Y Roll_13 Part 1Continuation
City of Dubuque
Council Record
Book No. 27
January 4, 1897 - December 23, 1897
December 2, 1897
Gentlemen:—The matter of the tele.
phone ordinance of Mr. 11. W. Stewart
has been referred to me for an opinion.
I report as follows:
I flnd from an exatnination of the
council records that nn March 22, 1897,
an ordinance was passed granting a
franchise to operate a telephone com-
pany to Mr. Stewart. This ordinance
was not. and has never been accepted
by Mr. Stewart as conditional in same
and is not at present of any effect. Sub-
sequent to the passage of same, an-
other ordinance was introduced 1n the
council which was read once, Septem-
ber 25th. 1897. On September 30th, 1897,
its second reading was commenced but
on motion further reading and action
on same was postponed and no action
on the same has since been taken.
It is at present not in effect. Then
an ordinance to amend said ordinance
of March 22d. 1897. was introduced and
is now pending. amending said ordi-
nance by striking section 14 and 15
as alleged and substantially. chang-
ing other provisions of the same, and in
addition thereto strikes out section 17.
The question as I understand it is
whether this ordinance to amend said
ordinance of March 22d, 1897• can be
legally passed under the circumstances:
as the ordinance it amends Is not in
force, It would not be a valid amend-
Then, it is different from an amend-
ment tacked on to an ordinance be-
fore its passage.
This is an ordinance amending an or-
dinance already passed. and is an in-
dependent ordinance in Itself. and
would have to be passed in conformity
with the provisions of the new code,
which provides that notice of applica-
tion therefore shall be published once
each week for four consecutive weeks
in some newspaper.
Then it substantially changes and
repeals the ordinance of March 22. 1897.
From these considerations It makes
no difference whether the ordinance of
March 22. 1897. is in effect or not, the
said ordinance amending same would
have to be passed in conformity with
the new code.
1 would recommend t'tat if the coun-
cil wish to adopt such an ordinance
that an entire:v new ordinance be
drafted and pasEed in conformity with
the new code. Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Aid. Crawford moved that further
action on said ordinance be postponed
until next April. Carried.
Ald. Stafford, chairman of the com-
mittee on claims, reported as follows:
In favor of paying the following bills:
Paul Iig, surveying, etc., in case of
D. Muggenberg vs City of Dubuque,
Eugene Anderson, surveying, etc., In
case of D. Muggenberg vs City of Du-
buque, ;20.00.
Byrne Bros.. livery hire. E1.:(o.
Also in favor of refunding s;.n0 1,)
Hugo A. Ruh for license to keep a gt•,tc-
cry deiwel'y wagon.
Ald. Stafford moved to adopt the r• -
I port. Carried.
Ald. Cullen. chairman of the commit-
tee 00 streets reported as follows:
In favor nt granting the petition of
McBride and Parker asking that city
purchase their macadam.
Also report t hat ynur emn10111.., un
streets have discontinued the serwi4.e'4
of the engineer and stoker of the steam
Also report that they have exnmin,•,1
Washington xtrect between 26th and
27th streets, Steuck, c %'Farrell & Line-
han, contractors. and would recom-
mend that saki street be accepted.
Also report that they have examined
Wood street fr..m south line of Int 4.
Myrtle's add.. to south line of min-
eral nt NO. 1s0, Peter Horch, contra, -
tor. and would ..•commend that same 1.. -
Also report that your committee on
streets to %%hotn %%as referred the peti-
tion of Joy. J. Shoemaker .•1 al w Rh
power %%.,1111 report that they have or-
dered the grade of Allison P'Inee chang-
ed so that the water from I1eihi street
may tin%%• south. said work being un-
der the supervision of the chief fore-
AId. Cullen mowed to adapt 1h•• re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Albrecht. chairman of the com-
mittee on markets. reported as follows:
Your committee on markets respectful-
ly report adverse to hiring an assistant
market master. but would recommend
that Market Master lath be permitted
to hire a man to assist hint by the day
when he Is In need of help.
Signed. M. STAFFORD,
Ald. Albrecht moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Aid. McEvoy, chairman of the com-
mittee on public grounds and buildings,
reported as foilo ws:
In favor of paying the following bill:
Pape and Jacqulnot, repairing light-
ning rods for 15th street engine house,
Ald. Lagen, chairman of the commit-
tee on police and light reported as fol-
In favor of placing an arc light on the
corner of Dock and Garfield avenues.
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of J. Gantenbeln et al asking
that an electric light be placed at the
corner of Jansen street and Fifth ave-
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of Aug. Schnee et al asking
that a light be placed at Third and
Adams streets.
Also report that your committee on
police and light to whom was referred
the petition of J. Martin et al In rela-
December 2, 1897. 347
'Don to light on the corner of Delhi and
Gillian) streets would report In favor
••.f having said light removed from Pearl
street to Delhi street.
Also report In favor of the adoption
of the following resolutions:
Resolved by the city c•uunc11 of the
city of Dubuque: That the are light
now :It th.• corner of First avenue and
Adams street he ordered removed to the
„t i,. r of First and Lincoln avenues.
Resolved by the city council of the
try of Dubuque: That an electric
b1;ht be placed on Curtis street between
:State and Exchange streets.
Ald. 1.agen moved to adopt the re-
port. t'arried.
Lager moved that the light on
e il'ov.• Terrace be moved S nr 10 feel
1 est. Carried.
In favor of receiving and filing the pe-
tition of T. Dillon asking city to refund
$949.29 anti Interest from Dec. 1, 1891',
being the amount paid by him for spec-
ial assessment for improvements of
clrandvi•-•w avenue.
In favor of receiving and tiling the
petition of Jas. Beach & Sons remon-
strating against special assessment for
sanitary sewer on Dodge street.
In fat or of receiving and filing the
petition of M. Friedgen et al asking
permission to erect a smoke stack on
Seventh street between Main and Iowa
In favor of receiving and filing petition
of Wm. L. Bradley, asking city to relay __-
sidewalk abutting lots 222 and 223 cor.
6th and Iowa streets.
In favor of granting the petition of
Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lumber I.
API. Thomas, chairman of the corn- Co.. asking that their assessment for
putter• on delinquent tax, reported as
In favor of allowing the taxes of \1rs.
Henrietta KIruls.• for the year's 1.96 and
1897 remain a lien on her property, and
the treasurer 1.e Instructed not to sell
In favor ..f allowing the taxes of
Annie Whalen for 1896 to remain a lien
on her property and that the treasurer
1.e Instructed not to sell same.
In favor of allowing the taxes of the
minor he•Irs of the estate of Michael
Finn Lot 2 of sub -division of lot 2 of
mineral lot No. 31 for t year 1896 to
retrain a lien on the property and the
treasurer be instructed not to sell same.
In favor of grunting the petition of
Mrs. Mary Fox asking that her taxes
for 1896 to (Rnee•I..1.
1n favor of granting the petition of
Eliza Williams asking that her taxes
for 1897 on lot No. 1 Cummings sub -di-
v 15 1(111 be (anceled.
Ald. Thomas moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Aid. 1terg. chairman of the committee
of the whole. on the advice of City At-
torney Duffy reported as follows:
In favor of receiving ani tiling the pe-
tition of I). J. Lenehan In relation to
special assessment for the improve-
ment of Mount Pleasant avenue and
the c(l••1'tion of the report of the city
attorney to the committee of the whole.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol -
Cows: til sa:d council sees flt to dispense with
Dubuque. Ia.. Dee. 1. 1897. such services. when they shall decide
"To the members of the committee of that the same are no longer necessary.
the whe•le: Adopted by the following vote:
Gentlemen: t'pon further ou erp- Aye`—aids. Albrecht. Berg, Cullep,
tion of the petition of Mr. I). J.. Leneharl
I beg lean •• 1.• bring the platter up. and Dennert. Jellison. Lager, McEvoy,• Stafford and Thomas.
desire to r. port adverse ly to the grant- Nnes—Aid. Crawford.
Ing of the prayer of t he petition. and
advise your cummittc•e' o o repoltition, health reported as ferg. a of the board of
•erseiV to the granting The board of health respectfully re-
port that they have discontinued the
services of Wm. Hall. who has been in
charge M the city garbage dump.
THE M. S H. Di 'b b , • Aid. Berg moved to adopt the report.
1897 he reduced to that .he 1889.
Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report.
Also In favor of the adoption of Aid.
Stafford's resolution in relation to as-
sistance in the engineer's office.
Aid. Berg moved that same be referr-
ed back to the committee of the whole
fur further consideration. Carried.
Aid. Berg offered the following which
was adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That from and af-
ter th:s date the sewer laborers' time
for labor be turned into the committee -
clerk. Mr. Fitzpatrick daily, the same
as Is now being done by the street fore-
A1.1. Ilerg offered the following:
Whereas. the duties of the office of
city at:orney are at present numerous, a
great amount of work has accumulated,
and :s steadily increasing: there are a
large number of important matters re-
quiring considerable attention; and the
duties of the office are such that it Is
impossible for the city attorney to at-
tend to them alone, therefore be it
Resolved. By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city at-
torney be allowed assistance in his office
and the attorney rendering such assist-
ance be named by City Attorney Duffy,
and shall t:eeeive for such services the
sutra of $50.00 per month front December
1. 1897. from the city of Dubuque during
he pleasure of the city council, and un -
1'nder the Law Mr. Lene•ha11 is liable of
the cost of Improving the
•ply first report to thecontrary
Respectfully Sulo» itted.
City Attorney. 'Carried.
Regular Se8sio,,, December 9, 1897.
Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the com-
mittee on investigation of the April pay
roll, reported as follows:
Your committee who was appointed
to investigate the pay roll of last April,
1897 ,would most respectfully recom-
mend that Mr. J. R. Lindsay, T. W.
Graham, and John Olinger be paid th
sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) each for
services rendered on that committfe.
Jno. W. McEvoy,
P. W. Crawford,
Geo. B. Albrecht,
Frank Dennert.
M. Stafford.
Ald. Berg moved that the report be
referred to the committee of the whose
for further consideration. Carried.
Ald. Albrecht moved that the bids for
furnishing wood to the city hall be open
ed. Carried.
The bids were opened and found as
E. C. Winners' bid, per cord.. ....$4.75
Dunn & Lahey's bid, per cord.... 4.69
Philip Pier's b'd, per cord.. .. .. .. 4.64
Ald. Albrecht moved that the con-
tract be awarded to Philip Pier, he be-
ing the lowest bidder. Carried.
Ald. Dennert brought up the matte:
of the award of the jury on Troy strep:,
and moved that the city tender Mr.
Otto one thousand do'lars for right of
way through his property for said
On motion the matter was referred to
the committee of the whole.
Ald. Dennert moved the action of the
council In ordering the bill of Lally and
Ge:sler, for new furnace in city hall,
paid, be reconsidered. Carried.
Ald. Dennert moved to postpone pay-
ment of said bill and the bill be refer-
red to the committee on public grounds
ami buildings. Carried.
Aid. Ti.omas stated that the water
from the reservoir, located above Kauff
man avenue. caused an overflow on
Kauffman avenue.
Ald. Lagen moved that the matter be
referred to the committee on fire. Car-
Ald. McEvoy brought up the matter
of the dangerous condition, caused by
tearing up the sidewalk on Dodge
street, and moved that the sidewalks
be replaced under the supervision of
Street Foreman Morgan. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that the per-
mits for breaking macadam be referred
to the aldermen of the wards in which
the parties live applying for the per-
mits. Carried.
In accordance with a resolution ad-
opted on that subject, City Attorney
Duffy named T. F. Maguire as his as-
sistant in conducting the legal business
of the city.
Aid. Crawford moved to approve the
appointment of said T. F. Maguire.
.Md. McEvoy moved to adjourn. Car-
Approved.. • `:189...
9TH, 1897.
Council met at 8:25 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Duffy in the chair.
Present: Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Jellison, McEvoy, Staf-
ford and Thomas.
Absent—Alda. Dennert and Lagen.
Ald. Berg moved that the council pro-
ceedings of December 2d, 1897, be ap-
proved as printed. Carried.
The following petitions were referred.
to the committee of the whole:
The petition of Joseph Dietel et al,
asking to have a street extended from.
Sanford street to 23rd street, which.
would be called Prince street.
The petition of Mrs. Mary Freiltch,
asking that her sewer tax on lot 801, Mc
Daniel's sub he canceled.
The petition of A. A. Cooper, asking
the vacation of Canal street from War-
ren to Water streets; also the vacation
of Warren from First to Jones streets,
for the purpose of erecting an addi-
tional factory in the vicinity of his
The following were referred td the
committee on delinquent tax:
The petition of Johanna Boesvelt, ask
ing that her taxes on lot 92, L. H.
Langworthy's add, for the year. 1897 be
The petition of Mrs. Catherine Walsh,
asking the cancelation of her taxes for
the years 1896 and 1897.
The remonstrance of E. C. Alexander
and Dennis Donovan, protesting against
the laying sidewalk in front of their
property on St. Joseph street at the
present time.
On motion of Ald. McEvoy the pray-
er of the petition was granted.
The communication of Agatha Hien,
and John Heim, and plat showing the
Regular Ses. ion, December 9, 1897. a49
extension of Milwaukee avenue, ask-
ing that said avenue be extended; also
the petition of John Heim, which had
been referred to the committee of the
whole and by the committee of the
whole referred back to the council was,
on motion, referred to committee of the
The petition of Albert C. Nears et al
asking that Althauser Lane be opened
from its present terminus to Stafford
avenue, was on motion, received and
Ald. Thomas offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city coun-
cil accept the award of the jury appoint
ed to assess the damage caused by op-
ening the Lane between Stafford ave-
nue and Middle street, through the
property of F. Margadant as assessed
by the jury, amounting to $300.00.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Jellison, McEvoy, Staf-
ford and Thomas.
Absent—Alda. Dennert and Lagen.
Ald. Cullen, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
In favor of paying Brown and Brown
515.00 in full for their claim of $24.00 for
work done on the street dump and haul-
ing rock in September, 1897.
Also in favor of paying G. F. Kieih's
claim for 50 cents for rule for sidewalk
Also in favor of paying James Lon-
ergan $20.00 for macadam used on Sem-
inary street and Julien avenue.
Ald. Cullen moved to adopt the re-
port and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the said amounts. Car-
Ald. Cullen reported on the remon-
strance of Robert T. Rodell et al protest
Ing against paying assessment for the
improvement of Eagle street because it
was never rolled, would recommend,
that the cost of rolling said street be
deducted, providing the abutters pay
their special assessments when due.
Also on the petition of Sam Smith and
McGrath asking the city to accept mac-
adam on West Locust street, would rec-
ommend that the city engineer be in-
structed to measure the same.
Also in favor of referring the petition
of Sam Smith and Wm. Carrberry ask-
ing permission to break rock, corner
Pierce and West 17th streets, to the al-
dermen of the Fourth ward.
Also in favor of receiving and filing
the remonstrance of Virginia Heil et al
remonstrating against accepting alley
between Ann and Fengler streets and
Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues.
Also your committee on streets would
recommend that the price for breaking
macadam, remain the same as Last year,
and that the following amounts be or-
dered broken during the winter as fol-
First ward. 2,500 yards.
Second ward, 500 yards.
Third ward, 2,000 yard.
Fourth ward, 2,500 yards.
Fifth ward, 2,000 yards.
A total of 9,500 yards, all macadam to
be taken out of the streets of the city ,
and that macadam taken out of private
property be not accepted.
Ald. Cullen moved the adoption of his
report. Carried.
Ald. Cullen offered the following reso-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the chief fore-
man be and is hereby instructed to
make a report to the council of all the
snow shoveled from sidewalks and a
description of the lots so cleaned of
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Jellison, McEvoy, Stafford
and Thomas.
Absent—Alds. Dennert and Lagen.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the cis y council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for 4
foot wide sidewalk on W. 5.h street and
Glen Oak avenue abutting lot 13, New-
berry & Hale's add, Desmond and
Guthrie, contractors, in front of and ad-
joining same, a special tax be and the
same is hereby levied on +he several lots 1/
and parts of lots and pareala of real eq.
tate hereinafter named, situate and
owned , and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real estate
as follows:
Special assessment submitted Dec. 9,
Mary A. Kemler, Newbury and
Hale's add, lot 13, 190.5 lin ft
sidewalk at 18 1-4c .. .. .. .. ..$34.76
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Jellison, McEvoy, Stafford
and Thomas.
Absent—Aids. Dennert and Lagen.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to nay for
laying 6 foot wide plank s'dewa:k on
east side of Summit street abutting lot
1, Prospe^t Hi:1 add by Desmond and
Guthrie c ntractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots and
parts of lots and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lots or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Special assessment submitted Dec. 9,
Jas Harris et al, Prospect Hill
add, lot 1, 103 lin feet side-
walk at 27 3-4c .. .. .. .... .. ..$28.59
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford. Cullen, Jellison, McEvoy, Stafford
and Thomas.
Abient -Aids. Dennert and Lagen.
A'd. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for lay-
:3511 lie;,ular .Se.esi.on, December 9, 1897.
ing 6 foot wide plank sidewalk on both
sides of Alpine street by Desmond and
Guthrie, contractors, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be and
:s hereby levied on the s_veral lots. and
par:s of lots and rarcels of real estate
hereinaftEr named, situate and owned
and for the several amounts set op-
posite each let or parcel of real estate
as follows:
Special assessment submitted Dec. 9,
Emma Southwell, Bradstreet's
add. lot 8, 50 lin feet s'dzwa'k at
27 3-4c .. .. .. .. .... .. ........$13.8S
EmmaSouthwell, B adstreet's
add. Irt 9, 50 lin Let sidewalk
at 27 3-4c .... .. .. .. .... .. .... 13.88
Mary A. Pollock. Nairn's add, lot
29, 61 lin feet sidewalk at 27 3-4c 16.9:
A. Trueb et al, Martin's Dubuque.
lot 8, 95 lin fret s'd=walk at
27 3-ic .. .. .. ...... . .... ... 12.43
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—A'ds.. A'brecht, Perg. Craw-
ford. Cullen, Jellison, McEvoy, Staff rd
and Thomas.
Absent—Alds. Dennert and Lagen.
Ald. Cullen offered the following•
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for
constructing cement sidewalk on Iowa
Street by Robert E. Lee, contractor, in
front of and adjoin'ng the same, a spe-
cial tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parts of lots
and parcels cr real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of r( • estate as
Special assessment submitted Dec. 9,
H. L. Stoll', city, lot 217, 592.9 sq
feet sidewalk at 14c.. .. .. .. $82.88
Adopted by the following vole:
Aves—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford. Cullen. Jellison, McEvoy, Stafford
and Thomas.
Absent—Ald. Dennert and Lagen.
A'd. Cullen offered the fo.lowing:
Resolved by the city counc.1 of the
city of Dubuque: That :o nay for
4ft. wide plank sidewalk on both sides
Wood street by P. F. Guthrie. c retrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levic•J on
the several lots. and parts ''.f lots and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opoesite each lot or parcel
of real estate as follows.
