....
1 90
11 20
54 50
.... ...............
E. C. Youug ...
Wilheliniva Young .... . ...........
E. W. Young
C. Denliuger"
Mrs. Maria Ryan..64 66 4 4
46 66 11
500 00
500 00
100 011
350 00
900 00
500 00
600 00
600 00
401 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 6u
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
50, 00
500 110
500 to
51x) 00
208 List of City Warrants.
66 46 44
Joe Zimmerman...
):Ileo Kane....... `•
John Terry.......
11. Wise... . Labor
Baum gartner &
Kieth........... Halters, etc............
Globe Light and
11 at Co Gasoline light.........
Nlar Electric CoElectric lights..
Star Elect •fe Co .. Electric lights
Star r.lectri' Co .. Elect'Ic lights
Dubuque Light &
'fraction Cu Electric light.........
Key City Gas CuGas
Central Union
Telephone Co... Telephone rent .......
Western Electric
('o ............... Electra' supp'ies
F. Mertz ltepairi ig hangers....
Lear& I'1111'uerIlulseslioeiug.....
ltei11fried & Jaeger. ilartlN are
E. E. Eritm.......ltenioviug garuag•
Dubuque 13 a t e r
Company'.... ... \Vater
Dubuque Water
1 )tlbt"Ibe Water
Company........ Water ........... .. 351 66
Steuck & U'F:n•rell.ltet,iufug witl Madl-
.on stet9 75
1. J'rortor........!tock12 05
James Street Rock 31 72
Brown & Brown ..Retaining wall Semin-
ary street.......... 39 75
Tile TEI.Eiilial•I(.Ativee isiug 75 00
The Iteruid....... 29 15
The Ledger....... • 29 15
The 'Times Co._ 2915
Standard Lumber
4'onlpul • ........ Lumber 226 59
Minnie Van Ilalter.Witless fees
Mary Messerknecht witness fres
John Messerkueeht. Witness fees
31. Lavin......... San tary Sewer
!!tett street
W. Zaclnina....... ''
Geo. Mullein' Foreman
1'. Ahearn .Tram....
Jas. Bunn........
IL Bennett....... "
T. Byron.....
100 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
CAO a)
300 W
2 (0
3 70
5110 00
500 00
74 b9
187 50
78 30
30 00
22 03
4 50
36 50
312 W
500 00
500 00
on 1:u-
48 75
........ 23 65
37 60
11 05
..... 37 80
22 05
37 80
lien. Butler " .... 15 75
B. Cain ................... :14 65
Mrs. Custelio " ................... 18 90
1%. D. Clark 7 90
('. Denlioger" ............ 44 10
T. Elliott. " 38 10
1'. C. Foley....... " 25 20
Futu'man Biros.... ` 3t 5u
N. l rich.......... `• 19 70
.1. Garr gat " 22 85
!olio Gerry 4620 53
M. Gantenbein" 32 311
1'. 110rsch........
T. Heins....
1'. Hassett .......
M. J. Hannon.... "
I. 11. Hotimeycr.. "
T. Kane66
. Kintzinger.... 14
John Long........
11. Lempke........ "
Joe Moore........ "
F. Mathis ...................
Won. McGrath"
.1. McColllns
Jas. McCracken" ...................
John McGrath'
.left. McGrath" ..... .:....... ....
C. McElratll
J. Parker'
Mrs. (Juinlivau" ..................
Geo. Reynolds" ............:......
F. Seeley.... " """
A. Siege..
F. Schulz
.1. Sutherland"
J. Steffes"
11. Schmidt "
J. Savage......... "
1). Sutherland.... "
lath. Tobin "
L. Taylor"
J. Welsh '•
Geo. Wetter
16 55
44 10
15 75
34 65
29 95
15 75
18 90
28 35
11 05
2 40
18 90
4 75
15 75
15 75
42 55
36 25
15 75
16 55
30 75
18 a0
17 35
9 45
37 05
4 75
37 01
18 15
17 35
37 80
22 85
15 75
14 20
7 90
M. I} o.......... 46 25
Matt. Spec..ht 46 25
Win. Terry" 42 10
►. Hillery.. ..... " 42 al
F. Spielman Laborer.......... .. 33 75
1'. Fury, Sr•' 42 90
r 28 04)
1'. fury, .1
1Vnl. 1'tekley 46
24 50
.1. i'erryon
.1. hurley. • ... • • • • ..10 5))
M. Loes ..4 )
.1. Doyle............... 25 26 25
T. Bannon. .... 26 25
J. II nseu ... 2 g 50
i John Douglass.... " 28 0))
Jas. Ryall.. - 34 6()
Thos. Caffrey Mason..., 26 25
John Beyer Laborer 13 10
11. Rooney... 40 25
F. Omer26 25
I. Oakley33 25
Y. Lynch .. ............... 15 75
Geo. Beyer " ............... 24 50
John Sawyer15 75
M. Lavin " 7 (8)
31 (1 Brien.. " 24 50
U. _tuff Mason ................. 1 GO
John Beyer" 34 (K)
Tony Sneider 662l OO
Thos. Kane........ Team .................. 23 611
Wm. McGrath................... 22 0(1
I. Mc('racken.... 11 tb
11e 1. Reynolds.... ....... 5.31 40
It. Bennett. . 66 14 15 211
.1. 11. Geary....... " ... 15
Geo. Wetter•......
M. McE1rath 66413 75al
P. 8. Norton 22 05
Nle. Brandt 11.:HI
J. Ganteubeul1 15
J. Met:othns11 05
Thos. Hannon1
Wm. Wells...... MLacadaun.............. 33 (515
1'. Me Po and••5 45
N. Jle1olatld14 7.2
.1. Dwuralt. 3 90
N. Theis •• ............... :l oil
J)el. Sawa................. 28 80
Au,;, lfranclier3 75
Aug. lioffetman" 4 05
Chas. Iley'er•• 7 35
1'. Ryan... 1! 85
.1. Mahoney.. 1' 1 85
1'. (lubtn.... ..... " 6.15
1'. F. 1,luiun
Ed. Nor tollloarding prisoners....
.1. Schmidt Asststabt park custo-
dian 50 00
E. S. Daugherty.. Assistant engineer..' 40 00
14.'1'. Eddy... .Assistant engineer45 00
.lames Tobin Hauling trees......... 13 38
James 'I'ionnpsouTrimming trees........ 1 75
Janes McCracken.Haulmg trees........ 33 85
\Vol. Young 'Trimming trees 24 W
1'. SW11er......... Trimining trees 14 50
W. 1'. Hartman.. Removing poles 9 50
M. Ahear n ..... ..Removingpole. .... .... 15 00
P. Ahe.trn Removing poles 14 `25
' Joe Norton ..Trilulning trees....... 24 W
Mrs. Ku nig Jani or 22 5))
A. W. 1)1.ugherty. Salary ................. 250 al
E. E. Frith.......lmproving alley be-
tween Lincoln and
Providence... ' 510 00
E. E. Frith....... Improving alley be -
twee Lincoln and
Providence... 7 43
A. McKinnon.... Labor 40 35
C. A. Voelker, et al.G railing Woodlawu
2 25
24 20
Eagle Point Ferry
Co Don'ition by city ...... 200 00
1'. F. GuthrieLay ng sidewalk 478 97
Kenneally & O'Mara.Macadam148 22
Klein Lanterns and nails.... 8 10
Duggan & KaneBrooms, soap and pails 3 30
11. Corrance 011.........:.. 5 50
Svendsen & 0.t..Lumber 62 13
F. Schloz..... ....repairing tools9 05
Lear & l'litiner.... Horses[toeing ..... 4 00
Duggan & Kane..011 65
13. Lagen Livery 5 110
J. C. Althauser...Dusters 50
B au m gartner &
t Kleilt ...... Lanterns and globes.. 4 55
F. Schloz..... ....ltepairing tools 11 00
504) 00
375 34
135 45
Ojjicial Notices. 209
P. F. Guthrie Grading on Burden
avenue 1 20
Headford Bros. & '
Hitchens Co..... Manholes, covers and
grates ... 87 28
Diamond Jo Line.011 and brooms........ 3 50
Svendsen & Ott.. Lumber 100
Tony Siege....... Rock... 42110
Thos. Byrne Gravel 42 50
Mrs. C. Welch.... Rock 0 30
Phillip Miller..... Hardware 60
11. D. Lieehan.... Repairing tools9 10
John Terry....... Pine wood ..............3 25
Diamond Jo Line. Waste. 10 98
1'. Schlenker Repairs ousteam roller 50
Dubuque Rubber
& Belting CoHose and coupling.... 5 45
1'. E. St:elauTeam 7 00
A. E. Parker lisp. lawn mower.... 2 l0
H. A. Ruh Ropes and 011.........2 80
1.. Daly..... Cleaning ar. uud city
hall .................. 25 00
W, 11. Torbert Soda............. . ... 5 04
John EssinanRepairing eheinteal en-
Zehetner & Yogen- -
thaler Repairing lire go
11. L. Conger Coal....... .....
lowa Iron VorksBolts.............
A. Muer Repairing. gutter
.1. Wunder) eh Commiss.ouer
Jas. Clishing..... ''
C. Reifsteck
Lewis C. FullerJuror
.1..1. Brown.......
Cha. Hollnagel.. "
Otto Ellwanger... "
John Moser...... „
Jos. L. Horr ..
(•. A. Voelker.... •`
11, Wunderlich.... "
.1. H. Carroll
11. Westercamp•`
S. A. Atherton. •`
M. M. Hoffman"
41eo. Fengler )tock
Peterson & Co.... Retaining wall, Alma
Paterson & Co....ltetaining wall, Alma
h. W. Young...... Loan
1 88
1 30
43 01)
4 (10
4 OJ
2 0i
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
18 00
500 00
256 95
200 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct
list of all warrants issued during the month
•of August, 1893.
T. J. COONEY, City Recorder.
Change of Grade Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there is now
on h.e in my ollice profiles showing a
proposed change of grade on Ellis street,
:Lincoln avenue, -West 14th street and Staf-
ford avenue.
All parties feeling aggrieved on account
of such proposed change of grade must
tile their claims for damages in my office
on or before November 4th, 1893, as said
proposed change of grade on above streets
will be considered by the council at its
next regular session to be held November
8th, 1893. '1'. J. COONEY,
td City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To the owner or owners of the several
lots and parcels of ground abutting
Nevada street from W. Fifth street to W.
Third street, 22nd street from Jackson
street to Elm street, alley from 22nd street
to 23rd street between Jackson street and
Washington street, all in the city of Du-
buque, Iowa, and of any street railway
company occupying with its tracks a por-
tion of said street, and to any per -on or
persons or company having any interest
.in said real estate or said street railway.
You are hereby notified that there is on
file in the office of the city recorder of Du-
buque a plat of said above named streets,
in said city showing the several lots or
parcels of grounds abutting on said streets
and the tracks of said street railway laid
thereon, subject to special assessment for
paving, guttering, curbing and macadam-
izing of said streets, and the names as far
as practicable of the owners of
sale abutting real estate and of
said street railway, and the
amount assessed against each lot or parcel
of ground and against said railway, for the
Inspection of any person, firin or company
interested in any kind inlaid real estate or
in said street railway and that such firm or
cotnpatty having objections to the special
tax proposed to be assessed, as shown by
said plat, may file with the city recorder
his or their objections in writing, at or be-
fore the next meeting of the city council of
the city of Dubuque, which will meet on
the lith day of November, 1893.
10-25-101 City Engineer.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 15 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of Broad street, the Lull length
of said street where not already laid, at
the expense of abutting property.
Adopted Oct. 23, 1893. '1'. J. COONEY,
10-25-10t Recorder.
Adjourned ReyuSession, November 23rd, 1893. 211
Adjourned Regular Se emit Nov.
23. 1893.
Council met at 8:05 p. m.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
present—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Gtab,
Little. Nicks, Olinger, l'owers and Ryder.
Ald. Olinger moved that bids be opened
and referred to the engineer for computa-
tion, Carried.
Aid. I'owers, chairman or the printing
committoe presented the following re-
Your committee report in favor of pay-
•ivg the follow ng bills.
Palmer, W ivall & Co.. 318 50.
Globe ['rutting Co., $229.15.
'nines Co., 329.15.
National 1)emokrat, 1450.
German Catholic fruiting Co., $50.
The Gerald, •$29,15.
The TF:t.mittaen, X91.25.
Report' edit -pled.
Ald. Glad presented the following re -
(erred to committee 'on claims, engineer
and city attorney.
The plat of Seminary place was re-
ferred to street committee.
Ald. Crawfoid moved that the Young
Ladies' Choral society be granted the use
of the Annul on 'Thanksgiving night.
The communication of S. P. Rice in re-
lation to putting on ash wagons in the
alleys during the winter months. Re-
.eterred to committee of the whole.
Alderman Glatt offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque; That a sidewalk 4 feet .vide,
of good two-inch plank, brick stone
or cement, be. within ten days
of this no:ice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks,on the both side of West street,
between West 6th and West Seventh
streets, where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glatt,
Lillie, Nick, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ald. (Rah offered th.s following resolu-
tion which was referred to the committee
of the whole.
Whereas, The City Council of the City
of Dubuque did pass on order that the as-
sessment of the Eighth street and West
Dubuque Street Railway should remain at
the rate of $5,000.00 per annum for five
years, and in consideration of said order
beirtg passed it was mutually agreed that
said Eighth street anti West Dubuque
Street Railway Co. was to give a twenty
minute service on said line, and
Whereas, The Dubuque Light and Trac-
tion Co. successors to said Eighth street
and West Dubuque Street ;Railway Co.
are failing to give said twenty minute ser-
vice to the public, Therefore,
Your committee report in favor of al-
lowing M..1. Mulgrew $22.50 as payment
an full for damages to his wagon caused
by the road roller and that the same be
deducted from pay of engineer of the steam
Ald. Ryder moved that rules be sus-
peuded and M. ad dre. s the council (cilon r b allowedrew be thematter. Car-
Mr. Mulgrew addressed the council
about said matter.
Ald. Powers moved that the report be
divided into two parts.
First, that M. J. Mulgrew be allowed
*23.50 for damages. Carried.
Second, that the matter of deducting the
same from the salary of engineer of steam
roller be referred to committee of the
whole. Carried.
Ald. Olinger moved that Ilenry Tippe
be allowed 88.00 for macadam used by the
city. Carried.
The following petitions were referred to
the street committee:
Petition of C. 11. Jordan et al in rela-
tion to the change of grade of Seminary
Petition of C. Itehteldt et al remonstrat-
ing agafu'kt special assessment for the im-
provement of alley from 22nd to 23rd be-
tween Washington and Elm street as said
alley has not been properly done.
Petition of Martin Cunningham in rela-
tion to assessment on lot 11, in Porters
The petition of 1'. ll. Halpin et al for
the extension of sewer on Dodge street.
Referred to committee of the whole.
The petion of S. K. Scott and II. F.
Trenk to establish a skating rink in the
ice harbor. Referred to haroor committee.
The petition of Wm. Watson in relation
to taxes, was referred to delinquent tax
The petition of Mrs. Emily Staudeu►eyer
in relation to sidewalk. Referred to city
euglueer with power.
The communication of John F. Stemm
stating that he had completed tax books
tor 1893 and had turned sante over to the
auditor. Received and tiled.
'The:petition of Dietrich Mueggenberg
claiming damages for being compelled to
remove barn on I4roadway extension. Re -
Resolved, 'That if said Dubuque Light
and 'fraction Co. do not fortwith comply
with the said agreement, then said resolu-
tion be and is hereby declared null and
void and of no force and effect. Be it fur-
ther resolved.
That said Dubuque Light and Traction
Co. be and are hereby notified to operate
their lines between 8th and lowa and the
Chicago Great Western depot in accord-
ance with their charter, or the city will
take such steps as are necessary to compel
them to comply with their charter.
City Engineer Knowlton presented plat
showing proposed extension of Edith
street north of West 3d,: between Booth
and Glen Oak avenue.
On motion .the same was accepted and
declared a public highway.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, '('bat to pay for improving
Dodge street from South Dodge to Grand-
view ave. contby
contractors, in Williamsrontof and adjoining
same, a special tax be and is hereby levieti
on the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, at follows:
Wni. M1el)erinott, lot 1 of sub of pt of
thin lot 149.
132.5 lin ft curbing at 42e..... ..... ..$ 58 63
101 sq yds guttering at 42e 42 42
387.44 sq yds macadatmizing at 42c141 72
Total 8237 79
Wm. Ballard, est-, lot 2 sub of pt of inin
lot 149:
100 lin ft curbing at 42' • 3 42. 30
66 87 sq yds guttering at 42' 28 00
212 Adjourned Regular Se8Fion, November 23rd, 1893.
211.11 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.. 88 65
Total $158 65
Wm. Ballard est., lot 3 sub of pt of man
lot 149:
100 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 42 00
66.67 sq yd guttering at 42t 28 00
211.11 sq ytls macadamizing at 42c.. 88 65
Total ' 9158 65
John .Lowry, n 150 11, lot 4 sub ,of pt of
rain lot 149:
122 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 51 24
92 sq yds guttering at 42c 38 64
293.11 sq yds macadamizing at 42c128 11
Total $212 99
John E. 5IcClalu, lot 1 uI 2 of 5 sub of pt
of min lot 149:
48.9 lined' feet curb ng at 42e .$ '41 54
75.33 sq yds guttering at 4`2 - 31 64
240.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c100 94
Total .$174 12
John McMullen estate, lot 1 of 5 sub of
part o(mn. lot 149:
25.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 10 50
16.67 sq yds guttering at 42c 7 00
52.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c22 17
Total $ 34 67
Jno. 'teadulau a lot 6, sub of pareot
min lot 144:
75.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 31 50
50.00 sq yds guttering at 42c 21 00
158.833sq yds macadamizing at42c66 50
Total... $+119 00
Cath. McClain, e' lot 6, sub of part of
min lot 149:
25.0 lineal ft curbing at 42c $ 10 50
16.67 sq. yds. guttering at 42e7 00
52.78,sq. yds. macadamizing at 42c22 17
Total $ 39 67
Cath. ,Mcclaiu, w 23 fi. lot 7, subof part
of min. lot 149:
23.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ .9 66
15.33 sq yds guttering at 42c 6 44
48.56 sq yds macadamizing at 42c20 89
Total $ 86 49
rs. Andrew Murphy n 52 ft lot 7 sub
of part of min 1,4 149:
52 lineal feet curbinng at 42c. $21 84
34.67 sq yus guttering at 42c 14 56
109.77 sq yds macadamizing at 42c46 10
Total .$ 82 50
James E. McClain, e %_lot 7, sub of part
of thin lot 149:
25.00 lineal feet curbing at. 42c $ 10 50
16.67 sq yds guttering at 42c 7 00
52.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c22 17
Total $ 39.67
James E. McClain, lot 8 sub of part of
min lot 149:
124.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 52'37
92.00 sq. yds. guttering ai 42c 38 64
293.11 sq. yus. macadamizing at 42c123 11
Total 8214 12
B. Gallon, lot 1 of 2of nein lot 158:
117 6 ti. eat ft curbing at 42e$ 49 39
88.38 sq yds guttering ai 42t• • 85 00
249.Osq yds macadamizing at42c104 58
Total $188 97
P. Rhomoerg, lot 2 of 2 of min lot 158:
33.0 lineal It cururng at 42e 13 86
2200 :q yds guttering a. 42e 9 24
69.67 sq yds macadamizing at 42 29 26
Total $ 52 86
P. Rhomberg, w 3 lot 1 of min not 158:
183.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 55 86
88.67 sq yd.3 guttering at 42c 37 24
280.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c117 113
'rotas $211 03
John Murphy, e?:; of lot 1 of Hain lot
130.6lin feet curbing at 42c k 54 85
9367 so 3dsguttering at42c 39 34
280.78 sq yds macadnmtzing at 42e117 93
Total $212 12
C. Ryan, Jr, lot 7, Reeder Latig%orthy's
51.8 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 76
39.78 sq yds guttering at 42c 10 71
109.36 sq yds macadamizing at 42c45 -93
Total • $ 84-40
C. 113 an, Jr, lot 8, lteeuer bangwurthy's
51.4 lineal feet curbing at 42e 8 21 59
3427 sq yds guttering at 42e 14 39
108.51 sq yds tnac•adauuzuig at 42e45 57
Total 8 81 55
Maggie Doty, lot 9, !tetter Laugworthy's
51.4 lineal feet curbing at 42c ..8 21 59
34.27 sq yds guttering at 42e 14 39
108.51 sq yds macadamizing at 42c45 57
To al S 81 55
Maggie Doty, but 6, Reeder Langwor-
lhy's add:
51.4 lineal feet curbing at 42ci 21 59
34.27 sq yds guttering ar. 42c 14 39
108.51 sq yds macadamizing at 42c45 57
Total 9; 82 95
1Vm. Melloy, lot 5, Reeder Lang worthy's
69 6 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 29 23
54 43 sq. yds. guttering at 42c 23 07
168.18 so yds macadamizing at 42c70 64
Total $122 94
Mary A. Nelson, lot 4, Reeder Lang -
worthy's aud:
'17.9 lineal feet curbing at 42c 8 32 12
62.13 sq. yd.. guttering at 42c 26 09
190.98 sq yds macadamizing at 42c80 21
Total ..8139 02
Andrew Nelson, lot 3 Reeder Lang-
worihy's add:
51.4 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 59
84 27 sq yds guttering at 42c 14 39
108.51 sq yds macadamizing at 42c45 57
Total.... $ 81 55
Jas. E. McClain, lot 2, Reeder Lang -
worthy's add:
51.4 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 21 59
34 27 ,q yds guttering at 42e '14 89
1u851 sq yds macadamizing at 42c45 07
Total $ 81 55
Chas. Anderson, lot 1, Reeder Lau,g-
wi'rthy's add:
96.0 lineal feet curbing at 42r $ 40'32
64.00 ,q. yds. guttering at 42c 26 88
202.67 8,3 yds macadamizing at 42c... 85 12
Total $152 32
1). Rhomberg, lot 3a, sub at lot 1 and .2
lit !no) lot 62 and pt of nun lot 149.
13liaeal' feet curbing at 42c $ 5 46
8.67 sq yds guttering at 42c 3 61
27.44 sq y ds macadamizing at 42e11 52
Total $ 20 62
D. Rhomberg. 1on 5, sub of lots 1 and2 of
mill lot 62 and part lit min lot 149.
61.8 lineal ft curbing sit 42e $ 25 96
41.20 sq yds gut,errtrg at 42c 17 08
Adjourned Regular ti November 23rd, 1893.- 213
130.46 sq yds utaeadatnizing at 42c..9 54 79
$ 98 05
Thos. Byrne, lot 12 Mitsui' and Stew-
art's sub.
65 lineal feet curbing at 42c ( 27 30
113,33 sq yds guttering at 42c 18 20
137.22 sq yds maedainizing at 4.2e...9 57 63
•'Total $103 18
Thos. Byrne, lot 13 I3onsou and S ew-
art's sub.
49 lineal feet curbing at 42o 9 20 58
32.67 eq yds guttering at 42e 13 '2
103.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c48 44
Total $ 77 74
Thos. Byrne, lot 14 13unsou and Stew-
art's sub.
49 lineal feet curbing at 42c 3 20 58
32 67 sq yds guttering at 42c 13 79.
