Y Roll_13 Part 4List of Warrants.
P Linehan, team .....
Jno Meyers, team
J G Moore, team
McElrath Teaming Co,
Jas McCracken, team
D McCollins, team
Wm McConnell, team
P S Norton, team
P Norton, team
M O'Neill, team ..
M Riordan, team
Jno Strotz. team
Jno Schultz, team
H Schmitz, team
D Sutherland, team
Geo Scott, team
Jno Sigworth, team
Jas Tobin, team
A Turner, team
Jno Williams, team
14 40
13 75
18 15
team 18 15
11 90
7 50
17 50
7 50
1 90
14 40
3 75
2 50
6 25
12 50
17 80
14 40
2 50
14 40
10 65
17 80
Chas Botsford, labor
D Duggan, labor
Sam Elmer, labor
M Flynn, labor ..
Chas Hillery, labor
Joe Lowery, labor
Jno McCune, labor
Jas Ryan, labor ..
Wm Brackett, team
J J McCollins, team
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct list of all warrants
issued by me during the month - of
.Tune, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
19 50
18 00
18 00
19 50
20 00
19 50
11 25
19 50
7 50
done under the supervision of the city
engineer and sanitary inspector.
A certified check on some Dubuque
bank for $10 must accompany each bid
as a guarantee that a contract will be
entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
7-14-10. City Recorder.
At a meeting of the Board of Health
held July 7, 1898, the following reso-
lution was passed.
Resolved, That hereafter it shall be
the duty of all householders, in whose
families a case or cases of infectious
disease have occured and have been re -
to rted by the o fumigate attending
g premises,
thoroughly with such dis-enfectants as
this board may prescribe and said fumi-
gation must be made under the super-
vision of an officer. L. M. LANGSTAFF
Clerk of the Board of Health. 7-8-10t.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. July
28, 1898, to make sewer connections on
the premises situated on the south2-5
lot 447, city, owned by
Anna Klauer.
The contractor will make connections
with the main sewer in accordance
with plans and specifications now on
file in the city recorder's office. All
material must be first-class, and the
work completed within five days after
starting the work.
The bidder will state the price per
lineal foot for making the
including the necessary connections
with the water main. All work to be
Of the city council's intention to im-
prove alley between Hall and Louisa
streets, north and next to Grace street.
To all whom it may concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the city
council of the city of Dubuque to im-
prove the alley between Hall and
Louisa streets, north and next to Grace
street, by macadamizing the same.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed improvements is now on file
in the office of the city recorder.
That it is estimated by the city en-
gineer that said improvements will re-
quire 750 sq yds of macadam and will
cost 35 cents per sq yd, making the
total estimated cost $262.50.
Any person having objection to said
improvement are hereby notified to
appear in person before the city coun-
cil at its session to be held July 21,
1898, or to file with the city recorder
their objections in writing, on or be-
fore July 21, 1898.
7-13-3t. City Recorder.
Of city council's intention to improve
Troy street and alley from Kniest
street to Johnston avenue.
To all whom it may concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the city
council of the city of Dubuque to im-
prove Troy street and alley from Kniest
street to Johnston avenue.
That a plat and specifications of said
prepared improvements is now on file
in the office of the city recorder.
That it is estimated by the city en-
gineer that said improvement will re-
quire 170 cubic yards of filling and 689
cubic yards of cutting at 15 cents per
cu yd., making the total estimated cost
Any person having objections to said
improvement are hereby notified to ap-
pear in person before the city coun-
cil at its session to be held July 21,
1898, or to file the
ty recorder
their objections with
w it ng on or before
July 21, 1898.
7-13-3t. City Recorder.
uncil of the
Resolved by 1
city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of
good two-inch plank, be, within 10 days
o1: this notice, constructed and laid in
oonformity with the ordinance in rela-
Official Notices.
tion to sidewalks as follows:
6 feet wide on east side of Summit
street between Fenlon place and West
5th street, abutting lots 4 and 5 Mat -
tax's sub, where not already laid at the
expense of abutting property. Adopted
July 8, 1898.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of
good two-inch plank, be, within 10 days
of this notice constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in re-
lation to sidewalks as follows:
8 feet wide on north side of Hill
street between Julien avenue and Cale-
donia place, abutting lots 12, 13 and 11, •
Roger's sub, where not already laid at
the expense of abutting property. Ad-
opted July S, 1898.
7-16-10t. City Recorder.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That sidewalk of
brick, stone or cement, be within 10
days of this notice constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks as follows:
6 feet wide on east side of Couler ave-
nue between Eagle Point avenue and
Sanford street, abutting lot 8th, L. H.
Langworthy's add where not already
laid at the expense of abutting prop-
erty. Adopted, June 16, 1898.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk of
good two-inch plank, be, within 10
days of this not:ce, constructed and laid
in cortormity with the ordinance in re-
lation to sidewalks as follows:
6 feet wide on west side of White
street between Eagle Point avenue and
Sanford street, abuting lot 8h, L. H.
Langworthy's add. where not already
laid at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted, June 16, 1896.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: Thata sidewalks of
good two-inch plank, be within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
tion to sidewalks as follows:
8 feet wide on north side of Hill street
abutting lot 39, Kelley's sub where not
already laid at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted, June 16, 1898.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of
good two-inch plank be, within 10 days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks as follows.
4 feet wide on south east corner of
West 5th and Hill street abutting lot 2
of 1, of 1, of 3, in R. Brown's sub, where
not already laid at the expense of
abutting property. Adopted, June 16,
6-22-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that here-
after any person found guilty of throw-
ing any cffensive substances in the man
holes of the sanitary sewers will be
prosecuted. Per order of Board of
Health. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
5-18-tt. Clerk.
To all whom it may concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the city
council of the city of Dubuque to con-
struct an eight inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in Rose and Alta Vista streets
from alley west of Center Place on
Rose to Alta Vista street thence to a
point 210 feet south.
That a plat of said proposes sanitary
sewer is now on file in the office of the
city recorder.
That it is estimated by the city en-
gineer that said sanitary sewer will
be 550 feet in length and will cost 40
cents per lineal foot ,and that three
manholes will be necessary at $20.00
each, making the total estimated cost
of said sanitary sewer $280.00.
Any person having objections to the
construction of such sanitary sewer
is hereby notifled to appear in nerson
before the city e'"ncii at its session to
be held June 30, 1Q98, or to file with the
recorder their ohiections, in writing,
on or before the 30th day of June, 1898.
6-23-3t. City r, ^corder.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the city
council of the city of Dubuque to con-
struct an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sew-
er in Pickett and Alma streets, from
end of present sewer in Pickett street,
east to Alma street, thence north to
West 16th street.
That a plat of said proposed sanitary
sewer is now on file in the office of
the city recorder.
That it is estimated by the city engi-
neer that said sanitary sewer will be
600 feet in length and will cost 60 cents
per lineal foot, and that three (3) man-
holes will be necessary at $25.00 each,
making the total estimate cost of said
sanitary sewer $435.00.
Any person having objections to the
construction of such sanitary sewer is
hereby notifled to appear in person be-
fore the city council at its session to
be held July 7th, 1898, or to file with
the city recorder their objections, in
writing, on or before the 7th day of
July, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
6-27-3t. City Recorder.
I will sell at public auction to the
best bidder for cash on Monday the
Oficial Notices
18th day of July, 1598, at 2 o'clock P.
m., at the public pound of the city of
Dubuque, on Elm street, between 14th
and 15th streets, the f:l:owing im-
pounded animals, to -wit:
One bay horse, 0 years old, white
star on forehead, 16 hands high, white
hind left foot, spavin on off hind leg,
weight, 1050 lbs. —E. Morgan,
7-13-5t. City Marshal.
Dubuque, Ia., June 30, '98.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office, Dubuque, Ia.,
up to 4 o'clock Wednesday, July 13,
1898, for constructing sidewalks of
plank, as follows:
6 feet wide on east side of Couler
avenue abutting lot 8 h, L. H. Lang -
worthy's addition.
6 feet wide on west side of White
street, abutting lot 8 h, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add.
8 feet wide on north side of Hill street
abutting lot 39, Kelley's sub.
4 feet wide on south east corner of
West 5th and Hill street abutting lot 2
of - of 3 of R. Brown's sub.
A certified check of ten dollars will
be required with each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
6 -30 -to 7-13. City Engineer.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Wed-
nesday, July 13th, 1898, for making
two tax list books of 300 pages each,
to be bound in calf and covered with
canvas. The paper must be of the
best quality and the workmanship A.
No. 1. Also 1 lot book of 500 pages, to
be bound in calf, and of good quality
of paper.
All bids must be accompanied with
the Union Label, as no bids of non-
union shops will he considered.
Sample of books can be seen at this
office during office hours.
7-7-5t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Satur-
day, July 30th, 1898, for making a con-
solidated tax book of 500 pages. The
paper must be ofgood
df uailood and
bound in "sheep," and
All bids must be accompanied with
the Union label as an indication that
they are Union shops. Only bids so
accompanied will be considered.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids. of July, 1R9S.
Dated this 23d day
7-23-5t. City Recorder.
u -
Regular Session, August 4, 1898
Regular Session August 4, 1898.
Council met at 8:10 p. m.
Mayor l3erg in the chair.
Present—Al ds. Crawford, Flynn,
Frith, Jones and Wales.
Absent—Aids. Duggan and Mc-
Ald. Flynn moved that the proceed-
ings of the council for the month of
July, 1898, be approved as printed. Car-
The following bills were ordered
G Gulchle, assistant assessor for
July $ 50 00
Jos J Murphy, assistant assessor
for July .. 50 00
Thos F Maguire, assistant at-
torney for July.... 50 00
Key City Gas Co, gas for ex-
pense account ........ .... 35 25
Smith -Morgan Prtg Co, blank
stationery .... .. 2 50
H A Lange, taking care of town
clock .. 37 50
C 0 D Laundry, towels and
racks for June and July 6 00
Eichhorn and Bechtel, matches3 00
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co,
lumber for road department22 85
Standard Lumber Co, lumber
for bridge, Cascade road 135 45
Byrne and Saul, gravel for road 142 50
Jos Sieg, rock furnished to city.. 3 75
John Tibey, rock furnished to 9
city 00
B D Linehan, repairing tools for 3 35
road department
Fred Sehloz, repairing tools for 8 05
road department • • • •
Peter J Seippel, lumber for llth
street stairway and Mrs.
Lull's shed .. • • • • • • • • •'
Key City Gas Co, gas for road
Key City Gas Co, gas for fire
Key City Gas Co, coke for fire
department ...... ....
Jno Duggan, repairs for 9th
and 18th street engine houses
Sloan and Edwards, shoeing
horses .. ...... ....•...,...
A Wunderlich, shoeing horses...
Jno Kriebs, repairing harness
for fire department ........ • •
Fred Roehl, hardware for fire
department .. • ...' • • •
Standard Oil Co, oil for fire de-
W H Torbert, drugs for fire de-
partment • • ..lumber and
Ott, Meurer and Co,
shavings for fire department..•
H Whitwell, veterinary
vices for fire department . • • •.
54 10
5 20
81. 95
23 50
27 75
9 20
8 10
3 25
1 80
6 65
Dubuque Water Co, 366 hy-
drants for July 1400 00
Dubuque Fater Co, 1 hydrant
on Clark street
Otto Rath, board of
for July .
M Mullen, plumbing
M Mullen, plumbing
P Hansen, bran and
city pound
Duggan and Kane, supplies for
matrons ........ ...... ........
Duggan and Kane, oil and
Chr Schmitt. meat for matron's
P Vogel, hauling from patrol
C H Whitwell, veterinary ser-
vices for patrol team ........
Key City Gas Co, gas for police
Key City Gas Co, gas for en-
gineer account
Pape and Jacquinot, repairs at
Jackson park ...... ..
Pape and Jacquinot, repairing
water fountain foot of 14th
street.... .... .. ........••••••
A Y McDonald and Morrison
Mfg Co, repairs for sewer de-
J P Schroeder and Co, cement
for sewer department
Mulgrew and Phillips. sewer
pipe for sewer department
Globe -Journal, official printing
for July
The Herald, official printing for
July .
Dubuque Telegraph, official
printing and weekly proceed-
ings . 63 00
Dubuque Telegraph, health re- 3 50
Star Electric Co, 322 arc lights 1738 80
for July ....
Globe Light and Heat Co, 100 166 67
lamps for July • • • • • • • •
Dan Sheehan, 10 days' labor at 12 50
city dump • • ...' and re -
6 J :.Tesler, plumbing g 75
pairs at city dump garbage
T E Frith, removing g 193 44
and dead animals for July
The following bills were referred to
the committee on streets:
C Ii Whit reli, Veterinary ser -
d department
B Jellison,
3 00
Vices for ,rock furnished to
H Leik, rock furnished to side- 4 55
A C Haller, constructing 56 95
walks ...... . ...... .....
Steuck and Linehan, construct-
ing storm sewer in 19th street. 2211 50
P Clancy, hauling cinders
Wm Juergens. 7 days' labor in 9 45
August, 1897 . • • • • • .. .
The following bill was referred to the
committee on fire:
C H Whitwell, boarding horses
17 00
at patrol
at cala-
hay for
2 75
12 60
2 75
5 55
1 40
2 35
2 90
3 75
1 50
3 00
38 90
5 20
4 60
12 55
8 75
50 00
50 00
2 40
220 Regular Session, August 4, 1898.
In box stalls 10 00
The following bill was referred to
the committee 00 public grounds and
E L King, painting patrol box
at slab's brewery ..... 5 75
The following bill was referred to
the committee on claims:
M O'Laughlin, services in en-
gineer's office, 6 days in
month of April
The second petition of Mrs. Margaret
Alderson asking for the opening up of
John and Cooper street was read.
Whereupon Ald. McLaughlin report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayon and City
Gentlemen: --Your Second ward al-
derman to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mrs. Margaret Alderson, ask-
ing that John and Cooper streets be
ordered opened, would respectfully re-
port in favor of granting said petition
and that the marshal be instructed to
remove all obstructions on said streets
at once.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Aldermen Duggan and McLaughlin
arrived at 9 o'clock p. m.
The petition of Anna Kavanaugh, et
al, protesting against the improvement
of Southern avenue from lot 10, South-
ern avenue addition, to the east line of
Grandview avenue.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the peti-
tion was referred to the committee of
the whole and further action be post-
poned until after the committee of
the whole reports.
The petition of Kruse and Voorman
asking that the water fountain in front
of their premises, located on the cor-
ner of Seminary and Harold streets
be moved.
On motion of Aid. McLaughlin was
referred to street committee.
The petition of F. A. Bisping, ask-
ing for further time to pay special as-
sessment on lot 116 in Burden, and
Lawther's add.
On motion of Ald. Wales was refer-
red to committee on delinquent tax.
The petition of D Metcalf asking that
his butcher's license paid in the year
1897 be applied as part payment on his
special assessment for the improve-
ment of Clark street.
On motion was referred to the com-
mittee on claims.
Ald. Crawford moved that all peti-
tions in relation to special assessments
for cleaning snow and ice from side-
walks in the month of January, Feb-
ruary and March, 1898, together with
the list of names, description of lots
and amounts be referred to the com-
mittee of the whole. Carried.
A communication from Peter Kiene,
Jr., and Frank Jaeger In relation to the
water plant and system was read, and
Is as follows:
7 98
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—
The undersigned respectfully represent
that as citizens and taxpayers of the
city of Dubuque, as well as minority
stockholders of the Dubuque Water
company, they are interested in the
substantial and satisfactory improve-
ment of the present water system of
the city and are desirous, as far as pos-
sible, to lend our aid to the accomplish-
ment of that end, by the use of such
means as we may be able to employ.
We desire to call the attention of
your honorable body to the proposition
made by us recently to the committee
of the whole, by which we undertook
to agree to urge upon the non-resi-
dent holders of the majority of the
stock in the Dubuque Water company,
the making of such improvements in
the whole system of water works, in-
cluding the source of its supply, as
shall insure to the city and its citizens
an unfailing water system in every
way adequate to the wants of the city,
for all purposes and at all times.
This we propose to undertake to do,
upon the condition only that the city
shall repeal section 7 of chapter 73 of
the ordinance of the city, authorizing
the representatives of the Water com-
pany to furnish water for public and
private use; and under which. at the
time of the enactment of that ordin-
ance the city reserved to itself the right
to purchase the water works, as pro-
vided in that section. The committee
of the whole, upon consideration of
the proposition made by us, concurred
in the same, provided the improve-
ments to be made specifically set forth
in the ordinance of repeal. In com-
pliance with that suggestion and in ac-
cordance with our previous proposition
to your honorable body, we renew the
same in the following terms and ask
that immediate action be taken upon
it, by the adoption of an ordinance for
that purpose, and embodying the fol-
lowing propositions and conditions:
In consideration of the repeal of sec-
tion 7 of chapter 73 of the revised ordi-
nance, the undersigned will undertake
to procure the improvement of the pres
ent system of water works in the city
of Dubuque, by the erection of a reser-
voir of sufficient capacity and in suita-
ble location, and the enlargement of
water mains wherever required, so as
to provide a sufficient supply of good
and wholesome water at all times, for
all purposes, in the city of Dubuque,
agree that, we within one year from
the adoption of said ordinance by the
city council of the city of Dubuque, at
least $50,000 shall be expended upon
the said improvement.
We further respectfully represent
that, in our estimation, the improve-
ment contemplated will require the ex-
penditure of from $150,000 to $200,000 be-
fore the same shall be completed and
the labor to be performed in the con-
Regular Session, August 4, 1898.
struction thereof shall be employed in
the city of Dubuque.
Yours respectfully,
August 4, 1898.
Ald. Crawford stated that the same
parties had handed him an amended or-
dinance and he asked that it be read,
however, he desired, that it be under-
stood that it was not a formal presen-
tation of said ordinance.
The ordinance was then read and is
as follows:
An ordinance amending an ordi-
nance "authorizing S. Chamberlain and
others to construct, maintain and op-
erate water works, and supply water
to the city and citizens of Dubuque, de-
fining their powers and privileges and
prescribing their duties and being chap
ter 73 of the revised ordinance of the
city of Dubuque as published in 1893.
Be is ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. That section 7 of chapter
18 of the revised ordinance be and the
same is hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. That the Dubuque Water
company, its successors and assigns
shall, within one year from and after
the passage of its ordinance, change
its present system of water works to
direct pressure by the erection of a
reservoir of sufficient capacity and suit
able location. and the enlargement of
its trains wherever required, as
to provide a sufficient supply
of good wholesome water for all pur-
poses, at all times, in the city of Du-
That within the time herein named
there shall be expended not less than
$50.000.00 and that the labor required to
complete the same shall be employed in
the city of Dubuque.
Section 3. That if the Dubuque Wa-
ter Company, its successor or assigns
fail to carry out the provisions of sec-
tion two hereof then this ordinance
may, at the pleasure of the city coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque, after due
notice to the Dubuque Water company,
its successors or assigns, be repealed,
declared null and void and of no ef-
That during the continuance of this
ordinance no higher valuation shall be
placed upon the property of the Dubu-
que Water company for the purpose of
taxation than is now shown by the tax
records of the city of Dubuque for the
year 1897.
Section 5. This ordinance shall go
into effect from and after its flnal
passage by the city council of the city
of Dubuque. and its publication in the
official paper of the said city of Du-
Ali. Crawford moved that the com-
munication and said amended ordinance
be referred to the committee of the
Mr. Peter Kiene, Jr., addressed the
council and asked that the local di -
"99 1
rectory of the Dubuque Water com-
pany be permitted to meet with the
Ald. McLaughlin moved as a substi-
tute to Ald. Crawford's motion that
the communication and said ordinance
be received and filed. Substitute lost
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Duggan, McLaughlin and
Wales. Total 3.
Noes—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith
and Jones. Total 4.
The question recurring; on the mo-
tion of Ald. Crawford was adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith
and Jones. Total 4.
Noes—Aids. Duggan, McLaughlin
and Wales. Total 3.
The mayor stated the next matter to
be considered would be the opening of
bids for the construction of sewer in
Pickett and Alma streets, the improve-
ment of alley and the removal of old
and construction of new wall on De
Soto Terrace.
Ald. Crawford moved that wherever
the word city engineer appeared in the
specifications for the De Soto Terrace
wall shall be construed to mean the
engineer in charge of the construction
of said wall. Carried.
The bids were then opened and re-
ferred to the city engineer for com-
The resolution of Ald. Duggan offered
July 21st in relation to increasing the
committee on streets to fiv4 instead of
three members of the council, and act-
ion postponed until the next meeting
of the council was presented.
Ald. Crawford moved to lay said
resolution on the table. Carried.
Ald. Wales moved that the bill of E.
L. King for painting be reconsidered.
Ald. Crawford moved that the por-
tion of the bill of E. L. King for paint-
ing fence along the steps on De Soto
Terrace be referred to the committee
on public grounds and buildings. Car-
Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—I herewith submit to you
my reporfort month Js
showing thereceiptsand disburse-
ments for the month:
Cash on hand July 1st,
Consolidated tax of $
1897 •••'
Water tax of 1897 .•
Interest collected on 137 83
same •••'
Consolidated tax of
Water tax of 1896 ....
Interest collected 011
same ........
Consolidated tax of
3,635 63
321 66
257 00
25 70
13 99
222 _Regular Session, August 4, 1898.
Water tax of 1895 ... 24 50
Interest collected on
same ... 27 38
Special sewer tax .... 9 60
Interest collected on
same 30
Special taxes 39 24
Interest collected on
same 2 71
Special bonded tax 2,487 91
Interest collected on
same 577 84
Scale receipts 16 92
Pound receipts 3 00
Wood measurers re-
ceipts ... 1 05
Circus license 51 00
Rent of hucksters
stands 60 00
Fines and fees 11 10
Board of prisoners 18 60
Auctioneers license 25 00
Steam heating 25 00
Loans 600 00
Mulct tax 10,050 00
Star Electric Co.,
electrician's salary 63 90
Star Electric Co.,
rebate 62 10
Peddlers license 9 00
Cleaning alleys 23 25
Team license 210 00
Excavation permits95 00
Dubuque County
(bridge) 180 70
Dog license 22 00$ 19,333 93
245 00
$47,503 02
Warrants redeemed
in July .... $15,104 53
Coupons redeemed
in July .... .. 4,231 25 $19,335
Cash on hand Aug
1, 1898
Of the cash on hand
there belongs to
the improvement
bond fund
Leaving a balance
to the credit of
the city
$28,167 24
$ 6,303 18
$21,864 06
Also the following is a list showing
the amount expended in each depart
ment since the beginning of the fiscal
General expense account
Road account
Police account
Fire account
Gas and light account
Water account
Engineer account
Printing account
Sewerage account
Board of health
Interest .... ....
Total .... . 594 '799 95
Also reported $1,971.65 due city offic-
ers for the month of July, 1898.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
city officials and the report referred
back to the finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is the
amount due the firemen for the month
of July, 1898:
Total amount .. $1,940.35
On motion of Ald. Duggan the report
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the firemen and the re-
port referred to the committee on fire.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit to
you a statement of the labor and cost
of the police department for the month
of Jill,. 1coo•
Total number of arrests, 73.
Total number of runs by patrol, 61.
Number of miles traveled by patrol
83 3-.
Total number of defective lights, 69.
Number of meals furnished, 63.
Total number of lodgers harbored, 40.
Pondmasters' receipts, ..14.50.
Also report $2,003.10 due the police
for the month of July, 1898.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
police for July and the report referred
back to the committee on police and
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a
statement of the amount due for labor
on stre•ats from July 15th to Aug. 1,
Total amount due $1,119.60
The mayor ordered the report receiv-
ed and warrants drawn to pay the
street laborers and the report referred
to the street committee.
Street Commissioner Boyce, in
charge of the sewers, reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a
statement of the amount due for labor
on sewers from July 151h to Aug. 1st,
Total amount due $161.50
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
laborers on sewers and the report re-
ferred to the sewer committee.
Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a
statement of the amount expended for
labor on streets during the month of
July, 1898, by wards:
Itegolar Session, August 4, 1898.
ri l:sT WARD.
Foreman. Kind of work. Streets.
Wm O'Brien, repairing South-
ern avenue
Wm O'Brien, repairing Rowan
street ....
Wm O'Brien, repairing West 3rd
Wm O'Brien, repairing Bluff
street ..........
Wm O'Brien, repairing Russell
Wm O'Brien, repairing Railroad
Total First ward
It T Eddy, repairing 6th street$ 27 00
R T Eddy, repairing alleys
R T Eddy, tilling DeSoto Ter-
R T Eddy, Angella street 14 25
R T Eddy. reairing Winona
avenue 10 50
R T Eddy, repairing Julien
avenue 34 75
R T Eddy, cleaning various
streets 44 50
11 T Eddy, cutting weeds, vari-
ous streets 5 90
R T Eddy, repairing Hill street35 50
R T Eddy, repairing (crossing)
Second street 8 65
R T Eddy, repairing (catch ba-
sin) West 5th street 4 00
R T Eddy, repairing (crossing)
James street 6 65
Robt McGivern, repairing dump-
ing, 4th street extension 40 00
46 00
46 00
89 75
14 00
26 00
14 25
$236 00
36 00
24 50
Total Second ward .$292 20
John Farley, repairing Iowa
street ........................$136 90
John Farley, repairing 13th
street 48 00
John Farley, repairing 19th
street .... .... 34 50
John Farley, cleaning various
streets 58 75
Total Third ward $278 15
John Hayes, moving curb and
gutter West 14th street $ 63 50
John Hayes, filling De Soto Ter-
race 82 25
John Hayes, cleaning various
streets 34 00
John Hayes, cutting weeds vari-
ous streets .... 13 50
John Hayes, repairing Julien
16 90
avenue ..
James Hird, repairing Julien
avenue ...... .... .... 30 95
J H Boyce, building stairway, 16 50
West llth street
J H Boyce, rebuilding shed,
Mrs. Lull, W. llth street33 80
J H Boyce, cleaning gutters 3 75Bluff street .
Total Fourth ward
8295 13
Jno Raetz, cutting weeds, vari-
ous streets .. $
Jno Raetz, repairing Pleasant
Jno Raetz, repairing alloy from
Hart street to Kaufman ave
Jno Raetz, repairing Windsor
avenue ....
Jno Raetz. cleaning various
Jno Bottoms,
Jno Bottoms,
Main street
Jno Bottoms,
man avenue
J H Boyce, mason work, 26th
street ......
12 00
18 65
80 25
81 05
42 55
34 50
14 00
repairing Iiauff-
55 40
15 00
cleaning various
repairing North
Total Fifth ward .... $353 40
J H Boyce, sweeping paved
streets, all wards .. $225 00
J H Boyce, cutting stone at hay
J H Boyce, hauling gravel, all
J H Boyce, repairing brick pave
J H Boyce. hauling street
sprinkler 7 50
J H Boyce, collecting paper25 00
J H Boyce, carpenter wagon,
(driver) .... 40 00
J H Boyce, Steam roller, engin-
eer and stoker ...... .. 125 00
11 50
95 00
60 40
Total $589 40
Total amount expended in all
wards $2045 30
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
On motion the report was received
and referred to the committee on
City Electrician Hippuran reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of July, 1898.
I find from the reports of the police
department that the total hours that
69 lamps failed to burn would equal
2 1-4 lamps for one month or $12.15.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion of Ald. Wales the report
was received and filed and the city au-
ditor instructed to deduct the amount
$12.15 from the bill of the Star Electric
Co. for the month of July, 1898.
The following weighmasters and
woodmeasurers reports were referred
to the committee on markets:
Otto Rath, city hall receipts ....$ 11 85
T Faherty, 1st ward receipts .... 3 37
Chas Pitschner, West Dubuque 1 85
11 F Curran, wood measurer re-
224 Regular Session, August 4, 1898
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, July 13th, 1898.
To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City
of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—The annexed bill of R. J.
Love is not properly chargeable to
the city of Dubuque and I would there-
fore recommend that it be received and
filed. Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Alderman McLaughlin
the report was adopted.
City Engineer Blake presented a list
of names and amounts due for mac-
adam to date, Alderman Crawford mov
ed that warrants be ordered drawn for
all amounts of $15.00 and less and that
the list be referred to the committee
of the whole. Carried.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
Dubuque, Ia., August 4th, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Herewith find a plan of
a storm water sewer from the alley
north of Eagle Point avenue to San-
ford street, as requested by the com-
mittee of the whole and also an esti-
mate of cost. The distance from the
alley to Sanford street is 750 feet and
the cost will be about Four dollars per
lineal foot, the sewer to follow the
course of the old creek.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Alderman Wales moved to refer to
the committee of the whole. Carried.
City Engineer Blake reported on the
bids for constructing an 8 inch tile pipe
sewer in Pickett and Alma streets as
O. G. Kringle (only bid) the total
amount $665.00.
Ald. Crawford moved that the coun-
cil reject all bids for the construction
of sewer in Pickett and Alma streets,
and the recorder instructed to re -ad-
vertise for new bids. Carried.
Also reported on the bid for the im-
provement of alley between Hall and
Louisa streets as follows:
O. G. Kringle (only bid). Total
amount, $355.50.
Ald. Crawford moved that the con-
tract be awarded to O. G. Kringle.
Also reported on the bids for remov-
ing the old and constructing the new
wall on De Soto Terrace as follows:
J. B. Miller, bid, $3.25 per cubic yard.
John Tibey, bid $3.65 per cubic yard.
Thomas Byrne, bid $3.35 per cubic
Peter Elsbach bid $3.07 per cubic
T. J. Donahue's bid was not accom-
panied with the required certified
check and on motion of Ald. Frith was
not considered.
Alcl. Crawford moved that the con -
'met be awarded to Peter Eisbach, he
being the lowest bidder. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
Jones and Wales. Total -5.
Noes—Aids. Duggan and McLaugh-
Ald. Crawford moved that Assistant
City Engineer Hyde be placed in spec-
ial charge of the execution of the con-
tract for the reconstruction of the De
Soto Terrace wall and that he be in-
structed to exercise constant supervis-
ion of the work until its final comple-
tion, and that he be held responsible
for the proper execution of the work.
City Engineer Blake was granted per
mission to address the council, and
stated that if the motion prevailed, he
desired to be released from all respon-
sibility in reference to said wall.
After some discussion, participated in
by Alds. Wales, Duggan, Jones and Mc
Laughlin, the motion was adopted.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee on streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on streets and Alds.
Wales and Jones to whom was referr-
ed the petition of H. F. C. Schneider
in relation to filling his lot 1 in Ellen
Corkery's sub., of out lot 655, would
report in favor of allowing Mr.
Schneider the sum of two hundred and
fifty ($250) dollars in full of all damages
that he claims, or may claim by reason
of the city building a retaining wall
and the improvement of De Soto Ter-
Ald. Crawford moved the adoption of
the report and that a warrant be or-
dered drawn in favor of H. F. C.
Schneider for said amount. Carried.
Also reported as follows:
Your committee on streets, to whom
was referred with power, the approval
of plans and specifications for the con-
struction of a retaining wall on De
Soto Terrace, would report that they
have approved of plans and specifica-
tions submitted by the city engineer,
which are filed in the office of the city
Ald. Crawford moved to receive and
place on file the report. Carried.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the com-
mittee on fire, reported verbally, that
the fire engine J. K. Graves would re-
quire quite an expenditure to put it in
good working condition, and that he
had instructed Chief Reinfried to get
bids from the local shops for doing
said repairs, and also that they had
written the factory for prices on boiler
flues, stated that he did not want to as-
sume the responsibility and therefore
asked the instructions of the council.
After some discussion, the matter
was continued until after hearing from
the factory and getting the bids from
the local shops.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the printing
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on printing, to whom
Regular Session, August 4, 1898
was referred the communication of the
city recorder asking instructions as to
the disposition of the city directories,
wouki recommend that each alderman
be furnished with one copy of said "di-
rectory and that those remaining be
kept on hand.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Aid. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee on sewers, reported as fol-
Your committee on sewers would re-
spectfully recommend that the storm
water sewer, constructed in Pine street
from 19th street to Couler creek, Steuck
and Linehan, contractors, be accepted.
On motion the report was adopted.
Ald. Crawford moved that the com-
mittee on sewers be discharged from
further action on said sewer, and that
a warrant for $221.94 be ordered drawn
in favor of Steuck and Linehan in ac-
cordance with final estimate of the city
engineer. Carried.
Ald. Crawford. chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Frank A. Scott, asking that Asbury
street he ordered improved, would rec-
ommend that said petition be referred
to the city engineer with instructions
to prepare a profile showing a proper
grade for said street, also giving an es-
timate of cost of grading required to
improve said street from Delhi street
to city limits.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port was adopted.
Also your committee of the whole
respectfully reports in favor of the
adoption of the resolution providing for
the construction of a sanitary sewer in
Rose and Alta Vista streets.
The report was received.
Ald. Crawford moved that all action
on the resolution providing for the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in Rose
and Alta Vista streets be indefinitely
postponed. Carried.
Also your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Au-
gust Hammel et al, asking that Bee
Branch sewer be ordered arched, would
recommend that the city engineer be
instructed to prepare plans and specifi-
cations and an estimate of cost for
arching said sewer from Eagle Point
avenue to Sanford street.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port was adopted.
His Honor, Mayor Berg, stated that
it was necessary to appoint a board of
equalization, and named the following
aldermen, who will constitute said
Aids. Crawford, Duggan, McLaughlin
Flynn and Frith.
Ald. Wales moved that the members
of the council be paid $100 each, for 4
months salary and that warrants be or-
dered drawn for said amount In favor
of each alderman, which was carried.
Ald. Crawford declined to vote.
Ald. Wales moved that the mayor ap
point a committee of three, he to be
one of the committee, to investigate the
police matron's department, with a
view of lessening the expense of the
Ald. Duggan moved as a substitute
that the matron's department be abol-
The substitute was lost by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and Jon-
es. Total 3.
Noes—Alds. Crawford, Frith, Mc-
Laughlin and Wales. Total 4.
The question recurring on the orig-
inal motion was lost by the following
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith and
Wales. Total 3.
Noes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Jones
and McLaughlin. Total 4.
Alcl. Frith stated that he thought the
matron's department was under the
supervision of the mayor, same as the
police department.
Ald. Wales asked for the appoint-
ment of a committee of investigation,
xvhereupon the mayor appointed the
following as such committee:
Alds. Wales and Flynn and the
Ald. Duggan moved that the resolu-
tion passed July 21st, 1898, in relation
to automatic gates across the railway
tracks in the city be reconsidered. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Total 6.
Noes—Ald. McLaughlin. Total 1.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for
laying a 4 foot sidewalk on Washing-
ton and Elm streets, by J. J. Des-
mond, contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots and parcels of real es-
tate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed August 4th, 1898.
Henry Herancourt, lot 28, 29, 30,
31 and 32, Glendale add, Wash-
ington street, 250 lineal feet at
14 1-4c,
A. Flechsig, lot 13, Glendale add,
Washington street, 50 lin ft at
14 1-4c
R. M. Kunz, lots 14 and 15, Glen-
dale add., Washington street, 100
lin ft at 14 1-4c
K. Kaltenbach, lot north 1-2 of
lot 53 and lot 57, Glendale add.,
Elm street, 75 lin ft at 14 1-2c.. 10 87
R. M. Kunz, lots 58, 59 and 60,
Glendale add, Elm street, 153 lin
ft at 14 1-2c
N. Kettenhofer, lot 44, Glendale
add., Elm street, 50 lin ft at
35 62
7 12
14 25
22 18
226 Regular Session, August 1, 1898
14 1-2c ..
Henry Deville, lot 45, Glendale
add., Elm street, 60 lin ft at
14 1-2c
Joseph Gauthier, lot 38, Glendale
add., Elm street, 60 lin ft at
14 1-2c 7 25
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. Flynn offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the committee
un streets and street commissioner be
instructed to abate a nuisance which
now exists on 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th and
Elm streets.
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the res-
olution. Carried.
Ald. Flynn also offered the follow-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the street
commissioner be, and he is hereby In-
structed to place a stone crossing in
the alley on the north side of Tenth
(10th) street between Main and Iowa
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Wales offered the following:
Whereas, under an ordinance passed
Dec. 5, 1870, the city of Dubuque gave
to S. Chamberlain and others, the right
to construct, maintain and operate
water works to supply with water the
city of Dubuque and its citizens under
certain conditions and obligations
therein expressed.
And Nvhereas, the Dubuque Water
company, a corporation, is the success-
or to all the rights and privileges, and
bound by all the conditions, provisions
and obligations in said ordinance set
And whereas, it is provided by said
ordinance that said water company, as
such successor, shall supply said city
and the residents thereof with a suffi-
cient supply for all purposes of pure
and wholesome water, the same to be
taken in the first instance from the
mouth of the level, in what is known
as Bachelor Hollow. on mineral lot 203;
and further provided that if at any
time during the continuance of said
franchise the water from said level
shall become unwholesome, or the
quantity thereof insufficient to supply
the demands of said city and its peo-
ple—then and in that event said water
company, as the owner of and succes-
sor to said franchise, shall furnish a
sufficient supply of pure and wholesome
water from the main channel of the
Mississippi river, north of Seventh
street, in the city of Dubuque, and
shall erect and maintain the necessary
engines and pumps to pipe the water to
any part of said city.
And whereas, it is further provided
by said ordinance that if said water
7 25
7 25
company, as the successor to all the
priviliges and obligations of said fran-
chise, shall fail to furnish to said city,
and the residents thereof. such quanti-
ty of pure and wholesome water as
shall supply the demands of said city
and the people thereof, or shall fail to
comply with every requirement of the
ordinance and franchise aforesaid—
then. and in either case, the rights and
privileges so granted shall be forfeited
and shall revert to said city. Such
forfeiture to be declared by resolution
of the council, and determined by the
district court of said county.
And whereas, said Dubuque Water
company-, the present owner of said
franchise, has failed and refused to
furnish said city of Dubuque, and its
residents with an ample and sufficient
supply of pure and wholesome water,
and has failed and refused to furnish
a sufficient supply of pure and whole-
some water from the main channel of
the Mississippi river, north of Sev-
enth street, over and above the amount
of water so furnished from the level
aforesaid, and has failed to comply
with the requirements of said ordi-
nance in the particulars herein speci-
fied and otherwise, and continues to so
refuse to comply therewith. Therefore,
be it
Resolved, by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, That the rights and
privileges of said Dubuque Water
company, as the successor of said
Chamberlain in the franchise aforesaid,
be and the same are hereby forfeited
and annulled. Be it further
Resolved, That the city attorney he
instructed to proceed in the district
court at the first term thereof to forfeit
and annul all rights and privileges of
said Dubuque eater company under
the ordinance and in the franchise
aforesaid, provided such action is re-
quired to complete the forfeiture of the
rights aforesaid, and that he give time-
ly notice of such proceeding to said
Dubuque eater company, its officers
and agents.
Resolved, further, That the city at-
torney he instructed to report to the
council what action on the part of the
city is required to fully and finally
forfeit and annul all rights under its
charter to supply the city of Dubuque
and the inhabitants thereof with water.
Carried by the following vote:
Yes—Aids. Duggan, Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total
Noes—Ald. Crawford. Total 1.
Ald. Wales presented a proposition of
the Welsbach Street Lighting Co. of
America which was referred to the com
mittee of the whole. They propose to
furnish 100 Welshach lamps, to he plac
ed. on the gas lamp posts where di-
rected, at the rate of $27.00 per lamp
per year on the Philadelphia moon
schedule, or at the rate of $30.00 per
lamp per year for every night in the
Regular Session, August 18, 1898.
. 227
The mayor brought up the subject
of opening up Willow street, and stat-
ed that the Sisters desired a line of
the street, so they could build a fence
along their property.
Ald. Frith moved that the engineer
be requested to report a grade and line
of said Willow street. Carried.
The mayor also stated that James
Forrester had complained, that the
fence on West 14th street, removed by
the city had not been replaced.
Ald. Flynn moved the matter be re-
ferred to the street committee for In-
vestigation. Carrried.
Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn for
two weeks until August 18th, 1898. Car-
... Recorder
..189.j ..
Regular Session, Augus f 8, 1898.
Council met at 8:10 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. Frith moved that the council
proceedings of August 4, 1898, be ap-
proved as printed. Carried.
Petition of Mary Wearmouth claiming
damages to the amount of $2,500.00 for
falling on sidewalk on the north side of
Delhi street, July 29, 1898..
Ald. Wales moved that it be referred
to the committee on claims and city at-
torney. Carried.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee on streets:
Petition of Chris. A. Voelker et al ask
ing that .a railing be placed on the
north west side of Seminary street from
the east line of lot 15 in L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub. to north Main street.
Petition of Richard Burns asking that
the special assessm4nt be canceled for
laying sidewalk in front of lot 10 Coates
Petition of H. A. Jordan asking that
a sidewalk be laid on the West side of
College avenue from West 3rd street
to West 2nd street.
Petition of James Forrester asking
that his fence fronting his property on
West 14th street be replaced.
Ald. Wales moved that the street
commissioner be instructed to put the
• old fence back to the lot line, and that
no new material be used. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Jones,
and Wales..
Nays—Ald. Duggan, Frith and Mc
Petition of Ernest Bohn asking that
he be allowed to resume his old place
in the Ice Harbor.
Ald. Wales moved that it be referred
to the committee on harbors. Ald. Dug-
gan amended that it be referred to
committee with power. The motion was
amended and then adopted. .
Petition of Fred Bell et al asking that
a Welsbach street lamp be placed on
West 3rd street between James and Hill
streets. Ald. .Duggan moved that the
petition be referred to the committee
on police and light. Carried.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee on delinquent tax:
Petition of W. H. Morhiser asking
that the taxes on Benjamin Cheetham
estate for 1896 and 1897 be canceled.
Petition of Margaret Toussaint ask-
ing that her personal taxes be canceled
for 1897.
Petition of Magdalena Wentd asking
to be released one half of her taxes on
lost 38, 39, 40, 49, 50, 51, 52, and 53 in
Finley, Waples and Burton's add.
Petition of Val. Minges asking to have
his assessment reduced on lot 2 of Min-
eral lot 32 for 1897.
Petition of Sophia Dempsey asking to
have her taxes canceled on lot 2 of 34
and 2 of 35 Lewis add., for 1897.
Petition of Mrs. Eliz. Beltz in relation
to erroneous assessment on lot 5 in Hed ' •
ley's subdivision.
Petition of Louis Frick asking for
extension of time to pay his special as-.
sessment for constructing sewer in al-
ley, abutting lot 136 in East Dubuque
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of J. F. Muekle asking city
to purchase his macadam.
Petition of Michael Mahony asking
city to purchase his macadam.
Petition of Chas. J. W. Saunders ask-
ing city to refund him $25.00 for butch-
er's license for 1897.
Petition of Thos. Federspiel et al ask-
ing that a 20 foot alley he established
instead of a 40 foot alley, (so called
Troy street and alley from Kniest
street to Johnson avenue.)
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
be granted.
Ald. McLaughlin moved as a substi-
tute that it be referred to the committee
of the whole. The substitute carried
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Flynn, Me
Laughlin and Wales.
Nays—Aids. Duggan Frith and Jones.
Petition of Jos. Donahue protesting
against paying special assessment for
shoveling snow from sidewalk, abutting
the north 23 feet of lot 105.
Petition of H. F. C. Schneider in rela-
building retaining wall on DeSoto Ter-
228 Regular Session, August 18, 1898.
Ald. Crawford moved to receive and
file the petition and the recorder be
instructed to notify Mr. Schneider that
there is a warrant drawn in his favor
for $250.00 in full damages as per
agreement with the committee of the
whole in July 1898. Carried.
Communication of E. O. Duncan, city
assessor asking to instruct the treasur-
er to cancel the taxes of C. H. Harris
on Sub Min. lot 159 N. 34 1-2 feet of
N. 1-2 sub. 2 of 8 of lot 1. Ald.. Duggan
moved that the treasurer be instructed
to carry out the request of the assessor.
Communication of Marshal Morgan
asking council to purchase new regula-
tion hats for day police. Ald. Dug-
gan moved that the marshal be instruct
ed to purchase hats for police.
Ald. .M.cLaughlin amended that the
matter be referred to the committee on
police and light and Marshal Morgan
with power. The amendment carried.
The motion as amended was then
Ald. Crawford stated that Mr. C. T.
Hancock was present and desired to
address the council.
Mayor Berg extended the courtesy to
Mr. Hancock whereupon he addressed
the council and said, in view of the
fact of a large gathering of strangers
in our city next week, he asked that the
city keep Couler avenue and Jackson
street sprinkled to city limits.
Ald. Crawford moved that the street
commissioner be instructed to com-
ply with the request and that Couler
avenue and Jackson street be proper-
ly sprinkled during next week. Car-
Mr. B. B. Richards with a delegation
of ladies being present Mayor Berg ex-
tended the privilege of the floor to
Mr. Richards.
Mr. Richards addressed the council
in behalf of the ladies present in rela-
tion to the police matron's office and
asked that action by the council be post
poned until their next meeting.
Ald. Wales and Mrs. Fairbanks ad-
dressed the council.
Ald. Crawford moved that the rules
be suspended and that the special
committee to whom was referred the
matter be allowed to report at once.
Ald. Flynn, chairman of the special
committee, reported as follows:
The undersigned special committee
appointed to investigate the police mat-
rons department with a view of less-
ening the expense of the same, would
respectfully recommend that the mat-
rons' department be abolished on the
31st day of August, 1898, and that the
mayor be instructed to select some po-
liceman with a wife and no children,
they to live in the rooms now occu-
pied by the matrons, said policeman's
wife to take charge of all females or
children which may be consigned to the
The rooms fuel and lights to be fur- o
nished by the city free of cost to said
C. H. Berg.
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re-
Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Wales and
McLaughlin addressed the council.
Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute
that the request of the ladies be grant-
ed and that action on the report be
postponed until the next meeting of the
The substitute adopted by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Frith
and McLaughlin. Total, 4.
Noes—Alds. Flynn, Jones and Wales.
Total, 3.
The bids for the improvement of
Troy street and alley from Johnson
avenue to Kniest street and the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in Pickett
and Almastreets were opened and
read and referred to City Engineer
Blake for computation
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
To The Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Below you will find a
statement of amounts advanced by me
for the month of July for whicl• please
order warrants drawn in my favor;
amounts as follows:
Refund on excavation permits ..$115 00
Interest on warrants outstand-
ing 1531 58
Postage stamps 4 00
Revenue stamps 1 00
N. Y. Exchange 1 00
Freight charges 12 69
I also received (money borrowed)
from the following party for which
please order loan warrants in his favor:
July 8, 1898 Geo. G. Scott $600 00
The mayor ordered that the treas-
urer's report be received and that war-
rants be ordered drawn for the var-
ious amounts and the report be referr-
ed back to the committee on finance.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To The Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -i herewith submit a
statement of the amount due for labor
on streets from August lst, 1898, to
August 15th, 1898, inclusive.
Total amount due .. ...$911 30
Ald. Wales moved that the report be
received and warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the street laborers and
the report be referred back to the
street committee. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce's pay roll
for sewer laborers was presented for
the first half of August, 1898, amount-
ing to $147,00 and on motion of Ald.
Crawford was received and warrants
rdered drawn to pay the sewer labor-
Regular Session, August 18, 1898.
ers and the report referred back to
the sewer committee.
Ald. Crawford moved that the salary
of the foreman on sewers be fixed at
the rate of Fifty dollars per month
commencing August 1st, 1898. Carried
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, McLaughlin. Total, 4.
Noes—Alds. Frith, Jones and Wales.
Total, 3.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
To The Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—I herewith present a pro-
file and estimate of grading on Asbury
street from Delhi street to the city lim-
its amounting to 12,600 cubic yards of
grading at 15 cents per cubic yard,
$1.890.00. Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to postpone
action on said report.
Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute
that it be received and filed.
The substitute was adopted.
The city engineer reported as fol-
To The Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit a pro-
file of Louisa street from Grace to
Delhi street also a profile of the alley
between Hall and Louisa street next
and north of Grace street and rec-
ommend that the red lines as shown on
said profiles be considered as the es-
tablished grade on the above named
street and alley.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Crawford moved the adoption of
the profile and report. Carried.
Ald. Flynn, chairman of the ccnnmit-
tee on claims, reported as follows:
Iu favor of paying the bill of M.
O'Laughlin of $7.98 or services in the
engineer's office far sir. days in the
month of May, 1898.
Also your committee on claims would
report in favor of postponing action
on the petition of D. Metcalf ask'ng
that he be refunded amount paid for
butchers license of 1897. until the cases
now pending in relation • to butchers
license is disposed of.
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re-
port of the claim committee. Car-
Ald. Crawford moved that the same
action be taken on the petition of C. J.
W. Saunders in relation to butchers
license. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the
committee on streets, reportei as fol-
Your committee on streets would res-
pectfully report in favor of receiving
and tiling the petition of Kruse and
Vorman asking that the watering
fountain be ordered removed from the
corner of Seminary and Herald streets;
also in favor of postponing action un-
til next year on the petition of G. F.
Wood, et al, asking that Bluff street
extension be improved 400 feet south
of present improvement; also in favor
of paying the following bills:
H Leik, 35 sq yds gutter rock......$4.55
J R Jellison, 6 yards rip -rap ...... 2.40
Pat Clancy, 9 loads cinders ...... 4.50
C H Whitwell, services and drugs,
three horses, four months 1.00
Also in favor of receiving and filing
the bill of Wm. Jorgans for labor in
August, 1897, of $9.45.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report of the committee on streets.
Also your committee on streets to
whom was referred the petition of C.
A. Voelker, et al, asking that a stair-
way be built from Kaufman avenue to
Seminary hill on the east six feet of
lot No. 155, Mechanic's add, would re-
port that Mr. C. A. Voelker agress to
deed to the city the amount of ground
required to build said stairway and
sidewalk from Kaufman avenue to
Napier street. Therefore your com-
mittee recommend that the city at-
torney be instructed to secure a deed
to said property and that a stairway
and sidewalk be ordered built from
Kaufman avenue to Napier street at
the city's expense the same to he un-
der the direction of the street com-
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute
that it be referred back to the street
committee to ascertain the cost of
laying said stairway and walk and to
report to the council. The substitute
was adopted.
Ald. Crawford moved that the com-
mittee on streets be discharged from
further consideration in relation to Jas
Forester's fence on W. 14th street. Car-
Ald. Wales, chairman of the com-
mittee on fire, reported as follows:
In favor of paying the bill of C. H.
Whitwell for board of horses for fire
department in the hospital amounting
to $10.00.
Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
In favor of referring the plat of a
sewerage system for that portion of
the city lying between Johnson avenue
and Eagle Point, back to assistant en-
Hyde, hinstructions
plan of cn
pare ifpossible a
along the alleys and cross streets in-
stead of on the streets in that dis-
Also your committee of the whole
to whom was referred the following pe-
titions in relation to macadam of Jo-
seph Gunther, Henry Kerms, Walter
Conzett, M. Lavin, Robt. Miller°
230 Regular Session, August 18, 1898.
Michael Farrell, Jacob Peryon, Michael
Sullivan and Dennis Donavan et al.,
would report in favor of paying the
following named, providing they re-
ceipt in full for their claims:
M Corbert
Mat Crahan
D and T Donavan and A Single
(3), each 15.00
Peter Defountain 15.00
Pat Ryan 15 00
John Whelan 15 00
H and Wm Kronfeld, (2), each 15 00
Also your committee of the whole
to whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Anna Kavanaugh, protesting
against the improvement of Southern
avenue, would recommend that the
improvement of Southern avenue from
lot 10, Southern ave;nuc' addition to
Grandview avenue be postponed until
some future time.
• Also your committee of the whole
to whom was referred the special as-
sessment list for cleaning snow and 1c:e
from sidewalk :ind .lso the several pe-
titions prot.?sting* against paying for
same, would recommend that the reso-
lution for said assessments be adopted.
Ald. Crawford moved that the report
of the committee of the whole be ad-
opted. Carried.
Ald. Wales of the committee of the
whole reported as follows:
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the communication
of Peter Kiene, Jr., and Francis Jae-
ger, asking that section 7 of chapter
73 of the revised ordinances be re-
pealed (also an ordinance in relation
to same) would respectfully recom-
mend that said communication and or-
dinance be received and filed.
Ald. Wales moved the adoption of
the report.
Ald. Crawford offered a minority re-
port as follows:
To the City Council: Your com-
mittee of the whole to whom was re-
ferred the communication of Peter
Kiene, Jr., and Francis Jaeger, asking
that the city council on certain con-
ditions to repeal and surrender the
right of the city to purchase the water
plant of the Dubuque Water company,
respectfully report that after careful
consideration of the subject the com-
mittee is of the opinion that it is
inexpedient for the city to release or
waive said right of purchase.
It is further the sense of the com-
mittee that it will be time to enter-
tain a proposition for the repeal of
the city's option after the Water com-
pany shall have proceeded to carry in-
to effect its expressed intention to so
improve its works as to enable it at all
times to furnish the city and its citi-
zens with an abundant supply of
pure and wholesome water and by
gravity or direct pressure, or both, en-
able the city to dispense with the main-
tenance of steam fire engines.
Ald. Crawford moved the adoption
of the minority report, it receiving no
second. The mayor put the question
on the adoption of majority report
which was carried. Ald. Crawford
voted no.
City Engineer Blake reported on the
bids for constructing sanitary sewer
on Pickett and Alma streets as fol-
Con. Ryan, total bid, $570.00.
O. G. Kringle, total bid, $873.00.
Ald. Crawford moved that the con-
tract he awarded to Con. Ryan, he be-
ing the lowest bidder. Carried.
City Engineer also reported on the
bids for grading and macadamizing
Troy street and alley from Johnston
avenue to Kniest street as follows:
Peter Horsch, total bid, $509.25.
James O'Farrell, total bid, $604.70.
Ald. Crawford moved that the con-
tract be awarded to Peter Horsch, pro-
vided he accepts the contract on the
same conditions, if the city concludes
to narrow Troy street to 20 feet instead
of 40 feet as now proposed. Peter
Horsch being present signified his will-
ingness to accept the contract with the
proviso, whereupon Ald. Crawford's
motion was adopted.
Ald. Crawford moved to reconsider
the action of the council on the petition
of Thos. Federspiel et al and the peti-
tion be referred to the alderman of the
Fifth ward and Alderman -at -Large
Jones. Carried.
Ald. Flynn offered the following:
Resolved. by the city council of the
city of Dubuque,
That whereas, under and by the pro-
visions of section 7, of an ordinance
passed December 5, 1870, by the city
council of this city, entitled "An ordi-
nance authorizing S. Chamberlain and
others to construct, maintain and ope-
rate water works and to supply water
to the city and citizens of Dubuque;
defining their powers and privileges
and prescribing their duties, it is pro-
vided that at any time after twenty
years, upon giving six months' notice,
the city shall have the right to pur-
chase from said parties all the build-
ings machinery, pipes and other prop-
erty, with all their rights and privi-
leges, but not including any fran-
chise then or thereafter granted to said
parties, but in the purchase the
franchise should revert to the city, at
such price as may be agreed upon by
the city council and said parties. In
case of disagreement, the price to be
ascertained by five disinterested ap-
praisers, chosen and appointed as in
said section provided. Said price to
be subject to the acceptance or rejec-
tion of the city council and the terms
agreed upon subject to ratification by
a majority of the legal voters of the
city, at a special election held for that
Now, therefore, more than twenty
years having transpired since the
Regular Session, August 18,1898.
231 •
granting of said charter and franchise
and the passage of said ordinance;
Resolved, That the city now proposes
to purchase the property, rights and
privileges stated in said ordinance, in
the manner therein provided, and that
S. Chamberlain and others, their asso-
ciates, successors, assigns or legal
representatives, and the Dubuque
Water company are requested, noti-
fied and required to fix and notify the
city council, and to file with the re-
corder of said city the price and value
fpr which they will sell said property
and rights to said city, and the man-
ner and terms of the sale as provided
by said ordinance, within the
time therein prescribed. The
mayor and the city recorder
shall cause an attested and cer-
tified copy of this resolution, signed
by them, to be served upon the said S.
Chamberlain, his successors, assoc-
iates, or their assigns or legal repre-
sentatives and the Dubuque Water
company, as soon as reasonably can be
done after the passage of this resolu-
tion, and a copy of said notice, with
the time, manner and place of service
endorsed thereon and signed and at-
tested by the person or officer making
the service shall be returned to and
filed with the city recorder.
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso-
Ald. Wales moved as a substitute
that the resolution be referred to the
committee of the whole.
The substitute lost by the following
Ayes—Alds. Crawford and Wales.
Total, 2.
Noes—Alda. Duggan, Flynn, Frith,
Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 5.
The question recurring on the origi-
nal motion of Ald. Flynn was adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda Crawford, Duggan, Flynn
Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Total,
Noes—Ald. Wales. Total, 1.
Ald. Flynn then offered the folilowing
resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, That the mayor ap-
point a committee of six persons, con-
sisting of himself as chairman. two
members of the city council and three
leading citizens, the object of this com-
mittee being to aid the mayor and
council in obtaining information in re-
gard to the value of the present water
plant, and also to obtain the names of
expert engineers familiar with water
plants so that the city will be prepared
at the end of six months. In case the
water company and the city cannot
come to an agreement as to the value of
said water plant. to take the necessary
action to reach a settlement as to the
value of the plant. and this committee
to obtain any other information that
they can in this matter and act until
discharged by the council. said com-
mittee to report to the council.
The committee to serve without com-
The mayor announced he would ap-
Aldt.the Frithcommittee offered thelater. following reso-
lution, welch was adopted:
Resolved, by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, That the Dubuque
Lt Tactn Cmpy , and
theyighare hererby orderedoto raisebetheir
street carand tracksioon Jacksonanstreet
Sanford street to a point 200 feet north
of Twenty-third street to grade, which
will be given by the city engineer. Said
work to be finished on or before Sep-
tember 10th, 1898. The city recorder is
hereby instructed to give proper no-
tice to said railway company.
Ald. Frith of the special committee
reported as follows:
Your special committee Aids. Jones
and Frith, to whom was referred the
resolution for a four foot sidewalk on
the south side of Kaufmann avenue,
would recommend the adoption of the
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the
report. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the
Requiring a two-thirds vote to adopt
the motion was lost by the following
_ vote:
Ayes—Aids. Flynn, Frith, Jones and
Wales. Total, 4.
Noes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan and
McLaughlin. Total, 3.
Ald. Frith moved that all bids for
the construction of sidewalk be filed
with the city recorder and the bids op-
ened in open council and contracts
award by the council. Carried.
Ald. Duggan offered the following
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the city council of the city
of Dubuque to improve College avenue
from West Third street eto
street and it is hereby proposed
grade, curb, gutter and macadamize
said street; therefore,
Resolved, That the city engineer be
and he is hereby directed to prepare
a plat and specifications showing the
location and general nature of such
improvement, the kind of materials
to be used and an estimate of the cost
thereof together with the amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of land
abutting thereon per front foot, and to
file such plat, specifications and esti-
mate in the office of the city recorder
that after the filing of
his office the city recorder shall cause
to be published in the official news-
paper of the city the notice provided
for in section 8 of the ordinance relat-
ing to the improvement of streetsadopt
ed May 19th, 1898, and after the publica-
tion of such notice, he shall at its next
regular session notify the council there
of in writing With a printed copy ame of
such notice accompanying
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Duggan, Flynn. Frith,
232 List of Warrants.
Jones, McLaughlin, Wales.
Noes—Ald. Crawford.
Ald. Duggan offered the following
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the city council of the
city of Dubuque to improve O'Neill
street from College avenue to Booth
street and it is hereby proposed to
grade, curb, gutter and macadamize
said street, Therefore
Resolved, That the city engineer be
and he is hereby directed to prepare a
plat and specifications showing the lo-
cation and general nature of such im-
provement, the kind of materials to be
used and an estimate of the cost there-
of together with the amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of land abut-
ting thereon per front foot, and to file
such plat, specifications, and estimate
in the office of the city recorder, that
after the filing of said plat in his of-
fice the city recorder shall cause to be
published in the official newspaper of
the city the notice provided for in sec-
tion 8 of the ordinance relating to the
improvement of streets adopted May
19th, 1898, and after the completion of
the publication of such notice, he shall
at its next regular session notify the
council thereof in writing with a print-
ed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Duggan moved to adopt, but re-
ceived no second, and the resolution
was placed on file.
On motion the council adjourned for
two weeks, until September 1st, 1898.
.. Recorder
Approve / • 0 189 .
Dubuque, Ia., July 23, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office up to 4 o'clock
Thursday, August 4th, for constructing
plank sidewalks as follows:
8 feet wide on the north side of Hill
street abutting lot No. 12, 13 and 14,
Rogers' sub.
6 feet wide on the east side of Sum-
mit street abutting lots 4 and 5 Mat-
tox sub.
A certified check for ten dollars will
be required with each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Clty Engineer.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 1, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of July, 1898:
Name. For what purpose. Amt.
C H Berg, mayor .. $116 76
H B Gniffke, treasurer 133 30
H B Gniffke, clerk hire 75 00
L M Langstaff, recorder 116 70
F B Hoffman, auditor .. 100 00
E 0 Duncan, assessor 125 00
T H Duffy, attorney 150 00
Edw Morgan, marshal 83 30
Jos Reinfried, fire chief 100 00
Wm Fitzpatrick, committee
clerk .... ..
Wm A Kaep, clerk recorder's
office .. .. ....
Edw Herron, clerk treasurer's
Edw C Blake, engineer
E S Hyde, assistant engineer
P Cassidy, rodman
J Boyce, street commissioner
W Hippman, electrician
Otto Rath, market master
P Ryan, park custodian ....
Gust Wfedner, park custodian .
R F Curran, wharf master ....
E A Guilbert, health officer ....
N Offerman, pound master ......
Mrs. H Koeing, janitress
Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman
L Ziedman, sidewalk inspector
M Eitel, fireman
J Essman, fireman
A Duccinf, fireman
Jno Flynn, fireman
J Wiltse, fireman
Geo Beyer, fireman
Al Heer, fireman
Jos Tschudi, fireman
Jas Daley, fireman
Job Barnes, fireman
T Ryder, fireman .
J Schonberger, fireman
Wm Ducey, fireman
T Fahey, fireman
T Meahan, fireman
J Rooney, fireman
D Ahearn, fireman
T Walker, fireman
G Helmrich, fireman
J McFarland, fireman
T Kennedy, fireman
J Murphy, fireman
A McDonald, fireman
J Fitzpatrick, fireman
F Murphy, fireman
F Ganahl, fireman
T Flynn, fireman
T Kenneally, fireman
Geo Gehrke, fireman
Chas Kannolt, fireman
Jas Alien, fireman
Wm McBride, fireman
Robt Weston, fireman
75 00
50 00
50 00
125 00
91 70
40 00
91 70
83 30
50 00
40 00
40 00
20 00
50 00
45 00
20 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
List of Warrants.
F Baumgartner, sub
J Cronauer, sub
Geo Burkel, police ..
N Brand, police
J Carter, police ...
Jas Clune, police
Jno Cody, police
M Craugh, police
P Dumphey, police
F Devaney, police ..
Jno Fitzpatrick, police
Jas Flynn, police
Pat Hanlon, police ..
Wm Hennessy, police
Emil Kahn, police
M Kilty, police
Jno Loetscher, police
Jas Lonergan, police
P McCollins, police
P McInerney, police
Edw Moore, police
P Mulligan, police
Jno Murphy, police
J J Murphy, police
J McQuillan, police
D Norton, police
M O'Connor, police
A Pfeffer, police
P Powers, police
Jas Rooney, police
T Reilly, police
P Scharff, police
Al T Scherr, police
P Sutton, police
P Sullivan, police ..
T Sweeney, police ..
Jno Tierney, police
Jos Tyler, police
H K Young, police
D Hugg, police
B Brennan, police matron
Kate Hibbe. police matron 50 00
S Allen, labor .. 2 50
G Albert, labor 8 15
E Aru Eude, labor 5 00
Jno Albrecht, labor 5 65
J Blocklinger, labor 8 15
J Broulette, labor 7 50
P Bell, labor 1 50
H Berry, labor 5 00
J Brachtobach. labor 5 00
D Brunskill, labor 5 00
Chas Buse, labor 6 90
Joe Brown, labor 16 25
S Cain, labor 5 65
Mike Cain, labor 5 00
2 50
10 65
6 90
1 25
5 00
16 25
19 00
2 50
5 00
5 00
6 25
2 50
5 00
6 25
9 00
2 50
3 75
5 00
4 75
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
75 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
36 80
50 00
50 00
50 00
1 00
50 00
J Callahan, labor
M Carmody, labor
Jno Corbett, labor
L Corcoran, labor
W Carberry, labor
Jas Connolly, labor
A Crawford, labor
D Corcoran, labor
E Desmond, labor
J Dougherty, labor
M Dunnigan, labor
F Darling, labor
P Dax, labor
Jno Dittman, labor
W Dean. labor
Jno Eagan, labor
Steve Eustis, labor
Jno Engel, labor
R T Eddy, labor
M Farrell, labor ...
W Flanagan, labor
W Flynn, labor
Pat Farrell, labor
Chr Frohs, labor
Joe Fiddler, labor
P Fenelon, labor
N Frith, labor
J Farley. labor
P Gregory, labor
20 00
5 65
3 75
1 25
2 50
6 90
1 25
16 25
50 00
20 00
7 50
Joe Gavin, labor 10 65
Jno Glrst, labor 3 75
P Greiner. labor 5 95
M Gira, labor 2 20
P Guenther, labor 1 25
B Glass, labor 2 50
Geo Gau, labor 2 50
Chas Grunzig, labor 2 50
Con Geimer, labor 2 50
D Grasshorn, labor 1 25
J Hauley• labor ... 5 65
J Hafey, labor 5 00
Chr Heck, labor 6 90
Jac Hansen, labor 10 00
Dan Hoey, labor 3 15
Dan Harman, labor 1 25
M Haffner, labor 1 25
Aug Hofferman, labor 5 65
T Hagerty, labor 4 40
Jno Hayes, labor 20 00
Jas Hird, labor 19 50
J G Jones, labor 5 00
Ed Joacum, labor 2 50
Aug Jass, labor 5 95
A Johnson, labor 5 00
Jno Jehring, labor 3 75
Phil Kenney, labor 5 00
H Kehr, labor 5 00
M Kieffer, labor 2 50
Joe Kiebel, labor 3 75
Jac Kasper, labor 5 95
Asa Knapp, labor 5 65
Jno Kelly, labor 4 40
F Krueger, labor 6 25
Wm Kronfeld, labor 5 00
Jno Kinsella, labor 20 00
Matt Klein, labor T 12 50
P Lovett, labor 5 00
M Lavin, labor 5 00
P Leidinger, labor 5 00
P Lynch, labor 8 15
H Lembke, labor 2 50
H Luck, labor .............. • • • • • . 51 90
F Lillie, labor .... 16 25
M Lonergan, labor5 25
Pat Moran, labor 6 90
Jno Mullen, labor 7 50
Pat Mohan, labor 6 90
Con Miller, labor 6 00
M Mulholland, labor 2 50
D A Minor, labor 6 25
Joe Martineck, labor . 9 70
Ernst Mueke, labor 5 25
T Maloney, labor 5 00
Jno McNulty, labor • • 5 00
W McDermott, labor 2 50
Jas McCormack. labor 2 25
J McCarten, labor . . 6 00
Jno McCaffrey, labor 6 90
A McGuan, labor 6 25
Mat McNamara, labor 9 70
Pat McPoland, labor 10 70
M McCune, labor 40 00
R McGivern, labor
List of Warrants.
P Newman, labor
Jno O'Dea, labor
H O'C onnell, labor
16 25
3 75
5 00
P O'Toole, labor 4 70
P O'Brien, labor 2 50
N J Offerman, labor 16 25
Wm O'Brien, labor 20 00
Jas Purcell, labor 5 00
Jas Powers, labor .. 5 00
G Paar, labor 6 90
Jno Pfeiffer, labor 3 75
Jno Parker, labor 10 00
C H Pierce, labor 16 25
P Quinn, labor 6 00
M Quinlan, labor 3 15
T Reilly, labor 6 00
Joe Rosecamp, labor 8 15
M Raiseck, labor 5 00
Jno Ryan, labor 5 65
A Reuter, labor 6 90
Chas Reilly, labor 1 25
Jas Reed, labor 4 40
Pac Raesner, labor 5 95
F Remus, labor 4 40
Joe Renker, labor 1 90
F Renker, labor 4 40
Joe Raetz, labor 20 00
Jno Saunders, labor 6 25
H Stevens, labor 5 65
P Scanlon, labor 5 66
M Sullivan, labor 5 00
N Sweeney, labor 3 45
M Scollard, labor 2 60
W Spensley, labor 2 50
W Sheridan, labor 1 25
Geo Sutter, labor 2 50
Jno Schroeder, labor 6 90
P Stoffes, labor 1 25
Jno Spies, labor 13 45
Simon Schaetzle, labor 5 00
John Schiel, labor 5 95
W Schwaegler, labor 4 40
Jac Scheidecker, labor 6 25
Jno Schemmel, labor 2 50
Tony Schmitt, labor 2 50
Jac Schmitt, labor 1 25
Lewis Smith, labor 4 40
Paddy Smith, labor 4 40
Matt Specht, labor . ......... 6 90
Jac Schener, labor 6 90
A R Stevenson, labor 75 00
W Terry, labor 6 90
L Taylor, labor 13 15
Geo Taylor, labor' 3 50
11 Tippe, labor 65
Jno Whelan, labor 2 20
Jno Ward, labor 2 50
Jno Welsh, labor 7 50
Peter Wiest, labor 6 90
N Waumpach, labor 5 95
Jno Welsh, labor 8 15
Herm Weber, labor 5 65
Ed Welsh, labor 6 25
W Zachina, labor 6 90
F Zernon, labor 1 25
F Zuershoff, labor 1 25
Geo Zumhoff, labor 19 50
J Beekman, teams 13 15
Edw Burns, teams 5 00
Mrs J Brown, teams 12 50
P Clancy, teams 13 75
B Cain, teams 10 00
Steve Casey, teams 5 00
, Jno Calvert, teams 20 65
Joe Calvert, teams 21 25
Bridget Costello, teams 18 75
Al Conrad, teams 2 50
Wm Dodson, teams 12 50
Jno Decker, teams 65
Jno Duggan, teams 10 00
Wm Ellis, teams .. 12 50
Tom Elliott, teams 18 75
Ed Frith, teams 16 25
P C Foley, teams 9 40
N Gregory, teams 16 90
Jas Graham, teams 16 25
M Hannon, teams 18 75
T Kane, labor 21 25
Joe Kenneally, teams 18 75
Tom Kenneally, teams 10 00
Jno Long, teams 9 40
W Leik, teams 12 50
P Linehan, teams 11 25
Jno Meyer. teams 2 50
McElrath Teaming Co, teams 17 50
C L McGovern, teams 14 40
Jas McCracken, teams 2 50
Jas McBride, teams 2 50
Dan McCollins, teams 5 00
Jno McCollins, teams . 21 25
P S Norton, teams 10 00
Jno Parker, teams 21 25
Mrs E Quinlivan, teams .. 9 40
Jno Sigworth, teams 7 50
Ed Seeley, teams 10 00
D Sutherland, teams 10 00
Jno Strotz, teams 10, 00
Jno Schultz, teams 3 15
Geo Scott, teams 13 75
M Theis, teams 5 00
A Turner. teams 17 50
Chas Botsford, labor .. 17 25
D Duggan, labor 5 25
Sam Elmer, labor 16 50
M Flynn, labor 19 50
P Furey, labor 13 50
Chas Hillery, labor 20 00
Joe Lowery, labor 18 00
Jno McCune, labor 19 60
Jas Ryan, labor 19 50
Joe Rooney, labor 12 00
Chas Steiner, labor 8 00
Geo Scott, labor 65
Gotf Gmehle. assistant assessor50 00
Jos J Murphy, assistant assessor 50 00
Thos Maguire, assistant at-
torney 50 00
Jas O'Connor, hanging screens
at city hall 17 50
Mrs. Meehan, cleaning and
scrubbing city hall 13 00
Mrs. Connelly, cleaning and
scrubbing city hall 12 00
P R Martin, dog tags and team
license tags 28 60
Hardie & Scharle, 25 copies city
directories .. 100 00
Walton & Bieg, stationery for
city attorney 5 15
The Herald, blank stationery for
treasurer 10 00
Metz Blank Book Co, duplicate
receipt register . 14 00
C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks
for May 6 00
Dom Frank, trimming trees in
Jackson park 4 00
List of Warrants.
Gus Holl, sharpening lawn mow-
ers, etc.
D C Stewart, copy of deed Wag-
ner to Graff
T J Donahue, stone crossing north
side of 17th and Washington
streets 11 50
J. J. Desmond, constructing new
sidewalks on various streets 83 58
Isaac Proctor, removing wall and
building arch on West llth
Pat Quinn, macadam
W Dodson, macadam
Jno Tibey, macadam .. ......
Jos Sieg, macadam'
P Horch, macadam
B D Lenlhan, repairing tools for
road department
Jno Butt, repairing tools for road
department ....
F Schloz, repairing tools for road
Lear & Pflffner, repairing tools
for road department 2 00
Chas. Matz, repairing tools for
road department .. .. 66
The Knapp Stout & Co. Co Lum-
ber for city scales and road
department .. .. 4 7
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
road department .. 47 40
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing gas
fixtures street commissioners
W. B. Baumgartner, new tools
for road department .. 13 85
Jno. Driscoll, cutting stepping
stones .. .. .. 8 00
J. Sherman, trowel and ham-
mer .. 1 00
Jno. Williams, gravel 4 25
G. B. Burch, gravel 3 75
Byrne & Saul, gravel 125 00
Hagerty Bros., pine wood for
steam roller 1
F. M. Jaeger & Co., new tools
for road department 16
G. F. Kleih, new tools for road
department 28
Key City Gas Co., gas and coke 107
Lear & Pflffner, horseshoeing13
Lagen & Wilkinson, horseshoeing 8
Collings & Wilkinson, horseshoe-
ing 3
Ott, Meuser Co., shavings 12
Jno. Duggan, repairing trucks
and wagons .. .. 40
M. Byrne, hay 119
Excelsior Brass Works, repairs
at 4th and 9th street engine
houses .. .. .. 4
F. M. Jaeger & Co., 18 feet rope 2
Chas. Matz, repairs 18th street
engine house .
Jno. Butt. repairs at 9th street
and Delhi street engine houses 4
J. F. Ris & Bro., repairs lan-
terns etc .
Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repairs
engines and steam roller 56
Key City Furniture Co., lum-
Ellwanger Bros., repairng har-
ness for fire and street de -
2 00
1 00
50 00
6 50
10 95
23 50
15 60
10 50
2 55
16 0
partments .. .. .. 3 60
Dubuque Water Co., 336 hys-
drant for June .. 1900 00
Otto Rath, board of prisoners
for June .. 3 20
Kaep & Buechele, gloves for po-
lice.. .. .. ..
Jno. Gantenbein, whitewashing
calaboose .. .,
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for patrol team
Duggan & Kane, supplies for
matrons' quarters ..
Iowa Telephone Co.. telephone
service .. .. .,
Iowa Telephone Co., messages
over toll lines ..
Jno. E. Hartig, key for mar-
shal's office .. .. ..
P. Hansen, oats for patrol house
M. Byrne, hay
J. J. Nagle, oats 42 60
0 Smith, Morgan Printing Co. Blank
Stationery .. 7 00
N. Offerman, Pound Master star 2 00
Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe and
cement , 16 30
G. F. Kleih, new tools dept. 7 50
J. P. Schroeder, cement 2 20
0 Pape & Jacquinot, repairs for
sewer dept. 2 05
Jim Harney repair tools.. .. .. 2 70
Globe Journal, official printing for
June. 50 00
0 The Herald, official printing for
June.. 50 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print-
ing for June 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly pro-
ceedings, $6.00; health reports
$3.50 9 50
Star Electric Co., 322 arc lights1738 80
for June .
Globe Light and Heat Co., 100
lanmps 166 67
75 Dan Sheenan, labor on city dump 2 50
T. E. Frith, removing garbage 193 45
55 and dead animals..
Diamond Jo Line, appropriation 50 00
46 for Eagle Point ferry
25 Steamer Teal, appropriation for 25 00
85 Steamer Teal. • •
00 J. R. Guthrie, medical services
rendered Chas. Hillery, for in -
60 juries received by falling on 12 60
20 sidewalk
H. B. Gniffke, Ref Exc. Permits 30 00
35 H. B. Gniffke, interest on war -
35 rants ,372 35
H. B. Gniffke, New York ex- 13 53
change on bonds... ....... .. .
95 H. B. Gniffke, postage and re -
20 venue stamps.... • • • •
H. B. Gniffke, express charges ..
75 H. B. Gniffke, rebate on over-
charges for vault cleaning.... 22 85
50 J.a Ted D. J. Lyons, Jr., forservice thrie, medical injur-
ies received by falling on side-
walk.... 25 00
for first half
50 John Albert, labor 2 50
of July' ...... • • . '
00 Pat Bell, labor for first half of 6 50
Paul Becker, laborer for first half
1 20
4 00
3 25
4 45
54 00
2 35
3 00
27 30
2 50
List of Warrants.
of July
D. Brunskill, labor for first half
of July ••••
Joe Brown, labor for first half of
J. Callahan, labor for first half
of July
L. Cahill, labor for first half of
M. Cain, labor for first half of
M. Carmody, lobor for first half of
D. Crotty, labor for first half of
July... • ..
D. Corcoran, labor for first half
of July
J.. Connelly, labor for first half of
A. Crawford, labor for first half
of July
John Doherty, labor for first half
of July 1 25
T. Donahue, labor for first half of
July 1 25
M. Dunnigan, labor for first half
of July 6 25
P. Dempsey, labor for first half of
July 6 25
J. Dittman, labor for first half of
July 6 25
W. Dean, labor for' first half of
July .. .. ...... ... 10 00
John Driscoll, labor for first half
of July 11 50
R. T. Eddy, labor for first half of
July.... ...... 20 00
Pat Furey, labor for first half of
July ........ 6 25
M. Fetschle, labor for first half of
July ... 81:,
W. Flanningan, labor for first
half of July 6 25
P. Fenelon, labor for firs half of
July 15 00
J. Farley, labor for first half of
July•,, 20 00
Joe Given, labor for first half of
July...... ....
P. Greden, labor for first half of
Geo. Gau, labor for first half of
P Gunther, labor for first half of
July 6 25
J. Gunther, labor for first half of
July........ ...... .. ...... .... 6 25
H. Galls, labor for first half of
July 6 25
Jno. Hafey, labor for first half of
July 1 25
Christ Heck. labor for first half of
July.. . 5 00
Dan Hoag, labor for first half of
July 6 25
Jac Hansen, labor for first half of
July.... .. .... 6 25
Toe Grab, labor for first half of
kndy Johnson, labor for first
half of July
Matt Kiefer, labor for first half of
^f July.. ..
Glimer, labor for first hall or
5 95
1 25
15 00
3 75
6 25
1 25
6 25
1 55
4 40
15 00
24 00
6 25
5 00
6 25
1 25
1 95
20 00
Jas. Hird, labor for first half of
.Tuly •. •. ., 7 50
Fdw. Jochum, labor for first half
July 2 50
M. Haffner, labor for first half of
July . • 2 20
Jno. Hayes, labor for first half of
July 1 25
Joe Kiebel, labor for first half of
July 7 50
Jno. Kelly, labor for first half of
July 1 25
Jno Kinsella, labor for first half
of July 20 00
Matt Klein, labor for first half of
July.. 12 50
Pat Lovett, labor for first half of
July 1 25
M. Lavin, labor for first half of
July.. 6 25
Jno. Lavin Sr., labor for first half
of July ...• 6 25
M.. Lonergan, labor for first half
of July 15 00
Jno. Mullen, labor for flrst half of
July 5 00
M. Murphy, labor for first half of
July 5 00
Jno. Malloy, labor for first half of
July .. 6 90
Jas. Malloy, labor for first half of
W. Mulholland, labor first half of
T. Mulqueeney, labor for first half
of July .. 2 50
D. A. Minor, labor first half July 1 25
Joe Martineck, labor first half
7 50
8 50
July.. .. .• •• •. ..............
T. Malony, labor first half J
Jas. McCormack, labor first
Jno. McCarron, labor first
July •. .. ••
Jno. McGee, labor first half
P. McCarten, labor first half
F. McBride, labor first half
Jno. McGrath, labor first
July . • .. .
P. McPoland, labor first
Phil. Newman, labor first
July. • .. ..
P. O'Brien, labor first half
N. J. Offerman, labor first
July .• .• .. ..
W. O'Brien, labor first half
Jas. Purcell, labor first half
Jas. Powers, labor first half
Jno. Pfeiffer, labor first
July .. .. ..
Jno. Parker, labor first half
C. H. Pierce, labor first
July .. .. ..
W. Quinlan, labor first half July
M. Quinlan, labor first half July
S. Radford, labor first half July
M. Raiseck, labor first half July
Joe Rooney, labor first half July
Jno Raetz, labor for half July
M. Scollard, labor first half July
M. Sullivan, labor first half July
N. Sweeney, labor first half July
Jno. B. Stevens, labor first half
3 75
uly.. 4 50
3 75
July 1 25
July 6 25
July 8 75
July 3 75
July 20 00
July 1 25
July 1 25
July 8 45
3 75
6 25
1 25
15 00
6 90
15 00
2 50
1 25
6 25
5 00
4 40
20 00
3 75
1 25
4 70
List of Warrants.
Jas. S. Smith, labor first half
July.. .. ..
F. Scherr, labor first half July
Jos. Sieg, labor first half July
Jno. Schemmel, labor first half
July .. .. ..
W. Terry, labor first half July
L. Taylor, labor first half July
A. Wondrasek, labor first half
July .. .. ..
N. Wambach, labor first half
July .. .. ..
F. Zemon, labor first half July
J. Beekman, teams.... ..
Jno. Calvert teams .. .. ..
Joe Calvert, teams.. ..
Mrs. B. Costello, teams
Al. Conrad, teams ..
B. Cain, teams
W. Dodson, teams
T. Elliott, teams .. .. ..
W. Ellis, teams ..
Edw. Frith, teams
P. C. Foley, teams
N. Gregory, teams
Jas. Graham, teams
M. Hannon, teams .. .. ...
M. Kenneally, teams .. ..
P. Linehan, teams .. ..
Jno. Long, teams
F. Mathis, teams .. ..
McElrath Teaming Co., teams
Jas. McCracken, teams .. ..
Jeff McGrath, teams .. ....
Jno. McCollins, teams .. ..
P. M. Norton, teams .. ..
Geo. Reynolds, teams ..
Edw. Seeley, teams .. ..
Geo. Scott, teams
D. Sutherland, teams .... ....
A. Turner, teams .. ..
M. Theis, teams .. .. ..
Jas. Tobin, teams ..
Chas. Botsford, labor on sewers
Sam Elmer, labor on sewers
Pat Furey, labor on sewers
M. Flynn, labor on sewers
Chas. Hillery, labor on sewers
Joe Lowery, labor on sewers
Jno. McCune, labor on sewers..
Jas. Ryan, labor on sewers
Dubuque Water Co., water for
city hall and patrol house15 00
Joe Rooney, labor on sewers.. .. 75
D. S. Wilson, transcript of testi-
mony in case of Wilberding vs.
City for supreme court 91 25
Jas. McCann, witness' fees in
case of Forester vs. City.. 6 35
Jno. Pier, witness' fees in case
of Forester vs. City 6 35
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of July, 1898.
City Recorder.
To J. Marzen:
2 20 You are hereby notified that in ac -
5 00 cordance with an ordinance of the city
2 00 council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from sidewalk
6 25 in the months of January, February
1 25 and March, A. D., 1898, a special as -
6 90 sessment will be levied fur the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet -
6 20 . ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 46, in E. Langwothy's
add., owned by you being subject to
such special assessment. And you are
notified to appear at said meeting of
the council, to be held on the 4th day
of August, A. D., 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
6 90
6 25
11 25
20 00
10 00
10 65
10 00
1 25
11 25
10 00
6 25
10 00
10 00
13 75
10 00
5 00
7 50
11 25
12 50
12 50
16 25
12 50
20 00
7 50
12 50
7 50
11 25
13 75
11 25
13 15
2 50
18 00
18 00
18 00
18 00
20 00
18 00
18 00
18 00
To J. M. Linehan:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D., 1898, a spec-
ial assessment will be levied for the
expense thereof at the next regular
meeting of the council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 10, in Prospect Hall,
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are noti-
fied to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on th.. 4th day of
August, A. D., 1898. and show cause if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To Jas. Harris Est.:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from sidewalk
in the months of January, February
and March, A. D., 1898, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense
there of at the next regular meeting of
the city council, upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment, lot 1 in Prospect Hill, owned by
you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to
be held on the 4th day of August, A.
D., 1898, and show cause if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
City Recorder.
To C. Shannon:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
Official Notices.
ruary and March, A. D., 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council upon all lots
parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement, lot 50, in Woodlawn Park
add., owned by you being subject to
such special assessment. And you are
notified to appear at said meeting of
the council, to be held on the 4th day
of August, A. D., 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To C. Shannon:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D., 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 1, 2 and 49, in Wood -
lawn Park add., owned by you being
subject to such assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meeting
of the council, to be held on the 4th
day of August, A. D., 1898, and show
cause if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To A. Cummings:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D., 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 18, in Cumming's sub,
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are noti-
fled to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
August, A. D., 1898, and show cause if
any you have, why shaid assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To M. Kunkle:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for
the removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 74 in McCraney's lst
add, owned by you being subject to
such special assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meeting
of the council, to be held on the 4th
day of August, A. D. 1598, and show
cause if any you have. why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To R. E. Shannon:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D., 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council. upon ail lots and
parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement, lot 20, in Oaklana Park add,
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are noti-
fled to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
August, A. D., 1898, and show cause if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To C. Geiger:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D., 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots and
parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement, lot 102, in Woodlawn Park
add., owned by you being subject to
such special assessment. And you are
notified to appear at said meeting of
the council, to be held on the 4th day
of August, A. D., 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To W. G. Jackson:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 13. in Demming and
Hon's sub, owned by you being sub-
ject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council, to be held on the
4th day of August, A. D. 1898, and show
cause if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
Oficial Notices
To Rev. J. Hennessy:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 821 in Mcnaniel's add,
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
August, A. D. 1898, and show cause
If any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied
City Recorder.
To Alace A. Goldthorp:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, k. D 189S, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, sub 741, lot 3 in city,
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
August, A. D. 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To Charles Higley:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D., 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot S 19 ft lot 71 in city,
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
August, A. D., 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To L. J. Peterson:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side -
'.;i k in the inool.lai of January. ''el)-
ruary and March, A. D. 1098. a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot West 65.8 of 62.4 lot
465 in city owned by you being subject
to such special assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council, to be held on the
4th day of August, A. D. 1898, and
show cause if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To Jas. Michel:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot N 73, lot 64 in city
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
council, to he held on the 4th day of
August, A. D. 1898, and show cause
if any you have. why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To Wm. Strinsky:
You are heresy notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 19 in Demming and
Hon's sub, owned by you being subject
to such special assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council to be held on the 4th
day of August. A. D. 1898, and show
cause if any you have, why said as
sessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To J. V. White:
You are hereby notified that in nc-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months, of January. Feb-
ruary and March. A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 7, in Glendale add,
Official Notices.
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. Any you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
August, A. D. 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To C. L. Burke:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walk in the months "f January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement, lot 371 in Davis Farm,
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
August, A. D. 1898, and show cause
if any you have. why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To Mary Messerkercht:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removing of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D., 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot sub 52 and 53 N 22 ft
54 lot 1 in E. Langworthy's add., own-
ed by you being subject to such spec-
ial assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the coun-
cil, to be held on the 4th day of Au-
gust, A. D., 1898, and show cause if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To John Phillips:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 1 in Buettell and
Langworthy's , add, sub 3, owned by
you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council,
to be held on the 4th day of August, A.
D 1898, and show cause 12 any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
7-26-5t. City Recorder.
To A. Jauggen:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of. January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 290 in Davis' Farm
owned by you being subject to spch
special assessment. Any you are noti-
fied to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
August, A. D. 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To A. Shoemacher:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walk in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898,a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 69 in McCraney's 1st
add, owned by you being subject to
such special assessment. And you are
notified to appear at said meeting of
the council, to be held on the 4th day
of August, A. D. 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To J. Mullen:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot 5, sub 2 in mineral
lot 88, owned by you being subject to
such special assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meeting
of the council, to be held on the 4th
day of August, A. D. 1898, and show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
Official Notices.
To L. F. Dohs:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from sidewalks
in the months of January, February
and March, A. D. 1898, a special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting
of the city council, upon all lots and
parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement, lot 18 in Oakland Park add,
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held cn the 4th day of
August A. D. 1898, and show cause if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To W. H. Doan:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the ctiy
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lots 1, 2, and 3, sub 12, in
mint lot 172, owned by you being sub-
ject to such assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council, to be held on the
4th day of August. A. D. 1898, and
show cause if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To Alice Goldthorpe:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot N. 38.5 219 in city.
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
council, to be held on the 4th day of
August, A. D. 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To Christ Higley:
You are hereby notified , that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots and
parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement, lot S. 19 ft 71 in city, owned
by you being subject to such special
assessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council
to be held on the 4th day of August,
A. D. 1898, and show cause, 1f any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
City Recorder.
To Thos. Zinn:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council. upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot N. 46.10, lot 44, in E.
Langworthy's add, owned by you be-
ing subject to such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the council, to be held on
the 4th day of August, A. D. 1898, and
show cause if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To James Woodward:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
removal of snow and ice from side-
walks in the months of January, Feb-
ruary and March, A. D. 1898, a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot N 1-3 of S 1-2 lot 750
in city, owned by you being subject to
such special assessment. And you are
notified to appear at said meeting of
the council, to be held on the 4th day
of August, A. D. 1898, and show cause
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
7-27-5t. City Recorder.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that there is
on file for public inspection in the
office of the assistant city engineer a
plat of the proposed sanitary sewer-
age system for that portion of the city
lying between Johnson avenue and
Eagle Point, action on the above plat
will be taken by the council Thursday
evening, August 18, 1898.
Committee Clerk.
242 Official Notices.
July 22nd, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 8 o'clock p. rn. Thurs-
day, August 4th, 1898, for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer in Pickett and
Alma street from end of present sewer
to West 16th street, in accordance with
plans and specifications now on file in
this office. The work must be com-
pleted on or lu,fore October 1st, 1898.
The work will consist of building an
eight (8) inch tile pipe sanitary sew-
er from end of present sewer to West
16th street a distance of about 600 lineal
feet, with 3 man holes. The material
used must he of the best quality of salt
glazed, vitrified stone ware sewer pipe
which with all other materials will be
subject to approval of the city engineer
and sewer committee.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for doing all the work and fur-
nishing all material, do the grading
and back filling and leave the surface
in a smooth and satisfactory condition
to the engineer and sewer committee
and also state price per each manhole.
A certified check of ($45.00) forty five
dollars on some Dubuque bank must
accompany each bid as a guarantee
that a contract will be entered into if
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
7-23-10t. City Recorder.
Recorder's Office, July 30, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. Thurs-
day, August 4th, 1898, for removing
filling, taking down old wall, and for
construction of a new retaining wall,
and replacing filling, on De Soto Ter-
race, in accordance with plans and
specifications now on file in this office.
The contractor to do all the necessary
excavating for the wall and deposit
the same where the city engineer di-
Bidders must state the price per cu-
bic yard for furnishing the material
and the necessary labor. The above
work to be finished according to spec-
Bids must be accompanied with a cer
tifled check for $200.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
7-30-5t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 8:00 o'clock p. m.,
Thursday, August 4, 1898, for
improving alley between Hall and
Louisa streets, north and next to
Grace streets in accordance with the
plat of said alley and the specifications
prepared by the city engineer and on
file in the office of the city recorder.
The extent of the work as follows:
Macadaminzing, 760 square yards.
Earth filling, 345 cubic yards.
Earth cutting, 520 cubic yards.
The second course of macadam must
be purchased from the city and all sur-
plus material to belong to the city and
must be placed where the city engineer
may direct.
Said work must be completed on or
before September, 15, 1898, and will be
paid for when said work is completed
and accepted by the city council.
Bidders must state the price per
square yard for macadamizing and the
price per cubic yard for filling.
A certified check on some Dubuque
bank for $40 must accompany each bid
as a guarantee that a contract will be
entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated this 23rd July, 1898.
7-23-10t. City Recorder.
Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 3rd, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city engineer's office, Dubuque, Ia.,
up to 4 o'clock Aug. 16th, 1898, for con-
structing sidewalks as follows:
Two feet wide on the south side of
St. Joseph street, between Fremont
avenue and Stilimore street, abutting
lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Babcock's add.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids. A certified check for
ten dollars will be required with each
bid. E. C. BLAKE City Engineer.
August 6th, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. Thurs-
day, August 18th, 1898, for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer in Pickett and
Alma street from end of present sewer
to West 16th street, in accordance with
plans and specifications now on file in
this office. The work must be com-
pleted on or before October lst, 1898.