Special assessment submitted Dec. 9,
A. M. Buoh, Oakland Park add,
int 15, 98 lin feet sidewalk at
14.2e $ 6 82
A. M. Bush. Oakland Park add,
lot 14. 98 lin ft s'dewa'k at 14.2c. 6 82
S. Mueller, Oakland Park add, lot
11, 48 1;n ft sidewalk at 14.2c..., 6 82
Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot
6, 60 lin ft sidewalk at 14.2e 8.52
Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot
7, 60 lin ft sidewalk at 14.2c .... 8 52
Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot
8. 60 lin feet sidewa k at 14.2c .. 8 52
He'en W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot
9, 69.5 lin ft s dewalk at 14.2e.. 9 87
Wm Gudeman Est., Gray's sub,
lot 11. 60 lin ft sidewalk at 14.2c. 8 52
Wm Gudelan Est., Gray's sub,
lot 10, 73 1:n ft sidewalk at 14.2c. 10 37
Wm Guderian Est., sub min lot
178, lot 6, 100 Ln ft sidewalk at
14.2c .. .. .. .... .... .......... 14 20
Doane and Bigelow Oaklond Park
add, lot 26, 51.8 lin ft sidewalk
at 14.2c .. .. .. 731
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Jellison, McEvoy, Stafford
and Thomas.
Absent—Alds. Dennert and Lagen.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That to pay for
repairing sidewalks for month of Aug.,
1897, in front of and abutting same, a
special tax he and is hereby levied
on the several lots and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate as follows:
Special assessment submitted Dec. 9,
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co,
sub nein lot 363, lot 2 $ 1 05
H. Mauer, E. Langworthy's add,
lot 34
Joe Cleman, Cook's add, lot 26
C. Sass, Cook's add., lot 31
Christ Hertner, sub 5 Stafford's
add., lot 1.
P. Walsh, E. Dubuque add, lot
E. Langworthy Est., E. Dubuque
add., lot 181
Emma Evens, Stafford's add., lot
Dub. Imp. Co. add., Linehan Park
add., lot 5
G. A. Staples, sub 2 of 673 city,
lot 1.
J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's add,
lot 428
A. Miller, Hamburg add., lot 8
O. G. Kringle, city, s 1-2 n 1-5
lot 488
Kate Guderian, Cook's add., n
1-2 lot 35
J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's add,
lot 391
J. A. Rhomberg Est, Ham's add,
lot 397 .
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 270.
Mary Messerknecht, sub 2 sub 52,
53 and n 22 feet of 54, E. Lang -
Worthy's add, lot 1 . 95
A. Heeb's Est., Marsh's add, lot
Geo. Salot, Tivoli add, lot 21
F. Knoernschild, L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub., n 1-2 lot 19 60
1 05
1 05
1 05
1 00
1 00
2 60
RegularSession, December 16, 1897. 331.
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add., lot 221
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add., lot 294.
Klauer & Becker, Davis Farm
add., lot 213
James Levi, Davis Farm add,
lot. 238. .
Kiene & Altman, Kiene & Alt-
man sub, lot 4 .
Geo. Kirkland, sub. 10 Dunn's
add., lot 1.
E. Langworthy Est, E. Dub. add
lot 177 .
J. J. Sheridan. Sheridan's add,
lots 1 to 5 inc
Lawther & Rider, Burden-Law-
ther add.. lot 14
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add., lot 246.
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add., lot 247.
W G Cox, min lot 90, lot 2
Robert Waller, sub 2 of 1 Waller's
sub lot 1
Ed Starr, sub 2 of 5 of 13 of min
lot 1.72, lot 2
Geo Eic•hhorn, Burden & Law
titer's add, lot 78
James Beach & Son, city, lot 582 .
J H Shields, Finley Waples &
Burton's add, lot 126
Jas Rowan, Breakey's add, lot 7
ter and would recommend that this as-
sessment be canceled.
Sidewalk Inspector.
A.ld. Cullen moved the adoption of the
report. Carried.
Sidewalk Inspector Ziedman report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable
1 35 I would most respectfully call your
attention to sidewalk on West Fifth
1 00 street, abutting lots 615, 616, 616a and
617, city ,owned by A. A. Cooper and D.
D. Meyers. The said sidewalk having
greater side slope than allowed by or-
dinance. and the Fame is dangerous in
icy weather. L. ZIEDMAN,
Sidewalk Inspector.
Ald. McEvoy moved to refer the mat -
I ter to the street committee. Carried.
Ald. Crawford offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the chief fore -
2 25 man of street work be and is hereby in-
vested with all the powers and duties lin
35 posed by the ordinances of the city up-
on the street commissioner, and here-
tofore discharged by that officer.
75 Ald. Jellison moved to adjourn. Car -
Mayor and City
2 00
1 45
1 45
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Albrecht. Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Jellison, McEvoy, Stafford
and Thomas.
Absent—Aids. Dennert and Lagen.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the sew-
er committee, to whom was referred the
investigation of Sewer Inspector Broad-
hurst pay roll, reported progress and
asked for further time, which on motion
was granted.
Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the paving
committee to whom had been referred
the petition of Frank McCann in rela-
tion to balance due Kenety and Mc-
Cann, for brick paving on Twelfth
street from Main to Locust streets, re-
ported that the balance, five per cent of
contract price, retained, amount $73.25,
was now due. That the city engineer
had estimated the cost to the city of
repairing said street would be $7.50,
leaving the amount due Kenety and Mc-
Cann of $65.75.
Also reported that the bill of G. Maf-
fioli for 8,730 paving brick, amount
$111.30 was correct.
Ald. McEvoy moved that warrants
be ordered drawn to pay the
claims of Kenety and McCann and of G.
1Vlaffloll. Carried.
Sidewalk Inspector Ziedman, to whom
had been referred the remonstrance of
Bridget Burke protesting against pay-
ment of special assessment for repair-
ing sidewalk, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Ithink there is an error in the des-
cription of this lot by the city carpen-
At t
. Recorder
.. Mayor
Regular Session December 16, 1897.
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Duffy in the chair.
awfoid, Cul
Present—Alds. Berg,
len, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford
and Thomas.
Absent—Aids. Albrecht and Dennert.
Ald. Thomas moved that the council
proceedings of December 9th, 1897, be
approved as printed. Carried.
Ald. Berg presented the claim of
County Clerk Hayes for judgment,
$140.00 and cost, $165.85: total $305.85, in
the case of F. D. Scharle against city
and moved that it be referred to City
Attorney Duffy. Carried.
Ald. Stafford presented the bill of
Lewis Kerps of $11.00 for sawing wood
at city hall, and moved that a warrant
be ordered drawn to pay the same. Car-
The following were referred to the
committee on streets:
The petition of Charles Julius and
December 16 , 1897.
Fred Otto, asking the city to purchase
their macadam on West Locust street.
The petition of C. H. Pearce, asking
the city to purchase his macadam, ab-
out 25 yards on West Locust street.
The petition of C. Gantenbine, ask-
ing permission to take some filling from
Riverside street to fl11 his property, lots
V 1 and 2, Emsley's add, on motion was
referred to the committee on streets
wi h Dower.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole.
The petition of J. L. Bunting, asking
that some action be taken so as to pre-
vent the salaried employes of the city
from becoming competitors on their
private account, for electrical work.
The petition of the Dubuque Harness
and Saddlery company. asking a re-
mission of their taxes for the year 1896.
The petition of J. B. Montieth, ask-
ing that the personal taxes of James A.
Johnston assessed against his real es-
tate, be canceled. was on motion refer-
red to the committee on delinquent
The petition of Joseph A. ,Palen et al,
asking the coninuance of hog scales on
18th street and Couler avenue, and
that Mettel Bros. be appointed city
we&ghmaster, on motion of Ald. Craw-
ford was referred to the committee on
The petition of Mrs. Mary Quig'ey,
asking that a two foot sidewalk be or-
dered laid on the south side of St. Jo-
seph street, on motion of Ald McEvoy
was referred to the aldermen of the
First ward.
A communication of City Treasurer
Gniffke in reference to deduction of
the cost of roiling from special assess-
ments for the improvement of Eagle
street, on motion of Ald. Crawford was
referred to the street committee and
city engineer.
The communication to Mayor Duffy,
from the League of American Munici.
palities, asking that the city of Dubu-
que became a member of the same was
read and discussed.
Ald. Crawford moved that the city of
Dubuque become a member of the Lea-
gue of American Municipalities and
that a warrant be orderer drawn for $30
to pay for membership in the said lea-
gue ,and that Mayor Duffy be request -
e•1 to make the required application for
said membership. Carried.
City foreman of streets, Morgan, re-
ported $663.20 due laborers on str e.s
for the first half of December, 1897.
Ald. Cullen moved that the report be
received and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the laborers and the re-
port referred back to the committee on
streets, and that pay day for the same
be the 24th day of December, 1897. Car-
City Foreman Morgan, in charge of
sewers, reported $220.70 due laborers oh
sewers for the first half of December,
Ald. Thomas moved that the report
be received and that warrants be or-
dered drawn to pay the laborers en
sewers and the report referred back to
the committee on sewers. Carried.
Ald. Cullen, chairman of the street
committee, reported on the bill of Ross
McMahor as follows:
To building retaining wall on
Buff street extension, 309 cu-
bic yards at $1.25.... .. .. ..$375.09
Less former estimates .. .. .. .. 131.00
Leaving balance due .. .. .. ....$244.00
Aid. Culen moved that a warrant be
ordered drawn to pay Ross McMahon
for said work. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the sew-
er committee, reported in favor of pay-
ing the bill of J. P. Schroeder and Co.
of $53.23 for sewer pipe.
Ald. I3erg moved that a warrant he
ordered drawn for the amount to pay J.
P. Schroeder and Co. Carried.
Ald. Crawford. chairman of the sewer
committee, to whom had been referred
the investigation of Sewer Inspector
Broadhurst pay roll, reported progress
and ask -c1 for further time, which wag
Ald. Berg, chairman of the committee
of the whole reported as follows:
Your committee of the whole respect-
fully report in favotof granting the
petition of C. H. Jordon, asking per
mi'sion to u'e the third floor of the city
hall, to ho'd a pou`try exhibition Jar.
3d to 7th. 1£98, and that the comma'tee
clerk he instructed to secure the con-
sent of the insurance agencies, which
has been done.
A1d. Berg moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Berg also reported in favor of
res,eving and filing the resolution of
Al.l. Stafford ,n relation to assistants in
the etty engineer's office.
.N;(1. 1:. rr, moved to adopt the te-
pert. Catr'e.1.
Ald. Lagen moved that when the
council adjourn at the meeting to l.e
held Dec. 23d. 1897. they adjourn to the
first, regular meeting in January, 1898.
Ald. Berg offered the following:
Whereas. The city council at the
regular meeting held December 9, 1897.
pas?ed a resolution accepting the award
of the jury appointed to assess the dam
age caused by the opening of the Lane
between Stafford avenue and Middle
street, to be known as Thomas Place,
amounting to $300.00 to F. Margadant:
therefore be it
Resolved. That the city attorney he
and he is hereby instructed to prepare
the necessary deed, and that a warrant
be drawn in favor of said F. Marga -
dant for $.3300.00.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds, Berg. Crawford. Cul'en.
Jellison. Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and
/i•'/ul'1r Sesvion, December 23, 1897. 353
Absent—Alds. Albrecht and Dennert.
Ald. McEvoy brought up the matter
of street signs and the nec=ssity of hav-
. ing a sign at corners designating the
•cicss street.
Ad. McEvoy moved the matter of
signs be referred to the street commit-
tee. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy moved that the record-
er he instructed to procure ten (10)
copies of the new code of Iowa, one
each for the use of the aldermen. Car-
Ald Cullen moved to adjourn. Car-
.Approved 189
23RD, 1897.
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Duffy in the chair.
Present—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, McEvoy
and Thomas.
Absent—Aids. Lagen and Stafford.
Ald. Thomas moved that the proceed-
ings of the council of December 16th,
1897, be approved as printed. Carried.
The petition of Carl Nank asking that
' his special assessment for the improve-
ment of Eagle and Middle streets be
canceled as compensation for damage
to his property, such as destruction of
his vegetables and filling of his cellar
with water from overflow during rains,
caused by the improvement of said
On motion of Ald. Dennert the peti-
• tion was received and filed.
A plat and communication was pre-
sented, the communication as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, September, 1897.
This plat is made at my solicitation,
• and I hereby dedicate lot 2 of 1 of 51
Burton's addition, City of Dubuque,
Iowa, as shown on this plat for a public
highway, for the use and benefit of the
• public forever.
Signed. W. B. 'ALLISON.
Ald. Crawford moved the plat be re-
ferred to the committee on streets. Car-
Ald. Berg, chairman of the finance
committee, offered the following resolu-
Resolved, By the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the mayor be,
and is hereby authorized and required
to issue improvement bonds to the
amount of Two Thousand Seven Hun-
dred and Fifty ($2,750.) Dollars under
the provisions of an ordinance adopted
by the city council of the city of Du-
buque August 9th, 1894, for the purpose
of providing funds for the cost and ex-
penses of improving the following
streets to -wit:
West 3rd street from College avenue
to Walsh street.
Wood street from Lot 4 Myrtle addi-
tion to south line of mineral lot 180.
Elm street from 26th street to 27th
Washington street from 26th street to
27th street.
Said bonds to be of the denomination
of $1,000.00, $1,000.00 and $750.00 respec-
tively, numbered from 86 to 88 inclu-
sive dated January 1st, 1898, payable
seven years after date, or at any time
before seven years, at the option of the
city of Dubuque and bear interest at
the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, paya-
ble semi-annually, both principal and
interest to be payable at the office of
the city treasurer in the city of Dubu-
que, Iowa.
When said bonds are issued and prop-
erly registered they' shall he delivered
to the finance committee of this coun-
cil who shall sell the same at not less
than par, and pay the proceeds of same
to the city treasurer and to be applied
by him as provided in the ordinance
adopted by the city council August 9th,
1894, said finance committee to report
of its doings under this resolution to
the city council.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, McEvoy,
Absent—Lagen and Stafford.
Ald. Cullen, chairman of the street
committee, presented the bill of Dan
Sheean & Co., for quarrying and haul-
ing rock on West 3rd street, 140 cubic
yards at 50 cents per yard, amount,
Also the bill of T. J. Donahue for
filling on Dodge street for the months
of August, September and October, 1897,
amount, $9.25.
Ald. Cullen moved that warrants be
ordered drawn in favor of Dan Sheean
& Co., and T. J. Donahue to pay said
bilis. Carried.
Ald. Stafford arrived at 8:30 o'clock
p. m.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving West 3rd street from College
avenue to Walsh street by Con Ryan,
•Jr., contractor, in front of and adjoin-
354 Regular AScssion, December 23, 1897
ing the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Special assessment submitted Decem-
ber 23rd, 1397.
Wm. F. Roehl, Finley Home add.,
lot 21, 51 lin ft curbstone at 24c,
$12.24; 22.7 sq yds guttering at2lc,
$5.22; 74.7 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 27c, $20.17 $ 37 63
C. C. Mullen, Finley Home add,
lot 22, 50 lin ft curbstone at
24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $5.10; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $21.00 33 10
C. C. Mullen, Finley Honie add,
lot 23, 50 lin ft curbstone at
24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $5.10; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $21.00 ...... 33 10
Joseph D. Plaister, Finley Home
add, lot 25, 50 lin ft curbstone at
24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $5.10; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $21.00............ 33 10
W. L. Bradley, et al, Finley Home,
add, lot 24, 50 lin ft curbstone at
24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $5.10; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $21.00 33 10
George McLean, Finley Home
add, lot 26, 50 lin ft curbstone ^.t
24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $5.10; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $21.00 33 10
John C. Fuchs, Finley Home add,
lot 27, 50 lin ft curbstone at
24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $5.10; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $21.00 ...... 33 10
George Kuntzman, Finley Home
add, lot 28, 50 lin ft curbstone at
24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $5.10; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $21.00 33 10
J. L. Buettell, Finley Home add,
lot 29, 50 lin ft curbstone at
24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $5.10; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $21.00 33 10
J. L. Buettell, Finley Home add,
lot 30, 50 lin ft curbstone at
24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $5.10; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $21.00 38 10
J. L. Buettell, Finley Home add,
lot 31, 5.7 lin ft curbstone at
24c, $1.37; 2.7 sq yds guttering
at 23c, $.62; 9.3 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $2.51
Mary Kemler, College add, lot 1,
75.6 lin ft curbstone at 24c,
$18.14; 33.8 sq yds guttering at
23c, $7.77; 121.3 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $32.75 58 66
Mary Kemler, College add, lot 2,
7i lin ft curbstone at 24c, $18.00;
33.3 sq yds guttering at 23c, $7.-
66; 116.7 sq yds macadamizing
at 27c, $31.51 ........ ........ 57 17
4 50
Mary Kemler, College add, lot 3,
60 lin ft curbstone at 24e, $14.-
40; 26.7 sq yds guttering at
23c, $6.14; 93.3 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $25.19 45 73
Louise Deckert, College add, lot
4, 70 lin ft curbstone at 24c,
$16.80; 31.1 sq yds guttering at
23c, $7.15; 105.9 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $29.40 53 35
Louis Stoller, College add, lot
5, 70 lin ft curbstone at 24c,
$16.80; 31.1 sq yds guttering at
23c, $7.15; 105.9 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $29.40 53 35
Mary H. Burke, College add, lot
6, 70 lin ft curbstone at 24c,
$16.80; 31.1 sq yds guttering at
23e, $7.15; 108.9 sq yds macad-
amizing at "7c. $29.40 53 35
Mary H. Burke, College add, lot
7, 92.5 lin ft curbstone at 24c,
$22.20; 47.0 sq yds guttering at
23c $10.81; 131.4 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 27c, $35.47 68 48
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, McEvoy,
Stafford and Thomas.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving Wood street from West 14th
street to south line lot 4, Myrtle add.,
by Con. Ryan, Jr., contractor, in front
of and adjoining the same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral Lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, sit-
uate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted De-
cember 23rd, 1897.
Louisa F. Dohs, Oakland Park
add, lot 18, 117 lin ft curbstone
at 25c, $29.25; 53.3 sq yds gut-
tering at 27c, $14.39; 138 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $40.02 $ 83 66•
A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add,
lot 15, 48 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.00; 21.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $5.75; 58.7 s,1 yds
macadamizing at 29c, $17.0034 75
A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add,
lot 14, 48 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.00; 21.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $5.75; 58.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $17.0034 75.
F. L. Quade, Oakland Park add,
lot 13, 48 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.00; 21.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $5.75; 58.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $17.0034 75
A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add,
lot 12, 48 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.00; 21.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $5.75; 58.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $17.0034 75-
uS. Mueller, Oakland Park add,
lot 11, 48 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.00; 21.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $5.75; 58.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $17.0034 75-
A.1 M. Bush, Oakland Park add,
[Regular Ses,sion, December 23, 1897. 355
lot 10, 48 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.00; 21.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $5.75; 58.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c. $17.00
.A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add,
lot 9, 44 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.00; 21.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $5.75; 58.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $17.0034 75
.L. C. Fuller, Oakland Park add,
lot 8, 48 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.00; 21.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $5.75; 58.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $17.0034 75
A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add,
lot 7, 48 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.00; 21.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $5.75; 58.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $17.0034 75
Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 6,
60 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $15.00;
26.7 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$7.21; 73.3 sq yds macadam-
izing at 29c, $21.26 43 47
Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 7,
60 lin ft curbstone at 25c. $15.00;
26.7 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$7.21; 73.3 sq yds macadam-
izing at 29c, $21.26 43 47
Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 8,
60 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $15.00;
'26.7 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$7.21; 73.3 sq yds macadam-
izing at 29c, *21.26 43 47
Jielen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 9,
69.5 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $17.-
37; 31 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$8.37; 84.9 sq yds macadam-
izing at 29c, $24.62 50 36
.J. J. Zugenbuehler, sub 3 min
lot 178, lot 2, 51.4 lin ft curb-
stone at 25c, $12.85; 22.8 sq yds
guttering at 27c, $6.15; 62.8 sq
yds macadamizing at 29c, $18.