103.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42e43 44
Total 4 77 74
Thos. Byrne, lot 15, Sonson & Stewart's
32.67 sq yds guttering at 4"c $ 13 72
49.0 lineal feet curbing at 4c 20 58
103.44 sq yds macadamising at 42,e... 43 44
Total $ 77 74
'Phos. Byrne lot 16, Bonsor & Stewart's
49.0 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 20 58
32.67 sq yds guttering at 42c 13 72
103.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c43 44
Total K 77 44
'Phos. Byrne, lot 17, Bouson & Stewart's
49.0 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 20 58
32.67 sq yds guttering at 42c 13 72
103.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42e43 44
Total $ 77 44
Thos. Byrne, lot 18, Ronson & Stewart's
49.0 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 20 58
.32.67 sq yds guttering at 42c 13 72
103.44 sq yds maeada ming at 42c43 44
Total $ 77 44
Thos. Byrne, lot 19, Bouson & Stewart's
49.0 lineal feet curbing at 42e $ 20 58
32.67 sq yds guttering at 42c 13 72
103.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42e43 44
Total.. 9 77 44
Mary Wall, lot 4a, sub of lots 1 and 2 of
linin lot 62 and part of min lots 149:
129.7 lineal leeteurbiug at42e $ 52 37
95.33 sq yds guttering at 42e 40 04
301.90 sq Yds macadamtziug at 42c126 80
Total 9219 21
Sarah Wootton, part of rain lot 149,
(east of Hill street:1
216.6 lineal Leet curbing at 42e 90 97
158.0 sq yds guttering at 42c 66 36
500.33 sq yas macadamizing at 42e210 14
Total $367 47
Witt. and .lames McClain, min 10196367:7
511.7 lineal feet curbing at 42c 9214 91
346.0 sq yds guttering at 42c 145 32
10111.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42e458 40
Total 9818 63
1). Romberg, lot la, sub of lot 1 and 2 of
min 62 and part of min lot 149.
123 5 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 51 87
111.33 sq yds guttering at 42c 38 36
291.00 sq yds macadamizing at.42c122 22
Total 9212 45
1). lthomberg, lot 2a, sub lots 1 and 2 of
mitt lot 62 and part of min lot 149:
98.0 Lineal Leet curbing at 42e 3 28 56
56.00 sq. yds. glittering at 42e 23 52
156.64 sq yds niacadamiz.tng at,42c65 79
'l'otal 9117 87
John Byrne, but 4 of min lot 62,
110.0 lineal feeticurbing at 42' 9 46 20
78.33 sq yds guttering at 41: 30 80
241 sq yds macadamizing at 42c97 53
Total 9174 53
Wm. A. McClain, lot 1 of 5 of hitt lot
66.6 lineal ft curbing at 42e27 911
44.40 sq. yds. guttering at 420 18 65
140.60 sq yds ihacadamizitig at 42e9 59 05
Total 9105 66
Michael ltea st., lot 2 of 5 of mut lot 62:
45.09 lineal feet curbing at 42c $ 19 28
30.00 sq yds guttering at 42c. 12 84)
100.28 sq yds macadamiz ng at 42c... 42 12
'Tolal .9 74 011
Adop:e 1 by the fulIow•ingyote:
Ayes-AIUs. Butler, Crawford, (;lab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ityder.
\ayes -None.
Ald. Olinger Offered the following:
Resolved, by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for improv-
ing s;. of Dodge street from liluif to South
Locust street by Peter Eisback and
Alois Lang, contractor, in front of
and adjoining sante, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and purls of lots and parcels or real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate. as follows:
.lathes Beach, city lot 583
322.2 lineal feet curbing at 45et3144 99
138.0 sq yds guttering at 45c 62 10
500.0 sq yds macadamizing at 33e165 00
Total 9372 09
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Noes -None.
Ald. Olinger offered tite following:
Resolved by the City Connell of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for improving
alley from llumbolt avenue to Schiller
avenue between Rhombere avenue and
Lincoln avenue, by Phil. Doerr,
contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax be and is
hereby l' vied on the several cots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after Warned, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Phil.:Doerr, lot 28, Ilooper's add;
16.6 cu yds grading at 10e $ 1 66
60.78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c21 2?
Total $ 2'2 93
Theo. Sinhold. lot 27, llooper's add:
16.6 cu yds grading at 100 9 1 66
57.78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c.. 20 22
Total 9 21 88
A. Sehilaky, let 291, liooper's add::
16.6 eu yds grading at 10c .. 1 66
57.78 sq yds macadamizing at 55c... 20 22
Total :k 21 88
Marta' Ball. lot 25, Ilooper's add:
16.6 eu yds grading at 10e 1 66
57.78 8(1 yds macadamizing at 35c.... 20 22
'L'otal $ 21 88
Ludwig Duesing, lot 21, llooper's add:
214 Adjourned Regular 8Sessioris, November 23rd, 1893.
16.6 cubic yds grading at 10c 1 66
57,78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c22 22
Total $ 21 88
Ilalner Bros., tot 23 Ilooper's add.
16.6 cu yds grading at IOc 3 1 66
57.78 sq yds macudamir.utg at 35c20 22
Total 321 88
'lather Bros., lot 22 Ilooper's add.
16.6 cu yds grading at 10. 3 1 66
57.78 sq yds macadamizing at 35e20 22
Total $ 21 88
lien!y Jungk, lot 15 lluopers add.
111 ti cu yds grading at 10' 3 1 66
60.78 sq yds macadamizing at 35e21 27
Total $ 2- 2 93
Henry ,lutigk, lot 16 Ilooper's add.
16-6 cu yds grading at lOc $ 1 66
57.78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c20 22
'Total $ 2- 1 88
.Jas. Gukeisen. s ; lot 17 Hooper's odd.
8.3 eu yds grading at 10c $ 83
28.89 sq yds macadamizing at 35e- 10 11
Total $ 10 94
Henry Sears n 3. lot 17 Hooper's add.
8 3 cu yds grading at 10. $ 83
28.89 sq yds macadamizing at 35c..: 10 11
Total 310 94
Ilenry Sears lot 18 Iloopet's add.
]ti 6 cu yds grading at IOc $ 1 Ell
57.78 sq yds macadamizing at 35e 20 22
Total 21 88
August Marsh s 34 lot 19 Ilooper's add.
8.3 cu yds grading at 10c $ 83
28.89 80 yds macadamizing at 35c10 11
Total 310 94
Chas lhrke n lot 19 Hooper's add.
8.3 en yds grading at 10 c $ 83
28.89 sq yds macadamizing at 35e10 11
Total 310 94
Geo Kunizman est lot 20 llunper's add.
16.6 en yds grading at 10c 3 16 66
57.78sq yds macadamizing at 35c.... 20 22
Total 321 88
Wm. Benton, lot 21 Hooper's add:
16.6 cu yds grading at 10. 8 1 85
57.78 eq yds macadamizing at 35c... 20 22
Total $21 88
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Alda. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
• Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Noes -N one
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved uythe Clty'Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for improving
alley from 22d street to 23d street, be-
tween Washingto3 street and Elm street,
by Steuck & O'Farrell, contractors
in front of and adjoining the same, a spec-
ial tax be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several atnounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Chas Messerkneeht, lot 1 sub of lots 52, 53
and54, E. Langworthy's add:
26.90 cub yds grading at 25c $ 6 73
82.75 sq yds macadamiziug at 45c.... 37 25
Total 843 97
Phil Kleinschroot, s 28 it lot 54, ELang -
worthy's add:
7 20 cub yds grading at 25c $ 1 80
22.24 sq yds macadamizing at 45c10 01
Total is 11 81
A. W. Hoslord, 8 28 ftIot'55, ELang -
worthy's add:
7.20 cubic yds grading at 25c 3 1 80
22.24 sq yds macadamizing at 45e10 01
Total 5 11 81
Phil Kteiusehroot, it 22 It lot 55, E.
Langworthy's add:
5 60 cubic yds grading at 25e $ 1 40
17.42 sq yds macadamizing at 4507 84
Total !. 9 24
A. W. llusrurd, lot 56, E. Langworthy's
12.80 cubic yds grading at 25c $ 3 20
39.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 85
Total .3 21 05. •
("has. llonath, n 41 feet, ht 57, EL tng-
worthy's add:
10 50 cu yds grading at 25e $ 2 1143
32 51 sq yds macadamizing at 45e... 14 63
Total $ 17 26
Win. Gau, s 9 leet, lot 57, ELang-
wortby's ado:
2.30 cu yds grading at 25c 868
7.16 sq yds macadamizing at 45e3. 22
Total 3 3 80
Wm. Gau, n 83 fl, lot 58, LLang-
worth)'s add:
8 50 cu yds grading at 25c $ 2 13
26 21 sq yds masa lamtztng at 45e_11 79
Total $ 13 92
Chas. 1{ettfeld, s 17 feet, lot 58, E. Lang-
.wortby's add:
4.40 cu yds grading at 25e 5 1 10
13.46 sq yds macadamizing at 45e, 6 .06
Total $ 716
Chas. ltehfeld, n Ls lot 59, E. Lang -
worthy's add:
6.40 cu yds grading at 25c $ 160
19.83 sq yds macadamizing at 45e. 8 92.
Total .8 10 52
Fred Voelschek, s % lot 59, E. Lang -
worthy's add:
6.40 cu yds grading at 25c $ 1 60
19.83 sq yds macadamizing at 45e8 92
Total $ 10 52
Fred Voelscnek, lot 60, E. Langworthy's
12.70 cu yds grading at 25e $ 3 17
38.97 sq yds niacadainizing at 45c17 54
Total $ 20 71
Wm. F. Roehl, lot 61, E. Langworthy's
12.70 cu yds grading at 25c $ 3:17
38.97 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 54
Total 3 20 71
John Bulow, Jr., lot 62, E. Lahgworthy's
12.70;cu yds grading at 25c $ 3 17
38.97 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 17 54
August Kauffman, lot 63 E. Lang-
wotiby's add:
12.70 cubic yds grading at 25e $ 3 17
3897 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 54
$ 20 71
Total $ 20 71
Martin Nauaschack, lot 61, ELang-
•nrthy's add:
38 87.sq yds macadamizing at 45e17 51
12.70 cu yds grading at 25e $ 3 17
Total 3 20 71
Acdjour»:eei Regular 8 mien, XovemJ,er November 23rd, 1893. 2115
Michael liradah, lot 65, E. Lanwurthy's
38.97 sq yds macadamizing at 45e17 54
12.70 cu yds grading at 25c.... ...... 3 17
Total $ 20 71
Michael l;radah, tot 66, E. Langworthy's
12.70 co yds grading at 2m, $ :; 17
38.97 sq. yds. macadam•zuig at 45 17 54
Total $ 20 71
54whaet liraita0, 14t 07, E. Lang worthy's
12.70 cu yds grail ng at 25 $ 3 17
:18.97 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 64
'1'ot1t1 ,8 20 71
.John Stetfes, lot 08, E. Lang worthy's
12 70 cu yds grading at 25e .8 3 17
38.97 sq y ds inaeadamiziug at 45c... 17 54
Total $ 20 71
.John Stetfea, lot 09, E Langworthy's
12.7.i cubic yards grading at 25c s 3 17
:38 1)7 sq yards macadamizing at 45c.. 17 54
Tut tl $2) 71
Fred. Suck, Jr., lot 35 E. L tngworthy's
12 65 cubic yards grading at 25e $ 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 50
Total s20 66
Fred. Stock, fJr., lot 36 E Langworthy's
12.65 cubic yards grading at 25c $ 3 16
38.91) sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 50
Total .- $20 60
Andrew 1Vanger, lot 37, E Langworthy's
12.65 cubic yards grading at .25 • $ 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45e17 50
-'Total s2) 66
Andrew Wanger, lot 38, E. Langwor-
thy's add:
12 65 cubic yards grading at 25e8 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45e17 60
Total 820 66
C. W. Abitz lot 39 E. Langworthy's aid.
12.65 cubic yds grading at 25c 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 50
Total $ 20 66
Martin Nuwaschak lot 40 E. Lang -
worthy's add.
12 65 cubic yds grading at 252. 2 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45e17 50
Total $ 20 66
August Kaufman lot 41 E. Langwortny's
12 65 cubic yds. grading at 25c 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 51)
Total ..820 66
John liuIuw Jr lot 42 E. Laug.worthy's
12.65 cubic yds. grading at 25c 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 50
Total 8 20 66
Anna 51 Sehiel lot 43 Langworthy's acid.
12 65 cubit: yards grading at 25e 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 50
Total $ 20 66
N in. ltehfeld, s 41 10-12 ft, lot 44 E.
Lang add.
12.23 cu yds grading a' 25e $ 3 06
37.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45e.. , . 16 91
•1'i't•iI ...319 97
Thos. %elan, n 26 10-12 ft lot 44 E. Lang -
worthy's add.
8.78 cu yds grading at 25e $ 2 t)
27.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c12 111
Total 814 35
'Phos. Zeien, s 15 ft lot 45 E. Lang -
worthy's add.
3 80 eu yds grading at 25c $ 95
11 67 sq yds macadamizing at 45e5 25
Total 8 6 20
.14,hn llarzen, n 35 ft lot 45 E. Lang -
worthy's add.
8.86 cu yds grading at 25' $ 2 22
27.23 sq yd; macadamizing at 45c... 12 25
Total $ 14 47
John Marz n, lot 46 E. Long worthy's
12 65 eub►e yards grading at 25c....8 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 17 50
Total $ 20 66
Roman Lorenz, lot 47, E. Langworthy's
12.65 cubic yds grading at 25e 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45e17 60
Total 8 20 66
Roman Lorenz:
12.435 cu yds grading at 25" 3 16.
38.90 sq yi.ls macadamizing at 45c17 50
Total .;1 20 66
Fr. d. Schmidt:
12 65 cu yds grading at 25c 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 50
Total $ 20 66
Chas. Messerknecht:
12.65 cub yds grading at 25c 3 16
38.90 sq yds macadamizing at 45c17 50
Total 3 20 116
Chas. blesserkneeht:
14.17 cub yds grading at 25c 3 54 ;
43 55 sq yds macadamizing at 45c19 Ell
Total $ 2.3 14
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Butler. Crawford, Glab,
1..illtir, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Itryde.
Noes -N one.
1 1.Ald. Oliugrr offered the following reso-
l:e-o:v#d by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for improving
alley east of Grant ave tuts from
Julien avenue to West 11111 street by Cain
Schoenthel contractors,in front of and ad.
joining same, a special tax be and is here-
by levied nn the several lots and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate as follows:
1Vm. and E. Ileadford. lot 1, Cain's sub:
22. 44 cu yds grading at 15,' .8 3 37
33 90 sq yds macadatniz ung at 42e14 24
Tot il $ 17.61
Frank Duggan, lot 2, Cain's sub:
17.95 cu yds grading at 15e $ 2 69
26.67 sq yds macadam zing at 42c11 £0
Total .8 13 89
G. 11. Davis, Lot 3, Cain's sub:
17.95 cu yds gra ting at 15e... ...$ 2 69
26 67 sq yds in icadamiziug at 42c... 11 20
Total .8 13 89
A. W. Liosford, lot 4, Cam's sub:
216 Adjourned Reyular Session, November 23rd, 1893.
17.95 cu yds grading at 15e $ 2 69
2 67 sq yds macadamizing at 42c11'0
Total • .$ 13 89
John flier, lot 5, Cain's sub:
20.57 cu yds gradnig at bre $ 3 09
:30.56 sq yds macadamizing at 42c12 84
Total 15
15 93
A. W. llostord, lot 6, Ca.rtc's sub:
20.57 cubic yds grading at 15c $ 3 09
:30.56 sq yds lnaeal1a1111% ug at 42e12 84
To'al $ 15 93
A. W. 1loslord, lot 7, Cain's sub:
19.82 cub yds grading at 15.' $ 2 97
31.67 sq yds macadamizing at 42c13 30
Total $ 16 27
Andrew Breese, lot 1 sub of out Tot 738,
75.u6 sq yds macadamizing at 42.e.... 31 74
49.37 cu yds grading at 15e 7 41
Total 39 15
Kate E. Sullivan, lot i of 2 o 3 of out lot
738, city:
63 23 sq yds macadamizing at •42c:$ 26 60
4s.64cubic yds grading at 15. 6 43
Total •;3 38 00
J. W. Parker, lot 4 of 2 of 3,' out lot 738,
13 90 ail yds macadamizing at 42c. -T • 5 84
9.85 cub yds grading at 15e 1 40
Total $ 7 24
l nnie %Vest. got 11 our 738 city.
37.40ettbic yds grading as 15c 5 61
55.00 sq yds macadamizing at 42 23 10
Total ' 28 71
Adopted by tate following vo e:
Ayes—Alit. Butler, Crawford (,lab,
l.illig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers a,.d Ryder.
Aid. Olinger offered the follow ing:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That in pay for improving Re-
gent sire .t from Queen streat to Prince
$t., by Steuck .l'• ()Turret, contractors, in
•hoot of and adjoining same, a special tax
are and is hereby levied 011 the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels ut real estate
%hereinafter named, situate and own( d,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
W. J. Nester, lot 416, Sanford's sub:
419 1 lineal feel curbing at 46e $ 54 79
,53 sq yds guttering at 46e 24 53
167 80 sq yds macadamizing at 35355 23
Total $134 55
.ialett Bach, lot 37, Sanford's sub:
1191 lineal feet curbing at4ti3., 54 79
53 33 sq yds guttering at 46e 24 53
157 80 sq yds macadamizing at 35c55 23
Total $134 55
Geo. Bath est., lot 36, Santora's sub:
1197 lineal feet curbing at 463 $ 55 06
5333 sq yds guttering at 40c 24 53
.157 80 sq yds maead:tmiziug at 35c55 c3
Total $134 82
Cath. Wittgen, n 24 11 of lot 47, San -
ford's sub:
118 7 lineal feet curbing at Otic $ 54 60
53 33 sq yds guttering at 46c 24 53
157 80 sq yds macadamizing at 85c55 23
'notal '4134 36
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Ulab,
Lillig, Niels, Olinger, ('Owers and Ryder-
AId. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved, Ily the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for int -
proving alley from Humboldt avenue to
Stafford avenue between Garfield avenue
and Rhotnberg avenue by Phil. Doerr,
contractor, in front of and adjoining same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and pails of lots, and parcels
01 real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or p ircel of real es-
tate as follow-:
'l'hird Presbyterian church, lot 1 Driebil-
bie's add:
5344 cubic yards grading at 10e $ 5 34
52 22 sq yds macadamizing at 35e18 28
Total $23 fit
Catherine (Truss, lot 2, Iiriebelble's add:
53 44 cubic yards grading at 10' $ 5 34
52 22 sq yds macadamizing at 85eDi 28
Total '82-3 62
William 1' Cooley, l t 3, Dreibelbie's-
53 44 cubic yards grading at lOe $ 5 34
52.22 sq ds macadamizing at :35e18 28
Total . $23 62
M'rrd, Miller, lot 4, I)reibelbie'sadd:
63.44 cubic. yds grading at 10.' $ 5 34
52 22 sq yds macadamizing at 35e 18 28
Total $23 62
Chau. Ku ti ler, tut 5. 1)reioelbie's add:
53.44 cubic yards grading at 10e$ 5 34.
5.2 22 sq) ds macadamizing at 36c18 28
Total $23 62
L. 11. Bartter, lot 6 1)reibilbies add.
23 44 cu yds grading at 10e $ 5 34
52 22 sq yds macadamizing at 35e 18 28
Total $ 23 62
Martin 1:'eyeu, s 35 ft lot 7 Dreibelbies
:39 55 en yds grading at 10e $ 3 96
38 89 sq yds macadamizing at 35e13 61
Total $ 17 57
Di..1. Callahan, a 11 8-10 ft lot 7 1)rei-
beliies add.
13 89 cu yds grading at 10e $ 1 39
13 33 sq yds macadamizing at 3534 66
Total .$ 6 05
M. J. Callahan lot 8 1►reibeibies add.
53 44 cu yds grading at 10c $ 5 :34
55 55 sq yds macadamizing at 35e19 44
Total 24 78
Christian ltelfsteck lot '9 1)reibeloies
53 44 cu yds grading at 10.' $ 5 34
55 55 sq yds u►acadatniz.ng at 35d19 44
Total $ 24 78
Louisa Reifsteek, lot 10, !het belbiesadd
53 44 en yds grading, 10. $ 5 34
59 22 sq yds macadamizing at 35e18 28
'Total .$ 23132
John and August Ktelo, lot 71, Dreioel-
bies' add:
53 44 cu yds grading at 10c $ t 34
52 22 sq yds macadamizing at 35e... 18 28
Total $ 23 62
Charles Kurtler, lot 12, Drielbeluies'
53 44 cu yds graing, 10. 5 34
52 22 sq yds macadamizing, 35e 18 28
Total $ 23 62
Leonard \Veidner, lot 13, Dreilbelbtes'
Adjourned Regular Session, November 23rd, 1893. 217
53 44 cu yds grading, 10c
52 22 sq y..s macadamizing, 35e 18 28
Total 8 23 02
Fred Miller, kit 14, I)riebelbies' add:
53 44 en yds grading, 10c 5 34
52 22 sq yds macadamizing, 35e18 28
Total $ 23 62
Mary Meyer n 40 It lot 15, Dreluelbie's
45 20 cu yds grading at 10a $ 4 52
44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 35c... 15 55
Total $20 07
Julius ‘1'ieauier, s 6 8 f., lot 15 Dreibel-
bie's add:
8 24 cu yds grading at 10e ' ti 82
7 78 sq yds maea.lainizuaq at 35e 2 72
5 34
'Total ...$ 3 54
Julius Wtedner, nut 16, Dreibelbie's add:
53 44 cu yds grading at 10.' $ 5 34
52.22 sq yds mac.dlamiztug at 35c18 28
Total $ 23 62
Adopted by the f.0lotvtug yore:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Gird),
Liilig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, and Ry-
Alderman Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That an patty for improving
Seminary street grim went boundary of
Cox's add to West Locust. street
by Brown & 13rov n, contractors, in
front 01 and ad joing saute, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several alumnus set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as tollowa.:
Mrs. Sarah Gill, lot 7, Portet's add:
667 lineal It curbing at 53c $ 28 68
31 42 sq yds guttering at 43c 13 51
108 78 sq yds tn.aeadtuuizutg at 50c54 39
Total $ 96 58
Jus. Vogenthaler, lot 6, Porter's add:
50 00 lineal feet curbing, 43c $ 21 50
22 22 sq yds guttering, 43e 9 5o
61 11 sq yds macadamizing, 50c 30 55
Total L-1 $ 61 11)
(leo. 1.. Clark, lot 5, Porter's add:
50 00 lineal ft curbing, 43c 8 21 50
22 22 sq yds guttt ring, 43c 9 55
63 11 sq yds macadamizing, 50c 30 55
Total ...$ 61 60
Frtd. llaardt, lot 4, Porter's add:
5000 lineal ft curbing., 43c .$ 21 50
22 22 sq yas guttering. 43c 9 55
61 11 sq yds macadamizing, 50c 30 55
$ 61 60
C. 11. Jorden, lot 3, Porter's add:
5000 lineal ft curbing, 43• $ 21 50
2222 sq yds guttering, 43c 0 55
61 11 sq yds macadamizing, 50a 30 55
Total $ 61 61)
V A Langworthy, lot 2. Porter's add:
6 33 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 27 22
28 0 sq yds 'mitering at 43c 12 04
75 78 sq yds macadamizing at 50c37 89
'Total $ 77 15
• Ellen M Cullen, lot 53 Littleton & Saw-
yers' add:
42 4 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 18 23
18 67 sq yds guttering at 43c 8 03
62 0 sq yds macadamizing at 50c31 0.)
Total .$ 57 26
John Fitzgerald, lot 62, lnttleton & Saw-
yer's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 17 :0
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 56
Total ...$ 60 41
Kenety & Mulgrewlot 2 of sub of lots
69 and 61 Littleton & Sawyer's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 43i $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43 7 65
71 11 so yds ma; adamizing at 50e35 56
Total S 60 41.
Kenety & Malgrew, lot 1 of sub of lots
60 and 61, 1. til •ton & Sawyer's add:
58 5 lineal feet earning at 43c $ 25 16
27 7i sq yds guttering at 43e 11 95
121 33 sq yds macadamizing at 50c60 66
Total $ 97 77
Sebasnue Ditcher, tot 58, 'Littleton &
Sawyet's add:
58 0 glued feet curbing at 430 S 24 94
27 55 sq yds guttering at 43c 11 85
12133 sq yds macadamizing at 50269 60
Total S 97 45
1: iza Allgeyer, lot 57, Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 43c M 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 48t ........ 7 65
7111 sq yds macadamizing at 5Uc... 35 56
Total ... $60 41
Iieuely & Mulgrew, lot 56, Lattletuu &
Sawyer's ado:
40 0 lineal feet ^urbing at 432' $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering; at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadawiz lig at SUc35 56
Total $ 6u 41
Keneiy & Mulgrew, int 55, Littleton &
Sawyer's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 41e $ 17 2J
17 78 sq yds gut ening at 43e 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadam zing at 50c35 56
Total ... $ 60 41
Geo. Broadhurst, lot 54, Littleton &
Sawyea's std:
400 lineal feet curbing at43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 56
Total 8 60 41
11. Grussucat lot 53 Littleton & Sawyer's
40 lin ft curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 4$c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 56
Total $ 60 41
11. Gross' ick, lot 52, Littleton & Sawyer's
40 in ft curb ng at 43c $ 17 2)
17 78 sq y ds guttering at:43e 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 5'Jc35 56
Total 8 61 41
Andrew (1 auatenbeiu, lot 51 Littletou &
Sawyer's add: •
40 lot It curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yd+ guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 56
Total $ 60 41.