The work will consist of building an
eight (8) inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
from end of present sewer to West 16th
street a distance of about 600 lineal
feet, with 3 man holes. The material
used must be of the best quality of salt
glazed, vitrified stone ware sewer pipe
which with all other materials will be
subject to approval of the city engineer
and sewer committee.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for doing all the work and fur-
nishing all material, do the grading
and back filling and leave the surface
in a smooth satisfactory condition to
the engineer and sewer committee
and also state price per each manhole.
A certited check of ($45.00) forty five
dollars on some Dubuque bank must
accompany each bid as a guarantee
Official Notice.
that a contract will be entered into if
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
8-6-10.t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. Thurs-
day, August 18, 1898, for improving
Troy street and alley running south-
erly from the south end of Troy street
to Kniest street in accordance with
plans and specifications prepared by
the city engineer and now on file In
the office of the city recorder. The
extent of the work is as follows:
Macadam -1355 square yards.
Earth Filling -170 cubic yards.
Earth Filling -689 cubic yards.
The top course of macadam must be
six inches thick and will be taken from
city lot on Queen street and taken from
piles as the city engineer and street
committee may direct, the contractor
to do the hauling and handling of some
at his own expense. The city will re-
tain from monies due the contractor
for compensation for said macadam
furnished at the rate of 65c per cubic
The work must be completed on or
before the 1st day of October, 1898, and
shall be paid for when the work is com-
pleted and accepted by the city coun-
The proposals for doing said work
will be acted upon by the council on
the 18th day of August, 1898.
Bidders will state the price per
square yard for macadamizing and the
price per cubic yard for filling. A
certified check for 350.00 must accom-
pany each bid as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if award-
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated July 30, 1898.
7-30-10t. City Recorder
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the city council of the
city of Dubuque, held on August 4, 1898,
the following special assessments were
levied on the real estate herein after
described, and that in case of failure
to pay within the time prescribed by
the ordinance governing same, all will
become delinquent and subject to col-
lection by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For constructing a four foot side-
walk on Washington and Elm streets:
Henry Herancourt, Glendale
add, lot 28 ............. $ 7 13
Henry Herancourt, Glendale
add, lot 29 ....
Henry Herancourt, Glendale
add, lot 30 ...
7 13
7 12
Henry Herancourt, Glendale
add, lot 31 7 12
Henry Herancourt, Glendale
add, lot 32 .. 7 12
A Flechsig, Glendale add, lot 137 12
R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 147 13
R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 157 12
K Kaltenbach. Glendale add, N
1-2 lot 53 and lot 57 10 87
R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 587 40
R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 597 39
N Kiltenhofer, Glendale add,
lot 44 7 25
Henry Deville, Glendale add,
lot 45.. ....... 7 25
Joseph Gauthier, Glendale add,
lot 38 . 7 25
R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 60.. 7 39
Regular Session, September 1, 1898.
Regular Session, September 1st. 1898.
Council met at 8:00 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
Ald. Flynn moved that the council
proceedings for the month of August,
1898 be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were allowed:
Thos. F. Maguire, asst. city at
torney .. .. $50.00
Lyon, Barnard & Co., decorations
for city hall.. ..
Chas. Kruse, witness fees, Engeles
vs city
L. Daily, cleaning around market
June, July, Aug.
Ideal Remedy Co. 5 galsNaptho-
leum ..
Palmer Winall & Co, abstract in
case of Frohs vs city 69 00
Palmer Windall & Co., abstract
in case of McMahon vs city 15 00
Palmer Winall & Co., blank
books and stationry 6150
D. S. Wilson, transcript of testi-
mony case of Wilberding vs city 84 00
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun-
cil proceedings.. .... ........ 3 00
Gus Hall, sharpening lawn mower 75
J. P. Cooke, new stamps and re-
mounting old stamps.. .... .... 2 60
Dubuque Water Co., water for
city sprinkler.... 14 55
F. Schloz, repair of tools.... 7 05
D. B. Lenehan, repair of tools 2 60
John Butt, repair of tools. 2 45
John Butt, repair of fountain, 14th
and Elm streets .... .. 9 75
Palmer Winall & Co., time blanks
for steam rolled 2 00
John Spielman, sprinkling streets
during races .... .... 12 25
Vogenthaler & Ragatz repair of
steam roller 31 30
Fred Roehl, new tools for street
department.. .... 5 75
Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber
Co., lumber.... 23 63
Peter Seippel, lumber 3 65
Hagerty Bros, pine wood for
steam roller 1 75
Jos. Sieg, rock furnished to city 8 80
J. W. Wittmer, paints and ois for
steam roller.... 1 50
Mrs. M. Quinlan, macadam 10 00
Vogenthaler & Ragatz, repairs at
18th street engine house 18 33
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire department.. 6 50
Jno Kriebs, repair of harness1 25
Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing7 00
Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- 3 20
Dubuque Water Co., 337 hydrants
for Aug 1404 15
Otto Rath, board of prisoners 16 00
for Aug •
6 75
1 35
35 25
7 50
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and etc.,
for police department
Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe-
ing police department .... ...... 4 40
Duggan & Kane, supplies for
matron's quarters .. 3 50
T. J. Conlin, shavings for patrol
Emil Schiling, labor on fountain
14th and Elm streets 3 25
Pape & Jacquinot, repairs on
fountain, 14th and Elm street7 55
John Driscoll, labor on fountain
14th and Elm streets 1 00
Fred Roehl, new tools for sewer
department ...... ........ .... 1 30
F. Kress, veterinary services for
horse .. 2 00
Globe Journal, official printing
for Aug. .... 50 00
The Herald, official printing for
August 50 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print-
ing for August ...... ...... 60 00
Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies for
engineers' department. .... 4 75
Star Electric Co., 322 arc lights
for August. 1738 80
Globe Light & Heat Co., 100 lamps
for August 166 67
Dubuque Telegraph, board of
health report for Aug. . 2 00
Dan Sheenan, labor at city dump 8 75
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals 200 88
Frank Burns, cleaning alley
(called Troy street.) .. • 26 95
Key City Gas Co. gas consumed
by Mrs. E. A. Lull 4 15
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on street and police and
I. Proctor, final estimate for fill-
ing Schneider's lot .. .. 125 25
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on streets
Jas O'Connor cleaning in and
around city hall 8 1-2 days at
$1 25 10 65
(on motion the bill was referred back
to the market master.)
Dubuque Telegraph blank health 9 50
reports...... .... .. ........
On motion the bill was referred to
the board of health.
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant asses -
or for Aug.... .. .. 50 00
G. Gmehle, assistant assessor for
50 00
Ald. Flynn moved that both bills of
the assistant assessors be paid provid-
ing they accept said amount in full up
to date. Carried.
Petition of Sam Star, sanitary police-
man asking that his salary be placed at
$60.00 per month instead of $50.00 as
at present.
Ald. Frith moved that the prayer of
the petitioner be granted and said in-
crease to commence on the 1st day of
September, 1898. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Crawford, Frith, Jones, and
1 40
3 00
9413 Regular Session, September 1, 1898.
Noes—Duggan and Flynn.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
Petition of Mrs. Margaret Alderson,
asking that the marshal be instructed
to enfr.rce the orders of the council of
Aug. 4th, to open Cooper and John
streets. Ald. Crawford moved that the
city engineer be instructed to give the
.hal the lines of said streets. Car-
Invitation of the Dubuque Trades and
Labor congress to attend their Labor
day celebration, Sept. 5th, at the shoot-
ing park. Ald. Frith moved to accept
the invitation and that the recorder
notify the congress of same.
The petition of Mrs. Henry Luck ask-
ing city to purchase her macadam was
referred to the commitee of the whole.
The petition of Isaac Proctor staing
that he had finished building
retaining wall on Grove Ter-
race, and filling Schneider's lot,
also widening the stone wall south
of elevator to admit of sidewalk and
asking that warrants be ordered drawn
to pay balance on contracts was on
motion of Ald. McLaughlin referred to
the committee of the whole.
The petition of W. S. White et al pro
testing gainst improvement of College
avenue from 1Vest 3rd. street to O'Neill
street was on motion of Ald. Crawford
referred to the committee on streets.
Petition of Timothy Dillon, asking
that the city engineer be instructed to
locate Laurel street from Grandview
avenue north between Summer Hill
addition and Lenheim addition and Can
non street from Herron Place to Laur-
el street. Ald. Crawford moved to re-
fer to committee on streets. Carried.
The petition of Catherine Sullivan.
stating that her houses had been wreck
ed by boys and asking the tax on lot 4
in sub of lots 2 and 3 in the sub of lot
3 of city lot 598, be cancelled for the
year 1897 and that the assessor be di-
rected to reduce the assessment on said
property to compare with its present
condition, Mrs. Sullivan was permitted
to address the council.
Ald. Flynn moved to refer to the de-
linquent tax committee and the mayor.
Petition of Mary Ballard asking that
the taxes on lot 3 of mineral lot 149
be cancelled for the year 1897, was re-
ferred to the committee on delinquent
The petition of Edward Conlan et al
asking that the proposed alley from
Mountain Lane to Union street be or-
dered open, was on motion referred to
the city attorney.
The petition of Aloys Lehmann ask-
ing that a six foot sidewalk be ordered
on the west side of Rebecca street from
Thomas street to lot 16 Fairview sub,
was on motion of Ald. Frith referred to
the 4th ward alderman.
The petition of Excellsior Brassworks
asking that the taxes for personal prop-
erty for the year 1897 be cancelled in
accordance with resolution of 1892, was
on motion of Ald. Crawford referred to
committee on finance.
The petition of D. Rhomberg protest-
ing against the order to fill lot 6 of
lot 7 of mineral lot 79 was read. Mr.
Rhomberg being present was permitted
to address the council in relation to
same, on motion the petition was laid
over until the report of the standing
An invitation was received from J.
E. E. Markley, chairman of committee
on ceremonies for Iowa day at Omaha
Exposition, asking that the city parti-
cipate in the exercises on Iowa day,
Sept. 21 at the Omaha Exposition, on
motion was referred to the committee
of the whole.
A communication was received from
J. H. Boyce, street commissioner stat-
ing that he had moved part of Forrest-
ers fence on West 14th street but found
that he could not complete It with the
old material and that it would take
about 400 feet of lumber. Ald. Dug-
gan moved that the street commissioner
inform Mr. Forrester that if he will
furnish the lumber, the city will build
the fence. Carried.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen. Below you will find state
ment of amounts paid out by me during
the month of August 1898, for which
please order warrants drawn in my
Excavation permits .... .... ....$ 45 00
Interest paid on warrants 2094.69
Express charges.... 66
Court Cost .... .. 5 40
Postage stamps .... .. 12 50
Telegrams .... 115
Total $2159 40
I also received money borrowed from
the following parties for which please
order loan warrants drawn in their ta-
Aug2, 1898, Mrs. A. J. Hayes....$ 225.00
Aug. 5, 1898, Alice Hanlon 200 00
Aug. 5, 1898 Second National
bank 7500 00
Aug. 19, 1898 Patrick McCarten 600 00
Aug. 26, 1898, John Bott .. 200 00
Aug, 30, Mrs. A. Hayes .. 100 00
Total $8825 00
The mayor ordered that the report be
received and that warrants be drawn in
favor of the various parties and the
report referred back to the finance
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit to
you my report for the month of August
1898, showing the recepts and disburs-
ments for the month.
Cash on hand, August 1, 1898, $28167 24
Consolidated tax of 1897 5882 94
Regular Session, September 1, 1898.
Water tax 1897
Interest Collected on same
Consolidated tax for 1896..
Water tax for 1896..
Interest collected on the sam
Consolidated tax for 1895
Water tax for 1895
Consolidated tax for 1894....
Water tax for 1894 ..
Consolidated tax for 1893....
Water tax for 1893
Consolidated tax for 1892
Water tax for 1892 ....
Consolidated tax from 1879, to
1891, inclusive 17
Water tax from 1879, to 1891,
inclusive 1
Special bonded tax 1308
Interest collected on same284
Special tax ...... 30
Interest on same
Special sewer tax
Interest collected on
Peddlers license
Team license
Rent of hucksters
Scale receipts
Pound receipts
Wood measurer receipts.. ....
Circus license
Jos Reinfried steam heatin.g..
C. H. Berg, injury to fountain ..
Excavation permits
511 70
278 49
44 50
4 45
1 45
2 00
2 00
1 90
2 00
same ......
... 8825
.. 15
$45,920 02
Warrants redeemed in
August, 1898 $15951 94
Coupons redeemed 725 00 16676 94
Cash on hand Sept
1st, 1898 $29243 08
Other cash on hand there be-
longing to the improvement
bond fund .. .. $ 7,611 24
Leaving a balance to credit of
the city .... $ 21631 84
Also report that there Is due city of-
ficials for the month of August, 1898,
Also the following is a list showing
the amount expended in each depart-
ment since the beginning of the fiscal
General expense fund . $15,445 10
Road 25,895 02
Police 13,461 50
Fire 14,438 78
Gas and light 11,429 32
Water 8,402 75
Engineer 2,273 30
Printing .. 1,297 45
Sewerage . . 2,577 50
Board of health 1.433 85
Interest 14,340 92
Total . ....$110,995 49
Mayor Berg ordered that the report
be received and warrants drawn to pay
the city officials and the report re-
ferred back to the finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The amount due firemen
for the month of August, 1898, $1,925.00.
Ald. Duggan moved to receive the
report and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts and
the report referred back to the com-
mittee on police and light. Carried.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following shows the
report of the police department for the
month of August. 1898.
Total arrests for the month 60
Total runs of the police patrol 53
Miles traveled by patrol 113
Police matrons' report—
County prisoners 5
City lodgers 2
Lost children 1
Meals county prisoners 95
Lodging 33
Meals city lodgers 8
Lodging city lodgers 2
Total cost $5.21
Pound master's receipt $3.00
Also report due the police for the
month of August, 1898, $1,999.70.
Mayor Berg ordered the report re-
ceived and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the police and the report referred
back to the committee on police and
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
due for labor on the streets for the last
half of August, 1898, $1,216.75.
Ald. Crawford moved that the re-
port be received and that warrants be
ordered drawn for the various amounts
and the report referred back to the
committee on streets. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce, in
charge of the sewers, reported due la-
borers on sewers for the last half of
August, 1898, $147.00.
Ald. Crawford moved that the re-
port be received and that warrants be
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred back
to the committee on sewers. Carried.
Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a
statement of the amount expended for
labor on streets during the month of
August, 1898, by wards:
Foreman. Kind of work. Amt.
Wm O'Brien, repairing Valley
street $ 11 50
Wm O'Brien, repairing Villa 7 15
street ........ ....
Wm O'Brien, repairing Bluff 10 25
Street Extension
Wm O'Brien, repairing Jones
street 113 65
Wm O'Brien, repairing South
Locust street 9 25
Wm O'Brien, repairing Booth
248 Regular Session, September 1, 1898.
Wm O'Brien, repairing Rising
Wm O'Brien, repairing Rush
Wm O'Brien, repairing Cleve-
land avenue
Wm O'Brien, repairing West 3rd
Wm O'Brien, cleaning various
14 55
46 25
14 50
10 25
20 50
33 80
Total First ward $291 65
R T Eddy, repairing Hill street$227 50
R T Eddy, repaiding West 3rd
R T Eddy, repairing Burch
R T Eddy, cleaning various
R McGivern, dumping 4th street
14 00
26 45
47 00
40 00
Total Second ward $354 95
Jno Farley. repairing West
cust street
Jno Farley, repairing White
Jno Farley, repairing 17th
Jno Farley, cleaning various
J 11 Boyce, mason work, repair-
ing crossing 10th street 5 70
57 50
25 75
12 75
151 85
Total Third ward $253 55
Jno Hayes. repairing West Lo-
cust street ..$135 65
Jno Hayes, repairing alley north
of West Locust ... 28 55
Jno Hayes. cutting weeds and
cleaning various streets 99 00
Landon Taylor, cutting weeds
various streets 23 15
J H Boyce, removing Mrs. Lull's
shed, llth street 4 40
J H Boyce, removing steps W
filth street 3 75
J H Boyce, replacing Forester's
fence, W. 14th street 10 65
Total Fourth ward $305 15
Jno Raetz, repairing Windsor
avenue $ 54 65
Jno Raetz, repairing Couler
Jno Raetz, repairing Rhomberg
Jno Raetz, repairing alley be-
tween Rhomberg and Lincoln. 10 25
Jno Raetz, repairing 7th avenue15 25
Jno Raetz, repairing curb and
gutter, Leibnitz street 11 50
Jno Raetz, cleaning various
streets .. 19 25
B Schnee, repairing 7th avenue24 25
B Schnee, repairing 5th avenue45 95
B Schnee, repairing Jackson
street „ 7-15
B Schnee, repairing Lincoln ave-
nue 38 25
154 25
68 45
J H Boyce, repairing curb and
gutter, Garfield avenue 10 00
J H Boyce, repairing curb and
gutter, Windsor avenue 5 90
J H Boyce, repairing curb and
gutter, Thomas street 5 70
J H Boyce. removing macadam
23d and Pine streets 6 25
Total Fifth ward $477 05
J H Boyce, sweeping paved
streets, all wards $236 75
J H Boyce, hauling street sprink
lers , 11 25
J H Boyce (salary) driver car-
penter wagon 40 00
J H Boyce, salary,
tor 25 00
Salary engineer and stoker
steam roller 125 00
paper collec-
Total $438 00
Total expended in all wards..$2,120 35
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
Ald. Crawford moved to receive the
report. Carried.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of August, 1898. I find from the
reports of the police Department that
the total hours that 70 lamps failed to
burn would equal 2 1-2 lamps for one
month or $12.60.
On motion the report received and fil-
ed and the auditor instructed to deduct
12.60 from the bill for August, 1898, of
the Star Electric company.
The following weighmaster and
woodmeasurer reports were presented
and referred to the committee on mar-
Otto Rath, city hall scales, re-
ceipts $ 16 20
Chas. Pitschner, West Dubuque
scales, receipts .. 3 10
T. Faherty, First ward scales,
receipts ... 3 60
R. F. Curran, woodmeasurer
receipts 67
Assistant City Engineer Hyde report
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—In compliance with your
order of August 18th, 1898, I herewith
present plat of proposed sewerage sys-
tem in alleys between Garfield, Rhom-
berg and Lincoln avenues, extending
from Johnson avenue to Second avenue.
With this system will also include the
Lincoln avenue sewer as an outlet and
same is shown on plat by black lines.
No provision is made by this system for
sewering south side of Garfield avenue.
Ald. Frith moved that the plat and
report be referred to the committee of
the whole. Carried.
Regular Session, September 1, 1898.
City Assessor Duncan reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I beg to report to your
honorable body that the assessment
rolls for the year 1898, is completed and
awaits your action.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the board
•of equalization, gave notice that there
would be a meeting of the equalization
board Tuesday, September 6th, 1898, at
2 o'clock p. m.
City Recorder Langstaff presented
the returns of notices, served on the
owners of lots ordered filled by resolu-
tion June 16th, 1898, as follows:
B. W. Lacy, owner of lot 40, Reche's
Martin Herr, owner of lot 27, Reche's
sub of mineral lot 161.
Simon Thoni, owner of lot 28, Reche's
sub of mineral lot 161.
E. M. Kringle, lot 6 of 7 of mineral
lot 79, now owned by D. Rhomberg.
Mr. Rhomberg, being present, was
granted permission to address the coun
cil. Mr. Rhomberg said in part, that
he appeared in response to the notice
that had been served on him, ordering
him to fill said lot and protested against
filling said lot.
Ald. Crawford moved that the pre-
liminary resolutions ordering said lots
filled and the petition of Mr. Rhom-
berg be referred to the committee of
the whole. Carried.
His Honor, Mayor Berg, had pre-
sented an abstract of title of lot 3 of
sub of outlot 688 in the city of Dubu-
que; also diagram of Lorimier sub of
outlots 654 and 688; also the defects in
title and diagram of lot 9 of sub of lots
654 and 688, in Dubuque.
The mayor referred the whole matter
to the committee of the whole and city
Mayor Berg stated that the notice of
claims for personal damages of Mrs.
Johnson and Mr. John Yates were in
the hands of the city attorney.
City Weighmaster Faherty being pres
ent was granted permission to address
the council. Mr. Faherty stated that
the receipts of the first ward scales
had fallen off largely in consequence
of private scales being built by per-
mission of the council near the scales
in the first ward.
Ald. Crawford moved that the matter
of city and private scales be referred to
the committee on markets and city at-
torney. Carried.
Mayor Bert stated that he had served
the notice on the Dubuque Water Com-
pany in accordance with resolution
passed by the city council August 18th,
1898, notice as follows:
"To the Dubuque Water Company,
Successors and Assigns of S. Cham-
berlain, J. W. Parker, H. W. Clark, R.
J1 Gibbs, and N. W. Kimball:
"You are hereby notified that the res-
olution, of which there is hereto attach-
ed a ,copy, was passed, and adopted by
the city council of the city of Dubuque,
Iowa, on the 18th day of August, 1898.
"Now, therefore, we, C. H. Berg, as
mayor of said city, and L. M. Lang-
staff, as recorder of said city ,in accord-
ance with said resolution, hereby notify
you that under the provisions of Sec-
tion 7 of said ordinance referred to in
said resolution, and as provided in said
resolution, the said city of Dubuque,
six months after the date of the ser-
vice of this notice upon you, will avail
itself of, and exercise, the right to pur-
chase from you the property specified
in said resolution and ordinance in the
manner provided in said Section 7 and
in said resolution. And you are notified
and required to fix and notify the said
city council (in the manner provided in
said resolution) of, the price and value
for which you will agree to sell the said
property and rights specified in said or-
dinance to the said city and the manner
and terms of sale.
As Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
As Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
State of Iowa, 1
) ss
Dubuque County.
I, C. H. Berg, Mayor of the City of
Dubuque, being sworn on oath, state
on Tuesday, the 23rd day of August,
1898, at Dubuque in said County, I serv-
ed the above notice and copy of resolu-
tion attached personally upon the Du-
buque Water Co. therin named, by
reading the same to N. W. Kimball as
secretary of said Dubuque Water Co.,
and by delivering to him personally a
copy of same. Dated August 23rd, 1898.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
to before me by the said C. H. Berg,
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, this
23rd day of August, 1898.
Notary Public of Iowa in and for Du-
buque County.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee on ordinances, presented an or-
dinance entitled an ordinance to regu-
late the manner of fixing, establishing
and changing grades in the city of Du-
buque, and moved that it be read for
the first time. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote.
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Total, 6.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The ordinance was then read in full.
Ald. Crawford moved that the rules
be suspended and the ordinance be read
the second time and that it be read by
its title.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Total, 6.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
250 Regular Seision, September 1, 1898
The ordinance was then read by its
Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi-
nance be placed on its final passage.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Total, 6.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance in full:
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
/ Section 1. That every grade here-
after agreed upon for any street, al-
ley, highway or avenue within said
city, shall be fixed and established by
ordinance, and the profile of all grades
so fixed and established shall be filed in
the office of, and kept of record, by the
city engineer.
Sec. 2. Any grade heretofore estab-
lished by resolution or otherwise than
by ordinance, shall be confirmed and
established by ordinance.
Sec. 3. That whenever application is
made to establish or change, or when-
ever the council deems it expedient to
establish or change the grade of any
street, alley, highway or avenue in the
city of Dubuque, the council shall di-
rect the city engineer to prepare from
actual survey and report to the council
a profile showing the grade proposed;
and report whether or not a grade has
been previously established on said
street, alley, highway or avenue, and if
there has been, said profile shall also
show said established grade, and he
shall also report whether or not any
person has made improvements on the
street, alley, highway, or avenue, or
lots abutting thereon, according to the
said established grade.
Sec. 4. After said profile has been
reported to the council, it shall either
reject or accept the same.
Sec. 5. When the profile is accept-
ed, the council shall, if no grade has
previously been established, or if,
where a grade has been established,
the engineer reports that no person
has made improvements on the street,
alley, highway or avenue, or lots abut-
ting thereon, according to the estab-
lished grade, forthwith cause the same
to be fixed and established by an ordi-
nance drawn for that purpose.
Sec. 6. If any grade has been es-
tablished on the street, alley, highway
or avenue and any person shall have
made improvements thereon according
to said established grade and the pro-
posed grade alters same in such a man-
ner as to damage, injure or diminish
the value of such property so improved,
the city shall pay to the owner of such
property the amount of such damage or
injury and the council in such a case
shall, after accepting the profile, post-
pone further action upon such propos-
ed change until the proceedings for the
appraisement of damages are had as
hereinafter prescribed.
Sec. 7. The amount of such damage
or injury shall be -determined and as-
sessed by three disinterested freehold-
ers, one of whom shall be selected by
the mayor, one by the owner of the
property, and one by the two so ap-
pointed. The mayor after his selec-
tion shall cause the marshal or other
proper officer to notify the owner of
such property to select an appraiser
and give his name to the mayor within
ten days from the time of receiving no-
tice. If the owner fails to select an
appraiser within ten days from the
time of receiving notice to select same,
or in case of the disagreement of such
two so appointed to select another ap-
praiser, the mayor shall so report to
the council and the council shall select
all such appraisers.
Sec. 8. Such appraisers shall take
oath to faithfully and impartially dis-
charge their duties, which oath shall
be filed in the office of the recorder.
They shall then give ten days notice in
writing to the owner of the property
affected of the time and place of their
meeting to view the premises, and
make their assessment. If the owner
resides in the county such notice shall
be served by the marshal or other
proper officer in the same manner as
original notices in the district court;
if the owner resides outside of the
county or his residence is unknown,
notice shall be given by publication
once a week for three consecutive
weeks in the official newspaper of the
Sec. 9. That in determining the
question of the amount of damage that
will be caused to any abutting lot or
parcel of land by the proposed change
of grade, the appraisers shall consider
and take into account the benefits that
will result to said real estate from
such change; and the measure of dam-
ages, if in the judgment of the apprais-
ers, any will result therefrom, shall be
the difference in value caused by the
Sec. 10. The appraisers shall view
the premises, and, in their discretion,
receive evidence, and may adjourn from
day to day. When the appraisement is
completed ,the appraisers shall sign
and return the same to the council,
which shall be done within thirty days
from the date of their selection.
Sec. 11. After the return of the ap-
praisement the council may confirm
or annul the appraisement, and if an-
nulled all previous proceedings shall
be void and of no effect, and no furth-
er proceedings shall be had in the mat-
ter. If confirmed an order of confirm-
ation shall be entered by the recorder;
in the record of the proceedings of the
council. Tha council shall thereupon
cause the said grade as changed to be
fixed and established by an ordinance
drawn for that purpose.
Sec. 12. The recorder shall forth-
with furnish the treasurer with a certi-
fied copy of the confirmation of the
appraisement, and the treasurer shall
Regular Session, September 1, 1898.
set apart the amount of each appraise-
ment of each owner, and pay the same
to the person entitled thereto, and take
his receipt therefor. The treasurer
upon receiving same shall notify and
tender the sum so set apart to the
person entitled, in writing and shall
preserve a copy of said notification and
tender. No alteration of grade shall
be made until the damages assessed
shall have been paid or tendered to the
owner of the property injured or dam-
Sec. 13. Any person interested may
appeal from the order of confirmation
to the District Court of the county, by
giving notice thereof to the mayor,
within twenty days after the order of
confirmation is entered. On the teal
of the appeal, all questions involved in
the proceedings, including the amount
of damages, shall be open to investiga-
tion, and the burden of proof shall, in
all cases. be upon the city to show that
proceedings are in accord with the
provisions of this ordinance. The cost
of such proceedings, incurred prior to
the order of confirmation or annulment
of the appraisement. shall in all cas-
es be paid by the city. If the person
appealing recovers more damages than
were awarded by the appraisers, he
shall recover the costs of the appeal;
if he recovers the same or less than the
award, the costs of the appeal shall be
taxed to him.
Sec. 14. All ordinances contravening
or inconsistent with this ordinance are
hereby repealed, and this ordinance
shall take effect and be in force from
and after its publication one time in the
Daily Telegraph newspaper of the city
of Dubuaue.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or-
dinance committee presented an ordin-
ance entitled an ordinance establish-
ing the grade of the alley next north
of Grace street, from Hall street to
Louisa street, and moved that it be
read for the first time. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The ordinance was then read in full.
Ald. Crawford moved that the rules
be suspended and the ordinance be
read the second time and that it be
read by its title.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The ordinance was then read by its
Ald. Crawford moved that the or-
dinance be placed on its final passage.
Carried by the following vote:Duggan,
Ayes—Alds. Crawford,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance in full—
An Ordinance establishing the grade
of the Alley next north of Grace
street, from Hall street to Louisa
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of the al-
ley next and north of Grace street from
Hall street to Louisa street, described
as follows: Commencing at station 0,
elevation 277 feet city datum, thence
west to station 1, elevation 2S0 feet,
thence west to station 3 elevation 29R 1
feet, thence west to station 3 plus 35
feet elevation 300 feet, which is the in-
tersection of Louisa street and said al-
ley be and is hereby established as the
grade of said alley next north of Grace
street from Hall street to Louisa
Section 2. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
the date of its publication one time in
the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspa-
per of the city of Dubuque.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or-
dinance committee. presented an ordin-
ance entitled an ordinance establishing
the grade of Louisa street from Delhi
street to Grace street, and moved that
the ordinance be read for the first
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford. Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent.—Ald. Wales.
The ordinance was then read in full.
Ald. Crawford moved that the rules
be suspended and that the ordinance
be read the second time and that it be
read by its title.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford. Duggan,
Flynn. Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The ordinance was then read by its
Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin-
ance be placed on its final passage.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance in full—
An Ordinance establishing the grade of
Louisa street from Delhi street to
Grace street.
Be it ordained by the city council
of the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Louisa
street from Delhi street to Grace
street described as follows: Com-
mencing at Delhi and Louisa street
station 0 elevation 296.84 feet. city
datum, thence south to station 5, plus
74 feet elevation 301.80 feet, which is
Grace and Louisa streets; be and is
252 Regular Session, September 1, 1898.
hereby established as the grade of
said Louisa street from Delhi street to
Grace street.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
the date of its publication one time in
the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspa-
per of the city of Dubuque.
Ald. Crawford, chairman . of the or-
dinance committee, presented an or-
dinance entitled an ordinance estab-
lishing the grade of Troy street and
alley, from Kniest street to Johnson
avenue, between Rhomberg and Lin-
coln avenues, and moved it be read for
the first time.
Carried by the followin4 vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford. Duggan,
Flynn. Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The ordinance was then read in full.
Ald. Crawford moved that the rules
he suspended and the ordinance read
the second time and that it be read by
its title.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
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The ordinance was then read by its
Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin-
ance be placed on its final passage.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance in full.
An ordinance establishing the grade of
Troy street and alley from Kniest
street to Johnson avenue, between
Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues.
Be it ordained by the city council of
the cdty of Dubuaue:
Section 1. That the grade of Troy
street and alley from Kniest street to
Johnston avenues. between Rhomberg
and Lincoln avenues described as fol -
Lows: Commencing at Kniest street
and said alley station 0 elevation 20
rt., city datum, thence northeast to sta-
tion 2 elevation 21.50 ft., thence north-
mst to station 4 plus 29 feet elevation
,8.44 feet which is where said alley in-
ersects with Johnson avenue; be and is
iereby established as the grade of said
Croy street and alley from Kniest
street to Johnston avenue, between
thomberg and Lincoln avenues.
Section 2. This ordinance shall
ake effect and be in force from and
,fter the date of its publication one
time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph
newspaper of the city of Dubuque.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the commit-
tee on public grounds and buildings re-
ported as follows:
Your committee on public grounds
and buildings report in favor of
paying $25.00 on the claim of E. L.
King for $28.20 for painting stairway on
Desoto Terrace. Also in favor of pay-
ing $4.00 on claim of E. L. King for
$5.75 for painting patrol box at G1ab's
brewery, the $25.00 and $4.00 to be in
full for said claims.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin, chairman of
the committee on police and lights, re-
ported as follows:
Your committee on police and lights
would respectfully report in favor of
receiving and filing the petition of Thos
Barry, et al, asking that an electric
light be ordered on 5th avenue and an
electric light on Jones street.
Also report in favor of paying the
claim of P. R. Martin for $1.25 for
metal polish for the police department.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Frith chairman of the com-
mittee on delinquent tax reported as
Petition of F. A. Bisping asking furth
er time to pay special assessment on lot
116 Burden and Lawther's addition.
Would recommend that he be given an
extension of one (1) year to pay his
Petition of Louis Frick asking an
extension of time to pay his special as-
sessment for sewer abutting lot 136
East Dubuque, addition. Would recom
mend that the time of payment be ex-
tended one year.
Petition of Val. Minges asking that
the taxes on lot 2 of Mineral lot 33 be
placed at a valuation of $1800 for the
year 1897 and that the treasurer be in-
structed to receive payment on that
Petition of Mrs. Eliz Belz in relation
to personal taxes. Would respectfully
recommend that the amount of $1,100
now assessed to Elizabeth and Chas
Belz for personal property be canceled
and that the treasurer be instructed
to re -assess the said amount $1,100 to
Chas R. Belz.
In favor of granting the petition of
Gertrude Seeger asking that the taxes
or 1897 on personal property be can-
elled for the reason that all her per-
onal property was lost when Dominick
Rhomberg failed.
In favor of granting the petition of
Mrs. John Toussaint asking that the
personal taxes against her for 1897
I to $6.30 be cancelled, for the
reason that it was erroneous assessed.
In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs.
Solphia Dempsey to remain a lien on
said property lot 2 of 34 and lot 2 of
35 Levens addition and that the treas-
ure be instructed not to sell the same.
Regular Session, September 1, 1898.
In favor of allowing the taxes of the
Benjamin Cheetham, estate to remain
a lien on the property for the year 1897
and that the treasurer be instructed
not to sell the same.
In favor of recommending that the
action of the city council of May 5, 1898
in cancelling the taxes of Mary Tremp
lar on lot 5 Hughes sub., be reconsider-
ed and that said taxes for the year 1897
be allowed to remain a lien on said
property and the treasurer be instruct-
ed not to sell the same.
In favor of recommending that the
action of the council May 5, 1898 in can-
celling the taxes of Mary Flynn on
North 16 ft. of lot 81 East Dubuque, add.
be reconsidered and that said taxes for
the year 1897 be allowed to remain a
lien on said property and the treasurer
be instructed not to sell the same.
In favor of recommending that the
action of the city council May 5, 1898 in
cancelling the taxes of Mary DeLori-
mier on part of the lot 159 city he recon-
sidered and that said taxes for 1897 he
allowed to remain a lien on said prop-
erty and the treasurer he instructed not
to sell the same.
In favor of recommending that the
action of the city council May 19th 1898
in cancelling the taxes of Bridget
Flynn on lot 576 A., be reconsidered
and that said taxes for 1897 be allowed
to remain a lien on said property and
the treasurer be instructed not to sell
the same.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
Ald. Frith of the special committee
of Ald. Frith and Jones reported as fol-
Your special committee to whom was
referred the petition of Thos. Feder-
spiel et al asking that 10 feet be va-
cated on each side of Troy street and
that said street be improved 20 feet
wide. Would report in favor of grant
ing said petition and would recommend
the adoption of the following resolution:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city recorder
be and he is hereby instructed to give
ten days notice in the official papers in
accordance with section 8 of chapter
30 of the revised ordinance, that a
Proposition for the vacation of a strip
of land ten (10) feet wide on the easter-
ly side and ten (10) feet wide on the
westerly side of Troy street from John-
son avenue to end of said Troy street
in favor of the owners of the lots and
parcels of land abutting thereon, will
be considered at a meeting of the coun-
cil to be held Sept. 15, 1898.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
and resolution. Adopted by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
The adoption of above resolution
grants the prayer of the petition of P.
Domenig, et al and the petition is plac-
ed on file.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the city council of the
city of Dubuque to improve Asbury
street from Delhi street to city limits,
and it is hereby proposed to grade,
curb, gutter and macadamize said
street, therefore
Resolved, That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a plat
and specifications showing the location
and general nature of such improve-
ment, the kind of materials to be used
and an estimate of the cost thereof to-
gether with the amount assessable up-
on each lot or parcel of land abutting
thereon per front foot, and to file such
plat, specifications, and estimate in the
office of the city recorder, that after the
filing of said plat in his office the city
recorder shall cause to he published in
the official newspaper of the city the
notice provided for in section 8 of the
ordinance relating to the improvement
of streets adopted May 19th, 1898, and
after the completion of the publication
of such notice, he shall at its next reg-
ular session notify the council thereof
in writing with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Requiring three-fourths vote to adopt
the resolution was lost by the follow-
ing vote:
Noes—Duggan and Flynn.
Yeas—Crawford, Frith, Jones and Mc
Absent—Ald. Wales.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the city council of the city
of Dubuque to improve the Millville
road from Lemon street to a point 500
feet west, and it is hereby proposed to
grade, curb, gutter and macadamize
said street. Therefore
Resolved, That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a plat
and specifications showing the location
and general nature of such improve-
ment, the kind of materials to be used
and an estimate of the cost thereof to-
gether with the amount assessable up-
on each lot or parcel of land abutting
thereon per front foot, and to file such
plat, specification and estimates in the
office of the city recorder, that after the
filing of said plat in his office the city
recorder shall cause to be published in
the official newspapers of the city the
notice provided for in section 8 of the
ordinance relating to the improvement
of streets adopted May 19, 1898 and
after the completion of the publication
of such notice, he shall at its next regu
lar session notify the council there-
of in writing with a printed copy of
such notice accompanying the same.
Requiring three-fourths vote to adopt
the resolution was lost by thef ollowing
Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
Jones and McLaughlin.
254 Regular Session, September 15,. 1898
Absent—Ald. Wales.
On motion the council adourned for
two weeks, until September 15, 1898.
!/ Y ► Mayor
5TH, 1898.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Jon-
es, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent—Alds. Duggan and Frith.
Ald. Flynn moved that the council
proceedings of September 1st, 1898, be
approved as printed. Carried.
Petition of Martin Heer asking for
extension of one year's time to pay his
special assessment for filling lot 27,
Reche's sub.
Ald. Crawford moved that the peti-
tion be granted at the rate of 6 per
cent. interest. Carried.
P tition of Thos. Kenneally, Sr., ask-
ing for extension of time until and af-
ter July 1, 1899, to pay his special as-
sessment on lot 91 in Union add, for im-
proving Cleveland avenue and Apple
Ald. Wales moved that the petition
be granted at the rate of 6 per cent.
interest. Carried.
Petition of Mrs. B. Whittemore ask-
ing for extension of time to pay her
special assessment for improving street
abutting lots 73 and 84 in Union add.
Ald. Wales moved that the petition
be granted at the rate of 6 per cent,
Interest. Carried.
Petition of Jas. Levi asking that the
city treasurer be instructed to re-
ceive and receipt for the taxes of 1897
on lot 625 city without exacting any ad-
ditional payment on account of :the
personal taxes of James Howie.
Ald. Crawford moved that the peti-
tion be granted and that the treasurer
be instructed to receive the money duo
for taxes on the real estate lot 625 city
for 1897 from Jas. Levi. Carried.
The following petitions were referr-
ed to the committee on delinquent tax..
Petition of E. P. Gilliam asking for
extension of time to pay his taxes for
1897 on lots 87 and north 1-2 of lot
88 in Levens add.
Petition of Rt. Rev. Archbishop J.
Hennessey (by Peter Kiene & Sons,
agents), in relation to erroneous assess-
ment on lots 693a, 697, 698 and the south
135 3-173 part of lot 723, lot 726, 732, and.
lots 1 and 2 of the sub -division of 694
and lot 1 of the sub of 725 asking that
same be canceled.
Petition of Timothy Dillon et al ask-
ing that the marshal be instructed to
enforce the order of August 4th and
September 1st, 1898, for the opening of
Cooper and John streets and that the
obstructions on said streets be re-
moved at once. On motion the peti-
tion was granted.
Petition of O. H. O'Hare et al asking
that the water mains be extended
about one block south of Rowan street
on Southern avenue.
Ald. Wales moved that the petition
be granted, and the petition be referred
to the committee on fire. Carried.
Communication of Marshal Morgan
in relation to disposing of one of the
patrol horses as same is of no use to
the city.
Ald. Flynn moved that it be referred
to the committee on police and light.
Communication of Marshal Morgan
recommending that the council ap•
point another captain of police.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the com
ununication be received and filed. Car-
Communication of the Nutwood Driv-
ing Club by C. T. Hancock, president,
in relation to putting the streets and
roads leading to the race track in first
class condition by the time they have
another meeting, was on motion of Aid.
McLaughlin, referred to the street
Ald. Duggan arrived at 8:45 p. m.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Conn-
elly of the City of Dubuque: Gentle-
men: The following is a statement of
the amounts due for labor on streets
from September 1st 1898, to September
15, 1898, inclusive. Total amount due
Ald. Crawford moved that the report
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the several amounts and
the report referred back to the street
committee. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:
The following is a statement of the
amount due for labor on sewers from
September 1, 1898 to September 15, 1898,
inclusive. Total amount due $138.15.
The mayor ordered the report received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
several amounts and the report refer-
red back to the committee on sewers.
Assistant City Engineer Hyde and
Sidewalk Inspector Zeidman reported
as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque: The following
special assessments for the repair of
sidewalks passed August 5, 1897, on lots
22 and 23 Hoopers add., Henry Hafner
Regular Session, September 15, 1898.
owner, amount 65 cents and lot 92 East
Dubuque add. Henry Huber owner,
amount 65 cents, description of said lot
were not correct, we therefore recom-
mend the cancellation of said special
(Signed) E. S. HYDE
Ald. Crawford moved that the recom-
mendation be adopted and the treasur-
er instructed to cancel the same. Car-
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
The following assessment was a mis-
take in assessing lot 13, Glendale add.
against A. Flechsig, amount $7.12.
Should have been assessed against lot 16
Glendale add.. R. M. Kunz owner, I
therefore recommend the cancellation
of the special assessment against lot 13,
Glendale add., amount $7.12 against A.
Flechsig, and that the amount of $7.12
for constructing sidewalk on Washing-
ton street, .J J. Desmond contractor
be assessed against R. M. Kunz owner
of lot 16 Glendale add.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids Crawford, Duggan, Flynn,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
City Recorder Langstaff presented
published notice of the council's inten-
tions to vacate 10 feet on the Westerly
side and 10 feet on the Easterly side
of Troy street from Johnson avenue to
end of said street. Mayor Berg stated
that if any one present desiring to ad-
dress the council on the subject of
vacation of said street was privileged to
do so.
Gus Baumgartner addressed the coun-
Ald. Jones offered the following resolu
Whereas, The owners of all the lots
and parcelsof land abutting on that
portion of Troy street between John-
son avenue and the end of said Troy
steet in High street sub., to the city
of Dubuque, have made written appli-
cation to the city council to have 1n
feet on each side of said street vacated
and annulled as a public highway and
Whereas, Ten days notice has been
duly given by publication in the city
papers that proposition for the vacation
of 20 feet of said street was pending in
the council and would be considered by
the council at its regular session to be
held on the 15th day of September, 1898
and Whereas, after consideration of the
question of the vacation of said street
at two regular sessions, it is deemed
advisable by the city council to grant
the said application of the owners of
said abutting real estate.
Therefore, Resolved by the city con-
cil of the city of Dubuque: That a
strip of land ten feet wide on the west-
erly side and ten feet wide on the east-
erly side of Troy street from Johnson
avenue to end of said Troy
street in High street sub., be
and the same is hereby vacated
and annulled as a public highway in
favor of the owners of the lots and par-
cels of land abutting thereon.
A:d. Jones moved the adoption of the
resolution. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
T ,tal—Six.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Crawford moved that the city
engineer be instructed to prepare a
plat in conformity with above said re-
solution and have the plat properly re-
corded. Carried.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the finance
committee reported as follows which
was adopted:
Your committee on finance would re-
port in favor of granting the petition
of the Excelsior Brass Works asking
that the taxes on personal property lie
cancelled for the ear 1897. The same
being it a:cordahce with an order r.f
the council of November 4. 1892, ex
empting said works from personal tax-
es for a term of ten years from Janu-
ary 1, 1892.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of street
committee, reported as follows, which
was adopted:
In favor of granting the petition of
T. Dillon asking that the city engin- /
eer be instructed to locate the lines of
Laurel street and Cannon street.
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of C. A. Voelker, et al, asking
that a railing be constructed on the
west side of Seminary street from north
Main street to lot 15, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add.
Also report adverse to the granting
of the petition of H. A. Jordan, et al,
asking that a sidewalk be ordered laid
on the west side of College avenue
from West Second street to West Third
Also your committee on streets to
whom was referred the estimate of
cost of grading Merchants Lane be-
tween Foye and Gold streets would re-
port that owing to the condition of the
city's finances we would recommend
that the work of grading said Mer-
chants Lane be postponed until 1899.
Also your committee on streets to
whom was referred the petition of W.
S. White, et al, protesting against the
proposed improvement of College ave-
nue from West 3rd to O'Neill streets
would recommend that the said im-
provement be postponed until next
Also your committee on streets to
whom was referred the resolution of
Ald. Flynn in relation to nuisance on
15th, 16th, 18th, 19th and Elm streets
would report that the street commis-
sioner has been instructed to abate the
nuisance if possible.
Also your committee on streets to
256 Regular Session, September 15, 1898.
whom was referred the bill of I. Proc-
tor for balance due for grading
Schneider's lot, would report that it is
the opinion of your committee that the
bill is correct, but they would re-
commend that the payment of the
same be deferred until the city's claim
against Mr. Proctor is adjusted.
Your committee on streets to whom
was referred the matter in relation to
the cost of the proposed stairway and
walk from Kaufman avenue, south to
Napier street would herewith present a
profile and estimate submitted by As-
sistant Engineer Hyde to your com-
mittee showing the cost to be one hun-
dred dollars.
Ald. Jones moved that the report of
the street committee of Aug. 18th, and
also the profile and estimate of the as-
sistant engineer be adopted. Lost by
the following vote:
Nays—Aids. Duggan. Flynn, Mc-
Laughlin. Wales.
Ayes—Alds. Crawford and Jones.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Crawford. chairman of the com-
mittee on sewers presented bill of Con.
Ryan. Sr., for $200.00, first estimate for
constructing sewer in Pickett and Alma
streets. and moved that a warrant for
said amount be drawn on the general
expense fund in favor of Con. Ryan,
as an advance and that said amount be
paid back to the general expense fund
when the sewer bonds are sold. Car-
Ald. McLaughlin. of the board of
health, reported as follows, which was
In favor of paying the bill of the
Dubuque Telegraph amounting to $9.50
for blank reports for the health officer
and would recomemend that a warrant
be ordered drawn for that amount.
Also reported that at a meeting of
your board of health held the 15th day
of September, 1898, it was recommend-
ed that the following amendment to
section one (1) of chapter Seventy
Eight (78) of the revised ordinance of
1893 of the city of Dubuque be passed
by your honorable body. Amendment
as follows:
Amendment to section 1, chapter 88,
entitled: An ordinance to provide for
the registration of births, deaths and
burials and contagious diseases.
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That section 1,
aforesaid of the above named chapter
78 be amended and extended to read
hereafter as follows:
Section 1. That every physician,
midwife, nurse, householder, or other
person under whose care or supervision
any child may be born within the juris-
diction of this city, shall report the fact
of said birth to the city recorder with-
in forty-eight (48) hours of the occur-
rence of the same in the manner and
form prescribed in blank No. 1, par-
ticular care being taken by the person
so reporting, to name the street, the
number of the domicile, the ward, and
nationality of the parents, and the
other facts connected with the birth
aforesaid, and which are referred to
on the aforesaid blank, No. 1.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port and amendment was referred to
the ordinance committee.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the plat submitted
by Assistant Engineer Hyde, of a pro-
posed sewerage system in alleys be-
tween Garfield, Rhomberg and Lincoln
avenues from Johnson avenue to Sec-
ond avenue, would recommend the
adoption of the said plat for said sew-
erage system, and that the assistant
engineer be instructed to have plat
properly recorded.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port was adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin, Wales.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Also your committee of the whole
would recommend that the petition of
J. F. Muekle in relation to macadam
be referred to the committee on streets.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt. Car-
Also your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Isaac Proctor, asking that warrants be
ordered drawn in his favor for balance
on his various contracts for work on
West llth street walls, would report in
favor of postponing action on said pe-
tition until some future time.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port was adopted.
Also your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the invitation of
E. E. Markley of the committee on
ceremonies for Iowa day at the Oma-
ha Exposition, asking that the city par-
ticipate in the exercises, would recom- v
mend that the communication be re-
ceived and that the recorder be in-
structed to acknowledge the receipt of
the invitation with thanks.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port was adopted.
Also your committee of the whole
would respectfully state that we are
not ready as yet to report on the pe-
tition of Mrs. Mary Wilde in relation
to special assessments for the improve-
ments of Grandview avenue and
South Dodge" streets and would there-
fore recommend that the treasurer be
instructed not to advertise or sell her
property for said assessments until
this committee reports on her peti-
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Crawford reported as follows:
The alderman of the Fourth ward to
whom was referred the petition of
Alois Lehman in relation to construc-
of sidewalks on West 16th street
would recommend the adoption of the
following resolution:
Regular Session, September 15, 1898.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
of good two-inch plank, be, within 15
days of this notice constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, as follows:
6 feet wide on south side of West 16th
street between Cornell street and Re-
becca street abutting lots Nos. 11, 12
and 13, Morgan's sub and lot 1 of 18,
19 and 20 and 1 of 2 of 18, 19 and 20,
Fairview add., where not already laid
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 6.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Mayor Berg announced that he would
name the committee in accordance with
the resolution passed August 18th, 1898,
instructing the mayor to appoint a
committee of six persons, conststing of
himself as chairman and two members
•of the council and three leading citi-
zens to obtain information in regards
to the valuation of the present water
Committee as follows:
Alds. Flynn and Crawford.
Citizens Wm. L. Bradley, N. J.
Schrup and Hon. W. J. Knight.
Mayor Berg stated that the petition
of Catherine Sullivan saying that her
house had been wrecked by boys and
asking her taxes for the year 1897 b':
cancelled, which had been referred to
the delinquent tax committee and the
mayor desired to make his report now,
and reported, from all the information
he could get Mrs. Sullivan's own sons
did the wrecking.
Ald. Wales moved that the mayor in-
struct City Electrician Hipman :o
make a thorough investigation and re-
port to the council how many, and
where located, the gasoliue.lamps,paid
for by the city. Carried.
The list of names furnished by the
chairman of the republican and demo-
cratic city central committees for the
council to select the register clerks
from was presented.
Ald. Crawford moved that the lists
be referred to the committee of the
whole. Carried.
Ald. Crawford reported on the pe-
tition of Mrs. Henry Luck which had
been referred to the committee of the
whole, asking the city to buy her mac-
City Engineer Blake stated that he
had measured the macadam and
it amounted to $29.50.
Ald. Crawford moved that a warrant
be ordered drawn in favor of Mrs. Luck
for $29.50 to pay for said macadam.
Ald. Wales moved that action on the
tax levy for the year 1898, be postponed
until the next meeting of the council.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee, offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for lay
ing plank sidewalk on west side of
Alpine street, Hill and West 5th street
by A. C. Haller, contractor, in front
of and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed September 15th, 1898.
S M Langworthy, lot 50, Julia L
Langworthy's add, 50 lin ft
sidewalk, 4 feet wide, on
Alpine street, at 14c $ 7 00
F. Poole, lot 51, Julia L. Lang -
worthy's add., 50 lin ft side-
walk, 4 ft wide, on Alpine
street, at 14c . 7 00
Leathers & Trewin, lot 52, Julia
L. Langworthy's add., 50 lin ft
sidewalk, 4 ft wide, on Alpine
street, at 14c 7 00
J. S. Stephens, lot 53, Julia L
Langworthy's add, 60 lin ft side-
walk, 4 ft wide, on Alpine street,
at 14c 8 40
F. Poole, lot 17, Julia L. Lang -
worthy's add, 80 lin ft sidewalk,
4 ft wide, on Alpine street, at
14c 11 20
J. F. Stephens, lot 18, Julia L.
Langworthy's add, 72 lin ft side-
walk, 4 ft wide, on Alpine
street, at 14c 10 08
S. M. Langworthy, lot 19, Julia
L. Langworthy's add, 72 lin ft
sidewalk, 4 ft wide, on Alpine
street, at 14c 10 03
Mary Bunting, lot 2v, Julia L.
Langworthy's add, 72 lin ft side-
walk, 4 ft wide, on Alpine
street, at 14c 10 08
Leathers & Trewin, lot 21, Julia
L. Langworthy's add, 82 lin ft
sidewalk, 4 ft wide, on Alpine
street, at 14c 11 48
Geo. Salot, lot 39, Kelly's sub,
123 1-2 lin ft sidewalk, 6 ft
wide, on Hill street, at 20 1-2c.. 25 31
R. J. Love, lots 12, 13 and 14,
Rogers' sub, 89 lin ft sidewalk,
6 ft wide, on Hill street, at
J. H. Berry, lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 3,
Robt. Brown's sub, 226 lin ft
sidewalk, four ft wide, on Hill
and West 5th streets, at 14c 31 64
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Noes --None.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the
street committee offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for
cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks
by city during months of January,
February and March. 1898, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
19 53
258 Regular Session, September 15, 1898.
lots and parts of lots and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows:
Total amount of assessment ...$128 55
Special assessment submitted and
passed Sept. 15, 1898.
E Langworthy Est, E Dubuque
add, lots 177 to 181 inclusive 1.S0
W L Bradley, city No 1-5, lot 465.55
M H Martin, A McDaniel's sub,
lot 819
Rev J Hennessy, A McDaniel's
sub, lots 820 and 821 .60
H B Glover, city No. 42.10 of So
90 feet, lot 467 .25
Mrs 0 Junkerman, city No 26 ft
of So 47.2 lot 467 .15
Fred Weigel Est, city S 21.2 ft
lot 467 .20
A and E Hackett city lots 42 and
A Levi Est, city n 1-2 lot 43.15
W J Nester, city S 1-2 lot 43 .15
J H Shields, city N 42.2 lot 44.25
L H Waples, city, lot 45 .30
B J O'Neil, city, lot 46.. .90
L H Waples, city, N 1-2 lot 47.15
M E church, city, S 1-2 lot 47 .15
Geo B Burch, city, lot 51 .30
F A Coates, city, N 1-2 lot 53 .... .35
J V Ryder, city, S 1-2 lot 53.15
C H Booth, city, N Mdl 1-5 lot 465 .25
J S Lewis, city, Mdl 1-5 lot 465 .25
D W Lenihan, city N 40 ft of S
2-5 lot 465 .20
C J Peterson, city W 65.8 of S
62.4 lot 465 .40
EA & G A Burden, city, S 23.3
of N 1-2 of N Mdl 1-5 lot 466.15
A Munsell. city, S 1-2 of N Mdi
1-5 lot 466 ,25
D N Cooley Est, city S 1-2 of M11
1-5 lot 466 „ ,20
H P Bissell Est, city S 86.4 'lot
466 ... .50
Grace Provost, city S 1-2 lot 35.. .15
A E Hodgdon, city, N 1-2 lot 35. .15
J V Ryder, et al, city, lot IC... .25
Miss A Buechler, city, Mi/1 1-3
lot 31 .15
Security Bldg Co, city, lot 30.. .45
W H Peabody, city N 2t ft lot
28a .15
Nana F Beit, city, S 2-$, lot 449. .30
J V Ryder, city, S 1-2 lit 457.... .25
Rev J Hennessy, city, Sot 60 .... .30
W L Bra Yley, city, N 1-2 of lot
750 .15
Jas Woodward, city, N 1-3 of S
1-2 lot 750 .15
R Waller Est, city, N 1-3 lot 749, .15
J M Sullivan, city So 1••3 lot 749.15
A E Hodgdon, city N 1-3 lot 748.15
3 H Thedinga Est, city, S 12.9
lot (0 .15
Mrs A Kaiser, city, N Mdl 20 ft
lot U2
E W and M Albee, city, S Mdl
19.2 lot 62 „ .15
Jas Michel, city, .N 2-3 lot 64
R Langworthy, city, S 20 1-2 of
lot 65a
J H Simplot, city, S 2-3 of lot 66. .20
R Cox Est, city, N 1-3 lot 67 ..., .15
A M.;Cann Est. .tty, S 2-3 lot 67., .20
Chars Higley, city, S 19 ft lot 71, .15
Ryder Bros, city, lot 72a .35
H Finley Est, city, lot 25.. .20
E R Horr, city, lot 23 .30
D S Wilson Est, city S 1-2 lot 22, .15
F Jaeger, city, N 20 ft lot 21 .15
Alice A Goldthorpe, city, sub 741
lot 3 .95
R and E Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 283 1.25
Jos Jaeggi, Woolweber's sub 11,
lot 1 ,?6
H Gatena, city sub 438, 439, pt.
676, lot 5 .15
R and E Langworthy, Glendale
add, lots 213 and 214 .50
Jas Lee, city, sub 692 So 100 ft
lot 4 1.50
Chicago Great Western Ry Co,
Sanford's sub, lots 60 and 61.50
H Wunderlich, Fortune sub, lot
15 1.20
W. G. Waters, S M Langworthy'
add, lots 49, 50 and 51 40
F. W. Coates, S. M. Langworthy
add, lots 39, 42 and 43 2 00
J. W. Dillrance, Est., min lot 80
sub 5, lot 1 2 00
Jane Jones, E. E. Jones' sub, lot
4 25
Hosford & Kemler, A. McDan-
ald's sub, n 88 ft, lot 783 ....... 2 40
W. A. Leathers, trustee, Oakland
Park add, E 110 ft, lot 1 b0
Wm. Fuller, Woodlawn Park, lots
153 and 154, 50
J. H. Shields, Finley, Waples
and Burton, lot 141 30
Wm. Hintrager, Finley, Waples
and Burton,. lot 142 30
Peter Fitzpatrick, Finley, Wa-
ples and Burton, e 1-2, lot 12 15
Mary Simplot, Finley add, lot 139 50
Geo. Salot, Salot sub, lots 1, 2 and
3 80
J. G. Bailey, A. McDaniels' sub,
lots 799 and 800 55
R. Waller Est, city, n 34 ft, lot
32 25
G. B. Burch, city, lot 51 30
Fred Miller Brewing Co., city,
e 43 ft of s 62 ft, lot 172 40
J. D. Sullivan Est, city, n 1-2,
lot 61 25
L. H. Waples, city, n 1-2, lot 47.
B. J. O'Neill, city, lot 46 ........
H. P. Bissel, city, s 86.4, lot 466..
Bonson and Brunskill, city, lot
629. ..
M. O'Rourke, city, n 1-2, lot 630 ..
M. E. Connelly Est, city, lot 148..
Adele Staples, city, lot 96
Bradley & McClain, city, lots
222 and 223,
Alice Goldthorpe, city, n 38.5,
lot 219
Catherine Glab, city, mdl 20 ft,
lot 218 .,..
D. S. Wilson Est, city, s 1-2,
lot 22
G. L. Torbert Est, city, n 2-5,
lot 459 ....
Dr. N. Bray, city, mdl 1-5,
Regular Session, September 15, 1898
lot 459
Chris Higley, city, s 19 ft, lot 71
E. Wasser, Oakland Park add,
lot 3
Ryder Bros., city, lot 72a
John Reinecke, city, lot 89
Ellen B. Wood, city, s 2-3,
lot 112 25
Mary A. Coates, city, lot 111 30
J. H. Greene, city, lot 106 50
Jas Donahue, city, n 23.10, lot
Annie Klauer, city, s 2-5, lot.
C. B. Keesecker, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, n 1-3, lot 1 15
E. Buehler, min lot 89, lot 1
Rev. J. Hennessy, Levens' add,
lots 7 to 11 inclusive
D. J. Linehan, Home add, lot 4
Rev. J. Hennessy, A. McDaniels'
sub, lot 821
R. E. Shannon, Oakland Park
add, lot 20
Jno. Kleinschmith, Woodlawn
Park add, lots 99 and 100, 50
A. Leiser, Woodlawn Park add,
lot 101 25
C. Geiger, Woodlawn Park add,
lot 102 25
L. F. Dohs, Oakland Park add,
lot 18 30
Ellen W. Gray, Gray's sub„ lots
6, 7, 8 and 9 1 25
Rhodo Bockslider, Moreheiser
sub, lot 10 ................ 50
M. Buol, Letcher & Trebe's sub,
lot 11 25
1 05
1 25
1 00
W. H. Doane, min lot 172, sub 12,
lots 1, 2 and 3 60
M. Tschirgi, Sr., Moreheisers'
sub, lots 18 and 19 45
M. Buol, Letcher & Trebe's
sub, lots 13 and 15 70
M. Buol, Letcher & Trebe's sub,
lots 7 to 10 inclusive 1 25
A. Cummings, Cumming's sub,
lot 18 50
A. Schoenthal, Cain's sub, lyot 20 20
A. W. Hosford, Cain's sub, lots
18 and 19 45
J. Mullen, min lot 88, sub 2, lot
5 30
A. W. Hosford, Cain's sub, lot 7. 25
A. W. Hosford, Cain's sub, lots
14 and 17
C. Shannon, Woodlawn Park
add, lot 50
J. J. Dunn, Letcher and Treme's
sub, lots 16 and 17
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-A1ds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent-Ald. Frith.
German Bank, Prospect hill add, 1 50
lot 13 and 14
M Brady, Fortune's sub, lot 1 .... 70
Bonson & Coates, city lot 62875
D H. McCarthy, city sub 724, N 50
ft., lot 4, 5 and 6 .. .
J Marzen, E Langworthy's add,
lot 46
Thos Zinn, E Langworthy's add,
No. 46.1, lot 44
Mary Messerkercht E Lang -
worthy's sub 52 and 53 No 22 and
54, lot 1........ .. ...... 50
John Stieber E Langworthy's sub
lot 19
A R Staufenbiel E Langworthy's
N 1-2, lot 20
J M Linehan, Prospect Hill, lot
R Faller, Est, Prospect Hill, lot
Jas Harris, Etal, Prospect Hill,
D J Hennessy, Est, City Sub
724, lot 3 ............ 25
Jno Phillips, Buettell & Lang-
worthy add sub, 3 lot 1 50
W G Jackson, Demming & Horr
sub, lot 13.... 25
Wm Strinsky, Deming & Horr sub
lot 19........ .... .............. 25
C H Eighmy Etal, Demming &
Horr sub, lot 20 to 24 Inc1 00
E Williams, Demming & Horr, sub
lot 16 25
M Linehan, Demming & Horr, sub
lot 17 25
Nic Meyer, E Langworthy add S
36 ft., lot 4... 20
I Lercher, E Langworthy add S
1-2, lot 5 20
R and E Langworthy, Glendale
add, lots 246, 247 and 270 1 50
Arnold Nix, L H. Langworthy add
lot 12 L 25
Fred Bock, Kings 1st, add 5 E 1-4
lot 10 25
Paul Traut, Est, Dennis sub, lots
3 and 4 50
Wm Springborn, Est, Davis
Farm, lots 231 and 232...... .... 75
Jas Levi, Davis Farm, lots 237
and 238 100
John Ellwanger, Davis Farm,
lot 262 25
M Schunk, Est, Davis Farm, lot
287 50
A Janggen, Davis Farm, lot 29050
G G Perry, Davis Farm, lot 29325
J Frenzel, Kings 1st add, sub 6,
lot 2.. 25
Peter Mihm, King's Grove add,
lots 1 to 6 inc 3 00
Arnold Nix, Wm Redmond sub,
24, 25, and 26, lots 2, 3, 4,75
P. Keine Jr., L Kniests sub, sub
4 E 40 ft., lot 1 76
Sarah Mulumby, Min. Lot 113 A
sub 3, lot 2 30
Demming and Kiesel, Min, lot 466 1 50
lot 2
H Roesch and et al Boardway add 1 60
lots 2 to 10 Inc.
Mima Nitzsche, Kiene and Alt-
man sub, lot 6
Adam Jaeger Est, Davis Farm,
lot 250 ..
Chas Stafford Est., Stafford's add,
lot 14.... .
C Wasser, Brechts sub, sub 5, lot
2. ..........
L G Hurd, sub 1 of 5. 11, 12, and 13
N E qtr sect 13, 89 and 2, lots
3, 4, and 5
Jac A Kurtz Est, OTaylor's sub,
lots 20 and 21
Regular Session, September 15, 1898.
Wm Hintrager, OTaylor's sub,
add, lots 22, 23 and 24......
M Kukel, McCraney's 1st. add,
lot 74.... ..
H Hingartner, McCraney's 1st
add, lot 75.... .... ..
J A Rhomberg Est., McCraney's
1st add, lot 111
Thos Allen, McCraney's 1st add,
lot 110
11 Newwoerhner, McCraney's 1st
add, lot 70
A Shoemacher, McCrany's 1st
add., lot 69 1
J J McCarthy, McCraney's 1st
add, lot 37
Rhomberg & Meuser Davis Farm,
lot 225 75
Adam Jaeger Est., Davis Farm
S 40 ft, lot 217.... .. 20
A McDonald, Davis Farm, sub
218 and 219, lots 1, 2, and 3.... 60
Geo Weidner, Glendale add, lot
234 • 25
C D Ham, Davis Farm, lot 370.... 30
C L Burke, Davis Farm, lot
371 30
Paul Traut Est, P Traut sub, lots
1 and 2 1 00
J M Warner, P Traut sub, lot 320
J V White, Glendale add, lot 725
Jas O'Farrell, Glendale add, lot
8 25
M Majeraus, Davis Farm, lots
342 and 343 60
R and E Langworthy, Glendale
add, lots 223 to 228 Inc..... 1 50
J Stoltz, Jr Glendale add S 1-2,
lot 229 15
Ed Stoltz, Jr. Glendale add S 1-2,
229 15
C J Peterson, Olinger's sub, lot 150
J H Rhomberg, L H Langworthy
add, lot 181.. _ 30
Frank Brady Est., City S 84 1-2 ft
lot 499 50
Jake Pffiffner, City N 50 ft., lot
499 .. .. 75
E Healey, East Dub. add, lot 62.. 20
J J Toomey Etal., city, lot 354.... 1 50
R Martin, city, lot 349 60
Dub. Linseed Oil Co., city, lot
378 35
Carr, Ryder &Adams Co., city, lot
Key City Iron Works, city, lot
399.... 30
D D Meyers, city, lot 401... ..... 30
R Nolty,city, lot 393.......... 50
F W Coates (trust) city, sub 505
S 4-5 of W 1-4, lot 1 25
J H Berry, R Brown's sub, sub
1 of 1 of 3 lot 2 45
Jno McCabe, Corrill's sub, lot 160
Fred Miller Brewing Co., city sub
703, lot 13.. .. 30
Rev John Hennessy, city sub
lot 56 30
Jas Forrester, Mt Pleasant add,
lot 16 1 60
Mary Weigel, city sub 741, lot 2 1 00
W G Cox Min lot 90, lot 2 8 00
W G Cox, Min lot 90, lot 3.... 8 00
D J Linehan, Home add, lots
9, 10 and 11 2 25
M Tschirgi Sr., Woodlawn Park
add, lots 200 to 203 Inc.... 1 25
C Shannon, Woodlawn Park add,
lots 1, 2 and 49 2 30
H Fullmer, Leven's add, lot 2340
Glab Bros., Finley add, lots 225,
226 and 227.... 1 60
Glab Bros Finley, Waples and
Burton add, lots 127 to 135 Inc... 4 00•
Ald. Wales, chairman of the com-
mittee on fire offered the following
resolutions, which were adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city re-
corder be and is hereby instructed to
advertise for bids for veterinary ser-
vices (including medicines) for the
horses of the fire and police depart-
ments and all horses owned and used
by the city for one year, commencing
October 1, 1898, and ending October
1, 1899.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city re-
corder be and is hereby instructed
to advertise for bids for hard and soft
coal and coke for use of the fire de-
partment, the same to be weighed on
the city scales at the city hall. and to
be delivered to the different engine
houses at the expense of the con-
Resolved by the city council of th
city of Dubuque: That the city re
corder be and is hereby directed t
advertise for bids to furnish the fir
and police departments with No.
oats and best No. 1 timothy hay, th
same to be weighed on the city scale
and to be delivered to the differen
engine houses and patrol house at th
expense of the contractor.
Ald. Flynn asked that the report o
the special committee on the polis
matron's department, presented to th
council August 18, 1898, and actio
postponed, be taken up. The repor
of said committee was then read.
Ald. Crawford moved that the police
matron's department be continued, bu
their salary be reduced from $50.00 pe
month, as now to $30.00 per month, to
date from Oct. 1, 1898, during the
pleasure of the council.
Ald. Duggan moved as a substitute
that the matron's department be abol-
The vote on the substitute was lost
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and
Jones. Total -3.
Nays—Alda. Crawford, McLaughlin
and Wales. Total -3.
Ald. Frith absent.
Being a tie vote the mayor voted no
and declared the substitute lost.
The vote recurring on Ald. Craw -
ford's original motion was adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, McLaughlin
and Wales. Total -3.
Nays—Alds. Duggan, Flynn and
Jones. Total -3.
Ald. Frith absent.
Being a tie vote the mayor voted
Regular Session, September 22, 1898
aye and declared the original motion
On motion the council adjourned for
one week, until September 22, 1898.
22D, 1898.
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Flynn,
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent—Ald. Duggan.
Ald. Frith moved that the council
proceedings of September 15th, 1898, be
approved as printed. Carried.
Petition of C. B. Trewin and A. B.
Robinson (Trustee) asking council to
vacate alley between Lot 41, Prospect
Hill add., and that part of Out Lot 692,
said alley extending from Fenelon
Place to the alley between West Third
street and Fenelon Place to the abut-
ters subject to the right of the city to
maintain sanitary and storm sewers.
Ald. Crawford moved that the peti-
tion be referred to the street commit-
tee. Carried.
Petition of Jas. Kelly et al asking
that Jno. Burns be given employment
by the city.
Ald. Wales moved that it be referred
to the street commissioner to thorough-
ly investigate into the matter and re-
port to the council. Carried.
Petition of Anthony Schmitz in rela-
tion to paying special assessment abut-
ting on the westerly part of Lot 47,
Marsh's add.
Ald. Crawford moved that the peti-
tion be referred to City Engineer
Blake. Carried.
Petition of J. P. Schroeder asking for
extension of time to pay his special
assessment against his property on
Seminary Hill.
Ald. Wales moved that the petition
be granted, provided he pays the in-
terest up to Oct. 1st, 1898. Carried.
Petition of Chris A. Voelker asking
for extension of time to pay his spec-
ial assessment for street improvement
abutting his property.
Ald. Wales moved that the petition
be granted provided he pays the in-
terest up to October, 1898. Carried.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee on delinquent tax.
Petition of Henrietta Herzog asking
to have her taxes canceled on lot 5, O.
S. Langworthy's add, for 1897.
Petition of Mrs. Kate Boland asking
to have her taxes canceled on N. M. 1-5
of City lot 430 for the year 1897.
Petition of Mrs. Eleanor Mellen ask-
ing to have her taxes for 1897 remitted..
Petition of Peter Guenther asking
city to purchase his macadam, in or-
der to pay his taxes and special assess-
ment for street improvement.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that it be re-
ferred to the committee of the whole_
Petition of E. Healey in relation to
cleaning vault on lot 62, East Dubuque
Ald. Frith moved that it be referred
to the board of health. Carried.
Communication of E. O. Duncan ask-
ing to have the treasurer redeem the
erroneous tax sales against the prop-
erty assessed to Alice Garrity and also
cancel the taxes for 1897.
Ald. Frith moved that it be referred
to the delinquent tax committee. Car-
Communication of T. Faherty asking
city to purchase coal and other supplies
for First ward scales.
Ald. Frith moved that it be referred
to the committee on markets. Car-
Claims of Mrs. Charles Johnson and
Mr. John Yates for personal damages
received by being precipitated over the
wall on the east side of Alma street.
The mayor ordered the claim referred
to the committee on claims and the city
Notice served on the city by Longue-
ville, McCarthy & Kenline for Isaac
Proctor claiming the sum of $1,264.90
with interest on said sum from July 1st,
1898, at the rate of six per cent. per
annum for work and labor performed
by said Proctor.
Ald. Crawford moved that it be re-
ferred to the city attorney and he ap-
pear in court and defand city. Car-
City Electrician Wm. Hippman i e -
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report in relation to the number of
gasoline lamps in our city and where
Ald. Crawford moved to suspend the
further reading and it be referred to
the committee of the whole. Carried.
The bids for hay and oats, veterinary
services and medicines; also for hard
and sofe coal and coke was ordered
The bids for hay and oats were as
J. P. Schroeder and Co., hay per
J. P. Schroeder, oats, per bushel—$.7..2505
T. F. Kane, hay ,per ton 7.60
262 Regular Session, September 22, 1898
J. J. Nagle, hay, per ton 8.00
J. J. Nagle, No. 1 white oats . .30
J. J. Nagle, No. 1 mixed oats .... .28
Matt Stafford, hay, per ton 7.10
Matt Stafford, No. 1 white oats,
per bushel .27
On motion the contract was awarded
to Matt Stafford at $7.10 per ton for
No. 1 timothy hay and 27 cents per
bushel of 35 pounds for No. 1 white
The bids were then opened for veter-
inary services and medicine for the city
horses and found as follows:
W. R. Fullerton, per horse per
month, including medicine . 65c
C. H. Whitwell, per horse per
month, including medicine 24c
On motion the contract was award-
ed to Dr. C. H. Whitwell for the term
of one year. commencing Oct. 1. 1898.
The bids for hard and soft coal and
coke for use of city was then opened.
The bid of Mulgrew and Phillips was
not accompanied with a certified check
as required, Mr. Mulgrew withdrew
said bid, the other bids were read and
on motion was referred to a special
committee consisting of the chairmen
of the following committees: Fire.
police and light, public grounds and
buildings and streets composed of the
following aldermen: Wales, McLaugh-
lin, Jones and Crawford, with power.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the finance
committee, reported the following
resolutions as follows:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That the fol-
lowing taxes for the year 1898, for the
following purposes be levied as pro-
vided by law, on all taxable property
within the limits of said city for the
respective number of mills on the dol-
lar of the assessed valuation of all
taxable property in said city as set
out below:
General fund 5 Mills
Bond fund . 2% Mills
Fire fund 1% Mills
Tax for gas and electric light
and power 1 1-5 Mills
And be it further resolved that a tax
for water of 4-5 mill on the dollar of the
assessed valuation be levied upon all
property benefited by the supply of said
water, as determined by action of the
city council.
The resolution adopted by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford. Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total
—6. Absent—Ald. Duggan.
Mayor Berg stated that there were
about $30,000 worth of outstanding war-
rants drawing 7 per cent interest, he
would therefore recommend that the
warrants be ordered called in and the
finance committee make arrangements
to secure the money at a very much
lower rate of interest to redeeem said
Ald. Crawford moved that the mat-
ter be referred to the finance committee
with power. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or-
dinance committee, presented an or-
dinance, entitled an ordinance amend-
ing section one (1), chapter seventy-
eight (78) of the revised ordinance of
1893, entitled an ordinance to provide
for the registration of births, deaths,
burial and cantagious diseases, and
moved that it be read for the first
time. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total
—6. Absent—Ald. Duggan.
The ordinance was then read in full.
Ald. Crawford moved that the rules
be suspended and that the ordinance
be read the second time and that it be
read by its title. Carried by the fol -
]owing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford. Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total
—6. Absent—Ald. Duggan.
The ordinance was then read by its
Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin-
ance be now passed. Carried by the
following vote.
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total
—6. Absent—Ald. Duggan.
Mayor Berg declared the ordinance
The ordinance in full as passed.
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque, That section 1,
aforesaid of the above named chap-
ter 78 be amended and extended to read
hereafter as follows:
Sec. 1. That every physician, mid-
wife, nurse, householder, or other per-
son under whose care or supervision
any child may be born within the juris-
diction of this city, shall report the
fact of said birth to the city recorder
within forty-eight (48) hours of the oc-
currence of the same in the manner and
form prescribed in blank No. 1 particu-
lar care being taken by the person so re
porting to name the street, the number
of the domicile, the ward, the nationali-
ty of the parents, and the other facts
connected with the birth aforesaid and
which are referred to on the aforesaid
blank No. 1.
Sec. 2. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and af-
ter its publication one time in the Du-
buque Daily Telegraph newspaper.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the com-
mittee on fire offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, That the Dubuque
Water company be instructed to extend
their water mains in and along South-
ern avenue from end of present mains
at intersection of Mt. Carmel avenue to
east line of Breakey's add., a distance
of about 1,500 feet. The city of Dubu-
que guaranteeing to said company a
sum of money sufficient to pay interest
at the rate of 7 per cent on the cost
of pipe required to be extended.
Regular Session, September 22, 1898.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent—Ald. Duggan.
Ald. Wales of the printing com-
mittee offered the following which was
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque, That the Dubuque
National Demokrat be authorized to
publish a synopsis of the proceedings of
the city council, all general notices,
advertisements of the council and proc-
lamations of the mayor, and to receive
in full compensation for same the sum
of twenty-five ($25.00) per month from
Oct. 1st 1898.
Ald. McLaughlin chairman of the
board of health reported as follows:
To the honorable mayor and city coun-
Gentlemen: Your board of health at
a meeting held September 15th, 1898, Dr.
Guilbert the city health officer reported
that the alley between Hart street and
Kaufman avenue, east of Couler avenue
was in a very unsanitary condition and
needed prompt attention. It was order
ed to be reported to the city council
with the recommendation that the mat-
ter be referred to your street committee
for their consideration.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be referred to the street committee.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole reported the fol-
lowing list of clerks of registration.
First precinct—F. E. O'Loughlin, D.;
Cornelius Coughlin, R.
Second precinct—Peter Callahan, D.;
Julius Lippman, R.
First precinct—John A. LaBarge, D;
Phil Pier, Jr., R.
Second precinct—Paul Crowshaw, D;
W. H. Baxter, R.
First precinct—P. B. Hoffmann, D.;
Sam Rice R.
Second precinct—F. H. Hoffmann, D;
E. W. Jones, R.
Third Precinct—Leo Palen, D; Adam
Doerr, Jr., R.
First precinct—Daniel Riordan, D;
H. W. Glasser, R.
Second precinct—Pat Joyce, D; John
Kintzinger, R.
Third precinct—P. F. Guthrie, D;
Henry Wybrant, R.
First precinct—John Majerus, D; E.
A. Frenzel, R.
Second precinct—Herman Brinkman,
D.; John Meyer, R.
Third precinct—Phil Doerr, D.; 5 A
Van Saun, R.
Fourth precinct—Frank Mihm, D.; L
C. Doerfler, R.
Ald. Crawford moved that the names
as read be appointed register clerks for
the ensuing year. Carried.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the ac-
tion of the council held Sept. 1, 1898, in
raising Sanitary Patrolman Starr's
salary from $50.00 to $60.00 per month
was rescinded. Ald. Crawford offered
the following:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That $10.00 per
month commencing with the 1st day of
September, 189S, be appropriated for
the purpose of paying for the use of
a horse and rig to be used by the
sanitary patrolman in the performance
of his duties, and that a warrant for
said amount be drawn each month pay-
able to the same to be used by him
for said purpose. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith, Jones
and McLaughlin.
Nays—Ald. Flynn and Wales.
Your committee of the whole res-
pectfully report in favor of receiving
and filing the plans and estimate of
cost of storm water sewer along Bee
Branch from Eagle Point avenue to
Sanford street. Ald. Crawford moved
to adopt the report. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that a warrant be
drawn in favor of Simon Meyer to the
amount of $26.40 due him for macadam
and the committee of the whole he ex-
cused from further action lost by the
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Frith and Jones.
Nays—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Mc-
Laughlin and Wales.
Absent—Ald. Duggan.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city en-
gineer be and Is hereby instructed to
prepare a plan and make estimates of
the cost of a storm water sewer along
the Bee Branch from the Millville road
to Lake Peosta.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Ald. Crawford moved an amendment
that the city engineer confer with the
old committee on Bee Branch. Car-
The resolution as amended was then
adopted. On the suggestion of Ald.
Crawford the mayor added Ald. Frith
to the old committee.
Ald. Jones oeredff the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of
good two-inch plank be. within 10
days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks as follows:
6 feet wide on east side of Couler
avenue, abutting lot 231 and 232, Davis'
Farm add where not already laid at the
expense of abutting property.
Ald. Jones moved that the resolution
be adopted. Ald. Flynn moved as a
substitute that the resolution be placed
in the hands of the sidewalk inspec-
tor, and he to interview the owner of
said lots in relation to constructing a
new walk. Substitute carried.
List of Warrants.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn
for two weeks, to Thursday, Oct. 6,
1898. Carried.
Approved !,• .....r..
Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 1, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of August, 1898:
Name. For what purpose. Amt.
C H Berg, mayor $116 65
H B Gniffke, treasurer 133 35
H B Gniffke, clerk hire 75 00
L M Langstaff, recorder 116 65
F B Hoffman, auditor 100 00
E 0 Duncan, assessor 125 00
T H Duffy, attorney 150 00
Edw Morgan, marshal 83 35
Jos Reinfried, fire chief 100 00
W Fitzpatrick, committee clerk75 00
Wm Kaep, clerk recorder's office 50 00
Edw Herron, clerk treasurer's
office ...... 50 00
Edw Blake, engineer 125 00
E S Hyde, assistant engineer91 65
P Cassidy, chainman 40 00
Jas Boyce, street commissioner91 65
W Hippman, electrician 83 35
Otto Rath, market master 50 00
P Ryan, park custodian 40 00
Gus Wiedner, park custodian 40 00
R F Curran, wharf master 20 00
E A Guilbert, health officer 50 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress.. 20 00
Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman50 00
L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector50 00
M EItel, fireman 60 00
J Essman, fireman 75 00
A Duccini, fireman 60 00
J Flynn, fireman 60 00
J Wiltse, fireman .. 60 00
Geo Beyer, •fireman 50 00
Al Heer, fireman 50 00
Jos Tschudi, fireman 50 00
F Baumgartner, sub fireman16 00
J Daley, fireman 60 00
J Barnes, fireman 75 00
T Ryder, fireman 60 00
J Sehonberger, fireman 60 00
W Ducey, fireman 60 00
M Fahey, fireman 50 00
T Meehan, fireman 50 00
J Rooney, fireman 50 00
D Ahearn, fireman 60 00
T Walker, fireman .... 60 00
G Helmrich, fireman 50 00
J McFarland, fireman 50 00
T Kennedy, fireman 50 00
J Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00
F Murphy, fireman 50 00
J Murphy, fireman 60 00
A McDonald, fireman 75 00
J Cronauer, sub fireman 50 00
F Ganahl, flreman 60 00
T Flynn, fireman 60 00
F Kenneally, fireman 48 35
Geo Gehrke, fireman 25 00
W Keas, sub fireman 25 00
Robt Weston, fireman 50 00
C Kannolt, fireman 60 00
W Allen, fireman 60 00
W McBride, fireman 50 00
G Duccini, sub fireman .. 1 00
Geo Burke!. police ... 50 00
N Brand. police ...... 51 65
Jas Carter, police 51 65
Jas Clune, police 51 65
Jno Cody, police ..... 51 65
M Craugh, police 51 65
Phil Dunphey, police 50 00
F Devaney, police 50 00
Jno Fitzpatrick, police 51 65
Jas Flynn, police 50 00
Pat Hanlon. police 50 00
W Hennessey. police 50 00
E Kahn. police 50 00
M Kilty. police 45 00
,Trn L nets her, police 50 00
,Tac Lnnergan. police 51 65
P McC'ollinc police 51 65
r ireTnerney. police 50 00
-row Moore, police 60 00
P Mulligan, police 50 00
Tnn Murnhy, police 50 00
J .T Murnhy, police 75 00
J McQuillan. police 51 65
Pan Norton, police 50 00
M O'Connor, police 50 00
Aug Pfeffer, police 50 00
P Powers, police . 50 00
Jas Rooney, police 51 65
Thos Reilly, police 51 65
P Scharff, police 51 65
Al T Scherr, police 50 00
Pat Sutton. police 50 00
Pat Sullivan, police 51 65
T Sweeney. police .. 51 65
Jno Tierney, police 50 00
Jos Tyler, police 50 00
H K Young, police 50 00
Bridget Brennan, police matron50 00
Katie Hibbe, police matron50 00
Jno Albrecht, labor 3 45
E Am Ende, labor, labor 3 75
Jno Burns, labor 6 25
Joe Broulette, labor 6 25
J Blocklinger, labor .. 6 25
Al Beversdorf, labor 5 00
Chas Buse, labor 6 25
Jno Brachtobrack, labor 6 25
Phil Becker, labor 3 75
Joe Brown, labor 16 25
S Bastian, labor 3 75
Jno Bottoms, labor 12 00
M Cain, labor 6 25
M Coyle, labor 3 75
Jno Callahan, labor 1 25
Jno Corbett, labor .. 10 00
L Corcoran, labor 6 25
Jas Connolly, labor 16 25
A Crawford, labor ... 11 00
List of Warrants.
Jas Crawford, labor
D Corcoran, labor
T Donahue, labor
F Darling, labor
P Dempsey, labor
Chas Doerr, labor , . .
Jno Eagan, labor
Jno Engels, labor
R T Eddy, labor
Chr Frohs, labor
M Fagan, labor
P Fenelon, labor
E Fitzloff, labor
N Frith, stoker steam roller....
J Farley, labor ...
J Gerst, labor
P Greden, labor
H Galle, labor
B ,Glass, labor
M Houpes, labor
Jac Hausen, labor
P Hoffer, labor ...
Jno Hayes, labor
Aug Jass, labor
Jno Jehring, labor
M Kieffer. labor ..................
P Kenney, labor
H Kehr, labor
F Kuntz, labor ....
A Knapp, labor
J Kelly, labor
J Kinsella, labor
M Klein, labor
M Loes, labor
H Lembke, labor
M Lonergan, labor
Geo Moore, labor
Jno Mullen, labor
Jno Malloy, labor
Jno Malone, labor
Edw Malloy, labor .........
P Mohan, labor
T Mulqueeney, labor
Jos Martineck, labor ............
A Manderscheit, labor
T Maloney, labod
Jno McGee, labor
Jno McCarron. labor
Jno McCaffrey, labor • • ...... • • •
A McGuan, labor
Jno McGrath, labor
R McGivern, labor
Phil Newman, labor
F Oswald, labor
Wm. O'Brien, labor
Jas Purcell, labor
G Paar, labor .... .
Jno. Parker, labor
C. H. Pierce, labor
Chas. Priebe, labor
Wm Quinlan, labor
Joe Roscamp, labor
Matt Raiseck, labor
F Rinker, labor
J Raesner, labor
J Rooney, labor
J Raetz, labor
J Sullivan, labor
W Spensley, labor
J B Stephens, labor
F Scharr, labor
Geo. Sutter, labor
J Schroeder, labor
P Smith, labor
W Schwaegler, labor
S Schaetzle, labor
10 65
10 65
5 00
1 .5
6 25
6 90
1 25
20 00
3 i5
16 25
7 50
50 00
20 00
6 25
3 15
1 25
6 25
6 25
13 75
1 25
20 00
5 95
3 75
5 00
2 50
1 25
6 25
5 95
3 15
20 00
12 50
7 50
5 95
16 25
6 25
1 25
3 75
11 25
3 15
6 25
3 75
3 75
1 25
5 75
5 00
2 50
6 25
6 25
1 25
40 00
16 25
3 15
20 00
1 25
2 50
1 90
16 25
7 50
3 75
7 50
1 25
6 25
6 25
6 90
20 00
6 25
6 25
1 25
1 25
6 25
6 25
2 50
5 95
5 95
T Schmidt, labor
M Specht, labor
D Sheehan, labor
A P Stevenson, labor
W Terry, labor ..
R Turner, labor
J Welsh, labor
Geo. Wolfe. labor
Edw. Welsh, labor
H Weber, labor
W Zachina, labor
6 25
6 25
75 00
75 00
7 50
3 75
8 15
6 25
6 25
5 95
6 25
J Bookman, team
F Burns, team
T Byron, teams
S Casey, team
A Conrad, team
Joe Calvert, team
P Clancey, team
E E Frith, team
M Gantenbein, team
J Gearey, team
J Graham, team ..
P Horch, team ..
M Hannon, team
T Kane, team
M Kennealy, team
T Kenneally, team
J Long, team
W Leik, team
P Linehan, team
Jos G Moore, team
McElrath Team Co, team .......
Jeff McGrath, team
Jno McCollins, team ....
P Norton, team
Geo Reynolds, team
D Sutherland, team
A Turner, team
Jas Tobin, team
Chas Botsford. labor on sewers18 75
Sam Elmer, labor on sewers 19 50
P Furey, labor on sewers 16 50
M Flynn, labor on sewers 19 50
Chas Hillery, labor on sewers ,20 00
Joe Lowery, labor on sewers 19 50
Jno McCune, labor on sewers 19 60
Jas Ryan, labor on sewers 19 50
9 25
Jno McCollins, team 2 50
Jas McCracken, team 5 00
P S Norton, team
Gotf Gmehle, assistant asses -
50 00
Jos J Murphy, assistant asses -
50 00
Thos Maguire, assistant attorney 50 00
P. W. Crawford, salary for alder -;100 00
man .
Jas. T. Duggan, salary for alder -
100 00
Jno. Flynn, salary for alder -
100 00
E. E. Frith, salary for alder -
100 00
Rudolph Jones, salary for alder -
00 00
P. H. McLaughlin, salary for al-
C. E. Wales, salary for alder -
100 00
man .. 0 75
F Atkins, macadam.... • . • • "' • 4 75
W. Boyce, macadam
Brandenberger & Peryon, maca-
dam 13 50
M. Burns, macadam.... .... .
11 25
15 U0
12 50
10 00
12 50
12 50
11 26
5 00
7 50
14 40
5 00
5 00
12 50
14 40
10 00
2 50
7 50
7 50
6 25
12 50
13 75
1 25
2 50
17 50
3 75
1 90
8 75
7 50
100 00
13 90
List of Warrants.
C. Blinkert, macadam 5 05
J. Cramer, macadam.. ...... 7 40
W. E. Conzett, macadam 10 65
P. & M. Carney macadam.... 6 30
J. Cahill, macadam 8 25
Elliott & Higgins, macadam .... 4 15
M. Farrell, macadam.. .... .. 7 65
P. Hanipan, macadam.. .... .... 1 60
J. Kerwin, macadam. .. 11 00
J. Kelly, macadam 110
M. Lavin, macadam.... ...... 14 10
F. Lassance, macadam ..10 45
R. Miller, macadam ........ .... .. 10 50
Jonh Malone, macadam.. 7 40
P. Mohan, macadam.. .. ...... .. 3 00
Jas McAleese, macadam .. 11 00
Jas O'Shea, macadam 13 05
A. Sabel, macadam 11 35
M. Shea, macadam 12 25
D. Sheehan, macadam .. .. .. 6 25
Miller, Leik & Haupert, ma-
cadam 39 85
Roscamp & Coapph, macadam... 29 60
Sullivan & Markey, macadam.... 25 40
Key City Gas Co, gas 35 25
Eichhorn & Bechtel, matches for
city hall 3 00
H. A. Lange, taking care of
town clock 6 month . 37 50
Smith, Morgan & Co, blank sta-
tionery 2 50
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and
racks for June and July 6 00
Key City Gas Co, gas for street
department 5 20
Standard Lumber Co, lumber 135 45
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lum-
ber....... .... 22 85
P. J. Seippel, lumber 54 10
Fred Schloz, repair of tools 8 05
B. D. Lenehan, repair of tools 3 35
Jno. Tibey, rock furnished to
Byrne & Saul, gravel for road
department .. .. .. .. ......
E. L. King, painting a city hall.. 10 25
Key Ciyt Gas Co, gas $81.95 and
coke $25.50 for fire department.. 105 45
C. A. Whitwell, veterinary ser-
Ott, Meuser & Co.., lumber and
1 25
142 50
17 00
Jos Dieg, rock furnished city1 25
Standard Oil Co, oil 3 25
W. H. Torbett, drugs 1 80
Jno Kriebs, repair of harness70
F. Roehl, hardware 80
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing .. 8 10
Sloan & Edwards, horse shoeing 9 20
Jno. Duggan repair of trucks and
carts.... ... 27 75
Dubuque Water Co, 336 hydrants
for July ..1402 75
Key City Gas Co., gas $38 90 for
police and engineer $5 20 44 10
Otto Rath, board of prisoneres for
July.. 12 60
C. H. Whitwell, veterinary service
for patrol team..