21 37 21
H. Ruhland, sub 3 min lot 178,
lot 3, 51.3 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $12.82; 22.8 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c. $6.15; 62.8 sq yds
'macadamizing at 29c, $18,21 37 18
G. M. Trewin, sub 3 min lot 178,
lot 4, 51.3 lin ft curbstone at
$12.f2; 22.8 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.15; 62.8 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $18.21 .... 37 18
C. B. Trewin, sub 3 min lot 178,
lot 5, 41 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
*10.25; 18.2 sq yds guttering at
.27c, $4.91; 50.1 sq yds macad-
amizing at 29c, $14.53 29 69
Leathers & Trewin, sub 3 min lot
178, lot 6, 41 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $10.25; 18.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $4.91; 50.1 sq yds
macadamizing at 29c, $14.53 29 69
E. M. Kringle, sub 3 min lot 178,
lot 7, 34 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$8.50; 15 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$4.05; 41.2 sq yds macadamizing
.at 29c, $11.95
F. J. Dupies, Oakland Park add,
lot 19, 117.7 lin ft curbstone at
.25c, $29.42; 53.3 sq yds guttering
at 27c, $14.39; 138 sq yds macad-
:amizing aft 29c, $40.02
Emma M. Stetter, Oakland Park,
lot 21, 50 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$12.50; 22.2 sq yds guttering at
34 75 27c, $6.00; 61.1 sq yds macad-
amizing at 29c, $17.72 ...........
24 50
83 83
36 22
A M Bush, Oakland Park add,
lot 22, 50 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$12.50; 22.2 sq yds guttering at
27c, $6.00; 61.1 sq yds macad-
amizing at 29c, $17.72 .... 36 22
E. Vey, Oakland Park add,
lot 23, 51.8 lin ft curbstone
at 25c, $12.95; 23 sq yds gutter-
ing 27c, $6.21; 63.3 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 29c, $18.36 37 52
August Lemple, Oakland Park
add, lot 24, 51.8 lin ft curbstone
at 25c, $12.95; 23 sq yds gutter-
ing 27c, $6.21; 63.3 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 29c, $18.36 37 52
August Lemple, Oakland Park
add, lot 25, 51.8 lin ft curbstone
at 25c, $12.95; 23 sq yds gutter-
ing 27c, $6.21; 63.3 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 29c, $18.36 37 52
Doane & Bigelow, Oakland Park
add, lot 26, 5118 lin ft curbstone
at 25c, $12.95; 23 sq yds gutter-
ing 27c, $6.21; 63.3 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 29c, $18.36 37 52
Lewis T Hickcock, Oakland Park
add, lot 27, 51.8 lin ft curbstone
at 25c, $12.95; 23 sq yds gutter-
ing 27c, $6.21; 63.3 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 29c, $18.36 37 52
E. Rolle, Mt. Pleasant add, N 734
S 140 ft, lot 5, 73.3 lin ft curb-
stone at 25c, $18.32; 32.6 sq yds
guttering at •27c, $8.80; 89.6
sq yds macadamizing at 29c,
$25.98 53 10
E. Rolle, Gray's sub, lot 13, 60
lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$15.00; 26.7 sq yds guttering at
27c, $7.21; 73.3 sq yds macadam-
izing at 29c, $21.25 43 46
E. Rolle, Gray's sub, lot 12, 60
lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$15.00; 26.7 sq yds guttering at
27c, $7.21; 73.3 sq yds macadam-
izing at 29c, $21.25 43 46
Wm. Guderian, Est, Gray's sub,
lot 11, 60 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$15.00; 26.7 sq yds guttering at
27c, $7.21; 73.3 sq yds macadam-
izing at 29c, $21.25 43 46
Wm. Guderian. Est, Gray's sub,
lot 10, 73 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$18.25; 32.4 sq yds guttering at
27c, $8.75; 89.2 sq yds macad-
amizing at 29c, $25.87 52 87
Wm. Guderian, Est., sub min lot
178, lot 6. 100 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $25.00; 44.4 sq yds guttering
at 27e, $12.00; 122.2 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 29c, $35.44 72 44
F. Pelz, Myrtle add, s 1-2, lot 2,
50 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $12.-
50; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$6.00; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing
at 29c, $17.72 36 22
J. Pelz, Myrtle add, n 1-2, lot 2,
50 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $12.-
50; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 276,
356 Regular Session, December 23, 1897.
$6.00; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing
at 29c, $17.72 36 22
J. Pelz, Myrtle add, lot 3, 59.5
lin ft curbstone at 25c, $14.87; 31.1
sq yds guttering at 27c, $4.40; 80
sq yds macadamizing at 29c,
$23.20 .. 46 47
M. Guthrie, Myrtle add, lot 4, 2.7
sq yds guttering at 27c, $.73; 14.0
sq yds macadamizing at 29c,
$4.06 4 79
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, McEvoy,
Stafford and Thomas.
Aid. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving alley from Fengler avenue, Ann
avenue between Rhomberg avenue
and Lincoln avenue, by Steuck, O'Far-
rell & Linehan, contractors, in front of
andadjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Special assessment submitted Decem-
ber 23rd, 1897.
Godfried Kuntz, Est, Fengler's
add, lot 8 55.2 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $14.90; 17 cu
yards grading at 12 1-2c, $2.12$ 17 02
Rosina Winers, Fengler's add,
lot 7, 51.9 sq yds macadamiz-,
ing at 27c, $14.00; 17 cu yds
grading at 12 1-2c, $2.12 16 12
Theo Schrup, Kiene's sub, lot 8,
55.5 sq yds macadamizing at
27c, $15.00; 18 cu yds grading at
12 1-2c, $2.25 17 25
Chas. Roloff, Kiene's sub, lot 7,
55.5 sq yds macadamizing at
27c, $15.00; 18 cu yds grading at
12 1-2c, $2.25 17 25
F. Lange, Kiene's sub, lot 6,
55.5 sq yds macadamizing at
27c, $15.00; 18 cu yds grading
12 1-2c, $2.25 17 25
Aug. Kraft, Kiene's sub, lot 5,
55.5 sq yds macadamizing at
27c, $15.00; 18 cu yds grading
at 12 1-2c, $2.25 17 25
Lizzie O'Holloran, McCraney's
1st add, lot 90, 55.5 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 27c, $15.00; 18 cu
yds grading at 12 1-2c, $2.2517 25
Lizzie O'Holloran, McCraney's
1st add, lot 89, 58.9 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 27c, $15.90; 18 cu
yds grading at 12 1-2c, $2.25 18 15
Thos. H. Varley, Fengler's add,
lot 5, 55.2 sq yds macadamizing
at 27c, $14.90; 17 cu yds grad-
ing at 12 1-2c, $2.12 17 02
Henry B. Lewis, Fengler's add,
lot 6, 51.9 sq yds macadamizing
at 27c, $14.00; 17 cu yds grading
at 12 1-2c, $2.12 16 12
Virginia Hell, Jungk's add, lot
12, 55.5 sq yds macadamizing
at 27c, $15.00; 18 cu yds grad-
ing at 12 1-2c, $2.25 17 25
Alois Rink, Jungk's add, s 1-2
lot 11, 27.7 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 27c, $7.50; 9 cu yds grad-
ing at 12 1-2c, $1.12 8 62
Cath. Schilling, Jungk's add, n
1-2 lot 11, 27.S sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $7.50; 9 cu yds
grading at 12 1-2e, $1.12 8 62
Fred Woodrich. Jungk's add, lot
10, 55.5 sq yds macadamizing
at 27c, $15.00; 18 cu yds grading
at 12 1-2c, $2.25 .. 17 25.
Alf. Rhomberg, Jungk's add, lot
9, 55.5 sq yds macadamizing at
27c, $15.00; cu yds grading
at 12 1-2c, $2.25 17 25
Christ Jungk, McCraney's 1st
add, lot 54, 55.5 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c, $15.00; 18 cu yds
grading at 12 1-2c, $2.25 17 25
Christ Jungk, McCraney's 1st
add, lot 55, 58.9 sq yds macad-
amizing at 27c. $15.90; 18 cu yds
grading at 12 1-2c, $2.'-'S 18 15.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen Dennert, Jellison, McEvoy,
Stafford and Thomas.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving Iowa street from 7th street to.
14th street, by Brown & Brown, con-
tiactors, in front of a nd adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
lows: Special assessment submitted
December 23, 1897.
A Glab Est, city lot 218, 32 lin ft
curbstone at 26c, $S.32; 30.5 lin
ft curbing (reset) at 2c $0.61;
91.57 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$116.29. $125 22'
H L Stout, city, lot 217, 51.4 lin ft
curbing at 26e, $13.36; 74.24 sq
yds paving at $1.27, $94.28 107 G4
Fred Mertz, city, s 1-2 lot 216, 25.7
lin ft curbing at 26c. $6.68; 37.12
sq yds paving at $1.27, $47 1453 82.'
J W Hoffman, city, n 1-2 lot 216,
"..7 lin ft curbing at 26c, $6.68;
37.12 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$47.14 53 82
C Brezinsky, city, lot 215a, 362
lin ft curbing at 26c, $9.41; 52.58
sq yds paving at $1.27, $66.77.... 76 18
Byrne Bros, city, lot 215, 15 lin ft
curbing at 26c, $3.90; 21.78 sq yds
paving at $1.27, $27.66 31 56.
Byrne Bros, city, lot 214, 75.2 lin
ft curbing at 26c, $19.55; 137 41
sq yds paving at $1.27, $174.51194 06'
A Horr Est, city, e 73 feet lot 173,
3.4 lin ft curbing at 26c,.$0.88; 4.8
lin ft curbing (reset) at 2c $0.10;
104.80 sq yds paving at $1.27
$133.10. 134 08
W L Bradley, city, n 47.6 feet lot
174, 68.75 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$87.31. 87 3t
A Hodgden, city, s 25 feet lot
Ii, jular Session•, December 23, 1897. 357
174. 36.25 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$46.03. 46 03
A Hodgden, city, n 1-2 lot 175
52.14 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$66.22 66 22
Grace Provost, city, s 1-2 lot 175
52.14 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$66.22 66 22
W L Bradley, city, lot 176a, 46.36
sq yds paving at $1.27, $58.8858 88
•R Nolte Est., city, lot 176, 3.2
lin ft curbing at 26e. $0.83; 63.70
sq yds .paving at $1.27, $80.9081 73
P Kiene, Sr, city, lot 213, 21 lin
feet curbing at 26e, $5.96; 46.5
lin ft curbing (reset) at 2c, $0.93;
137.27 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$174.33 180 72
P. Kiene, Sr, city, 212. 51.3 lin ft
curbing at 26c, $13.34; 74.10 sq
yds paving at $1.27. $94.11
Mary E Chatfield, city. lot 211,
51.3 lin ft curbing at 26c. $13.34;
74.10 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$94.11. 107 45
John Flynn, city, s 1-2 lot 210,
23.7 lin ft curbing at 26c, $6.6S;
37.113 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$47.07, . . . 53 73
A Heintz, city. n 1-2 lot 210,
23.7 lin ft curbing at 26c, $6.68;
37.05 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$47.05 . . . . . . . . 53 73
Germania Stock Co., city, lot
209. 146.99 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$186.68. 186 68
Fred Miller Brewing Co, city, e
43 feet, s 62 feet lot 172, 75.0 lin
ft curbing at 26c, $19.50; 10 lin
ft curbing (reset) at 2c, $0.20;
152.86 sq yds paving at $1.27,
• $194.13 213 83
B E Linehan, city, e 43 feet n 2
feet lot 172, 2 lin ft curbing at
26e. $0.52: 2.89 sq 'yds paving at
$1.27, $3.67.
B E Linehan, city e 43 feet lot
171, 64 lin ft curbing at 26c,
$16.64; 92.59 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $117.59
B E Linehan, city, lot 170, 64 lin
ft curbing at 26c, $16.64; 92.59
sq yds paving at $1.27, $117.59
City of Dubuque (Engine House)
city, lot 169, 7 lin ft curbing at
26c, $1.82; 9 lin ft curbing (reset)
at 2c, $0.18; 233.48 sq yds paving
at $1.27, $296.52 •
298 52
Dubuque Light & Traction Co and
Horace G Torbert, receiver,.
2654.67 sq yds paving at $1.27,3371 42
• $3,371.42.
Dubuque Light & Traction Co and
8th Street and West Dubuque
Rahway Co., and Horace G.
Torbert, receiver. 59.70 sq yds 75 81
paving at $1.27, $75.81 Co, 47.06
Dubuque Street Railway
Byrne Bros, city. lot 208, 65
lin ft
curbstone at 26c, $16.90;190.73..$207.63 150.18
sq yds paving at $
Byrne Bros, c.ty; lot 207; 51.2
lin ft curbstone at .26e, $13.31:
73.95 sq yds paving at $1.27, 107 23
$93.92.. .. .. .. . ..'
107 45
4 19
134 23
134 23
W. H. Brown, city, s 1-2 lot 206,
25.6 lin ft curbstone at 26,
$6.65; 36.98 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $46.96 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
N. Murphy, city, n 1-2 lot 206;
25.6 En' ft curbstone at 26c,
$6.65; 36.98 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $46.96.. .. ..
JamesM. Boothbv, city, s 48.2
lot 205. 48.2 lin ft curbstone at
26c, $12.53; 69.62 sq yds pav-
ing at $1.27, $88.42.. .. •••
A. B. Keller, city, n 3, lot 205, 3.0
En ft curbstone at 26c, 78c; 4.33
sq yds paving at 1.27, $5.50
A. B. Keller, city, lot 204, 7.5 lin
ft curbstone at 26c, $1.95; 62 lin
ft curbing reset at 2c, $1.24;
146.84 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$186.49.. .. . .. .. .. ......
Y. M. C. A., city, lot 168a,
146.84 sq yds paving at $1.27,
53 61
53 61
100 95
6 28
189 68
186 49
Y. M. C. A., city, lot 168: 73.95
sq yds paving at $1.27, $93.92.. 93 92
H. L. Stout, city, s 1-2 lot 167,
25.6 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$6.65; 36.98 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $46.96.. .. ...... 53.61
Wm. Lawther. city, n 1-2 lot 167,
25.6 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$6.65; 36.98 eq yds paving at
$1.27. $46.96.. .. .. .. ........ 53 61
A. Y. McDonald Est, city, s 1-2
lot 166, 25.6 1:n ft curbstone at
26c. $6.65. 36.98 sq yds paving
at $1.27. $46.96 .. .. .. .. . .. .. 53 61
J. C. Longueville, city. n 1-2 lot
166. 25.6 1:n ft curbstone at 26c,
$6.65; 36.98 sq yds paving at
$1.27. $46.96.. .. .. . .. .. 53 61
J. C. Longueville. city. s 10.2 ft
lot 165, 10.2 lin ft curbstone at
26c. $2.65: $14.73 sq yds paving 21 36
at $1.27. $18.71.. .. •••
C. H. Whitwell, city, n 41 ft lot
165. 69.7 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$18.12: 132.11 sq yds paving at 185 90
1.27, $167.78.. •• •
Frank Brede Est. city. lot 203, 3
lin ft curbstone at 26c, 78c; 70
En ft curbstone reset at 2c.
$140: 147.13 sq yds paving at 189 03
$1.27, $186.85.. ••
R. W. Rorlgiers, city. s 40 ft lot
202: 40.2 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
810.45: 58.07 sq yds paving a.t
$1.27• $73.75.. .. .. .. .. 84 20
J. & J. Ogilbv, c:tv. n 11.2 ft lot
202. 11.2 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$2.91: 16.18 sq yds paving at 23 46
$1.27 820.55 .. .. .. 820.55.. .. • • • • .. .... 23 .. .. ...
J. & J. Ogilbv. city. lot 201. 51.4
lin ft curbstone at 26c• $13.36:
74.24 sq yds paving at $1.27, 107 64
$94.28.. $94.28.. •• • • .. .. .. .. ..
G. M. Staples, sub 200. city, lot
2. 20.1 lin ft curbstone at 26c.
$5.22: 29.01 sq yds paving at
$1.27. $36.87.. .. .. 42 09
Wm Hintrager. Ful, 200. city.
lot 2. 19.1 En ft curbstone at
26c• *4.97: 99.01 sq ydS paving
at 81.27. $3R . 93.• .. .. .. • . . .
P. Olipger, sub 200, city, lot 199,
41 90
358 [iey?arti Session, December 23, 1897.
12.2 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$3.17; 19.11 sq yds paving at
$1.27. $24.27 .. .. .. .. .. .....
P. Olinger, lot 199, 75.1
lin ft curbstone at 26c, $19.52;
178.23 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$226.35 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Wm Bray, city s 1-2 lot 164a 48.7
lin ft curbstone at 26c, $12.66;
110 sq yds paving at $1.27,
$139.70 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 152 36
M. A. McHenry. city, n 1-2 lot
164a, 25.7 lin ft curbstone at
26c, $6.68: 37.12 sq yds paving
at $1.27, $47.14 .. .. .. .. .. 53.82
A. Hodgden, city, s 1-2 lot 164
25.7 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$6.68: 37.12 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $47.14 .. .. .. .. .. 53 82
A. Hangpel, city, n 1-2 lot 164,
25.7 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$6.68; 37.12 sq yds paving at
$1.27. $47.14 .. .. .. .. .. ..
Kate Therring, city, s 1-2 lot 163,
25.7 lin ft curbstone at 26c.