Andrew G antenbt n, lot 511, Littleton &
Sawyer's adal:
40 lin ftcut lung. at 43c $ 17 9.0
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43t 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 51.k' 35 06
Total $ 60 41
Andrew Gantenbein, lot 49 Littleton &
Ld journed Ret/iih i' Session. :November 23rd, 1893.
,Sawyer's add: + 17 20
40 lin ft curbing at 43'
17 78 SO yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50e36 56
Total $ 60 41
Joseuhnie Ittensohn, lot,48 Littleton and
Sawyer's add:
40 lin ft curbing at 43e $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c... 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 56
Total $ 60 41
Josephine lttensulin, lot 47 Littleton and
Sawyer's add:
40 lineal ft curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17.78 sq yds guttering at 43c. 7 tis
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 56
Total $ 60 41
A. Witte, lot 46 Littleton and Sawyer's
40 lineal ft curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c , 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50(... 35 5t4
'Total .5 60 41
A. Witte, lot 45 Littleton and Sawyer's
40 lineal ft curbing at 43e $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11.sq yds macadamizing at 50c... 35 66
Total $ 60 41
Chas. Schultz, lot 44 Littleton's and
Sawyer's add:
40 lineal ft curbing at 43e ' $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 56
Total .$ 60 41
Charles Schultz, lot 43, Littl,ton & Saw-
yer's add:
400 lin [t curbing, 42" $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering, 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing, 50c 35 56
Total $ 60 41
Charles Schultz., lot 4', Littleton & Saw -
400 lin ft: eurbinig43• $ 17 2.)
17 78 sq yds guttering, 43c 7 65
71 11 sq sq yds macadamizing, 50e35 56
Total $ 60 41
t . Wtedmau, lot 41, Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
40 0 lin tt curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering, 43e 7 65
71 11 89 yds macadamizing, 50e 35 56
Total $ 60 41
F. Weidman, lot 40, Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
14) 0 lin ft curbing, 43e '$ 17 20
17 78 89 yds guttering, 43e 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing, 60c8 35 56
Total $ - 60 41
F. Weidman, lot 39, in Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
400 lin ft curbing. 43e $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering, 42e 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing, 50e35 56
Total f - 60 41
Emily Staudenmeyer, lot 38, Littleton &
Sawyer's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43e 7 65
71 11 sq yds tnacadamizing at 50e25 56
Total $ 60 41
Emily Staudenme_yer, lot 37, Littleton &
Sawyer's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 43e $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43e. 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 56
Total $ 60 41
Otto tViedntan, lot 36, Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 43e $ 17 20
17 78 s yds guttering at 43c 7 05
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50e35 56
Total $ 60 41
John Lack, lot 33, L ttletou & Sawyer's
400linal feet curbing at 43o. $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c '7 65
71 11 sq yds inacalani zing at 50e... 35 5t1
Total $ 60 41
Joseph 1)uschek, lot 34, Littleton & saw-
yer's add:
40 0 lineal ft curbing at 43e $ 17 20
17 78 89 3ds guttering at 43e 7 65.
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50e35 56
Total $ 60 41
Chas %Tilde, lot 33, lattlet.on & Sawyet's
40 lineal ft curbing, 43e $17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering, 43.. 7 65
71 11 iq yds macadamizing, 50c 35 56
Total $00 41
Chas Wilde, lot 32, Littleton & Sawyer's
40 2 lineal ft curbing, 43c $17 29
17 87 sq yds guttering, 43c 7 68
72 sq yds ma!adamizing, 50e i6 00
Total $60 97
Chas Wilde, lot 2of2 of ruin lot 193:
547 lineal ft curbing, 43e $23 52
:4 31 sq yds guttering, .43a 10 45
97 78 sq yds macadamizing, 50c 48 8)1
Total $8.2 811
1) A Miami*, est, lot 1 of 2 of min lot
650 3 lineal ft curb.ng, 43e $3 63
289 2 sq yds guttering, 430 .17294 '28
1,1513 9 sq yds macadamizing, 50e578 04
Total 1 85
Mr. St. Jose. [t's academy, lot 38;8tin
lot 141:
3 lineal ft curbing, 430 $ 1 29
1 3t sq yds guttering, 43e 57
533 sq yds macadamizing, b0c 2 65
Total $ 4 52
Mt St Joseph's Academy, lot 1 of min
lot 198:
124 lineal feet curbing at 480 $ 5:3 32
55 82 sq yds guttering at 43e 24
237 51 sq ads macadamizing at 50e118 75
Total 8199 07
John Flynn, lot 2 of min Iqt 191:
898.2 lineal feet curbing at 43c .•$ 384 2
399 21 sq yds guttering at 43e 171 67
1596 80 sq yds macadamizing at 50798 40
Total $1366 30
-sit St Joseph's Acadamy, lot 1 of min
lot 191:
838 2 lineal feet curbing at 4:3s . 360 42
369 03 89 yds guttering at 43e 158 68
1497 43 sq yds macadamizing at 50e748 71
$1267 81
tt Ronson, est., min lot 191:
54,lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 23 22
24 sq yds guttering at 43e 10 32
96 89 yds macadamizing at 50e 48 011
C J Richards, lot 2 of min lot 98:
Adjourned Regular Session, November 23d, 1893. 210
475 5 lineal feet curbing at 43e $204 47
206 6.7 sq yds guttering at 43c 88 87
$3b 44 stl yds macadamizing at 50c412 72
.Total • $7- 06 06
6_ A. Mahony est. lot 1 of min lot 193:
700 1 lin ft curbing at 43e $301 04
319 03 sq yds guttering at 43e 137 18
1,250 13 sq yds macadamizing at 50c025 07
Total $1,063 29
C. F. Gassman, lot 1 of sub of lots 30 and
31 Littleton & Sawyer's add:
412 lin ft curbing at 43c !$.17 72
1831 sq yds guttering at 43e 7 87
73 24 sq yds nincadatnizia at 50c... 36 62
Total $ 62.`21
C. F. Gassman, lot 2 of sub of Ipts 30 and
31 Littleton & Sawyer add:.
41 2 liti ft curbing at 430. • • +t 17'72
18 31 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 87
73•'24 sq yds mncttthtla'fzing.at 50c.. 36 .62
.katal• •$ 62 21
.1. M. McKenzie, lot 29, Littleton & Saw-
veits add:
400lineal feet curbing' at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c..... 7 65
7111 sq yds niacadani zingat 50c35 55
'Dotal $ .60 40
• .1'. M. McKenzie, lot 28, Littleton.& Saw-
yer's add: •
364 lineal feet curbing at 43c • $ 15 61
21 45 sq yds guttering at 43r 9 22
71-11 sq.,yds maeadamiztug at 50c35 55
Total $ -60 42
• Itosa SleKenzie, lot 27, Littleton & Saw-
40,0 lineal feet curbing at 43c 17 20
17 79 eq yds guttering at 430 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50.135 55
Total .$ 60 411
llosa McKenzie, lot 26. Littleton & Saw-
yet's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds gutter lug al 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 55
• Total $ 60 40
J. Ind. McKenzie, lot 25, Littleton & saw-
yer's add:
400 lineal feet curbing at 43e $ 1( 20
17 78 sq yds gnttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 55
Total .. - 60 40
J. M. McKenzie, lot 24, Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 43e $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43e. 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50e35 55
Total .$- 60 40
John Schiel, lot 1, Baseman's & Ebert's
40 0 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 55
Total $ 60 40
Anton Ebert, lot 2, Busemau & Eueri's
40 lineal ft curbing, 48c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering, 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamtzing,.50c35 55
Total $ 60 40
11 Baseman, lot 3, Baseman & Eberi's
61 lineal ft curbing, 43c $ 26 23
28 90 sq yds guttering. 43e 12 43
121 so yds tnacadamizing, 50c 60 50
Total $ 911 16
.Jonas Scherer, s 125 ft lot 19 Littleton &
Sawyer's add: t
till lineal Et curbing, 43c .$ 26 27
28 90 sq yds guttering, 43c 12 43
121 sq yds macadamizing, 50e 60 50
Total ,.$ 99 20
Chas. Schulz, lot 18 Littleton .;Sawyer's
40 lin ft barbing at 4.30 $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c ... 35 55
Total $ 60 40
.Chas. Schultz, lot 17 Littleton & Saw=
yer's add:
40 lin ft curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq vds guttering at 43c .... '7 66
71'11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c... 35 55
Total S 60 40
Chas Schulz, lot 16, Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
40 lin ft curbing at 43c $ 17 20'
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 55
Total $ 60 40
Chas Schultz, lot 15 Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
30 6 lin ft curbing at 43c $ 13 16
20 22 sq yds guttering at 43c 8 644
71 1 1 sq yds macadamizing at 50c85 55
Total .$ 57 40
• Val Keppler, lot 14 Littleton and Saw-
yer's add:
27 1 lineal tt curbing at 43c $ I1 65
21 sq yds guttering•at 43c 9 03
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50.:35 55
Total $ 5ti 23
• Val Keppler, lot 13 Littleton & Sawyer's
40 luteal It curbing at 43u $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43e 7 415
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 55
Total .8 60 40
Val Keppler, lot 12 Littleton & Sawyer's
40 lineal ft curbing at 43c $ 17 20
19 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 tis
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 55
Total .$ - 60 40
Joe Kluge!, lot 11 Littleton & Sawyer's
40 lineal ft curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 55
Total... $ 60 40
Ludwig Grasse', lot 10 L'ttieton & Saw-
yer's add:
40 lineal ft curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 55
Total... .8 60 40
Anion Ketlier, lot 9 Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
40 lineal ft curbing at 43e $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c35 55
Total . $60 40
Anton llerting' lot 8 Littleton & Saw-
yer's add:
40 lineal ft curbing at 43c $ 17 20
17 78 sq yds guttering at 430 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c36 55
Total .$ - 60 4'
Fred Kuhn, lot_7 Littleton & Sawyer'
220 Adjoi#rned Regular SeRsion, November 23d, 1893.
40 lineal ft curbing at 48c $ 17 211
17 78 sq yds guttering at 4.$:• 7 65
71 11 aq yds macadamizing at 50c 35 55
Tutsi $ 60 40'
Fred Kuhn, lot 41. Littleton & Sawyer's
add :
400 lin yds curbing, 43c 3 17 20
17 78 sq ft. guttering, 43c 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing, 50e 35 56
Total $ 60 41
J 1' Schroeder, lot 5, Littleton &. saw-
yer's add:
400 lin ytis curbing. 43c .$ 17 20
17 78 9q yds guttering, 48 • 7 65
71 11 sq yds macadamizing, 50' 35 56
Two 3 60 41
J 1' :Schroeder, lot 43c, Littleton az san-
yer's 44:04:
400 lin fl curbing, 43e 3 17 20
17 789q yds guttering, 41k• 7 65
71 11 9q 3119 111aeada1117,'0e, 50 85 543
'total y 60 41
,1 P Schroeder, lot 3, Littleton & Saw-
yer's ae1:1:
400 lin ft curbing, 4'3cg 4117 20
17 78 9q 3419 gut te•ing, 43.• 7 65
71 11 sq ads mala lainizing, 51), 35 541
'total 3410 41
.4 P Sebroeder, I::t 24, Schroeder's add:
41i 7 lin fi sorbing, 43c $ 20 44
21 .64 sq yds guttering. 43e 9 31
77 tr2 9q ads macadamizing, 50c 38 96
Total $38,96
Ludwig' Gra..e4, lot 28. Schroeder's add:
fib 4 lineal 0 euro ng at 43c.... $ 24 91
132 18 sq yds guttering at 43e' 13 84
137 sq 3 d ntacatliuu.zing at 50e 68 50
Total $111 75
.1 f' wc•hrueder, 00 27, Schroeder', add:
71 5 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 30 75
38 55 Hi yds gui tering at 43e.... 14 43
107 11 aq yds macadamizing at 50c53 55
Total 5 98 73
.1 P Schroeder, lot 26, Schroeder's add:
411 7 lineal feet curbing at 43c• 3 26 53
14 22 sq yds guttering at 43c 6 11
86 89 sq yds macadamizing at 50c43 45
Total $ 76 09
1,niiI Erusdort, lit 13, Schroeder's add:
61 5 lineal ft curbing, at 53c 3 26 44
14 22 sq yds guttering at 43c 6 11
86 92 sq yds macadamizing at 50c43 45
Total $ 76 00
Emil Ernsdorf. lot 12 Schroeder's add:
51 5 lineal ft earning at 43c .3 22 15
23 sq yds guttering at 43c 9 89
48 11 sq yds macadamizing at 50c44 06
Total 3 81 10
Nic Groff, lot 11, Schroeder's add:
59 lineal ft curbing at 43c $ 25 67
9827 sq 11 yds guttering at 43c 11 31
q yds macadamizing at 50c49 06
Total .$ S8 04
M. Cunningham, lot 11, 1'orters's add:
68 6 lineal ft curbing, 43c $ 27 35
28 36 sq yds gutterin 4, 43c 12 19
78 22 sq yds macadamizing, 50c 39 11
Total $ 78 65
Wm Hintrager, lot 10, Porter's add:
0 lineal ft curbing, 436 $ 21 50
2 22 sq yds guttering, 43e 9 55
51 11 sq yds macadamizing, 500 30 55
Total $ 6l 110
Joqn Blake, est., lot 9, Porter's add:
50 lineal ft curbing, 43e 3 21 50
2'222eq yds guttering. 43c 955
61.11 9q yds macadamizing, 50c. 31 i
Total 3 01 00
.lohn Blake est: lot 8, Porter's add:
66 2 lineal It curbing, 433 '3 28 46
31 20>•q yds guttering, 43e • 13 42
108 78 sit yds macadamizing. 50e54 39
Total 3 96 27
Ad,pted by the followine vote:
ayes—Skis. Butler, Crawford, Blab,
I,illig, Nicks, Olinger, Power guilt Ryder.
Noes —N one.
Aid. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubtiilue, that to pay for improving
alley front Sandford street to Clinton be-
tween Windsor avenue and Queen street
by Steue.k .1& O'Farrell contractors, in
front of and adjoining sante, a special tax
be and is 1►ereby levied on the several lots,
told parts of hits, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
fur the several amounts set opposite each
tot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
.loaepli alcirgan, lot 1 of 25, Sanford add:
13 5 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 2 70
33 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 13 56
Total 3 16 26
Joseph Morgan, lot 66, Sanford add:
11 1 cubic yds grading, at 20c 2.22
28 00 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 20
Total $ 13 42
John Bulow,.sr., lot 71, Stafford's add:
11 1 cu yds grading at 20c .,...3 2 22
28 00 sq yds macadam z ng at 40c.... 11 20
'Total .. 813 42
John Bulow, Sr., lot 39, Stafford's add:
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20e .3 4 46
55 55 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 22 22
Total .3 26 68
Herman Olide, s3. lot 40 Stafford's add:
112 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 2 24
28 33 sq yds macadamizing; at 40c.... 11 33
Total .3 13 57
Ed Pfotzer, lot 45, Stafford's add:
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 4 4d
55 55 sq yds macadatuiz ng at 40c22 22
Total $ 26 68
Ed Pfotzer, lot 46a, Stafford's add:
11 0 cu yds grading at 20e $ 2 20
27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 11
Total • $ 13 31
Wm Althauser. lot 31a, Stafford's add:
1011 cu yds macadamizing at 20c.,$ 2 20
27 89 sq yds ma::adttuizing at 40;' 11 16
Total 3 13 36
Wm Althauser, n;i lot 32, Stafford's
110 cu yds grading at 20' $ 2 20
27 89 9q yds macadamizing at 40c11 16
Total 3 13 36
Edward Sauer, s3 lot 32, Stafford's add:
11 0 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 2 20
27 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 16
Total $ 13 36
Mrs. F. Ohde, north half 40, Stafford's
11 3 cu yds grading at 20c 3 2 24
Adjourned Regular Session, November 23d, 1893.
28 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.... f1 33,
• $1$.57.
Simon Scheretzle, lot 41, Stafford's' add:
22 7 cubic yards grading at 20c $ 4 64
514:67 sq•yds macadamizing at 40c22' 67
Total 827.21
.4/0bn Dittman, lot 2 of 42 'and' 43; Sta(
fordfa add: •
22 5 cubic yards grading at 20c $ 4 50
54-44:sq yds macadamizing at 40c'21 77
Total • $2627
Henry Pfotzer, lot 1 of 42 and 43, Stat -
ford's add:
59 1 cubic yds grading at 20e $11 ti2
14611 sq yds macadaniizint; at 40c58 54
Total • $70 26
Henry Pfotzer, lot 34. Stafford's add:
22 3_ cubic yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 55 so yds ntacadaming at 40e 22 22
Total $26 68
Chas Stafford, lot 33, Stafford's add:
22 $cub yds grading at 20e $ 4 46
55 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 31
Total $ 26 77
Emma Evans, lot 34, Stafford's add:
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20e $ 4 46
55 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 31
'total $ 26 77
Mary Carney. lot 2 of 35, Stafford's add:
34 6 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 6 92
8611 sq yds macadamizing at 40c34 44
Total $ 41 36
Chas Bornbeiser, lot 1 of 35, Stafford's
3 6 cubic yds grading at 20c • $ 72
9 44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e3 77
l'otal 3 4 49
Chas Bornbeiser, lot 2 of 35a, ,Stafford's
19 4 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 388
50 til sq yds macadamizing at 40e20 27
Total $ 24 15
John C. Dittman, iot 7, Windsor avenue
17 cubic yds grading at 20c 3 3 40
42 sq yds macadamizing at 40e. 16 80
Total $ 20 20
Nichalous Emitter, n 25 ft lot 6, Windsor
avenue sub:
11 eu yds grading at 20c $ 2 20
27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 11
Total 3 13 31
Henry Pfotzer, a 12, 934 ft lot 6,
Windsor avenue sub:
b 5 cubic yds grading at 20c 5 1 10
14 22 sq yds macadamizing at 40e5 69
Total iib 79
Henry Pfotzer, lot 5, Windsor ave. ue
17 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 3 40
42 so yds macadamizing at 40c 16 80
Total $ 20 20
Ilenry Pfotzer, lot 4, Windsor avenue
18 cubic yds grading at 20e 3 3 60
44 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c17 91
Total 8 21 51
Henry Pfotzer, lot 3, Windsor ave sub:
11 cubic yds grading at 20c... $ 2 20
27 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 16
Total $ 13 36
Henry Lange,. lot 2, Windsor ate sbb:
ll'cu'yds grading at 20e 6 2 20
' 28.89 aq. yds macadamizing at 40c11 16
,henry Lange, lot 1, %V incisor ave
11..cuydsgrading at 20c .::,.;.5 2'20•.
' 2789 sq yds macadamizing at 44h'.',: '11 16
Total $ .;g 36
Fred Neubauer, .1r, .tot 4d,-Stafpotkrs
11 cu,yds grading at 20c $ 2 20"
27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 11 •.
Total $13 31
Fred Neubauer, a y 47, Statford'a add:
11 cu. yds grading at 20c 8 20 20
27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 11 it:.
Total .5' 13^31
Nicholas Denali est, n% lot 47, Stafford's
11 cu yds grading at, 20c 5 2 20
27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 11
Total • $ 13 31
Nicholas Denali est, s% lot 48, Stafford's.
11 cubic yds grading at 20c S 2 20
27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 11
Total 6 13-:tt
Henry Pfotzer, n 4 lot 48, Stafford's
11 cubic yds grading at 20e $ 2 20
27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 11
Total 8 13.S1
Henry Pfotzer lot 49, Stafford's add:
22 3 cuoic yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40e22 2:
Total.. S 26 68
Ile,.r) Pfotzer, lit 50, stattord's•iadd: '
22 3 cubic yds ttr.ading at 20e 8 4 46
55 56 sq yds noteadaui zing itt 400 22 22
Total... $ 27 68
lda Dement, lot 31, Stafford's add:
11 en yds grading at 20c $ 2 20
27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c11 11
Total $ 13 31.
Ida Dement. lot 30 in Stafford's add:
22 3 cu yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 5ti sq yds macadimizing at 40c22 22
Total $ 26 68
1. 1. I'foltzer, s3,i, lot 29, Statford's add:
11 cu yds grading at 20c 5 2 20
27 78 sq yds macadmizing at 40c11 11
Total 8 13 31
Henry 1'lutzer, n1 lot 29, Stafford's add:
11 r•uyds grading at 200 $ 220
27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 40e11 11
Total $ 13 31
Henry Pfotzer, lot 28, Stafford's add:
22 3 eu yds grading at 2 tc '5 4 46
45 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 22
Total $ 26 68
Henry Plotzer, lot 27, Stafford's add:
22 3 cu yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
56 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 22
'l'otal $ 26 68
Michael;Zwack, lot 51, Stafford's arid:
22 3 en yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40e22 22
Total.... $ 26 68
Ed Pfotzer, lot 62, Stafford's add:
22 3 cu yds grading at 20c $ 4 64
222 .4i juun ecl Rey3twd) . Seeaiom - November 23rd, 1893
55 56 sq yds macadatntzing, 40c 22 22
'l'otal$ 264'44186
6' i38
Fred Billow, lot 53. Stafford's add: 4 46
223 en yds grading, 20c
55 56 sq yds macadamizing, 40c 22 22
Total •$ 26 68
Chas Billow, lot 54, Stafford's add:
22 3 en yds grading, 201. $ 4 46
55 56 so yds macadamizing, 40c 22 22
Total 5 26 68
.John Bulow, Jr, lot 55 Stafford add:
22 3 cubic yards grading at 20e $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 22 22
Total $ 26 68
Ed I'fotzer, Int 26, Stafford add:
22 8 cubic yards grading at 20c .$ 4 46
25 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 22
Total 826118
Ed NO z -r, lot 35, Stafford add:
223 cubic yards grading at 20c .$ 4 46'
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 411c... 22 22
'Total 26 68
Chris Luchtcrliand, lot 24. Stafford add:
22 3 cubic yards grading at20c. 8 4 46
55 513 811 yds macadamizing at 40322 22
Total 26 68
I'red 1 nchterhand, lot 23, Stafford adil:
22 3 cubic yards grating at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 22 22
Total ...8 26 68
Hobert Bossard, lot 22. Statiord'M add:
22 3 rut yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40e22 2'3
Total .$ 26 68
Chas Stanford, lot 56, Stafford's add:
22 3 eu yds grading at `20c .$ • 4 46
55 o6 sq yds macadamizing at 40.! .... 22 22
Total $ 26 68
Chas St afford, 57, Stafford's add:
22 3 eu yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
56 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40e22 22
Total 826 68
Chas Stafford, Int 58, Stafford's add
22 3 cu yds grading at 20e $ 4 46
55 511 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 22
Total $ 26 68
Chas Stafford, lot 59. Stafford's add:
22 3 cu yds grading at 20c $ 4 45
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.. . 22 22
Total $ 26 68
Chas Stafford, lot 60, Stafford's add:
22, 3 cu yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macauamizing at40c22 22
Total .$ 26 68
Chas Stafford, lot 21, Stafford's add:
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20c
$ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 22
Total $ 26 68
N S Andrews, lot 20, Stafford's add:
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c.... 22 22
Total $ 26 68
Henry Stafford, lot 19, Stafford's add:
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 22
Total $ ?6 68
Frank Stafford, lot 18, Staffoed's add:
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 22
--'lints) $ 26 65
Henry Stafford lot 17, Stafford's acrd:
22.3 cubic yds grading at. 20c
4 45
55 56 sq yds macadamizing Kt 40c22 22
Total $ 26 68
%Van Scharf, lot 61 Stafford's add: •
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20c .$ •4'46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 22 22
Total $ 26 68
Fred Kulotl, lot 62, Staffnr•a's atld:
22 8 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing- at 40c22 22
Total .$ 'L6 tib
Herman Luchterhand, lot 63, Stafford's
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20e ..$ 4.46
55 513 sq vd$ macadamizing at 40e.... 22 22
Total$ 26 tib
Sophia 1 rizloff, lot64, tilafford's add:
22 8 cub c yds grading at 20' $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds ma'adamizing at 40c.... 22 22
Chats Stafford, lot 65, Stafford's add:
92 3 cubic yds grading at 20c$ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c_ 22 22
Total . $ 26 68
C Meckenberg, lot 66, Stafford's add:
22 3 eunic yds grading at 20a $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40322 22
Total $ 26 68
Nic Mettel, lot 24, Mettel's sub:
92 3 cubic yds grading at 20e 8 18 46
224 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c91 42
)'Dial $109 88
Nic \I-ttel, lot 24, Mettel's sub: •
94 5 cubic yds grading at 20e8 18 90
23389 sq yds macadamizing at 40e93 56
Total $112 46
William•Duesing, lot. 12, Stafford's add:
44 cubic vds grading, 20c .$ 8 80
108 89 aq yds macadamizing at 40c.. 43 56
Total $ 52 36
Lucy 13uoI, lot 13, Stafford's add:
22 3 cubic yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c244 22
Total $ 26 68
Ohas Stafford, lot 14, Stafford's add:
22 3 eu yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55.56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 22
Total$ 26 68
Chas Stafford. lot 15 Stafford's add:
32 3 cu yds grading at 20c$ 4 46
55 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c22 22
• Total $ 26 68
Chas Stafford, lot 16 Stafford's add:
22 3 cu yds grading at 20c $ 4 46
55 66 sq yds macadamizing at 40c2: 22
Total $ 26 68
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ald. 01 nger;offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for improving
Prince street from Eagle Point avenue to
Sanford street by Steuck & O'Farrell, con-
tractors, in front and adjoining same, a spe-
cial tax be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate and
Adjou riled _Regular November 23d, 1893. 223
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Geo. Vogel, lot 5, Sanford's an: :
1288 lin ft curbing, 40c $ 51 52
16 23 sq yds guttering at 40c 24 53
179 74 sq yds macadamizing, 40 71 91
$147 96
Geo. Mayb:uik, lot t, sub of lot 49, San -
ford's sub:
33 8 lin ft curbing, 40c $ 13 52
13 80 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 5 52
4410 sq yds macadamizing, 40e 17 64
Herman l$argwald, I .t 2 sub of
Sanfor•i's sub;
9 0 lin f' curbing, 40e
4 0 sq yds guttering, 40c
11 0 sq yds macadamizing, 40c
$ 36 68
lot 49,
8 3 60
1 60
4 40
Total $ 9 60
Herman 13argwald, lot 2, sub 01 lot 50,
Sanford's sub:
160 lin ft curbing, 40c
711 sq yds guttering, 40a
19 56 sq yds,macaaamirtng, 40c
$ 6 40
7 82
Total.... $ 17 06
Mich Curistoph, lot 1, sub of lot 50, San-
ford sub:
34 0 lin ft curbing. 40c $ 13 60
15 11 sq yds guttering, 40c 6 04.