Peter Vogel, hauling from patrol
Chris Schmitt, meat for matron
D' ggan & Kane, supplies for ma-
Duggan & Kane, matches for po-
3 00
1 60
3 75
2 35
lice department .. .... . 2 90
P Hausen, bran for police house.. 1 40
M. Mullen, plumbing in calaboose
and patrol house .... 8 30
Globe Journal, official printing for
. .. 50 00
The Herald, officiating printing for
July 50 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print
ing 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun-
cil proceeding $3 00 and health
reports 6 50
Star Electric Co., 322 arch lights
for July ... 1738 80
Globe Light & Heat Co, 100 lamps
for July 166 67
Steuck & Linehan, construction
of storm sewer in Pine street.. 221 95
J. P. Schroeder & Co., cement .. 8 75
Mulgrew & Phillipps, sewer
pipe ... 25
A. Y. McDonald, Mfg, Co., re-
pairs for sewer department.... 75
Pape & Jacquinot, repair of water
fountain, 14 and Elm steets .... 12 55
Pape & Jacquinot, repair at Jack-
son park . .... 4 60
T E Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals .......... .... 193 45
W. J. Nesler, plumbing at gar-
bage dump .. 6 75
Dan Sheehan, labor at garbage
dump 12 50
H. F. C. Schneider, damages to
property .. .... 250 00
H. B. Gniffke ref. exc. permits115 00
H. B. Gniffke, interest on war
rants .. .... 153158
H. B. Gniffke, postage and reve-
nue stamps .. 5 00
H. B. Gniffke, New York Ex
change and Freight charges 13 69
Geo. G. Scott, loan .. 600 00
6 90
1 25
Jos Braulette, labor
Al Bewerdorf, labor .....
Paul Becker, labor 4 40
J Brown 15 00
M. Coyle, labor. 315
Con Callahan, labor 6 25
Jno Corcoran, labor 6 90
M Carmody, labor.... 9 40
Jas Cahill, labor 6 25
Jas Connolly, labor 15 00
Jno Dougherty, labor ..... .. 5 00
M Dunnigan, labor 6 90
F Darling, labor .... .... ..... 6 25.
P. Dempsey, Iabor 4 40
Jno Egan, labor 5 00
R T Eddy, labor 20 00
M Fetschle, labor 6 25
W Flanagan, labor .... . ....... 6 25
P Fitzgerald, labor ...... .... .... 5 65
E Fitzloff, labor 13 50
P Fenelon, labor 15 00
Ben Fern, labor 1 25
J Farley, labor 20 00
P Greden, labor .... 5 65
C Grunzig, labor.... .............. 5 65
Joe Grab, labor 6 65
George Gau, labor 4 70
B. Glass, labor 3 15
Chris. Heck, labor 6 90
A. Hofferman, labor 6 25•
List of Warrants.
A. Henderson, labor
M. Haffner, labor
F. J. Hargrave, labor
J. Hayes, labor
A. Johnson, labor
J. Jehring, labor ..
A Jaeger, labor
Chris. Jess, labor
P. Kenney, labor.
H. Kehr, labor
J. Kelly, labor ..
P. Krocheski, labor
J. Karsch, labor
J. Kinsella, labor
M. Klein, labor
P. Lovett, labor
M. Loes, labor
H. Lembke, labor
M. Loes, labor
H. Lembke, labor
M. Lonergan, labor
P. Moran, labor
J. Mullen, labor..
M. Murphy, labor
Ed Malloy, labor
T. Mulqueeney, labor ...... .. ..
A. Manderscheit, labor
P. Mohan, labor ..
J. Martineck, labor
J. Maaser, labor....
M. McMahon, labor
W. McDermott, labor
A. McGuan, labor
M. McNamara, labor
J. McGrath, labor
P. Norton, labor
P. Newman, labor ....... •... ..
J. O. Dea, labor .... ....:•
W. O'Brien, labor
Jas Purcell, labor
C Priebe, labor
J Pfeiffer, labor
J Parker, labor
C Pierce, labor
P Quinn, labor
J Rooney, labor
P Reddin, labor
J Reed, labor
Geo. Renk, labor
J. Raetz, labor
M Shea, labor
D Sheehan, labor
J. B. Stephens, labor.... .. ..
F. Scherr, labor
P Smith, labor
P Stopper, labor
.7 Sieg, labor
J Schmidt, labor
B Schnee, labor
L Taylor, labor ..................•
P Wiest, labor
J Weitz, labor
W Weber, labor
F Zuershoff, labor
I Beekman, team ............ ' " •
Joe Calvert, team
B Cain, team
Jno Decker,
E Frith. team ....... • • • • • •
J GeareY, team ....... • • • • • " •
M Gantenbein, team • • • • • • • • • •
J Graham, team ...... • • • • " " "
P Horch, team ............ ' • " "
.7 Kenneally, team ••••••••••••
J Long, team •"""'
J G Moore, team ............."',
7 20
2 20
6 25
20 00
3 15
3 15
6 55
7 20
4 40
1 25
6 26
6 25
7 20
20 00
12 50
1 25
3 15
6 90
3 15
6 90
15 00
6 90
9 40
5 00
6 25
3 15
5 65
3 75
1 90
5 00
2 50
2 50
6 25
4 70
3 15
15 00
20 00
6 25
6 00
6 25
5 65
15 00
6 25
8 75
6 25
3 15
6 90
20 00
6 25
14 00
5 00
5 00
6 25
6 25
5 40
2 50
9 00
11 25
6 25
6 25
6 25
5 65
12 50
12 50
11 90
2 50
12 60
13 15
2 50
12 50
11 25 90
13 16
C L McGovern, team '
McElrath Teaming Co, team
J McCollins, team ..
P S Norton, team
J Parker, team
Mrs Qunlivan, team
Geo Reynolds, team
F Sieg, team
H Schmitz, team 13 75
G Scott, team 11 25
J Tobin, team 12 60
A Turner, team 12 50
Chas Botsford, labor on sewers16 50
S Elmer, labor on sewers 18 00
P Furey, labor on sewers 18 00
M Flynn, labor on sewers 18 00
J Lowery, labor on sewers . 18 00
J McCune, labor on sewers 16 50
J Ryan, labor on sewers .. 19 50
C Hillery, labor on sewers 20 00
Jas McCracken, team . • .. 2 50
T Clancy rock furnished to city • 8 SO
M and J Corbett, macadam 30 00
3 75
13 75
17 60
10 00
7 50
11 23
3 75
10 00
D and T Donovan and A Singel
P Defontaine, macadam
P Ryan, macadam
J Whelan, macadam
H and W Kronfeld, macadam
M Crahan, macadam
J R Jellison, rock furnished to
the city
M 0 Laughlin, rodman
P Clancy, hauling cinders West
14th and Wood streets
H Leik, gutter rock on Fifth
C H Whitwell, veterinary ser-
vices 18 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing Is
a true and correct list of all warrants
issued by me during the month of Au—
gust, 1898.
45 00
15 00
15 00
15 00
30 00
15 00
2 40
8 00
4 60
4 55
City Reeorder.
An Ordinance establishing the grade of
Louisa street from Delhi street to
Grace street.
Be it ordained by the city council
of the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Louisa
street from Delhi street to Grace
street described as follows: Com-
mencing at Delhi and Louisa street
station 0 elevation 296.84 feet. city
datum, thence south to station 5, plus
74 feet elevation 301.80 feet, which is
Grace and Louisa streets; be and Is
hereby established as the grade of
said Louisa street from Delhi street to
Grace street.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
the date of its publication one time in
the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspa-
per of the city of Dubuque.
Passed by the council Sept. 1st, 1898.
Approved Sept. 3rd.
C. H. BERG. Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper Sept. 14th, 1898.
Official Notices.
(Official Publication.)
An ordinance entitled an ordinance to
regulate the manner of fixing, estab-
lishing and changing grades in the
city of Dubuque:
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. That every grade here-
after agreed upon for any street, al-
ley, highway or avenue within said
city, shall be fixed and established by
ordinance, and the profile of all grades
so fixed and established shall be filed in
the office of, and kept of record, by the
city engineer.
Sec. 2. Any grade heretofore estab-
lished by resolution or otherwise than
by ordinance, shall be confirmed and
established by ordinance.
Sec. 3. That whenever application is
made to establish or change, or when-
ever the council deems it expedient to
establish or change the grade of any
street, alley, highway or avenue in the
city of Dubuque, the council shall di-
rect the city engineer to prepare from
actual survey and report to the council
a profile showing the grade proposed;
and report whether or not a grade has
been previously established on said
street, alley, highway or avenue, and if
there has been, said profile shall also
show said established grade, and he
shall also report whether or not any
person has made improvements on the
street, alley, highway, or avenue, or
lots abutting thereon, according to the
said established grade.
Sec. 4. After said profile has been
reported to the council, it shall either
reject or accept the same.
Sec. 5. When the profile is accept-
ed, the council shall, if no grade has
previously been established, or if,
where a grade has been established,
the engineer reports that no person
has made improvements on the street,
alley, highway or avenue, or lots abut-
ting thereon, according to the estab-
lished grade, forthwith cause the same
to be fixed and established by an ordi-
nance drawn for that purpose.
Sec. 6. If any grade has been es-
tablished on the street, alley, highway
or avenue and any person shall have
made improvements thereon according
to said established grade and the pro-
posed grade alters same in such a man-
ner as to damage, injure or diminish
the value of such property so improved,
the city shall pay to the owner of such
property the amount of such damage or
injury and the council in such a case
shall, after accepting the profile, post-
pone further action upon such propos-
ed change until the proceedings for the
appraisement of damages are had as
hereinafter prescribed.
Sec. 7. The amount of such damage
or injury shall be determined and as-
sessed by three disinterested freehold-
ers, one of whom shall be selected by
the mayor, one by the owner of the
property, and one by the two so ap-
pointed. The mayor after his selec-
tion shall cause the marshal or other
proper officer to notify the owner of
such property to select an appraiser
and give his name to the mayor within
ten days from the time of receiving no-
tice. If the owner fails to select an
appraiser within ten days from the
time of receiving notice to select same,
or in case of the disagreement of such
two so appointed to select another ap-
praiser, the mayor shall so report to
the council and the council shall select
all such appraisers.
Sec. 8. Such appraisers shall take
oath to faithfully and impartially dis-
charge their duties, which oath shall
be filed in the office of the recorder.
They shall then give ten days notice in
writing to the owner of the property
affected of the time and place of their
meeting to view the premises, and
make their assessment. If the owner
resides in the county such notice shall
be served by the marshal or other
proper officer in the same manner as
original notices in the district court;
if the owner resides outside of the
county or his residence is unknown,
notice shall be given by publication
once a week for three consecutive
weeks in the official newspaper of the
Sec. 9. That in determining the
question of the amount of damage that
will be caused to any abutting lot or
parcel of land by the proposed change
of grade, the appraisers shall consider
and take into account the benefits that
will result to said real estate from
such change; and the measure of dam-
ages, if in the judgment of the apprais-
ers, any will result therefrom, shall be
the difference in value caused by the
Sec. 10. The appraisers shall view
the premises, and, in their discretion,
receive evidence, and may adjourn from
day to day. When the appraisement is
completed ,the appraisers shall sign
and return the same to the council,
which shall be done within thirty days
from the date of their selection.
Sec. 11. After the return of the ap-
praisement the council may confirm
or annul the appraisement, and if an-
nulled all previous proceedings shall
be void and of no effect, and no furth-
er proceedings shall be had in the mat-
ter. If confirmed an order of confirm-
ation shall be entered by the recorder;
in the record of the proceedings of the
council. Thi council shall thereupon
cause the said grade as changed to be
fixed and established by an ordinance
drawn for that purpose.
Sec. 12. The recorder shall forth-
with furnish the treasurer with a certi-
fied copy of the confirmation of the
appraisement, and the treasurer shall
set apart the amount of each appraise-
ment of each owner, and pay the same
to the person entitled thereto, and take
his receipt therefor. The treasurer
upon receiving same shall notify and
tender the sum so set apart to the
person entitled, in writing and shall
preserve a copy of said notification and
tender. No alteration of grade shall
Official Notices. 269
be made until the damages assessed
shall have been paid or tendered to the
owner of the property injured or dam-
Sec. 13. Any person interested may
appeal from the order of confirmation
to the District Court of the county, by
giving notice thereof to the mayor,
within twenty days after the order of
confirmation is entered. On the teal
of the appeal, all questions involved in
the proceedings, including the amount
of damages, shall be open to investiga-
tion, and the burden of proof shall, in
all cases. be upon the city to show that
proceedings are in accord with the
provisions of this ordinance. The cost
of such proceedings, incurred prior to
the order of confirmation or annulment
of the appraisement. shall in all eas-
es be paid by the city. If the person
appealing recovers more damages than
were awarded by the appraisers, he
shall recover the costs of the appeal;
if he recovers the same or less than the
award, the costs of the appeal shall be
taxed to him.
Sec. 14. All ordinances contravening
or inconsistent with this ordinance are
hereby repealed, and this ordinance
shall take effect and be in force from
and after its publication one time in the
Daily Telegraph newspaper of the city
of Dubuque.
Passed by the council Sept. 1st, 1898.
Approved Sept. 3rd.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper Sept. 14th, 1898.
An Ordinance establishing the grade
of the Alley next north of Grace
street, from Hall street to Louisa
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of the al-
ley next and north of Grace street from
Hall street to Louisa street, described
as follows: Commencing at station 0,
elevation 277 feet city datum, thence
west to station 1, elevation 2S0 feet,
thence west to station 3 elevation 298
feet, thence west to station 3 plus 35
feet elevation 300 feet, which is the in-
tersection of Louisa street and said al-
ley be and is hereby established as the
grade of said alley next north of Grace
street from Hall street to Louisa
Section 2. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
the date of its publication one time in
the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspa-
per of the city of Dubuque.
Passed by the council Sept. 1st, 1898.
Approved Sept. 3rd.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper Sept. 14th, 1898.
An ordinance establishing the grade of
Troy street and alley from Kniest
street to Johnson avenue, between
Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues.
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Troy
street and alley from Kniest street to
Johnston avenues, between Rhomberg
and Lincoln avenues described as fol-
lows: Commencing at Kniest street
and said alley station 0 elevation 20
ft., city datum, thence northeast to sta-
tion 2 elevation 21.50 ft., thence north-
east to station 4 plus 29 feet elevation
28.44 feet which is where said alley in-
tersects with Johnson avenue; be and is
hereby established as the grade of said
Troy street and alley from Kniest
street to Johnston avenue. between
Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues.
Section 2. This ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
after the date of its publication one
time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph
newspaper of the city of Dubuque.
Passed by the council Sept. 1st, 1898.
Approved Sept. 3rd.
C. H. BERG, Mayor,
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper Sept. 14th, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. Sept.
22, 1898, for doing the veterinary work
and furnishing medicine for the horses
of the fire and police department and
all horses owned and used by the city
for the term of one year, commencing
Oct. 1, 1898, and ending Oct. 1, 1899.
Bidders must state the price per
horse per month, for doing such work.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
City recorder's office, Sept. 17, 1898.
9-171to-22. City Recorder.
Recorder's office, Sept. 17, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to Thursday at 8 o'clock
p. m., Sept. 22, 1898, to furnish the
city fire and police departments with
No. 1 oats and No. 1 timothy hay for the
term of one year.
Said oats and hay to be delivered in
such quantities and at such times and
places as may be ordered from time to
time. The same to be weighed on the
city scales and delivered at the expense
of the contractor.
Each bid must be accompanied with
a check for $25.00 on some Dubuque
bank as a guarantee that a contract
will be entered into if awarded. The
city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
9 -17 -to -22. City Recorder.
List of Warrants.
Dubuque Sept. 17, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. Sept.
22, 1898, for furnishing hard and soft
coal and coke for the use of the various
fire engine houses of the city, up to
April 1, 1899.
Bidders must state the price per ton
for each kind of coal, also the quality
of coal.
The coal to be delivered in such quan-
tities and at such places and times as
the city may require. The coal to
be weighed on the city scales at the city
Each bid must be accompanied with
a certified check for $25.00 on some Du-
buque bank, as a guarantee that the
contract will be entered into if wanted.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
9 -17 -to -22. City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that a propo-
sition is now pending before the city
council of the city of Dubuque for
the vacation of a strip of land ten feet
wide on the easterly side and ten feet
wide on the westerly side of Troy
street from Johnson avenue to end of
said Troy street, and that the question
of such vacation will be considered at a
meeting of the council to be held on the
16th day of September, 1898, at which
time any person objecting to said vaca-
tion may appear and present their ob-
jections to the same.
9-3-10t. City Recorder.
The board of equalization have com-
pleted the work of equalizing the tax
books for the year 1898. A list showing
all the changes made by the board will
be found at each of the following
City Hall.
Court House.
Post Office.
The board will be in session on Mon-
day, Sept. 26, 1898 at 2 p. m. in the
city assessor's office in the city hall
where any person feeling aggrieved by
the assessment of his or her real estate
or personal property, may appear before
said board and give reasons why such
cl-._nges should not be made.
Clerk of Committee. 9-13-to26
Dubuque, Sept. 23, 1898.
All persons who have failed to pay
their license for the year 1898 are re-
quested to call on the treasurer and
pay the same on or before Tuesday,
the 27th day of September, 1898, or I
will ' compelled to proceed against
you according to law.
--E(1. Morgan,
9 -21 -to -27. Marshal.
An ordinance entitled an ordinance
amending section one (1). chapter sev-
enty-eight (78) of the revised ordinance
of 1893, entitled an ordinance to provide
for the registration of births, deaths,
burials and contagious diseases.
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque, That section 1,
aforesaid of the above named chap-
ter 78 be amended and extended to read
hereafter as follows:
Sec. 1. That every physician, mid-
wife, nurse, householder, or other per-
son under whose care or supervision
any child may be born within the juris-
diction of this city. shall report the
fact of said birth to the city recorder
within forty-eight (48) hours of the oc-
currence of the same in the manner and
form prescribed in blank No. 1 particu-
lar care being taken by the person so
reporting to name the street, the num-
ber of the domicile, the ward, the na-
tionality of the parents, and the other
facts connected with the birth afore-
said and which are referred to on the
aforesaid blank No. 1.
Sec. 2. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
after its publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper.
Passed by the city council Septem-
ber 22, 1898.
Approved September 23, 1898.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper September 28,
Regular Session, October 6, 1898. 271
I:,• filmr Session, October 6, 1898.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Flynn moved that the council
proceedings for the month of Septem-
ber 1898 be approved as printed. Car-
The following bills were ordered paid:
Thos. F. Maguire, assistant city
attorney $ 50 00
Walton & Bieg, stationery for law
department 4 15
Annie Williams, interpreter in
case of Frohs vs City 4 10
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and
racks for Aug. and Sept 6 00
James O'Connor, cleaning around
city hall 10 70
Eichhorn & Bechtel, soap and
brooms for city hall .. 5 00
L. M. Langstaff, stove for recor-
der's office 15 00
W. B. Baumgartner, lawn mower
for Jackson park 5 00
Ham & Carver, blank station-
ery 2 00
Smith, Morgan Printing Co., blank
stationery 10 75
A. L. Clark, window shades for
Mrs. Lull 18 25
P. McGregor, moving household
furniture, etc., Mrs. Lull 17 00
Key City Gas Co., gas for Mrs.
Lull 5 30
W. Sinhold. hauling brush from
Jackson park 1 50
Christman & Healey, hardware
for First -Ward scales 1 40
Austin Western Co., new sprink-
ler for road department .. 150 00
Klauer Mfg. Co., repairs done at
Mrs. Lull's residence 8 25
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road
department 15 55
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
road department 5 20
A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing
(carpenter horse) 1 60
B. D. Lenehan, repair tools for
road department 2 50
Jno. Tibey, rock furnished to city 14 80
Jno. Becker, rock furnished to
city .... 27 00
Pat Quinn, rock furnished to city 6 60
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber deliv-
ered on St. Joseph street 16 95
Knapp, Stout & Co., Co., lumber
for road department .. 65 25
Linehan & Molo, new hose and
coupling for road department . 10 25
Jos. Sieg, rock furnished to city7 50
Frank Sieg, rock furnished to
city 10 00
Key City Co., coke for steam
roller 40 50
Peter Eisbach, wall on De Soto
Terrace 1100 00
Key City Gas Co., gas for fire
department 7 50
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
for fire department 32 90
Excelsior Bi a,ss Works, repair of
steamer R. W. Stewart, for fire
department 24 30
Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe-
ing for fire department 2 40
Sloan & Edwards, horse shoeing
for fire department 4 00
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
for fire department 7 00
A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for
fire department 3 80
Phil. Pier, coal for fire depart-
ment 40 80
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire department 4 00
C. H. Whites ell, veterinary ser-
vices for fire department 8 50
W. H. Torbert, drugs for fire
department . . 2100
W. H. Whelan, repair of harness
holders, fire department 1 50
Jno. Degnan, oats 240 05
Even & Fuchs, coal 3 65
G. F. Thorman, drugs 1 30
Standard Oil Co., oil 3 90
Linehan & Molo, fire clay 75
G. F. Kleih, harness snaps 25
Christman & Healey, hardware
for fire department
Police Telephone and Signal Co,
supplies for electrician 16 00
American Fire Eng. Co., 1 set of
new coil for steamer R. W.
Stewart 275 00
Dubuque Water Co., 337 hydrants
for September 140415
Iowa Telephone Co.,
service for fire and
Jno. Degnan,
P. Hansen, hay for
P. Hansen, bran
M. Byrne, hay
Edi Morgan,
M. Mullen, plumbing
M. J. LaNicca, drugs and
for police department
C. H. Whitwell, veterinary
vices patrol team
Sloan & Edwards, horse
for police department
Collings & Wilkinson, horse
ing for police department
Jos. Trudell, repair patrol wagon
Duggan & Kane, supplies for Ma-
tron quarters
Otto Rath, board of prisoners for
G. F. Thorman, milk, eggs and
etc., for matron quarters 4 45
Ferguson Supply Co., couplings
for sewer department 98
Linehan & Molo, pipe for sewer
department 2 95
Linehan & Molo, cement for sewer
department .. 3 75
Fred Roehl, cotton rope for sewer
department .. 120
police de -
for patrol
city pound .
for patrol
54 05
45 65
for patrol house . 15 40
pasturing patrol
at patrol
ser -
shoe -
1 50
1 00
3 65
1 50
7 00
2 00
4 25
3 70
10 00
272 Regular Session, October 6, 1898.
G. F. Kleih, handles for sewer
Duggan & Kane, oil for sewer
Globe Journal, official printing
for September 50 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print-
ing for September 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly pro-
ceedings for September 6 00
Dubuque Herald, official printing
for September 50 00
German Catholic Print:nb Co., of-
ficial printing for six months37 50
Star Electric Co., 322 arc lights
for September 1738 80
Globe Light & Heat Co., 100 lamps
for September 166 67
Hardie & Scharle, blank station-
ery for engineer's office 9 50
F. Mertz, repair of safe lock and
opening cafe engineer's office 7 55
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports for September 3 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, tacks for
health department 30
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals for Sept. 193 44
G. F. Kleih, stove bolts for health
department 25
Dan Sheehan, labor on city dump 5 00
The following bill was ordered paid
by the following vote:
Sam Starr, use of horse and
buggy for September 10 00
Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Jones, Mc-
Laughlin and Wales.
Nays—Alds. Duggan and Flynn.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Hardie & Scharle, 147 pages of
abstract in the case of F. W.
Altman et al vs City .. 147 00
0. H. Whitwell. veterinary ser-
vices for 3 extra horses 1 50
C. H. Whitwell, hospital charges
for box stalls and feed for
horses for fire department 3 00
On motion both bills were referred to
the fire committee.
Con. Ryan, constructing sewer in
Pickett and Alma streets .. 200 00
Ald. Crawford moved that the bills
be referred to the committee on sew-
ers. Carried.
Joseph Kling, witness fees in case
of Mary Morse vs City 3 85
On motion bill was referred to city
P. Vogel, hauling manure from
patrol house 3 00
On motion the bill was referred to
Marshal Morgan.
M. O'Laughlin, services in engineer's
office from May 6 to Oct. 1, 1898, at the
rate of $40.00 per month, $192.00.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bill
be paid. Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Duggan and McLaugh-
Nays—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Jones
and Wales.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Wales moved that M. O'Lough-
lin be notified by the mayor in writing,
informing him that he will not be paid.
by the city for past or further ser-
vices. Carried.
The bills of Gotf. Gmehle and J. J.
Murphy, assistant assessors, were read
and action deferred until communica-
tion was read in relation to salary of
said assistants.
Ald. Crawford moved that bills for
September of $50.00 each be paid. Car-
Ald. Flynn moved that the communi-
cation be referred to the committee of
the whole and the assessor and two
assistants be notified to appear before
the committee. Carried.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the bill
of Hardie and Scharle amounting to
$147.00 for printing abstract in case of
Franc W. Altman, et al, vs. City was
reconsidered and moved that same be
referred to the committee on print-
ing. .Carried.
The communication of Marshal Mor-
gan asking that the council appoint an-
other captain of the police was, on mo-
tion of Ald. McLaughlin, received and
The following petitions were granted
provided they pay the interest due to
Oct. 1, 1898:
Petition of H. A. Lammers asking
extension of one year to pay his spec-
ial assessment on lot 26, Voelker's add.
F etition of Joseph Kubec asking an
extension of one year to pay his spec-
ial assessment on lot 316, East Du-
buque addition.
Petition of George and Mary Traub
asking extension on one year to pay
their special assessment on lot 1 of
Kelly's sub of 19 and 20, the W. 100
ft and N 26 ft of lot 2.
Petition of George Klein asking an
extension of one year to pay his spec-
ial assessment on N 1-2 of lot 308 East
Dubuque addition.
Petition of Mrs. A. Drees asking an
extension of one year to pay special
assessments against her property.
Petition of Mrs. Thomas Hassett
asking an extension of one year to
pay special assessments on lot 2 in
Harper's sub.
The following petitions were referred
to the delinquent tax committee and
the treasurer instructed not to adver-
tise and sell said property until final
action is taken by the council on the
Petition of Mrs. Annie Silzer asking
that the taxes on W 1-2 of lot 47, Cox's
add. be ordered canceled.
Petition of Mrs. Mary C. Agard ask-
ing that the taxes of Elvira Wolcott
estate on lots 262, 263 and 264, Ham's
add be cancelled for the year 1897.
Petition of Fred. Gallow asking that
the taxes on lot 11, Schaffner's add, be
ordered cancelled for the year 1897.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Rubeck asking
that the taxes on her property be or-
dered cancelled.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Regular Session, October 6, 1898
Petition of Brown and Brown asking
that a warrant be ordered drawn for
the 5 per cent. retained by the city on
the Iowa street paving contract.
Petition of James Beach and C. H.
Schmitt asking that the city exempt
from taxes for ten years property to be
used for a packing house.
Petition of Eugene Rasquine asking
the city to purchase 60 yards of mac-
adam at Twenty-fifth and Elm streets.
The petition of Mrs. Groveline Shaw
asking that her house on lot No. 13,
Jaeger's sub, be assessed at a valua-
tion of $150.00, was, on motion, referred
to the board of equalization and city
The petition of Mrs. Deckert asking
that the city furnish 2,000 lb weight for
the Fifth ward scales was, on motion,
referred to the committee on public
grounds and building with power.
A proposition from the Welsbach
Street Lighting Company of America
agreeing to furnish 100 or more im-
proved Welbach naptha lamps, the
same to be placed in the gasoline dis-
trict and to take the place of the lamps
now in that district was presented.
Mr. Hoagland, representing said
company, being present, was permitted
to address the council and stated that
the company would furnish the posts.
Ald. Wales moved that the communi-
cation be referred to the committee of
the whole. Carried.
The petition of T. J. Donahue asking-
skin;that all taxes for personal property be
cancelled except the taxcr for a team
of horses, was on motion of Ald.
Wales, granted and the treasurer in-
structed to cancel all personal tax ex-
cept that tax for team of horses.
The petition of Mrs. K. S. Hargus
asking that the treasurer be instructed
not to advertise or sell her property
for special assessment for improvement
of Bluff etreet and to cancel the inter-
est on eaid taxes while it has been in
the hands of the city attorney was read.
Ald. Crawford moved that the treas-
urer be instructed not to advertise or
sell said property until the matter is
disposed of by the council. Carried.
Mayor Berg stated that there was a
team license charged up against a war-
rant in favor of Martin O'Neill, deceas-
ed, and recommended that the license
be cancelled and the full amount of the
warrant be paid to the estate of said
Ald. Crawford moved that the team
license charged against the warrant in
favor of the said Martin O'Neill be re-
mitted and the recommendations of the
mayor carried out. Carried.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Below you will find a
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the month of September, 1898,
for which please order warrants drawn
in my favor:
Refund excavation permits $ 95 00
Interest paid on outstanding
warrants 5263 70
Postage stamps exchange,
freight express and all other
causes ... 39 44
Total $5398 14
I have also received money borrowed
from all parties, for which please or-
der loan warrants drawn for the var-
ious amounts. Amount borrowed, $7,-
Ald. Duggan moved that the report
be received and warrants ordered
drawn for the various amounts and the
report referred back to the finance
committee. Carried.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit to
you my report for the month of Sep-
tember, 1898, showing the receipts and
disbursements for the month:
Cash on hand September, 1893 $29243 08
Receipts from all sources 23971 14
Total .. $53214 22
Warrants redeemed in
September $15497 10
Coupons redeemed in
September 8792 05 $24289 15
Cash on hand Oct. 1st, 1898 ....$28925 12
Of the cash on hand there belongs to
the improvement bond fund, $11,271.67
Leaving a balance to credit of the city
$17,653.45. Also report that there is
due city officers for salary for the
month of September, 1898, $1,971.65.
The following is a list showing
amounts expended in each department
since the beginning of the fiscal year:
General expense fund $17147 71
Gas end light
Board of health
28303 42
15623 05
16583 08
13334 79
9806 90
2534 75
1457 55
2927 20
1758 48
16435 61
Total $125912 54
Also report coupons redeem-
ed $ 8792 00
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re
port be received and that warrants be
ordered drawn to pay the city officers
and the report referred back to the
finance committee. Carried.
Chief Reinfried of the fire department
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
The following is the pay roll for the
fire department for the month of Sep-
tember, 1898:
274 Regular Session, October 6, 1898.
Total amount due firemen for the
month of September, 1898, $1,924.80.
Ald. Duggan moved that the report
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the firemen for the month
of September, 1898, and the report or-
dered back to the committee on fire.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following shows the
report of the police department for the
month of September, 1898:
Total number of arrests 60
Total runs 171
Miles traveled 114
Number of lodgers harbored 24
Number of defective lights 109
Meals furnished by market master50
Pound master receipts $1.00
Also reported $1,990.80 due the police
for the month of September, 1898.
Ald. Duggan moved that the report
be received and that warrants be order-
ed drawn for the various amounts and
the report referred back to the com-
mittee on police. Carried.
Street commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on street for the last
half of September, 1898. Total amount
Ald. Duggan moved that the pay roll
be received and that warrants be or-
dered drawn to pay the laborers and
the report referred back to the commit-
tee on streets. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a state-
ment of the amount due for labor on
sewers from September 16th to Octo-
ber 1, 1898. Total amount due $156.25.
. Ald. Duggan moved that the report
be received and that warrants be or-
dered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred back
to the committee on sewers. Carried.
Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—The following is a state-
ment of the amount expended for labor
on streets during the month of Septem-
ber, 1898, by wards:
Wm. O'Brien, repairing West 3d
street $ 54 80
Wm O'Brien, repairing Mt. Car-
mel avenue .. 10 25
Wm O'Brien, repairing Rowan
street 11 25
Wm O'Brien, repairing First
street 71 00
Wm O'Brien, repairing Cascade
road 188 25
Total FIrst ward $335 i5
R T Eddy repairing Burch
street $ 62 75
R T Eddy, repairing West 5th
street 85 20
R T Eddy, repairing Needham
Place 30 50
R T Eddy, repairing Julien ave141 65
Robt McGivern, dumping 4th
street extension 40 00
Total Second ward . .$360 10
Jno Farley, repairing 17th street$ 12 75
Jno Farley, repairing Jackson
street 43 55
Jno Farley, repairing 15th street23 50
Jno Farley, cleaning and repair-
ing various alleys 129 15
Jno Farley, cleaning various
92 90
Total Third ward .. $301 85
John Hayes, repairing West Lo-
cust street .. $ 52 50
John Hayes, repairing Asbury
street ...
John Hayes, repairing Delhi
John Hayes, repairing 14th street
J H Boyce, repairing Forresters'
fence, W 14th street
J H Boyce, repairing stairway
W llth street
E C Blake. repairing crossing
Hall street
J H Boyce. masons, 14th street
108 15.
63 50
141 55
7 50
3 75
5 25
12 00
Total Fourth ward . $394 20
Jno Raetz, repairing Jackson
street $342 50
Jno Raetz, repairing Eagle Point
Jno Raetz, repairing Sanford
Geo Zumhoff, repairing Jackson
Geo Zumhoff, repairing Millville
Geo Zumhoff, repairing Rhom-
berg avenue
J H Boyce, mason work, Jack-
son street
J H Boyce, mason work, Rhom-
berg avenue
J H Boyce, mason work Couler
J H Boyce, mason work, Eagle
Point ave-:.ue
J H Boyce, mason work, Lincoln
14 00
40 75
28 00
85 25
23 00
24 25
13 76
18 00
35 45
10 00
Total Fifth ward .. $634 95
J H Boyce, sweeping all brick
paved streets $223 45
J H Boyce, repairing brick
streets 14 40
J H Boyce, engineer and stoker
steam roller 125 00
J H Boyce, driver, carpenter
Regular Session, October 6, 1898. 275
wagon 40 00
J H Boyce, paper collector 25 00
J H Boyce, teams for sprinkler3 75
Total $431 60
Total all wards $2,458 25
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my re
port of defective lights for the month
of September, 1898:
I find from the report of the police
department that the total hours that
109 lamps failed to burn would equal
4 2-3 lamps for one month or $25.20.
On motion the report was received
and the auditor instructed to deduct
the amount of $25.20 from the Star Elec
tric company bill for the month of
September, 198.
The following weighmasters report-
ed as follows, which was referred to
the committee on markets:
Otto Rath, scales receipts for the
month of September, $21.25.
Mrs. Deckert, scales receipts for the
month of September, $3.93.
Charles Pitschner, scales receipts for
the month of September, $2.67.
F. Faherty, scales receipts for the
month of September, $5.49.
R. F. Curran, woodmeasurer, $1.50.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, -Oct. 6th, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen :—In the matter of the case
of George Van Wie et al, referred to me
by your honorable body will say: Mr.
Van Wie started suit before Justice
W. J. Cantillon, seeking to recover
damages in the sum of $75.00. City rais-
ed question of proper notice and was
sustained, and case dismissed.
THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
Street Commissioner Boyce to whom
had been referred the petition of John
Burns asking the city to give him more
work, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayer
I would respectfully report on the
petition of John Burns, that he has
been given employment on the streets
perhaps all he is entitled to under ex-
isting circumstances, but not sufficient
to keep himself and family.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be adopted and the petition pre-
sented to the council at this session be
received and filed. Carried.
Recorder Langstaff reported that the
proper notice for the construction of
sidewalk on the south side of West 16th
street, abutting lots 11, 12 and 13, Mor-
and City
gan's sub, had been published, and
asked further instructions.
Ald. Crawford moved the matter be
referred to the committee of the whole.
Ald. Wales brought up the matter of
city scales and stated that some of the
private scales were doing weighing for
shippers at the detriment of the city
Ald. Wales moved the matter of pri-
vate and city scales be referred to the
ordinance committee with the view of
an ordinance regulating all scales. Cad-
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or-
dinance committee, presented an ordi-
nance entitled an ordinance licensing
pawnbrokers and moved that it be read
for the first time. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total, 6.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
The ordinance was then read in full.
Ald. Crawford moved that the rules
be suspended and the ordinance be
read the second time. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total, 6.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
The ordinance was
second time.
Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi-
nance be passed. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Flynn, Jones,
Total 6.
The mayor
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. No person shall carry on,
conduct, engage in, or pursue the busi-
ness of a pawnbroker without a license
therefor, and there shall be taxed
and collected by the city for such li-
cense the sum of Fifty dollars annum,
said license to be issued and paid for
as provided in Section one of Chapter
27 of the Revised Ordinance of 1893, of
the City of Dubuque. being an ordi-
nance in relation to license.
Section 2. Any person who shall car
Ty on, conduct, engage in, or pursue the
business of a pawnbroker without a li-
cense therefore, shall be deemed guil-
ty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion thereof shall be subject to a fine
of not less than $50.00 or more than
Section 3. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and af-
ter its publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the
street committee, reported as follows:
then read the
Crawford, Duggan,
McLaughlin and Wales.
declared the ordinance
276 Regular Session, October 6, 1898.
Your committee on streets would
respectfully report that they have ex-
amined the improvement of the alley
next north of Grace street, (0. G.
Kringle, contractor) and would recom-
mend that It be accepted.
Signed: P. W. CRAWFORD.
Also presented bill of final estimate
of City Engineer Blake, showing $272.13
due O. G. Kringle, contractor, for the
macadamizing of above said alley,
whereupon Ald. Crawford offered the
following resolution:
Resolved, That a warrant for the
sum of $272.13 be drawn on the street
improvement fund in favor of O. G.
Kringle, contractor, in full payment for
the macadamizing of the alley next
north of Grace street running from
Hall street to Louisa street in Reche's
subdivision; that said warrant be made
not transferable, and the city treasur-
er be instructed to retain the sum of
$38.07, the balance due the city of Du-
buque for rolling and macadam fur-
nished, after deducting the amount due
contractor for grading.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port and resolution was adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn., Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total -6.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the
street committee presented bill of J. J.
McCollins for $21 for loading 60 cubic
yards of macadam for Oelwein and
moved that said bill be referred to the
street committee. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin, chairman of the
committee on police and lights, report-
ed as follows:
We, your committee on police and
light to whom was referred the bill
of the Key City Gas company for $4.15
for gas furnished Mrs. Lull respectfully
report in favor of paying said bill, and
that a warrant be drawn in favor of
the Key City Gas Co. for said amount.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report was adopted.
Ald. Wales, of the special committee,
reported as follows:
Your special committee to whom was
referred the bids .for hard and soft
coal and coke with power, would res-
pectfully report, that we have award-
ed the contract for hard and soft coal
to Philip Pier at the following prices:
Hard coal, $6.19 per ton; soft coal,
big muddy lump, $2.82 per ton; and the
contract for coke was given to the Key
City Gas Co. at a price of $4.80 per ton,
less 30 cents per ton if the city delivers
the same.
Signed: C. E. WALES
On motion of Ald. Duggan the report
was adopted.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the city of Dubuque for
the improvement of the street and al-
ley hereinafter mentioned has been
prosecuted, and is either completed or
approaching completion, and the city
engineer has computed that the com-
pensation due the contractor for same,
amount to the following sums:
For macadamizing Troy street and
the alley running southerly from the
south end of Troy street to Johnson
avenue, $314.50; therefore be it
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the mayor
is required for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the cost of such
improvement to issue, execute and de-
liver to the recorder a bond to be coun-
tersigned by the recorder of the de-
nomination of $314.50 payable six (6)
years after date with interest at five (5)
per eent per annum payable semi-
annually, said bonds to be issued on
said improvement, in the amount of
$314.50. Bond to be dated October 15,
1898. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total -6.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Approved Oct. 7, 1898.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the city of Dubuque
for the improvement of the alley here-
inafter mentioned has been prosecuted
and is either completed or approaching
completion, and the city engineer has
computed that the compensation due
the contractor for same, amounts to
the following sum:
For macadamizing alley next north of
Grace street from Hall street to
Louisa street, $272.13, therefore be it
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the mayor is
required for the purpose of providing
for the payment of the costs of such
improvement to issue, execute and de-
liver to the recorder a bond to be
countersigned by the recorder, of the
denomination of $272.13, payable six (6)
years after date with interest at five
(5) per cent per annum payable semi-
annually, said bond to be issued in
the amount of $272.13 on said im-
Bond to be dated October 15, 1898.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total -6.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Approved October 7, 1898.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Whereas, The contract heretofore en-
Regular Session, October 6, 1898. 277
tered into by the city of Dubuque for
the construction of a sewer in the
streets hereinafter mentioned has been
prosecuted and is either completed or
approaching completion, and the city
engineer has computed that the com-
pensation due the contractor for same
amounts to the following sum:
For construction of a sanitary sewer
of eight (8) inch tile pipe in Pickett and
Alma streets, from the easterly termin-
ation of the present sanitary sewer in
Pickett street at a point opposite the
center of sub lot 2 of sub lot 8 of the
sub of out lot 667 in the city of Dubu-
que, thence easterly in Pickett street
to Alma street; thence northerly in Al-
ma street to West Sixteenth street, $550.
Therefore, Be it resolved by the city
council of the city of Dubuque: That
the mayor is required for the purpose of
providing for the payment of the cost of
such sewer to issue and execute and de-
liver to the city recorder bonds to be
countersigned by the recorder of the
denomination of $100.00 each, or frac-
tion, payable six (6) years after date
with interest at 5 per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually, said bonds to
be issued on said improvement in the
amount of $550.00, bonds to be dated
October 15th, 1898.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds.Crawford, Duggan, Flynn
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent,
Ald. Frith.
Approved Oct. 7th, 1898.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved, That the alley next north of
Grace street in Reche's subdivision be
hereafter known and designated as Phil
lips Lane.
Also that the alley running from
Johnson avenue to Kniest street be-
tween Rhomberg avenue and Lincoln
be hereafter known and designated as
Troy alley.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas— Aids Crawford, Duggan, Flynn
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent
Ald. Frith.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved, That for the purpose of the
publication of the delinquent tax list
the Daily Telegraph, Daily Globe -Jour-
nal, and Daily Herald be and are here-
by designated as official papers of the
city and the city treasurer is hereby
instructed to publish said tax list in the
above named papers, and the compen-
sation provided by ordinance for such
publication be equally divided between
them; provided that in case any of the
said newspapers shall refuse to pub-
lish the tax list on the above terms the
publication of the same in the other
newspapers named, or in either one of
them shall be deemed a legal and suffi-
cient publication of said tax list.
Ald. Crawford moved to adop t the
Ald. Duggan moved to amend that
the National Demokrat be added.
Ald. Crawford moved that the reso-
lution be laid on the table. The motion
to lay on the table was carried by the
following vote:
Yeas—Crawford, Flynn, McLaughlin
and Wales.
Noes—Alds. Duggan and Jones.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the city council of the city
of Dubuque to improve the north side
of Arlington street, abutting lots Nos.
799, 800, 801, 802, 803 and 804 in McDan-
iels subdivision of the city of Dubuque,
and it is hereby proposed to curb and
gutter said street abutting said lots,
Therefore, Resolved, That the city
engineer be and is herby directed to
prepare a plat and specifications show-
ing the location and general nature of
such improvement, the kind of mater-
ials to be used and an estimate of the
cost thereof, together with the amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land abutting thereon per front foot,
and to file such plat, specification and
estimate in the office of the city recor- ,
der, that after the filing of said plat in
his office the city recorder shall cause to
be published in the official newspapers
of the city the notice provided for in sec
tion 8 of the ordinance relating to the
improvement of streets adopted May 19,
1898, and after the completion of the
publication of such notice, he shall at
its next regular session notify the coun-
cil thereof in writing, with a printed
copy of such notice accompanying the
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds.Crawford, Duggan, b'lynn
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total,
6. Absent, Ald. Frith.
On motion the council adjourned for
two weeks, until October 20, 1898.
Approved —
189 j). .
278 Regular Sission, October 20, 1898.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alda. Crawford, Flynn,
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent—Ald. Duggan.
Ald. Frith moved that the council
proceedings of October 6th, 1898, be ap-
proved as printed. Carried.
Petition of Mary Wearmouth asking
damages for personal injury sustained
by reason of a defective sidewalk on
Delhi street.
Ald. Wales moved that it be referred
to the city attorney, mayor and com-
mittee on claims. Carried.
Petition of Frank Fink et al asking
that Stoltz avenue be put in a passable
condition so the same can be used by
teams and wagons.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition be
referred to the committee on streets
with power.
Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that
the street committee ascertain the cost
of said repairs and report to the coun-
cil. Substitue carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas—Alds. Flynn, McLaughlin and
Noes—Aids. Crawford, Frith and
It being a tie vote the mayor voted
Petition of Mary C. Blake asking ex-
tension of time to pay her special as-
sessment for constructing new side-
walk abutting lot 7 in Ellen Blake's
Ald. Wales moved that the petition be
granted providing she pays 6 per cent.
interest up to October lst, 1898. Car-
Petition of J. F. Meukel in relation to
money due him for macadam was on
motion of Ald. Flynn referred to the
engineer and street committee and they
report the amount due to the committee
of the whole. Carried.
Petition of Aug. Hafferman asking
city to pay him $23.00 due him for mac-
adam used by the city.
On motion it was referred to the
street commissioner to ascertain the
amount used by the city and report to
the council.
The following petitions were referred
to the delinquent tax committee:
Petition of Margaret Dawson asking
to exempt her lot No. 79 Union add,
from taxation and cancel the tax as-
sessed against it for the year 1897.
Petition of Mary Atkins asking that
the taxes on her property lot 9 Yates'
& Pickett's sub, be ordered canceled.
Petition of Timothy Dillon asking to
reduce the assessments on lot 10, city,
lot 2, Linehan"s add and lot 1 of 1
Stewart's add.
A.ld. Crawford moved that it be re-
ferred to the aldermen at large and the
mayor. Carried.
Petition of Elizabeth Buehler asking
that the taxes on her property lot 1 of
the subdivision of mineral lot 89 be or-
dered cancelled to the amount of $800.
for 1E97 she being a widow of a soldier
of the civil war.
Ald. Crawford moved that the peti-
tion be referred to the board of equali-
zation. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that City Attor
ney Duffy be requested to inform the
equalization board what years taxes
the exemption of. $800 for soldiers and
widows will apply under the new
code. Carried.
The following petitions were referr-
ed to the committee of the whole:
Petition of Dubuque Harness and
Sadlery company by (P. S. Preston, sec-
retary) asking for a remission of their
taxes for the year 1897.
Petition of L. J. Baumhover et al in
relation to placing an arc light at the
corner of Leibnitz and North Main
Petition of Key City Lime works by
(Fred Luchterhand) asking city to pur-
chase their macadam located near their
place of business on Valeria street.
Petition of Hubert Kehr asking city
to pay him balance due for macadam
broken last winter.
Remonstrance of Jos. G. Bailey et al
protesting against the improvement of
Arlington street from east line of lot
804 to west line of lot 799 by curbing
and guttering the same, and on the
north side thereof only.
On motion was referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
Communication of Marshal Morgan
calling the attention of the council in
relation to purchasing caps and over-
coats for the police department.
Ald. Frith moved that the communi-
cation be referred to the committee of
the whole. Carried.
The following writ of injunction en-
joining and restraining the city from
selling the property of L. H. Waples,
W. J. Knight and John Hennessy for
special assessment levied against them
for paving Main street was read and on
motion of Ald. Crawford was referred
to the city attorney. Carried.
Ald. Duggan arrived at 8:45 o'clock p.
Ald. Vales moved that the rules be
suspended and that permission be grant
ed to anyone desiring to address the
council be heard. Carried.
Mr. James Beach addressed the coun-
cil in the interest of the new packing
house project, in accordance with the
petition of James Beach et al presented
to the council Oct. 6th, 1898, and referr-
ed to the committee of the whole.
On request, said petition was read.
After some discussion Ald. Crawford
moved that the petition be referred to
the ordinance committee and they be
instructed to draft an ordinance in ac-
cordance with said petition and present
Regular Session, October 20, 1898. 279
to the council. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales. Total 7.
Mr. Keckevoet addressed the coun-
cil and asked that he aid Mr. Bohn be
granted a license for $50.00, for the use
of the ice harbor for skating rink pur-
poses for the coming winter.
Ald. Flynn moved that the city re-
corder be instructed to advertise for
bids for skating rink purposes and the
bids be presented to the council at its
first meeting in November, 1898. Car-
Ald. Crawford moved that a certi-
fied check on some Dubuque bank for
the amount of $50.00 accompany each
bid as a guarantee that a contract will
be entered into if awarded. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets for the first
half of October, 1898.
Amount due laborers, $1,089.35.
Ald. McLaughlin moved the pay roll
be received and warrants ordered
drawn for the various amounts and
the pay roll be referred back to the
committee on streets. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit a
statement of the amount due for labor-
ers on sewers for the first half of Octo-
ber, 1898:
Amount due, $164.25.
Ald. Duggan moved that the report
be received and that warrants be or-
dered drawn to pay the laborers on
sewers and the report referred back to
the committee on sewers. Carried.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun
Gentlemen:—Herewith find receipts
of Henry B. Gniffke, city treasurer for
$30.00, and J. J. McCollins, for $21.00,
making a total of $51.00. The same was
received from Hoff Bros., of Oelwein.
Iowa, for 60 cubic yards of macadam at
85 cent per cubic yard, amount $51.00,
said receipts hereto attached.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Sidewalk Inspector L. Zeidman report
ed as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 20, 1898.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: Herewith find treasurer
receipt for $2.15, collected from various
parties as follows: Robert Junk for
repairing sidewalk on Madison street,
amount 35 cents; Dubuque Investment
Co. for repairing sidewalk on Peru
Road 80 cents; Ryder & Lacy, for clean-
ing alley on 17th street between Clay
and White streets, $1.00.
On Motion the report was received
and filed.
City Recorder Langstaff presented
resolution ordering the construction of
a sidewalk on south side of West 16th
street abutting lots 11, 12 and 13, Mor-
gan's sub and lots 1 of 18, 19 and 20
Fairview add. On motion further ac-
tion was postponed until next session
of the council.
The recorder also presented a resolu-
tion and list of special assessments for
cleaning snow and ice in the months
of January and February 1898. On
motion of Ald. Crawford it was refer-
red to the street committee.
Mr. E. H. Hoagland of the Welsbach
Street Lighting Company of America.
being present was granted permission
to address the council. Mr. Hoagland
addressed the council in relation to the
proposition he had made the city ani
referred to the committee of the whole,
August 4, 1898.
Ald. Crawford moved that the com-
mittee of the whole be discharged from
further considerations of above propo-
sition. and the matter be now consider-
ed. Carried.
After some discussion Ald. Frith
moved that the proposition and all pap-
ers relating to said matter be received
and filed. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or-
dinance committee presented an ordi•
nance entitled an ordinance regulating
the use of public scales and moved that
it be read for the first time. Carried
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
Jones and Wales.
Nays—Aids. Duggan and McLaugh-
The ordinance was then read for the
first time. Ald. Crawford then moved
to refer the ordinance back to the ordi-
nance committee. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or-
dinance committee presented an ordi-
nance, entitled an ordinance
prohibiting the use of barbed
wire, and moved that it be read for
the first time. Carried by the following
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. Wales moved that the ordinance
be referred back to the ordinance com-
mittee. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee reported as follows, which
was adopted:
In favor of paying the bill of A. C
Haller for constructing sidewalks on
Hill street and West Fifth street,
amounting to $56.95.
Also reported in favor of granting the
petition of Richard Burns asking that
the special assessment against his prop
erty, lot 10, Coate's add. for laying side
walk be canceled, the same being illeg-
al as he laid his own sidewalk.
280 Regular Session, October 20, 1898.
Aid. Crawford mover to adopt.
Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute to
refer it hack to committee on streets
to ascertain if any contractor had been
paid for doing the work. Carried.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the fire com-
mittee reported as follows:
In favor of paying the bill of C. H.
Whitwell for services and medicine for
three extra horses, two months, $1.50
In favor of paying the bill of C. H.
Whitwell for hospital charges for two
horses, three days each, $3.00.
Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Wales offered the following re-
solution which was adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, That after this date
no horses except those owned by the
city, and the marshals will be fed
housed or taken care of at the city's
expense in any of the city buildings.
nor shall any outside horses be al-
lowed to be quartered in any of the
city's buildings.
Ald. McLaughlin, chairman of the
police and light committee reported as
follows, which was adopted:
In favor of paying the bills of Peter
Vogel for hauling four loads of manure
from patrol house on Sept 19th and Aug.
27, 1898, $3.00
Ald. Frith, chairman of the delin-
quent tax committee reported as fol-
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of Mary C. Agard asking that
the taxes of Elvira Wolcott on lots 262,
263 and 264, Ham's add for the year
1897 be ordered canceled.
In favor of allowing the taxes of
Mary Rubeck for 1897 on city lot N. 2/4
of M. 1-5 or 496 to remain a lien and
that the tre surer be instructed not to
sell the same.
In favor of allowing the taxes of An-
nie Silzer for the year 1897 on the W
1-2 of lot 47 Cox's add to remain a lien
on said property and that the treasurer
be instructed not to sell the same.
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of Catharine Sullivan, asking
that the taxes on lots 2 and 3 in the sub
of lot 3 of city lot 598 be cancelled for
the year 1897.
In favor of allowing the taxes of Kate
F. Boland for the year 1897 on the north
M 1-5 of city lot 430 to remain a lien
on said property and that the treasurer
be instructed not to sell the same.
In favor of allowing the taxes of
Mary Ballard for the year 1897 on lot 5
on min. lot 149 to remain a lien on said
property and the treasurer be instruct•
ed not to sell the same.
In favor of granting the petition of
Magdalena Wendt asking that one half
of the taxes for 1897 on lots 38, 39, 40,
49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 Finley, Waples &
Burton's addition, be released and
would recommend that the treasurer be
instructed to receive one half of the
taxes against said property as full pay-
ment for the taxes of 1897.
In favor granting the petition of E.
P. Gilliam asking an extension of six
months to pay the taxes for 1897 on lot
57 and N 1-2 of lot 58 in Leven's add.
In favor of allowing the taxes of
Eleanor Mellen, for the year 1897 on her
property on W 14th street to remain
a lien on said property and the treasur-
er be instructed not to sell the same.
In favor of the adoption of the rec-
ommendations of City Assessor Dun-
can that the treasurer be instructed to
redeem the erroneous tax sales against
the property of Mary Shannon and to
cancel the taxes for 1897 on same prop-
erty as assessed to Alice Garity.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reports
of the delinqunent tax committee. Car.
Also, Your delinquent tax committee
to whom was referred the petition of
Henrietta Herzog, asking that the taxes
for 1897 be cancelled on lot 5 of O. S.
Langworthy's add, would ask for fur-
ther time to report and would recom-
mend that the treasurer be instructed
not to advertise or sell the property un-
til the committee reports. On motion
the petitions and report was referred
to the equalization committee.
Also your delinquent tax committee
report in favor of granting the petition
of John Bommers asking that the taxes
for 1897 on lots 38 and 39, O'Neil's sub
No. 3 be cancelled. On motion it was
referred to the equalization committee.
Aid. Flynn, chairman of the claim
committee reported as follows:
In favor of receiving and filing the
claim of Mrs. Chas. Johnson and John
Yates asking damages for personal in-
juries received on July 23, 1898 by being
precipitated over a retaining wall on
east side of Alma street. On motion
of Ald. Flynn the report was adopted.
Also reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen of
the city council of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Some time ago the at-
tached communication from Powers,
Lacy, and Brown, attorneys for Mrs.
M. L. Hewitt in her suit against the
city of Dubuque, was referred to this
committee for investigation and atten-
tion. Your committee has examined
Into the merits of the claim in question
and has concluded that a compromise
along the following lines is to the best
Interest of the city. We recommend
that a warrant for this sum of $239.55
be ordered drawn in favor of Powers,
Lacy and Brown as attorneys for Mrs.
M. L. Hewitt, in full of all claim for
damages which she has or may have
against the city on account of the in-
juries described in her petition on file
In the district court. That the city at-
torney be ordered to draft the necessary
receipt and other papers, and on their
proper execution and delivery to the
mayor and city recorder a warrant
drawn as above be delivered to said
Powers, Lacy & Brown.
Committee on Claims
Regular Session, October 20, 1898.
On motion of Alda Flynn the report
was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Duggan, Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Nays—Ald. Crawford.
Ald. Crawford moved to have the war
rant ordered di awn on the general
fund. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the sewer
committee reported as follows, which
was adopted:
Your committe on sewers would re-
spectfully report that they have exam-
ined the sanitary sewer constructed in
Pickett and Alma street (Con Ryan,Sr.
contractor) and would recommend that
said sewer be accepted.
Ald. McLaughlin of the board of
health reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the city of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: Your board of health, to
whom was referred the petition of E.
Healy in relation to a reduction of
special assessment for cleaning vault
and cancellation of interest on same, on
lot 62 city some years ago, respectfully
report that we feel as though we had
no power to recommend the cancella-
tion of said special assessment by re-
spectfully refer the petition back to the
council with recommendation that the
petition be received and filed.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health, offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That Joseph
Geiger Est., owner of lot No. 430. city
lot S M 1-5 in the city of Dubuque, Ia.,
be and is hereby required and com-
pelled to make proper tonne: tio:'s with
sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuqu.
Iowa, in accordance with the ordin-
ance of said city of Dubuque on that
subject within ten days from date of
the service of the resolution. If
said connection is not made with-
in the time specified by this
resolution, the city council shall order
such work and connections made and
assess the cost and expense thereof
against the property to be thus con-
nected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Crawford; Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council
of the city of Dubuque: That Ellwan-
ger Bros owner of lot No. 445 city lot N.
1-2 M 1-5 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and is hereby required and com-
pelled to make proper connections with
sanitary sewer of said city of Dubu-
que, Iowa, in accordance with the or-
dinance of said city of Dubuque on that
subject within 10 days from date of the
service of notice of this resolution. If
said connection is not made within
the time specified by this resolution,
the city council shall ord,er such work
and connections made and assess the
cost and expense thereof against the
property to be thus connected with
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board
of health offered the following resolu-
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That B. W.
Jones, owner of lot No. 430. city m 1-5
in the city of Dubuque. Iowa, be and is
hereby required and compelled to make
proper connections with sanitary sewer
of said city of Dubuque. Iowa, in ac-
cordance with the ordinance of said
Pity of Dubuque on that subject with-
in 10 days from date of the service of
notice of this resolution. If said con-
nection is not made within the time
specified by this resolution the city
council shall order such work and con-
nections made and assess the cost and
expense thereof against the property to
be thus connected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health, offered the following resolu-
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: , That Tom Al-
len owner of lot No. 3 of Staufenbeil's
sub of city lot 444 in the city of Dubu-
que, Iowa, be and is hereby required
and compelled to make proper connec-
tions with sanitary sewer of said city
of Dubuque, Iowa. in accordance with
the ordinance of said city of Dubuque i
on that subject, within 10 days from
date of the service of notice of this
resolution. If said connection is not
made within the time specified by this
resolution, the city council shall order
such work and connections made and
assess the cost and expense thereof
against the property to be thus con-
nected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn. Frith. Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin. of the board of
health, offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council
of the city of Dubuque: That A. R.
Staufenbeil owner of S 78 ft m 3-5 sub
lot 1, Staufenbeil's sub in the city of
Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby re-
quired and compelled to make proper
connections with sanitary sewer of said
city of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance
with the ordinance of said city of Du-
buque on that subject within 10 days
from date of the service of notice of
282 Regular Session, October 20, 1898.
this resolution. If said connection is
not made within the time specified by
this resolution, the city council shall
order such work and connections made
and assess the cost and expense there-
of against the property to be thus con-
nected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan.
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin of the board of health
offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That Paul
Schlenker, owner of lot No. 444 city lot
south 25.6 ft of N 2-5 in the city of Du-
buque, Iowa, be and is hereby required
and compelled to make connections
with sanitary sewer of said city of Du-
buque, Iowa, in accordance of said city
of Dubuque on that subject, within 10
days from date of the service of notice
of this resolution. If said connec-
tion is not made within the time speci-
fled by this resolution. the city council
shall order such work and connections
made and assess the cost and expense
thereof against the property to be thus
connected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan.
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That Geo. Weis
owner of lot No. 444 city lot N. 50 feet
in the city of Dubuque. Iowa, be and is
hereby required to make proper con-
nections with sanitary sewer of said
city of Dubuque. Iowa, in accordance
with the ordinance of said city of Du-
buque on that subject, within 10 days
from date of the service of notice of
this resolution. If said connection is
now made within the time specified by
this resolution. the city council shall
order such work and connections made
and assess the cost and expense thereof
against the property to be thus con-
nected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan.
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health offered the following resolu-
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That Charles
Oswald, owner of lot No. 445 city lot
N 1-2 N M 1-5 in the city of Dubuque,
Iowa, be and is hereby required and
compelled to make proper connections
with sanitary sewer of said city of Du-
buque, Iowa, in accordance with the
ordinance of said city of Dubuque on
that subject within 10 days from date
of the service of notice of this resolu-
tion. If said connection is not made
within the time specifled by this reso-
lution, the city council shall order such
work and connections made and assess
the cost and expenses thereof against
the property to be thus connected with
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health offered the following resolu-
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That Fred.
Schloz, owner of lot No. 445 city lot S
1-2 M 1-5 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and is hereby required and com-
pelled to make proper connections with
sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque,
Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance
of said city of Dubuque on that sub-
ject. within 10 lays from date of the
service of notice of this resolution. If
said connection is not made within the
time specified by this resolution, the
city council shall order such work and
connections made and assess the cost
and expense thereof against the prop-
erty to be thus connected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health, offered the following resolu-
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That Theodore
Becke, owner of lot No. 430, city S 1-2
N 1-5 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be
and is hereby required and compelled
to make proper connections with sani-
tary sewer of said city of Dubuque,
Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance
of said city of Dubuque on that subject,
within 10 days from date of the service
of notice of this resolution. If said
connection is not made within the time
specified by this resolution, the city
council shall order such work and con-
nection made and assess the cost and
expense thereof against the property
to be thus connected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds, Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health, offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That Catharine
Boland, owner of lot No. 430 city N M
1-5 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be
and is hereby required and compelled
to make proper connections with sani-
tary sewer of said city of Dubuque,
Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance
of said city of Dubuque on that subject,
within 10 days from date of the service
of notice of this resolution. If said
Regular Session, October 20, 1898. 283
•connection Is not made within the time
specified by this resolution, the city
•council shall order such work and;
connections made and assess the cost
and expense thereof against the prop-
erty to be thus connected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health, offered the following resolu-
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That M. Ma-
jerus, owner of lot No. 500, city, n 2-5
m 1-4, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be
and is hereby required and conipelled
to make proper connections with san-
itary sewer of said city of Dubuque,
Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance
of said city of Dubuque on that subject,
within 10 days from date of the service
of notice of this resolution. If said
connection is not made within the time
specified by this resolution, the city
council shall order such work and con-
nections made and assess the cost and
expense thereof against the property to
be thus connected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn.
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Ald. McLaughlin of the board of
health, offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That J. J. Dunn,
owner of lot No. 431, city, n 2-5, in the
city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is here-
by required and compelled to make
proper connections with sanitary sew-
er of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac-
cordance with the ordinance of said
city of Dubuque on that subject, within
10 days from date of the service of no-
tice of this resolution. If said con-
nection is not made within the time
specified by this resolution, the city
council shall order such work and con-
nections made and assess the cost and
expense thereof against the property
to be thus connected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn,
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health, offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That J. W. Par-
ker, owner of lot No. 431, city, s 1-2, m
1-5 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be
and is hereby required and compelled
to make proper connections with san-
itary sewer of said city of Dubuque,
Iowa, in accordance with the ordinance
of said city of Dubuque on that sub-
ject, within 10 days from date of the
service of notice of this resolution. If
said connection is not made within the
time specified by this resolution, the
city council shall order such work and
connections made and assess the cost
and expense thereof against the prop-
erty to be thus connected with sewer.
Adopted by the folloging vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin, of the board of
health, offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That A. R.
Staufenbeil, owner of lot No. 445, city,
lot s m 1-5, in the city of Dubuque,
howa, be and is hereby required and
compelled to make proper connections
with sanitary sewer of said city of Du-
buque, Iowa, in accordance with the or-
dinance of said city of Dubuque on that
subject, within 10 days from date of
the service of notice of this resolution.
If said connection is not made within
the time specified by this resolution,
the city council shall order such work
and connections made and assess the
cost and expense thereof against the
property to be thus connected with
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin of the board of
health, offered the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque, That Edward
Healey, owner of lot No. 62, East Dub.
add. in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be
and is hereby required and compelled
to make proper connections with San-
itary sewer of said city of Dubuque,
Iowa, in accordance with the or-
dinance of said city of Du-
buque on that subject, within 10 days
from date of the service of notice of this
resolution. If said connection is not
made within the time specified by this
resolution, the city council shall order
si:ch work and connections made and
assess the cost and expense thereof
against the property to be thus con-
nected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn Dug-
gan, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. Frith offered the following re-
Whereas, It is deemed advisable by
the city council of the city of Dubuque,
to lay out and open Washington street
through lot No. 10 Glendale addition,
No. 2 in the said city, therefore.
Resolves, That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to make a sur-
vey and plat of the said proposed exten-
sion of Washington street through said
lot No. 10, Glendale addition No. 2,
which plat shall show the name or
names of the owner and owners of said
lots and the quantity of land proposed
to be taken; and that when said plat
is completed it shall be filed in the
engineers's office and be subject to pub-
284 Regular Session, October 20, 1898.
lic inspection; that when thus flied the
engineer shall give to the owner or
owners of said lot the notice required by
section two of chapter thirty of the re-
vised ordinances of 1893 that at the next
session of the council occuring after the
lapse of two weeks from the date o
the service of said notice, it will be de-
termined by the council whether such
improvement will be made or not, and
that said owner or owners may appear
before the council at that time and show
cause if any they have, why the con-
templated improvement should not be
made. That the evidence of the service
and publication (if any is necessary) of
such notice shall be filed by the engi-
neer in the recorder's office as required
by ordinance.
On motion of Ald. Frith was adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds Crawford, Duggan, Flynn,
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
which was adopted:
Resolved: That the street commis-
sioner be instructed to repair the south
half of the street leading to the Ger-
man Catholic Cemetery, running east
from Windsor avenue, so as to put the
same in a fair condition for travel
under direction of the street commit-
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved: That the city attorney be
instructed to draft and report an or-
dinance repealing all ordinances im-
posing licenses on expressmen, team-
sters, hotel keepers, boarding houses,
butchers, restaurants and livery sta-
bles for the privilege of doing business;
such repealing ordinances not to take
effect until the end of the present li-
cense year. Was lost by the following
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan and
Nays.—Alds. Flynn, Frith, Jones and
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee presented the special asess-
ments for the improvement of alley
next north of Grace street (now known
as Phillip's Lane) and moved that fur-
ther action be postponed and the recor-
der instructed to give the proper notice
of said assessment and report to the
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—A1ds.Crawford, Flynn, Dug-
gan, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. Wales brought up the matter
of the need of filling up in front of
A. Y.IcDgnald, Morrison Mfg, Co.,
corner o and 13th street.
Ald. Crawford moved to refer the
matter to the street committee. Car-
Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn un-
til the first regular meeting In Novem-
ber, November 3, 1898 at 7:30 p. m.
. Recorder
Approved 189
/ p 189.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Ia., Oct 1, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of September, 1898:
Name. For what purpose. Amt.
C H Berg, salary mayor .$116 70
H B Gniffke, salary treasurer .. *WIN
H B Gniffke, salary clerk hire .. 75 00
L M Langstaff, salary recorder. 116 70
F B Hoffman, salary auditor .. 100 00
E 0 Duncan, salary assessor.... 125 00
T H Duffy, salary attorney 150 00
Edw Morgan, salary marshal 83 30
Jos Reinfried, salary fire chief100 00
Wm Fitzpatrick, salary commit-
tee clerk
Wm A Kaep, salary clerk re-
corder's office
Edw Herron, salary clerk treas-
urer's office
Edw C Blake, salary city en-
gineer .. 125 00
E S Hyde, salary assistant en-
P Cassidy, salary rodman 40 00
Jas Boyce, salary street commis-
W Hippman, salary electrician83 30
Otto Rath, salary market mas-
ter ...... 50 00
P Ryan, salary park custodian40 00
Gust Wiedner, salary park cus-
todian 40 00
R F Curran, salary wharf mas-
E A Guilbert,salary health of-
ficer 50 00
N Offerman, pound master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 00
Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman50 00
L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector50 00
M Eitel, fireman 60 00
Jno Essman, fireman 75 00
A Duccini, fireman 60 00
J Flynn, fireman 60 00
J Wiltse, fireman 60 00
G Beyer, fireman 50 00
Al Heer, fireman 50 00
Jos Tschudi, fireman 50 00
J Daley, fireman 60 00
J Barnes, fireman 75 00
91 70
91 70
20 00
List of Warrants.
'T Ryder, fireman 60 00
J Schonberger, fireman 60 00
'Wm Ducey, fireman 60 00
M Fahey, fireman 60 00
T Meehan, fireman 50 00
J Rooney, fireman 50 00
J Ahearn, fireman .. 60 00
T Walker, fireman 60 00
Geo Helmrich, fireman 50 00
J McFarland, fireman 50 00
J Murphy, fireman 60 00
A McDonald, fireman .. 75 00
T Kennedy, fireman .. 50 00
J Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00
F Murphy, fireman 50 00
J Cronauer, fireman .. 50 00
F Ganahl, fireman .... 60 00
T Flynn, fireman ... 60 00
F Kenneally, fireman 5& 00
Geo Gehrke, fireman .. 50 00
Chas Kannolt, fireman 60 00
Jas Allen, fireman .... 60 00
Robt Weston, fireman 60 00
W McBride, fireman ... 50 0
Geo. Burkel, police .. 51. 6
N Brand, police 51 6
Jas Carter, police 50 0
Jas Clune, police 50 0
Jno Cody, police .. 50 0
M Craugh, police .... 50
Phil Dumphey, police 51
F Devaney, police 51
Jno Fitzpatrick, police 500
Jae Flynn, police
Pat Hanlon, police 50
Wm Hennessey, police 50
Emil Kahn, polioe 51
M Kilty, police 51
Jno Loetscher, police ... 50
Jas Lonergan, police 50
P McCollins, police 50
P McInerney, police .. ... 51
Jno McQuillan, police 33
Edward Moore, police 60
P Mulligan, police .... 51
John Murphy, police 51
J J Murphy, police 77
D Norton, police .... .. 50
M O'Connor, police .. 51
Aug Peffer, police.. .. 51
P Powers, police.. .. .. 51
T Reilly, police 51
Jas Rooney, police .. 51
Peter Scharff, police 51
Al T Scherr, police ...... 53
Pat Sutton, police .... 50
Pat Sullivan, police 51
Thos Sweeney, police 51
John Tierney, police .. 51
Jos Tyler, police 51
H. K. Young, police .......... 39
John Raesli, police.. ....... .. .. 4
Mrs. Katie Hibbie, police matron 50
Miss B Brenan, police matron .. • • 5
0 00
Jno Callahan, labor.
F Correll, labor ....
M Carmody, labor ....
Jno Corbett, labor
6 25
6 55
3 15
9 70
M Crahan, labor.. 5 95
L Corcoran, labor 3 15
W Carberry, labor 6 25
Jno Case, labor.. 6 25
Jas Connelly, labor .... ...... 17 50
D Corcoran, labor 3 15
John Dohery, labor 2 50
M Dunnigan, labor .... ...... 1 90
P. Dempsey, labor, 1 90
John Eagan, labor 3 15
John Engel, labor .... 3 75
R Eddy, labor 20 00
N Frith, stroker steam roller.. 50 00
M Farrell, labor 6 25
P Fury, labor .. 3 75
Chris Frohs, labor 6 25
A Frommelt, labor 6 25
P Fenelon, labor 17 50
M Fetschle, labor 1 25
John Farley, labor 20 00
P Greden, labor 1 25
Joe Gavin, labor 6 25
John Gerst, labor 8 15
M Girra, labor 6 25
B Glass, labor 2 50
P Guenther, labor 3 75
H Galle, labor 3 75
J Guenther, labor 5 95
Geo. Gau, labor .. 3 75
S Hemshel, labor ... C 25
J Hafey, labor 3 15
S Hickock, labor 6 25
J Hanley, labor 3 75
M Houpes, labor 6 25
M Haffner, labor 1 25
S Henshel, labor 6 25
M Hemler, labor 6 25
J Hayes, labor 20 00
J. Jehring, labor 2 50
M Klein, labor 12 50
A Knapp, labor 3 75
W Kronfeld, labor .. 6 25
F Krueger, labor 3 75
H Kerr, labor.. 1 25
.T Kinsella, labor 20 00
P Lovett, labor 6 25
M Loes, labor.... 4 40
John Lavin Sr., labor 6 25
Herm Lembke, labor 5 00
A Lange, labor.. .. 3 75
M Lonergan, labor 17 50
Chas Lierheimer, labor 3 75
M Murphy, labor .. 1 25
P Mohan, labor 7 20
J Mullen, labor 3 15
J Malone, labor 6 25
Ed Malloy, labor 6 25
T Mulqueeney, labor 3 75
J Martineck• labor 7 20
E Mueke, labor 6 25
M McMahon, labor 1 25
W McDermott, labor 3 75
M McCune, labor 6 25
L McEvoy, labor .... 6 55
J McCormack, labor 6 25
A McGuan, labor 6 25
Jno McCaffrey, labor 8 75
Jas. McKernan, labor 1 90
F McBride, labor 4 70
P McPoland, labor 2 50
Jno McGrath, labor 3 75
Sam Allen, labor....
E Am Endeu, labor
Joe Blochlinger, labor
Paul Becker, labor ....
Steve Bastian, labor .. .
H Berry, labor .........
Jno Brachtobrach, labor,
Chas Buse, labor .
JoeBrown, labor ...... 1
H Connell, labor...... .... • •
3 15
6 25
9 40
1 90
6 90
6 25
6 25
5 95
7 50
6 25
List of Warrants.
M McNamara, labor
R McGivern, labor
P Newman, labor
P Norton, labor
P O'Brien, labor
W O'Brien, labor
J Parker, labor
C H Pierce, labor ...
Jas Powers, labor
W Quinlan, labor
T Reilly, labor
M Raiseck, labor
Jas Reed, labor
Jac Raesner, labor
Joe Rooney, labor
Jno Raetz, labor ...
Jno B Stephens, labor
Wm Spensley, labor
Jno Spear, labor
Dan Sheehan, labor
F Scherr, labor
Jno Schroeder, labor
Geo Sutter, labor
Sam Smith, labor
Sam Sterling, labor
Joe Schmidt, labor ,,,
Matt Specht, labor
W Schwaegler, labor
B Schnee, Iabor
A R Stevenson, engineer steam
roller 75 00
L Taylor, labor 1 90
Jno Welsh, labor 10 00
Jno Wolf, labor 6 90
Geo Wilman, labor 625
N Wampach, labor 6 25
Edw Welsh, labor .. 6 25
H Weber, labor 3 75
P Weist, labor 2 60
W Zachina, labor 7 20
I Beekman, teams 5 00
Joe Calvert, team 7 50
Jno Calvert, team 13 75
S Casey, team 12 50
T Elliott, team 3 75
Ed Frith, team 3 75
Jas Graham, team 11 25
M Gantenbein, team 10 65
F Hines, team 13 75
M Hannon, team 26 90
Mrs E Healey, team 5 00
Tom Kane, team 15 00
P Linehan, team ... 16 90
W Leik, team .. 11 25
Jno Long, team 10 00
F Mathis, team 12 50
Jno McCollins, team 8 75
Jeff McGrath, team 12 60
Jas McCracken, team 7 60
McElrath Teaming Co, team .. . 15 00
Chas McGovern, team 7 50
P S Norton, team 1 25
Jas Parker, team 5 00
Jno Sigworth, team 12 50
Sam Snodgrass, team 12 50
Geo Scott, team 7 50
D Sutherland, team ... 10 65
F Sieg, team 2 50
F Schultz, team 12 50
A Turner, teams 6 25
Chas Botsford, labor on sewers12 00
Sam Elmer, labor on sewers 21 00
P Furey, labor on sewers 20 25
M Flynn, labor on sewers 8 25
Joe Lowery, labor on sewers 13 50
1 25
40 00
17 50
1 65
6 25
20 00
1 25
17 50
2 50
8 15
1 25
5 30
2 20
6 25
5 65
20 00
6 25
1 25
11 09
2 50
7 20
6 25
6 90
2 60
2 20
6 95
5 95
7 50
Jno McCune, labor on sewers21 00
Jas Ryan, labor on Sewers 21 00
Chas Hillery, labor on sewers25 00
Chas Hillery, due from last pay5 00
Gotf Gmehle, assistant assessor50 00•
Jos J Murphy, assistant as-
sessor • 60 00
T F Maguire, assistant attorney. 50 00•
Lyon, Barnard & Co, decora-
tions for city hall 6 75
Chas Kruse, witness fees in case
of Engels vs. city 1 35
Larry Daley, cleaning around
market June, July, August35 25
Ideal Remedy Co., 5 gals chloro
naptholeun .... .. 7 50
Palmer, Winall & Co, abstracts
in cases of Frohs vs city and
McMahon vs city 84 00
Palmer. Winall & Co, blank
hooks and stationery 61 50
D S Wilson, transcript of tes-
timony in case of Wilberding
vs city for use in supreme
court 84 00
J P Cooke & Co, new stamps for
auditor's office 2 60
Gus Holl, sharpening lawn mow-
ers Jackson park 75
F Schloz, repairing tools ...... 7 05
D B Lenehan, repairing tools .. 2 60
Jno Butt, repairing tools 2 45
Palmer, Winall & Co, time
blanks for steam roller 2 00
Dubuque Water Co, water for
sprinkling driving races 14 55
Jno Spielman, sprinkling streets
driving races 12 25
Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repair-
ing steam and horse rollers31 30
Fred Roehl, new tools 5 75
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lum-
ber ...... 23 65
P J Seippel, lumber 3 65
Hagerty Bros, pine wood for
steam rooler 1 75
J W Wittmer, paints and oils
for steam roller 1 50
Jos Sieg, rock 8 80
Mrs M Quinlan, macadam 10 00
Voggenthaler and Ragatz, re-
pairs at 18th street engine
house 18 85
Ott, Meuser and Co, shavings
for fire department 6 50
Jno Kriebs, repairing harness
for fire department 1 25
Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing
for fire department 7 00
Collins and Wilkinson, horse
shoeing for fire department 7 60
Dubuque Water Co, 337 hy-
drants for August 1404 15
Otto Rath, board of prisoners
for August 16 00
J W Wittmer, drugs 1 40
Duggan and Kane, supplies for
matron . 31 50
T J Conlin, shavings for patrol
house .. 3 00
Emil Schilling, repairing foun-
tain at 14th and Elm 3 25
Pape and Jacquinot, repairing
fountain at 14th and Elm .. 7 55
Jno Driscoll, labor, fountain 14th
List of Warrants.
and Elm 1 00
Fred Roehl, new tools for sewer
department ]l 30
F Kress, veterinary services for
horse falling in manhole 2 00
Star Elec Co, 322 arc lights for
August 1738 80
Globe Light and Heat Co, 100
lamps for August 166 67
Keuffel and Esser Co, supplies
for engineer's office ... 4 75
Globe Journal, official printing
for August 50 00
The Herald, official printing for
August . 50 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official
printing for August 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly pro-
ceedings, $3.00; and health re-
ports $3.50 6 50
J W Wittmer, potash and lime.. 3 50
T E Frith, removing dead ani-
mals and garbage for Au-
gust . 200 88
F Burns, cleaning alley called
Troy street 26 95
D Sheehan, labor on city dump8 75
E L King, painting llth stair-
way and patrol box at Glab's
brewery 29 00
P R Martin, metal polish for
patrol house ... 1 25
Steamer Teal, appropriation for
steamer Teal .. 25 00
H B Gniffke, ref exc permits ... 46 00
H B Gniffke, interest on war-
rants .... .... ...2,094 69
H B Gniffke, express charges,
66c, court costs $5.40 6 06
H B Gniffke, postage stamps
$12.50, and telegrams $1.1513 65
Mrs A Hayes, loan 226 00
200 00
Alice Hanlon, loan
Second National Bank, loan 7,500 00
Patrick McCarten, loan 600 00
Jno M Bott, loan 200 00
Mrs. A Hayes. loan 100 00
M Ahearn, labor 9 95
J Blocklinger, labor 7 80
3 Broulette, labor 2 50
Paul Becker, labor 6 25
M Beckius, labor 6 25
Joe Brown, labor 15 00
Jerry Cahill, labor 6 90
M Cain, labor 2 50
M Carmody, labor 7 20
M Crahan, labor 1 25
J Corbett, labor 8 45
JasCahill, labor 6 25
H Cobb, labor 6 55
Jno Case, labor 3 75
15 00
6 25
3 75
Jas Connelly, labor
F Darling, labor
Jno Eagan, labor
Jno Engel, labor
R T Eddy, labor
P Furey, labor
51 Fagan, labor
L Fritz, labor
M Fetschle, labor
W Flanagan, labor
P Fenelon, labor
Jno Farley, labor
6 25
20 00
1 25
7 80
6 25
6 55
15 00
20 00
P Gregory, labor
P Gt'eden, labor
P Gtinther, labor
H GalIe, labor
Joe Grdb, Tabor
M Girra, labor
Geo Gau, labor
C Gantenbein, labor
Jno Hanley, labor
Jno Hafey, labor
Jac Hanson, labor
A Hird, labor
Jho Hayes, labor
Jno Jehring, labor
H Kehr, labor
Phil Kenney, labor
A Knapp, labor
Jno Kelly, labor
3 76
6 26
1 26
6 26
3 75
2 60
3 76
10 50
3 75
20 00
5 00
1 25
6 90
8 15
Fred Krueger, labor 2 50
Paul Krocheski, labor 1 90
Jno Kaupert, labor 11 00
Jno Kinsella, labor 20 00
Matt Klein, labor 12 50
Matt Loes, labor 1 25
Jno Lavin, labor 2 60
A Lang, labor 6 25
M Lonergan, labor 16 00
H Leik, labor 12 00
C Lohrman, labor 5 00
Geo Moore, labor 7 85
Jno Mullen, labor 6 90
Pat Mohan, labor 2 50
Joe Martineck, labor 3 75
E Mueke, labor 1 25
Simon Meyer, labor 4 40
Jno Malloy, labor 7 50
Jno McGee, labor 625
Jas McCarron, labor 6 25
M McNamara, labor 6 25
Phil Newman, labor 15 00
W O'Brien, labor 20 00
Jas Powers, labor 3 75
Jno Pfeiffer, labor 4 70
Jno Parker, labor 3 76
C A Pierce, labor 15 00
Pat Quinn, labor 1 25
Phil Reddin, labor 6 25
Joe Rooney, labor 5 95
Jno Raetz, labor 20 00
D Sheehan, labor 9 75
J B Stephens, labor 6 55
F Scherr, labor 5 95
Jno Schroeder, labor 3 76
Peter Stoffer, labor 6 25
Tony Schmitt, labor 6 25
Joe Schmitt, labor 65
J Spahn, labor 5 00
F Sinhold, labor 1 90
Joe Sieg, labor 2 00
L Taylor, labor 6 25
Geo Taylor, labor 3 00
Jno Welsh, labor 3 75
P Wiest, labor 6 25
W Wearmouth, labor 5 00
Geo Wilman, labor 3 75
H Weber, labor 6 25
Wm Weber, labor 4 .40
W Zachina, labor 3 76
Mrs I Brown, team 5 00
Steve Casey, team 3 75
Jas Costello, team 5 00
B Cain,team 5 00
Jno Calvert. team 18 15
Joe Calvert, teams ..... 15 00
Wm Dodson, teams .. 5 00
288 Official Notices.
Jno Gearey, teams
Jas Graham, teams
Mrs. E. Healey, team
Thos Kane, teams....
H C King, team...
Wm Leik, team
Jno Long, team
P Linehan, team
J A Moore, team
McEirath Teaming Co., team
Jas McCracken, team.......
Jeff McGrath, team
P S Norton, team.
Jas Parker, team
H Schmitz, team
Geo Scott, team
D Sutherland, team... ......... ..
F Schoenthal, team
F Sieg, team
Edward Seeley, team
.Arthur Turner, team
Jas Tobin, team
Chas Botsford, labor.... 17 25
Sam Elmer, labor 18 00
Pat Furey, labor 13 90
M Flynn, labor .... 10 50
Joe Lowery, labor 13 50
Jno McCune, labor 16 50
Jas Ryan, labor 21 00
Chas Hillery ,labor 25 00
Jno McCollins, team 2 50
Mrs. Henry Luck, macadam 29 50
Dubuque Telegraph, blank health
reports 9 50
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month of
August, 1898,
City Recorder.
12 60
13 75
13 75
12 50
5 00
2 50
10 00
11 90
12 50
15 00
6 00
3 75
5 00
5 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
13 75
10 00
5 00
6 25
15 00.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the city councilof the
city of Dubuque, held on the 15th day
of September, 1898, the following special
assessments were levied on the real es-
tate hereinafter described, and that
in case of failure to pay within the
time prescribed by the ordinance gov-
erning same, all will become delinquent
and subject to collection by distress
and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE,
City Treasurer.
For constructing sidewalk on west
side of Alpine street, Hill and West
5th street.
S M Langworthy, Julia Lang -
worthy's add, lot 50 $ 7 00
F Poole, Julia Langworthy's
add, lot 51 7 00
Leathers and Trewin, Julia Lang
worthy's add, lot 52.. 7 00
J S Stephens, Julia Langworthy's
add, lot 53 8 40
F Poole, Julia Langworthy's add,
lot 17 11 20
J F Stephens, Julia Langworthy's
add, lot 18 10 08
S M Langworthy, Julia Lang -
worthy's add, lot 19 10 08
Mary Bunting, Julia Lang -
worthy's add, lot 20 . 10 03
Leathers and Trewin, Julia Lang -
worthy's add, lot 21 ,. 11 48
Geo Salbt, Kelly's sub, lot 39 .... 26 31
R J Love, Roger's sub, lots 12, 13
and 14 .... 19 68
J H Berry, Robt Brown's sub lot
2 of 1 of 1 of lot 3 31 64
For constructing sidewalk on Wash-
ington street.
R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 16$ 7 12
E Langworthy Est, E Dubuque
add, lots 177 to 131 $1.80
W L Bradley, city, N 1-5 lot 465.65
M H Martin, A McDaniel's sub,
lot 819 .30
Rev J Hennessy, A McDaniel's
•sub.'lot 820 and 821 .60
H B Glover, city, W 42 ft of So 90
ft lot 467 . .25
Mrs 0 Junkerman, city, N 26 ft of
So 47.2 ft lot 467 .15
Fred Weigel Est, city, S 21.2 ft lot
467 .20
A and E Hacket, city, lots 42 and
42a .30
A Levi's Est, city, N 1-2 lot 43.... .15
W J Nester, city, 5 1-2 lot 43 .15
J H Shields, city, N 42.2 lot 44.25
L H Waples, city, lot 45 .30
B J O'Neil, city, lot 46 .90
L H Waples, city, N 1-2 lot 47 .15
M E church, city, 5 1-2 lot 47 ... .15
Geo B Burch, city. lot 51 .30
F A Coats, city, N 1-2 lot 53 .35
J V Rider, city, N 1-2 lot 53 .15
C H Booth, city N mdl 1-5 lot 165.25
J S L' wis, city, mdl 1-5 lot 465.25
B W Lenihan, city, N 4 of 4 S 2-5,
lot 465. .20
D J Peterson, city, W 65.8 of S 62
ft, lot 465 .40
E A and G A Burden, city, S 23.3
of N 1-2 N mdl 1-5 lot 466 .15
A Munsell, city S 1-2 of N mdl 1-5
lot 466 .25
D N Cooley Est, city, S 1-2 of mdl
1-5 lot 466 .20
H P Bissell Est, city, E 86.4 lot
466 .50
Grace Provost, city, S 1-2 lot 35 .15
A E Hodgdon, city, N 1-2 lot 35.15
J V Rider et al, city, lot 36 .25
Miss A Buechler, city N 1-3 lot 31 .15
Security Bldg Co, city, lot 30 .45
W H Peabody, city N 21 ft lot 28a.15
Nana F Bell, city S 2-5 lot 449.30
J V Rider, city S 1-5 lot 457 .25
Rev Hennessy, city, lot 60 .30
W L Bradley, city N 1-2 of lot 750.15
Jas Woodward, city N 1-3 of S 1-2
lot 750 .. .15
R Waller Est, city N 1-3 lot 749... .15
J M Sullivan, city So 1-3 lot 749 .... .15
A E Hodgdon, city N 1-3 lot 748.... .15
J H Thedinga Est, city S 12.9, lot
60 .. .16
Mrs A Kaiser, city N mdl 20 ft,
lot 62 . .65
E W and M Albee, city S mdl 19.2
lot 62 .16
Jas Michel, city N 2-3 lot 64 .20
R Langworthy, city S 20 1-2 of lot
65a 15
J H Simplot, city So 2-3 of lot 66.. .20
R Cox Est, city N 1-3 lot 67 ...... .15
Official Notice$.
A McCann Est, city, S 2-3 lot 67.. .20
Chas Higley, oity S 19 ,ft lot 71 .... .15
Ryder Bros, city lot 72a
i Finley Est, city lot 26
E R Horr, olty lot 23
D S Wilson Est, city 'S 1-2 lot 22.... .15
F Jaeger, city N 20 ft lot 21 .15
Alice A Goldthorpe, city sub 741
lot 3 .95
S and E Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 288 1.25
jos Jaeggi, Woolweber's sub 11,
lot 1 .75
H Gatena, city sub 438, 499, pt
676, lot 5 .15
R and E Langwothy, Glendale
add, lots 213 and 214 .. .50
Sas Lee,,city sub 692 So 100 ft lot 41.50
Chicago Great Western Ry Co,
•Sanford's sub lots 80 and 61 .50
ii Wunderlich, Fortune sub, lot 15. 1.20
German Bank, Prospect Hill add
lots 13 and 14 1.60
Id Brady, Fortune sub, lot 1 /0
Eonson and Coates, city lot 628.75
D H McCarthy, city sub 724 N 50
ft lots 4, 6 and '6 .76
J Marzen, E Langworthy's add,
lot 46 .90
Thos Zinn, E Langworthy's add,
No 46.10, lot 44 .20
'Mary Messerkercht, E Lang -
,worthy's add, sub 52 and 53 No.
22 ft 54 lot 1 .50
9'ohn Stieber, 'E Langworthy's add
lot 19 .26
A R Stauferrbiel, 'E Langworthy's
add N 1-2 of lot 20 .15
J M Linehan, Prospect Hill, lot 10.25
R Waller Est, Prospect Hill, lot 8.25
las Harris, et al, Prospect Hill,
lot 1 .50
D J 'Hennessy Est, city sub 724 .25
lot 3
Jno Phillips, Buettell and Lang -
worthy's add. sub 3, lot 1 .50
W G Jackson, Demining and Horr .25
sub, lot 13
Wm Strinsky, Demming and Harr .25
.sub. lot 19
C H EigbmY and et al. Demming
.and Horr sub, lots 20 to 24 in-
E Williams, 'Demming and Horr .25
sub, .lot 16 .
Art Linehan, Demming and Horr .25
sub. lot 17
1Nic Meyer, E Langworthy add, So 20
36 ft lot 4 ..
R and E Langworthy, Glendale
add. lots 246, 247 and 270 1.50
Arnold Nix, L H Langworthy's
add, lot 12L
I ,Lercher. E Langworthy's add, 5
1-2 lot 5 .
Fred Bock, King's 1st add, 5 E 1-4 .25
lot 10 ..
Paul Traut Est, Runn's sub, lots 50
3 and 4
Win Springburn Est, Davis' Farm 7a
lots 231, 232
Jas Levi, Davis Farm, lots 237 and 1 00
John Ellwanger, Davis Farm, lot
M Schunk Est, Davis Farm, lot
A Janggen, Davis Farm, lot 290...
G G Perry, Davis Farm, lot 293...
J Frenzel, King's 1st add sub 6,
lot 2
Peter Mihm, King's Grove
lots 1 to 6 inclusive
Arnold Nix, Wm Redmond sub
sub 24, 26 and 26, lots 2, 3 and
P Kiene, Jr., L Kniest's
sub 4 E 40 ft, lot 1
Sarah Mulumby, min lot 113a
sub 3, lot 2
Demming and Kissel, 466, lot 2
H Roesch et al. Broadway add,
lot 2 to 10 inclusive
Mima Nitsche, Kiene
man sub, lot 6
Adam Jaeger Est, Davis
lot 250
Chas Stafford Est, Stafford's add,
lot 14 ....
C Wasser, Brecht's
lot 2
. G Hurd, sub 1 of 5 and 11, 12
and 13 n e qt, sect 13, 89, 2, lot
3, 4, and 5
Jac A Kurtz Est, O'Taylor's
sub, lots 20 and 21
Wm Hintrager, O'Taylor's
lots 22. 23 and 24
M 'Kunkel, McCraney's lst add,
lot 74
H 'Hingartner, McCraney's 1st
add, lot 75
J A Rhomberg Est, McCraney's
1st add, lot 111
Thos Allen, McCraney's 1st add,
lot 110
H Neuwoehner, McCraney's 1st
add, .lot 70
A Bhoemacher, McCraney's 1st
add, lot 69 ..
J J McCarthy, McCraney's lat add
lot 37
Rhomberg and Meuser, Davis
Farm, lot 225
Adam Jaeger Est, Davis Farm,
s 40 .Et, lot 217
A McDonald, Davis Farm, sub
218 and .219, lots 1, _ 2 and 3
Oleo Wiedner, Glendale add, lat
and Alt -
sub sub 5,
3 00
1 60
1 50
1 00
C D Hain, .Davis Farm, lot 370... 30
C L Burke, Davis Farm, lot 371 . 30
Paul Traut Est, P Traut sub, lots 1
1 and 2
J M Warner, P Traut sub, lot 3.. 20
J V White, Glendale add, :lot 7... 25
Jas O'Farrell, Glendale add, lot 8 25
M Mageraus, Davis Farm, lots 60
342 and 343
R and E ,Langworthy, Glendale
:add, lots.223 to 228 inclusive 1,50
Ed Stoltz, .Jr., Glendale ,add, s 16
1-2, lot .229
Ed Stoltz, Glendale add, n 1-2 .16
lot 229
C J Peterson, Olinger's sub, 60
lot 1
J H Rhomberg, L .H Langworthy 30
.add, lot 181
Official Notice.