$6.68; 37.12 sq yds paving at
$1.27. $47.14 .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 82
Mary Pleins, city, n 1-2 lot 163,
25.7 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$6.68: 37.12 sq yds paving at
$1.27. $47.14.. .. .. „ .. .. .. 53 82
J. F. McCarthy. city, lot 162
51.4 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$13.36; 77.22 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $98.07.. .. .. .. .. 111 43
J. F. McCarthy, city, lot 161,
77.6 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$20.17 3.5 lin ft curbstone re-
set at 2c. 7c; 170.63 sq yds pav-
ing at $1.27. $216.70.. .. „ 236 94
j Grace R. Willoughby, s 1-5 lot
459. 151.28 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $192.12.. .. .. .. .. .. 192 12
R. W. Rodgers, city, s 1-2, s w
1-5, lot 459, 25.7 lin ft curbstone
at 26c, $6.68; 37.12 sq yds pav-
ing at $1.27, $47.14 53 82
Mary M. Clark, city n 1-2 s m
1-5 lot 459, 25.7 lin ft curbstone
at 26c, $6.68: 37.12 sq yds pav-
ing at $1.27, 47.14.. .. 53 82
N. Bray, city m 1-5 lot 459. 6.5
lin ft curbstone at 26c, $1.69;
45 lin ft curbstone reset at 2c,
90c: 74.39 sq yds paving at
$1.27, 894.47.. .. .. .. .. 97 06
G .L. Torbert Est, city n 2-5
lot 459. 131.2 lin ft curbstone at
26c, $34.11: 221.67 sq yds pav-
ing at $1.27. $281.52 .... .. 315 63
Rider & Burden, city, s 55 ft,
lot 458, 216 sq yds paving at
$1.27 $275 17
J V Rider, city, n 32.6 87.6• lot
458, 72.67 sq yds paving at $1.2792 29
I Armstrong, city, n 15 ft of s m
1-5. lot 458, 33.33 sq yds paving
at $1.27 .. ... 42 33
I Armstrong• city, s 1-2 m 1-5,
lot 458, 57.11 sq yds paving at
J L & E Horr, city, n 1-2 m 1-5, lot
458, 57.11 sq yds paving at $1.27. 72 53
James Rowan, city. n 2-5, lot 458,
326.67 sq yds paving at $1.27.... 414 87
27 44
245 87
53 82
72 53
J V Rider, city, s 1-5, lot 457,
211.78 sq yds paving at $1.2726S 96
Frank O'Farrell, city, s 1-2 s m
1-5, lot 457, 57 sq yds paving
at $1.27 72 39
P Klauer, city, n 1-2 s m 1-5, lot
457, 57 sq yds paving at $1.2772 39
R Hinds, and 1-2 city m 1-5 lot
457, 57 sq yds paving at $1.2772 39
A Coates, and 1-2 city m 1-5, lot
457, 57 sq yds paving at $1.2772 39
City of Dubuque (city hall) city
n 2-5 lot 457, 31 lin ft curbstone
at 26c, $8.06; 334.91 sq yds pav-
ing at $1.27, $425.33 433 39
A B Ryan, city, s 52.2 lot 460,
78.5 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$20.41; 148.43 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $188.51 208 92
C Jungk, city, n 50.2 s m 1-5, lot
460, 50.3 lin ft curbing reset at
2c, $1.01; 72.66 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $92.28 93 29
M J G LaNicca, city, m 1-5, lot
460, 51.3 lin ft curbing reset at
2c, $1.02; 74.10 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $94.11 95 13
Jno Bell, Est, city, n m 1-5, lot
460, 51.3 lin ft curbing reset at
2c, $1.02; 74.10 sq yds paving
at $1.27, $94.11 95 13
Hugh Corrance, city n 1-5, lot
460, 35.3 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$9.17; 5 lin ft curbing reset at
2c, $.10; 148.35 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $188.40 197 67
James Levi, sub s 1-2 lot 456, city,
lot 2, 63.7 lin ft curbstone at
26c, $16.56; 7.5 lin ft curbing re-
set at 2c, $.15; 166.28 sq yds
paving at $1.27, $211.17 927 88
E Gmehle, sub s 1-2 lot 456, city,
lot 3, 50.2 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$13.05; 92.03 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $116.88 129 93
E Gmehle, sub s 1-2 lot 456, city,
lot 4, 28.1 lin ft curbstone at
26c, $7.30; 51.70 sq yds paving
at $1.27, $65.66 . 72 96
M Morgan, Est, city, n 1-2 m 1-5,
lot 456, 25.7 lin ft curbstone at
26c, $6.68; 47.30 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $$60.07 66 75
J H Shields, city, n m 1-5, lot
456, 51.5 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$13.39; 94.42 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $119.91 133 30
J H Shields, city, s 1-2 n 1-5, lot
456, 25.7 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$6.68; 47.30 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $60.07 66 75
B Jestel, city, n 1-2 n 1-5, lot 456,
39.1 lin ft curbstone at 26c,
$10.16; 57.63 sq yds paving at •
$1.27, $73.19 83 35
John V Rider, city, e 52 ft s 2-5
lot 461, 263.08 sq yds paving. at
$1.27, 334.11
John Apel, city, s 1-2 m 1-5, lot •
461, 47.30 sq yds,paving at $1.27. 60 07
P Klauer, city, n 1-2 m I-5, lot 461, •
47.30 sq yds paving at $1.27 60 07
J H Thedinga, Est, city, n•2-5, lot
461, 115.5 lin ft curbstone at 26e, -
Regular Session, December 23, 1897. 359
$30.03; 210.83 sq yds paving at
$1.27, $267.75.... 297 73
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, McEvoy,
Stafford and Thomas.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque:
27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
Emma Southwell, Bradstreet's
add, lot 8, 50 lin curbstone at
27e, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
Emma Southwell, Bradstreet's
add, lot 9, 50 lin ft curbstone at
27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds guttering
at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
Martha Southwell, Bradstreet's
add, s 1-2, lot 10, 25 lin ft curb-
stone at 27c, $6.75; 11.1 sq yds
guttering at 27c, $3.00; 20.8 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c,
$6.25 16 00
John Southwell, Bradstreets'
add, n 1-2, lot 10, 25 lin ft curb-
stone at 27c, $6.75; 11.1 sq yds
guttering at 27c, $3.00; 20.8 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c,
$6.25 16 00
L A Cummings, Bradstreets' add,
lot 11, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$13.50; 22.2 sq yds guttering at
$6.00; 41.7 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
L A Cummings, Bradstreet's add,
lot 12, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$13.50; 22.2 sq yds guttering at
27c, $6; 41.7 sq yds macaramiz-
amizing at 30c, $12.50 ...... 32 00
L A Cummings, min lot 80, lot 2,
154 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $41.-
58; 67.3 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$18.17; 128.3 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 30c, $38.49. 98 24
Jacob Zangmeister, min lot 80, lot
1, 103 lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$27.81; 47.5 sq yds guttering at
27c, $12.82; 83 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $24.90 65 53
E Langworthy, Est. Pauline
Langworthy's sub, iot 4, 309.5
lin ft curbstone at 27c, $83.56;
145.0 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$39.15; 252.4 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $75.72 198 43
E Langworthy, Est, Pauline
Langworthy's sub, lot 5, 288.5
lin ft curbstone at 27c, $77.90;
130 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$35.10; 323.3 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $97.00 210 00
Emma A White, Martin's Dubu-
que, lot 13, 79.3 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $21.41; 35.5 sq yds gut-
tering at 27c, $9.58; 63.3 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $1*.99
Martin Armstrong, Martin's Du-
buque, lot 12, 50 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 30c, $12.50
John Nagle, Martin's Dubuque,
lot 11, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$13.50; 22.2 sq yds guttering at
27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds macad-
ainizing at 30c, $12.50
A Trueb et al, Martin's Dubu-
que, lot 10, 50 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds mac -
That to pay for improvement of Al-
pine street from Julien avenue to West
Third street by John Tibey, contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter nam-
ed, situate and owned, and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted De-
cember 23rd, 1897.
Chas E Wales, Nairn's add, lot
32, 91 lin ft curbing, 27c, $24.57;
40 sq yds guttering at 27c, $10.-
80; 80 sq yds macadamizing at
30c, $24.00 $ 59 37
Chas E Wales, Nairn's add, lot
30, 61 lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$16.47; 27.1 sq yds guttering at
27c, $7.32; 50.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $15.24 39 0
Chas E Wales. Nairn's add, lot
$16.47; 27.1 sq yds guttering at
27c, $7.32; 57.6 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $17.28 41 07
Mary A Pollock, Nairn's add, lot
29, 61, lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$16.47; 27.1 sq yds guttering at
27c, $7.32; 57.6 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $17.28 41 07
Mary Nairn, Nairn's add, lot
28, 61 lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$16.47; 27.1 sq yds guttering at
27c, $7.32; 57.6 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $17.28 41 07
Mary Nairn, Nairn's add, lot 6,
76 lin ft curbstone at 27c, $20.-
52; 43.7 sq yds guttering at 27c,
$11.80; 78.4 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $23.52 55 84
Cyril Gregoire, Nairn's add, s
1-2 e 1-2, lot 33, 95 lin ft curb-
stone at 27c, $25.65; 42.2 sq yds
guttering at 27c, $11.39; 89.7 sq ,
yds macadamizing at 30c, $26- 63 95
J C Gregoire, Nairn's add, n 1-2
e 1-2, lot 33, 107 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $28.89; 47.5 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $12.82; 69.4 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $20.82 62 53
Jennie Wolff, Bradstreet add, lot
5, 200.6 lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$54.16; 89.3 sq yds guttering at
27c, $24.11; 180.8 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 30c, $54.24 132 51
Mrs C Pelan, Bradstreet add, lot
6, 60 lin ft curbstone at 27c, ' '
$16.20;26.2 sq yds guttering at
27c, $7.07; 51.6 sq yds macadam-
izing.38 at 30e, $15.48 .. •
Mrs: C Pelan, Bradstreet's add,
lot 7, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$13.50; .22.2 sq yds guttering at
49 98
32 00
32 00
3(10 Regular Session, December 23, 1897.
adamizing at 30c, $12.50 ... 32 00
John Nagle, Martin's Dubuque,
lot 9, 50 lin ft curbstone at 27c,
$13.50; 22.2 sq yds guttering at
27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
The 8th St W Dub St Ry Co,
The Dub Light & Traction Co
and Horace G Torbert, Receiv-
er, 1123.0 sq yds macadamizing
at 30c, $336.90 ... 336 90
.A. Trueb et al, Martin's Dubu-
que, lot 8, 44.4 lin ft curbstone at
27c, $11.98; 25 sq yds guttering
at 27c, $6.75 ;41.7 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $12.50 ..... 31 23
Mrs R Osborne, Martin's Dubu-
que, lot 7, 50 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
John Nagle, Martin's Dubu-
que, lot 6, 50 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
George Dean, Martin's Dubu-
que, lot 5, 5u lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
J G Crabtree, Martin's Dubu-
que, lot 4, 50 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
F W Coates, Martin's Dubu-
que, lot 3, 50 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $12.50 32 0t
D W Rand, Martin's Dubu-
que, lot 2, 50 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
D J McFarland, Martin's Dubu-
que, s 50 lot 1, 50 lin ft curbstone
at 27c, $13.50; 22.2 sq yds gutter-
ing at 27c, $6.00; 41.7 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $12.50 32 00
Louisa Gieseman, Martin's Dubu-
que n 50 ft s 100 ft lot 1, 9.3 lin
ft curbstone at 27c, $2.51; 22.2 sq
yds guttering at 27c, $6.00; 41.7
sq yds macadamizing at 30c,
$12.50 21 01
Minnie Gieseman, Martin's Dubu-
que n 100 ft, lot 1, 46.2 sq yds
guttering at 27c, $12.47; 92.7 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c, $27.-
81 40 28
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw-
ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, McEvoy,
Stafford and Thomas.
Ald. Lagen arrived at 8:45 p. m.
Ald. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque:
That to pay for improving West 17th
street from Clark street to Cox street
by Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Special assessment submitted De-
cember 23d, 1897.
Chas Riley, sub E pt of lot 682
and part 670, city, lot 1, 63.1 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c $ 18 93
J M. Kenety, Quigley's sub out lot
709, city, lot 1, 57.7 lin ft curb-
stone at 28c, $16.15; 37.1 sq yds
guttering at 30e, $11.13; 89.7 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c, $26.-
91 54 19
J M Kenety, Quigley's sub out lot
709, city, lot 2, 50.8 lin ft curb-
stone at 28c, $14.22; 33.8 sq yds
guttering at 30c, $10.14; 79.2 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c, $23.76. 48 12
Cath Weber, Quigley's sub out lot
709, city, lot 3. 50.8 lin ft curb-
stone at 28c, $14.22; 33.8 sq yds
guttering at 30c, $10.14; 79.2 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c, $23.76. 48 12
Cath Weber, Quigley's sub out lot
709, city, lot 4, 50.8 lin ft curb-
stone at 28c, $14.22; 33.8 sq yds
guttering at 30c, $10.14; 79.2 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c, $23.76. 48 12
Cath Weber, Quigley's sub out lot
709, city, lot 5, 50.8 lin ft curb-
stone at 28c, $14.22; 33.8 sq yds
guttering at 30c, $10.14; 79.2 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c, $23.76. 48 12
Annie McAlister, Quigley's sub out
lot 709, city, lot 6, 50.8 lin ft curb
stone at 28c, $14.22; 33.8 sq yds
guttering at 30c, $10.14; 79.2 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c, $23.76. 48 12
Edward Milligan, Quigley's sub
out lot 709, city, lot 7, 71.8 lin
ft curbstone at 28c, $20.10; 62.5
sq yds guttering at 30c, $18.75;
140.8 sq yds macadamizing at
30c, $42.24 81 09
A Wanbacher, Quigley's sub out
lot 712, city, s 75 ft, lot 1, 71.0 lin
ft curbstone at 28c, $19.88; 62.4
sq yds guttering at 30e, $18.72;
141.1 sq yds macadamizing at
30c, $42.33 80 93
F W Kringle, Quigley's sub out
lot 712, city, lot 2, 50.0 lin ft
curbstone at 28c, $14.00; 33.3 sq
yds guttering at 30c, *10.00; 77.8
sq yds macadamizing at 30c,
$23.34 47 34
F W Kringle, Quigley's sub out
lot 712, city, lot 3, 50.0 lin ft
curbstone at 28c, $14.00; 33.3 sq
yds guttering at 30c, $10.00; 77.8
sq yds macadamizing at 30c,
$23.34 47 34
Ed Milligan, Quigley's sub out
lot 712, city, lot 4, 50.0 lin ft
curbstone at 28c, $14.00; 33.3 sq
yds guttering at 30c, $10.00; 77.8
sq yds madacamizing at 30c,
$23.34 47 34
Peter Betz, Quigley's sub out
lot 712, city, lot 5, 50.0 lin ft
Regula' Session, December 23, 1897. 3(1
curbstone at 28c, $14.00; 33.3 sq
yds guttering at 30c, $10.00; 77.8
sq yds macadamizing at 30c,
.F R" Kringle, Quigley's sub out
bot 712, city, lot 6, 50.0 lin ft
curbstone at 28c, $14.00; 33.3 sq
yds guttering at 30c, $10.00; 77.8
sq yds macadamizing at 30c,
F W Kringle, Quigley's sub out
lot 712, city, lot 7, 3i lin ft curb-
stone at 28c, $10.64; 29.8 sq yds
guttering at 30c, $8.94; 86.9 sq
yds macadamizing at 30c, $26.07. 45 65
•J P Schroeder, Kringle's sub, lot
21, 68.1 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$19.07; 48 sq yds guttering at 30c,
$14.40; 132.0 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $39.60 73 07
1\' Weizbach, Kringle's sub, lot
20, 50 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$1.4.00; 33.3 sq yds guttering at
30c, $10.00; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $23.34 47 34
M Lewis, Kringle's sub, lot
19, 50 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$14.00; 3..3 sq yds guttering at
30c, $10.00; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $23.34. 47 34
•J T Teal, Kringle's sub, lot
1', :;0 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$14.00; 33.3 sq yds guttering at
31,c, $10.00; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $23.34 47 34
•J T Tpai, Kringle's sub, lot
17. 50 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$14.00; 33.3 sq yds guttering at
30e, $10.00; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $23.34 47 34
.E Teal, Kringle's sub, lot
16, 50 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$14.00; 33.3 sq yds guttering at
30e, $10.00; 77.8 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $23.34
-M Lewis, Kringle's sub, lot 15,
68.6 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$19.20; 51.3 sq yds guttering at
30c, $15.39; 121.0 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $36.30
.Ind Presby Church of Dub, Mor-
gan's add, lot 21, 40.6 lin ft curb-
stone at 2,c, $11.36; 45.1 sq yds
guttering at 30c, $13.53; 45.1
sq yds macadamizing at 30c,
-Mary Roy, Yate's sub, lot 1, 47.8
lin ft curbstone at 28c, $13.38;
53.1 sq yds guttering at 30c,
$15.93; 53.1 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 30c, $15.93
'Delphin Gague, Yate's sub, lot
2, 47.8 lin ft curbstone at 2Sc,
$13.35; 53.1 sq yds guttering at
30c, $15.93; 53.1 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $15.93
'Chas Christman, Yate's sub,
lot 3, 45.3 lin ft curbstone at
23c, $12.68; 50.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 30c, $15.09; 50.3 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $15.0942 86
'Heirs Yate's Est, Yate's sub,
lot 4, 45.3 lin ft curbstone at
2Sc, $12.68; 50.3 sq yds gutter -
47 34
47 34
70 89
38 42
45 24
ing at 30c, $15.09; 50.3 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $15.09.... 42 86
M J Willard, Trustee, Yate's sub.
lot 5, 45.3 lin ft curbstone at
28c, $12.68; 50.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 30c, $15.09; 50.3 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $15.09....
M J Willard, Trustee, Yate's sub,
lot 6, 45.3 lin ft curbstone at
28c, $12.68; 50.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 30c, $15.09: 50.3 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $15.09.... 42 8G
M J Willard, Trustee, Yate's sub,
lot 7, 45.3 lin ft curbstone at
28c, $12.68; 50.3 sq yds gutter-
ing at 30c, $15.09; 50.3 sq yds
macadamizing at 30c, $15.09.... 42 86
M J Willard, Trustee, Yate's sub,
lot 8, 70.3 lin ft curbstone at 23c,
$19.68; 88.9 sq yds guttering at
30c, $26.67; 90.0 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $27.00 73 35
Heirs Yate's Est, Yate's sub,
lot 9. 67.0 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$18.76; 54.7 sq yds guttering at
30c, $16.41; 121.0 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 30c, $36.30 71 47
Heirs Yate's Est, Yate's sub, lot
10, 45.0 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$12.60; 30.0 sq yds guttering at
30c, $9.00; 70.0 sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $21.00 42 60
N C Schuster, Yate's sub, lot 11,
45.0 lin ft curbstone at 28c, $12.-
60; 30 sq yds guttering at 30c,
$9.00; 70 sq yds macadamizing 42 60
at 30c, $21.00
N C Schuster, Yate's sub, lot 12,
56.5 lin ft curbstone at 23c,
$15.82; 36.7 aq yds guttering at
30c, $11.00; 99 sq yds macadam-
amizing at 30c, $29.70 - 56 52
Heirs Yate's Est, Yate's sub, lot
13, 56.9 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$15.93; 36.7 sq yds guttering at
30c, $11.00; 9 9sq yds macadam-
izing at 30c, $29.70 56 63
Heirs Yate's Est, Yate's sub, lot
14, 45.0 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$12.60; 30 sq yds guttering at 30c,
$9.00; 70 sq yds macadamizing 42 60
at 30c, $21.00 ..
Heirs Yate's Est, Yate's sub, lot
15, 45 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$12.60; 30 sq yds guttering at 30c,
$9.00; 70 sq yds macadamizing
at 30c, $21.00 42 60
Lizzie Haggard, Yate's sub, lot
45, 30 lin ft curbstone at 28c,
$8.40; 20 sq yds guttering at
30c, $6.00; 46.7 sq yds macad-
amizing at 30c, $14.01 28 41
W G Cox, city, lot 742, 384 lin
ft curbstone at 28c, $107.52; 258.7
sq yds guttering at 30c, $77.61;
600.2 sq yds macadamizing at 365 19
30c, $180.06 ........ ...........
Adopted by the following vote:Craw-
Ayes-Alds. Albrecht, Berg,
ford, Cullen, Denner•t, Jellison, Lagen,
McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas.
Aid. Cullen offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city o1' Dubuque:
45 24
42 86
362 liquid,' Scp:ion, December 23, 1897.
That to pay for improvement of Iowa
street from Third street to Seventh
street, by G. Maffloli, contractor, in
front of and adjoining the same, a spec-
ial tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted De-
cember 23d, 1897.