41 56 sq yds macadamizing, 40c 16 62
Total $ 36'26
Andrew Bitter, lot 51 Sanford's add:
50 lineal ft curbing, 40c $ 20 00
22 22 sq yds guttering, 40c 8 89
cit 11 sq yds macadamizing at 40.x24 44
Total $ 58 33
August Hammel, lot 52, Sanford's sub:
50 lineal feet curbing at 40e 20 00
22 22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89
61 11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c24 44
Total $ 53 33
Joseph Jungbluth, lot 54 Sanford's sub:
50 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00
22 22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89
61 11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c24 44
Total $ 53 33
Anton Grafi, s% lot 54 Sanford's sub:
25 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 10 00
11 11 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 44
30 55 sq yds macadamizing at 40c12 22
Total if 26 66
Lorenz Schandrel n% lot 54, Sanford's
25 lineal ft curbing at 40e. $ 10 00
11 11 sq yds guttering at 40e 4 44
30 55 sq yds macadamizing at 40c12 22
Total $ 26 66
G llobmeier, s% lot 55, Sanford's sub:
25 8 lin ft curbing, 40c $ 10 00
1111 sq yds guttering, 40e 4 44
30 55 sq yds macadamizing, 40c 12 22
Total g 53 33
An:uu Costello, s' lot, 57, Sanford's
25lineal feet curbing ;at 40c $ 10 00
11 11 aq yds guttering at 40 4 44
3J 55 sq yds macadamizing at 40.'12 22
Total $ ti 61i
Jo. Fuerst nM lot 57,ISanford'a sub:
25 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 10 00
11 11 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 44
30 55 80 yds macadamizing at 40e12 22
Total$ 26 66
Alois .Prosser, lot 58, Sanford's sub:
50 lineal feet curbing at 40e g 20 00
2322 aq yds:guttering at 40c 8 89
61 11 sq yds macadamizing 40e 24 44
Total $ 5J' 3'3
.las 11 Hetherington, lot 59, Sanford's
59 lineal feet curbing at 40a $ 20 00
`22 22 sq yds guttering at 40c........ 8 89
61 11 aq yds macadamizing at 40c... 24 44
Total $ 53
C G 1V lty Co, lot 60. Sanford's sub:
67.7 Lineal feet curbing at 40:.........$27 08
30 10 square yards guttering at 40e.. 12 04
82.77 sii yds macadamizing at 40c.... 33 09
Total $ 72 21
C G W lty Co, lot 60, Sanford's sub:
70 6 lineal feet curbing at 40,; 8 28 24
31.10 square yards guttering at 40e12 44
84 33 sq yds mvcadatnizing at 40s 3.3 73
Total $74 41
Florence May, lot 42, Sanford's sub:
80 lineal ft curbingat40c $ 41 29
26 sq yds guttering at 40 14 40
102 67 sq yds macadamizing at 40e41 07
Total $ 87 47
Jas Rowan, n3 lot 43, Sanford's sub:
25 lineal ft curbing at 40c
11 11 •q yds guttering at 40c $ 410 0044
30 56 sq yds macadamizing at,40c $ 12 22
Total $ 26 36
W Entriuger, s% lot 43, Sanford's sub:
25 0 lin ft curbing at 40c
11 11 aq yds guttering at 40e 8 104
30 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40c12 22
Total $ 26 66
Andrew Fuerst, nM lot 55, Sanford's
25 lineal Leet curbing at 40e $ 10 00
11 11 sq yds guttering at 400 4 44
30 55 sq yds macadamizing at 40e 12 22
Total $ 26 66
Archiball Treanor, lot 56, Sanford's
20 lineal ft cni'bing at 40c $ 20 00
52 22 aq yds guttering at 40e 8 89
61 11 sq yds macadamizing at 40c24 44
Total $26 66
Peter Meyer, n% lot:44, Sanford's sub:
25 0 lin It curbing at 40c $ 10 00
11 11 sq yds guttering :at 40c 4 44
3056 sq yds macadamizing at 40e12 22
Total $ 26 66
John Hewer, sj lot 44, Sanford's sub:
25 0 lin ft curbing at 40e $ 10 00
11 11 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 44
30 56 sq yds macadamizing at 40e12 22
Total 8 26 66
Nicholas Feller, lot 45, Santord's sub:
50 0 lin ft curbing at 400 $ 20 00
22 22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 89
61 11 sq yds macadamizing .tt 40c24 44
Total $ 53 33
W. J. Nester, lot 46, Sanford's sub:
67 8 lineal feet curbing:at 40e $ 27 12
32 00 sq yds guttering at 40e 12 80
108 80 sq yds macadamizing at 40e.... 43 52
Total $ 88 44
Cath W ittgen, ,u 24 ft lot 47, Sautord's
43 lineal ft curbing, 40c $17 20
21 OU sq yds guttering, 40c.... ....... 8 40
224 .icljputvaecl Regular Seams',, November 23rd, 1893.
77 00 an yds macadanurnig at 40e... 30 80
Total h 56 40
Thos Kelly, s 26 feet lot 47, Sanfutd's
26 (i1;ineai feet curbing at 40r. , s 10 40
11 56;aq Yds.guttering at 40c
4 62
:il 78 sq yds macadamizing at HOe... 12 71
1:RLAl`•1....$ 27'73
Frank Berg, tot 48, sanford's sub:
50.Op0.ILneal fret curbing at 4Oc•.; ;.:81 20'00.
2222 sq yds guttering at 441c...:.:::.' 8'89
61 .1U•i q yds .ntecad•at tzing at.:40e... 124 44 •
J'gtal: 3•'53 83
'I'het..Ktebler- tot 4 ant of lot 63. San-
ford's stab: .
50.0 lineal feet curbing at •40e..;.:.:8 20 110 .
22, 2. tl yds guttering at.40c:•... •8 89'
til 11 sq yds macadamizing at 40e24 44
'total '3 - 53 33
liaunah 11 ('helps, to: 3 of lot 63 San -
ford's -sub:
50 0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00
2322:square yards guttering itt 40c8 89
iii 11 sq yds macadamizing 40c 24 44
'total 3 - 53 33
John Oppelt, north 30 feet of lot 63 San -
ford's. sub:
30 0 lineal feet curbing at 40e 3 12 00
13 33 square yards guttering at 40c5 83
36 67 ,q yds macadamizing at 40c14 67
Total $ 32 00
James and '1• Kane, south 20 teet of lot
2 of 63.Sanford's sub:
200 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 8 00
8 89 square yards guttering at 40c3 56
24 44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e9 78
Total .$ - 21 34
Jae and T Kane, lot 2 of • 63, Sanford's
72.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $29 08
36.00 square yards guttering tit 40e14 44)
112.56.sq yds macadamizing at 40e_45 O.
Total $88 50
Wm, Jaeggi, lot 6, Sandford's sub:
127.9 lineal feet curbing at 40c 351 16
61.33 square yards guttering at 40c14 43
179.78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c71 91
Total $147 60
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Giab,
Lillie', Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Noes—N one.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for improving
Alm t street from i'homas street to Ricket
street by harry Proctor, contractor, in
front of and adjoining -awe, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several lois
and parts of lots, aid parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Jus C Paine, lot 3, out lot 667 city:
28 sq yds macadamizing at 37c 3 10 36
Total .$ 10 36
Pbiliu Sage, lot 9 out lot 667 city:
125 1 lineal feet curbing al 37 c. . $ 46 29
57 30 sq yds gutterin! at 37e. . 21 21
125 33 sq yds macadamizing at 37c . 46 37
Total 3113 86
Reb-cca J Farley, lot 15 Fairview .su
60 1 m•al ft curbing at 37e $ 22 2U
26 67 sq yds guttering at 37c 7 88
53 33 sq yds macadamizing at ,37c, -. .19 73
.Total .$.51 St/
Rebecca J Farley, lot 14 Fairview sub:
50 lineal ft curbing at 37c A.18 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at37c........... . 8-22
44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 37e. 16 It.
A C Buena', lot 13 Fairview sub .
50 lineal ft curbing at 37c $ 18 50
2222.sq,yds guttering at 37c 8 22
4444 sq yds macadamizing at 37c113 44
Total' $ 48 16
Charles Wilmott, lot 12, Fairview; sub:
50 lineal ft curbing, 37c $ 18'50
X2 22 44 44 sq yds macadamizing,ds guttering,
37c • 16 14
Total 3.43 16
A A Loetscber lot 11, Fairview sub: -
82 7 lineal ft curbing, 37c .3 30 60
37• so yds guttering, 37e 13 69
106 67 sq yds macadamizing, 37e39 47
Total $
Martin Buol, lot 10, Fairview sub:
56 lineal ft curbing, 37: $ 5 55
.1 60sq yds stuttering, 37c 2 44
141 90 sq yds macadamizing, 370 • 6 25
Total .3 14 24 :.
I First Presby tartan church, lot 3, sub of '
lots 10 and 11. Cooley's sub:
9 lineal It curbing, 37c 3 3 33
3 78 sq yds guttering, 37e 1 40
3 56 sq yds macadamizing, 37c i 3W2
Total ..S 6 05
C Bayless, lot 4 sub of lot 9, Cooley's
7lineal ft curbing, 37c $ 2 59
3 sq yds guttering, 37c 1 11
2 67 sq yds macadamizing, 37c . 99
Total • $ 4 69
Geo M Slap ea, lot 8, Cooley's sub:
45 6 lin feet curbing at 37c $ 16 87
20 27 sq yds guttering at 37c 7 50
40 00 sq yds Macadamizing at 37c14 80
Total $ 39 17
M 13 Carney, lot 7, Coulev•s sub:
50 0 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 18 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at 37c 088
44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 37c16 44
Total $ 43 16
W 11 Rebmao, lot 6, Cooley's sub:
500 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 18 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at 37c 828
44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 37c16 44
Total $ 43 16
John 13 Glover, tot 5. tOooley's sub:
50 0 lin ft curbing at 37c $ 18 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at 37e 8 22
44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 37c....16_41
sub:. $ 43 16
Alfred Marheld, n 20 feet lot 4 Cooley's
20 0 lin ft curbing at 37c $ 7 40
8 89 sq yds guttering at 37e 3 29
17 78 sq yds macadamizing at 37e41 58
Twat$ 17 's7
Mrs L <t llowdish, s 28 ft n 28 ft lot 4,
Coo ey's sub:
28 lin 11 curbing at 37c $ 10 36
12 44 sq yds guttering at 37e 4 60
24 89 sq yds macadamizing at 37c9 20
Total $ 24 16
W 11 Rebmai, s 2 tt lot 4, Cooley's su b:
Arl jmien,erl llevictal• Settlimi, November 23rd, 1893. 225
d lin It curbing at 37c' • 74
89 sq yds guttering at 370 *3
177bq yds macadamizing at 37c.... 65
• Total $ 172
W 11 Rottman, n 43 It, lot 3, Cooley's
43 lineal feet curbing at :37c $ 15 91
1911 sq yds guttering at 37c 7 07
38 22 sq yds macadamizing at 37e14 14
Total 'E '37 .12
J 13 Powers, s 7 ft, lot 3 Cooler's sub:
78 lineal feet curbing at 37c 1F 2 59
A 11 tot yds guttering at 37c 1 1.i
22 sq yds macadamizing at 37c2 30
Total $ 6 D$
J 13 I'uwe►a, lot 2, Contey'a sub:
50 lineal feet curbing at 37c. $ 18 50
2222 sq yds guttering at 37 c 8 22
44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 337c16 44
Total $ 43 113
James (4 Caruey, n;, lot 1, Cooley's sub:
23 7 lineal It curbing, 37e $ 8 77
1053 sq yda guttering, 37c 3 90
2107 sq yds macadamizing, 37e 7 80
Total '20 47
%V 11 ltebmau, s iii lot 1, Coo.ey.'s s.uu:
418 1 lineal ft curbing, '37e $ 25 21
2890 sq yds guttering, :37c 10 69
8267 sq yds macadamizing, 37c 30 69
Total $ 66 48
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. flutter, Crawford, Glab.
Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
Ald. Olinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council o[ the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for improving
13roaa street, from Julien avenue to the
Home of the Friendless by Ed Ryan, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, ani parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as
11 1. Frudden, lot 8, dome add:
153 5 lineal feet curbing at 43c $66 00
'70 square yards guttering at 466. 32 20
315 14 sq yds macadamizing at 48c151 89
11 L Frudden, lot 6, flume add: 5250 09
50.0 lineal feet curbing at43c $21 50
22.22 square yards guttering at 46c10 22
88.89 sq yds mac •damiziug at 48c42 67
Total $74 39
Rich Schmidt, lot 5 Home add:
50.0 lineal feet curbing at43c $21 50
22.22 square yards guttering at 46c10 22
88.89 sq yds macadamizing 48c 42 07
Total $74 39
1) .1 Linehan, lot 4 !lone add:
71 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 30 53
33 33 aq yds guttering at 46c 15 33
151 67 sq yds macadamiz[ng.at 48^72 80
Total • $118 66
D .J Linehan, lot 3 Ilowe add:
71 lineal feet curbing at 43e $ 30 53
53 33 eq yds guttering at 46c 15 33
151 67 eq yds macadamizing at 48c72 80
Total $118 661) J Linehan, lot 2, Home add:
50 lineal feet curbing at 43c. g 21 50
12 22 sq yds guttering at 45c 10 22
81 89 sq yds macadamizing at 48c42 67
Total S 74 311
1) .1 I.tueuau, lot 1, Home a.ld:
50 lin feet curbing at 43c. $ 21 Ni
222'2 sq yds guttering at 441c• 10 22
88 89 sq.yd$ mncadanuiing at 4Se... 42 417
Total 5 74 39
Geo Gray, Sr, n 129 ft lot 7, Mt Pleasant.
120 lineal ft curbing, 433e 5 51 60
53 33 8q ydsxittering, 46c 24 53
213 33 aq yds macadamizing, 48clet 40
Total $178 53
Geo Gray, Sr, lot 2, ML. Pleasant add:
169 7 lineal ftcurbilig, 43e $ 72 98
75 42 sq yds guttering, 46c 34 70
301 70 sq yds macadamizing, 48c 144 82
Total 3252 51t
Home et the Friendless, lot 1, Gray's
25 0 lineal tt curbing, 43.... . +3 10 75
11 11 sq yde guttering, 46 • r, 11
44 44 sq yds macadamizing, 48c 21 33
Total $ 37 19
Geo Gray, Sr, tot 2, Gray's sub:
51:3 lineal ft eurbing, 43c $ 22 06
22 80 sq yds guttering, 46c 10 49
91 20 sq yds macadamizing, 48e 433 78
Total 5 75 33
Geo Gray, Sr, lin 3, Gray's sou:
51 3 lineal ft curbing at 446c $ 22 06
22 80 sq yds guttering at 43c 10 49
91 20 sq yds macadamizing at 48c43 78
Tot t1 $ 76 33
Geo Gray, Sr, lot 4, Gray's sub:
51 3 ineal ft curbing at 43c $ 22 06
22 80 sq yds guttering at 46c 10 49
141 20 aq yds macadamizing at 48e43 78
'Tota! $ 76 33
Geo Gray, lot 5, Gray's sub:
51 3 lin ft curbing at 43c $ 22 06
22 80 sq yds guttering at 46e $ 1J 19
91 20 sq yds macadamizing at 48c48 78
Total ..$ 76 33
John P Schmidt, e m 75x140 of lot 6, Mt
Pleasant add:
75 0 lin ft curbing at 43e $ 32 25
33 33 aq yds guttering at 48c . 15 33
133 33 sq yds macadamizing at 48e... 64 00
Total $111 58
Key City Electric St It W Co, lot 6, Oak-
land Park add:
51 8 Lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 22 27
23 02 sq yds guttering at 4tic. 10 59
92 09 sq yds macadamizing at 48c44 20
Total ..$ 77 06
Key City Electric St It W Cu, 101 5,
Oakland Park add:
51 8 lineal feet curbing at 43c.......5 22 27
23 02 sq yds guttering at 46^ 10 59
92 011 sq yds macadamizing at 48c44 20
Total $ 77 06
Anne E Graham, lot 8, J N Hill's sub:
51 8 lineal feet eurbing at 43c $ 22 27
23 02 sq yds guttering at 46e 10 59
92 09 sq yds macadamizing at 48 c44 20
Total .3 77 011
Anne E Graham, Int 6, J N hill's sun:
518 lin ft curbing, 43c $ 22 27
23 02 sq yds guttering, 46c . 10 59
92 09 aq yds macadamizing, 48c 44 20
Poral $ 77 06
Anne E Graham, lot 5, J 11 Hill's sub,
22(; Adjourned h'eqular Se, Bion:, November 23d, 1893.
51 8 lin ft curbin2l a' 43c 9 '22 27
23 02 0.1 yds guttering at 46e 10 59
-04 09 yd• macadamizing at48e44 20
Total.... $ 77 00
Eliza %Talker, lot 4, Oakland l'ark add:
50 Itn ft curbing at 43c . g 21 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at 46c 10 22
S8 fig sq ) ds macadamizing at 48e42 67
Total 8 74 39
Eliza Walker, lot 3, Oakland Park :add:
,50 lin ftcurbing at43c......... .•••••$ 2050
2`2 22 sq yds guttering at 40c
88 89 rq yds macadamizing at 48c42 67
'I'otai.....,..........._..._$ 74 39
13. A. Kennedy, e 110 ft, lot 2, Oakland
;Park add:
50 lin ft curbing at 43c• • $ 21 50
22 22 sq yds guttering at 46e 10 22
S8 84 s.) yds macadamizing at 48c42 67
,Total $ 74 39
11. A. Kennedy, e 110 ft lot 1, Oakland
4'ark add:
82 4 lin ft curbing at 43c $ 35 43
38 40 sq yds guttering at 46e 17 66
189 70 sq yds macadamizing at 4891 06
Total .$144 15
Adopted by .the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Liilig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder.
. Noes -None.
Engineer Knowlton repotted .as follows
on bids for street imp•uvements:
John Pi kley $4,307 50
Con Ryan, Jr 3.673 50
.F, McCann 3,976 00
Lee & Norton 3.809 50
Steuck & O'Farrell.... 3,573 50
D. W. Linehan 3,687 00
Altman &'Taylor 3,960 00
M. Lavin 3,861 00
Harry Proctor 4,122 00
Geo. W. Farley 3 664 00
13rowh & Brown 4,875 00
51. Tschirgi, Jr 4,049 50
Ald. Ryder moved that Steuck & O'Far-
rell be awarded the contract. Carred.
M. Tschirgl... •.$ 8,604 20
Steuck & O'Farrell 7,267 20
M. Lavin 8,678 80
Brown & Brown... 10,786 20
E. E. Frith .. 7,491 80
F. McCann 7,674 20
1). W. Lauthan 9,989 00
John Pickley 9,392 00
Ald. Olinger moved that Steuck &
O'Farrell be awarded the contract. Car-
$2,780 00
2,688 00
3,325 00
3,183 00
2,722 00
2,388 00
2,930 00
2.698 00
31. '1'schirgi
Allman & Taylor
Steuck &
M. Lavin
Dodson & Schoenthal
D. W. Linehan
Con. Ryan Jr
Geo. W. Farly
Ald. Olinger moved that D. W. Line-
han be awarded the contract. Carried.
M. Tschirgi $2,798 00
1). W. Lineha..n 2,284 00
A. Mccann 2,694 00
1!.. E. Frith 2,730 00
Phil Doerr 2,456 00
51. Lavin 3,000 00
Brown & Brown 2,780 00
Steuck &O'Farrell....... 2,616 00
John Pickley 2,488 50
G, W. Farley 2,468 00
Ald. Olinger movod that 1). W.Line-
han be awarded the contract. Carried.
M. Tschirgl, Jr • $2.367 50
M. Lavin 2,373 00
E. E. Frith 2,227 30
Steuck & O'Farrell 2,079 50
Brown &•Brown... 2260 00
Alois Lange 2,222 00
1). W. Linehan 2,147 00
John Pickley 2,281 VI)
G. W. Farley 2,367 50
Ald. Olinger moved that Steuck &
O'Farrell be • awarded the contract. Car-
'J1. 'Tschirgi, .Ir 82,004 00
31. Lavin 2,106 00
E. E. Frith 1,914 00
Brown & Brown 1.840 011
1). W. Linehan 1,874 00
'Steuck & O'Farrell 1,646 00
Alois Lange • 1,828 00
Harry l'roctor 1,997 00
John Pickley •1,828 00
G. W. Farley . • 1,860 00
Ald. Nicks moved that 6teuc8 & O'Far-
rell be awarded •t he contritcr,. ('arried. ' '
',tJLIEN AVENUE. 8 680 00
51 Tschirgi, Jr
D -W Linehan 717 00
Steuck .&. O'Farrell . • • • • 1717' 50
(1 W Farley 634 50
E ,J Evans • 62937
Ald. Ryder moved that E J Evans be
awarded the contract. Carried.