Frank Brady, Est, city s 84 1-2
ft, lot 499
Jake Pflffner, city n 60 ft, lot
E Healey, East Dubuque add,
lot 62 „
Jno Fogerty et al, city, lot 354 ..
R Martin, city, lot 349
Dububue Linseed 011 Co, city,
lot 378
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., city
lot 398
Key City Iron Works, city, lot
D D Myers, city, lot 401
R Nolty, city, lot 393
F W Coates (Trust.),
505, s 4-5 of w 1-4, lot
J H Berry, R Brown's
1 of 1 of 3, lot
Jno McCabe, Corrill's sub, lot 1..
Fred Miller Brewing Co, city,
sub 703, lot 13
Rev Jno Hennessy, city, lot 56
Jas Forrester, Mt. Pleasant add,
lot 16
Mary Weigel, city, sub 741, lot
W G Sox, min lot 90, lot 2
W G Cox, min lot 90, lot 2
D J Linehan, Home add, lots 9,
10 and 11
M Tschirgi, Sr, Woodlawn Park
add, lots 200 to 203 inclusive
C Shannon, Woodlawn Park add,
lots 1, 2 and 49
H Fullmer, Leven's add, lot 23
Glab Bros, Finley add, lots 225,
226 and 227
Glab Bros, Finley Waples & Bur-
ton add, lots 127 to 135 inclusive
W G Waters, S M Langworthy's
add, lots 49, 50 and 51
F W Coates, S M Langworthy's
add, Lots 39, 42 and 43
J W Dillrance Est, min lot 80
sub 5, lot 1
Jane Jones, E E Jones' sub, lot
Hosford & Kemler, A McDaniel's
sub, n 88 ft, lot 783
W A Leathers (Trustee), Oakland
Park add, e 110 ft, lot 1
Wm Fuller, Woodlawn Park, Lots
153 and 154
J H Shields, Finley, Waples &
Burton, lot 141
Wm Hintrager, Finley, Waples &
Burton, lot 142
Peter Fitzpatrick, Finley, Waples
& Burton, e 1-2, lot 1:
Mary Simplot, Finley add, lot
Geo Salot, Salot sub, lots 1, 2
and 3
J G Bailey, A McDaniels' sub, lots
799 and 800
R Waller Est. city, n 34 ft, lot
G B Burch, city, lot 51
Fred Miller Brewing Co, city, e
43 ft of s 62 ft, lot 172
J D Sullivan Est, city, 'n 1-2, lot
L H Waples, city, n 1-2, lot 47 .. 15
city, sub
sub, sub
1 50
1 03
8 00
8 00
2 25
1 25
2 30
1 60
4 00
2 00
2 40
B J O'Neil, city, lot 46 30
H P Bissel, city, s 86.4, lot 466
Bonson and Brunskill, city, lot
M O'Rourke, city, n 1-2, lot 630
M E Connelly Est, city, lot 148
Adele Staples, city, lot 96
Bradley & McClain, city, Lots
222 and 223 60
Alice Goldthorpe, city, n 38.5,
lot 219 25
Catherine Glab, city, mdl 20 ft,
lot 218 .. 15
D S Wilson Est, city, s 1-2, lot
G 5 Torbert Est, city, n 2-5, lot
459 55
Dr N Bray, city, mdl 1-5, lot 459 25
Chris Higley, city, s 19 ft, lot 71. 15
E Wasser, Oakland park add lot 3. .25
Ryder Bros, city, lot 72a .60
John Reinecke, city, lot 89 .60
Ellen B Wood, city 5 2-3 lot 112.25
Mary A Coates, city, lot 111 .30
J H Greene, city, lot 106 .50
Jas Donahue, city N 23.10 lot 105.75
Annie Klauer, city S 2-5 lot 4311.05
C B Keesecker, L H Langworthy's
add N 1-3 lot 1 .15
E Buehler, min lot 89, lot 1 .25
Rev J Hennessy, Leven's add, lots
7 to 11 inclusive 1.25
D J Linehan, Home add, lot 4.25
Rev. Hennessy, A McDaniel's sub,
lot 821 1.00
R E Shannon, Oakland Park add,
lot 20 .. .50
Jno Klinsmith, Woodlawn Park
add, lots 99 and 100 .50
A Leisler, Woodlawn Park add,
lot 101 .25
C Geiger, Woodlawn Park add,
lot 102 .25
L F Dohs, Oakland Park add, lot
18 .30
Ellen W Gray, Gray's sub, lots 6,
7, 8 and 9 1.25
Rhoda Dockslider, Morheiser's sub
lot 10 .50
M Buol, Letcher and Tiebe's sub,
lot 11 .25
W H Doane, min lot 172 sub 12,
lots 1, 2 and 3 .60
M Tschirgi Sr., Moreheiser's sub,
lots 18 and 19 .. .45
M Buol, Letcher and Tiebe's sub,
lots 13 and 15 .40
M Buol, Letcher and Tiebe's sub,
lots 7 to 10 inclusive 1.25
A Cummings, Cummings' sub, lot
18 .50
A Schoenthal, Cain's sub, lot 20.., .20
A W Hosford, Cain's sub, lots 18
and 19 ., .45
J Mullen, min lot 88 sub 2, lot 5.. .30
A W Hosford, Cain's sub, lot 7.... .25
A W Hosford, Cain's sub, lots 14
and 17 .50
C Shannon, Woodlawn Park add,
lot 50 .25
J J Dunn, Letcher and Tiebe's sub,
16 and 17 .40
Official Notices.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of
good two-inch plank, be within 15 days
of this notice constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks as follows:
6 feet wide on south side of West 16th
street, between Cornell street and Re-
becca street, abutting lots No. 11, 12
and 13 Morgan's sub, lots 1 of 18, 19 and
20, Fairview add, where not already
laid at the expense of abutting prop-
erty.. Adopted Sept. 15, 1898.
9-20-10t. City Recorder.
All holders of Dubuque city war-
rants, bearing interest at the rate of
seven per cent. per annum are hereby
notified, that the interest on these war-
rants will cease on October 1st, 1898.
They can obtain the face of their war-
rants with interest to October lst by
presenting the same to the city treas-
urer for payment. If any holder of
these warrants wishes to leave his
money with the city, he can do so at
the rate of interest of five per cent.
per annum.
All parties willing to accept the re-
duced interest must notify the city
treasurer of the fact and present their
warrants to him.
Chairman of the Committee on Finance
9 -23 -to Oct. 2.
From east line of lot 804 McDaniela
sub. to west line of lot 799.
You and each of You are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
city council of the city of Dubuque to
improve Arlington street from east line
of lot 804 to west line of lot 799 Mc -
Daniels sub. That a plat and specifi-
cations of said proposed improvement
Is now on file in the office of the city
recorder. That it is estimated by the
city engineer that said improvement
will require 273 lineal feet of new curb-
ing and 170 cubic yards of guttering
making the total estimated cost $106.8L
Any person having objection to said
improvement, are hereby notified to ap-
pear in person before the city council
at its regular session to be held Oct.
27, 1898, or to file with the city recorder
their objections in writing on or before
October 27, 1898.
10-14-10t. City Recorder.
IRS t u1ar Session, November 3, 1898.
Regular• Session November 3, 1898.
Council met at 8:50 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
The following bills were ordered
Thos F Maguire, assistant at-
torney $ 50 00
Walton & Bieg, stationery for
city attorney 1 55
Duffy & Maguire, cash advanc-
ed in case of Ryan vs. city .80
Duffy & Maguire, cash advanced
in certain case pending 2 60
Dubuque Water Co., drinking
fountains for season 1898 400
Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta-
tionery 24 50
Palmer. Winall & Co., lot book
for engineer 7 00
Harriet Strelau, typewriting
short hand notes and prepar-
ing transcript case of F. A.
Gniffke vs. city • • • ... 78 20
Wyckoff, Seaman & Benedict,
one new typewriter 107 50
R Huber. building partition in
city hall 36 40
Jacob Schwaegler, repairing
First ward scales 35 65
Phil Pier, coal for First ward
scales 2 80
Jno Drehouse, cleaning chim-
neys, city hall 5 50
Chas Oswald, repairing, clean-
ing, setting up and storing
stoves for city hall
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing in
city hall
Gus Hall. repairing locks and
keys, city hall
Key City Gas Co., gas for Mrs.
Lull's residence
Noha Foust. repairing lighten-
ing rods on city hall
Wm Dodson, furnishing rock to
Jno Tibey, furnishing rock to
Jos Sleg, furnishing rock to city
F. G. Sieg, furnishing rock to
Jno Becker, furnishing rock to
Carr, Ryder & Adams, one load
pine wood
Hagerty Bros, one load pine
wood ..
Geo Fengler, 16 loads of gravel
at 50c
Christman & Healey, hardware
for road department
A Schaetzle, relaying gutter on
Delhi street
P Eisbach, retaining wall on De-
Soto Terrace
68 90
1 10
4 55
2 00
33 00
17 50
9 85
16 50
17 25
1 75
1 75
8 00
4 85
10 80
700 00
Fred Schloz, repairing tools for
road department 9 80
Jno Butt, repairing tools for
road department 4 35
Wm. Reed, repairing tools for
road department 3 25
D B Lenehan, repairing tools for
road department 2 30
Linehan & Molo, waste for
steam roller 28 90
Phil Pier, coal for fire depart-
ment 58 50
Jno Butt, repairs at 9th street
engine house 3 50
Jas Nix, repairs at 9th street
engine house 10 65
Lembke Bros., repairing harness
for fire department 2 35
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire department 4 00
Jno L Maloney, oil for fire de-
partment 2 70
Morrison Bros., rubber gasket
for fire department 1 00
W H Torbert, drugs for fire de-
partment 4 15
Carr, Ryder & Adams, shavings
for fire department 2 00
W W Whelan, repairing horse
clippers for fire department 50
Martin Byrne, hay for fire de-
partment .... .... 133 05
Linehan & Molo, fire clay for
fire department 75
Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing
for fire department 4 30
Yerger & Vollemweider, horse
shoeing for fire department9 60
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
department . .... 25 95
Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi
street engine house 4 35
Key City Gas Co., gas for 4th
street, 9th street and 18th
street engine house . 78 20
Key City Gas Co., gas for city
hall and Governor's Greys
armory 34 50
Key City Gas Co., gas for street
commissioner's office 5 20
Key City Gas Co., gas for en-
gineer's office 5 20
Key City Gas Co., gas for patrol
house 38 90
Dubuque Water Co., 337 hy-
drants for October, 1898 1404 15
Otto Rath. board of prisoners
for October, 1898 . 11 40
Duggan & Kane, supplies for
matron's quarters 7 50
Chr. Schmitt, supplies for mat-
ron's quarters 5 85
Jos. J. Rowan, 5 pair gloves for
police .... 1 00
Chas Oswald, repairing dark Ian 4 90
terns and tin cups
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe-
ing patrol team ..
Iowa Telephone Co., messages 45
over toll lines
Key City Gas Co., cutting pipe
at fountain on Julien avenue25
Chas Oswald, tin cups and 6 95
chains for fountains
't► Regular Session, November 3, 1898.
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing
fountain on Julien avenue and
Hush tank on 13th street
Jno Harney, repairing tools for
sewer department
Dubuque Telegraph, official print
ing for October
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly
council proceedings
Globe Journal, official printing
for October
The Herald, official printing for
National Dernokrat, official print
ing for October
Star Electric Co., 322 arc lights
for October .... .... 1738.80
Globe Light and Heat Co., 100
lamps for October 166 67
T E Frith removing garbage and
dead animals for October 193 45
Dubuque Telegraph's health re-
ports for October 5 50
Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta
tionery for health department.. 5 00
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., sta-
tionery for health department6 50
Dan Sheehan, three days' labor
on city dump 3 75
The following bills were referred to
the committee on fire:
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe-
ing 26 80
C C Lembke & Co., repairing
harness 31 70
Tom Connolly, repairing chief's
buggy 7 75
Toni Connolly, repairing carts
etc., 4th street engine house... 5 75
The following bill was referred to the
street committee:
Key City Gas Co., coke for
steam roller for September
and October, 1898 ... 66 18
The following bill was referred to the
committee of the whole:
Dubuque Water Co., water for
various engine houses from
June 20th, 1898, to Dec. 20th,
1898 40 00
Sam Starr, use of horse and
buggy for the month of Octo-
ber, 1898 . . 10 00
Ald. Frith moved that the bill be
'Aid. Flynn amended that the pay for
horse and buggy be stopped after the
month of October.
Ald Crawford moved to lay the am-
endment on the table. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Frith, Jones
and McLaughlin.
Nays—Aids. Duggan, Flynn and
Whereupon the original motion was
carried and the bill ordered paid.
The following petitions were grant-
Petition of Paul Schlenker remon-
strating against connecting with the
sanitary sewer abutting the northerly
25 feet 6 inches of the N. M. 1-5 of city
lot No. 444.
3 85
60 00
3 00
50 00
50 00
25 00
Petition of Valentine Hentrich, ask-
ing for one (1) year's further time to
pay his special assessment for improv-
ing Maple street abutting lots 297 and
299 East Dubuque add, the interest be-
ing paid in full up to November 1, 1898.
The following petitions in relation to
taxes were referred to the delinquent
tax committee:
Petition of Mrs. Margt. Kolf, ask-
ing to have her taxes canceled on lot
No. 19 High street add for the year
Petition of Esther Diener, asking to
have her taxes canceled on lot 309 East
Dubuque add for the year 1897.
Petition of Henritta Wolf, asking to
cancel the taxes on lot 6 Marsh's Du- v
buque add.
The following petition was referred
to the committee of the board of equal-
Petition of Margt. Funk, asking for
a reduction of taxes on lots 118 and 110
in Cook's add.
Petition of Mrs. Koenig and Jno.
Mundt, asking for one (1) year's fur-
ther time to pay their special assess
ments for the improvement of Maple •
street abutting lot 295, East Dubuque
add. Ald. Frith moved to grant the
petition providing they pay the in-
terest up to Nov. 1. 1898. Carried.
Petition of Anton Stoltz asking for
one year's further time to Day his spe-
cial assessment for improving street,
abutting west 30 feet of the east 100
feet of lot 373 Davis farm addition.
Aid. Frith moved that the petition be
granted providing he pays the interest
up to Nov. 1st, 1898. Carried.
The following petition was referred
to the committee on finance:
Petition of Dubuque Wooden Ware
and Lumber Co., asking that their
taxes on improvements,personal prop-
erty and real estate remain the same
as in 1889 and that the assessment of
1898 be reduced to that of 1889.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of Nick Funk asking to put
River View street, in a passable con-
dition and have same repaired.
Petition of Mrs. Anna Bush (by J.
D. Bush) et al asking city to provide
for a waterway to prevent the water
from running on their property from
Julien avenue, on their dividing line
and between Julien avenue and West
14th street.
Communication of F. G. Pierce, sec-
retary and treasurer of the League of
Iowa Municipalities asking that the city
of Dubuque become a member of the
league. On motion it was referred
to the committee of the whole.
Invitation of the Good Roads and
Public Improvements association, invit-
ing the mayor to attend and also ap-
point ten (10) delegates to represent our
city at the Good Roads and Public Im-
provements convention, to be held in
St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 21st to 23rd, 1898.
On motion the invitation was referred
to the committee of the whole.
l.egular Session, November 3, 1898. 295
The following petition was referred
to the city attorney:
Petition of E. H. Sheppley in rela-
tion to double special assessment for
improving Lincoln avenue, abutting the
south 42 feet of lot 12 on Couler avenue,
in L. H. Langworthy's addition.
The following petition was referred
to the city attorney and assessor:
Petition of Geo. Salot asking to cancel
the tax sales on the south 100 feet of
the north 150 feet of lots 136 and 137
in Union add., and to instruct the trea-
surer to refund him the amount of tax
paid by him, also the amount paid
by him for subsequent tax of the year
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council. Gentlemen: Below you will
find statement of uniounts advanced
by me during the month of October,
1898, for which please order warrants
drawn in my favor.
Refund Excavation permits.. ..$ 60.00
Interest paid on outstanding war-
rants 6S2.02
Postage stamps, exchange re-
funded, tax and all other causes 23.21
Total .... $765.23
Also received money borrowed, $10,-
Ald. Wales moved that the report
be received and warrants ordered
•drawn to pay the various amounts and
the report referred back to the finance
committee. Carried.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit to you
my report for the month of October,
1898, showing the receipts and disburs-
ments for the month.
Cash on hand Oct. 1, 1898 $28925 12
Receipts from all sources.... 29297 52
$58222 64
Warrants redeemed in the
month of Oct . ...... .. ......$25365 34
Coupons reedeemed in the 2760 00
month of October.... ..
Cash on hand Nov. 1, 1898.. ..$30,097.30
Of the cash on hand there belongs
to the improvement bond fund $15384.19.
Leaving a balance to the credit of the
city $14.713.11. Also report that there
is due the city officers for salaries for
the month of October, 1898, $1971.70.
Also the following is a list of the
amounts expended in each department
since the beginning of the fiscal year:
$19062 85
32534 77
17889 10
15240 26
19399 63
11211 05
2808 45
1655 05
3298 88
2070 73
Interest ... ... ...... .... .. .. 21699 31
Total .... ...... $146,870 08
Ald Duggan moved to receive the re-
port and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the city officers and the
report referred back to the finance com-
mittee. Carried.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the city of Dubuque:
The following amount, $1,919.75 is due
the firemen for the month of October,
General Expense .... .. . .
Road.... .. .. ... .
Gas and Light ........ ...
Duggan moved to receive the
and that warrants be ordered
to pay the firemen and the re-
port referred back to the committee
on fire. Carried.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council: .
Gentlemen: The following is a report
for the police department for the month
of October, 1898:
Total number of arrests .... . . 57
Numbers of runs by the patrol.... 73
Miles traveled... ..... .... .... ....1013/4
Poundmaster's receipt for empound-
ing, $1.00; also report $1,951.60 due the
police for the month of October, 1898.
Ald. Duggan moved that the report
be received and that warrants be order-
ed drawn to pay the policemen and the
report referred back to the committee
on police. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets, for the
last half of October, 1898. Amount
due laborers $1,125.85.
Ald. Duggan moved that the report
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the laborers and report
referred back to the committee on
streets. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit a
statement of the amount due for labor
on sewers for the last half of October,
1S98, amount, $169.75.
Ald. Duggan moved that the report
be received and that warrants be or-
dered drawn to pay the laborers on
sewers and the report referred back to
the committee on sewers. Carried.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of October, 1898.
I find from the reports of the police
department, that the total hours that
82 lamps failed to burn would equal
three lamps for one month or $16.20.
296 Regular Session, November 3, 1898.
Ald. Duggan moved that the report
be received and the auditor be instruct-
ed to deduct $16.20 from the Star Elec-
triccompany's bill for the month of Oc-
tober, 1898. Carried.
The following reports of ,the city
weighmasters and wood measurer was
referred to the committee on markets:
Otto Rath, city hall, amount, $20.55
Chas. Pitschner, West Dubuque,
T. Flaherty, First ward, amount4.27
R. F. Curran, wood measurer,
amount 2.88
H. B. Gniffke, city treasurer, report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Dear Sir: We have refunded or re-
deemed all city warrants bearing in-
terest at the rate of seven per cent.
per annum, in all, an amount slightly
in excess of $60,000.00 worth, when pre-
sented and exchanged for warrants
drawing only five per cent. per annum.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
In favor of paying the bill of Joseph
Kiang, for witness fees in the case o,f
Mary A. Morse vs City of Dubuque,
amount, $3.85.
On motion the report was adopted
and a warrant ordered drawn in favor
of Joseph Kiang, for said amount.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
October 27th, 1893.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find receipt
from Henry B. Gniffke, city treasurer,
for $9.00 received from Steuck & Line-
han for the sale of 18 cubic yards of
macadam at 50 cents per yard.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
City Engineer also reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith I submit my
report for the improvement of Troy
alley from Kniest street to Johnson
avenue, between Rhomberg and Lin-
coln avenues and recommend that a
warrant be ordered drawn in favor of
Peter Horsch for the sum of $357.03 and
that the city treasurer be instructed to
retain from said amount the sum of
$155.35 for macadam furnished and roll-
ing of said alley.
Ald. Crawford moved that the report
be referred to the street committee.
City Engineer Blake also reported
the final bill of Brown & Brown (con-
tractors) for five per cent. retained for
one year for paving Iowa street from
Seventh street to Fourteenth street.
amount $700.73, whereupon the commit-
tee on paving reported as follows:
Your committee on paving would re-
port that they have examined the brick
paving on Iowa street from Seventh
street to Fourteenth street, Brown &
Brown, contractors, and would recom-
mend that said street be accepted and
that five per cent. retained for one year
for said street be paid to the said
Brown & Brown, the contractors, when
this committee reports to the mayor,
that Brown & Brown have completed
all repairs, and would recommend that
a warrant be ordered drawn to cover
the amount.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee on paving. Car-
Assistant City Engineer Hyde report-
ed bill of Con Ryan, Sr., final estimate
for constructing sewer in Pickett and
Alma streets, whereupon Ald. Craw-
ford offered the following resolution.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a warrant foi•
the sum of $550.80 be drawn on the
sewer improvement fund, in favor of
Con Ryan, Sr., contractor, in full pay-
ment for the construction of a sanitary
sewer of 8 inch tile pipe in Pickett and
Alma streets, and that the city treas-
urer is hereby instructed to retain the
sum of $28.89, the amount due the city
from the contractor for rolling. Such
sum so retained to be placed to the
credit of the road fund. And that all
previous action of the council providing
for the drawing of warrants on account
of said contract be rescinded.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the res
olution. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: On the petition of Aug.
Hoffman, I would report that his mac-
adam has been used by the city.
Ald. Crawford moved to refer the
report back to the street commissioner
and City Engineer Blake to ascertain
how much there was of said macadam
and to report to the council. Car-
Recorder Langstaff presented the
published notice of the city council's
intention to improve Arlington street
from east line of lot 804 to west line
lot 799, McDaniel's sub. On motion of
Ald. Crawford it was received and
Ald. Crawford, chairman street com-
mittee, reported as follows, which was
In favor of instructing the street com
missioner to have all the street clean-
ings from the upper part of the city in
the vicinity of that locality, dumped in
Sycamore street in front of A. Y. Mc-
Donald Mfg. company's factory, until
said street shall be filled to grade; also
in favor of granting the petition of F.
Fink et al asking that Stoltz avenue
be put in a passable condition and rec-
ommend, that the street commissioner
I;,eglllar Session, November 3, 1898.
be authorized to expend $100.00 in re-
pairing said avenue; also In favor of
postponing action indefinitely on the
supplementary special assessment for
cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks
during the months of January and
February, 1898.
Also your committee on streets to
whom was referred the petition of C. B.
Trewin et al asking the city to vacate
the alley between lot 41 Prospect Hill
addition and that part of out lot 692
lying directly east of said lot 41, said
alley extending from Fenelon Place to
the alley between West Third street
and Fenelon Place. Subject to the
right of the city to maintain a sanitary
and storm water sewers and to build
and maintain steps through middle of
property so vacated at any time they
see fit. Would respectfully recommend
the adoption of the following resolu-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city re-
corder he and is hereby instructed to
give ten clays notice in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph the official newspaper
of the city in accordance with Section
(8) of Chapter (30) of the Revised Ordi-
nances, that a proposition for the vaca-
tion of the alley between lot 41 Prospect
Hill addition and that part of out lot
692 lying directly east of said lot 41, and
extending from Fenelon Place to the al-
ley between West Third street and
Fenelon Place in favor of the owners
of the lots and parcels of Iand abutting
thereon, will be considered at a meet-
ing of the council to be held November
17th, 1898.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report and resolution. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the printing
committee, reported as follows:
In favor of paying the bill of Hardie
and Scharle and moved to adopt. Car-
Ald. Jones moved that hereafter the
city pay not over 65 cents per page for
printing abstracts and briefs. Lost
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Jones, and
Nays—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith
and McLaughlin.
Ald. Crawford moved that the city
recorder be instructed to, in the future,
to advertise for bids for printing all
briefs and abstracts. Carried.
Alderman Crawford, chairman of the
committee of the whole, reported as fol
Your committee of the whole to whom
was referred the petitions of J. G.
Bailey et al., protesting against the
improvement of Arlington street, report
in favor of postponing the said im-
provement until next spring.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Also reported in favor of receiving
and filing the communication of Edw.
Morgan in relation to the purchase of
caps and overcoats for the police de-
partment. On motion of Aid. Craw-
ford the report was adopted.
Also in favor of granting the peti-
tion of L. J. Baumhover, et al., asking
that an electric arc light be placed at
the corner of Leibnitz and North Main
streets. The report was adopted on
the motion of Ald. Crawford.
Also reported as follows, which was
on motion of Ald. McLaughlin referred
to the city attorney for his opinion:
To the City Council:
At the session of the council on Oc-
tober 6th, 1898, a communication was
referred to the committee of the whole
from G. Gmehle and J. J. Murphy, in
which they state that they have acted
as assistants to the city assessor since
and prior to May, 1898; that in April,
1898, the council illegally reduced their
salaries from $100.00 to $50.00 each per
month: that after having consultedsev-
eral lawyers of standing, they are of the
opinion that the city cannot legally
withhold any part of the $100.00 per
month, and that they are entitled to v
$350.00 from the city,—that being the
amount of the reduction since May 1st,
1898. From the verbal statements of
11Iessrs. Murphy and Gmehle it ap-
pears that those gentlemen base their
opinion that the council acted ille-
gally in fixing the compensation of the
assistant assessors after May 1st, 1898,
at $50.00 per month, on the provisions
of section 944 of the new code, which
provides that the compensation of no
' officer shall be increased, or dimin-
ished. during the term for which he was
elected, or appointed. and that no
change of compensation shall affect any
officer during his existing term, un-
less the office be abolished.
As section 944 is imperative and bind-
ing, it is necessary, in order to deter-
mine whether the action of the city
council on April 14, 1898, was contrary
to its provisions, or otherwise, when
it fixed the salaries of the assistant as-
sessors after May 1st, 1898, at $50.00 per
month, to ascertain what was the term
of office of the gentlemen holding, or
assuming to hold, those positions, at
that time. The only provision for
the appointment of assistant city as-
sessors, or for fixing their terms of
office, to be found in either the charter
of the city, the code, or city ordinances,
is contained in sections 4 and 5 on page
200 of the revised ordinances of 1893,
which are as follows:
"Section 4. That whenever it may
be deemed necessary or expedient, the
city council may appoint one or more
assistant city assessors, who shall pos-
sess the same qualifications as the city
assessor, and who shall give bond in
such sum as shall be fixed by the coun-
cil, and shall take and subscribe the
same oath of office as required of the
city assessor."
"Section 5. The assistant city as-
298 Regular Session, November 3, 1898.
sessor, or assessors, shall hold office
until the first Monday of May next en-
suing after his or their appointment.
But in the event that the city assess-
ment for any year shall not be corn-
pleted and returned by the first day of
May, the council may, by resolution, at
its discretion, extend the term of office
of the city assessor, and the assistant
city assessor, or assessors, until such
time as the assessment list for
such year shall be fully completed and
From section 4 It will be seen that
the city council when it deems it neces-
sary, or expedient, may appoint one or
more assistant assessors. No author-
ity for the appointment or employment
of such officials, except by the city
council, can be found anywhere. Only
the council can legally appoint assist-
ant assessors, and then, only when it
deems it necessary or expedient.
The question then follows, when did
the council appoint Messrs. Murphy
and Gmehle? After a careful exam-
ination of the proceedings of the coun-
cil, no record of the formal appoint-
ment of either of those gentlemen can
be found to exist, but on January 4,
1897, the following appears on page 3
of the council record for that year; to -
"City Assessor -elect Duncan and his
deputies, Mr. Gmehle and Mr. Mur-
phy, presented their bonds, which were
approved, and ,they were sworn in by
the mayor."
The foregoing is the only reference
anywhere made in the records of the
council to Messrs. Murphy and Gmehle
as assistant assessors, except in the
monthly allowance of their salaries. But
assuming that the action of the council
on January 4th, 1897, was equivalent
to their appointment, as such, and that
their terms of office commenced on that
date, the inquiry remains to be ans-
wered, when did their ten of office
Section 5 of the ordinance above quot-
ed says that they shall hold office until
the first Monday of May next ensuing
after his or their appointment." Un-
der that provision, in the absence of
any further action of the council, the
terms of office of Messrs. Murphy and
Gmehle expired on' the first Monday
of May, 1897. But again assuming,
(though the assumption is a rather
violent one) that by the consent and ac
quiescence of the council they continued
to legally hold their official positions
after the first Monday of May, 1897, it
cannot possibly be claimed that their
term of office would continue beyond
the first Monday in May, 1898. With-
out raising any question as to the le-
gality of their tenure of office previous
to the last named date, it is most cer-
tain that, at that time, their term of
office had ceased to exist.
The action of the council on April 14,
1898, fixing the compensation of assist-
ant assessors at fifty dollars each per
month, took effect from and after May
1st, 1898. As the terms of office of
Messrs. Murphy and Gmehle had not
been extended by the council beyond
that date, it is evident that the council
did not by such action, controvene the
provisions of section 944 of the code, but
acted strictly within its powers.
The committee is therefore of the
opinion that Messrs. Murphy and Ge-
mehle are not entitled to any additional
compensation for their services, since
May 1st, 1898, above the fifty dollars
each, per month• heretofore allowed
them, and we recommend that that be
adopted as the sense of the council.
Ald. Frith moved that the bid for
skating rink purpose on the ice harbor
be opened. Carried.
The bid was opened and found as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
I. John Keckevoet and Ernest Bohn,
offer the sum of Seventy Five dollars
($75.00) for the use of the ice harbor
fot skating rink purposes for the win-
ter months of 1898 and 1S99.
John Keckevoet.
Ernest Bohn.
Ald. Frith moved that the privilege,
as per bid, be granted to Keckevoet
and Bohn. Carried by the following
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Frith, Jones. McLaughlin. Total, 5.
Noes—Alds. Flynn and Wales. To-
tal. 2.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
whereas the ownership and control
of the Dubuque Waterworks has pass-
ed into the hands of citizens of Dubu-
que who are personally interested in the
health, growth and prosperity of the
city, and who propose, at once, to com-
mence and carry out such extensive
improvements in the plant as will en-
able then to furnish the city and its
citizens at once and at all times, with
an abundant supply of pure and whole-
some water; and, in making such im-
provements expect to expend large
sums of money among the working
men and laborers of the city, thereby
giving employment to many who will
otherwise, soon be out of work in con-
sequence of the closing down of the
mills for the winter.
And whereas, the resolution adopted
by the council on the 4th day of Au-
gust, 1898, providing for the forfeiture
of the franchise of the Dubuque Wa-
ter company as successors of S. Cham-
berlain and others, and instructing the
city attorney to institute proceedings
in the district court to obtain decree
of forfeiture of said franchise is a
cicud on the property rights of said
Water company and operates to dis-
courage and hinder the making of the
proposed improvements in the said
Regular Session, November 3, 1898.
Therefore be it resolved by the city
ccuncil of the city of Dubuque that
the said resolution of forfeiture above
referred to be and is hereby rescinded.
Resolved. further that in rescinding
said forfeiture resolution the city of
Dubuque waives no right contained or
reserved to the city in the original ordi-
nance granting said franchise to S.
Chamberlain and others, nor any rights
it may now have growing out of the
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute to
refer to the special committee on the
waterworks and the city attorney. Sub-
stitute carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that when the
council adjourns. they adjourn to next
Monday night, Nov. 7th. 189S, and the
matter of the waterworks be made spec
lel for that session. Carried.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
Resolved that the Star Electric com-
pany be and is hereby instructed to put
in arc street lamps in the following lo-
calities. to -wit: Two (21 lamps on
Grandview avenue between South
Dodge street and Southern avenue.
One (1) lamp on Valley street, at
point to be designated by the alderman
of the First ward.
One (1) lamp at intersection of Delhi
and Gilliam streets.
One (1) lamp at intersection of Alta
Vista ' trect, and extension of West
Seventeenth street.
One (1) lamp at intersection of North
Main, and Leibnitz streets.
One (1) lamp at intersection: of Coul-
er avenue and North boundary of city.
One (1) lamp at intersection of Fifth
avenue and Jansen street.
All of said lamps to be erected under
the supervision of the police and light
committee, and the aldermen of the
several wards in which the lamps are
of dered.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan. Frith,
Jones and McLaughltin. Total, 5.
Noes—Aids. Flynn and Wales. Total,
Ald. Frith offered the following reso-
Whereas: It would be a great con-
venience to the large number of resi-
dents of Seminary Hill to have a stair-
way and sidewalks from Kauffman
avenue to Napier street. and
Whereas: C. A. Voelker is willing to
deed to the city east six feet of lot 155
and west six feet of lot 139 Mechanics
add for said stairway and sidewalk,
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, That the attorney be
instructed to secure a deed to said
property t a
way and side-
walk four feet nd a wide the ordered built
from Kauffman avenue to Napier street
the cost not to exceed $125.00, said work
to be under the directions of the street
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith, Jones,
and McLaughlin. Total, 4.
Noes—Aids. Duggan, Flynn and
Wales. Total, 3.
Ald. Crawford moved that the city
engineer be instructed to make the
necessary survey in accordance
with said resolution and report same
to City Attorney Duffy, and he pro-
cure a deed for said strip of land and
Present to the council, and that the
street commissioner make close esti-
mate of cost for said stairway and side-
walk so as to be sure the cost of im-
provement will not exceed the appro-
priation of $125.00. Carried.
Aid. Wales moved that a warrant of
$100 he drawn in favor of each of the
aldermen to apply on their salary. Car-
Ald. Wales moved that a drinking
fountain be placed on Southern avenue
at the intersection of Valley street.
A ld. Crawford offered a substitute
that action on the fountain he post-
poned until the spring of 1899.
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn and
Frith. Total, 3.
Nares—Aids. Duggan. Jones, Mc-
Laughlin and Wales. Total, 4.
The question recurring on the origi-
nal motion of Ald. Wales was put and
the mayor declared the motion car-
Ald. Frith offered the following reso-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city record-
er be and he is hereby instructed to ad-
vErtise for bids to furnish the city with
first class maple wood for the season of
1598 and 1899.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute,
that the recorder be instructed to ad-
vertise for wood, when the wood would
be needed.
Ald. Flynn's substitute carried.
Ald. Duggan moved to adjourn until
next Monday evening, Nov. 7th, 1898.
Attest. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Adjourned Regular Session Nov. 7, 1898.
Council met at 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales. stated that
His Honor, Mayor Berg,
the object of the session was to con-
sider the report of the special commit-
tee of citizens and aldermen on the wa-
ter works.
Mayor Berg, chairman of the special
300 Adjourned Regular Session, November 7, 1898.
committee on water works, reported as
That we, your special committee con-
sisting of Wm. L. Bradley, Hon. W.
J. Knight and N. J. Schrup, (citizens),
and Aldermen Crawford Flynn and
myself, at a meeting of the full com-
mittee held this day, most respect-
fully report in favor of rescinding the
resolution adopted by this council on
the fourth day of August, 1S98, declar-
ing a forfeiture of the franchise of
the Dubuque Water company and in-
structing the city attorney to institute
proceedings to make the forfeiture ef-
fective, etc. Your committe further re-
ports that they have considered well
all .the points, legal as well as other-
wise, and have prepared a resolution
and would recommend the adoption of
the same by this council. as a substi-
tute for the resolution offered by Ald.
Frith November 3rd, 1898. bearing on
the subject of water ryorks and referr-
ed to your special committee.
The committee's resolution was then
read. Also the resolution offered by
Ald. Frith and presented Nov. 3d, 1898.
whereupon Aids. Wales and Flynn ad•
dressed the council.
Ald. Crawford moved that the report
of the special committee be received
and adopted. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford. Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Total -6.
Nays—Ald. Wales. Total -1.
Ald. Crawford moved that the reso-
lution of the special committee be ad-
opted. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Total -6.
Nays—Ald. Wales. Total -1.
The resolution follows:
Resolved, That the resolution ad-
opted by this council on the 4th day of
August, 1898, declaring a forfeiture of
the franchise of the Dubuque Water
company and instructing the city at-
torney to institute proceedings to make
the forfeiture effective, be and the
same is hereby rescinded;
Provided, however, that the rescind-
ing of said resolution shall not be un-
derstood to be a waiver or abandon-
ment of any right or remedy the city
now has against said water company
because of any violation heretofore suf-
fered or committed by said company of
any of its obligations to the city.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder..
Approved Nov. 7, 1898.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Mayor Berg inquired of Ald. Frith,
chairman of the paving committee,
when his committee would report on
the paving on Iowa street from 7th
to 14th streets. Ald. Frith stated
his committee would report Wednes-
day, November 9, 1898.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
council adjourn until Thursday
evening, November 17, 1898. Carried.
'4f l ecorder
Regular Session November 17, 1898.
Council met at 7:45 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Crawford, Flynn,
Frith, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent—Alds. Duggan and Jones.
The council proceedings of October,
1598, corrected, was presented.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that they be
approved as printed. Carried.
Petition of Jas Quinlivan et al, ask-
ing that an electric light be placed at
the intersection of West 3rd street and
College avenue. Ald. McLaughlin
moved to have it referred to the police
and light committee. Carried.
Petition of Sylvester Hickok, asking
to have his taxes reduced on lots 57 and
58 in Union add for the year 1898. On
motion it was referred to the board of
equalization and city assessor.
Petition of Mrs. Eliz. Butler, asking
for extension of time to pay her taxes
for 1898. On motion it was referred
to the delinquent tax committee.
Petition of Harmony and Julien
lodges I. O. O. F. asking to have their
time extended for one (1) year to pay
their special assessment for improving
and paving Locust street abutting lot
No. 663 city. Ald. Wales moved that
the petition be granted, provided the
interest is paid up to Nov. 1, 1898. Car-
Remonstrance of Michael Tiernan et
al remonstrating against the vacation
of alley between lot 41 in Prospect Hill
add and out lot 692. Ald. McLaughlin
moved that the remonstrance be grant-
ed. Mr. Trewin being present was
granted permission to address the
council. Mr. Trewin addressed the
council in favor of vacating the alley.
Add. McLaughlin withdrew his first
motion and moved to postpone further
action for two (2) weeks. Carried.
Communication of F. G. Pierce,
mayor of the city of Marshalltown, Ia.,
asking the city of Dubuque to become
a member of the League of Iowa Muni-
cipalities. On motion it was referred
to the committee of the whole.
ltemilar Session, November 17, 1898.
Petition of Emil Feigner et al, asking
that a sanitary sewer be constructed
in Rebecca street, was read and action
postponed until the committee on sew-
ers reported.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen.:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for laborers on streets for the
first half of November, 1898. Amount
due $1.129.15.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the laborers and the re-
port referred back to the street com-
mittee. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a
statement of the amount due for labor
on sewers for the first half of Novem-
ber, 1898. Amount $146.25. The
mayor ordered that the report be re-
ceived and that warrants he ordered
drawn to pay the laborers on sewers
and the report referred back to the
committee on sewers. Carried.
November 15, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a state-
ment of the amounts expended for la-
bor on streets during the month of Oc-
tober, 1898, by wards:
Wm O'Brien, repairing Fremont
avenue $ 12 75
Wm O'Brien, repairing Valley
street 25 50
Wm O'Brien, repairing Dodge
street .. 96 80
Wm O'Brien, repairing Southern
avenue 125 30
Wm O'Brien. repairing Railroad
avenue 39 55
Total First ward .... .. $299 90
R T Eddy, repairing Julien ave$224.50
R T Eddy, repairing Nevada
street 158 00
R McGivern, Fourth street dump 40 00
J H Boyce, laying sidewalk 6th
and Iowa street . 11 00
Total Second ward $433 50
John Farley, repairing, and ma-
son work 18th street ..$175 75
John Farley repairing 15th street 8 40
John Farley, cleaning various
streets .... 55 55
John Farley, repairing crossings
and gutters Jackson street.... 65 40
Total Third ward $285 10
Jno Hayes, repairing West 14th
street $215 40
Jno Hayes, repairing Rose
Jno Hayes, repairing West llth
J H Boyce, repairing gutters
14th and Bluff street
25 75
47 05
7 50
Total Fourth ward $295.70
John Raetz, repairing Jackson
street $239 25
John Raetz, repairing Rhomberg
avenue .. . .. 166 65
John Raetz, repairing Lincoln
avenue 7 15
J H Boyce, mason work 26th and
27th streets ... 22 15
Total Fifth ward $435 20
J H Boyce, sweeping brick paved
streets $265 70
J H Boyce. engineer and stoker
steam roller .... 125 00
J H Boyce. carpenter wagon
(driver) ..... 40 00
J H Boyce, paper collector 25 00
Total miscellaneous $455 70
Total all wards $2205 10
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
City Attorney Duffy presented a Quit
Claim deed from C. A. Volker and wife
of the city of Dubuque, Dubuque county
Iowa, as follows:
Do hereby remise, release and forever
quit claim unto the said city of Dubu-
que: The east six (6) feet of lot 155
and the west six (6) feet of lot 139 all
in Mechanics addition to the city of Du-
buque, Iowa. This strip of land being
a gift from said Voelker and wife to the
city, the city agreeing to exempt said
grantors from special assessments for
building, repairing and keeping in con-
dition for public travel and use said
City attorney also presented plat of
said ground and stairway.
Ald. Crawford moved that the recor-
der be instructed to have deed and plat
properly recorded in the county records.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report on the improvement of Troy
alley from Kneist street to Johnson
avenue, between Rhomberg and Lin-
coln avenues, and recommend that a
warrant be drawn in favor of Peter
Horseh, contractor, for the sum of
338.78, this being the amount in full
for the macadamizing and curbing on
said alley.
The grading amounts to $29.25. The
macadam furnished by the city
amounts $105.69, and the rolling of said
alley amounts to $49.66. Less $4.75 due
the contractor for rolling with the horse
302 Regular Session, November 17, 1898
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Your committee on
streets would respectfuly report that
they have examined the improvement of
the alley between Lincoln avenue and
Rhomberg avenue. from Johnson street
to Kniest street now known as Troy
▪ alley (Peter Horsch, contractor) and
would recommend that said alley be
accepted. The contract having been
completed according to contract.
On motion the report of the street
committee was adopted. Whereupon
Ald. Crawford offered the fol:owing re-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a warrant for
the sum of $338.78 be drawn on the
street improvement fund in favor of
Peter Horsch, contractor in full for the
payment for the macadamizing of Troy
alley and Johnson avenue to Kneist
street, and that the city treasurer is
hereby instructed to retain the sum of
$121.35, this being the amount due the
city from the contractor for rolling and
macadam furnished, less the amount of
grading and rolling done by the con-
tractor. such sun -i so retained to be
placed to the credit of the road fund.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
resolution. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
McLaughlin and Wales.
Total 5.
Absent.—Ald. Duggan and Jones.
The mayor declared the resolution
Recorder Langstaff presented publish-
ed notice of the council's intention to
levy special assessments for macadam-
izing alley (now known as Phillips's
Lane), whereupon Ald. Crawford,
chairman of the street committee of-
fered the following and moved its adop-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
'nrovement of alley, next and north of
grace street, now known as Philip's
Lane, from Hall to Louisa street
by O. G. Kringle, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
he and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate as follows:
Special assessments submitted Oc-
tober 20th, and passed Nov. 17th, 1898.
Simon Thoni, Reche's Sub lot 28,
55.5 sq yds macadamizing at
37c $210 53
John Accola, Reche's Sub, lot 29,
55.5 sq yds macadamizing at
John Thoni, Reche's sub, lot 30,
55.5 sq yds, madacamizing at
37c 20 53
Chas Pitchner, Jr, Reche's Sub,
lot 31, 55.5 sq yds macadamizing
at 37c 20 53
Chas Pitchner, Jr, Reche's Sub,
lot 32, 55.5 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 37c 20 53
Chas Pitchner, Jr, Reche's Sub,
1ot33, 55.5 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 37c 20 53
Chas Pitchner, Jr. Reche's Sub,
lot 34, 36.6 sq qds macadamiz-
ing at 37c 13 54
B W Lacy, Reche's Sub, lot 35,
153.3 sq yds macadamizing at /
37c “7 S2
B W Lacy, Reche's Sub, lot 40,
1 2.8 sq yds macadamizing at
37c 47 63
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
McLaughlin. and Wales. Total 5.
Absent—Alds. Duggan and Jones.
City Recorder Langstaff, reported
that there had been no bids received
for printing briefs and abstracts for
the use of the city attorney.
Ald. Crawford moved that the notice
for proposals. for bids for doing such
work be continued in the official papers
until the next meeting of the council.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the finance
committee, reported in favor of fixing
the assessment of the Dubuque Wood-
en Ware Co., on lots 1, 2 and S 1-2 of
19. 20 and S 1-2 of 18, Eagle Point ad-
dition and lots 21. 22 and S 1-2 of 23,
in McCraney's Eagle Point addition,
and lots 358. 359, 360, 361, 362, 371, 372
and 528, in Ham's addition at $2,180.00
for the year 1598, and to cancel im-
provements and personalty for the year
1898 as per agreement of the council
March 31st, 1890.
(in motion of Ald. Wales the report
was adopted.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on street respectful-
ly report that they have examined the
retaining wall constructed on De Soto
Terrace by Peter Eisbach, contractor,
and find the said wall completed ac-
cording to contract and would recom-
mend that the said wall be accepted.
20 53
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port was adopted.
Also reported in favor of paying the
bill of the Key City Gas Co. for coke
for the steam roller amounting to $54.93
and that the warrant to pay the same
be drawn on the general expense fund.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt. Car-
Also reported in favor of paying the
bill of the Key City Gas Co. for coke
for the steam roller for September
amounting to $11.25 and that the war-
Regular Session, November 17, 1898. 303
rant to pay the same be drawn on
the general expense fund.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
Ald. Flynn moved to reconsider the
action of the council ordering the bill
of the Key City Gas Co. paid for coke
amounting to $54.93. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that the two
bills of the Key City Gas Co. be re-
ferred back to the street committee.
Ald. Frith, chairman of delinquent
tax committee, reported as follows:
In favor of allowing the taxes of
Mary Atkins on lot 9 Yates & Pickett's
sub for the year 1897 to remain a lien
on said property and that the treasurer
be instructed not to sell the same.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt. Carried.
.Also reported in favor of allowing
the taxes of Esther Diener on lot 309,
East Dubuque add, for the year 1897 to
remain a lien on said property and
that the treasurer be instructed not to
sell the same.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
was adopted.
Also in favor of allowing the taxes of
Henrietta Wolf on lot 6, Marsh addition
for the year 1897 to remain a lien on
said property and that the treasurer
be instructed not to sell the same.
On motion the report was adopted.
Also your delinquent tax committee,
to whom was referred the petition of
Margaret Dawson, asking that the
taxes for 1897 on lot No. 79 Union add
be cancelled would report that we find
that the taxes for said year was can-
celled Nov. llth, 1897.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt. Carried.
Also your committee on delinquent
taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of the Rt. Rev. Archbishop J.
Hennessy, asking that the taxes on
lots Nos. 593a, 697, 698 and the South
135 3-173 part of lot 723, lot 732 and
lots 1 and 2 of the sub division of 694
and lot 726 and lot 1 of the sub -division
of 725, he exempt from taxation be-
cause the said lots belong to the new
theological seminary, would respect-
fully recommend that the following
described property be exempt from
taxation for the reason that said prop-
erty will be used by said Seminary.
Lots described as follows: Lots Nos.
723, 698, 693a, and 2 of 694 and all ex-
cept the south 150 feet of lots 725, 726,
697 and lot 1 of Sub -division of 694 and
the valuation of the said 150 feet of said
lots 6 to remain as at present assessed.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to receive
and file the report. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the paving
committee, presented the bill of G.
Mattioli, for the five per cent. retained
for one year for improving Iowa street
from Third to Seventh street amount-
ing to $421.82 the same being approved
by the city engineer, and also report-
ed as follows:
Your committee on paving would re-
spectfully report that they have ex-
amined the brick paving on Iowa street
from the south curb line of Third street
to the north curb line of Seventh
G. Ma.Moli, contractor, and would rec-
ommend that said street be accepted
and that 5 per cent. retained for one
year for said street be paid to said G.
Maffio11, the contractor, and that a
warrant be ordered drawn to pay the
amount retained, $421.f2.
Adopted by the following vote.
Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
McLaughlin and Wales. Total, 5.
Absent—Alds. Duggan and Jones. To-
tal, 2. •
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the equal-
ization committee, reported in favor of
receiving and filing the petition of Mar-
garet Funk asking the city to make a
reduction in the assessments on lots
18 and 19, Cook's add.
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port was adopted.
Ald. Crawford. chairman of the sew-
er committee, presented the following
'Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the city council of the city
of Dubuque to construct a sanitary
sewer in Rebecca street, and it is here-
by proposed to construct said sewer in
said Rebecca street as follows, to -wit:
an eight inch tile pipe sewer, from a
point opposite the dividing line between
lots 16 and 17 Fairview sub, north to
West 16th street thence east to Alma
street to connect with the present sani-
tary sewer in Alma street, therefore
Resolved, That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a plat
and specifications showing the loca-
tions and general nature of such im-
provement, the size and kind of mater-
ials to be used and estimate of the
cost thereof together with the amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to, or square foot in
area and to file such plat, specifications
and estimate in the office of the city
recorder, that after the filing of said
plat in his office, the city recorder shall
cause to be published in the official
newspaper of the city the notice
provided for in section 6 of the ordi-
nance relating to the construction of
sewers adopted May 19th, 1898, and
after the completion of the publica-
tion of such notice he shall at the next
regular session, notify the council there
of in writing with a printed copy of
such notice accompanying the same.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
McLaughlin and Wales. Total 5.
Absent—Alda. Duggan and Jones. To-
tal 2.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the sew-
er committee, presented a plat and
schedule of special assessment for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in
Pickett and Alma street by Con. Ryan,
Sr., contractor. Total amount of which
is $550.80, and moved that action be
postponed and that the recorder be
instructed to give the necessary notices
301 Rcgnlar Session, November 17, 1898.
as provided by lay. Carried.
Mayor Berg stated that he had served
a written notice on Mrs. Lull to va-
cate the house that she has been oc-
cupying on 14th street at the city's ex-
pense, on or before November 22nd,
1898, as the city would not pay rent
for her beyond that date.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee, offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks for the month of May
1898, by the city of Dubuque,
in front of and adjoining the same a
special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots and parcels of lots and
parcels of real estate named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows:
Special assessment submitted Nov.
17th, 1898.
Emerette Randall, sub 1 of 55 of Min
lot 39, lot 1, $ 25
Homan, Lorenz, E Langworthy's
add, lot 48 25
\V G Cox, Min lot 90, lot 3 1 10
J N Sammis, Grandview avenue
add, lots 6 and 7 60
T Dillon, Grandview avenue add,
lot 12 25
H Herancourt, Grandview Park
add B 3, lot 16 35
Mrs D Gilliam, Kelly's Sub, lot
27 ...
M Schunk, Est, Davis Farm add,
lot 287 50
J J Sheridan, Sheridan's add, lots
l to 5 inc 90
R and E Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 247 .. 25
Con Ryan, sub 2 of 1 Boxleiter's
add, lot 1 45
T W Fitzpatrick, Union add, lot
146 . 40
J Fitzpatrick, Union Add sub
76 and 77, lot 2 35
P Hansen, Sub 5 of Sub 11, 12 and
13 of N E 1-4, Sec 13, 89, 2, lots
1 and 2
John Lyons, city, N 40.2 lot 258 30
E Hemmi, Sub 3 and 4 Stafford's
add N 50, lot 1 1 35
H H Flemming, Sub 4 Sub 673,
city, lot 1
German Trust and Savings Bank,
sub 4 sub 673, city lot 2 45
C , M & St P Ry, E Dub add, lot
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
McLaughlin, and Wales. Total, 5.
Absent—Aids. Duggan and Jones.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks for the month of
June, 1898, by the city of Dubuque,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate herein -
after named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Special assessment submitted Nov.
17th. 1898.
F Rafferty. Est, sub 578a and 579
city, lot 2 75
D B Henderson, 654 city, lot 4 ....
Jno Olinger, Boulevard add 24
to 46 Inc 25
F W and F Coates, min lot 80 lots
2 to 5 inc 25
First Baptist Church. city, no
53.5. lot 466 25
G Ganahl, Davis Farm, lot 285.. 25
Emma Richter, Burden-Lawther
add, lot 140 40
Glab Bros, Finley Waples and
Burton add, lot 135 25
R E Langworthy, Glendale add,
lot 247 .. . 30
R E Langworthy, Glendale add,
lot 271 45
R and E Langworthy, Glendale
add. lot 921 ... 30
M Burke, Stout's Dub add, lot 390
A Levi, Est. Levi's add, lot 1645
Emeretta Randall, sub 1 of 55 min
lot 39, lot 2 60
A A Cooper, Grandview avenue
add, lots 9, 10 and 11 25
Tin, Dillon, Stewart sub, lot 1125
Chas and Clara Ruff. Jno King's
1st add, lot 7 50
Jno Nagel, King's Grove add, lot
8 .. 25
Herman Roesch, et al, Broadway
add, Lots 2 to 10 inc 1 50
0 E Guernsey, sub 2 of 8 of min
lot 159 S 1-2, lot 1 3 75
Fisher and Co, Davis Farm add,
lot 363
Edw Langworthy, Est, East Du-
buque add, lot 177 .. 1 05
Ald. Crawford moved to adoptCar-
ried by the following vote:
Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Mc-
Laughlin and Wales. Total, 5.
Absent—Alds. Duggan and Jones.
Ald. Crawford offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: Tnat to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks for the month of
July, 1898, by the City of Dubuque
in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted Nov.
17, 1898.
Ind. school district of Dubuque,
min lot 45, lot 2 $ .30
J Fitzpatrick Est, sub 76 and 77,
Union add, lot .95
F McGuinias Est, min lot 47, lot 1.30
R Bonson Est, sub 731, city lot 1.65
W & J McClain, min tot 67 .40
J Rowan, Union add, lot 27 .75
J Burton Est, sub 3 min lot 150,
Regular Session, November 17, 1898
lot 2 .25
T Dillon, Grandview avenue add,
lot 12 ... .25
Jno Gillispie, Smith sub, lot 1 .25
Nic Glab, Schaffner's sub, lot 31.30
C G W Ry, sub 1 of min lot 363,
lot 2 . .75
E & R Langworthy, Glendale add,
lots 270 and 271 .50
G Ganahl Est, Davis Farm add,
lot 285 .40
H Elwanger, Davis Farm add,
lot 286 .90
A A Cooper et al, city, lot 745 .95
Farley-Loetscher Mfg Co, city,
lot 414 .. .30
E Langworthy Est, East Dubuque
add lot, 177
F Poole, Glendale add, lot 78
R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 34... .25
P Hansen, sub 1 of sob 11, 12, 13 N
E 1-4 sec 13-89-2E, lot 1 .65
Chas Bocks, sub 3 and 4, Stafford's
add, lot 8 .45
E Langworthy's Est, W 65 ft East
Dubuque add, lot 226 .65
R M Kunz. et al, McCraney's 1st
add, lot 96 1.20
J J Sheridan, Sheridan's add, lots
1 to 12 inclusive .70
F Morgadant, min lot 468, lot 1.55
J H Shields, sub W 1-2 B 1 Dubu-
que Harbor Co add, lot 8 .. 3.35
J Van Dillon. sub 103, J H Lang -
worthy's add. lot 1 .40
A M Bush, sub W 1-2 B 1 Dubuque
Harbor Co add, lot 9 .65
Geo Salot, Tivoli add, lot 21 .35
Dubuque Malting Co, sub 703 city,
lot 12 .... 1.20
T W Fitzpatrick, Union add, lot
145 .65
A Levi Est, Levi's add, lot 16.55
A Goldthorpe, city N 38.8 lot 2191.30
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
McLaughlin and Wales. Total -5.
Absent-Alds. Duggan and Jones.
Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the Star Elec-
tric Co. be and is hereby instructed to
put in an arc electric lamp at the in-
tersection of James and West Third
streets, and also at 14th and Bluff
streets, and one on 12th and Clay
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute
that action on the resolution be
postponed until the next meeting of the
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Crawford and Wales.
Total -2.
Nays -Aids. Flynn, Frith and Mc-
Laughlin. Total -3.
Absent-Alds. Duggan and Jones.
The question recurring on McLaugh-
lin's original motion was adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Flynn Frith and Mc-
Laughlin. Total -3.
Nays-Alds. Crawford and Wales.
Total -2.
Absent-Ald. Duggan and Jones.
The mayor declared the resolution
Ald. Flynn presented the following
list of names and the amount due each
for macadam:
Mike Kane Southern avenue,
amount .. ..$80 75
Herbert Kehr, Mt Carmel avenue,
amount 23 55
John McGee, Southern avenue,
amount 37 50
Mike Sullivan, Southern avenue,
amount .... 7.50
Simon Meyer. Couler avenue
amount 26.40
John Whelan, Sullivan street,
amount ........ .. 16.90
John Schroman, Dodge street,
amount 23.15
John Karch, 4th streeths.W.3 A
John Karch, Thomas Place,
amount 67 00
Phil Ryder, 4th street, amount 63 20
Whereupon Ald. Flynn offered the
following preamble and resolution:
Whereas, During the past winter the
following named persons were granted
permits to break macadam, and that
the city engineer measured said ma-
cadam, and that they have not been
paid for it; therefore,
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That warrants be
ordered drawn in favor of the above
named persons for the amount set
opposite their names, the same being
in full payment for all the macadam
broken by them under their permit and
as measured by the city engineer:
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the list
of names, with amounts claimed, reso-
lution, petitions and all papers bear-
ing on that subject be referred to the
city engineer and street commissioner
and they to report to the council at
their next meeting. Carried.
Ald. Flynn brought up the matter of
settlement with F H Gniffke and stated
he thought that a compromise could be
made with less cost to the city than to
continue the case further in the courts.
Ald. Flynn moved that a committee
of three be appointed and the commit-
tee with City Attorney Duffy meet Mr.
Gniffke and his attorney with a view
of settling said claim. Carried.
The mayor appointed the committee
on claims, consisting of Aids. Flynn,
Frith and McLaughlin for such com-
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn
!or two weeks, until Dec. 1, 1898. Car-
List of Warrants.
Approved + ' .. • ..183 .
Z. . Mayor
1 ruhuque, Ia.. Nov. 1st,
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of October, 1898:
C H Berg. salary, mayor $116 65
H B Gniffke, salary, treasurder 133 35
L M Langstaff, salary recorder 116 65
H B Gniffke. salary clerk hire 75 00
F B Hoffman. salary auditor 100 00
E 0 Duncan, salary assessor 125 00
T H Duffy, salary attorney 150 00
Edw Morgan. salary marshal 83 35
• Jos Reinfried, salary fire chief 100 00
\Vm Fitzpatrick, salary commit-
tee clerk 75 00
Wm A Kaep, salary clerk re-
corder's office 50 00
Edw Herron, salary clerk treas-
urer's office 50 00
Edw C Blake. salary engineer 125 00
E S Hyde, salary assistant engi-
neer 91 65
Jas. Boyce, salary street commis-
sioner 91 65
P Cassidy, salary chainman 40 00
Wm Hippman• salary electrician 83 35
Otto Rath, salary market mas-
ter 50 00
P Ryan• salary park custodian40 00
Gust Wiedner, salary park cus-
todian 40 00
R F Curran. salary wharfmaster 20 00
E A Guilbert, health officer 50 00
M Offerman, pound master .. 45 00
Mrs H. Koenig, janitress 20 00
Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman 50 00
L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector50 00
M Eitel, fireman 60 00
J Essman, fireman 75 00
A Duccini, fireman 60 00
Jno Flynn, fireman 60 00
J Wilts, fireman 60 00
Geo Beyer. fireman 50 00
Al Heer, fireman 50 00
Jos Tschudi, fireman 50 00
Jas Daley, fireman 60 00
Job Barnes, fireman 75 00
T Ryder, fireman 60 00
J Schonberger, fireman 60 00
W Ducey, fireman 60 00
M Fahey, flreman 50 00
T Meehan, fireman .. 50 00
Jas Rooney, fireman .. 50 00
D A hearn. fireman 60 00•
T Walker, fireman 60 00
Geo Helmrich, fireman 50 00
Jas McFarlane, fireman .... 50 00
Jno Bauman, fireman .. 5 00
J Murphy, fireman ... 60 00
A McDonald, fireman 75 00
T Kennedy, fireman 50 00
J Fitzpatrick. fireman 50 00
F Murphy. fireman 50 00
J Cronauer. fireman 44 80.
F Ganahl, fireman 60 00
Thos Flynn. fireman 60 00
F Kenneally. fireman 50 00
Geo Gehrke, fireman 50 0• 0
C Kannolt, fireman 60 00 '
Jas Allen, fireman 60 00•
Wm McBride, fireman 50 00
Robt Weston, fireman 50 00
Geo Burkel• police 50 00
N Brand, police .. 50 00`
Jas Carter, police 50 00
Jas Clune• police 51 65
Jno Cody, police 50 0• 0
M Craugh• police 50 00
Phil Dunphey. police 51 65
F Devaney, police 50 00
Jno Fitzpatrick. police .. .. 50 00
Jas Flynn, police 50 00
Pat Hanlon, police 50 00
Wm Hennessey, police 50 00
Emil Kahn, police 550 0• 0'
M Kilty. police 50 00
Jno Loetscher, police 50 00
Jas Lonergan, police 50 000
P McCollins, ponce 50 00
P McInerney, police 50 00
Edward Moore, police...... 60 00
Pat Mulligan, police ...... .... 50 00
John Murphy, police 50 00
J. J. Murphy, police 77 50
Dan Norton, police 50 00
M. O'Connor, police 50 00
Aug. Pfeffer, police.... .. .... 50 00
Pat. Powers, police ...... .. 50 00
Jas. Rooney, police.. 50 00
Thos. Reilly, police.... .. 50 00
Jno. Raesle, police 50 00
F. Scharff, police.... 50 00
Al. T. Scherr, police 50 00
Pat. Sutton, police .... .... 50 00
Thos. Sweeney, police...... .. 50 00
Pat. Sullivan, police 50 00
John Sullivan, police 50 0• 0
John Tierney, police 50 00
Jos. Tyler, police .......... .... 50 00
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, police matron50 00
Miss B. Brennan, police matron50 00
Ernest Am Ende, labor...... .. 6 25
C 0 Baker, labor 6 25
Joe Broulette, labor .. .... .. 3 75
Pat. Breen, labor.. 2 50
Steve Bastian, labor.... .... .... 3 75
John Brachtobrach, labor.. .... 6 25
H. Berry, labor .. 6 25
John Bohn, labor 4 00
Joe Brown, labor.... .. 16 25
Chas. Buse, labor 6 25
M. Cain, labor.... 3 75
Steve Cain, labor 7 50'
H. Connell, labor 5 00
C. Callahan, labor.... .... 3 75
F. Correll, labor.... 6 25
L Corcoran, labor .... .. 6 25
1.i-1 ,,f Warrants.
D. Crotty, labor
M Cormody, labor.... .... . .
M. Crahan, labor.... ....
J. Corbett, labor
J Case, labor
H Cobb, labor
Jas Cahill, labor
Geo. Collinson, labor
W. Carberry, labor....
J. Connolly, labor.... ....
Jno. Doherty, labor.. ..
John Dittman, labor
M Dunniegan, labor.... ...
P. Dempsey, labor
John Eagan, labor
R. T. Eddy, labor
M Fagan, labor
M Fetschle, labor
P Fitzgerald, labor....
Christ Frohs, labor ....
Pat Fenelon, labor ....
John Farley, labor....
N. Frith, stoker steam roller
P Greden, labor ...... .... ....
Jno Gerst, labor...... ....
C. Grunzig, labor ..
M. Girra, labor ....
PGlass, labor ...... .. ......
Joe Guenther, labor.... ......
P Guenther, labor
Geo. Gau, labor
T Hackney, labor
Christ Heck, labor
M Houpes, labor ........ ..
Jac Hansen, labor
A Hird, labor ...... .... ......... .
A Hofferman, labor .... .... ....
Joe Haupert, labor.. .. ......
Jno Hayes, labor
A Johnson, labor
J R Jellison, labor....
Jno Jehring, labor
Aug Jass, labor
A Jaeger, labor
P Kenney, labor
A Knapp, labor
Joe Kiebel, labor
E C King ,labor.... .. .
Jno Kelly, labor .... ..
W Kronfeld, labor
Jno Kass, labor
Fred Krieger, labor ..........
Jno Kinsella, labor
Matt Klein, labor. ...... ....
Jno Lavin, labor
F Lackey, labor
H Lembke, labor
M Lonergan, labor
H Leik, labor ......
Christ Lohrman, labor....
Fred Lillie, labor
Pat Moran ,labor
Jno Mullen, labor
M Murphy, labor
Pat Mohan, labor....
Jno Malone, labor
Joe Martineck, labor .... ..
Thos Mulqueeney, labor .... ..
Simon Meyer, labor
Edward Malloy, labor.... ..
A Manderscheit, labor ......
Ernest Mueke, labor
Wm McClain, labor .... ....
M McKeown, labor
Wm McDermott, labor ......
4 40
5 65
3 75
1 25
6 25
16 25
6 90
6 25
6 25
S 75
2 50
20 00
5 00
3 75
3 15
5 00
15 65
20 00
50 00
2 50
6 25
7 50
6 25
7 50
3 75
3 00
10 30
6 25
6 25
5 00
5 00
2 00
7 50
9 00
20 00
6 25
7 00
2 50
6 25
1 55
5 00
2 50
9 40
5 00
1 25
6 25
1 25
6 25
20 00
12 50
3 75
5 65
1 25
16 25
9 00
17 00
3 75
3 75
2 50
6 25
9 40
6 25
2 50
8 75
1 90
1 90
6 25
6 25
11 90
7 50
1 25
.\ McGuan, labor 6 25
'I McDonald, labor 3 75
1' McPoland, labor .......... 10 00
F McBride, labor 7 50
B McCormack, labor 2 50
Robt McGivern, labor 40 00
51 Novorten, labor 6 25
P Newman, labor 16 25
P O'Brein, labor ........ .... 2 50
Wm O'Brien, labor 20 00
Jas. Purcell, labor 6 25
Jno Pfeiffer, labor 3 15
C H Pierce, labor 15 95
Pat Quinn, labor 8 75
Wm Quinlan, labor 6 25
T Reilly, labor .... 6 25
Joe Rooney, labor ........ 12 00
Chas Reilley, labor 3 75
P Reddin, labor . 3 75
Jac Raesner, labor.... .... 8 75
Geo Renk, labor 6 25
Fred Remus, labor 6 25
Theo Raterman, labor .... 6 25
Jno Raetz, labor 20 00
Tom Shea, labor 6 25
Wm Spensley, labor. 6 25
F Scherr, labor ... 1 25
Jno Schroeder, labor 2 50
Geo Sutter, labor. 6 25
Louis Smith, labor 2 50
Sam Smith. labor .... 7 50
Jno Schemmel, labor 6 25
Simon Schaetzle, labor 6 25
Jno Spies, labor. 3 00
Jno Spahn, labor 17 00
Dan Sheehan, labor ...... .... 17 00
A R Stevenson, labor 75 00
Wm Terry, labor 5 00
L Taylor, labor 8 75
R. Turner, labor 6 90
Jno Walsh, labor 3 75
Jno W Welsh, labor .. 6 25
Jno Wolf, labor 6 25
Wm Wearzmouth, labor .... 1 25
Geo Wilman, labor 3 75
N Wampach, labor 6 25
\V Weber, labor 2 50
Jno Weitz, labor 6 25
Edward Welsh, labor 6 25
W Zachina, labor 2 50
F Zuershof, labor .... .. .. .. 7 50
Geo Zumhoff, labor 16 50
Ike Beekman, team.... 17 50
Mrs. I. Brown, team ..... 5 00
Steve Casey, team 17 50
Jas Costello, team.... 6 90
M Conolly, team 12 50
Joe Calvert, labor • ..... • • • • 8 75
Jno Calvert, team . 5 00
B Cain, team 5 00
P Clancy, team 5 00
Edward Frith, labor 17 50
Jno Gearey, teams 5 00
M Hannon, teams 12 50
Thos Kane, teams 8 75
H C King, teams 16 25
M Kenneally, teams 12 50
Wm Leik, team 20 00
Jno Long, teams 23 15
P Linehan, teams 18 15
Frank Mathis, teams 18 75
McElrath Teaming Co, teams 15 00
Chas McGovern, teams 15 00
Jeff McGrath, teams 17 50
Jno McCollins, teams 15 00
Jas McCracken. teams
P S Norton, teams
Jas Parker, teams
Geo Reynolds, teams
Fred Schultz, teams
Henry Schmid. teams
F Sieg, teams
D Sutherland. teams
Geo Scott ,teams
Edw Seeley, teams
Sam Snodgrass. teams
Pat Shea. teams
Jno Sigworth, teams
M Theis. teams
Jas Tobin, teams
Arthur Turner, teams
Jno Von Holland, teams
Albert \Volier, teams
Chas Botsford, labor on sewers 19 50
Sam Elmer, labor on sewers 19 50
Pat Furey, labor on sewers 15 75
M Flynn. labor on sewers 19 50
Joe Lowery. labor on sewers 19 50
Jno McCune, labor on sewers 18 00
Jas Ryan, labor on sewers 19 50
Chas Hillery, labor on sewers 25 00
Gotf Gmehle, assistant assessor , 50 00
J J Murphy, assistant assessor . 50 00
Thos F 1\Iaguire. assistant attor-
ney 50 00
Sam Starr, use of horse and bug-
gy for September 10 00
Otto Rath, board of prisoners for
September 10 00
Walton & Bieg, stationary for
city attorney 4 15
Anna Williams,
vs City 410
Jas O'Connor. cleaning city hall10 70
C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks
for August and September 6 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, brooms,
snatches for city hall 5 00
L M Langstaff, stove for recor-
der's office 15 00
Wm Sinhold, hauling brush from
Jackson park 1 50
Christman & Healey, hardware
for First ward scales, $1.40 and
fire department, 95 cents 2 35
Ham and Carver, blank station-
ery for treasurer 2 00
Smith, Morgan Printing Co, blank
stationery for treasurer 10 75
A L Clark, Window shades for
Mrs. Lull
P McGregor, moving Mrs. Lull's
household goods 17 00
Key City Gas Co, gas for Mrs
W B Baumgartner, new lawn
mower for Jackson park
G F Kleih, hardware for road de-
Linehan & Molo, new hose and
couplings for road department,
$10.25; fire clay for fire depart-
ment, 75c
Key City Gas Co, coke for steam
roller .. .
Hussman & Lies, hardware
B D Linehan, repairing tools for
road department
Jno Tibey, rock furnished to city 14 80
List of Warrants..
12 50
8 75
10 00
12 50
20 00
2 50
1 75
12 50
5 00
18 75
12 50
5 00
15 00
1 25
7 50
21 25
12 50
interpreter Frohs
18 25
9 45
5 00
15 80
11 00
40 50
5 20
2 50
Jno Becker, rock furnished to
city 27 00
Pat Quinn, rock furnished city 6 60
Jos Sieg, rock furnished city 7 50
Frank Sieg. rock furnished city 10 00
Ott. Meuser & Co. lumber 16 95
Knape. Stout & Co. Co, lumber
for road, $63.30; and city pound,
$2.09 65 30
Klauer Mfg Co, work clone on Mrs
Lull's residence 8 25
Austin Western Mfg Co. new
sprinkler for road 150 00
Key City Gas Co. coal and coke
$32.90; and gas for Delhi street
engine house, $7.50 40 40
Excelsior Brass Works, repairing
steamer R W Stewart . 24 30
Jno Degnan, oats. $240.05, for fire
department. and $45.65 for po-
lice department 285 70
Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe-
ing for fire department. $2.40;
and pollee department. $2.00 4 40
Sloan & Edwards. horse shoeing
for fire department. $4.00, and
police department, $7.00 11 00
Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing
for fire department 7 00
A Wunderlich, horseshoeing for
fire department 5 40
Phil Pier. coal for fire depart-
ment 40 80
Even & Fuchs, coal for fire de-
partment .. . 3 65
Ott. Meuser & Co, shavings for
fire department 4 00
C H Vrhitwell, veterinary ser-
vices for fire and police depart-
ments .. . 10 00
W H Torbert, drugs 21 00
W W Whelan, repairing harness1 50
Standard Oil Co, oil 3 90
Police Telephone and Signal Co,
three pair magnets for chain
dropper .etc 16 00
American Fire Eng. Co., 1 set
coils for steamer R W Stewart. 275.00
R. W. Stewart 275.00
Dubuque Water Co, 337 hydrants
for September ... 1404 15
Iowa Telephone Co, telephone
services 54 05
P Hensen, bran and hay patrol
house 1 40'
Martin Byrne, hay patrol house15 40
Edw Morgan, pasturing horse
patrol house 1 50
M Mullen, plumbing patrol house 1 00'
M J G LaNicca, brushes,
ammonia etc., patrol house 3 65
Jos Trudell, repairing patrol
wagon . 4 25
Duggan & Kane, supplies for
matron's quarters 3 70
G A Thorman, supplies, $4.30;
and drugs for fire dept, $1.305.60
Ferguson Supply Co, couplings
for sewer department 38
G F Kleih, hardware for sewer
department ........ ...... 65
Fred Roehl, rope for sewer de-
partment 1 20
Duggan & Kane, oil for sewer
department ... 60
List of Warrants. 309
Linehan & Molo, cement and
sewer pipe for sewer depart-
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports for September
Eichhorn & Bechtel, tacks for
health department
T E Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals 193
Dan Sheehan, labor on city dump 5
Globe-Jou'rrial, official printing
for September 50
Dubuque Telegraph, official
printing for September 60
Dubuque Herald, official print-
ing for September . .. 50
German Catholic Printing Co,
official printing for six months 37
Star Electric Co, 322 arc lights
for September 1738 80
Globe Light and Heat Co, 100
lamps for September 166 67
Hardie & Scharle, blank sta-
tionery engineer's office 9 50
Ferri Mertz, repairing safe and
lock engineer's office 7 55
Peter Eisbach, retaining wall De
Soto terrace 1100 00
O G Kringle, improving alley be-
tween Hall and Louisa street
and north of Grace street
Reche's sub ... 272 13
Steamer Teal, app. for steamer
Teal 'for September 25 00
H B Gniffke, ref. exc permits95 00
H B Gnlffke, interest on war-
rants 5263 70
H B Gniffke, postage and reve-
nue stamps 14 25
H B Gniffke, N. Y. exchange6 94
H B Gniffke, ref excess special
assessment, Clay street 2 07
H B Gniffke, imp. of act. error
In sidewalk assessment 7 12
H B Gniffke, mantels for Weis-
bach burners i5
H B Gniffke, court costs 5 51
H B Gniffke, freight charges,
$2.40; express charges, 40c2 80
German Truut and Saving bank,
loan 3000 00
D G Scott, loan 400 00
Mrs Eva Kenneally, loan 230 00
Kate Noonan, loan 300 00
Anton Trueb, loan 500 00
H Dement, loan 2500 00
Mrs Agnes Hayes, loan 175 00
Jno Alexander, labor 5 95
Jno Burns, labor 7 80
Jas Bakey, labor 6 55
Joe Broulette, labor 6 25
Pat Breen, labor 6 25
Steve Bastian, labor.... 6 25
Phil Becker, labor 6 25
Phil Becker, labor 8 45
Paul Brandenburg, labor 6 90
Chas Buse, labor 6 55
Joe Brown, labor .. 16 25
Hugh Connolly, labor 1 25
Con Callahan, labor '2 50
Peter Carney, labor 6 90
Jno Callahan, labor .... 6 55
Jno Corcoran, labor . 2 50
6 70
3 50
M Carmody, labor 12 50
Jno Case, labor 6 25
Jno Corbett, labor 6 25
Jas Connolly, labor16 25
Jno Driscoll, labor 9 50
Pat Dempsey, labor 6 25
Peter Dax, labor .. 6 25
R T Eddy, labor 20 00
L Fritz, labor 6 25
P Fitzgerald, labor 6 25
P Fenelon, labor 16 25
Jno Farley. labor .. 20 00
Peter Greden, labor 6 25
Peter Guenther, labor 7 50
Joe Gunther, labor 6 25
Joe Grab, labor 6 25
Barney Glass. labor 5 95
M Girra, labor 6 90
.Ino Hafey, labor 3 45
Jac Hansen, labor .. .. 21 00
Chi.. Heck, labor 6 25
Aug Hofferman, labor 5 65
Jno Hayes. labor 20 00
J R Jellison, labor 18 00
Matt Kiefer, labor . , 7 80
7 50
6 25
6 25
4 70
3 75
20 00
12 50
3 45
12 50
'6 25
16 25
8 00
2 50
6 25
11 25
5 65
6 25
5 00
5 00
6 90
'6 25
'6 25
6 25
16 25
20 00
'6 25
16 25
11 90
6 25
3 75
20 00
1 25
20 00
6 23
6 25
6 25
18 75
5 30
1 25
12 50
11 25
6 25
.. 6 25
Jno. Kelly, labor
Asa Knapp, labor
Wm. Kronfield, labor......
John Kass, labor.... labor
Joe Kiebel, la.boi• .. „
Joho Kinsella, labor
Matt Klein, labor ...... ....
Pat Lovett, labor
Mike Lavin. labor ....
Herman Lembke, labor .... .. ..
Martin Lonergan, labor .... ....
Aug. Lang. labor
Pat Moran, labor .... ....
Jno. Mullen, labor ..
Jno. Malone. labor
Edward ?1al'.oy. Iaboi•......
Tom Mulqueeney, labor ..
John Malloy, labor
Wm McDermott, labor ....
John McCarron, labor.... ..
Matt McNamara, labor ......
B McCormack, labor
Tony Nigg, labor.... ....
Phil Newman, labor .... ....
Wm O'Brien, labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
C H Pierce, labor
Joe Rooney
Chas. Reilly, labor....
Phil Reddin, labor
John Raetz, labor
Tom Shea, labor ......
Dan Sheehan, labor
John B Stephens, labor ...... ....
Frank Schen., labor
John Schroeder, labor
John Spies, labor . ....,.
John Schammel, labor.... .. ....
B Schnee, labor
Wm Terry, labor
Landon Taylor, labor
John Welsh. labor
Geo Wilma.n, labor
John W. Welsh, labor
Peter Wiest, labor
Wm Wearmouth, labor .. .. ....
Wenzel Zachina, labor .... ......
Ike Beekman, team
Edward Burns, team...... ....
6 25
2 50
6 25
12 50
5 00
310 List (if Warrant,..
Tim Byron, team.... 6 90
Mike Connolly, team 8 75
Mrs. B. Costello, team.... 12 60
John Calvert, team 12 50
Tom Elliott, team.... .... 10 00
Edward Frith. team...... 12 50
John Gearey, team 12 50
Matt Gantenbein, team ...... 2 5.)
M Hannon, team 12 60
Tom Kane, team.... 13 15
H C King, team 17 50
John Long, team 14 40
Joe G Moore, team .. 12 50
Frank Mathis, team 2 50
McElrath Teaming Co., team 17 50
John McCollins ,team 12 50
P S Norton, team 9 40
John Parker, team 12 50
Mrs. E Quinlivan, team .. .. 13 75
Henry Schnitz, team .. .... 15 00
D. Sutherland, team 13 75
George Scott, team.... 6 25
Pat Shea, team 5 00
John Sigworth, team 12 50
M Theis, team 10 00
Jas. Tobin, team 12 50
Arthur Turner, team 17 50
Albert Wolfer, team 12 50
John Williams, team 1 25
Chas Botsford, labor 19 50
Sam Elmer, labor .... .. .... .. 19 50
Pat Furey Jr., labor ...... .... 19 50.
M Flynn, labor 19 50
Joe Lowry, labor 19 50
John McCune, labor.... 18 00
Jas. Ryan, labor 19 50
Chas Hillery, labor 25 00
Ike Beekman, teams on sewer .. 3 00
John McCollins, team on sewer.. 1 25
C H Whitewell, hospital charges
and feed for horses fire and po-
lice 4 50
Peter Vogel, hauling from patrol
house...... 3 00
A C Haller, construction of side-
walks on Hill and West 5th
streets 56 95
Powers, Lacy & Brown, damages
for Mrs. M L Hewitt by falling
on sidewalk...... 239 55
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct list of all warrants
issued by me during the month of Oc-
tober, 1898,
City Recorder.
To J. Burton Est.:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for
repairing sidewalks in the month of
July, 1898, a special assessment will be
levied for the expense thereof at the
next regular meeting of the city coun-
cil, upon all lots and parcels of land
abutting on said improvement. lot Sub
3 mineral lot 150 lot 2, owned by you
being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the council, to
be held on the 10th day of November,
A. D., 1898, and show cause if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
To Mrs. D. Gilliam:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for re-
pairing sidewalks in the month of May,
a special assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof at the next regular
meeting of the city council, upon all
lets and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement, lot No. 27, in Kelly's
sub, owned by you being subject to
such assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of the council,
to be held on the 10th day of Nov., A.
D., 1898, and show cause if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
T J. N. Sammis:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for re-
pairing sidewalks in the month of May.
1898, a special assessment will be levied
for the expense thereof at the next reg-
ular meeting of the city council, upon
all lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement, lots No. 6 and 7,
in Grandview avenue add, owned by
you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the council,
to be held on the 10th day of Nov., A.
D., 1898, and show cause if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be leve.>d. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
To A. Goldthorpe:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for re-
pairing sidewalks in the month of July,
189<, a special assessment will be lev-
ied for the expense thereof at the next
regular meeting of the city council, up -
or. all lots am parcels of land abutting
on said improvement, lot No. 219, city,
north 38.8 ft, owned by you being sub-
ject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council, to be held on the
10th day of Nov., A. D., 1898, and show
cause if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To H. H. Flemming:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for re-
pairing sidewalks in the month of May,
1898, a special assessment will be levied
for the expense thereof at the next
regular meeting of the city council,
upon all lots and parcels of land abut-
ting on said improvement, sub 4 of sub
Official Notices. 311
673, city lot No. 1 owned by you being
subject to such special assessment. And
you are notiflea to appear at said meet-
ing of the council, to be held on the 10th
day of Nov., A. D., 1898. and show cause
it any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
City Recorder.
To M. Burke:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for re-
pairing sidewalks in the month of June,
1898, a special assessment will be lev-
ied for the expense thereof at the next
regular meeting of the city council, up-
on all lots and parcels of land abutting
on said improvement, lot Stout's Dub.
add, lot 3, owned by you being sub-
ject to such special assessment. And
ou are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council, to be held on the
10th day of Nov., A. D., 1898, and show
cause if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
10-31-10t. City Recorder.
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia.,
October 31, 1898.
Notice is hereby given to all concern-
ed that a special assessment will be
levied to pay for macadamizing alley
next north of Grace street, (now known
as Phillips Lane) from Hall street to
Louisa street, amount $272.13, against
the property abutting upon and along
said improvement as provided by law,
at a session of the council to he held on
the 17th day of November, 1898.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the city recorder's office of
said city of Dubuque, showing the
street or part thereof on which said im-
provement has been made, and the sep-
arate lots or parcel of ground or speci-
fied portion thereof, subject to assess-
ment for such improvement, the names
of the owners thereof as far as practi-
cable, and the amount to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plat and schedule is subject to
public inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessments and said
plat and schedule must file his or their
objections in writing with the city re-
corder of the said city of Dubuque on
or before said session of the city coun-
cil to be held on the 17th day of No-
vember, 1898.
As City Recorder of the City of
Dubuque. 10-31-15t.
Notice 1s hereby given that a propo-
sition is now pending before the city
council of the city of Dubuque for the
vacation of the alley between lot 41,
Prospect Hill addition, and that part
of out lot 692, lying directly east of
said lot 41, and extending from Fene-
ion Place to the alley between West
Third street and Fenelon Place, in
favor of the owners of the lots and par-
cels of land abutting thereon, and that
the question of such vacation will be
considered at a meeting of the coun-
cil to be held on the 17th day of No-
vember, 1898, at which time any per-
son objecting to said vacation may ap-
pear and present their objections to the
same. Dated Dubuque, Iowa, Nov.
4th, 1898.
11-4-10t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my (Alice up to 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Thursday. November 17, 1898, for
printing and binding briefs and ab-
stracts for the use of the city attor-
Bidders must state the price per page
for such work, and the work must be
done under the directions and be ac-
ceptable to the city attorney.
Sample of work and particulars can
be learned by calling on the city at-
torney at the office of Duffy and
Maguire in the Security building.
The city council reserves the right to
reject any or all bids. If the con-
tract is awarded it will be for all work
of that kind. and the duration of the
contract at the pleasure of the council.
Dated Dubuque, Nov. 10. 1898.
City Recorder.
11-10 to Nov. 17th. 1898.
An ordinance entitled an ordinance
licensing pawnbrokers.
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. No person shall carry on,
conduct, engage in, or pursue the busi-
ness of a pawnbroker without license
therefor. and there shall be taxed and
collected by the city for such license
the sum of Fifty Dollars per annum,
said license to be issued and paid for
as provided in section one of chapter
27 of the revised ordinances of 1893 of
the city of Dubuque, being an ordin-
ance in relation to licenses.
Sec. 2. Any person who shall carry
on. conduct, engage in, or pursue the
business of a pawnbroker without a
license therefor, shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be subject to a fine of not
less than $50.00 or more than $100.00.
Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
after its publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper.
Approved October 7, 1898.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper October 13, 1898.
-Official Notice'.
Recorder's Office. October 25th. 1898
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Thurs-
day. November 3rd, 1898, to print and
to bind in 4 books. 1.000 treasurers' re-
ceipts and duplicate on one sheet.
All bids must be accompanied with
the Union Label, as no bids of non-
union shops will be considered.
Sample of receipts can be seen at
this office during office hours.
City Recorder.
10-25 to Nov. 2d.
Notice to Saloon -Keepers.
In accordance with law of the state
of Iowa, you are hereby notified to
close your places of business on Tuesday
Nov. 8, 1898 (election day), from 7
o'clock a. m., until 6 o'clock p. m.,
and you are not to sell or give away
any intoxicating liquors during the
hours specified.
Witness my hand and seal of the city
of Dubuque, this 2nd day of November,
1898. C. H. BERG,
Mayor of the city of Dubuque.
Notice is hereby given that the poll-
ing places for the fall election to be held
Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1898, will be held at
the folowing places:
First precinct—Rafferty place, South
Locust street.
Second precinct—No. 154 First street,
J. H. Carroll's place.
First precinct—Court House.
Second precinct—Fourth street engine
First precinct—Ninth street engine
Second precinct—City hall.
Third precinct—No. 1719 Clay street.
First precinct—Lorimier house.
Second precinct—Western brewery.
Third precinct—Mrs. Hamel's place,
West Locust street.
First precinct—Schmid's brewery
Couler avenue.
Second precinct—Henry G. Mueller's
place, corner Elm street and Couler
Third precinct—Hess' place, 797 Rhom
berg avenue.
Fourth precinct—Jake Berg's place,
corner Twenty-third and Jackson street.
Said polling places will be opened at
7 o'clock a. m., and close at 6 o'clock
p. m. C. H. BERG,
(Seal). Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
Dubuque, Iowa, October 24, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thurs-
day, November 3, 1898, for the use of
the Ice harbor for skating rink purposes
for the winter of 1898 and 1899. The
rink to be managed and subject to the
direction of the city police department.
A certified check for $50 on some Dubu-
que hank must accompany each bid as
a guarantee a contract will be enter-
ed into if awarded. The city reserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder.
10 -24 -to -Nov. -3rd.
An ordinance entitled an ordinance
amending section one (1). chapter sev-
enty-eight (78) of the revised ordinance
of 1893, entitled an ordinance to provide
for the registration of births, deaths.
burials and contagious diseases.
Be it ordained by the city council of
the city of Dubuque, That section 1,
aforesaid of the above named chap-
ter 78 be amended and extended to read
hereafter as follows:
Sec. 1. That every physician, mid-
wife, nurse, householder, or other per-
son under whose care or supervision
any child may be born within the juris-
diction of this city, shall report the
fact of said birth to the city recorder
within forty-eight (48) hours of the oc-
currence of the same in the manner and
form prescribed in blank No. 1 particu-
lar care being taken by the person so
reporting to name the street, the num-
ber of the domicile, the ward, the na-
tionality of the parents, and the other
facts connected with the birth afore-
said and which are referred to on the
aforesaid blank No. 1.
Sec. 2. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
after its publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper.
Passed by the city council Septem-
ber 22. 1898.
Approved September 23. 1898.
C. H. BERG. Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF.
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper September 28.
Mayor's Office.
D,u b.0 q u e, Oct. 21. 10s.
Notice is hereby given that the reg-
isters of election duly appointed to
register voters in the city. of Dubuque.
Iowa. will be in attendance at the
places hereinbelow mentioned. for the
purpose of correcting the registry list
of last names of such electors as may be
entitled to vote at this fall election, to
he held Tuesday. November 8. 1898.
Said registers will meet at their res-
pective places on Thursday and Friday.
October 27th and 28th. 1,298, at 8 o'clock
a. m., and be In session until 9 o'clock
p. m. of said days.
Said registers will thereafter meet
Official Noticee. 313
on Saturday. November the 5th, 1898,
from 8 o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock p. m.
of said day for the purpose of correct-
ing the list and adding thereto such
names of voters as may be entitled to
Said registers will thereafter meet on
Tuesday, November 8th, 1898, (election
day) and be in session from the time
the polls open until they close, and reg-
ister only such voters as were absent
from the city during the preceeding
days that the board was in session, also
such voters as did not become citizens
until Monday or Tuesday, November
7th and 8th. 1898.
The places of registration in the sev-
eral wards and precincts of said city
are as follows:
First Precinct—No. 449 Dodge
street. McCann's place.
Second Precinct—No. 154 First street,
J. H. Carroll's place.
First Precinct—Court House.
Second Precinct—Fourth street en-
gine house.
First Precinct—Ninth street engine
Second Precinct—City Hall.
Third Precinct -1719 Clay street.
First Precinct—Lorimier house.
Second Precinct—Western Brewery.
Third Precinct—Mrs. Hamel's place,
West Locust street.
First Precinct—Schmidt's Brewery,
Couler avenue.
Second Precinct—Henry G. Muller's
place, corn..r Elm street and Eagle
Point avenue.
Third precinct—Hesse's place, 797
Rhomberg avenue.
Fourth Precinct—Jake Berg's place,
corner 23d and Jackson streets.
All qualified voters of said city are
notified that unless they voted at the
last election they present themselves
at the places and time hereinabove
mentioned for registration, they will be
debarred of the privilege of voting at
said election
Witness my hand at Dubuque, Iowa,
this 21st day of October, 1898.
10-21 to 26th inst. Mayor.