D W Linehan, city, s 2-3, lot 192,
66.3 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $16.-
57; 193.33 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$259.06 $275 63
Anna Belle Ryan, city, n 1-3, lot
192, 21.5 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$5.38; 47.78 sq yds paving at
$1.34, $64.02 69 40
A A Cooper, city, lot 191, 64.3 lin ft
curbstone at 25c, $16.08; 142.89 sq
yds paving at $1.34, $191.47 207 55
E C Peaslee, city, lot 190, 54.4 lin
ft curbstone at 25c, $13.60; 145.8
sq yds macadamizing at $1.34,
$195.37 208 97
E C Peaslee, city, lot 189, 64.3 lin
ft curbstone at 25c, $16.08; 145.11
sq yds macadamizing at $1.34,
$194.45 210 53
Fischer & Co, city, lot 527, 72 lin
ft curbstone at 25c, $18.00; 212
sq yds macadamizing at $1.34,
$284.08 302 08
Fischer & Co, city, lot 526, 414
lin ft curbstone at 25c, $10.35;
117.33 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$157.22 167 57
Fischer & Co, sub 525, city, lot
2, 38.4 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$9.60; 85.33 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$114.34 123 94
J M Lenehan, sub 524, city, lot 1,
51.4 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $12.-
85; 114.22 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$153.05 165 90
J P Wagner, city, lot 524a, 7.7
lin ft curbstone at 25c, $1.92; 31.-
55 sq yds paving at $1.34, $42.-
28 44 20
J P Wagner, city, lot 523a, 25.8
lin ft curbstone at 25c, *6.45;
57.33 sq yds paving at $1.34,
J P Wagner, city, lot 523b, 25 lin
ft curbstone at 25c, $6.25; 57.33
sq yds paving at $1.34, $76.82 .... 83 07
James Forester, city, lot 188, 143.55
sq yds paving at $1.34,.. 192.36
John Newman, city, lot 1S7, 57 lin
ft curbstone at 25c, $14.25; 146.44
sq yds paving at $1.34, $196.23210 48
A Tredway, city, lot 186, 56 lin ft
curbstone at 25c, $14.00; 146.66 sq
yds paving at $1.34, $196.52 210 52
Jno Hartig, city, lot 185, 92 lin ft
curbstone at 25c, $23.00; 241.33 sq
yds paving at $1.34, *323.38 346 38
Robert Waller, Est, city, lot 233,
51.7 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $12.92;
115 sq yds paving at $1.34, $154.-
10.... 167 02
Emma Alden, city, lot 232, 51.7
83 27
lin ft curbstone at 25c, $12.92;
115 sq yds paving at $1.34, $154.-
10 .. 167 02
P Lagen, Est, city, s 26.5 ft, lot
231, 26.5 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$6.62; 59.20 sq yds paving at
$1.34, $79.33 85 95
John Decry, city, n 25, lot 231,
25.0 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $6.25;
55.80 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$74.77 81 02..
J P Earley, city, lot 230, 51.7 lin
ft curbstone at 25c, $12.93; 115 sq
yds paving at $1.34, $154.10 167 03
B E Linehan, city, lot 229, 68 lin
ft curbstone at 25c, $17.00; 215.33
sq yds paving at $1.34, $288.54305 54
A Y McDonald Mfg Co, city, lot
184, 56.1 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$14.02; 188.26 sq yds paving at
$1.34, $252.27 266 29•
A Y McDonald Mfg Co, city, lot
183, 64.9 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$16.22; 118.6 sq yds paving at
$1.34, $158.92 175 14.
Con Mullen Est, city, lot 182a,
5 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $1.25;
29.5 lin ft curbstone reset, at
4c, $1.18; 59.40 sq yds paving at
$1.34, $79.60 82 03.
Con Mullen, Est, city, lot 1,2, 32.5
lin ft curbstone reset at 4c, $1.-
30; 59.40 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$79.60 80 90•
Con Mullen, Est, city, lot 181, 85
lin ft curbstone reset at 4c,
$3.40; 203.95 sq yds paving at
$1.34, $273.29 .. 276 69
J P Donahue, city, lot 228, 74.5 lin
ft curbstone at 25c, $18.62; 192.56
sq yds paving at $1.34, $258.-
03 276 65.
D W Linehan, city, lot 227, 51.9
lin ft curbstone at 25c, $12.98;
95.15 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$127.50 140 48.
Dubuque Light & Traction Co,
city, lot 226, 51.9 lin ft curbstone
at 25c, $12.98; 81.15 sq yds pav-
ing at $1.34, $108.74 121 72.
Dubuque Light & Traction Co,
city, lot 225, 51.9 lin ft curbstone
at 25c, $12.98; 81.15 sq yds pav-
ing at $1.34, $105.74 121 72.
Dubuque Light & Traction Co,
city, lot 224, 75.3 lin ft curbstone,
at 25c, $18.82; 180.48 ..sq yds
paving at $1.34, $241.84
Bradley & McClain, city, lot 223,
74.9 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $18.-
72; 174.68 sq yds paving at $1.34,
Bradley & McClain, city, lot 222,
51.3 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$12.82; 74.10 sq yds paving at
$1.34, $99.29 112 11.
Mary A Mulkern, city, lot 221, 51.3
lin ft curbstone at 25c, $12.82;
74.1 sq yds paving at $1.34,
P H E Sommerfleld, city, s 1-2,
lot 220, 25.7 lin ft curbstone re-
set at 4c, $1.03; 37.05 sq yds Hav-
ing at $1.34, $49.65• 50 68.
260 66
252 79•
Il,,lul,rr .'',N.0*O11, December 23, 1897. 3(33
1' W ('rawf.nil, city, n 1-2, lot
220( 25.7 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $6.42; 37.05 sq yds paving
at $1.34, $49.65 56 07
P W Crawford, city, s 12a, lot 219,
12.7 lin ft curbstone at 25c, $3.17;
18.34 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$24.57 27 74
A Goldthorpe, city, n 38.6, lot
219, 51.7 lin ft curbstone at 25c,
$12.92; 128.80 sq yds paving at
$1.34, $172.59 .... 185 51
A Glab, Est, city, lot 218, 55.55 sq
yds paving at $1.34, $74.43 74 43
Palmer, Winall & Co, Weigel's
sub, lot 1, 28 lin ft curbstone at
25c, $7.00; 72.5 lin ft curbstone
reset at 4c, $2.90; 206.2 sq yds
at $1.34, 52276.31 286 21
Mary Butt, city, n 3.5 lot 179, 45.5
lin ft curbstone at 25c, $11.38;
82,67 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$110.75 .... 122 1C
•Tom Connolly. city, lot 178, 55
lin ft curbstone at 25c, $13.75;
95.70 sq yds paving at $1.34, 141 99
Tom Connolly. city, lot 179, 675
lin ft curbstone at 25c, $16.87;
7.5 lin ft curbstone reset at 4c,
5.30: 168.60 sq yds paving at $1.34,
$225.92. 243 09
R Nolte, Est, city, lot 176, 55.55 sq
yds paving at $1.34, ........ 74 43
Dubuque Light & Traction Co,
and Horace G Torbert, Receiv-
er, 5th to 5th street, 760.74 sq yds
1019 39
paving at 51.34
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Cullen, Den-
nert, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford
and Thomas.
Aids. Berg and Crawford declined to
vote on account of being interested
property holders.
Aid. McEvoy, chairman of the com-
mittee on public grounds and buildings,
presented the iollowing bills:
Lally & Gelsler, furnace for city hall,
L. Lindenberg, supplies
department, $1.50.
Ald. McEvoy moved that warrants
be c•rciered drawn in favor of Lally said
•Gelsler and L. Lindenberg to pay
bills. Carrl.ed.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the sew-
er committee, reported as follows:
To the City Council of the City of Du-
At the meeting of your honorable
body on December 2d, a communication
from his honor, the mayor, relative to
certain alleged acts of malfeasance on
the part of Sewer Inspector Broadhurst
was referred to your committee on sew-
,ers, with instructions to give the matter
full investigation. in his
The facts stated by the mayor
•communication, unless controverted or
•explained, lead inevitably to the con -
clusion, and amount to a charge,
• Inspector Broadhurst, in several re -
es, falsified his pay rolls by certifying
to various amounts of money as due to
different persons, real or imaginary,
who never performed any work for the
city, and after the allowance of the
same by the council, has himself drawn
or attempted to draw, the warrants for
the several amounts so returned.
In endeavoring to carry out the in-
structions of the council your commit-
tee has had several meetings for the
special purpose of the investigation and
has examined a large number of wit-
nesses, including all persons who were,
or might be supposed to know any-
thing, or be able to throw any light on
the subject, and all persons whom Mr.
Broadhurst desired to have testify.
A copy of the substance of the testi-
mony taken accompanies this report. It
was all taken under oath, duly adminis-
From the pay rolls certified to the
council by Inspector Broadhurst, it ap-
pears that the following amounts were
reported by him to be due to the several
persons hereinafter named, among oth-
ers, for work in his department, to -wit:
For the last of June, 1897—
James Austin
For the first half of July—
R. H. Nolan
For the last half of July—
James Austin
John Nolan .. .. .. .. .. ......
For the last half of August --
A. O'Neil
For the first half of September—
F. Jackson.. .. .. ......
Joseph Ryan
For the last half of September—
Joseph Ryan ..
For the first half of October—
William Tiese.. .. ... . .
For the laste days October—
F. o
Brake, nin
for electric
24 00
7 50
12 00
12 15
9 45
13 15
12 00
1.1 00
13 50
A total of .................. ...$133 95
All of the above amounts were duly
allowed by the council, and warrants
for the same made out by the proper 1
Excepting the last ,in favor of Brake,
all of the said warrants were called for
by Inspector Broadhurst, and delivered
to him by the city auditor or his assist-
ant, to the amount of $120.45, without
the production of any order or author-
ity from the parties in whose favor
they were drawn, but solely on Broad-
hurst's statement that he had advanced
the several amounts to such parties,
and the exhibition of entries to that
effect in his time book. our commit -
On the investigation by Y
tee, Mr. Broadhurst was unable to ac-
count for any of the persons named. He
did not know where any of them lived,
in what ward or part of the city, or
whether in the city at all, nor hd them couad hee
any idea where any of
found or heard of. ' He seems never to
have seen or known any of them be-
fore or since they were employed by
that he a
his department has,ln a number of cos- him. And Yet, done he states ,
'turns to the council of work
364 lleyul(ir Se84011, December 23, 1897.
vanccd to each of them the several
sums alleged to have been due them
according to his pay rolls without tak-
ing any order or receipts, or other writ-
ten evidence that he had done so. He
was unable to produce, before your
• committee, any person who ever work-
ed with any of the men named, or had
ever seen or heard of such parties.
All of the men regularly employed by
the city on sewers during the past sea-
son, and quite a number of others, at
the request of Mr. Broadhurst, were
brought before the committee, and all
stated under oath that they had never
worked with, or knew anything about,
or had ever heard of the men in whose
favor the warrants taken out by Mr.
Broadhurst were drawn.
The warrant in favor of the persons
last named in the list above given, F.
Brake, was called for by Mr. Broad-
hurst, but was not delivered to him by
the city auditor, for the reason, at first,
that Broadhurst had no order for it. He
afterwards returned and exhibited to
the auditor a paper purporting to be a
receipt signed by F. Brake for the
amount named in the warrant. On
being questioned as to the identity of
Brake, Broadhurst stated that he knew
the man well—that they had worked to-
gether several months at the new brew-
ery of the Dubuque Malting Co.; that
he, was a brother of Tony Brake, the
bricklayer who was killed three years
ago while working on the brewery; that
1/ he had advanced the money to Brake
because the latter was going to get
married and leave town; that he
thought Brake was now living at Dyers-
ville. Broadhurst subsequently stated
to the auditor, as testified to by the
latter, that he had reached Brake at
Dyersville by telephone, and that Brake
had agreed to come in the following
Monday if Broadhurst would pay his ex
penses, which the latter stated he had
agreed to do. Mr. Brake, however,
failed to appear at the time named by
During the investigation by your com
mittee, Mr. Brake, in response to the
request by letter of Mayor Duffy, carne
before the committee in the presence
of Mr. Broadhurst. On being sworn,
he stated that he had lived and been
employed at Dyersville since last Feb-
ruary; that his name was Joseph Brake,
and not Fred Brake, as given by Broad-
hurst; that he was a brother of Tony
Brake, who was killed at the brewery;
that no other brother of his had ever
lived or worked in Dubuque; that he
knew Mr. Broadhurst well, as they had
worked together five or six months on
the new brewery of the Malting corn-
pany; but that he had never worked a
day for the city of Dubuque in his life,
either during October last, or at any
other time; that Broadhurst had never
advanced him any money for work
done for the city, nor had he (Brake)
ever signed any receipt to Broadhurst
for money so advanced; that the sig-
nature to the receipt presented by
Broadhurst to the city auditor for $l:i.5i1
was not his.
On being questioned, in the presence
of Brake. Broadhurst testified that the
latter was not the man he had
returned on his pay roll ns
F. Brake; that he had supposed he
was the•same person when he hired thy
man who had worked for him, and tc
whom he had advanced the amount 1,1,
from the city. according to the pay rot!.
Broadhurst stated further, under
oath, that he could not account for his
mistake as to the identity of the Brake.
who appeared on the pay roll; that he
knew nothing of him, or where he liv-
ed, or could be found or heard uf.
None of the sewer men regularly em-
ployed by the city during the past
season, all of whom were examined by
your committee, had ever worked with
any man by the name of Brake, or had
ever heard of such a person. Nor had
any of the other witnesses who tl•sti-
fied before the committee.
Diligent inquiry by members of the
committee and other city officials has
utterly failed to elicit any information
as to the whereabouts or existence of
the man, F. Brake, who is alleged by
Mr. Broadhurst to have worked under
him for the city during the month of
October. No other person than Mr.
Broadhurst can be found who ever
heard of such a man.
Under all the circumstances. your
committee is compelled to reach thy•
conclusion that he is purely an imagi-
nary person. We are further compelled
to express the opinion that none of the
other persons on the sewer inspector's
pay roll and named on the list herein-
before given, ever worked for the city
during the year 1897. If they are not
also wholly creatures of Mr. Broad-
hurst's imagination, they have been
most successful in hiding all evidence
that they ever existed from every one
of whom your committee has sought
information on the subject.
Though every effort to obtain further
light on the subject of this investiga-
tion has been previously exhausted,
your committee, at the two last ses-
sions of the council, refrained from sub-
mitting any report, in order to afford
Mr. Broadhurst every possible chance
to clear himself from the charge of the
official misconduct, of which the facts
disclosed, seemed to convict him. Our
delay in reporting has produced, how-
ever, no favorable result.
In view of the result of our investi-
gation, your committee submits the
following recommendations:
1. That D. Broadhurst be removed
from the position of sewer rnspector,
and that that office he discontinued, and'
that until further order of the council,
the supervision of all sewers remain
under the chief foreman of street work.
2. That his honor the mayor., be in-
structed to demand. of Mr. Broadhurst
the repayment of the sum of $120.45, the
amount obtained by him on warrants
_Regular Sessiun, December 23, 1897. 3l15
drawn in favor of persons, who, if they
had any real existence, never performed
any work for the city; and that in case
Mr. Broadhurst neglects to make such
repayment, the city attorney he in-
structed to take the necessary steps to
recover the same.
3. That the warrant No. 8578, drawn
in favor of one F. Brake for alleged
work in the month of October, 1897, for
$13.50, be cancelled.
It seems to your committee, very
greatly to be regretted, that through
oversight, or otherwise, the regulation
adopted by the council last summer re-
quiring all foremen on street work to
make a daily report every night, giving
the name, ward and residence of every
man employed under him, with the
amount due for that day, together with
the kind of work, and where done, was
not at the same time made to apply to
the sewer department. If such had
been the case, the official misconduct of
which Inspector Broadhurst had ap-
parently been guilty would not have
been possible, without the certainty of
immediate discovery.
As the council has already made the
same rule to cover the laborers employ-
ed on sewers, as well as those on
streets, we need make no recommenda-
tions on that point further than that
the regulation he rigidly enforced in
both departments.
If this system shall be strictly ad-
hered to, it would seem improbable that
hereafter the city will have any recur-
rence of pay roll scandals.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Dennert moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried unanimously.
Ald. Lagen, chairman of the commit-
tee on police and light, presented the
hill of John Dreyhouse for sawing
wood at the patrol house for $12.25, and
moved that a warrant be ordered drawn
in favor of John Dreyhouse to pay said
bill. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the paving
eensmittee. reported on the bill of
Brown & Brown for work on 4th street
extension. Sycamore street. slough.
etc., to the amount of $105.00, reported
in favor of paying said bill.
Ald. McEvoy moved to adopt the re-
port and that a warrant be ordered
drawn to pay Brown & Brown. Car-
Ald. Berg of the board of health, re-
ported as follows:
To the Mayor and City Council:
I beg to report that an account of the
continued cold weather, your board
have instructed the recorder to notify
T. E. Frith that his contract for re-
inov'ng the garbage. would cease Sat-
urday night. December 25. 1897. On
motion the report was adopted.
Ald. Berg, chairman committee of
the whole, reported as follows:
In favor of receiving and filing the
petitions of Peter Olinger. Dubuque
Light and Traction Co.. Geo. Torbert
Estate, Geo. A. Burden. Wm. L. Brad-
ley. Grace Robinson Willoughby, J. V.
Rider, Thos. Connolly, J. F. McCar-
thy, Byrne Bros., Wm. Bray, C. H.
Whitwell and J. V. Rider, protesting
against paying special assessments for
paving and improvment of Iowa street
at the intersections between 3rd and
14th streets; also in favor of receiving
and filing petition of the Dubuque Light
and Traction Co. protesting against
paying special assess=ment for improv-
ing Iowa street from 3rd to 14th street
and Alpine street from Julien avenue t.'
West 3rd street on that part of the
streets occupied by the tracks.
In f .vor of granting the petition of
the Dubuque Harness and Saddlery
Co., asking remission of taxes for the
year 1896.
In favor of the adoption of the report
of the April pay roll investigation com-
mittee recommending that warrants be
ordered drawn in favor of T. W. Gra-
ha.m. John Olinger and J. R. Lindsay,
for fifty dollars each for services ren-
dered on said committee.
In favor of granting petition of A. A.
Coop'• awing that Canal and Warren '
streets be vacated, provided that if Mr.
Cooper does not erect a factory on said
property within 5 years the vacation of
said street to become null and void.
Also your committee to whom vas re-
ferred the petition of J. L. Bunting in
relation to outside work done by the
city electricians would report in favor
of instructing the city electrician and
the superintendent of fire alarm system
to do no work outside of city work with.
out pet mission of the city council.
Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report
of the committee of the whole. Car-
Ald. Betg, chairman of the finance
ccm;.mittee, moved that warrants be or-
dered drawn for $50.00 in favor of each'
of the aldermen. on account of salary.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Albrecht, Berg. Crar-
ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, Lagen,
McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas.
Ald. Berg. of the special committee
appointee by the committee of the
whole to consider the petition of John
Beim, in relation to the extension of
D1l'waukee avenue, stated that the spe-
cial committee was ready to report in
Aid. Denner moved that the commit-
ter of the whole he excused and that
the special committee report to the
Aid. Berg moved as a substitute
that the city engineer be instructed to
make a complete survey and profile of
said improvement and report to the
special committee and that the commit-
tee he granted further time.
31:11 L?egular Session, December 23, 1897
Aid. Berg's substitute carried.
Ald. Dennert offered the foilont :ng
resolution which was adopted:
Resolved by the city council of .he
city of Dubuque: That the city engin-
eer is hereby ordered to prepare plans
and specifications for a stone culvert at
Couler Creek and Couler avenue and
present sa.me to the city council for ap-
Ald. Dennert offered the fol owing
which was adopted:
Resolved by the city c. un•Al of the
city of Dubuque: That she ordinance
committee be and are her'l,y instructed
to draft an ordinance in relation to el-
ectrical wiring and all electrical work
that may be done within the limits of
the city of Dubuque.