M Tschtrgi . . . ... ••.. .. ..$.3,259 00
Steuck &O'Farrell 3.674 00
Byrnes & Saul . 3,500 00
Dodson & Schoenthal 3;472 15
1) kV Linehan 3,072 80
,Con Ryan, Jr 3,803 00
F Mcc'ann 3,398 00
G N' Farley 3,438 00
Ald. Ryder moved that 1) 1V Linehan be
awarded contract. Carried.
51 Tschirei
Altman & 'Taylor
Steuck & O'Farrell
Con Ryan, .Ir
Brown & Brown
Byrnes & Saul
F McCann
R. F Curran
John Tibey
Alda Nicks moved that Brown &
be awarded the contract. Carried.
G W Farley
Peter Horch
Steuck & O'Farrell
E E Frith
A Lange
ll W Linehan
Ald. Glab moved that Geo W Farley be
awarded the conract. Carried.
John Tibeg
51 Lavin
EJ Evans
D W Linehan
'Phos Dorsey
G W Farley
Steuck & O'Farrell.
$ 7,975
Btov n
$ 602 70
693 10
098 95
770 85
665 90
683 00
$ 329 00
326 00
275 00
288 00
286 00
268 00
339 00
Ald. Glab moved that Geo W Farley be
awarded the contract. Carried.
$ 796 00
. 604 00
352 30
322 05
349 00
296 80
G W Farley
D W Linehan
Jno Blake
Thos Dorsey
M Lavin
M Tschirgi, Jr
Adjourned Regular SeRsion, November 23rd, 1893. 227
Aid. Nicks moved that M. 'facture', Jr.,
be awarded the contract. Carried.
Atd. Olinger moved that Steuck 8•.
O'Farrell be awarded the contract tor the
ilnprot•ement of Dock s.reet. Carriers.
Ald. Olinger moved That the engineer
hive Blake, street repaired providing the
Weather is favorable. Carried.
Aid. OIi_ er moved to adjourn. Carried.
Nott .. oto Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
once, up to 4 o'clock p. In. 'Thursday,
November 23d, 1893, for improving the
following streets and alley, according to
plans and specification now on the in my
Licoln avenue from Reed avenue to 2d
Grading 1,200 cubic yards; curbing 1.800
lineal feet; guttering 800 square yards;
macadamizing 3,200 square yards.
Booth street from West 3d to Dodge
Grading cut 400 cubic yards; till 3,000 cu-
bic yards.
Curbing 30x6 1,800 lineal feet 24x6,
700 lineal feet.
Guttering 1,120 sq.:yards; macadamizing
3,100 square yards.
Wilde street from South Dodge to Mc-
Lenan street. Grading, cut 5,700 cubic
yards. Filling 1,000 cubic yards. Curbing,
5,900 lineal feet. Guttering, 2,600 square
yards. 3lacadamizing, 7,200 square yards.
Stafford aveuue from Garfield avenue to
Linwood cemetery. Grading, cut 9,500
cubic yards. Fill, 750 cubic yards. Curb-
ing, 5,760 lineal feet. Guttering, 2,600
square yards. Macadamizing, 7,500 square
Glen Oak avenue, from Julian avenue to
West 'Third street. Grading, cut 1,000
cubic yards, till 2,500 cubic yards. Curb-
ing, `2,200 lineal feet. Guttering, 1,000
square yards. Macadamizing, 2,000 square
Elm street from Rhomberg avenue to
Eagle Point avenue. Curbing, 1,800 lineal
feet. Guttering, 600 square yards. .1a-
cadamizing, 2,200 square feet.
White street, Sandford to Twentythird
street. Curbing, 2,400 lineal feet. Gutter-
ing, 1,100 square yards. Macadamizing,
2,150 square feet.
Julien avenue, from Alia Vista to Al-
pine street. Curbing, new, 300 lineal feet,
old, 200 lineal feet, reset. Guttering, 250
square yards. Macadamizing, 1,000 square
Almond and Ellis streets from West
Locust to west end of Almond street: Grad-
ing, cut 1,500 cubic yards, fill 3,100 cubic
yards. Curbing, 2,800 lineal feet, gutter-
ing 1,250 square yards. Macadamizing
4,000 square yards.
Alley between Ninth and 'Tenth and
Locust and ,Bluff streets: grading,cut 200
cubic yards. Macadamizing 62square
Bidders must state the price per lineal
feet for curbing, the price per square yard
for guttering and macadamizing. Grading
on streets to be bid in total, grading in
alley to be by the cubic yard.
Bidders must furnish a goad amt suffic-
ient bond of 8200 that contract will be en-
tered into if awarded.
Proposals will be acted on at an ad-
Nourned meeting of the council to be held
ov. '23rd. 1893.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished by
-tete recorder.
The city reserves the right to reject all
11-13-10t. 1'. J. CooNEY. Recorder.
Notice to Sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will Le received at the
city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, la.,
up to 4 o'clock p. m., Thursday, Nov. 23d,
1893, for constructing sidewalks as follows,
where not already laid, viz:
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on south
side of Seminary street from Gold street to
W est Lecust street.
A 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on north
side of Seminary street from Clifford street
to west line of Min. lot 198.
A 6 -toot wide plank sidewalk on east
side of West Locust street from 17th street
to Ellis street.
An 8 -foot wide sidewalk of brick, stone
or cement on both sides of Iowa street
from 13:h street to 14th street.
An 8 -foot wide sidewalk of brick, stone
or cement ou north side of 13th street be-
tween Iowa street and alley east.
A 12 foot wide sidewalk of brick, stone
or cement on west side of Clay street be-
tween 12th street and 13th street.
A 12 foot sidewalk of brick, stone or
cement, abutting city bit 457.
All in accordance with specifications on
file in said office. A boud of 8100 will be
required with each bid. The city reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
- W. 11. KNOWI.TON,
11-14-1Ot City Engineer.
Chante of tirade Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there 18 now
on tile in toy ofii.ce a profile showing a
proposed change of grade on hart street,
between Couler avenue and Valeria street.
All parties feeling aggrieved at such pro-
posed change of grade tuust file their
claims for damages in my office ou or 1 -
fore Dec. 20, 1893. T. J. CoONEY
17-15-15t Recorder
To whom 4t ,halt concent:
Notice is hereby given that the under-
signed Commissioners, duly appointed by
the City Council of the City of Dubuque,
will meet in the City Marshal's office in
the City Ball on the 4th day of December,
1893, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon for the
purpose of viewing the premises, grade
and proposed change of grade on Lincoln
avenue, Stafford avenue, Ellis street and
West Fourteenth street as shown by the
profiles now on file in the office of the City
Recorder, and making assessments of
damages, if any are sustained, by reason of
said proposed change of grade.
J. Vu ns ltt.icll,
1). W. LINEHAN, Commisioners.
Dated this llth day of November,1893.
11-11-3w _ City Recorder.
U, jjicial .117oiice .
Resolved by the City Council of the City Of Jtt-
buque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good,
two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement be
within tern days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity a (til the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on each side of Regent street, be-
tween Wmdsor avenue and Prince street, where
not already laid, at the expense of the abutting
Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two-inch plank, hrtck, stone or cement, be with-
in ten day's of this notice, constructed and be,
conformity with the ordinance on sidewalks, on
each side of Prince street; between Eagle Point
avenue and Sanford street where not a'ready
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the city Council of the (Ity of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with.
in ten day s of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity a ith the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on each side of Dodge street, between
South Dodge street and Grandview avenue
where 'not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Itesolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be,
within ten days of this not:ee, constructed amt
laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the south side of Avon street.
between the alley and west end of Avon street
where not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque : '1 hat it sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two -Welt plank, brick, stone or cement, be,
within ten days of this notice. constructed and
laid In conformity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on each side of Booth 1reet, be-
tween N est Third street and .Julien Avenue,
where not already laid, at tee expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du-
buque: That It silewalk six feet wide, of good
two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be
within ten days of this notice, constructed and
laid In conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the south side of West Lo-
cust ataeet, in front of lot 14 of Quigley sub
of out lot 710 where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting properly.
Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two-inch plank, brick, stone, or cement, be,
within ten days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the west side of Alma street,
between Pickett street and Thomas street,
where not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque; That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two-inch plank. brick, stone or cement, be, with-
in ten days of this notice, constructed and laid
In conformity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks. on the west side of Windsor avenue
between burden avenue and north end of Wind-
sor avenue where not alt eady laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
11 10-10 ted NoloJUeCOONEY, City Recorder.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk Il feet wide
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the ea t side of West Locust st, between
17th street and Ellis street, where not
already laid, at the expense of abutting
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide,
of good two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
south side of Seminary street, between
Gold and West Locust streets where
not already laid, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
of gond 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem-
ent, be, wi'hih 15 days ot this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, cn the
north side of Seminary street between
Clifford street, and we;t line of min. lot
198 where not already laid, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8
feet wide, of gond brick, stone
or cement, be, within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on both sides of Iowa street
between 13th street and 14th street, where
not already laid, at the expense of abut
ting property.
Resolved, By the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,
of good two -tuck plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of tills notice,
and resolution,constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the north
side of 13th street between Biwa street
and alley east where not already laid, at
the expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council theof City
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide,
ot good two-inch plank, brick stone or
cement, be, within titteen days of this
notice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on south side of West 3d street, beteen Al-
pine and Booth streets where not already
laid, atthe expense of abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide,
of good brick, stone or cement, be, within
10 days of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance
iti relation to sidewalks, on the west side
of Clay street. teteeo 12th and 13th streets
where not already laid, at the expense of
abutting property.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12feet wide,
of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment. be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
abutting city lot 457, where not already
laid, at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted Nov. 91h, 1893, T. J. CooN>•;y,
11-11 15t. Recorder,
Notice to Sidewalk Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, la.,
up to 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, Nov.
15th, 1893, for constructing sidewalks
as follows, where not already laid, viz:
Asides of Broad street thek fullalk on both
length of said
A 4 -four wide plank sidewalk on west
side of Windsor avenue from Burden ave-
nue to north end of Windsor avenue.
An 8 foot wide plank sidewalk on east
side of Windsor ave. from Klingenberg
street to main gate of Linwood cemetery.
A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on each
side of Regent street from Windsor ave. to
Prince street.
on ch
side of Prince streoo
from Eagle sidewa Point lk ave.
to Sanford street.
Oj%irial. Votic'e*.
A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on each
side of Dodge street from South Dodge to
Grandview ave.
A four -foot wide plank sidewalk on
each side of Booth street from W 3rd street
to Julien avenue.
A tour -foot wide plank sidewalk on
south side of Avon from alley to west end
of said street.
A four -foot wide plank sidewalk on west
side of Altna street from Pickett street to
Thomas stree.t.
A six foot wide plank sidewalk on south
side of W. Locust street, abutticg lot 14,
Quigley's sub of out lot 710.
All in accordance with specifications on
file in said office. A bond of $100 will be
required with each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. W. 11. KNOWLTON,
11-9-5. City Engineer.
Special Assessment Notice.
'1'o 'Phos. Zeien and John Morgan:
Von are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with a resolution of the city council
of the city of Dubuque for the improve-
ment of alley from 22d to 23d streets, be-
tween west side Washington street to Erni
street, adopted on the 9th day of Nov., A.
1)., 1893, a special assessment will
be levied for the expense thereof
at the next regular meeting of the
city council, upon all lots and parcels cf
land abutting on said improvement, lot 11
26 10-12 of 44 and 45 and 46 in E. Lang-
worthy add owned by you being : ubject to
such special assessment. And you are noti-
fied to appear at said meeting ot the coun-
cil. to be held on the 23 day of Nov. A. 1).
1893, and show case, if you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
11-18-5t ' '1'. J. Coose:v, Recorder.
' Special Assessment Notice,
To to the owner or owners of the sev-
eral Tots and parcels of ground abutting
Aima street frotn Thomas street to Pickett
street; s % Dodge street from 13iutt street
to Locust street, Regent street from Prince
street to Queen street, Prince street from
Sanford street to Eagle Point avenue;
Seminary street from Cox's ad.l. to West
Locust street; Broad street from West 14t11
street to home of the Friendless; alley
east of Grant avenue from Johnson ave-
nue to West llth street; alley from 22nd
street to 23rd street between 11'asbington
and Elm streets; alley from Sanford
street to Clinton street between Windsor
avenue and Queen street; alley from Hum-
boldt street to Stafford avenue between
Rhomberg avenue and Garfield avenue;
alley from llumboldt street to Schiller
street between Lincoln avenue and Rhein -
berg avenue; Dodge street from Souttl
Dodge street to Grandview avenue, all in
the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and of any
street railway company occupying with its
tracks a rortion of said streets, and to any
person or persons or company having any
interest in said real estate or said railway.
lou are hereby notified that there is nn
file in the office of the city recorder of Du-
buque a plat of said above named streets
in said city showing the several lots or
parcels of grounds abutting on said streets
and the (tacks of said street railway laid
thereon, subject to the special assessment
for paving, guttering, curbing and macad-
'2,2, I
amizing of said streets, and the names as
far as practicable of the owners of said
abutting real estate and of saki street rail-
way and the amount assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground
and against said railway for the
inspection of any person, firm or company
interested in any kind in sa d real estate
or on said street railway and that such firm
or eoinpany having objection to the special
tax proposed to be asssessed, as shown by
said plat, may file with the city recorder
his or their objections in writing, at or
before the next meeting of the city tonn-
c 1 of the city of Dubuque which will meet
on the 23d day of November, 1893.
11-13-101. city Engineer.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 4 o'clock p. m. ot Saturday,
November 18th, 1893, for improving Kleine
str.et from West Eagle Point avenue to
Klingenberg '1'err..ce according to
plans and spccitie.ations now on tile in my
Grating. cut 436 cubic yards; till, 436
cubic y, rds.
Curbstone, 560 lineal feet.
Guttering, 250 square yards.
Macadamizing, 685 square ; arils.
Bidders must state the •price per lineal
foot for curbing, the price per square yard
for guttering, the price per square yard for
. macadamtziug, and grading to be bid in
a gross sum.
Bidders must, furnish a good and suffr-
c:eut bond of $200 that contract will be
entered into if awarded.
Proposals will be acted on at. an adjourn-
( d meeting to be held on and after Nov.
18tH, 1893.
1'he above wt.rk to be completed on or
before June lst. 1894.
Blank for bidders will be furnished by
the recorder.
The city reserves the richt to reject any
or all bids. Attest: T. J. COONEr,
11.7-10t City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Bids will be received at my office up to 4
o'clock p. m., of t'hursday, Nov. 23rd. 1893.
for the construction of a sanitary sewer on
Prairie street between West 14th and
Chestnut streets, according to plans and
specifications now on file In my office.
Estimated length 710 feet, 8 inch tile pipe,
2 manholes, 1 flush tank.
Bidders must state the price ner lineal
foot for sewer. The price per piece for
manholes and flush tank.,
Bidders roust furnish a good and suffic-
ient bond that contract will be entered into
it awarded.
'I'hecity reserves the right to reject all
11.13-10t T. J. COUNEr, Recorder.
l'ublic notice is hereby given that at the
session of tate City Council of the City of
Dubuque, held ou the 9th day of November,
1893, the following special assessments
were levied on the real estate hereinafter
described and that in case the owners of the
property so desire they can pay the assess-
mentin seven annual equal installineuts,the
first installment being due on the date of
levy, and the last installment six years
230 Official Notice.'%.
from mate of levy, all bearing interest at
tile rate of 6 percent per annual. Persons
wishing to pay all at once as heretofore
can do so. 11t the case of failure to pay all
or anv part of the assessment at the end of
six years from date of levy the property
will be advertised and soul.
Dated at Dubuque this 23d day of
November, A. D. 1898.
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
For the improvement of the Alley between
Jackson and Washington streets from
22d to 23d Streets.
Name and lies. Lot. A in%
M M Hoffman, E. Langworthys 18 33 74
<211 Meyer, E Langworthys suit 19 30 13
Tilos Allen 0 n ht. _0 15 116
%Vitt \ ogt, 11
s hf. 20 15 06
do " n hf. 21 15 96
Fred Fellbautn " s hL. 21 15 06
do " u hf. 22 15 06
.Johanna Ileintz, " s ht22 15 06
do " 23 3013
'Theodore Grobe, 24 30 13
Fred Conrad, 25 31 43
66 26 39 13
Chas Rupritsch, 27 30 13
F Schargtts, 28 30 13
nod Kuhrt, 29 30 I;
do " n Itf8.1 15 06
Anton Iiukuseck, " s ht30 15 06
D A Fuller. " 31 30 13
Otto Kauft'nirtn, 32 30 13
Herman _Mauer, " 33 30013
do 4134 30 13
Dietrich Mauer, " 1 80 13
du " 2 3013
(10 `•3 3018
Nicholas Meyer, " s 36 tt 4 21 69
Ignatius Muller, " n 14 it 4 8 44
do slit. 5 1506
John ltoeiil, " 11 hf5 15 06
do " 6 3013
Michael A bitz " 7 30 13
Sophia Prange, " 8 30 13
.John Lynch, " 9 3013
do " 10 29 13
Joseph Tyler, ,, 11 30 13
Wm Abitz, " 12 30 13
Chas Ilenuings, " 13 30 13
John Schutt, 14 30 13
Peter Ziegler, " 15 30 13
Henrietta Hoffman, " 16 30 13
Nicholas Stoltz est, " 17 33 74
For the improvement of .Nevada street
from West 5th to West 3d streets.
'1' 8 Nairn, Nairn's add 27 223 80
Martin Carroll, " 7 79 75
do "
8 60 bb
'1' 8 Nairn, 9 60 55
do " 10 60 55
John L Bueltell, " 11 60 55
do `. 12 69 55
C10 13 60 55
i10 66 14 60 55
00 .` 1 60 55
do 2 6055
do "` 3 60 55
do 4 60 5i
Ida M Young, " 5 76 93
'1' 8 Nairu " 6 168 03
C 11 Gregoire •` 33 243 90
For the improvement of 22d Street from
Jackson to Elm Streets.
Dietrich Mauer, E Langwor-
Ilermd Mauer, E Langwor-
td hy's add . 34 158 89
Fred Stock, Jr, E Langwor-
thy's add 35 126 75
John StefIes, E Langworthyts
add 69 132 90
John Olinger, Boulevard add23 164 65
John Olinger, Boulevard add24 159 69
John Homan, 0 8 Langwor-
thy's add 13 123 90
Chas Kruse 3 133 37
Regular Se8tr on,
December 4th, 1893.
Regular Seeelon, December 4th,
Council met at 10 o'clock a. ui.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Alas. Byrne, Crawford, Glab,
Liliig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ry-
On ruoticn the action on appproval of
minutes was deterred.
Ald. Glab moved that the rules be sus-
pended and Mr. Heim be allowed to ad-
dress the council. Carried.
Mr. Reim addressed the council in rela-
tion to claim for d.i nage. caused by over-
flow of Couler Creek.
Ald. Crawford moved that Mrs. Heim's
taxes for year 1893 be cancelled in consid-
eration for eiaim for damages nroviUed
she accepts same in writing. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
J. K. Jtiley, sidewalk contract$ 1305 32
Byrne & Saul, stone 25 00
Jo,eph 'I'ylor, work on sewer67 50
Jas. Cushing, stone 99 75
Kennealty & O'Mara, mac ufam25 28
Bart E. Linehan, supplies for
sewer 159 18
J. 1'. Schroeder &. Co., supplies for
sewer 17 57
Medford Bros & llitchins Co.,
suppl es for sewer 24 00
Thomas Hassett, stone for sewer6 50
Fred. Scholz, supplies and re-
pairs 26 60
Williams & McCann, sand and
rock 21 20
'1'. Robison, plumbing 15 93
Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella,
hardware 1 30
Frank McCann, rock 163 65
Wro. Bennett, witness fees 60
Mr. and Mrs. Koenig, janitors40 00
E. S. Daugherty, services 40 00
W. 11. Knowlton, car fare 6 00
Otto Reinecke, stone for streets7 35
Mrs. Weigh, stone for streets 3 50
Geo. Cornish, stone for streets5 25
Peter Murray, stone for streets—. 10 25
Wm. Howard, sprinkling for sea-
son 225 00
Jones Bros, part payment on con-
Trexler Bros, livery
Mulgrew & Phillips, coal ana
Bart E. Linehan coke
Standard Lumber Ca., lumber
T. W. Ruete, supplies for park
Jas. Levi & Co.. blankets
T. W. Ruete, supplies for Fire
W. H. Torbert, supplies for Fire
Mulgrew & Phillips, wood and
Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware....
Key City Gas Co., gas
Wm. Marshall, repairs
Shepley & Bauman, medicine and
A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, mdse
Toni Collins, horse shoeing
Dobson & Schoenthal, improving
Booth St
Steuck & O'Farrell, improving
Prince and Regent St
Geo. W. Farley, improving Gar-
field avenue
Alois Lang, improving alley bet.
Washington and Elm streets
500 00
5 50
117 19
15 32
9 76
2 45
18 00
22 80
5 04
286 10
31 75
33 31
21 25
24 75
6 30
7 25
894 37
296 11
865 50
265 24
Geo. Taylor, improving alley bet.
1101, Burch and West 'third93 61
J'hil. Doerr, Improving alley bet
Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave35 27
Steuck & O'Farrell. arrell. improving
alley bet. Washington and Elm. 112 80
Geo. 'Taylor, improving Nevada
extra 2 60
Ed. ltyan, improving Broad St2,188 50
Chas. Stench. improving Garfield
Ave 547 80
Harry Procter, improving Alma St 144 81
Brown & Brown, improving Semi-
nary street - 2,830 83
Williams & McCann, Reproving
Dodge extra 22 40
1Villams & McCann, improving
Dodge St 1,586 71
Steuck & O'1!'arrell, improvement
of alley between Windsor and
Queen 102 74
Jos. 11aupert, improvement Har-
old street 558 60
Alois Lang, improvement of 22d
street 313 84
Williams & McCann, improve-
ment of Dodge street 4137 90
Cain & Schoenthal, improvement
of alley east of Grant street31 44
Dodson &. Schoenthal, improve-
ment of Booth street 61 55
Ed. Ryan, nnprovement of Broad
street 91 00
L. Daily, cleaning around city hall 8 33
Peter Horeb, tilling Tuts 126 72
Geo. Farley, filling lots 203 35
J. Tibey, rock for streets 182 04
Thos. Hassett, rocit for crossings 25 41
John Becker, rock for culverts58 56
John'Tibey, rock for crossings28 38
Anthony Siege, rock for culverts. 65 70
M. Lavin, constructing sewer 165 70
Reintried &.Jaeger, hardware10 00
Paul Schlenker, repairs and sup- 4
Fred. Scholz, blacks►uithing 26 75
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam 100roller
Christman & Healy, hardware.... 6 00
Svendson & Ott, lumber 47 69
Latiin hand Powder Co., powder3 65
John Marney, repairs 10 75
John Mutt, repairs, etc 19 11
John 'Tibey, stone 13 61
Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber49 10
Standard Lumber Co., lumber49 93
Walton, Bieg & Potter, station-
Hardie & Scharle, blank bonds58 85
G. B. Grosvenor & Co., station -
10 8U
Dubuque TELEGRAPH, printing31 75
Rant & Carver, tax receipts 63i 80
Jas Kelly, stationery
'the following bilis were referred to the
printing committee:
Du,uque Herald, printing 29 15
Dubuque TELEORAP1t, printing75 00
Dubuque Globe, printing15
Dubuque 'Times Co., printing58 30
The following bills were referred to com-
mittee on police and light:
Key City Gas Co., gas 95 40
Star Electric Co., electric lamps1,425 60
Globe Light and Beat Co., gaso-
line lamps 300 00
The following bills were referred to the
street committee: 1 85
Fred. Schloz, repairs
Steuck & O'Farrell, extra work on
Sanford, Queen and Regent 13 70
Steuck & O'Farrell, grading on
Sanford Queen ana Regent 35 142
Ed. Ryan, grading West 14th
8 75
232 Regular Session, December 4th, 1893.
Brown & Brown, rucic for catch
Brown & Brown, grading Semi-
nary street
Dubuque Pressed (trick Co
A Heim
Brown & Brown, retaining wall
Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella, 7 50
Bill of the Dubuque Water Co. of $1,-
$360 for water referred to the committee on
lire and water.
Bill of 1' 1I Halpin was referred back to
have itemized statement of bill.