Regular Session, December 1, 1898. 315
Regular session December 1st, 1898.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Crawford, Flynn,
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent—Aid. Duggan.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
council proceeding for the month of
November, 1898 be approved as printed
The following bills were ordered paid:
Thos. F. Maguire, asst. city at-
torney 60 00
Phil Pier, wood and coal for city
hall 152 04
E. Anderson, surveying and es-
timating amount of grading etc.,
in case of Guthrie vs City 10 00
Paul Iig, surveying and estimat-
ing amount of grading, etc., in
case of Guthrie vs City 10 00
A H Mackenzie, two sets of pho-
tograph for city attorney in case
pending against city 20 00
Jas. Kelly, stationery for city at-
torney........ 2 00
Mrs. Laura Thompson witness
fees state of Iowa vs Frank Un-
derwood 60
Gertie Thompson, witness fees
state of Iowa vs Frank Under-
wood 60
J W Wittmer, glass and putty for
city hall 1 10
L. Daley, cleaning around market
for the months of Sept., Oct.
and Nov., 1898 32 25
Mettel Bros. broom for Washing
ton park 30
R Woller, hauling from Washing-
ton park 1 50
Christman & Healey, hardware
for Washington park.... .... 1 30
Walton & Bieg, stationers' • • .. 8 80
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and mat-
ches............ .... .... 1 55
Key City Gas Co., gas for Mrs
Lull's residence 5 15
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam
roller.. 36 75
Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repairs
for steam roller 30 50
Engler & Frudden Lumber Co.,
lumber for road department 30 75
Fred Schloz, repair of tools for
road department ........ 12 75
B. D. Lenehan, repair of tools for
road department 4 10
Pat Quinn, furnishing rock for
the city 70
John Becker, furnishing rock
to the city 5 45
John Tibey, furnishing rock to the
city 18 20
Joe Rooney, cleaning snow around
city hall 65
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
road department .... 3 20
Phil Pier, coal for steam roller7 45
Klauer Mfg. Co., hardware for
road department ...... .... 12 00
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road
department 13 00
G. F. Kleih, hardware for police
department ................ 1 20
Key City Iron Works, repairs at
Eleventh Street Elevator.... 10 55
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing
for fire department.... .. 11 50
Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi
street engine house .... .. 6 00
Key City Gas Co., coke for flre
department 10 35
Engler, Frudden Lumber Co.,
lumber for fire department.. 5 95
Christman & Healey, hardware
for road department 7 45
Christman & Healey, hardware
for fire department 7 23
Carr, Ryder, Adams Co. reglazing
sash for fire department..... 4 80
Dubuque Harness & Saddlery Co,
brushes and whips for fire de-
partment 19 25
P. H. Halpin, fifty pound of se-
rine, for fire department .... .. 6 25
Lally & Geissler, repair of roofs
4th and 18th streets engine
houses 26 55
Key City Iron Works, repairs on
steamer R. W. Stewart.... 10 95
Fred Roehl, coal hods for fire de-
partment 60
Mullen Bros., plumbing at 9th
and 18th streets engine houses4 90
M. Stafford, hay for fire de-
partment .... 66 47
M. Stafford, hay for police depart-
ment ........ .. .... .... 7 03
Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repairs,
exhaust, at 9th street engine
house 90
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
new steam hose 2 75
Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de-
part ment .. .. 3 50
Dubuque Water Co., 338 hydrants
for November.. 1408 33
Dubuque Water Co., 8 hydrants
for November in C. M. & St
Paul railroad yards 200 00
Phil Pier, wood for patrol house4 66
Duggan & Kane, oil and mat-
ches for patrol house .... 4 80
Duggan & Kane, supplies for ma-
trons' quarters 3 90
Jos. Wittmer, drugs and station-
ery for police department .. 9 95
G. F. Kleih, hardware for police
department 75
John Drehouse, moving safes in
marshal's office— .... 5 50
J. W. Wittmer, oil and sulpher
for sewer department.... 1 05
J. P. Schroeder, cement for sewer
department .. 5 50
Linehan & Molo sewer pipe for
sewer department 108 00
Headford Bros. & Hitchens, man
hole covers for sewer depart-
ment 10 00
Globe Journal, official printing
for November 60 00
316 Regular Session, December 1, 1898.
The Herald, official printing for
November 50 00
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for November 25 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print-
ing for November. 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun-
cil proceedings ........ .... 3 00
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports 4 50
Star Electric Co., 322 arc lights
for November 1738 80
Smith, Morgan Printing Co,
blank stationery for health de-
partment ........ ........ 1 76
Sam Star, use of horse and buggy
for November 10 00
Dan Sheehan, labor two days at
city dump 2 50
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals ...... ...... 156 24
John Heim 1,000 sidewalk brick8 00
Ald. Crawford moved that the bill
be paid and charge same to general
expense fund. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Frith, Jones
and McLaughlin.
Noes.—Alds. Wales and Flynn.
The following bills were referred to
the committee on fire:
Dubuque Water Co., flush tanks
for 1898 .. 518 75
Dubuque Water Co., 13 horse
drinking fountains for 1-98 .... 650 00
The following bills were referred to
the committee on police and light:
Key City Gas Co., removing lamp
posts 1 60
Trexler Bros., livery hire for Mar-
shal McCann .... 8 00
The following bill was referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
Key City Iron Works, repair on
Town clock 1 75
Dubuque Telegraph printing de-
linquent tax list ........ .... .... 152 80
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on printing.
Ald. Duggan arrived at 8:50 o'clock
p. m.
By request, the remonstrance of Mich-
ael Tiernan et al, remonstrating against 1
the vacation of alley between lot 41,
Prospect Hill addition ,and that part
of out lot 692, lying directly east of
said lot 41 and extending from Fenelon
Place to the alley between West Third
street and Fenelon Place and which ac-
tion was postponed at the session of
the council held November 17, 1898 was
taken up, and read.
Ald. Crawford said, a resolution had
been handed him, bearing on the sub-
On motion of Ald. Frith Ald Craw-
ford read the resolution. The resolu-
tion follows:
Whereas, The owners of all the lots
and parcels of land abutting on the al-
ley between lot 41 Prospect Hill Addand
that part of out lot 692, lying directly
east of said lot 41 and extending from
Fenelon Place to the alley between
West Third street and Fenelon Place
have made written application to the
city council to have said alley vacated
and annulled as a public highway, and
Whereas, 10 days' notice has been duly
given by publication in the city papers
that a proposition for the vacation of
said alley was pending in the council
and would be considered by the council
at its regular session to be held on
the 17th day of November, 1898, and
Whereas, After consideration of the
question of the vacation of said alley at
two regular sessions, it is deemed ad-
visable by the city council to grant the
said application of the owners of said
abutting real estate; therefore,
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That north 80 ft of
the alley between lot 41 Prospect Hill
Add and that part of out lot 692, lying
directly east of said lot 41, and extend-
ing from Fenelon Place to the alley be-
tween West 3rd street and Fenelon
Place, be and the same is hereby va-
cated and annulled as a public high-
way in favor of the owners of the lots
and parcels of land abutting thereon.
Said vacation to be subject to the right
of the city to maintain a sanitary and
storm water sewers, and to build and
maintain steps through the middle of
property so vacated at any time they
see fit.
Permission was granted by the
mayor to all desiring to be heard on
the subject to address the council.
Mr. D. Rhomberg adc1ressejd the
council in opposition to the vacation of
the alley.
Mr. C. B. Trewin addressed the coun-
cil in favor of vacation.
Ald. McLaughlin addressed the coun-
cil in opposition to vacation.
Mr. Tiernan addressed the council
and thought he agreed with Mr.
Ald. Crawford addressed the coun-
cil in opposition to vacation.
Assistant city attorney being present
was asked to draft a compromise reso-
lution whereupon Ald. Crawford of-
fered the following:
Be it Resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That permis-
sion be given the abutters along the
north 80 feet of the alley between lot
41 Prospect Hill addition and that part
of out lot 692 lying directly east of
said lot 41 and extending from Fenelon
Place to the alley between West Third
street and Fenelon Place, to fill the
said north 80 feet of said alley, and to
occupy and use the same during the
pleasure of said city council.
But such occupation of north 80 feet
of the said alley and the said improve-
ment of the same is not to vest in any
of the said abutters any rights by ad-
verse possession or estoppel, and the
city reserves the right to revoke this
permission at any time and to occupy
and use same as a public street, and
upon such fill being made and occupa-
Regular Session, December 1, 1898. 317
tion of said alley being taken by any
of said abutters, that will file a writ-
ten acceptance of the terms of this
resolution, and that they agree to take
possession of said north 80 feet of said
alley under the terms of this resolu-
Ald. McLaughlin moved to refer the
whole matter to the committee of the
whole. Carried.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee on delinquent tax:
Petition of Mathias Klein asking to
be exempt from taxation on his prop-
Petition of Rev. Homer Wroten, ask-
ing to have the taxes canceled on the
parsonage property of Grandview ave-
nue Methodist Episcopal church.
The following petitions were referred
to the equalization committee and the
treasurer instructed not to sell the
Petition of Chas. Simplot making ap-
plication under the provision of para-
graph seven (7) of sec 1304 of the code
of Iowa for exemption of his home-
stead from taxation to the amount of
eight hundred dollars ($800.00) on the
assessed valuation of the same for the
year 1897, lot 23 Mt. Pleasant add.
Petition of Wm. J. Clark, making
application under the provisions of
paragraph seven (7) of section 1304 of
the code of Iowa for exemption of his
homestead, lots 177, 178, 179, 180 and 181
in Finley's add from taxation to the
amount of eight hundred dollars $800.00)
on the assessed valuation of the same
for the year 1898.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of John Malone asking city
to purchase his macadam on West 17th
Petition of Frank Weihe in relation
to increased assessment to the amount
of $50,000 on moneys and credits and
that a time be fixed for the hearing of
his appeal.
Petition of Mrs. L. Cummings ask-
ing for extension of time of 6 months
to pay her taxes on lots 23 and 24 Rog-
ers' sub.
Ald. McLaughlin moved 'that the
prayer of the petition be granted and
the treasurer instructed not to sell
same. Carried.
Petition of Mrs. Harriet Kennicker
asking for extension of time to pay her
special .ejssessment far constructing:
new sidewalk abutting lot No. 27 in
West's add.
Ald. Frith moved that the time be ex-
tended for one (1) year, providing she
pays the interest up to Dec. 1, 1898.
Petition of Tim Dillon asking to have
the assessment reduced on his Main
street property for the year 1898 to $5,-
Ald. Crawford moved that the peti-
tion be referred to the aldermen at
large and the mayor. Carried.
Petition of the Dubuque Improve-
ment Co. requesting that the taxes
of said company be cancelled in ac-
cordance with the ordinance granted to
said company and adopted January 5th,
By order of Mayor Berg it was re•
ferred to the finance committee.
Petition of Michael Sullivan estate
(by J. D. Sullivan, guardian), asking
to have the taxes cancelled on lot 2
of sub city lot No. 688.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to grant the
petition and that the taxes of 1897 be
cancelled. Carried.
Remonstrance of John Wybrant pro-
testing against paying special assess-
for constructing sanitary sever in
Pickett and Alma streets.
Ald. Crawford moved to have it re-
ferred to the city attorney to investi-
gate the law in case where the same
property has been assessed before, or
where the ground is so situated that
the abutters cannot make proper con-
Assistant Attorney Maguire being
present reported as follows:
That the special assessment levied
for constructing said sewer was legal
and in accordance with the law of the
new code of 1897.
Ald. Wales moved that the remon-
strance be received and filed. Car-
City Treasurer H. B. Gniffke report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the month of November 1898, for
which please order warrants drawn in
my favor.
Refund excavation permits $ 55 00
Interest on warrants outstand-
ing 1 176 20
Postage stamps 6 80
Mantles for gas burners for
police headquarters 55
I received money borrowed from all
sources $3,600.00, for which please order
loan warrants drawn for said amount.
H. B. GNIFFKE, Treasurer.
Mayor Berg ordered that the re-
port be received and warrants ordered
drawn for the various amounts and
the report referred back to finance com
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Herewith find my report for the
month of November, 1898, showing the
receipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand Nov
let, 1898 $30097 30
Receipts from all
sources .. 14075 18
$44172 48
318 Regular Session, December 1, 1898.
Warrants redeemed
for the month of
November 1898 $16586 08
Coupons redeemed for
the month 625 00
Balance on hand
Dec. 1, 1898
Of the cash on hand
there belongs to the
improvement bond
17211 08
$26961 40
18648 73
Leaving on hand to
credit of city $ 8312 67
Also reports $1,971.65 due city officials
for the month of November, 1898.
Also the following is a list showing
the amount expended in each depart-
ment since the beginning of the fiscal
General expense fund .. $21659 01
Road 35748 97
Police 20040 00
Fire 21848 23
Gas and light 17145 73
Water 13015 20
Engineer's 3077 35
Printing 1840 05
Sewers 3668 13
Board of health 2392 43
Interest 22381 33
Also coupons redeemed for the month
(Signed) F. B. HOFFMAN.
Mayor Berg ordered that the report
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay city officials and the re-
port referred back to the finance com-
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the fire department for the
month of November, 1895:
Amount due flremen, $1,925.00.
Ald. Jones moved to receive the re-
port and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the firemen for the month of No-
vember, 1898. Carried.
City Marshal Morgan reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is a re-
port of the police department for the
month of November, 1898:
Total number of arrests 63
Number of runs by patrol 62
Number of miles run .. 911-4
Number of defective lights 32
Number of lodgers harbored ....192
Also reports $1,943.55 due police for
the month of November, 1898.
Mayor Berg ordered that the report
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the policemen for the
month of November, 1898, and the re-
port referred back to the committee on
police and lights.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor - and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets for the
last half of November, 1898:
Amount due laborers, $817.95.
Mayor Berg ordered that the report
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the laborers on the
street for the last half of November,
1898, and the report referred back to
the committee on streets.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on sewers for the
last half of November, 1898:
Total amount due laborers, $149.25.
Mayor Berg ordered that the report
be received and that warrants be
drawn to pay laborers on sewers for
the last of November, 1898, and the re-
port be referred back to the commit-
tee on sewers:
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of November, 1898.
I find from the report of the police
department that the total hours that
ninety-one (91) lamps failed to burn
would equal three lamps for one
month or $16.20.
On motion the report was received
and filed and the auditor instructed to
deduct $16.20 from the Star Electric
Co. bill for the month of November,
The scales and woodmeasurers' re-
ports for the month of November, 1898,
were referred to the committee on
markets and are as follows:
T. J. Donahue, Grandview avenue
receipts $1 25
T. Faherty, First ward receipts.. 5 00
Charles Pitschner, West Dubuque
receipts 3 92
R. F. Curran, woodmeasurers 4 73
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, November 23rd, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: In reply to annexed
communication which was referred to
me I report that there was a double as-
sessment as claimed by Mr. Salot. The
facts are as follows: Lots 136 and 137
front south on Rush street and west
on Holly street and are 183.10 feet in
length; as is better shown by the fol-
lowing sketch thereof:
The South 133.10 feet of lots 136 and
137 is owned by Matthew Maher, and
has been assessed to him from 1894
down to date and as to this part of
the said lots the assessment is cor-
The trouble arises as to the north
Regular Session, December 1, 1898. 319
part of these lots. The South 133.10
feet being Mahers and assessed to him,
there would be remaining the North
50 feet of said lots to be assessed, as
said lots are 183.10 feet in length. But
in making the assessment and col-
lecting the taxes for the year 1894, the
said North 60 feet was assessed to
Mary Shannon as the North 150 feet of
lots 136 and 137 and was sold Novem-
ber 4th, 1895, to George Salot at tax
sale for $7.81. In making the assess-
ment and in collecting the taxes for
the year 1895 the said North 50 feet
was assessed as follows:
North 50 feet of the North 150 feet of
lots 136 and 137 to Alice Garrity; South
100 feet of North 150 feet of lots 136
and 137 to Mary Shannon and the taxes
on said South 100 feet of said North
150 feet were paid by George Salot Sep-
tember 16th, 1896, in the amount of
$16.63 as subsequent tax.
In making the assessment and in
collecting the taxes for the year 1896
the said North 50 feet was assessed as
follows: North 60 feet of North 150
feet of lots 136 and 137 to 'Alice, Gar-
rity. South 100 feet of North 156 feet
of lots 136 and 137 to Mary Shannon.
The South 100 feet of the North 150
feet of lots 136 and 137 was sold at tax
sale to George Salot on December 7th,
1897, for $7.87.
The assessment to Alice Garrity of
the said North 50 feet is correct, and
her North 50 feet and Maher's South
133.10 feet would make 183.10 feet which
is the entire length of said lot, so that
in making the assessment there was
assessed 100 feet more than the lot con-
tained and it can be plainly seen from
above that the assessment of the South
100 feet of the North 150 feet of 136
and 137 is a double and fictitious as-
sessment and all the proceedings there-
under are void, and as the sales there-
under and the money paid by Mr. Sa-
lot was the result of mutual mistake he
is entitled to recover back the same.
I would recommend that the fol-
lowing sums be paid to Mr. Salot:
$7.81 with interest from Nov. 4th, 1895
at 6 per cent.
$16.63 with interest from September
16th, 1,96, at 6 per cent.
$7.87 with interest from December
7th, 1897, at 6 per cent.
The same to be done upon the pres-
entation by him to the treasurer of
the certificates of said tax sales, and
that the treasurer thereupon cancel
said tax sales.
Further in this connection I wish to
report that in assessing the taxes for
the year 1897 the same mistake occurr-
ed, the North 50 feet of the North 150
feet being assessed to Alice Garrity
and the South 100 feet of the North 150
feet being assessed to Mary Shannon;
in endeavoring to correct this mistake
the council erroneously on Oct. 20th,
1898, canceled the tax of Alice Gar-
rity on the North 50 feet of North 150
feet, when they should have canceled
the tax on the South 100 feet of the
North 150 feet assessed to Mary Shan-
non, as the Garrity assessment is cor-
rect and the Shannon assessment is in-
correct as above set out. I would rec-
ommend that the council rescind and
revoke their action in cancelling the
tax against Alice Garrity on the said
North 50 feet and instruct the treas-
urer to collect same as being valid and
in force and effect; and that the coun-
cil cancel said tax of 1897 against Mary
Shannon on the said South 100 feet of
the North 150 feet of 136 and 137.
As Mr. Salot holds a certificate of
tax sale on the said Garrity property,
he is in a position to pay the said Gar-
rity tax of 1897 which was erroneously
canceled by the council and I would
recommend that said sums aforesaid
be refunded to him on condition that
he pay the said Garrity tax of 1897.
Further with respect to this matter I
would say that the assessor has this
year correctly assessed said property
and that the above mistakes will be
avoided in the future.
Alderman Wales moved to adopt the
report and recommendations of the
city attorney. Carried.
The city attorney also reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, November, 23rd, 1898.
To the Honorable .Mayor and Alder-
men of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The annexed communi-
cations were referred to me for a re-
port and in response to same I state as
1st. As to the double street as-
sessment complained of by Mr. Schep-
pley I find that there is no double
street assessment. The facts are that
Mr. Sheppley's lot abutts west on Coul-
er avenue, and south on Lincoln ave-
nue. In the year 1894 Lincoln avenue
was macadamized to the curb line of
Couler avenue and Mr. Sheppley was
assessed for the •improvement. ,
Then afterwards in the year 1895
Couler avenue was paved with brick
and in making the improvement at in-
tersections of the sidestreets the street
was paved back to the lot line. So
that at the intersection of Couler ave-
nue with Lincoln avenue that part be-
tween the curb line and the lot line a
distance of 12 feet which had been
macadamized under the Lincoln ave-
nue improvement was torn up and re -
paved under the Couler avenue im-
provement, so that being twice assess-
ed for this 12 feet Mr. Sheppley claims
there was a double assessment. There
are two assessments but in a legal
sense there is not a double assess-
ment, as there was two improvements
of said 12 feet. Of course the Couler
avenue improvement resulted in the
tearing up and doing away with said
12 feet of the Lincoln avenue macadam-
izing, but in the improvement of
streets the council are the judges of
the necessity and advisability of mak-
ing improvement and how they shall be
made and whether any part of a prev-
iously improved street should be re-
Regular Session, December 1, 1898.
paved, and so long as they do not act
with fraud their action is legal. Mr.
Sheppley has no legal claim as far as
this action is concerned.
In equity Mr. Sheppley probably has
a claim, as after assessing the Lincoln
avenue improvement against him which
included this 12 feet of macadam this
12 feet of macadamizing and guttering
(amounting to the sum of $6.41) was, in
side of a year, torn up and rendered
useless to him.
2nd. As to the width of the side-
walk. Lincoln avenue was a fifty foot
street, upon which Mr. Sheppley's lot
abutts on the north. In making the
improvement of a fifty foot street, 10
feet should be allowed on each side for
sidewalks and thirty feet for the street
according to the ordinance.
But in Improving Lincoln avenue the
then city engineer allowed for the side-
walk on Mr. Sheppley's side of the
street eight and one half feet, made
the street twenty nine and one half
feet wide, and allowed for the side-
walk on the other side of the street
eleven and three fourths feet, which
is shown by a plat prepared for me by
City Engineer Blake, from actual sur-
vey, and which is hereto attached. The
city did not wrongfully deprive Mr.
Sheppley of one and one half feet of
ground; the injustice done Mr. Shep-
pley was not in taking a foot and one
half of his ground but in only giving
him a sidewalk eight and one half feet
wide when he should have had ten feet,
and in giving his neighbor on the oth-
er side of the street a sidewalk elev-
en and three fourths feet wide. For
this Mr. Sheppley has no legal claim
against the city upon which he can
recover, as the city can improve streets
in any manner it sees fit, so long as
it does not act with fraud. In equity
Mr. Sheppley is entitled to some-
thing as he contributed $200.00 to the
opening of this street and was then
discriminated against in the width of
his walk, and was not given the width
of walk he was entitled to; but this
is a matter for the council to decide. I
mention these facts so that if the coun-
cil does see fit to allow Mr. Sheppley
something on the ground of justice,
they will allow it to him and have the
warrant drawn, contingent upon his
presenting a receipt from the treas-
. urer showing that he has paid his as-
sessment for the improvement of said
Lincoln avenue which as yet has not
been paid, I think that if the city al-
lows Mr. Sheppley anything in this
matter he should in justice to the city
pay said assessment.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Mr. Sheppley being present was
granted permission to address the coun
cll. Mr. Sheppley offered to pay $50.00
in full for all special assessments due
for said street improvements.
Alderman Wales moved that Mr.
Sheppley pay the full amount due the
city for special assessment for said
street improvements and that a war-
rant be ordered drawn on the general
fund in favor of Mr. Sheppley for
$60.00 the same being in full set-
tlement for all damages that Mr. Shep-
pley claims or may claim by reason of
the above stated street improvements.
Carried, whereupon Mr. Sheppley stat-
ed he would accept the proposition.
City attorney also reports as fol-
Dubuque, Ia., Nov. 19th, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and Alder-
men of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The council referred
the annexed communication to me to
fix the assessment of Mrs. Hargus in
accordance with the annexed report.
As stated by said report the assess-
ment of Mrs. Hargus should be reduc-
ed in the amount of the cost of 15 feet
of curbing, guttering and macadam-
izing. This amounts to $22.00 accord-
ing to the estimates I have received
of same. There is also to be deducted
from her assessment interest on the
$22.00 from November, 1891, at 6 per
cent. per annum, as in estimating the
final amount due from Mrs. Hargus
there was also included with the $22.00
interest on same at 6 per cent. from
November, 1891: This amounts to
$9.25 so that the total amount to be
deducted is $31.25.
There is due from Mrs. Hargus as
shown by assessment levy $43.55 with
interest at 6 per cent. from June 16th,
1896, in all the sum of $50.95. Deduct-
ing the said $31.25 there leaves due on
said assessment the sum of $19.70 and I
would recommend that they receive
the said sum of $19.70 in full of her
said assessment, and instruct the treas
urer to cancel said assessment to the
amount of $31.25 upon payment by Mrs.
Hargus of said $19.70 with interest
from date.
City Attorney.
Alderman Frith moved to adopt the
report and recommendations of the
city attorney. Carried.
The city attorney also reports as fol-
Dubuque, Nov. 21st, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and Alder-
men of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: In response to the above
matter which was referred to me I re-
port and recommend that the city re-
ceive the assessment levied against
Mrs. Wilde for the improvement of
South Dodge street, in full of the as-
sessments for both South Dodge street
and Grandview avenue, and that the
treasurer be instructed to cancel the
assessment against Mrs. Wilde's prop-
erty for the improvement of Grand-
view avenue, upon payment by Mrs.
Wilde of the assessment levied against
her for the improvement of South
Dodge street.
Respectfully submitted
City Attorney.
Regular Session, December 1, 1898. 321
Alderman :Crawford moved to adopt
the report and recommendations. Car-
City Engineer Blake to whom with
Street Commissioner Boyce had been
referred a macadam list to ascertain
who had been granted a permit to
break macadam, reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Herewith find the names
that are on the macadam list; also the
amounts that have been paid on same,
and the balance still due:
Mike Kane, have been paid
$15.00; permit; no .... $ 80 75
John McGee, permit; no 37 50
Hurbert Kehr, permit; yes 23 55
Mike Sullivan, have been paid
$15.00; permit; no 7 50
Simon Meyers, (macadam used)
permit; no 26 40
John Whalen, permit: no 16 90
John Shroman, (macadam used)
permit; no 23 15
John Karch 67 00
Phil Ryder, permit; yes 63 20
Peter Jacobs 33 30
Total $389 25
Ald. McLaughlin moved to pay all on
the list.
Ald. Wales moved as a substitute
that those having permits and those
whose macadam had been used be paid
and that warrants be ordered drawn to
pay the same. The substitute was
adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
and Wales. Total -4.
Nays—Alds. Duggan, Jones and Mc-
Laughlin. Total -3.
Those to be paid as follows:
Hurbert Kehr, amount $23 55
Peter Jacobs, amount 33 30
Simon Meyers, amount 26 40
John Shroman, amount 23 15
Assistant City Engineer Hyde re-
ported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, December 1, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—The retaining wall on
De Soto Terrace (Peter Eishbach, con-
traotor), having been completed and ac-
cepted by you, I herewith report the
cost of same: 1444 cubic yards of ma-
sonry at $3.07 per cubic yard. Total
amount $4433.08.
Final estimate for same attached.
Final estimate as follows:
The city of Dubuque to Peter Eish-
bach, contractor, Dr.
Retaining wall DeSoto Terrace.
By 1444 cubic yards retaining
wall at $3.07 ... $4433 08
Previous payment 1800 00
Balance due $2633 08
O. K., E. S. Hyde, Asst. City Eng.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
and that warrants be ordered drawn to
pay the same. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Under your instructions
of November 3, relative to the stair-
way from Kauffman avenue to Napier
street, I would most respectfully report
that the deed of right of way has been
procured and stairs and sidewalk built
and cost of same as follows:
Lumber $ 55 90
Nails 3 20
Labor, carpenter, etc 34 35
Labor, city help, 8 days at $1.5012 00
Total cost $105 45
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion the report was received
and ordered filed.
Ald. Crawford stated that at the
next regular meeting of the council, he
would offer a resolution dedicating said
ground for the use of a public high-
Sidewalk Inspector Zeidman reported
as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Herewith find treas-
urer's receipt for $5.25 collected from N.
J. Loes for repairing sidewalk on the
north side of Rhamberg avenue, lot
29 Fenglers add.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
Also reported, on account of error in
description, we would recommend the
passing of the following resolution:
Be it Resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That the special
assessment for repairing sidewalk for
the month of July, 1898, against lot
9 of sub West 1-2, block 1, Dubuque
Harbor Co's add, A. M. Bush, owner,
amount, 65 cents, be cancelled.
(Signed.) L. Zeidman,
Sidewalk Inspector.
E. S. Hyde Asst. City Eng.
On motion the report and resolution
was adopted.
A bill for $9.00 against M. Tschirgi
for work on private sewer owned by
said Tschirgi, which had been referred
to Marshal Morgan, was returned to
the council whereupon Ald. Crawford
moved that his honor, Mayor Berg,
be requested to interview M. Tschirgi
with the view of the transfer of his
interest in said sewer to the city of
Dubuque. Carried.
Retarder Langstaff presented to the
council for the first time special as-
sessment for macadamizing and curb-
ing Troy alley from Kniest street to
Johnson avenue.
Ald. Crawford moved that the record-
er be instructed to give the necessary
published notice, in accordance with
section 8 of the ordinance, passed May
19, 1898. Carried.
322 Regular Session, December 1, 1898.
Recorder Langstaff presented pub-
lished notice of the council's intention
to levy special assessment far the con-
struction of an 8 Inch tile pipe sewer
in Pickett and Alma streets, where-
upon Ald. Crawford offered the fol-
lowing and moved the adoption.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for
constructing 8 inch tile pipe sewer in
Pickett and Alma streets by Con Ryan,
Sr., contractor, in front of and adjoin-
ing the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Special assessment submitted Nov.
17, 1898.
W H Rebman, Cooley's sub, S
1-2 lot 1, 56.5 lin ft at 52c $29 38
J J Carney, Cooley's sub N 1-2
lot 1, 23.7 lin ft at 52c 12 32
J 13 Powers, Cooley's sub, lot 2,
Mary A Rebman, Cooley's sub, N
50 lin ft 52c 26 00
J 13 Powers, Cooley's sub, S 7,
lot 3, 7 lin ft at 52c 3 64
43 ft lot 3, 43 lin ft at 52c 22 36
Mary A Rebman, Cooley's sub, S
2 ft, lot 4, 2 lin ft at 52c1 04
Geo B Burch, Cooley's sub, N 48
ft lot 4, 48 lin ft at 52c 24 96
J B Glover, Cooley's sub, lot 5, 50
lin ft at 52c 26 00
W H Rebman, Cooley's sub, lot
6, 50 lin ft at 52c .. 26 00
Mrs. M Carney, Cooley's sub, lot
7, 50 lin ft at 52c 26 00
G M Staples Est, Cooley's sub,
lot 8, 35 lin ft at 52c . 18 20
A A Loetscher, Fairview sub, lot
11, 83 lin ft at 52c 43 16
John Strelau, Fairview sub, lot
12, 50 lin ft at 52c 26 00
M J McCullough, Fairview sub,
lot 13, 50 lin ft at 52c 26 00
Rebecca Farley, Fairview sub, lot
14, 50 lin ft at 52c 26 00
Rebecca Farley, Fairview sub, lot
15, 50 lin ft at 52c 26 00
Judith Sage, sub 667, city, lot 9
203 lin ft at 52c 105 56
E S Hyde, sub 8 of 667, city, lot
2, 29 lin ft at 52c 15 08
John Wybrant, sub 4 of 667, city,
lot 1, 84, lin ft at 52c 43 68
Mary A Sievers, sub 3 of 667, city,
lot 1, 44 lin ft at 52c S2 88
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Janes, McLaughlin and
Mayor Berg presented and had read
the following statement from Auditor
The following bonds issued January
lst, 1874, become due January 1st, 1899.
Bonds being Nos. 552 to 558, inclusive,
amounting to $3,321.00.
Also bonds issued May 16th, 1874,
due April lst, 1899, being bonds Nos.
559 to 593, inclusive, amounting to $33,-
732.00. Also bonds issued April 1st,
1874. due April 1st, 1899, being bond
600, amounting to $400.00.
As those bonds are due and payable
January 1st, 1899, and April 1st, 1899, 1'
would recommend that some provis-
ion be made for the redemption of
F. 13. HOFFMAN, Auditor.
Ald. Crawford moved to refer the
bond matter to the finance committee
with power. Carried.
The bids for printing and binding
brief and abstracts for use of city at-
torney were presented, and on motion
was opened. Bids are as follows:
Dubuque Trade Journal, by F. K.
Munsell, per page, 70 cents.
Mathis, Mets Company, 65 cents per
Ald. McLaughlin moved that all bids
be rejected. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas-Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith,
and McLaughlin. Total, 4.
Nayes-Alds. Crawford, Jones and
Wales. Total, 3.
Ald. Flynn moved to instruct the
city attorney not to pay more than
seventy-five cents per page for such
work. Carried.
Ald. Flynn, chairman of the com-
mittee on claims, reported as follows:
In the matter of the case of F. A.
Gniffke vs City of Dubuque, which
was referred to your committee on
claims, we beg leave to report as fol-
lows: That after giving the facts and
circumstances surrounding Mr.
Gniffke's claim considerable attention
and after investigating the probable
cost of appealing the case to the su-
preme court we concluded to advise the
council to have drawn in Mr. Gnlffke's
favor a warrant on the general fund
for the sum of Two hundred dollars
($200.00), he to execute a receipt in full
to the city, which receipt shall he pre-
pared by the city attorney and he, Mr.
Gniffke, and his wife to execute a
quit claim deed to the city of the prop-
erty in controversy, which quit claim
deed shall be prepared by the city at-
torney after he has had the city engi-
neer prepare a proper profile or plat
of the land in controversy. We furth-
er recommend the drawing of a war-
rant in favor of Jas. A. Hayes, clerk of
the district court for the sum of Forty-
six dollars and eighty cents ($46.80) the
same to be in full of the now accrued
court costs in above referred to case.
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the commit-
tee on public grounds and buildings,
reported as follows: That they had
renewed the following insurance on
public buildings in the following nam-
ed companies:
Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance
company on Eighteenth Street Engine
house, $2,000.00.
Regular Session, December 15, 1898.
Premium on said policy for three (3)
years, $37.50.
The American Fire Insurance Co.,
of New York, on Delhi Street Engine
house, $1,000.00.
Premium on said policy for thr.?e (3)
years, $20.00.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port, and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the premiums on said
policies. Carried.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the •2ommit-
tee on fire, reported in favor of paying
the following bills:
Tom Connolly, repairing fire
chief's buggy .. $ 13 50
Lembke Bros., repairing harness
for fire department 31 70
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing
for fire department 26 80
Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit-
tee on delinquent tax, reported as fol-
In favor of granting the petition of
Mrs. Elizabeth Butler asking for ex-
tension of time to pay her taxes and
would recommend that she be given
one (1) years time to pay her taxes.
In favor of allowing the taxes of
Margt. Kolf on lot 19 High street add.
for the year 1897 to remain a lien on
said property and that the treasurer
be instructed not to sell the same.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
port: Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the corn-
- of the whole, reported as fol-
In favor of paying the bill of the
Dubuque Water Co., water for var-
ious engine houses from May 1st, 1898,
to November 1st, 1898, $40.00.
In favor of receiving and filing the
communication of F. G. Pierce (Secy.)
asking that the city become a member
of the League of Iowa Municipalities.
Also recommend that the petition
of N. Funk asking that Riverview
street be put in a passable condition
be referred to the street committee
with power.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Mayor Berg stated that he under-
stood that some of the fountains and
flush tanks had not been supplied
with water and had not been used the
past season, therefore desired to call
the attention of the committee on fire
to the fact so they might make a full
investigation of the matter.
Ald. Flynn moved that the engineer
and fireman services on the steam roll-
er be dispensed with after the 15th
day of December, 1898, and that the
street commissioner notify them at
once of the action of the council. Car-
Ald. Flynn moved that the man on
the Fourth street dump (be instructed
by the street committee) to also care
for the garbage dump.
Ald. Flynn moved that Sidewalk In-
spector Ziedeman act as assistant to
Market Master Rath during the winter
months. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved that the contract
of Larry Daily for removing garbage
and ashes from around the city hall
be continued during the winter. Car-
On motion the council adjourned for
two weeks until December 15th, 1898.
Attest :
Regular Session, De'15, 1898.
Cour.cil met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Flynn,
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Absent—Ald. Duggan.
The following petitions were referred
to the board of equalization:
Petition of Mary Atkins, asking that
her taxes of 1897 and 1898 be allowed
on a soldier's claim, to the valuation of
$800 on lot 9 of Yates and Pickett's
Petition of Mary E. Knott, making
application under the provision of
paragraph seven (7) of sec. 1304 of the
code of Iowa for exemption of her
homestead from taxation to the
amount of eight hundred dollars $800)
on the assessed valuation of the same
for the year 1898, on south 1-2 of lot 3
and all of lot 4 in Corkey's sub.
Petition of Jno. I. Mullany asking
to reduce his assessment on lot 97, city.
On motion it was referred to the board
of equalization and assessor.
Petition of Mrs. Catherine Sullivan
asking for extension of time to pay
her special assessment for improving
and paving West Main street abutting
lots 535, 535a, and parts of lots 533 and
534 city. Ald. Crarwford moved that
the prayer of the petition be granted,
providing the petitioner flies a writ-
ten agreement waiving the rights of
any, and all illegalities or irregularities
if any, as to the assessments, and
the city attorneys to draw up said
writing. Carried.
Petition of Val. P. Kruse, et al ask-
ing that an electric light be placed on
the corner of Leibnitz and Harold
Ald. Crawford moved that the peti-
tion be referred to the police and light
committee. Carried.
Petition of A. A. Loetscher et al,
remonstrating against the construction
824 Regular Session) December 15, 1898.
of an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Rebecca
and West 16th streets.
Ald Crawford moved that It be re-
ferred to the sewer committee and
engineer. Mr. A. A. Loetscher be-
ing present was granted permission to
address the council on the subject.
whereupon the motion was carried.
Petition of the Ancient Order of Hi-
bernians society asking permission for
the use of the "Armory Hall" to give
a dance St. Patrick's night, March 17th,
1899. Ald. Flynn moved that the pe-
tition be referred to the committee on
public grounds and buildings. Car-
The following petitions were refer-
red to the committee of the whole:
Petition of Maurice Quinlan, Jr., ask-
ing city to purchase his macadam on
West Locust street.
Petition of Henry Henge asking city
to award" him Five Hundred Dollars
($500.00) for damages received by fall-
ing and breaking his leg on the south-
east corner of 17th and Clay streets.
Petition of The Saunders Meat Co. by
Chas. J. W. Saunders, asking that
the treasurer be instructed to refund
them Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00)
paid in the city treasury under pro-
test as butchers' license.
Ald. Crawford moved that all peti-
tions in relation to Butcher's licenses
be referred to the committee of the
whole and city attorney. Carried.
Ald. Duggan arrived at 8:30 o'clock
p. m.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for laborers on streets, for
the first half of December, 1898.
Amount due laborers, $333.40.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to receive
the report and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the laborers, and the re-
port referred back to the committee on
streets. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce in
charge of the sewers reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
iGentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on sewers for the
first half of December, 1898.
Amount due laborers on sewers,
Ald. Wales moved to receive the re-
port and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the laborers on sewers
and the report referred back to the
committee on sewers. Carried.
Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a state
ment of the amount expended for labor
on streets during the month od Novem-
ber, 1898, by wards:
Wm O'Brien, repairing Railroad
avenue ....... $ 59 75
Wm O'Brien, repairing Southern
avenue. 62 25
Wm O'Brien, repairing Bluff
street 44 90
Wm O'Brien, repairing Jones
street 123 05
Wm O'Brien, cleaning various
streets 36 75
Total First Ward .. $326 70
R. T. Eddy, repairing Nevada
street $ 19 90
R. T. Eddy, repairing Seventh
street . 32 25
R. T. Eddy, cleaning various
streets 145 70
Robt. McGivern, dumping, 4th
street extension 40 00
Total Second ward ........... $237 85
John Farley, cleaning various
streets .. $229 40
Total Third ward $229 40
John Hayes, repairing West llth
street $ 48 80
Jno Hayes, repairing Delhi street 23 90
Jno Hayes, cleaning various
streets 145 65
James Hird, repairing Grace
street 59 80
James Hird, cleaning various
streets 29 40
J. H. Boyce, carpenter work,
West llth street 63 50
J. H. Boyce, repairing crossings
West 11th street
3 00
Total Fourth ward $374 05
John Raetz, repairing Rhomberg
avenue $ 63 75
Geo Zumhoff, cleaning various
streets 227 00
J. H. Boyce, building stairway,
Kauffman avenue 33 05
J. H. Boyce, repairing crossings
Eagle Point avenue 12 95
Total Fifth ward $336 75
J. H. Boyce, sweeping and clean-
ing brick paved streets $215 65
J. H. Boyce, carpenter wagon,
wages 75 50
J. H. Boyce, steam roller, wages.136 15
.T. H. Boyce, paper collector,
wages ...... 25 00
Total miscellaneous $452 30
Total all wards $1,957 05
ittee Clerk.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
City Engineer Blake had presented
the notices served on James C. Collier
Regular Session, December 15, 1898. 825
and Ada L. Collier, that a proposition
was now pending before the city coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque for the es-
tablishment of a street across land in
which they claim an interest, as fol-
lows: Lot 10 of Sub of mineral loi
332, and citing them to appear, or to file
their objections, to come before the
city council to be held at the city hall
in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, Decem
ber 15th, 1898, and show cause ,if any
they have, why said proposed estab-
lishment of said street should not be
made. No objections being filed, the
mayor asked if any one present had
any objection to opening said street.
No objections being made, Ald. Frith
offered the following resolution:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city re-
corder be and is hereby instructed to
issue a venire to the city marshal, com-
manding him to summon a jury of
freeholders, citizens of the city of Du-
buque, to assess the damage that may
be caused by the proposed opening of
Washington street through lot 10 of
sub mineral lot 322, as shown by the
plat prepared by the city engineer and
now on file in the city engineer's office.
The resolution adopted by the following
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales. Total, 7.
City Recorder Langstaff presented
quit claim deed from C. A. Voelker and
wife to the city of Dubuque, deeding
unto said city the east six (6) feet of
lot 155 and the west six (6) feet of lot
139, both in Mechanic's addition for a
public highway. See resolution under
head of resolutions.
Ald. Crawford moved that the re-
corder be instructed to have deed and
plat properly recorded. Carried.
The city recorder presented publish-
ed notice of the city councils intention
to construct a sanitary sewer in Re-
becca and West Sixteenth street.
On motion the notice was received
and filed.
City recorder presented and had read
a published notice of the city council
intention to levy of special assessments
for macadamizing and curbing Troy al-
ley, whereupon Aid. Crawford, chair-
man of the street committee, offered
the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for mac-
adamizing and curbing Troy alley from
Kniest street to Johnson avenue, by
Peter Horsch, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted Decem-
ber 1, 1898:
Fred Otto, north 30 feet of lot
4 of 4, Kniest sub, 10 lin ft
curbing reset at 12c, $1.20; 176.66
sq yds macadamizing at 33c $ 59 60
Maggie Mohr, lot 5 of Kniest's
sub, 10 lin ft curbing reset at
12c, $1.20; 176.66 sq yds macad-
amizing at 33c 59 50
Emelia Guderian, High street
sub, lot 11, 23.33 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 33c 9 35
G. Frommelt, High street sub,
lot 10. 28.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c ..
C. Welsh, High street sub, lot 9,
28.33 sq yds macadamizing at
M Rhomberg, High street sub,
lot 8, 28.33 sq yds macadam-
izing at 33c .... 9 35
Sophia Zollicoffer, High street
sub, lot 7, 28.33 sq yds macad-
amizing at 33c 9 35
Frank Cherney, High street sub,
lot 6, 28.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing, at 33c ... 9 35
Mary Hagerty, High street sub,
lot 5, 28.33 sq yds macadam-
izing at 33c 9 35
Mary Hagerty, High street sub,
lot 4, 28.33 sq yds madacamizing
at 33c 9 35
Cath Sherman, High street sub,
lot 3, 28.33 sq yiis maracam-
izing at 33c ... 9 35
P Doemenig, High street sub, lot
2, 28.33 sq yds macadamizing
at 33c 9 35
P Doemenig, High street sub,
lot 1, 6 lin ft curb reset at 12c,
72c; 10 lin ft new curbing at
37c, $3.70; 36.70 sq yds macad-
amizing at 33c 16 53
Henry Peterman, High street sub,
lot 12, 28.33 sq yds macadam-
izing at 33c 9 35
Henry Peterman, High street sub,
lot 13, 28.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c 9 35
Adam Kress, High street sub, lot
14, 28.33 sq yds macadamizing
at 33c 9 35
Adam Kress, High street sub, lot
15, 28.33 sq yds macadamizing
at 33c
Thos J Federspeil, High street
sub, lot 16, 28.33 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 33c 9 35
Alex Bideaux, High street sub,
lot 17, 28.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c
Jacob Wildhaber, High street sub,
lot 18, 28.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c ........
Henry N. Klof, ets., High street
sub, lot 19, 28.33 sq yds macad-
amizing at 33c • 9 35
Joe Theobold, High street sub, lot
20, 28.33 sq yds macadamizing at
Eliz Tressel, High street sub,
lot 21, 28.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 33c 9 35
Eliz Tressel, High street sub,
lot 22, 6 lin ft curbing reset at
12c, 72c; 10 ft new curbing at
37c, $3.70; 36.70 sq yds mac-
adamizing at 33c ... 16 53
9 36
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
326 Regular Session, December 15, 1898.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales. Totail, 7.
His Honor, Mayor Berg, reported as
Gentlemen of the Council:
The matter you referred to me in re-
gard to the city of Dubuque owning
or at least controling the private, or
the Tschirgi sewer I desire to state
that I have had a conference with Mr.
Tschirgi in reference to said sewer and
that Mr. Tschirgi had submitted a list
of names of the unpaid abutters on
said sewer and further stated that he
would pay the bill presented by the
city for careing for said sewer and
would be glad to meet the council or a
committee with the view of making
some satisfactory arrangements with
the city.
Ald. Crawford moved the matter be
referred to the committee of the
whole. Carried.
Ald. Flynn, chairman of the commit-
tee on claims reported as follows:
Your committee on claims respeceful-
ly report in favor of drawing a war-
rant in the sum of $150.00 in favor of J.
R. Lindsay, attorney. The same being
in full settlement of the case of Mary
Wearmouth vs city of Dubuque now
pending in the district court of this
county. Said committee acting on set-
tlement made by special committee con
slating of his honor, Mayor Berg and
Ald. Crawford.
Your committee on claims respectful-
ly report in favor of ordering a war-
rant drawn in favor of Jas. A. Hayes,
clerk of district court for the sum of
$25.50, the same being in full settle-
ment of the case of Joseph McGee vs
city of Dubuque now pending in the
district court of Dubuque county.
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the report
of the committee on claims. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee on streets reported as follow:
In favor of paying the following bills
for macadam:
John Whalen, 3380 cubic yards, at 50c
per yard, $16.90.
M. Sullivan, 15 cubic yards, at 50c
per cubic yard, $7.50.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the com-
mittee on public grounds and buildings,
presented several insurance policies for
renewal on the Central Engine house.
Ald. Flynn moved that all insurance
policies in relation to public buildings
owned by city be referred to the com-
mittee of the whole. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole reported as follows:
In favor of allowing the assessment
of F. H. Weihe & Co., in relation to
moneys and credits to remain as fixed
by the committee on equalization.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
In favor of instructing the treasurer
to cancel the personal taxes and to re-
ceive payment on a valuation of five
($5000,.00) thousand dollars on the real
estate of the Dubuque Harness and Sad
dlery Co., for the year 1897, provided
that the said company employ the usual
number of hands the coming year.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Duggan inquired, what, if any-
thing had been done by the city attor-
ney in regards the collection of special
assessments and the proportion of the
city electrician salary from the Dubu-
que Light & Traction company, which
matter had been referred to the city
Ald. Crawford moved that the city at
torney e instructed to apply to the
United States district court for an or-
der directing the receiver of said Du-
buque Light & Traction company to
pay over to said city of Dubuque the
amount due for special assessments
and city electrician's salary. Carried.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, That the deed of C.
A. Voelker and wife, dated Nov. llth,
1898, conveying to the city of Dubuque
the east six (6) feet of lot one hundred
and fifty-five (155), and west six (6)
feet of lot one hundred and thirty-nine
(139) both in Mechanic's addition, as
right of way for a stairway, and walk
from Kauffman avenue to Napier street
be hereby accepted, and said strip of
ground thereby conveyed is hereby de-
clared and dedicated as a public high-
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Resolved, That the city engineer and
acting street commissioner be and are
hereby instructed to make a careful
survey of all the macadam belonging
to the city, and report to the council
as soon as practicable the number of
yards, and the location of the same.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow-
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque, That the action
of the city council, of the city of Dubu-
que of April 14, 1898, in fixing the salary
of the two (2) assistant city assessors
at fifty dollars ($50.00) per month each
during the months of January, Feb-
ruary, April, May, June, July and
August 1899 inclusive, is hereby rescind-
ed and revoked.
And be it further resolved by the
city council of the city of Dubuque:
That the salaries of the two (2) assist-
ant city assessors be, and are hereby
fixed at seventy-five dollars ($75.00)
each per month, from January lst,
1899 to October, 1,1899: And that the
Special' Session, December 22, 1898.
names of the assistant .city assessors
to be appointed for said term be am -
pointed for said term be placed upon
the city pay roll.
E. O. Duncan, city assessor.
Ald. Crawford moved that the reso-
lution and the matter of assistant as-
sessors be referred to the committee of
the whole. Carried by• the following
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
Jones and Wales.
Nays—Alds. Duggan and McLaugh-
On motion the council adjourned for
three weeks, until January 5, 1899.
Approved (. 189.
The agreement was then read and is
as follows:
This agreement made this 22nd day
of December A. D., 1898, between the
city of Dubuque, Iowa, and Denison,
Prior & Cd•mpany of Cleveland, Ohio,
witnesseth that the said city of Du-
buque agrees to deliver the said Deni-
son, Prior & Co., $34,132.00 of refunding
bonds of said city, said bonds to bear
date of April 1st, 1899, and to be made
payable twenty years from date thereof
without option of prior payment, and to
bear four per cent interest per annum
payable seini-annually, principal and
interest payable at the National Bank
of the Republic in the city of New York .
state of New York, denominations of
same to be $1,000 each excepting one
bond of $132.00; said delivery to be
made April 1st, 1899, upon the delivery
by said Denison, Prior & Co: to the said
city, of said city's refunding bonds for
$34,132.00, issued in the year 1874 bear-
ing six per cent and becoming due
April 1st, 1899, which said Denison,
Prior & Co., are to take up and ex-
change for said new refunding 'bonds.
Bonds to be legally issued in such
manner as will have' the approval of
attorneys of Denison, Prior & Co.
Appr. .1 to be communicated to said
City' befe lsauance of said new bonds,
and to b signified by Denison, Prior
& Co., se 'ding the blank bonds which
they are to have printed' to the city for
execution. Usual papers evidencing
legality of bonds to be furnished as re-
quired without charge. •
The exchange' 5f said bonds are to
be made at the 'Second National bank
of the city of Dubuque, Iowa, which.
will act as agent in said exchange for
both parties. Said Denison, Prior &
Co. to take up old bonds on April 1st,
1899 at said Second National bank and
to turn the ame over to the city of Du-
buque; said city to turn over said new
refunding bonds to said bank and said
bank to deliver same to Denison, Prior
& Co., at Cleveland or Boston as they
may direct, by registered mail, upon
receiving said old bonds of like value
and are to have said bonds for no
other purpose.
The charges of the said Second Na-
tional bank for their services in this
matter to be paid by the city, including
insurance premium in transportation of
Said Denison, Prior & Co. are to de-
posit with the treasurer of said city
a check for One Thousand Dollars pay-
able to said treasurer subject to the
following conditions: "To be forfeited
if bonds described herein are not taken
up as per contract for their purchase,
otherwise to be applied in part payment
of the premium due the city.
Said Denison, Prior & Co., are to pay
the said city for this .agreement and end a pre-
said refunding bonds par
of $2,805.89, this premiums to be
paid into the bond fund of said city,
Special Session December 22,
Cpuncil met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alda. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales—Total 7.
Mayor Berg stated that the object
of the meeting of thecouncil, was
to consider the report of the finance
committee, and to take such action as
the council thought best in relation to
the issuance of the $37,453.00 refund-
ing bonds.
The report of the finance committee
To the City Council of the City of Du-
Gentlemen:—Your committee on fin-
ance, to whom was referred the matter
of refunding the $37,453.00 refunding
bonds due January 1st and April 1st,
1899, would beg leave to report that we
have concluded to retire the bonds
amounting to $3,321.00 due January 1,
1899, and have negotiated with Denison,
Prior & Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, for the
refunding of the $34,132.00 due April 1,
1899, at par and a premium of $2,805.89,
they to furnish the bonds at a price
of $43.75 and would recommend the ad-
option of the action of your committee.
(Signed:) C. H. BERG,
Aid. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report of the finance committee. Car-
328 Special Session, December 22, 1898.
upon completion of said exchange.
Denison, Prior & Co. are to furnish
blanks for said bonds for which
they are to receive $43.75 from the
It is hereby mutually agreed and
understood that it is the purpose of
this agreement to substitute and ex-
change said old bonds for new ones un-
der sections 905 to 911 inclusive of the
code of Iowa.
In testimony whereof this agreement
is executed this 22nd, day of December,
1898. The agreement was then sign-
By C. H. Berg, Mayor.
Denison, Prior & 00.,
Per A. W. Stoddard.
Attest: L. M. LANG -STAFF,
City Recorder.
City of Dubuque,
Ald. Wales offered the following
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That the above
contract between Denison, Prior & Co.
and the city of Dubuque submitted as
above set out, at this session of the
said city council held December 22nd,
1898, be approved and that the said
new refunding bonds of the city of Du-
buque to be dated April 1st, 1899 for
$34,132.00 payable twenty years after
date be exchanged for said old refund-
ing bonds for $34,132.00 issued in the
year 1874 and becoming due April 1st,
1899, on the terms set out in the above
contract and that the mayor and city
recorder execute said contract in behalf
of the city of Dubuque.
Adopted by the following vote:
(Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales—Total 7.
Approved Dec. 22, 1898.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Wales offered the following:
A resolution to provide for the issu-
ance of refunding bonds of the city
of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of
refunding certain outstanding and ma-
turing bonds of said city and reducing
the rate of interest thereon.
Whereas, the city of Dubuque, Iowa,
is justly
certain valid outstanding bonds in and
for the sum of Thirty-four Thousand
One Hundred and Thirty Two Dollars,
($34,132.) which outstanding bonds were
heretofore legally issued by the said
city under a resolution duly and legal-
ly passed by the city council thereof
in the year 1874 and which outstanding
bonds bear interest at the rate of six
per cent. per annum and become due
and payable on the First day of April,
1899, said outstanding bonds having
been issued to refund any pay certain
other valid outstanding bonds of said
city theretofore issued to pay valid in
debtedness of said city, contracted and
incurred prior to the adoption of the
present constitution of the state of
Iowa and
Whereas, the said outstanding bonds,
which so become due on April 1st, 1899,
are in all respects regular, legal and
valid and the interest thereon has been
regularly paid by the said city during
all the time they have been so out-
standing and
Whereas the said bonds can be re-
funded at a lower rate of interest and
to the advantage of the city and it
being deemed for the public interest to
refund the same and
Whereas the city of Dubuque has
full power and authority, under the
laws of the state of Iowa to issue bonds
as hereinafter provided to refund the
said outstanding bonds so to become
due, now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque, Iowa, with more
than two-thirds of the members of
said council concurring in such resolu-
tions as follows:
Section 1. That there are hereby au-
thorized and directed to be issued by
and in behalf of the said city of Du-
buque, its refunding bonds according
to and of the form hereinafter set out
to the amount of Thirty-four Thous-
and One Hundred and Thirty-two Dol-
lars, ($34,132.), under date of April 1st,
1899, in denominations of One Thous-
and dollars ($1,000) excepting one bond
for $132, numbered consecutively, each
payable twenty years from date, bear-
ing interest at the rate of four per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually on
the First day of October and of April
during said term, said Interest to be
evidenced by forty coupons numbered
from one to forty inclusive, attached
to each of said bonds, both the interest
and principal of said bonds to be paya-
ble in lawful money of the United Stat-
es of America. The said bonds shall
be signed by the mayor and attested
by the recorder of said city under its
corporate seal and the interest cou-
pons thereto attached shall be signed
by the mayor and attested by the re-
corder of said city, with the seal of
the city affixed.
Section 2. That said bonds shall be
substantially in the following form
subject to the necessary changes as to
numbers, maturities of coupons and
other necessary variations therein.
United States of America.
State of Iowa. County of Dubuque.
City of Dubuque.
Four Per Cent. Refunding Bond.
No. $1,000.
Know all men by these presents that
the city of Dubuque in the state of
Iowa, is justly indebted and for value
received hereby promise to pay to bear
er the principal sum of
rs, lawful
the United Statesofof America, oonythe
lst day of April, A. D., 1919, with in-
terest on said sum from the date here-
Special Session, December 22, 1898.
of until paid at the rate of four per
cent. per'
annum payable semi-annually.
on the First day "of October and of
April in each year, as evidenced by;
and on the presentation and surrender
of the interest coupons hereto attached.
Both the principal and interest hereof
payable at the National Bank of the
Republic in the city of New York in
the state of New York.
This bond is one of a series of 35
bonds of like date, tenor and amount,
excepting one for $132, numbered from
one to thirty-five inclusive and ag-
gregating the sum of $34,132 and is is-
sued by the city of Dubuque pursuant
to the provisions of Sections 905 to 911
inclusive, Chapter Twelve, Title Five
of the Code of Iowa, and in conformity
with a resolution of the city council of
the said city of Dubuque, dated, duly
passed and approved on the 22nd day of
December, A. D., 1898.
It is hereby recited and certified that
this series of bonds is issued for the
purpose of refunding other valid bonds
of said city, which become due at the
date hereof and which were heretofore
legally issued for the purpose of fund-
ing and paying valid indebtedness of
said city legally incurred before the
adoption of the present constitution of
the state of Iowa.
It is hereby further certified and re-
cited, that this series of bonds and the
bonds hereby refunded have been is-
sued in strict compliance with and in
conformity to the laws and constitution
of the state of Iowa and that all
acts, conditions and things required to
be done precedent to and in the issu-
ance of the bonds have been legally and
properly had, done, happened and been
performed in regular and due form as
required by lav, and that clue and legal
provision will be made for the assess-
ment, levy and collection from year to
year of an annual tax on all of the
taxable property of said city of a suf-
ficient sum to pay the interest on the
said series of bonds as the same be-
comes due and when necessary to pro-
vide for the payment of the principal
thereof at maturity.
In testimony whereof the said city of
Dubuque by its council has caused
this bond to be signed by the mayor of
said city and attested by the recorder
of said city who is in fact city clerk,
and the corporate seal of the said city
to be attached hereto, and the interest
coupons hereto annexed to be signed
by the said mayor and attested by said
recorder and the corporate seal of said
city to be attached thereto, all as of
date of the 1st day o fApril, A. D., 1899.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder of the city of Dubuque.
(Form of Coupon.) $20.00.
The Treasurer of the City of Dubu-
que, Iowa, will pay to the bearer, Twen
ty Dollars, on the First day of
at the National Bank of the Republic
in the city of New, York and the State
of New York, in lawful money of the
United States, for the semi-annual in-
terest on the said city's refunding bond
dated April, the First, 1899, No.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
And said bonds, and each of them,
shall bear, and have printed on the
back thereof, a true and complete copy.
of this resolution, which resolution
shall constitute a contract between said
city and the holders of said bonds.
When said bonds shall have been exe-
cuted as aforesaid they shall be de-
livered to the treasurer of said city,
who shall register them as provided by
Section 909 of the Code of Iowa, and he
shall certify on the back of each bond
as follows:
"This bond duly and properly regis-
tered in my office this day of
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque."
Section 3. The said bonds shall be
exchanged or substituted for the said
outstanding six per cent. bonds which
become due on April First, 1899, but in
no case at less than the par value
thereof, nor shall the said bonds au-
thorized by this resolution be used for
any other purpose than for refunding
the said described outstanding six per
cent. bonds.
Section 4. The city council of the
city of Dubuque shall each year at the
time of levying the city taxes caused
to be assessed and levied upon all the
property within the said city of Du-
buque subject to taxation, a sufficient
tax to meet the payment of the interest
on the bonds hereby authorized to be
issued as said interest from time to
time shall become due. Should the
city council fail to make or provide
for the levy of a sufficient tax to pay
such interest coupons or any or either
of them, or the payment of the princi-
pal when it becomes due and the same
shall have been presented to the city
treasurer and payment of any such
bond or coupon be refused, the owner
thereof may file a transcript of such
bonds and coupons or any of them
with the auditor of the state of Iowa,
and the state board of review of said
state may at its regular annual session
levy or cause to be levied a tax suffic-
ient to pay such bonds and coupons
or either or any of them as authorized
by and in accordance with Section 1381
of the Code of Iowa, in such cases
made and provided.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales. Total, 7.
Approved Dec. 22nd, 1EC. H: BERG,
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
List pf Warrants.
Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
On motion of Ald. Frith the councjl
Approved. ' yf. `/ ` 189.
1.i r of maxi
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 1st, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of November, 1898:
Name. For what purpose. Amt.
C H Berg, salary for mayor $116 70
H B Gniffke, salary for treasurer 133 30
H B Gniffke, salary for clerk of
treasurer's office 75 00
L M Langstaff, salary for re-
corder .. 116 70
F B Hoffman, salary for auditor100 00
E 0 Duncan, salary for assessor125 00
T H Duffy, salary as attorney 150 00
Edw Morgan, salary for marshal 83 30
Jo Reinfried, salary fire chief .. 100 00
Wm Fitzpatrick, salary commit-
tee clerk in recorder's office 75 00
Wm A Kaep, salary as clerk in
recorder's office 50 00
Edw Herron, salary as clerk in
treasurer's office 50 00
E C Blake, salary as engineer 125 00
E S Hyde, salary as assistant
engineer.. 91 70
P Cassidy, salary as chainman40 00
Jas Boyce, salary as street com-
missioner 91 70
Wm Hippman, salary as electric-
Otto Rath, salary as market
master .. 50 00
P Ryan, park custodian 40 00
Gus Wiedner, park custodian 40 00
R F Curran, wharf master 20 00
E A Guilbert, health officer. .. 50 00
N Offerman, pound master 45 00
Mrs H Koenig, janitress 20 00
Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman . 50 00
L Ziedman, sidewalk inspector.. 50 00
M Eitel, fireman
Jno Essman, fireman
A Duccini, fireman
Jno Flynn, fireman
J Wiltse, fireman
Geo Beyer, fireman
Al Heer, fireman
Jos Tschudi, fireman
Jas Daley, fireman
83 30
60 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
Job Barnes, fireman 75 00
Thos Ryder, fireman 60 00'
J Schonberger, fireman 60 00
W Ducey, fireman 60 00
M Fahey, fireman .. 50 00
T Meehan, fireman . 150 00
J Rooney, fireman 45 00
D Ahearn, fireman 60 00
Thos Walker, fireman 60 00
Geo Helmrich, fireman 50 00
Jas McFarland, fireman 50 00
Jerry Murphy, fireman 57 00
Andy McDonald, fireman 75 00
T Kennedy, fireman ... 50 00
J Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00
F Murphy, fireman 50 00
F Ganahl, fireman 60 00
Thos Flynn, fireman . 60 00
F Kenneally, fireman .. . 50 00
F Kenneally, fireman ... 50 00
Cleo Gehrke, fireman .. . 50 00
C Kannolt, fireman 60 00
Jas Allen, fireman 60 00
Wm McBride, fireman 50 00
Robt Weston, fireman 50 00
Jno Bauman, fireman 11 60
Wm Keas, substitute fireman 5 00
Wm Quinn, substitute fireman 32 40
F Hartman, substitute fireman 3 75
Geo Burkel, police ........ 50 00
Nick Brand, police .. 50 00
Jas Carter, police 50 00
Jas Clune, police .. 50 00
Jno Cody, police 50 00
M Craugh, police 50 00
Phli Dumphy, police 50 00
F Devaney, police 50 00
Jno Fitzpatrick, police 50 00
Jas Flynn, police 50 00
Pat Hanlon, police 50 00
Wm Hennessey, police 50 00
Emil Kahn, police 50 00
M Kilty, police ... 50 00
Jno Loetscher, police 50 00
Jas Lonergan, police 50 00
Pat McCollins, police 50 00
Pat McInerney, police 50 00
Edw Moore, police 60 00
Pat Mulligan, police 50 00
Jno Murphy, police 50 00
J J Murphy, police 75 00
Dan Norton, police 50 00
M O'Connor, police 50 00
Aug Pfeffer, police 50 00
Pat Powers, police 50 00
Jas Rooney, police .. 51 65
Thos Reilly, police 51 65
Jno Raesli, police 50 00
Peter Scharff, police 51 65
Al T Scherr, police 50 00
Pat Sutton, police 50 00
Thos Sweeney, police 51 65
Pat Sullivan, police 50 00
Jno J Sullivan, police.... 50 00
Jno Tierney, police 50 00
Jos Tyler, police .. 50 00
Mrs Kate Hibbe, police matron30 00
Bridget Brennan, police matron30 00
Jno Alexander, labor 1 25
Ernst Am Ende, labor 5 25
Joe Blocklinger, labor 6 25
Paul Becker, labor 65
Jno Brachtobrach, labor 6 90
Joe Brown, labor 16 25
List of Warrants.
Jno Corbett, labor 5 00
Matt Crahan, labor 3 75
Lary Corcoran, labor 5 00
Wm Carberry, labor 4 40
Joe Connelly, labor 16 25
Jas Crawford, labor 5 65
Owen Donahue, labor 6 55
M Dunnigan, labor 4 40
Jno Driscoll, labor ... 8 00
F Darling, labor 4 40
Pat Dempsey, labor ...... 1 25
Jno Eagan, labor 6 25
Jno Engel, labor 6 25
R T Eddy, labor 20 00
Pat Fenelon, labor 16 25
M Farrell, labor 2 50
M Fetschle, labor 6 25
Wm Flanagan, labor 6 25
Ben Fern, labor 7 00
Jno FIX, labor 5 65
Pat Fenelon, fireman 16 25
Jno Farley, labor 20 00
N Frith, labor 50 00
Jno Gerst, labor 5 00
Geo Gau, labor 5 65
Jno Hafey, labor 4 05
• Houpes, labor 4 40
Jac Henkel, labor 8 15
Jake Hansen, labor 14 00
Jas Hayes, labor 13 75
Jno Hayes, labor 20 00
J R Jellison, labor 9 00
A Johnson, labor 3 75
Aug Jass, labor 5 95
Phil Kenney, labor 6 55
Jno Kelly, labor 6 25
A Knapp, labor 5 65
Jno Kass, labor 95
H Krems, labor .. 5 95
Joe Kiebel, labor 5 00
Jno Kinsella, labor ... 20 00
Matt Klein, labor 12 50
Pat Lovett, labor 4 40
Jno Lavin, Sr, labor 6 25
M Lonergan, labor 16 25
A Leik, labor .. 9 00
M Mahoney, labor 6 25
Geo Moore, labor 7 50
M Murphy, labor 4 40
Ed Malloy, labor 6 25
Joe Martineck, labor 6 25
D A Miner, labor 3 45
T Mulqueeney, labor 1 25
Jas McCormack, labor 3 15
Larry McEvoy, labor 3 15
Jno McGee, labor 3 45
Thos I McDonald, labor 6 90
A McGuan, labor 11 25
Jas McDonald, labor 7 50
P McPoland, labor .... 6 25
M McNamara, labor ... 2 50
F McBride, labor 7 50
R McGivern, labor 40 00
Phil Newman. labor 16 25
Pat O'Brien, labor 8 55
Jno O'Dea, labor 30
Wm O'Brien, labor 20 00
Jas Powers, labor ........ 3 75
Jas Purcell, labor 1 25
Jac Peryon, labor .. 3 45
C H Pierce, labor 16 25
Wm Quinlan. labor 6 90
Joe Rooney, labor 5 00
Jake Raesner, labor 5 95
Geo Renk, labor .5 95
Jno Raetz, labor 20 00
Mike Shea, labor 6 25
Jno Spear, labor 9 00
Geo Sutter, labor 6 25
Sam Smith, labor 5 65
Jas Smith, labor 4 40
Peter Stoffer, labor 3 75
B Schnee, labor 10 95
A R Stevenson, labor 75 00
Jas Talty, labor 5 00
Landon Taylor, labor 3 75
R Turner, labor 4 70
Jno Ward, labor 6 90
Jno Wolf, labor 6 25
Wm Wearmouth, labor 2 50
Geo Wilman, labor 1 25
Wm Weber, labor 2 50
N Wampach, labor 5 65
I Beekman, team 1 90
Ed Burns. team 12 50
Tim Byron, team 10 65
Steve Casey, team 15 65
Jno Calvert, team 16 25
Joe Calvert, team 6 25
B Costello, team 1 25
B Cain, team 17 50
Thos Elliott, team 5 00
Matt Gantenbein, team 13 15
Jno Gearey, team . 7 50
Tom Kane, team 5 00
Matt Kenneally, team 17 50
Wm Leik, team 12 50
Pat Linehan, team 12 50
J A Moore, team 2 50
Frank Mathis, team 8 75
McElrath Teaming Co, team 17 50
Jeff McGrath, team 18 75
Jas McCracken, teams 22 50
Jno McCollins, team 7 50
P S Norton, teams 2 50
Jno Parker, teams 1 25
D Sutherland, teams 1 25
F Sieg, teams 18 75
Geo Scott, teams 8 75
Sam Snodgrass, teams 2 50
M Theis, teams 4 40
Jessie Venn, teams 16 25
Chas Botsford, labor on sewers19 50
Sam Elmer, labor on sewers 19 50
Pat Furey, labor on sewers 18 00
M Flynn, labor on sewers 19 50
Jno McCune, labor on sewers 18 00
Joe Lowery, labor on sewers 19 50
Jas Ryan, labor on sewers 19 50
Chas Hillery, labor 25 00
Jno McCollins, teams 6 25
P S Norton, teams .. 5 00
T F Maguire, assistant attorney 50 00
Ott Rath, board of prisoners for
October 11 40
Sam Starr, use of horse for Octo-
ber .. 10 00
Con Ryan, Sr, constructing sew-
er in Pickett and Alma streets 550 80
Harriet Strelau, type writing,
short hand notes and prepar-
ing transcript in case of F. A
Gniffke vs City 78 20
Walton & Bieg, stationery for
tionery 24 50
city attorney 1 55
Duffy & Maguire, cash advanced
in case of Ryan vs city and case
pending 3 40
Hardie & Scharle, abstract in case
of Altman vs city 147 00
Jos Kling, witness fees In case
List of`' rrantis'.
of Mary Morse vs city 3 85
Chas Oswald, storing, setting, up
city hall and repairing stoves
and repairing stoves for city
hall :68 9,0'
N H Faust, repairing lightning
rods city hall 2 00
Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta-.
tionary 24 60
Wycoff, Seamon & Benedict, rein-
ington type writer 107 50
Jno Drehouse, cleaning chimney
city hall 5 50
Gus Holl, repairing lock and keys, 85
Key City Gas Co, gas for arm-
ory, city hall, $34.50, a'nd Mrs.
Lull's residence, $4.55 39 05
Reinhold Huber, building parti-
tion in city hall 36 40
Jac Schwaegler, repairing First '
ward scales 35 65
Wm' Dodson, rock furnished to.
city ' 33 00
Jno Tibey, rock furnished to city 17 50
Jos Sieg, rock furnished to city. 9'85
F G Sieg, rock furnished to city. 16 50
Jno Becker, rock furnished to city 17 25
Hagerty Bros, pine wood steam
roller• 1 75
Geo Fengler, 16 loads of gravel8,00
Christman & Healey, hardware4 85
A Schaetzle, relaying gutter on
• Delhi street 10 80
Fred Schioz, repairingfloot
Fred Schloz, repairing tools ' 9 80
Jno Butt, repairing tools, $4.35;
• and repairs at 9st street engine
• house, $3.50 7 85
Wm Reed, repairing tools 3 25
B D Lenehan, repairing tools ... 2 30
Linehan & Molo, waste for steam
roller, $2.85; and fire clay for
fire department, 75c . 3 60
Key City Gas Co., gas for street
commissioner, $5.20, and engi-
neer's office, $5.20 10 40
Peter Eisbach, retaining wall on.
De Soto Terrace 700 00
Phil Pier, coal for fire depart-
ment, $58.50, and for First ward
scales,. $2.80 61 30
Jas Nix, new partition 9th street
engine house 10 65
Lembke Bros, repairing harness
fire department 2 35
Ott, Meuser & Co, shavings for
fire department 4 00
Jno Moloney, oil for fire depart-
ment 2 70
Morrison Bros, rubber gasket for
flre department 1 00
Carr, Ryder & Adams, 1 load of
edging, $2.50, and 1 load of pine
wood, $1.75 3 75
W W Whelan, repairing horse clip
M Byrne, hay for fire depart-
ment .. 133 05
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing ... 4 30
Yerger & Vollenweider, horse
shoeing for fire department ... 9 60
Key City Gas Co, gar for fire
department, $82.55; coal, $25.95,
and gas for patrol house, $38.90 117 40
Dubuque Water Co, 337 hydrants
for October 1404 15
Dubuque Water Co, 10 drinking '
fountains for'season 400 00
W H Torbert; 'drugs for fire de-
partment ' ' ... ' 4 15
Chas Oswald, repairing dark 'lan-
terns 'and 'cups 4 90'
Chas Oswald, 'new cups and
, chains for fountains ' 6 95
Duggan & Kane, supplies for
matron quarters 7 30
Christ Schmitt, "meat for mat-
ron quarters . ' • 5 85
Jos J Rowan,' glove's for police
depratnient 1 00
Kannolt & Powers, horseshoeing
patrol team ' ' 1 20
Iowa Telephone Co, .messages'
for marshal ' '45
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
'city hall 1 10
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing
fountain Julien avenue 3 85
Key City Gas 'Co, cutting pipe
fountain Julien avenue 25
Jno Harney, repairing tools sew-
er department 50
Palmer, Winall & Co, 1 new lot
book" engineer's office 7 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print-
ing, $60.00, and weekly proceed-
ings, $3.00 63 00
Globe Journal, official printing5000
The Herald, official printing ..., 50 00
National Demokrat, official print-
ing ' • 25 00
Star Electric Cp, 322 arc lights
for October 1738 80
Globe Light & Heat Co, 100 lamps
for October 166 67
T E Frith, removingdead ani-
mals and garbage 193 45
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports 5 50
Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta-
tionery health department 5 00
Smith, Morgan Printing Co,
blank stationery health de-
partment 4 00
Smith, Morgan Printing Co,
blank stationery recorder's of-
fice 2 50
Dan Sheehan, 3. days labor on
city dump 3 75
C - Wales, salary for aldermen 100 00
Rudolph Jones, salary for alder-
man 100 00
Jas T Duggan, salary for alder-
man 100 00
P H McLaughlin, salary for al-
derman 100 00
Jno Flynn, salary for alderman100 00
P W Crawford, salary for al-
derman .. 100 00
E E Frith, .salary for alderman. 100 00
H B Gniffke, refunding exchange
permits .. 60 00
H B Gniffke, interest on war-
rants 682 02
H B Gniffke, postage, $3.30, tele-
grams, 56c, and New York ex-
change, $2.35 6 21
H B Gniffke, refunding tax, $16.50,
revenue stamps, 50c , . . 17 00
W A Palmer, loan 200 00
Jno McEvoy, loan 300 00
Frank Baltzer, loan 100 00
List of Warrants. 333
Jos Kriebs, loan .. 300 00
Mrs Rose Tibbals, loan 500 00
German Trust and Savings Bank,
loan .. 2500 00
P W Crawford, loan 400 00
German Trust and Savings Bank,
loan 4000 00
Pat McCarten, loan 1000 00
Chas Kannolt, loan 800 00
Brown & Brown, paving Iowa
street from 17th to 14th street
5 per cent. retained 700 73
Jno Burns, labor 1 90
S Bastian, labor 6 55
Paul Becker, labor 4 40
Joe Brown, labor 15 00
Chas Buse, labor 5 00
Joe Broulette, labor 1 25
M Cain, labor 6 25
M Coyle, labor - 6 25
Con Callahan, labor 6 25
P Carney, labor 4 40
M Carmody, labor 2 50
G Coppen, labor .. 1 90
Rich Caffrey, labor 1 25
Jno Corbett, labor 6 25
Matt Crahan, labor i 4 40
Wm Carberry, labor 1 90
Jas Connelley, labor .. 15 00
A Crawford, carpenter 24 00
Jno Doherty. labor .. 5 00
M Dunnigan, labor 3 75
F Darling. labor 3 75
Pat Dempsey, labor 6 25
Steve Dorsey, assistant carpen-
ter 16 50
Jno Eagan, labor 3 75
R T Eddy, labor 20 00
Pat Furey, Sr, labor 3 75
M Farrell, labor 3 75
M Fagan, labor 3
W Flanagan, labor 8
M Fetschle, labor 8
Ben Fern, labor .. 14
Pat Fenelon, labor 15
Chr Frohs, labor 1
Jno Fix, labor .. 1
Jno Farley, labor 20
Peter Gregory, labor 2
Jno Gerst, labor 4
Joe Geasland, labor 6
Joe Gavin, labor 2
Peter Greden, labor 1
Fred Galon, labor
M Girra, labor
Geo Gau, labor
B Glass, labor
J M Garrison, labor
Joe Guenther, labor
Joe Grab, labor ..
Peter Guenther, labor
Tom Hackery, labor
Steve Henshel, labor
Jno Hafey, labor
Mike Houpes, labor
Chr Heck, labor
Pat Hevican, labor
Jacob Hansen, labor
Jas Hayes, labor
Wm Howard, labor
Aug Hafeman, labor
Jno Hayes, labor
Jas. Hird, labor
A Johnson, labor
6 90
4 40
6 55
2 50
1 90
3 15
2 50
6 25
6 2S
2 50
1 25
4 40
5 30
4 00
15 00
2 50
20 00
12 00
4 40
Phil Kenney, labor 2 50
A Knapp, labor 7 50
Jno Kelly, labOr 5 95
Jno Keast, labor 1 25
Fred Krueger, labor 4 40
Jno Karsch, labor 4 40
Paul Krocheski, labor 3 15
Wm Kronfeld, labor 1 15
Jno Kinsella, labor 20 00
Math Klein, labor 12 50
M Lavin, labor 6 90
M Lonergan, labor 15 00
A Leik, labor 1 00
Chr Lierheimer, labor 4 40
Herm Lembke, labor 4 40
T Maloney, labor 5 00
M Murphy, labor 2 SO
Geo Moore, labor 2 50
T Mulqueeney, labor 6 90
Joe Martineck, labor 1 25
Edw Malloy, labor 6 25
Ernst Mueke, labor 6 25
A Manderscheit, labor 6 25
Larry McEvoy, labor 3 75
Jno McGee, labor 2 50
Mike McKeown, labor 8 75
M McMahon, labor 6 25
Matt McNamara, labor 5 65
F McBride, labor 1 90
P McPoland, labor 6 25
B McCormack, labor 5 65
Phil Newman, labor 15 00
Wm O'Brien, labor 20 00
Jas Purcell, labor 5 00
Jas Powers, labor 2 50
Jno Pfeiffer, labor 13 75
C H Pierce, labor 15 00
Joe Rooney, labor 15 00
Fred Remus, labor 6 25
Geo Renk, labor 1 25
Theo Raterman, labor 6 25
J Reisner, labor 1 25
Jno Raetz, labor 20 00
M Sullivan, labor 7 50
D Sheehan, labor 8 00
Wm Spensley, labor 3 75
J B Stephens, labor • 3 75
J B Stephens, labor 1 25
Frank Scherr, labor 8 75
Jno Schroeder, labor 7 50
Geo Sutter, labor 65
Peter Stoffer, labor 5 00
J B Smith, labor ... 8 45
Sam Smith, labor 1 55
Otto Schlaeger, labor 1 55
B Schnee, labor 1315
Jno Spies, labor 2 00
Jas Talty, labor .. 1 25.
Geo Traub, labor 6 90
Peter Wiest, labor 8 75
Jno Wolf, labor 1 90
Peter Wiest, labor 8 75
Jno Wolf, labor 1 90
Geo Wilman, labor 6 90
Edw Welsh, labor 6 25
W Zachina, labor 7 50
Fred Zuershof, labor 2 50
Geo Zirmhoff, labor 1.200
Ike Beekman, teams 12 50
Ben Cain, team 7 50
Jas Costello, teams 6 90
Joe Calvert, teams 18 75
Jno Deckert, teams 7.50
Tom Elliott, teams 7 50
Edw Frith, teams 5 00
Matt Gantenbein, teams . 11 90
934 Official Notices.
Jno Gearey, teams
Mike Hannon, teams
Thos Kane, teams
H C King, teams
Jno Long, teams
Wm Leik, teams
Pat Linehan, teams
Wr.i Moore, teams
J G Moore, teams
F Mathis, teams
J A Moore, teams ..
McElrath Teaming Co,
Jas McCracken, teams
Jno McCollins, teams
P S Norton; teams
Jno Parker, teams
Mrs E Quinlivan, teams
Geo Reynolds, teams
H Schmitz, teams
D Sutherland, teams ..
Geo' Scott, teams
Saris Snodgrass, teams
Edw Seeley, teams ..
Jas Tobin, teams
Arthur Turner, teams
Jno Williams, teams
Chas Botsford, labor on sewers.. 15 75
Sam Eimer, labor on sewers .... 19 50
Pat Furey, labor on sewers 12 75
Morris Flynn, labor on sewers 16 50
Joe Lowery, labor on sewers 13 50
Jno McCune, labor on sewers 17 25
Jas Ryan, labor on sewers 21 00
Chas Hillery, labor on sewers 25 00
Jno McCollins, teams 5 00
Peter Horch, improving Troy al-
ley from Kniest street to John -
ton avenue 338 78
Steamer Teal, appropriation for
steamer Teal 25 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct list of all warrants
issued by me during the month of No-
vember, 1898.
8 75
12 50
8 75
15 00
2 50
5 00
7 50
5 00
3 75
2 50
12 50
teams 17 50
6 25
8 75
5 00
14 40
5 00
20 00
11 90
10 00
10 00
7 50
15 00
12 50
10 00
18 75
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the city council of the
city of Dubuque, held on the 17th day
of November, 1898, the following special
assessments were levied on the real
estate hereinafter described, and that
in case of failure to pay within the time
prescribed by the ordinance governing
same, all will become delinquent and
subject to collection by distress and
City Treasurer.
Emerette Randall, sub 1 of 55 of
Min lot 39, lot 1 $ 26
Roman Lorenz, E Langworthy's
add, lot 48 25
W G Cox Min lot 90, lot 3 1 10
J N Sammis, Grandview avenue
add, Lots 6 and 7 60
T Dillon, Grandview avenue add,
lot 12
H Herancourt, Grandview Park
add B 3, lot 16
Mrs D Gilliam, Kelly's Sub, lot
M Schunk Est, Davis Farni add,
lot 287
J J Sheridan, Sheridan's add, lots
l to 5 Inc 90
R and E Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 247 25
Con Ryan, sub 2 of 1 Boxleiter's
add, lot 1 45
T W Fitzpatrick, Union add, lot
146 40
J Fitzpatrick, Union Add, sub
76 and 77, lot 2 35
P Hansen, Sub 5 of Sub 11, 12 and
13 of N E 1-4, Sec 13, 89, 2, lots
l and 2 45
John Lyons, city, N 40.2 lots 285., 30
E Hemmi, Sub 3 and 4 Stafford's
add N 50, lot 1 .. 1 35
H H Fleming, Sub 4 sub 673,.
city, lot 1 ,:., 40
German Trust and Savings bank,.
sub 4 sub 673, city lot 2 45
C, M & St P Ry, E Dub add, lot
247 50
F Rafferty Est, sub 578a and 579
city, lot 2 . 75
D B Henderson, 654 city, lot 4.... 50
Jno Olinger, Boulevard add 24 to
46 inc 25
F W and F Coates. min lot 80, lots
2 to 5 inc 25
First Baptist Church, city, no 53.5
lot 466 25
G Ganahl, Davis Farm, lot 285.... 25
Emma Richter, Burden-Lawther
add, lot 140 ... 40
Glab Bros., Finley Waples and
Burton add, lot 135 25
R E Langworth, Glendale add,
lot 247 30
R E Langworthy, Glendale add,
lot 271 46
R and E Langworthy, Glendale
add, lot 221 30
M Burke, Stout's Dub add, lot 3.. 90
A Levi Est, Levi's add, lot 16.... 45
Emeretta Randall, sub 1 of 55
min lot 39, lot 2 60
A A Cooper, Grandview avenue
add, lots 9, 10 and 11 25
Tim Dillon, Stewart sub, lot 1125
Chas and Clara Ruff, Jno King's
1st add, lot 7 50
Jno Nagel, King's Grove, add, lot
8 25
Herman Roesch, et al, Broadway
add, lots 2 to 10 int, 1 50
0 E Guernsey, sub 2 of 8 of min
lot 159 S 1-2, lot 1 3 75
Fisher and Co., Davis Farm add,
lot 363
Edw Langworthy, Est, East Du-
buque add, lot 177 1 05
Ind School district of Dubuque,
min lot 45, lot 2 30
J Fitzpatrick Est, sub 76 and 77,
Union add, lot 95
F McGuinis Est, min lot 47, lot 130
R Bonson Eat, sub 731, city, lot 165
W & J McClain, min lot 67 40
J Rowan, Union add, lot 27 76
J Burton Est, sub 3 min lot 150,
lot 2
T Dillon, Grandview avenue add,
lot 12 25
Jno Gillispie, Smith sub, lot 1._ .. 25
Nic Glab, Schaffner's sub, lot 3.... 1 30
Official Notices.
G W Ry, sub 1 of min lot 363,
lot 26 7i
E & R Langworthy, Glendale
add, lots 270 and 271 60
G Ganahl Est, Davis Farm add,
lot 285 40
H Elwanger, Davis Farm add,
lot 286 90
A A Cooper et al, city, lot 74595
Farley-Loetscher Mfg Co, city,
lot 414 30
E Langworthy Est, East Dubu-
que add, lot 177......
F Poole, Glendale add, lot 78
R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 34
P Hansen, sub 1 of sub 11, 12, 13
Chas 'Bocks, sub 3 and 4, Staf-
N E 1-4 sec 13-89-2E, lot 1 65'
E Langworthy's Est, W 65 ft East
145. 65
A Levi Est, Levi's add, lot 1655
A Goldthorpe, city N 88.8 lot 2191 30
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the city council of the
eity of Dubuque, held on 17th day of
November, 1898, the following special
assessments were levied on the real es-
tate hereinafter described, and that
in ease of failure to pay the one-seventh
part within the time prescribed by the
ordinance governing same, all will be -
chine delinquent and subject to collec-
tion by distress and .sale.
City Treasurer.
Simon Thoni, Reeche's sub, lot 28$.20 53
John Accola, Reche's sub, lot 2920 53
John Thoni, Reche's sub, lot 3020 53
Chas PItschner, Reche's sub, lot 31 20 53
Chas PItschner, Reche's sub,
lot 31 20 53
Chas Pitschner, Reche's sub, lot
32 ... 20 53
Chas Pitschner, Reche's sub, lot
33 20 53
Chas Pitschner, Reche's sub, lot
34 . 13 54
B W Lacey, Reche's sub, lot 35... 67 82
B W Lacey, Reche's sub, lot 40.. 67 63
Dubuque add, lot 226 65
R M Kunz, et al Mecraney's 1st
add, lot 96 1 20
J J Sheridan, Sheridan's add, lots
1 to 12 inclusive 70
F Morgadant, min lot 468, lot 1... 53
J H Shields, sub W 1-2 B 1 Dubu-
que Harbor Co add, lot 8 3 35
J Van Dillon, sub 103, J H Lang -
worthy's add, lot 1 40
A M Bush, sub W 1-2 B 1 Dubu-
que Harbor Co add, lot 9 65
Geo Salot, Tivoli add, lot 21 35
Dubuque Malting Co, sub 703 city,
lot 12 1 20
T W Fitzpatrick, Union add, lot
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 19th, 1898.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment will
be levied to pay for constructing a
8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Pickett and
Alma streets, amount $550.80, against
the property abutting upon and along
said improvement as provided by law,
at a session of the council to be held on
the 1st day of December, 1898.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the city recorder's office of
said city of Dubuque, showing the
street or part thereof on which said im-
provement has been made, and (he
separate lots or parcel of ground or
specified portion thereof, subject to
assessment for such improvement, the
names of the owners thereof, as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground which plat and schedule is sub-
ject to public inspection.
And that any and alt persons object-
ing to said special assessments and said
plat and schedule must file his or their
objections in writing with the city re-
corder of the said city of Dubuque on
or before said session of the city coun-
cil to be held on the 1st day of Decem-
ber, 1898.
As City Recorder of the city of
To whom it may concern. You and
each of you are hereby notified that it
is the intention of the city council of
the city of Dubuque to construct an
eight (8) inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in Rebecca and West Sixteenth streets,
as follows, from a point opposite the
dividing line between lot No. 16 and 17,
Fairview sub. north to west 16th street;
thence east to Alma street to connect
with the present sanitary sewer in Al-
ma street. That a plat of said proposed
sewer is now on file in the city recor-
der's office. That it is estimated by the
city engineer that said sanitary sewer
will be 400 feet in length and will cost
80e per lineal foot including the man-
holes, which are three in number, mak-
ing the total cost of said sanitary
sewer $320.00 Any persons having ob-
jections to the construction of such san-
itary sewer is hereby notified to appear
in person before the city council at its
session to be held December 15th, 1898,
or to file with the city recorder their
objections, in writing on or before the
15th day of December, 1898.
As city recorder of said city of Dubu-
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Thursday, December 1, 1898, for print-
ing and binding briefs and abstracts
for the use of the city attorney.
Bidders must state the price per
page for such work, and the work must
be done under the directions and be ac-
ceptable to the city attorney.
Official Notices.
Sample of work and particulars can
be learned by calling on the city at-
torney at the office of Duffy & Maguire
in the Security building.
The city council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
If the contract is awarded it will be
for all work of that kind, and the dura-
tion of the contract at the pleasure
of the council.
Dated Dubuque, Nov. 22d, 1898.
L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder.
11 -22 -to Dec. 1st.
All persons occupying or owning
property on any street in the city of
Dubuque are hereby notified to re-
move all snow and ice from the side-
walks in front of and adjoining their
property within ten hours after the ac-
cumulation of said snow or ice or the
city will remove the same at the ex-
pense of the abutting property as pro-
vided by section 781 of the code of
11-29-10t. Marshal.
QUE, IOWA, DEC. 1, 1898.
Notice is hereby given to all concern-
ed that a special assessment will be
levied to pay for macadamizing and
curbing Troy alley from Kniest street
to Johnson avenue. Amount to $339.06
against the property abutting upon and
along said improvement as provided by
law, at a session of the council to be
held on the 15th day of December, 1898.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the city recorder's office of
said city of Dubuque, showing the
street or part thereof on which said im-
provement has been made, and the
separate lot or parcel of ground or
specified portion thereof subject to as-
sessment for such improvement the
names of the owners thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground which plat and schedule is sub-
ject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessments and
said plat and schedule must file his or
their objections in writing with the city
recorder of the said city of Dubuque on
or before said session of the city coun-
cil, to be held on the 15th day of De-
cember, 1898.
.Ls City Recorder of the City of Dubu-
que. 12-1-10t.
To liverymen, teamsters and express -
men who have failed to pay their
license for the year 1898:
You are hereby requested to pay to
the city treasurer on or before Decem-
ber 29, 1898. Failure on your part to
comply with the above will compel me
to proceed against you according to
law. Also the owner of every vehicle
licensed as aforesaid under section No.
eleven of the revised city ordinance,
shall cause the number of his license to
be plainly painted or posted on some
conspicuous part of each side of his
vehicle under a penalty of one dollar
for each week he shall use the same
without being so numbered.
EDW. MORGAN, Marshal.
I will sell at public auction to the
best bidder for cash, on Thursday, the
15th day of Dec., 1898, at 2:00 o'clock p.
m., at the public pound of the city of
Dubuque, on Elm streets, between 14th
and 15th streets, the following impound
cd animals. to -wit:
One bay horse, 8 years old, 14 hands
high, weight about 1,100 lbs.
EDW. MORGAN, City Marshal.
Dubuque, Dec. 15th, 1898.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 6, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the mayor's office, in the city of Dubu-
que, up to 7 o'clock p. m. of the 19th
day of December, 1898, for the sale of
Dubuque city refunding bonds, as fol-
lows: $3,321 dated Jan. 1, 1874, $34,132
dated May 16, 1874, and running for the
period of twenty-five years. All of said
bonds will bear interest at 4 per cent.
per annum, payable semi-annually. All
bidders for said bonds will be required
to deposit a certified check for $1,000
in some bank in the city of Dubuque
payable to said city of Dubuque in the
event of the failure of the party to
whom the bonds are sold to execute a
contract with said city for the purchase
or exchange of said bonds within ten
days from the time of the acceptance of
said bid by the city of Dubuque.
Blanks for bidders will be furnished
on application to the city recorder's of-
fice of said city. The city of Dubuque
reserves the right to reject any or all
By order of the Finance Committee.
12 -8 -to -19.
Recorder's Office,
November 28, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Monday,
Dec. 5, 1898, for wood for use at city
Bidders must state the price per cord
for hard maple wood and second growth
oak wood. Wood must be well seasoned
and first-cless in all particulars.
Wood must be piled up at city hall
and measured by the city wood measur-
er, and delivered at such times and in
such quantities as the city may direct.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
11-28 to Dec. 5. City Recorder.
End of Book No. 28
December 22, 1898
City of Dubuque
Council Record
Book No. 29
January 5, 1899
December 21, 1899
Official Proceedings
of the
City Council
of the City of Dubuque
for the year 1899
CI I 0111C1 1? 1-01? Yr7-\I? 1 ? 99.
Recorder—L. M. LANGSTAFF.
Assessor—E. O. DUNCAN.
Auditor—F. B. HOFFMAN.
Attorney—THOS. H. DUFFY.
Engineer—E. C. BLAKE.
C. E. WALES, First Ward. RUDOLPH JONES, Fifth Ward.
JAMES T. DUGGAN, First Ward. JOHN FLYNN, Third Ward.
P. H. McLAUGHLIN, Second Ward. , P. W. CRAWFORD, Fourth Ward.
E. E. FRITH, Fifth Ward.
Mayor Pro Tem—P. W. CRAWFORD, Fourth Ward.
Fire Chief—JOS. REINFRIED. Market Master—OTTO RATH.
Street Commissioner --JAS. H. BOYCE. Sidewalk Inspector—L. ZEIDMAN.
Health Officer—DR. E. A. GUILBERT. Wood Measurer and Harbor Master—R. F. CURRAN.
Committee Clerk—W. F. FITZPATRICK
Electrician—WM. P. HIPMAN.
INDEX-Book 29.
Jan. 5. Ahearn Mrs. Michael, Taxes (special assmt for repair
ing sidewalks) 2-45
PI 5. Assessor Assistants, Compensation of 5-6-30
5. Alley bet lot No. 41 in Prospect Hill add, and out lot
No. 692 Remonst of M. Tiernan et al remonstrating
against vacation of 6
• 5. Assessor Assistants appointed, (Gott. Gmehle and Joe.