Ald. Crawford moved that when the
counil adjourns they adjourn to
Thursday evening, January 6, 1893.
Ald. Jellison moved to adjourn. Car-
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office, Dubuque, Ia.,
up to 4 o'clock p. m. Monday, Nov. 29,
1897, for constructing sidewalks of
plank, as follows:
Four feet wide on both sides of Kauf-
mann avenue abutting lots 154, 154a,
158, 158a, 160, 160a, 160b, 160c, 161, 162,
162a, 165 and 168 L. H. Langworthy's
add.; also lots 1 to 9 inclusive Burton's
4 feet wide on West 5th street and
Glen Oak Avenue, abutting lot 13 S.
M. Langworthy's add.
4 feet wide on north side of Hart
street abutting lot 2 sub of 1 and 2 and
S. 1-2 of lots 5, 6 and 7 Schaffner's sub.
All in accordance with specification
on flle in said office.
A certified check of $10.00 will be re-
quired with each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
11-18-10t. City Engineer.
. Mayor
23, 1Y17.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Ia, Nov. 1, 1897.
To the Mayor and City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a com-
plete list of warrants issued by ore
during the month of October, 1897:
T T Duffy, salary .. .. .. .. ....$125 00
H B Gniffke, salary.. .... . .... 133 35
H B Gniffke, clerk hire .. .. .. 75 00
L M Langstaff, salary .. .. .. .. 116 65
M M McCarten, salary .. .. .... 116 65
E D Duncan, salary .. .. .. .. 125 00
T H Duffy, salary .. .. .. .. .. 150 00
Jas McCann, salary .. .. .. .... 100 00
Jos Reinfried, salary .. .. .. .. 100 00
Jas Morgan, salary 95 00
Wm Fitzpatrick, salary .. .. 83 35
Wm A Kaep, clerk recorder's
office .. .. .. .. .... ...... .. 50 00
Edw Herron, clerk treasurer's
office.. .... .. .... 50 00
Edw C Blake, engineer .. .. .. 200 00
Jas Boyce, assistant engineer100 00
E S Hyde, assistant engineer.. 100 00
Wm Hippman, electrician .... 75 00
D Broadhurst, sewer inspector75 00
Otto Rath, market master .. 50 00
P Kien, park custodian .. .. 45 00
T Cahill, park custodian .. .. 45 00
Edw Jess, wharfmaster .. 20 00
E H Guilbert, health officer 50 00
N Offerman, pound master .. 50 00
Mrs. H Koenig, janitress .. .. 20 00
Mrs. M. Hayes, cleaning around
market .. .. .. .... .. 20 00
Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman60 00
L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector50 00
M Eitel, fireman.. .. .. .. .. 60 00
Jno Essman4 fireman.. .. . 75 00
A Duccini, fireman .. .. .. 60 00
Jno Flynn, fireman .. .. .. .. 60 00
J Wiltse, fireman .. .. .... 60 00
C Oatey, fireman .. .. .. 50 00
A Heer, fireman 50 00
Wm Beyer, fireman .... .... 50 00
Jas Daley, fireman .. .... .... 60 00
Job Barnes. fireman .. .. .... 75 00
T Ryder, fireman .... .. .... 60 00
W Ducey, fireman .... .. .. 60 00
J Schonberger, fireman .. .. .. 60 00
T Meehan, fireman .. .. .. .. 50 00
M Fahey, fireman .. .. .. .. .. 50 00
Jas Rooney, fireman .. .. .. .. 50 00
D Ahearn, fireman .. .. .. .. 60 00
T Walker, fireman .... .... .. 60 00
Geo Osborn, fireman .. .. .... 60 00
Geo Helmrich, fireman .. .. .. 50 00
Jno Bannan, fireman .. .. .. 50 00
T Kennedy. fireman .. .. .. 50 00
Jno Fi,zpatrick, fireman .. .. 50 00
Ewd Ellwanger. fireman .. 31 55
Jas McFarland. fireman .. .. 50 00
J Murphy, fireman .. .. .. .. 60 00
Geo Gehrke. fireman .. .. .. .. 18 65
A McDonald. fireman .. .. .. 75 00
]' Murphy. fireman .. .. .. .. 18 25
T Flynn, fireman .. .. .. .. . 60 00
F Ganahl. fireman .. .. .. .. .. 60 00
F Kenneally, fireman .. .. .50 00
Jos Tschudi, fireman .. .. .. 50 00
lid of Warrants.
3 37
C Kannolt, fireman .. .. .. .. .. 60 00
Jas Allen, fireman .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 00
Wm Bride, fireman .. .. • • .. .. 50 00
Robt Weston, fireman .. .. .. .. 50 00
Geo Burkel, pollee.. .. .. .... .. 53 30
N Brand, police .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 50 00
Jas Carter, police • • • • • • • • • • • • 53 00
Jas Clune, police .. .. ... . .... 50 00
Jno Cody, police .. .. •• •• 50 00
M Craugh. police ...... .. .... .. 51 65
P Dunphey, police .. . 50 00
Jno Fitzpatrick, police.. .. .... 50 00
Jas Flynn, police .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 00
P Hanlon, police .. .. .. .. ...... 50 00
Wm Hennessey, police .. .. .. .. 51 65
Emil Kahn, police .. .. .. .. .... 50 00
M Kilty, police .. .. .. ...... 50 00
Jno Loetscher, police ..•• •• 50 00
Jas Lonergan, police • • • • • • • • • • 50 00
P McCollins, police .... .... . 50 00
P McInerney, police • • • • • • .. • • 51 65
Edw Moore, police .. .. .. .. 60 00
P Mulligan. police .. .. .. .. 50 00
Jno Murphy, police .... .... 50 00
J J Murphy, police .. .. .. .. 77 50
Jno Noel, police .. .. .. .. 53 30
D Norton, police .. .. ...... 50 00
M O'Connor, polio, 50 00
Aug Pfeffer, pol: :• .. .. .. 50 00
P Powers, police .... .. .. .. .. 50 00
Jno Raesle, police • • • • • • • • • • • • 80 00
F Rhomberg, police .•.••• •• •• • 51 65
Jas Rooney, pollee ... ........ 50 00
T Reilly. police .... .. .... 50 00
P Scharff, police .. ...... ... 53 30
Al Scherr, police .. .. .. .. 51 65
Jos D Secrest, police .. .... 53 30
Pat Sutton, police .. .. .. .. 50 00
T Sweeney, police .. .. .. .. 53 30
P Sullivan, police .. .. .. .. ...... 50 00
Jno Tierney, police ...... .. .. .. 50 00
H K Young, police .••• •• •• ••. 50 00
Mrs K Hibbe, matron .... .. .... 50 00
Miss B Brennan, matron .. .. 50 00
E Am Ende, labor 6 75
A Alderson, labor
J Alexander, labor
Geo Aledman, labor
Jno Burns, labor
Joe Brown, labor
Pat Breen, labor
B. Ballertin, labor
Paul Becker, labor
Jno Bottoms, labor
Phil Becker, labor
J Brachtobrach. labor .
Wm Bennett, labor
P Brandenberger, labor
Fred Beck, labor
M I3eckins, labor
F Budde, labor
Wm Burns, labor
Pat Bell, labor
Jas Butler, labor
Ted Bauer, driver
Jno Corcoran, labor
Jas. Connell, labor
L Cahill, labor
Jno Callahan, labor
Wm Cunningham, labor
M Carmody. labor
D Crotty, labor
L 'Corcoran, labor
F Correll, labor
M Crahin, labor
Jno Corbett, labor
6 75
8 10
6 75
10 80
8 80
8 10
6 75
3 40
19 50
5 10
4 75
1 35
5 40
1 35
2 70
1 35
1 00
14 00
1 35
40 00
8 80
8 10
2 05
2 05
2 70
15 55
8 10
10 80
8 10
1 35
4 05
Wm Carberry, labor
R Corrigan, labor
Jas Cahill, labor
A Crawford, carpenter
Jno Doherty, labor
M Differding, labor
P Dempsey, labor
Jno Dittman, labor
P Dax, labor
H Einbeck, labor
Jno Eagan, labor
Jno Ess, labor
R Eddy, stoker
P Furey, labor
L Fritz, labor
3 40
8 10
8 10
50 00
9 45
6 10
3 40
4 75
6 75
8 10
2 70
7 45
steam roller 50 00
9 45
12 15
7 45
2 40
8 10
5 40
4 50
2 70
10 80
9 15
4 05
10 80
4 05
4 05
2 40
8 10
2 40
3 75
4 05
2 70
4 05
1 35
15 00
2 05
2 70
6 75
9 45
5 40
4 05
4 05
15 40
19 50
6 75
J Hansen, labor 13 50
M Hilbe, labor 2 05
M Haffner, labor 4 75
Jas Jellison, labor 21 50
A Johnson, labor 70
Jno Jehring, labor 4 75
Aug. Jaas, labor 8 80
P Jacobs, labor 8 10
P Kearney, labor 8 10
P Kenney, labor 10 80
Tim Kelly, labor 8 10
E S King, labor 10 15
Jno Karsch, labor 2 70
M Klein, labor 6 75
Chas Kampman, labor ... 3 75
Asa Knaap, labor 2 40
Jno Kaith, labor 4 75
Jac Kraus, labor 2 70
Fred Krueger, labor 6 4 7575
Wm Kronfeld, labor
Chas Kupferschmitt, labor 1 35
M Kick, labor 80
Jno Kintzinger, labor 1 4 0 305
Jno Lavery, labor 4 05
P Leavitt, labor 4 05
M Loes, labor 10 8 05
Jno Lavin, labor
Pat Lynch, labor 14 5
Jno Leidinger, labor 3 40
H Lembke, labor
P Farrell, labor
B Fern, labor
P Fitzgerald, labor
Joe Fiddler, labor
P Farley, labor
M Fagan, labor
P Grew, labor
P Gregory. labor
J Gutberlet, labor
B Glass, labor
Joe Greenwood. labor
Jno Gerst, labor
P Greden, labor
C Grunzig, labor
C Geimer, labor
Joe Grab, labor
Joe Ginter. labor
P Ginter, labor
Jno Gan, labor
M Gaeger, labor
Jno Glenn, labor
Jno Hanley, labor
Jno Hafey, labor.
D Harman, labor
M Hoapes, labor
Chr Heck, labor
C Ramberg, labor
G Hecklin, labor
Jas Hird, labor
Jno Hayes, labor
A Bird, labor
Lid of Warrants.
H Luck, labor 3 40
F Lassance, labor 5 40
Chas Leicheimer, labor 3 40
Chr Lohrman, labor 8 10
Edw Lagen, driver 40 00
P Murray, labor 9 45
P Moran, labor 8 10
M Meagher, labor 8 10
Jno Mullen, labor 19 50
M Murphy, labor 5 40
T Mulqueeney, labor . 10 80
L Meurisse, labor .. 7 45
E Malloy, labor 2 70
Paddy Mohan, labor 4 75
J Martinek, labor 2 40
Geo Moore, labor . 8 10
E Meucke, labor 5 10
A Manderscheit, labor ....... ... 2 05
D Miner, labor 6 75
T Meggison. labor 1 35
N Martin, labor 20 00
P Murphy, carpenter 50 00
-L McEvoy, labor 8 f0
Wm McDermott, labor 14 85
Wm. McClain, labor 8 10
M McCarten, labor 8 10
Jas McCarron, labor 5 40
P McMullen, labor 70
M McCune, labor 6 10
Jas McCormack, labor 4 05
D McGinniss, labor ... 14 20
Jno McGee, labor .......... 8 80
Jno McCarron, labor . 8 80
M McNamara, labor 10 50
P McCarten, labor 810
Jno McQuillan, labor 18 40
P McPoland, labor 8 10
Jno McGrath, labor .. 7 45
F McBride, labor 3 40
R McCarron, labor 2 70
R McGivern, labor 41 65
Jno McCaffrey, labor 70
M Nororten, labor 4 05
Jno Nutz, labor 2 70
M O'Shea, labor 70
Jno O'Dea, labor 9 45
F Oswald, labor 7 10
T O'Donnell, labor 6 00
Jas O'Connor, labor 2 05
P O'Brien, labor 8 10
Jas Powers, labor 4 05
Jas Purcell, labor 5 40
T Pfiffner, labor 10 90
Jno Pilmaier, labor .. 19 50
F Piltz, labor 4 05
A Peters, labor ....... 9 80
Jac Peryon, labor 8 10
Jas Quinn, labor 19 50
Wm Quinlan, labor 6 75
T Reilly, lalai i' 20 25
P Reddiu, labor 9 45
M Reiseck, labor 6 75
Jas Reed, labor 6 75
F Rieger, labor 2 70
Chas. Reilly, labor 2 70
N Reisch, labor 4 05
Jac Raesner, labor 8 10
Fred Ruh, labor 7 45
N Reinhart, labor 16 20
Jas Rooney, labor 10 50
Jno Sullivan, labor 2 05
Jno Saunders, labor 70
N Sweeney, labor .. 8 10
M Sullivan, labor 8 10
M Shea, labor ' 8 80
Wm Spensley, labor .. 5 40
Jno Stevens, labor 9 45
A Steiner, labor 6 75
Jno Schroeder, labor 4 05
Geo Sutter, labor 9 45
Sam Smith, labor 3 40
Lewis Smith, labor 8 10
O Schlaeger, labor 6 75
F Scherr, labor 8 10
Paddy Smith, labor 5 40
M Specht, labor 1 ` 00
Joe Schmidt, labor 5 40
S Schaetzle, labor .. 8 10
J Spahn, labor 24 00
C Steuer, labor .. 16 00
W H Stevenson, labor 6 00
Jas S Smith, labor 12 15
D Sheehan, labor 13 50
Joe Seik, labor 25 00
A R Stevenson, engineer steam
roller 75 00
L Taylor, labor 10 80
Al Thompson, labor 2 70
Joe Tacke, labor 6 75
R Turner, labor 6 75
W Terry, labor 8 80
F Voelscher, labor 4 75
M White, labor 5 40
J Welsh, (tatter), labor 9 45
Jno Welsh. No. 1, labor 4 05
M Wampach, labor 5 40
Jno Wolf, labor ...... 8 80
H Weidenhacher, labor 7 45
Peter Wiest, labor 10 80
Aug Woerner• labor 2 40
W Wearmouth, labor 6 75
A Welu, labor 4 75
Joe Williams, labor.... 75
W Zachina, labor... 1 35
H Bishoff, teams .. 5 40
C O'Baker, team 10 80
S Casey, team 10 80
Jos Calvert, team 20 25
W Cook, team 4 05
Jno Decker, team 4 05
Jno Dunkley, labor 21 60
Wm Ellis, team 20 25
T Elliott, team 16 20
M Gantenbein, team 2 70
Jno Geary, labor 4 05
M Harmon, labor 25 65
T Heins, labor 13 50
P Jarding, labor 2 70
H C King, labor 2 70
T Kane, labor .. 16 90
B Kane, labor 16 20
J Kenneally, labor 16 20
P Linehan, labor 4 05
Jno Long, labor 4 05
Jno Monteith, labor 8 10
Mrs M Murray, labor 8 10'
F Mathis, labor 9 45
Jas McCracken, labor 20 25
Jeff McGrath, labor 21 60
Jno McCollins, labor 13 50
Jno Parker, labor 20 25
Mrs E Quinlivan, labor 4 05
H Schmidt, labor 8 10
Geo Simpson, labor 2 70
Edw Seeley, labor 8 10
D Sutherland, labor 9 45
F Sieg, labor 16 20
Jno Savage, labor 12 15
Jas Tobin, labor 9 45
M Theis, labor 10 80
A Turner, labor
K White. labor
Edw Brunskill, sewer labor 19 50
Chas Botsford, sewer labor 16 50
Jas Bennett, sewer labor 7 85
S Bastian, sewer labor 1 35
Jas Bender, labor 2 00
' T Conway, sewer labor 12 75
W Dean, sewer labor 18 75
;H Donlan, sewer labor
M Farrell, sewer labor
.A Flltsch, sewer labor
P Ginter, sewer labor
Jellison, sewer labor
Chi. Schmitt, supplies for mat-
, ron 10 35
Duggan and Kane, supplies for
matron 18 65
J T Daykin, hay 7 80
Dunn and Leahey, oats 5 05
G F Kleih, hardware 18 60
J P Schroeder & Co, cement and 184 40
sewer pipe
O F lileih, hardware 2 80
Dietrict Bros, brick 9500
Lalley & Geisler, iron pails 6 75
Eichorn and Bechtel, oil etc 5 45
E L King, painting stairs and
railing Dell street 5 50
Mulgrew & Phillips, sewer pipe
Iowa and Alpine streets 368 10
Iowa Iron Works, grates and 41 85
Star Electric Co, 314 arc lights
1695 60
for September
Globe Light and Heat Co, 100 166 67
lamps for September
"The Globe, official printing 67 50
The Times, official printing 29 15
'Dubuque Telegraph, official print-
ing 75 00
Dubuque Telegraph, council pro-
ceedings, $12.00; health reports, 15 50
$3.50 67 50
The Herald, official printing • •7 00
''The Herald, blank stationery
Natl. Demokrat, official print-
ing 4 months 2 50
Geo Wunderlich, drugs
•,James A Hayes, court costs, case 79 63
Mary Morse vs. City
W A Leathers, costs in city cases 23 20
Lindsay, BoothbY and Staples,
professional services for Geo 100 00
Gehrkc, fireman
Wm Lawther, jury on Troy street 2 00
and McMahon Place
E S Frenzel, jury on Troy street
and Mahon Place
R C Murphy, jury on Troy street
and McMahon Place
.John Maclay, jury on Troy street
and McMahon Place
Chris A Voelker, jury on Troy,
street and McMahon Place ,
D Riordan, jury on Troy street
and McMahon Place
.M M Walker, jury on Troy street
and McMahon Place
N C Ryan, jury on Troy street
and McMahon Place
':T. B Cain, jury on Ti•oy 'street
and McMahon Place
Josh Horr, jury on Troy
caul McMIihon Place
L:st of Warrants. . :36y
18 25 M I1ardie, jury on Troy street
16 90 and McMahon Place
Robt Jess, jury on Troy street
and McMahon Place
F C Austin Mfg Co, wire for street
Gus Schultz, resetting curbs on
Iowa street
T B Cain, repairing horse roller
15 00 Geo W Farley, stone coping for
19 50 retaining wall on Ann Place
13 85 I Isaac Proctor, rock furnished
1 35 city
1 50 J H McDonald, 400 paving brick
Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan,
arching Dodge street sewer
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
18 75
5 00
1 00
16 80
28 50
2 40'