Bill of Dubuque Water Co for $357.10
was referred to committee on public
grounds and buildings.
13i11 of .lames Howie for Blass broken in
Odd Fellows' hall was referred to commit-
tee on claims.
13i11 of G Ginehie for $100 for work on
tax book was reterred to the assessment
13i11 of Sanitary Officer O'Connell for
$50 for month's salary was ordered paid
and matter of continuing during winter
referred to committee of the whole.
Petition of C. 11. Reynolds et al for the
removal of horse drinking fouutnin on 5th
and Hill street was referred to the AId. of
the 2d ward.
Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of
the removal of the fountain on 17th and
W. Locust be referred to the sante commit-
tee. Lost.
Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn to 2
o'clock p, in. Carried.
Council met at 2:45 p. nt.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present—Aids. 'miler, Byrne Crawford,
Glatt. Liilig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and
The following petitions were referred to
the committee of the whole.
Petition of the Turners' society object-
ing to the city allowing private organiza-
tions to use the Armory for dances or other
Pettition of the society of Ancient order
of Ilibernians for use of Armory on night
of Match 17th, 1894.
Petition of the Journeyman Plumbers,
Steam and Gas Fitters Local Union, No.
66 tor the use of the Armory for their
Fourth annual ball.
Petition of the Journeyman Plumbers,
Steam and Gas Fitters union aking the city
to appoint a sanitary inspector to examine
all plumbing done in the city.
Petition of E. A. Guilbert, M. D., et al.
for the establishment of a board of health
in conformity with the provisions of chap-
ter 168 of the laws of lowa, was referred
to the committee of the wnole and mayor.
The following were referred to the street
committee and engineer.
Petition of Sisters of Charity, B. V. M.
for change of line of Rowan street.
Remonstrance of J. A.lthomberg against
the levying of special assessment for repair
of sidewalk,
Remonstrance of the baard of education
against levying, of special assessment for
the repair of sidewalk.
Remonstrance of Mrs. J. 11. Berry
against levying of special assessment for
repair of sidewalk.
Remonstrance of Jos. Platz, Frank D.
Scliarle and Frank ti'osselinann against
the proposed change of grade on Hart
The following petitions In relation to
549 02
19 80
209 82
47 90
64 40
12 00
taxes were referred to the assessment com-
Ilatana Oswald, henry Lippstock,
Marks Barris, Mary McLaughlin,
Hitchens and Thos. Connolly.
l'etition of Dubuque 11 ooden Ware 'Co.
was referred to the delinquent tax cont-
Petition of henry B. Harold for per-
mission to keep swine on his premises on
Summer hill, was referred to the mayor
with power.
Claim of I ewes Sigworth against Alois
Lance, contractor, was referred to the
committee on claims.
l'etition of Archbishop John Hennessy
asking that his name be stricken from a
remonstrance against construction of sani-
tary sewer on Julien avenue was granted
and recorder instructed to erase same.
An ordinance vacating 6 feet of the east-
erly side of Madison street was referred
to the ordinance committee and city at-
Petition of C 11 Reynolds et al for re-
moval of horse drinking fountain on 5th
and Hill street was referred to the alder-
man of 'he 2d ward.
Remonstrance of Nis Mueller estate
against levying special tax for repair of
sidewalk was referred to the engineer.
Communication of City Engineer Knowl-
ton in relation to repair of steam road rol-
ler was referred to the engineer and street
committee to examine what is to be done
and advertise for bids for same.
Recommendation of city engineer that
the width of sidewalk un Elm street be-
tween Garfield and Eagle Point avenues
be established at 6 feet in width was ap-
proved and width of sidewalk so estab-
Invitation of the Governor's Greys to the
mayor and city council to attend their fair
on the opening night of Dec. 4th, 1893, was
Petition of County Attorney M. C. Mat-
thews. asking that City F ti ineer Knowl-
ton be permitted to make a map showing
the tracks and yards near the round house
for use in ttie case of the state of lowa vs.
Haley and ltobbard was granted.
The following petitions were received
and filed:
Remonstrance of ',Phillip J. Renier et al
against laying sidewalk on Regent street.
Petition of Jane .Jones asking that she
be allowed $75 for a piece of ground on
Rose street.
Ald. Olinger moved that rules be sus-
pended and D. J. Linehan be allowed to
address the council in relation to the claim
of A tkinson & Oloff for the improvement
of Maiu street. Carried.
Mr. Linehan addressed the council in
relation to the same.
Ald. Olinger moved that the petition of
Atkinsou & Olotf be received and filed.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Butler, Lillig, Olinger,
Powers and Ryder.
Noes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glob and
Petition of Mary C. Blake in relation to
special tax for sidewalk abutting her prop-
erty received and filed.
Petition and clans of Swift Bros. of
$8.19 for allegea damage to beef. Re-
ceived and riled.
Ald. Rowers moved that all petitions for
the use of the Armory now in the hands of
the committee on public grounds and
buildings be referred to the committee of
the whole. Carried.
Ald. Lillig moved that J. Wunderlich,
D. W. Linehan and C. Reipsteck be ap-
Regular Seeeion, December 4th 1893. 233
pointed .commissioners to assess damages,
if any, on hart street on account of pro-
posed change of grade. -Carried
All. Crawford tnoved that when council
adjourn itadjourn to meet Dec. 5th, at 2
o'clock p. ni. Carried.
AId. Powers offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved, That warrants be drawn in
favor of the several aldermen for the suer
of :300 each being salaries for the year
Aids. James Butler, Thos. Byrne, 1'. W.
Crawford, John Glab, John Liilig, N. P.
Nicks, Peter Olinger, J. B. Powers, Philip
Ryder and Adam Vogel.
Ald. l.itlig moved to adjourn. Carried.
Attest. T. J. COON EY
cleaning around the market.
Report adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay for board of prisoners and
Aid. Crawford moved that the record of
the proceeding of the council in relation to
the remonstrance of Wm. Lahey et al,
against construction of sanitary sewer on
Julien avenue, as appears on page 183 cur-
rent record, be corrected so as to read as
AId. Glab moved that the remonstrance
against said, and also the subject of the
sewer on Prairie street be referred to the
comniittee of the whole and further action
deferred until report of committee. Car-
t ied.
On motion the minutes of the Novetnber
sessions were approved as printed.
Ald. Powers of the finance committee re-
ported in favor of approving of the report
of the treasurer for Nov. ,,1893. Report
adopted and warrants ordered drawna for
the several amounts.'
Alu. Glab, chairman of the committee
on claims, reported as toltows:
Your committee reports adverse to the
petition of Allec Alderson for claim for
dirt taken from street in front of his prop-
Also report adverse to bill of Peter
Meyer for sand.
Also report in favor ot paying bills of
Duggan & Kane of $3.25. Report adopted.
Aid. Lillis of the street committee pre-
sented the following reports which were
Yourpotnntittee report in favor of ask-
ing: further time on :the proposed
change of grade ot Queen street and the
recorder is directed to give the proper no-
tice to parties interested in accordance
with the ordinance.
Adverse to accepting the plat of Semi-
nary Place.
In favor of receiving and filing the report
of street superintendent for October, 1893.
Adverse to paying bill of Alleck Alder-
son, for :522.50.
In favor of paying bill of M. Tschirgi,
J r., of 35.00.
In favor of receiving and filing petition
C. 11. Jordan et al., remonstrating against
grade on Seminary street.
Report that the steps at the head of 15111
streets have been repaired as asked.
That the engineer has been instructed to
have Blake street repaired when the
weather will permit.
In favor of referring the plat of the pro-
posed change of Park Bill ave. to the city
engineer to ascertain the probable cost.
Adverse to the petition of Geo. W, Far-
ley in relation to the improvement of Gar-
field ave.
In favor of receiving and tiling the peti-
tion of C. Rehfeldt et al., against levying
special tax for the im irovement of alley
between 22,1 and 23d and Washington and
Elft streets.
In favor of receiving and filing the re-
monstrance of R. J. Nessler against the
proposed change of grade on Stafford ave.
In favor of receiving and tiling the pe-
tition of Sarah 11. Ilam in relation to pro-
posed change of grade on Lincoln avenue.
In favor of receiving and tiling the re-
monstrance of Michael %week et al.
against proposed change of grade on Staf-
ford avenue.
Ald. Byrne, chairman of the sewer com-
mittee, reported as follows: 1
Your committee report in favor of re-
ceiving and filing the report of sewer in-
speetor for August and September, 1893.
In favor of receiving and tiling the re-
:5th, 1893.
Council wet at 2:30 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Pro Tent. Olinger In the chair.
Present—A Ids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford,
Glab, Lillis:. Nicks, Towels and Ryder.
Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand
Nov. 1, 1893, 39,560.55. Receipts for the
month of Nnvehloer, 316,164.90. 'Total,
$25,725 45. Disbursements during the
month. 317,796.16. Balance on hand Dec. 1,
1893. 37,929.29.
Also reporel 31,858.45 clue city officers
for the month of November. Report
adopted and warrants ordered drr.wn to
pay city officers.
'Marshal Rice reported $1,963.45 due for
police during the month of November, 1893.
Also reported 68 police cases for the
month of November, 1893.
Also reported 310 for fines collected in
city ordinance cases.
Also reported 39 pound receipts for No-
vember, 1893.
A.Iso reported 3150.00, amount received
for short term saloon licenses.
Report adopted and warrants ordered
drawn to pay police tor November.
Sewer inspector O'Brien reported
31,036.80 due tor labor on sewers for No-
vember, 1893. Warrants ordered drawn to
pay f'rr same and report referred to sewer
Street Superintendent Carter reported
35,450.20, amount due for labor on streets
for month of November, 1893. Warrants
ordered drawn to pay laborers and report
referred to street committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported 31494.97,
amount due firemen for month of Novem-
ber, 1893. Report adopted and warrants
ordered drawn to pay firemen.
The report of Alex Gratz, justice of the
peace for November, was referred to the
cotnniittee on police and light and city at-
City electrician reported he had examined
the bill of Key City Gas Co., referred to
him for investigation. and found same cor-
rect. On motion bill was ordered paid.
Also reported in relation of the operation
of electric lights. Referred to committee
oa police and Tight and electric construc-
tion cotnmittee.
The report of City Weighers Chas.
Pttchner, Leo Palen & Co.. and James
Doyle for the month of November 1893
were received and filed.
The report of wood measurer J. A.
Woods for the tnonth of Nov. 1893 was
received and tiled.
Market Master Norton reported $31.38
from scale receipts for Nov. 1893.
Also:reported 314.60 due for board of pris-
oners for Nov. 1893.
Also reported 34.10 due fol laborers for
Regular Session,
December 4th, 1893.
port of the sewer inspector fur October,
In favor of paying bill of J. 1'. Schroe-
In favor of receiving and tiling the
petition of Mrs. Mary Neuhaus tor cancel-
lation of special sewerage assessment.
In lavot 01 receiving and filing the peti-
tion of John M. (Irether for cancellation
of special sewerage assessment.
In favor of receiving and tiling'petitiot,
of Jos. Platz m relation to the construction
of sewerage adjacent to his property.
AId. Liilig coalman of the delinquent
tax committee reported as follows:
Your conunitt, a report in favor of allow-
ing Maurice '1'.• Ahearn to pay one -halt
his taxes 011 let 119 Union acid. fol' 1893, as
pay 111 full,
In favor of cancelling • the taxes of
Martin 1)um phy on lots 3 and 4 in lireaky's
add. for 1892.
In favor of instructing the treasurer to
redeem from tax sale the n 29 6-10 teet of
lot 4, lionson's sub., for 1892, and cancel
said tax for said year.
Report adverse to the petition of Abe
Conigisky for cancellation of taxes.
In favor of reducing the assessment of
William Watson on :13 feet of lot 52 city,
to $7,500 for 1893.
10 favor of cancelling the taxes on lot 1
Olinger's sub., as saute is used for church
In favor of instructing the treasurer to
cancel taxes on 101 3, Cleminson's sub, f or
in favor of referring the ;petition of
the Dubuque Light & Traction Co. to the
committee of the whole.
Recommend that the taxes of Sophia
Dem osey on lot 2 of 34 and 2 of 35, Levan's
add, he cancelled for 1892, and the treas-
urer be instructed to refund to her the
taxes paid for redemption of same.
In favor of cancelling the taxes of R.
Kimbell on personalty from 1887 to 1893
inclusive, as he was not a resident of ttie
city during that time. Report adopted.
AId. Ryder, chair man of the board of
health, reported as follows:
Your committee report in favor of in-
structing Mrs. Alliel to clean the vault at
Montana house as soon as present tenant
vacates said house.
In favor of paying bill of iteiufried &
Jaeger of 70c. Report adopted.
APIs. Ryder and Powers reported that
they have instructed the treasurer to re-
ceive the special taxes of N. C. Ryan
without penalty , or interest. Report
AId. Ryder, chairman on police and
light, reported as follows:
In favor of paying the following bills:
E. E.:Frith, $156; Key City Gas Co., $50.40;
Globe Light and Ileat Co., $320; H. I3.
Glover Co., $2.70; Star Electric Co.,
$1,418.94 and the auditor instructed to
collect $13.78 from same for lights not lit
or properly cared for; Jos. Geiger, $1.75;
W. W. Wormood, $6.00; Central Union
Telephone Co., $12.89.
Also report in favor of receiving and
filing the bill of the Central Electric Co. of
$95.75 as the same has been ordered paid.
, rin receiving and tiling the petition for
electric light on Roberts avenue as same
has been ordered. Report adopted.
IiAld. Nicks, chairman of the electrical
construction committee, reported as fol-
Your committee report in favor of pay-
ing the following bills:
Geo. Gehrke of $1.50; Electrical Supply
Co. of $50,39; Christman &Healey of $1.25;
Western Electric Co. of $24.80._ Emile
Kann, $1.50; E. 13. Chandler, $10.:0. he -
port adopted.
AId. Olinger, chairman of fire and water
reported as follows:
Your eouunittee report in favor of pay-
ing'bills of Dubuque Water Co. ot $1300.80.
Report adopted.
:Mayor Daugherty recommended that
warrant be drawn un favor of Mrs. Jane
Chuniig for $2.00.
City Attorney Knight and the ordinance
committee presented the following report:
The matter of appointment of John fire-
house as chimney inspector wuutd report
that there Is no such office named in the
ordinances and we see no necessity for the
creation of such a position. Report
City att.rney reported that the report of
Marshal Rice referred to hint was correct.
Also reported that a warrant for $900 be
drawn in favor of Samuel E. Howard in
settlement fur bond of $500 and coupons,
of loan of 1857. Referred to ordinance
City Auditor Ketiety reported due 'Phos.
Byrne $149,65 for tilling \1 est Main street.
i:eport adopted and warrants ordered
drawn with interest.
The special assessment for repairing
sidewalks was referred to the street com-
mittee and engineer.
Macadam bills to the amount of $847
were ordered paid.
Ald. Lillig of the street committee re-
ported that the following streets and al-
leys had been accepted.
Broad street, from Julien ave. to the
11ome for the } ri-ndless.
Booth street, from Julien ave. to West
Third street.
liarolu street from Seminary street to
Leibnetz street; Gat tient avenue, Middle to
Ann streets.
22nd street from Pine street to east end
of street; alley between 11111, Lurch and
West 3rd streets. Alley from Sanford to
22nd between Washington and fine. Re-
port adop ted.
AId. Liilig of the committee of the whole
reported as follows:
Ir. favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs.
Heim for 1893, providing said cancellation
of tax is accepted by Mrs. Ileini in full sat-
isfaction of all claim for damages to her
property by flood in .lune, 1892.
In favor of deferring action on the peti-
tion for the extension of 1)udge street
sewer, until spring.
Also report that the council has taken
the necessary steps for the proposed open-
ing of Oak street.
Also;report in favor of receiving and
tiling the comm'tntcatwn ot the marshal
in relation to the removal 01 ashes From the
alleys during the winter.
Also report adverse to the petition of
W in. Lahey et al. remonstrating against
the construction of a sanitary sewer on
Julien avenue and would recommend that
the engineer advertise for b.cts for the per-
formance ot the work, but that said work
be not commenced until April, 1894.
Also report that the city is powerless to
prevent the erection of an abattoir on
Dodge and Locust streets, as petitioned
for by Miss Nellie Meehan et al, but if af-
ter said building is constructed it causes
a nuisance the city will take such action as
is necessary in the premises. Report
Ald. Olinger offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the special assessinent
Adjourned Regular Session. December 14th, 1893.
against lot 1, Gray's sub, owned by the
Home of the Friendless, for $37.19, be can-
Aid. Lillis: offered the following which
was adopted:
\Vhereas, The city council did agree
with the t hicago, Great ,Western railroad
company o allow theta to put m electric
gorges at their crossings on Ithomberg,
Lincoln and Garfield avenues, in lieu of
gates, and
Whereas, Said company has failed to
fulfill said agreement, therefore
Resolved, That the said Chicago, Great
Western Railroad company be notified to
put in said gongs or s at tun watchmen at
said crossings within ten days fruit' this
notice, or the city will take such means as
are necessary to compel said company to
obey the orders of the council.
Abl. Crawford offered the following
which nas adopted:
Resolved, That an arc light be placed at
the intersection of 1lelment Place and
Rose street and the Star electric t q. noti-
fied of this order by the city electrician,
Ald. Crawford offered the following
\V pith was adopted:
Resolved, That the city engineer be in-
structed to make a survey and plat of
North Glen Oak avenue from Julien ave-
nue to West 14th street.
A Id. Nicksoffered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the city engineer be
and is hereby inatmen d to make a survey
and plat for the extension of Valeria street
from its present terminus to an intersec-
tion with Eagle Point avenue and proceed
in accordance with the city ordinance in
relation to the same.
Ald. Ryder offered the follow in; which
was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That the city engineer and
street superintendent are hereby instructed
to only employ such men breaking maca-
dam as are in needy circumstances, and
have no other cleans of support; also that
the engineer be instructed not to measure
any macadam for any parties that are hav-
ing the same broke by poor men for small
wages, as such; parties are only having
said macadam broken lor their own per-
sonal interests.
.A Id. Powers offered the following reso-
lution, which was adopted:
W hereas, \Ve are informed that the
Business Men's association of American
has, through their committee, suggested
that they might agree upon Dubuque as
the plate to hold their next annual con-
vention. Now, therefore, we extend to
thein a cordial invitation to holt said con-
vention here and assure thein that the
people of this city would be very much
gratified to have that convention held 10
this city, and that the people of the city
and the city council will endeavor to make
the occasion as pleasant and agreeable to
the members of the convention as pos-
Ald. Crawford moved that claim of Mat
Loes of $4.25 be referred to sewer zutlunit-
tee. Carried,
Ald. Powe rs moved that recorder be in-
structed to utility all parties interested to
show cause why special assessments for
the construction of sewerage should not be
levied. Carried.
Ald. Nicks moved to adjourn to Dec.
14th at 7:30 p. tit. Carried.
adjourned Regular
Session, De-
cember 14, 1893.
Couneil met at 8 o'clock p. in.
Mayor Daugherty in the chair.
Present —A Ids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
l,tlltg, Nicks, (flinger. l'owers, Ryder,
and Vogel.
.(id. Crawford offered the following res-
olution, which was adopted:
\\ herein; , Experience has made it appa-
rent that the purchase and ownership by
the city of the property of the Dubuque
Water company is absolutely necessary to
the procurement at all tames of an abund-
ant supply ui wholesome water and the
establishment of an adequate and e0icient
system of protection against lire; and
Whereas, 1t is understood and believed
that some additional legislation by the
General Assembly is necessary to enable
the city to make such purchase and facili-
tate the acquirement of the property; there-
Resolved, That a special committee be
appointed to thoroughly investigate the
subject and prepare and procure the pass-
age by the legislature at its couuug session
of such act or acts as shalt be deemed
necessary and essential for the desired ob-
ject. And resolved further that said com-
mittee shall consist of the Mayor. Ali.
Powers, W. J. Knight, Jacob Rich and B.
W. Lacy.
API. Powers moved that the rules bo
suspended to allow parties present to ad-
dress the council. Carried.
Mr. lsouson addressed the council in re-
lation to the petition of Jane Jones aslung
for payment for strip of ground on Rose
AW. Crawford moved that the petition
be taken up and referred to the city attor-
ney for his legal opinion. Carried.
AId. Olnrger moved that Alds. Powers
and Glab assist city attorney in looking
up sante. Carried.
I). J. Linehan addressed the council on
behalf of the property owners on Julien
avenue, remonstrating against proposed
construction of sanitary sewer, and also
presented petition in relation to same ask-
ing that action be deferred. On motion the
petition was granted and the engineer in-
structed not to advertise for bids.
The following petitions remonstrating
against special sewerage assessment were
received and tiled:
W. A. Leathers and M. 11. McCarthy in
relation to sewer on nil', Burch and W.
3d streets.
1'. 11. Murray et al., in relation to sewer
on Emmett and St. Marys streets.
The following tax petitions were re-
ferred to the assessment committee:
Jacob W ildhab, r, Mary Blake, E. A.
Engler, Geo. '1'. Schmidt, Anna M. Sohiel
and Susan Bornhiser.
Alit. Olinger, chairman of the street
committee, reported in favor of paying the
following bilis:
Steuck & O'Farrell, $13.70; Ed. Ryan,
236 Adjourned Regular Session, December 14th, 1893.
8549.02; Steuck &O'Farrell, $35.92; Brown
& Brown, $241.62. Report adopted.
Ald. Powers, chairman of the printing
committee, reported In favor of paying the
following bills:
Dubuque herald, $2'.15: Dubuque
TELEGRAPH, $79; Dubuque herald, $1.50.
The nines Co., $58.30; Globe Printing
Co. $29.15; Herald, adv. tax list, $136.60.
Report adopted.
Bill of the Iowa Iron Works referred to
the committee of the whole. •
Petition of John Schauck asking the city
to refund to hint four months city license
was referred 10 the mayor with power.
Petition of James !'elan in regard to
macadam sold to the city was referred to
the engineer wo h power.
Petition of Samoa! S. Scott in relation to
his petition in regard to privelege of putt-
ing a slating rink in ice harbor, referred to
Petition of henry Ilrehen claiming
looney due Froin Brown & Brown, asking
council to retain amount from their next
payment, referred to the committee on
Engineer Knowlton reported that he
would recommend that a lour trill rate per
square foot for a depth of 100 feel, be
adopted for the construction of sewers in
Fourth (limier. Adopted.
Also requested the council to examine
the records of his office with a view of de-
termining what work would bedeerned the
most important.
On motion the nracor appointed Aids.
Olinger, Powers and Ryder to act as a
C0lII nit lee to examine same. Carried.
Also presented a profile of 11th street
sewer Loin Ute paper null to %Washing-
tuu street showing where repairs are nec-
essary. Referred to sewer committee at,d
Also presented plat of the proposed
straightening of Lincoln avenue from
Reed 1 avenue to First avenue with
amount that parties will accept for pro-
posed change of said street. R •port
adopted and city attorney instructed to
procure deeds from the parties and
the treasurer instructed to set aide in the
treasury the several amounts to be paid
when said deeds are executed to the city.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
lie-olved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for the construc-
tion of an eight inch tile pipe sewer is
Ellis street from Dorgan's alley to Almond
street by Jas. 11ird, contractor, adjacent to
the same a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate and
owne.i, and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Geo. A. Ferris, lot 5 Dorgau's sub, 5,000
sq ft at .004 ', $20.
II. S. Hetherington, w 100 ft, lot 42, Cox's
add, 5,000 sq ft at .001; 820.
11. S. Hetherington, w 100 ft lot 43, Cox's
add, 5,000 sq ft at .004; 820.
Mrs. 11. B. Hetherington. w 100 ft lot 44
Cox's add, 5,000 sq 1t at .004c, 820.
W. Lur,dbeck, w 100 ft lot 45, Cox's add,
5,000 sq,ft at .004c, $20.
C. A. Ferris, w 100 ft lot 46, Cox's add,
5,000 sq It at .0J4c, $20.
Anton 'l'rieb, w 100 ft lot 47, Cox's add,
5,000 sq ft at .004c, 820.
Gustave Schrieber, w 100 ft lot 48, Cox's
add, 5,000 sq ft at .004c, 820.