J. Murphy) 9
" 19. Albrecht Jno., pet asking city to purchase his macadam 10
" 19. Ancient Order of Hibernians, pet of in rel to use of
Armory March 17, 1899.... 12
" 19. Armory Hall, rent of, due from Governor's Grey's, be
remitted as long as they remain in Gov't service.... 12
Feb. 2. Adams Co, Taxes............ ... 28-34
2. Alley north of Julien ave and west of Bluff st, bet 8th
and 9th sts, (Robinson's Alley) pet of James Sullivan •
et al in rel to opening of.. .... 28-34
44 2. Assessor E. O. Duncan, salary of, communication of F.
B. Hoffman and city attorney in rel to 28-33
61 2. Atkins, John, Taxes 32
44 2. Anderson, Chas, Taxes 32
" 28. Aldermen, salary of, last 1-3 allowed $100.00 each........ 42
March 9. Apropriations of various departments fixed for the
fiscal year 46-7
" 30. Angella st, from W. Locust to Pierce st, pet of Jno. W.
Norton et al in rel to imp of 55-102
" 30. American Dist. Telegraph Co, pet and ordinance of ask-
ing for franchise to erect and maintain its poles and
lines in streets, alleys, etc, of the city of Dubuque.. 56-91-98
April 13. Alleys, matter of cleaning of 78
Apr. 20. Alley bet Wood st and Adair Ave. pet of Peter Zillig et al
in rel to Imp. of 78-92
" 20. Adams Michael, Taxes 79-90
May 4. Adams st. pet of Mrs. Mary Rost et al in rel. to Imp of. 88-102-123
" 18. Angela st. from West Locust to Cox sts. and Cox st.
from Angella st to Union Ave. pet of F. L. Egelhof
et al in rel to Imp. of 95
" 18. Alley bet Middle and Fengler Aves. and High Bluff st.
pet of Chas. Schmitt et al in rel to better drainage
of . 95-118
" 18. Allen F., Resolution ordering to connect with sewer... 100
" 18. Alley bet Kniest st., Johnson, Rhomberg and Gar-
field Aves., matter of being declared a public high-
way n 103
June 1. Angella st. from Pierce st. to Cox st. and Cox st. from
Angella st to Union Ave.Engineer instructed to pre-
pare plans and spec. for Imp. of 140, 142,147 and 253.. 120-122 •
" 15. Alley bet Maple and Cedar and 13th and 14th sts. East
side of, property owners ordered to drain their lots
abutting said alley 124
" 15. Albee E. W., wall of building of on second st, bet •
Main and Locust sts. condition of 124 •
July 6. Adams Ave. in Ham's add. pet of Phil Kress et al in
relto grade on........... ......................... 136
44 6. Angella st. from West Locust, to Pierce sts. published
notice for Imp. of (Remora of Mrs. J. Grill) 139
" 20. Ahearn Mrs. Michael, Taxes 143
Aug. 17. Althauser Ave. from Edison st. to Stafford eve. pet of
J. Althauser et al in rel to widening of 164-209
" 17. Ardmore Terrace retaining wall on matter of continua-
tion of 168-182
INDEX—Book 29.
Sept. 7. Assessment roll for 1899 completed 182
" 7. Angella and Cox sts., Angella from West Locust to
Cox sts. and Cox st. from Angella st. to Union Ave.
published notice for Imp of (Remons. of Susan 182-207-230
I " 7. Ahearn Maurice T., Taxes and spec. assessment _2I .. 189-220
Nov. 2. Alley bet Union st. and Mountain Lane in Union add.
pet of M. F. Carey et al in rel to vacation of 220
" 2. Aldermen allowed each $100.00 on account of salary 227
" 16. Alley first East of Cornell st. Engineer to notify
O'Farrell & Norton to remove dirt from 236.
INDEX-Book 29.
Jan. 3. Bilis allowed . 1-2
" 5. Bills referred 2
5. Burch Geo. B., Taxes (Hotel Julien) 2-35
• " 5. Bradley C. E. Taxes 2-52
5. Brown & Brown Judgment against City $713.07 (Imp.
Iowa st.) 4-11
IS5. Bills allowed.... ............ ..... 5
5. Butchers License, matter of .........
5. Bush Mrs. Anna et al pet of in rel to waterway bet
Julien Ave. and West 14t st..
19. Bills an
" 19. Bonds Funding and Refunding Special Com report of in
rel to and proposition Dennison & Prior, 16, 17, 18, 19
and 20 13-14-15
" 19. Bank assessments, matter of ... 20-101
Feb. 2. Bills allowed 27-28
" 2. Bills referred 28
" 2. Bank and Insurance Building, Taxes 28-34
Id 2. Burke Mrs. John, Bill of.... 31
2. Buehler Mrs. Eliz., Taxes.. 31
" 2. Barnes Asenith, Taxes...... ....... 32
2. Bommers Jno., Taxes 32
" 16. Bills allowed....... 33
" 16. Brunskill James, Taxes 35
" 28. Bills allowed 41
March 2. Bee Branch, plans for taking care of water from (also
special Com. report) .. 45
" 16. Blitsch Mrs. Cath., Taxes 49-98
16. Buetell John, Bill against for rebate on Fire Insurance. 51
" 16. Bischoff Peter, Taxes.......; 53
" 16. Blondin Mrs. Mary C., Taxes 53
30. Bonds Improvement called in.... .56
April 3. Bills allowed 69-70
3. Bills referred..... 70
" 10. Boise Horace, Ex-Governor appt. appraiser for the city
to value the property of the Dubuque Water Com-
pany ... 75
" 10. Bluff st. Ext. pet of J. C. Goodhouse et al in rel. to
widening of.. 75
" 13. Baldwin Jno. N., Connell Bluffs, appt. appraiser for
the Dubuque Water Company to value the property
of the Dubuque Water Company .... 76
" 20. •Buetell Bros. pet. of in rel. to using space underneath
sidewalk abutting their property 78-91
" 20. Burns Frank, claim of for cleaning vault at Pacific
House. 81 '
May 4. Bills allowed 87-88 .
4. Bissell, H B Com. of in rel to special assessment ...... 88-97
4. Beach & Schmitt, Bill agaitst 91 i
18. Busch Ernest Est. Resolution ordering to connect
with sewer 101
June 1. Bills allowed 113-114 '
1. Bills referred .... 114 I
" 1. Botsford Chas., matter of discharge of 120 .
" 1. Bonds Improvement, Finance Committe instructed to
find out whether same can be sold at par117-122
July 6. IBills allowed 135-136 a
4. Bush, Mrs Anna, plat of Mt. Pleasant•add. asking that
same be approved. 137.148
6. Bee Branch Water-way Jas Boyce instructed to pre-
pare plans and specifications for 141
INDEX Book 29.
July 20. Boland Mrs Cath., Taxes 223-147
" 20. Boothby J. M. Dr., Bill of for services rendered to
fireman Ganahl. 159
Aug. 3. Bills allowed 159-160
- 3. Bills referred 160
" 17. Burke Mrs. Bridget, Taxes 224-164
" 17. Byrnes John, Taxes 166 •
" 17. Barry Mrs. Anna, Taxes 166
" 17. Bills allowed (Water Works case) 166
" 17. Business Men's Ass'n, Moline, Ill., invitation of to
Street Carnival 167
" 17. Bee Branch sewer from 16th to 17th sts. bids advertised
for construction of 168
" 17. Bee Branch sewer Committee's report in rel. to
right of way 168
" 17. Bee Branch sewer Opening of bids for postponed 168
" 17. Bee Branch sewer O. G. Kringle allowed to withdraw
his bid for construction of 170
j IS 17. Bee Branch sewer and Elm st. Ext. plat and deeds of
right of way for and approvement of 170-171
" 17. Bee Branch sewer from 16th to 17th sts. specifications
for ordered read 171
" 17. Bee Branch sewer from 16th to 17th sts. bids ordered
opened (O'Farrell & Norton awarded contract) 171
" 17. Bee Branch sewer from 16th to 17th sts. constactors
to furnish bond of $7,500.00 171
" 17. Bee Branch sewer from 16th to 17th sts. E. H. Hyde
appt'd Supt. for doing said work 171
17. Bee Branch sewer and Waterway. bet. C. M. & St. P
I R. R. tracks and Eagle Point ave, specifications for
I approved and City Recorder instructed to advertise
for bids 171
I I 17. Bee Branch sewer and Waterway bet. 17th st. and C
M. & St. P. R. R. tracks specifications for ap-
proved and City Recorder instructed to advertise
for bids 171-210-225
Sept. 7. Bills allowed 179-180
7. Bills referred 180
7. Bluff st, west side of sidewalk ordered on 186
7. Bonds Improvement, ordered issued (Alpine sewer) 192
7. Bonds Improvement, called in ($45,000) 195
Oct. 12. Bilis allowed 203-4
O 12. Bills referred. . • 204
12. Beckett Mrs. H. Taxes 205-223
" 12. Bonds improvement, Lincoln ave, ordered issued ($575.00)
and Broadway ext. ($1150.00) 210-230
Nov. 2. Bills allowed 219
IS 2. Baumgartner G. J., Bill of. .. 220-235
li 2. Blake Mary C., Taxes (spec. ass'mt) 220-258
2. Barry Ave. pet. of Jacob Gantenbein in rel. to repair
of 220
16. Bonds Improvement, Resolution ordering Mayor to is-
sue 236
" 16. Bluff st. Ext. profile and plat of proposed Improvement
of (street Comt. inst. to expend $1000.00) 236
Dec. 7. Bills allowed... 250-1-2
" 7. Bills referred 252
" 7. Beyer 'Mrs. Chas., Taxes.... 253-266
" 7. Board of Education by D. D. Meyers, Pres., Taxes..... 253
7. Bee Branch sewer Bridges on 16th and 17th sts., bids
II presented for construction of 255-262
7. Bonds Improvement, called in ... 255
INDEX--Book 29.
Dec. 7. Bee Branch sewer and Water-way bet. C. M. & St. P.
R. R. tracks and Garfield Ave., plans and specifica-
tions for construction of adopted and approved and
Recorder inst. to advertise for bids 260
7. Bee Branch sewer and Water-way bet. C. M. & St. P
tracks and Garfield Ave. bids opened and con-
tract let 262
7. Bee Branch sewer Asst. Engineer Hyde inst. to notify
contractors O'Farrell &Norton to remove all dirt
and open up waterway in 260
21. Bonds Refunding, ordered Issued ($13,500.00) (Clinton
N. Field & Co.) 264-5-6
INDEX-Book 29.
1 Feb. 2. Collins Miss Kate, Taxes •
C 28-224
" 2. Casey Thomas, Claim of, ($2,500.00 for personal dam-
age) .... 28-49
I " 2. Clark Wm J, Taxes 3
2. Callahan Con, Taxes •••• 35
March 16. Cain Stephen, Taxes 53
30. Chestnut st, West of Walnut, pet of G. Dersch et al in
rel to imp of 55
April 13. Chase Chas, of Clinton, Ia., appt. consulting engineer
in water works matter........ .... 76 80
" 20. Car st, pet of Jno. Scholz In rel to sidewalk on 78
" 20. Citizens' State Bank, Taxes 79-93
" 20. Carter Mrs C, Taxes 79-98
May 4. Cooper A A, pet of in rel to cow pasture on West 5th st
hill (Cooper and John sts) .. 58-123
" 4. City Attorney ass't, T. F. Maguire requested to attend
meeting of city attn's at Des Moines, Ia 90
" 4. City Engineer and ass't, matter of (referred to special
committee) 94
" 10. City Engineer & ass'ts instructed to furnish the attor-
neys all possible assistance in water works matter. 94
" 18. City Attorney T H Duffy sworn in 96
" 18. City Hall, matter of painting of, bids adv. for (bids •
opened and contract let.... .... 98-119
" 18. Coates Mary A. et al, resolution ordering to connect
with sewer 99
" 18. Corrance Hugh, resolution ordering to connect with
sewer.. 101
" 18. City scales (West Dubuque)condiuon of 102
June 1. Curran Mrs. E. and N., pet of in rel to retaining wall
abutting their property on Oak st 115-146-167
[ 1. Cornell st, to the North line of Picket st, res ordering
Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for re-
1 taining wall on (bids opened 144) 119-141
1. City Assessor E. O. Duncan, matter of back pay due
him .. 121
15. City Hall, painting of, pet of M. H. McCloskey in rel
to part paym't for 121
May 18. City laborers to be paid $1.35 per day after June 1st,
1599 .... . .... . 103
June 1. City teams to be paid $2.70 per day after Aug. 1st to
Sept. 1st, 1899 119-141-149
July 20. Corbett Mrs. M., claim of 143-162
" 20. Cazatt James, Taxes 143-224
. Aug. 3. Cram Dewitt C et al, pet of protesting against opening
of saloon on cor of 17th and Locust sts 16'
" 17. Couler av from Eagle Point av to city limits, White
and Jackson sts, resolution ordering same sprin-
kled during race week 163
" 17. City Assessor Duncan com.of asking that the water
tax be canceled on lot 2 of min'l lot 311 and lot 2 .
in Jansen's sub 164
" 17. Cooper st running west from the proposed extension of
Needham Place, pet of A.A. Cooper in rel to vaca-
tion of 164
" 17. Chatfield Mrs. O11lie, Taxes 166'
" 17. Cheetham Benjamin Est, Taxes.... .... 167-180
Sept. 7. City scales (First Ward), matter of repairing of 193
Oct. 12. Cox st from Union av south to alley 120 feet north of
Angella st, pet of Wm. L. and Jno. H. Bradley in
rel to imp of 204
INDEX Book 29
Oct. 12. Cleaver & McCartun, 'faxes 205-257
" 12. Catherine and West Locust sts, estima.tes for retain-
ing wall on . .... 207
" 12. City treasurer instructed not to advertise property for
tax sale that has been petitioned for an extension
of time to pay their taxes 208
" 12. City Engineer Blake and Fire comt. instructed to ex-
amine all fire hydrants and report all dead and de-
fective ones to the council .... .. . . 210
Nov. 2. Corbett Mrs. M, Taxes 220
" 16. Committee of the Whole Report, matter of postpone-
ment of .... 236
Dec. 7. Cullen Harold, claim of for personal damages (also at-
torney's lien) 252
di 7. Committee clerk instructed to make monthly state-
ments showing amount of money expended on
streets in each ward 255
7. C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co. ordered to clean out and lower
the pavement of culvert across their tracks crossing
Cooler creek or Bee Branch in their R. R. yards... 260
di 7. C. B. & N. Ry. Co. ordered to finish their filling bet pas-
senger depot and Iowa Iron works 260
" 21. Cartigney Alfred, bill of .... 266
" 21. Central Engine House, matter of repairing of 267
INDEX-Book 29.
Jan. 5. Deery John, Taxes (Spec.assm't rep. sidewalks) 2-44
6. Dillon Timothy, Taxes b3-72 6-33
Feb. 2. Dubuque Turbine and Roller Mill Co, Taxes 28-34
44 2. Deed and abstract of title of lot No. 323, Woodlawn
Park add to city . •••• 30-34
" 16. Dubuque County Supervisors, by P. C. Malloy, Taxes... 32-52
" 16. Dubuque Casket Co, Taxes .... 33-45
March 2. Dubuque Malting Co, Tax 44-53
2. Dubuque Water Co, notice served on in rel to city's in-
tention of purchase of.... .... 45-46
" 9. Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co, pet of asking city
to appropriate $25,000.00 for construction of 47-48
" 16. Dubuque Water Co, communication of in rel to city's
purchase of .... 49-50-58
" 30. Dubuque Water Co, city- atty's report in rel to se-
lecting two (2) special attorneys .... ... 58-59
" 30. Dubuque Water Co, to pay 5c per lineal foot for roll-
ing water main trenches.... .. 60
April 3. Dubuque Water Co, special attorneys, matter of com-
pensation of ,,• 67
44 3. Dubuque Water Co, Alphors Matthews and J. C. Lon-
• gueville app't special attorneys .. 67
44 3. Dubuque Water Co, resolution offering the Dubuque
Water Co $150,000.00 for their property 67-68-69
" 10. Dubuque Water Co, communication of in rel to ap-
pointing appraisers .... , i4
" 10. Dubuque Water Co, Ex-Gov. Horace Boles of Water-
loo, Ia., and ex-Judge J.J. Ney of Iowa City, Ia.,
appointed appraisers for city.... .... i5
" 13. Dubuque Water Co, Jno. Baldwin of Council Bluffs,
Ia., and Benzette Williams of Chicago, I11., ap-
kpointed appraisers for the Dub. Water Co76
( 13. Dubuque Water Co, special committee app'd, Mayor
Berg and the four (4) attorneys, to notify the four
(4) appraisers for the appointment of the fifth (5th)
appraiser • 16
j 13. Dubuque Water Co, Chase, Chas., of Clinton, Ia., se-
lected consulting engineer 16
" 20. Dolan J. W., pet of in rel to mining under city property
tl' cor. Booth and Dodge sts .... 78-90
20. De Lorimier Mary, Taxes...... .... 79-98
" 20. Duffy T. H., appointed city attorney 81
May 4. Donahue Mrs. Margt., Taxes 88-98
4. De Soto Terrace and West llth st, profile of grades of 91-102
" 10. Dubuque Water Co, matter of special attorney's report 94
" 10. Dubuque Water Co, warrant ordered drawn for $200.00
in favor of mayor for incidental expenses 94
" 10. Dennert Mrs. Caroline, claim of for personal damages 97-118
" 18. Dunham L. R., claim of 99
" 18 Downer A. M., ex-alderman, resolution in regard to
death of .
" 29. Dubuque Water Co, special comt. mayor and attorneys,
matter of employing expert testimony in apprats-
ing Dubuque Water Co's property 113-115
June 1. Dubuque Telegraph, pet of asking to purchase 25 cop-
ies of the new city directory 115-137-147
15. Dubuque Water Co, instructed to move hydrant at
intersection of High Bridge av and 6th st 122
i July 6. Dubuque Water Co, rolling trenches bill against 138
i 6. Dubuque Light & Traction Co, special assessment of
and city electrician's salary of city attorney's re-
port in relation to ••,•
INDEX---Book 29.
July 6. Dubuque Water Co, ordered to put all streets, alleys
and avenues in as good condition as found before
being torn up ••• 142
" 20. Dubuque High Bridge Co,(by Jno. Ellwanger, Sec.)
Taxes 143-168-191
" 20. Davis Dr. Floyd, bill of (Attorney Matthews' report
in rel to) 144
Aug. 3. Day C. H., pet of in rel to street fair and carnival.... 162-3
" 17. Dubuque Light & Traction Co, pet of in rel to placing
fenders on their care 164-209
" 17. Doerr Adam Sr., Taxes.. 166
" 17. Davis Mrs. Lucy A., Taxes .. . 166
" 17. Deed Quit Claim of D. Mueggenberg and wife to city
of Dubuque 167
" '17. Disney Miss C, Taxes (special assm't) 167-222
" 17. Dubuque Water works case, city attorney and special
city attorneys directed to take no further action in-
volving additional expense to the city 169-170-184
" 17. Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, invitation of 170
Sept. .. Dubuque Turbine and Roller Mill Co et al, pet of in rel
to better drainage at the intersection of 9th and
Washington sts 180
7. Donnelly Mrs. Sarah et al,pet of in rel to trees over-
hanging on Chestnut st... ...... 180
" 7. Dubuque Water Works, special committee's report
and witnesses ordered paid 182-3-4
11 7. 'Dubuque Water Works, special committee's report
and arbitrators ordered paid .... 183-193
41 7. Dubuque Street Railway Co, matter of taxes and spe-
cial assessments due 184-204
44 7. Dubuque Water Works, special committee's resolution •
extending thanks to Hon. Horace Boies, Hon. J. J.
Ney, and Hon. C. A. Stanton 186-189
7. Dubuque Street Railway Co, by Linehan and Molo, pet
of in rel to right of way of certain streets to ex-
tend their lines on, also asking that that part of Sec
10 of the ordinance passed July 15th, 1897, be re-
scinded (res ord rescinded ....... 189-209-234
11 7. Dubuque Water Co, services of Al Matthews and J C
Longueville, attys, dispensed with 192
7. Dubuque Water Co, Ald Crawford's minority report
in rel to municipal ownership .. 193
Oct. 12. Dubuque Improvement Co,taxes 204-258
" 12. Dubuque Ore and Concentrating Co, taxes 204-224
" 12. Dubuque Water Works, communication of J C Lon-
gueville asking $750.00 in addition to the amount al-
ready paid him for services in water works case..224 204-209-203
" 12. Dubuque Water Works, communication of Alphons
Matthews in rel to compensation for services in •
water works case .... 224 204-209
" 12. Donavan Marion, taxes 205-224
" 12. Dubuque Water Co, bill against for repairing Rhomberg
av 207-8 'r
" 12. Dubuque Street Ry Co, asking for extension of time to
put on fenders on their cars . 209
Nov. 2. Degnan Jno, taxes (special assm't) .... 220
44 • Dubuque Malting Co, claim of 220-257
2. Dawson, Mrs Margt, taxes 220
Id 2. Drees Mrs A, taxes (special assm't) 223-258 4
2. Dempsey Mrs Sophia, taxes...... 223
" 16. Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber Co, taxes 227-255
INDEX—Book 29.
Nov.16. Dubuque Water Co, communications of Nov 15th and
16th, 1899, in rel to purchase of their plant 259 228-237
" 27. Dubuque Water Co, asking for a conference with city
council .. 237
" 27. Dubuque Water Co, mayor and city attorney author-
ized to employ expert engineer to be used in the
pending trial of the forfeiture case 238
Dec. 4. Dubuque Water Co, conference with officers and di-
rectors of, also proposition of 249
" 4. Dubuque Water Co, invitation of to visit Eagle Point
Pumping station .... 250
" 7. Dubuque Water Co, bill against for rolling trenches252
7. Duggan Wm H, claim of for personal damages and
original notice Dist Court .... 252-261
7. Dubuque Water Co, special committee of mayor, alder-
_ men and citizens app't .. • 259
Le •
—. ,:.ic,nm n:z7a :.-, xra! • : .`:c. ., Phi.-, ::;. >'.i.rkv.Ec'f'. -i e ,•« $° ,•.' . T`.; 'r ''f;
INDEX - Book 29.
899. SUBJECT. r-ACE.
Jan. 5. Eighmey C H, Taxes (1st Nat Bank) 2-31-34
Feb. 2. Elmer Phoebe, Taxes. 32
2 Electric Lights resolution ordering Star Electric Co. to
light lamps when notified 32
April 20. Electric Light pet of John Fogarty et al asking that one
be placed at the intersection of Rush and Quinn sts.. 78
May 18. Eighteenth st retaining wall near Engine House No. 1,
condition of 102
Jure 1. Eagle Point landing pet of Capt. Kimbel in rel to condi-
tion of 115
July 6. Eagle Point Ferry, Capt. Kimbal asking Council to ap-
propriate a certain amount of money to run same,... 140-143
Aug. 17. Evans James, Taxes 166
" 17. Electric Light pet of L 0 Gurnee et al asking that a
light be placed at the intersection of 4th and Clay st, 166
Sept. 7. Equalization Board appointed 182
7. Electric Light pet of Peter Delfs et al asking that a
light be placed at the intersection of Sheridan st and
Lawther ave 191-204
Oct. 12. Excelsior Brass Works, Taxes 204-224
" 12. Electric Light pet of S D Ryan asking that a light be
placed on Levee Front, bet Railroad ave and Charter
street 204-224
Nov 2. Electric Light ordered on Levee Front bet Railroad ave
and Charter st 224
2. Electric Light ordered at the intersection of Sheridan
st and Lawther ave 224
41 2. Electric Light ordered at the intersection of Adair ave
and West 14th st 224
Dec. 7. Electric Lights pet of Theo Scharle et a1 asking that
2 lights be placed on Kauffman ave 253
" 21. Electric Light (incandescent) Star Electric Co. ordered
to put in a light in llth st arch under Elevator track
at $9.00 per•year 267
INDEX-Book 29.
PlII: .
March 2. Firemen, Fourth st engine house, charges against two
firemen 46
2. Foye and Seminary sts, pet of Herman Kohler in rel
to retaining wall on 4b
9. First National Bank, taxes .... 4S
" 30. Freeman J N, claim and ori Sinal notice for personal
damages 56-80-11
" 30. Finance Committee, annual report of 56-57
" 30. Fire committee empowered to purchase team for fire
department 58
April 20. Flynn Mrs Mary, taxes 79-98
May 4. Fountain (horse drinking) pet of R C Mathis et al ask-
ing that one be placed at the intersection of Dodge
and Hill sts. 88-102
4. Fifth (5th) avenue from Rhomberg av to Lake Peosta,
resolution in rel to imp of •••• 94-122
June 1. Fifth (5th) avenue and Waterway, pet of L Pell et al
asking that same be put in proper condition....193 115-167
July 20. Fourth st extension, pet of Dubuque Star Brewing Co
in rel to improvement of.... .... 143
20. Fire committee to purchase team for fire dept 147
Aug. 17. Fetschle Matt, pet of asking damages for personal in-
juries received while in the employ of the city 163
" 17. Fifth (5th) avenue in Ham's add, pet of John Jansen
et al asking that same be improved 164
" 17. Fire department, investigation of 166-185
" 17. Fleschsig August, taxes 166
" 17. Fifth (5th) avenue east of Rhomberg av, matter of im-
provement of 168
Sept. 7. Fire and police depts, bids for suplies advertised for
(bids opened and contracts let) 192
7. Fuel. Bids advertised for. Bids opened and contracts
awarded .. 192-209
Oct. 12. Fischer E L, taxes (special assm't) .. 204-258
12. Freihoefer A, taxes............. 205-224
12. Firemen, pet of asking for increase of salary ($1.6.0Cper month) 205-220
12. Fire hose, recorder instructed to advertise for bids
(1,500 feet) (bids opened and contract let ....222-235 209
" 12. Fifth avenue, street commissioner instructed to re-
pair and put in good condition.... 209
Nov. 2. Fifth (5th) avenue, matter of drainage on 227
" 16. Faig J H, taxes (special assm't) 227-255
16. Fischer Mrs Caroline, claim of 227
" 16. Frantz Jennie, claim of for personal damages 227-258
" 16. Frohs Mrs Elizabeth vs City of Dubuque, suit for per-
sonal damages (judgment allowed 230
16. Fengler's Landing at Eagle Point, resolution ordering
a roadway bulli 500 feet north along bank of Missis-
sippi river 236-258
Dec. 7. Fire department, matter of purchasing smoke protec-
Id tors for ..... 255
7. Fifth avenue, under directions of street commissioner
city engineer and street committee to expend $300.00
for improvement on 260
I ,
1 I.
V -_
INDEX—Book 29.
1899. SU BJ ECT. PACE.
Jan. 5. Gmehle Gotf, claim of 5
" 19. Giessler Chas, taxes for H Kolf Est .. . 10-52
" 19. Gasoline lamps. matter of riot being properly lighted.. 30
March 2. Garfield av, pet of Ike Beekman asking permission to
take sand from 43-62
2. Grove st in King's Grove acid, pet of Peter Kiene et al
in rel to improvement (accepted 208) of..73-91-101-
• 117-122-124-140 .... 43-52-59
2. Germania Stock Co, taxes (Turner Hall) 44-93
2. German Trust and Savings Bank, Taxes 44
" 16. Grand Army of the Republic, by Peter Kiene et al,
pet asking council for appropriation for Memorial day
services .... 48-58-73
" 16. Gregory W E, claim of for damages to his property on
Grace st 51
" 16. Grand View Ave Methodist Episcopal church, taxes.... 52
April 20. Grace st to East st, pet of T. M. Cosgrove et al in rel
to improvement of 78-91
" 20. Gehrig Henry, pet of asking that the ordinance in rel to
hotel and restaurants licenses be repealed .......... 78-102
" 20. Grant Birthday ass'n, invitation for Gen'l 17 S Grant's
• birthday celebration accepted .... ....... 78
" 20, Gniffke H B, appointed city treasurer .... 81
" 20. Garbarge and dead animals, bide for removal of (T
E Frith awarded contract) .... .. . .. 81
May 4. Grandgenet Nick, pet of in rel to replacing his fence
abutting his property in Park Hill add ... 88
4. German Bank et al, pet of in rel to assessments of.... 88
" 18. Grand Army of the Republic, invitation accepted for
Memorial day parade .......... 95
July 6. Garland J C, pet of in rel to water running in on his
property 137-167
Aug. 17. Grove st from Broadway extension to south line of
said street, profile of change of grade on. 164-185
Sept. 21. Governors Greys, pet of in rel to new lease of Armory. 189
" 21. Grove st, pet of Jacob Nagel in rel to retaining wall
on south end of... 189-204-208
Oct. 12. Goldthorpe building on 6th bet Main and Locust sts,
condemning of 207
Nov. 2. Globe Light and Heat Co, ordered to repair their street
lamps .. .... 225-230
Dec. 21. Grove st from lot No. 21, Jno King's 2nd add to
Broadway extension, published notice for special
assm't presented, and special assm't levied for im-
provement of ... ..• 263-4
" 21. Garbage, matter of gathering of discontinued (Dec
10th, 1899) 267
" 21. Grand opera house. mayor authorized to have a police-
man stationed at... 267
INDEX Book 29,
Jan. 5. Henge Henry, Claim of 6-28-34
Feb. 2. Hickock Sylvester, Taxes 31
2. Hertzog Mrs. Henrietta, Taxes 31
" 16. Hughes Mrs. Margt., Claim of 33
March 9. Hemmelder Frank, Claim of 48
r i 16. Herancourt John, Bill against for rebate on Fire In-
surance on city property 61
" 16. Hammel Aug., Taxes .... 63
" 16. Hemmelder A. H., Taxes .... 53
" 30. Haugen K. I. et al citizens of Decorah, Iowa, pet. of
asking city to grant the Standard Telephone Co. a
franchise... 56
April 20. Hollnagle Wm. pet. of asking that the curb abutting
his property be reset . 78-91
May 18. Heins Rosa, Taxes 95-123
" 18. Hinds Richard, Resolution ordering to connect with
sewer 99
" 18. Huber Catherine, Resolution ordering to connect with
sewer 100
" 18. Hill st. Railway-switch ordered changed near Diamond
House 102
June 15. Hucksters, private parties having stands in front of
their property, notices served, ordering them to clean
up all refuse and stuff left by said hucksters 123
" 15. Harbor obstruction of Wharfmaster empowered to pre-
vent such obstructions 123
July 20. Hertzog Mrs. Eliz., Taxes... 143-924
" 20. High Bridge Ave. from Bell st. to Levee Front, Engineer
instructed to prepare pia s and specifications for
improvement of 187-192-13-227 148-164-166
Aug. 17. Haney-Campbell Co. pet. o by A. C. Johnson, Sec,
} Taxes 164-185
17. Hartman Geo., Taxes 166
" 17. Hickock Mrs. Amelia, Taxee 166
" 17. Hughes Mrs. Wm. P., Taxes. 167-224
Sept. 7. Home Electric Co. pet. of in rel to furnishing street
lights for the city 180-258
7. Home Electric Co. pet. of in rel to right of way over
certain strets for the extension of their line 180-209
Nov. 2. Henge Mrs. Andrew, Taxes. 220 257
66 16. Horne Electric Co., Ordinance in rel. to extending their
tracks on various sts 234
Dec. 7. Herron Edw. pet. of in rel.to increase of salary 252-266
I `
I' I
INDEX—Book 29.
Jan. 19. Iowa Iron Works pet. of in rel. to using ground on
North side of Ice Harbor (amount of ground to be
used, 300 feet) 10-20
" 19. Insurance (Firer rates fixed on City Buildings 31-33-
43 12-20-21
Feb. 16. Imhof Theresa, Taxes 35
March 16. Interest Fund, Resolution ordering same created....... 51-2
June 1. Iowa Coffin Co. pet. of asking to have sewer extended
along their property 225 115-185-207
July 6. •Ice for City Hall and Council Chamber, matter of
purchasing of. .. 143
Sept. 7. Ice Harbor, matter of unexpended appropriations for... 185-191
Oct. 12. I. O. O. F.Harmony and Julien Lodges, Taxes 205
Nov. 16. Ice Harbor skating rink license matter of (Recorder
instructed to advertise for bids) 236
Dec. 7. Ice Harbor skating rink, bids ordered opened (Bohn &
Keckevoet's bid accepted.... 255
INDEX -- Book 29.
Jan. 5. Jess Robt, notice of injunction restraining the city
from selling his property for improving Main st... 4-54
March 2. Jacobi Mrs C, taxes .... 44-53-58
IlI•'' " 30. Julien House, taxes (fixed $75,000.00 for 1898) .. 58
April 20. Joeffroy Jos, taxes 79-98
IMay 4. Jones st, north side of, resolution ordering A A Cooper
to improve •••• •• V4
" 18. Jaeggi Joseph, resolution ordering to connect with
sewer .... 100-115
" 18. Jackson Park, new sidewa:ks in, recorder instructed to
advertise for bids 103
July 20. Jungk Christ, spec ass'mt !."vied for repairing sidewalk
ordered canceled .... 144
" 20. Jackson st, bet 15th and I i h sts, resolution ordering
same remodeled and iml roved 14s
Aug. 17. Jaeger Adam, pet of in rel 1 , personal injuries re-
ceived while employed by city 164-1S5
" 17. John st, pet of A A Cooper in rel to vacation of 164
" 17. Jackson Park, sidewalks in.matter of repairing of .. 167
Dec. 21. Johnson avenue, near Fifth (5th) avenue, pet of A
Trilk in rel to constructing roadway on 261
f '
'+ I
i i '
i .
INDEX Book 29.
1899. SU BJ ECT. PACE.
Jan. 5. Kohler Herman, taxes (spec ass'mt) 2
Kress Clara E, taxes .... 98 2-52-88
19. Kinsella Jno, communication of in rel to erroneous
assessment for repairing sidewalk abutting E L
Clark Est. .... 10
Feb. 2. Kronfeld Wm, macadam 28-52
2. Knott Mrs Mary E, taxes 32
" 16. Koerner Geo, taxes 32-52
March 16. Kane Michael, macadam 48
" 16. Kraus Jacob, taxes 63
16. Kearney Michael, taxes 53
" 16. Kolf Henry Est, taxes............ 62
" 16. Klein Matt, taxes 52
" 10. Key City Gas Co, to pay five (5) cents per lineal foot
for rolling trenches 60-69
April 3. Knapp A, macadam.. 72
" 20. Krems Mrs Wilhelmina, taxes .... 79-98
May 18. Koenig Mrs Helen, app't janitress at $20.00 per month 98
" 18. Kemler Mary, resolution ordering to conect with sewer. 99
June 15. Kemler A W Est, resolution ordering lot No. 329, East
Dubuque add, filled 123
July 6 Key City Gas Co, bill against for rolling trenches 138
• Oct. 12. Kenenally Thos, taxes (special ass'mt) . 206-223
" 12. Kohler Herman, pet of in rel to special ass'mt.. 205
" 12. Kaufman av, street commissioner instructed to re-
pair and put in good condition .... 209
ee. 7. Key City Gas Co, bill against for rolling trenches 252
7. Kelly Mrs Mary, taxes .... 257
INDEX- Book 29.
Jan. 5. Lot No 323 Woodlawn Park add, notice of purchase at
Tax Sale of 4-43.
14 5. Leathers, W A, claim of 5-11
" 19. Lincoln ave pet of Henry Lutz et al in relation to open-
' of bet Jackson and White sts 101-90 9-30-44
Feb. 16. Lavery Jno I, Taxes 36
March 2. Louisa street from South st to West 14th st, pet of Rev.
P. O'Malley et al in relation to opening of... 44-53-92
" 2. League of Amer:'al Municipalities, Bill of... 44
April 3. Longueville J C appt'd special attorney to assist City
Attorney in Water Works litigation 67
' 20. Lippstock H, Taxes 79-98
" 20. Lembke C C, Taxes 79
" 20. Langstaff L M, appointed City Recorder 81
" 20. Lincoln ave at intersection of Stafford ave, pet of Otto
Meisuer et al in relation to change of grade on..144 7S-92-139
May 4. Lear& Pfiffner, Bill of 92
" 18. League of Iowa Municipalities, communication of ask-
ing City to become a member 95
June 1. Lincoln ave to Emsiey's lane, plat of proposed st from117
15. Lonergan Thos J, Taxes......... 121-223
" 15. Lyon & Barnard, Bill of 123
July 6. Lincoln ave from west line of lot No 35 McCraney,s
Eagle Point to west line of C, M & St P Ry right of
way, pet of Chris Capritz et al in relation to imp of
(bids opened 184-188) (accc'td 223) 162-168-147 137-142
6. Lot No 6 of 7 of min'1 lot No. 79 (D Rhomberg agt),
matter of filling of 140-147
" 20. Levee Front from Wall st to High Bridge ave, pet of
Dubuque Star Brew'g Co in relation to improve-
ment of 236-230-19'2-186-166 1143-148-164
Aug. 3. Longueville J C, warrant ordered drawn for $500.00 for
services as attorney in Water Works litigation • 162
" 17. League of American Municipalities, invitation of to at-
tend convention 167
Sept. 7. Lange Mrs August, pet of asking permission to use Wil-
ber Lane in order to move her building 180
" 7. Lake Peosta matter of city's right in (comt of 3 app't
to investigate) 186
Oct. 12. Langworthy Mrs. Mary A.pet of in rel to personal
damages 204-224-252
Nov. 2. Leicht Albert pet of in rel to special ass'mt 220
" 2. Longueville J. C. warrant ordered drawn for $500.00
balance due for services in Water Works litigation224
2. Lincoln Ave. ditch matter o filling up 227
16. Lembeck Mrs Henry, Taxes.............. 227-257
" 16. Longueville J. C. Taxes 227
16. Linehan& Mola Bill of 235
" 16. Lincoln Ave. culvert under tracks of CM. & St. P. R.
R. Co. instructed to open up and repair same .:'r,
Dec. 7. Leicht John pet of in rel to spec. ass'mt for improving
1 Garfield Ave...... 253-266
" 21. Levee Front from High Bridge Ave. to Wa11 st. pub-
lished notice for special ass`mt presented and spec
ass'mt levied for improvement of 262-3
j " 21. Lindsay Dr. S. S. Bill of for professional services ren-
dered to fireman Wm. Quinn 264
p 1-1
INDEX - Book 29.
Jan. 19. McBride P. et al pet of in rel to purchase of macadam. 10
Feb. 2. McGee John macadam.............. 28-48
March 16. McDonald A. Y. & Morrison Mf'g Co. Taxes 49-58
April 20. McNulty John, macadam 78
" 20. McPoland Roger, Taxes 79-98
July 20. McMahon vs. City of Dubuque judgment for costs of
suits .. 144
Aug. 17. McMahon Thomas, Taxes166
Sept. 7. McEvoy James, Taxes 180-223
Oct. 12. McKinlay-Day matter of additional police service 208
Nov. 16. McBride John. Taxes (special assm't) 227-255
Dec. 21. McEvoy Mrs. Mary, Taxes 261
Jan. 5. Ma..lay John pet of in rel to Fire Insurance on City
property 2
5. Maffloli Jacob, Judgment against City for $428.82 for im-
proving Iowa st 4-11
5. Macadam amount of in different wards 4
Feb. 2. Madl Anna, Taxes .•. 28-52
2. Mullen'John, Macadam 28
2. Mullany John, Taxes 31
2. Moser G. G., Taxes 32
March 16. Mehl Chas., Taxes 53
" 16. Main st. from Charter st. to 17th st. City Attorney's re-
port in rel to re-assessment of 54-76
" 30. Merchant's Lane Ext. pet of E. M. Ernsdorf et al in rel
to gradin of 167 55.75-78
April 3. Matthews Alphons app't special Attorney to assist City
Attorney in Water Works litigation 67
May 4. Mettel Nic. et al pet of in relation to disposing of water
flowing from Linwood Cemetery and all land abut-
ting on the North 88-146
4. Mitzner Chas. pet of asking damages done to his
• property by overflow of water 88
4. Macadam pet in rel to purchase of (list of names and
amounts allowed) 93
44 4. Macadam; parties breaking to apply to Council for per-
mit ... 93
" 18. Mahony Michael, Macadam 95
" 18. Market Master instructed to sell hucksters stands 98
" 18. Market Square Cleaning of,Contract let to Larry Daily
$10.00 per month 98
" 18. Moore J C, Resolution ordering to conect with sewer.. 100
June 15. Muscatine st. head of Park Hill Ave. pet of James
Evans et al in rel to grading and repairing of 121-146
" 15. Meyers Frank, mater of team license of 121
July 6. Merchant's Lane, pet of James Hird and st. Commission-
er Boyce, asking permission to sink mining shaft
in 137
Aug. 3. Matthews Alphons warrant ordered drawn for $500.00 for
services as attorney in Water Works litigation....... 162
" 17. Mahony Sarah, Taxes 167
" 17. Muntz Edw. pet of in rel to team license 167 •
Oct. 12. Maclay John Bill of.................. 204
" 12. Maruni Mrs. Mary, Taxes 205-224
" 12. Mt. Carmel Ave. at intersection of Southern Ave. mat-
ter of filling of 210-222
Nov. 2. Mulgrew & Phillips Bill of 220
2. Marshal Morgan Communication of in rel to purchasing
Caps and Over-coats for police ... .. 220-258
" 2. Meukel J. F., Macadam
' INDEX--Book 29.
Nov. -. Matthews Alphons, Nvarrant ordered drawn for $1000.00,
balance due for services in the Water Works Iitiga-
: tion 224
Dec. 7. Matthews Alphons Bill of for moneys advanced and
paid in Water Works litigation 252-267
II 7. Meyer Mrs. C. H. et al pet of in rel to removing smoke-
stack of the Dubuque Street Ry. Co.'s power house. 253-266
7. Mahony Mrs. Sarah, Taxes (spec. ass'mt) 253
INDEX--Book 29.
Feb. 2. Noyes Chas A, taxes 28-35
April 10. Ney Hon J J of Iowa City appointed appraiser for city
of Dubuque to value the property of the Dubuque
Water Co 75
May 18. National Cash Register Co, taxes.. 95
Aug. 17. Needham Place, pet of A A Cooper asking that same
be extended from 5th st through to Fenelon Place. 164-209
Sept. 7. Needham Place, from 5th st to Fenelon Place, remon-
strance of J H Kleine et al remonstrating against
extension of 180-210
Oct. 12. Noonan Mrs Margt, taxes...... .... 205-223
" 12. Noonan Bros, claim of 208
Nov. 2. Nicks Arnold, pet of asking that the engineer be in-
structed to remeasure the improvement of Block-
linger Lane and Broadway st 220
Dec. 7. Neuman Al et al, pet of asking that dirt In alley north
of west 16th st be removed 253
7. Nuisance (sawdust) committee of three appt'd to inves-
tigate sawdust nuisance from the different sash and
door factories 260
7. Nuisance, Ald at Large Wales, Ald at Large Jones
and Ald McLaughlin (committee) .. 260
INDEX - Book 29.
Jan. 5. Officers, Reports of 2-3-4-5
5. Officers, bonds of approved aIld sworn in (Assessor
Duncan and Depty's Gmehle and Murphy 6'11
" 19. Officers, Reports of 28-35
Feb. 2. Otto Fred, taxes
" 2. Officers, Reports of .... 29-30
" 16. Officers, Reports of 33
" 28. Officers, Reports of .. 4'3-3
March 2. Officers, Reports of 44
" 2. Ordinance, com instructed to draft an ordinance in re-
I ffi46-55-72
lation to officers salary
" 16. Officers, Reports of 50-51
" 16. Ordinance, com instructed to draft an ordinance pro-
- viding for a plumbing inspector .... 54-58
' 16. Officers, Annual reports of(finance com to advertise
for bids for printing of.... 51
April 3. Officers, Reports of. 70-71
3. Officers, Salaries fixed for1899 .
13. Ordinance granting the Standard Telephone Co right
to construct wires, poles,etc, through certain sts
and alleys _6-79
"- 13. Officers appointed. 7-75
" 20. Officers, Reports of. .. 79
" 20. Ordinance establishing the grade of Main street from
17th to Charter sts.......... .... 79-80
" 20. Officers board of health appointed.. 80
May 4. Officers, Reports of 88-59-90
" 4. Officers, bonds approved and sworn in 91
" 18. Officers, Reports of .... 95-96
" 18. O'Harra Mary Frances, claim of 97-119
! 18. Ordinance, city attorney instructed to draft an ordl-
' nance in rel to rolling streets when torn up by Key
li City Gas and Dubuque Water Cos.... 102-113
June 1. Officers, Reports of............ 115-116-117
" 15. Oak st (now Ruth st) pet .-f Peter Kiene in rel to va-
cation of.. 121-167
" 15. Officers, Reports of .. 121-2
July 6. Offerman Nic J, pet of in rel to increase of salary 137-147
6. Officers, Reports of 137-8-9-40
I 6. Ordinance to provide for the use of fenders on street
railway cars .. ... 140
" 20. Ott, Meuser & Co, pet of in rel to a 60 ft street on
levee front143
" 20. Otto Fred, pet of in rel to 8 inches of ground in Troy
alley .. . .. . 143-167
" 20. O'Dea Mrs John F, taxes143-224
" 20. Officers, Reports of 141
f 20. Ordinance to prevent nuisances from the growth and
propagation of noxious weeds .... 145-162
I 20. Olinger John, owner of Boulevard add, resolution or-
i dering al weeds cut in said addition 148
Aug. 3. Officers, Reports of 161-2
17. Ordinance in relation to reduction of licenses for ho-
1 tels and restaurants •• 163-165
" 17. Officers, Reports of •.,, 164
' Sept. 7. Officers, Reports of •,,, 181
7. Ordinance re-establishing the grade on Grove st from
north line of min'l lot 317 to Broadway extension184
" 7. Officers, Reports of ,. 191
Oct. 12. O'Malley Rev P, pet Of asking permission for the use
of 3rd floor of the city hall for fair purposes 205
INDEX—Book 29.
1899• SU BJ ECT. PACE.
Oct. 12. Officers, Reports of 206
Nov. 2. Officers, Reports of... 220
Nov. 2. O'Toole Terrance, taxes .. 225
" 16. Officers, Reports of 229
" 16. Ordinance in rel to accepting the grant of certain
lands and real estate by the State of Iowa to the
city of Dubuque and dedicating the same to public
park purposes 231
" 16. Ordinance authorizing the Dubuque Street Railway Co
to construct, maintain and operate in connection
with its street railway lines additional tracks ,in
various streets and alleys in the city of Dubuque.. 232
" 16. Ordinance authorizing the Home Electric Co to con-
struct, maintain, operate in conenction with its st
railway lines additional tracks in various streets
and alleys in the city of Dubuque 234-255
Dec. 7. O'Farrell & Norton, bill of for lowering West 16th st251
7. Officers, Reports of 253
7. Ordinance in rel to licenses; amending sec 12 of chap-
ter 27 of the Revised Ordinances of 1893 256
7. Ordinance dated Nov 1896, granting Geo B Burch to
maintain and operate a factory on part of lot 2
of min'1 lot 106, city attorney instructed to look up260
" 21. Officers, Reports of... 261
INDEX Book 29.
I .
Jan. 6. Pierce C H, macadam .... -.
" 19. Purchasing committee, Mayor Berg and Cotnmitte•
Clerk Fitzpatrick app't.... .. 1 :'1
Feb. 2. Police substitutes, communication of Marshal Morgan
in rel to appointing of
i 2. Patrol wagon, matter of repairing of 31-
" 2. Perkins Mrs Henrietta, taxes ....
2. Phelps James M, taxes
" 28. Policeman, Michael Craugh, matter of complaint
March 2. Purchasing committee clerk, W Fitzpatrick, salary of
fixed at $20.00 per month.. ....
March 16. Pregler Mrs Maria, taxes.... ..
" 16. Prandy Mrs Catherine, taxes 5:;
" 16. Plumbing inspector, ordinance committee instructed to
draft an ordinance in relation to ;.•1-5.
" 30. Police department, rules and regulations of 56
May 1.8. Policemen, allowed one (1) extra day for memorial day
parade .. . 91
June 15. Park custodians, Thomas Cahill and Peter Kien, peti-
tion in relation to increase salary of 121-141
July 20. Piekenbrock E B, claim of tor damages done by steam
roller 207-222 143-167
Aug. 17. Puls Mrs Mariah, taxes 161i
" 17. Police captain, matter of appointing one more (sal-
ary fixed at$65.00 per month) 16S-185
Sept. 7. Parks, public, matter of(comt of 3 app't to ascertain
cost of Linehan Park add) . (Ss
7. Parks, public, matter of (comt app't to ascertain cost
of old base ball park) 1Ss
7. Park, public, communication of Frank D Stout purpos-
ing to give Nutwood park for public park purpose 1S9
Oct. 12. Planondin Isadore, taxes (special assm't) 205-223
Dec. 7. Policemen, pet of asking for increase of salary 253-266
INDEX—Book 29.
March 2. Quinn st, resolution ordering street commissioner to
put in passable condition ... 46-186
July 6. Quinlivan, Mrs Ellen, taxes.... .. 261 136-147
Nov. 2. Quinn P F Jr, macadam 220
" 16. Quinn Pat Sr, macadam........ .... 227-267
lir .
INDEX--Book 29.
Jan. 5. Ryder Phil F, pet of in relation to money due him for
rock used by city 2-52
Feb. 2. Rupprecht Mrs Saloma, taxes .... 28-52
" 16. Rice Samuel B, taxes............ 35
" 16. Robinson alley, plat of proposed extension of 51
April 3. Recorder's office, clerk, salary of fixed at $60.00 per
month .... ,,
" 20. Ryan Wm, pet of in relation to refunding money for
q team license . ,,, .s
I March 4. Reeder st, from Alpine to south Hill sts, pet of Jno E
I ,
Janson et al in relation to opening of 123 ss-102
I' 18. Ryan Mrs Margt, pet of in relation to water being
turned down the bluff into West 4th st 95
iII •
18. Rider J B and S P, resolution ordering to conect with
sewer .... 99June 1. Rhomberg Mrs N, bill of 1111
" 15. Reilly Thomas, desk sergeant, pet of in relation to in-
crease of salary of 121
July 6. Randall Mrs J S, by F B Harriman, pet of in rel to
taxes (spec assm't) 13ti
6. Rickard Mrs J, taxes........
I; 6. Robison alley, matter of opening (resolution ordering a
Ili jury on ) . 141 139
6. Ribison alley, award of Jury of
IIS Aug. 17. Raterman Theo, taxes 166
, 17. Reilly Jos R, pet of in rel to personal damages 235 167-204
i Sept. 7. Rusch Mrs Margt, claim of for personal damages 189
7. Register clerks appointed
Oct. 12. Rowan James, taxes 194
(spec assm't) 204-257
12. Redmond Bridget, taxes (spec assm't) ..
12. Rhomberg avenue from Kriest st to Schiller av, mat- 204-25s
ter of repairing of charged to Dubuque Water Co207
Nov. 2. Remus Fred, macadam
16. •Retallick Cath, taxes •• '" '227
16. Rooney James C, pet of asking to be reinstated in the 227-27
Hfire department
i i
INDEX Book 29.
Jan. 5. Staples Abbey C., Taxes 2-31
5. Sullivan Mrs. Cath., Taxes.. 4
5. Sidewalks, repairing of special assessment levied for.... 7-8-9
19. 'Schwaegler Henry pet of asking for the opening of two
(2) streets from Lincoln ave. to intersect with Alley
running north of their property 259, 255, 236 9-10-44-117
b. 2. Schilling Aug. A. et al pet of in rel to having dirt re-
moved in Angella st 28
2. Sewer Sanitary bet. Main and Locust sts. from 1st
to 8th sts. (owned and called Tschirgi Sewer) mat-
ter of transfer of • 30
2. Sidewalks repairing and cleaning snow and ice from
special ass'mt levied for.. 30
• 2. Summit st. East side of special ass'mt levied for con-
structing new sidewalk on abutting lots 4 and 5
Mattox Sub...............•••••••• 30-36
2. Starr Sam, Taxes 32
2. Simplot Chas., Taxes 32
" 16. Sullivan Mrs. Cath., Taxes.•••... 32-52
' 16. Staples Dr. Geo. Allen, Taxes 32-53
" 16. Scharle T. P. pet of in rel to paying special ass'mts
for constructing new sidewalks 33-45
16. Smith Sam, Taxes 35
" 16. Schab Mrs. F. S., Taxes • 35
" 16. Sohn Mrs. Mary, Taxes 35
" 16. Sidewalks c'eaning snow and ice from special ass`mt
levied for 36
" 16. Sidewalks repairing of special ass'mt levied for......... 36- -
March 2. Stafford Mrs. Cath., Taxes 98. 79 44-53
2. Schaffhauser Geo. pet of in rel to refunding hotel
license . 44
2. Standard Telephone Co. pet of asking that they be
granted a franchise, 73, 69, 59 44-53
1. 2. Smith Nicholas Claim of fel personal damages 44
2. Sewer Sanitary in Rebecca and West 16th sts. Resolu-
tion in rel to construction of recinded 45
2. Sewer Sanitary in Cornell ^t. and alley north of Anna
Place, resolution ordering construction of, bids open-
ed and contract let ........117-122-124 45-91-96
" 16. Southern Ave. and Valley stpet of James Purcell et al
in rel to condition of sidewalks and crossings on.... 49
" 16. Schwaegler Wm., Taxes 53
" 16. Sullivan John J., Taxes 52
" 16. Sutherland Dillon, Taxes 53
" 16. Sullivan Ellen, Taxes... 53
" 16. South st. south side of bet. Fremont Ave. and Rigi st
Resolution ordering sidewalk on 54-92
" 16. Sidewalks cleaning snow and ice from special ass'mt
levied for ........... 65
" 16. Spielman Louis Claim of for personal damages 49-56
" 30. Shaw Capt., S. and F. L. Johnson, Taxes. (Steamer
Nina Dousman) 56-98
" 30. Schneider H. and Christ Kleih pet of asking city to
purchase part of their property for sidewalk pur-
poses 56-102
" 30. Specht John pet of asking city to appropriate $200.00
to operate steamer Teal. 56-167
" 30. Steam Road Roller, matter of repairing of... 58
April 3. street committee ordered to purchase all gravel for
city s ins= ... 72
i INDEX Book 29.
13. Street sprinkling matter of
" 20. Steamer Pauline By Wm. Kratka pet of asking per-
mission for temporary landing on south side of
Ice Harbor
20. Stafford Ave. at the intersection of Lincoln Ave. pet
of Otto Meisner et al asking for a change of grade
., 20. Sewer Sanitary pet of J. A.Meshinger et al asking
that same be extended from the intersection of West
3rd and Alpine sts., a distance of 300 feet south
(bids opened and contract let, 122, 124) (accepted
185) 78-92-96
" 20. Seward Mrs. Mary F. Taxes. 9-93
" 20. Seeger Mrs. M., Taxes. ''-93
" 20. Schneider H. F. C. Claim o
" 20. Street sprinkling, Byrne Bros. awarded contract s'
May 4. St. Ambrose st. bet. Asbury and Arch sts. pet of Rev
P. O'Malley et al in re) to grade on. 147, 143 85-115-121
" 4. Salter E. C. pet of in rel to refunding dog license 8:,
" 4. Seventh (7th) Ave. matter of repairing stone culvert
in 9.
" 4. Seventh (7th) Ave. Bids opened and contract let 9.-1o2
4. Simplot Alex special ass'mi levied against for clean-
ing vault 1 92
18. Stevenson A. R. Claim of..,. 45
, 18. Scherr Ben, Resolution ordeiing to connect with sewer. 99
" 18. Stewart Sarah, Resolution ordering to connect with
sewer , 10J
" 18. St. Mary's Church, Resolution ordering to connect with
sewer 1 101
" 18. Streets and alleys, matter of throwing rubbish in.
City officers instructed to enforce the Ordinance in
relation to 102
" 18. Street Laborers: Resolution ordering same to be paid
1 $1.35 per day after June lst, 1899 103
.June 1. Sullivan Michael, Macadam 115-141
1. Sewer Laborers: pet of Maurice Flynn et al in rel to
i, increase of salary of 115-141
1. Schrupp John, Bill of 119
" 1. Street Teams working for city to receive $2.70 per day. 119-141-149
11 64
1. Street Commissioner instructed to keep account of all
rolling of trenches and work done by the Water and
Gas Companies 120-188
" 1. Sidewalks, Resolution in rel to construction of 120
" 1. Sidewalks, special ass`mts levied for repairing of 120
" 15. Salaries: increase of. Resolution ordering all com-
munications in rel to, referred to the committee of
the Whole 121
" 15. Sidewalks, repairing of, special ass'mt levied for 124
July 6. St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Taxes 137-224
Hl', 20. Steam Road Roller pet of Russell & Co. by P. McCul-
I'' lough in rel to purchase of 143-149
l,I 20. Sheppley E. H., Bill of ...... 146
;I 20. Streets: Committee on paving instructed to purchase
i two (2) car loads of paving brick to repair paved
streets . 146
20. Street Commissioner and Ald. Flynn of 3rd Ward order-
ed to repair sts. in 3rd Ward 147
" 20. Sewer storm in alley bet. Sycamore and Cedar sts.
City Recorder instructed to advertise for bids148
INDEX-Book 29.
1899. 8U BJ ECT. PACE.
July 20. Seventh (7th) Ave. from Rhomberg Ave. to end of said
st. Engineer instructed to make survey and plat of149
Aug. 17. Sewer Sanitary pet of S. B.Lattner asking that same
be extended 100 ft. East of Rose st 163
" 17. Silzer Mrs. J., Taxes 164-224
" 17. Schromen Jno., ''axes (specs.1 ass'mt) 164
" 17. Sidewalk Commissioner's R port amount collected for
repairing sidewalks 164
" 17. Shaw Stephen, Taxes 166
Aug. 17. Schreiner and Stoltz, pet of in rel to license on billiard
and pool tables167
" 17. Sewer, sanitary, pet of W A Snyder et al asking to
have it extended 80 feet south on Hill st 168
" 17. Sidewalks, repairing of, special assm't levied for 169
" 17. Stempfer Mrs Eliz, taxes 170-224
Sept. 7. Seckner Contracting Co, Chicago, communication of
in relation to constructing new water plant 181-193
7, Seventh (7th) street bridge,resolution instructing the
engineer to examine abuttments of 186
44 7. Sidewalks, repairs of, specia assmt's levied for 187-188
7. Street railway companies, matter of keeping the sts
between their tracks properly filled 188
44 7. Scheidecker M, pet of asking for the use of two (2)
feet of sidewalk to build retaining wall on abutting
his property .... 189
7. Specht John, pet of asking city to appropriate $250.00
to operate steamer Teal .... ... 191
41 7. Street fair and carnival, matter of street building.... 192
7. Sewer, sanitary on Hill st, from present terminus of
sewer to a point 80 feet south .... 194
Oct. 12. Steuck & Linehan, bills of (imp Lincoln av and imp
Grove st) 204-208
" 12. Savory Leo, pet of in rel to personal damages 204-224
" 12. Sheridan Jno J, taxes (special assm't) 205-223
" 12. Schmid Bros Mnfg Co, taxes ........ ... 205
" 12. Sears A W, taxes (special assm't) .. 205-224
" 12. Sewer, sanitary in 16th st, from alley east of Wash-
ington st to alley east of Elm st, published notice
for construction of; also remontsrance of M Flynn
• and Jas O'Holleran.......... .. 231 207-225
" " 12. Sidewalks, repairing of, special assm't levied for 211
" 12. Sixteenth (16th) st bridge, matter of construction of212
Nov. 2. Sewer, storm, east of Pine and 12th sts, pet of Fred
Miller Brewing Co in relation to extension of 235 220-231
2. Sewer, sanitary, in 13th st,from Washington to Cedar
sts, pet of A Y McDonald & Morrison Mnfg Co in
relation to extension of... 220-235
it 2. Sidewalk inspectors' report, in relation to erroneous
assm't levied for repairing sidewalks 222
2. Sidewalks, repairing of, speciail assm't levied for225
If 2. Sewer, sanitary in Alpine st from west 3rd st to lot line
between lots No 20 and 21 in Julia L Langworthy's
add, special assm't levied for 226
" 16. Standard Telephone Co, pet of asking council to di-
rect them to proceed with their construction 227-258
Dec. 7. Steuck & Linehan, bill of 252
7. Schmid Bros Mnfg Co, taxes .. 253
7. Southern avenue from Grandview av to city limits,
street commissioner instructed to build railings on
both sides of 260
INDEX—Book 29.
I i'l„! I899. SUBJECT. PACE.
11 8
i' Second (2nd) st, south side of, bet Main and Locust
1.1 sts, sidewalk ordered on .. 260-267
i ! " 21. Schreiber Conchar Westphal Co, pet of in rel to er-
i, roneous assm't for 1899 .... 261
, 21. Scheppley E H, communication of E 0 Duncan, asses-
1,1;11 sor, in relation to erroneous assessment for 1899..... 261
I" 21. Steam roller, engineer and stoker of, matter of dispens-
ed d,' ing of services of. .... 267.
1 I'
-- __
INDEX—Book 29.
Jan. 5. Tschirgi, sever (private) matter of transferring of.. 6-80.
" 19. Thompson Mrs F, pet in relation to refunding money
pain for auctio.,eer's license 10
Feb. 2. Toussaint Mrs Margt, taxes 28-52
March 16. Town clock, tak.i.g care of,bids advertised for (bids
opened 56) .. 72- 48-51 •
April 20. Town clock, pet of John Deery et al in relation to
illumination of, contract awarded .. 122-119-95 78-88-93
May 18. Thedinga Mary L, resolution ordering to connect with
sewer .. .. 100
Aug. 17. Turner Richard, taxes 166
" 17. Thompson A A, taxes .... 166
" 17. Thiltgen John, claim of for personal damages 170
" 17. Tremplar Maria, taxes 170-224
Sept. 7. Tomlin Morse, claim of for personal damages 180
7. Tschirgi M, claim of for grading Rush st 189
7. Trades and Labor Congress, communication of in rel
to municipal ownership of Dubuque water works
plant .... ........ .... 190
Ig 7. Tax levy for 1899, resolution in relation to fixing of (tax
levy fixed) ... 192-195
Nov. 16. Twenty-sixth (26th) st extension, matter of repair-
ing of 227
INDEX--Rook 29.
Oct. 12. Union st, bet Rush st and Cleveland av, pet of E. R.
Butler et al in relation to filling of 205-235
y .Iff^ 1
INDEX- Book 29.
March 16. Voss Mrs Amalie, taxes ..,, 53
April 20. Vault cleaning, contract awarded to Frank Burns81
May 4. Vault cleaning at Pacific House, Alex Simplot owner,
special assm't levied for... ..,. 93
" 18. Voss Conrad Estate, resolution ordering to connect with
sewer 99
Sept. 7. Veterinary services, recorder instructed to advertise
for bids 193
" 7. Veterinary services, readvertise for bids 208
Nov. 2. Veterinary services, bids ordered opened (F A Dolton
awarded contract) 222
" 16. Voggenthaler & Ragatz, proposition of in rel to build-
ing new iron bridges across Bee branch sewer at
16th st 227
'• to s„ §u+ * G t
INDEX Book 29.
'" 1899.
' Jan. Washington st, extension of through Lot No. 10, Glen-
dale add, jury's report of.... .... 0_31
I Feb. _. \v inter Mrs Kate, taxes 31
" 2. Water fountain, resolution ordering same erected at
corner of 23rd and Couler avenue (Ald. Frith added
1 to committee) 82
1,1' 16. Wunderlich John, taxes.. •
March 2. West 17th st, pet of A Wombacher in relation to
building retaining wall on 43-52
" 2. Warrants, city, ordered canceled 44-51
16. Weitz John, taxes 53
I fl ( " 16. Wilber Chas A, taxes 53
II 16. Whittemore Mrs G L, taxes.... .. 53
16. Woods Phoebe E, taxes 53
l i April 13. Williams Benzette, of Chicago, I11., appointed ii ap-
praiser for Dubuque Water Co to value the prop-
+; erty of the Dubuque Wat r Co.... 76
ii, May 4. Water mains in Diagonal st, pet of Robt Schoenbeck
in relation to extension of 170 88-163-167
'1 ,, 4. Water fountain (horse drinking) pet of R C Mathis et
'j al. asking to have one placed at intersection of
Dodge and Hill sts 88-102
18. West 16th st from Cornell st to Henion st, pet of Aug
Stoltz et al in relation to improvement of 95-146
18. Water mains, 100 feet west of 3rd st, pet of Jno Deery
in relation to extension o
" 18. Willow st, pet of John Kap in relation to 2
June 1. West Sixteenth (16th) st, p t of D H Slattery et al in 95-12L'3
j' relation to re-establishing the grade of east of Cor-
nell st 115-141-185
1 15. West Sixteenth (16th) st, pet of C Lantzky in relation
to grade of
July 6. Water mains, 121-141
pet of Dr J W Heustis asking that same
be extended along his pr perty in Wilbur Lane 136-167
I Aug. 3. Weeds, noxious, marshal, police and street commission-
er instructed to inforce ordinance in rel to
17. Wasser Mrs Josephine, pet of in relation to erecting 162
frame building in alley b t White and Jackson and
I 'I 13th and 14th sts
17. Wagner Water Supply Co,amounts collected from, due 163
city for brick and macad m
Sept. 7. Wagner Water Supply Co, bill against for brick and 167
macadam ..
1. 7. Woodrich Joseph, pet of in relation to refunding butch- 180-207
er's license
7. Water mains, from Wood st to Julien av and Delhi st, 180
1, pet of Dave Moyes in rel to extension of 180
, '' 7. Water mains, pet of C H Fischer et al asking that
1II same be extended to Broadway extension intersect-
I,' o11 n tGrove st
I' 7. Willow st, matter of improvement of...... "" 180-192
Oct. 12. Whittemore Mrs B L, taxes (special assm't) 194
II '
12. Walter'Mrs Lizzie, taxes......,, 205-223
•I 12. West Sixteenth (16th) st, from Hill st bet Alma and 205-225
Cornell sts to point 60 feet west, bids ordered open-
j ed for improvement of (O'Farrell & Norton awarded
I, contract ...
„I l that same Nov. 2. Water mains, pet of Chris Jungk asking208-212
IIS be extended in alley from 16th to 17th sts, bet
Clay and Iowa sts.....,
16. Water closets in city hall, unsanitary y condition of...., 220-266
INDEX—Book 29.
Dec. 7. Water inainF, ordered extended from intersection of
West llth st and Ardmore Terrace, southerly along
Ardmore Tel to Wilbur Lane; thence easterly
and along Wilbur Lane to south Grove Terrace;
thence northerly in south Grove Terrace West 11th
st and Grove terrace to a connection with the pres-
ent dead end at intersection of Grove Terrace and
west lith st 256
7. Water mains ordered extended in South Hill st from
present dead end of said main south of West 3rd st
to Dodge st, thence to connect with main at intersec-
tion of Dodge and South Hill st 257
7. Westphal Mrs Mary ,faxes.... .. 257
7. Water mains ordered extended in North Main st from
Seminary to Leibnitz st... 260
" 21. Water mains, pet of Jno Jansen et al asking that
• same be extended in Fifth (5th) avenue. 261
" 21. Water mains, Engineer Blake instructed to prepare
plat showing all mains laid and plat turned over to
B W Lacy, chairman of sub-committee on water
works litigation 867
INDEX--Book 29.
1, I
I, I
Jan. 19. Zust Mrs L, taxes. 10-31
March 30. Zengel Adam, taxes 56-98
Aug. 17. Zugenbuehler, Joseph, taxes 166
Oct. 12. Zachina Wenzel, pet of ask ng for employment by the
11'1 city 205
Nov. 2. Zingel Adam, taxes 220-257
Regular Session, January 5, 1899.
Regular Session, January 5th, 1899.
• Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Flynn,
.Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Duggan.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
council proceedings for the month of
December, 1898 be approved as printed.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Thos. F. Maguire, assistant at-
torney for December...... 50 00
People's Building & Loan associa-
tion. desk for Mr. Hyde 10 00
Mathis, Metz Co., blank station-
ery for city attorney.... .... 14 50
Walton & Bieg, stationery for
city attorney .... 6 00
Harger & Blish, stationery for
city recorder 14 60
Walton & Bieg, stationery for
city attorney 1 30
Harger & Blish, stationery for
city engineer .... .......... 16 05
G. B. Grovenor, stationery for
city attorney 1 CO
Harger & Blish, stationery for
city recorder.... ........ .... 14 :0
Mullen Bros, new gas light in
auditor's office and repairs at
city hall .... .... 5 10
W. L. Bradley, rent of dwelling
for Mrs. Lull .... 140 00
Key City Gas Co, repair gas pipes
city hall.... .... 30
Gus Hall, repair lock for mayor's
office 85
Palmer, Winall & Co., blank sta-
tionery .... 42 75
Palmer', ,Winall & Co, briefs and
abstracts in cases of Frohs vs.
city and Wilberding vs. city.... 176 00
Phil Pier, coal for city hall 134 95
Phil Pier, coal for First ward
scales.... .... ....
A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for
road department ...... ....
Martin & Strealau, edgings for
steam roller.... .... ...... ... .
Linehan & Molo, cinders for road
department ...... .... .... ..
Linehan & Molo, salt for road de-
partment.......... ......
Pat Dempsey, sawing wood for
street commissioner's office..
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
road department.... ....
Knapp, Stout .& Co. Co., lumber
for road department .. .. ..
Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum-
ber for road department .. .
Ott, Mueser & Co., lumber for
road department
Fred Schloz, repairing tools for
road department ...... ....
Chas Matz, repairing tools for
road department .... .... .... ..
P. Hausen, oil and matches for
road department
2 90
4 00
2 00
1 60
2 85
1 00
85 40
38 80
55 90
30 65
3 40
3 90
2 00
Chas Wild, gravel for road de-
partment ... 16 85
Jno Malone, macadam.. .. 4 50
Pat Royce, 31 yards of covering
at 25c
Otto Rath, one cord of wood for
street commissioner's office .... 3 50
Whitwell & Dalton, veterinary
services for road department .. 1 45
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for
road department.... .. .... .... 1 10
Palmer, Winall & Co, time hooks
for road department .... .. 25 00
Harger & Blish, stationery for
road department.... ............ 1 30
M. Helmer, macadam for road
department 25 00
Aug Hafferman, macadam for
road department.... .... .... 23 00
A. C. Haller, constructing side
walk abutting lots 4 and 5 Mat-
tox's sub 37 20
Jno. Tibey inspecting DeSoto Ter
race wall .... .... .... 5 00
Jno Byrne, inspecting De Soto
Terrace wall .... 5 00
Ellwanger Bros., repair harness
for road department.... .... 2 75
Pape & Jacquinot, repair of foun
tains on Julien avenue and 14th
and Elm streets .... .... 6 50
Duggan & Kane, oil for sewer de-
partment.... GO
Aug. Wunderlich, shoeing horses
for fire department 22 65
Collings & Wilkinson shoeing
horses for lire department .. 12 20
Sloan & Edwards, shoeing
horses for fire department . 13 80
Doc. Carmody pasturing horse for
fire department ...... .. 8 00
Phil Pier, coal for fire depart-
ment .. 227 20
A. Ruh, bran for fire department 2 15
Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi
Street engine house 6 45
Whitwell & Dalton veterinary ser-
vices for fire department.. .. 13 55
Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de-
partment.... .......... .. 6 GO
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire department 4 40
Mat Stafford, hay for fire depart-
ment .... .. ... 55 20
W. H. Torbert, toilet papers and
drugs for fire department ...... 9 85
Iowa Iron Works, repairs at 4th
Street engine house 9 95
Christman & Healey, hardware
for fire department.... .. 24 80
Jno. Butt, repairs at Central En-
gine house 5 70
Jno. Kriebs, repairing harness for
fire department.... .. ...... 80
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
for fire department.... 78
Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber
for fire department 5 55
L. Lindenburg, hardware for
fire department.... .... 4 45
Jos. Wittmer drugs for fire de-
partment.... .. .... .. 18 10
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
new hose 53 60
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
for fire department.... .. ...... 10 50
7 75
Regular Session, January 5, 1899.
J. P. Merkes, bran for fire depart-
ment.. .
G. N. Raymond, dusters for fire S 00
Dubuque Water Co., 338 hydrants
for December, 1898 1408 23
Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber
for patrol house.... .... 8 70
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for patrol team ...... 4 15
Sloan & Edwards, shoeing horses
for patrol team.... .. ...... 7 60
Collings & Wilkinson, shoeing
horses for patrol house.. .... 4 00
W. M. Brackett, hauling priso-
ner 50
D. Frank, sawing four cords of
wood for police department 4 00
Peter Wiest, sawing two cords of
wood for police department .. .. 2 50
Cushing Creamery Co., milk for
matron's quarters.... .. .... 2 75
Duggan & Kane, supplies for ma
tron's quarters.. ...... .. 7 15
Whitewall & Dalton, veterinary
services for patrol team ... 2 15
F M Jaeger & Co., hardware for
police department .... 1 50
Otto Rath, wood for police depart
ment 3 50
Standard Lumber Co., shavings
for police department .... 1 00
Jno. Strotz, shavings for police
department .. 6 00
Phil Pier, wood for police depart-
ment 4 65
J. F. Lahey, wood for police de-
partment 3 60
Iowa Telephone Co., telephones
for different departments 54 00
Globe Light & Heat Co., lamps
for November and December,
1898 333 34
Star Electric Co., 322 arc lights
for December, 1898 1738 80
Globe Journal official printing for
December, 1898.... .. 50 GO
The Herald, official printing for
December, 1898 50 00
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for December, 1898 25 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print-
ing for December, 189860 00
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun
cil proceedings.... .. ........ 3 00
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports.... .... .... 3 50
Byrne Bros., team for ambu
lance 1 00
T. E. Frith, removing dead ani-
mals in December 9 50
Sam Starr, horse and buggy for
December ... ....... ...10 00
The fallowing bills were refered to
the ^ommittee on fire:
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
department . 17 60
Ellwanger Bros, repair of har-
ness for fire department.... .. 1 15
Mrs. Jno. Burke, wood used at
Kavanaugh fire 3 00
The following bills were referred to
the committee on police and light:
Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber
for patrol house .... 12 85
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
patrol house 11 70
Otto Rath, board of prisoners for
November and December 30 40
Byrne Bros., sprinkling around
city property for the season of 250 00
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
The following petitions were referred
to the street committee:
Petition of Phil F. Ryder asking city
to pay him balance due rip rap rock de-
on 4th street extension.
Petition of C. H. Pierce asking city
to purchase his macadam located on
hay market.
Petition of Mrs. Michael Ahearn in
relation to special assesssment for re- /
pairing sidewalk abutting lot 575 on
South Locust street.
Petition of Herman Kohler in rela-
tion to special assessment for improv-
ing Seminary street.
Petition of Jno. Deery in relation to
spacial assessment for repairing side-
walk abutting lot 39 of min lot No. 39.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of Geo. B. Burch in rela-
tion to taxes for 1898 on the Julien
house property.
Petition of C. H. Eighmey, president
of the First National bank asking that
the assessment of their bank be reduced
20 per cent on its capital stock.
Petition of Clara E. Kress asking
to have her taxes canceled for 1898 on
part of lot 579 Ham's add. On motion
the petition was referred to the de-
linquent tax committee.
Petition of C. E. Bradley in relation
to erroneous assessment on personal
property. On motion it was referred
to the delinquent tax committee and as-
Petition of Abbey C. Staples et al,
asking to have the taxes on lots 1, 2,
3, and 4, block 17 in Dubuque Harbor N
Co's. add reduced to the amount of $4,-
000 for the year of 1898. Ald. Mc-
Laughlin moved that the petition be
referred to the equalization committee.
Petition of Jr.o. Maclay in relation to
insurance on city property. On mo-
tion the petition was referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
City Treasurer Gmiffke reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and. City
Gentlemen: Below you will find a
statement of the amounts paid out by
me during the past month, for which
please order warrants drawn in my
Refund excavation permits $ 15 00
Interest on warrants outstanding 689 36
New York exchange 3 58
Postage stamps 12 25
Regular Session, January 5, 1899.
Revenue stamps 1 00
Telegrams 1 65
Court cost 7 01
Refund tax 28 30
Total $758 15
I also received money borrowed from
the following parties. Please order
loan in their favor:
Dec. 1, 1898, W A Poltn.er $ 250 00
Dec. 5th, 1898, Germans Trust
and Savings Bank 2,000 00
Dec. 6th, 1898, Second National
6,000 00
Dec. 9th, 1898, Esther Woodburn 100 00
Dec. 14th, 1898, Dubuque Fire-
man's Benefit Ass'n 300 00
Dec. 14th, 1898, P. Clancy 1,000 00
Dec. 17, 1898, Mrs. M. H. Terry 300 00
$9,950 00
H. B. GNIFFKE, Treas.
Mayor Berg ordered that the report
be received and that warrants be
drawn for the various amounts and the
report referred back to the finance
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit to
you my report for the month of De-
cember, 1898, showing the receipts and
disbursements for the month:
Cash on hand Dec. 1, 1898 $26,961 40
Receipts from all sources 34,542 55
Warrants redeemed
during month....$18,246 64
Coupons redeemed
during month.... 2,475 00
20,721 64
Cash balance on
hand Jan. 1, 1898.. $40,782 31
•Of the cash on hand there
belongs to the improvement
fund $26,198 65
Leaving balance to credit of
city of $14,583 66
Also report that there is due city
officials for the month of December,
1898, $1,961.70.
Also the following is list showing the
amount expended in each department
since the beginning of the fiscal year:
General expense fund $ 23,730 96
Road fund 39,944 44
Police fund 22,160 21
Fire fund 24,256 53
Gas and light fund 18,884 53
Water fund 14,623 53
Engineer's fund 3,334 00
Printing fund 2,025 05
Sewerage fund 3,943 13
Board of health fund .. 2,667 43
Interest fund 23,557 53
Total $179,127 34
$2,475 00
•Coupons redeeemed for
F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor.
Mayor Berg ordered that the report
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay city officials and the re-
port referred back to the finance com-
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I respectfully submit
my pay roll for the fire department for
the month of December, 1898. Amount
due firemen, $1,925.00.
Mayor Berg ordered that the report
be received and warrants drawn to pay
the firemen for the month of December,
1898, and the report referred back to the
committee on fire.
City Marshal Morgan reported as
ro the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is the re-
port of the police department for the
month of December, 1898:
Total number of arrests for the
month ....... 63
Police patrol calls 68
Defective lights .................. 92
Number of lodgers . 235
Pound master's receipt attached...$9.50
Also report $1,932.45 due the police-
men for the month of December, 1898.
Respectfully submitted,
ED. MORGAN, Marshal.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be received and that warrants be
ordered drawn to pay the police for the
month of December, 1898, and the re-
port referred back to the committee on
police and light. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on street for the last
half of December, 1898. .Amount due,
Street Commissioner.
Ald. Jones moved that the report be
received and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the laborers and the re-
port referred back to the committee on
streets. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on sewers for the last
half of December, 1898. Amount due
laborers, $171.50.
Street Commissioner.
Ald Jones moved that the report be
received and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay laborers on sewers and
the report referred back to the commit-
tee on sewers. Carried.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
Regular Session, January 5, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my re
port of defective lights for the month
of December, 1898. I find from the re-
ports of the police department that
the total hours that 92 lamps failed to
burn would equal 2 1-2 lamps for one
month or $13.50.
On motion it was ordered that the
report be received and filed and the
recorder instruct the city auditor to de-
duct $13.50 from the amount of the Star
Electric Co.'s bill for the month of De-
cember, 1898.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 5th, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Attached hereto are two
statements of judgments. The one
marked "Exhibit A," is in relation to
the suit of Brown & Brown vs. City of
Dubuque and as shown thereby there is
due thereon the sum of $713.07.
"Exhibit B" relates to the case of
Jacob Maffioli vs. City of Dubuque and
there is due according to said exhibit
the sum of $428.82.
To these two suits the city had no de-
fense as the amounts due and claimed
could not be disputed as they were the
correct amounts due from the city to
I would therefore recommend that in
full settlement of the case of Brown &
Brown vs City of Dubuque a warrant
be drawn in their favor on the general
fund for the sum of $706.57, and a war-
rant on same fund favor of Jas. A.
Hayes, clerk of the district court for
the sum of $6.50 to pay court cost in
such case.
I would further recommend that a
warrant be drawn on the general fund
for the sum of $424.32 in favor of J. M.
Werner, assignee, of said referred to
Jacob Maffioli, and a warrant on the
same fund for the sum of $4.50 in favor
of .Jas. A. Hayes, clerk of the district
court to pay court cost in the Maffioli
It shall be my duty to see that the
said judgment are properly satisfied of
record upon the payment by the city of
the above several amounts.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Wales moved that the report
be adopted and that warrants be or-
dered drawn in accordance with the
above recommendations. Carried.
City Engineer Blake and Street Com-
missioner Boyce reported as follows:
Hononarble Mayor and City Coun-
—Gentlemen:—In compliance with a
resolution of the city council on De-
cember 15th, 1898, hereby submit a state
ment of city macadam on hand, Jan.
lst, 1899, in all wards, viz:
First ward, 1,551 yards.
Second ward, 30 yards.
Third ward, 1,181.5 yards.
Fourth ward, 612.5 yards.
Fifth ward. 5,738 yards.
Total, 9,113 yards.
Approved E. C. BLAKE,
City Engineer.
J. H. BOYCE, Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report was received and filed.
Notice of purchase at tax sale of lot
No. 323 in Woodlawn park addition to
the city of Dubuque, by O. G. Krin-
gle dated Dec. 2nd, 1895. O. G. Krin-
gle assigned his interest in tax sale
certificates to C. F. Morse June 1st,
Ald. Crawford moved that it be re-
ferred to the city attorney and city
engineer, the city attorney if he deems
it necessary, to get an abstract of said
lot at a cost not to exceed $10.00 and
to report to the next meeting of the
council. Carried.
Notice of injunction restraining the
city treasurer from advertising, selling
or offering for sale of the east 35 feet
of city lot 533 in the city of Dubuque,
owned by Robert Jess, for the purpose
of paying special assessment or
tax levied against said property far the
paving of Main street in said city. Also
asking that said tax or assessment be
cancelled and annulled.
On motion of Ald. Crawford it was..
referred to the city attorney.
An agreement drawn up by City At-
torney Duffy between Mrs. Catherine
Sullivan and the city of Dubuque, was
read and follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 19, 1898.
In consideration of the city of Du-
buque granting an extension of time
until Dec. 3, 1899, for the payment of
the remainder of the special assess-
ments against my property for the im-
provement of Main street, in said city,
said special assessment being entered
on page 35 of the special bomded as-
sessment book. and levied on city lots
535 .and 535a, and allowing me to pay
the same on said December 3, 1899, I
do hereby agree that I will not make
any objections of illegality or irregular-
ity, or to the said assessment, and do
hereby waive any illegality or irregu-
larity therein, and I do hereby agree
to pay the balance due on said assess-
ment as shown by said special assess-
ment book page 35, with interest there-
on, on December 3, 1899.
,Signed: Mrs. Catherine Sullivan.
On motion of Ald. Wales the agree-
ment was received amd filed.
Sidewalk Inspector Zeidman reported
as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 15. 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Herewith find treasur-
er's receipt for $4.40 collected from va-
rious parties for cleaning alleys as fol-
J Woodward, 2 loads dirt $1 00
Dr Green, 2 loads dirt 1 00
A R Staufenbeil, 2 loads dirt 1 60
Regular Session, January 5, 1899. :5
Key City Gas Co., dirt 80
Total amount $4 40
Sidewalk Inspector.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
City Recorder Langstaff reported as
Dubuque, Jan. 3, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I have received at the
hands of Mayor Berg $15.50 fo.r 5 per
cent on sales of books of the Boston
Book store for the month of December,
1898. Receipt from City Treasurer
Gniffke for said amount hereto at-
tached. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
On motion report received and filed.
The following weighmasters and
wood measurers reports was ordered
referred to the committee an markets.
Reports as follows:
Otto Rath, city hall for the
month of Nov.. 1898, receipts...$20 5S
Otto Rath. city hall, for the
month of Dec.., 1898, receipts22 95
Charles Pitschner, West Dubu-
que, for the month of Decem-
ber, 1898, receipts 3 80
T. Faherty, First ward, far the
month of Dec., 1898, receipts3 89
ceipts 9 15
R F Curran, woodmeasurer, for
the month of December, 1898,
receipts 12 S5
The official bonds of City Assessor
Duncan and his deputies, G. Gmehle
and J. J. Murphy. was presented, and
on motion of Ald. Flynn, were referred
to City Attorney Duffy, to see that they
were in proper form.
Ald. Crawford moved that when the
bonds were prepared and satisfactory
to the mayor, he, the mayor to ap-
prove the .same and he to administer
the oath of office to Assessor Duncan
and his deputies ,.and report to the
council. Carried.
The sealed verdict of the jury ap-
pointed to assess the damage if any
caused by the extension of Washington
street through lot 10 to sub mineral lot
322, was presented and on motion of
Ald. Frith Alas ordered opened.
The report in part, follows
We the undersigned named jurors re-
port under oath, that we have been
upon the ground and that we place the
damages to be assessed on account of
the opening of Washington street,
through lot 10 of sub. Mineral lot 332,
at $550.00 on said lot in favor of owners
Chris. A. Voelker.
A. A. Cullen.
F. W. Coates.
Robert Jess.
D. W. Linehan.
J. Herod.
Joseph L. Horr.
Charles Riley.
Christ Jansen.
Peter Oeth.
John Pier.
C. B. Trewin.
Ald. Wales moved that the report be
referred to the committee of the whole.
The bill of G. Gmehle for $100 for
services in assessor's office for the
month, October and November 1848,
was presented. Aid. Crawford mov-
ed that a warrant be ordered drawn
in favor of said 4mehle providing he
would accept it in full for all services as
assistant assessor for the year 1898. Mr.
Gemehle being present, was asked if ae
would accept the above poposition and
conditions and answered yes. Where
upon Ald. Crawford's motion was car-
Ald. Flynn, chairman of committee
on supplies presented the claim of
Justice W. A. Leathers, for $79.85 for
fees and cost in city ordinance cases.
His Honor, Mayor Berg referred said
claim to City Attorney Duffy.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the com-
mittee on fire reported as follows:
We, your committee on fire respect-
fully report in favor of paying the fol-
lowing claims:
Dubuque Water company for 21 flush
tanks for the year 1898, at $25 each per
annum $518.75. Dubuque Water com-
pany for 13 horse drinking fountains for
the year 1898 at $50 each per annum
Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report
and that warrants be ordered drawn in
favor of the Dubuque Water company
for said amount.
Ald. McLaughlin chairman of the
committee on police and light reported
as follows:
In favor of paying bill of Key City
Gas Co., for removing lamp post, cor-
ner 2nd and 'White streets, $1.60.
On motion a warrant was ordered
drawn in favor of Key City Gas Co.
for said amount. Also presented claim
of Trexler Bros. for $8.00 for use of
livery by ex -Marshal McCann, Nov. 24,
1897 and March 10th, 1898. On motion
the claim of Trexler Bros. was referred
to the committee of the whole.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun
cil. The committee of the whole to
whom was referred the. subject of com-
pensation of assistant city assessors,
And the resolution offered by Ald. Mc
Laughlin relating to the same, respect-
fully recommend that as a. substitute
for the resolution of Ald. McLaughlin,
the accompanying resolution be adopted
in lieu thereof.
Chairman of Committee.
Resolution as follows:
Resolved by the city council of the
f; Regular Session, January 5, 1899.
city of Dubuque: That so much of the
action of the city council on April 14,
1898, as fixed the compensation of as-
sistant city assessors for the year 1899,
be so changed and modified as to fix
and establish the compensation of such
officials at seventy-five ($75.00) dollars
I each per month for the months of
January, February, March, April, May,
June, July, August and September, 1899.
Provided that nothing in this resolu-
tion shall be construed to affect the
rate of compensation heretofore allow-
ed assistant assessors for the year
1898, which shall stand as fixed by the
council on April 14th, 1898.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report and resolution, which was adopt-
ed by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Fr:th,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total 6.
Absent Ald. Duggan.
Also reports, your committee of the
whole to whom was referred the mat-
ter of the butchers' license, would re-
spectfully report in favor of referring
same to city recorder, and he to report
to the council the names and amounts
paid in the year 1897 and 1898.
Chairman of Committee.
City Recorder Langstaff reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following are the
names of those that paid their butcher
license for the years 1897 and 1898.
The names for the year 1897.
Albert Brown $25 00
David Metcalf 25 00
Saunders, Hickson Co. 25 00
Andrew Schaetzle 12 50
Total amount for 1897...........$87 50
Names for the year 1898:
C J W Saunders .$25 00
C J W Saunders .$25 00
Charles Apel 25 00
John Michels 25 00
Total for 1598 $100 00
Respectfully submitted,
City Recorder.
Ald. Crawford asked for further
time for consideration of the subject
which was granted.
Ald. Crawford also reported as fol-
Your oommittee of the whole to
whom was referred the private or
Tschirgi sewer matter, would respect-
fully report in favor of accepting the
proposition of M. Tschirgi, Jir., in
turning over said sewer to the city
and the city attorney be and is hereby
instructed to draw up the necessary
papers and contrast, showing the pur-
chase of same from M. Tschirgi, Jr.,
provided the title of and ownership of
said sewer is indisputable, and the
right of Mr. Tschirgi to transfer the
sewer to the city is clear.
Chairman of the Committee.
Ald. Crawford moved to adapt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Crawford also reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the ,petit:on of
Henry Henget asking $500 for damages
sustained by falling and breaking his
leg on the southeast corner of 17th -/
and Clay streets, would respectfully re-
port in favor of receiving and filing the
petition. P. W. CRAWFORD,
Chairman Committee.
Ald. Crawford moved the adoption
of the report. Carried.
Also your committee of the whole
to whome was referred the petition of
Mrs. Anna Bush et al, asking that a
waterway be provided for, to prevent
the water from running on their prop-
erty from Julien avenue on their di-
viding line and between Julien avenue
and West 14th street. would respect-
fully report im favor of receiving and
filing said petition.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee. Carried.
Also your committee of the whole to
whome vas referred the remonstrance
of Michael Tiernan et al, remonstrating
against the vacation of alley between
lot 41 in Prospect Hill add and out lot
692 would respectfully report in favor
of receiving and filing the same.
Chairman Committee.
Ald. Crawford moved that the re-
monstrance and. all papers bearing on
said vacation be received and filed.
Aid. Wales, of the special committee
reported as follows:
Your special committee, consisting of
Mayor Berg, Aldermen -at -Large Wales
and Jones, to whom was referred the
petition of Timothy Dillon asking the
council to reduce the assessment on
city lot 10, would respectfully report in
favor of receiving and filing said peti-
Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the
cc nmittee on streets, offered the fol-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for
sidewalk repairs for August, Septem-
ber and October, 1898, by city, contrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots ,and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter nam-
ed, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate as follows•
Special assessment passed Jan. 5,
Regular Seesion, January 5, 1599.
Joe Herod, part min lot, lot 184,
16 ft lumber at $20 per M, 30c;
1-2 hour labor at 50c per hour,
25c $
Thos Paisley, Blake's add, lot 13,
32 ft lumber, 65c; 1 1-2 hour la-
bor, 75c
Hughes and Blake, Blake's add,
lot 21, 10 fi lumber, 20c; 3-5 hour
labor, 30c
Mrs. L. M. Clarke, Blake's add,
lot 23, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 3-5
hour labor, 30
M. Burke, add to Stout's Dubu-
que, lot 4, 12 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2
hour labor 25c
N J Kolf, sub 92 of Cox add, lot 2,
66 feet lumber $1.30; 1 hour la-
bor 50c
C. Jungk, McCraney's 1st add,
lot 55, 12 feet lumber 25c; 1-2
hour labor 25c
F M Robinson Est, Ham's add,
lot 435, 32 feet lumber 65c; 1
hour labor 50c
J. A. Rhomberg Est, Ham's add.
lot 397, 7 feet lumber 15c; 3-5
hour labor 35c .......
E. Langworthy Est, East Dubu-
que add, lot 181, 50 feet lum-
ber $1.00; 1 hour labor 50c
G. G. Moser, East Dubuque add,
lot 296, 18 feet lumber 35c; 1-2
hour labor 25 ...
John Jess Est, city, lot 565a 73
feet lumber $1.45; 1 1-2 hour la-
bor 75c
W. G. Cox, sub nein lot 90, lot 2,
18 feet lumber 35c; 1-2 hour la-
bor 25c
Wm. Springborn Est, Davis Farm
add, lot 232, 20 feet lumber 40c;
1-2 hour labor 25c
J. Ruegamer et al, sub min lot
100, n 49 ft, lot 8, 24 feet lumber
50c; 1-2 hour labor 25c
A. H. Pfiffner, High Street add,
lot 28, 28 feet lumber 55c; 1 hour
labor 50c .......
Edward McClain, sub 1 of min lot
150, lot 4, 12 feet lumber 25c; 1-2
hour labor 25c
Tim Dillon, Stewart's sub, lot 2,
10 feet lumber 20c; 3-5 hour la-
bor 30c
Henry Herancourt, blk 3, Grand-
view park add, lot 16, 23 feet
lumber 45c; 1 hour labor 50
Wm. Gudrian Est, Cook's add, n
1-2, lot 35, 17 feet lumber 35c;
1-2 hour labor 25
M. Kunkell, McCraney's lst add,
lot 74, 6 feet lumber 15c; 3-5 hour
labor 35c
W. H. Salot, Finley's add, lot
4, 9 feet lumber 20c; 3-5 hour la-
bor 30c
Jas. Mullin Est, Finley's add, lot
10, 40 feet lumber 80c; 1 hour
labor 50c ...