87 40
T Ratterman, macadam ... 10 00
M Sullivan, macadam 10 00
Aug Kreft, macadam 16 70
F Menzel, macadam 107 50
Cr W Albert, macadam 5 00
R Miller, macadam 7 00
John Malone, macadam 10 00
Robt E Lee, constructing cement
sidewalk on Rhomberg avenue,
lot 11, Smedley's sub 48 00-
J Desmond, constructing side-
walk W 14th and Julien ave 38 38
Desmond & Guthrie, construct-
ing sidewalk on 26th and Cher-
ry streets 55 64
J Desmond, grading sidewalk on
Julien avenue 2 00
P F Guthrie, constructing side-
walk on Southern ave and
Grandview ave 83 06
D H Ehlers, constructing side-
walk on Lincoln ave south side 25 65
Jeff McGrath, filling on 4th St
Ext 6 60
T Elliott, filling on 4th St Ext50
Edw McEvoy, filling on 4th St
Ext 25
P Clancy, filling on 4th St Ext 14 70
John Kintzinger„ cleaning vault
on lot 13, Cumming's add, own-
ed by G Flemming 59 85
John Kintzinger, cleaning vault
n 1-2 city lot 31, owned by An- •
gella Buechler 14 05
Geo W Schrupp, 4 new codes 20 00
H B Gniffke, Ref Exc permits 100 00
H B Gniffke, Int on warrants 1887 90
H B Gniffke, telegrams and Exp
Bond sales $31.65, Exp fire dept
$1.25 32 90
H B Gniffke, exchange on bonds
and Coup and postage 27 90
H B Gniffke, horses fire depart-
ment $228.50, Frt Chg hose $4.49,
242 99
300 00
3000 00
200 00
Ref team license $10.00
John Stemm, loan
Dub National Bank, loan
Mrs Thos Prandy, loan
German Trust & Savings Bank,
loan 3000 00
Charles Dallermand, loan 100 0,0
100 00
F H Weigel, loan
Dubuque National Bank, loan 5000 00
German Trust & Savings Bank,
500 002
loan . 1000 00
500 00
1000 00
1600 00
Mr's B Doyle, loan
J Herod, agent, loan
Jno Jas Donnell, loan
Mrs Cath Ward, loan
370 List of Merrants.
Aggie Hayes, loan 250 0,
Mrs Margt De Lisle, damage for
horse .. .... 25 00
James Cushing, commissioner on
Wood street 4 00
E P Gilliam, commissioner on
Wood street .. 4 00
E Am Enda, lobar 4 05
W E Massey, commissioner on
Wood street ... 4 00
Geo Adelman, labor 6 75
John Alexander, labor 10 80
Jas Butler, labor 18 75
James Brown, labor 6 10
B Balletin, labor 4 05
P Breen, labor 2 70
Wm Banfleld, labor 4 05
Geo Beckett, labor 2 70
Jno Bottoms, labor 18 75
Chas Buse, labor 9 45
Chas Burkhart, labor 8 10
P Brandenberg, labor 7 80
W Bruhn, labor 1 00
P Bell, labor 14 00
T Beyer, labor ... 1 35
Jas Bender, labor 6 00
Jno Callahan, labor 14 20
W Cunningham, labor 10 80
H Connell, labor 8 80
Jerry Cahill, labor 6 10
Jno Corcoran, labor 7 45
Jas Connelly, labor 14 20
M Coyle, labor 7 45
M Carmody, labor 8 80
F Cornell, labor 8 80
M Crahin, labor 6 75
L Corcoran, labor 8 80
Geo Collinson, labor 7 45
M Connelly, labor 610
Jas Cahill, labor 2 70
H Cobb, labor 5 75
R Corrigan, labor 70
W Carberry, labor 7 45
L Cahill, labor 6 75
P Delfontaine, labor 5 40
John Doherty, labor 4 05
P Dempsey, labor 10 15
John Dittman, labor 6 75
H Einbeck, labor 4 05
John Eagan, labor 8 80
S Eustes, labor 4 05
Sam Elmer, labor 6 ??5
Dan Fox, labor 8 10
P Furey, labor .. 8 80
M Fagan, labor 16 90
L Fritz, labor 14 20
P Farrell, labor 8 10
M Fetschle, labor 8 80
B Fern, labor 10 80
P Fitzgerald, labor 4 05
P Fenelon, labor 9 45
John Fix, labor . 8 10
P Fogarty, labor 11 15
Jno Fox, labor 5 40
Edw Fitzlaf, labor 14 00
P Grew, labor 6 10
P Greden, labor 8 10
Jno Gerst, labor 8 10
Geo Johnson, sewer labor 9 45
Jno McLaughlin, sewer labor2 25
Jno F O'Dea, sewer labor 19 50
Joe Ryan, sewer labor 12 00
A Ring, sewer labor 4 00.
N Sweeney, sewer labor .1 35
S Rousch, labor sanitary sewer21 85
Aug Ruegnitz, labor sanitary
sewer . . . . . . . . . 22 75
Joe Lowery, labor sanitary sew-
er, 22 75
Jas Ryan, labor sanitary sew-
er 2275
Chas Hillery, labor sanitary sew-
er 227:
Jas Tobin, teams sewer 18 25.
P S Norton, teams sewer 14 20
Alf Wender, opening Samuel st150 01)
M Hardie, inspection on Alpine
sewer 39 35
N Nicks, inspection on Lincoln
avenue sewer 33 25
P Cassidy, chainman 50 01)
M O'Laughlin, chainman 40 04)
C Gantenbein, chainman 24 50
Phil Doerr, chainman 24 50
Jno McCune, chainman 24 50
Jno Noonan, chainman 28 00
H Donlan, chainman 14 00
J H McDonald, 5 per cent re-
tained from West Main and
Jones streets 232 64
Brown & Brown, imp Iowa st
from 7th to 14th street. 7 360 00
Brown & Brown, rolling Iowa st 15 00
G Maffioli, imp Iowa street from
3rd to 7th streets 1 600 09
Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan,
imp W 17th street from Clark
Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan,
to Cox streets 1 100 00
imp North Glen Oak avenue
from Julien avenue to W 14th
street. . . 63 57
Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan,
rolling same 120 74
Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan,
macadamizing same 240 00
Con Ryan, imp Wood street from
West 14th street to South line
lot 4 Myrtel's add 1 140 00
Jno Tibey, imp Alpine street
from Julien avenue to West
3rd street 640 00
Wilmer Cook, imp Hall street
from Delhi to Grace streets... 13 77
Wilmer Cook, rolling same 53 78
Wilmer Cook, macadamizing
same 105 00
O G Kringle, constructing sewer
in Lincoln avenue 748 79
O G Kringle, rolling same 59 47
Geo Kenety, sewer in Dodge st
and South Bluff 542 74
Geo Kenety, rolling same.. .. 58 72
T J Donahue, stone crossings on
various streets 18 65
Otto Rath, board of prisoners26 60
T E Frith, removing garbage
^nd dead animals 194 75
Wm Hall, labor on garbage dump 35 00
Union Printing Co, blank sta-
tionery . . . . . . . . . 15 50
Smith -Morgan Printing Co, blank
stationery . 74 25
G B Grosvenor, stationery 10 25
Hardie & Scharle, printing imp
bonds. 10 Oar
B Lagen, livery hire 3 50
Byrne Bros, livery hire 10 00
D C Stewart, recording deeds7 50
Eichhorn & Beehtel, oil, brush-
es, etc .. 3 15
List of Warn ants.
F Kleih, hardware 2 80
L Lindenberg, hardware 2 00
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
city hall 3 35
N H Faust, rep lightning rods
on town clock tower 12 00
Chas Stevenson. bricklaying and 20 00
repairs at city hall
Jno Drehouse, cleaning chimneys 5 00
at city hall
C 0 D Laundry, towels and
racks for Sept 6 90
Key City Gas Co, gas 81 10
Iowa Iron Works, grates and
frames for storm sewers 113 40
pstreet.impgg toSrYOAs 751,.(Mesa
Sarah Kennedy, grading on Oak
street 10 00
.Jno Becker, rock furnished to 4
city 65
;Andy Leik, rock furnished city. 12 00
i' ter Horch, rock furnished city 2 00
N Funk, grading Riverview st10 00
Hagerty Bros, pine wood for 175
steam roller
-Hussman & Lies, lanterns, etc1061 95
Key City Gas Co, coke
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co, lum- 8 30
her .
Ellwanger Bros, rep harness
4 25
F 5 25
red Schloz, rep tools 5
Chas Matz, rep tools 22 75
Wm Reed, rep tools 3 65
Jno Butt, rep tools 7 70
13 D Lenehan, rep tools ...
voggenthaler & Ragatz, repair-
ing steam roller13
100 75
Knapp. Stout & Co Co,22 30
Ott. Meuser & Co, lumber
Key City Iron Works, repair-
ing street sweeper sts 185 35
Byrne Bros, sweeping paved
Chas Matz, repairs 18th street
engine house $4.00, and rep
tools for sewer dept $1.55
Jno Huffmeier. hauling clay
C H Whitwell, veterinary ser-
vices .
Wm Marshall, repairs at 9th st
engine house. plumbing at
'_McDermott & Gow, P
Central engine house
Bowen & Fitzpatrick, personal
injury damages in case of Lucy
Chatfield vs city
Bowen & Fitzpatrick,
injury damages in
Swenk vs city
Standard Lumber Co, shavings..
Geo Osborn, batteries for fire de-
partment. . •
.F. Sullivan, horse shoeing
Lear & Pfiffner,,hrse shoeing
A Wunderlich, horse
Hammel, Heuker & Co, oats
Chas Stevenson, labor at Central
engine house two
A Y McDonald Mfg Co,
pair Brown's tongs
Lally•& Geissler, repairs at Cen-
tral engine house
Ellwanger Bros, rep harness
J T Daykin, hay
Boston Woven Hose Co, new • 320
hose .
Dubuque ,Rubber Co, new hose310
5 55
8 10
21 55
3 80
2 00
Iowa Telephone Co, telephone
services . 63 50
Dub Water Co, 335 hydrants for
Sept . . . . . . . . . 1,395 80
T J Conlin, livery hire $1.50, and
shavings $9.00 . 10 50
9 45
7 45
8 10
8 10
7 45
6 10
8 10
5 40
8 80
2 70
8 10
10 50
10 80
10 80
18 75
7 45
7 45
11 50
4 05
8 10
5 40
6 10
9 45
8 80
8 80
8 10
4 05
4 05
4 05
8 10
2 70
9 45
7 45
2 70
1 50
8 10
6 10
18 75
6 1t
10 80
4 .5
10 15
1 35
10 15
10 15
11 50
5 40
6 00
8 80
8 80
3 40
8 10
8 10
6 75
8 80
6 10
6 10
3 00
5 40
8 80
6 10
R 80
8 65
1 15
9 45
250 00
case of
250 00
22 10
BGlass, labor .. .. .. ....
C Gimer, lauor .. .. .... .... ..
Jos Grab, labor .. .. .. ..
Jos Ginter, labor .. .. ........
J nu Ga.w, labor .... .. .... ...
Peter Ginter, labor • • • • • • • • • • • •
Jno Hafey, labor
Jno Hauley, labor ...... ..
Chr Heck, labor .. .. .. ......
MH000ers, labor .. .... ....
Chas Ha w1 erg, labor ...... ..
D Harman, labor ...... ....
Jno Hayes, lator .. .. ....
A Hird, labor ... ..
Jack Haagen. labor ..
James Hird, labor .... ....
M Hilbe, labor .... .... .... .. .
Fred Hardt, labor ...... ....
Jas Jellison, labor .. ....
A Johnson, labor
AJa' gar. labor .... .. .... .....
P Jacobs, labor ...... .. .. ......
I' Kearney, labor •• •••• •••• •••
M Keane ,labor
Phil Kenney, labor
M Klein. labor
John Kelly, labor .. .... ....
Asa Knapp, labor .... .. ..
P Lynch, labor .. .... ......
M Lavin, labor .. .. .... .. .... .
P Leavitt, labor
Jno Lavery, labor .... .... ..
C Lierheimer, labor .... ...... ..
MLoes, labor ........ .. .....
Jack Koons. labor .. ...... ....
F Larsance, labor ..
Jno Le:dinger, labor ...... ..
JnoLevins, labor .. .... .... ....
P. Murray, labor .... .... .. .. . •
P Moran, labor ...... .. .. .....
Jno Mullen, labor
M Murphy, labor .. .. .... ....
E Malloy, labor
Jas Mooney. labor.. .. .. ..
T Mu'queeney, labor ...... ..
Geo Moore, labor .... .... ....
Jos Martinek, labor
P Mohan, labor .... • • • •• •
Jas Malloy. labor .• •
T Meggison, labor ........
N Martin, labor .... ....
M McCune. labor ...... ..
M McMahon. labor .. .... .. .
Jno McGee. labor
Wm McDermott. labor ......
Wm McClain, labor
M McCarten. labor ...... ..
P McCarten. labor ...... ....
L McEvoy, labor .. .. .... ..
Jas McCormack. labor
Robt McCarron. labor ...... ••••
Jno McCaffrey. labor
A McGu'n. labor .... .. ........
Tas McAleese. labor .. .. .. ......
TT McNamara. labor •••• •• ••••
T Mcnuillan. labor .... .. ......
Tno •i eLaughlln. labor .. ....
F McBride, labor .. .... .. .
3 00
14 50
19 00
4 00
10 75
7 00
3 50
8 75
16 30
118 80
372 List (f Warrants.
P McPoland, labor .. .. .. ..
Jno McGrath, labor .... ..
B McCormack, labor
M McCarten, labor ...... ..
D McGuiness, labor.. .. ..
M Novorten, labor.. .. ..
P Nickle, labor .. .. ..
P O'Brien, labor .... .. .... ....
Thos O'Donnell, labor ....
N J Offerman, labor ...... ..
Jas Purcell, labor
Jas Powers, labcr .. ...... ..
D Powers, labor ..
J Pilmaier, labor
F Piltz, labor .. .... ....
Jno. Pifeiffer, labor .... .. ..
C H Pierce, labor .. .... ..
C Priebe, labor
.las Quinn, labor .. .... .... ..
Wm Quinlan, labor ......
T Reilly, labor ...... .... .. ..
Sam Radford, labor
A Ratter, labor .... .. .. ..
P Reddin, labor ...... .. ......
Jas Resd, labor .... .... ....
Charles Reilly, labor
F Rieger, labor
N Reinhart, labor
Jas Rooney, labor ........ .. ..
Jno Sanders, labor ... ..... .
M Shea, labor .. .... .... ..
N Sweeney, labor
Jno Sullivan, labor
M Sullivan, labor .. .. ..
H Stevenson, labor .. .. ..
Wm Spensley; labor
Jno Stevens, labor.. .. .. .. ....
F Scherr, labor .. .. .. ....... ....
Jno Schroeder, labor.. .. .. ....
P Smith, labor ...... .... ........
Otto Schlager, labor .... .. ..
Sam Smith. labor .. ....
Lewis Smith, labor ...... ..
P Steffen, labor
M Specht, labor
S Schaetzle, labor ...... ....
John Scheier, labor .... .. ..
J no Spahn, labor ...... .. ..
Fat Scanlon, labor ...... ....
D Sheehan, labor .... .. ....
Jas Talty, labor ..
L Taylor, labor .. .... .....
L Taylor, labor
Jos Tagge, labor
Wm Terry, labor
'Wm Terry, labor .... .. ......
Jno Ward, labor .. ... . ........
Jno Welsh, labor .... ....
N Wompach. labor ...... .. ..
Jno Welsh. No. 1, labor ........
H Weidenbacher, labor .. ....
Jno Wolf, labor .. ....
P Wiest, labor
Geo Williams, labor
Wm Wearmouth, labor
A 7 relu, labor .. .. ....
Jno Weitz, labor ...... .. ....
Joe Williams. labor
Wm Warring. labor ...... ..
W Zachina, labor ...... ....
Edw Burns, teams
C 0 Baker, teams...... .. ..
Mrs. J Brown, teams
B Costello, teams.. .. .. .... ..
8 10
10 15
7 80
7 15
2 70
6 10
14 85
4 75
8 10
6 10
4 05
8 10
18 75
11 50
4 05
5 40
14 00
19 50
8 10
18 75
7 45
6 :5
4 05
2 70
9 45
7 45
2 70
10 50
8 SO
4 75
8 10
7 45
7 45
6 10
8 10
8 10
8 10
2 70
5 40
5 40
8 80
8 10
1 00
1 50
8 80
R 80
16 20
8 10
17 55
Jars Calvert. teams.. .. .. .. ..
Jno Corbett, teams.. .. .. ......
Jno Dunkley, teams.. .. .. ..
T Elliott, teams
Wm Ellis, teams.. .. .. ......
N Frith, teams
N Gantenbein, teams.. .. .. ..
M Harron, teams..........
T Heins, teams.... .... .. ..
Mrs. Healey, teams...... .... .
P Jarding, teams ...... .. ..
H C King, teams
Thos Kane, teams...... _.. ....
M Kenneally, teams ... ..
Bart Kane, teams .. .... .... .. ..
Jno Long, teams.
P Linehan, teams ...... .. ....
Robc Mathis, teams...... .. ....
Mrs M Murray, teams ...... .. ..
D Malloy, teams ...... .. .... ....
J G ?.loore, teams .. .... .... ....
Jas McCracken, teams .. .. .. .. .
John AlcCollins, teams.. .. .
Jet McGrath, teams.. ......
Jno Noonan. teams.. .. .. ....
John Parker, teams.. .. .. ....
Mrs E Quinlivan, teams.... .. ..
M Riordan, teams.... .. .. ..
Jno Savage, teams.... .... ..
H Schmitt. teams... . ....
Jno Sigworth, teams .... .. ....
Frank Sieg, teams.. .. .. ......
D Southerland, teams.. .. .. ...
A Turner, teams .. .. .. .. ......
Jas Tobin, teams.... .. ..........
K White. labor ...... .. • • • • ....
F Williams, labor
Jno Williams. teams .... ........
Edw Brunskill, storm sewer .. ..
Fans Bo'.st^rd, storm sewer.. ..
Ja.s Bennett. storm sewer.. ....
Wm. Dean, storm sewer .. .. ..
M Farrell, storm sewer.. .. .. ..
G Johnson, storm sewer.. .. ....
J Jellison, storm sewer.. .. ..
J F O'Dea, storm sewer .. .. ....
C McOuillan, storm sewer.. .. ..
Wm Tuegel, storm sewer.. .. ..
Wm Tiese, storm sewer .. .. .. ..
P Martin, storm sewer ...... ....
Steve Rousche. sanitary sewer..
Joe Lowery, sanitary sewer......
Jas Rvan, sanitary sewer .. .. .
.Aug Rurf:nitz. sanitary sewer ..
Phhil Doerr, inspector on Iowa
sheet.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........
Chas Hillery, sanitary sewer ....
P S Norton. teams.. ..... .. ....
J no McCune, inspector on Iowa
street.. .... .. 14 00
C rlantenbein, inspector on Iowa
three' .. ...... .... 15 75.
Jno Hoffman, inspector on Iowa
street...... .. .... .... 29 75
H Dolan, inspector on Iowa
John Noonan, inspector on Iowa
street . . 28 00
. hereby certify that the foregoing !s-
o. true and correct list of all the war-
rants issued by nie during the month
c.f October, 1897.
City Recorder.
9 45.
9 46.
17 55.
12 15
17 55.
16 20
10 15
5 40
14 85
22 95
16 20.
24 30
5 40
12 15
12 15
8 10
1 35
1 35
10 80
12 15
24 30
16 20
16 20
10 80
13 50-
14 85
16 20
20 25
12 15
17 55
16 20
20 25
4 05
16 20'
32 40
2 70
16 20
18 00
12 00'
16 50
18 00
12 00
1 35
10 00
12 00
1 50
11 25
14 00
18 00
22 60
22 60
22 60
21 00
19 25
22 60
27 00
Official Notices. 373
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the city council of the
city of Dubuque, held on the 18th day
of November, 1897, the following spec-
ial assessments were levied on the real
estate hereinafter described, and that
in ease of failure to pay within the
time prescribed by the ordinance govern
ing same, all will become delinquent
and subject to collection by distress and
City Treasurer.