J. B. Lundbeck, w 100 ft lot 149, Cox's
add, 5,000 sq It at .004; 820.
Cath. F. Fawkes, w 100 ft lot 50, Cox's
add, 5,000 sq ft at .004e, 820.
John Clark, lot 1 o[ 1, Cox's add, 1,750 aq
ft at .004c, 87.
Patrick Ford Est., lot :: of 2, Cox's add,
1,060 sq ft at .004c, $4.20.
%V of . M. Davis, lot 2, Cox's add, 4,620 sq
ft at .004; 818.48.
E. 11. Shepley, e pi, lot 3 Cox's add, 6,000
sq ft at .004', 824.
Amanda Norton, e pr, lot 4 Cox's add,
6,100 sq ft at .004c, 824.40.
W. G. Cox. e pt lot 5 Cox's add, 5,720 sq
ft at .004c, 822.88.
W. G. Cox, lot 40 Cox's add, 6,000 sq ft at
.004; 824.
W. G. Cox, lot 39 Cox's add. 5,000 sq it at
.004c, 820.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Cling, Nicks, Ginger, Powers, Ryder and
Vogel. (9)
Noes -None.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That to to pay for the con-
struction of an eight inch tile pipe sewer
tit Almond street. from Ellis to Foye Sts.,
by M. Lavin, contractor, adjacent to the
same, a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinalter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate, as tot lows:
Katie Luotlbeek, e 24 ft lot 23, Cox's add,
2, 400 sq ft, at .004^_, $9.60.
Jus. Markward, tot 24, Cux's add, 5,000
sq ft at 004c, 820.
W. U. Cox, lot 25, Cox's add, 5,000 sq ft
at .004; 820.
W. G. Cox,. lot 26, Cox's add, 5,000 sq ft
at .004e, 820.
Joseph llenrich, lot 27, Cox's add, 5,000
sq It :at .004x, 820.
C. M. Buettel, lot 28, Cox's add, 5,000 sq
ft at .004 , 820.
Wm. Siuholdt, lot 29, Cox's add, 5.000
q ft at .004e, 820.
Mary Sucher, lot 30, Cox's add, 5,000 sq
yils at .004.', 820.
Lizzie Fanning, w X lot 31, Cox's add,
2,500 sq ft at .004; 810.
Mary Butler, c t/a lot 31, Cox's add, 2,500
.Vary Bailer, w i4 lot 32, Cox's add, 2,500
sq ft at .004; 810.
Cath. C. Kens, e j lot 32, Cox's add,
2,500 sq ft at .004c. 810.
Until. C. Keas, w i4 lot 33, Cox's add,
2,500 sq ft at .004c, $10.
Rosa Cadman, e % lot 33, Cox's add,
2,500 sq ft at .004c, 810.
W. G. Cox, lot 34, Cux's add, 5,000 sq It
at .0010, 820.
%V. G. Lux, lot 35, Cox's add, 5,000 sq ft
at .004c, 820.
Moritz Vollmer, lot 36, Cox's add, 5,000
sq It at .004c, 8.20.
G. Li. henckes, w X lot 37, Cox's add,
2,50U sq ft at .004; 8111.
Mrs 'Phos Murrey, e% lot 37, Cox's add,
'2500 sq ft at .004c., $10.
W. G. Cox, lot 38, Cox's add, 5,000 sq ft
at .004; 820.
E. H. Wittneben, s pt lot 52, Cox's add,
3,670 sq ft at .0U4c, 814.68.
J. Buckets, s p1 lot 53, Cox's add,
5,000 ft at .004; 820.
W. G. Cox, s pt lot 54, Cox's add 5,000 sq
ft at .004c, 820.
E. C. Ferris, s pt e34 lot 55, Cox's add,
2,500 sq ft at .004c, 810.
11. C. Farris, s pt w 34 lot 55, Cox's add,
2,500 sq It at .004c, $10.
Thos. Connolly, s pt lot 56, Cox's add,
5,000 sq ft at .0o4c, 820.
Anna Ililders, s pt lot 57, Cox's add 5,000
Adjourned Regular Session, December 14th, 1893. 237
sq ft. at .004e, $20.
ODietrioh Prange, s pt lot 58, Cox's add,
5,000 sq it at .004e. $20.
W. U. Cox's, s pt lot 59. Cox's arid, 5,000
sq ft at .004e, $20.
W. G. Cox, s pt iot 60, Cox's add, 5,000
sq ft. at .004c, 820.
W. G. Cox's s pt lot 61, Cox's add, 5,000
sq ft at .004e, 820.
Car h Keas, s pt lot 62, Cox's acid, 5,000
sq 1t at .004e 820.
Cath Keas-, s pt lot 63, Cox's add, 5,000
sq ft at .001e, 820.
Louis 'Tempers, s pt lot 64, Cox's add
5,000 sq ft at .004', at $20.
Louis Temper, s e 24 fr. of 100 lot 65,
Cox's add, 2,400 sq ft at 004c. $9.60.
J. W. Nortou,w 2'i tt of s 100 lot 65, Cox's
a((•I, 2.6•;1) sq It at.004r, 810.40.
.1. W. Norion, s pt tot 66, t. ox's add 5,000
sq ft at .004e, $20.
John S. Suuces, lot 11, L'uettel's sub,
5,000 sq It at .004r, 820.
Dan Norton. lot 10 Buettels sub, 4,09.)
sq ft at .004c, 816 36.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes- Alos. Butler, Crawford, Glah,
Lillig, Nueks, Ulitrtter, l'owers Ryder and
Vogel (91.
Mayes -None.
Ald. Ryder offe'eil the following:
Resolved by tile city Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for the construc-
tion of an eight inch Ole pipe sewer in W.
510 street and Wilson ave. and alley east
of Wilson ave., by Lavin d: Corrance,
contrac,ors, adjacent lo the same, a spec-
ial tax be told is hereby- levied 00 the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
D. C. Phillips, Int 2 of min lot 78, 6 600
sq ft at .004e, x26.40.
L. C. l'hitiips, lot 16 ‘Wilson's sub, 1,200
eq ft at .004c, $4 80.
Elizabeth Rush, tot 15, W i lson's sub, 6,600
sq ft, .004, $26.40.
John Southwell, lot 14 \\'i!son's sub,
5,300 sq fi, .004c, $21.20.
John Sou th well, lot 13, Wilson's sub,
5,300 sq ft at .0043, 821.20.
Wm. ltoehl, pt lot 12, 1V ikon's sub, 5000
sq ft, at .004e, $20.
Wm. Roeh I, pt lot 11, \V i1 on's sub, 5,000
sq ft at.004e,$20.
.,oho Butt, et lot 10, Wilson's sub, 5,000
sq ft at .004e, $20.
1'. F. Guthrie pt lot 9, Wilson's sub, 5,000
sq ft at .004e, 820.
1'. F. Guthrie, pt lot 8, Wilson's sub, 5,000
sq ft at .004e, *20.
Clara A. Allen. pt lot 7, Wilson's sub,
5,000 sq ft at .004c, $20.
John Phillips, pt lot 6, Wilson's sub,
5,000 sq it at .004c, 820.
Eliza 11. 'Phomas, pt lot 5. Wilson's sub,
5,000 sq It at .004e, $20.
W. G. Norman, pt lot 4, Wilson's sub,
5,000 sq ft at .004c, $20.
Sarah J. 'Phomas, pt lot 3, \Wilson's sub,
5,300 sq ft at .004c, $21.20.
John Freeman, pt lot 2, Wilson's sub,
2,860 sq I i at .004c, $11.44.
John E. Medley, w 100 feet of,lot 2 of 37,
Kelly's sub, 5,500 sq ft at .004, $22.
Josephine 'Purer, w 100 feet of sX lot 36,
Kelly's sub, 4,300 feet at .004, $17.20.
E. C. Leffert, w 100 feet of nX lot 36,
Kelly's sub, 4,300 sq ft at .004, $17.20.
John Lyons, w 100 feet of say lot 35, Kel-
ly's sub, 4,300 sq ft at .004, $17.20.
John McCaffrey, w 100 feet of tI i lot 35,
Kelly's sub, 4,300 sq ft at .004, 817.20.
John McCaffrey w 100 feet of sX lot 34,
Kelly's sub, 2,860 sq ft at .004, 811.44.
Daniel \Vnalen, w 100 feet of n Q„ lot 34,
Kelly's sub, 5,640 so ft at .004, 822.92.
.1. J. Dunn, w 100 feet of sX lot 38, Kel-
ly's stab, 4 300 sq It at .004, $17.20.
F. M. McL:toghiin, w 100 feet or n lot
83, Kelly's sub, 4,300 sq It itt .004, 817.'20.
.John E. Ifedley-, w 100 feet of 9, liedley's
sub, 5,000 sq ft at .004. $20.
M. N'. Collin+, lot 7, Iledley's sub, 4,400
sq tt at .1)04, $17 60.
Alfred Hobbs, Iot 17, Wilson's sub, 6,200
sq ft at .004, 824.80.
Adopted by the following vote:
-lyes-A Ids. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Lilltg, N (llintr••r, lowers, Ryder
and Vogel.
Nors -Nom'.
AId. Ryder oll'r red the following:
Resolyed by the city (Council of the City
of Dubuque: 1'ii t to pat for the eonstruc-
tien of an eight inch file pipe sewer on
Cooler ave. from 18;h st to Eagle Point ave
by 3E. Lavin, contractor, in front of and ad-
joining same, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate as follows:
N ie. Palen, s 1-5 out lot 43 , city, 5,120sq
ft, .004, $20.48.
Win. Juergens. s m 1-5 out lot 436, city,
5,120 sq ft, .004.$20 48.
11 Ilobi, s t/ m 1-5 ont lot 436, city, 2,560
sq it, .004, $10.24.
Ilerman Dement, n 34 m 1-5 out lot 436,
city, 2,560 sq ft. .004, $10.24.
Wit and Francis A Coates. n 2.5 out lot
436, city, 10,240 sq ft, .004, $40.96.
Frank Jaeger. s 2-5 out lot 437, city, 10,240
sq ft, .004, $40.96.
(es Kimmerle est, in 1-5 and s 25 ft n m
1-5 oat lot 437, city, 7.620 sq It, .004,
Anton Vogler, n 26.2 ft n m 1-5 out lot
437, city, 2 743 sq fr, .004, 810.96.
Acton Vogler, s 1% ft n 1-5 out lot 437,
city, 2,740 sq ft, .004, 810 96
Aug Wunderlich, s.20 ft lot 1, Steiner's
a1:1, 2,000 sq 11..004, 88.
Gottlieb \Vunderiich, s nt 20 ft lot 1,
Steiner's add, 2,000 sq ft, .004, 88.
Peter sehroffel, n 27.6 ft lot 1, Steiner's
arid, 2,750 sq 11. .004, $11.
Mrs. Anna Mchaetzel, w 100 ift lot 2,
Steiner's add, 4.400 sq ft, ,004, 817,60.
Valentine Luck, w 100 ft lot 3, Steiner's
add, 2,200 sq It, .004, $8.80.
Valentine tuck, w 100 ft lot 4, Steiner's
add, 2,200 sq ft, .004, 88.80.
Valentine Luck, w 100 ft lot 5, Steiner's
add, 2,200 sq ft, .004, 88.80.
John Gratzmacber, w 100 ft lot 6, 2203 sq
ft .004, $8 80.
Chas Johries, w 100 ft 11,4 lot 4, L. 11.
Lan worthy's add, 2550sq ft, .004 81020.
D avid Lorenz, w 100 it n m y lot 14, L.
H. Lang worthy's add, 2550 mg ft, .004,
$10 20.
Peter Salon, w 100 It s m lot 14, L. 11.
Langworthy's add, 25550 sq ft, .004, $10 20.
Martin Wavier, w 100 ft s lot 14, L.
11. Langworthy's add, 2550 sq ft, .004,
810 20.
\lttry A. Doft, w 100 ft s % lot 13, L.
11. Langworthy's add, 2550 sq ft, .004,
$10 00.
Cath Kaufman w 100 ft, s to '/.t' lot 13 L.
11. Langworthy's add, 2550 sit ft, .004,
E. 11. Shepley, w 100 ft, s 42 ft lot 12,
L. 11. Langworthy's add, 4200 aq ft .004,
816 80.
Anna M. l3avendlck, w 100 ft n m 21 ft,
lot 12, L.11. Lanworthy's add, 2100 sq ft,
238 _4djo.arnerl Regular Se88ron, December 14th, 1893.
.004, $8 40.
Mrs. Eliza Vogt, w 100 ft n 37, lot 12, L.
H. Langworthy's add, 3700 sq ft, .004,
Mrs, Eliza Vogt, w 100 lt, s 5 ft, lot 11,
L. H. Langworthy's add, 500 sq ft, .004,
Philip Jungk, w 100 ft,s in 30 ft,lot 11. L.
11. Langworthy's add. 3000 sq ft, .004,
812 011.
C A. %Vatter, w 10(1 ft, t: 65 ft, lot 11, 1.
11, Langworthy's add, 6500 sq ft, .004,
$.26 00.
Caroline Tschudi, w 109 ft, s X lot 10,
L. 11. langworthy's add, 5000sq ft, .004,
820 00.
Catherine Ileeb, w 100 ft, n !.y lot 10, L.
11. Langworthy's add; 5000 sq It., .004,
Gregory Rei tarried, w 100 ft, s 46 ft, lot 9,
I,. 11. Lan worthy's add, 4600 sq ft, .004,
$18 40.
Charles Klingenberg w 100 ft, n m 31 ft,
lot 9, 1.. 11. Langworthy's add, 3100 sq ft,
.004, .5!2 40.
• Wtn Ilnlluugle, w 100 f', n 23 ft lot 9,
L. 11. Langworthy's add, 2300 sq [t, .001,
Wm llollnaigle, w 100 ft, lot 9a, L. 11.
Lam/worthy's add, 3500 sq [t. 004, $11 00.
llenry I'futrer, a 100 ft lot 9 sub ot out
lots 438, 439 and pt 676, city, 2,630 sq ft at
.004, $110.52.
,John Grein res., e 100 ft lot 8 sub of out
lots 438,439 and pt 676, city, 2,130 sq ft au
.004, $8.52.
Peter Holtz, e 100 ft lot 7 sub Of out lot
438, 439 and pt 676. city, 6,400 sq ft at .004,
Conrad Lange, e 100 ft lot 6 sub of out
lots 438. 439 and pt 676, Pity; 7,100 sq It at
.004, $ 28.40.
Henry Catena, e 100 ft lot 5 sub of out
lots 438, 439 and pt 1376, city, 3,900 sq (t at
.004, $15.60.
Martin Jaequinnt, e 100 ft. lot 1 of 4 sub
of out lets 438, 439 and pt 676. city, 4,480 sq
ft at .4,01, $17.92.
John Osthoff, e 106 ft lot'2 of 4 sub of out
lots 438, 439 and pt 676, city, 50 sq ft at .004,
• John Osthoff, e 100 ft lot 3 sub of out lots
438, 439 and pt 076, city, 5,000 .q ft at .004,
Ernnk Set Inidt, e 100 ft lot 2 sub of out
lots 438, 439 and pt 676, city, 10,0,10 8q It at
,'004, $40.00.
1). lihoniberg, e 100 ft s3. lot 1 sub of out
lots 438. 439 and pt 676, city, 5,000 sq ft at
-004, $20.00.
F. W. Weiland, e 100 ft n% lot 1 sub of
out lots 438, 439 and pt 676, city, 5,000 sq 11
at .004, • $20:00.
N. 11: Shitting, e 100 ft s% lot 1, L. 11.
•Langworrhy's acid, 6,660 sq ft at .004,
C. 11. Keesecker, e 100 ft njg lot 1, L. 11.
Langworthy's add, 3,330 sq ft at .004,
C. 11. Keesecker, e 100 ft lot 2. L. H.
Lana worthy's add, 10,000 sq ft at .004,
.1. J. Linehan est, e 100 ft lot 3, Lang -
worthy's add, 10,000 sv ft at .004c, 1640.
l'eter A. Schuler estate, e 100 ft lot 4,
Langworthy's add, 5,000 sq It at .004e, 820.
Conrad Kohlm,ui, e 100 tt lot 4a Lang -
worthy's add, 5;000 sq ft at .004c, $20.
Conrad Schtuied estate, e 100 ft s 1-3
lot 5, Lang worthy's add 3,330 sq ft at .004c,
Fred. Dehling, e 100fts 3. of m 1-3 lot
5, Langworthy's add, 1,660 sq ft at .004c,
'Julia Bauch. e 100ft n 1 of in 1-3 lot
lot 5 Langworthy's add, 1,660 sq ft at .004c,
N6lchulas (;runner estate. e 1013 of n 1-3
lot 5 Langworthy's add, 3,330 sq It at .004c,
813 32.
Ben. 1). I leeb, e 100 ft of s ;a lot 6, Lang -
worthy's add, 5,000 sq ft at .004e, 820,
Dubuque Dialling Co., e 100 ft of lot 7
Lautgw.irthy's add, 10,000 sq 11 at .004c,
Dubuque Malting Co., e 100 ft ot lot 8,
Langworthy's add, 10,000 sq It at .004c,
Dubuque Maltby.; Co., e 100 ft. n is of lot
6 Laugworthy's add, 5,000 sq ft it .004e,
Dubuque Malting Co., e 100 ft of lot 8a
Langworthy's add, 3,500 sq tt at .004c, $14.
Adopted by the foilowir g vote:
l yes-Alds. Butter, Crawford, Glab,
Lilltit, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Aid. Ryder offered the following.
Resolved by the City Council of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, That to
pay for the construction of an eight inch
tile pipe sewer in Emmett street and St.
Mary's street by M. Lavin, con-
tractor, adjacent to the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts 01 lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or pat cel of real estate, as follows:
II. Kavanaugh, n pt lot 1 of 600city, 4,370
sq It at .904c, 817.48.
Mary McDonnell, lot 5 of 601, 4,310 sq ft
at .004e, • 17.24.
NI airy Laotian, lot 4 of 601, 4,310 sq ft at
.001c, $17.24.
Mary McDonnell, lot 3 o[ 601 4,310 sq ft
at .(104', 817.2 .
Mrs. John Dowling lot 2 of 601, _4,310 sq
ft at .004c, 817.24.
Jas. C. Rooney; lot 1 of 601, 4,310 sq;ft at
.004 •, $17.24.
t. aiary's Academy, n 1 .2-12 ft of 602,
430 sq It at .004c. 81.70.
St. Mary's Academy, w pt of 602a 10,600
sq ft at .001c, 842.40.
St. Mary's Academy, w pt of 603, 17,680
sq ft at .004.', $70.72,
S , It ipuaei's Cathedral, w pt of 605,
17,160 sq ft a .(0Ic, 868.64.
St. Raphael's Cathedral w pt of 606,
8,560 sq ft. at .004c. 834.24.
John Hennessey, w pt of 607 1,710 sq ft at
.0(14c, 86.84.
Jane Mullen, est., w pt of 607a 6,850 sq ft
at .004e, $27.40.
1'. 11. Murry, lot 1, St. Raphael's add,
4.590 so ft. at .004, $18.36.
1'. 11. Murray, lot 2, St. Raphael's add,
5,610 sq ft at .004, 32.44.
Thos. Sweeney, lot 3, St. Raphael's add
5,000 sq ft at .004, 820.
Mrs. E. Treanor, lot 4, St. Raphael's add,
5,000 sq It at .004, $20.
Jas Quinn. lot 5, St. Raphael's add,
5,000 sq tt at .004, 8.20.
Wm. Corcoran, lot 7, at. Raphael add,
5,000 sq ft at .004, w20,
John Kenna, lot 8, St. Raphael's add,
5,000 sq ft at .004, 820.
Wni. Ducey, tot 9, St. Raphael's add
5,000 sq ft at .004, 820.
Patrick Linehan, lot 10, St. Raphael's
add, 5,000 sq ft at .004, $20.
Mrs. M. %Vats'', lot 11, St. Raphael's add,
5,000 at .004, 820.
Jas. Lee, lot 12, St. Raphael's add, 5,000
sq ft at .004, 820.
Adopted by the following vote.
AyesLiIIig,Nicks,sOI Olinger, Butler, Powers, Ryder aGlab,
Alii. Ryder offered the following:
. I ,7 ,, /r •,,, ,1 Regular Session, December 14th, 1893. 280
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for the construc-
tion of an eight -inch tile pure sewer in W .
5th street and Summit, street, by Colluison
& McKerman, contractors, adjacent to the
same a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate turd
owned, and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Howard Dodge, n pt lot 3, Martin's sub,
5,000 sq ft at .004c, $20.
M. F. l'ost, n pt lot 4, Martin's sub, 5,-
O09 sq ft at .004e, $20.
E. D. Redmond, n pt lot 8, li iem, &
Blockliuger's sub, 7,620 sq it at .004c,
E. D. Redmond, lot 7, Kiene & lilock-
lirtger's sub, 9,120 sq ft at .004, $36.48.
Wm. Potts, e pt n 75 ft lots 1, 2 and 3,
Kiene & L'lockliuger's sub, 7,500 sq ft at
.004e, 1,30
John Decry, e pt s 25 ft n 100 ft Tots 1, .2
and 3, Kiene & Biocklinger's sub, 2,500 sq
ft at .004c, 310.
D. 1). Meyers, e pt a 25 ft s 100 ft lois 1,
2 and 3, Kiene & Blocklinger's sub, 2,500
sq ft at .004c, 310.
1-I. A. Rooney, e pt. n 25 Ws 75 ft lots 1,
2 and 3, Kiene and Blocklinger's sub, 2,500
sq ft at .004c, 310. •
John Keenan, e pt n 25 ft s 511 IL lots 1, 2
and 3, Kiene & Blockliuger's sub, 2,1.00 sq
ft at .004c, 310.
1'. 11. Powers, e pt s 25 ft s 25 ft Tots 1, 2
and 3, Kiene & Bloeklinger's sub, 2,500 sq
ft at .004c, 310.
J. 11. Berry est, lot 1 o[ 3, M. Brown's
sub, 8,000 sq It at .004, 332.
J. 11. Berry est, lot 2, M. Brown's sub,
5,000 sq ft at .004, 320.
E. G. Shackford, lot 1, 11. Brown's sub,
5,060 sq ft at .004, 320.
Mrs. Anna Whelan, lot 1 out let 721,
city, 7,620 so ft at .004, 330.48.
John Watters est, w pt lot 2 out lot 721,
city,4,870 sq ft at .004, 319.48.
Jos. Culbertson, w pt lot 3 out lot 721,
city, 8,000 59 ft at .004, $32.
John ll. Kleine, w pt lot 4, out lot 721,
city, 6.900 sq ft at .004, 327.60.
John Lull est, w pt lot 5 out lot 721, city,
10,800 sq ft at .004, 343.20.
Adopted by tae following vote.
Ayes-Alds. Butler, Crawford, Glab,
Liilig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Noes -None.
Ald. Ryder offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque: That to pay for the construc-
tion of an eight inch tile pipe sewer lu
Hill, Burch and West 3r0 streets by Lavin
and Corrauce, contractors, adjacent to the
same a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as
L. (1. Dobson, lot 1 of min lot 78, 5,200 Sq
ft at .004c, 320.80.
Jars Linehan, lot 1 Denting and llorr's
sub, 5,700,sq ft at .004c, 322 80.
Chas. E. Bradley, lot 29 Deming and
llorr's sub, 6,500;sq ft at .004c, 326.
F'. W. Woodrich, lot 28 Deming and
Horr's sub, 5,000 sq ft at .004c, 320.
1. Harris, lot 27 Deming and llorr's sub,
5,000 sq ft art .004c, 320.
Jno. M. Kirkpatrick, lot 1 of 1 of 4 of
111111 lot 73, 6,000 sq ft at .004c, 324.
Jno. M. Kirkpatrick, lot 1 of Iuiu lot 76,
1,080 sq ft at .004c, 34.32.
Jno. M. Kirkpatrick, lot 2of 4 of ruin lot
73, 120 sq ft at .004e, 48 cents.
1. Harris, lot 26 Deming and 1 forr's sub,
5,1)00 sq ft at .004e, 320,
1. Harris, lot 5 Deming and llorr's sub,
6,9110 sq ft itt..004c, 327.61).