Ellen O'Halloran, Finley's add,
lot 13, 115 feet lumber $2.30; 2
hours labor $1.00 •
Nic Glab, Finley's add, lot 16, 51
1 40
1 80
1 15
1 50
2 20
1 05
1 30
3 80
feet lumber $1.00; 2 1-2 hours
labor $1.25
Geo. Sallot, Sallot's sub, lot 1,
7 feet lumber 15c; 3-5 hour
labor 35c
First National Bank, Finley, Wa-
ples and Burton's add, w 1-2,
lot 12, 16 feet lumber 30c; 1-2
hour labor 25c.
Dubuque Malting Co., Morheis-
er's add, lot 32. 134 feet lumber
$2.70; 2 hours labor $1.00
Nic Glab, Finley, Waples and
Burton's add, lot 129, 8 feet lum-
ber 15c; 3-5 hour labor 35c
S. M. Langworthy Est, Glendale
add, lot 145, 7 feet lumber 15c;
3-5 hour labor 35c
John Fitzpatrick Est, sub 76 and
77, Union add, lot 2, .36 feet lum-
ber 70c; 1 hour labor 50
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co,
Sanford sub, lot 61, 10 feet lum-
ber 20c; 3-5 hour labor 30c
E. Schmolz, Davis' Farm add,
lot 227. 24 feet ]umber 50c; 1
hour labor 50c.......
Peter Mihm. Kings' Grove add,
lot 2, 6 feet lumber 15c; 1 hour
labor 50c
E. Langworthy Est, East Dubu-
que add, e 11 ft, lot 17, 24 feet
lumber 50c; 1 hour labor 50c
Pat Hughes, sub 2, Ellen Blake's
sub, lot 2, 48 feet lumber 95c; 1
hour labor 50c
H. E. Edgerton, Porter's add, lot
5, 20 feet lumber 40c; 1 hour la-
bor 50c
C. H. Jordon, Porter's add, lot 3,
20 feet lumber 40c; 1 hour la-
bor 50c
M. Reade, Glendale add, lot 1,
5 feet lumber 10c; 1 hour labor
John Fitzpatrick Est, sub 76 and
77, Union add, lot 2, 8 feet lum-
ber 15c; 1 hour labor 50c
Peter Hanson. sub lot 1 of 5 of sub
of lots 11. 12 and 13 of n e 1-4
sec 13. T 89 n r 2 e, lot 1, 8 feet
lumber 15c; 1 hour labor 50c
John McDonald, McNulty's sub,
s 89 ft, lot 2, 75 feet lumber
$1.50; 2 hours labor $1.00
Dubuque Malting Co., sub 702,
city, lot 12, 12 feet lumber
25c; 1 hour labor 50c
Kate C. Fengler, McCraney's lst
add, lot 20, 32 feet lumber 65c;
1 hour labor 50c
A. & E. Girard, Hodge's sub. lot
5, 28 feet lumber 55c; 1 hotir la-
bor 50c
Wm. Hintrager, Farley's sub, lot
13, 14 feet lumber 30c; 1 hour la-
bor 50c
Annie M. Bush, sub 1 Quigley's
sub, lot 1, 120 feet lumber $2.40;
2 hours labor $1.00 ..
Jas. Lee, sub 692, city, s 100, lot 4,
12 feet lumber 25c; 1 hour labor
Herman Bischoff, Cooke's add,
2 25
3 70
1 20
1 00
1 00
1 45
2 50
1 15
1 05
3 40
Regular Session, January 5, 1899.
lot 29, 33 feet lumber 65c; 1 hour
labor 50c
W. G. Cox, Cox add, lot 62, 1 hour
labor 50c
V. A. Langworthy, Mrs. L. H
Langworthy's sub, lot 3, 15 feet
lumber 30c; 1 hour labor 50c
Sam Scott, King's 1st add, n 86.6
lot 13, 40 feet lumber 80c; 1 hour
labor 50c
M. Blocklinger, King's 1st add,
lot 3, 5 feet lumber 10c; 4-5 hour
labor 40c
E. Langworthy Est, East Dubu-
que add, lot 181, 16 feet lumber
30c; 1 hour labor 50c
John Olinger, Boulevard add, lot
24, 10 feet lumber 20c; 1 hour
labor 50c
Wm. Springborn Est, Davis Farm
add, lot 232, 5 feet lumber 10c;
1 hour labor 50c
Herman J. Roesch, et al, Broad-
way add, lot 10, 6 feet lumber
15c; 3-5 hour labor 35c
0. E. Guernsey, sub 2 of 8 of
min lot 159, s 1-2, lot 1. 24 feet
lumber 50c; 1 hour labor 50c
Dubuque Malting Co., sub 703,
city, lot 12, 16 feet lummer 30c;
1 hour labor 50c ...
C. B. Miller, Grandview place,
lot 6, 6 feet lumber 15c; 3-5 hour
labor 35c
Henry Herancourt, block 2,
Grandview park, lot 16, 6 feet
lumber 15e; 3-5 hour labor 35c
N. H. Schilling, sub m 1-3 lot 99,
L. H. Langworthy's add, part
east of Elni street, lot 1, 21 feet
lumber 40c; 1-2 hour labor 25c.
L. J. Duess, sub 741, city, lot 1,
21 feet lumber 40c; 1-2 hour
25c 65
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total
1 15
1 30
1 00
Absent-Ald. Duggan.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee, offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for side-
walk repairs for month of November,
1898, by the city, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the sane, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted Dec. 15,
Wm. Springborn Est., Davis'
Farm add, lot 231, 28 feet lum-
ber at $20 per M., 55c; 2 hours la-
bor at 50c per hour, $1.00 $ 1 55
M. Messerkneckt, E. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 51, 15 feet
lumber 30c; 1 hour labor 50c 80
Cath. Winter, Dubuque city, lot
574a, 16 feet lumber 30c; 1 hour
labor 50c
John Pier, Dubuque city, lot 578,
8 feet lumber 15c; 2 hours labor 1 15
A. Levi Est., Levi's add, lot 16,
12 feet lumber 25c; 1 hour labor
Emerette Randall, sub min lot 39,
lot 54, 33 feet lumber 65c; 1 hour
labor 50c 1 15
German Congregation Church, Du-
buque, n 1 5, lot 491, 18 feet lum-
ber 35c; 1 hour labor 50e 85
L. G. Hurd, sub lot 1 of 5 sub of
lots 11, 12 and 13, of n e 1-4 sec
13, T, 89, n r to e, lot 5, 20 ft
lumber 40c; 1 hour labor 50c 90
Mich. Ahern, Dubuque, lot 575,
175 feet lumber $3.50; 3 hours
labor $1.50 5 00
Mrs. Pat Flynn Est.. Dubuque,
lot 576a, 108 feet lumber $2.15;
2 hours labor $1.00 3 15
John Hennessy. Dubuque, lot 726,
72 feet lumber $1.45; 2 hours la-
bor $1.00 2 45
Robt. Bonson Est.. sub 731, Dubu-
que, lot 1. 50 feet lumber $1.00; 2
hours labor $1,00 2 20
Mercy Hospital, sub min lot 66,
lot 2, 60 feet lumber $1.20; 2
hours labor $1.00 2 20
Bridget Redmond, Union add, lot
127, 50 feet lumber $1.00; 2 hours
labor $1.00 ... 2 00
John Deery. sub nein lot 39, 180
feet lumber $3.60; 4 hours labor
Christina Felter, Davis' Farm
add, n 1-2, lot 269, 60 feet lum-
ber $1.20; 1 hour labor 50c
A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis' Farm
add, lot 272, 6 feet lumber 10c;
1 hour labor 50c
John Dobler, West's add. lot 14.
24 feet lumber 50c; 1 hour labor
R. H. Thompson, West's add, lot
13, 8 feet lumber 15c; 1 hour
labor 50c
Jas. H. Hetherington, Sanford's
sub, lot 59, 5 feet lumber 10c; 1
hour labor 50c
Sacred Heart Church, Sanford's
sub, lot 31, 23 feet lumber 45c;
1 hour labor 50c
James Rowen, Breakey's add,
lot 7, 126 feet lumber $2.50; 4
hours work $2.00
Ind. School Dist. of Dub., min lot
45, lot 2, 28 feet lumber 55c; 2
hours work $1.00
Con Ryan, Sr., East Dubuque add,
lot 114, 20 feet lumber 40c; 1
hour labor 50c
Herman Kohler, Buettell's sub,
lot 1, 23 feet lumber 45c; 1 hour
labor 50c
John Hennessy, Leven's add, lot
8, 118 feet lumber $2.35; 4 hours
labor $2.00 ...
W. G. Cox, Leven's add, lot 14,
8 feet lumber 15c; 3-5 hour labor
5 60
1 70
1 00
4 50
1 55-
4 35
Regular Session, January 5, 1899. 9
'W. G. Cox, min lot 90, lot 3. 15
feet lumber 30c; 2-5 hour labor
John Fitzpatrick, Est., sub 76
and 77, Union add, lot 2, 27 feet
lumber 50c; 1 hour labor 50c
H. Fitzpatrick, Union add, lot
146, 104 feet lumber $2.05; 2 hours
labor $1.00
Anna M. Bush, sub 1, Quigley's
sub, lot 1, 30 feet lumber 60c;
2 hours labor $1.00 ...
John Babcock, Quigley's sub, lot
5, 20 feet lumber 40c; 1 hour la-
bor 50c
J. M. McFadden, sub 1 McNulty's
sub e 1-2, lot 2, 67 feet lum-
ber $1.35; 1 hour labor 50c
.James Rowen, sub 6, 7, 8 and 9,
Quigley's sub, Lots 11 to 14 in-
clusive, 400 feet lumber $8.00; 8
hours labor $4.00
L. M. Post, Hodge's sub, lot 10,
27 feet lumber 50c; 2 hours la-
bor $1.00
Mary A. Kemler, sub 4 Ann
O'Hare's sub, lot 2, 33 feet lum
ber 65c; 2 hours labor $1.00....
Wm Reche Est, Reche's sub,
No. 2, lot 17, S feet lumber 15c;
1 hour labor 50c
•Mercy Hospital, East Dubuque
add, S 1-2 lot 60, 24 feet lum-
ber 50c; 1 hour labor 50c
E Langworthy's Est, East Du-
buque add, E 11, lot 17, 43 feet
]umber 85c; 2 hours labor
Kate Guderian, Cook's add, N
1-2 lot 35, 10 feet lumber 20c;
1 hour labor 50c
J. P. Schroeder, Littleton &
Sawyer's add, lot 4, 7 feet lum-
ber 15c; 1 hour labor 50c
E. Langworthy Est, East Dubu-
que add, lot 180, 30 feet lumber
60c; 2 hours labor $1.00.
R. and E. Langworthy, Glen-
dale add, lot 271, 16 feet lum-
ber 30e; 1 hour labor 50c
R. and E. Langworthy, Glen-
dale add, lot 247, 32 feet lum-
ber 65c; 1 hour labor 50c
'R. and E. Langworthy. Glen-
dale add, lot 246, 16 feet lum-
ber 30c; 1 hour labor 50c
'Henry Oser, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 84, 14 feet
lumber 30e; 1 hour labor 50c..
F. M. Robinson Est, Ham's
add, lot 435. 35 feet lumber 70e;
2 hour labor $1.00
Deming and Kiesel, min lot
466, lot 2, 35 feet lumber 70c;
2 hour labor $1.00
S. P. Rider, Marsh's add, lot 52,
39 feet lumber SOc; 2 hour la-
bor $1.00
E. Langworthy Est, East Du-
buque add, lot 181, 30 feet lum-
ber 60c: 2 hour labor $1.00....
'T. J. Paisley, Blake's add, lot
1 00
3 05
1 60
1 85
12 00
1 50
1 6"~
1 00
1 85
1 60
1 15
1 70
1 70
1 80
1 60
13, 23 feet lumber 45c; 1 hour
labor 50c ,..
E. L. Clark Est, L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 22, 28 feet
lumber 55c; 1 hour labor 50c
Arnold Nicks, !Marsh's add, lot
10 feet lumber 20c; 1 hour
labor 50c
Geo. Salot, Tivoli add, lot 21, 10
feet lumber 20c: 1 hour labor
C., M. and St. P. Ry Co., B 8,
Railroad add, lot 9, 20 feet lum
her 40c; 1 hour labor 50c .
1 05
Total assessment $ 93 75
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total 6.
Absent-Ald. Duggan.
Ald. :McLau.ghlin moved that G.
Gmehle and J. J. Murphy be appoint-
ed to the office of assistant assessors in
accordance with the revised ordinance
of 1893, and the resolution of Ald.
Cnawford's on that subject passed Jam.
5. 1899, providing that they would waive
all claims for further compensation foe
services as assistant assessors for the
year 1898. Mr. Gmehle and J. J.
Murphy being present were asked if
they would accept the above conditions
and provisions. Mr. Gmehle and Mr.
J. J. Murphy each for himself answer-
ed yes. Whereupon the motion was
Ald. Wales moved to adjourn for two
weeks until January 19, 1899. Carried.
Approved... 189....
Regular Session, January 19, 1899.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present-Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent-Ald. Wales.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee on streets:
Petition of Henry Schwaegler et al
asking to have opened two (2) streets
from Lincoln avenue to intersect with
alley running north of their property.
Petition of Henry Luz, pastor of the
St. John's Lutheran congregation et al
asking that Lincoln Ave. be opened be-
tween Jackson and White streets and
10 Regular Session, January 19, 1899
city engineer be instructed to make
the necessary surveys and determine
how much and what pieces of real
estate it would take for the opening of
said street.
Petition of Iowa Iron Works limited
by E. M. Dickey, president,
asking for permission to use the ground
on the north side of the Ice harbor for
a distance of 300 feet east of the ground
granted them by the council on the 18th
day of March, 1898. Ald Frith moved
that the petition be referred to the
committee on harbors. Carried.
Petition of Chas. Giessler, asking to
remit the taxes on lot 19, High street
addition. The mayor referred the peti-
tion to the committee on delinquent
Petition of Mrs. L. Zust, asking to
instruct the city treasurer to allow her
to pay taxes on her property, real and
personal, less amount on $2,000 bank
stock. The mayor referred the petition
to the equalization committee and city
Petition of John Albrecht, asking city
to purchase his macadam so he can
pay his taxes for the year 1898. Ald.
Flynn moved that the petition be refer-
red to the committee of the whole.
Petition of P. McBride et al asking
city to purchase their macadam located
of West Locust street. Ald. Flynn
moved that it be referred to the com-
mittee of the whole. Carried.
Petition of Mrs. F. E. Thompson in
relation to refunding money paid for
auctioneer's license paid by her hus-
band on or about December 14th, 1898.
._]d. Flynn moved that the petition be
granted and a warrant be drawn in
favor of Mrs. F. E. Thompson for the.
amount of $12.50, Carried.
Communication of John Kinsella,
sidewalk repairer, asking that the spe-
cial assessment for repairing sidewalk
in the month of November, 1898, sub.,
owned by the E. L. Clarke Est.. abutt-
ing lot 22, L. H. Langworthy's be can-
celed, as said repairs was done on
other property. The mayor referred
the petition to the street commissioner.
Mayor Berg presented and read the
To the members of the city council:
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 19, 1899.
Gentlemen—I wish to call your atten-
tion to certain matters in relation to
the financial condition of the city.
Under the new code appropriations
are made each year for the different ex-
penses of the city and these appropria-
tions cannot be exceeded, so that the
floating indebtedness cannot now be in-
creased, and so far as future expenses
are concerned the city will be on a
cash paying basis.
This being the case, the only thing
that provision should be made for, is
the present indebtedness of the city.
The bonded debt of the city is in good
condition, and what is necessary to
attend to is the floating debt. This
is in the form of outstanding warrants
amounting to $379,000, $300,000 of which
is drawing 6 per cent and the balance
5 per cent interest. By judicious man-
agement $79,000 of these warrants can
be redeemed this year, and if the $300,-
000 could be funded at the present low
rate of interest it would be a great
saving to the city, and would place the
city in first class financial condition, as
it would then be on a cash paying
basis, and with its increasing resources
could make arrangements to take up
its bonded debt so gradually in the
future that its payment would not he
felt by the taxpayers.
Having this in view I called the atten-
tion of the city attorney to the mattar
and had him investigate as to wheth-
er the city has the power to bond its
floating debt, and as he has a favorable
report I would recommend that the
council take steps at once to bond the
floating debt on account of the present
favorable condition of the money mar-
There are also bonds to the amount
of $26,500 which at present are drawing
5 per cent interest, which can be called
in and refunded at a lower rate of in-
terest and I would recommend that
these bonds also be taken care of.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
The mayor then asked Assistant At-
torney Maguire to read the report of the
city attorney. The report follows:
Dubuque. Ia.. Jan. 19. 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and Alder-
men of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Your honorable mayor
has requested me to investigate and as-
certain whether or not the city has at
preser.t the power to bond its floatirg
indebtedness evidenced by warrants.
Before the code of 1897 was enacted it
was held in the case of Heins vs. Lin-
coln. 71st., Northwestern Rep. 189, that
cities acting under a special charter.
like Dubuque, had no power to bond
their floating indebtedness evidenced
by warrants, for the reason that muni-
cipal corporations only have those pow-
ers which are expressly given or im-
plied, and that no express power was
given by statute and none could be
This decision vas rendered in May,
1897, and the statute then in force only
gave special charter cities the power to .
refund indebtedness evidenced by
Since then, and on Oct. 1, 1897, the
new code of Iowa has gone into effect
and it provides "that cities may settle,
renew, fund or refund the indebtedness
they may have, whether evidenced by
bonds or warrants."
Code of 1897, section 905.
And this section, and those following
it relative to the issuance of such
bonds, are made applicable to cities act-
ing under special charters.
Code of 1897, section 1021.
These statutes are now in force and
give the city, and the city has without
Regular Session, January 19, 1899.
question, the express power to bond its
indebtedness. evidenced by warrants.
My views of this matter are further
sustained by the late case of Phillips
vs. Reed, 76 N. W. Rep. 850, which dis-
cusses the power given by said section
905 of the code of 1897. This case re-
fers to the fact that the new code re-
quires cities to make appropriations at
the beginning of each year for current
expenses, and that the manifest object
thereof is to place municipal corpora-
tions on a cash paying basis and pre-
vent the accumulation of a floating in- •
debtedness, and the supreme court says
"That in order to facilitate this return
to a cash paying system of cities that
were burdened with a floating debt at
the time of the adoption of the code it
is provided by section 905 that cities
may fund such indebtedness and is-
sue bonds therefor."
City Attorney.
Ald. Crawford moved that the mat-
ter of the refunding of the old bonds
and the funding of the floating indebted
ness of the city and all papers relating
thereto, and the matter of the approp-
ppriations for the different departments
be referred to the committee of the
whole. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
spay roll for labor on streets for the
,first half of January, 1899:
-Amount due laborers $184.75
Signed. J. H. BOYCE,
Street Commissioner.
Examined and approved,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Ald. Jones moved that the pay roll
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay laborers on streets and
the report referred back to the corn-
inittee on streets. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce, in charge
of the sewers, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for laborers on sewers for the
first half of January, 1899:
Amount due laborers $142.25
Signed J. H. BOYCE,
Street Commissioner.
Examined and approved.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Ald. Crawford moved to receive the
pay roll and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay laborers on sewers and
the report referred back to the sewer
committee. Carried.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 13th, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and Alder-
men of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The annexed agreement
explains itself. I recommend that
your honorable body approve of the
agreement and accept the terms there-
of. Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Agreement follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 9th, 1899.
In consideration of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, granting an extension of
time until January 1st, 1900, for the
payment of the remainder of the spec-
ial assessment against our property for
the improvement of Main street in said
city. said special assessment being en-
tered on Page 28 of Special Bonded As-
sessment Book, and levied on City
South 1-2 of Lot 22, and city undivided
1-2 of South 21 feet of Lot 17 Against
the estate of D. S. Wilson, and al-
lowing us, we being the sole owners, to
pay the same on January 1st, 1900, we
do hereby agree that we will not make
any objections of illegality or irregular-
ity therein, or to the said assessment,
and we do hereby waive any illegality
or irregularity therein, and we do here-
by agree to pay the balance due on
said assessments a5 shown by said
special bonded assessment book page
28, with interest thereon, on January
lst. 1900.
Ald. Crawford moved to approve the
agreement. Carried.
The city attorney also reported on the
claim of W. A. Leathers, justice of the
peace, amount, $79.85, as follows:
The above and within cost are cor-
rect and just and were incurred for
the use and benefit of the city of Du-
buque in prosecution under the city
ordinance against butchers, decided ad-
verse to the city.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
port and that a warrant be ordered
drawn in favor of W. A. Leathers, for
$79.85, in payment of said claim.
Mayor Berg had read the following:
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 19th, 1899.
To the Honorable City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—In accordance with the
report of City Attorney Duffy, which
was adopted by this council January
5th, 1899, in reference to the judgment
of Brown & Brown and Jacob Maffioli,
I desire to state that the report has
been fully carried out and the judg-
ment satisfied on the court records.
It leaves warrants Nos. 6074, 6075 dat-
ed Nov. 3rd, 1898. Amount, $700.73 in
favor of Brown & Brown; also warrant
No. 6627 dated Dec. 15th, 1898, in favor
of Jacob Maflioli amount, $421.82, drawn
on the improvement bond fund for the
payment of the claims of Brown &
Brown and Jacob Maffioli. unused.
I therefore respectfully recommend
that the above said warrants Nos. 6074
12 Regular Session, January 19, 1899.
and 6075 dated Nov. 3rd, 1898, and war-
rant No. 6627, dated Dec. 5th, 1898, be
ordered canceled.
Signed. C. H. BERG,
Ald. Frith moved that the report be
adopted and the recommendation be
carried out. Carried.
Mayor Berg also had read the fol-
Dubuque, Jan. 19th, 1899.
To the Honorable City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—In compliance with the
instruction of your honorable body of
January 5th, 1899, I beg leave to re-
port that I have approved the bonds,
and have administered the oath of of-
fice to E. O. Duncan, city assessor; G.
Gmehle and J. J. Murphy, assistant city
assessors, and bonds herewith respect-
fully submitted.
Signed. C. H. BERG,
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be adopted and the bonds be filed
in the recorder's office. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on streets respect-
fully report in favor of paying the two
bills of the Key Ci.y Gas Cc.. for coke
for the steam roller, amounting 10
AId. Crawford moved to adopt the
report of the committee on streets and
that a warrant be ordered drawn in
favor of the Key City Gas Co. for the
amount of said claim. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the commit-
tee of public grounds and buildings,
reported as follows:
The claim of Byrne Bros. for sprinkl-
ing for the year 1898, has been ex-
amined by the committee on public
grounds and buildings and payment re-
commended for the amount claimed,
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report
and that a warrant be ordered drawn
to pay Byrne Bros. the amount of
claim. Carried.
.Md. Jones also reported as follows:
The claim of the Key City Iron
works for repairs for the town clock,
amount, $1.75, has been examined by
the committee on public grounds and
buildings and your committee would
recommend that the bill be returned to
the Key City Iron works, and they
present said 'bill to H. A. Lange for
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report
and the recommendations be carried
out. Oarried.
Ald. Jones also presented check for
$5.63 from the lowa State Insurance
company, as unearned premium on
policy number 61927.
On motion the recorder was in-
structed to pay over to city treasurer,
taking his receipt for the same.
Ald. Jones also reported as follows:
Your committee on public grounds
and buildings to whom was referred the
matter of insurance would respectful-
ly report the following amounts be
placed on the city buildings:
City hall *15,000
Ninth Street Engine house 15,000 -
Town clock 2,500.
Fourth Street Engine house 2,500
Patrol house 1,000
Delhi Street Engine house 1,500
Eighteenth Street Engine house2,000
Total $39 500•
Ald. Flynn moved that the amounts
of insurance for each building be ap-
proved as named by the committee.
iAld. Flynn then moved that the dis-
tribution of the insurance between the
various companies be referred to the
committee of the whole. Carried.
Ald. Jones also reported as follows;
Your committee on public grounds
and buildings would respectfully report
in favor of receiving and filing the peti-
tion of the Ancient Order of Hiber-
nians, asking the use of the armory
hall on March 17th, 1899. For the rea-
son that the city has no power, so to
do, from the fact, they have already
rented said hall to the Governor's
Greys for a period of three years from
July 1, 1896.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith
and Jones. Total 4.
Nays—Alds. Duggan and McLaugh-
lIn. Total 2.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
Ald. Crawford moved that if any rent
is due from the Governor's Greys, it
be remitted and that hereafter no rent
be charged them as long as they re-
main in the government servIce. Car-
Ald. Duggan of the committee on
fire reported as follows:
The claim of the Key City Gas com-
pany for coke for the fire department,
amount $17.60.
Also the claim of Ellwanger Bros.
for repair on hanness for fire depart-
ment, amount $1.15, have been ex-
amined by your fire committee and
payment recommended for amounts
Ald. Duggan moved to adopt the re-
port and that warrants be ordered
drawn for the said amounts. Car-
Aid. Duggan also reported as fol-
The claim of Mrs. John Burke for
Regular Session, January 19, 1899.
wood claimed used by the fire depart-
ment, amount $3.00, at the Kavanaugh
fire on Southern avenue, has been ex-
amined by your committee on fire and
payment refused.
Ald. Jones moved to refer back sal
bill to the committee on fire for fur-
ther investigation. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin. chairman of the
committee on police and lights, report-
ed as follows:
The following claims has been ex-
amined by your committee on police
and lights and payment for the
amounts claimed recommended.
Knapp, Stout and Co. Co., lumber
for patrol. $12.84.
Pape and Jacqunot, plumbing for
patrol house, $11.70.
Otto Rath, board of prisoners for
the months of November and December,
1898, $30.40.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the said amounts. Car-
Ald. Jones, chairman of the printing
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on printing respect-
fully report in favor of paying the bill
of the Dubuque Daily Telegraph for
publt hing the delinquent tax list for
the year 1898, amount $152.80.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port and that a warrant be ordered
drawn to pay said amount. Carried.
Alderman Flynn offered the follow-
ing resolution:
Resolved, by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That Mayor Berg
and Committee Clerk W. F. Fitzpat-
rick be, and are hereby, appointed a
purchasing committee, they to have
complete supervision and full power to
purchase all supplies for the use of
all departments of the city of Dubuque,
and that the mayor be instructed to
give written 'notice to the fire chief,
city recorder, city treasurer, city en-
gineer, city auditor, marshal, street
commissioner, market master, city as-
sessor, matrons, city attorneys, that
the above named committee will do all
the purchasing, and they must file a
requisition in the mayor's office a rea-
sonable time before they are in need
of •supplies, and it shall be the duty of
this committee to check up and keep
a record of all coal and feed furnished
the city under contract, and be it fur-
Resolved, That the committee clerk
be transferred from the recorder's of-
fice to the office of the mayor without
any extra compensation.
Al.d. Crawford moved that the said
resolution be referred to the committee
of the whole. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn one
week, until Thursday, January 26,
1899. Carried.
Approved 189....
special SEssion January 25, 1899.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
His honor, Mayor Berg, stated that
the meeting was called to consider the
report of the special committee ap-
pointed by the committee of the whole
to whom had been referred the refund-
ing of outstanding bonds, and the fund-
ing of the floating indebtedness of the
city, after which they would consider
any business the council deemed prop-
er to bring up.
The following proposition was then
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 25, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor, C. H. Berg,
and Aldermen P. W. Crawford and
John Flynn, committee of the city
council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentle-
For $300,000.00 funding bonds of the
city of Dubuque, dated March 1st, 1899,
maturing March 1st, 1919, bearing 4 per
cent interest per annum, payable semi-
annually; principle and interest pay-
able at National Bank of the Republic
in New York city.
The denomination of .said bonds to be
$1,000.00 each. We will pay par inter-
est to date of delivery and a premium
of $20,250.00. Bonds to be regularly
and legally issued in such manner as
will meet the approval of our at-
The usual papers evidencing such
legality to be furnished us as required
without cost to us.
Such bonds to be presented at Sec-
ond National bank in this city as soon
as legality is approved and bonds duly
executed for manual exchange for $300,-
000.00 of warrants of the city of Dubu-
que now outstanding and subject to re-
demption, at par and aocrued interest
to date of such exchange.
Any charge that may be made by
14 Special Session, January 25, 1899
the Second National bank incident to
such delivery and exchange to be paid
by the city. The bonds so exchanged
to be forwarded to us at Boston or
Cleveland as we may direct, such
cost of shipment to be paid by the city,
The ordinance or resolution of the
city council authorizing the issuance of
said funding bonds to provide for an
annual levy of taxes sufficient to pay
interest accruing on said bonds; also
to provide for an appropriation in the
sum of $15,000.00 per annum to be set
aside •as a sinking fund for the pay-
ment of the principal suns of said bonds
at their maturity.
The amount paid by Denison, Prior
& Co. for interest on warrants re-
deemed which is in excess of the
amount due frons Denison, Prior & Co.
on account interest on new bonds, shall
be deducted by Denison, Prior & Co.
from the premium due the city.
We to furnish the blank bonds ready
for signing at a cost to the city of
$375.00. Respectfully submitted,
Boston and Cleveland.
Subject to confirmation by the coun-
We hereby accept the foregoing bid
of Denison, Prior & Co., and do hereby
sell and agree to deliver bands as here-
in described, this 25th day of January,
(Signed:) C. H. BERG.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report of the committee. Carried.
The following agreement was then
This agreement made this 25th day of
January, 1899, between the city of
Dubuque, Iowa, and Denison, Prior &
Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, witnesseth that
the said city of Dubuque agrees to de-
liver the said Denison, Prior & Com-
pany $300,000 of funding bonds of said
city, said bonds to bear date of March
lst, 1899, and to be made payable twen-
ty years from date thereof without
option of prior payment, and to bear
four per cent. interest per annum pay-
able semi-annually, principal and in-
terest payable at the National bank of
the Republic in the city of New York,
state of New York, denominations of
same to be $1,000 each; said delivery to
be made March 1st, 1899, or as soon
thereafter as legality is approved and
bonds duly executed, and upon the de-
livery by said Denison, Prior & Com-
pany to the said city, of said city's
outstanding warrants in the amount of
$300,000, which said Denison, Prior &
Company are to take up and exchange
for said funding bonds.
Bonds to be legally issued in such
manner as will have the approval of
the attorneys of Denison, Prior & Com-
pany. Approval to be communicated
to said city before issuance of said new
bonds, and to be signified by Denison,
Prior & Company sending the blank
bonds, which they are to have printed,
to the city for execution. Usual papers
evidencing the legality of bonds to be
furnished as required without charge.
The exchange of said bonds are to be
made at the Second National bank of
the city of Dubuque, Iowa, which will
act as agent in said exchange for both
parties. Said Denison, Prior & Com-
pany to take up said warrants on
March 1st, 1899, or as soon thereafter as
same may be called in at said Second
National bank and to turn the same
over to the city of Dubuque; said city
to turn over said funding bonds to said
bank and said bank to deliver same to
Denison, Prior & Company at Cleve-
land or Boston as they may direct, by
registered mail, insured upon receiving
said warrants of like par value, and
are to have said bonds for no other
The charges of the said Second Na-
tional bank for their services in this
matter to be paid by the city, including
insurance premium on transporta-
tion of bands.
Said Denison, Prior & company are
to pay the said city for this agreement
and for said funding bonds par and
accrued interest to date of delivery and
a premium of $20,250, this premium to
be paid upon completion of said ex-
Denison, Prior & company are to fur-
nish blanks for said bonds, for which
they are to receive $375 from the city.
The amount paid by Denison, Prior
& company for bitterest on warrants re-
deemed, which is in excess of the
amount due from Denison, Prior &
company as accrued interest on new
bonds, shall be deducted by them from
the premium due the city.
The resolution of the city council au-
thorizing the issuance of said bonds to
provide for an annual levy of tax suffi-
cient to pay interest accruing on said
bonds; also to provide for an appro-
priation in the sum of 515,000 per annum
to be set aside as a sinking fund for the
payment of the principal sum of
said bonds at their maturity.
It is hereby mutually agreed and un-
derstood, that it is the purpose of this
agreement to substitute and exchange
said warrants for new bonds under sec-
tions 905 to 911 inclusive of the code of
In testimony whereof this agreement
is executed this 25th day of January,.
Per U. M. Stoddard.
By C. H. Berg, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
Special Session, January 25, 1899.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Flynn offered the following re-
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque. That the above
contract between Denison, Prior and
company and the city of Dubuque,
submitted as above set out, at this
session of the said city council held
January 25th 1899, be, approved and
that the said new bonds of the city of
Dubuque, to be dated March 1st, 1899,
for $300,000 payable twenty years after
date, be exchanged for said outstand-
ing warrants for $300,000 on the terms
set out in the above contract, and that
the mayor and city recorder execute
said contract in behalf of the city of
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn. Frith. Jones and McLaughtlin.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
Approved, January 25th, 1899.
Attest C. H. Berg, Mayor.
L. M. Langstaff, City Recorder,
of the city of Dubuque.
Ald. Flynn offered the following re-
A resolution to provide for the issu-
ance of funding bonds of the city of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the purpose of fund-
ing certain outstanding warrants and
reducing the rate of interest thereon:
Whereas, The city of Dubuque, Iowa.
is justly Land legally indebted on its
certain valid outstanding war-
rants in and for the sum
of three hundred thousand
dollars, which outstanding warrants
were heretofore legally issued by the
said city, and which outstanding war-
rants bear interest at the rate of six
per cent per annum, said outstanding
warrants having been issued to pay
valid indebtedness of the said city.
Whereas, The said outstanding war-
rants are in all respects regular, legal
and valid and the interest thereon has
been regularly paid by the said city dur
ing all the time they have been so out-
standing, and
Whereas, The said warrants can be
funded at a lower rate of interest and
to the advantage of the city, and it
being deemed for the public interest to
fund the same, and
Whereas, The city of Dubuque has
full power and authority under the laws
of the state of Iowa to issue bonds as
hereinafter provided to fund the said
outstanding warrants.
Now, therefore, be it resolved, by the
city council of the city of Dubuque,
Section 1. That there are hereby au-
thorized and directed to be issued by
and on behalf of the said city of Du-
buque its funding bonds, according to
and of the form hereinafter set out, to
the amount of three hundred thousand
dollars, under date of March 1st, 1899,
in denominations of one thousand dol-
lars, numbered consecutively, each pay-
able twenty years from date, bearing
interest at the rate of four per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually on the
first day of September and of March
during said term, said interest to be
evidenced by forty coupons numbered
from one to forty inclusive attached to
each of said bonds. both the interest
and principal of said bonds to be pay-
able in lawful money of the United
States of America. The said bands
shall be signed by the mayor and at-
tested by the recorder of said city un-
der its corporate seal. and the interest
coupons thereto attached shall be
signed by the mayor and attested by
the recorder of said city, with the seal
of the city affixed.
Sec. 2. That said bonds shall be sub-
stantially in the following form subject
to the necessary changes as to numbers,
maturities of coupons and other neces-
sary variations therein:
United States of America. State of
Iowa, County of Dubuque, City of Du-
buque. Four per cent funding bond.
No. $1.000. Know all men by these
presents, that the city of Dubuque in
the state of Iowa, is justly indebted and
for value received hereby promises to
pay to bearer the principal sum of ---
dollars, lawful money of the United
States of America, on the first day of
March, A. D. 1919, with interest on said
sum from the date hereof until paid at
the rate of four per cent per annum
payable semi-annually on the first day
of September and of March in each
year, as evidenced by, and on the pres-
entation and surrender of the interest
coupons hereto attached. Both the
principal and interest hereof payable at
the National Bank of the Republic in
the city of New York in the state of
New York.
This bond is one of a series of three
hundred bonds of like date, tenor and
amount, numbered from one to
300 inclusive and aggregating the sum
of three hundred thousand dol-
lars, and is issued by the
city of Dubuque pursuant to the
provisions of Sec. 905 to 911 inclusive
chapter twelve, title five of the Code of
Iowa, and in conformity with a reso-
lution of the city council of the said
city of Dubuque, dated, duly passed
and approved on the 25th, 'day of Jan-
uary, A. D. 1899.
It is hereby recited and certified that
this series of bonds is issued for the
purpose of funding other valid warrants
of said city, which were heretofore
legally issued for the purpose of paying
valid indebtedness of said city legally
It is hereby further certified and re-
cited that this series of bonds and the
warrants hereby funded have been is-
sued in strict compliance with and in
conformity to the laws and constitu-
tion of the state of Iowa, and not in
violation of any constitutional or
lE; Special Session, January 25, 1899.
statutory limitations, and that all acts,
conditions and things required to be
done precedent to and in the issuance
of this bond, have been legally 3,nd
properly had, done, happened and been
performed in regular and due form acre
quired by the law, and that due and
legal provision will be made for the
assessment, levy and collection from
year to year of an annual tax on all
the taxable property of said city, of a
sufficient sum to pay the interest on the
said series of bonds as the same be-
comes due, and also to provide for an
annual appropriation of a sum equal
to one -twentieth of the principal sum of
this series of bonds, to be set aside
each year as a sinking fund for the
payment of the principal sum of said
series of bonds at maturity.
In testimony whereof the said city of
Dubuque by its council has caused this
bond to be signed by the mayor of said
city and attested by the recorder of said
city, who is in fact city clerk, and the
corporate seal of said city to be attach-
ed hereto. and the interest coupons
hereto annexed to be signed by
mayor and attested by the said recorder
and the corporate seal of said city to
he attached thereto, all as of date of the
first day of March, A. D. 1499.
Mayor of the city of Dubuque.
City Recorder of the city of Dubuque.
(Form of Coupon)
No. $20 60
The treasurer of the city of Dubuquo.
Iowa, will pay to the bearer, twenty
dollars, on the first day of at
the National Bank of the Republic in
the city of New York in the state of
New York, in lawful money of the
United States for the semi-annual in-
terest on the said city's funding bond
dated March first, 1899, No.
Mayor of city of Dubuque.
City Recorder of the city of Dubuque.
And said bonds and each of them,
shall bear, and have printed on the
back thereof, a true and complete copy
of this resolution, which resolution
shall constitute a contract between said
city and the holders of said bonds.
When said bonds shall have
been executed as aforesaid,
they shall be delivered to the
treasurer of said city, who shall
register them as provided by Section
909 of the Code of Iowa, and he shall
certify on the back of each bond as fol-
"This bond was duly and properly
registered in my office this day of
Section 3. The said bonds shall he
Treasurer of the city of
exchanged or substituted for the said
outstanding warrants, but in no case
at less than the par value thereof, nor
shall the said bonds authorized by this
resolution be used for any other pur-
pose than for funding the said out-
standing warrants.
Section 4. The city council of the city
of Dubuque shall each year at the time
of levying the city taxes cause to be
assessed and levied upon all the prop-
erty within the said city of Dubuque
subject to taxation, a sufficient tax to
meet the payment on the interest on the
bonds hereby authorized to be issued
as said interest from time to time shall
become due, and also provide for an
annual appropriation of a sum equal
to one -twentieth of the principal sum.
of said series of bonds, to be set aside
as a sinking fund for the payment of
the principal sum of this series of
bonds at maturity. Should the city
council fail to make or provide for the
levy of sufficient tax to pay such inter-
est coupons or any or either of them or
fail to make said appropriation as pro-
vided. for the payment of the principal
when it becomes due, and said coupon
or coupons shall have been presented
to the city ,treasurer and payment of
same he refused. or a demand made c n
the city council that said appropriation
be made and the council neglects or
refuses to make same, then the owner
of said coupon or of said bond may file
a transcript of such coupons or bonds
or any of them with the auditor of the
state of Iowa. and the state Board of
Review of said state may at Its regular
annual session levy or cause to be lev-
ied a tax sufficient to pay such coupon
and bonds or either or any of them as
authorized by and in accordance with
Section 1381 of the Code of Iowa in such
cases made and provided.
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn. Frith .Jones and McLaughlin.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
Approved the 25th day of Jan., 1899.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF.
City Recorder of the city of Dubuque.
Ald. Crawford offered the follow-
ing resolution:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That in funding out-
standing city warrants under the pro-
visions of the resolution this day,
adopted, all warrants drawing six per
cent. interest shall be funded before
the funding of any warrants drawing a
lower rate of interest.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt above
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Total, 6.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
Special Session, .January 25, 1899
Approved this 25th day of January,
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
City Recorder for the city of
The special committee presented and
had read the following proposition:
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 25th, 1899.
• To the Honorable Mayor, C. H. Berg,
and Aldermen, P. W. Crawford and
John Flynn, Committee of the City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen:—For $63,900.00 Refunding
Bonds of the City of Dubuque or so
.much of said sum as may he required,
to be dated March 1st, 1899, to ma-
ture March 1st, 1919, bearing 4 per cent.
interest per annum, payable semi-an-
nually; principal and interest payable
at National Bank of the Republic in
New York city.
The denomination of said bonds to be
$1,000.00 each, we will pay par, interest
to date of delivery, and a premium of 7
per cent.
Bonds to be regularly and legally is-
sued in such manner as will meet the
approval of our attorneys.
The usual paper evidencing such leg-
ality to be furnished us as required
without cost to us.
Said bonds to be presented at Second
National Bank in this city as soon as
legality is approved and bonds are
duly executed for manual exchange
for all or such portions of the following
,.described bonds of this city now out-
standing, viz:
$13,500.00 6 per cent. bonds due Jan-
uary 1st, 1900.
$35,000.00 6 per cent. bonds due Jan-
uary 1st, 1901.
$15,000.00 6 per cent. bonds due Feb-
ruary 1st, 1902.
As we may be able to purchase at a
price equaling a 3 1-2 per cent. interest
basis of premium, the amount so paid
to be deducted from the premium paid
for bonds purchased.
Any charge that may be made by the
Second National Bank incident to such
-delivery and exchange to be paid by the
The bonds so exchanged to he for-
warded to us in Boston or Cleveland
without cost to us for transportation.
The amount paid by Denison, Prior
& Co. for interest on bonds redeemed
which is in excess of the amount due
from Denison, Prior & Co. as accrued
interest on new bonds shall be deducted
by Denison, Prior & Co. from the
premium due the city.
The ordinance or resolution of the
city council authorizing the issuance
of said refunding bonds to provide for
. an annual levy of tax sufficient to pay
the interest accruing on said bonds;
:also for an annual appropriation of a
sum equal to 1-20 of the principal
sum of bonds issued under this con -
tract, to be set aside as a sinking fund
for payment of the principal sum of
said bonds at their maturity.
We to furnish the blank bonds ready
for signing at a cost to the city of
$1.25 each.
Respectfully submitted.
D1 NISON, PRIOR & CO., of Boston
and Cleveland, per U. M. Stoddard.
Subject to confirmation by the coun-
We hereby accept the foregoing bid
of Denison, Prior & Co. and do here-
by sell and agree to deliver bonds as
herein described, this 25th day of Jan-
uary, 1899.
Ald, McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report of the committee. Carried.
The following agreement was then
This agreement made this 25th day
of January, 1899, between the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and Denison, Prior &
Company of Cleveland, Ohio.
WITNESSETH; That the said City
of Dubuque agrees to deliver the said
Denison, Prior & Company $63,900 of
refunding bonds of said city or so
much of said sum as may be required,
said bonds to hear date of March 1st,
1899, and to be made payable 20 years
from date thereof without option of
prior payment, and to bear four per
cent. interest per annum payable semi-
annually, principal and interest paya-
ble at the National Bank of the Re-
public in the city of New York, State
of New York, denominations of same to
be $1,000 each excepting one bond of
$900.00; said delivery to be made March
1st, 1899 or a.z soon thereafter as legal-
ity of bonds is approved and bonds are
duly executed, and upon the delivery
by said Denison, Prior & Company to
the said city, of said city's refunding
bonds for $63,900.00, or such amount as
said Denison, Prior & Company may
be able to purchase at a price equal-
ing a 3 1-2 per cent. interest basis, the
amount of premium so paid to be de-
ducted from the premium paid the city
for new bonds purchased. Said old
refunding bonds bearing six per cent.
interest and becoming due as follows.
$13,5Q0 January 1st, 1900, $35,000 January
1st, 1901, and $15,400 February lst, 1902,
such amount so taken up to be ex-
changed for said new refunding bonds.
Bonds to be legally issued in such
manner as will have the approval of
the attorneys of Denison, Prior &
Approval to be communicated to said
city before the issuance of said new
bonds, and to be signified by said Den-
ison, Prior & Company sending the
18 Special Session, January 25, 1899
blank bonds which they are to have
printed, to the city for execution. Us-
ual papers evidencing legality of bonds
to be furnished as required without
The exchange of said bonds is to be
made at the Second National Bank of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which will
act as agent in said exchange for both
parties. Said Denison, Prior & Com-
pany to take up old bonds on March
1st, 1899, or as soon thereafter as the
same may be called in, at said Second
National Bank and to turn the same
over to the city of Dubuque: said city
to turn over said new refunding bonds
to said bank and said hank to de-
liver same to Denison, Prior & Com-
pany at Cleveland or Boston as they
may direct by registered mail insured,
upon receiving said old bonds of like
par value and are to have said bonds
for no other purpose.
The charges of the said Second Na-
tional Bank for their services in this
matter to be paid by the city, includ-
ing insurance premium in transporta-
tion of bonds.
Said Denison, Prior & Company are
to pay the said city for this agreement
and for said refunding bonds par, and
accrued interest to date of delivery,
and a premium of seven per cent., this
premium to be paid upon completion of
said exchange.
The amount paid by Denison, Prior &
Company for accrued interest on bonds
redeemed, which is in excess of the
amount due from Denison, Prior &
Company as accrued interest on new
bonds, shall be deducted by them from
the premium due the city.
The resolution of the city council
authorizing the issuance of said refund
ing bonds to provide for an annual
levy of tax sufficient to pay the in-
terest accruing on said bonds; also for
an annual appropriation of a sum equal
to 1-20 of the principal sum of bonds
issued under this contract to be .set
aside as a sinking fund for the pay-
ment of the principal sum of said
bonds at their maturity.
Denison, Prior & Company are to
furnish blanks for said bonds for
which they are to receive $1.25 each
from the city.
Provided this agreement is not bind-
ing on the city and is to be of no ef-
fect so far as the city of Dubuque is
concerned, unless the agreement this
day made between the parties hereto,
relative to the sale of $300,000 funding
bonds, funding warranIs of the city is
carried out and completed.
It is hereby mutually agreed and un-
derstood that it is the purpose of this
agreement to substitute and exchange
said old bonds for new ones under Sec-
tions 905 to 911 inclusive of the Code of
In testimony whereof this agreement
is executed this 25th day of January,
41 R4 aRllEW1a' .. f:.`
Per tT, M. Stoddard,
By C. H. Berg, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Ald. Flynn offered the following res-
Be it resolved by the city council of
the city of Dubuque: That the above
contract between Denison, Prior & Co..
and the City of Dubuque, submitted as
above set out, at this session of the
said city council held January 25th, 1899,
be approved and that the said new re-
funding bonds of the city of Dubuque
to be dated March 1st ,1899, for $63,900.-
00 payable twenty years after date be
exchanged for said old refunding bonds -
in like sum and bearing six per cent.
interest and becoming due as stated, on
the terms set out in the above con-
tract and that the mayor and city re-
corder execute said contract in behalf
of the city of Dubuque. Provided said
contract is contingent upon, and is to
be of no effect unless the contract made
between above parties relative to the
sale of $300,000.00 of funding bonds,
funding warrants is carried out and
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote.
Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan.
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
Approved Jan. 25, 1899.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Ald. Flynn offered the following reso-
A resolution to provide for the issu-
ance of refunding bonds of the city of
Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of re-
funding certain outstanding bonds and
reducing the rate of interest thereon.
' Whereas, The city of Dubuque, Iowa,
is justly and legally indebted on its
certain valid outstanding bonds in and
for the sum of sixty-three thousand nine
hundred dollars, which outstanding
bands were heretofore legally issued by
the said city, and which outstanding
bonds bear interest at the rate of six
per cent per annum and become due and
payable as follows: $13,500 Jan. 1,
1900; $35,000 Jan. 1, 1901 and $15,400 on
Feb. 1, 1902 A. D., said outstanding -
bonds having been issued to pay valid
indebtedness of the said city.
Whereas, The said outstanding bonds
are in all respects regular, legal and
valid and the interest thereon has been
regularly paid by the said city during
all the time they have been so out-
standing, and
Whereas, The said bonds can be re-
funded at a lower rate of interest and
to the advantage of the city and it be -
Special Session, January 25, 1899.
ing deemed for the public interest to re-
fund the same, and
Whereas, The city of Dubuque has
full power and authority under the laws
of the state of Iowa to issue bonds as
hereinafter provided to refund the said
outstanding bonds; now, therefore
Be it Resolved by the city council
of the city of Dubuque. Iowa:
• Section 1. That there are hereby
authorized and directed to be issued by
and behalf of the said city of Dubuque,
its refunding bonds according to, and
of the form hereinafter set out, to the
amount of sixty-three thousand and
nine hundred dollars, under date of
March 1, 1899, in denominations of one
•thousand dollars, excepting one
bond for $900 numbered con-
secutively, each payable twenty
'years from date, bearing interest at the
rate of four per cent per annum, pay-
able semi-annually on the first day of
September and of March during said
term, said interest to be evidenced by
forty coupons numbered from one to
-forty inclusive attached to each of said
bonds, both the interest and principal
of said bonds to be payable in lawful
money of the United States of America.
The said bonds shall be signed by the
mayor and attested by the recorder of
said city under its corporate seal and
the interest coupons thereto attached
shall be signed by the mayor and at-
-tested by the recorder of said clty, with
the seal of the city affixed.
Sec. 2. That said bonds shall be
substantially in the following form sub-
ject to the necessary changes as to
numbers, maturities of coupons and
other necessary variations therein:
State of Iowa. County of Dubuque.
City of Dubuque.
Four per cent. Refunding Bond.
No. $1,000.
Know all men by these present, that
the city of Dubuque in the state of
Iowa, is justly indebted and for value
.received hereby promises to pay to
bearer the principal sum of
Dollars, lawful .money of the United
States of America, on the first day of
March, A. D. 1919, with interest on
said sum from date thereof until paid
at the rate of four per cent per annum
payable semi-annually on the first day
of September and of March in each
year, as evidenced by, and on the pre-
sentation and surrender of the interest
coupons hereto attached. Both the
principal and interest hereof payable
at the National Bank of the Republic
in the city of New York in the state
'of New York.
This bond is one of a series of sixty-
four bonds of like date, tenor and
amount, excepting one for $900, num-
bered from one to sixty-four inclusive
and aggregating the sum of sixty-three
thousand nine hundred dollars, and is
'issued by the city of Dubuque pur-
suant to the provisions of sections 905
to 911 inclusive,,chapter twelve, title five
of the code of Iowa, and in conformity
with a resolution of the city council of
the said city of Dubuque, dated, duly
passed and approved on the 25th day
of January A. D. 1899.
It is hereby recited and certified that
this series of bonds is issued for the
purpose of refunding other valid bonds
of said city, which were heretofore
legally issued for the purpose of pay-
ing valid indebtedness of said city le-
gally incurred.
It is hereby further certified and re-
cited that this series of bonds and the
bonds hereby refunded have been is-
sued in strict compliance with and in
conformity to the laws and constitution
o'f the state of Iowa, and not in vio-
lation of any constitutional or statu-
tory limitations, and that all acts, con-
ditions and things required to be done
precedent to and in the issuance of this
band, have been legally and properly
had, done, happened and been per-
formed in regular and due form as re-
quired by law, and that due and legal
provision will be made for the assess-
ment, levy and collection from year to
year of an annual tax on all the taxable
property of said city, of a sufficient sum
to pay the interest on said series of
bonds as the same becomes due, and
also to provide for an annual appro-
priation of a sum equal to one -twentieth
of the principal sunk of this series of
bonds, to be set aside each year as a
sinking fund for the payment of the
principal sum of said series of bonds
at maturity.
In testimony whereof the said city of
Dubuque by its council has caused this
bond to be signed by the mayor of said
city and attested by the recorder of
said city who is in fact city clerk, and
the corporate seal of the said city to be
attached hereto, and the interest cou-
pons hereto annexed to be signed by
the said mayor and attested by the said
recorder and the corporate seal of
said city to be attached thereto, all
as of date of the first day of March,
A. D. 1899.
Mayor of the City o'f Dubuque.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
(Farm of Coupon.)
No. $20.00.
The treasurer of the city of Dubuque,
Iowa, will pay to the bearer, twenty
dollars, on the first day at
the National Bank of the Republic in
the city of New York in the state of
New York, in lawful money of the
United States for the semi-annual in-
terest on the said city's refunding bona
dated March the first, 1899, No.
Mayor of the city of Dubuque."
Special Session, January 25, 1899.
City Recorder of the city of Dubuque.
And said bonds and each of them,
shall bear, and have printed on the back
thereof, a true and complete copy of
this resolution, which resolution shall
constitute a contract beween said city
and the holders of said bonds.
When said bonds shall have been
executed as aforesaid, they shall be
delivered to the treasurer of said city,
who shall register them as provided 1,y
Section 909 of the Code of Iowa, and he
shall certify on the back of each bond
as follows:
"This bond was duly and properly
registered in my office this day
Treasurer of the city of Dubuque."
Section 3. The said bonds shall be
exchanged or substituted for the sad
outstanding bonds, but in no case at
less than the par value thereof, nor
shall the said bonds authorized by this
resolution be used for any other purpose
than for refunding the said outstanding
Section 4. The city council of the
city of Dubuque shall each year at the
time of levying the city taxes cause
to be assessed and levied upon all the
property within the said city of Dubu-
que subject to taxation, a sufficient tax
to meet the payment on the interest on
the bond hereby authorized to be,issued
as said interest from time to time shall
become due, and also provide for an an-
nual appropriation of a stun equal to
one -twentieth of the principal sum of
said series of bonds to be set aside as
a sinking fund for the payment of the
principal sum of this series of
bonds at maturity. Should the
city council fail to make or
provide for the levy of sufficient tax to
pay such interest coupons or any or
ether of them or fail to make said ap-
propriation as provided, for the pay-
ment of the principal when it becomes
due, and said coupon or coupons shall
have been presented to the city treasur-
er and payment of same be refused,
or a demand made on the city council
that said appropriation be made and the
council neglects or refuses to make
same, then the owner of said coupon
or of said bond may file a transcript
of such coupons or bonds or any of them
with the auditor of the state of Iowa
and the state hoard of review of said
state may at its regular annual session
levy or cause to be levied a tax suf-
ficient to pay such coupons and bonds
or either or any of them as authorized
by and in accordance with Section 1381
of the Code of Iowa in such cases made
and provided.
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote.
Ayes.—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Wales.
Approved, January 25th, 1899.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Alderman Crawford, chairman of the
committee of the whole, reported as fu;
Your committee of the whole to whom•
was referred the matter in relation to-
reft:nding Butchers' license paid the
city for the years 1897 and 1898, would
respectfully recommend that warrants
be ordered drawn in favor of the fol-
lowing named who have paid license for
the years 1897 and 1898 to wit:
Albert Brown. 1897 $ 26 00
David Metcalf, 1897 25 00
Saunders, Hickson Co, 1897 25 00
Andrew Schaetzle, 1897 12 60
C. J. W. Saunders, 1898 25 00
C. J. W. Saunders, 189S 25 00.
Chas. Apel, 1898 .. 25 00
John Michels. 1898 25 00
Total ..$187 50•
Ald. Crawford moved to Adopt.
Also your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the resolution of
Alderman Flynn providing for the ap-
pointment of Mayor Berg and Commit-
tee Clerk Fitzpatrick as a purchasing
committee and the removal of the com-
mittee clerk to the office of the mayor
would recommend the adoption of the
said resolution.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt. Car-
Also report in favor of paying the
bill of Trexler Bros., for livery hire for
Marshal McCann amounting to $8.00.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt. Car-
Ald. Crawford moved that the treas-
urer be instructed not to receive any
taxes for 1898 from any of the banks on
their capital stock while the matter of
bank assessments are under considera-
tion by the council. Carried.
Ald. Duggan, chairman on harbors,
reported as follows:
Your committee on harbors respect-
fully report in favor of granting the
petition of the Iowa Iron Works limit-
ed asking permission to use the ground
on north side of ice harbor for a dis-
tance of 300 feet east of the ground
granted them March 18th, 1898.
Ald. Duggan moved to adopt. Car-
Ald. Jones, chairman of public
grounds and building committee, re-
ported as follows:
In favor of cancelling all insurance
policies on city property the first of
February, 1899, and that new ones be
taken, asfollows, to -wit:
On city hall, Joseph Reynold -
11000 00
On city hall, Dubuque Fire and
Marine Ins. Co. 1000 00
On city hall, Peter Kiene & Son 1000 00
Special Session, January 25, 1899.
On city hall, Coates & Robinson 3000 00
On city hall, Geo. L. Torbert 1000 00
On city hall, Jno. L. Buettell 2000 00
On city hall, Leathers and Tre-
win 1000 00
On city hall, D. H. McCarthy 1000 00
On city hall, I .C. Chamberlain1000 00
On city hall John Maclay 1000 00
On city hall, Geo. Salot 1000 00
On city hall, F. G. Brandt 1000 00
Total city hall $15000 00
On 9th street engine house, Du-
buque Fire and Marine Ins Co.$4000 00
On 9th street engine house, Pet-
er Kiene & Son 2000 00
On 9th street engine house, D
H. McCarthy 2000 00
On 9th street engine house, Jno.
Herancourt 1000 00
On 9th street engine house, J. H.
Needham 1000 00
On 9th street engine house, Chris
A. Voelker 2000 00
On 9th street engine house, Con-
rad B. Scherr ... 1000 00
On 9th street engine house, F. H.
Wiehe & Co. 1000 00
On 9th street engine house,.
Frank Engle 1000 OC
Total $15000 00
On town clock, Andrew Reilly..$ 500 00
On town clock, Hosford & Hoff-
man ... 1000 00
On town clock, J. H. Bradley 1000 00
Total $2500 00
On 4th street engine house, I. C
Chamberlain $2000 00
On 4th street engine house, An-
drew Reilly 500 00
Total $2500 00
On patrol house, Geo. L. Torbert$1000 00
On 18th street engine house, Du-
buque Fire and Marine 2000 00
On Delhi street engine house, I.
C. Chamberlain 1000 00
On Delhi street engine house,
Andrew Reilly 500 00
Total $1500 00
Total insurance on all build-
ings $39500 00
The policies of I. C. Chamberlain not
to be cancelled on the following build-
$1,000 on the city hall.
$2,000 on the 4th street engine house.
$1,000 on the Delhi street engine
On motion of Ald. Flynn the report
was adopted.
Ald. Crawford moved to adjounr to
February 2nd, 1899. Carried.
Attd1t ,,
.. Recorder
To M. Kunkell:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for re-
pairing sidewalk Aug. 18th, 1898, a spec-
ial assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the next regular meet-
ing of the city council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, lot No. 74, in McCran-
ey's 1st add., owned by you being sub-
ject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council, to be held on the
5th day of January, A. D., 1899, and
show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
Amount, 50c.
To John McDonald:
You are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with a resolution of the city coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque for repairing
sidewalk Sept. 28th, 1898, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the city council, upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment, lot 2 S 89 ft in McNulty's Sub.,
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are notified
to appear at said meeting of council,
to be held on the 5th day of January,
A. D., 1899, and show cause, if any you .
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
City Recorder.
Amount, $2.50.
To M. Burke:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with a resolution of the city
council of the city of Dubuque for re-
pairing sidewalk Aug. 2nd, 1898, a spec-
ial assessment will be levied for the
expense thereof at the next regular
meeting of the city council, upon all
lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement, lot No. 4, in addition
to Stout's Dub, owned by you being
subject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the council, to be held on the 5th
day of January, A. D., 1899, and show
cause if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
City Recorder.
Amount, 50c.
22 List of Warrants.
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 3rd, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of December, 1898:
Name. Purpose. Am't.
C H Berg, salary as mayor $116 65
H 13 Gniffke, salary as treasur-
er 133 35
H B Gniffke, salary for clerk
hire 75 00
L M Langstaff, salary as record-
er116 65
F B Hoffman, salary as auditor100 00
E 0 Duncan, salary as assessor125 00
T H Duffy, salary as attorney 150 00
Edw Morgan, salary as marshal83 35
Joe Reinfried. salary as fire
chief 100 00
Wm Fitzpatrick. salary as com-
mittee clerk 75 00
Wm A Kaep. salary as clerk in
recorder's office 50 00
Edw Herron, salary as clerk in
treasurer's office 50 00
Edw C Blake, salary as engineer. 125 00
E S Hyde. salary as assistant en-
gineer ... 91 65
P Cassidy, salary as chaimnan
for engineer 40 00
Jas Boyce, salary as street
commissioner 91 65
W Hippman, salary as electric-
ian 83 35
Otto Rath, salary as market mas-
P Ryan, park custodian
Gust Wiedner, park custodian
R F Curran, wharf master
E A Guilbert, health officer
Mrs H Koenig, janitress
N Offerman, pound master
Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman..
7. Ziedman, sidewalk inspector..
31 Eitel, fireman
A Duccini, fireman
Jno. Essman, fireman
Jno Flynn, fireman
J Wlltse, fireman
Geo Beyer, fireman
Al Heer, fireman
Joe Tschudi, fireman
Jas Daley, fireman
Job Barnes, fireman
Thos Ryder, fireman
J Schonberger, fireman
W Ducey, fireman
M Fahey, fireman
T Meehan, fireman
F Kenneally, fireman
D Ahearn, fireman ...
T Walker, fireman
G Helmrich, fireman
J. McFarland, fireman
J Murphy, fireman
A McDonald, fireman
T Kennedy, fireman
J Fitzpatrick, fireman
F Murphy, fireman
F Ganahl, fireman
T Flynn, fireman
50 00
40 00
40 00
20 00
50 00
20 00
45 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
Geo Gehrke, fireman
J Rooney, fireman
C Kannolt, fireman
Jas Allen, fireman
W McBride, fireman
R Weston, fireman
W Quinlan, sub fireman
Geo Burke!. police
N Brand. police
Jas Carter, police
Jas Clune, police
Jno Cody, fireman
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
51 65
44 55
50 00
51 65
51 65
50 00
50 00
47 85
46 20
50 00
Pat Hanlon, fireman 50 00
W Hennessey. police 50 00
Ernil Kahn. police 50 00
M Kilty, police 47 85
Jno Loetscher, police 51 65
Jas Lonergan, police 51 65
Pat McCollins, police 50 00
Pat McInerney, police 51 65
Edw Moore, police 60 00
Pat Mulligan, police 61 65
Jno Murphy, police 50 00
J J Murphy, police 75 00
Dan Norton, police 51 65
M O'Connor. police 51 65
Aug Pfeffer, ponce 51 65
Pat Powers, police 47 85
Jas Rooney. police 51 65
Thos Reilly, police 50 00
Jno Raesle, police 51 65
P Scharff, police 50 00
Al T Scherr, police 51 65
Pat Sutton, police 50 00
Thos Sweeney, police 50 00
Pat Sullivan, police 51 65
J J Sullivan, police 47 85
Jno Tierney, police 51 65
Jos Tyler, police 51 65
Mrs Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00
Miss 13 Brennan, matron 30 00
Jno Burns, labor .. 2 50
Joe Broulette, labor 65
Paul Becker, labor 2 50
P Brandenberger, labor .. 1 25
Jno Brachtobrach, labor ........ 30
Chas Buse, labor .. 1 25
Joe Brown, labor 10 65
P Carney, labor 2 50
Jno Callahan, labor 5 30
M Carmody, labor 3 75
G Coppes, labor 5 00
R Caffrey, labor 4 70
M Crahan, labor 2 50
J Corbett, labor 30
W Carberry, labor 5 00
L Corcoran, labor 1 25
Jas Connelly, labor 8 75
A Crawford, labor 12 00
J Doherty, labor 1 25
M Dunnigan, labor 65
P Dempsey, labor 5 00
S Dorsey, labor 18 00
R T Eddy, labor .. 20 00
Pat Furey, labor 2 50
Ben Fern, labor 1 50
M Craugh, fireman
Phil Dumphey, fireman
F Devaney, fireman ..
Jno Fitzpatrick. fireman
Jas Flynn, fireman
List of Warrants
Jno Fix, labor
P Fenelon, labor
Chr Frohs, labor
N Frith, labor
Jno Farley, labor
P Greden, labor
G Greden, labor
B Glass, labor
J M Garrison, labor
Joe Grab, labor
Peter Guenther, labor
Fed Gallow, labor
Jno Hafey, labor
S Hickock, labor
P Hevi•can, labor
J Hansen, labor
A H•offerman, labor
Jas Hayes, labor
Wm Howard, labor
Jno Hayes, labor 20 00
Jas Hird, labor 7 50
Andy Johnson, labor 30
Phil Kenney, labor 2 50
Joe Kie'bel, labor 2 20
Jno Kelly, labor 3 75
Jno Keast, labor 3 75
Asa Knapp, lalbor 65
Fred Krueger, labor 2 50
Jno Karsch, labor 1 90
Wm Kronfseld, labor • 2 50
P Krocheski, labor 3 75
Herm Kraus, labor 1 25
J Klingel, la'bor 1 55
Jno Kinsella, labor 20 00
Matt Klein, labor 12 50
M Lonergan, labor 10 65
T Maloney, labor 1 25
Pat IMoram, labor 2 80
Geo Moore, labor 3 75
M Murphy, labor 65
Jno Mullen, labor 30
Ed Malloy, labor 3 75
Tom IMulqueeney, labor 2 20
Joe Martinek, labor 4 05
D McGuiness, labor 2 50
J McCormack, labor .... 2 50
M McNamara, labor 2 50
F McBride, labor 4 70
B McCormack, labor 3 15
R McGivern, labor 40 00
Phil Newman. labor 8 75
Pat O'Brien, labor 5 30
Jno O'Dea, labor 2 50
Wm O'Brien, labor 20 00
C H Pierce, labor 11 90
Jno Pfeiffer, labor .. 3 00
Morris Quinlain, labor 4 05
T Reilly, labor 5 95
Chas Reilly, labor 5 30
Phil Reddin, labor 30
J Rooney, labor 3 75
Dan Sheehan, labor 8 00
J B Stephens, labor .. 65
Wm Sheridan, labor .. 1 90
Geo Sutter, labor . 5 00
A Stauer, labor 2 80
Sam Smith, labor .. 5 00
Otto Schlaegar, labor 2 50
P Staffer, labor
B Schuee, labor .
Jno Spies, labor
A R Stevenson, engineer steam
roller .... 75 00
2 50
2 50
,.. 5 00
L Taylor, labor
H Tlppe, labor
J Wolff, labor ........
L S Witter, labor
F Witter, labor
L Witter, labor
F Zuershoff, labor
G Zumboff, labor ...
Edw Burns, teams
Tim Byron, teams
B Cain, teams
J Costello. teams
J Decker, teams
T Elliott, teams
Ed Frith, teams
P C Foley, teams
M Kenneally, teams
Jno Long, teams
W Leik, teams
Wm iMoore, teams
J G Moore. teams
McElrath Teaming Co., teams..
Jeff ,McGrath, teams
J•no IMeCollins, teams
S P Norton, teams
P O'Meara, teams
Jno Parker, teams
Mrs. E. Quinlivan, teams
D Sutherland, teams
Jessie Venn, teams
Chas Botsford, labor
Sam Elmer, labor
P Furey, Jr., labor
M Flynn, labor
J Lowrie, labor
J McCune; labor
J Ryan, labor
Chas Hillery, labor
Jno McCollins, teams
T F Maguire, assistant attorney
Sam Starr, use of horse and
E Anderson, surveying and es-
timating grading on W 14th
street. Case of Guthrie vs
P Ilg, surveying and estimating
grading on W 14th street. Case
of Guthrie vs city
A H (Mackenzie, 2 sets of pic-
tures for use of city in case of
Proctor Vs city
Jas Kelly, blank stationery for
•city attorney
Mrs. Laura Thompson, witness
fees case of Iowa vs. Under-
wood ..
Gertie Thompson, witness fees
case of Iowa vs. Underwood
Jos W Wittmer, glass and putty
'for city hall
Jos W Wittmer, sulphur for sew-
er department
L Daily, cleaning around city
hall September, October and
Mettel Bros., broom for Wash-
ington park ...
R Waller, hauling brush from
Washington park .......
Christman & Healey, hardware,
List of Warrants.
Washington park 1 30
Waltcm & Bieg, stationery for
recorder's office ......... 8 80
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and rope 1 55
Key City Gas Co., gas for Mrs.
f.u11's residence
Jno Helm, brick for Mrs. Lull's
residence .......................
Phil Pier, coal. $128.84; and
wood, $23.20, for city hall...... 152 05
Key City Gas Co., coke for
steam roller 36 75
Voggenthaler and Ragatz, re-
pairing steam roller 30 50
Engler, Prudden Lumber Co.,
lumber for road department30 75
F Schloz and Son, 'repairing
tools for road department 12 75
B D Lenehan, repairing tools
for road department 4 10
J Tibey, rock for city 18 20
J Becker, rock for city 5 45
P Quinn, rock for city 70
Phil Pier, coal for steam roller,
$7.47, and wood for patrol
bourse, $4.63 12 10
Hussman and Lies, hardware for
road department 3 20
Klauer Mfg Co., hardware for
road department 12 00
G F Kleih, hardware ifor road
department 13 00
G F Kle.ih, hardware for police
•department 1 20
Key City Iron Works, repairs on
W llth street 10 57
Key City Iron Works, repairs
for fire department .. .. 10 93
Peter E',sbach, retaining wall on
De Soto terrace 2633 08
H Kehr, macadam 23 55
S Meyer, macadam 26 40
J Schroman, macadam ... 23 15
P Jacobs, macadam 33 30
J Rooney, cleaning •sidewalk
around city hall 65
Kannolt and Powers, horse
shoeing for fire department.... 38 30•
Lembke Bros., repairing har-
hess for fire department 31 70
Tom Connolly, repairing chief's
buggy and trucks for fire de-
partment 13 50
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
department ..... . 10 35
Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi
'street Engine ,house 6 00
Engler-Frudden Lumber Co.,
lumber :for 18th street engine
house 5 95
Christman & Healey, hardware
for fire department
Chris man & Healey, hardware
for road department
Carr, Ryder and Adams Co.,
rega,1azing .sash for fire de-
Dubuque Harness and Saddlery
Co., brushes and whips for fire
P H Halpin, 50 lbs
fire department
5 15
8 00
serine for
7 25
7 45
4 80
19 25
6 25
.Lally & Geissler, repairing roofs
at 4th and 18th street engine
houses ..... ....... 26 55
Fred Roehl, coal hods for fire de-
partment ... .. 60
Mullen Bros., plumbing at 9th
and 18th street engine houses.. 4 90
M Stafford. hay, for fire depart-
ment, $66.47; and for police de-
partment, $7.03 73 50
Voggenthaler and Ragatz, re-
pairs far fire department 90
Dubuque Rubber and Belting
Co., new hose for fire depart-
ment 2 75
Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de-
partment .. .. 3 50
Dubuque Water Co., 338 hy-
drants for November, 1898 1408 33
Dubuque Water Co., 8 hydrants
in C., M. and St. P. yards200 00
Duggan & Kane. brooms,
matches •and .oif for police de-
partment 4 80
Duggan & Kane, supplies for
matron's quarters 3 90
Jos W \V1ttmer•, drugs and sta-
tionary fiur police department. 9 95
G F Iileih, hardware for police
de}lartment 75
Jno Drehou.se, moving safes in
marshal's office .. 5 50
J P Schroeder, cement, sewer
department 5 50
Lenihan & Mdio, sewer pipe,
sewer department 108 00
He+adford 'Bros. & Hitchens,
manhole covers, etc., for sower
department 10 00
Globe -Journal. official printing
for November 50 00
The Herald, official printing for
November . 50 00
National Demokrat, official print
ing for November 25 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official
printing for November 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, report of `
weekly proceedings...... .... 3 00
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
port 4 50
Star Electric Co., 322 arc lights
for November ............ .. 1738 80
T E Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals . .. .. 150 2:
Smith, Morgan Printing Co., blank
stationery for health depart 1 71'
Dan Sheehan, labor on city
dump .. 2 5p
American Fire Insurance, Co., in-
surance on Delhi Street Engine
house. 20 0P
Dubuque Fire Marine Insurance
Co., insurance on Eighteenth
Street Engine house 37 50
E. H. Sheppley, refunded tax50 00
F A Gniffke, damages to property
on Pickett street 200 00
Jas. A Hayes, court costs in case
of Gniffke vs. city 46 SO
H B Gniffke, ref. exc. permits55 00
I3 B Gniffke, interests on war-
rants ..1176 20
Official Notices. 25
H B Gniffke, postage, $6.80 and
mantels for gas in police depart-
ment, 55 cents 7 35
P. M. Schlosser, loan 350 00
Josie Fahey, loan 100 01'
Agnes Hayes, loan 150 00
German Trust and Savings
bank, loan ........ 3000 00
Wm Amners, labor 1 55
P Brandenberger, labor 4 e1
J Brown, labor.... 11 25
A Sheldon, labor ... 6 55
J Crawford, labor 5 ::0
J Connelly, labor 11 25
S Dorsey, labor 19 50
R T Eddy, labor 20 03
J Fiddler, labor 6 55
J Fix, labor. 4 70
P Fenelon, labor 11 25
N Frith, labor 25 (10
J Farley, labor '>.O !10
M Girra, labor 6 55
J Hird, labor 15
J Hayes, labor 20 00
F Janz, labor 5 95
J Kraus, labor.... 1 a5
J Kinsella, labor ... 20 00
M Klein, labor 12 50
M Lonergon, labor 11 25
E McCormack, labor 30
P Newman, labor ... 11 25
W O'Brien, labor 20 00
J Peryon, labor 1 55
C H Pierce, labor .......... 11 25
John Raetz, labor 20 00
A R Stevenson, labor 37 50
A Weiser.... .... 1 55
Geo. Zumhoff, labor.. 4 50
Chas. Botsford, labor.... 19 50
Sam Elmer, labor 18 75
Pat Furey, labor. 18 75
M Flynn, labor ...... 19 50
J. Lowry, labor.... 19 50
J McCune, labor.... ... 19 56
J Ryan, labor 19 50
Chas. Hillery, labor
John McCollins, team on sewers
Joe Calvert, team on sewers
John Whalen, labor......
M Sullivan, labor
.1 R Lindsay, personal damages
for Mrs. Mary Weymouth by
falling on sidewalk 150 00
Jas. A Hayes, court costs in case
of McGee vs City 20 50
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct list of all warrants is
sued by me during the month of De-
cember, 1898.
City Recorder.
25 00
11 25
2 50
16 JO
7 50
Notice is hereby given to the follow-
ingmentioned owners of the real es-
tate hereinafter described, that at the
session of the city council of the city
of Dubuque held on the 1st and 15th
.day of December, 1898, the following
special assessments were levied on the
said real estate hereinafter described,
for the purpose of paying for the fol-
lowing improvement hereinafter men-
And in case of failure of said owners
to agree in writing within 30 days from
the date of that they will not make any
objection to said assessment or to any
irregularity or illegality of said assess-
ments or levy, and that they will pay
said assessments with interest at 6 per
cent per annum in seven equal annual
installments, the first of which shall
become clue and payable with interest
on whole amount 30 days after said levy
and the other installments one at a
time with interest on whole amount un-
paid annually therelafter; then and
in that case the whole of said assess-
ments shall become due and payable
30 days after said levy with interest
from date of levy at 6 per cent per an-
num. And a failure at any time to
pay said assessment or the installments
thereof within 30 days after same be-
comes due and payable, as prescribes]
will cause the same to become delin-
quent and subject to collection by dis-
tress and safe of said real estate .
Treasurer of City of Dubuque.
Por the construction of an 8 -inch tile
pipe sewer in Pickett and Alma streets:
Name. Descripti-on. Amount.
W H Rebman, Cooley's sub, S
1-2 lot 1 $ 29 38
J J Carney, Cooley's sub, N
1-2 lot 1 . 12 32
J B Powers, Cooley's sub, lot 2.. 26 00
J B Powers, Cooley's sub, S 7
ft lot 3 ... 3 64
Mary A Rebman, Cooley's sub;
N 43 ft lot 3 22 36
Mary A- Rebman, Cooley's sub, S
2 ft lot 4• 1 04
Geo B Burch, Cooley's sub, N
48 ft lot 4 . 24 96
J B Glover, Cooley's sub, lot 5.. 26 00
W F Rebman, Cooley's sub, lot 6 26 00
Mrs M Carney, Cooley's sub; lot 7 26 00
G M Staples Est, Cooley's sub,
lot 8 18 20
A A Loetscher, Fairview sub,
lot 11 43 16
John Strelau, Fairview sub,
lot 12 .. 26 00
M J McCullough, Fairview sub,
lot 13 26 00
Rebecca Farley, Fairview sub,
lot 14 26 00
Rebecca Farley, Fairview sub,
lot 15 26 00
Judith Sage, sub city 667, lot 9105 56
E S Hyde, sub 8 city 667 lot 215 08
Jno Wybrant, sub 4 city 667, lot 1 43 68
Mary S. Silvers, sub 3 city 667,
lot 1 22 88
For the improvement of Troy Alley
from Kniest street to Johnson avenue:
Name. Description. Amount.
Fred Otto, N 30 ft of lot 4 of 4 of
Kniest's sub + $ 59 50
Maggie Mohr, N 50 ft of lot 5 of
Kniest's sub 59 50
Official Notices.
Emilie Guderian, High street
sub, lot 11
G Frommelt, High street sub,
lot 10
C Welsh, High street sub, lot 9
M Rhomberg, High street sub,
lot 8
Sophia Zollicoffer, High street
sub, lot 7
Frank Chaney, High street sub,
lot 6
Mary Haggerty, High street
sub, lot 5
Mary Haggerty, High street
sub, lot 4...
Cath Sherman, High street sub,
lot 3
P Domenig, High street sub lot 2
P Domenig, High street sub lot 1
Henry Petermann, High street
sub, lot 12
Henry Petermann, High street
sub, lot 13
Adam Kress, High street sub,
lot 14
Adam Kress, High street sub,
lot 15
Henry Koif Est, High street
sub, lot 19
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
16 53
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
9 35
Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, Dec.
29th, 1898.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Friday,
January 6th, 1899, to print and to bind
two warrant books for use of city au-
The paper must be of good quality
and bound in sheep, of 250 pages each.
Sample can be seen in the recorder's
office. All bids must be accompanied
with the Union Label, as no bids of
non-union printers will be considered.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
City Recorder.
12-29 to 16th 1899.
Regular Session, February 2, 18519.
Regular Session, Feb. 2, 1899.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m.
Present—Aldermen Crawford, Dug-
gan, Flynn, Frith, Jones McLaughlin
and Wales.
.Md. Crawford moved to postpone
action on the council proceeding for the
month of January, 1899. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Thos F Maguire, assistant at-
torney for January $ 50 00
Jos J Murphy, assistant city as-
sessor for January 75 00
Gotf Gmehle, assistant city as-
sessor for January 75 00
Sam Starr, use of horse and
buggy for January 10 00
M Mullen, plumbing at city hall1 40
Union Printing Co., blank sta-
tionery for treasurer and
board of health 6 50
D C Stewart, recording deeds
and plats 4 25
Hayes and Abeln, abstracts of
lots 13 in L. H. Lang's addi-
tion $8.00 and323 Wood -
lawn park sub !J 14 00
Walton and Bie blank station-
ery for city attorney 2 40
Jas Beach and Sons, soap for
city hall and fire department17 85
Palmer, Winall and Oo., blank
stationery for mayor, treas-
urer and assessor .. 103 50
Dubuque Water Co., water for
city hall, $20.00; and patrol
house, $10.00 30 00
Eichhorn and Bechtel, nil for
city hall, 70c; and sewer de-
partment, 70c ... 1 40
C 0 D laundry, towels and racks
for October, November and
December, 1898 ... 9 00
Larry Daley, hauling ashes from
city hall for December, 1898,
and January, 1899
Pape and Jacquinat, material
and labor putting up new foun
tain on Southern avenue
Pape and Jacquinot, repairing
gas fixtures in street commis-
sioner's office
Farley and Loetscher Co., new 3 30
storm sash for city hall
Julius J J ones, repairing cdty
(ball, $20.65; and patrol house,
Harger and Blleh, stationery
for road department
Barger and Blish, stationery for
a'ssessor's office
Linehan and Molo, salt for road
department, $3.00; and cement
for sewer department, $4.75.... 7 75
James Kelley, time books for
road department
23 50
16 75
3 65
40 45
6 15
3 50
4 50
Jno. Butt, repairs at C.ntral en-
gine house
Butt Bros, repairs at 4th street
engine house ..
Phil Pier, coal for fire depart-
ment ... 113 35
W B Baumgartner, hardware for
fire department
Yerger and Vollenweider, horse
shoeing for fire department.... 14 70
Edw Sloan, horse shoeing for
fire department
Lear and Pflffner, h.a'se shoe-
ing for fire department
La•gen and Sullivan, horse shoe-
ing for fire department
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for
fire department $3.30; and
road department, $2.50.
Kannol.t and Powers, horse shoe-
ing for fire department, $7.60;
and police department, $3.70.. 11 30
Collings and Wilkinson, horse
eh•oeing far fire department,
$1.40 and police department,
$1.60 3 00
W H Torbert, drugs for fire de-
partm.ent 22 70
Ott, Meurer and 0o., shavings
Thr fire department 2 00
Christman and Healey, hard-
ware for fire department 21 00
G F Thorman, glass and putty
for fire department 1 30
J and A M Trexler, soap, match-
es and salt for fire department 9 50
F A Miller, 3 dozen barn brooms
for fire department 8 40
McDermott and Gow, plumbing
at Delhi street engine house7 00
Jno Duggan, repairs for fire de-
partment 9 40
Jas Levi, pillow cases for fire
department 6 30
Jno Kriebs, repairing harness
for fire department 50
Dubuque Waiter Co., 338 hy-
drants far January, 1899 1408 33
Otto Rath, board of prisoners
for January, 1899 18 60
Duggan and Kane, supplies for
matron's quarters 4 80
Christ Schmitt, supplies for mat-
ron's quarters ... 6 55
Jno Hartig. repairing locks and
keys for fire department, 60c;
and police department, $1.201 80
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
messages for police depart-
ment . ... 85
Jno Corbett, sawing wood at
1 50
4 65
4 60
4 45
2 20
9 65
4 10
5 80
patrol house
Chas A Heller, 1 cord of wood
for patrol house 3 50
Frank Burns, 5 cords of hickory
wood for police department22 50
Duggan and Kane, bran for pat-
rol house 1 80
Harger and Blish, level books
for assistant engineer 3 00
J.no Hartig, repairing tapes and
instruments for engineer's of-
1 75
28 Regular Session, February 2, 1899.
Globe -Journal, official printing
for January
The Herald, official printing for
National Demokrat, official print
ing for January
Dubuque Telegraph, official
p 60 00
printing for January
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly
council proceedings $3.00 and
health reports for Jan., $3.506 50
Etch:horn and Bechtel, tacks for
health department 30
T E Frith, removing dead ani-
mals in January 8 50
Key City Gas Co., gas for vari-
ous departments . 169 35
Star Electric Co., 333 arc lights
for JanuarY 1785 50
Globe Light and Heat Co., 100
lamps for January 166 67
The following bills were referred to
the committee on fire:
Torn Cbnnolly, repairing chemi-
cal engine $ 73 60
Tom Connolly, repairing chief's
buggy and repairs at 18th and
9th street engine houses 71 75
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
department 49 67
Ferguson Supply Co., 1 horse
drinking fountain 65 00
The following bills were referred to
the committee on streets:
Margt Hughes, gravel for road
departm•enit 7 50
Lear and Pfiffner, 'horse Shoeing
carpenter horse . 1 80
Key City Lime Works, 50 loads
of covering used by the road
department 12 50
M Mullen, plumbing at city hall 3 75
On motion the bill was referred to
the committee on public grounds and
Bill of Beach and Schmitt, due city
of Dubuque for macadam amounting
to $1.55 was on motion of Ald. Craw-
ford referred to the city marshal for
60 00
50 00
25 00
The following petitions were referred
to the delinquent tax committee:
Petition of Mrs. Margaret Toussaint
asking to have her taxes reduced on
part of city lot 432 for the year 1898.
Petition of Mrs. Saloma Rupprecht
asking to have her' taxes canceled on lot
No. 446 in Ham's add, for the year
Petition of Miss Kate Collins ask-
ing that her taxes be canceled on lot
No. 2 Bonson's sub n for the year 1898.
Petition of Anna Madl asking coun-
cil to cancel her taxes en lot No. 249
Davis' Farm add for the year 1897.
The following petitions were referred
to the equalization committee:
Petition of C. A. Noyes for Mrs. H.
B. Noyes asking that the assessment
on lot 788 in McDaniel's sub be reduced
from $23.00 to $15.00 for the year 1898.
Petition of Fred Otto asking that the
taxes on' his property located on Kniest
street be reduced for the year 1898.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of Dubuque Turbine and
Roller Mill company asking for remis-
sion of taxes for 1898 on the improve-
ments on lots No. 417, 418 and 419 East
Dubuque add, according to resolution
passed Dec. 7, 1891.
Petition of Bank and Insurance
building Co. by Thos. Connolly, presi-
dent, asking that its property be fixed
at the sum of $50,000, as fixed by
Petition of The Adams company, ask-
ing for remission of taxes not to exceed
the amount of $3.150.00 according to re-
solutions passed Sept. 3, 1892 and
March 6, 1893 on north 1-2 of block "C"
in Booth's add.
Petition of Jno. Mullen, asking city
to purchase his macadam, located on
Hill street.
Petition of John McGee, asking city
to purchase his macadam located on
Southern avenue to enable him to pay
his taxes for the year 1898.
Petition of Wm. Kronfeld, asking city
to pay him balance due for macadam.
Petition and claim of Henry Henge
asking city to allow him $25.00 for
damages sustained by falling on side-
walk on the south east corner of 17th
and Clay streets.
Petition of Jas. Sullivan et al, asking
to open part of alley north of Julien
avenue, between 8h and 9th and Bluff
streets to intersect with Julien avenue,
above the Diamond House.
Petition of Aug. A. Schilling et al
asking city to have bank of dirt re-
moved at a point in Angella street
about 100 feet east of Catherine street
on top of the hill. Ald. Crawford
moved that the petition be referred to
the street committee and to have the
dirt removed at a cost not to exceed the
sum of $25.00 Carried.
Petition of E. Schalch et al asking
city to refund them money paid for
butchers' license since the year 1891.
Ald. Crawford moved that the petition
be not granted. Carried.
Petition and claim of Thos. Casey
claiming $2,500.00 as personal damages
sustained by falling on sidewalk in
front of dwelling house No. 2247 on
Couler avenue. Ald. Crawford moved
that the petition be referred to the
city attorney. Carried.
Communication of Marshal Morgan
asking council to appoint three (3)
substitutes as policemen to take the
place of others who may be taken sick
or be disabled to report for duty. On
motion action was postponed until after
resolution was passed.
Communication of F. B. Hoffman
and city attorney in relation to what
salary shall be paid to the city asses-
sor after January 1st, 1899. Ald. Craw-
ford moved that the auditor be instruct-
ed to put all officers on the pay roll at
Regular Session, February 2, 1899.
the rate fixed by the city council last
April, 1898. Carried.
Communication of L. M. Langstaff,
city recorder, asking advice as to his
duties in connection with the new pur-
chasing committee, as there is a con-
flict between the ordinance and the
resolution. Ald. Frith moved that it be
referred to the committee of the whole.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—Below you will find state -
men of the amounts advanced by me
during the past month, for which please
have warrants drawn in my favor.
Refund Excavation permits $ 10 00
Interest on warrants outstand
ing 752 14
Refund tax Eli Brown 35 36
Revenue Stamps.... 100
Postage stamps 2 70
New York exchange.... 48
Freight charges 2 54
Express charges.... .... 45
Ald. McLaughlin moved the report be
received and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the various amounts and the re-
port referred back to the finance com-
mittee. Carried.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit to you
the pay roll for city officers for the
month of January, 1899. Amount due
officers for the month. $1826.65. The
matter of the assessors' salary referred
to council.
Ald. Crawford moved that the recor-
der be instructed to insert $100.00 for
the amount of assessor's salary, as was
fixed by the city council, April 14, 1898.
Carried. Making the total amount due
city officers for the month of January,
1899, $1,926.65. Also the following list
shows the amount expended in each de-
partment from the beginning of the fis-
cal year:
General Expense fund
Road fund. ..
Police fund
Fire fund
Gas and Light fund
Water fund
Engineer fund
Printing fund.... .... .......... 2210 05
Sewerage fund .... 4306 08
Board of Health fund 2791 43
Interest fund 24246 89
Total .. . . $195,079 83
Ald. Crawford moved to receive the
report and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay the city officials and the
report referred back to the com-
mittee on finance. Carried.
804 67
Mayor and City
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor
Council of Dubuque.
Gentlemen—The following is
roll of the fire department
month of January, 1899.
Total amount due firemen, $1,924.80.
Ald. Duggan moved to receive the re-
port and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay firemen for the month of
January and the report referred back to
the committee on fire. Carried.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen—The folowing is the report
of the police department for January
Total number of arrests 64
Total number of runs by patrol42
Total number of miles traveled571
Total number of lodgers 162
Number of meals furnished priso-
ners .. 58
Number of meals furnished lod-
gers 35
Cost of meals furnished..........$18 60
Number of doors found open .. 26
Articles found outside stores...... 3
Prisoners.. 64
Prisoners residents of Dubuque14
Also reports amount due policemen
for the month of January, 1899, $1893.65.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to receive the
report and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the police and the report referred
back to the committee on police and
lights. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen—The following 1s the
amount of my pay roll for labor on
streets for the last half of January,
1899: Total amount due laborers $216.40.
Signed. J. H. BOYCE,
Street Commissioner.
Examined and approved,
Chairman Comt. on streets.
Ald. Jones moved that the report be
received and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay laborers and the report
referred back to the street committee.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the city of Dubuque..
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on sewers
Amount dueu
half of January,
laborers. $162.80.
Signed. J. H. BOYCE,
Street Commissioner
Examined and approved.
Chairman Comt. on Sewers.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of January, 1899. I find from the re -
and City
the pay
for the
$27556 80
40855 02
$24420 60
26915 38
20956 67
17200 61
3620 30
30 Regular Session, February 2, 1899.
ports of the police department that the
total hours that 200 lamps failed to
burn, would equal 5 lamps for one
month or $27.00.
His Honor, the mayor, instructed the
recorder to notify the city auditor to
deduct the amount of $27.00 from. the
January, 1899, bill of the Star Electric
The following weighmasters and
woodmeasurer reports was referred to
the committee on markets.
R. F. Curran, wood measurer
receipts $ 9 24
T. Faharty, weighmaster First
ward receipts
Charles Pitschner, weighmaster
West Dubuque, receipts 3 72
Otto Rath, weighmaster city hall,
20 55
Boyce reported
6 24
Street Commissioner
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I would respectfully re-
port on the communication of John
Kinsella, that the special assessment
for repairs on sidewalk for the month
of November, 1898. Against E. S. Clark
Est. on lot 22, L. H. Langworthy's sub,
for $1.05, was an error and should be
canceled. The same is now corrected
on special assessment for the month
of December, 1898.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re
port and the amount of special assess-
ment against the estate of E. S. Clark
be cancelled. Carried.
F. Carney, justice of peace reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is report
of case tried in police court for viola-
tion of city ordinance:
State of Iowa, for use of city of Du-
buque vs. Lawrence Eberhart, by direc-
tion of city attorney. Information filed
charging defendant with violating sec-
tion 6, an ordinance for the cleaning of
privy vaults, cesspools, water closets,
etc. Defendant pled guilty, fined $1.00
and cost which amounted to $6.20.
Please find treasurer's receipt for
$1.00 attached.
Fine reduced to $1.00 by direction of
city attorney.
Very respectfully,
Justice of the Peace.
The mayor ordered that the report
be received and filed.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, January 26th, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen-
tlemen: The city council of the city of
Dubuque having reached an agreement
with the assistant city assessors it is
deemed unnecessary by me for to make
a report on the enclosed document. I
would therefore recommend that the
council receive and file same for fu-
ture reference,
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the city at-
torney was adopted.
City Attorney Duffy, as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 26th, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the city of Dubuque.
Gentlemen—You have referred to me
the matter of the sewer in the alley be-
tween Main and Locust streets from
First to Eighth streets, relative to pre-
paring papers showing a proper trans-
fer of said sewer to the city.
The ordinance granting the right to
construct and operate said sewer was
granted originally to A. A. Cooper and
B. E. Linehan (being chapter 135 of the
revised ordinance of the city of Dubu-
que 1893) .