For constructing sidewalk abutting
the following lots:
Nick Esch, sub 703, city, lot 13$ 17 93
Nick Esch, sub 14, city 703, lot 15 35
J H Russell, A L Brown's sub,
W 83 ft, lot 7 15 10
Mary Wilde, sub 2 of 2 of 7 min 67 72
lot 45, lot 1
Frank Russo, Smedley's sub, lot
11 48 00
P Kiene, Jr, sub 4, L Kniest's
sub E 40 ft, lot 1 25 65
A Flechsig, Glendale add, lot 1311 28
Julia Rhomberg, Rose Hill add, 15 34
lot 283
N & F Glab, Finley's add, lot 30 55
Thos Finn, Finley's add, lot 20010 72
N J Heuler, Finley's add, lot 20119 48
For repairing sidewalk abutWag the
following lots:
Steuck & O'Farrell, East Dubu-
que$ 1 50
add, lot 172 .
F X Rettenmaier, min lot 100 N 60
49 ft, lot 8
Bridget Burke, Finley's add, lot i0
J A Rhomberg Est, East Dubu-
que add, lot 373
Dub P. & P Co, East Dubuque 1 25
add, lot 422
V A Langworthy, East Dubuque
add, lot 372 1 00
C, M & St P Ry, East Dubuque
add, lot 247
Jas O'Halloran, East Dubuque,
add, lot 151
P Walsh, East Dubuque add, lot
Chas Steuck, Frisch's sub, W 97
ft, lot 5
Ellen O'Halloran, Finley's add,
lot 14
B Hessling, et al, Finley's add,
lot 7
J G Hueckels, Finley's add, lot
J G Hueckel's Finley's add, lot
9 .
Geo Salot, Finley's add, lot -4
James Wallis, A McDaniel's sub,
lot 795
Mary B Wallis, A McDaniel's
sub, lot 7E0
J M McFadden, sub 1 H T Mc-
Nulty's sub, lot 2
John Hennessy, Levin's add, lot
Mrs P Mackin, S M Langworthy's
add, lot 13 ..
1 25
1 20
1 70
1 50
1 15
M T Kleckberger, Reche's sub,
lot 16 .. ..
W J Thorpe, Reche's sub, lot
13 ...
Mrs J Marsh, min lot in pt lot
.1" V Rider, outlot 741, city, lot 175
Deming & Kiesel, min lot 466,
lot 2
Phil Jungk, East Dubuque add,
lot 46
Johannah Paw, city S 2-5, lot 482 60
D Sauers, McCraney's 1st add,
lot 45
Mrs H E Cousins, Summit add,
lot 5
Maria Schwind, SUb 5 Riley's sub,
lot 2
Jos R Riley, sub 3 Riley's sub,
lot 2 70
Annie Bush, sub 1 of 1 of min lot
172, lot 2 1 50
John Burton Est, min lot 150, lot
2 40
Mary O'Haloran, city, S 1-3, lot
558 1 25
Wm H Adams, sub 579 and 578a,
city, lot 5 1 10
Geo Rebmond, city, lot 523a 6 30
C H Henderson Est, Ann O'Hare's
sub M 64 ft, lot 30 1 00
Franc Altman, Grandview Place,
lot 2 45
Wm Schreiner, Grandview Place,
lot 12 •• 45
F J Paisley, Whelan's sub, lot 5. 35
A A Cooper, Grandview Avenue
add, lots 9, 10 and 11 . .. 55
J Fitzpatrick, sub 76 and 77, Union
add, lot 2 ... 1 35
J P Donahue, city, lot 228 45
James Beach & Son, city, lots
582 and 583 .. 10
1 7 710
John Pier, city, lot 578
Geo Salot, sub 703, city, lot 12.. • 2 65
W G Cox, min lot 90, lot 3
Fred J Burch, city, S 65 ft, lot
567 55
James Rowan, Breakey's add, lots 1 30
7 and 8
J Roach, Breakey's add, E 14 and 45
W 46 1-2x100, lot 6
R Waller Est, sub W 1-2 B 1. Dub 50
Har Co add, lot 11
James Shields, sub W 1-2 B 1,
Dub Har Co add, lots 8, 8a and 1 50
8b ..
Bridget Egan, min lot 79, lot 16.. 1 15
A Simplot, city, lots 529 and 530.. 60
A Goldthorpe, city, N 38.8, lot 219 55
Chas and Frank Fosselmann, L
H Langworthy's add, lot 187.. 40
John Olinger, Boulevard add, 1 to 1 85
46 inc
Geo Eichhorn, E Langworthy's 60
add, lot 31
John Stieber, E Langworthy's 60
add, lot 19
Mary Messerknecht, sub 52, 53
and N 22 of 54, E Langworthy's 70
add, lot 1
11 and E Langworthy, Glendale 60
add, lot 271
R and E Langworthy, Glendale 60
add, lot 294 ........ ............
1 25
1 10
1 05
1 00
(Wicia! V etiee8.
P Hughes, sub 2 Ellen Blake's
sub, lot 2
J A Rhornberg Est, Ham's add,
lot 428
Grant i' g o the Illinois Central Rail-
way company the right to lay a side-
track on the west side cf Washington
street from a point one hundred fee_
north of eight street to a p int abou:
fifty feet north of Tenth street.
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. That permilssion be and
the same is hereby gean;ed to the Illin-
ois Central Railroad company, its suc-
cessors and assigns, to lay down, oper-
ate and maintain a sidetrack on the
westerly side of Washington street in
the city of Dubuque, from a point of in-
tersection with the main railway track
now maintained and operated on said
street by said railway company about
100 feet north of Eighth street., to a
point about fifty feet north of T:nth
Section 2. That in the laying dawn
and operation of said sidetrack, the
same shall be so constructed and main-
tained as to create the least poes.ble ob-
struction with the ordinary travel and
use of said street as a public highway;
that cars shall not be allowed to stand
at the interne:tion of said sidetia^k
with Ninth and Tenth streets, that said
Ninth and Tenth streets including the
sidewalk on both sides shall be kept free
and clear for travel at all times except
when it may be necessary for cars to be
switched across the same.
Section 3. That said sidetrack here-
by authcriz:d, shall he laid to the estab-
lished grade of the street, and should
the grade be changed at any time, the
said sidetrack shall be 83 changed as to
conform to such change of grade at the
expense of the railway company, and
the company shall have no claim for
damage aga nst the city by reason of
said change.
Section 4. That sa'd railway ccm-
• pany shall keep the space between the
rails of said sidetrack, and to the ends
of the ties so graded that carriages and
other vehicles may easily pass over the
same: that at the intersection of Ninth
and Tenth streets, and any other por-
tion of said sidetrack, when required
by the city council, said rai'way com-
pany shall plank between the rails, and
make suitab'e approaches to enable ve-
hicles to easily ci'oss the same.
Section 5. That sa'd sidetrack shall
be so constructed and maintained as
not to dam un or obstruct the flow and
drainage of water in the gutters of the
intersect•ng streets. or on the surface
of the streets occupied by the same;
'and said railway company shall be sub-
ject to and strictly comply with ail rea-
sonable police regulations wh•ch the au-
thorities of the city may establish in re-
lation to the running of trains on said
Section 6. That any other ra'road
company operating in the city of Dubu-
que shall have the pr.vilege of switch-
ing their own cars on and off said side-
track whenever they may desire to do
so, with their own engines, up:n the
payment to said Illinois Central Rail-
way company such sum as may be fixed
by the city council now or hereafter;
but not to exceed fifty cents per car and
which sum «o paid sha'l include the use
of Washington street track and all
tracks leading to or frim the side track
mentioned in this ordinance.
Section 7. That the ci'y reserves the
right to revoke the privileges hereby
grented at any time after five years.
Section 8. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be In force from and
after its publication one time in the Du-
buque Daily Telegraph, newspaper.
Passed November 18, 1897.
Attest: City Recorder.
Approved Dec. 6, 1897.
T. T. Di7FFY, Mayor.
Dubuque, December 1, 1897.
Hon. T. T. Duffy, Mayor, Dubuque.
Dear Sir: On behalf of the Il'.inois
Central Hallway company I accept the
ordinance passsd Novembe- 18, 1897. by
your city council, enti'1ed an "ordin-
ance, granting to the Illinois Central
Railway company, the rig..c to lay a
sidetrack en the w:st side of Was ting -
ton s'reet, from a point 100 feet north of
Eighth street to a point about 50 feet
ncrth of. Tenth street.
(Signed:) F. B. HARRIMAN,
12-8-1t. Superintendent.
I;ese1 'ed by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That sidewalk of
good two-inch, plank be. within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
ccnforminty with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks as follows:
4 feet wide on both sides of Kauffman
avenue, abutting lot 16, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, F. H. Frank, owner.
A so abuting lots 154, 158, 154a, 160,
150a, 160c, 162, 168, 1621, 165, 154a, L. H.
I.angworthy's add, N. Schleger, own-
er. and also abutting lots 1 to 9, inclu-
sive, Burton's add, where not already
laid at the expense of abutting prop-
Adopted November 11. 1897.
11-15.10t. City Recorder.
All persons occupying or owning prop
erty on any street in the city of Du-
buque are hereby notified to remove all
snow and ice from the sidewalks in
front of and adjoining their property
within ten hours after the accumula-
tion of said snow or ice or the city will
remove the same at the expense of the
abutting property as provided by sec-
tion 781 of the code of 1S97.
• ,JAMES MCCANN, Marshal.
iijJI.C1.il Sbtice8.
Dubuque, Iowa.
• To the owner or owners of the several
lots and parcels of ground abutting:
Iowa street from 3rd street to 7th
Iowa street from 7th street to 14th
West 17th street from Clark street to
Cox street:
Alpine street from Julien avenue to
West 3rd street:
. West 3rd street from College avenue
-to Walsh street;
Wood street from West 14th street to
south line lot 4 Myrtle add.;
Alley from Fengler avenue to Ann
avenue between Rhomberg avenue and
Lincoln avenue in the city of Dubuque,
Iowa: and of any railway companies oc-
cupying with its tracks a portion of
said streets, and to any persons or com-
pany having any interest in said real
estate or said railways;
You are hereby notified that there is
on file in tine office of the city recorder
of Dubuque, a plat of said above named
streets in said city, showing the several
], is or parcels of ground, abutting on
said streets and the tracks on
said railways laid thereon subject to
special assessment for paving and curb-
ing of said streets and the names as far
as practicable of the owners of said
abutting real estate and of said rail-
ways, and the amount assessed against
each lot• or parcel of ground, and
against said railways, for the inspection
of any person, firm or company inter-
ested in any way in said real estate, or
in said railways. and that such firm or
company having objections to the spec-
ial tax proposed to be assessed as shown
by said plat, may file with the city re-
corder, his or their objection in writing
at or before the next meeting oof the
city council of the city of
\chich Neill meet on the 2nd day of De-
cember, 1897.
11-19-lOt. City Lngineer.
..eased proposails will be received at
my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. Thurs-
day, November 25, 1897, for No. 1 sea-
soned maple wuod for use of city hall up
too April 1, 1898. Bidders to deliver at
such times and quantities as the city
may require. Wood to be full four feet
in length and first class in all particu-
lars. The city reserves the right to
reject any and all b'.ds.
11-15-10t. City Recorder.
T.esolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That sidewalk of
gcod two-inch plank be, within 10 days
of this notice. constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
cio'n to sidewalks as follows:
4 feet wide on north side of West 5th
street, abutting lot 13, S. M. Lang-
v.oil hy's add.
Also 4 feet wide on the west side of
Glen Oak avenue abut' ing lot 13, S. M.
Mrs. F. Mackin, ffifififfffi xzfififfffl
T.angv.orthy's add, Mrs. P. Mackin,
owner, where not already laid at the ex -
tense of abutting property.
Adopted Nc•wmber 11, 1897.
11-15-5t. City Recorder:'
To Saloma Mueller.
You are hereby notified that In ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
construction of a sidewalk on Wood
street, adopted on the 19th day of Aug.
A. D. 1897, a special assessment will
be levied for the expense thereof at the
next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil, upon all lots and parcels of land
abutting on said improvement, lot
in Oakland Park add. owned by you
being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear
at said meeting of tl e council, to be
ber, A. D.
held on the 23d day
1897, and show cause if any you have,
why said assessment should not be
levied. • ' L.: M. LANGSTAFF,
12-8-10t. City Recorder.
To E. Vey.
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Wood street from West
14th street to south line of lot 4 Myr-
tle's add., adopted on the 16th day of
July, A. D. 1897, a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof
at the next regular meet ing of the city
counciupon nlsaidlots
impro improvement, lot
land abutting
23 in Oakland Park add. owned by you
being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are
the notified
council, appear
at said meeting of
held on the 2d day of December,
Aa D.
11897, and show cause if any you
hwhy said assessment should not be
levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
11-19-10t. City Recorder.
To Thomas Zinn.
Lou are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for con-
structing a sidewalk on the north side
of Cherry street, from Asbury street to
city limits, adopted on the 26th day
of August, A. D. 1897, a special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense
thereof at next regular meeting of the
city council, upon all lots and parcels
of land abutting on said improvement,
lot 200 inFinley's
to ssuadd.
ch special assess-
And you are notified .to appear
at said meeting of the council, to be
held c n the 2d day of December, A. D.
1897, and show cause if any you have,
why said assessment should not be
levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
10-19-10t. City Recorder.
370 Official, Notices.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the city council of the
city of Dubuque, held on the 9th day of
December, 1897, the following special
assessments were levied on the real
estate hereinafter described, and that
in case of failure to pay within the
time prescribed by the ordinance gov-
erning same, all will become delinquent
and subject to collection by distress
and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE,
City Treasurer.
For laying sidewalk on both sides of
liVood street:
A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add,
lot 15. $ 6 82
A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add,
lot 14. . .. 6 82
S. Muller, Oakland Park add,
lot 11. 6 82
Helen W. Gray, Grays' sub, lot 6 8 52
Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 7 8 52
Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 8 8 52
Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 9 9 87
Wm. Guderian Est., Gray's sub,
lot 11 . 8 52
Wm. Guderian Est., Gray's sub,
lot 10. 10 37
Wm Guderian Est, sub. min. lot
178, lot 6 . 14 20
Doane & Bigelow, Oakland Park
add, lot 26 . 7 36
For laying sidewalk on both sides of
Alpine street:
Emman Southwell, Bradstreet's
add., lot 8. 13 88
Emma Southwell, Bradstreet's
add, lot 9. 13 88
Mary A. Pollock, Nairn's add, lot
29. 16 93
A. Trueb, et al, Martin's Du-
buque, lot 8. .. 12 49
For laying sidewalk on east side of
Summit street:
James Harris, et al, Prospect
Trill add, lot 1 28 59
r'or laying sidewalk on West Fifth
street and Glen Oak Avenue:
Mary A. Kemler, Newbury &
Hale's add, lot 13 34 76
For constructing cement sidewalk on
Iowa street:
H. L. Stout, city, lot 217 82 88
For repairing sidewalk abutting the
following Lots:
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co,
sub min lot 363 lot 2 $ 1 05
H. Mauer, E. Langworthy's add
lot 34 . 65
Joe Cleman, Cook's add, lot 2665
C. Sass, Cook's add, lot 31 65
Christ Hertner, sub 5 Stafford's
add, lot 1 1 05
P. Walsh, E. Dubuque add, lot
165. i 65
E. Langworthy Est, E. Dubuque
add, lot 181 60
Emma Evens, Stafford's add, lot
34 . 1 05
Dub. Imp. Co. add, Linehan Park
add. lot 5 . 85
G. A. Staples, sub 2 of 673 city
lot 1 . 85
J. A. Rhomberg Est, Ham's add
• lot 428. 60
A. Muller, Hamburg add, lot 8.. 1 05.
O. G. Kringle, city s 1-2 n 1-5 lot
488. . 1 00
Kate Guderian, Cook's add, n 1-2
lot 35 .. 1 00
J. A. Rhomberg Est, Ham's add,
lot 391 . 70•
J. A. Rhomberg Est, Ham's add,
lot 397 . 80'
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 270. 2 60
Mary Messerknecht, sub 2 sub
52. 53 and n 22 feet of 54, E.
Langworthy's add, lot 1 95
A. Hebb's Est., Marsh's add, lot
30. . 60'
Geo. Salot, Tivoli add, lot 2170
F. Knoernschield, L. ..L Lang -
worthy's sub, N 1-2 lot 19 60
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 221 . 65
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 294. 65
Klauer & Becker, Davis Farm
add, lot 213 60
James Levi, Davis Farm add, lot
238. 75
Kiene & Altman, Kiene & Altman
sub, lot 4 . 75
Geo Kirkland, sub 10 Dunn's add
lot1. 135
E. Langworthy Est, East Du-
buque add, lot 177 1 00
J. J. Sheridan, Sheridan's add,
lots 1 to 5 inclusive ... 2 00
Lawther & Rider, Burden-Law-
ther add, lot 14 60
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 246 . 1 45
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 247 80
W. G. Cox, min lot 90 lot 2 1 43
Robert Waller, sub 2 of 1 Wal-
ler's sub, lot 1. 45
Ed. Starr, sub 2 of 5 of 13 of m'.n
lot 172, lot 2 . 2 25
Geo. Eiehhorn, Burden-Lawther
add. lot 78 . 35
.Tames Beach & Son, city lot 58235
J. H. Shields. Finley. Wapies &
Burtons adr1. lot 126 75
Jas. Rowan. Breakey's add. lot 7 90
To James Harris et al.
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for
the construction of a sidewalk on Sum+
mit street, adopted on the 16th clay of
September A. D. 1897, a special assess-
mcnt will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting
of the city council, upon all lots and
parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement, lot 1 in Prospect Hill add.
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are noti-
fied to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 23d day of
December, A. D. ?397, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
12-8-10t. City Recorder.
Official .1'oti,•es. :.; 7
To Doane & Bigelow.
To S. Mueller.
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
improvement of Wood st. from W. 14th
street to south line of lot 4 Myrtle's add.
adopted on the 16th day of July, A. D.
1897, a special assessment will be levied
for the expense thereof at next regular
meeting of the city council, upon all
lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement, lot 11 in Oakland
Park add. owned by you being subject
to such special assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meeting
of the council, to be held on the 2d day
of December, A. D. 1897, and show
Cause if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
11-19-10t. City Recorder.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque:
That sidewalk of good two-inch plank
be within 10 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks
as follows:
4 feet wide on both sides of Elni
street abutting lots 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
43, 44, 45. 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
57, 58, 59 and 60, Glendale add, where not
already laid at the expense of abutting
Adopted Nov. 18th, 1897.
11-22-10t. City Recorder.
By action of the last regular session
of the city council, held November 18,
1897, the next regular session of the
council occurring November 25, 1897,
was postponed until Thursday evening,
Dec°mber 2, 1897, on account of Thanks-
giving day.
Attest: City Recorder.
To Doane and Bigelow.
You are hereby notified that in ac-
, ordancc with a resolution of the city
uracil ,.f the city of Dubuque for the
construction of a sidewalk on Wood
street, adopted on the 19th day of Aug.
A. D. 1897, a •special assessment will
be levied for the expense thereof at
the next regular meeting of the city
council, upon all lots and parcels of
land abutting on said improvement,
lot 26 in Oakland Park add. owned by
you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council,
to be held on the 23d day of December,
A. D. 189why and show cause if any said assessment should you
have, whyot
he levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
72-4-10t. City Recorder.
End of Book No. 27
December 23, 1897
City Council - Index Book #3
Books 27-47 Inc
1897-1917 Inc