John McCoy lot 1 %1cCoy's sub, 10,740 sq
ft at .004t:, 342 96.
A. F. Erudite'', lot 1 of 8 of naiu lot 73,
4,600 sq ft at .1101c,318.40.
A. F. li'ruddeu, lot 2 of 8 of thin lot 73,
4 600 sgftat.004e,318.40.
A , F. Erudite'', lot 3 of ii of min lot 73,
4,600 sq ft at .004c, 318.40.
Jars. O'Farrell, n pt of 7 o[ 8 of min lot
73, 1,750 sq ft at .004c, 37.
A C Iiuettell, n nt lot 2 of 9 of min lot 63,
9000 sq It, .1104, 3313 00.
A U Iiuettell, nut or lot 1 of 2of 1 of 2
of 9 min Iot,73, 9000 sq ft .004, 33600.
L C L'tssel , n pt of lot 1 of 2 of 11 of nein
lot 73, 26500 sq ft, .004, 3106.
Jacob Bich, 11 t. of lot 1 of 10 of ruin lot
73, 1500 sq It, .004, 36.
Jacob Bich, a pt of lot 2 ort min lot 74,
3600 sq ft..004, 314 40.
Jacob Rich, n pt lot 2 0l ruin lot 72, 8400
sq ft, .004, 1533 60.
M 11 McCarthy, lot 1 of min lot 74,,4500
sq ft, .001, 318.
M 11 McCarthy, tiptof lot 1,of min lot 72,
6050 sq ft, .004,-$2420.
'1' Dickson. pt of 7, Fortune's sub, 3750
sq ft, .001, 315.
Mrs Rich Scott, pt of lot 8, Fortune's
sub, 2050 sq it, .001, 311 80.
51rs Bich Scott, sit lot 9, Fortune's sub,
5000 sq It, .004, 320.
W 11 Leathers, lot 21, Fortune's sub,
2160 8q It, .004, 38 64.
W 11 Lea hers, lot 20, F'ortune's sub,
5000 sq l t, .004, 320.
1V 11 Leathers, lot 19, Fortune's sub,
3200 sq ft, •004, 312 80.
A Kaunuon est, pt s 50 ft lots 4. 5 and Ii
Kiene & Blocklinger's sub, 5000 sq ft, .004,
3`20 •
Ama00nda 51 Taft. tat a 79 ft s 28 ft lots 4,
5 and 6. Kiene & Blockhnger's sub. 7900 sq
ft, .004, 331 60.
G G ferry, pt n 62 ft Tots 4, 5 and 6,
Kiene & Blockiiuger's &sub, 6200 80 tt, .004,
324 80.
Jacob Reyuoldsou's est, lot 2, Martin's
sub, 6800 sq ft, .004, $27 20.
Thos Watters, lot 1, Martin's sub, 6800
sq ft, .004, $27 20.
%Vol..1. Buckler, lot 1, sub of lots 1 of 3
of ruin lot 76 and lot 2 inin lot 77, 5,400 sq
ft at .001. 321 60.
Emma Beitibold, it 35 ft of lot 2. of lots 1
of 3 of min lot 76 and lot 2 of min lot 77,
3,500 sq ft at .004, 314 00.
11. 13. :3ncker, s 15 ft of lot 2 of lots 1 of
3 of min lot 76 and lot 2 of thin lot 77,
1,5011 sq ft nt •004, 36 00.
11. B. hacker, lot 3 of lots 1 of 3
of min lot 76 and lot 2 of min lot 77, 5,000
sq ft at .004, 320 00.
Anna L. Babbitt, lot:4 o[•lots of 1 of 3 of
min lot 76 and lot 2 of min lot 77, 5,000 sq
ft at .004, 320 00.
F. E. Lindsay, lot 1 of rain lot 75, 8,200
sq It at .004, 332.80.
F. E. Lindsey, pt of lot 5 o[ min lot 74,
1,500 sq It at .004, 36 00. -
Gus Schenkowitz, pt of lot 4, 13urch's
sub, 6,000 sq ft at .004, 324 00.
If. Conisky, pt of lot 3, Burch's sub,
6 000 sq ft at .004, 424 00.
It Carberry, pt of lot 1,* Burch's sub,
6,200 sq ft at .004, 324.80.
F. 11. Carberry pt of lot 1 of 2, Burch's
sub, 1,500 sq ft at .004, 30.
Geo. 13. Burch, pt of lot 2 of 2, l3urch's
add, 42,900 sq ft at .004, 3171.60.
Geo. B. Burch,; lot 1 of min lot 73,
l:u .'lel jo)trned dF4 Ular SWRirin, December 14th, 1893.
8,500 sq ft at .004, $34.
(:en. 13. Burch, tot 2 of 'l, min lot 73,
Burch's add, 800 sq ft at .001, $3.20.
• Geo. 11 Buren, wl 3 of 2, min lot 73,
Burch's sub, 3,800 sq [t. at .004, $15.20,
1V. 13. 1lookiti's lot 1, Buettell & 1.aug-
tyorthy's sub, 5,001) mil ft at .004, $20.
(Geo. Atkins, lot 2, Iluottell & Langwor-
thy's sub, 5,100 sq it at .001. $20.40.
Elizabeth Newberg, lot 1 of 3, 1Iuettel1
& Langworthy's sub, 6,413,) sq ft at .004,
Albert Ney, I0t,2 of 3, Recite!! & Lang -
worthy's nub, 4,2111 sit ft. at .1)04, 410.96.
.lac 11'ellhocfcr s 49 ft, lot 4, Ihtettcl1 .\
I,angwurthy's sub, 4,000 sq ft at .001,
11'ut. G. Vo:;t, s 1 ft lot 4, Ilaeltel &
Ltwgwurllty's sub, 1181 sq [t at .004, 40c. •
Win. G. Vogt, , 31 ft lot 5. lluettell &
Latigwurthy's situ, 3.1110 sq It at .004,
$13 110.
Regina Vo 1, n 16 ft lot 5, lluettell &
1,augworl,liy'3 sub, 1,01)) sq ft at .004, $6.40.
Regina Vogt, s 18 It lot 6, 13uettell &
l.augworuty's sub, 1,810 sq ft at .004, $7.20.
(leo. .1. Vogt, n 32 It lot 6, L'nettell &
1'.aagworthy's • sub, UM) aq ft at .004,
Sarah 1Vo,.ten, pt lot of 2 of 2 of 3 of min
lot 70, 18,800 sq f1 to .004, $75.25.
• Elizabeth 11.'1bst, pt lot 2 of 6 stub of 1 of
3 of min lot 76 and lot 2 of min lot 77, 2,980
sq ft at .004, $11.90.
Gustave 1'. ,\Iaustedt, pt lot 1 of 6 sub o[
1 of 2 of min lot 70 and lot 2 o[ min lot 77,
2,1170 sq ft at .004, $11.88.
• Mary 1'. sileriiiittt, pt bit 5 of sub of 1 of
3 of min lot 76 and lot 2 of min lot 77, 4,700
sq ft at .004, $18.80.
Adopted by the toIlowiut vote:
Ayes—Aids. Butler, • Crawford, Glab,
Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and
Attorney Knight addressed the council
in relation to $500 bond of 1857, and asked
that speedy action be taken on the ma.ter
as suit had been entered against the city,
anti the case would be tried at the January
Uti notion the matter was referred to the
ordinance committee in conjunction with
Alta. (flab.
A Id. Olinger moved to adjourn. Carried.
Or r.
.. Mayor
Sp.: .1 Assessment Notice.
'1'o JAC REYNOLD80N, Esq.:
You are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with a resolution of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, for the construc-
tion of lateral sewerage in the alley or
street between 11i11, Burch and West 3rd
streets adopted on the 5th day of Dec.. A.
D. 1893 a special assessment will be levied
for the expense thereof at the next regular
meeting of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land adjacent to said sewer-
age, lot2 in Geo. Martin's sub owned by
you being subiect to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear tit
Said meeting of the council, to be held on
the lith day of Dec., A. D., 1803 and show
cause, if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied. 12-9-5t.
T..1. l'ooN r v, City Recorder.
LSpe''ial Assessment Notice,
TO .Josephine 'l'urot and John Lyons:
You are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with a resolution of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque for the construc-
tion of lateral sewerage in W. 5th, Wilson
avenue and :\1ley E of Wilson avenue,
adopted on the 6th day of Dec. A. U. 1893,
a special assessment will be levied for the
expense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots and
parcels of land adjacent to said sewerage,
lot w3,4, s,1„, 36, sub and ‘1,,!, 8,14, 35, Kel-
ly's sub, owned by you being subject to
such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the council, to be held on the
14th day of Dec. A. 1). 1893, and show
cause, it any yon have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied. '
I!-1t-Ot. City Recorder
Special Assessment Notice.
'1'o MAuY LuW1IAN:
You are hereby notified that in- accord-
ance with a resolution of the city council
of toe city of Dubuque, for the construc-
tion of lateral sewerage in the alley be-
tween Emmett and St. Mary's streets,
adopted on the 6th day of Dec., A. 1)., 1893,
a special assessment will be levied for the
expense thereof at the next regular meet•
inn of the city council. upon all lots and
parcels of laud adjacent to said sewerage
lot 4 of 601 city, owned by you being sub
ject to such special assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meeting of
the council, to be held on the 14th day of
Dee., A. D., 1893, and show cause, if any
you Have, why said assessment should not
be levied. '1'. J. Coon y,
12 -9 -tit City Recorder.
bide Walk N,itiee.
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide.
of good two-inch plauk, brick, stone or
cement, be. within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
both sides of \Vest street, bPtweeu West
511i street and \Vest 7th street where
not already laid, at the expense of 'abut-
ting property. '1'. J. CooNi.r,
City Recorder.
Adopted Nov. 23rd, 1893. 11-28-101.
End of Book No. 23
December 14, 1893
City of Dubuque Council Record
Book No. 24
January 2, 1894 - December 20, 1894
For the Year 1894.
HAM & CARVER, Printers and Binders.
City Officers for 1894
Mayor - Peter Olinger
Recorder - T J Cooney
Treasurer - H B Gniffke
Auditor - M M McCarten
Attorney - Jas E Knight
Assessor - J F Stemm
First Ward
J W Halpin, Jas Butler
Second Ward
T J Shea, Phil Ryder
Third Ward
A Vogler, A Vogel
Fourth Ward
P W Crawford, J B Powers
Fifth Ward
Jos Kaudmann, J M Lillig
Appointive Officers
Engineer - W H Knowlton
Marshal - John Eaesle
Street Supt - John Carter
Fire Chief - Joe Reinfried
Electrician - George Osborne
Sewer Inspector - M Igo
Wharf Master and Wood Measurer - J Hannon
Market MAster - Jacob Klein
Park Commissioner - H Henge
Health Officer - F W Wieland
Standing Committees
Phil Ryder
Mayor Pro Tem and Chairman Committee of the Whole
Public Grounds and Buildings
Fire and Water
Police and Light
Delinquent Tax
Board of Health
Re-Naming Streets
Electrical Construction
Meetings held on the first Monday of each month tom
Index Book 24 .
1H04 SUBJECT_ Pep's
Jan 2 1ssessor as'istants 1. 1 rut lilt and 1 eo Iie n111•tt appointed and bonds
approved 2-.3
\Ile) bet '4I and .3t1 St, and IIasltiigton and Flin remonstrance
of 1' K1,itischrunt 3
' 2 Assessor assistant 1. I.mehl. allowed'3t00 for services 3
2 Alit y from "anfortl to 2241 tit het \\ashdngton and Elm special tax
for lnpr(vt nu itt of 5 MINNA
17 1ruu,ry petitions in rt lation to I1., of(pp 1:1 34) 17
L1•.1. Iri t4 rv.St Itaptiae I s parish¢ranted use of(p .35) 11
\II. east 441 11111 "t pet of 1. 13 Bur.h in relation to assessnttnt
414 1.7 4 3•)
\dam:6 ., tax.•, :32
' • 111114411.1 St Engine,r instill(tett,x11111111. grade of as to,hanging 5111111
1, •, 34
1 • ArIri)r\ Hall Firem,11 granted Ilse I'hauksgivutg eve IS94 35
1 • 1ruu,ry Ilall Dorothy Dix( ir,1. :,ranted Its( of\larch '7 94 :1:,
Nlal,h -4 %Imaru Mrs John taxes(p 12.) :39
• lddie\1 p(titian asking to rtlu n111s,urn 4411 Sundays 39
14 luditor s report for Januar) 111,1)04\ell 45
11113 b4:t. Iti nulberg and 11 afield and R 1n,l,44r and Stafford ordcretl
improved 45
.11.ri1 \Iley east of Ilill St pet of lot \\alhuefel fur reduetiun of asset t 1`1S
111,•\ bet 1.14 uoak 1v4 and Edith St plat presented for widening of 1213
• 1` \II.3 bet 1a40111berg and 4•artit lel and'tatto141 mull \\tnd.or contract
awarded 139
11 1` \Ile) het lthombeegand (,•trheld and Humboldt and Srhillet Eigi
neer to prepare plat of grade I p Ill 1s. 1117 1:99 .135.236. 240 140
' :1, \Ipin east su1, bet Julien and \\ ltb sill,walk ordered on 141
3114) \Ipiu, from II hl to Dodge pet fat improvement of 151
1.110bet 11th St and loth St. and Locust and Bluff asset t levied for
iutpr0veult lit ip L',:,) 15:3
I1ey net Stafford Mill 1616 lu,lsor and 1 artiehl and Ithomberg, accepted
1p 187) 105
11 Alle) bet Johnston and 241 1.36 and,ru•tit 141 and I 11140111 EngineeI to
submit profit, of 161
UI,1 1144111Ellis to Faye St,ordered improved tp. 1!(1 .:i. 2.,3) 166
\lair Ave 1 1 \oeiker et ad pet 1(0 c bange of grade of (p 1 Tri) 1(17
June 4 .\Ileys and streets 40 Uulu.lut Harbor Imp Co s Add protest against
vacation of 174
4 Uta\ ista St (.et of E ( Blake et al for tmpr,,vemtut of from IN
14th SI to \\ Ln ust(p 2254 174
4 kilt bet 1'orr,,t Lane and \\ 5th south of l lenoak tire. ordered
gritil,•d i 0 .".Nil 174
4 Angt Ila SI l•111.,iuet•r r.1..•r14:41 sum, r,pairs I 1 1)
' 4 Whir 1te l•.tii,incer. r1 port in n 1atlou to grade of 176
4 VIpiueSt near Utrlgt St Street Superintendttat instrut tett to have
same rt paired 1711
4 Alm u44d 5t., both sides bet E111,anti Foye Sts shit walk 44rderetl1111 17S
4 krill 1v( IA 1 1 iueulu and(tart-Mid ordered improved .p 11k5 196, 215,
315 3l7 181
4 \1111441141 St tram 1.111s St Up F nye St asset t levied lot improvement
of(p 1:11 11h) t*i,2U, ,*A'.i 184-5
1111} 2 Alit) t apt 441 \1 115,111 134: accepted 11. 14 1 199
Aug 0 \,stssuo ut roll t uutplrtrd 224
11 \udubon Ise. gra,lt ,•,tablisbe,l
St pt 4 3,1k) bet S,Billet kwd \lkldlt anti I math( awl l.ltumberg AA pet
04'watt 1 1101111,4411 24.5
4 \111 y lit t 144 1.014 r and Middle awl bartield and hhoulberg \ve or-
dered 1111prove41 1 p 44, ,,son,J1 316) 20"
4 Ilia\'ista from \\ 14111 to l ilnu \ve urdt red improved(p :.Ids, 2230, 31G5
1,51 315,31s,:119 WO)
1` kilt 11 13t plat showing 1atatmu of '(17
(15-t l, 1.14141c St silt walk ordered wt 29
1\ Ahearn Mrs Juh11 taxes *2)i'
15 1 Ile) lata Nagle and 1U11t 1 t t pct 401 iri1pruvt•meut of M
\0t 5 1141trmt ii urdt red paid 24)7
298-95 \ria %vv. bet 1 111eudu toad Ithuwberi Ayr, shit walk ordered on
a A 1111 1vu. lit t. 1 iuculrt and learlield Ives. sidewalkordered on 29
flue •1 \Itx Vista St sidewalk milt red 011 328
-- 1
Index Book 24.
1894 5 U EJ ECT. I Pecs
1 11;
Jan Bills all iwe,l (pp 4, Is, 19) 12
442 Bannon Mt-. h:(tt. taxi.. (p 33) ),
642 Burch St.. IV le \ 1. tlaet,pet in relation to assnl't for sewei
442 1)1ake,Mar . I,,•1 i11lid ali011tospecial asslil'tfolsidewa1k 2-3
Bonus, ❑upoceuacnt. -:,n,000 sold to(,. 11. White&Co,AT Y 3
2 Broadway t,xtension Iain of Dietrick Miteggenburg for removal of
,42 Bona of Health,pet tot 4 stablislnueut of 4
L4 2 Booth st., trout Julien .\v, to W 341,special tax fun improvement of 5-62' Broad St., It 14111 1111)4'11 .\c, to 1101114,for tit,Friendless,special tax for
improvement 111 10-11
462 Booth tit., frontJulien Ave to W 3d,assm't levied 101 sidewalk 11
2 Broad Sc. assort lot sidewalk levied 11
" 10 Bond of :,00 of year 1857,report of coin in relation to 18
10 Bonds balance of 820,000 1551041 in.July, 1893,ordered sold 18
Bridget," 10 Brennan Bridget,taxes (p 34) 2,g
" 10I Brahn. \lagchin taxes (p 33) 23
" 10 Bonds. 11 1tet of changing words in `:3
Feb 5 Bills allowed (lip 32,33) '31
5 Bills referred (p 32) 31 32
465 Bne.hlulau,Henrietta,taxes (p 3)) 32
44o 1 Broadway extension, e.laini of 1) Mueggenberg on account of change
of glade 32
445 I Benish 1 J ,taxes (p 1.
` 5 Brandt, Mrs,pet in relation to claim against city employe 39
" 5 Bonds, redemption of 33
" 5 Burkes,Geo taxes 33
46 5Broad St., in Mt Pleasant add, name of changed to Mt Pleasant Ave 34
" 15 I Booth St.,plat for widening of presented (pp 40,199,244, 245,250,257
258) 38
March 5 Bills allowed (p 44) 39
5 Bills referred 39
44 _ , Bot'Manse',Susan,taxes 39
it Board of Education, pet in relation to special taxes i 39
Beryl,\Iis.,special tax for repairing sidewalk reduced 44 -.
Bonds . 12,000 soldtoC 11 Wnite&Co,N Y 45
April •, hills allowed (p 128) 12.5
Bilis referred 12,5
Burns, inn,taxes (p 206) • 127
:5' Brown &Brown claim of for grading Seminary Sc 127
18 Bonds, iulprovcinent.823,500 called in 137
•• 18' Bouk, improvement $35,000 ordered issued (pp 139, 182 138
" 18 Bonds and salaries of officers referred to Coin of the Whole (p 140) 139 -
18 Bunds, improvement. from 1 to 47 inclusive,called in. 139 '
18 Bonds, proposition of l' 11 White&Co accepted 140
May 7 ]sills allowed (pp 120, IS ) 149
44 7 ]3ellevue add,plat of change in presented 151
7 Booth St., B Gallon allowed 8150 fon right of way 151
9 Bluff St.,East sloe, bet 1st and 211 Sts;sidewalk ordered on i60
'1" 9 Bonds,iiull,iruvst enaent a finance cot 8th and mm fleh Sts e to call sidewalk ordered on 160-1
" 213 ]3oard of Health,members of appointed ]Ill •
June 4 Bills allowed (pp 17:1, 1,7,195)
1 173
4 Bills referred 4
464. Burden and Windsor Ave, Engineer to devist some means for drain 173-
age of 176
4 Butchers,pet to have grocers pay license 177
« 4 I Bluff St., bet 1!1 11 and 1311t, sidewalk ordered on West side 179
,{ 4 13iliff St, bet .Ione;a:331 1st Sts sidewalk ordered on East side 180
4 Bluff St.,bet :.d ate! 8111 Sts,Engineer to prepare profile of grade 181
4 Boras,fivauee conhit ittoe to examine into matter of pur hast of those
becoming dot. in 1,2 and 3 years 181
JuIY 9 Bills allowed (p 198. 1819, 214) 196-7
2 Bills referred 197 8
" 2 Bonds, agreement with Win L Bradley in relation to 201
" 2 Beard of Health compensation of fixed(p 297,300) 2022
Alig 0 Bills allowed 2234 •
n Ballard Main, taxes (p 249,27•,297)
46 1., Bunds, proposition of C H White&Co in relation to 224
9 Booth tit front \V 3d to Dodge St.,sidewalk ordered 00 (p 278,279) 2741
Bennett St front Grandview Ave to Grigg's Add, sidewalk ordered• .
LL on 1 p :302) 242
64 Burden&Lawther's Add., Engineer to prepare estimates of grade of
9 streets in (p 249,270)
4611 Bonds improvements issued 242
` 11 Bonds,sal( ut to be advertised for 242
to Bunds,Mitered called in 243
Sept 4 Bilis allowed 243
4 Burke 13ridget,taxes (p 276) 247 8
444 Bridge tax,finance committee to confer with supervisors on (p 316) 2.13
Index Book 24.
1894 S U BJ ECT I I'A(a{
Jan 9 Dubuque Ivooden war,( o.,taxes (p 32) 14
" 10 Dubuque Street Railway ('o,taxes 19
10 Dubuque Light:mil'1'raction Co,taxes
29 Dock til., het Lincoln and Ilhomberg Ave.,ordered improved (p 44, M.1
" 92 Dock tit., bet (,artieid and C, M &St P R R Co's track 93
Feb 5 Dubuque Picking and Provision Co,taxes,p 36, 32
5 1)ahm,Mrs Anna,taxes(p 36) 32
" :, Deckert,Mrs (' taxes (p :to) 32
't Dubuque'1 nil dim and Rollet \till Co,taxes (p 30, 128) 3`2
" 5 Donahue,Michael. pot for damages (p. 1;:0 32
Mardi 5 Dialgt si remonstrance against improvement of 39
" 5 Duggan, Michael, pet for vacation of o tee( n1 Madison St 43
" a Dulanlm Ti legraph pet in Mai ion to (Alicia' printing 43
" 5 Dock 't contract 1'ot improvement of let(p Is:i) 45
April 5 Driscoll. \I;uy, taxes, (it 166,940) 127
" 5 DeLoriioot, taxes Ip 1661 127
" 5 Dunpsey,Sophia.taxes (p, 248) 128 I
445 Dodge tit., \\est of l lraudview Ave,name of changed to Fremont Ave 128 i
May 7 Donahue. Marg't, taxes 150
June 4 Dubuque Stamping and Enameling Works,proposition of 174
4 Dubuque Water( n instructed to furnish pure and wholesome water 177
" 4 Duhngm. Ilarbot Improvement Co's Add, pet of Standard Lunt
Iter Co for vacation of streets in 177
July 2 1)u1 tique Fire and Marine Insuraucc.Co,taxes (p 316) 201-2
' 19 Dell St,ordered improved (p 210,315,317) 215
Aug 6 Davenport SI ,pet to open 2`24
44 6 Dubin tut \ve, grade established 226
" 6 Decorah Ave,grade established 226
" 0 Delaware Ave.,grade established 226
" 6 Dexter Ave,grade established 226
" b Dorgan .\Iley Eugineei to prepare profile of grads of 237-8
Oct 1 Drees Susanna. taxes (p 297) 248
`' 1 Duncan & ('nates,Opera House, mattes.of stairway on (p 977,283,997) 274
'' 1 Donl:St.,ordered opened 277
" 1 Dorgan A'ley haute of changed 277
" 1 Dorgan Place and Alley,ordered improved(p 285, 315,326 327) 278
" 15 Dubugnt Oil Tank Line Co,rights granted 284
" 15 Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance Co,taxes 284
" 15 Doherty,1' F &Co, taxes 294
Nov 5 Donahue Margt, taxes 296
" 5 Dorgan Place sidewalk ordered on 295
` 20 Dubuque high bridge,res in relation to 300-1
Dec 3 Dubuque Street Railway C0, pet fur extension of franchise 314