Since said grant the said Cooper and
Linehan transferred all their rights
under the said ordinance to M. Tschirgi
Jr., who constructed the said sewer and
is at present the owner of the same.
The assignment from Cooper and
Linehan to Tschirgi is hereto attached.
I also attach hereto a contract along
the lines of the proposition made by the
said M. Tschirgi Jr., to the city, which
the said M. Tschirgi duly executed.
I would recommend that said contract
be approved and that the mayor and
recorder execute said contract in behalf
of the city.
City Attorney.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to refer the
repoirt and all papers to the ordinance
committee. Carried.
City Attorney Duffy presented an ab-
stract of title and copy of deed and re-
port on lot 323 Woodlawn Park addi-
His honor, the mayor, referred the
entire matter to the committee of the
The council took a recess for ten
minutes. When the council was called
to order, all members were present.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee, presented special assess-
ments for cleaning snow and ice for the
month of December 1899 also special
assessment for repairing sidewalks in
the month of December and special as-
sessment for constructing a sidewalk
on east side of Summitt street,
abutting lots 4 and 5 Mattox's sub.
owned by J. H. Kleine.
Ald. Crawford moved that the record-
er be instructed to give the proper no-
tices as provided for by ordinance, and
present to the council at the proper
time for their further consideration.
Ald. Duggan stated that some of the
gasoline lamps were not lighted, caus-
ing complaints and utter darkness in
some parts of the city.
Regular Session, February 2, 1899.
Ald. Crawford moved that the matter
be referred to the committee on police
and light and that AId. Duggan be add-
ed to the committee. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that warrants for
$2.00 each be drawn in favor of the
jurors appointed by the city marshal
to assess the damage, if any, for the
extension of Washington street. Car-
Names of jurors follows:
Joseph Herod, C. B. Trewin, Chris.
Voelker, John Pier, Chas. Reilly, J. L.
Horr, Frank Coates, D. W. Linehan,
Robert Jess, A. A. Cullen. Chris. Jan-
sen, Peter Oeth.
Aid. McLaughlin chairman of the
committee on police and light stated
that the patrol wagon needed to be re-
Ald. Frith moved the matter be refer-
red to the committee on police and
lights, and they to ascertain the cost of
the needed repairs and report to the
council. Carried.
Aid. Jones of the committee an fire
reported on the bill of Mrs. John Burk
for wood claimed to be used by the fire
department on Southern avenue at the
Kavanaugh fire as follows:
The above claim has been examined
by the committee on fire and payment
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report
of the committee. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the commit-
tee on public grounds and buildings
reported that he had not had time to
examine the insurance policies fully,
but had noticed a variation in the
amounts, of premiums, therefore ask-
ed further time which on motion was
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of C.
H. Eighmey, asking that the assess-
ment of the First National bank for
1898, be reduced 20 per cent, would res-
pectfully report in favor of granting
said petition. And would also recom-
mend that the assessment for the year
1898 on all other banks of the city be
fixed at 80 per cent of their capital
stock; provided that this action is taken
solely for the purpose of equalizing as
far as practicable the assessments of
the several banks of the city for the
Year 1898, and shall not be considered a
precedent for the future.
Ald. Frith moved that the report be
referred back to the committee of the
whol•e'. Carried by the following vote.
Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Duggan,, 1ynn,
Frith and Jones. Total -5.
Nays—Alda. McLaughlin and Wales.
Total -2.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the
equalization committee, reported as fol-
Your committee on equalization
would respectfully report in favor of
granting the petition of Abbey C.
Staples, et al, asking that the treasurer
be instructed to receive payment of a
valuation of $4,000.00 on lots 1, 2, 3, and
4, block 17, Dubuque Harbor company's
Your committee having found that
there was a mistake made in making
the assessment for 1898, on this prop-
erty, Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Crawford also reported as fol-
Your committee •on equalization
would respectfully report adverse to
the granting of the petition of Sylvester
Hickok asking a reduction of his as-
sessment on lots 57 and 58, Union add,
but would recommend that the assessor
be instructed to make a reduction on
said lots next year, if in his judgment
it is assessed too much.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Crawfort also reported as fol-
Your committee an equalization
would respectfully report in favor of
granting the petition of Mrs. L. Zust,
asking that treasurer be instructed to
receive payment on her assessments,
less $2,000.00 which is in bank stock,
for the reason that said stock is as-
sessed to the bank and therefore can
not be assessed to an individual.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Crawford also reported as fol-
Your committee on equalization
would respectfully report adverse to
granting the petition of John J. Mul-
laney asking a reduction im assessment
on lot 97, as your committee can see no
good reason for making the reduction
asked for.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Crawford also reported as fol-
Your committee on equalization to
whom was referred the petitions of the
widows of honorably discharged union
soldiers asking for exemption of taxes
on their homesteads to the amount of
$800.00 as provided by paragraph seven
(7) of section 1304 of the code of Iowa.
would respectfully recommend that
the following named persons be ex-
empt for the year 1898, to the amount
of $800.00 on the following described
property to -wit:
Henrietta Herzog, lot 5, O. S. Lang -
worthy's add.
Harriette Perkins, lot 1 of sub 1 and
lot 1 of sub 2 Holford and Gruner's
sub and sub 1 of 4 min lot 121.
Elizabeth Buechler sub min lot 89.
Kate Winter, city lot 574a.
32 Regular Session, February 2, 1899.
Asenith Barnes, lots 3 and 5 of min
lot 72.
Mary E. Knott south 1-2 of lot 3 and
all of lot 4 in Corkery's sub.
Phoebe Elmer, lot No. 30, Driebilbus
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Crawford also reported as fol-
Your committee on equalization to
whom was referred the petition of
honorably discharged union soldiers
asking for exemption of taxes on their
homesteads to the amount of $800.00 as
provided by paragraph seven (7) of
section 1304 of the code of Iowa, would
respectfully recommend that the fol-
lowing nemed persons be exempt for
the year 1898 to the amount of $800.00 on
the following described property to -
Jas. M. Phelps, lot No. 3, Sanford's
sub No. 63.
Jno. Bommers, lots 38 and 39,
O'Neill's sub No. 3.
Wm. J. Clark, lots 177, 178, 179, 180
and 181, Finley add.
Jno. Atkins, lat 9, Yates and Pick-
ett's sub.
Chas. Simplot, lot No. 23, Mt. Pleas-
ant add.
Sam Starr, lot 22, Cu.mtming's sub.
G. G. Moser, lots 2 and 3. McDaniel's
sub less valuation of lot No. 296, East
Chas. Anderson, lat 1 in Reeder
Langworthy's sub.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Aid. Wales offered the following reso-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the Star Elec-
tric company is hereby notified that
when notified by the city marshal that
the electric light must be lighted when-
ever the darkness is such that in his
judgment they should be lighted, and
that when the mayor or marshal shall
report that the said company have not
lighted the lamps when so ordered, that
the city council will take some action
in relation to annuling their charter.
Ald. Wales moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Flynn offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, Iowa:
That after this date the mayor be
and is hereby authorized to appoint
substitutes as he may need to take the
place of policemen who may be sick or
not on duty, and the pay of said sub-
stitute to be paid from the salary of
such policemen who may be sick or not
on duty.
Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following reso-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a combination
water fountain be placed at the corner
of 23d street and Couler avenue, said
work to be under the supervision of
the street committee.
Ald. Duggan moved to refer the reso-
lution to the committee on fire, and that
Ald. Frith be added to the committee,
and the committee to make contract
and have said fountain put in. Car-
Mr. John H. Herancourt being pres-
ent was granted permission, by the
mayor, to address the council.
Mr. Herancourt addressed the coun-
cil protesting against the distribution
of the insurance policies.
Aid. Flynn addressed the council in
reply to Mr. Herancourt, defending the
matter of the distribution of said poli-
Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn for
two weeks, until Feb. 16, 1899. Car-
Approved ....189..
... Mayor
Regular Session February 16th, 1899.
Council met at 7:50 p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Crawford, Flynn,
Frith, Jones and Wales.
Absent—Alds. Duggan and McLaugh-
Ald. Wales moved that the council
proceedings for the month of January,
1899, be approved as printed. Carried.
The following petitions were referr-
ed to the Delinquent Tax committee:
Petition of Hi Ficke, pastor of the
Immanuel church asking that the taxes
of Geo. Koerner on lot No. 2 of sub 3,
mineral lot 63 be remitted for the year
Petition of Cath. Sullivan asking coun
cil to canal her taxes on lot 19, Home
add, for the year 1898.
Petition of the Dubuque county su-
pervisors by P. C. Maloy asking that
the taxes against the undivided 1-2 of
lot No. 321 be canceled the same being
exempt according to law, it being Du-
buque county property.
Regular Seteion, February 16, 1899. 33
Ald. Wales moved that the petition
be referred to the Delinquent Tax com-
mittee and assessor. Carried.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of the Dubuque Casket Co.
by Frank A. Beller, secretary, asking
council to cancel their taxes on per-
sonal property and improvements for
the year 1898, as per resolution passed
by the city council in March, 1893.
Petition of Geo. Allen Staples in re-
lation to erroneous assessment on tax-
able stocks and asking that he be given
an opportunity to he heard as to such
erroneous and excessive assessment.
Petition of Timothy Dillon asking the
council to reduce the assessment on his
Main street property for the year 1898
to the amount of $6,000.
Petition of T. P. Scharle protesting
against paying special assessment for
constructing new sidewalk in front of
lot No. 109, Cox's add, on Seminary
On motion it was referred to the
street committee.
Communication of City Assessor Dun
can declining to accept the warrant for
$100 drawn for his salary for the month
of January, 1899. and claiming that
he is legally entitled to $125.00 per
month. •
Ald. Crawford moved that it be re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Ald. McLaughlin arrived at 8:05
o'clock p. m.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is my pay
roll for labor on streets for the first
half of February, 1899: Total amount
due laborers, $151.90.
Ald. Wales moved that the report be
received and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay laborers and the report
referred back to the committee on
streets. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce in
charge of the sewers, reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for laborers on sewers for the
first half of February, 1899.
Total amount due laborers on sewers,
Ald. Jones moved that the report be
received and that warrants be order-
ed drawn to pay laborers on sewers
and the report referred back to the
committee on sewers. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the
street committee, presented special as-
sessment for cleaning snow and ice
from sidewalks for the month of Jan-
uary. 1899, and moved that the city re-
corder be instructed to give the prop-
er notices as provided by ordinance,
and present to the council at the
proper time for their further consid-
eration. Carried.
Ald. Duggan arrived at 8:20 o'clock
p. m.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
The following claims have been ex-
amined by the committee on streets
and payment recommended for
amounts claimed.
Key City Lime Works $ 12 50
Lear and Pflffner 1 80
Ald. Crawford moved the adoption
of the report, and that warrants be
ordered drawn to pay the same. Car-
Also the claim of Margaret Hughes
has been examined by the committee
on streets and payment recommended
for $4.50 provided she accepts the same
in full settlement of claim.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the commit-
tee on public grounds and buildings,
reported as follows:
Your committee on public grounds
and buildings, to whom was referred
the matter of insurance on public
buildings would respectfully report
that we have placed the insurance
with the various agencies as provid-
ed by our report to the city council
January 5th, 1899, and that we have in
connection with City Auditor Hoffman
and Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick went
over the various policies and audited
the bills for same and would there-
fore recommend that the inclosed poli-
cies be accepted and that warrants be
ordered drawn in favor of the various
agencies for the amount of their bills
less the amounts stated thereoon for
other policies.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the commit-
tee on fire, reported as follows:
The following claims have been ex-
amined by the committee on fire and
payment recommended for amounts
Key City Gas Co, amounts $ 49 67
Ferguson Supply Co., amounts65 00
Thos. Connolly, amounts 145 35
Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report
and that warrants be ordered drawn to
pay the several amounts. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin, chairman of the
committee on police and lights, reported
as follows:
That the committee on police and
light had interviewed several parties in
reference to the repair of the patrol
wagon and found it would cost from $80
to $100 to do the needed repairs.
Ald. Wales moved that the matter be
referred to the committee of the whole.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole to whom
34 Regular Session, February 16, 1899.
vas referred the abstract of title and
. deed to lot 323 Woodlawn park and the
city attorney's report on same would
respectfully recommend that the re-
port of city attorney be adopted, and
that a warrant be drawn in favor of
Jno. Weimer, county auditor, for $2.30,
amount necessary to redeem said lot
from tax sale, and that the city re-
corder be instructed to have the within
deed properly recorded, and to pro-
cure a certificate of redemption from
tax sale. Ald. Crawford moved to
adopt the report. Carried.
In favor of granting the petition of
the Bank and Insurance Building com-
pany asking that the treasurer be in-
structed to accept payment on a valua-
tion of $50,000 for the year 1898. The
same being in accordance with a resolu-
tion passed Aug. 6th, 1894. On motion
of Ald. Crawford the report was ad-
opted. c
In favor of granting the petition of
The Adams company in relation to the
taxes for the year 1898 on improvements
and real estate, the same being in ac-
cordance with resolutions of the council
of 1892 and 1893. On motion of Ald.
Crawford the report was adopted.
Your committee of the whole to whom
was referred the petition of The Du-
buque Turbine and Roller Mill Co., ask-
ing to be exempted from taxes for the
year 1898, according to resolution pass-
ed Dec. 7th, 1891, would respectfully re-
port that we find that the agreement
made to limit the assessment of the
above named company was to com-
mence January 1st, 1892, and to run six
years from that date, the agreement is
therefore expired. Ald. Crawford
moved to adopt the report. Carried.
Your committee of the whole to whom
was referred the petition of J. Sullivan
et. al., asking that the city open part
of alley north of Julien avenue, bet-
ween 8th and 9th streets, to intersect
with Julien avenue above the Diamond
House, would respectfully recommend
the adoption of the following resolu-
Resolved by the city council of the
Dubuque: That the city engineer be
and is hereby instructed to make a sur-
vey of plat of the proposed extension
of the alley first north of Julien avenue
and running from Bluff street and in-
tersecting with Julien avenue. On mo-
tion of Ald. Crawford the report was
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of Henry Henge, asking dam-
ages for personal injury, but would re-
commend that the street commissioner
be instructed to give Mr. Henge work
at the first opportunity. Ald. Craw-
ford moved to adopt the report. Ald.
Frith moved as a substitute to allow
Mr. Henge $25.00 on his claim. Mr.
Henge addressed the council on the
subject. Substitute lost by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas.—Alds. Crawford, Frith and
Jones. Total -3.
Nays—Alda. Duggan, Flynn, Mc-
Laughlin and Wales. Total -4.
Whereupon the original motion was
put and carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole. presented the fol-
lowing report:
Your committee of the whole has had
under consideration the communication
of C. H. Eighmey, president of the
First National bank in which he states
that the two other national banks of the
city are each assessed. for the year 1898,
at eighty per cent of the par, or face
value of their capital stock. while the
First National is assessed for its capi-
tal stock, at its full par value of one
hundred per cent.
Mr. Eighmey protests against such
discrimination and asks to have the as-
sessment of the capital stock of the
First National, also placed at eighty
per cent of its par value. in order to
equalize the assessment of that bank
with the others.
On investigation, it is found that the
statement of Mr. Eighmey is correct,
and that the assessment of the Second
National and Dubuque National, for the
year 1898, on their capital stock, have
been reduced $80,000.00 and $20,000.00
We think these reductions were a
grave mistake and ought not to have
been made. They involve a loss to the
revenue of the city, for the current year
of eleven hundred dollars, which is a
serious matter, and without good rea-
son. There is no pretense that the
capital stock of either the banks in
question has become depreciated or im-
paired. From recent published of-
ficial statements of their financial con-
dition, it appears that one of them has
a surplus of $54,000.00 and over $8,000.00
of undivided profits. The statement
of the other show an equally good
financial condition.
It is alleged, as a ground for reduc-
tion in the case of one of the banks,
that at some time in the past, it had
taken, and held for a time at least $80,-
000.00 of the refunded bonds of the city,
and that it ought to have its assessment
lowered to that extent. That reason is
certainly fallacious. If the bank took
the bonds of the city, as stated, it must
be presumed that it did so for its own
profit. There were numerous other
parties who would have been glad to
have had a chance to take them with-
out making any claim to reduction of
assessment on account of doing so.
Certainly, at no time within the past
three years, at least, have the bonds of
the city of Dubuque been worth less
than par, and a premium in any of the
financial centers of the country.
But, however erroneous the reduc-
tion in the assessment of the two banks
Regular Session, February 16, 1899. 35
in question may have been, it is now
too late to change them. They appear
to have been overlooked by the board
of equalization in going over the books.
According to the provisions of the city
ordinances on the subject, and also the
opinion of the city attorney, they will
have to stand as returned by the as-
sessor for the year 1898.
The question now before the council,
is, what can be done to remedy the
matter? Mr. Eighmey, in his com-
munication, asks that the assessment
of the First National be also reduced
to the same extent. It has been pro-
posed and strongly advocated in com-
mittee, that the capital stocks of all
the banks of the city be equalized by
fixing them at eighty per cent of their
several amounts. That would be fair,
and probably, the proper thing to do, if
the banks alone were the only parties
concerned. It would equalize them,
but would equalize nothing else.
If the council is to attempt to do full
justice to all interested, it would seem
that the assessments of all the taxpay-
ers of the city, especially of those who
pay taxes on moneys and credits should
also be correspondingly lowered twenty
per cent. That, so far as relates to the
assessment of the two favored banks, is
concerned, would equalize the assess-
ments of all taxpayers, rich and poor
alike, as well as of the other banks.
But, as such action, under present cir-
cumstances, is manifestly impossible, it
would appear that the only course the
council can now take, is to leave the
matter as it is, and take no further ac-
tion relating to the two bank assess-
ments, except to lay the whole subject
on the table, which your committee re-
commends be done.
Respectfully submitted,
P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Wales of the committee of the
whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Geo.
B. Burch, in relation to the assess-
ment on the Julien house property for
the year 1898, would respectfully rec-
ommend that the treasurer be instruct-
ed to accept payment on $50.000 in full
for the taxes for 1898, upon the said
Julien house property.
Ald. Wales moved that the report be
Ald. Crawford moved that action be
postponed and the council investigate
and ascertain a fair valuation of the
property. Carried by the following
Yeas—Alda. Crawford, Duggan. Frith,
Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 5.
Nays—Aids. Flynn and Wales. Total,
Ald. Flynn moved that the report be
referred back to the committee of the
whole. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee on equalization, reported as fol-
Your committee on equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
H. B. Noyes, asking for a reduction of
the assessment for 1893 on lot 788, Mc -
Daniel's sub., would respectfully re-
port adverse to the granting of said
On motion of Ald. Crawford the re-
port was adopted.
Also report in favor of receiving and
filing the petition of Fred Otto asking
that his taxes for 1898 be reduced, for
the reason that we find that the assess-
ment for 1898 was made before he sold
any part of his property to the city.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Also your committee on equal-
ization to whom was referred the pe-
titions of honorably discharged Union
soldiers asking for exemption of taxes
on their homesteads to the amount of
$800, as provided by paragraph Seven
(7) of Section 1,304 of the Code of Iowa,
would respectfully recommend that the
following named persons be exempt for
the year 1898 to the amount of $800, on
the following described property to -
S. B. Rice, south 26-2 of M 1-5 'of
city lot 446.
Samuel Smith. lots 10 and 11, Reeder
Langworthy add.
John Wunderlich. city lot No. 333.
Cornelius Callihan. lot 53, Union add. "
James Brunskill, lot No. 4, Hoskin's
John I. Lavery, sub 2 min lot 46 lot 2
and sub 3 min lot 47 and lot 13 Grand- ✓
view add (total value $600).
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Your committe on equalization, to
whom was referred the petitions of the
widows of honorably discharged Union
soldiers asking for exemption of tax-
es on their homesteads to the amount
of $800. as provided by paragraph seven
(7) of Section 1.304 of the Code of Iowa,
would respectfully recommend that the
following named persons be exempt for
the year 1898 to the amount of $800 on
the following described property, to -
Mrs. F. S. Schab, lot 12, Quigley's sub
of outlot 710.
Mrs. Mary Sohn. city, north 1-2 S. M. /
1-5 lot 441.
Theresa Imhof, lot 303. Davis Farm
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
po, -t. Carried.
His Honor, Mayor Berg, stated that
the Water company had complained to
him that the city was using large quan-
tities of water to open up street cross-
ings and that such use was not provid-
ed for in the contract with the city,
which matter he wished to bring before
the council.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee, offered the following special
36 Regular Session, February 16,1899.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for
cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks
December, 1898, by city, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots and parcels of real es-
tate hereinafted named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted Feb.
2 1899. Passed Feb. 16, 1899.
W G Cox, sub min lot 90, lot 2, 800
lin ft sidewalk at 1-2c ... $4 00
W G Cox, Levin's add, lot 14, 200
lin ft sidewalk at 1-2c ..... 1 00
John S Buettell, Quigley's sub lot
710, lots 4 and 5, 100 lin ft side-
walk at 1-2c 50
John Hennessy, A McDaniel's sub,
lots 820 and 821, 180 lin ft side-
walk at 1-2c 90
Mary Hansen, A McDaniel's sub,
W 1-2 lot 814, E 1-2 lot 815, 50 lin
fet sidewalk at 1-2c 25
J G Bailey, A McDaniel's sub, lots
799 and 800, 70 lin ft sidewalk at
1-2c 35
John Hennessy Levin's add, lot 1 to
11 inc., 700 lin ft sidewalk at
1-2c 3 50
J J Murry, sub 740, city, lot 1, 100
lin ft sidewalk at 1-2c 50
John Flynn, sub 740, city, lot 2, 50
lin ft sidewalk at 1-2c 25
A W Hosford, Cain's sub, lot 7, 80
lin ft sidewalk at 1-2c 40
A W Hosford, Cain's sub, lot 12, 50
lin ft sidewalk at 1-2c 25
Kate Graham, sub 2 of 667, city, lot
3, 12 lin ft sidewalk at 1-2c . 25c
W G Cox, sub min lot 90, lot 3, 600
lin ft sidewalk at 1-2c 3 00
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total 6.
Nays-Ald. Flynn.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks for month of Decem-
ber, 1898, by city, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots and
parts of lots and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situated and owned
and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Special assessment submitted Feb. 2,
1899. Passed Feb. 16th, 1899.
V A Langworthy, East Dubuque
add, lot 372, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1
hour's labor 50c $ 90
J E Wootten, Wootten's sub, lot 1,
5 ft lumber, 10c; 1 hour's labor
50c 60
Ind. School Dis. of Dubuque, sub
min lot 95, lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c;
1 hour's labor, 50c 70
A A Clark, M A Robinson's sub, lot
2, 28 feet lumber, 55c; 1 hour's la-
bor 50c 1 05.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales. Total -7.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for lay-
ing a 6 -foot plank sidewalk on Sum-
mit street, by A. C. Haller, contrac-
tor, in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter -
named, situate and owned and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate as follows:
Special assessment submitted Feb. 2,
1899. Passed Feb. 16, 1899.
J H Kleine, lot 4, Mattox's sub, 69
lin ft at 22c $ 15 18
J H Klein, lot 5, Mattox's sub, 100
lin ft at 22c $ 22 00
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales. Total -7.
Ald. Jones moved that Ald. Crawford
be added to the committee on Bee
Branch. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn for one
week, to Feb. 23, 1899. Carried.
... Recorder
Approved. 189....
City Recor er's Office,
Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 1, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of January, 1899:
Name. For what purpose. Amt.
C H Berg, salary, mayor $116 70
H B Gniffke, salary, treasurer133 30
L M Langstaff, salary, recorder116 70
H B Gniffke, salary, clerk hire75 00
F B Hoffman, salary, auditor 100 00
E 0 Duncan, salary, assessor125 00
T H Duffy, salary, attorney.. 150 00
E Morgan, salary, marshal 83 30
J Reinfried, salary, fire chief100 00
W Fitzpatrick, salary, committee
W A Kaep, salary, clerk record-
er's office
Edw Herron, salary, clerk treas-
urer's office 50 00
Edw Blake, salary, engineer 125 00
E S Hyde, salary, assistant en -
75 00
50 00
List of Warrants.
P Cassidy, salary, chainman 40 00
Jas Boyce, salary, street commis-
W Hlppman, salary, electrician
Otto Rath, salary, marketmaster
P Ryan, park custodian
Gust Wiedner, park custodian
R F Curran, wharf master
E A Guilbert, health officer
N Offerman, pound master
Mrs H Koenig, janitress
Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman
L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector
M Eitel, fireman ...
Jno Essman, fireman
A Duccini, fireman
Jno Flynn, fireman
J Wiltse, fireman
Geo Beyer, fireman
Al Heer, flreman
Joe Tschudi, fireman
Jas Daley, flreman
Job Barnes, fireman
T Ryder, fireman
J Schonberger, fireman
W Ducey, fireman
M Fahey, fireman
T Meehan, fireman
F Kenneally, fireman
D Ahearn, flreman
T Walker, flreman
G Helmrich, fireman
Jas McFarland, fireman
Jerry Murphy, fireman
A McDonald, fireman
T Kennedy, fireman
J Fitzpatrick, fireman
F Murphy, fireman
W Quinn, fireman
F Ganahl, fireman
T Flynn, fireman
Geo Gehrke, fireman
Jas Rooney, fireman
Chas. Kannolt, fireman
Jas Allen, fireman
W McBride, fireman
Robt Weston, fireman
Geo Burkel, police
N Brand, police
Jas Carter, police
Jas Clune, police
J Cody, police
Phil Demphey, police
F Devaney, police
J Fitzpatrick, police
J Flynn, police
P Hanlon, police
W Hennessey, police
E Kahn, police
M Kilty, police
J Loetscher, police
J Lonergan, police
P McCollins, police .. .
P McInerney, police
E Moore, police ..
P Mulligan, police
J Murphy, police
J J Murphy, police ..
Dan Norton, police
M O'Connor, police
A Pfeffer, police
P Powers, police
91 70
91 70
83 30
50 00
40 00
40 00
20 00
50 00
45 00
20 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
46 20
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
75 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
J Rooney, police 50 00
T Reilly, police 50 00
J Raesli, police 60 00
P Scharff, police 50 00
Al T Scherr, police 50 00
P Sutton, police 50 00
T Sweeney, police 50 00
P Sullivan, police 50 00
J J Sullivan, police 41 25
Jos Tyler, police 50 00
Jno Tierney, police . 50 00
Mrs Kate Hibbe, police matron30 00
Miss B Brennan, police matron30 00
Joe Brown, labor 1 90
J Crawford, labor 3 75
J Connelly, labor 2 50
Steve Dorsey, labor 19 50
R Eddy, labor 20 00
P Fenelon, labor 1 90
J Farley, labor 20 00
J Hayes, labor 20 00
F Jauz, labor 1 90
J Kinsella, labor 20 00
M Klein, labor . 12 50
M Lonergan, labor 1 90
• McGivern, labor 40 00
P Newman, labor 1 90
Wm O'Brien, labqr 20 00
C H Pierce, labor 1 90
J Raetz, labor . 20 00
A Weiser, labor 3 75
J McCollins, teams for Dec 1 25
P S Norton ,teams for Dec 2 50
Chas Botsford, labor 19 50
Sam Elmer, labor 19 50
P Furey, labor ... 18 75
M Flynn, labor 19 50
J Lowery, labor 19 50
J McCune, labor 19 50
J Ryan, labor 20 25
C Hillery, labor 25 00
Joe Calvert, teams for Dec 2 50
J McCollins, teams for Dec 5 00
P S Norton, teams for Dec 2 50
Steamer Teal, appropriation for
steamer Teal 50 00
T F Maguire, assistant city at-
torney 50 00
Sam Starr, use of horse and bug-
gy for Dec., 1898 10 00
Gotf Gmehle, assistant assessor. 100 00
Dubuque Water Co., 13 horse
drinking fountains for 1898 650 00
Dubuque Water Co., 21 flush
tanks for 1898 518 75
Phil Pier, coal for various de-
partments, $134.95; and First
ward scales, 2.90 137 85
Wm L Bradley, rent for Mrs.
Lull's from July 22 to Nov 22, '98 140 00
Mullen Bros, new gas fixtures in
assessors office 5 10
Gust Holl, repairing lock at city
hall 35
People's Bldg and Loan Ass'n, 1
desk for Mr. Hyde 10 00
G B Grosvenor, stationery for re-
corder's office 14 80
Harger & Blish, stationery for
recorder's and engineer's office. 14 60
List of Warrants.
Eiarger & Blish, stationery for
city attorney 1 60
Walton & Bieg, stationery for
city attorney 7 30
Mathis & Metz Co., blank sta-
tionery for city attorney 14 50
Palmer, Winall Co., printing ab-
stracts and briefs in cases of
Frohs vs. City and Wilberding
vs. City 176 00
Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta-
tionery for treasurer and audi-
tor's office 42 75
Otto Rath, 1 cord of wood for
street commissioner's office 3 50
Martin and Strelau, load of pine
edgings for steam roller 2 00
Linehan & Molo, salt, $2.85 and
cinders, $1.00 for road dept3 85
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
road department ... 85 40
Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber
for road department 38 80
Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lum
ber Co., lumber for road depat. 55 90
Ott, Meuser and Co., lumber for
road department 30 65
Fred Schloz, repairing tools for
road department 3 40
Jas A Hayes, costs in judgment
case of Brown vs. City 6 50
Jas A Hayes, costs in Judgment
case of Maffiola vs. City 4 50
J M Werner, 5 per cent retained
for paving Iowa street 424 32
Brown & Brown, 5 per cent re-
tained for paving Iowa street706 57
Chas Matz, repairing tools for
road department 3 90
P Hansen, oil and matches for
steam roller 2 00
Chas Wild, gravel for road de-
partment 16 85
Pat Royce, gravel for road de-
partment 7 75
Jno Malone, macadam 4 50
Max Helmer, macadam 25 00
Aug Haferman, macadam 23 00
Pat Dempsey, sawing wood for
street commissioner's office1 00
Whitwell & Dalton, veterinary
services for road department1 45
F M Jaeger & Co, hardware .. 1 10
Palmer, Winall and Co.. time
books for road department25 00
Harger and Blish, stationery
for road department 1 30
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for road department 2 75
Jno Byrne, inspecting llth street
Jno Tibey, inspecting llth street
A C Haller, constructing sidewalk
abutting lot 4 and 5 Mattox's
Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing,
for road department, $4.00; and
fire department, $22.65 26 65
Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe-
ing for flre department, $12,20;
and for police department $4.00. 16 20
Lagen and Sullivan, horse shoe -
5 00
5 00
37 20
ing for fire department 10 50
Sloan and Edwards, horse shoe-
ing for fire department $13.80
and police department $7.6021 40
Doc Carmody, pasturing horse
for fire department 8 00
Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber
for fire department $5.55, and
police department $8.70 14 25
Phil Pier, coal for fire depart-
ment 228 20
Whitwell & Dalton, veterinary
services for fire department13 50
Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de-
partment 6 50
Ott Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire department .. 4 40
W H Torbert. drugs and toilet
paper for fire department9 85
J W Wittmer, blue vitrol for elec-
trician 18 90
M Stafford, hay for fire. depart-
ment 55 20
Iowa Iron Works, repairs at 4th
street engine house 9 95
Christman and Healey, hardware
for fire department 24 80
F M Jaeger & Co, hardware for
fire department 80
L Lindenberg, hardware for fire
department 4 45
Jno Butt, repairs at 9th street
engine house 5 70
Jno Kriebs, repairing harness for
fire department 80
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
new suction hose and couplings 53 60
A Ruh, bran for Delhi street en-
gine house 2 15
J P Merkes, bran for 18th street
engine house 1 35
G N Raymonds, = doz dusters for
fire department .. 8 00
Key City '':as Cc., gas for Delhi
street ergine house 6 45
Dubuque Water Co, 338 hydrants
for Dec ember, 1898 .. 1408 33
Ellwanger Bros, repairing har-
ness for patrol team .. 4 15
W M Brackett, hauling prison-
ers 50
Dom. Frank, sawing wood at pa-
trol house 4 00
Peter Wiest, sawing wood at pa-
trol house 2 50
Cushing Creamery Co, cream and
milk for matron's quarters 2 75
Whitwell & Dalton, veterinary
services for patrol team 2 15
Duggan & Kane, supplies for
matron's quarters 7 15
Duggan & Kane, oil for sewer de-
partment 60
F M Jaeger & Co, hardware for
police department
Otto Rath, wood for police de-
Standard Lumber Co, shavings ....
Jno Strotz, shavings
Phil Pier, wood for police depart-
J F Lahey, wood for police de-
1 50
4 65
3 60
List of Warrants.
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for various departments 54 00
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing wa-
ter fountain on Julien avenue
and 14th and Elm street 6 90
Star Electric Co, 322 are lights for
December, 1898 1738 80
Globe Light and Heat Co, 100
lamps for November and De-
cember, 1898 333 34
Globe -Journal, official printing
for December, 1898 50 00
'I he Herald, official printing for
December, i8'+8 50 00
National Demokrat, official print
ing for December, 1898 . 25 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print
ing for December, 1898 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly
council proceedings. $3.00; and
health reports, $3.50 6 50
T E Frith, removing dead ani-
mals for December, 1898 9 50
Byrne Bros, use of team for
ambulance 1 00
Key City Gas Co, removing lamp
posts on various streets 1 90
H B Gniffke, ref. exc. permits15 00
H B Gniffke, interest on war-
rants 689 36
H 13 Gniffke, N. Y. exchange,
$3.58; and postage, $12.25 15 83
H B Gniffke, revenue stamps,
$1.00; and telegrams, $1.65 2 65
H B Gniffke, court costs, $7.01;
and ref. tax, $28.30 35 31
RT A Palmer. loan 250 00
German Trust and Savings bank,
loan 2000 00
Esther Woodburn, loan 100 00
Second National bank, loan 600 00
Dubuque Firemen's Benev. Ass'n
loan 300 00
P Clancy, loan 1000 00
Mrs M H Terry, loan .. 300 00
S Bastian, labor
Joe Brown, labor
Jas Connelly, labor
P Dempsey, labor
Steve Dorsey, labor
R T Eddy, labor
Wm Flynn, labor
P Fenelon, labor
Jno Farley, labor
M Girra, labor
Chr Heck, labor
Jno Hayes, labor
J Kinsella, labor
Matt Klein, labor
Phil Kenney, labor
M Lonergan, labor
Jno Mullen, labor
Jno Malloy, labor
Phil Newman. labor
Wm O'Brien, labor .....
C H Pierce, labor ..
Jno Raetz, labor
Dan Sheehan, labor
Sam Smith, labor
P Vauehn, labor
Ed Frith, teams
Chas Botsford, labor 16 50
Sam Elmer, labor 16 60
Pat Furey, labor 16 50
Morris Flynn, labor 16 50
Joe Lowery, labor 16 50
Jno McCune, labor 7 50
Jas Ryan, labor 17 25
Chas Hillery, labor 25 00
P S Norton, team 8 75
Jno McCollins, team 1 25
Dubuque Daily Telegraph, print-
ing tax list for 1898 152 80
Otto Rath, board of prisoners for
November and December . 30 40
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
patrol house 11 90
Knapp, Stout & Co Co, lumber at
patrol house 12 85
Byrne Bros, sprinkling city prop-
erty for 1898 250 00
Ellwanger Bros, repairing har-
ness for fire department 1 15
Key City Gas Co, coke for fire
department 17 60
Key City Gas Co, coke for steam 66 18
W A Leathers, costs in case of 79 85
City vs. Butchers
Mrs F E Thompson, refunded
auctioneer's license 12 50
Trexler Bros, livery hire ordered
by Marshal McCann 8 00
Albert Brown, refunded butch-
ers' license
Dave Metcalf, refunded butchers' 25 00
Saunders -Hickson Meat Co, re- 25 00
funded butchers' license
Andrew Schaetzle, refunded 12 50
butchers' license
C J W Saunders, refunded but-
chers' license
C J W Saunders, refunded butch-
ers' license
Chas Apel, refunded butchers'
Jno Michels, refunded butchers'
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct list of all warrants
issued by me during the month of
January, 1899.
City Recorder.
1 90
2 80
5 65
2 50
16 50
20 00
2 50
20 00
1 25
1 25
20 00
20 00
12 50
1 25
2 80
1 25
2 50
20 00
2 50
20 00
1 25
1 90
2 50
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
Special Session, FEBRUARY 28, 1899
Special Session Feb. 28th, 1899.
',,uncal met at 8 o'clock p. m.
1 ay or Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
The mayor stated that the object of
the special meeting was to pass on bills
and close up the business for the fiscal
year, and the first thing in order would
be the presentation of bills.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Thos F Maguire, assistant attor-
ney for February $ 50 00
Gotf Gmehle, assistant assessor
for February 75 00
Jos J Murphy, assistant assessor
for February 75 00
Walton & Bieg, stationery for
city attorney 2 90
Walton & Bieg, stationery for
various offices 11 75
Jas Kelly, stationery for various
offices 10 20
Ham & Carver, blank stationery
for mayor's office ... 1 75
Hardie & &Scharle, blank sta-
tionery for recorder's office 1 50
G B Grosvenor, stationery for
various offices 1 65
Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta-
tionery for city hall 52 50
Fred Mertz, repairing vault and
new keys for city hall 2 70
A R Staufenbeil, taking care of
town clock 37 50
Knapp, Stout & Co Co, sawdust
and lumber for road depart-
J W Wittmer, drugs for city
C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks
for January
Hayes & Abeln, abstracts of lots
9 Breakey's Dub. and 3 and 4
Bradley's sub
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
city hall
M Mullen, plumbing at city hall
M Mullen, new gas fixtures in
mayor's office
Chas Oswald, flashing for roof
city hall
Phil Pier, coal for 1st ward
J P Fenley, constructing ap-
proach to the ice at Eagle Point
E L King, painting Mrs. Lull's
sheds and llth street stairway
Chas Oswald, repairing stove
pipe in street commissioner's
A A Brown, repairing tools for
road department
F Schloz & Son, repairing tools
for road department
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for
7 75
1 40
3 00
25 00
7 45
7 90
6 10
1 75
3 55
13 90
14 75
1 05
1 25
1 60
road department
G F Kleih, hardware for road
Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lum-
ber Co, saw dust for road de-
Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for road
Frank Burns, wood for road de-
Toggenthaler & Ragatz, repairing
steam roller
A A Brown, 6 hose spanners for
fire department
American Fire Eng Co, nickel
plated oil can ..
Fire Extinguisher Mfg Co, 2 Bab-
cock extinguishers and supplies
for fire department
Dubuque Rubber and Belting
Co, hose for chemical engine
Christman and Healey, hardware
for fire department . • .
Phil Pier, coal for flre dept
F M Jaeger and Co, hardware
for fire department ..
Ott, Meuser & Co, shavings for
fire department
T W Ruete, drugs for fire dept
Key City Gas Co., gas for Delhi
street engine house
Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de-
Voggenthaler and Ragatz, pack-
ing fire department
Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe
ing for fire department
M Stafford, hay for fire depart-
ment ..
M Stafford, hay for police dept..
Fred Roehl, 1 axe handle for fire
W H Torbert, drugs for fire de-
Key City Gas Co, coal for fire de-
Lembke Bros, repairing harness
for fire department
A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for
fire department
Dubuque Water Co, 388 hydrants
for February 1408 33
Otto Rath, board of prisoners for
Collings and Wilkinson, horse
shoeing for police department
Frank Burns, 3 cords of wood for
police department
Eichhorn & Bechtel, axle grease
for police department
J W Wittmer, drugs for police
Hardie & Scharle, letter heads
for police department
Fred Yauz, sawing wood for po-
lice department
John Corbett, sawing wood for
police department 1 50
Chas Oswald, repairing stars and
lanterns for police department 2 30
James Kelly, stationery for police
department 2 20
Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber
1 60
3 45
6 00
3 60
9 00
2 00
3 00
85 50
15 53
17 85
44 52
9 18
1 50
5 40
6 30
13 30
1 10
1 85
73 45
8 15
2 05
8 15
3 55
7 80
3 30
13 50
1 50
4 50
3 75
42 Special Session, February 28, 1899
for police department 1 90
Ferd Mertz, repairing harness
holders for police department4 00
Martin, Strelau Co., 4 cords of
wood for police department20 00
P Hansen, hay for city pound 2 70
G F Kleih, hardware for police
department 3 90
A Y McDonald -Morrison Mfg Co,
pipes and hose clamps for sewer
Ed Morgan. telegrams
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing
West Locust street fountain
Pape & Jacquinot, pipe, elbows
and nipples for sewer depart-
ment 1 60
Christman and Healey, hardware
for sewer department 25
Chas Oswald, 1-2 dozen lantern
globes for sewer department60
Jno Butt, repairing tools for sew-
er department 2 55
F Schloz, repairing tools for sew-
er department 5 50
Excelsior Brass Works, hose
rings and rubber washers 6 00
G F Kleih, pick handles for sewer
department 75
Eichhorn and Bechtel, oil for
sewer department 70
Globe -Journal, official printing
for February 50 00
The Herald, official printing for
February 50 00
National Demokrat, official print
ing for February 25 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print
ing for February 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly
proceedings 6 00
Dubuque Telegraph, index of
r council proceedings fur 189886 00
C A Noyes, stationery and water
colors for Assistant Engineer
Hyde 1 90
Star Electric Co, 333 arc lights
for February 1798 20
Globe Light and Heat Co, 100
lamps for February 166 67
T E Frith, removing dead ani-
mals for February 8 50
Sam Starr, use of horse and bug-
gy for February 10 00
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports for February 3 50
J W Wittiner, drugs for health
department 1 40
A C Haller, constructing side-
walk on Hill street abutting
lots 12, 13 and 14 Rogers sub24 90
Pat Dempsey, sawing two cords of
wood for street commissioner's office,
Ald. Frith moved that he be allowed
75 cents per cord, $1.50.
Motion lost by the following vote:
Nays—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn and McLaughlin.—Total 4.
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Jones and Wales.
—Total 3.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bill
be paid. Carried.
3 90
2 90
A. L. Clark, poles, brackets,
rugs, making and hanging
shades for Mrs. Lull's resi-
dence 10 18
Ald. Duggan moved that the bill be
received and filed. Carried.
The following bills were referred to
the marshal for collection:
Jno L. Buettell, balance due city
on return premiums for fire in-
surance on city property $ 17.60
Jno 13 Herancourt, balance due
city on return premiums for
fire insurance on city prop-
erty .60
City Treasurer Oniffke reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—Below you will find state-
ment of the amount paid out by me
during the month of February, 1899, for
which please have warrants drawn in
my favor.
Excavation permits $ 75 00
Interest on warrants outstand-
ing 2,227 87
Interest on account of money to -
bonds 10 20
Refunded tax 294 52
Postage stamps .. 12 50
Revenue stamps 50
Freight charges ..... 91
Express charges 70
Register letter 24
Total $2,622 44
Ald. Duggan moved that the report
he received and that warrants be or-
dered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred back
to the finance committee. Carried.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
The following is a list of the officers
and salaries due for the month of Feb-
ruary, 1899.
Total amount due, $1,926.70.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be received and that warrants be
ordered drawn to pay the officers and
the report referred back to the finance
committee. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that war-
rants for $100.00 be ordered drawn in
favor of each of the aldermen for the
last third of their salaries and up to
April lst, 1899. Carried.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is the pay
roll of the fire department for the
month of February, 1899:
Amount due firemen. $1,895.00.
Ald. Jones moved that the report be
received and that warrants be ordered
drawn for the several amounts and the
report referred back to the committee
on fire. Carried.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
Special Session, February 28, 1899
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following shows the
report of February, 1899:
Total arrests
Police patrol calls
Miles traveled
.. 52
57 1-2
Meals furnished by market mas-
ter .. 39
Lodgers harbored 160
Defective lights 40
Doors found open 18
Also reports $1.945.00 clue policemen
for the month of February, 1899.
Ald. Crawford moved that 4 days be
deducted from the amount named for
Michael Craugh, and then to receive the
report and warrants ordered drawn for
the several amounts and the report re-
ferred hack to the committee on police
and lights. Carried.
A complaint against Officer Craugh
was presented.
Ald. Crawford moved that the matter
be referred to the committee on police
and light for investigation. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentletnen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets for the
last half of February, 1899.
Amount due laborers on streets,
Approved P. W. CRAWFORD,
Chairman Street Committee.
Ald. Jones moved that the report be
received and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the laborers and the report re-
ferred back to the street committee.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers reported as follows:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on sewers for the last
half of February. 1899:
Amount due laborers on sewers,
Approved. P. W. CRAWFORD,
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Ald. Jones moved that the report be
received and warrants be ordered
drawn to pay laborers and the report
referred back to the committee on sew-
ers. Carried.
Recorder Langstaff reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—In compliance with your
instructions of February 10th, 1899, in-
structing me to procure certificate of
redemption from tax sale of lot 323,
Woodlawn Park, and to have deed of
said lot properly recorded, I beg leave
to report that I have delivered said
deed to the county recorder for record.
Hereto find attached the certificate of
redemption also city treasurer's receipt
for six cents. the difference between
the amount of the cost of redemption,
and the warrant ordered drawn for the
payment of the same.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be received and filed. Carried.
The city weighmasters and wood
measurers reported as follows:
Otto Rath, weighmaster city
hall $ 17 70
T. Faherty weighmaster First
ward 5 43
Chas. Pitchner, weighmaster
West Dubuque 3 09
R. F. Curran, woodmeasurer 9 11
(Mayor Berg ordered the reports re-
ferred to the committee on markets.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the commit-
tee on public grounds and buildings, re-
ported as follows:
Your committee on public grounds
and buildings would respectfully re-
port that the policy of the Iowa State
Insurance company No. 80,772, for $1,000
on the Delhi street engine house was
overlooked at the meeting when the
other insurance was placed, we would
therefore recommend that said policy
be accepted and that a warrant for
$19.83 be ordered drawn in favor of I.
C. Chamberlain, agent.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn. Car-
• .Mayor
Regular Session March 2nd, 1899.
The council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alda. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith and Wales.
Absent—Alda. Jones and McLaugh-
Ald. Crawford moved that the coun-
cil proceedings for the 2nd and 16th of
February, 1899, be approved as printed.
Ald. Jones arrived at 8:05 p. m.
Ald. McLaughlin arrived at 8:30 p. m.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee on streets:
Petition of Adam Wombacher asking
permission to build a retaining wall on
West 17th street abutting his property.
Petition of I. K. Beekman asking
permission to take 50 yards of sand for
filling out of Garfield avenue.
Petition of Peter Kiene et al asking
that Grove street in King's Grove ad-
dition be macadamized as soon as pos-
The following petitions were referred
44 Regular Session, March 2, 1899
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of Germania stock company
asking to place their taxes on lot 209,
city, known as Germania hall, at half
rate according to resolution which was
passed by the council.
Petition of Mrs. Catharine Stafford
asking that her taxes on city warrants
amounting to $2,000.00 be canceled, also
a' that the taxes of Frank Mellville con-
sisting of $2,500 city warrants be can-
Petition of Mrs. C. Jacobi asking that
the treasurer be instructed to accept
her taxes for 1898 less the amount of
$1,000.00 as the same are city warrants
which are not assessable.
Petition of Geo. Schaffhauser in re-
lation to refunding hotel license for
the year 1898.
Petition of Dubuque Malting Co. ask-
ing that the treasurer be instructed to
v accept $1,243 in full for its taxes for
the year 189S, being a total valuation of
Petition of Rev. Peter O'Malley et al
asking to open Louisa street from
South street to West 14th street; also
Willow street from St. Ambrose street
to West Locust street.
Petition of Standard Telephone Co.
by V. H. Stevens, president and mana-
ger, asking that they be granted a fran-
v chase to construct its lines in and
through the streets and alleys of the
city of Dubuque.
Petition of German Trust and Sav-
ings bank by Peter Klauer, president,
in relation to double assessment and
that they be refunded $148.50 for over-
paid taxes for the year 1898.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
be received and filed. Carried.
Claim of Nicholas Smith asking that
he be compensated by the city for his
time lost and the amount he has ex-
pended for surgical treatment and
nursing as a compromise of his claim
for injuries received by falling on a
sidewalk in front of the property
known as 1129 and 1131 White street.
Ald. Wales moved that it be referr-
ed to the city attorney. The city at-
torney being present stated that he
would recommend that the claim of
Nicholas Smith be received and filed.
Ald. Wales then moved that it be re-
ceived and filed. Carried.
Communication and bill for $30.00 of
the League of American Municipalities
,/ for annual dues, of the city as mem-
bership of said League was presented
for payment.
Ald. Wales moved that the bill and
communication be received and flied,
and the mayor be instructed to write
them that they had failed to answer in-
quiries and therefore the city did not
desire to continue its membership.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City. of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit to you
L -
for cancellation a list of unclaimed
warrants. Total amount of unclaimed
warrants, $57.65.
Ald. Crawford moved that the list be
referred to the finance committee, and
they to investigate the list and report
to the council for their further action.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of February, 1899, and find, from the re-
ports of the police department that the
total hours that 40 lamps failed to burn
would equal 1 3-4 lamps for one month
or $9.45.
Also find treasurer's receipt for $14.70
for battery cleaning.
The mayor ordered the report to be
received and filed, and the recorder to
instruct the auditor to deduct $9.45 from
the Star Electric Company's bill for
February. 1899.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee on streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on streets to whom
Was referred the petition of C. Loets-
cher, et al, asking that Lincoln avenue
be extended from Jackson to White
street, would respectfully recommend
the adoption of the following resolu-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city en-
gineer be and is hereby instructed to
make a survey and plat of the proposed
extension of Lincoln avenue from Jack-
son street to White street.
(Signed.) P. W. CRAWFORD,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report and resolution. Carried.
Also your committee on streets to
whom was referred the within petition
of Henry Schwaegler et al, asking that
two streets be opened up from Lin-
coln avenue to the alley first northwest
of Lincoln avenue. Would respectfully
recommend the adoption of the follow-
ing resolution:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city en-
gineer be and is hereby instructed to
make a survey and plat of the two
proposed streets from Lincoln avenue
to the first alley north of Lincoln ave-
(Signed.) P. W. CRAWFORD,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port and resolution. Carried.
Also your •committee on streets to
whom was referred the petition of John
Deery, protesting against paying spe-
cial assessment for repairing sidewalk,
would report that after investigation \
we find that the amount charged is es-
timated to be what it cost the city to
make said repairs. We therefore re-
Regular Session, March 2, 1899.
45 .
commend that the petition be received
and filed.
Aid. Crawford moved the adoption
of the report. Carried.
Also your committee on streets res-
pectfully report in favor of receiving
and filing the petition of Mrs. Aheran
protesting against paying special as-
sessment for repairing sidewalks. Your
✓ committee find that the amount charg-
ed is estimated to be what it cost the
city to make the said repairs.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Also your committee on streets res-
spectfully report in favor of receiving
and filing the petition of Herman Koh-
ler in relation to the retaining wall on
Foy and Seminary streets.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Also your committee on streets to
whom was referred the petition of T. P.
Scharle in relation to special assess-
ment for new sidewalk, and his proposi-
tion to pay one-half of $11.25, the
amount of special assessment, your
committee would recommend that the
treasurer be instructed to receive $5.63
in payment of same, provided it is paid
before March 10th, 1899.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee on sewers offered the following
resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the resolution
adopted Nov. 17, 1898, providing for a
sewer in Rebecca and West 16th streets,
be and the same is hereby rescinded.
Ald. Crawford offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed advisable and
necessary by the city council of the city
of Dubuque to construct a sanitary
sewer' in Cornell street and alley north
of Anna Place, and it is hereby propos-
ed to construct a sanitary sewer in said
street and alley as follows, to -wit: An
eight inch tile pipe sewer in said Cor-
nell from May Place to alley north of
Anna Place, thence east in said alley to
line between lots 1 and 2 sub of lots 18,
19 and 20, Fairview sub, therefore,
Resolved, That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a plat
and specifications showing the locations
and general nature of such improve-
ment, the kind of materials to be used,
and an estimate of the cost thereof,
with the amount assessable upon each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to, or
abutting thereon, per front foot, or
square feet in area, and to file such
plat, specifications and estimate in the
office of the city recorder. That after
the filing of said plat in his office, the
city recorder shall cause to be publish-
ed in the official newspaper of the city,
the notice provided for in section 6 of
the ordinance relating to the construc-
tion of sewers, adopted May 19th, 1898,
and after the completion of the publi-
cation of such notice, he shall at its
next regular session notify the council
thereof in writing with a printed copy
of such notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Crawford moved the adoption of
the resolution. Adopted by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Alds Crawford, Duggan, Flynn,
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total -7.
Approved March, 3, 1899.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole would
respectfully report in favor of grant-
ing the petition of the Dubuque Casket
company asking that their taxes on
personal property and improvements be
canceled for 1898, as provided by action
of the council of 1893, the said exemp-
tion being on all in excess of $5,100.00.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the special
committee on Bee Branch, reported as
To the City Council of the City of Du-
Your special committeee of aldermen
and citizens who have had under con-
sideration the most feasible plans of
taking care of the water from Bee
Branch, would respectfully report that
we have had a number of meetings at
which we have examined very carefully
various plans and estimates that were
submitted to your committee by en-
gineers for running said water north to
the Maquoketa river and also south to
Lake Peosta. At one of the meetings
of this committee it was thought best
to appoint a sub -committee with power
to select a competent outside engineer
to make plans and estimates for taking
care • of this water. Mayor Berg and
Aldermen Wales and Jones were ap-
pointed as such committee, and they se-
lected Mr. J. H. Boyce to make said
plans and estimates, and we must say
that he has performed the duties refer-
red to him in a most satisfactory man-
ner. Your committee herewith submit
to your honorable body the report,
plans and estimates of said Special En-
gineeer Boyce and recommend that his
report, plans and estimate for running
the water south to Lake Peosta be
adopted and approved.
Ald. Crawford moved to refer the re-
port, plats, plans and papers thereto
belonging, to the committee of the
whole. Carried.
His Honor Mayor Berg, as chief
executive of the city, and in compliance
with the instructions of the council, re-
ported that he had served notice on the
Dubuque Water Company.
The notices follow:
Mayor's Office, City of Dubuque:
Feb. 24th, 1899.
4h Regular Session, March 2, 1899.
Dubuque Water Company, Dubuque
Dear Sirs:—As the six months' notice
of the intention of the city of Dubuque
to purchase your water plant, given
you August 23rd, 1898, as provided by
section seven of your charter, has ex-
pired, and having received no proposi-
tion from you in relation to the value of
your property, I now respectfully ask
that you fix a price upon your property
and submit the same to the city coun-
cil, or, if preferable, designate a time
and place when and where you will be
prepared to meet a committee of the
city council for the purpose of com-
mencing negotiations for the purchase.
by the city, of your water works. An
early reply is desired.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
I, Edward Morgan, city marshal of
the city of Dubuque, Iowa, do hereby
certify that I served the foregoing
communication on the Dubuque Water
Company in the city of Dubuque, Iowa,
by reading the same to Francis W.
Altman, treasurer of said company
and by delivering to him a true and cor-
rect copy thereof. Done at the city of
Dubuque. Iowa, at 3 o'clock p. m. of
the 24th day of February, 1899.
City Marshal of the City of Dubuque,
Ald. Crawford moved that the action
of the mayor in relation to above mat-
ter be approved. Carried.
Mayor Berg then read the following:
Dubuque. Iowa, March 2d, 1899.
Hon. C. H. Berg, Mayor of Dubuque:
Dear Sir:—In reply to your esteemed
favor of the 24th of February, state that
same will be referred to the stockhold-
ers of the Dubuque Water Company at
the annual meeting of said company,
which will be held on Monday, the 13th
inst.. and will at such time advise you
of their action taken regarding your
I remain, Yours very truly,
Ald. Flynn moved that further action
he postponed until after the meeting of
the stockholders of Said Water Co.
which, as per communication of Peter
Kiene, will be held March 13th, 1899.
AId. Flynn offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That the committe on Ordi-
nance be instructed to draft ordinances
in comformity with the code of Iowa of
1897 fixing the salaries (leaving thrt
rmounts blank) of the following city of-
ficials, to -wit: Mayor, Attorney, Mar-
shal, Engineer, Assessor, Treasurer,
Auditor, Recorder.
Ald. Flynn moved the adoption of the
resolution. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total, 7.
Ald. Duggan offered the following,
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the street com-
missioner be and is hereby instructed
to put Quinn street in a good passable
Ald. Duggan offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That commencing
with March 1st, 1899, Wm. F. Fitzpat-
rick be paid the sum of twenty dollars
per month as compensation as clerk of
the purchasing committee.
Ald. Frith moved the resolution be
referred to the committee of the whole.
Ald. Duggan made the following re-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: I herewith charge two of
the city firemen with the use of pro-
fane language at the fire on First and
Iowa streets and also in the fire engine
house on Fourth and Locust streets.
Ald. Duggan moved that the matter
he referred to the committee on fire for
investigation. Carried.
Ald. Crawford moved that the coun-
cil adjourn until Thursday evening 7:30
o'clock p. m., March 9th, 1899. and that
the appropriations for the fiscal year
be the special order of business. Car-
Regular Session March 9, 1899.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Flynn,
Frith, Jones McLaughlin and Wales.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Duggan.
Mayor Berg stated that the special
order of business would be the consid-
eration of the appropriations for the
various departments for the fiscal year.
There being present several represen-
tatives of the Dubuque and Wisconsin
Bridge Co., Ald. Jones moved that the
rules be suspended and the represen-
tatives of said bridge company be
Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute
that the council proceed with the spe-
cial order of business, that of making
Regular Session, March 9, 1899.
the appropriations for the fiscal year.
The substitute carried.
Ald. Duggan arrived at 8:10 o'clock
p. tn.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, presented the fol-
The committee of the whole, to which
was referred the matter of appropria-
tions for the ensuing year, has careful-
ly considered that subjects 'and submits
the following report and recommenda-
The revenue of the city for the year
beginning March 1, 1899, and ending
Feb. 28, 1900, is estimated at $314,200. In
forming this estimate, the amount an-
ticipated to be derived from taxes is
based on the assessment of 1898. Al-
lowance has been made for -a possible
decrease of $1,000,000 from the amount
of the assessment of last year. While
there is no good reason for anticipating
so large a reduction, if any, from last
year's valuation of taxable property,
the committee has considered it wisest
to be safe and conservative in its cal-
The estimated amount of receipts
from taxes is also based on a proposed
reduction in the annual tax levy of one
mill less than last year, which will be
two mills less than two years ago and
lower than it has been for many years
The committee has deemed it wise to
favor a decrease in the rate of taxation
rather than to attempt the payment of
any considerable portion of the princi-
pal of the municipal indebtedness, the
great bulk of which was created by the
voting of bonds in aid of railway enter-
prises by the citizens of a former gene-
ration, or in the 'construction of ne-
cessary and permanent public improve-
ments, of which the taxpayers of the
future as well as of the present will
enjoy the benefits.
The proposed reduction in the tax
levy will not prevent the council from
making sufficiently ample appropria-
tions, not only for all ne-
cessary current expenses of the
different departments of the city
government, but for the making of
many important and desirable public
A needed increase in the amount of
the appropriations for several depart-
ments over those of last year is recom-
mended by the committee. Also, as
will be seen, an appropriation of $10,-
000 to be applied on the principal of the
city debt.
It is due the present city council that
the committee should state that in es-
timating the revenue for the fiscal year
now commencing, the unexpended bal-
ances of the appropriations for the pre-
ceding year, amounting to about $25,-
000, are not included. • While that
amount was saved from the appropria-
tions for the past fiscal year, it was
practically offset or wiped out by the
necessity the present council was un-
der of paying the expense incurred by
the previous council during the month
of February. 1898. Thus the appropria-
tions intended for the year beginning
\larch 1, 1898, were made to cover the
expenditures of the city for thirteen
months, and the expenses of February,
1898, and February, 1899, will both be
included in the reports of the auditor
and finance committee for the year end-
ing February 28, 1899.
Your committee recommends that the
following amounts be appropriated for
the several purposes specified, to -wit:
For expenses of police dept.. $ 29,000
For expenses for fire dept 34,500
For expenses of street lighting26,000
For water for fire department,
fountains and flush tanks 20,000
For expenses of engineer dep't
including salaries 3,500
For expenses of board of health4,000
For care, maintenance and re-
pair of sewers, storm and
sanitary . 6,000
For printing 3,000
For paying interest en bonded
debt $29,100
For paying interest on
floating debt 19,900 49,000
For retirement of principal of
floating debt 10,000
For improvement, repair, main-
tenance and cleaning of streets
and alleys and highway50,000
For grading fund 10,000
For general expense and con-
tingent fund 49,000
For construction of waterway
from Lake Peosta to Bee
Branch valley 20,000
Total - $314,000
Provided, that no money shall be ex-
pended under this appropriation for
said waterway until after the approval
and adoption by the city council of a
definite and satisfactory plan for said
improvement such as shall afford ade-
quate and and permanent protection to
property and residents of the Couler
valley within the city limits.
All of which is respectfully submit-
ted. P. W. CRAWFORD,
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Wales. Total 7.
The petition of the Dubuque and Wis-
consin Bridge company askiflg that the
council set aside $25,000.00 to ap-
propriate for the use of the Dubuque
and Wisconsin Bridge Co., in con-
structing of the approaches of said
Ald. Frith moved that the rules be
suspended and that any of the dlrec-
Regular Session, March 9, 1899.
heard. Carried.
Mr. Geo. Fengler, Joseph Skemp, C.
H. Meyer, and L. H. Brede addressed
the council, advocating the said appro-
tors of said bridge company present be
Ald. Jones offered the following reso-
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That for the purpo90
of aiding and encouraging the Eagle
Point High Bridge company in the con-
struction of a high bridge at Eagle Point
the city of Dubuque hereby agrees to ap
hropriate and pay to said bridge corn-
pany, from the treasury of the city the
sum of Twenty-five thousand dollars.
cne-half of said sum to be paid to said
company when it shall be made to ap-
pear to the city council, from the cer-
tificate of the engineer in charge of the
work, examined and approved by an
engineer experienced in the construction
of such bridges, selected by the city
council for that purpose. that the work
of constructing said bridge is fully one-
balf completed: and the remaining one-
half of said sum when said bridge shall
be fully completed and ready for use.
But no portion of said sum of twenty
fve thousand dollars shall be paid to
said company until it shall be shown t•.
the entire satisfaction of the city coun-
cil that all the funds necessary to en-
able said bridge company to complete
and pay for the construction of said
bridge, including the amount to be con-
tributed by the city, have been fully
Aid. Flynr. moved that the resolution
and petition be referred to the com-
mittee ( f the whole. Carried.
Ald. Flynn, chairman of the commit-
tee on claims, reported as'follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and city coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Your committee on
claims would respectfully report in fa-
vor of drawing a warrant in favor of
Frank Hemmelder for the sum of $75.00,
same to be in full settlement of all dif-
ferences between him and the city of
Dubuque. Warrant to be delivered
upon approval of city attorney.
Ald Flynn moved to adopt the report
Ald. Jones, chairman of the public
ground and buildings, reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and city coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Your committee on pub-
lic grounds and buildings to whom was
referred the matter of taking care of the
town clock, would respectfully report,
that after examination, we find that the
clock is in very bad condition and needs
to be well cleaned and oiled and some
repairs should be made.
We would therefore recommend that
the recorder be instructed to advertise
for bids fol• repairing, cleaning and oil -
Ing said clock, and also for taking care
of same for one year.
Ald. Jones moved the adoption of the
report. (tarried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and city coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—In order to equalize the
assessments of the three national banks
of the city, your committee of the whole
respectfully recommend that the treas-
urer be instructed to accept in payment
of taxes for the year 1898, from the
First National Bank at the same per
cent on its capital stock as the two
other national banks of the city.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
On motion the council adjourned.
A(test :
.. Recorder
.. Mayor
Regular Session, March 16th, 1599.
Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
Ald. Crawford moved that the council
proceedings of February 28th and
March 2nd and 9th, 1899, be approved
as printed. Carried.
Petition of Grand Army of the Re-
public by Peter Kiene et al asking for
an appropriation of $200.00 in defray-
ing the expense for Memorial Day ser-
Ald. Crawford moved that the peti-
tion be granted.
Ald. Flynn inquired whether it would
be legal to appropriate that amount,
whereupon the mayor referred it to the
committee of the whole.
Petitions of John McGee and Michael
Kane asking the city to purchase their
macadam. Ald. Wales moved that the
street commissioner be instructed to lo-
cate and measure said macadam and
report at the next regular session of the
council. Carried.
Regular Session, March 16, 1899
Petition of James Purcell et ai in re-
lation to the condition of crossings and
sidewalks at Southern avenue and Val-
ley street. Ald. Wales moved that it
he referred to the street committee.
Petition of A. Y. McDonald & Mor-
rison Mfg. Co., by J. M. McDonald,
asking that their taxes be placed at
$8,100.00 as per resolution passed July
12th, 1895. Ald. Frith moved that the
petition be referred to the committee
of. the whole. Carried.
Petition of Mrs. Cath. Blitsch asking
to have her taxes canceled on north
1-2 of lot 13 in Tivoli addition. On
motion it was referred to the delin-
quent tax committee.
Claim of Louis Spielman claiming
$5,000.00 as damages for personal in-
jury caused by his son falling into the
sewer at Third and Bluff streets. The
mayor referred it to the committee of
the whole.
Claim and original notice of Thomas
Casey claiming $2,500.00 as damages for
personal injuries received by falling on
a defective sidewalk on West side of
Couler avenue. Claim and notice was
on motion referred to the city attorney.
His Honor, the Mayor, presented and
read a communication from the Dubu-
que Water company as follows:
To Honorable C. H. Berg, Mayor of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Dear Sir:—At the meeting of the
stockholders of the Dubuque Water
company, held on March 13th, 1899, we
were requested to answer your com-
munication of recent date.
As you are well aware, the Dubuque
Water company has undergone a
change of management during the past
year. The entire amount of the capi-
tal stock of said company, heretofore
owned by non-residents of the city of
Dubuque, was purchased by residents
of this city, and the management of the
plant thereby passed into the control of
citizens of Dubuque. These purchasers
secured this stock after carefully con-
sidering the affairs of the Dubuque
Water company, .and also upon the legal
advice of prominent attorneys, that the
city of Dubuque could not purchase the
plant of the Dubuque Water company.
The purchasers secured this stock as
an investment with the intention of
modernizing the plant in every particu-
lar, and of making it the best system in
the state. Accordingly the Dubuque
Water company procured experts to ex-
amine into the needs of the plant, and
upon the advice of these experts caused
plans and specifications to be prepared
for the remodeling of the entire system,
and the hereinafter named improve-
ments were recommended by them as
John A. Cole of Chicago an expert
water works engineer, who has built
and remodeled over one hundred and
twenty-five water work plants in the
United States, and who is considered
the equal of any man in the country at
the business, prepared the plans and
specifications, and will have supervision
of the entire work.
The improvements will cause a large
outlay of money for material and labor,
all of which will be expended and done
during the present year and completed
not later than August 1st. These im-
provements are as follows:
1. A new brick building called the
pump house in dimension 59 feet 8 by 39
feet 8, and situated at Eagle Point; in
this building will be located two new
pumps of the latest improved Holly-
Oaskill make, each pump with a maxi-
mum pumping capacity of eight million
gallons daily. These pumps are in du-
plicate, so that should any accident
happen to one, the other is in reserve:
or both can be used at the same time
should the demand for water so require.
2. A dynamo building built of brick,
east of the pump house in dimension 62
feet 8 by 22 feet 1.
3. A large reservoir for the storage
of filtered water situated immediately
south of the pump house. This reser-
voir will be 177 feet 9 inches long by 38
feet in width and 13 feet in depth and
built of solid masonry. From the re-
servoir the two new pumps will get the
water supply for the down town system.
On the walls of this reservoir, and
covering its entire surface wiii be erect-
ed a brick building 30 feet in height of
the same dimension as the reservoir and
in which will be located twenty filters
of the latest improved Jewel make with
a maximum capacity of 10,000,000 gal-
lons of filtered water per day. The
entire building being for the protection
of the filters and to protect the water
from the sun.
4. Two large artesian wells of 12
inch diameter and of the depth of 1,309
feet each. One of these wells is now
connected with the present pump and
the other will be in a few days. These
wells will ultimately flow into the reser-
voir. Beginning with last night the
entire source of supply of water is from
artesian wells and the Level.
5. Two new boilers of one hundred
horse power each to be added to the
present battery of three boilers at Eagle
Point; thereby insuring adequate power
for all contingencies. A new tandem
compound E. P. Allis engine for oper-
ating parts of the new machinery will
also be added, and the present pump
house at Eagle Point will be remodeled.
6. Three thousand tons or about 150
car loads of new pipe of standard
make with a guaranteed test of three
hundred pounds, with all the necessary
valves and specials, the pipe ranging in
size from 8 to 24 inches in diameter,
will be laid. This includes a large
main twenty inches in diameter from
the pumping station at Eagle Point to
First street. All the down town sys-
tem will be connected at cross streets
with this large twenty -inch main, and
numerous new mains will be laid in the
down town system. This improve-
ment will give a uniform pressure over
50 Regular Session, March 16, 1899.
the entire down town system. The
pumps above mentioned are duplicates
of the pumps now used in Davenport,
Iowa, and like them give their greatest
economy at the pressure of eighty-five
pounds, which is maintained there. The
lead mains will be larger by one-third
than those of Davenport, the friction
consequently less and the pressure,
therefore, on the entire down town sys-
tem will be proportionately more than
that of Davenport., The hill system
in addition to its present connection
with the Eighth street artesian well
and pumping station will also be con-
nected with the level reservoir by a 12 -
inch main leading from the reservoir
to the present stand pipe. A pumping
station will be built near the level at a
point where the mains now lead and
water can be pumped therefrom
through the 12 -inch main to the stand
pipe on the hill. This is deemed ne-
cessary as a precautionary measure in
case anything happens to the Eighth
street pumping station or wells, and
also to furnish a larger supply for the
hill system. A large amount of new
mains will also be added to the hill
Contracts for material for most of the
above named necessary improvements
have already been let and all the work
therein contemplated will be accom-
plished during the present summer.
Ground for the buildings has already
been broken, the machinery and filters
have been purchased, and the pipes are
arriving daily and will be laid as soon
as the frost will permit. It is the de-
sire and aim of the Dubuque Waterl
company to make this plant the best
and most modern in the country and
every effort to that end is being made.
In the year 1892 the city of Dubuque
notified the Dubuque Water company
of its intention to purchase the water
works, but for reasons of which the
city is cognizant, no purchase was
made. Since that time many ad-
ditions have been made to the plant,
and the present improvements are be-
ing made because they are necessary.
With the above and other facts in
mind, the Dubuque Water company
feels that it cannot put a price on the
property desegnated in the resolution
which accompanied the notice served by
you upon it.
When the above improvements are
completed should a readjustment of the
schedule of water rates named in the
charter be desired, the Dubuque Water
company would be pleased to confer
with the city council upon that sub-
ject, and no doubt a schedule of rates
could be made which would be satisfac-
tory to the company and to the pub-
In conclusion allow us to thank you
and the city council for the honorable
and straightforward manner in which
you have dealt with this question and
to express the hope that your further
deliberations will be in the same vein.
The Dubuque Water company desires
the good will of the city and citizens
of Dubuque, and it feels satisfied that
when the above improvements are fin-
nished that we all can with pride re-
joice over as good a system of water
works as exists in the country. We are
yours very respectfully,
W. W. BONSON, Sec'y.
Ald. Crawford moved that the com-
munication be referred to the com-
mittee of the whole, the special com-
mittee on water works and city attor-
ney. Carried.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: -I herewith submit to
you my report for the month of Feb-
ruary, 1899, showing the receipts and
disbursements for the month:
Cash on hand February 1st,
1899 $ 77578.38
Receipts from all sources 122977.62
Warrants redeemed
month of Feb-
ruary .... $102024.58
Coupons redeemed
month of February 1698.96
Bonds redeemed for
month of February 3321.00 107044.54
Cash on hand March 1st, 1899$ 93511.46
Of the cash on hand there be-
longs to the improvement
bond fund 32419.71
Leaving balance to credit of
the city $ 61091.75
The following is a list showing the
amounts expended in each department
during the fiscal year, which includes
all bills contracted for during the year:
Appropriations. Expended.
"Water ..$19000.00 $18617.27
Fire department ... 31000.00 29924.81
Gas and light ..... 24000.00 22971.54
Interest 60000.00 Exhausted
General fund 40000.00 29057.89
Police 28000.00 26451.10
Engineers 5000.00 3641.20
Board of health3000.00 2919.88
Printing 3000.00 2340.80
Sewerage .. 5000.00 4944.46
Road 42000.00 35625.15
Redemption 10000.00 Exhausted
Also a list of coupons redeemed dur-
ing the month amounting to $1,698.96.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Crawford moved that the report
be received and referred to the finance
Regular Session, March 10, 1899.
committee. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay -roll for labor on streets for the first
half of March, 1899. Amount due la-
borers on streets, $325.65.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the laborers on streets
and the report referred back to the
street committee. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce in charge
of the sewers reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay -roll for labor on sewers for the
first half of March 1899. Amount due
labor on sewers $141.25.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to receive the
report and that warrants be ordered
drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the
report referred back to the committee
on sewers. Carried.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith present plat
of the proposed extension of Robinson
v alley, ordered by the city council Feb.
16, 1899. The red colors of said plat
shows the property to be taken for the
proposed alley.
Ald. Crawford moved to refer said
plat to the committee of the whole.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The bills against John
Buettell for $17.60 and John Hearn -
court for 60 cents for rebate on fire in-
surance, and referred to me for collec-
tion, I beg leave to report that I have
collected the same and turned over to
the city treasurer the amount $18.20
for which find hereto attached the city
treasurer's receipts for the same.
Respectfully submitted.
City Marshal.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to receive
and file the report. Carried.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, March 16th, 1899.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—In accordance with the
sense of the committee of the whole, as
expressed at a meeting of said com-
mittee held last evening, I, to -day com-
promised the case of William E. Greg-
ory vs City of Dubuque.
I would recommend that a warrant
be drawn in favor of William E. Greg-
ory for the sum of $150.00 and the city
treasurer be instructed to cancel the
special assessment levied against lot 26
Reche's sub division to the city of Du-
buque, Iowa, same being for improve-
ment of Grace street.
Agreeable to instructions received
from committee of the whole I have
drawn up and had executed a receipt'
in full running from said William E.
Gregory to the city of Dubuque, and
have also drafted and had executed a
dismissal of the suit pending in dis-
trict court, same being No. 11,942, law.
City attorney.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the
report and that a warrant be drawn
in accordance with above recommenda-
tion. Carried.
The receipt of above settlement fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, March 16th, 1899.
In consideration of the sum of $150.00
to me in hand paid by the city of Dubu-
que, Iowa and for further consider-
ations of the city of Dubuque cancel-
ling the special assessment, levied for
the improvement of Grace street,
against lot 26 Reche's sub division in the
city of Dubuque, Iowa, I hereby re-
ceipt in full and acknowledge com-
plete payment and satisfaction of all
claims for damages made by me against
said city of Dubuque in pleadings on
file in the district court of Dubuque
county in case entitled William E.
Gregory vs. City of Dubuque—being No.
11942 law.
By Henderson, Hurd, Lenehan &
Kiesel, his attorneys.
The annual reports of City Treasurer
Gniffke. Auditor Hoffman and City At-
torney Duffy was presented.
Ald. Flynn moved that all the annual
reports be referred to the finance com-
mitt=al and said committee advertise for
bids for the publication of the report of
the finance committee. Carried.
Recorder Langstaff stated that he had
advertised for bids for the cleaning and
repairing, and winding and caring for
the town clock, but had received no
Ald. Jones moved that the city recor-
der be instructed to re -advertise for
bids for cleaning and repairing, and
winding, and caring for said clock, and
that Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick be
instructed to notify probable bidders of
said advertisement by postal card.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the commit-
tee on finance reported as follows:
Your committee on finance would re-
spectfully report in favor of the can-
cellation of the unclaimed warrants as
reported by the city auditor, amounting
to $57.65. Ald Wales moved to adopt
the report. Carried.
Ald. Wales, chairman of the commit-
tee on finance offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That in order to pay
the interest on the special improvement
hnnds for the current fiscal year, a fund
be created of all interest paid into the
52 Regular Session, March 16, 1899
city treasury by the abutters on the
streets where an assessment for an im-
provement has been levied, and that if
the fund so created be not sufficient to
meet said interest, then the city treas-
urer be instructed to draw from the
general fund, whatever amount may be
required for this purpose. Ald Wales
moved to adopt the resolution. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Mc-
Laughlin, Flynn, Frith, Jones and
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee on streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on streets respectful-
ly -e' orts in favor of granting the peti-
tion of Adam Wombacher, asking per-
mission to construct a retaining wall
two (2) feet out on sidewalk abutting
his property on West 17th street. Ald.
Crawford moved to adopt the report.
In favor of granting the petition of
T. K. Beekman, asking permission to
take fifty (50) loads of filling out 3f
Garfield avenue, where the same is
above grade, same to be done under the
supervision of the street commissioner.
On motion the report was adopted.
In favor of granting the petition of
C. H. Pierce, asking that he be paid
balance due him on macadam and
would recommend that a warrant be or-
dered drawn in his favor for $16.40,
amount due.
In favor of granting the petition of
Wm. Kronfield, asking that he be paid
balance due him for macadam and
would recommend that a warrant be
drawn in his favor for $9.50 balance
In favor of granting the petition f
Phil. F. Ryder, asking the city to pay
him the balance due for rip -rap deliv-
ered on Fourth Street Extension and
would recommend that a warrant be
drawn in his favor for $63.20 balance
due. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt
the report, and that warrants be ordered
drawn to the several amounts above set
forth. Carried.
Your committee on streets to whom
was referred the petition of Peter Kiene
et sl asking that Grove street be ma-
cadamized, would respectfully recom-
mend that Aldermen Frith and Jones
be appointed a committee to ascertain
the cost, if any, for the right of way
for said street, we would also recom-
mend that the improvement be made
provided the abutters will sign an agree
ment to waive any illegality to the as-
sessment for doing the work. Ald.
Crawford moved to adopt the report.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Mc-
Laughlin, Flynn, Frith, Jones and
Total -7.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the delin-
quent tax committee, reported as fol-
In favor of granting the petition of
Catharine Sullivan, asking that the
taxes for 1898 be canceled on lot 19
Home add.
In favor of granting the petition of
the heirs of Henry Kolf, asking that the
taxes for 1898 be canceled on lot 19
High street add.
In favor of granting the petition of
Geo. Koerner, asking that the taxes on
sub 3 Min. lot No. 63 lot 2 be canceled
for the year 1898.
In favor of granting the petition of
C. E. Bradley, asking that the treasur-
er be instructed to cancel the taxes an
personal property for the year 1897, for
the reason that your committee find
that there has been a double assessment
on this property.
In favor of instructing the treasurer
not to sell the property of Anna Mad!
lot 249 Davis Farm add. for taxes for
the year 1897, but the same to remain a
lien on said property.
In favor of instructing the treasurer
not to sell the property of Saloma Rup-
precht lot 446 Ham's add., for taxes of
1898, but the same to remain a lien on
said property.
In favor of instructing the treasurer
not to sell the property of Clara E.
Kress 1-2 of lot 579 Ham's add., for
taxes of 1898, but the same to remain
a lien on said property.
Your committee on delinquent tax to
whom was referred the petition of the
Grandview Avenue Methodist Episcopal
church in relation to taxes, would re-
spectfully recommend that the treasur-
er be instructed to redeem from tax sale
lot 19 Reche's sub., provided the in-
terest and penalty is paid by said
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of Mathias Klein asking to be
exempt from taxation on his property.
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of Mrs. M. Toussaint asking
a reduction of taxes on part of city lot
482 for the year 1898.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Also in favor of receiving and filing
petition of Dubuque county supervisors
asking that the taxes against the undi-
vided 1-2 of lot 321 be canceled. Your
committee find that when the assess-
ment was made that the said property
was owned by M. J. McCullough.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
petition and report be referred to the
city attorney. Carried.
Your committee on equalization to
whom was referred the petition of hon-
orably discharged union soldiers ask-
ing for exemption of taxes on their
homesteads to the amount of $800, as
provided by paragraph (7) of section
1304 of the code of Iowa, would respect-
fully recommend that the following•
named persons be exempt for the year
1898 to the amount of $800, on the fol-
lowing described property to -wit:
John J. Sullivan, lot 18, Oak Grove
Regular Seesion, March 16, 1899
William Schwaegler, lots 17, 18 and 20,
Scott's first add, value $750.
Peter Bischoff, lot 35, West's add.
John Weitz, lot 34 Marsch add.
ug. Hammel, lot 52, Sanford's sub.
Charles Mehl, lot 5, Correll sub.
Charles A. Wilber, lot 7, Ellen Cor-
kery's sub of lot 655.
Stephen Cain, lot 3, Hoskin's sub.
Dillon Sutherland, lot 27, B. Wood's
Jacob Kraus, lot 10, Weland's sub.
Michael Kearney, lot 9, sub city 724.
A. H. Hemmelder, lot 2, Stiner add.
Ald. Crawford moved that the report
be adopted except Aug. Hammel, lot 52,
Sanford's sub and that it be referred
back to the committee. Carried.
Your committee on equalization who
have had under consideration the pe-
titions of widows of honorably discharg
ed union soldiers asking for exemption
of taxes on their homesteads to the
amount of $800, as provided by para-
graph seven (7) of section 1304 of the
code of Iowa, would respectfully re-
commend that the following named per-
sons be exempt for the year 1898 to the
amount of $800, on the following des-
cribed property to -wit:
Marie Pregler, lot 2, Stafford's add.
Amelia Voss, north 23.6 feet of lot 355
Mary C. Blondin, lot 39, Levin's add.
Ellen Sullivan, E 1-2 lot 17, Cox add.
Mrs. G. L. Whittemore, lots 74 and 83
in Union add.
Phebe E. Woods, lot 10, Bissell's add.
Mrs. Catharine Prandy, lot 73 Mc -
Daniel's Park Hill add.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as follows:
Your committe of the whole to whom
was referred the petition of George
Schaffhauser, asking the city to refund
him $15.00 paid for hotel license of 1898,
would respectfully recommend that he
be given credit of $7.50 on his license for
1899. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt
the report. Carried.
In favor of granting the petition of
the Dubuque Malting company, asking
that the treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept payment on $113,000 in full for
taxes of 1898, as provided by ordinance
adopted June 1, 1896. On motion the
report was adopted.
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of George Allen Staples, asking
that the assesment on certain stocks he
reduced for the year 1898. On motion
the report was adopted.
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of Timothy Dillon, asking that
the taxes on his Main street property
be reduced to a. valuation of $6,000.00.
On motion the report was adopted.
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of Mrs. Catharine Stafford,
asking that the assessment against her
and Frank Melville for personal taxes
of 1898 be ordered canceled. Report
In favor of receiving and filing the
petition of Mrs. C. Jacobi, asking that
the assessment for 1898 on moneys and
credits, amounting to $1,000.00 be can-
celed. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt
the report. Ald. Flynn moved that
the rules be suspended and that Mr.
Paul Bewer be heard. Carried Mr.
Pewer addressed the council in the in-
terest of Mrs. C. Jacobi.
Ald. Flynn moved to amend that the
treasurer be instructed to receive the
taxes for real estate and that the mat-
ter of moneys and credits be referred
back to the committee of the whole.
Amendment carried.
In favor of referring to the street
committee the petition of Rev. P.
O'Malley et al in relation to the opening
of Louisa and Willow streets. On
motion the report was adopted.
Your committee of the whole to whom
was referred the petition of the Stan-
dard Telephone company, asking that
they be granted a franchise, would re-
spectfully report that section 955 of the
code of 1897, which provides that notice
of the application shall be published
once each week for four (4) consecu-
tive weeks, has not been complied with.
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Your committee of the whole respect-
fully recommend the adoption of the
resolution providing for the payment of
$20.00 per month to Wm. F. Fitzpatrick,
compensation as a member of the pur-
chasing committee. Ald. Crawford
moved to adopt the report. Carried.
In answer to the inquiry, the mayor
directed that it be charged to the gener-
al expense fund.
Your committee of the whole to whom
was referred the matter of repairs on
the patrol wagon would report in favor
of instructing the committee on police
and light to prepare specifications for
the repairing of said wagon and to ad-
vertise for bids for doing the work and
that said bids be opened and the work
let by the council. Ald. Crawford
moved to adopt the report. Ald. Mc-
Laughlin moved as a substitute for the
report that Butt Bros. be awarded the
contract. Carried by the following
Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Mc-
Laughlin, Flynn. Total 4.
Nays—Alds. Frith, Jones and Wales.
Total 3.
Ald. Flynn offered the following reso-
lution, which was adopted:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the city engl-
54 Regular Session, March 16, 1899.
neer be and is hereby instructed to pre-
pare plans for the better drainage of
the district embraced between Rhom-
berg avenue and Eleventh street and
Iowa and Pine streets.
Ald. Duggan offered the following
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 3
feet wide of good two inch plank, be,
within 20 days of this notice construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the south side of South street, between
Fremont avenue, and Rigi street where
not already laid at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Ald. Duggan moved to adopt.
Ald. McLaughlin moved as a substi-
tute that the resolution be referred to
the street committee, and that Ald.
Duggan act with the committee in this
matter. The substitute was carried.
Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow-
ing resolution:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That the ordinance
committee be instructed to draft an or-
dinance providing for the appointment
of a plumbing inspector.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the res-
olution be referred to the committee of
the whole. Carried.
City Attorney Duffy presented and
read the fololwing resolution:
Whereas the validity of the proceed-
ings of the city of Dubuque relative to
the improvement of Main street from
Charter street to 17th street, by curbing
and paving with brick, under a resolu-
tion of the city council adopted De-
cember 7th, 1891, and of the special as-
sessments levied for the cost thereof
on the property abutting said improve-
ments, has been questioned by the fol-
lowing parties who own the following
described property abutting on said
improvement, to -wit:
L. H. Waples owner of the south 9
feet of lots 44, 45 and north 1-2 of lot
47, same being city lots.
Sisters of Charity B. V. M., St. Jos-
eph's, owners of lot 468 (city lot).
W. J. Knight, owner of north 2-5 of
eity lot 469.
John Hennessy, owner of the north 43
feet and south 8.2 feet of city lot 56,
north 12.6 feet and south 38.8 feet of
lot 57. city; the north 2.6 feet and south
middle 21 feet and south 7.2 feet of city
lot 58; city lots 59, 60 and 14; north 28
feet of city lot 70; north 1-2 of city lots
532; city lots 531 and 536.
Sarah Drummy, owner of north 1-3 of
city lot 66.
Robert Jess owner of East 35 feet of
city lot 533; on the ground of noncon-
formity to lav by reason of omission,
irregularities, and illegalities.
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the
city council of the city of Dubuque:
That in order to correct an omission of
the mayor of said city of Dubuque to
sign said resolution ordering said im-
provement adopted Dec. 7, 1891, the
present mayor of the city of Dubuque
is hereby ordered and directed to sign
the said resolution; and be it further
Resolved, That in order to correct the
omission of said city to fix and estab-
lish a grade by ordinance of said Main
street from Charter street to 17th
street, upon which the said improve-
ment could be made, that it is hereby
directed that an ordinance be drafted
and adopted fixing the grade of said
street so as to conform to the said im-
provement and so that the said im-
provement will be made upon the grade
as shown by said ordinance; and be it
Resolved, That the action of the city
council in passing said resolution or-
dering said improvement and all the
subsequent actions and proceedings of
the said city and its officers. relative to
the said improvement under and by vir-
tue of said resolution are hereby con-
firmed. ratified and adopted; and be it
Resolved, That a re -assessment be
and is hereby ordered made as to the
said abutting property of said abutters,
and that the said abutting property of
the said abutters subject to assessment
for the cost of said improvement be re-
assessed for its just and true propor-
tion according to law; and that the
city engineer be and is hereby irect-
ed and ordered to preparele in
the office of the city recorder for public
inspection a plat of the said street on
which said improvement is made show-
ing the said abutting lots of said own-
ers subject to assessment the names of
the owners thereof and the amount to
be assessed against each of said lots
o: parts of lots for the cost of said im-
provement according to its just and
true proportion thereof, and after said
plat is so filed the city recorder shall
give ten (10) days' notice thereof by
causing notice to be personally served
on the owners of said abutting property
and by publishing the same three (3)
times in two (2) newspapers published
in said city stating that such plat is on
file in his office for inspection of any
person interested and fixing a time
within which all objections thereto and
the assessment proposed thereby must
be made in writing, and that at such
time fixed after hearing and deciding
on said objections and making all ne-
cessary corrections, the council shall
levy as a special assessment against
the said abutting property its just and
due proportion of said cost of saki im-
provement according to law and ac-
cording to said plat as corrected.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Alda. Duggan, Flynn, Frith,
Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Total
Nays—Ald. Crawford.
Regular Session, March 16, 1899.
Approved March 16, 1899.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Ald. Crawford, chairman of the street
committee offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for
cleaning snow and ice from sidewalks
for the month of January, 1899, by city,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots and parts of lots and
parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as ft,llows:
Special assessment submitted Feb. 16,
Passed March 16, 1899.
N J Schrup, city S 21.8 lot 1 $ .50
Alex Simplot, city N 21.5 lot 1 .25
T Kavanaugh, Est, city S 22 lot 78.25
Wm Lawther, city lot 78a .25
Ellen B Wood, city S 2-3 lot 112.50
John Keenan, city W M 100 lot 608. .25
Mary A McPoland, city S 1-2 E 112
lot 608 .25
Cath O'Brien, Prospr.' t Hill, lot 11.25
Mrs E McIntyre, Prospect Hill, W
22 1-2, lot 5 .25
Jas Harris et al. Prospect Hill lot 1 .25
D J Hennessy Est, sub 724 city, lot
3 .50
A F Pruden, sub 8 min lot 73, lot 11.00
John L Buettell, Narin's add lot 1.50
John L Buettell, Narin's add lot 14 .50
J S Stephens, Julia L Langworthy's
add, lot 22 .50
Leathers & Trewin, Julia L Lang -
worthy's add lot 29 .50
John McDonald, H T McNulty's
sub S 89.1 lot 2 .50
J M McFadden, sub 1 and 4, Mc-
Nulty's sub E 1-2 lot 2 .25
A W Hosford, Cain's sub lot 7 .75
A W Hosford, Cain's sub lot 12.25
Alphons Matthews, sub 738 city
lot 6 .40
Mary Thomas, sub 738 city lot 7.25
John Nagle, sub 738 city lot 4 . .25
Jas Brophy, Farley's sub lot 37 .25
Anna Sauerwine, sub 45 city lot 2.25
Miss B Brennan, sub 688 city lot 8.25
Fred Miller Brewing Co, sub 703
city, lot 13 .. .75
Mary Martin, sub 703 city lot 22.25
Mary Muller, sub 703 city lot 21.25
E Guthrie, Kelley's sub lot 4 .25
Dubuque Water Co, Mobley sub,
lot 2 .25
Julia and D Rhomberg, sub 688
city lot 5 .25
Fred Miller Brewing Co., city S
62.1 E 43 lot 172 .50
S J Goldthorpe, city lot 324 .75
Kiene and Altman, city lot 283.75
Jno V Rider et al, city lot 37.50
H P Bissell Est, city S 86.4 lot 466 .. .70
James Levi, sub S 1-2 city lot 456 lot
2 .40
Kate Graham, sub 2 of 667 city lot
3 .25
Anna B Ryan, city N 1-5 lot 663 .55
H P Bissell Est, city lot 256 .25
B L Richards, city W 52 S 2-5 lot
663 .50
Cath Ryan, city M 1-5 lot 663. .45
Amelia Hodgdon, A McDaniel's
sub lot 769 .30
Mary C Meehan. A McDaniel's
sub S 1-2 lot 761.. .25
Universalist church, city- lot 638.75
S Sunderhoft, oily W 63 lot 643 .50
S Hosford, city lot 656 .25
G A and S 5l Provost city Lot 657 .25
Cecelia Levi, city S 75 lot 468a .50
John Hennessy, A McDantel's sub
lot 821 .50
Sidonia Hosford et al, A McDaniels'
sub N 88 lot 783 .50
J G Bailey, A McDaniel's sub lot
800 .40
Alice Goldthorpe, city sub 741 lot 3. .40
Mary Wiegel, city sub 741, lot 2 .... .60
W G Cox, sub min lot 90 lot 2 .... 4.00
W G Cox, Levin's add, lot 14 .35
John Hennessey, Levin's add, lots 1 to
11 inclusive ... 4.00
Ald. Crawford moved to adopt.
Passed by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Dugan, Flynn,
Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales.
Total 7.
Ald. Duggan moved that the council
adjourn for two weeks, until March 30,
1899. Carried.
Regular Session, March 30, 1899.
Council met at 8:10 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present-Alds. Crawford, Duggan,
Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and
The following petitions were refer-
red to the committee on streets:
Petition of E. M. Ernsdorf, et. al.,
asking that merchant's Lane extension
be graded and put in good passable
Petition of Jno. W. Norton, et. al.,
asking that Angella street from West
Locust to Pierce streets, be improved.
Petition of Gerard Dersch, et. al.,
asking that Chestnut street be im-
proved west of Walnut street and to
extend same south to Rose street.